1. In any country there would be some segment of the people who are rich and some who are poor.

2. There may also be the middle class, people who are neither rich nor poor.

3. Conflict often occurs between the rich and the poor. In one study by an American professor, the rich consume 32 times more than the poor. It is not only consumption but the waste they produce would also be more by the rich as compared to the poor.

4. In these days of climate change the disparity between rich and poor is even more. The rich can deal with the problems arising while the poor are unable to overcome the disastrous effects of the change.

5. The poor feel that they are as entitled as the rich to whatever is enjoyed by the rich in terms of Government facilities. And the poor also expect more leniency by the Government.

6. There is a tendency for the rich to become richer and the poor to become poorer. The powers of wealth then accrue to the rich while the poor may be forced to sell their assets to mitigate the threats.

7. The result may be more losses suffered by the poor as the rich gain from this losses.

8. Left to the natural progress of things the increase in disparities will lead to social tension.

9. The solution can only come from Government intervention. The trend must be slowed if not stopped. Only the Government can do this.


1. A Mr Mark Curtis wrote an article about the “forgotten” war in Malaya (read here).

2. He believes that it was an uprising by people wrongly described as Communist to free Malaya from British rule.

3. And he is right of course. Britain has always supported migration. During colonial days Britain brought Indians and Chinese to Malaya. Britain was surprised when these people rose against the Raj.

4. But now people are migrating to Britain. So far most of them are Arabs, Indians and Africans.

5. Britain should encourage the Chinese to come to Britain. The Chinese have a record of prospering the countries they migrate to. Look at Singapore. A tiny island and yet the only developed South East Asian country.

6. Malaysia too. Of course, China is now the second biggest economy in the world.

7. If 30% of the population of Britain is Chinese, Britain will be prosperous.

8. Of course they might stage an insurrection.

9. Not to worry. You did manage to save your rubber estates in Malaya as pointed out by Mark.

10. You can do the same for Britain.

11. Thank you Mr Mark Curtis. You are right. I have forgotten about the war in Malaya. But now I remember.


1. The Prime Minister has advised the people not to disturb the peace and stability of the country.

2. It is good advise. But the stability of the country is because people are not allowed to speak. You cannot speak on the 3R. You cannot say anything against the Government. Even if you suffer the pain of governmental oppression, you must not complain.

3. The 3R suppresses ordinary people. Now the opposition members of Parliament are being pushed to sign an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) in which you undertake not to make hate speeches. If you sign then Government will give you funds that members of Parliament are entitled to. Except that it is the Government which decide whether your speech is hateful or not.

4. The member may say something quite innocent but the Government may consider it a hate speech. And you will be punished probably by suspension from Parliament. So after signing the MOU you cannot say anything except to praise the Government.

5. So the privilege to speak freely in Parliament by the member is no longer free.

6. Even now the speaker can suspend a member for six months because he insisted on a supporter of Israel getting a big share in MAHB. The mouth of our representative in Parliament is now shut.

7. So the country is experiencing political stability. It is due to the Government gagging everyone.

8. Should you continue to speak up and criticise. The Communications Minister subtly promises to send a police patrol car to your house.

9. But that is not enough. If you take legal action against the Prime Minister things may happen to you coincidentally.

10. You may be found to have committed some crime. You may be charged under SOSMA. If drugs are involved, no bail and possible death sentence.

11. Or your children may be required to declare their assets over the past 100 years. Failing to do so may mean imprisonment and the rotan.

12. On the other hand if you are being tried for some breaches of the law, in order to stabilise the country the charges may be dropped and you may be appointed the Deputy Prime Minister.

13. Also investigation against you would be stopped if you are supportive of the Prime Minister.

14. Investigation will also be dropped if you are punched in the face or have acid burn half your body if they were done on the instruction of those above the law.

15. So, you see why the country is stable and peaceful. It is the peace of the graveyard.

16. But the social media is noisy. It should be made legal for the social media to be licenced so that they make less noise. Then the peace and stability would be even greater, just like in North Korea.

17. Foreign media is a nuisance. They should be sued. Call them for questioning. And do nothing. Especially when they report the truth which local media are not allowed.


1. UMNO ditubuh sebagai jentera untuk melawan cadangan Malayan Union British. Cadangan British itu akan menghapuskan Tanah Melayu sebagai tanah yang dimiliki oleh orang Melayu. British akan terima siapa sahaja sebagai warganegara seperti keadaan di Singapura dan Pulau Pinang. Dengan itu Malayan Union tidak lagi menjadi Negara orang Melayu.

2. Kerana ingin kekal pemilikan Tanah Melayu, orang Melayu bersatu dalam UMNO. Dan parti itu melawan British sehingga Malayan Union tergugur. Tidak terlintas di hati ahli dan pemimpin UMNO waktu itu untuk “cari makan” dengan menyertai UMNO. Mereka berjuang untuk bangsa, Negara dan agama. Untuk tujuan ini mereka sanggup korban apa sahaja.

3. Apabila Malayan Union diganti dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu mereka tuntut kemerdekaan. Pada bulan Ogos 1957 merdekalah Malaya.

4. Tetapi sekarang perjuangan parti yang bernama UMNO sudah bertukar. Sekarang perjuangan ahli dan pemimpin ialah untuk mendapat ganjaran. Biarlah tanah pusaka ini tidak lagi dimiliki oleh orang Melayu asalkan ahli UMNO dapat RM30,800 sebulan sebagai ahli dewan.

5. Yang penting hanyalah duit.

6. Jika perlu sokong dasar yang bertentangan perjuangan UMNO, jika perlu sokong musuh, sokonglah.

7. Inilah UMNO sekarang.

8. Nama sahaja UMNO.

9. Tetapi perjuangan bukan untuk bangsa, Negara dan agama.

10. Kalau perlu khianati bangsa tidak mengapa asalkan dapat duit.

11. Yang tidak sanggup mengkhianati UMNO sudah tinggal UMNO. 43 sudah tinggal UMNO.

12. Kalau dahulu UMNO menang 80-90 kerusi sekarang UMNO (PRU15) menang hanya 26 kerusi.

13. Apa perjuangan 26 wakil rakyat ini?

14. Tanyalah diri sendiri.


(Disiarkan di Facebook pada 25hb September, 2024)

1. Tujuan sebenarnya 3R dan MOU ialah supaya mulut rakyat dan wakil mereka ditutup sehingga tidak boleh kritik Kerajaan.

2. Kerajaan PMX bukan dipilih oleh rakyat. Pakatan UMNO dengan PH berasas kepentingan diri. Sebelum Pilihanraya UMNO dakwa tidak akan terima Anwar dan DAP.

3. PKR, DAP dan Amanah pula tidak akan terima UMNO.

4. Tetapi kerana pemimpin UMNO mungkin dipenjara dan pemimpin PH tidak mungkin jadi PM, maka parti-parti yang ditolak oleh rakyat ini bergabung untuk jadi Kerajaan.

5. Jumlah gabungan ialah 112, lebih 1 dari separuh. Maka gabungan ini dapatlah diri Kerajaan.

6. Apabila gabungan ini diri Kerajaan maka parti-parti Sarawak dan Sabah pun menyertai gabungan. Jumlah Pakatan Harapan, UMNO dan Sarawak/Sabah ialah 144; menjadikan Kerajaan memiliki lebih dari 2/3 wakil rakyat. Memang kuat sekarang.

7. Parti yang terkuat dalam gabungan ini ialah DAP dengan 40 kerusi. Bagi PMX tuntutan DAP perlu dilayan jika ia ingin kekal sebagai PM. Sebaliknya UMNO dengan wakil rakyat Melayunya agak tidak senang bekerjasama dengan DAP. Jika UMNO tidak sokong gabungan, Sarawak juga tidak akan sokong.

8. Jika UMNO dan Sarawak tidak sokong Kerajaan akan jatuh. Oleh itu mulut orang Melayu perlu ditutup. Dengan itu diperkenal 3R dan kemudian MOU.

9. Tetapi gabungan ini tidak stabil.

10. Wakil rakyat pembangkang jangan tandatangan MOU.


1. Saya sebenarnya tidak mahu mengungkit kisah lama tetapi apabila saya dirujuk dengan ungkapan yang menghina, saya rasa terpanggil untuk memberi sedikit pandangan.

2. Anwar di dalam ucapan semasa sambutan Himpunan Keadilan mengakui dia bekas banduan tapi seorang banduan terhormat. Dia menjadi banduan kerana dizalimi.

3. Tidak sebut nama tetapi sayalah sang saka tua yang zalim dan menindas rakyat.

4. Rakyat tentu ingat semasa saya PM kali pertama dan Anwar dipecat oleh UMNO pada tahun 1998, ada dua kes yang di hadapinya. Pertama kerana salah guna kuasa dan keduanya salah laku seks.

5. Di dalam kes pertama, dia didapati bersalah dan dipenjara enam tahun kerana telah mengguna kedudukannya mengarah polis untuk menekan orang yang telah membuat akuan bersumpah terhadapnya kerana salah laku seks.

6. Keduanya, dia dihukum kerana salah laku seks tetapi berjaya mengenepi diperingkat rayuan. Namun begitu, hakim ketika membuat keputusan membebas Anwar, menyatakan bahawa mereka percaya bahawa salah laku seks itu memang benar berlaku.

7. Di dalam kes salah laku seks yang kedua, saya bukan lagi PM. Tetapi dua mahkamah peringkat tertinggi mendapati Anwar bersalah. Perdana Menteri pada masa itu ialah Najib dan Menteri Dalam Negeri ketika itu ialah Zahid Hamidi. Siapa dia sang saka pada masa itu tidak disebut walaupun Anwar pada 2015 telah kecam Zahid kerana menghalang Anwar dari berjumpa dengan peguamnya dalam 16 kes sivil dan jenayah. Zahid sekarang menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dibawah Anwar.

8. Pakatan Harapan menamakan saya sebagai calon Perdana Menteri dengan syarat saya serah jawatan itu kepada Anwar apabila saya letak jawatan. Saya juga bersetuju untuk Anwar yang masih ada hanya satu tahun dalam penjara dibebaskan.

9. Malang bagi Anwar Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan jatuh apabila beberapa wakil rakyat Bersatu dan PKR keluar dari Pakatan Harapan. Tidak dapatlah saya serah jawatan Perdana Menteri kepada Anwar.

10. Yang jadi Perdana Menteri lepas saya ialah Muhyiddin.

11. Kita boleh rancang.

12. Yang menentukan ialah Allah SWT.


1. Malaysia (Malaya) telah merdeka 68 tahun.

2. Perlembagaan Negara dan undang-undang memadai untuk Negara menjadi stabil dan maju.

3. Benar Negara pernah menghadapi rusuhan kaum dan extremis agama. Tetapi semua dapat diselesaikan melalui Perlembagaan Negara dan undang-undang yang dilulus oleh Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Negara.

4. Tidak ada keperluan memperkenal aturan-peraturan di luar undang-undang (Extra Judicial) untuk kestabilan dan kemajuan Negara.

5. Hanya apabila PMX ambil alih tampok Kerajaan baharulah extra judicial aturan-peraturan diperkenal. Dengan 3R mulut rakyat ditutup. Ia bertentangan dengan demokrasi dan Perlembagaan.

6. Tetapi wakil rakyat terus bebas dalam dewan. 3R tidak boleh tutup mulut mereka.

7. Oleh itu sekarang ditambah secara extra judicial aturan-peraturan (MOU) yang kononnya bertujuan menstabilkan Negara. Dengan itu wakil rakyat juga tidak dapat sentuh 3R dalam dewan.

8. Walaupun konon MOU bertujuan untuk menghapus kebencian (hate) dan perkauman oleh wakil rakyat di Parlimen tetapi yang jelas ialah Kerajaan yang akan tafsir sesuatu ucapan itu berbau racist, atau kebencian atau tidak. Speaker juga boleh larang wakil rakyat pembangkang. Mereka tidak dapat pertahan ucapan mereka.

9. Syarat untuk mendapat peruntukan wang untuk kawasan ialah menandatangani MOU. Ini rasuah. Duit Kerajaan bukan milik parti Kerajaan. Duit Kerajaan milik rakyat. Peruntukan duit kepada wakil rakyat sepatutnya sama antara wakil parti Kerajaan dengan parti pembangkang.

10. Kerajaan dahulu bagi RM 400 juta kepada Kelantan, RM 200 juta kepada Terengganu dan Kedah tanpa syarat walaupun negeri-negeri ini adalah negeri parti bukan Kerajaan Pusat. Nak beli Mercedes pun tidak disoal.

11. Jikalau ucapan berbau hasutan, perkauman atau kebencian, yang patut tafsir dan bertindak ialah rakyat, bukan Kerajaan. Rakyat boleh tolak orang yang membenci atau racist dalam pilihanraya. Itu hak rakyat.

12. 3R dan MOU sebenarnya bertujuan untuk tutup mulut rakyat dan wakil mereka. Kerajaan boleh melakukan kezaliman dengan sewenang-
wenangnya. Curi duit Kerajaan pun boleh. Tipu dalam PRU pun okay.

13. Inilah yang boleh dilakukan oleh Kerajaan jika MOU ditandatangani oleh wakil rakyat Pembangkang.

14. Tolak MOU dan tolak 3R. Pertahan Perlembagaan dan Rule of Law.

15. Kembali dan hormati Perlembagaan Malaysia.

16. Henti extra judicial aturan-peraturan.


1. The Israelis have bombed and rocketed Lebanon and killed 558 people including 50 children in one day.

2. The whole world is horrified. And all are appealing to Israel to de-escalate.

3. What is the meaning of de-escalate. It means what you were doing before, namely genocide in Gaza was okay. Don’t go beyond that.

4. The world is not begging Israel to cease fire. Only don’t spread the war to Lebanon. That is all.

5. But will Israel listen to the pleas of the great powers. You know and I know they will not. What can the world do, what can the great powers do? Nothing.

6. There will be meetings of course. The Security Council will meet. But the US will veto any resolution. Already it says it will stand by its Allies.

7. And who are its Allies. Basically it is Israel. So Israel can reduce the killings in Lebanon by 10% maybe – if Netanyahu is in a good mood.

8. I suggest the world leaders go to Israel to beg Netanyahu on bended knees to de-escalate.

9. Israel is a greater world power than all the world powers put together. That is the world of today.


1. Saya tidak curi duit, tetapi ada orang yang tuduh saya curi berbillion ringgit duit Kerajaan.

2. Yang menuduh sehingga sekarang tidak dapat bukti saya curi duit.

3. Saya bagi masa untuk tunjuk bukti.

4. Diminta dua minggu untuk tunjuk bukti.

5. Sekarang lebih satu tahun, tidak tunjuk bukti.

6. Tuduhan ini adalah fitnah.

7. Kenapa fitnah saya?

8. Kerana benci saya…Wah sekarang jangan tunjuk benci, kata sipolan.

9. Tetapi kaki benci ialah orang yang suruh kita jangan cakap benci.

10. Cakap tidak serupa bikin.

11. Tidak dapat tanduk telinga dipulas.

12. Tidak dapat saya, kacau anak saya.

13. Jangan cakap seperti Nabi, buat seperti setan.


1. The people in Malaysia are living in a climate of fear.

2. They fear the Government.

3. Why do they fear the Government?

4. They may say or do something that may be interpreted by the Government as expression of hate or racist or religious extremism which expose them to punitive action by the Government. In fact these people have been told they have no place in this country.

5. Even attendance at meetings may result in their business being affected, their earnings being reduced, their applications rejected or delayed.

6. Officers of Government who displease the Government may not be promoted, or may be transferred or put in cold storage. Police may call them for questioning or detention. So civil servants have to obey the Government even if what they are asked to do are against the law, or oppresses the people.

7. Investigations are made based on politically biased reports by anyone.

8. Members or supporters of the opposition or those who take action against PMX are often the targets of police investigations. Even if they have done no wrong they may be hauled in and charged. The reason for police action is questionable.

9. People who have complied with Government requirements and had already paid their taxes have now to explain with documents how and where they got their money for decades. There is no statute of limitation.

10. Documentary proofs must be provided to explain their incomes and expenditures over the last 40 years or since 1981. Normally the documents would have been lost. Even banks do not preserve cheques for that length of time. Threats are made of imprisonment or fines if the demand is not complied with.

11. People are remanded for as long as 2 years without charges being made. Normally the remand is only for two weeks.

12. People have been splashed with acid and beaten but the authorities have not done much to identify and act against the assailants. The victims have to suffer and expect no redress. The victims are not protected by the laws of the country.

13. Interpretations or abuses of the laws and baseless allegations by the Government can result in individuals being charged in court. The victims will have to endure long costly trials if they take action to defend themselves.

14. If you don’t support the Government you would be classified as being opposed to the Government and denied the treatment and privileges your are normally entitled to.

15. Yes. The people are living in fear. Even people who have done no wrong cannot be certain of being free from Government punitive actions.