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Greetings from Jezz,
Watch out for P’nas.:)
1.Kerajaan ada menyatakan satu kajian telah dijalankan mengenai impak Perjanjian Perkongsian Trans Pasifik (TPPA) kepada ekonomi Negara. Kajian tersebut bersifat “hypothetical”. Kita semua maklum penemuan apa jua kajian amat bergantung kepada andaian-andaian yang digunakan. Apakah andaian-andaian yang telah digunakan? Adakah andaian-andaian berkenaan realistik dan menggambarkan keadaan-keadaan yang akan berlaku apabila TPPA dilaksanakan?
2.Kalau kita hendak penemuan yang positif atau berpihak kepada kita, kita gunakan andaian-andaian longgar atau tidak berpaksikan kepada realiti sebenar. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Kalau kita hendak penemuan yang realistik, kita gunakan andaian-andaian yang ketat yang akan menggambarkan keadaan-keadaan yang akan dihadapi apabila TPPA dilaksanakan. Di sini kita ingin tahu apakah andaian-andaian yang telah digunakan dalam kajian mengenai kesan TPPA. Kita perlu bahaskan andaian-andaian tersebut satu persatu. Adakah kajian telah mengambilkira semua keadaan yang berkemungkinan berlaku? Persoalan pokok – adakah syarikat-syarikat tempatan dalam pelbagai skala operasi daripada yang kecil, sederhana dan besar dapat bersaing dengan syarikat-syarikat gergasi multi-nasional yang dijangka akan membanjiri ekonomi negara apabila segala sekatan perdagangan di mansuhkan melalui TPPA.
3.Dua scenario boleh berlaku apabila TPPA dilaksanakan – bergantung kepada tahap kesediaaan dan keupayaan syarikat-syarikat tempatan bersaing dalam pasaran terbuka dengan syarikat-syarikat multi-nasional asing.
Senario Pertama – kebanyakan syarikat tempatan bersedia dan berupaya bersaing dengan syarikat multi-nasional. Kebaikan yang terkandung di dalam TPPA dapat diraih dan dinikmati oleh syarikat-syarikat tempatan secara khusus dan ekonomi Negara secara Am.
Senario Kedua – menggambarkan keadaan yang sebaliknya. Kebanyakan syarikat tempatan tidak bersedia dan berupaya bersaing dengan syarikat multi-nasionak asing di pasaran bebas dan terbuka.
Penguasaaan pra-TPPA ke atas syarikat-syarikat tempatan di dalam industri-industri tertentu akan terhakis secara berterusan. Kebaikan yang dihajatkan melalui TPPA tidak menjadi realiti. Syarikat-syarikat tempatan tidak dapat bertahan apabila syarikat gergasi dunia yang serba berpengalaman, berkebolehan dan berkeupayaan masuk beroperasi dan dengan cepat menguasai sektor demi sektor ekonomi negara. Penjajahan perdagangan dan ekonomi akan berlaku. Di mana syarikat-syarikat tempatan yang serba kekurangan dapat bernafas dan “survive”? Sebilangan kecil mungkin boleh bersaing. Tetapi kebanyakan syarikat tempatan akan menghadapi keadaan yang getir dan berkemungkinnan terpaksa menggulung tikar.
Sekiranya senario kedua berlaku, apakah opsyen yang boleh digunakan di bawah TPPA? Di sini mungkin pendukung TPPA mengatakan ada. Sekiranya ada, kita perlu kaji dan teliti peruntukan TPPA yang membolehkan TPPA di gantung perlaksanaannya oleh negara peserta. Apakah keadaan-keadaan tersebut? Opsyen penggantungan TPPA perlu mengambilkira kepentingan negara – khususnya berkaitan dengan impak negatif kepada syarikat-syarikat tempatan.
Sekiranya TPPA ingin dilaksanakan, dalam TPPA perlu ada peruntukan yang menyatakan dalam tempoh awal perlaksanaan, misalnya 10 tahun pertama, negara peserta boleh pada bila-bila masa dan tanpa memberikan sebab dan tanpa penalti dalam apa jua bentuk, berundur daripada menjadi peserta TPPA dan mengenakan semula sekatan dan melaksanakan bantuan atau program sokongan yang terpaksa dimansuhkan apabila menyertai TPPA. Peruntukan penyelamat (“Escape Clause”) ini PENTING. Sekiranya tidak, Negara dan syarikat-syarikat tempatan akan selama-lamanya terjerat dan tidak dapat melepaskan diri daripada terjerat dengan perjanjian yang tidak mendatangkan kebaikan yang diharapkan.
Dalam menghadapi impak TPPA, samada positif atau negatif, Kerajaan perlu mengambil pendekatan yang pro-aktif. Antara langkah yang boleh diambil ialah :
I.Mempastikan TPPA mengandungi peruntukan penyelamat yang jelas dan tanpa syarat.
II.Dalam tempoh perlaksanaan awal TPPA (sekurang-kurangnya 10 tahun) perlu ditubuhkan satu Jawatankuasa Tertinggi khas di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri, satu unit yang dilengkapkan dengan sumber kepakaran bagi memantau perlaksanaan TPPA, terutamanya dari segi impak ke atas syarikat-syarikat tempatan di pelbagai skala dan menyediakan laporan berkala. Laporan ini perlu dihebahkan kepada umum. Laporan yang disediakan amat penting. Ia akan menjadi asas kepada perbincangan jawatankuasa dan keputusan mengenai beberapa perkara tertentu, termasuk:
Jumlah Syarikat tempatan yang menikmati faedah daripada TPPA dan nilai tambahan perniagaan di setiap industri.
Jumlah syarikat tempatan yang terjejas berikutan pelaksanaan TPPA dan nilai perniagaan yang terjejas di setiap industri.
Menetapkan 3 tahap impak TPPA – Hijau, Kuning dan Merah (seperti lampu i
syarat trafik). Hijau – TPPA boleh terus dilaksanakan. Kuning – Perhatian dan tindakan susulan perlu diambil bagi syarikat-syarikat tempatan yang terjejas. Merah – kesan negatif yang teruk.
Tahap impak TPPA (samada hijau, kuning atau merah) di setiap industri.
Menerus atau menamatkan TPPA bagi setiap Industri.
Apa jua keadaan yang boleh berlaku, kita perlukan pengukuran impak. Dua set indikator pengukuran impak diperlukan – satu di peringkat makro, iaitu kesan secara keseluruhan kepada ekonomi negara dan satu lagi, di peringkat mikro –berkaitan dengan syarikat-syarikat tempatan di pelbagai skala operasi perniagaan – kecil, sederhana dan besar dan di pelbagai industri. Ini amat penting. Kita perlu beralih daripada hujjah berbentuk retorik yang mengatakan TPPA bagus untuk perdagangan dan ekonomi Negara. Itu semua teori. Kita tidak pertikaikan kebaikan. Kita hendak ukur secara terperinci kesan TPPA – samada positif atau negatif kepada syarikat-syarikat tempatan. Kita juga perlu peruntukan penyelamat dalam TPPA bagi menghadapi situasi kesan negatif yang teruk kepada syarikat tempatan dan ekonomi Negara, sekiranya berlaku.
Dato Hadi Othman
Mantan Penasihat MITI
pl email to
Salam Tun,
I would love to invite Tun as speakers to my university. How could I reach the right party for an arrangement. Kindly reply is much appreciated tq
A chinaman from singapore has been uploading racist facebook pages close to 2 years back against the minority race in singapore,and rumours has it he also uploaded offensive pages against residents in Pelangi Indah Johor Baru.It was said loong the singapore pm settled it mysteriously,secretly???,and the chinaman was not arrested and sent to Malaysia.The singapore internal security department was reported to,but the officer,arasoo,did not arrest the criminal.
This is very disturbing.The FBI and Interpol was reported to recently regarding this,with so much more issues regarding offences related to issues in singapore.The Malaysian King must know about this,and actually appoint an inquiry officer under the POTA.Please take action.Thank you.
You are absolutely right to remind the new Bloggers and some LKY sympathisers that it is only proper and right to comment on your topics on this distinguished Blog and not to attack personally those they disagree with, like me.
Take the case of my defence of the Prime Ministers.
” I still say that the closest aides were responsible for all the scandals which were allegedly blamed on our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and our Distinguished and Honourable Dato Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak.” This is the truth because no person should be judged guilty until proven in the Courts of Law.
And I could produce 3 real pieces of evidence how the closest aides abused the trust and goodwill which the Prime Ministers had in them.
And also, one and only huge scandal which did not happen, because it was aborted before it reached the point of no return unlike all the others.
With the apparent new dimension in Malaysian Politics, your distinguished Blog is now flooded by Opposition hard-core members or Singaporean spies who collectively attacked me personally eg. The aka TWOG, isayso, wajaperak, ilioni, faridini, balance – The Magnificent Seven. Vide. The New Straits Times Streets Central Supplement Page 8. March 8, 2014. Singaporean spies in technicolour.
Tun, of course you know that these Opposition hard-core members are only wasting their time and show their vulgarity by attacking me.
But this new form of Opposition tactic will fail because of their exclusivity in using their attacking powers like a shotgun which shoots at nothing or the wrong target like me.
And their ultimate aim is to pretend they suppport you to break up UMNO. We were not born yesterday.
please write to
mahathir i still support you
Since We now acknowledge
Najib the PM of Malaysia and his New Deputy Prime Minister
Are Hopeless Guy
Tun Mahathir and former DPM Muhideen
Are Available except Tun Mahathir
We Don, t want you to work hard anymore
You must also learned to Relax
You can shoulder yr Responsiblity with yr Innovative
To the New UMNO
Yes, good idea jamiek. Better to get somebody influential to launch the National Police Reporting Day so that the entire nation who are concern about the well-being of Malaysia could all go to any police station and make a police report. If the response is overwhelming, it could be a first step to save Malaysia.
Vital Evidence 1– For years Najib had been keeping the large amount of money in his account without telling even the former DPM. Had it not been for the leakage of this top secret, he would obviously continue to keep the money as his personal because it is in his personal account. I believe UMNO MT was not even aware of this for years. This is extremely bad which raised suspicion of personal interest over national interest.
Vital Evidence 2– Investigation is unnecessary. Najib knows every thing but purposely remain secretive for a long time indicating strong possibility of foul play and cover up.
Vital Evidence 3– Nobody will ever be honest to declare to the bank extremely huge amount of money transaction to a personal account as illegal money. To convince the bank appropriate word will have to be carefully selected to make it acceptable to the bank. Until today, the nature of this suspicious banking transaction remain a top level secret.
It is extremely vital for the nation that National interest has to be far above personal interest. If this is not the case, Malaysia will be in serious trouble. Something great need to be immediately done to save Malaysia
Ibrahim (Anak Malaysia)
Tun, may I suggest that you start a nation-wide singature champange using various methods (electronic and others) in every state to remove Najib from office. If the response is overhelming which I believe so will generate a greater effort and effective force to compel him to step down. The masses can be very effective.
Yes,alex7877,I agree with Jamiek idea of all Malaysian citizens(including overseas),to make a police report,to save Malaysia.
Yes,Tun Dr.Mahathir,you are the master planner of Vision 2020.With the bless of Allah,you have the dignity to save Malaysia,Please help the country Tun and you will be remembered in our history.I think,only you can do it……May the merciful,Allah save Malaysia………….and I pray to Allah for your health.
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 — Datuk Zaid Ibrahim suggested today that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and the opposition join forces to hold a mammoth rally with at least 100,000 participants to protest against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak amid the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) controversy.
The former de facto law minister said former prime minister Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin, who was recently removed as deputy prime minister, together with PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Selangor Mentri Besar Azmin Ali and Harapan Baru chief Mohamad Sabu, should stand together at the rally to declare that, despite their political differences, they will unite to “save” Malaysia.
“Nothing is more urgent than the ‘rakyat’ showing the courage to assemble the way Philippine people power brought Ferdinand Marcos to book and how everyday Indonesians rallied against Suharto,” Zaid wrote on his blog, referring to the former Philippine and Indonesian presidents who were overthrown over their dictatorial rule.
“These leaders should not allow those who steal and plunder the nation’s wealth to get away,” he added, referring to Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin and opposition leaders.
“They must show the people the power of solidarity against corruption and the abuse of power. They must restore our faith in our police and our Attorney-General’s Chambers,” said Zaid.
Amid the controversy over corruption allegations involving 1MDB, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) came out Tuesday to say that the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s personal bank account did not come from the state-owned fund, but was a donation instead. The identities of the donors were not specified.
Najib also dropped his deputy Muhyiddin and Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal from Cabinet last week, both of whom had been publicly critical of the government’s handling of the 1MDB controversy.
Tan Sri Gani Patail, who had been leading an inter-agency task force investigating 1MDB, was also suddenly dropped as Attorney-General, while four BN members of the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) were appointed to the Cabinet, causing its own 1MDB probe to be suspended and interviews with 1MDB executives delayed.
“Now, it seems that Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz and her officers might be next on the hit list,” said Zaid.
“Malaysia has become a basket case managed by ministers and civil servants who seem completely uninterested in defending the institutions of government. They appear to be interested only in ‘cover-ups’ and have redefined everything from corruption to ‘activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy’ to suit themselves. They are only loyal to Najib,” he said.
Several protesters at a rally last weekend calling for Najib’s resignation were arrested under Section 124B of the Penal Code over their alleged involvement in activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy, an offence punishable with a 20-year jail term.
“Let’s show the ‘rakyat’ that we, the politicians, can unite across party lines to save the country – even if it’s for just a day. This can be the historic moment that, finally, sparks the movement for true unity in our land,” said Zaid.
Bersih 2.0 is also planning to stage a two-day rally in the city this August 29.
Dear Tun,
As UMNO member, I am wondering if the money just a “Donation” why should Tan Seri Muhyiddin and AG fired?
Dear Tun,
Greetings. You have attained spiritual wisdom and been blessed by the ambrosia nectar. God only puts us through as much as we can handle, So the people who struggle the most, have been chosen by God to be the strongest ones. Keep doing what you are good at Tun, by your righteous deeds and in pursuit of the truth. You have the humility to be concerned of what is right and that makes you real. Dialogue cannot exist without humility. We have a lot of faith in you; we just have to be patient.
Dear Dr Mahathir,
You have mentioned that most of the UMNO member came to you worried about current crises in malaysia, that was why your react and trying to save malaysia, but it seems that you have been silent for quite sometimes, we all malaysian need you to save malaysia, are you care more about UNMO than all the malaysian? it is very sad to see what happen to malaysia, the country is going backward, please save malaysia. we all love you and need you to save malaysia.
Salam Tun,
Your blog and your daughter’s comments in Star, I love to read. You both give me hope that Malaysia is not lost, will not end up like Greece or Pakistan. Your intellect is amazing. For Malaysia’s sake may you have a long healthy and happy life. GOD BLESS!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Bolehkah Tun Mahathir menerangkan dengan lebih lanjut mengenai TPPA dan apakah implikasinya kepada negara kita?
Terima kasih Tun Mahathir.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
You did a great contribution to this nation and continue doing it. But it looks like your contributions are being destroyed by government of your beloved party? Do you think it is still relevant to hold on to your love for the party- which the people and system of it doing less good and more bad to the nation? Do you have any hope still that Vision 2020 is achievable?
Yang amat berhormat TUn Dr.Mahathir,
Selamat hari lahir. Saya yakin Malaysia akan bangkit semula dan menjadi sebuah negara yang lebih kuat, makmur dan bersatu setelah mengharungi the challenges pada masa sekarang. The roots of Malaysia’s foundation are strong..Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Rajak, Tun Hussein Onn….and yourself, TUn Tan Cheng Lock, Tun Sambathanathan and many more to mention. There are leaders and many patriots of such calibre. I am and always be proud to say I am Malaysian, always was, is and always will be.
Dear Tun
I dont believe all of Malaysia’s problems are caused by yourself as often accused of. However you have to bear responsibility for being the chief architect of the system you created that has now created a breed of extremely mediocre politicians that are called our leaders !!! They are doing a good job leading us to oblivion. Your pain in the poem is palpable and your desire to see a change for the better is shared by all. But in seeking to perpetuate the rule through another useless mediocre leader in BN , your selfish interest in self-preservation is all too naked to be seen.
The best of the minds and brains are no longer in UMNO/BN. PLEASE do your part to safe this country but not with the rotten to the core BN . PLEASE be magnanimous and rope in the brightest of the young this country has. PLEASE stop the race and religion based politics that is tearing this country apart as the looters go about their job.
A hopeful Doctor
Yang Berhormat Tun Dr Mahathir
We live in Melbourne. We wish you a Very Happy 90th Birthday and many more to come. Good health, peace and a good quality of life be with you always. Tun masih handsome and very witty and alert. Your love , care and concern for the people is admirable, Please rid our beloved country of corruption, deceit and extremism by all, irrespective of race, religion and standing. Have a good day with your beloved family.Thank you for all you do for us and our future generation. Philip A
Dear Sir
As a Malaysian citizen I hope and pray that our country can go through these trying times and improve to be a happier and more successful country in the future.
I would also like to wish you a Very Happy 90th birthday.
Yours faithfully
Chris Koh
Dearest Tun,
I saw the photo of father and daughter In Mdm, Marina’s facebook. Both of you look alike, Tun, both physically and mentally. I really got reminded about my late Dad on this day. On this special day we as a family would like to wish Tun a very happy birthday. May Tun and family be blessed with wellness, happiness and peacefulness.
We love you.Stay as you are now. By the way we miss Tun Hasmah’s smile…
Hello Tun,
Just learnt that today’s your 90th birthday. Just wanted to congratulate you sincerely, extend warm wishes and many happy returns. Returns for all the good you have done for the country especially right now in this sad climate – politically and economically. Pls continue with your approach for the truth and justice. With your continued mentorship, we hope this country will regain its recognition globally very much in the days when you were at the helm.
God bless, happy 90th birthday Tun.
Hi Tun, I am Paul, a very normal citizen in Malaysia. If I am allowed and find favor in your eyes, please allow me to have a 5-10 minutes face-to-face conversation with you. I don’t mind having your securities around. Just a few words with you.
Please do let me know, regards.
Hi Tun,
Will the scandal on 1MDB affect the economy in Malaysia? If so please help to save Malaysia. Reading this at I am not sure who is the liar now.
Just that I want to have a better Malaysia.
Thanks Tun and hope you can make Malaysia a better to live.
Assallam Tun,
Merujuk kepada laporan WSJ tempoh hari, apakah tindakan Gebenor Bank Negara boleh lakukan.
Adakah Gebenor Bank Negara mempunyai kuasa untuk menyiasat dan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya ke atas akaun yang dipaparkan oleh pihak WSJ sekiranya dakwaan mereka benar.
Adakah benar Tun adalah individu disebalik laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh WSJ sepertimana yang didakwa oleh DS Najib.
Mohon komen Tun.
Terima kasih.
We hope Tun can comments on the recent WSJ report on Najib alleged of keeping USD $700 million of the rakyat money in his AM Bank account. Thank you Tun.
Yeah.. Jamiek your concern are true! I just made a comment and hope I will not get into trouble too. As Malaysian, I feel its time for us to stand up.
Looks like worst than the old Macau in the 70s going to happen..
Can I file a police report based on Tun Mahathir’s blog on 1MDB and request the police and MACC to conduct an investigation into possible abuse of power by the PM and be also not afraid of censure?
Can the Government guarantee our safety? Can the voice of the Rakyat be heard without fear? I do not hope to be crucified or killed la Teo Beng Hock style…
I am sure that many citizens want to help Tun Mahathir and the only logical step is to have as many people turning up at the police stations to make a police report for the possible abuse of power by the PM over the matter of 1MDB..