2. This is not a case of Muslims making wild accusations against the Government of the United States of America. This accusation is being made by Americans, white Americans against their own Government. And they have reasons for making this accusation. So many fellow Americans died a horrible death when fire broke out in the upper floors of the two towers. They died in the fire or when they flung themselves down from the towers to escape a fiery death.
3. These Americans who investigated thoroughly the collapsing towers because they were suspicious of their Government’s action were not deliberately or politically trying to blacken the US Administration. They were concerned and horrified at the enormity of the act i.e. killing fellow Americans in order to justify their subsequent War on Terror.
4. We may think this is absurd. How can responsible leaders destroy such iconic buildings and kill 3,000 of their own people simply to justify a war. But then we must remember that the accusations of Saddam’s possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction capable of being launched against Britain in 45-minutes is also a fabrication. In fact we have now learnt that the intelligence services of America and Britain did not make such reports. Bush and Blair lied. They lied in order to attack Iraq, in order to kill Iraqis and 6,000 American and British soldiers died unnecessarily. The blood of these people are on their hands.
5. When it was proven that they lied, they now claim that they wanted to remove Saddam Hussein because he was a dictator. That is frivolous. Must 300,000 Iraqis be killed because you don’t like Saddam’s Government?
6. Going to war is a serious thing. You are really deciding to sacrifice the lives of your own people, not just the enemy. The killing of enemy personnel may be acceptable to your people. But killing your own people so as to have an excuse to go to war cannot be acceptable to the people. That is why the group of concerned Americans made their investigation so thoroughly. But then their Government, with the collusion of their media have ensured that they would not be able to tell of their findings to the American people.
7. But there is no reason why the Malaysian public should not know about the findings of these concerned American citizens.
8. I believe many people in Malaysia have seen this report but none have given it the publicity it deserves. Not reporting this means covering up what can be a heinous crime. When you do that you would be encouraging leaders to commit similar crimes again and again.
9. That is why I took the initiative to publicise the report of the American citizens.
10. The Government of the United States should institute a proper open enquiry.
Apparently nowadays there are some building & structure professionals who are bold enough to voice out (in the US mainstream-media i.e.) and demand for a REAL investigation on 9-11 tragedy. Take a look hear:-
Let’s hope such voices shall be echoed out further in chorus with other structural professionals and does not stop there, or be stifled & ridiculed by the US mainstream-media.
Unfortunately though, it is clear that the new black US President (Barack Obama) would prefer that the 9-11 issue to remain as status-quo with the official version (investigation) of the US Government.
To many, it is so obvious that not only are the WTC Twin-towers were brought down by some ‘controlled’ demolition experts, but apparently even the new black US President is also a ‘controlled’ President of some shadow government, as we can see from his speech (in June 2009) below with regard the 9-11 tragedy:-
Barack Obama’s statement, such as:-
“These are not opinions to be debated, these are facts to be dealt with…”, clearly indicates a fresh investigation into 9-11 tragedy shall NOT be condone by his government and shall not even be debated. Thus, will the rest of the world tolerate such a stand?
Apparently, the real ‘shadow-in-powers’ of the US Government will see to it that the real perpetrators of the 9-11 incident shall remain free and untouched. And it is also apparent that Barack Obama is just their ‘front’. Period.
If this ‘front’ man of The USA tries in any way to be ‘clever’ and makes some ‘wrong’ moves (of his own) and not dance to the tune of the ‘shadows-in-power’ during his tenure as President.., then rest assured that he will be made to be ‘cut to size’ like some previous US Presidents (like say – Jimmy Carter) or even be ‘eliminated’ like (say) John F. Kennedy..!
So, let’s just see how Barack Obama is going to play this game.
The ongoing cover-ups regarding 9/11 include:
1. Just what was the ‘national security apparatus’ of the US doing in 2000-1–such as, was it recruiting people such as pilots in preparation of an all out assault on Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. We now know this was a top priority of Bush, and Clinton had already signed a ‘regime change’ act in 1998 while increasing military budgets in his last two years in office. It seems quite possible that the US military and intelligence were recruiting the very sort of people, whoever they were, who carried out the plane attacks on 9/11.
The US military and intelligence wanted mercenary pilots for their proposed US-led ‘multi-lateral’ attack on Iraq that was supposed to use recruits from the Kurds, from exiled Iraqis and from oppositions organizations based in other Arab countries, Europea and the US.
It is also striking that the US military and intelligence largely used their plans for invading Iraq in order to invade Afghanistan. And then went with a very different sort of invasion against Iraq a year and a half later because the US couldn’t put together a large enough ‘mercenary force’ to invade and occupy Iraq, unlike what it did in Afghanistan.
The fact that the invasion of Afghanistan was carried out so uncharacteristically quickly and , well, efficiently seems to indicate that the US military had assets in place already. It also seems quite likely now that these assets had been put together to invade Iraq, but were used to attack Afghanistan instead because they knew they were not sufficient to invade and occupy Iraq in 2001.
However, the larger picture of the ‘war on terror’ changing everything then made it possible for Bush to put together a new approach to invading and occupying Iraq.
2. Who ultimately was responsible for the really bad decisions that led to the firefighters trying to follow a firefighting plan, often hampering evacuation efforts?
3. Why haven’t they looked more deeply into the decision-making on 9/11. For example, if the entire WTC complex and immediate area had been fully evacuated after the first plane hit, the deaths would probably have been limited to the hundreds.
I have read most of the comments in this particular forum. Apparently, not many of those comments have really hit the nail squarely on the head with regard to the
Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun..
This is a never ending story but can be simplified by one sentence..
Islam is a faith that cannot be determined by logic.We embraced Islam fully and if Allah willed it..Allah will show’s the way and answered all our queries and questions..
Take this example..
There is a man who so angry with his mother in law’s “injustice” to him that he queried
“Mengapakah di kau di jadikan sebagai manusia dan tidak sebagai binatang?”
Most people missed the importance of this question..They thought this is just a figure of speech..Actually this is more deeper than that..
I am a simple man.But yet whenever I needs questions answered and seek the solace of Allah..Allah never let’s me down with inspiration’s..
Now..coming back to this man..
Why just he could not comprehends that life is all about trial and tribulation?..This world is not fair.It was not meant to be..Justice is in hereafter..The pious will be rewarded accordingly..
Seeks deeper in our own soul and heart..
Seek’s..an ye shall find..
Coming back to Dr Tawfik..No matter what degree’s you had and what IQ and EQ you claimed you attained and achived..All will comes to naught and null..You will not attain faith in the way your logic demanded..
After all..Islam is about
Terima kasih Tun..
YABhg Tun,
Dubai assissination…
Assalammualaikum Tun, I recieved the following in my e-mail. I am much disturbed by this msg. Please give me your respond. Thank You.
*From the heart of a Muslim – Tawfik Hamid*
* *
I was born a Muslim and lived all my life as a follower of Islam.
After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow
Muslims everywhere on this globe, and after the too many violent acts by
Islamists in many parts of the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and
as a human being, to speak out and tell the truth to protect the world
and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations.
I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and
hatred toward Non-Muslims.
We Muslims are the ones who need to change.
Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and
killing those who convert from Islam to other religions.
We have never had a clear and strong stand against the concept of slavery or
wars, to spread our religion and to subjugate others to Islam and force them
to pay a humiliating tax called Jizia.
We ask others to respect our religion while all the time *we curse
non-Muslims loudly (in Arabic) in our Friday prayers in the Mosques.
What message do we convey to our children when we call the Jews *”Descendants
of the pigs and monkeys”..* Is this a message of love and peace, or a
message of hate?
*I have been into churches and synagogues where they were praying for
Muslims, while all the time we curse them, and teach our generations to call
them infidels, and to hate them.
*We immediately jump in a ‘knee jerk reflex’ to defend Prophet Mohammed when
someone accuses him of being a pedophile while, at the same time, we are
proud with the story in our Islamic books, that he married a young girl
seven years old (Aisha) when he was above 50 years old.
I am sad to say that many, if not most of us, rejoiced in happiness after
September 11th and after many other terror attacks.
*Muslims denounce these attacks to look good in front of the media, but we
condone the Islamic terrorists and sympathise with their cause.*
Till now our ‘reputable’ top religious authorities have never issued a Fatwa
or religious statement to proclaim Bin Laden as an apostate, while an
author, like Rushdie, was declared an apostate who should be killed
according to Islamic Shariia law just for writing a book criticizing Islam.
Muslims demonstrated to get more religious rights as we did in France to
stop the ban on the Hejab (Head Scarf), while we did not demonstrate with
such passion and in such numbers against the terrorist murders.
*It is our absolute silence against the terrorists that gives the energy to
these terrorists to continue **doing their evil acts.
We Muslims need to stop blaming our problems on others or on the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict. As a matter of honesty, Israel is the only
light of democracy, civilization, and human rights in the whole Middle East
We kicked out the Jews with no compensation or mercy from most of the Arab
countries to make them “Jews-Free countries” while Israel accepted more than
a million Arabs to live there, have its nationality, and enjoy their rights
as human beings.
In Israel , women can not be beaten legally by men, and any person can
change his/her belief system with no fear of being killed by the Islamic law
of ‘Apostasy,’ while in our Islamic world people do not enjoy any of these
rights. I agree that the ‘Palestinians’ suffer, but they suffer because of
their corrupt leaders and not because of Israel .
*It is not common to see Arabs who live in Israel leaving to live in the
Arab world. On the other hand, we used to see thousands of Palestinians
going to work with happiness in Israel , its ‘enemy’. If Israel treats Arabs
badly as some people claim, surely we would have seen the opposite
*We Muslims need to admit our problems and face them.* Only then we can
treat them and start a new era to live in harmony with human mankind. Our
religious leaders have to show a clear and very strong stand against
polygamy, pedophilia, slavery, killing those who convert from Islam to
other religions, beating of women by men, and declaring wars on
non-Muslims to spread Islam.
Then, and only then, do we have the right to ask others to respect our
religion.* The time has come to stop our hypocrisy* *and say it openly: ‘We
Muslims have to Change’.*
*Tawfik Hamid*
[image: th_looking]
Dr. Tawfik Hamid (aka Tarek Abdelhamid), is an Islamic thinker and reformer,
and one time Islamic extremist from Egypt. He was a member of a terrorist
Islamic organization JI with Dr. Ayman Al-Zawaherri who became later on the
second in command of Al-Qaeda. Some twenty-five years ago, he recognized the
threat of Radical Islam and the need for a reformation based upon modern
peaceful interpretations of classical Islamic core texts.
Dear sir,
Did you read these off the internet as well?
Great blog.. September 11 attacks had changed the lives of Muslims in the country.
Salam Tun,
This documentary in german provides a perspective of the said events,
in German language, but with English sub titles.
I have found it to be straightforward with plenty of food for thought.
The clips we have probably seen many times on other sites/documentaries, it is the german perspective that i found to be most interesting.
Thank You.
Salam TUN and family,
May I share with you readers, this article on the SEPT.11 truth:
The growing infuence of the 9/11 TRUTH:
Interview: New photos show WTC exploded from inside
YABhg Tun,
…who gets all the long term benefits from all this..??!!!
Dear Tun,
have you watched this? Contains video evidence of laser technology used in 911.
Secret Evil of 911
Documentary: Spot the plane at the pentagon (no plane!):
CIA and Reagan lies about Iran Contra affair, Reagan’s confession:
Dear Tun Mahathir,
I too believe 911 was staged by the secret government with the help of CIA.
If the CIA can do terrorist acitivies in Congo, Vietnam, Sth Korea, Indonesia, and drug/weapons trafficking etc, surely they are capable of that in Afghanistan and Iraq and on their own soil.
Please see the link of a former CIA agent testifying the crimes of the CIA.
CIA Agent speaks out on CIA (Vietnam, Sth Korea, drugs, Afghanistan etc) “CIA SECRET WARS”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDV9QiCztKYterrorist activities!
Documentary: CIA sells weapons and imports/exports drugs:
CIA torture jet crashes with 4 tons of Cocaine:
CIA were in the drug business:
CIA = State sponsored Terrorists (ex-CIA agents speak out about their covert terrorist activities)
The Iran Contra Cover Up
Dear Tun Mahathir,
I too believe 911 was staged by the secret government with the help of CIA.
If the CIA can do terrorist acitivies in Congo, Vietnam, Sth Korea, Indonesia, and drug/weapons trafficking etc, surely they are capable of that in Afghanistan and Iraq and on their own soil.
Please see the link of a former CIA agent testifying the crimes of the CIA.
CIA Agent speaks out on CIA (Vietnam, Sth Korea, drugs, Afghanistan etc) “CIA SECRET WARS”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDV9QiCztKYterrorist activities!
Documentary: CIA sells weapons and imports/exports drugs:
CIA torture jet crashes with 4 tons of Cocaine:
CIA were in the drug business:
CIA = State sponsored Terrorists (ex-CIA agents speak out about their covert terrorist activities)
The Iran Contra Cover Up
Ayahanda Tun,
May I……,
//By adik adik on February 11, 2010 9:35 PM
It,s not what we think,what we say,how we feel that matters now.
Thing Done Cannot Be Undone.
Now,I do believe the Iraq Inquiry in Britain,
the objectives is more to gain their public confidence for the British Govt.It is not upholding Justice for Iraq,if it is,
it is done on day 1,before they went to war.
Even if it does, Can they uphold justice towards Bush,Blair and many high ranking military personnel,ministers invovles.
These Monsters do it against UN resolutions,remember.
Lessons learn,
We cannot trust US,Britain nor United Nations.
United Nations proven an instrument,not to uphold Human Justice.
UN Unable stop Bush waging the war,proves it all.//
Dear adik adik,
The greatest enemy of all none other than yourself. To trust or not to trust, this question is best we leave it to ourselves, all registered parties and Government in Malaysia heading to 1 Climate, One World and 1 Malaysia due to human interest and intelligence.
We do not have to go far to discover the ugly side of the human beings as human beings are all alike in the world due to one human nature. In the past, nice guys finish last, in cyberworld of International News Free, it is ourselve to determine what we want for the nation and our future generations.
Take care and please do learn the “nature of art first or “6 2 3 4” in numbers by not pointing your “one finger or 3 6” to others, especially to the west and south of Malaysia. It will be better off if we point one finger up to the sky (God, Tuhan and Allah), not that sky people (The Corporation of United Nation) in Avatar or 6) as what our PM Najib wants US to learn the skill, art and technique to “Resolve to be better individuals to build a stronger and more dynamic 1Malaysia”, a win-win situation for all bangsa2 and kaum2 in 1 Malaysia.
Good day Ayahanda Tun, I got to learn the art of ‘ or ,… however, if we put ‘ to replace , then we are on the WRONG side. Example, 1,500 is 1,500 and it cannot be 1’500 in word processor because a Red line is shown when you are on the wrong way (wrong fatwa, is it abg samuraimelayu?)
Dear Tun,
Muslims should realise that ordinary Western people do not hate Muslims.The Global elites have for centuries played on people’s fears and prejudices.They play the old game of divide and conquer.People naturally hate what they makes them insecure and the Western Oligarchies have made Islam the source of our insecurtiies in order to not only dominate Islam but also to subjugate their own people.
Most of the world’s oil is in Muslim countries and the Corporate elites see it as their right to own and control it.Yes they have demonised Muslims but you should not become like the evil parasites who seek absolute control.
Invite Richard Gage from Architects and Engineers for 911 truth to visit Malaysia to present his evidence and let your people make up their own minds.911 is the pivotal point that lifts the veil on the corruption and perversion which permeates the West.
It,s not what we think,what we say,how we feel that matters now.
Thing Done Cannot Be Undone.
Now,I do believe the Iraq Inquiry in Britain,
the objectives is more to gain their public confidence for the British Govt.It is not upholding Justice for Iraq,if it is,
it is done on day 1,before they went to war.
Even if it does, Can they uphold justice towards Bush,Blair and many high ranking military personnel,ministers invovles.
These Monsters do it against UN resolutions,remember.
Lessons learn,
We cannot trust US,Britain nor United Nations.
United Nations proven an instrument,not to uphold Human Justice.
UN Unable stop Bush waging the war,proves it all.
as one who is studying the claims, and as a reader who visited the given URL
[ http://www.911myths.com/html/where_s_the_barium_.html ] and found the counter argument actually makes the case for existence of the said explosives even more compelling.
quote from the site.
“Instead, although he does talk about a
Dear dtan,Barium has little relevance to nano-thermite.The basic elements are Al(aluminium) Fe2 03.ie iron + 3 oxygen atoms.Since it has it’s own oxygen,it can burn underground and under water which it did for many weeks.Other elements included sulphur which lowers the melting point of steel,magnesium,and potassium which are both highly volatile.
There are hundreds of anomiles.Never before in history or since have concrete steel reinforced buildings collapsed due to fire even after 16-24 hrs of intense heat.The towers collapsed just after 1 hr of fires.Jet fuel burns to half the melting point of steel,yet we see graphic evidence of steel melting.Fires burned underground for weeks even with millions of litres of water poured upon them.
The official theory said that the planes compromised the steel structure and thus caused a pan caking of the buildings.There was no visual or scientific evidence of pan caking.Most of the concrete was pulverised to dust.
All 3 buildings came down in their own footprint in the fashion of a classic controlled demolition.Fire is organic and weakens a structure non uni-formally and thus the buildings should have fallen over,not vertically.If you look the evidence on youtube ,you will see one of the towers pitch at 23 deg.It should have maintained that vector and fallen ove
dtan,Barium has little relevance to nano-thermite.The basic elemants are Al(aluminium) Fe2 03.ie iron + 3 oxygen atoms.Since it has it’s own oxygen,it can burn underground and under water which it did for many weeks.Other elements included sulphur which lowers the melting point of steel,magnesium,and potassium which are both highly volatile.
There are hundreds of anomiles.Never before in history or since have concrete steel reinforced buildings collapsed due to fire even after 16-24 hrs of intense heat.The towers collapsed just after 1 hr of fires.Jet fuel burns to half the melting point of steel,yet we see graphic evidence of steel melting.Fires burned underground for weeks even with millions of litres of water poured upon them.
The official theory said that the planes compromised the steel structure and thus caused a pan caking of the buildings.There was no visual or scientific evidence of pan caking.Most of the concrete was pulverised to dust.
All 3 buildings came down in their own footprint in the fashion of a classic controlled demolition.Fire is organic and weakens a structure non uni-formally and thus the buildings should have fallen over,not vertically.If
I’ve long suspected that the incident during 9/11 was staged by someone other than the alleged “Muslin Terrorist”. What really made me suspicious is that within a few hours, the CNN has broadcasted that the Al-Qaeda was the suspected organization responsible for the incident. A few hours after that it was confirmed by the American Media. Truly, the U.S. investigators have great deductive capabilities. They did not even look for other explanations or for other organizations. From the first, it was “We suspect that the “Muslim Terrorist” known as Al-Qaeda was responsible to it is confirmed that the group Al-Qaeda was responsible. Convenient isn’t it.
Dr Mahathir,
If I may,
Per Mr/Ms Jackson Feb 5, 2010 entry 5:32pm
Thank-you for bringing this information to my attention.
The null-hyphothesis for the destruction of WTC is still
I invite the readers to review this counter arguement
Best & Warmest
US under Bush Regime has severed World Peace and Harmony.
US Boss around,campaigning,lying,propragandas,using others as the scapegoat to unlighten US threat and interests,
using UN as a Sheild towards US own enemy,misuse UN funds,
Stamping the weak and acuse them as terrorist,flagged war against the weak,and above all
Inflicting political tension within coutries that will weaken the ruling government,create tensions among brothers,
raging civil conflicts,war among themselves.
THUS is a methods made easier to meet US interests.
IT IS Not against Terrorist.It is about US interests.
Terrorist are born by US wrong doings.
They are name terrorists by Bush Regime.
When one seek the revenge of US brutallity,seeing their loves one killed,do you name them terrorists.
Now US is chiding China.
China,Taiwan now has been acknowledge as One Nations.
By selling weapons to Taiwan,
Ignoring China Stands against US visits DalaiLama.
Could create tensions within China and Taiwan,
could leads unavoidable civil war,
Thus US can stands on its way,
China will become weak.
Salam Tun,
Thanks for disclosing the possibility truth of 9/11 event. The members of public deserved to be told of the truths.
This come to my mind of another sad events that happen in our beloved country in the 80’s during your administration – The Memali
Do you think the family member of 14 villagers & 4 police personnel that dies in the event, deserved to be told the truth? And we as Malaysian citizen deserved to be told of the truth as well.
this is in reply to dtan, who wrote…”If you do not first empty the cup (opinions and speculations), how can you
taste my cup of tea’ ~ said the zen master“…
the zen student retorted, “why should I even attempt to hold the cup when I can smell the foul odour emanating from your cup, master?”
…so much for the zen master who got leg cramps from sitting too long in the Lotus position that he couldn’t make it to the loo!
Dear Tun,
There is now clear forensic scientific evidence that expolosives called nano-thermite brought down not only the Towers but also Building 7 which no plane impacted.It took 6 years for the Bush Admin to publish a sham report on Building 7.
Prof Niels Harritt led an international team of scientists including one brave Australian that verified what was suspected.
See http://www.ae911truth.org/ There are now 1067 Architects and Engineers with 6000 supporters,calling for a new investigation into 911.Professionals do not do this lightly since it compromises their future careers.
The evidence is there for all to see and it is irrefutable.
Dear Sir, Tun Dr. M.,
I am thankful to God that the mystery and the curiousity that had clouded me for the 9 years since sept 11 had been enlightened. I am on the same path as Tun Dr. M and strongly believe his tangible theory on the American Goverment’s role in sept 11 self-inflicting terror strike whilst finding an excuse to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. History had shown that even American people till now are very dubious on the death of their former beloved peace-loving President JFK. Theories on insider job could be a posibility.The US had cowardly used its supremacy against rural/sub-urban Afghanistan poorly equipped soldiers who had just survived years of foreign invaders barbaric acts.Why did the US and UK particularly acted very hastily to invade and attack Afghanistan and Iraq instead of former Yugoslavia merciless and savagious forces who slaughtered,raped and torture of Muslim Bosnians? Or even Chechnya for example? The answer is pretty simple. Nobody wants to get to work with no pay or rewards. Removing Saddam Hussain is a wicked excuse to exploit and exert greed over the iraqi oil supply.Imagine, when the US illegal and barbaric war on Iraq had killed hundreds and thousands of people including Iraqi soldiers who had families and yet had to die defending their motherland from greedy and merciless invaders unjustifiably attacking and killing for none other excuse except for greed and to supress one of the mightiest army in the middle-east fearing and thus ensuring that the Israel position would be less intimidated and thus strenghtened.
The World is not what I want to see,
It’s what people with structured interests want us to see.
With their enormous means and resources in controlled commincation mass media and publicity, they shape how the world is to be seen.
It’s really a Paradise Lost.
all these nonsense talk by these ignorant people shows their level of intelligence……nevertheless, i think they have not seen the film Zeitgeist by Peter Joseph……how i wish this film can be shown on TV…..oh yeah, and also all the Ahmed Deedat videos as well…..then we’ll let them use the term Allah all they like….!!!
IT is the Illigitimate Bush and Blair Affairs
at Bush Ranch,Crawford,Texes.
That Creates War in Iraq,Insecurity of World Peace,Feared their own citizens of travelling,Feared the Airline industries,Feared the World movement,Feared Their own Family members.
IT is This Illicit Sex Affairs that Bush and Blair,
Illigitimatedly breeds and give birth to what known as Terrorists.
It was never Saddam,Osama,SEPT 11,Weapons of Mass Destructions,
Talliban,Al Qeada,etc.
None was Prove till today.
No Concrete Evidence till today.
Only Lies that was Stuff to these Mouth.
And Innocents Iraqi was Punished Brutally,Inhumanlly
for the Crime They did not Commit.
Without trial,without UN Approval,without Justice
and now Proven Innocents.
The WORLD has Wrongfully Charged the wrong guy.
It is these Illigitimate Affairs and Illicits Sex Doer,s
that ought to be Jusitify.
Terrorist are Born after Iraq War,that We see in Bali,and the threat that comes.Bush Blair are the Responsible Illigitimate Parents.
Dear Tun,
Prior to watching the video that was linked in your blog, I watched a few others on YouTube, which also questioned the events of 9/11.
But hands down, the video that you linked was the most revealing and adds credence to the possibility that the attacks were staged.
I am not sure of the actual motivation behind the reasons for the attacks, but I am more than 90% sure they were to create reasons to launch attacks on Afghanistan and then on other non US-aligned nations.
Thanks for your courage in expressing this view.
By the way, I have been watching the documentary on you in the History Channel and it is very eye-opening. Learnt a lot about you which I never knew. What moved me most was what you and your friends did in your teens against the setting up of the Malayan Union. Wonder where we would be if that had materialized. As a kid, I remember making alphabet stencils on potatoes, but when I saw that you had used the same technique for a nationalistic purpose, I was very moved.
And Dear Tun, thank you for your stand on the citizenship rights of non-Malays. As an Indian, it means a lot to me. Generally I can say that non-Malays are not against the Malays. Maybe some bad fruits in the basket tend to stir up issues that make it seem like the sentiment of the majority. I have many Malay friends and they are wonderful people. I think the key is to avoid traversing into areas that are sensitive to people and build relationships based on common values. Having a teh tarik and roti canai with friends of all races is probably the best thing Malaysians can be proud of.
Tun you may not remember, but I used to send you congratulatory messages every 16th July, and I have three written replies from you. Those are truly my treasures, and the day I got to shake your hands for the first time in KL Sentral was the happiest day of my life. The second as last time I got that chance was when I met you in KLCC when you were having a meal at Stone Grill.
Tun, thank you for whatever you have done for us. For me, Malaysia’s Prime Minister is always Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Period.
God bless you.
I’ve been pondering on the demolition theory, and the first thing that crossed my mind was, the charges must’ve been planted since the beginning, when they’re building the WTC. I’ve watched various documentaries about building demolition and all I know was, to demolish a building, you need careful planning and meticulous planting of charges, with the WTC buildings at such scale, and complexity, I wonder how they could accomplish such a feat under the noses of thousands of people.
Conspiracy theories are put to the test. How well do they stand up against the visual simulations of professional engineers? See how science supports official stories and debunks the conspiracies below.
Conspiracy: The collapse was caused by controlled demolition.
Science: The film crew recorded the demolition of a college dormitory building to learn all that is involved in the process of prepping and loading. The first step was to expose the columns in order to attach explosives to them. The World Trade Center had 47 inner core columns that would have needed to be prepared. To cut the steel beams the demolition team used a shape charge, which is piece of copper apportioned to a shape-charged weapon. When an explosive is attached and ignited, the device implodes and forms a stream of liquid copper that cuts through the steel. A demolition of this scale would leave clear evidence behind, but no such traces were found at Ground Zero.
Read more: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/9-11-science-and-conspiracy-4067/conspiracy-vs-science#ixzz0eSR7L0bh
If the matter of 9/11 and its aftermath (the war in Irak) was such an open and shut case, the leader of one of the world’s most powerful nations, one Tony Blair former Prime Minister of Great Britain would not be facing a public inquiry requiring him to justify his decision to go to war in Irak.
The implications of what may be discovered at this open inquiry are far reaching. It could well leave Blair open to prosecution under newly established principles of international law that end impunity for unlawful actions of the apparatus and personnel of government.
Israel’s minister of defence and a number of other current and past leaders of sovereign states already face the threat of arrest and trial under these new principles.
The war has done irrepairable damage to the countries that have and continue to participate in that war. Confidence in the impartiality of countries such as Britain in the middle east and the wider international community may never be restored at leats in the foreseeaable future. Not in the middle east at least.
Israel herself remains sceptical of the intentions of both its allies Britain and the US in this regard.
Regard must be had for the way in which these wars came into existence. They were never in com-pliance with accepted international standards and laws for waging war. The Irak and Afghanistan wars were based on a lie and not a miscalculation or reasonable element of doubt. They were clearly and unequivocally lies aand deception that drove both wars.
The need to widen public interest in government accountability in such respects caannot be understated. A recent poll revealed that more than 60 percent of those polled said they had neither faith in the US government’s version of the events of 9/11 nor did they believe their government’s reasons for the war in Irak and Afghanistan.
You remind many of Michael Moore the film maker who too question 911 and so are many people. This tragic incident happened quite some time already. Don
AssalammuAlaikum Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Rupanya masih ramai belum melihat video The Arrival, oleh Wake Up Project.
sila klik linknya disini :-
Bush and Blair has become hero now.
They have saved Iraqi from Saddam Monster Regime.
It is most appropriate for the Iraqi to say A BIG THANK YOU
to both these Heroes.
Unfortunately All Iraqi cannot travel to US and Britain to say Thanks.
Bush,Blair and family should visits Iraq now,Iraqi are waiting for their Heroes.
The proves of all lies,if these two mother of all evils monsters, meant good ,meant to rescue this Iragi,they should not have fear to visit Iraq.Iraqi,s are waiting for this Big Party.
They are indebted to Bush and Blair.
Bottom line is ,You don,t need a war to kill Saddam.
Don,t have to severe millions of innocents.
Their doings breeds threat to their own people,their own Nations.
How far can this two monsters protect innocent US and British people.Millions of Iraqi will seek revenge even if they pulled out.
British and US must punish these two transexsual that now breeds:
1.Hatred towards British and US
2.Fear their own citizens of travelling.
3.Death of millions of Iraqi
Salam Tun,
I too have sceptical about the 9/11 issue. I too believe Arabs don’t have the tactical capabilities to organized such well planned attack on American soil. And i do believe that the many innocent American died that day and many others after the 9/11 attack, the culprits responsible for it should be put to trial.
We should not question on how the late Saddam lead his country. All these stories on how evil Saddam was either true or fabricated by the people who wants political gains. We can’t really blame Saddam. Iraq and other Arab countries are not and easy place to lead. In Iraq alone there might be hundreds of clans and tribes and each have their own opinions, their own leaders and having their own political gains. And each of these tribes are ruthless,fiece, rapist and killers. To lead a country with so many people like this in it… one might need a dictator to bring them together. When we watch the news, there isn’t much improvement in Iraq since the Americans brought down Saddam but instead death toll increases each day.
I know a few Iraqis living here in Malaysia and they all have different views and opinions about Saddam and not all of them had bad thigs to say about Saddam. When America goes into war, it must benefit on something. Just like the Vietnam war, the American military industry was booming! they spend a lot but they gained even more. Eisenhower calls it Military Industrial Complex.There was also the war in middle east, in which we saw Egypt and Syria attacked Israel back in 1967 but Egypt and Syria was beaten by the intelligence of Israelis.
In 1973, Israel attacked several Gulf states fearing that they will be attacked again. This has lead to US supplying military arms to Israel and Arabs bought their with USSR, it’s all about the money… after the war, the price of oil sky rocketted and who benefit this the most? Yes, large western oil companies. And who could forget the forgettable Korean war. The US supplied the arms so that the Koreans can kill each other. The US might have spend 100billion on the war, but they gain from selling arms and profit from having cheap labours. War actually increases a country’s GDP and income per capita. There would be some casualties but the gain will be tremendous to some. Today US is trying to sell its’ military arms to Taiwan and provoking China at the same time. What are their reasons actually?
In one way i am quite taken aback with your accusation. On the other hand i am not surprised at all. For so long i have been watching you, from the day i started my darjah lima schooling until now after spending some time in the west. To be honest, you didn’t do alot of research. Or probably you have but only according to your believe and agenda. Reading your articles about the west is sometimes frustrating. The west in your opinion are the culprit of destabilisation and unrest around the world. The west according to your believe are always finding ways to destroy other civilisation which could threatening their western way of life. The west according to you are dajjals and jewish colaborators waiting to rule the earth until the kingdom come.
Mr, you have to understand the western way of life and the way they think. In order to achieve that you have to live amongst them. Then you will be able to know what is in thier mind. Another thing that you should take note is there are always a conspiracies theory. From iiluminatis, JFK, Marilyn, moon landing, elvis, beatles, michael jackson and of course twin towers. These people are good at it. Either to fabricate theories or simply making up one. These people like to read and expand thier knowledge or thier imagination beyond bounderies. And thats make them inventors, philosophers, idealist, artist and so on. But we are not like that, especially us Malay. We like to hear gossips and nasty stories about someone and believe it..without doing any research and studies properly (pro and con). That is why we are likes who we are 50 years ago..same old malay.
10 years living among them had given me some insight into their brain. Working with doctors in the NHS, supervising galleys in the Royal Commando Barack, being a jury with some MP’s and ex police chief, discussing bible with the Jehovah Witness and even living amongst the destitute in the poorest neighbourhood had taught me a lots about western culture and thier way of life. Most of them are sincere, honest and compassionate..and of course learned people. One thing for sure, they will never sacrifice thier own in order to achieve something unlike thier extreme muslims friends or enemy as you see it.
In one way i am quite taken aback with your accusation. On the other hand i am not surprised at all. For so long i have been watching you, from the day i started my darjah lima schooling until now after spending some time in the west. To be honest, you didn’t do alot of research. Or probably you have but only according to your believe and agenda. Reading your articles about the west is sometimes frustrating. The west in your opinion are the culprit of destabilisation and unrest around the world. The west according to your believe are always finding ways to destroy other civilisation which could threatening their western way of life. The west according to you are dajjals and jewish colaborators waiting to rule the earth until the kingdom come.
Mr, you have to understand the western way of life and the way they think. In order to achieve that you have to live amongst them. Then you will be able to know what is in thier mind. Another thing that you should take note is there are always a conspiracies theory. From iiluminatis, JFK, Marilyn, moon landing, elvis, beatles, michael jackson and of course twin towers. These people are good at it. Either to fabricate theories or simply making up one. These people like to read and expand thier knowledge or thier imagination beyond bounderies. And thats make them inventors, philosophers, idealist, artist and so on. But we are not like that, especially us Malay. We like to hear gossips and nasty stories about someone and believe it..without doing any research and studies properly (pro and con). That is why we are likes who we are 50 years ago..same old malay.
10 years living among them had given me some insight into their brain. Working with doctors in the NHS, supervising galleys in the Royal Commando Barack, being a jury with some MP’s and ex police chief, discussing bible with the Jehovah Witness and even living amongst the destitute in the poorest neighbourhood had taught me a lots about western culture and thier way of life. Most of them are sincere, honest and compassionate..and of course learned people. One thing for sure, they will never sacrifice thier own in order to achieve something unlike thier extreme muslims friends or enemy as you see it.
Dear Tun
Maybe u hv a good motive in bringing up this issue. I support any effort to criminalise war in any part of the globe, in Iran, in Afghan, North Korea or even in Sri Lanka. US does hv a part in any war event in any part somehow or rather.
Now, at the same time lets not also be laughing stock of the world. We should not say things based on findings of a movie or some sensational documentary. They can be right or wrong. We should try to look at news from both ends.
Now, i am not sure if anyone writing here has ever read the 911 commision report. Is was public document. So that’s bullshit to everyone of us, fine!
Malaysia was quoted in number of pages in the report including how the “hijackers” have come to KLIA just before 911. If US has “set” this whole thing up then we have also helped them in a way to make this perfect movie take off as it should, right? We were guilty too.
Malaysian names was also in the report of Bali and Jakarta incidents? We were also part of this “movie”
Malaysia have some project funded by Bin Laden brother? ” Movie”
All above news about Malaysia is bullshit? Right?
Well good then instead of telling US did this and that, why not do some effort to clear up our country names first?
I agree to any effort making Malaysia as the chief ambassador of peace it should be for the whole world, i am sure we will get a better respect. But sure we have a long way to go…
My beloved Tun,
If u have time,take a look at this website http://www.arrivals.technocrazed.com/
they explain about the freemason and luciferian followers in the US administration.About how one bloodline control us all and the plan for the arrival of Dajjal.
This is agreat initiative from our brothers.
Faiz,Limkokwing University
Dr Mahathir,
If I may,
You need both sides of an equation to balance a formula.
Let me express my deepest appreciation to the Arab civilization
for the formulation of algebraic mathematics. It really
saved my ass in solving a zero to minimum speed closed loop
control application.
Your analysis is unbalanced or should I say not complete.
Saddam Hussein was a murderous dictator of epic proportions.
His resume included the Dujail Massacre, Barzani Abductions, Kurdish
Genocide (al-Anfal Campaign), Marsh Arabs etc. The CIA should not have
supported and allow this monster to become what he became. The Reagen
administration whilst supporting the Iranian campaign was complicit
in crimes against humanity. Now, the Islamic World loves to ‘cherry
pick’ on the West. No one seems to remember or appreciate the Western
aid of the Bosnians’ and the indictment of Milosovich. He is an evil
‘Christian’. Therefore his country must be invaded. On the otherhand.
Saddam is a nice ‘Sunni’ person. Please let him continue using his
‘rape chambers’, chemical gas, butchering his people and invade other
countries. Please allow Iraqis’ to work things out?
The Iraqi quagmire is the result of ignoring evil until it is to big
to contain. The current sectarian violence is the result of Iranian
Revolutionary Guards (Special Forces) and Al Qaeda interferring in Iraq.
Instead of allowing Iraq to normalize. Ahmedinejad is hastening the
return of the ‘Mahdi’. Iranian expeditionary divisions Hezbollah and
Hamas have been mobilized. There is factual documentation of a “neutron
initiator” (UD3) that has been completed. There is no other civil or
commercial application for such a device. Infact, my Palestinian friend
whose uncle is in PLO intelligence has told me that they already have a
nuclear device. I attended a conference yesterday which confirmed my
suspicion. They are trying to compact it, so they can mount it on
a mobile launcher. People may say why shouldn’t Iran have a nuclear
weapon ? Well, let me give you analogy why they shouldn’t. Suppose I
am a ‘Silat Master’ and a two students approached me and asked me to
teach them the deadly portions of the Art. I ask why? The one tells
me that they want to learn to defend their fellow man the other one
tells me he wants to take revenge on someone. Which student would
I impart my knowledge too? Besides if the Sunnis’ are so Pro-Iranian.
Why have the Wahabis’ secretly allowed the Israelis’ to fly over their
territory ?
‘If you do not first empty the cup (opinions and speculations), how can you
taste my cup of tea’ ~ said the zen master
Isaiah 53
1 Who has believed our message
and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
Salam Sejahtera Tun & kpd semua,
For ages the Americans have had been “Brain-wash” by their Corporate’s media. And so does all the other broadcasting tools too are been control by this so call Corporate’s media and they always in-check of all the end products which goes for or means for public consumption.
As the peoples outside USA too are not spared and most are seem to be rather happy to indulge what ever that came from the “Uncle Sam” country.
Some Malaysians too subscribes without question , what ever these globally control corporate’s media disposed. Just because they have succeeded in making the branding kinda of thing such as what ever American or the west… it must be good. They portrayed or position themselves as the most advances and sophisticated nations. As for the rest are labelled as “third world’s”…. poor, backward and many more negative aspect are seem to be associates with the 3rd World countries!!
Well, one’s only needs to question certain thing that come from these western nation. Need some forensic scrutiny of what ever that they try to manifest.
Dear Tun,
Your dis-tractors will always try to discredit you no matter what ever you do or says’s something goods.
It does shows that’s you are still the power to be reckon with. So please carry on. And I do believe you always means good thing for this country…!!Many a thing you have said before may not goes down well some peoples. Or rather they worried sick of your revelation.
May you be Bless with good health and be with us for many more years to come with the best health and a sound mind..!!
Don B.Jeles of RA Bt2 1/2 Simpang Rd.Tpg
This is Bush WAR against Islam.
Blair,Allies are his instrument.
Osama,Saddam are just reasons.
Bush,Blair and his family has limited space to travel.
Fear of their own doings.
We will not welcome them.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sentiasa. Kiriman krn mengulas komen beberapa pengirim di sini dgn izin…..
Ini menjawab sebuah komen dari ‘Idea’ on January 29, 2010 9:17 AM, bukan timbul soal perkauman. Harap ambil perhatian.
If you dread having to tolerate immigrants, think whether the reverse is true. The inevitable thing is we are destined by God to be together. Just as you are destined to live with the family you have. Surely you did not ask for the parents, brothers and sisters you have! You may not even choose them if given a choice.
Tolerance is not the word but acceptance. Do you accept the family you have? Or you tolerate them.
Ini menjawab komen lain (tak payah sebut nama, sibuk dgn bangsa saja)
Tiada orang takut atau gentar Melayu berjaya krn dapat turut tumpang senang. Tambah pula sifatnya (yg dilaungkan) pemurah. Ajaran bodoh ialah kejayaan orang meninggalkan kita. Berniaga untuk untung bukan bermusuh. Faham inilah bila perniagaan tak menjadi, pokok tak berbuah.
Moga bangsa Melayu berjaya krn tekun dan usaha bukan selalu minta khas itu ini saja. Bersatu demi negara. Bersatu demi kemajuan bangsa, bukan menentang orang, yang dilarang agama.
after all this while, there are people still regard it as a religion war. It’s clear stated this is a war for economy reform and there are those who simply just can’t get the big picture after all.
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun dan Bonda,
Mohon maaf & izinkan anaknda,
kepada budak ni,
“zemmy_azli on January 28, 2010 7:47 PM”
bahaya sungguh permintaan hang, budak oi!! hang ni tau ka apa tu “perang”? hang ingat ‘perang’ tu mcm cerita perang yang hang tengok kat tv ka? pum! pang! pum! pang! kaboom!, pihak lawan mati, geng hero menang, pengarah kata ‘Cut!’, pelakon2 yang mampuih tadi pun sengeh2 idup balik!???
tanyala orang tua2 yg pernah lalui zaman perang dulu2 budak oii! ramai yg mati katak dari mati kerana pi perang! nak duduk dalam rumah pun takut kena bom, nak keluaq rumah pun takut kena peluru sesat, nak makan nasi, beras pun tadak. dapat makan ubikayu pun mujoq kalu ada. rumah, jelapang padi, kenderaan kena bakar, radio kena katok pecah, surathabaq buku kena rampas. tu zaman dulu…
hang tengok apa jadi di hiroshima & nagasaki? vietnam? korea? tak lama dulu di iraq? afghanistan? laa ni di palestine? hang ndak lagu tu ka? hang ni kalu aku kata pendek akal, jangan marah. aku rasa hang ni budak lagi, kalau dewasapun, masih berakal budak…
Ya Allah, janganlah Engkau makbulkan permintaan dangkal budak ni…
jangan lah kita terikut2 dgn rentak permainan budak2 nakal yg menyerang gereja @ mengganggu masjid, tempat2 ibadat agama lain & sebagainya. budak2 ni agaknya memang takdak kerja, bosan duduk saja, puas dah main ‘war games’ di computer, & suka nak tengok keadaan jadi huru-hara. lepas tu depa nak ikut sekaki buat onar lagi…kalau kita tengok, yg ditangkap masih dlm awal 20’an, belum matang & tak kenal apa itu kehidupan sebenar…
samala dgn yg dok berdemonstrasi dulu2 masa Tun singkirkan sorang tu, ramai dah matang hari ni & sedar kebenaran tindakan Tun. hari ni orang tu dok melalak sakan di luar negara memburuk2kan negara sendiri dgn harapan orang luar dpt tolong kembalikan kuasanya.. sudah2la tu. kena tuduh kes tidak bermoralpun asyik minta tangguh, kesian yg menanti kebenaran menjelma, asyik kena main, tapi nampak sangat orang tu tak dapat pulak nak ditangguh2 gelojak jiwa gilakan kuasa & nama walaupun nama memang dah beribu kali tercemar…yang menyokong tak takut terpalit cemar?
Islam melarang keras umatnya mengganggu tempat2 ibadat kerana jelas Allah Ta’ala sentiasa memelihara tempat2 begini, ambil contoh tsunami dulu sudahla, masjid, gereja dan tempat2 ibadat tidak terjejas…mengapa kita hambaNya yg lemah cuba pula menimbulkan kekacauan di muka bumi ini. Biarlah pihak berwajib menjalankan tugas mereka.
yang kita wajib lakukan ialah memelihara keamaan yang ada, yang kita warisi dari pejuang2 dahulu. terimalah hakikat kita hidup bermasyarakat majmuk & selamanya kita perlu menyedari, tanpa sesuatu kaum yang wujud di negara kita ini hari ini, bukan Malaysia lah namanya…sedarilah juga bahawa setiap satu negara itu wujud satu bangsa yang terlebih dahulu menetap dan asal disitu sebagai tuan tanah…yang datang kemudian & menumpang lalu atau terus tinggal di situ patut tahu hakikat ini…selagi ini disedari, saling hormat-menghormati hak2 yang ada, barulah akan kekal aman…jangan kita lupa.
Semuga Ayahnda Tun & Bonda sentiasa di dalam peliharaan Allah SWT selalu hendaknya…
just my brain wave…
you deserve a nobel price for your extraordinary intelligent
Now Blair faces question on War in Iraq
Protesters ask for civilian arrests for Blair.
Bush should join him in this questioning,
How can Bush left his good friend behind,left him to be question alone. There are available next flight to Britain.
Upon proven guilty I personally will sponsor both of them,
Bush and Blair a First Class seat to Iraq.
World can,t you see the facts
Not just Weapons of Mass Destruction,
even to Fight Grounds,Naval nor Air Defense
Iraq are helpless compared to US or Britain military capabilities.
Accusing them of WMD,it take a Big Liar like Bush and Blair
and a Real Idiot will make to believes.
Bush,Blair your First Class Seat to Iraq on me.
Assalamualaykum Ayahanda Tun,
Semoga minda Ayahanda dipelihara ALLAH selalu.
The satanic hands that destroyed Vietnam, Hiroshima and Nagasaki and now the destruction of Afganistan and Iraq are proved that they would continue killing every soul to satisfy their desire. If they can’t create a reason outside their land, they will initiate it from within.
Dear American, braced yourselves to face this satanic challenge. 9/11 was an example where the conspirator fooled mr.bush and mr.blair into their blairdy bushy conspiracy. mr.blair and mr.bush were mere opportunists who used the 9/11 tragedy to build their dream of becoming king iblis.
Yesterday, I saw the british Iraqi inquiry live on Euronews and when mr.blair appeared on TV, my body tremble and the feeling of disgust and dispair was uncontrollable. Only ALLAH knows how much pain the Iraqi would feel when they witness the inquiry.
p/s Remember the famous last episode of shoe throwing and the recent blackwater acquittal by the american court.
Salam azman
Salam Hormat Tun,
Saya memohon izin untuk menurunkan komen ini:
Saya bukan lawyer dan perkara ini sedikit “off-topic” tetapi ramai pemberi komen telah bercakap mengenai “Human Rights.”
Saya ingin memgambil kesempatan untuk menyatakan kepada pelawat Tun yang lain bahawa negara-negara OIC, termasuk Malaysia, telah merumus dan menerima “Deklarasi Kaherah Mengenai Hak Asasi Manusia di Dalam Islam” ataupun nama formalnya, The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, CDHRI, [pautan pada laman UNESCO] pada 1990.
Negara-negara OIC mengambil tindakan ini kerana the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR, [pautan pada laman UN] yang kini sudah digunapakai lebih 60 tahun mengandungi beberapa kepincangan dari kacamata Islam.
UDHR dirumus oleh satu jawatankuasa yang diketuai Eleanor Roosevelt, [pautan pada UN] balu Franklin Roosevelt yang menjadi presiden Amerika Syarikat ketika mulanya Perang Dunia Kedua, pada 1948. Jawantankuasa ini dianggotai sembilan orang ternama yang tidak satupun yang berugama Islam.
Perlu diingat bahawa ketika itu dunia sedang mengalami banyak krisis politik — “Perang Dingin” dan potensi konfrantasi nuklear, kemaraan Mao Tse Tung di China, konflik Arab-Israel, kemusnahan ekonomi Jepun, Jerman dan banyak negara lain akibat peperangan, permulaan perpecahan empayar British, dan sebagainya.
Orang Islam tidak begitu senang dengan UDHR yang disanjung sebagai satu deklarasi “sejagat” kerana ianya (UDHR) mengandungi beberapa konsep dan pemikiran “Judeo-Christian.” Ini tidak menghairankan kerana sebahagian besar penderaf UDHR menganuti atau menerima kepercayaan tersebut. Pada pendapat OIC, UDHR tidak mengambil kira kepercayaan mereka yang tidak berugama Kristian ataupun mereka yang memegang ideologi lain, walaupun seorang ahli jawantankuasa datang dari China dan seorang dari (dahulunya) Soviet Union.
Eleanor Roosevelt menyedari hakikat ini dan telah berkata, The Arabs & Soviets may balk — the Arabs for religious reasons, the Soviets for political ones. We will have trouble at home for it can
Assalammualaikum Dr M ,
i would like to start my comment today with one question ; “even if all of these is true, what can We do ? ”
I watched the movie avatar for the first time yesterday and yes the visual effect was interesting and so now my curiosity of what is the big fuss about this multi million dollar Hollywood production is answered. But while i was watching it, i couldn’t help but to compare how the plot is loosely similar to what is occurring in the West Bank .
The Humans (Zionist) killing the avatar people (Palestinians) & demolishing their homeland (Palestine) and how the avatar people can only protect themselves by visiting the place where their prayers are done & sometimes answered; (Al-aqsa mosque)
This is just my personal opinion.
Regarding the 9/11 “play” that was screened on tv worldwide , i think it was one of the best script written by the zionist. It was good but not flawless. Why i say that it was a “play” is because there are too many questions going around about how, why, when, who,where & what about this incident and surprisingly, the America was very quick to come up with accusations, names of “terrorist” and basically details that leads to this terror. Never have i seen a case that has been “solved” that quick and never have i seen “terrorist” being so unprofessional to leave trails behind.
I think, based on your vast experience, you can understand and follow to where i am going.
We all know why the Pearl Harbour was attacked, why the Vietnam war was created and why Iraq was invaded. And until today, i am and still very much thankful to Allah that Malaysian is still at peace despite the undying effort of the outsiders that has been trying their very best to divide and conquer us just like what had happened to Singapore and the Philippines. This holy war has begun a long long time ago but for us Malaysian, Muslims and Malays out there can’t seem to believe of the possibilities that it in fact Has begun. Maybe because we are too busy worshiping idols of “Akedemi Fantasia” instead of worshiping Allah or too eager to to be glamour instead of being educated and knowledgeable. I remember how you said that we Malaysians hardly read books.
Now we can see that the US dollar is getting weak and China is being hailed as the next Superpower and Israel still gets away with killing hundreds of Palestinians daily.
I do not wish for Malaysia to be divided like how the “outsiders” wants us to and i purely think that if we Malaysians still understand the meaning of prejudice, then there shall not be Unity. This is the BEST time for the Muslims and Malays in Malaysia to unite and stand as one, before it is too late. Ministers also should act and do their job with sincerity as what they were appointed as ” Wakil Rakyat” and make the voters vote, worth.
Duit dan harta boleh dicari, Negara yang bersatu tak boleh diganti.
Assalammualaikum Godpa Tun Mahathir
Support the Truth
I support your Point of View for the Truth diplomatically for the sake of both the innocent Lives and good Samaritans around the World regardless of their race or religion !!!
The Truth is that the World Trade Centre in New York did Collapsed and the Wars was started based on Not the Truth Facts and Wrong Findings !!!
Warmest regards
Egyptian Princess ( BL )
Salaam and Blessings of Allah to Tun and family.
I have been following the unfolding of the truths behind the Sept.11 2001 event for the past 2 years.
For truth on 9-11,go to AE911Truth.org.
Link it to every architect and engineer you know around the globe.
Dr. Norshinah
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Minta izin sedikit Tun.
To commenter Idea, many thanks you for kind mention. Firstly I must say that no one is lower class or middle lower class here my friend and if you say you are one than that makes two of us. Frankly there is no rich or poor, just needs and greed. I was just making a point. Really, if you stand that middle lower ground as claimed, then you may find me there too with you.
Secondly my comments on the US policies are a direct respond to losing two good high school friends over their oil warfare. Good friends who befriended me even though I am a bit
AsSalamualaikum wbt.Tun,Salamun Salaman,
17:80 Say ” O my Lord ! Let my entry by the gate of truth and honour, and likewise my exit by the gate of truth and honour ; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid.”
I invite you to embrace ISLAM and may ALLAH guide us to the truth, ameen.
Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi waba rokatuh..
Semoga di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
Good ol’ Prof Ridcully..
Every time I read your well informed articles, I feels so small.It is most humbling experience..But I consoled myself saying the good ol’ ( not old, mind you )Prof_R article just complementing mine.Mine the uneducated one and he the educated and intellectual version.You are very busy person Prof_R..that much I know.So taxing you and Tun to whimsical wish and request is unwarranted but in this turbulent time, the information and stories of Snouck Hurgronje is very much appreciated.Truly hope you and Tun consider my request..:) Thank you.
Asm dan selamat sejahtera,
Menurut pendapat seorang ulama dari Trinidad and Tobago, Ya’juj dan Ma’juj telah pun bertebaran diserata pelusuk dunia. Mereka telah terlepas dari pagar yang dibina oleh Zulkarnain yang diceritakan dalam surah Al-kahfi pada zaman Rasulullah lagi( 700 masihi)]]
Minta maaf saudara.Saya berpendapat hal ini tidak benar.Kalau kita tekun mengkaji dan mengamalkan Surah Al Kahfi yang di baca setiap hari Jumaat, kita akan dapati “pandangan Nur Allah ” bagi mukmin, dan “pandangan mata hati bagi muslim akan mendapati tembok dan bukan pagar yang di bina adalah dalam alam dimensi yang lain.
Ambil contoh kolam Raudhah Rasullulah s.a.w…Rasullulah s.a.w bersabda maqam Baginda s.a.w yang mulia adalah di dalam Taman Syurga di mana kolam Raudhah itu terletak.Hal ini pernah di saksikan sendiri oleh para wali dan orang pilihan Allah bahawa mereka pernah melihat kolam ini berdekatan maqam Baginda s.a.w..walaupun di dalam
alam dan dimensi yang lain melalui kurnia Allah dan kebolehan diri mereka yang berbeza itu.Kita?..jangan haraplah nak nampak!!..:(
Jadi..hal yang sama juga adalah benar dalam tembok Zulkurnain ini..
“Maka tuangkanlah campuran besi dan tembaga itu”..Perhatikan hebatnya teknologi di Zaman itu di mana campuran besi dan tembaga dapat menutup ruang di antara dua gunung itu dan memenjarakan Yaqjuj dan Maqjuj..
Yaqjuj dan Maqjuj adalah dua kaum yang amat buas.Mustahil tembok biasa dapat menghalang dan memenjarakan mereka..Di dalam Al Quran terlalu banyak cerita-cerita ghaib yang benar..Jika kita tak berdaya melihat dengan “pandangan mata hati” rugilah kita..Dan jika kita dapat melihat dengan Nur Allah
amat beruntunglah kita..
Nasihat saya marilah kita menuju pandangan melihat dengan Nur Allah maka kita dapat menilai kehebatan sebenar Al Quran dan menyedari mana-mana individu yang cakap kosong sahaja atau mereka yang ada kebolehan dari kurnia Allah ini..
Akhir kata hayati rahsia yang pernah di ceritakan kepada saya oleh seorang mukmin..
“Kalimah Al Quran yang di ucapkan oleh seseorang, boleh kita kenal dengan cahaya yang keluar bersama-samanya..Cahaya yang berlainan pula bila hadith di ucapkan..Kata-kata yang kosong tiada apa-apa cahaya dan kita boleh kenal mereka yang kejam dan zalim yang cuba mencampur adukkan kebenaran dengan kebatilan!!”
Terima kasih Tun..
Dear Tun,
Congratulations for the bold stance. The explanation for your action is far more than acceptable.
I am one of those who are described as the struggling lower middle by ‘kamal ahmad’. Or I might even be in the lower class given the forthcoming bleak economic conditions. The infamous proposal for fuel price revision, if not carefully scrutinized, will plunge many people deep into financial difficulties. The fuel price hike like last time will undoubtedly trigger negative multiplier effect.
On another note, I believe tolerance has been a prominent characteristic of the indigenous people of the Malay Archipelago. The granting of citizenship to the immigrants is a notable example. However, the recent contention over several sensitive issues might be an indication of the Malay’s being overly tolerant.
Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
your comments alway make a difference to people’s paradigm. You have the courage to share all difference oppinions regardless popular or not. As long as it is “true” from your perception, then you shared. That is the real lacking in current leader. Current leader in the world now days just like to share the popular decision, not the other one.
Terima Kasih
Mazelan Abas
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Tolong kami, bantu kami
Anak anak yatim piatu,
kalau tuan hati mulia,
bantu kami dengan rela.
Seperti anak yg punya ibu dan bapa.
Sepotong lagu dari Allahyarham Tun P.Ramlee
Marilah kita berusaha membangunkan martabat islam
bersama negara islam terdekat dahulu,Indonesia dan Brunei
dalam economy,ketenteraan,bersatu padu,satu suara,satu arah.
Membina siratulrahim yg ikhlas,mesra dan jujur.
Menjadi contoh,membuka mata dunia arab yg kurap.
Bersatu kita membela nasib anak anak yatim,
yg dizalami di Iraq,Palestine,Afganistan.
Ya Allah bantuilah kami,supaya dapat kami membela nasib
saudara kami yg dizalimi.Ya,Allah lindungilah mereka.
Pelihara anak anak yatim,yg tidak ada arah tujuan.Amin.
Dear Tun, Referring to your statement that leaders in GLC who has reached retirement age should retire, no matter how good they are.However,we can see that top leaders in Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) are yet to retire even though they have far exceeding retirement age.What is your comment on that? Tq
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
To prove beyond even a single shred of reasonable doubt that it was probably the Mossad who had perpetrated this heinous 9/11 crime with the CIA would be near impossible. For even if there may exist 0.01% of possibility than it is no longer impossible to any probability, and that line goes for both side of the observations. This could go on till eternity ends upon humanity and we would still be accusing each other unfinished. But we have demonstrated to the cyber world that Tony Blair is a bloody liar of the highest order. He together with Bush and the IAEA al Baradei had lied to humanity and even to God in saying that Saddam had WMD and the capability to marshal his missiles in less than 45 minutes for England and The EU. When the lies finally spill on them, Blair claims they were doing it to end Saddam despotic rule of Iraq. Like what Tun had said, to remove a single dictator at the expenses of 300,000 Iraqi lives don
Dear YAB Tun, salam mesra harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk seri tajuk ini dgn izin….
We should not cover up a heinous crime as it will encourage repeats. True! For those ‘mudah lupa’ remember this was the cry by opposition to the attack on the Lord President and Anwar.
Anwar and the Judiciary was based on suspicious witness testimony and court composition. Despite protests and demonstrations on conspiracy from the very beginning there is no inquiry, only a guided trial. Sept 11 has a global audience and witness and the world is its court. It was not mired with accusation of conspiracy in the beginning.
We believe the case against Anwar and Judiciary with so little (evidence and support) but doubt the public version of Sept 11 with so much (info and proof)? Should we bluntly doubt the court of world opinion (Sept 11) and blindly accept the court of ‘L…gam’ companion.
The M’sian public need to know is far different from accusing others of a crime (Sept 11) The opposition did the same for Anwar and Judiciary (need to know). If they were called heretics, mavericks, recalcitrant, chauvinists, don
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah dan salam sejahtera,
Salam hormat Ayahanda Tun Mahathir, kami semua bersamamu,
Seperkara bagi permulaan kepada seribu rahsia,
mereka-mereka itu paling TAKUT apabila:
bani melayu,
rumpun melayu,
nusantara melayu,
kepulauan melayu,
yang berdarah melayu,
apa sahaja yang ada kaitan dengan melayu,
rakan-rakan melayu,
banjaran-banjaran melayu,
gunung-ganang melayu,
dan semuanya berkenaan dengan melayu;
MELAYU telah mula;
1. Mengenali siapa itu Melayu?
2. Apa itu Melayu?
3. Apa itu Mala-hu
4. Apa itu Malai-euir?
5. Apa itu Malai-yo
6. Apa itu Malai?
7. Apa itu Hi-Malai-ya
8. Apa itu Hi-Malai-a’?
9. Apa itu bajaran Hi-Malai-a’
10. Apa itu Orang Banjar?
11. Apa itu Orang Banjaran,
12. Apa itu Banjaran Himalaya,
13. Apa itu Banjaran Titiwangsa,
14. Apa itu Banjar-an Titi-Wang-Ser?
15. Apakah kaitan Banjaran Hi-Malai-Ya dengan Banjaran Titi-Wang-Ser?
16. Apakah kaitan unjuran Banjaran Hi-Malai-Ya dengan Banjaran Titi-Wang-Ser?
17. Apakah pula kaitan antara unjuran Banjaran Hi-Malai-Ya dengan Banjaran Besar Titi-Wang-Ser sehingga kepada unjuran Banjaran Karka, Banjaran Karkata, Banjaran Karkataka atau Banjaran Krakatoa,
18. Apakah yang membuatkan mereka akan mula takut?
19. Mula takut tetapi masih tidak takut,
20. Kenapa mereka mula takut tetapi tidak takut?
kerana Melayu tidak thu apa itu Melayu,
21. ‘The School of Oriental Studies’ in America tahu apa itu Melayu.
21. ‘The School of Oriental Studies’ in France tahu apa itu Melayu.
22. ‘The School of Oriental Studies’ in Europe tahu apa itu Melayu.
23. Daerah yang mula-mula di pelajari oleh ‘The School of Oriental Studies’ adalah daerah-daerah yang menghubungkan Melayu dengan Sungai dan Laut.
24. ‘The School of Oriental Studies’ tahu apa itu Orang Darat, Orang Sungai, Orang Laut.
25. Mereka semuanya ada bertandang ke sini, bertandang di tempat tuan rumahnya rumpun melayu serumpun.
26. Mereka bertandang, menilik dan memerhati gerak geri Melayu,
28. Mereka bertandang dengan bahasa Melayu, menilik dengan mengguna bahasa Melayu, berkata-kata dan menulis dengan Bahasa Melayu,
29. Tetapi mereka belum bersedia untuk menerima sehingga tiada mereka tiada melayu dan tiada apa serta sekaligus menerima segala pemula bagi segala kunci rahsia;
30. dengan Idzin Allah, “La ila ha ill’Allah, Muhammadar Rasul Allah” (tiada Tuhan selain Allah, Muhammad rasul Allah).
salam hormat,
Mula mula gereja diganggu.
Kemudian surau dan masjid pula diganggu.
Bila la nak perang ni?
Hey guys, do yourself a favour. Check out http://WWW.QUESTION911.COM. Read the points raised at the bottom of the page. Watch lots of FREE 911 videos found there. My recommendation is 911 Loose Change 2nd Edition n 911 In Plane Site. Watch other videos as needed. After u finish watching, I have no doubt u will find it difficult to accept the official US 911 Commision report as being what actually happened.
Spread the word out about this website.
Dengan izin Tun,
I don’t mean to comment too often but I feel that I need to challenge some unsubstantiated and ill-informed statements made by this ignoramus:
I’ll deal with what you said about Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) first and then deal with the other asinine comments you made.
You said, Frankly speaking,your prophet(pbuh) also encourage killing of unbelievers and the Jews.
What you say above is pure garbage.
The Quraysh idolators persecuted the Muslims until they had to flee Makkah to Madinah. Upon reaching Madinah, one of the first things the Prophet (pbuh) did was to write a constitution, a covenant, the Sahifah of Madinah, clearly laying out the reponsibilities of the Muslims and their relations not only to Jews, but also other pagan Arabs in Madinah. The rights of Jews and the pagans were guaranteed and they were given protection as long as they did not try to harm the Muslims: Anyone from among the Jews who joins us shall have our support and share equal rights with us, and shall suffer no oppression and fearing no alliance against them.
True, Jews had been executed by the early Muslims in Madinah. Jews from the Qurayzah tribe in Madinah (who were initially neutral and had signed the Sahifah) were executed after the Battle of the Ditch but only because of their treacherous behaviour during the battle. They had pledged to be faithful to the Sahifah and remain neutral in the battle between the Muslims and the Makkans but they violated the neutrality and in fact threatened the Muslims from the rear. The punishment was not decided by the Prophet (pbuh) but by a traditional Madinan Arab ally of the Jews (who was chosen by the Jews themselves to decide on the punishment). The Jews had hoped that their old Arab ally would choose a merciful sentence but keeping to the practice of the time, he, unfortunately for the Jews of Qurayzah, chose beheading as the punishment for the treachery.
Nonetheless, writing in the Institute of Jewish Affairs Reports Martin Kramer, a Jewish American academic currently residing in Jerusalem, says, One is that the Islamic tradition did not hold up those Jews who practiced treachery against Muhammad as archetypes
Should we launch our Royal Commission to find out whether America has staged 9/11 event??
Come on, Dr. M. I normally respect you as the country great leader. Please do Malaysia a favour. It is staged or not staged, it has no bearing on Malaysia. There are more urgent things that Malaysia has to look into. How about we start work on clearing up the corruption within BN? How about bringing some improvement to our education system? How about improving our health care in the country? How about preparing for our future generation? Our oil well is drying up, these loyalty money that goes into all the different oil producing state has not been used to build the necessary infrastructure for the future? Why not spend some time working for our future generation? Whether American staged the 9/11 to justify the war on muslim, that is none of our concern. Whether the report that says Saddam has the capability to launch an attack within 45 minutes, that is again none of our concern. Whether Blair and Bush lied, that is none of our concern. We have enough things to worry about within our household, there is really no time for us to mingle with someone else’s business.
Salam TUN yang di Kasihi,
May I established my utter shock and disbelief and puzzle over those who choose to believe George Bush on who carried out 9/11.
Dont they know that George Bush is the SILLIEST President US ever had. He’s the joke of the nation from day one he sits in the oval ofice. Every standup comedian and talk show never fail to make a joke or two about George Bush in their show or talk.
Some of them or most of those who believes in George Bush seems intelligent and educated, but like I say I’m shock as to how they can accept and believe that what Joker Bush says is the truth.
Have these people been hypnotise or what by George Bush and the gang. Maybe GB can fool some people some of the time, but surely he cannot fool all the people all the time.
Why do you think Collin Powell did not join Bush in his second term as President.? Simply because he was made to look like a fool going right up to UN Security Council with weak pre fabricated so called evidence in Arabic which Collin himself does not understand in order to attack Iraq. (WMD)If those intelligent and educated ones still remember what I m talking about.
As for the attack at the Pentagon, the target was the kindergarten,
why not the Generals Office or the Ops Ctr.???
Care to ponder why???
Now Tun Dr Mahathir has got the courage and guts to stand up and tell the world as to what He feels is a crime that should not go unpunish, and most of all He would like to tell the American so as not to hate Muslim as the Muslim are not the real terrorist on 9/11.
Has any other world figure done what Tun did?
Lets hope more other world leaders will join Tun in his search for the real culprit and mastermind of 9/11.
Please dont give credit to Osama and gang for they dont deserved it.
It was such a massive highly sophisticated precise operation that can be executed only by those with high technology and contacts on every dept involves.
And what happen to the third building that also went down that dreadful day but was not mentioned at all by the main broadcaster.
It was not hit by any aircraft.
Even The Concorde which hit a building in Europe long time ago, the building did not collapse if you smart people can recall.
As Nik Aziz and Anwar Ibrahim who says its okay for non Muslim in Malaysia to use the word ALLAH, these two are not aware of the long term plan of the Kafirun on our future generation. And they call themselves leaders.
Please beware of these two personalities who are not visionaries, obviously. And for Nik Aziz tell him that the word Allah has already been abused by them if he has not realised it.
Salam Tun.
Salam TUN.
YABhg Tun’
The punch has really gone into their belly ! Those who are ignorant about what the migrant europeans are capable of are ignorant about the Bad History they had invented before. Why are the rest of the peace-loving nations cant see the real thruth behind the lies that these leaders invented and concorded on or it is simply because they know they cant do much on the limited resources and strength that they have now. But at least they must find a thruth. We know who are their masters and who are their servants behind the conspiration. The hatred on muslims that evolved since the downfall of constantinople by ottoman is a well planned matrix to suit the tragic event of today. We believed not to ask a scorpian why it bite and we believed not to argue why the snake swallow a frog because the answer is naturally they are. Same goes all the way why these naturally evil creatures are created for by the one God. They refuse to repent and should not be forgiven ! They are condemmed but yet they still stand today is due to the fact that they are the accountability factors of bad history on mankind for the human race to ponder on and on. Somehow the warriors of thruth would definitely win at the end. As In God We Believed. As for now we have to seek and find the strength we needed to support the good americans that has not been bias to show the real fact of ground zero !
Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi (1138-1193), the Hero of Al-Quds was of Kurdish blood from Azarbaijan. His grandfather settled in Tikrit, Baghdad. For 27 fighting years Salahuddin was on horseback much of the time.
After the taking of Constantinople from the crusaders in 1453 by Mehmet, the Ottoman sultan, sporadic wars continued on. There are conflicting accounts as to when the crusades ended. Billings (1990) put it as far as 1798 meaning a span of 700 years.
In June 1798 Napoleon, on his way to Egypt, sailed to Malta and subdued the 332 crusader knights bastioned there. In Egypt Napoleon was known to enjoy the company of viziers and many an evening he presided over open-air court cases. He was a Muslim according to certain sources. He died in exile on St Elba.
Note: Salahuddin fortress in the mountains north east of Latakia, Syria is a reminder of his legacy. When I visited the fortress 6 years ago it is a favourite tourist site though not much of the fortress architecture remained.
Salam Tun,
i’ve watched The Arrivals made up by Wakeup Projects Team. They find out that OSAMA LADEN is a CIA Agent name Tim Osman.
I also wonder why the mighty super duper USA with their very expert CIA, CSI team can find Saddam Hussein, and all the Al-Qaeda Leader even in wormholes. But they can’t find Osama Laden even this Osama published so many video..
If Osama is in Yemen, why they didn’t attacked Yemen. Besides, they keep attacking Taliban (not of Al-Qaeda network) and Iraqis..
I wonder how i wonder why, yesterday you told me ’bout the blue, blue sky
Dear Tun,
I think it is really very tough when you were once a Premier of our Malaysian flag. You can say this, you can’t say that, you must do this, you must not do that, and so on. I wonder how do we Malaysian follow our leaders? It seems that our leaders must listen to the people more than the people listen to the leaders. What kind of a leadership is this?
I support your leadership because you do not allow turn you into the puppet that they want you to be. They say ex PM can’t say such thing as this and that. Your ADAMANTLY leadership which has brought us so much successful prowess. I think you should consider about combating some of your thinking enemies such as Lim Kit Siang whose so loudly telling people that you are this and that.
What is so wrong about you telling people about 9/11 when Americans themselves discuss this matters all year long. Most people can only react on other people thinking rather than take action on evil doings because they are terrified of what might happen to them.
Keep on Tun, Godspeed…until you hit the right button that might trigger the right reaction for the peace of our world.
How does questioning 9/11 make one ‘anti-Christian’? Tun is simply affirming a valid point of view that is shared by a vast section of the global community and indeed a large section of the American population. There is simply too much evidence pointing the ‘other way’; and to casually sweep these facts under the carpet is offensive to the memory of those who died in the tragedy.
Here are some good starting points:
When Tun wrote his thoughts on what everyone of us saw, some people don
Asm dan selamat sejahtera,
Menurut pendapat seorang ulama dari Trinidad and Tobago, Ya’juj dan Ma’juj telah pun bertebaran diserata pelusuk dunia. Mereka telah terlepas dari pagar yang dibina oleh Zulkarnain yang diceritakan dalam surah Al-kahfi pada zaman Rasulullah lagi( 700 masihi). Ini adalah konsisten dengan sejarah dimana satu kaum yang dinamakan Khazar yang bukan berasal daripada nabi Ibrahim telah mengaku dan memeluk agama kaum yahudi sekitar 1000 Masihi.
Jika dibelek sejarah dari 1000 masihi sehingga sekarang, kebanyakan pemberontakan utama di eropah dan sebagainya, seperti perang dunia, kebanyakannya berpunca dari kaum ini.
Berdasarkan penelitian saya, Allah swt telah membuat pelbagai kiasan dan maksud yang tersirat di dalam Al-Quran. Pemahaman yang amat terhad di dalam bahasa Arab telah menyebabkan makna yang tersirat di dalam sesuatu ayat tersebut telah tidak dapat difahami oleh kebanyakkan yang tidak fasih dalam bahasa tersebut. Walaubagaimanpun pembacaan Al-Quran yang menyeluruh dan konsisten termasuk tafsirnya sekali akan membuka kepada maksud sebenar yang cuba disampaikan oleh Allah swt. Seperti conton di atas, Ya’juj dan Ma’juj juga bermaksud seseorang/sesuatu bangsa yang suka melakukan kebinasaan dan akan dibinasakan. Manakala Zulkarnain daripada surah Al-kahfi bukanlah nama sebenarnya, tetapi lebih kepada bermaksud seseorang yang menguasai pada 2 masa. Apabila dikaji lebih lanjut terdapat 2 pendapat utama tentang siapakah zulkarnain tersebut. satunya ialah Alexander the great dari Macedonia yang memerintah sekitar 300 BC dan juga Cyrus the Great ( Cyrus of Persia) sekitar 500BC. walaubagaimanapun saya lebih bersetuju dengan pendapat yang kedua berdasarkan kepada sumber2 mengenai kisah peribadi tokoh2 tersebut.
Pagar yang dibina oleh zulkarnain tersebut sekarang berada di negara Georgia, dimana negara tersebut sedang mengalami puak pemberontak yang telah menubuhkan negara baru dikenali sebagai Abkhazia. Pembersihan etnik telah berlaku dinegara tersebut sekitar 1990an tetapi jarang diwarwarkan di media massa dimana sekitar 200,000 ke 300,000 penduduk Georgia dibunuh. Adakah mereka ini adalah sebahagian daripada puak yang dipagar oleh zulkarnain tersebut?
Apa yang saya cuba utarakan ialah pendapat dari tokoh Trinidad dan Tobago tersebut kena dengan apa yang berlaku disekeliling kita sepertimana H. Ford mengulas tentang Protokol yang kena dengan apa yang berlaku di sekelilingnya pada zaman beliau.
Mesej2 mereka kepada puak puak mereka disampai secara halus menerusi filem seperti The Matrix dan sebagainya, disamping mengelirukan pemikiran golongan golongan yang menontonnya secara di bawah sedar. Secara tidak langsung perjuangan mereka disampaikan dari sudut yang positif dilayar perak walaupun realiti sebenarnya adalah sebaliknya. Ini juga adalah konsisten dengan perangai Dajjal yang mengambarkan api sebagai air dan sebaliknya.
Adakah kita masih terlena yang kita sedang hidup dizaman nya( Y & M dan D).
Salam YAB Tun,
Any story sounds true until someone tells the other side and sets the record straight.
The character of even a child can be known by the way he acts – whether what he does is pure and right.
A fortune can be made from cheating, but there is a curse that goes with it.
Because the wicked are unfair, their violence boomerangs and destroys them.
Petikan sumber : The proverbs of Solomon.
Asalammualaikum Tok Det,
Show Title: THE MAKING OF 9/11
1. George Running Around The Bush
2. Small Dick Cheney
3. Tony Blaze
Guest Star:
1. Hamid Banzai
2. Nouri Al Malicking
3. Jalal Tala’ Belani
Supporting Actor By Special Appearance:-
1. Osama Bin Laden
2. Saddam Hussien
3. Muqtada’ As Sdr
Casting: MOSSAD Intelligence
Promoter: CNN & BBC
Poster Designer: CIA
Producer: IMF
Director: Ehud Speilberg
(from Carina Storrs, How Effective are Misinformation Campaigns… ScientificAmerican January 18, 2010)
ScientificAmerican.com became interested in the idea of misinformation because of the Iranian media reportedly saying that the U.S. and Israel were involved in the assassination of the physicist in Iran. Does this example play into distrust of Iranians in the U.S.?
I think that is really an important issue to look at. In my view, it’s not at all clear yet that those reports [by the Iranian media] are totally absurd. The chances are probably pretty good that it’s absurd, but we have too many examples where our government in the past has been involved in various kinds of undesirable and secretive activities…
The life-saving part of it is that falsehoods will [eventually] be recognized as that by enough people so as to discredit them. [One example is] the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. There will be some people that will never change but, over time, as long as you have sort of a free and open society, enough information comes out so that people do start seeing the falsehoods and the old claims start losing credibility.
salam Tun,
keluar topik lagi…
DSAI is such a good actor he should be nominated for an Oscar or Pelakon Lelaki Terbaik for the upcoming Anugerah Bintang Popular BH.
Kenapalah mamat ni tak jadi pelakon dari dulu,mesti dah jadi pelakon lelaki tahap lagenda gaban.
Orang2 dia pun sendiri dah ramai yg mula sedar betapa hebatnya mutu lakonan dia ni.
Tentunya kalau dia berjaya jadi PM (doa minta dijauhkan) maka hari2 kita boleh tengok sandiwara dan lakonan real-life ala2 Avatar,Wag The Dog,War Inc.dll.Malaysia boleh jadi mcm Hollywood!
Tun Mahathir,
Salam dengan penuh hormat.
The truth and a lie are both infinite. We apply it for our own reasons either for good or for bad intentions. We also undesrstand on the theory and the dyamics of every action, good or bad will be met with an equal reaction, good=good and bad=bad, a simple equation.
Islam has forewarned us of dosa and pahala and we bare the consequences of our action.
As civilised being but with many faults,we now depend on the court of law for justice. As it is, a court of law is no better than a fish market. Poor judges, they cannot administer justice unless there are evidence and witnesses and free from foreboading technicalities. The lawyers make the most of this and rejoiced when a criminal is set free on technical grounds and the poor victim will go on crying thinking that justice is meant for the victim.
Consequence to the 9/11, the truth is coming out. Bush and Blair the war masters are definitely father/mother of all criminals and they are scot free. Despite of the circumstantial evidence, no courts of justice in the world is capable of administering justice for the dead and I pray Tun, that your group efforts will get stronger and more support from all parts the world.
I am sure that the dynamic of Bush and Blair’s action will also work on them. No doubt that they will continue to put up a bold pretence but in their heart of hearts, they know they have done wrong, they might want a second chance but funny,they did not realised that they have donated their hearts to the zionist devils.
My heart will go for Bush and Blair’s childrens and the generations that will follow after them. May they be strong enough to carry the family’s name and have the heart to study world history and understand how their Grandy slautered the Iraqies including Saddam’s childrens.
Hopefully,one out of many of Bush and Blair’s generation to come will not donate their heart to the Zionist devil and be bold enough to opologise for the wrongful deed of his/her grandy and continue to work on to lighten the cursed name of Bush and Blair.
I am also hinting at our local lad who have been clamouring to carry Bush and Blair’s long tails and to remind them not to sell off their heart to the zionist devil as the simple equation will work on them too.
Wallah wa’lam.
Semoga di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
Why the name? I think you want to pun it in order to have fun..
[[When i mention terrorist,what i’m referring to is the Muslim terrorists.]]
And conveniently ignores the existence of Kafirian Terrorist..The biggest Terrorist of them all..
[[Anjem Choudary,an imam and founder of Islam4UK based in London,has publicly advocated not to befriend with the unbelievers and urge the Muslim community there not to abide by the British Law.]]
This must be a study case by case.
[[He also stated that Sharia Law must replace the man-made law and homosexual must be killed.What a crap!I’m not supporting the homosexual group,but who is he to say such things]]
I agrees.That is not what his opinion.He just states what my Rasul s.a.w decree that have been told by Allah to uphold.Feels free to disagree even the Islamic faith itself.
[[These are just few examples and the lists go on.I know that not all Muslims are terrorist and I believe that most Muslims are peace-loving people,but the question is why most terrorists are Muslim]]
Again..convieniently looking the other way where non Islamic Terrorist are concerns??
[[“Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those people are witless. Islam says: ‘Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all!’ Does this mean that Muslims should sit back until they are devoured by the infidel? Islam says: ‘Kill them, put them to the sword and scatter them.’ Islam says: ‘Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword.’ The sword is the key to Paradise, which can be opened only for the Holy Warriors! Does all this mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.”]]
I agrees that most so called ‘clerics’ have tarnished the real Islam and Islamic values..Those qoute is not from the real Islamic teaching.I spit too upon those foolish souls who make such a claim under Islam holy name!!
[[The question is,where were you to denounce and condemn their terror acts when the non-Muslims minorities are being oppressed and persecuted by Muslim thugs on the daily basis in Islamic countries.]]
Those question reflected back to you.Where were you to denounce and condemn their terror acts when the Muslims minorities are being oppressed and persecuted by Kafirian thugs on the daily basis in non-Islamic countries – Kashmir,Chechen..etc..etc )
[[FYI,Islamic countries such as Arab Saudi,Eqypt,Iran,Libya and Pakistan have the worst human right record.]]
According to your values,a male only deserves one female.In Islam we can have up to 4 female consort for one male.In your human right values this is oppresive..So are the rest in your human right value..
[[For example,I take Saudi Arabia which is the birthplace of Islam and the most oppressive Islamic countries,the government prohibits any construction of building other than mosques whereas one-third of the population are made up of foreign workers many of whom are Christians]]
That is their capacity on Governance.You can claimed anything in Islamic name and practice..It is not neccessarily true..
[[If some of you say that those are the one who has hijacked Islam,so who perform the pure Islam?]]
There is in small capacity community all over the world..We only have fragment of them in Country and Kingdom.
[[Many radical Muslims believe that Jihad is an obligatory and must be performed against infidels and the seek to convert the world into caliphate system.]]
Jihad is obligatory but not to what degree that you believe in them.The principal and foremost of jihad is knowledge!!
[[Some of them also believe if they perform Jihad and die in the cause of God (mati syahid),they will definitely enter the paradise.That’s crap!Frankly speaking,your prophet(pbuh) also encourage killing of unbelievers and the Jews.]]
It is not true.You only have a fraction of that truth.
[[That’s unacceptable.Why would God hate them if He Himself creates them on the first place?5/6 of world populations are non-Muslims and it’s unfair if He simply places them in Hellfire in the hereafter,don’t you think so?]]
Who said God hate non believer??..If you study Quran you will understand that Allah hates Allah subject attitudes and their choiche of the attitude..
[[So,please wake up your mind.Don’t be too narrow]]
Thank you for your advise.I hope you take them too..:)
Terima kasih Tun..
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. When I was out having my car serviced recently and things took time to almost lunch, I noticed across the road from the service garage there was a medium sized factory. Then at about 11.30 am, a Nissan Vannette with two Malay man in it pulled up right in front of the factory, both men got out and the elderly Indian ayaah who was a Security Guard at the factory promptly came out of his booth and all three went into a hectic task of setting up a lunch counter. Everyone knew their task, everyone worked fast and all gets done. Then I saw the elderly Indian Security Guard reaching for a Styrofoam container, filling it with rice and the variety of dishes, with ice cold water in a small bag he walked back to his booth inside the factory to eat. At this point I crossed the street and walked over to the food/lunch van. I bought a pack of rice for me and I chatted with the young food stall owners as I eat and I learned that each day they would count on the Security Guard to help them lay out the sales table and to occasionally put in the good words of them to the factory managements. For that, food is on the house for the Guard, as well as some small cash remuneration sometimes. A smart partnership indeed. After I crossed back to the garage that was servicing my car, I noticed it was finally lunch time at the factory and they were swarmed by hungry factory workers. What a remarkable business and political module right there in front of my eyes. I believe from my observations, it was a clean out sales. So I began thinking to my self quietly, the hard working urbanites, the urban poor and the rest, they have no time for politics. They need to eat. They need to put food in the stomach for energy so that they may go back to work some more and they work together and they work hard. Then shortly after, I left the garage after servicing was done and I headed up to meet some of my own colleagues. Their group of meeting is too relaxed. Too free to discuss everything except what needs discussing. In short it was a waste of time for poor me. They talk about politics and they speculate who gaduh with who now, who Mahathir likes, oil royalties and who would be PM after Najib. I left very early as I could not eat another bite as I was already full from the roadside food sales earlier. It got me to thinking again; must we be reminded by the lesser amongst us about what makes living real? What making a real living for dear self means? Have we really forgotten things that bad? If we let the lesser among us walk us a mile in their tired urban shoes, we would know that we have no time for any other endeavor except to work together to make it all works for everyone. Sometimes the best food you can find comes out of small vans by the road sides. Food for the heart and food for the miles ahead. Thought I humbly share that here with those who cares.
YABhg Tun,
There is no question that Arabs ” terrorist ” did it. But the question is…who were behind them..?? Sophisticated..Mr. Osama bin Ladin’s..Al Qaeda ?? Did they acted alone or were their organisation infiltrated by foreign intelligence agencies…CIA or Mossad maybe?? CIA knows these people since the Russian invansion of Afghanistan days.
To me, It’s not so much the event of 9/11….,of course lives was lost. But if one look at the bigger picture, all this happened conveniently after the demised of Communist USSR and it’s much too soon after the end of the ” Cold War “.
War is just big business to some….and like a sold out movie this ” War on Terrorism “..is just maybe part 2 or 3…
My beloved Mahathir,
You talk about the greatness of America because of their military power and technology. Why can’t Malaysia become as great as America?
Firstly look at our car. It has been more than 20 years old and yet people in Malaysia are buying proton not because of its quality but because of its price (cheap). If it is only 10 years old, we may still say, we are trying. But 20 years, something must be wrong somewhere. Don’t you wish one day, to hear people say “I buy proton because it is very good” and not “I buy it because it is cheap”. Well, I don’t think this will happen in your or my lifetime.
Let us look at research in Malaysia. I heard that most of the research are funded by the government. Now people who are not producing anything could get a lot of funding whereas people who are producing get only little funding. How to excel if we have such a system.
You see some of the Malays, they are quite good. But because of the ‘over protected system’, they have become not so good. I am sure that if we put you in a class together with other chinese or indians, you will still excel. This is because you were born long ago in a not so protected system. Now if you were born in 1980-1990, do you think you still could become who you are today?
You talk about how bias the London Metal Exchange is. But look at our country. When the court is making decision in favour of the government, the government says “respect the decision”. But when the decision is not in favour, the government appeals until it is in favour. The same thing is happening here, bias.
You talk about how people in America say that 9/11 was staged. Do you know what people are talking in our country? The Anwar’s Sodomy case was staged also, first by you and then now by Najib. So who should we believe?
To make Malaysia a great country, we need a fairer system, where everyone is rewarded base on their capability and not races or who they know or related to.
Now in Malaysia, we have two parties, BN and Pakatan. It seems that 40% support BN and 40% support Pakatan. The 20% support neither of them. But this 20% are likely to vote for Pakatan because of their promises of a more fair and transparent system. Also most of the younger generation (educated ones) including malays are in favour of the Pakatan. It seems that if this continues, then one day BN will lose. Hopefully this day does not happen.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Some say the cost to stage 9/11 and the cost of its subsequent maintenance is almost USD2.3 trillion by now.
The supposedly new audio tape of Osama Bin Laden once again claiming responsibility for the failed Christmas Day underwear bombing attempt of a US jetliner has surfaced at the most politically opportune time for the White House: the State of The Union Address (now underway).
Under the provably fraudulent and completely corrupted justification of fighting global warming, the US has ordered the World Bank to keep
Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
//Thursday January 28, 2010
Desecration of mosques condemned by all
PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has expressed his disappointment over desecration of mosques with wild boar heads.
So, if I’m clear on the general consensus –
1. The US Government did it
2. Israeli Intelligence did it
3. Alqueda may be a CIA invention
4. Michael Moore is logical
5. Never trust whites
6. Bush knew all along
7. Mr Mohammed ranks honest and brave who dares to tell “the truth”
8. US conspiracy theorists are “concerned and thinking”
9. The hijackers behaviour demonstrated they were not Muslim
10.Anyone who does not believe this has not opened their eyes and ears to the truth and can go to hell.
With respect, your xenophobia and that of many here is showing to the extent that you and these views could hardly be taken seriously.
Salam Tun,
Kepada sdra/sdri mok9929
You wrote :
“haha….obviously these fools dont understand English!….and these fools too will cause the downfall of their own race in their own country passing it to the “immigrant”! ”
By mok9929Author Profile Page on January 27, 2010 7:33 AM
Don’t be to too sure of your english standard by labelling others as a fool for not using english. Some people who don’t use english are the people who don’t like to show off and feels more comfortable in using thier own National Language.
Your english is only up to the standard for labelling others as fools and not more than that.
Please my friend, use this forum in a proper manner.
It is just a haunch. But I feel quite strongly the undercurrent of media trying to play king-maker. When KJ came back from Mekah news was that he could be appointed as a minister. As it did not materialise there would be few red faces. What is the real function of (certain) media?
Now the pressure is on. Certain mainstream media say that Hassan Marican got to go. He knows too much of the RM270 billion? One wonders. Petronas seems to be doing well.
Several media manipulators have been neutralised. However, the shadow of wayang kulit is still there.
Oh C’mon now Tun,
9-11 really happened and the perpetrators are terrorists.
Double-ya, Dick “Shoot-people-in-the-face” Cheney and Donald “Duck” Rumsfeld were just opportunists. Well actually Cheney and Rumsfeld are, Double-Ya is just an ignorant red-neck.
If these people can make “Avatar”, wouldn’t you think that they’d come up with something more imaginative? That does not involve the killing of 3000 innocent American victims?
They could’ve killed Kuwaitis instead. I mean, that’s enough for George Sr to try to invade Iraq the first time around. And since it involves oil, it would be easier to get the UN security council to agree on an attack on Iraq.
I always think myself as a well informed person, but this theory belongs to the same archives where they store paper cutouts of The Roswell UFO, The Yeti, Bigfoot and Elvis sightings.
Dearest Tun,
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Few simple questions to pro Americans/pro Britons/pro Israel/pro War :
1. Explain how WTC collapse like being demolished? It is Americans expertise.
2. How much profits you get from Iraqis oil? Bet far more than the WTC and 3000 lives.
3. Why can’t you capture Mr Osama bin Laden yet? Doubt he is real.
4. Where is the Weapon of Mass Destruction in Iraq? Liar.
5. Explain why children are being killed in Palestine? Coward
6. Why challenge mortar and home-made rocket with high tech war planes and phosphorus bombs? Unfair, you took their land, their lives, deny basic medical needs, deny nutritous food..
I really hope Adolf Hitler is reborn and repeat the history by wiping out the satans.
The old crusades, the papal killing fields.
On November 25 1095 Pope Urban II summoned the expedition for the 1st crusade to Jerusalem, (also) their holy land. Some 25,000 marched 3000 miles from Europe (France, Spain, Italy, Germany …) to Muslim-held Jerusalem and captured it by July 1099 and established the Latin (Crusader)Kingdom. Some 40,000 Jews and Muslims were savagely butchered.
2nd crusade (1144- ) – called by Pope Eugenius III and led by King Louis VII of France and King Conrad of Germany failed.
In 1187 Salahudin al-Ayubi routed the entire Christian army at the Battle of Hattin and recaptured Jerusalem (Al-Quds). Nearly all the knights of Templers and Hospitalliers were killed.
3rd crusade (1187-1192) – the fall of Jerusalem led Pope Gregory VIII to call for crusade. Led by Richard I (Lion Heart) but failed to capture Jerusalem which Salahudin successfully defended.
Salahudin, the Hero of Al-Quds died in 1193 in Syria, a poor man as he had given away much of his possessions! Till today Jerusalem remains in Muslim hands.
4th crusade (1203-1204) – encouraged by Pope Innocent III. The west christians instead of going after the Muslims befelled Byzantine (orthodox) Constantinople in 1204 and gained much booty! They established the Latin Kingdom of Constantinople.
5th crusade 1218-1221)- again announced by Pope Innocent III, an attacked Egypt (Damietta) ended in failure.
6th crusade (1245-1249)- announced by Pope Innocent IV again, attacked Egypt (detour to Jerusalem) ended in a rout.
7th crusade (1271-1272) – led by King Edward I of England, failed to halt the Mamluk Turks from regaining several strongholds of the Latin Kingdom.
By 1453 the Latin Kingdom of Constantinople fell to the Turks led by Mehmet, the Ottoman sultan.
However, in Andalus the Muslims were losing their hold of the country. By January 1492, Abu
Salam Tun,
The hue and cry made by some bloggers who visited your site on this 9/11 topic is preponderantly due to the fact that you are a Moslem.The scenario will be entirely different if the views was aired by a Non-Muslim propagators.The accusation that you are not sensitive when you questioned the truth about Sept 11, 2001 comes from people who are not well aware of what the CIA and FBI are capable of doings.Headed by the blood-thirsty leaders namely Bush and Blair,they got the guts to go on clowning on late Saddam Hussin having possession of weapons of mass destruction.Hastening sending their youngs to the war fields and hence killings thousands of them and hundreds thousands of the Iraqis.These two jokers are ‘satan’ in disguise.This cowboy style of ruling the world is no more acceptable in todays world.How can they acted like rogues and blatantly accused the Muslim people as the perpetrators of the Sept.11 killings without a proper and thorough investigation.How could they deviate the world by later accusing Saddam as Dictator instead and forget about the accusation of heinous leader who owned weapons of mass destruction.To Bush and Blair,life of others are damn cheap and any lost of a single citizen of theirs must be paid by 1000 death of their enemies(Muslim).These 2 looneys thinks they are the Crusaders living in the modern world. If Bush and Blair are still the President of USA and Prime Minister of UK respectively now,it will not be a suprise to see him ‘bludgeoning’ Iran,North Korea and all the axis of Evil countries labeled by them.To a certain extreme,these 2 real axis of Evil countries(USA and UK) instead can dragged and lead us into the 3rd world war.Thank Allah their law limited them to be in office for a short stint.
One thing for sure I am a bit frustrated is the shoe hurled towards Bush doesn’t hit it’s target or else it will sure goes into the Guiness Book of World Records for being the Ist American President to receive a shoe on his head signifying a ‘THANK YOU’gesture for all the 4-5 years ‘excellence’services rendered to the world.Allah the Great.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
This is more info that can make people thinking out of a box
on a segway, the recent incidents were a Mosque was vandalised by head of pig thrown in is leaving me with really bad feelings and taste..
Malaysians of any faith or belief who indulge in this sort of nonsense where they dont respect their fellow countryman and our multi-ethnic society.
I also think there is a lot of frustration and people should just learn to talk to each other, instead of resorting to improper behaviour.
I hope you will write in your next Blog for people to calm down and regain their sensibilities and engage harmoniously.
Will you do it Tun M?
Salam kasih buat Tun,
Saya tidak pasti kesahihan tentang kandungan laman web ini, Tun serta rakan bloggers sila lah check.
Assalamualaikum wbt Yg Bhg Tun,
We met at least few thousand of times and even then you might be unable to recall me even though we have few hundred of photos together. It is understood since you are a statesman, millions of rakyat as usual would want to meet u, shake hands and take photos and it is none of your fault that u cant even recall anyone at all that is writing to you.
Well our most recent meeting was at your final Perdana series late last year where I spoke to u personally during the refreshment in the VIP room about a book on Islamic banking & Finance by Prof Dr Mahmood M Sanusi from Inceif Bank Negara that was given to you via your staff.
Back to the 9/11 I hope not 7 eleven la Tun, the 3 hours DVD should as suggested by you be aired on our local TV. In fact if i can further add the YB Minister of Information can instruct all TV station i.e. be it government or private to air it simultenously and make it compulsory. I am sure if air in all channels at prime time many advertisers would want to advertise their products/services.
Forum on 9/11 can be organized by these electronic media not to make the US unhappy but simply to uncover the truth behind 9/11 (again not 7 eleven la Tun)
Wassalam wbt
Dr Syed Iskandar Syed Jaafar Al Mahdzar
11 Safar 1431 Hijrah (27/1/10)
drsyediskandarislamicbankingfinance.blogspot.com or
[email protected]
Assamualaikum Tun,
An intelligent person could figure out what the Americans (Jews) were really up to. 9/11 is nothing more than a kind of Operation False Flag, to ensure the world is kept kept at the dominance of Americans.
There is 1.3 billion muslims in this world, yet we still cant unite and solve a single problem that has been the root of cause of Islams problem with the west, the palestine issue.
The OIC should at least have a peacekeeping troops. If we can form a troops 1% of the muslim world. ie 1.3 million troops, in place, then the sons of Pharoah will think twice before they pull something like this again.
My own personal thoughts
hollywood melahirkan film yang dikagumi kerana plot cerita bagus, pengarah berkaliber,pelakon baik,dana dan kepakaran mencukupi.
setakat nak plotkan 9/11.. kacang je.
masihkah umat islam buta dalam hal ni?
9/11 adalah plot us aka yahudi.
9/11 box office diseluruh dunia dengan kutipan KEBENCIAN terhadap islam mendadak naik.
jom tonton OSAMA..wira pengganas yang kononya CIA,FBI,PENTAGON gagal mencari,menangkap,membunuh…fuhh hebatnya tapi atas nama memburu OSAMA..afghanistan,iraq,diserang.
butakah umat islam dalam melihat muslihat ini?
dimana OIC? jadi bahan lawak..OH..I SEE..
Thank you for your article on 9/11. I have watched the video and I now believe the 9/11 was staged. Bush and Blair are the ones responsible for the 9/11. I just read that Blair is coming to Malaysia again, sometime in February 2010, to give a talk organised here locally. We should not allow TONY the LIAR to set foot in our country. We should organise a protest against Blair the LIAR.
Dear Tun MM,
please allow me.
Zogby Poll Finds Over 70 Million Voting Age Americans Support New 9/11 Investigation
Gullible Americans
Note:Please check the author ,Paul Craig Roberts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Craig_Roberts
and his follow up article
What we know and don
The only thing that Obama can “CHANGE” is changing his mind ;D
Dear Tun Dr M,
When George Bush Junior took office as the President of USA, he was already brainwashed and influenced by “Papa” Bush (Senior)to take on Iraq at any cost. “Papa” Bush was a very frustrated man because he could not ‘teach’ Saddam Hussein and certain other Arab leaders not to mess with the Jews and the Americans.
Open mindedness should be for all and not for only certain communities. All should welcome and ponder the views of any leader. If the view given by Dr M was actually from an American or a Western leader many would appreciate such a view and would give it a thought.
Furthermore, it is hard to believe that the precision and success rate for the ‘terrorist’ is nearly perfect judging from the end results. As Dr M puts it, the Arabs are knowingly not that capable (With due respect to the Arabs).
Dear Tun Dr M,
It is quite sickening and disturbing to note that some are still harping on the recent religious misunderstanding. Just when we thought that it has quietened, heads of wide boar were thrown at 2 mosques along Jalan Klang Lama today (27/1).
The culprits (whoever it is) need to be caught under ISA and be sent to Kamunting Camp for not less than 3 years. Alternatively, they should be imprisoned with a few canings.
No stones should be unturned during the course of the investigation. The culprits could be from any community. It is possible that some belonging to the same community might have done it just to boost their political or social agenda.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Begitulah sikap kebanyakkan rakyat Malaysia, yang malunya kebanyakannya orang melayu kita.
Sudahlah tak mengenang budi atas jasa Tun, kemudian bersikap bodoh dan tolol, komen tanpa ilmu di dada disebabkan sikap sendiri yang tidak suka membaca. Mereka buat2 tidak tahu yang Tun orang yang amat banyak dan suka membaca dan menimba ilmu. Oleh itu mereka sepatutnya hanya hentam buta tetapi perlulah berhujah dengan bernas dan logik.
Salam Tun yang dikasihi
Saya mohon doa pada ALLAH SWT supaya diberi kesihatan dan panjangkan umur TUN agar usaha murni ni berjaya dan terlaksana dengan segera hingga 2 pembunuh yang teramat kejam ni dan kuncu2nya ketali gantung.
Juga doa panjang umur utk penyokong2nya sekali khususnya yg terdapat dlm blog ini supaya dapat menyaksikan kedua idola mereka ketali gantung atau dihukum tembak mati.
May God Bless You Tun & Family.
salam Tun
dedahkan kebenaran…
Allah bersama org yang benarrr..
Bravo Tun!
To wajaperak,
When i mention terrorist,what i’m referring to is the Muslim terrorists.Osama bin Laden for example,some Muslim groups even regard him as a heroic martyr and believe him as a good role model to perform Jihad.Sheikh Yoesef al-Qaradawi,even if he is the prominent Islamic scholar,I wonder why will he support the suicide bombing.Yet,he is highly elevated and revered by most Muslims.Anjem Choudary,an imam and founder of Islam4UK based in London,has publicly advocated not to befriend with the unbelievers and urge the Muslim community there not to abide by the British Law.He also stated that Sharia Law must replace the man-made law and homosexual must be killed.What a crap!I’m not supporting the homosexual group,but who is he to say such things.These are just few examples and the lists go on.I know that not all Muslims are terrorist and I believe that most Muslims are peace-loving people,but the question is why most terrorists are Muslim and I can see that Middle-East Muslims are much more radical that Muslims here in Malaysia.
I give you some quotes quoted by dictator-based system Iran’s Mullah,Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini:
“Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those people are witless. Islam says: ‘Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all!’ Does this mean that Muslims should sit back until they are devoured by the infidel? Islam says: ‘Kill them, put them to the sword and scatter them.’ Islam says: ‘Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword.’ The sword is the key to Paradise, which can be opened only for the Holy Warriors! Does all this mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.”
The question is,where were you to denounce and condemn their terror acts when the non-Muslims minorities are being oppressed and persecuted by Muslim thugs on the daily basis in Islamic countries.FYI,Islamic countries such as Arab Saudi,Eqypt,Iran,Libya and Pakistan have the worst human right record.For example,I take Saudi Arabia which is the birthplace of Islam and the most oppressive Islamic countries,the government prohibits any construction of building other than mosques whereas one-third of the population are made up of foreign workers many of whom are Christians.If some of you say that those are the one who has hijacked Islam,so who perform the pure Islam?Many radical Muslims believe that Jihad is an obligatory and must be performed against infidels and the seek to convert the world into caliphate system.Some of them also believe if they perform Jihad and die in the cause of God (mati syahid),they will definitely enter the paradise.That’s crap!Frankly speaking,your prophet(pbuh) also encourage killing of unbelievers and the Jews.That’s unacceptable.Why would God hate them if He Himself creates them on the first place?5/6 of world populations are non-Muslims and it’s unfair if He simply places them in Hellfire in the hereafter,don’t you think so?
So,please wake up your mind.Don’t be too narrow.
Dengan izin Tun,
You said, You write as though these conspiracy theories are a proven fact when they are nothing more than conspiracy hypotheses and speculative accusations with no real factual basis or evidence!
First, nobody says the speculations are a fact. If you’ll take a break from bean counting and try to get adequately informed you’ll find that there are gaping holes in the official story that make it quite difficult to believe the official version of what happened that terrible day in September 2001. Many think there’s more to it than what was concluded by the 911 Commission.
You also said, Why should we assume that there was CIA/USA and Mossad/Israeli involvement when Al Qaeda has admitted to the WTC jet crash/bombing and other destruction on 9/11?
I don’t remember Tun mentionioning the CIA or Mossad in either of his two entries on 911. But since you mentioned Mossad, have you heard of the Lavon affair? It was an operation by Israeli Intelligence to “discredit Egypt’s government, then headed by Gamal Abdel Nasser, by bombing theaters, post offices and U.S. and British institutions, and making it seem as though Egypt was behind the bombings.” It’s something called a False-Flag operation. In case you don’t understand what a false-flag is, it’s when someone does something in order to make it look like somebody else did it. Geddit? Snag was, Lavon backfired. Here, read more about the Lavon Affair from the Haaretz
You also said, If we look at it your way, then can we not automatically assume Barry Wain was right that due to your negligence and/or complicity/corruption, M’sia lost $100 billion or more during your 22 year tenure as PM, and that the M’sian Govt under PM Najib is indulging in a cover up by banning BW’s biograpghy [sic] of you, here?
Yes you can. But of course you will be stupid to do so. Which is not difficult to imagine, actually. Didn’t Tun say he wants the book to be available here and hasn’t he supported an investigation into Wain’s claims?
You should put in caveats in your posts if you don’t wish to be accused of plain ‘ol Uncle Sam and Uncle Moshe bashing or else your name will not even be a footnote in M’sian history; that’s how embarrasing it will be!!
That’s the difference between Tun and the rest. He’s not worried about being accused of bashing Uncles Sam or Moshe. Never has, and I doubt he will ever be. That’s the underlying message of this blog entry.
You’re a fan of Alexander Pope, I see. I think he said this: A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again instead of the bastardised version on your blog that’s modestly tagged “MALAYSIA’S LEADING BLOG FOR SATIRE & MANGLISH.”
And your latest entry has how many comments from your legions of swooning fans? Eight comments? Wow, that’s quite an achievement for a leading blog.
Personally, I prefer Twain and I think this quotation [other versions also attributed to Socrates and Abraham Lincoln] by Twain fits you to a T: It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
salam Tun,
maaf terkeluar topik sikit…
DAP adalah adik PAP.Jangan sekali2 kita lupa fakta itu.Musang berbulu ayam sanggup buat apa saja termasuk hafal ayat2 Al-Quran untuk memperdaya orang Melayu yang lemah.
Bak kata Dr. Redhuan Tee,kalau benar2ikhlas peluklah agama Islam,jangan jadi MUSANG BERBULU AYAM!
Peluang sekarang tidak akan dilepaskan kerana dapat memperalatkan PAS dan PKR menjadi senjata utama memecah belahkan orang Melayu.
Baca komentar dari YB Kulim Bandar Baru yang menyedari fenomena ini.
Q: Previously you have mentioned that there are “little Napoleons” in the party who are waiting to kick you out (from PKR). How do these little Napoleons come into play?
A: I believe they have their own agenda, not to reform. Their agenda is revolution. In the sense they are changing the very fundamental pillars of the society, like making Islam and other religions equal. The special privileges of the Malays (which are) enshrined in the Federal Constitution, I think they will take it off. I’m not calling it a reform, it is a revolution. So this should be made known to the public because they should know that this is what we (in Pakatan Rakyat) are going to do if we take over the country.
Q: And you do not agree with that (changing the Constitution)?
A: I am against it because that (the Constitution) is the pillar of the country. We have been living in peace and harmony for so many years, so why should we touch or remove it (the special privileges of the Malays and the position of Islam)?
Q: How do you digest the DAP’s recently-launched “Middle Mala- ysia” approach?
A: It is another way of turning Malaysia into a Chinese country. It is a chauvinistic approach and that is what they are doing in Penang anyway. Silently and quietly, they are turning it into another Hong Kong. They are saying certain Malay officers are not good so (they should) change (but) why replace them with Chinese officers? For me DAP is pure and simple a Chinese chauvinistic party. So we have to balance, and Anwar is playing that (political balancing act). He is the balancing factor. On the other hand, you have Pas which is very extreme into Islamic state, so you have to balance between the two. You cannot allow DAP to be masquerading here and there.
Kepada semua pembaca blog ini,tepuk dada tanya selera.Anda rela diperalatkan?
I am most glad to see you in UUM yesterday.
I am just standing beside you (behind your bodyguard) while you give your speech. I watched the series of “The Arrivals” and found out massive truth about 9/11 and all that happened in our world. I suggesting Tun to watch it too..
The Arrivals
Salam Tun,
There are many OPPORTUNISTS and MUSANG BERBULU AYAM here commenting in your blog sir.
We can identify many of them by their hatred towards you.Of course it’s just a matter of small minded people trying to impose upon a statesman.
Opportunists do not really care about human sufferings as long as they can benefit from it.If terkena muka sendiri or affects their families and livelihood then they will cry wolf!
BTW Alan Greenspan admitted that the invasion of Iraq ‘was actually about the oil’.He said this after he left the administration cos he was too timid to speak up when he was in office.
Its just a case of king of opportunists taking advantage of the situation as their insatiable craving for the black gold was the main motive.
Im happy to finally see Dr M writing about world conspiracy. I always labeled childish and watched too much movies whenever I try to talk about it. It is hard to get a proper crowd among my friends. They happen to believe what the media fed them with no questioning at all. Our child in school now facing difficulties to adopt KBKK in school if this habit of `percaya membuta tuli’ becoming a trend. These mind controlling medias are turning our children into useless being, while triggering children sexual instinct to their earliest age. Try to ask teachers in primary school about this, and make comparison to out times.
I think I can see how Dr M try to move people mind bit by bit to finally accept the fact how the world is manipulated by the `hidden hands’. It is a dirty and scary world but we still have to dig it!
Assalammualaikum Tun,
I must say that I do agree with donplaypuks that “We are all of 1 race, the Human Race”. But can someone tell that to the Americans and the British.
Dear Tun,
I admire you courage. The American may bomb you and your house using the fearsome Tamahauk satelite control cruise missile for highlighting their sinister and evil plan of Sept 11.
May I add, Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda may not even exist. They are just the C.I.A. creation to scare the Western people and to justify the illegal invation of Afganistan. It is fear mongering to justify war mongering. The low quality primitive video tapes supposedly sent by Osama bin Laden to Al Jazeera may in fact be sent by the C.I.A. This may be their plan to instill fear in the American public in order to prolong the occupation and war on Afganistan. If they can cheat on subprime loan, world.com, dossier on weapons of mass destruction, they can cheat on anything. They have absolutely no moral and without conscience whatsoever. Godless.
amin tan
Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
Dengan izin Tun ….. sejarah sudah lama ada bukti bahawa Rumah Putih Washington D.C. tidak ada masalah untuk “sembelih” rakyat sendiri untuk Israel bagi tujuan menghalalkan peperangan. 911 cuma salah satu usaha bagi menghalalkan serangan ke atas Iraq.
Pada tahun 1967 Israel dengan restu Presiden Amerika telah menyerang USS Liberty. Jika serangan itu berhasil untuk membunuh kesemua anak kapal dan menenggelamkan USS Liberty maka “911” itu akan di gunakan untuk menuduh Mesir sebagai penyerang.
Tetapi Takdir tidak menyebelahi mereka, kerana tidak semua anak kapal terbunuh dan USS Liberty yang mengalami kerosakan teruk telah pun di baiki semula dan di benarkan pulang. Cuma kesemua anak kapal yang selamat telah di ugut supaya tidak menceritakan apa yang berlaku.
Kalau la …. usaha 911 mereka berhasil … maka tertulis la dalam tinta sejarah …. satu ledakan bom nuclear ke atas Mesir selain Hiroshima dan Nagasaki …. Ini adalah sedutan dari sejarah yang tak berjaya untuk berlaku.
Buat pembaca blog ini sila lihat website
Selepas ini jangan hairan jika mereka akan cuba usahakan “911” yang lain pula. Jangan terkejut jika seLepas itu akan keluar dalam media another osama laden mengaku buat kerja itu. Kerja-kerja gila ini di lakukan atas taat setia Rumah Putih kepada “God Chosen People” di Baitulmakdis.
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” – Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
Terima kasih Tun atas usaha berani ayahanda …secara peribadi saya tak pernah lihat mana-mana bekas pemimpin dunia yang buka blog serupa macam ayahanda Tun.
Please take care Tun. We all love you.
Semoga di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
Al Qaeda claimed that
[[When the dots are connected, the picture that emerges is not pretty: an “Islamic world” in which terrorists are regarded often with lenience, sometimes with respect and occasionally with reverence]]
You claimed that Moshe Dayan,Benjamin Nyetan Nyahu,George Bush are regarded with lenience? Respect ? Reverence?..Where ? In the Islamic world??..
Or do you get the definition wrong?..Cat is a domestic cat while a tiger is a beast resides in the jungle eventhough they are from the same families..
Reverence? Moshe Dayan and George Bush?? The Beast??
[[while minority groups face increasing intolerance, persecution and “cleansing,” where even their histories are erased]]
And now you are referring to the American Indian or Injun??
Come on..wake up your mind..
Loving prominent figures like George Bush to you is a beast to us..
Terima kasih Tun..
The weakness of your position is that Osama/Al-Qaeda took responsibility for 9/11, even though I agree with you that the Arabs (a bit like the Malaysian Melayus) cannot organise a piss up in a brewery!
The moment Muslims took responsibility for it, it no longer matters who actually perpetrated it (Christians, Jews or whoever), the moral blameworthiness falls squarely on some Muslims. Not only did some Muslims take blame for it they celebrated it, which shows those Muslim’s mentality of murder, destruction and evil.
So Please see that that is the issue, not who actually did it.
Personally, I believe it was committed by Israeli intelligence (unlike the Arabs & Malaysian Melayus, they really have intelligence) and renegade US intelligence & political forces.
Take care Tun,
Salam Tun,
I have an article to share with you if you interested to see the ideas of him all about the war that occurring in muslim world;
Enjoy reading.
you are right on…i’ve watched some of those michael moore’s documentaries….seems logical too….you never trust the ‘whites’ no matter how good they are…all those colonial genes running in them…
Ayahanda Tun,
Salaam your great courage and tenacity in pursuing this heinous crime.
Your writings and the comments jogged me to comb through my memory of events at around that time and a poignant first hand evidence popped up on what I recalled from watching CNN at that time that can lend strong credulity to your assertions.
CNN showed the part when a secret agent or an aide whispered the occurrence of 911 into Bush’s ears. At that time Bush was addressing some pre-schoolers. Bush appeared unperturbed and continued with his session with the pre-schoolers.
What struck me at that time was that that stance was a very unusual reaction of a President to such a serious event unless he had prior knowledge of such an event and the information conveyed was merely a confirmation of what was expected to have had happened!!!ponder hard everyone over this instead of just dismissing the possibility of the conspiracy.
Salaam Tun,
Montgomery Chee
Ayahanda Tun,
Saja nak join the forum, minta izin.
donplaypuks says
‘You write as though these conspiracy theories are a proven fact when they are nothing more than conspiracy hypotheses and speculative accusations with no real factual basis or evidence!’
I said
He is not sure what Ayahanda Tun is talking. Need more understanding
donplaypuks said:
E.g. We can speculate that the real probability is it was the extremist Al Qaeda muslim terrorists and Osama who earlier planted bombs in the basement and other floors of WTC. That would explain why it looked like a well planned demolition job, wouldn’t it, rather than a plain silly pinata swing by you that the USA Govt would get involved in the murder of 3,000 of its own and other citizens? Do you seriously deny die-in-the wool muslim extremist suicide bombombers and terrorists were directly involved?
I said: Yeah right, you are doing the speculation alright, just like what you said.
donplaypuks said:
Why should we assume that there was CIA/USA and Mossad/Israeli involvement when Al Qaeda has admitted to the WTC jet crash/bombing and other destruction on 9/11?
I said : Now he is playing naive
donplaypuks said:
If we look at it your way, then can we not automatically assume Barry Wain was right that due to your negligence and/or complicity/corruption, M’sia lost $100 billion or more during your 22 year tenure as PM, and that the M’sian Govt under PM Najib is indulging in a cover up by banning BW’s biograpghy of you, here?
Please don’t play the coy, innocent game with us Tun. We know your real motives. You seek publicity so that you can get more donation from Arab suckers for your Perdana Leadership Foundation by hurling nothing more than amateur conspiracy hypotheses at USA and Israel.
I said: So much of hatred, disgusting accusation and anger. Chill up man
donplaypuks said:
That, and your recent (once again) globally condemned anti-Jew and anti-Israel speech sounding regretful about ghettoes and the Holocaust not achieving a ‘final solution’ as you would have desired, should make you sit and ask whether a not too uncommon perception of your apparent bigotry is bringing M’sia into utter disrepute!!
You should put in caveats in your posts if you don’t wish to be accused of plain ‘ol Uncle Sam and Uncle Moshe bashing or else your name will not even be a footnote in M’sian history; that’s how embarrasing it will be!!
I said: Wow what happen to you bro.. so emotional
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
I said: Yeah at least you got that right. However, there are differences when it comes to orang saleh (means pious or good people) and orang jahat. don’t play naive again please, you can get angry again but don’t say that you’re naive.
Chill up donplaypuks
Assalammualaikum Dear Tun,
I have always regarded you highly and this article you wrote on 9/11 has only elevated you to the elite ranks of the most Honest and the Brave. Every thinking man would come to the conclusion you did but only the brave few, as you are, would dare say the truth in such a public forum.
The American government has had a history of false flags to widen their influence in the world. To garner the support of the American people, these false flags operations, where the anger of the masses are heightened, are deemed necessary and sadly the lost of innocent lives are inconsequential if not desirable to their cause.
Never before have 4 hijacked planes roamed so freely in American
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. This http links makes for very good afternoon coffee read with some good real chicken and potatoes curry-puff before the evening gardening and brisk walking/jogging later.
I am no economist, but a certified bird watcher and that spread eagle looks very interesting indeed.
Salam Tun
Today is a very happy day for me. UMNO has won my vote back again from the BA after I have read in the media what happened over PKR’s stance on Zulkifli Nordin and PKR’s (or Anwar’s rather) stance on the use of the word ‘Allah’ by the non-Muslims.
I support Zulkifli Nordin 100% and I am glad we have such a person to champion Islam who does not side with any political parties whether PKR or others. UMNO would do well to consider the membership of somebody the calibre of Zulkifli Nordin.
As to Anwar’s (or PKR’s) stance on the use of the word ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims is okay, this very clearly puts me on the side of UMNO. UMNO leaders such as Najib and Hishamuddin, have been championing the exclusive use of the word ‘Allah’ for Muslims only so as not to confuse Muslims and not to smear this beautiful word with polytheism. How would Christians feel if we put the word ‘Christianity’ on our toilet bowl just to uphold the principle of total freedom and liberty?
As you have said before Tun, there is no total freedom. Total freedom needs to be controlled in a certain manner by the government of the day so as to continue to uphold law and order in the country and not to touch on race sensivities which may cause chaos and riots.
So..today, you, UMNO have won back my vote because of your stance and championing of Islam that the word ‘Allah’ remains the property of Muslims and Islam and that the PKR and Anwar has decided to see it otherwise.
I am also totally shocked at how Khalid Samad, PAS Shah Alam maintains otherwise. I live in Shah Alam for 5 years now and I still remember seeing his poster 2 General elections back. He is an engineer and supposed to be the “younger generation” of PAS to bring “newer and more modern” ideas to the party. I was quite impressed thinking that this younger PAS leaders would be strong in knowledge inIslam but now I think they are harming the party. I now believe PAS would have done better with me if they had stuck to people with core Islamic fundamental knowledge. A funny thing happened to me on that election day as I was determined to vote PAS and Khalid (that was at the height of discontent towards the laters years of your rule as PM) but in the election box, when I read the basmallah, I ended up voting the BN candidate instead although I didn’t like him much because he appeared “sombong” and did not visit my house during campaigning despite living in Shah Alam.
Salam Tun
After getting to know you (your thoughts and character) really well from this blog, now only do I appreciate having someone like you as PM. Please do come back. I wish this blog had existed and we had communicated through chedet 22 years ago. Then I know what a wonderful person you really are, all (certain) Praise Be To Allah The Most Loving!
The controversy and apparent “setup” of the 9/11 bombing has been talked about and argued in almost all the “kedai kopi’ in Malaysia I think. I hear from my friends again and again that it is a Jewish conspiracy – there were no Jews in the WTC at that time, and many more.
Now you have come up with further details on the affair and especially coming from an ex-PM, I have respect of the sources that you obtain your allegations from.
We have seen James Bond movies, etc, etc and it is shown how meticulous an “evil” leader plans to destroy the world. What if George Bush and gang tried to do the same thing? I am especially attracted to the way you described the building floors of the WTC fall straight down stacked on top of each other like a demolition job. As we have seen in US Govt history, conspiracies have been exposed again and again such as the Watergate Scandal and the Bill Clinton Affair. And we keep on reading about errant “leaders” in the news – the latest being that Jewish billionaire investor who squandered the money of rich Jews. Pandan muka!
I sokong you and am 100% behind you on this. Of course it appears that there are Arab radicals (such as Muhamad Al Atta) taking over planes but they managed to take over so many planes at the same time ? Also these Arabs have lived America for a long time. Could they have been bought?
Only in Padang Masyar will we know the truth what actually happened!
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Politik antarabangsa…..apa yang saya pelajari dari peristiwa 9/11 adalah kita tidak boleh pergi lurus.
Tapi kalau kapal terbang tak lurus macam mana nak gi langgar tower tu.Mungkin dari jauh lagi kapal terbang tu dah ambil selekoh kot.
Selama ni kita dengar orang Muslim dilabelkan tidak berteknologi,kurang kepakaran.Tapi 9/11 membuka mata kita bahawa orang Muslim adalah umat yang tercerdik dan mempunyai kebijaksanaan untuk memadamkan radar Pentagon? What a surprise?!
Saya suka jugak tengok cerita perang-perang ni.Kalau main game dulu-dulu masuk duit 20 sen je,boleh main sampai boring berkali-kali tamatkan game.Sebab hari-hari gi main game.
Tapi filem Avatar tak sempat lagi nak tengok.Cuma tengok cerita kartun Avatar je.You can bending earth,water,fire and wind.Semenarik kartun Dragon Ball.
Terima kasih Tun.
Semoga Di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
[[E.g. We can speculate that the real probability is it was the extremist Al Qaeda muslim terrorists and Osama who earlier planted bombs in the basement and other floors of WTC. That would explain why it looked like a well planned demolition job, wouldn’t it]]
Dear ‘don’ playpuks..You are not from the security department much less from a military department..so..you don’t know what are you saying regarding “extremist Al Qaeda muslim terrorists and Osama who earlier planted bombs in the basement and other floors of WTC”..
If and if you have any common sense..you should know that all secure building and I mean secure building have the competent team of securities..There is no possible way you or Al Qaeda can penetrate this securities..and planted chewing gums ( act of vandalism) much less a bom..and number of bombs..( act of terrorism )
[[Do you seriously deny die-in-the wool muslim extremist suicide bombombers and terrorists were directly involved?]]
By stating this..you believe’s that they did..and now you shoot’s yourself in the foot..Qoute “You write as though these conspiracy theories are a proven fact when they are nothing more than conspiracy hypotheses and speculative accusations with no real factual basis or evidence”
Your proven fact,factual basis and evidence are so blinding..
[[Why should we assume that there was CIA/USA and Mossad/Israeli involvement when Al Qaeda has admitted to the WTC jet crash/bombing and other destruction on 9/11?]]
And..why not??
[[If we look at it your way, then can we not automatically assume Barry Wain was right that due to your negligence and/or complicity/corruption, M’sia lost $100 billion or more during your 22 year tenure as PM, and that the M’sian Govt under PM Najib is indulging in a cover up by banning BW’s biograpghy of you, here?]]
So..We have to look it at your way??
[[Please don’t play the coy, innocent game with us Tun. We know your real motives. You seek publicity so that you can get more donation from Arab suckers for your Perdana Leadership Foundation by hurling nothing more than amateur conspiracy hypotheses at USA and Israel]]
Aha..and now you are the mind reader..with proven fact,factual basis and evidence..Of course..
[[whether a not too uncommon perception of your apparent bigotry is bringing M’sia into utter disrepute!!]]
Yes..and do you know that in my village there is a dearth of fresh water prawn,puyu,sepat siam among other’s..This is due to Tun apparent bigotry and the famine in Africa can be attribute to Tun too!!..
[[You should put in caveats in your posts if you don’t wish to be accused of plain ‘ol Uncle Sam and Uncle Moshe bashing or else your name will not even be a footnote in M’sian history; that’s how embarrasing it will be!!]]
Tun will never be subjected to your value that is very high..Tun will subjected to our values that is a true Muslim fighter..That is quite moderate..Thank you..
[[dpp.We are all of 1 race, the Human Race]]
True to your very own philosopy..That escape’s my mere comprehension..Of course..!!
Terima Kasih Tun..
Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
The comment by “DonPlayPuks” know nothing about one world and one economy. To him, DonPlayPuks are on the right track because he, as only one dpp, assumes speculation is the right way to solve the world crisis …..
I am just wondering has this guy got his buttock burned because he assumed “We are all of 1 race, the Human Race” …..What race is he referring to …..HIS RACE or ALL RACES in ONE WORLD? If we ask him where is he standing on earth, he will answer “I am standing all over the world because of 1 HUMAN RACE, not ONE WORLD for ALL RACES …..don dont playpuks lah, fly kite is so much heathier and original than puk2 people especlially Dr M …..and you can never be 1 HUMAN RACE because the sperad sheet said so…..
I think this puk2 guy one will day will tells US that he can fly to the moon because of Abacus, HIS RACE, THE HUMAN RACE said so….. ha..ha.. Who is Moa Zedong? Who is Gandhi? Who is Lee Kuan Yew? Who is Ronald Reagan? Who is JFK? What is Terrorists? To him, they are 1 Race, His Human Race …..this is why the 1 Malaysia is landed in such chaos …..because these puk2 gangs do not know what is RACE stands 4…..
Have a nice day Ayahanda Tun. These donplaypuks would never ever want 1 Malaysians to re-unite with Singapore ….. by sceneric bridge….. And KLCI plunged another 13 points …..
//By donplaypuks on January 26, 2010 10:15 PM//
haha….obviously these fools dont understand English!….and these fools too will cause the downfall of their own race in their own country passing it to the “immigrant”!
Salam Tun yang dikaihi,
Dari apa yang boleh kita lihat, perang Iraq adalah perang untuk merompak minyak atas nama keganasan dengan mempergunakan agama demi menghalalkan niat jahat mereka. Seperti yang saya pernah saya kata sebelum ini. Agama adalah sensitif, maka dengan itu mudah bagi Bush dan Blair mendapat sokongan dari umat kristian akan tindakan mereka bila Islam dikaitkan dengan pengeboman WTC.
Diharap Tun yang arif dalam dunia politik dapat melakukan sesuatu agar penjenayah besar ini dibawa ke muka pengadilan, demi membuka mata penduduk dunia ini.
Tun adalah pemimpin yang benar-benar memperjuangkan kebenaran.
Tq Tun, Allah bless you.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Either way you go at them Tun, they would definitely harvest some mileage out of you. I think the best way is to just leave them with their smoking opium pipes. America is too big to make any much general sense like it does to Malaysians when it comes to our Malaysia. We have only 1 time zone here. If its 3 p.m in Alor Star, then you can bet your whole life savings its also 3 p.m in Simunjan. But in America you have 4 time zones, Pacific Standard time, Central Standard time, Mountains Standard time and finally the Eastern Standard Time. If you drive from coast to coast it would probably be about close to 3100 miles from East Coast to the West Coast, and that would be almost a good 10 to 12 days drive. So that is BIGNESS. For most Americans, their country is planet earth and Vietnam, Russia, Canada and Mexico is the rest of the world. Some don
dear, sir..
Your articles concerning the september 11 was really an eye opener for many people including me. i began to watch the video you put, and I also watched the hundreds of videos on the youtube concerning the scam done by the US government. I think normal and healthy people would surely know how to justify the truth when they watch those videos and facts. Nobody could lie to themselves. Unless the people simply don’t want to accept the terrorism done by the United States.
Thank you, tun for your exposure. I hope, and I really hope that you will continue exposing those wrong-doings done by the big leaders. we want justice, no matter if it involves the top leaders of the United States.
They could have easily droned Saddam. Now the Iraqis have little left of its history as the birthplace of civilisation. America lost the war. The Iraqis will not forget revenge not in another 1000 years. America is doomed.
With all the pretext America wants to dismantle the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan. We are witnessing the genocide of Pathans in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They will not forget revenge not in another 1000 years.
It will not stop there. Indications are clear that Iran and Yemen will be the next killing fields. Isn’t this a crusade against Muslims?
For the killing fields in the Moroland, Pinatubo drove America out of the Philippines. The last eruption of that ‘dormant’ volcanic mountain was 500 years before!
Kartina flattened New Orleans. California conflagarated. The Andreas fault has rumbled. Do all these ‘natural disasters’ mean anything to them? The wrath of God for their arrogance on this planet earth. Wait for the Big Show. Allah is Great.
The answer to crusade is jihad with all its possible ramifications. To survive we must strenghten our brotherhood of Islam.
In 2001, the monumental sixth-century Buddhas of Bamiyan were dynamited on orders from Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar. The United States and other Western governments issued protests. Afghanistan’s Islamist rulers shrugged them off.
This year, the tomb of the prophet Ezekiel, Al-Kifl, near Baghdad, is being desecrated. On the tomb are inscriptions in Hebrew and an ark in which a Torah was displayed centuries ago. Iraq’s Antiquities and Heritage Authority, under pressure from Islamists, is erasing the Hebrew words, removing the Hebrew ornaments and planning to build a mosque on top of the grave.
So far, we’re hearing protests from almost no one. This is not just another “Where is the outrage?” story, however. The larger and more alarming trend is that in a growing number of Muslim-majority countries, a war is being waged against non-Muslim minorities.
Where non-Muslim minorities already have been “cleansed” – as in Afghanistan and Iraq – the attacks are against their memory. Ethnic minorities also are being targeted: The genocidal conflict against the black Muslims of Darfur is only the most infamous example.
Connect these dots: In Nigeria this week, Muslim youths set fire to a church, killing more than two dozen Christian worshipers. In Egypt, Coptic Christians have been suffering increased persecution, including, this month, a drive-by shooting outside a church, in which seven people were murdered. In Pakistan, Christian churches were bombed over Christmas. In Turkey, authorities have been closing Christian churches, monasteries and schools. Recently, churches in Malaysia have been attacked, too, provoked by this grievance: Christians inside the churches were referring to God as “Allah.” How dare infidels use the same name for the Almighty as do Muslims!
Many Muslims, no doubt, disapprove of the persecution of non-Muslims, but in most Muslim-majority countries, any Muslim openly opposing the Islamists risks being branded an apostate. Under the Islamist interpretation of Shariah, Islamic law, apostates deserve death.
Not so long ago, the broader Middle East was a diverse region. Lebanon had a Christian majority for centuries, but that ended around 1990 – the result of years of civil war among the country’s religious and ethnic communities. The Christian population of Turkey has diminished substantially in recent years. Islamists have driven Christians out of Bethlehem and other parts of the West Bank. Almost all Christians have fled Gaza since Hamas’ takeover.
There were Jewish communities throughout the Middle East for millenniums. The Jews of Iran trace their history back 2,700 years, but about eight out of 10 Iranian Jews have emigrated since the 1979 Islamist Revolution; only about 40,000 remain.
The Jews of what is now Saudi Arabia were wiped out shortly after Muhammad and his followers established a new religion and began to build a new empire in the eighth century A.D. Jewish communities survived elsewhere until after World War II, when Jews were forced to abandon their homes in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen and other countries. In many cases, they were driven out by Muslims furious over the establishment of the modern state of Israel. But how odd is it to protest the creation of a safe haven and homeland for Jews by making your own Jewish citizens homeless and stateless?
In 1947, Pakistan also was founded as a safe haven – for Indian Muslims. The country’s founding father, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, was determined that Pakistan would be tolerant of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees and others – as much as 20 percent of the population at independence. It hasn’t worked out that way, and as a result, non-Muslim minorities today constitute only about 3 percent of Pakistan’s population.
When the dots are connected, the picture that emerges is not pretty: an “Islamic world” in which terrorists are regarded often with lenience, sometimes with respect and occasionally with reverence, while minority groups face increasing intolerance, persecution and “cleansing,” where even their histories are erased.
Salam semua,
Pada saya, inilah salah satu FITNAH DAJJAL diakhir zaman.
– Jinggo –
Dear Tun MM,
I have just posted a comment in reply to “al-qaeda” in your previous article on this same subject and is awaiting moderation.
I will post the same comment as soon as it is published.
For ALL who may have doubts and ALL the debunkers
Please see list of signatories.
Thank you
Al Salamu Alaykum Dear Dr. Tun Mahathir,
I commend you again for your courage and bravery in the face of unbelievable attacks on the most basic of common sense. You are an OAK.
An Arab poet once said, For every disease there is a medicine cures it, Except Foolishness, for it Ailed its own Doctor.
Since I know you are an MD, I thought this would be fitting.
God must have blessed you with special temperament and patience that I have never ever seen before. Comments like the ones I have been reading lately are truly the symptoms of a much bigger problem. (Our educational system and our Society
Salam Tun,
Saya adalah sebahagian golongan rakyat M’sia yang pernah menyaksikan salah satu klip video berkenaan ‘Truth of Sept.11?’
Video ini dibuat oleh rakyat US sendiri tetapi diolah suara kedalam bahasa Indonesia.
Memang terdapat banyak keraguan tentang kejadian tersebut setelah apa yang dipaparkan dalam video itu. Dalam paparan gambar2 yang disajikan serta logika yang diselitkan, mungkin dan boleh jadi orang ramai akan sedar betapa pembohongan besar telah dikenakan kepada semua.
Tidak dinafikan lagi Kerajaan Bush dan sekutunya memang licik.
Terima Kasih Tun..
Dear Tun,
What can we do about it? Can we show our solidarity with those moderate Americans who want to know the TRUTH.
Every 9/11 they have “Ground Zero” anniversary.
Can we at the same time have a “911 Truth Be Told” anniversary to keep the issue alive until the truth be told.
All moderates in all walks of life in any country can give their support by lighting the candle at a well known location in their country (in Malaysia it can be at the Twin Tower) – symbolically, so that the light can shine us to the truth.
Make it a big enough event that the world media will have no choice but to report it around the world yearly.
Will it be insentitive to the bereaved – is the having the “Ground Zero” anniversary similarly insensitive by reminding them of their lost ones.
But the point is – we ALL the citizens of this civilise world deserve to know the truth? and why? So future leaders will think twice before committing such crimes and deceptions.
Not only USA or British but all leaders around the world including Malaysia.
The HUMAN RIGHTS advocates MUST be at the forefront to get the truth….only then can they get the respect of all people of the world when they accuse this or that non-western country as being INHUMAN.
Obama is full of promises – we know only too well that he will NOT be able to keep all his promises. As has is happening in Afganistan.
Why?..there are the CIA, FBI, Neo Cons, Bankers, Big Corps, the Jews lobby, the white supremist, the Africa America pressure and not to mention that he is trying to chew more then he can handle.
I recommend he keep his bullet proof vest on 24/7, even when in the shower if he wants to go to “war” with them.
Lets help him by having the “911 Truth Be Told” anniversary so the USA “administration” have no choice but to get to the truth.
Regardless what other people think about the 911 conspiracy ,i still think there is a bigger picture here to the incident…keep up the good work tun..
Assalamualaikum TUN,
Saya bersetuju sangat Tun Bangkit kan semula perkara 911 ,sebab yang menyiasat perkara ini bukan nya rakyat malaysia tapi rakyat amerika sendiri dan bukan juga orang islam rasa saya .Tapi kalau dibaca artikal di( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center )ada menyatakan WTC pernah di bom(1993) dan mengalami kerosakan yang teruk dibahagian basement North Tower dengan harapan dia akan tumbang ke South tower.Pada tahun 1975 pula berlaku kebakaran pada bahagian Core di tingkat 11 dan melarat ke tingak 9 dan 14 .Makanya saya merumuskan yang Amerika merasakan WTC tak selamat lagi untuk di duduki dan mesti dirobohkan, tetapi kalau dirobohkan cara sah rakyat mereka akan marah kerana membazir wang dan Bush pula rasa membazir peluang, bagi mengatasi nya bush berkonspirasi gunakan peluang ini untuk serang Iraq (ada banyak video konspirasi salah satu nya ada disini http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5474006551011489413#docid=4194796183168750014)
Dipendekan cerita Bush gunakan pendekatan Serampang dua mata ataupun sambil menyelam minum air atau bunuh dua burung dengan satu batu atau pun sambil mengaru sambil menyiku (dia dapat sedapnya orang dapat sakit)
Takat ini sahaja komen saya,
Saya menyokong supaya Tun sentiasa mambangkitkan hal konspirasi ni apabila ada peluang.Saya percaya apabila Tun berkata-kata orang akan buka mata dan pasang telinga.
Nothing is impossible!!! But, it should be proof by fact finding…
Salam Tun,
Georgy Soros has been very naughty. He posted this article about you and its with bad intention.
Please refer :- http://cj.my/yuthra/2010/01/03/bangkok-post-on-mahathir/comment-page-1/
p/s : Thank you for coming to our programme in Penang last weekend
1. Tun memang seorang negarawan hebat, tetapi ada satu keburukan yang ada dalam hati Tun sehingga kini ialah sifat pendendam kepada musuh2 politik Tun.
2. Sebagai contoh, mengapa sumbangan Tun Ghazalie Syafiee kepada pembentukan Malaysia dan lain2 sumbangannya tidak dihargai sewaktu Tun menjadi PM? Beliau diberi gelaran Tun (2005) itu pun sewaktu Pak Lah menjadi PM. Beliau dipinggirkan terus oleh kepimpinan Tun selepas bersara. Jawatan yang diberi selepas bersara tidak secocok dengan kepakaran Tun Ghazalie. Sedangkan org bawahannya seperti Tun Hanif Omar diberi Tun lebih awal darinya.
3. Tan Sri Muhammad Rahmat adalh seorang lagi mangsa dendaman Tun. Seorang yang setia bersama Tun, hanya dituduh sebagai pro Anwar maka dia disingkirkan. Luput hingga tiada siapa tahu dimana Tok Mat berada. Nasib baik Pak Lah bagi Tok Mat Tan Sri.
4. Bila KU Li kembali kepangkuan UMNO atas semangat perpaduan Melayu, Tun langsung tidak menghargainya.
5. Tun Ghazali Syafiee, Ku Li dann Tok Mat banyak sumbangannya kepada negara jika dihitung satu persatu.
6. Sumbangan wira tak didendang ini sebenarnya disembunyi kan sewaktu kepimpinan Tun kerana Tun mahu menunjukkan bahawa hanya Tun sahaja lah pemimpin unggul dizaman Tun.
7. Saya menyanjung tinggi Tun Mahathir. Malah saya akan menangis apabila terfikir jika Tun sudah tiada suatu hari nanti. Yang mana saya tidak akan menangis jika kehilangan org lain yang bukan keluarga rapat saya.
8. Cuma, negara kita terbina bukan atas jasa seorang pemimpin sahaja. Wira tak didendang ini wajar didendangkan jasanya dan diberi penghormatan sesuai. Kerana mereka juga terlibat dalam membina dan memajukan Malaysia dizamannya.
5.Tapi, Tun satu kekurangan Tun
Tun, I’m really CONCERN that the same CONSPIRATORS for 9/11 might planning the same PLOT against you and this country by using their PROXIES in the opposition parties especially those in PKR..
Please be prepared and awared.. We really LOVE you and don’t want you to fell under their CONSPIRACIES too..
Assalammualaikum Dear Tun,
I have always regarded you highly and this article you wrote on 9/11 has only elevated you to the elite ranks of the most Honest and the Brave. Every thinking man would come to the conclusion you did but only the brave few, as you are, would dare say the truth.
The American government has had a history of false flags to widen their influence in the world. To garner the support of the American people, these false flags operations, where the anger of the masses are heightened, are deem necessary and sadly the lost of innocent lives are inconsequential if not desirable to their cause.
Never before have 4 hijacked planes roamed so freely in American
Dear respected Tun,
After reading your comment during the book launch, I checked out the YouTube video. Indeed it is an eye opener. May I add that after watching Micheal Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 that examines the relation between Bush administration and 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan, so called report of presence of WMD(Weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq that leads to the invasion of Iraq. Fahrenheit 9/11 IS the highest grossing documentary of all time to date and received a 20 minute standing ovation during 2004 Cannes Films Festival( the longest standing ovation in history)Kudos to you, Tun for raising the public awareness to examine further on 9/11.
Anyone with a logical mind would definitely question the destruction on the Pentagon allegedly hit by a Boeing 757, but found no debris resembling an airline as such. Until today, many believe(including myself…personally) thinks an UCAV(Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle) or a missile fit the pattern of destruction on Pentagon.
Indeed the American citizen should realize that mass media can be manipulated, and logically the rationale behind the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Micheal Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 questions the act of chartering private jets to fly relatives of Bin Laden out of US soils when the entire airline was grounded right after WTC was hit. Why didn’t the US authority question any of them before flying them out?
American physicist Steven Jones reported that the collapse of WTC was a result of a well planned demolition, and that the impact by the airliner would not be sufficient to cause the collapse of the structure.
May your speech echoes into the public ears to think and rationalize the actual event that transpired on september 11,2001.
I doubt the US air defense is so transparent that allowed 4 airliners to be hijacked at the same time, and since when the government allowed access into the air space where Pentagon is located?
Hats off to you,Tun!
Agreed with you Tun 110%..I’m wandering why only now these people start talking about sensitivity, after the so called superpower U** and its allies made total destruction to the (Muslim) world. Don’t they think the same to hundreds thousand of innocent people who were brutally killed plus other millions who lost their father, mother, son, daughter, relative, homes, etc ? ; and most tragically lost of their own countries ? Remeber, they are also human like us but on what ground they being treated that way ? Where’s WMD…Osama…Al-Qaeda ? All are excuses. Janganlah marahkan nyamuk, kelambu dibakar. Bunuhlah nyamuk tu je kalau betul-betul gentlemen. Ni tidak, tak dapat gading, tanduk dipulas. Saje nak lepas geram & dendam.
Don’t worry Tun, the whole world is supporting you. Let the truth be prevailed no matter when.
I can’t imagine how’re they (Bush, Blair and others) able to sleep at night for the rest of their life. They are just not human! So…, what the hell are they?!
The creation of Israel was from the results of the 2nd world war.
Perhaaps Osama ben Laden is also their creation, to continue the americans citizen fear of muslims and maintain their war against terror. Its not only Osama, there were others before him.
Salam Sejahtera kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
Tun there is nothing that I can say.You are simply the best.Such a great leader.
Please do make a come back rakyat need you badly.
Tun May Allah bless you for what you have done for the Muslim world.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I think people should not be emotional about it. Tun had stated an opinion and has presented credible facts to justify it. Therefore, the only thing for those who are unhappy about it is to show proof that what Tun said is not true. I support for an open inquiry by the US as if it’s true that the 9/11 tragedy was staged, then this has very big ramifications as the Muslims were wrongly accused as terrorists and the real culprits must be brought to justice.
I really like the way Tun handle issues, any issues would be faced head on, and quickly addressed or answered by Tun. This has always been Tun style even during Tun’s days as Prime Minister. I find that there are many issues brought up by Tun in this blog but many has been left unanswered by the government. Remember millions of Malaysians and eligible voters are watching this blog everyday. That’s my 2 cents opinion.
P/S: Tun, when are you going to write a book about yourself? Hopefully the current generation and generations to come can benefit from it.
Salam Tun yang di hormati,
1. Kebenaran perlu di maklumkan dan juga perlu di dedahkan kepada semua.
2. Banyak halangan yang akan di hadapi, banyak cemuhan yang akan di lemparkan, banyak prasangka akan di timbulkan.
3. Mungkin ada yang kata “Tun bikin tak serupa cakap”; “Tun berani timbulkan isu sensitif”; “Tun macam tak da isu lain lagi” dan sebagai nya.
4. Tapi kebenaran perlu di sampaikan. Oleh sesiapa jua.
5. Walaupun orang yang pernah di “ISA” kan, walaupun pernah di buang parti, walaupun pernah di kata “IQ economy 0”.
6. Teruskan Tun.
“Not reporting this means covering up what can be a heinous crime.”
And that’s where the scurrilous nature of your post rears its ugly head. You write as though these conspiracy theories are a proven fact when they are nothing more than conspiracy hypotheses and speculative accusations with no real factual basis or evidence!
E.g. We can speculate that the real probability is it was the extremist Al Qaeda muslim terrorists and Osama who earlier planted bombs in the basement and other floors of WTC. That would explain why it looked like a well planned demolition job, wouldn’t it, rather than a plain silly pinata swing by you that the USA Govt would get involved in the murder of 3,000 of its own and other citizens? Do you seriously deny die-in-the wool muslim extremist suicide bombombers and terrorists were directly involved?
Why should we assume that there was CIA/USA and Mossad/Israeli involvement when Al Qaeda has admitted to the WTC jet crash/bombing and other destruction on 9/11?
If we look at it your way, then can we not automatically assume Barry Wain was right that due to your negligence and/or complicity/corruption, M’sia lost $100 billion or more during your 22 year tenure as PM, and that the M’sian Govt under PM Najib is indulging in a cover up by banning BW’s biograpghy of you, here?
Please don’t play the coy, innocent game with us Tun. We know your real motives. You seek publicity so that you can get more donation from Arab suckers for your Perdana Leadership Foundation by hurling nothing more than amateur conspiracy hypotheses at USA and Israel.
That, and your recent (once again) globally condemned anti-Jew and anti-Israel speech sounding regretful about ghettoes and the Holocaust not achieving a ‘final solution’ as you would have desired, should make you sit and ask whether a not too uncommon perception of your apparent bigotry is bringing M’sia into utter disrepute!!
You should put in caveats in your posts if you don’t wish to be accused of plain ‘ol Uncle Sam and Uncle Moshe bashing or else your name will not even be a footnote in M’sian history; that’s how embarrasing it will be!!
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
They lied too many
Sept 11,Saddam,Iraq,Iran,Afganistan,Talliban,and many more.
The Muslim World,OIC failed.
We failed because We Kneel to them,
Muslim Men Must Not kneel.
Must stand upright and fight,in military nor in debate.
The fear instilled with threat,corrupting the mind of Muslims brothers against Muslims brother,is the key to our failure.
It is Bush Administration influence that use the World as a shield
to their own enemy.
It is WAR against Islam not against Terrorists.
Iraq submit to UN resolution,submit to years of sanction,
submit to UN inspection,yet was attack and invaded.
The Iris Republican Army was labeled as terrorists even before Talliban was born was not attack,
North Korea have repeatedly challenge US honor,exposing their military capabilities,was not attack.
A physical truth that expose this lies.
Now British Committee is looking depth into illegal war against
Iraq.If found guilty,every persons,military personnel,every minister
involves must be punish.
Bush and Blair must be hang in IRAQ not US.
I am disappointed to those Muslims brothers,Muslims Nations that abet with them out of Fear or favors.
Iraq must be compensated.
Ignorant Malaysian still think those are just conspiracy theory. It is so hard to spend 2 hours watching the presentation? The fact that was shown in the clip were not mere rumours. It was backed up by logical and physical proof. What more do they need! Dont try to shut people up and dont blind to the truth just because you cant accept that we are living in unjust world and people actually suffering because of other people. Theres another proof for you. Doesnt Palestine is genuine proof enough?
Killing so many to justify a war is a very huge sacrifices and I still amazed how the politician of Republican can live within their life of such massacre.
Ayahanda Tun,
If that Mei Leng Bohl (a MBC married to American?) that questioned the 9/11 incident has something to do with the present debate on the use of the word Allah, than we should question her why she linked this 9/11 to the word “Allah’ and Anwar’s sodomy. I am sure she would not like us to spell out their greed and fanatic in religion, speculation and journalism.
These are the CDs whom never follow orders, rules and regulations set by the Government because they have lost trust with the Government since 1997 and they would never ever admit they have done wrongs to the victims of 9/11 (one of the victims was a married Chinese Malaysian lady with children), Iraqis and Gazans.
They may not accept “Allah” because they are non-muslims. As the Malaysian citizen, they should know who is Agong. If they don’t, google Wikipedia Malaysia…..
Good night Ayahanda Tun.
Bush went to war without clear evidence that 911 was caused by some Iraq/Osama community he called terrorist. In attached video, Bush was asked if he went to war on Crusade (The Crusades were a series of religion-driven military campaigns waged by much of Latin Christian Europe), Bush said: “I said it once, I probably should not use that word” – regret of own speech?
Then in the same video, Bush said: “Charlie, you shouldn’t read too much into what i am saying.” – He doesn’t even sure what he was taking in the first place. Bush: “I don’t get to decide who goes to heaven” – but he surely responsible for killing a lot of his own American soldiers and innocent people by going into war.
On a personal note, everyone should be skeptical about “Godly people with Strong Missions” or anyone who starts with “Last night God revealed to me that…” as they always call themselves ‘unmistakenly right’ and others who against them are always wrong. All their actions always rightfully backed by ‘their God’.
“If God were to bless America, He would have given us a smarter president than George Bush.”
Besides, the Osama tape could also be faked too as shown, in similar fashion Hitler’s death was faked by a double:
Most of all, you should watch Vincent Bugliosi on the Alex Jones Tv Show:”Bush Crimes”
Org yg menuduh Tun sebenarnya nak Tun jadi kambing hitam dalam pergolakan kes mahkamah. Kononnya org akan melupakan sekejap kes tu, dan mula mencari kesalahan lain Tun. Walau apa pun, saya amat kagum terhadap Tun kerana masih berani “merobek” luka lama, yg sebenarnya sudah mula bernanah kerana masih terdapat kebenaran yg telah ditutupi oleh pihak berkepentingan, Teruskan membongkar kebenaran tentang kejadian 9/11, kerana sekurang-kurangnya masih ada org yg sanggup mendengar dan menyelidiki peristiwa ini.
Saya cadangkan supaya ahli parlimen pembangkang membawa cadangan menubuhkan suruhanjaya diraja di Amerika. Bukankah defacto mereka baik dengan pembesar negara itu?
Ayahanda Tun,
//10. The Government of the United States should institute a proper open enquiry.//
We will be wasting our time asking this question, 1 Malaysia Government is doing the same thing similar to US Government by not setting up a Royal Commission to investigate Dr M’s losing 100 billion Ringgit of Government money and what happened to the RM270 billion received by the previous Government from Petronas.
People are sick and tired with politics in Malaysia, they are morons who can gamble our lives just to climb up to the top ladder due to human greed. Is our A-G under paid according to Gani Patail? Why are they under paid? Where did the money go?
Everyone in the world knew Bush and Blair lied if they have watched Michael Moore 9/11. They lied in order to invade Iraq, a nation which has never threathen USA.
Ayahanda Tun, why Teoh died in MACC because of RM2000-RM3000 graft? Why Altantuya was C4 because of US500,000 commission? Why was Razak Baginda released? Why Raja Petra got out from the country? Why Ibrahim Saffian and Lim Kit Siang and The Star made noise on Dr M’s remark on 9/11? And don’t forget, our late Teoh was a DAP member.
Take care Ayahanda Tun. The biggest challenge for Mr Barrack Obama and the Democrates is to get the USA citizens come out and vote for their future leader if they respect, love and are proud of the Nation. Japan was not enveloped by USA as claimed by magazines or what so ever because of the Karma of Buddhism.
saya rasa masih ramai rakyat kita berfikir dengan ‘falasi’..
sbb tu diorg cakap Tun tak sensitif tentang isu 9/11..
Too many Americans seem to have forgot that the right of free speech brings with it the obligation of rational thought and inquiry. Perhaps someday, when 9/11 is no longer ‘current events’, but ‘history’, more Americans will be more comfortable with the idea of rational thought and inquiry.
It’s ironic that American and western criticism should be directed at a former leader of Malaysia when this leader tried to keep ‘anti-terror’ a matter of law enforcement and judicial proceedings and to share information with the west. But right now the American leadership doesn’t want that, they want a holy war. Meanwhile, intolerance in Christian-secular Europe has grown to extremes. They don’t want to learn from moderates of any background if those moderates come from countries like Malaysia, Turkey or Indonesia.
Moderate means moderate in decision-making and action. American leaders espouse an empty moderation and then act like a bunch of fanatics. They let their decision-making commit their country to extreme positions, obviously. This makes it difficult for Americans who want to be moderate to assert themselves in the media or on the political scene. One had hopes that Obama would be different, but so far he has shown very little reason for hope.
Salam Tun & Fellow CheDet’s Bloggers,
Somebody have to expose this heinous crime of the century. Tun have done the right thing and we hope more peace loving people to come forward and keep the issue burning until the real culprit is known recorded in history for the future generation to judge who are really the Axis of Evil.
The conspiracy theory cannot be dismissed just like that. They can lie to some people sometime, to a few people one time but they cannot lie to all the people all the time. They will find the valid reason to get the people support, hook by crook they will. Last time they use communist idealogy to fight by applying domino theory. With the collapse of Communism in eastern Europe, they need to find a new target to feed their motivation to continue to use their powerful killing machine. Islam IS their next best target because they realise that Islam is and still is the fastest growing religion in the world that can threaten their existence. For sure they have no idea what ISLAM is. They will ultimately fail in Iraq, Afganistan, Somalia, Sudan etc.
The American tax-payers should think hard and wonder why their “government” is ever willing to waste billions of dollars for war, not to mention loss of thousands of the lives of their soldiers, when many people are still homeless & hungry even in US itself.
It is not the ordinary American people who approve such action but by a few warmongers of US Aministration who have political and economic interest to serve. They need to create a really fantastic event nobody can ever imagine that can arouse the people’s support of the war, knowing fully well about how they lost the Vietnam war. After the decision to go war was declared, even illegally, most American citizens do not support the war but they need to support their soldiers who were sent to fight that war.
These evil people must be exposed and put to trial by their own people in their own court for not perhaps about human right ( As their behaviour & arrogance clearly show that they have no respect whatsoever for the lives of others )but about wilingness to kill their own people ( of course Bush’s & Blair’ children were not sent to the war ). If sufficent evidence can be produced ( it may take time ), I believe, the people of US will have no hesitation to put them on trial under US laws.
People must realise that there is a ( evil) government within the government as far as US is concerned. History has proven that along the way, US administration have many faces. Except for the ordinary citizen who migrated to US solely to look for freedom and “American dream”, these groups of evil people live for nothing else but greed for power and wealth and human lives and suffering will not bother their conscience at all, not even to their own people. Hell will be waiting for them if ever they escape the judgement in this world.
May Allah bless us all.
Tun M.
I will take this opportunity to
a/ ask what was your influence for a whole lot of other open inquiries
b/ ask you if you will be lodging a case/complaint in the UN based on your alleged claims that 9/11 WTC attacks were staged by the Americans.
a/ Did you lodge a proper and open inquiry into the dealings of Perwaja during your time as PM?
Did you lodge a proper and open inquiry into the mismanagement of MAS during your time as PM?
And if you say, the above is no where comparable to the issue of the 9/11 disaster, then I ask, did you lodge a proper and open inquiry into the issue that occured in Memali in 1985?
Should we then request for an open inquiry into what/who influenced Petronas acquiring the troubled Perkapalan Nasional in which your Son had >50% stake into the troubled mismanaged organisation?
Should we also insist into an open inquiry into the unfair dismissal of 3 supreme court judges in during your tenure as PM?
b/ What are your plans now that you have viewed the 3 hour video refuting claims that Terrorist attacks were the true cause for 9/11 loss of life?
Shouldn’t you with all your conscience and your ability to influence these matters lodge an official complaint in the UN to have the US Govt investigated for massacre/genocide of their people. If you won’t – why not? Is it not your bounden duty as a former leader of state with evidence to lodge this official report?
I think you should also ask for UN to investigate the commission that wrote the final Report giving a false account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks
At the same time, pls also lodge that case against Tun Abdullah who you claim is corrupt and per your claim has a number of illegal transactions during his tenure as PM.
Don’t dissapoint the many Malaysians with just talking (or blogging about this Tun). If there is anyone who can bring perpetrators to face the law, you’re one who can do it.
Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
Their hearts, eyes, brains, ears are closed for several reasons;
1. these comments came from you…obviously your enemies, esp from opposition parties could not accept, even though you have the facts and figures.
2. the malays who are too humble, inferior would rather blame themselves or their own kind..that’s you Tun, rather than blaming or talking bad about the whites…superior race to them
3. the non-malays are against your idea simply becos they hate the muslims and really believed muslims are bad people…but these same muslims are the ones who tolerated them when the non-malays made demands, kurang ajar, aggressive, etc.
4. I dont give a damn about what the non-malays are saying…but when the malays. so happenend muslims questioned Tun, these idiots are the ones I would like to address…u people are clueless and brainless! o ya…u bangsa hina (you’re not fit to be called orang melayu bermaruah).
Stay strong Tun, tqvm.
we are sick and tired of this stuff…
and dont censor this if you dare to publish….
Americans also believe that UFO landed in Roswell, Nevada in 1947….do u believe it???
that military weather balloon has created billion dollar industry in the US in tourism in Roswell, in Hollywood movies and UFo based theme parks…..
do you believe it???
likewise, some whiteman like michael moore and the left wings love to create something like the 9-11 conspiracy and create some movies and sensation in the websites….. moslems like you love to believe it rather than admitting about Osama…..
saya tak penah taksub ngan us n sekutunyer…
kalo di bandingkan siapa yg betoi dah tentu saya sokong bapak
sbb walo saya tak kenal bapak secara peribadi tapi apa2 pun yg bapak cakap semasa bapak jadi pm keluaq sebijik mcm yg bapak cakap…buang karen saya jer kalo saya nak sokong org yg nun jauh beribu batu yg langsung saya tak kenai saper dia…dlm citer depa jer betoi…..betoi2 saper betoi pun takto….tgk jer lah kat iraq…aman ke sejak saddam takdak……salutelah….
Aslmk Tun Dr Mahathir…I pray that you and your family are in good health, and being blessed my Allah all the time. First of all, my name is Anuar Mohamad, a Consultant Directional Driller with Schlumberger in Turkmenistan. I am living in Seremban with my family, and originally from Kepala Batas, Kedah. For the last 14 yrs working in drilling oil and gas wells in many countries, it come across my mind that we should start to find oil and gas on land instead of depending on what we have offshore Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu, and Kelantan. I know that many people think this is a crazy idea. However, if we look at the countries that work like Syria, Sudan, Algeria, and Indonesia, they are willing to take a chance.
Due to my ambition to see this comes true, last week I send an e-mail to MB Negeri Sembilan, Datuk Seri Utama Mohamad Hassan, about my idea, and I received a good feedback from him. He asked me to come and see him in Wisam Negeri to discuss about that. Because of that, I need to get some opinion from Tun regarding this issue. I will be back in Malaysia from Turkmenistan in 3 weeks time. Hope to get a reply from Tun. Wassalam
Anuar Mohamad
Consultant Directional Driller
Schlumberger Turkmenistan
Caspian Sea Region
[email protected]
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Salam hormat Ayahanda Tun Mahathir, kami semua bersamamu,
Salam hormat Ayahanda demi Agama, Bangsa dan Tanahair, kami ber-Saksi,
(Ref: by Dr.Mahathir:
“2. This is not a case of Muslims making wild accusations against the Government of the United States of America. This accusation is being made by Americans, white Americans against their own Government.”
“Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 9/11.
These include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern,
the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts,
BYU physics Professor Steven Jones,
former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow,
former MI5 officer David Shayler,
former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher,
former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W.
Bush’s first term Morgan Reynolds and many more.
Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story
Calls for truly independent investigation, joins growing ranks of prominent credible whistleblowers
Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it.
(Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | March 20 2006)
FACT Ref: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/200306charliesheen.htm
“Alex mentioned John Farmer, a senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission, who revealed earlier this year that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11.
Other members have said that the Pentagon and the government were engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack.
Assalamualaikum TUN,
You Sir are truly the best of the best, no doubt about it.
To hell those who have not open their eyes and ears to the truth about this crime of the century. They can jollywell keep their eyes and ears closed forever if so is their choice.
Simply asking who killed President Kennedy? Is it Muslim terrorist?
And why was he killed? Why was the suspect not given proper trial to defend himself, infact he was shot point blank.
Go check it out and find out more about who runs USA from behind the scene.
What can be confirmed is that the authorities have some kind of foreknowledge on 911 attacks and London 7/7 bombing.
Here is a link that implicates Zionists disguising themselves as Arabs to implicate the latter.
I agree with your reasoning Tun.
USA have done many bad things openly. However due to her superiority in military, many countries just keep quiet and act like nothing were happened.
I realize you have been condemning USA for quiet sometime, and I salute you for this.
I just wonder, how good it would be if during your prime time you had condemned the corruption in our country and take necessary action to those responsible without being selective.
Its not too late to yet rectify this issue in our motherland for rakyat goodness. One good example is about PETRONAS OIL ROYALTY
YABhg Tun
The reactions of some readers to your writing concerning 9/11 reminds me of the reactions of the US govt. and many of her citizens to concerned and thinking Americans who dared to question and criticize the invasion of Iraq by the US and her allies at the onset of the war. They were called unpatriotic. Later, they were also shouted down as insensitive to those who came back in body bags. Now, more and more Americans are questioning WMD and the invasion. Obama won his nomination and presidential elections because of the promise he made about change. One of the changes he chanted nonstop was withdrawing the US soldiers from Iraq.
Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
Mungkin kisah 11 sept 2001 dah dilupakan oleh sesetangah orang. Sepatutnya kisah serangan WTC ini menjadi sejarah hitam di dalam dunia, terutamanya dunia Islam yang begitu teruk terkena tempiasnya.
Sudah lama orang mengsyaki Amerika menjadi dalang dalam perancangan serangan 11 Sept 2001 cuma tiada bukti dan tiada tokoh yang berani meluahkannya. Takut dengan Amerika.
Serangan 11 sept itu menjadi lesen besar kepada Amerika untuk menghentam dunia Islam dan menjadi punca serangan kepada Iraq.
Takkanlah semua orang Islam tak nampak?