Saya tidak berniat untuk kempen dalam PRK Sungai Limau. Ini sebahagian dari kawasan saya pada tahun-tahun 1964 – 1969. Saya sukar berkempen di sini. Tetapi kerana sebab tertentu saya lapangkan masa pada 3hb November dan saya memutus untuk ke Sungai Limau.Sungai Limau tebal dengan PAS kerana terdapat guru agama yang terkenal di situ. Tetapi kali ini BN dapat masuk dan saya juga boleh berkempen. Sudah longgar agaknya.
Bendera PAS sama banyak dengan BN. Kit Siang turut berkempen tetapi DAP masih takut bayang-bayang saya. Tumpuan Kit Siang ialah mencaci saya, seolah-olah saya yang bertanding. Kit Siang tidak senang kenapa saya masih aktif selepas bersara.
Pada 1964 saya jadi Wakil Rakyat. Kit Siang menjadi Setiausaha Politik kepada Devan Nair. Kemudian setelah PAP tidak dapat aktif lagi di Malaysia Kit Siang menubuh DAP dan menjadi ketuanya. Saya bersara 2003. Kit Siang belum bersara, masih ketua DAP dan menjadi wakil rakyat Gelang Patah. Bila Kit Siang akan bersara? Sampai mati kah? Jika sudah bersara nak jadi pemimpin kanan (Senior Leader) DAP kah?
Kempen sekarang ini berbeza dari dahulu. Banyak wang diguna. Diadakan Karnival di mana ada acara hiburan, jamuan dan hadiah percuma seperti T-shirt BN, PAS yang belum memerintah terpaksa jual T-shirt. Apabila jadi Kerajaan T- shirt tentu percuma.
Ada Jabatan Kerajaan yang mengadakan pameran untuk mempromosi Kementerian Pertanian saya fikir. Mereka yang datang melihat pameran diberi sepuluh ekor anak ayam, dedak dan beras. Makanan disediakan untuk pelawat.
Saya tak tahu samada pameran ini adalah sebahagian dari kempen BN. Jika ia, amat jelas pelawat tidak terpengaruh dengan hadiah anak ayam. Sebenarnya pengundi tidak mengundi mengikut hadiah – samada berbentuk duit atau anak ayam.
Mungkin saya salah (dan saya mengaku saya kerap salah) tetapi saya fikir pemberian wang dan hadiah tidak akan memberi kemenangan. Ini jelas dari PRU 13. Yang tak sokong tak sokong juga. Wang yang diberi adalah pembaziran, samada wang Kerajaan atau bukan Kerajaan.
Sokongan kepada parti politik diasaskan kepada perjuangannya dan tingkah laku pemimpin dan calon. Kalau datang dengan Mercedes atau motorsikal 1000 c.c, saguhati dan apa juga yang diberi tidak akan menawan hati. Ada pengundi yang tidak arif yang berkata ini rasuah. Ini sangkaan buruk mereka. Tetapi sangkaan ini walaupun mungkin bukan rasuah mungkin mempengaruhi tindakan mereka.
Di Sungai Limau ternampak banyak rumah batu bumbung genting. Nampak sejak saya jadi wakil rakyat dahulu keadaan banyak berubah. Ramai dari orang kampung yang sudah berjaya dan ada duit, walaupun tidak kaya.
Tetapi masih ramai yang miskin, amat miskin. Kalau mereka diberi peluang dan bantuan mungkin mereka akan berhijrah – Wallah wa’alam. Dan mungkin BN disanjung tinggi semula.
Inilah politik semasa. Duit lebih banyak tetapi pengaruh masih belum cukup.
Salam Tun
Dear W*j*hber*k.
I don’t understand your accusations, in my opinion; your allegations are unfounded for and should be accounted for the muddle you caused in this honorable blog. Here’s my reasoning:
1. Your Allah SWT naming convention – I have proven to you that millions of Muslims around the world do not agree with your naming convention. If you don’t understand Arabic, I forgive you. But please don’t imply that me and millions of Muslims are making fun of Allah SWT. If we have to go into an in-depth discussion about this topic, bring it on, I’ll start from Arabic 101 with you. But DO NOT put words in my mouth, I don’t make fun of Allah SWT and my brothers, but I don’t mind making fun of a couple of Munifiqs.
2. I do not ridicule others – But I find no problem defending myself when other ridicules me first; especially shielding unsubstantiated contentions from you and your cyberbullies. (Please be reminded that you started it first, not me.)
3. I do not make fun of any states – You use small letter “p” instead of capital letter “P”, that means you are referring to “silver” which is one of the chemical elements with the chemical symbol Ag. If you don’t understand the usage of letter case, I forgive you, but again, DO NOT put words in my mouth. (Please refer to your dictionary.)
Salam Tun
P/S: “Clear and bail out..Do not engage, I repeat..Do not..” Who said that?
Dear abdul Rahman 2012 Al-Munafikun,
I think you are really sick and unreliable man. That is why I dont have to answer.
If you love China why dont you go and earn a living there ? The income tax in China is really cheap for you. Maximum tax you can get is very small. Only 45%. And if you are a land speculator, the maximum tax you will get is 60%. Very small , right ?
In the light of this, GST 17% in China , is peanut.
Assallammualaikum Tun.Saya mohon ruangan..
Dear Tun Perak..
This man is surely sick..:)
First : He make fun of Allah name believing that his standard is the same as Allah.
Second : He ridiculed other’s that do not follow his reasoning especially and most
regardly ethic.[ This world must revolves around me!..:) ]
Finally : He make fun of my homestate that is located between Penang and Selangor and his own act of defecating that made us all human!..
Shame on you..Shame on you…:)
Terima kasih Tun..:)
Salam Tun
I agree, please obey w*j*hber*k.
I rest my case.
Salam Tun
Assallammualaikum Tun..
Mohon ruangan..
Dear Tun Perak..
Clear and bail out..
Do not engage, I repeat..Do not..
His Highhandedness is a tantrumist..
Do not reward tantrumist!
Terima kasih Tun..
Dear CHUCK the Munafiq
(Kindly be reminded not to insult the Al-Quran again by misusing the name of a Surat. Thank you.)
Based on your limited information and my logical deduction, I can safely conclude that you have exhausted your points for logical reasoning.
You said: “You go shopping because “stuffs are cheap”. I wonder how can poor people claim stuff are cheap. China should GST you. But why it didnt. Simply because your assumption that China does not imposed GST to poor people is wrong.”
Your 1st hilarious flawed logic: “I wonder how can poor people claim stuff are cheap.”
But who said poor people cannot claim stuffs are cheap? When supermarkets and hypermarkets are running Year End Sales, people of all social standings, regardless rich and poor will flock to buy stuffs.
Why? Because they are cheap. Simple logic.
Your 2nd hilarious flawed logic: “China should GST you. But why it didnt. Simply because your assumption that China does not imposed GST to poor people is wrong.”
Have you been to China recently? Have you patronized a halal restaurant in China recently? Food is a necessity, not sinful products, luxury goods or environmentally unsustainable items. Consumer tax is not applicable. Service charge is another story which is not part of this discussion.
Last time, we spent 2 weeks in Beijing eating at Wangdelou Muslim Restaurant, Qingzhen Meishi Restaurant, Jubaoyuan restaurant, KFC and etc. I am flying to China again tomorrow. And I have never in a single moment; encounter a single restaurant manager asking us to chop his tax coupon. What tax coupon?
Consumer Tax (GST) in China is to discourage people from buying certain products that are non-essential, luxury, or harmful. If “poor” people wanted and can afford Louis Vuitton, Mont Blanc, and BMW, he or she will be considered as “well-to-do” and is subjected to Consumer tax (GST). Simple logic.
For your good health, please calm down, relax, and have some fresh air outside.
Go flying kite with your kid is a good option.
Salam Tun
P/S: Kindly be reminded that you still own me answers to my previous questions. Have your nickname started to grow on you? CHUCK?
Dear abdul Rahman Al-munafikun,
Rahman , your statement is wrong. I dont know why you kept on making mistakes. I think if you have a Bachelor Degree, you dont earn it but paid to get that degree.
To help you learn where you go wrong. Let me restate your inference :
” I went to Beijing earlier this year. After work and meetings, inevitable we went shopping on our own because stuffs are cheap” ; “China imposed GST / consumer tax on the rich people, not the poor”.
You go shopping because “stuffs are cheap”. I wonder how can poor people claim stuff are cheap. China should GST you. But why it didnt. Simply because your assumption that China does not imposed GST to poor people is wrong.
Regardless of how much you earn in China, there is no minimum limit. Even you earn some little RMB , you will be taxed 5%. If you go to restaurant in China. The manager will meet you to sign and choped his tax coupon.
Idiot, it is better for me to entertain my child ; i suggest you can go fly kite.
Salam Tun.
Attacks provoke retaliations.
I have shown the world on how I ended a tit for tat on October 29, 2013 at 6:09 PM POLITICIANS vs JOURNALISTS by refraining myself from commenting on his final words.
On the other hand, he have shown the world on how he escalated this tit for tat on his November 21, 2013 at 11:22 AM post with the calling upon of a group cyberbullying.
He wrote: “I fully supported Tun Perak and wish that people like Mubarak Chan,Amin Tan,Puteri Tujuh,Hafiz,Sentinel 3 come to his aid and give this ‘unmentioned Excellency’ the ‘CALL ZONE”..”
Tit for tat? He asked for it.
Salam Tun
Assallammualaikum Tun.Mohon ruangan.
Dear Tun Perak.
You are worthy of this nickname but unfortunately you will sucked into the peated bog of endless tug of mind psy engaging “His Highhandedness” ploy.
Why we writes here in Tun blog?
We shared opinion and hopely benefited from our exchange of mind.
His Highhandedness subordinated everything to his belief of system.That will make him rational but only within the system of belief.He stick to the opiniated objective unwaver..
The pertinent question will be when it will ever end this tit for tat?
Terima kasih Tun.
Salam Tun
I went to Beijing earlier this year. After work and meetings, inevitable we went shopping on our own because stuffs are cheap.
Did we pay GST?
China imposed GST / consumer tax on the rich people, not the poor.
Harmful items such as cigarettes and alcohols are levied, similar to Malaysia’s “sin tax”.
Diamonds, jewelries, luxury timepieces, top quality golf sets, cars, sport cars, and yachts are subject to consumer tax. Environmentally unfriendly or unsustainable items such as disposable chopsticks and wood flooring planks are also taxable.
I don’t smoke, I don’t drink (alcoholic beverages), I don’t buy unnecessary luxury goods, and I do no harm to our earth.
Common folks like me pay no GST in China.
Common folks like us will pay GST in Malaysia.
Salam Tun
P/S: Wanna wait until 2015 to find out what’s in it for the shoppers?
Dear abdul Rahman Al-Munafikun,
Before I have to answer your question, maybe you need to explain why these countries below which are not yet a developed nation and their rakyat cant afford as Malaysia do, have implemented GST.
1. China : Tax Rate – 17% (1994)
2. Taiwan : Tax Rate – 5.0% (1986)
3. Singapore : Tax Rate – 7.0% (1993)
Population below poverty line : China – 128 million (13.4%) earning below RM 1,200.00 compared to Malaysia 1.2 million (3.8%). Answer me , answer me .
Salam Tun
I am not against GST.
I am just saying why not wait until year 2020 when we have reached a developed nation status and when the Rakyat is more affluence. As per my November 21, 2013 at 9:16 AM comment:
“Now try to explain these simple questions, if the debt is not alarming and we are not hard up for money? Why impost GST to burden the Rakyat? We are NOT a developed nation until year 2020 (Insya Allah). Why not wait until then to see if the Rakyat can afford to pay?”
Salam Tun
P/S: I don’t worship idol, CHUCK.
Salam Yg Bhg. Tun, terima kasih memberi laluan.
Assalam Saudara WajaPerak, Saudara Amin Tan, sahabat-sahabat.
Terima kasih memberikan komentar kepada coretan saya. Sebagai manusia biasa, kita tidak bebas 100% membuat silap, sekiranya ada saya lakukan, tegur saya.
Mengenai Rahman 2012, terima kasih meminta saya berhati-hati. Insya Allah, kalau dia nya munafik, ke api neraka lah perginya tetapi sekiranya dia muslim yang boleh bertaubat, hanya pada Allah sahaja keampunan dipinta. Apa-apa pun setiap manusia mampu berubah, minta-minta ada perubahan.
Juga maaf lah perkataan kasar, sekiranya tidak kasar, we dont make ourself sufficiently heard. Sometimes, to make other notify, extra wordy typos help. Others who may think we Malay Muslim are weak will then take note that if they can mengutuk, we can also mengutuk 4 or 8 times harsher than them. Kalau depa tak nak sakit jiwa, duk diam-diam , else bring them on.
Moga Tun mengizinkan ruangan.
[ Since he refused to comply, I guess we have to concede..”The Highhandedness” ]
His Highhandedness issue is economic one.Why this take prominence instead of his identity and integrity is beyond me..
I suggest Tun Perak and Hajar do not respond to any other issues His Highhandedness offer as a bait.
Let him comply to Allah naming convention first.I guess this is what people said that
“Some people sing rap because they could not sing straight!
Terima kasih Tun.
Y.A Bhg. Tun,
Thank you Hajar for verifying the data and also providing additional supporting info as evidences that the data I posted earlier was similar with your independent finding other than an honest typo which Allah knows I am genuine and impartial like your good self. Only the evil-minded coward who died in year 1498 and his fiends from the inferno (Err… I mean fiends) who think they are smarter than Allah would disagree with the truth and fact.
Salam Tun
P/S: I see big storm coming…in a teh tarik cup.
Dear abdul Rahman 2012,
Did you know where you go wrong ? You replaced the “period” with “comma” and you make the whole bunch or readers either confused or cowed. I would say, you are quite blind or short-sighted and perhaps stupid because you cant check it back. If that statement is not true, then you are a hyprocite, just want to confuse people into believing that the debt is RM500 trillion.
Some people Sa living by making people confuse. Other people earn their living and promotion by intentionally provoking people to make error. I think you have to repent boy and repent hard.
About GST, let me answer you with fact and hard truth. Your idol , DS Anwar Ibrahim say what ?
Say what again ?
You want me to answer. I told ya , I dont have to answer because if OPPOSITION is in power they will also implement GST.
Terlebih dahulu saya berdoa kepada Allah SWT semoga Tun cepat sembuh dan kembali aktif semula seperti sebelumnya.
Izinkan saya menjawab sdra wajaperak.
Sdra wajaperak, terima kasih kepada sdra kerana menjemput saya turut serta berbahas dengan (Abdul) Rahman 2012.
Bagaimanapun, saya berpendapat tidak perlu saya turut serta kerana kes seperti (Abdul) Rahman 2012 ini “are in good hands”.
Selain sdra wajaperak sendiri, sdra Mubarak Chan, Haji Amin Tan, Puteri Tujuh, Tun Perak dan Hajar sudah cukup hebat untuk menjawab (Abdul) Rahman 2012.
Kadangkala, saya rasa lebih elok saya jadi pemerhati sahaja lebih-lebih lagi dalam “gone case” seperti (Abdul) Rahman 2012 ini, sama ada terhadap tulisannya berhubung agama Islam mahupun politik.
Silap-silap macam aso HBT456 pun ada persamaan karakter kedua-dua penulis ini. He…he…he.
Saya setuju dengan pendapat Haji Amin Tan, quote: – “Saudara Rahman 2012,
Saya dapati Tuan cuba menegak benang yang basah walau pun issue itu sangat mudah dan asas.
1. National debt amerika USD17 trillion. Takkanlah national debts kita RM500 trillions iaitu 6 kali ganda lebih besar daripada national debts amerika. Inilah masalah penyokong2 PKR, MAIN cakap tidak tahu hujung pangkal. Cuba nak salahkan maid pula. Perkara ini amat memalukan kerana menunjukkan keangkuhan secara yang jahil. Angka yang Tuan kemukakan tidak munasabah dan tidak masuk akal.”
Dan juga pendapat Tun Perak, :- quote ” Dear Your Highness abdul Rahman 2012,
When Your Highness wrote the country debt in billions RM 546,015, it means that the country debt is RM 546 trillion. If your highness does not understand mathematics and it’s convention, just dont write any number to amuse others because at the end of the day it will only show your highness own stupidity.”
Tulisan dan penjelasan sdra wajaperak juga cukup jelas berhubung “Allah Naming Convention”. Ok lah tu.
Masalahnya sdra wajaperak, ada yang tidak mahu menerima hujah dan penjelasan orang lain atau berjiwa besar mengaku kesilapan sendiri (seperti dalam kes (Abdul) Rahman 2012 ini) dan ada yang terlalu taksub dengan fahaman politik mereka, lebih-lebih lagi apabila diselubungi politik pembangkang hingga tidak dapat membezakan antara yang betul atau yang salah, yang kaca atau manikam. Wallahu alam.
Salam Tun.
With your permission, I like to ask MNMN, HockBengTeohhalfpastsic, The on, Dont be small minded, yusof12, saxykumar, the rocket scientist from Singapore etc. the following 2 good questions :-
1. THE CHINESE, THE MALAYSIAN CHINESE, HAVE BEEN LED BY MANDARIN SPEAKING CHINESE SINCE 1949. Is this the reason why the Chinese political leadership is so weak ?
2. THE CHINESE, THE MALAYSIAN CHINESE, HAVE BEEN INFLUENCE BY THE BRILLIANT LEE KUAN YEW WITH HIS 11 FAILED POLICIES FOR SINGAPORE. Is this the reason why the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP has been in Opposition for over 47 long years ? A political party is formed to rule, not to oppose.
Dearest YAB Tun,
Mohon izin Tun:
To Abdul ‘Rahman 2012’,
I searched for other data sets on ‘Government-Debt-to-GDP-ratio’ – to double check; the figures are quite similar. Earlier I used the same data set as yours just to prove/show something.
You can sort the percentages (Table: for the link below) in ascending order (based on ‘Year’) to see which countries are in trouble. It looks like Malaysia is still doing fine (even though I believe it’s about time for DSN to pass the baton – for many other reasons).
/// an excerpt
“According to the IMF, outside of the OECD, a number of countries face heavy debt burden in the near future, such as Buthan (an estimated 100% of GDP in 2014,) Eritrea (123%,) Grenada (112%,) Jamaica (139%,) Lebanon (136%,) Maldives (122%,) SINGAPORE (101%,) Saint Kitts and Nevis (133%,) Sudan (115%,) and the UNITED STATES (114%.)”
Below is another link (might be a bit outdated); here you can see the amounts in USD. I just want you to see the figures, and compare with the ones you provided earlier (the first data set – Debts in RM Billion).
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
Salam Tun,
I seek your kind approval to reply to CHUCK
Ha! I found an online version of the article:
Your turn to answers the questions, your Highness.
Salam Tun
Salam Tun,
Izinkan saya petik Saudara Rahman 2012 seperti berikut,
[[Rahman 2012’s GravatarRahman 2012November 21, 2013 at 9:16 AM | Permalink
Salam Tun
Calm down your HighnessTun Perak…calm down.
Take a deep breath…holds it for 3 sec…then exhale.
Good boy.
Check you BP readings…120/80.
Now we can talk.
Last night, I asked my maid to find me the hard copy of International Business Review Of Global Leaders, Business & Innovations. Volume 87. She couldn’t find it immediately, and I hope she didn’t recycle it already.
Anyway, let’s do a prognosis of your so-called blunder-smlunder. I wanted the hard copy to reconfirm if there was a misprint in the magazine or was it a typo. If it was an honest typo, then I have no problem apologizing because I have poor eyesight and trembling hands.]]
Saudara Rahman 2012,
Saya dapati Tuan cuba menegak benang yang basah walau pun issue itu sangat mudah dan asas.
1. National debt amerika USD17 trillion. Takkanlah national debts kita RM500 trillions iaitu 6 kali ganda lebih besar daripada national debts amerika. Inilah masalah penyokong2 PKR, MAIN cakap tidak tahu hujung pangkal. Cuba nak salahkan maid pula. Perkara ini amat memalukan kerana menunjukkan keangkuhan secara yang jahil. Angka yang Tuan kemukakan tidak munasabah dan tidak masuk akal.
2. Sepatutnya nama Abdul Rahman bukan Rahmah sebagaimana ramai yang telah menegur Tuan, tetapi Tuan masih juga berdegil menegak benang yang basah satu lagi. Ramai orang mencuri tidak semestinya kita juga mesti mencuri. Nama saya sebenarnya Mohd Amin dan secara ringkasnya saya guna amin tan. Saya akur dan mengakui kebesaran Allah, Pencipta Alam semesta. Allah sempurna dan manusia daif dan tidak sempurna tetapi banyak dalih dan manipulasi demi menegak benang basah
Terima kasih kepada Saudara Wajaperak kerana mengajak saya masuk gelanggang. Pada pendapat saya Saudara Tun Perak pun cukup hebat.
Wallahu alam
amin tan
Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
Thank you Tun Perak. You gut to straightened up things which are distorted. In todays news, head of Pakatan denied of accusing the Government brought in 40,000 Bangladeshis for PRU13. Last time in this blog and also at the Kelana Jaya Stadium, their supporters really condemned the Government saying the PRU13 was invalid because of this. Now they say different thing. Distorted things again.
Salam Tun and semoga sihat walafiat.
Dear Your Highness abdul Rahman 2012,
When Your Highness wrote the country debt in billions RM 546,015, it means that the country debt is RM 546 trillion. If your highness does not understand mathematics and it’s convention, just dont write any number to amuse others because at the end of the day it will only show your highness own stupidity.
Anwar sold the country assets such as TNB and Telekom to private owners in order not to incur more debt. That is the reason why the debt does not increase. Once the assets are sold, these entities debt became non-governmental debt. In addition, government does not has to pay for the 30,000 plus TNB worker salary, Telekom worker salary and others’ salary. That is how Anwar shifted government debt to outsiders.
DS Najib can also do the same trick Anwar did. Of course, privatise Prasarana and government hospitals, he shall see the debt reduces in one single action.
Regarding the name Rahman, maybe you do not understand that Rahman means God the AlMighty. That is the reason why many arabs and malay uses prefix Abdul before Rahman just to indicate inferior in front of God. The list of names that your highness has written are mainly newly convert Muslim or Syiah muslim. Of course , they may be ignorance such that they want their name to sound muslim but the fact is that they do not show their humility to God greatness. Man live and die. One day, you will die too. If you are a munafik, then you will go to the hell fire. If you are ignorance, you will be forgiven if you repent.
Assallammualaikum Tun.
Saya mohon ruangan..
[ To the one who still does not get it..:)]
perhaps you can convince the following group of famous people plus millions of common folks from our neighboring countries to the Middle East who do not follow your ALLAH NAMING CONVENTION.
Now Tun..
I am repeating this story.
Pada suatu hari ada seorang sahabat menziarahi Rasullulah s.a.w.Dia mendapati Saidina Hassan dan Saidina Hussin bermain ‘kuda-kuda’ dengan memanjat belakang Rasullulah s.a.w.Rasullulah s.a.w kemudian mencium cucu-cucu Baginda s.a.w yang mulia dan menyatakan mereka sebagai “anak-anakku”..
Sahabat itu bertanyakan..”Mengapa tuan berbuat demikian?Saya mempunyai 10 orang anak dan tidak pernah berbuat demikian.Jawab Rasullulah s.a.w..
Bagaimana aku akan memberi jika Allah tidak memberi ( Rahmat berkasih sayang )?
Begitulah Tun.Berjuta-juta orang yang mendakwa beragama Islam tidak segan silu mengamalkan Pancasila.Suami Islam,isteri kafir dan sebagainya.Begitu jugalah di seluruh penduduk dunia ini ada pelbagai tafsiran Islam dan orang-orang Islam.
Pada pendapat saya mereka bertindak secara sengaja dan tidak sengaja melalui proses ‘enervating’ Islamic very foundation of principal.
Sebagaimana yang saya belajar ,”Allah Naming Convention” and “Allah Attributes” is the foremost sacrosanct in Islam.That is why you must learn them in your infancy.
What we have here is someone in needed to be convinced.
Convincing people is not my bussiness my fiend..Eh I mean my fiend.
Reminding muslimin is Fardu Ain job and the task entrusted by Allah as mentioned in Al Quran..
Tepat sekali sabda Rasullulah s.a.w.
Terima kasih Tun.
Salam Tun
Dear Tun “CHUCK” Perak.
I admit. I made a mistake…entertaining you. CHUCK.
No offence.
Salam Tun
P/S: CHicken + dUCK = CHUCK
P/P/S: Dear Puan Hajar, those are the same set of data where my second set of info is derived. Thank you.
P/P/P/S: Dear Wajaperak, perhaps you can convince the following group of famous people plus millions of common folks from our neighboring countries to the Middle East who do not follow your ALLAH NAMING CONVENTION.
1. Rahman (actor), South Indian film actor
2. Rahman Ahmadi, Iranian footballer
3. Rahman Ali, boxer
4. Rahman Dadman, Iranian politician
5. Rahman Gumbo, Zimbabwean soccer coach (currently coaching the national team)
6. Rrahman Hallaçi, Albanian footballer
7. Rahman Oğuz Kobya, Turkish footballer
8. Fazlur Rahman Malik, Muslim scholar long associated with the University of Chicago
9. Rahman Rezaei, Iranian footballer
10. Rahman Syed, Pakistani entomologist
11. Rahman Sultanli, Azerbaijani polyglot
12. Rahuman Khan, Programer Annalist Trainee in Htc Global Service(Chennai).
13. Rahman (yeap, no bin, nothing) my personal Indonesian friend
14. and millions more all over the world….
P/P/P/P/S: Calm down your Highness…calm down.
I now present a true story about the RM2 incorporated churches which are tax free and unregulated – in Singapore there is a ‘Charities Commission’ to overseer misdemeanours.
My sister-in-law who hailed from Bentong, Pahang was illiterated. She was employed as a hair-rinser in a Jalan Imbi hair-salon, Kuala Lumpur. She incorporated her own RM2 incorporated church and made millions of ringgits from her collections which she astutely invested in Marble Arch, London (The Star invested in North London) and made more money. Her daughter is now carrying on her mother’s legacy. This is the new unsung industry of our beloved Malaysia which is tax free.
Dear abdul rahman 2012 (Hamba Allah).
Who is ducking who ? Why should I answer your questions if you dont want to admit your mistake ?
I repost what you have written again :
rahman the slave of God states :
I am reposting part of what Rahman 2012 has written:
” (Debts in RM Billion)
YAB Najib Razak’s Time
2013 RM(546,015)
2012 RM(501,898)
2011 RM(465,781)
2010 RM(405,094)
2009 RM(376,386)
… ”
You said the your above stament is not wrong. Everyone knows it is wrong. So, my question – are you carelessly stupid or heart blind or arrogant ?
If you cant apologize and admit your mistake, not necessary for me to answer anything that you written because you are not only careless but you are also not credible, having skeleton to hide in your closet, ducking, sweeping your mistake under the carpet and worst of all can be teach at all. A Malaccan nyonya mother would say to you ” Kecil-kecil tak nak mampus , sudah besar menyusahkan orang”.
Tun.Saya mohon ruangan..
[..To the one who still equates himself with Allah Asmaul Husna..]
Hope you don’t CHICKEN out to DUCK questions again. Perhaps you are not qualified to answer those questions; then you are excused. (I am just providing you a stair to step down gracefully.)
Tun..this is a very intellectual exchange between men of high standing I am tremble even reading them..:)
So..why I am here?
I am of the understanding that in Islam one is allowed only talking within his or her capacity.Certainly I am way out of these academia excellency…:)
I saw that these ‘intelligent banter’ is actually all about integrity and the lacks of them.
I fully supported Tun Perak and wish that people like Mubarak Chan,Amin Tan,Puteri Tujuh,Hafiz,Sentinel 3 come to his aid and give this ‘unmentioned Excellency’ the ‘CALL ZONE”..
For my small part of the equation, it really galled me seeing people of higher learning still leaning to this kind of lowly stoop.His excellency pointing to the outwards like casting the stone even hurled them outside from his mighty Jade Tower House of Glass.
Last I remembered he promise to lay inside his ‘coconut shell’ deep in meditation and like HBT don’t want come out.I guess he meant the restriction only to that posting..
Presently I would like to remind him again about “Allah Naming Convention” when one talk about the Chicken and Duck integrity.
Too true that in this world especially Indonesia and India million upon million subcribe rather violated “Allah Naming Convention” and he feels he just follows their trend.
Tun..I do not wish to be reminded how low my level intelligence and my IQ and not in deservance to share this place in your blog in his presence much less commented his highly distinguish comment’s..
Who know what deep inside his mind? Since he is of professor standing in UTHM I believe and put it to him that he believe he deserves some sort of gratuity and payment by minutes perhaps in justification.
This kind of academia I cannot stomach since I have very thin peritoneum lining.Suffice to say’s my contentin with him is still
Tun.Thank you.
Dearest YAB Tun,
Mohon izin Tun:
To ‘Abdul Rahman 2012’,
Check these out..hopefully all the data are correct…
Any comments?
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
Salam Tun
Calm down your HighnessTun Perak…calm down.
Take a deep breath…holds it for 3 sec…then exhale.
Good boy.
Check you BP readings…120/80.
Now we can talk.
Last night, I asked my maid to find me the hard copy of International Business Review Of Global Leaders, Business & Innovations. Volume 87. She couldn’t find it immediately, and I hope she didn’t recycle it already.
Anyway, let’s do a prognosis of your so-called blunder-smlunder. I wanted the hard copy to reconfirm if there was a misprint in the magazine or was it a typo. If it was an honest typo, then I have no problem apologizing because I have poor eyesight and trembling hands.
Also, I am obligated to correct your mistake. First of all, I am not Anwar’s supporter. I voted for BN. What I am presenting here are facts. Ever since Anwar took over the post as the Minister of Finance, Malaysia Debt to GDP ratio reduced from 79.5% to 31.8%. However, the ratio is increasing, and standing high at 53.1% in 2013! Check out my points as per the following link:
Now try to explain these simple questions, if the debt is not alarming and we are not hard up for money? Why impost GST to burden the Rakyat? We are NOT a developed nation until year 2020 (Insya Allah). Why not wait until then to see if the Rakyat can afford to pay?
Hope you don’t CHICKEN out to DUCK questions again. Perhaps you are not qualified to answer those questions; then you are excused. (I am just providing you a stair to step down gracefully.)
By the way, I never said Anwar is a better Finance Minister; so don’t put words in my mouth; I prefer CHICKEN and DUCK.
Salam Tun
P/S: To who are those government-owned companies sold to? Are they in the hands of the Malays or Chinese or Indian? We know the answer and I am not complaining.
Salam Tun,
Apologize to make your blog a mess due to the stupidity of this blogger “Rahman 2012″.
I am reposting part of what Rahman 2012 has written:
” (Debts in RM Billion)
YAB Najib Razak’s Time
2013 RM(546,015)
2012 RM(501,898)
2011 RM(465,781)
2010 RM(405,094)
2009 RM(376,386)
… ”
There is a big blunder in the expression of data. Stupid people make this blunder. Heart blind people do not want to admit their own error. Arrogant people, on top of non conceding their error, accuses innocence people.
OK, I want to help Rahman 2012 to realise his error. This help is just for manusia dayus yang tidak boleh berfikir dengan betul. Just to help you a bit – “Did you write
“Debts in RM Billion” and then you wrote 2013 RM(546,015) ” ? That is hilarious and laughable error. Even my primary school kid could see why it is wrong. And you cant even detect it. Maybe purposely , you want to massage the data to make it dramatically look enormously high. You can blind others but not me.
OK, let us help Rahman 2012 to realise that Anwar Ibrahim performance in some of the years are not as good as other years.
Debt in % of GDP from year 1991 to 1994 is more than 54.9% . Debt in % of GDP in year 2013 is 53.1 %. Comparing both, it showed that the performance of the honourable finance minister from 1991 to 1994 is less than the finance minester between year 2011 to 2013. So, again, who was the Finance Minister between 1991 to 1994 ? The answer is Anwar Ibrahim.
SO what actually happen between 1994 to 1998. In order to make the government debt looks low, Anwar Ibrahim sold goverment shares in big conglomerate to private holder. TNB and Telekom are some of the companies sold. Then, the sale of the shares is government revenue and hence no more higher debt is necessary because the capital expenditure of these companies are now carried out through non-government loans. When the currency crisis stuck Malaysia, the flurry of privatization process are slowed down. The responsibility of taking risk are then shifted back from the private sector to the government and this causes government debt to increase again.
Anwar Ibrahim was not a maverick. This simple economic process can be taught off. After the privatization process started, a number of big names in corporate world shoot up. They are related to Anwar either through school alumni (MCKK), political acquiantnances. Soon after, the big conglomerate such as TNB had their own “Vendor Development Program” to help “bumiputra” vendors, and a number of Anwar Ibrahim cronies are the recipient of millions of contracts through the Vendor Development Program. Some may be still in the program.
So, I wonder, going back to the years of Finance Ministership and what he has done, how could you said that Anwar Ibrahim was the better Finance Minister compared to others ? Enlighten me.
Dearest YAB Tun,
Mohon izin Tun:
To ‘Abdul Rahman 2012’,
I suggest you read the posting by ‘Hang Jebat Derhaka’ on November 18, 2013 at 1:26 PM | This posting makes more sense.
I have many American friends. A few told me that they take home only about half of their total income. When I worked part-time in one of the offices at my university (while doing my post-grad), I also had to pay tax even though my income was not much (hourly rate).
Another thing that I believe you tend to overlook is the fact that if we earn/have more money/income, then we can borrow more money – this also applies to individuals. Please do not simply look at the total ‘Government Gross Debt’ (very misleading even though your figures might be right). I am not an economist, but I did take Accounting/Economics courses.
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
Salam Tun
Dear Tun Perak
Don’t be lazy, the footnote in my previous comments is at :
For your benefit, I am re-posting it here as follow:
Source: International Business Review Of Global Leaders, Business & Innovations. Volume 87, Decision 2013 The Economic Issues at the Heart of Malaysia’s Election, Page 64. IMF (International
Monetary Fund)
Since you started with the CHICKEN subject…
Now let the world see you prove the data wrong, if you are not a CHICKEN.
Hope you don’t DUCK the challenge with lame excuses such as: “the data has no credibility because it was from a magazine or IMF”.
We are expecting an honest and straight forward response from you, so show us proof that there is another set of data from a reliable source that has material deviation from the above. Or at least get an apology from either International Business Review magazine or IMF that the data posted by them was wrong.
Otherwise, we don’t know how to categorise you…as CHICKEN or DUCK?
Either way, both look like food to me.
No offence.
Salam Tun
P/S: I don’t post those challenges to be disrespectful; it is just that the world deserves to see some truth. Hope that does not raise your BP readings. Take care of yourself Tun Perak.
Dear austozi,
I see you backtracked from stating innuendo to defame.
As you have advised others, let me advise you. If you think a particular person is entangled in corruption , then make a police report with proper evidence and linkages. I dont mind that person is caught and jailed if he is really guilty. But, if he is not proven guilty, then it would be very condemning to the status of an innocent person , if rumours mill keep on churning defaming him. Let him be answerable to God, if we do not know whether he is innocence or not ; or else you are the one answerable to God for provocation to fitnah.
Political parties and individuals are most likely to condemn and defame others; and it is very common to read and hear the condemnation comes from Pakatan Rakyat parties compared to Barisan Nasional parties. Pakatan Rakyat spoke aloud but their tail is deep entranced in shit; as direct translation from “ekor bergelumang dengan tahi”. Dan tahi-tahi fitnah adalah hidup dan budaya Pakatan Rakyat menagih simpati dari rakyat marhain.
My point is simple; we argue based on proven facts. If you do not agree with that, then dont be surprised that the law will take upper-hand.
As for “him”, he has nothing to explain because it is more rational to explain to a person who dare to show his real identity.
Dear abdul Rahman 2012,
Where is the article ? You just point to the url of the magazine.
Anyway that a magazine and not a journal. No impact factor and no quality. If you want the genuine high quality International Business Review Journal , then go to this url.
Unfortunately, your so-called debt data is nowhere to be seen there. By the side of my eyes, looking for 10 milliseconds, I knew for sure your data is wrong , as corrupt as your thoughts.
Salam hafizkenedelete,
Saya menghargai pandangan kamu. Adakah laporan Majlis Gerakan Negara yang kamu sebut itu di dalam domain awam dan boleh dikongsi dengan semua pembaca di blog ini?
Mungkin kamu perlu berhati-hati apabila mengemukakan pernyataan yang membabitkan mana-mana individu dalam kegiatan rasuah. Sememangnya sesetengah pembaca di blog ini mungkin mengancam kamu dengan kes fitnah dan Akta Hasutan. Saya telah mengalami ancaman sebegitu. Kalau kamu ada bukti atau saksi, bawalah bukti atau saksi tersebut ke balai polis untuk membuat laporan. Kalau mana-mana pihak terbukti rasuah, sama ada BN ataupun PR, saya tetap berasa sakit hati. Yang rasuah tetap salah, PDRM perlu tangkap, jangan tak tangkap. Bukan rasuah sahaja, basmikanlah segala aktiviti kongsi gelap, pelacuran (saya tidak bersetuju dengan pernyataan kamu bahawa “pelacuran dibanggakan oleh orang Cina”, ini suatu anggapan yang tidak berdasarkan fakta), pencurian, perompakan, sama ada pihak yang terbabit dalam kegiatan tersebut bergiat dalam bidang politik atau tidak, menyokong parti BN atau PR, sama ada Melayu, Cina, India atau berketurunan lain-lain. Tangkaplah sesiapa sahaja yang menyalahi undang-undang.
Sama juga dengan pernyataan kamu bahawa kerajaan Pulau Pinang dan Selangor terlibat dalam gejala rasuah. Saya mempelawa kamu agar mengemukakan bukti untuk menyokong pernyataan tersebut, ataupun membuat laporan polis. Saya ikhlas, memang saya ingin tahu. Banyak juga rakyat Malaysia yang berhak untuk mengetahui kebenaran. Saya bukanlah berpihak kepada mana-mana parti. Saya mempunyai pandangan saya sendiri terhadap politik di Malaysia, hanya pandangan saya selaras dengan banyak pendirian yang dikemukakan oleh PR. Ini tidak bermakna saya marah kalau kamu menuduh mana-mana ahli PR mengenai pembabitan dalam kegiatan yang tidak betul, asalkan tuduhan tersebut berdasarkan fakta.
Bagi saya, banyak tokoh PR yang memang memperjuangkan agenda yang memanfaatkan rakyat. Sama ada mereka ikhlas dalam perjuagan mereka atau tidak, itu mereka sendiri dan Tuhan sahaja yang tahu. Sehinggalah mereka terbukti tidak ikhlas, bagi saya perjuangan mereka lebih bermakna daripada perjuangan BN, kerana bagi saya ketidakikhlasan BN sudahpun terbukti. Ini pandangan saya, kamu berhak untuk tidak bersetuju dengan saya. Tetapi, saya berharap agar kamu faham juga, apabila saya mengkritis UMNO, saya bukan mengkritis kaum Melayu atau mana-mana kaum (saya mengkritis MCA dan MIC juga). Sepertimana yang kamu katakan, dan sepertimana yang saya sampaikan menerusi komen saya dulu, masalah BN berasal daripada individu-individu yang mengendalikan parti itu. Merekalah yang mengadakan agenda parti dan polisi kerajaan. Saya tidak menyokong BN kerana sifat perkauman didahulukan dan tertanam di dalam jiwa dan budaya parti BN, sehingga rakyat sendiri pun sanggup dipecah-belahkan. Saya pernah mengatakan bahawa jika sikap pemimpin-pemimpin BN ditukar sepenuhnya (overhaul), sekaligus budaya perkauman dimansuhkan, saya mungkin sanggup menerima BN. Tetapi saya berasa bahawa reformasi atau “overhaul” sebegini tidak akan berlaku.
Saya sedia menghormati pendirian kamu sekiranya kamu tidak merestui pandangan saya, tetapi saya lega kerana ada penyokong BN juga seperti kamu yang mempertimbangkan kepentingan negara. Hanya saya tidak yakin bahawa parti BN yang sedia ada (saya merujuk kepada parti BN, bukan kamu) ikhlas dalam pertimbangan yang diberikan oleh mereka terhadap kepentingan negara.
Dear Tun Perak,
I wonder, how does saying someone is financially capable constitute defamation? I would have thought saying the opposite would be defamatory. I feel that the fact you have resorted to defamation suits and the Sedition Act for such innocuous comments shows that you have run out of rational arguments.
My point is simple: Financially incapable people are more deserving of state help than financially capable people, regardless of skin colour. It is pretty clear tycoons are financially capable.
And since your writing seems to suggest you are in personal email correspondence with a certain politician who has been the subject of much allegations of corruption, perhaps you could help persuade him to explain himself to the concerned public?
Salam Tun.
Dear Tun Perak,
I have done that already.
Kindly refer to the footnote on my previous post on 3rd May 2013.
I have even quoted from which page the data was obtained.
Get yourself a hard copy of The International Busines Review is you wish.
Otherwise, go to for further info.
On the other hand, since you said: “…the figure that you have written are all wrong. How it is wrong , read back all the figure and your statement, think hard and tell me how did you make your mistake.”
I would love to do you a favor, now let see you have any fact or url link or magazine to defend your statement.
If you are not a Chicken!
“Buack buack”! I see it coming…
Salam Tun
However, if you are not a chicken.
Dear abdul Rahman 2012,
Since you quoted a journal, you can prove your claims by providing the url link about the data over here. Then we will see whether the data has correctly been transferred here or the journal has given correct data. Of course, if you think you are not chicken.
Salam Tun,
Salam Warga Chedet.
Salam Autoszi,
{ Tapi janganlah kamu berfikiran cetek dan menganggap semua orang Cina jahat sebab ada kongsi gelap yang “kebanyakannya” dipelopori oleh orang Cina (sama ada betul ke tidak). Kongsi gelap yang dipelopori oleh kaum-kaum lain itu tidak salah? Inilah sentimen perkauman yang perlu dielakkan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia.}
Bukan lah saya cakap kongsi gelap yang dipelopori kaum lain itu tidak salah,mereka tetap kongsi gelap dan mesti ditangkap dan dibicarakan tapi apa yang saya tulis adalah berasaskan laporan Majlis Gerakan Negara(MAGERAN) oleh Mantan Perdana Menteri pada tahun 1972. Laporan ini disimpan dalam arkib negara dan baru2 ni dikaji untuk melihat perkaitan antara Kongsi Gelap dan politik.Dan paa waktu itu kongsi gelap hanya wujud pada kaum cina, dan beza kongsi gelap kaum cina dan kaum2 lain ialah mereka dah bertapak lebih 100 tahun dan kongsi gelap kaum lain baru setahun jagung.
Saya ceritakan sedikit mengenai laporan tersebut dan ingat, inilah fakta sebenar yang dah tertanam lebih dari 50 tahun, dan dalam laporan tersebut menulis bahawa kongsi gelap pada waktu itu terlibat secara langsung dengan DAP. Tak percaya ?? Beri email tuan2 pada saya, dan saya akan email anda salinan dokumen tersebut.
Cerita ni dah lama, dokumen itu juga sudah usang, tapi pada hari ini Lim Kit Siang masih mengulangi taktik dan propaganda yang sama , seperti yang tertulis dalam dokumen tu, malah mengapi-apikan perpaduan kaum. Jadi saudara autoszi, saya bukan saja2 nak tuduh, setiap perkara yang terjadi ada kaitannya. Kita mesti belajar dari sejarah, kalau perkara buruk terjadi disebabkan generasi yang terdahulu, buat apa kita yang berpendidikan nak ulang kebodohan yang sama??
T.kasih Tun
Dari penulis Cincai2.
Salam Tun
Dear Tun Perak
The data that I have presented earlier was published in International Business Review magazine. It was not conjured out of thin air. So I will not jump into conculsion by saying that they were wrong.
Salam Tun
P/S: Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) has come into force on 15 November 2013
Salam Tun, moga Tun cepat sembuh..
Salam Warga Chedet..
Salam Autoszi,
{Sakit juga hati saya. Saya mencadangkan agar PDRM tangkap mereka semua. Saya bukan pun nak melindungi mana-mana kongsi gelap. Kalau mereka haram, maka ditangkaplah dan dibawa ke mahkamah. Tapi janganlah kamu berfikiran cetek dan menganggap semua orang Cina jahat sebab ada kongsi gelap yang “kebanyakannya” dipelopori oleh orang Cina (sama ada betul ke tidak). Kongsi gelap yang dipelopori oleh kaum-kaum lain itu tidak salah? Inilah sentimen perkauman yang perlu dielakkan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia.
Saya tidak complen tentang kaum Melayu ke, Cina ke, India ke. Saya complen tentang ketidakcekapan kerajaan/parti yang memerintah, penyelewengan, serta kepincangan polisi. Itu hak saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Saya tidak pernah mengeluarkan kata-kata yang bersifat perkauman sepertimana penulisan kamu. Saya complen kerana saya mahu negara saya maju, dan isu-isu tersebut menyekat kemajuan. Susah sangat ke bagi kamu untuk menganalisi sesuatu isu tidak menerusi sudut kaum?}
Baguslah kalau awak pun tidak suka kepada aktiviti Kongsi Gelap, kita tak mahu negara ni jadi seperti Taiwan di mana Kongsi Gelap menguasai kerajaan, dan saya juga bukan tuduh semua orang cina itu bertanggungjawab untuk aktiviti ni, saya juga ada sebutkan orang cina yang ‘baik2’ kalau anda tak terlepas pandang tulisan saya sebelum ini, lagipun nanti en. Wong sebelah rumah saya akan baling kepala saya dengan selipar beliau kalau saya tuduh semua cina begitu.
Saya juga bersetuju dengan anda kerana membangkitkan isu2 untuk memajukan negara (jika anda benar2 ikhlas). Dan saya juga tidak menyokong rasuah, tidak sukakan penyelewengan dan kepincangan polisi yang berlaku dalam negara ini tapi apa yang saya nak samapaikan pada anda ialah kalau nak bersuara , mestilah tidak berat sebelah.
Memang ada pemimpin dalam kerajaan yang menepati tuduhan2 anda walaupun akan ada seribu orang yang menafikannya, tapi orang2 dan pemimpin parti pembangkang juga bukanlah baik jujur, apakata saudara autoszi yang pandai siasat dan suka ketengahkan isu2 ketirisan semasa ni cuba lihat perspektif saya pulak, lihatlah kerajaan Pulau Pinang dan Selangor, banyak jugak penyelewengan kat negeri tu, dan saudara yang bijaksana patut tahu pemimpin memang perlukan dana yang besar untuk karier politik dan untuk memajukan negeri masing2. Adakah anda yakin mereka bebas rasuah??
Dan maafkan saya jika anda nampak unsur perkauman dalam penulisan saya, bukanlah nak berimej begitu, tapi kalau anda lihat perjuangan Lim Kit Siang pun, memang berasaskan kemajuan kaum cina,dan ucapan2 beliau pun (kalau anda pernah dengar secara live) memang asyik sebut kaum cina, bukan perkauman ke tu??
Yang saya tuntut dari anda ialah ADIL dalam penulisan, jangan salahkan satu pihak, pemimpin2 semuanya adalah ahli politik, tak kira lah pemerintah ataupun pembangkang, dan kalau anda memang bijaksana anda memang tahu ahli politik ada satu ciri2 yang sama.Sebagai contoh, Anwar Ibrahim pada zaman beliau dalam kerajaan, tahukah anda banyak juta yang lesap ketika pembinaan KLIA.Saya bukan cari fakta dalam Internet, ini fakta dari kontraktor pada waktu itu yang banyak hulur kat dia. Jadi takkanlah kita nak dengar orang macam dia memebebel pasal rasuah dan sebagainya.
Poin2 anda memang bagus, tapi lagi bagus kalau dihalakan ke arah yang betul, bukan hanya pada satu pihak atau UMNO sahaja. UMNO tak bersalah, yang bersalah itu orang yang tadbir UMNO (Tun yg cakap).
Saya pun bukan bagis nak cerita lebih2 pasal ekonomi mahupun kemajuan negara, tapi dalam dunia sebenar kat luar ni, saya bukanlah bodoh untuk menafikan apa yang saya lihat, dah beribu business deal yang saya uruskan, dari pemimpin UMNO sehinggalah pemimpin Pembangkang, saya lihat bende yang sama je diorang praktis untuk ‘memajukan’ negara ni.Ada yang ‘beri’ ada yang ‘terima’. Bezanya tertangkap atau tidak , terkantoi atau tak.Bersuaralah sebagai rakyat, anggap aja semua pemimpin di pihak yang sama(pembangkang dan peemerintah), pemimpin yang senang , rakyat yang hidup susah.
Dari si cincai2
T.kasih Tun
To put the financial shenanigans of the Chinese, Malaysian Chinese and some Muslim Indians into perspective, here is a chronological list as follows )-
1. 1949-1960. The MCA Social Welfare Lotteries. Tontine.
2. 1960s. The mushroom insurance companies. Tontine.
3. 1970s. The Chit Funds, co-operative societies, the establishment of the RM2
incorporated churches, tontine.
4. 1980s Share rigging. More RM2 incorporated churches. Insurance companies
5. 1990s Share rigging. More RM2 incorporated churches.
6. 2000s Share rigging. Rm2 incorporated churches consolidate. Foreign exchange
and gold bullion capers. The RM2 incorporated churches participate in
Malaysian politics for the very first time reflecting the de-tribaliziation
of the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese.
We now come to the most interesting year end Audit of all ! The Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese ! These fellows who claimed to come from the far distant past of 5,000 years are now up a pole as regards their Malaysian politics. By voting for no reason at all for the Opposition, 90% of these Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese voted for the Opposition which promised them ‘Change’ ! For these educated people who had benefitted much from ut beloved Malaysia through the trials and tribulations of this land, it is all the more surprising that as late as 1949, the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, were still the citizens of Chiang Kai Shek’s China living in Malaya and subjected to banishment to China at a moment’s notice. And now in 2013, 64 years later, not only are these Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, unhappy but want a change after they had achieved their peak in the 1990s taking advantage of the Tun’s 22 year Administration which produced countless Chinese millionaires and 7 1/2 ex poor Singapore multibillionaires. During the same period, not one single ex Malaysian became a multi-millionaire was produced in Singapore, the spiritual homeland of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP and its spiritual leader the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 11 failed Policies for Singapore. No where else in the World not even Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong has a country produced so many Malaysian Chinese millionaires, multi-millionaires and billionaires together with 7 1/2 ex poor Singaporean multibillionaires as our beloved Malaysia !!!
Today and every day, the Republic of Singapore measures its success on the production of instant multi-billionaires. It is alleged a top dog there opined that he wishes a foreign multi-billionaire will turn up and live in Singapore everyday ! If wealth is not a measure of success as practised in the Republic of Singapore and our beloved Malaysia has produced so many Chinese, Malaysian Chinese and a few poor ex-Singaporeans but now Singaporeans again, to be so very rich, what is ?
OK ! The detractors, the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, blame everything on all who hold the reins of power but themselves.
Since the beginning of 1950, 2 major issues of the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, which would have obviated their dillemma today were unresolved by the Chinese political leadership eg. a language, Mandarin and the vernacular schools. The latter were wiped out by the icon of the Chinese, Malaysian Chinese who conveniently forgot his actions towards the Chinese education system in Singapore. This left our beloved Malaysia the only independent country outside of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to have stand-alone Chinese vernacular schools which produced thousands of graduates meant for another country. And yet, the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, political leadership is up a pole without a clue how to sort this whole absurd conundrum out which was of their own making due to weak leadership in the past and the present. Any resolution takes two parties to clap hands. With this schism in political thought, all sorts of fellows jumped in to exploit these Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese from 5,000 years ago.
Not only that, a further point to add to this absurd political conundrum is the fact that most of the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese below the age of 40 are DE-TRIBALIZED. They only look Chinese and do not think and have the cultural ballast of their forefathers. Here lies the rub. How to deal with a large number of fellows who look like Chinese but inside they are not Chinese, Malay, Indian and all ? How ? They can only be easily manipulated and brainwashed by the cunning who studied and exploited this negativity of the soul.
No Audit of the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese with their neo or new Christians which thanks to the graciousness of the BN Governments could establish money making entities, the RM2 incorporated churches which mushroomed and flourished all over. Even the City Harvest of Singapore has come to our beloved Malaysia to harvest. From this new industry, the bongo bongo voodoo choral and dancing troupes of Subang Jaya with the wealth at their command are now in politics and supporting the Opposition, a position once held by the gangsters in 555 singlets (they have retired) il the 1960s. I urged these bongo bongo types not to waste their time with the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP who could do nothing for 47 long years and more but to enjoy their life-styles while they are young.
So, what caused the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese to be so very unhappy even though they are permitted to worship foreign icons across the Straits ? The answer is nothing and also everything. Things which were around us and with us for the past centuries and the present. As I asked my friends, ‘ Have you ever met a stupid Chinaman ? They are all very clever, are’nt they ? ‘ They would all nod in unison. Then, I followed, ‘ But you have met some of them who are so very clever as to be stupid !’ They would look bewilder. Then, I mentioned a few household names and they would laugh and agree.
Because of weak and self-serving political leadership, the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese are now in a dilemma despite of the fact that they could have contributed to our beloved Malaysia with the appreciation of others. On second thought, the word ‘dilemma’ is too gentle a word. It should be the word. ‘VOID’. This is a remarkable postion these Chinese, Malaysian Chinese find themselves today – the end of 2013. They are the sole losers in the Malaysian political firmament by supporting age old causes propounded by the household names of yore and the present. What a political ‘rojak’ !
Salam Hafizkenedelete,
“Kalau saya nak complen, lagi banyak yang saya nak luahkan. Tahukah awak yang saya sakit hati dengan aktiviti Kongsi Gelap yang kebanyakannya dipelopori orang cina. Tahukah awak yang saya sakit hati dengan aktiviti dadah yang dipelopori bangsa cina? Tahukah awak saya sakit hati dengan aktiviti2 pelacuran yang dibanggakan oleh orang cina?”
Sakit juga hati saya. Saya mencadangkan agar PDRM tangkap mereka semua. Saya bukan pun nak melindungi mana-mana kongsi gelap. Kalau mereka haram, maka ditangkaplah dan dibawa ke mahkamah. Tapi janganlah kamu berfikiran cetek dan menganggap semua orang Cina jahat sebab ada kongsi gelap yang “kebanyakannya” dipelopori oleh orang Cina (sama ada betul ke tidak). Kongsi gelap yang dipelopori oleh kaum-kaum lain itu tidak salah? Inilah sentimen perkauman yang perlu dielakkan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia.
Saya tidak complen tentang kaum Melayu ke, Cina ke, India ke. Saya complen tentang ketidakcekapan kerajaan/parti yang memerintah, penyelewengan, serta kepincangan polisi. Itu hak saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Saya tidak pernah mengeluarkan kata-kata yang bersifat perkauman sepertimana penulisan kamu. Saya complen kerana saya mahu negara saya maju, dan isu-isu tersebut menyekat kemajuan. Susah sangat ke bagi kamu untuk menganalisi sesuatu isu tidak menerusi sudut kaum?
Saya setuju dengan pandangan yang disampaikan dalam artikel ini.
Dear abdul Rahman,
First, it is not a mean to silence austozi but rumours mill are churning very fast nowadays without anybody putting a stop. I am sure, you yourself would not want to be defamed by any mean. We have to agree that what is bad and unethical things such as defaming others without concrete evidence need to be stopped. A public figure must be audited for any wrong doing but as long as he is not proven guilty, you and austozi maybe making big sins by hanging his head in the court of public opinion. Issue raised by austozi are well-known unproven public information dramatically blown over the proportion by the Pakatan Rakyat and leftist within the Barisan Nasional. The truth of it is debatable.
Regarding government gross debt; first , the figure that you have written are all wrong. How it is wrong , read back all the figure and your statement, think hard and tell me how did you make your mistake.
Since the figure is incorrect, misleading and misrepresented , then I will be wasting my time commenting on false information; as much as you are wasting your time writing false information to dramatically amused me, humbly yours.
Second, may I propose to your highness that instead of using absolute value, the national debt should be measured using relative measurement with respect to other variable such as % to GDP.
Third, your Highness need to also levelised the measurement against other variables such as the exchange rate, inflation rate , and etc.
Fourth, once your Highness have done that , then your Highness would find that the current debt level with respect to other variable actually does not change much if compared to year between 1990 to 1998, in fact , the diagnostically, the result should show better performance compared to some of the years between 1990 to 1998.
Regarding tax, the current tax home pay have taken into account the personal income tax. So, current tax regime should be supported. In addition, at current income tax regime, the tax on income in insignificant compared to other government revenue.
If I am the government, I will increase housing sales tax to 50% for land-houses priced higher than RM 300,000 and apartment priced mored than RM 250,000. Next, I would return 20% of the tax to the purchasers through their EPF account for retirement saving. That suits developer like you who like to take advantage on undeserving rakyat.
Adios Chaio
Tun Perak
In Islam, it is inappropriate to name yourself as Rahman only. You should add Abdul before the Rahman. Secondly, when people benchmark national debt, they have to compare against something. It is Ok for you to borrow more if your income is more, err get it? Let’s see the illustration of this facts:
Year GDP Exchange GDP GDP National Debts Debts Over GDP USD Mil (1 USD to MYR) MYR Mil MYR Mil %
1990 119,082 2.7 321,521 94,713 29% Anwar
1995 222,473 2.5 556,183 92,477 17% Anwar
2000 343,216 3.8 1,304,221 125,844 10% Dr M
2005 494,544 3.78 1,869,376 232,177 12% Dr M/ P’lah
2010 765,966 3.04 2,328,537 405,094 17% P’Lah/ Najib
2012 303,530 3.06 928,801.80 501,898 54% Najib
Based on data alone, Najib borrowed money half from country’s income (i.e. by 54%). Imagine your annual salary is RM300k and your total loans are RM150k. Second worse record would be Anwar and Pak Lah. The best level of national debts against our GDP is during Dr M and Daim’s tenure as Finance Minister. Our debts were only 10% from our GDP. Imagine income RM300k per annum with total loans of RM30k only…
Surprisingly, there are Malaysian who can come to think that they can get everything canggih manggih like USA but at zero cost (free of Charge) Anwar’s style. You vote for me, you got everything for free. Try to see our tax structure with other canggih manggih country:
Country/Region Corporate tax Payroll Tax VAT / GST / Sales
Australia 30% 4.75%-6% 10% GST (0% on essential items)
Austria 25% Nil 20%
Canada 11%-15% 4.95% 5% (federal GST)
France 33.33% 66% 19.6% or 7% or 5.5% or 2.1%
Germany 29.80% 41% 19% or 7% (e.g. food)
Greece 25%/22% 44% 23%[68] or 11%
Hong Kong 16.50% 5% 0%
Italy 31.40% 39% 22% or 10% or 4% (food, books)
Japan 38.01% 25.63% 5% (consumption)
South Korea 22%,20%,10% Nil 10%
Malaysia 25% 2.25% (6% on selected goods)
Netherlands 25%/20% Nil 21% (6% for essential and selected goods)
New Zealand 28% Nil 15% GST
Russia 20% 30% 0-18%
Saudi Arabia 20% 11% 0%
Singapore 17%-19% Nil 7% (GST)
United Kingdom 24%-20% 25.80% 20% Standard Rate;
United States 0%-39% (federal) 15.3%-2.9% 0%-11.725% (state and local)
Now, Anwar Ibrahim is coming to us today, telling that we can live better than the Americans without paying any tax and anything else including electricity, water, tolls, education, wifi, etc. Cheap thing all over, including sugar, houses, cars, petrol, building materials, etc. Believe it or not, he will need not borrow any cents from the World Banks or etc,.
You see people elsewhere are paying half of their annual income for the country to live better but there are some ‘people’ bought the idea that Anwar can do that without doing the same….
Kejap lagi bila aku tak beli dia punya auta, marah. Cakap orang bodoh lah tak sekolah lah, rasis lah….
As the year 2013 is nearing its end, it is only proper and fitting and fair that an audit should be conducted on the pro-brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 11 failed Policies for Singapore’s supporters which you so courteously and open-mindedly permitted to say their piece !
1. ‘The on’ always insisted that anything to do with the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew and his Singapore is way better than us in Malaysia.
2. ‘Do not be small minded’. The comments are as dead as a dodo, reflecting what the perception of Malaysians were in 1962.
3. ‘The rocket scientist from Singapore.’ Through his convoluted maths explanatiuon that the price of 3 sens per gallon of water which Malaysia sells to Singapore, Malaysia makes plenty of money. My thinking is definitely better than his 22nd Century mind. After the appreciation of the Singapore dollar by 150%, Malaysia not only deliver the raw water free but throw in some money per gallon as well. 2013 has quite a few Malaysians smarter than that brilliant fellow.
4. ‘HockBengTeoh halfpast sic’. A neuter of the Web which evolved from one sentence liners to single paragraphs of no importance. This character loves Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 11 failed Policies for Singapore. But he/she hates UMNO, MCA and me. And also voted for the BN but continue to hate UMNO, MCA etc. Why love is heaped on the Tun and that brilliant fella, it has not been substantiated by facts ? Why hate is heaped on the UMNO, MCA and me is not substantiated by facts either ? A fake by all counts.
5. MNMN, saxyKumar, yusof12, austozi etc. These types come and go and come again with another moniker. The heavy brainwashing of the Cold War kind which was heaped upon the gullible and receptive minds of friendly and hospitable Malaysians who think everyone is an abang adek is now replaced by subtle drops of poison through the media. What used to be gangsters in 555 singlets in the 1960s, have now turned into angelic bongo bongo voodoo choral and dancing troupes of Subang Jaya. I told them ‘ Please do not waste your time with the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP while you are young. GO and enjoy yourselves with your life-styles. The DAP leadership can sit and do nothing for as long as over 47 years and more !’ This has since been confirmed by the DAP leadership just 2 days ago.
The year end Audit of 2013 on these mavericks shows that they hate the Tun, UMNO, MCA and me. One or two, loves the Tun and that brilliant fellow but hates the UMNO, MCA and me. All of them think we Malaysians are still stupid like in 1962 and no one more clever and smarter than the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 11 failed Policies for Singapore. None of them could produce the 11 failed Policies of any Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Altogether, these cyberspace spies from Singapore failed on all counts because they could not produce one single shred of evidence to support the fact that Malayians are stupid !
Semoga Tun sudi mengizinkan ruangan..
It would only make sense if Shyed Mokhtar Al-Bhukary distributes his wealth evenly among the Malays, and Vincent Tan does so with his wealth among the Chinese, and Tony Fernandes does the same with his wealth among the Indians. It then raises the question, from whom do the “lain-lain” get their share of wealth?]
Now you talking!..I agreed wholeheartedly!..
This is my Maybank Account Number..
Please asks Mr Lim Kit Siang to donate the needy me A million perhaps?…:)
Terima kasih Tun..
P.s. Austozi..your writing showed that you are a non muslim?…
Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
Kindly allow me to post my 2 cents’ worth.
Dear Tun Perak,
Issues raised by Austozi are well-known public information.
I am interested to know your straight answer to Austozi’s comments instead of resorting to lawsuit intimidation attempting to silence him or her.
Earlier this year on 3rd May 2013, I posted the following fact in this honorable blog:
Titled Government Gross Debt 1990-2013 (Finance Minister Performance)
(Debts in RM Billion)
YAB Najib Razak’s Time
2013 RM(546,015)
2012 RM(501,898)
2011 RM(465,781)
2010 RM(405,094)
2009 RM(376,386)
Tun Abdullah Badawi’s Time
2008 RM(317,437)
2007 RM(274,222)
2006 RM(247,925)
2005 RM(232,177)
2004 RM(216,641)
Tun Mahathir & Tun Daim’s Time
2003 RM(188,792)
2002 RM(164,994)
2001 RM(145,791)
2000 RM(125,844)
1999 RM(122,562)
Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Time
1998 RM(103,765)
1997 RM(90,909)
1996 RM(90,557)
1995 RM(92,477)
1994 RM(93,079)
1993 RM(95,898)
1992 RM(97,004)
1991 RM(99,073)
1990 RM(94,713)
Based on the trend, I knew GST is coming, and I worried for the grassroots Rakyat.
I knew back then that the government needs to find new sources of revenue fast because our national spending exceeded revenue with widening gap.
Some said the debts ratio is still healthy, but logically, if that was healthy, what is the need of imposing GST on supporting voters like you and me?
Report also said that out of some 29 million in people in Malaysia, only less than two million people pay income tax.
Based on what you have mentioned, Tun Perak: “Current statistics shows that the poor are still majority Malay. In the income studies the ratio of Malay income: Other races income = 1 : 1.40.”
If both the Report and your statement are correct, logically the other races must have been carrying the weight all these years with paying taxes to finance the country and the Malays.
Facts are facts, now our government wants the remaining millions of Rakyat to pay up as well.
How are you going about to sue people for defamation by alluding to public information? I am very much interested to learn from you.
Salam Tun
It seems appropriate that we do an audit of all who are part of Malaysia and its foreign busybodies as the year 2013 is fast drawing to a close.
1. The negative comments on our way of life for centuries as instigated by the losers, the instigators, trouble-makers etc sound very hollow at this time of the year.
2. The promised land of Putrajaya which was again lost to the very ambitious Oppostion as beyond their grasp for another 4 long years. How could they ? They failed to take control of Putrajaya by missing it by 3 EASY STEPS in 1998, 2008 and 2013 ! And in this year, with the billions of ringgits at their command, the Oppostion failed in their putsch which was fuelled by promises to their supporters and financiers. The big issue before May 2013 was change. Change for what ? So, there was no change. With the billions of ringgits spent and no change, how ? There are no issues either or in the near futures. So, trivial issues are conjured up in national politics to feed more fuel to the fire, hopefully ! But the failure of the Oppostion to gain headway is dismal. Not only it is dismal, it is also a dilemma of the frustration kind. So, we find odd characters turning up here and stirr the fires of discontent and dissatisfaction. This is trivial because we all had trodden on this well-worn path before. Try something new, folks like austozi, mnmn, hockbengteohhalfpastsic, saxykumar, yusof12, rocket scientist from Singapore, do not be small minded, The on. No matter how hard the Opposition tries to derail the success of the BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties, one thing they cannot erase is the fact that our beloved Malaysia has peace, stability and harmony. And the Opposition themselves at the end of 2013, stands witness to our Malaysian Democracy which without them, wealthy, credible and viable, is not complete ! We must thank them for keeping those responsible for good governance on their toes with the trivial issues. As for the big issues, there are none.
2. We see how the brilliant and mighty Lee Kuan Yew failed with his 11 Policies for Singapore at the end of 2013. How an apparent giant has the proverbial feet of clay which has a long tail to haunt him and his legacy eternally.
3. At the end of 2013, a person who lives amongst us, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, through his normal way of life and commonsense and compassionate leadership and not least of all, a MALAY, is one of the 7 GREAT LEADERS OF ASIA AND THE WORLD with Mao Tse Tung, Soekarno, Ho Chi Minh, Nehru, Jinnah, Deng Hsiao Peng.
2013 has been an interesting year !
Opposition talks of Racists
Racist Exist because of Them
DAP top men themselves are mostly Chinese
Lim Kit Siang will use the Malay DAP just as a Showcase
Most Industries belongs to Chinese
And they pay more salary to the Chinese more than the Malay
In Johor & many parts of Malaysia
I understand the Malay that came new to work gets Rm 700 / 800
While the newly Chinese gets more than a RM 1000 or more
Govt must intervene with this unhealthy Racist pay roll
Even Ahmad if manager it,s more of Operational meaning more work less pay
unlike the Personnel Management post meant for the Chinese
It,s an Unhealthy Ruling the Govt has a Duty to Interfere
Like you can see in Singapore
The Malay Post is just a Showcase
The Ministers , The Arm Personnel ,etc
Ahmad us just Ahmad
Lim Kit Siang will do the Same
Its only his words of Lies that Differs
Salam Tun.
Salam warga Chedet..
Kepada umat dengki yang bergelar Autoszi.
Apa yang awak menjerit2 tak puas hati dengan orang Tun, UMNO dan orang kaya berbangsa Melayu?.
Banyaknya complen awak dengan semua ni, sedangkan awak patut berterima kasih dengan sistem di Malaysia yang selesa untuk hidup dan dan senang cari makan tak kira apa bangsa anda..
Kalau saya nak complen, lagi banyak yang saya nak luahkan. Tahukah awak yang saya sakit hati dengan aktiviti Kongsi Gelap yang kebanyakannya dipelopori orang cina. Tahukah awak yang saya sakit hati dengan aktiviti dadah yang dipelopori bangsa cina? Tahukah awak saya sakit hati dengan aktiviti2 pelacuran yang dibanggakan oleh orang cina?
Kesemua perkara diatas membuatkan saya meluat dengan orang2 cina jahat yang banyak menyebabkan kematian dan kesengsaraan pada orang melayu dan orang india serta orang2 cina baik2 di negara ini, sedangkan , sedangkan mereka mengaut keuntungan dan kekayaan dari aktiviti ini yang menyebabkan kesengsaraan orang lain.Adakah mereka ini layak menjadi Kaya?? Adakah mereka layak menyimpan harta dan wang didalam tokong mereka atas kesedihan dan malang yang mereka beri pada orang??
Saya tahu apa awak akan jawab, awak akan jawab “ada bukti? Kalau ada bukti reportlah sama polis, jangan bagitahu sama saya”, atau awak akan jawab, “kami pun bayar cukai maa, biarlah kami buat apa kami mahu.” Atau awak akan jawab , “kerajaan sangat kejam dan double standard sama orang cina, jadi kami pun cari wang haram”.
Saya sudah ramai jumpa orang yang menyalak macam kamu, suka tuduh dan tidak puas hati atas kekayaan dan kesenangan orang lain, kalau awak tak puas hati, awak kasi usaha la sampai awak jadi kaya raya. Sini Malaysia ada ramai orang berbilang kaum dan bangsa serta agama. Jarang kami mahu pertikai agama buddha atau hindu atau lain2, sebab kami tak mahu memainkan sentimen perkauman, tapi kenapa chinese atau sesiapa sahaja awak ni suka attack orang berbangsa , elayu atau orang Islam?? Dulu ada orang melayu atau islam sembelih u punya datuk atau nenek meh?? Sampai u dwndam sangat kuat dalam hati?? Datuk dan nenek kawan I dahulu mati sebab 13 mei, tapi dia tak ada simpan dendam dalam hati, awak tahu apa dia cakap?? Dia cakap, “apa boleh buat, dulu punya orang tak sekolah macam orang sekarang, itu pasal , mereka tak fikir panjang mau bunuh2 orang, tapi sekarang negara sudah aman dan kita sudah pergi sekolah, orang yang bidoh sahaja akan , mengapi2kan sifat perkauman dan mengejek2 kaum lain.”
Jadi saya ingat awak ni walaupun berpendidikan tinggi, hidup aman, selesa dan tiada masalah mahu cari makan, tapi awak ada satu penyakit dengki pada orang lain.Jadi jangan suka2 mau cakap sesuatu yang awak tidak tahu, nanti makan diri. Awak belum kenal habis apa itu bangsa Melayu dan Agama Islam. Ramai lagi Melayu dan Islam yang tidak suka berpolitik, ada juta2, jadi jangan samakan kami dengan orang PKR atau PAS yang tak seberapa ramai tu, mereka itu tidak boleh dijadikan batu ukuran untuk awak menilaikan Agama Islam dan orang Melayu.
Berhentilah menulis dan mencari salah orang lain, awak pun bukan bagus sangat untuk komplen orang lain.Cermin dulu diri awak sebelum mahu kritik orang.Jangan tunjukkan kebodohan didalam blog yang dibaca oleh jutaan orang, buat malu awak dan keluarga awak sahaja.
Kalau awak seorang rakyat yang bertanggungjawab, amanah dan tidak korupt, buktikan dengan menghentikan fitnah awak yang bunyinya sangat bodoh dan berunsurkan Lim Kit Siang tu..Baik awak berusaha untuk cari jalan macamana nak jadikan negara ini tempat yang lebih baik untuk semua orang. Kalau awak seorang yang adil, tolong bagitahu saya apa pendapat awak tentang kongsi gelap yang dipelopori kaum cina.? Buktikan awak warganegara yang bersih dari aktiviti jenayah, hantamlah pertubuhan haram yang merosakkan kesejahteraan semua kaum di Malaysia ni.
Terima Kasih Tun,
Dari penulis cincai2
Dear austozi
You said : “In other words, the poor are the poor, the rich are the rich, it is plain wrong to predicate wealth on race. I’m saying, the Chinese ah pek who ekes out a living running a little bicycle repair business in my town, who gets around on a little bicycle of his own because he can’t afford a car, is more deserving of state help than Khir Toyo or Taib Mahmud. I’m saying the various Indian plantation workers need state help more than Syed Mokhtar who seems to own half of the country’s GLCs. Because these people do not share the wealth of billionaires who just happen to share the same skin colour but nothing else with them, it is wrong to call them wealthy and deny them help. In deciding whether they should be helped, the government shouldn’t ask them, “Are you Malay?”, but “Do you need help?””
The New Economic Policy meant to reduce poor community ir-respective of race. Just because more Malay are poor than Chinese , the Malay are helped more than Chinese. However, this does not mean that the Chinese Apeks and Nyonya are not helped. Indian in the plantation estate are also helped. In the event of succesful NEP implementation, in the future, the poor and the rich will not be identified with respect to “races”.
Current statistics shows that the poor are still majority Malay. In the income studies the ratio of Malay income : Other races income = 1 : 1.40. I think , it is the government duty to reduce this differences.
“Even the finance minister of the early days was always under Tan Siew Seng or from MCA.” Race of the finance minister is inconsequential to the average Malaysian. Most Malaysians simply want ministers (not just finance minister, but any portfolio) who are competent.
You said : “You have me scratching my head. So all’s well then as long as the Chinese and Indians become Muslims? Then they all become poor by definition, or do the Malays then become rich by definition? I have written about this twisted logic in a previous post, and I seriously do not understand why this falsehood is still being peddled in this day and age. Do you seriously believe Malaysians are dumb? Being poor has everything to do with financial ability and nothing to do with race or religion. ”
My comment : if the Chinese is identified as Malay and not a Chinese by virtue of conversion, then the Malay will be differentiated into some extra classes : The Rich Malay (Significat Chinese Convert and Some Original Malay ), Moderate (Mostly Malay and Majority of Chinese COnvert) and Poor (Mostly original malay and some of the Chinese convert).
Only poor Malay will get BR1M. Chinese convert will not get BR1M. But poor Chinese who does not convert get BR1M. How is that ?
Dear austozi,
austozi : “Did you conveniently omit to mention that such “windfalls” inevitably come by during BN’s election campaigns in the few months leading up to elections (the link you posted pertains to BN’s election campaign in preparation for GE13 in May 2013).”
My reply : You must be an idiot. Dont you know that BR1M was unveiled in 2011 ?
austozi : “For the rest of the 5 years BN sit in Putrajaya, they take so much more away from the rakyat through a slew of underhanded tactics like the GST, cow-gate, multi-billion ringgit private consultants, AES, toll charges, fuel price hikes, city tax hikes, etc (just to name a few that immediately spring to mind). ”
My reply : You state your real name and someone will sue you in court for defamation.
austozi : “It doesn’t take a Math genius to figure out that all these extra expenses are hardly compensated by the measly <RM2 per day per household that BN gives in return through BR1M, especially at current rates of inflation! For a family of 4, that's <50 sen per head, and we're supposed to buy this nonsense?"
Better than nothing. On the other hand, Pakatan Rakyat's sugar on the butt is to give free water irrespective of the people financial status. Pakatan Rakyat policy is to ensure that if it gives benefit to the poor , the benefit is also enjoyed by the rich. By doing so, the decision makers also can take bake what they decide to give. In Malay, we call this "Buruk Siku".
You wrote: "Unfortunately, more Malay are poorer compared to Chinese and Indian (in term of quantity); that is they are helped more." I would be perfectly happy with this if indeed the Malays (indeed, anyone, regardless of ethnicity) needed help. I made this quite clear in my previous post. But qualification for such help should be a consequence of being poor, not a consequence of being Malay (i.e. not "Malay, therefore poor and eligible for help", but simply "poor, therefore eligible for help"). Being Malay shouldn't be a prerequisite for one to access the help that he/she needs."
Statistically Malay bring home income compared to Chinese is at ratio 1 : 1.40 . The chinese bring home 40% more wages than Malay. Regardless of this, BR1M is given not based on the statistics but based on the income of the lower XX percentile of Malaysian citizen.
austozi : "Pray tell, what is the rationale behind providing a 7% discount to bumiputera buyers of housing property regardless of their financial ability?"
My comment : The main beneficiary of 7% discount to bumiputra is the chinese . Without this policy, Chinese developer revenue may not recover their cost and they do not make profit. People will lose job, unemployable and government could not get taxes. MOney changing hand reduces and chinese businessman are not abled to sell their product. Their income will reduce and they will migrate to other country which offer better living for them.
Even at 7% discount, many houses are still unsold. And the developer sectioned bumiputra houses at the most non-conducive area in the development area. So, even at 7% discount, it does not change the capability of the developer to suit the price with the offerings. No one loses at 7% discount. Not even the Chinese buyer.
austozi : " Does Taib Mahmud need the discount? He obviously doesn't; he clearly hasn't any problem snapping up prime properties in London and New York, among other places, where such "bumiputera discounts" don't exist."
My comment : If you are not a chicken, reveal your name and I will personally send an email to Taib Mahmud family to sue you for defamation.
austozi : "BN has been peddling the falsehood that bumiputera economic privileges will lift the poor out of poverty. If that's their true aim, the policy should have just been called "economic privileges for the poor", simply because "bumiputera" does not equate "poor", and "poor" doesn't equate "bumiputera"."
This is an accusation. Your comment here is not supported by fact and could be implicated by legal proceeding for defamation. Please show the fact and do not quote the name of one Syed Mokhtar compared to 10 other Chinese more richer than him in the same economic league.
austozi : "People's financial situations change, regardless of their skin colour. Is this too difficult a concept for BN to grasp? What's more, the Constitution allows a non-bumiputera to convert to bumiputera status, and vice versa (Article 160 of the Constitution). According to BN's falsehood, a person's eligibility to claim bumiputera privileges changes with conversion from non-bumiputera to bumiputera status (or vice versa), and they instantaneously go from rich to poor (or vice versa) by virtue of the conversion alone.
Not all bumiputra are on the same footing. Example, BR1M, I cant claim the RM 1000 payout by the government. Similar to other hand-outs. On the other hand, a chinese nyonya or apek claimed the payout.
austozi : "A Malay multi-billionaire is still poor by BN's definition. I want to be poor according to BN's definition but rich by any other standard, I can just convert to a "Malay" according to Article 160. The truth is, in considering whether anyone is eligible to claim economic privileges, the financial standing of the person doesn't enter the picture. "
This is an accusation. I am sure you could be sued. More daring you said " I want to be poor according to BN's definition" which showed your self-interest agenda. The rules in Malaysia does not work that way.
austozi : "This is scandalous to say the least. And the possibility of conversion makes the whole argument over eligibility for such racially oriented privileges a futile exercise, and any government policy based on such definitions of racial grouping nonsensical, don't you think"
Your argument is nonsensical by itself. The problem with you is that you dont expand your mind. Dont you know that within the racial grouping, there are already more classifications based on the family financial status. Some bumiputra families are helped and some non-bumiputra families are helped. Just because more bumiputra received help, it does not mean that the Chinese and Indian are not helped.
The problem of DAP and Lim Kit Siang is that they go against bumiputra policies to help the bumiputra even though , in return the policies help back the Chinese businessman in return. In conclusion, Lim Kit Siang does not have proven ability to lead a multi-racial country.
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to counter points raised and manipulated by Mr austozi as below,
November 16, 2013 at 11:11 AM | Permalink
Dear Tun Perak,
Really? This is the best explanation you can offer?
I find Tun Perak explanation to be reasonable, sincere, truthful and acceptable. In your current frame of mind whatever BN does has ulterior motive and you must oppose at all costs. Please do not play God here as if you know everything.
Did you conveniently omit to mention that such “windfalls” inevitably come by during BN’s election campaigns in the few months leading up to elections (the link you posted pertains to BN’s election campaign in preparation for GE13 in May 2013). For the rest of the 5 years BN sit in Putrajaya, they take so much more away from the rakyat through a slew of underhanded tactics like the GST, cow-gate, multi-billion ringgit private consultants, AES, toll charges, fuel price hikes, city tax hikes, etc (just to name a few that immediately spring to mind). How many of these have we seen in the last five years alone, and how many of these have we seen throughout BN’s 50+ years of rule? It doesn’t take a Math genius to figure out that all these extra expenses are hardly compensated by the measly <RM2 per day per household that BN gives in return through BR1M, especially at current rates of inflation! For a family of 4, that's <50 sen per head, and we're supposed to buy this nonsense?
You call AES traffic offences, toll charges, income tax and road tax as underhand tactics. You do not appreciate at all the services provided by civil servants. You are not grateful for the good roads and infrastructure the BN government has provided to the Malaysians. You should pay a visit to Cambodia to know how BN government has excelled in Malaysia. In fact I find you to be extremely anti government. Your writings are not sincere but manipulative and negative.
You wrote: "Unfortunately, more Malay are poorer compared to Chinese and Indian (in term of quantity); that is they are helped more."
I would be perfectly happy with this if indeed the Malays (indeed, anyone, regardless of ethnicity) needed help. I made this quite clear in my previous post. But qualification for such help should be a consequence of being poor, not a consequence of being Malay (i.e. not "Malay, therefore poor and eligible for help", but simply "poor, therefore eligible for help"). Being Malay shouldn't be a prerequisite for one to access the help that he/she needs. Pray tell, what is the rationale behind providing a 7% discount to bumiputera buyers of housing property regardless of their financial ability? Does Taib Mahmud need the discount? He obviously doesn't; he clearly hasn't any problem snapping up prime properties in London and New York, among other places, where such "bumiputera discounts" don't exist.
Even with 7% discount there is no Malay buyers of houses and shop lots in the booming townships of Sri Hartamas, Bandar Baru Sri Petaling. The 7 % is only a sale gimmick for you to claim that Malaysia is a racist country. I think you are a PKR malay trying to instigate and provoke a racial animosity and confrontation between the Chinese and the Malays. You are a real unscrupulous, sinister and wicked person.
BN has been peddling the falsehood that bumiputera economic privileges will lift the poor out of poverty. If that's their true aim, the policy should have just been called "economic privileges for the poor", simply because "bumiputera" does not equate "poor", and "poor" doesn't equate "bumiputera". People's financial situations change, regardless of their skin colour. Is this too difficult a concept for BN to grasp? What's more, the Constitution allows a non-bumiputera to convert to bumiputera status, and vice versa (Article 160 of the Constitution). According to BN's falsehood, a person's eligibility to claim bumiputera privileges changes with conversion from non-bumiputera to bumiputera status (or vice versa), and they instantaneously go from rich to poor (or vice versa) by virtue of the conversion alone. A Malay multi-billionaire is still poor by BN's definition. I want to be poor according to BN's definition but rich by any other standard, I can just convert to a "Malay" according to Article 160. The truth is, in considering whether anyone is eligible to claim economic privileges, the financial standing of the person doesn't enter the picture. This is scandalous to say the least. And the possibility of conversion makes the whole argument over eligibility for such racially oriented privileges a futile exercise, and any government policy based on such definitions of racial grouping nonsensical, don't you think?]]
If you can so easily convert to become a Malay why don't you just do it, instead of just provoking and instigating the Chinese to be bitter and jealous against the Malays.
Mr austozi,
I appeal to you please stop playing dirty and do not manipulate on racial and religious issues. These are sensitive issues and involve deep sentiments that can cause racial riots and lead to bloodshed. You can be charged under Subversive Act(akta hasutan), Tun Dr Mahathir would be implicated for publishing it, and I too may be charged for responding to your racially provoking comments.
amin tan
Dear amin tan,
You wrote: “Please tell me if my interpretation of your ideology is wrong. If Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar is to distribute all his wealth among the Malays, Tan Sri Vincent Tan does the same among the Chinese and Tan Sri Tony Fernandez among Indians, that would be racial communism. No? Your line of reasoning is ridiculous, preposterous and absolutely unrealistic.”
Indeed, your interpretation of my ideology is wrong.
You rightly pointed out that expecting these wealthy tycoons to distribute their wealth is ridiculous, preposterous and absolutely unrealistic. But such re-distribution is also precisely what is needed to rationalise economic privileges based on racial grouping — to categorically call the Malays poor, the Chinese rich, etc. Without such redistribution, race-based economic privileges just don’t make any sense. This is what I am saying. I’m not saying these tycoons should distribute their wealth; I’m saying for race-based economic privileges to make sense, these tycoons would have to distribute their wealth, which is of course ridiculous, and therefore race-based economic privileges are nonsensical.
In other words, the poor are the poor, the rich are the rich, it is plain wrong to predicate wealth on race. I’m saying, the Chinese ah pek who ekes out a living running a little bicycle repair business in my town, who gets around on a little bicycle of his own because he can’t afford a car, is more deserving of state help than Khir Toyo or Taib Mahmud. I’m saying the various Indian plantation workers need state help more than Syed Mokhtar who seems to own half of the country’s GLCs. Because these people do not share the wealth of billionaires who just happen to share the same skin colour but nothing else with them, it is wrong to call them wealthy and deny them help. In deciding whether they should be helped, the government shouldn’t ask them, “Are you Malay?”, but “Do you need help?”
“Even the finance minister of the early days was always under Tan Siew Seng or from MCA.” Race of the finance minister is inconsequential to the average Malaysian. Most Malaysians simply want ministers (not just finance minister, but any portfolio) who are competent.
“The DAP are mocking at and insulting UMNO…”: Indeed, and UMNO deserves the ridicule. And not just the DAP are doing it, the PKR, PAS and plenty other politically unaffiliated Malaysians, too. Note UMNO does not mean Malay, and Malay does not mean UMNO. UMNO is a political party, Malay refers to a people. Many Malays oppose UMNO. UMNO only likes to outwardly tout itself as the sole guardian of Malay interests, oblivious of the fact that half of the Malay community reject UMNO. Pretty much the same thick-skinned self-aggrandisement that the MCA and MIC engage in. Talk about birds of the same feather.
“Until and unless there is no more Chinese schools and Tamil schools to accentuate and deepen racial differences and more Chinese and Indians become Muslims, there is no reason to scrap the Malay Special privileges, even though PR can obtain 70% of popular votes.”
You have me scratching my head. So all’s well then as long as the Chinese and Indians become Muslims? Then they all become poor by definition, or do the Malays then become rich by definition? I have written about this twisted logic in a previous post, and I seriously do not understand why this falsehood is still being peddled in this day and age. Do you seriously believe Malaysians are dumb? Being poor has everything to do with financial ability and nothing to do with race or religion. You’re effectively saying when the Chinese and Indians convert to Islam they become Malay by definition, and then whatever wealth gap there might have existed before the conversion now disappears, and the problem of economic disparity is solved? What, by conversion? How? Perhaps the statistics would say so, by virtue of the fact that the Chinese/Indian are now classified as Malays, and so the samples are different. But if 100 rich urban Chinese convert to Islam, does it make the lives of 100 rural Malays better? It doesn’t address the fact that those 100 rural Malays need help, but instead now there are 100 undeserving “Malays” (converts) to compete with the 100 rural Malays for state help! How is this a solution?
Sorry. Two typo errors. ‘….His writing was not to please anyone..’ and ‘……actually 10 years later during the Tun’s Administration in 1981.’
For austozi. I definitely would not be around here if our beloved Malaysia is not beset with controversial topics like the infamous TPPA etc. And definitely, I would not say anything either. OK !
For all other Bloggers, the reason why I said that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a great statesman of Asia and the World in the ranks of the other 6 namely, Mao Tse Tung, Soekarno, Nehru, Jinnah, Ho Chi Minh, Deng Hsiao Peng, is his bench mark actions with regard to his love of our beloved Malaysia :-
1. He wrote the iconic ‘Malay Dilemma’ without any intention of becoming a Prime Minister. His writing was to please anyone but a straightforward analytical description of the wrongs which have been perpetuated on Malaya by colonial rule. What was unsaid, to free the shackles of a colonial Currency Board and to give the Bank Negara Malaysia its full functions as a Central Bank of an independent Nation. This was vital pointer to the success of the NEP which actually began 10 years during the Tun’s Administration.
2. The Tun’s re-establlishment of the UMNO Baru without which all the Malays and the Malaysians would have been in political chaos beyond the point of no return.
3. The Tun’s introduction of the Foreign Exchange Currency Control in 1998 was another benchmark of his courage. Nothing like the creepy-crawlie 19 secret negotiations behind our and the Dewan Rakyat backs for the benefit of Singapore.
4. The Tun’s courage to retire at his peak. This showed his respect for his successors to pursue his legacy with his thinking on the 88th floor of the iconic Petronas Towers. Events have turned out otherwise. Truthfully, the Tun retired with empty sleeves which upholds an ancient say, ‘ A good Mandarin is one who retires with empty sleeves !’
And his record of all the enhancement of the State’s assets and the development of human resources are unmatched to this day.
In fact, the Tun’s thinking for the benefit of the Malays, the Malaysians and the 7 1/2 poor Singaporeans who became multi-billionaires was ahead of its time in 1981 !
In 1921, Russia came under Communist rule. By 1989, with the opening up of the country, the leadership found that 99% of the Russians were proletariat and no middle class. What to do ? The only sensible thing to do is to get the people around them whom they know best to control the corporate levers of a capitalistic system. And they were expected to do more for their homeland which most of them did.
In 1949, China came under Communist rule. The Government did not wipe out the bourgeoisie like the Russians. By 1965, Mao instigated the Cultural Revolution to mold the Chinese society to his vision. But their were still many Chinese bourgeoisie around. And by the end of the Mao era in 1979, and when China reverted to the capitalistic system, all these bourgeoisie could transform the central planning economy overnight together with the millions of their counterparts overseas in Hong Kong, etc.
Like wise, the thoughts of the Tun were – how to up-lift the Malays when the NEP was promulgated in 1971 and began 10 years later in 1981 ? And the Malays had only 1% of the Malaysian economy in 1971 ? How ? The answer is provided in the previously mentioned examples of Russia and China, the 2 most successful economies today. The State backed entrepreneurs of these 2 countries were/are nationalistic and went another step or more steps further by returning what the garnered from the State, back to the people. This is the reason why I suggested that a Monitoring Unit be established in the Prime Minister’s Office if and when the GLCs are privatised once again.
It is very clear that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a Great Statesman of Asia and the World. The Malays and the Malaysians should not be surprised that this is so. It is so. The Tun used his grey matter to think out ideas properly and followed up with his formidable note book without any care for self-glorification or money, money, money. AND HE RETIRED FROM THE MOST POWERFUL OFFICE IN THE LAND WITH A CLEAR CONSCIENCE AND A PAIR OF EMPTY SLEEVES ! Please Malaysians, sometimes we have pungent chilies at home too !
Dear Tun Perak,
Really? This is the best explanation you can offer?
Did you conveniently omit to mention that such “windfalls” inevitably come by during BN’s election campaigns in the few months leading up to elections (the link you posted pertains to BN’s election campaign in preparation for GE13 in May 2013). For the rest of the 5 years BN sit in Putrajaya, they take so much more away from the rakyat through a slew of underhanded tactics like the GST, cow-gate, multi-billion ringgit private consultants, AES, toll charges, fuel price hikes, city tax hikes, etc (just to name a few that immediately spring to mind). How many of these have we seen in the last five years alone, and how many of these have we seen throughout BN’s 50+ years of rule? It doesn’t take a Math genius to figure out that all these extra expenses are hardly compensated by the measly <RM2 per day per household that BN gives in return through BR1M, especially at current rates of inflation! For a family of 4, that's <50 sen per head, and we're supposed to buy this nonsense?
You wrote: "Unfortunately, more Malay are poorer compared to Chinese and Indian (in term of quantity); that is they are helped more."
I would be perfectly happy with this if indeed the Malays (indeed, anyone, regardless of ethnicity) needed help. I made this quite clear in my previous post. But qualification for such help should be a consequence of being poor, not a consequence of being Malay (i.e. not "Malay, therefore poor and eligible for help", but simply "poor, therefore eligible for help"). Being Malay shouldn't be a prerequisite for one to access the help that he/she needs. Pray tell, what is the rationale behind providing a 7% discount to bumiputera buyers of housing property regardless of their financial ability? Does Taib Mahmud need the discount? He obviously doesn't; he clearly hasn't any problem snapping up prime properties in London and New York, among other places, where such "bumiputera discounts" don't exist.
BN has been peddling the falsehood that bumiputera economic privileges will lift the poor out of poverty. If that's their true aim, the policy should have just been called "economic privileges for the poor", simply because "bumiputera" does not equate "poor", and "poor" doesn't equate "bumiputera". People's financial situations change, regardless of their skin colour. Is this too difficult a concept for BN to grasp? What's more, the Constitution allows a non-bumiputera to convert to bumiputera status, and vice versa (Article 160 of the Constitution). According to BN's falsehood, a person's eligibility to claim bumiputera privileges changes with conversion from non-bumiputera to bumiputera status (or vice versa), and they instantaneously go from rich to poor (or vice versa) by virtue of the conversion alone. A Malay multi-billionaire is still poor by BN's definition. I want to be poor according to BN's definition but rich by any other standard, I can just convert to a "Malay" according to Article 160. The truth is, in considering whether anyone is eligible to claim economic privileges, the financial standing of the person doesn't enter the picture. This is scandalous to say the least. And the possibility of conversion makes the whole argument over eligibility for such racially oriented privileges a futile exercise, and any government policy based on such definitions of racial grouping nonsensical, don't you think?
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to quote Mr austozi as below,
[[austozi’s GravataraustoziNovember 16, 2013 at 12:24 AM | Permalink
Dear Tun Perak,
It would only make sense if Syed Mokhtar Al-Bhukary distributes his wealth evenly among the Malays, and Vincent Tan does so with his wealth among the Chinese, and Tony Fernandes does the same with his wealth among the Indians.
No, I don’t care that the richest people in Malaysia are mostly Chinese and a handful of them are Malay or Indian. The fact is, I do not benefit from their wealth. ]]
Dear Mr austozi,
Please tell me if my interpretation of your ideology is wrong. If Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar is to distribute all his wealth among the Malays, Tan Sri Vincent Tan does the same among the Chinese and Tan Sri Tony Fernandez among Indians, that would be racial communism. No?
Your line of reasoning is ridiculous, preposterous and absolutely unrealistic.
Our Malaysian society has been racially compartmentalised since colonial time before Merdeka. Malays are inclined towards the armed forces and police and civil servants, Indians in the rubber estates and Chinese the economy namely shopkeepers and trading concentrated in the towns. Even the finance minister of the early days was always under Tan Siew Seng or from MCA.
Mr austozi’s theory is dangerous and harmful to peace and harmony in our society.
NEP was formulated as a result of May 13 racial riots. Now you are clamouring for another racial showdown which may result in another senseless racial carnage. This time around I would propose the shooting list of the Malay Regiment to include the Malay Opposition Chief, who instigates and provokes the Chinese to be jealous of Malay Special privileges. The Chinese have become so daring and brazen to encroach on racial and religious issues under false sense of protection from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The DAP are mocking at and insulting UMNO, HIDING BEHIND PKR and PAS.
Until and unless there is no more Chinese schools and Tamil schools to accentuate and deepen racial differences and more Chinese and Indians become Muslims, there is no reason to scrap the Malay Special privileges, even though PR can obtain 70% of popular votes.
This is because the BN 30% has the backing of 99% of the armed forces and the civil servants. The government consists of the executive, judiciary and the parliament. Wallahu alam.
amin tan
Dear austozi,
You said : “And here’s the thing that I never understood about the bumiputera economic (emphasis on “economic”) privileges. If it’s the wealth gap that matters, why bother with ethnic stereotyping (i.e. “poor Malay”, “rich Chinese”)? If truly 100% of all Malays live below a certain poverty line, whilst 100% of all Chinese live above that line, then define a policy to help everyone below that line but not anyone above it.Then all Malays get state help, no Chinese do. When any Malay is uplifted above that line, they should stop receiving state help; if any Chinese should fall below that line, they should start receiving state help (they are all Malaysian after all).”
The policy that the government of the day has is to help the poor without regard to the race. Malay is helped, Chinese is helped, Indian is helped and so are other races. Unfortunately, more Malay are poorer compared to Chinese and Indian (in term of quantity); that is they are helped more. For example BR1M is designed for household income less than RM 3000.
Does this policy alienate the Chinese ? So I do not understand , what is the actual issue that you are trying to say. It is either you are ignorance of this facts or try to hide the fact that the goverment of the day help everyone irrespective of the race.
So my advise to you , dont listen to whatever your Lim Kit Siang says to you. Think about what he said whether it is true or not. Lim Kit Siang is known as a rhetorical person who thinks he can do something great. However , the fact is that he has never done anything great for the nation and will never do anything great. The infamous things Lim Kit Siang has done – inciting racial hatred to be caught in Operation Lalang; to prove the MPs not to attend the MB ceremony because PAS ADUN was appointed to be the MB or Perak , and it seems as per record everything is related to race , if Lim Kit Siang decides something. On the other hand, pne of the reason why Robert Kuok, Vincent Tan , Syed Mokhtar and Ananda Krishnan became who they are today is because they do not listen to rumours. I think you may want to be one of Robert Kuok or Vincent Tan if you have the chance.
Dear mubarakchan:
Strangely, this coming from you seems incredible, but I find myself agreeing with you (to the extent qualified by this statement). BN (granted, in various incarnations) with its 50+ years of rule has a huge advantage over PR to rule Malaysia. The fact that >50% of the rakyat voted to give PR a try despite BN’s advantage is very indicative of what they think of BN in its current shape and form, don’t you think? BN has flouted every single one of the rules you have listed, thus overriding whatever advantage they may have over PR.
Dear Tun Perak,
You’ve raised a few points, but let me just focus on this one sticking point: “You subscribe to an ideology that will profit yourself and your race to the expense of the Malay and the Indian. By doing so, the gap of wealth between different races in Malaysia will never be reduced.”
Let me reiterate that my stance is not about race, and I believe this to be the stance of level-headed Malaysians too. When it comes to wealth, it’s always the distribution between individuals, not between state-imposed ethnic grouping, that is disputed. The collectivism that categorises Malaysians as the “rich Chinese”, “poor Malay”, “impoverished Indian” or “they-don’t-matter lain-lain” just does not make sense. It would only make sense if Shyed Mokhtar Al-Bhukary distributes his wealth evenly among the Malays, and Vincent Tan does so with his wealth among the Chinese, and Tony Fernandes does the same with his wealth among the Indians. It then raises the question, from whom do the “lain-lain” get their share of wealth?
No, I don’t care that the richest people in Malaysia are mostly Chinese and a handful of them are Malay or Indian. The fact is, I do not benefit from their wealth. Most Chinese are not nearly as rich as Vincent Tan, and it is unfair to label them the “wealthy Chinese”. Ditto with the Malays and Indians. The key question for me is, do these people deserve their wealth (i.e. have they been playing fair)? I’m happy for Robert Kuok to remain one of the richest men in Asia, but I’m not happy that a certain Chinese cabinet minister has wealth that is unaccounted for. Similarly, Taib Mahmud sure is wealthy for a Malay, but why do the Malays complain about his wealth? Go figure! There is no shortage of wealthy politicians within BN, from any ethnic background, but this is precisely the reason why the Malays reject UMNO, the Chinese flatly reject the MCA, and the Indians reject the MIC. It’s about corruption and cronyism. The wealth never trickles down. “Fed up” is precisely the word to describe the sentiment on the ground.
And here’s the thing that I never understood about the bumiputera economic (emphasis on “economic”) privileges. If it’s the wealth gap that matters, why bother with ethnic stereotyping (i.e. “poor Malay”, “rich Chinese”)? If truly 100% of all Malays live below a certain poverty line, whilst 100% of all Chinese live above that line, then define a policy to help everyone below that line but not anyone above it. Then all Malays get state help, no Chinese do. When any Malay is uplifted above that line, they should stop receiving state help; if any Chinese should fall below that line, they should start receiving state help (they are all Malaysian after all). Problem solved. The Chinese won’t complain, the Malays won’t complain. I won’t complain because then it’s fair. Vincent Tan and Shyed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary definitely shouldn’t complain. I’m saying, Khir Toyo (quite apart from the question of where he got his money from) shouldn’t receive a bumiputera discount for purchasing mansions, but some of my Chinese friends should receive a discount to buy a low-cost house! This is how every other country does it, why does Malaysia have to do it differently by confounding it with ethnic stereotypes?
(أُولَئِكَ الَّذِينَ هَدَى اللَّهُ فَبِهُدَاهُمُ اقْتَدِهْ قُل لَّا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًاإِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكْرَى لِلْعَالَمِينَ)
صدق الله العظيم – الأنعام
“Mereka itulah orang-orang yang telah diberi petunjukoleh Allah, maka ikutilah petunjuk mereka. Katakanlah:’Aku tidak meminta upah kepadamu dalam menyampaikan’.Tiadalah Al Quran itu melainkan sebagai peringatan untuk seluruh jagat.”
Salam Tun,
Salam warga Chedet..
Bila kita dalam kekalutan dan kabur dalam perbincangan, maka kembalilah kepada Al-Quran dan Hadith..
Kalau golongan kafir dan munafiq tak boleh terima hujah kita, kurang-kurangnya umat Islam akan menambahkan keyakinan dan mempertahankan aqidah dari dikelirukan dakyah2 sesat mereka mahupun ianya berkenaan AIR YANG SUCI untuk rakyat..
Kembalilah pada Al-Quran dan Hadith…banyak jawapan untuk soalan2 yg bermain dalam fikiran tuan2…sekian
Terima Kasih Tun
Dari hambaAllahyangmemelihara
Kemana perjuangan Devan Nair Mantang President Singapore ?
Yg telah bertungkus lumus berjuang
Akhirnya Beliau Mantan President Singapura Di Usir
New Water hanyalah satu Sandaran dan satu Alat
untuj Tawar Menawar Air Johor
Jadi Malaysia janganlah mengugat Singapura
Juga ia lebih bagi exploitasi teknologi mereka
Jika ia berkesan & terbukti Teknologi ini bolh dijual
Dan sekarang Rakyanya menjadi alat Sains Research / Tikus Makmal
Dear Balance :
You said : “You are such a intelligent and confident person until you can estimate that there is only so little chance (percentage) that our water is polluted and i also hope that it is true too.”
My answer – over here we are comparing between Malaysia and Singapore NEWater System. Let say Singapore NEWater system take the water directly from the toilet flush , and you see shits at their filter in their water catchment area. Then, you get that by a value of say, 990 mililiter of shit per a litre of medium that goes to their filter.
Next, you get Malaysia water from the water and you get 0.1 mililiter of shit per litre of medium that ges to Malaysia water catchment area. 0.1 mililiter / 990 x 100 is less that 0.0001 ? agree ?
About filter, Malaysia water is much safer than NEWater. I did not use filter.
When can we stop and say “I am happy and healthy and that all it matters”. Who is better or worst and which is better or worst is never important as everything is impermanent.
For Saudara Amin Tan. Thanks for your succinct Comment of the NEWater of Singapore. As there is no intention whatsoever for any country to conquer the one-street town of the Republic of Singapore, this S$ 2 Billions water elephant qualifies for the 11th Policy Failure of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 Policy failures for Singapore. This strategic water stuff is 19th century thinking.
Dear Tun,
One can learn more about Newater in Singapore by watching YouTube of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. According to Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the cost of setting up Newater facilities deep under ground in Singapore is S$2 billions. It is meant as strategic reserve that can sustain for at least one month in the event Singapore is under seize or blockaded by a hostile Malaysia. Lee Kuan Yew is preparing Singapore for a worst case scenario of war time emergency situation. Of course they hope they would never have to fight for their survival. Under normal condition they use the 3 sen per thousand gallon of raw water from Malaysia. Malaysians are kind, compassionate and merciful people. We would never invade Singapore otherwise we would never have given away the whole of Singapore island to Lee Kuan Yew and his followers. That shows how magnanimous Malaysian political leadership has been and will be. This is the meaning of islam as a religion of peace.
Singapore has high CPF (EPF) contribution from employer and employee as compared to other countries. This is justified as a way of aggregate forced saving for rainy days as Singapore has no natural resources. According to Napoleon Hills in the book ‘The Law of Success’
‘To be wealthy, it is not how much one earns or one’s income is, but how much one can save’. Please do not laugh at the Singaporeans for having high CPF contributions. They may have the last laugh in the end. Wallahu alam.
amin tan
Attention all Bloggers. has just released the FULL SECRET TPP TREATY via According to the Editor of the Wikileaks, to sign the TPPA is like signining up to be a slave. And yet Malaysia went through 19 secret negotiations without notifying the Dewan Rakyat !
The Sungai Limau By-Election is not a watershed, benchmark or whatever in the annals of our short history of Malaysian Democracy since 1957. It is just a microcosm of a rural area in the political firmament. The divide as it can be discerned between town and country is all the more glaring as time inches forward. And as with our Malaysian Democracy, the majority wins. From all reports, it is surprising even after the 12th and the 13th General Elections that the supposedly premier Malaysian Chinese party, the MCA, could not retaine their influence or grip on the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese whom they were supposed to do. The rot which has sunk into the body politic of this political organisation seemed to have gone to its head which is the leadership. As we are aware, such a political leadership should have been aware of the behaviour and life-styles concerning the constituents which they claimed to serve. But when it came to a crunch in recent times, the MCA leadership has been found to have feet of clay like the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore at the end of the day. So, what do these eruptions augur for these Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese and also those across the Causeway ? THIS IS THE CHINESE DILEMMA OF MALAYSIA !
How this came about is due to the internal evolution of the Malaysian Chinese through the decades without even those affected noticing this insidious change of their personalities.
To understand how these Chinese changed so much, a person should study the behaviour of their ancestors of yore. The Chinese in colonial Malaya were under the threat of banishment to China at any time as they were citizens of China until 1951 when the Federation of Malaya was established. It is alleged 1 Million Chinese were enfranchised. This lot of Chinese had voted consistently for the incumbent Alliance/BN Government until Malaysia was formed. With the entry of the Singaporean PAP with its confrontational style of politics, the Chinese of that generation did not lap up all the promises and emotional wracking probes of their minds. Then 1969 became the water-shed in which for the very first time the Chinese became violent in the conduct of their politics. Gangsters were used. Who and how all these came about must be recorded in the archives of the Government ! However, it must also be noted that these perpetrators were outsiders of the Chinese which still held their beliefs in the Alliance Government. A violent demonstration cannot just happened without some planning and money as this is clearly demonstrated by the very recent riots in Kuala Lumpur. Arising from the ashes of 1969, the NEP was introduced through the general agreement of all by our distinguished Tun Abdul Razak. With the NEP, urbanization of the young Chinese came quickly which was concomitant of a change of mind-set and life-style. Unfortunately, Tun Abdul Razak passed away and fortunately, Tun Dr Mahathir became the Prime Minister in 1981, but the NEP was delayed until then.
With the excitement of a new Prime Minister who happened to be gung-ho and dynamic and the money scandals of the MCA from the 1970s and the 1980s, the primary purpose of a political party was forgotten. However, a newly-minted tycoon exploited the neglected void between the corporate world and religion. He founded a RM2 incorporated church which did not pay any tax to keep his employees honest. As in all things financial in Malaysia, soon persons of a similar ilk began to form these RM2 incorporated churches throughout Malaysia and by the 21st century, not only did these neo Christians can marshall large amounts of money but built huge stadiums as well. And who flock to all these air-conditioned and easy to access places ? The 3rd Generation of the Chinese from the 1957 Merdeka days. THE KEY IS THE HOLLOWING OUT OF THE CHINESE, MALAYSIAN CHINESE BETWEEN 1971 AND 2013. They all look Chinese but inside them they do not have the Chinese cultural and behavioural ballast of their fore-fathers. THIS IS THE RUB. The Chinese in Malaysia, the majority, have been DE-TRIBALISED and are now subjected to internal and external manipulation, just like a cock bobbing up and down in the ocean. They have lost their sense of direction and the wherewithal of their existence in the ever changing political social and economic environment not only of Malaysia but also the World. Maybe part of the blame lies with the MCA but also the Chinese themselves. Can we blame the Chinese vernacular schools ? Maybe. But the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP with its long record in the Opposition has the onus of resolving this issue since they promised the promised land of Putrajaya to the gangsters now turned bongo-bongo voodoo dancing and choral troupes with fun and games thrown in – the improved 21st century version of KGB swallows and ducks. What is the answer the DAP will provide to these persons who only LOOK LIKE CHINESE BUT THEY ARE NOT unlike all the other Chinese around the World including China. It is another 4 years to the next 14th General Elections. And as for the MCA, they have their job carved out for them. I say once again that ‘ AS LONG AS THE BN GOVERNMENT OBSERVES THE RULE OF THE LAWS, IMPLEMENTS FAIR AND TRANSPARENT POLICIES, MAINTAINS A NORMAL AND FUNCTIONING GOVERNMENT AND BUREAUCRACY, ESCHEWS FROM MAKING MONEY THROUGH GLCs BUT ONLY TO RULE OVER US, there is nothing much the Opposition can do till the next 14th General Elections.
Wonder of wonders ! It is only in Malaysia that the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, look like Chinese but inside them, it is something else. THE CHINESE DILEMMA IN MALAYSIAN POLITICS IN MALAYSIA. I hope one day the Malaysian Chinese realize that the World cannot wait for them and there is no such thing as a free lunch !
Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
Dear Balance, I wish to subtract your quote “He is so wrong and stupid to make singapore money 2.5 times higher value than our ringgit”.
I am not as well verse in economics but in this case I think you are right. Last time when Singapore money was at par with Malaysian ringgit, there were tremendous flows of Malaysian came into Singapore especially to shop. Things in Singapore those time were very much cheaper as the island maybe was a duty free. Singapore gained part of their revenue from the Malaysian shoppers. But now as the Singapore money 2.5 times higher than Malaysian ringgit, the flows reversed. Now the Singaporean comes into Malaysia to shop and sight seeings. Malaysia gained from the revenues. Singaporeans have bigger purchasing power if they shop in Malaysia while Malaysians have to think twice if they are to shop in Singapore.
It was either the Singapore money appreciated or the Malaysian ringgit depreciated. Singapore money value now is about at par with the US dollar while Ringgit is about 3 times lower than the US dollar. This mean that Singapore only has to excavate once to obtain that a barrel of crude oil while Malaysia has to excavate three times. Also with S1,000 dollar they can fly up to Jeddah while with RM1,000 Malaysian only can fly up to Chennai. If the price of crude oil goes up, things will go haywires again. The Government has to review the fuel subsidy. The price of roti canai also goes up.
My layman interest here is if we can appreciate our ringgit value at par with the US dollar so that the Malaysian have bigger purchasing power. Maybe it is not an easy tasks.
Salam Tun.
Tun Perak November 13, 2013 at 11:05 PM | Permalink
You are such a intelligent and confident person until you can estimate that there is only so little chance (percentage) that our water is polluted and i also hope that it is true too. Anyway may i ask you the following
Do you use a carbon water filter or a RO filter in your house and if you do why?
Do you know what high concentration of nitrate can you to your body and can you tell where most of the nitrates are coming from?
Do you know how much of heavy metal is in our water and why?
Do you know that chlorine is a known carcinogen and why it is still being used?
Do you know that water have memory and how to remove it or can it be remove?
Let us read your intelligent and interesting comments.
For Balance. Your comments are gems of wisdom. We can all see that even though our beloved Malaysia was dealt with a dummy in the 1962 Water Agreement with Singapore. At the end of the day and fortunately, we are all still around to see that such devious attempts to gain an upper-hand on others do not pay. Even with all the free and paid for litres of water now and in the past which were delivered to Singapore, there was no gain but incurred a lot of suffering and unhappiness. That is why ladies and gentlemen I always said ‘ Man proposes, God disposes.’
Dear Tun,
May I pass a comment on the issue of comparing Tun Dr Mahathir and Mr Lim Kit Siang. In my humble opinion, the person who brought up this issue of saying Mr Lim Kit Siang is better and contributed more to Malaysia is either an ignorant idiot or he is being wicked, malicious, disrespectful and provoking for distasteful and hateful retaliation from patriotic and peace loving silent Malaysian majority. He may be a paid officer of DAP’s red bean army trying to discredit Tun by planting this obnoxious comparison.
Person to person, Kit Siang is a dwarf in contrast to Tun as a giant of a man. Tun was a Medical doctor by training from University of Malaya, Singapore. Mr Lim Kit Siang was a newspaper reporter in Singapore. He obtained his law degree very much later through correspondence course. He has been Opposition Leader all his life, opposing everything in parliament. Anybody who wants to oppose the government finds him a convenient accomplice. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah did it and now Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is using Kit Siang to bad mouth and throw all kinds of offensive words at the government. They even fabricated the story about the 40,000 bangladeshi votes. And you dare to compare such people to Tun Dr Mahathir, who was elected by the Majority of Malaysians as The country’s Prime Minister for 22 years and voluntarily resigned from office. Ask any Malaysian, he would point out Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, North South Highway, KLIA, Multi Media Super Corridor, KLCC, CREDIT Control during 1997 Asian financial crisis and many more as Tun’s contributions and legacy to the country.
To compare Mr Lim Kit Siang and Tun Dr Mahathir is comparing ‘kaca dengan intan permata’.
Wallahu alam.
amin tan
Dear Balance ;
You said : “Thank you for your very educational comment but I am not comparing or trying to say Newater is good or bad i am only saying that we should feel happy, feel lucky and be very contented that we are blessed with God given water. I am also saying that God given water flow via rivers and streams and nowadays we cannot be sure what what is added or dumped into rivers and streams. I also cannot tell shit is worst or dead bodies of animal, human and etc is worst when they are dumb into our rivers and streams. I am not going into details about the two type of water and i trust and know that god’s creation is 100% better than man made things and i think you will agree too. The thing i am trying to say is be contented and just feel lucky and care less what others do or dont do. If someone say Newater is good just let it be and if someone say god given water is better also let it be. But there one thing we all MUST always do and that is to condemn Lee Kuan Yew and his millions of failure. He is so wrong and stupid to make singapore money 2.5 times higher value than our ringgit. ”
In short , you are saying that it is not alright to condemn the opposition and Singapore shit NEWater that they drink and use.
I tihink in this comments area, the main point is not to condemn Lee Kuan Yew but to condemn Lim Kit Siang. Many readers seem to either being distracted or trying to distract other reader from shooting at the right target. I would say, Lim Kit Siang deserved condemnation because he is just over the limit.
Forget about Lee Kuan Yew and his failed policies. The old senile man is going to die soon. And he will see that he goes to hell for being a Kafir. Dont prolong his pains while he is still alife because he is going to get more pains afterlife.
While Lim Kit Siang is very fresh polishing his guns haywired to everyone he hates. Unfortunately, he hated the Malay most and the laws that safeguard the nation’s bumiputra.
So Lim Kit Siang is the main target.
By the way, your mention about the rivers being polluted by dead body on so on is about your ignorance. You yourself are not sure whether the river is polluted and that means you are an ignorance person. You just assume but your assumption has less than 0.001% chances to be correct. But you also concede and admit, if you try to extract water from shit you know 100% for sure that the water that you drink comes from shit. No wonder nowadays when I see Singaporean I see shitty faces.
Tun Perak November 13, 2013 at 9:11 AM | Permalin
Thank you for your very educational comment but I am not comparing or trying to say Newater is good or bad i am only saying that we should feel happy, feel lucky and be very contented that we are blessed with God given water. I am also saying that God given water flow via rivers and streams and nowadays we cannot be sure what what is added or dumped into rivers and streams. I also cannot tell shit is worst or dead bodies of animal, human and etc is worst when they are dumb into our rivers and streams. I am not going into details about the two type of water and i trust and know that god’s creation is 100% better than man made things and i think you will agree too. The thing i am trying to say is be contented and just feel lucky and care less what others do or dont do. If someone say Newater is good just let it be and if someone say god given water is better also let it be. But there one thing we all MUST always do and that is to condemn Lee Kuan Yew and his millions of failure. He is so wrong and stupid to make singapore money 2.5 times higher value than our ringgit.
happy happy and senyum senyum too lah (wink wink)
Finally on the Sungai Limau By-Election, the damage that has been done to the mind-set of the Chinese, Malaysian Chinese by the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP in the general voting patterns throughout the country still manifested itself here. For those, who could trace the unyielding manner of DAP politics since its founding in 1966 by its spiritual leader, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with the 10 failed Policies for Singapore right up to the present moment which is 2013, its politics is just one big play on the emotions of a Chinese mind. This form of politicking is not only undesirable but downright dangerous. And its leadership has encouraged their supporters who are now showing signs of restlessness that by the next 14th General Elections, the DAP will be in power in Putrajaya. I would have thought they said this many times times over since 1966 !
Whether this sort of comment was deliberately done or not, there is no element of poltical philosophy in it apart from the fact that the promised land of Putrajaya is just ahead. But the true demographics of this land is that the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese being in the minority which has well-been received by the majority should follow their traditions and historical conventions by voting always for the incumbent BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties.
The Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP has definitely made in-roads into the traditional heartland of the MCA which failed in its leadership to counter the agility of the DAP because of its leadership weakness. How can MCA claim to have the upperhand when its erstwhile leader turned up to meet the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew on his ill-advised Grand Tour of his proxies in the Ulus in 2008 ! This MCA leader was all dressed up in his best Mandarin red silks. Stupid. The brilliant Lee Kuan Yew never bothered with the MCA leaders till then because they were considered below his contempt.
What was it which made the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese voted for the incumbent BN in the past ? First, the BN had a credible leadership which delivered economic goodies generally to the Rakyat. Second, the 1st and 2nd Generations of the Chinese since 1957 were still around. Third, with urbanisation and the NEP of 1971, young Chinese drifted into the towns and became de-tribalised and acquired a new life-style. All these factors turned the Chinese without much thought to support something which is actually detrimental to their needs. With 90% of them voted for the Opposition, what do they expect to get ? Nothing !
This voting pattern of the Malaysian Chinese in the 12th and 13th General Elections only illustrate the devil may care attitude of the younger Chinese who does not know better. First, the Chinese all over the World including China, have always voted for the incumbent Governments. Second, the DAP made use of the neo or new Christians as the leading edge in conduct of their strategy. In 1969, other types of Chinese were used. Some RM2 incorporated churches from Singapore began to set up shop some years ago. In Singapore, there is a Charities Commission to overseer such unregulated activities by amateurs. Third, what is the purpose of creating a nearly 100% Chinese, Malaysian Chinese group in direct opposition to the BN especially when the DAP’s spiritual leader is the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew and its spiritual homeland is Singapore ? The intention has been openly publicised as to gain power in Putrajaya. But how can the DAP leadership do better than the BN when its spiritual leader, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with the 10 failed Policies for Singapore, is now found to have feet of clay and used his 1947 brilliant Cambridge results to mold Singapore and the Singaporeans in his own image. If the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese are aware of these true facts, do we expect them to be blind sided anymore by all these blind brilliant Lee Kuan Yew worshipping ? This is where I noticed the MCA is weak, very weak, by not pointing their fingers in the RIGHT DIRECTION at the cause of their dilemma today. One of their leaders is as befuddled as can be. Why ? Conflict of interests I presume. Then, these fellows do not understand the realpolitik of Malaysia with Singapore the Chinaman in the Malaysian wood-pile by pretending that Lee Kuan Yew is a nice elderly gentleman like Santa Claus. I observed that even some important UMNO leaders fell for this Santa Claus ploy so effective is the brainwashing which emanated out of the spiritual homeland of the DAP all these years until now.
And to top this comment, I have often asked my friends, ‘ You have never met a stupid Chinaman. They are all very clever ?’ They would nod their heads in unison. Then, I followed, ‘ But some of them are so very clever as to be stupid ?’ They would look bewildered and puzzled. I would then rolled off a few household names. And they would all laughed and nodded their heads in agreement !
The only practical way for the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, is to vote for the incumbnet BN and do not get involved in any diabolical scheme which is not to their political, economic and social interests. It is up to those who aspire to lead to fill up the hollowness of the Chinese in Malaysia with something in their own interests and not in the interests of some fellow outside Malaysia’s jurisdiction.
For all readers,
I want to ask, is that Tun are very blunt ? The answer is YES. Because he must and cannot be otherwise. Beliau kena ajar orang-orang melayu menerima realiti. Bagitahu terus terang apa yang munasabah, apa yang tak munasabah. Apa yang kita boleh dapat dan tak boleh dapat.
My full support for Tun Perak’s comments. All Malays, Malaysians should rise and say ‘Well-done !’ to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who is a GREAT STATESMAN OF ASIA AND ONE OF ONLY 7 ASIANS, AND THE WORLD. And he has led a normal life with his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah and family in our midst in Kuala Lumpur ! What are we waiting for ? What are we ashame of ?
Salam Tun,
nampaknya ada peminat tegar LKS yang sedang berkempen untuk fitnah Tun di dalam blog Tun sendiri.
Walaupun dia sangat benci dengan Tun, tapi dia masih berlegar-legar di dalam halaman Tun, membuang sampah sarap dan kotoran dari hati dan perutnya tanpa ada rasa segan silu lagi. Orang macam ni adalah lambang yang mewakili pemikiran rasis bejat dalam DAP dan pakatan pembangkang. Ke mana saja mereka pergi, mereka berak dan tunjuk. Taik mereka punya, tapi letak di halaman orang lain. Inilah perangai babi – dan kerana itulah orang Yahudi dan Islam yang taat tak sentuh daging babi, bukan atas sebab kesihatan semata-mata tapi lebih kepada sebab moral. You are what you eat …
Semoga Tun sudi mengizinkan ruangan..
What you wrote was very revealing about how human gullibility. Indeed, as you put it, perhaps it reflects your “limited knowledge and intelligence”]
Are you muslim?..If you do consider this..
Rule no 1.
When you want to be admittted into other’s domain one asks permission.It is in Al Quran.
Your gullibility showed.
Rule no 2.
When says something about other’s use the magical word.”In my opinion”.
That you did not mean admitting..
as you put it, perhaps it reflects your “limited knowledge and intelligence”..
As being kafirian..Sorry..Let me rephrase that..Non muslim.None all the above rule applied.
[That’s just your ignorance showing..]
My contention is Lim Kit Siang have only be allowed by my Allah limited constituency and limited fields..If Lim Kit Siang entrusted to handle the 1998 monetary crisis..Shudder shudder….:) Applied aptly..
[If I were you, I would reassess my views about the characters of doctors, taking medical qualifications out of the equation]
Bad doctor’s is like bad medicine..We avoid them like the plague they are..My point is doctor is the profession of emphaty.Most specialist are compassionate.That is Allah gift to humankind in Allah attribute in distribute.
You and especially Lim Kit Siang do not have this heavenly traits…:)
Do you live in Palestine or Bosnia?..DO YOU AUSTOZI??
Best of all do you care??
I was in the bussiness of “THE FIFTH PROFESSION”..Again concerning COMPASSION..
Why write something beyond your comprehension?…:)
Certainly not you if you are not involved in the conflict. How about we focus our attention at home?
Of course your religion and belief absolves you from the conflict..What is the true definition of home..Yeah..that is right..
[Again, to understand why, you just have to step outside your cocoon and see that not everyone subscribes to your beliefs and preconceptions]
Exactly!!..You said so yourself!!..
My point is some belief pig is hygienic..Other’s don’t..
It is as simple as that!
Terima kasih Tun.
For austozi. It is good you turned up on this Blog with your fresh reports of old Singaporean obsessive issues. I suppose you noted the screaming headlines in the Star ‘ 2 Trillion litres of water lost in 2012 in Malaysia.’ As we are not obsessed with water, I bet there will be no outcry for this neglect. And how much did Singapore spend on producing the NEWATER which just like a water elephant because Malaysia not only supplies Singapore with FREEWATER BUT GIVES SINGAPORE MONEY AS WELL TO TAKE DELIVERY due to the strengthening of the Singapore Dollar. And yet the Singapore Government overthought out its Policies with so much Malaysian water available.
We now come to the nub of the matter which is an eye-ball to eye-ball comparison between Malaysia’s Great Statesman of Asia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore ( will the NEWATER be the 11th ?). First, the Tun led a normal life with not self-glorification but the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew not only sought out the greatest leaders of the World but kept reminding all and sundry of his academic brilliance at Cambridge in 1947. Here lies the rub. The Tun left the portals of the Unversity and thought out his career as he progressed along. But the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew never left the portals of his University and mentally and psychologically he was helld back by his brilliance in 1947. To make it worse, he being a trained lawyer was only concerned with the nitty-gritty where the Devil was. He could not see the wood from the trees unlike the Tun who had the Vision and compassion. This is the main difference. And since you like numbers, austozi, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew lost all that Singapore had garnered from all sorts of mentionable and unmentionable activities from 1959 to 2008 at one throw of the dice. The gigantic loss of mainly CPF Trust money was an official minimum of US$ 108 Billions (RM 350 Billions. Malaysia’s Foreign Reserves 2013 – US$ 140 Billions). To put things on even keel with Malaysia, someone overeached and sponsored the ‘Malaysian Maverick’ book. Little did he realised, Singapore has been under the microscope since 1954. He must surely rue the day that he made such a foolhardy decision to run down Malaysia’s Great Statesman of Asia who is Tun Mahathir Mohamad.
Suddenly, without much ado, Singapore kept on slippind down the slippery slope since 2000. Has the virtual balloon of great expectations been punctured ? Only the Singaporeans know and they are not talking as far as I could discern. And with the coming of the booming North-West Passage to Europe and the United States, this will take away shipping trade from Singapore by at least 15% of the whole annually. This is what could be foreseen. But what could not be foreseen must be very much worse. And thanks to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s 22 year Administration which defined the future of Malaysia’s future progress. And as soon as, all being equal and normal, Malaysia should be on its way without the infamous TPPA. Sorry lah, Singapore ! Not only that we can show to our Western democratic friends that they have nothing to worry about because not only have we got our own kind of Malaysian democracy but also a wealthy and viable and credible Opposition without which our Malaysain Democracy is not complete.
How did our beloved Malaysia get so far ahead of the clever and smart Singapore in human terms ? The answer is Malaysia did nothing which is not normal. Thanks to the Tun again. The earlier those who are responsible to rule us, recognise this important facet of a human being, the better for all. Normalcy ensures that all our gleaming high towers are full of human beings with compassion and a soul. And not money, money, money.
At the end of the day, it is MAN PROPOSES, GOD DISPOSES.
I declare I have never received any favour, medals or money from the Tun. Acheh !
Dear Balance,
You have said : ” I think most people know or understand what is Newater. Do you think the water you are drinking now do not contain all the pee & shit. I think it contain no only pee and shit but alot of harmful chemical too. Water is H2O and it always be H2O. What Singapore drink is their business (they are still alive and we are also alive) and we should be happy we have “god given” water and we hope we continue to be lucky and happy. We should only condemn and repeat a million times about Lee Kuan Yew and his millions of failure. ”
Obviously you do not understand nor least compared between filtration method used by Singapore and evaporation and condensation method by God for Malaysia. God loves Malaysia and is on Malaysia side. That is why Singapore has to work their way to go against God destiny and will – that is God gives insufficient water to Singapore to continue their economic expansion and God gives Malaysia enough water to continue expanding.
But the NEWater is actually not a new story. Itself has recorded some failure. Singapore has tried desalienation process to mimic God’s natural “distillation” process of giving clean water to Malaysia citizen. This effort has failed and abandoned half-way. Now they think they want to try the filtration and reverse-osmosis method. What they do not consider is the safety of the system. Of course, the system may work as shown today but it is not guaranteed as 100% safe. Why ? Because the filter and reverse osmosis method are connected in series. The reliability of the system is equivalent to the reliability of your water filter at home. There are hidden dangers in their water filter system.
The difference between pee and shit NEWater system and God given distillation process system to Malaysia :-
1. NEWater system convert water directly from shit and pee. God given distillation system convert shit and pee to sea (salt is sort of anti-septic) and sea water evaporated to cloud and the water condensed and fall to the water catchment area.
2. NEWater system uses materials which are susceptible to wear and tear and damages. God given distillation process is not susceptible to wear and tear and damages.
3. The NEWater system used by Singapore to detect wear and tear in their NEWater system is susceptible to reliability problem. It can not guarantee 100% elimination of false negative scenario. God given distillation process does not need a system to check it’s relaibility. Of course it is 100% reliable if you take the water directly from the rain at mountains and remote places.
4. The NEWater system is expensive. If you compare with the free God given water to Malaysia, the differences in rate of change of cost is infinity. Of course rate calculation involves a denominator which is the base of the calculation. Taking God given water to Malaysia cost as the base, then you get zero as the denominator. Anything divide by zero is infinity.
5. Singaporean has no choice but Malaysian has a choice which is better. What a good thing God has given Malaysia.
6. NEWater gives a false sense of “Happy-happy lah” to the Singaporean but God given distillation process gives the true sense of “Happy-Happy-lah” to the Malaysian.
For austozi. Again I must bring the whole comparison between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, one of 7 Great Statesmen, a Malay, and the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore into focus. The brilliant Lee Kuan Yew used his brilliant achievement at Cambridge in 1947 to meld his Singapore and the Singaporeans in his own image. Arising from this, 10 major blunders could be discerned up to-date. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had his Vision for the betterment of our beloved Malaysia and its Rakyat. National assets were enhanced and not stolen surreptitiously at discounted values behind our backs which I always called ‘ selling our grandmothers down river ‘! As for the hastily commissioned book ‘ Malaysian Maverick ‘, the sponsor now rue the day when he decided to cover up all the sins perpetrated on carefully thought out 10 failed Policies imposed on the Singaporeans. The loss of the purported RM 100 Billions were actually developmental expenditures over 22 years and entirely due to the holding back of vital information by his closest aides from the Tun. You do not expect the Prime Minister to lift the phone to buy and sell, austozi, would you ? This is 2013, not 1962 ! We have grown up in the Ulus and we are proud to note that one of the 7 Great Statesmen of Asia and the World is with us, right here in Kuala Lumpur. You would also agree that the US$ 108 Billions (RM 350 Billions. Malaysia’s Foreign Reserves 2013 = US$ 140 Billions) lost by the dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid of Singapore of yes-men is also due to the holding back of vital information from the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew. We must also expect him not to use the phone himself to buy and sell. Right ? Let us apportion the truth and the blame accordingly on these 2 Great gentlemen of which only one is a GREAT STATESMAN OF ASIA AND THE WORLD. And this gentleman is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who is right here in Kuala Lumpur. All Malays, Malaysians, Asians and the World should be proud, very proud that Malaysia has him as a Great Statesman !
Salam Tun,
blahblahblah austodi now going around biting his own tail.
I DARE YOU please present facts when you want to accuse Tun of any wrongdoing.
Dont assume and make ill conceived presumptions as that reflects your deceitful nature.
It has been proven that Lim Kit Siang is an immoral racist through the facts presented. So now after being caught with his pants down (and possibly DSAI poking his behind) austodi has turned around and tries to justify his earlier moronic rantings by saying that he does not support any party bullshit.
Typical DAP hypocrites.
Sorry ! A small typo. ‘ 6. No World class transportation established Vide……’
For austozi. With so many brainwashed worshippers of the failed icon the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew in Malaysia and yourself in particular, how can anyone leave out the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew when we consider Malaysian Democracy and its Politics. The tug-of-war has been happening since the Raffles College days of yore according to my sister who was the contemporary of the 1st Generation of Malaya/Singapore leaders. If anyone wants to compete in any game of life or sports, there must be a tangible result. This as you try to imply which is typical of those who lose an argument based on facts, can never be based on emotions. Fortunately, the facts I produced about Lee Kuan Yew are based on Singapore sources as you are fully aware.
Why be small minded, austozi ? Why do you refused to recognize the GREAT STATESMAN AND NATIONALIST AND A MALAY who is Tun Dr Mahathir ? Most of the bloggers here wish him a good retirement. Instead they should wish him a life of 101 years which all of us including you will touch not because of the good doctors but because of the good medicines. Doctors are the same always. Comparatively, you will agree that the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew exploited his Double Firsts in Law at Cambridge and in the process of a life-time blundered with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore. And all these have a long long tail to haunt him. Just in case, you refuse to bite the silver bullet let me repeat those brilliant Lee Kuan Yew 10 failed Policies for Singapore again :-
1. Money was used as investment of Foreign Policy which killed innocent men, women, and children. Vide. Thaksin. Shinawatra. Bangkok Riots 2003-2013.
2. The loss of US$108 Billions (RM350 Billions) of the citizens CPF Trust money by the dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid of yes-men with the smartest fellow on top on the 8th of October 2008 on Wall Street. Vide. Channelnewsasia. Lee Kuan Yew November 2008. All Singaporean Blogs. 2009-2013. Financial Times London Gillian Tett. Singapore Harvard Investment Model. April 2010. Sovereign Singapore copied a University !!
3. The 2 Child Family Policy 1970s-1980s. This is the killer. Vide Singapore Government White Paper on Population. 2013. In 1959, Lee Kuan Yew assumed power, the indigenious population was 100%. 2013 – 62%. 2030 – 45%. Only Hitler tinkered with the demographics.
4. Humanity and Multiculturalism never practised. Vide. Channelnewsasia. 2011. The Curry Smell Tribunal. 2012. The 188 bus drivers strike. The toilet fights. etc. etc.
5. The perfunctory Judiciary well-known the world over. Vide. The unfortunate and fortunate Mr Chee. The unfortunate Tan Koon Swan. The Aussie and German drug mules. Dr Woffles Wu. Shaw. If the Police stopped at 1, he would not be in trouble. They stopped at 51 ! Poor girl ! etc.
6. Now World class transportation established Vide. Hong Kong MRT. Manubani. Distinguished diplomat and scholar.
7. The highest paid full Cabinet in the World for a one-street town. Vide Warren Buffet.
8. 5,000 pigs are imported daily. The flower nurseries contracts. The King of the Road. The sale of Kim Eng Securities to Maybank etc.etc.
9. The Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP was founded in 1966 indirectely by the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew. For 47 long years, the DAP was in Opposition and failed to deliver a conquered Malaysia to save Lee Kuan Yew’s failed legacy.
10. Lee Kuan Yew assumed power in 1959 and he is still there. During this period, Malaysia has had 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers. Washington DC where are you ?
The deeds of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as one of 7 Great Statesmen of Asia are too many to mention in this Comment. The 6 Great Statesmen were Mao Tse Tung, Soekarno, Ho Chi Minh, Nehru, Jinnah, Deng Hsio Peng. All of them Nationalists and not brought down by money, money, money !
Let us Malaysians be proud of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a Malay, as a Great Statesman of Asia and the World. Right here in Kuala Lumpur !
Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
Salam Austozi,
Well you may go ahead to consume the Newater. I just to remind my fellow Muslim about the Newater. Like Mubarakchan said;
“this subject of Newater made in Singapore is irrelevant. Also, we in Malaysia has lots and lots of fresh natural water. We should not be at interested in spending good bucks to convert sewage water to potable water. In other words, we Malaysians are not obsessed with water of either kind. Thanks for your good write-up any, Singapore-fresh.”.
By the way, “suci” here in Islam doesnt mean holy or has some strong characteristics such as holy water used in certain religions as protections or to usher away devils etc. “Suci” here in Islam meant simply clean. Physically clean from especially bacterias which may harmful to health. Not all chemicals able to wipe out those bacterias and also not all membranes able to separate the bacterias. As you already aware, non Muslims eat porks as they say it is clean. But for Muslim it is not as it contains harmful bacterias. But who cares, your religion is yours and mine is mine.
Salam Tun.
Tun Perak November 12, 2013 at 6:00 PM | Permalink
I think most people know or understand what is Newater. Do you think the water you are drinking now do not contain all the pee & shit. I think it contain no only pee and shit but alot of harmful chemical too. Water is H2O and it always be H2O. What Singapore drink is their business (they are still alive and we are also alive) and we should be happy we have “god given” water and we hope we continue to be lucky and happy. We should only condemn and repeat a million times about Lee Kuan Yew and his millions of failure. Ha ha ha
Happy happy lah
Dear austozi,
You said : “All I’ve been saying is, Mahathir has many inadequacies, despite the fact that he did some good to the country. I concede he’s a notable statesman (how can he not be one after 23 years in power?), but I do not agree that he’s a great or noble statesman. I believe Mahathir has a lot to answer for the ills that currently beset our country, and Mahathir himself must know as much — it’s too blatantly obvious to miss or ignore. I believe it’s just too difficult for him to admit it publicly.”
First of all, why should you or Lim Kit Siang attacked Tun Mahathir. He has retired and will never move into position of power whereas Lim Kit Siang is still having political position. If you want it to be a fair game, argue on the issue at hand related to that consitutuency sahaja. No need to move your pistol to someone else outside the boundary.
Human err and are fallible. Neither Tun Mahathir Lim Kit Siang is free from error. But given, one to one comparison, Tun Mahathir fared better than Lim Kit Siang. He has proven governing multi-racial Malaysia with harmony for the past 23 years. Lim Kit Siang has a record being caught in Operation Lalang. He is dangerous to the nation. And he has no record in managing multi-racial country. Did you think Lim Kit Siang can do what Mahathir did ? In your dream. He said he can but in real fact he has never done it and will never succeed in managing multi-racial country.
You said : ” But what a lot of us want is to rectify the wrongs, and the first step to doing that is to concede that there have been wrongs, which is exactly what BN and Mahathir are refusing to do. In fact, this reluctance to concede failings is very prevalent and seems to be a culture in the public service.”
What is the “WRONG” things that Mahathir had done. He has retired , he cant change anything anymore. You want him to be charged ? He has been on and off courts a number of time. And never been charged. You do not have any proof.
Similarly, you need to concede that DAP model is not the best model. It argued it is a multi-racial party. In real fact, not many Malay are selected to be in the CEC. Even Tunku Aziz was expelled and not allowed to run. You guys DAP wanted to shut his mouth. But that prove one thing – DAP clowns are not better than UMNO or BN.
You said : “Politics is of course opportunistic. But this has to be within the boundaries of fair play and common sense, and BN simply doesn’t cut it. I’m not affiliated with any political party, I only want the best for my country. I subscribe to what makes sense, and unfortunately that happens not to be BN. And I simply question why would Mahathir back such nonsense as BN given that he’s supposedly an intelligent man. Except perhaps there are things he’s not telling us.”
You subscribe to an ideology that will profit yourself and your race to the expense of the Malay and the Indian. By doing so, the gap of wealth between different races in Malaysia will never be reduced.
Dear mubarakchan,
Perhaps you’ve gravely missed my point. It shows how much of the discussion that goes on here is actually based on emotions and preconceptions. I never mentioned Lee Kuan Yew in any of my comments (feel free to check), let alone compared him to Mahathir. All I’ve been saying is, Mahathir has many inadequacies, despite the fact that he did some good to the country. I concede he’s a notable statesman (how can he not be one after 23 years in power?), but I do not agree that he’s a great or noble statesman. I believe Mahathir has a lot to answer for the ills that currently beset our country, and Mahathir himself must know as much — it’s too blatantly obvious to miss or ignore. I believe it’s just too difficult for him to admit it publicly. But what a lot of us want is to rectify the wrongs, and the first step to doing that is to concede that there have been wrongs, which is exactly what BN and Mahathir are refusing to do. In fact, this reluctance to concede failings is very prevalent and seems to be a culture in the public service.
Politics is of course opportunistic. But this has to be within the boundaries of fair play and common sense, and BN simply doesn’t cut it. I’m not affiliated with any political party, I only want the best for my country. I subscribe to what makes sense, and unfortunately that happens not to be BN. And I simply question why would Mahathir back such nonsense as BN given that he’s supposedly an intelligent man. Except perhaps there are things he’s not telling us.
Bravo ! PAShit/DAPShit ! In possibly one generation, the Singapore of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore will have to make the following choices :-
1. Singapore becomes the 53rd State of the United States.
2. Singapore becomes a Crown Colony again
3. Singapore merges with Malaysia again
4. Singapore retains her status quo with the aging Gurkha Brigades, the F35/drones, the AWACS, the Apaches, the 2 submarines, the corvettes, the rusting tanks, the spies, etc. etc surrounded by peaceful and proud countries in ASEAN.
With the North-West Passage, globalization, Malaysia refuses to sign the TPPA, more QE turmoil, free trade, self-inflicted financial losses which wiped out the fat of the 7 bountiful years, etc.etc., the pressure to consider the 4 ALTERNATIVES is that much greater. Acheh ! PAShit/DAPShit !
Salam Puteri Tujuh,
Jika air perlu ditakrifkan sebagai suci atau tidak mengikut Alquran, maka NEWater tidaklah suci. Tetapi dari segi kimia, air itu air. Singapura tidak mengkategorikan NEWater sebagai suci atau tidak, kerana itu bukan suatu pertimbangan bagi Singapura. Sama ada air itu suci atau tidak juga bergantung kepada kepercayaan masing-masing. Hanya saya perkatakan, dari segi kebersihan demi kesihatan fizikal, NEWater selamat diminum.
Salam Tun,
Let’s recap Tun’s article from the archives regarding Lim Kit Siang being a racist. The Chinese have been proven as racists in Gelang Patah and although they gave their best shot the fact is THEIR BEST AINT GOOD ENOUGH!
“NO RETRACTION: Politicians who fear being painted in their true colours should take up less challenging jobs.
THE DAP’s Lim Kit Siang has learnt a lot from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the PKR leader. When unable to counter a critic, silence him by threatening to take libel action in court if the statement is not withdrawn. A long-drawn-out hearing in the court with many postponements, will relieve Kit Siang from having to answer his critic.
Now he wants to sue me for calling him a racist. I have been called a racist and an ultra hundreds of times. I never sued anyone. I am a politician and ours is a democratic nation. I believe in free speech. If my political opponents call me names, I can reply or I can do something to prove them wrong.
I was called a Malay ultra when I became the deputy prime minister. Yet in the 1999 election the Malays did not support me. It was Chinese votes which gave me a two-thirds majority. Incidentally, Kit Siang and Karpal Singh, the loudest in calling me a Malay racist, lost in that election.
I reiterate that Kit Siang is racist when using the Malaysian Malaysia slogan and calling for meritocracy.
In an article by Lee Hwa Beng states “This shows MCA won mainly in mixed seats where there are fewer Chinese voters while it lost in the Chinese-majority seats.
“One can deduce, therefore, that the MCA won with the support of Malay rather than Chinese votes.” It is all about race and it belies the claim that race and religion are no longer issues in Malaysian politics.
The conclusion of the writer is that DAP won only where the Chinese are in the majority.
MCA is not racial because it is supported by Chinese, Malays and Indians. If DAP does not play on its Chineseness, it cannot win. That is why Kit Siang chose Gelang Patah where 53 per cent of the voters are Chinese. By contesting there, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman is going to prove that Johor Chinese care for the friendship with Malays. This was so in the past, when Barisan Nasional won that constituency, when Johor scored 100 per cent victories.
Kit Siang claims that Gelang Patah is a microcosm of Malaysian society, because it has 53 per cent Chinese, 33 per cent Malay and 12 per cent Indian voters. Does this really represent a microcosm of Malaysian society? Gelang Patah, is in fact, not even the norm in Johor, much less in Malaysia. If he had said it is a microcosm of urban society, I would agree, certainly not the racial mix and distribution in Malaysia.
In another’s article, by Sakmongkol, the heading speaks for itself.
It says “Lim’s return to Johor emboldens the Chinese”.
Again the emphasis is on race, the Chineseness of Gelang Patah which causes Kit Siang to choose Gelang Patah. The writer went on to say that “We (Kit Siang is DAP”) have a chance to wipe out MCA (a Chinese party which believes in kongsi with other races). Further, it averred that the DAP does so to replace the MCA as the party of choice for the Chinese. Again the emphasis is racial, on the choice of the Chinese alone and not on Malaysians. MCA is pictured as the lackey of the Malays. What is DAP going to be in Pakatan, the kingmaker, the master? In Malaysia, no one race can rule this multiracial country, by proxy or otherwise. Further on it says, “Kit Siang’s return to Johor is giving meaning and purpose to the Malaysian Chinese.”
What about other Malaysians? Don’t they count? Aren’t they deserving of a share in the power and the wealth of this multiracial nation?
In everything written about Kit Siang, there will always be reference to Chinese racial issues. Malay issues such as their poverty, their need to be more involved in the economy of the country, merit no analysis and support from Kit Siang.
That is why I called him a racist. I will not be intimidated by his threat to sue me. I know it is cheap for him. When Anwar lost in his RM100 million suit against me, he had only to pay costs of RM70,000. Had I lost, I could have been bankrupted.
Karpal knows this very well and knows about delays in court proceedings. The prospect of silencing me must look very attractive and politically smart. But I will not be silenced. If politicians fear being painted in their true colours, then take up less challenging jobs.”
Read more: Kit Siang chose Gelang Patah for its ‘Chineseness’ – Columnist – New Straits Times
Dear wajaperak,
What you wrote was very revealing about how human gullibility. Indeed, as you put it, perhaps it reflects your “limited knowledge and intelligence”.
You wrote, “I did not know that Lim Kit Siang is that very much ‘serving’”
That’s just your ignorance showing. Lim Kit Siang has indeed served as an MP for a great many decades. He has held no ministerial posts, but the people whom he’s represented think he has represented them well as an MP, and that’s all that matters. This is why he gets voted in again and again with significant margins (remember Mahathir himself wrote the opposition parties are too poor to give away free goodies to gain votes, so we’ll have to assume all votes are legitimately gained). Contrary to what some have suggested (that the Chinese voted along racial lines in Gelang Patah), the voters (not just Chinese but the majority of voters made up of different races) simply wanted to get rid of BN. Had PR put a cat to contest in Gelang Patah, the cat (no matter Chinese, Indian, Siamese or extraterrestrial — race doesn’t come into it at all) would have won. The fact that PR put Kit Siang there simply made it irresistible for the voters. BN may not tell you this, because it is embarrassing to them, and admitting it threatens the political career of one of the UMNO heavyweights, but this was (and still is) the sentiment on the ground. Shutting your eyes and ears to this fact doesn’t mean it ceases to be true.
You wrote, “To my limited knowledge and intelligence, a doctor in the profession is unrivalled as the hand that through them Allah preserve life..”
Being a doctor doesn’t say anything about that person’s character at all. It is dangerous to assume that any doctor is of good character. I can indeed tell you there are evil doctors around. How about your own example, Radovan Karadzic, who was of course a psychiatrist? Who says a doctor is necessarily angelic? If I were you, I would reassess my views about the characters of doctors, taking medical qualifications out of the equation.
“Tun have serve us to the utmost in UN through Palestinian and Bosnian cause”
Do you live in Palestine or Bosnia? Or is your thinking simply too restricted to the “brothers in religion” way of thinking to put things in proper perspective? I can tell you that even Benjamin Netanyahu has a lot of supporters and is regarded a great statesman by many. What has he done? He’s defended his country from hostile neighbours, which is no small feat. You may not like the fact that his country exists, but his countrymen do, and if you don’t live in that land, then you have no right to say it shouldn’t exist. There is of course a conflict between two peoples, but this conflict most certainly cannot be resolved through the brotherhood thinking that you obviously subscribe to. The so-called “Zionists” exist because they too, like your “brothers”, have their interests to protect. Who’s to say one party’s interest is greater than the other’s? Certainly not you if you are not involved in the conflict. How about we focus our attention at home? The great crime that BN has committed for decades is to divide the people by creed, and Mahathir played a big part in that game. Malaysia’s leaders should be answerable to all Malaysians first, and BN simply has failed to do that.
“And pig is a hygienic as one can consume…”
I’m not sure what you’re trying to convey with this one. Obviously a lot of people do consume pork. Perhaps you meant to say it as an insult to those who do eat pork, but I am confident they won’t be offended. Again, to understand why, you just have to step outside your cocoon and see that not everyone subscribes to your beliefs and preconceptions, and to them what you have said about pork really has no significance whatsoever.
Dear austozi,
I dont know why a Malaysian like yourself want to be proud about NEWater. Maybe your godfather Lim Kit Siang asked you to do so.
But let us be clear and agree on one GREAT fact, NEWater will never replace Malaysia’s God given water through the sky as a better alternative. If it will, then why Singapore is still buying water from Malaysia ?
Being a very technical person, let me describe a bit what NEWater is. It came from your shit, your pee, cow’s pee, dog’s pee and everyone and every animal in that tiny island’s pee collected and pumped to the water reclamation area. Even, the word used is “reclamation”. Defining it straightly, Singapore reclaim water directly from shit and the shit never transform to other being like salt water , evaporated to the clouds , brought to the land and fall into the water catchment area , like we in Malaysia use to have.
OK now, how they do this ? First , the pee and shit was brought to a filter called micro-filter which will so-called filter the pee and shit particles out of the water, and next, it will go through a process called reverse osmosis before the so called “newater” pass to the pipes to homes, factories and shops.
Murphy Law – When something wants to go wrong, it will go wrong. Human are fallible. So does material and technology. None of these technologies, as you know can filter 100% false negative signal. If the micro-filter break or the membrane break by a micro dimension, some percentage of your pee including the cyst, bacteria and virus will go through to your pipe system. Of course, you will not know about this. Singapore government may block all the negative news, it is an autocratic country …what will happen only will be known after three or four decades. Observed by how many percentile of the population affected by cancerous cells. Of course, that will be too late for you. You may be too old by then and cant reverse the accumulation of parasite process in your body.
Above all that, the one big reason why you should not be proud with NEWater is that it will make the nation bankrupt. You are producing NEWater at RM 6.00 per 1000 gelen, wherelse God gives water to Malaysia free of charge, and that is why some changes is not good. God give Malaysia all the intelligence to be a great nation but this one small brat with his pride about NEWater make the country bankrupt.
So, in conclusion. If you want to be proud about something , check first especially your Godfather. Dont let your godfather Lim Kit Siang control your thougts or you may want to be labelled a fanatic.
Salam Sejahtera Yg Bhg Tun,
Salam Sibotak, izinkan saya
Majoriti kita disini adalah Melayu Islam dan kita berpegang teguh kepada segala yang telah diterangkan didalam Alquran sebagai manual hidup kita didunia ini. Didalam Alquran ada menetapkan mengenai suci. Misalnya lantai itu jika setelah dibasuh menggunakan sabun dsb, ianya akan bersih tetapi belum tentu ianya suci daripada najis terutama najis berat selagi tidak dibasuh dengan air tanah. Ianya bersih tetapi tidak semestinya suci.
Alquran juga menerangkan supaya kita mandi jenabah supaya diri kita ini suci semula. Jika mandi biasa sahaja selepas persetubuhan misalnya, diri kita bersih tetapi tidak suci lagi untuk mendirikan solat.
Didalam Alquran juga menerangkan jenis2 air yang suci dan diguna untuk menyucikan. Antaranya adalah seperti air hujan, air telaga, air mata air, air embun, air sungai, air suling dan lain2 air yang telah ditetapkan didalam bab fekah. Inilah jenis2 air yang boleh kita gunakan untuk segalanya terutama untuk minuman, memasak dan wuduk menyucikan diri.
Persoalannya sekarang adakah air NEwater boleh dikatagorikan sebagai air yang suci dan boleh menyucikan seperti yang dituntut dialam Alquran? Jika dilihat kaedah pembersihannya menggunakan kaedah rawatan awalan biasa, penapisan dan kaedah reverse osmosis. Adakah kaedah ini telah menyucikan air itu dan boleh menyucikan selari dengan ketetapan didalam Alquran? Bagi mereka air ini bersih kerana mereka tidak mengikuti maksud suci yang ditetapkan didalam Alquran. Wallahuallam
Salam Tun
For austozi again. The Opposition whoever they maybe could not capture power at Putrajaya in 3 EASY STEPS. Then, how can you compare any of them with one of the 7 Great Statesmen of Asia ? The 3 EASY STEPS were :-
1. In 1998, if the DPM had taken his family for a holiday in Disneyland, he would have returned as the Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia and all those events which followed would not have happened. JUST ONE EASY STEP.
2. In 2008, if the Opposition had sorted out the 32 seats before the 12th General Elections, then they would have gained power. They did not and tried to sort out these gents only AFTER the General Elections. By then, the BN was back in power and these gents earned a free holiday in Taipeh. JUST ONE EASY STEP.
3. In 2013, if the Opposition booked themselves into the 1st Class Ward of the KL General Hospital and declared a 100 day fast ( Mahatma did not do this ) and boycotted the 13th General Elections, the BN would have won 100% of the seats with 49% of the votes and opened themselves to world-wide condemnation. The Opposition would have been in Putrajaya by now. JUST ONE EASY STEP.
Politics is OPPORTUNISTIC and your fellows, austozi, seem to miss the point. How can your former aide to the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore be greater than Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad ?
Salam Tun,
some points for the deluded austozi to ponder…
Tun Dr Mahathir:
” Wahai orang Malaysia, kami tak pernah sampai ke Malaysia, hanya sekadar mendengar tentang negara kamu tapi kami tahu dan sangat sayang pada Dr Mahathir kerana Dr Mahathir sentiasa perjuangkan nasib kami dan Dr Mahathir sentiasa dihati kami. ”
Beliau terus berkata dgn titisan air mata..”
Seandainya saya diberikan balasan syurga nanti oleh Allah SWT bila matinya saya, saya akan merayu pada pencipta saya utk benarkan saya menunggu orang yg amat saya sanjungi yakni Dr Mahathir agar saya dapat melihat Dr Mahathir masuk dahulu ke syurga sebelum saya. Itu lah sayangnya saya dan rakan2 saya kepada pemimpin kamu, Tun Mahathir ”
Datuk Azeez menitiskan air mata mendengar kata2 itu, dan kami sama2 menitiskan air mata semasa dia menceritakan kepada saya peristiwa tersebut. Saya sedar bahawa puluhan ribu pelarian2 palestin itu adalah orang2 yg teraniaya dan doa orang2 yang teraniaya ini dimakbulkan Allah. Marilah kita sama memanjatkan syukur pada Allah SWT di atas segala keberkatan dan kenikmatan yg telah Allah berikan pada kita di negara kita ini dan semoga Allah SWT menerima Tun Mahathir sebagai hamba yg disayanginya, insyaAllah.
Lim Kit Siang:
Pada 4 Mei 1969 di Kepong, sekumpulan pemuda Cina menconteng grafiti anti pilihan raya. Polis suruh berhenti dan diserang dengan besi dan lastik besi. Polis pertahan diri dan tembak mati seorang. Mayat di preserved untuk perarakan pada hari undi 10 Mei.
Pada 9 Mei 1969 di Kuala Lumpur, perarakan membawa mayat melalui Kuala Lumpur dan menyebabkan jam, melaungkan slogan ‘Malai Si’ (Melayu Mati) dan slogan ‘Mao Zedong’ termasuk hutang darah dibayar darah.
Pada 10 Mei 1969, Pulau Pinang tumbang, nyaris kalah di Selangor dan Perak. Beberapa kerusi Parlimen tumbang kepada DAP dan GERAKAN.
Perarakan kemenangan dibuat pada 11 Mei 1969 di jalan BrickfieldS pada pukul lima petang. Dia kata apa? “Apa polis boleh buat? Kita Raja,buang semua polis Melayu”.
Pada 11 Mei 1969 pukul 8.30 malam di Jalan Bukit Bintang, perarakan DAP – “Mati Melayu, sakai pergi masuk hutan”.
Pada 11 Mei 1969 pukul 10.00 malam di Jalan Changkat Dollah – “KL sekarang Cina punya”.
Pada 12 Mei 1969, satu perarakan di Jalan Ipoh, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Parlimen, Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Hill masuk ke Kampung Baru dengan 500 skuter. Apa mereka kata? “Melayu balik kampung, Melayu sudah tiada kuasa. Sekarang kita Cina control.” Bila lalu depan Kampung Baru mereka kata “Melayu keluar! Apa lagi duduk sini, kita hentam sama lu, sekarang kita ada kuasa”.
Pada 12 Mei 1969 pukul 7.30 petang di pondok polis Jalan Pudu – “Maki polis! Semua Melayu kasi habis, kasi halau semua polis.”
Pada 12 Mei 1969 pukul 8.30 malam di Jalan Bukit Bintang – “Apa ini Melayu, kita sudah perintah dia negeri, ini negeri bukan Melayu punya, mata-mata lancau.”
Pada 12 Mei 1969 pukul 7.00 petang di Jalan Canvel – “Butoh Melayu, Malai si, pergi mati Melayu.”
Pada malam 12 Mei 1969 di Jalan Bukit Bintang – “Ini negeri bukan Melayu punya, kita mahu kasi halau semua Melayu.”
Pada awal tengah malam 13 Mei 1969 di Kampung Baru – “Maki orang Melayu, Melayu balik hutan.”
Pada 12 Mei 1999, 9.30 malam, PJ. – “Sekarang kita perintah apa boleh buat? Melayu balik kampung. Melayu sudah jatuh, MARA boleh keluar. Melayu balik kampung, MARA hendak beri habis.” Tuan Yang di-Pertua, ini yang berlaku pada masa itu.
For austozi. I doubt if the Singapore production of Newater is at full capacity when Malaysia is not even subsidizing but giving freewater + cash for every gallon that Malaysia delivers. So, this subject of Newater made in Singapore is irrelevant. Also, we in Malaysia has lots and lots of fresh natural water. We should not be at interested in spending good bucks to convert sewage water to potable water. In other words, we Malaysians are not obsessed with water of either kind. Thanks for your good write-up any, Singapore-fresh.
Salam Tun,
Hell yeah we’ll wait till 2061 and then Singapore can drink as much NEWater as they want!
If only DAP had won the recent GE13 then LKY could have realised his dreams of Singapore rejoining us before he kaput, but Allah SWT is great.
In the long run Singapore will face immense problems due to a dwindling small population, limited land and water resources. Many chinese will immigrate elsewhere for a better life.
Interesting times ahead!
For austozi. To compare Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with Lim Kit Siang is like comparing chalk and cheese. Tun is one of 7 Great Statesmen of Asia in the later part of the 20th century like Mao Tse Tung, Soekarno, Ho Chi Minh, Nehru, Jinnah, Deng Hsiao Peng. Your Lee Kuan Yew just could not make it to this list. Lee Kuan Yew is the patron of Lim Kit Siang who used to be his aide in Singapore. Whatever you say about Tun, you cannot escape from history with its historical facts which are all these Great Leaders were Nationalists of their beloved countries. They were not concerned with self-glorificationa and and money, money, money of the Lee Kuan Yew kind. This is the vital difference between Great Men and mice.
Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
Saya cuma nak nyatakan pendapat sahaja. Saya ni generasi muda, nak cakap lebih-lebih nanti salah pula. Hidup baru 25 thn, pengalaman & pengetahuan politik tak banyak mana.
Memang betul cakap Tun, pemberian wang tak menjamin kemenangan. Berdasarkan situasi sekarang ni, walau kerajaan tabur duit banyak mana pun untuk raih pengundi, memang tak menjadi. Lagi-lagi dikalangan pengundi muda. Dah la baru nak belajar erti hidup, belajar nak cari rezeki, belajar nak mengumpul duit, tapi dah macam-macam peningkatan kos yang menjadi. Daripada yang dah terpaut hati kat kerajaan BN pun boleh goyah macam ni. Politik wang ni, tak seronok la. Menang tetap menang, tapi nanti dapat pemimpin yang tak bagus mana. Bagus dari segi wang je buat apa. Hancur harapan rakyat, terus menyesal tak sudah-sudah.
Orang sekarang dah makin bijak. (Terlebih bijak pun ada). Boleh berfikir apa yang betul dan salah. Golongan yang ada sekarang ni, akan menentukan hala tuju PRU akan datang. Mungkin kerajaan tetap berkuasa. Support banyak. Andaikata lah satu hari nanti, apa yang dibuat sekarang ni, menyebabkan ramai pihak (golongan orang govt) tak puas hati dalam senyap dan mereka belot masa PRU akan datang nanti, apa yang jadi ?. Orang yang kerja private tak usah cakap la, memang ramai yang tak suka. Lagi-lagi situasi sekarang, bertambah-tambah tak suka jadinya (p/s : tahu sebab selalu dengar orang cakap). Pemimpin mesti tahu la semua ni. Bukan tak nak belajar dari pengalaman / kesilapan lalu, tak berani nak ubah agaknya. Kalah bermaruah tak apa, jangan kalah dihina. Dah la kalah, dihina pula lepas tu. Kepada anak Tun, Datuk Mukhriz, good job. Kalah tak bermaksud kita tewas. Cuma orang tak nak perubahan.
Sekarang ni memang dah hidup senang. Negara pun maju. Makin maju negara, makin tinggi kos hidup. Lebih baik tak perlu maju kalau macam ni. Memang la seiring dengan kemajuan. Nak merasa hidup maju macam negara lain. Nak tanya lah, dasar-dasar kerajaan yang diwujudkan dulu dan sekarang ni, membantu ke tak sebenarnya?.
Akhir kata, memang duit banyak. Setuju. Pengaruh kurang. Pun saya setuju. Cuba la, tiba-tiba kerajaan, buat perubahan drastik, kos yang meningkat tiba-tiba turun (beserta reason),kembali macam zaman pemerintahan dulu-dulu, turun tu walau sikit-sikit tapi tetap TURUN juga kan. Saya yakin la, ramai pihak yang bangga, puji , sayang, nak kutuk pun sampai lupa ayat nak kutuk tu macam mana…..haha.
Belajar dari kesilapan/pengalaman dah tak membantu seorang pemimpin sekarang ni. Berani buat perubahan dan tanggung risiko baru betul. Jangan guna politik wang, memang tak kemana la. Betul tak Tun?.
Terima Kasih.
Salam Tun,
What better way to expose the hypocrite leadership in DAP ( and PKR too! ) than to listen to what Tunku Aziz has to say…
Excerpts from AIDC
” Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, menyertai DAP pada Ogos 2008, selepas itu beliau dilantik menjadi Naib Presiden DAP dan diberi jawatan senator oleh kerajaan Pulau Pinang.
Beliau dilantik Senator pada 2009, tetapi DAP tidak menyambung perkhidmatannya dipercayai akibat bantahan terbukanya terhadap perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0.
Pada Mei 2012, Tunku Aziz membuat keputusan meletakkan jawatannya dan keluar dari parti yang disertai kiran empat tahun itu.
Ikutilah ceramah penerangan beliau di Sepang, 15 Februari 2013 menceritakan suka duka bersama parti cauvanis Cina itu.
Berikut disediakan trankrip daripada rakaman video di bawah :
Ramai orang tanya, kenapa saya seorang Melayu masuk DAP?
Kawan saya, Datuk Zuraidah, hantar sms kepada saya, dalam bahasa Inggeris. Dia kata, “dah hilang fikiran ke (masuk DAP) ?.”
Masa saya masuk DAP dulu, saya bukan muda, (ketika itu) saya sudah berumur 74 tahun. Jadi, ramai orang hairan, bertanya, kenapa baru nak masuk parti politik?
Sebab masuk DAP
Saya masuk DAP ni, bukan kerana saya nak jadi ahli politik. Tetapi kerana Lim Kit Siang, seorang yang saya kenal, jemput saya masuk DAP. Dia kata, DAP ini adalah satu parti yang tidak ada rasuah. Itu kononnya. Tetapi, (bila) orang yang dah masuk (DAP), yang keluar itu, (mereka) sudah tahu (benarkah tiada rasuah).
Saya sudah lama jadi aktivis, nak mengurangkan rasuah di dalam negara kita, kerana saya sangat sayang negara saya.
Kalaulah betul saya ada cadangan nak jadi seorang ahli politik, saya sudah masuk UMNO semasa saya keluar dari universiti, semasa saya balik dari luar negara (dulu).
Seorang guru saya di Alor Setar, (Tan Sri) Hanafiah Hussain, dia jadi MP Yan, Kedah. Dia kata, Tunku mari masuk UMNO. Saya kata, tentang politik ini memang suka kerana masa di universiti dulu saya belajar tentang sains politik. Dia kata, belajar politik itu tidak sama dengan jadi ahli politik. Jadi, saya tak fikirlah saya ini boleh jadi seorang ahli politik.
Di dalam DAP, dia (Kit Siang) kata dia (akan) beri kepada saya satu platform. Katanya satu platform yang awak boleh teruskan kerja anti-kourpsi. Saya bertanya kepadanya, sebab masa dulu saya ada platform, saya Presiden Transparency International Malaysia dan juga Naib Presiden Transparency Worlwide.
Bila saya dah letak jawatan itu (Transparency International), saya sudah tidak ada lagi platform. Jadi, bila dia (Kit Siang) kata, “Okay, awak ada platform” , (maka) saya terima lah (masuk DAP). Bukanlah bererti saya minta pangkat ke apa dengan DAP, tidak.
Bila saya mula-mula masuk DAP (Ogos 2008), dalam masa dua hari, (saya) diberi jawatan Naib Pengerusi DAP. Lepas tu, tak lama selepas itu, dilantik jadi seorang Senator.Senator DAP pertama dari Pulau Pinang.
Pujukan Kit Siang & Guan Eng
Tetapi, bila saya masuk DAP dalam dua bulan sahaja, saya mula berfikir, saya masuk parti tak betul ini. Jadi, saya tulis surat kepada Karpal Singh (Pengerusi DAP). Saya kata, saya nak letak jawatan lah. Dalam DAP ini, kalau kita tulis surat, tak kira pangkat kita pangkat bawah, pangkat atas, mereka tak jawab surat kita.
Kemudian, setahun lepas itu (2009), sekali lagi. saya tulis surat kepada Kit Siang (Penasihat DAP). Selepas itu, Kit Siang dan Guan Eng datang berjumpa saya. mereka pujuk saya, ‘Tolonglah, kalau Tunku keluar DAP akan banyak masalah’.
Saya ingat, kita (saya dengan Kit Siang) ini kawan lama, oklah saya tak jadi keluar. Namun, saya lihat perkara yang dibuat dalam DAP adalah perkara yang saya tak boleh terima. Kita kena ada prinsip.
Dalam DAP ini, masa bercakap cukup pandai. Kata tak ada rasuah, tapi rasuah dalam DAP ini, macam Encik Jafrei (Nordin), dia buat satu press conference di Pulau Pinang, cerita semua.
Agenda rahsia
Kononnya DAP ini satu parti multiracial (berbilang kaum). Tetapi cuba kita tengok, kalau mereka nak berbincang tentang polisi, mereka bersama-sama mereka sahaja. Yang kita ini (Melayu) hanya pelaksana keputusan umum, tetapi tentang agenda rahsia memang dia setuju. Dia tak kata dia setuju tapi kita fahamlah dia setuju.
Kita tengoklah orang Melayu, orang India dalam DAP, semua diketepikan.
Baru-baru ini, konvensyen DAP di Pulau Pinang, nak melantik CEC, jawatan paling tinggi dalam parti. Lapan calon Melayu (masuk bertanding), seorang pun tak terpilih, tak dilantik.
Maknanya, kepimpinan tertinggi DAP tak boleh terima (Melayu). Jadi, nak tunjuk juga DAP ini satu parti berbilang kaum, dia kata dia buat silap semasa proses pemilihan itu.
Jadi, budak nama Zairil, dia kata Zairil ni orang Melayu tetapi Zairil ni bukan orang Melayu. Zairil ni nama betul dia.. (Christopher Howard Lim).. Dia (Zairil) jadi anak angkat kepada Tan Sri Khir Johari. Khir Johari ni biasa dengan saya. Dia guru saya dulu di kolej. Saya kenal dia.
Kalau keturunan keluarga Zairil, bapa Cina, emak Cina, macam mana anak dia jadi Melayu ? Kalau dah masuk Islam tu, kita boleh terima dia sebagai seorang Islam tetapi jangan kata pula ini orang Melayu.
Kalau tak bersetuju, habis..
Dalam DAP ini, kalau kita tak bersetuju, habis. Saya masa masuk itu, ada seorang yang lama dengan DAP, saya tak boleh nak sebut nama dia, di Taiping. Dia kata, dalam DAP ini awak tidak boleh kritik Kit Siang dan Guan Eng. Jika awak kritik, cita-cita politik awak akan tamat. Maknanya, janganlah kita nak kata tak bersetuju.
Tapi saya, bukanlah saya nak minta sedekah dengan mereka ini. Mereka yang pelawa saya. Jadi, kalau benda tu tak betul, saya kata tak betul. Kalau benda itu betul, okay betul.
Sungguhpun saya dalam pembangkang, tetapi apa yang YAB Perdana Menteri lakukan itu, saya kata, kita kena sokong program transformasinya. Ini adalah satu program yang baik dan akan memberi banyak manfaat kepada rakyat Malaysia, (saya) sokong. Mereka cukup marah dengan saya.
Kalau saya sebut 1Malaysia pun marah, sampai begitu.. Jadi, (DAP) ini satu parti yang khianat. mereka tanam sentimen benci, bukan satu parti yang macam 1Malaysia, tidak.
Kalau tengok dia punya cara mereka menulis di siber, baru kita tahu bahawa parti ini (DAP) satu parti yang tak boleh halang kerana mereka bukan peduli, kalau melanggar undang-undang. Sungguh pun mereka ini semua pembuat undang-undang, ahli parlimen.
Taja Demonstrasi jalanan
Saya keluar dari DAP semasa saya jadi Senator. Dalam Senat saya bangun dan saya kata, saya tak bersetuju dengan apa yang Bersih akan buat iaitu street demonstration (demonstrasi jalanan). DAP hantar banyak duit kepada semua, beratus-ratus, boleh kata beribu-ribu orang rakyat Malaysia, suruh mereka keluar hari itu, buat satu demonstrasi jalanan.
Jadi, saya kata, ini saya tak boleh sokong. Saya memang sokong pemilihan yang adil dan bersih. Siapa tak sokong, semua rakyat sokong. Tetapi saya tak boleh sokong kalau Datuk Ambiga mahu melanggar undang-undang.
Kerajaan dah kata, jalan Dataran Merdeka itu satu kawasan larangan. Maknanya kita tak boleh nak masuk ke situ. Tapi mereka dah masuk juga, mereka tak peduli.
Jadi berlaku konfrantasi saya dengan Lim Guan Eng. Saya kata, memang saya tak boleh sokong. Saya tak boleh bersetuju. Dia kata, orang lain semua setuju, kenapa Tunku tak boleh setuju. Saya kata, dia nak bersetuju dia setujulah tapi saya tak boleh nak terima ini (kerana) nak memecahkan dan melanggar undang-undang.
Kalau satu undang-undang itu yang tak baiklah katanya, kita ada kaedah dalam sistem kita. Sistem demokrasi dalam parlimen. Kita nak ubah, nak alih, kita mesti melalui Parlimen.
Civil disobedience
Jadi, dia (Guan Eng) ingat dia pandai. Dia kata semula kepada saya. Dia kata, ini bukan nak pecah undang-undang, ini hanya ‘civil disobedience‘ (penentangan masyarakat awam tanpa keganasan).
Ini Lim Guan Eng dia ingat dia pandai. Tetapi bagi saya, budak ini cukup bodoh. Dia tak faham apa itu civil disobedience
Civil disobedience ini adalah satu konsep, bukan konsep baru, tetapi konsep lama. Di Eropah dulu. berpuluh-puluh tahun dulu sebelum Mathma Ghandi (di India). Tetapi Ghandi, dia buat civil disobedient kerana apa ? kerana dia nak halau orang Inggeris keluar dari India.
Jadi, saya tanya Guan Eng, “Di Malaysia, siapa yang awak nak tendang keluar? Kita adalah negara merdeka. Siapa yang awak nak tendang keluar ?
Oh dia (Guan Eng) kata di Southern Amerika Syarikat (AS), Martin Luther (orang kulit hitam) kata, mengikut Guan Eng, kalau undang-undang itu zalim, kita tak payah ikut undang-undang itu. Itu pun satu orang, saya kira otak yang dah beku.
Di Southern AS, orang kulit hitam , tidak ada apa-apa hak, no right. Nak naik bas pun tak boleh bersama-sama dengan orang putih. Kalau ada pun pendaftaran perhimpunan, orang kulit hitam ini, bukan sebahagian daripada sistem mereka.
Kalau begitu (keadaannya) saya pun bersetuju (jika menentang), tetapi di Malaysia ini, mana ada kita kata, bas ini untuk orang Melayu, bas ini untuk orang Cina, bas ini untuk orang India…tidak, semua sekali (boleh naik). Yang ada dibuat itu asing itu keretapi. Yang ini gerabak untuk perempuan sahaja.
Perjumpaan empat mata
Lim Kit Siang datang ke rumah (saya) dua kali. Dua kali.
Dia kata, Anwar dan pemimpin-pemimpin pakatan lain marah dengan apa yang saya kata itu, (iaitu) saya tak bersetuju dengan Bersih.
Jadi, saya kata kepada dia.. “Kit Siang, saya bukan masuk PKR, saya masuk DAP. Patutnya DAP “.. Ini point penting, dengar betul-betul, “DAP namanya Democratic Action Party“. Tapi demokrasi ini bukan demokrasi yang kita faham.
Dia kata, mereka tak bersetujulah apa yang Tunku kata itu. Saya kata okaylah.
Dia kata, “giliran anda disambung kontrak tidak lama lagi,”. Bila dia kata begitu, saya berasa marah.
Saya kata kepada Kit Siang..Jika kemasukan saya dalam DAP menimbulkan masalah, apabila awak jumpa Guan Eng esok, awak habiskan, jangan sambung jawatan (senator) saya lagi, saya tak mahu.
Tetapi apabila Guan Eng buat pengumuman kononnya, dia kata, saya ‘menyerang’ dia, tetapi dia tak kata saya menyerang dia sebab dia nak melanggar undang-undang.
Jadi, yang undang-undang itu disorokkan. Diberitahu kepada semua orang bahawa saya menentang, menentang pilihanraya yang adil dan bebas. Itu kejahatan dia. Saya tak boleh jadi ahli parti yang begini, tipu menipu, macam-macam.
Malaysia Spring
Lagipun, dalam DAP, mereka bukan kira apa akan jadi kepada negara kita ini. Mereka kata, kami harap akan berlaku satu lagi Arab Spring (di Malaysia).
Seorang lagi, lelaki senior, dia kata, “saya harap demonstrasi ini (BERSIH) adalah permulaan untuk Malaysia Spring”. Maknanya, mereka tak peduli. Mereka tak peduli apa akan jadi kepada negara.
Saya sudah kata saya menentang demonstrasi jalanan. Kita tengok dengan mata sendiri dan baca. Semua demontrasi jalanan ini, mula-mula secara aman. Tipu lah kalau kata emonstrasi kononnya aman. Mana ada penganjur demonstrasi ini kata “demontrasi untuk keganasan, tidak. Dia akan kata ‘sangat aman’. Tetapi tengok apa jadi.
Apa yang saya kata tu bukanlah bererti saya pandai, tetapi dah orang tua, memang ada pengalaman sikit. Apa yang akan (diramalkan), terjadi.
Jadi, bila dah jadi begitu, siapa yang lari dulu…Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar Ibrahim dan pembantunya itu lompat atas trak, lari keluar. Yang tinggal di situ Datuk Ambiga.
Datuk Ambiga menangis, minta maaf itu ini tapi dia sungguhpun seorang peguam tetapi bodoh juga kerana membenarkan Anwar, Kit Siang dan Guan Eng sabotaj demonstrasi anjurannya itu. Maknanya, ahli-ahli politik telah berjaya memanipulasi demonstrasi itu.
Apa respon mereka, apa yang mereka kata, “Oh ini (kerja) polis. Polis masukkan orang dia dalam tu buat kacau”.
Macam saya juga bila sudah keluar parti, apa mereka kata, “saya dah dibeli”. Dibeli oleh UMNO dan dibayar oleh MCA. MCA banyak duit daripada UMNO. UMNO beli MCA bayar.
Masa kita masuk dulu, lagi kita kritik UMNO, wah kita hero, tetapi jika anda tidak bersetuju (dengan parti sendiri), habis cerita. Inilah DAP.
Masa depan Melayu
Saya dalam DAP dekat empat tahun dan hampir dapat banyaklah pengalaman, tengok apa dia buat betul (dan) tak betul. Kita khususkan kepada orang Melayu, kita ambil contoh Pulau Pinang.
Kalau ikut Guan Eng semasa tahun 2008, dia kata, “Sekarang DAP akan buat satu program nak naikkan hak orang Melayu di Penang.” Tetapi masa sekarang, apa yang jadi. Apa pun tak jadi.
Jadi, janganlah sekali-kali kita percaya, janganlah harap, sungguh pun dia kata parti berbilang kaum. Parti ini (DAP) adalah satu parti chauvinis.
Kawan-kawan saya dari DAP dulu, mereka faham. Kerana pandangan mereka sama dengan kita di sini iaitu perkara yang paling penting adalah negara. Bukan untuk diri sendiri tetapi untuk anak cucu dan untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.
BN sudah memerintah kita dah berpuluh tahun, lebih daripada 50 tahun. Dalam masa ini kita tengok, negara kita cukup maju, rakyat kita boleh hidup dan kerjasama walaupun kadang-kadang ada tak setuju.
Masa British dulu, masa kita baru-baru merdeka dulu, orang Malaya masa itu apa pun tak ada. Kita tengok sekarang ini, bukanlah saya nak kata apa yang BN buat ini semuanya betul. Banyak juga yang tak betul tetapi kalau yang tak betul tu saya sendiri selalu kritik dia dalam majalah-majalah atau dalam surat khabar. Tetapi kalau perkara yang betul, patut kita kata bagus, patut kita sokong.
Saya pergi mana-mana pun saya kata, ini janganlah dengar parti pembangkang kata, “kita semua kena ubah.” Nak ubah apa kalau benda tu tak rosak, kita nak ubah apa. Jadi, dia kata ubah..ubah. Kita tak boleh ikut apa yang dikatakan oleh parti pembangkang.
Janji banyaklah. Kalau kita dengar Anwar Ibrahim, janji dia semua boleh buat tetapi kita tengok rekod dia. Janji itu hanya tinggal janji.
I shudder to think to what lengths BN would have gone to corrupt the country had Kit Siang not served us in the last half-century]
Tun..Wow oh wow!..I did not know that Lim Kit Siang is that very much ‘serving’…:)
To my limited knowledge and intelligence, a doctor in the profession is unrivalled as the hand that through them Allah preserve life..
And Lim Kit Siang is?..and was?…
Tun have serve us to the utmost in UN through Palestinian and Bosnian cause..
And Lim Kit Siang ‘serving’ is..and was?…
Tun..shudder and shudder..
And Anwar did not do anything wrong..
And pig can fly??
Tun..Life is all about belief.
Lim Kit Siang is a hero like Radovan Karadzic.
And Nyetannyahu is a hero too..:)
But to us?..
No he aint..
And pig is a hygienic as one can consume…
Hakk Ptooo…
Terima kasih Tun..:)
Salam Tun,
Tunku Aziz (former DAP vice – chairman):
“Saya tak gadai jiwa saya kepada DAP. (I did not sell my soul to the DAP).”
“As far as I’m concerned. I’m a citizen of this country and my country is above everything else,” he said.
In turn, Tunku Abdul Aziz told Karpal that he should clean up DAP first and not be hypocritical.
“There are many things in the DAP that is not right; the CEC for example.”
“I’m telling him to stop his bullish attempt because he is taking the ‘wrong’ man,” warned Tunku Abdul Aziz.
Tunku Abdul Aziz, who is the vice-president of ‘Transparency International’ had been “invited” to join the DAP on Aug 23, 2008 by the top party leadership.
Tunku Abdul Aziz was later appointed as vice-president of the DAP and on May 31, 2009, he was made a Senator representing Penang.
In May 2012, Tunku Abdul Aziz had announced that he was resigning and leaving the DAP as he could not agree with the stand of the DAP on the BERSIH 3.0 gathering.
However, he did not join any other political party.
Earlier this month, Tunku Abdul Aziz had disclosed that after being a member for one year, he found that the ideology and struggles of the DAP contradicted his stand.
My comments – The double headed Liger ( Lion / Tiger ) of Jelutong is a hypocrite. LKS is the father of all hypocrites. To austozi, typical of morons like you to assume me getting facts from Tanda Putera. Look up MAGERAN you fool.
Dear sibotak,
Specifically regarding NEWater:
The simple fact is, water gets recycled in this world. The water you get from your tap at home has come from waste water, including your urine and mine, and that of cows and cats and dogs (and other ‘unmentionable’ creatures). Waste water gets recycled naturally as water vapour, clouds and rain. What Singapore has achieved with NEWater is mimic the natural process of water recycling and speed up the purification. The water that comes from that process is cleaner than the water that you get from your natural or man-made water reservoirs. Actually, if you cared to look into your own water tank at home, you would most certainly find other more shocking things than water alone, and that’s the same with every water tank in the country. NEWater is in fact cleaner than potable water. It only gets bad press because we are conscious about the raw material being sewage. We only need to remind ourselves that all water at one point or another goes through the sewage phase, so there’s nothing unhygienic about NEWater. In fact, I’m confident that had any Malaysian institution come up with NEWater first, it would have been touted proudly as a national invention and promptly entered into the Malaysian Book of Records — except Singapore beat us to it and we resort to making fun of their invention to assuage our own feeling of inferiority. And that’s part of our problem and the reason why we don’t progress. Some self-reflection is in order.
“Kempen sekarang ini berbeza dari dahulu. Banyak wang diguna. Diadakan Karnival di mana ada acara hiburan, jamuan dan hadiah percuma seperti T-shirt BN, PAS yang belum memerintah terpaksa jual T-shirt. Apabila jadi Kerajaan T- shirt tentu percuma.”
Peliknya, di mana datangnya duit BN untuk membiayai T-shirt percuma? Takkan duit kerajaan digunakan, kerana perkara ini kalau betul adalah menyalahi undang-undang. Peliknya juga kenapa Tun fikir T-shirt percuma akan diberikan tidak kira mana-mana parti pun memerintah? Takkan Tun juga perpendapat bahawa duit pentadbir = duit parti, sebab ini juga bercanggahan dengan undang-undang.
“Ada Jabatan Kerajaan yang mengadakan pameran untuk mempromosi Kementerian Pertanian saya fikir. Mereka yang datang melihat pameran diberi sepuluh ekor anak ayam, dedak dan beras. Makanan disediakan untuk pelawat… Saya tak tahu samada pameran ini adalah sebahagian dari kempen BN. Jika ia, amat jelas pelawat tidak terpengaruh dengan hadiah anak ayam. Sebenarnya pengundi tidak mengundi mengikut hadiah – samada berbentuk duit atau anak ayam.”
Sudah pasti jabatan kerajaan tersebut tidak berkempen untuk BN, sebab semua jabatan kerajaan adalah neutral, kan? Kalau sumber kerajaan digunakan untuk berkempen bagi mana-mana parti, itu salah di sisi undang-undang, BN mesti tahu. Saya yakin bahawa jabatan kerajaan tersebut menghadiahkan 10 ekor ayam, dedak dan beras setiap hari di tempat-tempat yang lain juga, sama ada pilihanraya berlangsung atau tidak, kan? Bila nak data ke kampung saya?
Eh, SPRM, tak payahlah jenguk kat sini, semuanya OK, tiada rasuah. Maruah pun takde.
Dear PAShit aka DAPshit,
I’m glad I entertained you. However, I truly do not care how I rank in your heart. This is not a talent show and you’re not the judge. And I do not care to win.
One thing I would say is, please do not get your historical “facts” from Tanda Putera. It’s not a credible source for academic discourse.
To me, Mahathir did raise the profile of the country, and I don’t deny him that credit. He however failed most miserably in nurturing a new generation of leaders within his party, and I believe what we see here is his desperately trying to keep BN in power, but unfortunately no leader of sufficient calibre can be found within the party that will satisfy the rakyat. Even more unfortunate for Mahathir, the man whom he had prepared to succeed him now leads another party opposing BN. The interesting question is, why is Mahathir trying so desperately to keep BN in power, when the party itself is so obviously flawed and untenable? The problem with BN is of course with the people in the party and their values; overhaul the people and their values and BN may be acceptable again, but how likely is that to happen? I would rather if Mahathir had to oppose Anwar, Kit Siang and the like, that he set up a new party that brings hope, than prop up an indefensible party like BN to perpetuate its ills. I hope Mahathir himself can enlighten us with an honest answer, but perhaps he won’t in his living days, so we shall continue to speculate.
To me, that Mahathir resigned “at the height of his powers” wasn’t at all noble. That paled in comparison to the 23 years he held his grip on the nation. Your statement of course also overlooks the fact that Mahathir was facing significant challenges from his peers within UMNO at the time when he announced his resignation. If only he would undergo what Anwar, Kit Siang, Guan Eng (and others) had gone through (the political trials, imprisonment, personal assault and degrading treatment) and come back fighting, and (very importantly) still taking sense (rather than socially divisive rhetoric), then he would earn my respect. Resigning “at one’s height of powers” sounds too easy to do, doesn’t it? Until then, I consider it more appropriate for him to enjoy his retirement without putting himself forth to ensure the public’s ire, for his own good.
But of course, it’s entirely up to Mahathir himself how much public wrath he’s prepared to face. Likewise, it’s entirely up to Kit Siang when he wants to retire. I wrote that line: “Bila Chedet akan bertaubat? Sampai mati kah? Bila sudah bersara nak kempen bagi BN yang korup lagi kah?” simply to give Mahathir a taste of his own medicine. Kit Siang’s response was much more graceful than mine, I must admit, but that’s because Mahathir’s writing was less graceful than Kit Siang’s in the first place. Not that I need you to care, but for what it’s worth, I do think Kit Siang is fighting for a very good cause for all Malaysians, and I’ll be very, very sad to see him go. I shudder to think to what lengths BN would have gone to corrupt the country had Kit Siang not served us in the last half-century.
We all have read about the recent Bangkok riots and the Typhoon Haiyun of the Philippines. Now please read the Top 8 Shocking facts about the CPF of Singapore.
Salam ,
I think maksud Tun, untuk berkempen berpada-padalah daripada berlagak dan berperasan bagus, barulah wang ringgit yang diberi itu diterima dengan ikhlas. No point memberi dalam keadan berlagak sebab hati dan perasaan orang yang menerima sudah terguris dengan sikip kurang ajar dan tidak bersopan.
Manakala Lim Kit Siang pula sudah high-time untuk dia pencen. Amat tidak beretika sekiranya kerjanya asyik mencaci . Kalau DAP diberi peluang memerintah Kedah, saya pasti ia tidak boleh memerintah sebaik kerajaan negeri sekarang. Boleh buat ka ? Confirm tak boleh.
Mungkin Tun patut kemukakan saman sahaja kepada Lim Kit Siang ni. Kalau menang saman nanti, sedekahkan lah duit menang saman tu untuk pembinaan fasiliti penduduk Kg. Air Limau…. sure menang next pilihan-raya. Impak-nya double kerana 1) Lim Kit Siang tidak berani mencaci lagi , 2) penduduk tahu duit yang disedekah itu duit Tun dan bukan duit kerajaan boleh lah juga 3) setiap cacian yang akan datang boleh dilontar kan semula persoalan psiko – “Nak kena saman ke ?”
Salam Tun,
saya petik kata-kata Tun, “Inilah politik semasa. Duit lebih banyak tetapi pengaruh masih belum cukup.”
Kalau boleh saya ‘reframe’ kata-kata Tun yang tersebut – duit dan pengaruh adalah sama tumbas untuk naik dalam hiraki politik. Apabila duit sudah melimpah ruah (dalam UMNO) tapi masih juga tak dapat mempengaruhi atau memujuk pengundi Sg Limau untuk undi calon UMNO, maka pastinya ada sesuatu yang sangat tak kena dengan politik UMNO. Nampak macam pistol saja besar, tapi peluru kapor!
Dalam kempen PRU13 baru-baru ini, pengundi Cina telah di ‘Yam Seng’ sakan oleh Najib dengan sogokan berbillion RM, tapi untuk semua kerja bodek itu BN hanya dapat 3% undi mereka, namun UMNO masih tidak serik dan ulangi kesilapan yang sama di Sg Limau – saya dapat rasakan bahawa budaya politik desperado totok @ nak Cepat Menang makin terpahat dalam pemikiran pemimpin tertinggi UMNO.
Mungkin dari mereka inilah juga ramai orang Melayu belajar menjadikan amalan Skim Cepat Kaya sebagai satu cara hidup, kerana gaya cakap pemimpin UMNO tak ubah stail upline dalam skema MLM yang menjanjikan pulangan yang hebat dan tak masuk akal dalam masa yang singkat.
Nampaknya, orang politik UMNO sukar untuk diberi pendidikan, samada kerana mereka itu tolol atau tamak atau kedua-duanya sekali. Dalam hal ini, saya fikir ada betul juga tindakan pengundi Cina untuk tidak berikan undi kepada BN – sebab duit yang banyak dalam tangan orang bodoh adalah sangat berbahaya!
JIHAD Saya adalah Menyatu padukan Ummah
Ummah Melayu Ummah Islam dari Pelbagai jenis Manusia
Tak berkesan melawan musuh sedangkan kita Berpecah Belah
PAS , UMNO Perlu Bersatu
Begitu juga rumah tangga kita
Jika sang isteri atau sang anak berpaling tadah
Maka bakal Runtuhlah Tiang rumah tangga
Marilah Pemimpin Melayu / Islam Bersatu & Berkongsi
Jadikan Kita Contoh Negara Arab sebagi Modal
Yg Bersatu adalah Tungak Utama Perjuangan
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya dapat berita anak Tun, Dato’ Mukhriz semasa bertanding jawatan Naib President UMNO pada pemilihan lepas telah bertanding tanpa menggunakan politik wang. Saya rasa ini satu perkembangan yang sihat. Sekarang ahli-ahli umno yang mahukan perubahan dalam UMNO, yang mahukan pemimpin bersih, sudah mempunyai pilihan untuk memilih pemimpin seperti Dato’ Mukhriz. Mereka sudah ada ‘rallying point’ untuk berdiri teguh dibelakang pemimpin seperti Dato’ Mukhriz.
Sebelum ini, ahli-ahli umno terpaksa memilih pemimpin UMNO dari kalangan “the lessor of two evils”.
Ini bermakna pemimpin yang bertanding untuk satu jawatan, kedua-dua terlibat dalam politik wang. Mau tak mau, ahli-ahli umno terpaksa juga memilih pemimpin yang korup, cuma memilih yang kurang korup berbanding dengan pihak lawan. Pemimpin UMNO yang bertanding pun terpaksa guna politik wang, sebab kalau tak guna, pihak lawan akan guna dan pihak lawan akan menang.
Saya harap, trend yang dimulakan oleh Dato’ Mukhriz ini akan diikuti oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO lain.
Bagi pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang terlibat dengan politik wang, janganlah anda sangka orang tidak tahu tindakan anda. Bertaubat dan hentikanlah mulai sekarang. Sekarang ini dunia siber, siapa yang terlibat dan siapa yang tidak terlibat, orang ramai boleh tahu.
Mungkin anda boleh menang dalam pemilihan parti, tapi buruk akibatnya dalam pilihanraya umum apabila rakyat tahu pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang terpilih, terlibat dalam politik wang. Sedarilah, rakyat sedang memerhati.
Izinkan saya menjawab austozi.
Alahai austozi (namapun macam ustaz (Pas/DAP pembangkang? Atau nama spy Australia+Nazi pun ada?). Sampai bilakah orang seperti austozi mahu menyuruh orang lain bertaubat?(Karpal Singh pun pernah suruh Anwar Ibrahim supaya bertaubat).
Kalau Tun ada melakukan kesalahan atau berdosapun biarlah Tuhan yang menentukannya. Sekurang-kurangnya pemimpin tersohor macam Tun (tanpa sebarang sikap prejudis mengikut kaca mata penyokong pembangkang seperti austozi) banyak berjasa kepada negara.
Kalau orang seperti austozi tidak iktiraf Tun pun tak mengapa, sekurang-kurangnya orang asing di luar negara (orang Bangladesh, Pakistani, Myanmar, Filipina, Jepun, Arab malah di negara Barat) mengiktiraf Tun dan ada yang mahu kalau boleh Tun menjadi pemimpin mereka.
Siapalah agaknya austozi berbanding Tun?(kucing kurap DAP?) Alahai austozi, sampai bilakah rakyat negara ini perlui berfikiran jumud seperti austozi?
Daripada austozi menyuruh orang lain bertaubat, lebih baik austozi sendiri yang bertaubat. Kalau austozi orang Islam, menuduh dan memfitnah orang lain besar dosanya dan tidak cukup sekadar bertaubat kepada Tuhan tetapi perlu meminta maaf kepada orang yang dituduh dan difitnah terlebih dahulu.
Bagaimanapun jika austozi bukan Islam, saya lebih memahami kenyataan austozi ini kerana di negara ini sekarang bukan Islam pun sudah tahu menyuruh orang Islam bertaubat. He…he…he.
Untuk pengetahuan austozi, apabila seseorang pemimpin itu bersara daripada jawatan yang mereka sandang, tidak semestinya mereka perlu juga bersara daripada politik.
Terpulanglah kepada seseorang itu sama ada mereka mahu terus berkecimpung dalam politik selepas bersara kerana hak itu dijamin dalam perlembagaan negara tanpa mengira had umur.
Tahniahlah austozi kerana menggunakan statistik sendiri quote “Hakikatnya banyak rakyat Malaysia (bukan orang Bangladesh, Pakistani, Myanmar, Filipina) yang tidak mahu Kit Siang bersara”.
Walaupun statistik austozi ini seperti dari stor propaganda DAP, kalau austozi (walaupun cacai DAP) bersikap terbuka sedikit dan tidak terlalu taksub kepada pembangkang atau bersikap emosi, di dalam DAP sendiri, ada (kecuali Tokong Besar) yang mahu Kit Siang bersara.
Saya petik lagi tulisan austozi, “Kita (kita??? austozi & DAP?) mengharapkan agar Kit Siang meneruskan perjuangan demi kebaikan tanah air dan rakyat Malaysia.
Petikan di atas lagi macam perakam suara daripada stor propaganda DAP dan begitulah seterusnya ayat berikut quote,:-
” Persaraan Kit Siang suatu kerugian yang lebih besar bagi Malaysia berbanding dengan persaraan Chedet. Begitu pentingnya Kit Siang bagi Malaysia”.
“Saya bersyukur kerana Kit Siang ada di Malaysia, sebab beliaulah yang menerajui perjuangan rakyat Malaysia untuk mengembalikan kebenaran yang dicabuli oleh Chedet sepanjang dekad-dekad yang lalu kepada rakyat Malaysia”.
He…he…he. Apa nak jadi Tun dengan politik negara kita ini?
Salam Tun.
Tun You My Friend
Thank you for taking care of Meritocracy the Malaysia Way
Tun You need to assits Najib in a Silent Mode
If Lim Kit Siang took over
Malaysian will Live to Work NOT Work to Live
Like the Singaporean , A Honorable Respected Slaves
Die with Serial No: NOT by Name as they are the products of their Nation
Malaysian will be squeeze to Poverty
The Govt will get Richer by Law
I don,t understand
Singapore get Cheapest Fresh Natural Water from Malaysia
Yet the Govt feeds its people with Dirty Filtered Water : the NEW WATER
This is an example of how Lim Kit Siang will squeeze Malaysian
They will squeeze the dirty water to let we drink & will LIE to us
It,s Healthy Vitamin A to Z NEW WATER
What an Idiot !
Hehe pembangkang pandai menuding jari, tapi butakan mata bila melihat cermin..
Soal cara kempen tu saya setuju cakap Tun, saya rasa adalah lebih berkesan cara Tun berkempen dulu. Saya lihat kempen Tun nampak lembut tapi utuh. Tun menggunakan sebaiknya kepercayaan dengan cemerlang.
Kempen Tun bukan dilihat pada masa setiap musim pilhan raya, tapi setiap masa/hari Tun mengorak langkah semasa menjadi PM. Dilihat wibawa Tun yang memberikan kesenangan kepada rakyat, itulah mungkin membuatkan Tun begitu menjadi utuh pilihan dihati rakyat.
Tun tidak memberi sogokan, malah memerangi sebarang sogokan. Kemajuan yang begitu drastik dalam kawalan kos sara hidup yang begitu terkawal !!
Pemimpin sekarang kena ubah prinsip perbetulkan perwatakan, sambung semula apa yang dibina oleh Tun dahulu (ada yang telah dimansuhkan sila wujudkan).
Soal BR1M dari awal lagi saya terfikir ianya tidak wajar diguna pakai oleh pemimpin.
Ini kerana:
BR1M bukanlah satu yang utama dalam hidup seharian, mungkin boleh buat macam² lagi dengan jumlah kos BR1M yang besar itu. Sesungguhnya rakyat mengamanahkan hasil² negara kepada kepimpinan yang berkaliber, lalu kepimpinan yang diatas memikirkan bagaimana hasil² itu boleh bercambah mendatangkan hasil yang lebih. Contohnya kemajuan yang memberi kesan kepada ramai rakyat turun temurun (eg: Jalan raya, kereta nasional, subsidi minyak dan banyak lagi).
Bukan hasil itu diserah kepada rakyat bulat² semula. Sebab rakyat tak akan berkumpul ramai² untuk mengumpulkan subsidi minyak, tidak akan berkumpul ramai² mengutip duit sesama sendiri untuk membina pembangunan bagi keselesaan generasi esok hari. Hanya pimpinan yang diberi kepercayaan harus laksanakan tugas berat ini, sebab itulah ianya adalah jawatan tertinggi dalam negara.
Minyak adalah antara tekanan yang melampau kini, begitu drastik terasa kenaikan, saya sendiri sudah mula muak terkadang seakan ingin menukar pangkah undi hanya terpaksa untuk “mencuba nasib”.
Pada awalnya kenaikan minyak cukup memberi protes hebat dikalangan rakyat terhadap pimpinan. Dengan bijaknya serentak dalam kenaikan minyak RON97 (yg berkualiti), diperkenalkan pula RON95 yang cair tidak memberi bahan bakar yang membawa kenderaan pergi lebih jauh. Maka redah juga sedikit amarah rakyat memandangkan ada option RON95 yang harga tak naik (tapi bahan bakar kurang). Sebenarnya itu adalah kenaikan. Bila hampir semua sudah menggunakan Ron95, berleluasa kenaikan Ron97, tiada siapa marah, sebab semua dah pakai Ron97 yang cair, maka akan hapus la Ron97 dek kenaikan demi kenaikan. Kini Ron95 yang cair pon menaik dan terus menaik. hmmm, kenaikan dalam kenaikan. 🙁
Rakyat sekarang sentiasa melihat gerak geri kepimpinan, mengharap kan hasil ang menggembirakan memberi kesenangan dalam hiudp seharian dan melihat juga generasi akan datang. Malangnya selepas perletakan jawatan Tun, umpama titik undur kemajuan dan kesenangan yang dikecapi rakyat.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Sambungan kepada bergaul dengan masyarakat bawahan…
Sebagaimana saya dan Tun sendiri tahu, saya berupaya menyelesaikan masalah negara dengan mudah dan serasa saya pendapat dan pandangan saya apabila dipraktik secara nyata amatlah tepat dan tidak pernah salah?
Apabila menulis di sini saya sentiasa berfikiran pendapat saya mesti betul dan tidak pernah salah. Saya tak takbur, tapi ia adalah kerana ketika mengalami peristiwa gangguan makhluk halus ketika belajar dulu, saya telah dilatih menulis tentang perasaan dalaman. Dan ia adalah salah satu cara mengubati diri sendiri.
Maka apabila saya merasakan saya selalu betul dalam buat keputusan, saya merasa sedikit takut untuk bersuara ketika berkerja sekarang. Saya boleh selesaikan dengan mudah.
Yang menjadi masalahnya adalah orang lain tak dapat menangkap cara saya menyelesaikan. Apatah lagi masalah negara, orang yang dikatakan berpengalaman berpuluh tahun dan diibaratkan political animal pun saya dapat selesaikan dengan mudah sedangkan orang lain buntu.
Ini cuma bekerja bersama masyarakat bawahan, tak melibatkan negara. Saya sedikit kekok dan takut untuk menentukan keputusan. Hasilnya prestasi dalaman saya semakin merosot sekarang. Lebih kepada negative.
Seperti telah diceritakan sebelum ini, saya telah dimaklumkan oleh seseorang ketika merantau di sebuah negeri pada tahun 2000 bahawa saya membawa saka alim ulama dan panglima.
Pada masa itu saya tak mempercayai kerana tiada tanda tanda zahir pada diri yang saya sendiri anggap main main.
Sehinggalah pada tahun 2008 di blog chedet ini. Semua yang saya cakap adalah betul.
Maka apabila berada di situasi masyarakat, saya melihat semuanya tidak betul dan saya mendiamkan diri sahaja kerana tidak mahu menggangu aturan kehidupan mereka.
Tetapi ia membuatkan prestasi dalaman saya merosot.
Apa perlu saya buat Tun? Ia cuma bekerja dengan rakyat bawahan bukan berbicara dan menentukan keputusan negara. Saya buntu.
Terima kasih Tun.
Salam Tun,
huahuahua austozi just cracks me up! You are so unintentionally funny as you are deluded. Lim Kit Siang one of the instigators to the May 13 tragedy cannot even hold a candle to Tun who is effectively THE ONLY leader in the whole world to 100% resign from office voluntarily at the height of his powers.
huahuahuahuahua austozi now ranks equal to HBT3/4!
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Tun selalu beringat tentang turun ke kawasan kampung tidak sepertimana pemimpin zaman sekarang. Ini kerana Tun merasa dan melihat sendiri bagaimana kesengsaraan bangsa sendiri disepak terajang di depan mata.
Manakala pemimpin masa kini tidak terpahat memori sebegitu. Untuk merasai pengalaman bercampur gaul dengan masyarakat bawahan jauh sekali mungkin kerana situasi tidak mengizinkan.
Saya bertuah kerana dapat mengalaminya. Pada siang hari, bercampur gaul dengan masyarakat paling bawah dan pada malam harinya menulis pada bekas Perdana Menteri dengan mengejas tahap pemikiran yang berbeza beza.
Apabila perlu dibuat kesimpulan, dunia ini hanyalah sia sia. Tiada apa di dalam dunia yang dapat memuaskan hati kecuali kebergantungan kita pada Allah s.w.t
Bergsullah dengan masyarakat yang paling bawah kerana adakala masalah mereka amat asas. Seperti contoh susah dapat anak, kerja lebih overtime semata mata kerana mahu duit lebih dan ia adalah sesuatu yang membingungkan, bagaiaman seseorang individu itu mengabaikan soal peribadi hanya kerana duit.
Kami tidak memikir pasal negara, masyarakat malahan jiran jiran. Itulah tugas pemimpin iaitu mebantu kami menjaga diri sendiri.
Terima kasih Tun.
DAP & PAP adalah satu parti yg ingin sangat menumpaskan
Sekarang kini DAP memperkakaskan PAS & PAKATAN RAKYAT
Modal mereka sekarang adalah isu Perkauman
Maka perlu demi kekuatan ummah UMNO,PAS & PAKATAN RAKYAT
Ia bermula dengan Pemimpin Parti Berkaitan
Saya cadangkan Tun Mahathir memainkan Peranan bagi
Cuba menghubungkan Pemimpin & Parti tersebut bersama demi kekuatan Ummah
Dari Tun melawan & menumpaskan PAS & PAKATAN RAKYAT
GEJALA Arab sama Arab berbunuh , Orang Barat yg Ketawa
Begitu juga Melayu sama Melayu bergaduh
DAP & PAP bertepuk Keriangan
Bila Chedet akan bertaubat? Sampai mati kah? Bila sudah bersara nak kempen bagi BN yang korup lagi kah?
Hakikatnya banyak rakyat Malaysia (bukan orang Bangladesh, Pakistani, Myanmar, Filipina) yang tidak mahu Kit Siang bersara. Kita mengharapkan agar Kit Siang meneruskan perjuangan demi kebaikan tanah air dan rakyat Malaysia. Persaraan Kit Siang suatu kerugian yang lebih besar bagi Malaysia berbanding dengan persaraan Chedet. Begitu pentingnya Kit Siang bagi Malaysia.
Saya bersyukur kerana Kit Siang ada di Malaysia, sebab beliaulah yang menerajui perjuangan rakyat Malaysia untuk mengembalikan kebenaran yang dicabuli oleh Chedet sepanjang dekad-dekad yang lalu kepada rakyat Malaysia.
If the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, are real Chinese and not just hollow Chinese-looking types, they should all vote for BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties. No Chinaman or woman votes for the Opposition in any part of the World even China. Stupid !
UMNO perlu Tegas
Kan Baik UMNO berbaik dengan PAS
Salam YAB Tun Dr. M
1) Rakyat sekarang boleh dianggap sebagai kanak-kanak kecil, manakala kerajaan (BN) pula dianggap seperti bapa kanak-kanak tersebut.
2) Apabila keinginan anak kecil itu pada sesuatu yang dikehendakinya tidak dipenuhi oleh bapanya maka anak kecil itu menangis. Sekiranya bapa itu seorang yang tegas, maka anak tersebut akan patuh pada bapanya dan sekiranya bapa itu “lembut” hatinya maka dapatlah apa yang dihajati anak tersebut.
3) Sekiranya bapa itu “lembut” hatinya maka dengan itu anak kecil tersebut akan terus bersikap memberontak sekiranya inginkan sesuatu kerana anak kecil itu tahu dengan cara itu hajatnya akan tercapai.
4) Sekiranya bapa itu tegas dan tetap pendiriannya maka anak itu akan patuh dan menjadi lebih berdisplin serta tahu erti hormat-menghormati.
5) Lihatlah negara kita sekarang ini, rakyat diberi dengan pelbagai “gula-gula” namun rasa tidak puas hati dan perasaan ingin memberontak tetap tertanam dalam jiwa.
6) Hal ini disebabkan oleh pemimpin kerajaan kini tidak mempunyai nilai-nilai atau sifat-sifat seorang bapa yang penyayang, tegas, bertanggungjawab , amanah dan berdisplin. Pemimpin kerajaan sekarang langsung tidak memikirkan bagaimana untuk mengasuh dan membentuk rakyat yang berdisplin, harmoni, rajin dan berdedikasi.
7) Rakyat kini tahu sekiranya mereka memberontak maka mereka akan dapat apa yang dihajati. Contohnya seperti, Pembatalan penggunaan bahasa inggeris di sekolah, Penghapusan ISA dan banyak lagi.
8) Cuba kita lihat siapakah yang untung dalam pemberontakan ini? Yang untung adalah si pemberontak, maka rakyat tahu inilah cara terbaik untuk kerajaan mengikut telunjuk mereka. Adakah pemberontak tersebut menyokong BN? Lihatlah A.Samad Said.
9) Rakyat berbangsa Cina tahu dengan cara membangkang akan lebih membawa banyak keuntungan dari menyokong. Lihat sajalah peruntukan pada sekolah-sekolah Cina.
Tun, indahnya hidup dibawah pemerintahan Tun.
Semoga suatu hari nanti ada lagi pemimpin seperti Tun.
Semoga Tun & keluarga sihat selalu.
Terima kasih Tun,
salam Tun,
– banyak yang kurang senang dengan perdekatan UMNO/BN di PRK Sg Limau.
– membawa Sharizat & KJ yang terpalit dengan skandal2 untuk berkempen digunakan sepenuhnya oleh PAS untuk menonjokan pemimpin2 UMNO yang tak bermoral, perasuah dan salah guna kuasa.
– memberi peruntukan yang bagitu besar kapada SRJCK mengiris perasaan orang melayu tempatan( pengundi atas pagar). mereka kata UMNO tiada serius untuk mengambil hati orang melayu , tidak menilai undi mereka.masih mahu mengoret orang cina.
– karnival2 yang dianjurkan oleh UMNO dan juga jabatan2 kerajaan lebih kepada pesta keseronokan dan bermasiat.
– kekayaan dan kemewahan yang di tunjukan oleh ahli2 UMNO dari luar membuktikan
UMNO adalah parti orang kaya, membolehkan PAS membuat bandingan kesusahan orang tempatan dengan orang luar ( UMNO ).
– orang tempatan terima baik Dato mukhriz tapi sayang mereka terpaksa pilih antara syurga dan neraka……….
Good afternoon Tun M,
I have been growing up during your reign as the leader of this beloved peaceful, colorful country. You are the smartest man in UMNO. I wish to remember Tun as the great leader of this country. Hope Tun M does not entertain those petty things as great leader of this multi racial country.
May Tun live life to the fullest.
Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
Yg Bhg Tun telah memperkenalkan Wawasan 2020 untuk menjadikan negara Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara maju. Wawasan ini kini digunapakai sebagai sasaran yang perlu dicapai. Diwarwarkan bahawa negara Malaysia ini akan mencapai taraf negara maju lebih awal yaitu pada tahun 2018. Persoalannya ialah apakah standards (piawaian) yang perlu ada sebagai sebagai sebuah negara maju. Dan apakah kini negara Malaysia berada kearah standards tersebut.
Untuk mengetahui standards (piawaian) ini, ianya boleh dilihat dimana2 negara maju seperti United Kingdom, Perancis dan lain2. Ianya boleh dilihat samada melancong atau merantau disana dan juga boleh dilihat melalui dokumentari televisyen. Sebagai layman, boleh disimpulkan bahawa standards yang perlu diambil kira untuk menjadi sebagai sebuah negara maju boleh dikategorikan kepada berikut yaitu;
i) Standard pembangunan fizikal negara itu
ii) Taraf hidup rakyat negara itu
ii) Standard pemikiran, budaya adap sopan, disiplin, kegigihan dan semangat rakyat
negara itu terhadap negaranya.
Kini hanya tinggal selama 7 tahun untuk negara Malaysia menuju status negara maju. Seorang wakil kerajaan Amerika Syarikat baru2 ini mengatakan bahawa negara Malaysia sudah boleh menjadi status negara maju sedikit masa lagi. Apakah kenyataan ini benar?
Jika dikaji standard pembangunan fizikal negara adalah baik dengan rangkaian hospital, sekolah, jalan raya bertar ke luarbandar, pelabuhan, kemudahan asas yang baik dan sebagainya. Tetapi masih ada lagi yang masih tertinggal seperti perumahan selesa, kemudahan asas di beberapa tempat yang jauh dan yang utamanya rangkaian lebuhraya. Tidak silap saya pentadbiran Yg Bhg Tun ada menyediakan sebuah masterplan Malaysia Highway Networks sehingga tahun 2020 disediakan oleh kerjasama JICA dan kerajaan sebagai standard status Malaysia negara maju. Jika dilihat pada masterplan tersebut, masih lagi banyak jaringan lebuhraya yang perlu dibina yaitu sepanjang pantai barat semenanjung, sepanjang pantai timur semenanjung, dua lebuhraya Timur-Barat bertaraf expressway dan lebuhraya Pan-Borneo etc. Jika dikatakan masih belum keperluan tidak mungkin kereta jumlah kenderaan yang semakin banyak kini. Jaringan laluan keretapi dengan penggunaan keretapi laju mungkin menjadi kenyataan dan dijadual selepas tahun pada 2020.
Apakah taraf hidup semua lapisan rakyat sudah mencapai standard negara maju. Masih terdapat banyak lagi rumah squatters terutama di Pulau Pinang yang dihuni oleh penduduk Melayu. Masalah bekalan air bersih masih lagi ujud di sebuah negeri itu. Kuasa membeli (buying power) rakyat seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Tun masih lagi rendah.
Adakah tahap pemikiran, disiplin, adap sopan rakyat kini sama seperti negara maju? Contohnya kini didapati trend menunggang motosikal melawan arus trafik, melanggar lampu merah dsb seolah bukannya satu kesalahan. Sebahagian rakyat Malaysia tidak berdisiplin dan tidak menghormati undang2. Pekan2 dipinggir Kuala Lumpur didapati semakin kotor dan tidak terurus. Kenderaan diparkir dimana ada ruang kosong kerana ruang parker yg tidak mencukupi. Medan selera dikelilingi longkang tersumbat dan berbau. Banner iklan digantung disemua tiang letrik sepanjang jalan. Tiang piers flyover dilitupi oleh pelbagai iklan pinjaman wang. Begitu juga disemua papan tanda jalan. Kebersihan bukanlah matlamat utama. Rakyat dinegara maju tidak kira generasi mana, didapati tidak melakukan perkara2 diatas.
Adakah rakyat dan pemimpin mempunyai semangat yang kental kepada negara? Ini tidak dinafikan kepada perajurit dan pasukan keselamatan negara. Negara maju mempunyai pemimpin dan rakyat yang kental untuk membina negara mereka. Ada yang sedang membina terowong sepanjang 50km dibawah gunung dan mengambil masa selama 15 tahun. Mereka kental asalkan ianya baik untuk negara mereka. Tetapi disini kecewa dirasakan apabila pemimpin membatalkan projek jambatan bengkok itu dibatalkan semangat juang langsung. Walhal ianya baik untuk negara. Pemimpin cepat menyerah kalah. Adakah pemimipin2 negara kita berfikiran seperti sebuah negara maju?
Salam Tun
Salam YAB & diKasihi Tun,
Tun, izinkan saya beri komen tentang PRK DUN Sungai Limau:
Pada pandangan saya, BN sepatutnya biarkan saja Dato’ Mukhriz dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO Kedah untuk berkempen kerana mereka lebih faham akan sentimen dan cara hidup penduduk2 di kawasan DUN Sungai Limau. Pemimpin BN/UMNO yang lain jadi pemerhati saja dari luar; duit pun jimat dan saya yakin hasilnya juga lebih baik.
Saya lihat Pemimpin2 BN yang lain telah (campur-tolak) telah turut menyumbang kepada kekalahan BN/UMNO di Sungai Limau. Lihat saja kenyataan T.S. Muhyiddin tentang pengurangan subsidi gula dan keadaan arwah bekas Mentri Besar Kedah. Walaupun T.S. telah memohon maaf (saya percaya yg beliau tiada niat untuk menghina), kerosakan telah berlaku & telah digunakan oleh PAS sebaik mungkin. Sepatutnya TIDAK PERLU untuk beliau sebut tentang arwah semasa bercakap tentang subsidi gula. Lagi satu, beliau juga mengguris hari orang Melayu dengan peruntukan yang banyak kepada sekolah Cina – tidak masuk akal jumlah yang dijanjikan & masih lagi tidak belajar dari kesilapan lalu. Ini juga buat orang Melayu menjauhi UMNO. Berbaloi kah menabur/membazir wang sebegitu? Ada kemungkinan sokongan orang Melayu yang sepatutnya kepada BN telah berubah kepada PAS kerana tidak puas hati (protes) dengan cara BN/UMNO yang masih lagi cuba membodek orang Cina.
Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia pula dengan gaya orang kaya/berlagak beliau; ini boleh buat orang kampong (tua/muda) meluat. Nampak janggal betul bila beliau dengan Mukhriz digandingkan. Bagai langit dengan bumi. Lain kali, jika ada lagi PRK di Kedah, tolong jangan bagi KJ datang berkempen. Bukan dapat menambah undi, malahan saya yakin akan mengurangkan undi kepada BN/UMNO.
Lagi satu, tidak perlu adakan karnival jualan murah gula/beras atau segala macam sagu-hati, sebab kepada penyokong Pembangkang pemberian ini tidak seberapa berbanding janji-janji ‘bulan dan bintang Pembangkang’ yang juga menjanjikan ‘syurga’ kepada yang mengundi PAS (untuk penyokong PAS, ini paling efektif).
Kepada DSN, tolonglah cuba faham kehendak akar-umbi kaum Melayu/Bumiputra. DSN sebenarnya sudah tidak berpijak di bumi nyata. Beliau rasa beliau popular sebab orang bukan Melayu/Bumiputra amat suka kepada beliau, tetapi malangnya mereka cuma sukakan gula-gula yang beliau beri sedangkan UNDI masih lagi diberi kepada Pembangkang. DSN juga disukai kerana gagal mengawal tindak-tanduk Pembangkang-lemah.
Saya bimbang akan berlaku Tsunami Melayu/Bumiputra pada PRU-14 dengan penolakan luar-biasa orang Melayu/Bumiputra terhadap BN/UMNO jika DSN masih lagi terus bermimpi. Mohon Allah SWT melindungi kita dari musibah ini.
Terima kasih Tun.
*** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***
Sign, Umno Baru takut kena sue by foreigners?
Tak sign, tak takut nanti PR menang, pakai kuasa rakyat sue ke?
Tak sign tak takut nanti lagi banyak street demonstration besar besaran including Chinese race ala gula monopoly?
Well, UMNO Baru, hooked is definitely a smarter choice than crooked.
Shalom, Tun…
maaf ckp tun…pemikiran najib tidak lari jauh dr dollah..cakap gegar gempak gempita tahap dewa…sebijik habuk haram…pemilihan umno baru ni…apa yg baru..?veri der cakap tak serupa bikin lew….kebanyakkan pemimpin melayu lani yg di sokong bangsa nya hanya jaguh memperlekehkan bangsa sendiri..mujur pemimpin tersebut tidak bertanding di kawasan saya…
lebih rela tido dr p ngundi…yg paling TERBAIK peliwat pun menang..pilih menentu kunun yg berugama faham halal haram..pilih pemimpin aci sapu…Ooowh melayu….hipokritnya…..veri derrr..
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Pada 2008 Tun selalu sebut orang dalam kubur pun akan bangkit kalau lihat keadaan Malaysia masa tu.
Saya cuma sampaikan ‘salam dari kubur’ pada Tun.
Tun tak salah pasal kenyataan tu. Dengan kenyataan tu pun PAS Merlimau dah boleh menang PRK.
Datuk Najib patut berbangga dengan rakyat Merlimau bahawa mereka mengundi bukan mengikut hadiah anak ayam.
Kalau saya lah, saya sayang rakyat saya…biarlah PAS menang kalau begitu gayanya.
Terima kasih Tun.
Baguslah tu jika Kit Siang masih takut bayang-bayang Tun, sekurang-kurangnya masih ada orang yang takut kepada Tun.
Sekarang ini, terutama di negara ini, orang ramai sudah tidak takut apa-apa lagi, sama terhadap pemimpin negara, pihak berkuasa mahupun Tuhan.Semuanya boleh dipolitikkan, asal karung politik sendiri tercapai.
Gengster pun sudah tak takut lagi kepada polis kerana sudah ada pelindung di kalangan orang politik sendiri.
Tun, macam mana Kit Siang nak bersara kerana seperti UMNO, dalam DAP pun tidak nampak lapisan muka baru, kalau ada pun masih dinasti anak beranak menguasai parti.
Selain itu, penyokong tegar DAP seperti aso HBT456 masih ramai, Melayu tak sedar diri berharga 50 sen pun masih ada dalam parti itu.
Berbanding UMNO, DAP mempunyai Dewan Ulamanya dari Pas yang sentiasa menyokong parti itu, walaupun Dewan Ulama DAP ini sentiasa kena cerca tidak sudah-sudah oleh Karpal Singh yang juga menggunakan nama kalimah Allah dalam kitabnya.
Tun, susahlah kalau gitu, kalau pemimpin UMNO masih mempunyai mentaliti lama dan masih menggunakan Mercedes atau motorsikal 1000 c.c untuk berkempen.
Dan buat apalah memberi anak ayam, wang ringgit dan T-shirt BN kepada pengundi sebaliknya saya syorkan BN berikan ketayap yang ada lambang BN kepada pengundi di situ.
Sekurang-kurangnya, jika mereka tidak undi BN pun, dapat juga pemimpin-pemimpin BN pahala jika ketayap itu dipakai oleh pengundi ke masjid.
Berhubung kenyataan Tun bahawa “Ramai dari orang kampung di Sungai Limau yang sudah berjaya dan ada duit, walaupun tidak kaya. Tetapi masih ramai yang miskin, amat miskin”.
Saya teringat mengenai kenyataan Mat Sabu, iaitu ” lagi miskin seseorang pengundi itu, lagi mereka akan mengundi BN”.
Di Sungai Limau terbalik pula, “lagi miskin penduduk di situ lagi mereka mengundi Pas”. Wallah wa’alam.
Salam Tun.
Kembali kepada yang asal. Lihat balik, apakah yang sebenarnya BN patut perjuangkan, BN sekarang bagaikan hilang hala tuju, terumbang-ambing dimainkan oleh parti lawan. Soalnya bukan miskin atau kaya, maju atau mundur dan sebagainya tetapi apakah BN sehingga saat akhir dapat mempertahankan apa yang telah diperjuangkan sejak penubuhannya.
Sebenarnya DAP amat takut pada pengaruh Tun di Malaysia malah seluruh dunia. Lim Kit Siang orang bukan kenal pun. Yang orang kenal Kit Siang adalah Mei 13, 1969. Itu pu beliau di tangkap selepas lari ke Sabah. Kalau Kit Siang berada di K.L semasa Mei 13, 1969, sudah tentu anaknya tiada untuk menyemaikan lebih banyak lagi kebencian kaum di Malaysia, hari ini.
Penyokong Pakatan, nampaknya sangat menyokong Nepotisma yang di praktikkan oleh keluarga Lim Kit Siang, keluarga Peliwat, dan juga Keluarga Nik Aziz. Pada Muktamar, hujung bulan ini Haji Hadi pula akan benarkan anaknya masuk bertanding dalam party. Nampaknya, Nepotisma amat giat berkembangan dalam Pakatan. Elok di tukar kepada ‘Pakatan Nepotism’ atau ‘Pakatan Crony’. Tak sesuai guna nama ‘Rakyat’ kerana bukan semua Rakyat Malaysia sokong Nepotisma.
Bayangkan kalau UMNO melakukan perkara yang saya . Mungkin mereka tak berani kata apa-apa, kerana mereka pun lebih teruk. Jawatan ‘Ketua Umum’ pun mereka lantik diri sendiri.
Oh ya. Bila kah kali terakhir PKR mengadakan Permilihan Party sendiri.? Patut pun tak dengar Peliwat komen mengenai Permilihan UMNO lepas. Mungkin takut orang sedar bahawa Partynya sendiri pun kelam-kabut bila buat permilihan lepas. Penuh dengan tipu-daya dan pergaduhan. Sebelum lebih ramai keluar Party, seperti di Sabah, lebih baik adakan segera dan beri banyak jawatan kepada pribumi Sabah. Sudah lama tertangguh Permilihan Paty PKR ni.
Pada Muktamar PAS, hujung bulan ini, elok saja Pewakilan singkirkan Anwarinas di kalangan pemimpin mereka dan keluar dari Pakatan bila tiba masa yang sesuai. Saya amat yakin, lebih ramai orang Melayu yang sudah bosan dengan UMNO akan berhijrah menyokong PAS menjelang PRU 14, kerana menubuhkan satu lagi Party Melayu akan hanya memecahkan lagi kesatuan sesama bnagsa dan Agama.
Salam Tun
Nampaknya pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang ada sekarang tidak belajar dari kebodohan yang lalu.
Sungguh membimbangkan sekiranya trend Para pemimpin UMNO yang ada sekarang beterusan bagini ,nampaknya tiada apa yang dipelajari dari kegagalan PRU 12 dan 13 . Kesan dari pemilihan puchok pimpinan UMNO nampak jelas di Sungai Limau. Pemilihan UMNO mungkin bolih dipengarohi dengan duit , tetapi undi rakyat tidak semudah itu.