The Government had also wasted money – RM2 billion in Terengganu.
Thinking that he had the right to use Wang Ehsan, the royalty from Petronas to the State of Terengganu totalling more than five billion Ringgit over several years Dato Seri Abdullah together with Dato Seri Idris Jusoh, the former Menteri Besar of Terengganu went on a spending spree.
Then in 2008, Barisan Nasional won and Abdullah happily decided to spend more of the Wang Ehsan on fancy projects.
Unfortunately the Sultan of Terengganu refused to have Idris Jusoh as Menteri Besar. It was a slap in the face fo Abdullah when he was forced to accept the Sultan’s nominee as Menteri Besar.
This new Menteri Besar insisted that the royalty due to Terengganu should be paid to the State and the State should manage the fund.
This was as it should be. But the Menteri Besar insisted that what was spent before this in building the theme park, organising the Monsoon Cup etc worth about RM 2 billion was not from the royalty due to Terengganu. It was from Federal fund.
He demanded that the full amount of royalty over the years should be paid to Terengganu.
So RM2 billion of Federal funds have been expended on Terengganu, the richest State in Malaysia.
Failing this Terengganu has a court case initiated by the PAS Government which the BN State Government has not withdrawn.
The Federal Government will now have to find some RM5 billion to give to Terengganu. Where is this money going to come from? Obviously from the Federal Consolidated Fund.
Basically the Federal Government will lose RM5 billion because it had assumed that a tame Terengganu Menteri Besar would collaborate in some of the most wasteful projects for the State and the country.
I am told that a Disneyland designer was engaged to design the “Crystal Mosque” and theme park. Must cost a lot.
Some contractors made tons of money getting projects without proper processes.
Salam Buat Tun,
It is sad to see and to admit the fact that the present government is only qualified to run a cendol stall. It is harsh to proclaim but until todate they just simply make decision like nobody’s business and just don’t bother the great impact that cometh unto and then by tomorrow realising that they “oops”… with that silly grinning face trying to make amend “kononnya”. The RM1 Million Quesition is – How can we just sit here and doing nothing? Nak tunggu sampai jadi macam “Marcos”?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya amat teruja dengan idea-idea Tun semenjak Tun menjadi PM dan inilah kali pertama saya dapat berkomunikasi dengan Tun walaupun Tun telah bersara sebagai PM. Pun begitu idea-idea Tun masih bernas dan boleh diterima pakai Alhamdulillah saya masih bekesempatan mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih diatas jasa-jasa Tun kepada rakyat Malaysia dan negara sepanjang Tun meneraju negara.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya amat teruja dgn Tun sejak dari dulu lagi sejak Tun menjadi PM saya mula mengikuti idia-idia Tun dan inilah kali pertama saya mendapat peluang walaupun Tun telah bersara sebagai PM.Saya fikir idia-idia Tun masih bernas dan boleh diterima pakai.
1.Tun,disini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mendapat pandangan Tun, terhadap kekuatan BN masa kini, terutama UMNO, MCA,MIC dan parti komponen kerana party inilah (sebagai tunjang pada satu masa dulu 50 tahun dulu) terutamanya di P.Pinang pada pilihan raya kecil yang akan diadakan pada beberapa hari lagi, mana lebih relevan pemimpin atau party?
Tuanku pun makin murka. Tiada darjah kebesaran yang diberi kepada rakyatnya. Hari tu, teruk sangat rakyat yang dok tunjuk perasaan kat tuanku. Sekarang ni, inilah yang makin kelam kabut.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya begitu berharap agar Tun menceritakan apa yg sebenarnya berlaku ketika wang ehsan terengganu, diambil alih pengurusannya oleh kerajaan pusat, selepas pilihanraya 1999.
Kerana mmg jelas wang ehsan sepatutnya diuruskan oleh kerajaan negeri. Jadi saya amat berharap Tun bole menceritakan mengenai perkara ini dan menghilang kekeliruan orang terengganu.
Salam Tun yang disanjungi.
Terimakasih saya yang tidak terhingga buat Tun dimana masih lagi kuat dan mampu berjuang demi untuk menyelamatkan hasil bumi Malaysia yang tercinta. Terlalu banyak sumbangan Tun kepada kami.Diwaktu ini tiada sesiapapun yang dapat menyelamatkan harta negara kalau kita tidak bersatu bersama Tun untuk memperjuangkan hak kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Saya ingin menyentuh tentang nasionalisme dimana banyak diperkatakan oleh pemimpin BN sekarang,adakah perkataan tersebut sebagai umpan politik dan hanya utk memperbodohkan rakyat. Lihat apa yang akan terjadi di Miri Serawak bagaimana AXXX INSXXX akan mula beroperasi pada 01 Okt 08 nanti dengan nilai kontrak berjumlah rm 1.3 billion yang dianugerahkan oleh Petronas Malaysia. Syarikat tersebut tiada kepakaran dalam operasi penerbangan (Offshore Operation) tetapi terpaksa membawa Pilot dan Engineer dari Canada. Jika seorang pilot/engineer mereka dibayar sebanyak rm 27000.00 sebulan x 20pilot+10engineer setahun sudah berapa banyak duit negara kita di bawa keluar,ini tak termasuk tiket penerbangan dan hotel yang perlu dibayar oleh petronas. Dulu kita mengambil masa lebihkurang 13 tahun untuk menghalau keluar BRISTOW dari bumi Malaysia, kini pemimpin kerajaan BN membawa Canadian untuk mengisi poket-poket mereka tanpa mengira pekerja-pekerja tempatan yang akan ditamatkan perkhidmatan nanti.Akhir kata saya amat berharap Tun dapat memberi ulasan tentang projek ini agar wang negara dapat diselamatkan. Sekian wassalam.TQ
Trengganu had become the richest state in our country while Sabah will soon become one of the poorest states even with riches in oil, palm oil, timber,etc. WHY ???
The Sabah BN government had too many YESMEN in the likes of UMNO’s MUSA and his PBS/ LDP/ PBRS stooges.
If they do not fight for demand on higher percentage on oil royalties to Sabah, the BN government will fall come the next State Elections.
The Sabahans have just awkened in the wake of the current political turmoil created by Pak Lah and his cronies. Also thumbs up to SAPP who dared to support the no-confidence vote against the PM, not BN lah. Also to Tengku Razaleigh n Mukriz who dared to confront a weak PM unlike all those UMNO and BN component leaders.
Salam Tun yang dihormati.
Sebagai seorang anak Terengganu dan berpeluang mnenyaksikan dikedua-dua projek ini dibangunkan…monson cup & taman tamadun islam. Saya amat bersetuju dengan apa yang tun katakan.
1) Dibina dengan tergesa-gesa. Belanja yang begitu besar, hasilnya tidak sepadan dengan belanja yang dikeluarkan.
2) Paklah sering datang melawat di kedua-dua projek ini. Sungguh berminat nampaknya.
3) Kenapa urusan pembinaan termasuk rekabentuk sebuah taman yang bertujuan menunjukan keagungan tamadun islam diserahkan kepada bukan islam? Diperingkat awal lagi (orang yang bertanggungjawab dalam membuat keputusan ) telah tidak mengiktiraf kebolehan orang islam dalam membangunkan sebuah Taman Tamadun Islam/masjid kristal
4) Hasilnya terbinalah sebuah Taman yang ingin menggambarkan Ketamadunan Islam, tetapi Tiada Roh Islamnya. Hambar…sama seperti taman-taman yang lain.
5) Saya yakin sekiranya Tun masih menjadi PM diketika itu taman-taman ini, Tenaga pakar yang beragama islam dan rakyat malaysia akan diberi keutamaan dalam menerajui projek seumpamanya sebagimana yang tun lakukan di Putrajaya.
6) Akhirkata saya bersetuju sekiranya BPR menjalankan siasatan agar dapat membetulkan keadaan dan rakyat tidak akan terus rasa tertipu.
Semoga Tun & Keluarga terus sihat walafiat,
ikhlas dr rakyat terengganu.
Salam Tuan tuan cuma nak berkongsi sedikit ilmu,
“Dan (Kami juga telah mengutus) Luth (kepada kaumnya). (Ingatlah) tatkala dia berkata kepada kaumnya: ‘Mengapa kamu mengerjakan perbuatan keji itu, yang belum pernah dikerjakan oleh seorang pun sebelum kamu. Sesungguhnya kamu mendatangi lelaki untuk melepaskan syahwat, bukan kepada wanita; malah kamu ini kaum yang melampaui batas’.
“Jawab kaumnya tidak lain hanya mengatakan: ‘Usirlah mereka dari kotamu ini, sesungguhnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang berpura-pura mensucikan diri”.
“Kemudian Kami selamatkan dia dan pengikut-pengikutnya kecuali isterinya; dia termasuk orang-orang yang tertinggal (dibinasakan). Dan Kami turunkan kepada mereka hujan (batu); maka perhatikanlah bagaimana kesudahan orang-orang yang berdosa itu.” (Al-A’raf: 80-84).
Homoseksual bukan fitrah tetapi barah dan penyakit. Sesungguhnya manusia tidak mampu membuat penafsiran sendiri terhadap hukum alam.
Manusia tidak dapat lari daripda fitrah rasa bertuhan. Tepuk dada tanyalah hati kecil anda. Adakah anda benar di landasan fitrah.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I have been silence for a long time, i concentrated on my study as rule by AUKU, after that i signed akujanji to be accepted as gorvenment servant. We are in the same profesion TUN, and i still silence because of the nature of my profesion. But since the last election and the following events i cant stand the silence anymore. I have to speak out loud.
Our gorvernment now are weak. Everything just friable and waiting to crack. Our economy is not flourish. The worst is Rakyat are feeling their money is not as valueable as before. In 1997 economic downturn, the most affected is the tycoon and company, Rakyat still had a good feeling about their money. Tun had encontered this downturn very well.
Why now Pak Lah cant overcome this economic problem? Surely due to lack of leadership. Leaders who are good will manage all of his country assets, including all the brilliant economist and formulating the right track to our country development.
Time has come and Malaysian are willing to change, they are not just willing to change leadership but they are willing to change the gorvenment. Please Tun, advise us from time to time what we as a malaysian should act. Thanks a lot Tun.
Dear Tun,
What if PM-in-waiting DSAI offered YABhg Tun to be his senior Advisor in the next government ?
Will Tun consider it to help in the realisation of our Rakyat hopes in a stable, financially-strong economy for our harmonious nation ?
This is the better merger than the UMNO-PAS coalition which already smacked of betrayal to the PAKATAN RAKYAT and BN in the first instance.
By Nor Mohamed Yakcop
A moment comes, which rarely comes in a lifetime, when a particular event redefines a person’s life and changes the course permanently. For me, the meeting with Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on the evening of October 3, 1997 was such an event. It enabled me to devote the next 6 years of my life working for Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, meeting him almost daily. In the process, it enabled me to see, at very close range, the abilities of this great man > .
The combination of many noble qualities in one person is rare, and it is this unique combination that has enabled Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to transform Malaysia from an otherwise typical third world country into a thriving and vibrant nation, well on the way to become a developed nation. It is also this combination of qualities that enabled Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to save Malaysia from becoming another IMF nation during the financial crisis of 1997 – 1998.
I am often asked about my involvement in the recovery plan implemented on September 1, 1998. It began on September 29, 1997, when I received a telephone call from the office of Dr Mahathir Mohamad informing me that the Prime Minister wanted to see me. The PM was in Cuba at that time, and I asked (in jest) if I was to meet the Prime Minister in Cuba !
I was told (not in jest) that he will be arriving in Buenos Aires on October 3, 1997 and I was to make sure I was in Buenos Aires at least a day before he arrived. I packed my bags and left for Buenos Aires, and arrived in Buenos Aires on October 2.
The PM arrived the following day at 5 pm and we met immediately at his suite. He informed me that he had asked many people to explain to him what was causing the financial crisis but no one was able to give him a satisfactory reply. He asked me whether I could explain to him what exactly was happening.
I asked him how much time he had, and he said two hours. I explained to him how the forex market works, about short positions and long positions, about hedging and how currencies are borrowed and sold, the difference between “bid” and “offer” and how funds can be transferred from one country to another at the click of a button. I also explained how the equity market works and the relationship between the forex market and the equity market. Dr. Mahathir hardly said anything, asked one or two questions, and listened intently.
After two hours, he had to end the meeting to get ready to go for an official dinner. He asked me about my plans for the night and I said I had been invited for the same dinner. Dr. Mahathir said to me: You go back to your room and write down all that you have been telling me for the last two hours, and see me at 7 am tomorrow. I went back to my room, skipped dinner, and wrote it all down, finishing at about 6 am.
I saw him the next morning at 7 am and gave him the report. He asked me to take a rest and come back again at 2 pm. When I returned, he told me that he had read the report and that he now understands what was happening in the financial markets. We started discussing various methods of overcoming the crisis, and our discussions continued when we returned to Malaysia. I met him almost daily for discussion, sometimes at his house and sometimes at his office. We tried a few mechanisms to overcome the crisis, some of which worked initially, but the hedge funds were so strong that it was difficult to proceed successfully with these mechanisms.
In early 1998, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad asked me to explore the idea of imposing an exchange control regime to overcome the crisis. I remember preparing voluminous notes on this subject. Dr. Mahathir went through the notes carefully, and kept asking for more and more details. We went through many rounds of discussion, until he was finally convinced both with the concept as well as the proposed mechanism. The rest, I guess, is history.
Dr. Mahathir also asked me to prepare a paper on how to put an end to Malaysian shares traded in CLOB (Central Limit Order Book) in Singapore. Dr. Mahathir was of the view that an important reason for the falling stock market was the short-selling of Malaysian stocks in CLOB. I prepared the report and Dr. Mahathir understood, for the first time, how exactly CLOB operates. The report, which was also implemented on September 1, 1998, put to an end the trading of Malaysian shares in CLOB.
I should add that the exchange control measures were crafted in such a way as to minimize the control aspects and maximize the outcome. The Prime Minister went through the proposed mechanism many times to make sure that the control elements were as few as possible, but adequate enough to ensure a positive outcome. There were no bureaucratic elements in these measures, such as requiring importers to obtain Bank Negara’s permission to import. The Ringgit was also pegged at a level where it was not overvalued. In almost every other country, which imposes exchange control measures and pegs its currency, there would, almost by definition, be numerous bureaucratic controls, and the currency would also be pegged at an overvalued rate.
It is often assumed that the system of exchange control (including fixed exchange rate) that we implemented on September 1, 1998 saved the country. The measures of September 1, 1998 were undoubtedly a necessary condition, but it was not a sufficient condition to overcome the crisis. Malaysia was saved, not by exchange control measures per se, but by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
Let me explain. Any other developing country, facing a similar crisis, if it had introduced the measures that we introduced in September 1998, the measures would probably have failed. The fact that in Malaysia these measures succeeded is due to the ability and character of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. The economy and the financial system, under Dr. Mahathir’s leadership, was in a very healthy state-healthy enough for the exchange control measures to be implemented without negative consequences. Moreover, the Prime Minister’s hands-on management style enabled quick and timely decisions to be made, which was vital under the new exchange control regime.
Dr. Mahathir, as Prime Minister, had ensured that the Malaysian economy was fundamentally strong. Ringgit was strong and stable. On the back of the currency stability (at RM2.50 against the US dollar) Malaysia was doing very well. At the end of 1996, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at almost 8.5 per cent and the growth was expected to continue for many more years. The government was enjoying a fiscal surplus. The external debt was low, at 40 per cent of the Gross National Product (GNP). The current account of the balance of payments had narrowed from a deficit of 10 per cent to 5 per cent of GNP, and was expected to improve further. Inflation was at its lowest at 2.1 percent. We had steady growth of over 8 per cent for a major part of that period. And this fundamental strength of Malaysia was a critical factor that enabled the exchange control measures to succeed.
For a period of more than a year after the measures of September 1, 1998 were implemented, the Prime Minister met with a small group of us everyday – 6 days a week – for at least 2 hours to go through various economic data, including data on loan growth, exports, imports, property overhang etc. This enabled the Prime Minister to take quick actions, whenever required. I remember one morning when we were going through the property figures, he looked at me and directed that I should organize a property fair to clear the overhang of properties. I did, and property worth more than RM 3 billion was sold. Even after the crisis was over, Dr. Mahathir continued to meet with the group regularly, though no longer on a daily basis. And Dr. Mahathir continued to go through all the economic data with a sharp pencil.
No other Prime Minister in the world, either in developed or developing countries, employs such a hands-on approach in managing the economy. We can see, therefore, that it was not the exchange control measures per se that saved the country but the man – Dr. Mahathir Mohamad – himself.
The period 1997 – 1998 was, to paraphrase Charles Dickens, the worst of times, but it was also the best of times. The worst conditions brought out the best in Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. There is a saying that a good leader is like good tea – you only know the true quality when he is in hot water !
Throughout the crisis, the Prime Minister was focussed on resolving the crisis. Day and night, he thought of nothing else but the crisis. He read all he could on finance; he kept asking me to prepare notes on various technical issues. Sometimes he was sick with bad flu and cough, but he did not take time off to rest. He was convinced that he had to understand the issues before he could work out the solutions. His native intelligence and ability to focus on core issues were there throughout the crisis. He did not show any sign of fear even at the worst of time, only concern at the fast deteriorating state of the economy. He was, at all times, confident that he would prevail in the end.
I would like to add two additional points related to the financial crisis. The first is that, in implementing the measures of September 1, 1998, Dr. Mahathir not only saved Malaysia but the neighbouring countries as well. Let me explain. When Malaysia imposed its exchange control measures on September 1, 1998, the currency speculators realised that the other affected countries (Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea) could also impose similar controls, and they, therefore, stopped their activities in its track. The speculators backed off. They bought back the currencies that they had sold. This is resulted in the regional currencies appreciating. Moreover, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was not happy with what Malaysia had done, particularly since, after implementing the measures, we did exactly the opposite of what the IMF wanted us to do, i.e. we lowered our interest rates and injected liquidity into the system. The IMF, therefore, started relaxing conditions in other countries and allowed them to lower their interest rates and allowed them to inject liquidity to stimulate their economies so that Malaysia would not outperform the IMF countries. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Dr. Mahathir Mohamad not only saved Malaysia, but the other affected countries in the region as well – Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea.
My second point is regarding what would have happened if the exchange control measures were not implemented. If the measures were not implemented, many of corporations in Malaysia would have gone under, due to the high interest rates > . When the corporations fall like dominos, banks would have faced severe liquidity and solvency problems due to the ballooning NPLs. The problems of the banks would have resulted in a credit squeeze, which would have led to another round of corporate failures. The Government’s revenue would have fallen drastically as fewer firms would be paying corporate taxes, thereby reducing the Government’s ability to stimulate the economy through fiscal policy measures. As a result of the problems faced by corporations and banks, unemployment would have increased substantially, leading to a second round of problems. This is the classic vicious cycle, which could have, in the end, destroyed the social and political stability of the country. This was a scenario that was waiting to happen. It did not happen because of the decisiveness and guts of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who decided to take the path less travelled.
We owe Dr. Mahathir much gratitude for what he has done for Malaysia over the last 22 years. Solving the financial crisis of 1997 – 1998 was just one, albeit perhaps the most important, of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s many contributions to the nation.
On a personal note, over the last 6 years, I have come to admire this great man for his abilities, his high moral values and, most of all, for his sincerity. Certainly, a man like Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is not born everyday.
(23rd. October, 2003)
Salam Bahagia Tun,
Kami amat memerlukan pentadbiran zaman kegemilangan Tun.
Salam Tun,
Kita berharap agar pihak kerajaan tidak hanya pandai menyeru rakyat berjimat-cermat tapi kerajaan sendiri suka membazir. Kepimpinan melalui teladan adalah pendekatan terbaik dan terpuji, dan inilah yang bakal membawa Malaysia menjadi negara yang terbilang.
SAPP are even ready to support any move in Parliament to pass a vote of no confidence against Pak Lah. So even a BN component dare to go against a weak leader administering our country, I still do not understand why the other BN components’ leaders are still saying good things about the PM. Or rather quiet in the national media when the PM are moving towards a partnership with PAS in Selangor without consulting with MCA, MIC, PPP and Gerakan. Are we Malaysians moving in the right direction as Tun Mahathir had planned for; the Wawasan 2020 for One Malaysia.
Still smacked of racial politics after 50 years of independence , what a shame in the eyes of the World !!!
dear tun,
wish u will always i the pink of health.
it seems that the current goverment is trying to tell the rakyat not to paid so many taxes anymore.
why r we paying for so many taxes for the exco in terengganu to drive a E200 while we have to pay 5-7 years for a perodua kenari?
does this mean the rakyat is directly paying for the extravagant life the exco and mentri besar is having.
dear all,
Singapura dh turunkan harga minyak hari ini-10cent.malaysia bila lagi..
tunai janji
Harga pasaran minyak mentah kini turun ke paras di bawah US$125 setong. Kerajaan menaikkan harga petrol dan diesel ketika harga minyak mencecah US$125 setong.
Sekiranya harga minyak terus turun ke paras US$90 hingga US$110 setong, maka Kerajaan haruslah menurunkan kembali harga petrol dan diesel ke paras yang munasabah.
Sebenarnya, sekiranya Kerajaan ini ‘lebih bijak dan berani’ dalam menguruskan ekonomi, kenaikan harga petrol dan diesel tempoh hari yang mengakibatkan inflasi negara melambung ke paras 8% iaitu tertinggi dalam tempoh 27 tahun, boleh dielakkan.
Harga minyak yang tinggi adalah berpunca dari spekulasi dan manipulasi pasaran semata2 oleh pedagang2 yang hanya mengawal 4% pengeluaran dunia, sedangkan negara pengeluar utama Arab Saudi sendiri yang menguasai 40% pengeluaran dunia tidak dapat membendung manipulasi tersebut walaupun tiada kekurangan dalam bekalan minyak.
Justeru, kenaikan harga yang begitu tinggi dan cepat tidak mungkin dapat bertahan lama tanpa permintaan yang tulin.
Kerajaan kita yang kurang cekap ini seolah2 terpedaya dengan senerio harga spekulasi ini dan bertindak gelogoh dengan menaikkan harga petrol/diesel dalam negara apatah lagi secara mendadak 41% hingga 63% yang akhirnya mengakibatkan inflasi tidak terkawal, kelembapan ekonomi dan kesusahan kepada rakyat jelata.
Harga minyak yang melambung tinggi untuk tempoh jangka pendek ini sebenarnya merupakan durian runtuh atau bonus kepada negara kita yang masih menjadi net exporter minyak mentah. Langkah2 sokongan seperti menguatkan matawang ringgit dan membatalkan projek2 Super Koridor nescaya akan menjadi pelindung kepada ketahanan ekonomi negara dan kesejahteraan rakyat.
Bayangkanlah, dengan memperolehi lebihan wang jualan minyak dan jika bertindak rasional dengan tidak menaikkan harga petrol/diesel, Kerajaan sudah tentu berupaya mengawal harga2 barang dan inflasi serta tidak membantutkan lagi kegiatan ekonomi yang sememangnya semakin lesu disebabkan oleh dasar2 kepimpinan yang songsang, korup, tidak bervisi malah lembab.
Saya tetap berpendirian bahawa tiada jalan lain untuk menyelamatkan negara kita selain menyingkirkan Abdullah Badawi & Menteri2 kabinetnya yang telah gagal, dengan secepatnya.
Sesungguhnya, kita sudah tidak ada pilihan lain.
FaizIzwn got a very good point that more properties is own by foreigners now, but anyone (from the G) care about that?
As NEP is suppose to benefits Malays (only)? but the result until now is more Malaysia properties goes to foreigners or foreign companies hand due to the incapability of manage the business. Now with the racial-politics, which always protrait non-malays as the enemy, you would rather let fellow Malaysian(the chinese, indian, sarawakian, sabahan) to have more opportunities (i believe at least they will take care the Malays more than the foreigners!) or keep going and let the foreign companies own it at the end. That is a million dollar question for the government, the rakyat to answer, and think about it.
If current situation persist, Malaysia will heading backwards, and major foreign companies will own Malaysia and money will all drained away. The time is running out for Malaysia anyhow. i forseen in less than 10 years, Malaysia’s windows of competition in the international market will be gone. We only knows how to talk, but no action taken. God bless Malaysia.
Dear Tun,
1) how can a country allow so many unfair policies against the rakyat?
2) how can the NAP suppose to benefit the rakyat, but force us to buy expensive car then the US while we earn much less?
3) how can Spanco get a 25 years agreement in 1994 with the state government in spending millions of the tax payer money in the low quality cars and high maintenance cost?
4) how can a law suite be dragged so long?
5) how can all the spending without the approval of cabinet?
6) how can the petrol price still at Rm2.70 while the oil price has fallen from $140 to $120
7) how come we can never solve the missing gals case?
8) any government awre most factories moved to thailand beside the automotive? check out your toothbrush packing.
9) will any foreign investors continuing investing in malaysia with so many unfair policies against the investors, the rakyat?
10) Are you going to work together with Anwar again? to settle all those differences and bring Malaysia back on track?
Salam untuk Tun dan family
apa kata kita pakat ramai ramai calon kan anak anak Tun mahathir untuk jawatan ketua pemuda, sementelah sekarang ini mesyuarat pemilihan UMNO di serata Malaysia. sekarang ni lah kalau nak segala berubah dan bermula, jangan cakap saja tapi tak nak pi pilih dan undi. Segalanya bermula dari kita.
Selamat berjaya, Untuk Tun kami semua sayang kan Tun
Assalam ayahanda Tu,
Setiap kali saya membaca komen Tun (yang bernas) terdetik di hati kecil ini kekesalan apa yang kita ada tika ini…Dengan bermodalkan air liur, mujarab ubat tampal koyok, pemikiran lemah, pemerintahan lemah, tidak jitu, tidak padat…dimanakah hala tuju negara tercinta ini ngan penuhnya si”temakul” tak bertelur di jaja sana-sini….ibarat nakhoda hilang kompas, ibarat monitor kelas tak tegas, malas, bercerita yang baik2, takut pada yang nyata…teruskan TUN walau pun suara kita umpama katak memanggil hujan, tapi hujan akan kunjung tiba…sedihnya Malaysia harini..
Anakteja2-si pemerhati
My Dear Tun
Hereâs an interesting article I read in the Star Columnist Sunday July 13, 2008.
âWhy do ours never resignâ WIDE ANGLE by Huzir Sulaiman.
The writer has cited many examples in his column but here are the most notable of all which leave much room for thought.
He began with âBy global standards of ministerial responsibility, Malaysiaâs performance leaves much to be desired. THE Westminster Paliamentary system, for better or worse, is our former colonial masterâs gift to us, and to many Commonwealth countries. According to its conventions, Cabinet ministers are bound by both collective and individual responsibility.â
And further cited: âIn many democracies, even unproven allegations are sufficient to provoke resignation. In November 1997 the Portuguese Minister for Defence, Antonio Vitorino, resigned following accusations that he had not paid the full property tax on his country house.â
âIf there are doubts or suspicions over my behaviour, the situation must be fully clarified and therefore I must take responsibility as a citizen,â Vitorino said. âIn view of the way I have always conducted myself in political life, I think it is impossible to hold public office at my level under any type of suspicion.â
And lastly: âLast month, the South Korean Prime Minister and his entire Cabinet offered to resign in response to public unhappiness about the beef import deal South Korea has made with the United Statesâ.
And finally, the writer concluded:
âWould our ministers do any of that?â
God Bless You and Your Family.
A good day to you and your family.
What is happening to our Govermnment. We are now a laughing stock among the ASEAN countries. We have a weak PM, seems that he cannot control his own backyard. The Sultan, MB don’t give a damn about him.
Malulah. The rakyat is suffering and they are enjoying themselves on a buying and spending spree. Is there a clause in the Constitution allowing the rakyat to change the present government is we think they are not fit to lead the country. In fact, we are the force behind them and we elect them to administer our hard earn money and to ensure we have a good return later. The Government is like a fund manager and we are the investor. In reality, if our fund manager is useless, we will sack them and change to a new person. Whay we need to wait for another four years to change the present government ?
Tun,the pot calling the kettle black.Birds of the same feathers flocks too was in the same style during your rule,the twin tower,the ipp,mas,bailing out your son’s fail businesses,etc.
salam tun,
for info, the crystal mosque actually only cost around 75 millions, but the extra works cost nearly 275 millions add up the total cost to 350 millions for some mosque that we cant even used.
n it is all arranged by patrik lim in collaboration with his lovely son in law, this is truth, people in terennganu knows about it. u all can asked the authorities here,
for idris jusoh is more like a puppet than MB here, all decision come from pak lah, i cannot prove it but i can tell its real,
they all play around under the name of wang ehsan or projek dana from federal gov. During your time, the people received a lot of cash from the wang ehsan but after 2004, lesser fund are given to the people but more useless project are announced…
this is real… but lucky to us the new MB realise it and that is why idris is sack by the king….
tun, everything is in order in your time but when it comes to paklah, it all turn upside down…
well thats why i told that i really miss your leadership…
I hope Tun takes a good rest and retire for, a big portion of rakyat feels that what is happening today is due to what you have done in the past. The culture you have instilled into the UMNO member. The only prob with AAB is, he is allowing the UMNO member’s to do whatever they have been taugh to do.
BN is hopeless even before the takeover and you know this fact deep within.
1) Bolehkah Tun senaraikan projek-projek yang bernilai RM 2 billion yang Tun sebut itu?
2) Adakah pembiayaan projek TTI & Monsoon Cup adalah menelan kos seperti yang Tun sebut itu? Atau adakah TTI hanya RM200 juta, dan Monsoon Cup RM4 juta?
3) Sepengetahuan saya, pulangan yang didapati daripada pembiayaan Monsoon Cup adalah lebih besar daripada kos penganjuran, lebih-lebih lagi daripada hak penjualan media. Adakah itu benar?
4) Development of Setiu, bolehkah Tun terangkan sedikit?
5) Adakah Tun benar-benar tidak tahu siapakah yang sebenarnya telah menghabiskan sebanyak RM1 billion, dan untuk siapa? Adakah Dato Seri Idris atau kroni-kroni PM (Patrick Lim, Wan Farid etc.)?
6) Hanya Dato Seri Idris yg sanggup mengeluarkan kata-kata kepada PM didlm MT: “I’m sorry Sir, but YOU SHOULD RESIGN”. Kenapa Tun tak highlight benda ni? Kenapa Tun seolah-olah naik angin kepada Dato Seri Idris?
7) Ketika krisis perlantikan MB Terengganu dengan Istana, Istana tidak pernah mengeluarkan sebab sebenar kenapa Dato Seri Idris tidak boleh dilantik. Tetapi Tun telah mengeluarkan kenyataan seolah-olah Dato Seri Idris telah melakukan kesalahan dengan mengatakan bahawa “It was the King’s right”. Kenapa?
Semoga Tun dapat menjawab soalan-soalan saya ini. I’m eager to wait for your response.
Terima kasih.
Boleh Tun detailkan jumlah RM 2 billion yg Tun katakan tu?
Salam Ayahanda rakyat,
Yes. A watse. These people (PL&Co) knows nothing about nation building. Hense, all the wastage of billions of ringgit.
‘You can see the flop even before the flip’.
To By T on July 25, 2008 10:17 AM
There is only one tiny weeny itsy bit of obstacle standing in the way of Malaysia achieving great height in anything it chooses to compete – the NEP.
Really? Are you so sure that the NEP is at fault? Or is it the
DAP@PAP plans/schemes/conspires to eradicate the NEP so that they can take over. Since the NEP is design to help the Bumiputras i.e getting jobs at government institutions, by eradicating it, those
jobs and post will be wide open for so called PAP’s coloborators to fill. Even as we speak, the island to the south tentacles are creeping deep into malaysia.
There are lots of traitors and coloborators nowdays. I know that Mine’s complex is now own by them. Heard that Alamanda is next. The sad thing is Alamanda is in Putrajaya. Our Administrative capital. If they succeed in owning it, it is an insult to malaysians.
Salam ayahanda dan bonda siti and colleagues of
I’ve been to the crystal mosque. While the function of a mosque is to host a multitude of spiritual and non-spiritual activities, this particular mosque sits at the very edge of the theme park where it is furthest away from the daily jamaah. It is isolated, empty and meaningless when the most basic function is not met. It might as well function as a surau since it caters for individual visitors who need to perform their prayers rather than for jamaah congregation. All that aside, I don’t understand what’s so special about the mosque during the day, but at night it’s quite majestic. If publicity is actually needed for this mosque, an evening shot would certainly do the trick.
Why so much complain??
Vote BN UMNO boleh!!
Dear Tun and fellow bloggers
Message for Mohd Siva art pillay,
You have no clue and idea, what a pity.
You are easily influnce by Anwar Ibrahim, sorry for you.
I feel sorry for your wife and children (if you have one),for having a husband and a father of such a very very negative character, how do you communicate with people,my guess you must be very rude and impertinent . You never learn civic and manner ?, you father or your family never teach you? What a pity. Thank god i am not your neighbour or my golf buddy.
Tun Take care and thank you for what you have done for all of us anak Malaysia.
We love you
Old Edwardian.
Maaf salam nya pendek.nak kata kat orang.
TO MR LUPO: To me ,I won’t hit mohd sivakumar but instead I
will put both of them (mohd sivakumar and the snake)
in a gunny sack and let’s see the fun –BETTER MUCH-
what say you!
Semoga Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda sentiasa berada di dalam limpahan rahmat Allah SWT
Masih support BN & UMNO?? ….
THE SUN – R. Nadeswaran and Terence Fernandez
LONDON : The Youth and Sports Ministry entered into a multi-million ringgit agreement to host a football tournament with a company with a paid up-capital of just RM650 and accumulated losses exceeding RM6.5 million.
If it had carried out a due diligence test, as is required by practice and convention, before entering into an agreement involving such a big amount of money, it certainly would not have parted with RM17 million as “bidding fees” to host the Champions Youth Cup (CYC) tournament last year. And certainly, it would not have parted with RM8 million as “advance” for this yearâs tournament, which has since been aborted.
For the record, the tournament held in four venues was a failure in terms of crowd support, gate collections and television viewership, despite promises of “Malaysia being mentioned several hundred times in international dispatches”.
Both the ministry and the London-based Gifted Group Ltd are now embroiled in a controversy over the now-aborted tournament after the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) refused to sanction the tournament. Both Gifted and the ministry have threatened to sue each other for breach.
All this could have been avoided if only officials in the ministry had carried out checks.
Gifted Groupâs Jonathan James Price and former youth and sports minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said had always maintained that the monies paid to the company were “bidding fees” but nowhere in the world does any country “bid” to host any tournament for three consecutive years.
But an examination of Gifted Groupâs filings with the Companies House here (the equivalent of Companies Commission of Malaysia) revealed that the RM17 million from Malaysia may have pulled Gifted Group out of financial trouble.
According to its accounts, it had accumulated losses of £1.044 million as of June 30, 2006. No further returns have been filed.
Price holds 74% of the shares (the other 26% being held by Indigo Holdings Ltd) and has six other subsidiaries of which only one â Gifted Management Ltd â is active. It, too, incurred losses of £58,000 (RM375,000) in 2005, which was carried forward the following year although records show there was no trading or transactions.
The records also show that the company has an outstanding loan of £600,000 (RM3.8 million) from an unnamed investor at an interest of 2% per annum. Interest due was £46,358 (RM299,000) and was to be settled on or before Nov 8 last year. The CYC was launched on March 16, 2007 and the tournament held in August. There have been no subsequent filings of company accounts.
Efforts by theSun to seek comments from Gifted Group drew a blank as it is operating from an office suite complex in upmarket central London, a stoneâs throw from Parliament House, to which access is restricted by receptionists who control access to all offices there.
Reached by phone from the reception at the ground floor, Priceâs secretary, someone who gave her name as Marissa, said her boss was out of town. They have yet to return calls to theSun
dear tun,
it seems the gov is going over ikan bilis – what is 3 million of brand new mercs, bought legally though not abiding GO, then the big jerung who wasted countless billions on cancellation of half-bridge and the sale of mv agusta. the ACA is being burdened with ‘trivial’, what a pity! there are many big cases faded out in the media, and tun pointed out before, we malaysian are ‘forgetful’
wishing you healthy always
Assalam mualaikum
YBerbahgia Tun, sehat-sehat hendaknya.
By proposing North South Highway, Electrified Double Tracking, Port of Tanjung Perlepas (PTP) and other major ports, Tun is having this grand idea, one of which is to transport goods, products, services and commuter to and fro, which will end up in the Malaysian Southern Region.
Malaysia will repeat and emulate its glamoures bygone era during the heyday of Melaka Sultanate.
It is part of the grand planning of Trans Asian transportation and communication system which starts from Europe and end up at the Malaysia Southern Region.
Now, why would world ports operator and giant shipping and forwarding companies be interested in PTP, when they are unable to pass through Selat Tebrau?
Ships that stops at PTP would have to make a long way turn and circle back to the old route. This is not appealing and not viable enought to warrant any building of any port of any kind in the Southern Region to compete with the Singapore Port, which is just about 40km away from each other.
This is where the Gerbang Perdana came in and play it parts and hence one of the reason of why the bridge is built crocked (‘bengkok’) and elevated to let the highest ships that will ply the Selat Tebrau.
Once Tambak Johor is demolish, and forget about it historical value and smelly stagnant water, and with the attractiveness of PTP offering, all goods and products from Thailand, Vietnam and its region, China and as far as India, Middle East and Europe for that matter, would end up in all ports in Malaysia and not only Port of Tanjung Perlepas. Transportation of goods would be cheaper by inland ports once all countries completed their highway grid.Other industries like tourism for example will follow suite.
By then almost all shippers all over the world would say goodbye to Singapore Port. Singapore would be half dead by then.
Now, would you call that kind of Master Planning by Tun brilliant or what..!!!
This is the most brilliant idea by Tun to get rid and silent Singapore for good. This is done by planning and placing all important infrastructure ready before Economic War against Singapore is declared.
All this strategic planning is hampered by the stupidity and short sightedness of Pak Lah as a leader to forsee Tun’s Grand Master Plan.
Worst things now is that the Singapore Government is counter attacking and succeeding in getting Batu Puteh and is now trying to get the 12 neutical mile zone around Batu Puteh.
It needs a brilliant Prime Minister and strategist on the Malaysian parts to counter attack and counter planning to overcome all the current hurdle created by the Singapore Government. Do you think Pak Lah and the geng would be able to do that. He is no match against Kuan Yiew.
If you really thing of it, Singapore is actually succeeded in attacking Johor in a way by acquiring Batu Puteh without a single bullet and now it is planning to acquire the 12 neutical mile zone surrounding the island.
Well, not to mention its planning by Temasek Holding to buy over Johor by purchasing freehold lands and buildings at the Wilayah Iskandar.
What would become of Johor and its Kedaulatan. Without the help of Orang-orang Melayu and UMNO, the Sultan would be nothing and letting Pak Lah having a free hand would one by one ‘mengadai dan menjual maruah orang-orang Melayu”. Be damped with Pak Lah.
Don’t the Malaysian strategist and tactical war Generals and planner forsee such an even would occurs.
If we are hoping Pak Lah would even bother to understand what Tun’s is planning and Kuan Yiew Grand Master Plan, then we will be in for a shock.
As I have said earlier in my previous posting, DAP which is actually PAP (People’s Action Party of Singapore) brother, is playing their parts inside Malaysia by conquering state by state in Malaysia with the help of PKR (Melayu) and PAS (Islam). It seems that Lee Kuan Yiew is ahead in the race against Malaysia.
Now, who is in their right mind not to think and not forsee that the Master Planning is in the making. I hope PAS, PKR and Orang-orang Melayu will come to their senses.
All Sultans in Malaysia should realise and they are considered lucky to have Orang-orang Melayu around them, for they would undergone a similiar fate comparatively to countries like India, Nepal, Iran and the rest of the world where all monarchy system are rendered useless.
Wake up and throw away weak Prime Minister and weak UMNO leader before it is to late
Fr Halem Hamed
Tampin Melaka
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Setiap kali saya membaca tulisan TUN, saya amat merasa sedih mengenangkan nasib orang Melayu dan Parti UMNO sendiri.
Kenapa orang Melayu yang berkuasa bersikap seperti ini. Kasihani orang-orang yang susah dan perlukan bantuan.
Kuatkan kuasa orang MELAYU, teguhkan ikatan antara yang kaya & miskin, kuatkanlah ekonomi orang MELAYU.
Hari ini politik Malaysia telah berada ditahap tepu yang menyebabkan kestabilannya tergugat. Rentetan ketidakstabilan politik maka perancangan dan agenda ekonomi serta pembangunan rakyat semakin parah.
Kepimpinan yang sedia ada seharusnya melihat dari satu perspektif yang lain dan menjalankan agenda pembangunan yang menjadi tunggak perancangan ekonomi lebih stabil.
Kadar inflasi yang dijangkakan akan meningkat sehingga 7 peratus pada bulan Jun dan Julai akan menyebabkan kos sara hidup meningkat dan menekan kehidupan semua rakyat. Kaum yang bakal menghadapi krisis ini dengan teruk ialah kaum Melayu.
Kalau dilihat,pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu terlalu sibuk dengan agenda yang berkepentingan sendiri manakala pemimpin-pemimpin kaum lain sedang sibuk membawa isu-isu kaum mereka untuk diperjuangkan.
Boleh dilihat banyak isu-isu kaum lain telah mendapat perhatian dan kelulusan seolah-olah kaum mereka telah ditindas dan perlu diberikan hak. Akhirnya hak kaum Melayu telah dihakis sedikit demi sedikit.
Ahli politik Melayu terlalu asyik dengan politik yang semakin kotor seperti apa yang telah diberitahu oleh Timbalan perdana Menteri. Pada masa yang sama kaum Melayu yang berada di dalam kegelapan dan kepayahan untuk meneruskan kehidupan di bumi yang pernah digelar Tanah Melayu.
Tidak mustahil bahawa satu hari nanti tanah ini akan tergadai disebabkan oleh kepimpinan Melayu sendiri samada dari pihak kerajaan atau pembangkang.
Pemimpin Melayu hari ini perlu segera sedar dan bangun membela agenda Melayu. Bukan asyik dengan bergeseran sesama sendiri yang kononya setiap daripada mereka cuba memperlihatkan bahawa mereka adalah pejuang kepada rakyat.
Rakyat daripada semua kaum boleh dikatakan semakin jelak dengan permainan politik yang menyebabkan kehidupan harian menjadi susah dari sehari ke sehari.
Bukankah adalah lebih baik memikirkan cara untuk menguatkan kembali ekonomi dengan duduk berbincang bersama tanpa ada tujuan berkepentingan sendiri.
Semua pemimpin di atas boleh hidup dengan lega disebabkan mempunyai kuasa wang dan beli yang tinggi. Bagaimana pula dengan rakyat dibawah? Fikirkanlah tentang generasi yang akan datang.
Kalau berlaku satu hari pada masa depan di mana kepimpinan terdahulu dicerca disebabkan kelakuan dan kesilapan mereka, apakah ini yang mahu ditinggalkan?
Haruskah generasi akan datang menangis dibumi sendiri kerana kesilapan hari ini?
Jangan lupa hukum Allah amat berat bagi mereka yang mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai khalifah di muka bumi ini.
Kembalilah bersatu,buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih sebelum Melayu hilang di Malaysia.
Kaum Melayu harus bersatu untuk kuat dan bertoleransi dengan kaum lain untuk maju dan menjalani kehidupan yang aman.
Salam Tun…
Kami sudah muak dengan politik kotor masa kini yang lebih suka menjatuhkan seseorang dengan cara memfitnah…Kami masyarakat Sarawak amat malu dengan politik kotor kerajaan pusat buat masa ini…mahu rasanya keluar saja dari Malaysia…biar Sarawak diperintah oleh rakyat Sarawak sendiri…Meskipun kami di Sarawak ini terdapat juga pembangkang namun kami tidak pernah menjatuhkan seseorang dengan fitnah yang begitu menjijikkan…
assalamualaikum Tun and all,
Tun dah tak tulis hampir empat hari…napa hah? Tak sihat ka Tun?
InsyaAllah Tun cuma sibuk kot. Takpa…mai la kita rakyat Malaysia yg sayangkan Tun dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah bersama-sama panjatkan doa semoga depa berdua sihat walafiat dan dikurniakan keazaman dan minda yang segar seperti selalu.
Meh la kita berdoa….
How are you and family today? MISSING YOU BY THE SECONDS OF THE CLOCK TICKS.
If you are tired, please take a very good rest,otherwise PLEASE keep on enlightening us.
Please Ayahanda Tun, dont get the least annoyed with THIS ‘RECALCITRANT’ CHAP. He is not worth your attention.
Salam Tun dan semua
Teruskan dengan pendedahan yang hangat2.
How are you and family today? MISSING YOU BY THE SECONDS OF THE CLOCK TICKS.
If you are tired, please take a very good rest,otherwise PLEASE keep on enlightening us.
Please Ayahanda Tun, dont get the least annoyed with THIS ‘RECALCITRANT’ CHAP. He is not worth your attention.
I see some folks here do get really emotional and use hateful words. Bad upbringing especially for a man who claims to be an Indian….well very bad karma!
It is probably the influence of westerm ideology.They do not have a great civilization or philosophy hence for them Political Democracy is the ultimate freedom. But the Eastern Mind is different, it seeks self-freedom and unless one is not free, no democracy can help. Hence the people of the East were not so bothered about political democracy.
Money is a great medium of exchange. If hoarded too much it becomes a disease, neurosis it must flow like a river, hence the term “currency”, it flows…..the faster it flows, exchanges from one hand to another the richer the society becomes. But we have to draw a certain line here that is on wastage. Losing money is one thing but wasting it is a crime. Some say Tun Mahathir embarked on mega projects, but at least we can see them, it is visible. Pak Lah wants projects that benefit the people but doesn’t all projects benefit people unless he is building a castle in the Moon?
Nevertheless we have yet to see Pak Lah’s people’s projects ad the worst thing is that more money already spent than during mahathir’s time. Probably it is the “undercurrent”, visible and dangerous.
One should choose, money spent but invisible projects or money spent and visible habitats. Humans are habitat builders, all our buildings and architecture relate to certain faction of our customs. Does not one become breathless and wonder in affection when one drives by Putrajaya. You can it wasteful if you like but it becomes a habitat for thousands – Man, flora and Fauna in deep symbiosis.
The Govt has wasted Pedra Branca. It now belongs to Singapore underthe pretext of illogical conclusion. Just because you take care of your neighbours child, maintain him and all that, does the child ultimately belong to you? This entire territory, parts of the archipelago including Singapore belongs to Malaysia. It is through goodwill SIngapore was given it’s own autonomy. Then how can Pedra Branca become Singapore’s when it is closer to Malaysia? Now they even claim 200 nautical miles of Economic zone. Doesn’t this tantamount to an act of war? Singapore once said if they water supply from Malaysia to it’s Iland is distrupted/severed ,it was an act of war.
But we are generous. We have created an extension of Singapore in Iskandar Development. Goodluck Pak Lah.
Dear Tun,
i have sense that alota people especially the pessimist don’t have a clear view about themselves…is this what they called “kebebasan bersuara”..i read some of the articles from keadilan and harakah..but when it comes to you i wonder why most of them trying to shut you down…weird…i am aware that we are living in a world with full of confusion and hipocracy…they are not being fair…they have no right solution…only good in accusing or making false assumptions….
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Tertanya2 adakah Tun sihat? Jaga kesihatan Tun.
Mohd Sivakumar,
If I see you and a snake, you know who I will knock first…
Tun, kenapa senyap ni…tak shiok lah kalau satu hari tak baca pandangan Tu..
Harap Tun berdua selalu…
1)Semoga tun sihat…..lama tak tulis benda baru tun…malas nak komen dah…
2)Buat mohd sevakumar….pooorahhhhh!!!!! tui……mu anak buah sami velu rambut palsu ke????
3)Tun…sila buat parti baru….secepat mungkin….tak payah dok harap umno lagi…buat pakatan dengan bekas ahli umno,pas,adil yang ingin berjuang untuk alif,ba,ta….
Salam Tun,
I read your blog 5 days a week. If you can pls say something at least every 2 days. 1 story & hundreds of comments on the story very tired to read lah… When i watch the series ‘House’ it reminds me of you. hahahaha……
Now PM & DPM no comments for today. WHY? I also want to know…
Are they out of bullets or planning a “No way PKR is gonna be the goverment of Malaysia” agenda or they have just realize that whatever that comes out of their unintelligent mouth always, always put them in a spot?
I want an answer from you sir..! Rais told US to mind their beeswax, then invite the diplomats including US to explain about the Anwar situation. How’s that ???
Tun, you are no longer in any membership of any kind. I would like to hear an opinion from you about ‘PKR, the goverment of Malaysia…. soon !’
You already know that we, the rakyat cannot comprehend the current goverment.
Waiting for an answer. Thank you…
Assalamuâalakum Tun,
Macam-macam cara dia orang ni boleh songlap duit kerajaan i.e. rakyat. Boleh dengan cara itulah dan inilah, melalui senggaraan(maintenance) kereta Perdana, melalui pengambilan tanah rakyat untuk buat projek, melalui apapun; pokoknya boleh buat duit. Misalnya di Melaka ni ada wakil rakyat yang pandai bersendiwara dengan orang kampong dan kononnya berjiwa rakyat buat projek sekolah Arab ambil tanah orang kampung dengan harga yang murah tetapi menjualnya dengan harga dua lipat kali ganda kepada majlis yang bertanggungjawab. Projek inipun sengaja dibuat di sebelah tanah miliknya yang telah dibangunkan dengan rumah-rumah sewanya dan mahligai agong miliknya. Dia ni dan mereka Yang Berhormat seperti di Trengganu tu bukan ambil perduli nasib rakyat. Dah dipilih menjadi YB dan dengan agak spontan dianugerahkan gelaran Datuk perlulah nak jaga status dengan gaya hidup orang bangsawan. Apalah Perdana sedangkan orang niaga abc pun banyak memilikinya. Yang peliknya golongan ini boleh maintain Perdana tanpa melalak-lalak mengkeji Proton seperti MB Trengganu tu. Inilah dia pemimpin kita. Minta dia tengok diri dalam cerminâ¦hodoh ataupun tidak? Mungkin ramai yang tutup TV bila mukanya terpapar. Jangan temberanglah â semua helah ada dalam kocek kami!
Salam Tun,
Rakyat sering digesa oleh kerajaan agar mengamalkan langkah berjimat cermat di dalam keadaan gawat sekarang ini tetapi nampaknya orang atasan kerajaan sendiri yang mengamalkan pembaziran melampau. Kerajaan pimpinan Pak Lah memang sentiasa mengamalkan konsep “cakap tak serupa bikin”…
Salam, Tun
Kepada semua cawangan-cawangan UMNO dan Ahli-Ahli UMNO seluruh Negara khsusnya UMNO Cawangan Parit Sulong, Batu Pahat, Johor, demi untuk memertabatkan Agama Islam, Melayu dan Negaraku Malaysia tolaklah Pak Lah dan Datuk Seri Najib sebagai pemimpin kita.
Ya ALLAH perkenankanlah permohonan hambamu ini berilah pertunjuk dan hidayah kepada semua pemimpin Negaraku Malaysia agar sentiasa ikhlas, amanah dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka.
Marilah warga sama-samalah kita berdoa dan jangan putus asa ikutilah jejak Tun walaupun dah berusia namun masih berjuang demi sayangkan Islam, Melayu dan Malaysia.
Tun, saya mewakili warga Parit Sulong ingin sekali nak berjumpa dengan Tun, datanglah sekejap pun tak pe pasti masyarakat Parit Sulong menghargainya dan berbesar hati.
Masa saya remaja belasan tahun saya cakap ngan Arwah ayah saya, ayah besok kalau saya kahwin tolong hantarkan kad jemputan kat Tun, masa itu Tun PM Malaysia. Ketika itu arwah ayah saya Setiausaha UMNO Cawangan Parit Sulong, kemudian dia pun ada menghantarkan jemputan pada Tun, namun didalam hati saya kalau Tun tak datang pun tak pe sebab saya faham kesibukan dan tanggungjawab Tun ketika itu dan puas hati.
Tun kalau nak datang email kat saya [email protected], sebab saya nak war-warkan pada warga Parit Sulong.
Saya pun tidak berani nak tuduh anuar tu meliwat
kalu betul lah….adakah penyokong anuar masih menyatakan
anuar tidak bersalah?
adakah penyokong anuar hendak tunggu diri diaorang diliwat
baru nak percaya.. hahahahhahahhahahahahha
adakah penyokong anuar hendak tunggu diri diaorang diliwat
baru nak percaya.. hahahahhahahhahahahahha
adakah penyokong anuar hendak tunggu diri diaorang diliwat
baru nak percaya.. hahahahhahahhahahahahha
jangan kerana ke egoan diri sendiri, anda masih tidak dapat memahami …
Agama Islam menyuruh kita belajar dari masa ke semasa… kalu yang kurang, perlu tambahkan… jangan salah kan TUN, Kita semua pn belum tahu ilmu agama masing2 di tahap aper. Jangan mudah persendakan org lain tanpa melihat diri kita sendiri…
Terima Kasih TUN kerana masih memikul tanggungjawab sebagai pemimpin & cuba menyelamatkan bangsa walaupun dah bersara.
MOga TUN dirahmati & diBerkati Allah selalu
Assalamualaikum tun,
Boleh tak tun komen mengenai proton, Terlalu banyak persoalan yang timbul kerana proton tidak menjadi seperti yang diharapkan.Mungkin juga tiada sokongan kerajaan selepas tun turun.
Apa komen tun mengenai MB terengganu yang menukar penggunaan kereta proton Perdana kepada kereta mewah.
Persoalan lain,
1.kenapa proton tidak memperbaiki kotak gear box perdana yang dari dulu lagi kita dengan aduan daripada pemakai proton perdana?
2.Enjin, kenapa tiada enjin yang lain dibuat oleh proton yang CC nya lebih tinggi dari 2000cc.
2.Kenapa bentuknya tidak dipertingkatkan dengan pelbagai jenis bentuk, enjin, teknologi diserapkan dalam pembinaan kereta proton.
Dear Tun,
It has been several days you have not write any new snippet for your readers.I presumed you are fine and healthy. Anyway, while I am waiting for your new snippet I would like to make a comment on Trengganu issue-the purchase of 14 units of Merc for the state.
If the FT government has the actual right to control what cars are to be used by state ministers , then Trengganu state government is still far too backwards(only buy now) as I believed many states ministers have been driving well brand imported cars long time ago.
I have coincidently visited the SARAWAK STATE ASSEMBLY a few years ago with my foreign friends & we were so surprised that majority of the State ministers were using well brand imported cars. The building car park were like a car shows…fantastic & radiculous.. majority of the cars are very very luxurious and of course expensive.
So,my question is why the FT government would allow this take place in Sarawak (& maybe also other states) and not in Trengganu??? Is it a double standard policy applied here ???
Assalamualaikum WBT YBHG Tun,
Izinkan saya tukar tajuk jap.
Saya ahli UMNO Bahagian Gombak mencalonkan Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir sebagai calon Presiden UMNO.
Camana, ok tak TUN?
Angan-angan je tu. Tapi tak mustahil…
Salam Tun,
The general public is of the opinion that under Tun’s administration, billions are spent and are ‘seen’ to be spent on various projects across the nation. This includes, KLIA airport, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Sepang Circuit etc.
However under Pak Lah’s reign, billions more are spent but the benefits appear “hidden” from the general public.
Many see very little logic in organizing a billion dollar yacht event such as the Monsoon Cup and hardly anyone in Malaysia does any yachting or have an interest in sailing. Ask any Joe/Jane on streets to name three world class yacht teams and most will not be able to do so. This may also explain the problems faced by the Tour of Langkawi. But ask to name the three most famous Formula One driver and teams and they’ll be able to give you five.
So much spent so little filters back to people.
/// By cyberdroxxx on July 22, 2008 12:53 PM
Dear TUN
Very thoughtful of you to plan viable projects. I strongly agree to your idea of the new bridge replacing the old causeway in Johor. When the old causeway is removed, water of the Tebrau Straits can circulate better. International ships and seafreight can pass through. Seafreight toll charges can be imposed to foreign ships plying the route which means another foreign income revenue for Malaysia. These sea traffic will promote, encourage and enhanced business and economic growth along the South coastline which will be good for the locals there to do business. A lot of other supporting business like food, transportation, freight forwarding, industrial estates and factories will definitely flourished. Since they are very near to the port and the new bridge. Port of Tg Pelepas will definitely becomes the world’s busiest port like the PSA port of Singapore. ///
Just thought this piece should not go unchallenged. Just like calling Anwar Ibrahim a sodomite twice in ten years does not make him one. Yes, repeat a lie often enough, and there will be enough fools who would believe in it.
First, the waste of money canceling the crooked bridge was largely due to the compensations paid to the contractors and “consultants”. Can you imagine imputing huge profits even when the project is aborted? And for those who really want to find the truth, please go and find out who the beneficiaries are. I am sure Tun will have the answers.
Better water circulation with the bridge? Hogwash. The water beneath the causeway is able to flow from east to west and vice versa as there are existing culverts below the causeway. The pollution is mainly from the Johor side.
Foreign ships passing through the Johor Straits? Yes, but small ones with shallow draft and low headroom. Don’t forget the existing bridge at Link Dua (linking Tuas in Singapore to Kampong Ladang in Johor). The navigational channel is only 75m wide and 25m high. So much for being an international sea route. The fact is only pleasure crafts and small cargo ships can pass through.
Even then, why would commercial ships pass through this route which is tortuous and meandering and actually is a longer route than going south of Singapore. Don’t believe me – take a look at any map or navigational chart of the area.
Port of Tanjong Pelapas becoming the busiest port in the world? Dream on. The only reason that ships and shipping lines are based in PTP is because the land lease was given away for a song.
Running any port or airport is not about hardwares and infrastructures. Those are necessary, but not sufficient conditions. Why not make KL the airport hub of the world? There is no constraint like the sea port. KLIA has one of the best infrastructure in the world – why is it still stuck in the mud? People. Good people to run the place. So, if you are really serious about being the best in the world, first thing is to have the best people to run it. But if you insist of kulit-fication instead of qualification, then Malaysia will never amount to much. There is only one tiny weeny itsy bit of obstacle standing in the way of Malaysia achieving great height in anything it chooses to compete – the NEP.
Nuff said.
a’kum tun. smuga tun sihat sejahtera disamping family tersayang.
Anyway mengenai pembaziran yg dibuat oleh pak lah ni mmg x patut sewenang2 menabur wang dengan tanpa memikir apa kesannya nnt.
Apa2 pun Tun tetap idola saya sehingga ke akhir zaman. Take care
pembangunan bandaraya pesisir pantai d kuala trenganu tidak menguntungkan rkyat pun. hanya mengkayakan sesetengah pihak. PATRICK LIM/ PATRICK BADAWI. sudah cukup kaya hasil projek tersebut. menantu kesayangan paklah n scomi lagi n lagi n lebih kaya la…
INAI KIARA company yg dapat banyak kerja utk buat tambak laut. company ni dah nak gulung tikar dah dulu. bila khairy ada, ia hidup segar kembali. buka ofis cawangan di bayan baru, penang. utk projek jambatan etc plak kot di penang. bila khairy dalam FAM, banyak sponsor termasuk INAI KIARA.
elok juga sultan trenganu tak perkenan idris jusoh tu.
tapi mb ahmad said ni plak p beli mercedes sampai 14 bijik, isu wang ehwan d tukar kepada royalti. harap tun komen sket…
ingat tak masa piala asia dulu yg malaysia d belasah teruk oleh team2 from asia. time tu tengku abdullah timb presiden FAM kecewa n letak jawatan. khairy pun ajk FAM turut letak jawatan kononnya sependapat n bertanggungjawab… sikit punya lakonan dia buat, last sekali time pemilihan FAM dia tawar diri jadi timb presiden FAM. bijak n cerdik tak kena gaya… cara halus dia tikam tengku mahkota pahang tu… di buat pula team polo kuda (jagho polo). ada saja plan si budak hitam ni. sampai perkahwinan dia pun dia rancang rapi. bukannya atas dasar kasih n cinta pada nori pun…
syarikat penghantaran pos transmile yg bertanggungjawab hantar surat utk pos malaysia ke padalaman sabah sarawak pun dia kacau… sebab company milik bumiputera tu tak sekongkol dgn dia. salah seorang syer partner company tu pun tengku mahkota pahang…
apa yg dia dok attact tengku pun tak tau.
kami perlu dapat nasihat tun macam mana nak singkirkan paklah n khairy ni… tun juga tlg bagi gambaran yg desas desus anwar nak form kerajaan 16sept ni… macam tak percaya tapi ada kemungkinan. bagi kami tun n tun daim pandai merangka n meramal coz selalu buat homework. tun daim buktikan yg peringatan nya tentang 4-5 tersebut negeri bakal kecundang… terbukti. tun juga telah memperingatkan kerajaan paklah yg anwar mampu tubuh kerajaan. tapi paklah macam tak endah…
jiwa kami masih ingin terus berjuang kerana ” akulah penyambung warisan”
Ayahanda Tun… teruskan membuat teguran tanpa jemu demi untuk bangsa malaysia !!
en. mohd sivakumar art pillay
anda manusia yg tak pernah bersyukur.. bangsa anda semakin maju selama di bawah teraju Tun. Jgn salahkan org lain.. tanyalah diri..apa yg DS Samy telah lakukan selama ini utk anda? apa yg DSAI boleh lakukan utk anda?
ada mata.. lihat.
ada telinga.. dengar.
ada otak.. fikir. bukan letak di kepala lutut !!
Salam Tokdet…
Harap2 Tokdet sihat2 selalu, dah 4 hari tak update blog… mungkin tok busy kot.
Lepas tengok berita malam tadi dan setelah saya fikir-fikirkan benda ni pada pendapat saya, MB T’ganu, Datuk Ahmad Said ni ada hidden agenda atas pembelian Merc untuk Exco T’ganu…
Mungkin Ahmad Said sengaja highlight kan pembelian kereta2 Merc ni baru lah satu Malaysia ni buka mata dengar dan tahu akan pembaziran dan korupsi yang telah dilakukan oleh bekas MB Idris Jusoh ni. Walaupun saya tetap dengan pendapat pembelian Merc satu pembaziran…
Jika itu sebenarnya matlamat MB Ahmad Said saya ucapkan tahniah kerana berjaya buka mata orang ramai akan korupsi bekas MB Idris Jusoh dan kroni-kroninya…
Mari kita tunggu jawapan kerani yang silap taip tu… 🙂
It is not to say Singapore is really goodâ¦.. but looks like our cabinet ministers tak berapa pandai….. Camna nak buat polisi baguih-baguih …..
Hehehe… ada ke peluang nak capai Wawasan 2020 dibawah pemerintahan sekarang.
So? Wawasan 2020 dari Tun hanya tinggal mimpi aje ler…
Malaysia & Singapore (Ministers) Comparison
PM Lee Hsien Loong, Cambridge University – First Class Honours (1974) & Harvard University – Masters (1980)
PM Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, University of Malaya – Bachelor of Arts Honours (1964)
SM Goh Chok Tong, University of Singapore – First Class Honours (1964) & Williams College, USA – Masters (1967)
Deputy PM Dato ‘ Sri Najib Razak, University of Nottingham – Bachelor of Arts Honours (1974)
MM Lee Kuan Yew, Cambridge University – First Class Honours (1949)
Minister of Foreign Affairs Syed Hamid Albar – Bachelor of Arts (UiTM??) – Can someone tell me his university?
Minister for Law Prof. S Jayakumar University of Singapore – Bachelor of Law Honours (1963) & Yale University – Masters (1966)
Ex-Ministry of Works – Dato ‘ Seri Samy Vellu – Education unknown? May be Form 6, Anderson School
Minister for Home Affairs Wong Kan Seng – University of Singapore – Bachelor of Arts & Business Admin (1977) & London Business School – Masters (1979)
Ministry of International Trade & Industry Rafidah binti Aziz, Universiti Malaya – Bachelor of Arts Honours
Minister for Foreign Affairs BG George Yeo, Cambridge University – Double First Class Honours (1976) & Harvard Business School – MBA w/ Distinction (1985)
Minister of Agriculture Muhyiddin Yassin – Education Unknown?? May be Polytechnic Ungku Omar
Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang, Cambridge University – First Class Honours w/ Distinction (1976) Harvard University – Masters (1986)
Ministry of Domestic Trade Shafie Apdal – Education Unknown??? May be Form 5, Failed English.
Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean, University of Manchester – First Class Honours (1976) & Imperial College, London – Masters w/ Distinction (1977)
Minister of Education Hishammuddin Hussein – Education Unknown??? May be Bachelor of Arts, Social Science.
Minister for Education Tharman Shanmugaratnam London School of Economics – Bachelor of Arts Cambridge University & Harvard University – Masters
Ex-Minister of Home Affairs Radzi bin Sheikh Ahmad – Education unknown?? May be Kolej Islam Malaysia , Diploma .
**That is why they are so desperate to get Khairy Jamaluddin up so fast, because he is from Cambridge University. God knows how he got in!
salam TDM,
Sudah 3 hari tiada news drpd tun? harap tun sht hendaknye. saya doakan kesihatan tun tiada apa2 masalah. semoga allah melindungi TDM dan Tun Siti Hasmah. 3 hari yang boring….
“More Waste & Losses” during your 22-year autocratic and draconian governance, Tun!
As you said before, a a pot has no moral right to call the kettle black! It will be hypocrisy, if it did!
Petronas profits were completely wiped out during your regime. All the mega projects (white elephants!) were started by you! Cronyism and nepotism were the order of the day during your rule! Apa nama!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
This is reality in Malaysia!
Those who started work around 1973, a 1,300 cc Japanese car was RM 7,000.00. Today the equivalent let’s say it is RM 60,000 .. 8.5 times.
In 1973 a double storey house was about RM 45,000 or less. Today it is about RM 300,000 … 6.6 times.
In 1973 an engineer’s pay was RM 1,000.00 per month. Today it is about RM 2000 +/- … 2 times.
From 1973 to 2008 … 35 years … What is the Trend? Bearish!!!!
In a stock market when the trend is bearish … What do we do? Exit!!!
When a country’s trend is bearish what do we do?
This Bearish trend is more difficult to turn around as compared to the stock market.
I have used these 3 items – House, Car and Salary as a measurement of the country’s performance for the past 35 years.
There is a book I saw in MPH bookshop entitled:
…. some of you may be interested to read up. I agreed with the writer …
This morning I was having Coffee at McDonald ( now the coffee..100% Arabica beans.. is quite good @ RM 2.90 …free refill!
I asked how much per hour is their pay? RM 3.00 per hour X 8 hours = RM 24 per day X 25 days = RM 600.00 per month.
My daughter works part-time during her University days.. she worked at Gloria Jeans Coffee in Perth, Australia …. the pay Australian $ 14.00 per day i.e. with 3.15 exchange rate = RM 44 per hour X 8 = RM 352 per day x 25 days = RM 8,800 per month.
No wonder ler… anak Menteri Pendidikan pun pi belajar ke Australia… betoi ke?
13.3 times more !!!!! …… and price of houses in Perth is about the same in KL ..and price of cars are about 23 % cheaper in Perth.
I think more and more people are becoming aware of this Bearish trend. Developed country by 2020? …means high income country.
Let’s look at some as of year 2005 (Financial Times )
USA GNP per capita US$ 35,400
UK Â GNP per capita US$ 25,510
Australia GNP per capita US$ 19,530
Singapore GNP per capita US $ 20,690
These are developed countries by income measurement.
Malaysia  GNP per capita US$ 3,540 ……. Year 2020 .. as a developed country? Really…a sad story!
Worrying Trends, isn’t it?
Ringgit sliding further and further under Pak Lah’s BN.
When I start working with PETRONAS in 1979, my salary is on RM 850.00 per month. What is my salary in 2008?
For Anwar’s fans and Tun’s haters.. if you were praying the truth to be prevailed since the last 10 years, you should think back why the ‘truth’ that you wanted is still not showing up. Maybe this is already the truth, perhaps?
Think back.. your emotion has taken over your basic common sense.
Tidak ada satu saat pun dalam kehidupan manusia yang terlepas dari perancangan Allah SWT…
AAB seorang yang bermuka tebal,
Seorang tukang bohong,
Cakap tak serupa bikin,
Menantu dan keluarga adalah segala-galanya,
Kemewahan dan kekayaan adalah segala-galanya,
Memperalat polis untuk mendapat perlindungan,
Seorang yang suka tidur dalam mesyuarat,
Hari ini cakap tak sama dengan hari esok,
Nampak bodoh di depan tapi bijak di dalam,
Mendiamkan diri apabila masalah menimpa rakyat,
Membesarkan suara apabila menteri kena tuduhan,
Nampak tabah tapi hati sebenarnya amat resah,
Bijak menyeleweng duit negara dan berdiam diri bila ditanya,
Memperkenalkan ‘YES MEN Culture’ di kalangan menteri-menteri.
dear all,
Sebenarnya kos menyenggara Proton Perdana V6 Executive tidaklah begitu tinggi seperti apa yang berlaku. Cuba saudara bloggers perhatikan gaya hidup sesetengah pemandu tersebut dengan telefon bimbit bernilai ratusan/ribuan ringgit, kenderaan yang dimiliki, girlfriend, kasut kilat dan sebagainya mengalahkan yang bergaji RM4500 keatas. Di pusat servis/workshop pemandu tersebut dilayan first class siap dengan breakfast, lunch, rokok, advance dan wang saku apabila tiba musim perayaan. Ahli Exco, MB, Timbalan Menteri, Menteri, TPM, PM memang tahu dan jelas perkara ini berlaku cuma malas nak bercerita panjang.
asalamualaikum bapak…
semuga bapak sihat sejahtera di samping kuarga tercinta….
riso gak tak nampak post terbaru bapak nih…
sok 27/7 kawan sekerje ceq kena berhenti kerja secara terhormat..
tak lama lg giliran ceq kut…TAKUTTTTTTTTTT…
takkan ceq nak balik sabak bernam duk ngan mak no..dah tua2 gini nak
duk umah mak lg….keje ngan bapak bulih dak..hehehe..huWaaaaaaaaa…
ceq kena kuatkan semangat ceq…heeee…senyum dlm tangisan…
tabik spring kat joehari 22 jul 3:39…
seronoklah baca awaknyer komen…salute lah…..
awak bole dpt anugerah anak didik bapak….
ikhlas salute lah…..go2..go…
Salam Tun,
Kepada mereka2 yang mengutuk MB Ahmad Said, cuba renungkan beberapa perkara ini:
1) MB Ahmad Said ingkar arahan Presiden UMNO supaya menolak jawatan MB
2) MB Ahmad Said ingkar dengan arahan Timbalan Presiden UMNO supaya terus menggunakan Proton Perdana.
Siapa lagi ahli UMNO yang berani melawan arus seperti beliau (kecuali Dato Mukriz)???
Kita perlukan pemimpin seperti ini untuk Malaysia bukannya yang hanya jadi ‘pok kea angguk’ kata org Terengganu. (Maksudnya ‘yes sir’)
I salute your BRAVENESS!!! Two thumbs up!!
An idiots guide to understanding Malaysian flip flop…
What is Subsidy?
A man called Ahbeng owns a farm which can produce 10 apples every day.
He has 5 workers to operate the farm.
Each of them eats 1 apple daily and it is enough to keep them operating the farm normally.
The remaining 4 apples, the landlord sells them at RM10 each and he earns RM40.
He uses the RM25 to improve the farm operation and facilities.
He gives RM2.00 to each of his workers and he keeps the remaining RM5.00 as profit.
Day by day, the farm is well developed and all of the 5 workers are happy with the money they can save.
When Ahbeng passed away and there is a new landlord, Ahmad comes to continue the farm operation.
He says to the workers:” We need to improve the farm quality and redefine our way of thinking.
From now on all of you only need to pay RM1.00 for each apple you eat. It is very cheap as the price is RM10 each outside the farm.”
The workers have no choice but to pay RM1.00 for the apple they eat daily. Their earning decrease from RM2.00 to M1.00 per person.
As usual, Ahmad sells the 4 apples and he gets RM40. He uses RM25 for farm improvement and pays RM10 to his 5 workers. He gets RM5.00 as profit. On top of that, he gets another RM5.00 from the apples that he sells to his workers. In total, he gets RM10 as profit every day.
Soon, the apple price increases to RM20 each. The new landlord gets a higher profit as he gets RM80 for the 4 apples he sells daily.
Then, he decides to give the farming improvement contract to one of his close friend, Sam. Sam says:”Apple cost naik, improvement cost also misti naik.”
So, the farm improvement cost increases from RM25 to RM50. In actual fact, the improvement only cost RM30. The remaining RM20, Ahmad and Sam share evenly among themselves.
Let’s calculate how much Ahmad gets daily:
RM10 (from farm improvement cost)
RM20 (Net profit by selling 4 apples: [Gross profit, RM80] – [Improvement
cost, RM50] – [Wages RM10] = RM20)
RM5 (from selling apples to his workers)
In total, Ahmad gets RM35 daily compare to RM10 initially when he takes over
the farm from Ahbeng.
His profit increases RM25 and the workers are still getting RM1.00 daily per
The greedy Ahmad does not want to stop there.
One day, he says to his fellow workers:” You see ah, the current market price for one apple is RM20 and you are only paying RM1.
See how lucky you are! I have to SUBSIDY RM19.00 for each of the apple you buy and total I need to SUBSIDY RM95.00.
This will greatly burden the farm and we might get bankrupt if we continue like this.
In order to avoid bankruptcy, I need to increase the apple price that you buy from RM1.00 to RM1.50 and I will bear the remaining RM18.50 per apple as my subsidy to you all. ”
So, greedy Ahmad adds RM2.50 to his current profit and the number becomes RM37.50.
After you have read the story, I am sure you have already understood the meaning/concept of “SUBSIDY” given by the “U-no-hu”
The RM95 subsidy never existed in the first place and so was the RM52 billion fuel subsidy generously “given” by the “U-no-hu”.
Cutting fuel subsidy is actually just a reason to steal money from your pocket.
Source: Rojaks
dulu masa Derih Jusoh & kawan2nya pergi jumpa Che Det beritahu korupsi yg dilakukan Ayah Wan masa dia jadi MB,Che Det buat tak tau je, tak buat apa pun. Sama je….
Yeah, more money was spent on:
1) New Castle for Agong (at Bkt Chendering) – RM 200million
2) New Car for Agong (S 500) – RM 1million
3) New Car for Agong (Bentley) – RM 1million
4) Trg Equestrian Centre (at Ibai Lagoon) – RM 30million
5) Trg Equestrian Park (at Lembah Bidong) – RM 60million
6) Renovation for Istana Trg in KL – RM 30million
7) Renovation for Istana Tamu in KT – RM 20million
8) New Car for Tg Panglima (Humvey) – RM 1million
off topic sikit
salam utk TUN
Tok Pa will get my vote for the next PM
Who will You vote and why???
Salam Tun,
Inflation rate @ 7.7% worst in 26 yrs. Interest rates have been increased…
Apa lagi kemudahan yang rakyat dapat kecapi sekarang, Tun?
Tun, you picked Mr Flip Flop before, it was a BIG mistake. Cant you take him down ? His economic advisors are all useless. They make things worse.
What DSAI says in the debate is all coming true. Tun, apa yang Tun benci sangat kat DSAI ? Pernah Tun tengok kerja sumbang dia ? Setakat dengar ckp orang, semua orang boleh buat.
Jamaluddin Jarjis mabuk, raba perempuan jelas… OK pulak.
Menteri-menteri ni as DSAI says, tak pergi pasar. Tak tau keadaan sebenar. They eat on a silver plate. Served. Rakyat marhaen yang lain ?
I went to a forum organised by Ministry of Works. The Minister cakap kosong laa Tun, nak kempen pulak pasal minyak. Tak relevan langsung, ramai keluar dewan. Menyampah.
Tun, action needed. not just hu-haa in blogs.
TQ, Tun. Take care.
Government’s money a.k.a Malaysian’s money are being spent unnecessarily.i dont think pak lah is gonna retire on 2010…probably sooner.there must a fine story behind on how he became the finance minister at the first place…let us pray for the safety of all citizen. ALLAHUAKBAR
ybg Tun,
Sememangnya Pak AAB tu patut letak jawatan. Selagi dia berkuasa, selagi itulah rakyat akan menderita. Yang dia nampak cuma yang di depan matanya saja. Dia tak sedar yang rakyat semakin sesak sekarang. Adakah ini yang dikatakan pemimpin? Rakyat disuruh berjimat sedangkan mereka menghabiskan duit rakyat. Saya yakin menjelang peralihan kuasa pada 2010 nanti akan berlaku satu lagi kejutan besar kepada kerajaan BN. Berkemungkinan besar sebuah lagi negeri akan terlepas dari BN. Ianya berpunca dari sikap tak peduli AAB dan kroninya. Rakyat di negeri tersebut dah muak dengan apa yang berlaku selama ini. Kekayaan negeri diambil tetapi rakyatnya hidup merempat. Yang pastinya AAB dan kroninya tidak pedulikan perkara ini, yang penting duit masuk kocek.
Ybg Tun,
terima kasih kerana telah menjadi seorang pemimpin yang hebat. Terima kasih kerana membangunkan Malaysia. you are the best.
good everning Tun
i don’t why got some people wrote so childish thing for you.i think he’s high education.but he emotion just like a childish.i think anwar just a big liar.cause the fuel price we can’t control.some more our country fuel is not so much.he said can make the fuel price drop half.if he get PM.but when he be PM really will do it?no people will know.anwar fans sure believe it.cause what anwar said always the rite.he always said fair for everyone.yes,he did it.but see our CPI.i don’t think he can do it.cause that’s not only our country face it.we must face the fact.june CPI 7.7%.if KL i think will be 8 to 9%.i really hope our government use the money the push our economic.i very confuse our government don’t have any plan for economic?all plan must 10 year,20 year.last i want to say is mohd sivakumar you’re not angel too.what you have done before?you’re just a normal M’sian and just like to talk rubbish only.if you so smart please use you brain to help our anwar for’re so lousy joke.
Dear Tun,
Zaid masih lagi tidak mahu kemukakan jumlah pembayaran ex-gratia kapada umum kerana masih lagi hendak menghormati kehendak bekas hakim-hakim yang telah di pecat dan didapati bersalah oleh Tribunal yang telah dilantik oleh Agong.
Sungguh ganjil sekali sikap kerajaan haprak Pak Lah yang kononnya hendak buat reformasi sistem kehakiman, badan rasuah, tranparensi, accountability dll. tapi hak rakyat untuk mendapatkan maklimat tentang pembayaran “HARAM” ini dinafikan. Mana lojiknya? Wang ex-gratia itu adalah hak rakyat dan ianya mesti diistiharkan kapada umumm. Jangan hendak menyebelahi bekas-bekas hakim yang telah nyata di hukum bersalah. Mengapa harus kerajaan mempertahankan mereka seolah-olah mereka ini macam “wali”.
Salam sejahtera buat TUN serta keluarga,
Mohd Sivakumar art pillay.
Yes please do make sure Anwar digs all the dirt about TUN.
Well…. As i still remember, 10 years ago there was these so called 6 boxes of documentation about all TUN wrong doings.
Hmmmm…. my friends and me, we are still waiting.
Erkkk…oh please dont tell me….the account from the ISRAEL NATIONAL BANK, Singapore branch is part of it… Or may be the letter to the Israel Prime Minister is part of it too.
Again salam sejahtera buat TUN,
Take care of your good health
Your are needed, STILL.
Salam Tun,
moga sihat selalu..
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES – satu ungkapan yg kerajaan BN kena ingat. kerajaan pimpinan Pak Lah yg semakin lemah dek dibodek orang keliling yg tamakkkan projek.
Projek2 koridor utara timur barat sabah sarawak.senyap dan bisu selepas pilihanraya. Apa dah jadi? projek monorail kt Penang dah cancel,sbbnya dah jd Kerajaan pembangkang ke?Jawablah Pak asyik2 bagi Najib & Menteri kewangan je bercakap. Mcm boneka je jd PM..maaflah orang2 BN kalu ada yg baca statement saya dlm blog, zaman Tun Dr M, semua rakyat hidup senang. kalu miskin cmne pun, masih mampu nk beli minyak petrol..sekarang tidak lg dengan kerajaan Pak LAh. BN = Barang Naik!
Lepas ni apa lg PROJEK nk buat?ikutlah mane yg mampu..jaga rakyat dulu..kesian rakyat. nk dpt tips jd pemimpin berkaliber dan dihormati? Rendahkan diri,jumpa Tun Dr M. Besar pengorbanan dia selama 22 tahun.Pak Lah baru 5tahun.Kalu bukan peluang Dr M bagi kt Pak Lah..sapelah Pak Lah sekarang..kena ingat tu!
Sokong Dr M!
Uhhhhhhh! Taktau nak kata lah….. Apalah yang nak jadi la ni. Pakat pakat pikiaq lah. Buah durian pun orang x boleh nak beli dah sebab orang nak beli beras…. Kereta rosak pun tak larat repair.
Dear Tun,
When I look at my children and other children when they asleep…
1511 tahun keramat negeri Melaka. Perbalahan dalaman mengundang padah. 2008 Perbalahan dalaman mengundang padah, perbatasan perairan Malaysia diuja oleh anasir luar. 2009; perbalahan masih ada, perbatasan perairan Malaysia hilang lagi. 2010; perbalahan tidak berhenti lagi, pelabur-pelabur luar lari ketempat lain. 2011; perbalahan masih berlaku, pekerja-pekerja asing mangambil alih peluang pekerjaan rakyat tempatan tanpa disedari. Orang-orang gila kuasa masih memerintah. Balik semula tahun 1957, tapi tahun nya pulak 2012. Ketua-ketua kat atas tu baru sedar dan menyesal. Tapi nasi dah jadi bubur.
YABhg Tun,
Jangan ambil peduli pada kata nista yang dilempar oleh sesetengah pelawat blog Tun. Tulisan mereka ini berbau api kebencian yang tak akan padam walau bagaimanapun kita nak terangkan kepada mereka. Mereka ini tergolong kepada golongan penyokong buta kepada individu tertentu.
Tak akan ada pemimpin yang akan mendapat sokongan 100%. Harap satu hari nanti mereka akan membuka mata dan nampak hasil positif dari pemerintahan Tun.
“US rejects claim that Anwar case is an internal affair”
Apakah hak Amerikat Syarikat mengeluarkan kenyataan sebegitu? Mengapa US begitu berminat sekali hendak mencampurkan urusan dalaman kita? Bagaimana US begitu berani hendak campurtangan urusan dalam negara kita? Wahai US, JANGAN KAMU MELAMPAUI BATAS.
Mereka hanya menunggu saat paling sesuai untuk ‘menakluki’ negara kita.
US sudah semakin berani bersuara. Dimanakah kamu wahai Perdana Menteri? Mengapa kamu tidak bersuara? Mengapa kamu berdiam diri? Orang luar sudah mula membuat penilaian terbuka terhadap negara kita. Mengapa kamu berdiam saja wahai Pak Lah? MENGAPA???!!!!
Kepada PAS, keluarlah dari Pakatan Rakyat. Sudah terang-terangan DAP tidak mahu menubuhkan negara Islam, bagaimana kamu boleh bekerjasama dengan mereka?
Pedulikan KeAdilan, mereka hanya memperjuangkan kemusnahan negara kita.
Kepada UMNO, sedarlah bahawa rakyat benci kepada kepimpinan negara sekarang. Turunlah, turunlah kamu semua dan berikanlah laluan kepada mereka yang lebih berhak dan berwibawa.
Sedang kita leka berkelahi sesama sendiri, ramai memerhati dan mentertawakan kita. Adakah kita sedar semua ini???
Salam Tun,
Diharap Tun dapat memberi cadangan atau nasihat kepada para perwakilan UMNO di perhimpunan Agung nanti agar mereka betul-betul menjadi “perwakilan” akar umbi dan bukannya “perwakilan” AAB.
Sekian, semoga Tun sentiasa sihat.
Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat di samping keluarga tersayang.
Segala yang Tun kemukakan dan terjemahkan dalam blog ini merupakan ilmiah yang terbaik buat saya untuk masa mendatang. TQ
Salamun alaikum Tun..
Sememangnya semenjak TUn menyerah tampok kepimpinan kepada Pak Lah, kami rakyat Malaysia semakin huru hara.
Tak tahulah apa nasib kita semua kelak..?
Terasa rindu pada suara2 keramat Tun .. 🙂
Semoga Allah memberi kesihatan yang baik pada Tun..
I love U
One more thing…….
16 merc punya pasal (3.3mil beli Rm200k maintainanace) ACA/BPR sudah buka fail, dah sampai pun Trengganu (working holiday kut, lepas sebuk buat kerja Anwar di KL).
Agusta BILA PULAK NAK BUKA FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not been to Trengganu for 20 year and am leaving oversea now, would somebody please take some photos of the “Crystal Mosque and theme park” and put it on a site I can visit.
My God, have this people no shame. Creating projects to make money, 50% to project 50% to pocket, or is it 40:60 or 30:70.
In my books AAB you are no.: 1, you out class and out do all the other businessman turn PM (in your case sleeping politician turn businessman). Shame on you.
Salam Hormat. Apabila YABhg.Tun bertindak keluar UMNO, one Joker said ‘the thorn in the flesh’ dah keluar. Sekarang UMNO and Pak Lah dah terkena duri. Now, a ‘thorn in the flesh’.. the MB of Trengganu and his EXCOs (many of them were once staunched supporters of Idris Jusoh). Kita lihat apa yang berlaku nanti. Tindakan terhadap MB Trengganu membeli MERCEDES untuk kegunaan resmi akan memberi ruang membuka pekong di dada.
Salam Tun,
Dalam menung2 saya melihat bahawasanya orang Melayu, pemikiran dan kesetiannya telah terbahagi kepada 4 kumpulan utama:
1. UMNO dibawah Pak Lah
2. PAS dibawah Tuan Guru Hadi Awang
3. KEADILAN dibawah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan
4. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Dalam pada itu saya dengar dan lihat pemimpin dan penyokong keempat-empat kumpulan utama ini sedang bertelagah sesama sendiri disebabkan perkara-perkara tertentu.
Soalnya, adakah ia berbaloi?
Jawapannya, sudah tentu amat tidak berbaloi.
Tidakkah ada penyelesaian atau formula bagi menangani kemelut ini? Tidakkah ada cendekiawan ataupun alim ulama yang boleh memberi pandangan bagi menangani kemelut ini?
Bolehkah kemelut ini dihentikan dan kita semua boleh fokus didalam membangun dan memertabatkan Agama,Bangsa dan Negara?
Saya yang kerdil ini ingin mencadangkan:
1. Keempat pemimpin ini mempunyai platform bagi merencana agenda pembangunan Agama,Bangsa dan Negara.
(My 2 cents: Ambillah orang PAS, KEADILAN yang berkaliber jadi Menteri dan Tun sebagai Penasihat tertinggi ker)
2. Kes Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim diselesaikan tanpa campurtangan awam dan liputan media.
(My 2 cents: Tutup buang pi jer kes ni. cari lah apa2 technical judgement nak buat sebegitu. Tak ada banyak faedahnya ia diteruskan)
3. Aktifkan kembali wawasan 2020 yang telah Tun rancang.
(My 2 cents: Hormat dan ambillah hati Tun. Lama dia fikirkan untuk kita laksanakan. Tak pernah lagi Tun mengecewakan kita dengan pandangan jauh beliau)
4. Perlaksanaan penuh Hukum Hudud diwartakan didalam wawasan 2020.
(My 2 cents: Mulai sekarang hingga 2020, bincang, kaji dan rancang pelaksanaannya secara berhati2 dan berperingkat secara bersama. Kita bukan nak apply pada orang bukan Islam. Depa continue la dengan Undang2 sekarang. Apa yang ada masalahnya.. yang paling penting sekali, Tuhan janji keamanan bilamana hambanya melaksanakan sepenuh perintah dan hukumnya. Siapa lagi yang lebih hebat daripada Tuhan. kita hamba, ikut saja lah)
dan laast sekali….
5. Keempat pemimpin ini berbincang mencari titik persepakatan di Tanah Suci Mekah.
(My 2 cents: Buat jer, tak payah bagitau pada rakyatpun. Nanti macam2 hal timbul)
Apapun, pada PRU 13 nanti, kita semua orang Melayu pakat pangkah Wakil rakyat Melayu tak kira daripada apa parti pun.
Sudahlah, cukuplah, kita semua tak larat nak bertegang urat dan bertikam lidah lagi. Kita dah penat. Biarlah kita berpenat dalam nak membangunkan Agama, Bangsa dan Negara bukan berpenat untuk menjatuhkannya.
Salam perpaduan untuk semua
Tanda2 kiamat…
masjid2 besar dibina sebagai perhiasan dan menjadi kemegahan tanpa ada orang mengimarahkannya…
beringatlah kerana ia sekarang berlaku di serata dunia, masjid terbesar di dunia kini dalam pembinaan di Pakistan!
Tun Mahathir,You are getting older and senile.With the amount of sins you have collected or accumulated in your 21 yrs of premier will be dispensed to you soon.Your good friend Datuk Seri Anwar is back,He will make sure he digs all your wrongdoings and pushes you into the dirtiest ever jail in the world.
Your days are actually numbered and counted,So for your benefit,Pls keep your nasty and smelly mouth shut inorder to keep you away from being pushed behind bars.I believe,your ARREST is imminent and you should pray more and fall on Datuk Anwar’s feet seeking apology.At least after this he might forgive you with a spit on your face as a gift.Which,I think you deserve it.
Everytime.I see you on newspaper or magazines make me very angry and most time swear’s are thrown on you for your superb doing during your tenure as a premier.
Time are getting short and your illussion act has to be ended for the peace or all muslims.You are no ANGEL and also a traitor to the indians in malaysia.
Tun yang di hormati. Maaf para Bloggers semuanya.
atas makna nama MAHATHIR & ABDULLAH. Mungkin kurang jelas pada kiriman awal tadi.
Isu Kepentingan
Angkuh Menciptakan
Baru dengar Berita TV3 tentang UMNO hendak kukuhkan Melayu serta perbincangan bersama PAS. Mohd Taib bercerita tentang persamaan ugama sesama Islam.Kenapa tidak cakap pasal Islam Hadhari?
Tengok muka AAB layu aja. Dah tak ada seri lagi. BPR sibuk soal driver Exco pasal Merc yang jadi tajuk utama di Trengganu.BPR terlupa nak siasat kes Masjid Kristal & Monsoon Cup agaknya?
Kecoh cerita Pulau Batu Putih.Putih Mata Rakyat Johor. Kesian Nelayan Johor tidak dapat cari rezeki kat sana.Dahlah semuanya naik ini nak cari sesuap nasi pun tak bolih. Sebab Pulau besebelahan yang Malaysia menang itu, lupa pula nama nya? berada kurang daripada 12 batu nautical, dah pun di tuntut Singapura.Pandai betul AAB menjalankan tugasnya hingga jadi begini.Kes DSAI pula America dah mainkan peranan untuk menyuara.Tak perlu lagi buat siasatan hantar aja DSAI duduk terus kat America. Buat apa peningkan kepala. AAB larat lagi ka nak tunggu hingga 2010. Saya sedih pun ada, gelak pun ada,Namun saya pasti Tun pun gelak agaknya berfikir. Tun masih lagi tidak dijemput untuk memberi pendapat serta komen aneh ya.Mereka telupa agaknya yang Tun masih wujud, sehat serta berpengalaman. Ops. AAB masih berkuasa tak bolh cakap nanti derhaka dan tak dapat naik pangkat. Nasib baik saya berkerja dengan pihak swasta bolih lah bersuara sikit,beri pendapat aja.Salam buat Tun yang amat di hormati, dan para Bloggers yang sama berjuang.
Kami tetap menjujung falsafah perjuangan
untuk bangsa mu Melayu, selagi ia bergelar melayu,
Pesanan 4 juta suara kepada perwakilan yang akan dilantik kePerhimpunan UMNO nanti.
‘Kami, bangsa melayu sudah hilang KEPERCAYAAN dan TIDAK lagi merestui kepimpinan UMNO yang diterajui Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan Najib Tun Razak.Seorang ‘lumpuh’ seorang lagi sakit ‘lutut’ terketar maka soal peralihan kuasa BUKAN agenda perhimpunan dan tidak relevan sama sekali.
Jika anda gagal melakukan perubahan yang dituntut rakyat melayu, maka akan robohlah rumah UMNO pada PRU 13 dan akan bermula satu era baru dipanggil bangsa Malaysia.’
Bagaimana pun, kami tidak akan membenarkan martabat dan maruah bangsa kami dihina kembali . Kalau perlu, satu pakatan Party baru bangsa Melayu akan kami tubuhkan demi menjunjung falsafah perjuangan bangsa selagi ianya bergelar MELAYU.
Alfatihah, Amin
another article for all to read…
Good Evening Tun,
I’s about four days already since the lasttime you wrote something on your Blog. What happen Tun, Are you alright? Just a bit worry as we still need you to help us to voice out.
You might not be reading this but i just hope that you are fine and in good health.
Dear Tun
Latest news…
“In one of the rare moments when Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi did not meet the press after chairing the Umno supreme council meeting in Kuala Lumpur this evening….” Why???
Salam Tun,
Dulu kat sekolah saya masih ingat apa yang di ajar oleh cikgu …
“Buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jangan sekali”…
Saya rasa dengan pemerintahan kerajaan BN sekarang ini sudah berubah kut?….
“Buat jahat berkali-kali, buat baik jangan sekali”…
Semua orang percaya bahawa Tuhan Maha pengampun dan akan memaafkan semua orang bila seseorang itu insaf….
Aik!!! manaboleh begitu mudah!!!
Sesiapa yang buat salah dan membuat perbuatan haram menyusahkan orang lain dengan perbuatan terkutuk mesti membetulkan perbuatan-perbuatan yang terkutut yang dia lakukan dahulu sebelum meminta maaf dan kembali ke jalan yang baik…Kena buat REPAIR dulu lah!!!
Mana ada SHORTCUT!!!!…Mana boleh!!!!…Itu tak aci lah!!!
Sudah enjoy cukup-cukup dan menusahkan orang dengan perbuatan haram dan kutuk, terus boleh dimaafkan!
Kalaulah orang-orang yang mati dulu dengan membuat perbuatan kutuk menjelma balik dan menceritakan apa yang sedang berlaku kepada mereka di-sana, mesti semua orang kecut dan berhenti perbuatan-perbuatan salah mereka agaknya…
p.s…Rakan-rakan blogger jangan marah ya…Kalau komen saya menyinggung perasaan sesiapa, saya minta maaf.
Sila baca artikel ini oleh penulis bangsa Yahudi yang satu-satunya bukan ber-mentaliti Zionist…malahan memuji Tun Dr. M atas pimpinannya.
the present MB TERENGGANU tiada ciri2 ‘a leader’…
depa buat projek memang tak dak planning… saya tau la. kami dok buat planning bagai nak rak. habis duit berjuta2 buat kajian. guna segala best teori practice yang ada… involve orang ramai lagi dalam memastikan dokumen yg disediakan tu betul2 diterima semua orang. buat analisis pelbagai.. korek segala data. pakai segala teknologi untuk memastikan plan kita adalah yg terbaik. tapi bila mai bab implimentation… entah dari mana pulak datang projek2 tu.. semua turun dari langit org kata.
yang dah terhasil dari kajian yang dibuat (umpama cadangan pembesaran jalan, cadangan kawasan industri, pemeliharaan alam sekitar, infrastruktur..pelancongan..etc) semuanya tak terlaksana pun. dokumen simpan dalam kabinet ja. satu lagi pembaziran wang rakyat..
majoriti projek yang dibuat untuk kepentingan politik.. (kawasan mereka, undi mereka dan poket mereka). semua ahli parlimen nak projek kat kawasan mereka. walaupun kawasan mereka tak perlukan projek tu.. huhuhu..
bila kita pergi oversea, semuanya cantik. tersusun, kemas dan sebagainya. sebab apa? sebab depa betul2 ikut planning. perlukah semua kawasan ada kawasan industri?? perlukan setiap kawasan ada apa yang kawasan lain ada?.. fikir2kan lah.
hidup tanpa planning umpama hidup tanpa panduan dan tuju arah..
junior planner.
Askum Tun and all friends,
The Trengganu’s Menteri Besar maybe being bombarded with all negative remarks because of his decission to buy Merc instead the perdanas.
On personal note: it is waste of money, HOWEVER I support his move. I could see this gentleman has vision and dare to rebel.
He openedly open up many issues how previous administration has wasted money unwisely on thing that well hidden in the closet. He trying to show to us how bad was the previous MB in spending money. He is doing very subtlely, cunning and very clever. Like pepatah melayu: Bagai tarik rambut dalam tepung.
1. Perdana Vs Merc
The maintemance cost of former MB close to RM200000 in period of only two years.
Now ACA is sending its agents to investigate – See, how clever this man is.
To ACA: Please check other States as well.
2. Complains about the quality of Perdana or Malaysian Car: Openly challenged Proton to do something about it. Now, CEO of Proton is awaken!You make big blunder with Agusta and now please do something about your products.
3. He also raised the matter on how our ministers have fleet of cars at home. Their own personal cars. He questioned, are they any ministers who has his personal Proton’s car in their garage? None. Except Perdana that being provided by the goverment. The rest are all Mercs, maybach, BMW and sport cars.
This man, he knew before hand that his about to reveal of buying mercs for his state will cause him trouble but he proceed nonetheless with that because he knew he could open up many key issues how our ministers have spent OUR money. Bijak.
Bravo and please maintain your Merc. You deserve it. I have one Gen2, a few minutes driven out from show room when I got the keys: the side mirrow fell of the holder, the window could not be used and many more problems one after another.
When my budget permitted, I will not buy anymore Proton Car. Very dissappointed!
Salam YAB Tun Dr.M,
Comment below from BN rep in Penang…
“Take a 10% pay cut if Pakatan Rakyat is serious about helping the rakyat – that was Datuk Roslan Saidin’s (BN- Pinang Tunggal) message to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
He said the money could then be used to lighten the people’s burden.
“Lim and all his state executive council members should take a pay cut instead of harping about their CAT (competency accountability and transparency) philosophy.
“The state has been talking about travelling economy class and all but what is it really doing for the people? The state is playing politics just for publicity’s sake when it should be concentrating on improving the lives of the people,” he said,
“Wang Ehsan” yang sebesar gajah lenyap entah ke mana yang patut di gunakan untuk pembangunan orang Terengganu, masakan 10% paycut pula di suggest untuk menolong rakyat kat Penang…BN, BN…Apalah nak jadi???….
Kesian rakyat Malaysia, terutama sekali yang duduk kat negeri terkaya di Malaysia (Terengganu)…..
Komen yang bernas dari Tun amat amat di hargai…
Terima Kasih/1900.
Salam Sejahtera kpd.TUN….
Setelah membaca artikal dari TUN saya merasa gusar akan ketidaktentuan pentadbiran kerajaan yang ada. Saya berasa amat sedih dengan keadaan politik negara sekarang,sehingga ada mereka yang berani mencabar perkara-perkara yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan negara kita.
Pembaziran amat dikesali dalam keadaan ekonomi yg tidak menentu.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Pembinaan Taman Tamadun Islam & Masjid Kristal di Terengganu bukan saja PEMBAZIRAN wang rakyat, malah ianya juga merupakan PENGHINAAAN kepada Agama Islam. Masakan tidak, masjid yang begitu indah dibina tetapi tidak digunakan, malahan tiada Imam pun. Selain itu, dibuat pulak banyak replika masjid-masjid indah di sekelilingnya. Seperti taman permainan kanak-kanak pulak.
Dalam hal ini, PAKLAH & KRONI mesti dipertanggungjawabkan sepenuhnya. IDRIS JUSOH hanya bergelar PEMBODEK. PATRICK LIM & KHAIRY dah banyak kenyang dari projek-projek ini.
Salam Tun,……………………………………………………
Nak bagi tahu keadaan sekarang. Disebabkan harga barang naik:
1) ada rakyat yang makan sekali sehari.
2) ada murid yang pergi sekolah selang sehari.
3) ada kereta yang sudah kena “tarik”.
4) ada orang yang menambah hutang kad kredit.
6) ada orang yang bersembunyi kerana diburu along.
7) ada kenderaan rosak tak mampu dibaiki.
8) ada rumah yang dilelong.
Banyak lagi…………………………………………………..
Sebagai rakyat MALAYSIA dan orang Penang, saya cuma nak bagi cadangan. Tak tahulah kalau2 TUN tak CM LIM GUANG ENG terbaca atau terbuka nak baca cadangan saya ini.
1) RAIL atau TRAIN melintasi JAMBATAN P.Pinang sedia ada untuk Ke PULAU.
Bila dikaji kos 2nd LINK Penang Bridge RM 4.3 billion kos pelebaran lane JAMBATAN sedia ada mencapai RM 600 juta.
Apa kata dibina rel melintasi JAMBATAN di atas lane yang dibina sekarang. Ini bertepatan dengan hasrat kerajaan negeri untuk mengurangkan trafik melaui jambatan dan di bahagian pulau.
2) Terminal RAIL dibina di lokasi strategik.
BAHAGIAN SEBERANG PRAI, terminal dibina di Megamall PENANG, PRAI
BAGHAGIAN PULAU, terminal di Tesco, Penang.
3) MONOREL atau rail link sistematik di bahagian PULAU.
Ini terutamanya bagi mengatasi kesesakan trafik dalam bandar2 di PULAU.
“Petronas’ contribution to Government revenue is so big…”
Bayangkan semenjak 1970-an Petronas telah membayar cukai berjumlah lebih RM 400 billion. Lebih daripada RM 200 billion(setengah jumlah cukai Petronas) diterima kerajaan Pak Lah yang memimpin dari tahun 2003-sekarang.
Memandangkan duit dibayar PETRONAS begitu banyak saya nak sangat pembangunan dapat dilaksanakan demi kepentingan rakyat.
Cadangan saya untuk negeri PP. Tak tahulah tiap2 negeri mungkin ada cadangannya tersendiri. Duit PETRONAS kan banyak tapi pemangunan tak nampak, harap cadangan ini boleh diterima.
Ke mana perginya duit cukai dibayar Petronas yang berbilion-billion?
Salam.. Tun dan Bonda Hasmah,
Kenapa dah banyak hari tak menulis? Tak sihat ke, ataupun sibuk. Hope to hear from you soon.
Wafaa’ kirim salam
hmmmmmm….so are Malaysians building a fun theme park or a sacred worship santuary in Terengganu ? The money belongs to all Malaysians; ordinary Malaysians and Malaysian politicians alike. If Malaysia is to be maju as expressed greatly, then the money has to be used properly. It is no point propagating a maju Malaysia but in reality, even the cheapest project cannot be done.
Kepada semua ahli UMNO:
1. Kamu semua diberi amanah untuk menjaga nasib bangsa Melayu
2. (Kecuali kamu gila dan berkepentingan peribadi) Kamu semua tahu yang Pak Lah dan segala kelemahan yang dia ada, telah memusnahkan bangsa Melayu. Segala wawasan dan martabat kami kini hampir lenyap.
3. Kamu diberi kepercayaan seluruh umat Melayu di dunia ini untuk melakukan sesuatu yang betul agar nasib kita orang Melayu terjamin.
4. Kamu harus menjatuhkan Pak Lah. Kami mahukan zaman gelap pemerintahan Pak Lah berakhir serta merta.
5. Kalau kamu terus mahu bermimpi, mimpi kamu nanti akan menjadi mimpi ngeri. Melayu akan kehilangan dan musnah di tanahair sendiri.
6. Kalau Pak Lah (sebenarnya KJ dan konco2 nya) terus berkuasa, Melayu akan merana di buminya sendiri. Tanah Melayu akan tertulis cuma di laman sejarah.
7. Kami orang Melayu merayu pada kamu orang UMNO saudara-saudara sebangsa, seagama dengan kami.
8. Fitnah besar ini harus dihentikan segera.
9. Rezeki kita ialah dari Tuhan, bukan dari manusia.
10. Bantulah kami, wahai saudara-saudara kami orang UMNO. Kamu harus bersatu untuk menjatuhkan Pak Lah.
Sejak kebelakangan ini kita dengar yang kereta Perdana mahal untuk diselenggara, sampai Terengganu perlu membelanjakan RM 1.15 juta untuk 16 Proton Perdana. Malah, MB Terengganu dengan bangganya memberitahu yang membeli kereta Mercedes adalah pilihan yang terbaik untuk kerajaan Terengganu sebab dalam jangka panjang kos penyelenggaraan kereta Merc adalah lebih murah dari kereta Proton.
Semenjak itu, ramai pihak telah menyangkal dakwaan tersebut termasuk pengurusan Proton. Apakah pendapat Tun dalam hal ini?
1. MB baru cuba bermegah dengan kereta Merc padahal sekarang rakyat mengalami inflasi?
2. MB lama telah mensia-siakan duit rakyat sewenang-wenangnya?
3. Kereta Proton sekarang tidak lagi dihargai oleh rakyat tempatan?
4. ???
Minta pendapat dan pandangan Tun.
Moga Tun & Tun Hasmah sihat 🙂
Salam kepada Tun & family
Saya amat berterima kasih dgn info yg Tun bg kt kita sume. Mmg benar apa yg Tun katakan. Saya sbg golongan muda amat kecewa dgn kepimpinan Pak Lah skrg yg dh jauh menyimpang dr landasan yg sebenar. Klu selagi Pak Lah masih jadi PM. Alamatnya Parti Umno akan hancur. Ramai kwn saya yg dahulunya adalah org Umno, kecewa & bertukar menjadi ahli pembangkang skrg. Kita harus cepat2 tukar Kepimpinan yg bermasalah ini. Kerana yang pasti, pemimpin itu yg salah dan bukannya parti. Jgn rosak parti Umno dek kerana pemimpin yg rakus, gila kuasa & harta.
Hentam lah… apa sahaja kamu nak buat. Buat lah huru hara dunia. Dah lama aman sesekali mahu juga kacau bilau dengan tumpah darah. Itu yang pemimpin politik nak..silakan. Lihat dan dengar. Entah esok atau lusa. Pulau Batu Puteh dah kena kebas…apa lagi yang nak kena kebas. Entahlah orang Melayu berugama Islam ini tak pandaelah meneraju dalam kepimpinan ummah dan Ugama Islam………hentak lah ko orang.
salam tun,
why there is no entry for 2 days? i hope ur ok. Im having withdrawal symptoms for not reading new posts in this blog. please help me 🙂
Assalammualaikum TUN…..
Saya sebagai rakyat M’sia dah tak tau nak cakap apa lagi dengan PM skarang. Sebagai orang islam mesti ke nak ada Masjid Kristal baru nak sembahyang? Nak bina masjid secanggih masjid di mekah? Ia dibina dan terbukti menyumbang kepada ekonomi negaranya. Kalau Malaysia bina ia membantu ekonomi dari segi apa? PELANCONGAN? Aduihai napa la lembap sangat kepala hotak diaorang ni ha…. Kalau compare antara Masjid Kristal ngan Jambatan ke S’pore mana lagi berkat & membantu rakyat menjana ekonomi serta mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan untuk rakyat dan lepasan universiti yang masih ramai menganggur lagi? Dan mana lagi penting? Mmg sah, masjid tu di bina bukan kerana keikhlasan sebagai negara islam, tapi sebab nak memancing undi masa tu.. Kalau betul kerana Islam, mesti tak sampai membazir macam tu dan syarikat yang membinanya adalah milik & run by orang ISLAM jugak. Lagi satu bukan ke ALLAH BENCI KEPADA PEMBAZIRAN. Saya bukan pandai pasal agama sangat tapi benda2 simple macam ni bukan ke kita belajor kat SEKOLAH AGAMA!! Saya rasa diaorang ni gi sekolah agama ke tak? Kalau sekolah pun mesti cabut duduk bawah kolong… Walaupun saya bukan orang T’ganu tapi saya cukup sedih kerana wang rakyat di bazirkan & langsung tak mendatangkan apa2 hasil untuk orang T’ganu sendiri. Saya cukup sedih dan terkilan denagn keadaan ini. TUN kita bikin parti baru la & maybe leads by Mukhriz. Saya pasti sokongan padu rakyat tetap memihak kepada TUN sebab rakyat DAH TAK TAHAN LAGI NGAN PAK DOLLAH!!!!!!!
Salam Ayahanda Tun and all bloggers, as much as I hate to admit this, its trueâ¦the Mercedes Benz E200K is a better car than the Perdana. Itâs got incredible pick-up for a 1.8 liter engine, superb German styling and truly first-rate handling- canât argue. But the YAB Menteri Besar, should have used his own money in buying those cars. That’s call honest affordability. If not just stick to driving the Perdana…under the humiliating circumstances the Menteri Besar is in today, the Perdana don’t even sound half as bad at all…As for me, I really cant mentally afford the Benz, so realistically I drive a Perdana.
Salam Tun,
You are absolutely correct with what you mentioned in your blog. I appreciate the way you explained. It is simple to understand your points. Keep it up Tun, I love you like a father.May Allah bless you. Salam
Salam Tun,
Apa pendapat Tun jika penjenayah perang sama ada masih hidup atau sudah mati mesti disabitkan kesalahan oleh ICJ?
Ini dirasakan perlu kerana generasi masa depan perlu tahu bahawa individu yang terlibat mesti dihukum atas jenayah perang yang dilakukan. Slobodan Milosevic yang sudah mati tetap perlu dihukum agar menjadi pengajaran. Jika tidak generasi masa depan tidak akan tahu bahawa dia adalah penjenayah.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
1. Apa yang lama sangat Tun tak tulis apa-apa lagi untuk ari ni? Tun sakit ke? Kalau sibuk takpe, kalau sakit mintak jauhkan. Harap2 rakyat Bosnia pun doakan kesejahteraan Tun, doa diorang untuk dapatkan Karadzic dah termakbul. Allah maha besar.Cuma ada sorang lagi yang masih bebas.
2. Pasal singapore ni biasalah, dia orang pun risau bila Sultan Johor tetap nak cari bukti tentang Pulau Batu Puteh tu milik Johor. So diaorang pun masuk gear lain untuk dapatkan Zon Eksklusif untuk perairan diorang. Tak takut pun Malaysia ambik tindakan undang2. Apa yang kerajaan kita takut sangat implikasi undang2 pasal nak buat jambatan bengkok? Dua-dua negara dapat manfaat. Walau pun kita yang keluar modal! Diaorang cuma takut pada Tun aje, pada AAB ni macam makan kacang je.
3. Saya dah naik menyampah betul, cakap banyak-banyak makin kering tekak ni. AAB tak sedar jugak, walau pun ada juga nak bagi Najib naik tapi masih terserlah ketidakpandaiannya mentadbir negara! Sekarang ni bestlah hentam MB baru Terengganu yang bukan pilihan dia tu. MB terengganu ni pun macam dua kali lima tak pandai je.
4. Semoga Tun dapat sampaikan idea-idea baru yang baik dan unexpected lagi untuk negara kita. Keep blogging Tun!
Salam Tun,
By SHAZ on July 24, 2008 1:54 PM
Salam Yg Bhg Tun and all,
Its is interesting to read that that some of the commentetors here can shed better ideas for the country’s economy than the current prime minister and his generals.
Country’s economy and prime minister and his generals are inter-connected. You should understand that.
Good decision makers (those ministers) will produce good result for our economy. Hope, you can understand now.
Salam Tun,
Saya rasa sekarang ni saya nak kerja kerajaan pulak lah!Sebab boleh dapat buat loan sampai Rm50k.Best betul ye Tun? Sudahlah gaji naik dah berapa kali dah,dapat COLA la itu la,ini la and still mintak naik lagi.sekarang ni boleh buat side business pulak,siap bagi loan lagi.Lagi ramai la orang kerajaan lambat or tak pi opis langsung.
Saya cadangkan daripada hanya bagi loan 5oK apakata Pak Lah bagi laon utk orang kerajaan sorang Rm2 ke 3juta ke?Lagi bagus kan?
Saya cadangkan lagi,waktu kerja dipendekkan dari cuti sabtu ahad je apakat kerja hanya pada hari isnin sahaja..hari lain cuti sebab nak bisnes.lagi bagus!
Saya cadangkan lagi,apa kata lepas ni CUEPACS tuntut lagi naik COLA sampai 2juta sorang untuk kakitangan kerajaan dan pastu tuntut lagi cuti 6 hari seminggu dan pastu tuntut lagi kerajaan tanggung cuti untuk keluarga.lagi bagusss kan?
Saya cadangkan semua pekerja swasta dilabelkan sebagai hamba abdi pada pihak swasta dan senagai pembiaya untuk semua orang kerajaan?bagusss jugak!
Saya buat cadangan ni adalah untuk kebaikan orang kerajaan jugak.biar semua orang kerajaan semua senang hidup dan biar semua pekerja swasta mampus semua sekali dengan anak bini…
Satu sorakan yang bagus untuk Noh Omar!
Satu Sorakan Yang Bagus jugak Untuk Pak Lah!
Tun,tolonglah pegi buat appoiuntment dan bagi penampar kat Pak Lah dan jugak tambah sorang lagi..Noh Omar!Menyampah giler saya dah dgn semua ni! Kalau macam ni saya gerenti akan undi parti pembangkang macam IPF atau HINDRAF!Sama je kalau depa yang memerintah..takde bezanya pada rakyat…..
lord musan
SAYA BENCI SANGAT DENGAN PAK LAH…tetapi saya tetap benci dadah!
Salam Tun.
Apa komen Tun dgn penangkapan Radovan Karadzic – Penyembelih Balkan?
Apa komen Tun tentang waran tangkap Presiden Umar Al-Bashir? Adakan ICJ wajar berbuat demikian sedangkan ramai lagi penjenayah perang yang belum didakwa seperti George Bush, George W. Bush, Moshe Dayan, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, John Howard dan konco-konco yang bertanggung jawab dalam pembersihan etnik?
Salam Tun Dr.M,
Minta maaf kerana keluar tajuk….
Ada apa apa komen mengenai kes pembunuhan pompuan Mongolia itu dan SD1 dan SD2 yang di buat oleh Bala? Rakyat akan hilang kepercayaan dengan kerajaan jika ada maklumat penting di sembunyikan…Nampaknya wang dan harta benda telah mengkaburkan mata manusia sehingga tidak takut lagi dengan Tuhan yang Maha esa atau hukuman dan balasan yang mununggu mereka yang bersalah di akhirat nanti.
Assalamualikum Tun & Semua
“Sudah terang lagi bersuluh!”
Itu saja Tun untuk menggambarkan betapa pincangnya pentadbiran kosmetik D.S. Abdullah Badawi & Family incorporated. Konon masa awal memerintah kata “Saya tak mau bina bangunan2 megah, etc., etcetera, tak mau membazir, etcetera, etcetera,,”. Chait!!!!
Cakap tak serupa bikin.
Ini semua saya rasa pembalasan Allah SWT ke atas mereka yang Takabbur dan tidak bersyukur dengan khidmat pemimpin yang lepas.
Lihat apa dah jadi, membazir buat tokkong kristal buatan patrik badawi lim di terengganu. Hanya kerana Patrick Lim bersaudara dengan Azrene Abdullah isteri anak kepada PM, maka dia layak mendapat projek besar-besaran pulak tu bukan rakyat Malaysia yang merasa, kroni2 dari Singapore yg dibawanya. Inilah contoh Nepotisme yg terang2 di mata kita.
Takpayah cakaplah betapa menyumpahnya rakyat terhadap Pembatalan Jambatan Bengkok, Double Trekking Train, penggadaian MV Agusta (kes “bagi tikus baiki labu”), kelembikan di peringkat antarabangsa, kehilangan Pulau Batu Putih, hishhhhhhh banyak sangat sangat TUN, dah tak boleh tahan.
Kalau ikut kitab Aturan Pentadbiran Melayu lama, orang macam ni boleh diklasifikasikan dalam golongan Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang, Tun Mutahir Bendahara Sri Maharaja dan lain2, yang mana apabila sudah pasti mereka ini tidak layak mentadbir kerana pincang tetapi tidak mahu membuang dirinya sendiri, maka mereka akan dibuang oleh pihak majlis yang berkuasa.
Diharap kalau UMNO sendiri tak mahu membuang Pak Lah, maka diharap Yang Dipertuan Agong sajalah yang memiliki kuasa dapat menurunkan Pak Lah ni. Apalagi yg nak digadainya selepas ini kita tak tahulah.
salam kpd tun dan pelawat2 blog
saya rasa kesemua projek2 kearah wawasan 2020 sudah diikhtiarkan. dan matlamatnya pun sudah nampak ketika ianya diilhamkan.
rancangan ini di’blueprint’kan [maaf dgn bahasa yg bercampur aduk] sebagai rancangan induk kehadapan 20tahun [20-yrs master plan towards yr 2020].
saya rangka semua2 peruntukan [budget] pembinaan utk sesuatu projek itu sudah dipersetujui, dan bila dan mana projek2 tersebut akan dimulakan ada didlm perancangan tersebut.
berapa banyak dan dari mana peruntukan wang berbillion2 ini memang sudah diketahui kabinet, kalau tak pun pm sendiri.
perlaksanaan pelan ini mesti diikuti dgn rejim disiplin yg ketat, nyata kita nampak ianya kini tiada diperlakukan dgn sempurna, ataupun ia kelihatan macam sudah terbengkalai [blunder?].
dlm bentuk pelan induk, jika satu atau dua projek tidak dilaksanakan mengikut jadual, ianya akan mentidakstabilkan keseluruhan pelan induk ini.
pengurusan wang akan menjadi kucar-kacir dan projek2 yg bertindih akan mencekik poket negara kerana keperluan wang untuk projek yg tidak lagi menuruti rancangan. dan dana2 kerajaan akan terdedah kpd manupulasi utk meredakan kegentingan wang peruntukan.
saya bukan pakar tentang ini, pada pandangan saya, pembangunan negara utk tahun 2020 telah terganggu.
‘critical path’nya telah diubah [atau terubah] dgn projek2 dlm rancangan dibatalkan, dan keadaannya menjadi lebih teruk dgn projek2 baru yg tiada dlm pelan induk 2020 dibawa masuk.
sayang sekali, pembatalan projek2 akan meragut kos2 dlm peruntukan, projek2 baru akan memerlukan peruntukan baharu.
impak kos tiap2 projek sekarang terdedah kpd kos2 barang yg baru dgn kenaikan minyak menjadikan semua kos pengangkutan naik walaupun barang2 mentah bolih dipertahankan
saya ingin melihat negara ini maju kehadapan dgn gemilang.
bukan politikus sahaja yg membina negara, rakyat pun ‘nation builders’ jugak.
sekian. tk.
dont you ever think they will spend their own pocket money, when people asked them to cut the their “entertainment allowances” only 10% cut just to show off. petrol increased 40%. There are no logical in EVERYTHING the STUPID goverment committed.
what on earth buy the merc and make such stupid statement that the long run maintenance cost is cheaper than having perdana? please see the terengganu MB (before the appointment)in youtube, how he was cursing people like hell (words like anjing, bodoh, babi semua ada). why such people appointed (tak kira la siapa pun yang suruh!!! rakyat mederita dengan orang begini).
actually tun, this is your very own pre-fabricated politics scenarios…
so how?
Melayu mesti bersatu………..Salam/// Tun yang dikasihi,apa nak jadi dengan negara malaysia kita yang tercinta ini,semakin hari semakin panas bahangnya……bahang yang ditimbulkan oleh bangsa kita sendiri,bangkitlah wahai bangsaku,bangkitlah org-org melayu,bersatulah wahai sahabat-sahabatku,tak usahlah kita bermusuhan sesama kita,apa yang dapat hanya buruk akibatnya.kita mesti kembali sedar,kembali pada perjuangan asal,memertabatkan negara kita dalam keamanan,keharmonian. TUN ADALAH PEMIMPIN YANG SAYA KAGUM SERTA SAYA HORMATI DARI ZAMAN KANAK-KANAK HINGGALAH KE SAAT INI.SEMOGA ALLAH PANJANGKAN UMUR TUN SEKELUARGA DAN SENTIASA DIBERIKAN KESIHATAN DAN DIRAHMATI.AMINNNNNNN
This is what happen when
1. Decision on national interest is now made during family dinner. Flip-flop happens depending on the food they eat. A long trip to the loo will definitely reverse what has been agreed before.
2. Not having enough pocket money? Simply top-up from cancelling the new bridge, double electrification rail and sold MV Agusta. Still not enough, then raised the fuel price.
3. Love knows no boundary so let son’s company handle every mega projects in the country. If it is not possible then cancel all.
4. Trying to be different by not having any significant economic viable project for the country, instead chose to get married.
5. Asking people not to work for him but with him to destroy the country so the blame is shared together.
6. Thinking he is better than the subject matter experts. The results? Islam Hadhari
7. Promoting new tired look. Sleep during meeting is the trend now. Created new famous phrase “Polis Kata Jangan”
8. Believing people still love and support him when his own state lose to the opposition.
9. People clapped their hands joyously when he announce he will be stepping down instead of crying or begging him to stay.
10. If Bapa Kemerdekaan, Bapa Pembangunan, Bapa Perpaduan and Bapa Pemodenan is taken then no title would fit him best other than “Bapa Mertua Khairy Jamaluddin’. That would be his greatest achievement so far.
talking about press freedom during TDM time, even now my messages seems to be blocked by your side…guess my user ID is quit seditious. thank god i am not living in the era of TDM being the PM, if not i would be in kamunting now….
Tun, thanks for the pithy comment.
I have a different view on how the government of Terengganu â either from PAS or UMNO led â should approach the Federal government.
Rather than asking for the money, they should ask more for the power that should be.
Off late, as reported in media, the Sabahâs politicians had demanded âautonomyâ sort of power.
This kind of approach is what I meant.
The simple reason for that is their state is the main contributor of the Federal governmentâs income.
They need to demand for 10 representatives in Petronasâs board of directors for example. As such, they have a louder and clearer say in this Fortune 500 company.
More ministers too should come from the state.
Just like the corporate governance, if you contributed more to the company you will have a bigger say in that company.
In enhancing their human capital is better than having billions of money but spending in unprofitable and lavish undertakings.
Tun, thanks for the pithy comment.
I have a different view on how the government of Terengganu â either from PAS or UMNO led â should approach the Federal government.
Rather than asking for the money, they should ask more for the power that should be.
Off late, as reported in media, the Sabahâs politicians had demanded âautonomyâ sort of power.
This kind of approach is what I meant.
The simple reason for that is their state is the main contributor of the Federal governmentâs income.
They need to demand for 10 representatives in Petronasâs board of directors for example. As such, they have a louder and clearer say in this Fortune 500 company.
More ministers too should come from the state.
Just like the corporate governance, if you contributed more to the company you will have a bigger say in that company.
In enhancing their human capital is better than having billions of money but spending in unprofitable and lavish undertakings.
tun, saya confuse la macam nih..
tak tau siapa yg btol siapa yg salah,,,
tak tau nak sokong mane satu…
help me please,,,
salam sejahtera..
saya orang baru dan masih mentah dalam dunia politik ini..
tetapi saya sangat teruja dengan perkembangan dunia politik melayu sekarang yang nampaknya semakin lama semakin parah..
kaum lain hanya bertepuk tangan..dan mungkin menunggu masa untuk menakluki bumi melayu ini..
saya merasakan tindakan menteri besar terengganu membeli kereta mercedes tersebut hanyalah diibaratkan sebagai penyebab untuk mendorong BPR menyiasat akan kebocoran duit rakyat pada pentadbiran yang lepas.
Bermaksud tindakan yang melalui prosedur tidak lagi berguna dalam pentadbiran kerajaan sekarang dan tidak lebih hanya sebagai memenuhi peraturan-peraturan yang tercatit dalam buku undang-undang.
Saya melihat tindakan MB Terengganu itu adalah satu hidangan yang terbuka untuk rakyat menilai sikap sebenar pentadbiran yang dulu.
Mungkin sesetengah pihak hanya membuat penilaian pada satu permukaan sahaja tapi jika dilihat dari satu segi lain kerajaan sekarang berada di gigi kejatuhan.
Sedikit demi sedikit pekung di dada dibuka dan kita mulai merasai kebusukannya.
i’m glad that you are continuing in your expedition to shed light to the injustice of the government.
appreciate that you pen down your thoughts, though some ignorant people (readers and non-readers) may not like it. I do sinccerely appreciate your vision to create a first world country out of malaysia, however there are just people whom wants to live in a first-world country, but live a third world lifestyle.
ignorant people!
Dear Tun,
I think the Sultan of Trengganu made a wrong choice to pick up Ahmad Said as the new Mentri Besar. I don’t think he can make a good Mentri Besar. Looking at the controversy on the purchase of 14 brand new Mercedes C Class is a reflection of his gross stupidity. What kind of Mentri Besar he is. Is he suffering from cultural shock? Come on, how can he be so irresponsible to decide buying so expensive cars for the Excos knowing very well there are few other models of equivalent specifications which are very much cheaper. Why he is still insisting to stick to his decision to buy the Mercedes? Whatever excuses he gives to support his decision do not make sense at all. He must be out of his mind when our country is facing economic problem with all the prices of goods are rising high and the inflation now is climbing at a very fast rate of 8% and will continue to increase further in 6 months time..
I think this Ahmad Said will continue to make a lot of blunders in future and Trengganu will be in a mess financially. Believe me.
Inilah wakil rakyat UMNO yang tak sedar diri. Why can’t we get good leaders who have good brain to run this country. It make me really sick having this kind of haprak and HP6 Malay leaders.
dearest unreplaceable Tun,
i see that my replied to panggait comments has not appeared in Tun comments post. i highly respect that and i will definitely have no doubts for the action. it must serve a good purpose and good intentions that benefits to all. you know things best and better for everybody in this country.
my support will always be for you. no doubt about that. thank you. take care Tun and family.
best of regards,
Assalaamualaikum Tu,
SAYA SOKONG, SOKONG, SOKONG, SOKONG, SOKONG, SOKONG apa-apa saja idea yang boleh membuatkan Pak Bedolah Badawi (aka PM serba tak tahu) balik kampung tanam jagong…!!!!
Tun, please, we need ur comeback to revitalise Malaysia!!!
Salam Tun,
Tun sihat? Semalam Tun takde tulis blog….Kami harap Tun sihat dan baik….
Inilah keupayan seorang pemimpin yang mempunyi penasihat yang bodoh lagi bahlol, maka semua perancangan akan akan mendatangkan kerugian dan rakyat yang menghadapi kesusahan dan pembayar cukai terasa tertipu. oleh itu buatlah sesuatu demi untuk kebaikan kepada negarai. Cari bukti yang saheh dan lapurkan kepada BPR yang dikatakan mempunyi intergiti tersendiri.
Salam Sejahtera Tun
MB Terengganu sudah lempang AAB sekali bila beliau bertegas untuk menjadi MB dan beliau telah berjaya. Tetapi AAB belum bangun.
Kali ini pasal kereta Merz MB Terengganu ini lempang AAB sekali lagi. Tapi tak tau AAB sudah bangun tak?
salam nenda TUN
tun, kitorang rakyat malaysia tak tahu nak rely kat sape lagi
umor tun pun dh 83..
andaikate tun dh xde…bleh tun suggest kat sape kiteorang nak bergantung harap, mengadu nasib???
ahmadinejad?sheikh muzaphar?
bile tun resign tahun 2003 dulu, aku rase tak secured, pastu pas bce sajak dollah yang cite pasal imam syafie dan gali al-quran tu, aku released sket, aku ingat die mcm tun, tapi subhanallah…aku ingat sajak tu pun die karang waktu tidor…
p/s: aku ni benor2 takot dgn bahang kemaraan singapore..ari2 duk rase xsedap hati..
Salam Yg Bhg Tun and all,
Its is interesting to read that that some of the commentetors here can shed better ideas for the country’s economy than the current prime minister and his generals.
Salam for Tun
Frankly I do not know what Pak Lah is up to. No further development and things are getting worst. I just hate him that whenever I saw/heard about him in the TV, I switch off the TV. He is weak, weaker and the weakest!!!!!!!
Just wanna share this with others… I’m really tired of Abdullah
PM garis empat langkah perangi tafsiran sempit agama
24/07/2008 11:00am
KUALA LUMPUR 24 Julai â Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hari ini menggariskan empat langkah bagi memerangi tafsiran sempit ajaran Islam yang dilakukan oleh golongan ekstremis sehingga menyebabkan berlakunya ketidakadilan dan kesengsaraan kepada ummah.
Perdana Menteri berkata, langkah pertama ialah merombak kurikulum agama di sekolah supaya ia menekankan tafsiran agama bersifat sejagat.
“Langkah kedua ialah supaya golongan cendekiawan Islam mendekati masyarakat bagi menerangkan ajaran Islam sebenar dan langkah ketiga media perlu memperjuangkan nilai sejagat Islam,” katanya.
Beliau berucap merasmikan Persidangan Antarabangsa Agama Dalam Pencarian Keamanan dan Keadilan Sejagat di sini hari ini.
Tambahnya, langkah keempat ialah melaksanakan nilai-nilai positif Islam dari peringkat kerajaan hingga keluarga.- Utusan.
1- I’ve always wondered about Pak Lah… Doesn’t he know many Malaysian Muslim detest him because he introduced the so called Islam Hadhari.
2- his langkah2, point one and two, are ok. But it will be horrendous if the Islamic curriculum will be changed to “Islam Hadhari”.
3- I still remember when I visited Malacca, the tourist guide said…. Muslim Malaysia practise Islam Hadhari… (SINCE WHEN DID I ACCEPT ISLAM HADHARI? I ONLY PRACTISE ISLAM!!!!)
4- the 4th step, why is it “melaksanakan nilai-nilai positif Islam dari peringkat kerajaan hingga keluarga”…. kenapa kerajaan? why???? i thought it should start with individual (u know the other way round from individual – family – and etc). apa kaitan kerajaan ni?????
5- Could someone stop him? Please!!! He is not only destroying Malaysia but also Islam. He has made the muslims and the non-muslims confused about islam….
6- I would not want to hear him talking about Islam… Where is the ulama’? Are they being shut out?
DAh nak masuk 2 hari tak nak tulis apa2,
Boleh komen pasal briefing DS Hamid Albar ngan DS Anwar kat delegasi luar negara baru-baru ini….
Satu lagi UMNO EGM bulan Disember ini…
Tun yang amat di hormati dan para Bloggers seperjungan yang sama.
Money More Waste & losses. Tun highligting part of the wrong doings and abuses made by AAB. Demi perjuangan serta kesedaran yang sedang dihuraikan pada Rakyat olih Tun. Para sahabat Bloggers yang dihormati, di sini juga saya ingin kemukakan makna nama MAHATHIR & ABDULLAH untuk kita kogsi bersama:
Mahathir Abdullah
Adalah Betul
Hamba Derhaka
Allah Umat
Tetap Lalai
Huraikan Lupa
Isu kepentingan Angkuh, meciptakan
Rakyat. Hadhari.
Ayuh bloggers sekian, mari semua bersama, kita sokong untuk Tun kembali sebagai PM Malaysia sekali lagi, dan dicalonkan pada December ini, untuk dipilihkan semula,dan diundikan sebagai calon President UMNO.Tun bolih kan, hanya untuk 2010 sahaja.Kami tahu Tun Bolih. Insyallah kita akan memberi sokongan yang bolih mengegarkan UMNO dan membaik pulihkan BN untuk masa seterusnya.Tun take good care of your health & family. You are our greatest gifts that Allah the Almighty has given to us Malaysian.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
DSAAB telah memerintah Malaysia selama 5 tahun. 5 tahun yang berlalu ini adalah 5 tahun yang hampa, kosong dan langsung tak memberi makna. Ia satu pembaziran waktu yang tak patut kita semua rakyat Malaysia lalui.
Selagi DSAAB tidak berundur kita akan terus menerus membazir tanpa kemajuan.
Bagi orang yang tidak berfikiran jauh ke hadapan seperti DSAAB pelaburan membina infrastruktur seperti Jambatan Bengkok, Landasan Keretapi Berkembar dan pelaburan membeli teknologi seperti M.V. Agusta adalah satu pembaziran wang rakyat.
Orang seperti ini jahil dan buta. Infrastruktur dan teknologi tak boleh dinilai dari segi wang ringgit sebab wang ringgit hanya alat semata-mata tapi nilai infrastruktur dan teknologi untuk jangka masa yang panjang tidak terukur sebenarnya.
Saya pernah terbaca perbelanjaan membina Masjid Kristal mencecah RM 100 juta yang sepatutnya jauh lebih rendah daripada jumlah itu?? Betul ke?? Jika betul kan ke pembaziran wang rakyat namanya?? Dan kenapakah tiada perintah pembatalan oleh DSAAB??
Dearest Tun
Much as I respect you and do not deny that during your term as PM; you have done lots of good for the country; you had also made a lot of errors and let’s be real here- a lot of the problems which you criticise Pak Lah for are problems inherited by the previous government administration under your leadership.
What I don’t understand is why can’t the Malaysian government get real for a change and just clean up their act. Why should Malaysians have to suffer because of actions by self-interest seeking government officials who by the way are supposed to be serving the interest of the “rakyat” first? The recent election where BN suffered a significant blow is a clear reflection of what is going through the minds of most dissatisfied Malaysians.
And because now you are no longer in the leadership – it is so easy for you, dearest Tun – to sit back to and criticise.
Malaysia at 50 years is growing and developing and thriving so much and I am so proud of her and her people but I despair as well because what is happening in my beloved country and at times it makes me want to cry.Like every other Malaysian, I want so much more for my country and for her people to have quality life but if the leadership can’t even sort themselves out – what will become of this country?
The Malaysian government can learn from East Timur for a change about setting up a corruption eradication act in the interest of the rakyat – maybe some of the current “bad soap drama” will go away
Your respectfully
Salam sejahtera YAB Tun,
Amat mendukacitakan apabila pembangunan sesuatu tempat tidak mengambil kira perkara yang berlaku sebelum dan selepas dan kebaikan bagi semua rakyat. Walaupun kemakmuran tersebut tidak boleh didapati oleh kebanyakan rakyat tetapi sekurang-kurang perkiraan majoriti perlu diambil kira disamping menyeimbangkan golongan yang bukan majoriti kepada ‘minimal margin’ pembangunan yang ingin dibangunkan bagi tujuan bersama. Kebanyakan pembangunan yang ada sekarang mungkin diciplak ekoran kecantikan yang dilihat di negara luar bagi dipraktikkan di dalam negara Malaysia bagi tujuan meningkatkan aktiviti pelancongan.
Sekiranya pentadbiran Kerajaan mengambil kira aktiviti pelancongan semata adalah menjadi satu kesalahan di dalam membangunkan negara berdasarkan aktiviti tersebut memandangkan pelaburan asing tidak dibuat tetapi hanya bertujuan mencantikkan sesebuah negara sahaja. Apa yang memang perlu dijana adalah pelancongan berteraskan ekonomi dan komersial. Ini bagi mengembangkan aliran duit daripada luar yang tidak tertumpu kepada Kraftangan Malaysia semata tetapi tujuan sebenar duit tersebut dibelanjakan yang boleh memberi kepuasan kepada pelabur-pelabur asing tanpa menjejaskan sensitiviti masyarakat Malaysia.
Apa yang dilihat oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan kepada Terengganu hanya adalah mencantikkan sesebuah negeri tanpa memikirkan siapa yang akan menggunakan keperluan yang dibina. Negara asing pun mampu membina tetapi Sekiranya dibina maka ia perlulah diperpanjangkan kepada sektor-sektor yang lain tetapi tujuan yang dibina adalah untuk pengunaan orang awam semata.
Pelancongan memerlukan nilai estetika yang mana pelancong datang mengkaji sejarah yang mungkin dapat memberi manfaat kepada generasi yang akan datang. Tetapi, sekiranya tiada pelancungan tersebut barulah diteraskan kepada nilai komersil atau pelaburan. Maka terdapat apa yang dipanggil pelancongan bermanfaat. Jika tidak ia akan digunakan oleh pelancong yang terdiri Pendatang Asing yang memenuhi masa lapang untuk beriadah ketika masa cuti rehat.
salam negarawan ulung Tun
nak buat camna Tun..nasik dah jadi bubur.
bubur dah basi…buang je laa..
nak rewind takbleh transisi Tun tak kena masa..
patutnya Tun tak letak jawatan sehingga semua selesai..
tapi nak buat camana qada dan qadar Allah SWT kita harus terima..
rasanya Tun boleh perbaiki dalam masa tambahan untuk perbetul semua..
bicara Tuan Guru..masuk PAS…jadi PM balik..nak melalui UMNO x memang bleh..nilai TUn hanya RM200…TUn dah kuar..kalau nak masuk blum tentu di terima balik…sy pun dah kuar UMNO..masuk tak lagi kot
syabas Tun…semoga TUn panjang usia utk baiki labu yg rosak
To all Che Det.Com Bloggers, please read this article….
Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory
By Jonathan Duffy
BBC News Online Magazine
The Bilderberg group, an elite coterie of Western thinkers and power-brokers, has been accused of fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors. As the organisation marks its 50th anniversary, rumours are more rife than ever.
Given its reputation as perhaps the most powerful organisation in the world, the Bilderberg group doesn’t go a bundle on its switchboard operations.
Telephone inquiries are met with an impersonal female voice – the Dutch equivalent of the BT Callminder woman – reciting back the number and inviting callers to “leave a message after the tone”.
Anyone who accidentally dialled the number would probably think they had stumbled on just another residential answer machine.
Leiden in Holland, the inauspicious base of the Bilderberg group
But behind this ultra-modest façade lies one of the most controversial and hotly-debated alliances of our times.
On Thursday the Bilderberg group marks its 50th anniversary with the start of its yearly meeting.
For four days some of the West’s chief political movers, business leaders, bankers, industrialists and strategic thinkers will hunker down in a five-star hotel in northern Italy to talk about global issues.
What sets Bilderberg apart from other high-powered get-togethers, such as the annual World Economic Forum (WEF), is its mystique.
Not a word of what is said at Bilderberg meetings can be breathed outside. No reporters are invited in and while confidential minutes of meetings are taken, names are not noted.
The shadowy aura extends further – the anonymous answerphone message, for example; the fact that conference venues are kept secret. The group, which includes luminaries such as Henry Kissinger and former UK chancellor Kenneth Clarke, does not even have a website.
This year Bilderberg has announced a list of attendees
They include BP chief John Browne, US Senator John Edwards, World Bank president James Wolfensohn and Mrs Bill Gates
In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg.
In Yugoslavia, leading Serbs have blamed Bilderberg for triggering the war which led to the downfall of Slobodan Milosevic. The Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, the London nail-bomber David Copeland and Osama Bin Laden are all said to have bought into the theory that Bilderberg pulls the strings with which national governments dance.
And while hardline right-wingers and libertarians accuse Bilderberg of being a liberal Zionist plot, leftists such as activist Tony Gosling are equally critical.
A former journalist, Mr Gosling runs a campaign against the group from his home in Bristol, UK.
“My main problem is the secrecy. When so many people with so much power get together in one place I think we are owed an explanation of what is going on.
Timothy McVeigh was among those who believed the conspiracy theory
Mr Gosling seizes on a quote from Will Hutton, the British economist and a former Bilderberg delegate, who likened it to the annual WEF gathering where “the consensus established is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide”.
“One of the first places I heard about the determination of US forces to attack Iraq was from leaks that came out of the 2002 Bilderberg meeting,” says Mr Gosling.
But “privacy, rather than secrecy”, is key to such a meeting says Financial Times journalist Martin Wolf, who has been invited several times in a non-reporting role.
“The idea that such meetings cannot be held in private is fundamentally totalitarian,” he says. “It’s not an executive body; no decisions are taken there.”
As an up-and-coming statesmen in the 1950s, Denis Healey, who went on to become a Labour chancellor, was one of the four founding members of Bilderberg (which was named after the hotel in Holland where the first meeting was held in 1954).
The alternative – the WEF welcomes journalists
His response to claims that Bilderberg exerts a shadowy hand on the global tiller is met with characteristic bluntness. “Crap!”
“There’s absolutely nothing in it. We never sought to reach a consensus on the big issues at Bilderberg. It’s simply a place for discussion,” says Lord Healey.
Formed in the spirit of post-war trans-Atlantic co-operation, the idea behind Bilderberg was that future wars could be prevented by bringing power-brokers together in an informal setting away from prying eyes.
“Bilderberg is the most useful international group I ever attended. The confidentiality enabled people to speak honestly without fear of repercussions.
“In my experience the most useful meetings are those when one is free to speak openly and honestly. It’s not unusual at all. Cabinet meetings in all countries are held behind closed doors and the minutes are not published.”
That activists have seized on Bilderberg is no surprise to Alasdair Spark, an expert in conspiracy theories.
“The idea that a shadowy clique is running the world is nothing new. For hundreds of years people have believed the world is governed by a cabal of Jews.
“Shouldn’t we expect that the rich and powerful organise things in their own interests. It’s called capitalism.”
Nak lari topik lagi. Maaf Tun.
Anwar itu apa yang dia hendak sampai minta sedekah bantuan tekanan dari negara negara luar untuk menegak benang dia yang basah itu? (Di singapura)
Adakah dia sanggup negara kita ini jadi hancur lebur sampai cita cita dia tercapai.
Adakah dia sama dengan Red Brigade Italy, “Destroy first built later”.
Agaknya kalau US serang kita macam Iraq itu suka betul hati Anwar. Macam tengok final World Cup agaknya. Sambil meneguk kopi dan makan keropok.
Kalau itu lah tujuannya sama lah matlamat dia dengan Hitler dalam bukunya Mein Kemp. Meruntuhkan sistem pemerintahan juga perlembagaan dan membina satu sistem pemerintahan baru mengikut acuan sendiri.
Nasib baik Tun berjaya lunturkan dia dari kerajaan. Sungguh Anwar ini jenis yang tidak sabar sabar naik keatas dimana siapa yang di atas semua di ‘cucuk’nya sampai Tun pun hampir hampir nak kena tapi dia ini tidak boleh berdikari.
Dia mesti nak bertuan juga. Umpama pelesit atau hantu raya yang nak bertuankan manusia.
Tuanya sekarang adalah US. Sekiranya US dah beri duit kepada dia dan memberi dia masa dan agenda yang perlu dia penuhi. Dia mesti melakukanya.
Dia tidak boleh lari. Nanti CIA cari di Malaysia di mana lagi hendak lari. Macam berkawan dengan samseng. Sekali terikat kita tidak akan senang hidup. Tiada lagi ruang untuk berundur kerana berundur ertinya mengundang maut. Faham saja lah kisah kisah spy membunuh dengan perlatan canggih yang tidak terfikirkan.
Dia perlu menggunakan apa cara sekalipun untuk memenuhi agenda ‘Boss’nya.
Dalam pada itu di lehernya ada tali yang di pegang oleh Karpal, Lim Kit Siang dan lain lain orang seangkatan dengan mereka. Mereka juga tersenyum terhibur dengan telatah latah Anwar.
Menurut jalan cerita filem Hong Kong. Lim Kit Siang akan membalas dendam. Baru lah Lim Kit Siang jadi hero.
Agaknya tuduhan ‘stor kunyit’ Anwar benar. Kalau itu pun sudah di lakukan. Di manakah maruah lagi? Jadi hal menjual atau menjahanamkan negara adalah perakara kecil saja bagi orang yang tidak bermaruah jauh di dalam hatinya.
Ada 2 perkara yg teman tak paham pase Ganu ni iaitu yg pertama sokongan dema pada Paklah utk terus jadi presiden UMNO dan yg kedua pase isu beli Merc!!
Jika Ganu udah nolak Yeop Deris, apa perlunya dema nak nyokong Paklah lagi? Paklah lah penyebabnya yg menjadikan Yeop Deris hilang halatuju, idak begitu?…..Pada masa yg sama, dema nak beli Merc pulak utk kegunaan rasmi bagi Exco2. Tu sebabnya dema beria-ria benor nyokong Paklah.
Proton adalah kereta nasional. Burok baiknya ia tetap kereta nasional. Jadi sesuai benor le jika ia digunakan utk tujuan rasmi kerajaan. Ini juga meropakan maruah negara, dan kita semua harus berbangga dgn Proton. Pase kos selenggaranya yg tinggi sampei lebih RM130,000 sebuah dlm tempoh empat tahun, tentu ada sesuatu yg tak kena!! ni perlu report pd BPR.
Syarikat Honda sendiri pernah memecat eksekutifnya yg memakai kereta lain daripada Honda. Jadi kerajaan dan pengurusan Proton perlu ambil iktibar daripada tauladan ni!!
Ganu harus mencontohi P.Pinang, bagaimana dema nak berjimat cermat. Lebih2 lagi dlm keadaan sekarang!!
Sebelum Ganu nak belanja RM3 juta utk kereta….mintak semua Exco nengok dulu program ‘BERSAMAMU’…….masih ramai rakyat yg kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang utk esok hari!!
Salam AYAHANDA RAKYAT Tun Dr. Mahathir
Kau layak menerima anugerah, rimbun pelindung untuk semua.
By artmart on July 22, 2008 7:05 PM referred.
Afterthought. How cud a man afraid of our own security systems and seek refuge to foreign embassies be allowed to manage our beloved country?
Based on your list of probable leaders it appeared non has the qualities to lead.
Perhaps, we have overlooked another ‘low’ profile leader who has the charisma and qualitties of a able leader,
DATUK SERI UTAMA RAIS YATIM PhD(law), a season politician and cabinet minister, cultured and a good orator, highly exposed in both domestic and international politics and above he is academic and professional attributes as a lawyer.
Another dark horse cud be Datuk Seri Muhammed Hassan, once a banker and corporate person tunred Politician. A simple and non nonsense Menteri Besar of Negeri Sembilan whose state was quoted as the best administered state in recent years.
May we reiterate our views are just an afterthought.
Alfatihah, amin
A Very Gooday To You Ayahanda Tun.
Nowadays All These so called, and good intented ‘Wang Ehsan’, has become ‘WANG RAMPASAN’.
‘Ex-Gratia’ payments has become ‘WANG HARAM’.
So what elese can, These Jokers of ours Think of, If not: ‘SPEND, SPEND AND SPEND, TO LOOKED TO BE WORKING?
Salam Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun dan semua pembaca
Maaf Tun .. dan semua kat sini .. Saya off track sikit.
Hal si Anwar … Dalam sejarah politik Malaysia .. Dia seorang yang tidak mempunyai perasaan MALU … tidak seperti sahabat Rasullulah, yang begitu takut akan Jawatan Khalifah. Takut jika tidak dapat menunaikan amanat Allah SWT.
Manakala Si Anwar .. Beliau begitu ANGKUH mahu kan Jawatan Pemimpin No 1 Malaysia.
Dengan Bongkak (lihat gambar dan video clip Anwar) mencerca dan anggap Pak Lah bodoh sangat (sikit tuh memang ada lah). Kita mahu Pak Lah undur .. Tapi kita tak buat macam cara dia.
Anwar jaja semua perwakilan asing yg dia jumpa. Konon dia dapat sokongan. Dalam kain sendiri tak terjaga .. masuk kain orang pulak.
Aduh .. apa nak jadi dgn Anwar nih ?
Salam Tun.
Talking about waste, Pak Lah wasted almost everything.
He wasted our time waiting for his excellence leadership to shine.
He wasted our time by overpoliticking.
He wasted taxpayers money by doing things that he’s not supposed to do.
He wasted your efforts during the 22 years premiership.
He wasted everybody’s dream with his NCER, ECER, Isnasikandar, SCO(mi)RE and the Sabah corridor.
He wasted the Malaysia’s efforts on vision 2020 until he had to come up with vision 2057.
What a waste !
p/s: And yet the Solid Waste Act 2007 still pending …
assalamualaikum TUN..salam Rejab
apa nak jd kerajaan loni..
guna duit rakyat mcm guna air jer..selalu membazir.
kasihan la kat rakyat dok bayar cukai nu, cukai ni,pastu
guna duit rakyat untuk benda-benda yang membawa kpd pembaziran..
DEPA tak rasala pasal dok guna duit rakyat..cube guna duit POKET SENDIRI tengok?
Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
1. Kebanyakan rakan2 bloggers melahirkan perasaan marah, kecewa, geram, sedih dan semua perasaan negatif terhadap tindak-tanduk Dollah dan suku-sakat yang terus menerus macam gengster, membuli kita rakyat Malaysia.
2. Perasaan2 ini bukan baru tetapi telah menghasilkan kekalahan teruk BN dan UMNO dalam PRU12 lepas.
3. Nampaknya Dollah masih rakus dan tidak mempedulikan kehendak rakyat. Si Anwar Ibrahim tahu PKR menang bukan kerana rakyat suka PKR tetapi marahkan UMNO, undi PKR. Tetapi si Anwar tahu mengambil kesempatan. Dia buat seolah2 memang rakyat pilih dia dan PKR dengan sengaja dan ini memberi kelebihan kepadanya. Dia nampak seolah2 perjuangkan nasib rakyat.
4. Oleh kerana dia dapat liputan media, tetapi Tun dikawal ketat, maka lebih ramai percaya Anwar. Saya yakin dia mendapat sokongan lagi padu kerana;
a. bloggers blog Tun sekadar melepas perasaan tetapi belum nampak tindakan ‘what we can do’. Janganlah menyusahkan Tun lagi, Tun sudah bagi maklumat, pergi cross-check kalau was2, tetapi tindakan kita?
b. Anwar mengambil sebarang peluang yang ada untuk tunjukkan kelemahan Dollah dan ini mendapat sokongan rakyat kerana rakyat (lebih2 lagi yang tidak ada peluang baca blog Tun)perlu seorang hero hapuskan penjahat – Dollah dan kunco2.
c. Pegawai2 kerajaan sampailah ke tahap tertinggi iaitu KSN, KSU dan menteri tak berani ambil tindakan kerana Dollah seorang pendendam (muka senyum, tapi tindakan lebih ganas). Nanti tak naik pangkat, tak dapat gelaran, lepas pencen tak dapat jadi chairman syarikat mana2…
d. BPR dan PDRM pun tidaklah sebebas yang mereka angan2kan. Bebas untuk mencari kesalahan orang anti Dollah (tenguklah, pejabat Tan Sri Sanusi kena serbu oleh BPR selepas menolak keahlian UMNO)
Banyak lagi sebab mengapa rakyat mula melihat anwar sebagai hero…tetapi Anwar akan menghancurkan kita, bangsa Melayu bukan satu bangsa bermnaruah lagi kalau dia jadi PM. Jadi kita bloggers buat sesuatu. Cadangan;
a. sebarkan maklumat yang kita dapat dari blog Tun kepada semua kawan2, saudara mara. saya bercerita kepada kawan2 yang nampaknya celik akal pun terkejut dengan perbuatan Dollah dan geng. Majoriti mereka ini baca media massa kerajaan sahaja.
b. tanya diri, apa aku boleh buat? maka jangan tunggu Tun atau blogger lain, cari bukti kukuh (jika mampu) untuk disebarkan kepada orang ramai. Jika Anwar berjaya pancing anak2 muda kita untuk reformasi, bagitahu mereka tentang Dollah. Bayangkan kalau ahli UMNO menentang, pelajar2 menentang, rakyat menentang…maka cepatlah Dollah turun dan tidak menghapuskan bangsa kita dan rakyat Malaysia yang lain. Polis/BPR pun boleh menentang..maksudnya jika tindakan rakyat menentang mengikut undang2, polis dan BPR tidak menyalahguna kuasa untuk menahan mereka. Cuba ingat balik, dulu kata tak boleh demo, bila si Khairy memimpin demo, polis diam je…itu salah tu. Tuan/puan polis, bpr, askar…bila balik ke rumah dan pakai kain pelikat / batik tu, tenguk muka anak2, tanya diri, aku betul kah kena ikut perintah (mungkin arahan dari penjahat, lanun, orang gila)sehingga anak2 aku terjejas masa depannya? saya pernah terbaca satu petikan ‘what if the generals declare war and nobody turn up?’ Tak jadi perangla..jadfi what if orang besar guna kuasa untuk tindas rakyat dan tuan/puan buat tak dengar? Jangan subahat kerana balasannya balik kepada kita. semak balik siapa bos kita tu? orang baik kah? Kalau seseorang itu sanggup bergolok bergadai mahu jadi PM, menteri, pegawai tinggi, maka sudah tentu dia akan mencari habuan untuk cover susah payah dia ke situ. Kalau tidak kenapa berjuang habis2an ke situ? untuk rakyat? Bohonglah jawabnya.
c. Pakai riben tu ok, tapi kita perlu ambil tindakan lebih agresif, tetapi tidak melanggar undang2. sebagai contoh dari dulu lagi saya mohon mereka yang celik undang2 ambil tindakan dari segi undang2. Cawangan Khas selalunya monitor keadaan, jika tindakan kita tak mempengaruhi orang ramai, mereka monitor saja, tetapi jika orang ramai memberi reaksi negatif dalam bentuk tindakan, barulah mereka lapor kepada bos2 dan bos2 akan melaporkan kepada menteri, Dollah dll. Ingat, kita jangan melanggar undang2, apa2 tindakan cuba patuhi undang2.
Sekian dulu, terima kasih Tun dan kawan2.
salam Tun,
To akupening,
I fully support your initiative.If you are willing to organise and finance (?) a gathering to show support for Tun,you can count on me and my family plus relatives will be there…all the way from Johor!Anytime,anyday…
BTW-makin lama makin sakit hati bila cerita pasal pembatalan projek jambatan bengkok…mana letak maruah pemimpin UMNO johor?
Dear Tun,
Datuk badawi’s government has NO CREDIBILITY ANYMORE…he has no control…look at Terengganu…they still go ahead and bought the E200 Compressor Mecedez…they don’t give a damn.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Pada pendapat Tun, adakah kerajaan akan “revise” semula harga minyak negara kita jika harga minyak dunia turun? sebelum mengumumkan harga naik, “depa” kata harga minyak akan di”revise”kan setiap bulan bergantung kepada harga minyak semasa. Laporan beberapa hari lalu mengatakan harga minyak dunia turun lebih kurang 10 dollar dan hari ini pulak dengar2 jadik 124 dollar setong. Kan dulu “depa” ni janji nak revise, bila lagi…
p/s naik lajjjuuuuu jee, turun?? tunggu la sampai arnab bertanduk…
Salam Tun,
Almost every other terenganu folks you meet in the street will tell you the same conclusion of the wasteful projects – especially the mosques, stadiums – all white elephants and irrelevant to their daily lives. “beri kami prahu, buleh gok ke laut, beri ikang, buleh gok makang… buat monsung cup, stadieng beso, perabih pitih bende dok berfaedah buat mende ??? bodo nguh…”
Terima kasih kepada TUN kerana menulis berkenaan wang Ehsan milik Terengganu seperti mana TUN janjikan pada artikel yang lepas.
TAK SILAP, ada 4 topik utama yang TUN telah janjikan.
Terima kasih juga kepada AGONG yang bertindak bijak menyingkirkan DS Idris Jusoh sebagai MB.
Pembongkaran terbaru ini menunjukkan betapa bongkaknya kerajaan sekarang bekerja tanpa memikirkan seolah-olah tiada rakyat yang tahu akan kerja mereka. Yang pasti mereka LUPA TUHAN MEMERHATIKAN SETIAP PERILAKU KITA DI ATAS MUKA BUMI INI.
Kerajaan sekarang sebenarnya sedang mencemarkan nama “ISLAM”.
Sudahlah perbelanjaan RMK-9 RM 200 billion minta tambahan pula RM 30 billion, tapi apa habuk pun tak ada.
Projek mega banyak, rasmi sana rasmi sini, koridor sana koridor sini tapi satu pun tak nampak-nampak. Semuanya tangguh tak pun batal.
“Petronas’ contribution to Government revenue is so big…”
Setelah mendapat bayaran RM 61 billion dari Petronas, kerajaan sepatutnya bertindak mengurangkan harga minyak semula. Bayangkan semenjak 1970-an Petronas telah membayar cukai berjumlah lebih RM 400 billion. Lebih daripada RM 200 billion(setengah jumlah cukai Petronas) diterima kerajaan Pak Lah yang memimpin dari tahun 2003-sekarang. Jika kerajaan sekarang betul-betul berniat membantu rakyat hasil tersebut patut digunakan membantu rakyat.
Sebenarnya pendapatan kerajaan adalah lebih daripada cukup untuk membantu semua rakyat di samping melaksanakan perbelanjaan bagi projek pembangunan. Tetapi sehingga ke hari ini kita tidak dapat melihat satu pun projek mega yang siap dan dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar dari pimpinan kerajaan Pak Lah. Hanya dalam sebutan sahaja projek sana sini, koridor sana-sini. Tapi satu pun tidak dibangunkan lagi.
Ke mana perginya duit cukai dibayar Petronas yang berbilion-billion?
Asalamualaikum Tun,
1.Dalam perjalanan pergi ke tempat kerja pagi ni, kepala otak saya tak berenti fikir pasal duit yang keluar macam air. Dalam seminggu, lebih kurang RM60-70 keluar berbanding RM30 sebelum ini, dalam seminggu HANYA untuk mengisi minyak untuk kereta kelisa. Saya tak tahu berapa ribu gaji untuk orang yang bawa kereta 1.6 dan keatas jika perjalanan mereka jauh ke tempat kerja seperti saya. Itu baru minyak, belum tol lagi. Memikirkan, tentang anak dan bini yang perlu diberi makan, memang gabra jadinya.
2. Kalau semua orang asyik nak cari duit sebab kos sara hidup tinggi, apa akan jadi dengan anak2 kita dirumah.Pembangunan insan pasti tergugat. Masalah sosial yang tengah tenat jadi makin tak terkawal. Budak sekolah sekarang ini makin kurang ajar. Dengan polis pun diorang tak takut. Ingat anak kita juga bakal melaluinya nanti!
3.Inflasi negara kita kini adalah yang tertinggi semenjak 3 dekad! takut saya mendengarnya, pada zaman Tun dulu saya ingat ada kempen inflasi sifar, Tun berjaya. Dalam zaman AAB ni dia nampaknya, dia langsung tak ada idea, lepas tu nasihat rakyat malah Tun sendiri tak di pandangnya. Dia sibuk cakap pilihanraya 2004 adalah terbaik dalam sejarah (nak cuba compare dengan Tun le tuh). Pasal apa paling baik, sebab orang tak tau lagi kepala otak dia macam mana. Bila dah tau, tengoklah apa jadi PRU-12 yang lepas, itu masih tak sedar! Tunggulah PRU-13 nanti!
4. Kenapa Tun lambat sangat nak buat parti baru? Keluarkanlah statemaent kat surat khabar, Pembangkang kelam kabut,BN mesti huru hara. Kasi ajar sama diaorang ni!
Very upset IS very upset, with the current issues in Malaysia. Sigh……! Wot to do…?
When the USA made a comment with regards to Datuk Anwar, our PM & goons said not to interfer. Today’s paper said they HAVE to explain to the diplomats about the real story. Now can Datuk Anwar invite these diplomats to also explain his side of his story? Sure can…..
what !
I told you all… These politics show will never ceased.
Now inflation is at 7%. Let’s see what will increase…. maybe snatching, robbery, bribery, cheating, murders, etc…. I am sure the BN goverment would have known that with the increase of oil price all the factors will come up. How can they not plan ahead before making these moves? It goes to show they do NOT know how to run this country.
Let’s not compare with other countries. We are Malaysians, we whine on our own backyard. Not like our goony MPs!
We the rakyat ARE suffering. They are NOT. I tell u ah..! If not for these computer tecnology we will never get a chance to comment our views here. Our local newspapers ARE controlled by the goverment. Say i m right…!!
NO need to wear white ribbon… Just write a petition saying we, the rakyat DON’T want the BN to govern Malaysia anymore. Lets all sign on it & to make sure its genuine, put our IC number on it.
There are more than 24 million Malaysians & they can’t throw us all in jail. We have the right to vote for whoever we want & don’t want. Malaysia is a Democratic country. It has never been so screwed up till now…! NEVER !
All we can do is make noise on the internet only.
What else can we do lah ???
Salam Tun,
Lepas baca comments dari members yang lain, teringat satu statement from my friend (anak sedara Pak Lah). That time, Pak Lah baru naik jadi PM. Tak tau lah statement ni betul atau tidak. According to him, based on statistics, Melayu yang terima income lebih dari RM1,500 per month – tak lebih dari 3%. Well Tun, like i said earlier, i don’t know whether this is true or the other way round. But i’m sure u know better! 🙂
So members, especially Melayu – RENUNG-RENUNGKAN
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Thanks pada warga kerja dan khususnya pemuda pelapis kerana sediakan berita tv3.
I ni tak baca seme komen,tapi kekadang tu terbaca jer.Kira korang ni bertuah ler sebab I terbaca.Dapat terima kasih apa….
Terima kasih Tun.
Salam Tun,
1) Saya melihat isu kerajaan negeri Terengganu menggunakan kereta Mercedes Benz adalah satu isu picisan, kalau nk dibandingkan dgn Federal govt yg lebih bnyk membazirkan wang sehingga berbillion2 ringgit.
2)Mungkin MB Terengganu SALAHnya kerana tidak menggunakan/ berbangga menggunakan kereta nasional. Namun tetapi yang menjadi persoalan kenapa kos penyelenggaraan Proton Perdana terlalu tinggi hingga tidak msuk akal.
3) Saya menjangkakan ini akan membuka satu episod baru, kes penyelewengan wang rakyat.
4) BENARnya MB Terengganu kerana beliau ingin menjimatkan kos dgn menggunakan Mercedes Benz. Beliau membandingkan kos penyelenggaraan kenderaan yg terdahulu dgn kereta yg baru dibeli sekarang. Malah pembelian Mercedes Benz ini mengikut peraturan perbendaharaan.
5)Kita jgn mudh tertipu dgn media massa kita yg mula menghentam Kerajaan Terenggau (utk pengetahuan sy bukan org Terengganu)kerana isu ini. Umum telah tahu MB Terengganu tidak menjadi pilihan DSAAB sebelum ini. Jadi adalah satu masa yg sesuai utk Federal Govt bertindak menghentam Kerajaan Terengganu.
6) Kita juga telah tahu MB Terengganu memohon semula royalti minyak dikembalikan. Adakah anda pasti federal govt gemar dgn tindakan ini?
7) Ternyata Feeral Govt tidak meminati MB Terengganu skrg.
8) Federal Govt ingin menunjukkan bahawa merekalah yg paling berjimat cermat dan memahami perasaan rakyat,namun tetapi berdasarkan track record hampeh….
Salam sejahtera Tun yang amat dihormati,
One night after the 1978 General Election, we were having dinner at the Wisma Persekutuan, an old colonial building by the seafront of George Town, Penang. As usual there were not many customers because the place was exclusive for the senior government servants to spend their leisure hours. Two tables away there were two pairs of couples, one was Dolah and Endon and their two very young children, a boy and a girl. The boy must be Kamaruddin. There other couple should be of Dolahâs buddy and wife. They were privately celebrating Dolahâs victory in the General Election. Dolah then was only a Malaysian Civil Servant who just gained the title YB following his victory. Dolah is now the flip-flop Prime Minister of my country and the young boy I saw that night is now (only three decades later) a multi billion ringgit man. The young girl is now the wife of KJ. No wonder Iâm still miserable and getting poorer and poorer no matter how hard Iâve toiled to earn my living. God bless my fatherâs soul.My father was killed by the enemy in WW2.He sacrificed his life to defend his country. He didnât leave his family a fortune except the pride that we feel for his name being mentioned once in our countryâs history. And now my god, this country is in the process of being destroyed by Dolah, his family and his stooges.
Salam Tun Dr. Mahathir
Saya pergi ke perpustakaan sebuah universiti di Mesir dan tertarik dengan sebuah buku tentang dinamisme Dr. Mahathir semasa menjadi PM. Tetapi tidak halnya semasa di Mekah semasa saya assigned to set up fiber optic.. sempat ke deretan sebuah kedai jual kain baju arab (tapi madein Indonesia – jadi tak jadi beli). Bersembang dengan peniaga berketurunan Sudan..tapi pandai cakap Melayu (Alhamdullilah..bahasa Melayu jadi lingua franca dah agaknya).
Saya petik excatly apa dia kata:
Saya: W’salam..ya..
Dia: Malaysia?
Saya: Alhamdullilah..ya…
Dia: Nik Aziz apa khabar?
Saya: Tak pernah jumpa dia.
Dia: Brother Anwar Ibrahim? … sihatkah?
Saya: Sihat barangkali..seikh kenal ka Anwar Ibrahim?
Dia: Saya kenal dia..Dia (Anwar) bagus… Mahathir tak bagus..
Saya: ?????? kenapa?
Dia: Kerana Anwar Ibrahim orang Melayu tulen. Mahathir bukan orang Melayu Tulen…
Saya: ??????????
Dalam flight dari Jeddah…pening saya memikirkan kata kata seikh sipenjual kain tadi.
[email protected]
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun dan Bloggers,
Bersempena dengan malam ini, iaitu malam Jumaat, saya ingin menyarankan supaya kita baca Surah Yaasin dan berdoa.
“Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk kepada pemerintah yang korup dapat menyedari kesilapan mereka. Semoga Allah membuka pintu hati mereka supaya bertaubat. Semoga Allah membuka pintu hati mereka supaya memberi peluang kepada orang yang lebih layak dapat memegang jawatan. Semoga rakyat Malaysia dijauhkan bala bencana yang tidak mampu kita menanggungnya”.
Kita baca secara individu. kemudian apa kata kita buat majlis bacaan Yaasin beramai-ramai. Mulakan di rumah, kemudian dipanjangkan ke surau, masjid dan lain-lain tempat yang difikirkan sesuai.
Doa itu senjata orang Mukmin. Insyaallah doa orang yang dizalimi dimakbulkan Allah.
Semoga YABhg. Tun dirahmati Allah.
Salam Tun,
Banyak info yg sy dapat dlm blog ini …..masih terngiangian ( teringat-ingat ) zaman Tun memimpin dahulu, mungkin kerana pd era Tun banyak sangat perubahan …..kereta nasional ………KLIA ….F1….LeTour Dlangkawi….Twintower..KL Tower dan banyak sangat yg membanggakaan rakyat malaysia.Saya sebagai rakyat malaysia sejati mendoakan dan mengharapkan Tun dapat berbuat sesuatu dgn kerajaan sekarang demi kebaikan rakyat dan negara yg kita cinta.
Assalamu’alaikum Yang Amat Dihormati Tun,
Kerajaan sekarang terpaksa berbelanja berbilion ringgit dalam konteks modal insan walaupun secara WASTE & LOSSES, DAYLIGHT ROBBERY etc bagi menghasilkan seorang yang bergelar Perdana Menteri flip-flop termasuk back door Minister.
TBhg Tun,
Apa yang telah Pak Lah lakukan di Terengganu adalah akibat dari tindakan Tun merampas wang royalti dari kerajaan Terengganu semasa pemerintahan kerajaan PAS dan menukarkannya menjadi wang ehsan tanpa kawalan yang sewajarnya….akibat dari tindakan Tun yang tidak menghormati demokrasi dan prinsip federalism juga keputusan rakyat Terengganu ketika itu telah membolehkan menantu Pak Lah dan kroninya menyalahgunakan wang ehsan ciptaan Tun kerana ia tidak disalurkan kepada kerajaan negeri dan tidak terikat dengan peraturan dibawah arahan perbendaharaan (TI).
Mengkritik seperti yang Tun lakukan amat mudah kerana Tun masih tidak rasa bersalah dan menyesali tindakan Tun semasa berkuasa…sekarang sebelum Tun mati lagi satu-satu kerosakan yang Tun buat masa pemerintahan Tun sedang disalahgunakan.
Tentang projek-projek Tun yang tidak diteruskan oleh Pak Lah pula adalah akibat Tun tidak memastikan ianya dilaksanakan dahulu baru menyerahkan jawatan kepada beliau ataupun sebagaimana yang Tun akui telah tersilap pilih….tapi silap pilih Tun telah mengakibatkan kerosakan yang teruk kepada negara…
Tun ayuhlah akuilah kesilapan yang telah Tun lakukan terhadap sistem pentadbiran di negara ini semasa Tun berkuasa dan fikirkanlah cara untuk membetulkan KESILAPAN TUN…..bergeraklah di dalam pasukan dan bukan sendirian seperti sekarang untuk membetulkannya…
Pohon pertimbangan YBhg Tun memikirkannya dan seterusnya bertindaklah segera….
Salam kepada pemerhati Pak Lah yang sedang Memantau Blog TDM.
Tolong sampaikan kepada Y.A.B. P.M. supaya meletak jawatan dengan segera. Rakyat sudah tidak tertahan lagi dengan tindak tanduk Nya yang teramat B*d*h itu. Sekelian rakyat merayu Supaya Dato Seri Abdullah meletak jawatan. Dengan Seberapa Segera.
Terima kasih kerana sampaikan pesanan sekelian Rakyat Malaysia ini, kepada Dato Seri Abdullah.
Yang di hormati lagi di sayangi Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah.
Sememang nya amat membazirkan,duit negara dan duit rakyat.
Hadis nabi dari Anas bin Malik RA:
Bahawasanya Rasulullah SAW bersabda “TIDAK BERLAKU (TERJADI)
Dan sebuah lagi dari (HR) Ath.Thabrani: “KHIANAT PALING BESAR
Mengikut kata guru saya, kita orang2 ISLAM yang berdosa ini
apabila berada di dalam kubur,kesemua nya akan berada di dalam
satu kawah,bagai ulat tahi di dalam tong najis (Di kecualikan Para
Rasul,para Nabi,para Wali dan orang2 yang di kasehi olih Allah SWT)
Kesemua nya berebut hendak naik ke atas (Permukaan) akan tetapi apa
bila sampai di permukaan ,telah siap menunggu malaikat azab untuk memukul kita ke bawah,Semakin besar pangkat seseorang itu semakin
ke bawah lah ia berada (kecuali yang di redhai Allah SWT).
Mungkin pemimpin2 sekarang tahu akan Al Quran,hadis tetapi tidak
tahu akan hal ini.
DI TENGGOROKAN. Ini hanya catatan kerana saya juga masih lagi dalam
pencarian untuk bertaubat di atas dosa2 dan kesalahan saya di atas
dunia ini.
Itulah sahaja yang dapat anakanda tegur akan pemimpin2 sekarang.
Semoga Ayahanda dan Bonda sentiasa berada di dalam limpahan Rahmat
Allah SWT.
Alif Lam Mim
Hahahah… Tun… dulu selepas Tun melepaskan jawatan, mereka kata Tun membazir dan sebagainya. Saya tak tampak pun apa yang Tun lakukan tidak mendatangkan hasil. Semuanya ada kegunaan dan faedahnya. Tapi rupanya, Pak Lah jauh terlalu lebih teruk dari apa yang diperkatakan pada Tun. Bak kata pepatah “Kata pendulang paku serpih, mengata orang awak yang lebih.” Betul tak Tun. Saya rindu masa zaman pemerintahan Tun dulu.
Dear Tun and all readers,
There is a new boutique in Pavilion shopping complex called TENC.
TENC stands for The Emperorâs New Clothes which owned by trio gentlemen and one of them is Khairy Jamaluddin and son in law of Datuk Affendy Nawawi (former Agriculture Minister during Tunâs time).
This boutique is catered especially for people who have tons of money, not like you and me. A piece of cheapest shirt in the shop will cost you easily RM1500.
â¦I am talking about an ordinary T-shirt. A pair of jeans could easily cost a whopping RM2500 a piece. Nah..nah, it carries no Versace, Ralph Laurent, Boss or Zegna. These brands are nothing to this people. The brands that they are selling you hardly heard before unless you are regular spender in those shops along Old Bond Street in London or Maximillianâs Street in Munich etc. I am telling you, it will make you sick to your stomach looking at the price tags in this TENC boutique. The trio is very proud of their business and it was officially opened in such a grand ceremony.
I am very proud that we Malays have the gut to venture into such business.
Waitâ¦I have my point on why did I bring this matter in Tunâs blog. Many of Tunâs readers are indeed educated and well to do people. They can afford to buy such things.
Khairy as one of the owners surely must be seen wearing his own brand to portray his loyalty to his own products. Here ladies and gentlemen, to those who support this KJ, did you know that this Pak Lah son in law is actually wearing a pair of jeans that cost about RM3000 and shirt that cost half of our salary? The last time I encountered KJ, he was wearing a A.Piquetâs watch that commands price for more than RM100000 and I am sure that was only one of his watches. This is the very kind outfits that he has and is wearing to meet his so called supporters or should I say your subjects Your Majesty?
TENC stands for The Emperorâs New Clothes. It is indeed a story in Chinese folklores which tells about an Emperor who was very fond of fine clothing and fashionable costumes. He would spend half of his kingdomâs coffer for his obsession on clothing.
One day, came a new tailors (duo) who claim that they have produced the best clothing material the world ever seen. Words spread and the Emperor who was very keen on this sort thing then summoned the duo to the palace and ordered a pair of ceremonial robe for his special occasion (Forgotten what was it). Do I have to tell the whole story? I do not tell in details because I have forgotten most of it.
Anyway, the costume and the robe have been ordered and should ready in a month or so. Every week, he would send one of his ministers to see on the progress of much awaited costumes.
The first minister who went to the shop: was angry when he sees the tailors were doing nothing but âsewingâ something in the air and seems cutting something with a scissors.
Furious the minister was and asking why was nothing is being done since the due date is fast approaching.
The duo explained to the minister that the material were made from the best of the best, it almost has no weight and can only be seen with eyes that has the highest virtues and mentality above from people on the street. In short, only wise men could see and feel the material. If you could not see, it means you are not befitting to be in such group of people.
Upon hearing this, suddenly the minister seemingly impressed with the look of the costumes and with his compliments, he leaves for the palace and conveyed the news to the Emperor. Week after week, the Emperor sent different minister to check on the progress and all came back with astonishing satisfactions with the costumes.
The day finally came when the tailors went to the palace to present the finish product. The Emperor has summoned all his ministers and crème de la crème to attend this special delivery. Fail to do so will result in capital punishment. All attended cordially because they were also excited to see the costumes and all were well aware of the âonly the wise men could seeâ kind of genre associated with this costume.
In the throne room, the tailors unveiled the finished costumes from the wrapper and unfold the robe. Everybody was âwahâ and the room filled with puji-pujian to the tailors on how beautiful the costumes were. The Emperor could not seen anything that being presented and almost blurt it out saying â where the hell?â when suddenly he realizes that if he could not see, it means he is an unwise person and stupid. He cannot be seen as stupid by his subjects and then he proudly congratulates the two for the job well done.
Few days later, he was dressed by the tailors and proudly wore them to the altar and everybody show their astonishment on how beautiful the cloth on the emperor. Then, the possession begins on the street and the Emperor sat on the special carriage to show the beautiful clothes that he recently tailored and now wearing it proudly.
He then stood to show off his new cloth and all the Rakyat were shocked and nobody spoken a word. The Emperor thought that the Rakyat were too impressed to express their compliments.
A naïve little boyâ¦.on top of his lungs was heard yelling âThe man on the carriage is naked, shame laâ
Then everybody were laughing and the Emperor retreat to the palace with full of shame.
Morale of the story is: Do tell honestly when your boss or superior doing something stupid!
Our ministers, please tell Pak Lah that he is not doing well up there. It is time to leave.
To Pak Lah, ask your son in law about the name of his boutique. I am sure Khairy could easily tell the story in much more convincing and hopefully he is not âtailoringâ the same costumes for you to wear.
Learn from this story Pak Lah.
The very name of the boutique that belongs to Khairy is epitome of the ownerâs true characters which honors luxury and hypocrite.
Please visit TENC at the Pavilion in Kuala Lumpur and ask about the story. Purchase one or two, bring them home and have them compared to the ones you bought from Leviâs.
Thatâs my entire story.
â¦â¦what happened to the tailors?
They went missing right after they âdressedâ the Emperor.
Whistle blowers, do your part now before it is too late.
Tun yang dihormati, disanjungi & disayangi rakyat…
Moga Tun sihat walafiat…
difference – dulu dan sekarang
dulu muka PM kua tiwi.. I kuatkan volume sebab nak dengar komen atau jawapan yang bernas dari Tun terhadap segala soalan wakil media… (suka sangat dgn jwpn2 Tun.. full of fact, bold n yet so convincing)
muka PM kua tiwi jer.. i terus tuka chanel lain atau tutup jer TV. Sebab soalan wakil media tu semer i dah boleh agak apa dia nak jawab.. ala.. nak bg contoh pun malas la kaann.. slalu klu media tanya AAB, I ckp kt wife i, u dgr eh.. biar i yg jawab dulu… pastu jawapan tu yg +/- samer AAB jawab. Macam jawapan karangan bahasa malaysia budak darjah 4… wife i gelak jer..
Takut la kn lepas ni.. menyampah giler dgr jawapan mcm budak drjh 4 dia.. i x tutup tv lg.. i karate jer tv tu terus… Wachhaaaa…
Hehe.. pastu ada la sebab aku nk tukar tiwi plasma…kaaann..
Mana kan dpt aku tuka tv.. makan pun bercatu skrg ni.. thx to the present administration of the nation for making us suffering… sigh! can’t wait 4 the election to come.. HIDUP SUSAH BERSAMA RAKYAT..
Dear TUN
Clearly our current flip-flop or kelam-kabut PM AAB doesn’t have the qualification to manage the economy …..Period
Clearly you can see that he is not even aware of the problems our country & the rakyat would face in the coming months ahead & don’t even talk about any solutions & preparations to counter them. He & his unqualified economic team of no-brainers just know how to fill the holes with sand (rakyat’s money) whenever they get bigger & bigger just like the children playing on the beach instead of thinking of ways how to stop or slow down the gap from getting bigger.
And CLEARLY he is in denial of his capabilities & knowledge to manage & run the country when he refused to listen to the cries of desperation by the rakyat due to his inept & selfish policies.
Dear Tun,
I would like to ask your permission to express in your column, of my grief over the sudden death of my beloved brother in-law,
At 9.00 am, Sunday morning 20.07.2008, I was shock when informed of his sudden death- 8.05 am. His nose was bleeding slightly three days before and he had been going around his routine. Nobody suspected anything serious.Passed away at the Jitra Hospital one hour after admission due to high blood pressure. It was a big shock to his family and aquaintance.
Chikgu Din Pendek, as he has been known among UMNO members all over Malaysia, is from Permatang Pauh, Penang and the cousin of DATO SRI ANUAR IBRAHIM.Married my eldest sister, Cikgu Salmah Saad and had been living in Jitra. Join UMNO in the 70s and was elected as Ketua Pemuda Kubang Pasu for one term only because of his involvement in the gang known as ‘Sepuluh Budak Hitam’against the Kedah MB then. But he was still supporting UMNO till his last day Even though he is DSAI cousin, he prefered to to support you because he regarded you as his father, mentor, leader and true friend. He used to tell me stories about his relationship and respect of you. Since I highly respect you, I love to listen to his stories whenever I go back to Kedah.All the past Cabinet Ministers during your time know who he was. Sometimes new ministers would enquire about him whenever you met him in Pulau Langkawi.
He had never been shown his anger to any body, even to wife and children and students. Always laughing,cracking jokes and everybody in Jitra loves him. He was so jovial and seemed to be a man of no problem. I have never seen him sad and everybody was happy with his jokes and stories . I used to regard him as your jester- always with his ‘loyar buruk’. Once he told me about his question to you about who holds the Highest Office in the world. Your anwers were all wrong. His anwer was TDMM because his office is on the top floor of The world highest building; Petronas Twin Tower.No other leader( even US President)has an office as high as yours. He once told you that he was holding a big position compared to you even though you were the PM because he was a GURU BESAR. What a great MAMAK Penang.We will surely miss his loyar buruk, especially you. I hope you will mention this character in your memoirs .
He was a DTC trained teacher. Started teaching in Kelantan and many primary schools in Kubang Pasu. His last appointment was a Headmaster. He was involved in many sosial activities; Scouting, Rovers, wireless radio club, sports, Jitra Retiree association and Member and leader of Youth Clubs. After retirement, he managed to fulfill his dream to be a Pilot and joined the Kedah Flying Club. Even though he was just a Primary school teacher, all his children are university graduates.
Sama-samalah kita berdoa agar dicucuri rahmat, Allah ampun dosanya dan dimasukkan ke syurga. Alfatihah untuk CIKGU SABARUDIN ARIFIN.
Dear Tun,
I would like to ask your permission to express in your column, of my grief over the sudden death of my beloved brother in-law,
At 9.00 am, Sunday morning 20.07.2008, I was shock when informed of his sudden death- 8.05 am. His nose was bleeding slightly three days before and he had been going around his routine. Nobody suspected anything serious.Passed away at the Jitra Hospital one hour after admission due to high blood pressure. It was a big shock to his family and aquaintance.
Chikgu Din Pendek, as he has been known among UMNO members all over Malaysia, is from Permatang Pauh, Penang and the cousin of DATO SRI ANUAR IBRAHIM.Married my eldest sister, Cikgu Salmah Saad and had been living in Jitra. Join UMNO in the 70s and was elected as Ketua Pemuda Kubang Pasu for one term only because of his involvement in the gang known as ‘Sepuluh Budak Hitam’against the Kedah MB then. But he was still supporting UMNO till his last day Even though he is DSAI cousin, he prefered to to support you because he regarded you as his father, mentor, leader and true friend. He used to tell me stories about his relationship and respect of you. Since I highly respect you, I love to listen to his stories whenever I go back to Kedah.All the past Cabinet Ministers during your time know who he was. Sometimes new ministers would enquire about him whenever you met him in Pulau Langkawi.
He had never been shown his anger to any body, even to wife and children and students. Always laughing,cracking jokes and everybody in Jitra loves him. He was so jovial and seemed to be a man of no problem. I have never seen him sad and everybody was happy with his jokes and stories . I used to regard him as your jester- always with his ‘loyar buruk’. Once he told me about his question to you about who holds the Highest Office in the world. Your anwers were all wrong. His anwer was TDMM because his office is on the top floor of The world highest building; Petronas Twin Tower.No other leader( even US President)has an office as high as yours. He once told you that he was holding a big position compared to you even though you were the PM because he was a GURU BESAR. What a great MAMAK Penang.We will surely miss his loyar buruk, especially you. I hope you will mention this character in your memoirs .
He was a DTC trained teacher. Started teaching in Kelantan and many primary schools in Kubang Pasu. His last appointment was a Headmaster. He was involved in many sosial activities; Scouting, Rovers, wireless radio club, sports, Jitra Retiree association and Member and leader of Youth Clubs. After retirement, he managed to fulfill his dream to be a Pilot and joined the Kedah Flying Club. Even though he was just a Primary school teacher, all his children are university graduates.
Sama-samalah kita berdoa agar dicucuri rahmat, Allah ampun dosanya dan dimasukkan ke syurga. Alfatihah untuk CIKGU SABARUDIN ARIFIN.
assalamualaikum tun,
apa dah jadi malaysia skrg, satu persatu Malaysia kena gadai, skrg ni singapore nak tuntut perairan disekelingi batu puteh, lemah sungguh kerajaan skrg, perlu ke malaysia menjadi semula zaman bercucuk tanam ?
Assalam Tun.. semoga sll dibantu Tuhan
Saya syorkan supaya kita sama2 promosi Tun, krn tiada lagi pemimpin yang kita nmpak untuk menyelamatkan malaysia negara tercinta, sllu ceritakan pd kawan2, pakcik makcik, dan semua rakyat malaysia tentang Tun, ceritalah dengan ikhlas sejauh mana kita mengenali Tun, jgn menokok tambah tentang Tun. InsyaAllah Tuhan akan tunjukkan kebenran krn kita telah melakukan usaha yg sdikit untuk menyelamatkan tanah air.
Teruskan perjuangan Tun, Tun yang menghidupkan semangat kami.
Tun, keluarga serta bloggers yang dihormati.
More waste & losses – As a Malaysian citizen we need to be couragoues and have the strength to overcome on what is happennig now.
I. Nothing will improve, for as long as AAB do not step down himself.
2. This would not happen between the MT UMNO, Cabinet Minister and all over the states branches & division in UMNO.
3. Only Tun Blog can and have the impact to stir up the issues and I can bet you this is being monitored closely.
4. Tun Blog’s is being read Internationally, and all Asean Countries with the rest of the world some even responding, as they are reading it. Most will understand because Tun, as we know is very knowledable, having them in English, apart from our Bahasa.
5. What Tun has highlighted is all based on Facts, and with evidence and very professionally address.
6. Yes, Tun select AAB as PM when he decide to retired, but with conditions that AAB fulfilled the targets and implemented the left over as jointly agreed.
7. AAB has failed to follow up on Tun targets and not implementing the left over project as jointly agreed.
8. AAB total ingnorance of Tun advise and was a totally change person after winning the 2004 PRU 11. Tun pressure AAB for failure to complete certain important project and Tun pomised that if this project is implemented Tun would stop pressuring AAB. Still AAB was ignorance to complete the important project.
9. AAB was consider powerful, and have advisor’s from his immediate family members, cronies and some cabinets minister whom are stuckup, rude, forgetful,untrustworthiness,self interest and unfaithful towards the Rakyat and most of all towards Tun.
10.AAB prior to the PRU12 election was advise by Tun to step down, and AAB hesitate, AAB highlighted that he was not a one (1) term PM.
11. PRU 12 results was announced and was a big blow, and a disgraced to AAB, UMNO & BN. AAB losing his own state + 4 other states.
12. Tun made a remarks for AAB to step down immediatly,but AAB refusal saying he has got the majority support fpr him to be PM and President of UMNO.
13.AAB refusal to step down, resulted in Tun to leave UMNO with the condition that he would rejoin UMNO if AAB step down.
Sorry I’ m sure most would have known of what I have express above, just to recap and simplfy the events for refreshing our thaughts. My point here is that Tun as he knows of AAB which Tun has elected to take over the Premiership was also aware of AAB capabilities and shortfalls to carry on as PM of Malaysia.AAB as we know is Mr. Clean but become Mr.Dirty due to having family interest and cronies involvement.
Dear bloggers,Tun has made a decision we all know to elect AAB as PM.Thus Tun being responsible, and for sure is having a close watch and interest on mismanagement by the PM which Tun iniatially adress and have fallen into deaf ears and AAB bieng in a confortable zone insist that he is still able to be the PM Malaysia and President of UMNO.
With this explanation,I for sure knows why Tun is not happy.Individually we can make decision and some comparable between Tun & AAB. Tun Blog’has been operational since May 2008. Tun way of handling issues is very diplomatic,effective and respectable.Tun for sure does not require his supporters to have riots or street demos causing hadrship to fellow citizens, and respecting our law.
I have said this before and I will say this again that Tun loves UMNO.Honourable Bloggers as we are,Tun will be vocal as we know, Tun will be agressive as we know,Tun will be respected as we know,Tun will futher disclosed all the wrong doings as he has the trumph cards as always.Tun will have to be be cruel at times to be kind. Nobody dares to step on Tun toes,Only those guilty does not dares to see the sight of Tun’s or see him in the eyes, when talking.Let’s all vote for Tun for only 2010 to be our PM again of Malaysia, ensuring Tun vision 2020 is achievable. Thanks Tun Respect for Tun, Family & Honourable Bloggers.
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Harap Tun sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera. Saya merupakan seorng mahasiswa yg berusia 21 tahun. Dan saya amat menyanjungi dan menghargai segala budi dan jasa Tun terhadap agama, bangsa dan negara.
Saya ada satu soalan.
Sebelum ini Tun pernah membuat perbincangan 4 mata dengan Pak Lah. Dan Tun juga telah mengatakan bahawa Tun ada merakankan perbualan/perbincangan tersebut (setelah Tun Meminta kebenaran dari Pak Lah). Bilakah Tun akan mendedahkan isi kandungan rakaman tersebut?
Tun juga ada mengatakan bahawa Pak Lah tidak menjawab beberapa soalan jadi saya secara peribadi dan rakyat umumnya ingin mengetahui keseluruhan rakaman tersebut.
Mungkin dengan pendedahan rakaman perbincangan tersebut akan dapat menjelaskan lagi keadaan, walaupun Pak Lah tidak menjawab beberapa soalan.
Saya harap Tun dapat memberikan respon kepada soalan saya.
Perjuanganmu belum selesai,
Perjuangan kita tidak akan selesai.
Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu membeli Merz adalah satu kesilapan, walau pun apa alasan yang diberi oleh MB nya.Saya rasa dia syok sendiri, itu aje. Kita patut berbangga dengan Proton, bukan mengata ini dan itu. Harga perbaikan yang tinggi misti ada sebab sebab nya.Qualiti Proton memang diragui bila kita buat perbandingan. Jadi Proton kenalah tingkatkan qualiti setiap masa.
Salam Tun,
Masjid Kristal. Pembaziran yang nyata. Nak kata projek serampang 2 mata, takde nampak pon promosi dalam agenda pelancongan. Jambatan kedua JB-S’pore yg terang-terangan bermanfaat dalam bnyk segi dibatalkan setelah bnyk perbelanjaan dilaburkan, mcm buat rumah yg tak siap. Takut dengan tekanan S’pore.
It is very very easy to become rich and famous in capitalism democracy government system such as in Malaysia.
Just remember this Tun, Bankers-businessmen and property developers are at the top of human food chain in this system.
No wonder your son, Mukhriz has to become a businessman with a business degree from USA.
As long as you pump in billions into infrastructure construction and property development industry. You will have populace support.
As long as you pump in billions for IT project, you will have more party members to support you, but of course, first you must ensure they all have education background in IT.Cinta IT, Suka IT, Belajar IT.
As long as you spend money in buying Mercedes,BMWs and other luxury cars, you will garner the support of the businessmen’ class since they are doing the job as importers and distributors.
Remember this Tun, the 3 golden rule of democracy: Majority wins, Majority rules, Majority always right!
salam Tun. dah tiba masa Tun mendedahkan perkara sebenar agar rakyat dapat membuat perhitungan betul untuk memilih pemimpin. Ingat lah apa yang baik itu akan dibalas dengan kebaikan jua didunia maupun akhirat. Demi bangsa dan negara anak cucu kita dimasa depan perjuangann Tun menegakkan kebenaran pada masa ini akan memberikan impak yang besar kepada rakyat akan datang. Terima kasih Tun.
Kesian rakyat malaysia… ntah sape lah yang lantik “mister clean” tu jadi PM.. bijak betul bekas perdana menteri tu. Sekarang orang BN sendiri pun tak peduli dah dekat die… dulu seme sibuk jilat punggung
die sane sini… sekarang pandang tak mau… tu lah balasan tuhan agaknye…
Assalam Tun… moga masih sihat dan diberi kekuatan oleh Tuhan untuk menyelamatkan malaysia dari musuh islam..
Saya (dan mungkin ramai lagi) takut dengan keadaan paklah memerintah, tetapi keadaan bertambah risau krn Anwar mula menunjukkan belang, klu Tun memerintah, insyaAllah selesai….
masih ramai tidak kenal siapa Tun…
Assalamualaikum TDM,
Kalau benar PAS ni iklas menyatukan orang melayu sepatutnya mereka masuk UMNO dan membubarkan PAS. Tetapi saya berpendapat tujuan PAS ialah kerana politik semata-mata.
Pak La sanggup mengadakan kerjasama dengan PAS tanpa mengkaji kesannya kepada UMNO dan BN. Saya percaya ahli UMNO, BN dan PAS tidak semua sependapat dalam soal ini. Parti komponen BN tidak akan berasa senang dengan keadaan ini termasuk parti dari Sabah dan Sarawak dan seterusnya pengundi yang bukan ahli parti.
Jika pakatan ini diteruskan, akan mengundang padah kepada UMNO dan BN.
Saya berpendapat, punca perpecahan orang melayu ialah Pak La…..
setelah Pak La jadi perdana menteri, beliau telah membatalkan projek-projek yang telah dirancang oleh TDM, kerana itu TDM banyak mengkritik kepimpinan Pak La.
Kali ini tindakan Pak La menjalin kerjasama dengan PAS akan menyebabkan UMNO dengan parti komponan BN berpecah.
Teruskan perjuangan Tun, kami sentiasa menyokong…….Salam.
What do think of Datuk Seri Rais Yatim as our next PM?
Tun di harap sihat sihat selalu di samping keluarga.InshaAllah.
Tun its a fantastic phenomenon that in just Two month plus your infomative blog had a hit of over 4 000 000 visitors.
Tun may be u can narrate a little bit why u choose Pak Lah as your successor. I guess its a mother of all mistake.
Pak Lah undur lah Tun Mahathir Kembalilah— Thats my slogan.
Tun jaga kesihatan semoga dapat terus berjuang.InshaAllah.
Salam to Tun and All,
Alamak, I still keep hearing stupid UMNO branches that nominate AAB for President. Please, help whole Malaysia, no one person. He can’t do much. Abeit can aa.
Please all UMNO members, join UMNO meetings, go find when the meeting for nomination could be held at your branches. Don’t only type here in, but no action could be taken.
This is our only hope, coz waiting for another 2 years, is killing Malaysia. AAB said in paper, believe the transition. But it is not the transition making us worried, but living in country with proven worst PM for next 2 years, is like hell. I know all Malaysian and readers know this ‘proven’ facts.
Thanks for branches and division for nominate others for President.
Dear Tun,
The inflation rate in June 2008 for Malaysia was 7.7%, as the result of the price increase at petrol pump! I guess this inflation rate must have broken the historical records of highest inflation rate in a month for the past 50 years.
No matter what, I think we should also take a look at other country, such as Norway, before we start open the fire again on Pak Lah!
As indicated by the news report on oil price hike in Norway (please read report attached below), high oil price is a world problem everywhere nowadays. It is not a problem caused by Pak Lah alone.
However, since this is the season for a political change, Tun Dr. Mahathir’s supporters may have to decide for themselves now on whether they still want Pak Lah to be the Prime Minister or they will allow Anwar Ibrahim to take over Pak Lah as the Prime Minister! If neither Pak Lah nor Anwar Ibrahim is their best choice, then they ought to consider giving either Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah or Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin a serious thought now!
If they do not allow UMNO’s top post to have a contest between the incumbent and the challenger, then they have better bagged home the 7.7% inflation rate every month and choose to keep their mouth shut from now on till the eternity.
ALL UMNO DIVISION HEADS and CENTRAL REPRESENTATIVES please be wise enough to choose the ultimate leader of your choice and stop acting like a “tong kosong” again – bising sahaja tapi tanpa isi kandungan! So, please be dare enough to nominate either Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah or Muhyiddin Yassin to be top post contester now!
Extract from
In oil-rich Norway, petrol prices most expensive in Europe
by Gwladys Fouche Mon Jul 21, 11:50 PM ET News
OSLO (AFP) – In Norway, many motorists are up in arms over why they have to pay the highest petrol (gasoline) prices in Europe when the country is the world’s fifth-largest oil exporter and a recent tax hike has done little to cool tempers.
“It is really strange: we have lots of oil and we’re a rich country. Why do we have to pay so much?” asks Per-Arne Skjerpingstad, a 38-year-old hospital porter as he fills up the tank of his Peugeot 307 at an Oslo gas station for 750 kroner (94 euros, 148 dollars).
Diesel costs 14.23 kroner (1.78 euros, 2.82 dollars) a litre (quarter gallon) and 95 unleaded 13.84 kroner, putting it at the top of the European league, EU figures show.
And while many countries are discussing how to soften the blow of skyrocketing oil prices on consumers, Norway on July 1 increased its already heavy tax take by 0.05 kroner per litre on petrol and 0.10 kroner (0.1 euro cent, 0.2 dollar cent) on diesel.
Seven out of 10 Norwegians oppose the tax increase, according to a July poll by the daily VG.
“It’s not the way to go. In a country like Norway, people need to have cars. I bought this car because I’m going to be a father soon,” Skjerpingstad said.
Critics argue it is meaningless to increase taxation when oil prices have risen so much in the past months. And as the new tax increase is low, it won’t significantly change drivers’ behaviour.
Instead “we should lower tax because we are so fortunate to be an oil exporter,” said Siv Jensen, the leader of the far-right Progress Party, the leading opposition group in Norway.
“We should give the money back to the people so they can enjoy it,” she told AFP.
The tax increase is part of a wider government strategy to fight climate change by pushing Norwegians to leave their car at home.
“At a time when climate change is beginning to seriously impact the planet, and when Norway’s carbon dioxide emissions are increasing, we politicians must take steps to meet these challenges,” Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen said.
The tax was agreed by all political parties, apart from the Progress Party, as part of the country’s overall climate change policy.
But now supporters of the centre-left coalition government fear the tax increase will cost them dearly in the next elections, in September 2009.
“It’s a very unwise political decision. The only thing it will accomplish is that the Progress Party will get even more votes,” Labour MP Karita Bekkemellem told the daily VG in June.
A third of the population expect fuel prices to be the most important issue in the polls, according to a survey in Aftenposten, Norway’s paper of reference.
Speculation has been rife over whether the far-right could come to power for the first time in the next election. Even Labour Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg has acknowledged that the Progress Party could get into government.
Those living in rural and remote areas are particularly incensed about the tax increase as they are more dependent on cars than city dwellers who have access to public transport.
“This is a serious issue with many people I have spoken to and met in my region, (rural) Moere and Romsdal. Much more serious than for those who live in a small circle in Oslo and Gruenerloekka (a fashionable area in the capital) think,” Bekkemellem told VG.
At the same time, there are those who think the protests are overdone since Norway is a rich country and should be able to afford high fuel prices in the service of a good cause.
Norwegian salaries are among the highest in the world and the government estimates an average industry worker here can buy twice as much petrol as his Spanish counterpart after working an hour.
“Of course petrol is expensive but it’s okay. The standard of living is good here and salaries are high,” said Stine Nore, a 28-year-old logistics manager as she filled up her black BMW estate.
“There have to be incentives for people to drive less. Driving is a luxury. People should only drive a car when it really is necessary,” she told AFP.
Now I just came to know Mercedes car is so reliable……long term benefit, berani jugak beri statement begini!!! Those fools are giving excuses just to achieve their goals….kalau mampu beli la guna duit poket sendiri. What is so bad about Malaysian car….???
A soft reminder to Pak Lah, his cronies and Pakatan…..get to your feet and show us the result. Stop mendling around. We are taxpayers, and we demand to see progress and outcome and stop FLIP FLOPPING, act like a human not a roti canai….
kalau dah pencen..buat cara pencen….jgn nak gila kuasa lagi….
Dear Tun and All readers,
By Pat.
‘Entrusted by the nation with a noble duty, these people chose not to take the honour but to place self-interest above everything. This is deplorable, regrettable, and despicable.’
He was..
1. Entrusted by the nation. Chose not to take the honour
He was first given the honour by Tun and then by the people
Only a handful of people in this world would have a chance to be in that position.
Instead of showing thankful for the trust given to him, by trying to properly manage the country to the next level towards set vision, he did otherwise.
Not only he is UNGRATEFUL to the nation, he cannot be TRUSTED.
2. Place self-interest above everything
To all Malaysians, stop all the hopes that the government should..
– have vision
– manage the economy well
– understand people problem
– understand financial management
– be transparent
– stop corruption
– reform judiciary
– etc…
And stop thinking that UP-DO-LAH is..
– Stupid
– Weak
– Or whatever you want to call him
He is playing dumb and he continues to tell lies
To him, Malaysians are stupid, weak and hopeless. He dosen’t care about the people and the country. Look at how he treats Tun after giving him the power.
He places Self-Interest Above Everything
He is greedy an ungrateful and he will never resign
They will pocketed as much money as they can until Malaysia collapse, they don’t care.
Malaysians of all races must unite and save the country
From Father In-Law
Salam Tun, Hope you are keeping well. My wife told me about Mukhriz’s comments in yesterday’s papers calling for the US not to intefere in Malaysia’s affairs (refering to DSAI’s current case). It brought a smile to my face, thinking about how much it sounded like you!! Out of curiosity, did Mukhriz and you talk about it first before he made the statement? like a father and son chat ? i mean, i am so curious to know to what extend do you discuss about politics with your son. Anyway, just to let you know that i was reading the papers yesterday about that chinese guy who tried to fix Lingam up (Gwy Byrne, not sure how to spell his weird name). (ini macam punya orang pun boleh menang election ke?) anyway, apperently, he was punched by another PKR member, some aide to some guy, can’t remember who. But what really caught my interest was the fact that he was there at the scene to listen to the grouses of some people who were protesting the groundbreaking of a surau or mosque. Point is, how come today, under the government of DSAAB, we here stories of people oppossing the groundbreaking of a muslim place of worship!!Just a point to ponder..
Regards, MDB
salam che det..dan semua yang kononyer penyokong che det…
tak payah lah kita nak lahirkan rasa semput dan kesal terhadap aper yang pak bedawi dan semua umno/bn dah buat…kita cuma perlu singkirkan saki baki perjuangan umno/bn yang dok ade ajer nie…buatlah pilihan yang tepat next election ..coz byk lagi program bn/umno yang belum selesai..negara kita akankan digadaikan (kalu boleh )oleh kroni pak bedawi…cuma ku sesalkan sokongan melalui pilihanraya (nasib baik aku br mengundi tahun ini) yang dipilih oleh rakyat selama beberapa dekad ini tidak diendahkan oleh KERA-jaan BN/umno .dan apabila mereka bn/umno tersepit barulah ade ura2 nak bermuzakkarah dgn pas..aper ni..dah tak ade idea lain yang boleh pak bedawi usulkan.sentimen islam dan kedaulatan melayu digunakan utk merapuhkan semangat rakyat yg meyokong pembangkang.tapi rakyat bijak dan byk tgk CSI, dapat mengenal pasti DNA umno/bn atau tidak…BN/umno akan melekat tak kala susah dan berpuak -puak tak kala senang …harap semua rakan 2ku kembali kejln yang pasti..dari menunggu janji manis puak umno/bn..dan kpd TUN ..congrats ..dulu susah kami nak bersuara..skrg bersenjatakan blogg dan keybod buruk ini kita dapat melahirkan… rasa tak puas ati kita ini…yelah ..ape yang kita(kerajaan dulu umno /bn) tak bagi itulah yang generasi seterusnya akan buat…wasalam..
To mr Patriot, I know the CEO of MIMOS very well. He’s formerly the senior director of RnD Motorola Penang. I know his capability and he is one of the best person, Malay particularly who is qualified and able to revamp MIMOS to be truly ‘Country RnD’. We shall see the outcomes in a couple of years time.
Kenapa Pak Lah Perlu Berundur…
Ramai yang menyedari bahawa Malaysia dibawah kepimpinan Pak Lah berada didalam suasana yg tidak membanggakan. Pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi dalam pelbagai bidang berpunca daripada kelemahan pimpinan Pak Lah. Dalam kata lain, pimpinan Pak Lah membawa kepada kehancuran bangsa, agama dan negara. Perkara ini sudah menjadi satu pengetahuan umum. Namun masih ada juga yang bertanya dan ragu-ragu mengenainya. Ada juga yang bertanya apakah kehancuran yang telah dibawa oleh Pak Lah. Oleh itu dalam tulisan kali ni, saya cuba menyenaraikan masalah kepimpinan yang dibuat oleh Pak Lah. Saya akan mulakan dengan menyenaraikan semua perkara yang berlaku dan dalam posting yang akan datang, saya cuba huraikan satu persatu untuk dibincangkan.
Saya hanya akan menyenaraikan masalah-masalah dan kehancuran yang telah terbukti (yang sangat jelas). Terdapat juga beberapa perkara yang mungkin tidak terbukti atau saya tidak begitu jelas, ini tidak akan saya tulis. Perkara-perkara lain seperti pembelian kapal terbang (private jet), rumah di Australia, Nasi kandar Australia dan banyak lagi tidak termasuk dalam senarai ini. Semua perkara-perkara ini boleh dibaca di laman blog yang lain.
Kesilapan-kesilapan yang telah dilakukan oleh Pak Lahâ¦
1) Membatalkan jambatan bengkok kerana tunduk dan takut kepada Singapura. Perbuatan ini menunjukkan Pak Lah telah menggadai kedaulatan negara
2) Membatalkan projek landasan berkembar. Selepas 4 tahun, beliau ingin membuatnya semula sehingga kita rugi sebanyak 4 billion ringgit
3) Membuang CEO proton yang berjaya iaitu Tengku Mahaleel dan digantikan dengan seseorang dari Perodua yang tidak pernah berpengalaman membuat kereta sendiri.
4) Gagal dalam perlaksanaan dasar automotif negara (DAN) yang membawa kepada kerugian Proton.akibat daripada pengeluaran AP yang tidak dikawal
5) Menjual MV Agusta sebuah syarikat milik Proton pada harga 1 Euro tanpa bidaan dan penjelasan terperinci
6) Menaikkan harga minyak secara mendadak iaitu sebanyak RM0.30 yang membawa kepada masalah ekonomi dan kenaikan harga barang yang tidak terkawal. Tindakan ini juga meningkatkan kadar inflasi negara
7) Gagal mengotakan janji untuk meningkat sistem pengangkutan awam melalui subsidi petrol yang dijimatkan dengan kenaikan harga minya.
8) Membiarkan syarikat Pantai Holdings yang merupakan syarikat GLC dibeli oleh Singapura. Akibat desakan, syarikat ini dibeli semula dengan harga yang tinggi. Ini menguntungkan Singapura dengan mudah.
9) Gagal menarik pelaburan asing dimana FDI negara jatuh teruk malah dikalahkan oleh Indonesia
10) Membiarkan atau tidak tahu mengenai gabungan syarikat ECM Libra dan Avenue Capital yang mana Avenue Capital adalah syarikat dibawah Kementerian Kewangan dimana Pak Lah adalah Menterinya.
11) Membiarkan menantu melibatkan diri dalam gabungan ECM Libra dan Avenue Capital dimana ianya boleh dikatakan sebagai penyalahgunaan kuasa.
12) Membiarkan syarikat anaknya mendapat projek-projek kerajaan atau GLC. Ini juga boleh dikaitkan dengan penyalahgunaan kuasa.
13) Berbohong dalam satu program di television dimana Pak Lah menyatakan bahawa anaknya tidak pernah mendapat projek kerajaan/GLC.
14) Membiarkan syarikat NST yang merupakan syarikat milik UMNO dikuasai oleh Kalimullah seorang yang pernah dikaitkan dengan agen Singapura.
15) Membiarkan NST mengutuk dan mengecam Negarawan iaitu Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
16) Gagal melaksanakan sebarang projek pembangunan yang boleh membawa Malaysia kehadapan supaya dapat bersedia untuk menjadi negara maju pada tahun 2020.
17) Menyembah Singapura supaya Singapura melabur didalam WPI sehingga sanggup menurut permintaan Singapura untuk gugurkan penggunaan DEB di WPI.
18) Membiarkan AirAsia mempergunakan kerajaan dimana AirAsia bebas memilih mana-mana laluan yang menguntungkan dan meninggalkan mana-mana laluan yang merugikan.
19) Tidak berjaya menjalankan tugas sebagai Pengerusi OIC.
20) Gagal bertindak tegas terhadap orang-orang Hindraf yang akhirnya menyebabkan mereka mendesak pelbagai tuntutan
21) Gagal dalam mengetuai Barisan Nasional dalam menghadapi Pilihanraya ke 12 dimana Barisan Nasional gagal pertahankan 2/3 majoriti dan tewas di 5 buah negeri.
22) Gagal mempertahankan kadaulatan bangsa melayu dan agama islam apabila bangsa lain seringkali mempersoalkan dan mempertikaikan hak-hak orang melayu dan agama islam. Ini adalah akibat gagal dalam pilihanraya
23) Gagal memahami kehendak rakyat yang menolak kepimpinan Pak Lah melalui pilihanraya. Keputusan pilihanraya menunjukkan rakyat memprotes menolak kepimpinan Pak Lah
24) Kelemahan pimpinan terserlah apabila membiarkan kuasa perdana menteri dalam melantik hakim dan ketua hakim negara dipersoalkan.
25) Mempersoalkan keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh Yang Dipertuan Agong berkenaan dengan pemecatan Tun Salleh Abas. Ini juga menunjukkan kelemahan Pak Lah yang mudah dipermainkan.
26) Gagal membuat keputusan sehinngga mewujudkan banyak suruhanjaya untuk menyiasat kes-kes yang remeh temeh yang tiada asas kukuh seperti kes Linggam. Sekali lagi menunjukkan kelemah pimpinan yang mudah dipergunakan oleh orang yang berkepentingan
Setakat inilah beberapa kesilapan-kesilapan yang telah dilakukan oleh Pak Lah hanya dalam 5 tahun beliau memimpin negara. Bayangkan apa yang akan berlaku dan banyak mana kesilapan dan kehancuran yang bakal menimpa negara sekiranya beliau masih terus menjadi Perdana Menter Malaysia. InsyaAllah dalam tulisan akan datang, kita akan hurai satu persatu masalah diatas.
The Star online reported that inflation for June 2008 surged to 7.7%. What’s going to happen to our country, are we going to be like Vietnam?
This is one of the results of the incompetence of the present government being led by an unfit PM. People are suffering but the so called leader doesn’t even bother to be responsible for the damage he has caused. Instead he always blame other parties and ‘rakyat’. He should really step down immediately. What kind of leader is he? Full of pretence and he manages the country like managing a ‘kedai runcit’.The ironic is his team is backing him up so strongly and ignoring feeling of ‘rakyat’ who want change in leadership.
Tun Mahathir dan Rakyat Malaysia yang aku kasihi sekalian.
Dolah pernah cakap pada laki anak buah arwah bini dia dulu,”Kalau Tun M boleh sapu 2 bilion, apsal aku tak boleh sapu double.”
Betul atau tidak, hanya tuhan yang tahu.
Kalau betul, maknanya Dolah akan sapu 4 bilion duit rakyat sebelum dia berambus.
Untuk Tun yang aku kasihi, kalau betul Tun ada sapu 2 bilion, aku tak marah sangat sebab Tun sapu 2 bilion dalam masa 22 tahun tapi Dolah mungkin dah sapu lebih daripada 4 bilion dalam masa tak sampai 5 tahun.
Tak mustahil satu hari nanti tanah kubur nenek moyang kita juga akan digadai dan dijual oleh Dolah dan anak-beranaknya untuk mencukupkan duit 4 bilion itu.
Kepada Dolah, aku doakan agar kau hidup selama-lamanya. Amin.
MB Trengganu masih mempertahankan keputusan nya membeli mercedes kerana kurang arif tentang surat pekeliling. Kalau ini pun dia tak faham, macamana nak mentakbir sebuah negeri? Kalau dia membina rumah kos rendah untuk rakyat nya yang miskin, sekurang kurang pun dapat juga membantu 30-40 keluarga miskin mempunyai rumah. Orang politik sekarang ini bercakap elok sebelum pilihanraya sahaja. Lepas itu,dia orang buat hal !
Sekarang Pak Lah nak berbaik baik dengan PAS pulak. UMNO pun sudah terumbang ambing, dan tak settle2 lagi. Komen sikit pasal pertemuan mereka ini Tun. Pada pandangan Tun, apa muslihat nya?
Tun, tolong selidik juga nama nama ddibawah, penulis upahan murahan !
Ini semua penulis upahan yang sama, cuma nama samaran lain sahaja, tapi IP, domain serupa []
ASHAR [email protected]
email karut
pada hal guna email domain, [email protected]
2) sie yin
3) heical
6)Hanan Yamanan
7.Mamak den
8)isteri antimamak
9)mamak 1968
10) Nostranamus,
11ï¼nama blog Lee Chee Lek
( [])
ini adalah domain address.
Mereka ini juga lah kelompok Melayu Haprak yang macam Tun Kata selalu
Kan gitu Tun !
Kelana Jaya, Selangor
Federal Territory Barisan Nasional Chairman, Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique, said that the credibility of the candidates standing for election is the most important factor when deciding who should be contesting where.
âThe credibility and integrity of an individual make up 60% of the overall personality of a candidate; even the party he is representing is not a deciding factor,â he said.
âMaybe 20 to 30 years ago, the party that the candidate is representing is a major consideration, but today things are different,â he told Star Metro during a visit to the Federal Territory Barisan Nasional election operations centre in Wangsa Maju on Tuesday.
Zulhasnan, who is Setiawanga MP, said he was confident of Barisan Nasional retaining all nine seats (including Putrajaya and Labuan) that they won in the last election and was convinced of having no problems in wresting Kepong and Bukit Bintang which scored ârazor-thin victoriesâ for the opposition.
âAs for Seputeh and Cheras, we feel that there is a need to field the right candidates who will be accepted by voters in the two areas,â he said.
When asked if they are considering fielding ânewâ faces and âoutsidersâ to contest in the areas mentioned, Zulhasnan said: âThat is certainly being considered. We will keep our options open but the final decision however will be made by the Prime Minister,â he said.
Zulhasnan said that the FT BN have been holding retreats in preparation for the next general election since June last year.
âWeâve had meetings with all the FT BN component parties, analysing and studying the progress and movements of all 13 parliamentary constituencies including gathering public feedback,â he said, adding this would continue until the announcement on the election is made.
The minister said that the Federal Territory Barisan Nasional theme for the polls Federal Territories Corridor of Excellence and coupled with the FT BNâs 3B motto (Bersama-Bersatu-Berjaya) would be applied in all the programmes initiated by the party to strengthen its machinery.
He added that FT BN have started a few strategies and action plans during the last four years, one of it being TURPA – turun padang activities whereby all BN components parties have been working as one team going down to the grassroots to meet the rakyat and the programmes has been fruitful.
Ready for action: Zulhasnan (right) with Umno members taking a closer look at the board where the FT election results would be displayed in the FT BN one-stop operations centre in Wangsa Maju.
Okay, that was what Star Metro reported on 31 January 2008. So let us do exactly what the Federal Territories Minister cum Member of Parliament for Setiawangsa cum Federal Territory Barisan Nasional Chairman, Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique, asked us to do. And let us start by examining HIS credibility first. And, if he fails the credibility test, then let us reject him and vote in another candidate instead; whether it be an opposition candidate, independent candidate, or a ‘donkey’ that stands against him. After all, a ‘donkey’ can’t do any worse than a candidate who has no credibility, but preaches about credibility, because you can’t get anything worse than a munafik (hypocrite).
Before that, just to digress a bit, the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur used to be part of the State of Selangor. Then they ‘annexed’ it and made it ‘independent’. The late Agong, who was then the Sultan of Selangor, literally shed tears as he signed over Kuala Lumpur to the Federal Government. Later, Labuan and Putrajaya were further annexed from Sabah and Selangor respectively and the Federal Territory grew even more. I was profusely opposed to the annexation of Putrajaya and I said so openly. I wrote an article asking the Agong and the Acting Sultan to both step down from the throne for ‘selling out’ Selangor territory.
When they annexed Kuala Lumpur it was on the excuse that they wanted to make it the Federal Capital of Malaysia. However, if they want to also annex Putrajaya and make it the new Federal Capital, then they must return Kuala Lumpur to Selangor. And that is why they do not dare call Putrajaya the new Federal Capital but instead call it the Administrative Capital. If not, Selangor would have grounds to claim back Kuala Lumpur.
My article calling for the Agong, the Acting Sultan, and the entire Royal Council to step down created murmurs in the Palace. The late Agong spoke to my late uncle, Raja Datuk Redzwa Raja Sir Tun Uda, about what I had written. Raja Redzwa was my father’s younger brother. The Agong said he wanted to summon me for an audience, probably to give me a piece of his mind. My uncle then told the Agong, âPeter is just like his father, Abang Din. He has inherited Abang Din’s temper and you remember what Abang Din did to you don’t you?â
I did not understand what it was that my father did so my uncle related the story to me. Once, when they were kids and were playing football, the Agong, then the Raja Muda of Selangor, grumbled when his team lost the match and my father shouted, âAnak Raja bodoh!â and whacked him with a belt. âSince then,â chuckled my uncle, âTuanku has been very scared of your father.â
The Agong did not summon me for an audience in the end but the Special Branch did. They said I could be charged for sedition for what I had written. I told the Special Branch that my quarrel with the Agong was a family matter and had nothing to do with Bukit Aman. The Agong is lucky this is 2001, I told the Special Branch. If it was 1901, I would lead an army to oust Tuanku from the throne and place his son on the throne instead. The Special Branch officers were flabbergasted and did to know how to respond.
Anyway, the Agong’s son is now sitting on the Selangor throne so the matter is all water under the bridge. But this is not really what I want to talk about today. What I want to talk about is the new ‘Sultan’ of Kuala Lumpur, Zulhasnan Rafique. Zulhasnan wields considerable power and nothing happens in Kuala Lumpur without his okay. Even Khairy Jamaluddin has no control over him. Syabas, at least there is one person in Malaysia whom Khairy cannot control.
Zulhasnan has a direct line to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and he does not need any pesky son-in-law to approve what he does. And to show who is boss, Zulhasnan is going to kick Khairy and his boys out of Kuala Lumpur. Khairy Jamaluddin, as well as his running mate, Norza Zakaria, were supposed to contest the coming general election in two of the 13 Kuala Lumpur seats. But since Zulhasnan has kicked them out, they may now have to contest somewhere far away from Kuala Lumpur instead.
Anyway, that is not our problem. That is an internal Umno problem. What Malaysia Today is more interested in is Zulhasnan’s statement that âthe credibility and integrity of an individual make up 60% of the overall personality of a candidate; even the party he is representing is not a deciding factor.â
Well, if that is the crucial factor in determining candidates, then Zulhasnan certainly does not qualify. Zulhasnan has manipulated RM700 million worth of government contracts in Kuala Lumpur and has given them to his friends and cronies. The Umno division leaders of Segambut, Seputeh, Bukit Bintang and Kepong have all benefited from Zulhasnan’s patronage. Ali Baba had his 40 thieves. Zulhasnan has his four.
These contracts were not properly tendered but were negotiated without tender and given out at prices very much higher than market prices. And this was all done by the ‘Sultan’ of Kuala Lumpur who says âthe credibility and integrity of an individual make up 60% of the overall personality of a candidate; even the party he is representing is not a deciding factor.â
Take a good look at his face. Note down his name. He will be contesting a seat somewhere in Kuala Lumpur. He wants to be one of the 13 Members of Parliament from Kuala Lumpur. But this can only happen if the voters allow it to happen. And if he can manipulate RM700 million in four years, just imagine what damage he can do to our tax money if given another five years in Parliament.
It is unfair and mischievous to put the blame on Anwar Ibrahim, as he is justified in refusing to give further samples. It is not Anwar who is un-cooperative. It is the police forensics who are at fault, and insisting on further blood samples when he had already given many times over between 1998 and 2004.
The onus of providing a DNA sample is on the police as it has ample DNA samples of Anwar in its possession.
From the experience of police forensics in other countries, DNA samples collected are well preserved for many many years, and do not get âoldâ as claimed by Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi.
The police forensics have misled the Prime Minister, the Home Minister and the police should not try to pull over the eyes of the people. By claiming that Anwarâs dna samples are old, they are making themselves the laughing stock of the whole world.
Why DNA samples do not grow old? There are many living examples:-
1. Stephen Hawking, the Nobel Prize winning physicist have donated his DNA samples to the Human Genome institution for posterity and for research. Professor Hawking too not subscribe to the claim by Abdullah that a DNA sample can grow old.
2. In advanced countries, DNA samples are collected and stored for purposes of statistics, and scientific research.
3. Police foresics in developed countries have DNA libraries of felons and crooks. There are innumerable cases of rapists who escaped. but .were nabbed years after the crime, because they left tell tale semen on the clothes of the rape victims .
4. Scientists have discovered preserved DNA in prehistoric humans and animals.
It is obvious that Anwarâs DNA samples given between 1998 and 2004 must be available and intact for examination purposes by police forensics department.
The Home Minister and the police must stop harrassing Anwar for new DNA samples. The onus is on the police to provide DNA samples, not by Anwar.
The frantic appeal to Anwar to give a blood example has caused suspicion that the police have no substantive evidence of sodomy on the body of Saiful Bukhari Azlan in their possession.
Public perception is that a fresh blood sample from Anwar is desperately needed in order to fabricate evidence against Anwar.
(DAP Life Adviser)
tak apalah…wang itu untuk contractor bumiputera….
masjid kristal untuk kaum muslim bersembahyang….apa salahnya?
pak lah kan orang baik dan bersih (dari luaran)…
Sultan dah tahu…nak buat macam mana?
Takkan rakyat sokong Pak Lah, Sultan atau Agong pula pulau?
Susah susah…..
Banyak project tak berguna buat dan lancar untuk kaum bumi sahaja……Di johor dan KL banyak project gajah putih!!!
Apa koridor ni? Gila….Project sana sini tapi hasilnya tak berfaedah!!! Bazir!!!
Hasil kazanah Msia habis dicekup…pelan lah ooooiiii
SMART Tunnel?!!!?….
Tak apalah bazir untuk kaum bumi..tak lah sakit hati…
The âevidenceâ is ready. The semen specimen on Saifulâs underwear has been confirmed as Anwarâs. The only problem is if they allow an independent foreign expert to do an audit on the Chemistry Departmentâs findings, he or she might confirm that the specimen is ten years old and not dated 26 June 2008 as alleged.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
It was a great party that night. The Chemistry Department was so pleased they had an airtight case against Anwar Ibrahim they decided to celebrate. And the RM25,000 party was financed by a Good Samaritan who was delighted that this time, unlike last time, they have got Anwar by the balls.
RM25,000 is not a lot to spend on a party if it is a party to celebrate the wedding of the Prime Minister. Last year, when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi got married to the Maid from Putrajaya, they spent millions. RM25,000 is also not a lot to spend on a celebration the day Najib Tun Razak finally takes over as Prime Minister in 2010. Rosmah Mansor spends more than that on a handbag. But RM25,000 is certainly a lot to spend on a party to celebrate the âsuccessâ of the Chemistry Department in being able to nail Anwarâs balls to the wall.
Why does the Good Samaritan need to sponsor a RM25,000 party for the Chemistry Department staff? What is there to celebrate? Do they always celebrate with a RM25,000 party whenever they succeed in cracking a case? Or was this an once-in-a-lifetime celebration for successfully coming up with the âevidenceâ to send Anwar to jail for at least ten years, which will ensure he will never be able to form the new federal government on 16 September 2008?
Hold on awhile though. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said that Anwar must volunteer his ânewâ DNA profile. The 1998 DNA profile that the police have on record is âtoo oldâ, argued Abdullah. The police, in turn, said that if Anwar refuses to volunteer his ânewâ DNA profile then they would have to obtain a court order to force him to do so. Hmmâ¦..there appears to be many things wrong with all this.
Firstly, if the Chemistry Department has already wrapped up its case and the airtight âevidenceâ against Anwar has already been secured then why the need for Anwarâs new DNA profile? DNA profiles never expire. Would the police also need Anwarâs ânewâ fingerprints because the one they took ten years ago has âexpiredâ? Fingerprints never change from the day you were born till the day you die. And the same goes for DNA profiles as well.
If you can remember, they once dug up Napoleon Bonaparteâs grave and did an examination to prove he had died of arsenic poisoning. And Napoleon died on 5 May 1821, which is more than 187 years ago. You mean to say that Anwarâs DNA profile of ten years ago is already basi?
The truth is, the airtight âevidenceâ that the Chemistry Department recently conjured is based on Anwarâs specimen of 1998. So they need a new specimen dated 2008. If not, if Anwar calls in an independent foreign expert to audit the Chemistry Departmentâs evidence, he or she might just discover that the so-called âevidenceâ is actually ten years old and not from the 26 June 2008 âsodomyâ incident as alleged by the government.
Yes, thatâs right, they not only can tell whether the so-called âsemenâ on Saifulâs underwear belongs to Anwar, they can also tell whether it is from September 1998 when they first took Anwarâs specimen, or whether it is dated 26 June 2008 as alleged by the government.
The âevidenceâ is ready. The semen specimen on Saifulâs underwear has been confirmed. The only problem would be if they allow an independent foreign expert to do an audit on the Chemistry Departmentâs findings, he or she might confirm that the specimen is ten years old and not dated 26 June 2008 as alleged.
So they need to exchange the September 1998 specimen with a new one dated July 2008. And that is why Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Syed Hamid Albar, and all those others, have asked Anwar to volunteer his new specimen. They need this new specimen to âproveâ that the semen on Saifulâs underwear is dated 26 June 2008 and not September 1998. And Abdullah himself âconfirmedâ this when he asked Anwar to volunteer his new specimen whereas the old specimen is good enough if it is just required for DNA profiling — only that it would not pass the test if an independent foreign expert was to audit the Chemistry Departmentâs âevidenceâ and then come out with a report that says the specimen is ten years old.
Yes, in September 1998 they already took Anwarâs specimen. But they canât use it as evidence in this latest sodomy allegation. They need to âupdateâ the evidence and unless they can force Anwar to give them his new specimen then the evidence will be shot full of holes. And that is why the police had to reluctantly release Anwar on police bail one day after his dramatic Hollywood-style arrest. They either had to release him or bring him to court to be charged. But how to charge Anwar when the evidence is defective? And evidence of Anwarâs so-called sodomy crime supported by a specimen from September 1998 will certainly be defective and will not stand up in court. Anwar is alleged to have sodomised Saiful on 26 June 2008, not in September 1998.
Now can you see how the slime-ball AG and scumbag IGP work? And these two slithery creatures are the same slime-balls and scumbags who fabricated evidence in 1998 that resulted in Anwar having to spend six years in jail. And am I committing an act of sedition and criminal defamation in saying this? I certainly hope so. And, while we are at it, why not I commit yet another âcrimeâ? I am going to accuse the AG and IGP of fabricating evidence and of intimidating witnesses.
You see, they asked a certain doctor from a certain hospital to conduct an examination on Saiful. The doctor did so and he came out with a report that said there is no evidence Anwar had ever penetrated or sodomised the young man. The police then picked up the doctor and detained him for three days. As much as they tried to force him to change his report to implicate Anwar he refused to do so.
Until today, the doctor stands by his report that there is no evidence Anwar had sodomised Saiful. He knows he is going to be made to pay for this but he doesnât care. He is not going to change his report and say that Anwar sodomised Saiful whatever they do to him. Exasperated, the police had to release Anwar on personal bond or police bail. The doctor refuses to doctor his report and neither does Anwar want to volunteer his new specimen.
The âevidenceâ against Anwar is no good. They now need to look for another way to âproveâ that Anwar sodomised Saiful. In the meantime, let us see if the AG will be making another police report against me and whether the IGP is going to arrest me and charge me in court for sedition and criminal defamation for this latest allegation of mine.
Hey, I already face four charges of sedition and criminal defamation. What are another two or three charges? The important thing is not whether I get sent to jail or not. What is important is that the world is told that they are attempting, yet again, to fabricate evidence against Anwar Ibrahim. And that is worth going to jail for.
Mahathir admitting conspiracy in the 1988 sodomy accusation?
Kim Quek
A passage in former premier Mahathir Mohamadâs latest article on the Anwar sodomy controversy seems to have offered an interesting insight into Mahathirâs subconscious thoughts on the subject.
In an article titled âThe Anwar Debateâ posted in his own blog on July 17, Mahathir suggested the current sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim must be true, as the present government canât possibly be so stupid as to use the same tactic twice to undermine Anwar. The interesting parts of his arguments are found in paragraphs 6 & 7, which I quote:
âPara 6. Yet can it be that the present government is so stupid and unimaginative as to use the same âployâ especially after it was so happy over the release of Anwar? Surely it could come up with another story which would be more credible if it is deliberately plotting or conspiring against Anwar. The probability is that the story is the same because it is genuine.
âPara 7. Is the present complainant a copycat? Hardly likely. Few would care to make public such a very shameful thing as being sodomised. â¦â¦â¦â. (Underlines are inserted by me for highlighting purpose).
The word âcopycatâ implies that someone is reproducing something by simply copying a precedent. So what is that âsomethingâ that the supposed plotters are copying? Is it the sodomy accusation per se or the plot to fix Anwar? Surely it must be the latter, for it doesnât make sense for someone to accuse Anwar of sodomy just for the sake of copying a similar accusation ten years ago. So, by using âcopycatâ to illustrate his question, isnât Mahathir inadvertently revealing his inner thoughts that the previous incident was indeed a plot?
Similar trend of thoughts can also be detected in the use of the words âthe same âployââ to describe the present incident, though the word âployâ is understood to be a sarcastic expression. For if the previous incident was not a plot, then why use it to illustrate that the present incident isnât a plot? By doing so, Mahathir is virtually saying that no one is so stupid as to use the same trick twice on the same people. Isnât this an admission that the sodomy accusation in 1998 was a conspiracy against Anwar?
Mahathir also implicitly admitted that the 1998 sodomy charge was not quite a smart move when he said âsurely it could come up with another story which would be more credible â¦â¦â
Though the 1998/1999 trials of Anwar have been universally recognised as a conspiracy to destroy Anwar politically, it is nevertheless the first time that Mahathir acknowledged this fact in his own words, however unintended such acknowledgment might have been.
With regards to Mahathirâs main rationale that this government cannot possibly be so stupid, my simple answer is that this is not a government plot but an evil scheme hatched by a few very influential and powerful individuals who feel threatened by Anwarâs imminent rise to political power.
Is this act stupid as claimed by Mahathir? Certainly not! On the contrary, sodomy charge remains the most powerful and convenient weapon to bring down a public figure in a country like Malaysia where rule of law is weak and where such sexual conduct is legally condemned as a heinous crime. Significantly, the corrupt institutions of state that were instrumental in bringing down Anwar ten years ago remain as corrupted today (if not more).
Is Anwar guilty of sodomy as claimed by Mahathir? The answer is: Would the police have released Anwar only hours after arresting him with such obscene ballyhoo, if Anwar did not provide a complete alibi for the day he was accused of assaulting the alleged victim?
asmkm Ayahnda Tun dan para pelayar che det,
Saya tidak berada di dalam negara buat masa ini, dengan ini saya sangat2 meminta tolong salah seorang dari lebih 4 juta penyokong TDM supaya tolonglah lah mmbuat LAPORAN POLIS DAN BPR terhadap salah laku kerajaan Abdullah ini, tolonglah, malu kita semua bloggers di sini hanya pandai buat bising saja, saya rasa ayahnda Tun akan mmbuat lebih banyak pendedahan lagi.
Tun ,
Bloggers yang dihormati sekelian,
Syabbas atas semangat perjungan yang telah diberikan.
Tun sebagai PM buat kali kedua saya sokong.
Ribbon Putih saya sokong.
Petition saya sokong.
Melayari ke warkah untuk PM AAB (letak Jawatan)saya sokong.
Buat laporan ACA dan Polis atas kesemua penyelewengan tehadap AAB saya sokong.
Buat perjumpaan bersama Tun di dewan khas bagi semua penyokong berkumpul saya sokong.
Pimilihan President baru UMNO yang baru saya sokong.
Pimilihan Naib President UMNO yang baru saya sokong.
Pemilihan pada semua Bahagian, Cawangan UMNO bagi perlantikan Ketua baru saya sokong.
Jangan putus semangat dan terus berjuang dalam Blog Tun saya sokong.
Bloggers yang dihormati,jika ada apa apa pendapat yang bernas dan bolih dipratikan sila kemukakan untuk dipertimbangkan olih penyokong yang lain.
Mutlamat yang penting AAB letak jawatan dengan segera dan bukan 2010. Ini adalah suara keseluruhan Rakyat bagi kesejahteraan bumi Malaysia yang kita sayangkan ini. Quota yang di gunakan pada masa ini untuk UMNO menyokong dan memberi waiver tanpa bertanding tidak bolih di gunakan lagi.
Kita perlu lakukan sesuatu dan pandangan serta nasihat Tun amatlah diperlukan supaya dapat kejayaan. Hidup Tun.
Assalamualaikum wbr…
Dear Tun,
Occasionally, reducing oil make people happy. That’s fact. Increasing oil price make people burden…and peoples’ stated the government…Why so stupid…?
I regularly heard the song of “My Way” by Frank Sinatra…that I think only you(Tun) suitable to say I do it with my way.
But, for the new leader or other leaders they need to find other song that suit to them, but not “My Way”hahaha…
The basic principled that the leader should have is ‘Dare To Realized’.Not ‘Dare To Dream’ or especially ‘Dare To Say I Don’t Know’.
Term of ‘play safe’ for leader is the awakening for future of any countries to be bullied and being lied for enemies or future enemies. Why not? want the example..The Debate…hahaha..(remember?)
The fastest way to win people heart is so simple when you are really have the power…I mean fully power to justified once and for all.
First, stated stop everything that loosen the government. Mean, no business involved in any way for high ranking government staff and their families.Not even having proxy.
Second, released Anwar when it seem wasting time and not realistic… Why? In other way looks like Anwar it’s so energetic and healthy… Saiful looks tall,23 and is it he is really manly? or..hahaha..This is just my opinion sir.
Third, Najib…I say why bombing Altantuya? Also not realistic. We need to understand, he is Tun Razak’s son. He can asked ‘Kastam’ to refrain her to come here. Maybe..I say maybe…Altantuya is foreign people…spy or something…This is just my thought(no need to read and believe this also)hahaha…
Forth, adjustment government salaries scheme that seem look not really realistic…Based towards for high education. High education is more than lower education in term of percent increasing given.Why? How about if the government staff having more salaries then Prime Minister..or maybe Minister? Is it realistic?…hahaha
Fifth, oil price…hmm… everything looks expensive after increasing of oil price. So, just decreased it. Simple. Oil is not owned by government, right? It ours. So come on… we do not want any ‘penjajah’ in the house…hahaha. All the way to others(?)
That’s all for now…It’s just my thought..for all of us to think a little bit more(reengineering)
While I agree with your comments on the wastage and lack of overview on these amounts, this wang ehsan business happened on your watch when PAS won Terrenganu and you decided to channel the royalty (now called wang ehsan), through the Terrenganu UMNO Liason chief. Where was the oversight there? This is the people’s of Terreanganu’s money and it was given to the UMNO chief in Terrenganu? Where can? This is the kind of thing that makes people vote against BN/UMNO.
Don’t be a hyprocrite lah.
The thing is you where PM for 22 years, it is hard to criticise the current govt because many of the policies under you where similar or initiated by you such as the wang ehsan above.
I think in this particular posting, you should have started by admitting your mistake in creating this wang ehsan scheme in the first place.
More wastage of public funds …. I hope the idiots up there will go soon …
Salam Tun,
saya percaya projek Masjid Crystal dan Monsoon Cup bukanlah sahaja project AAB dan kroni-kroninya. Saya yakin banyak lagi.
AAB ni memang pandai sorok perangainya yang sesuka hati buat benda tanpa memikirkan secara mendalam. Apa ntah lagi penasihat-penasihat beliau yang kaki “sapu”. So macam orang bodoh ajar orang bangang.
Sebelum Malaysia tunggang langgang, baiklah ahli2 UMNO yang kat akar umbi ni membuat sesuatu.
Semoga TUN sihat selalu.
asalam….tun saya begitu kecewa dengan ape yang telah di laukan oleh kerajaan yang ade sekaran nie…dan juga kesusahan yang telah di tanggung oleh rakyat amnya dalam masa beberape bulan ini..kenape ini semua terjadi,kenape kerajaan sekarang ini bodoh dan juga begitu angkuh deng kebodohan mereka sendiri, yang kaya anak beranak mereka rakyat di biarkan hidup dalam kesusahan dengan kos hidup naik..paklah memang patut bertanggungjawap di atas ape yang telah berlaku ini…paklah patut meletakkan jawatan dengan segera..
Mengenai MB Terengganu mahu menggantikan “kenderaan rasmi” dari kereta nasional kepada Merc kesilapan yang saya lihat ialah kenyataan yg dibuat seolah-olah kereta nasional tidak bermutu.. Macam mana rakyat nak sokong kenderaan nasional bila MB sendiri sudah tidak percaya kepada kemampuan PROTON. Komen tun sebagai pencentus kepada kenderaan nasional. Jangan bimbang Tun kenderaan nasional tetap best..Alamak terlebeh sudah..
Hai Tun, u are right. The government of today is at the verge of bankrupcy. They are more concerned about PERJUANGAN SEBUAH KELUARGA instead of PERJUANGAN SEBUAH BANGSA.Wish u the best of luck.
Salam Tun,
Ni pasal Masjid Crystal…ceritanya dah lama dan orang Terengganu sudah lama merana dan mengumpat kerajaan BN, Pak Lah, Idris Jusoh, Wan Hisham, KJ dan Patrick lim. I and so many others were wondering why BN still won in Terengganu when everybody knows and determined to vote for Opposition. The Mosque was built not within the Islamic way of which we must have certain no. of pendudok Islam…then we have the masjid. No….Pak Lah and his greedy croonies has decided on Pulau Wan Man yang pendudoknya tak sampai 50 orang because the they bought the land very cheap and pendudok disitu knows nothing about the plan. Even the Mufti was shoved aside.The ideas discussed within the group (as mentioned as the above) and proceed with the plan. So was Monsoon Cup…that is why the corrupted Wan Hisham sat on all those mega projects. But who is stupid here, the Terengganu people because they still voted for the corrupted party. This time thay should blame themselves.
Tun yang di hormati,
Kata orang putih “there is no free lunch”. Mungkin kita makan free, tapi orang lain yang bayar.
Hari tu Pak Lah nak bagi orang Sabah RM 1 billion, orang Sarawak mungkin RM 1 billion. La ni orang Terengganu nak RM 5 billion. Orang Pahang, Johor, Perlis, Melaka dan Negeri Sembilan cam mana ya. Orang Kelantan, Kedah, Penang, Perak dan Selangor minta maaf la ya. Pak Lah marah sebab tak di undi.
Masa Tun dulu, bila tak di undi, Tun langsung tak bagi. Tun tegas sangat kot.
Masa Pak Lah ni dia memang manja, suka rehat dan suka tidor. Kalau orang merajuk cam kat Malaysia Timur tu, dia akan bagi gula-gula. Terengganu ni dia sayang, tu sebab nya dia mungkin akan bagi gula-gula yang banyak.
Penang walau pun tempat dia, dia marah sangat, dia potong semua projek. Kesian orang Penang.
Orang Pahang lagi kesian. Dah la gula-gula tak dapat, jawatan PM pun belum tentu lagi.
Terima kasih
Dear Tun,
I always learn new things when I read your blog. I know when you say something you will always substantiate with proof- tidak buta tuli sahaja. That is why (presumably) Malaysian will want to read what you write and believe what is written. About the T’ganu Mercedez, I think the present government is making a real big issue out of nothing. Awat nobody bising pasai masjid krystal which the government spent billions not millions and also what happen in johor and penang on the wilayah utara and selatan. Who will benefit from the projects? I am pretty sure it will definitely not the rakyat..probably will only benefit those who practise the so called islam hadhari.
Tun et readers,
It is clear that the future of our tanahair is squandered away
by all this waste.
The more we discovered, the more frustrated and angry I am on the fact that it is so easy for our ‘so call’ leader to waste our (your) future by spending your hard earn (tax payer)money on senseless projects that benefits only a small group of people.
Image what we can do with all those billions, millions of ringgit of ‘lost opportunity’.
In a worse case scenario if we put this amount (2+5=7 billions) in saving account (sleeping money) with an interest rate of 5 % per year. That translate to a lost opportunity of 50 millions ringgit (that we can get without doing anything)….
Not only that we lost the current face value but also all the future earning that we could have reap if it was invested wisely (with a even higher return). Imagine…
Rakyat, wake up, wake up…
Enough of all this wastage – take charge of your future, your children’s future.
Yours respectfully,
Hi Tun,
5 million wasted! The government asked us to change our lifestyle, spend prudently, but they wasted so much of money. When bloggers or anyone questioned their moves, Pak Lah justify it. Now I notice they started to waste money on Sabah and Sarawak on projects without proper planning. The good example is the railway track in Bintulu. That’s going to be a billion ringgit project due to the geographic structure.
Dear Msians,
the crystal mosque is the most stupid project by the flip flop PM. One of the reasons why i did not vote for BN in the recent election…
At the risk of antagonizing everyone on this forum, I find it a little bit lucu when people equate the reasons given by the Tganu state government buying Mercedes Benz as somehow saying or implying that Proton cars are useless or less than good.
Bear with me a while, but to my mind what they are saying is between these two alternative car makes, they believe the Mercedes would offer better return e.g. less maintenance cost than a Perdana. Those reasons may be valid or otherwise, but to me, it doesn’t mean that Proton cars are substandard. All they are saying is, Mercedes cars (may) cost less to maintain, and to my mind it’s only PHD (perasaan hasad dengki) which makes people get agitated and claim they are implying that Perdanas are bad or useless.
Sorry. Had to get that off my chest.
Salam Dr. M…
Yep! Terangganu really needs more money in order to catch up with other states…I’m from Terengganu and I felt like left behind…we was treated like the “ugly duckling” of Malaysia…from the moment of independence to the formation of Malaysia until now, we reelly felt the bias treatmnet from the federal government…
we did rejected BN on 1995(when you was the PM) and we came back to BN, but really, nothing has changed…still the same ol’ treatment from the federal…
but when we really got the RM2b (if the figure was true), then the money was spent on something wasteful by the former MB..and the current MB is not the right person to lead Terengganu (in my personal opinion)…what was Pak Lah and Idris Jusoh thinking? what ARE ‘Terangganese’ thinking? no one will save us but ourselves…
I’ll not blame you for trying to snatch Kelantan back more than you should take care of Terengganu which was on your side…but the history had been written and we should loook into the future…currently, the future still looks bleak for the people of the proud Terengganu…
Salam Tun
Hari ini Bloomberg mengistiharkan Middle East Countries ingin unpegg matawang mereka daripada USD. Kuwait pula SUDAH UNPEGG tetapi belum start the engine to pegg dinar mereka kepada sesebuah negara.
Semua ini adalah ide ide Tun yang sebarkan semasa Tun sebagai PM Malaysia dan President OIC meeting dengan mereka. Ada apa apa yang Tun boleh buat untuk negara negara ini pegg their $$ kepada matawang RM kita?
Shucks ⦠with our weak Ringgit now ( thanks to PM Pak Lahâs political instability ) chances are â¦â¦ KOSONG! But maybe Tun has a brilliant strategy to help Malaysia?
Help Malaysia = Help Rakyat Jelata bukan help âGolongan Terbenci,â ok
Salam sejahtera,
Untuk mendapatkan sebarang berita-berita rujukan Buletin Utama TV3 bagi anda yang sering ketinggalan waktu siarannya, sila layari Rujukan Berita TV3. Blog ini sedang dikemaskini dengan berita-berita semasa yang terkini dan segala berita-berita lampau.
Semoga bahan rujukan ini dapat dimanfaatkan bersama sebelum sebarang spekulasi atau lontaran pandangan dikemukakan. Juga diharapkan agar kita semua tidak perlulah “bias” meskipun ianya merupakan berita arus perdana yang dikongkong oleh kerajaan pemerintah. Usaha ini diwujudkan atas dasar kebertanggungjawaban terhadap agama, bangsa dan negara yang tercinta.
Sekian dimaklumkan.
Terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan tahniah kepada Tun kerana telah mencapai lebih 4 juta hits.
Boleh komen tentang “TS Muhyiddin for UMNO President”
Harap Tun jawab
quite new here, but would keep posting. Well for TDM, you definetly can hear alot of me after this, because the way you speak and write, you misht soon declare yourselve as an angel….
Hi Dr.M
Waste is still a Waste.. Maybe they are thinking of malaysia to become the most beautiful country in asia.
When talk about this, theme park is not a solution for getting more money. Think like chinese, they work almost one day to improve their business. Don’t think like coffee man, they spend the whole night improve their talking skills.
If the 2 billion is not used, gov can keep the money and plan for a bullet train from johore to kl or anywhere, this might reduce money gain by bus company but this travel is safer and people tends to use it as it cheaper than bus travel (using electricity is cheaper right). As it is cheap, gov can put tax inside so that the price can be the same like bus travel. Even this affected the airlines and the bus travel agency but people will be divided to this services. which not all will interested to use bullet train if they want to travel fast without going to other station, and people that go for traveling wish to use bus service as it is more slower and they can stop at certain place.
Why the plan is to make a theme park? why not plan to make Malaysian people easier and low cost? If expenses is lower, people can save more. And few years after bullet train implemented, theme park can be build anywhere and people now have more money to spend and you can get much more.
Think..Like i said before think like chinese.
Salam TDM
1. Trengganu ada Crystal Palace. REMBAU pula ada Crystal Factory. Co-incidence kah? Sama sama tahulah hehehe! Main actor tu siapa pulak!
2. Saya rasa memang OKAY bahawa Pentadbiran Trengganu pakai Mercedes, sebab selama ini kekayaan negeri tidak dinikmati orang dari Trengganu, walaupun Umnoputra Trengganu buat kali ini. Biarlah mereka menikmati kemewahan sekali. Gunalah Mercedes instead of Perdana⦠⦠â¦
3. Kalau ada hidangan yang lebih sedap nisan mana tidak ingin menikmatinya? Hanya yang perlu diingati ialah jangan lupa orang lain (especially rakyat jelata Trengganu) yang sedang memerhati dan menunggu â share the royalties for the rakyat to have better lifes!
4. Dulupun saya huraikan â 2 years to step down. I rasa Palah terpaksa cari $$ untuk menampung hidup mewah untuk couples suami isteri diri, anak dan menantu! Selain itu, ehhh banyak projek dengan PatriLimau tu yang kena scrapped takan pula Palah dan si SIL has gotten off SCOTFREE!? I rasa depa terpaksa ganti rugi secara peribadi â¦.. jadi 2 tahun cukup untuk ikut tabiat pacat gergasi lah â cari darah ($$$) . Boleh pakai?
Salam dari anakanda.
I have to agree with you once again; within a short period the current government has wasted a lot. Majority of them hidup senang masa kecik; that’s why bila dah jadi pemimpin, is o.k. to waste that sort of money and at the same time gemukkan kaum keluarga sendiri dulu. Upon appointment as PM, he claimed that the country has no money, as it has been used and wasted by the previous government, of course he referred to Tun. He forgot that all the project materialised and today is the prominent features of this beloved country which he proudly boost with his guests. Now we know who is really the one wasted and continued wasting the country money unnecessarily, yet we still want to retain them for another two years.
The bigger waste was Pulau Batu Puteh; let us check who was the one advising the cabinet wrongly in 1980s to take the matter to ICJ. Whereas it was clear that the Island belong to us. The attitude was wrong, the person in charged then run from responsibilities, cuci tangan, no attempt to put own efforts but took easy way out by recommending to take the matter to ICJ. We lost just because our documents is not been kept properly which shouldn’t arises if we solve it our way, put some efforts althoug bitter. Same perangai sampai la ni; no attempt to take the leadership responsibilities, just give to other people to do; and he just read thusfar lot of issue arises after announcement is made. But still want to continue for another 2 years.
Look again at the new MB Terengganu’s car issue, if he is a true leader and discharge his leadership responsibilities, he just need to tell and instruct the MB; as usual he run from the responsibility, take an easy way out, by taking the matter to discuss in Cabinet and decide (of course he don’t want to be seen as dictator like you Tun); later he will announce and claim it is cabinet decision, not his. Issue is very clear, in this difficult situation where the country industries need the government support, we allow this to happen, again wastage. What an example by a state leader! The MB, being a leader seem don’t have a clue to support his own country economy and his government’s own policies; still need to discuss in the cabinet. Tun, please help.
Tun, take care of your health, doa saya Tun continue sihat sejahtera.
Anak Jati Look East Policy
Dear Tun
It truly amuses me to see the “has-been” in UMNO scrambling to be candidates for the up coming party election. Many of them wld be better off if they just quietly fade away into the sunset. For the betterment of the nation and her people we need leaders with credibility. We just cannot afford to have a bunch of highly questionable “leaders” assuming the seat of power in the government.I believe once a leopard always a leopard b’cos a leopard does not change its spot! That’s why we must optimize the most qualified people regardless of race, color or creed to manage this nation. Alas what we have today is far from it. It pains many a Malaysian today to see our beloved country slowly but surely sinking into oblivion. We have what it takes to rise again but certainly not thru the current crop of leaders we have. Its take courage to change …and change for the better we must if we desire a better tomorrow for our nation and our children.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I personally think, Pak Lah should not be given chance to rule this country. He is not patriotic. What he care the most was his family and how to make his son in-law future PM.
assalamualaikum TUN & bloggers,
membazir betul..projek mega tu mcm bagus utk masa depan..tapi sayang, separuh jalan..
dah tu, menteri leh tukar keta lak..dari nak tukar keta perdana ke mercedes..baik tolong orang susah..rasanya ramai lagi orang susah kat pedalaman tu..keta made in malaysia low class ke??
Salam Tun
Usahlah kita semua bimbang. 4 atau 5 tahun lagi bukannya lama. PRaya akan datang BN pasti lingkup. Macam saya katakan sebelum ini iaitu 95% rakyat Malaysia ini belajar sampai SPM dan mereka ini bukan bodoh tapi pandai menilai yang mana intan dan besi karat. Nanti kita buatlah perbandingan antara BN dan PR yang mana lebih berkhidmat untuk rakyat.
Sekarang ni pun wakil wakil rakyat BN sibuk hendak berdampingan dengan rakyat.. bukan apa nak menunjuk nunjuk tapi rakyat semua tahu damage already done for the last 5 years dan bukan senang nak merungkaikannya. Rakyat takkan lupa. Tun kata Melayu mudah lupa taoi not this time. This time i and my fellow countrymen/women/rakyat will pay back for our sufferings.
Si Nor Yaakob ni pandai2 buat cerita inflasi masih rendah pada kadar 5-6%. Dia ingat kita semua ni bodoh ke? Kami semua belajar sampai SPM keatas lah. Pandai baca,pandai tulis, pandai kira dan pandai FIKIR.Kos asas yang bergantung pada minyak dan diesel naik 41% !! dan si Nor ni ingat kami ni bodoh ke? Macamlah kami yang belajar sampai SPM ni tak pandai kira yang kadar inflasi kini sudah melebihi 8% dan akan naik lagi dibulan2 akan datang nanti.
Suasana akan bertambah parah lagi dengan pembeli utama barangan kita
di Amerika dan Eropah kini mengalami zaman meleset dan tak mampu nak beli barangan kita lagi.Negara Cina yang gah berkembang mencapai 10% tu juga takkan bertahan lama. Mereka berkembang kerana OLIMPIK yang merancakkan pembangunan. Tamat Olimpik mereka nak buat apa? Baliklah pada asal iaitu buat produk2 murahan lawan dengan kita untuk hantar kenegara2 lain. Kita tak bolih lawan sebab kos mereka lebih rendah..
nanti tinggallah kita terkapai kapai sebab awal2 lagi siPakLah dan naikkan kos kita dengan kenaikan 41% minyak!
Apa nak jadi dengan kita rakyat marhaen. Merana dan merempatlah di negara tercinta ini. Kroni kroni BN semua dah hidup senang termasuk member member di Trengganu yang tak lama lagi nak pakai mercedes E200K. Empat belas biji pulak tu.. haprak betoi!
Jangan lupa BN kami semua SPM holders and above dan dah banyak pun dikalangan kami yang dah ada diploma dan ijazah. Jumpa di PRaya akan datang for the final perhitungan!
Salam TDM,
Saya rasa duit banyak2 spend kat kereta tu membazir sebab lepas ni sapa2 jadi exco kena beli kereta baru lagi… Nak tukar satu hal next few years harga mesti naik lagi… Nak up to date takkan nak pakai model lama ?? Next 5 years or so model mercedes mesti lagi canggih… Timbul pulak kata orang dulu pakai mercedes .. kita orang pun nak pakai mercedes jugak…
Bila dah ada precedence mesti ada yang akan gunakan isu ni sebagai hujah….
Kalau pakai perdana V6 tak yah risau sebab model tu evergreen, spare parts available and cheap and kalau pun nak tukar tak le semahal benz. Memang lambat sikit tukar bentuk / wajah… tapi itu kereta keluaran kita.. malu ker nak pakai??
Bukan salah kereta tapi salah pemandunya
Kereta Perdana tu orang lain pun pakai jugak.. tak de spend sampai 100k lebih repair… awat depa makan gear box ker?? Maintenance apa sampai sama harga kereta. Panel worksyop tu yang nak diaudit…
Sebaiknya guna duit untuk pembangunan sumber manusia dan selarikan dengan infra yang sedia ada. Terengganu tak kalah dalam bab infra. Tapi kalau infra canggih tapi mentaliti tahap lama.. bagi kereta apa pun hancur….
Salam Tun. Take care.
Salam sejahtera Tun dan sekalian warga chedet.
Dah tak tau cam mana lagi nak bagi tau pada anggota kabinet Pak Lah ni….Tengok2 kan la sikit apa yang Pak Lah tu buat. Jangan lah dok angguk ja…
Nak katakan semua tunggui kayu, semua bernyawa.
Nak katakan rabun, ramai yang pakai cermin mata.
Nak katakan pekak, ya kot tu pasai depa tak dengak suara rakyat yang saban hari dah susah. Tak ada siapa ka yang teringin nak cuba2 jadi PM lak.Bersuara la suruh Pak Lah tu berunduk. Nak takut apa….
Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan.
With all these wastage, there is a huge chance that Wawasan 2020 willbe postpone to Wawasan 3030 or even Wawasan InfinityInfinity
The Youth and Sports Ministry entered into a multi-million ringgit agreement to host a football tournament with a company with a paid up-capital of just RM650 and accumulated losses exceeding RM6.5 million. If it had carried out a due diligence test, as is required by practice and convention, before entering into an agreement involving such a big amount of money, it certainly would not have parted with RM17 million as “bidding fees” to host the Champions Youth Cup (CYC) tournament last year. And certainly, it would not have parted with RM8 million as “advance” for this yearâs tournament, which has since been aborted.
I hope PAS will get back Terengganu PRU13
Assalammualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.
Kita memerlukan lebih perhatian daripada Biro-Biro dan Kementerian yang berkenaan dan berkaitan untuk menyiasat isu pembelian ini.
Segala keputusan daripada penyiasatan haruslah tulus dan dikongsi bersama untuk memastikan ianya tidak menjadi perbualan seharian dan juga dimestikan mempunyai cadangan-cadangan membina.
Kita tidak harus mencari sesuatu kesalahan sahaja, tetapi mesti berkongsi pendapat bagaimana untuk membantu membetulkan keadaan.
Tindakan harus dikenakan jika terbukti kesalahannya dan sesuatu faktor pembetulan haruslah diguna pakai.
Hi, this my first time communicating with la i rasa u are more approachable masa jadi PM dulu tak dak chan.yang ikhlas from me, I memang tau Malaysia tak akan ada great leader macam u lagi.tak tau la tu pun coz kalau i hidup to be 100 years maybe la ada kut.Attitude orang melayu ni selain dari mudah lupa kami juga dibelakang cakap bukan main lagi tapi bila depan2 pijak semut pun tak mampus.Bab mengata belakang ni bukan saja applicable kat makcik2 jiran tetangga yang dok lepak ataih tembok petang2 but depa2 tu yang dok lepak kat lobi parlimen ka atau kerusi belakang.orang umno ni perangai dia lagu ni…depa takut kalau tak calon Pk. Lah tu takut pulak dia menang nanti dis ni ha mampuih tak leh cari makan dah depa2 ni..nak kutuk sangat org malayu pun saya ni pun melayu jadi ibarat mcm meludah ke langit naik atas batang hidung sendiri.
Since ni first time i..i simplfy saja la no.
1. bab beli Mercz di Tgganu tu tok sah dok tekejut la..biasa la sapa pun kalu dah dibagi power nak plak backup dia tgk la sapa dulu masa nak jadi MB pederaih habis la untuk save kos la keselamatan la..sebelum ni adaka exco yang mati naik perdana. selain mercz awat tak beli toyota saja ka why??? had tu.
La ni benda dah beli.. saya syorkan bayaran kereta2 tu kita potong gaji exco2 tu bulan2 maybe selama 24bulan so bila depa berambus pi lepas ni angkut sekali dgn reta2 tu.
2.bab Pak Lah ni saya pun pening dari semasa arwah Mak Endon ada lagi..ceramah sana sini Islam Hadhari..tapi yang c Indon tu tak menutup aurat pasai apa? lepas tu allah bagi lagi peluang kedua kat dia memimpin wanita baru pulak..pun dia nak had bogei kepala..saya ni kalau org tak belagak alim bini tak pakai tudung saya ok mcm Tun pasai Tun tak pernah hipokrit.
okey la lain kali saya beletiaq lagi ok.
saya ni pun ibarat paku dulang paku serpih juga la Tun ooi.
apa2 pun u are the regards to your family
Dear Tun,
Your article clearly shows that corruption is really very rife in Malaysia. We should all sincerely pray that that all the corrupt persons are severely punished by the Almighty Allah ASAP.
This is a genuine request for all Malaysians to pray so that justice is not only done but seen to be done. May all corrupt officers be forewarn that the time has come for them to realise that Allah will not spare them unless they genuinely repent by donating all the ill-gotten gains to charities of all races. Allah is great.The ordinary people are suffering because of these CHEATS WHO PROFESS TO BE VERY GOOD.
Yes,the govt waste a lot of money,but come to think of it this people are learning it from YOU.
So what the heck are we gonna do now?.The gvt and UMNO are so corrupted to the root.It is a high time to change it.
Very unfortunate, we are in the sinking boat now. We have to act fast to save the boat and our future. Our problem is not so much on the rise of petrol. It is more on the mismanagement by People in Power. Bercakap lain, buat lain. ACA akhir-akhir ini nampak baik sedikit (sepatut baik sejak 1974 lagi saperti ICAC Hong Kong ), sedikit ketinggalan tidak mengapa, cubalah lebih fokus siasatan kearah ini. ACA boleh juga jadi sedikit sebanyak penyelamat selain daripada Raja2 Negri, Tun sendiri dan hamba-hamba Allah yang lain.
darth vader = death star
Idris Jusoh = Crystal Mosque
Tun Dikasihi,
Ramai peminat bloggers Tun…terlalu marah,sedih,geram & tak kurang juga memaki hamun Pak Lah dgn pelbagai cara…& ade juga yg bertanya mcm mana nak turunkan Pak Llah yg keras kepala,bongkak,angkuh & liat nak turun takhta….
Kepada warga bloggers senang ni caranyee…
Kita panggil “Mama Bertha” (Dlm Drama ‘Bawang Merah Bawang Putih) tu jumpa kat Pak Lah..& pastu Mama Bertha akan cakap…
Mama Bertha: Dollah pandang mata saya..cepattt agar kamu cepat turun takhta hari ini juga…kamu ngakk tau ya..rakyat itu suda tidak kepingin sama kamu & terlalu menderita.
Dollah: Enggakkk mau…jgn buat macem-macem iyea..gua ada pengikut setia yg boleh mengantar kamu balik ke Indonesiaa…Peri-peri tolong gua.
Peri-Peri KeyJay: Ia aku datang akan menyelamatkan mu dgn segera..tapi kok aku sibuk dehh sekarang ini ngan urusin uang rakyat ini mau simpan di bank oversea mana yaa…
—-Maaf Tun…sekadar lawak petang ni ngah tahap mengantuk bebenar…enjoy—–
Wat warga Blogger…Jangan Marah aahhh. 🙂
Some of Tun M’s supporters must be crazy and out of their minds to suggest that the grand old man must come back as PM. What a popycock!
Our economy and our nation will slide into chaos-lah, loonies!
For heavens’ sake, please use your brains when you suggest some solutions for our economic malaise. It seems we have some eccentric guys amongst us!wake up from your slumber, my beloved countrymen!
terkedu baca komen kat atas dari org luar dari ganu, mari ganu dan kata tadok napok pembangunan mana…
dari kaca mata yang berbeza, dia sudah biasa dengan prasarana yang di sediakan di sebelah pantai barat…
pembangunan yang tak seberapa ni, orang ganu dah napok besor sebab banding dengan sebelum ni tadok aper-aper… hanya kemaman jer ader napok beza…
PS: pasal merc tu… memang dah beli… memang dah tahu dulu ada exco melenting bila kerajaan beli proton jer… memang dah duga, kali ni depa beli merc ler pulak… angka-angka tu infated charges jer coz gomen yang bayar.
Salam TUN..
Selepas DSAB mengambil alih dah cancel projek highway singapore & JB.. brapa kerugian sebenar yg ditanggung.. plus skrg semua projek nk di hold.. skrg Kerjaan Negeri Terengganu bli Mercz lak.. if nk jimat.. why, they dun buy toyota camry or honda accord.. more cheaper and low maintanance too…
Tun dan keluarga
Tolonglah kami, Tun daripada semua penyangak yang telah dan akan merosakkan bangsa. Kami sentiasa bersama Tun
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I just dont understand, kenapa susah sangat nak letak jawatan. Jangan ambil kira pandangan orang atasan sahaja, akar umbi perlu diambil kira. Bila orang atasan buat tak tahu nanti takut ada orang naik toncang. Bagaimana dengan pembelian kereta Mercs dan penghinaan MB Trengganu terhadap proton? So far there’s no complaint from users about the maintenance or replacemant of part. Then how come they paid such a big amount for maintenance for perdana. Kalau dah pakai begitu robust steamrollpun boleh jahanam. Pengiraan mudah untuk 14 buah kenderaandan serta senggara untuk 4 tahun. Harga V6 RM 130,000.00 + Senggara (a) RM 132,357.76 (b) RM 175,229.97 = (a) RM3,673,008.64 (b) RM 4,273,219.58. Harga Mercs RM245,000.00 x 14 = RM3,430,000.00 tanpa senggaraan. Belum lagi dikira duit petrol bagi kedua-dua jenis kenderaan. Jadi untuk jangka masa panjang agak-agak mana yang lebih menjimatkan. Fikir-fikirkanlah sendiri.
Salam Tun,
Tgh boring2 tadi sementara tunggu posting terbaru drpd Tun, saje belek2 blog YB Rembau (guess who?? :-)). Drpd pengamatan saya blog tu xubah mcm blog utk promote diri sendiri jadi Super VVIP kt msia nih. Rasa2nya komen2 dlm blog tun nih hampir separuh (kalau xlebih) yg mengutuk n mencerca YB nih namun yg peliknya haram satu komen pun yg mengutuk beliau ader disiarkan dlm blognya (xcaya kalu cuba try surf rembau).
P/s : Seronok layan blog ruhanie ahmad, a.kadir jasin n KMU gerbang tempur. Sape2 nk tgk gambar2 Tun yg latest sila surf dlm blog anak perempuan Tun.
I am just wondering what has happened to our “Mr Clean”. I am not sure whatever Tun says are correct. I am hoping someone will verify the truth. I lost faith in UMNO when I “feel” the arrogance of our elected leaders. As more and more are revealed to ignorent people like, I begin to realise more and more not to support them any longer. But what other alternatives do we have, DAP – no, no, PKR – just as ugly, PAS – how would I want to support them when they say “Tuhan pun mencarut”. Aren’t we all in a dilemma.
I am just thinking about KJ motive and why he just wants to get his hand clean on various projects. I personally think that it is time to use the oil money as a strategy to combat inflation and stagflation for Malaysia. We need more financial assistance now for the common people and it must be done immediately. To the present government, don’t just wait for the very last minute to take action. When the common people cry for help it is time to take action. Don’t delay your duty to the people of Malaysia. I just realised that there are still poor locals in Trengganu who need the attention of the state government. Use the oil money for poverty eradication programmes. DON’T DELAY…..
Hi Tun,
Believed u still very energetic!
I told u all here b4, go and check those contractors, payment release and the person who appointed them. I’m sure we all will get something like corruptions.
Pak Lah must b forgotten that Malay states still rules by Sultan. How can he use the States’ fund or royalty???? This is very direspect to the Sultan of Terengganu!!! so Biadap!!!
If Pak Lah wan the evidence to show the misuse of fund, I think our beloved Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin can show him! Agong knows everything, Pak Lah….
komen sy berkenaan electrified double tracking project..
sbnarnya, sy tidak mengetahui tentang wujudnya project ini sehingga sy telah diberi tugas utk monitor progression project ini, baru2 seorg banker..
my first impression tentang project ini, bagi saya ia terlalu bagus, amatlah dinanti2kan, dan jelas sekali memberikan benefit kepada rakyat..sbg contoh, dari KL ke PEnang, perjalanan mengambil mase almost same sekiranya kite menaiki kereta..but, tak payah nak drive..tak penat..dan dari segi perancangan mase lebih efective (tak expose too high traffic jamm) dan yg paling menakutkan, kemalangan jalanraya sekiranya melalui lebuhraya..
so perjalanan yg sblm ini dikatakan jauh, menjadi dekat..kalu dari KL ke kelantan, hanya 458 km, assuming kalu 100km per hour, dalam 5 jam, boleh sampai, tp disebabkan keadaan jalan yg sempit, perjalanan mengambil mase 7 jam at least utk sampai ke Kelantan..sungguh tension, dan memenatkan..
jd project spt ini adalah alternatif yg sgt bagus wonder, takkan Pak Lah punye idea tentang project yg sgt bagus ini..walaupun sy berpendapat project 5 koridor yg diilhamkan oleh Pak Lah adalah satu idea yg bagus juga..bila sy selidik punye selidik, project ini bukan cerita baru, ia telah ditangguhkan since 2004..its your project TUn..
project ini under progression..progresion accelerated..
assalamualaikum kepada semua (terutama tun),
salam tun, apa khabar (didoakan sihat sejahtera)? saya sekarang peminat tun (walaupun dulu tidak). saya berharap tun (dan pembaca lain) sudi bertukar-tukar pendapat di sini, kerana berita harian dah jadi berita hairan, berita terkini dan jadi berita terkena,jadi blog is the best
saya terlalu baru di sini, berminat untuk mencatatkan beberapa perkataan (saya tidak menghadkan jumlah patah perkataan saya) untuk mungkin dikongsi bersama.
saya rasa terpanggil untuk menulis di ruangan chedet ini kerana saya rasa keadaan di negara kita (lebih2 lagi bila bercakap pasal soal foolitik). dengan menteri2 yang saya rasa mempunyai IQ sikit tinggi dari George W Bush (di bawah 95). kenapa menteri kita termasuk pm suka melihat satu pandangan sahaja (one-sided view). saya rasa bangga apabila kerajaan menghabiskan jumlah wang yang banyak untuk pendidikan, ini bermakna rakyat semakin bijak dan pandai menilai satu2 perkara, jangan lupa itu!!!. Jadi bila nak merancang sesuatu pastikan sudah ada senjata untuk menangkis segala perluru yang mungkin dilepaskan oleh rakyat yang “terbuka” matanya. contoh terjelas, kenaikan harga minyak. kenapa di”bodoh”kan rakyat dengan menyatakan minyak akan dinaikan pada “Ogos08” tetapi angin tiada ribut tiada minyak naik keesokannya. kenapa terlalu bodoh!!!
dan yang penting adalah “mitigation measure” kena ada sebelum pengumuman, sekali lagi terlalu bijak untuk pergi berperang tanpa senjata yang ampuh (dalam hal ini, tidak mempunyai satu senjata pun!!!).
banyak lagi….
PETRONAS pulak dipersalahkan, kelako.
carilah “scapegoat” yang sesuai untuk dikorbankan, ha ha ha. manusia dianugerahkan dengan 2 otak (kanan dan kiri) dan mempunyai berbillion sel otak (check iklan susu kat TV tue-enfagrow kot)tapi malangnya pak menteri kebanyakkannya hanya menggunakannya kurang dari 2% dari keseluruhan 2% sel yang aktif sahaja (maklumat tidak diambil dari mana-mana rujukan). sebab tue nampak terlalu bodoh dalam sesuatu hal.
benda-benda seperti tembak dalam gelap, suluh dalam terang dan KLCC depan mata tak nampak, kuman punya taik hidung kat jakarta siap nampak dengan bakterianya sekali, tak ke kelako? ini yang berlaku di dalam kabinet kerajaan kita sekarang nie. mereka yang tak layak naik junjung (merujuk debat paling sensasi-rakyat tahu menilai!!!).
dengan al-jazeera pun nak bertekak (unprofesional sungguh).
hi sedap pulak menaip nie ekk.
nanti ada masa saya menaip lagi ekk
salam semua pada warga chedet
Au zubillah himinashsyaitan nirrajim
Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
Assalaamuâalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Kepada semua ahli UMNO yang akan bersidang pada peringkat cawangan.
Kami diKMU berharap anda menjalankan tanggung jawab anda semua kerana Allah SWT.
Ketahuilah Pak Lah sudah tidak relevant lagi!!!
Anda semua adalah benar dan bertanggung jawab jika tidak mencalunkan Pak Lah untuk bertanding sebagai Presiden UMNO.
Itu saja permintaan kami. Jangan calunkan PAK LAH!!!
Selamat bermesyuarat!
Dear YAB Tun M,
Bagaimana kalau kerajaan bertukar setiap 2 penggal (BN dengan PR)…Saya rasa masa untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia untuk melihat perubahan (CHANGE)….Rakyat Malaysia mesti undi setiap 2 penggal kepada pembangkang jadi pembangkang boleh buat check and balance projek projek yang di kendalikan oleh kerajaan lepas….Saya rasa sesiapa hendak menyeleweng wang negara/rakyat akan berfikir dua kali sebab mereka akan di siasat kelak oleh kerajaan baru…
Pendapat Tun amat di hargai…
Terima Kasih.
Assalamualaikum Tun sekeluarga dan kawan “bloggers” yang dikasihi.
Bagaimanakah caranya nak bagi DSAAB berfikir dan turun dari takhta dengan kadar segera.
Kalau ada apa-apa susul, sila sebarkan agar kita sama-sama menjalankan demi bangsa, negara dan agama.
Assalamualaikum yang berbahagia dan yang dikasihi Tun,
Semoga Tun sihat sejahtera dan di rahmati Allah.. Memang tak patut duit tersebut digunakan untuk membeli kereta mewah dengan alasan nak jimat kos penyelengaraan..kasihan rakyat…padahal wang tu boleh dibelanjakan tuk kepentingan rakyat dan membantu rakyat.lebih2 lagi dengan ekonomi rakyat sekarang…bermewahan pula orang atasan..seolah-olah tak terasa dengan impak kenaikan minyak…
tu la saya cakap, tun sahaja yang layak tadbir malaysia ni…kami mewah di zaman Tun, di zaman pak lah,rakyat sengsara…
take care tun, salam sayang buat Tun, dan keluarga
Hi there..,
Sy rsa PLahab dh terpengaruh ngan mata wang Indon kot. Klau kt sna juta2 rupiah tu biasa shja convert sni bru jdi rtus rm je. Klau billion rupiah convert rm bru ribu shj. Msa Tun jd PM nlai 1 sen ada. Skrg ni 1 sen dh x produce lg. 2 thun lg atas duit kertas akan ada gmbar PLah.
Tun :
Ini lah cara cara Umno baru buat duit.
saya memang tak suka dengan cara pentadbiran begini boros wang rakyat, jadikan negara bankrapt..
mungkin lah mereka sudah belajar cara cara Tun itu .
Salam Tun,
Seperti yang saya nyatakan di dalam komen saya sebelum ini bahawa Proton lemah bukannya kerana produknya tidak berkualiti tetapi perkhidmatan servicenya yang didorongi dengan khidmat nasihat pekerja Proton yang kurang berpengalaman menyebabkan kereta keluaran Proton dilihat tidak berkualiti. Saya berharap agar Tun datang dan perhatikan sendiri atau pihak-pihak yang lain untuk melihat sendiri mutu kerja kakitangan Proton yang begitu lemah sekali. Saya percaya kelemahan ini disebabkan oleh pengurusan sumber manusia Proton yang mengambil pekerja sambil lewa tanpa mementingkan kualiti dan mutu perkhidmatan Proton itu sendiri. Ini seolah mempertaruhkan imej Proton sendiri dengan mengambil kakitangan yang kurang berkelayakkan kerana mahu mengurangkan kos bayaran pekerja dan yang menjai mangsa adalah pengguna kereta keluaran Proton. Saya yakin kalau dibandingkan dengan mutu perkhidmatan Mercedes jauh lebih baik kerana Syarikat itu mementingkan kualiti perkhidmatan walaupun terdapat kelebihan kepada produk keretanya. Daripada kenyataan akhbar yang kita lihat begitu jelas sekali perbezaan perbelanjaan yang dikenakan oleh pihak Proton sedangkan kualiti produknya adalah berbeza. Ini kerana Proton menggunakan pekerja yang kurang berkelayakkan dan pengalaman yang ramai berbanding Mercedes yang menggunakan tenaga kerja yang sedikit namun yang sangat berpengalaman dan kerana itu nilai servis mutu kerja begitu berbeza sekali. Saya mencadangkan agar Proton dipantau secara serius dan diberi amaran untuk mengurangkan statistik aduan kerosakkan dalam tempoh waranti kepada yang terendah. Sekiranya Proton gagal untuk mengatasinya, maka Proton berhak kehilangan keutamaan untuk menjadi pengeluar kereta rasmi untuk Kerajaan Malaysia….
Salam Tun…..
-Apa bezanya Masjid kristal dengan tokong helang di pulau Tun …Langkawi.(apa pekdahnya)
-Apa bezanya Monsoon Cup dgn Formula 1
( tentunya simple figure dah memadai menunjukkan F 1 jauh > membazir
-Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh sedaya upaya membangunkan Teranung Kite…(bukan kito…spt di besut)
– Tapi beliau yang menjadi kambing hitam Tun…
walhal DSIJ adalah tunggangan Tun untuk merampas Trg dari PAS
nasihat untuk TUN..
Menerima kelemahan orang lain mengajar kita untuk mengenali kelemahan kita
Assalamualaikum Tun…
Nasib baik Tun penjelas di sini apa yg berlaku sbnrnya…. Saya pening duk pk dr awal lagi… Mmg sy dpt smell sumthing fishy around our politic ‘drama’ hindustan ni…
Tapi x dak sapa brani buka mulut… cuma pk n rasa sendiri…
Tima kasih Tun…
Mmg perjuangan Tun belum n x kan selesai…
Kerajaan kita ibarat ‘kpala’ x betul…ekor apa lagi…
Pk la sendiri…
Salam Tun,
How about other government projects that is also a waste to the economy of Malaysia? How about the recent Space program…whats the benefit to the country for sending an astronaut to space?
Also where is the millions of RM thats is being pumped into Mimos Berhad going? What outcome has Mimos given back to the country? The CEO(Mimos) is also a politician, is he a cronie to DSAB?
Would like your answers to these issues…
Thanks Tun..hope to hear more from you
Assalamualaikum Tun..
Pemerintahan Pak Lah memang teruk…tau nak sign jer semua proposal..x kaji dulu…bagi org lain kaji..baik x payah jd pm…Pak Lah..Pak Lah…tlg la fikirkan kt org di bawah ni…jgn fikir golongan elit dgn family sendiri jer…
Dear YAB Tun.M,
Do you think the solution for people of Terengganu will be “Pakatan Rakyat”?….Can Pakatan Rakyat given a chance to manage this state for at least 1 term so the comparison can be made between BN and them? Will the Terengganu people benefit out of this?
Please comment sir…..Your years of experience in this field will help we believe.
Semoga Tun sihat sentiasa!
Sebagai rakyat negeri Terenganu saya merasa amat kecewa kerana duit berjuta2 ringgit dibelanjakan kearah yg tidak bijak semasa pentadbiran negeri dahulu. Adalah tidak dinafikan ada juga projek2 yang menguntungkan rakyat contohnya pembinaan rumah PPRT, pemberian simen@bata@zink@papan bagi tujuan membaiki kediaman, pemberian pukat @bot bagi membantu para nelayan, menurap jalan2 di kampung dll.Terima kasih sy ucapkan!!
Namun sedar atau tidak kebanyakkan projek yg dilaksanakan itu hanya untuk jangka pendek. kenapa sy berkata sedemikian, seolah-olah projek yg dilaksanakan itu, mengajar rakyat terengganu untuk sentiasa meminta dan tidak berusaha untuk bekerja keras. adakah duit ehsan yg ditaburkan semata-mata untuk memancing undi. kalo inilah yg diajar maka rakyat terengganu sentisa rasa perlu ditatang perlu dimanja dan akhirnya mereka lemah tanpa daya saing untuk maju.
Berlaku ketidak telusan ajk umno dalam mewar-warkan @ mengagihkan borang2 permohonan wang ehsan. golongan diutamakan terlebih dahulu adalah kroni dan sanak saudara mereka walaupun mereka terkeluar dari syarat kelayakan yg mereka sendiri tetapkan. Sy rasa untuk kebaikan umno negeri mereka perlu sedia menerima pandangan ini.
Sy mengesyorkan supaya kaedah pemberian wang secara tunai ditukar mengikut keperluan golongan sasaran. Mengapa? Menjadi sifat manusia selalu menyalah guna benda yg berfaedah. Contoh duit rm200 diberikan kepada golongan remaja( sy lp nama program tu, sy juga dapat) bagi tujuan membantu golongan susah dan yang masih menuntut, namun alangkah sedihnya duit tersebut disalah belanjakan. Ada yg beli sport rim moto, beli hp la dll.(darat sunggoh la!!!)
Tentang projek masjid kristal pula bagi jangka masa panjang kurang menguntunkan rakyat terengganu. Adakah rakyat terengganu hanya menjadi penjaja di sekitar pulau wan man sahaja! Perlu difikirkan tindakan yang boleh memberi impak yang lebih kepada penduduk sekitar terutama dalam sektor ekonomi.
Apa pun Terima Kasih kepada rakyat terengganu kerana majoriti memilih BN. Oleh yg demikian bekerjalah lebih keras kepada wakil2 rakyat terengganu, tunjukkan rekod2 cemerlang kepada rakyat.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Memang nampak jelas pembaziran wang negara yang dilakukan oleh regim BN yang memerintah kini. Ramai pihak berkata pembaziran selama 4 tahun yang dilakukan oleh BN di bawah Pak Lah secara average adalah puluhan kali lebih teruk berbanding pembaziran yang dilakukan oleh BN selama 22 tahun Tun menjadi PM dahulu. Ada pula pihak yang berkata Pak Lah memang sengaja hendak menunjuk-nunjukkan bahawa dia lebih hebat dari Tun, termasuk dari segi membazirkan wang negara, sebab itulah pembaziran yang keterlaluan telah dan sedang dilakukannya.
Mungkin lepas ini Tun boleh tulis mengenai kajian perbandingan tentang siapa yang lebih hebat membazirkan wang negara sama ada Pak Lah atau Tun. Walaupun ramai yang sudah tahu jawapannya, namun kaedah penceritaan Tun yang nampak jujur dan telus itu pastinya akan lebih menarik perhatian ramai.
memang membazir je…mengabihkan boreh jo
Yang dikasihi Tun
Semoga dilimpahi Allah rahmat dan hidayahNya selalu.
Selama ini saya hanya menjadi pemerhati tetap. ie. semua catatan Tun, saya baca dan hayati. Ada yang saya setuju sepenuh hati, ada yang setuju separuh-separuh sahaja dan ada juga yang langsung tidak setuju. Tang kes Terengganu ni saya setuju 100%. Memang sepatutnya rakyat disedarkan tentang kedudukan yang sebenar agar semua tahu betapa pincangnya pentadbiran hari ini.
Tetapi yang hakikatnya ialah, pada saya, Tun tetap Perdana Menteri saya dan keluarga. Yang duduk tercongok di Putrajaya tu bukan Perdana Menteri, tetapi pak turut. Cakap siapa sahaja, terlebih lagi kaum keluarga dan sahabat handai dia, semua dia turut tanpa usul periksa sehingga kami rakyat jelata yang terpaksa menanggung bahana keputusannya yang tidak berasaskan fakta itu.
Bercakap tentang Putrajaya, bila lagi Tun hendak bercakap mengenai projek yang sepatutnya lengkap tetapi hari ini sudah jadi lebih baik sedikit sahaja daripada dari Chow Kit itu. Dengan masalah kesesakan lalulintas, dengan masalah pakir yang haphazard kerana hampir semua Minah, Abu, Samy dan Ah Chong memandu untuk ke pejabat masing-masing, walaupun pejabat kurang 2 km dari kediaman mereka. Jika Tun masih ada urusan memasuki mana-mana Parcel (katanya tak lama lagi nak ditukar tak mahu guna perkataan Parcel, tak Melayu kata mereka), Tun pasti akan nampak kun merah putih merata tempat bagi menghalang tuan punya kereta mempakir kenderaan mereka sesuka hati. Juga pengawal bersimpang siur untuk tujuan yang sama.
Terfikir pula saya, adakah Tun memang tidak membuat perancangan bagi mengambil kira masalah ini atau adakah memang sudah dirancang tetapi tidak diimplementasi dengan baik oleh tadbiran sekarang?
Satu lagi masalah di Putrajaya yang sungguh menyakitkan mata memandang berbanding empat lima tahun lalu ialah penyenggaraan bangunan dan tempat awam yang sungguh tidak sempurna. Di sana sini terdapat kerosakan, berlobang, even the fountains in the centre of the Dataran are no longer working most of the time!
Banyak berjalan luas pandangan kata orang. Rasenya, Keindahan Putrajaya boleh menandingi, kalau pun tidak lebih baik dari bandar-bandar terancang negara yang jauh lebih maju dari Malaysia. Jadi mengapakah dibiarkan ia menjadi seperti sebuah pasar borong???
Salam saya untuk Tun sekeluarga
Assalamualiakum Ayahanda Tun,
Kita bosan dengar berbagai-bagai pendapat, tulisan dan komen keburukan BN dan Pakatan Rakyat yang tak akan kemana. Kita bertindak sekarang tubuh parti politik melayu baru. Biar BN dan Pakatan Rakyat bertelagah, semua dua kali lima. Ayahanda Tun pimpin ramai yang akan sokong.
Good day to you Honorable Tun,
Wishing you & your family well & happy:)
I find it ridiculous, for the government to spend so much money on the Moonsoon cup in Terengganu. What a waste, “Rakyat” has to bear with the inflation rising!! Now they are buying Mercedes Benz. Totally unfair.
I find it ridiculous, our PDRM mobilised a group of policemen to escort Anwar to the police station, given excuse of Police concerned that Anwar may not show up. What about other cases which is pending for solving, gun battled with robbers, illegal immigrants, petty robbers & the list can go on. Totally unfair.
I find it ridiculous, our PDRM & TDDM, mobilised thousand troops & army trucks to the area where “People” are doing a peaceful protest, saying Anwar is creating Public disorder?? While 30000 people taking 800 buses from all over the country to Putrajaya just to say “Pak lah, kita semua sokong Pak Lah!!!”. Then the PDRM did nothing??? Totally unfair.
I find it ridiculous for Badawi to say, that he knew nothing about the arrest of Anwar, & sodomy case. So what does he knows, since he knows nothing, is he eligible to become PM of Malaysia?? Totally unfair.
I find it ridiculous for Badawi to say, he is the PM for the people, so did he do what he is suppose to do, is to take care of the “Rakyat”. Now the oil price fallen to USD130, so will he reduce??
Totally unfair.
I find it super ridiculous, when the Chinese asking for somethings, we were being ask to “Balik Cina”, now, the Terengganu MB decided to spend million & million of RM to buy Mercedes Benz saying Proton Perdana is a lousy car. I think as a government representatives, this MB is a role model to the “Rakyat”, what you have shown here is not “Patriotic”. Proton Perdana is a national car of Malaysia (Buatan Malaysia). So now, should the people ask to go back eh…mana..balik mana???
To the capable leaders please bring Democracy to the “Rakyat”.
Thank you regards…
Assalammualaikum Tun
Ini lah akibatnya apabila ilmu tidak dipraktiskan bersama amalan. Amalan korup ini adalah bertentangan dengan ilmu quran dan Hadis. Dan paling sedih yang melakukan ini semua ialah Imam Hadhari. Cakap tidak serupa bikin! Tak tahu malu sungguh cucu ulamak ini.
Salam Tun..
not commenting anything for now …
Jus wanna inform Tun and all readers the updates of the voting / dream election im having at .
85% wants Tun to return as the next Prime Minister.I know its going to be unfair to you Tun , to ask you to go thru it all over again . But if things going on like this , it wont be long before all the history of Malaysia , anything accreditted to UMNO and alliances , will be scrapped from the history book.In 20 ears time , even Tuns name , not to mention what youve contributed , will only be mentioned in secrecy . As those who hated Tun , Umno , Barisan , are looking more powerful by day . And the saddest part , its not because of their capabilities , but instead the current administration is to busy to buy yatch .
This is very wrong . And the only person that can do something about it is you .
Im accepting the fact that the Malays are no longer strong nowadays .Its OK . Maybe its for our own good . To easy to get scholarships , loans , biz makes us weak and becoming a joke for others . Its okay . Thats what the majority wants , OK . Lets accept it .
But the case now is not MALAY DILEMMA anymore . Its MALAYSIANS DILEMMA. Continue accepting craps , or change to crooks to lead us . My , wat a choice.
Do something TUN . And to those been mentioning about this white ribbon thing , what is it actually ? Is it wearing a white ribbon to show support for Tun , and to say NO to current admin & PKR ? if it is , count me in . Give more info . Well do it properly . LETS ALL WEAR A WHITE RIBBON , ESPECIALLY DURING UMNO GENERAL MEETING END OF THIS YEAR .
jusatot .
ps… any suggestion on what else we should vote for in my blog , kindly forward to [email protected]
regards .
So…… many comments & opinion.
But what can we the rakyat do about it? I, for one don’t want to see Malaysia go bankrupt. Running Malaysia is like running a business. When you spend RM2 million or RM2 billion, the returns must at least double that amount. Not make a loss for the country.
My General Manager will for sure get kick out of the company if he losses that amount.
You mean to say that our PM can do whatever he wants without being reprimended???
We the rakyat elect a certain person to become PM so that he can govern the country. NOT be a tyrant like our present Malaysia PM. By right all……….. the BN goons work FOR the rakyat. They are our servants !!
So… why must we kowtow to them…?
These corruption thingy is not going to stop. By the time PM step down in 2010 our country will be so….. dried up!
Has the PM & all his goons declare their so call assets, savings & all that crap yet. Better check their overseas accounts. Their family too.
We are the laughing stock of the world currently. No.1 rating !
The money are for the people. NOT for BN goons pockets.
So… much SIN they have commited and they still go to holy places to redeem themselves ???
This the BIGGEST sin commited…!
You can agree or disagree. Up to you!
By ayozzhero on July 23, 2008 8:27 AM
Nenda Tun,
A Disneyland designer designing the mosque? Alamak, ape kaitannya? I mean, ape yg spesialnya dan ape yg susah sangat nak design masjid sampai amik designer mickey mouse nih. Bayaran memang x perlu tanyalah, sure mahal… but why a Disneyland designer!!??
i guess the Disneyland designer lagi pakar dalam islamic architecture 😉
Salam Tun n fan…
Kepada yg dok kutuk Tun, hangpa semua ni lah yg dikatakan “MELAYU MUDAH LUPA”…
Semua manusia ada kesilapan termasuk Tun..
Tapi apa yg Tun dah lakukan untuk negara kita???
Terlalu banyak yang positif dari yang negatif…
Tapi sekarang???
Negara sedang menuju ke zaman kegelapan…
Tun, form a new party (maybe lead by Mukhriz kot)…
Let’s kick Pak LahAP a** b4 it’s 2 late…
Or did Tun have any suggestion???
Semoga Tun dirahmati Allah SWT…
Salam TUN,
Saya rasa PakLah ni jenis hantam kromo saja, apa org bagitau dia, dia buat statement, one more thing, musykil pasal geng PakLah punya lulusan matematik, mungkin dah terlampau TUA n dah LAMA tinggalkan bangku sekolah, formula pun lupa bila nampak RM. Kroni bukan maju ke depan, tapi PERUT MAJU KEHADAPAN. Tak boleh pakai punya PakLah n Kroni.
Satu satu projek bolos dan masyuk poket Pak Lah sendiri didedahkan. Pak Lah mcm tak sedar2 diri je. Asyik nak tibai kekayaan negara je.
Semalam say hadiri perjumpaan komuniti USJ 16-27 yg dipengerusikan oleh ahli majlis MPSJ. Ahli majlis ni kata mcm2 kerajaan baru Selangor ni dah dan akan buat utk tolong org2 pendapatan rendah, org2 miskin, anak2 yg terpelajar, warga tua menikmati keselesaan hidup melalui pemberian wang tunai, scholarship, insuran, dsbnya. Dlm pada itu jugak dia menyatakan tentang kepimpinan dulu under BN. Misalnya dia tanya ada ka Menteri Besar Selangor dulu (Khir Toyo) turun dan tengok penduduk USJ. Ada sumbangan diberikan pd penduduk oleh kerajaan BN terdahulu. Saya dah tinggal di USJ ni 8 tahun. Belum sekali Khir Toyo turun jumpa penduduk disini. Rumah guard, kawalan keselamatan semuanya datang dari poket penduduk disini. Dan saya memangkah BN pada 4 kali pilihanraya!
Apa yg saya nak sampaikan disini ialah supaya org2 BN (UMNO terutamanya) tolong bangun dari tidur yg nyenyak itu. Wakil2 rakyat diberi tanggungjawab, setelah dipilih oleh rakyat, utk serve rakyat. Buat lepas pilihanraya, hilang, dan lepas 4 tahun baru muncul semula utk raih simpati rakyat. Cukup2 tak bagus dan tak berhati perut. Saya tak kata yg kerajaan baru Selangor ni akan jadi lebih baik dari kerajaan BN sebab mereka pun berjanji. Tapi usaha ke arah itu sedang dilakukan! Penduduk2 disini klu sekali sekala dpt berjumpa pemimpin, ahli2 majlis, dpt sumbangan kenduri, buat gazebo, buat program derma darah, sbgnya, tentu kami akan berpuas hati. Berapa sangat la RM utk aktiviti2 tersebut. Kami tak mintak pun Mesjid Kristal mcm T’ganu tu. Tak payah ada Mossoon Cup pun kat sini. Apa yg diperlukan ialah sekali sekala tunjukkan keperihatinan pemimpin terhadap penduduk dibawah kawasan wakil2 rakyat.
Ingat sebelum kena. Jgn menysal nanti bila sedar2 satu hari nanti, rakyat semua memilih pembangkang utk mengemudi negara. Tun pun dah takde dlm UMNO dan kerajaan dah. Tapi klu Tun buat parti baru, saya lah yg akan jadi antara org2 yg pertama join parti tu…….
Hidup Tun! Jaga kesihatan bos…..
Kepada Ahli ahli UMNO yang budiman,
Setelah membaca tulisan Tun jangan cari alasan untuk membela Dollah. Jangan terus menuduh bahawa Tun tidak iklas.
Kebodohan dan keseronokan ahli Ahli UMNO terus menyokong Dollah sebagai Presiden sama sahaja dengan keseronokan merogol ibu pertiwi dan masa depan anak anak saudara saudari sekalian.
Fikir fikirkan lah masa depan anak anak saudara sebelum terus membuta tuli menyokong Dollah dan sanak saudaranya.
Anak cucu saudara sekalian akan menyumpah saudara walau pun di dalam kubur kerana membiarkan Dollah bermaharaja lela membazir wang rakyat.
Ingat ya Penyokong UMNO.
assalamualaikum tun..
sy sgt bersetuju dgn pndapat tun..
sy adalah pnyokong kuat BN..
tp sy sdih dgn kepimpinan pahlah yg x look for the future untuk negara..
ape yg tun da lakukan semuanya seperti sia2 sahaja bile pah lah ambil alih..
hope tun trus menjana minda kami semua..
we love u tun..
salam tun
rakyat skrg dlm keadaan tertekan
tun, tolong la buat sesuatu
air mata ni asik nak meleleh je bile kenang nasib bangsa:(
At least now more Malaysian would realise how AAB has abused his position,not fulfilling his oath as PM. I am sure this similiarity is happening to other states as well but Tun as usual one at a time to disclosed all this happening.
Cleary as observed AAB was fast in taking the Oath again to be PM, even losing his own states Penang and 4 other states during 12PRU.
Tun as normal practise on any failure or incident/accident a post mortem needs to be conducted immediatly.Ask any professional they will gladly give the details.But for UMNO there was no post mortem at all. AAB would not have them but insist to have them in Dec 08′.Why? This similirity of AAB abused and shopping spree is also happening in Johore is this not right Tun? Tun has all the cards in his hands and AAB has no where to hide.I now wonder who has the courageand guts to be ensure this matter is brought in the cabinet.UMNO MT, keep guiet for as long as AAB is in power because most MT UMNO are Robots,with AAB holding on the remotes for them to move or act.”Silence is not always Golden, It could be Guilt”.I quess, all the other states would soon join the states that was won by opposition.Thanks to ABB, because he need till 2010 to ensure this would materialised . Salam Tun.Thanks fellow bloggers.
Salam Ayahnda TDM..
Kalau betullah berita ini Ayahnda TDM..memang memalukan..senang-senang sahaja orang UMNO dapat Projek RM1.2billion tanpa Tender..
Tiga tokoh Pemuda Umno dapat projek RM1.2 bilion?
Azamin Amin
Wed | Jul 23, 08 | 11:22:30 am MYT
KUALA LUMPUR,23 Julai (Hrkh) – Tiga tokoh penting Pemuda Umno Malaysia didakwa mendapat projek sistem perisian komputer E-Tanah sejumlah RM1.2 bilion secara runding terus tanpa tender terbuka namun sehingga kini gagal dilaksanakan semenjak dimulakan pada tahun 2006.
Ahli Parlimen Machang, Saifudin Nasution Ismail yang mendedahkan perkara itu di Dewan Rakyat baru-baru ini memberitahu, ketiga-tiga individu terbabit dikaitkan juga dengan Precision Portal Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat yang terbabit dengan sistem perisian komputer di Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) yang membabitkan kos hampir RM250 juta.
“Masalahnya ialah sistem itu tidak menetapi spesifikasi LHDN dan salah dalam kiraan taksiran. Ini serius sebenarnya.
“Hari ini kakitangan LHDN terpaksa betulkan kesilapan sistem komputer itu satu persatu cara ‘manual’ dan 80 peratus daripada masa kakitangan terpaksa digunakan,” katanya ketika memohon penjelasan dalam Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan Tambahan (2008) di Dewan Rakyat baru-baru ini.
Berikutan itu katanya, kelemahan dan kesilapan syarikat ini terpaksa ditanggung oleh LHDN sedangkan jutaan ringgit telah pun dibayar kepada syarikat terbabit walaupun sistem perisian tersebut gagal dilaksanakan.
“Projek syarikat ini, syarikat ini sudah dapat duit habis, sistem dia tidak jalan. LHDN balik asal. Ini berat ini. Kerajaan yang amanah, cemerlang, terbilang dan segala-gala macam itu harus teliti perkara ini dengan serius,”tambahnya lagi.
Beliau juga turut membangkit isu sistem E-Tanah berjumlah RM65 juta yang diperuntukkan untuk ‘pilot project’ di Pulau Pinang namun gagal juga dilaksanakan.
“Mengaibkan, memalukan! RM1.2 bilion ‘witout open tender’, bagi sahaja, belakangnya Pemuda Umno Malaysia berjuang untuk agama, bangsa dan negara tetapi rompak di siang hari,” katanya. – mks._
Our boat is sinking.A difficult political transition in the year ahead.Persistently high oil and food prices has generate feeling of fear, uncertainty and bleak future amongst the ordinary people. What we can do from here apart from PM should retire soonest?
Saya berani jamin semua projek yang sudah dirasmikan tidak dibincang dengan teliti ATAU dikaji dahulu oleh ECONOMIC PLANNING UNIT (EPU).
Sebab tulah apabila projek dah rasmi siap-siap tapi tak tentu jadi tak jadi. Masalah kewangan, kos meningkat dan macam-macam lagi.
Maksudnya tiada perancangan jangka panjang untuk mencari dana apabila berlaku krisis ekonomi inflasi dan sebagainaya!!!!!!!.
Salam Bahagia Tun,
Mungkin akibat terlampau banyak perkataan billion digunakan hingga nilai miliondilupakan begitu sahaja. Pembayaran ex-gratia juga adalah satu pembaziran yang nyata akibat didorong oleh perasaan ingin popular di kalangan golongan tertentu.
Terima kasih kepada TUN kerana menulis berkenaan wang Ehsan milik Terengganu seperti mana TUN janjikan pada artikel yang lepas.
TAK SILAP, ada 4 topik utama yang TUN telah janjikan.
Terima kasih juga kepada AGONG yang bertindak bijak menyingkirkan DS Idris Jusoh sebagai MB.
Pembongkaran terbaru ini menunjukkan betapa bongkaknya kerajaan sekarang bekerja tanpa memikirkan seolah-olah tiada rakyat yang tahu akan kerja mereka. Yang pasti mereka LUPA TUHAN MEMERHATIKAN SETIAP PERILAKU KITA DI ATAS MUKA BUMI INI.
Kerajaan sekarang sebenarnya sedang mencemarkan nama “ISLAM”.
Sudahlah perbelanjaan RMK-9 RM 200 billion minta tambahan pula RM 30 billion, tapi apa habuk pun tak ada.
Projek mega banyak, rasmi sana rasmi sini, koridor sana koridor sini tapi satu pun tak nampak-nampak. Semuanya tangguh tak pun batal.
“Petronas’ contribution to Government revenue is so big…”
Setelah mendapat bayaran RM 61 billion dari Petronas, kerajaan sepatutnya bertindak mengurangkan harga minyak semula. Bayangkan semenjak 1970-an Petronas telah membayar cukai berjumlah lebih RM 400 billion. Lebih daripada RM 200 billion(setengah jumlah cukai Petronas) diterima kerajaan Pak Lah yang memimpin dari tahun 2003-sekarang. Jika kerajaan sekarang betul-betul berniat membantu rakyat hasil tersebut patut digunakan membantu rakyat.
Sebenarnya pendapatan kerajaan adalah lebih daripada cukup untuk membantu semua rakyat di samping melaksanakan perbelanjaan bagi projek pembangunan. Tetapi sehingga ke hari ini kita tidak dapat melihat satu pun projek mega yang siap dan dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar dari pimpinan kerajaan Pak Lah. Hanya dalam sebutan sahaja projek sana sini, koridor sana-sini. Tapi satu pun tidak dibangunkan lagi.
Ke mana perginya duit cukai dibayar Petronas yang berbilion-billion?
Dear Tun
Been busy lately. Didn’t get a chance to check out for updates.
Trengganu…. hmmm well is the contractors really does the work and the costing is what is really is and the profit from this project is what deem truely their.. YES by all means.
BUT is it goes to in form of ‘comission’ to some silly consultants who we are not even sure or shall we say very sure – didn’t even do the job, or may even a 2 days ‘qualify’ consultants.
Who got squash in between – poor contractor – they needed the project to keep the economic moving… yet they also need to suap the ‘consultant’ else no project. End of the day… contract .. does a poor quality work, consultant never got fired or blacklisted because of poor work resulted from cost ‘cutting measure’ by contract.
Why never got fired/black listed… down the road.. the project was ready but TONs of defact work… consultant recommend .. another contractor to take over – kononnya – rennovation… YEAP thats another ‘commission’.
Gosh,,, why must I be so analytic this morning….
Cheers Tun… as always .. loves your comments.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
kami sentiasa sokong pendapat Tun..kalau Tun buka Parti Politik
baru,rasanya UMNO boleh tenggelam,tetapi mungkin perkara ini
tidak akan berlaku..Semoga Mukriz mengikut jejak langkah Tun,
seterusnya menjadi barisan pemimpin tertinggi dimasa akan datang.
YAB Tun,
It appears that UMNO never learn from past mistakes. As the cliche goes, making a mistake is a part of the learning process, but repeating the same mistake is unforgiveable.
Now UMNO are going to commit the same proverbal sin. They are allowing the old horses from past generation to stand for election for the post of VPs in the up-coming UMNO GM. These candidates who are past their prime and whose track record are dubious and their sredibility questionable at best, if elected, will only spell in the continued downfall of UMNO, as has happened in the last 8 March GE.
If UMNO are genuinely sincere about getting back the confidence of the rakyat, especially those of the young Malay voters, then UMNO must take a firm stand to bar those who are seen not fit to wear the VPs’ hats. What UMNO need is to use the war cry of Obama in his presidential campaign i.e. “Time for Change”. UMNO need to conduct a proper exercise of soul searching and make a morally brave effort tochange its leadership at least at the VPs’ and Supreme Council level by injecting fresh and new blood who have the credentials and credibility to push UMNO forward to regain the confidence of the rakyat in general and the Malays in particular.
Mark my word, if those candidates were to be elected as VPs, then UMNO will have to face a more daunting and uphill task in winning the rakyat and the Malay support in the next GE. And in all likelihood UMNO will even lose the simple majority to herald in the Pakatan Rakyat to form the next government. So think hard and smart la UMNO ! Where is your PR ?
kalau paklah pon boleh jadik perdana menteri, sesiapa saja layak jadi perdana menteri.
Akum TUN dan bloggers semua semuga dirahmati Allah.
Baru2 ini saya berdebat dengan orang kuat AAB, dia bagi berbagai alasan kenapa UMNO/BN kalah antaranya menyalahkan TUN dan golongan professional melayu yang lupa akan jasa UMNO. (tidak payah saya ulaskan disini satu persatu kerana perdebatan tu selama 2 jam dikedai mamak). Tapi pada pandangan saya apa yang beliau katakan tidak masuk akal hanya sekadar alasan.Ini lah susahnya perangai pemimpin UMNO yg hanya tahu membodek dan tidak mahu menerima realiti.
Tentang Trengganu, memang jelas apa yag dilakukan oleh AAB dan idris jusuh banyak membazir daripada kebaikan. Saya orang Trengganu, dan apa yang dilakukan oleh Idris jusoh dan AAB lebih beercorak jangka pendek dan bentuk gula gula daripada memikirkan isu2 yang lebih bercorak jangkamasa panjang.
Cara idris dan AAB berfikir lebih terjurus kearah macamana nak belanja duit yang ada dan pastikan rakyat menyokong UMNO/BN (gula gula melalui wang ehsan RM 250). Ia seharusnya memikirkan macamana nak membelanjakan duit yg ada dan boleh menghasilkan pulangan pendapatan kepada kerajaan dan dalam jangkamasa panjang dimana rakyat akan menikmati kemudahan, peluang pekerjaan, perniagaan dan pelajaran.
diantara yg jelas membazir adalah monson cup, walaupun ada kebaikannya tp dari segi perbandingan ianya banyak buruk dari baiknya.
Assalamualaikum Tun…
Apa habaq? Sihat ka? Ni che’ nak komen skit pd depa yg dok asyik sgt nak bela Pak Lah dgn konco2nya tu…Depa tu bukannya apa..tak belajaq tinggi dan tak pikiaq panjang.. tak tau menilai mana yg baik mana yg buruk…langsung tak pentingkan masa depan anak2 & cucu cicit depa…che’ dari dulu lg admire kat Tun ni…pemikiran Tun memang ada class! Che’ tak rasa ada atuk umuq mcm Tun skrg ni sibuk nak join blog mcm ni..Tun ni memang pejuang bangsa yg sejati! Teruskan perjuangan Tun smpi akhir hayat..biaq putih tulang jgn putih mata! Kelak semua akan menyesai!
Salam Tun,
Aduhai LAH DING DONG Sayang
Tun buat Masjid Putrajaya, dia buat Masjid Kristal.
Tun bawa masuk Formula One, dia anjur Monsoon Cup.
Nampak macam ok juga kerana ikut jejak Tun.
Tapi yang tak OK tu, apasal abodolah pi buat benda-benda ni kat Teganu? Bahaya!
Lepas PRU13 ni dah tentu Hj.Hadi akan katok flip-flop-flap-flom punah habis semuanya.
Dulu replika penyu pun kena katok hancok. Tak ingat ke?
Memang Melayu Mudah Lupa.
Cuma yang akan jadi berita baik pada masa tu ialah
selepas Hj.Hadi jual sisa serpihan tu kat peniaga barangan scrap, pulangannya gerentee lebih dari 1 euro.
Hj.Hadi lebih tere daripada moron-moron yang jual Agusta.
Betamboh kaye le semo oghe Teganu kite.
– to see 3 dimension
Dear Tun
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the current state of affairs that concerns our beloved nation. It’s sad to note that despite 50 years of independence we are still laboring over matters that retrogress us as a nation versus moving ahead to further strengthen our resolve to be a develop nation by 2020. Tun, pardon my saying that despite your years of experience and wisdom it continues to puzzle me how you could have erred in your appointments of our current crop of leaders in the government. It seems that you have failed to close the gap in the leadership qualities between you and the rest in the cabinet. Now we the rakyat is saddled with poor leadership and governance that continues to spin the nation towards more confusion, frustration, polarisation!!! We desperately need a strong, visionary, decisive leader to arise and pull the nation and her people together to get us out of this rut and be a nation that we can all be proud of again!
Yang DiHotmati TDM
Komuter yang Comot, Bas Pengangkutan Awam dalam bandar yang teruk,
STAR yang kekurangan Stesyen, PUTRA yang kontot, SEMUA Pengangkutan Awam ini perlu segera dikeluarkan tender bagi meningkatkan perkhidmatan rakyat,KAMI DAH MELUAT,BOSAN DAN MEMBINGUNGKAN,YB, VIP ADALAH MANUSIA YANG BERPFOFILE TINGGI konon…. MESTI PAKAI MERCS..’PERDANA’ TAK MAIN,Sebab tak selamat, maintainance tinggi (Duit nya pergi ke Makanik Malaysia)Mercs. mahal (tak Pa, duit tu kita bagi kat orang kaya diStoodguard , GERMANY)ni apani!!!Menteri Besar Terengganu, dulu hang habak lain la ni lain, Dulu hang nangis jadi MB hang peluk ‘IBU mu ‘,dengan penuh Kesedaran kerana segala galanya alah kehendak illahi, (hang Kata KUN faya KUN) (Beli ku Beli Jugak),YAB Jangan lupa….. ALLAH melihat..
TUN, bila kita tengok mereka ni dari jauh, baru kita nampak “MANUSIA MANUSIA” yang sedang mendapat BUNGA….Kalau manusia pekena belacan lain…
Jeyklls and Hydes in Malaysia. Are you? (Answers below)
Jeyklls dan Hydes di Malaysia. Adakah anda? (Jawapan dibawah).
Posted at
dulu isu mata lebam anuar pernah membuatkan saya benci pada tun tapi hanya seketika waktu. apabila saya gunakan akal dan kewarasan berfikir yg allah kurniakan saya kembali menjadi rakyat yg bersyukur mempunyai tun sebagai pemimpin. tun genius tanyalah apa saja ekonomi, agama, sains semuanya blh djawap tanpa teks. yg paling saya teruja bila soalan pilihanraya ditanya oleh pemberita, jawapan tun senang, “tanya kat dia,dia tau”. pm sekarang kuat dgn aa..aa..takan tunggu teks dari tingkat 4 juga. waktu bg tun penting pihak polis tak payah pening janji jam 8, 7.50 tun dah sampai tapi pak lah janji pukul 7, 8.30 baru sampai. buang masa polis sebab dah kena p tunggu dari jam 5 petang, nampak mcm polis tak dak kerja lain..apa nak jadi malaysia lani, duit mcm air mengalir. anak2 saya dari kecil minum susu sampai lani sulung 16thn harga susu tepung januari 2.3 kg 35.90 tapi harga terbaru lani 50.90. bayangkan brapa peratus kenaikannya. pak menteri jgn cakap harga minyak tiada kesan kenaikan harga brg. kami rakyat yg perlu guna dan keluarkan duit dari poket sendiri tahu sengsaranya kecuali lah barang sampai drumah, rakyat yg tlg bayarkan mana pak menteri tau turun naik harga. org yg buta ekonomi pun tau kesan minyak. lagi satu sekolah tanya menteri kemana anak mereka disekolahkan, mcmana depa nak tau kalau anak2 depa sekolah a/bangsa atau luar negara. nak buat apa semua guna duit, ajar 1 jam tambahan kutip rm2 dimana keikhlasan mengajar, mcmana budak nak cerdik, nak minum susu mahal harap sekolah bg mkn bihun keras dgn lalat penuh pinggan. mcmana generasi lani nak ganti tun, harap makbapa la dok kepung anak sebab nak jadikan anak genius mcm tun. maaf kalau terkeluar dari tajuk tapi hari ni baru dpt sign in kat blog tun lama dah dok mengidam. terima kasih tak terhingga khas buat isteri tun yg sentiasa bersama susah senang, saya nak jadikan idola sepanjang hayat saya.
I have been hearing about the Crystal Mosque from some of my friends for some time now (several months). First, it tak menghala ke keblat. Second it was built on an island and one needs a boat to reach it. I dunno… I have not gone there..but surely there must be a bridge or something? Third, a certain Chinese contractor Peter Chin was asked to build it. Then there is the Monsoon Cup.
I don’t know the full story (Govt will always keep controversial issues under wrap until they die away over time) but thank you, Dr M, your blog certainly illuninated me — also coming from a former PM lasting for 22-years, this blog article means a lot to me on the issue. This is the first time I have heard that the Crystal Mosque is associated with a theme park. Absolutely ridiculous to associate amal ibadat with theme park. Also the Monsoon Cup is also very expensive and I think wastelful because yachting is very not popular with M’sians, whatmore in the isolated state of T’gganu up north.
I am very surprised and shocked that DSAAB and Idris Jusoh did this and if true, then he certainly has failed as a PM to me. And Idris Jusoh, looks like he doesn’t know how to retire properly and only interested in money which then reflects back on what he is as MB. Does he have any share of the profits? There is no need to be so rich…it is a real test. On other thoughts, under the stalwartship of any PM (whether you or DSAAB), PM should be responsible for big wastage or loss of funds especially those on a sudden basis and reach billions of ringgit and even worse, hit the national news. From what I remember so far, there is the Carrian Affair of Hong Kong (RM1.5 mil), Bakun Dam (RM1.5 bil), Perwaja Steel (RM2-3 bil). I think this is absolutely ridiculous and for the Govt to have no control whatsoever on proper selection and management of projects shows failure in governing. And now DSAAB is carrying on the affir with RM2-3 bil wasteful projects in T’gganu. If true, he cannot be trusted and should be removed immediately and made to pay back what he took. I find it utterly disgusting that a few selection of men can take it into their hats to spend billions of ringgit into some whimsical ideas without proper planning and lots and lots of consultants, auditing and proper professional assistance. Very few people on this planet can make one billion ringgit in their tenure as Prime Minister and yet one can simply throw money like that … Melayu pulak tu yang kata amalkan Islam … they should certainly be made to repay in whatsoever form .. do not let them escape ..just like Radavan Kasovic…many years after the Bosnian Massacre, he will be brought to justice and hanged to meet his maker, Insyallah…
Good Morning Tun and all my buddies here.
I don’t actually think that is a waste of money and i suspect the terms you use, (“waste & losses”) have got a meaning behind it. Correct me if i am wrong. You are trying to tell us that the goverment spent billions of ringgit helping the cronies at the expenses of the goverment and rakyat. More mega project means more mega money for those cronies. Even by reviewing the double track project, bridge at the straits of Johore they are making tons of money. It was a plan/scam to stop all previous mega project and restart now as it gives them more chances to talk to the contractor and no body can justify the cost correctly. Big lope hole and i guess those cronies sees big money this time before he steps down. Guess this is what they planned for and looks like it’s working otherwise when we shelf the project few years ago why the hell we are starting it now as all rakyat knows that everything already gone up. By right this should be the time to KIV it as everything was so damn high.
Why was our goverment so stupid to KIV the project few years ago while things are so cheap. Now our beloved stupid goverment are paying additional 30% to 40% extra of the rakyat’s money to the contractor which is also cornies and at the same time making more billions than the original cost. This is how malaysia goverment work now. Those days under Tun things was not so bad as you are planing for the future. take for example when you created Proton. In your mind you are trying to make sure that all malaysian can affort a car. Before long you make it and as a result of that we experince jam everywhere. That’s what you have done to malaysian that we are proud off.
Then you Proton bought over Lotus and that’s when the technology transfer start. The end result, we have waja with certain percentage of Lotus technology in it and today Lotus launched the latest model in London motorshow and Proton’s name was in it. How proud we are as a malaysian.
I remember before all this i have a few penpal in other countries (mainly western) they are asking me where actually Malaysia is and i have a hard time describe it to them and i have to tell them we are actually between Thailand and singapore. They will say ah i know where the both countries but not heard of Malaysia. YOU, yes you were the one that put us in the map and now we do not have much problem telling people where Malaysia actually is.
Thanks Tun..You really did a good job those days and it’s really make me sick seeing the current goverment screwing up the whole damn things. Hopefully people don’t look at us as thought Malaysia produce clown also.
Assalamualaikum Tun sekeluarga.
Sekali rakyat yang membaca dan memahami topik yang Tun utarakan akan memahami bagaimana peranan kita sebagai rakyat untuk membuat komen yang membina yang logik, tidak terlalu terpengaruh dengan perasaan benci membabi buta.
Tentang topik yang membazirkan wang rakyat kita sepatutnya cuba berfikir bagaimana hendak menangani dan menyelesaikan. Memang kerajaan DSAAB gagal membawa perubahan malahan melalukan pembaziran, formula dan tindakan harus dilakukan. Ini bermakna DSAAB haruslah melepaskan jawatan sebagai PM Malaysia dan memberi laluan kepada orang yang lebih bijak. Bagaimana ????
Saya juga hendak komen sedikit tentang komen dari blogger iaitu Sauda/saudari haikal1978 pada 22/7/08 12.46 pm, beliau namapak sangat sensitif dengan DSAI, seperti percaya 100% peratus, fikirlah dengan baik jangan komen semua tentang perancagan kerajaan salah. OK
Salam Tun,
Pagi ni saya baca akbar the SUN yang boleh di dapati secara percuma (maklumlah sekarang semua barang naik harga). Bagaimana rakyat boleh kehilangan RM25 juta di sebabkan tindakan/keputusan seorang menteri yang kurang cerdik berhubung dengan pengajuran bolasepak Kejohanan Bolasepak Remaja yang tidak mendapat restu FAM.
Saya sakit hati bila baca artikel dari ruangan ‘speak up’ the SUN ini, bagaimana seorang menteri tidak boleh buat ‘credit checking’/ ‘home work’ yang begitu mudah yang jika di lakukan boleh menyelamatkan wang rakyat yang sebegitu besar (barangkali sedikit bagi menteri/PM, tak tau lah). Setahu saya sebagai seorang yang pernah bergelar pengamal undang2 yang sentiasa teliti didalam membuat setiap kerjanya perkara begini boleh di elakkan melainkan ada agenda tersembunyi di sebalik penganjuran sukan tersebut.
Pembaziran wang rakyat sebanyak RM 25 juta ni hanyalah ‘ a tip of an iceberg’ je. Jikalah menteri sukan sekarang ni tak batalkan pembinaan kompleks sukan di UK tempohari tak tahulah berapa puloh atau ratus juta lagi duit rakyat hilang terbang melayang.
Rakyat akhirnya merana dan menderita bila pemimpin yang di amanahkan untuk menjaga hak rakyat, khianat dan tidak amanah. Mudah2an Allah ampunkan kita yang telah memilih pemimpin yang zalim ini.
Salam Tun,
Can u request the IT group maintaining your blog to include notify all commentors via email like previously at apa..sometimes tu susah lah nak tau updated comments from your blogs.At least if ada notification cam dulu tu..senang la sikit nak tau if ada new comments in your blogs.I am sure ur IT fellas can do this.
tq Tun.
…more than 3million hits in less than 4 months..mana Guinness Books of Records ni!
… It was a slap in the face fo Abdullah when he was forced to accept the Sultan’s nominee…
I just love the sentence about the slap in the face..i wish it was actually done physically by the Sultan!Then AAB will now as malay sayings..Baru Tau Langit Tinggi Rendah or in English..Now Know sky high or low!hehehe..anyhow,Tun..Pak Lah will keep on wasting money until 2010..heard about the edible garden project now..i am sure more money will be spend by Pak Lah for his wife to promote this thing…
do something Tun..join UMNO and contest for Presidency!Kick him out!
This is the side effects of putting a person that slept thru parliment proceedings (with eyes wide open), skipped economy class in university, and went on a rampage of celebrating with his family when he got the promotion.
Tun, you and I know, that you appointed the wrong person for the job.
And the best part is, he’s gonna appoint another wrong person as his successor. It isn’t fair to the people to face “nonsense” for another 8 years to come.
Rakyat bukan anti UMNO!BN!
Rakyat marahkan ketidaktentuan dasar PAKLAH!
Rakyat bukannya marahkan harga minyak naik!
Rakyat marahkan harga minyak naik mendadak!
Itu pun x bleh pikir ke?
Apela benak sangat orang-orang atasan B.N sekarang!
Assalamualaikum Tun salam sejahtera untuk seisi keluarga.
Sekali lagi Tun membuat ‘U turn’ secara mengejut………Janganlah kerana marahkan nyamuk kelambu dibakar… Pada hemat saya Terengganu memerlukan lebih dari 50 tahun untuk mendapat pemimpin yang berpandangan jauh seperti Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh(DSIJ). Kalau tak silap saya DSIJ adalah pemimpin muda yang telah diketengahkan pada zaman Tun….pada mana karier politik pemimpin terdahulu seperti Datuk Doktor Yusof Nor disingkirkan secara sistematik melalui politik kedaerahan rakyat terengganu..
Setelah Terengganu dirampas PAS akibat tindakan TUN pada akhir 90an DSIJ lah yang menjadi kuda tunggangan Tun untuk merampas kembali Terengganu dari PAS. Dimaka kah pemimpin2 UMNO Terengganu lain ketika itu???? menyorok ibarat burung unta menyorokkan kepala bontot tertonggeng….
Seperti biasa Tun cuba mengeksploitasi krisis kedaerahan pemimpin terengganu dengan pembaziran yang kononnya wujud…Apa bezanya Mosoon cup dengan Formula 1…..secara simple figure kita tahu kos untuk F1 jauh lebih tinggi…Taman tamaddun Islam…apa bezanya dengan Tokong helang besar di pulau milik Tun, Langkawi .
Kalau sesiapa pun yang datang melawat Terengganu pastinya boleh mengakui DSIJ telah mengangkat bandar KT beberapa darjat lebih tinggi tanpa meminggirkan kebajikan rakyat melalui program2 pendidikan dan basmi kemiskinan.
Hanya rakyat Terengganu yang masih berfikiran jumud dan mengamalkan politik kedaerahan sahaja yang masih tidak menerima hakikat ini…
Buat Tun pula, belajarlah untuk menerima kekurangan orang lain dengan itu kekurangan kita akan diterima oleh orang lain….
Hidup DSIJ….
Hidup Terengganu bagi setiap rakyat Terennganu (tanpa kasta)
entah agaknya kerajaan nak bertukar tangan. tempat nombor satu itu klu jatuh kepada org yang tak ada minda berniaga sangat membazir. kalau tak ada minda berniaga, jadi apa yang ada dalam minda pemerintah ini adalah minda untuk memboros duit rakyat. pemerintah yang seterusnya adakah akan sama lagi. mereka punya record pun tak elok sampai mana. tun, alangkah baik kalau allah mengizinkan kamu balik untuk memimpin negara tercinta ini.
terima kasih kepada maklumat yang kamu siarkan untuk kita.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Apa la kerajaan susah-susah nak bagi duit pelaburan kat Negeri Terengganu.Tak payah la.Negeri Terengganu dah kaya.
Kami tidak memerlukan wang anda.
Baguslah Mat Said beli merz.Rakyat tak suka ke suka pun takpe.Janji PAS menang Terengganu PRU 13.Bye bye Datuk Najib.
Terima kasih Tun.
satu lagi salvo dari tdm.
hhmmmm ….
RM 1 bilion sama dgn RM 1,000 juta.
RM 1 juta bolih beli 370,370.37 liter @ RM 2.70 seliter minyak petrol.
minyak ini bolih mengisi 7,407 buah kereta @ 50 liter kapasiti tanki utk dibakar seminggu [hanya satu andaian].
RM 1 bilion bolih menggerakkan 7.4 juta buah kereta [katakan ini jumlah semua kenderaan di malaysia – andaian] utk seminggu.
RM 4 bilion sama dgn 7.4 juta kenderaan berjalan dlm sebulan.
rakyat berbelanja RM 4 bilion sebulan, untuk minyak petrol sahaja.
ini tak masuk yg lain2 lagi.
anggaran ini bolih membina klia; atau,
dgn anggaran ini juga klcc; atau,
juga bolih buat dua kl tower.
RM 4 billion sebulan = RM 48 billion setahun.
macam nak dekat dgn untung petronas setahun.
RM 48 billion setahun = RM 240 billion utk lima tahun.
rakyat kena ‘taroh’ dgn minyak, sampai anggarannya bolih jadi dekat2 dgn angka belanjawan kerajaan utk lima tahun.
dah tak larat nak komen nih..
bila Dolah nak turun??
Elok Tun tubuh parti baru, kita lawan dgn Parti Keluarga Dolah tu!
Ooo Man…what a waste money of rakyat TUN…that money should channel it to poverty rakyat at Terengganu & well cared development for the rakyat.
I hope Pak Lah dont easyly think that money dig in from the sand simply like that…very2 easy he & Idris EX MB Terengganu used billions of ringgit Wang Ehsan for F****ing nothing….Both of u think that money came by ur own poket….come on…
Still Terengganu one of Poor State in Malaysia.
No wonder sultan ‘Murka’ with this senile Pak Lah & Idris…but STILL blinded old leader Pak Lah dont see that sultan againts him.
P/S Better put that money on fuel or food subsidy for rakyat of Terengganu.
—and to present MB carefull of what u did…sultan & the rakyat watching your tail….Think 200 times first before u buy Mercedz. cars–.
1. Apa yang nak dihairankan cara AAB tadbir dan urus kekayaaan negara. Dah kena pun cara Islam Hadhari. Lagi pun AAB sedang baiki labu.
2. Kepada Damien, jangan sesekali mempertikaikan hak dan keistimewaan orang Melayu Islam. Cuba lihat sekeliling di bandar-bandar besar terutama di bandaraya KL, bangsa manakah yang menguasai ekonomi serta kekayaan negara.
Dear Tun,
At last I got know the true story about this. Thanks for giving me this information. What a waste, clearly DSAAB should resign.
Thanks bye.
suppie kugrimo wrote on July 22, 2008 11:14 PM
to malays,
let’s all ‘unite’ and put our political differences aside. together we will march forward and build this nation back to it’s pace. as long as you are ‘melayu’, you are one of us. we have smart malays all over that is capable putting us back at track. there will be no egos here. with a good heart and passion, strong believe towards this country, we will rule.
as for other races and neighbours, not to worry! we are not a criminal and bad people.. we are a peace loving race. but to all ‘traitors’, regardless of what race and party you are in.., time will tell.
may Allah almighty bless us all.
take care Tun, the quest does not ends here.
MY COMMENTS for suppie:
salam perkenalan buat tun dan keluarga. bermcm2 informasi saya dpt, rasa marah dan kecewa dgn keadaan malaysia sekrg. tun tinggalkan malaysia tip top tapi bapa kemusnahan sekelip mata melenyapkan impian dan cita2 rakyat. jun lepas kami sekeluarga ke trengganu dan berkesempatan ke masjid kristal memang cantik tapi tengoklah dlm tempoh berapa bulan lagi nak masuk tandaspun geli. rata2 trengganu kebersihan kosong, sama saja kelantan sampaikan ada peniaga yg sembahyang di kaki lima tandas. bukankah islam itu bersih, cantik. baju batik lelaki thn 2000 rm 70, sekrg 180, inilah akibat martabat batik diangkat untuk siapa?? tokey batik yg sedia kaya raya..??sejak thn 98 kami kerap ke trengganu tiada perubahan kecuali lenyapnya arca penyu dan bangunan tol, siapa2 pemerintah sama saja bila duit dan kuasa ditgn mata kelabu hati jadi beku. malaysia tiada lagi kegemilangan seperti dizaman tun, kami rakyat amat merindui masa2 seperti itu. semoga allah lanjutkan usia tun dan berkati segala usaha murni ini. amin
Nenda Tun,
A Disneyland designer designing the mosque? Alamak, ape kaitannya? I mean, ape yg spesialnya dan ape yg susah sangat nak design masjid sampai amik designer mickey mouse nih. Bayaran memang x perlu tanyalah, sure mahal… but why a Disneyland designer!!??
Salam Ayahanda Tun, In my opinion, Pak Lah has for all time believed that he always fly above the weather. He somehow has that notion. Itâs like that. Aloft, observing cloud formations and lightningâs well below trajectory. Itâs a strange kind of security in such an observation. See the more we make noise down here, the higher up he goes. No bumps no shakes higher up. Itâs a strange kind of security and (false) bravado. Hard to describe. But Tun, you are a certified pilot. You have flown many hours. Many may not know this, but Tun is a pilot. I think Tun have the inklings of what I am trying to say (I just fly free PC simulators). The calm before the storm last all the way through the storm from a higher vantage point. So no real feed-back gets transmitted to Pak Lah. Unlike Tun, who stayed the storm like us running chickens on ground level and somehow would always find glory in the storm for all. See Tun, make your comeback pronto.
Salam Tun yang dikasehi….kali kedua nak komen pasai kes ni.
Yang semalam punya tak dak masuk lak……
Ni cek dengak MB Ganu nak kaji cam semula sebuah Perdana pakai lebeh rm.100 ribu untuk 4 tahun dalam urusan maintainence sahaja.
Tak sampai jumlah tu.
esti ada yang tak kena ni…..Mesti ada tiris ka , bocok kat mana2 ni. Kalu lagu tu Tok Said kena siasat, bukan kaji. Ini mesti kes tak telus dalam urusan penyelangaraan. Orang lain pakai Predana gak tapi tak sampai jumlah tu pun….
Kalu lagu tu ada tak telus……bila pakai Mercedes lagi la besak bocok nya…..
Tok Said oii…Rakyat pangkah suruh jadi wakil rakyat. Membagunkan negeri, membantu rakyat, bukan suruh oakai kereta mewah lagu tu….
Apa salah dalam negara tengah gawat ni , duit tu tolong rakyat Ganu. Belikan enjin bot biak depa gi laut tangkap ikang buat tambah pendapatang. Atau pun ni nak sambut puasa, bagi sorang sekok ayam ka , sekilo daging ka buat rakyat Ganu kurangkan beban berbelanja…
Ni asyik kira senang Exco dia ja….
Nak pakai Mercedes beli pakai duit sendiri….Apa la punya akai….
Tau nak perabih duit rakyat ja ….
Salam TUN
as we know those theme park at K.T. is just a clown initiate by PLah. It is not a SUSTAINABLE approach at all as he claim another way of Hadari!
1. There are a lot of beautiful mosque like MASJID KG LAUT (Kelantan/east cost) that survives more then 300 years which using very pure islamic principles whithin the malay archipelago that has much more respected by the western and middle east experts. This architecture and vernacular design should be reveal rather than promote an expensive and fake typology of the cheapo plastic crystal mosque. Another word he is killing our great culture in architecture building in a life time.
2. Same goes to the Monsson cup. What is so important once you squezze and ‘push’ aside the great Pulau Duyung kampungs that comes with a very skillful Malay on boat making that famous around the world? Again PLah has kill the generation and develop an ‘alien-nation’ in Terengganu that not SUSTAINABLE at all. Masyallah!. The site will be changes & no more to study for university student, researcher or our young generation..
Think, while you can for our next generation… [email protected]
Assalam ayahanda Tun dan semua rakan2 bloger..
Tun.. terima kasih atas penjelasan tun..
TUN.. bagi lah rakyat buah fikiran tentang apa yang harus rakyat lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah negara sekarang.
rakyat perlu memainkan peranan, pada saya Tun masi lagi pemimpin kepada rakyat malaysia, saya rasa itu memang tanggung jawab Tun
saya yakin Tun mampu fikirkan sesuatu untuk membawa rakyat keluar dari belenggu ini tanpa ada KEGANASAN, TUNJUK PERASAAN, PERGADUHAN SESAMA MELAYU @ DIKALANGAN PEMIMPIN DAN PENYOKONG..
so please Tun think of some that can make OUR PEOPLE proud to be are MALAYSIAN again…
please… Maybe ALLAH S.W.T bless you, and gift you the way to lead malaysian people…
TDM, kembalilah ke persada politik negara. Malaysia perlukan Tun!
Saya juga sangat bangga kerana blog Tun jauh lebih popular daripada blog DSAI. Siapa kata TDM hanya dibenci orang? Lebih ramai orang sebenarnya mengagumi TDM dari DSAI. The difference is… penyokong totok DSAI semuanya jenis vokal dan suka berteriakan atas jalan. Penyokong TDM semuanya waras dan rasional. The silent majority.
I can’t believe that this happening now..
when Government give more money to Terenggagnu…the state government miss use it to buy new imported cars.
even some of them critise the quality of our national car Proton Perdana.
ass’kum Tun,
Saya tak mau comment pasal projek projek Pak Lah yang semua nya corrupted dimana pula projek Gerbang Selatan saya secari peribadi kenal owner nya. Yang nak saya tanya kat Tun ialah kenapa Tun tak dapat predict keupayaan Pak Lah memimpin Malaysia sedangkan Tun mempunyai pandangan jauh kehadapan dan sudah mengenali Pak Lah selama 50 tahun. Itu lah yang saya sungguh kesalkan
Asalamualaikum bapak n kuarga…
kibarkan bendera putih….
pakai riben putih…..
jgn malu..
jgn segan…
jgn sampai sudah di jajah baru nak bertindak….
undi tak percaya di parlimen dr pembangkang pun speaker
tolak…takto nk kata aper…ceq dah mamai dgn penin n sakit kepala..
bendera putih dah kibar…tp sowang2…ganer aab nak faham….
aiyoooo…topik lari lak..sowi bapak….penat nak ckp pasai pembaziran aab nih…wat sakit ati jer..bernanah n hangin satu badan….rindukan zaman bapak pacu negara….salam hormat…go2..go..
YABhg Tun,
Terima kasih atas info yang diberi. Bukan sahaja PM yang boros malah Menteri Besarnya (Trengganu) juga boros membeli kereta Merc untuk ganti Perdana. Alasan yang diberi macam betul tetapi betulke kos maintenance Perdana tinggi? Dah check ke kesahihan jenis kerosakan? Kok ada mainan pemandu dengan workshop set kos tinggi supaya dapat peratus daripda kos tersebut. Ini kerap berlaku dalam dunia perniagaan.
rakyat kata” esok nak makan apa?”
phark lah kata”esok nak makan sapa?”
tun teruskan perjuangan…berani kerana benar…
-MUZRI a.k.a Muyie –
Kamrie Enterprise
Dear Tun,
Looking at the enormous wastage and losses incurred by the government over certain projects that had been cancelled or delayed is a clear indication that Pak Lah has lost control in the administration of the country. He is a confused lame duck Prime Minister, who after 5 years at the helm is still struggling how to move the country forward. It is rather sickening to have a Prime Minister who is so weak that he could not even think the simplest idea or formula to create value added to the economic well being of the rakyat. The rakyat now are very restless to see what is really happening to the country. Nothing is right politically and economically under Pak Lah’s administration.And yet he is still having big ego trying to stay on until year 2010. Is he out of his mind? Shame on him !! He doesn’t gain anything at all in terms of his image whether he resigns today or stay on till 2010. Everyday he is becoming a laughing stock of the rakyat who treat him as if he is like a real “clown”. I just wonder how can he sleep well every night when he knows exactly that he is no more an important asset to the country that can bring “miracle” to the already distressful state of affair!!
Memang Kerajaan sekarang kurang akalnya, menghabiskan duit rakyat. MB Trengganu dahulu dan sekarang pun tidak kurang helahnya. Tengok sekarang sampai 14 buah mecedes nak dibelinya. “Enjoy while it last”
Duit rakyat ! Apa yang nak dipedulikan nya.
Hati hati ramai talam banyak muka diblog ini. Saya dah selidik.
Ini semua penulis upahan yang sama, cuma nama samaran lain sahaja, tapi IP, domain serupa []
ASHAR [email protected]
email karut
pada hal guna email domain, [email protected]
2) sie yin
3) heical
6)Hanan Yamanan
7.Mamak den
8)isteri antimamak
9)mamak 1968
10) Nostranamus,
11ï¼nama blog Lee Chee Lek
( [])
ini adalah domain address.
Mereka ini juga lah kelompok Melayu Haprak yang macam Tun Kata selalu
Kan gitu Tun !
Kelana Jaya, Selangor /
tun, when u dont like the current PM so much, u must at least join another party to take over the G before he wakes up and goes nut again. pas, rocket, anwar(haha), pick 1 of them!
Kerajaan mana ada istilah rugi?
Assalamuailaikum Ayahnda TDM..
First of all…
1. Memamg sudah meluat tengok muka Pak Lah sekarang ini.menteri yang lain itu agak ok la lagi.
2. Pak Lah tidak melihat kebaikan kepada selat tebrau itu sendiri yang sudah busuk airnya dan tersekat salirannya. Sekiranya dibuka memang beransurpulih lah air laut tersebut kerana mendapat saliran yang baik.
3. DI Terengganu memamg depa joli habis duit royalti petroleum kepada rakyat Terengganu dan yang lain saya tak tahu.Apa lagi rakyat Terengganu ..suruh ACA masuk laa
4. Orang ada Kuasa boleh buat apa yang diorang suka..Ingat-ingat kuasa itu ada lah mandat rakyat.
Salam Tun:
There’s more to this. What about Scomi involvement in the purcase and replacement of RapidKL buses, there’s also this talk of ‘Irag Oil for Food Program’ that involved Abdullah Badawi, the direct nego of the shelved (thank Allah it was shelved) RM25b Penang Global City project, the mother of all murderer ‘Haliburton’ in Nusajaya, the Israeli involvement in PDRM computer upgrading program. For just 5 years this guy in office, the list could go on and on. The Zionist element are slowly creeping into our system probably through his advisors down south.
All I can sum up is, Abdullah Badawi screwed a lot of things and he is a liability to the safety and progress of this nation.
Salam Tun.
salam Tun,
1. Dengar cerita (hearsay) DYMM `murka’ kepada bekas MB Terengganu kerana isu masjid kristal tu. Semasa majlis pecah tanah taman tamadun islam berkenaan, bekas MB panggil Pak Lah buat perasmian. Tapi, bila rasmi masjid kristal tu pulak, panggil Agong. Sepatutnya Agong yang rasmikan majlis pecah tanah tu, dan standard Pak Lah hanya rasmikan masjid kristal tu ajer.. betul ke?
2. Berkaitan dengan pembelian mercedes oleh kerajaan negeri terengganu, ia adalah satu kesilapan besar. Jika benar, proton perdana sedia ada banyak menimbulkan masalah, kenapa tidak digantikan dengan yang baru saja? Kereta yang lama pula boleh dijual dan hasilnya boleh digunakan untuk menampung sebahagian kos pembiayaan kereta Perdana baru. Bagaimanapun, jika pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Terengganu inginkan kereta yang benar-benar `lasak’, maka disyorkan supaya membeli saja `amphibia’ terpakai milik ATM kerana ia boleh digunakan di daratan mahupun di air.
3. Sama ada wujudnya gejala rasuah dalam kes ini (taman tamadun islam & kereta mercedes), memang mudah diperkatakan tetapi sangat sukar untuk dibuktikan. Ibarat kata `pandai makan, pandailah simpan’. Mungkin BPR dan agensi lain boleh `mencuba nasib’ untuk menyiasat isu-isu ini. Yang pentingnya, siasatan hendaklah telus dan tidak memilih `mangsa’.
4. Justeru, Majlis Raja-raja perlu bertindak segera mengarahkan Pak Lah melepaskan jawatan PM. Jika raja-raja Melayu masih sayangkan negara ini dan tidak mahu melihat Malaysia menjadi caca merba, Pak Lah perlu diturunkan segera, dan beri perkenan melantik PM yang baru.
5. Di segi kekananan dan pengalaman, rasanyer cuma Tun saja yang paling layak memaklumkan kepada majlis raja-raja perihal masalah kepimpinan Pak Lah. Biasanya, jika semua peluang untuk bersuara telah disekat oleh `kuasa-kuasa ghaib’, maka tindakan seterusnya ialah menemui terus raja-raja Melayu. Langkah yang sama pernah dilakukan oleh allahyarham Dato Onn Jaafar sewaktu menentang penubuhan Malayan Union.
6. Satu lagi isu yang perlu diberi perhatian sekarang ialah (dengar cerita jugak), sejak kebelakangan ini, ramai ketua menteri dan menteri besar, dah secara tiba-tiba `semakin intim’ dengan pihak media untuk bantuan publisiti. Almaklumlah, PAU akan diadakan pada Disember ini, Jadi, ramailah yang nak bertanding di peringkat MT dan Naib Presiden, mula menawarkan pelbagai `gula-gula’, termasuk kemudahan bermain golf untuk `bos-bos media’. Walaupun alasan yang diberi ialah `hadiah’ atau `sumbangan ikhlas’, sebenarnya pemberian itu juga adalah salah satu bentuk rasuah.
7. Oleh itu, harap Setiausaha Agong Umno dan Lembaga Disiplin memantau perkara ini. Kita tidak mahu peristiwa PAU lepas terus berulang (kesian kat Tan Sri Isa Samad kerana cuma dia seorang yang dikenakan tindakan di peringkat atasan), sedangkan beberapa pemimpin yang `terlepas’ daripada tindakan disiplin. Ini disebabkan `kebijaksanaan’ pemimpin terbabit mereka mengatur strategi mereka dari awal. Sebenarnya, penggunaan wang memang berlaku untuk membeli undi perwakilan Umno, tetapi beberapa `pemimpin’ ini terselamat kerana menggunakan `orang ketiga’. Sukar untuk dibuktikan dan dikaitkan penglibatan mereka dengan gejala rasuah. Akhirnya, `ikan bilis’ di peringkat cawangan dan bahagian juga yang menjadi mangsa.
8. Dalam hal ini, Umno tidak bersalah. Yang patut dipersalahkan ialah sebahagian besar ahli-ahli Umno itu sendiri kerana dengan terlibat dalam politik `menghalalkan cara’. Wassalam
Saya berdoa dengan sesungguhnya supaya orang bodoh yang bertanggungjawap terhadap pembaziran ini akan ditimpa musibah besar dan mati dengan penuh kehinaan dan kecelakaan.
Salam Tun,
Canât imagine when AAB step down. How many accusation will he be faced. Can he stand it, pity him.
I believe right now (2 years time)AAB is compiled all supporting document in save box, prepared for back-up answer of his wrong doing / misdeed. Whether he knows what the document is or not, not so sure. Maybe lastly the PM office caught fire.
Haahahaâ¦.sorry AAB, jokes only. Anyway be prepared. Get readyâ¦coz when the times up, so many thing will appear. I believe the blogers can list down.
Being a leader is hard, very hard. Anybody who has been a leader of any groupings (association, club, football team) can tell that. You are always criticised and judged for what you do (or don’t do). What else being leader of a country – with all the ‘penyangaks’ both local and foreign, businessman and politicians, friends and enemies, that one has to contend with…
That’s why
(a) when you see one or two person in the country who seemed hellbent to become the PM – you must question, “Why the urgency?” and you must be very cautious of them. Read history of all countries in this world, past and present, and you will find that all the good leaders were reluctant leaders and vice-versa.
(b) a nice person may not make a good leader. Our current PM included. I still believe that deep inside, he’s still a good person as he was before 2004 (which was why Dr M chose him to be the transition PM) but he just failed to be a leader. I hope that one day, he’ll find the courage to listen to his soul and shut out the bad advise he’s been getting from his family members and circle of friends. Then he’ll do the right thing, insyaallah.
(c) Dr M is a phenomenal leader who is unafraid to be unpopular in order to do what he honestly felt it the right thing to do. Phenomenal coz the strong will is backed by wisdom.
Salam semua.
I lost words to write because I am really tired, sick and fed-up with the present Govt under his leadership. All UMNO so called strong men, ministers and MPs who sought cheap publicity through the media pledging support for their boss, are useless jokers and hypocrites of the first order. To put UMNO and the country back on track all these people must go!
Anak Jati Kedah.
p.s. Tun tak balek A.Staq ka, baleklah sempena perayaan 100 tahun Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid dan 50 tahun Tuanku memerentah. Toksah kiralah sapa dan parti mana memerentah, ini negeri kita.
YABhg. Tun,
Salam hormat. Seperti komen YABhg. Tun… Money, More Waste and Losses. Perhaps, there will be more Blunders and Fumbles by the present Leadership.
PM terpaksa tunduk kepada gertakan/ugutan dari Sabah dan Sarawak dan dengan mudah mendapat few billions RM. MB Trengganu berjaya memperdayakan Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk mendapatkan lebih dari 2 billion RM. Elok juga MB yang lain menggunakan taktik yang sama untuk mendapatkan wang berbillion daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan. Kalau Negeri negeri lain nak banyak duit seperti Trengganu, Sabah dan Sarawak kenalah buat hal. Sudah tentu Pemimpin yang lemah jadi gelabah dan untuk kekal lama berilah banyak gula gula. Beginilah caranya untuk mentadbir negara.
What a waste really!One must know how to manage our resources in order to gain from it.Otherwise, it is best to let those who can to do it.This is the way to go, come December.Enough of FLIP and the FLOP….as Malaysia will not move forward this way.Are we on target for VISION 2020?
We need CHANGE, for the better of the country.We need to pick the best, regardless .Some people need to be retired sooner than later, as they are there for far too long and they cannot see very clearly too.We need LEADERS who are more respected.If we have to choose fresh faces so be it!We need to have the guts to make change.
Dear Tun,
Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib said, Tuesday, that he will contest for the vice-president’s post in the coming party polls in December.
kah,kah,kah !! Pemimpin yang dah “expired” tarikh luput kegunaannya masih berhajat nak jadi naib-president. Tak malu ke !! Cerminlah diri.
Tapi tidak mengapalah. Kita tengok macam mana dia berkempen dan juga macam mana ahli-ahli UMNO menilai pemimpin mereka.
Tun di harap sihat sihat selalu di samping keluarga.
Tun bila Tun akan kembali semula kami sentiasa menunggu.
Sungguh derita kami di waktu ini.
Kalau lah Tun masih memerintah jembatan dan isu air telah lama selesai.
kenapa lah Pak Lah tak mahu mendengar nasihat Tun, tak faham langsung
Kita tunggu dan lihat akan kebenaran nya.
Seolah olah begitu sombong dan bongkak.Lama kelamaan negara jadi bangkrup.
Tun selamat berjuang
So the truth prevailed… No wonder that Equine company of his crony was such a hotly-speculated counter at one point.
Salam Tun,
Firstly, pls send my regards to Our dearest Tun Siti Hasmah, semoga sihat disisi suami tercinta.
I always go to indonesia , once a month, and one thing for sure, Metro TV ( indonesia like CNN) likes and adores Anwar so much. Metro TV belongs to Surya Paloh, Achenese. There is even one time their TV even tertulis Anwar Ibrahim, Perdana Menteri Malaysia di scroll di kaki TV. Its earlier this year. Their most famous talk show, KICK ANDY pun ada jemput Anwar and di kenalkan sbg reformist.
Dengan orang macam Anwar yang suka kecoh-kecoh ( tak habis dari satu kes ke kes tiap2 hari), rasa dia saja yang betul , nak turunkan minyak 50sen la 70sen la, kes sodomi sanasini, kes tumbuk mata sinisana, kes beli MP nak suruh lompat parti ( menjanjikan kedudukan juga adalah bentuk rasuah!) , kes DNA la , saya cuma nak join Tun kata sesuatu pada dia, piraaaaah mabuk. Nampak sangat dia tu gila kuasa. MALAYSIAN DID NOT VOTE PEMBANGKANG BECAUSE OF HIM, MALAYSIAN VOTED SIAPAPUN ASAL BUKAN BARISAN. TARUK MONYET PUN BOLEH MENANG AGAKNYA. SANGKING MARAHNYA ORG PD BARISAN YG SOMBONG. JUST IMAGINE TUN, MAMAT YG RAKAM KES LINGAM TU YANG TAK LEH BAHASA MALAYSIAN BAIK DAN TAK TINGGAL KAT MSIA TU PUN LEH MENANG. MY CHINESE NEIGHBOURS ( CHERAS) SEMUA CAKAP… ASAL BUKAN DACING. Kebetulan PKR banyak letak calon ( dgn dibantu dana ASING), jadi menanglah banyak.
Hai…. member2 saya orang indonesia selalu cakap nak mintak ‘LOAN’ Dr Mahathir 10tahun jd presiden, sure Indonesia MELETUP. tapi Indonesia ni memang kompleks TUN, yang boleh betulkan cuma Almarhum Soeharto. They all di sini kena kejutan demokrasi.
Anyway, all the best to you sir. Hope you dont only critise but also rekomen solution ok. TQ.
Assala mualai kom Tun Sekeluarga
Kita ni tak habis habis keluarkan atau kedepankan kepincangan kerajaan dalam mentadbir negara yang kita semua cintai. Kekadang tersa kita kat sini macam anjing menyalak bukit jer. Sebab belum tentu lagi jeritan kita, seruan kita, saranan kita, cadangan kita dan macam macam lagi kita…. dimabil bicara oleh pihak berwajib. Kalau ada pon yang membaca blog TUN ini terutama pak menteri kita, ada berani ker nak ketengahkan semua ini? KALAU MUHYIDIN YASIN kira boleh tahan lah sikit!!. yang lain semuanya buah dah termasuk.
Cuma kita sahaja yang ada kat sini harapan bangsa (mudah2an) yang mahu paling tidak …sedikit pon cuba menhuurkan bantuan bagi membantu kerajaan yang ada sekarang ni, ialah ..kita hendakkan perubahan yang ideal. dimana rakyat jelata bolehlah lelap mata sikit. INI tidak …hutang dulu 1/4 dah jadi separoh. perbelanjaan rumah semakin tide. Mana nak hadap budak sekolah dengan vannyalah, dengan ringgit hariannyalah…ditambah lagi harga makanan di kantin juga naik.Maka belanja sekolah harian juga naik. Klau darjag satu tak apa….ini dah masuk tingkatan. Bill api naik, billa air naik, bas dah tentu tambangnya dibayar masa naik, tambang teksi sahaja turun ..baru bayar… Saja buat lawak sikit…sebab dah boring dah bila gov tak buat tindakan untuk rakyat jelata…….. Boleh pengsan cari duit macam ni……
OKLAH TUN…..malam n i cerita katun, maaf TUN gurau jer.
Pendedahan TUN ada banyak baiknya…. tapi siapa yang ambil kira semua ini. Saya yakin AAB ada baca …tapi dia gelihati sebab kita tak boleh buat apa apa..tul tak? Kalau pon UMNO atau BN, MCA, MIC dan lain lain komponan kalah masa PR13 nanti dia dah tak ada lagi sbgai PM. Nak kisah apa. Pergi jahanam semuanya. Begitulah agaknya kira kira nanti. Dan yang naik tu esok yang TOLOL TOLOL juga ….bukan kata pengsan lagi bahkan BERPENGSAN PENGSAN lah kita nanti. Tetapi kalau mika mika ni ambil kira apa yang dikehendaki oleh blogger dan rakyat MAlaysia kita…Alhamdulillah kita…..
Yang boleh …kita tenguk ajer apa akan jadi. Sebab apa yang berlaku adalah kehendak Tuhan juga …hasil dari kuasa kecik / kuasa merancang yang ada pada kita ..tetapi salah hala tujunya sahaja….. Jadi manusia ni kena peka . Dan manusia ni belajar dari kesilapan. Kalau tak silap, kita tak tahu!. Yg teruk, tak mahu mengaku silap salah, Jadi jangan harap boleh diperbetulkan…ialah bodoh sombonglah katakan.
Selamat semua nya sekali hendaknya
Salam selamat buat TUN sekeluarga.
Maaf Tun, ini adalah salah satu komen dari sahabat bloggers di atas:
Hari ini dalam UTUSAN MALAYSIA:
âKami mahu ia disegerakan(kereta elektrik). Kosnya hanya 3.5 sen Euro (17.9 sen) sekilometer… ia amat menjimatkan,â katanya kepada pemberita selepas mesyuarat itu.
DOLAH tak tau ke yg kereta Proton Savvy’s fuel consumption hanyalah 8sen/km? (consider minyak naik 40% sekalipun baru 11sen/km)
DOLAH ni main hentam cakap ka apa? Or dia mmg xpenah tahu sebab xpernah isi minyak sendiri kut.
1 more thing Tun, why Hydrofuel suddenly became a huge phenomena di Malaysia ni? Mcm ada something between Dolah & them..kroni ka? Kalau lah hydrofuel ni sgt menjimatkan, why do other automotive car makers tak mass produce this tech before this?
Saya juga hairan tiba tiba saja Pak Lah cakap pasal electric car dan petikan harga pulak dalam Euro. Saya sendiri tak pernah nampak lagi electric car bergerak gerak di London ni. Yang nampak hanyalah hybrid car. Mesti ada sesuatu yang tersirat. Ayuh Tun, pasang spy Tun ya. Spy kami semua tak guna… tak power. Satu lagi, agaknya dia sebut dalam Euro sebab ada tukang sampai bgtau dia pasal Euro 1 dalam blog Tun kot. Saya rasa lepas Pak Lah hilang kuasa banyaklah Royal Commission yang kena buat. Alahai… lawyers jugak yang untung.
Tun, selain dari pemilihan UMNO adakah ada cara lain untuk singkirkan Pak Lah tanpa perlu berdemonstrasi.Kami tak tahu macamana lagi … nak tunggu pilihanraya alamatnya gegak gempita negara kita dalam tempah 4 tahun lagi. Kalau ikutkan hati… tak boleh sebut pulak …
Terima kasih Tun kerana masih lagi ambil berat perihal kami dan Malaysia. Di Kedah yang saya tahu 2 tempat yang UMNO menang ialah Jerlun dan Kubang Pasu. Jerlun UMNO menang sebab faktor Mukhriz sebagai anak Tun. Kubang Pasu UMNO menang sebab tempat itu bekas kawasan Tun. Kalau 2 tempat ini tak ada faktor Tun alamatnya hampir sapu bersihlah UMNO kalah. Semuanya sebab Pak Lah yang bongkak dan pandai berlakon tu. Fikir pasal dia saja dah buat BP saya naik. Kesian kat kita rakyat Malaysia.
Maafkan saya sebab out of the topic tapi sekarang ni memang zaman angin.
Terima kasih Tun
I am not suprise at all.
Just imagine an assembly man of port klang can build an istana, of coz the bosses should do better, so that their names can appear in the Guiness Book of Record.
This will ensure they leave a Legacy for themselves
salam tun..semoga tun sihat
sy amat xpuas hati dengan pentadbiran paklah sekarang nie..isu pasl masjid kristal mmg 1 projek y membazir kerana wat per nk wat masjid y mahal tp xda org nk mengimarahkannya.. ini adalah pembaziran yang melampau pd zaman paklah..pembelian keta merc juga xsepatut di lakukan pd zaman rkyt sedang di bebani kenaikan hrga pemimpin berseronok lak dg keta merc y baru..mcm mana kos selengara blh sampai rm50k?erm makup duit msuk poket ker?uhuh..
pmbatalan jambatan bengkok juga 1 pmbaziran kerana melalui jambatan itu tmnk johor akan d robohkan so perairan selat tebrau akan jd semakin lawa cz air mngalir..tidak tersekat mcm skrang.
paklah x ikut plan wawasan 2020 cz dia nk kaut duit rkyat kot ngn KJ dia…
Salam Sejahtera YABhg Tun & Rakan2 blog
Saya setuju dengan pendapat tuan……. Semenjak YABhg Tun melepaskan tampok pemerintahan, saya sedih dengan cemuhan2 orang terhadap YABhg Tun, saya & juga rakyat2 Malaysia menyanjungi kepimpinan YABhg Tub yang selama ini yang telah banyak berjasa kepada negara, agama & rakyat malaysia selama 22 tahun.
salam semua.
memang betul apa yg Tun beritahu.
tapi apa nak kata lagi, “melayu mudah lupa”.
lupa semuanya bila dah dapat pangkat.
Dari dulu lagi org dah bgtau, jangan dok undi BN..Undi jugak..
sekarang sama-sama kita rasa kesan dan akibatnya…cakap org tak mau dengar,skrg baru tau. memang projek kat Trg tu takde faedahnya pada rakyat.
Nak tunggu BN lingkup..padan muka semua.
Salam Tun:
There’s more to this. What about Scomi involvement in the purcase and replacement of RapidKL buses, there’s also this talk of ‘Irag Oil for Food Program’ that involved Abdullah Badawi, the direct nego of the shelved (thank Allah it was shelved) RM25b Penang Global City project, the mother of all murderer ‘Haliburton’ in Nusajaya, the Israeli involvement in PDRM computer upgrading program. For just 5 years this guy in office, the list could go on and on. The Zionist element are slowly creeping into our system probably through his advisors down south.
All I can sum up is, Abdullah Badawi screwed a lot of things and he is a liability to the safety and progress of this nation.
Salam Tun.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah.
Maaf,salam nya pendek -nak kata kat orang.
Anakanda tumpang lalu.
BRO GOMO: You are 100% right.tapi allow me to tambah sikit no.
Sekox nama ABI ( Abdullah Badawi Intelligency),
sekox nama AUDI (American Unit of Dajjal Intelligency)
Kedua2 ekox ni mat arof mati sukun .orang bagi komen dan pendapat yang membina tapi depa nak kata lagi kat orang (Tun).nak suruh orang(peminat Tun) buat dosa pasai nak kena kata kat depa balik.
Why dont both of you go and fly kite! — NO NO ,IT IS BETTER BOTH OF YOU GO AND FLY WITH THE KITE INTO A DEEP GORGE – aman sikit dunia ini, bertambah tambah lagi aman orang2 kat blog Tun ini.
Mengkalu hangpa kata lagi memang muka hangpa kulit tebai macam pungkox BABOON.
Maaf Ayahanda Tun terpaksa kasax sikit.
Di harap Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda selalu berada di dalam limpahan rahmat Allah SWT.
Dear Tun
When a government too slow in implementation of scheduled important project in develop nation on time with RM9 now,the lost of time it self cost billions of ringgit,many of us didnât realised this lost because accountant figure put profit and loss book ledger statement doesnât covered that in general terms that applied in overall cost or invisible lost of time over progress,why i say this?
Just took example of scenic bridge,it cost 1 b to build in 2003-2005,after cancelled it,it lost defamation to contractor and site abandon cost few 100m,if implemented over abandon,need only few 100m to complete at 1 b compared time lost material cost now can be like 3b plus.Thus it is a lost of precious planning time cost worth more,now we see time here already cost 2 b extra.
The delay,review,cancelled,redesign,reopen tender,review.kiv,put on hold,belum ada peruntukan happened in RM8 project since AAB took over 2004-2006 had indeed another invisible loss of 10 of billions.the whole RM8 couldnt continue actually push to the present RM9 package was in real combination of previous RM8,again is lost of time and same scale of project do not implemented earlier now 2008 masih debated in mid term review,due to higher cost to build,many still likely kiv till RM10.It seem MOF do not have consistent decision of implement which project go or no go in RM9,we heard a lot of projects proposed approved within that ministries stuck in MOF because need AAB final approval,many of project recommended positive for award before and after PR 12 also review,due to politic treat and balance.
When we think back AAB had been in MOF from 2004-2008 four years before PR 12,he was a easy happy going PM,had 90% rakyat voted him,no problems of politic,and this easy going 4 years AAB did fail in implementation of nation development,flip flop most time,if sum to an estimation,only 1/5 of RM8 and RM9 is on his track,the rest, 4/5 as he promised will resolved before Jun 2010.Well.seem if 4 easy happy good years build only 1/5.the present treat of PR opposition politic in 5+1 states,will influence his mid term review of RM 9 to move those projects to his BN controlled states,many projects switch of MOF fund is still under study how it could bargain ketua bahagian favoured him as president took indirect account here,and plus fuel hike,material hike,likely AAB will only promised his completed of RM9 while he smoothly step down in 2010,well,if we put a 1/5 done in 4 years,the correct proportion shall be less then 1/5 plus 1/10 of RM9 or 30% the most only likely completed in 2010, again 2/3 project scheduled will lost in time,invisible lost outside book account measured few 10 of billions.
When the last 4 years the AAB government decided to put hold project of RM8 into RM9 was portrayed some reason behind that Tun have advanced MOF over spending in 2003 RM8 into budget of RM9,and need to skip 1 Rancangan Malaysia completed or MOF will dig into hugh deficit, perhaps only Tun able to answer that,what rakyat found now is AAB credibility in develop the nation in so serious in doubt,the flip flop,say no today,different tomorrow,minyak tak naik tapi naik,besok tak ada but ada,like whole nation await his promised last Friday say ada big announcement incentive new formula for rakyat counter back fuel hike pain, nothing happen after 5 days now,what kind of PM and cabinets we had now here, seriously we think our nation economy will induced to sink badly into months.
Now when look back into monsoon cup,wang insan 5 billions PAS want it back,how will MOF pay it back?well,I assumed AAB will drag till 2010 and pass this debt for next PM to handle then, or I likely say maybe he wait till PR 13,let PR settle with PAS write off debt. AAB will denial it as push back Tun proposed that wang insan and used that money,as regard to where the money goes,some contractor sure get rich in the pocket, especially one lucky who spread it wing far from Penang race club to fancy mosque of Terengganu,and enjoy it mansion in Australia.We see the expensive fancy mosque cost few 100 of m macam GULA for Terengganu politic motive to inline of islam hadari concept,of it indeed waste of fund if compare other urgent project far from approval under midterm review many time.
I guess now Malaysia had enter new era of both politic and economic crisis never before in 50 years of history,never ever a PM lost 2/3 in parliament so does a opposition wore to had crossover,it always the other way round,the impact on fuel hike debate between DSAI and DSC indeed interesting tell government is defending it denial of fact with no solid consolidated method resolve the expected inflation to hit high in few month,the trouble sensed our PM the finance ministry didnât respond to rescue current economic hard show but telling each time everything is at manageable comfortable CUKUP MAKAN semua rakyat,tiada masaalah pun,in very simple manner,so the rakyat had to find solution them self,created so call negative psychology fear toward the goverment, I recall when ministry announced they was no petrol kiosk demonstration is going to take place with sms full of rumour,every body rush to pump station,why? Because they think this government will tell lie again,true became lie,how to trust what new announcement is coming up.all will expect more lies Tipu cara present administration.
More invisible lost of millions will occurred in few month to come,not to counter high inflation and food crisis hike,not to implement new method to ease rakyat living cost, but need lot of GULA GULA in fixing the fight for ketua cawangan,AJK,ketua bahagian, siapa wakil 7 in Sept ,project politic had to settle first, and most crucial is UMNO coming president seat in Dec,the coming Sept will be interesting one, if stiff fight was form between team A team B predicted to happen, those who lost removed from post of ketua bahagian if he a YB or MP, will open new back door of UMNO to abandon ship at large,that why DSAI claim it Sept 16th still hidden under his POKER card so far, a coincident date of crossing over to PR form government,a open door PM in waiting for all rejected ketua bahagian to PR form government,agreed or not,is all about money politic and projects,to gain sokongan balance to stay in power,a most expensive and invisible one cost ever to continue stay as PM of Malaysia.
to malays,
let’s all ‘unite’ and put our political differences aside. together we will march forward and build this nation back to it’s pace. as long as you are ‘melayu’, you are one of us. we have smart malays all over that is capable putting us back at track. there will be no egos here. with a good heart and passion, strong believe towards this country, we will rule.
as for other races and neighbours, not to worry! we are not a criminal and bad people.. we are a peace loving race. but to all ‘traitors’, regardless of what race and party you are in.., time will tell.
may Allah almighty bless us all.
take care Tun, the quest does not ends here.
dearest unreplaceable Tun,
i pickup this not from a reality tv.. i want to share this with malay bloggers while other races can enjoy it as well…
wong sells barang x to kong at rm 200. kong markup to ali for rm 600. ali shares with an internal kroni and get a good sales to jabatan x for rm 1800. ‘kroni’ gets 400, ali gets 800.
if wong sells barang x to ali direct, the price is still rm 600 (he is not entitled to get a chinaman clan discount for being a malay..). ali shares with an internal kroni and sell to jabatan x for rm 1800. again ‘kroni’ gets 400, ali gets 800.
but if kong sells to jabatan x and shares with the internal ‘kroni’ at the same price.. ‘kroni’ still gets 400 plus hamper, kong will get 1200.
the best part if wong sells barang x (where he got for rm 100 from mainland china), direct to jabatan x, at the same price.. ‘kroni’ will still 400, a hamper and karaoke ++ treatment, wong will get 1300..
if you are being a ‘kroni’… mana lagi best? tentu deal dengan wong kan.. he he he! ++ lagi.
BUT WAIT!!!… ‘since this is the ‘flip flop’ season..’ ‘the deal will go like this then..’ ‘i learn this from oxford..’, said the monkey from 4th floor.
it doesn’t matter with who ali buys from, wong or kong. the deal will go more or less like this..
wong sells barang x to kong rm 200. kong markup to ali at rm 600. ali shares with an internal kroni and get a good sales to jabatan x for rm 18000. yes, for rm 18000… kroni gets 6000, ali gets 11400.
ha ha ha! ‘just add zero to the total and it’s all done!’..’we are the ‘flip flop’ goverment.. ha ha ha!’
wong and kong will complain that ali is making more money than them. ‘itu olang lasuah manyak kuat..’ ‘itu kloni jabatan manyak jahat.. makan wang lakyat…’ maka ramai la melayu pangkah parti cap ‘x’ sebab tak puas hati..
parti cap ‘x’ pulak keluar statement, ‘we will propose an open tender to public to be fair..’
‘alo towkey, betoi ka ada fair kat sini aaa???? betoi tala tipu aaa..’
btw, i saw ali yesterday proudly driving his new car.. ‘seorang bumiputra yg sangat berjaya!’
Salam Tun,
moga sentiasa dirahmatiNya.
“Berlagak macam alim, gaya macam alim, tapi rupanya alim-alim kucing… nampak ikan diterkam juga… ceh!!”
HARTA, WANITA dan TAHTA, 3 “Tuhan” yg digilai manusia.
fyi abg dol tu..normal.. 🙂
Salam Tun seisi keluarga semoga dalam keadaan sihat sentiasa .
Idris vs md said 2X5.+PAK LAH jadi tiga ABDUL.BULAN juga nampak terang.
Dear Lah,
Pak Lah has lost control in the administration of the country. He is a confused lame duck Prime Minister, who after 5 years at the helm is still struggling how to move the country forward. It is rather sickening to have a Prime Minister who is so weak that he could not even think the simplest idea or formula to create value added to the economic well being of the rakyat. The rakyat now are very restless to see what is really happening to the country. Nothing is right politically and economically under Pak Lah’s administration.And yet he is still having big ego trying to stay on until year 2010. Is he out of his mind? Shame on him !! He doesn’t gain anything at all in terms of his image whether he resigns today or stay on till 2010. Everyday he is becoming a laughing stock of the rakyat who treat him as if he is like a real “clown”. I just wonder how can he sleep well every night when he knows exactly that he is no more an important asset to the country that can bring “miracle” to the already distressful state of affair!!
Salam sejahtera Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad,
Apa yang Tun dedahkan semuanya betul dan tepat. Tapi setakat itu ya Tun, rakyat tak dapat buat apa-apa sekadar melepaskan geram kat ruangan Internet sahaja boleh. Memang rakyat Malaysia amnya dah meluat dengan pucuk pimpinan negara. Apakan daya. Kena tunggu sampai Pilihan Raya Ke 13. Dalam pada itu, macam-macam perkembangan berlaku setiap hari yang mampu merobah pendirian rakyat.Kuasa rakyat hanya semasa Pilihan Raya sahaja lepas itu tunggu dan lihat. Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia amat sedih dengan perkembangan semasa sekarang. Moga Tun dan keluarga sihat selalu. Banyak berehat ya Tun. Kawan kita yang buat perancangan ini semua dulu Tun juga yang lantik ? Satu penggal atau tidak hanya Tuhan yang Maha Mengetahui. Selamat Malam Tun.
Salam Tun & semua mereka yang tak puas-puas melayari laman ini:
– Apa yang kita nak buat dengan pak Lala the dodo head ni?
– Segala benda yang dia buat semua tak betul, very low class dan superficial. Kita orang semua nak muntah tengok dia naik Lotus.
– Ditokok tambah dengan KJ, Kali, Naina, Patrick, yang semua ni PENGKHIANAT negara (and I’m not exaggerating), PEMUSNAH harapan bangsa dan agama.
– Apa yang kita nak buat dengan mereka?
– These filthy animals not even worth to be put on trial and subsequently to the jail
– How about shoot them and feed them to the dogs?
– Well even dog is a worthy animal and teman Ashabul Kahfi
Salam TUN,
Feel very sad and down, tonnes of monies was misused without having any benefit to rakyat Malaysia. Spend monies not wisely but crazily.
We are the middle income ppl, we know how difficult it is to earn a living. Life is getting tougher and tougher each day, work days and nights, back bone and knee aching only gain small amount of money.
But during your ruling as PM, you always emphasize on purchaser buying power. With little bit of money able to buy more goods. Now we cannot do so because………..,
TUN,now the buying power no more belongs to rakyat but was fully possessed by AB and the gangs.
Dear Tun
There are people who condemn on your mega projects they think it a waste of money when you were PM. the fact is most of your projects benefited the people and the country.
You have visionary skills and full of wisdom; pak lah is not smart he should have you as an Advisor BN would not have lost so badly. Malaysia boleh with him around tak boleh.
Semoga TUN & Keluarga di Rahmati Allah SWT sentiasa hendaknya.
MB Trengganu mencemarkan Proton.
Nafsu besar seh… nafsu kat Germany rupanya.
Macam mane Melayu nak naik bro…macam ni.
Nampak nampak Proton macam dah nak innalillah……….
Sejahtera Buat Tun..
Badawi is funny likes a clown
Badawi waste money all over town
Why the economy look go down
you can see many reason by you own
The government still singing inside the ring,
Every morning there are raising a new planning,
Even building or “kandang kambing“..
its still look nothing from the beginning till ending
Now the rakyat feel upset and regret
But the Hadari still on Dreaming great
Badawi must reading from complaining CHEDET !!!
Or the history will call him the Prime Minister of “S***” (3’STAR)
The ‘Bayu’ from ‘Kinabalu’ make
u feel enthusiastic sometime..
Have a cup of teh, Tun..
Now, i’m still upset with his stupidity !!..
Dearest Tun,
The country need to go on without all these negative discussions. Why dont you talk about something you know. About the many positive things that can be done to make Malaysia better place. If not, talk about something you really know. About the billion of ringgit that you and you team in the Govt wasted. It is an irony for ordinary citizens like us to accept that while you are being paid allowances now, you are damaging the source.
Dearest Tun.
I’m 50yrs of age.Almost half of my life has been under your leadership and I felt comfortable and secure.But now under DSAB..everything looks bleak.I’m worried about our generations future especially the malays.Maybe this is GODS’way of punishing us for being ‘mudah lupa’.Permata dianggap kaca.
Tun,thanks for those wonderful years.You’re indeed GODSEND.I hope and pray that one day GOD will deliver us another leader like you.
PS. wanna make a comeback?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya amat-amat berharap agar Menteri Air Lior Berbuih dapat menyanggah apa yang diperkatakan oleh Tun. Menteri Air Lior ini mempunyai banyak saluran untuk menyanggah apa yang diperkatakan oleh Tun, kami rakyat berharap sangat nak lihat Menteri Air Lior Berbuih ini nak mempertahankan bosnya. Hari tu bos dia menaikkan harga minyak sampai 40% dialah jadi jaguh untuk berdebat dan mengatakan kenaikkan minyak tersebut adalah baik. Kali ni kat negeri dia, bos dia melingkop duit rakyat apakah dia masih nak mempertahankan lagi. Apa lagi Pak Lah & the gang nak jawab mengenai ini, kalau tak sedar lagi susah nak jawab dalam kubur nanti.
Kepada semua yang mengharap ini dari petik tuan ultrawan88 ….
“Saya berharap agar Tun mengemukakan satu topik dalam blog ini ( “berkenaan dengan pelan tindakan yang perlu diambil serius untuk menangani masalah semasa ini bukan sahaja kepada Kerajaan Malaysia, malah kepada semua rakyat jelata agar dapat merealisasikan Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara maju dari segi Sains dan Teknologi dan juga dari segi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara.”
Ini jawapannya…… saya rasa….
IALAH YABhg Tun dengan memasuki kembali dalam UMNO dan bertandingan dalam permilihan UMNO akan datang.
Barulah dengan kehadiran dan kepimpinan YABhg Tun dapat mencapai wawasan 2020 itu dengan meletak kan kembali on the right tracks(Wawasan yang direncanakan oleh Tun itu”
To Azeen72:
Dear Azeen72..Did we need to tell u who has wasted a lot and corrupted all the way? it’s obviously seen, azee. Pak Lah lah orangnya~ membazir buat itu buat ini, tp habuk pun takdak..Tun Dr Mahathir is different.He is a wise man.That’s why when you go overseas, you get to see foreigners who keep on asking how is Dr Mahathir doing, die sihat ke tak, etc..This might surprise you but fyi, none of them will ask you about Pak Lah.Why?Because they just don’t know him/ don’t have any idea about his contribution!Dr Mahathir has a very brilliant idea and loud in almost every matter. He has spent people’s money for the nation’s own good.C’mon, Malaysia won’t stand at the high level as it is today if not due to Dr Mahathir’s contribution. I hope that will ring the bell for hard feeling,okay..=)
To Tun Dr Mahathir:
The current government should have been wiser in spending rakyat’s money.I hope there will be no more cases like Agusta and the crystal mosque.Hopefully…Take care, Tun.
5 billion, wow that is the big amount….. i hope that that money can be use to reduce the fuel price or even a good intention that provide more facilities to sabah and sarawak. dont just make few fly over at KK is good enough. we cant feel the damn thing is wasting money………
U know Tun since the fuel price up, KK is like a ghost town to us, all the kedai makan is empty. all the mall is emtpy… why……….
with the 5 billion we can do lots of thing beside building up a thing to see only, what we need is proper arrangement and planning from the government to improve the economy of our country and Sabah, not just build those building and fly over that the rakyat cant feel the impact by just watching it. Remember we cant eat the thing. What for after build no maintaince.
this is why the ppl at Sabah are support Dato Yong for the vote of no confidence to the PM now……
If u Tun still the PM i`m sure that u can plan a good strategy planning to avoid this problem esspecially the fuel price and the waste of 5 billion (not 5 rinngit)
Aslmkm Tun,
thanks for info di atas, dan saya betul2 rasa gerun untuk menghadapi masa yang mendatang… kepada yang buta hati dan celik duit tunggu lah pembalasan sipitung…. semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat
Salam YABhg Tun,
1) You are right that the BN under Pak Lah has mismanaged the Government fund due to wrong advices by the ministers, cronies, Umnoism and many more who pretend they are clever but actually they are stupid such as Khairy and that President GPMS (cannot remember his name).
2) This started when Tun’s administration removed Wang Ehsan when Pas ruled Terengganu. Ordinary citizen acknowledged that Tun’s action was inappropriate. PAS is rightly to manage the fund when they governed the state. I believe if that be so, PAS will continue to govern the state until today.
3) What is the value of RM3.4 million worth of Mercedes Benz comparedto billions taken by the Fed Govt? No issue and the explanations given by MB is acceptable.
4) The Jabatan Audit Negara should audit the funds used for the Monsoon Cup, Crystal Mosque, Pulau Duyung, etc. And who is involved and how does Pak Lah relate to Azreen then Patrick Lim? If the fund was appropriately approved, the question is whether such decision is appropriate or not? Then comes a question of credibility… alas… the Fed Govt under Pak Lah does know to manage! Simple.
5) Any suggestions of Royal Inquiry? Of course Pak Lah said no.
6) I suggest, give Terengganu to PAS together with Wang Ehsan. See whether they can govern or not? And definitely PAS will questions on the project carried out by Pak Lah and Idris.
Assalamualaikum Tun!
Pembaziran adalah salah satu agenda dalam kerajaan BN. Itu realiti! Tanpa perancangan dan penghematan dan kajian. Membuat sesuatu semuanya ada udang disebalik batu. Itulah kerajaan BN sekarang.
Pepatah cina ada mengatakan “Musuh kita yang paling utama ialah sahabat kita”.
Maknanya sahabat kitalah yang tahu serba serbi, kebaikan dan keburukan kita. Jadi jangan bermusuh. Inilah yang terjadi pada Tun. Pak Lah buat silap banyak dengan Tun. Jadi patut sangat Tun bongkar apa yang patut yang Tun ketahui, bagi rakyat tahu kebenarannya walaupun ruangan ini mungkin tidak mendatangkan apa-apa kesan bagi kerajaan sekarang tapi setidak-tidaknya para pelayar laman ini tahu serba sedikit maklumat dari orang dalam.
Subsidi kepada rakyat ibarat ‘korek lubang, timbus lubang’.
Masjid kristal akan jadi gajah putih yang tidak mendatangkan apa-apa faedah untuk rakyat Trengganu kecuali syok sendiri.
Dear Tun,
I really admire and salute to you as the GREAT LEADER for Malaysian.Your endless thought and contribution to the country and the people of Malaysia should be well respected.PM Abdullah should not take another 2 years as arranged to hand over power…..ayeharis
Salam Ayahanda Tun, if its Najib or perhaps still Abdullah Badawi running UMNO for PRU13, than I am not going to give my vote to UMNO anymore. If its Tengku Razaleigh or Muhyiddin, perhaps I might reconsider. However, if Tun would somehow be running actively or otherwise, in the election – on any ticket – be it UMNO or New Party (or even bebas) , definitely my vote goes to Tun. Not only that, we can all turun padang and work hard for this. What the nation need right now is Tunâs frame of thinking and political vigor. If we have these again, I am certain that we could all be team players once more for Team Malaysia. Why not Tun? Never say never they say. Throw us bloggers a hint Tun?
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr.M
…Melayu Mudah Lupa…
…Keep healthy, Tun…
…dari Kota Singa….
What is surprising how the opposition is very happy to have this incompetent leader heading BN as this would allow them to seize power more easily. Nepotism in Malaysis has led to unqualified and weak and useless people taking positions of responsibility.
No one doubts that Pak Lah is pathetic; he needs to step down so that he can sleep more! Otherwise the country will sleep-walk into an economic disaster which we will not be able to recover from. And Tun won’t be there to save us as he did in 1998!
Are there no more visionaries left in Malaysia!?
The Crystal ain’t even real!!
Thanks Tun!!
I thought no one notice, i knew it by reading and my own speculations. As you say Tun this is really slap for Pak Lah. For me you are always the best despite complains about you, i admire ways of your planning and administration of our loved country. I hope Pak Lah could see and stop listening to his beloved son in law!! (for me he is “1st anak kurang ajar of Malaysi”). Sorry if i’m rude to you Tun, but for KJ, he deserve the words.
Salam Tun dan semua,
Sampai sekarang ni, nampaknya belum ada sesiapa pun dalam UMNO yg berani menawarkan diri utk bertanding jawatan Presiden selain Ku Li. Yang ada pun semua tawarkan diri nak jadi Naib Presiden je. Tak de yg berani ke?
Saya pun teringin nak tengok samada cawangan2/bahagian2 berani ke tidak mencalonkan orang lain ke jawatan Presiden!
Dear YAB Tun Dr.M,
Just curious….Did the people of Terengganu knows that their state is the richest stae in Malaysia? How log they been getting this so called “Wang Ehsan”? How these “Wang Ehsan” used all these years? Did these “Wang Ehsan” which received from the Petronas well distributed to the development of the state? What are they? Can this be identified? How these people of Terengganu enjoyed these wealth received from this “Wang Ehsan”?
I’m sure they would have basing on the current situation where they believe in BN and have voted for them…It will be good if Tun could explain those in details. We believe that Tun done a lot for this country and people but by giving us the full picture it will definitely open everyones eyes.
Hidup Tun! Caya gua sama Tun Dr.M.
A good reveal from Tun……All the truth is coming out from Tun
And FYI I just came back from Thailand and have chat with one cabbie he said thier goverment reduce oil price 10cent yesterday….and thats sounds great for them although its a very very small amount…..When OUR present wastefull goverment will do this
Always Behind Tun
Aslmkm TDM,
STOP la ABI, kau tu asyik mainkan lagu lama saja, pendek akal,
sapa nak dengar pergi dekat blog Anwar Ibrahim la atau malaysiakini atau malaysia today, barua betui parasit ni.maaf ayahnda Tun marah ni, orang macam ni cerdik tak boleh tumpang, bodoh tak boleh ajar.
ada masalah gangguan emosi.
mamat said kata dia akan utamakan kepentingan rakyat bila jadi MB, tapi hari pertama jadi MB dia terus pakai mercedes. S Class lagi. Kelulusan pembelian Merc untuk exco dan pegawai kanan pula dibuat dalam mesyuarat exco – antara yang terawal dipengerusikannya. Nasi sudah jadi bubur, mercedes semua dah sampai, dah pakai pun, nak bincang apa lagi..
Inilah sebab yang PAS nak sangat si mamat ni jadi MB, sebab senang nanti dia orang nak take over Terengganu dalam PRU 13. Hari-hari buat silap, cakap pun merapu.. Kalau nak tahu PASlah yang mobilize ramai orang pergi sambut Sultan pulang ke TRG suatu ketika dulu. Macam AAB jugak, PR memang nak kekalkan dia supaya senang tawan kemudian.
assalamualaikum Tun dan semua,
m-faizal-san..mmg btul pasal kenyataan Pak Lah dlm utusan berkenaan kereta elektrik tu,buat malu je..nak tergelak bile bace..bile sy kire blk,jimat lg pakai viva manual,myvi manual,suria auto 1.1 n savvy..sume dpt 16km ke 17km ngan 1 ltr petrol..kalau ikut keter letrik yg die bangga kn tu, untuk perjalanan 16km, kite kene byr 2.88 sedangkan skang kalu petrol yg mahal tu pun 2.70 jer untuk keter2 yg sy sebutkn td. kalu die hujahkan pasal keter tu leh kurangkan pencemaran alam tak pe la jugak, nie hujah benda lain, pastu salah..patut x berani nak berdebat..hehe..
tun bersalah lantik pak lah yang barua. saya rasa ku li layak jadi PM
With the gomen mishandling the economy, the nation’s coffers will be empty in less than two years. It’s a catastrophe…GOD save Bolehland.
U All bacalah Malay Dilemma, written by Mahathir Mohamad
Apa yang Tun tulis bertentangan apa yang dia buat semasa pemerintahan nya selama 22 tahun…
Manusia biasalah, apabila kita dalam kuasa tindakan dan keputusan kita berlainan apabila kita dalam kesempitan dan kesusahan.
Bagi saya Tun ada dua imej atau character. Masa beliau jadi PM dulu lain dan sekarang ni dah jadi orang biasa lain pula…
Talam Dua Muka
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Ini baru kompromi AAB dgn ex MB dah haru biru kita dibuatnya..Nanti kalau si Najib tu pulak entah apa-apa pulak yang Pahang akan dapat..MasyaALLah.
Waduh…waduh…begitu hebatnya pemborosan yang kerajaan tikus Pak Lah dan kerajaan tikus Terengganu buang duit…bakar duit….
Penjelasan Tun itu nampak ada asas kukuh…saya yakin dan percaya dengan Tun…
Memang mudah nak habiskan wang…nak belanjakan wang..tapi bagi orang yang diberi amanah menjaga wang..lebih-lebih lagi wang rakyat..perbuatan membuang wang..boros..mengadakan projek tiada daya ekonomi..tiada nilai kepada megara…tidak beri kebaikan kepada rakyat..kepada negara..dan ini berlaku dalam zaman Pak Lah memerintah..
Kepada kerajaan Pak Lah berikut adalah projek rakyat :
1-Jambatan Johor-Singapura..ganti tambak Johor..sebagaimana arahan Sultan Johor.
2-Naikkan taraf Pulau Tioman..
3-Setiap negeri perlu diberi peruntukkan yang adil. La ni tak adil…Terengganu dapat 5 billion…sabah dan sarawak dapat 1 billion…negeri lain ratusan juta aje…mana adil..?
4-Projek penempatan semula kampung tersusun..
5-Buat pelabuhan baru canggih di Kelantan
6-Buat rel keretapi dari pantai barat ke pantai timur menghubungkan Pelabuhan Penang dengan Pelabuhan Kelantan
7-Indahkan Selat Teberau..
8-Jadikan proton waja CPS Campro kereta rasmi setiap negeri dan pusat.
dan……turunkan harga minyak…jadikan harga minyak sebagai senjata kekang inflasi…sekitar RM 2.15 ke….kerajaan masih boleh hidup…
Cari tenaga tambahan alternatif segera sebelum negara kehabisan bekalan hasil minyak…
Sediakan pinjaman bina rumah dengan bayaran berpatutan kepada rakyat..
rakyat miskin diberikan bantuan menerusi ASB…
baiki kemudahan jalan di kampung..desa..
beli barangan buatan Malaysia…
tetapi….semua ini tidak akan menjadi kalau Pak Lah mengamalkan dasar kewangan tidak berhemah…tidak mengikut Financial Ordinary Order…
Pak Lah kekurangan Fokus…Pak Lah tak ada projek sendiri…dari buah fikirannya sendiri…ada ke..?
Tapi nak buat macam mana…dah rezeki Pak Lah jadi Perdana Menteri atas dulang emas hasil keringat Tun Dr. Mahathir….
Kalau ya pun….tunjukkanlah rasa bersyukur itu dengan ucapkan terima kasih kepada Tun.Dr. Mahathir…..samada dengan secara lisan..atau perbuatan ke…
Sampai la ni…Pak Lah sedikitpun tak pernah saya tengok buat baik dengan Tun….maksud saya hormat pada orang tua…
Saya tak suka orang tua dilayan macam sampah….lebih-lebih lagi kepada Tun…contohnya macam kes sembur mata beliau kat Kelantan tu dulu..sampai pedih mata Tun menahan sakit…kenapa orang itu dibiarkan lepas bebas …???
La ni…pembangkang yang diketuai Wan Azizah tidak boleh diharap…mereka berjuang bukan untuk rakyat…sekarang mereka sedang sibuk mengira laba….
Walaupun usia Tun sudah mencecah 85 tahun…tapi semangat dan akal Tun masih utuh…memberikan pendapat adalah juga satu sedekah…Tun telah banyak bersedekah dalam bentuk pendapat yang bernas…kritikan Tun pula adalah satu azimat..selaras dengan kehendak Allah S.W.T……berpesan-pesanlah kamu dengan kebenaran..dan berpesan-pesanlah kamu dengan kesabaran…..
Kerajaan Terengganu dan kerajaan pusat!!!!!…jangan membazir…kerana membazir itu adalah saudara Syaitan…..!!!!!!!
Ok Tun….byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun
This is an old story. I have long been puzzled why it is so difficult to throw the rule book at the perpetrators of this sort of excesses. As you wrote, there are rules and regulations about how government money should be allocated and used. Were the rules adhered to? If they are not, wasn’t the two billion spent illegally? Is it that difficult to follow the paper trail of who approved what and when? Why no action against Idris Jusoh, Patrick Badawi, etc. Or, are ministers and their friends above the law?
Mere insinuations and innuendos won’t do!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Teringat kata-kata orang dahulu kala:
One of these days, I hope you’d find it within yourself to admit to the things that you regret doing. One of those must be changing the word ‘royalty’ to ‘wang ehsan’. When you did that before, I told everyone only DrM was capable of doing that. No other people in Malaysia or indeed in the world that I know would have the courage to do that. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with what you’ve done and I’m sure you can look at yourself in the mirror and sleep very well indeed at night. From the comments in your blog, there are also millions of people who would agree with you. Also you are now in the eighties and still going strong. You’re a great man indeed.
I wish you’re my father then I won’t have to work so hard …
Wahai azee72,
komen anda seperti menuduh Tun melakukan pembaziran dan korup?
Saya masih ingat time KLIA baru siap, punya la ramai dok mengutuk Tun betapa membazirnya buat airport sebesar2nya dan begitu canggih….tapi kalau tanya pelancong…semuanya akan begitu terpesona negara sekecil Malaysia ada kemudahan yg begitu canggih…tapi…takde pulak orang kita sendiri yang memuji sekarang?
Tentang Litar F1 Sepang..pun Tun kena kutuk gak membazir…tapi sekarang…satu dunia dah kenal Malaysia
Tentang Putrajaya….biasa la…kena kutuk gak…tapi…kalau tanya pelancong…antara tempat2 yg diorang nak pegi…salah satu destinasi utama ialah PUTRAJAYA dan tentunya KLCC (pun kena kutuk gak kot?)
Hampeh…tau nak kutuk saja
Salam Tun,
Finally, i am in !! I admire what you have done for the country over the past 20 odd years. Why can’t the present leaders just continue with what you have started instead of doing a 360??
Rgds, MDB
i hope Tun dont be too over personal to Pak Lah..i remember when someone asked about how the Country can moving ahead without you, during your retirement as PM, u’re saying that Pak Lah is backed by good cabinet members, who involves in decision making to drive our Country..
Critisme to Pak Lah also means to all cabinet members as well..i’m afraid that they will use ISA to prevent you from speaking up..i hope not!i understand ur dissapointment over Pak Lah’s policies discontinued some of projects initiated by you that sending wasteful management of funds during your time, but, we are talking about realising wawasan 2020, with current situation, i dont think your wawasan 2020 can be materialised..we need your help, your guidance, your ideas..pls reunited!
assalamualikum tun.
thanks for the revelation.the richest state in malaysia still has a vast number of hardcore poor.that should count for some kind of an achievement.
during tun’s time,some mega project like sepang f1 was frowned upon.but today the country is benefiting economically from it.what pak lah is trying to do is to match tun’s achievement with his own.thus the crystal mosque,monsoon cup and not to mention our greatest feat yet,sending our own scientist to space..or more like a tourist to space.
well Malaysian,that’s pak lah.son out law defines whats profitable and pak lah okays it.patrick badawi profits and terenganu remains the richest state of Malaysia with one of the highest number of hardcore poor.
well’s only going to get’s an uphill task for pak lah,so he’ll throw more rebates,freebee and presents to be in power till 2010.definetely short term measures that will start to crack around the time he steps my fellow Malaysian….what’s our options?tun?anybody?
Malaysia boleh….Malaysia boleh……………..Malaysia boleh.thank you pak lah and family..thank you.
Pak Lah & the gang,
Kalau berdepan org kata biadap sebab tu guna blog Tun ni harap2 ada lah pak menteri yg boleh tolong bagitau kat dia suruh dia berambus. Dah tua pun ketegaq.
Pak Lah ni perasan org suka kat dia. Yang sebenarnya pembodek2 tu senang nak kipas org tua mcm Pak Lah yang tak membaca. Gunalah otak sikit. Bacalah blog Tun. Semua dah meluat cuma adalah dua tiga kerat yang sokong dia. Itupun kita tak tau siapa sebenarnya depa tu. Entah2 kroni2 dia.
Yang dok sokong dia ni mesti ada kepentingan. Sehingga harini dia dah `sapu bersih’ wang ehsan Terengganu dgn bantuan Idris Jusoh. Wilayah Iskandar ni sebenarnya pembangunan untuk siapa? Berapa banyak singaporian dah sogok kat KJ untuk buat projek macam tu. Memang bangang betul lah Pak Lah ni.. (maaf terpaksa guna bahasa kasaq sikit sebab dah tak tahan).
Minyak naik 40%. Bil letrik rumah aku tiba-tiba naik 30% daripada biasa. Depa guna formula baru..
Cubalah fikir kalau gaji RM1500 sebulan mcmana nak hidup kat KL? Tolak EPF & socso tinggal lah RM1350.00
Secara purata :
Sewa rumah 400
Sewabeli kereta 350
Bil letrik & air 100
Tambang bas anak 60 (untuk 3 org)
Belanja sekolah anak 90 (RM1 sehari seorg)
Barang2 dapur 200
Total 1200
Tinggal lah baki 150 untuk minyak kereta, pakaian dan macam2 lagi. Macamana nak hidup Pak Lah oii..
Harga barang naik melambung lepastu gaji tak naik. Kos sara hidup dah meningkat gila-gila. Bila Anwar bagi idea supaya bantu rakyat semua menteri kata anwar tak betul. Kalau anwar ni bodoh takkan dia berjaya tambat hati Amerika….
Kalau kita tolak tepi isu liwat, altantuya, scorpion & semua cerita2 konspirasi rasanya siapa yang ideal nak ganti Pak Lah.
Najib? (Rosmah yg akan perintah)
Muhyiddin? (habis semua benda dia privatise)
Syed Hamid? (seronok Singapore dpt pasir & pulau-pulau lain)
Mat Taib? (bawak lari duit negara pun takpa sebab tak faham
Ali Rustam? (jadi pak turut Pak Lah)
Hishamudin? (pegang keris tak kena gaya)
Shahrir? (tak faham ekonomi, dia kata minyak naik tapi harga brg
takkan naik)
KJ? (semua khazanah negara dia jual)
Ku Li? (dia sanggup haramkan parti, kisah bank bumi pun tak
habis lagi)
Nazri? (semua org tua dia kata nyanyuk, spesis kurang ajaq)
Zahid? (spesis lalang)
Eloklah bagi kat Anwar. Mungkin dia dah jadi insan berhemah setelah bertahun dalam jail..
May peace upon all of you, weather you are muslim or not. It dosen’t big matter.
Today, our top guy become more greedy plus crazy. and today we are facing bis task. The dump of economy which is already felt by malaysian and people all over the world. We now that the crude oil is keep increasing with no end. Be a TOP GUY should be the toughest job to day. As you can see, the top guy now doesn’t like our best guy before. Not to say he is stupid, he is not stupid actually, he is ALBERT ESTEIN..he know how to manipulate people around him and pretend to be ULAMA of ISLAM HADHARI ( I tough islam hadhari would be more suitable if we say ISLAM ADA HAD HARI not to cynical but the reality it is happen)
Gov nowdays, giving more excuses to not help our rakyat. For me as IPTA student, i feel being cought and put in the jail by AUKU. Everthing must obeying stupid law, i don’t know who made it. But for sure if i would be some guy in the future, for sure i kill the AUKU..
Masa depan malaysia sekrang nie dah macam telur di hujung tanduk, jatuh kat mana pun hancur. Sama ada Pak Lah atau Anwar semua hancur. Najib lak entah lah nak komen macam mana. Kalu org beriman dia akan tegur ketua dia yg ad buat salah dan khianat kepada rakyat…
So, kita serah kepada Allah untuk menunjukkan kita siapakah pemimpin yang baik dan bertaqwa setanding dengan pemimpin islam dahulu di waktu era kegemilangan islam.
Please say this prayer :
” Ya Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengampun. Tunjukkan kami jalan yang lurus, kurniakan kami akal yang sihat serta ilham supaya dapat kami memilih pemimpin yang soleh dan beramal bakti yang jujur dan amanah dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Oh, Ya Allah kurniakan kami negara yang aman dan baik ekonomi. Ampunkan lah dosa-dosa kami. Kurniakan kami kekuatan untuk menghancurkan maksiat dalam negara kami. ”
Amin.Amin Ya Allah…
Kita kena ingat juga ini mungkin ujian kepada kita atas keterlanjuran kita dalam berhibur. Macam-macam kita layan hari ini, Gangstar lah AF lah…berhibur x salah tapi berpada-pada mengikut batasan dalam islam. Allah mungkin menguji kita dengan ketandusan pemimpin yang baik…Semoga kita berjaya dalam ujian ini…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Pak Lah suruh rakyat tanam sayur berhampiran rumah untuk berjimat, saya amat terharu sekali dengan idea bernas beliau ini. Pak Lah suruh kongsi kereta ke pejabat, lagi saya terharu. Pak Lah suruh jimat itu jimat ini, macam-macam saya terharu.
Pak Lah membazir – satu ‘Malaya’ tahu dengan projek yang tergendala, yang tak jadi, yang dijual semula dan yang-yang-yang lagi.
Tun dah bongkar ‘tengganu kito’. Selama ini rakyat dok ontok aje. Ex MB Trengganu bermimpi nak ‘overtake’ Melaka. Tapi dia silap tak buat ‘homework’ sikit aje. Melaka tu banyak bangunan lamo-lamo, tak keluar duit pun, pakai duit sikit untuk ‘maintain’. Bila ramai orang datang melawat(melancong) dan dah dapat duit, barulah KM tambah produk-produk secara perlahan-lahan(beransur-ansur), bak kata orang kampung, ‘makan tahun’ nak dapatkan yang baru. Inilah cara yang bijak, rakyat tak terperanjat(tekojutlah)
Pak Deris nak buat kalau boleh “hari ini kahwin besok dapat anak”. Kononnya ada orang pusat ‘cover’. Iklan sepanjang hari, sepanjang bulan, sepanjang tahun, dalam TV sampai rasa ada yang tak kena dengan negeri ini. “Kusangka panas hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengahari” nasib tak menyebelahi Pak Deris.
La ni MB baru buat gempak pulak, baru dapat rezeki dan duit royalti dah nak pakai kereta mewah (Mercedes Benz E200). 1 unit kereta E200 ini boleh beli 3 unit Proton Perdana V6, bermakna 10 unit E200 = 30 unit V6. Kalau diberi 3 unit V6 kepada seorang EXCO dah tentu mereka boleh tukar-tukar kereta, disamping menjana pendapatan Proton, kan gitu lebih baik.
Kita ambo rakyat tahu negeri demo kayo, jangan hanya kos servis tinggi terus nak tukar selera. Kerajaan pusat dah tetapkan kereta EXCO adalah Perdana V6, tak sekolah tinggi agak nya MB baru ini, tak tahu peraturan dan arahan, ikut seleranya sahaja.
Jangan-jangan demo ni nak bagi satu peluru pada Pak Lah kot. Nak tengok apa Pak Lah boleh buat.
Jangan asyik memandang bintang dilangit, takut nanti kaki terpijak duri, aduh. “Membazirin is setan frend” “Ber riak-riak gugur amalan baik” “sombong di benci manusia dan ALLAh yang kuasa”, kesemuanya wajib ditinggalkan.
Salam Tun
Pak Lah’s misadventures seem to be piling up. Makin ramai hilang percaya padanya.
Bermula daripada Tun, kemudian Sultan, SAPP, Anwar, Nik Aziz, Karpal Singh, rakyat dan ahli UMNO juga.
It gets scarier by the posting …
Keep healthy, Tun.
Asalammualikum buat Tun dan isteri semoga sihat hendakNya.
Kepada mereka yang ingin mendengar rakaman ceramah Tun di Port Dickson boleh klik:
Entrusted by the nation with a noble duty, these people chose not to take the honour but to place self-interest above everything. This is deplorable, regrettable, and despicable.
Dear Tun Dr Mahathir
So the stories goes on and on.
I am sure there is much more that you have not mentioned.
Yet the PM said a while ago that he had no money left in the coffers of Malaysia implying Dr Mahathir had finished it all. That was vile!
I enjoyed this one and I can’t agree more;
Inilah gelaran yang diberikan oleh rakyat malaysia kepada Perdana Menteri mereka yg tercinta.
1. YM Tunku Abd.Rahman: Bapa Kemerdekaan
2. Tun Abd.Razak: Bapa Pembangunan
3. Tun Hussein Onn: Bapa Perpaduan
4. Tun Dr. Mahathir: Bapa Pemodenan
5. Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi: Bapa Mertua
Thank you Sir, Looking forward to more and much more
Semoga Allah s.w.t panjangkan umur Tun Siti Hasmad dan sihat sejahtra.
Tun, you are wrong. AAB will not get the 5 billion from the Federal Consolidated Fund. He will get it from the Rakyat since the Government no longer subsidise so much for the petrol.
so macamane nak move on?..selain menumbangkan Pak Lah, then what?..
I dont think Tun will become our PM again, i dont think you have that PM, capability wise, still in question..Ku Li ke?..or Mukhriz?, who do you think can deliver the task as PM that suit best to you? Are u sure the next PM can deliver? How if u make the mistake same like what u did when u introduced Pak Lah as your successor? Najib?..
So moving forward, how to solve the political issue now..Pak Lah step down as PM alone would not solve the Problem..are u going to form another party now? U acting as opposition right now, at the same time, opposing Pakatan Rakyat..Currently it become more worse, coz the support for BN will further splitting..Opposition is strenghtening their position, are u going to allow them to take over the Government?..i dont think u would..
Unless if u are saying that its now time for the opposition to show how much are much they worth.. indirectly, u continously send messages on how weak the current government is.. as rakyat, what option do we have rite now?..u’re not in BN, do not form any new party..and u are not going to be our PM again..then what?..
Let get rid of this political issue..i’m tired..there a lot of challenges we are facing ahead, hopefully, the current economic crisis can be handled in comprehensive way to ease rakyat burden..rakyat should not be victim due to political
Membina rumah Allah tu memanglah perkara yang baik..tapi janganlah sampai membazir. Buat masjid yang bersesuaian saja lah.. tak payah nak kristal-kristal tu.. kalau ada gempa bumi habis juga di telan bumi.. Sepatutnya kena buat masjid yang kos nya sederhana. Bakinya boleh baiki masjid dan surau di seluruh trengganu yang kebanyakannya dah usang dan ada yang nak roboh.. Ada pulak beberapa tempat yang tidak ada surau atau masjid,. Amacam Pendapat Tun.. Betul Tak.
Dear YAB Tun,
This is my 1st comment on your blog….I find a lot of eye opener here in your blog…..
I would really appreciate if you could share with all of us regarding the by back of the MAS share from Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli. Why the govt at that time where lead by your goodself forced to buy back the share which is very far below the market value? Those are the tax payers money that we used and we Rakyat have the right to know what actually happen and why?
Thank you.
My dearest Tun,
Greetings to you and Tun Hasmah. May you both be in the pink of health. Like many of your previous blogs, i just like to say…”SPOT ON”.
Thank you Tun and hopefully you continue to pen your wise thoughts for us the younger generation to learn and think from.
Take good care
assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada pembaca,
apa yang Tun nukilkan sepatutnya sekurang-kurangnya dapat kita fikirkan…
Namun, saya tertarik dengan komen dari mankapak yang menebut tentang kesultanan melayu melaka dan si kitul…
“Putaran sejarah, kalau ikut zaman kesultanan Melaka, dah dekat sgt dah untuk kita dijajah semula…siapa si kitul zaman moden?…fikirlah sendiri…” – mankapak
Dari segi sejarah, sekurang-kurangnya Kesultanan Melayu Melaka mampu bertahan sekurang-kurangnya lebih dari seratus tahun dan dijajah selepas 100 tahun. Malaysia pada ketika ini (jika diambil daripada tarikh kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu) belum pun mencecah 51 tahun pun.
“Putaran” yang saudara mankapak maksudkan jauh yang amat (100 dengan 50, jauh sangat tu)..sila perbetulkan anggaran masa..
Cuma, tidak dapat tidak, andai kita semua tidak melakukan sesuatu, “Putaran” itu boleh menjadi makin cepat sepertimana yang disimpulkan secara “mudah” oleh saudara mankapak.
Sejarah tercatat bukan sekadar bacaan, tetapi untuk penghayatan dan diambil pengajaran (sepertimana yang tercatat dalam bab 1 matapelajaran sejarah tingkatan 1 KBSM). “Putaran” itu boleh dielakkan andai kita semua, baik dari rakyat jelata mahupun golongan pemimpin, mengambil inisiatif agar ianya tidak berulang.
“Melaka jatuh dikala Tun Mutahir difitnah dan penggantinya Tun Perpatih Putih tidak termampu menunaikan tanggungjawabnya sebagai bendahara Melaka. Apakah Malaysia juga berkongsi nasib yang sama?” –
Salam sejahtera Tun,
My previous comment, I did mentioned AAB govenment should have
a wider vision and forecast ahead like you TUN. Unfotunately they dont have any vision to develope the nation.That is why you dont hear they talk about vision. All they know is to fulfill their mission “MAKING MONEY!!!! “. Thank you Tun May ALLAH swt bless you and your family.
Salam Tun dan semua blogers
Entah apalah nak jadi. Pembaziran berleluasa. Barulah sekarang Tuk Jip kata Trengganu tak leh beli mercedes benz. Duit yang dah perabih tu nak apa dah jadi? Saya harap Hari Merdeka atau Hari Tahun Baru kerajaan tak akan bakar duit dengan pertunjukan mercun.Yang siksa rakyat bila harga minyak naik. Shabery kata oh! kena terima hakikat harga minyak naik secara global. Habis kerajaan pun kene belanja sesuka hatilah agaknya.
maybe the crystal mosque would be used for PakLah after he steps down as PM to pray that the nation thinks highly of him and his mega projects.
Dear Tun,
Its peoples money has been spent unwisely. BN shall lost their support even greater…
Now the rakyat think, its better PR to rule rather than BN. We shall be happier…
Funds used for the Crystal Mosque could have instead be used to increase job opportunities for young people, increase security measures in some districts, jumpstart more support programmes for the poor and disadvantaged (and vulnerable communities), giving more life skills to the disabled, increase more social projects to improve the relations amongst the multi-racial communities, etc etc etc.
But naturally the money went to a mosque that serves no real purpose to Malaysians, nor would it suit many people living in the state.
Perhaps PakLah wanted the people to be distracted by the crystal mosque and neglect their issues with the Administration. Or perhaps PakLah just wanted them to pray for his long political career.
Either way, it is such examples where we continue to see a redundant Govt implementing projects which would drain our coffers dry and make us look like cretins.
There are many indicators that the Govt is unable to manage the country, unable to manage our natural wealth, unable to listen to the rakyat, and unable to justify their own actions. In deed we are govern by politicians who are barbaricly numskulls.
Assalamu’alaykom WRT WBT
Saya anak jati Kuala Terengganu. Dah lama saya terkedu melihat keadaan negeri kelahiran saya. Selalu terdetik di hati, bila lagi negeri kelahiran ku akan maju sperti tempat lain di sebelah pantai barat. Terasa benar bahawa negeri Terengganu di anak tirikan.
Bila Pok Yeh mencanang rancangan pembangunan di sekitar negeri Terengganu, saya terkedu dan berbesar hati kerana beliau terpanggil or he would have such a vision so close to what I have dreamed off. I like Pok Yeh for his vision but it was his ego that was hard to deal with. His one term minister helped to set the agenda for the state’s development to some extent.
Setelah 2 billion dibelanjakan, sudah nampak wajah – wajah ceria, persekitaran dan pemandangan yang boleh di katakan setaraf dengan pembangunan yang telah berdekad berlaku di negeri-negeri pantai barat.
Saya amat berbesar hati dengan kehadiran masjid kristal di negeri terengganu dan dengan perubahan lanskap di sekitar sungai Terengganu. Cuma, Masjid Kristal itu telah salah si beri nama kerana ianya bukan sebuah masjid hanyalaj kerana dalam istilah bahasa melayu, masjid ialah tempat di mana solat jumaat di lakukan dan tempat solat yang lain di panggil surau atau musolla atau nama lain. Dan kecelaruan yang timbul dek kerana nama kristal yang telah diungkapkan kepada orang kampung sebagai ada kaitan dengan kristian di sebabkan oleh pangkal kata “kris” dalam perkataan kristal dan kristian… orang melayu pun ada keris juga yang kadang-kala di eja sebagai “kris” 😉
If the 2 billion allocation had to come from the federal government’s coffers, just consider it as a payback fund for all the years that Terengganu was sidelined in the federal fund allocation.
Dalam tempoh 4 tahun pemerintahan Pok Yeh juga, saya dapat membaca lebih banyak berita berkaitan peritiwa dan hal ehwal yang berlaku di negeri saya di muka surat khabar utama. Sebelum itu hati saya terdetik apakah tidak ada peritiwa atau ‘news worthy event’ yang berlaku di negeri tumpah darahku? I’m happy to see how che mat said continuously engaging the media in most events planned around the state.
I don’t benefit even a single cents from the “duit ehsan” that has been distributed for the last 8 years no do I get any government project. I’m happy to see my village folk said that now she can held her head high knowing that her state, Terengganu Darul Iman is finally taking a step forward in development and progress. Before, after coming back from a trip to the west coast, she would be wondering out loud about how nice it would be if our town can be a city or ‘bandaraya’ and look nice as other places… only to look down in despair and said ” tadok duit nok wat guane? kata negeri ganu kita kaya tapi tadok napok aper pong!”
Taman Ilmu is not a waste of money even though some questioned how the contract was awarded. I sure hope Patrick Lim will become Haji Patrick Lim suatu hari nanti. Just being wishy washy! So that, it all come to a good end.
salam kpd Tun…
mula2, saya ucapkan tima kasih krn siarkan komen sy ni.
Berdasarkan pemerhatian saya, pak lah BERKEMUNGKINAN akan membuat peralihan kuasa kpd DSAI kerana :
– mereka geng rapat semasa muda2 dulu.
– tindak tanduk pak lah semasa dia menjadi PM; MAJORITI memberikan DSAI kelebihan untuk menawan kerusi empuk PM.
– isu petroleum, budget negara yg dibelanja bnyk yg tak kena pada tempatnya seolah olah MENYURUH rakyat utk membut demonstrasi, mengutuk kerajaan dan membuatkan saya berfikir ATAS SEBAB APAKAH TINDAKAN PAK LAH INI…
-akhirnya, tetiba je DSAI keluar dari penjara, terus menjadi advisor kpd PKR dan kini yg TERKINI, DSAI umumkan akan bertanding di pilihanraya kecil.(kemungkinan di Permatang Pauh (parlimen Datuk Seri Wan Azizah.
-so, sy harap kengkawan sume pikirlah secara terbuka dan mendalam,
mengapa pulak DSAI bertindak sedemikian?
-jika tiada agenda yg BESAR, mungkin sukar DSAI membakar semangat rakyat utk menyokong Pakatan Rakyat yang semakin mendapat sambutan yg SUPER2 MENGGALAKKAN SEKARANG.
-saya agak ini semua adalah satu perancangan rapi yg telah lama dirancang oleh pak lah, DSAI dan KJ.
-komen saya, jika ini boleh membawa satu kesan positif kpd rakyat dan negara kita yg tercinta ini, jom la kita sokong pak lah kerana terpaksa merendahkan dirinya kesatu tahap yg teruk semata mata KERANA SAYANGKAN RAKYATNYA DARI DITERAJUI OLEH SI NAJIB ITU.
Masa Tun jadi PM pun suka buang duit jugak…
asyik buang duit dkt langkawi dan kedah…ntah aper menarik dkt saner pun tak tau…mmg la Tun lg ok dr Pak Lah…
tp bkn semua yg Paklah buat salah…
Salam Tun and others!!!
I was told once, when Paklah went to Trg, he will take off in the MB’s car but he will then be transferred to Patrick Lim’s car later on (when everybody’s not looking). And also when the MB hesitated to sign any approval on PL’s project or any other related projects, he will be receiving personal calls from Paklah urging him to sign the papers. Sorry but the MB actually didn’t have much to say. It was actually Ppaklah,KJ,PL and a few others that actually controlled Terengganu not the MB.
Is this true???? Entahlah….!
Salam Tun…
Tak tau nak kata apa…depa org berkuasa… tapi Ingatlah ada yang lebih berkuasa…hangpa pikiaq la apa nak jadi buat benda tak eloq pikiaq la sendiri…Kita harapkan depa. Tapi depa buat lagu tu. Tal pikiaq rakyat banyak lagi yang miskin..bukan nak bagi senang tapi depa balun sakan noo…
tkasih tun. saya pun ada terdengar berita macam ni..apa boleh buat nasi dah jadi bubur.. apa yang mb terengganu laksanakan kini ada kebaikan dan keburukannya… pembelian kereta mercedes ada kewajarannya. servis perdana memang tinggi, tak berbaloi untuk disimpan..tpm kata membazir tp dia pakai bmw 7 series tak pakai pun perdana..orang tengok bukanya buta..lagipun terpulang atas mb untuk belanja wang…
andainya kita masih ada pemimpin yang lebih mengutamakan rakyat. alangkah indahnya seperti di zaman Umar Al-Khattab yang selalu kembara malam untuk mencari rakyat yang kelaparan. kenaikkan minyak amat membebankan rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah. apabila minyak naik segala macam benda akan naik. pertambahan kos untuk hidup akan bertambah berpuluh kali ganda kerana semua barang keperluan akan bertambah harganya. Tidakkah pemimpin-pemimpin yang bijaksana berfikir jauh untuk melihat kesan kenaikkan minyak ini sebelum melaksanakannya. apa akan jadi kepada keluarga yang berpendapatan rendah dari rm 1000 dan yang mempunyai anak yang ramai? kasihan akan hidup mereka..
salam tun..
ini menunjukkan 1 lg kepincangan pak lah.
thanks tun.
for your information.
Salam Tun,
Apabila seorang PM datang dari negeri yang kalah, kekalahan juga yang bakal dibawa kepada negara. Sejak pilihanraya MAC 2008 hingga kini kekalahan demi kekalahan ditanggung oleh negara dari pelbagai segi. Akhirnya apa yang tinggal agaknya?
Pembaziran demi pembaziran yang berlaku memuakkan rakyat. Ramai lagi rakyat miskin di negara ini tetapi seolah-olah tidak dipedulikan. Di satu kawasan perumahan tak jauh dari KL, dalam seminggu ada sahaja orang mengorek tong sampah bagi mencari tin susu, botol plastik atau kotak yang boleh dijual di kedai barang lusuh. Mereka ini bukanlah golongan penagih tetapi mereka terpaksa kerana ingin mencari sesuap nasi. Ini lebih baik bagi mereka dari meminta sedekah atau mencuri. Memang menitis air mata jika memikirkan nasib mereka ini.
Pemimpin datang dan pergi tetapi yang akan menanggung kesannya adalah rakyat samada baik atau tidak baik. Mengapa kita masih tidak berani bangun dan berjuang menegakkan kebenaran? Adakah kita masih tidak dapat bangun akibat ditidurkan oleh penjajah beratus tahun lamanya?
Teruskan menulis Tun, semoga tulisan Tun bakal menyedarkan mereka yang masih tidur dalam jaga.
Semoga Tun sentiasa dikurniakan kesihatan dan kekuatan agar dapat menulis dan meluahkan isi hati Tun di laman ini.
Sekian dahulu.
I was asked where I came from when I was in Chicago back in 1998. When I proudly mentioned Malaysia…ah, the tallest twin towers in the world and of course Tun was remembered as an outspoken and forward-thinking statesman.
I was asked the same question in 2006….isn’t that guy who was caught dozing off on Youtube your PM. Malulah saya.
Tun, something interesting in today’s newspaper.
Hari ini dalam UTUSAN MALAYSIA:
âKami mahu ia disegerakan(kereta elektrik). Kosnya hanya 3.5 sen Euro (17.9 sen) sekilometer… ia amat menjimatkan,â katanya kepada pemberita selepas mesyuarat itu.
DOLAH tak tau ke yg kereta Proton Savvy’s fuel consumption hanyalah 8sen/km? (consider minyak naik 40% sekalipun baru 11sen/km)
DOLAH ni main hentam cakap ka apa? Or dia mmg xpenah tahu sebab xpernah isi minyak sendiri kut.
1 more thing Tun, why Hydrofuel suddenly became a huge phenomena di Malaysia ni? Mcm ada something between Dolah & them..kroni ka? Kalau lah hydrofuel ni sgt menjimatkan, why do other automotive car makers tak mass produce this tech before this?
teruskan perjuangan Tun. kami support habis-habisan.
Petikan daripada buku “Menghadapi Cabaran” karya Dr. Mahathir 1976. Muka surat 69.
“…Kerajaan demokratik tidak pernah sunyi daripada berbagai teguran. Selain daripada mencuba memuaskan kehendak rakyat yang kerapkali tidak secocok, pemilihan umum atau pilihanraya merupa satu ancaman besar terhadap kestabilan pemerintahan kerajaan demokratik. Semua pemimpin Kerajaan terpaksa bukan sahaja memimpin dengan cekap dan berkesan tetapi mereka mestilah sanggup diperiksa dan dikritik oleh rakyat. Mereka dikehendaki mengamal dengan terang-terang semua nilai-nilai yang tinggi dan ideal seolah-olah mereka bukan manusia biasa yang ada kelemahan semula jadi. Kegagalan berbuat demikian akan membawa akibat yang buruk kepada mereka dan kepada pemerintahan Kerajaan yang dianggotai oleh mereka.”
Apa yang Tun cuba bagitau kita 32 tahun yang lalu berlaku kini…fikir-fikirkanlah wahai PakLah!
Asslmkum Tun..
Before we get focused on Terengganu we already know how current PM is wasting our money by stoppig the 2nd bridge project to Singapore.
It’s so obvious how he play the power that we all entrusted him to use it wisely. All the decision that he made is blurred and miss the target. As an examle BIO-FUEL. Looks like he made the decision by himself. No brain required just use his feeling.
What else in this 2 years left in his ruling time. Can we predict it and how we are going to counter part with all his management of this beloved country. How can we play our part
Kerajaan Barisan Nasional sangat pandai membazirkan wang rakyat hanya utk mengaut undi. Syabas Dato ABB yang sedang menyeksa rakyat yang mengundi BN. Tuhan tidak akan memaafkan Dato ABB dan Najib
Tun while we suffer the rising cost leaders are spending our money as per their dreams, buy anything, so what it is not my money.
MB’s and all other leaders pls take note that the rakyat did not select you as MB or PM only as MP or Adun to serve us not yourself.
BArisan members please put a stop to this show of power if you want to have a say after the next election.
Kalau betullah projects di Trengganu tu guna Federal Fund yang datang dari sumbangan seperti Cukai pendapatan , saya sebagai antara orang yang terpaksa berjimat cermat berbelanja dan bayar cukai sana sini amat berasa sedih….
Ya Allah selamatkan lah negara Malaysia ini
Salam Tun,
Apa yang berlaku dalam pimpinan kerajaan sekarang ni, dapat dilihat dalam company yg i kerja sekarang. Not much different. Rasa macam pemimpin lebih pentingkan sikap sesuka hati tanpa mengkaji rather than memikirkan kepentingan dan faedah kepada staff.
I think they plan to build Terengganu seGAH Putrajaya yang diilhamkan oleh Tun. Tapi hakikatnya..nampak secara terang, mereka kurang buat penyelidikan. Hanya membuat keputusan. Macam buat keputusan naikkan harga minyak dalam tempoh beberapa jam je.
My mom yang sekolah tak tinggi pon boleh wonder..apa yang Pak Lah usahakan?
Dear Tun,
Apa yang saya suarakan beberapa minggu lepas Tun tapis. Ye lah mungkin bunyinya agak keras. Tapi saya dah jangka dan jangkaan saya tepat. Projek diberikan kepada Patrick Lim (Pak Cik isteri Kamarudin). Ada lagi, yang bersangkutan suadara mara, sahabat handai ngan Jean Abdullah pulak. Pasti ada Tun. Pasal tulah Pak Lah tak boleh nak turun lagi. Dia dok plan 2010 untuk turun sebab tempoh tu cukup untuk dia kasi perabih segala duit dibahagi-bahagikan kepada kroni-kroninya.
Hi Tun,
best la dapat bagi komen camni, tak pernah terpikir pun nak bagi komen dalam ruangan blog Tun.
Hmmmm, rasa macam menyesal pulak bayar income tax, baik aku beli susu untuk anak.
Saya ingat dulu Tun selalu naik kereta kancil merah, tapi saya ingat saya tak pernah nampak pun pemimpin sekarang naik kereta kecik. Saya setakat beli perdana pun tak mampu, apalagi Merc. Kalau menteri nak sangat beli kereta tu, baik keluar duit sendiri. Tak payah pakai duit rakyat.
Saya rasa pembiayaan atau perlaksanaan sesuatu projek tanpa perancangan dan pengurusan yang cekap dan teratur serta tidak membawa sebarang faedah atau kemudahan untuk jangka masa pendek atau panjang, mestilah ditolak atau dibatalkan sahaja kerana ianya suatu pembaziran besar. Sekadar nak kebas duit rakyat dan kepong semua projek untuk kroni, lagi membazir dan penyangak terhormat. Dulu MB Tregganu kata nak urus Terengganu baik2, lani duk corner nak beli mecedez pulak. Logikkah nak service V6 RM50,000?
Dear Tun,
For sure not all Malaysian was not behind you on your development plan, ie, KLIA, Petronas Twin Tower, Sepang, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. These developments did not excape âgajah putihâ perception from some of the public.
As I remember, KLIA was not only meant for passenger transportation but also for the largest cargo plane to land making Malaysia as the air transportation hub. It has to be in Sepang area for its vast green area that would be able to withstand the vibration caused by the plane. It is also among the greatest airport in the world regardless of no escape from toll to reach there for the local.
Putrajaya meant to transfer administration point and develop surrounding area and also giving people to have technological conscious area with piped gas supply and benefit from fibre-optic corridor from neighbouring Cyberjaya. The housing was also meant to chip out people fear not living in metal cage for all it houses was not allowed to have visible grill.
Cyberjaya was meant for regional IT hub at it was consistent with your advise for student to undertake IT degree at the time.
Little that public know, Twin Tower was using a unique and newly invented approach by using special cement mixture to reduce steel beam requirement and minimizing the cost. It is a great monument, attraction and also a center of goods and food inflation.
Your âgajah putihâ is not entirely gajah putih afterall. It was build with specific purpose and strategy. Why Cyber and Putrajaya was not as successful as it should be is not entirely on you to decide.
Pak Lah spent however have a lot of mysterious purpose. I canât see it. He had good move on agricultural approach, but the rest cost billions and run almost simultaneously. 1 completed project is better than 5 half way project. I wish Pak Lah could take it easy a bit before risking all of public money.
3.43 juta utk bli Mercedes tu di panggil pelan jangka panjang, maklumlah penyenggaraan Proton Perdana terlalu “tinggi” berbanding Mercedes. Tapi kalau tolong org2 miskin di panggil subsidi.
Dear all..,
Sy x sbr tuggu PLah trun dr jwatannya. X ksahla 2 @ 4 thun lg. Itu jam bla dia dh x pegang jwatan ape2 (dh jd rkyat biasa) mari kita ramai2 korek dia punya slah. Buat mcm filem Sarjan Hassan. Anggap PLah mcm Salleh Kamil pembelot bangsa. Klau bleh gelaran Tun jgn bagi pada PLah. Makam Pahlawan jgn bagi msuk, makam Batu Kawan Ok.
* With “leaders” like AAB and Najib, who needs enemies?
The list of mismanagement of state funds and throwing money into a bottomless pit is never ending. Please name me one worthwhile national economic venture that AAB has initiated and has benefitted the rakyat?
Under the IDR Flagship Zone A, Johor Bahru City Centre is ear-marked (amongst other things) “Causeway (Malaysia/Singapore)” – What does this mean? Will the flip flop AAB regime now decide to reconsider the bridge project to replace the causeway?
Under all Flagship Zones (A to E); there are aspects of the development that are too vague and given AAB’s bad track record of study and planning and implementation, I don’t think they have been thought through properly.
Moga Allah s.w.t panjangkan umur dan sihat sejahtra hendaknya..
Hanya nak beri peringatan kepada MB ganu, kalau niat benar2 nak tolong rakyat beli jee keta kancil @ viva, duit lebih boleh le bantu rakyat dlam projek pembangunan dll…
3.34 juta bg org kaya celah gigi, tp bg org mcm kami banyak tu(tetap harta rakyat yang di amanahkan pd MB)
Janganlah kerana YDP Agung belah MB lupa daratan…
Selalu juga pg ganu & kelantan byk org yang susah kat sana, bacalah MASTIKA bulan ni…
Ingat MB akhirat nanti Dia tanya mcmana muda mudi zaman MB hancur rosak akhlaknya..
P/S:kawe org pekan je..
Dear Tun,
Oooohhhh my God!!! That’s a lot man… That’s a lot of wasted of Billion bucks… Wwow!!.. Can’t imagine that!!
But i bet you all that, they will SPEND MORE after this.. Mark my word.
For Tun, Time’s for you to reveal all that you know about our current government. As Rakyat Malaysia, We are very shameful to our government rite now in WHAT they have done to us in past, present and future…
‘Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban’
Mupok Aku, Keling Menua
Sejahtera buat Tun..
[ Mabuk Kerana Nikmat ]
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi:-
“Nikmat memerintah adalah nikmat paling besar yang boleh
diberi sesuatu kaum dan bangsa itu. Allah Ta’ala menikmatkan
kita dengan kuasa pemerintahan kerana kita memulakan perjuangan
atas landasan yang cukup baik… Paklah 13 April 2007 PWTC
( Umno-Online )
Memulakan perjuangan atas landasan yang cukup baik..dan keinginan
untuk “menikmati kuasa pemerintahan” itu, boleh..“Memabukkan”..
Fakta Orang Mabuk :
1. Kurang waras.
2. Banyak bercakap-(tanpa fakta), Banyak diam-(terlalu leka).
3. Mudah marah, mudah senyum, mudah berdalih, mudah berubah, dll.
4. Tidak rasa sengal sengsara walau dalam situasi kritikal.
5. Tidak berasa malu walau dikencing atau kencing di khalayak ramai.
6. Kebolehan untuk berangan-angan dan terbang.
7. Yakin dirinya hebat dan sentiasa disokong.
8. Sentiasa teruja untuk menjadi “Superhero” ramai.
9. Sentiasa membazir selagi BERDUIT !!..
Banyak fakta yang anda boleh kaji dari orang mabuk :
Fikiran Orang Mabuk, Kenyataan Orang Mabuk, Pendirian Orang Mabuk
Dan Keinginan Orang Mabuk..
Kenyataan “Nikmat memerintah” sebenarnya membawa banyak gambaran
dan andaian, kerana dengan nikmat itulah boleh mengakibatkan mabuk,
jika ianya cuba, mencuba dan MENCUBA menikmatinya..
Kesimpulannya: Orang Mabuk perlu diheret keluar dari Bar’Politik,
jika perangainya sudah banyak membawa padah!!..
– Perusahaan Tapai perlu dikomersilkan di zaman Pemerintahan Paklah..
“Paklah jemputlah menikmati tapai !!..”
kita semua nak up grade dia nak down grade apa nak buat.
Ya tun….
Jikala pak lah turun sapa yang akan ganti.. adakah najib??? kredibility tak dak??? Freak out of what will happen next…
Take charge of future please.. tun….
Dear tun,
Could you please share your idea how Malaysia can reduce the effect of higher oil crisis that happen beyond our control?
For last 2 economy crisis you managed to steer Malaysia with our own Malaysian way without giving much problem to Malaysia citizen, perhaps your idea can do the same today..
-Ahli UMNO Simpang Empat Semanggol, Perak dengan ini mengumumkan menyokong Muhyiddin untuk bertanding sebagai calon Presiden UMNO dan Mukhriz sebagai calon Ketua Pemuda UMNO-
Saya fikir dan rasa DSAAB ni cakap tak serupa bikin betul. Lain dalam hati tapi yang keluar mulut pula lain.
Bila tengok dia kat TV, makin meluat lah. Pandai betul bermuka-muka bak lagak ketam menyuruh anaknya berjalan betul. Ambillah iktibar pemimpin Jepun yang dulu tu, dah tahu tak boleh memimpin, letak jawatan sajalah daripada tambah merosakkan negara.
Salam from Sarawak Tun
Nah – Wastages and Losses! Well said and memang sahlah the money used for all these wastages comes from the federal fund. Mind you people of Malaysia, a large part of that money comes from Petronas. The money that is supposed to benefit all the rakyat, from Terengganu straight down across to Sabah & Sarawak too. That money from petroleum resources that is supposed to belong to the rakyat of Malaysia. Now look who has got all the money???
Now people of Malaysia, once again don’t blame Petronas if the petroleum resources money does not reach all of you, including me and my poor country folks in hinterland Sarawak.
Good Day.
Tun, world petrol prices has dropped down to USD131 per barrel as at 16:18 22-07-08. Why has the government not reduced the prices at our pumps yet? When? Would there be any? Singapore has reduced its price by 0.08cents. However, does this means that prices of goods would come down as well? Itâs anyoneâs guess Tun. There is little rationality in present day government. Back in the good old days during your stewardship we the rakyat felt very much in touch with you. You observed and listened to what we say and want. It was a good camaraderie of give and take. It was team work. Thatâs why it had worked well for Malaysia then. Now, itâs the blind leading the blind and we are I guess, unwitting passengers.
Dearest Tun,
What else can I say? All projects initiated by the PM are Mickey Mouse projects which serves no purpose nor benefits the rakyat in any way.
More rakyat’s money goes down the drain. The rich keeps getting richer, the poor keeps getting poorer. Capitalistic government!!!
Down with PM!!!
saya sedih… saya rakyat terengganu sedih bila wang kami dibazirkan begini. this year saya tak balikmengundi. next time, saya pastu akan balik trg unutk mengundi, dan kali ni, rasenye tak surelah nak pangkah sape… *sedih*
Siapakah Pak Lah ini? Bukan kan dia dipilih oleh Tun untuk mengantikan Tun. Jadi silap siapa kan jika kita mengalami kesusahan begini. Saya rasa kesilapan pada Tun kerana tidak membuat kajian terhadap beliau adakan beliau layak untuk mengantikan Tun.
elemeksss tun…
ini citer lama la tun
semua orang dah tau dah
bagi ler citer terbaru..nak tau gak
satu benda saya muskil. tun kata “This new Menteri Besar insisted that the royalty due to Terengganu should be paid to the State and the State should manage the fund.
This was as it should be. But the Menteri Besar insisted that what was spent before this in building the theme park, organising the Monsoon Cup etc worth about RM 2 billion was not from the royalty due to Terengganu. It was from Federal fund.”
kalau betul kerajaan negeri perlu manage sendiri duit royalti KENAPA tun sendiri yg tukar wang royalti kepada wang ehsan semasa pemeretahan pas. bagi ler lah duit tu kepada kerajaan pas terenganu masa tu. sekarang ni tun laks buat U-Turn statement padahal tun yg create wang ehsan ni dulu.
pohon penjelasan tun………….!
Saya rasa tak perlu kita sibuk menteri terengganu beli kereta mewah. Kerajaan Pak Lah yang membazirkan duit rakyat berbillon-billon tu nak kata apa… Cakap tak serupa bikin.
Saya setuju dengan pendapat damien. Jgn terlalu tumpukan kepada masyarkat melayu miskin kerana terdapat juga orang miskin dikalangan bangsa India dan Cina yang memerlukan bantunan. Jika kerajaan memberikan perhatian yang sama kepada semua kaum di Malaysia mungkin kita akan hidup lebih aman damai seperti di zaman-zaman tok nenek kita dahulu.
Salam buat Tun,
penderitaan akan lebih terasa utk tempoh peralihan kuasa ini.
Salam TUN
Semakin hari semakin gerun saya membaca blog Tun. Tetapi apa yang nak dikata, semuanya kenyataan. Rakyat boleh nampak. Apalah nak jadi dengan PM kita hari ni. Hari ni buat projek, esok lusa baru buat kajian. Berundur la Pak Lah. Kami rakyat dah bosan. Tapi persoalannya siapa nak ganti? Takkan Najib yang tak habis-habis dengan saya sokong dan saya terharu tu?? Sapa nak jawab soalan saya ni Tun???
Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan bloggers,
1. Tun sudah kongsi maklumat dan saya yakin Tun bukan cakap kosong.
2. Apa kita boleh buat? Sekali lagi saya minta kawan2 yanyangg celik undang2 untuk ambil tindakan yang wajar; buat laporan ke, ajar kami cara buat laporan yang tidak menjerat diri, dll
3. Sultan Terengganu dan rakyat Terengganu ada kes untuk dibawa. Ini masa untuk ajar Dollah dan suku sakatnya. Apabila Sultan tidak terima Deris Jusoh itu adalah langkah pertama yang bijak. Tapi apa lagi boleh dilakukan? BPR dan PDRM tidak akan bertindak jika tiada laporan, walaupun kita bercerita depan muka mereka. Ada laporan, ada arahan baru melompat..otak sendiri sudah tak boleh pakai.
4. Jika tidak dihalang, Dollah akan ambil dari tabung kerajaan untuk membayar tuntutan Terengganu tetapi suku sakatnya, katanya Patrick ‘badawi’ yang ligat buat projek di sana dan kalau betul info rakan blogger, si bedebah ni pakcik isteri kamaludin anak Dolah
5. Pihak2 yang sekongkol dengan setan selalunya suka perundingan terus (direct nego). Seolah2 tak ada lagi syarikat yang layak selain daripada syarikat ini maka kerajaan terpaksa mengambilnya…dan mereka suka direct nego kerana boleh letak harga gila2, ikut sedap hati je. Kalau tender terbuka, ramai pihak masuk maka margin keuntungannya kecil. Saya yakin harga projek2 di terengganu adalah mengikut harga kepala bapak dia orang je.
Thanx YAB Tun kerana tidak berputus asa untuk menjadi model kepada kami supaya ada pendirian dan nyatakan pendirian…inilah maruah kita.
Salam hormat Y.A.Bhg Tun,
Kebanyakan RAKYAT MALAYSIA telah tahu akan kelemahan pimpinan AAB. Byk ‘rumours’ yg menceritakan pemasalahan beliau, bahkan Tun pun lebih tahu kepincangan ini sebab Tun telah mentadbir Malaysia selamat 22 tahun. Sehingga kini disana sini orang memperkatakan perkara tersebut. NGO’s dan blog2 mempertikaikan perkara tersebut.
Saya dapati AAB ataupun kroni beliau hanya tahu menggunakan dana2 untuk kepentingan tetapi tidak pandai menjanakan kepulangan untuk Malaysia dan kepentingan RAKYAT MALAYSIA. AAB dan kabinet cuba dan lebih suka memesongkan pandangan rakyat terhadap keritikan Tun, skandal NTR, keburukan parti Pakatan, masalah UMNO dan sbg bagi menutup kelemahan AAB dalam mentadbirkan negara dan kelemahan ekonomi kita.
Ini menyebabkan RAKYAT MALAYSIA amat marah kerana perbuatan tersebut menyusahkan rakyat dan mendorong Malaysia ke arah inflasi dimana pendapatan saraan hidup tidak dapat menampung keperluan saraan hidup sekarang.
Oleh yang sedemikian, apakah langkah2 yg kita boleh lakukan utk memastikan AAB turun tahta ataupun mengubah corak pimpinan yg lebih dinamik serta memberi faedah kpd rakyak dan negara.
Adakah kita hanya boleh sibuk memberi komen, kritik dan bertegang urat didalam blog2 sahaja? Saya rasa dengan begini sahaja kita tidak dapat merubahkan apa2.
Saya berharap sgt kalau kita dapat mencari satu penyelesai untuk menangani perkara ini.
Sekian sahaja coretan saya buat Tun yg dihormati.
Good day Dr.M.
The spending spree is not something new in our country(Umno Led Goverment).For many years rakyat’s money has been used or chanelled to various lousy project’s just to feed their cronies.DR.M,I would like to post a question to you,since you knew what is happening and anticipating what going to happen,why dont you bring it to highlight?I knew your blog is one of it,but do you think it will impede Badawi?Badawi alway talk about transparency,but never practice it.Corruption is on pinnacle.Rakyat need to face this until 2010,then another worst (C4) leader going take over.Why dont Muyiddin Yasin try his luck?
May GOD bless our country…
Salam Tun,
mohon izin:
“Some contractors made tons of money getting projects without proper processes”
What actually is BPR doing right now??? Sleeping?? Tidak heran juga sebab PM Flip-Flop pun RAJA SEGALA RAJA ZZZ…!
Semoga Tun sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat walafiat.
Ybg Tun, salam,
Apa yang Tun katakan mengenai jambatan bengkok itu 100%, cara pertadbiran Pak Le….lah mememang banyak pembaziran wang rakyat terutama tentang Jambatan bengkok, kesian kawan saya dan kenalan Tun Ybhg Dato Yahya jalil, ingatkan perojek tu diteruskan, duit ringgit dia pun banyak dihabiskan melobi uncle (Dato Seri Samy)juga masa Cosultant Project terbuang begitu saja, tanpa dihormati oleh Pak Le….lah, mungkin sebab perojek tu adalah idea Tun…Rakyat Johor harap fikirlah sebanyak mungkin, betul ke tak betul PM sekarang dalam membuat keputusan, bagi Yb Dato Ghani ok saja, pasal nak jaga pocketnya. Akibat pembatalan perojek tersebut, membuatkan ramai rakyat yang susah untu keluar masuk keSinagapore melalui Tambak Johor, akibat keputusan yang sunggoh bo…..da….h ini.
Sedikit tip buat Tun, Menteri Kewangan kedua, telahpun menghubungi pihak kastam Jb agar tanah dimana tempat menyimpan kereta yang dirampas oleh kastam diberi keutamaan kepada anak Tiri PM sekarang, Perkara ini berlaku sebelum pilihan Raya ke12, kalau nak kepastian tanyalah kastam JB.
Tentang pembaziran Wang Ehsan oleh Pak…le..lah,Dato Seri Idris Jusoh dan koroninya diTrengganu, rakyat Negeri itu patut menilainya yangmana lebih baik untuk Pilihan Raya yg Ke13 nanti.
SAYA MENYERU DAN MENCABAR SEMUA RAKYAT TRENGGANU YANG MEMBAYAR CUKAI PENDAPATAN, MEMBUAT LAPURAN POLIS DAN JUGA KEPADA BPR agar siasat dibuat bagaimana Wang Ehsan itu disalurkan? jangan hanya pandai pandai berkokok ,terutamanya MB baru yang baru nak belajar boros, Kpd. YM Tuanku nasihatkan sikit duit itu duit rakyat dan bukan duit yang ditinggalkan oleh Mr EX MB yang dah kaya tu….
MB sekarang adulah perkara ini kepada BPR ataupun polis….
Tentang perbelanjaan Monsun Cup, tanyalah bekas Menteri Belia dan Sukan dulu CIk Azlina, dia banyak berahsia dalam ini, tapi pernah keluar dari mulutnya diKuala Brang, sebelum Pilihanraya 12, yang perutukkan kementerian semua dikebas oleh Pak Le….lah untuk menjayakan Monsun Cup yang termashur didunia kononya……..
WAHAI TOK KI,TOK SU, TOK LAN DAN APA SAJA nama gelaran dipanggil diTrengganu pakat ramai2 buat satu lapuran, senanglah kita rakyat buang PM yang tak…..c dan …b ini……
Takbir…….maaf Tun, la ni Tok Yahya susah sikit cari makan, sukan Perlumbaan Boat F1 pun banyak halangan itu pasal dia lantik Datuk Syed Ketua Umno Bahagian Cheras dihadapan, pasal orang habak kak Pak Le…..lah dia or Tun…..
Kepada Semua,
Baca sudah, komen sudah, apa lagi nak buat? Pemilihan cawangan dan bahagian sedang rancak berbahas siapa yg lebih ‘berhak’ menjadi ketua antara mereka, yang lebih sesuai jaga kepentingan ‘rakyat’ mereka?
Nak tunggu PRU13? Lama lagi masih banyak masa untuk create ‘konspirasi’ dan ‘gula-gula’ rakyat, especially Melayu yg lemah minda?
Pentingkah UMNO diselamatkan? Kenapa tidak kita bersatu dibawah platform Melayu yang lain? PAS adalah pilihan yg lebih berakal dimasa kini, dulu dan selamanya…
Satu sahaja yg UMNO tidak berubah – kepentingan perut dan nafsu MELEBIHI segalanya dan tolong jangan bercakap pasal perjuangan dahulu kerana kini UMNO mengangkat NAFSU sebagai Tuhan!
aziz G
Politics is a multi billions business. Exactly.. like the starwars or LOTR trilogy. Their target.. is to blow up the rating as well as viewerâs pocket. Solution is simple..stop spending your money to those films (political issues). Stop pooling for the government, don’t buy any form of media controlled by the party that holds the government, react directly towards the improper actions the party that rules the government etc. The beauty of this new dawn era is.. AAB is managing his political career not the country. So.. we as a Malaysian should have a knowledge that, if he is a good leader..people will back him up and vice versa. Everybody make mistakes and should be given a time to correct, we need to be patience, unless nothing change within the given time, we MUST stand up and STOP it. As for some people, they do not realize what theyâre doing or donât know what to do. So, is a must for us to advise and give our opinion for the purpose of help. As for our case study, our subject holds nothing at all. Let us make him and his cronies get down. Iâm Malaysian, I donât want one of our PM is being regarded as one of the dumbest PM in history of mankind that leads to the lost of our beloved nation. So.. stop battling among us, lets unite, stand together and show the party that controlled our government.. The power of people.
After reading your writing, I was a bid disturbed on how manipulative was ex-MB Trengganu and the kunchus of present PM (This criminal typology being repeated by people in power). This is another good case of using religion sentiments (fitting the people there) to cheat the people. It is a scheme. Trengganu is saved by the Sultan from going to the drain. I remember the late Ex-Governor of Bank Negara once said “Don’t give money to the Monkey”, this is good example of us giving money to the monkey. In life, there is no such thing as a complete honest man. Honesty perhaps is just a variable that can be influenced for better or worst. Greed not needs triggers temptations. In this case is GREED. We have to manage our greed. May Allah protect us all.
Dear Tun,
May Allah bless you, your family as well as we who have faith in you.
Today, the news highlights current Menteri Besar of Terenganu has replaced official car Perdana to Mercedes Benz for state use. Worth 3.8 million.
I was surprised as this has become the central issue. Pak Lah and Najib not even notice one of their ministers in the Prime Minister Department is proudly using BMW-7 series with official tag “Timbalan Menteri” on it.
How do I have faith in this government?
Sampai bila keadaan ini akan berlaku.DSAAB bercakap pasal penjimatan,ketirisan,ekonomi terkawal,inflasi di paras yang tidak membimbangkan dan kempen-kempen yang menyakin kan rakyat Malaysia berada dalam kemakmuran ,aman dan sejahtera.Tetapi dari segi realiti nya adakah ini benar?Contoh yang paling mudah BSKL.Akbar-akbar di Malaysia menunjuk kan BSKL berada pada susana angka yang jatuh.Barang -barang keperluan harian:ikan,dsbnya tidak menunjukkan trend harga yang stabil.Itu tidak termasuk yang lain-lain lagi.Adakah dari segi realiti inflasi berada di paras yang tidak membimbangkan?Minta tuan/puan beri pendapat utk kebaikkan kita.Dari segi pembaziran dan kehilangan wang negara ,Tun telah mendedahkan kita ketidak kecekapan dan kebersanan DSAAB menguruskan sumber wang negara.Cuba tuan/puan nyatakan dari aspek apa yang di buat oleh kerajaan untuk langkah penjimatan,ketidak tirisan,dan langkah-langkah yang dapat menstabilkan ekonomi negara.Adakah kerajaan sekarang dapat menjana dan memicu ekonomi rakyat dan negara ke satu tahap yang kita kecapi pada zaman Tun Mahatir.Sebenar nya banyak lagi yang nak di tulis dalam blog ini tetapi yang penting sekali DSAAB MESTI MENDENGAR SUARA MAJORITI RAKYAT YANG MAHU BELIAU BERUNDUR DAN DI GANTI DENGAN ORANG YANG LEBIH LAYAK.
what a heart painful true to be known by public.
Salam Tun,
To all TDM readers, just a fact i wish to highlight here…
We all keep reading TDM writing and in return we comment while wishing our dissatisfy and frustration over Abdullah Government can be heard by someone who dare to act. While waiting for that to happen we sit and do nothing…. the badawi regime keep continuing to destroy our country and economy.
To all.. we must remember that we as the rakyat, we hold a very significant power in the democracy system applied in this country.
Write a petition and sign by all Malaysian who want a new PM, I believed a ‘muka tembok’ like pak lah also for sure realized that most Malaysian hate his guts.
If we want to make a change we need to stand firm for what we believed.
Spot on!
Dear tun,
Salam Tun……
Terengganu…Terengganu…Terengganu…negeri cantik…budaya menarik..gadisnya sopan santun…terkenal satu Malaysia sebagai sebuah negeri yang penduduknya penuh adat ketimuran….tapi sekarang??…tengokla macamana sekarang…teknologi terlalu canggih…merosakkan orang2 melayu..Islam bukan lagi menjadi pegangan hidup orang2 melayu…termasuk pemimpin2 melayu yang berada dalam BN sekarang….sampai bila semua ini harus berpanjangan?…membazir..merasuah…memfitnah..membunuh..meliwat..dan banyak lagi…
Idris Jusoh ni lagilah tidak berguna..membazir duit rakyat..masjid kristal lah..piala monsun la…last2 semua duit tu masuk ke poket sendiri….memang bodoh lagi bangang orang yang melantik si idris ni…alaaa….kroni2 lah tu…dapatla makan sama2….apalah nak jadi dengan kerajaan sekarang..kacau bilau..huru hara…lebih aman lagi hidup di padang pasir….wassalam Tun..
Memang amat mengecewakan. Kita semua pastinya kesal dengan pembaziran sewenang-wenangnya wang rakyat yang begitu besar lebih-lebih lagi pada masa rakyat dihimpit kesusahan sekarang ini. Apapun Kerajaan PERDANA MENTERI LEMBIK yang memerintah sekarang ini buat tak kisah dengan rintihan tahap merah segenap lapisan masyarakat.
PM LEMBIK baru-baru ini mengeluarkan Pekeliling tentang cara-cara penjimatan perbelanjaan bagi semua jabatan dan pihak berkanun persekutuan tetapi beliau sendiri galak memusnahkan kehidupan rakyat yang semakin genting akibat tekanan ekonomi harian sekarang ini.
Tahun lepas PM LEMBIK tidak memberikan bonus kepada kakitangan awam walaupun boleh dianggap hadiah “SEMPENA 50 TAHUN KEMERDEKAAN NEGARA” bukannya “KERANA HADHARI DAH NAIKKAN GAJI PADA JULAI 2007”, namum hampir 80% kakitangan tetap kecewa dengan langkah penjimatan yang amat dangkal oleh seorang Perdana Menteri yang sangat LEMBIK dan LEMAH. Beliau kehilangan negerinya ke tangan Pembangkang pada PRU ke-12 namun beliau mengimpikan kekal sebagai PM hingga ke hembusan nafasnya yang terakhir sebagai Hikayat Kerajaan Tiga Beranak. Beliau juga tidak mengambil tindakan terhadap salahlaku para hakim yang tidak jujur dan tidak amanah atau kuat mengampu walaupun ternyata ada asas kes yang munasabah.
Wow! Quite an analysis…
Who was the genius who created the concept of “Wang Ehsan” managed by the Federal govt in place of the 5% royalty per Federal-State govt agreement?
Moral of the story – do not employ habitual robber as head of security for a bank!
Good afternoon Tun,
My political friends always advice me to join some political party as an “investment”. They said “if we are successful in politics the return from it will be far far better than we invested in other normal businesses.” When I am looking at Malaysia now, I think they are 100% right.
They also said “In Malaysia politic as long as we know how to follow the trend to play the game like “yes man” or “ya betul” then we are safe and benefits will be given automatically….NEPOTISM & CRONISM.”
Again they are 100% correct because as at todate I feel so tough to survive running my business based on current economy situation. But if compare to my friends whom are still driving new big saloon cars, enjoy luxury life, stay in big house etc… and this reality cannot be denied that we must join politic, follow the right trend and get to know someone who has the “connection.”
I am not surprised when Tun said “Some contractors made tons of money getting projects without proper processes.”
Tun, you are like me now just an ordinary citizen of Malaysia since you’ve stepped down as PM and quit UMNO, so who will be the right person to run our country before it is too late? I have realized one thing recently that news for Malaysian are more on political struggle of power, sodomy case ,corruption, ministers and MP shouting each other at Parliment w/o civilization,& even royal family sue case have appeared in newspaper…..What is really happening to Malaysia???
I known this statement from my secondary teacher that if a building does not have a proper foundation, it will collopse on day.I hope this disaster will not come truth as eventually the vitims are the citizens especially the poor group.
Good day, Tun.
yes…i’m very happy…once again ‘my money’ aka ‘wang rakyat’ was channelled for the right thing by our ‘beloved’ PM…sigh =(
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Had our PM been more farsighted he would have continued building the crooked bridge and by now it would have been completed and no money wasted.
It would now be used and congestion could have been overcomed in Johor Bahru. The bridge would be the landmark of Abdullah Badawi’s tenure as PM of Malaysia.
But it was not to be. He cancelled it. He said that the people did not like the bridge. Was it true? With the cancellation, millions went down the drain.
If the transition of power goes according to plan in Jun 2010 i.e. two years from now, then more projects will be given to his son who by then will be the richest man in Malaysia. Believe me!
So UMNO members please wake up!!
Among the five PM you are still the best Tun. Thank you very much for your info.
May ALLAH bless you Tun. Amin!
A’kum Tun,
Inilah gelaran yang diberikan oleh rakyat malaysia kepada Perdana Menteri mereka yg tercinta.
1. YM Tunku Abd.Rahman: Bapa Kemerdekaan
2. Tun Abd.Razak: Bapa Pembangunan
3. Tun Hussein Onn: Bapa Perpaduan
4. Tun Dr. Mahathir: Bapa Pemodenan
5. Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi: Bapa Mertua
Fuhh!… berbilion-bilion. Tak terkira banyaknya!
Last-last rakyat jugak yang kena tanggung segala beban…..kesian kami rakyat Malaysia.
Kasihanilah kami!
What a waste of money..I’ve always disagree with the so called ‘Mosque Theme Park’ shouldn’t be spent that way..Our religion never teach us to spent million on mosque..Let Pak Lah himself from his own money, make payment to Terengganu. He has his billions of cash stash out from his looting of the governments fund right.So paying 2 billion wont be such a hassle to him.
Damn you Pak Lah!Damn you.
Salam Hormat kepada Tun yang dikasihi,
Sebenarnya Tun, rakyat yang pergi sekolah semuanya tahu tentang ‘Teori Economi’ BLUE WAVE (GELOMBANG BIRU) tu. TEORI KAUT DUIT. Dapat duit wang ehsan mereka belanja sakan.Kerajaan belanja berbilion ringgit buat Monsoon Cup, tapi Patrick Lim yang dapat anugerah tahap anatarabangsa. Lepas tu buat lah kompleks Islam Hadhari beratus juta ringgit, RAKYAT TRENGGANU BANGGA, Tapi orang luar kata apalah bahalolnya siDeris ni buat Mesjid tak bolih digunakan untuk Sholat? Tapi Deris kata, saya telah bawak banyak pembangunan kepada rakyat Tengganu, kenapa Sultan tak suka saya? Sebenarnya, Dia dah terlupa rupanya Tengganu ada sultan. Dia ingatkan Pak Lah tu Sultan. Jadi dalam keadaan kedua2 berada dalam ‘Cloud Nine’ suka angkat bakul sendiri ni, dia terlupalah yang Tengganu ada Sultan yang berdaulat berjiwa rakyat dan rakyat masih lagi rata2 miskin. Tapi masing2 sebok dengan skim cepat kaya mereka dengan membelanjakan wang ehsan dengan sewenang2nya. Tapi herannya BPR kat mana ya…tah pulak nak siasat? Jadi segala angka yang TUN sebut tu amat nyata sekali sebagai satu pembaziran dan satu muafakat merompak wang rakyat untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. DSAAB, sebenarnya terjebak dengan kelentong konco2nya dan saya rasa dia sendiri terasa tertipu olih orangnya sendiri. Tapi malangnya, masih tak sedar lagi. Moga2 Tun dan Keluarga mendapat rahmat dan perlindungan dari All swt.
Tun punya visitor dah melebihi 4,000,000 pengunjung. tahniah tun. kalau nilai ini di’convert’kan kepada ringgit, kita boleh beli 15 biji mercedes C240, lagi best daripada yang akan digunapakai oleh exco di salah sebuah negeri di pantai timur tu. mereka cuma C200 saja..
Kalau benar begitu ceritanya.
Memang tidak ada semangat patriotik atau cintakan negara. Jengah saja duit ada banyak, mula fikir macam mana untuk keluarkan dan dapat faedah dari situ.
Ligat otak memikikan macam mana mahu belanja duit yang terdiam begitu saja. Duit yang terkumpul sejak pembangkang memerintah Terengganu.
Jika ada kasih di hati apa pekerjaan pun akan berjalan lancar, sempurna dan baik. Ini langsung tidak memikirkan mengenai orang Terengganu. Masih ramai lagi yang hidup dalam kemiskinan. Tidak rasa berat di hati apabila membuat rancangan sambil mengenangkan rakyat miskin yang mengundi.
Kalau ayah kasihnya pada keluarga dan sanak saudara. Kalau manusia yang baik kasihnya sesama manusia. Kalau menjadi pemimpin kasihnya menyeluruh.
Betul juga pendapat mengatakan apabila kita kaya raya maka hati itu menjadi kesat dan kasar. Tidak lagi menghalusi dan simpati kerana kasih sayang.
Pada hari ini apabila menyatakan mengenai kereta letrik. AAB ada menyebut bahawa proton akan menguji kereta tersebut dengan ‘sebuah’ syarikat lagi yang tak di nyatakan namanya. Selit lagi!
UTUSAN MALAYSIA : ” Beliau memberitahu, kerajaan telah membenarkan Proton dengan kerjasama sebuah syarikat untuk membuat pengesahan keupayaan teknologi itu dari aspek teknikal.”
Enjin itu adalah enjin Lotus. Lotus terkenal dengan kejuruteraannya. Apa besarnya proton dan syarikat yang ‘satu’ lagi ingin menguji kejuruteraan Lotus.
Jika ada faktor cuaca bukan kah mudah untuk lotus saja mengujinya. Menjimatkan kos dan mereka pula yang membina enjin tersebut. Tentu mereka lebih tahu. Lebih lebih lagi aspek teknikal.
Makin lama, makin banyak perkara pelik berlaku yang tidak boleh di terangkan oleh akal yang sihat.
Adakah orang UMNO termakan sesuatu? Minta lah doktor atau bomoh tengok tengokkan.
Tun, Assalamu allaikum…. for every thousand who read your blog, there are hundred thousand who never read this, who never know about this. is there any solution so that ordinary people who sit in cofee shops know actually what is hapening around them. its a pity that when u were running the country, we couldsee so many new peojects, and here we are seeing just losses and losses,and ultimately who is the looser. citizens of malaysia.. and who is responsible the present administrators.. My only piece of advice to the present govermnent, arent we lucky to have had Mahathir as our premier, and could not the goverment approach the Great Tun for advice, if the goverment really loved Malaysia rather than loving themselves. I am sorry if anybody is offended.
Yang di hormati lagi di sayangi Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah
Satu penerangan yang cukup jelas.Ini menunjukkan betapa sikap pemimpin sekarang yang sering membuat perancangan yang walau pun pada pandangan mata kasar adalah untuk rakyat akan tetapi di sebalik nya sudah awal awal lagi mangira berapakah habuan dan keuntungan masing2.
Dalam kepala mereka2 itu ,berangan2 untuk menjadi orang kaya,mempunyai harta berkoyan-koyan.Ingin masuk ke dalam majallah FORBES ,millionaire rangking ke berapa.Kapal di laut =gedung di darat.Halal haram sudah tajk di kira lagi.Terlalu mengikuti hawanafsu sendiri.
Untuk mereka2 samalah seperti hadis nabi:
Semoga ayahanda dan bonda selalu berada di dalam limpahan rahmat Allah SWT.
Alif Lam Mim
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Serulah semua cawangan UMNO supaya buat undi tidak percaya dengan abdullah ini…
semakin lama dia mentadbir… semakin nazak kita semua
Dear Tun,
It is sad to know that billions in Ringgit of âWang Rakyatâ are spend aimlessly as though there are no clear cut rules to guide such lavish spending. Donât you feel morally obliged to take to task of such unethical practices?
And for those âBig Spendersâ, may you be enlighten with the following translated verse of the Quran , âVerily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord (Himself) Ungratefulâ(Surah Al-Israa, verse 27).
Dearest Yg diKasihi Tun,
Excellent! Another eye-opening article.
DSAAB & Co MUST RESIGN. Buat peghabeh duit rakyat sajaâ¦Lebih baik teruskan projek2 yg bermanafaat kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia dari buat projek yg cuma menguntungkan rakyat Terengganu saja. Projek2 yg bagus dibatal & yg rugi rakyat semua â DSAAB ingat duit untuk bayar pampasan kerana pembatalan projek2 tu duit ibu-bapa-datuk-nenek dia kot..Saya sebagai pembayar cukai tegar tak halalkan pembaziran tersebut.
Tun, letih betul tengok cara DSAAB & Co memerintah. They are all losers! Elok rasanya Tun masuk balik UMNO (itupun kalau diterima), dan tumbangkan DSAAB. Jika tidak, elok tubuhkan parti baru â dah kira dharurat ni.
May Allah SWT bless Tun & family. Saya doakan Tun sihat sejahtera. Saya sokong dan sayang Tun. Teruskan perjuangan murni Tun.
Before June 2010, there will be more money to be waste or waste to certain cornies. By the time, who cares? The country is poor but some have achieve their mission.
Salam TUN,
Kalau macam ni punya kira-kira dan strategi…
bagi PL meniaga goreng pisang tepi jalan pun lingkuppp…
BIJAK!… BIJAK!… BIJAK budak Lahhh ni.
Entah menantu sapa la nih???
Salam hormat Tun
Kami, sebagai rakyat pun perasan kerugian berbilion ringgit disebabkan pembatalan projek2 besar ini. Kami cuma tak tahu jumlahnya.
Tun, sedih apabila benda ini terjadi. Sebabnya;
Di negara ini bukan tak ada orang susah. Kalaulah duit tu tak dibazirkan, cuba fikirkan berapa ramai orang susah di negara kita akan bertambah senang? Berapa banyak rumah PPRT boleh dibina untuk mereka? Tindakan Pak Lah seolah-olah tak melihat langsung kepada kepentingan golongan berpendapatan rendah. Dia n kroninya tak apalah, kalau hilang jawatan kekali pun dia akan senang sampai mati. Generasi dia pun tak akan susah.
Manusia memang macam tu… Dah duit tu duit rakyat yang bayar cukai. Pak Lah peduli apa, kalau bazirkan pun, setiap tahun rakyat akan bayar cukai jugak…. Senang cerita; Duit mudah dapat, peduli apa nak abihkan macam mana pun…
Ni untuk Pak Lah… Berentilah daripada merosakkan negara. Berhenti segera. Jangan bazirkan duit rakyat sebab syok sendiri. Sebab rasa dah pandai sangat sampai tak terima pandangan orang lain… Ingat Pak Lah… Tak ada apa pun yang boleh dibanggakan yang dilakukan selama memerintah… Semuanya seperti mengundur ke belakang…
Latest news I heard from the market they cancelled the Sabah-Sarawak Gas Pipeline Project.. The project was annouced on prime time news earlier this year..
The project initially to cater our MLNG plant in Bintulu but facing with the political pressure from the Sabahan after the election, our government now continuously making wrong decisions..
What happened to our government nowadays…?
dear all,
Lebih Lima tahun masa terbuang.Rugi yg tak terkira.
Dlm rugi ada yg untung…..?
Dear Tun,
Much more you’re still our unreplaceable PM..
PM yg ada sekarang memalukan kita sbagai MELAYU khususnya
Tun..why don’t we as a rakyat educate more rakyats minded to understand
that we’re being cheated by our PM..
I dont understand why “penyokong-KAMI MENYOKONG KEMPIMPINAN PAKLAH (boleh blah) 100%” blind their
Hope you can do something….
Kdg2 kala Tun, benar kata2 rakan2 kita yg dah sent comment di sini,
kami tak bnyk pilihan…
memilih UMNO membuatkan PM mendabik dada ego
Memilih PKR alamat nye memancung nyawa
Please do somthing.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda TUN…
Semoga di rahmati dengan kesihatan yang baik…
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and please continue doing so…You are our only source of truth!!!
Salam buat keluarga…wassalam
Salam YAB Tun Dr.M,
Saya pernah dengar cerita yg kerajaan AAB menggunakan wang ehsan yg diperuntukan kepada kerajaan negeri Terengganu. Pada masa itu saya berpendapat ianya mungkin tidak tepat. Tetapi apabila membaca penulisan Tun saya rasa seperti tidak percaya bahawa kerajaan AAB boleh membelanjakan wang ehsan tersebut. Pendapat umum tentang pebelanjaan tersebut ternyata rata-rata mengatakan bahawa ianya tidak menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri Terengganu seterusnya gagal untuk menigkatkan taraf kehidupan rakyat negeri itu secara keseluruhan. Mungkin contractors pilihan sahaja yg jadi kaya.
Jadi mugkin juga tidak salah apabila sesetengah pihak megatakan terdapatnya ketirisan dan kebocoran dalam pengurusan wang negara oleh kerajaan sekarang.
Perkara seperti ini menjadikan rakyat kurang keyakinan terhadap pentadbiran kerajaan sekarang dan tertanya-tanya adakan kerajaan yg dipilih ini tahu untuk mentadbir atau masih kabur dan tidak tahu apa yg dilakukannya.
Apa pun ternyata sudah berkali dalam membuat keputusan megenai isu negara kerajaan AAB akan “Flip” dan kemudian “Flop”…
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun ,
Projek masjid kristal dan terengganu khabarnya projek konsultansi seperti arkitek bukan menggunakan khidmat anak Terennganu tapi orang luar dan khabarnya yang mendapat habuan besar ialah kroni Khairy . Yang lebih menyedihkan lagi khabarnya masjid itu kiblatnya salah … Wallahualam , habis jika kiblatnya salah dan muslim tidak boleh bersolat dalamnya ; apakah fungsi masjid itu , adakah sebagai hiasan ?
I totally agree with Tun. The money should well spend on public interest projects. Now Terengganu state goverment going to revamp their listed companies, Golden Pharos, EPIC and TDM. Another good move!
Dear Tun,
The people of Terengganu have suffered for so long. The mismanagement was already extremely bad during Dato’ Wan Mokhtarâs time. So much of commission money wasted without anything substantial done to develop the state. And he was MB for 25 long years!
The slave mentality has been planted in the majority of the people of Terengganu, making it the easiest state to win in elections. Just simply buy the votes. RM100 and maybe a kilogram of rice are enough to get a vote.
In 1999 when PAS won the state, many so called analysts attributed it to the Anwar factor. I do not think so. I sincerely think it was the Wan Mokhtar factor, it was those long years of abuse and blatant incompetence which finally pushed the people over the edge. When the people finally showed their will to change, the Federal Government committed a grave error by transforming the commission money into Wang Ehsan. The concept of Wang Ehsan simply gave Umno state liason chief and co a blank cheque. And under Pak Lah, when BN regained the state, we can all see how peopleâs money is spent with total disregard to the peopleâs interest.
Votes and support from the people continued to be simply bought and sold, using only a small portion of Wang Ehsan while bulk of it is lavishly spent on useless project such as Masjid Kristal, benefiting only the cronies.
The people continue to suffer….
The people of Terengganu are given nice words and empty promises. Kuala Terengganu is even declared a Bandaraya! Seriously, there is nothing âbandarayaâ about Kuala Terengganu. Go and count how many beds are available in the ICUs of the Hospital Besar of Bandaraya Kuala Terengganu. Go and see if basic facilities befit a bandaraya?
If only the money spent on Masjid Kristal was used to equip the hospital instead!
I believe changing the commission money into wang ehsan has put Terengganu even deeper into oblivion and backpedaled the state at least 20 years back to the pastâ¦
Tun, as rakyat Terengganu, I am so sadâ¦..
Best regards and wassalam…
Salam Tun and all fan…
Totally correct!
Pembaziran yang terancang…
Tapi masih ramai rakyat/wakil rakyat (konon) yang bodoh menyokong Pak LahAP skrg ni…
Semuanya sebab takut hilang pangkat @ dapat gula2…
Hope Tun will form a new party!!
I’m jus fed-up with UMNO & BN!!
That’s what going on? Too sad! How could somebody spent the “rakyat” money in this unproper way. Please call for ACA investigation please.
Thank Tun.
May Allah be with you.
This is clearly mis-management of our country. We live in a depressing time. The world is in crisis and we have a government that has no idea how to govern. Many even the Malays have started to migrate. Those who have children studying overseas are encouraging their children to find jobs there. We are losing precious talents. Pak Lah can talk all he wants about developing modal insan but if he is not capable of managing the country, these modal insan will just go somewhere else. Please lah Pak Lah. Handover the power to someone who is capable of managing the country. You and your family are certainly not capable.
I think most of Malaysians had realized how much waste government had made. Even a young citizen like me can see the waste, but why can’t the present government? Is PM trying to finish up all the money for useless projects? And the first time since I was born, that a PM’s selection of Menteri Besar is rejected by the Sultan. Surely its a big shame for PM but he acts like nothing had happened..what an unresponsible Prime Minister.
I’ve read this so-called “soothing” news in Utusan Malaysia today-
Kadar inflasi tahun ini kurang lima peratus
KUALA LUMPUR 21 Julai – Kadar inflasi bagi keseluruhan tahun ini dijangka kurang daripada lima peratus, kata Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop.
Beliau berkata, meskipun inflasi kini berada pada kadar tujuh peratus sejak beberapa bulan lalu, ia disebabkan oleh faktor kos dan bukan kerana permintaan.
“Meskipun kadar itu tinggi berdasarkan kepada asas bulan ke bulan iaitu lebih daripada tujuh peratus tetapi ia adalah satu-satunya kenaikan terhadap kadar inflasi.
“Ia juga disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga minyak dan harga makanan. Sehubungan itu, kita harus mempercayai bahawa kenaikan ini akan berulang lagi pada masa depan,” katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas majlis pelancaran prospektus Perwaja Holdings Bhd. (Perwaja) di sini hari ini.
My question is: –
Is that true? Less than 5%? I guess it should be more.. 8% to say the least.
Anybody would like to comment on this?
Assalamualaikum my dearest Tun,
Saya tanak komen laa pasal current PM skang ni….dh tak larat nk ckp apa² pasal dia…bikin panas hati je….sy start bengang dgn dia bila dia stop projek jambatan bengkok tuh….as a Johorean yg bekerja in shipping co di KL, sy lihat jambatan bengkok nih 1 cara yg sgt brilliant dr Tun utk kurangkan kuasa jiran kita tuh in marine line… aaa…jiran kita tuh konon²nya shipping hub in Asia….so if Tun buat jambatan bengkok utk ganti Tambak Johor tu, at least kapal bole lalu kat Selat Tebrau tu….& all the vsl dr Middle East ke Far East will definitely lalu Tanjung Pelepas & Pasir Gudang….sbb lebih dekat(baca:lebih jimat fuel oil)….dlm masa yg sama, jiran kita tuh hilang laa title shipping hub in Asia….ekonomi kita pon makin berkembang….especially in shipping line. tengok aaa betapa maju ke depannya pemikiran Tun dulu.
yg kedua….bengang sy bertambah bila encik PM kita tuh nk bina 2nd Penang Bridge….untuk apa sbnrnya 2nd bridge tu? kalo setakat utk kurangkan jam, lg better runtuhkan bangunan kat pulau tu….pastu buat jalan raya besar²…..ini tak…nk buat jalan masuk ke pulau smpi 2….tp jalan dlm pulau still kecik….still sesak….so serupa jugak….jalan tetap jam…, conclusionnya 2nd bridge tu sgt² laa membazirnya.
yg ketiga….psl Masjid Kristal….sy tak nmpk motif pembinaan Masjid Kristal tu….setakat untuk bermegah² ke??
haiiii….byk lg sebenarnya yg terbuku di hati ni…tp mcm tak larat dh nk tulis….byk sgt…..
One without head, but only with lust for money of what had (and still) being shown by Pak Lah should not be given mercy. Pak Lah deserves to step down, while he still have time to do so…
And I wonder, if we Malaysian can come out with court petition against government (or against our local MP).
wow, y like this ? they have nothing better to do ?
Salam Tun dan pembaca,
Dalam Malaysia ni hampir setiap selekoh ada surau dan selang beberapa kilometer dah nampak masjid. Hampir semua masjid unik.
Persoalannya, kenapa kerajaan nak buat masjid pameran? Bukankah lebih baik pelancong mencuba masjid sebenar dari pergi ke masjid pameran di dalam Theme Park?
Akhirkata, Abdullah MEMBAZIR WANG RAKYAT.
Kalau dulu kita ingat semua tu rakyat Terengganu yang bayar. Rupa-rupanya package tu extended to the whole rakyat.!!
Salam Tun yang dikasihi..
Biasala…sebelum tiada kuasa, buatlah duit banyak-banyak. Rakyat kebulur peduli hapa dorang. Haprak punya management…
Tun..u are my inspirations and please don’t give up to screw all the stupid idiot..inside there..
Semoga Tun dan keluarga panjang umur dan sihat wal-afiat.
akibat daripada kecuaian ataupun lebih tepat lagi salah urus kerajaan pimpinan paklah menguruskan kewangan negara maka pada hari ini rakyat terpaksa memikul bebanan tersebut.
kini rakyat tahu mengapa harga minyak dinaikkan secara mendadak.
tak lain tak bukan tujuan kenaikan minyak ini adalah bagi memberi ruang kepada kerajaan pimpinan abdullah ahmad badawi mendapatkan sumber kewangan secara mudah untuk menimbus lubang besar hasil dari penyalahuruskan sumber kewangan negara yang mereka lakukan.
mungkinkah ini adalah salah satu sebab mengapa paklah terpaksa berunding dengan najib untuk terus kekal sebagai ketua kerajaan sehingga 2010?
Asskm.. Tun,
Reading to your articles today, then I know why The Sultan of Trengganu didnot appointed Idris to retain his post as menteri besar.Before I wondered and kept on asking myself what was wrong with Dato Seri Idris Jusoh, since two terms Trengganu was captured by BN .
So its clear enough the Sultan also watching his job and did some change. Actually Tun its not only the contractors made tons of money, on the top of that the organizer was also got the benefit and share.
keep on writing Tun … Salam
Salam TOkdet…
Agaknya inilah pengertian Islam Hadhari yang diwar-warkan oleh Abg Dol ni…
Bina masjid mahal2 bukan untuk orang solat tapi untuk pameran, yang penting dapat nama…
Berlagak macam alim, gaya macam alim, tapi rupanya alim-alim kucing… nampak ikan diterkam juga… ceh!!
apa pandangan tok dengan Iskandar yang kat johor tu??
Salam Tun,
how can pak lah still stand bold infront of TVs and newspapers smiling away, assuming he has done a tremendous job? God forbids, he will have to pay heavily for his negligence and ignorance.
My best wishes to Tun and Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah…..May God keep you in his loving care always.
Dear Dr M,
I liked this statement of yours “Some contractors made tons of money getting projects without proper processes.” ….. there goes those poor sub-contractors, getting peanuts for jobs done!
Salam Tun,
This is so true.For that amount of money is a real waste of rakyat’s money .
For the last 5years I as a citizen did not see any development taking
place in our beloved country.
What is going to become of my beloved country.
I worry for my childrens and my childrens’ childrens.
What will their future be?
Is there a future for them in Malaysia?
Please Allah save us from calamities tahat we are facing now.
Salam untuk Tun sekeluarga.
salam tun,
Tun perintah Malaysia 22 tahun dengan kos untuk MALAYSIA tak sampai 400 billion (ni 22 tahun)…
Tapi DS ABdullah, baru nak masuk 5 tahun dah CECAH 700 Billion…so pikir2kan lah…
Zaman TUN, segala perbelanjaan memang nampak dengan mata kasar spt Airport, KLCC, dan banyak lagi…
zaman DS Abdullah…belum nampak lagi…malah makin kabur…korridor maybe tinggai kat kaki lima ja kot…Wilayah P Iskandar hanya dok pandai rebranding ja…
Then, la ni semakin sunyi lagu Wawasan 2020 berkumandang kat RTM…sedih Tun..lagu tu bagii semangat tu, especially untuk orang Melayu…jarang sangat dengaq lagu tu kat RTM…TV3 lagi la…
take care Tun…
Belia Benci Pak Lah!!!!
Good afternoon Tun,
But our new MB also too eager want to buy Mercedes and waste more money..
Everyone knows that Malaysian cars has lowest maintenance cost compared to imported cars.. at least for first 5 years..
salam tun,
Tun perintah Malaysia 22 tahun dengan kos untuk MALAYSIA tak sampai 400 billion (ni 22 tahun)…
Tapi DS ABdullah, baru nak masuk 5 tahun dah CECAH 700 Billion…so pikir2kan lah…
Zaman TUN, segala perbelanjaan memang nampak dengan mata kasar spt Airport, KLCC, dan banyak lagi…
zaman DS Abdullah…belum nampak lagi…malah makin kabur…korridor maybe tinggai kat kaki lima ja kot…Wilayah P Iskandar hanya dok pandai rebranding ja…
Then, la ni semakin sunyi lagu Wawasan 2020 berkumandang kat RTM…sedih Tun..lagu tu bagii semangat tu, especially untuk orang Melayu…jarang sangat dengaq lagu tu kat RTM…TV3 lagi la…
take care Tun…
You didn’y mentioned their latest spending spree on 14 units of Mercedes Benz in the pretext of it being ‘more economical’.
Dumb as they may think we are, but simple calculations prevail.
If they choose to buy Perdana V6 @ 100,000 per unit, they will save AT LEAST RM100,000 as compared to the Mercedez Benz.
Multiply that with 14 unit and they will save RM1.4m !!
With the RM1.4m, they can utilise it renew the 14 units’ road taxes, insurance, petrol, upkeep & servicing and still have spare change left for a couple of gear box changes.
By opting those Mercedez Benz, they are sending a message to the rakyat that our Perdana is not a good choice, indirectly tarnishing Proton’s brand name.
Salam Tun,
Yes, no slightest doubt about it Tun. Now it came clear to me why Petronas paid extra money of RM6 billion to federal government.
Nak bayar hutang RM5 billion pada Teregganu rupanya.
I don’t know wheteher I can forgive Abdullah Badawi or not. I hope I will after his lost for No1 post this Disember.
if all our money going to be spent like this…
soon malaysia is going to become just like indonesia…
Salam hormat Tun.
Once again, this is very revealing. In fact, I also sense that some of the national policies or development projects that are being vigorously announced or pursued, currently or in the recent past, as been somewhat flimsy, hasty, abrupt,hazy, giving the impression of a serious absence of arduous planning and thought process …. and hence, the resultant lack of economic logic or substance …. and tending more to immediately appease the public of their present concerns i.e. reactive decisions as against long-term and strategic considerations. It certainly makes no sense at all to literally throw RM 2 billion `down the drain’ over some very visible, mostly cosmetic and `feel good’ projects in a state where the incidence of abject poverty still persist while remaining seemingly aloof and unconcern in tackling the most pressing woes of the day …. namely the price of fuel which, common sense will tell you, has the highest forward and backward economic linkages impacting almost every sector of the country. It certainly appear of a man in a hurry, effacing all your legacy and putting their own brand name but sadly without the midas touch that you possess.
Assalamualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,
Apa yang Tun tulis hari ini adalah yang selalu dibualkan oleh ramai orang terutamanya; kenapa subsidi minyak dipotong tetapi meluluskan dan menggunakan wang rakyat untuk lain-lain projek tanpa kajian.
Ini termasuklah meluluskan peruntukan untuk membenteras pendatang asing di Sabah. Dengan menangkap sahaja adalah tidak berkesan dan akan membazirkan peruntukan kewangan kerajaan sahaja. Urusan pendatang asing ini tidaklah muda kerana ia melibatkan negara berkenaan, prosesnya adalah memakan masa. Kalau dapat dihantar pulang pun mereka akan kembali juga ke Sabah. Tetapi oleh kerana isu ini telah dipolitikkan, maka kerajaan mengambil langkah ini tanpa kajian.
Kerajaan tidak sanggup lagi menambah peruntukan untuk subsidi minyak untuk rakyat malaysia, tetapi sanggup membayar untuk operasi menangkap pendatanhg tanpa izin, memberi makan dalam tahanan imigresen berbulan-bulan, menyediakan pengangkutan penghantaran pulang dan akhirnya pendatang izin akan kembali juga ke Sabah.
Kunci pendatang asing di negara ini ialah pekerjaan, aktiviti perniagaan dan penempatan. Risikonya ialah peningkatan kadar jenaya seperti kecurian dan rompakan…..Jika kerajaan dapat mengawal 4 perkara ini lambat laun mereka akan pulang ke negara asal mereka dengan rela hati.
Saya setuju dengan Tun kerajaan Pak La selalu membuat keputusan tanpa kajian.
Salam untuk Tun sekeluarga.
Good evening Tun
I agreed with your views. The current government have failed in looking after the people’s interest .Think they are only interested in talking about politics,scandals,etc. No one seem to be talking about the current bad malaysian economy,bread and butter issues ,how to improve our country competiveness. Very SAD
Sekarang Kerajaan Terengganu tak nak guna Perdana V6 lagi dan gantikan dengan Mercedez Benz. Apa komen Tun pula?
salam tun,
sepatutnye pikir rakyat boleh makan atau tidak daripada projek besar2 yg bawa keuntungan sendiri. ni ke ahli politik yg pikir kan rakyat
Assalamualaikum TDM,
We were cheated by DSAAB. What is Malaysia going to be. The projects were awarded to Patrick Badawi and KJ cronies.
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun
Komem YABhg. Tun mengenai penyalahgunaan wang dan membuat keputusan yang tidak menguntungkan negara membuktikan kelemahan pemerintahan sekarang. Kita tidak boleh bersubahat dengan mereka. SEbaliknya mencegah kemungkaran adalah kewajipan setiap muslimim dan muslimat.
Mereka perlu ingat bahawa setiap amanah perlu pertanggung jawapannya.
Semoga YABhg. Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.
Tun M:
The projects that you implemented could be dubbed as “fancy,” wasteful and unviable. Not Pak Lah’s, definitely!
Bukan Tun punya idea ka dulu Wang Ehsan tuh… Buat naya org Terengganu!!!! La nin macam mana???? Harap dapat tidoq lena lah no….
Aku fikir aku tadi yang pertama.. heiya .. takpa “the first 10 pun jadi lah”
BPR kena periksa semua tuduhan TDM ni.
Salam Tun,
Itulah Tun kalau dah tersilap pilih masa menganti inilah padahnya boleh menyebabkan rakyat sengsara dibuatnya. Projek yang dibuat sekarang langsung tidak memberi manfaat kepada rakyat dan keputusan yang dibuat pun tidak menguntongkan rakyat. Tak tahulah apa jadi dengan rakyat Malaysia disebabkan percaturan politik masa pemilihan dimana orang yang pernah belot sepatutnya Tun tidak memilih beliau dan kesilapan ini terpaksa ditangung oleh rakyat. Dalam pemilihan Tun mengantikan tempat sebagai PM inilah kesannya, biasanya manusia yang mendapat kuasa susah beliau untuk meninggalkan kuasanya kalau boleh dengan apa carapun beliau tetap mempertahankan kusa tersebut.
salam Tun,
semoga sihat selalu.
hal terengganu ni, belum masuk lagi permintaan dari sabah dan sarawak mengenai royalti minyak. Tak bagi, S&S mesti ugut nak masuk PKR. Siksanya jadi Pak Lah ni yee,
Dear Tun,
It seems that the rakyat is in a limbo and dilemma. We haven’t even recognised anything of these and there are so many opinions and say in other blogs which are so aggressively done and very influential. I sincerely hope that you have a point of action to relive or reinstate, or something so that the rakyat can work as one voice, choose the real leaders and hope for the best. As far as I can see, we are still immature in thinking and leadership and our country will probably going to the dogs if not nurtured properly.
Other than that, good effort on having your own blog but I hope you could improve more on the presentation ie with youtube, flashes and other internet gizmos to make the site more attractive and widen the exposure to the masses.
“The Government had also wasted money – RM2 billion in Terengganu. ”
Perhaps, Ganu State should change to Waje or Civic instead of buying brand new Benz C Class? it’s cheaper, but it is the real issue we discuss over here?.
Assalamualaikum wmt wbt
Dear Tun,
Betul tu Tun, Pak lah ni tak pernah consistent dgn keputusan yg NAK DIBUAT, BAKAL DIBUAT DAN AKAN DIBUAT…semua main hentam saja…hari kata lain, sat lagi dua tiga minit ubah…
Tongang langgang jadinya…tu yang terjadi…Pak Lah sepatutnya berfikir sendiri…jgn dok harap sangat pada penasihat…fikirlah masak2 sebelum buat keputusan…kalau tak pikir yg jadi kat Malaysia ni…dia tak pa la…gaji besaq….rakyat…rakyat juga yang tanggung….
Dear Tun,
You have hit the nail right on the head. The revamped Anti Corruption Agency (ACA)should investigate the RM 5 billion wang ehsan without fail on an ugent basis. I am sure whatever Tun has said thus far must be true, otherwisde Tun would have been sued by now.
My daily prayers are that we need change of the current leadership and that this becomes a reality at the soonest. Tun, you are doing an excellent job by highlighting such issues of national concern. I hope a Royal Commission is formed, after the investigation by ACA, to check on such abuses.
Cheers and best wishes from a person who truly subscribes to “CEKAP,BERSIH DAN AMANAH” principle
It is depressing to know that whoever rules has complete freedom to spend the nation’s scarce fund as they liked.We would have thought that all the institutions designed and put into place to check and balance injudicious spending would have been triggered to action.
Our politics is one of mendicancy – this applying to those who aspires to assume public office. There is a continuum beginning from public service to downright corruption. The Prime Minister is someone who hands out the ‘gula-gula.’ The more you beg the better off you are.
Integrity and public service becomes incidental.
When UMNO barred the better crop of Malays ( government servants in the senior category ) from assuming political posts and let the so called ‘businessmen’ into politics, we let loose people who trade in their soul and votes for gula-gula. And to this day the rot can not be undone.
Everybody wants to be UMNO ketua bahagian (less now – knowing very well the gula gula that comes with it..
Now comes bartering time..multiple sale of divisional votes to UMNO contenders for the highest post.
Can you imagine the damage that has been done to this country by letting loose people who make a career out of selling cawangan and divisional votes ?
Money politics is deeply ingrained and has become UMNO life itself and perhaps to live well in the future it is better to die now..
Ini murupakan salah satu pendedahan yang sememangnya jelas dan akan memberi impak yang besar buat pemerintahan di bawah Pak Lah. Itu pun sekiranya mereka mengambil berat apa yang di perkatakan.
Apa yang pasti langkah untuk mendapatkan duit itu semua sememangnya sudah lama berkubur. Malah lebih memburukkan lagi keadaan kedudukan yang terus dipegang oleh Paklah akan terus menafikan apa yang Tun lakarkan di blog ini.
Buat BN member am, UMNO khususnya yang sudi membaca, fahami dari semua sudut. Kalau tak mahu berfikir jauh, ingat lah duit dan kuasa yang dikejar seperti sudah hampir ke penhujungnya. Keruntuhan kewangan negara semakin jelas dan nyata untuk mencapai jalannya, walaupun negara ini ada dua menteri kewangan.
Apa yang saya selaku rakyat mampu faham setakat ini, duit yang di amanahkan telah di salah urus oleh pihak kerajaan Pak Lah. Dan kami rakyat tak mampu melakukan apa apa, hanya pilihan raya seterusnya menjadi penentu.
Mampu memperbaiki ekonomi sahaja bukan hanya sayarat menjadi penentu tapi mengembalikan duit yang telah disalah urus akan menjadi titik penilaian kami malah ini semua akan menjadi penghakiman Allah di akhirat kelak.
Salam Tun,
Sambil menyelam minum air. Persepsi terhadap ahli politik…
Kenapa bila jadi ahli politik, seseorang itu akan jadi kaya? Persepsi yang rakyat tak boleh terima. Seseorang yang diamanah untuk membelanjakan wang kerajaan akan terdedah kepada amalan rasuah, itu persepsinya!.
Dear Tun,
AAB has no economin sense at all. He is trigger happy when it comes to spending and gives in a lot to pressures from other states namely East.
Someone must give him a lesson on economics both micro and macro.
Dear Doctor,
Consequences of more waste and losses money due to BAD GOVERNANCE.
Without doubt the above has a negative impact on Socio-economic, political and institutional domains of the body politic of Malaysia. Its impact is not only limited to the socio-economic and political, even in terms of economic growth. However, most hold the view that more waste and losses as a species of governance failure impacts economic growth negatively.
Bad Governnance has a more distortionary impact on the economy than taxation, because of the need to keep Bad Governance by the some people in power “secret”. Efforts to lie and avoid detection and punishment cause more waste and losses to be more distortionary than taxation.
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES slows down investment and economic growth, the fact that bribery contracts are unlike regular contracts that are enforceable.
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES raises the cost of doing business. Officials may introduce certain conditions to ensure that they get bribes, through delays and unnecessary requirements.
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES discourages new ideas and innovations.
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES leads to the decline in real per capita incomes, inflation, a widening budget and balance of payment deficits, and declining official production and exports:
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES promotes inequality among firms
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES leads to a reduction in the quality of products.
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES diverts funds from investment and other production activities.
Politically, MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES leads to a loss of faith on the part of the people and thus its legitimacy and power. Political equality and democratic values are undermined.
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES strengthens bad governance, through the absence of the rule of Law, respect for human rights, no accountability, and transparency.
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES has also led to massive neglect of the social sector, which has substantially decreased the quality of human resources in Malaysia over the years. The provision of educational and health opportunities have been limited, this impacting negatively on the quality of life, labour, productivity, incomes, innovativeness, competitiveness, and poverty reduction in Malaysia.
MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES has also led to the weakness of structure and institutions crucial for better governance.
Generally speaking, MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES is a species of governance failure and can only be mitigated when Malaysian people are committed to ensure Good Governance. Existing structures and institutions such as Anti-Corruption Commissions, Police, Judiciary and etc. should be strengthened and the media Campaigns against Bad Governance intensified in Malaysia. Unless and until Malaysians are committed, MONEY – MORE WASTE AND LOSSES is the cancer that will eat up all the socio-economic and political achievements of the Malaysians and Malaysia might not see the light of day.
How to treat CANCER, Doctor?
Kemanakah hala tuju kepimpinan sekarang? Hilang ditelan oleh sikap tamak dan haloba, tidak mempedulikan harta yang diamanahkan, membazir, dan pelbagai lagi.
Adakah ini Perdana Menteri kita sekarang, iaitu Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi? Apakah contoh yang hendak disampaikan?
Dear Ayahanda Tun,
This is what we the people of Malaysia wants the ACA to come in and do a thorough investigation on Dollah,SIL and cronies. But it is really dissapointing when you see nobody CARE about it, either from the govt or from opposition on pointing out this issue. Why?
2.And it is very disturbing to see our current PM always obey to what the opposition says or demand. Why?
3.Current PM always blame the previous govt. and always agreed by the opposition parties especially DAP and keadilan. Why?
In my opinion, i think there is a MUZAKARAH between this people for the current PM to stay in power…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Tun banyak memberikan idea serta fakta yang bernas lagi positif kepada kami rakyat Malaysia. Inilah kelebihan Tun yang amat kami sanjungi walaupun Tun tidak lagi memimpin kami.
Saya baru pulang dari Jakarta dan melihat sendiri taraf kehidupan rakyatnya di sana. Jauh bezanya dengan kita di Malaysia. Apakah kita tidak menghargai kemakmuran yang telah kita kecapi selama ini. Adakah semua kemakmuran serta kedamaian ini disebabkan Pimpinan yang ada sekarang???
Tepuklah dada tanya selera!!
Semoga Tun sekeluarga diberkati Allah selalu. Aamiin…
My Dearest Tun,
Pak Lah government keep asking people to spend their money wisely. They said, the government nowadays is running out of money, so no more useless subsidy to be given to the people. But in Terengganu, the MB simply request to buy mercedes for their excos and tell unreasonable reasons to the people.
I’m really speechless by their action. Very difficult for me to defend UMNO now because of UMNO leader’s actions are unacceptable. May Allah is with you and we will support you.
YBhg Tun,
T/kasih di atas pandangan kritis Tun mengenai Wang Ehsan. Moga-moga Tun dapat terus memberi pandangan/komen yang kritis agar rakyat dapat mengetahui hal yang sebenar di sebalik segala tindakan/langkah kerajaan.
Salam ayahanda tun,
Where’s the:
Look who’s talking now about taking the proposed purchase of 14 Mercedes cars to Fed Cabinet?!
What’s the tiny millions compared to 5 billion?
Dear Tun,
The RM5 billion…that the government needs (Federal Fund)….comes from the Rakyat where else…from hard working Malaysians (who now probably eat one meal a day) through taxes and other rubbish rebates that is circulated back into the governments coffers and into…well do I have to spell it out.
AAB is also talking to PAS….and PAS telling him in not so many words go jump in the lake…I am not making this up read the papers people….what type of leader is this.
Wassalam Tun
I’m first this time…hahaha
Terengganu BN dpt time pilihanraya…tu pun menteri besar bukan org dia…perlis pun dpt..bukan org dia…5 negeri terlepas…mmg konfom bkn org dia…bkn ada org sokong dia dah la ni…So…tunggu apa lagi…turun laaa….x reti2????
Hidup TUN!!!
Salam Tun ,
The goverment is fail to plan and they actually plan to fail . Wang rakyat dibelanjakan tanpa berhemat dan bijak .
Rakyat semakin tertekan dengan Impak kenaikan harga minyak dan Kerajaan pimpinan AAB masih blurr dengan apa strategi seterusnya .
Orang orang besar mungkin tidak terkesan langsung dengan kenaikan harga minyak . Tetapi kami rakyat terbanyak tertekan dan tercekik dengan kenaikan ini.
Tindakan menaikan harga minyak adalah jalan mudah yang siapa siapa pun boleh lakukan tanpa perlu duduk dikerusi PM . Amat malang bagi rakyat Malaysia memiliki barisan kepimpinan yg tidak cukup berusaha menghurai kemelut ini.
Mungkin Tun boleh memberi sedikit petunjuk atau strategi bagaimana masalah kenaikan harga minyak ini boleh ditangani.
Terima Kasih.
Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Setelah sekian lama mengikuti tulisan Tun dan tindakan-tindakan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, yakinlah sudah saya bahawa Perdana Menteri bukanlah seorang pemimpin yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai pemimpin dan seorang pengurus yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai seorang pengurus. Dia lebih sebagai seorang caretaker.
Tidak tahulah saya hendak meletak Perdana Menteri di sebelah mana (kejayaan atau kegagalan) dengan slogannya ‘gemilang, cemerlang dan terbilang!)
Sekian, terima kasih.
Quote of the week:
“Mercedes Compressor is cheaper than Perdana V6 in the long run.”
Maybe I am the first to comment that that the federal gov. lying about wang ehsan and now they got backfired.
Bravo for another target highlighted.AAB with his cunning smile and dirty hearts has did it again.But what bother us readers here is the present MT UMNO which has been silence,dumb and considered as robot with AAB holding on to the remote control.ACA as indicated is independent now and is operational 24 hrs to remove corruption.
Tun. AAB has the executive power and made decision just as when you were the PM previously.So he is right for the time being, until he step down or being force to do so if he AAB hesitate to do so, and this case will be acted upon for him to answer.Dato Zaid Ibrahim is this not correct or are we all wrong?
That is the reason why AAB declare the 40% increase in Fuel recently which he declare will only take effect next August.AAB is trying to recover part of the loss,and also to carry on with the Penang Bridge, which is presntly running out of budget to complete.AAB now begin to realise that the Johore Bridge is priority but in order to maintain his face value still keeping it silence. remember ” Silence is not always golden, It could be guilt” is’nt it AAB.
One would wonder why AAB would need till 2010 to step down? AAB was having ample time to administered the country since in power from 2003 till presntly.Would any Malaysian believed he could make things right prior to him leaving? My answer is very straight and sincere here. AAB would and could not contribute any more.AAB is being instigated by his cronies to hold on until such time and finally leave things beyound repair for whom ever is giong to be the next PM.AAB special wording having the support of the Rakyat, is daily heard in the news and in the daily paper.Bullshit!
Even a blind Malysian could see, a deaf Malaysian could hear,A mute Malaysian could say,unfortunately our MT and Cabinet Minister could not see.hear or are dumb on all this which Tun has highlighted here.
Thanks Tun, Always be by your side for this battle to topple AAB and his cronies.Hidup Tun, Hidup Malaysia.
Salam Tun and surfers
For me,the biggest waste is the cancellation of ‘jambatan bengkok’ to replace Johore johorian,i’m totally angry with this move…its like we surrender to Singapore and we don’t care about
Johor Strait’s we know,from the time causeway has been buildin early 1900,the pollution has become totally worse because the water can’t pass through the causeway…
When Tun propose the “Jambatan Bengkok’,I’m the one who 100% support this move because:
1:Water now can pass through Johore Strait.
2:We can develop our port (Tanjung Pelepas,tanjung langsat,Pasir Gudang)successfully to compete with s’pore
3:Can minimize the traffic jam due to small capacity of causeway
4:Fisherman and ‘sea man’ around pengerang etc now can earn more money from fishing due to clean straits.
5:Symbol of Malaysia to show to s’pore that we won’t give up easily
I’m hoping that Tun will continue to talk to Johore politician to build this bridge and cancel the Iskandar Malaysia…We as johorian does not need Iskandar Malaysia..Sultan Iskandar also in the opening ceremony remind paklah at the crowd that we want Bridges!
Salam Tun…Why am i not surprised ? Do u know Tun if i were to just accidentally ” take ” RM10 from my dad’s wallet without his knowledge he would lock me out of the house.
Apologies for being a little emotional Tun but i will say this whenever i log in to leave a comment that TUN WILL AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST LEADER THAT I HAVE EVER KNOW..GOD BLESS YOU TUN AND HAVE A NICE DAY!
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda…
You are absolutely right…
Salam Tun…Why am i not surprised ? Do u know Tun if i were to just accidentally ” take ” RM10 from my dad’s wallet without his knowledge he would lock me out of the house.
Apologies for being a little emotional Tun but i will say this whenever i log in to leave a comment that TUN WILL AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST LEADER THAT I HAVE EVER KNOW..GOD BLESS YOU TUN AND HAVE A NICE DAY!
YBgh Tun Dr.M ku tersayang ….
Sudah terang lagi nyata, kerajaan abDolah amat teruk menguruskan kewangan dan nyata membazir banyak wang negara (of course ianya sedikit sebanyak wang rakyat jugak!) ….
Pembatalan projek yang boleh membawa keuntungan kepada negara (Jambatan Indah – double tracking -etc-etc )dan digantikan dengan projek haru-biru yang nampaknya MEGA SYOK SENDIRI , tentunya nampak jelas di mata rakyat dan menyakitkan hati rakyat … sehinggakan kerajaan BN semakin hari, semakin dibenci rakyat dan yang dah ada dalam parti melarikan diri , yang belum masuk parti menjauhkan diri …. inilah kepimpinan era had+hari abDolah buduwi …………………… perosak segala-galanya!
Saya dan rakan-rakan pro-Tun dalam blog ini amat-amat merindui kepimpinan Tun sewaktu masa sebelum ini, yang dihormati oleh kawan dan lawan … kepimpinan yang sukar dicari ganti … itulah Tun Dr.M 22 tahun sebagai Prime Minister Of MALAYSIA ….. and UMNO’s President …
Terima kasih Tun. Luv U Tun! Miss U Tun!
NOTA: Tak tau bila kah pulak kami akan mendapat pemimpin sebaik Tun untuk memimpin kami …. kesiannnn kat kami ……
Salam Tun,
Semoga Tun selalu dlm keadaan sihat sejahtera dan begitu juga kepada semua bloggers & readers.
Salam to Tun,
Maybe Tun can elaborate further on this losses in the next blog. Probably a slightly detail view on this will help readers understand the full picture of what is going on.
If the losses was caused due to incompetency in handling state matters by the current governement, then somebody has to be blamed fully for this. Giving money away to shut down issues or problem is not the best solution to any problem. They will ask for more! It must be dealt with accordingly with proper negotiation to achieve a better mutual agreement not necessarily in monetary value.
However, in my humble opinion, if this loss contribute to the development and improvement of the local people in terms of the socio-economy, then we also have to know how much really the people can get the benefit. Otherwise, as Tun said, it’ll be another spending spree and only certain people will enjoy it. If this is what happen, then obviously the current government made a huge mistake!
If there is evidence to reveal mismanagement in distributing the fund, the people have all the right to know. And, ACA has to come into picture to investigate. The big question is, they can do that? Or they are not allowed to?
For whatever the amount of money spent by the government, it must have return that help the people back in return. They are still too many people that need monetary help for e.g. the poor, the sick and etc.
Tun, any proposal to avoid this kind of waste or losses? Is it a brain issue? Ignorance? Or pure ego?
Assalamualaikum Tun dan semua pembaca,
Dalam hal Terengganu ini, pada pandangan saya Tun yang patut dipersalahkan. Sebab Royalti minyak ini sebenarnya ditukar menjadi Wang Ehsan pada zaman pemerintahan Tun.
Sebab Tun dah sediakan lombong utk mereka mereka yang tak bertanggungjawab(Lah & kroni) utk mengaut keuntungan.Mungkin niat atau maksud asal Tun baik, tp macam nii lah yg jadi bila pengagihan dana utk kebaikan rakyat diletakkan pada tempat yg tak betul.
Saya mohon maaf sekiranya pandangan saya ini salah.
saya telah melakukan tinjauan ringkas kepada “orang2 lama” di Johor dengan bertanya samada mereka membantah pembinaan “jambatan Bengkok”.
hasilnya, tidak pernah sesekali pun ada di antara mereka yang membantah cadagan tersebut. saya tertanya tanya, macamana lah pak Lah boleh kata yang 60% rakyat Johor membantah pembinaan Jambatan tersebut..haii.
Dear Tun,
How about this Merc E200 K Deal? Why is this tamed MB wasting money now?
Shiok Guy
yang saya sayangi,
dah tak larat dengar dah….dengan masalah Pak Lah ni..
dah naik bengngan otak dah…
dah tak sabar dah ni…
AKU TAK SABAR ingin cepat cepat kaya
AKU TAK SABAR ingin cepat melihat kemakmuran bangsa ini
AKU TAK SABAR ingin segera melihat bukti dari janji pemimpinnya
AKU TAK SABAR ingin pertama sampai ditempat tujuan
AKU TAK SABAR ingin terdepan dalam barisan
AKU TAK SABAR ingin menjadi pemimpin
AKU TAK SABAR ingin memiliki kekuasaan
AKU TAK SABAR ingin masuk dewan, LALU nanti TAK SABAR lagi berebut keluar
Bila rasa sabar sudah tiada
Maka kecewalah yang berkuasa
Ada jarak yang harus ditempuh
Ada waktu yang harus dilalui
Sebelum saatnya tiba
Upaya yang kita jalankan
AKU TAK SABAR ingin Pak Lah turun
AKU TAK SABAR ingin kes Anuar selesai
AKU TAK SABAR ingin TUN kembali
Lalu mengapa kita harus BERSABAR…
Salam perjuangan
Salams YABhg. Tun,
What has been decided and done by the current Government, be it the National Gov or the Terengganu State Gov was unhealthy. Just imagine, Perdana V6 cars used by the excos were condemned and to be changed with Merc. A stupid idea given at the wrong time and the wrong forum. I guess,be it Idris or Ahmad Said, both of them have no brain to think.
Wang Ehsan should be used for the Rakyat’s benefit and the Rakyat should decide on what purpose should the money goes to. Although Terengganu is the richest state in Malaysia because of its petroleum/gas industry, the Rakyat did not even got the chance to enjoy the God’s given wealth. My question, how many of the Terengganu people got at least RM10 per head from the State Government derived from this Wang Ehsan??? The simple answer = 0 !!!!
my 2cents
Itu lah Tun .. orang kalau dah beruang ni memang lupa daratan. Tak ingat langsung rakyat tengah susah ni .. dia nak sedap sajaaaa..
Salam Tun dan ahli blogger,
Kita sudah pun mendengar atau membaca berhubung dengan pembaziran wang rakyat oleh kerajaan Terengganu ketika di bawah pimpinan Idris Jusoh dahulu. Kenyataan Tun ini telah melengkapkan serta membenarkan apa yang telah di perkatakan dahulu. Ini benar2 satu pembaziran yang sangat ketara. Mereka tidak amanah kepada rakyat. Pemimpin2 ini barangkali boleh terlepas dari hukuman dunia tetapi tidak mungkin terlepas dari mahkamah Allah nanti.
Hehehehe i’m the First 1st yes…yes…yes.
Concerning the Ahmad Said purchasing the Mercedes Benz issue. State Government said fund allocated was not from the Royalty Money.
Guess what, the Terengganu exco members and the SUKs has already used the Mercedes Benz car!, I’ve seen it yesterday (21/07/08) its in their offices compound. (My friends and Tun supporters pls check in Terengganu)
Tun, patut ke mamat MB tu kata, Proton Perdana maintenance mahal dari pada Mercedes Benz….obviously its a “crap”. Orang kampung dekat hulu bolehlah dia karut.
Saya leni duk pakai Mercedes Benz serupa E200 Kompressor, saya hantar pi Cycle Carriage for service, minimum RM1,000.00. Dah tentu EON Service Centre or Proton Edar Services ada bagi “Government Price” discount, semestinya murah dari MB.
I think, some guy in Kemaman town making good commission out of it.
Twelve years ago, i bring my family for a holiday in Kuala terengganu. Since then i had never been to Kuala terengganu. But after twelve years, i was invited to give a talk in Kuala Terengganu last february. But since i travel by plane, i just went back to kuala lumpur immediately after i finished my talked organised by the State Religious Authority. I only saw developments along the way from Kuala terenganu to the airport. But last Mei i was again invited to give a talk at Kuala Terengganu. This time i choose to drive with my family because i wanted to see how Terengganu had developt. But to my suprise what i saw is the same as what i saw tweleve years ago. Tun is true…the billions spend seems not to benefit the terengganu’s, which still fizically looks poor to me. What a pity!?
Salam Tun serta Keluarga,
Kalau macam tu punya banyak duit, patutlah MB dia joly beli Mercedes. Tak salah kot.
Hidup Tun!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
May Allah Bless you as always.
yes me first ke
Dear Tun,
Sorry, it’s me again, this is very disturbing, they are morons! How could UMNO insiders take all of this??? Is it possible for him to corrupt the entire ‘Majlis Tertinggi’ people??? Are there any decent UMNO members left???
Sickening, downright sickening!
Mr.Mahathir, I totally agree with you on this. I don’t know what more damage they will continue to do. I pity is on the RAKYAT. Rakyat ternganga tak tahu nak buat macam mana. And i share your sadness Mahathir.
I urge you to support the change of goverment. Like what you said before. UMNO is screwed up. It is terrorized. Nothing can be done any more. With all the big buaya darat/buaya parliement around. We’re damn to doom is they are always in power. The way I see it, the only logical way and the only right way to rectify the problems that malaysia is facing now is to change government. In a company, the management will be sacked if they screwed up. Same thing applies to a country. There is no cure for our government.
Tun, again I urge you to give your full support to change the government. It is time for you to make history.
kira pak lah dah salah buat plan lah ni…
sekarang puas lah nak cari..tebus balik.
Sebab tu nak cuba ambil alih kuasa Petronas pulak.
Pandai juga pak lah ni…PANDAI CILOK.
Dear Tun,
Why or why Pak Lah is so delusional. Still thinking that he can salvage the country after almost bankrupting it by being stupid. Memang keretapi lambat betul.
Dah lah tu. Please step down. The job is just to big for him to handle. Like ayah Nemo cakap kat Nemo, ” you think you can do these things, but you can’t” In Nemo’s case actually he can. But not Pak Lah. Pleaselah step down. For the sake of the future generation.
Malaysia’s reputation overseas is deteriorating fast by the minute. Economic prospects? Nothing to look forward for. Kalau macam ni, jadi macam Phillipines/Sri Lanka/Myanmar – at one time, economic powerhouse ex-Japan, fast forward 40 years, look at them now, and we are heading the same direction, if nothing is being done now.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
Semoga sihat sentiasa. Terima kasih di atas ilmu yang diberikan saban hari. Untuk isu kali ini, satu saja yang ingin saya komen. Di Terengganu sama saja. Ketua perompak digantikan dengan ketua penyamun. Sama saja hasilnya. Baru memerintah 100 hari dah beli 43 buah Mercedes E200.
Salam hormat.
Cucu Tok Selampit.
Saya sokong TDM…..
Memang Kerajaan sekarang langsung tak boleh harap….
Kami sebagai rakyat hanya boleh memaki hamun paklah n seangkatan dgn dia…..Dia(Paklah)tetap merasakan yang rakyat masih sokong dia..tak faham betul………
Kami yang kerja swasta ni lagi tehimpit dan tersepit….apa yang kerajaan perjuangkan untuk kami???….zero….
Bagi saya orang yang bersunguh2 minta TDM letak jawatan dulu adalah orang yang paling menyesal dalam dunia ni….
Mereka ingat mereka lebih pandai, lebih bernas dan segala-galanya lebih bagus daripada Tun. Tengok sekarang apa dah terjadi. Malaysia sudah jadi kelam kabut. Nak kata saya Malaysian pun dah malu.
Tak ada sesiapun yang boleh memerintah dan membangunkan Malaysia sepertimana Tun kerana Tun bukanlah seorang yang hipokrit dan apa yang Tun buat segalanya untuk kebaikan rakyat dan negara. Tun will fight to the end for what’s best and right for the people and country. (Those were the days that actually makes us proud to be Malaysian) Bukan macam pemimpin sekarang dan wannabe pemimpin yang langsung no idea how to govern the country and people because all they can think is themself. Sebab tulah mereka selalu buat keputusan yang selalu merugikan negara dan rakyat but benefit only to them. So fed-up with current Malaysia’s politics. ARGH…….. BOSAN………
salam Tun
You are correct and i am totally agree with you.
All the best and take care always coz malaysian still need you to act on our behalf.
dear Tun,
wonder why Tuanku Sultan beria2 taknak si deris jadi MB tganu.and juga tak suka dengan pembinaan ‘masjid kristal’.idea masjid kristal sudah bagus,tp cara nya saja sy fikir salah.daripada penggunaan wang ehsan dan juga berlebih2an dalam pembinaan masjid seperti mau menunjuk2..itu kan bidaah namanya.itu ka yg ada dalam rukun islam hadhari.saya sedih tengok rakyat menderita disebabkan sikap tamak pemimpin dan kepincangan kerajaan di bawah tok dolah.
semoga Allah menunjukkan kita semua jalan yg benar.amiin.
assalamualaikum tun and malaysian citizen…
am worried now adays y too many high ranking politician failed to used the gov fund properly which by mean of course our ‘rakyat’ fund.they been easily took decision that clearly mismanage the money and also easily saying that ‘the Menteri Besar insisted that what was spent before this in building the theme park, organising the Monsoon Cup etc worth about RM 2 billion was not from the royalty due to Terengganu. It was from Federal fund’. i donno how the politician being selected in political party by mean their critirea or their mindset.if one person is suit by critirea (eg highly educated such as kj) but has really damn bad mindset which can ruin our country but stil,he manage to become one of top figure in his party and now he alredy bcome mp.and i hate to accept those things which in reality it happen.other wise like paklah he stil on his post eventhou he clearly alredi failed his job as the num 1 person in msia…
lastly i wish sum1 dat really can manage our country properly without failed and bullshiting evry1 like our country man which is u of cos or we just easily giv a damn try to mr sodomy aka dsai.
who know he can do better?(but i dont tink so…2*5)hehe…
Assalamulaikum Tun,
That’s Trengganu…the richest state in Malaysia. Too bad, citizens of the state have been robbed by few jokers from outside of the state with the help of someone from inside. Thought Idris was idiotic, the current MB has started showing his dumbness….starting with the order of 14 Merc E200 to replace existing fleets of Proton V6 Exec. His reason – long term maintenance benefits and that the V6 are problem prone. My question – why not going for Accord or Camry then. They still can call you unpatriotic, but still at least you could argue on upfront costs and long term benefits.
hah.. kerajaan PM Dollah memang TAHU
belanja yang bukan2…
ni bikin rakyat marah nih..
tambah lagi nk pakai mercedes pulak..
tuh CM Sarawak pakai Roll Royce..
DYMM Agong pakai Bentley..
Tun guna keta ape lak..
(marah nih…)
keep on blogging Tun..
Dear Tun,
Isn’t there anybody well versed in economics working in the JPM? I’m surprised TS Nor Mohamed is not advising the PM in managing the country well economically.
Thank you Tun and God bless.
Dear Tun,
Outrageous, to say the least!
Salam Tun. Semoga sehat sentiasa dan di lindungi ALLAH SWT. Amin.
Itu lah satu lagi bukti salah guna kuasa dan pembaziran wang negara dan rakyat oleh kerajaan si Badutlah.
Ini semua pasai si Badutlah dengak penasihat2 dua kupang nya. Dah tentulah ada yang terlibat dalam projek ni,masyuk…..Saya pasti…..ada unsur rasuah dan salah laku induvidu2 tertentu dalam kes sebegini. Saya mengharapkan BPR menyiasat kes2 ini dan jangan melindungi mereka2 ini yang telah menjadi makhlok perosak. Kita tak mahu genarasi akan datang meniru perilaku orang2 yang hanya pentingkan poket sendiri. Rakyat jelata terus di himpit kepayahan.
Dalam kes2 ini memang kita boleh nampak jelas apa yang sedang berlaku. Projek yang Tun rancangkan walaupun dah berjalan dan ada yang dah hampir siap, tiba2 dihentikan dan sekarang disambung semula .Tukar kontraktor lain.Di tambah lagi kos.Apa ni semua?
Oh…Ni lah yang dikata kreatif management atau kreatif financial system kerajaan si Badutlah cuba terapkan dalam urus tadbir negara.Alamat nya Malaysia akan bankrap sebelum 2010 dan DSNTR atau sesiapa yang akan jadi PM selepas tu apa lagi tutup kedai la…..
Kalau Pak Sheikh tu berjaya ambik aleh….tak masaalah, dia leh terus jumpa kawan2 dia kat Amerika mintak tolong…….Faham2 la apa akan jadi negara lepeh tu…. Baru la padan kita semua. Nasihat Tun tak nak dengak. Si Badutlah dan anak menhantu dia dah kaya raya .Depa tak kesah. Depa boleh berhijrah ke Italy ka, Turki ka tak dak masaalah. Kita lah yang dah miskin ni la akan jadi pencacai
penjajah semula…..
Harap kan pagak, pagak makan padi.(poket penuh berisi)
Harapkan sokong, sokong bawak rebah.( demam tak kebah2 rakyat menyumpah)
Renung2kan lah……
p/s. Pada yang menolak kebenaran yang Tun tulis disini nak bagi tau awai2, Cermin2 lah muka sendiri sebelum nak berhujah dengan Tun . Hangpa selalu potong stim la bila mencelah….Pi lah buat blog sendiri….
Tun, dont stoop down to this level of blogging … we have many of this kind already.
a lot of bloggers nowadays are ‘exposing’ all these ‘facts’ for the sake of rakyat. If you are tired of the govt, i am tired of bloggers who just wanna point mistakes and ‘tell’ others what to do.
Let’s be fair Tun and help us build this nation.
Tun yg dihormati,
Apakah pandangan Tun terhadap kenyataan MB terengganu yg merendah-rendahkan tahap kualiti kereta nasional kita……..tq.
Salam Sihat kepada Tun dan sekeluarga,
A lot of people have been hearing about this case even before the election however what can all rakyat do about it? No prove, no facts…no idea who is actually behind all these but just listen to comments here and there specially from opposition.
Shall ACA look into this? Why not if the comments have basis? If Malaysia are to prove to the world that we are indeed serious in fighthing corruption then ACA should probe the case. Anyway, comment is just comment unless proven is true.
Rakyat jelita facing inflation and higher leaving cost but Terrenganu Aduns can change to the better high-class car!!! apalah….
dear lovely TUN,
Could you explain your past action in 2000 or 2001 ( i’m not remember the year) by terminate the Royalti payment to Trengganu’s state government and replaced by Wang Ehsan? Most of the political community just now ( UMNO and Opposition ) seem “agreed” that was your foult and blame your action.. they called that decision as
“zalim”. So, what your opinion about that allegation. and, one more thing, what the hidden reason behind the decision. As we know, most of your decisions very smart and people finally will agree with you though they initially fought your idea..
Thanx TUN..
Hidup Tun 😉
Salam Tun …
One wonders if the issue of Terengganu Government buying of the Mercedes is orchestrated by unsatisfied people ?
Anyway , kudos to the Sultan , for the right moves . Sometimes , interference is needed . Its like a slapping to the very degil tak sedar diri child . Thank you Tuanku . Daulat .
Lets see now … RM5bill to keep Terengganu quiet , RM1bill to Sabah , Rm5bill for rebate … wat a “CLEAN” government were having .
Tun , my voting Blog results todate – people wants u to lead back the government .
Regards .
Love u Tun!
mewahnya orang-orang atasan ni. kesian rakyat yang merana menanggung expenses mereka & keluarga mereka..
Salam lagi Tun yang saya sanjung,
Mengapalah seorang MENTERI BESAR memberikan maklumat yang sungguh tidak masuk akal berkenaan kereta Proton Perdana V6 Executive… Sungguh lemah pemikirannya terhadap tahap pemikiran rakyat jelata sekarang… Jangan cuba nak memperbodoh2kan rakyat dengan langkah tidak popular membeli Mercedes E200 Komp tu… kerana kelak beliau jugak dipandang bodoh oleh Rakyat…
Apa pendapat Tun?
Dear Tun ,
Old or New Menteri Besar ….. 2 x 5 . Good on wasteful spending but who is the bigger spender ? Only time will tell.
Dear Tun,
I’m really get shock with your statement..How would they dare to do that…They are really weak..Should get your it??
I am tired with the problems. I think all of us already know that we have a very not efficient and not so brilliant government. My concern as a rakyat is what can us do to rectify the problems? The election has just over. Please provide guide for us. Thank you very much.
Salam Tun,
Membazir sahaja…bg sy, projek itu ada manfaatnya, tetapi, yg dipertikaikan ialah dari mana duit itu datang…
Y Bhg Tun,
Am I right to write the politics in the South East Asian region is somehow linked to cronyism capitalist? Is this a good practice in the part of the world, i.e. to practice this ideology in a free democratic nation?
The trace of democracy that has links to cronyism is evidence in Thailand, somehow a lot in Indonesia and Philippine, and a small dotting note in Singapore.
We know a lot of abuses on cronyism capitalist ideology, but of course, if properly drawn up the ideology can somehow provide greater economic growth, and is especially true in this part of a region.
Thanks YBhg Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun
Saya sokong pandangan Tun. Kerajaan sekarang sangat pandai membuat pembaziran dan kebanyakan tindakan yang diambil tidak dikaji baik dan buruknya. Keputusan yang diambil lebih kepada tindakan terburu2 tanpa mengenalpasti kesan yang bakal dihadapi.
Saya b’harap, Tun akan terus memberikan pandangan dalam blog ini agar pihak kerajaan sekarang sedar kelemahan2 yang dihadapi mereka.
Apa salahnya mengambil pandangan Tun sebagai panduan dalam membuat sesuatu keputusan.
I really like your ideas, but only ideas without practice is no point here. Why not you advise DS Najib in all the issues once he be the PM or you make a comeback as Malaysia PM-6. Why not?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Just because Terengganu is the richest state in Malaysia, does it give the right to the Menteri Besar and all the excos to spend money on buying the Mercedes? Nampaknya calon pilihan sultan pun gelap mata bila dah dapat kuasa dan duit berjuta…
Macam manalah kami rakyat biasa ni tk meluat dgn pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO sekarang ni? dari PM sampai ke pemimpin negeri dok pakat perabih duit rakyat..geram Tun
Dont worry tun, our country have the money… let them spend…
and history will repeat again..
Dear Tun Doctor Mahatir
To err is human ,to forgive is divine.The government must learn
lessons and rectify the problems.The government should listen to
good advises also.Conflict between leaders should be avoided ,
so that we can tackle the economic problem that we are facing.”PELANDUK SANGAT TAKUT GAJAH SAMA GAJAH BERLAWAN”
Allow me to deviates from this topic, do Tun think the
implementation of barter trade can serve to offset the influence of
American Dollars, to minimize influence due to speculation on oil
price. I think Tun you are still active , perhap you can have talks
with influential leaders of other countries on the possibility of
implementing barter trade for the benefits of Malaysia and Third World countries
Actually I wanted to bring out this issue in relation to your
article “Malaysia in turmoil” earlier but I had forgotten.
Assalamualikum Tun,
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya saya yang pertama comment di topik ini.
Saya perhatikan bahawa wawasan 2020 yang pernah menjadi suatu visi yang sepatutnya dapat direalisasikan oleh Malaysia, telah menjadi pudar dan seakan-akan hanya sekadar ‘Angan-angan Mat Jenin’.
Sungguh sedih rasanya apabila PM kita yang sekarang ini sudah membatalkan telalu banyak MEGA project yang sebenarnya akan menjana pendapatan dan ekonomi negara dengan lebih efektif (atau lebih senang menyatakan bahawa kita menabur pasir dalam periuk nasi kita sendiri).
Semenjak tahun 2004 iaitu era Pak Lah, pembatalan projek MEGA secara mengejut dan tindakan serta keputusan yang tidak munasabah seperti:
1)Pembatalan Monorel di Putrajaya
2)Kenyataan Perdana Menteri Mengenai Hukuman gantung sampai mati kepada Saddam Hussein.
3)Isu murtad Lina Joy.
4)Pembatalan Landasan Keretapi Berkembar.
5)Pembatalan Jambatan Bengkok atau ‘Link 2’ ke Singapura bagi menggantikan tambak Johor dan mengkomersialkan pelabuhan kita di Johor.
6)Penjualan MV Agusta sebanyak 1 Euro kepada sebuah syarikat Itali.
7)Perancangan membentuk koridor yang tidak nampak lagi permulaan serta inisiatifnya.
8)Kegagalan kerajaan Malaysia mempertahankan Kedaulatan Pulau Batu Putih menjadi Hak Malaysia.
9) Pembelian 14 buah Kereta Mercedes oleh Kerajaan Negeri Terrenganu bagi menggantikan penggunaan Proton Perdana V6 Executive.
dan banyak lagi.
Saya dengan ini mencadangkan serta betul berharap agar mengambil kira situasi semasa ini, agar Tun dapat merangka, memberitahu atau mencadangkan satu cara atau pelan tindakan cepat supaya dapat merealisasikan wawasan 2020.
Atau, jika bagi pihak Tun ia sudah tidak lagi relevan kerana terlampau banyak projek MEGA diberhentikan dan amat mustahil pada tahun 2020 Malaysia menjadi negara yang maju, maka adakah wujud pelan lain yang sesuai diadaptasi agar Malaysia tetap akan menjadi negara maju dan dihormati oleh semua negara didunia terutamanya kepada seluruh umat Islam di dunia?
Saya berharap agar Tun mengemukakan satu topik dalam blog ini ( berkenaan dengan pelan tindakan yang perlu diambil serius untuk menangani masalah semasa ini bukan sahaja kepada Kerajaan Malaysia, malah kepada semua rakyat jelata agar dapat merealisasikan Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara maju dari segi Sains dan Teknologi dan juga dari segi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara.
Sekian sahaja Tun. Saya amat berharap agar Tun dapat mempertimbangkan pendapat dan cadangan saya ini.
Terima Kasih.
Yang benar,
(Rakyat Malaysia)
Salam Tun..
Tak tahulah apa nak jadi lepas nie….
Salam Tun,
All that we can do is to pray that ALLAH will save us..Malaysia, Malaysian…from this reckless PEMIMPIN HAD-HARI
Ternyata hari ini kerajaan telah menampakkan satu lagi kessilapan terbesar dengan menggunakan duik rakyat.
Saya yakin apabila Agung menolak DS Idris Jusoh pasti ada sebabnya.
Tidak kmungkin tiada sebab Agung murka kepada MB negerinya sendiri.
Dan seperti yang TUN janjikan pada salah satu artikel yang lepas, TUN telah membuka isu WANG EHSAN kerajaan negeri Teerengganu yang disalahgunakan kerajaan negeri.
Walaupun Masjid Kristal adalah perbelanjaan dari kerajaan Persekutuan hakikatnya sejak Pak Lah memerintah amat sedikit projek yang nampak di mata rakyat.
Bayangkan perbelanjaan RMK-9 adalah RM 200 billion, minta tambahan pulak RM 30 billion, tapi tak nampak pun pembangunan tambahan bayaran Petronas untuk tahun ini:
“Petronas’ contribution to Government revenue is so big…”
Setelah mendapat bayaran RM 61 billion dari Petronas, kerajaan sepatutnya bertindak mengurangkan harga minyak semula. Bayangkan semenjak 1970-an Petronas telah membayar cukai berjumlah lebih RM 400 billion. Lebih daripada RM 200 billion(setengah jumlah cukai Petronas) diterima kerajaan Pak Lah yang memimpin dari tahun 2003-sekarang. Jika kerajaan sekarang betul-betul berniat membantu rakyat hasil tersebut patut digunakan membantu rakyat.
Sebenarnya pendapatan kerajaan adalah lebih daripada cukup untuk membantu semua rakyat di samping melaksanakan perbelanjaan bagi projek pembangunan. Tetapi sehingga ke hari ini kita tidak dapat melihat satu pun projek mega yang siap dan dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar dari pimpinan kerajaan Pak Lah. Hanya dalam sebutan sahaja projek sana sini, koridor sana-sini. Tapi satu pun tidak dibangunkan lagi.
Ke mana perginya duit cukai dibayar Petronas yang berbilion-billion?
What a waste of public money is this????
To all Malaysian, wake-up!!!
We’ve been fooled by gov & suffering bcoz of their decison!!!
Full support for our beloved TDM..
Continue your writing Tun!!:)
Frankly speaking, we should proud of being malaysian. because malaysia have lot of resources>> natural gas, petroleum, rubber, palm oil, rice,timber..etc. which in turn bring lot of income to country.
So, by right, it can says that Malaysia have billion or trillion of ringgit in our economy, be it in development, country reserve,or for subsidy.Tun, correct me if i am wrong?..since Tun had been in power for nearly 20 years, sure Tun know how much huge fund our country are having.
But, it is sad to see that malaysian is struggling for living, low income, depend on subsidy, no competitive power to neighbouring country as singapore, because the government is not use the fund wisely, and implementing the policies / develop project with the vission to foreseen future need. fr example : to built the LRT network, with the huge fund we are having now, it should be extended to other state also and NOT only the KL area.Congestion in other town area likes Kuching, penang, JB also getting worse. with the increasing of petrol price, it will add more burden to rakyat>>because car is the only convenient option in malaysia.If the government is not willing to the the money now for the infrastructure of the LRT network in others toen area, then, i believe when our oil resource finish in few year time, we will have to import it from neighbouring country, maybe from, singapore,with higher price as the water now we are buying from them.
We should eliminate those rasuah/ building unnecessary structure using the federal fund, this will only benefit certain people.
those luxury contracts only pour tons of money to the certain people hhaving connection with the authority, so the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.
Salam Tun,
Kebanyakan pemimpin terutamanya Pak Lah mula kerja dengan baik tetapi bila wang yang banyak di depan mata, maka habis semua dah lupa diri. Agaknya mungkinkah selepas ini begitu juga…..?
Tun, teruskan menulis.Your blog is so popular.Baru nak masuk 3 bulan tapi dah knock out beberapa blog yang famous sebelum ini. Sesungguhnya mata pena lebih tajam dari pedang yang menghunus .
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Dah tak tau apa nak kata dah. Doa saya semoga Allah selamat kan Malaysia! itu aja.!
Tak bolehkah Tun Masuk Balik UMNO, lepas tu bertanding balik Jadi PM!. Tak pun cadanglah sapa2 yg Tun rasa boleh ganti temapat Tun dulu. Tapi jangan silap pilih org macam Pak Lah lagi… nyaya! kita….!!!
Jaga Diri Tun.
Salam sejahtera Tun dan keluarga yang dikasihi,
Rupa-rupanya inilah wajah Islam anutan orang Melayu yang sebenarnya,DENGKI KIANAT.Kononnya kitalah umat terbaik,syurga milik kita,ulamak kononnya.Kita menolak kebijaksanaan,kita suka menjadi orang yang menggagalkan sesuatu,merosakkan majlis.Jika ada yang memberi pandangan yang bernas dan sederhana kita akan capkan seseorang itu sebagai tidak Islamik.Sepatutnya kita menjadi contoh kepada kaum lain di bumi ini dengan kurangnya sifat dengki kianat,pengurusan yang cekap,tidak gelojoh dengan pembelian Merz,semangat sayangkan bangsa dan negara.Tetapi apa yang asyik kita ketengahkan kepada rakyat ialah ketidaktentuan arah dalam mengurustadbir negara.Tun dibenci kerana kejayaannya.Lebih baik dibenci kerana melakukan kebaikan.Apa hebatnya ulamak yang masih tak sedar ‘ilmu hisab’ mudah, “mangsa rogol perlu mengemukakan empat orang saksi yang warak-warak belaka.”Tahniah Pak Lah, teruskanlah menjadi PM selama-lamanya,anda adalah pemimpin yang paling tepat memimpin penganut-penganut fekah ini.
Tun M:
You keep on finding fault with Pak Lah’s Administration! You are a compulsive/habitual hypercritic! What about the billions of Ringgit you splurged on mega projects which are regarded as white elephants? You handpicked companies for the privatized projects, without proper assessment and open tenders? This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black! What a shame, what a hypocrisy, Tun the mahagreat!
Dear Tun,
It is about thinking for the future. You can even make gold mosque instead of crystal one but the objective must be very clear and what benefit that we can gain from there. Looks that what they did is just to benefit them only. What a short sighted leaderships are there and must be they thought other people are stupid to accept everything.
Their ad hoc, fire fighting and populist style of management must be put to “THE END”.
Yesterday Pok Lah mentioned that grassroots are happy with his transition package. Another wayang kulit from him. His name will be remembered forever in our history for what he did to the Malays & for his success to kill UMNO.
Regards to you TDM. I salute you
YB tun..kenapa pak lah tak nak sedar2… hancur kalau terus-terusan mcm nih…
Salam Tun,
This is what will happens when someone with lack of knowledge(dumb) becoming a leader.
we must stop him before 2 years.
Tun, amik galah tolong jolokkan paklah. 😉
salam TDrM,
semoga hidup kita diberkati & diredhai Allah.
TunjukilahKamiJalanYangLurus 1:6
Dear TDM
When do you think somebody with the concrete evidence and documents could come out and report the wrongdoings thaqt you mentioned to the DYYYM Yg Dipertuan Agong and Sultans, Police and ACA on the above matter? Who will it be? Is he / she will do it this year? I hope not June 2010.
We know something fishy going on but no proof to say that they are wrong.
Thank you.
Salam Tun,
Saya kongsi perasan Tun yang tentu amat kecewa dengan pentadbiran semasa kerajaan Malaysia. Saya tambah kecewa dengan sikap sebilangan individu yang ingin mempertahankan kredibiliti pentadbiran dengan alasan-alasan yang tidak boleh di terima akal yang waras.
Saya juga sangsi dengan tindakan kerajaan dengan polisi dan dasar yang tidak ada arah tuju.
Kalau dengan pentadbiran yang sebegini kita bawa ke gelangang ekonomi antarabangsa, sudah tentu negara dan tanahair tercinta ini akan lemah dan hancur sama sekali.
Saya kesal dengan golongan bijak pandai yang meninggalkan tanahair untuk bekerja atau berniaga. Tinggalkan tanahair waktu negara sedang nazak, dan hanya akan pulang apabila semuanya kembali baik dan ceria. Sekarang baru kita tahu siapa lawan dan siapa pula kawan. Saya hormati tindakan Tun untuk terus bersuara walaupun sebenarnya Tun sudah tidak perlu lagi berbuat demikian. Sekiranya Tun masih berdaya, teruskan lah. Saya akan terus memberikan sokongan moral walaupun secara tidak langsung.
Kita mesti cekal dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam usaha kita.
Apa kata Tun masuk PAS.
dengan platform yang sedia ada, kita ganyang UMNO di bawah kepimpinan manusia lemah!
Berapa keuntungan PETRONAS 2008 !
pak lah tak tahu nak menguruskan negara dgn baik, seharusnya beliau menerima pandangan tun utk tidak membebankan rakyat apabila ekonomi dunia dilanda pelbagai krisis, pak lah sedia maklum bahawa tun sangat bijak dalam merancang pembangunan,menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi dan dalam segala hal yg lain.sudah semestinya seorang pm menghalusi setiap keputusan para menterinya, ini kerana para menteri sekarang sewenang2 membut keputusan, tidak seperti pemerintahan tun, tun memastikan para menteri tidak membelakangi ketua, setiap keputusan diperhalusi sebaik2nya.semoga pak lah berjalan tunduk kebumi juga, kerana kalau terseradung jatuh tersungkur, semoga tun sentiasa menjadi puncak pohon cemara, kerana kami tahu pemikiran kami tidak sehebat tun.
Salams TUN,
Yes, Yes, very unwitty…
Sad that the country is slowly coming down from its glory…
Worse when now the economy is falling and alot of investors are looking at way out..
This is because of the current leaders.. now governing has got (0) ziloo reputation..
Only known as a flip flop decision maker.. Unstable politics in country.. VERY bad for economy..
Laughing stock of the Region.. and world as we know it..
Thats how the cookie crumbles.. Malaysia.. Insight very not certain..
Well TUN,
Hope you are well.. well.. happy and jolly..!!
I pray for the people and your good health..
Salam perjuangan,
Alif Ba Ta.
diaorang cop duit..nak buat mcm mana.
Assalammualaikum Tun,
1. Due to Mr Flip Flop stupidity or ignaronce, he had allowed himself to be manupilated by KJ. He himself obviously is out to make as much money as possible.
2. Since Mr Flip Flop become PM, he had openly accumulated wealth through useless project such as “monsoon cup”, all the “economic corridors”, Rapid and other more various project that cooked up by KJ and cronies
3. The weak PM had allowed our Malay tradition look like a fool when no action was taken against those who disrespect Malay custom, religion and Sultans
4. The weak PM also had successfully allowed “Mr Bontot” Anwar to create “disunity” and havoc in the country
5. The weak PM is still in “fantasy” about the grassroot feeling against him.
6. I think I know where he will get the RM5 Billion to pay T’ganu, he will get the fund from the money save on petrol subsidy. We are the one whoe are paying for it!
7. Why not the Agong see that there are real threat to our national security and invoke “emergency ordinance”? It is very clear that the weak PM have no control of the country and successfully driving the nation to the ground.
8. Tun has “left” UMNO under protest, Agong and the other Malay Sultan, UMNO grassroot voice are not heard by the Bahagian, So who will save our great nation from disaster?
9. Are the leaders or Agong want to wait untill the rakyat suffer before they take action?
10. We can be proud to say that we blog about the truth but what effect does this do? I will organise and willing to finance a mass gathering at Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam if there are real people who really want to change the situation or are we to coward to expose ourselves and hide behind a computer screen?
End – Aku Pening
Salam Tun,
Hmm.. Patutla MB baru senyum je kuar 3-4 juta just nk beli merc baru. Dia nk bgtau DSAAB yg dia pun pandai bazirkan duit jugak… hehe..
Hi tun,
Am i the first ? Wow ..masih tak percaya!!
saya rasa, malaysia dah tak ada pemimpin. Kita hanya ada business man. Tapi business man yang tak pandai berniaga…dan mereka meniagakan nasib rakyat…
aduihhh….siapa lah yang bangang sangat pilih diaorang tuu
Salam Tun,
Semoga Tun dan keluarga sihat selalu….
Saya harap Tun dapat memberi komen serta teguran yang membina demi untuk agama, bangsa dan tanah air kita yang tercinta.
Kepada para pemimpin, ambil lah nasihat dan iktibar daripada apa yang Tun perkatakan, dan jadikan lah panduan dalam memimpin dan memikul amanah yang diberikan oleh rakyat jelata….
Salam Tun….
The rich becomes richer. The poor becomes poorer.
I guess you really haven’t trained anyone in your cabinet to take over the country Tun. Blunders in each and every level.
Putaran sejarah, kalau ikut zaman kesultanan Melaka, dah dekat sgt dah untuk kita dijajah semula…siapa si kitul zaman moden?…fikirlah sendiri…
Salam Tun..
Semoga semua politician dalam umno nih kaya raya belaka…
Dah tak nampak ahli umno yang beria-ia nak berjuang demi bangsa dan negara. Hari ini kebanyakkannya berjuang dgn niat diri sendiri dulu… rakyat kemudian… UMNO kena reformasi juga ni.. tun…
Salam untuk Tun dan keluarga,
Terengganu negeri terkaya di Malaysia???
Purata pendapatan rakyat negeri Terengganu masih jauh lebih rendah dari negeri-negeri lain.
Pembangunan? Masih jauh ketinggalan..
Mana pergi wang royalti minyak kamiiiiiiiii???
YAB Tun,
Many Thanks for voicing this out.
yes ..
i hope more evidences to be revealed
terengganu dah kaya ni. tmbah 5 billion lagi melampau2 la kaya. negeri2 lain bila lagi. patut ke negeri2 royalti minyak yg lain menuntut menda yg sama? kesian kat staf2 petronas. bermati2an keje kat pelantar minyak, facing risks yg pelbagai, pastu putih mata je dorg nengok duit petronas dibelanjakan sesuka hati.. isk3..
Dearest Tun,
Wasting your precious time to voice it out lah.
Here you teach them , they said ” No problem, Kita akan belanja dengan jimat cermat”
When you turn around, they bought Mercedes Benz. Cheaper on maintenance cost. Where is the logic!!!!
Proton perdana cost RM100K+, Mercedes RM350k+. Why maintenance of Proton Perdana shot up to RM50K !!!!, Better check who carry out the service, Where is the logic again!!!
Perdana Depreciation over five years , they start asking for change of car, residue value RM50K, depreciation RM50,000.00
Mercedes depreciate over five years, residue value RM150,000.00 depreciation RM200,000.00 ( Can buy two brand new Proton Perdana).
State goverment calculation : Still Mercedes Cheaper.
If they want to buy better car, pay sligtly higher, just say so, Please don’t tell lies and cheat the Rakyat lah.
salam Tun,
semoga sentiasa di rahmati Allah.
Inilah yang dikatakn Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang
dan Islam hadhari…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Today i sign up and i’m the first.
Tun, You are always our leader and idol.
Please do what you are doing now, good for all.
Thanks & Salaam
Salam Tun,
Terima kasih kerana menulis mengenai kepinchangan kerajaan yang ada sekarang. Saya rasa beliau tidak mempunyai perancangan jangka pendek & panjang bagi negara kita ini. Dia cuma mengikut kehendak baluci-baluci beliau sahaja. Beliau lebih mementingkan POPULARITI beliau dari menjadi pemimpin yang mempunyai keliber untuk memajukan negara. Saya dan keluarga tidak akan mempercayai kata2 beliau lagi kerana bagi saya beliau hanya pandai berjanji tetapi tidak pernah mengotakan janji beliau. Saya rasa sendiri fikirlah apakah PM yang kita ada sekarang.
Tun & Keluarga tolong jaga kesihatan kerana kami semua sayang kan TUN
Dear Tun, i am a fan of you. you’re a great thinker… i just wonder how did you say Terengganu is the richest state in Malaysia????? look at the people of Terngganu… i didn’t think so…..
Assalamu Alaikum Dearest Tun,
I was right when I commented in the earlier posting that DSAB and his cronies did have a splendid time on spending spree with what I assume should be the rakyat’s money.
See…..I told you so……Insignificant people like me and thousand others can even think ahead of DSAB.
My promise again…….I’ll fight alongside with u.
Regards from ttgajah……….
Dear Y.A.Bhg Tun,
A very important lesson not only to Abdullah, but all MBs and CMs that all money to be spent must have the approval from the Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies and to be paid via The Consolidated Fund (Kumpulanwang Terkumpul) as stipulated under the Federal Constitution, Financial Procedures Act, Akta Badan Berkanun and Treasury Circulars and Treasury Circular Letters.
Also Y.A.Bhg Tun, we have to remind all those above that whether special allocation, emergency or whatever terms used must get the approval from the Parliament and if the nature of spending is emergency, after spending, the allocation for it must be approved by the Parliament (spend 1st, approval later by the Parliament)
The above is important to be adhered with at all time. Finance Minister has special provisions to spend on his discretion, but what spent must be tabled before the Parliament for approval.
Public monies are not personal money, all must be accounted for and given due approvals. The prudent of spending will be checked and subsequently. Being Finance Minister doesn’t mean that the treasury of Malaysia belongs to him or to his discretion in spending.
Good day to you Tun,
I like to read your article as it is informative.
I am a chinese and came from a very poor family of 6 brothers and 4 sisters.I did suffer a lot because of unfair NEP in particular the education policy.
I hated you because i could not enter local university though my results were reasonably good because of education policy to help the malays.
My hate subsided after giving a good though of how i was suuffered during 1969 when i was only 11 years and kept in the house for few days due to racial riot.My father was almost killed when he went his regular round to kampong to cari makan i.e buy certain trees to make joss stick.He wounded quite bad.Anyway he just died few months ago.I really love my father for able to take care of 10 children without any help from the government.
Where is the fairness,Tun.
Now i am almost 51 years( i born during merdeka year), and i still respect Tun for developing Malaysia to such a level today where all races whether poor or rich are able to cari makan.
My point is, don’t emphaise too much on malay poor, there are also many indian or chinese poors like me and my family memebers.
Everybody must work hard to succeed.If we just give without some pressure for them to do well, we shall never see the light at the end of the tunnel for these people we really want to help.
I would say all my sisters and brothers are doing okay through their hardwork.Though 2 brothers became ‘coolie’ at a tender age of 12
Lastly, my wish to all politicians be you a malay, chinese, indian or any other race, have a kind heart to all the poor. Help them if you really want and financially capable. Don’t talk and create racial tension.Let us be fair to every one in particular the poor of all races and not a particular race.Let everybody could cari makan.
I wish Tun good health always and hope you could write something which is fair to all races.
Thank you.
Salam Tun,
Boleh tak Tun perjelaskan pembaziran dalam Monsoon Cup… Adakah ini dikira sebagai investment macam F1? Ataupun memang satu PEMBAZIRAN kerajaan Pak Lah..
Dear Tun,
Saya amat mengkagumi Tun sejak sekian lama. setiap hari saya tidak sabar menanti coretan baru Tun di blog ini. Saya sebenar amat berharap Tun dapat berbuat sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan UMNO dari terus menjadi bahan kutukan & dimalukan oleh ‘musuh-musuh’ yang ingin melihat orang melayu lingkup & akhirnya merempat di negeri sendiri. UMNO tak salah. Mereka yang menerajuinya sekarang yang BODOH & SOMBONG.
Walaupun pada zahirnya tun kata Tun keluar UMNO , saya yakin UMNO tetap berakar umbi dihati & sanubari Tun. Walaupun saya bukan ahli politik & malas nak ambil tahu pasal politik tetapi kini saya terpaksa ambil tahu kerana ia melibatkan masa depan bangsa melayu dan saya nampak hanya UMNO sahaja dapat memperjuangkan nasib anak cucu bangsa melayu. Please Tun, majoriti Malay Malaysians still need your dynamic leadership.
Semoga Tun sentiasa dilindungi Allah & sihat selalu. Saya tetap sokong Tun.
Dr M,
Not only in Terengganu is the Gov loosing its money, but see the causeway project in Johor? “Bayar2 pampasan pada contractor, tp CIQ masih tak siap2 lagi & too make the matter worst, we are made a laughing stock at every investor in JB, due to:-
1) Porject to collect RM20 on every foreign car entering M’sia via the causeway.. sebab nya tak tahu sapa nak kutip duit, this meeting I attend with the FMM of Malaysia few years back.
2) White card – were not in use in Nov’07, but now by 15Aug’08 have to use back
3) Implementation of Touch & Go by Jan’08 now it is drag to don’t what date
4) Pasir Gudang H/way not materialize
& all this my Japanese MD says to me “typical Malaysian on the way, on the way”..
MALU ooo Dr M, written to the current PM but depa buat apa diam seribu bahasa aje..
this won’t happen if politician treat the position as responsibility trusted to them by rakyat. Instead they think that the position is a post they acquire and they have full power to use it for thier benefit and their cronies. time has change, the old mindset that becoming politician guarantee richness for 7 generations is not applicable now.
Thanks Tun,
I wonder whatâs going on inside of AAB heads when he decided to waste such huge sum into Terengganu…
To impress the Kelantanese people maybe?
By saying that they too can emulate such success stories like Terengganu?
Tun, I want to know how much UMNO spends in KELANTAN in the 12th general election…
And the crystal mosque is really wasting money, what are they trying to convey?
Just because Kelantan and Terengganu is considered “religious” state doesnât mean it need more exquisite mosques
Plus the mosque is small and itâs hard to get there
Wouldnât it be sensible if it spend on agriculture like improving the fishing facilities that Terengganu is so famous for?
I mean, our fishing export has just been ban from entering Europe because our standard did not match to their expectation
And the result of the 12th general election really shows on the lack of time that AAB spend on the three gold mine state that he lost
and now the member of UMNO in this state are struggling to keep up
look at the Penang state assembly men, their are not wearing the appropriate attire when the state rulers are there….
how disgraceful to the Malaysian culture….
Tun, I respect you in a lot of ways and most of all your glory days as the PM
I hope that a lot of people emulate you and your caliber to go on
and even through youâre retired, you still think about us here…
you could just go somewhere and enjoy, not a care in the world…
but no, you stay here and give us advice still
Thanks again Tun
My god so much billions! That’s why fuel price hiking like Disneyland arch…
another slap in the face maa…
well said Tun, well said…
Salam buat Tun dan pembaca sekelian.
1. Wow..satu lagi peluru berpandu buat AAB. Tepat,berani dan iklas. Nasihat saya jangan melawan sebab Tun kalau bersuara pasti ada bahan bukti kat tangannya. Nasihat seterusnya berhenti sekarang atau ada benda lain yang akan diketengahkan.
2. Kepada pengkritik Tun seperti hang jebat ke, ABI ke, Tun tak ada masa nak berdebat issue yang saudara bangkitkan,issue yang saudara bangkitkan macam tin kosong,tegurlah secara ilmiah.
3. RM 2billion sebenarnya kecil Tun sebab Menteri Menteri sekarang selalu sangat sebut billion ringgit kat media cetak dan elektronik. Orang kampung pun dah pandai sebut perkataan ini. Tapi Pak Menteri wang sebanyak itu kalau dijana dengan baik banyak rakyat yang mendapat manfaatnya. Bolih ke jawap issue yang Tun M bangkitkan ini? Ada berani ke?
4. Tempuh peralihan 2 tahun untuk RM 2billion inikah? Beranikah nak menegur Kerajaan Trengganu mengenai M`benz? Tak takut ke luka lama berdarah kembali? Tapi Tun orang macam ini kalau dibongkar apa sahaja bukannya faham. Tak pelah Tun..sampai masanya kita akan bawa mereka mereka ini ke satu Tribunal atau Suruhanjaya ( habitatnya) agar menjadi pengajaran buat anak cucunya yang memakan hasil rakyat disebabkan kerakusan ayahanda mereka yang pernah memerentah tanah air tercinta ini.
masih belum terlambat….
Dear TDM
Wishing you happy and healthy always.
Damage done Tun that’s what I know and can say on the subject matter.
Any comments on the replacement of Terengganu Excos official cars from Perdana to Merz E200? The excuse given by the MB is that the Perdanana V6 is costlier to maintain. Is it?
Your thoughts or snippets on this is highly appreciated.
Thank you and regards.
Salam Tun,
Memang benar apa yang terjadi di Johor Bahru dan Terenganu amat merugikan. Pembatalan projek seperti jambatan bengkok sudah semestinya amat merugikan disebabkan projek tersebut sudah berjalan dan yang amat musykilnya andai kata ia tidak boleh dibuat kenapa ia di buat “in the first place”. Sudah pastinya rakyat johor memang terasa tertekan akibat pembatalan projek jambatan tersebut. Memang senang untuk di katakan tidak perlu namun pada mereka yg bermastautin di johor bahru seringkali merasa bahana kesesakan trafik yang amat teruk.
Pembinaan projek mega di Terengganu seperti masjid kristal memang dapat merancakkan industri perlancongan tapi adakah ia membazir? jikalau satu boleh lah diterima tetapi banyak dan objektif pembinaan masjid tersebut adalah untuk pameran. Adakah itu pembaziran nama nya.
Ada lebih molek seandainya duit dapat digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya.
” Matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara ”
That’s another proof that what rakyat are saying are correct. The current BN LEADERS nowadays are running out of ideas of how to manage the people’s money properly.
yes..i’m the 1st..
btol Tun..saya sokong Tun..
keje kerajaan ni nak menghabiskan duit rakyat je..dia xpikir ke rakyat yg berada di bawah ni?
tak de perasaan punya orang..huhu..
sembah salam kepada Tun..wassalam..
Dear TUN
Very thoughtful of you to plan viable projects. I strongly agree to your idea of the new bridge replacing the old causeway in Johor. When the old causeway is removed, water of the Tebrau Straits can circulate better. International ships and seafreight can pass through. Seafreight toll charges can be imposed to foreign ships plying the route which means another foreign income revenue for Malaysia. These sea traffic will promote, encourage and enhanced business and economic growth along the South coastline which will be good for the locals there to do business. A lot of other supporting business like food, transportation, freight forwarding, industrial estates and factories will definitely flourished. Since they are very near to the port and the new bridge. Port of Tg Pelepas will definitely becomes the world’s busiest port like the PSA port of Singapore.
We can demolish and remove our side of the causeway if the other party refused to remove theirs. We should look at the new bridge to our advantages and not theirs. Should we keep on loosing to others? I don’t think we are all born losers, aren’t we?
Tun, hopefully you can get the new bridge project going. It is also important to our economy. If only everyone can see the future of the bridge. A lot of your projects were objected when your implement them. But now , they are enjoying it.
Yang dikasihi Tun seisi keluarga. Terima kasih dengan mengadakan Blog ini untuk kami rakyat Malaysia menyuarakan perbagai pendapat dan pandangan. Ya..begitu jauh berbeza keadaaan keamanan,keselamatan ketuanan Melayu tercabar hebat. Harap PM sekarang cepat turun sebab macam2 lagi akan terlepas kepada Bangsa Bukan Bumiputra… Pemimpin yg mementingkan perut n krony masing2 jer…. Tiada Integrity walaupun melaungkan Integrity….Harapkan pagar-pagar makan padi YB. Tun…..Negara aman 22 tahun dibawah Yang Dikasihi Tun….Alhamdulillah semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun dan dapat menyumbang pada Melayu,Bumiputra dan Islam. Sekian terima kasih.
Dear Tun,
I just wonder if our PM is reading this. If yes, will he ponder.. emmm I bet he dont.. Dia tak akan punye…
I just gland during my youth we are under your wing … now I have to bear with Dato Abdullah…
Hope Mukhriz will be there during my children time…
Dear Tun,
My heartfelt thanks for highlighting this issue. It only goes to prove how ‘efficient’ the current government is, particularly when dealing with people’s money.
It it sad to think that so much more can be done for the rakyat but looking at how things are being handled currently, I do not know where it will leave us.
Till then Tun, take care.
Tun, you are the best. if u form another party, million will follow u..
A lot of money has been wasted.
Cancelling of project is not saving any more money. It brings more cost to the government.
Is this the reason why government unable to give better oil subsidy to the people?
Tun & bloggers,
My article on Anwar debate has now become an open debate between pro-Anwar vs Anti-anwar.
Dear Tun and Malaysians,
It was the joke of the century when the PM (Abdullah Badawi) commented on the DNA. The funny part is he got the facts wrong. When the experts collect blood samples the get the coding, it is translated into a chart which is on permanent record. This record is done once, and that’s it.
It is something like profiling a blood test. If you are in the group of A+, then you are forever A+. It is unnecessary to withdraw blood to get the grouping after 10 years or 20 years. The grouping will not change.
Likewise, DNA profiling is permanent. The idea that the current government and police force need to have Anwar’s blood for new DNA profiling is illogical.
This simply shows the lack of knowledge among this group of people and to paint bad picture about DSAI refusing to allow blood sample taken from him.
Why is PM getting involved when he said police are independent and that the Umno politicians are not getting involved in the investigation of the so-called sodomy case of DSAI.? Why did he say âweâ? That shows he is part of the team that accused DSAI of sodomy.
Forget about the sodomy case. Look at other important unsolved cases, like the missing Sharline, Lingam tape, Altantuya murder, missing Bala, and Datuk Johari’s cases. etc.
I’m sick with this Government!
Salam Tun,
3.43 juta utk bli Mercz tu celah gigi jaa tun…kalo tolong org2 miskin kat pedalaman memang macam tak tolong jaa pasai RM3.43 juta tu ‘sikit’ sgttt…
Salam Tun
Saya teramat bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun. AAB dan Idris Jusoh nampak memang meyakinkan rakyat Terengganu pada mulanya menjadi menteri besar. Beliau nampak seakan membawa Terengganu kearah pemodenan. Tetapi sebenarnya beliau adalah penghabis duit dan kekayaan negeri Terengganu dari hasil minyak. Itu sebabnya sultan telah menyedari akan hakikat ini dan tidak suka pada beliau untuk menjadi MB selepas PRU 12. AAB memang mempunyai kepentingan secara langsung dari Idris Jusoh selagi beliau menjadi MB. Tetapi malang nasib Idris Jusoh hanya setakat di situ sahaja.
P/S. Tun, kenapa BPR tak siasat AAB dan Idris Jusoh tu. Rasa-rasa???
Semoga Tun sihat selalu.
I previously read several blogs with photos of a compass showing the kiblat direction of the masjid kristal is also wrong. Is it true?
-Jinggo Rock- Fan Club
Dear Tun,
Thanks for your “insider” info. on these. Please let us know more, as we can’t get to know these thru our main stream media.
Thank you Tun, you are so “umm”!!
Mr. Lah is probably still thinking he strike a lottery..
saya tak sangka betul , pak lah sanggup buat begini. saya se olah rasa tertipu dengan barisan nasional yang sekarang. patut lah barisan hilang banyak undi. saya kesal betul undi barisan nasional dan rasa amat malu kerana undi BN.
Tun betul ke , apa yang tun kata ni ? kenapa pak lah sanggup habis kan duit rakyat begini. susah payah kita bayar cukai dengan kerajaan ,dia orang habis kan duit rakyat untuk isi kan poket sendiri. saya doa supaya allah akan memberi hukuman yang amat keras pada orang yang tipu duit rakyat.
Salam Tun,
cronies spent huge sums of the “Wang Ehsan” on a theme park (Crystal Mosque), Monsoon Cup, development of Setiu etc etc.
Audit Negara kena check dan beritahu rakyat secara detail kemana dibelanjakan wang rakyat.
Patutlah kecoh Sultan tak mahu MB lama.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kabulkanlah permintaan rakyatmu yang sedang menderita dek kerana Perdana Menterinya yang…. huh …huhhh…sedih
Saya dah pergi ke Theme Park ni. Dibina oleh Patrick Lim (pakcik kepada isteri Kamarudin). Memang betul Tun pernah kata ini kerajaan Dollah Badawi.
Masa perasmian Monsoon Cup ramai tengok KJ begitu rapat dgn Patrick Lim. KJ ada kaitan apa dgn projek2 tu. Yang peliknya kenapa Taman Tamadun Islam diberi kpd Patrick Lim. Orang Islam Terengganu tak bolehkah manage sendiri. Adakah ini Islam Hadhari yang Idris Jusoh dok memekik sampai sultan pun menyampah.
Pak Lah pulak dgn bangga bazirkan duit rakyat. Masjid tu pulak tak boleh buat solat jumaat sebab tak dak kariah. Ini perancangan jenis apa.
Cuba Tun selidik sikit pasal alignment Penang Bridge II. Dengar cerita dibengkokkan ke projek Equine sebab nak bantu projek Patrick Lim.. Betul ke atau `kebetulan’ yang `Pak Lah ni semuanya betul’ (itu kata2 Menteri2 sekarang)
Assalammualaikum Tun,
I think the present government led by Pak Lah is bringing the country to doom; and all his advisors panicking in giving advices.
They are running after time. Now Trengganu state is giving Pak lah headaches. Spending money like “the red indians got hold of rifles; shooting(spending money) like nobody’s business. May ALLAH bless you and your family.
Assalamualaikum Tun dan semua peminat blog TDM,
Dengan penjelasan yang sebegini jelas, lancar dan berterus terang kenapa masih pak pek menteri buta mata dan hati menyokong AAB yang kononnya telus dan sebagainya..
Semoga ALLAH S.W.T melindungi negara tercinta ini daripada pengkhianat agama, bangsa dan negara.
Semoga Tun dan keluarga terus dilimpahi rahmat ALLAH dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik dan sempurna.
I dono wat 2 say… sigh…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya anak Terengganu. Saya sangat sedih apabila duit rakyat dibelanjakan sesuka hati mereka. Harap-harap MB baru ni membuat perancangan yang betul untuk kesejahteraan rakyat Terengganu. Tapi isu beli kereta Merz membuatkan nama nya tercalit sedikit
Assalamualaikum Ybg Tun. Ya Allah bilalah balak akibat pemerintah yang zalim kepada rakyat ini akan berakhir. Tolonglah beri petua kepada kami. Semuga tun walfiat sekeluarga.
Dear Tun,
Saya ingin mencadangkan agar komen2 didalam blog tun ini di beri nombor. Ini akan memudahkan para pembaca merujuk kepada komen2 berkenaan dan pembaca lain juga mudah untuk mencari komen yang dirujuk. Sebab lain ialah memandangkan terlalu banyak yang memberi pandagan didalam blog Tun, agak sukar untuk kami menyambung dimana kami berhenti sebelumnya.
Harap Tun dapat memberi perhatian.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
âUnfortunately the Sultan of Terengganu refused to have Idris Jusoh as Menteri Besar. It was a slap in the face fo Abdullah when he was forced to accept the Sultan’s nominee as Menteri Besar.â
First time in Malaysian politics, cable PM tak laku⦠Perlis, Terengganu. Sangat memalukan. Kemaluan yang amat besar pada pendapat saya.
Salam Tun..
Antara Tun dan Pak Lah, rasanya siapa yang lebih membazir dan lebih korup?
Inilah kerajaan PakLah yang haru biru.
Ekonomi makin tepu. Bersiap sedia menghadapi inflasi!
Salam Tun…
crystal mosque….
sekarang masjid hanya layak untuk pameran agaknya…..
Assalamualaikum Tun
Inilah kerajaan yang tiada WAWASAN & PERANCANGAN.
Mereka hanya tahu duit itu banyak… tapi tak tahu duit akan habis jika tidak dijanakan.
What a waste.This time i hope i am the first.