1. I am amazed that there are still people in this country who think that the opposition parties “won” the general elections because they promised a more open society with transparency and whatnots, including of course doing away with the Internal Security Act.

2. Do they think that the swing; the mass desertion of the Malay villagers from UMNO, the Chinese from Chinese parties and the Indians from MIC in order to vote for the opposition parties, be they PAS or DAP or PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat), was due to their wish to see the abolition of the ISA or to seek for greater transparency, or desire for greater human rights, for free speech and open discussions at intellectual levels?

3. Are these the subjects that padi farmers, food stall holders and hawkers, the rubber tappers, the Class F contractors talk in the coffee shops at “intellectual” levels?

4. Do they care that our democracy is not as liberal as the western democracies? Do they care about detached intellectual discourse by intellectuals who want to display their intellect?

5. If they, the intellectuals think or believe that these kampong people, petty traders and hawkers voted for the opposition because of these ideals, because they have become very mature, because they want to see change, then think again. Go down to the very “unintellectual” level of these ordinary voters and try talking to them about your ideas.

6. You will find that their concerns are about their cost of living, the price of padi, jobs for them and their children, some of whom are graduates, their small businesses, the little development for their villages and urban slums, their dissatisfaction with their treatment by Government officers and their wakil rakyat not visiting them etc.

7. Whom do they blame? They blame UMNO and its leaders and the kowtow-ing leaders of MCA, Gerakan, MIC. In particular they blame the Prime Minister, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

8. Why did they blame Abdullah? Their reasoning was simple. Under previous Prime Ministers they were very much better off; the prices of goods did not go up too high, their incomes had increased, the officials were more attentive and so were their wakils etc etc.

9. Besides these there were no other changes. UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC were all still there although they were somewhat different, being led at the local and national level by grasping politicians concerned with holding posts which gave them opportunities to enrich themselves, getting JPs (Justice of Peace), Datuk-ship, Tan Sri-ship and other ships, kissing the PM’s hand in order to win his favour. They cared more for what they could get from him than what they could do for the people. And his response was to favour these leaders and not the people. These leaders and party hacks would keep him as their President and therefore his Premiership. For the people he proposed Corridors in the future.

10. The people did not object too much to the corruption. It would be good if they got a piece of the goodies themselves. But the Prime Minister did not bother. Comfortable with the support of his party people he did not see the need to bribe the people. So the people owed him nothing.

11. They regarded him as being responsible for all their misfortunes simply because all these misfortunes came during his time, or more crudely it came from him. So it seems to them.

12. One of the things that the simple people did not like was a lack of gratefulness shown by these leaders. They, the ordinary voters were too scared to protest over this show of ungratefulness on the part of the Prime Minister and his minions. But they felt strongly about Abdullah’s lack of gratefulness, especially as he let his minions show crudely their ungratefulness, cursing and condemning the people who had been responsible for their exalted position as Ministers etc.

13. The people feared the reaction of the Government and did not voice their disgust at such uncouth behaviour. But that did not mean that they were prepared to overlook such displays of ungratefulness. And so the first time they felt free to express their views without fear they did – by voting against the Barisan Nasional.

14. And so the BN lost. But the opposition did not win, certainly not because the simple voters liked the opposition. They won by default because that was the only way the erstwhile BN supporters could show their dislike for the people they blame for their problems. The BN lost, the opposition really did not win.

15. The liberal intellectuals should be able to see this. But they wanted so much to believe that they had convinced the opposition parties and the voters about their ideals of liberal democracy, their free speech, transparency etc etc. that they took the apparent success of the opposition as being due to their espousing and the electorate being convinced of the kind of politics the intellectuals preach.

16. And so when recently opposition party members behaved in the old ways, reverting to racism and religious intolerance, to disliking sensitive issues to be openly discussed, to regarding those of their own kind joining the liberals as betrayers, they became unhappy at what they consider to be treachery on the part of the opposition.

17. But the opposition led by the wily master of spin, Anwar Ibrahim, only made a show of being liberal, of being advocates of freedom of expression, as being above racialism, of being against detendtion without trial and of being all the way with the liberal intellectuals. They have no intention of being all these. But it was good politics and a good way to hoodwink the naive intellectuals and their even more naive followers.

18. The intellectuals and the pretenders had allowed themselves to be led by the nose up the garden path. The hard nosed real politicians, especially of the oppositions are laughing.

19. It is time the so-called intellectuals realise they were being duped by the Master of Spin, the pious Muslim who is also the bosom pal of Paul Wolfowitz, the neo-con Jew, the killer of Muslims, the supporter of Hindraf and of the Chinese schools etc. etc.

20. But intellectuals will not admit they have made a grave mistake. They see what they want to see. Carry on dreaming. Hold your forum, discuss what you like. You are driving the people further and further apart, pushing them back to their old racialism. You are helping to hold up a regime that is incompetent and thoroughly corrupt. You are helping to destroy this country.

400 thoughts on “2008 GENERAL ELECTION”

  1. To My Not So Dearest YS_Lim,
    MERITOCRACY – Really !? You all are really that good!? Most of you all that I knew could not even speak proper English, but most were successful in job interviews. I wonder why….? Ah, now I got it, it is due to MERITOCRACY.
    IF so, dont rely on government projects, but go and compete with the Japanese, the Germans for international projects.

  2. BN lost thanks to Badawi more open policy for Opposition voice and therefore for the people to know the truth. Who “free” Anwar? Who allow the live debate on TV? Ironically, I think this is a blessing in disguise. Perhaps the Pakatan Rakyat can do what BN can’t in 51 years. Perhaps, a true Merdeka for all races can be achieved what BN cannot do in 51 years. Why not give them a chance? Perhaps its history on Sept 16th.

  3. Dear Tun,
    Your articles can be very convincing but not always right. While i agree with some of the things you said, i also disagree some.
    I agree with you that we have a flip-flop government currently. But the things you said these days seemed to follow the pattern of flip flopping too i think. Many existing legacies are inherited from your time as PM.
    Kampong folks may not be very intellectual but they are no fools too.

  4. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    apa pandangan Tun terhadap Bajet 2009 baru – baru ini? adakah ia sesuai dengan keadaan sekarang dengan gula – gula yang diberikan kepada rakyat? berdasarkan kepada apa yang diumumkan oleh Pak Lah, saya kira kelemahan kerajaan sekarang adalah tidak mengenalpasti puncanya serta ketidaktetapan kerajaan terhadap pendirian mereka, saya kira pembangkang suka dengan keadaan sekarang dimana kerajaan sekarang mudah untuk dilentur, bila diasak mereka mudah untuk berundur! sebagai generasi muda, saya agak keliru dengan kerajaan yang ada sekarang yang membuat saya terfikir sejenak, siapakah PM kita sekarang? kedudukan yang tidak stabil selepas pilihanraya umum ke-12 menjadikan segalanya kabur dan tidak jelas di mata rakyat. sebagai mahasiswa,saya kecewa kerana kerajaan tidak meneliti dengan terperinci tentang tindakan mereka untuk meminda AUKU, yang bagi saya sekadar kosmetik dan bila sampai waktu dan ketikanya, kita akan tahu pindaan tersebut sekadar meraih sokongan politik tanpa memikirkan kesan jangka masa panjang! saya kira kelesuan mahasiswa bukanlah kerana AUKU semata, tetapi jauh dari itu, kita perlukan sesuatu yang boleh memberikan nafas baru kepada IPT khususnya IPTA.saya sendiri di salah sebuat IPTA di negara ini merasainya bagaimana keadaan pensyarah yang lesu, pernah satu ketika bila saya bertanya, pensyarah tersebut tidak tahu untuk menjawab soalan saya. ini membuat saya tertanya – tanya, bagaimana mereka ini boleh menjadi pensyarah!sekadar meminta pandangan Tun, saya harap tun sudi untuk memberikan sedikit pandangan Tun kepada saya ([email protected]). saya sangat kagum dengan Tun

  5. Dear Tun,
    Ive been your arden fan all along. since my school days till this career life of mine. You are always my idol my motivation to be a progressive malays. Take the chance and took the challenge. Its funny even during my school days. while others think of Man Bai Song ‘Kau Ilham ku’ as love songs. Me and my groups simply dedicated the song to you. A truly Malays.
    Ive been working abroad since when you are still our PM and till today. If then, those foreigner treated us malaysian with respects and regards us with full of dignity. But now, hows things change. malaysian just a laughing stock to them now. Its never came to my imagination while on our way to highly regarded mission 2020, was fall into some stupid jerk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi with his cambridge graduate sun in law ‘yang sangat kurang ajar’. Im so ashamed with all this silly massacare did buy the current government.
    We so missed the glory you brought us before. I miss you Tun.
    Semoga Tun dah keluarga sihat sejahtera dan dirahmati Allah.
    ‘Kau sumber ilhamku’

  6. Dr M ive always been a great fan of yours I remember the days I worked as an independent video grapher in the northern region penang kedah and langkawi from 1993 -1995 I was there lima Berjaya langkawi malayawata bhl bank falim police station ftz etc used be very inspired by your insight and far sight and the energy the drive and passion you had in accomplishing your vision you would just move around to so many itineraries that I would find difficult to keep up
    I don’t want to brand myself as malay Chinese orIndian,or muslim Christian budhist hindu or any other t faiths I wish race and religion and competition was not an issue.un fortunately thats not possible for there to many clans or factions who are fighting to dominate and I understand you had to play chess politically correct to have an edge over different dominat ideology intellect and to counter protect your leader ship and visions
    it was dirty to prevent collateral damage at that point but now its just worst probably just as bad as cia politics
    I feel the turmoil in our political system is due to people who refuse to heed to your advice and visions also the betrayal . I think you have done a lot for the malay community
    Petronas was envisaged by you and grew so grand today it is is pumping out 80 -120 b a year if im correct which is keeping Malaysia a float and feeding and diversifying the people even your adversaries I feel this turmoil would not have taken place if gerbang perdana promise was not revoked it was small token appreciation for the man who had brought billions to Malaysia every year Gerbang Perdana it was not just a token or white elephant or appreciation it was a pelaris pengasih and….pengerun for those who might have bad perception on Malaysia especially our neighbour well that pegerun would have prevented our soverign loss of batu putih
    Sir take good care of yourself may the good energy be be with you always
    Best Regards

  7. Salam Tun…
    Saya melihat senario yang berlaku memberi kesan kepada generasi akan datang yang bakal menggantikan kepimpinan yang sedia ada. Pada pendapat saya masih terlalu awal untuk saya menilai kejadian yang berlaku tempoh hari.Cuma yang menjadi harapan saya agar Tun dapat memikirkan bagaimana pendekatan terbaik untuk memulihkan kepercayaan rakyat kepada UMNO. Dan saya percaya Tun sudah punya formula untuk membaiki keadaan yang kini pasti semakin parah khususnya kepada orang Melayu. Tun, teruskan perjuangan mu.. kerana saya akan bersama – sama Tun berjuang menegakkan kebenaran walaupun perit, payah, sedih dan sengsara sentiasa menghimpit perjuangan Tun. Tun, doakan saya dan umat ini agar dapat mentaati perintah Allah s.w.t ikut cara Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. & doakan saya agar dapat melaksanakan program khidmat masyarakat pada semester depan di sekitar kampus saya dengan cara menggalakkan mahasiswa menjadi sukarelawan tanpa perlu menjadi peminta dan melakukan sesuatu kerana adanya kepentingan peribadi.Salam perjuangan buat Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad… Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!!! Jazakallah..

  8. To my dear Noraishah
    supporters of the opposition adore DSAI – THEIR CHOICE
    accused of sodomy – YOU ARE RIGHT – ACCUSED
    supported by the American press & XXXX, – THEIR CHOICE
    in Singapore as Master of Spin – WHO CARE ABOUT S’PORE
    the only country in the world where the majority of its people (Malay) is willing to give up their rights voluntarily/willingly to other races – IF YOU ARE BELIEVER OF MERITORACY
    meritocracy is allows other races to take professionally – YOU WON’T AGREE WITH IT IF YOU ARE PART OF THE MERITOCRACY SYSTEM
    How many malay students can go to faculties – IT IS NOT ABOUT QUANTITY, IT IS ABOUT QUALITY
    art faculties and graduate to become teachers, assistant managers – IT IS HONOURABLE PROFESSION
    He has been accused for two sodomy charges – YOU ARE RIGHT AGAIN – “ACCUSED”
    Surely there is some truth to the charges – NO! THE 1ST HAD BEEN DECIDED BY THE FEDERAL COURT . THE 2ND – NEED TO WAIT
    malaysian don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out – NO BUT YOU NEED TO HAVE CERTAIN INTELIGENT QUALITY ABOUT THE LAW & SCIENCE
    the predicament of Malay in Singapore – WE NEED TO LOOK OURSELVES BEFORE PEEPING INTO NEIGHBOUR
    love your country and fight for your rights – THAT IS WHAT MALAYSIAN ARE DOING NOW

  9. Salam Takzim YAB Tun,
    UMNO in particular and BN in general has become the classic living example of the old adage, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”
    It is a catastrope for BN and UMNO if they have no learned and benefitted from their past mistakes!

  10. Dear Tun,
    I just wanna write this to hilarious and reader.
    Seriously it is just abt the Malay Singaporean, Its abt the Chinese Singaporean too. Since Singapore is a liberal market not much protection for the locals. And this is real and happen infront of my eyes and we ending up helping them due to compassion.
    Ive met ppl from prominent coastal engineering companies which all of them are chinese singapore they came to us Malaysian (i’m a malay btw) looking for jobs and strangely they didnt get any good pieces from the jobs in Singapore cause they got to compete with European which have erode their markets with high tech stuff. Sadly to 2 of them bankcrupted but since we’ve been friends, we help them out by buying their equipments and hire some of their ppl. Which now 3 of them last time was Directors in their respective companies and now working as managers in our company. They love it here. And this happened to their own Chinese ppl. Too many European, China and India saturating their business, job markets and they got PR too.
    Btw Tun it was ur vision and credibility inspired us to become no 1 organization in this field. We run and own high tech equipments, the company influence have reached other Asian countries and we are breaching the Middle East markets. And the best part we ending up helping bunch of Singaporeans who once look down at us.
    Best Regards.

  11. Dear Sir,
    I totally agree with you on the issue that in the March election, the result wasn’t that opposition won, it is that BN had lost.
    As for the voters, you are absolutely right (in my opinion) that most voters who vote for opposition because they are very dissapointed with BN rather than having confidence in the opposition. Sadly, in politics, the fall of one means the rise of another, you can only vote out of the 2 parties.
    We voters are not “smart” at all levels, we are just peasants that hope that our leader of the nation can lead us in the right direction. We are just like a the fuel in a car, wanting to move forward but we depend heavily on the driver to take us to the destination. I know inflation is felt worldwide, and oil prices are on a high, but i think our gov can do much better instead of what had been done. Prices in Singapore had risen, their petrol prices are higher than us numerically, when in fact it is much higher if you take into account the currency rate. But i do not see Singaporeans protesting on the streets, they blame the global recession, but they never voice any displeasure on PAP. Why? Because their gov is doing a lot for it’s people. The PAP gave all Singaporeans more or less equal opportunities to succeed, gave them financial aid package that really works. In comparison, what had our gov done? Well, they raise the oil prices by a whopping 41%, citing rising oil prices as the reason when Malaysia is still exporting oil to other nations. And then they gave rebates, max of RM 625, that is meant to last a whole year, are they dreaming? those RM 625 would already be used up in a maximum of 3 months! A proton initially needs RM 70++ for full tank, now, RM 100++, an increase of RM 30. And the RM 625 will let us refill for 20 times. And i would dare say that even the most thifty individual would need to refill their tanks once every 5 days, 6 times a month, and 20 times of refill would be used up in less than 4 months. And BN still think that the people is doing well.
    I agree that Malaysia is a muslim majority nation, and that muslims are given special rights right from independence. I think we are alright with that, provided that the other races are not being penalised for it. BN can implement policies that gave muslims an easier time earning a living, but please do not make the cost of such implementations being borned by the other races. Singapore is a chinese majority nation, but PAP does not undermine other races, instead, they give them special aid and priviledges to help them earn a living, but the chinese did not suffer as a result. That’s why PAP are the rulling party and their support is high even in times of recession. Singapore’s total assets are worth 2 trillion (i think, might be more), i wonder how much does Malaysia have? 2 billion (that would be 1000 times less than Singapore, mind you)?
    When you dear Tun was the PM, you rule with an iron hand that enables all the races to be able to earn a living, that is why you had our full support for 22 years, and even when you decided to quit, it is bacause you wanted to, not because the people called you to step down. If you are to contest the PM seat again, i’m sure you have a very good chance to succeed.
    Bn wanted us people to change our life styles to save enerfy consumption, meaning to drive less, but hey, if we dont drive, then how we going to work? public transport? Our public transport is nothing compared to the MRT and SBS of Singapore. The waiting time for a bus is typiocally 15mins, do you know how long one have to wait for a bus? If there is a bus to your destination that is.
    Lastly, i just wanted to say that currently, the people supporting Anwar is not totally in line with his ideals. Some of the votes he got was because the voters are dissatisfied with BN. I remember hearing this conversation from someone next to my table in a restoran: “Hey, the general election is coming, why dont we vote for the opposition? The current BN is getting from bad to worse, we are having a hard time nowadays” This meant to me was that the person vote for opposition to show disatisfaction, not beacuse he support PAS or DAS, well, at that time, there wasn’t even the 3 party alliance! So voting for ooposition does not change the rulling party. It was just that the people gave the opposition a chance, and they grab it tightly. It is not too late to turn back BN, do what Dear Tun used to do, rule wisely, consider the welfare of both muslims and non-muslims, the price of petrol is effecting each and everyone of us directly, you can raise it by 78 cents easily, and only to reduce is by 15 cents later. Food prices are high, and it means we have less to eat with the same salary, and to some of us, this means going hungry for one of the meals. If you cant do that, the voters have only one option, HOPE that the opposition can do that. If BN can do that, the people will give BN a chance, if BN cannot do that, then the people can only give the opposition a chance to try and do it. Make no mistake, if BN can do it, no opposition will be given the chance to try, even if they can do it as well.

  12. Dear blog maintainer,
    Please could forward this comment, even though not specific for the article, to Mr Mohammed, former Prime Minister of Malaysia to see on it and comment it if possible.
    My salam
    Dear Mr. Mohamed
    Let me firs selam you and your family and wish you all the best and Allah’s’ blessing for all your endeavors.
    Brother I was saddened to hear that the contested parliamentary seat went to Anwar and there are ever wider problems in UMNO. But what to do, as Stalin said ” the problem with democracy and elections is that you don’t know who wins” therefore as this is a game of democracy I hope it serves at least as a dot of experience for the present and future political processes in Malaysia for which you have contributed greatly.
    I am a former student of UIA and in one occasion I even shook your hand in 1998 when JUST with your support organized a conference on Kosovo. For which after a few months you declared that if there is one country that recognizes Kosovo, Malaysia will be the second. Having in mind the legacy you have in Malaysian polis, I believe as a Kosovar and as a person who knows quite well Malaysian politics and society, this statement coming from (in a way) the father of Malaysian modernity should not have been sided. The reasons are plenty, but to mention few:
    Dear Sir, I am really disheartened with Malaysia’s reaction or no reaction to the independence of Kosovo. As this and other Muslim countries lack of support is being felt here in Kosovo mainly. A lot of lame village Muslims unaware of the game of politics and international relations but only taking into heart the politics are defecting from Islam. This has been a daily occurrence in Kosovo, and they attach their feelings to the politics with a justification that “if Muslim countries do not like us and we have been saved by US and other Catholic countries why should we remain Muslims”?
    With the idea that Islam is a religion bread and upheld by Arab and other Muslim countries such as Malaysia. On top of this, the daily occurrence of Malaysia on the daily papers with the titles of “we are going to recognize Kosovo”, and then we will not-also used by the media and opposition to attack the government foreign policies- has given the Malaysia a lead role in the Muslim countries policy toward Kosovo. For which role you have been so set to take in the time of your governance of Malaysia, and in my opinion very important for Kosovo’s benefit
    On top of all that, the government is using the silence as a form of explanation while the Islamic Organization is attacking the government for its inactive role in foreign relations and international scene. At the end of the day, what could a government of 2 million people do in a jungle like environment of international scene.
    No person is taking the responsibility to explain to the people why, how and when the recognition or the policy of Muslim countries will change toward Kosovo.
    Brother, I hope you can do at least the minimum to raise this issue with the Malaysian politics and decision making community to which I believe you have enormous influence, as any assistance in raising this issue and any positive declaration of any of the politicians with influence in Malaysia could in a way assist in lowering the perception of Kosovo and its Muslim inhabitants toward Malaysia and Muslim community of states at large.
    Dear Sir, not to recall Malaysian engagement in Kosovo during and in the immediate days after the war, either privately bilaterally with Kosovo and also in the international forums such as UN Security Council (where Malaysia held a non-permanent seat), I believe and hope that Malaysia continues to protect its investment in its small yet very important role it plays in the international environment. Especially the investment in Kosovo to put aside the moral obligation of Muslim brethren to safeguard each other.
    Mr. Mohamed, I apologize for the long e-mail and I hope it comes to your attention and you can spare some of your valuable and hectic time for this.
    My best regards
    Qemajl from Kosovo

  13. Salam Tun,
    Just wanna comment on the guy who said only Anwar can run the show after TDM. Seriously, he cant, why? he owes too much favors which might ending up fulling these favors and not doing his work. What type of favors:
    1. Favors to DAP and PAS people, cause he just coming out of jail he immediately became their leaders and i dont think its a free ticket.
    2. Favors to foreigners like US or UK, i still remember wat Henry Kissinger says the foreign policy is not mother theressa work or something like that, everything shall come with a price.
    So when Anwar reaches there, i guarantee these guys will come to Anwar and ask for the return investment. Its like lobbying, if he gets it he got to fulfill his promises to these groups of people first. So I do hope he didnt promise too much to these people, we malaysian might end up in trouble.
    And TDM didnt owe these guys too much favors thats why he can say anything he wants and what he thinks are right.
    Personally Pak Lah u got to go now and this includes khairy too, we love u but u gotta go. And once Pak Lah gone, do hope TDM come back and help out. We dont have much time.
    Best Regards.

  14. Salam Tun,
    Just wanna comment on the guy who said only Anwar can run the show after TDM. Seriously, he cant, why? he owes too much favors which might ending up fulling these favors and not doing his work. What type of favors:
    1. Favors to DAP and PAS people, cause he just coming out of jail he immediately became their leaders and i dont think its a free ticket.
    2. Favors to foreigners like US or UK, i still remember wat Henry Kissinger says the foreign policy is not mother theressa work or something like that, everything shall come with a price.
    So when Anwar reaches there, i guarantee these guys will come to Anwar and ask for the return investment. Its like lobbying, if he gets it he got to fulfill his promises to these groups of people first. So I do hope he didnt promise too much to these people, we malaysian might end up in trouble.
    And TDM didnt owe these guys too much favors thats why he can say anything he wants and what he thinks are right.
    Personally Pak Lah u got to go now and this includes khairy too, we love u but u gotta go. And once Pak Lah gone, do hope TDM come back and help out. We dont have much time.
    Best Regards.

  15. Dear Tun,
    First and Foremost, u r indeed a special man.
    Yes it shows bad results and of course there are deep message that the people wants to show.
    1. I dont think its NEP, cause all this while BN win always even with NEP, It cant be sudden that all ppl suddenly dont like NEP.
    2. I dont think its UMNO, cause all this while BN win always for the last 50 years.
    3. I dont think its ISA, cause the most glorious and prosperous times that Malaysia had and during that time alot of ppl got thrown to ISA (i meant u Tun haha) and BN still won.
    4. I dont think its all abt crony and nepotism, cause during Malaysia glory days, we got that thing too and BN still won.
    5. And I dont think its abt increase in uncertainty of world economy, we got it too like financial crisis 1997, UMNO and S46 crisis in 1980’s and bad economy during 1980’s too and still BN won.
    6. And I supported the opposition not because i really like them, those guys are bunch of angry fellas and all of them are losers and western ball lickers but why I didnt support BN?
    So what is it then? well Pak lah got to figure it out.

  16. Salam Perjuangan Dr M,
    Melayu sepatutnya berpecah belah lebih awal di zaman Dr M ketika TPM ketika itu telah dipengaruhi anasir-anasir luar negara bagi mencapai maksud politiknya. Tun bertindak berani melucutkan org kesayangan Tun demi menghalang cubaan anasir-anasir luar menghancurkan Malaysia. Rupanya tindakan Tun ini sebenarnya bersifat melengahkan sahaja.
    Sekarang semuanya seakan kabur dan kita sedang menuju ke arah itu. Kenanglah kita semua hari ini sebagai hari di mana orang Melayu yang telah menghancurkan bangsanya sendiri. Maaf kepada pembaca Cina dan India kerana perpaduan Melayu penting bukan kerana kami ingin menidakkan hak anda semua. Perpaduan melayu penting kerana tanpa perpaduan ini, Malaysia tidak akan aman sejahtera selamanya.
    Terdapat golongan pemimpin Melayu yang lemah dan kabur dengan perjuangan bangsanya, terdapat golongan pemimpin Melayu yang rakus dalam mencapai cita cita politiknya dan selebihnya golongan yang keliru dan buta tentang kehancuran yang sedang menanti seluruh keturunannya.
    Keadaan makin terdesak dan situasi menjadi seakan terlambat sekarang. Atau memang sudah ditakdirkan inilah berakhirnya politik lama Melayu yang menyanjung bangsanya dan akan lahirlah politik kepelbagaian kaum yang masih kabur asas perjuangannya. Tapi kalau anda berada di tempat saya – seorang rakyat biasa, sekarang anda terpaksa membenarkan pemimpin Melayu yang semakin luas pengaruhnya untuk terus menumbangkan kerajaan yang sememangnya lemah dan sedang nyenyak tidur.
    Kalau bukan dia – ada tak anda nampak tokoh lain yang tampil berani mempertahankan bangsanya?
    Tun, hakikat ini memang memedihkan tapi kenyataannya tetap sama – orang melayu yang menghancurkan bangsanya sendiri hari ini.

  17. Tun,
    You think politics is only for ‘intellectuals’? Think again.. hehehe.. politics are everywhere, and you don’t need to be educated in varsity to understand corruption, cheaters, looters of the government whether past or present! Whatever people have realised now, they have realised long ago even during your time. But the difference is, during your time, we did not have a Pakatan Rakyat lead by DSAI! All these so called officials, the hell is waiting for them! You just wait and see.

  18. Dear Tun,
    Many tags Anwar as untrustworthy, a master spin doctor extraordinaire and a morally deprived personality.
    To prove beyond doubt these allegations is a bit tricky.
    However, between him and BN, the people is at a quandary.
    BN in its current form is doing so much damage to the country that many find any form or manner of change is good change.
    There shout for change because their plea falls on deaf ears.
    BN does not represent the people anymore.
    BN’s function has now been reduced to act as a machinery for BN members to acquire wealth from the pubic coffers while leaving the people burdened with high inflation, low employment and god-forbid, a foreseeable deterioration in race relations.
    The government is in tatters.
    As evidenced by his victory in Permatang Pauh, people will still pick an alleged sodomist and friend of the Jew as their MP instead of UMNO because in their eyes Anwar is the lesser of two evils.

  19. Salam bahagia buat Tun dan keluarga.
    Sekarang BN dah kalah kat Permatang Pauh. Yg selalu keluar muka kat TV, suratkhabar berkempen hanya TPM, PM langsung tak nampak muka – dah tau orang menyampah tengok muka dia ke? atau tengah nyenyak tidur berdengkur ke? atau tengah naik/meninjau2 perkhidmatan keretapi ke selatan ke? atau nanti senang nak dijadikan alasan dan letakkan kesalahan kepada TPM kononnya orang tak suka dengan dia (TPM). Satu lagi perangai kebudak-budakan dan tidak bertanggung-jawab sebagai seorang pemimpin. Baru piliharaya kecil dah takut nak tunjuk muka, kalau PU nanti lagi kecut seluruh badanlah agaknya.
    Strategi turunkan harga minyak untuk pancing undi dah tak menjadi kerana takkan ada pekedai yang akan turunkan harga barang keperluan harian. Yang menggunakan minyak hanya orang yg punya kenderaan saja. Jadi kemenangan PKR pun mungkin sedikit sebanyaknya berpunca dari rasa ketidak-puasan hati pengundi – orang-orang kampung yg setengahnya tidak berpendapatan tetap, walau pun semua tahu P44 adalah kubu kuat orang PKR tu – majoriti bertambah?.
    Atau pun menaikkan harga minyak dulu tu memang dah dirancang sebegitu rupa supaya si’Pemidato’ tu boleh menang di Permatang Pauh? Kemudian ajak PKR jadi ahli BN, bolehlah minta tolong/belajar dengan dia bagaimana cara terbaik nak mentadbir negara ni. Dalam jangka panjang pastilah nanti ada imbuhannya.
    Saya harap telahan saya ni hanyalah rekaan saya semata-mata, tetapi kalau ada kebenarannya – entahlah, hanya Tuhan saja yg dapat menyelamatkan Malaysia dari bencana.
    Saya langsung tak yakin dah dengan kepimpinan sekarang. Lebih lagi tak yakin kalau PKR atau yg lainnya memerintah negara.
    Semoga Allah swt sentiasa melindungi kita semua didalam keamanan dan kesejahteraan. Amin.

  20. Dear TDM
    It’s good to have the DNA Bill provided it is not being abused.
    But why is the present government having to pass the DNA Bill so hastily? If this is not a good reason as any for a motive, then what is? Do they know what they are doing? Don’t they realise they are putting more illusions into the rakyat’s mind on their reasoning once again. How is it possible for the rakyat to genuinely have faith in the present government. We don’t see any gentleman in this fight. Even though there didn’t appear to have any either during your tenure, but at least there’s some gentlemanly gesture in some ways or rather.
    In the rakyat’s mind, if one seems to be unwilling or lack the skills and intelligence to nurture the nation into good health, why must one deprive someone who is willing to give it a good try? Unless UMNO changes it heirachy..the rakyat will ensure the changes one way or another..period.
    As the saying goes,
    “It Ain’t the size of the dog in the fight; it’s the size of the fight in the dog”.
    Today is a good for REALITY check.
    Syabas TDM.

  21. My Dear TDM
    Why is the BN people so confident in the P44 by-election?
    Is it because the DPM was put in the forefront of the P44 campaign?
    Be it that BN loses in this by-election, is it that they all knew the DPM will be the one to take full responsibility, the blame and the blunt of the party and not the so-called NO.1?
    In the matter of factly, we don’t see the PM visiting the PP constituency during the campaign on the government owned media or tv broadcast. Logically, any PM will stand side by side with his DPM in any campaigning but not in this case.Is the sleepy one still asleep or what? Another Badawi-“small boy” conspiracy?
    Your discretion. Syabas God Bless you TDM.

  22. Salam Tun,
    Dulu masa minyak naik 78 sen Tun sendiri tak bersetuju dengan tindakan kerajaan. Sekarang, turun 15 sen, Tun menyokong dengan berkata ia tindakan yang wajar & menyeru supaya rakyat tidak meminta lagi. Sila berikan jawapan?

  23. Dear Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun,
    Like you said, voters are from kampung, estates, hills, coastal areas and many more locations that we ourselves have been. So, to concentrate on people that we can see or more importantly people that we rub shoulders with is a recipe for disaster.
    I remember in one mesyuarat agong cawangan, the rakyat raised the issues “bila lagi nak bagi kok kat saya”, “la ni ujan turun, dah 3 musim saya dok mintak batu reput, tak dapat-dapat lagi”, so we have to understand that though many of us have surpassed that level, in terms of education and SES, but there are still many who need our help. Like you said, “minyak pulak naik harga”.
    It is very unfortunate to all of us, especially to those whose work don’t come with steady paychecks, and other perks.
    We must make sure that people at kampungs, hills, estates and more share some nikmat that there rest of us are happily enjoying.

  24. Tun, like many great leaders in history, has earned a unique place in the history of Malaysia. The fact that no one can take that away.
    Tun’s vision and strong leadership have benefit “most” Malaysian.
    Badawi’s present predicament is merely his lack of ability to meet the expectation of the benchmark set by Tun. Or his inaction does.
    His delay to hand over the leadership after this election to a more capable one has left the window of opportunity wide open for DSAI to make a come back.
    Should Anwar succeed in Permatang Pauh today, many of us would consider it as probably the major Badawi’s legacy for Malaysia.
    We simply do not know what will happen to Najib. His stance of fence sitting does not help him much. On contrary, it appears that he is digging himself deeper into a deeper mess of controversies.
    We just pray and hope that after the conclusion of the Permatang Pauh by-election, he will come out of them all and real soon.
    If Tun can share your wisdom for our present leader(s). What shall they do under such circumstances so that the economy will not be damaged and most Malaysian people will benefit.

  25. Hi Tun,
    Item 6 and 20 are very close to my heart. On item 6, it doesn’t take an intellectual to feel the pinch. Maybe some intellectual refuse to see the real picture but most of us are suffering from it. Our spending power have reduce tremendously over the last 4 years and it’s so much worse this year. This is our daily conversation at cafes (upgrade a bit from the coffee shops).
    As for item 20, most of us want a peaceful country because racialism will only be a lost for everyone. Unless those who stir up racialism has a home overseas. But for normal people like us, this IS THE ONLY HOME we got.


  27. Assalamualikum tun,
    saya harap tun sekeluarga selamat dan bahagia selalu. suasana hari ini memyebabkan saya malas nak baca akhbar. saya hanya baca ruangan sukan sahaja.Sekarang ni olimpik dah habis nasib baik epl dah start. Saya rasa kalau berita-berita politik di akhbar utama diletakkan di muka 7 atau 8 dan berita berita yang lagi penting seperti macammana keadaan ekonomi dan penyelesaiannya diletak dimuka 1 lagi bagus. saya rasa puncas utama kenapa kita selalu bercakap tentang politik(kecuali by election permatang pauh)ialah kerana tiada pemantauan dan tindakan dari KDN atau pemantauan sekadar melihat dan membiarkan shaja.

  28. Ayahnda Tun,Assalamu alaikum,
    Saya pernah bekerja di pejabat Tun. Pandangan ikhlas saya, pemimpin kita, terutama daripada UMNO memandang rakyat sebagai satu kumpulan yang bodoh dan tak dapat berfikir sebagai manusia intelek. Kerana itulah mereka melakukan sesuka hati, termasuk di zaman Tun sendiri.
    Pilihanraya 2004 sebenarnya satu manipastasi rakyat bahawa mereka jemu dengan era pimpinan Tun dan menggantungkan harapan kepada Abdullah Badawi untuk membawa perubahan yang lebih baik kepada kebajikan rakyat. Kemenangan ‘lumayan’ 2004 bukan disebabkan oleh kehaibatan Pak Lah, tetapi kerana rakyat jemu dan mahu perubahan.
    Apabila Pak Lah gagal dalam tempoh 4 tahun, maka rakyat cuba mengubah nasib mereka dengan beralih kepada parti lain. ‘Kemalapan’ BN bukan kerana kehaibatan Anwar, tetapi kerana rakyat jemu kepada pimpinan Pak Lah yang layu. Pemimpin patut sedar bahawa rakyat memilih mereka kerana mahu perubahan ke tahap yang lebih baik. rakyat melihat apa yang mereka buat, termasuk apa yang Tun buat.
    Sebenarnya pilihanaraya 2008 jika tidak berlaku penipuan dan SPR menggunakan dakwat sebagaimana rancangan asal, Kerajaan BN sudah pun menjadi pembangkang hari ini.
    Harap Ayahnda Tun siarkan pandangan saya ini walau pun ianya tidak menyokong Tun sebagaimana orang lain.

  29. Dear Tun
    Without reading at all the comments made within your blog explained all the support you still received from today Malaysians since your retirement as PM. Bravo Tun! I am tired of the manipulated news shown in papers everyday. I still can remember clearly during ’97 Asian financial crisis when we didn’t suffer as much as what we do today. It is heart broken with what you’ve built for this country is being destroyed step by step for benefits of a small group of people in this country of 23 odd millions of people.
    Anyway, nothing is more important that health and happiness in life, semoga sihat dan gembira sentiasa!

  30. Dear Tun,
    This is the second time, i wrote for this comment. The first time, I am not sure whether it was submitted because my laptop just go offline.
    Anyway to share some unpleasant thought if DSAI really become PM.
    I dread to imagine what foreigners will said when i tell them I am from Malaysia when I go overseas.
    They might comment. ” Oh isn’t that the country, that the PM go for young man arse? ugg….
    Sorry the thought just came to my mind.

  31. Dear Tun
    In brief, what you had to say about the current government is completely true and its even worse than what u have said. Unfortunately the rest, is not completely true.
    Yes i do agree that BN lost the elections if you look at it on their perspective. But if the similar results were gained by the opposition, then it is considered as a ‘massive win’.
    Tun, changes occur when there is no comfort. Naturally human civilization tend to only want for change when they are not able to live normal lives or simply said when they a challenged by any kind of elements.
    for example, would you think that UMNO would have fought the independance of malaya if the Malays were treated as equally as the Britsh by the British rulers/government. To my opinion, the answer will be no.
    Similarly, the people of malaysia wanted changes when they were no more in the comfort zone. Please do keep in mind that the progress on human civilization is also part of the so called comfort zone.
    Therefore stating that the oppositon did not win was the same as saying UMNO did not win it is just that the British lost it.
    I hope this comment is displayed on, as this will assist the people of Malaysia a long way to be more analytical in their approach in their daily life, s we are tremendously short of it, and it is clearly shown in the way our national football team plays. No thinking players

  32. salam to everyone.
    Good thoughts!
    However for the time being, i’m still going to vote against BN. i can’t stand those ppl in BN.
    the enemy of my enemy, is my friend =)
    btw, i would suggest reading a book. The Ethnic Cleansing Of The Palestine by Ilan Pappe

  33. Dear Tun,
    The content of this post is clearly for the malay community. Sir, I’m rather disappointed you left out the chinese and indian communities. Or at least, tell us what is wrong with chinese schools and hindraf? So far, I haven’t seen any proof hindraf involved in terrrorist activities only people accusing them, but terrorists are suppost to have guns and put boms to harm civilians, but I didn’t see that happening, so where is the link to terrorism? I only see peaceful gathering and forceful arrests of these people. Ok, what about chinese schools? The government hardly supported these schools financially, most were bourned by the parent’s donations, so what is so wrong with supporting chinese schools? Your education quotas in government is already enough to suppress the chinese, isn’t is a bit cruel to do it to that level? I think it is.
    Frankly speaking, if you are contesting against Anwar in the by election, I’ll be convinced Anwar will sure lose. It’s a no brainer! But I’m sure Tun’s calibre is beyond that. I’m thinking, why haven’t Pak Lah & Co thought of an ideal solution, that is, to step down and pass back the PM’s position to you, at least for temporary until you restructure BN? I’m very sure that will save BN.
    Anyway, I think the result of 2008 election was not just the cost of living, it has been bad since he (Pak Lah) took over and people have good faith in him that he will continue to prosper the country. I think the result of 2008 election was due to the events happennings during his tenure. Events such as the mongolian’s murder case that linked the DPM, KJ-abdullah relation, lingham’s video tape, Zakaria’s palace, AP King’s case, toll concessions agreement that robs millions from the citizens, and many other cases that made BN’s credibility drop from 90% to 1%. It is the TRUST that people have lost in BN that lead to the result of 2008 election be it for the malays, chinese, or indians.
    If none of the events happened, I don’t think Anwar even have a chance make a comeback to his political career. I’m appalled by point no.10, I think that’s the major point that swang the votes, do you think the kampong folks get the goodies in the corruption process? Think again the ordinary kampong folks don’t care if they have a corrupt government? But, why during Tun’s time, people never realised it? It’s because people had not talk much about it, now the game is different, because you are in the open.
    Anwar came back on a convenient platform. His credibility is still in doubt of many. His relation with the US is discussed among malaysians. But he is considered an option because BN’s credibility is as bad. Some people says he is the better of the worse. No, the intellectuals are not duped because they actually realise that. It’s just that they are willing to take the risks. There’s a proverb saying, “we could be jumping from the frying pan to the fire”, but now people is willing to consider the difference between a frying pan and the fire. Both are equally deadly.

  34. Assalamualaikun kepada Tun yang dikasihi dan di sayangi,
    Saya rasa sedih bila melihat orang orang Melayu tidak bersatu hanya kerana mereka gila kuasa. Melihat keadaan Datuk Seri Anwar yang semacam tidak sabar hendak menjadik Perdana Menteri ianya membuat saya musykil kenapa dia beria sangat sehingga sanggup mempergunakan bangsa asing hanya kerana ingin mencapai cita cita. Yang sedihnya kita dapat melihat ada orang orang yang bodoh turut mengikut dan mempercayaii tipu daya Anwar ibrahim. Manusia yang bijak dan punya kelebihan sudah tentu dapat melihat pembohongan DSAI. Dan hanya orang orang yang akal cetek dan mudah terpedaya yang sampai bila pun tidak akan dapat menilai apa yang buruk dan apa yang baik dan mungkin akan terjerumus bersama sama dengan DSAI. raut wajah Anwar Ibrahim sangat menakutkan saya he looks cunning & evil. Orang seperti ini yang akan membinasakan bangsa seperti cerita P Ramlee kisah Sarjan Hassan bagai mana si penjahat yang dilakunkan oleh pelakon veteran tak ingat saya namanya yang bersubahat dengan Jepun semata mata inginkan kuasa nama dan pangkat. Mungkin selama ini rakyat Johor lebih memahami dari bertapa pentingnya kemerdekaan kerana meraka sudah lihat. Tetapi yang diatas mereka tidak faham mereka seolah olah terpedaya dengan kata kata Reformasi yang boleh menjahanamkan seluruh tanah Melayu sekali gus.. Orang luar sememangnya menunggu tumbangnya UMNO pada dasarnya tidak mudah sama sekali. Dan saya percaya UMNO dan PAS boleh bekerja sama satu hari nanti buangkan segala negatif ikut jalan yang benar dengan senantiasa berdoa kepada yang maha ESA itulah sahaja reformasi yang lebih baik. Dan akhir sekali saya harap Anwar ibrahim akan tumbang sebagai orang islam kita tidak mahu leader yang songsang nanti takut negara dilaknati Allah Swt. Kepada Tun whatever statement from you I will always believe coz I know you never lie you are a very straight forward kind of person.

  35. Salam Tun,
    I totally agreed with you.
    As my previous e-mail, i highlighted the politician and NOT intellectuals. But now reading your article, i am gratefull that you are wise enough to find out the so-called intellectuals are the ones who destroy our own country by so-called wise “politician”
    These intellectuals are NOT mature and wise although have high education. They are being NOT smart and actually thinking they are.
    A good and innovative intellectuals are the ones who bring changes and develop the own mother land with his knowledge.
    These intellectual can destroy the country as they are NOT smart nor wise but being to be ones. It’s disgrace to have intellectuals who not building the country but destroying her 1 day.
    Look at Japan, they are pure intellectuals who change the country through the knowledge and wisdom although they are NOT happy with the goverance NOT like our intellectual who know very shallow of a deep sea.
    A Disappointing and Draining Lots.
    Take Care!

  36. Is there really a Head in the House?
    Head of the House
    When everyone on earth was dead and waiting to enter Paradise,
    God appeared and said,
    “I want the men to make two lines.
    One line for the men who were true heads of their household,
    and the other line for the men who were dominated by their women.
    I want all the women to report to St. Peter.”
    Soon, the women were gone and there were two lines of men.
    The line of the men who were dominated by their wives was 100 miles long
    and in the line of men who truly were heads of their household,
    there was only one man.
    God said,
    “You men should be ashamed of yourselves,
    I created you to be the head of your household!!!
    You have been disobedient and have not fulfilled your purpose.
    Of all of you, only one obeyed.
    Learn from him!!!”
    God turned to the one man,
    “How did you manage to be the only one in this line?”
    The man replied,
    “My wife told me to stand here.”

  37. On the other hand. The thing that we proud off, like KLCC and others will never benefit the padi farmers, food stall holders and hawkers and the rubber tappers too…

  38. Tun, why are you so worry if Anwar became PM?? I guest your worrie is when he became PM he will start his plan to reverge on you. Is paid back time. If that so then you should plan your migration now rather then wait for thing to happen.

  39. few questions.
    1. wondering where would you be migrated?
    2. does your plan to migrate is due to DSAI’s soon becoming the next PM?

  40. Diharap Tun sentiasa sihat and sejahtera. Saya bukan peminat politik tapi saya amat menghargai apa yang Tun telah lakukan selama Tun memegang jawatan PM.

  41. salam…
    Apa yang Tun katakan pada election yang lalu semuanyer betul…
    Dan saya adalah salah seorang ….pengundi atas pagar..sa
    kecewa dengan Pemerintah…
    Keliru dengan pembangkang…
    Tapi melihat senario Permatang pauh…
    Saya harap BN boleh menang..
    bukan kerana kekecewaan dengan PB atau PKR..

  42. tun,
    hope yr family is doing fine.. as usual, very hard to disagree with you.. for me anwar is a bad leader.. if he has the power tendency is he becomes a dictator.. but he is popular now simply because he is a good talker… no significant specialty as a DPM / Minister previously

  43. saya tidak menyebelahi mana-mana pihak tetapi dari apa yang saya perhatikan melalui pilihanraya tahun ini, saya cukup pelik mengapa seorang pemimpin yang telah ditolak secara terang-terangan oleh rakyat masih lagi tidak mahu berundur sedangkan mesej yang sampaikan sungguh jelas.
    Drama Tempatan vs Drama Asing. Yang Mana Pilihan Anda?

    Liverpool di Tahta Liga, Arsenal Tewas Mengejut

    Bagaimanakah Untuk Menonton Kembali Rancangan Kegemaran Anda di TV3, NTV7 dan 8TV?

    Gadis Dibunuh Kerana Masih Dara

    Usain Bolt – Manusia Terpantas Di Dunia!

    Ingin Download Percuma?

  44. A’kum Dr.
    im just curious..why you like to critics Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for all this while?..at least, if he become prime minister in this country all tax that burden the citizen like car tax, motorcycle tax,toll, all wat kind of tax will be decreased or disable?All this tax has been setup by your leadership before right?Citizen of this country really sick and tired about what you did in you ERA. Full of bureaucracy!!!
    just look at proton now, the price was so expensive but the quality?really unacceptable,that’s the good example because youre the one who protect it. Youre not helping the citizen but you adding more burden to malaysiaN citizen who want to own a National Car…

  45. Asalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, please ignore this ungrateful Kampung Boy. He doesn’t know what is he talking. Our country is at it’s prime during TUN era.
    If u don’t have anything better to say then shut up.Why don’t u go to Pembakang blog then field your comments over there. There whatever rubbish that u field as long as its pro pembakang will be rated good, same like Anwar speech. Not here coz the comments here is for the intellectuals, whose see things differently. Not for a morons and bunch of losers like you.
    Salam Tun

  46. Dearest Tun,
    I too had wanted to vote oppostion but realised that many like thinking would do so as a protest. It occurred to me that this would have a domino effect so I voted BN.
    The threshold and tolerance of the others must have been lower and who could blame them. And so this “tsunami”.
    Threrefore it is true that the opposition did not win but that the BN lost. All because of of an inept leader.
    Not only inept but ungrateful and downright mean.
    He did care for the welfare of the rakyat and most importantly his utter disrespect to the one who had given so much to the very same rakyat.
    Dear Tun, you are truly humble.
    Let me say it out for your good self, where the mainstream are unwilling to admit – The Mahathir effect had very heavy influence in the outcome of the last GE.
    Your many many supporters just could not stomach how you were treated and betrayed.
    Yes, there was a new wave of maturity of the eletorate. For the very first time going against the parties they loved.
    For they loved you more.
    I beg your forgivenes that my vote did not go the other way.
    It meant I condoned this hypocrite’s actions towards you.
    May God bless you and your family.

  47. Tun yang di hormati,
    Tun pernah memaklumkan dalam blog tidak berapa lama dahulu bahawa UMNO semakin tidak relevan kerana sebab-sebab yang Tun nyatakan.
    Berkemungkinan besar kenyataan Tun adalah benar, matlamat dan misi UMNO nampak nya semakin tidak relevan. Ditambah dengan kerenah pemimpin UMNO yang semakin hari membuat perkara-perkara yang kadang-kadang tidak masuk akal, membuat rakyat semakin jengkel dan meluat.
    Dan peluang ini mungkin di pergunakan oleh “Master of Spin” untuk mendapat kepercayaan dan undi rakyat.
    Walaubagaimanapun “Master of Spin” mungkin lebih baik dari pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang Tun katakan lebih banyak kepada kepentingan diri sendiri, takut kepada pemimpin dsb.
    Mungkin rakyat walaupun golongan bawahan sudah pandai membaca samada media atau blog untuk membuat pilihan yang tepat.

  48. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    Tun saya rasa penyokong kuat kepada Anwar dah tak peduli matlamat perjuangan beliau .. mugkin bunyi sorakan mereka adalah ..
    (kesemuanya musuh Islam)
    Wassalam Tun

  49. TUN,
    1)Absolutely agreed that the padi farmers and petty traders concern about bread and butter matters unlike their fellow intellectuals.
    2)2008 election is the protest vote by these people.
    3)They tell the Malays in Umno not to be too greedy;tell the kowtow, while busy enriching themselves,chinese leaders stop being a NATO(no action,talk only)and the Indian leaders to be more hindraf to lift them out of poverty.
    4)It also tells the story that the NEP has failed miserably as it legalise the pick pocket of the taxpayers’ money to a handful of politician and people close to them.
    5)Billions of RM had been spent to do this so called social engineering exercise over so many years but the results do not match with the amount and efforts spent.
    6)How many of these engineered listed companies can stand on their own if detached from the government handouts,assistance or projects or have they progressed to compete on international level?
    7)How many of these engineered individuals have shine and continue to shine?In fact many have fallen into oblivion.
    8)It also reflects how angry and the failure of policy that the development of human resources of other races have to be slowed to do this exercise.
    9)It still breeds an arrogant generation that taps the brain of the others to claim credit as his own effort.We still hear “lebih awal,ada kecil kah?” when others got ready with the small change before he starts his business.We still can see the difference of the speed as some small traders clear the queue or wrap up the purchases.
    10)In all the balance sheet of the nation’s wealth has been greatly looked weak by a series of frauds,scandals and scams continuously unearthed.
    11)We still see top guns sending their children to the WEST.If the blo… WEST is not good,why send there?

  50. Salam TDM
    In reference to Malaysian at Heart on August 22, 2008 1:11 PM
    Maaf Tun, saya pun juga nak cakap sikit pasal pemberi komen
    This guy is unbelievable..he has definitely been brainwashed. The sad part is, this poor guy is so filled with frustrations and lost confidence in this country that he has to seek the past and a lame goat for our present government’s poor achievements. The worrying part is that the country population is not thinking with their head at this moment.
    Doesn’t he realise US is the Master of all master spinners? Look at their propaganda they dished out in their own media, tv and so forth. CNN has always been proven to be biased in their reporting, and Malaysia bashing during TDM’s tenure as PM is normal. They have nothing good to say about anybody or any countries who don’t kow tow to them. Even China is not spared of their grunt. Just see the coverage of the current Olympics. One should go on the website http://www.anti-cnn.com. One will see how CNN and BBC doctored coverage of the Tibetan riots etc as well Olympics coverage. The CNN President had to make a formal apology to the people of China for their offensive and insulting remarks made by one of their commentators. Obviously, CNN has never made this public. It’s no doubt CNN, BBC, Asian Wall Street Journal are very biased in their reporting. Bloomberg in the other hand is better balanced. The ECONOMIST is the best.
    So, please think straight with the right head. Syabas.
    God bless you TDM

  51. Hi Tun
    I was surprised to see how supporters of the opposition parties adore DSAI in Permatang Pauh. This is the person who has been accused of sodomy, badly managed the economy during the financial crisis in 1998, supported by the American press & XXXX, and is known in Singapore as Master of Spin. I think Malaysia is the only country in the world where the majority of its people (Malay) is willing to give up their rights voluntarily/willingly to other races. Do they realize that meritocracy is a form of an extremely subtle word that allows other races to take what you own professionally without even you realize it? How many malay students can go to the medical, architecture, biomedical and engineering faculties if the country allows meritocracy. I guess most of them will go to art faculties and graduate to become teachers, assistant managers and so forth… Do they realize at the moment they can’t compete with the chinese and indian in term of the examination grades. Don’t believe me, ask them to check out with the ministry of education on how many malay/bumiputra students can go to the faculties such as medical, architecture, biomedical and engineering if the government of malaysia use meritocracy? They will be surprised? What is so special about the Master of Spin (Anwar Ibrahim)? He has been accused for two sodomy charges. Surely there is some truth to the charges. I believe the malaysian don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. If he becomes the PM of Malaysia, I guess malaysian malay/bumiputra will experience the predicament of Malay in Singapore. Lastly, love your country and fight for your rights before they are gone in the blink of an eye. Long live Dr Mahattir.

  52. Assalamualaikum semua..
    sy ni fed up sngt2 dh dgn pemerintahan dollah dgn menantunya kj. huru negara kita ni, plg malang nasib melayu/bumiputera islam. UMNO pulak dh tdk dipercayai rkyat angkara penyelewengan & rasuah duit.
    Tun, bantulah kami..tdk snggup rasa dok bwh ketiak Anwar. tu lagi haru! confirm regimnya akn bri lbh kuasa pd cina! siapa lg dap lim kt siang!
    rakan2 blogger carilh ikhtiar utk bw Tun masuk politik lagi. hanya beliau sj yg mampu kerana ketegasan, wawasan & pelihara hubungan antara kaum.

  53. Dear Tun,
    I like to refer to two writers Harimau and Swrk
    To Harimau, I have not made any accusation against your idol Anwar. What I have stated are public knowledge, namely his crucial role to sway young Malays, the so called intellectuals in Klang Valley as well as Indian voters. You just watch his videos on youtube during last election campaign. You should take this as a compliment. That he is a masterspin, this is a term borrowed from Tun Mahathir, many writers on the blog seem to agree. I don’t think I am being personal against him.
    To my friend Swrk, Yes Sarawak and Sabah was intended as a good example of unity in the last election. I have a lot of respect for electorates there who are not easily trapped by West Malaysian confused politics, especially the so called elite Malay voters in Klang Valley.

  54. Dear Tun,
    Saya nak nasihatkan kapada agency kerajaan yang menghantar penuntut Melayu belajar diluar negara supaya jangan dikumpulkan mereka ramai-ramai di satu tempat. Mereka akan membuat perkampongan disatu tempat dan apabila mereka pulang “outlook” mereka tidak berubah. Masih ditakok sebelum mereka keluar negara. Lack of confidence and having poor personality. Ada diantara mereka bila berkumpul beramai-ramai di satu tempat mereka lebeh berminat berpolitik dan berdakwah dan bukannya menumpu sepenuhnya kapada pelajaran untuk mencapai kecemerlangan. Penuntut Melayu tidak boleh berkumpul beramai-ramai. Mereka banyak khayal. Banyak negatif daripada positifnya.Saya telah melihat sendiri situasi begini di United Kingdom dimana banyak penuntut Melayu belajar disana.
    Some of them when they had finished their studies and came back home could not even speak and write decent English after staying overseas for 4 to 5 years. What a pity !!

  55. Dear Tun,
    Kapada penyokong Anwar yang terlalu taksub menyokongnya adalah lebeh baik berbalik ke pangkal jalan. Saya rasa jika kita mempunyai perasaan was-was tentang keperibadian pemimpin-pemimpin kita adalah lebeh selamat kita jangan sokong mereka dan tinggalkan mereka. Kita mesti pilih pemimpin yang peribadinya tidak cacat dengan segala macam keburukan dan skandal. Pemimpin yang tidak mempunyai peribadi yang unggul apabila mendapat kuasa akan memudharatkan bangsa dan negara. Ini telahpun kita lihat apa yang berlaku kapada setengah pemimpin-pemimpin yang ada sekarang didalam UMNO, PAS, baikpun PKR !!
    Jauhilah dari pemimpin yang akan membawa bencana kapada rakyat. Jika kita tidak sensitif tentang pentingnya memilih pemimpin yang unggul maka negara akan akhirnya menuju kapada kehancuran dan anak cucu kita pada masa hadapan akan menuding jari kapada kita kerana kebodohan dan ketaksuban kita memilih pemimpin yang haprak dan HP6 !!

  56. Tun yang terhormat,
    Saya memang sudah beberapa kali post komen pasal orang-orang yang perasan pandai dan cuba menunjuk-nunjuk yang mereka ini konon nya golongan intelek dan bijak pandai dan kemudian mereka mulalah menulis yang bukan-bukan padahal mereka itu pun tidak seperti segala idealism yang mereka tulis. Mereka inilah golongan hipokrit yang maha besar.
    Ada seorang tu rakyat Malaysia jadi pakar bedah di Amerika tapi dia menulis dalam blog dia macam dialah yang paling pakar dalam soal hal ehwal negara kita. Pada hal dia sendiri cabut pi duduk kat negara orang semata-mata pasal nak cari duit yang lebih besar. Tak layak lah dia nak cakap apa-apa sebab dia sendiri pun tidak se patriotik mana. Cuma nak tunjuk pandai saja.
    Didalam negara pun lagi ramai orang-orang yang macam tu. Cubalah baca blog-blog mereka. Kebanyakannya hanya nak tunjuk pandai tapi bila kita kaji-kaji semula tulisan mereka, kebanyakannya haprak! Bacalah tulisan-tulisan Faris Noor atau Raja Petra kalau nak tahu apa maksud saya…

  57. Salam Tun,
    Ada Tiga Perkara yang saya nak habaq masaallah orang Melayu dan Rakyat Malaysia amnya sekarang tetang Pilihanraya baik kecil atau besar dan juga sumpah menyumpah dan tindakan mahkamah.
    1. Orang melayu sekarang cepat percaya pada surat khabar dan media eltronic yangmana banyak membuat keputusan yang semacam dikontrol oleh seseorang. Manusia yang bernama Anuar, apa salahnya sangat sampai ditudoh bekerjasama dengan Amerika dan Israel, apakah kita ada bukti yang kukoh untuk mengaitkannya, tidakkah kuasa ditangan kita next pilihanraya kita pangkah BN pula kalau kita dapati beliau terpesong kearah US dan Israel dan lupakah kita menantu Pak Le…lah yang telah membawa cina Singapore yangmana penasihat perniagaan dan Pertahanan Singapore adalah US dan Israel (MOFAZ) lupakah kita.?? Anuar telah dihubang ke Penjara Sungai Buloh oleh Tun selama 7 tahun ,apakah hukuman ini tidak setimpal dengan apa yang dia telah buat ataupun kena buat ?. Kenapa isu KJ terus diam menyepi…….
    2. Rakyat berketurunan Melayu dan Rakyat Malaysia amnya- sebagai orang islam tidakkah kita rasa berdosa diatas perbuatan kita yang menghina,mengaib,mengupat,menudoh seseorang tanpa bukti yang sah dan yang buleh diterima oleh kita semua orang islam yang masih waras ini. Lupakah kita akan kesalahan beberapa menteri2,Tim. Menteri2 Senator2 dan keluarga mereka yang melakukan perkara yang lebih dahsyat daripada apa yang Anuar buat. Kalau lah Anuar buat, dia hanya berdosa pada Tuhan, Saiful dan tidak kepada Rakyat Malaysia.(Suka sama Suka), Tapi bagi menteri2,Timbalan Menteri, Senator2, semuanya apa kesalahan yang mereka lakukan membabitkan hasil negara dan wang rakyat jelata yang miskin, harap fikir2 kan…
    mananya berkotak2 fail Rafidah sebagai apa yang dikatakan oleh Izam?,Apa dah jadi perojek2 yang diberi melalui runding terus tanpa tender terbuka?.Apa dah jadi MB Pahang meluluskan tanah bijih Timah & Emas beribu-ribu ekar diFelda Sg . Temau,K Lipis kepada PROXY adiknya( Cik Gu Golf Hasnur) Khairy Ghapor dan mengunakan Tg. Mahkota Pahang sebagai wayang. Lupakah kita Anuar Musa dan Risda serta kereta M?benz no 1. Rakyat kita cepat menyokong hanya pada perkara yang baru, itulah dia petikan kata2 Tun MELAYU MUDAH LUPA.
    3. Sumpah Dalam Mesjid DiPermatang Pauh. Apakah sekarang baru sedar dan patut bersumapah, kenapa disana dan tidak atau semasa RP mengeluarkan akaun sumpah. Dan kenapa kita membabitkan DUTA KHAS, Mongolia dalam kempen politik, BAGI SAYA BAPAK ALTATUYA LAGI BAGUS DAN SESUAI Kalau hendak dipanggil. Dan kenapa kita tidak menjawab tudohan yang dikeluarkan oleh Akbar DIMongolia minggu lepas yang mengatakan wanita itu mengandung dan telah dibom oleh orang tertentu atas arahan pihak ketiga.Kenapa tidak bersumpah makan duit judi Genting hasil peninggalan arwah toknya yang jadi PROXY ayahanda PM Kedua. Dan kenapakah mengambil isteri orang dan mengatakan isteri pilihan emak tersanyang gila babi? tapi dapat anak beberapa orang, Kalau nak tahu lebih detail tanyalah bekas suami isterinya sekarang EN. AZIZ diRANHILL.
    Semua orang boleh sumpah, pasal semua orang yang mati tidak bangkit kembali dan memberitahu kepada para sahabat yang apa akan jadi diakirat? harap jangan main dengan sumpah……
    Tentang mahkamah , hari ini polis lepas esok charge dimahkamah,pangil orang kena tudoh dengan telepon, ini apa sistem yang dipakai saya pun tak tahu/.
    Salam Tun

  58. Dear my belove TUN….
    just want to answer some of the blog friends.
    Dear Dah Ikhwan….
    if u want to use sabah and sarawak as a example…YES u should use as a example…….u know why example like sarawak state is united since our beloved SIR JAMES BROOKE THE WHITE RAJAH.we have been united almost 100 year….u know right how many tribes in sarawak…20 plus include dayak,chinese,malay,org ulu and etc….
    how many race in west MALAYSIA….3 is major u know…and the rest is org asli…..why not u learn from us…..
    i thing TUN will say the same thing….
    what we call it TUN…
    WE AS RAKYAT,CAN LEARN FROM OTHER COUNTRY LIKE JAPAN(manpower rajin),USA, and a lot more country just learn the good thing from other country lah…not the bad thing……
    Dear Azrin 2020….
    i agree what ur suggest, i thing almost half of the malaysia is still like Anuar to become PM.the way he speech very powerfull.
    and i don’t know why pak lah????????? MR CLEAN……konon.. B-LL S–T.
    Yes we can use it as what they call it DEMOCRACY…kita boleh bina kerajaan dan kita boleh tumbangkan kerajaan…itulah kuasa RAKYAT…
    Lastly i wish to all Malaysian Happy Merdeka and Selamat berpuasa kepada semua umat Islam di Malaysia dan di sabah sarawak…..
    Guy remember this YES BN is still RELEVANT…….
    and to you TUN Selamat hari Raya Puasa in advance…….
    To all Sarawakian Happy Merdeka…”45 Tahun Sarawak Maju dlm Malaysia”

  59. Hi Dr,
    U are not right. Yes I voted for the opposition, even though I have been a BN supporter for a long time but why? The country was going to the dogs!
    1) The crime rates were through the roof. The criminals were becoming more brazen by the day. 8 year old children were being raped virtually everyday. Children being kidnapped and never being seen again by their parents (To you politicians it is just statistical numbers but tell that to the grieving parents!) Wives being slashed in the arm with shaving blades so that they will release their handbags to the snatching mat rempits.
    2) The taxi and bus system totally in chaos. The taxi drivers blackmail you for a fix fare dictated by them and not the meter, which they never use. The buses are too few and infrequent. The roads are jammed packed and nobody follows any traffic rules. The road bullies control the roads. Not a single traffic cop to be seen any where. All appear only at spots where they can collect bribes easily. Even now, why not check out the road block at Mont Kiara every sat, why there only? It is probably because a lot of rich non-malays live there for easily pickings!!
    3) The education system. The number of mullahs and she-mullahs have increased dramatically. They are above the law and do as they please. The teachers are so incompetent that all they ask of the students is to cut and paste, no actual teaching going on. All they care about is agama day and night! Why bother with ilmu. All comes from god right. So you either dig it out of the ground or just buy it from some orang putih, who by the way was given the ilmu by god. Somehow god doesn’t give the ilmu directly to muslims. He gives the ilmu to the non-muslims for muslims to buy it from them after they have earned money from what they have dug from the ground. The teachers don’t even understand the superiority of ilmu over agama. That is why this country must remain secular.
    Etc etc. Why not live among the people and find out their everyday problems. Simple, stop living in privilege.This is not something temporary where we will go back to BN at the next election. UMNO behaves too much like the sultans, they have become too arrogant and too rich to bother about the people’s sufferings. They are too detached.

  60. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    Think I’m the last to post here… hehe.
    I always agree with your above article. The so called intelectuals, those people are nonsence, they always talk about so called freedom, transparency, open society etc., but they never bother to contribute any significant idea on how to fight poverty, wealth the country, strengthen the economy so on so forth. Why these people would rather talk openly about sensitive issues that errupted racialsm. I think in this country racism became worst than before they talked openly about all these sensitive issues. I would rather give my vote to MP with bussiness or med doc backgrouds than those who claim i’m intelect and knows laws.
    May Allah gives you His blessing Tun & family…

  61. Dear Tun,
    Comments from Wok,
    “TK, if I were you, I would start looking for an island where I could form MY own government, MY own laws, MY own identity, MY own culture, MY own values, etc, etc, MY OWN, as I AM SO FULL OF MYSELF! Phoorah dah! IT IS ALWAYS EASIER SAID THEN DONE! You are PATHETIC!”
    Dear Wok,
    You are worse kind in actual fact. Just shut up if you do try to sarcastic.
    Kampong Boy

  62. Salam Tun and bloggers
    Tun, u’ve said it all. Kalau AAB and kuncu2 tak paham-paham gak, tak taulah.

  63. Sorry Tun this is for DAH Ikhwan…
    Dei DAH Ikhwan!!
    Apa nak jadi dengan kau ini??
    Hang jangan pakai tuduh saja dan menjatuhkan orang dah!
    DSAI memang orang yang paling layak untuk PM dan dia seorang saja yang boleh bawa kita ke wawasan 2020 selepas TDM tau!
    Kau jangan tuduh sebarangan sebelum kau ada bukti. Itu haram tau!
    Kalau kame senang nanti kau bacalah apa yang tersiar dalam Malaysia Today pasal SD Rajoo…..
    Tuhan akan pastikan yang benar akan timbul satu hari dan yang bersalah tetak akan terima hukumanya satu hari…..

  64. Dear Tun,
    I wonder, sir, do you consider yourself an intellectual?
    “It is time the so-called intellectuals realise they were being duped by the Master of Spin, the pious Muslim who is also the bosom pal of Paul Wolfowitz, the neo-con Jew, the killer of Muslims, the supporter of Hindraf and of the Chinese schools etc. etc.”
    I read that you have just attempted to incite Muslim hatred towards the Jews, Hindus and Chinese, all in one sentence. But on what basis? Race and religion?
    You are a highly regarded and influential man. Please be more responsible with what you write.

  65. Hi Tun,
    Also worth pointing out is the arrogance of the UMNO leaders. Many suffer a grave attitude problem. We have seen from them numerous gestures and remarks which are derogatory, obscene, racist, sexist or blatantly untrue, all made in public (perform a search on YouTube and you will see what I mean). The village people may not care or know about PR’s agendas but there is now a sizable middle class people especially from the non-Malay community who feel slighted by UMNO’s arrogance. Before the election (and still now) it seemed as though they did not need our votes anymore. They were not afraid of doing things that would annoy the people. The component parties like MCA and MIC, on the other hand, had been over-submissive to UMNO that they were no longer able to represent the voices of the people they pleged to represent. There was no effort to listen to the people. I say, it was their sheer indifference coupled with their arrogance which made the voters turn their back on BN.
    You were right in pointing out that the voters turned to PR because they wanted to show BN their dissatisfaction. But it is unfair to discredit PR entirely on their political agenda. To me, all politicians, be they from BN or PR, are of the same breed. But honestly, PR appeals more to me simply because PR tries to at least IMPRESS the people, whereas BN just BOSSES the people around even at the hardest of times. BN just doesn’t seem to understand that times have changed and the people are not as gullible as they think. A few road-resurfacing projects here and there a month before the general election is just not going to negate all the resentment pent up in the voters for the last 4-5 years.
    At a time when the people are just plain sick of BN, PR does seem to be a viable alternative. The people now understand that, if they voted PR in, PR would have the same resources to resurface just as many roads as BN is capable of. It is not about who does the road-resurfacing with the taxpayers’ own money. It is about who is willing to listen. In this respect, at present PR is well in the lead. True, PR’s promises may not materialise. But a promise is a promise, and the PR leaders seem to be enthusiastic about fulfilling the promises they made. We have seen enough broken promises from BN under Abdullah anyway, a few more is not going to kill us. We just don’t want them to come from BN anymore.
    The voters now know to use our votes to get the most out of our politicians. The era when “the opposition will not have the resources to bring development to your area” is gone. What the voters see in Penang, for example, is the BN attempting to punish the voters for voting PR by shelving various federal government-funded projects, while PR displays convincingly an ernestness to bring development to the state with Guan Eng’s pleas to the BN-led federal government to not shelve them. Think about it: PR really wants to develop the state but with the BN government withholding the funds, there is really not much PR can do, their avid intentions notwithstanding. On the other hand, BN has the ability to develop the state with PR but chooses not to. The way I see it, BN will be blamed for any underdevelopment in Penang within the following 5 years. BN’s hope is that in the next general election, the voters in Penang will see that Penang has undergone underdevelopment under PR, and cast their votes for BN. But the voters may well decide to get rid of BN altogether from the federal government instead to enable PR to proceed with their development plans without hurdle.
    To sum up, BN’s owes its downfall to the arrogance of UMNO, the incompetence of its component parties, and a shared sense of indifference towards the public. What BN needs is not just a new leader, but an overhaul in its attitude towards the masses. The biggest mistake BN made prior to the 2008 general election was they underestimated the voters, as they continue to do in the Permatang Pauh by-election. If the BN leaders do not see it this way, then the prospect of BN assuming the role of opposition in the house of parliament is real indeed.

  66. Dear YAB Tun Dr.M,
    My family and myself use to be a very strong supporters of BN but now we have no faith in them at all.
    What is happening to Malaysia currently makes us loose confidence on BN.
    I’m not sure whether Tun have read today’s posting in Malaysia Today. This about the SD by Rajoo. He mentioned on his SD that he met you with regards to DS Anwar sodomy issue back in 1998. It seems that everything was a set-up done be certain quaters to fix DS Anwar. Can Tun comment on this. Looking at his SD, even Tun didn’t receive the true story on this…Thank you.

  67. Hello TDM
    “Life is never measured by the years you live or the wealth you possess but by the caring you do, the cheer and love you share and the many people whose hearts you have touched.”
    Love you or hate you..these are the very people whose hearts you have touched and who voted for you all those years and still continue to vote for you after your retirement through your successor, who won a landslide in his first election as PM. After 5 years of doldrum..there are nothing to show that we are a successful nation. All you have accomplished are now near to ground zero. Don’t worry be happy is all we can say. Syabas

  68. Yang saya sanjungi Tun,
    Maaf Tun, saya pun nak cakap sikit pasal pemberi komen
    By Malaysian at Heart on August 22, 2008 1:11 PM
    My comment:
    This guy is talking nonsense. The third world that I have been were very envious of us for having Tun as our PM. I have been to cuntries like Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia and glad to say Tun’s name was and is still popular. So, don’t twist and deny the fact, and shutup.
    TUN I also miss you so much.
    we solute you……
    this year is not like merdeka at all…..memang sunyi sangat…….
    Semua terlalu sibuk di PP hingga lupa tanggungjawab sebenar…terlalu sedih mengenang erti Kemerdekaan..

  69. Salam Tun,
    The situation Tun described is almost similar to the story told by Ivo Andric in his book the “Bosnian Chronicle” (ISBN 1 86046121 2).
    The people of Travnik during the Napoleonic era be it the Ottoman viziers, French consuls. Austrian diplomats or Bosnian locals were consumed by a cealess game of diplomacy, double-dealing, brooding and scheming behind closed doors which have brought much tragedy to the country.

  70. Dear Tun,
    Is the 2-party system idea is good for our country? Many non-bumis politician had proposed the idea which is similar to USA. Many years back, it was proposed by one political party and however the idea was shot-down. But now many BN politician jumped to PKR due to this idea. Are we ready for 2-party system? Is BN still relevant?
    Take care

  71. Salaam Tun.
    Wahai teman dan taulan sa Malaysia;
    Adalah semustahak NAFAS kita, kita pertahankan kebebasan kita yang diwariskan kepada kita setengah abad dahulu.
    PENJAJAH zaman ini tidak menjajah melalui kehadiran mereka. Mereka menjajah melalui proksi (pak pacak).
    Satu daripada cara menguasai proksi ini ialah dengan memilih calun yang MAHU, yang amat besar KEMAHUANNYA, kemudian DIBELINYA proksi ini, orang sekarang namakan ia politik wang?
    Dengan ini CALON ini menjadi MILIK SI PENJAJAH. Pak Pacak ini sudah tergadai KEMAHUANnya. Dalam perkara-perkara induk dan dasar-dasar pokok dia terpaksa melaksanakan KEMAHUAN tuannya.
    Perlu diingat, begitu licik PENJAHJAH ini, hingga melalui perundingan pun mereka berjaya memerangkap mangsanya. Mereka berjaya memperoleh sesuatu yang tangible dari mangsanya dengan hanya BERJANJI untuk memberi sesuatu sebagai gantinya. Akhirnya si mangsa kehilangan sesuatu yang tidak akan ada penggantinya. Itulah yang berlaku dalam social contract. Tuan rumah beri apa saja yang dia ada dalam perbendaharaannya, dengan tukaran hanya SATU JANJI untuk menghormati sisa-sisa yang masih tinggal dalam tangan tuan rumah.
    Bulan hadapan ada pilihan raya kecil. Banyak tulis-tulisan mengatakan seorang petanding ada hubungan dengan Paul Wolfowitz. Paul ini perancang yang membunuh ribuan Muslim. Dia penyalur kewangan Yahudi, yang jika wang itu dicurah kenagara kita seperti mencurah air dari baldi, negara ini akan tenggelam seperti banjir besar yang turun dari darat dan naik dari laut. Selama ini calon ini hanya berjanji ini dan berjanji itu.
    Ingat itu hanya JANJI.
    Ingat kalau dia menang, bererti kita telah beri sesuatu yang tidak ada tolok gantinya.
    Ingat kalau dia menang, mampukah dia melaksanakan JANJInya. Ada kemunkinan tak, dia akal melaksanakan HEHENDAK tuannya.
    Ingat, mampukah kita memberi sesuatu yang hanya ditukar dengan satu JANJI lagi?
    Ataukah memang “Melayu mudah lupa”
    Yang mendeklamasi puisi tersebut menangis sementara belum terkena. Mampukah anak cucu kita menangis kerana kita sudah terkena lagi? Mampukah anak cucu kita melayan orang yang BESAR NAFSUNYA untuk berkuasa?
    Bayangkan satu worst case scnario dimana bangsa kita dijajah dari jauh, melalui pak pacak, dan Jalur Gemilang bertukar wajah kepada Star-Spangled Stripes. Iraq kononnya liberated. Yang hadir di sana ialah pak pacak. Yang ratusan dibunuh tiap hari adalah peribumi. Pak pacak tak dapat melaksanakan apa-apa melainkan kepentingan tuannya. Sekarang dia suruh askar asing berundur. Meraka enggan. Apa pak pacak boleh buat?
    Dia boleh buat apa orang yang tak bermaruah boleh buat.

  72. Assalamualaikum,Tun…Sihat?
    Tun,apa salahnya Anuar menjadi ahli politik dan memerintah negara,Bagi saya Anuar lah yang paling layak buat masa ini untuk memacu negara yang seakan terumbang ambing dalam landasannya…selain Tun,dia mampu menjana semangat rakyat dan negara kearah itu..dan Mahkamah telah membuktikan yang beliau tidak bersalah…dan pada pandangan mata saya ahli-ahli politik yang lain mungkin mempunyai kesalahan dan kelakuan yang lebih teruk yang kita tak tahu.Bagi saya sokongan saya keatasnya bukanlah kerana Parti tetapi diri Anwar itu sendiri,Sebelum kejatuhannya rakyat telah membayangkannya sebagai Perdana Menteri..dan dialah yang paling layak selepas Tun…Seingat saya semasa Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri dan Anwar sebagai timbalan…itulah masa-masa negara berada didalam kedudukan ekonomi yang outstanding…dan selepas kita mengalami kemelesetan ekonomi sehingga kita bangkit sekarang pun belum sampai ketahap itu..negara dan parti sangat kuat..kita layak menjadi hos sukan kommenwel..dan rata-rata dari segi sosial,ekonomi dan politik adalah terbaik di masa itu…saya nampak dan baca apa yang berlaku pada negara..dan perbezaannya boleh dibandingkan…Saya sangat pelik..dan adakah kita sedar walaupun 10 tahun telah berlalu,dia di tahan, ditumbuk dan halang..kini rakyat tetap sayangkan dia…walaupun Anwar itu sendiri akan menghancurkan negara sekalipun..rakyat juga akan menjatuhkannya…
    ‘Hanya Tuhan Yang Tahu’.

  73. Salam Tun,
    When you mention these “intellectuals”, the names that comes to my mind are:-
    Karim Raslan the “I don’t believe it is just a Bangsar issue”
    That Azmi half lawyer lecturer fellow in UiTM writing in STAR
    Syamsul Amri “Don’t know what he is doing in KITA fellow”
    Really hope they do not poison the young minds.

  74. Askum Tun,
    maaf kerana saya antara yang terlambat membaca blog Tun, mungkin kerana selama ini saya adalah antara ribuan rakyat Malaysia yang tidak memperdulikan hal politik. benar kata Tun, kami adalah rakyat yang hanya mementingkan dimana datangnya rezeki kami seterusnya. Kami adalah terdiri dari pekerja kelas bawahan, yang terpaksa menanti berita keadaan ekonomi untuk menentukan masa depan anak-anak kami. Akan adakah peluang untuk mereka hidup selesa (bukan mewah) di masa hadapan? akan adakah bantuan untuk anak-anak melayu ini di bawah kerajaan masa hadapan? Kami juga surirumah yang ternanti-nanti berita adakah harga beras dan ikan akan naik lagi? cukup kah wang perbelanjaan untuk memastikan anak-anak kami makan hari ini? Politik lain tidak bermakna untuk kami.Skandal atau pelan pembangunan, jambatan atau highway, tidak berkenaan kami. Di underground level, rakyat hanya membincangkan who will help fill our bellies. terangkan lah sebanyak mana pun tentang ekonomi negara dan harga minyak negara, yang kami faham cuma apakah tindakan seterusnya? seperti biasa, the obvious will never be answered. Rakyat mahukan ekonomi maju untuk rakyat, seperti zaman Tun jadi our leader. Sekarang yang rakyat nampak ekonomi maju untuk negara (kerajaan),orang besar rasa, orang kecik? dissastifaction is abound, what can the government do about it? selagi PM sekarang tak dengar suara rakyat yang kecik, di bawah ni, selagi tu, sokongan memang susah dicari.

  75. Yes Tun,
    You are 100% right about these disgusting morons intellectuals. They are not helping to unite and make situation better but are all out to destroy this beautiful Malaysia and the racial harmony that has been built all this while instead, without them realising the implication of their stupid actions and wishful thinking ideas.
    I wished that these morons had been kept away from this society forever. However the present govenmen is too weak and scared of taking stern actions against these morons. Pleasing these morons of each of thier stupid request will make the situation worst. These morons heads will swell even bigger and will do whatever they want by shouting out and masquerade behind a hoax drama that they are “freedom of everything fighters”. But the whole truth is that they are actually fake freedom fighters if they want to put sensitive racial and religious issues at stake. I hope that the goverment could be more stern to these morons before situation and hell broke loose.

  76. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I am happy that you address this issue of General Election 2008. I support your main points that the intellectuals, or the so called intellectuals, and the younger generation have led themselves to be taken for a ride by the masterspin Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar is not just a good orator, but more so as a master stratgist who can exploit any weakness available. It was Anwar who swayed the Malays in Klang Valley. It was Anwar who exploited the Indian sentiment which is crucial to BN in all the states that BN lost. Even outlying states like Kelantan was also affected by the Klang valley sentiment, brought back by the returning Kelantan voters. Chinese voters, of course, will go either way, depending on the general prevailing sentiment during election time.
    Only Sabah and Sarawak were impervious during the last election, probably because they are not easily instigated by West Malaysian Opposition. That is why they have their own political parties in the first place. They also don’t have Indian voters, who are dreaming of wonders from their ‘Savior’ Anwar.
    Finally, I feel, no analysis of today’s political situation is accurate without having a good estimate of how various races voted. I have done such analysis which provide a fairly accurate estimate. Please visit my site for the article on ‘Malaysia’s General Election 2008 Results: A comprehensive and objective Analysis’ and other relevant articles.
    DAH Ikhwan

  77. tun,
    Analisis-saya tentang result di penang:
    1.org melayu dah boring dgn calon2 umno yang depa ni sombong,berlagak dok perbetui semua peluang kat depa.tun pikiaq byk mana melayu dlm penang,depa kira dok adjust kat depa saja.
    2.di kebykan adun/parlimen di pulau 80% adalah calon mca/gerakan sepanjang 4 kali pilihan raya saya xberpeluang nak vote org kita,terpaksa dok fahami sifat muhibah/toleransi
    3.dua minggu sblm pilihanraya sipengkianat melayu(anwar),xhenti2 berceramah dan apa yg dijanjikakn kat pengundi bukan melayu saya pun xtau,respon utk dia mmg hesbat.
    4.DAP (parti anti melayu)telah berkempen habis2an di semua tempat 90%penduduk cina dgn mengunakan sentimen perkauman spt ‘slogan undi cina kepada cina’,’jom ubah’,spt ada tanda2 awal(2hari sblm pilihanraya)bahawa semua org cina akan mengundi DAP.
    5.di penang saya merasakan sentimen agak berlainan kerana org cina ingin spt biasa mencuba kerana mereka dah terlalu ramai dan menghapuskan kepentingan melayu.

  78. Hai Tun,
    harap TUN dan sekeluarga sihat selalu.
    Tun nak tanye sikit..
    1.siapa yang patut jadi PM ?
    a)Anuar(G dot Y) paham jelah
    b)Najib(kaki P..P..)
    siapa lagi dlm senarai….. takdak….
    2.kenapa minyak tiba2x turun?
    rakyat bukan bodoh….alasan… pilihanraya .(minyak memang dah turun dulu lagi..)
    RM0.15 je napa tak Rm0.40 @ Rm0.50 baru cun…
    3.napa tak bagi orng sabah sarawak masuk kabinet?
    alasan……… sane menang besar mah hampir 100%
    tapi suruh bersabar……sampai bila…….
    4.kenapa harga minyak naik je masa pilihanraya,turun pun masa tu jugak.
    sbb rakyat bodoh……..
    5.napa nak banding harga minyak dengan negara2x yang memang ada masalah,macam filipina,indon,thai dss…..
    sbb rakyat bodoh mah……
    pls stop all this nonsense.rakyat tak bodoh,..tu sbb kalah…sbb ingat rakyat bodoh…..
    memang betul kata TUN…
    We as RAKYAT not stupid,we know what is happening around us.
    Tun what’s ever ur action,ur doing the right thing….
    but i ashamed what is happening today,buat keputusan membuta tuli…tak pikir pasal rakyat……….
    TUN i miss you so much.
    we solute you……
    this year is not like merdeka at all…..sunyi sangat…….

  79. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Bulleyes 100% right, way to go Tun, we the rakyat support you 100%.
    Lets give them hell Tun. May Allah bless and protect you and your family. Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir, You’re our national pride and hero.
    Wasalam ……….May Allah save us all and our beloved country..

  80. No other countries trying to achieve a developed status has ever been ruled by one and only one party, i.e. UMNO and its partners. Imagine since independence this one party (BN) is reaping all the benefits, becoming unhealthy after a while in view of abosolute power they have in their hands. Those in the grassroots of this long and established party undertand the reality of what goes around on the ground.
    By simple intuition whatever happens to the current leadership has got roots from previous leaders. Year in year out the party went through more or less the same motion. Anyone who happens to be the leader when the nation is flourishing with oil money, and low labour cost would bound to do well. Perhaps we need to have one leader of the country not from UMNO, for a change, as an eye opener to the nation. Who knows how she/he would fare.
    Most common people find it difficult to undertand why so much hatred is hurled against someone who was hand picked by the leader of the nation, given wide breadth of exposure, so brilliant that he was made the deputy to the sherif and even took care of the country’s finance. Tell this story to the teens and adults alike, they would find it difficult to comprehend, let alone see the justification of putting in so much hatred towards the end of their long lasting friendship. Like any other good friends, it is easy to forget and forgive but at times the forgiver could be trying to clap with only one hand and there is no ending to it.
    Intellectuals aside, the more enlightened we become the more confused.com we would wish to be.
    Of course the more we read, the better informed we become. No wonder the first verse in the Quran is all about read! So continue reading friends and foes and judge the fact for yourselves.

  81. salam kepada semua…
    sebagai generasi yg bakal mewarisi Malaysia, saya sgt kecewa dgn apa yg golongan2 yg digelar pemimpin sama ada BN mahupun PKR. saya kecewa kerana apa yg mereka ini lakukan pd masa sekarang hanya akan menyebabkan generasi saya akan merana kerana bakal mewarisi sebuah negara yang kucar-kacir..
    jika hendak komen tentang penyalahgunaan kuasa yg berlaku sekarang, saya percaya perkara ini telah berlaku sejak sekian lama..bukan hanya timbul sejak Pak lah jadi PM. saya yakin ia telah pun berlaku sejak zaman Tun lagi..apa yg ada sekarang telah diwarisi sejak dahulu lagi. cuma, pak lah dan gengnya memburukkan lagi apa yg telah sedia buruk dan busuk.
    Jgn salah sangka dgn komen sy di atas, kerana saya juga bukanlah nak mengatakan yg PKR@AI itu betul2 belaka. Saya tidak satu peratus pun yakin yg jika AI menjadi PM maka semua salah laku,kronisme, rasuah dsbgnya tidak akan berlaku.sama sekali tidak. semua ini akan berterusan..selagi kita bertuhankan wang dan kuasa…
    sebagai Muslim, saya ingin sekali mengingatkan diri sendiri, TUN, Pak Lah and the geng, AI dan semua Muslim..kembalilah pada ajaran Islam yg sebenar…semakin kita mengagungkan wang dan kuasa, maka makin jauh kita dariNya..semakin jauh kita dariNya maka apa yg kita lakukanlah adalah kerja yg sia2 sahaja. ingat, kuasa yg anda miliki sekarang akan menjadi beban di akhirat..semuanya akan disoal tanpa ada tertinggal walau satu pun..

  82. Salam Tun,
    Maaf Tun, saya nak cakap sikit pasal pemberi komen
    By Malaysian at Heart on August 22, 2008 1:11 PM
    My comment:
    What nonsense are you talking about. Other people from other parts of the world were very envious of us for having Tun as our PM. Don’t twist the fact ok. I have been to many countries and Tun’s name was and is still popular. The 2 countries that were unhappy with us were the UK and US. Why? Because they had not been able to dictate Tun on what and how things should be done.They used CNN to blackened Tun’s name on this. They attack our currency and Tun defended our country… a good try by them still not enough to shake Tun at that time. I don’t think it work though, coz my German friends are still talking about Malaysia former premier in a very positive way. We were not the pariah of the world. Or…. is it you?
    Therefore, kindly refrain from talking nonsense ok. Your spin do not work here.

  83. Tun,
    Yes I trust you got it Spot-On when it comes to why the people voted for the opposition. It was not because of the Pakatan Rakyat’s merits but more on the disatisfaction of the people with their current situation and the country situation.
    But nonetheless, BN gotta becareful here coz they could well continue to loose further….

  84. 1)maksud tun ‘putau alam’?? atau ‘putar belit fakta’??..kuang…kuang…kuang
    2)tun, boleh tak kalu kita kata ramai sangat dah jadi macam ‘parrot’ atau senang cite ‘burung kakak tua’. mereka pandai berkata2 tapi tak tahu atau tak faham langsung erti apa yg di lafazkan…walaupun ada pengikut/penyokong intellect tapi semua mcm burung kakak tua…ikut…dan ikut dan ikut…berulang2 lalu dalam tak sedar buat kesilapan…
    3) itulah tun.. saya dah kata ‘belajarlah ke negara cina tapi dibimbangi akhirnya ilmu dan amalan semua terpesung….’
    pegi ke cina biarlah ambik yg baik2 jgn ikut yg buruk2,..
    4)tun tgk ajelah ‘kerajaan langit’ Ayah Pin tu…pengikut2nya ramai jugak dari bijakpandai spt doktor, engineer, professor…sepatutnya golongan intellectlah tu…bkn calang2 akhirnya terpesung..waallahualam..
    5)kerajaan langit pun takde ayahpin pun lesap…
    6)kerajaan langit tu di negeri mana ya??
    7)tapi itulah kalu dah jadi burung kakak tua…sampai bila mereka boleh sedar?? atau akan sedar??? atau boleh sedar??
    8)dulu pernah juga keluar kata2 ada 90 surau tersalah kiblat…yg buat surau2 tu bkn ke yg cerdik pandai maksudnya termaksuklah org2 yg pandai bina bgn dan sudah tentu diminta pandangan dari org2 yg digolongkan sebagai pious. so apa dah jadi dunia ni..??
    9)adakah kita tak boleh harap pada yg ‘intelect’ ni lagi??
    10)tun tolong ulas sikit buat kami yg masih tercari2 dan ingin menimba ilmu sebaik2 mungkin….ttg soal pegangan, prinsip, ilmuwan, amalan, iman, pimpinan dan hala tuju Malaysia Tercinta..
    11) meowww…meowwww

  85. My dear TDM
    Someone wrote on your blog.
    “Najib as PM? I rather have Rosmah as PM. At least she got balls (Pun intended) other then her self-serving attitude”.
    Lots of laugh..very good one indeed. Her self-serving attitude is helping oneself to the icing of the cake and then the whole cake. I don’t see how the government can afford to buy Rosmah a new custom-built desk and chair that would fit her…if she becomes a PM. Imagine the desk and chair will have to be small in size and low in height but pasted all over with diamonds and gold. On 2nd thought, perhaps then the government can afford..who can tell. However, Who ever said Najib has been a Minister and now DPM all these while is near insane. He is, in reality and in person only. The present…tidur lagi..thus, the son-in-law is de factor PM.
    What has become of this country that we so loved?
    For goodness sake, Bring back the old horses now..the real thoroughbreds to run the country before it goes down to the mud..if not, we are nearly there.
    Tengku Razaleigh and Rais Yatim or Muhyidin for PM and DPM respectively, will be a very good start. What’s another 5 more years..at least these horses can run the mile sincerely to the finish. C’mon UMNO..wake up and do something brave and constructive before it is too late for you as a Party and for us..as a nation. Hidup Malaysia for all Malaysians. Syabas.
    God Bless us all..and to you too TDM.

  86. Dear Tun,
    Try to understand us rakyat, do we have any other choice beside voting for opposition. Certain area they have independent party contesting but at certain area we only have opposition party to chose beside BN. We pretty well know that MR. Flip Flop won’t step down and we don’t want him to be there also. Therefore in order to send him a clear message this is what we have to do. Vote for opposition.
    Take for example the fuel price. Within 24 hours he can change his words. Yesterday he was saying that it will not revise the price as of now and any revision will be done after National Day. Yet today he announce the price redution. Vote buying tactic?????? Only God knows. When he increase it is done immediately when he reduce it will only be effective on Saturday. Why??????? By-election?????
    Fed up of the current situation. Sick

  87. My dear TDM
    I agree with your rationale thinking towards this.
    All of us are intellectuals in our own kind of way. As a human being, we are born with a brain. Therefore, we can all think what is right and what is wrong for ourselves..though some may be extreme than the others.
    It would be wise not to under-rate or undermine the kampung folks, padi planters and farmers, petty traders, food stall holders and hawkers, the rubber tappers and Class F contractors or be it the man in the street. Those old political thinking people have more or less gone or retired into blissful life from the fruits they reaped during those years..yes, those were the years. It is their generations who will live on with watchful eyes and open ears that their parents have taught them. In other words, they can’t be hookwind that easily anymore. One would be amazed to hear the kind of talks in the coffee shops or kampung today. I must admit they have matured considerably in their thinking.
    It is not that the people did not object too much on corruption. True in the case of those in the political circle. For the rests of the rakyat, we do CARE. We care for our country. We care for our economy. We care for our livelihood. We care for our family. We care for our generations and generations to come. But how, where and to whom can we voice or object to? Like you have put it clearly, “The people feared the reaction of the Government and did not voice their disgust at such uncouth behaviour”. How very true. So, where do we go from here?
    The oppositions may have “won” in the last election by default or what not..more like improvement..but with whose help? Obviously, thanks to our present Badawi administration. It will not surprise anyone if the opposition takes over the governing administration in no time. This will definitely happen if the present government does not buck up and realise that their popularity has already been drag down to near hell as they have done the very same to our economy.
    Can we blame the people, intellectuals or non-intellectuals alike, for listening and supporting the oppositions when “angels” come knocking on their doors. People will believe anything and in anything during desperate times.
    The oppositions can advocate and promised a more open society with transparency and whatnots and the doing away with the ISA. Yes, perhaps they would do so as they promised..but lets face it, in reality how open and tranparent can one be with a mixed society like ours. People can be very vocal and at most times, very harsh with their words. Indecency and sensitivities will surface. Next, on the doing away with ISA..the same will be realised but when truth are being told and outspoken, can one really stomarch those criticisms. For the matter, we can’t even stomarch our very own criticisms from our neighbors. There’s no denying it is going to be that simple, as one would believe, is capable to stomach any such criticisms. Mouths will be shut eventually. The Truth is always hard to swallow. So, What then? Back to the drawing board again?
    Realistically, How can it be when all these are already in our very system!!! If at all it will be done, it will take time for it to take effect..and time is what the people don’t have. We are an impatient nation. After 5 years in doldrum, the people’s expectations are high. They expect drastic changes over night. But sad to say, if promises are not met or fulfilled in the fastest time possible..I dread to think what will come next to this country.
    From Kampung folks to City folks…we are all alike.
    We are capable to THINK with reasonable intellect.
    Look after yourself well, and your good lady. God bless.

  88. Tun,
    I have to disagree (have been doing that lately more often with your posts but still i have my own mind and stand).
    The Bar Council and other so called intellectuals ever since from the days of the French Revolution will always insist that they have a right to be speak out and be heard.
    We all should be yet graceful in allowing verbalities as none of those can change the entrenched clauses in the constitution. We must allow anyone to speak his or her mind even though we disagree strongly.
    People must understand what is meant by entrenched clauses. As long as that is accepted, they can debate all they want. End of the day accept the constitution of the country you profess to be in or look for another one.
    Look at Singapore. It doesn’t even give a damn. When the ICJ says Pulau Batu Putih is theirs, they do their ‘draw a 12 nautical mile circle round the island’ thing.
    Redhuan D. Oon
    PendAtang Dengan Izin

  89. Yang saya sanjungi Tun,
    “Yes, BN did not win so did the opposition. In fact we (the rakyat) lost also due to lack of leadership in the current PM.” But Tun, who should we rely on now? We lost your leadership and no where can we get a leader of your quality. We in Sarawak are confused and lost to which branch of trees should we hang on. Our present leadership in Sarawak is silent on the current political situation inorder to safe guard their personal interest. Beleive me, if PR formed the government, only then they will swing in. They are just like “LALANG” full of hipocracy.
    Semoga Allah SWT melimpahkan Rahmat Kesihatan yg baik buat Tun sekeluarga.
    Apai Sarawak

  90. Dah berapa kali saya buat posting ni. Selagi UMNO tak kuat, selagi tu lah pembangkang boleh menang dan menjadi makin kuat. Klu dulu pembangkang kena betul2 kerja kuat utk memenangi hati pengundi. Sekarang ni org2 dlm UMNO, dlm MCA, dlm MIC sendiri yg musnahkan parti. Tambahan pula skrg ni Tun dah ada diluar UMNO. Senang2 je pembangkang boleh menang.
    Pak Lah kena ingat tu. Kena kembalikan Tun kedlm UMNO. Klu tidak agak suram la negara ini. Ekonomi ke mana, taraf pendapatan rakyat ke mana, hala tuju negara pun tonggang langgang

  91. Dear Tun,
    I think the authorities in Malaysia have become more and more corrupt. So many so called leaders are only there for their own personal gain. In doing so, these criminals have propogated the same behaviour and attitude to the lowest levels. All one has to do is ask the people about a time when they have had to give a bribe to a government officer or have known of a close friend or relative who has had to do so, and the reply will almost certainly confirm this fact.
    I am sick of it. It’s rather bitter to know you are right by the law, but you cannot trust the people in power to abide by it or stand by you when you raise an issue unless it will benefit them in some way. Where is the justice if only selfish influence and money rules?

  92. Dear Tun,
    Talking about elections – people should not read too much into the final result of the Permatang Pauh vote count.
    It is after all Anwar’s strong Hold. He is sure to win. Big or small margin is irrelevent. There are so any factors at play. Anyway it is a sure way for Anwar to get to Parliment – he will not chance a lost anywhere else. He would not dare risk losing.
    So he gets to parliment, so what. He will lead the opposition. An opposition (which is calling themselves Pakatan but actually it is a marriage of convenience – a very shaky and loose bind holds them together).
    Permatang Pauh to Putrajaya??? Dream on…
    Defection; if it happens means Democracy as purported by Anwar has actually died. It will be a situation of contradiction. Anwar cannot say he is the champion of democracy when he actually will use such underhanded tactics…..
    Wake up – people a see a spade for a spade. He is no champion of anything worth mentioning.

  93. Dear Tun
    I consider myself as a young intellectual but I certainly cannot tolerate UMNO and BN anymore especially nowadays. As you can see for yourself, the party seems to be rife of corruption and money politics. I have not experienced it myself but the closest I got to this was one of my relative told me that his friend, who attended the UMNO Party Elections from Kelantan (if I am not mistaken) and stayed in a hotel opposite PWTC, received a brown envelope under his door with some money (RM100, I think or RM50) with a slip telling who to vote.
    I will certainly not have anyone from such a party practising this to be involved in leading my country. As a counter-reaction, I therefore supported the alternative government as it seemed to be the only way out and to give them a chance to prove themselves. Certainly UMNO and BN have already “proven” themselves.
    I would not like to see kampung people and rural village folks still remaining at their intellectual level without knowledge of modernisation. The BN and UMNO has had since 1957 to improve them but they still appear rather backward and not catching up with other nations. Certainly a committed and hardworking government would have acheived much, much more to modernise Malaysia at a much more rapid pace. I am not criticising you as a ex-PM. You had the right ideals but unfortunately UMNO / BN as a group did not have that same drive that you did. What can one man do if he has no support?
    I certainly am not tolerating the rubbish that is Anwar nor Khairy. However, I think Pak Lah seems to be the most moderate out of all possible leaders so far and I am not impressed with the dynamism of Najib or Muhyiddin.
    I certainly have not identified a good leader for Malaysia as yet but I know his qualities should be :-
    1. 100% committed on Islam and has the akhlak and the ilmu (he must be an ulamak who understands the modern world)
    2. He must have truly loyal friends to support him (ideally 4 like The Prophet PBUH)
    3. A visionary, able to be pratical and committed to implement modern things in modern times and to play catchup with the developed countries.
    In short, some of the proof that this man is capable of carrying Malaysia and acheiving it is :-
    1. Malaysian football is cured of corruption and lackdaisical performance and manage to enter the World Cup or Olympics with significant improvement in ranking
    2. Significant jump in excellence in Government up to the most minute of details (like the Japanese) – cleanliness, well thought out and proper planning before implementation of anything, changes in work ethics, work environment, work attitude, etc
    3. Significant jump in medal rankings (sports ranking), economic ratings and standing of the nation in the eyes of the world under this leadre
    4. 100% committed follow-through not easily diminishing through time on anyting that matters
    Let us see if any “leader” can acheive these 4 things for Malaysia first and I will have my eyes open wider for him otherwise let me sleep.

  94. Ayahnda Tun..
    Hanya pemimpin yang mengerti dan sayang kan negara sahaja sanggup berbuat apa-apa demi kepentingan rakyat,tanah air dan agama..Lihat sahaja apa yang telah berlaku sekarang.Pemimpin yang sombong,bongkak dan taksub pada duit..
    Sedih mengingatkan anak-anak dan cucu-cucu nanti

  95. Salam buat Tun dan keluarga.
    Apa yg berlaku seluruh Malaysia dah nampak, hanya yg memegang tampuk kerajaan tu saja yg rabun mata, rabun hati …
    Tapi ramai juga antara kita yg dah lupa agaknya – syairnya dulu mendendangkan “BUKAN WANG BERJUTA YG DICARI” …, mungkin nak mencukupkan ber BILLION-BILLION lah tu baru buat-buat sedar.
    Kalau nafsu dah menguasai diri, soal kehormatan diri dan malah keimanan pun boleh dijual-beli. Segandinglah dengan “penggadai bangsa dan negara sendiri” yg bertanding kat Kedah tu …
    Ni 1-9-2008 konon2nya harga petrol nak diturunkan. Kalau harga baru RM 1.00 seliter pun, harga barang keperluaan harian dah melambung naik, tak kan mau turun balik, apa maknanya. Orang kaya ke, orang miskin ke, PM flip-flop tu ke, atau orang yg tak punya kerja tetap ke, semua makan benda yg sama, lainlah kalau orang yg kategori pendapatan RM5,000 harga beras lain, yg bergaji RM10,000 keatas lagi tinggi harga. Inilah akibat buta hati bila hanya memikirkan poket sendiri saja, tidak memikirkan kepentingan rakyat seluruhnya.
    Kalau betullah PM sekarang ni ada prinsip hidup, ada harga diri, saya rasa dah lama dah dia letak jawatan secara terhormat, paling tidak dia akan disanjung atas keputusannya. Lainlah kalau dia dah di BUTAKAN PINTU HATI …
    Saya amat mengharapkan akan muncullah seorang pemimpin yg berwibawa sekurang-kurangnya seperti Tun (kalau bukan Tun), berjiwa rakyat, dan dapat menyelamatkan negara Malaysia yg tercinta ni dari terus punah ranah.
    Semoga Allah SWT melimpahkan Rahmat Kesihatan yg baik buat Tun.

  96. Absolute nonsense. The bottom line is UMNO and BN have lost the plot. The total annihilation of the nation’s institutions like the Judiciary, Parliament, Election Commission, the police, and democracy in general was the cause of the battering received by BN at the last general elections. The Malay chauvinism, arrogance, insensitive policies that burdened the rakyat and foolhardy posturing further compounded UMNO’s problems. The vulgar bias of the mainstream media sickened the rakyat to an extent that they had to glean info from the blogs.
    And YOU, Dr Mahathir, are the culprit and architect of the ruin and destruction of this country and its institutions. All solely for the purpose of keeping you in power for much longer than your “sell-by date” and to enrich yourself, your family and your cronies. Of this there is absolutely no doubt in the minds of the rakyat, both the so-called intellectuals as well as their naive followers, the padi farmers, food stall holders and hawkers, the rubber tappers, the Class F contractors etc.
    You didn’t even care that we were viewed as pariahs of the lowest order in the eyes of the international community.
    Make no mistake that the rakyat will come after you, your family and your cronies in the very near future even if you migrate to Zimbabwe! You are a criminal of monstrous proportions who will go down in history alongside the likes of Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, Ferdinand Marcos and Robert Mugabe!

  97. tun.. saya sangat sedih dengan keadaan sekarang.. saya seorang rakyat biasa.. kalau mampu saya ingin melakukan sesuatu.. but what do we hav to do to cater all this? plis help save us! i luv malaysia very much.. semoga kita lebih dapat penghayatan yg lebih mendalam pd merdeka yg akan kita sambut x lama lg…

  98. Suasana politikus di Permatang Pauh memang menarik perhatian rakyat Malaysia kerana kononya ada perubahan yang terbaik untuk rakyat Malaysia. Saya tidak faham kenapa penyokong Anwar begitu taksub dengan Anwar sehinggakan segala kesilapan yang telah Anwar lakukan ditolak tepi. Saya berterus terang tidak suka jika Anwar menang piliha raya di Permatang Pauh kerana seperti pepatah “Ayam menang kampung tergadai “. Kenapa Anwar tidak mahu bersumpah untuk menafikan dirinya tidak bersalah. Bukannya sukar jika Anwar tidak bersalah kerana hanya mengambil masa beberapa minit sahaja. Ceramah politik dengan suara lantang boleh pula dibuat berjam-jam.
    Lagipun Anwar seperti boneka oleh sesuatu pihak seperti Amerika dan Yahudi. Jika kita ambil contoh Presiden Amerika,Bush juga adalah boneka Yahudi. Orang Yahudi akan mengatur perjalanan hidup Bush dengan baik sehingga menjadi Presiden Amerika. Selepas menjadi Presiden AS, Bush mengikut sahaja telunjuk Yahudi. Perkara seperti hampir sama dengan Anwar kerana telah mendapat sokongan AS dan Yahudi. Dimana penyokong PAS yang sebelum ini hendak menubuhkan negara Islam,tetapi apabila bergabung dengan Pakatan Rakyat, tetapi impian itu dilupakan oleh pemimpin PAS sendiri.
    Rakyat Malaysia berharap agar pengundi Permatang Pauh dapat melakukan undi yang dirasakan sesuai bagi mereka supaya tidak menyesal di kemudian hari. Sekian…

  99. Tun you have the profound intellegence of a politican. If you are an American I think your excellence will surpass that of the idiotic `semak’ (when translated in malay) who is busy americanizing the world.
    We don’t have one in this nation now to equate to you.
    Suggest you hold courses for current and future leaders in UMNO. I am concern the proverb “patah tumbuh hilang berganti” will loose its validity. Instead “akan melayu hilang di dunia” will occur by deed of our that overambitious “friend” who is all out to be in the nations power shoe.
    May ALLAH sustain your life and health long enough to help Malaysia back into its once best time.

  100. Assalamuailakum Ayahnda Tun..
    Negara sekarang kearah kehancuran dengan pemimpin-pemimpin yang lemah dan tidak berkalibar. Tunggu sahaja masa dan saatnya.Orang-orang melayu akan kembali dijajah didalam Kemerdekaan. Ingat-ingat segalanya ada tanda-tandanya.

  101. Dear Sir,
    Perfect analysis. I salute you, sir.
    I’m very happy you shoot DSAI directly,wish more people can really see and realize how dangerous DSAI is. Hope to see more attacks from you so as to stop his spin & save our beloved country.
    With regards to DSAB we should refer to Saidina Abu Bakar’s acceptance speech when he was appointed as the 1st caliph ” I may not be the best person for the job,if I make mistakes please correct me, if I do it well follow me”. ( Not accurate statement quoted )
    Hidup Melayu.
    K. E. Boy

  102. Perhaps we all should vote for PAS then. BN and PKR are the clowns in a circus, so far PAS has had no loop holes. They have recruited professionals who are sincere in their doings and service. Tok Guru Nik Aziz has the daringness to ban smoking among election candidates but had to give in due peer pressure. No leader in the world has potrayed such bravery before. I can only admire this man for his sincerity to help people.
    Is it the non-muslims who are aginst PAS? Is there anything in Islamic law that goes against the faith of Hindus and Buddhists? -None-
    There are muslims out there who hide behind the “rights of non-muslims” to continue their own sinful acts. Let’s go ahead with Islamic Law. The crime rates are simply incredible. The polica can’t cope with the ever rising crime. So its high time we need a different approach, a more radical. Why not? If we can ensure the safety of our beloved ones and sleep peacefully at night, just why not?
    To hell with the clubbing,pubbing,gambling and womanizing.
    Do we dare to give PEACE a chance? do we dare give PAS a chance?

  103. Is that how low your views on rural folks? People learn. They have their children learning in universities and working in big cities. These children, when they go home, they tell the whole truth to their parents about what the government is really doing. Even if these rural folks are still reading MSM and watches RTM & TV3, they believe not what are being written or broadcasted.
    Please wake up. The rural folks have long woken up but unfortunately its UMNO and you who are still sleeping and dreaming about abusing powers given to you and them!

  104. Salam Tun.
    What do u think the rakyat can do to help this country? Pak Lah will still be at the top as long as BN rules this country. Do u expect us to vote for BN now looking at all the rubbish they had done and ployed? So why do u think the rakyat is supportingthe opposition party? because rakyat is no longer trusting BN/UMNO to defend the future of Malays for the corruption etc. even u admitted this in your other snippets.
    so how do u expect the rakyat – intellectual/non-intellectual to still support current govt? what is there left for us to support? as of now, opposition party looks to be the next choice. as u said it is not the best choice. but it is by right the only choice that the rakyat has at this moment.
    i respect and admire u for your love for this country. pls continue giving ur say and fingers crossed for a better future for Malaysia that we love.

  105. Salam to all readers,
    Plese read this word carefully, “MALAY-SIA!!! And try ask your chinese friend whats it means in Hokkien.
    This word you ask your self “ME-LAYU” and think what it means,
    Change the name.

  106. salam buat ayahanda tun sekeluarga
    phew finally
    many interesting comments here
    pray that this 2008 general election
    will do good for the malaysians
    and the next generation
    as for AI
    he manipulate/use his family
    to be where he is today
    if he can manipulate his followers
    for him to manipulate/sweet talk with
    “the boy” is like “kacang je”
    sorry sir off topic
    as for this year general election
    klu nak ikutkan hati
    nak je bersuara lantang kat jalan tu
    minta rombakan besarbesaran dibuat
    hanya individu(2x) yang benarbenar IKHLAS
    berjuang untuk generasi yang akan datang
    professionals, intellectuals,…..
    statemen,countrymen ……..
    malays move forward with the thinking, mentality and attitude
    be openminded on addressing sensitive issues
    have more open dialogues, do not get emotional AND STAY UNITED
    pls do not forget, malaysians
    be sensitive to others
    respect each other
    and may we have MERDEKA in peace
    ps : our debate is still not “ummph”
    hope to live and see we are the developed nation
    not just in developing stage
    VISION 2020 just 12 years ahead
    may allah bless us all

  107. Dear Tun,
    Normally I would agree with your thoughts but this is another point which I would have to differ.
    I do think that liberals – not grounded in realities as they are – have a place in politics as they provide a utopian look to matters. We might not get such a scenario, but shouldn’t we be headed towards it anyway?
    I have never been a fan of Umno and its politics as I am tired of the many psoturing done since days gone by. Ever more now.
    Umno might not have lost the elections, but I shudder to think of the future if it continues on the same vein.
    Click here to visit my Blog

  108. Dear Tun,
    I really struggle to read this article. It sound racist to me.
    Is Malay supremacy so important to make a country? I do not see it is relevant anymore. Is the Singaporean Malays envy the status of Malay in Malaysia? Or are they willing to come if we offer them citizenship?
    Dear Tun, I agree most of your thinking, but when you try to uphold Malay and not Malaysian, I cannot accept.
    We need a Malaysian leader but not Malay leader, not any more.

  109. Looks like Pak Lah really desperately needs to win Permatang Pauh by hook or by crook. The question is how honest is Umno or BN on this election? If Umno wins , Pak Lah will say -Look Rakyat still wants him to continue on. Just hear how Khairy’s speech, we already know Pak LAh & Family are so desperate.. http://www.ezineartikel.com

  110. Salam utk semua. Saya rasa banyak yang telah Tun nasihat dan ajar apa yang patut kita lakukan…tapi masih ada yang masih meminta Tun untuk menunjukkan caranya…apani.. kita boleh mula bertindak sendiri…meh kita sama-sama mulakan langkah…Jom kita pakat-pakat tubuhkan satu pertubuhan (tak payah tubuh parti baru) penyokong Tun (kita jemput Tun menjadi penaung dan sekaligus penasihat pertubuhan tersebut) Ini sebagai satu platform untuk kita menyuarakan pandangan kita terhadap apa-apa isu dalam negara…kita buka cawangan di setiap daerah dan ini juga akan menjadi platform pada Tun untuk menyuarakan pandangannya secara terbuka…camner..boleh terima tak..apa pandangan Tun dan kawan-kawan semua..?

  111. Dear Tun,
    These so-called intellectuals are the elite few in our society who feel that as if they are great people and wanting to qualify themselves to be the champion of human rights etc etc. They are egoistic people who are having “bodoh sombong” attitude. In actual fact, they are suffering from inferiority complex and having “dah bodoh stupid” mentality. I think the Bar Council members, PKR advisor and the Law Minister are in this category of people!!

  112. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda YABhg Tun,
    I appreciate your comments. It really true what you’d said. For me personally, ISA must be retained. We do appreciate for the last 40 years after racial riot 1969 in kuala lumpur, our country has been peace and harmony with multiracial people living together. This was the fruitful result of ISA under the previous Prime Ministers.
    I totally disagree with PR to abolish ISA. I do working in oil and gas industry with meeting some foreigners working here.
    YABhg Tun, Keep advice us on the net, we missed your leadership, and we missed your voices on TVs.
    -Fadzil, Sarawak-

  113. Salam buat TUN dan semua pembaca,
    1. Saya setuju dgn penjelasan TUN
    2. Kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat bukanlah pilihan sebenar pengundi
    3. Buktinya dpt kita lihat dalam perdebatan antara Lim Guan Eng dgn Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon pd malam 20.08.08
    4. Lim Guan Eng tidaklah sebijak mana berbanding Dr Koh Tsu Koon
    5. Lebih byk LGE bercakap dan menembak, lebih terserlah kebodohannya..
    6. Syabas Dr Koh..
    Semoga Allah merahmati dan memberi TUN kekuatan dlm memperjuangkan masa depan rakyat dan tanahair tercinta ini..
    T.Kasih TUN.

  114. askum Tun & bloggers,
    kpd jeff hamaz on August 21, 2008 12:42 PM – apa pasal nak memperkecilkan orang lain (Tok Siak) dan pertikai angkat sumpah si Saiful tu, sempurnakah awak untuk memperlekehkan orang lain. adakah sah bagi awak jika ianya disaksikan oleh ulama pembangkang?.Sekurang-kurangnya siSaiful tu berani bersumpah, tak macam Idola awak. Saya meluat tengok orang so called bijak pandai agama, pekara pokok dilupakan pekara remeh temeh yang diributkan. Allah maha mengetahui dan saya percaya & yakin sumpah akan makan diri jika ianya ada niat lain.
    Sipengkianat bangsa (DSAI) ni tidak boleh diberi peluang menduduki Sri Perdana kerana sekali jawatan PM telah rampas dia akan gunakan bermacam helah dan cengkaman untuk mengekalkan kuasa (maklumlah US ada dibelakangnya).Pada masa itu saya percaya semua orang akan putih mata tidak boleh buat apa-apa dan setengah pendapat yang mengatakan kita memberi peluang kepada Pakatan Rakyat (PR) dan jika prestasi tidak baik tukar balik kepada BN adalah mengarut dan percubaan yang berisiko tinggi.
    Bagaimana pula satu hari nanti DSAI ni tidak mahu tunduk kepada Amerika adakah nasibnya seperti Sadam Hussin kena gantung sampai terpisah kepala dan jasad?

  115. YABhg Tun,
    Salam hormat. The Master of spin aka jaguh putar alam tidak akan selama-lamanya dapat memperdayakan orang ramai. You can fool all people or some people one time or some time but not all the time. Begitu juga dengan pembodek pembodek dalam UMNO yang seperti burung kakak tua…hanya boleh berkata kata seperti yang diajarkan oleh tuannya. Kekalahan yang dialami dalam pilihanraya 2008 adalah kerana burung burung kakak tua sing the old songs.

  116. I am Malaysian and I am ashamed to say that all the women in my life have been victims of snatch-theft in KL — my wife, my mother and my sister. My sister got it twice. This nation is just getting more and more lawless by the day. Our neighbour’s ex-PM got it right when he said that we are just a place of “shootings, muggings and carjackings”. The idiocy of it is just that our BN government was too darn proud to admit it. This is the consequence. Padan muka semua! No wonder the BN lost 5 states. It is time for a change of government and I really hope PKR wins. The opposition may not have the best people, but the BN is no better.
    Dr M, you should not just keep blaming Pak Lah and the present administration. They inherited the mess you left behind. In the good years, your mess was just swept under the carpet, but its coming to light only now was precipitated by external factors (the global economic recession, oil crisis, inflation, etc.). So please shoulder the blame too. It was YOUR mess too. You were merely lucky it didn’t surface during your time.
    What is the point of having the tallest twin towers in the world or the tallest flagpole in the world when we can’t get the simple basics right? When we can’t even control the spiralling crime and corruption? Malaysia is a country that has the “hardware”, but no “software” — no system to make the hardware work properly.
    Today, the rest of the world is talking about globalisation, integration, the economy, tackling inflation and so on. But our dear government is so parochial they are still waving keris and bickering about “ketuanan Melayu”, sodomy and Altantuya. Who the heck cares whether Anwar is gay or a sodomist? Fix the economy first. Fix the crime rate first. Fix the corruption first. Focus on the real WORK, then you will have the moral high ground and the people will vote to keep you in power. If BN does its job well, the opposition won’t stand a chance. It’s as simple as that.
    What “intellectuals” were you referring to, Tun? I can’t find any intellectuals. Just a bunch of “bodoh” fellows in parliament.

  117. well the nation is no longer what it was before. as for umno, we can rule out their ability to lead BN to regain its former glory.

  118. Pilihanraya ’08 adalah adalah ukuran tahap pemikiran dan kematangan rakyat setelah 50 tahun Malaysia merdeka!
    Seharusnya kita berfikir kemana halanya, arah tuju masyarakat kita 50 tahun yang akan datang.
    Suka atau tidak kita mesti menerima kenyataan bahawa negara, rakyat dan bangsa itu akan berubah mengikut perubahan masa.
    Seperti kata-kata agong “melayu mudah lupa..” selari juga kata azimat “takkan melayu hilang didunia..”
    Marilah kita berdoa semoga negara bangsa itu boleh survive dengan cemerlang selama-lamanya, seperti masyarakat Cina dan India boleh hidup dimerata-rata diseluruh planet bumi ini, Ameen..

  119. In life, there is no perfection. If Barisan Nasional has been correct all this while, why do people show their dissatisfaction ? And it is not one person who is dissatisfied. It is those who voted. Surely that speaks of something even though the people themselves prefer to remain quiet.
    The upper class people could not be too bothered about politics because they can use their money to influence it or they could use their money and go to another country. The middle class people are caught up with it because they don’t have that kind of money and so they have to do something before it is too late. The lower class people is already struggling with life and so they would prefer to think about whether they have food for the day. Politics influence everyone. To what extent is another question. Some just follow the crowd. Some change their minds when the ringgit note hangs in front of them. Some are deeply involved. Some listen to every story. Some see the situation.
    Today the P.M. made a public round, riding both the KTM commuter and the Putra rail line. The KTM commuter is like the tortoise. The Putra rail line is like the rabbit. The story is different in the sense that the tortoise will never finish first, well, for now. So when will KTM be like the winning tortoise in the story ? As I watched how P.M. made his way round, it is obvious that train rides are not common to him. I wander what does the P.M. really know. Do you depend on your aides to report to you and these reports are selective ? The history of KTM goes back to after the second world war. Today, the KTM’s service should be all the more better, faster. Instead, one has to wait for quite a while before the commuter comes. Anyone can use the KTM commuter but it is always the middle and the lower class people. They too have to work. They have to wake up early in the morning as early as 4 a.m. and when they come home, it is 8 p.m. plus. Even the unintelligent person will tell you that it the service is so slow. They are wishing that somehow something will happen and that the commuter service would be fast. How progressive are we ? Why should it be only now that someone important is riding the train just to get a first hand experience ? So as a P.M., do you know everything ? Or just the important ones ? And the not important ones can be left to others to handle it. So if they cannot handle it, it does not matter. And so this goes on for 60 years and counting. Small unimportant issues to you. But to the unintelligent people, these are big issues.

  120. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Minta maaf sebab mencelah!
    Saya harap Tun sihat-sihat selalu.
    Live a happy life and stay healthy.
    Sebagai peminat, saya baru saja beli buku ilustrasi biografi Tun!!Memang seronok membacanya!!
    -budak sekolah-

  121. Dear Tun,
    To rule a multi racial country we need a strong and ruthless leader or else everything will be like what we are facing now. Political instability and nobody will gain. I DON’T BELIEVE LIBERAL DEMOCRACY WILL WORK IN A MULTI RACIAL COUNTRY, PERIOD !!

  122. asalamualaikum….maaflah nak tanya…kalo tak suka pembangkang naper p mengundi…kaler tak p tak leh meh….pilitik tanah air buat saya panas2,,panas2..panas2…menyampahmeluatbencitaksukataksuka…bosan2..bosan2….syukur saya tak p mengundi di pru11 n 12..rasa legeeeeeeeeeeer sikit….tidak dapat pm cenggini boleh masuk wad giler teman….eeeeee…tak sio…..

  123. dear tun….
    my main wory is the present government and that person in particular may find an easy way out by “i can`t fight you, i join you”….
    did it ever cross your mind that there is a collaboration between the two??? let us pray hard that miracle may find its way to solve our dilemma… may god bless you and may you be in the best of health to guide us…. hope to hear from you soon… bubbye…!!!
    -your greatest fan-

  124. My dearest Tun..
    Politicians now think that they are very –very intellect people. By having good education, great job, big income, big house, big cars, speaks good English and etc. they think they are above all. If not because of the previous leaders who lead this country to what it is now they are nowhere. Guys…please be a thankful person. The greater we are, more humble and thankful we should be. Even if you are the greatest person on earth you are still the slave of the mighty God. Be thankful guys.
    To the Malays especially where is the culture that we are proud of “ ADAB, TERTIB, SOPAN, SANTUN & MARUAH? Because of $$ and power do we dare to sacrifice Agama Islam, our race, our culture, our country? Think again guys. Think deep.
    Speak freely and loudly like there are no law and border. Whose ideas is this? Western? Jewish? Go back and do your homework 1st guys.
    Where are we heading now? These sick minded people if not stop now will drag the country that we LOVE to destruction. I’m sad when thinking of our next generation. Are they secured in their own country? Guys, please think for your “anak-cucu” and others as well.
    What we are missing now is the simple life and harmonies of our multi-race communities. Ali, Ah Seng and Kumar make jokes with each other, laughing, live happily and harmony. We once proud of the multi-races culture of our country.
    Guys don’t you miss this?
    Therefore I conclude here that what we really need now is the spirits of the great leaders of old days. Guys, do you think you are in this league?
    To all Politicians: think before you speak, look at your self, are you up to the standard to be called LEADERS? Guys, no hard feeling OK..
    Tun…just my thought..
    p/s : 31st August…MERDEKA!!..MERDEKA!!…jangan melopong melayan Permatang Pauh yo(takdo paedah ee do..ngabih boreh yo tu)…ingat2 hari merdeka dah dokek..bulan poso…RAYO… cheers to all…..

    Yang di hormati lagi disayangi Ayahanda un dan Bonda Siti Hasmah
    Satu ulasan yang amat tepat kepada orang2 yang konon nya bijak pandai dan orang2 yang munafik.Kecerdikkan orang2 yang konon nya bijak pandai ni ,OTAK DEPA DOK KAT LUTUT SAJA./Cannot go beyond that.
    Nak tergelak bila tengok kat TV bila anwar kata Shah kerja untuk umno saja tapi dia kerja untuk NEGARA. Apa punya lawak.Jokes of the CENTURY.anwar,anwar.AWAT HANG JADI LAGU TU.AWAT DOK KALUT SANGAT?
    Semoga orang2 yang konon nya bijak pandai tu akan baca tulisan ayahanda ini dan masuk ke dalam benak hati depa di atyas rumusan yang sangat tepat ini.
    Semoga Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda selalu berada di dalam limpahan Rahmat ALLAH SWT
    Alif Lam Mim

  126. Dear Tun,
    This is the best article of yours thus far. Make no mistake about it.
    These intellectuals are the greatest hypocrite of the first order. They will be the first one who will lose everything what they have accumulated if this country is destroyed by their own doing. They never realise that their actions will be backfired sooner or later. How I wish to see this country being destroyed and see how they will hurriedly pack up with their families to catch the first flight available to get out of this country for their safety and leaving all their possessions behind. They will be the greatest losers not the kampong folks.

  127. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Pembangkang tak kuat pun masa PRU12, cuma BN terlalu lemah kerana memiliki KETUA PEMIMPIN YANG PALING LEMAH.
    Seperti yang Tun katakan, ahli UMNO pun pangkah DAP. Jadi, apa nak heran kalau BN kalah teruk baru-baru ini. Sebabnya?

  128. Salam Tun,
    I guess Tun is right again. BN thought it will win big but they lost the majority of 2/3, Opposition lost but still think they win. I think Malaysians lost in this GE. Just like the tsunami that destroyed the ordinary kampong houses and not the grand solid structures, the socalled political tsunami destroyed the fragility of a Malaysia race.

  129. Semua ni salah Tun sendiri.
    22 tahun berkuasa dan Tun tak tahu siapa yang sepatutnya jadi pengganti. Ini tak masuk akal. 22 tahun tu lama.
    Kami akan tetap menyalahkan Tun. Ingat lah tu. Kami akan tetap ingat siapa yang memilih PM sekarang ini. Tun lah orang nya.

  130. YABhg.Tun,
    Tidak adalah malapetaka yang lebih besar yang dihadapi oleh Bangsa Melayu dan negara Malaysia ketika ini selain daripada manusia yang bernama Anwar Ibrahim.

  131. Alamak, apasai Tun bagitau mereka menang ‘fluke’.
    Biaq pi mereka perasan, tak sedar diri dengan angkuhnya. Macam terror sangat. Tak habih-habih menyalahkan orang lain. Orang Kedah bila pulak nak buat signboard tulis Jawi?

  132. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  133. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  134. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  135. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  136. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  137. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  138. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  139. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  140. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  141. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  142. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  143. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  144. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  145. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  146. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  147. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  148. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  149. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  150. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  151. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  152. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  153. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  154. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  155. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  156. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  157. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  158. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  159. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  160. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  161. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  162. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  163. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  164. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  165. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  166. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  167. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  168. Dear Tun,
    You say that Pak Lah should go and you say that Anwar is also not a good leader. Neither of them is good enough but the reality is that the only choice we have now is either Pak Lah or Anwar. If you have only one vote like any other voter, what will you do ? knowing that UMNO will not get rid of Pak Lah. The rational choice left to me is to vote in Anwar and this will definitely ensure that Pak Lah will leave in 2 years.Since Anwar is not PM yet, no full damage is really done yet. We then wait and see what the next leader of UMNO and PM will do. We cannot really see what the future is now but can only act based on the wisest choice now. We only hope and pray that a capable , strong and good PM will emerge

  169. Assalam mualaikum wbt.
    Dear Tun,
    You are very right indeed. The grouses are all about price hikes, arrogancies of the leaders and worse still the wakil rakayats doe not care to go down and meet the ordinary people.
    Maybe only 2-3 percent of the so called intellectuals in this country are talking about transperancies, human rughts, etc.
    The real issues are as what you raised in your article.
    This article should be posted and pasted at Malaysia Kini, Malaysia Today and to those bloggers that does not seem to agree with you. Deep in their heart they tend to share the same thoughts with you but since they have over react they are very ‘malu’ to admit it.
    These so called intellectuals with so called First Class Education, who only appreared in Malaysia Today and Malaysia Kini are actually not really intellect. You can see the differnce with the words and languages they used. 99 percent vulgar, dirty and full of profanities. These people have closed their hearts, their eyes, their ears and everything and they will die for Anwar without really knowing th real cause of their mission.
    I feel sorry for these people.
    Thank you

  170. Wow! no wonder PM took Komuter & LRT tour this morning. Surprisingly without his ‘S-I-L’.

  171. The following is a good book review by Michael Billington:
    The Tragedy That Didn’t Happen:
    Malaysia’s Crisis Management and Capital Controls
    by Dr. Marie-Aimée Tourres
    “…As the speculative assault on the Asian economies unfolded, Dr. Mahathir made clear that Malaysia would not accept IMF help, due to the destructive conditionalities placed on all IMF loans. However, Anwar, as Finance Minister, announced a budget in October 1998 which was recognized worldwide as “an IMF program without the IMF.” Sounding every bit like an IMF representative, Anwar told the Wall Street Journal in December 1997,….”
    Salaam to Tun and family.

  172. dear Sir,
    u did well for the country.bersih cekap amanah.think you trusted daim too much.i hear he bought everyone and now the judiciary,legislators and executive branch are all for sale.let’s
    give some other coalition a chance.
    let’s be brave.

  173. Aslmkm Tun,
    I agree with your conclusion as to the probable reasons of rural voters , mainly UMNO, in not voting for UMNO in the 2008 election. Respectfully Tun, I think you underestimate the voters feeling of detest of their current bunch of arrogant UMNO leaders plus the fact that most of the voters of MCA, MIC and Gerakan were united in not voting for BN candidates for reasons best known to them.
    What is more worrying are these 3 group of people; the seasoned politicans, the genuine liberal intellectuals and the pretenders intellecuals. The first 2 group knows what they are doing and have their own agenda. They are taking advantage of our weak and patronising leaders. I am more sorry for the pretenders itellectuals, who are mostly Malay professionals and who feel they have to belong together with the other liberal and the seasoned politicians. I hope Allah s.w.t forgives them as they do not know what they are doing and Allah s.w.t will lead them to the right path. Amin.

  174. Saya sangat berbangga dengan daya intelektual Tun yang masih tajam.Ini adalah anugerah Allah yang tak terhingga kepada Tun dan kami menumpang gembira.Saya berdoa supaya orang yang bertanggungjawab menghancurkan negara akan dilaknat Allah dan akan mati dengan penuh kehinaan dan kecelakaan.Amin.

  175. kepada furido1585 on August 21, 2008 12:11 PM
    ” Orang Melayu perlu sedar sifat semulajadi Melayu adalah kesederhanaan. Ini berbeza dengan sifat orang Cina yang utamakan keuntungan dalam setiap hal dan orang India yang bersikap ekstrem.”
    Dimanakah saudara atau saudari lihat orang India sebagai ekstreme. Apakah yang anda maksudkan ekstrem. Selama ini orang India secara amnya tidak pernah menyoal sebarang polisi kerajaan secara terbuka. Adakah itu tandanya ekstrem.

  176. Dear Tun,
    1) As a voter in the recent elections, it was actually a choice of the lesser of the 2 evils. At present, those intellectual and hands-on leaders are not holding the cards. Under the current leadership, those intellectuals are not placed in strategic areas to benefit the people, or manage the government coffers. How can intellectuals continue to work under the mantle of simpletons, who utilize out-dated methods to motivate and convince our citizens?
    2) The hawkers, petty traders, farmers and fishermen may not express themselves as well as the intellectuals, however, they may not lose out in rationality and logic. Cognitiveness runs through all human beings, regardless of social status. The current administration was too blind to recognize this fact, and hence, they flop in the recent elections.
    3) Using the media as a smoke-screen is a temporary and desperate measure, and does not filter any truth or lie. People know because a truth or a lie stands the test of time.
    4) When I traveled out of the Klang Valley, I saw harmony amongst the races. As a matter of fact, there were only 2 races visible – the human race and the Malaysian race. There were so much camaraderie and comradeship that all sorts of people can sit together watching a fellow Malaysian slug it out in badminton at the Olympics semi-finals.
    We only see racial polarization in big towns, where intellectuals congregate. The more we know, the more our vision is blurred with regards to human relations. Our current political big-wigs seem to worsen the matter, if not being the seed of racial polarization.
    What made students protest with regard to non-bumi quotas? Could they not think for themselves, about the multi-racial tax-payers who fund their education? Who provoked these young minds and unwind all the efforts over the last 5 decades to bring different cultures together? Another political ploy? When students acquire knowledge without rationality, they become objects of manipulation. The blood and sweat of their parents shall be in vain. Our country, who depend on these young intellectuals to achieve our grand vision 2020, is going back to square one.
    What future or security holds for our petty traders, farmers, fishermen and workers? The losing political party can plot to win the next election. The small people can never win back their freedom.
    Albert CH Lee

  177. AAB should be impeached and tried for treason! Under his leadership (or lack of it!) we lost Batu Puteh Island; Singapore has become emboldened and is now claiming exclusive water ways and possibly expanding it’s mandate on Pulau Pisang; Under his leadership hundreds of millions have been wasted and the economy continues to suffer due to his mismanagement and no planning; He has single handedly destroyed UMNO and Malaysia has become the laughing stock of the world. His cronies continue to fill their pockets at the expense of the rakyat; He is unable to make decisions without the influence of his family members!
    I think these reasons are enough to impeach him and try him for treason and war against Malaysia!! How can Malaysians even accept such a retard as their leader?

  178. Dear Tun,
    There can be 1001 theories as to why the opposition “won” in the last election. I agree with your views, up to a point. Undoubtedly, the weaknesses and lack of confidence in the current goverment attributed to the outcome. Nevertheless, the outcome of the election was also largely due to the unity or rather coalition of the willing of the Barisan Alternatif (BA) against the BN. One cannot deny the fact that DSAI has brought the wind of change. He was able to bring DAP and PAS under B.A. Most of the seats, if not all, were contested like two-party system. They were united. In view of that, Do you think that your decision to sack DSAI in 1998 was a mistake. Would the current situation happen, hyphotetically, if DSAI had remained in the BN. Last but not least, Watch out!! With the IT, people read and pass judgement in the cyberspace. Propaganda thru national media is no longer effective. You cant hide information anymore. Voters are more matured. That’s what happened.

  179. Salam,
    1. PUNCA KEGAGALAN BN SEMASA PRU (perkara 6-13 diatas)
    Kepada Pak Lah:
    Sorry Pak Lah, pada pandangan saya apa yang Tun perkatakan disini adalah betul. Tun pernah beritahu dahulu, dan sekali lagi kenapa BN kalah banyak PRU baru2 ini.
    Kepada Tun:
    Tolong lah Pak Lah atasi masalah yang Tun katakan ,jika Pak Lah minta pertolongan Tun, demi masa hadapan orang Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia amnya
    Golongan intelek ini ada yang betul2 lurus dan mungkin belum terdedah/terlupa kepada “chaotic political mess” -kacaubilau politik sehingga mudah percaya kata2 pakar politik yang berpengalaman bertahun2.Dato Seri Anwar mula aktif politk dalam UMNO 1982 seblum itu pemimpin pelajar Universiti Malaya dan ABIM , YB Lim Kit Siang aktif sejak jadi Setiausaha DAP pada tahun 1966dan YB Karpal Singh sejak pilihanraya tahun 1974. Saya tak nak sebut PAS sebab depa ni kebanyakannya lurus , kurang sikit sifat putar belit alam. Cuma orang PAS ni kebanyakannya nampak Islam dari segi tafsiran depa saja!
    Ahli intelek(sarjana pemikir) yang kurang pendedahan politik tidak dapat memahami sesuatu melebihi bidangnya. Mereka sentiasa di manipulasi (kena kelentong) oleh jaguh2 politik handalan. Depa ni walaupun golongan profesional tetapi kadangkala sebagai manusia biasa ada juga menari bersama2 ikut rentak alunan suara jaguh2 politik handalan Malaysia. Jaguh2 politik berpengalaman adalah seperti seorang jurujual (salesman) berpengalaman “tengok” saja pelanggannya dalam masa beberapa minit saja dah tahu cara nak mempengaruhi mangsanya!. Kesian rakyat Malaysia.

  180. a’kum Ybhg Tun & famili semoga sihat.
    Mcm biasa saya akan masuk petangx sikit, beri laluan pada org yg lebih arif menulis dulu.
    1. Hakikat kemenangan PR (Pakatan Rakyat) 2008 bukanlah kemenangan yang boleh dijadikan ukuran kemenangan hakiki pihak pembangkang. Ianya lebih kepada isyarat tidak kepuasan hati majoriti rakyat. Kerajaan BN telah mengabaikan elemen yg terdapat dlm Hierarchy of Needs – the basic life needs – rujuk Maslow’s Theory.
    2. Sebabnya amat mudah, barang naik. Masa zaman Ybhg Tun pun juga barang naik tapi tidak mendadak, maka kenaikan ini menjadi biasa dan tiada org yg merungut sb alah bisa tegal biasa. Kenaikannya juga berpatutan, semua org happy (ini pujian yg ikhlas bukan saya nak ampu pula).
    3. Kenaikan harga barangan asas secara mengejut menampakkan ketidakbijaksanaan pemerintah. Rakyat jadi keliru dan tertanyax kenapa & mengapa? Kebingungan ini semakin menjadi kerana pada masa yg sama buletin utama/berita perdana (media kerajaan) dengan bangga menyiarkan syarikat gergasi milik kerajaan/separuh kerajaan sana sini untung setelah cukai berbillionx. Tetapi pada masa yg sama juga rakyat sakit tenat menanggung beban. Yang berniaga pun mengeluh, yang makan gaji pun jerih dan apatah lagi mereka yg bekerja sendiri spt bertani/ternak, semuanya penat sb sesak nafas turun naik.
    4. Ramai rakyat yg berpendapatan sederhana & rendah ini melopong mulut mereka melihat kaca TV setiap hari. Walaupun mereka ini dari golongan kurang ‘intellectual’ (IQ) tapi mereka mula menyoal the ‘okness’ – I am not OK, you are OK – they feel hopeless & helpless terhadap pemerintah yg sepatutnya menjaga mereka supaya mereka boleh berkata I am Ok, you are OK. Low IQ won’t stop them fm questioning the ‘okay ness’
    5. Kalau tak silap saya, Sir Stamford Raffle dlm bukunya ada menulis mengenai pemerhatiannya terhadap karakter org Melayu iaitu sikap memendam rasa dengan cara menDIAMkan diri tanpa dapat ditafsir melalui air muka atau riak wajah mereka dari luaran samada suka atau tidak. Justeru itu, perasaan marah dan geram ini diterjemaahkan waktu pilihanraya 2008.
    5. Orang melayu (kelas sederhana & bawahan) ini merasa puas hati walaupun pada hakikatnya mereka tidak ingin senario politik yang ada seperti sekarang terjadi. Tiada kelegaan di dalam hati, walaupun mereka merasa puas. Kerana sengsaraan yg ditanggung dalam meneruskan kehidupan setiap hari akibat kenaikan harga barangan seolah-olah membalut luka dengan garam, pedih dan teramat pedih. Walupun mereka meraikan kemenangan pembangkang tetapi dengan keluh kesah dan mengharap keajaiban akan berlaku utk mengubah nasib mereka.
    4. BN tercari-cari formula atau ‘success story’ utk dipertontonkan kepada rakyat. Kini pemerintah pula yg keliru dan semakin hilang arah. Walupun hampir tewas, Kerajaan BN masih mengikut acuan lama, menggunakan media masa secara keterlaluan membuat rakyat rasa muak dan jelik.
    5. Menghemtam DSAI secara keterlaluan menambahkan lagi rasa kelat. DSAI mengambil kesempatan atas ‘chaos’ dlm parti pemerintah seperti menangguk ikan di air keruh. Permatang Pauh going to be a another failure.
    6. Seperti Ybhg Tun selalu sebut ‘orang melayu mudah lupa’….tapi rakyat golongan bawahan & sederhana ini juga pandai berkata ‘PEMIMPIN MELAYU MUDAH LUPA’.

  181. Dear Tun,
    I sensed the angry tone of your writing. Fully justified Tun, because we should never let the country be hoodwinked by the promise of transparency, democracy, freedom of press etc. All these are just means to and end..a nasty ending if it is not stopped. Positive discrimination, affirmative action and control over issue of race and religion must be upheld forever..

  182. Dear Tun,
    Malaysians voted against BN as there are no opportunities for Employment and Education for many of them. The crime rate is alarming. The police force need to put their priorities right. Corruption and incompetencies in the civil service are at alarming rates. There is far too much of extremism and display of emotions at times and these activities are not checked by the ruling Government. The using of Keris at certain official political functions did not go well with some god fearing Malaysians.
    These were the other reasons as to the bad showing of BN in the last elections. Remedial steps need to be taken urgently by the ruling party to gain back the confidence of the Rakyat.
    I hope the leaders truly become god fearing and have no discriminations in implementing government policies. Actions speak louder than words.

  183. Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
    Sebenarnya mereka tidak peduli kerana meraka bukanlah orang yang memperjuangkan bangsa atau agama atau negara.
    1.Mana mungkin depa tahu pasal perjuangan yang Tun usahakan.
    2.Mereka membeli setiap jawatan dalam UMNO.
    3.Biarlah depa dari parti apapun atau apa depa nak kata atau apa depa nak buat pada Negara Malaysia Dan inilah corak pemimpin sekarang.
    4.Kita diajar supaya sabar dalam melihat ini terjadi.
    Saya tak sanggup menjadi barua atau pariah depa.

  184. Dear all..,,
    Dalam Malaysia skrg ada 2 citer je yg patut di habiskn.
    1) Anwar dikalahkn kat P. Pauh
    2) PLah diturunkn jawatan.
    Bukan nk kata, org Penang mmg no use. Org Penang ni nk habaq sat depa punya ckp siap goyang kapla tp isi xda. Lagu tu ka…ni sume boria dr tnjung

  185. YAB Tun,
    Saya hormati kepimpinan Tun sewaktu menjadi PM dahulu.
    Namun saya yakin segala haru biru yang terpaksa dihadapi oleh rakyat sekarang adalah berpunca dari Tun sendiri. Seorang pemimpin yang baik seharusnya meninggalkan kepimpinannya di tangan seorang yang sebaik ataupun lebih baik darinya. Tetapi sayangnya Tun memilih untuk mengambil seorang yang tidak baik untuk mengganti Tun. Apa sahaja startegi yang bermain difikiran Tun, Tun pada dasarnya telah merisikokan negara.
    Tun mempunyai banyak peluang untuk memberikan kepimpinan negara di tangan yang baik tapi Tun telah melepaskannya. Lihatlah apa yang terjadi sekarang. Ramai pemimpin yang berpotensi kini menjadi tidak berguna kepada negara dan bangsa kita. Kalau ada yang masih aktif pun kini sudah tidak dapat dikenalpasti lagi jati dirinya. Ini amat menyedihkan.
    Saya berpendapat Tun tidak boleh lepas tangan dalam hal ini kerana Tun bertanggungjawab membetulkan keadaan. Walaupun tidak lagi berkuasa, Tun mampu mengubah keadaan, percayalah. Tetapi yang pasti bukanlah seperti cara yang Tun lakukan sekarang.
    Saya berpendapat inilah tugas Tun yang masih belum selesai. Terima kasih.

  186. 1.entah la…mual sungguh dengan politik sekarang ni.
    2.sesuatu yang nak dikongsi bersama dimana baru-baru ni, scomi dikatakan telah buat proposal untuk buat penambahbaikan pada sistem LRT dan monorel, termasuk menambah laluan dan gerabak.
    3.tiba-tiba hari ni tak pasal-pasal paklah buat spot check naik LRT dan Komuter dan lepas tu buat statement kata tak puas hati dengan sistem kedua-duanya dan berkata bahawa ianya perlu diperbaiki segera.
    4.kenapa tiba-tiba bersusah payah naik LRT dan Komuter??..mesti ada agenda ni..

  187. Yg. DiKasihi Tun,
    Thank you. I feel relieved that you’ve summed it up the way you did. You are absolutely correct. I see it in me a change of attitude from being quite liberal to currently being an ultra racial after the PRU and I hate it. I’m quite sure there are others like me from all the racial divides. The politicians and their supporters are driving the various races into distrust frenzy like never before. Unlike May 13, this time it seems orchestrated by corrupt selfish politicians and their supporters. If I’m a voter in Permatang Pauh now, I’ll not go out to vote!
    There’ll not be peace and stability as long as the present crops of politicians form the government. Useless buggers!

  188. Assalamualaikum YAB Tun,
    Pilihan Raya Kecil Permatang Pauh,
    Jika Anuar Menang dia akan keParliment dan akan menjadi Ahli Parliment itu saya terima, dan seterusnya jika benar ada parti komponent BN yang akan lompat parti pun saya terima.Tapi untuk Anuar menjadi PM ? Bagaimana pula dengan peruntukan perundangan Persekutuan sediada yang mebolehkan beliau untuk menjawat jawatan PM atau ianya akan berlaku secara revolusi.Saya perca YAB Tun lebih arif

  189. Salam TUN..
    U are very correct..people out there not bother with transparency or ISA alike..what they need are cheaper foods, cheaper fuel..and so on.Funny thing is the opposition continues daydreaming..thinking people are supporting them..if not because of our current PM..i think Malaysia is still aman dan tenteram..well i’m a bit sad really..tengok keadaan sekarang..masa TUN dulu tak ada pon all these forum2 mencabar ugama/bangsa..
    Salam TUN

  190. Dearest Ayahanda Tun,
    Every Single Para in your Excellent Comments is the ‘TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH’.
    Just to prove you right : ONE Stupid Fellow By The Name of wee kah (lee) song (song) said: SPEAK OUT, MAKE CHANGES AND NO FEAR.
    Is that not a CHILDISH STATEMENT Statement, meant for PERSONAL GAIN? Oh, now that he is going for position he said that. What a sickening, nausiatic JOKE. (DEPUTY MINISTER MY FOOT).
    Salam Ayahanda.

  191. Tun,
    You are 101% right.I admit I actually wanted to vote for the opposition party but changed my mind.But to be frank, if I were to vote for PKR or PAS at the last PRU, this should be the first time i voted without any guilt.The reason is not becos these opposition party are better than the BN but becos i felt teachers are not well treated by the government. Hishamuddin as the previous and current minister of Education has done nothing to improve the standard of the teaching profession. In fact when cases arised, he’ll be the first to bombard teachers.Pak Lah on the other hand was like in his own dream world until the PRU12’s result came out.Before that, I dont think he ever noticed the existence of more than 150000 teachers waited to cast for their rights.Today,i still believe it has never been too late to regret the past unless if BN fails to learn their lesson.
    To the opposition party, don’t get too excited over the previous result. Itu vote ‘wake up call to BN aje’, bukan betul2 sokong parti pembangkang.

  192. 16 september bakal menjelang
    anggan angan sekor jembalang
    yang suka pintu belakang
    diri sendiri tunggang langgang
    Orang belum hambat dia lari lintang pukang
    Pi kat Duta Turki dia sembunyi balik belakang
    sana sini tunjuk belang
    berlagak warak tak tinggal sembahyang
    lambat lepa dok gencok pagi petang
    tak sedar diri banyak kurang
    ada hati ajak orang menyeberang
    hari hari pukul canang
    sekejap 30 orang
    sekejap 4 orang
    yang terbaru 13 orang
    rupa rupanya temberang
    konon nak turun harga barang
    ingat minyak macam arang
    semua boleh sekarang
    ahli parti pun tunjuk garang
    semua nak jadi panglima perang
    orang suratkhabar pun depa serang
    konon Permatang Pauh dia punya sarang
    nak sapu geng cemerlang gemilang terbilang
    sampai undi jadi kurang
    bagi Dolah dok tak senang
    takut takut jadi Ketua Pembangkang
    si budak saiful dia dok ganyang
    konon sumpah tak pernah buat dek orang
    kalau hang berani buat la bagi terang
    bagi rakyat tau depa dok kena jerang
    ini macam punya siamang
    patut di humban ke dalam jurang
    atau pakat sumbat dalam balang
    hanyutkan ke Port Klang
    jadi habuan ikan sembilang
    tinggal gigi dengan tulang
    habih cerita , rakyat pun senang
    Dolah boleh tidur memanjang

  193. Assalamulaikum Tun,
    Saya masih ingat Tun berkata di persidangan PBB (tak salah saya) beberapa tahun yang lalu yang menyelar Amerika adalah proksi Yahudi. Walaupun dilihat tun tenang dengan kenyataan tersebut tetapi saya dapat merasakan tun amat marah.. Kenapa Tun begitu membenci yahudi.. adakah kerana di dalam negara kita ketika itu memang sudah ada proksi yahudi yang gila kuasa nak jadi PM.. Saya berdoa kepada Allah agar negara kita tidak menjadi proksi yahudi..

  194. Salam Tun n chedet.com fan…
    Totally correct…
    Kekalahan BN pada PRU12 disebabkan kemarahan orang2 UMNO sendiri…
    Bukannya menyokong sangat pembangkang pun, cuma sekadar untuk menyedarkan pucuk pimpinan UMNO….
    Jika pucuk pimpinan UMNO masih tidak sedarkan diri, lihatlah apa akan jadi pada PRU13 nanti, sure BN bungkus…
    Tapi jika dilihat situasi sekarang, Pak LahAP masih belum sedar…
    Rakyat dah meluat, tapi Pak LahAP masih TIDURRRR…
    Dia tidak akan sedar selagi kocek kaum keluarga masih belum melimpah…
    31 OGOS semakin hampir, tapi politik negara masih berada dalam keadaan yang cukup memualkan…
    MMMmmmmmmm… Entahlah apa nak jadi dengan negara Malaysia yang tercinta ni…
    What u say Tun???
    Hope Allah SWT bless u always…

  195. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Many people tried to give their take on what happened in the last general election. I think none of them are accurate, yours included.
    The large swing against the govt and for the opposition was a surprise all round. It surprised the govt, it surprised the opposition and it even surprised the voters themselves.
    For the opposition it was a pleasant surprise for having got the ‘rezeki bergolek’ and ‘durian runtuh’. For some it felt like dreaming that they were able to become Chief Minister and Menteri Besar, something that never ever crossed their mind, unthinkable in months and days leading to the polling day and election results .
    So, what did then happen ?
    This is my take: It was a psychological trap and better explained by scientific study of human brain and human behaviour. The human brains can be trapped en mass when certain sets of perceived conditions exist in the right sequence. An object is processed by a brain as a lot smaller when there is an extra ordinarily large object sitting next to it.
    Similarly, an extra ordinarily exceptional govt when replaced by a normal govt would create a psychological trap to human brains. The style of the new govt and the events like going to outer space against rising hardship and cost of living, populating the media with govt election campaign materials while at the same time denying rooms for the opposition, saying that we are the first to have free education while the people still have to pay fees during first day of schooling, etc would create this psychological trap.
    All these were not planned, but happened naturally.
    Some of the psychological traps can be planned and engineered. These are used by street traditional medicine traders and con men, and some are used in IQ tests.
    This psychological trap takes place automatically, in a subconscious way, swinging the election results that even surprised the voters themselves.
    This was a one off thing that will not recur in the future. So the opposition – enjoy it while it lasts.

  196. Salam hormat YAB Tun,
    I often wonder how many of our politicians, from BN or PKR, are really sincere in their hearts of heart taking up politics to help their fellow citizens to improve the latter’s standard of living and to contribute to the nation’s peace, prosperity and well being. I think the number of such group of politicians can be counted by the fingers.
    The majority of the politicians join this line in the hope that they will be given appointments in the Dewan Undangan Negeri, in the Federal government or in corporate sector as chairpersons or directors.Their real motive is to enrich themselves, members of their family and friends.They know their time to achieve this objective is limited by the need for them to go to the poll every 5 years or so. So they will try to line their own pockets at the earliest opportunity. The case of several politicians both in BN and PKR recently being investigated and charged in court by the ACA is the case in point.In the case of the 2 PKR who are serving as Perak State Exco and a former PKR assembly together with 3 others have been arrested for alleged corruption involving the approval of RM180 million housing project within just 5 months that the PKR came to power in the state. There may be others in all the other states of Malaysia that have not been uncovered. My point is power and money is the main motive of many many people joining politics and certainlt NOT out of noble cause or sentiments!

  197. Salam Tun,
    1.You are correct, correct, correct. Please note I am note Lingam.Hehehehe.
    2.I adore you and your comments. Pak lah should go.
    3.I notice the capital market is shrinking and the foreign funds are staying away from Malaysia due to unstable political situation.
    4.If these go on there will be no jobs for the people.
    5.Fresh graduates will not have jobs.
    Keep commenting on the economy so that the people understand what it means to have a strong economy.
    Salam Tun. Take care.

  198. Good day Honorable Tun,
    God bless Tun & family with many many blessings.
    I wish to shared my thoughts, recent 2008 election is a lesson to BN to learn & correct their mistake & improve the administration.
    Time is right now, chance is now, once the time is up & chance is gone, time for BN to regret is too late. So act now…fight for “Rakyat” today, tomorrow.
    Merdeka is around the corner, a day we will always remember, a day to remind us as our Great leaders fought for our FREEDOM today, free from British ruled colonization(Kebebasan daripada jajahan Inggeris). Our Great leader from Multi racial (Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, kadazan, Orang Asli.) formed a federal government started self ruled self governed country known as Malaysia.
    After 50 yrs of Merdeka, what ever happening right now is not healthy, from day 1st when the British surrended the power, the British always doubted the intellectual of our Leaders to govern or to form a government to rule the country. They did not believe we can self rule & bring prosperity among all races. They predicted to see chaos, they predicted see disturb in Democracy.
    Yes, Malaysia suffered biggest set back when confrontation of races during the 70th. British laughed in their heart, saying & looking at barbaric ruling sure failed. Peace comes with a price, just like a newly wed couple, can you guarantee there will be not quarell??
    Quickly, Malaysia learnt, leader learnt & compromise & know each other needs better..
    After 50th yrs of “MERDEKA”, are we wanting to show the British that they were “RIGHT” again that Malaysia sure “Pecah-Bela”, is that what the “Rakyat” want??? is that what the Leaders wants, is this BN wants, is this PAS, DAP & PKR wants. Without gaining the Independent there will be no BN, no DAP, no PKR & not even PAS. We must learn to appreciate on what we have today “Democracy”, “Peace” & Justice….
    Honorable Tun worked so hard to bring the level of the people up. Tun did well to establish our own NEW identity. Only when Malay united, Chinese united, Indian united, Iban united, kadazan united, then we will have United Malaysian “Rakyat”.
    Let’s celebrate “Merdeka”, cherish we are living in a Peaceful Malaysia. As a Chinese, Saya bersedia korban untuk Malaysia Ku tercinta tanpa Malaysia Siapakah saya??
    Thank you & regrds,

  199. Hello Tun,
    Yes, you are right about the ordinary people at grassroot levels. They are mainly concern about their day to day lives, perhaps also where their children will end up once they completed their education (at whatever level that may be). People swung their votes to the opposition because deep in their minds, they have no choice but to do so. Its a psychological protest against the current administration. Pak Lah had better pull up his socks and make a right about turn, do something right for once..and that is, step down. Let someone else rectify the current situation, someone who is visionary enough and charismatic. No point having wonderful visions without followers or people to execute your masterplan for you..just as having alot of followers but no vision to create a mission with. The latter very much describes our present PM. O I forgot, he created alot of corridors to let the air flow through…just air. Nothing else. Keep up your good work Tun, we need mentors like you.

  200. Dear Nazrul Hilmi,
    Free Trade Agreement is nothing but a deal being made in the name of Freemason. If you look closely at most of the George Washington photos where he will be performing his sacred rituals with his associates documented in frame all in the LAND OF THE FREE, this US president is actually referring to FREEMASON. In real life nothing is free. There is no such thing as American Dreams nothing but nightmares……….

  201. Salam Tun,
    the step to liberal is not as easy as what we think. We have to admit that the opposition party do not bring us the liberal as what we desire, but at least our country liberal have move on a small step. Though a small step, but a good beginning.
    It’s much more netter than before, even the time Tun was Prime Minister. This is the first time the opposition party get 1/3 seats in the Dewan Rakyat. By this, we can ensure a better and cleaner government.
    Abdullah is really very bad. Hence, we need somebody to guard him, so that he won’t make nonsense, so opposition party is really in need.
    And Anwar, i don’t know what is he playing around, but i know that he promise to beat down the oil price and bring us a cleaner government, so no reason for me mot to support him. May be he is lying, but this is much more better than facing the government now. I know Tun always say that the government now is bad because of Abdullah, but the whole nation cannot wait till the 2 years later. We need to change now!
    I’m not a politician as Tun, what i care about is not Anwar trick or whatever, i just care about our lives as Tun said. I care about the oil price rather than the politic. So, i think we should give Anwar a chance!
    How about when Anwar is really lying? At the time when BN become opposition party, Abdullah will sure resign and let Najib replace his position. And at that time, i’ll vote BN again. Haha…. Is this a good choice? I don’t know?

  202. Tun
    Out of respect that you are an elderly person, I shall address you as Tun. You are amazed? I am even more amazed that your comments above as an “intellectual” could be so far off from the reality. The people’s support of Anwar has much to do with “open society” and transparency. If you had not stepped down as Prime Minister back then, I can guarantee you that Malaysia could have an earlier political tsunami in 2004. The PEOPLE were already fed up with your draconian laws THEN. Nobody then were able to stand up to you. Yes, to the PEOPLE you were that powerful and ruthless.
    The PEOPLE thought that Badawi could give us hope for a more fairer and better future, looking at his religious background as we had believed that a man of GOD could not be corrupted and lawless. Alas, to the PEOPLE’s despair, Badawi is just the same. He did everything that was against the constitution just like you did. On the other hand, what did the PEOPLE expect? It was you who trained him to be your successor so how could he be any different. It’s the same mold! And now, you had the audacity to put ALL the blame to your successor.
    The kampung people, petty traders and hawkers DO care about democracy and transparency on top of the price of goods and so forth. During your regime, you had them blind folded and danced to you racial tones. Its also very clear to me that you meant the “malays” when you say kampung people, petty traders and hawkers. When you were the PM, you only think about “malays” and totally neglected the non-malays. To you, the non-malays are just there to pay the taxes and feed the government. We were silenced to “obscurity” and you made the other BN components MCA, MIC, GERAKAN, SAPP etc. totally useless and submitted to your whims and fancies. You as the Prime Minister then, SHOULD have been there for ALL the PEOPLE disregard race, religion and class. But no, you divided and rule by an iron first. You had to glorify your own name by building USELESS buildings, monuments, cars which does not only waste the taxpayers money but enrich each and everyone of your cronies as well.
    The intellectuals and the common PEOPLE are not duped by Anwar. Its just that they have no where else to turn to as the whole of BN seems to be corrupt to the core. But the PEOPLE will now know they had the power to topple any corrupt and double faced politicians.
    Those real PEOPLE in the streets (not the bloggers here who sang praises at you) no longer need your advice which only serves the interest of your ownself and your cronies. To me, you are the real culprit behind the downfall of our BN government. Its only a matter of time before BN falls and will fall really hard because at the end the truth and the good shall prevail.
    Keep on harping about race and YOU shall not only destroy the country but your malay race as well.

  203. Assalamualaikun, Tun.
    Sepertimana yang umum telah ketahui, keputusan pilihanraya lepas adalah undi protes rakyat terhadap kerajaan pemerintah dibawah pimpinan Pak Lah & Co.
    Memang tidak dapat dinafikan pengaruh parti pembangkang dalam mengapi-apikan isu-isu sensasi seperti kenaikkan harga minyak dan termasuk kisah menantu mithali Pak ebanyak menyumbang kepada faktor kekalahan BN dibeberapa negeri.
    Pemimpin sekarang perlu sedar bahawa zaman kegemilangan mereka telah hilang sinarnya. Mereka perlu sedar yang rakyat marahkan adalah Pak Lah dan Menantunya. Namun demikian tiada seorangpun dalam barisan kepimpinan kita yang berani bersuara atau menentang mereka. Disebabkan ini jugalah BN dan UMNO khasnya telah hilang kepercayaan rakyat.
    Kelemahan, tiada ketegasan dan sikap berdolak dalik dalam sebarang keputusan yang dibuat oleh Pak Lah telah membuat rakyat menjadi meluat terhadap beliau.
    Pada awal pemerintahan beliau, sikap tersebut telah ditunjukkan oleh beliau dengan begitu jelas dan nyata sekali iaitu isu berkaitan dengan pembinaan jambatan bengkok. Sikap berdolak-dalik beliau telah memalukan Malaysia. Saya secara peribadi amat kecewa kerana sikap tunduk beliau yang kepada Singapura sebuah negara yang sememangnya kita tahu dibawah pengaruh Zionis.
    Isu tersebut adalah titik mula kepada kesilapan demi kesilapan yang mempamerkan kelemahan beliau sebagai pemerintah sehinggakan pulau batu puteh yang terletak jauhnya lebih 40km dari Singapura boleh jatuh kepada negara tersebut.
    Namun sebagai rakyat apa daya kita untuk merubah semua ini???

  204. Assalammualikum Tun,
    You have writen so many “advise” but unfortunately these so called “liberal intellectuals” didn’t get your message or just simply in denial. It is sad to see that none of us do anything to change the “unstable” situation the country are facing. I too are part to blame as I was one of those who did not vote because I got fed up with AB’s way of politic and vision.
    We keep asking you to do something but you have done your very best in advising us what to do. Why are we not listening and do what is best for the country? Maybe we are too complacing with what we have and prefer to be patient with what problem we are facing or we are just another bunch of “tin kosong”!
    There is a malay saying, “Bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh”. Maybe we want to wait until this country collapse before we do anything. If so are the attitude, then our country have no future.
    End – Aku Pening

  205. Dear Tun,
    You always see the bigger picture.That’s why I have always admired your leadership.
    Many people especially your die-hard critics gave their comments here like they are the chosen ones,like they are the authority on rasuah (even when they can not prove it),like they are the righteous leader wannabe that they can only hope for in their dreams.
    What many fail to realise is that you are always a few steps ahead in your rationale and thinking and always came out smelling roses in the end.
    To Godfather,
    Talk is cheap.Even with my dark sunglasses and walking stick,I can still figure out who is the big liar here.Remember the scum who tried to expose Tun and cronies supposed wealth deposited into Israeli National Bank?When confronted with the facts,the scum went totally silent.I presume he curled up his tail between his legs and
    buried him/herself alive.
    I regard your criticisms as toilet paper.

  206. reply to hilarious
    Once in a while, we come across the same person with the same idiotic belief that Singaporean Malays are looking down at Malaysian Malays by using anecdotal evidences.
    Hey Hilarious,your comment was not just shallow but it reeked racism and gave a hint of delusional superiority complex.
    If you have read many comments here from Singaporean Malays, they will tell you how racist Singapore is and how they wish Malaysia will never be like Singapore.
    Singapore is an authoritarian Chinese state where 9 out of its 10 population fear of losing jobs to foreigners. Foreigners from India and China are welcomed by PAP and given PR. These foreigners who are happy to be saved from slums received PR and later the citizenships. They will go on and vote for PAP and the cycle of PAP’s rule continues.
    A reality check to delusional people who assumed singapore is the utopia we should emulate:
    Singaporean talents are leaving !

  207. reply to hilarious
    Once in a while, we come across the same person with the same idiotic belief that Singaporean Malays are looking down at Malaysian Malays by using anecdotal evidences.
    Hey Hilarious,you comment was not just shallow but it reeked racism and gave a hint of delusional superiority complex.
    If you have read many comments here from Singaporean Malays, they will tell you how racist Singapore is and how they wish Malaysia will never be like Singapore.
    Singapore is an authoritarian Chinese state where 9 out of its 10 population fear of losing jobs to foreigners. Foreigners from India and China are welcomed by PAP and given PR. These foreigners who are happy to be saved from slums received PR and later the citizenships. They will go on and vote for PAP and the cycle of PAP’s rule continues.
    A reality check to delusional people who assumed singapore is the utopia we should emulate:
    Singaporean talents are leaving !

  208. salam buat tun.. semoga tun sekeluarga sihat sentiasa..
    seperti biase, u r right. the people have been blinded by false hope and empty promises that the opposition always promised before this. they do not see that the oppsition cannot fulfill their promises.. never have, never will.
    but then again, the current govrnment have caused this downfall upon themselves.. they need to take drastic action b4 the entire country makes a mistake they will regret, a mistake that can undo all 51years of development and peace yang negara ni telah kecapi.
    the people do not see that DSAI is not their saviour.. he is a wolf in sheep’s skin, threatening malaysia on the very month of its independence. u did the right thing back in ’98.
    we all hope u can help this country’s predicament tun.. u’re the only one that can.
    we’re always behind u tun. for our country

  209. Hello Tun and readers,
    Thank you for the spirited declaration that entice me to respond.
    I agree with your insight that BN lost but the opposition did not win, rather the opposition had being used by the rakyat to ‘pass a message’.
    However, regardless of that there is a real urge or basis for the rakyat ‘s frustration. Hence, the immediate question is rather ‘how can we resolve this?’ A none option will neither help UMNO nor the opposition.
    Today, it is still unclear of the merits, credibility, vision or direction of proposal (if any) put forward by different (all) parties. This plan/proposal should ‘talk to’ all the different layers of the rakyat from farmers, fishermen, warung owner, factory worker up to so call intellect that you mentioned.
    It should be one coherent ‘plan/proposal’ with clear, simple and targeted message for different group/individual. If a party/team can achieve this they will raise from all the ‘noise’ and ‘distraction’ to lead the rakyat/country through the dawning era.
    The question is how to get there? And who can we rely on to work on this. As one of the corporate management guru said, “first get the right people on board , then work to define/set the action plan/proposal.
    Which one is more important the future of a party? or the future of the country?
    Can we put aside all the politic colours (for now) and look at the competence of each individual and see how we can tap the best of brains to resolve the current situation?
    Some might says, again another naive intellectual ‘talk’…but I don’t think so, regardless of the form (origin or class)the fundamental content/concern remains valid for all the rakyat – the difference is that we are experiencing a ‘new ERA’….
    Rakyat don’t short-sell ourselves….demand for the best. What is your contribution?
    With respect,

  210. Dear Tun,
    1.Let us all together pray to Allah S.W.T that people who uses “back entry” do not become the leaders of our beloved Malaysia.
    2. Jikalau orang Permatang Pauh pilih orang yang mengamalkan perbuatan terkutuk sebagai pemimpin mereka, tunggu lah kemurkaan Allah S.W.T. Kaum Nabi Lut lenyap sama sekali disebabkan perbuatan terkutuk berleluasa dikalangan mereka.
    Salam sejahtera kepada Tun sekeluarga.

  211. assalamualaikum tun
    a true leader.always knowing the Rakyat’s true issues.sadly we’re led by pak lah who thinks the Rakyat wants him to stay on.
    now we have open debates,forums,analysis etc etc etc…but the quality of life here in Malaysia is deteriorating.while the comman man just wants to put food on the table,the opportunist and those with individual agenda prevail due to the current atmosphere.
    i question your rights,you question mine.not a healthy scene for Malaysians mixed crowd.
    so what choice does the Rakyat have?we’ve walked with barisan nasional ever since,be it umno/mic/mca/gerakan.what has it got us?they build hospitals,airports,goverment offices and other facilities where the Rakyat got to park miles away and pay a heafty fee and if it rains…?low cost houses or flats are built the size of matchboxes,with the excuse of making it affordable.this so called affordable area usually ends up being a slum and drug heaven.goverment land are given to private companies in the name of development for the Rakyat…who in the end has to pay an entrance fee.so tun,we the Rakyat have been short charged in so many ways and so many times.we still walked with barisan nasional.but now their destroying the country.we the Rakyat,can’t just keep quiet.so we look for alternatives.so that’s why PRU12 was a disaster
    now the opposition realise they can actually rule the country.they will sugarcoat the Rakyat,change oppressive rules,give free water,waive summons and who knows what else.we the Rakyat are once again appreciated,deem fit to be acknowledged by elected leaders.so what’s going to make us relinquish the opposition for the barisan.loyalty?
    the barisan goverment got do more.just talking and throwing freebies is not going to work.we want clean governance,efficient governance,trustworty governance and the most important of all A PRIME MINISTER WHO IS AWAKE.so tun it’s going to be an uphill task come 26 august cause anwar ibrahim is going to win.then the Rakyat might say let’s try this guy and see what happens cause it can’t get any worse.
    what ever happens at the end the Rakyat of Malaysia will prevail.INSYALLAH.

  212. Kat blog Tun ni memang bagus , segala hampeh semua masuk
    ada yang puji ada yang carut, tak la macam blog kepala roket tu,
    semua yang sokong dia saja, takkan dalam negara demokrasi tak ada langsung orang yang tak setuju,habislah kalau Malaysian Malaysia,
    habis semua orang kena ampu dia baru boleh cakap, inilah rupa diktator yang sebenar-benarnya.
    nak adilkan semua orang konon, aku dan posting berbelas kali nak kutuk dia haram tak dimasuknya, Malaysian malaysia hapah macam tu

  213. Salam ikhlas dari saya buat Tun sekeluarga serta chedet fan.Tun,pilihanraya dipematang pauh hampir tiba.Rasa bimbang dan macam2 lagi sentiasa menganggu fikiran .Jika keputusannya menang atau sebaliknya pasti semua orang tertanya2,bagaimana selepas itu?Siapa yang untung dalam hal ini?Rakyat atau mereka itu. Pasti ada suatu yang terjadi kelak apabila kita ketahui keputusannya nanti.Adakah ini menguntungkan rakyat?teruatama yang diluar bandar.Siapa yang benar2 layak dalam menguruskan hal2 yang berkaitan dengan rakyat seperti nelayan,petani peniaga2 kecil serta banyak lagi.Kebanyakkan pemimpin kerajaan/pembangkang sekarang cuma pandai buat janji ketika kempen pilihan raya saja ,lepas tu semuanya lesap macam mereka yang membuat janji2 itu.Tun,memang kebanyakan generasi muda sekarang ingikan perubahan dalam dunia politik negara kita,tetapi bukan semuanya berfikiran begitu.Bagi saya kalau pucuk pemimpin dah lemah bagaimana dia dpt mengurus pentadbiran juga siapa yang akan menurut perintah pada ketua yang lemah.Perkara ini tak akan selesai jika tak ada tolak ansur/muafakat dlm menjalankan kerja.Hanya pada ALLAH kita berserah setelah berbagai usaha dilakukan .Kita hadapilah semuanya kerana segala keputusan ditangan kita.Jangan pula kita mengeluh apabila tiada yang seperti kita harapkan.Masa tak akan kembali,oleh itu fikir secara bijak.Pada pemimpin kerajaan sekarang bersedialah dengan apajun keputusan itu kelak.Anda antara mereka2 yang akan dipersoalkan.Semua kesilapan anda akan diketahui,jangan terlalu dibuai dgn mimpi2 indah.SETIAP YANG HIDUP PASTI MATI,KAYA/BERKUASA TAK SELALU DIATAS .HIDUP INI MACAM RODA JADI FIKIRKAN SEGALANYA AKAN TERJADI DENGAN KEHENDAK ALLAH .

  214. Assalamualaikum Tun:
    Very interesting writing. Thanks so much. Tun boleh tak Tun tulis sikit mengenai:
    1. Bagaimana Tun menangani krisis kewangan pada tahun 1997 yang telah melanda negara kita dan bagaimana pula sikap dan respons DSAI terhadap isu tersebut.
    2. Masalah air dengan Singapura adakah pergolakan politik sekarang ada kaitan dengan masaalah bekalan air ke Singapura kerana perjanjian bekalan air ka Singapura akan tamat pada 2012 sebelum penggal kerajaan yang ada sekarang tamat.

  215. Salam Tun,
    Sekarang ini saya tidak lagi menyokong UMNO (buat masa ini)tetapi tidak pula mahu menyokong Pakatan Rakyat.Saya pasti ada ramai yang seperti saya.
    Saya minta jasabaik Tun supaya dapat memberi petunjuk jalan mana yang kami harus ikut.
    1.Cara kerajaan pimpinan AAB yang jelas tidak cekap dalam mentadbir ekonomi negara dan tidak ada ‘vision’.
    2.Membatalkan projek Jambatan bengkok.
    3.Rasuah makin berleluasa dikalangan ahli politik dengan terdapat ‘pengendali belakang tabir’
    4.Tidak menghormati dan cuba mengecilkan jasa2 Tun selama ini.Saya seru AAB & co segera mintak maaf.
    1.DSAI sangat baik dengan Paul Wolfowitz.Amerika dan Israel secara terbuka memberi sokongan.
    2.PKR, DAP dan PKR duduk bawah satu bumbung tetapi tidak sehaluan.
    3.Sifat dan tabiat peribadi DSAI yang sangat mencurigakan.Ditambah lagi dengan akuan sumpah laknat bekas pembantu peribadi beliau.Saya sangat benci apabila isu sumpah laknat dipertikaikan demi kepentingan politik.
    4.Sifat penyokong2 yang seperti gangster jalanan.Bukan setakat tengok kat TV sahaja tetapi sudah melihat dengan mata saya sendiri.
    5.Ramai orang bercerita tentang Dajjal mata satu akhir zaman.Apabila saya amati betul2 matawang Amerika dan juga logo bendera PKR…..
    6.Belum pun lama memerintah,6 orang termasuk ahli2 exco Perak PKR ditangkap BPR atas tuduhan rasuah dan seks.Ini menunjukkan bahawa ramai yang menjawat jawatan dalam kerajaan negeri2 PR sekarang,latarbelakangnya mencurigakan,malah jauh lebih teruk dari BN.Silap haribulan rasuah akan menjadi lebih teruk kerana ramai diantara mereka berlagak seperti gangster bertopengkan ahli politik.
    Saya juga meminta disini agar Tun dapat komen tentang dakwaan Tan Sri Noor Md. Yaakop bahawa seperti ada ‘invisible hands’ yang mempengaruhi dan memanipulasi ekonomi negara kita sekarang ini.

  216. Dear Tun,
    We are no longer have the liberty to choose the rightful leader, instead our option is to choose the lesser evil. How could candidate within UMNO or even BN can be right, for the opportunity that they have everyday to stand up for what is right and bring down Pak Lah. Instead, they are clapping hand and show unconditional support to Pak Lah and this does not exclude Najib either.
    If BN win, then Pak Lah will again claim victory and rakyat’s support to his regime. If BN lost, then we are facing with the government change speculation and new era of uncertainty will begin. It might be for the better, but we never know until we try it. How long do you think it takes to change policy, to strip down all the previllages, build/destroy economy pillars and change the nation outlook?
    I am not from Permatang Pauh. I feel bad for those people who have to decide the fate of our future that is not clear either way.

  217. Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Your article is great, and i am truly agreed of all your points.
    I would be pleased if you can write an article about the reality person of Anwar Ibrahim. Let this blog visitors and/or Permatang Pauh voter to judge if they want to vote Anwar Ibrahim this upcoming by- election.
    Thanks, Tun!

  218. A’kum Tun & pembaca2 blog Chedet,
    This is my 2 cents:
    Graf harga minyak mentah dunia telah menunjukkan penurunan secara konsisten dari USD 140 setong(Jul-2008) kepada USD 120(akhir Jul) dan sekarang menghampiri USD110. Apa yang saya ralat kementerian yang berkenaan masih menunda pengumuman harga minyak yang baru ke akhir bulan Aug. Jikalau kenaikan harga minyak tempatan boleh dibuat mendadak kenapa penurunan tidak??. Ada udang di sebalik mee? Kerajaan sepatutnya peka dengan kesusahan rakyat. Cadangan penyelarasan harga minyak dua minggu sekali oleh YBhg Datuk Koh Tsu Koon patut dikaji..jika tiada mekanisme, kajilah kaedah terbaik. Rakyat memilih ahli2 politik untuk menyelesaikan masalah bukan sebahagian dari masalah. Jangan terus diketepikan cadangan tersebut.
    Masalah pengangkutan awan bukan sahaja masalah besar di Kuala Lumpur malah “tenat” di bandar2 besar di pulau pinang dan johor bahru. Ke mana pergi dana RM 4 bilion untuk pengangkutan awam? Kenapa pula PM begitu sensitif apabila KM Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng mendesak beliau menunaikan janji? MB Johor juga sepatutnya mencontohi KM pulau pinang didalam menyuarakan rintihan rakyat kepada PM. Banyak hal2 pelik tapi benar telah berlaku di negeri Johor..pulau batu putih, scenic bridge, CIQ dll.

  219. Tun and fellow Malaysians,
    There’s no way Anwar’s going 2 b a PM(at least nt in Malaysia). If u guys read the news recently one of the PAS leader said that ‘we didn’t see any sign of BN politician going to cross over. And that is all Anwar’s political gimmick’.
    I think everyone knew how Anwar likes talking ‘different language’ to different races. He’s simply not capable of anything. The way he interprete peace and keAdilan is by demonstrations. That was how he started off his new party in 1998 and that is also how he’s gaining supporters today. He’s not smart at all.only thing is a people-pleaser. He’s willing to say and promise everything that u wanna hear although I bet he cannot and will not deliver most of it. We have yet to see his credibility and so we can’t even say he’s the only ‘shot’ we have. Shot are given to smart people who walks their talk..not just talk all day…more like rambles.
    Abdullah sucks to the point that the only way BN can win people’s trust again is for him to step down. At crucial time like this, he shouldn’t be trying to gain people’s trust by taking LRT tour around KL. He’s not competent. People have voice it through the votes and straight on his face even. What’s the point of giving freedom of speech and expression when u’re not taking these people seriously. And stop stealing ppl’s money la.
    Every political party should be stern, understand and realize what they’re fighting for.
    I personally don’t take PR seriously. I do understand that different party components in BN fights for their own people eg UMNO for Malays, MCA for Chinese , MIC for Indians.. plus other parties like GERAKAN etc.
    However, PR consist of component parties that fight against each other’s principle.
    This is why I think so.. In the 1998-1999 (not so sure) election, when Tun Dr. Mahathir is still the PM, in Penang(where I live) DAP’s campaign poster has Tun’s face on it with a big, red, cross on his face, a rocket on the right, and below all this was written some chinese characters with english translation reading ‘NO TO ISLAMIC STATE’.
    Exactly why are PAS and DAP are working hand in hand today? I can never stop doubting these parties. As for PKR, it shouldn’t even exist in the first place. Anwar is such a DRAMA KING, just like in Hollywood movies.. Oh, people are trying 2 assasinate me, run into embassy (dare say they invited him some more, total opposite) ..PACK OF LIES. I still don understand hw ppl can take him seriously.
    Ps: so damn proud of KOH taking on LIM (hoi, best defense is a good offense. not by repeating the same accusations or points that’s off the topic). Koh is like way too good to be debatin wit Lim. Koh did a good job as a CM and is definitely a gentleman. Lim on the other hand…mmm loves arguing so far and critics a lot definitely. Only time will tell..

  220. Do you guys know why our Ex-PM here makes all kinds of excuse about not wanting students to be involve in politics?
    That is because all great revolutions comes from universities. He was afraid that our Malaysian students would realize how bad was cronyism, corruption and what a dictator he was during his reign. What ever problems our current PM has was inherited from our Ex-PM.
    I studied in a top-tier university and i see more Singapore Malays then Malaysian Malays in my university. When i talk to them, majority told me that they feel lucky to be born in Singapore and not in Malaysia, in fact some even look down on Malaysian Malays.
    Usual comments i get are: Lazy, and not wanting to see other Malays succeed in life.
    But they are also those who wish they were born in Malaysia and given a golden spoon.
    I have many Malay friends, and i am happy to say majority of them realize that the crutch of un-competitiveness within Malaysia is ridiculous and most of them want a change.
    I know Anwar is a devil, but so is BN. But i have more faith in Anwar as he has been through tough times. What has BN leaders been though? They just know how to run their mouth and not back it up with substance.
    Its sad how in Malaysia the only politics we know is race base politics.
    Not many know what is left-wing, right-wing, socialist etc etc.
    Its so sad to see my country destroy itself due to incompetent leaders.

  221. Salam Buat Tun sekeluarga.
    Suasana politik yang semakin tidak menentu membuatkan saya amat takut dan berasa tertekan. Saya takut apa akan jadi pada anak-anak bangsa kita pada masa akan datang. Saya takut negara kita menjadi tidak terurus dan yang paling saya takut negara kita akan kehilangan kedamaian dan kebahagiaan yang selama ini kita kecapi.

  222. Assalamualikum Tun
    1. Memang rakyat tidak undi BN oleh kerana apa yang telah Tun Katakan tadi
    2. Dalam PRU yang lepas pembangkang tidaklah menang sepenuhnya, cuma rakyat ingin kerajaan lihat dan sedar akan kesilapan mereka ketika memerintah.
    3. Pengalaman saya dalam PRU yang lepas setelah melihat statistik undian ditempat saya dimana kawasan yang majoritinya penduduk cina mengundi pembangkang, BN hanya menang sedikit sahaja majoriti. Tidak ketinggalan ada juga kampung-kampung majoriti kemenangan BN amat tipis sekali. Tidak seperti PRU sebelumnya majoriti kemenangan BN amatlah berbeza, tidak kira di kampung atau Bandar.
    4. Mr master of spin, taktaulah macamana orang boleh percaya kepada dia ni. Bercakap hanya untuk kepentingan diri sendiri sahaja. Untuk menang diri sendiri sahaja. Only he want to achieve on his on mission not the national mission. He just make something good to hear…..
    5. Nowadays people can talk almost anything regardless others feeling,it is not a good environment. People don’t respect anymore on our current leader.
    6. Please wake up, the people also get confuse to who to choose being their representative of people. Either both of the opposition and government are not good enough to be our voice/leader.
    7. But only in my mind (maybe not only myself) only Tun has the formula to make things better. MR Master of Spin only can create sweet fantasy place in our mind. AAB only can create disaster and create a hell of a burden to people.
    Please take care and kirim salam to Tun Siti Hasmah

  223. Dear Tun,
    Sebelum nak cakap pasal PR12, kita bincangkan sikit cerita tahun
    2002. Kalau tak silap saya, Tun terpaksa melantik AAB atas beberapa
    sebab di bawah:
    1. Tun tak nak dikata orang mengikut cara Lee Kuan Yew yang mengawal
    PM baru dari belakang pentas, dengan menjadi “menteri mentor” kpd
    2. Maka atas kepentingan peribadi atau anak2 Tun, Tun terpaksa
    mencari seorang pemimpin yang lemah, i.e. kurang sokongan dari akar-
    umbi UMNO untuk menjadi seorang PM kerana PM yang lemah akan meminta
    pandangan pada Tun dalam semua hal pentadbiran negara, dan perkara
    “lain lain”. Dalam erti kata, AAB akan jadi Tun punya puppet,
    3.Tetapi AAB sendiri cari penasihat sendiri, semua orang tahu siapa
    4. Penasihat2 AAB sendiri atas kepentingan mereka sendiri memberi
    nasihat kepada AAB dan akibatnya AAB yang telah “potong bekalan air”
    Tun. Akibatnya banyak projek2 kerajaan tak jalan, dari kecil sampai
    5. Bila projek takda, orang2 UMNO terpaksa sokong AAB kerana anak-
    bini kena disara, secara langsung mereka terpaksa sokong AAB kerana
    nak cari wang. Satu strategi yang perfect untuk dapatkan sokongan.
    6. Sekarang AAB dapat banyak sokongan kerana mereka tau, tak sokong,
    projek tak jalan, hidup lagi susah, dan yang tak nak sokong, kena
    buang dan diganti orang lain
    7. PR12 BN kalah teruk, hilang 2/3 majori pun AAB tak bersalah
    9. Nak salahkan siapa, tepuk dada, tanya selera….
    10. Macam mana saya tau semua ini, ini kerana saya tak dapat projek
    kerajaan selama 5 tahun bawah AAB dari tahun 2002 hingga 2006. nak
    lobi jalan kampung RM150k pun tak ada.
    11. Kerana Tun saya hidup susah banyak tahun.

  224. Dear Tun,
    Totally agree with you, people usually do not see actual view when they’re on top. Step down and realize the actual view. You are the best example for this.
    Peoples getting tired of current government and find another option. Everything that they did are questioned, even they are sincere.

  225. Dear Tun,
    very well explained. This article is definately true everybody is angry about the increase of living cost rather than anything else…
    I really think that the opposition is all about personal agenda’s i think when u intentionally provoke and support people the way they are doing now that they have a something else they want to achieve by using the current situation(petrol price,Hindraf etc).
    I doubt that their leader is such a goodwill person to suddenly when NOT in power think of the suffering of the poor.I just wonder why do ppl go out all the way to support a person who has no credibility yet. Hes almost god like to some ppl.
    If only the current goverment could fix all its problems and focus on its duties towards the people.. not to gain votes but to help them with their difficulties…. i think that sometimes they forget their main purpose of being there…
    i do remember a time where from my view things were not as difficult as they are today and the goverment was doing better of…that time was when TUN was incharge….
    take care tun!

  226. Need to help the CSI Malaysia looking for an answers :
    By CSI Malaysia on August 21, 2008 10:25 AM
    Rakyat wish some true sincere answers from TUN for the following questions relating to TUN last comment on the above mentioned:-
    1. “Who are the real Masters Spin of the past and present who created a dirty mess in the political arena in Malaysia”.
    -Simple…Anwar Ibrahim aka chameleon
    2.”Who is the Bapak corrupt, nepo and crony caused severe bad faiths in the leaders and society in Malaysia.”
    -Simple…Anwar Ibrahim (2nd award)
    MOHAMAD EZAM: Di pentas-pentas ceramahnya, beliau memanipulasi fikiran orang ramai untuk menampilkan imej sebagai pejuang rakyat. Beliau berapi-api bercakap mengenai rasuah tetapi beliau sendiri mengamalkannya semasa menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan. Bayangkan beliau boleh memberi projek tanpa tender bernilai RM1 bilion kepada tiap-tiap 15 syarikat milik rakan-rakannya. Sekarang nak cakap fasal rasuah, pemimpin apa macam ini? Kalau Anwar kata saya bohong, sila bawa dan saman saya di mahkamah. Saya tahu sebab saya bekas setiausaha politiknya.
    3. “Who is the real Thorn in the flesh- Duri Dalam Daging as claimed by a veteran UMNO leader.”
    -Simple…Musa, Anwar, Pak Lah & Co
    4. “Who are the racist leaders in which parties in Malaysia.”
    -Simple..DAP leaders
    5. “Who are the most greedy, arrogance, autocratic and corrupt leaders / politicians of the past and present civil servants and ruling governments in Malaysia.”
    – Again(3nd award)…Anwar Ibrahim while in government
    6.” Which is the worst PM regime among Tuanku, Razak, Hussein, Dr M and Badawi regimes that Malaysians very benci and angry/”
    -Where got Malaysian very benci and angry…your species only
    Hope the smart intellectual ex-PM, Tun will answer the six questions raised above with open mind and open heart to all Malaysians.
    -No need the intellectual ex-PM to answer..I also can
    Tun said” But intellectuals will not admit they have made a grave mistake.” Yes, including Tun Dr M regime for 22 years created many grave mistakes like “Ligam tape” on juridiction independence and also caused severe inheritance of corrupts, nepotism and cronyism diseases into Pak Lah regime to continue with bigger grave mistakes for UMNO and BN component parties.
    Grave mistakes by Tun’s – appoint Anwar aka chameleon as TPM
    InsyAllah !!!!!!
    Bravo TUN !! Pakatan will win Big in Mother of all by-elections and rat run to Putrajaya in Sept 2008 soon.
    -What movie is that..?

  227. Don’t treat everything that happens with hatred. All of us will be having our fair shares if this country, the country we love, is destroyed.. For all of the people who really think that our country has no democracy, no transparency and whatnots n choose to act radically, pls think again.. u r destroying everything that matters to us.

  228. Salam Tun,
    kalau politik di malaysia terus terusan tak stabil macam skrg, susahlah saya nak teruskan hidup ini tanpa kerja tetap. sudah berbulan mencari kerja masih tak dapat. Yang penting buat orang macam saya kerajaan harus sediakan kerja yang mencukupi untuk rakyat malaysia. Tak kira siapa yang mengetuai kerajaan harus perihatin terhadap kesusahan kami semenjak minyak dan harga barang2 makanan yg telah melambung ini.

  229. our country is breaking apart.. from within.. we are respectable multi-racial country no more.. it’s disheartening to see such racist ideologies invading the mind of our people.. we are close to our 51st independence day.. the question is that do we deserve to celebrate our emancipation from the imperialists while our inter-racial bond that we are proud of is cracking? I love my land and my people. I love malaysia.

  230. Tun,
    2008 General Election is just the beginning of the worst thing to come , I predict. You talked about the uneducated orang kampong, how they see the current situation. They won’t understand Tun. Most of them will vote for you if you give them RM100 because they don’t quite understand the effects of the word ‘CORRUPTION’. And there are lots of people who doesn’t care about politics, as long as they can survive and have a good job until it is too late to care. If only the opposition have what it takes to govern this country and not just mere ’empty talk’, without a doubt the rakyat will ‘dump’ the present ‘corrupted’ government in the back burner. But fact to be told, the rakyat will suffer no matter who wins unless Abdullah steps down and all his greedy, corrupted followers been sacked!!
    Everyone commented on your blog would love to see changes in the present government, and hope you do all you could from the root level (UMNO) and eventually it will happen sooner rather than later before we see a TOTAL DAMAGE.
    I’m sure the corrupted politician will never care about other people but their family when things worsen. And they will never worry because they have got MONEY to survive!!!
    Hope you have done something apart from writing this blog..
    May you have a good health..

  231. Tun,
    Excuse me;
    TK, if I were you, I would start looking for an island where I could form MY own government, MY own laws, MY own identity, MY own culture, MY own values, etc, etc, MY OWN, as I AM SO FULL OF MYSELF! Phoorah dah! IT IS ALWAYS EASIER SAID THEN DONE! You are PATHETIC!

  232. Tun,
    Saya tahu yang Tun pernah berjanji yang Tun tidak akan menyertai mana2 parti politik atau menubuhkan parti politik ketika Tun membuat keputusan yang amat mengejutkan apabila Tun keluar dari UMNO.Semua orang tahu bagaimana Tun seorang yang amat berpegang kepada prinsip dan janji.
    Tapi Tun,demi maruah,martabat dan kewujudan bangsa dan negara,kita harus perkukuhkan dahulu sebelum kita boleh mempertahankannya.Oleh kerana itu saya amat berharap agar Tun dapat kembali sebagai seorang Panglima dengan menggunakan bahtera yang baru.
    Saya amat percaya bahawa akan ramai yang tampil untuk sama2 membina bahtera ini.
    Tuhan yang Maha Kaya,yang Maha Bijaksana telah mengurniakan kita yang diturunkan melalui Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu ILMU.Ilmu yang terlalu banyak tersirat dengan pelbagai ilham yang terkandung di dalam AL-QURAN.Kalau kita sama2 terjemahkan Al-Quran,sebahagian besarnya adalah sejarah,sejarah para nabi.
    Al-Quran banyak menceritakan pengalaman dan perjalan hidup para nabi.Para nabi adalah kekasih ALLAH tapi kenapa para nabi melalui jalan2 sukar dalam kehidupan mereka,menempuhi keperitan dan penindasan di dalam kehidupan mereka.ALLAH yang Maha Besar lagi Maha Berkuasa boleh dengan senang memudahkan kehidupan mereka para nabi tetapi ALLAH mengizinkan kesemua keperitan dan kepayahan ini berlaku kepada para nabi supaya setiap yang berlaku pada ketika itu menjadi pengajaran buat kita hari ini hingga ke akhir zaman.
    Di antara pengajarannya yang banyak dilalui oleh para nabi yang di antaranya seperti nabi Luth,Nuh,Yusuf,Musa hinggakan ke nabi Muhammad SAW sendiri adalah HIJRAH.Para nabi berhijrah bukan kerana kalah tetapi pulang membawa kekuatan dan kejayaan.
    Pada peringkat ini Tun telah pun berhijrah,berhijrah keluar dari UMNO tetapi seperti yang telah dicontohi oleh para nabi, Tun harus pulang dengan kejayaan.
    Saya amat berharap dapat kiranya Tun bina bahtera baru untuk membina kekuatan baru bagi mempertahankan bangsa dan negara dari terus dicemari dan dicerobohi.Matlamat utama kita bukan untuk mempertahankan bahtera lama tapi untuk mempertahankan maruah dan hak bangsa dan ketuanan negara kita sendiri.
    Dek kerana terlalu sibuk cuba membetulkan bahtera yang bocor yang dilalukan oleh anggota bahtera itu sendiri,kita menjadi lemah dan lalai untuk mempertahankan bangsa dan negara yang terbiar.
    Tun adalah seorang yang berperinsip dan berpegang pada janji tapi saya berharap sangat kiranya dapat Tun pertimbangkan untuk membina bahtera ini dan Tun menjadi nakhoda nya.Sesungguhnya barang siapa yang bersama Tun dengan bahtera baru ini adalah orang yang benar2 bersama2 Tun untuk memperjuangkan maruah dan hak bangsa dan negara.Ini akan memudahkan Tun untuk mencari pengganti untuk menjadi nakhoda dalam masa yang singkat.

  233. Salam sejahtera Tun.Perenggan #14 adalah 100% tepat.Tun memiliki “WISDOM” yang lebih superior dari ‘intellect’.

  234. Salam Tun…..Ada 2 kategori pengundi. Pengundi yg tinggal di kampong & pengundi yg menetap di bandar. Pengundi yg duduk di kampong lebih berkonsepkan kemasyarakatan & sensitiviti mereka teramat tinggi berbanding yg tinggal di bandar. Apa yg Tun perkatakan mengenai Point (6)-memang tepat sekali kerana kebanyakan mereka meluahkan perasaan & ketidakpuasan hati di kedai2 kopi & borak2 kosong sesama mereka di mana2 saja sekiranya terjumpa. Majoriti mereka lebih berpendirian konsevatif. Perkara am yg selalu diperbincangkan ialah menyentuh tentang kebajikan & masalah setempat mengenai jalan/jambatan/balairaya kampong yg rosak serta isu2 lain yg bersifat keagamaan. Isu yg paling sensitif dibicarakan ialah apabila sahaja ada pengumuman kenaikan harga minyak oleh kerajaan. Kebanyakannya amat takut bila harga minyak naik kerana mereka tau rantaian berangkai (chain reaction) kesan & penangan dari kenaikan tersebut. Walaupun mereka tidak arif tentang ekonomi tetapi mereka tau apabila harga minyak naik kesan hebat yg terpaksa mereka hadapi ialah kenaikan harga barang keperluan dll. Beras, ikan @ sayur bagi mereka yg mengusahakanya mungkin tidak menjadi masalah tetapi berkala bagaimana dengan perbelanjaan2 lain ketika waktu hujan?.Kalau yg mempunyai anak yg ramai bebelan mereka dari hari ke hari semakin pedas & keras. Mereka tidak ada cara lain untuk melepaskan geram apatah lagi wakil rakyat kerajaan yg diharap2kan amat jarang melewati mereka. Satu cara untuk meluahkan ketidakpuasan mereka diluahkan pada hari pemangkahan undi.Akibatnya undi yg sepatutnya kini sudah menjadi sebagai undi protes.
    Penduduk di bandar berfikiran terbuka. Mereka tidak kisah siapa wakil rakyat mereka. Majoriti mereka mengikut arus perdana semasa & isu2 global. Apa yg penting pembangunan & prasarana sudah ada di tempat mereka & sesiapa sahaja boleh mewakili mereka. Ketokohan wakil kadang2 tidak diambilkira. Sekiranya ada isu2 hangat yg menyentuh tentang Parti yg bertanding mereka tidak menerima secara bulat2. Sentimen juga memainkan peranan. Ada yg berdiri di atas pagar & apabila pada hari pemangkahan undi sikap rational sudah tidak dipedulikan lagi. Kesimpulannya protes mereka lebih kepada bersikap peribadi walaupun fahaman politik mereka cenderung kepada satu parti sahaja.Walaubagaimanapun sikap ini akan berterusan & akan diterjemahkan semula pada PRU akan datang sekiranya parti pemerintah yg ada kian tampak lemah, layu & longlai selama2nya………..HIDUP TUN MAHATHIR

  235. good afternoon tun
    for me,i won’t go election at all.cause all of they just a big fat liar.no matter PAS,DAP,PKR,BN.and all.make M’sian more shame.we want look forward.is not turn back.i’m ready to leave this country.cause that’s nothing give me to love.i can say now..I’M NOT MALAYSIAN NOW…

  236. Dear tun and fellow readers,
    To all permatang pauh voters,
    as a protest vote i suggest that u all vote the independent candidate on this few basis:
    1. to show to both side i.e PKR and BN….both talking bullshit and nothing else
    2. anwar is a traitor who will do all means to become pm…..pak lah is a pm who never wake up
    3. whether the issue are supremacy, equal rights, malaysian malaysia or whatever both of the candidates are only fights for power and money.
    4. this is the time to teach the arrogant DAP and UMNO and PKR that actually power lies on the people who voted them not otherwise.
    5. Give the pakcik a chance coz during March 8 even monkey can win if he/she is anti govt…..let the people really speaks now.
    SO….WHAT DO U ALL SAY?????

  237. Dear Tun..,
    Betul kami klau minum kt kdai mamak kumpul bknnya sembang psl ISA, Human right @ isu besar lain. Yg kami bualkn anak bini kami nk makan ape utk esok, mcmmn nk tmbah duit dek kerna harga melambung la ni. Dtglak Anwar, Wan Azizah, Lim Kit Siang, Kapal Sinking & mangkuk ayun yg lainnya ketengahkn isu yg besar2. Igt kta org ambik pusing sgt ke. Derang ni tk paham la apa rakyat bwahan nak.

  238. Assalamualaikum Tun..
    Saya tak nampak sebarang ‘perkembangan’ ke atas Malaysia sejak DSAAB mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan negara. Keadaan ini diakui juga oleh rakan-rakan saya dari kalangan Cina & India.
    Apa yang kami nampak hanyalah keadaan yang semakin ‘haru-biru’!!. Keputusan yang tidak tetap..tunggang terbalik. Dasar keterbukaan yang menyebabkan semua orang nak bercakap sehingga menyentuh segala macam isu sensitif.
    Saya sokong pendapat hashim… pemimpin yang telah di pilih kenalah hormat pada para pengundi.. mesra rakyat. Nasihatkanlah mereka antaranya KJ, Nazri, Zahid dll. Jawatan anda bukan paspot utk menyombong dan berlagak !! People are watching !!

  239. Salam Dr M
    Everybody has an agenda, some are surfaced early, some are still stored in the deep freezer.
    It is only when the situation allows, that these agendas are acted upon.
    When the political leadership displays its inherent weaknesses, then it is time to pursue their agendas aggressively as a second opportunity may not present itself.
    If a thorough soul search is not done, and people are in SODA (state of denial always) then the outcome would be shock and great disappointment.

  240. Dearest Tun,
    Put in another angle point of view and even more localize, perhaps both of you and Pak Lah did the same at very top level which both of you don’t bribe(Strongly believed). But the problem is, your “menteris” and “top gun friends” bribing. The scary thing is, who instruct, educate, guide them “the need of bribery”?
    Conclude on Malaysia Bribery is
    1. “Created, hustle to stop”.
    2. “Hustle to stop, creating”.
    3. Do not know what next PM will do… or may be all will under control by Sing’s tAmEsEk.
    Sadly to say, both your team do not want to move forward except any open opportunity for bribery. It’s just like no more “water-Tap” from godfather. As a leader, this is sad and fear towards those leaders because they know soon they will being criticized by peoples.
    Well, you guys may fight whatever you like or want to name it. But please let the economy be “independent” lah. If Malaysian’s government is sincere, open up the market(free) from Tenaga and Telekom especially internet infrastructure. Let our kampung boys start to contact the globe right now right here!
    If MSC/MDEC remains as you claimed as “only foreigner investment farm” and exclude local R&D farm, you will conduct another mistake since the day you declares the MSC. If Anak Malaysia(not selective) conduct R&D in MSC for the past 10 years, perhaps today we may compete with Silicon Valley. we’ve spending too much of hours and money for just a little bit of achievement.
    Honestly, I like the way you lead thus far whereas I growth because of you but I disappointed with the way you manage.
    Peoples are tend to pretending intellectual. This has became norm already since 2000 years ago or more if you read China History. However, your vision has given a great guidance towards WAWASAN 2020. The execution team has to be taken part.
    “Respect is not on demand, but is to gain”.

  241. Salam buat semua,
    Izinkan saya nak komen sikit CSI Malaysia.
    Ini antara melayu yang minda tersekat. Your comment macam budak budak bergaduh tak ada kajian lansung. Bukan suruh puji Tun melangit tapi kritikan u macam buat kajian kat tong sampah.
    Untuk Fadz pun hampir sama. Baca balik artikel Tun. Dia tak kata orang kampong tak tahu berfikir hanya Fadz yang berkata begitu. Orang kampong Fadz bersembang kedai kopi sahaja itulah sebabnya minda tersekat sikit. Buka internet pun hal pembangkang sahaja,bila orang macam Tun menceritakan hal sebenar tak mahu terima jadi Tun dipersalahkan ? Macam mana melayu nak maju…sikit sikit salah Tun sebab 22 tahun memerentah hinggakan Fadz bolih jadi orang sekarang.
    Bolih kritik tapi biarlah bernas dan biarlah dua hala ye bro.
    Permatang Pauh akan jatuh lagi kepada PKR. Bukan kerana DSAI kuat tapi pengundi melihat kerajaan sekarang masih ditakuk lama lagi tak ada apa yang dibuatnya, walau pun moral dia buruk. Seandainya rakyat Malaysia tak percaya perangai busuknya tetapi jangan lupa jika BENAR dia melakukan kerja terkutuk tu maka anda semua adalah terlibat sama memberi sokongan perangai busuknya. Sama samalah anda menanggung dosanya kerana bersubahat. Jika nak pembangkang juga carilah orang lain selain dari DSAI. Bukalah pintu hati anda semua. Dulu ramai yang sembahyang hajat minta balak diturunkan kepada Tun kerana berlaku zalim padanya tapi Tun sampai kini alhamdullillah ok sahaja tapi DSAI buat hal lagi..apa kah Tuhan menduga kita semua atau memberi kita peluang sekali lagi untuk berfikir sekali lagi ?
    Semoga kita dilindungi Allah dari bersubahat dengan orang orang munafik ini.

  242. Isn’t it sad.
    At this time, our economy should be booming and people rejoicing. After all we are the world’s major exporter of palm oil, rubber and to a lesser extent oil. All of them now commands higher prices. Together, they make up a big % of the country’s GDP. Add to that the increased profits of Malaysia’s conglomerate in the last two years.
    With all these, we should be living well, if not in luxury. Like in the last boom period in 1990s. GDP goes up, people are happy and everyone smiling.
    Yet, most people on the street is feeling stressed economically. People are unhappy and complaining in hushed voices at mamak shops, restaurant and club houses.
    Forget about political conspiracy, for a moment. Something must be terribly wrong somewhere, any person with common sense can tell that. Why suddenly this economic gain translated to misery to the people?
    Tun’s comment today is all about this basic flaw in the running of our country today.
    The medicine for our problem’s must be tailored to our needs and environment. If we follow the text book rules devised for major Caucasian dominated countries and their social values – it’s like wearing 2 piece suits in downtown KL. Look correct maybe but highly uncomfortable and unsuitable.
    We need to be confident enough to write our own text book. Use our brain and common sense to do what is good for us. We all know, under whose time that we are confident and bold enough to think for ourselves and under whose time, we must listen to gwailo advisors to sell a Global brand company for EURO1 and so desperate for a foreign partner that we’re willing to sell away the national car company for peanuts.

  243. Assalamualaikum….Tun
    Pilihanraya kecil Permatang Pauh satu ujian yang amat getir untuk BN terutamanya parti UMNO. Saya suka melihat dari satu sudut dimana UMNO adalah parti tulang belakang dalam pemerintahan negara yang mengagungkan bangsa melayu sahaja.Kalau kita tinjau sedikit senerio di Sarawak parti PBB yang memerintah merupakan parti bumiputera dan tidak dimonopoli oleh satu-satu bangsa/kaum terentu sahaja malah Pehin Seri Taib sendiri Ketua Menteri Sarawak berketurunan Melanau dari kalangan bumiputera tidak pernah saya mendengar bahkan mengagung-agung bangsa Melanau kerana beliau faham tanpa sokongan padu dikalangan kaum bumiputera tidak mungkin beliau akan jadi ketua menteri yang cemerlang. Di Sarawak hubungan antara kaum sangat baik diperingkat akar umbi walaupun sebuah bahagian di Sarawak boleh dikatakan menyamai sebuah negeri di Semenanjung tetapi amat ketinggalan dari segi pasarana dan sangat tidak adil bagi negeri Sarawak jika dilihat dari segi keluasan berbanding peruntukan pembangunannya. Saya berpendapat konsep parti berasaskan kaum pada masa sekarang tidak lagi bersesuaian untuk bumiputera kerana ini pernah berlaku di Sarawak parti PERMAS( kaum melanau )dan PBDS (kaum iban)malah tidak mandapat sambutan disini kerana perkauman bukan budaya orang sarawak kerana kami sentiasa bergantungan diantara satu sama lain.PU13 saya berkeyakinan PKR mendapat sambutan yang lebih baik sekiranya adunan kepimpinan tidak mirip hanya untuk satu kaum sahaja malah tidak gila kuasa serta pentingkan kaum sendiri.Kalau kita lihat dari segi sejarah tanah air ini dijajah kerana sikap ambil mudah pemimpin terdahulu dan sekarang pula kerana ambil mudah tak mahu banyak fikir serah kepada ICJ kerana mereka ahli fikir untu k menjajah semula.

  244. Hello Tun,
    When President Truman retired from office in 1952, his income was substantially a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72. Congress, nothing that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an allowance and later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year. When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined stating, ‘You don’t want me. You want the office of the president and that doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to the American people and it’s not for sale. ‘Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, ‘I don’t consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise.’ Today, many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices. Political offices are now for sale. I think good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed, ‘My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there’s hardly any difference. I, for once, believe the piano player job to be much more honorable than current politicians.’
    Where do we find another Harry, we sure could use-one – NOW!!!

  245. Assalamualaikum,
    Tun(sambung yang tadi no 3, tak sempat, sibuk membangunkan negara yang tercinta)
    3. Tun seperti menunjukkan marah tun buat acapkalinya disini(Jangan, nanti sakit jantung, nak bypass, dah laluan semua dah bypass takde yang tak leh bypass, susash kami nanti tak de tempat nak marah pembangkang, nak marah pemimpin UMNO, nak marah Tun, nak marah bangsa lain). Pembangkan telah lama marah terhadap UMNO, bukan terhadap parti tersebut(semua orang ada perjuangan yang perlu di pegang) tetapi yang di benci adalah kepada orang yang ada didalamnya. Tun pun ada pegangan yang perlu diperjuangkan malah dengan UMNO sahaja perjuangan itu dapat diteruskan. Pegangan yang telah sanagat lama dipegang, sehingga dah berkarat dalam kepala tidak digilap semula, (harap tuhan terima pegangan seperti itu, tak lama dah tun, innalillahi wainallilahirajiun). Saya tak pasti kami rakyat yang akan merosakkan negara ini, atau pemimpin terdahullu yang telah membuat jalan dan ruang yang begitu kondusif untuk ia rosask, atau ia akan berubah kepada keadaan yang lebih baik.
    Seperti yang saya katakan sebelum ini. Satu sistem yang tidak elok mempunyai kencendrungan untuk kearah yang lebih sempurna, itu sifat makhluk. UMNO tidak mungkin kearah yang lebih elok sebab ia tidak mahu berubah. Tapi negara tidak perlu mengikut jejak langkah UMNO, kerana negara mempunyai banyak jalan untuk kembali kearah yang lebih baik.
    Hanya pendapat
    (harap boleh lah tun accept, tadi dah post tapi tak sempat habis)

  246. Dearest Tun,
    Totally agree with you. The oppositions did not win the 2008 general election. BN simply awarded them and helped them in winning over the 5 states and 1 territory. This is caused by BN’s leaders arrogance and foolishness – don’t know the needs of the common people. PLEASE RESIGN DSAAB.
    May Allah SWT bless Tun & family.
    Minta laluan untuk komen blogger berikut:
    “By jeff hamaz on August 21, 2008 12:42 PM
    Yang lebih lawak mengenai Ramlang Porigi ialah rupanya dia adalah ahli UMNO Cawangan Sri Machang, Permatang Pauh dengan nombor keahlian 03405843. Lalu makin ramailah orang tergelak dengan cerita liwat yg melucukan itu.”
    Dear Jeff,
    1. Nampaknya anda salah seorang penyokong yg taksub dengan Anwar. Semua yg UMNO buat salah; semua yang Anwar buat betul. Silalah berfikir secara waras dan rasional. Rakyat Malaysia bukannya buta dan pekak. Sedarlah.

    2. Memang lucu dan lawak bila cakap tentang cerita liwat Anwar. Well, anda memperlekeh sumpah laknat Saiful. Sekurang-kurangnya beliau BERANI BERSUMPAH. BAGAIMANA DENGAN ANWAR? Berani ke beliau? Ini lagi lawak, sebab nak bersumpah bukan ambil masa lama, tapi tak berani nak buat. BERANI KERANA BENAR, TAKUT KERANA SALAH. Anwar seorang yang hipokrit & penuh dengan dolak-dalih dan tipu muslihat. Wajah beliau dapat menggambarkan keperibadian beliau. Dan beliau penuh dengan perasaan buruk sangka terhadap orang lain.
    Ya Allah, hindarilah Malaysia dari mendapat pemimpin seperti Anwar Ibrahim. Amin

  247. salam… saya cukup bersetuju dengan tun. mereka memilih pembangkang bukan kerana mereka suka @ menyokong pembangkang, tetapi untuk menunjukkan protes mereka terhadap BN.

  248. Allah saja nak bagi ujian…ujian untuk yang berkuasa….macam mana rasanya bila dan kekurangan kuasa….dan ujian kepada yang gila kuasa…macam mana rasnya bila dah dapat kuasa……semua ini ujian…..Allah nak uji saja…jangan risau…..nanti terkeluarlah depan mata kita mana-mana yang tak betul…..
    terbaru…2 exco Perak sditangkap atas dakwaan rasuah wang dan sex….hemmmm….depa kata kena umpan….ya lah kalau orang umpan banyak mana dan seksi mana sekalipun…kaLAU BERIMAN DAN BERMORAL…TAK AKAN SANGKU PUNYA LAH….TAPI KALAU MEMANG DEPA TU GILA KUASA, TAK CUKUP IMAN DAN TAK BERMORAL…JANGAN KATA YANG DI UMPAN….YANG TAK DIUMPAN PUN DEPA SAPU SAKAN JUGA TU………….
    TAPI MEREKA LUPA……siapa Pm dan Siapa memerintah Malaysia Pada 16 September dan seterusnya hingga PRU13…Allah sahaja yang tahu….jangan bertindak seolah-olah mereka lebih tahu dari ALLAH….kena bagi penyokong anwar faham…ALLAH sahaj yang tahu…..

  249. Realizing the reality and the consequences of what will happen in the future as a result of those DIRTY hands scares me.
    I don’t understand how people still be blinded by Encik Anwar Ibrahim whereas his badnesses show clearly. Not only from his acts but also on his face! En Anwar Ibrahim, please repent, or I fear you’ll carry your sins to the tombs. And to his follower, don’t be too “taksub”, whatever it is, En Anwar is still a human being like all other people in this world.
    And as for Tok Lah, everybody knows him. But he seems to satisfy and keep to himself. No action taken! I don’t know if there’s even planning (for the nation) taking place! Didn’t he realizes that he is leading a country not just a group of lambs! Life is what we choose to be, if we choose to let loose of ourselves and drift apart then that’s what you’ll get.
    I agree that nowadays, no many leaders are thinking about the people, only their pockets do matter.
    Remember, all the things that we do will be asked later…. be it a leader, a farmer, a gangster, a pious man, a maniac or a preacher or just nobody. EVERYBODY….
    Whatever we do, please get back to basic and you will not be carried away by the world.

  250. Salam Hotmat Tun dan Pembaca,
    Pandangan saya;
    Inilah satu2nya jalan D.S.Anwar Ibrahim utk mencapai cita2 nak jadi PM. Dia akan memberi ceramah semanis2nya seperti MADU. Apabila sudah tercapai apa yg kejarnya maka Permatang Pauh akan dibiarkan tersadai dan diabaikan.
    Dgn keadaan sekarang “UMNO DALAM RASUAH” banyak ahli2 UMNO/BN yg tidak suka akan gejala rasuah yg berlaku dlm Umno dan tidak puashati dgn pimpinan Pak Lah yg tidak cekap mentakbir negara maka tidak mustahil mereka akan lompat katak ke PAKATAN RAKYAT pimpinan DSAI.
    DSAI jika benar jadi PM maka perubahan TSUNAMI dlm politik akan berlaku. Dendamnya dia waktu dahulu sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri akan dibalasnya termasok kes LIWAT terhadap Tun dan yg lain2.
    Rasuah akan lebih BERLUASA dan lebih teruk dari Pak Lah. Malaysia keseluruhnya bangsa Melayu,Cina,India dan lain2 akan terjerumus kekancah perkauman. Maka satu hari pasti org2 Melayu dan lain2 Bumiputra akan bangkit menentang DSAI dan berlakulah sesuatu yg kurang sihat seperti apa yg dibayangkan oleh Tun diatas.
    Pengundi2 Permatang Pauh jika undi BN hanya sementara saja sebab Pak Lah akan lepas jawatan pd Jun 2010.
    Jika mengundi PKR pun tidak lama sebab jika benar berlakunya lompatan katak dr BN ke PR saya rasa Pak Lah akan umumkan ‘FRESH ELECTION” selepas Disember.
    Fenomena politik Malaysia dlm keadaan terombang ambing.

  251. Dear Bloggers,
    Rather than asking Tun to do something…
    Why didnt we come up with a strategy…
    I believe that we are quite a huge numbers…of people..
    If we unite and try to do something differently…
    I believe we will be HEARD…
    (I’m not talking about Demonstration,ok? It’s the p
    ” There is nothing will be change , unless we OURSELVES do something about it”
    I believe the collaboration of thousands brains..can surely come up with something BRILLIANT…and with your guidance I’m sure we will be in the right track…

  252. Tun
    Please let the younger generation to learn how to stand on their own feet !
    It is time for the malaysia learn to face with he world !
    Dun spoil a good chirld by giving too many “tongkat” every 5 year !

  253. SALAM TUN,
    ‘MASTER OF SPIN, Anwar Ibrahim, only made a show of being liberal, of being advocates of freedom of expression’
    as WHAT HAPPENED in 1969.

  254. salam sejahtera tun dan para2 pelawat blog chedet.com
    saya ingin mempelawa ke link dibawah ini. saya boleh gerenti, tentu ada yang perasaan sayu, dan ada yang megah, dan ada yang bersyukur.
    mari kita melawat negara kita melalui peta2 yang disediakan oleh penajanya microsoft [virtual earth].
    pilih semenanjung atau pun sarawak sabah dan jelajahilah kawasan2 dipelusuk rantau negara ini dengan menggunakan ‘kanta pembesar’ yang telah disediakan. pergi sampai nampak atap2 rumah, sawah padi dan hutan belantara.
    jelas kawasan2 luar bandar dan pendalaman masih dihuni dengan perkampungan yang telah bertapak berzaman2 lamanya.
    fikir2kanlah mereka yang mendiami dikawasan2 ini, dan apakah mereka ini tiada dalam percaturan politik yang hanya bertemakan untuk mereka dikota2 besar sahaja? ataupun mereka ini jadi mangsa atas percaturan politik kota2?

  255. Akum. Tun
    Saya dulu orang PAS. Zaman Tun bberapa kali minta jadi ahli UMNO tapi di tolak. Idola politik saya.
    1- Allahyarham Dato’ Asri
    2- Anwar Ibrahim
    3- Tun Mahathir.
    Masuk Pas. Kerana UMNO need pressure group like PAS. Tun memahami mengapa UMNO/Gomen need PAS as pressure Group.
    Masuk Keadilan kerana Kes LIwat Anwar IBrahim yang kebetulan idola saya. Percaya atau tidak kes liwat Anwar itu bukan masalah bagi saya sebab prinsip saya.
    1- Orang-otang yang beriman dan selalu ke surau & Masjid allah akan jauihi perkara-perkara yang mungkar.
    2- Mengaibkan saudara kamu adalah perkara yang paling keji bagi hidup seseorang yang beriman walaupun perkara ini berar berlaku.
    Pilihan raya 1999 – Saya kerja kuat untuk Keadilan. Pangkah Keadilan/PAS
    Pilihanraya 2004 – Relak dan pangkah BN/UMNO. Tujuan satu. Semuga Paklah melepas Anwar dan memperbaiki keadaan. BN/UMNO begitu ego, ghairah, kronisma , korupsi selepas menang besar. Melayu-melayu macam kami PAS/keadailan dinaktirkan. Nak Tekun kena sain borang UMNO. Nak nuu nak niii. begitulah keadaan nya. Mana daa perjuangan UMNO untuk orang Melayu… Perjuangan kamu hanya untuk Melayu UMNO sahaja. Kerajaan Melayu PAS di diabaikan. Kerajaan PAS di Terannganu 98% Melayu ditarik Royalti suapaya mereka tidak boleh mentadbir dengan serba kekurangan
    Piliharaya 2008. UMNO nak rawat Kelantan, macam kata Tengku R mcam nak perang salib di kelantan. Mereka turun dengan penuh keegoaan.
    Mereka lupa peranan Idola. Mereka Lupa peranan pressure group. Saya pangkah Keadilan/PAS semula untuk memberi pengajaran kepada UMNO.
    Krisis Kepimpinan Malaysia nampak sekali.
    1-Masalah timbul bermula dari perlantikan MB. Natang. dsb.
    2-Managing pula without vision. Entah apa koridor sana kridor sini sedangkan perkara asas tidak diberi perhatian serius.
    Misal nya Masalah pekeja asing yang mendapat tempat di kilang-
    kilang. Bukan setakat Jurutera malah hingga ketahap juruteknik,
    operator lebih lagi.
    3-Decision without “GUT”
    4-Decision yang bercelaru. e.g Jual minyak kepada orang luar hari ni tak boleh. besok boleh. Macam jual ikan kat pasar je.
    5- Dengan psycho politik Anwar mereka – Kelam kabut.
    Akhir sekali Kerajaan/BN naikan harga minyak ke RM2.70 dengan memberi balik bermacam-macam subsidi yang saya rasa tak perlu kalau dinaikkan setakat 10sen/20 sen. Kesan kenaikan harga minyak yang tinggi ini menyebab lain-lain ikut sama. Ikan, sayur, bahan binaan,
    dlll semua naik. Dulu lunch RM3.50 dah cukup sekarang RM4.50 nak lagi ada.
    Persoalan nya boleh harga brangan asas ni turun kawal harga minyak diturunkan.
    Meanwhile. saya akan tetap bersama PR. Kalu UMNO mahu orang macam saya balik menyokong UMNO. Ini adalah saranan saya.
    1- Respek Idola orang ramai. Mengaibkan saudara kamu cara yang UMNO buat bukan ajaran Islam.
    2 -Respek pressure group.
    3- Revamp kepimpinan UMNO. Masa pemilihan sekarang adalah masa yang paling baik. Pemimpin yang telah di hitamkan oleh kebanyakan orang Melayu keseluruhan (bukan Melayu umno pak turut) perlu diketepikan.
    4- Go back to basic perjuangan kamu then only laungkan ketuanan melayu or whatsoever kalau tidak ianya tak lebeh dari slogan politik saja. Lihat biasiswa JPA sekarang dah 45% untuk non bumi. Lihat Bank bumiputra. Lihat MRSM (10% dak untuk non bumi) Lihat korupsi sana sini. Tapi menteri semua bersih. Orang boleh berfikir.
    Lihat begitu kotor pemiliahan UMNO kali ini. Politik wang sana sini.
    5- Memrintah with Vision & With Gut.
    Banyak lagi yang saya nak luahkan. Cukup lah dulu
    UMNO perlu 100% Revamp. Balik kepada perjuangan asal. Remove pemimpin yang
    SEbenarnya tak perlu bagi apa-apa
    2-Decision without ‘GUT’
    Tapi UMNO tak pernah sedar, tak belajar dan tak mahu menilai kembali akan dasar perjuangan walaupun kalah di 5 negeri.

  256. Salam Tun
    19. “…the Master of Spin, the pious Muslim who is also the bosom pal of Paul Wolfowitz, the neo-con Jew, the killer of Muslims,…..”
    Finally! I’ve long been waiting for your statement on this. You wont say it unless you have the hard facts.
    Rumors has it that these are the actual reason why you sacked DSAI; some even said that he was (still is) a CIA agent. As the Prime Minister, I believe that you were privy to the informations / intelligence of his covert activities which were detrimental to our national security.
    There are numerous websites/blogs that harp on this point, but coming from you it’s a major confirmation.
    Still, I would like to see your posting dedicated specifically on this, rather than a mere paragraph. Please do so urgently, so the people really know what kind of person he really is. Please Tun, before more and more people is duped by him.
    Buleh Belake!

  257. cara2 untuk BN mendapat kemenangan dalam pilihan raya ialah seperti berikut:
    1. tidak memberikan pendidikan kepada rakyatnya
    2. tidak memberikan kemudahan elektrik, supaya tak dapat menonton tv, menggunakan internet
    3. tidak memberikan jalan raya, supaya surat khabar pun tak sampai
    strategi untuk BN dapat undi masa pilihan raya:
    1. ambil van untuk bawa pengundi2 yang tak tau apa2
    2. beri duit beratus ringgit kepada setiap pengundi (telahpun lama BN amalkan di kawasan2 kampung), jadi teruskan
    contoh kejayaan BN:
    kawasan pedalaman sabah dan sarawak, ramai golongan tua yang bekerja kampung, tidak mendapat kemudahan jalan raya, air dan elektrik tapi tetap undi BN. anak2 mereka mungkin ada yang belajar tinggi dan undi di kawasan bandar. hasilnya, KL dan Selangor kini milik pembangkang.

  258. Err..corruption have been cultivated since your time without people care, and it seems the ‘right’ way to do thing, although nobody like at all. That was the reason, malaysians disappointed so damn much,k. Therefore now people care so much of the changes to anti-corruption. A culture/habit (bribing) takes a long time to solidify, so it is not all current PM fault. I think he is doing the real right thing (NO BRIBE), if he really can do it well. Because corruption only profit some people, financially and quality of life, while affect others. SO what is less important to deal with this BIG problem that the farmers or hawkers don’t care? It is, do they aware about this? I don’t mean to accuse or blame but anti-corruption is definitely right way, nobody can deny!
    Everybody need to care of cost of living, economy issue, who (can) don’t concern and now i don’t think the government is overlooking or ignoring this issue, though the opposition is trying to ‘help-up’. I think the problem is citizens, regardless ‘intellectual’ or the ‘none’ still rely and think of replying only to government to solve their problem, which is also the government responsibility. A mindset that have been cultivated in Malaysia, and still not willing to admit and still thinking this is the ‘right’ track.
    And thats why people believe or support the opposition party, who always guarantee or promise something attracting benefits, to ‘lure’ people of the kind to their side. I’m not sure how true is the opposition’s promise…perhaps. WHOEVER leader rule, i think who are the Malaysians that matter most!
    Please la..it isn’t your or my or his or hers or theirs benefit now, its the future, the long-term benefits of everyone and the nation!

  259. Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
    1. Saya setuju dengan Tun bahawa semakin ramai kumpulan yang rasa mereka lebih bijak (the so-called intellects), merasakan mereka mempunyai pengaruh untuk mengubah keadaan. Maka mereka pun mengemukakan ideals mereka seperti freedom of speech, hak kemanusiaan, equality, liberty, globalisasi, menolak ISA, dll.
    2. Tetapi mereka ini ibarat anak kecil dibandingkan dengan dewasa (politikus). Anak kecil dengan dewasa mempunyai otak yang sama saiz, sama berat,tetapi anak kecil fikir yang logik tanpa pengalaman. Politikus ada logik dan pengalaman. Anak kecil (geng intelek)fikir dari segi logik sepatutnya yang ideal akan menyelesaikan masalah dunia, tetapi pengalaman si dewasa (politikus)yang ada pengalaman dan tahu apa yang real, apa yang fantasi…Politikus tahu kesannya jika melawan towkay (walaupun tahu towkay bangsat)..alamat tak panjanglah kerjaya mereka. Anak kecil pandang dari segi kebaikan yang logik.
    3. Pada hari ini, si Anwar ibarat orang dewasa yang tahu bagaimana manipulate si kanak2 kecil ni. Mereka mahu freedom of speech? no problem, mau buang ISA? no problem, mau hak sama semua kaum, no hal, mau demokrasi, siaaap! (macam di kedai mamak), mau transparensi? no problem…semua no problem. Setakat janji untuk menang undi, why not? Janji manis sajalah. Anak kecil yang mau ideal ni senang dimainkan (Anwar nak main tempat lain…). Layan sajalah…
    4. Cuba perhatikan, anak2 kecil yang anggap mereka intelek seperti golongan graduates, profesionals, young businessmen, dll mau semua yang ideal itu dan si Anwar sudah lama hidu..maka Anwar bagi 1001 macam janji. Cubalah geng intelek kaji sedikit perangai Anwar semasa dia pegang jawatan dalam kabinet dulu. Dia maki hamun orang, dia kaki kutuk orang, dia cepat hilang sabar (bukanlah alim sangat), dia kutuk pembangkang, bila masuk pembangkang, dia kutuk kerajaan…analyze with your brains please. Anwar berjoget bila dengar paluan gendang india, Anwar menjadi khatib semasa di masjid, Anwar berjoget, macam2 Anwar boleh buat…you want him to be an intellectual, no hal, he paid for somebody to write intelligent stuffs for him, using bombastic languages…but listen to his vulgarities at permatang pauh!
    5. I’m intelligent too, but i will never let fantasies to cloud my mind. Some of the academicians, look at them, their focuses are normally very narrow, their Ph.Ds were in very specific areas (like about bugs, about burgers, o my god…)and these are the people who have lotsa ideals becos they are outside the world of reality. These are the easy targets for Anwar! I remember Zahid Hamidi (on behalf of Anwar at that time)introduced labels like nepotism, cronyism at one of the univ. Most of the academicians believed him!
    6. Pembangkang perguna kaum intelek. Kaum intelek pula perasan ingatkan kerana ideal mereka yang dibawa pembangkang menyebabkan rakyat sokong pembangkang, ertinya sokong ideal kaum intelek. Woi bodo, nama je kaum intelek, awak kena main dengan pembangkang. Kena tipu hidup2.
    7. Sepatutnya kaum intelek sedar bahawa pembangkang ada motif untuk menang semata2, maka mereka akan menggunakan apa saja alat yang ada. Ideals awak adalah alat mereka. Why dont you start using your brains to hypothesize;
    a. hipotesis pertama – rakyat mengundi pembangkang kerana
    marahkan kerajaan Dollah, lepas tu kumpullah data melalui
    interview ke, pemerhatian ke, soal-selidik ka, lepas tu
    analisa data2 tu barulah terima atau tolak hipotesis di atas!
    b. hipotesis kedua – menteri2, ketua2 jabatan (KSU, KP)tidak
    berani menentang Dollah kerana takut tidak naik pangkat, tidak
    dapat gelaran, tidak dapat pegang jawatan dalam GLC lepas
    pencen…maka kumpullah data seperti kaedah di atas, analyze,
    barulah terima atau tolak hipotesis anda. Baru nampak macam
    c. hipotesis ketiga – Dollah akan membalas dendam jika tidak
    mengikut telunjuknya…kumpullah data, analyze, terima atau
    tolak hipotesis…
    d. hipotesis ke empat – rakyat mengundi pembangkang kerana
    pembangkang akan memberi kebebasan, hak sama rata, lebih
    telus, dll
    e. hipotesis ke lima – rasuah semakin meningkat dan lebih terbuka
    di zaman Dollah..maka kumpullah data, analyze, terima atau
    tolak hipotesis ini…
    f. hipotesis ke enam – Dollah model mengamalkan rasuah kepada
    rakyat negara ini…kumpul data, analyze, terima atau tolak
    hipotesis ini…
    Terima kasih Tun kerana sedikit sebanyak menajamkan semula akal saintifik saya. Saya harap rakan2 bloggers pun boleh tajamkan pemikiran mereka..ada mata lihat, ada otak berfikir, ada telinga dengar…tapi screenlah sebagaimana seorang saintis menganalisa datanya. Ini dapat mengelakkan setan mempengaruhi kita.

  260. Salam Ayahanda Tun, Bonda Siti Hasmah dan Keluarga.
    Untuk pengetahuan ayahanda pada PRU 12 lepas memang kami tidak keluar mengundi. Kami tidak memangkah BN jauh sekali parti pakatan dan kami tidak akan keluar mengundi selagi mr.flip flop dan anak2 hantu beliau dan selagi ada menteri2 yg dipungut dari tong-tong sampah yg telah menambah burukan keadaan dengan kedunguan mereka dan keluarga mereka.Kami juga tidak mahu pemimpin yg kaki sontot takut2 nanti akan menjadi syndrome dikalangan rakyat.
    Tetapi percayalah ayahanda kami rakyat akan bersatu kembali apabila pemimpin yg benar berkaliber dikalangan ahli2 UMNO dicalunkan nanti. Perbincangan diantara kami yg rata-rata dlm linkungan 30 dan 40 an ini telah sepakat biarlah pakatan memerintah sementara waktu ini. Ini sajalah cara untuk memberitahu pd mr.flip flop yg kami tidak suka dan menyampah padanya dan menteri tong sampah dia.
    Anakanda yakin kami tetap setia dgn UMNO walaupun UMNO berusia 10 atau 20 thn lebih tua dari kami. Kami juga percaya keselesaan yg telah dikecapi oleh aruah ayah-ayah kami akan berterusan tetapi dengan pemimpin lain dari menteri yg sedia ada sekarang ini.
    Pilihanraya di Permatang Pauh bakal menjelma dan kami telah menerangkan kepada rakan2 kami disana BN perlu menang untuk mengimbangi kerusi diparlimen nanti TETAPI kemenangan BN (Insyaallah) bukanlah kerana kebagusan org yg dicalunkan atau kebagusan dollah ia hanya kerana menunjukan kepada dollah dan menteri tong sampah dia bahawa rakyat telah bijak dan lebih bijak dari dia.

  261. Salam TDM,
    Saya amat setuju dgn pandangan TDM, BN kalah tapi pembangkang tidak pula menang. Mereka ingat BN kalah terus dan mereka ingat mereka mencapai menang mutalak,.. ibarat Mat jenin.
    Dalam utk mensentabilkan situatsi politik, ISA amatlah diperlukan dan releven pd bila2. Tapi, perlu dikawal atas kuasa kelulusan parliment dan diperkenaan oleh Agong. Kalau tidak huru hara dibuatnya, kita tidak boleh membiarkan sekumpulan minority yg tidak setuju dgn kumpulan majority utk mengikut kehendak dan cara mereka.
    Rasuah adalah terlalu luas skopnya, BPR memainkan peranan utama. Ianya mesti bukan dibawah mana kementerian tetapi terus keparlimen dan dinaungi oleh YDP Agong seperti kedudukan Tentera.
    Kerana siapa sahaja yg memerintah, baik BN atau PK tidak akan terkecuali dari Rasuah kerana semuanya adalah manusia biasa. Tiada siapa dari keturunan malaikat…Peluang depan mata, pastinya akan diambil sesaorang, tetapi siapa sesaorang tersebut.. aku, engkau, kamu atau dia… terserah siapa pandai dan cepat nampak atau tak nampak… Namapak kena cekup tak nampak lepas dan selamat didunia kaya anak bini 7 keturunan…Tapi Allah tetap nampak..
    Nampak dapatkan manusia yg ingat Tuhan nampak itu yg susah dalam 27 juta rakyat Malaysia.. Mereka sama sahaja sama ada ahli-ahli BN atau PR atau bebas…tetap rakyat Malaysian dari kumpulan 27 juta tersebut dan bukannya malaikat…
    Jadi kerajaan negeri dari PR jgnlah nak tunjuk lagak bebas dari rasuah, baru 5 bulan memerintah pun dah ada kena cekup rasuah… Sama kan Rakyat Malaysia…
    Yang pasti DSAI dan TanSri Khalid Ibrahim akan musnahkan kepentingan Melayu ….Tak caya tunggu hingga PRU13 nanti…

  262. Melayu mudah lupa.
    Melayu suka memuja.
    Melayu juga suka mengata.
    Melayu mudah digoda.
    Melayu mudah leka.
    Melayu juga mudah terima.
    Melayu berjiwa besar, tapi Melayu juga sering tidak sabar.
    Melayu pantang dicabar.
    Melayu kini sudah kurang ajar.
    Melayu dahulu tahu berterima kasih,
    Melayu kini dan pandai sembelih.
    Melayu berpuak-puak,
    Melayu mudah riak.
    Melayu malas.
    Melayu juga tidak ikhlas.
    Melayu selalu mencari jalan mudah.
    Melay merungut tidak sudah.
    Melayu tidak mahu belajar.
    Seribu tahun akan berlalu. Melayu tetap seperti dulu.
    Melayu yang mudah leka.

  263. Dear Tun,
    i could not agree more. But since Dollah is such a hardhead dum**ss the people have to make a move to PR. PR surely would be more careful in holding up the peoples heart. And the people could always turn back tu BN if PR cannot deliver as much as what BN had give them during your time. At the moment, rakyat Malaysia had nothing to lose.
    As for spin doctors, all politician are spin doctor.

  264. Salam TUN,
    Adakah TUN akan turun ke permatang Pauh? jika ya.. khabarkan pada kami.. untuk turut serta, maybe club chedet boleh membuat perjumpaat tak rasmi.. dan saya sudi untuk menjadi host bagi pihak penduduk permatang pauh… kita boleh menjemput Mukhis untuk turut serta….
    Kalau jadi emailkan kepada saya di [email protected]

  265. Dear Tun!
    You have made some serious blunders (in the form of statements in your blog) about Anwar which makes me feel that “somewhere” deep in you the sense of regret, for what you have done to him, will always be there! I don’t blame you, after all we are humans not God!
    Whatever judgements you and/or your appointed successors in UMNO say about Anwar before this by election, shall we wait for the voters to give their verdict!!!
    As all Malaysians are, I am also sick and tired of racial politics!
    To one and all reading my reply, including Tun, God is one!!!!!!!!

  266. Salam Tun Chedet.Harap sehat2 la no
    Pada saya, org dulu2 cuma ada tanahair untuk di pertahankan, sanggup bergolok bergadai nak selamatkan bumi bertuah ni. Pasai tu la depa lain dari pemimpin2 la ni.Saya yg lahir selepas merdeka ni tau la jugak sedikit sebanyak susah payah pengorbanan pemimpin terdahulu.
    Perjuangan “org2” la ni lebih banyak nak mempertahankan tembuloq dan perniagaan milion2 depa. Mana nak sebok pasai tanahair ka, kedaulatan ka, or even rakyat yg mengundi dan letak depa kat atas tu. Mungkin.. kalau depa dah jatuh bangkrap dan perniagaan juta2 depa dah takdak, barula kelam kabut nak sebok ambik tau pasal tanah ayaq dan kebajikan org kampong macam saya ni agaknya, yang minum ayaq ada ada karat besi, haram sapa tak ambik tau (mana la rakyat nak sehat, nak buleh pandai belajaq kalau camni).
    Pi undi yg lepas pun serba salah, nak kan perubahan, nak undi parti lawan, tapi masih sayangkan dan berharap pada parti kita yg dulu.
    Wakil rakyat nak mai jenguk?ka haram tak penah nampak muka.nampak dlm TV ada la sengih2 pasai pa pun tak tau.setakat nak jadi wakil rakyat camtu tokwan saya pun buleh!(tapi tokwan saya dah meninggal la..dia siap dapat pengiktirafan masa perang dulu!)
    Anyway,saya harap semoga depa dapat la luangkan masa sedikit dari kesibukan nak penuhkan poket tu. Bawak2 la ingat dan berfikir apa beza perjuangan pemimpin dulu dengan depa la ni. sedih betul saya rasa, semua main duit. pasai tu la bila mak saya suruh saya pi meeting UMNO saya dah tak mau pi dah. Cerita pasai tah hapa2 ntah.pasai nak lobi undi je depa tau, pastu sua duit sikit buat upah tolong susun meja ka pi beli nasik ka kat depa..sengih la puak2 tu.-setakat duit RM** takyah la nak sengih2 oii..org lain kaya bukak bisnes la!
    Hormat, hormat jugak. Ikut hati nak je saya bertanding Ketua Pemuda lawan org2 tua yg tak sedaq diri sembang tah habih2 pasai nak jek org ataih depa tu. Pi rah mabok! (tapi pikir2 balik, mungkin saya belum bersedia to dirty my hand in this political games..or am i?hmm..semangat je cukup ke Tun chedet?org dulu2 pun bawak keris je kan?mana saya nak carik tentera ngan hulubalang2 saya?)
    Chedet, buat parti satu, saya ikut!
    Trima kaseh domou arogatou tenkiu 😉

  267. SALAM TUN,
    Baru-baru ini TUN BUAT SATU KENYATAAN tidak akan menginap di Malaysia jika Anwar menjadi PM Malaysia.
    Soalnya saya tak nak ulas kenyataan TUN sama sekali, mungkin juga hal peribadi antara dua pemimpin.
    Tapi buat SEMUA CERDIK PANDAI BLOGGERS chedet.com, saya nak cakap sikit pasal ‘BUDI’!!
    Pepatah Melayu ada berkata,
    Orang memberi kita merasa
    Orang ber’BUDI’ kita berbahasa.
    HAKIKATNYA, pada hari ini setiap budi bukan hanya untuk dirasa lebih daripada itu ‘SETIAP BUDI HARUS DIBAYAR BALIK’.
    Perjuangan Anwar menjadi PM Malaysia telah mendapat sokongan banyak pihak dari luar negara dan juga dari dalam negara. Ini termasuklah orang Cina, Hindu (Hindraf), pertubuhan NGO dalam negara juga luar negara, yang nyata lagi jelas media alternatif Malaysiakini, juga lebih besar sokongan proksi Barat dari pemimipin-pemimpin seteru Anwar.
    Jadi sokongan kepada Anwar adalah ‘BUDI’ yang semuanya IKHLAS ataupun perlu DIBALAS????
    Jika hidup terlampau banyak BUDI yang kita terima sekeliling pinggang, MAKA apabila senang, kitalah yang perlu membayar BUDI orang kembali.
    Relevannya, tidak mungkin semuanya percuma.
    Jadi pada setiap BUDI yang diberi pasti ada HADIAH yang perlu dibayar balik. Jika Anwar jadi PM adakah ini HADIAHnya
    1. Kepada penyokong kuat dari Cina terutamanya DAP…..
    ‘HADIAH’nya kemungkinan besar adalah TIMBALAN PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA, setelah Anwar pernah berkata “Apa salahnya TPM bukan dari orang Melayu……………………”(TPM salah satu misi perjuangan DAP)
    2. Kepada penyokong kuat orang Hindu terutamanya dari HINDRAF dan PKR…
    ‘HADIAH’nya mungkin adalah MENTERI KEWANGAN atau MENTERI PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA setelah Anwar juga menyokong pendapat Hindraf berlaku penghapusan etnik Hindu di negara Malaysia apabila Anwar mengiringi mereka ke mahkamah atas kes demonstrasi beberapa bulan sebelum pilihan raya.
    3. Kepada penyokong kuat dari media alternatif seperti MalaysiaKini…..
    ‘HADIAH’nya mungkin juga besar seperti hak penyiaran ke televisyan, akhbar Harian utama negara, juga media alternatif utama rujukan negara, setelah berbulan MalaysiaKini memaparkan rentetan Anwar menjadi PM Malaysia sebagai berita perdana.
    4. Kepada proksi BARAT terutamanya USA…..
    ‘HADIAH’nya kemungkinan besar adalah campurtangan lebih luas dalam sistem ekonomi politik dan sosial negara, peluang perniagaan US dan mungkin juga hadiah terbesar iaitu pangkalan tentera USA di Labuan setelah Rice dan AlGore menyokong perjuangan Anwar serta laman web yahoo dan msn Malaysia hampir setiap hari memaparkan perjalanan Anwar menjadi PM Malaysia(dalam tidak sedar)
    5. Kepada seteru Anwar dari pemimpin Yahudi…..
    ‘HADIAH’nya kemungkinan besar adalah buat pertama kalinya dasar luar Israel dan Malaysia dibuka yang membolehkan ruang berpolitik, ekonomi dan sosial untuk kedua-dua negara. Ini kerana kenalan Anwar Paul Wolfowitz adalah neo-konservatif Yahudi dan Jerusalem Post menyiarkan artikel bertajuk ‘Anwar : Malaysia PM in waiting’ sebelum PRU yang lepas.
    6. Dah cukup lima, mungkin anda dapat cari HADIAH seterusnya…………
    Saya tulis pada semua point keMUNGKINan HADIAHnya…. Kerana adalah hanya keMUNGKINANan Anwar akan jadi PM MALAYSIA.
    Soal BUDI yang Anwar terima, anda semua boleh cari dalam akhbar ataupun internet maklumlah semuakan BLOGGERS…..…..
    Penulis: HADIAH untuk orang MELAYU hapuskan DEB!!

  268. SALAM TUN,
    Saya pecaya kepada PENGALAMAN.
    PENGALAMAN TUN selama lebih setengah abad sebagai pemimpin dan negarawan menjadikan TUN lebih matang dan berpandangan jauh daripada semua pemimipin yang ada hari ini termasuklah DSAAB dan DSAI.
    Tidak akan adanya sebab TUN menolak kepimpinan hari ini jika TANPA ASAS YANG KUKUH.
    JADI bercakap hal DEMOKRASI, RASUAH, AUKU atau sebagainya boleh menampakkan kelemahan orang yang TUN TUJUKAN.
    TETAPI pendapat saya TUN tidak akan ke mana jika menulis dan hanya bertindak sebagai ‘PENGHIBUR’ dan pembaca merasa ‘TERHIBUR’.
    SAYA ingin mengajukan TUN bertindak DEMI NEGARA MALAYSIA.
    1. TUN perlu mendapatkan sokongan calon pengganti PM yang TUN rasakan layak bertanding melawan PRESIDEN pada EGM UMNO akhir tahun ini dan mencalonkan beliau dengan sokongan MT UMNO.
    2. TUN boleh mencabar PAK LAH supaya SATU PETI UNDI KHAS DIADAKAN semasa EGM UMNO nanti bagi melihat sama ada ahli-ahli UMNO masih yakin dengan presiden atau tidak.
    3. TUN juga boleh mencadangkan atau mencabar satu poll online diadakan di website PEMUDA UMNO atau website UMNO sama ada mereka yakin dengan presiden hari ini.
    ………………. ……………….. ….________
    ………… ………………. …..,.-‘”………. ………“~.,
    ………………. ……….,.-”…… ……………….. ………“-.,
    ………………. ……,/………… ……BELUM PAGI LAGI……….”:,
    ………………. ..,?……………. ….SAMBUNG TIDUR!!……………..,
    ………………. /………………. …PAK LAH……… ……………….. ,}
    ……………../. ……………….. ……TURUN!!!…… ………….,:`^`.. }
    ……………/… ……………….. ……………….. ……..,:”……… /
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    ………………. …………….,

  269. Salam TUN dan sahabat bloggers.
    Amat jelas dan menarik sekali apa yang Tun paparkan kali ini.
    BN dibawah pimpinan AAB telah melakukan kerosakan yang besar
    terhadap kesahteraan rakyat ketika ini.
    Tak perlu di bincangkan, rakyat sendiri telah nampak dan merasakan
    kesukaran dan keperitan kehidupan hari ini.
    Banyak perkara dan persoalan yang belaku telah gagal atau pun tak
    terkawal oleh kerajaan AAB yang lemah lagi merimaskan.
    Tak hairan lah parti pemangkang dengan mudah meraih sokongan dari rakyat. Walau pun rakyat sedar akan bahaya nya memilih PKR. Mereka terpaksa mempercayai PKR boleh berbuat sesuatu untuk meneruskan kehidupan mereka.
    Nak buat macam mana TUN, AAB bergitu sombong dan angkuh mempertahankan kedudukan nya. Tak mahu berundur secara terhormat dan memberi ruang pada pelapis2 lain untuk meneruskan usaha mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat pada UMNO dan BN.
    AAB lebeh rela melihat negara ini menjadi kucar kacir,tidak aman dan keharmonian antara kaum menjadi lemah.
    Juga kesalahan ini di pertanggungkan keatas pemimpin2 dan cerdik pandai yang sepatutnya tidak bersekongkol atau diperbodoh2kan oleh AAB. Mereka seharusnya bertindak menyingkirkan beliau.
    Kita akan lihat dengan puteh mata segala kemakmuran,kejayaan rakyat
    semasa lampau waktu TUN akan hilang satu persatu.
    “From Permatang Pauh To Putra Jaya” seandainya menjadi kenyataan
    itu lah bemulanya detik2 kehancuran UMNO dan orang melayu.
    Orang melayu tak boleh lagi bermegah bahawasanya ini lah satu2 nya negara tumpah darah mereka.Warisan datuk monyang mereka.
    Maka akan lenyaplah tamadun Melayu yang hanya baru berusia 50 tahun.
    Persoalan nya kenapakah AAB tidak mahu menerima kenyataan bahawasa nya beliau telah tidak lagi diterima majority rakayat. Apakah agenda besarnya untuk terus berkuasa.
    TUN jaga lah kesihatan dan terus bersama rakyat untuk melihat apa yang bakal terjadi pada negara dalam waktu terdekat ini.

  270. TDM
    if you decided a career change and decided to delve into country music, you’ld be a big hit. Your songs would be all about that Horse that you rode and how it was a stallion under your care, but now the mare has run away, it’s all skin and bones!
    Maybe you should go into country music – you’ve lots of material of that sort.
    On the single point of note you made that under every other Prime Minister, Malaysia prospered, except under the present, obviously you don’t understand the concept that time does not stand still.
    The conditions faced in the last 10 years are also due to post-effects of results you manufactured in your 22 years of managing the country.
    And from my perspective, Malaysia is facing it’s present challenges in a positive way. Yes, the population at large want change, but that’s because the very people who want change don’t know what they can expect from the opposition parties who are using these current trying times to their advantage.
    Anwar/PKR; Hadi/PAS; Guan Eng/DAP have no real plan in my view and are an even loose coalition that BN is. So, it’s in general population peril if Keadilan gets any more mileage than it currently has.
    Malaysia does not have the maturity in place (and thanks largely to you for that) where there is a defined LEFT and RIGHT Wing political viewpoint. You’ve stifled any chance for a viable opposition, and now, we have lots of self-serving people on both sides.
    While I have my concerns about BN leadership, I have even stronger concerns about PKRs ability to lead!
    SO TDM, next time you point the finger at your successor for any situation you paint as bleak, remember, you laid out the canvas in the first place.
    Don’t just play the blame game!

  271. Salam Ayahanda Tun n Bonda Siti Hasmah,
    That is our problem Tun nowdays,rakyat kat tengah-tengah ni pening kepala. Last-last diaorg pun tak tahu sapa dah yang paling layak untuk memerintah dan menyatukan kita semua.
    Sekrg ni ramai malas nak sokong UMNO n BN sebab yang ada sekarang ni tak boleh harap, tak reti nak ambik hati rakyat n berjuang nasib rakyat. So spt biasa, rakyat pun meluat dan menyokong pembangkang sebagai tanda protes atas sebab beban kos hidup yang mahal dan juga keadaan ekonomi yg tak berkembang atau dibanggakan semasa zaman tun memerintah. Rakyat malas nak undi balik dgn muka2 yang ada sebab takut nanti diaorg ni berlagak sombong macam sebelum pilihraya 2008 spt ugut rakyat macam gangster, melancong & bergaya sana sini dan sbgnya.
    Di peringkat pembangkang pula asalnya nak undi protes tapi apabila mereka menang (termasuklah yang ambik gambar lingam yang tak reti bercakap) dengan penuh bangga dan angkuh mereka berlagak macam dah perintah kerajaan lebih dr 10 tahun. Sejak pembangkang memerintah semua bende sensitif yang pelik2 semua nak KOREK sedangkan dari segi kemajuan yang dibawa takdela nampak sangat. Selain daripada itu sibuk dengan kemenangan Tsunami March 2008 seolah-olah dengan rasa confident oleh Pak Anwar Ibrahim dengan bantuan USA akan tubuh kerajaan pada 16 sept dengan mengharapkan parti komponen BN sabah/ sarawak (byr rasuah kot) akan lompat parti. Tapi saya rasa ia merupakan secara fantasi yang tak akan berlaku sebab MP2 ni takut sebenarnya, hari ni lompat parti esok tu keluarla kes BPR hehehehehhe.
    Tapi apa pun masalahnya kita dah takde pemimpin yang kuat seperti Tun. Saya teringat kawan saya pak Arab, dia ada cakap, orang Arab tak kisah kalau pemimpin dia zalim contoh mcm Saddam Hussain, tapi mereka bangga dengan pemimpin yang kuat sebab pemimpin yang kuat rakyat asyik sibuk pasal kerja jer.
    So bagi saya, untuk menyelematkan bumi Malaysia yang tgh sakit sekrg ni ialah dengan membetulkan UMNO walaupun satu kerja yg paling sukar di dunia ni. Kalau PKR memerintah habis la bumi Malaysia + habisla bumiputera.
    Apa2 pun kami tetap menyanjungi jasa dan sayang pada Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah dan Insya Allah Malaysia akan bounce back dari kegelapan ini. Insya Allah.

  272. Assalamualaikum Tun & bloggers
    Nampaknya BN adalah parti yg tidak pernah belajar dari sejarah. Dalam PRU-12, setiap hari pihak media membelasah PAS, PKR dan DAP. Rakyat Malaysia ialah jenis yang cepat kesian. Mereka tidak suka siksaan dan deraan, hati mereka mudah tersentuh. Sebab itu ramai yg undi komponen PR bukan kerana mereka parti terbaik, tetapi untuk membalas dendam bagi pihak parti-parti yang setiap hari dibelasah media tanpa diberi peluang membela diri.
    Kini, menjelang pilihnraya kecil Ptg Pauh, episod deraan media terhadap pembangkang berulang lagi. Setiap hari media membelasah PKR dan Anwar Ibrahim. Cerita kebaikan Arif Shah memenuhi berita akhbar dan media, seolah-olah hanya satu parti iaitu BN saja yang bertanding di Ptg Pauh. Berita mengenai Anwar dan PKR tenggelam, kecuali jika ada yg tidak baik mengenainya. Maka makin kasihanlah orang kepada Anwar & PKR yang mungkin bakal mempengaruhi keputusan pilihan raya kecil itu kelak.
    Sehari sebelum penamaan calon heboh Malaysia tentang sumpah laknat yang dilakukan oleh anak muda bernama Say Fool di Masjid WP. Kata media, sumpah laknat itu dilakukan di hadapan Imam Masjid WP bernama Ramlang Porigi. Tapi lepas disiasat rupanya Ramlang Porigi bukannya Imam, jawatan sebenarnya ialah Penyelia Kanan Masjid WP yg setaraf dengan Tok Siah. Patutlah sumpah Say Fool asyik tersasul saja, rupanya skripnya disaksikan oleh Imam tak bertauliah!
    Yang lebih lawak mengenai Ramlang Porigi ialah rupanya dia adalah ahli UMNO Cawangan Sri Machang, Permatang Pauh dengan nombor keahlian 03405843. Lalu makin ramailah orang tergelak dengan cerita liwat yg melucukan itu.
    Sekarang ini di Ptg Pauh setiap hari ada kempen. Yang seronok kata orang-orang Ptg Pauh ialah kempen Anwar sentiasa dibayangi oleh helikopter yang berligar-ligar di angkasa, sedang kempen BN tiada helikopter yang mengawasi mereka. Sekali lagi pengundi Ptg Pauh bertambah simpati terhadap nasib Anwar!!!
    Kata rakan saya dari Ptg Pauh, setiap ugutan dan serangan media terhadap Anwar bakal menambah saham popularitinya. Setiap serangan bakal menambah 100 atau 1,000 undi terhadap Anwar. Begitulah bahlulnya BN, memukul musuh hanya untuk menambah simpati rakyat terhadap orang yang nampak teraniaya di mata mereka!!

  273. Dearest Tun,
    I was at your luncheon speech yesterday organised by MAFAA,I was tearful the moment Tun and wife walking on the red carpet and it showed the slide of your contributions to Malaysia.It was because the person that i really want to meet was really came to reality.
    I was the first one who stood up during the QnA and was speechless for awhile till i forgot what were my questions.
    Anyway Tun the speech was an eye opener for me and i can convey some of the problems raised to my friends.
    Regarding the above topics i dont trust Umno anymore even hearsay in JB
    that Johor Umnno was also given ‘gula-gula’ Anwar a no no at all he is a traitor to Malaysia.So i dont know who to trust now.I just hope to have the country that i was so proud before that is during your premiership.
    May ALLAH bless Tun and wife with good health so that you can keep on blogging…..
    It was such a relieved when i could hug Tun Hasmah,it was like a mother and child hug..Thank you Tun Hasmah…

  274. Assalamualikum Ayahanda,
    1.Saya baru balik dari Permatang Pauh dan jelas sekali bahawa kebanyakan orang sudah hilang keyakinan dan benci kepada kempimpinan Barisan Nasional terutama UMNO.
    2.Kemegahan UMNO telah musnah dan kebanyakan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO zaman ini tidak lagi dihurmati dan disegani oleh masyarakat sekeliling.
    3.Kebanyakan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO masakini dari peringkat cawangan hingga ke bahagian mengamalkan Rasuah di dalam pentadbiran mereka.
    4.Perjuangan UMNO masakini sudah tidak Relevan kepada setiap lapisan golongan Melayu terutama golongan muda-mudi.
    5.Perjuangan Islam tidak lagi diutamakan disebabkan pengamalam Rasuah dikalangan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO.
    6.UMNO masakini melahirkan pemimpin-pemimpin ‘Puppet’ oleh Majlis Tertinggi UMNO menyebabkan orang-orang Melayu jauh ketinggalan di dalam arus pembangunan.
    7.Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dilihat sebagai rakus,lemah,tidak berprinsip dan tahap moral yang terendah.
    8.Kekalahan 5 buah negeri didalam PRU12 sebagai permulaan kejatuhan UMNO dan UMNO akan berkubur jika dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang sama.
    Kam Nan
    Koh Lipe

  275. Salam Tun.
    U r so rt. UMNO has lost its true spirit and form and with that.. BN. The opposition, led by PKR – Parti Kianat Rakyat and the satanic Anwar Ibrahim, taking advantage of this with their lies and slanderous ways, is in the driver’s seat driving the country to a certain chaos. The economy is in ruins. I worry, amongst others, the future that awaits the future generation…will there be a future for them in the first place?

  276. Dear Tun,
    The blemished soul of mortals are full of self-pride and willfulness thus committing errors one after the other without feeling remorse. Only a God-fearing person would admit his/her mistake, listen to advice and rectify mistakes. We need such a leader and may ALLAH grant us one, two, three or more to strengthen our country. May they listen to the voices of the people and walk through this world with humility as stated in the following verses of the Quran :
    “The servants of Allah (Most Gracious) are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, `Peace!” (Surah al-Furqan, 25:63) and
    “Turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not each arrogant boast” (Surat al-Luqman, 31:18) .

  277. Permisi TUN,
    Rakyat sekarang mencari suatu kerajaan yang boleh memberi mereka faedah yang cepat dan dapat dirasai serta merta .
    Mereka tidak suka dibelenggu oleh sistem hutang yang dibuat oleh kerajaan, swasta, (toll sana sini yang dinaikan setiap tahun),mara ptptn,kadang 2 sampai berratus ribu (rm 500k-RM750k) hutang selepas belajar di uk. gaji kerja di mesia dua tiga ribu- sampai mati pun tak langsai, tiap 2 hari , tiap 2 bulan berbagai hutang mesti dibayar.
    Kerajaan mesti cuba ubah cara hidup bagini.
    Pendapat kerajaan mesti lah di jana atau dipungut dengan tidak menyebab individu kan terasa terseksa senantiasa.
    Apabila keadaan mental tertekan apa2 khabar yang tidak elok dari kerajaan akan menyebab kan rakyat cepat melatah dan bertindak membenci kerajaan.
    Cuba lihat pkr diselangor berbagai cara di buat untuk meringan kan belanja hari rakyat.
    Mentality orang sekarang ialah anak cucu itu lagi 50 tahun akan datang masa itu biarlah mereka sendiri yang menyelesai cara hidup mereka. Rakyat sekarang mahu kekayaan yang ada di belanjakan untuk sekarang , duit yang melimpah itu untuk rakyat bukan untuk dijolikan membena benda2 atau projek yang rakyat tidak merasa nikmat nye , atau pun itu lesap ditipu oleh da’ayah barat memanipulasikan pasaran saham dam comoditi, atau pun lesap oleh ketidak cekapan dalam mengurus projek besar sahingga rugi.
    Rakyat akan memilih kerajaan yang membentang kan janji2 kesenangan untuk hidup selesa. mereka menaruh harapan. semua ini akan terjawab mungkin apabila pas dap pkr memerintah satu dua penggal ssama ada
    prestasi mereka memuaskan hati rakyat.

  278. Salam…
    Tun..keputusan yang paling saya kesali sepanjang Tun menjadi PM ialah melantik PakLah sebagai pengganti Tun..sebab saya tau,PakLah tak mempunyai karisma sehebat Tun..dan tidak mempunyai pengaruh sekuat Tun…He is a weak leader..aduhai..

  279. Tun, ini cerita benar di kampung saya. Umur saya baru menjangkau 25 tahun. Di kampung saya ni, ada segelintir kawan-kawan sebaya saya jadi kontraktar kelas F. Lepas tu, mereka join UMNO. Bila ditanya kenapa masuk UMNO? Depa kata nak lobi project. Saya tanya balik, aik.. bukan pasal nak tolong orang Melayu ke? Depa kata semua orang nak join UMNO bukan pasal nak perjuangkan nasib melayu, tapi nak memenuhkan kocek sendiri je.
    UMNO dilihat oleh semua orang sebagai satu parti yang sombong. Yang angkuh. Lihatlah orang2 UMNO sendiri. Jelek mata memandang. Sibuk nak berebut jawatan sana sini.
    Tun, saya tak setuju pendapat Tun bahawa parti pembangkang hanya memecah belahkan orang Melayu. Tun tak tgk ka the bigger picture? Kitorang nak perubahan dan kita tak nampak perubahan itu akan berlaku dari UMNO. Sekurang2nya kita dah boleh percaya kat pembangkang untuk run the 5 states. Dulu siapa berani nak kasi pembangkang uruskan kerajaan negeri? Kitorang tengok negeri2 ni steady je.. takdak pulak kucar-kacir. Business as usual they say.
    Apa pasai Tun nak canang sana-sini macam dunia nak kiamat? Zaman Tun dah berlalu. Kalau tukar pemimpin UMNO sekarang pun tak akan ada perubahan kerana semua pemimpin2 tertinggi ni semua orang2 zaman Tun jugak. Semua ‘yes man’. Dia ikut cara Tun ajaq depa la. Itu pasai Tun dulu berkuasa la. Depa tgk sapa yg ada power.
    Tun, janganlah anggap orang kampung ni tak bercakap soal ideologi & politik. Hari2 depa dok sembang kat kedai kopi. Depa tgk pemimpin2 UMNO ni angkuh.. sombong. Kalau betullah pemimpin UMNO ni pikirkan tentang makan minum kami, depa tak akan naikkan harga minyak setinggi itu secara terlalu mendadak. Ingat RM625 tu penyelesaian ka? Itu mcm bagi gula2 suruh budak kecik diam. Kami bukan budak kecik. Jadi Tun, jgnlah hina orang kampung aggap kami semua tak tau berfikir. Ini bukan zaman Tun. Orang kampung pun dah tau guna Internet.

  280. Salam.
    Orang Melayu perlu sedar sifat semulajadi Melayu adalah kesederhanaan. Ini berbeza dengan sifat orang Cina yang utamakan keuntungan dalam setiap hal dan orang India yang bersikap ekstrem. Ini adalah sifat semulajadi setiap bangsa. Jadi orang Melayu di Malaysia memerlukan pemimpin yang boleh membela nasib Melayu sambil memuaskan hati orang Cina dan India. Orang Melayu akan ditekan dan diasak lalu rugi jika pemimpin Melayu gagal menguasai keadaan. Setiap orang Melayu wajib bersyukur lahir sebagai Muslim di zaman ini di mana Islamophobia dicanang di seluruh dunia oleh musuh-musuh Islam. Jadi adalah menjadi kewajipan orang Islam menjaga nama baik agama Islam. Pemimpin Melayu Islam perlu menjauhi perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Tetapi realiti masa kini adalah pemimpin Melayu Islam antara yang paling korup. Buatlah apa sahaja tapi sedarlah ini akan merugikan seluruh orang Melayu Islam kerana kepimpinan yang tiada keberkatan Ilahi. Anwar Ibrahim seorang yang tidak sensitif terhadap Islam kerana meletakkan gambar Bush pada kereta Pajero yang digunakan dalam kempen PKR di Permatang Pauh, sedangkan pada masa ini rakyat Palestin, rakyat Iraq dan kemungkinan rakyat Iran dalam masa akan datang sedang hidup menderita gara-gara perbuatan Bush. Melayu yang gilakan kuasa akan sanggup meminggirkan kepentingan bangsa dan agama sendiri. Sebagai orang Melayu beragama Islam, fikirkan tentang keberkatan dalam hidup ini kerana hidup ini hanyalah sementara.

  281. salam tun…
    betul cakap tun…saya sokong penuh…
    rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah maupun sederhana ni yg jadi mangsa keadaan..
    pegi supermarket beras mahal susu mahal macam2 lg yg naik…
    minyak naik mendadak…
    seingat saya zaman tun dulu ada jugak brg naik tapi takla terasa sgt sebab selari dengan peningkatan ekonomi rakyat…
    jadi rakyat biasa ni sebenarnya masa election aritu tunjuk protes dengan kerajaan…bukannya sokong pembangkang pun…cuma rasa terkilan dengan beberapa keputusan dan urustadbir negara yang tidak menentu…jadi jalan pintas masa nak pangkah tu teringat harga beras miyak naik terus pangkah pembangkang…tapi tun cakap betulll…pembangkang tak menang pun
    KAMI PERLUKAN PEMIMPIN YANG BUKAN SEKADAR BERJIWA RAKYAT TAPI MEMAHAMI MASALAH RAKYAT ISU-ISU RAKYAT TENTANG KEHIDUPAN…BERJUANG UNTUK RAKYAT…bukannya berjuang untuk orang-orang berkepentingan sahaja…yang tersepit org yang miskin…semakin miskin…dats y DSAI main isu tentang rakyat…so becarefulll…janga samapi negara kita yang sudah merdeka 51 tahun ni jadi kucar-kacir dek pemerintah yang belum tentu dapat mentadbir negar dan memperjuangkan rakyat malah agama bangsa kita

  282. Salam Tun,
    Agree with you. There are lots of inteligent people who lacks intellectuality in the govt now or in politics with minimum community services had created lots of tensions in the country.Before they were book worm; with incentives had joined politics for money or fame.These people should look back the past and compare the present; make analysis for what havoc they have created and should redress themselves, then Malaysia would be in the right track again.

  283. Hi Tun,
    2-6, Tun said that the farmers concern are all about cost of living, do you think all Malaysian are still farmers? There are more and more e-rakyat now and when will UMNO start to realize this? Until when UMNO wanna treat our rakyat as frog under the well?
    10, people not object too much on corruption? OMG… That’s what UMNO think? No comment on this…
    14, UMNO lost and oppotition did not win, that’s true. Cos oppotition had never have the chance to govern the country, how can they win? Which baby is born with ability to talk or walk? They will learn and soon rakyat will know which is good and which is ‘not good’
    17, Anwar Ibrahim is only making show so that he can be the next PM? Who cares who is becoming PM, as long as we, rakyat get the benifits. If next time PR not doing well, sure rakyat will vote them out of government. We know how to think and not just follow blindly.
    20. People will see, people will judge…
    BN, please think of what our rakyat want, and stop all the nonsence that makes our country looks like jokers to the world…

  284. YABhg Tun,
    Salam hormat. Selepas menang besar dalam pilihanraya 2004 dan tergelincir dalam tahun 2008, ada 2Cs yang dihadiahkan untuk rakyat Malaysia. Selepas 2004, rakyat Malaysia diberi Corridors. Corridors memberi pembangunan dan peluang kepada rakyat Malaysia. Kalau diterjemahkan makna Corridor kepada layman ialah ruang atau lorong di luar bilik/rumah. Selepas 2004 dan terutamanya selepas 2008 C yang kedua diperjuangkan iaitu Commissions. Bagi orang biasa, maknanya suruhajaya atau kamsen. Pembangkang dan Bar Council sukakan Commissions dan BN. Perkembangan terbaru di Perak, PR juga sukakan commissions.

  285. Dear Tun
    Very disapointed to learn the news that you are going to
    migrate.Think of the livelihood of comon Malaysian.Please disclose
    his close association with IMPERIALISM and IMF.
    Can IMF provides good prescription? What happened to Philipine
    ,the shortage of food shortage there and the grievance of farmers
    there are closely related to IMF prescription.Many people are still
    not awaken.
    I think you are in good position to explain to people about the
    bad motive of IMF
    Truly your’s

  286. This is my 1st time…
    My name also Tun (nick name)
    Tun, saya sangat bangga dengan kamu, dari dahulu saya memantau setiap isu yang kamu kongsikan di sini. Tiada kesangsian untuk kami tidak mempercayai penulisan Tun di kamar yang telus ini.
    Saya ada satu permintaan… Boleh Tun beri ulasan & penjelasan mengenai politik di Sarawak. Sejak CM,Taib M memerintah, bangsa Dayak masih lagi ketinggalan jauh di belakang, paling parah ialah bangsa saya sendiri iaitu bangsa Iban. Kami ibarat menumpang & mengemis di negeri sendiri.
    Kalau Tun berani komen PM M’sia, tentu Tun juga tidak ada masalah untuk komen KM. Tun tahu bukan apa yang terjadi di bumi kenyalang. Sejak sekian lama, saya tidak pernah melihat & mendengar Tun komen mengenai KM S’wak. Adakah Tun takut? Tun ex-PM yang disegnani, bukan sahaja untuk orang Melayu tetapi juga untuk bangsa M’sia. Tun juga bertanggungjawab untuk mengubah mentaliti bangsa Iban, atau mungking kami orang yang tidak penting & tidak bernilai di mata Tun.
    Kami juga ada harga diri, ada maruah diri… mengapa Tun menjadikan kami seperti ini. Tolonglah… terangkan kepada rakyat S’wak di manakah silap nya, kami masih lagi merempat & mengemis di bumi tercinta. Kami ibarat burung yang telah patah sayap. 50 lebih tahun sudah berlalu… adakah Tun mahu melihat generasi kami akan berterusan begini sampai selamanya. Hanya Tun sahaja harapan kami….Bongkarlah segala kejahatan & kemungkaran yang tersembunyi sekian lama nya.
    “Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban”

  287. salam buat Tun dan sekeluarga..
    semoga sentiasa sihat..
    ‘master of spin’ appropriate . betul Tun..if only others could see..

  288. .
    Benar TUN, rakyat kecil hanya memeikirkan kehidupan mereka.
    Itu sudah pasti…bagaimana mereka boleh menjalani hidup dengan selesa.
    30 % dari Tsunami yang berlaku pada 2008 adalah kerana faktor yang TUN katakan. Itu yang menyebabkan pembangkang menang.
    Sekira RAKYAT SEDAR, Tsunami kelmarin menyebabkan Pembangkang pula “pijak kepala”…..
    Satu Tsunami pula akan berlaku di P44 kali ini;
    BACA P44( PART 1, 2 DAN 3) DI:
    kami tak mahu “Malaysian Malaysia” oleh PR, juga kami tak sokong BN pimpinan Pak Lah,
    salam perjuangan

  289. dear Tun Dr.Mahathir,
    vote against BN is showing that BN need improvement and i belief that BN should take action such as investigate the reason why such thing happen. an open forum should be held in discuss such issue and i hope that Tun will be the one leading it. in addition i strongly belief that discuss about the pass while doing nothing is as if we are trap in the circle of concern rather than enlarge our circle of influence. action TUN!!! action! i fully belief your ability that you would be able to change Malaysia for the 2nd time. vision 2020 shouldn’t be drag like that!

  290. .
    Benar TUN, rakyat kecil hanya memeikirkan kehidupan mereka.
    Itu sudah pasti…bagaimana mereka boleh menjalani hidup dengan selesa.
    30 % dari Tsunami yang berlaku pada 2008 adalah kerana faktor yang TUN katakan. Itu yang menyebabkan pembangkang menang.
    Sekira RAKYAT SEDAR, Tsunami kelmarin menyebabkan Pembangkang pula “pijak kepala”…..
    Satu Tsunami pula akan berlaku di P44 kali ini;
    BACA P44( PART 1, 2 DAN 3) DI:
    kami tak mahu “Malaysian Malaysia” oleh PR, juga kami tak sokong BN pimpinan Pak Lah,
    salam perjuangan

  291. Assalamualaikum
    Memang betul, BN banyak kalah bukan sebab PR makin kuat, tp BN yg lemah. UMNO parti utama dalam BN tidak diterajui oleh pemimpin yang berkualiti dan cukup bijak untuk memancing undi. PR is champion to the rakyat. mereka menyebelahi HINDRAF dan berjanji akan membela rakyat yang atas kenaikan kos sara hidup dan akan membongkar semua salah laku pemimpin dahulu. Sebaliknya calon UMNO ntah daripada background mana dipilih. Pemilihan cawangan pun nak rasuah jugak, cukuplah kalau dah 2 penggal pegang jawatan. mengapa nak habiskan duit bg gula-gula kat org kampung.
    Saya tak tau apa yang rakyat nak. Transparent, accountability apa semua ni? Rakyat biasa xkan paham semua term itu, dan apa yg mereka mahu ialah hidup yg selesa (para 1-6). Tp mungkin sbb mereka dah muak atau menyampah dgn orng UMNO yg berkepentingan mereka akhirnya undi PR.
    saya kurang percaya pada PR, mungkin PAS shaja yg pada saya ok. PKR dan DAP is not in my list. But things may turn around if the General election is in the next 4 years, but if it happen earlier i dont know what should i pangkah. PR bukan parti yang mantap, bukan kerana usia yg muda tapi persefahaman yang kurang. BN need to do major overhaul to its machinery to gain back confident from the rakyat.
    But I still believe in Malaysia and all Malaysian.

  292. Dear Tun,
    Whose fault is it that the country is in the state it is? What is the state of the country?
    1. People have no faith in the judiciary? I still shudder remembering the case against a ruling party politician raped a minor. He was found innocent but the minor and her other boyfriends were found guilty. This is one of the few countries where ruling party politicians can never lose in the courts.
    2. Whose fault is it that the public transport in this country stinks? When the price of petrol goes up, almost everyone is affected. All this to support a steel industry and automobile industry which enriched a few billionaires but failed the country. Thailand is the acknowledged leader in the automobile industry even without a “national” Mitsubishi car.
    3. Whose fault is it that corrupt leaders were in charge of MIC, Gerakan, MCA and finally UMNO? The same people that used to kiss your hand while you were in power bit it when you retired.
    4. Whose fault is it that the population is so racially polarised? It follows the style of the previous British colonists to “divide and conquer”.
    The very definition of the “MALAY” race is a joke to the rest of the world. Imagine a brother and sister from Indonesia, one being a Muslim and the other a Christian. In Malaysia, one can be defined as a Malay and the other NOT. Those who propogate the Ketuanan Melayu the most in Malaysia usually come from other races, predominantly Indian … does that ring a bell??
    What about in the field of education? Malaysia is next to nothing. Even compared to the small neighbouring Singapore, Malaysia looks like peanuts in the field of education because opportunities are not given to the best and brightest. It is after Form 5 that the rift between the races becomes clearer. The bright students become bitter that they do not have the opportunities afforded to their countrymen.
    Regarding religious freedom, I say that non-Muslims have more religious freedom than our Muslim brothers. We can choose our religion. However, the most despicable rapist who is a Malay will always be a Muslim whether he believes in it or not.
    How about survival of the races? Again, the non-Malays have the advantage because it is adversity that builds character. Look at all the drug abuse, sexual problems, family problems and health problems that Malays now face as a result of getting everything served to them on a golden platter.
    Malaysia, which used to be good in many sports such as badminton, hockey and football is now a non-starter again because of a lack of opportunities for the best. The Malays are adversely affected because lack of competition makes them weak.
    5. National Integration – we are forced to have our kids taught in BM supposedly for national integration. That is as much a joke as the National Service we have to send our kids for. English is the international language. NS is just another avenue to make more cronies multi-millionaires if not billionaires.
    As my Malay friends tell me, the current economic is about enriching the rich Malays and not all Malays. We are still living in the days of South African apartheid. The poor of all races are thrown bones.
    6. Character building – since we threw out the dedicated and qualified teachers, who do we have left to bring up our children in the schools? I know that all the political leaders send their children to International Schools or overseas. What about the rakyat?
    The current PM is not faultless but many of the problems did not originate during his time. I like the fact that he SEEMS to be weak as it allows more transparency and freedom in this country. His main fault is in not recognizing that his first landslide win was the people’s way of showing him that we were giving him a chance to turn the country around. Instead, he allowed the condition to further deteriorate.
    There are so many more questions and answers to be written but it is too long already.
    I know that many in both Pakatan Rakyat and UMNO won’t like my comments. In that way, they are the same.
    Based on the little I know, I do not like Anwar Ibrahim. However, my friends have convinced me that it is better to give the Opposition a chance for 5 years than to continue the current state of affairs where no improvement is expected.
    Of course, first we had Tun’s cronies, then the current PM’s cronies, next Anwar’s cronies??

  293. Salams Tun. I agree with your post. I feel sorry for all those people who ‘worship’ anwar , the master of spin. Those ‘worshippers’ are of course the Malays. They think they are intellectual people with degrees and all..yet they do not know they are being stupidly and naively made us of by the master of spin. Look at Wan Azizah’s character and you will see that she is just a mere follower of Anwar. I think the Chinese and Indians are very cunning people..they use Anwar as a stepping stone to get a bigger slice of the politics and Anwar and his supporters stupidly think the non-malays are trully behind them with sincere reasons. If the Chinese and Indians are sincere in wanting a Bangsa Malaysia, then remove all Chinese and Indian schools..increase the Malays in the private sectors (for all posts )..then you are sincere in having a Bangsa Malaysia…

  294. Assalamualaikum,
    Ada 3 benda yang saya dapat lihat disini.
    1. Kalau Tun menentang dasar-dasar Parti lawan memang bagus, sebab itu yang sepatutnya berlaku dalam negara demokrasi. Mencari sokongan untuk diri sendiri dan mengurangkan sokongan dipihak lawan. Dan ia bernasib baik disebelah parti lawan sebab Anwar pandai berbicara. Mungkin rakyat semua jangan pandai cakap nanti pemerintah marah.
    2. Tun kena bersetuju dengan saya disini. Apa pun yang kita perjuangkan, prinsip politik semuanya akan menemui kesusahan dan halangan malah yang paling sukar diterima ialah kemusnahan. Itulah lumrah dunia yang tidak kekal ini. Persoalan yang paling utama dalam perjuangan ini, mudah sahaja, adakah berbaloi apa yang kita perjuangkan untuk kita menghadap tuhan. Bagi orang-orang UMNO dia cakap berbaloi untuk bangsa. kekal kah bangsa?. Bagi pejuang demokrasi, berbaloi untuk keadilan dan kesaksamaan. Tapi saksamakah manusia?. Dan bagi Pas, berbaloikah memperjuangkan agama, biar mereka musnah tapi tanggungjawab itu terlaksana. Musnah dan hidup diri mereka itu bukan matlamatnya. Tapi hidup agama itu
    Bukan seperti yang lain. Hidup diri hidup penrjuangan.
    3. Nanti saya bagi….

  295. Salam Tun.
    1. I wonder did the modern and democratic countries such as US and UK still has problem like bribe? I know Saudi the richest country in the world has the bribe problem.
    2. the farmers at modern countries are really rich. they owned very vast lands with highly subsidized by goverment. In the return they pay tax to the goverment. huge profits means huge tax paid. how they become rioh? they exported their goods to developed countries which has little or none subsidized by goverment.
    3. Consequently, the price of local goods are higher than the imported ones. Local farmers cant sell their goods even in local markets. So is this kind of situation we want in Malaysia?

  296. well said Dr. M
    This is the reality in Malaysia- a generation of young people who are being duped by PKR,DAP and PAS.
    You think PAS truly cares about Indians or DAP truly cares about Malays? No.
    I still believe in the formula that BN has used for the past 50 years. All of us must learn to share the power. We chose to be a multi-cultural country, so we MUST LEARN TO GIVE AND TAKE.

  297. Salam,
    1) Is it necessary to bad mouth other people during campaigning? I think it would be better to tell the rakyat what is your service track record.
    2) Why must there’s ringgit figure talking when campaigning?
    3) Why not during the campaigning, the fella who race for the seat like make a presentation on what they will do in the next 5 years to come? and the rakyat will decide if they like what they hear and see.
    4) I am super sick reading news paper or catching the news on TV nowadays. There’s no real news anymore. The 1 hour news on TV, the first 30 minutes is not news at all.
    5) Why must the current government abandon the already looking like to be established work plan and came up with a new work plan? While the old work plan need 10 years to complete. At the final stage it is being cut off and started another 10 years work plan? Actually we still can grow another tree while waiting to harvest the old one right?
    6) What does rakyat means to the politician? Can’t we just do a development without thinking who does this development going to benefit my ownself while it is clearly benefit rakyat the most.
    7) Why we just sit and do nothing when there’s clearly some people trying to re-negotiate the Malaysian Internal Issue? Do we have to wait until the massacre happen then only we going to take action?
    8) Why some people trying to abolish ISA? I think the real issue is how can they reconfigure ISA so that it wont be misused by interest parties.
    9) Do many businessman join UMNO to benefit themselves? I was once started a small business and was thinking to join UMNO and think that it would help me to generate my business income. Now I know that it is so wrong.
    10) Being a professional in my own field really thirst for my time and energy and not being able to contribute to the society when I myself unable to see the daylight anymore. Why not these good politician and businessman that involve in politics help the society. I can feel the very big pinch from the current economic situation and really I cant figure out what is going out there for the needy people…
    11)Younger Leader may have a new and fresh idea but they really lacks of experiences in handling task and forces. Can’t the younger generation and Older generation work hand in hand? Better still, can the older generation take words from younger generation and younger generation take heed from older generation?
    12)Lastly, nowadays I hear lots of Don’t and No. Can we just regulate what people wants rather that saying a big NO NO to all their request. After all, the forbidden is tempting.

  298. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    As Tun mentioned, the BN “loss” and opposition “won” is not due to the maturity of the rakyat regarding free speech, abolition of ISA, etc. I’m with you on this.
    Rakyats have been restless with this one person since he decided to cancel the bridge project and his subsequent ungrateful statement about the previous management. This situation worsen when some of the members from his band of bandits openly criticised and demonised Tun. This is what all the rakyat saw, read and heard in the mass media.
    The strategy to keep Tun quiet continued with pressured being applied to organisers of talks and speeches until most of them were cancelled. Even Tun was “voted” out in the infamous G8 incident in Kubang Pasu.
    For me, Tun’s voice is my voice and the voice that represent millions of unsatisfactory rakyat who are suffering under this incompetent leaderships. Abdullah seemed to be detached from the real issues that are affecting the well being of the rakyat especially the increasing prices of basic necessity such as rice, chickens, flour and of course petrol.
    All of these pushed them to the edge resulting in the swing of votes to the oppositions. When the rakyats have spoken through the ballot box and BN under Abdullah just managed to form a simple majority government. Even when there were calls for him to step down, he arrogantly said that he has won. Among others, Abdullah said that rakyat have given him the mandate to govern and We have a big majority.
    YBhg Tun, even your writings, press conferences, talks were not given a light of day by Abdullah, what about all of us the rakyats. We hope that you continue to provide us with your thoughts, insights and wits so that we can continue this fight against the incompetent Abdullah and his band of bandits.
    Regards and Wassalam

  299. Kepada semua bangsa Melayu…BANGKITLAH!!!
    Jika kita sayangkan bangsa kita,kita tidak seharusnya menyokong PAKATAN RAKYAT sebab jelas terbukti bahawa misi perjuangan DAP&PKR amat tidak menguntungkan org melayu.Wahai pemimpin PAS,sekiranya anda sayangkan bangsa Melayu dan tidak mahu melihat Bangsa Melayu dijajah seperti Melayu di S******RE,maka buatlah sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan bangsa Melayu.
    Tgk pendirian DAP tentang forum memeluk islam yang dianjurkan majlis peguam pun sdh tahu misi sebenar mereka.
    Tetapi Tun,bagaimana caranya untuk kita menyedarkan orang2 kampung drpd ditipu oleh misi DAP&PKR ini?

  300. Salam Tun
    A couple of weeks before the last general election the opposition parties especially RKR seems to be in disarray. It had lost many big names and they were still squabling among themselves. In fact one of their candidate went missing. One NST writer even suggested that this election will be the last nail in the coffin as far as PKR is concern since it had only 1 seat left in the Parliament. Anyone can be their candidate. But Saiful is just a coffee boy because he is cute, DSAI thought so… The DAP too had its own problem when a candidate in Perak resigned from the party. PAS was not in the news since they did so badly in the 2004 election.
    Intellectuals including people like Musa Hitam even said this is going to be Pak Lah’s election because he has brought so much freedom to Malaysia. This guy has lost touch and who is he?
    Sorry mate…. The majority of the Rakyat who are not intellectuals thinks otherwise. Even when have a donkey as opposition candidate, he’ll win. I vote for the opposition and I don’t know who he is, till today.
    Tun had said the Rakyat just need to fill their bellies. That’s all, either you have or not. In fact the signs of unhappiness towards BN is all there but only the so called intellectuals both in the Government and the opposition fail to see this. Bourgeoisie or whatever.
    The need to fill their bellies is getting worst now. The rakyat is poorer including 3 million UMNO members. And instead of creating jobs and running the economy efficiently, idiots led by Paklah take shortcuts by bribing everyone in the UMNO elections.
    So the cycle continues………
    The Master of Spin (or Sin) will take advantage of the situation. But I dare say this. His approach is wrong and the way he took it will backfire. We’ll know after the election. Read my lips…. (oooops nobody can, sorry Tun I am not an intellect).

    1)agree with you Sir….
    2)Selain dari chedet.com ni,saya juga penagih tegar http://anwaribrahimdotcom.blogspot.com/
    blog ni adalah blog politik terbaik selain chedet.tahniah AIDC!kepada penyokong kuat anwar ibrahim dijemput memeriahkan lagi blog ni..jangan mudah taksub dengan seseorang…gunakan akal dan buatlah pertimbangan yang sewajarnya…
    3)mula-mulanya nak komen juga disini,tapi bila dah tengok
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTmZb576HvU&NR=1 tu…perjuangan belum selesai…saya jadi terus cair…..jadi kena komen lain kali…tun…engkaulah bangsawan sejati dan pejuang tulen!!!
    semoga Allah memberikan kesihatan dan dipanjangkan umur dalam kebahagiaan dan sentiasa beroleh keberkatan selalu.Amin.

  302. assalamualaiku my beloved TUN..
    we are love u so much..ever n ever…(=*_*=)
    hari-hari saya masuk blog ni,hari-hari baca penulisan tun dan komen rakyat2 m’sia yang lain. tapi xpenah register xpenah tulis apa2 dlm blog “che det.com”..tapi haqi ni tergeqak hati nak joint blog ni,sbnrnya saya tak tau nak tulis apa nk ckp apa..mgkin sekadar meluahkan perasaan dan berkongsi dgn tun dan semua rakyat m’sia..
    saya sedih sgt dgn keadaan NEGARA kita la ni tambah2 bangsa melayu kita dah berpecah belah..tak tau apa akan jadi pada M’sia dan bangsa melayu dlm 5thn akan dtg dgn wujudnya “PENGKHIANAT BANGSA” seperti anwar,dengan kembalinya dia didalam parlimen nanti kalo dia menang pilihan raya nanti..
    kenapa org melayu tak dapat buka mata lagi???..saya percaya kebanyakkan rakyat marah pd kerajaan sbb 2 bnyk yang xsokong UMNO,rakyat dpt tengok,dpt nilai betapa kotornya UMNO sekarang,bknnya hanya pada zaman paklah saja UMNO dah kotor,tapi pada zaman Tun pun Umno dah kotor cuma masa zaman Tun Umno tak seteruk ini,mgkin pakat takut dekat TUN..TUN tegas,berpendirian yang tetap,tapi paklah terlalu lembut sampai org buat apa pun takpa..
    Wahai bangsa-bangsaku,walau seteruk mana pun UMNO sokong lah UMNO kerana UMNO sajalah satu2nya parti hak org melayu..pejamkan mata,telan semua kepedihan,kesakitan yang membegkam hati masing-masing..walau sekotor mana pun UMNO pd masa skrg,sekurang2nya generasi yang akan dtg,yg tajam mindanya seperti TUN,yang amanah, dapat membela bangsa2 kita suatu hari nanti,dapat membanggunkan semula kerajaan kita menjadi kerajaan yang bersih cekap dan amanah..
    asal MALAYSIA dari TANAH MELAYU hak orang melayu,perlukah MELAYU dijajah semula oleh bangsa2 lain??…mai kita pikir mcm budak darjah lima pikir kalo la jadi apa2 dkt TANAH MELAYU ni org2 cina blh blk neqi depa masing?..org2 india blh balik neqi depa masing2…tapi kalo org MELAYU nak balik kat mana???…apa yang ada dekat org MELAYU la ni??..yang ada dkt MELAYU la ni “MAT REMPIT, TAIK PIT, BOHSIA, BOHJAN, PEMBUNUH, PEROGOL, PEROMPAK, CURI BUDAK” yang ni lah bangsa2 MELAYU…saya masih ingat dengan kata2 TUN sebelum letak jawatan dulu “MELAYU MUDAH LUPA” saya sedih dgn MELAYU skrg..
    Kenang lah sejarah yang lalu…bertapa susahnya dulu tok nenek kita nak tuntut kemedekaan,betapa deritanya hidup bila dijajah…saya ingat lagi mak saya cerita. Dulu masa TUNKU dan pemimpin2 lain nak p tuntut kemerdekaan, depa minta sedekah qata dkt rakyat…apa saja yang rakyat ada semua bagi,subang,gelang,qantai,yang ada duit 5kupang saja pun bagi jugak,TUNKU jual tanah dia,duit tu suma guna untuk tambang p balik..sewa bilik satu saja,duduk punya qamai..org putih kata selagi ada bulan dan matahari TANAH MELAYU takkan MERDEKA..jadi dgn kepintaran TUNKU dan pemimpin2 lain depa p tuntut kemerdekaan pada pukul 12tgh mlm, sbb masa tu bulan tak timbul matahari pun tak timbul..pikir lah bangsa2ku..
    Perangilah lah anwar,jgn biar dia terus menjadi PENGKHIANAT BANGSA KU..YA’allah ya tuhan ku zat sekalian alam,kau jadikan kami dengan ROHSIA MU,kau meliputi akan tiap2 sesuatu..hanya kau yag mentakdirkan segala2nya,hnya kau yg tahu akan tiap2 sesuatu..bkn kami minta untuk membinasakan dia,tapi kami pohon kau buka kanlah pintu hatinya,berikan dia petunjuk dan jgnlah kau terus sesatkan dia,kembalikanlah dia kejalan yang benar,jgn kau matikan dia dengan kesesatannya..kembalikan bangsaku dan agamaku,berikan kami kekuatan untuk terus berjuang dijalan mu YA ALLAH..AMIN YA RABBUL A’LAMIN..
    Yang dicintai dan dikasihi TUN..PERJUAGANMU BELUM SELESAI..rakyat perlukan TUN..just go on with ur writing mgkin ini sahaja yang mampu TUN berikan sekarang..berikan pandanganmu cadanganmu pendapatmu..bukakan pemikiran bangsa2mu…mudah2an dgn perjuanganmun melalui penulisan ini mampu membuka minda bangsa2mu…kami sentiasa menyokongmu…
    Semogo tuhan sentiasa merahmati TUN dan keluarga dan sihat selalu…

  303. Salam TUN,
    I totally agree with you that what the layman is currenly concerned is about cost of living not law, ISA or other highly intellectual topics being discussed by opposition to win votes.

  304. Tun, salam sejahtera, semoga tun dan isteri sihat selalu, ( tun nampak lebih muda ler – saya cuma lihat dalam surat khabar sahaja, nak jumpa tun, hehehe amat payah, kalau dapat berjumpa kenangan manis dalam hidup saya)

  305. Spot on, Tun. You hit the nail with the right hammer!
    Not that I like the present government or otherwise but at least the Barisan Government have some intellectuals for the last 15 years or more.
    In the begining, we had only popular leaders such as Cik Gu this and that Ketua Kampong in simple bread and butter political days.
    When you took over, you opted for drastic and swift changes towards modernisation. And you had the masterplans in place. It came as a culture shock to the rural folks who now are living with better facilities.
    Of course, the present opposition will wipe evidence or pretend not to see the progressive transition from poor to the not so poor.
    Even Anwar the master spinner, benefitted from the education system of the day but what did he do? Instead of studying text subjects, he incited innocent students to stage demonstrations and anti-establishment activities. Of course it was easy prey as the young students ere not ready to think independently and followed their leader blindly. Half the time, the rebellious students didn’t even know what they were fighting for except for what their ‘cult’ leader says.
    That generation of blind followers have now grown up and spread their stupidity even further with their tunnel vision.
    It is sad to see the poor kampung folks being manipulated by the great spin doctor, refusing to listen to facts but are gullibly obsessed with their ‘cult’ leader.
    Too bad, we will soon see the road side hawker, best talker in the coffee shop, the school bully and some other less educated individuals sitting in parliament arguing about some silly and petty issues. That is the way the country seems to be going.
    The wise man will venture into Water Scooters or open up tution centres to teach the silly Bahasa Baku, because their ‘cult’ leader loves these things.
    God Bless Malaysia…… and we really need that!

  306. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Demokrasi adalah sistem terbaik yang pernah dicipta oleh manusia tetapi bukan bermakna ianya bebas dari kecacatan … demokrasi ala barat sama sekali tidak boleh dipraktikkan di negara ini .. tapi kita telah berjaya mengamalkan sistem ini dengan baik sekali melalui satu proses demokrasi yang amat penting iaitu pilihanraya .. setiap 5 tahun sekali kita sebagai rakyat mempunyai kuasa penuh yang dilindungi oleh perlembagaan untuk menentukan kerajaan mana yang kita mahukan … sistem demokrasi acuan kita iaitu perkongsian kuasa dalam membentuk kerajaan yang selama ini amalan kerajaan kita adalah asas kepada kestabilan dan keamanan yang kita kecapi sekarang sehingga model demokrasi yang kita bangunkan ini menjadi contoh oleh negara2 lain .. mereka mengaku bahawa amalan demokrasi yang kita amalkan ini adalah sangat baik .. tetapi ini semua tidak disenangi oleh pihak asing yang selama ini mendabik dada bahawa mereka adalah pengamal sebenar demokrasi .. mereka mahu supaya setiap negara mengikut acuan demokrasi amalan mereka .. bagi mereka hanya model demokrasi acuan mereka sahaja yang terbaik ! oleh itu sesiapa yang tidak mengamalkan demokrasi acuan mereka,mereka ini tidak demokratik .. mereka adalah diktator .. jadi mereka adalah regime yang harus ditukar .. inilah permainan mereka saudara2 ku semua .. sentiasa mencari seribu satu alasan untuk masuk kedalam negara kita .. mereka ini bergerak didalam pertubuhan2 bukan kerajaan atau mungkin juga parti2 politik di dalam negara ini dengan melaung-laungkan isu2 tentang hak asasi manusia,kebebasan bersuara,kesamarataan dan berbagai2 lagi tetapi tujuan utama mereka adalah untuk mencetuskan keadaan yang tidak stabil untuk mereka melebarkan pengaruh mereka didalam negara kita ini .. this is what they do .. not just in here but all around the world.. jadi bukalah mata kita seluas-luasnya .. cuba kita ketepikan dulu sentimen politik kita dan selepas melakukan solat kita duduk berfikir sendiri dengan hati yang lapang dan luas .. berfikir dengan hati yang tulus dan ikhlas .. adakah pemimpin yang kita sanjung dan kita puja ketika ini adalah orang yang betul ? kita akan dapat jawapannya kalau kita mahu memikirkannya dengan hati yang ikhlas .. inilah cabaran yang kita hadapi sekarang ini dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan kita .. dan kepada pemimpin2 yang ada pada hari ini,yang sebangsa dan seagama kita .. ingatlah .. bahawa kamu akan ditanya di akhirat kelak tentang apa yang kamu lakukan untuk rakyat dibawah kamu ..
    kepada tun .. you’re the great sir .. we owe u a lot ! teruskan bersuara demi kami dan kami akan berada di barisan depan jika ada cubaan untuk menjentik tun sekalipun .. itu janji kami ! kami doakan semoga ayahanda tun dan bonda tun siti hasmah sekeluarga berada dalam perlindungan allah sentiasa .. luv u tun !

  307. Dear Tun,
    2 reasons I always look forward to visit your blog – your analysis/words of wisdom and your writing style, particulalrly in English. I could only call the person “the greatest hypocrite alive” but you call him “the wily master of spin”! Ha.ha..

  308. Hi Tun,
    Yup, the AAB and his SIL is really making people sick, really hope someone can sweep them out of Parliment…

  309. Assalamualaikum TUN dan semua manusia yang ada di sini
    Sebenarnya kan Tun, apa yang saya perhatikan, semua permasalahan dan kecelaruan yang wujud sekarang ini adalah hasil dari kepincangan seorang manusia itu, sungguh lemah, tiada wawasan dan menjadi buah mulut orang saja.
    Saya tak tau apa yang mau ditunggu lagi oleh beliau, adakah untuk memastikan anak menantunya betul-betul kenyang dan selamat baru mahu berenti. Atau, mahu melihat negara ini kucarkacir dan hancur baru dia mau sedar.
    Bangunlah orang2 UMNO, kenapa lembap sangat kamu semua ni, saya ni pun dah naik cemuih nak mengaku orang UMNO, malu kerana kempimpinannya yang sangat buruk prestasinya dan tak mahu mengaku kalah/salah, masih sanggup menebalkan muka di hadapan rakyat, sedangkan rakyat dah tak mau dah.
    Wahai orang-orang UMNO yang mempunyai peluang untuk memilih. Tolonglah guna kuasa memilih kamu dengan membuang punca permasalahan ini, tolonglah, UMNO masih ada lagi pemimpin2 pelapis yang berkaliber seperti Najib, Ku Li, Rais Yatim, Mukhriz, Adnan Yaakob dan banyak lagi. Takkan kamu semua hendak membiarkan rakyat dalam dilemma sehingga terpaksa mengundi Anwar Ibrahim lantaran tiada pilihan lain. PAS pula begitu sombong kepada UMNO dengan kuasa yang dipinjamkan Tuhan yang sedikit itu.
    Pak Lah tolonglah bersara dengan hematnya, supaya rakyat masih lagi boleh menghormati Pak Lah sebagai bekas pemimpin yang bertangunggjawab sekurang2nya.

  310. Tun
    Your conclusions show that it is time you departed the political scene. The landscape has changed because of a better educated populace as well as the dissemination of information via the internet.
    You think the kampong man doesn’t have access to the internet? and they are incapable of making intelligent conclusions? Well Tun your ignorance and arrogance is passe. Todays voters are very well informed. You cannot pull wool over their eyes. They will not allow your bullying ways anymore.
    If you stood for elections today i think you will lose.

  311. Tun,
    I notice that you have been “grateful” to those who were behind you.
    And, you have also “forgiven” those who did not support you or were against you in the past.
    I remember,those who strongly supported you in the 1999 General Election, in particular the Chinese, did exactly the same, were grateful to you and voted for BN, for your help in curbing the currency crisis.
    We appreciate what you have done for Malaysia.
    And, we will continue to support leaders who have a similar “grateful attitude”.
    Best Regards,

  312. The would be policy:
    Two is enough to cap reproduction – guess who makes more babies (if “bersamamu” can be made a yard stick).
    Redistribution of settlement – strategic move to ensure positioning…. new housing policy.
    Split and conquer – to achieve goal …splitting the ‘m’ to become ‘n – which means nothing’.
    The next policy:
    Importing foreign talent – wow Olympic standard
    Two is not enough – the earlier policy backfired people get worried to have more children especially the ….. , so in order to maintain the status quo give reward or add on from where ?? (the local gets more worried).
    Target intellectual men and women to make more babies but then they have to get married first(of which they have no time to do so coz too busy) with the notion smart + smart = brilliant offspring (oh! farmers make farmers, fisherman makes fisherman…is that so, there is no way a farmers/ fisherman offspring can be a doctor)
    At the current rate wow that will take time man, so import more foreign talent…the local get more worried with the competition and few migrated.
    Will this be Malaysia’s future?

  313. – PKR,PAS and DAP only work together to eliminate BN. However, they don’t have common goals, no leadership. I fear to think the chaos they’ll create when in power..nau’zubillah
    – Even they’ve got 5 states, and an increase no of voice in the parliament, they are used to be in opposition which requires them to just CRITICS, CRITICS, CRITICS…and sadly they are still doing it now instead of WORKING, WORKING and WORKING…no substance..(but to be fair, i do look up at a few MPs from DAP,PAS who really work/walk their talk and improve conditions in their constituency)
    – They kononnya advocate freedom of speech..but when I criticise one of PKR MP so that he will buck up and improve himself…the criticism was moderated and never shown…only compliments get through…and to think that i actually voted this guy…his old blog with comments (mostly critics even from chinese-his own race), the comments was deleted all together…from then on i do not believe PKR..all talk but no substance
    -If anything happen to their lot, hey it’s a BN CONSPIRACY…come on own up to your mistake…the latest case being statement by MB Selangor about UiTM…sure they said it is taken out of context…but is it really?..and if they always feel MSM is their enemies, use your common sense before giving any statement…and another case of perak’s exco detained..come on Mr Ngeh..let the investigation prove their innocence before you give your gurantee of their innocence…and you should gantung tugas these people until they’re proven innocence..lead by action maaa….nobody;s perfect but owning up to your mistake will earn respect from your subjects..gentlemen maaa
    -And votes for opposition in 2008 election is ony vote of dissatisfaction of people towards BN to kind of bring the point across…so those accidently-elected MP, count your blessing and start working to prove your worth to people else you’ll be another HISTORY
    – For me, after election BN has a lot of room to improve…but they refuse to hear the people’s voices…if top leader resigned gracefully to give way to new fresh faces with clean records, they will gain back rakyat’s confidence..but it’s a bit too late now with the huuuusss and haaassss about Anwar…
    May Allah opens the heart of Permatang Pauh voters to choose the right not the evil

  314. Dear bloggers,
    We noted that “Pujannga7″….comments on debate between YB LGE and Dato Koh are less intellectual and kurang bijak.
    The debate was to highlight the wrong doings of the past UMNO lead government for past 50 years has destroyed the generations of Malays and other races with the corrupt practices, nepotism and cronyism regime. The toothless tiger of ACA /BPR( is non independent body) had swept all dirty cases under the carpets over the years and dare not offend their UMNO Masters who feed their rice bowls.
    Pujannga 7 failed to read many latest corrupt leaders were charged in courts for abused power, corrupt practises and greedy mentality are majority from Malay leaders. The corrupt charges on them are from their past bad deeds in BN administrations of TUN Dr M regime then and Pak Lah regime now. Even the so called Pak Lah has agreed and never denied that UMNO is corrupt with money politic and abuse power among Malay leaders to win division elections in UMNO party.
    In short, Pujannga 7 is less educated and failed to face the true facts and substance in the debate to proof that YB KM does good jobs to clean up the state from the dirty corrupt Gerakan and UMNO past leaders out of Penang.

  315. YABhg Tun.
    I believe we’re dire in need of a strong leader to unite all the races in Malaysia, people like Dr Mahathir, Ghafar Baba.
    Polarization of ethnic in M’sia is getting wider by days without us noticing.
    A bit abt UMNO – En Ghafar mentioned in 2007 that UMNO is going nose down not because of the opposition but because of their unscrupulous leaders -bribery is flourishing and that’s nothing people can do abt it.He even suggested that the UMNO election shd be done by way of auction. I’m sure then, but now it make a complete sense; classic Ghafar. -Al Fatihah.

  316. Tun
    Its worrisome about all these signs leading to the ruin and collapse of Malaysia.
    Apart from discussing it in this very enlightening blog and all the very insightful discussion/views/perspectives from each member, what definitive MEASURES or ACTIONS that you would suggest/advise for the people to start DOING to prevent this seemingly spiralling downfall of the government which will inevitably pull the whole country into unknown fate.
    Yes, it is good to let all of our stress out in this blog, but arent we all like…”LEPASKAN BATUK DI TANGGA” only?
    If there is a note of frustration in this comment, it is. However, it is genuinely of concern rather than of contempt.
    This is also an invitation to all member bloggers to ponder and start DOING something objectively for this very CRUCIAL and CRITICAL matter which concern ALL.

  317. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Ya, Master of spin..amat bersetuju.
    Realitinya…ramai rakyat Malaysia masih lagi berfikiran dunia kelas ketiga..maka dengan gula atau kain pelikat pun cukup untuk memberi undi..oleh itu, rakyat mudah diaplikasikan oleh para ‘intelektual’.
    Tun..saya juga setuju andai Tun menulis tentang Anwar yang Tun kenal..sebab musabab disebalik pemecatan beliau dulu..kesahihan kisah mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO seperti dalam ERA BARU( Tun panggil Anwar bela diri pada 98)..
    Terima kasih Tun

  318. Dear Tun,
    Most the voters are fedup and frustrated with BN and his alliance parties(minion parties)to continue to rule the country as they have not brought any better conditions to the walfare of the people since you stepped down as PM. The only way they could do were casting their votes to opposition parties eventhough they knew that it was a risk to change to the BN government to the new Alliance Governmnet.
    They are hoping to have a chance to get a better life and welfare from the New Opposition Alliance Goverment(if they could work it out)than to just waiting for the present BN government to deteriote the nation gradually. At least they took up their chance of not to wait for the worst time to come.
    Unfortunately, our present politicains are wily master of spin regardless whetrher they are from the opposition parties or BN. It happens in our country because it is the legacy from our culture since long time ago.

  319. Hi Tok Det,
    1. I think many of us were and are still angry with BN, especially UMNO.
    2. And as Tok Det mentioned, we voted for PR solely because we wanted UMNO to realise our discontent. For most part of Badawi’s administration, our discontent fell on deaf ears.
    3. I really do hope the post of President and Deputy President will be challenged this December and I hope to see new faces for the top 2 posts.
    4. In time of such discontent, a change is definitely required for the top 2 posts. Whoever is chosen, let it be Ku Li, Rais Yatim, Muhyiddin Yassin, should reduce our discontent. We just need a change.
    5. But lets hope we do get 2 people of caliber and moral standing.
    6. I too don’t understand the ever willing support for Anwar Ibrahim. He is singing the tune that people want to hear. Pleasant to the ears. That is easy to do when you’re the opposition.
    7. And Anwar is not genuine in helping. If he is genuine, then why is Anwar Ibrahim supporting Hindraf’s demands?? Just have a look on Hindraf’s website and realise that most of their 18 points demand to the Queen of England (I sence colonial mentality here) will only create chaos in Malaysia.
    8. Anwar is not that brilliant in economics either. He hiked up interest rates during the financial crisis. A move which those who are familiar with economics, supports western school of thoughts, along the lines the World Bank and IMF would implement. A move that would have stifled our economy and cause many companies to go bust. That is how the west tackles poor economic conditions. Close down businesses.
    9. Back to UMNO.
    10. UMNO needs to revamp. Not just in terms of personnel but also its election process. I agree with Dato’ Mukhriz’s suggestion that the power of electing all posts in UMNO be decided not just by the delegates at the UMNO general assembly but by the people at the Bahagians and Cawangans.
    10. By having this wider base of voters may help weed out or mitigate money politics in UMNO. Moreover, the people at the grass roots level have lesser ulterior motives than those at the assembly.
    11. I really do hope that by the end of 2008, we as a nation can start addressing more pressing issues. Examples of which were mentioned by Nazrul Hilmi. We need to make sure agreements signed by Malaysia and the US such as the FTAs are not lop sided in favour of the US. Most FTAs usually are.
    12. We need to stand united and move in one direction. I have had enough of Singporeans overtones that they are ahead of us in leaps and bounds. The painful truth is they are. But I believe we can catch up and surpass them.

  320. Tun,
    Saya tersangat sedih dengan keadaan sekarang…masing-masing tamak dengan kedudukan dan kuasa.Kesusahan rakyat tidak difikirkan. Yang lebih penting adalah berdemonstrasi, komplot itu, rasuah ini, wilayah iskandar la, ganjaran bla bla bla..tp perkara yg pling utama kesusahan rakyat tidak diambil kira.
    Saya tidak nampak siapakah yang amat sesuai dan berkaliber untuk memimpin Malaysia sekarang. Saya akui menjadi seorang pemimpin bukan senang. Tetapi Tun, sama ada UMNO atau PKR kedua2 tidak meyakinkan. Jikalau Dato Najib naik, adakah dia boleh menjadi pemimpin yang baik. Saya takut dia lebih teruk lagi. pada waktu skrg, tiada seorang pun nama2 besar ini mempunyai rekod yang baik. Apa akan jadi dengan Malaysia? Politik malaysia amatlah tidak stabil pada masa sekarang. Saya dh muak dengan segala berita konspirasi , berita projek itu projek ini…apa kami sebagai rakyat dapat? Tidakkah mereka fikir. Jikalau mereka menganiaya orang lain, tidak terfikirkah mereka akan disoal di akhirat nanti? di Malaysia skrg saya banyak nampak mereka di atas…mereka yang berpolitik ini saling menganiaya antara satu sama lain. Sungguh sedih.. yang bercakaran adalah orang melayu.
    saya dah penat. Saya akui saya tidak suka dengan corak pemerintahan Tun dahulu, tetapi jika dicompare dengan skrg, Tun adalah jauh lebih baik. Sampai bila kami harus begini Tun. Politik tidak stabil akan memberi kesan kepada ekonomi negara dan seterusnya yang akan terkesan dengan ini kami rakyat jelata..mereka di atas tak apa lah..dh penuh kekayaan dikais…bagaimana dengan kami di bawah?
    Ya…Tun, saya sudah penat…apa harus kami buat?
    -sekadar keluhan drp warga yang muak dengan adengan2 politik di Malaysia-

  321. Assalamualaikum WBT,
    An intellectual individual will never say that they are the intellectual person, say about thing so call intellectual and else. When people put the power as their king so then we will come near to the death of our own nation, beloved country. When we see the politeness in our people seem disappearing so that it really mean that we will lost our country one day. When the so call government never care about the people, believe it we will disappear. When AUKU is mentioned I believe that we will get less and less of intellectual Malays especially, graduating from our university to help our Malays. I believe that we are now in the turning point of era. Where the voice of our people not heard by our government. We need the person who will fight for rights and not belongs to any side of political influence. (Mind if I said if you like to watching an anime, believe that some of it are based on historical study. and already happened. In one piece it like the pirates fight with world govenment. In naruto it like Kanoha fight with Akatsuki)
    Sorry for broken languages I’m still improving my grammar.

  322. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Inilah akibatnya bila pemimpin yang ada bukan ‘hands-on’, cuma menerima laporan-laporan dari juak-juak dan pencacai-pencacai yang selalu akan berkata ‘semua OK BOSS’. Bila tiba masanya tergolek semua…TERGOLEK DOG. Namun AAB ni tidak mahu mengakui keadaan ini dan masih ingin memegang pada DAHAN YANG RAPUH. Sama-samalah kita berussaha dan berdoa kearah keselamatan UGAMA ISLAM, BANGSA DAN NEGARA kita.

  323. Salam Tun,
    1. Janganlah Tun terlalu merendahkan orang-orang kampung dengan meletakkan mereka sekadar mengutamakan makan dan minum serta pendapatan bulanan semata-mata semasa mereka memilih untuk mengundi siapa.
    2. Antara faktor kekalahan BN adalah kurangnya sokongan daripada generasi muda. Sedikit-sebanyak, mereka turut mempengaruhi generasi yang lebih tua seperti ibu bapa mereka, dsb.
    3. Ada juga orang kampung yang mengundi untuk generasi akan datang (anak-anak mereka) dan bukan sekadar untuk diri mereka sendiri sahaja.
    4. BN juga kalah di bandar-bandar besar. Jadi, bukan orang kampung sahaja yang tidak mengundi untuk BN.
    5. Orang Bandar juga rata-rata lebih bijak dan lebih berinformasi berbanding Orang Kampung. Namun, mereka juga lebih terdedah kepada gejala-gejala sosial yang tidak sihat akibat Urbanisasi yang tidak seimbang.
    6. Saya Orang Kampung yang tinggal di bandar.

  324. Aiyo ! Malaysians,
    Tun said” But intellectuals will not admit they have made a grave mistake. They see what they want to see. Carry on dreaming. Hold your forum, discuss what you like. You are driving the people further and further apart, pushing them back to their old racialism. You are helping to hold up a regime that is incompetent and thoroughly corrupt. You are helping to destroy this country.”
    Rakyat wish some true sincere answers from TUN for the following questions relating to TUN last comment on the above mentioned:-
    1. “Who are the real Masters Spin of the past and present who created a dirty mess in the political arena in Malaysia”.
    2.”Who is the Bapak corrupt, nepo and crony caused severe bad faiths in the leaders and society in Malaysia.”
    3. “Who is the real Thorn in the flesh- Duri Dalam Daging as claimed by a veteran UMNO leader.”
    4. “Who are the racist leaders in which parties in Malaysia.”
    5. “Who are the most greedy, arrogance, autocratic and corrupt leaders / politicians of the past and present civil servants and ruling governments in Malaysia.”
    6.” Which is the worst PM regime among Tuanku, Razak, Hussein, Dr M and Badawi regimes that Malaysians very benci and angry/”
    Hope the smart intellectual ex-PM, Tun will answer the six questions raised above with open mind and open heart to all Malaysians.
    Tun said” But intellectuals will not admit they have made a grave mistake.” Yes, including Tun Dr M regime for 22 years created many grave mistakes like “Ligam tape” on juridiction independence and also caused severe inheritance of corrupts, nepotism and cronyism diseases into Pak Lah regime to continue with bigger grave mistakes for UMNO and BN component parties.
    Last words, thank you for TUN brave open words to tell his true stories and criticism of present arrogance UMNO leaders and Pak Lah too.
    Now Malaysians are less angry with Tun after he fired UMNO and left forever.
    InsyAllah !!!!!!
    Bravo TUN !! Pakatan will win Big in Mother of all by-elections and rat run to Putrajaya in Sept 2008 soon.

  325. Salam Tun,
    I just want to say thank u very much for everything u’ve for our country..there will never be another you..keep on writing..
    Saya sedih kerana generasi saya tak dapat bekerja di bawah kepimpinan Tun..alangkah ruginya…

  326. Salam TUN,
    Saya sangat kecewa! Saya terdengar lagi satu cerita macam mana menantu PM bercadang ‘menelan’ duit anak-anak Malaysia dengan menggunakan perhubungan politiknya. Adakah tiada orang berupaya menghalang kegiatan dia yang makin melampau ini? Adakah dia tidak mengenai perkataan ‘cukup’ atau ‘insaf’?
    Hari ini saya berasa sangat kecewa.

  327. Dear TUN,
    I have to agree with you on the things that you have written. Unfortunately the government did not realize it and make the necessary changes. In fact they are going the opposite direction. You can’t blame the people to show their anger by voting for DSAI in the by election.
    By the way since this is a moderated blog, can you remove those comment that are not relevant.
    By Anwar on August 21, 2008 8:28 AM
    Malaysia Boleh! Mahathir Boleh!
    By piero on August 21, 2008 9:19 AM
    askm ayahnda tun
    semoga sihat selalu
    By Zul on August 21, 2008 8:50 AM
    Assalamualaikum Tun,
    By tharieq.dhiyauddin on August 21, 2008 8:37 AM
    I’m the third…
    What is the point of allowing such comments. (Only makes them looks stupid)

  328. Depa dok kumpoi’ ikan2 masuk kelong Tun, ikan2 ni pulak tak sedar sat lagi nak kena goreng.
    Harap2 ikan2 ni bolih keluar dari kelong, dan ikan2 lain bijak menilai sebelom terjebak, kelong yang hanya akan memporak perandakan masyarakat masa hadapan.
    Semoga masyarakat Melayu, Maju, Makmur dan tegoh ekonomi nya.
    That’s my moto and principle Tun he he he.
    Cakap banyak2 tak mau, I must prove to myself that I can…..
    Semoga Tun sihat sentiasa.

  329. Dear Tun,
    The intelectual you are refering to is those who were a half cook (setengah masak). They say it’s good to eat a half cook food. But a lot of ordinary people cannot take the half cook foods and sometime it cause them to vomit, especially kampong folk. They like things which is simple and well done. They are not very much intelectual but not stupid.

  330. Dear Tun,
    If there isn’t such a force from the opposition, I don’t think the AAB government will wake up.
    What can the present AAB government do ?

  331. assalamualaikum tun…
    memandangkan tun sudah lama mengenali anwar bleh tak tun ceritakan kepada kami macam mana perangai anwar sebenarnya…
    sy masih lagi samar2 tentang anwar tu dan ragu2 juga dengan kenyataan saiful bukhori yang kadang2 saya fikir tidak logik..
    tapi saya 100% tidak menyokong anwar jadi PM…
    kalau tu terjadi hancurla bangsa melayu kita ni…
    saya sudah tak percaya UMNO lagi…
    pilihan saya sekarang cume PAS
    tapi disebbkan PAS bekerjasama dgn PKR dan DAP yang terang2ngan akan menghancurkan bangsa Melayu maka sy tidak boleh memilih PAS..
    mcm Tun kate satu2nya cara ialah ahli2 UMNO sendiri yang boleh merawat perkara ni..
    pemimpin2 tertinggi UMNO perlu segere berundur…

  332. .
    Assalamualaikum Tun yang sentiasa di hati sentiasa di ingatan sentiasa dihormati dan disayangi ….
    Ramai jagoan-jagoan pembangkang dapat menangguk di air yang keruh untuk menimba hasil akibat dari kelemahan sistem pentadbiran kerajaan AbDolah … kelemah itu menyebabkan PRU12 tempohari MEMUTIHKAN MATA para calon BN …
    Parlimen kini macam pasar basah! Pembangkang memutarbelit isu itu, isu ini demi menunjukkan jaguh mereka dimata rakyat … Sedangkan apa yang diperkatakan adalah provokasi sahaja! … Kerana kerajaan sekarang lemah dan lembab, maka provokasi menjadi isu, isu menjadi kepercayaan dan mula diperkatakan rakyat untuk MENAMBAHBURUK kerajaan sedia ada seterusnya bakal menjadi penyebab TUMBANGNYA DINASTI BN PADA PRU13 AKAN DATANG! …. Ini bukan doa saya, tetapi ini yang saya lihat akan berlaku kepada Malaysia… SELAGI PUCUK PIMPINAN TIDAK BERTUKAR SEGERA DAN BN PERLU DI”OVERHAUL” TAHUN INI JUGA! …..
    Semoga minggu depan tidak bertambah seorang lagi jaguh SPIN dalam dewan yang mulia itu yakni dari bekas banduan Permatang Pauh ….
    Sebenarnya, rakyat bukanlah nakkan sangat pembangkang, sebab majoriti rakyat tahu pembangkang tidak boleh memerintah sebaik BN. Pakatan mereka bercelaru dan tidak serasi. Ideologi masing-masing bercanggah :
    DAP – Konsep Malaysian Malaysia + Semangat kebangsaan Cina + samaratakan hak.
    PKR – Konsep samarata Kaum & Hak + Menuruntaraf Bumiputra sama dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di Malaysia + agama juga akan disamaratakan.
    PAS – Konsep Negara Islam – Hukum Islam – Menegakkan Islam.
    Tengok saja di situ, yang nampak hanya PKR dan DAP yang hampir sama konsepnya tetapi PAS jauh menyimpang kerana perjuangan Islam PAS amat-amat tidak diterima oleh DAP dan sebahagian ahli PKR! … Sedangkan kekuatan Pakatan mereka bergantungharap juga kepada kekuatan PAS yang lebih ramai penyokong dan pengundinya berbanding PKR! … Bercelaru! …
    Ini semua sudah dilihat dan difahami oleh rakyat jelata. Tetapi, pilihan mereka masih tidak kepada BN juga, atas sebab kelemahan BN yang amat ketara di bawah kepimpinan sedia ada ditambah lagi dengan kebencian mereka terhadap perlakuan-perlakuan serong kepimpinan sekarang berbanding 22tahun kepimpinan terdahulu.
    Nyata sudah dimata rakyat untuk menidakkan kepimpinan sedia ada.
    Bagi saya, kehancuran BN akan lebih cepat berlaku (jika) apabila bekas banduan dari Permatang Pauh : yang Kuat Berbohong, Spinner, Kuat Provok dan Kuat Menyembunyikan Kejahatannya – masuk dan berada di dalam Parlimen. Bukan sebab dia atau partinya gagah perkasa, tetapi sebab KELEMAHAN PUCUK PIMPINAN BN SEKARANG.
    Jun 2010? Jangan harap.

  333. Tun,
    This is very deep. I am not sure whether many of us here can comprehend the target audience that this article is directed to.
    The not so “intellectual”

  334. Salam Ayahanda Tun Dr.M,
    I never have doubt that vote won by opposition was due to people’s frustration towards BN. Not because they think the opposition could improve their living or because they truly believed on more open society with transparency including doing away with the Internal Security Act. They shift their vote simply because they are fed-up and frustrated with the AAB government. I’m pretty sure that the opposition themselves does not expect such victory, truly they did not won UMNO loss.
    Who is this so called “intellectuals”? How could they call themselves intellectuals when they can be con by the Master of Spin? I guess they are not as intellectual as they want people to think of them.
    At the end of the day freedom of speech doesn’t seem so important when there is no racial harmony. When sensitive issues such as religion can be played around by those with bias and racial agenda then what good does being more open bring to all us. It will only create hatred among us.

  335. Dear TUN
    For any reasons or whatsoever, i still cannot subscribe to any of Anwar Ibrahim ideologies or struggles. It is so obvious, to fulfill his own sake and interests, he is willingly to trade off his own nation interests at a cheaper price. I really hope God prevents him from be in power.
    Keep on riding TUN, your voice will be heard, sooner or later..
    Fairuz Stone

  336. YABhg Tun,
    satu saja saya tunggu selama 10 tahun ini. tolonglah keluarkan bukti-bukti yang ada di simpanan Tun mengenai DSAI. Saya yakin Tun ada menyimpannya, sebab itu DSAI tak berani nak memburuk-burukkan dan menghentam Tun. Kerajaan BN pada masa ini tak mampu melawan arus PR, tak seperti dulu. Saya pasti Tun juga tak mahu kerajaan BN skrg tumbang dengan cara crossover sebegini. Sanggupkah Tun lihat rakyat menanggung beban atas kelemahan kerajaan sekarang.

  337. Salam Tun dan keluarga yg d kasehi,
    Keep on berjuang dengan pena mu. Kami senentiasa mengikuti perjuangan mu. May ALLAH bless u always.

  338. Tun,
    I quite agree with you that it is all about stomach. Once stomach has been taken care of, BN could be back on the road again.Strategically BN should focussed on the stomach of the people. The people will be happy if they have no stomach problems. Peace & Harmony will be the end results.TQ & Salam.

  339. My Dear Tun,
    You have elaborated it very clearly. All the issues are indeed explain according to the ordinary people ‘intelectual’ if we ought to consider PL and its mentris are ‘intelect’.
    Anwar gain more popularity because of stupid decision of Pak Lah and its cronies. Probably Pak Lah and Anwar do have same dream or they are somehow working together to destroy the beloved country.
    We will support you Tun. Just let us know what we as simple citizen going to do to make impact to this untrustworthy current goverment.
    I love Tanah Melayu. I love Malaysia.

  340. Salam Tun,
    Yeap, I m totally agree with you, rakyat didn’t choose the opposition party to run the country by their willingness or sincere, they pick because of fed up with current government, too many bribes,no transparencies for the project, cronies etc…too many bad things here need to elaborate. Rakyat just vote to show their anger,unsatisfied with the government. They need drastic change, change the leader etc…as a rakyat who suffer the most this is my opinion..we feel it we knew it..so please change before it’s too late.
    Regarding the ISA, to run a country especially with many races we need ISA…but dont abuse it. Useful to shut off the flame between races. We cant wait for the law to take charge..
    I totally support leader with brain like you.
    That’s my 2 cent…rgds.

  341. Racism to Satanism
    1. If anyone thinks as a Malaysian at heart you will never support any of the current political parties who speaks only about championing or protecting their own race and religious interests. Whether it comes from UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, PKR, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP or whatever new name, it’s called racism and whoever supports that party is called a racist. It is no different from apartheid. It dirties and poisons your soul.
    2. Those who are racists but speak with a fork tongue (Jeyklls), hiding it behind other causes like religion, meritocracy, education, poverty, social reengineering, ethnic rights etc are even worse than self declared racists and can only fit into the category of Satans.
    3. Malaysian racists and the MSN have corrupted the following words which meant differently in other countries example – nationalism, patriotism, royalists, freedom, liberty, corruption, democracy, humanity etc.
    4. Power, Greed, Selfishness and Racism rule in Malaysia and now we include Satanism.
    (Versi Bahasa Melayu)
    Sifat Perkauman kepada sifat Setan(Syaitan)
    1. Jika sesiapa memikir sebagai rakyat Malaysia di hati, anda tidak akan menyokong parti-parti politik sekarang yang cuma bercakap tentang ketuanan atau pembelaan bangsa dan kepercayaan ugama mereka sendiri. Samada ia datang daripada UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP atau sebarang nama baru, itulah maksud perkauman dan sesiapa yang menyokong parti tersebut dipanggil seorang rasis. Ia tidak berbedza sangat dengan aparteid. Ia mencemarkan dan meracuni jiwa anda.
    2. Mereka yang rasis tetapi bercakap dengan lidah bercabang (Jeyklls) dengan menyembunyikan di belakang alasan ugama, meritokrasi, pendidikan, kemiskinan, kerombakkan social, kepentingan pribumi dsbnya adalah lebih teruk dari seorang rasis yang diketahui umum dan harus dikategorikan sebagai Setan.
    3. Rakyat Malaysia yang rasis dan MSN telah mencemarkan perkataan-perkataan yang memberi maksud lain di negara-negara asing seperti – nasionalisme, patriotisme, penyokong Raja, kebebasan, kemerdekaan, korupsi, demokrasi, perikemanusiaan dsbnya.
    4. Kuasa, Tamak, Kepentingan diri dan Sifat Perkauman bermaharajalela di Malaysia dan sekarang kita memasukkan Sifat Setan.

  342. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    The chief concern is the apparent inactions at many levels in the executive echelon today. The very top leadership himself is silent and hushed almost begging for serenity in politics, and they more or less got that at PRU12. The second concern may well be the disproportionate experimentation with freedom of almost everything printable, speakable and “blogable”. Excessive freedom, all in one shot and minus control is negligent and naïve. With all due respect Tun, leadership is nothing to be schooled or “eased” into, just like the making of first-rate CEO and lawyers, you are either born with it or not; and that’s all there is to it. I see no agenda of advancement or progress today, only damage controls and just more of that flying by daily. They must stop bragging about the proposed decrease in petrol prices, the impulsive increased previously had done enough damage already- many are still reeling in. Would the prices of goods come down now? A high percentage-NO-most probably. Would there be a review as well with TNB tariffs? See, all these are questions that beg answers from the voting public at large. We are all vastly educated nowadays. Be it at Ivy League universities here or abroad or the respectable PhD at Street-Life universities abound. Either way, all holds degree these days, so please no more mahibbah, niakmat, pogem or God knows what ever lingo I am missing out on these days. Be done with the damage controls and just turn a new page to yesterday. If UMNO members won’t/can’t/taktau/takmau do this, than the educated public may very well assist them with this impending duty sooner or later.

  343. Predictions on 10 Possibilities In Malaysia.
    (Ramalan atas 10 Kemungkinan di Malaysia.)
    1. Is it possible that DSAI wins the Permatang Pauh elections and become the next Chief Minister of Penang as a stepping stone to becoming Prime Minister?
    (Mungkinkah DSAI memenangi pilihan raya Permatang Pauh dan menjadi Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang sebelum menjadi Perdana Menteri?)
    2. Is it possible that DSAB resign as PM of Malaysia after the Permatang Pauh elections and handover to DSNTR earlier than expected?
    (Mungkinkah DSAB meletak jawatan sebagai PM Malaysia selepas pilihan raya Permatang Pauh dan menyerahkannya kepada DSNTR lebih awal dari jangkaan?)
    3. Is it possible that UMNO and PKR will combine to form a new party?
    (Mungkinkah UMNO dan PKR akan bergabung untuk membentuk sebuah parti baru?)
    4. Is it possible that all other component parties of BN without UMNO will combine with PKR to form a new party?
    (Mungkinkah parti-parti komponen BN lain kecuali UMNO akan bergabung dengan PKR untuk membentuk sebuah parti baru?)
    5. Is it possible that PKR and PAS will combine to form a new party?
    (Mungkinkah PKR dan PAS akan bergabung untuk membentuk sebuah parti baru?)
    6. Is it possible that PKR, DAP and HINDRAF will combine to form a new party?
    (Mungkinkah PKR,DAP dan HINDRAF akan bergabung untuk membentuk sebuah parti baru?)
    7. Is it possible that TDM and all other Little Napoleons knows of these possibilities and are preparing to migrate?
    (Mungkinkah TDM dan semua “Little Napoleons” mengetahui kemungkinan-kemungkinan ini dan sedang bersedia untuk berhijrah?)
    8. Is it possible that DSAI is charged and disqualified as Member of Parliament after winning the Permatang Pauh election?
    (Mungkinkah DSAI didakwa dan tidak layak sebagai Ahli Parlimen selepas memenangi pilihan raya Permatang Pauh?)
    9. Is it possible that there will be another by election in Selangor or Perak?
    (Mungkinkah ada pilihan raya kecil semula di Selangor atau Perak?)
    10. Is it possible that there will be new religious parties formed besides PAS eg. Christian, Buddhist, Confucianism, Hindu, Bahai, Sikhism, Judaism or other beliefs?
    (Mungkinkah akan tertubuhnya parti berugama baru selain PAS seperti Kristian, Buddha, Konfucius, Hindu, Bahai, Sikh, Yahudi atau lain-lain kepercayaan?)

  344. Quote
    “You are helping to destroy this country.”
    It’s really freak me out.Enough said.
    Orang melayu berpecah belah. Bertikam lidah. Berebut kuasa. Semua nak jadi PM.
    Tak tahu apa nk jadi….
    Mr&Mrs Imran

  345. The first article I have read on your blog that is actually right on the money. If PAS get into power, there will be no more “Malaysia Boleh”. Releasing JI detainees, scrapping the broadband internet initiative, is only the start of closing off Malaysia to the investment world.
    Before you know it we will be queuing up separately from the women in case we somehow can’t control ourselves whilst waiting to buy our groceries in the supermarket.
    You are right, the opposition won only by default. But what a dangerous opposition we have.
    The tolerant and progressive Malaysia will be veiled and filled with pious right wing pretenders faster than anyone can blink if the opposition takes control. Even though I don’t share your views 99% of the time, I have to say, this is one view I wish you would publish in the national media.

  346. Permisi Tun,
    Saya balik dari Ipoh ke Kelang untuk undi BN pada 2008,apabila tiba ditempat mengundi kem parti pakatan rakyat sungguh ceria , KEM di BN macam suram aje macam ada yang x kene.
    Di kaca TV penanalysis politik bukan main confident parti lawan akan menang di kelantan . Yang saya pelik macam jangkaan Politikal analyst bagitu tepat.
    BN berkempen mengunakan media massa di tv surat khabar yang telah bercampur aduk dengan berita 2 yang rakyat sudah tidak percaya atau jemu. Perangkaan yang dikeluarkan hanya melibatkan 10 peratus rakyat saja yang menikmati faedah: saperti biasiswa ,luar negeri dalam negeri, agihan bantuan.
    Majoriti rakyat di dendang oleh kempen parti pas dap pkr boleh dikata setiap malam di merata tempat dengan ceremah anti kerajaan . mereka telah berceramah dari 2004 lagi.
    Tiap hari saya berdebat dengan saudara mara kawan, rakan kerja etc
    berkenaan dengan pelbagai ketidak puasan hati dalam banyak perkara.
    100 Hari selepas PRU11 dulu sudah menanpakkan gaya lembab kerajaan menjalankan tugas.
    Suasana harian kerajaan dipenuhi oleh berita orang itu ini sakit , pemimpin mati bini,sedih, pasaran saham malap , rakyat tertekan.
    Projek2 besar di henti kan dam kemelut kritikan Tun dan kerajaan yang flip flop.
    Rakyat banyak kali didodoi dengan berita salah guna kuasa, Menteri 2 bertindak menghentam kaki tangan kerajaan dengan tindakan yang melampau; MB selangor bagi hadiah penyapu kat DO.
    Rakyat sudah dan tidak mahu mengundi calon BN yang sama , yang telah banyak menerima kritikan , dah lama sangat memerintah,calon pas spm yang dulu nya jual nasi lemak. etc
    Barisan parti lawan menawarkan orang2 proffesional.
    Rakyat yang muda 2 ini mahukan pembaruan, mencuba , orang muda memang suka mencuba yang baru, mereka tidak kira walaupun mungkin menempah maut.
    Rata2 ramai rakyat ditekan dengan pelbagai kerenah aturan yang membuat rakyat sakit hati.;
    contoh, membuang waktu , wang ,dalam trafic jam yang disebab oleh sekatan polis atau jpj. padahal sekerang beribu2 kereta peronda polis baru2 tersadai di balai tidak ada pemandu atau digunakan sepenuh nya.
    Ramai rakyat dikejar dengan hutang pinjaman ptptn, biasiswa, loan mara , nama disiarkan di akbar, mereka ini semua sudah tentu anti kerajaan kerana ahli politik kaki tangan kerajaan dengan senang dapat duit dengan cara rasuah, polis jpj, kastam , imigrasen.
    Sekarang rakyat yang maseh hidup yang telah melalui zaman susah 1950 hingga 1970 sudah tidak ramai. Yang ramai sekarang mereka yang
    hidup dizaman fast food A&w , mac donald, kfc, piza, komputer.
    Semua nya cepat , pakai klik sana sini dah dapat.
    Nak cepat kaya, nak cepat senang. tak suka BN cepat aje Tukar dap, pkr, pas, .Trend ini akan berlaku lagi di masa akan datang.

  347. salam ayahanda tun dan bloger chedet sekalian
    memang benar tsunami politik yang terjadi dalam PRU 12 memberi impak yang besar dalam senario olitik negara.BN kalah di 5 negeri tapi mereka menang secara majoriti(walaupon bukan 2/3)dan pembangkang tetap tidak menang.Namun,kenapa BN masihhanyut dan leka dengan amaran rakyat?
    Hari Kemerdekaaan ke 51 makin hampir.Apakah sambutan kali ini akan terus dihayati atau hanya sekadar cuti umum untuk bersama keluarga?
    Kita sama2 tunggu dan lihat keputusan di Permatang Pauh.Makin huru hara.Betol kata Tun,orng2 kampong tak kesah sangat dngan idealogi pemerintah.mereka hanya mahukan taraf hidup mereka lebih baik,YB2 yang prihain dan selalu ada bila mereka memerlukan.Bukan YB yang nampak muka 5 tahun sekali.

  348. Dear Tun,
    On behalf on myself and my family, we would like to thank you for all the things that you have done to the country. Please take care and keep on writing as you are our inspiration.
    The so-called intellect are actually dreaming and wanting the public to praise them for being intellect..but with no real knowledge or just plain stupid

  349. Salam TUN,
    you are right. Those “so called” liberal intelectuals are really goddam bxxxxxd. Thought we could not see what is in their hearts!!!

  350. A’kum Tun & pembaca2 blog,
    Tahniah NTV7 & agenda daily kerana mengacarakan debat antara YAB Lim Guan Eng dan YBhg Datuk Koh Tsu Koon. Debat berkisar isu pengurusan tanah dan kerugian RM80 juta didalam satu urusan tersebut.
    Tahniah kepada YBhg Datuk Koh yang telah memberi penjelasan yang jelas dan lancar. Saya rasa satu Malaysia telah mendapat gambaran sebenar isu yang “diapikan” oleh kerajaan Pulau Pinang sekarang.
    Yang peliknya YAB KM masih tidak dapat menerima penerangan tersebut, malah kenyataan2 yang dikeluarkan adalah kenyataan populis seperti mengaitkan pentadbiran lepas sebagai kerajaan UMNO, mengatakan wujudnya rasuah dalam urusan tersebut(BPR tidak menemui apa2), secara sengaja memberi jawapan yang tersasar dari soalan, ahli panel sengaja mengaitkan UMNO didalam penyelewengan urusan tanah, menghukum pegawai kerajaan sekarang diatas kesilapan 40 tahun lampau, konspirasi pejabat KM yang dikosongkan dsb.
    KM membuat kenyataan separuh benar dan mengulang semua tuduhan berkali2 walaupun tidak berasas. Yang lucu beliau secara retorik berikrar menghapus kemiskinan tegar didalam masa setahun..tetapi membayangkan tersasar dari matlamat kerana menanggung kerugian hasil dari ketidakcekapan pentabiran lepas!. Pelbagai alasan diberikan sebagai justifikasi kenapa beliau akhirnya tidak akan dapat menunaikan janji.
    Pada pendapat saya hentilah politiking yang akan hanya merugikan penduduk Pulau Pinang sahaja. Sekarang adalah masa membuat kerja sebenar kerana rakyat telah membayar gaji.
    Debat umum adalah perlu jika Malaysia mahu kehadapan. Setelah mendapat jawapan, sebahagian besar rakyat dapat memahami isu2 semasa dan tidak akan terlalu mempercayai kabar2 angin.

  351. Dear Beloved Tun,
    “…They, the ordinary voters were too scared to protest over this show of ungratefulness on the part of the Prime Minister and his minions. But they felt strongly about Abdullah’s lack of gratefulness, especially as he let his minions show crudely their ungratefulness, cursing and condemning the people who had been responsible for their exalted position as Ministers etc….”
    Very well said and that goes once again to proved that you have the “pulse” of your people.
    Thank you Sir.

  352. Tun,
    As much as I dislike Anwar “I must be PM at all cost” Ibrahim attitude, is UMNO changing?
    I’ll support Tengku Razaleigh as PM & Rais Yatim as DPM anytime provided they keep both their foots firmly on the ground and realize, the post of Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister job is a responsibility not a “Holidaying and Making Money” post.
    Najib as PM? I rather have Rosmah as PM. At least she got balls (Pun intended) other then her self-serving attitude.
    The needs of the nation and her citizen is more important above everything else.
    Who to choose?

  353. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1.Playing racial cards is the easiest way to fish for support.History shows that it wont lasts
    2.Umno/Bn days are numbered.Lets face it.The rot started from within.Remember the downfall of Rome?
    3.Kampong people as you said are not ignorent anymore.They use their right to choose wisely

  354. Salam Tun
    Yes, BN did not win so did the opposition. In fact we (the rakyat) lost also due to lack of leadership in the current PM.
    I think if the current PM were to pass the baton to DSAI, thus DSAI should get an Oscars award as the #2 flip flop and master of spin in the country.
    DSAI will surely plant a nucleur bomb for the Malaysians.
    Hidup Tun M and Dr Siti Hasmah..may ALLAH SWT shower you woth blessings..AMIN

  355. Salam Ybg Tun,
    Bagaimana pandangan Tun dengan piliharaya di Permatangan Pauh dan debat anatara Lim Gua Eng KM P.Pinang dengan Tan Sri Koh malam tadi. Saya keliru dengan pandangan ulamak yang berbeza pendapat mengenai sumpah laknat Saiful berhubung kes liwat dengan DSAI, Tun boleh beri komen. Malam tadi KM Pinang kata kekalahan kerajaan negeri adalah tsunami kepada BN ianya disebabkan kerajaan yang lepas tidak telus dan cekap. Di Parlimen pula DAP kata jangan guna kekarasan untuk halang forum Memeluk Islam yang di anjutkan oleh Majlis peguam, tapi pada masa yang sama tak komen pun tunjuk perasaan yang ganas oleh hindraf. Sampai bila kita nak isu sensitif ini dijadikan modal politih murahan.

  356. Asmkm,
    Saya percaya dalam Pilihanraya Kecil Permatang Pauh ini jika undi rakyat ‘lari’ kepada BN bukan disebabkan oleh faktor kekuatan BN atau rakyat sudah mula menerima kembali kepimpinan BN dan Pak Lah..
    Ini adalah disebabkan oleh faktor kelemahan Anwar yang mempunyai berbagai-bagai masalah yang membelenggu termasuk kes liwat yang dihadapinya..
    BN jangan nak mendabik dada jika keputusan PRKPPauh ini berpihak kepada mereka..
    Rakyat masih hendakkan perubahan dalam semua aspek termasuklah kepimpinan..

  357. Salam Tun,
    The real intellectuals are us who are able to fathom what the real intentions of those so called intellectuals are… pity those gullible and naive supporters..

  358. Assalamualaikum TUN.
    Ingatkan yang pertama!!!!!
    TUN, kita lihat keputusan pilihanraya kecil permatang pauh nanti.
    kedua-dua belah pihak akan ada kesan besar nanti.
    apa-apapun TUN jaga kesihatan ya.
    Love u always TUN.

  359. Tun,
    Recently, there are so much talk about “Malay unity” and then, the other non-Malay parties both in the Government and opposition, mentioned the Government should focus on “Malaysian unity” and not just Malay unity.
    Lim Kit Siang went further by saying even in the BN component parties (Gerakan) there were talks of pulling out, and hence, isn’t it more vital for the Government to talk of “Malaysian unity”, he said. My BIG question here for Tun is – what is your take on this – MALAY UNITY or MALAYSIAN UNITY??
    Put the differences of the Government and opposition aside, and let us know how you feel on that subject matter. I am sure many readers would like to listen to what is in your mind on that subject – MALAY UNITY or MALAYSIAN UNITY.
    I will be awaiting for your comments on it.
    Thank you and I wish you well and happy…

  360. i am trully worried with the master of spin and his holds on the profesionals intellectuals.

  361. Salam semua,
    ini mungkin off-topic tapi saya mohon moderator lepaskan utk kepentingan bersama.
    Tun, don’t you want to speak up on (preferably against) the FTA agreement which has being negotiated for between Malaysian and US officials? For those who have read a lot about WTO, FTAs and trade liberalisation, it doesn’t take a senior professor in economics to tell that FTAs will only bring much more harm than good, especially for relatively smaller partner nations like Malaysia.
    We can simply look at Mexico and Chile, two developing nations whose Percapita GDPs are way higher than ours. What benefit has USFTAs brought to these two nations? Nothing much at all, but at a tremendous, continuing cost.
    No need to mention, a larger US geopolitical agenda behind each USFTA. That’s why USFTA is much more than just trade. It’s actually a “Perjanjian Taat Setia” to the US, not “Perjanjian Perdagangan Bebas” anymore.
    No need for me to convince you more since of course you know a great deal more about FTAs and trade openings than I do. And that’s why you strongly resisted any kind of FTA or total liberalisation during your tenure, in favour of controlled liberalisation with respect to our affirmative action policies, of course.
    The same goes for Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs – camouflaged name for FTA) being pushed by the EU against poor and weak nations of Africa, Carribean and the Pacific (ACP nations), and eventually against Asia and Middle East.
    So far, the mainstream media has done “an excellent job” in keeping a vast majority of Malaysians (Malaysian bloggers included, sadly!) from even having a clue about this very important matter. That’s why the concerned citizens need you to help speaking up on this matter.
    Thank you again.
    Salam hormat

  362. Itulah Pak Lah sekarang… macam Pak Kaduk… Menang sorak, kampung tergadai…. semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat dan bertambah kekuatan untuk terus berjuang

  363. Touche! Brilliant analysis Tun M.
    So, what shall we do? We are at a loss. UMNO in its present form is useless. Who can we trust? Who shall lead us?

  364. Dear Tun,
    What you said is true.The plus that i would further add here is –
    1.How about urban/city voters ? In what categroyshall we put them ?
    And How many % of them falling in this category ?
    Something which we still have to study/analyse !

  365. And this is how it should be. Right up to their faces, only then they might smell the stink of their own shit and would do something at least to clean up their act.
    Simple folks just need to ensure their bellies are filled, their jobs are secured and the paycheck they bring home can bring up their families.
    Wonder when the people concerned will realise it. Hope not when its too late.

  366. Salam Tun,
    Memandangkan visitor blog Tun adalah paling ramai pengunjungnya, makan penulisan tun lah yang paling layak memberitahu Malaysia siapa Anwar sebenarnya. Semoga usaha tun ini dapat menyelamatkan negara kita yang tercinta ini.

  367. Dear Ayahanda Tun
    I’m so proud of you. What you said is very true. Hope our leaders will realise their mistake in being egoist and feel that they are above the law.
    Yes the ordinary people like me only feel that they are being cheated by the government because the price of goods are very high nowadays. But I personally is very dissapointed in the price of rice. I have 6 children and the rice is very important to us. Because of the raise now I could not afford to buy the brand of rice that we are used to eat. The middle class people like me is now in a poor categories because of this situation.
    The government stated that the price of oil will be lowered. But the chinese already told me that it does not mean that they will lower the price of goods.
    Hope you can help us in whatever you can. May Allah always bless you and your family.

  368. Salam Tun,
    Seperti biasa pandangan Tun sungguh jelas, entah bila la agaknya peminpin sekarang nak buka mata. Jangan sampai nasi dah menjadi bubur.
    Teruskan menulis Tun, kami sentiasa menyokong Tun.

  369. Salam Tun,
    This is the kind of fortright analysis that UMNO strategists or thinkers have failed or chosen to fail to provide to the leaderhip causing depair and disillusioned to ordinary “unintelectual” voters.

  370. I have the same feeling as you are Tun. I’m amazed as well by these so called intellect with their unintellectual discussions.

  371. Ya sallam Tun,
    Yes you are right, sampai bila la DS Lah nak sedaq ke dighi…
    turun lah DS LAH dengan cara terhormat, sebelum anda diturnkan…Najib tolong lah buat sesuatu, jgn nanti bila jadi PM jadi cam DS Lah sudah la…risau jugak Najib nih…

  372. Dear Tun
    Chetdet.com is the numero uno blog in this country.Please keep on writing and wish to hear more story about Anwar Ibrahim vs Tun Ghafar Baba.

  373. Assalamua’alaikum YBhg Tun The MahaGuru,
    Wanting to register, no.1 hopeful..
    Take care Tun

  374. Dear Tun…
    Present gov still dreaming of their are still people choice but the people already give present gov warning in the last election. If there is no drastic changes from now people is going to suffer even more cause present gov only now how to smile and laugh when there come out in the t.v.
    They should go down to really see people on the ground is suffering because of they action. We can recover but how long ???
    Thank you very much for what your have done for the country. Frankly saying it. The country still need you rather then current flip flop Prime Minister.

  375. Asslamualaikum Tun…I am d first??
    I totally agree with your statement..Master of Spin..uh..uh…
    Hope in good health always…

  376. Salam Tun,
    Hari kemerdekaan sudah hampir. Tapi dengan masalah politik yang memualkan dan seperti tiada nokhta membuatkan saya merasa sedih. Mereka-mereka sibuk hendak merebut KUASA sehingga mengabaikan FAKTOR yang terpenting. Jika KUASA telah membutakan hati dan perasaan. Apa lagi yg tinggal untuk RAKYAT…..TUN. Thanks for the explanation. Keep on writing. I supported TUN.

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