1. No, I am not mad yet.

2. The voices I hear is about a new airport.

3. We have three airports in and around the capital city, Kuala Lumpur, one in Sungai Besi, one in Subang and one in Sepang.

4. Sepang was designed for 125 million passengers a year. It can have two terminals, four satellites and five runways.

5. Right now the voices tell me we are handling only 25 million passengers. So we have capacity for another 100 million passengers more.

6. But the voices said we will be building a new airport (the whole carboodle) at Labu in Negri Sembilan. It is to be exclusively for the low cost airlines, e.g. Air Asia.

7. We paid RM8 billion for KLIA Sepang. Even a small airport at today’s prices would be near to RM2 billion. The distance to Kuala Lumpur would be longer but of course it would be nearer Seremban and other parts in Negri Sembilan.

8. But that’s all right as you don’t pay any fare for the flights, only for the fares to the airport.

9. The building of the airport should stimulate the economy. Somebody can make quite a bit selling land. A Government Link Company will get the job and contract it out to some lucky bloke. There will be a whole lot of other contracts to look forward to. It could even help with the coming recession.

10. These are of course only voices. Maybe the Government can enlighten us why Sepang or even Subang is not suitable. Has the Sepang Formula One circuit taken up all the land so we cannot build any more facility in Sepang?

11. What happens to the low cost terminal at KLIA we have built only recently with such great speed? Do we close it down or do we transport the whole lot to Labu?

12. After thinking up about raising buffalos in Langkawi, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi must be congratulated for yet another great idea.

179 thoughts on “SNIPPETS – I HEAR VOICES”

  1. salam tun
    pendapat disini ialah tak perlu membazir dengan membuat projek yang belum tentu menghasilkan kebaikan…saya se0rang pelajar dan saya merasakan malaysia sudah terlampau banyak projek dan akhirnya terencat setakat tahap yang kurang memuaskan sahaja..klia sudah mencukupi .apa yang diperlukan ialah usaha untuk menaik taraf dan membaik pulih KLIA yang sememangnya sunyi dan di ambang kehancuran..usaha itu sahaja sudah memadai…salam buat tun sekeuarga
    diharapka tun dapat membalas ye..hehehe [email protected]
    p/s : tidAk berpuas hati dengan jumlah potongan ptptn yang dijanjikan 1%…tetapi dipotong berlebihan menjadi 3% dan sangat berharap pihak berkenaan dapat memansuhkan kadar bunga ptptn dan membenarkan para pelajar membayar jumlah ptptn tanpa kadar bunga..bukankah malaysia sudah cukup banyak duit???mengapa mesti mengenakan kadar bunga??banyak projek yang telah dilaburkan dengan wang ringgit..rasanya MAKAN DUIT RAKYAT lebih banyak dari MAKAN DUIT HASIL SENDIRI…fikir2kanlah…
    sayang tun!!!!!!!!!

  2. salam tun
    pendapat disini ialah tak perlu membazir dengan membuat projek yang belum tentu menghasilkan kebaikan…saya se0rang pelajar dan saya merasakan malaysia sudah terlampau banyak projek dan akhirnya terencat setakat tahap yang jurang memuaskan sahaja..klia sudah mencukupi .apa yang diperlukan ialah usaha untuk menaik taraf dan membaik pulih KLIA yang sememangnya sunyi dan di ambang kehancuran..usaha itu sahaja sudah memadai…salam buat tun sekeuarga
    diharapka tun dapat membalas ye..hehehe [email protected]
    p/s : tidAk berpuas hati dengan jumlah potongan ptptn yang dijanjikan 1%…tetapi dipotong berlebihan menjadi 3% dan sangat berharap pihak berkenaan dapat memansuhkan kadar bunga ptptn dan membenarkan para pelajar membayar jumlah ptptn tanpa kadar bunga..bukankah malaysia sudah cukup banyak duit???mengapa mesti mengenakan kadar bunga??banyak projek yang telah dilaburkan dengan wang ringgit..rasanya MAKAN DUIT RAKYAT lebih banyak dari MAKAN DUIT HASIL SENDIRI…fikir2kanlah…
    sayang tun!!!!!!!!!

  3. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1)another airport?? This is totally ABSURD !! common la… why should the government of Malaysia listen to this Tony Fernandes…..
    2)look at the Board of director of SIME-DARBY, then you’ll know the ‘culprits’………
    Wassalam, AVI

  4. YBhg Tun,
    The current BN leadership have not learned the lessons of the March 2008 elections! People who voted for the opposition did not vote for them because they had good ideas or leadership rather they were fed up with the lack of transparency of the government.The opposition took advantage of this dissatisfaction by making accusations(not always substantiated)of corruption and cronyism.
    Even though the so called privately funded LCCT@Labu will not use a single cent of tax payers’ money (not really true when we consider that road and rail links will ultimately be borne by taxpayers), the government has a responsibilty to ensure that the funds spent on building the KLIA not be wasted by allowing another airport to be built so close to the existing one. That is a decision the government and nobody else must make irrespectrive of whether this new project is privately funded! The govermnent must exercise its powers responsibly and instruct AirAsia and Malaysia Airports Bhd. to find a solution that will ensure that the taxpayer does not lose out!AirAsia has no choice in this matter as airports are controlled by the government but a least a win win solution should be found that would make sense to AirAsia and MAHB.
    Again there is no transparency in this new decision, the government owes the public an explanation. If Sime Darby or any GLC wants to help the economy the last thing they should do is not waste taxpayers funds (remember they are GLCs which means the public still has a say)and instead consider other projects which will benefit the country.
    We need better,responsible and intellectually driven leadership not be led by those interested only in their self interest!

  5. TO HBT
    Congratultion! at least your comments so far have shown your loyalty and also the product of what we all have used to hear…..”Mahatherism”. The philosophy proving that despite all the material development that you (except myself and many Malaysians outside there) were proud of, between the year 1980 to 2003, the Malay wealth has steadily eroded from 22% left by our beloved Tun Hussein Onn to only merely 18% now.
    You are really a man with a philosolphy of Mahathirisme……not Tun Mahathir as a PERSONA.
    Congratulation again and hope wise thought should prevail……
    Belated Salam Maal Hijrah and Happy New Year 2009.

  6. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1.Pendapat saya KL perlukan sebuah lagi airport khas untuk tambang murah
    2.Bandaraya London sendiri mempunyai 5 airport,yang memainkan peranan masing2
    3.LCCT sekarang sudah melebihi kapasiti,sesak sangat,boleh tukar jadi airport domestik
    4.Untuk buat up-grade LCCT tiap2 3-4 tahun adalah tidak viable
    5.Air Asia perlukan airport sendiri sesuai dengan cita2nya menjadi jenama Global setaraf eg Coca Cola=softdrink,Nokia=handphone
    6.Dalam 5-10 thn lagi Malaysia menjadi hub tambang murah serantau Asia Pacific
    7.Tetapi pemilihan tempat Labu perlukan kajian mendalam dari segi kesesuaian lokasinya dan juga peranan Sime Darby
    8.Adaklah agak malang airport baru ini mendapat reputasi buruk kesan ‘Pak Lah factor’
    9.Airport untuk tambang murah adalah pelengkap sebuah bandaraya moden,selain Sepang=antarabangsa,lcct sekarang=domestik,Subang=servis,aeronautics dan sungai besi=private
    10.Kita hendaklah memandang jauh ke hadapan dari segi peningkatan kos,pertambahan kemasukan pelawat dan yang paling penting persaingan dari Bangkok dan Singapura sebagai hub serantau

  7. Hi I’m sam from singapore and all the while I’m very astonised to the ideas,opinion,feedback etc.. of Mr Mahathir. even the book of Malay dilemma sometimes back I didnt miss to read it.
    Mr Mahathir has a very superb sharp vision and I can see that all he is sincerely to make Malaysia a nation to be proud off especially the Malays.
    Well to my opinion to build a low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) in Labu, Negeri Sembilan is waste effort to make KLIA a one of the BEST airport in the world.
    Well we just ke a look at S’pore.. which consider have nothing mush to offer.. But the effort from all sectors to push the tourist arrivals really works. Changi airport is very busy and fully utilise 24HRS a day.. and this is not just happen but thru good promotions and effort by various agency.
    In terms of visitor arrivals, Singapore welcomed an estimated 10.1 million visitors in 2008, Total visitor days grew 6.9% to reach 39.8 million days in 2008.
    I belief KLIA and Malaysia can do better than that but with Efforts good management promotions.. etc… so thru eyes of me a Foreigner…pls do something to improve the KLIA and to be one of the World’s Hub and the low cost terminal if incorporated in KLIA will definetly make KLIA getting busier and just create another airport that will only jeorpadise the KLIA Airport.Thank you

  8. tun,, saya baru register sebagai pemberi komen.. isu ini mmg betul-betul membuat saya terpanggil untuk memberikan komentar.. saya memang mengecam pembinaan LCCT baru tersebut.. sangat jelas pembinaan tersebut memberikan keuntungan yang berat sebelah dan tidak berorientasikan rakyat… untuk pengetahuan tun, saya merupakan pelajar tahun akhir sebuah IPTA di selatan tanah air..
    pembinaan lcct tersebut merencatkan lagi usaha untuk menjadikan KLIA sebagai hub penerbangan unggul di rantau ini. Masterplan yang tun buat seolah2 tidak diendahkan, semata2 untuk mengejar keuntungan yang bersifat peribadi…jika projek ini terlaksana, pertumbuhan KLIA akan terjejas dan memberi ruang kepada Changi dan Suvarnabumi untuk menjadi lebih kompetitif dan membunuh KLIA secara sistematik.. saya khuatir pada masa depan KLIA akan menjadi gajah putih dan mungkin KLIA akan ditukar menjadi muzium kenangan untuk diratapi generasi masa depan.
    alasan yang digunakan hanyalah trek monorel yang sepatutnya dibuat 5meter lebih tinggi dan juga alasan tanah yang tidak sesuai..alasan tersebut penuh keraguan dan sememangnya alasan tersebut berbaur dan bermotifkan politik… Alasan yang apabila didengari berbunyi amat kukuh dan sukar untuk dibantah.. strategi baru untuk meraih sokongan..
    saya kagum dengan pembinaan changi yang sangat terkehadapan berbanding zamannya.. KLIA tidak dinafikan mempunyai potensi yang sama tetapi direncatkan di pertengahan jalan.. penggunaan nama KLIA@EAST Labu jugak agak mengelirukan untuk memberi gambaran aiport tersebut maseh terangkum dengan KLIA tetapi sebenarnya adalah airport baru yang akan menidakkan usaha KLIA untuk menjadi hub penerbangan unggul di rantau ini..
    sentimen2 sebegini bukan sengaja diwujudkan tetapi rakyat sudah matang dan cukup intelligent untuk menilai baik buruk.. kenapa tidak kita stick sahaja kepada masterplan yang telah pun dibuat? rakyat sudah jemu dengan pelbagai retorik dan helahan.. rakyat sangat excited untuk melihat malaysia sebagai negara maju menjelang 2020..tidak kurang juga kepada mahasiswa2 dan generasi muda pemimpian masa hadapan yang bakal bergraduasi.. mereka ingin melihat kehidupan mereka terjamin di masa depan.. mereka tidak mahu melihat adanya bebanan untuk mereka selesaikan pada masa hadapan kerana masalah baru akan sentiasa timbul untuk diselesaikan..
    sekian terima kasih..

  9. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Mohon sedikit ruang di sini Tun – T.Kasih.
    Saudara samuraimelayu,HBT& Pak Belalang, sebenarnya asal kemungkinannya airport ni tak akan jalan… cuma hanya untuk political gimmick saja. Konon-kononnya, (ni konon sahaja- jangan Najib syok sendiri), Pak Lah hebohkan pasal projek bodoh ni sekarang, lepas tu dia angkat bungkus. By April nak buat struktur koporat untuk projek ni, so Najib sebagai PM baru akan kata: Batal! Cheee eiwah, konon nya orang ramai akan tengok Najib dengan imej baru beliau, berseluar dalam di sebelah luar dan bersayap ala Superman! tapi itu dah kabur. Sebab, dah out of planning dah ni. Tapi problem nya, sekarang ni bila masuk lanun koporat yang dah lama berkarat nak cover loses, angauan ni dah out of control pulak jadinya! macam nak benar-benar buat! Itu lah masalahnya, bila ketamakan menjadi motif. Buat dulu, pakai tak pakai, janji projek dah jalan duit dah selamat masuk (dan keluar…) Tony Freenandez tu kena main depan belakang. BN menang kalah apa peduli? Account semua off-shore British Virgin Island sama Cayman Island. New Zealand tak main dah. Entahlah, saya pun rasa pasti banyak Melayu era “LahRMK” duk pi sana la ni. Saya rasa kalau saya buka teh tarik roti telur mamak stall pun boleh hidup sana. Buka warong tepi kaki lima banggunan HSBC Guyerzeller Bank (BVI) Ltd ka…

  10. By pakbelalang on January 10, 2009 11:12 PM
    //MSWG To Study Sime’s Labu LCCT Plan
    No need to conduct a study. It is pure common sense that such a project is not logical when you have under-utilised airports just nearby. Just read what Tun M comment is good enough to make sensible judgement. Tun Musa must be a “dungu” Chairman of Sime Darby for approving the project to go through. Dah bodh stupid !!//
    Pak Musa is not a dungu, he is a musang. He must have lost alot of money at KLCI in this US economy cisis, in order to save his position as Chairman of Sime Darby, the easiest way to “kantoi” duit kerajaan lo. We have learned this lesson in 1998 whereby semua top guns tipu kerajaan, are we going to let this happen again? This time is different, the Bush admistration has balloned up the US mortgage, it has burst!!! So the study on Labu LCCT Plan is a waste of duit kerajaan, it’s good to help individual only, so don’t invest blindly, WAIT & SEE is the best strategy, if you invest, you will be the dungu ngap by these musangs, be smart lo bloggers!!!!
    Good day Tun.

  11. hi everyone.
    it seems that we’re trying to use common logic when writing about BN.
    it’s better to know who we are dealing with – BN and AAB and Najib – before we decide if common logic will work.
    Dr M – how can we deal with the current BN lot in the future apart from using common logic??

  12. It is simple economics. Don’t waste scarce resources. Maximize our economic resources to the optimum. Don’t let greed controls our head.

  13. MSWG To Study Sime’s Labu LCCT Plan
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 9 (Bernama) — The Minority Shareholder Watchdog Group (MSWG) will conduct a study on Sime Darby Bhd’s decision to build a low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) in Labu, Negeri Sembilan.
    Its new chief executive officer (CEO), Rita Benoy Bushon, said the watchdog group would look at the issue and study whether it was appropriate for Sime to venture into the development of the LCCT.
    No need to conduct a study. It is pure common sense that such a project is not logical when you have under-utilised airports just nearby. Just read what Tun M comment is good enough to make sensible judgement. Tun Musa must be a “dungu” Chairman of Sime Darby for approving the project to go through. Dah bodh stupid !!

  14. Dear Tun,
    I think these few months there will be a lot of activities happening in the GLCs. There will be a lot of project proposals put forward by these GLCs.
    The latest I heard that there is a proposal to supply electricity direct from Riau to TNB using coal. Who is the initiator? Whether this viable or not is immaterial as long as somebady get something upfront from both sides.

  15. dear tun,
    thanks for giving opportunity to write to you.i am one of your ardent fan when you were pm.
    you gave malaysia one of good airports KLIA with VERYgood standards.
    i think government should concentrate in other developments of malaysia.
    when are you visiting manchester again. last time i missed to meet you.

  16. Maybe some extra “hands” are looking forward to reap certain “benefits” from it.

  17. Salam hormat to Tun & family
    I certainly 100% disagree on the building of new airport. These morons dont seems to have intelligent planning. The way I see, it is a rush-rush project by greedy individuals and make quick bucks. After that, to hell what happen to the airport and people is none of their concern.
    Best regards

  18. dengan modal untuk membina sebuah lagi lapangan terbang, bukankah lagi bagus kalau kita perbaiki sistem pengangkutan darat yang lain.

  19. Askm Tun & fellow readers
    Commenting on yeop zaru’s comments, well one of them, is that those people are that foolish because they believed him & voted for that kepala batas fellow haha
    Another airport eh? Kind of silly & absurd if its true not to mention a waste of the tax payers money.. Like Tun said, an airport could at least cost RM2 bil. A lot can be done wit that money~
    I can’t imagine if such a project would be carried out what sort of ad would the airliners would produce? “It’s 5min away from KLIA, fly with whatever Airlines to N9” or something =p
    P.s, tho whom it may concern. KLIA was built as a replacement to Subang Airport as it’s small, cramp & could not accommodate as much aircraft. Also as planes are getting bigger i.e the A-380, I don’t think Subang has the capacity to support the big bird. Plus, since the construction of KLIA we could see that air traffic coming into Malaysia has increased significantly.

  20. Salam Tun,
    Sekarang Kerajaan Malaysia ada 3 Menteri yg berkaliber Si Labu, Si Labi & Si Luncai.
    Si Labu & Labi suka saja tido dan bermimpi yg bukan2 dan Si Luncai pula suka bidang terjun aja apa yg dia suka buat, jadi kita biarkan lah mereka asalkan mereka bahagia…..

  21. Asalamualaikum bapak…..
    aiyooooooh…..ceq kena jadik member len lah…tapi takper…sibbek
    ceq dh cerdik skit sbb duk baca blog bapak…hahahahhaaaaaa…..
    tu lah masaalahnyer bapak….org yg suka tunjuk terror nih….buat lah paper pun…guna duit sendirik yer….guna duit cukai mukai hatta guna duit saman pun wa haramkan seduit pun yg korang guna arrr…..men2 lah arrr…..
    p/s walaoweiiiiii…aiyooo….voters kat ntv7 undi bapak ahli politik paling seksi…….tentu seksi tang kesinisan ketajaman fikiran senyuman nakal bila kenakan balik org yg kenakan bapak….hulllamakkkkkk……seksi yg positif positif negative positif bukan yg negative negative….i like i like….
    p/s..tang kumpulan labu labi peram nih ceq dah maleh nak fikir dah..
    jiwa sakit otak lemah…..

  22. Dearest Tun,
    This is the 1st time I’m commenting on your blog. An honour for me from you, Tun the Greatest M’sian.
    Actually this talk abt a new a/port seems illogical BUT for a private company operating an Airline in M’sia to come up with this suggestion is SOMETHING the Government & Transport Minister should start cracking their “HEAD”!!!! Quite an embarrassing SITUATION from the laymans point of view, Tun.
    Tun, is there anyway I could contact / communicate with you privately on a VERY SPECIAL BUSINESS MATTER ??
    Thank you, Sir.

  23. Lagi benda utk kepentingan sendiri yang dibuatnya. Yelah lg 3 bulan saja lagi untuk mengaut segala keuntungan yang boleh. Inilah contoh perdana Menteri yang tidak sayangkan negara dan rakyat nyer. Semua yang dibuat hanya untuk perut sendiri and cara2 untuk menyusahkan lagi rakyat. Tak tau malu kenapa dier menganggap dirinyer layak untuk bersaing dan jadi lebih bagus dari Tun. What ashame.

  24. Labu LCCT ownership structure ready by April
    By B.K. SIDHU
    SEPANG: AirAsia Bhd expects the ownership and financing structure for the proposed low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) at Labu in Negri Sembilan to be finalised by April,
    Stop the project, period. Sime Darby must not get involve in the project. Only stupid Board Members will agree to the proposal for their vested interest. Somebody within Sime Darby will be making tons of money if the project goes through. WE have enough airports around all under utilised. So why having another airport.
    Barisan Nasional kalau nak menang next election jangan buat projek-projek yang mendatangkan kemarahan rakyat. Projek yang boleh menjadi controversy di masa depan dan akan digunakan oleh pihak pembangkang.

  25. Tun,
    By T on January 8, 2009 8:43 AM
    //Well, monkey see, monkey do. The KLIA was built in a similar manner. Somebody got plenty of land around Sepang at cheap prices. Somebody wanted to build a new airport far away from the city, but, surprise, surprise, the location is where they own the land.. KLIA was built with much, much, too much over-capacity, and many people made their fortunes.//
    Yes, you are absolutely correct, Monkey see, monkey do! That’s why you did not see and did not do to make KLIA as a strategic planning that will indeed make us to develop further as a developed country. Your are these monkeys that rakyat would like to halau them back to where they belong, developed country in ASEAN is not a strategic place for you, go back to the developed countries (jungles) that suits you, USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand or maybe Singapore (suitable for Malaysian who do not want to admit they are Malaysian) ….. ha…ha…
    //Fast forward to today. Somebody got plenty of land around Labu at cheap prices. Somebody wanted to build a new airport far away from the city, but, surprise, surprise, the location is where they own the land. So, why not build the new airport, with the same long-term view as TDM – build with a capacity for 500 million passengers. Many people are going to make their huge fortunes.//
    No worry lah, privatisation of IJN can be denied by rakyat, well, this Labu airport will definitely be denied too, time will tell!
    //TDM – in a back-handed way, these people are learning from your clever ways.//
    TDM has to learn history, don’t copy Tun’s langkah because rakyat dah bijak, jadi TDM kena bijak lo, kalau tak, dia juga akan disapu keluar by rakyat. To be fair, kita kena bagi masa kat TPM to perform first, kita belum pasti lagi, only tuhan will tunjuk ajar (time will tell), sabar lah T!!!!
    Good day Tun.

  26. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    Izinkan Tun….
    By samuraimelayu on January 7, 2009 12:58 PM
    Abang samuraimelayu, selepas baca ariticle chedet on Kuala Terengganu, kedua-dua calon pun bukan baik, jadi simpan vote dulu dan akan pilih pada masa PRU 13 , wait and see is the best medicine to show the calon2 that rakyat bukan DUMB, inilah pemainan psikologi on rakyat sentimen, the best and most updated strategy in Malaysia to tunjuk perasaan. We are unik because chedet, thank you Tun, you make us unik and bijak.
    To Abang Kamal Ahmad
    Lipas dah kena spray tu, Pak Shahril Samad, chedet allowed comment I on “boycott Pak Shahril” is the best tactic to make sure Israel products are not allowed in Malaysia. Comment ini pasti akan tembeleng-seleng air muka Pak Shahril, hanya interested to memajukan produk orang asing untuk membunuh industri SME negara kita, another dah bodoh yang tidak mengaku dirinya salah, dah fed up lah dengan menteri2 yang aysik buat ‘trade barrier’ that will kill these industries.
    I tak tahu panjak pokok kelapa, tapi I boleh menyamar seperti “pig” untuk menghalang menteri2 kita yang hanya syok poket diri tanpa menghiraukan kesusahan, keamanan dan pepaduan rakyat Malaysia through!! Let us keep writing……
    Good day Tun.

  27. akum TUN
    kenapa sekarang ni susah nak hantar komen ke blog che det. seolah olah ada sabotaj.
    soal LCCT yang baru ni jelas menunjukan bahawa kroni pak lah sedang mengaut sebanyak mungkin peluang yang ada sementara si dollah masih berkuasa. Memang tak akal LCCT yg masih dlm pembinaan unutk pembesaran tiba2 nak buka terminal baru dan ini sudah tentu amat mebazir sedangkan KLIA masih lagi belum mencapai kapasiti penuh sperti yang dirancangkan..
    unutk musa hitam saya mengucapkan.. kaut kaut dan kaut sepuas2nya selagi si dollah bebal berkuasa

  28. Salam Tun,
    Hope this message will find you in good mood.
    It is really frustrating to see a government spending rakyat’s money with projects that only benefit selected people. It is getting obvious and it doesn’t need a rocket scientist’s mind to conclude who these people are.
    It looked like the expansion of LCCT was among the high priority projects of the government. As Tun said, it was done with such great speed. I, as a foreigner in this land, who has become a regular passenger of AirAsia (out of necessity! kesian suamiku, he already spent a tidy sum…) was amazed at how they managed to finish the said project in a short period of time, and even wondered if the workers were working 24/7.
    With the present financial turmoil, for sure people are hoping the government would address their needs, and focus on projects with socio-economic impact that would benefit the majority, especially those at the lower income bracket.
    Thank you Tun for allowing me to share my thoughts. May Almighty Allah bless you always.
    PS: My hubby was having hard time sending his comment. We’re suspecting somebody tried to block the commenters. We also noticed that the number of comments in the new website is not that much compared to the previous one.

  29. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera selalu. Minta izin…
    Kelajuan dan kesunyian pengswastaan kedua Pak Lah mcm nak menandingi sijil SPM Tun. Malang Pak Lah ambil 2 kertas terkandas 1, yg ini tunggu keputusan. Tun lulus semua (lebih dari 12 kertas) dgn cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang. Sijil SPM ini berharga kah Pak Lah nak cepat cepat, Tun ambil banyak banyak?
    Ini semua angkara kuasa iblis economic planning unit, EPU (di kuasai PM seorang) yg berkuasa melebihi dan melepasi kabinet sejak zaman Tun. Iblis ini berumur 22 thn.
    …………….LAST CALL
    Gaya Pak Lah ini ala Tun di saat akhir jawatan. Luluskan beberapa projek ‘imbuhan’ (untuk siapa?) tanda kenangan berpisah (Jambatan bengkok, Rail kembar dgn janji jgn kacau) Entah Pak Lah ikut jejak Tun naik angin, bina blog, tinggalkan parti, lepas bersara kita lihat.
    Ini budaya ‘penaung’, politik wang yg semua presiden Umno kenal mesra. Tak payah dengar ‘suara’, bau pun dah tahu. Lagi lama bertapak lebih dasyat.
    …………….CRONY FIGHT
    Rakyat mangsa perebutan kuasa kroni entah siapa di MAHB, SIC, LCCT. Tak boleh berdamai, pindahlah mcm tindakan keluar parti. Kroni orang susah kawal, kroni baru mudah (LCCT Labu). Ikhtibar dari perpecahan Umno lama dan Umno baru zaman dulu?
    Pengswastaan cara krjn lepas tanggung belanja, dilaksanakan dgn menjamin untung pada kroni, berjalan dgn ditanggung rakyat, berakhir dgn krjn ambil balik (sama ada rugi atau selepas dah lupus)
    Nak tahu lihat perjanjiannya sulit, bayaran tak disebut hingga akhir saat (siap), sekatan dikena memaksa rakyat gunakannya.
    Jalan raya utara selatan persekutuan tidak dinaik taraf selepas lebuhraya Plus siap. Dah 20 thn, tambah 20 thn lagi krjn M’sia cipta rekod (negara membangun)gagal membina jalanraya utara selatan negara selama 40 thn. Lihat jalanraya utara selatan di Thailand dan M’sia zaman British.

  30. assalamualaikum tun,
    these voices sounds dangerous,each time these voices appear or are heard…the Rakyat is definitely going to be short charged.
    last time,whenever have voices…some umno related person bags the days when voices are heard….Malaysia is in trouble.some small island country tends to get an upper hand into our internal affairs.
    kindda funny that sime darby is behind the expansion plan for LCCT and also behind the idea of privatizing of IJN.must have the same mastermind behind them.problem is this mastermind is more of a criminal mind.always trying to cheat the rakyat.time is running out for them.come march,a new band of crooks will be running the show.
    tun,we pray for tun and tun’s families health and prosperity.wassalam

  31. masalah AIRPORT ini samalah seperti masalah “HIGHWAY” yg hangat diperkatakan sekarang …
    kontrak sulit highway yg dipaparkan baru-baru ini menimbulkan pelbagai persoalan … persoalannya bukan atas sebab KESAHAN kontrak, namun terhadap KANDUNGAN kontrak …
    ramai orang yg bertanya … mengapakah kerajaan amat “bodoh” sekali sehingga sanggup menandatangi perjanjian yg amat merugikan …
    masalah ini seumpama seorang pemborong yg ingin membeli roti dari sebuah kilang selama 25 tahun. Entah apa yg berlaku kepada pemborong ini, beliau sanggup menandatangani perjajian yg tercatatnya sekeping roti berharga RM100, walaupun beliau ketahui harganya hanya RM0.20 … keranalah perjanjian sah ini, orang ramai kena beli roti dengan harga yg tinggi
    demikianlah orang ramai bertanya mengapakah pemborong ini begitu bodohnya … sebenarnya pemborong ini tidak bodoh tetapi cerdik … kerana pemborong dan kilang itu adalah kawan baik dan berhubungan rapat … dan mereka ketahui dengan perjanjian sah yg ditandatangani, orang ramai sukar untuk mencabar kesahannya …
    rasanya semua perjanjian highway ini ditandatanganni 22 tahun yg lalu, dan bukannya baru-baru ini oleh abdullah … namun pandai juga ADA ORANG yang berbuat bodoh sahaja dan anggap tiada apa yg berlaku … mungkin Tun tidak menonton tv dan tidak ketahui mengenainya …
    rasanya apabila Tun ditanya untuk memberi penjelasan, Tun akan menujukan jari (hobi yg dijadikan trademark) kepada sami-bilu … kasihan juga sami-bilu ini, setiap kali harga tol naik, pasti kena dicemuh … walaupun beliau hanya bertanggungjawab untuk menandatangani atau mengumumkannya atas tanggungjawab jawatan yg disandang … selepas DIARAHKAN oleh PIHAK ATASAN

  32. Tun,
    Selamat Tahun Baru Tun & Puan Sri Dr.Hasmah,
    Building another expensive airport in N.S.when we have excess capacity with the existing airports is of course a sheer waste of limited resources which could be better spent on other more fruitful projects to create employment for the Rakyat.I had seen the KLIA a couple of times having flown fr there.It’s very big,modern & a state of the art.
    Maybe the govt has intention to keep the KLIA for more international flights by even the 380 next time.They plan to have 125 million visitors annually but only 25 million came.That’s a gross miscalculation & over-estimation on Govt & Tourism Board’s visitor arrival data sheet.How can they over-project like this?.Hope that there are no other huge shortfalls elsewhere.

  33. Tun
    no you are not mad – you are just spiteful.
    And you also spin your stories quite a bit – plus you don’t always tell the truth…(go on tell me you’re 100% honest, and I’ll tell you that Santa Claus is actually a Hindu deity…)
    Re. your comment about PM Abdullah’s Buffalo project – it would have been nice if you congratulated the PM sincerely given because of the
    government-initiated Buffalo Park Langkawi project which, coincidentally, is Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

  34. Salam Tun,
    Another airport at Labu, that sounds another Labu and Labi to me…..
    Thats what happened when we are obsessed with “Corridor”……..and thats what Labu and Labi did, sleeping and dreaming on the Corridor of Haji Bakhil.
    At least for Labu and Labi, within one night they went thru great adventure, from cowboy to magistrate and doctor.
    Perhaps future flight to the new LCCT would be another adventure to us…………
    Hence, a new airport at Labu sounds very logical to me………

  35. Salam Ybg Tun…
    Banyak pembangunan yang rakyat perlukan, semalam dokumentari 360 di TV3 pun mendedahkan ada kampung yang tiada bekalan air. Banyak projek rakyat yang masih belum terbela. Jangan buta mata hati dan pekak lubang telinga.
    Kalau nak berbakti pun, sebagai pemimpin fikirlah yang munasabah. Buat sesuatu yang memberi kebaikan kepada ramai orang. Bukan rakus mencari dan menjaga kepentingan peribadi.

    By kamal ahmad on January 7, 2009 6:16 PM
    Salam Ayahanda Tun, mohon agar dapat di-izinkan saya ini sedikit ruang disini. Terima kasih Tun.
    ..Namun saudara samuraimelayu, apakah ini sebenarnya yang sedang hebat berlaku sekarang ini diperingkat tertinggi kepimpinan negara? Wang ringgit memang penting, tapi ada kalanya menjadi beban yang berat dan teramat menyedihkan kepada jiwa dan hati yang memahami. Kuasa akan akhirnya merosakkan mereka yang lemah dan harta akan membenamkan mereka kedalam keangkuhan yang amat nyata.

    By Pembela on January 7, 2009 12:10 PM
    Yang Dikasihi Tok Det,

    7. Semacam dirancang sahaja untuk mempromosi dan berkempen untuk dua orang kuat Pak Lah iaitu Ali Rustam (Ketua Menteri Melaka) dan Mohammad Hassan (Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan) yang sedang merebut jawatan tertinggi UMNO sahaja.
    ps. Kami terdengar suara2,cadangan pembangunan LCCT ‘baru’ itu adalah disebabkan kenaikan ‘sewa’ oleh MAB keatas AirAsia diLCCT KLIA? Betul ke, Ayahanda Tun?

  38. Dear Tun,
    Sack all the Sime Darby Board Members if they try to manipulate business ventures to satisfy konco-konco Pak Lah. They are not fit to sit on the board of such multi-national company known to have good corporate governance all this while. Don’t make Sime Darby a haprak and HP6 GLC.

  39. Government has new stimulus package in store
    KUALA LUMPUR: The Government has another stimulus package in store in addition to the RM7bil package announced in November.

  40. My Dear Tun,
    You and your wife are so loving I just love to see you both together in person again.I’m 72 n tokoh umno veteren tempatan. But now I’m not so well off physically I would not be able to be in a crowd as I’m suffering from osteoarthritis. I had my bypass done in 2004 at IJN. Thanks and hope and pray to Allah that IJN would remain as it is forever.
    Alhamdulillah you have done so much for Malaysia. Syabas Tun.
    Rakyat shed tears when you left the government.
    Semoga Allah memberi ganjaranNya yang tak terhingga kepada Tun and Tun, Insyaallah.
    Ikhlas dari,

  41. Salam Ayahanda Tun dan semua rakan-rakan disini. Apa nak jadi dengan Pak Lah ni? Apa-apa pun boleh jadi sebenarnya, Malaysia negara demokrasi. Kuasa menentu ditangan rakyat. Sebenarnya, saya rasakan arwah YB Shaari Jusoh lebih berkaliber dari Pak Lah kita ni. Tu pun arwah Bang Ie kita cumalah setakat Darjah 6 sahaja pendidikan beliau. Tun mesti tersenyum juga ingat gelagat arwah Bang Ie kita ni dalam Parlimen. Tapi apa nak jadi dengan Pak Lah ni? Marilah kita semua hantar satu mesej yang jelas dan tegas kepada kepimpinan UMNO hari ini. Mulakan di Terengganu.
    Apa pun, saya menyahut saranan Saudara Haron: “haronjanor on January 7, 2009 7:46 PM”.
    Dan Saudara Jamal: “Jamal on January 7, 2009 3:53 PM”

  42. 1. Singapura built Changi Airport from the seawater despite Malaysia and Indonesia banned sand export to Singapura. Seawater or swamp harder to build airport?
    2. MAB gave execuse that the soil condition in the swamp around KLIA is not suitable to expand airport so why choose this place in the first place?. Must be due to corruption. Anti-corruption Commission must step in to prosecute all those involve immediately. Jail those corrupt officials.
    3. The airport planners would not have a chance to utter dumb statements if meritocracy is in place. Sack these stupid airport officials. Sack the stupid government officials who hire them.
    4. Likely corruption in progress to use public money to build rail and bus terminals. Jail those corrupt officials. Anti-corruption Commission must step in to prosecute all those involve immediately.

  43. Tun.
    By apit on January 6, 2009 11:00
    Saudara Apit.
    Saya telah beberapa kali terbaca komen2 saudara dihalaman ini.
    Dan amat menduka citakan saya komen2 saudara seolah2 selalu berbaur
    atau berunsur cakap besar dan masuk bakul angkat sendiri.
    Saudara mempertikaikan dan menghina kami2 yang sentiasa menyokong TUN.
    Bagus lah saudara sentiasa membuat analisa sendiri. Bergitu juga kami pun berhak membuat analisa kami akan sesuatu issu yang timbul.
    Tapi kami tak lah cuba mengakui nya kami ni bijak atau lebih teror dari sesiapa disini. Kalau semua orang disini bijak dah tentu lah semua nya layak jadi PM.
    Sebalik nya awak tu yang perasan diri sendiri konon nya lebih bijak dari orang lain. Apa pengalaman awak atau sumbangan awak pada rakyat Malaysia dan negara. Adakah awak pernah mentadabir negara ini. Atau awak ni balaci sesaorang sebagai tukang tulis atau awak ni yang deperate dengan TUN kerana tak dapat apa2 habuan dizaman TUN. Kerana itu awak bersikap dendam dan marah kat TUN.
    Tun adalah mantan PM. Banyak jasa dan usaha nya yang berjaya. Dan awak apa? Usahlah masuk kehalaman ini jika awak tak suka atau tak setuju posting TUN kat Blog dia sendiri.
    Buat lah blog sendiri dan tunggu lah kalau ada sesiapa berminat nak layari nya dan beri komen……

  44. salam Tun,
    1. Depa dah mai dah dengan rancangan-rancangan yang tak masuk akal. Buat duit masuk poket depa sebelum digulingkan.
    2. Depa tu rakyat pilih suruh bela nasib rakyat. Depa dok bela nasib depa. Nak bagi pelingkup harta orang melayu.
    3. Awat lar… mana larr… new generation in UMNO. I know most of them is real smart. But it seem money has taken their soul.
    4. Every time suck rumors/decision/statement made. I’m sure it’s from Dollah keparat and son in law.
    5. You guys just such a lucky bastard!
    6. Where are the Malays thinker Tun? the new generation?
    7. May I suggest if you could open a class or seminar for all on how to become a leader? E.g. Give us a way or direction to learn and become good leader like you. I don’t think because your doctor studies make you such a person.
    8. I do not know if they were a leader exists in current government.
    9. Lastly, to all readers and visitor, please do and continue ban/boikot/trash all Jews/non-existence country Israel related. Inclusive of all web base business, social networking which contribute money to their raise and country. Or else you are contributing to war with Islam…
    Salam.. Allahuakhbar!!

  45. 1) Cadangan Airport diLabu adalah gara-gara tamaknya Tony Fernandez. Peluang pula diberi oleh Khairy Jamaluddin dan Mohammad Hassan.
    2) Tony Fernandez dapat Airport baru tanpa runway dan infrastructure. Semua infrastructure ditanggung oleh kerajaan? Yang sikit-sikit ditanggung oleh sime darby. Habislah duit rakyat dibelanjakan.
    3) Biar lah Air Asia gunakan LCCT yang telah disediakan. Inilah kebodohan dan kebahlulan Pak Lah yang dengar cakap nasihat KJ yang sama tamak dengan Tony dan juga yang hendak tumpang semangkuk Mohamad Hassan.
    4) Niat Tony adalah menaikkan martabat Air Asia dan bunuh MAS. Tengoklah tindak tanduknya mempersoalkan kewajaran MAS apabila MAS mempromosikan caj penerbangan rendahnya dan Firefly yang mendapat hak pendaratan diSubang.
    5) Maka tempellah orang-orang yang tamak separti KJ yang tak kira bangsa, janji kaya serta orang-orang Negeri Sembilan yang bodoh sewaktu dengan nya yang memberi sokongan moral.
    6) Takut sangat ke kepada Tony, apa yang dicakapnya semua betul ke? Tak ada ke double standard dalam Air Asia? Mana orang Melayu yang berkebolehan di dalam AA berbanding bukan Melayu di dalam pentadbiran. Kalau adapun di gunakan sebagai khadam Tony untuk kantungnya.
    7) Saya tak pernah naik AA dan tak akan naik AA. Bayar sedikit lebih pun tak pe, janji penerbangan yang saya naik adalah National Carrier. Safety standardnya adalah lebih baik dari AA.
    8) Walau pun AA mempunyai pesawat baru tapi dari segi penyelenggaraan adalah lebih buruk berbanding MAS. Kalau nak ikut kekerapan, tak mungkin tambang boleh semurah RM1.00 sahaj (gimik tu).
    9) Akhir sekali mana parti pembangkang yang selalu laungkan bantahan sekiranya terbau benda-benda yang pelik? Sebenarnya Anwar Ibrahim juga ditawarkan imbuhan menerusi KJ (mereka ni bertukar seluar dalam apabila di belakang tabir).

  46. Izinkan Tun,
    //By edwin on January 7, 2009 6:04 AM
    This is totally unrelated to political postings but i think you shouldn’t have these “ads” on your site. It is true that you can make a couple of $$ through your readers but it makes your site less credible. It could be viewed as you making obnoxious rants about the government and malaysia to boost traffic. (hence making $$$)//
    Hi Edwin,
    Chedet is promoting a profit making strategy in Malaysia’s cyberspace media by not spinning the truth, that is why it is named chedet weblog. It is nothing wrong with Tun’s decision on selling advertisement space, nothing is free of charge in this world. It’s up to the advertisers and bloggers to decide! Always remember, we need RM to survive in Malaysia, BUT we do not need US $ to survive locally.
    Furthermore, Tun is also an ordinary rakyat, thus Tun is allowed to do his own business, it’s human’s right, human’s intelligence, freedom of speech that are acceptable in the world. Think about it Edwin, we are Malaysian, please do not let the racial issue to stop you further in developing yourself as a Malaysian. Happy New Year and Gong Xi Fa Chai!
    Good day Tun.

  47. Well, monkey see, monkey do. The KLIA was built in a similar manner. Somebody got plenty of land around Sepang at cheap prices. Somebody wanted to build a new airport far away from the city, but, surprise, surprise, the location is where they own the land.. KLIA was built with much, much, too much over-capacity, and many people made their fortunes.
    Fast forward to today. Somebody got plenty of land around Labu at cheap prices. Somebody wanted to build a new airport far away from the city, but, surprise, surprise, the location is where they own the land. So, why not build the new airport, with the same long-term view as TDM – build with a capacity for 500 million passengers. Many people are going to make their huge fortunes.
    TDM – in a back-handed way, these people are learning from your clever ways.

  48. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    //By Patriot defined on January 6, 2009 5:34 PM
    I’d really think the money would be better spend on flood control system, improve transportation by KTMB, the Bakun hydroelectric project and the new bridge on Johor causeway. It would greatly help Malaysia in term of future development capacity and the welfare of the rakyat.
    Improved transportation network would certainly get more people to places and ease up the development effort in rural areas. The Bakun project on the other hand would provide a great deal of electricity. These could be utilize by Proton to develop hybrid/electric vehicle that uses both solar and electric. Petronas could then export most of our fossil fuel and gas to generate more income. MAS could rival its competitor with lower fuel price from Petronas and expand its operation as nation’s leading 5 star airline. MISC could expand its operation with lower fuel cost and become regional leader with this prospect. With these company in place, Malaysia could certainly develop into premier trading destination, strategically located in the new development route of China,Vietnam and India. Islamic banking should be promoted along with these development, as well as trading in gold dinar/standard equivalence.//
    Well defined “cadangan”, Mr Patriot defined, I agreed with you and we should focus on these issues that will indeed make Malaysia stronger in terms of politic and economy stability that will attract local & foreign investors from Asia and ASEAN. Because of Tun Mahathir, our economy prospered from a baby stage to a teenager stage, however because of “politik wang” and Pak Lah & Co., we are forced to go back to the baby stage that will indeed make us more “susah” and lost in direction.
    In order to retain his power, Pak Lah allowed the ‘isu2 perkauman, agama, social contract, ketuanan melayu, UiTM, NEP etc. dibangkitkan that made the world afraid of and laugh at us, especially our jiran, Singapore. Thus the best way to revive our economy is to get Mr Pak Lah& Co., especially his famous SIL, out from our politics to stop corruptions. Once they are out, we will be able to ride through this storm by earliest in 2009.
    Pak Lah, “jangan, polis cakap jangan” main isu2 yang membangkitkan rusuhan and reformasi, sila undur Pak Lah, in a gentleman way so that you will remembered as our 5th PM. As for apakah gelaran yang sesuai untuk Pak Lah, we will leave to the department concerned.
    Good day Tun.

  49. Dear Tun,
    may this year brings prosperity, long life, and the much needed harmony and tolerance to all of us….
    ?Quis Custodiet ipsos custodes?
    the romans asked, it means, who watches the watchmen? or who guards the guardians? the same thing… we have as you rightly say 3 major airports and now we need one more for low cost planes…. what happened to LCCT? why cant we use subang? why cant we just effing share for once rather than to appease more private corps, if they want an airport, why dont they use it out of their own pockets and build it in malacca straits or something….. no wait, we ARE going to build a bridge there dont we? or are we?
    in all these absolute madness, YOUR DONKEY abdullah has excelled and i have to say this is the best of his antiques. the best of all, nobody, NOBODY has the guts to say, er, boss, i think you need to look at these facts….. there are no channel for the people to complain and he is too dumb to know any hoo….
    what happened to the promises to optimise public transport as the excuse to increase oil prices when all the up price madness start? why is Malaysian broadband still at the mere speed of 4Mbps (tops) even with the advent of the MMSC- ive got 16Mbps, and im paying 10 pounds, thats like paying RM10 in Malaysia but i dont see jaring/ tmnet would pass that on to consumers….
    words are failing me to condemn and to speak about this lunatic who does not seem to have any foresight…. i did not vote for him, but now here he is, ruling a country as rich in resources as Malaysia…. what a dangerous predicament.

  50. dearest Tun,
    Another airport??That’s a no-no….. KLIA+low cost LCCT+Subang are more than enough.Gov should think ways to increase the passengers’ capacity and ‘all-people-can-fly’ ticketing service.:)
    Instead, i couldn’t agree more that we need a MAJOR upgrade on public transportation.For example, the bus system. It would be nice if the bus system is made more reliable, efficient and user-friendly (e.g National express in the UK is a good sample). It is connected directly to the desired airport from any destination.I wish both LCCT and KLIA will adopt the same system,for people would find it easy and convenient to travel back & fro from their ‘kampung’.
    Most foreigners i met were very fascinated with KLIA for its marvellous architecture.Its a real pity to find it so deserted.
    -Just my 2cent-

  51. Assalamualaikum YABHG Tun Yang dihormati dan dikasihi selalu
    saya agak erkejut mendengar tentang pembinaan kapat terbang tersebut.dalam keadaan ekonomi yang baru nak pulih ni

    By apit on January 6, 2009 11:00 PM

    4.Sepang was designed for 125 million passengers a year. It can have two terminals, four satellites and five runways.
    5.Right now the voices tell me we are handling only 25 million passengers. So we have capacity for another 100 million passengers more.
    DEAR ‘APIT’,
    You must be making your analysis from your ‘behind’.
    Kami akui perasan ANAK KANDUNG CHEDET kerna Ayahanda Tun TELAH membela kami dan seluruh anakanda2 Rakyat seperti anak2 nya sendiri dan telah memberi kami sebab menjadi rakyat Malaysia yang bergerak MEGAH diseluruh DUNIA!
    Tidak lupa landasan WAWASAN 2020 untuk anak cucu kami..

  53. Lepas try nak privatise IJN kepada Sime Darby, sekarang ni new airport kat Labu pulak. Org dah bising pasal IJN, jadi kena la scrap the effort. Tapi sebelum Pak Lah berundur, kena la dpt last minute punya RM. Kena pastikan org kuatnya (Musa Hitam) dpt habuan secukupnya.
    Mac 2009 semakin dekat. apa lagi trick Pak Lah nak buat menjelang turun takhta ni?

  54. Salam Tun, hope you are well.
    I don’t see anything wrong with the proposed LCCT at Labu.
    When KLIA was built, I believe Air Asia was not in the picture. Whatever projections perhaps were based on the ability to attract more airlines to land at KLIA plus our own MAS expansion and passengers’ growth.
    The business model that Air Asia adopted does not fit into full suite airport like KLIA. When Air Asia asked for Subang Airport, the request was turned down.
    So now what’s the fuss about Air Asia having their own terminal?
    Tun, I view the critics on this new LCCT are no different from those who were skeptical when you came out with Proton, Twin Towers, Putrajaya and of course KLIA.
    That’s my 5 sen ..
    Mat Khalid

  55. 2.We have three airports in and around the capital city, Kuala Lumpur, one in Sungai Besi, one in Subang and one in Sepang.
    As far as I know, Sungai Besi and Subang cannot be used by anyone. Only turboprop plane can use them. Airasia has repeatedly ask for permission but denied. MAS is operating from KLIA. If Airasia was allowed to fly from Subang, MAS will go out of business. Subang is closer to KL and has lower cost.
    5. Right now the voices tell me we are handling only 25 million passengers. So we have capacity for another 100 million passengers more.
    There is a drastic change in how people fly. Now, there is price wars and budget airline. There is nothing wrong with KLIA, except that you can’t operate a budget airline there. That’s why we build the LCCT.
    6. But the voices said we will be building a new airport (the whole carboodle) at Labu in Negri Sembilan. It is to be exclusively for the low cost airlines, e.g. Air Asia.
    Sime Darby own the land and will develop the airport with Airasia. They will develop it the way they wanted. Cost will be minimum, it is reportedly closer to KL than KLIA or LCCT. There will be KLIA Express and KTM might go there as well. KLIA@Labu is better than LCCT in every possible way. RM2billion is nothing when Airasia has a chance to beat SIA and MAS.
    9. The building of the airport should stimulate the economy. Somebody can make quite a bit selling land. A Government Link Company will get the job and contract it out to some lucky bloke. There will be a whole lot of other contracts to look forward to. It could even help with the coming recession.
    Sime Darby owned the land and they will build the airport from what I know. Surrounding land, maybe Sime Darby own more lands around there. Good for both party. LCCT will be desert compared with what KLIA@Labu will be.
    10. These are of course only voices. Maybe the Government can enlighten us why Sepang or even Subang is not suitable. Has the Sepang Formula One circuit taken up all the land so we cannot build any more facility in Sepang?
    MAS does not want Airasia to cut more cost. Only Firefly can use Subang since Airasia can’t operate turboprop. LCCT is build, and Airasia doesn’t has full control. They need full control to cut more cost. KLIA@Labu will be a private airport, maybe open to others at higher cost or exclusively by Airasia.
    11. What happens to the low cost terminal at KLIA we have built only recently with such great speed? Do we close it down or do we transport the whole lot to Labu?
    Airasia will operate until 2011 when the new airport is completed. That’s 3 years. There is a suggestion that LCCT will be turned into a cargo terminal in the future.
    The point is Airasia has a lot of power and they want their own airport. Sime Darby can sell of their massive land at high price which they bought at low price in the middle of nowhere. Government and MAS can’t stop them as it’s private land and somewhat good for economy. They can’t stop them on the basis of protecting MAS. This is not Subang.

  56. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    When is enough going to be enough? Looks like enough is never enough for pak lah and companies plus son in law.
    Keep on writing Tun, we love you and may Allah bless us all. “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir demi agama bangsa dan bumi tercinta.” Amin

  57. salam sejahtera…
    Saya merasakan cadangan membina airport di Labu tidak lain hanyalah sekadar satu pembaziran dalam pengurusan ekonomi yang tidak cekap.Saya mencadangkan agar pembangunan negara menggunakan konsep ‘Latitudal Raising Development’ yang mana pembangunan negara dibangunkan dengan merentasi dari timur semenanjung ke barat nya.
    cth: membina rangkaian perhubungan antara Tumpat, kelantan ke pelabuhan di Pulau Pinang…seperti Lebuh raya, landasan kereta api yang mampu mengangkut kargo yang di bawa dari negara kuasa timur (Japan, Korea) ke negara Barat.
    Apakah signifikan terhadap cadangan ini?
    i. Kelantan memiliki sumber minyak dan gas yang boleh menyokong mana-mana pembangunan yang bakal dilakukan.
    ii. Kelantan mempunyai bentuk mukabumi yang mengizinkan apa-apa jenis kapal berlabuh. i.e:Kelantan tidak mempunyai pulau-pulau yang menghalang perjalanan kapal-kapal besar.
    iii. Kelantan telah memulakan langkah pertama untuk Malaysia dengan memajukan sektor pertanian secara massive. Ini perlu dilihat oleh kerajaan pusat sebagai satu signal bahawa kelantan bersedia menerima pembangunan dengan pertanian sebagai penguat atau asas kepada mana-mana pembangunan besar.
    Pembangunan negara perlu berjalan secara ‘lintang’ atau mengikut garis latitude manakala pertahanan negara secara menegak atau mengikut garis longitude.
    Ini dibuktikan apabila Jepun telah menyerang Tanah Melayu secara menegak dengan dimulakan dengan Pantai Sabak, Kelantan dan hingga ke Johor.
    Pohon pendapat Tun berkenaan teori ini…
    Terima Kasih.
    ::La chaine de L’espoir::

  58. YAB Tun,
    Please, Tun don’t get mad. Otherwise, you end up being one of them. Tun, what else can we expect from the present leadership, other than ‘caca marba’ pilot government, sleepy head, … ops I thot I have made up my mind earlier not to talk bad about them … Cos we only end up getting MAD when we talk about them and their mad antics!
    Can’t what for March to arrive …. that’s if he keeps his promise… Otherwise, we all have to wait in line at IJN for heart treatment. Thanks we still keep IJN with us.

  59. Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun.
    Dear bloggers. Please post anything , whatsoever points and issues that you might have to ensure that the BY-Election P 36 Kuala Terangganu result would go to PAS . Teach AAB a lesson and as a present for him before he ‘berambus’. Apa punya mental pemimpin.
    Betul-betul ‘haprak’.

  60. Tun,
    There is no reason to build a new airport at Labu as KLIA is about 30 minutes from Seremban.
    It does feel that the country is being managed on an ad hoc basis these days.
    A much better location for an international airport would be Kelantan as it would promote tourism on the East Coast, including Pahang, and has potential to be a gateway to Southern Thailand too.
    OH! But I am using common sense to make such a conclusion. Perhaps with some greed, and gula2, Labu would also seem logical.

  61. Dear Tun M, I agree the airport in Labu is ridiculous. When Airsia come in. It really make travelling affortable & so much cheaper if you plan your journey. Last 2 years ago i was even seated same row with Tun Musa Hitam in a same flight to Bangkok.
    At the beginning, Airasia fly from KLIA. Then the government decided to built the LCCT so that correct me if i’m wrong passengers pay lower “airport tax”.
    But have you ever drive to LCCT. It took additional 15 min on top of the timeS took to KLIA. Additional 7-9 km i think. But if took the budget bus from KL CENTRAL, they will bring you through a different route GOING round the KLIA airport. Then only you realize that LCCT are actually located “next” to KLIA.
    Why must the public take a so much longer route just to get to the LCCT airport that sit “beside” the KLIA airport. Because it a BUDGET airport? (therefore it is located further? I agree that in Bangkok international airport Suvarmnabumi, we have to walk to the end of of terminal to board a budget flight. But to waste petrol & time? It just make budget travelling unattractive.)
    Even budget taxis charge more to travel to LCCT compare to KLIA. So rich people who can affort tro travel normal airline are paying less for taxi.
    And now to built the new Labu airport which is another 30min from LCCT? No brainer right? I stay in Subang. I consider it the town nearer to airport, and now i have to travel additional 30 minutes? It already took me 45 minutes to drive to LCCT airport from Subang at the speed between 110-130km/hr.
    In conclusion, it is already inconvenience to travel to existing LCCT right now.And if i want to safe more money, i have to travel opposite direction so that i can catch cheap bus from KL Central. There is NO INTELLIGENT in the building the new airport in Labu beside bringing up the development in that area.
    Tun M, I know you frequently condemn the thing that Singapore government do, but just to share with you what i have discovered while driving in Sg. There is some INTELLIGENT peoples behind the scene that ensure the smooth flow of traffic in Singapore. Let me share this example with you. Sg is really tiny, so to find a long straight non-highway there are not many.
    Just drive along Bukit Timah Road in Sg. There are many traffic light along the way, but when it GREEN light, it almost all the way one after another. There is a proper time-planning involve. Smooth sailing. Now try to drive along Jalan Kewajipan in Subang especially during peak hour. No brainer.
    If to say that we cannot compare KL to Sg because they are small country. But isn’t every single towns in Malaysia have their own town council that involved in the development & town planning?
    Should we ask who are the people sitting in the town planning. Are they really peoples who trained & qualified to be in the positions or are they just there by “SENIORITY & CONNECTION?”

  62. Dear Tun, Malaysia’s most respected leader of all time,
    Word cannot express how honored I am to grow up in the era of your premiership. You have made us appear on the world map. You are the catalyst of our glory. You are irreplaceable.
    I would not have mind if you led us until the time for you to leave this life. None of the ‘leaders’ matches your charisma and your leadership. If only you are our absolute king.
    Regardless of what negativities upon you, despite the bad things that you did or allegedly done, the respect for you soars to the skies. Why did you leave us in this mess?
    You have only two failures, and unfortunately they are huge failures. You have failed to change the Malays and you have failed to give us a worthy replacement of you.
    Pak Lah and his minions are disgrace to UMNO and the Malays. Let him leave us for good. Come back to UMNO and put it back to where it belong – The pride of our race and the country.

  63. Salam Tun
    After seeing the result of the last election , the logical reason for the new LCCT2 airport is that BN under the current and the coming leaderships are now worried that they may not be able to govern the country anymore. BN may not be able to rely 100% on the sentiment of Sabahan and Sarawakian. They hold the trump card. If Najib make a wrong move after naming the new cabinet than next government may not be BN anymore.
    Get Rich Quick Scheme is the an ideal answer for top brass in Negri Sembilan, Melaka and the Ministers in the Federal Govt and all other BN governed states.
    Government may announce many more projects to fulfill the appetite for this get rich scheme.
    Even though we may not want the Pakatan Rakyat to rule the nation, what choice do we have.
    Thank you and wassalam

  64. Salam Ayahanda Tun, mohon agar dapat di-izinkan saya ini sedikit ruang disini. Terima kasih Tun.
    Saudara samuraimelayu, saya memohon maaf tentang kelapa kukur tempoh hari. Kalut benar balik sesekali macam tu. Namun inshallah sekali lagi saya akan kirimkan perutusan peribadi kepada saudara agar boleh kita semua berjumpa. Manalah tahu, langsung boleh kita aturkan pertemuan beramai-ramai keluarga ni sekali di KL. Inshallah, kita merancang Maha Suci Allah menentukan. Namun kita senantiasa mendoakan yang terbaik, dan tetap bertwakal mengatur langkah kehidupan, amin al Fatihah.
    Apapun saudara samuraimelayu, saya amat berharap yang para pengundi di KT akan memberikan satu pengajaran yang tepat kepada kepimpinan UMNO hari ini

  65. Tun,
    Tu la sebab rakyat sekarang tolak UMNO, sebab pemimpin yang diamanahkan memimpin telah ibarat pagar, pagar makan padi.
    Duit rakyat dibazirkan sesuka hati macam depa punya duit. Duit KWSP senang2 dihanguskan untuk beli saham.
    Dulu Air Asia nak guna Subang Airport, KERAjaan masa tu suruh guna KLIA. Tup2 skrg Subang tgh renovate untuk Firefly,kenapa MAS boleh?
    For sure project LCCT kat Labu tu mcm KERAjaan sengaja nak bagi projek kat SIME je. Tak dapat IJN, LCCT pun jadile….
    Tapi yang palingrakyat tak puas hati ialah pasal TOLL. Kenapa KERAjaan masa Tun dulu boleh jadi begitu TIDAK RATIONAL menandatangani perjanjian berat sebelah menguntungkan PLUS dan semua konsesi lain dan merugikan semua rakyat Malaysia?
    Kalau dah konfirm bisnes xrugi, kenapa swastakan? Kenapa sengaja menyusahkan rakyat sehingga tahun 2038? Jawap jangan tak jawap !!!

  66. Dear Tun,
    Firstly, I would like to thank you for your reply on my comment, does not matter what answer I get, I am truly delighted that “my PM” paid attention to me even with so many other in waiting . Sorry! Tun, the reason for my late comment to your reply was due to my connection down for the past 2 weeks.
    I am still comfortable calling you “my PM” because the present one seems not to bother with our plights or our voices and its always his or his s-i-l’s voice that matters.
    I remembered during the earthwork stage of KLIA, when I met up with a senior project manager (a mat salleh – forgot his name) for waste disposal contract and was taken aback by the massiveness of the project and it took me 4 hours to tour the different sites. I did not get the job but I am still totally agreed with this project and consider that a wise move.
    Subang was too small for expansion, too near residence area and only time before some plane crash into them (luckily the one in puchong did not incur too much damage) and too run down to maintain (ceiling collapse at duty free shops).
    KLIA & LCCT are still brand new, not fully utilized with lot of space for expansion and I dont blame you for hearing “voices”, I too am hearing it and not too mention the scream and curses from taxpayer. If Air Asia does not support LCCT and decide their very own, I suppose they dont need us taxpayer to fly in their plane. MAS or some other local airline should use LCCT and come up with another no frills budget airline to better Air Asia.
    Even if Air Asia built it with their own funds, I am sure it would incur cost to taxpayer on the roads and other facilities leading to the airport.
    Tun, at this stage we could only fantasied that we have a time machine to put you back to the eve of your retirement.
    Thank you and stay well, Tun.

  67. salam tun,
    lcct tu untuk keruk duit sime darby dan pnb masuk poket anak menantu lepas projek kat penang dan terengganu tak boleh lepas..

  68. Salamun alaikum Tun dan semua pembaca,
    Mohon maaf kerana guna posting ini untuk post pasal isu boikot produk Israel dan USA, tetapi menyahut seruan Tun, saya dapati tindakan boikot ini masih belum diusahakan sepenuhnya. Jauh sangat dari satu tindakan total. Harusnya semua manusia yang mahu kekejaman berterusan di Gaza dan tempat lain mesti membuat apa sahaja yang boleh untuk menjayakan boikot ini.
    Saya tengok dlm isu IJN siap ada logo yg boleh dimasukkan, dimulakan oleh rocky bru. Tapi dlm kes boikot ni tak ada. Minatk siapa-siapa yang pandai photoshop tolong buat satu dan sebarkan supaya bloggers boleh plug-in logo ni dlm blog mereka. Lagi, patut di dalam bloglist semua yang menyokong harus disenaraikan website yang dah lama disetup untuk tujuan boikot ni, cthnya, dan
    Lagi, poster atau senarai yang diedarkan tak cukup penerangan. Laman inminds tadi banyak penerangan utk setiap produk, mengapa dan apa link setiap barangan kepada regim Israel.
    Sekian. Di zaman internet ini, kata-kata “apa yang kita boleh buat nak tolong Palestin” tak relevan lagi. Kekuatan poket umat Islam dengan sokongan umat bukan Islam yang menyokong keadilan mampu menjatuhkan kekuatan regim Zionis Yahudi dan Zionis Kristian.

  69. Assalamualaikum kepada yg berbahagia Ayahanda Tun. Semoga sihat selalu dan panjang umur.
    Walaupun sebagai anak sarawak yg berjauhan dgn Tun, Saya sekeluarga amat mengkagumi dan menyayangi Tun. Sebagai pemimpin M,sia yg ulung, saya agak terkilan dan sedih (masih kecewa)bila Tun melepaskan jawatan Tun kerana berpendapat Tun masih mampu lagi untuk memimpin Negara untuk beberapa tahun lagi. Tapi nasi dah menjadi bubur. Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada Tun sekeluarga dalam apa jua rancangan yg Tun akan buat di masa hadapan. Semoga Tun dan isteri di panjangkan umur dan dapat melihat malaysia maju dimasa akan datang. Insyallah.
    Berkenaan dgn Perdana Menteri sekarang, saya rasa beliau seorang bapa dan mentua yg baik sekali. Tetapi dari segi kepimpinan sebagai seorang PM, beliau amat mengecewakan. Tindakan-tindakan kerajaan beliau jelas meragui. Sebagai PM, beliau tidak sepatutnya mengeluarkan kenyataan (flip-flop)yg akhirnya menjadi bahan ketawa rakyat. Bahkan sebagai “Layman” rakyat tahu yg tindakan-tindakan tersebut adalah “foolish”.
    Sebagai nasihat, adalah baik sekiranya PM sekarang berundur demi menjaga maruah beliau dan keluarga. Dan yg paling penting demi Negara Ku Malaysia.

  70. Assalamualaikum kepada yg berbahagia Ayahanda Tun. Semoga sihat selalu dan panjang umur.
    Walaupun sebagai anak sarawak yg berjauhan dgn Tun, Saya sekeluarga amat mengkagumi dan menyayangi Tun. Sebagai pemimpin M,sia yg ulung, saya agak terkilan dan sedih (masih kecewa)bila Tun melepaskan jawatan Tun kerana berpendapat Tun masih mampu lagi untuk memimpin Negara untuk beberapa tahun lagi. Tapi nasi dah menjadi bubur. Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada Tun sekeluarga dalam apa jua rancangan yg Tun akan buat di masa hadapan. Semoga Tun dan isteri di panjangkan umur dan dapat melihat malaysia maju dimasa akan datang. Insyallah.
    Berkenaan dgn Perdana Menteri sekarang, saya rasa beliau seorang bapa dan mentua yg baik sekali. Tetapi dari segi kepimpinan sebagai seorang PM, beliau amat mengecewakan. Tindakan-tindakan kerajaan beliau jelas meragui. Sebagai PM, beliau tidak sepatutnya mengeluarkan kenyataan (flip-flop)yg akhirnya menjadi bahan ketawa rakyat. Bahkan sebagai “Layman” rakyat tahu yg tindakan-tindakan tersebut adalah “foolish”.
    Sebagai nasihat, adalah baik sekiranya PM sekarang berundur demi menjaga maruah beliau dan keluarga. Dan yg paling penting demi Negara Ku Malaysia.

  71. YABhg Tun
    My theory is that Air Asia is pressuring MAB to reduce its charges at LCCT levied on AirAsia. Tony Fernandes hinted this in his blog and responses in Rocky Bru’s blog for reasons sounds logical to me. If one can provide competition, as the economic theory dictates, a more efficient services could be provided at a reduced cost. SD just come in conveniently as they have large tract of land to spare and boost their property development income.
    What goes beyond that, frankly I don’t know. I am just not a politician (hence not entitle to speculate in that arena).
    All in all, I agree with YABhg Tun’s argument that the usage of KLIA should be maximised. Why? With full utilisation of capacity, efficiency could be improved and as airport is a huge capital intensive infrastructure, the higher the usage the lower is the cost per unit hence higher profitability to capital provider (ie Govt) and lower cost to users (ie you and me) and then everybody can fly (to borrow Tony’s tag line).
    My further addition to that is just simply this, in Malaysia, an obvious and stupid ideas are just not as simply seen (I wonder why?).
    Number ONE, if one can efficiently connect LCCT with the main terminal, KLIA can be the main hub and LCCT the feeder spoke to regional destinations and poor air traveller (like me and many other backpackers!). What it means is that more people will travel to KLIA to connect with AirAsia or other low cost carrier. More passenger = less cost per unit = more profit = more tax to govt = more jobs = more spending power = so many other good things economist may imagine.
    Number TWO, if there is enough demand more main carrier will fly to KLIA, it will become a global / regional hub in itself = more flights landing = more landing fees = lower cost per unit lending = higher profit for KLIA = higher tax for govt = etc. etc.
    Number THREE, if there is a lot of traffic one may need a lot more spaces. And spaces what Sepang can provide (maybe can even extend to Labu! I am poor in geography). Changi doesn’t have have that much space!
    Waalahu’alam bissawab.

  72. salam my dear tun,
    saya cuma nk cakap yang perbuatan orang yang keje dlm kerajaan sekarang ni memang cukup teruk. memang rasuah dari dulu dok ada tapi tak lah seteruk macam sekarang. dulu dorang buat sorok2. reti la malu jugak. tapi sejak pak lah & anak antu dia buat selamba macam makan kuaci je kalu makan rasuah ni, mana anak buah dia jadi macam toyol, polong dan macam2 jenis antu lagi lah! dari pengalaman saya sejak lebih setahun ni bila berurusan dengan orang dalam kerajaan; yang keje kerani pun kurang ajar macam kementerian tu dia punya. dia boleh buat apa saje! tak dak org boleh sentuh dia! ngadu lah kat sapa pun, dia tak takut! macam tu la attitude orang keje kerajaan sekarang ni. kalau tak 100% pun, at least 99% la..kalau dah kerani perangai camtu, apatah lagi ptd, sub etc…they run the ministry like their own little country la tun! i hv no respect for anybody who works with the govt nowadays. memalukan kaum, memalukan bangsa & negara! i don’t know how najib will remedy the situation..i don’t know if he could..most of us are the point of despair la tun.. but im not blaming u for giving the reigns to pak lah..hati manusia sapa nak tau kan..but i am DEEPLY ASHAMED OF HIM. ASHAMED THAT HE IS OF THE SAME RACE AND RELIGION LIKE ME AND YET HE IS DESTROYING MOST OF THE THINGS THAT WE ARE PROUD OF. but i believe ALLAH will give him what he deserves one day..amin…
    be safe, be well to my dear tun & family

  73. Dear Tun,
    Do the voices sound familiar Tun?
    Or is it a voice from heaven?
    Or perhaps its the voice of some clown who lost his job because he was not funny anymore!
    Who was more prone to insulting the intelligence of his audience than make them laugh.
    At other times his stupidity bring tears of shame to the audience.
    But make no mistakes. This is one BIG joke the people will not take likely.
    For it is the joke of the 51 years Malaysia have been Independent.
    It is like rubbing salt into the wounds of the people’s hurt.
    We do not like to say this BUT – we HOPE the voters in Kuala Terenganu – will sent a CLEAR message to UMNO that the people ARE NOT STUPID!
    Good riddence to their arrogance.
    Najib – it seems Pak Lah’s Baggage will be to heavy for you this time around in the by-election.
    Can you answer to the people why this STUPID Decision was MADE?

  74. obviously a country run by idiots.
    A plan by a stupid govt run by a stupid leader who don’t think about all the passengers in transit from overseas and taking Airasia to the rest of the world.
    why should any passenger need to take a half hour ride to the other side of the airport just to change planes?! these stupid people who suggested another terminal further away should be ashamed of themselves.
    no wonder they ask not to be compared to singapore. they are totally another league of fools who don’t think.
    i mean i’m only 30 and this is such common sense to even students that u need terminal all side by side to enhance efficiency and convenience.
    SHAME ON THESE FOOLS. They’ve caused shame to their family and country. I feel so ashamed of these stupid lot.

  75. Tun.
    Nampak nya Pak Lah akan cuba menjadikan beberapa impian nya terlaksana dalam jangka pendik ini. Bak kata pepatah hujan sehari menghapuskan panas setahun.
    Selama hampir lima tahun Pak Lah tidak berbuat apa2 tapi tiba2 dia merangcang pelbagai mega projek sebelum dia berundur mac ini.
    Mungkin lah nak tingalkan kenangan hasilnya sebagai PM untuk dikenang anak cucu nya kemudian hari.
    Nak buat apa tambah airport baru, yang ada itu pun belum sampai kapasiti maximum menampung penumpang. Berapa kerat sahaja syarikat airline yang mendarat di KLIA. Air Asia dan Mas sahaja yang banyak buat penerbangan.
    Dalam keadaan sekarang ni tak sesuai lah nak berbelanja besar2an untuk projek mega. Lebih baik bantu rakyat yang hampir tenat menghadapi kegawatan ekonomi sekarang. Ramai rakyat dah hilang pekerjaan.
    Nak tunggu lagi dua bulan lebih ni terasa lama sangat lah nak ucapkan selamt bersara pada Pak lah. Dia tu patut bercuti rehat lah sebelum bersara ni.
    Tapi jelas Pak Lah macam tolong bantu kempen untuk orang2 nya pada PAU akan datang.
    Tok Ajib tu buat2 leka nanti dah jadi PM pun macam dikawal olih Pak Lah. Mana tau Pak lah guna remote control kawalan jauh untuk conntrol Najib. Jadi nya “Back to square one”. Tak ada lah beza Najib atau Pak Lah. Tapi yang dok pegang remote control bukan lah Pak Lah tapi Encik K.J.(Bakal dapat Datuk sikit hari nanti)

  76. Cepat-cepat…. rebut-rebut sebelum terlambat!! AliBaba dan 40 Penyamun
    Hanya 3 bulan sahaja ya sebelum pintu harta-karun tertutup. Ambil seberapa banyak yang boleh – angkut dan kebas sementara boleh.
    Hari siang Alibaba pakai molek-molek, cakap baik-baik seperti saudagar. Bapa mertua bagi bawa masuk itu tempayan. Bila sudah malam orang tak nampak, penyamun keluar dari tempayan dan rompak semua.
    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Apa lagi, pangkah ‘X’ pada pintu depan rumah itu supaya senang hari kemudian, kita penyamun boleh datang dan rompak ini negeri lagi! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

  77. Sir,
    I know you travel and read extensively.
    This is the comments that I gather from my clients, Australians, Chinese, British and European who also travel and read extensively.
    Singapore built a low cost terminal (Terminal 3) just next door to their existing terminal (terminal 1 & 2). This is to ensure efficiency, good connection and a cost effective option.
    Perth, Sydney, Hong Kong International Airport handle both normal carrier and low-cost carrier at the same airport building.
    London Heathrow handle normal carrier. Gatwick and Stansted handle low cost carrier, but they are connected to Heathrow with efficient public transport system.
    Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, Holland has only one terminal. Among the busiest airport in Europe and probably among the busiest in the world, they prefer to operate from a terminal. Go figure.
    Frankfurt airport, Germany, among the busiest airport in Europe also run from 2 terminal building.
    I agreed with you that building another airport is a waste of resources.
    The only answer to that option is that somebody want to have a bigger pension plan.
    Jimmy Hillhead.
    Miri, Sarawak

    By HBT on January 7, 2009 8:54 AM
    This snippet does affect the result of the by-election in KT. Wow, 80,000 voters to be fished, it must be interesting to see the result. You are right DS Najib, never2 underestimate the rakyat power, because rakyat is not DUMB anymore!!!

  79. Yang Dikasihi Tok Det,
    1. KLIA Airport = under utilized
    2. LCCT Sepang = over utilized (BETUL KE?)
    3. Subang Airport = under utilized
    4. Sungai Besi Airport = under utilized
    5. Melaka international Airport = under construction = going to be under utilized?
    6. Labu Airport = Coming Soon = going to be under utilized?
    7. Semacam dirancang sahaja untuk mempromosi dan berkempen untuk dua orang kuat Pak Lah iaitu Ali Rustam (Ketua Menteri Melaka) dan Mohammad Hassan (Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan) yang sedang merebut jawatan tertinggi UMNO sahaja.
    1. Zaman Pak Lah ni zaman menghabiskan duit rakyat sahaja tetapi tak tau macamana nak buat duit untuk menambah pendapatan rakyat dan negara.
    2. Malaysia sepatutnya sudah maju setapak mengeluarkan kapal terbang, helikopter, kapal, jet, kapal selam, satelite dan lain-lain pengangkutan atau mesin peralatan canggih kerana asasnya telah tersedia dalam teknologi pengeluaran kereta dan motor yang diasaskan oleh Tok Det dulu. Pak Lah cuma meneruskannya sahaja. Itu pun susah sangat ke? Atau memang tak cerdik dan tak tau nak buat?
    3.Zaman Pak Lah pembangunan fizikal dan material hampir tiada langsung. Hanya cakap sahaja berdegar-degar. Cuma yang ada pembangunan rohani yang bersifat rohaniah, retorik dan angan-angan mat jenin macam Islam Hadhari, Modal Insan, The Towering Malay, dll. Ditambah pula dengan pembentangan pelbagai rang undang-undang baru yang kununnya akan menjadikan Malaysia lebih baik. Akhirnya banyak yang jadi bahan ketawa rakyat dan dunia.
    4. Akibatnya pembangunan di Malaysia kaku dan sekarang mula bergerak ke belakang. Pada masa yang sama Singapura, Thailand dan Indonesia sedang berlari laju kehadapan. Vietnam dan Laos semakin menghampiri. India dan Chia pula semakin jauh meninggalkan Malaysia.
    5. Malaysia seperti sedang tidur macam Pak Lah juga yang khabarnya suka tertidur. Malaysia yang dulu semakin terkenal dan menonjol di seluruh dunia kini seperti tidak lagi berada dalam peta dunia.

  80. Assalamualaikum Yang Amat Dikasihi (YAD)Tun,
    Sangat mendukacitakan, Pak Lah masih TIDAK mempelajari apa-apa daripada penyebab kekalahan PRU12 serta juga komen2 dan pandangan2 yang (ikhlas)diberikan oleh YAD Tun dan rakyat jelata. ADAKAH PINTU HATI PAK LAH BEGITU TERTUTUP DARIPADA MELIHAT KEBENARAN???
    Ingat Allah berpihak kepada yang benar.Jika Allah berpihak kepada yang benar, siapa pula yang berpihak kepada yang SALAH ? Jika bukan IBLIS/SYAITAN siapa lagi???
    Hari ini saya sungguh tertarik dengan berita ” SIME DARBY BATAL RANCANGAN AMBIL ALIH IJN” Sepatutnya BUKAN Sime Darby yang patut mengeluarkan statement itu. It is for the GOVERMENT WHO SHOULD SAY
    “We are not going to privatised IJN” For all I care Sime Darby wants
    to buy Putrajaya/KLIA/Bank Negara/Seri Perdana in fact the whole country, SO WHAT??? It is YOU the GOVERMENT that MUST say NO,NO such nonsense. Dalam konteks ini apa yang yang berlaku HANYA MENCERMINKAN BETAPA LEMAHNYA,BODOHNYA, DAYUSNYA KERAJAAN INI. Pak Lah dan Najib langsung TIADA SIFAT KEPIMPINAN.

  81. Dear Tun,
    I hear voices too, I think everyone who is not anyone is hearing voices. You know what I mean.
    Why Labu? Need we ask? Why another airport? Daniel Noor was spot on when he said PM needs to wrap up some going-away presents for his pals. Yeah, he had a whirlwind tour, I wonder why he never stopped in Mongolia…hmmm…he must’ve forgotten to bring his DPM along…
    Back to Labu, wonder who is there. Want to grab me some land before I’m left out. Ah, I got it, some buddies of mine are pals with KJ or they try to be. Word is they couldn’t get contracts from KJ even after paying the purported go-between a sum of money. I was glad I didn’t join in. I suppose grabbing me some land is out of the question now. Maybe someone can advise me how to cut a deal with these people hehe.
    I have a 5-acre land which I planted bananas recently, I call it Institut Jantung Pisang, wonder if Sime-Darby will approach me for a 51% stake. I promise the public won’t protest 🙂

  82. Dear Tun,
    I hear voices too, I think everyone who is not anyone is hearing voices. You know what I mean.
    Why Labu? Need we ask? Why another airport? Daniel Noor was spot on when he said PM needs to wrap up some going-away presents for his pals. Yeah, he had a whirlwind tour, I wonder why he never stopped in Mongolia…hmmm…he must’ve forgotten to bring his DPM along…
    Back to Labu, wonder who is there. Want to grab me some land before I’m left out. Ah, I got it, some buddies of mine are pals with KJ or they try to be. Word is they couldn’t get contracts from KJ even after paying the purported go-between a sum of money. I was glad I didn’t join in. I suppose grabbing me some land is out of the question now. Maybe someone can advise me how to cut a deal with these people hehe.
    I have a 5-acre land which I planted bananas recently, I call it Institut Jantung Pisang, wonder if Sime-Darby will approach me for a 51% stake. I promise the public won’t protest 🙂

  83. Salam Tun,
    Idea yg langsung tak masuk akal bila nk bukak lagi satu airport.. sapa2 pon akan kata camtu…
    Paklah Bodoh…. Najib lg Bodoh…

  84. Dear Tun….
    We will rather prefer the government to spend in cleaning up the whole country…….sweep the road, unblock the choked drains & streams, repair the roads, etc…..even city like Ho Chih Minh is cleaner than here……the worst is in Klang !!……
    Then Malaysian at large will be satisfied with their hefty annual tax contribution.
    Bye Tun

  85. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, not mad yet?….mad ni banyak meaning, maksudnya belum naik angin lagi la tu.
    Maybe Tun there will be more job opportunities. But why build a new airport if the current ones are underutilized. they don’t want to make use of those MADE BY MAHATHIR. If like that then go buy a new far away land and build their own country la. Asyik nak kembungkan poket diorang je!
    Never mind Tun the rakyat will speak up in the next PRU. So take care of your heart and don’t naik darah k?
    Tun can you imagine what the President-elect Obama said on the situation in the Gaza strip..NOTHING..until..(benci nak sebut/tulis nama si polan tu) leaves on Jan 20. He said two voices cannot come out of the United States. Does he wants to see more blood shed, Gaza burnt to the ground, men, women and children of Palestine mutilated and butchered to death, only then he will open his stupid mouth? By that time it will be too late. This is the President everyone praises like hell! Mouth sealed with the murderous Bush/Israel kiss!
    All Presidents of America are the same…they love POWER AND WAR.
    Same goes to her allies. only but no actions. Are their hands tied down and throats choked by BIG BROTHER?
    Tun my heart ached everyday upon seeing the gruesome pictures of the Palestinian children bombed and shelled by the murderous Israelis.
    The Israelis will not listen to the voices of the Muslim World but will the voice of one Queen (Rania of Jordan) make a difference.
    She is brave enough to voice out and open her mouth..not like Obama, too scared to even sneeze!
    Tun take care and keep up the good work. May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  86. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, not mad yet?….mad ni banyak meaning, maksudnya belum naik angin lagi la tu.
    Maybe Tun there will be more job opportunities. But why build a new airport if the current ones are underutilized. they don’t want to make use of those MADE BY MAHATHIR. If like that then go buy a new far away land and build their own country la. Asyik nak kembungkan poket diorang je!
    Never mind Tun the rakyat will speak up in the next PRU. So take care of your heart and don’t naik darah k?
    Tun can you imagine what the President-elect Obama said on the situation in the Gaza strip..NOTHING..until..(benci nak sebut/tulis nama si polan tu) leaves on Jan 20. He said two voices cannot come out of the United States. Does he wants to see more blood shed, Gaza burnt to the ground, men, women and children of Palestine mutilated and butchered to death, only then he will open his stupid mouth? By that time it will be too late. This is the President everyone praises like hell! Mouth sealed with the murderous Bush/Israel kiss!
    All Presidents of America are the same…they love POWER AND WAR.
    Same goes to her allies. only but no actions. Are their hands tied down and throats choked by BIG BROTHER?
    Tun my heart ached everyday upon seeing the gruesome pictures of the Palestinian children bombed and shelled by the murderous Israelis.
    The Israelis will not listen to the voices of the Muslim World but will the voice of one Queen (Rania of Jordan) make a difference.
    She is brave enough to voice out and open her mouth..not like Obama, too scared to even sneeze!
    Tun take care and keep up the good work. May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  87. Dearest Tun,
    Let them help “stimulate” the economy by building;
    1. airports in every state
    2. a triple-tower skyscraper in JB
    3. a night F1 counter-clockwise street circuit in Penang
    4. eight lane highways on every state
    5. relocate Putrajaya to KT (once they won the by-election)
    Great heads think differently?? Yes, they do!!

  88. Dear Sir
    I read with interest about chairman of Johore welcoming Singaporeans to viist Johore. However, he failed to address the issue how hassle and fear to travel to Johore though we loved to for the food and shopping. The issues are:-
    1) Does he knows how difficult it is at CIQ a long walk walk to the town. And the walkway is very narwo with alot of pipes definately it going to bring problem during the Chinese New Year with crowd expected just pray to god no causlties.Apprently no walk way to CIQ (Sratis Times sinagpore today).
    2) A singapore car is broken into again crime and targetting singaporeans has not been reduced. (ST Singapore today)
    3) There is no funfair about KMT trip to the Megamall Mall (Danga Mall ) is wasting of time again Straits Times Singapore today.
    4) Also recently I made a trip by KMT to Genting and KL (return ) there was unduly delay 3 hrs uptrip and 4 hours down trip no announcement for the delay and the officers dont bother at all. To get information we have to pay them that is my predictment.
    5) The toilets at KMT and arpound Johore shopping mall are really dirty though we are payign for it.
    6) finally, my conclusion you are wasting a huge revenue.
    7) Manymore to write but i beleiveve it will be waste of time as I see there will be no improvement.

  89. Dear Sir
    I read with interest about chairman of Johore welcoming Singaporeans to viist Johore. However, he failed to address the issue how hassle and fear to travel to Johore though we loved to for the food and shopping. The issues are:-
    1) Does he knows how difficult it is at CIQ a long walk walk to the town. And the walkway is very narwo with alot of pipes definately it going to bring problem during the Chinese New Year with crowd expected just pray to god no causlties.Apprently no walk way to CIQ (Sratis Times sinagpore today).
    2) A singapore car is broken into again crime and targetting singaporeans has not been reduced. (ST Singapore today)
    3) There is no funfair about KMT trip to the Megamall Mall (Danga Mall ) is wasting of time again Straits Times Singapore today.
    4) Also recently I made a trip by KMT to Genting and KL (return ) there was unduly delay 3 hrs uptrip and 4 hours down trip no announcement for the delay and the officers dont bother at all. To get information we have to pay them that is my predictment.
    5) The toilets at KMT and arpound Johore shopping mall are really dirty though we are payign for it.
    6) finally, my conclusion you are wasting a huge revenue.
    7) Manymore to write but i beleiveve it will be waste of time as I see there will be no improvement.

  90. Ini lah Malaysia , tak habis – habis nak membazir . Rakyat di suruh berjimat dia tak habis – habis nak menbazir. Projek pembangunan yang sedia ada pun banyak terbengkalai
    lagi nak membazir , lepas itu naik kan harga minyak sampai 78 sen alasan minyak nak habis . itu lah pak lah dan kuncu – kuncu nya .
    Saya pun tak tahu macamana dia boleh jadi Perdana Menteri.
    Apa salahnya Kerajaan jadikan tahun ini tahun berjimat kerana ekonomi dunia pun teruk . Bak kata orang berat sama di pikul ringan sama dijunjung. Kalau macam ini lah pemikiran pemimpin Malaysia , baik saya yang jadi Perdana Menteri. Malaysia boleh…hehe

  91. YABhg Tun’
    Salam hormat. Do we need another airport at Labu? Mungkin ya.. untuk jutawan jutawan di Nilai dan Labu. Mereka menjadi jutawan selepas KLIA dibangunkan. Lebuhraya sudah sesak dan tidak selamat…banyak kemalangan. Maka airport baru diperlukan. Rakyat di NS mungkin dah banyak memiliki private jet/plane maka perlu ada airport baru.
    2. Tidak dapat menjadi PM, tidak mengapalah. Jadi PM Sime Darby pun sudah cukup. Banyak projek Awam dan Kerajaan boleh dan ambil alih.

  92. Salam Tun,
    they are all like somali pirates,the only different is that they all wear suits. Unlike somali pirates, they rob us is a very delicate way, you don’t even know it’s happening
    As for you Tun, keep healthy and may Allah bless you.

  93. Salam Tun,
    So now you have a new skill, hearing voices from a sleeping man.
    2. Why don’t you give him a nightmare before he wakes up this March.
    Make him suffer and repent for all his doings.

  94. Dear Tun,
    I seek your comment/response on the following letter to by a reader:
    Political opportunism in Mahathir’s choice of race
    Rajendra Chola | Dec 24, 08 1:42pm
    I refer to the Malaysiakini
    report Riz Khan to interview Najib, Mahathir live.
    In the Al-Jazeera interview where he claimed himself to be a Malay, Dr Mahathir Mohamad openly rejected his Indian ancestry.
    By convention anywhere, people of mixed race would usually identify with the race of their fathers, but even though Mahathir

  95. Assalammualaikum Yg Berbahgia Tun Dr Mahathir,
    12. After thinking up about raising buffalos in Langkawi, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi must be congratulated for yet another great idea.
    Hahahahahahah.. Pak Lah and buffalos are very similar and he even look like one…haahahahahaha

  96. YAB Tun,
    Day after day, we keep hearing all these so-called ideas and visions. Not to mention the take overs and what not. By the way, Sime Darby issued a statement that it will leave IJN alone due to public feedback.
    It is really a shame to this current Government to see all these happening. Now, its the new airport in Labu. It does not make sense, to the extent that an airport taxi driver commented to me that our Government have gone senile. He said they cannot be stupid so they must be senile.
    Many people commented the same…so to me, it is really a mystery that all the leaders or people who came up with the idea did not consider all the logical reasons as any layman can easily think of once the idea is on the table.
    As the taxi driver said, they cant be that stupid. I would add that it is not stupidity, but more due to arrogance and the lack of comprehension in the dynamics and requirements of making a decisions. Too many times we see the current Government decisions are based on spur of the moment visions, unplanned execution and most times it just seemed like it is out to serve only a handful of people’s interests.
    With that, is it so hard to guess the fate of this current Government in the next election?

  97. Tun,
    This snippet does affect the result of the by-election in KT. Wow, 80,000 voters to be fished, it must be interesting to see the result. You are right DS Najib, never2 underestimate the rakyat power, because rakyat is not DUMB anymore!!!
    I hope Pak Najib knows why we dislike BN, Tun. It’s because of our always “deep thinking” (si tido yang suka dreaming during working hours, bukan sibijak tapi sitamak yang dah bodoh dan haprak,
    H/P 6)PM suka sangat membenarkan projet2 yang merugikan negara dan membebankan poket rakyat, kalau projet2 macam ini direstuikan Pak Lah, Datuk Tony Fernandez and Datuk in Waiting KJ, it will definitely drive our “kadar inflasi” naik pada masa yang akan datang, lebih menyusahkan rakyat, itulah sebab kita tak nak pilih BN kerana mereka hanya syok diri, ahli keluarga, members yang ada strong connections (cables) dengan orang asing.
    Bila I lihat muka Pak Lah on the banner in TV news, this face will definitely drove my vote for PAS. I will never forgive Pak Lah, he allowed his SIL, si KJ to make rakyat to ubah FAM logo, to “harimau sedang tidur dengan kelukaan kaki kiri, dijadikan Malaysia Kenasepak, aiyah….. why si KJ allowed this? Is it because he is tension dan mabuk tiap2 malam sampai tidak boleh kerja dengan cara yang betul ke, Tun?
    As for IJN, cadangan untuk keswataan adalah daripada mereka yang anggap rakyat DUMB dan suka ‘fly kites’ (mungkin cadangan ini adalah daripada Pak Ali Rustam, I mean mungkin, tak kena ISA kan, Tun?
    Good day Tun.

  98. Salam Ayahanda Tun, Bonda & Peminat,
    Ese nak bagitau sikit ni.
    Khairy tu, bukan original orang Rembau,Negeri Sembilan.Tolonglah….
    Dia orang Nogori sangkut sangkut aja.Arwah ayah dia , yo orang sini tapi lamo tak balik balik.Dah lamo meninggal.Takdo rumah kek Rembau pun.
    Ese, berbesan dengan orang Rembau.Raya haritu Ese pergi Rembau, mak datuk…Rumah Mesra Rakyat berlambak lambak…sebelah kiri, sebelah kanan..belakang rumah besan ..semua tumbuh macam cendawan.Besan Ese kata, sapa nak, mintak kat Khairy.

  99. To my dearest TDM,
    Hope that you, family and all readers of your blog.
    Another joke for you
    During the ‘rush hour’ at KLIA Airport, a flight was delayed due to a mechanical problem.
    Since they needed the gate for another flight, the aircraft was backed away from the gate while the maintenance crew worked on it. The passengers were then told the new gate number, which was some distance away. Everyone moved to the new gate, only to find a third gate had been designated for them.
    After some further shuffling, everyone got on board, and as they were settling in, the flight attendant made the standard announcement, ‘We apologise for the inconvenience of this last-minute gate change. This flight is going to Penang If your destination is not Penang, then you should ‘deplane’ at this time.’
    A very confused-looking and red-faced pilot emerged from the cockpit, carrying his bags. ‘Sorry,’ he said, wrong plane.’
    (If you want daily joke in your email for FREE, pls visit )

  100. why need another airport in Labu??? won’t it have effect on the safety of aircraft taking off and landing due to its proximity??? we can’t even stop the ulat in KLIA & LCCT!! just move the LCCT operation to main terminal building!! and MAHB should give better rental rate and facilities..after all you are the airport operator, not a competitor to Air Asia!!..don’t just think about money, what about your national responsibility?? a walk in main terminal building nowadays is like walking in the kampung!! so quiet!!

    6.But the voices said we will be building a new airport (the whole carboodle) at Labu in Negri Sembilan. It is to be exclusively for the low cost airlines, e.g. Air Asia.

  102. I was quite surprised too when there was an announcement that we are going to build a new airport in Labu. I was even against the building of LCCT coz everytime I’m in KLIA, nampak kosong aje. We should “sweat the assets” not keep on building new ones. It doesn’t make any business sense… but then again it could be a very good “business” for some people I suppose..

  103. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    i just don’t get it, why another airport? why labu? isn’t klia is just perfect? as a frequent air traveller, klia in sepang is quite convenient for me staying in kl. if it’s removed to labu, urgh i don’t know what time we should make a move to the airport.
    semoga selalu sihat Tun 😉

  104. Sir,
    If it is true the government want to build a new airport in Labu, then this is the height of economic foolishness. I think Pak Lah and Co cannot stomach the idea of landing at KLIA each time they return from overseas trips because this will remind them of you, the man who brought it into being. So, build another one nearby and use that to come and go. I just can’t wait for Pak Lah’s tenure to end.

  105. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    Tun in all seriousness, who would benefit the most with the new LABU airport? Air Asia off course. It seems that the LCCT in KLIA is not good enough for them. That

  106. My voice Dr M…
    My voice suggests, use public money n build a canal through perlis n thailand. Sumthing like suez canal. Then build a port there. It shorten destination from India China. With our management skills and our experience handling ports, say bye to Singapore’s port. Complete bakun project n sell those extra resources. Promote services as during recession time, construction bad n ppl move to services. Invest in better transportation. We’ve got good highways but ugly transportation. I heard Malaysian companies building their own buses. Do not be like Iraq, prepare malaysian’s ability to mobilize to war mode from economic, just in case. Depreciate our currency. More restriction on foreign banks. Lower interest rate gradually to as low as possible. Improve our microlending/microfinance/microcredit to the needy in Malaysia and our neighbouring countries. And deal with too much foreign labors. Provide more financial support n assistance for world investors. Promote local brand widely. Remove import restrictions tax and quotas. Change Malaysian lifestyle to S>E. Make it compulsory for our children to learn 3 languages, Malay English with Arabic Mandarin or Tamil. More institutions for Malays and Indians..i believe chinese have twice the no of institutions than any other. More education program on all media. Get rid of DSAI and KJ(Budak setahun jagung). Increase govt servant payroll as rasuah decrease. Definately, teach Malaysian cleanliness. Could be further taken….build bridge to Indonesia near TanjungBalai. Synchronize our masjid system with proper online sites/forums/services/history details to the umah. i see only masjid negara have an official website. OIC and Malaysia too should play more roles, not to build army to be peacekeepers but as catalyst in educating westerners and non-muslims on Israelis and US wrong doings. If only i had the “vehicle” to my dreams. Huhuhuhuhu. Sekian Assalamualaikum.

  107. This is totally unrelated to political postings but i think you shouldn’t have these “ads” on your site. It is true that you can make a couple of $$ through your readers but it makes your site less credible.
    It could be viewed as you making obnoxious rants about the government and malaysia to boost traffic. (hence making $$$)

  108. .
    I hate* badawi & his Rembau, Negeri Sembilan son-in-law for doing instant stupid urges like this, JUST TO GET MORE MONEY!!!
    (* FYI, this is my very FIRST TIME saying/using “hate” to anyone before… Astaghfirullahal’azhim)
    Yes, just like IJN!!.. badawi +keri +musang hitam’s DREAM so that they later can sell to s’pura-pura!! WAllahu’alam.
    & badawi swapping portfolios with Najib, was definitely ABOUT WANTING MONEY!!!! WAllahu’alam.
    badawi & keri are MATA DUITANs who simply don’t look like they even care if they’d burn in hell just to get MORE & MORE & MORE & MORE MONEY!! WALLAHU’ALAM.
    Astaghfirullahal’azhim. May Allah SWT show them what is right.
    May GOD SAVE MALAYSIA from Abdullah Ahmad (he shouldn’t use his ULAMA Grandfather’s name as a “license” to promote &/or “protect” him ANYMORE!!) & Khairy.

  109. Pengangkutan awam dalam bandar seperti LRT, PUTRA, monorel dsbgainya adalah sangat efisien dan berkesan sekali kegunaannya.
    Masa permulaannya dahulu ia dipandang sunyi dan sinis oleh warga kota, ramai yang masih menggunakan bas teksi, kereta dan motor sendiri (termasuk aku). Lama-kelamaan masyarakat menerimanya sebagai satu yang baik dan amat penting dalam kehidupan kota. Malah sudah menjadi simbol baru bandaraya KL & Malaysia pun sebaris KLCC, MenaraKL, KLIA, Sepang dll.
    Ini adalah sebab pihak pengangkutan tersebut menyediakan kemudahan sampingan lain untuk pelanggan mereka, dan persekitaran yang selamat disamping langkah2 keselamatan dan persediaan rapi, alternatif menghadapi kecemasan. Penumpang mengharapkan destinasi dituju sampai tepat waktunya, itu yang penting.
    Saya berharap lingkaran pengangkutan ini boleh dijalarkan lagi dibandar2 kecik sekitar KL, seterusnya menjalar ke luar bandar dan terus melangkau seluruh M’sia.
    Ha.. ini yang perlu diperbanyakkan di ‘Capital City’ of Kuala Lumpur ini.
    Airport baru?? ingat 100 tahun lagi bolehlah, sabar Lah… Nak terbang ke mana cepat-cepat tu..

  110. Salam Tun,
    No, of course you’re not mad.
    But your successor is, same goes to the SIL and the gang.
    They’re very blatant in their moves sucking all the benefits while the old man still at his throne; shamelessly seeking few extra month to put things in order it seems. Sheesh…..disgusting.
    Im disgusted reading about this family and all stories about their whatnot ‘for the country’ but in actual fact only for the benefits of their big deep pocket.
    Neverending foolishness.

  111. There is no need for LCCT@ Labu. Better to have MAB expand the KLIA Satelite building and make KLIA the Airport Hub. LCCT @ Labu will just complicate things further for passengers especially for those that need connecting flights at KLIA and taxi journey will be even longer going to LCCT at Labu from KL.
    The proposed LCCT @ Labu is a ridiculus move by AirAsia. They shoud just follow MAB’s plan for KLIA. It;s better to operate at KLIA.
    My take on this, just choose to fly Malaysia Airlines. Taxis to KLIA is cheaper than going to LCCT. With MAS having good ticket deals now days that is almost the same fare with Airasia, it;s better to take MAS now. Going to Labu will take even longer taxi ride and would cost more. Better take taxi to KLIA and buy MAS. MAS is almost the same fare with Airasia nowdays. Passengers will just need to be smart and go online to compare.
    At least you don’t have to rush for seats and don’t have to walk in the rain while boarding the aircraft with Malaysia Airlines. Free Meals and Extra Laugage allowance, Roomy Seats and No hidden Cost.
    Or better yet, just choose to fly with Firefly at Subang for us folks staying in Klang Valley, short distance and cheaper taxi fare.
    Fly Malaysia Airlines at KLIA or Firefly at Subang. We make the smarter choice where the powers that be do not.

  112. Pak Lah ni cepat-cepat lah blah. lag dia ada banyak idea yang dia beri dan buat merosakkan negara dan bangsa dan tak lupa, agama. KLIA jangan di pertikai kerana rata2 kita pergi, airport banyak negara di asia dah di buat baru. sekarang pun, penumpang dah meningkat dan ke KLIA dah dekat. Tapi yang penting disamping ekonomi adalah imej negara kita yang menunjukkan negara membangun yang cepat. sampai sekarang tak ada any compalin pasal KLIA kecuali Pak Lah. dan yang paling sumbang, komen ini datang dari kabinet Tun. Nampak sangat Pak Lah dah kurang idea selain dari bertambahnya dengki pada Tun. Allah swt memberitahu, jika engkau leka, akan aku lekakan lagi. jika kau dengki, akan ku tambahkan lagi supaya kau sentiasa berdengki. sedarlah Pak Lah, your time is over and during your tenure until now, you have not shown anything better except foolish moves. the latest blunder Pak La have done is to agreed on the take over of IJN by Sime Darby. Lagi ialah mencalunkan Arif yang ada musuh pulak dengan ketua bahagian UMNO(kalau tak silap saya) di kawasan Permatang Pauh.Arif pulak ada ura2 nak masuk PR. Betapa lemahnya semangat perjuangan Arif yang Pak Lah pilih dahulu.Zaman Pak Lah, tak ada apa benda baru yang membanggakan negara. Nasihat saya pada Pak Lah, baik menilai kelemahan diri dan bertaubatlah sebelum ajal menjemput. mudah2an mendapat keampunan.Sedar atau tidak, Pak Lah kena menjawab di akhirat nanti tentang Islam Hadharinya. Susah nak jawab tu.

  113. Dear Tun
    We have a very smart government the petrol subsidy of RM600 rebate
    was given to motorist but not long after the petrol price per
    barrel came tumbling down to forty something.
    The billions could have help the poor in many ways
    pak lah pak lah.and now another airport in labu what a smart move.
    its looks like KLIA has achieved its target of 125 million passangers Hmmmm
    Are they building for Labu & Labi that KLIA is so congested
    maybe they should name the airport LabuLabi.
    Take care Tun…

  114. Dear Tun,
    Masih ada lagi ke “serpihan” “Oxford Street” graduates di tingkat 4 yang cuba memberikan ilham projek-projek yang mengarut-ngarut untuk mereka nak “baham” keuntungan untuk tembolok mereka.

  115. ISA: Karpal Wants Syed Hamid To Reveal Nature Of Studies
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 5 (Bernama) — DAP chairman Karpal Singh has asked Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar to publicly reveal the nature of studies carried out by the government that concluded that the majority of Malaysians are in favour of retaining the Internal Security Act (ISA).
    ISA must stay as long as there are rascal politicians and certain NGOs who continue to use freedom of speech and expression to harp and instigate racial sentiments in a multi-racial society. We have not achieved a fully civilised society. A long way to go. Prevention is better than cure. “SAFETY FIRST”.We could not afford to have havoc in our country. Absolute democratic system is very ideal indeed but unfortunately our multi-racial society is not ready yet to take full responsibility for their actions, especially so when certain leaders try to get support for their own vested interest, without taking into consideration the implications of their actions.

  116. We need another airport in Banting, Semenyih, Sendayan and Kuala Pilah. Why not! Sime Darby will be happy to take the job up and please some more of the contractors, businessman and politician involve.
    I am sure KLIA were conceived with a grand masterplan, and so does Subang Airport during the time of the late Tunku. But some irresponsible scum starts giving away and leasing away lands in and around Subang for personal gains. And thus Subang are deemed congested.
    And now we are not even facing congestion in KLIA Sepang and scums with another aim of personal gains came with this grand idea. Where are the talk of prudent spending by the government? and who are going to benefit most out of this. Is it the rakyat or Tony Fernandez(I use to hold high respect for this guy but not anymore), Sime Darby or the hands behind all these.
    I am still and so does the rakyat so very pissed off with the reason given for cancellation of the crooked bridge. Now grand projects are coming out after some coffee shop and hotel lounge discussions. One person dish out locally made Mozzarella in Langkawi, the Prime Minister jumps in with the Buffalo farm to suatain the local demand for Mozzarella!
    Tun, the longer this PM stay in office, the more sick we are getting with all his grand ideas. His super Corridor of Dreams, his Hadhari, Monsoon Cup to name afew are all getting no where except for the few yes-men and cronies of his administration.
    He is running the nation like some goreng pisang stall or what. Can his new MACC starts cracking and investigate the hands behind all these? I dare challenge.

  117. ISA: Karpal Wants Syed Hamid To Reveal Nature Of Studies
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 5 (Bernama) — DAP chairman Karpal Singh has asked Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar to publicly reveal the nature of studies carried out by the government that concluded that the majority of Malaysians are in favour of retaining the Internal Security Act (ISA).
    ISA must stay as long as certain politicians and certain NGOs continue to harp and stir racial sentiments that can cause havoc to the security of the country, period. They are real threat to multi-racial society worse than terrorists. They must be isolated from society by whatever means. Prevention is better than cure. SAFETY FIRST. Please don’t be hypocrite by telling that ISA is a draconian Act.Full freedom of speech and expression is very ideal in a democratic system but unfortunately our society is far from being civilised to be able to absorb the system. There are so many rascals within our society particularly among politicians who are taking advantage of the system for their vested interest.

  118. Tuh
    Najib langsung tak kata apa2 pun. Dieeeemmm ajaaaa. Looks like after Pak Lah, this country is going to have a more weaker PM.
    Hancusss la Malaysia ni

  119. Kalau tidak berbuat demikian (melaksanakan pelbagai projek yg tidak diperlukan), macam manalah hendak MENCIPTA PELUANG untuk MENJAMU SELERA kontraktor-kontraktor dalam sebuah pertubuhan termasyur di negara ini, yg 60% ahlinya merupakan kontraktor?
    Kalau tidak menjamu selera 60% kontraktor-kontraktor ini, macam manalah hendak mendapat sokongan agar pemimpin atasan ini mampu mengekalkan kuasa dan kedudukannya?
    Tidak kira siapa pun yg menjadi pemimpin atasan pertubuhan ini, gejala sedemikian tetap berleluasa. Kan ini memang amalan politik?
    Samalah seperti di Amerika, walaupun Obama menjadi preseden. Namun janganlah harap beliau akan membawa apa-apa perubahan terutamanya dalam isu palestin. Kerana beliau juga perlu MENJAMU SELERA kuasa yahudi di belakangnya …
    Apabila Tun menunjukan jari dan menyalahkan orang lain, perlu TUN sedar juga bahawa AMALAN, KUALITI dan TABIAT orang-orang dalam pertubuhan ini, adalah HASIL Tun selama 22 tahum yg lalu … Apa yg berlaku hari ini, hanyalah kerana kelemahan pemimpin sekarang yg menyebabkan masalah yg lama merunsingkan kelihatan di atas meja …

  120. Dear Tun,
    Sime Darby Withdraws From IJN Project
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 6 (Bernama) — Sime Darby Bhd announced Tuesday that it will not pursue its plan to acquire an equity stake in the National Heart Institute (IJN).
    Congartulations to commentators of! yeh,yeh,yeh! The haprak and HP6 administrators of Pak Lah government are just dah bodoh stupid for trying to initiate the privitization of IJN. They never did their homework well. All flip,flop, flup decision!! Finally, they have to retract and this makes them like stupid fools to the eyes of the rakyat.

  121. Dear Tun,
    What do you expect when you have people with “buffalo head” mentality. Whatever they plan and do are all haprak and HP6. Rosak negara kalau beginilah caranya fikiran mereka yang “dah bodoh stupid” lagi.
    Kapala otak mereka masih lagi hendak cuba pentingkan diri mereka untuk mendapatkan nikmat peribadi dan menjadi kaya raya dari kuasa yang telah diberikan oleh rakyat. Mereka iblis, mereka setan, mereka jembalang, mereka penyangak, mereka penyamun.

  122. Assalamualaikum,
    Terror sgt ker graduate from oxford tu? Nampak cukup terror hanya utk merosakkan dan meninggalkan legasi yg bakal diratapi oleh anak2 kita nanti. Apa action kita? tak kan nak tgk aje..???????
    Kami golongan muda dlm late 30’s mmg dah nyampah default – maka opposition getting stronger and baguih jugak for check and balance.
    Nak buat airport billion2, tapi cerita pasal susu sekolah pun x boleh nak selesai?
    Dgn economic yg merudum, at least if there is direct bantuan to school children – the hope of our nation, lega la mak bapak..tapi ni sibuk nak menyenangkan geng2 depa…hampeh!
    Kita ni tak dek pakar ke dlm susu2 utk kanak2..yg cerita susu sekolah sampai x boleh nak selesai dan bertahun2..atau bantuan utk rakyat mcm tu pun kena lalu ikut graduate from oxford..susu sekolah yg depa bagi dulu pun – mmg kurang quality.
    sungguh – maka berkumpullah rakyat M’sia yg pakar dlm berbagai bidang utk kembali membantu rakyat dlm berbagai perkara – nampaknya gomen kita terlalu slow atau sudah x nampak penderitaan rakyat..dan tolonglah..
    Che Det – cuba2 co-ordinate for super “think – tank” to help the rakyat. Get academician, industry players and experts to convene and find ways to help rakyat….
    Kalau Che Det buat lawatan mengejut ke sekolah2 kampung – sedih sgt tau.. Itu belum lagi mengajar English dlm Bahasa – seperti ayam mengajar itik..Kesian cikgu, kesian murid2..akhirnya Bahasa malaysia ntah kemana – english pun bertabur..can they find ways to help this issue..Ramai bdk2 kampung jadik mangsa..we need the English – but we must find ways to introduce it properly and systematically – probably right from the KEMAS kindergarten or pre-school, gradual introduction..perhaps..
    Salam Tun and thanks for reading..

  123. Tun,
    Now we have 2 guys involves PakLah and his advisor Musa Hitam the elegant silence . Then we have Tony of AA ( don’t know about Kali ?) who thinks he is so great and claimed to be patriotic yet still cannot speak bahasa Malaysia .They still think Rakyat is so stupid and ignorance . there are still some issue of payment between MAB and AA we are awaiting anxiously some announcement from any party.
    With this background dato Najib have exert his leadership as defacto PM to cut out this monkey business and then the Rakyat will start believing again.

  124. TO CHE DET,
    minta disiarkan “wasiat” ini sebelum konsesi lebuhraya didedahkan kepada rakyat klang valley…….opss….lupa pulak…
    mintak mokhzani pam banyak sikit ” RM ” dalam projek KENCANA dekat manjung.teman pun mau negeri teman maju macam “BIG APPLE DONUTS”
    zzzzzzzz………..esok kena kerja…….kerja perlu smart tak perlu hard…..orang jepun kerja kuat tetapi produktiviti kurang daripada mat salleh.sebab….mat salleh kuat membaca,mengkaji dan berfikir daripada orang jepun.
    sebab itu NISAN memerlukan idea baru daripada “RENAULT”

  125. Salam Sejahtera TUN,
    Haaaa !!!!!!
    Another airport in Labu, Negeri Sembilan. Idea siapa lah ni.
    Pandai betul siapa yang buat proposal ni.
    TUN dah siapkan roadmap untuk pembangunan Malaysia tapi para bijak pandai sekarang ni nak buat projek yang bukan2. Dia orang ni nak membangunkan Malaysia atau nak menghancurkan lagi. Who all these peoples.(semua rang tahu).
    Kalau nak buat buat duit pun jangan lah terdesak sampai buat projek yang bukan2.
    Apa dah jadi dengan projek jambatan Johor. Tu lah batalkan jambatan bengkok , pergi lah ke JB sekarang tengok apa dah jadi.
    Mudah saja buat airport kat Rembau lagi bagus.
    “Ladies and gentleman” wellcome to Rembau LCCT international airport. He he he he .
    Seronok tengok TUN kat Awani semalam , lepas rindu. Comment TUN rengkas tapi padat pasal GAZA , Zionis dan US.
    Alhamdu. TUN masih waras lagi Aminnnnnn.

  126. Another mega project would be good for citizen where it will creates business as well as job opportunities but the point here is do we need another one airport just 30 min away from the current existing one which is under utilised ? The million ringgit project can and should be save instead for other purposes esp helping the poor

  127. Assalamualaikum Tun yang dikasihi ,
    Sejak akhir-akhir ini, saya merasa sangat sedih melihat keadaan KLIA yang begitu sepi sehinggakan kalau kita berada di bangunan satelit , hanya sekelumit penumpang yang berada di situ dan kedai-kedai bebas cukai disana seperti hidup segan mati tak mahu kerana jarang-jarang mungkin ada pembeli .
    Sungguh berbeza keadaan KLIA berbanding dengan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Changi di Singapura dan Hong Kong yang sentiasa sesak dengan penumpang walaupun waktu sudah hampir tengah malam .
    Saya sebenarnya berpendapat tidak ada keperluan langsung sebenarnya untuk membina kompleks LCCT . Sepatutnya Air Asia dan MAS perlu berkongsi prasarana di KLIA bagi merancakkan lagi ekonomi negara kita dan juga membantu mereka yang berniaga di situ serta meningkatkan lagi imej negara kita dimata dunia .
    Gambaran pertama pelawat asing bila sampai ke negara kita melalui KLIA adalah “apa sudah jadi dengan Malaysia . Kenapa begitu sepi keadaan di Airport ?”.
    We love you Tun .

  128. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Yeh .. I don’t think its about mad. Its something of the flip-flop behaviour. Just like the IJN issues, buat dulu, then see the consequence. Tak ada kajian langsung dibuat. Bila rakyat bising, baru nak mula buat kajian oleh UPEN.

  129. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun,
    I also heard the same voices regarding the development of a new airport in Labu to serve budget airlines services and to be more specific AirAsia. Actually I heard it from the horse’s mouth himself during one of his recent interview.
    I caught only some portion of the interview and he mentioned that the new airport will definitely reduce the airport charges expenditure that being charged by MAHB. The horse alleged that AirAsia is being overcharge by MAHB. The last time I heard that AirAsia still owe MAHB to the tune of RM160 million for handling and airport charges.
    Anyway, since KLIA main terminal building is still under utilized and the haphazardly built LCCT is “over utilized” then we all need to be afraid, be very afraid.
    We should be afraid because the government which is running on auto pilot without a proper planning and long term policy, which is more often than not “submit” to the level four and SIL’s whim and fancy, that is kowtowing to Singapore by mortgaging South Johor and still trying to wrest the heart institute from the public is a dangerous government indeed.
    Regards and Wassalam

  130. Tun,
    They have done it to ECM Libra.
    They have done it to Guthrie and Golden Hope.
    I am sure they have the confidence to repeat it again on IJN.
    Unless we all go out there and strip them naked.
    They are:
    1. Dollah
    2. Musang Blackheart
    3. Zubir
    4. Khairy

  131. Dear Tun,
    It is very perplexing indeed that Sime Darby is willing to construct a new airport and sell to a consortium led by Air Asia who will outsource the management of the new airport to another party. This is as reported in The Star which seems to be supportive of the proposal.
    Let analyse this picture:
    1) Why Sime Darby willing to develop a RM1.6 bil airport and sell the whole thing and lost the rights to the land, future revenue and profits?
    2) Why Air Asia is so keen to own an airport when their core business is not owning and managing an airport?
    3) Who else are willing to manage an airport so near to KLIA and LCCT and compete with MAB?
    A new airport is only viable if more airlines are willing to land there. Perhaps Air Asia has managed to convince the like of Tiger Airlines, Ryan Air etc to use the new airport at the expense of KLIA/LCCT. As a citizen, I want the govt to benefit first and not private individuals.
    Why don’t we instead use the RM1.6 bil to build the ‘crooked bridge’ and resolve the traffic and traders issues around the causeway which will benefit more people?

  132. Assalamualaikum YABhg. TUN Berdua
    We the rakyat of Malaysia hope to see that the first major MACC action on Corruption suspects after MACH 2009 would be on AAB himself and the whole bunch of his cronies. Then only we can prove to the world that our Government is the most transparent and clean in the context of corruption and the abuse of power.
    May the Almighty ALLAH bless YBHg. TUN and be healthy always.

  133. Salam Ayahanda Tun. If I may please be allowed some small room here. Thank you.
    Its not whether BN can answer all issues the opposition may bring up, its not whether the opposition has no real national issues to shoot, it all comes down to a matter of trust and intelligent. People know intelligent enough not to trust UMNO anymore with Abdullah and company doing the spinning at the top, people want change, people want to be relieve of this whole lunacy episode from their lives. People still remember many things even the gang may have forgotten, people knows all too well what you want them to forget. This is double down or nothing boys and you know all too well what they say about swimming among the sharks. There

  134. KenapaLAH dalam banyak-banyak kuda, dipilihnya si kuda hitam tu. Tak dak kuda lain ka? Ada profile korporat ke dia tu sebelum ini? Pilihan yang salah rasanya. Tapi bila difikirkan balik, itulah adatnya, bak kata orang, tak kanLAH kura-kura sanggup memilih harimau untuk berkawan, dah tentulah lebih dipilihnya labi-labi, lebih sesuai dan serasi dengannya. Sama perlahan, sama lembap, sama penakut dan sama lahapnya.

  135. Dear Tun,
    Is it necessary to build another airport for Malaysia? If our government want to stimulate the nation economy,there are many ways to do it. And definitely not spending the national funds unnecessarily for excess facilities.
    Maybe it is true of what you mentioned that the project is to stimulate the economy… but it is more true that it is for the small group of people who are in power….”No project means no income, how to survive?”
    Tun, this is our nation-Malaysia…what can we say?……”BOLEH!!!”

  136. Tun, hilarious beyond belief. The govt. employs so many qualified people, pay so many think tanks and here we are; another airport in Labu. There was a big hoohaa when we moved the airport to Sepang from Subang. People said it was to far (it still is) but Labu?
    btw – any comment on the suddenly fast “korek tanah” of the twin rail in Kedah? Afraid that history repeats itself when someone retires, I guess?

  137. A’kum YABhg Tun…
    To build another airport in Labu (about 30-40km from KLIA) is so much irrelevant and not practical at all. Why wanna do that? Creating a competitor for KLIA? Operation of Air Asia in LCCT in Sepang is not profitble? Or just wanting to give a luxurious contract to certain people? If it is true, then the going to retire PM not only as a hero to zero, but indeed a zero to deficit. The idea is totally rubbish. If the G money is so much and need to be spent on due, just give it away for the recontruction of new bridge crossing the selat tebrau. Rebuild the sovereignty that has been demolished by the cancellation of the project. DSN must put this on his priority list. As Tun said at least RM 2bil are required for building a small airport, instead, that amout of money is enough to reconstruct the cancelled bridge. By demolishing the causeway, our Navy can cruise from east to west coast vice versa without manoeuvring Singapore island with ‘permission’. We must have and show our sovereign on our sea at the southern peninsula. Dont mention that cargo vessels and luxury cruisers wont cruise the strait. Tanjung Pelepas and Pasir Gudang ports could join together to become one of the largest and bussiest sea hubs. The super high speed double lane train services connecting north and south of peninsula shall be more meaningful. There would be so much much more benefits from the construction of the bridge that until now I never understand whay the current G dare to cancel it off. Sigh. Hope the G under DSN will have a gut to make our southern neighbour back to their envies for us like what our Tun has done. I really miss all those ‘hot and cold’ relationships between us and them. To Tun, shall Allah bless you and your family as always. Wassalam.

  138. Askm Tun dan pembaca sume,
    1. Talking about public transport , for sure its from public money and its huge, lol.
    2. Just remember about the huge budget put by P lah to improve public transport. Maybe if we can trace which company get most of the contract, i think boys from N9 or family will poppup, lol.
    3. I wandering why this Anwar not attack this P lah and family,but keep always attack Tun, najib and everybody else. i heard because they all related in blood, lol.
    4. If all this is true, Malaysian have been fooled by this two KEPALA BATAS guy, and we keep arguing who’s right and who’s wrong. and this two KEPALA BATAS guy is laughing together. lol.
    pst: lol= laugh out loud.

  139. Adding to what I’ve commented earlier, I think Negri 9 is their only choice to invest because Selangor and Perak already under PR and BN is not so stupid to invest in there… Haihh…. Gajah sama Gajah perang, tikus mati tengah tengah… Why do they even thought of getting another airport is beyond anybody’s imagination.

  140. Now is Sime Group… the IJN, the low cost airport, and next..
    The Penang 2nd Bridge or “other” bridge should be built first. Why Sime? Why? Does the goverment fund on replanting the palm oil plant is not enough?

    I thought 3 months duration will be used to really make a different but it was just a divertion of attention to give time for cronies to come up with all these nonsense projects. Last call to target the BIG ONE!!!
    This is too much! As Rakyat who are also working hard for this country in our own way, who are just taking your garbage out every week, who are just depending on our sole monthly salary, and sometime get extra through bonouses and pay tax religously; who arre buying houses via Banks’ loans; this is REALLY REALLY too much. Don’t this people have some sense of LOVING THIS COUNTRY and a bit sense of RESPONSIBILITY to the NATION and us, the PEOPLE. Why are we wasting money unnecessarily; the best thing is, these culprits will get GOVERNMENT As GUARANTOR for this nonsense projects(more coming maybe). Once projects endorsed, they will “enjoy” the money; normally with GRAND Opening Ceremony; project will be halfway successful if halfway successful(like Patrick’s ACE Training Centre, Kuala Langat), and later ask government to take over because government promise and guarantee loan/project. They will just walk away happily WITHOUT a CENTS out from their pocket money; WITHOUT a feeling of GUILTY; the one who will be penalised and suffered are people that help or who had been force to release the loan (surely can’t get from CIMB; MAYBANK as usual); Sime Darby Top Executives (if they smart they will resign soon after endorsing the project and get hefty gratia); orang kampung yang kononnya terpaksa berkorban due to BLUFFOLOGY used on DEVELOPMENT need for Labu by MB and the geng of course they will have they own cuts; and worse is this COUNTRY FUTURE and the tax payer, people like us (yang miskin will continue miskin, their house will soon refurbish, not more than that cause they are suppose to continue Miskin so that 5 ~ 10 years down the road another initiative to refurbish and get publicity whole Nation. “Nawaitu” niat to help is not correct and sincere; not helping them to be out from keMISKINAN).
    These people never learnt; I agree with you Tun, these are the people who are bringing UMNO down further to earth. They have no regrets.
    People of Kuala Terengganu; they have not change since last MARCH, they have not INSAF; they don’t LOVE this country; they love they pockets more than us the RAKYAT and this COUNTRY. As an UMNO grass root member, to ensure UMNO’ leaders REALLY change, help us by giving your votes to PAS. KT will not rugi, is a MALAYA dominance state, Oil money is also coming in; don’t worry about development there, the Sultan is there to oversee; but your VOTE to PAS will give a REALLY REALLY TIGHT SLAP to the UMNO leaders today to REALLY CHANGE. Otherwise we the Malays, will LOST CONTROL of this country. I repeat OTHERWISE WE THE MALAYS WILL LOST CONTROL OF THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY that had been fought for by our BRAVE LEADERS like Arwah MAT KILAU; DATUK BERHAMAN and so on……..please Kuala Terengganu people, I seek your help and the MIGHTY ALLAH to save us and this Country.

  142. Salam Tun.
    I cannot understand this man, AAB. Can’t even decide what is good for the country. The way he does things I can assure you Tun if only we are acquainted and you chosen me as your successor I believe I can do much much better than this AAB. Poor greedy man he is. At eleventh hour of his tenure too he tries to bulldoze IJN, Labu Airport etc. What a shame to him as PM.

  143. Salam Tun
    You surely is not mad and so am I. Me hearing voices too that Sime Darby is going to take over the Kelab Golf Perkhidmatan Awam (KGPA). This under pretext to enlarge their present KLGCC to 54 holes. Rational…well to encourage golf tourism !!! But the real real reason is the want develop the 3rd nine (Forest) in high priced condos.And in the process, some bankers and brokers make tons of money.What a pity..Sime Darby turning into a predator– big world class company with ‘kampong mentality’ What don’t they be like TS Lee Kim Yew..develop a new area 66 holes as Mines City and in turn encourage the development of northern corridor i.e Bukit Beruntung locality
    More voices soon as before March 09 is over

  144. He’s truly great.. so many ‘achievement’ in the remaining three subsidized month.. what’s next? Soyuz landing pad for the Russian junk they want to scrap? I hope we all could hear the same voice as you heard it every time he experience his eureka moment…

  145. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    ERRKK!!! Sepang is already fine and wide huge space can be used there… Other
    than KLIA and F1 Circuit of Sepang, there is also Biotech Valley at Dengkil, Sepang
    also… Everything’s there. HURRMM… Strategically, better current government
    develop and enhance the things that we already had. Such as MSC (Multimedia
    Super Corridor) and Biotech Valley… By MSC, Malaysia can be a technopreneur in
    IT world, or even make it into a military software system.
    Really hot wwwooo… And
    by biotechnology, also can develop a biochemical weapon such as chicken pox
    (senjata biokimia penyakit cacar)… We have looottt of biotech graduates laaahh…
    Much more genius Malaysian here. Use them and dont let them be like an idiot
    doing nothing… The research must be in progress. Under the Ninth Malaysia Plan,
    RM2 billion was allocated for biotechnology (physical and soft infrastructures)…
    Malaysia is rich and wealth. No need to worry… HAHAHAH!!!
    p/s: Salam from the supporters of Tun from the University of Malaya… Its me Tun!!!
    HUHHUUEE!!! Love you!!!

  146. Dear Tun,
    Off topic,sorry but I couldn’t resist.
    We were at ‘The Loaf’ last week end I couldn’t resist the temptation for your scones.Its yummy….but…the weeny bit cost us $2.50.Thats alot for an average income earned Tun dear.

  147. Salam Ybhg Tun – thanking you once again for blogging for the interest of the nation at large.
    I tend to agree with you on the absolute wastage of having a new airport, yes if there ARE clear and pressing reasons driving for the need of a new airport one could possibly support a new airport, but for now such a proposal seems highly wasteful.
    I don’t know what message we are possibly trying to send to the rest of the world, but even now the facilities at KLIA are not really fully utilised.
    It almost creating a domestic competition for the different overseas airline figuring out which airport to use. Somebody must have the big brains for this proposal, to see the light of day. Its almost trying to tell the rest of the world the Malays in Malaysia are still staying on tree tops by sending all the foreign traveller in the midst of Labu in Negeri Sembilan. I am not sure that this also forms part of the Malaysian Long Term Plan as part of the 2009 budget.
    KLIA has already achieve a certain status and recognition as the international gateway to Malaysia, and I am sure the Minister of Transportation can easily get the airport authorities to take on all of Air Asia flights, and with the well throught out highways, ERL linking KLIA to KL Sentral, KLIA can accomodate all the pasengers from KLIA to KL. Even the last MCA Minister had enough trouble to draw all the foreign carriers to KLIA, and now with 2 airports it probably a case of KLIA giving way to ensure the new airports gets enough business to support the proposed airport development.
    But maybe the soon to be mantan PM wants to kill KLIA as national landmark and at the same time make sure the livelihood of the airport taxi services including all the drivers, the catering services, the nearby hotel, the ERL and all other supporting services dies a natural death.
    I am sure the soon to be ex PM can easily develop all the necessary trained workforce to ensure safe operation between two close by airports. It does take a lot just to operate the one airport, and the necessity of ensuring security for all the operation at the airport.
    But in the first place what when wrong with the nearby LCCT, is it a case of somebody not having enough brains to do a traffic projections earlier on before cooking up the LCCT proposal or somebody just plain forgot to do the necessary design of whats needed to support the LCCT.
    I would not begin to put the blame on any of the departments involve with such a major development, once the soon to be ex PM gave the marching orders for a new airport to be build, I can imagine all the government officers skittering to ensure the soon to be ex PM gets what he wants. But again whats wrong with KLIA and whats wrong with the current LCCT, and can there really be a huge increase in incoming travellers that requires a new airport to be quickly developed.
    This looks like again a another quick fix job to make a fast buck like the story behind the IJN privatisation.
    Maybe once again the sound of protest by thousands of ordinary Malaysian will put a stop to the extravagant excesives of the soon to leave ex PM.
    Maybe he is not juat the flip-flop that everyone makes him to be but what the late Tan Sri P Ramlee had to say about Gohead Gostan type of character.
    It will probably once agian take thousands of loyal Malaysian voices to silence the deafening roar of the new LABU [LABI DOLLAH] International Airport, I am sure the new airport is the intended to be the living and lasting legacy of the soon to be ousted PM
    I vote that BN does not developed the new LABU [LABI DOLLAH] Airport – what say you
    Ybhg Tun may you have the best of what 2009 has to offer.

  148. Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    It is a dumb idea to privatised IJN and building new airport. It seems Sime group have lots of money..or maybe goverment will “help” funding the project?
    All I see is how “people” try to sabotaj your vision..instead of making the country richer and stable, they will make Malaysian more poorer economicly..
    What can we do?

  149. labu negeri sembilan huh??
    lah and co nak gemukkan poketlagi ke???
    hrmm sape org nogori???hrmmm…
    baik dia pakai duit nak buat airport develop areas around sepang…

  150. Saya sebagai penduduk kampung masjid pasir putih labu pun rasa pelik Tun.
    Saya pelik kenapa sejak akhir-akhir ini begitu banyak projek di sekitar kampung
    yang dah lama terpencil ni. paling besar ialah projek penggantian paip air. dari seremban sampai ke nilai. jauh tu…Begitu juga projek pembetulan sungai di kawasan kampung ini. Dikatakan projek menelan RM27juta itu menunggu masa mendapat bantuan Persekutuan. Saya terfikir, KENAPA sudah lama membisu, tiba-tiba sahaja jalan pula projek.
    Itu belum kira pelbagai projek perumahan disekitarnya. Projek Planter’s Haven
    milik Sime Darby dan projek perumahan syarikat swasta lain di sebuah ladang betul-betul depan dengan Ladang Sayur Hydroponik milik Sime Darby (jenama Sime Fresh). Dikatakan segala bukit dikiri dan kanan sepanjang jalan itu akan di tarah untuk pembinaan projek perumahan tersebut.
    Begitu juga dengan pembinaan tembok yang seolah-olah ingin menunjukkan “INI LADANG SIME DARBY”. Begitu banyak sekali dibina. Bila fikir balik, dilokasi mana mereka nak bina airport tersebut? Adakah sebelah kampung kami?
    Bolehlah penduduk Ladang Kirby Labu pergi ke bercuti ke India selalu selepas ini. (ramai antara mereka ini pelampau Hindraf).

  151. Greetings Che Det…
    I’ve wrote a comment in your previous article, but it seems someone deleted it, for it might don’t want other to know, why ? Fear of something, or hiding something ? Might be your staff…
    I hope you’d read Article # 516 at my Journal.
    Article # 516 –
    It is something URGENT !!!
    As the previous comment of mine that being deleted, it is what i wrote of
    Article 514 –
    Fishy… because before, you’d never delete any comment of mine, but his time, it is somewhat fishy… i know it’s your staff that deleted it. I assumed that this comment of mine will be deleted, as it someone trying to hiding something, and not being transparent. (i’ll make a screenshot for this, as proof)
    Luqmanul Hakim bin Abd Rahim bin Abdul Wahab
    URL :
    TEL :
    (+6) 017 – 330 8263
    (+6) 019 – 338 7025

  152. Everything should ‘begin with end in mind’ (Stephen R Covey, 2004, 7 Habits), or you may end-up with something called ‘r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s’ or ‘a-b-s-u-r-d’.

  153. I’d really think the money would be better spend on flood control system, improve transportation by KTMB, the Bakun hydroelectric project and the new bridge on Johor causeway. It would greatly help Malaysia in term of future development capacity and the welfare of the rakyat.
    Improved transportation network would certainly get more people to places and ease up the development effort in rural areas. The Bakun project on the other hand would provide a great deal of electricity. These could be utilize by Proton to develop hybrid/electric vehicle that uses both solar and electric. Petronas could then export most of our fossil fuel and gas to generate more income. MAS could rival its competitor with lower fuel price from Petronas and expand its operation as nation’s leading 5 star airline. MISC could expand its operation with lower fuel cost and become regional leader with this prospect. With these company in place, Malaysia could certainly develop into premier trading destination, strategically located in the new development route of China,Vietnam and India. Islamic banking should be promoted along with these development, as well as trading in gold dinar/standard equivalence.

  154. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    Today i got information that we lost in the bid for one of government project for planetarium.
    We don’t mind lost but lose to company that not comply with technical requirement is unacceptable.
    Crony, incompetence and all sort of thing happen around.
    I have tried to give some to my country but ……….

  155. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Our initial International Airport was at Subang. It was during your premiership the particular airport was down graded and a new airport was constructed at a cost of around RM 8 Billion. Quite a lot of Malaysians were very much against this move. Why? It’s strategic location and its potential to be upgraded if needed as it has the space. Now KLIA is our biggest airport. It is located quite far from from KL as compared to Subang. The transport cost and traveling time to and from the airport to the KL City center has also gone up. Since this happened during your time you should take total responsibility and convince us why the above change took place.
    Now that we already have 3 major Airports within the Klang Valley, why we need another and that too very close to the KLIA and LCCT?
    They say that it is for the budget carriers. Then what about LCCT? Is it under full capacity? Even if that is the case then what about the very highly under utilized (as mentioned by Tun) Subang Airport?

  156. Dear Tun,
    Pak Lah has until March 2009 ( dan itu juga blom tau kalo dia benar2 nak lepaskan jawatan PM nya tuh )to wrap up a lot of things..sort of farewell presents to those who are supporting him.
    The LCCT Labu is one of the farewell present maybe for Tun Musa Hitam kot. And of course for KJ being a N9 boy.
    Sama juga when he make ‘official’ visits to Uzbekistan, Turkmistan, Iran, etc. i am sure he was trying to quickly wrap up some deals for SCOMI under the pretext of ‘offcial visit ‘
    Nampak nya Pak Lah nih tak sebodoh yg banyak anggap dia Tun.

  157. Dear Tun
    I am visited SAGIA website i found that Tun is one of the Speakers at the Inspiring Global Speaker in Riyadh..congartulation.Hope i can see you in Riyadh

  158. Dear Tun,
    This is just my guess, I have yet to verify its truth.
    1) If some company own a large piece of land (let say currently used for plantation) in Labu, then he can sell it to the government.
    2) Not only that, eventually the same company is awarded the contract to construct the new airport.
    Isn’t that a fantastic deal.

  159. Teman hairan kenapa pulak tetiba jer Sime Darby ni tamak haloba bebeno tak tentu pasal. Nak kacau IJN… Nak kacau KLIA (itu yang teman tau jer la .. yang lelain dema pau tu teman tak tau ler).. Nak buat airport baru kat Labu.. Sebelum tu sibuk nak ambil alih IJN.. Teman tak tau pasal airport.. nak kapalterobang pun tak peronah… Tapinye..Kalo banyak duit sangat nak buat airport baru kat Labu tu… Buat juga la Hospital Jantung Baru yang lebih besor, lebih canggih. Biorkan IJN untuk orang2 miskin macam kume ni… Hampeh benor kome..

  160. Wow… We have no reason to doubt what you heard. But I sincerely hope the government is not getting to another level of stupidity and corruption.

  161. Dearest Tun,
    Thought it was something like building a new terminal building somewhere near KLIA but somehow it does not jive when we further hear that NS is willing to part with a piece of land. But then again my geography is quite poor… thought Sepang is at the border with NS.
    So…it is Labu then. Well we know who is Luncai, don’t we? Biarkan…biarkan.
    Seriously Tun, I’m just a humble rakyat working hard to provide for my family. If the government do what they are suppose to do, sikit-sikit saya boleh buat tak nampak and I will still support them. But the antic of the present government seriously gets to my nerve. Lepas satu, satu.
    I have run out of my patience with this government, and if somebody is calling to go into idiotic action like in Thailand, I might be the 1st to be there to seize Putra Perdana building. Idiots must be taught with idiotic action. Or else they won’t learn.
    Till then,
    Warmest regards to you and your family. Wassalam.
    P/S If this continue, I might be hearing voices also but it is the sign that I’m already mad. hehehehe..

  162. Well… As usual Pak Lah is acting without thinking (much) again. He just wants some development under his name I guess -something that can be of his pride. Heh.

  163. Salam Ayahanda Tun, actually the new airport may have something to do with Air Asia and Khairy. Heard that even KTM is already chasing away goats, chickens and ducks in kampong(s) along the Labu, Batang Benar (benar) district to the City Center (KL Sentral) path in anticipation of an electric Komuter track. I don

  164. salam..
    pak lah pun nak tinggal gak legesi dia masa dia jadi PM..Chedet tak bagi peluang langsung kt pak lah nak tinggalkan sikit usaha pak lah masa jadi PM..Pak Lah kan nak pencen bulan 3 ni..Chedet tak kesian ka kat pak lah..tdi saya ada dapat email dari member..tunjuk pak lah “deep thinking”(TIDO) masa seminar kt kuching sarawak..ape la nak jadi dengan pak lah tu..Chedet..Orang kerje Gomen(Goverment) memang camtu ka..

  165. Dear Tun,
    It is just weird that we are going to open up another airport in Labu which is 30 minutes drive from the present KLIA.
    This defeats the actual purpose why KLIA was built in the first place.
    Oh well, earlier someone was not happy that he cudn’t get to use Subang Terminal 3, so probably this cud be the alternative strategy in having his own airport.
    Quite displeasing that KLIA itself is a huge airport and yet the Government is willing to go for this Labu airport.
    Surprise, surprise…our flip-flop man does it again and did they say Sime Darby is helping out…..who heads Sime Darby by the way….very familiar face for sure….closely tied to flip-flop…
    Get the pattern….Gosh….this is really sick to begin with… Future of KLIA cud be bleak now that the government is pushing thru with this. Forget the idea of a major hub….
    May God Save Malaysia!

  166. More Air-port?
    Great, nowaday we do not need to travel by land… just fly…. future all the small town will have they own air-port… heee.. 🙂

  167. Salam Tun.
    Oooooooo … that’s why my PM needed another 3 months extension, said Pak Pandir (-;
    After the overseas biz deals, MACC, IJN-Sime, perhaps there’s a lot more coming …tuuuuu dia!

  168. Dear Tun,
    Good afternoon,
    Do we need another airport? You have already said Sepang is underutilised. Saya berpendapat ada udang di sablek batu.
    The government should spend money to improve the transportation system. This should be the priority.

  169. Tun,
    May be this is part of the midnight regulations (employing the term used by Rockybru) by Pak Lah.
    He managed to rush the MACC and JAC.
    Now he need to rush Labu LCCT and IJN-Sime deals. There may be others coming after the Kuala Terengganu by-election.

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