

1. I would like to share with all the visitors to my blog my open house experience this raya.

2. All are heart warming and belies the popular belief that the races in Malaysia are antagonistic towards each other. From the large number of Chinese and Indians attending the raya open houses, I think most people are wrong aout how they dislike or even hated the Malays.

3. My sister-in-law Saleha number many Chinese and Indians among her family friends. On Saturday October 4th she held her open house just as she had done every year since…I don’t know when.

4. What struck me was the friendliness and love they all showed her. She knew them all and the women often give her a kiss on the cheeks. Some of her non-Malay friends I had seen during her previous open house and when they visited her at the hospital. The friendship is clearly very sincere, some of which started when they were very young.

5. The same afternoon I attended an open house hosted by Encik Rizatuddin for residents of Cyberjaya. Again there were many Chinese and Indian friends. I enjoyed the Chinese Koey Teow and gladly posed for snaps with almost everyone of the guests.

6. October 5th was my open house. I had announced on my blog I would be holding the open house at my house at the Mines. I had also informed the Press and issued a notice in my Facebook page. I anticipated a big crowd and wondered if I could stand for hours greeting my guests as in the past.

7. At 10am there was already a small crowd of people lining up under the tents heading to the main big tents where we had ordered food for 10,000 guests.

8. It was hot but my visitors seemed not to mind. They came in droves, wishing us Selamat Hari Raya. There were so many of them that the ushers had to disallow picture taking.

9. I remember during my early open houses the Chinese and Indian children and sometimes their parents did not know how to “salam”. They would stretch out their left hand and would wish us Happy New Year, even Happy Birthday!

10. But nowadays parents of the little children had coached them to say “Selamat Hari Raya” and to stretch out the right hand to salam. Many adults and children now place their right hand over their hearts after shaking hands with me. The Malay form of greeting has become Malaysian. When my wife and I attend Chinese New Year open house and Indian Deepavali open house we make the appropriate Chinese or Indian greetings. We would wear red shirts and dresses for the Chinese New Year. I don’t know whether this kind of joint celebrations take place in other countries or not.

11. Another thing I noticed was the large number of Chinese women wearing beautiful kebaya and sarong. They had obviously gone to the trouble of buying a new Malay dress for the Raya. They all greeted me and Hasmah with a perfect “Selamat Hari Raya”. Some said other nice things to us. They really made our day.

12. Despite all the talks about racial antagonism in this country, I believe there is still substantial reservoir of goodwill between the races.

186 thoughts on “Snippets”

  1. A’kum Tun
    Sebenarnya media ini main peranan yg penting. Sikap toleransi orang melayu dengan lain bangsa memang bagus .
    Cuma para politik saja yg suka menghebohkan isu perkauman. Rakyat jelata biasa saja…..
    Mereka sebenarnya mahu para politik mendengar isu kesusahan mereka bukan perkauman sebenarnya….Itu saja…

  2. Salam Tun!!!
    Suka laaa masa hari tu ke rumah Tun….!!!! every year i missed the chance. To find you in such a good health and that warm smile greeting and welcome us…is unforgetable!!!

  3. Hahaha… I was there on your open house dear Tun. I was even more surprised to see lots of the non-malays at the food counters offering food to guests. This made us non-malays Malaysian feel that we are not being outcast by the malays.
    Frankly speaking, I personally believed that during your tenure as Prime Minister, the “racial-issue” situation is not as terrible as now as it appears so. However, none of us can deny the fact that there is strains among the many different races in Malaysia. These strains among different races is not mainly caused by Tun (and the government) back then. These strains partly are due to the discontent of a portion of the non-malays especially the chinese (my race) towards things like the quota system etc. (in which I supported the quota system but should been done in a better and more effective manner) and partly due to their racist attitude and also, partly from their parents and families (for the younger generations). However, not all the chinese (I’m one good example) are so, as Tun can see it personally. Therefore, restrain in speech among the bad apples (be it the malays, chinese and indians) should be enforced.
    However, Pak Lah and his weak administration had failed to enforce such restraint, to the point that there are non-malays who openly lash out at the malays and also, malays lashing out at the non-malays. Such is damaging to the country and the rulling party. Worst still, his cabinet before the 2008 election was akin to feudal lords back in Europe back then and that these feudal lords were fighting amonth themselves openly. Such is not the freedom worth seeking for.
    Anyway, Tun, sorry for the rojak, unorganised comment as I am rushing for time and yet wish to make a little comment. Just want to say that, racial harmony was greatly seen at your open house. There are many non-malays who still support you as an elderly statement, the best world leader in the world at our modern time though you are a malay. I would vote for you to be the Prime Minister, back then even if Lim Kit Siang would have become the next PM if I were to vote for him (something I definitely would not do). You have the support of the chinese and the other non-malays, though these people knew of your strong support for the malays (as you should), because these chinese and other non-malays Malaysians, knew your contribution toward Malaysians, even to the non-Malays. We know that we as non-malays too had florish during your time. Your favourite quote in your books, “it is better for us to have a smaller piece of a large cake rather than have a larger piece of a small cake”. something like that 🙂
    You, Tun would always be well respected among Malaysians alike.

  4. Salam TUN,
    saya setuju dgn TUN malaysia cukup harmoni, unik dan aman damai.sebenarnya semua org2 melayu,cina dan india baik2 belaka kecuali 3 org ini sahaja dari 27million penduduk malaysia yang bermasalah,mereka2 ini adalah:
    1.Orang Melayu-Zaid Ibrahim
    2.Orang Cina -Teresa Kok
    3.Orang India-Anwar Ibrahim.

  5. Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang indah dengan pelbagai kaum. Kepelbagaian kaum menjadi aset kepada negara kita jika semua kaum hidup bersatu padu, bertolak ansur dan saling faham memahami. Sukar untuk sesebuah negara yang berbilang kaum sentiasa hidup beraman damai seperti Malaysia. Kebanyakkannya(kepelbagaian kaum) menjadi liabiliti kepada sesebuah negara tersebut. Pemuda-pemudi adalah generasi baru yang akan menerajui serta membangunkan negara Malaysia dalam era globalisasi. Sesungguhnya, globalisasi ini mempercepat serta memudahkan sesebuah negara dijajah sama ada dari segi politik, ekonomi atau sosial. Jadi bukanlah semudah yang kita fikirkan untuk sentiasa merdeka daripada penjajah jika pemuda-pemudi kita semakin hari semakin leka. Sesebuah negara yang aman seperti Malaysia tentu dijadikan sasaran oleh individu, “ORGANISASI” atau negara lain yang berniat jahat. Dengan niat jahat dan hasad dengki, mereka akan cuba melaga-lagakan sesama kita sendiri, melihat kita bergaduh sesama sendiri, menjajah sedikit demi sedikit dan akhirnya menguasai negara kita.
    Kerajaan sentiasa mengingatkan rakyat dan parti politik supaya tidak bermain dengan isu perkauman. Isu perkauman ibarat gunung berapi dan bom jangka. Perasaan membenci sesama kaum akan terkumpul sedikit demi sedikit. Jika ia meletup, adalah susah untuk “dipadamkan” sama ada dalam jangka masa panjang atau jangka masa pendek kerana fenomena ini akan berulang. Kita tidak dapat melihat dengan mata kasar sendiri sejauh mana kebencian orang lain terhadap kita kerana kebencian itu terletak di dalam hati individu sendiri.
    Tidakkah anda bersyukur dan menghayati dengan keadaan sekarang yang aman dan harmoni? Sanggupkah kita melihat negara tercinta ini jatuh ke lembah kehancuran? Cubalah anda bayangkan, jika dalam masa 20-50 tahun lagi negara kita dalam peperangan, apakah perasaan anda dan situasi semasa peperangan? Apa yang akan terjadi kepada isteri, suami, anak dan juga keluarga yang tersayang? Sanggupkah anda membiarkan perkara ini berlaku akibat isu perkauman? Terdapat berbagai negara yang boleh dijadikan contoh dalam keadaan(pergaduhan dan peperangan antara kaum) ini termasuk negara kita sendiri. Tetapi syukur kepada Illahi kerana negara kita tidak berperang semasa insiden 13 Mei. Belajarlah daripada sejarah.
    Marilah kita sama-sama membina, memperkasa, menguat serta mengekalkan hubungan yang kukuh sesama kaum supaya dengan kekuatan ini, kita dapat “menepis” daripada segala niat ORGANISASI atau NEGARA tertentu untuk menjajah MALAYSIA sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Jika pergaduhan kaum berlaku, saham di negara kita akan jatuh mendadak kerana keadaan yang tidak stabil dan tidak menyakinkan pelabur. Pelabur-pelabur bertindak menjual saham-saham mereka di pasaran. Dengan harga yang amat murah, jutawan-jutawan dari negara lain akan membeli semua saham tersebut dan akhirnya menguasai ekonomi negara kita. Dengan menguasai ekonomi, ia dapat menguasai politik dan juga kerajaan. Ambillah contoh seperti America. Saya percaya memang benar ada ORGANISASI-ORGANISASI yang telah merancang untuk melaga-lagakan kita, wewujudkan konspirasi-konspirasi dan mengatur langkah demi langkah untuk menjajah bukan sahaja negara kita, malahan seluruh dunia. Jadi renung-renungkanlah bertapa BAHAYANYA jika kita tidak saling faham, bertolak ansur memahami antara satu sama lain serta bermain dengan isu perkauman.

  6. Dear Tun,
    Well done Malaysians – Only in Malaysia can it happen – Multi racial & religious celebrations of Hari Raya, Dewali, Chinese New year and Christmas, Gawai, etc..
    Even in the US where the majority of its population are christians and they celebrate it together – the are not able to break the racial impasse completely.
    Only in Malaysia we celebrate our happy ocassions TOGETHER – Malaysia BOLEH!!!

  7. Ayahanda Tun,
    1. Sebenarnya hubungan kami dengan kaum lain sangat baik. Dalam Jabatan kami sentiasa bekerjasama untuk menjayakan objektif Jabatan. Bila hari raya dan perayaan yang lain kami saling kunjung mengunjung. Sensitiviti kaum sentiasa diawasi dan dihormati terutama soal makanan dan adat resam.
    2. Cuma akhir-akhir ini akibat sentimen perkauman yang dibawa oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab menyebabkan dendam dan prejudis kaum semakin menebal dikalangan rakyat.
    a. Ini jelas kelihatan bila poster dan baner ditulis dalam bahasa ‘asing’ yang tidak difahami oleh sebahagian besar rakyat. Ini menimbulkan rasa prasangka kami orang biasa.
    b. Kedai dan komplek perniagaan yang tidak langsung menunjukkan rasa hormat terhadap suatu perayaan kaum. Contohnya semasa perayaan Hari Raya, sangat kurang hiasan untuk memeriahkan suasana. Ini berbeza bila sambutan raya Cina dan krismas, bukan saja lebih meriah tetapi merubah negara ini seolah-olah bukan Malaysia.
    Mohon Tun terus menulis tentang hubungan baik kaum. Kami cinta kedamaian. Jangan unsur negatif yang dibawa oleh segelintir manusia yang sempit pemikirannya merosakkan negara Mlaysia yang dicintai ini.

  8. Salam Tun,
    Rakyat Malaysia berbilang kaum masih lagi mempunyai budaya bertolak ansur antara satu sama lain. Malangnya sejak PRU Mac 2008 yang lalu, sikap sesetengah pemimpin sama ada dari parti pembangkang mahupun kerajaan yang memainkan sentimen perkauman telah mencalarkan semangat muhibbah di kalangan rakyat negara ini yang berbilang kaum, semata-mata untuk mengambil kesempatan di atas situasi negara ketika ini dan ingin meraih sokongan sekumpulan rakyat. Saya pasti jika rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum ketika ini masih berpegang kepada nilai dan cara hidup ketika mana pada era Tun dahulu, pasti kita akan dapat mengekalkan suasana toleransi dan muhibbah di kalangan rakyat negara ini yang berbilang kaum.

  9. asalamualaikum bapak…
    former bn suppoter……ko nih potong stim lah…….tolong lah kawan….

  10. Malaysians love peace as much as the rest of the world but Malaysians hate to be treated unfairly like the rest of the world too. Out of respect for Islam and the fact that they are facing VIPs, the other races know the meaning of not using the left hand. However, some people are left handed. Most people are right handed. The two hands that are used to pray and worship are also the two hands that are used to commit crimes. By the way, it is thought that left handed people are cleverer. The movements of hands are part of the body language and so no matter how people use their hands, they do not mean to disrespect anyone. If the left hand is such a problematic part of the body, why should God allow it to be there in the first place ? This is also another reason why it will take Malaysians another many years before they can break out from this shell which they are keeping themselves in. As for traditional clothing, these days fashion innovators are able to mix and match and design a clothing that has all the elements of all the races in Malaysia.

  11. Salam Ayahanda dan Bonda Tun,
    Semoga kesejahteraan dan rahmat Allah jua ke atas kamu,
    Anakanda menulis hanya utk menegur
    “choi2068 on November 6, 2008 3:09 PM”
    Mr Choi2068, both ayahanda dan bonda adalah TUN….
    Bonda Dr Siti Hasmah bukan Toh Puan….harap maklum
    wallahu a’lam

  12. kali ni agree with u tun, especially no 12. kita memang hidup harmoni.
    tapi untuk menjelaskan paragraph 12 lagi, racial tention kat malaysia ni sengaja diwujudkan orang2 bn/ umno yang kalah teruk pilihan raya 12.

  13. Salam
    Saya sedang berada di negara Eropah Mediterranean. Penduduk sini mengguna bahasa negara mereka sendiri dalam segenap segi walau hidup dalam pelbagai ethnik. Mereka mampu menikmati keselesaan arus moden dunia pada tahap tinggi.
    Mengapa bahasa Melayu di Malaysia tidak boleh di mertabatkan seperti bahasa-bahasa di daerah Eropah ini? Sedangkan di negara China juga mampu melangkah ke depan dengan mengguna bahasa Cina mereka dalam setiap urusan.
    Bahasa menyatu bangsa. Ugama penyatu ummah.Wallahuaalam

  14. former BN supporter says…
    PEOPLE~ this are the type of not clever type of people….the other type of ugly malaysian i guest…
    he comes here and say something really stupid…
    it’s ok to comment or to disagree with TUN~ BUT THEN tun have say give example….

  15. Salam Sejahtera Tun & Keluarga.
    Saya mengikuti perkembangan Tun dari masa kesemasa. Amat berharap pemimpin baru dapat mencontohi perjuangan Tun. Saya sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun. Hari Raya baru-baru ini saya sekeluarga dapat meluangkan masa menghadiri rumah terbuka Tun. Amat bersyukur dapat berjabat tangan dengan Tun. Saya juga amat gembira dapat melihat suasana yang harmoni iaitu berbilang kaum menghadiri rumah terbuka Tun.
    Amat berharap semua kaum bersatu hati.

  16. Dear Tun,
    It is difficult to dislike the Malays because they are really wonderful people.
    The only problem is of bad leaders and mullahs who are trying to screw their minds up,.
    These people are the real enemies of the state.
    Best Regards


  18. Ya Salam Tun, saya rasa kecewa semasa Tun turun tahta. Sumbangan Tun banyak merubah Msia. Banyak2 PM u d best. Saya penyokong Tun walaupun saya bukan rakyat Msia. Se-tidak tidak nya semasa serah kuasa, Tun jadi SM atau MM. Pimpinan dan sumbangan Tun masih di perlukan d Msia dan sewaktu dgn nya. Yang jadi kebimbingan saya orang Melayu kehilangan hak di negeri sendiri. Insya Allah tidak selagi Tun ada. Mudah-mudahan peminpin akan datang macam Tun. Saya bercita-cita nak jumpa Tun. Bersalaman dan cium tangan Tun ambil berkat. Naik KL pun tak jumpa. Apa nak buat tak ada jodoh. Ya Salam…..

  19. Dear Tun,
    Karpal told reporters at the Palace of Justice today that in order to clear the honour and dignity of the judges sacked in 1988, the Government should have set up two tribunals to absolve them from the actions taken against them instead of giving ex-gratia payment.
    “What should have been done was not to pay out ex-gratia to the judges but to have another tribunal set up to clear their name. It can still be done. Paying them ex-gratia payment does not in anyway clear them from having been found guilty for misbehaviour,” he said.
    Karpal said the payment of ex-gratia to the judges meant that the Government felt that they (the judges) were in fact not guilty.
    It will be interesting to observe whether there will be another flip,flop, flup decison on this case by the government.

  20. Dear Tun & Family,
    I had my open house last hari raya. Suprisingly, my neigbours visited me and they are Chinese & Indians.
    Sorry for them for not enough chairs. They sit “bersila”.
    One of my nearest neigbours could not attend. She had to attend karaoke competition. She passed duit raya through my kitchen.
    “Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan”

  21. Dear Tun,
    I was amongst the many guests you hosted in your generous Hari Raya Open House. I am Chinese (though anywhere else in the world I call myself “Malaysian”) and my husband is of Portuguese decent and looks very Malay.
    We have many Malay friends (infact some of our dearest friends are Malay) and Indian friends (my Dad’s firm’s partners and best friends are Indian) and sub-consciously we don’t even distinguish between races and never really have.
    I regard our 2-year old daughter as truly Malaysian.Yesterday, I was filling a bank form for her and under

  22. politikus yang lemah sahaja yang mempergunakan perkauman untuk
    menarik perhatian,sokongan dan kepentingan mereka sahaja. Mereka wujud di mana2 kumpulan politik di Malaysia bukan sahaja Umno.
    Selagi ada MIC,MCA, selagi itulah harus ada UMNO.MCA,MIC merupakan ‘Umno’ bagi kaum cina dan india yakni, Barisan Nasional. Tetapi tak mustahil satu hari nanti tiada lagi MCA,MIC atau UMNO yang kekal hanyalah Barisan Nasional.
    Selagi ahli2 politik veteran enggan merelakan generasi muda berasilimasi secara menyeluruh, yakni, selagi sistem pendidikan negara kita bersifat perkauman selagi itu lah kita akan hidup bersama tetapi tidak secara totalnya bersatu.
    Tetapi, semua harus faham, perubahan yang paling penting untuk menuju ke arah itu, adalah kita harus sedia merelakan generasi baru berasimilasi dibawah satu sistem pendidikan yang satu.
    Selepas itu, barulah perubahan2 yang lebih besar boleh dilakukan.Setelah kita semua terutama generasi baru mengenal satu sama lain tanpa syak wasangka.
    Nasihat saya, pada orang-orang lama, pelajari dan fahamilah sejarah negara kita dengan mendalam sebelum memandai-mandai. Jangan kelirukan sesuatu yang telah pun jelas, dan jangan simpulkan tali yang sememangnya bersimpul.
    Hakikatnya, kita semua saling memerlukan untuk mewujudkan satu bangsa malaysia yang dinamik.

  23. I share your thoughts on this one and I would like to share my opinions on this topic too. I did my undergraduate studies in the States, thanks to the sponsorship that I received from the government of Malaysia. I was again, lucky enough that I was able to pursue a higher degree in my field with the help of the government. So, it has been about 5 years of me living in a place far away from my beloved home country. And within these 5 years of upbringing in a foreign land, I feel that things are starting to change among the students who are sent here for studies. Although our case may not serve as a general case and may not even apply to the general public in Malaysia, I do hope that it will give a little insight of what is happening to the new Malaysian generations, especially those who are lucky enough to be the chosen ones.
    In my early years of studies, we have quite a big Malaysian students community. During these times, I saw little to none mixing between the different Malaysian races. My Malay seniors will stick with their Malay friends and the Chinese would hang out with their Chinese friends (We only had a few Indians, so it is understandable if we didn’t see them quite often). It was as if there is an understanding between the races that they cannot fit well together. If I remember it correctly, I hardly saw any Chinese participating in Malay-organized events such as Hari Raya. Even if they were there, they were merely attending the events. The preparations, from cooking the foods to preparing the props, were all solely done by the Malays. The Chinese, on the other hand, would participate in events organized by the Chinese (or should I say China?) Students Association. And I can hardly remember any of my Chinese friends invited me to any of their events. I remembered walking in front of a hall where they held an event. I met one of my Chinese friends near the doors. I said hi, wished him “Gong Xi Fa Cai” and talked a little bit and that’s about it. Taking a peep at what was going on inside, I could see their happy faces; they seemed to be more engaged with the event than when they attended the Hari Raya celebration. I saw some (Malaysians) who I never met before too. It was a big day for them. Not for me. And I wasn’t even invited.
    To be continued…

  24. salam Tun,
    when it comes to VIPs nearly everybody will be nice. added to that it was a joyous occasion. i think its a little unfair for you sum up the social situation by it. its the everyday interactions among common rakyats that paints the real picture. sorry to be a wet blanket.
    ps.. yes the baju kebayas and kurungs will make any women look nice. 🙂

  25. Salam Tun,
    I totally agree with you. I don’t know what’s all the fuss is all about. Some of my best friends are chinese and they have been for more than 10 years. Every raya, they all looked forward to attend my open house. They even declared themselves as my mum’s adopted daughters.
    Let’s just hope that we will continue to live in peace among each other.

  26. Dearest Tun,
    The feeling of muhibah is still there. Cuma orang kat atas yang lupa kerana nak rampas kuasa.
    Keep on writing.

  27. Salam Tun,
    For more than 50 years this tradition has been enjoy by every Malaysian no matter what races they are. Believe me, only small of them will think apart.
    It’s so difficult for some people to break it out (special relationship between races)….because Malaysia is the most UNIQUE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD…!!!

  28. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Together we stand, divided we fall.
    Bersatu teguh , bercerai roboh…
    Inilah prinsip yg kita rakyat Malaysia semua perlu amalkan, tak kira apa bangsa pun.

  29. Assalamualaikum wbt sekali lagi Tun dan Isteri,
    Cerita pasal bersalam-salaman ni, teringat pulak cerita lama. Bukan apa, cuma mengimbas kembali saat2 bersalam2 salaman dengan Tun zaman dulu2. Yang pertama tahun 1989 Tun datang ke asrama kami belajar di Kelana Jaya. Asrama Semai Bakti Kelana Jaya, dan merasmikan pembukaannya. saya masa tu di dalam tingkatan 1. Masih ingat lagi detik kami beratur panjang untuk bersalam dengan Tun. Tun masa tu datang menaiki kereta Lexus baru, kalau tak silap sayalah. Alhamdulillah Tun, semua kami dari situ dah menjadi manusia.
    Yang kedua pada tahun 2000, Tun ke Eden Garden hotel melancarkan projek CIQ dan Jambatan helang kegemaran Tun tu. Saya adalah salah seorang Graphic designer yang buat presentation itu. Tun ada bercakap, Itu adalah Elevation Drawing terpanjang yang Tun pernah lihat di Malaysia. Dan Tun bangga kerana ada anak Malaysia yang boleh buat kerja2 macam tu. Itu pun jika Tun masih ingatlah..Sebenarnya yang buat tu dua orang saja. melayu pula tu. hehe. Tapi apakan daya, kecewa juga bila ada orang lain tak mahu lihat salah satu mercutanda johor dan Malaysia itu dibangunkan.Walau bagaimanapun, saya bangga masa tu sebab dapat bersalam dan dapat pujian Tun tu. Harap dapat jumpa Tun lagi di mana2.. InsyaAllah..
    Semoga Tun akan terus bersemangat untuk Blog memblog ni.
    Hidup Tun!

  30. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Masalah perkauman rasanya tidak pernah wujud cuma digembar gemburkan oleh ahli politik sahaja. Semasa saya pergi untuk menyambut sambutan Tahun Baru China pastinya kawan-kawan saya yang berbangsa Cina akan menyediakan hidangan yang ditempah khas untuk yang beragama Islam. Pinggan pun akan diasingkan. Rasa hormat menghormati masih wujud di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia. Masalah ketuanan Melayu memang telah diketahui oleh bangsa lain. Buat apa kita nak colek atau cubit-cubit benda yang memang kita dah sedia maklum.
    Tun jaga kesihatan sekeluarga kerana tanpa tulisan Tun akan rasa sunyi.
    Terima kasih Tun kerana menyentuh hal perpaduan ni, bagi mereka sedar sikit.

  31. Dear Tun,
    Thanks so much for sharing this.
    Malaysia is very very special. No place on earth like it !
    Vision 2020 Boleh ! 🙂

  32. Good afternoon Honorable Tun & family,
    God bless Tun & Family many many:)
    Usually during Hari Raya, my wife & I, we definitely will attend the open house of our good Malay friends to share & celebrate. During Depavalli, we are also attend open house of our good India friends to & celebrate. During CNY, we invite our good Friend to our open house as well. All I want to say is we are one BIG Happy Malaysian Family:).
    Perpaduaan antara bangsa bangsa mulia mewujubkan Keamanan, Kebahagian & Kemakmuran, dan inilah sekian kita Rakyat sedang menikmati. Kita semua Bangsa Malaysia, bersatu hati kita memajukan Malaysia tercinta.
    Sekian Terima kasih,
    PS : Pleaselah, for those who are playing racist card keep it to yourself..

  33. dear tun
    saya amat gembira tun boleh memasukan komen ini kedalam blog tun. Selama ini benda ini yang amat membimbangkan saya berikutan daripada gara2 parti2 politik. Selama tun memerintah.. Mana ada masalah perkauman…
    Im chinese.. and i stay “taman” that the majority of the population are malay. saya rasa Okey.. malah jiran2 asyik bagi buah tangan dan jemput pergi rumah kalau ada kenduri.. even anak saya dapat duit raya.. MALAYSIA SEMEMANGNYA UNIK… PROUD TO BE MALAYSIAN…

  34. salam Tun,
    I also had the same experience as you when i attended an open house held by my neighbor. Generally there is no hate between races at the common level. Even there is, people dont show it or manageable. The problem lies with some politicians on both sides stoking anger to score points. They are playing with fire to achieve their political aims, think by now we know who they are. They are only harping on negetive issues to justify being elected and sit in the parliament. Not a single positive counter proposals come out from their big mouths. I beieve this country needs a rest from all these bickering over rights,transparency, ISA,my ways are better than yours, being whiter than white,witch hunt etc. I think some of the older veteran politicians will do a service to this country by retiring early(without the ex-gratia of course) and allow a new generation of young and vibrant politicians to take over to bring new ideas, new ways of dealing with disagreements(instead of shouting like hawkers at pasar malam in the parliament)and focus on real issues.
    The current politicians are threading on thin ice by playing the race card, using unproven allegations to kill-off their opponents etc.

  35. Dear Tun,
    Tersentuh hati membaca tulisan Tun ttg isu hidup harmoni antara kaum ni. Benar seperti yang dinyatakan oleh ramai pembaca blog Tun bahawa isu panas soal perkauman yang dibangkitkan sebenarnya hanya mainan ahli politik yang nak menjaga periuk nasi mereka. Cara jahat untuk mendapat sokongan pengundi. Tak bermaruah langsung. Sanggup buat apa sahaja asal matlamat tercapai hatta dengan menggadaikan kesejahteraan dan keselamatan negara sendiri.
    Rakyat Malaysia adalah bangsa yang bersatu padu, hidup aman makmur dalam satu semangat bertoleransi dan menghormati Rukunegara. Jangan ada mana-mana pihak cuba merosakkannya. Semuga semua ini akan dapat diwarisi oleh generasi akan datang. Amin.
    Take care Tun. We still need U.

  36. Dear Tun,
    Actually I’m very surprise with what’s going on in the politics. I was raised and grew up among the chinese and small indian community. Sometimes my late father asked the chinese neighbour asked my chinese neighbour to allow me to sleep over at their places cos I wanted to play and studied with his children.
    The Indian man, whose business was operating roti canai shop would drop by every morning to give roti canai for our breakfast. I grew up and worked in chinese companies, not even once I had any racial issues, until I stumbled upon 13th. May, but still, it didn’t affect my community at all. My late father, in fact, ensure that our neighbours would not be harassed by ignorant malays.
    But what is going on now created by the politicians, especially by UMNO, will destroy the unity that you and previous leaders had worked so hard to achieve to where we were before this current regime.
    From my circle of business friends, (mainly non-malays), they feel that DSN and his queen will make it worse.
    Salam Tun, if not careful….we are destroying the future generations.

  37. salam TUN,
    My Raya open house is on late 26 Oct, our guest around 100 jer which is only 1% of your expected guest, but i think tadela teruk sangat kot =))… our special menu is Nasi Dagang… =)) … next year im planning to invite you, but im not very optimist you can attend as my family is not VIP family.. we just moderate familia… =)).. but still, i extended my invitation for my next Raya open house…to.. YOU… hope you can be our GUEST OF HONOUR too..!!
    [email protected]

  38. Tun,
    As Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu
    The racial antagonism only exist in the minds of the politicians who want this to happen for their own benefit. I am strictly a non political person who believes what politicians say can be harmful to the health of the country and the people.
    The relationship between the three main ethinic groups in Malaysia dates back to antiquity. We have been partners in trading from since God knows when. The bondage had been so strong that we had assimilated each other’s language into our own laguage, each other’s culture in our own culture and each others ways into our own was without even realising it. So it is not surprising that what happened during these festivities’ open house (unique only to Malaysia) happened without us realizing it.
    What we need to do is prevent the rift in the races by further encouraging racial integration on a daily basis. We need now to know more about each other’s culture and prohibitions so we can learn to respect each other. The various ethnic groups should invite each other to attend their places of worship to get better understanding of our religious followings. We need to develop a cultural competency in Malaysia to that we could further foster better interracial relationship.
    We can build a better home environment if we interact with each other more and bring back the good neighbourly relationship. I thought the rukun tetangga thing was a very good move by the government of that day. It indeed had promoted a better neighbourly relationship between residents of a community. May be we should bring that back into practice.
    drAG of Langkawi

  39. TUN..

  40. If it is evident that non-Malays don’t harbour hatred towards the Malays, then it is high time that the NEP be done away with, as the paramount concern against the abolishment of the NEP is that the non-Malays will take advantage of the Malays, which our current leadership have falsely claimed to be still economically lagging behind the non-Malays.
    So since it has been shown that we all love each other as Malaysians irregardless of race or religion, this should no longer be a worry. Equal rights should be granted to all. We are all, after all, God’s children.

  41. This is truly a great spirit in our country. I am truly glad to see that.
    I myself also have alot of Malay and Indian friends. Infact, when I was in my hometown. We used to go for a Teh Tarik at Mamak shop and I salam them with my right hand and place my hand on my heart. I learnt this culture from them and we even close with the Indian Muslim working there. Oh yeah this shows how close we can get along with other races.
    When we sit down and talk, we infact don’t even know what remember whether we are Chinese, Malay or Indians. Infact, we both know we are friends and MALAYSIANS. That’s just it. Nothing more and how much we appreciate our friendship.
    Hopefully we can see everyone in our country will practise the same way and always respect each others. After all, we are all holding a Malaysian NRIC thus it should be automatically speaks that we are all under one roof – Malaysia.

  42. Salam Tun & members,
    Undoubtedly I fully agreed with comment posted by Dan_kiri.Both politicians from BN or Opossition who ignited the racial sentimen & issues.Even I’ve more non-bumi friends than Malay as I’ve been working with non-bumi firm for ten years and during I hosted the raya open house they joined and enjoyed each other.Everyday I wait for bus to and fro among them,talk with them amicably.
    Sorry Tun,I perceive after PRU12 the BN especially UMNO leaders seem unable to accept the reality of the result whih “diverted” more victory to PR.As we see now even the election had over still talking,commenting on the calamity hits BN.On top of that most politician are now “babbling” about the Umno Election next Mac 2009. So they waste for 1 year talking on pointless issue which brings no benefit for rakyat…
    Pada pandangan Tun,adakah selama BN mendapat majoriti 2/3 di Parlimen selama ni,adakah hubungan antara kaum baik serta tiada prasangka buruk??Inilah yang perlu pemimpin yang menganggap diri mereka “bijak pandai” mencari jawapannya…
    Tun,saya memang sakit hati sangat bila kerajaan announce pasal ex-gratia payment to judges…di sebalik keadaan rakyat yang miskin melarat and tidak ada duit utk membeli makanan,dengan senang hatinya kerajaan “mendermakan” wang yang byk kepada hakim yang pada pandangan saya tidak memberi sumbangan kepada negara pun…dorang adalah kakitangan kerajaan yang terikat dengan etika seperti yang lain juga.

  43. Tun yang dikasihi,
    Not just that Tun, there were two or three of the guesses attended your open house were very concerned to ask whether my friend and i had had our ‘makan’ or not.They were two chinese men, an indian man and a malay woman.
    My friend looked at me and said, ” Macam tak percaya aje, dalam ramai peminat2 Tun yang datang kat sini, ada juga yang sudi nak menyapa dan bertanya tentang kita sama ada dah makan atau tidak.Pada hal tak pernah kenal pun.”
    Lagi satu nak cerita kat Tun (tapi cerita ni ada ‘point’), budak yang bawa keretapi tu memang garang betul sampai terkedu dibuatnya kami.Silapnya ialah kami tak tahu rumah Tun ni terletak di antara Palace Of The Golden Horses dan The Mines, so bila budak ni jerit ‘palace , palace’, kami pun buat ‘donno je’ , dah sampai kat palace baru kami tahu kedudukan sebenar yang kami sepatutnya turun kat Mines. Apa lagi driver train tu naik angin sebab ramai tak turun kat palace.Semua kena marah, India, cina dan Melayu.Dua orang budak India dan Melayu yang naik sebelah saya pun naik takut dan tanya saya betul ke train tu pi rumah Tun. Kemuncaknya berlaku pertengkaran antara sorang passenger dan driver ni.Passenger ni dah hilang sabar dengan driver ni dan cuba ‘defend’ kami semua.
    Saya bukan suka sangat tengok gaduh2 ni tapi saya suka tengok keunikan pertengkaran ni sebabnya ialah…dua2 passenger dan driver train ni berbangsa cina tapi bila bertengkar cakap bahasa melayu.
    kan elok macam tu, baru nampak semangat ke Malaysiaan nya.Kesudahan ceritanya saya tak tahu .Saya rasa driver tu mesti dalam masalah besar sebabnya passenger yang gaduh dengan dia tu ada cakap, “Lu tahu ka saya sapa?tahu ka saya ni sapa” Saya cakap kat kawan saya, entah2 driver ni gaduh dengan tokeh dia sendiri kut.
    Apa-apa pun “we really had great fun at your house. India , Cina, Melayu adalah SATU.

  44. Salams Tun dan Tun Siti
    My daughters’ Chinese friends all respected you Sir, therefore they respected their Malay friends,they understand that some food are not allowed and they take the trouble to prepare halal food, buy new cooking utensils and using disposable cutlery wnenever they brought food to school.Whenever any sensitive issue pop-up, they would just ignore them. School is the best place to nurture muhibbah.

  45. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun dan Selamat Sejahtera Para Komentar Sekalian,
    Memang benar apa yang dibicarakan oleh YBhg Tun dan para komentar yang lain iaitu Malaysia memang unik dengan penduduknya berbilang bangsa. Keunikan itulah keistimewaan kita. Jagalah ia supaya sentiasa segar dan mekar agar negara Malaysia ini kekal aman selama-lamanya.
    Jika tiada aral melintang, saya, Ms. Lim dan Sri Lakhsmi akan ‘makan-makan’ di Old Town Coffee, Jalan Klang Lama pada hari Sabtu ini bagi meraikan kenaikan pangkat saya. Rakan serumah saya menggelarkannya ‘makan majmuk’.:)
    Salam muhibbah buat semua…

  46. Dear Tun,
    It is depressing for me to hear from our previous leader of 22 years that:- there is a “popular belief that the races in Malaysia are antagonistic towards each other.”
    Is it therefore not surprising that all the policies and decisions by his administration would be raced based?

  47. Dear Tun
    Your article brings tears to my eyes. It is really so touching.
    Best of health to you and wife.

  48. YAB Tun,
    I agree with what your observations. However politicians (especially from UMNO) these days just love to stir-up the racial sentiments. I suppose this is done when one is bankrupt of real ideas to develop the country while at the same time attempt to hide ones glaring weaknesses.

  49. Dear Tun, May Allah bless you for more Hari Raya open houses in your future with good health & prosperity.

  50. Dear Tun,
    It is good that you have spoken out what you felt in your heart.This is how the “ordinary Malaysian” regardless of their races is behaving in our nation everyday.
    So you can clearly see that only those “Dirty Politicains” with motives are creating the racialism crisis.And this practice has to be be stopped in order to restore the peaceful and harmony life style of MALAYSIAN.
    Good days, Tun.

  51. sejak paklah naik semua orang kata melayu rasis,china rasis,india rasis.masing-masing berlaga nak tunjuk siapa juara kaum masing-masing.zaman tun sorry benda ni semua kaum tak berani buat.adakah sistem keterbukaan dan demokrasi seperti ini bagus dengan membincangkan siapa dapat lebih,siapa dapatb kurang.siapa pendatang ,siapa penduduk asal negara ini.sedangkan negara lain memikirkan bagaimana untuk menyelematkan ekonomi negara.

  52. Dear Tun,
    Good Morning.
    We, malaysians of various colours, races and culture, get along very well with each other. There is not doubt about it.
    But, it is the politicians who play up the issue to win votes. Our politicians have nothing else to talk about to the people because they are not clever. Just observe what is happening in the parliament; they just shout at each other and use words that we teach our children not to use. They cannot discuss and argue sensibly. These are the politicians who use race issues and get voted in to be the YB.

  53. Salam Muhibbah to Tun and readers
    Racial unity has brought me back in my fond boarding school day memory.of course it is a priviledge to all malay parents when their children are offered to enter a science boarding school. I remeber, in my batch there was a sole chinese student whom finnished his study with me there.If i called back,there was less than 10 non malay students during my 5 years,mostly Indians and Asli.But this guy was so steady to adopt living in a hostel full with malays. We studied together,ganged together, went to dining room together,outing and played sport together. When we ragging our malay juniors, he did it too..we didnt even bothered him as we felt equal and like siblings,well when the time our warden called ragging juniors and newbies was legal.hehehe. I remember our hilarious moments when we bullying one of our own lesser malay friend. we didnt even felt janggal to see he,chinese,different skin, joined us rioting that poor guy. eventually he either. And like many bright chineses,he also finished with flying colours there.All in all,we enjoyed a great rapport and we could sense he really felt at ease with us.IMO, unity really need to be started at school. because when I entered college, racial diversity became more obvious.
    BTW, tun,any comments on RM10.5 mil sum to ex-judges.? Zaid ibrahim might have jumped ship,but is he free from any blitz and bashing?

  54. Dear Tun
    Reading this particular blog and most of the comments, makes me miss Malaysia sooooo much.
    I agreed with dayanganita;
    The BTN course I attended, from my opinion, is a bit ignorance to other races.In some way,I do agree regarding ketuanan melayu.but, dgn syarat,melayu pun turut sama to be competitive and proggressive, without clinging to the mercy of the goverment and being too compleasant. but fellow friends have already warned me to keep my opinion and my thoughts to myself, or I may not be granted with permission to go abroad. In one LDK session, where we are given a situation, to choose which company we would chose, an incompetence company but pro-goverment, a competence company but owned by opponent, or an international company that has nothing to do with the politics. well, I strongly influence the rest to being fair and look for quality. But, at last I have to find excuses to change the choice, as the facilitator, ‘in a way’, threaten to record my ‘choice’ as ‘dangerous’for the nation.
    saya ada terfikir jugak, apa lah perasaan bangsa lain yg turut sama berada dalam kursus tersebut…mungkin sedar diri, mungkin juga bertambah benci. Whatever it is, either we’re malay, chinese, indians,bumiputera or lain2, we’re still share Malaysia as our homeland..
    ‘Hujan batu di negeri orang, baik lagi di negeri sendiri’
    Malaysia in my heart..

  55. Salam
    Semangat muhibbah itu memang perkara yang positif malah di tuntut dalam masyarakat majmuk. Orang Melayu memang very accommodating, pemaaf, sharing and giving, mudah untuk melupakan kejadian yang sudah-sudah.Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia. Pantang di puji melentuknya boleh sampai ke tanah, akhirnya semuanya boleh tergadai.
    Dalam kaitan Islam di Malaysia pula, pada pendapat saya janganlah pula kita mengharapkan orang bukan Islam untuk mengagungkan ugama Islam. Sementara orang Melayu itu adalah majoritinya Islam di Malaysia, maka terletak di bahu orang Melayu sendiri memperkuatkan Islam di Malaysia pula. Adalah mustahil mengharapkan pemerintah bukan Melayu akan mendukungkan Islam untuk orang Melayu. Lihat sahaja di sekeliling negara Malaysia kini. Tetapi sekiranya orang Melayu itu sendiri yang menjatuhkan Islam, maka tidak ada apa-apa lagi yang akan tinggal pula kepada Islam di Malaysia.
    Ini pendapat saya sahaja.:)

  56. Salam
    Semangat muhibbah itu memang perkara yang positif malah di tuntut dalam masyarakat majmuk. Orang Melayu memang very accommodating, pemaaf, sharing and giving, mudah untuk melupakan kejadian yang sudah-sudah.Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia. Pantang di puji melentuknya boleh sampai ke tanah, akhirnya semuanya boleh tergadai.
    Dalam kaitan Islam di Malaysia pula, pada pendapat saya janganlah pula kita mengharapkan orang bukan Islam untuk mengagungkan ugama Islam. Sementara orang Melayu itu adalah majoritinya Islam di Malaysia, maka terletak di bahu orang Melayu sendiri memperkuatkan Islam di Malaysia pula. Adalah mustahil mengharapkan pemerintah bukan Melayu akan mendukungkan Islam untuk orang Melayu. Lihat sahaja di sekeliling negara Malaysia kini. Tetapi sekiranya orang Melayu itu sendiri yang menjatuhkan Islam, maka tidak ada apa-apa lagi yang akan tinggal pula kepada Islam di Malaysia.
    Ini pendapat saya sahaja.:)

  57. Hail Great Tun,
    recently,there are a lot of heroes emerged who ruin the unity that you’ve created . it’s Not just from the government, but in the opposition too. one side claims, while the latter’s like a tug of war. This won’t benefit all malaysian as we are all malaysian.for me the phrase “respect” is most important catalyst for unity. respect might be a single word. but it represents a horizon-limit of space for us to endeavour..

  58. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Ada sesetengah yang hanya tahu menyakat sahaja, mempergunakan setiap ruang laluan yang ada hanya untuk tujuan sebegitu. Bagi mereka ini, terlalu banyak kebencian dalam kehidupan mereka hingga sanggup menggadai maruah secara murahan sebegitu untuk secebis kepuasan sementara berselindung dibelakang nama-nama samaran mereka. Setiap kali mereka menyakat dengan intonasi perkauman mereka, maka akan acap kali jugalah maruah mereka tergadai sedikit demi sedikit dihadapan kaca skrin mereka. Saya setuju dengan posting Tun ini. Janganlah kita terbawa dengan kata-kata sesat dari hati-hati busuk dan berpenyakit para mereka ini. Jangan pula kita membuang masa dan martabat diri dengan para mereka ini. Memang dah jadi lumrah orang tak ada maruah dan martabat, kencing berak bercamuk rata kampung dan tengah jalan. Manusia yang jenis angkat kain – janji cukup sembunyi muka, kemudian lepas habuan. Tak kan mereka ini layak mewakili mana-mana individu lain, selain dari hanya diri mereka yang sememangnya sah berpenyakit kronik dan tidak pernah bertamadun.

  59. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera moga sihat dan panjang umur.
    Terbuai saya dgn kata kata Tun, ingat kembali zaman kecil bergaul mesra dgn rakan kaum lain di kampung dan sekolah. Tapi zaman dah berubah, semua dah maju, sibuk berkejar ke jalan yg di tuju.
    Dari kecil saya memang berusaha bergaul dgn kaum lain. Sekarang peluang anak muda bergaul antara kaum makin tipis. SEDIH…
    Rumah terbuka cara baik menjalin semula pertalian antara kita. Kalau orang sudi datang tanda dia hormat, hargai dan kenang tuan rumah. Orang ikhlas menghulur tangan mesra, kita sambut dan cium dari jauh se ela. Kita se kata Malaysia berjaya.
    Tulisan Tun berupa tokoh, negarawan menggalak berbaik, ambil yg jernih, lihat yg suci. Kita mesti elak dari membaca lebih dari maksud orang krn pentingkan diri. Kita bukan melawan bangsa agama dan kulit, tapi sikap jahat manusia yang suka membelit (semua bangsa ada orang mcm ini-kita tetap lawan)

  60. Rulers May Disagree With Govt Leaders – Raja Nazrin
    KUCHING, Nov 7 (Bernama) — The Rulers shall not agree with advice given by government leaders which goes against the spirit of the constitution, rule of law and universal principles of justice, the Raja Muda of Perak Raja Nazrin Shah said.
    “Generally, the Rulers act based on the advice by government leaders elected by the people. Nevertheless, the Rulers cannot accede to acts which do not symbolise justice or sanction moves which do not mirror truth.
    “The Rulers’ views, observation and counsel in the administrative affairs of the country touching on the question of integrity which encompasses justice, law, judiciary, misappropriation, power abuse, corruption and wealth distribution, are with the desire to strengthing the government so that it is stable and receives people’s trust,” he said at a dinner in conjunction with the National Integrity Day here.
    To ensure the Rulers’ integrity is not questioned and the throne remains respected, Raja Nazrin said, the Rulers shall always be intelligent and wise, master knowledge, understand the surroundings and changes, and possess a group of advisers comprising experts and people knowledgeable in the relevant fields.
    “This will enable the Rulers fulfil their roles with integrity and make the smart, accurate, just and fair decisions,” he said.
    In other words, the Rulers are the last resort to protect the Constitution and ensure that it is intact at all times. This is the most ideal system of check and balance particulary when certain irresponsible leaders trying to be heros championing their own race by instigating and continuously threathening and harping the special rights of the Malays as enshrined and stipulated clearly in the Constitution. If this were to continue unabated I think it is wise for the Rulers to act accordingly without fear and favour to ensure that the rakyat could continue to live peacefully without any feeling of being manipulated by opportunistic leaders.

  61. When we talk about the World, it is East vs West.
    When we talk about the East, there are Middle Easte and there are Far East (but no Near East).
    When we talk about the Far East, there are S’pore vs Malaysia, S.Korea vs N. Korea, etc.
    When we talk about the Malaysians pulak, then there are these categories Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans (and other Bumiputra groups) and then there are the undefined Others 😛
    Within the races, we have regional dialects. Then we have, some Kelantanese boys vs rest of the land engaged in some friendly shovings at college fields.
    Even within our own family, there may be one model child and then there is another wayward one. They may love each other 100% but they are still a family.
    God has created people different. Certainly; He could have created everyone uniformly good, follow the rules and get along well with one another. But what kind of world will that be? (I know what’s in your mind but let’s not get into that in this warm posting) So we should continue the spirit that we have had since 1400s – welcome each others warmly (except for any selfish colonials) and find our own space without pushing on fragile boundaries (big news… we DO need our own boundaries and space, man) and solve the occasional family spice that flares up. His words are that we’re made different – so that we can learn to know each others.

  62. asalamualaikum bapak…
    aiyakkkkkk jeeeeeelesnyerrr kat dorang yg p raya umah bapak…
    haru biru hatu ku….hehehheheeee…nati2 kalo bapak buat umah terbuka lagi gitau awai2 na…2 minggu awai ker….1 bln awai lg baik..nak book cuti..hehehheheeeee….hmmmmmm….org politik yg menyemarakkan api perkauman nih….yg pm lak duk buat dek jer…tu yg tegak rambut tu…..ntah la….penin2 dah ngan dorang2 ni….
    aper2 pun saya sayang m’sia….n terimakasih kerana berusaha mengharmonikan rakyat m’sia…..terima kasihhhhhhhh…..tu sbb saya sayangkan bapak mcm saya sayangkan arwah bapak saya……….tak kisah lah kalo ada org kata ngada2..
    sbb disini mcm saya sembang ngan arwah bapak….heheheheeeee….org kata..hargai org yg kita sayang/yg berjasa sebelom depa pergi tinggalkan kiter..yer dak…..

  63. Salam Tun,
    You are absolute right. Being a Chinese, I have many Malay friends, business partners, customers, etc. Despite of different religious and backgrounds, we respect each other.
    – We enjoy food on the same table;
    – We buka puasa together while we may ‘fasting’ too when meet up during lunch hour in bulan Ramadan or additional 6 days fasting after Raya;
    – We share view on Malaysia or International politic;
    – We exchange each other culture and believe;
    – We go outing together;
    – We jointly work on proposals and bid for projects etc.
    – My wife even ‘save’ a Malay neighbour boy life recently
    – A Malay partner even scolded Malay friend that ‘My Chinese friends are more respect to my Malay culture.’
    – My Chinese staffs wear Kebayan when meeting with Malay customers especially during Friday. It is not under company instruction. My wife also wear it during some official events. I am looking for a Sarong to replace my pyjamas.
    – We respect some Malay females for not shaking hands. We understand the belief of each individual.
    Some readers may think that I am those Chinese who grew up in Malay environment – National School, Malay kampong, etc. No, I had my 12 years Chinese School environment in small town and 4 years in local university; I speak Mandarin or Chinese dialect at home. I enjoy Chinese Chay Keow Teow, Chinese Tea, Nasi Beriani, Malay Kuih, Roti Canai, Teh Tarik, etc.
    We too can’t understand why politician says Malay, Chinese or Indian are racism. If raced based political parties still can’t realise that Malaysian are living in Muhhibah environment and still play with race issue, BN will have tough time in coming GE. Wih globalisation, our competitors are foreigners including Singaporean, who always want to control over us to show that they are more superior. Perhaps, only Tkt 4 boys trust them for their win-win transactions at the expense of Rakyat.
    Thank you.

  64. Dear Tun,
    Selagi pemerintah membenarkan sekolah selain dari sekolah kebangsaan berjalan terus, maka cita-cita untuk melihat lahirnya bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu padu dengan ikhlas amat tipis. Satu jalan sahaja yang dapat dilakukan pada masa kini ialah pelajar Melayu dan guru Melayu hendaklah dimasukkan ke sekolah SJKC supaya nama sahaja SJKC tetapi komposisinya bercorak kebangsaan. Tambahan pula dana kerajaan sudah pun mengalir masuk kesekolah tersebut.
    Semangat perkauman yang menebal dikalangan sebahagian kaum Cina terutamanya adalah hasil daripada pengasingan aktiviti harian yang berlandaskan kaum dll. Berbeza dengan kaum Melayu dan India yang nampaknya boleh bertolak ansur walaupun kadangkala ada sedikit ketidakpuasan hati.
    Pemimpin kaum Cina dan India seharusnya menunjuk semangat kenegaraan yang menebal dahulu sebelum mengharapkan apa-apa perubahan yang drastik.
    Fikir-fikirkan lah…

  65. Assalamualaikum Tun yang dihormati,
    1.Terlepas peluang sekali lagi untuk bertemu Tun pada Open house
    Tun baru-baru ini kerana sedikit masalah kesihatan.
    2.Secara umum,toleransi kaum di negara kita masih baik tapi boleh
    diperbaiki dan diperkuatkan lagi dari masa ke semasa.
    3.Pemimpin negara harus tegas dan bijak menangani apa jua hal
    berkaitan isu perkauman.Terasa rindu keaadaan semasa pemerintahan Tun.
    4Cara paling berkesan memupuk ikatan muhibbah ini ialah melalui
    sistem pendidikan.Bermula dari tadika,sekolah rendah hingga menengah,sudah pasti anak-anak ini tidak kekok dan biasa dengan
    semua kaum.Kebiasaannya mereka yang membesar di bandar lebih
    didedahkan dengan persekitaran muhibah ini.
    5.Saya percaya,sekiranya negara kita hanya ada satu sistem sekolah
    kebangsaan,ikatan ini akan lebih kukuh.Biarlah disekolah ini bahasa
    mandarin dan tamil diajar juga.Walau bagaimanapun,Sekolah Wawasan adalah satu langkah permulaan yang baik,contohnya sekolah Wawasan
    di Subang Jaya.Tapi saya tidak pasti kenapa sekarang tidak kedengaran untuk menambahnya lagi di kawasan lain.
    6.Saya juga membesar dalam suasana muhibbah sejak dari zaman tadika
    hingga ke sekolah menengah.Oleh itu tidak menjadi masalah untuk
    bercampur dengan kaum lain apabila di universiti dan bila bekerja.
    7.Mulai hari ini,tidak payahlah kita rakyat Malaysia mendengar
    ‘dendangan’perkauman yang sering dilaungkan oleh pemimpin tertentu.
    Selagi kita menghormati hak masing-masing dan bertimbang rasa sudah
    tentu ikatan ini kekal.Inilah yang selalu Tun laungkan dulu supaya
    kita bersatu sebagai bangsa MALAYSIA.
    Semoga Tun dirahmati Allah dan cera selalu.
    Rozanna Hussain

  66. Kim Quek! we don’t need heroes here in this Tun’s blog. here is the place for all Malaysians who seek unity under Tun’s patronage..

  67. Malaysia memang negara paling muhibbah di dunia despite all its shortcomings.
    Negara contoh if i may say so.
    Credit to all our forefathers. Including Tun M. ^^


  69. Salam Tun
    3 kaum berlainan hidup AMAN dan HARMONI.
    KSAH Old Boys 85′

  70. Dearest Tun,
    Another nice article from you! Haven’t had the opportunity to meet you sir but i promised myself your next open house i will be there for sure.
    For those asking for pictures at Tun’s open house, can visit the links below.
    To Tun, just so you know i am one of your biggest fans. During my university days almost everyday I googled your name to read any news about you. That time I was studying abroad. Nowadays with hectic schedules with work and family, I still do that once in a while. Too bad there is not much news about you highlighted by media after you retired (thanks to pak lah for his “openness” policy in press freedom)
    One of the commentators mentioned when you shook his hand, you looked straight into his eyes. Kinda remind me about 10 years back when I was studying Pak Lah made a visit to my univ. That time he was the Foreign Minister. When I shook his hand he had some smiles on his face but his eyes didnt look at my face at all. He looked at my knees seems he purposedly trying to avoid eye contact. Made me feel he was not sincere. I know its no biggie but every time I see Pak Lah in TV it will remind me of that small incident because that was the only time I ever met him. Turned out my instinct to be true he is not fit to be a good leader.
    Keep blogging Tun. Funny sometimes just by reading your articles and even some comments from the visitors really make my day! 🙂

  71. Assalamualaikum Tun….
    Tun…. saya ni sejak kecil celik celik di kelilingi oleh jiran berbagai kaum..sebelah kiri rumah saya…jiran saya kaum India…belakang rumah saya jiran melayu…sebelah kanan pulak jiran cina…bapa saya pula imam & naib kadi di daerah tersebut, ketua umno cawangan lak tu….kami hidup dalam suasana semangat kejiranan yg tinggi…kehidupan masa lalu berbeza dr sekarang , saya masih ingat …hidup kami tak lah sesenang sekarang…. masa saya di bangku sekolah rendah, saya masih ingat tv hitam putih kami rosak….bapa saya mungkin tak mampu utk membyr kos utk repair tv tu…yg masih segar di dalam ingatan saya, kami masih berpeluang nonton tv especially time “gambar melayu” TANPA bertandang ke rumah jiran india kami…Cara nya melalui tingkap bilik belakang rumah kami yg bertentangan dengan tingkap rumah jiran india kami, betul2 mengadap tv mereka…so kami dapat melihat dgn jelas wpun suara dr speaker tv tu samar samar….yg sportingnya jiran kami sentiasa beri kerjasama utk tidak “block” pandangan kami…..kami bersyukur, sekarang bukan setakat tv kami dpt miliki sendiri, malah lebih dari itu…alhamdulillah
    Setelah kami berpindah ke daerah yg lain , semagat kejiranan masih terus bersemadi di hati kami, kunjung berkunjung di antara satu sama lain terutama di hari2 perayaan masing masing, kalau tak sempat berkunjunjg , kuih, biskut, buah buahan tetap kami terima setiap tahun, baik dari jiran india mau pun jiran cina, sewaktu arwah emak saya jatuh sakit , jiran2 india dan cina turut menziarahi keluarga kami, ada yg menitiskan airmata melihat keuzuran emak saya, sambil mengenangkan kebaikan antara keluarga kami dgn keluarga mereka selama ini….
    sekarang saya sendiri telah berkeluarga dan tidak lagi tinggal di negeri tumpah darah saya, mengikut suami ….setahun yg lalu saya tinggal di taman perumahan di kelilingi jiran cina sahaja….namun suasana nya tetap sama…. semangat kejiranan yg dipupuk sejak kecil masih berterusan…sehingga sorang nenek cina (berasal dari negeri china amat sukar berkomunikasi dgnnya) yg berusia 83 begitu sedih apabila dapat tahu saya akan berpindah ….dengan bahasa isyarat yg di buat nya menunjukkan dia begitu sedih mdengar kami akan berpindah, yg saya cuma paham….dia sebut…”sayang lu…….”saya pun terasa menitis airmata mendengarnya..
    Walau berlainan bangsa, warna kulit, agama, fahaman politik dan lain lain semua itu kami ketepikan….yg penting bagi kami dapat berjiran dgn suasana aman dan ceria bila bertegur sapa dgn jiran jiran kami…

  72. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    The bond in racial harmony is still strong among the Malaysians. It is the doing of the politicians and those with hidden agenda that create unhealthy racial atmosphere. During the 70s all the races studied under one school, the English schools. Now what happen? We have separate schools for each race. My children don’t have many Chinese and Indian friends in school like I did. So for the sake of future Malaysian generations let’s hope this harmony will continue and stay forever.
    I wish you well Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  73. Dear Tun,
    You are right in saying that there is still substantial racial goodwill in Malaysia. Of course there are small groups of racists out there who actually tarnish the good name of Malaysia. Ironically, the biggest culprits are those who claim want to ban race-based politics – the Opposition parties. By trying to win votes, they raise sensitive racial issues and accuse the Govt of being racist, not knowing – or not caring – that they themselves are the main cause of the racial discomfort that permeates the atmosphere in our country today.
    Today, we must inculcate in our children the importance of racial harmony. We must teach them to reject racism, bigotry and to accept all races, all cultures. As parents, it is our responsibility.
    I wish you, my dear Dr. M, a long and healthy life. God bless.

  74. Ayahanda Tun & Bonda ,
    I send all my 5 children to Chinese school.Pengalaman anak anak saya. now they read, write and speak the language.
    1. They already have a non written rule about protecting their territory.Tak payah heboh heboh.But I am sure this is natural.Tak perlu forum, seminar..just pure immigrant survival instinct.
    2.When you speak the language, you are considered ‘one of them’- always getting preferential treatment.Walaupun tak kenal langsung ,my children bila beli barang, dapat discount.I must let you know that harga barang memang berbeza antara kita.
    3.This means that we just need to get to know each other better.
    Political issues aside,at the ground level,saya yakin,kita semua taklah racial sangat.Cuma as long as we know and get closer to each other,there will be no friction.
    4. I feel that the root of the problem is at the school level.Unlike those days when I was schooling, All races go to the same school to get good English education.Adalah sikit sikit sekolah Melayu, China etc.
    Nowadays we are divided into Sekolah Kebangsaan and Sekolah jenis Kebangsaan.Cina, Tamil.
    The Chinese especially in my area won’t send their children to Sekolah Kebangsaan because it is in Malay medium.If their children cannot get good English education,they might as well brush up on their mother tougue.
    5.As for me, my children is proficient in another language,the teachers are dedicated .They are focused on their studies. I am happy with the education they get.They are disciplined .(Sebab cikgu masih pakai rotan.).The only problem is I have to help my children with their English.
    6. Can we get back the cohesion we experienced in days gone by?
    Of course we can.Just get all our children in the same school as we did.Otherwise, we will keep drifting apart and breed suspicion among us.
    This is just my two sen thoughts.Semoga dapat perhatian Ayahanda, Bonda dan pembaca budiman sekelian.
    Kita dah ditakdirkan berkongsi begini and I plan to make the best of it.I love my country.You know, when I went to Mekah with my son, I was so homesick that my son suggested we sang Negara ku over and over again in the hotel room!And we did! What a relief.

  75. Dear Tun,
    Biro Tatanegara under Jabatan Perdana Menteri is inciting hatred amongst the people of different races when they give lectures at heir camps. Ask any participants of those “Kem BTN” and you will understand. I recently read a detail report written by my chinese friend who attended a BTN camp and was extremely disappointed with the way BTN “lecturers” harped on ketuanan melayu and the fact that she and all non-malays born and bred in Malaysia will still be considered as pendatang. I checked with a Malay girlfriend who attended the same camp and she verified the story. I was informed that you were invited by UKM to deliver a lecture on social contract and it was well received. Perhaps Tun, it’s time you assist BTN and correct those buggers.

  76. Salam TDM,
    Saya rasa gembira bila membaca snippet ini. Memang sudah kurang atau tiada masalah antara kaum di Malaysia.
    Hanya pemimpin-pemimpin politik sahaja yang suka mencanang masalah perkauman di Malaysia termasuklah TDM sendiri.
    Saya dan rakan-rakan saya yang bukan Islam, bukan Melayu sentiasa berkomunikasi dengan baik antara satu sama lain. Kami sentiasa hormat-menghormati, sayang-menyayangi dengan harapan dapat hidup dengan lebih aman dan makmur di Malaysia yang bertuah ini.

  77. Tun yang dihormati,
    Saya suka baca tentang tulisan Tun mengenai sambutan hari raya pada kali ini.Jelaslah kepada kita bahawa kita masih lagi hidup dalam keadaan yang aman damai dan masih lagi boleh bersalam-salaman dengan orang India dan Cina dengan penuh keikhlasan.Sememangnya, musuh-musuh dari luar akan berusaha sedaya upaya mereka untuk menggunakan isu perkauman ini sebagai salah satu agenda utama mereka untuk memecah belahkan rakyat Malaysia. Apabila kita hidup dalam keadaan tidak aman dan huru-hara, maka mereka akan gunakan peluang ini untuk menguasai negara kita dengan pelbagai cara.Semoga hubungan erat masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum ini akan terus sampai bila-bila.
    Oh ya, Tun, tahun ni saya di marah oleh kawan-kawan India dan Cina saya kerana tak buat buat open house tahun ni. Bukan apa, tahun ni agak sibuk sikit dan budget pula tak cukup. He, he, he. Yang peliknya, mereka kata, tak apa, kami bawa makanan dari rumah, dan hanya minta saya sediakan minuman sahaja. Sedihnya saya Tun.

  78. Dearest Tun,
    I feel a tug in my heart whilst reading your comments on Open House and racial interaction.
    I am in my 50’s so I can relate to your experience with regard to racial interaction. I grew up in a multi-cultural community where parents look out for each other’s children. I celebrated all racial festivities from a very young age and continue to do so until today.
    In my family we have several inter-marriages, so we have Chinese, Indian, Kurdish, Australian, American and French spouses. So, our children are also exposed to the diversity of our culture.
    My god-father is Indian, my god-daughter is Chinese, I have 2 best friends i.e a Chinese and a Malay, my father-in-law is American and the list of diversity goes on.
    I urge all Malaysians to open our minds, our hearts and embrace the diversity and joy of this multi racial community of ours. We are unique so don’t let the ugly and greedy politicians divide us.
    My life has been so exciting and interesting ‘cos of the diversity of friends/relatives that I surround myself with. I have no hesitation about performing my prayers in the home of my Chinese friends if I have to. Like wise I attended their wedding in the church and it does not make me less of a Muslim ‘cos of that.
    My Chinese and Indian friends would even join me in fasting and breaking fast in the month of Ramadhan. Yes, my Indian friend would even fast ( for the whole month of Ramadhan )for her Malay best friend who has been ill and unable to fast ‘cos of her illness.
    Yes, that how beautiful this Indian friend of mine is. It does not matter that she is not a Muslim, but the spirit of the friendship and love for her friend will certainly be noticed by God!
    I can go on and on or perhaps i should write a book about it someday…Insyaallah!
    Take care Tun and I’m your number 1 fan:)

  79. Dear Tun,
    Hari Raya memang seronok sebab bercuti panjang, tahun ini saya ikut bapa saya melawat ke rumah terbuka Menteri Besar Johor Datuk Abdul Gani Othman di Sungai Mati, Muar. Tahun-tahun yang lepas saya juga ada melawat ke rumah terbuka Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin Di Tanjung Emas, Muar. Dapat makan makanan Melayu dan salam tangan dengan mereka. Saya juga melawat rumah jiran Melayu pada hari raya dan anak saya yang berumur 3 tahun bermain dengan anak jiran walaupun masih belum belajar bahasa Melayu. Dan ramai juga orang Melayu jaga melawat kami setiap tahun baru cina.
    Di Kuala Lumpur, dalam pejabat saya pekerja Melayu lebih ramai daripada pekerja Cina. Inilah cara hidup sebenar rakyat Malaysia. Kalau ada peluang, saya juga ingin melawat rumah terbuka Tun satu hari nanti.
    Wish you good health and have a wonderful day.

  80. YAB Tun,
    The people of Malaysia have never been the problem of this beloved nation of ours.
    Malaysia’s problem is the leaders who are entrusted with the power to govern. In 2004, the Government of choice was elected almost without a fight. The people had towering hopes and vision then, for the nation and therefore came out in full support of entrusting the BN to govern to greater heights and achievements.
    Race issues are almost insignificant when the people have hopes for a better future with a clear vision where it is heading. Everyone wants peace, harmony and the best for their future generations. These are hopes of any normal human being.
    Malaysia had this vision once. It is destroyed now – because a leader who abused his power with family involvement and such, because arrogance and ignorance were the leadership style of the day, because leaders are blinded by enormous wealth that can be gained from their elected positions and because the party entrusted to choose these leaders no longer uphold the aspirations of the people.
    Due to all these, now opportunists in the name of betterment are using race issues to fuel their selfish and narrow cause. These shallow ‘leaders’ are now getting some attention because the people are disillusioned by the current stubborn leadership.
    The people want to see the glimmer of hope again and they unfortunately do not see it in the present leaders.
    This is the real issue. Saying and highlighting racial issues are actually just a distraction to make people turn from the real issue.
    UMNO should take not of this, but it did not and still have not.
    It is frustrating to see a party of millions membership unable to even jolt a tiny sense of hope in the people of the nation.
    The nation should not worry about its people. Instead it should worry of not letting these few ‘jokers’ ruin the its visions and hope for the future.

  81. Dear Tun,
    (During your open house)I arrived in front of the Guard gate but it was almost 4.30pm and I was not allowed to come in..I was quite SAD..but it’s ok (^__^) next year I will definitely go..Insya Allah
    You’re right about the spirit of harmony…I worked in a company which consist of 70% Chinese followed by Malay n Indian but there are no problems… Of course sometimes there are arguments but not to the BAD extent…
    I’m proud to say that My Fave English Teacher is Mrs Jennifer (I’m sure all my friends still remember her..for sure!!) and she’s chinese…Hehehhe..I still remember those days ,she was famous for being the most ‘GARANG’ teacher in RANAU town…She scolded me a lot but I think that’s work!
    Love you Tun..
    Take care ye..

  82. Tun, I believe you’ve witnessed the clear changes
    and that is how real true Malaysians are, being
    proud of each other’s culture and respectful to
    one another. I really am proud of it.
    How I wished to be there, Tun.

  83. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Perniagaan saya masih menjalankan urusan niaga dalam percakapan ‘jual’ dan ‘beli’ oleh kebanyakan pelanggan.
    Kadangkala mereka masih meminta maaf kerana terpaksa memberi wang dengan menggunakan tangan kiri.Tapi takpe la,sebab saya pun kadangkala menerima dengan tangan kiri.Kerana saya terlupa yang saya ini kidal!
    Terima kasih Tun.

  84. Dear Tun,
    I’ve never posted any comment on you blog though I read them “religiously”. Just to let you know that regarding this multicultural society that we have in Malaysia, it is truly a unique one. As a teacher trainer, I’ve always stress (to my teacher trainees) the importance of respecting all students regardless of race, religion or culture. You see, children ( in primary school) don’t understand racism but it is the adult who fed them with this terminology and made it look as though being different in wrong.
    My only wish is that all these children could go to a school that is not termed as Sekolah Kebangsaan or Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan but a school that is known as Sekolah Rendah Putrajaya / Sekolah Menengah Bandar Baru Bangi etc.. Just drop that term Kebangasaan or Jenis Kebangsaan. If all of us want to be known as Malaysian, then it has to begin from school. School is able to unite us if we don’t divide school by race… Is it wishful thinking? Looking at the present political scenario, I think it is. Though I hope it could become a reality one day.
    By the way, my very very close friends for almost 20 years are multiracial in nature. I cherish the moments I shared with my non malay friends until today. Our friendship last because we respect and treat each other as human being. God made us different so that this world is more colourful. Imagine if throughout the world we are of one race, apart from it being boring, we’d still be fighting over something else if not race…
    Lastly, we should uphold,this slogan “To Be DIFFERENT is To Be MALAYSIAN”
    My salam to Tun Siti Hasmah. May Allah Bless both of you and all Malaysian

  85. Salam Tun,
    Pada pendapat saya, hanya sekumpulan kecil saja yang bersikap ignorance. Selebihnya, mementingkan kesejahteraan hidup dan memahami peradaban hidup dalam negara yang berbilang kaum. Saya bersyukur kerana rakan-rakan bukan Islam saya bukan termasuk dalam golongan yang kecil dan berfikiran sempit itu. Mereka tidak teragak-agak menghantar SMS dan menelefon saya setiap kali Mufti Besar mengumumkan tarikh puasa dan hari raya bermula di Malaysia (saya menetap di luar negara). Begitulah sayangnya mereka terhadap saya.

  86. Come-On laahhhhh Org MALAYSIA…
    Tengok american’s boleh bersatu padu tak kira kulit & fahaman sokong calon president yg mereka kehendaki..
    Sana berape juta, billion org…??
    Tapi kita 27JUTA org tak boleh nak bersatu padu..
    Come-On lah malay, chinese, indian, singh +++ lain2…
    Bersatu lah untuk malaysia… bukan utk KAUM!!!
    Pastikan keturunan kita semua senang lenang dgn hasil yg kita tuai sekarang… Come-on lahhhhhhhhhhhh….
    Selamat Semua Hendaknye,

  87. Unity are root for prosperity and development!
    Ai… i don’t know when our Beloved Authority will play that card again… VERY DISSAPOINTED WITH THEM!

  88. I just hope that all the racial slurs are just friendly banters.
    We have co-existed long enough in relatively peaceful surroundings and it is hoped that the politicians will not play with fire.
    No one benefits from civil unrest but a united nation benefits everyone.
    Every race has their differences, jokes and ideologies. But we breathe the same air.
    Yes there are many jealous parties out there trying their very best to create problems, but we must defy these bad hats and let rational thinking prevail.

  89. Salam Tun,
    To joewk, pleeease lah for once. Dont even mention that word ZI.
    I remember what my Indian teacher did to me 35 years ago for being a Malay boy. But its ok, he is a good teacher and I did well in my favourite subject Mathematics.

  90. Salam Tun,
    Pada pandangan saya, ‘racist’ di Malaysia ni tidak seburuk mana. Semuanya dilebih2kan oleh orang2 politik. Kalau ada kelemahan dimana2 elok diselesaikan dengan cara bijaksana, jangan terlalu dipengaruhi oleh sentimen2 negatif untuk menjayakan cita2 politik sesetengah pihak. Kita seharusnya hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain. Buangkan rasa hasad dengki yang keterlaluan. Banyak lagi masaalah2 sosial yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh pemerintah & pembangkang daripada bergaduh macam budak2 kecil di parlimen. Mintak sangat ahli2 politik fikir2kan. Buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih walaupun ‘damage’ dah banyak dilakukan tapi masih belum terlalu terlambat. Blog2 tertentu tolonglah kurang2kan mengutuk antara satu sama lain. Selamatkanlah Malaysia negara kita yang tercinta!

  91. Salam Tun Mahathir, Tun Siti dan rakyat Malaysia..
    Syukur kepada tuhan.
    Malaysian similarities :-
    1. Makanan ruji – nasi
    2. Rambut – semua hitam
    3. Tempat lepak – kedai mamak
    4. Makanan kegemaran – nasi lemak, roti canai dan teh tarik
    5. Kereta pilihan – myVI, kancil, Perdana, saga, (PROTON & PERODUA)
    6. Tempat cuti pilihan – balik kampung! langkawi, port dickson, klcc
    7. Semua raya – Tradisi open house, angpow, makanan tradisional
    8. Aktiviti keluarga – pegi taman tema
    9. Perkara paling dibenci – trafik jem
    10. Gaya – handphone 3G, laptop
    11. hirup oksigen
    12. nama negara Malaysia
    13. kad pengenalan – sama format
    14. mata – 2 biji
    15. suka yong tau foo, maruku, kari kepala ikan
    dan banyak lagi…
    Hidup kat Malaysia lah yang paling tidak membosankan,
    cakap je nak makan ape… Variety!
    Nak tengok cerita ape kat TV… Variety!
    Nak buat apa masa cuti … Variety!
    Pergi kerja nak pakai baju ape… fashion …Variety!
    Wahhhhh kalo nak citer pasal asimilasi budaya kat Malaysia ni satu hari pun tak habis…
    Take a moment and think about it and thank to God…
    sentimen perkauman hanya lah bak orang tua suka melatah… (mungkin betul tapi tak sengaja dan tak patut di cakap)…

  92. Agree Tun….most of us have no problem with other races, of course in most cases not very very close kind of relationship but friendship do exist among all races. As long as all Malaysian especially politician don’t bring up unnecessary topics and keep their mouths shut, I think we are living in harmony together. Take care Tun

  93. Tun,
    Nice post.
    Am sure the most antagonistic relationships exists among politicians, esp within the same race, in my humble opinion. For instance, those who has been kicked out of the ruling party is now attacking all his former pals.
    But I dunno about everyone being pal-ly, maybe on the surface and some strata of societies.
    If the NEP, the myth of the Chinese, other inaccuracies are not addressed, underlying resentment may boil over.
    Esp from this one-sided propaganda from Pakatan which insists that the NEP never benefited the poor Malays and only the “elites” via “Cronyism”/Ali Baba schemes.
    I hope Pakatan will be more responsible. Without the NEP, I dun think many Malays would be in UM….etc, etc…
    Have a nice day.

  94. U made me cry again Tun…
    No matter where i go, Malaysia is the best in my heart
    and you are still my Prime Minister
    I dont care what people say about you
    The most important thing is i know how and what you made me feel
    and what you taught us to be
    Thank you Tun.

  95. Of course Tun! Plenty of us in this country can and will look beyond race and religion. Plenty of us have friends, good friends for other religion and race. Plenty of us can share our deepest secrets and dreams with someone is not of the same race/religion. Plenty of us are mindful and respectful of the next person’s race and religion irrespective whether we know or dont know this next person.
    But all these will come to an end one day if politicians dont stop stirring racial/religion issues. Take a look at the latest fiasco with PKNS and road signage in Penang. What is the big problem with having a non-malay/muslim heading PKNS as long as he/she have the ability to do the job well? What is the issue with other languages being put side by side or under a malay signage? Is there a need to take to the street? Is there a need to feel threatened? Is there really a need to get all defensive and threaten all sorts of things?
    So, if we are to see continuity of such lovely gesture as those you have mentioned in this posting, it is time ALL our politician, BN and Opposition learn to look, think, behave, act and run their political campaigns without racial/religion agenda! If America can, so can we. This is what you have taught us during your 22 years in power. Obama was just copying you!

  96. The Tun has started the ball rolling.
    All of us should start to disseminate massages of muhibbah through our blogs.
    We are imaginative enough to be able to pen up a few words here and there as to crack up smiles on all faces under the sun.
    If we have love in our hearts, by sharing it doesn’t reduce its amount.
    If we have no love in our hearts, by partaking a small share of love conferred by others, we make our infinitesimal selves part of the whole selves.

  97. Tun,
    1. I worked at a company with 80% chinese.we helped each other to overcome any racial issues.professional.
    2.they reserved a room for us to pray because we need to go other floor to pray.its very convinient.
    3. working environment conducive.I enjoyed my time there.
    4. now at new company with 99% malays,i dont get job satisfaction.working environment not good and not professional.
    5. i think i wont be here long if nothing change.i bring new ideas and some changes but office politics very cruel to new staff like me.

  98. Dearest Tun,
    I noticed that the comments/remarks addressed to you via emails were all “well-mannered” written. Which in my opinion it shows that a lot of us still respect Tun. I wonder if Tun ever received “nasty” emails from the readers or such nasty emails were censored before being posted.

  99. racialo disharmony is created by UMNO. Malaysians on the ground has no or little problem with each other.
    In politics, UMNO continues to manipuilate us for UMNO’s own benefit.
    Tun is one big culprit because you have damage ireparably many of our democratic institution, just to serve your ends.
    You have the personality and the authority and respect when you were PM to take us very far but you wasted it because you think you know what is best for us but it all turned out very badly, Tun.
    Racial polarisation in schools and universities, at the work place and racial politics became very entrenched.
    To change the medium of instruction from English to Malay when you were education minister was a blunder in hindsight. I still remember, then, I was only 17, in form 5. Each time I hold up the newspaper and seeing your foto, I will wet my index finger with my saliva and poke thru’ your face. That much i like you even then. that was 35 years ago.
    I still finds you disgracewful. We lost one whole generation when we could have been so different if only you had not worn your racist hat. I hope that I have been wrong about you but I hope that with your remaining years, you can still steer us in the right direction, democracy, to hell with race, ketuanan melayu and religion. GOD is not even male or female.

  100. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    In the community where I live consists of many different races and we stay in harmony. Unfortunately there are some political masters try to take advantage trying to gain political mileage by raising racial sentiment. Yes we do favour our own race but we must not be cruel to others. Everybody deserve to live in this world in harmony.

  101. Dearest Tun,
    My apologies for making use of your blog to vent some of the anger burning within me and maybe many others that had read about the session yesterday in Parliment. This maybe but a simple thing taken within context of much ruder races in other parts of the world and I should not really pay too much attention to it, but looking beyond the outburst on the use of the term “b*****d” by a Rt Hon from UMNO, I think this just shows how arrogant bloody “b*****d” these UMNO MPS are themselves.
    I don’t think UMNO has that many so called leaders with so much an iota of intelligence going by some of the speeches they make in the august house of representative, so they revert to putting down others who are more intelligent people by winning their arguments by using these rude expletive, and they know they can get away with it, with the strong arm muscle tactics of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker supporting them.
    How can you win the trust of the constituents when they are so bloody “kurang ajar”, working their way up into the organisation by treating others more as pariahs rather than the rakyat that they are supposed to serve.
    I dont how know how these people can look at themselves in the mirror everyday, when they know they are just bloody liars, and how can they nurture a loving family when publicly they are just bloody moron, who can’t even win a simple argument without showing their true colours.
    I have been a visiting guest at the house on several occasion during the early 70’s, I have seen the decorum of MP like the late YB Hashim Gera, reacting and yet not reacting with simple pantun 4 kerat to express their wits, hitting back gracefully at the opposition MP – who only at the end of the session only realise what had been replied to by the late MP.
    Sad to see and to say, that these are the qualities of our so called UMNO MPs, stupid to the extent that they really dont know that they are stupid but worst of all not having the wisdom to shut up when they dont understand anything – and for this particular MP what’s even worse to be arrogant at the same time being stupid.
    I dont think UMNO will survive the next election, without tonnes of money from maintenance contract for the SCORPION, maintenance contract for the EUROCOPTERS and from selling Malay land in ISKANDAR and the other corridors.
    I hope to live and see the day, of more eloquent, wise MPs having more character than the current flock, but that will probably not happen in my generation as the ones that are there from UMNO now had to fight tooth and nail to remain in power, stealing, lying being arrogant just to maintain their position as MPs.
    May they learn something everyday and maybe one day become better people.
    Kind regards

  102. Good Evening Tun,
    I think this is the way that Malaysian shoud celebrate every
    race festivals.Wether you are a Malay,Indian,Chinese,Christian
    or any other races,i think this is the way to do it.But it seems that nowadays as you see in the our Parliments that the opposition have been labelling our past country leaders are racist.I hope people like Kit Siang and Karpal Singh shoul get a life and just
    shut up.There are just like rooster inside a hen house.And don’t forget that no good traitor DSAI(anwar),he is really a very disturbed man.What a loser.
    Hope you are doing fine with your family TUN.
    Now Playing: Metallica (Broken,beat and Scarred)

  103. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Greate occasion and a tremendous Malaysia’s multi-culture and religious tollerance and understanding outlook. This must continue. Don’t bother power greedy and opportunist politicians who resort to divide people for personal agenda. We should look back at Tun Tan Siew Sin and Tun Sanbanthan and Tunku Abdul Rahman era so always remmeber where were we. Everyone understanding each other right and position. If the youngters follow those leaders, we Malaysians will be forever live in hormony.

  104. Salam TUN.
    I was among the earliest rakyat that arrived at your Raya open house.
    And I was still allowed to take photo with you and TUN Hasmah. Thank you TUN. It was really happening that day.
    Yes!I had noticed that there were many chinese and Indians, almost as same numbers of malays that came to wish you selamat hari raya and salam with you. We really truely Malaysian.
    I didnt see any racial problem. I sat together with another chinese guy.He really enjoyed the nasi briani. So to other tables there were Indians sitting togther with Chinese or Malay.
    But some politicians tried to create racial issue for their political mileage or to champion a particular group.
    But all these voices did not hear during your tenure……Why Now??

  105. Salam Tun..
    Saya bangga dengan Tun yang mana semasa pemerintahan Tun dulu, semua bangsa bersatu padu dan terjalin semangat muhibbah di antara kaum di Malaysia.
    Tapi sekarang ni.. ada sedikit kacau laa… kenape yee??? Pemimpin yang ada sekarang tak pandai nak tangani isu perkauman agaknya..

  106. Dear Tun,
    Of course there is still harmony amongst races except umno ultra that always harp on racial issues that caused racial harmony.
    I don’t like politic but i will the hesitate to join umno if its membership opens to all races and practise democracy.
    But it will only be a ‘big dream’ to all malaysians. It is not going to happen for the next 50 years.
    Over here is not america.
    Over here is only UMNO which i hope will not last for next election.
    My warmest regards to Tun.

  107. Salam Tun sekeluarga..
    Terima kasih kerana mengadakan ‘open house’ di kediaman Tun tempoh hari dan saya salah seorang antara yang teramai tu. Walaupun petugas di rumah Tun ada datang mencadangkan kepada saya untuk terus mengambil makanan dahulu kemudian mendapatkan Tun berdua untuk bersalam tetapi anak-anak saya berkeras untuk mendapatkan Tun dahulu sebelum mencari makanan.
    Setelah beratur lebih kurang satu jam (walaupun sampai awal sekitar jam 10.00am) tetapi hati puas dapat menatap dan bersalaman dengan Tun secara dekat walaupun sebenarnya tidak berapa puas kerana hajat hati ingin merakamkan gambar sekeluarga bersama Tun…dan puas bila dapat menyatakan kepada Tun secara terus agar terus menulis tanpa jemu. Sehingga hari ini, pengalaman itu sebenarnya banyak mengubat kesedihan hati saya yang kehilangan ayah dan ibu yang kembali ke rahmatullah pada april dan jun sebelumnya.
    Saya dapat menyelami bagaimana bagaimana bermaknanya hari raya keluarga eliza & rizal pada tahun ini. Anda cukup bertuah…jeles tau hehehehehe…
    Semoga Tun sekelurga terus diberkati Allah s.w.t dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik sentiasa…
    Love u TUN….

  108. Dr. Mahathir
    I went to your house with my Arab fren and you really looked at him. And maybe its your way when you shake hand with people you look into their eyes.
    Your sister in law I know her Tan Sri Paduka Saleha Mohd. She is very nice person and I talked to her once and she said if you need anything please call auntie. And I still has her phone number until now. but Dr. M is the best.
    I saw so many Chinese in your house and I interview one Chinese lady from pJ and she says she shake hand with you twice and she kind of proud and asking me how many time i shake hand with you. Then I replied that I saw you so many times when you were buying something at KLCC level 4 foodcourt and I saw you walking with Anandha Krishna at KLCC waterfront and during your speech at PJ.
    Love you Dr. M

  109. Kim Quek
    In one of the most important political speeches delivered in recent years, former de-facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim touched on the heart of race relations when he gave a rendition on the evolving racial politics in Malaysia that has so bedeviled the nation for the past few decades.
    Delivering a speech titled

  110. salam Tun
    saya setuju sangat dengan apa yg Tun katakan tu. tidak nampak lansung macam ada masalah perkauman. saya pun ada ramai kawan cina dan india dan kami kadang2 macam adik-beradik. dalam keluarga saya pun ada yg berkahwin dgn cina. maaf ye Tun, pada saya lah yg selalu mainkan isue kaum ni adalah ahli2 politik, apa parti sekali pun. dan ditambah lagi dengan dimainkan dan diapikan olih media2. tapi walau apa pun, kita harus berhati2 supaya kita tidak mudah lupa..siape kite..saya doakan agar Tun berdua akan sentiasa diberi rahmat dan hidayah Allah swt.

  111. Sir,
    Please post some photos.
    I think there is nothing wrong with Malaysians. We are matured enough to know what is right and what is wrong.
    Some irresponsible people have been fanning racial issues, for their own benefit.

  112. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum and Selamat Sejahtera.
    What Tun said in your article is very true indeed. The spirit of friendliness amongst the various races in Malaysia is still alive eventhough there is a litte bit of a ‘dent’ in recent months especially after PRU 12.
    The ‘dent’ could have been contributed by words that were uttered by some politicians who seems couldn’t care about the consequences that ensued following their actions. If only these politicians could engage their brains before they open their big mouths, we would have been enjoying a more peaceful living environment today.
    I pray and sincerely hope that the tolerance level and the spirit of togetherness among our younger generation is at par or better in the coming years. This has to be achieved for the sake of the nation’s political stability and peaceful environment for us to live in.
    One of the ways to achieve this is to continue the tradition of having open houses for the various celebrations such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Christmas, Hari Gawai and many more.
    Wherever possible, these celebrations should be combined such as KongsiRaya and DeepaRaya etc. Whenever combined celebration were held, the feeling and spirit of togetherness were somewhat raised to a higher level. This is a good sign. True to what Tun mentioned, Malaysia could be the only country in the world that practices this kind of joint celebration.
    Permit me to go off line a bit Tun.
    The recent televised Parliament sessions were somewhat shameful. Our so called Wakil Rakyats were behaving like kids. The shouting and name calling were rampant. It seems that the Speaker is not getting the respect he deserved. Sungguh Memalukan! I hope more air time will be allocated for Parliament sessions so that the rakyat could see for themselves what type of person they voted to represent them in that honourable place.
    Last but not least Tun, please look after your health.

  113. Salam Tun,
    Saya bersetuju. Tidak dapat dinafikan disebabkan oleh perbezaan budaya dan agama perasaan syak wasangka timbul sedikit-sebanyak. Ini adalah lumrah. Cuma kebelakangan ini, ada pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab memainkan peranan mereka, atas kepentingan politik, tanpa mereka sedari atau sebaliknya, telah memburukan keaadan. Tiupan semangat kebangsaan, keagamaan, kesamarataan dan ketidakpuasan dibuat dengan sewenang-wenangnya tanpa berhati-hati, dengan jari tangan tangan kanan menunding orang lain, sambil tangan kiri yang membaling batu disembunyikan. Perbuatan yang tidak bertanggungjawab inilah penyebab utama keadaan yang agak tegang.
    Lima puluh tahun dengan kegemilangan dan keamanan ingin digadaikan, semata-mata ingin mencapai cita-cita politik orang tertentu. Semoga rakyat Malaysia pandai menilai antara kaca dan berlian. Kontrak sosial telah meng-amankan dan memakmurkan kita selama lima puluh tahun. Tidak ada sebab kita hendak menolaknya sekarang dan mencari yang baru.

  114. Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun,pejuang Islam dan bangsa yang terbilang…
    saya berasa terkilan dgn sesetengah pihak yg tidak perasan bahawa perasaan mereka dimanipulasi oleh pihak-pihak tertentu utk meraih sokongan politik yg berdasarkan konsep liberalisme yg terang-terangan berbahaya kpd agama rasmi persekutuan iaitu agama Islam.
    Negara kita ini adalah negara multi-racial yg berteraskan muafakat antara kaum yang telah lama wujud dan termeterai dlm perlembagaan.
    Pihak-pihak yg berkepentingan diri ini memanipulasi semangat perkauman supaya mengeruhkan keadaan sehingga sanggup menentang perlembagaan yang telah lama wujud dan diperjuangkan oleh nenek moyang mereka sendiri. Tiada lagikah rasa hormat terhadap nenek moyang mereka sendiri?
    Bagi org yg sebangse dgn sy,Melayu Islam… Saya harap mereka belajara sejarah kite dan sejarah islam, jgn sesekali kite lupe bgaimana sejarah itu dibentuk malah jgn kite lupe semangat yg membentuk sejarah itu. Konsep liberalisme dlm politik ini bakal akan menjatuhkan bangsa kita sendiri kerana hak sultan juga suatu hari nanti akan dipersoalkan. Di manakah ketuanan Melayu pada waktu itu?
    Adakah tidak relevan Melayu menjadi tuan rumah negara ini sdgkan kalau kita kaitkan penghijrahan Rasulullah s.a.w. ke Madinah, kita akan dapati Rasulullah tidak dianggap pendatng mlah dijadikan pemimpin madinah yg terdiri drpd byk bgse. Dari sejarah Islam sendiri kita diajar permuafakatan antara bangsa atau dlm kata lain kontrak sosial yg termaktub dlm piagam madinah sebagaimana termaktub dlm perlembgaan kita yg sedang ditentag habis-habisan oleh pembgkang yg juga beragama Islam. Apakah perjuangan mereka yg sbnarnya? Di manakah tgggjwb agama yg mereka agungkan sdgkan mereka hanya ambil dua drpd 3 iaitu taat kpd Allah dan rasul… tapi mereka melupakan ketaatan kepada pemimpin? Pemahaman mereka utk menukar kerjaan dgn slogan just change adalah suatu tindakan yg kebudak-budakn tanpa memikir kesan jgka pendek dan pnjg… Adakah ini golongan intelek yg dilahirkan oleh kerajaan? Pemikiran mereka begitu mudah dipengaruhi, begitu cintakan kemewahan, dan tidak ingin berfikir sejenak mengenai politik yg mereka kata kotor sedgkan mereka dididik berasaskan dasar pendidikan yg dicetuskan oleh ahli politik seperti TUN MAHATHIR.
    Akhir Kata, pejuang2 bgse bangkitlah bila hak kita dipersoalkan sebelum ia dihapuskan… Wallahualam bisawab

  115. Dear Tun,
    I am sure most of us Malaysians have accepted the concept that all of us should accept each other and accept the fact that we have to live together in this country no matter what. It is good to be different and yet be united, joyfull and friendly to each other. Celebrating all of our festivals together is a beauty and unique in this country.
    The troubles only start when people with vested interest starting inciting people of races about the so called discriminations, inequalities, prefferred treatments, special rights, universities intakes, government projects, mother tongue languages, road signages, etc, etc, etc. In every race and ethnic there are very rich people, successful people, average people, poor people, neglected and problematic groups of people. When incitements go along racial lines, there always bound to make a lot of people felt angry, victimised, cheated and discriminated.
    Everybody will wish for the best of everything for themselve, their races and their people. Feelings are easily manipulated along racial lines ( even along state lines) if one tries hard enough and take advantage of the unfortunate situations face by many. These manipulators are usually people of ulterior motives, people with some agenda behind their actions and people of self interest who are willing to go out of the way to create trouble.
    It is up to us the masses, the ordinary citizen of this country to keep our cool levelled head, to keep calm and do not fall prey to the racial incitement, extreme provocation and the likes. Do not let them sacrifice us as pawns in their dangerous games.
    Selamat Hari Raya, Happy Depavalli, Merry Christmas, Gong Xi Fa Chai, and Happy Harvest Day to all of us Malaysian citizens.

  116. salam Tun,
    Two of my best friends are a Chinese and an Indian.Our friendship is sincere and I feel most comfortable in their company.
    It is only on cyberspace that a few people with nasty thoughts and motives try to paint a bleak future for our nation and its multiracial citizens.Try to instigate and create animosity.It is very convenient as they can hide behind their nicknames online.
    As I have pointed out earlier,if the NEP is so obstructive and hindering their progress,how come the majority of them are richer than the Malays?Where do their wealth come from?Don’t try to convince me that the UMNO led government has absolutely nothing to do with their success.
    Why don’t these instigators thank the government for providing them with a stable country and economic environment to enable them to prosper and pay taxes?Don’t tell me they only do business amongst themselves and the Malays contribute none whatsoever.
    I believe these are irresponsible unscrupulous people trying their utmost best to create chaos.I like to call them ‘S-E Asian Jews’,’melepaskan anjing tersepit’ and ‘Belanda di beri tanah’.
    Scumbags like Anthony Barcott only want to heap scorns and abuses.I am personally offended by him calling Malaysia a place fit for animals.He should be a gentleman,reveal his true identity and his origins and we can take this matter somewhere else and not tarnish Tun’s blog.
    I am proud of my country and I truly believe that this is heaven on earth and one of the best places to live in the whole world.I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
    BTW what’s the point of having money but living in birdcages?

  117. Tun,
    I think the racial antagonism is only in the mind of some politicians. Malaysians in general live in harmony with each other.

  118. Tun,
    Salam, my first comment to your blog.
    Values instilled in oneself are non-racist. Malaysian do instill them while they are young.But opportunist would always fanned the differences for the sake of championing other agendas.
    For Malaysia, we appreciate the appeal of leaders to the mass on need to attain racial harmony. What is lack is only the good-feeling among the ‘nationalist’ on the understanding that these differences are the one that make us complement to each other.
    Nationalist may be of anybody and of all race. Could we
    be more apologetic??
    Could you comment on Obama win, Tun.

  119. Assalammualaikum. Its true. Unity among the races are still strong among the rakyat. Its the politicians who are the main culprit.

  120. TDM Sekeluarga,
    Apa yang tun maksudkan tu memang betul, kehidupan seharian saya sendiri bergaul dengan kaum Cina dan India. Ditempat kerja saya, hampir 80% berbangsa cina, 10% berbangsa India dan 10% lagi berbangsa Melayu dan lain lain, sapanjang 2 tahun saya berkerja disini tak pernah saya berasa tersisih atau disisihkan kerana saya berbangsa Melayu. Setiap Perayaan akan diraikan bersama sama dengan pihak pengurusan akan menaja majlis majlis tersebut, walau pun cuti Tahun Baru Cina akan diberikan lebih lama,Bonus dan ganjaran lain akan diberikan sama adil mengikut “perfomance” kerja.Ini menunjukan tiada sifat perkauman yang ketara dan hapir tiada langsung. Dirumah jiran-jiran juga berbilang kaum namun setelah hampir 30 tahun menetap tak pernah kami berselisih faham kalau ada pun bukan lah atas alasan perkauman.
    Isu perkauman tak seharusnya dijadikan agenda untuk meraih populariti politik. Ada baiknya kita rakyat Malaysia bersatu menuju ke wawasan 2020.

  121. I remember during my primary school, our teacher use to say “biru itu lambang Perpaduan dalam jalur gemilang”. I’m quite sad to say that this kind of spirit mostly found in older generation. As my age in mid 20, I can see most of my friend from different races don’t mix around very well, but My parent generation have a lot of good friend from different races.
    Racist tension create by some leader to gain their own popularity worsen the situation for the past few years. I do hope the leader today able to continue the Perpaduan spirit.
    Thank you for reminding us the important of perpaduan. I’m looking forward to Tun comment & view of recent USA election result.
    Semoga Tun & Keluarga Tun Sihat selalu.

  122. Salam Tun,
    I am blessed to be Malaysian too..
    Thank you for coaching us thoughout your tenure as our Prime Minister for 22years.

  123. Dear Sir,
    I experience the same but who are racist? I my working place everyone are very united. We are helpful to each other. The racial issue does not cross our minds.
    Who divide us then. It is the self fish politicians who looks for issues and racial issues are the easiest to get popular.
    Whenever there is party elections it is a competition who is more ultra then the other. Racial issue is the weapon for them to accend the political hierarchy.You too fell into same category.
    There is one newspaper in Malaysia, which is above the law, survives solely on racial issues.
    Many loyalist of our beloved country (except some self fish politicians)realise that we cannot afford to remain in nationalist isolation in a world made smaller by knowledge and technology.

  124. Salam, Yang Berbahagia TUN,
    Sentiasa menyanjungi pemerintahan TUN.
    Pada pendapat saya masalah kaum ini timbul dalam politik sahaja, sekiranya kita tanya org ramai di jalan raya tak ada seorg pun ada kata, ada masaalah pasal kaum,
    Org2 yang main politik ni shj yg perlulah henti persoalkan ttg kaum.
    Perlembagan dan kontrak sosial kita dah cukup baik untuk melindungi hak masing2 tak kira melayu, india, cina, siam dan lain-lain.
    Akan jadi masalah apabila salah satu daripada kaum ini nak minta lebih dari hak yang telah diberi dan mempolitikkannya utk kepentingan diri.
    siam jitra.

  125. Assalamu Allaikum, Tun Dr.Mahathir anD Dr. Hasmah…… I agree 100percent what you say. though i am a malabari in johor from india, i would like to say that the harmony between the races from, when i first set my foot here way back in 1989 to the present day, is so strong, i dont think i will find it in any other part of the world. its all coz of a very stable government that u led for 22 years. bcoz when we had a strong govrnment, there was nothing to worry about, the economy was good, there was nothing much to debate, so people only had to love each other. if i talk about india, the neighbours though of different races, do get on well with each other, but its the politicians to keep thier respective party alive ignite racial tension for their own/party benifits. nowadays we do hear things racial, coz the goverment has given more freedom to say what each likes, and now everybody wants to be heard. i always tell my friends, a leader has to have knowledge, be firm and should be bold to take decision eventhough not always be popular moves. You had everything a leader should have, and sad there was no continuity in what you left. a strong nation is a nation with a strong bonding between people. I always pray that May Malaysia be as it was , a country full of Loving and Caring people. And i pray for your Long life and happiness.
    PS. Tun, My wife delivered her fourth child here in malaysia, since it was a baby girl, i wanted to name her SITI HASMAH, but bcoz my two earlier daughters were named NURUL AMEERA and NURUL MUNEERA, i named my baby girl NURUL ASMA. wonder what name it would have been if it was a baby boy, definitely MOHAMMED MAHATHIR, coz the name of my only son is MOHAMMED NIZAMUDDIN.

  126. Salam Tun,
    I would like to comment 2 things:
    1. When you wrote point 12… “…the talks about racial antagonism in this country…”, I would say this stays at the mouth of politician in the Barisan Nasional government only. I had been lived for 32 years and never encountered what those politicians said.
    2. During your tenures as Prime Minister of the country, how do government/PM justify the call of arrest under ISA? Treat to the country (people) OR the politician in power?

  127. There’s is a few people who want to see the hatred between the races. They know who they are.

  128. Salam Tun.
    Racial tension created by politicians to gain popularity. Majority of the masses prefered harmony because we love our country.

  129. Assalamualaikum,
    Tujuan TUN menulis perkara ini adalah tersirat untuk mengajak ramyat Malaysia untuk terus hidup bersama tanpa mencurigai antara satu sama lain.
    1. Tun bertuah kerana masih lagi dapat merayakan Hari raya bersama-sama rakyat yang menyanjungi Tun. rocky Bru juga ada datang ke Open House Tun, melalui gambar2 diinternet.
    2. Kawan tidak semestinya satu bangsa. Kawan adalah perhubungan yang berlandaskan kepercayaan dan keikhlasan. Kedua-dua perkara ini harus wujud di antara kedua-dua pihak yang berkawan.
    3. Jika salah satu perkara di atas hilang di dalam salah satu pihak yang sedang berkwan itu, maka akan wujud pelbagai ragam di dalam berkawan. Dengki, benci, was-was, tidak hormat dan meluat antara perasaan yang akan wujud apabila ia terjadi.
    4. Tun dan orang2 yang hidup senang semenjak kecil memanglah mempunyai pendedahan kepada ramai oarng. Berbanding dengan orang2 kampung yang hanya tahu kawanan dan kawasan dia sahaja, maka ia menjadi sukar utuk menerima apa yagn disebut ‘orang asing’. Kelompok ini wujud bukan mengikut kaum , tetapi ia adalah lumrah manusia. Ini bermakana Melayu, Cina dan India juga mempunyai kelompok ini.
    5. Perasaan mesra mudah timbul apabila wujud di dalam majlis2 perniagaan. Di sana, kita lihat Melayu, Cina dan India mudah berkomunikasi berbanding di luar sana. yang hairannya, itu adalah hari pertama mereka saling bersemuka. Adakah faktor atau tujuan sahaja yang membenarkan kita berkawan. Atau adakah kita perlu berbaik dan berkwan dengan semua orang tanpa mengira masa?
    6. Melayu, Cina dan India adalah manusia yang mempunyai perasaan. mereka ini semua adalah sama. Agama yang membezakan mereka dan ia memebri kesan di dalam faktor persekitaran dan perilaku harian. Agama seperti Islam tidak memisahkan berbaik baik sesama manusia, tetapi Islam mengajak umatnya untuk sentiasa berwaspada di dalam kehidupan supya tidak terjerumus kepada perkara yang buruk. Contohnya seperti memakan benda2 yang tidak baik atau melakukan perilaku yang tidak sapatutnya.
    7. Istilah “Kongi-Raya”, “Deepa-Raya” wujud satu masa dahulu kerana tempoh masa perayaan AidilFitri-GongXiFacai dan Aidilfitri-Deepavali teralu dekat dan hampir serentak.
    8. Namun, ulamak2 melihat ia boleh meudaratkan orang Islam jika ia disalah tafsir oleh umat Islam yang cetek ilmu agama dan terlalai walaupun mempunyai ilmu agama.
    9. apabila menghadiri rumah terbuka, umat Islam harus menjaga makan dan minum supaya sentiasa memenuhi kehendak Islam iaitu halal, dari sumber dimana ia dapat, bekas masakan, jenis sumber makanan sehinggalah cara makanan diraikan. Islam sangat terperinci.
    10. Tidak salah menghadiri rumah terbuka yang berlainan agama. Mungkin orang India dan Cina tidak sensitif di dalam amalan agama mereka untuk meniru tatarca agama orang lain. Tetapi Islam adalah lain. Islam melarang umatnya untuk meniru gaya sembahyang atau gaya budaya agama lain yang boleh menjurus kepada kurafat dan perkara yang menekutukan Allah.
    11. Berinai bukan budaya orang Islam, tetapi diterima pakai kerana ia tidak menyalahi tataracara Islam. tetapi ada sesetengah perkara yang biasa seperti memakai ‘tanda merah’ di dahi oleh orang India tidak boleh digunapakai oleh orang Islam. penilaian kepada hukum hakam untuk perkara ini boleh mendapat pelbagai respon dari ulamak2. Namun, perkara ini sudah menjurus kepada perkara subahah, iaitu ‘kawasan kelabu’ yang was-was hukumnya. Lebih elok, orang Islam tidak meniru perkara itu.
    12. kita sepatutnya menolak unsur2 perkauman jahat yang dibawa oleh kumpulan2 tertentu yang mendedahkan pemikiran kita kepada budaya anti-kaum yang bukan dari kaum kita. Berkawan baiar berjuta, bermusuh jagan sekali.
    13. Apapun, jika sudah terguris, ia bukan mudah untuk diubati. eloklah kita berkawan sebaik mungkin dan saling percaya, hormat dan ikhlas antara satu sama lain. memang ada pasang surutnya tali hubungan kawan itu, namun, pejamlah mata sebelah supaya isu yang berat itu boleh kita letakkan ke tepi danterus berkawan.
    14. Malaysia negara bertuah. Rakyatnya pula pelombong dan pelabur tuah itu. Kenapa kita perlu memusnahkan perkara yang sedang elok. Alangkah baiknya keamanan dan kesejahteraan yang telah wujud ini terus kita suburkan dan kekalkan.

  130. Oh I hope it is not too much to request, but this entry will be much lovelier with some of your raya photos 🙂
    You know, a picture speak thousands stories. Perhaps, you can ask Marina to attach the pictures. She sure know how. 🙂
    Mr & Mrs Imran

  131. What a sweet post. It provides some comfort and restores some confidence in the unity of our nation.

  132. Askum Ybhg Tun…
    Yang melalak melolong tentang “PERKAUMAN” nie… kebanyakkannya adalah golongan pemimpin (samada pembangkang or politikus kerajaan)..
    Dari pengalaman saya selama 54 tahun…hidup nie… tak da pun nak “bergaduh2” ngan puak2 cina, india or lain2…
    Semua pehak sepatutnya belajar & ambil iktibar masa masa 13 May dulu (masa tu saya ambik LCE)…
    Yang saya tau Nabi SAW tak pernah ajar benci-membenci…
    Semoga Tun & sekeluarga beroleh selamat, dilanjutkan usia untuk terus membimbing anak bangsa Malaysia. Tks

  133. salamualaikum tun and all blogger..
    seronok bila teringat zaman kecik2 dapat duit raya..tapi bila dah bekerja ni,kena bagi duit raya pulak untuk kanak2 dan anak2 sedara..apa pon kita sebagai umat Islam,raya disambut kerana berjaya mengerjakan puasa selama sebulan,tetapi orang melayu menyambut kerana ia adalah raya melayu..macam org cina sambut tahun baru cina dan kristian menyambut hari natal..jumpa tun pada hari raya korba nanti..salam

  134. Salam Tun,
    Those days, when the people of Malaysia facing the same difficulties for their same interest. They were willing to stand side by side. United. That’s why Tanah MELAYU got their independent.
    Nowadays, youngsters only unite if they have their OWN PERSONAL interest entertain, not the public or the people. Nevertheless, the oldies that pretend to be young eventually have their own personal interest too such as to see their son or son in law becoming rich from the project initiated by the politicians. Therefore these oldies tend to misuse the power mandate to them by the people. Neither the country nor the neighboring country benefited from these traitors who betray the people trusts.
    Soon Malaysia will face another colonialisation by foreigners due to these “traitors” selling the integrity and dignity of the country. These traitors with their families and cronies will enjoy the wealth siphon from the people money. While the people suffers from the wrong doing of these “traitors”.
    By that time, the representatives attending PAU and voting their leaders based on the “money inside the packet” not according to objective of the struggle will regret for their misconduct and fool action, selling the country dignity with the price of RM 200.00 in the ang pow packet. May be some of them will get the

  135. Salam Dr.
    In the milk of human kidness i too believe there is still substantial reservoir of goodwill between the races.
    Wishing u & ur wife the very best too…
    Keep on fighting Dr.
    Melayu Boleh

  136. Salam Tun,
    Harap saya yg pertama..
    Sedih memikirkan nasib melayu skrg ni..Diinjak injak tp tiada pembelaan dari pemimpin melayu sendiri..
    Kepada Anwar Ibrahim..
    Jgn lupa asal usul!

  137. Dear Tun,
    This is a nice-reading article since it promotes human goodwill and encourages racial harmony. Good job – please keep it up!
    Praise God for giving you such a good inspiration to write this love-giving article.
    May God continue to inspire you to write more and more fruitful articles which would help to upgrade the human dignity of all mankinds, disregard the races, creeds, languages or religious beckgrounds.

  138. Salam Tun and all,
    1. Malaysian are basically a wonderful lot, Tun. Only a handful, and a very small number indeed at that, that is causing a LOT of noise.
    2. Unfortunately, those who do not like to see us Malaysians live in harmony prefer to highlight that small number and make them look big, and give weight to them.
    3. Some detractors may still want to say that all is not well, but lets just say to hell with them. I for one, say that I still believe and love my non-Malay friends and I am quite sure they love being here in Malaysia, making this the best place on Earth.
    4. To the Malays who want to be champions for non-Malays, by saying that Malay Sovereignty is not good, I repeat my call so that they move South to Singapore where Malay Sovereignty is as good as dead.
    We don’t need hypocrites like them in Malaysia.
    Salam Tun and all, Jaga diri, Jaga Solat.

  139. Salam Tun sekeluarga,
    Rakyat berbilang kaum memang hidup aman kat negara kita tapi sekarang ni ada segelintir drpd kaum-kaum ni nak tunjuk hero, besar kepala. Siapa punya hal? Memang jelas pihak pembangkanglah sekarang ni ambil peluang terhadap mereka yg keras kepala ni dgn janji janji manis mereka.
    Betui tak Tun?
    Bukan nak menyebelah mana-mana pihak, tapi saya hairan pihak pembangkang pula yg menuduh kerajaan yg memainkan isu perkauman…
    Kalau tidak masakan DYMM Sultan Perak menegur mengenai perkara ini…
    Pihak kerajaan pun slow juga??
    Ini suma pembangkang kepala besar dlm dewan punye hal!!!!
    Zaman Tun dulu semua aman.

  140. So Sweet Tun…..
    Very touching n memorable.
    I love u n Tun Hasmah. (My husband also said the same thing)
    ….. N my son too (He’s 10 years n he knows n admires u)
    May Allah bless both of u.

  141. Salam Tun,
    Unsur perkauman cuma ujud bila ada unsur-unsur politik yang tidak sihat, yang hanya mementingkan sebelah pihak dan pertimbangan yang tidak sekata. Kanak-kanak kecil tak tahu pasal politik, sebab tu dia orang boleh bergaul tampa mengira bangsa dan agama. Politik yang keterlaluan akan merosakkan negara itu sendiri.

  142. When we are friends, it does not matter what races they are. I even have mongolian friend, we knew each other in Japan back in 1992.
    The problem with Malaysia is, the pecah and perintah rule. Even RTM does not give malay subtitle during Chinese or Tamil news. So, we dont know what is RTM telling our chinese friend lar. Berubahlah.
    And the same goes to chinese school, when PTA meeting, dont only speak chinese lar.

  143. Y. Bhg. Tun,
    The best thing about Malaysia is all the races can live together, practice our religion, celebrate all the festival together, can eat chinese indian malay foods, can wear others traditional costume. We can do many things without fear, as long as you know how to respect other races way of life. But i don’t understand why there are few politician who like to “cari pasal” about races and hak kemelayuan. Many of them ‘penting diri” as long as “periuk nasi” some people “terjaga”

  144. Salam Tun..
    We Malaysians are inter-related and therefore it is rather mean for others to try and separate the races in Malaysia nowadays and to create havoc in this country. Lets us we love one another and live in harmony as it is, no need to create unnecessary issues that may cause more unrests in the future! However, I must confess that I love my Malaysia more when we were under your leadership!

  145. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
    Alhamdulillah, bersyukur kita kehadrat Ilahi yang memberi keamanan dan kemakmuran kepada kita serta dianugerahi rahmat keislaman supaya kita dapat hidup bermuafakat.
    Panduan hidup yang dianjurkan oleh Islam bukan sahaja dihayati oleh penganutnya, malah nilai murni tersebut dirasai oleh penganut ugama lain. Ini kerana Islam menganjurkan nilai murni yang dapat diterima oleh seluruh manusia.
    Oleh itu segala tradisi Melayu berlandaskan nilai murni Islam diterima pakai oleh penganut agama lain. Malah ramai yang tertarik dan menganut ajaran Islam.
    Konsep Penerapan Nilai Islam yang dianjurkan oleh YABhg Tun sewajarnya diteruskan supaya seluruh rakyat memahami nilai murni agama Allah. Islam berkembang melalui dakwah yang dijalankan dengan penuh hikmah.
    Ramai penganut ugama selain Islam berkunjung kerumah orang Islam dihari Raya. Mereka juga telah mengguna nilai murni Islam didalam menghuraikan maksud disebalik perayaan ugama mereka. Walaubagaimanapun nikmatnya tidak sama kerana rohnya berbeza.
    Peristiwa berbuka puasa dan menyambut hari raya di Seri Perdana masih segar didalam ingatan. Kain pelikat, kain batik dan bekas kueh yang diberikan oleh YABhg Tun masih saya simpan dengan baik.
    Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.

  146. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun dan isteri.
    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan semoga panjang umur untuk membimbing Malaysian2 di malaysia ini amnya. Cerita pasal kaum ni sebenarnya segelintir sahaja yang suka membangkitkan perkara sensitif tersebut. Dahulu era 70an dan 80an melayu berkawan bagai bersaudara..saya maksudkan di kampung kampung..orang melayu minum di kedai cina. kenapa?. sebab orang cina hormat sensitiviti orang melayu. sekarang macam dah jauh ikatan tu.
    Tapi sekarang nampak macam di bandar lebih akrab hubungan cina-melayu-india ni. harap terus berkeadaan begitu. semoga aman damai Malaysia.
    Semoga Allah memberkati Tun dan Keluarga. InsyaAllah
    p/s Teringat pula saya cawan kopitiam yang ada gambar bunga buluh dan berkaca tebal tu. susah pulak nak carik sekarang nih.

  147. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Apa yang Tun cerita diatas adalah realiti sebenar hubungan antara kaum rakyat di Malaysia. Yang mahu menguji dan mengapi-apikan sentimen perkauman dikalangan rakyat adalah ahli politik sendiri tak kira dari BN mahupun pembangkang.
    Kerana terpengaruh dengan mereka-mereka yang tidak bermoral ini ada yang terpengaruh dan akhirnya mencetuskan insiden-insiden kecil yang jika dibiarkan berlarutan boleh membawa kepada masalah yang lebih besar.
    Dalam hal ini, seorang pemimpin yang berwibawa diperlukan. Kita tidak mahu negara ini sekali lagi terjerumus dalam insiden perkauman.
    Mampukah Datuk Seri Mohd Najib menjadi pemimpin tersebut??? Kerana belumpun secara rasmi beliau mengambilalih pemerintahan telah bermacam-macam permasalahan yang terpaksa beliau hadapi. Dari isu wanita Mongolia hinggalah ke isu kemelesatan ekonomi. Di harap beliau dapat menerajui negara ini dengan jaya. Jika tidak sudah tentu pada Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 rakyat akan sekali lagi akan menghukum kerajaan sediada.
    Sekian Wasallam.

  148. Tun,
    Im absolutely agree and share the same thougt about it with you. Racial tension started to broke-up recently due to politician who trying to messing around on it in order to gain popularity to be a champion among its people. Clearly, these politician (whether its from ruling parties or opposition) has put our country in jeorpardy.
    Im urged to all Malaysian who love this country to stay united to keep aside these politicians at bay. They are driven by their own personal agenda but not for the country.

  149. Assalamualaikum Ybhg Tun berdua.
    Betapa uniknya malaysia, semua bangsa dan agama boleh bersatu padu. Saya berbangga jadi rakyat malaysia. Moga semua ini dapat dikekalkan.
    Buat Tun berdua, semoga Allah panjangkan umur dalam kesihatan yang baik.

  150. Hi Tun,
    I’ve live with chinese people all my life until today. My neighbours are chinese and I am the only Malay in this neighbourhood. NO problem at all. Every Hari Raya they gave me hampers and in return I did the same. BTW I am from East Malaysia
    Warmest regards

  151. Dear Tun,
    Well, raya have just past. Chinese dress like the malay because they respect each other and accept other religous so well. PPL treat ppl right when we were treated right by ppl.
    Somehow there are still some loop hole. I do hope the subject Bahasa Melayu were taught more better in Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan. They are still having a slight problem when comes to communication in Bahasa Melayu. Either pronounciation was wrong or the words use is wrong. Other than that, i believe everything is ok.

  152. Salam Tun,
    Betul dan benar Tun, dulu dan sekarang hubungan antara kawan2 saya berbagai kaum sangat erat. Dulu kami main sama2 masa kecik2 dan sekarang juga kami selalu berhubung tanpa rasa syak wasangka antara kami. Yang penting, perhubungan kita mesti ikhlas sepenuhnya walaupun kita berlainan agama. Salam dan didoakan Tun sekeluarga sihat walafiat.

  153. Yang berbahagia Tun & Toh Puan
    Persefahaman antara kaum di masa pemerintahan YB Tun memanglah amat rapat jika dibandingkan dengan sekarang.Sebarang issue dapat ditangani dengan penuh kebijaksanan YB Tun. Tapi sekarang…………
    Muga Yang Berbahgia Tun & Toh Puan sihat selalu.

  154. Salam Tun,
    I did notice that when attended your open house on Oct 5th.
    Agreed with your statement #12.

  155. Salam Tun, we expected to read your post on President Elect Mr.Barrack Obama and how America has changed from a racist country to trully democratic country in 40 years, where everyone is colorblind now and embraced a coloured person to be their President. We did not expect you remenising on Hari Raya and deepavali gathering.

  156. Assalamualaikum TUN.
    I’m d first.
    Ya la TUN kita sebenarnya takda apa-apa pun. Ni orang politik nye kerja yang kasi huru-hara. Di ofis pun kami ok je. semua kaum kerja sama.
    Semoga semangat muhibah kembali semula.
    Love u always TUN.

  157. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Saya bersetuju dgn pandangan Tun.
    Semasa saya membuat rumah terbuka haritu, walaupun saya baru berpindah kekawasan perumahan ini tak sampai 2 bulan, tetapi jiran-jiran berlainan bangsa datang untuk meraikannya.
    Mungkin yg berfikiran perkauman terdiri dari kalangan pemimpin yg berkepentingan. Tetapi kami rakyat jelata masih lagi menghormati antara satu sama lain. Eloklah pemimpin menjaga tuturkata mereka jangan sampai menyinggung kaum lain. Kerana tindakbalanya sedikit sebanyak akan mengusik hati rakyat jelata. Takut lama kelamaan, sifat perkauman yg keterlaluan akan menjadi suatu kebiasaan. Akhirnya tiada siapa yang akan suka.
    Berfikirlah dengan matang. jangan kerana hendak menang undi, negara binasa.
    Salam Tun.

  158. We the people are still wondering what the fuss about the social contract and the noise made some ‘minorities’ aboout it. We have been living peacefully and for sure there have ‘cubit2’ here and there but apart of 13may69, we don’t see any need for all these ‘noise’. Some politicians and pretenders are the one making it a problem. For example the papantanda berbagai bahasa in Penang. Do u see any of it in Singapore?

  159. Dearest ayahanda Tun,
    TQ for attending our open house on the 4th Oct (item 5), and we are so happy you remembered the char koey teow. You finished a plate! 🙂
    Your presence lighted up our days till today. Both you and Tun Siti are our inspiration. We always pray for Tun Siti and your good health.
    – Rizatuddin and Eliza

  160. Bravo! for the spirits of goodness within on self.. irregardless of race, bloodlines and beliefs… to unite one nation, is to perservere .. the hardships that comes our way.. and we have come a long way…and yet to face more challenges.. to perservere as one nation.. Malaysian.. and i am proud to be one..

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