Going through some old documents I came across this record of a speech by the Honourable Minister of Finance, Enche (sic) Tan Siew Sin, at the Delegates’ Conference of the Hokkien Association of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur on 22nd May 1965.

It is too long a speech to be reproduced in full. I will therefore cite only the parts that seem to be relevant to the current debates in Malaysia. I would be happy to provide the full text if needed.

Siew Sin remarked that the British identified the Chinese as a whole unjustly with the Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army which was controlled by the Communists. The Emergency of 1948-1960 generated even greater suspicion against the Chinese community because the movement was directed by the Communists who were largely Chinese.

“This fear,” Siew Sin said, “led the British to a policy of restricting citizenship rights for the Chinese as they felt that it would be dangerous for too many of them to become citizens….The result was that only about 200,000 Chinese had managed to become citizens out of a total of more than two million then resident in the former Federation of Malaya”.

Farsighted Statesmanship

“When negotiating the terms of independence before that date,” Siew Sin continued, “the MCA had asked that every Chinese who could legitimately claim to be regarded as a citizen should be allowed to become a citizen with the achievement of independence. It is a tribute to the farsighted statesmanship of UMNO and its leaders that they reacted sympathetically to this request. To give effect to this sympathy, a provision was inserted in the constitution itself to the effect that “good character” meant any person who had not been in jail during the period of three years preceding his application for citizenship.

“This was the main stumbling block to the acquisition of citizenship in colonial days. With the removal of this barrier, it was possible to admit approximately one million new citizens within 12 months of Merdeka and, of this number, roughly 800,000 were Chinese. If the Malays had been against giving a fair deal to the Chinese in the matter of citizenship, they would not have allowed such a situation to develop.

“The next major issue was the one concerning the special position of the Malays. Not many people are aware that this provision was inserted in the 1948 Federation of Malaya Agreement as part of the special responsibilities of the High Commissioner in the following terms;

“The safeguarding of the special position of the Malays and of the legitimate interests of other communities.

“It will be seen that this simple phrase could mean nothing. It could also mean everything. It was vague, it was also comprehensive and it was comprehensive enough as to be capable of being interpreted in a way which could mean the virtual elimination of Chinese economic interests in important sectors of the economy. Here again, with independence, this omnibus provision was scaled down to a precise definition so that it will be clear to all what this provision means. You will find it in article 153 of the Constitution. I have no time in a speech of this nature to tell you exactly what it means or what it does not mean, but very briefly, the effect of this provision is that, firstly, all existing rights are preserved; secondly, no citizen can be prohibited from engaging in business activity or deprived of his right to engage in business activity merely because he is a non-Malay.”

Chinese Education

“In the field of Chinese education, a matter which is dear to the hearts of the majority of the Chinese population of this country, and one on which they feel very strongly, I do not have to remind that Chinese education today has the kind of status which could not have been possible in the days before independence. In 1954, which was the year before the Federation’s first general election, when the alliance came to power for the first time the amount spent on Chinese education was $11.7 million. The amount spent on education as a whole was $99.9 million. In 1963, and I have taken 1963 because after this year we would be dealing in pan-Malaysian figures, and therefore the comparison would not be fair, the figures were $44.6 million and $283 million respectively.

“In other words while the amount spent on education as a whole increased by 183.28 per cent in nine years, the amount spent on Chinese education increased by 281.19 per cent. In brief, Chinese education has fared even better than education as a whole since independence, and education as a whole has been the principal beneficiary of independence.

“It will, therefore, be seen that in three major areas, that is, in the field of citizenship, Malay rights, and Chinese education, the Chinese are actually in a much happier position today than they were in the days of colonial rule. I have taken some pains to trace the history of these matters because i have heard, not only in this country, but overseas, that the Chinese were better off under British rule than they were in the former Federation of Malaya or in Malaysia today. I could give other instances, but the three major ones I have given will serve to show how unfounded such a belief is.”


    Tq for giving us the opportunity to pose questions & provide ‘plausible’ solutions to the grey areas pertaining to the people’s status of ethinicity and religion in Malaysia.
    Tun, you deserve a gold medal award for giving us the avenue to raise questions, stimulate healthy debate, diseminating pertinent information and keep us pondering our thoughts on the issues that affect our beloved fatherland.No wonder that your blosite is being rated as no 1 political blogging site in Malaysia.
    I am in the opinion that this blogsite is not only meant for YAB Tun to write his thoughts, views, criticisms etc but also to stimulate critical thinking among the bloggers’ fraternity to determine ‘what is right or wrong’.
    Mr Odinary & the rest, you are always welcome to pose questions/enquiries on any issues(s) that deserve utmost attention.
    On my part, I will try my level best to provide ‘plausible explanations to the issues raised. Otherwise, YAB TUN & fellow bloggers would be more than obliged to perform this ‘social obligation’ to our visitors.
    I wish Tun & You, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
    P/s to jonfun- you’re right, We Malaysians are in the same boat.By right we are supposed to paddle in synchronisation, otherwise our boat won’t moves effeciently due to resistance forces created.
    LET’S BE MALAYSIANS, GENTLEMEN!. We have a country to save and build here.
    “Bersatu Teguh. Bercerai Roboh.”

  2. Dear Tun & Zachary64,
    Thank you again for enlightening me with your reply (& your cup of teh tarik).
    No hidden unterior motives here. Just a provoking thought that’s all.
    I rest my case.
    Taking this opportunity to wish Tun & you an early 2009 New Year Greetings & Good Health always.
    Thank you.

    Congratulations as your blogsite has already achieved the milestone of 10 million visitors and still growing strong day by day .
    According to my friend, your blogsite is rated as no 1 in the list of the politicial blog sites in Malaysia followed by Anwar, Annil Netto, Raja Petra & Susan Loone as published by one of the news media recently. ( will double check and confirm again later). If this is true, I have to say that your site is highly credible and popular among blog readers and bloggers’ fraternity.Well done Tun and keep up your good work and stay healthy.
    “Just to quote your instruction posted on June 22, 2008 11.09 p.m,
    In line with this would like to remind commentators that critical comments are welcome but in efforts to maintain the integrity of this site and to promote healthy debate, readers are urged to refrain from using deragotary terms, name-calling and racial and seditious remarks. Such comments including comments that are UNRELATED to the posting WILL NOT be given priority…”
    It’s unfortunate that there are still a handful of the chetdet bloggers who fail to take heed of Tun’s clear instruction to comment pRofessionally and diplomatically.
    Therefore, It’s my pleasure to post further explanations on the bloggers’ code of ethics to the one that you have been posted earlier.Hopefully the present and potential chedet bloggers will propagate these guidelines as maintain the ‘INTERGRITY’ , and ‘SANCTITY’ of this site.
    1. We take responsibility for our own words and for the comments we allow on our blog.
    We are committed to the “Civility Enforced” standard: we will not post unacceptable content, and we’ll delete comments that contain it.
    We define unacceptable content as anything included or linked to that:
    – is being used to abuse, harass, stalk, or threaten others
    – is libelous, knowingly false, ad-hominem, or misrepresents another person,
    – infringes upon a copyright or trademark
    – violates an obligation of confidentiality
    – violates the privacy of others
    2. We won’t say anything online that we wouldn’t say in person.
    3. We connect privately before we respond publicly.
    When we encounter conflicts and misrepresentation in the blogosphere, we make every effort to talk privately and directly to the person(s) involved–or find an intermediary who can do so–before we publish any posts or comments about the issue.
    4. When we believe someone is unfairly attacking another, we take action.
    When someone who is publishing comments or blog postings that are offensive, we’ll tell them so (privately, if possible–see above) and ask them to publicly make amends.
    If those published comments could be construed as a threat, and the perpetrator doesn’t withdraw them and apologize, we will cooperate with law enforcement to protect the target of the threat.
    5. We do not allow anonymous comments.
    We require commenters to supply a valid email address before they can post, though we allow commenters to identify themselves with an alias, rather than their real name.
    6. We ignore the trolls.
    We prefer not to respond to nasty comments about us or our blog, as long as they don’t veer into abuse or libel. We believe that feeding the trolls only encourages them–“Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it.” Ignoring public attacks is often the best way to contain them.

  4. Dear Tun and Gentlemen,
    As a young citizen of this country, it disappoints me to see that 51 years into our independence as Malaysia, we are still bickering about racial rights, who should be who, and who should deserve more in this country.
    Yes, we have comments with historical evidence to prove that Malays are from Yun Nan, China. We have proof that some of the Malays are of Indonesian heritage. We have people criticizing the Chinese in this country of working too hard and being too smart, that the Chinese are still in control of the economy and some even sounded so bias that the Malays should once again, dip their keris in pools of Chinese blood and threaten to repeat the catastrophe in May 13. And vice versa.
    But gentlemen, the few simple questions are :
    Are all these debate going on here relevant in the 21st century? Are we progressing and developing as a nation? And hello, does anyone know how bad is the economic situation out there? You all still have time for all this ah? Why can’t we be united for once and together live through this crisis?
    So what if the Malays still have tongkats. So what if the Malays are still not getting enough quota? So what if the Chinese controls 80% of the economy? So what if we continue to have this debate?
    If Malaysia goes down as a Nation. WE, regardless of Malays, Chinese, Indians or the other ethnic groups, ARE GOING TO GO DOWN TOGETHER. And our neighbors will be laughing their pancreas out on us.
    What’s that word again… Apa nama…. yeah. The word is Malu. Shameful.
    While we still have time to rant about all these “issues” and try very hard here to be the best historians, WE ARE LOSING OUT AS A NATION. Other countries are growing faster than us and they now have better competitive edge than us, while we are still debating about things that happen 50 over years ago.
    The fact is that today, we are still visiting each other during Chinese New Year and Hari Rayas. We are still sending festive season cards to one another. We love and respect each other in Malaysia. Malays, Chinese and Indians in Malaysia call each other brothers! Even Tun has Ananda Krishnan and Vincent Tan as good buddies. Why do everyone still see an issue here?
    If the politicians make it an issue, then we as Malaysians have every democratic right to vote them out of office the next time around because these are clearly not the leaders that we want in our government today. We will vote for who deserves the job. If they give us Ang Pow RM50 per person, we will smile and say thank you and still vote for the person who deserves the job 🙂
    We are dead worried about what’s going to happen to our economy for next 6 months to come. Jobs are increasingly harder to find and costs of living are constantly on the rise. We are desperate for a clear government directive or action to prepare us for the worst, irregardless of race or ethnicity. Who in this country is addressing these issues? Answer – Ee Lek.
    And you all still have time to debate racial issues, citing laws and history, when what we really need to focus on now as MALAYSIANS is how to save our nation from crumbling!
    Come on guys, put down your Keris-es and your Kung Fus. Stop fighting this meaningless war and debating who’s right and who’s wrong.
    So LET’S BE MALAYSIANS, GENTLEMEN!. We have a country to save and build here.
    “Bersatu Teguh. Bercerai Roboh.” – Simple proverb but crucial in nation building.

    Allow me to provide the following solutions to Mr Ordinary’s
    further questions on the status of Malays on these 2 ‘grey’ situations.
    Mr Ordinary, it seems that you have endless questions pertaining to the status of ethinicity and religion to a Malaysian. I do not know your real motives behind these spate of QUESTIONS that never seem to be abated.My only hope that you do not have hidden ulterior motives to unearth something that is not right pertaining to what is the right definition for these people of these race and religion etc.
    Now back to your question 1
    Some Indian Muslims identify themselves as a Malay in Malaysia. I wonder if they are in India, will they still identify themselves as a Malay or just an Indian Muslim or a Pakistani in Pakistan.
    It depends on the Malaysian couples

    Allow me to provide the following solutions to Mr Ordinary’s
    further questions on the status of Malays on these 2 ‘grey’ situations.
    Mr Ordinary, it seems that you have endless questions pertaining to the status of ethinicity and religion to a Malaysian. I do not know your real motives behind these spate of QUESTIONS that never seem to be abated.My only hope that you do not have hidden ulterior motives to unearth something that is not right pertaining to what is the right definition for these people of these race and religion etc.
    Now back to your question 1
    Some Indian Muslims identify themselves as a Malay in Malaysia. I wonder if they are in India, will they still identify themselves as a Malay or just an Indian Muslim or a Pakistani in Pakistan.
    It depends on the Malaysian couples

    Thank you for your reply to my Q & A on the defination of a Malay. I am no law expert but I think you are right & correct as per the interpretation of Article 160 of the Constitutuion of Malaysia.
    As per the said Article 160, it is not wrong to presume that a person’s race can be changed overtime in Malaysia. Is this another example of “Malaysia Bolih”.
    But I thought (other than religion unless one is an Atheist) race is a divine inheritance from our parents.
    By default we are born to be either a Malay, Chinese, Indian or Iban etc. And no parents would presume that their children can/will change his/her race.
    Some Indian Muslims identify themselves as a Malay in Malaysia. I wonder if they are in India, will they still identify themselves as a Malay or just an Indian Muslim or a Pakistani in Pakistan.
    What about a Malay who migrates to another country and renounce his religion. By Article 160 he is no longer a Malay. Than what race is he/she now ? Race-less .?
    Just a provoking thought !

  8. Good News from Bad News
    The elite of Bukit Antara Bangsa had a disaster where 14 houses were buried or damage. Surprisingly the victims represented by 3 races……..that Malaysian of the three races are equally well now that they share same area through happiness and tragedy.

  9. A’kum Tun apa kabar,
    Artikel Tun paparkan amat berguna kepada Orang Melayu terutama sekali kepada para opposition Melayu yg berganding bersama parti opposition yg bukan Melayu. Mereka( Malay opposition) buta bahawa bangsa lain sudah meminta hendak jadi PM Malaysia. Itupun tak sedar. Masih juga nak berganding dengan mereka.
    Orang Melayu tak pernah racial terhadap kaum lain. Kita terima kewujudan mereka dgn hati yg terbuka. Beri mereka tanah untuk bercucuk tanam, buat perniagaan sesama mereka. Setidak-tidaknya mereka dapat menunjukan sikap toleransi. Di dalam dewan parlimen mereka(opposition) menyingkap tentang soal “Ketuanan Melayu”. Kita tak pernah mengatakan bangsa lain itu hamba kepada orang melayu. Itu adalah fitnah semata. Lebih elok jika kita membincangkan sesuatu yg lebih manfaat sewaktu di dalam dewan parlimen untuk rakyat saksikan yang ahli-ahli politik yg dipilih oleh mereka mendengar keluhan mereka dan membuahkan sesuatu untuk kemajuan bersama. Terimakasih.

  10. Chinese there over 1.5 billion in the World
    Surely to generalised them is to over simplify them
    There 25,000,000 Chinese Muslims
    In Malaysia Pre indpendent day they came as labourer for thib mine
    Organised as they are the became Gang of Gee Hin and Hai San in Perak………..they fought each other for tin and wealth : That they came for.
    This labourers gang over time segregate the shrewed and visionary collected wealth by hook or by crook and became Capitalist.
    When world divided into Communist and capitalist surely the labourers wanted to rob the British,The Sultans and The Rich Chinese. There want Malaya for that purpose……..they dont need citizen ship as they can go back to China as communist or fight in other Asia country. The Chinese capitalist want to stay on as they have capital,properties and bussiness monopoly in Malaya.
    Now most of Chinese are capitalist ,except late Botak Chin who still rob the Chinese ,so is the Indian Bentong Kali rob the Indian Capitalist, they no longer need to rob capitalist as they are capitalist themselves. Now they want political power after having fanancial power . They shouted for Keadilan and Justice !!! When actually the Malay should be shouting for Economic Justice.
    By nature Malay are not fighting type but if you shout too much inspite what you already have their patient may erode than Jebat in them will emerge. Who will lose more………….
    So let DEB go on for the Bumi that is socialism that is Justice……….

  11. Hello alibabamahathir n peter,
    I think u guys really don’t have brain… Let me tell u people. If not because of “bijih timah”, u guys won’t be here u know. That shows that u are not the native of this land. If u have money, go around and see Indonesia for instance, people like u don’t have rights even to use your chinese name. U have to use Indonesian’s name u know.. In Singapore for instance, did u see what happened to the malays there? Do you want that happened to you people right here in Malaysia? So if you don’t want that to happen, stop saying that the statement quoted by Tun was a mistake.. Learn from the history because history doesn’t lie like u people. U people are lucky enough sharing this wealty land with the malays. What else do you people want.. U will be sorry if I am the Prime Minister of Malaysia….
    To Tun, I salute u.. Keep up your good work. Make this ungrateful people know who they are actually..

  12. To ZACHARY64 on November 25, 2008 3:31 PM
    Though this one got nothing to do with NEP, malay rights or social contract. But just to tell you that the word ‘race’ doesn’t really defined itself in such way that when a person adapt to a certain culture, he/she will be automatically reknown as other race. And for my own perception, Malaysia is not special at all if she is only occupied by a single race, hope you would understand pros and cons before suggesting assimilation.

  13. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Allow me,
    To ZACHARY64,
    Bro,biasa la kalau tamak menguasai fikiran diorang ni..
    Ada yang diberi betis nak paha
    Belanda mintak tanah
    Kaduk naik junjung
    Kacang lupakan kulit
    Mendokong biawak hidup
    Tak mahu menjunjung langit di mana bumi dipijak
    Melepaskan anjing tersepit..
    ..dan sebagaimana resminya anjing tetap menyalak walaupun perut kenyang!

  14. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Allow me,
    To ZACHARY64,
    Bro,biasa la kalau tamak menguasai fikiran diorang ni..
    Ada yang diberi betis nak paha
    Belanda mintak tanah
    Kaduk naik junjung
    Kacang lupakan kulit
    Mendokong biawak hidup
    Tak mahu menjunjung langit di mana bumi dipijak
    Melepaskan anjing tersepit..
    ..dan sebagaimana resminya anjing tetap menyalak walaupun perut kenyang!

  15. ZACHARY64, thank you for the clarification.
    One question here : Do you think Lord Reid, when he drafted Article 160 in consultation with our leaders, or our leaders, when they accepted Article 160, have in mind to grant these special rights to children of post-Merdeka Indonesian immigrants?
    Just like your suggestion to let the Malays decide on whether to continue with the social contract or to review it, perhaps the local Malays should also be given the right to decide whether to ‘share’ their bumiputra rights (and the priveleges that comes along with it) with the children of post-Merdeka Indonesian immigrants.

  16. Dear Tun,
    I am perplexed by the constant mention of the social contract that came into existence during the independence era. The question of citizenship is also being raised by you. Earlier you had mentioned if the non malays questioned the rights of the malays then the non malays will loose their citizenship. Now I want to ask you, what rights of the malays are questioned by the non malays. Eversince you became the PM–you have firmly entrenched malay hegemony in every institutions of the country. Now if you walk into a govt dept–you can see 95% of the civil servants are malays. But what is the actual percentange of the malay population–it says 60%–but that includes the bumiputras of sabah and sarawak. But prior to PRU12–the non malays were voting in BN without fail but when it comes to civil servants–malays make up 95%. Before PRU12–have the non malays questioned this—is this also the right of the malays. By right the present generation of non-malays should be accorded equal rights as the malays–simply b’cos they were not a party to the social contract, they were born here in malaysia–which is their motherland, it is not their fault to be born in malaysia. So the question of they losing their citizenship is a mockery of the international declarations. You youself had said earlier that if there are no chinese in malaysia, then it will be like one of the countries in afrika. 80% of taxes are paid by them–they succeed in business b’cos of their hard work. So is it their fault that most of them are well off. Arent their taxes used to help malays–so what privileges or rights of the malays are they questioning?

    qinai de BABAMELAKA ,
    You have posted a valid question that is by right should be directed and clarified by our Minister of Information or better still to the Director General of Immigration. But since that you have posted the question with the right etiquette, I am more than elated to provide you with the rational answer. Please take this answer as my personal point of view rather than the Malaysian government’s stand on the matter. I may not be 100% right most of the time. By the way, other bloggers please correct me if you see that my rationale is deviating out of track.
    your question-And by the way, can you please explain how the children of recent Indonesian immigrants can be regarded as Malay and given the benefits that are supposed to be given exclusively to upgrade the lives of the local Malays?
    There are of course 2 types of immigrants; the legal (pendatang sah) and illegal ( pendatang tanpa izin, formerly known as PENDATANG HARAM).
    The illegal immigrants are clearly the law breakers and if caught will straightaway be meted with steep fines, whipping and deported to Indonesia without delay.
    Majority of the legal Indonesian immigrants hail from the nearby Sumatra & Java Island and they speak ‘Malay’, practise Malay customs and rituals although not all of them are Muslims besides being Christians, Hindus etc.Without doubt the children of The Indonesian immigrants are mostly Malay by ethnicity.
    The Malaysian government would always give priority to the local Malays based on the citizenship hold. As for the children of the Indonesian immigrants to enjoy the same benefits as the local Malays, first they have to obtain the Malaysian citizenship. Indonesians who have citizenship would be classified as Malay under Article 160 of the Constitution, therefore they are entitled to the benefits vested to the local bumiputras such as the right to vote, allocations of public shares, discounts on real estate, etc
    However, when it comes to the privileges like getting scholarships, the Malays must demonstrate certain reasonable standard set by the government and the public universities. Not all Malays will be able to make it to the tertiary level except those who are qualified and succeed with the required standard.
    Honestly speaking, benefits and opportunities are always there for the Malays to grab providing they are serious and hardworking enough to earn them. In this case, if the Malay children of Indonesian immigrants tend to outperform the local Malays, then they deserve to be granted the benefits under the affirmative policies if they are qualified citizens.
    The government has tried hard to alleviate the poverty disease among Malays but it’s impossible to eradicate poverty 100% because they are people who despite being given opportunities failed to make use of them. It’s easier for them to blame the government rather than themselves. Most of the time, they will put the blame to UMNOPUTRAS for dominating the lion share of the cakes that are meant for the mass Malays. This is the issue for the UMNOputras to address. Should UMNO focus on gratifying the needs and wants of its 3 million members or stand to risk being alienated by the mass Malay majority? Please do not underestimate the people’s power.
    Otherwise the party will cease to exist.

    qinai de BABAMELAKA ,
    You have posted a valid question that is by right should be directed and clarified by our Minister of Information or better still to the Director General of Immigration. But since that you have posted the question with the right etiquette, I am more than elated to provide you with the rational answer. Please take this answer as my personal point of view rather than the Malaysian government’s stand on the matter. I may not be 100% right most of the time. By the way, other bloggers please correct me if you see that my rationale is deviating out of track.
    your question-And by the way, can you please explain how the children of recent Indonesian immigrants can be regarded as Malay and given the benefits that are supposed to be given exclusively to upgrade the lives of the local Malays?
    There are of course 2 types of immigrants; the legal (pendatang sah) and illegal ( pendatang tanpa izin, formerly known as PENDATANG HARAM).
    The illegal immigrants are clearly the law breakers and if caught will straightaway be meted with steep fines, whipping and deported to Indonesia without delay.
    Majority of the legal Indonesian immigrants hail from the nearby Sumatra & Java Island and they speak ‘Malay’, practise Malay customs and rituals although not all of them are Muslims besides being Christians, Hindus etc.Without doubt the children of The Indonesian immigrants are mostly Malay by ethnicity.
    The Malaysian government would always give priority to the local Malays based on the citizenship hold. As for the children of the Indonesian immigrants to enjoy the same benefits as the local Malays, first they have to obtain the Malaysian citizenship. Indonesians who have citizenship would be classified as Malay under Article 160 of the Constitution, therefore they are entitled to the benefits vested to the local bumiputras such as the right to vote, allocations of public shares, discounts on real estate, etc
    However, when it comes to the privileges like getting scholarships, the Malays must demonstrate certain reasonable standard set by the government and the public universities. Not all Malays will be able to make it to the tertiary level except those who are qualified and succeed with the required standard.
    Honestly speaking, benefits and opportunities are always there for the Malays to grab providing they are serious and hardworking enough to earn them. In this case, if the Malay children of Indonesian immigrants tend to outperform the local Malays, then they deserve to be granted the benefits under the affirmative policies if they are qualified citizens.
    The government has tried hard to alleviate the poverty disease among Malays but it’s impossible to eradicate poverty 100% because they are people who despite being given opportunities failed to make use of them. It’s easier for them to blame the government rather than themselves. Most of the time, they will put the blame to UMNOPUTRAS for dominating the lion share of the cakes that are meant for the mass Malays. This is the issue for the UMNOputras to address. Should UMNO focus on gratifying the needs and wants of its 3 million members or stand to risk being alienated by the mass Malay majority? Please do not underestimate the people’s power.
    Otherwise the party will cease to exist.

  19. Good day to Greyscull and babamelaka,
    When I voluntered to provide answers to Mr ORDINARY’S grievances on the real definition of a Malay, I knew that I will be getting hostile receptions from my countrymen.
    I’ve been accused as a fascist just because my explanations & views seems to be extreme and unempathetic to the non-Malay/Muslims in general. My views were based upon the Article 160 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia which was drafted by Lord Reid in consultation with the Malaysian leaders shortly before Great Britain accorded ‘Merdeka’ in 1957.
    I do not have intention to mock nor belittle my fellow Malaysians through my so-called ‘fascist view’ on the real definition of a Malay . I just tried to fulfill my social obligation to Mr Ordinary’s enquiry on the ‘questionable status’ of a child of the
    couple from various backgrounds that deemed ‘the right definition’ as to solve the ambiguities and grey areas that people are still questioning up to these says.
    My interpretation of definition of person being a Malay is strictly based on the Article 160 . I hope that I have interpreted
    the Article 160 flawlessly to the 4 cases brought up by Mr Ordinary.
    Should any of my fellow bloggers beg to differ with my interpretion, then I must say that you are up against the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, the Supreme Law that define the existence of the country known as Malaysia.
    As for your view that the Social Contract should not be made permanent and the need to review as time change,I would prefer to leave it Malays to decide for themselves. I do not wish to speak on behalf of the Malaysian Malays that the Social Contract is no longer viable in this era of globalization.When we talk about the social contract,a lot of stakeholders will get involved; first the King, The Rulers (Sultans), The Malay political parties, The Malay Association, The Malay Pressure Group, The Malay Chamber Of Commerce, etc, professional Malay Association and ordinary malays along the street, kampungs etc. Do you think that the Stakeholders would agree for the social contract to be reviewed and do away just because the rest are questioning its validity.
    Just to refresh on the definition of the social contract. The social contract in Malaysia refers to the agreement made by the country’s founding fathers in the Constitution. The social contract usually refers to a quid pro quo trade-off through Articles 14

  20. Salam Tun,
    I am sure tolerance is key to living in harmony for multiracial country. Can anybody explain why in the first place why no Indian origin from China and vice versa..god knows. Will the problem exist if chinese and indian were not granted citizenship on the very first place. As far as bumi are concern they do not want to end up worst off or losing their rights in the own homeland. It would be interesting to see India swamp with Chinese immigrants and given equal rights with full citizenship and one of them elected as prime minister of India or China having Indian president.
    Sir Anthony Abel govenor of Sarawak said 50 years ago countries in Borneo is entitled to adopt anti chinese policy to prevent problems of Malaya due to unrestricted chinese immigration to avoid land and racial problems and to protect interest of locals. Its proving right.

  21. Dearest TUN,
    I truly and sincerely believe that when someone is in the “hatred mode” will do “anything” to come to terms with his “enemy” and the only way that a person could get the “grip” is to be a “ruling leader”.
    This is truly dangerous Dearest TUN, TOTALLY DANGEROUS to the nation, we can end up like most of the African countries or like most of the Middle East countries or some Asian countries.
    This “someone” has the ability to “view” current and previous “issues” as well as “view” the goverment “set backs” or “weakest spots” as well as has the ability to take advantage of “weak leaders”.
    This “someone” probaly with the help of “hidden forces” is going for the “burst or die” attitude in the creations of all the country “chaos” at the moment.
    This would also “allows” “extremism politician” to be on the “bench” who was not “relevant” to ruling political parties. They have manage to take the “bench” and now “creates” more “chaos” to “topple” in the democratic manner.
    I hope everyone in UMNO learn something of the Semangat 46 era. I hope they take it more seriously this time. I hope ALL politicians take your advise for the GOOD OF THE NATION. I hope they follow your “path” in being a TRUE STATEMAN.
    I hope the people stop “accepting” radicals and extremism just because they want to be with “STUPID”. The rakyaat is not gaining anything but the “individuals” is.

  22. Dear Tun,
    Thank you for the revealation. Can we get the full text?
    I am sure the late Tun Sambanthan would have a similar speech meant for the Indian audience. Would you have such a speech?

  23. ZACHARY64 on November 25, 2008 3:31 PM, I perfectly understand where you are coming from. Looks like it is easier to become a Malay than to remain a non-Malay, right?
    If only my forefathers have the foresight, they would have converted to Islam after marrying their Malay wives. Then I would have been a Malay.
    Oh, I forgot, at that time when my forefathers came, a few hundred years ago, Islam was not widely practised by the Malays here. So, I ended up with a Chinese religion but an assimilated culture which is mainly Malay.
    And by the way, can you please explain how the children of recent Indonesian immigrants can be regarded as Malay and given the benefits that are supposed to be given exclusively to upgrade the lives of the local Malays? Or is the Malaysian Govt such a charitable lot that we are taking care of the welfare of these lot by giving them Malay status? It is indeed sickening to note that at the same time, there are many local Malays who are deprived of proper food, clothing and shelter. Shouldn’t the money spent on the children of these recent Indonesian immigrants be better spent on our own poor rural Malay folks?

  24. The person of ZACHARY64,
    The commentary’s of Zachary is very radical and reflection on breed of fascism in M’sia…(although not the correct away to promote malay nationalism) to our non -malay country men. Mocking and highlighting differentiation of between races would only do more harm then good. It would be good for our countrymen from various ethnic background to see a common ground rather doing an experimental research on the definition of Malays and how should be a Malay or whatever. It something to ponder in the past how the Nazis describe on how to be a true Aryan, which in this case ZACHARY64 is trying to point since the beginning. I have to say that that the history lesson is quite impressive from Zachary, especially touching on the malay rights & sovereignty and trying to be the spokesperson of lost malay kingdom…..not bad.
    Coming back, to the issue of the social contract of Malaysia, do we need to considered as a Holy grail and must be followed at all times. Even a Muslim do not totally abide the teaching of Quran, why should this man made contract not to be questions. I believe, a tide of change is coming and sip through the Malaysian politics. Every citizen have the right to question this contract as there maybe a flaw to it,a review required to this contract, as very contract will expire or lapse when time comes, maybe not relevant for the future generations. See around within our Malaysian society, at school, work place, etc are going for polarization. What this country needs a standardization & revamp in every aspects from Education concept to political parties ideologies…

  25. with permisssion from the YAB Tun
    Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia
    The article defines a Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore. As a result, Malay citizens who convert out of Islam are no longer considered Malay under the law. Hence, the Bumiputra privileges afforded to Malays under Article 153 of the Constitution, the New Economic Policy (NEP), etc. are forfeit for such converts.
    Likewise, a non-Malay Malaysian who converts to Islam can lay claim to Bumiputra privileges, provided he meets the other conditions. A higher education textbook conforming to the government Malaysian studies syllabus states: “The non-Malay thought that is when a non-Malay embraces Islam, he is said to masuk Melayu (become a Malay in Malay language). That person is automatically assumed to be fluent in the Malay language and to be living like a Malay as a result of his close association with the Malays.”
    Sorry, not offense Just a joke, an Indian friend of mine use to classify them as MAMAKPUTRA rather than bumiputra.
    right and affirmative.
    The child is result of the mix parentage Malay-Chinese, Malay-Indian
    who adopts a Malay Muslim name. Therefore he/she is a MALAY due to the Malay blood inherited.
    yes, he/she is malay.Similar to NO 2.
    The onus if for the couple to show clear evidents that they have adopted Malay language, practise malay culture, practise & profess Islamic religion and have been accepted by the local malay community without doubt. In addition, they need to be seen as having adopted Malay customs, beliefs, traditions, values,rituals etc.They have to prove that they have already assimilated into Malay community without question.
    Citizenship and race are two different things.In Malaysia we have Malaysian citizens of different ethnicities, language dialects and religions.
    If the Indonesian couple happened to be of Malay, Java,Sumatran tribe and practise Malay culture and profess Islamic religion, therefore the child is definitely a Malay Muslim. Therefore he/she is a rightful malay .This is consistent with the Article 160.
    However, if the couple happened to be of ‘Chinese ethnic’ or ‘Indians’ definitely the child would be a natural born Chinese/Indian.Therefore he/she is not a Malay.
    The solution to your grievances is non other than ASSIMILATION

  26. Salam Dearest Tun and readers,
    I deeply thanks Tun for this article.I have an experienced where my lecturer in UiTM questioned the Malay privileges, and nowadays we can read that in many articles questioned about it too.
    My personal view is we actually confused what is us all about. When i say ‘us’, it referring to all the races. We should have what we should have and not more. The problem is when people asked to have what is not theirs or you want to give something that he should not have, then the present issue arises.
    I have seen what an ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, and i think we should sent those who talked about demanding what they should not have there. Then they realised that it is very sad and no words to described the pain when the eagerness to protect one interest overtake the willingness of sharing.
    Sharing is on volunteer basis, however when the other party wants it to be his right, then it becomes what is happening now. Thus do not let the greedy feelings overtake our future as we should “share” what we have now and do not take what the others have.
    The “sharing” would end when we become one group/entity and to become that, we should ask ourselves whether we are ready to sacrifice what we have now? It is not only one group of doing whether the dominant group or the less dominant group, but it is about whether all party ready to let go or surrender their right or giving away what you have now. If the answer to yourself is “no”, then we better do not dream to end the “sharing”.

  27. I have studied in a Malay medium school since day 1 and it’s sad for me to see some of the comments today.I have always regard all races as friends and still hope that we can still live in M’sia in peace and harmony for all times to come.

  28. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    I mean no disrespect, let me get that clear.
    But as far as I am concerned, I strongly believe that we should all be known as just Malaysians; not Malays, not Chinese and not Indians.
    Just Malaysians.
    And am a Bumi and not to ruffle any feathers whatsoever, I don’t believe in preordained privileges based on what race you come from. I do believe privileges should only be extended to those who needs it.
    Poverty, healthcare, education, now that deserves more attention than anything else.

  29. Quoting the guy below and others
    Dear Tun,
    This should be circulated to MCA guys. Let them read and know the history. All these idiots should know their origins and not to question the special position of Malays.
    – Jinggo Rock –
    Special position of Malays. Dude, itu kaum bumiputera macam orang peribumi di Malaya, adakah mereka dapat menikmati special position Melayu? Bukankah mereka orang yang truly origin? You see. That is why Mahathir cries in the first place. Because you guys depend on the rights so much. So much that you guys r starting to be complacent. Well i know the special rights might just give chinese and indian a lesser space to breath but we did cope after all this years. SOme might not. Well, you can hog onto ur special position la kawan. In this age of globalisation, wat doesnt kill us make us stronger.
    Salam Tun,
    I hope the current Malay leaders read your blog. Similarly to DS Anuar Ibrahim dan kuncu-kuncu dia. DS Anuar Ibrahim ni dah macam orang gila talak. Sanggup khianati bangsa Melayu sendiri. Untuk meraih undi sanggup bersongkokong dengan kaum Hindraf.
    I setuju sepenuhnya dengan YB Raja Nazrin dalam surat khabar hari ini. Kaum-kaum mendatang semestinya sanggup junjung langit di mana tempat bumi dipijak. The malay must fight. Mereka sekarang ni dah terlampau.
    Haha, inilah satu lawak. Kaum-Kaum mendatang semestinya sanggup junjung langit di mana tempat bumi dipijak. I’m speaking maybe for some chinese, not all, but believe it or not everytime while we were young, for me at least I feel the need for patriotism. Instead of coming together as 3 races, I feel we can co-operate and put Malaysia back on the world pedestal, show it to the world that yes we can, Malaysia can. But that sense of patriotism started to diminish when i enter secondary school. It got worst now. Actually we chinese. malaysian chinese or indian chinese for that matter memang want to menjunjung the langit this bumi we call home. But itu competition tak de fair kawan. tak de adil. while both of us come from the same income group, my malay friend and I, I see him enter Uni without any problem while I appeal and re-appeal for entrant into Uni. I fare much better than him in terms of results but we r both good. Not only that, I started seeing where it went unfair. That is when u guys have to know, ini bukan melampau tetapi hak asasi.
    ok now dont come and lecture me about hey u chinese didnt even have the right to be called malaysian if it is not for us to approve ur citizenship.
    How to fight for the country we love having being treated unfairly??? But some of us still fight for the country in regardless of this thing going on.


  31. To M.I, I think you need to double or triple check. The Hang Tuah Lima Beradik were Malays okay. They were Bugis.

  32. Salam Tun,
    I hope the current Malay leaders read your blog. Similarly to DS Anuar Ibrahim dan kuncu-kuncu dia. DS Anuar Ibrahim ni dah macam orang gila talak. Sanggup khianati bangsa Melayu sendiri. Untuk meraih undi sanggup bersongkokong dengan kaum Hindraf.
    I setuju sepenuhnya dengan YB Raja Nazrin dalam surat khabar hari ini. Kaum-kaum mendatang semestinya sanggup junjung langit di mana tempat bumi dipijak. The malay must fight. Mereka sekarang ni dah terlampau.

  33. hahaha..tats my first reaction when one of the comment was to include this in History subject. do you realise that Hang Tuah history is taken off from the school history subject? why…bcoz he was a chinese.. Hang Tu Ah…Hang Lee Kiu…only Jebat was malay. Tun, mayb all this guys who gave comment can be your yes man but not me. i will agree for the right thing only…by the way, lotsa youngsters now thinks that Malaysia is a Islamic country..maybe your bad memory can explain that also and include in the history subject in school…one of the condition for independence was “Malaysia should not by any chance declared Islam country”. btw, instead of asking the chinese and indian to be grateful, why not the malay do that as muslims in other country not getting all the privileges like you all have here. Nasi dah bagi, minta kuah lagi, pas tu suruh suap,..suap jugak..sekarang minta tolong kunyah…adus…berubah lah umat2 sekalian….

  34. Never Ending Story For Us..
    Once upon a time there is a guy name Baba lives in a triple story shop house with his wife. The ground floor was his café, there are three rooms in the house and his room was the biggest in all the rooms. He is not rich but lives happily with what he has.
    On one fine morning when he opened his café, he sees a man sleeping in front of his shop. He wakes the guy and asked

  35. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    I would like to bring up a few lines of comments by a blogger regarding the racial issue. I believe he is a Chinese and i respected him very much for what he posted in the blogger’s comment site :
    [This fantastic blog of our most respected Tun should be used in a constructive way and it is not a place to argue childishly. To those of us who truly love this country, we simply wanted to convey the message that racial discrimination brings no benefit whatsoever for the future of Malaysia. Our country has a lot of problems and we can’t deny it, so let’s face it in a constructive manner. Look at the issue, not the skin color.]
    I like people with creatively open-mind ideas n i hated political based comments n silly-sound comments. i like the harmony of living in Malaysia n proud to be Malaysian. I like Chinese, Indians and other races as i treat them as bangsa Malaysia. One harmony united group of citizens. Lets bring BANGSA MALAYSIA n its spirit into us again as we live in zaman TV hitam putih dulu !

  36. Dear Tun,
    It would be good if you could find someway of reproducing the speech in full, lest someone accuse oyu of taking Tun Tan Siew Sin’s speech out of context.
    To the Chinese who seek fairness, look at the UPSR exams. How many of us know that the English and Bahasa Malaysia papers for the SRJK are actually of a lower standard than the respective papers for SK?
    So, children who studied in SK have to sit for tougher papers and when they obtain 5As, they have to ‘fight’ it out with SRJK students who obtain 7As, albeit in easier BM and English subjects, for a place in the more prestigious secondary schools.
    So, what fairness are we talking about here? fairness is when all UPSR students sit for the same papers in BM, English, Maths and Science. The only difference is that those from the vernacular schools will also sit for the vernacular languages. And when selecting students for secondary schools only the main 5 subjects should be used for comparison, excluding the vernacular languages. That’s fairness.
    All said and done, it feels strange that after 50 years of independence and hundreds of years of living together, we are becoming more racist than we ever were. To identify which race is at fault for the declining racial tolerance and relationship, is like trying to debate which comes first, chicken or egg?
    To the majority of us, race does not matter at all. It’s the minority few who always bring up the racial matters and speak in racial overtones. Unfortunately, these are high-profile people who have the eyes and ears and/or control of the media. These are the same people who stand to gain most from stoking the racial fire. Isn’t it strange that the ones who are talk the most along racial lines are the politicians?
    For the man in the street, it’s the price of the ikan kembung, ayam, sayur and beras that matters most. For what is the use of equality, superiority, special rights, meritocracy, etc., if we have difficulty putting food on the table or shelter over our heads?
    Perhaps, there are people who do not want us to be united (menangguk di air keruh?). And maybe there are also people who prefer to side-track us from the more pertinent issues like inflation, spiralling prices of foodstuff, economic downturn, higher crime rate, weakening ringgit, lower FDIs, etc.
    Luckily, I can still afford my rice with sambal belacan and ikan kembung goreng.

  37. in this new era,
    why should we still talking about racailism issue,
    we all malaysian (malay/china/india and all others) should united and think of the globalisation, otherwise if we are weak, then one day we will back and become a colonies to other, just like before we merdeka, we are under british governed…
    we should learn from history, if we are weak, then that is the consequenses that we will colonies by others

  38. Selamat berjumpa lagi
    Secara umun orang Tiong Hua di Malaysia ada orang yang baik perangai , tidak mempunyai sikap yang terlalu , sejak nenek moyang
    sampai di Malaysia kita ada bersembayang kepada KERAMAT TEMPATAN.Itu lah satu altitude yang baik ,respect the local people and local deities.
    Sebagai orang tionghua di Malaysia saya sangat berterima kasih kepada pemerintah dan pemimpin yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan dan membawa kebahagian kepada semua rakyat , akan tetapi saya berhap keadaan akan maju dari satu masa ke satu masa untuk memperkuatkan
    daya saingan Malaysia. Perkembangan sekolah aliran china secara suistematik di Malaysia nescaya akan membantu negara kita untuk memperkuatkan daya saingan negara kita
    sekian terima kasih HOHO

  39. Dear Tun,
    Well written tun, but question is should we stay where we are as of today? You might say we should gradually change right. But still some action need to be taken right. If not now when?
    My intention here is not to challenge anyone right.But it is about change or not change. Malaysian attitude is same with BN. Refuse to change. In fact, everyone know change is undeniable.
    If I ask you 5 to 10 years ago, do you think people like Obama can be US president? Majority will say no way. But time has prove it. It happen.
    How many of us here know exactly how Malaysia obtained it Merdeka? Do we really just sit there and do nothing when British said we are not ready to govern the country? Obviously not.
    What is your feeling when your wife told you that she pregnant? Are you ready to be a father? So what if you not. Is not whether you ready or not. You must be ready.
    I know many of us wish to protect their owns right and privilege.But we have to accept the fact that even ROME also have to fall. What make us think we can stay like what we are today. Learn to change and adapt is the rule of survival.

  40. To Readers,
    I was much intrigued to Ah goo comment on November 15, 2008 1:19 AM, you have pointed out what we should be doing as Malaysian.
    History is history, we learn from history but doesn’t live under its shadow, what say we prevent all women from participating in politics and return the ruling power to the kings in order to conserve the traditional value which guarantee society harmony for it was known good to the people.

  41. Selamat pagi Tun,
    To: matsiam on November 15, 2008 3:45 PM
    Izinkan Tun…
    I setuju dengan pandangan mu, ya, kebanyakkan kita ini memang tak faham Perlembagaan Negara. Jika ditanya, adakah cina “pendatang” di negara kami? Kami rasa terhina. Mengapakah ini berlaku? Ini kerana ramai cina dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang memang benci Melayu kerana kami benci rasuah dan rasa terhina apabila kami lihat kaum sendiri (cina) rasuah melayu untuk kepentingan mereka tanpa pedulikan budaya dan tradisi kami.
    Apabila cina yang tidak beramanah dan bermoral ini nak dapatkan projet2 utk memperkayakan diri dan keluarganya, mereka ini sanggup “kow tow” dan rasuah Melayu.
    Apa yang sedang berlaku di UMNO adalah “Cina Rasuah UMNO” dah meluas dan berada dalam tahap kritikal yang boleh menjatuhkan BN dan bangsa Malaysia. Ali Rustam, Mat Taib, Sharizat Jalil, Shahril Samad antara mereka yang kurang berpengalaman dan bermoral pun boleh dicalonkan ke peringkat untuk merebut jawatan tinggi di UMNO. Jadi, Pak Lah mesti dipaksa keluar dari UMNO dengan serta-merta.
    Kaum cina juga sayangkan negara Malaysia dan kami adalah bangsa Malaysia. Kami tak nak rebut kuasa dari melayu, kami dididik untuk bertoleransi dan menghormati agama, budaya dan tradisi sesama lain, kami sama juga dengan melayu, bersyukur kepada apa yang kami nikmati sekarang.
    Apabila DS Najib meminta maaf kepada kaum cina, rakyat kena ingat, pada masa itu, DS Najib tidak tahu apa yang sedang berlaku kerana Pak Lah adalah jenis diam2 ubi berbisa.
    Honestly speaking, isu ketuanan melayu, perkauman, bahasa nasional (BM) atau agama shouldn’t be raised at all. Ramai cina tak peduli dan tidak ambil berat sangat, cuma suratkhabar cina yang buat ‘spinning headlines’ untuk menaikkan circulation mereka. Betul, ini adalah satu cara untuk mencari makan, tapi mereka tidak boleh terlampau sangat sampai ke tahap yang tidak mempedulikan Rukun Negara. Sekarang I dah boycott suratkhabar2 cina, memaksa mereka supaya membetulkan cara penyampaian berita atau kritikan mereka.
    cina who voted DAP

  42. to fun_jonny68 ,
    I have a very valuable piece of information to share with you and the rest.This would serve as another undeniable historical lesson to a hard-core person like you and hopefully this will set the record straight.
    Please refer to today’s Utusan malaysia, page 8 with the article headline- MALAYS AS IMMIGRANT IS DISTORTED FACTS , BY MR LIM SWEE TIN. He is currently a lecturer of the Malay Literature at the Faculty of Modern language and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
    The original version is written in the National language and it is quite a painstaking effort to translate the facts into English. Nevertheless, I am very motivated to perform this voluntary job as to englighten people like you who are hard-core in denying about the true status of malays as the sons of the soils in Malaysia.The following info are the summarized version of the salient facts based on the original article in which I would post in the full Bahasa Melayu transcript for public viewing.
    According to Mr Lim, the existence of the Malacca Sultanate is the undeniable testimony of the early Malays who used to reside, trade and move within the Nusantara region.
    According to Hashim Hj Musa who quoted the write-up of Sinom Elegant,A Pyrrhic Victory: The Asian Millenium, Far Eastern Economic Review, Jun 10, 1999 stated , “Five centuries ago Malacca hosted 2,000 ships each day, as many as crowd in modern-day Singapore, which boast of being one of the three busiest ports (in the world)

  43. Salam
    Mengikut pandangan saya, kelemahan Melayu Islam di Malaysia adalah phenomena yang biasa bagi satu bangsa yang tidak memperkukuh kekuatan bangsanya sendiri.
    Bukan sahaja bangsa Melayu mengalami nya malah di mana-mana negara dimana bangsa yang asalnya mendatang berduduk kuat memantap kehadiran mereka di negara baru mereka. Bagi orang Melayu Islam pula gagal memperkasa identiti mereka sendiri di tanah air sendiri! Seharusnya pegangan beragama harus di perkasa. Namun arus moden membuatkan orang Melayu mudah terpesong mengikut rentak kehidupan barat dan rela untuk lebih liberalisma. Malah gaya hidup mereka lebih barat dari orang di barat sendiri.
    Bagi mereka yang berkedudukan tinggi samada memegang kuasa kerajaan atau mereka yang mewah dengan kebendaan, merasa kedudukan mereka telah selamat dan selamat hingga ke anak cucu (walaupun tidak semua bersikap begini). Zon selesa yang mereka kecapi melupakan siapa diri mereka dan apakah tanggungjawap mereka terhadap masyrakat dan ugama sebagai pegangan jiwa peribadi sebagai kelangsungan survival mereka di tanah air mereka sendiri.
    Malah mereka lebih cenderung melemah lagi melemahkan sesama sendiri baik di peringkat keluarga, di tempat kerja, masyrakat jiran tetangga, mahupun di peringkat pemerintahan. Sikap buruk seperti hasad dengki, cinta kepada dunia, lupakan kepada qada & qadar dan lalai kepada ugama, membawa keperibadian orang Melayu Islam sama seperti bangsa lain di dunia ini. Tidak ada special nya. Networking orang Melayu Islam tidak kuat. Umpamanya di tempat kerja dan bisnes, orang Melayu sering berbalah, melemah dan menindas rakan sendiri, merosakkan sesama bangsa, dan kurang semangat untuk bekerja berpasukan secara positif. “Biar dia sendiri yang berjaya, dan orang lain gagal”. Umpamanya “Biar dia sendiri yang dapat makan malam & kenyang hari ini, dan orang lain biarkan tidur kelaparan”…Bukan orang Melayu Islam saja yang terkena penyakit semacam ini, malah bangsa Islam lain pun hampir menunjukan trend yang sama (hasil dari pengalaman bekerja dengan beberapa bangsa Islam dan bukan Islam di dunia ini). Bagaimana pula bangsa lain yang bukan Islam akan hormat atau memberi sandaran kepada orang Melayu Islam untuk memperjuang hak dan keselamatan mereka, sedangkan jati diri Melayu Islam itu lemah.
    Walaubagaimanapun ini hanya pandagan dari perspektif saya sendiri dan masih terdapat ramai orang Islam di luar sana yang membudaya Islam dan bangsa bertungkus lumus memamntap kekuatan ummah kearah kecemerlangan yang lebih positif.Wallahualam.

  44. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sekeluarga. Dgn izin..
    Beri pandangan pada ulasan Tun tentang sekolah bahasa ibunda.Harap senang masuk di akhir perbincangan.
    Kembangnya sekolah ini akibat dorongan tidak sengaja dasar negara. Dulu berbilang bangsa masuk sekolah bahasa Inggeris menjadikannya majmuk dan sekolah pilihan. Saya ingat ada SRJK hampir lupus kurang pengambilan. Bila sekolah Inggeris dihapus tinggal SJK atau SK.
    Untuk kaum lain, mrk khuatir tak guna mrk belajar SK (BM sepenuh) sebab peluang masuk universiti tempatan, biasiswa, peluang kerja kerajaan gelap (kuota bumiputera dan keistimewaan)
    Jadi mrk ambil insuran. Sek rendah belajar bahasa ibunda(SRJK), menengah masuk SMK. Sekurang kurang mrk ada asas bahasa lain, boleh guna bahasa ini yang laku di Asia dan Barat, berpeluang masuk universiti luar negara, dan dapat peluang kerja dari kaum sendiri kalau awam tak dapat. Dengan dasar keistimewaan mampuslah mrk kalau hanya tahu BM! Dalam negara sendiri, BM dia TAK SAMA LAKU, apatah lagi luar negara(orang asing)
    Wujud dan kembang SJK bukan kerana kaumnya racist tak mau belajar BM – sebab tak dapat apa apa, sebab survival, nak hidup. Cuba beri peluang universiti,biasiswa,kerja kerajaan tanpa kuota untuk lulusan SK (tak kira kaum). Saya jamin besok semua SJK akan tutup tak ada murid.
    Hanya orang bodoh tak nak belajar lebih bahasa. Pelajaran adalah untuk menjamin masa depan bukan bermegah kosong. Sekolah wawasan ditolak kerana sebab kuota pelajaran ini. Kalau masih serba pilih kasih kenapa mrk nak gadai sumber penyelamat terakhir masa depan mrk.
    Pelajaran Asas (sekolah rendah, tak kira bahasa apa) bukan lesen, permit, jawatan, tanah, concession boleh ada keistimewaan. Pelajaran Asas adalah HAK ASASI MANUSIA, kalau kita manusia.
    Islam tak akan dapat kembang didunia kalau ikut perasaan mcm ini, dengan bahasa Arab saja. Perasaan Melayu terhadap budaya dan bahasa Melayu samalah perasaan kaum lain terhadap bahasa mrk, tak rela lihat ia lenyap. Tak nak bantu, biaya, galak tak apa. Jangan nak hapus, dengki, syak hasrat orang nak menjamin masa depan.

  45. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat bahagia. Dgn izin..
    BM tidak dipertikai bahasa kebangsaan, bahasa negara(perlembagaan), bahasa perpaduan, bahasa pusaka kaum Melayu dan perlu dihormati dan dipelajari. Penghormatan sesebuah bahasa lebih bermakna jika bangsa pengasasnya disanjung, disegan dan dihormat krn budaya mulia.
    Bahasa jiwa bangsa. Tak boleh dipisah bangsa dari bahasanya secara paksa. Melayu boleh berpisah dari bahasanya dgn paksa? Tak nak menggalak, tak nak biaya, tak nak sokong tak mengapa. Tapi manusia apa nak hapuskan sekolah orang bina, bayar sendiri hanya krn nak martabatkan bahasa lain. Nak naik atas dgn pijak kepala orang!
    Nak perpaduan banyak cara lain bukan dgn hapus, haram, tutup sana sini. Two wrongs dont make a right. Ibarat nak hapuskan kecurian cadang potong jari semua anak baru lahir! Tak pakai otak, ikut perasaan saja. Ikut panas hati saja membakar perasaan, asapnya berkepul di otak…jadi otak asap!
    Bahasa itu adalah pusaka, modal, khazanah,kekayaan sebuah negara. Lebih banyak lebih rahmatnya ( misalan lebih peluang perhubungan, pembelajaran global) Ia kurniaan Tuhan. Sanggup sesiapa lenyapkannya! Bahasa itu ilmu! Tuhan suruh kamu kumpul ilmu.
    Lebih bahasa lebih sempurna pekerti manusia, luas pandangan tajam pemerhatian. Jangan jadi katak bawah tempurung, hanya tau menguak saja….

  46. kenapa lah kamu saling bertengkar tanpa henti? kamu semua sudah cukup bernasib baik dapat hidup dengan selesa dan mempunyai pendapatan yang stabil. di kampung keluarga saya hanya mengharapkan jualan getah. bangun jam 2 saya terpaksa menolong bapa saya toreh sebelum saya pergi ke sekolah. sekarang saya tingkatan empat harap-harap saya boleh dapat melanjutkan pelajaran saya kerana belum pasti sama ada saya terpaksa bekerja atau mendapat keputusan yang baik sama sekali. bah cukup la sebenarnya kadang-kadang bila saya baca komen-komen di blog tun ni saya tidak berpuas hati tapi saya biarkan tapi hari ini saya ingin memberi pendapat saya. apabila saya membaca komen tentang kaum melayu atau cina (tiada pula india yang tidak puas hati) saya rasa soalan ‘pendatang’ tidak ada maksud sebab:
    1. walaupun kaum saya Murut sudah sejak ratusan tahun tinggal di negeri sabah saya berasa bahawa tiada beza dengan status seorang pilak pendatang tanpa izin.
    2. pemikiran sesetengah pengguna blog ini terhad kepada setengah malaysia, yang sebelah tidak pernah melintas pemikiran mereka.
    3. kebetulan, yang lebih melarat adalah kami yang tidak mendapat sokongan daripada kerajaan dan kekurangan infrastruktur. apabila kurang sihat, klinik desa sahaja yang kami boleh pergi tetapi itu pun selalu kurang ubat.
    4. sementara sesetengah orang risau tentang artikel 153 dalam perlembagaan malaysia, hakikatnya kebanyakan rakyat malaysia risau tentang apa yang akan diletakkan diatas pinggan mangkuk keluarga mereka. kebanyakan rakyat malaysia lebih risau tentang harga beras.
    5. buku sejarah kami banyak yang tidak ada apa-apa kaitan dengan kehidupan kami dan sesetengah fakta saya rasa susah untuk percaya kerana untuk saya tidak ada kaitan dengan hidup saya seperti kisah-kisah hang tuah atau antenom kerana apa yang tertulis dalam buku sejarah seperti mitos, lebih baik saya baca doremon.
    6. tetapi ada yang saya rasa sangat bermakna seperti tamadun mesapotamia sehingga tamadun rome. kadang-kadang saya hairan kenapa dulu orang boleh maju dan mempunyai kemajuan yang tidak pernah dibayangkan pada tahun 2008 di kampung saya.
    7. saya rasa kami tidak meminta banyak, mungkin kalau kerajaan belanja sedikit untuk memberi kami klinik yang cukup ubat, cukupkan tenaga pengajar di sekolah, sumbangkan buku-buku, bagi kami beras yang murah sikit pun cukup sudah la.
    8. kepada rakan-rakan melayu, datanglah di sini kampung saya di keningau, sabah dan kalau kamu mahu melihat betul-betul negara malaysia lihatlah berapa susah kehidupan kami di sebelah malaysia timur dan bandingkanlah kemajuan atau infrastruktur yang ada.
    9. kepada rakan-rakan cina, janganlah berkecewa sebab walaupun kamu datang kemudian daripada melayu, kamu tidak dipinggirkan. kalau tentang soalang dipinggir, walaupun kami pun bumiputra macam melayu hidup kami pun lebih susah. susah dapat jawatan kerajaan, susah dapat biasiswa, dan lain lain harap2 saya dapat biasiswa nanti lepas SPM supaya saya dapat jadi PM macam tun.
    10. bah cukup la saya tulis lain kali lagi. maaf kalau ada yang saya tulis tidak ada berkenaan atau tiada maksud saya hanya ingin memberi pendapat saya yang belum matang lagi.
    terima kasih.
    yang benar,

  47. ZACHARY64 wrote:
    “well, u r the one who started to throw stones to the hornet’s nest.
    Tun’s article is on Siew Sin’s speech at the Delegates’ Conference of the Hokkien Association of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur on 22nd May 1965. out of the blue, why did you bring this issue of ‘pendatang’ ?”
    If you scan the word “immigrant”, you will see this word appeared too many times before my first response. So, who started to throw stones to the hornet’s nest now?
    I am not beyond redemption but trying to bring some sense to you. This country does NOT belong to one group of people. It belongs to ALL Malaysian, those who worked hard to build this country! Nobody is questioning the rights of Malay people. They are only questioning the master/slave concept, corrupt government, lack of education/employment opportunities of the minorities. If you fail to see the issue, then I rest my case.
    I am sure you will defend “your” land, behind a computer screen of course. 🙂 Questioning others’ patriotism again is useless when one’s is in doubt.
    This is my last response to the thread. You’re welcome to flame me but I will certainly get some entertainment out of it….

  48. lagi sekali Tun dapat ungkitkan isu perkauman … Tahniah…
    Tapi perlukah artikel ini pada masa yg genting ini? Ekonomi dunia diambang kegamatan, inflasi melambung, rasuah bermaharalela….
    tak payah la nak gaduh pasal hak kita …. sebenaqnya, segala pembangunan & kemakmuran negara kita lah nie hasil usaha tuk moyang kita… yg depa pun duk diam… kita pula melenting..
    Tanyalah apakah sumbangan anda kepada tanahair sebelum menyoal org lain..
    sikit-sikit isu uitm, isu papan tanda, sekolah, bahasa, bumiputera dll
    cari la dulu perkataan ” Bumi putera” berasal dari bahasa apa isk isk

  49. To fun_jonny68
    well, u r the one who started to throw stones to the hornet’s nest.
    Tun’s article is on Siew Sin’s speech at the Delegates’ Conference of the Hokkien Association of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur on 22nd May 1965. out of the blue, why did you bring this issue of ‘pendatang’ ?
    by right, Tun should have filtered and expunged it outright.Perhaps you have been annoying Tun by expressing the same issue repeatedly.Maybe Tun is human enough not to dissapoint you and reluctantly passed your unsolicied view to be viewed by others.
    definitely YOO ARE BEYONG REDEMPTION.say whatever you wish, this is our land, we shall defend to to our last blood, blood, sweat and tears. we would never abandon this land even if the conqueror ever wish come to invade. ARE YOU WILLING TO FIGHT AND DIE FOR THIS COUNTRY ?
    best of luck to you, I can’t guarantee the others won’t throw bones at you.

  50. To: baba on November 14, 2008 3:02 AM
    Two comparison here:
    //The global situation:
    Many countries throughout the world such as Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, USA, Germany and others are busy attracting foreign talent in Technology field to help to uplift the countries’ engineering production as well as stimulate trade between the countries. Neither of their own citizens are feeling being threatened and they can survive well with all those challenges.//
    Anyway, you are not one of them, if you are you won’t be here critising your country, you are making me laughing at you, ha…ha… baba bercakap BI, by the way you are originated from China, bodohnya….. what is shown in the news may not be true, go down to the field and find out before you buat kenyataan BODOH.
    //Malaysian situation:
    Certain young talents are being rejected although they were born here. They have no choice but to choose better chances overseas. While the government never do anything effective to attract even the local talent from other countries, the current government system is lack of transparency and so unreliable that our country has become laughing stock of the world. What do the government attract are only the low skilled workers and labours from neighbouring countries. When there is race based policy in choosing talent in various field, the people’s mind will forever being restricted in limited social ground. They will be staying unchallenged until one day being swept away by the fast growing globalised world.
    A unique Malaysia…//
    You are making Malaysia a laughing stock to the world because you tarak mentaliti bangsa, LOL…….
    not your baba type
    P/S: Don’t make your kenyataan yang tak berotak kat blog che det, memalukan kaum cina……

  51. Salam Tun
    Kebanyakan komen daripada kaum Cina nampaknya masih tidak
    berpuas hati dengan apa yang telah termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan
    Negara.Mereka masih lagi meminta dan terus meminta.
    Perkara ini berbangkit kerana ianya berkait rapat dengan kelemahan
    pemerintahan yang ada sekarang.Juga kerana kaum Melayu terlalu
    berlembut dalam menghadapi kaum Cina.
    Mereka kaum Cina sebenarnya lebih arif mengenai hal ini dan mereka
    juga tahu setakat manakah peruntukan yang mereka perolehi.Tetapi
    di sebabkan pemerintahan kerajaan (UMNO) yang lemah sekarang ini
    dan di tambah lagi dengan ketidaksefahaman antara sesama Melayu,
    maka mereka pun mencuba dan terus mencuba.
    Yang menambah parah kan lagi keadaan ialah apabila TPM Najib
    MEMINTA MAAF perkara yang tidak sepatutnya di lakukan.Kaum Cina ini
    sebenarnya tahu dan mereka sebenarnya bersyukur kerana menjadi rakyat Malaysia.Mereka juga sedar mereka tidak akan mendapat apa-apa
    keistimewaan sekiranya mereka ini berhijrah ke Australia,New Zealand atau puan ke Kanada.
    KSAH Old Boys 85′

  52. KEPADA fun_jonny68:


  54. Dear Tun
    i am a malaysian chinese and frankly i do not care who is the PM today whether is pak lah, najib ,anwar or whoever that is interested to be PM, after all i am sure they cant perform as you during your time.
    but i am interested to comment on the comment by Abdul Razak, the way he speak is very much like racists, how did he know Obama didnt speak any language other than the national language at home? Hello r u a personal friend of Obama? with all respect, i guess you are not and chances are Obama dont even know you or knew you existed. who do you think you are?
    do not raise the issue such as chinese school and this has been provided for and agreed long long ago, i do not know the reason for Abdul razak to mention that “They don’t fight for ‘African School’ in America. They became a true American. Thats why they can be a president of US. Whereas here, they couldnt even speak national language properly. Imagine if Lim Kit Siang become PM, or Theresa become PM and give speech something like “Itu makanan anying libih baik sidikit dari tempat saya titon” during the PM speech, then we dont know which country we are living. Truly the time for them to become PM has not come yet, as what Hsien Loong said.”
    First of all what is Arfican school? Please check your fact before commenting, is ok to be moron but dont let know that you are one…there is no such thing as Arfican School. and when did Lim kit siang said “Itu makanan anying libih baik sidikit dari tempat saya titon” ? i did not remember she or Theresa said such thing and i am very such their BM is not that bad to such an extend, in fact maybe they speak better bm than yourself! Dont just hantam them just because they are DAP..i am not supporter of DAP nor BN mind u!Neutral but i just hate it when you said bad of people just bcos they are not racist like U!
    what do mean time for them to be PM has not come yet? who are you to say such thing? you are nobody…remember that!and with so many malay that is racist like you i guess the time may never come…

  55. Tun,
    Very interesting indeed. TTSS speeches is in 1965 which seems to be way back 43 years. That is his opinion not the majority. Just because it come from him doesn’t mean its from all of us. This is Malaysia it belong to all of us Malaysian. By hook or by crook we have to keep it in a peaceful way. When we travel people will asked “where are you from” and we answered Malaysia. When they asked again “are you a Malaysian” and the answer will be yes I’m. Time change, everybody is moving forward. We cannot allowed such thought to pull us down. Look around and ask ourself isn’t Malaysia lovely?
    Tun – You are the best!!!

  56. To ZACHARY64:
    “Actually, I do not wish to get involved in this argument with you, fun_jonny but since that think that Malays are ‘pendatang’ then it’s worthwhile for me to take a slightly painstaking effort to educate you on the historical facts. ”
    Same here as I do not wish to get involved in the “pendatang” argument. Technically, all of us are immigrants, one point or another.
    Instead of argument who is the “son of soil” or dwelling the past which proves no value to the society, why can’t all of us move past that? Look at how other countries aligned themselves in the competitive market? Playing the racial card has been proven a total failure again and again.

  57. In response to the comment above about MNC’s in Malaysia employing mostly Chinese and Indians, especially at managerial level and above.. where have you gotten your facts from? In any case, your accusation that these companies, who bring in so much capital, know how, innovation and lots more from overseas as racist and discriminatory should be backed up by facts.
    I think what these global companies look for at the most basic level is a good command of English.. and if you’ve been brought up all your life speaking only Malay at home, at school and with your friends… it’s no wonder you won’t get hired. The same would go for those who speak only Chinese at home, at school and with their friends and those who speak Tamil at home…etc you get the picture. Without a good grasp of the English language how do you expect to work for a multinational.. you can’t expect them to just give you a job like the civil service does.
    If we are to thrive in today’s globalized world a lot of us have to wake up to the fact that an “Adapt or Leave” mentality aimed at those not from our country will only serve to leave us further behind…

  58. Going back a little further, Sun Yat-sen struggled for China against the domineering Qing Dynasty. His ideas were based on democracy. Later under Mao Tze Tung, communists took over China until now. From here, it can be seen that not all Chineses supported communism. During those days, Chineses went away from China in search of a better live. Somehow they never went back to China again. China was in turbulent times. Power was divided. People were poor. Not everyone agreed to communism. Therefore it is a deviated thought about seeing every Chinese being a communist. Actually, communism was found by Karl Marx, a Westerner, a German. Some Chineses found themselves in this God given land later known as Malaysia. They must have struggled real hard. Example; tapping rubber. Being labourers. Being farmers. There is the need to survive. So after so many years, these Chineses become Malaysians. They have Malaysian identity cards. They have Malaysian passports. They have everything Malaysian. But ? Yes, there is still the word ” but “. Just because they are not the original pure people of this land and therefore not entitled to all the privileges, it does not stop the Chineses from striving hard and making a name for themselves in this land. Just like gold. If it is not refined under fire, it cannot be good looking enough to be bought. Feeling incomplete, today’s Malaysian Chineses move elsewhere to greener pastures and this is where the word brain drain comes in. Also today, Chineses still come to Malaysia from China. They remind the present Malaysian Chineses how their own ancestors struggled to come here. Regretfully, these illegal China nationals do not have to work hard. Their work is criminally easy. They can be found in the red light district. Supposing if the British then did not allow Chineses to come to Malaya and supposing if the government then did not allow the Chineses to become citizens, they will still find their way to some other lands for example, Chineses in U.S.A. now are entitled to all the privileges. Some are even politicians. May be after Barrack Obama, there will be an Asian face for the President of the United States of America. May be.

  59. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga bahagia sekeluarga. Izinkan…
    Sudah sunting pendek. Harap lebih senang lulus di saat saat akhir perbincangan. Lewat krn banyak sekatan. Tak mengata Tun, tak mencabar Tun menyiar, merayu pilu, mengeluh kena moderate.Tapi rajin edit bila di tolak bulat bulat…
    Ekonomi negara ada pendapatan luar(hasil bumi) dan dalam(hasil modal insan)
    Hasil ekspot bahan asli adalah sumber ekonomi negara. Ekspot utama M’sia (ikut sumbangan) ialah minyak dan gas, komoditi pertanian, bahan elektronik. Minyak, gas semua di kuasai Petronas secara terus atau tidak langsung. Hasil kelapa sawit, getah, balak, koko dll dipegang GLC (Sime Darby,PNB) atau Felda, Felcra, kerajaan negeri. Elektronik milik asing, cukai di pungut kerajaan.
    Siapa kuasai semua hasil ini! Ini hasil negara, kekayaan baru yg masuk tiap tiap bulan. Tambah hasil cukai dipungut kerajaan. Cukai zakat? Siapa pegang semua ini!
    Ekonomi swasta (bukan ekspot) ialah hasil pengaliran bersama sendiri kekayaan dan pengeluaran dalaman (goods and services). Ini saja yg dilihat orang mengata kaum lain bolot ekonomi. Ini ekonomi gasing berputar atas pusat, pengaliran ulang alik. Tak mcm hasil sumber asli, pendapatan baru tiap tiap bulan(minyak,komoditi,cukai dll)
    Kalau mrk ada telaga minyak, bendang terbentang, ladang meluas, balak bergunung, lautan besar, cukai bertimbun, mati pun dia tak nak buka kedai siang dan malam, tanggung risiko rompak bunuh dan bakar. Mrk tak ada pilihan lain dari berniaga, berurus sesama sendiri dgn buka kedai.
    Sejak DEB 1970 semua hasil negara di agih atas telunjuk Umno baik tanah, balak, ladang, lombong, telaga minyak, lesen. permit, kontrak, projek, concession, saham dll. Semua ini dicengkam Umno, kaum lain kena minta (kecuali kena beli, rasuah, pajak terpaksa)
    Melayu tak dapat nikmat mesti soal kerajaan Umno! Jangan dengki kedai orang beli dgn halal bertungkus lumus, membanting tulang siang dan malam. Kedai dan perniagaan mrk hasil pusaka sejak 1970 yang mrk pelihara, bina dengan rajin usaha, jimat cermat, tungkus lumus dan bayar cukai. Ekonomi mrk adalah hasil kepakaran, kerajinan, keusahawanan, penjimatan sesama mrk bukan pemberian kerajaan, bukan dari hasil bumi negara (tanah,sumber asli,kontrak) yang digenggam Umno.
    Kaum lain tak dapat tanah, biasiswa, jawatan kerajaan, lesen teksi, permit bas, lesen bank, lesen balak, kontrak, projek (kecuali pajak dari Umnoputra) 40 tahun sejak ’70, mrk masih dipersalahkan krn Melayu ketinggalan. Tanya siapa pegang hasil negara 50 thn – kaum Cina? Sebaliknya Umno sibuk sorak api (pencuri sorak api) bila di soal kaum lain. Kaum sendiri tak nak soal? Tuhan tetap akan soal mrk.

  60. Tun,
    To: Dolphin on November 14, 2008 4:07 AM
    Another young non-malay who is from the educated batch who cannot differentiate from what is good and wrong for the country can comment on Tun’s capabilities. What a shame!
    You think Tun is being nasty and create racsim, YOU ARE WRONG!!! At Tun’s age, Tun might as well just keep his mouth shut and be selfish, main2 dengan cucunya. Honestly, you think your father and grandfather can do that?
    What you have read from Tun’s bloggers are from those malays and non malays who really love Malaysia and respect Tun. What about you??? LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! Thus, before you put your comment, please read all Tun’s articles from May until today, then only you comment, be fair lah.
    After reading all the articles and you still think that Tun cannot be respected, then please do not put your comment here because your comment will create uneasiness and hatred on we bloggers who highly respect Tun. If Malaysian do not love and respect Tun, che det will not be qualify for the ’10’ Millionaire Club. Use your brain and think lah…..
    a non-malay,
    educated just you!!!!!!!

  61. Assalamualaikum Tun, semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa berada didalam keadaan sihat dan sejahtera.
    Ini adalah pandangan dan pendapat saya tentang topik yang Tun paparkan kali ini.
    Orang Cina dan India memang tak akan nak faham tentang sejarah dan tamadun Melayu dan Nusantara, walaupun mereka sebenarnya mengakui tentang hakikat bahawa ini adalah Tanah Melayu.
    Jika mereka bersetuju dan mengakui bahawa ini adalah tanah orang Melayu, maka habislah mereka. Tentulah terbantut segala agenda mereka untuk menuntut itu dan ini dan hanya terpaksa menerima sahaja apa yang telah diberikan oleh kerajaan dan orang Melayu kepada mereka. Oleh itu mereka akan terus menafikan tentang Sejarah dan tidak akan mengiyakan apa sahaja yang kita cuba terangkan kepada mereka.
    Dasar Cina, tamak dan mementingkan duit dan kaum mereka sahaja. Kalaulah ditakdirkan mereka memerintah, habislah orang Melayu. Kita akan jadi seperti Singapore. Menumpang ditanah sendiri.
    Saya pernah berbual dengan beberapa orang Melayu warga Singapura semasa dalam perjalanan menunaikan Umrah. Kata mereka, mereka akan berhijrah ke Australia selepas pulang dari Umrah. Tinggal di Singapura tidak menjamin masa depan yang cerah bagi orang Melayu. Terlalu kuat diskriminasi dan jika boleh mereka memang nak halau semua orang Melayu keluar dari Singapura.
    Tidak mustahil kita juga akan jadi begitu satu hari nanti jika kita membenarkan ‘MEREKA’ memerintah.

  62. //By abul on November 14, 2008 8:48 AM
    As I mentioned earlier, Chinese and Indian school are a waste of public funds and its existence are RACIST. Chinese and Indian language should be taught in all school and such racist propoganda kind of school should be abolished.!!!!//
    My comment:
    Yes I 100% setuju!!! Because these students are more muhibah and less racist, love and appreciate the country more……..
    Chinese Lady

  63. Once again,
    So sad to see posters with comments about pengutamaan kedaulatan Bangsa Melayu. In the same sentence they can speak about kemiskinan yang dihadapi rakyat jelata. Aren’t the non-Malays rakyat jelata too? Don’t they suffer from kemiskinan as well? Shouldn’t poverty be alleviated for ALL the rakyat jelata instead of concentrating on just 1 race?
    God Bless Tun

  64. Dear Tun,
    1. You have presented a very insightful article indeed.
    2. However this speech reflects the leadership of that time. Great leaders like Dato Onn Jaafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Tan Siew Sin and Tun VT Sambanthan were great visionaries and compassionate individuals.
    3. I remember school in the 80s in Melaka were much more muhibbah compared to Kuala Lumpur when I shifted in the 90s
    4. Infact in Melaka, I had only 2 or 3 friends who were Indians and the rest were Malays and Chinese
    5. It is only in Kuala Lumpur that I saw the disparity. I even remember my KL school class teacher had racial overtones in her language. I could not believe my ears!
    6. As a 30 something Malaysian, the muhibbah-ness in Malaysia is no longer as before at least that is how I see it.
    7. Sometimes I feel really sad when we have this unexpressed racial separation.
    8. And I personally put your government during your time to blame. Your leadership is and was GREAT! However that government destroyed all those values, our forefathers worked hard to build.
    9. Take a look around sir, and take look around in the eyes of a Chinese or an Indian or maybe most importantly as Malaysian.
    10. You will see that because one particular group (I am just using a different word) is accorded opportunities, Malaysia is losing talent; Malaysia is losing an opportunity to be GREAT!
    11. Only one group can get everything whether to be an astronaut, a Director General, an Armed Forces Chief, a Chief Judge, A CEO or even the impossible a Prime Minister. Not to mention other aspects.
    12. I work for an organization now that is 81 years old and my job is to teach its corporate culture which is so simple “Take care of people”.
    13. If an organization can grow to a giant with that simple mantra, why that is our country can’t do the same thing.
    14. Why? Why can’t we take care of people without any prejudice?
    15. My suggestion is if I may

  65. To abul
    Is there something wrong in your mind?
    Malay is most welcome to go to Chinese or Indian school, i think they have no objections to that. And i have to tell you that, Chinese or Indian school need to generate fund from the society to renovate the old old buildings! In my ex-school, we need to beg fund from the public to change that “three legs” study tables and chairs? Do you think that ordinary Malay school need to do this? We even need to use the old tables and chairs from the Malay school, that they abandoned it in the store room.
    Is UITM, Matriculation and MRSM exist because of racism also?
    Please give it a thought. No offend. Just hope that you can understand our situations.

  66. Dear All Malaysian,
    Please read comment by these people above :-
    ~JT November 11,2008 12:01PM
    ~JC November 11,2008 12:17PM
    ~Kalyanee November 11,2008 12:23PM
    ~Walcott87 November 11,2008 1:10PM
    ~Rexis November 11,2008 2:15PM
    ~Richard November 11,2008 5:40PM
    ~HBT November 11,2008 5:50PM
    I adore all of you that PROUD to be ‘MALAYSIAN’..
    Thank you so much for being born here in Malaysia and proud of it!
    Touches my heart that you all LOVES M.Y so much..
    I am Malay.. I proud of who I am.. I have lots of Chinese as my best friend rather Malays that always envy onto each other..
    Thank you to all the non-Malay that understand Malaysia and the rules as you are already one of MALAYSIAN~ sadly the rules need to be improve..
    We all need more time to think and team up as Malaysian..
    It’s Hard work.. but maybe in future one of our newborn will
    work this out for us..
    Dearest Tun, you are 1 in a million no one can replace you.
    I Adore and Admire u~ I am so scared that you will be not around oneday…. who else can give such contribution to M.Y…
    Please Take Care TUN.. God Bless Amin~

  67. Zachary64:
    I totally agree with you Zachary, every race needs to know what their rights are and where they stand in this world. So may I suggest that we add Mein Kampf (by Adolf Hitler) to the syllabus. I suggest that this brilliant book by Hitler should be made compulsory reading for all Malaysian primary school students, so that they understand from a very young age what racial supremacy means and that they are in fact pariahs and inferior to the Aryans and that they have to accept it as a fact.

  68. Assalamaualikum Tun,
    Deart All,
    1.Many non-malays have the opinion that what were agreed by their forefather are not acceptable now. Well, many Malays similarly have the same opinion…, they feel that the agreement shouldn’t took place at all.
    2. When I first understood (during my teenage years) that jus soli citizenships were given to the non-malays as endorsed by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman as to get our liberty from the British…, that was the biggest mistake decided for our independence.If I were to live during that era, with today opinion, I shall fight all the way to ensure that those agreement will not be part of the deal. Many malays today will agree with me. Now agreement have been made, like it or not, I like many other Malays have to endure what have been agreed upon.
    3. Some non malays argues that without the non Malays the country cannot proceed forward.I, on the other hand, in the opinion that the Malays will be more prosper and succesfull without the non-malays, for a lot of reasons (as many as what you can list out to go against it).
    4. The fact is, we today have many different wishes for all sort of different reasons. You have one wish, others have wishes against your wish. For example I wish that only Malays should be the citizen of this country from the begining, and to make sure that I get my wish, I will preach this idea to all other malays…, and everyone can predict what will be the consequences of such wishes.
    5.We have heard many non malays have spoken about how unfair is the agreement against them. Let me now put down what the malays think about them (the agreement).
    i) There will be no racial issue if no non-malays were given citizenships during our independence.
    ii) no need for the malays to aggresively compete with the non malays for wealth. They only need to compete with each other, on their own phase, i.e. like the chinese in China or, the indian in India or the polish in Poland (to mention a few countries in which uniform communities/single races compete on their own phases, with equal fairness and less tense)
    iii) Less govt money spent on various ethnic group needs. For example in education money only spent on Sekolah kebangsaan, no vernacular schools, no temples, no separate pasar etc. The money then can be spent on more focus needs.
    iv) Less tense living environment, since the malays no longer need to reserve on the way they express themselves against other non-malays because no non-malays have any right in this country.
    6. That to list a few points that can be pointed out by those who disagree with the agreement of free citizenship to the non malays. I suppose similar points were considered when country like indonesia and others who do not take non citizen as citizen during their independence.
    7. As ‘unique’ in his comment says today chinese do not have the aspiration of their forefather (i.e Tun Tan Siew Sin) the malays as well have different aspiration from their forefathers. If we wish our aspiration to be fulfilled, others as well wish their aspiration fulfilled. And as a consequences we shall see no matter what noble reason might it be, the outcome might be disasterous.
    8.I guess cherish what we have today, in time of peace when all sort of disaster could happen, but not happen because we keep our wishes as merely wishes, will lead us to better future for our children to enjoy and cherish as well.
    9. Probably the biggest mistake committed by our generation is to correct the possible mistakes of our forefathers.
    Dr. Jagento

  69. to Dolphin
    Tun should be remembered at the PN who has catapulted Malaysia to this great height. he is the one who has succesfully instilled the spirit of MALAYSIA BOLEH….now Malaysians particularly the Malays realise that they are capable people if they do believe in themselves now we are starting to believe that we are not less capable than our CAUCASIAN BROTHERS.
    in fact you should be thankful to Tun for giving you the VALUABLE history lesson that you have not been educated before. Waht on earth that led you to say to say that Tun is poisoning this country??? What ???
    look at how the oppositions who have been poisoning people’s minds especially the youngsters as it the present government is so wicked & evil to the extent of brainwashing them not to vote for the BN.
    What about you people that have saying behind our back as we are so bad and as it that you are so good ?????

  70. Dear Tun
    Many people are theoretical and they are not practical. Many people never actually lead the country like you for so many years and they like to talk on ideals and they think talking will do everything. You are right that one party system with different races like Parti Keadilan is not practical at least for the moment. It appears to works now, because the party is lead by a person who can talks on ideals so good as if it really will work. Anwar Ibrahim is an orator that can charms people with his speeches like the tukang jual ubat tepi jalan. At the end of the day the ubat doesn’t work at all, and only then they will regret.We cannot avoid having people like Anwar around , and it has been mention in Hadis that a day will come that such people will arise among men,that will talk good but will lead people to the wrong path

  71. we study the past to correct the future, just because in the past chinese are immigrants, it doesn’t mean they always are. they contribute to Malaysia economic as much as bumi have, isn’t this justified them to have equal treatment?
    If this still not justified, shouldn’t the white & Black in US give the land back to the Indians? The white in Aust give back to aboriginies?

  72. to fun_jonny68
    Your statement The origin of Malay, from Wikipedia - Sounds like pendatang to me too:
    If you have read about the history, the Malays have been inhibiting in the Malay Archipelago for such a long time ever since the ruling era of the GREAT GAJAH MADA since year 1364.At that time he was the great leader of the MAJAPHAIT empire that controlled the entire NUSANTARA region .
    FYI, Nusantara is a traditional geographical concept of the Malay world that encompasses the Indonesian lands from Sabang in the West to Manokwari in the East, coastal Kalimantan, and all but the northwest corner of Sulawesi, the Malaysian lands of Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, most islands of the Philippine archipelago, and the lands of both Singapore and Brunei. Within Indonesia, it has come to be synonymous with Indonesia, excluding the Malaysian, Filipino, Singaporean, and Bruneian lands, but including the interior of Kalimantan, the last corner of Sulawesi, and Papua (from Manokwari to Merauke on the Papua New Guinean border).
    Fun_jonny, the place where the Malays tend to reside and move around are within the big chain of islands popularly known as MALAY ARCHIPELAGO OR GUGUSAN PULAU-PULAU MELAYU. Malaysia once was known as MALAYA OR TANAH MELAYU long before the Chinese and Indian immigrants flocked into the TANAH MELAYU during the 15th to 20th century.
    Malaysian Chinese is a Malaysian of Chinese origin. Most are descendants of Chinese who arrived between the fifteenth and the mid-twentieth centuries. Within Malaysia, they are usually simply referred to as “Chinese” in all languages. The term Chinese Malaysian is also sometimes used to refer to this community.
    Most Chinese immigrants of Malaya came from southern China, mostly from the province of Fujian and Guangdong. In the nineteenth century, many came as indentured labourers, known as coolies (Chinese:

  73. Kudos & bravo to snowbite8281 & fawz on November 11, 2008 3:23 PM
    It is good that our kerajaan facilitate the ease of getting knowledge of Malaya-Malaysia history to us. Example : a. Tun TanSiewSin’s speech, b. Social Contract copies to be put in our Muzium and Universiti for the learned and curious Rakyat easy reads, to understand and be satisfied.

  74. As I mentioned earlier, Chinese and Indian school are a waste of public funds and its existence are RACIST. Chinese and Indian language should be taught in all school and such racist propoganda kind of school should be abolished.!!!!

  75. Salam YAB Tun,
    Kesimpulannya kerana pemimpin sekarang lemah.Lemah mempertahankan kedaulatan Melayu.
    Zaman pemerintahan YAB Tun, mana ada isu-isu seperti ini diperbesar-besarkan.
    Walaupun Tun Musa Hitam pernah menyatakan bahawa Pak Lah adalah seorang pemimpin yang telah menghidupkan situasi demokrasi sebenar dimana sesiapa saja dapat menyatakan pendapat masing-masing tanpa sekatan dari mana-mana pihak.
    Tapi saya kurang setuju.Ya, kita berhak menyuarakan pendapat kita di negara yang mengamalkan sistem pemerintahan demokrasi.
    Tetapi,adakah Pak Lah dan Tun Musa terlepas pandang terhadap perlembagaan negara ini yang mengutamakan kedaulatan bangsa Melayu.
    Adakah mereka sudah tak perlukan ini semua hanya kerana kestabilan kedudukan yang telah mereka peroleh?
    Bagaimana dengan kami rakyat jelata? Ada yang masih hidup dalam kemiskinan. Janganlah buat kerja setakat melepaskan batuk ditangga.
    Terima kasih YAB Tun kerana berkongsi pengalaman YAB Tun dengan artikel kali ini.
    Wahai Cina-cina di luar sana, sedarlah diri sikit.Tak perlulah mendabik dada dengan orang-orang Melayu.
    Semoga Allah Ta’ala sentiasa memelihara kebaikan terhadap YAB Tun berdua.Amin.

  76. adik beradik ibrahim (anwar & zico) tamak kan kuasa, gila wang.. sanggup hapuskan bangsa keistemewaan bangsa sendiri…
    depa ni pun satu jugak… bila kita bagi sedikit keistemewaan (kerakyatan) kat depa.. depa nak lagi…
    bagi satu gunung emas.. nak satu gunung emas lagi..
    x pernah cukup, dan x pernah bersyukur


  78. Two comparison here:
    The global situation:
    Many countries throughout the world such as Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, USA, Germany and others are busy attracting foreign talent in Technology field to help to uplift the countries’ engineering production as well as stimulate trade between the countries. Neither of their own citizens are feeling being threatened and they can survive well with all those challenges.
    Malaysian situation:
    Certain young talents are being rejected although they were born here. They have no choice but to choose better chances overseas. While the government never do anything effective to attract even the local talent from other countries, the current government system is lack of transparency and so unreliable that our country has become laughing stock of the world. What do the government attract are only the low skilled workers and labours from neighbouring countries. When there is race based policy in choosing talent in various field, the people’s mind will forever being restricted in limited social ground. They will be staying unchallenged until one day being swept away by the fast growing globalised world.
    A unique Malaysia…

  79. Tun, I hope that you can sleep well with those ultra malay ideologi for the rest of your life…
    Wish you good health!

  80. Dear Tun,
    If somebody is continuously in a state of denial, the truth is always too painful to swallow.

  81. Dearest Tun,
    Aren’t these figures ancient history and from before the NEP was put in place? Why not show us the figures now..
    Show us the amount of scholarships that have been granted in the name of the special position of the Malays as opposed to those granted to non-Malays during the NEP.
    I enjoy reading the comments but it is sad to see so many blindly championing their race and kaum instead of thinking of everyone as a Malaysian. It is also sad to see those comments which generalize the Chinese as being greedy and “doing anything for money”. The same can be said for any number of people in any race.
    We should and I believe we can, as a people together have greater faith in ourselves that we can put the right institutions in place to give everyone a fair go regardless of race.

  82. Salam Tun,
    Nak komen ttg keadaan di Penang yg sedang di kuasai majoriti kaum Cina dan di terajui kepimpinan oleh kaun Cina dari dulu hingga kini. Saya perhati di Penang keadaan pembangunannya tak bersistem langsung. Rumah di jadikan kedai utk berniaga dan kedai di jadikan rumah. Apabila mereka ini membeli rumah rumah yang menghadap jalan raya mereka akan tukarkan rumah kpd premis perniagaan. Di Penang pantang ada tanah kosong,terus akan didirikan apartment atau rumah-rumah tanpa mengambil kira lokasi dan keadaan sekeliling samada sesuai utk penempatan ataupun tidak. Di tengah-tengah bandar di bina rumah kediaman dan di tengah-tengah kawasan perumahan di bina bangunan-bangunan komersial.
    Rumah rumah kat Penang adalah terlalu mahal sehingga hanya sebilangan kecil sahaja kaum melayu mampu membelinya,ini menyebabka ramai kaum melayu berhijrah meninggalkan Penang. Banyak tanah tanah kaum melayu yang di beli utk tujuan komersial ataupun perumahan baru yang harganya terlalu mahal. Menetapkan harga rumah pada tahap yang tinggi di jadikan trend di Penang kemungkinan untuk memastikan supaya kaum cina akan terus menerajui Penang sebab kaum melayu tak mampu. Saya beri satu contoh dekat Teluk Kumbar jalan menuju Balik Pulau,bukit di terokai dgn rakusnya dan sanggup membina jalan umpama flyover(masih dlm construction work) dari kaki bukit menuju puncak bukit. Selama ini tak pernah pun di bangunkan infrastruktur seumpama ini selama kaum melayu menghuni di situ tapi kini untuk menggalakkan kaum cina membeli rumah di balik pulau yang harganya pun sudah mencecah lebih dua kali ganda maka kaum yang menerajui Penang sedang giat bangunkan segala kemudahan utk kaumnya sendiri dengan tidak mempedulikan kaum lain.
    Apa akan jadi kepada kaum melayu di Pulau Pinang?
    Satu contoh yg patut kaum melayu contohi kaum cina adalah :
    Biar fahaman politik kaum cina berbeza tapi bila dtg kepentingan bangsa, mereka tidak akan berkompromi dgn sesiapa pun walaupun dari kalangan parti mereka sendiri malah dalam hal ini mereka akan bersatu suara di kalangan mereka semua biarpun berbeza fahaman politik.
    Melayu kalau dah kaya sanggup tenggelamkan saudaranya sendiri seperti Zaid Ibrahim. Melayu kalau nak pangkat sanggup bonekakan saudaranya sendiri seperti Anwar Ibrahim dan kalau nak rasakan kuasa memerintah sanggup jadikan saudara seagamanya musuh hanya kerana berlainan fahaman politik seperti Tuan Guru Nik Aziz. Melayu kalau nak dapat nama baik sanggup korbankan maruah bangsa sendiri seperti Pak Lah.
    Saya dah penat,needs break. Assalamualaikum

  83. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sentiasa. Izinkan..
    Harap lulus. Ini tak mengata Tun, tak cari gaduh, tak mencabar kasar, tak menghasut, tak menggalak tindak balas, tak maki hamun (Tun dah sebut tak suka yang akhir ini)
    Ekonomi negara ada pendapatan luar dan dalam.
    ………….’HASIL NEGARA’
    Hasil ekspot adalah sumber ekonomi negara. Ekspot utama M’sia (ikut sumbangan) ialah minyak dan gas, komoditi pertanian, bahan elektronik. Minyak, gas semua di kuasai Petronas secara terus atau tidak langsung. Hasil kelapa sawit, getah, balak, koko dll dipegang GLC (Sime Darby,PNB) atau Felda, Felcra, kerajaan negeri. Elektronik milik asing, cukai di pungut kerajaan.
    Siapa kuasai semua hasil ini! Ini hasil negara, kekayaan baru yg masuk tiap tiap bulan. Tambah hasil cukai dipungut kerajaan. Cukai zakat? Siapa pegang semua ini!
    Ekonomi swasta (bukan ekspot) ialah hasil pengaliran bersama sendiri kekayaan dan pengeluaran dalaman (goods and services). Ini saja yg dilihat orang mengata kaum lain bolot ekonomi. Ini ekonomi gasing berputar atas pusat, kurang penambahan, tak mcm hasil sumber asli baru (minyak,komoditi,cukai dll)
    Kalau mrk ada telaga minyak, bendang terbentang, ladang meluas, balak bergunung, lautan besar, cukai bertimbun, mati pun dia tak nak buka kedai siang dan malam, tanggung risiko rompak bunuh dan bakar. Mrk tak ada pilihan lain dari berniaga, berurus sesama sendiri dgn buka kedai.
    Sejak DEB 1970 semua hasil negara tidak lagi di beri pada bukan bumiputera (kecuali kena beli, rasuah, pajak terpaksa) baik tanah, balak, ladang, lombong, telaga minyak, lesen. permit, kontrak, projek, concession, saham dll. Semua ini dicengkam Umno, hanya dia yang agihkan.
    Melayu tak dapat nikmat mesti soal kerajaan Umno, jangan dengki kedai orang beli dgn halal bertungkus lumus, membanting tulang siang dan malam. Kedai dan perniagaan mrk hasil pusaka sejak 1969 yang mrk pelihara, bina dengan rajin usaha, jimat cermat, tungkus lumus dan bayar cukai. Ekonomi mrk adalah hasil kepakaran, kerajinan, keusahawanan, penjimatan bukan pemberian kerajaan, bukan dari hasil negara (tanah,sumber asli,kontrak) yang digenggam Umno.
    Istilah Melayu Baru timbul di perhimpunan Umno. Dia jutawan segera, Umnoputera kaya sekelip mata. Nak biak satu jutawan Melayu atau bagi 100 petani,nelayan,orang kampung 100,000? Duit ini pun skrg dikaup oleh ketua bahagian.
    Jangan dengki kedai orang yang halal, tapi lupa pencuri yg sedap sorak api!!! Tangkap pencuri ini(bangsa sendiri) terus dapat beli 100 kedai. Kalau tak lumayan kerja ini, tak kan Tun nak kurung mrk dgn ISA?
    Kera dapat bunga binasa bunga dikerjakan. DEB makin jelas dasar pembiakkan kera. Kumbang bagi bunga sekuntum, harum seluruh taman. Lawanlah kera di kalangan bangsa kamu, jgn asyik nak pijak kura kura (ref DS Rais Yatim) yg terikat 40 thn. Berjuta juta wang kera larikan, kamu sibuk sakit hati pandang kedai orang. Rajin rajin lah pelihara kumbang.
    Kaum lain tak dapat tanah, biasiswa, jawatan kerajaan, lesen teksi, permit bas, lesen bank, lesen balak, kontrak, projek (kecuali pajak dari Umnoputra) 40 tahun mrk masih dipersalahkan bila minta adil sedikit.

  84. 1.Apa yang kami faham, sekolah cina kebanyakan dibiayai oleh kaum cina sendiri. Hanya semasa kempen pilihanraya ahli-ahli politik berjanji untuk mengeluarkan peruntukan berjuta juta untuk membiayai sekolah sekolah cina tapi akhirnya wang tersebut tidak tahu pergi ke mana.kebanyakannya sudah masuk poket YB berkenaan,dan bila ada YB cina cuba bertanya, disuruh diam,kalau tidak akan hilang kerusi kamu.
    2.Sudah tidak dapat dikira berapa ramai penuntut kaum cina dengan keputusan yang cermelang mohon untuk masuk universiti tapi penuntut melayu dengan keputusan yang lemah saja yang diterima.
    4.Mengenai kaum cina tidak dapat menguasai bahasa melayu dengan betul,Kami mahu tahu apa guna susah susah belajar bahasa melayu sedangkan lepas sekolak tak akan kerajaan terima mereka bekerja.Dan yang penting sekali kalau tidak faham bahasa inggeris atau cina, dengan kelulusan 100% dalam bahasa melayu pun mereka tidak dapat cari makan.

  85. to Hardhitter…
    “As you said, 65% of the population is Bumiputra but then quota for the Bumi to gain entry to Uni is 90%. Wow, that math really worked out wonders I have to say”
    – Please check your facts before making your statement. Currently the quotas for entering IPTA is 55:45. 55% for bumis & 45% to non bumis. Where did you get this 90% figures???
    “malays are not the indigenious ppl of malaysia.. if you are then who are the orang asli? baboons of malaysia?!?!?! like i said, everything is i, i, i and i… but u forgotten ur closest brothers the natives, the indigenious ppl – the orang asli… didnt u guys steal the land from them as how columbus stole it from the red indians”
    – Please study the history before you talk. orang asli also considered as bumiputra!! Sabahan & Sarawakian are also bumiputra. That’s why in my comments I highlighted the word Bumiputra.. just to share you some thoughts about history.. If British did not come to Tanah melayu & bring the chinese from China & Indians from India.. I think Malaysia will still be called tanah melayu. Whatever it is..if you study history..we used to call this region as Kepulaun Melayu. Not Kepulaun Cina or India.
    For other races who read my 1st comments and this one, I would like to stress out that I’m not anti you all. I don’t blame British because bringing your ancestors to Tanah Melayu. That’s is part of our history. But to questions that Tanah Melayu is not belong to Melayu & Bumiputera…that is like questioning the Sultan’s power to rules. REMEMBER..if one day even Malaysia have a non-bumis PM.. YDP Agong will always be the ruler of Malaysia.
    I’ve no intention to point fingers to anyone…but for me this is the only country that I have.. For those that have packed their bags and found new home..I wish them good luck! However i feel pity for them because they are not able to live in this unique country..
    At the end of the day…anywhere we go we can still meet Chinese, Malays, Indians, Kadazan, iban and other races. We never questions them about their rights when we are face to face…coz we know Malaysian have the “kesopanan & kesusilaan” attitude.

  86. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    ini adalah komen pertama saya. izinkan saya keluar sedikit dari topik yang dibincangkan. Apa yang saya harapkan ialah Tun membuat komen tentang perkara yang sedang berlaku dalam WANITA UMNO sekarang. Pertembungan antara DS Rafidah vs sharizat. Soalan saya…. Perlukah DS Rafidah menyerahkan kuasa kepada Sharizat pada bulan Jun 2009…? Atau biarkan mereka bertanding….siapa yang menang terus sahaja memimpin Wanita Umno tanpa ada peralihan kuasa. Sebenarnya saya mengharapkan agar DS Rafidah terus memimpin Wanita Umno……apa pendapat TUN…? Harap Tun dapat membuat komen tentang ini….

  87. yoy on
    If you think British is good than you should be living in Britain and if you are already in Britain when you made your comments than dont comments about Malaysian people. If you want the Malay to go back to Indonesia where they are not actually from there, then pls ask your people to move to China and find out if then can leave better off,if yes then get lost. Anyway I m not a Malay for your information but yet I m not blind like some selfish people.

  88. Dear Tun & All,
    Malaysia is already a good place to live in. It is a land of opportunities for those who wish to seek them out. Nobody is shutting anyone off from anything because legally, they can’t. It’s just that fake feeling of ‘I want to protect my race because it is what I am’, then there you all go, wannabes your ethnic warrior and all.
    Nothing is beneficial today if you are still wasting your time reading blogs and thinking what to post up day by day. What’s beneficial for you is to get out there and learn more what’s your environment have to give to your life. Learn the tips & tricks of LIVING instead of waiting politicians to knock on your door to pass you all the goodies in life. What’s really pathetic in Malaysia? Practically, everybody for thinking like what it is now, and think they are seeing the real picture.
    Oklah, let’s make this simple :
    Malay governs, other race not happy
    Cina governs, other race oso not happy
    India governs, macamlaaa everybody can be happy also
    pusing pusing pusing… no jalan, no road. Until Earth pecah oso complain… “Oi God! Not fairlaaa… I still want to live laaa! I haven’t married da dream girl laaa… she just replied my SMS u know!”
    Truth is, up there and down here… are just counterfeit faces.
    To Tun,
    You have been a very good ‘father’ to the malays. You are only doing your job as any ‘father’ would and i just know other ‘kids’ are jealous of that 1 kid who have a great ‘father’ like you. But its too sad that other ‘kids’ are actually ‘orphans’ and needed your attention too. I am probably that kinda kid who had a great father but felt sad knowing other ‘kids’ don’t have a great father like I did. Knowing this too, I also want to be a great ‘father’ like you, but I want to take care of all ‘kids’ in the Malaysia playground, but I am also doubtful whether those kids can play nicely together and share the same weight of the cake when I give it to them.

  89. This is a very interesting article. I fully agree with the special position of the Malays in this country. The meaning of this “special rights” must however be threaded with extra caution if not the word “special” could bring about unnecessary self-created egoism in that race that eventually hurts them in the long run. This is what the ruling party must be aware of. They must carefully explain and execute the concept of this “special rights” so that it will not meant to rush to just benefit the Malay for the sake of benefiting them that only created a short span of happiness for them which is not sustainable in the long run. Prevention of fair competitions is what they must avoid when implementing policies because while it may benefit he Malay it will also lead to the general fall back of the country in its development. If not implemented carefully, it could also give rise to corruption and abuse of power and so forth. Examples of the result of the wrong implementation of this policies are sudden drop in standard in the all Universities, brain drain and the prevention of influx of global foreign talent.

  90. Ah Tech @ Mamad
    It is sad to see the way you write. It is void of intellectual substance. I can only shake my head in awe. When Idi Amin of Uganda kick out the Asian, it was the beginning of the end of prosperity for Uganda and Uganda was never the same again.
    You have national pride and is patriotic, and why not? That is good for you. You must becos every Malaysia must have pride of belonging to this beloved country. More so when we think of how Malaysia gained its independence which our forefathers (Malay and Non-Malay) bravely fought for it.
    Now, we are trying hard to look for common ground for our national unity. And I tell you this…our country will suffer decline if there is no prospect of economic success. Do you want to go backward. If you say “yes”, then I have no further argument with you.
    Tun knows exactly the culture, strengths and weaknesses of the Malay. I do not think that TUN would want to do what Idi amin did. But he knows that the Malays must take away their “tongkat” in order to be competitive, strong and self actualised.

  91. Dear Tun, salam mesra dan sihat sejahtera. Izinkan…
    Harap ini lulus. Saya dah pecahkan agar mudah asing yg nak disekat.
    Dulu berbincang waktu masa depan samar samar. Belalang semua di pandang sama. Tapi belalang banyak jenis…
    Merancang dan berserah.
    Kita semua tak ada peluang tanya tok nenek apa dalam hati mrk ketika memberi dan meminta.Tok nenek kita bukan tahu apa yg akan ada 50 thn kemudian (gaji buta, saham buta, jutawan segera, Umnoputera, Umno Inc, projek, kontrak, AP, konsesi, mesyuarat baling kerusi, beli undi – UNTUK BANGSA!!) Lagi cronyism,nepotism,favouritism.
    Tok nenek kita tinggalkan prinsip tolak ansur. Dulu suara British lebih kuat dari Melayu, mrk bertolak ansur. Skrg suara Melayu lebih kuat dari kaum lain, mrk buat apa. Dia kata jgn cabar, jgn hina, jgn soal. Ini bumi kami, hak kami, negara kami. Disoal perlaksanaan hak istimewa dibelit memijak hak Melayu.(Perlembagaan tidak disoal) 50 thn dia bermain dgn kononnya kontrak sosial ini boleh! Permintaan dia boleh berubah, orang lain tak boleh.

  92. By tedng on November 12, 2008 4:02 PM
    People like MM should these two questions :
    1) Would Malaysia be better off today if all the non-Muslim/Malay were shipped to Siberia 50 years ago?
    2) Would Malaysia have a better future if all the non-Muslim/Malay are shipped to Siberia tomorrow?
    1) ya, sebab tak berkongsi negara ni dengan korang!
    2) ya, sebab takde orang nak sakitkan hati kami lagi!
    biarlah tak maju asalkan takde orang persoalkan hak kami! tapi ya ka malaysia ni takkan maju kalau takde bangsa lain? mana tau? boleh tilik ka? Brunei tu ok je…
    tapi nak tanya, ya ke u nak p siberia? yahoooo!!!
    oklah, malas nak argue dah ngan stonehead kat sini. Lastly, kenapa nak paksa-paksa orang Melayu sebagai majoriti terima bukan Melayu sebagai pemimpin? Inikan negara demokrasi, means negara majoriti n majoriti adalah Melayu dan bumiputera. Kalau kami tak nak terima u sebagai pemimpin u nak buat apa? buat rancangan sulit secara diam2kan, betul tak?
    Kenapa nak sangat jadi PM?
    nak hapuskan sekolah kebangsaan dan iktiraf sekolah jenis kebangsaan sebagai sekolah kebangsaan?
    nak hapuskan bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan ganti dengan bahasa mandarin?
    nak jadi Singapore no. 2?
    Cubalah fikir (kata pandai sangat, bagus sangat), gunakan kepala otak tu! mana ada manusia nak negara dia maju tapi dia ketinggalan ke belakang? ada ka? kalau ada bagitau la sama saya…..
    But, to be fair, cos I am a sensible and not a greedy person u know, kalau u have a good point kita acknowledge. Sebab Melayu ni beragama Islam dan Islam tu adil.
    Orang miskin tak kira bangsa dan agama memang patut la Kerajaan bantu.
    Atas nama perpaduan dan kenegaraan, quota ke ipta untuk bukan bumi tu boleh dicadangkan direview dengan syarat, calonnya adalah dari sekolah kebangsaan. jangan risau, walau pun ke sekolah kebangsaan kita akan sediakan kelas bahasa Mandarin, bahasa tamil dan kelas kebudayaan sebab kami bukan nak melayukan kamu.
    Lain2 perkara boleh dibincangkan tanpa menjejaskan apa yang telah dijamin untuk rakyat majoriti, iaitu Melayu dan bumiputera.
    So, kepada orang Melayu, bangunlah dan berjuang untuk mengekalkan kuasa politik kita. Sebab, kita dah nampak di sini apa tanggapan rakan kita berbangsa lain terhadap kita dan apa mereka akan buat kalau kuasa politik dapat pada mereka.
    Pada masa yang sama kita tingkatkan penguasaan ekonomi kita. Yang ni kena asabiyah sikit, kalau tak memang kena tindas la. Kena beli barang dan perkhidmatan dari orang kita je, sebab kalau kita tak bantu bangsa kita orang lain akan kata kita tak pandai berniaga, tak berdaya saing dan tak macam2 lagilah, semua yang buruk je. Dan mulalah dia pertikaikan hak kita. Macam la kalau kita bagus dalam perniagaan dia nak beli barang/perkhidmatan dari kita.
    Kepada politician Melayu, kalau masih berpolitik untuk kepentingan diri dan keluarga dan bukan untuk memperjuangkan agama, bangsa dan negara, nahas kamu!

  93. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera moga sihat. Minta izin..
    Sudah di sunting dan pendekkan. Harap lulus. Tidak menghasut, menggalak orang bertindak(memulau gila),maki hamun. Itu banyak tersiar…
    Pasal kenang budi. Bapa orang dulu berbudi kita berjasa pada anaknya. Tapi kalau anaknya melampau? Melayu skrg dan dulu dah lain. Dulu 100 Melayu 99 miskin. 100 Melayu skrg berapa miskin? 100 rakyat M’sia (berbilang kaum) berapa miskin? Kita nak pakai kain buruk dah 50 thn menghadapi dunia 50 thn akan datang?
    Air dah bah lantai dah berubah.
    Dulu tak ada kerja, cukup dan puas dapat kerja. Skrng nak minta jadi tuan, bangsa lain dilarang, pedulikan kelayakkan. Dulu minta peluang belajar skrg minta jamin lulus dan jawatan mesti sedia menunggu, kalau tak rela menggangur. Dulu minta kuota peluang jawatan kerajaan, skrg bolot habis. Dulu minta jalan untuk lalu, skrg minta jalan jadi jutawan segera. Dulu minta keistimewaan takut tenggelam(hilang Melayu), skrg minta(bukan usaha) kemewahan krn HAK (hidup Melayu) Dulu minta keistimewaan skrg tuntut ketuanan. Melayu ini yg berbincang dulu???
    Melayu dulu dan sekarang.
    Permintaan tok nenek dulu tak se tamak golongan dlm blog ini. Golongan yg melaung skrg berkereta Mercedes, berarak naik bas sewa khas siap makan minum, berumah kolam renang, berjawatan tinggi, berpelajaran tinggi, jutawan segera, Umnoputera. Orang mcm ini tak patut sebut keistimewaan lagi. Kalau berunding dgn tok nenek kamu yg berbasikal tua, bila berarak datang naik bas bayar sendiri, apa mrk nak kita mampu kita bagi. Tapi berunding dgn Melayu skrg ada kereta,rumah dan isteri lebih dari kita, sebut keistimewaan tak malu ke. Ini ikut agama?

  94. I support comments of:-
    By fawz on November 11, 2008 3:23 PM
    We were and are still not interested to know the history of our country. That is the reason why we distrust our different colored kulit neighbour.
    It is good that our kerajaan facilitate the ease of getting knowledge of Malaya-Malaysia history to us. Example : a. Tun TanSiewSin’s speech, b. Social Contract copies to be put in our Muzium and Universiti for the learned and curious Rakyat easy reads, to understand and be satisfied.
    Once people are satisified, they wont make noises anymore.
    That is peaceful motherland Malaysia. I am so tired of cries of ‘unfair unfair unfair’

  95. I support comments of:-
    By fawz on November 11, 2008 3:23 PM
    We were and are still not interested to know the history of our country. That is the reason why we distrust our different colored kulit neighbour.
    It is good that our kerajaan facilitate the ease of getting knowledge of Malaya-Malaysia history to us. Example : a. Tun TanSiewSin’s speech, b. Social Contract copies to be put in our Muzium and Universiti for the learned and curious Rakyat easy reads, to understand and be satisfied.
    Once people are satisified, they wont make noises anymore.
    That is peaceful motherland Malaysia. I am so tired of cries of ‘unfair unfair unfair’

  96. Tun Mahathir,
    Mengapa kita tidak menarik rumpun Melayu yang berkelayakan dari Indonesia untuk menetap dan memohon kewarganegaraan Malaysia?
    Bukankah ini dapat meningkatkan jumlah orang Melayu di Malaysia? Jikalau Singapura sehingga hari ini masih aktif menarik Cina-Cin dari seluruh dunia untuk menetap di Singapura, mengapa orang Melayu tidak memikirkan cara yang sama dalam meningkatkan bilangan orang Melayu?
    Jikalau kita sudi menerima orang Cina yang mempunyai bahasa, agama dan kebudayaan yang berbeza, mengapa kita tidak mahu menerima rumpun Melayu yang lain?
    Lihat saja contoh US, Australia dimana pemerintah negara-negara ini pada suatu ketika dahulu dengan aktifnya menggalakkan penghijrahan orang Putih dan menyekat penghijrahan orang bukan Putih.

  97. Salam Tun,
    Cuba renungkan, Dulu Orang Melayu jual botoi kat depa, Jual Paper lamapun kat depa. Banyak dah depa dapat. Punyalah baik pemimpin UMNO hari ini kawasan pilihan raya yang majoriti melayupun bagi kat depa. Sampai depa rasa dah cukup kerusi. Siapalah Depa nak kata melayu racist. Jangan2 nanti pungkoq melayupun depa nak tak. Emmm..pungkoqpun depa sapu…licinnn.
    Sayang Tun.

  98. Tun, let me response to ‘peter115”s comment on your blog. He insists that Chinese were better/happier under the British. I think not all Chinese agree with him/her. He said it was a fact. Its ok peter. If you think you prefer under the British,then you should know where should you go. We as Malaysias, irrespective race, should repspect each other. What peter had said only creates ill-feeling among other races.So peter deserves the same words.

  99. Assalamualaikum Tun yang dihormati,
    1.Pada pendapat saya, teks diatas sesuai dihayati oleh generasi muda
    sekarang,yang agak leka,ego dan terburu-burumencari kekayaan dan kejayaan sehingga secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja menimbulkan
    rasa tidak senang di pihak yang lain.
    2.Saya hairan sesetengah mereka yang datang disini,marah-marah kepada Tun.Sepatutnya mereka ini membaca dengan hati dan minda terbuka,tetapi hati dan akal mereka sudah dipengaruhi oleh syak
    wasangka dan benci apa-apa yang positif dan bertujuan baik tidak akan diterima mereka ini.
    3.Saudara ASTON,menidakkan fakta sejarah adalah suatu yang tidak wajar.Walau bagaimana keras anda tidak menerima ia tidak akan mengubah sesuatu yang sudah terjadi.Ia bergantung kepada diri anda
    4.Saudara PETER511,tidak sukar memahami motif Tun .Sebagai bekasPm
    selama 22 tahun dengan segala rintangan,keringat dan kesabaran
    membina negara dari negara mundur ke tahap sekarang sudah tentu beliau tidak mahu melihat sesetengah pihak masih bercakaran sesama
    sendiri.Ini adalah suatu ingatan supaya kita hendaklah bersyukur
    dengan apa yang ada sekarang.Sepatutnya ,kita lebih matang dan bersatupadu menghadapi masa sukar sekarang bukannya meneguk di air
    5.Tun,saya masih percaya negara kita sepatutnya ada satu sistem
    pendidikan dengan bahasa utama masih BM dimana pelajaran mandarin danTamil juga diajar sebagai elektif.Sekolah Wawasan juga adalah
    langkah terbaik untuk menyatukan semua kaum .Tetapi,dari sini kita
    sudah nampak siapa yang menentang keras usaha murni ini.Begitu juga
    Latihan Khidmat Negara.DAP bukan main menentang program ini dulu.
    6.Saya berharap DSN akan lebih tegas dan bijak daripada DSAAB dalam
    membawa negara ke landasan sebenar semula untuk menuju W2020.
    KEPADA ALI BABA ,Tun tidak akan menyatakan sesuatu tanpa fakta Benar
    Saya rasa kamu yang sengaja tak mahu faham.
    KEPADA PAK PANDIR,Cerita ‘dongeng’ anda tak laku di sini!
    Sentiasa Menyokong Tun,Semoga Tun Dirahmati Allah.

  100. I once was a great supporter of you especially on Bangsa Malaysia and Vision School. But sad to say, you are not what you are, a man of vision and wisdom.
    Whatever most Malays said in this forum about non-Malays especially about Chinese, are not only shallow but also lacking of a great indepth knowledge of their fellow countrymen. I have no reason to doubt that majority of Chinese have no intention to question the special rights of the Malays but the despair of the minorities arises that there is not a single Malay leader in the UMNO-led goverment who have the capability and intellectual wisdom to understand what are the grievances of the minorities. In short, the grievances arises out of systematic discrimination of minorities.
    If we will to look at broader spectrum, the Chinese in most South-East Asia are already well assimilated into the respective societies except for Malaysia and Indonesia. For Indonesia, the outlook is much brighter at the current trend. Ask ourselves, “Why are the Chinese in Malaysia not being able to assimilate”. No, I don’t blame the people as a whole but more of the government rulings such as Bumi/Non-Bumi, Islam/Non-Islam, Malays/non-Malays etc. The faults lies more with the 52 years of BN government misrule that does not maintain the earlier harmony of the society but in fact damage it further.
    Tun, you will given the chance to rule for 22 years but yet under your rule, the underlying racial undertones and discrimination get worser. In fact, for once, I wish that you can avoid talking about racial relationship. It’s for your good as well as for the good of the nation.

  101. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Tun, I just want to response to “unique”‘s comment about this topic. I totally agree to “mega’s” response to “unique” who called the later’s attitude as “cacing sudah naik mata”. People like ‘unique’ should be isolated from civilised society. He/she is more suitable to stay among animals.

  102. To jefry abdullah on November 12, 2008 9:26 AM
    You are a lousy debater and unworthy blogger and you should be ban from writing your comments and opinion in this beautiful blog. We are here to correct things and not to fight or call others

  103. TO EZANI,
    Tan Siew Sin’s quote : ” If the Malays had been against giving a fair deal to the Chinese in the matter of citizenship, they would not have allowed such a situation to develop.”
    YOUR STATEMENT -I do not agree with the above statement. The Chinese can easily counter this by saying that if the Malays were really fair, then the would allow a Chinese to be made the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
    just bcos a black man ( half breed) acsended as the 44th US president, almost everbody has been suggesting that the future PM could be either a Chinese, Indian, the natives-kadazan, Iban etc.
    It’s easier said than done. there’s nothing wrong if the Pm is a non-malay providing he/she enjoys the support of the majority. Maybe in the near future,there would be a Chinese Muslim or Indian Muslim PM.
    maybe I ‘m wrong but this candidate’s background would be more acceptable as the majority of the people are Malay and Muslims. In Malaysia, maybe I’m wrong, it’s the religion first and ethnicity second. I did agree with one of the fellow blogger’s view that Obama is choosen by the American because his speaks English well and practise ‘American culture rather than to fight for African school and language. That’s why Obama is acceptable for the Americans to lead them as they are colour blind to his ‘patriotsim’ to the country and not to the race and culture.
    your other statement that you are quite worry on the increasing crime rate in malaysia is not something novel. There ‘s a great realationship between a country’s economic progress with the crime rate. as a country develops, the crime rate will definitely be on the rise.Just look at USA & the rest. So you should be elated that our country is progessing and to blame the police force for the increasing crime rate is not justifiable.Are u aware that the Malaysian police is considered as one of the most efficient police force in the world ???? there’s no perfect police force in the world, let alone the NYPD….

  104. TO Alibabamahathir on November 11, 2008 8:43 AM
    YOUR STATEMENT -Tun you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.
    It is uncalled for on your part to accuse that Tun is lying.WHERE WERE YOU DURING THE TIME -1965 ?????? Tun has taken a painstaking effort to trace the 4 decade old document and pointed out in a simplify version to englightened the present generation on the real history. In fact, people like are the ones who cannot accept the historical facts over the existence of the social wonder you people are still questioning on the social contract up to these days.
    If you still think that Tun’s facts on Siew Sin’s statement have been tampered, then I suggest you take time to probe the facts and post them over here to prove that Tun Is wrong.
    Tun has done his homework very well, no doubt about it.

  105. Bangsa Malaysia? Integrasi Nasional? National Unity? All are bullshit! From all the comments I read here, we all still hate each other!
    The Malays think that the Chinese and Indians don’t deserve to stay in this land, that they don’t have the right to ask for their rights.. The Chinese and Indians think that the Malays are being spoilt by given special proviledges via policies like NEP. Therefore, we attack each other here.. And the leaders are actually promoting it, thanks to this blog, Tun! Because thru this blog, we can express our hatred and anger towards other races, triggered by many articles and statements made by people who are supposed to be our leaders. Good!
    Before this, I was proud being M’sian. I could boast to my friends from other countries about how united we are, despite there are many different races here, with each unique culture and belief well preserved. But, heck! I was so wrong! Thanks to GE 2008, that the true colors of the ruling parties was being revealed. Look who is actually promoting racism? Who is the one who always raise up racial issues? I’m not backing up the oppositions, but I thought as the leaders in charge, are they not supposed to promote unity? To tactfully handle the issue with wisdom rather than attacking with loads of emotion? But, it may not be something bad at all, at least now we can see their true colors.
    Watching the MPs shouting and screaming at each other in the Parliments is fun.. It’s like watching a comedy show. Imagine our country’s so called elites and top leaders behaving like kindergarden kids (I guess the kids are better, smarter and cuter). I love you guys, you are a bunch of good jokers! But of course, not all are as described.
    When are all these gonna stop? You guys are happy being angry? Are you gonna gain anything by keeping your hatred and recentment? Like it or not, Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dayaks and other races are now staying in one home. Some of us cannot be separated because Malay, Chinese, Indians and other races are in our blood.. All mixed as one.
    Kalau nak terus bergaduh, teruskan la.. Biar satu rumah roboh, biar anak-anak kita mati kebuluran, ekonomi rumah hancur! Teruskan… Benci lah satu engkau. Darah bangsa yang kamu caci itu mungkin mengalir dalam badan engkau sendiri tanpa disedari.. Cacilah, what’s the harm, after all that’s your own family! your own country!
    Bijaknya orang2 di Malaysia..

  106. Assalammualaikum Tun yang di kasihi selalu.
    Saya ada sepatah dua perkataan yang hendak saya sampai kan kepada mereka-mereka yang tak sedar diri.
    Want to live here? ADAPT to the rules and regulation here.
    Dont like the rules and regulation here? LEAVE this place “PLEASE”!
    My ancestor didnt run away from their country (where they belong) when world war had taken place before. They fight back. Not run and hide.
    This is where I belong.
    This is where my ancestor belong.
    This is my Country.
    This my HOME.

  107. To fun_jonny68,
    Adakah sama bangsa India dan Cina datang dari wilayah,bahasa dan budaya yang berlainan dengan Bangsa Melayu berpindah dan merantau dalam wilayah,bahasa dan budaya sendiri?

  108. aramsawafer,
    you also another empty barrel.. before u start echoing what people say, pls la have a look for urself..
    65% quota for bumi to Uni? u are a total dead lost!! the quota is 90%… dont trust me ask anyone and they will tell u…
    read my comments to isma on this issue…

  109. reader, your writing just shows how shallow ur knowledge is.. no wonder malaysia will never prosper..
    and before you comment, go and read other comments so you can have a better understanding la..
    you say malaysia will prosper because of DrM. You think DrM got 999 years of life ka?? Still harping on past glory.. Look at it today la with Badawi.. So what DrM is there today?
    cakap je pandai pakai la otak..
    and malays are not the indigenious ppl of malaysia.. if you are then who are the orang asli? baboons of malaysia?!?!?! like i said, everything is i, i, i and i… but u forgotten ur closest brothers the natives, the indigenious ppl – the orang asli… didnt u guys steal the land from them as how columbus stole it from the red indians??
    dont shoot urself in the foot any further la..
    dear admin, dont moderate my comments pls.. if u wish to moderate then moderate the whole post as well.. no point posting and moderating comments…

  110. hey pak ali,
    u got a point that parameswara didnt bring the malays from sumatera.. that piece of history is distorted..
    but for the part of 1400 and before, the malays that existed were deutro malays, and not of the malay muslim faith..
    today the malay of the muslim faith is using islam as a tool to distort almost everything…
    and secondly, 500AD this land were never filled with Malays of today. They are still known as orang asli. You think Malaysia belongs to the Malays then? You are so wrong..

  111. Izikan Tun,
    To heng:
    If I am not mistaken, there are 2 kinds of Islam teachings, one is ” guna stail lembut dan moderate”, the other is guna kekerasan” (wahai bloggers, sila betulkan saya kalau salah, terima kasih banyak2). Is just the matter of how you perceive it. I am sure your are the savvy and modern type of chinese who are inspired by the news of CNN, NBC and the western ideas. Well, the world perception has change, and I am more interested to watch Bloomberg now if I want to know the world news, which is moderate and less bias.
    I am a chinese and studied in Sekolah Kebangsaan who love to watch HK TVBI drama series, of course this I have to thank Tun for being so considerate and kind to the bangsa Malaysia, kaum cina, and I have learned fom these dramas which have story board to cater the original values of chinese, thus HK TVBI and Astro are making money lah
    1. Don’t forget your culture and traditional identities (can non-malay be our PM????, I refer to chinese only)
    2. Don’t involve in share market speculation and “judi” activities because ia adalah satu perbuatan yang tidak bermoral, thus dinar emas can be implemented in Malaysia lah.
    3. Don’t be the lawyer yang tidak beramanah dan hanya intested in untung dengan spining the laws to protect the rich and famous, eg: Zaid Ibrahim lah
    4. The bad ones who lupa diri dan bangsa will definitely be cursed or jailed by the end of each drama
    5. Don’t be the bangsa traitor eg:- in the most famous drama Shanghai Beach (2 versions), “the rich and famous “Taiko” mati dibunuh kerana jual bangsa dan “friendship” to protect his ambition, eventhough he has begged for forgiveness. The moral of this story indirectly telling us “duit tak penting”, yang paling penting ialah negara dan keluarga selamat, if no negara, no keluarga lah.
    Well heng, isu ketuanan Melayu shouldn’t be raised at all, because Malaysia is a Islamic country and Malaysia is the best place to live because BN has allowed true meaning of democracy (refer to our Rukun Negara) in Malaysia, and is the most relevant party.
    Now Tun is going to give an opening speech on “blogging” in this November 22, RM60 per head, only 100 sits are available, if you want to know more of the country’s political and social landscapes join lah to get more insight from our Tun who is highly respected in the Muslim worlds, and of course lah in Malaysia.
    Salam sejahtera…. no isu perkauman just private sembang2 using che det weblog, boleh kan Tun?

  112. Salam Tun,
    Tak kisah lah apa pun komen Tun tentang siapa boleh jadi PM.Bagi saya, untuk tanah air yang tercinta ni PM mestilah orang Melayu yang beragama Islam..jika terjadi perkara sebaliknya..FISABILLILAH!!

  113. Dear My Beloved Tun & Madam,
    I have some comment for Maximus.
    “By maximus on November 12, 2008 2:08 PM
    Dr M,
    I’m an Indian, 27 years old.
    Please remember whatever you say will become principles or gospel for future generation, especially for malay’s…….
    …….. It’s so sad to see at this age you lack basic maturity.”
    You admit u’re 27 y/old & yet u’re saying person 50+ years older than u lack of basic maturity??
    And this person is once head of a nation.
    Try say the same thing to your parent!
    I bet they’re much younger than this person you called “lack of basic maturity” & I also bet they’re not head of any country before!
    See how they feel with your remark……
    Lenny Hasan

  114. Sorry Tun,
    Saya selalu berkata kaedah yang paling menarik kita laksanakan bagi mengatasi masalah sensitiviti kaum ialah asimilasi kaum di Malaysia, dimana kahwin campur adalah cara terbaik. Sekarang ni kita asyik menggunakan kaedah berdiplomasi setiap keika untuk menjaga hati diantara berbilang kaum. Kenapa tidak kita galakkan semua anak-anak kita mengamalkan kahwin campur seperti yang banyak berlaku di Sabah maupun di Sarawak. Tun sendiri adalah hasil dari perkahwinan campur. Begitu juga dengan Tun Hussein Onn.
    Saya teringin sangat nak melihat ianya bermula dari pemimpin negara samada pembangkang maupun BN. Misalnya anak atau cucu Lim Kit Siang berkahwin dengan seorang anak dari kaum melayu atau India. Dan lain-lain lagi. Bukan kah jika kita serius dalam melaksanakannya, perkara ini bukan mustahil boleh dibuat?. Macamana Tun.

  115. Tun,
    Second argument, say what you like our heritage is British and without their greed and vision to open our jungle and turn it into cities and ports Malaysia will still be like the countries in Indo-china. After so much of race and religion arguments cant we realized that we need each other (all races and Malaysian). Whether the Chinese or Malays or Indians or other is better off during the British rule is not important as all of us are slave to them at the time one way or the other. We should not blame the British nor should we thank them as all parties enjoy advantages and privileges in their own way.
    Malaysian does not belong solely to the Malays but it belongs to God and all of us are his/her children. Each race or Malaysians are born/build with different skills, taste, thinking and etc. and we should not compare each other. The current trend of malays saying that the Chinese are intruding or demanding more of Malays right is wrong as it is not the Chinese that are intruding or demanding but it is the natural process of improvement and development. One sector of the citizen should not sit and wait for the other sector which is taking their own sweet time to catch-up with modern ideas. The slow sector insists on using the ancient ways and complains that the fast sector is intruding. Without competition Malaysia will not catch-up with the rest of the world and all will suffer.
    The best part is that the real Malays are not the one complaining but the imitation Malays are the one with big month. Those imitation Malays usually from Indian Continent blood-line secretly and quietly replace or encroach the original Malays in all Malay

  116. Dear esca,
    Let’s just face the reality, it is going no where by repeating the fact that chinese controlling economy, but that doesn’t mean the chinese should be defined automatically as a boss. How about chinese employee spending more quality time to earn a better income, and who would gain the most out of it if there are even more doing the same thing, I would say is the boss, who made this scene sounds more racist when promoting a non-malay, and who is pressuring the employee’s income, I guess you already have the answers. There is this fact that the non-malay compete with non-malay in this society, and those choose not to compete with, are getting lower income and less chance of promotion for sure, though it is not a problem by not competing, as the non-malay who have been fooled and manipulated by the employer, now you would have already know that the problem lies within the businessmen, but not neccesarily a non-malay. Lastly if you think that a chinese boss is not treating a malay right, that is simply because he is a racist boss, that doesn’t mean the whole non-malay society are racist. Correct me if you think I am wrong.

  117. Good morning Tun,
    Star online today:
    “Soi Lek defends road signs in other languages”.
    According to his blog, he said that the UMNO’s suspended Ahmad Ismail was given a hero

  118. Asalamuaaliakum Tun M,
    allow me to comment on some of the comments…
    Gotcha pls “read” in the historical context … it may help.
    One of the thing I do when having a business deal in foreign countries is to do some research on their history and culture. Basically this gives me some idea what make the people tick- and how should I package my entry or partnership or suppliers in that particular country to gain their trust instead of a singular template for all the countries.This helps me to have smooth relationship and trust gained and freindship established.
    You can rewrite history but you can’t change it so try to get both the inside and outside perspective. Especially x-colonies that were of the 3 proctrate American, British and French. I know of a GCC country that was not even willing to accept Singapore “high std” but cheaper service instead they “imported” Swiss and American facillty lock,stock and barrel.
    Why should we move on

  119. Selama ini, isu kontrak sosial semua tu diungkitkan oleh orang UMNO … kalau nak fahami kontrak sosial, lebih baik lah memupuk persefahaman di antara kaum dan prinsip ini disalurkan melalui pendidikan …
    tetapi hairanlah, setelah meneliti kandungan kontrak sosial … tak nampak pun tercatatnya perkara-perkara seperti:
    (1) isu Maybank dengan wakil peguam mestilah diberikan kepada bumiputera yg berlaku tidak lama dahulu
    (2) pelajar bukan bumi yg rajin berusaha ditolak untuk memasuki universiti tempatan
    (3) banyak lagi polisi-polisi yg lain kalau hendak dihuraikan disini
    Nampaknya tak lama kemudian, apabila minyak mentah di bumi malaysia ini telah kering dan petronas kehilangan sumber utama … kontraktor UMNO yg tidak dapat projek kerajaan kerana kekurangan sumber, akan memperkenalkan dasar baru seperti:
    – Orang bukan melayu perlu membayar 30sen untuk segallon udara segar yg dihidu, kerana udara itu dimiliki oleh tanah melayu. Kalau tak bayar, langgarlah kontrak sosial dan orang cina dan india boleh duduk tongkang balik ke negara asal mereka …

  120. The origin of Malay, from Wikipedia - Sounds like pendatang to me too:
    The Encyclopedia of Malaysia, volume: Early History, has pointed out a total of 3 theories of the origin of Malay:
    The Yunnan theory, Mekong river migration (published 1889)
    The New Guinea theory (published 1965)
    The Taiwan theory (published 1997)
    The ancestor of Malays are believed to be seafarers who are well knowledged in Oceanography, they move around from island to island in great distances between New Zealand and Madagascar, and they served as navigation guide, crew and labour to Indian, Persian and Chinese traders for nearly 2000 years, and over the years they settled at various places and adopted various cultures and religions. Notable Malay seafarers of today are Moken and Orang laut.
    Some historians suggested they were descendants of Austronesian-speakers who migrated from the Philippines and originally from Taiwan. Malay culture reached its golden age during Srivijayan times and they practiced Buddhism, Hinduism, and their native Animism before converting to Islam in the 15th century.

  121. Y.A.Bhg Tun and Family…
    Assalamualaikum wbt,
    Good one Tun. History is always a history. It is just like someone who is lost in the jungle, back tracking is the solutions before continuing to move on to a selected RV. This time you really have a plenty of good responses from various bloggers
    Dear commentators…
    we are actually very far off tracked (derailed)from our aim to be good malaysian citizen. Let us just pretending not to hear anything from one or two desprate political leaders. when they voiced out some racial sentiment, they are nothing but to gain support, but majority don’t really of that kind. i am refering this to MCA/Gerakan/MIC desprate leaders, of course forget not to DAP who is continueosly questioning the bumiputera’s right. Let us just leave this to the appropriate party leaders to handle the case. somehow, we are so unportunate to have weak leader (pm) who actually failed to handle and leave the matter prolong which eventually open to public discussion in a very ill mannered.
    to DSAAB.. my humble request is, pse step down immediately.
    to Aston on nov 12, 2008 3.02 am….
    my guess is you must have learnt history by listening or reading from unconfirmed sources. my great great grand fathers have been leaving here 100s of years before parameswara came to malacca. most of us leave down stream as fisherman, where the upper stream occupied by the so call bumiputera orang asli.
    YABhg Tun.. take care.

  122. Congratulations Tun!
    You have made the Malays more sceptical of the Chinese and unite the Malays under one roof.
    Umno will garner more support from Malays soon!!!
    Anwar will not be able to become PM!
    By the way, if you really want to call Malaysia a Malayland, please ask the gov to seperate Sabah and Sarawak from Malaysia.

  123. Dear My Beloved Tun & Madam Tun,
    Allows me to thank “Peteryap” for his comment below. Very fair & sightful thought.
    Not only bcoz he agrees with u Tun but bcoz of 3 points :-
    i – he support the same vision Tun Tan Siew Sin; a great countrymen had
    ii – he correctly pointed out that the racial issues we face today are being raised by irresponsible politicians for their personal advantage
    iii – he highlighted how we all, especially younger generation should appreciate the Constitution more which actually protected each races in Malaysia.
    Very well said Sir!
    Lenny Hasan
    By peteryap on November 11, 2008 8:46 PM
    Dearest Tun,
    Great historical facts! As I have said before, all these racial issues being raised now are by irresponsible politicians in Barisan ( due to the current poor leadership) and by those in Pakatan,especially PKR and DAP, taking advantage of the current poor leadership to incite racial tensions with the hope of bringing down Barisan. Ordinary rakyat has no real desire nor the interest to debate racial issues,as long as they can make a decent living and their livelihood is not being threatened.Unfortunately, that is not the case right now. Cost of living is up and inflation is uncontrolable,so people become unhappy with the government,especially when we dont see the changes that could make our lives better.
    I believe all these historical facts about our racial intergration from pre-independence, should be included in the history books and taught to our children from very young age, so that they can fully appreciate how each race in the country is protected under the constitution.
    With that,future generations of Malaysian will not be easily influenced by any future irresponsible politicians.
    Thank you Tun, for the history lesson!

  124. Salam My Beloved Tun & Madam Tun,
    I feel disturbed with some Malaysian that migrated out of Malaysia & blamed Malaysia for not being fair to them.
    Sincerely speaking, I think most Malaysian (I know I do) just DON’T CARE if any Malaysian; either Malay or non-Malay want to change their citizenship to another country. Just DON’T GIVE A DAMN!
    Why should we? Tell me, why? Ok these people are smart, so we lose smart people but don’t worry there’s smart babies born everyday!
    Indeed we should be happy, should celebrate bcoz less traffic & lesser jam!
    If u decided to become other country nation go ahead, don’t blame Malaysia. Don’t blame the ruling party etc. If u think u fail in Malaysia & u don’t succeed, u should blame yourself not others!
    Or if u have gut u should blame your parents first for not migrating earlier, for giving birth in Malaysia!
    Truth is never blame the country. U’re so weak if u blame others for your failure. Its as if u blaming God (if u believe in one!) for sending u in Malaysia. Is that fair?
    Even if u’re really super successful when outside Malaysia & after change your citizenship, u should still be thankful to Malaysia. Maybe bcoz Malaysia ‘ill treated’ (if that what u think) u, then u become better & successful person outside. Do u think if Malaysia not ‘ill-treated’ u, u will become successful now?? So never blame Malaysia!
    The Chinese are minority in Malaysia, if they’re not happy its expected. Indian also minority and many of them are also not happy; also expected. But must also remember Malay are the majority, and yet there are still MANY Malay who are not happy! (There are 2 Malay dominant opposition party!) So?? thats the point. NOT TO FULFILL EVERYBODY NEEDS so at the end everybody is equal & everybody its not happy. Believe it or not, thats the most fair deal!
    But many are forgetten, that actually while almost everybody is unhappy there are some minority that are actually very happy with their wealth etc. We have all the facts & figures about this.
    Maybe bcoz they’re used to be happy & always want to be happy. And maybe bcoz they used to be surrounded by wealth & that their fellow people are always wealthy, that make them conclude they shouldn’t be unhappy like others in Malaysia. Unhappy is not for them, its for others, even if that is how it should be.
    And when their wealth are taken a little bit to give to the other unhappy people, so at least these people also can taste some little happiness; they started to claim they’ve been ‘ill-treated’ by Malaysia.
    That they then decided to… change their citizenship!
    My advise to those who plan to change their citizenship (bcoz lose hope with Malaysia), just go ahead. Malaysia DON’T GIVE A DAMN! Just change & never look back. Don’t even talk about Malaysia at all.
    And a very big, GOOD LUCK not for u, but for your generations to come!
    Lenny Hasan

  125. I have read ISMA’s comment and I believe his thinking represents the general thinking of most Malays which in my opinion has some misgiving because if this type of thinking or perception is not corrected, there can never be a platform whereby bumiputra and non-bumiputra (or rather Malay and Non-Malay)can claim to have common interest for the sake of Malaysia, our beloved country.
    Point by point, my comments ar as follows:
    1. Work and Business Equity
    No one question a Malay millionaire if the million that he earned is from his capability, tenacity, hardwork and good business sense. Malays do indeed has the support of the government in the form of projects farmed out by government agencies. Well, if this is part of the NEP policy so be it. But one day, the Malays, having got the initial support of the government must be able to compete not just locally but also internationally. Based on the current situation, it is definitely not possible for them to do so. If the government continue to just support the Malays on government job, then where does the Non-Malays who may want to start a business find an avenue to kick start the business other than to start small (through sub or sub-sub contracting) and by sheer hardwork, determination, smartness and some luck, built up the business. The 70% of the Malaysia economy controlled by the non-Malay collectively are build up by individuals over many years of toils. The Malay would then want to have a 30% equity in the company build up by the respective individuals. The Malay has not gone through the toil in building up th country will therefore never able to bring the same company to the next level of success. They may just manage (if there are in the management)as per normal. The end result is what we now know as “bail out”. Therefore, how capable or how hard, have the general population of the Malay enterprenuer in general work compared to the Non-Malays. Well, I am sure there are some individual Malays who are really very hardworking as well.
    2. University Entrance
    No one denies that there are capable Bumiputra/Malay students who passed examination with flying colours and earned scholarships for further tertiary education. They truly deserve it. Those Malay with lesser good academic result are also given opportunity to pursue tertiary education to top the 65% quota or whatever. That is good when an individual is given an opportunity to further tertiary education. The Non-Malay has no quarrel over it. But what irks the Non-Malay is that capable (infact very capable) Non-Malay students are denied even a local tertiary education not to mention scholarship. By denying an education in local Universities, those who aspires for further education did not have the opportunity other than seeking to study overseas. Most have hardship financially. But if it is necessary, the Non-malay will determine to pursue further education oversea, come what may. This hardship and sheer determination will make the individual, strong psycologically to achieve a goal. The end result generally are a strong, independent and capable group of people (Non-Malay in particular). I am not arguing whether Malay got the brain or a good set of mind, but definitely we wish Malay has good strong determination to be successful through hard solid work and not dubious means.
    3. Exercising Rights of Bumiputra for Purchase of Residential Property:
    No one is arguing over your special right to get a discount for the purchase of the property. The main question is whether you really need this right, if you capable and can afford the piece of property. If you can’t afford without the 7.0% discount, by all mean apply for it. But if you can then why want to continue to depend on this handout other saying that it is stupid not to take advantage of the “hak keistimewaan”. In saying that, please notwe that there are also many Non-Malays who can’t afford to buy a residential property. If there is a discount for the poor Non-Malay, it really goes a long way to helping the poor people (in general)
    4 Do the bumiputra treated non bumis unfairly?
    Well, this question you must ask the many “little napolean” in the government agencies. Thank god, the government did not stop the Non-Malay from striving hard to achieve the millionaire. But the government certainly did not lift a fingure to help the Non-Malay in their tenure to become one. It is all self making of the Non-Malays. But when the moment the Non-Malay achieved its success, the governmet will say, i want your 30% share. Well, I am sure, the Non-Malay do not mind sharing the wealth with the Malay. But the problem is whether the Malay can help the Non-Malay to generate more wealth and share the pie. In deed, you have said it right, the many who decided to pack their bags and eventually found new home also found new success elsewhere. It is to the gain of their adopted country and the lost to Malaysia in general.
    I like your last sentence, and yes we are Malaysians and we know you have your special right but do you want to continue relying on this special right such that you can never ever become capable, strong, independent and versatile as a race in general and as a person in particular. But no, the Non-Malay and even the Malay themselves will question your right if that right is abuse to benefit only a few who has close tie with the elite.
    If and only if the general population of the poor malays and poor non-malays benfits from their respective rights then YES, all will stop questioning about each others rights. And surely at the end of the day we are all brothers and sisters and we still need each others to build this beautiful and beloved country of OURS.
    May I also extend my sincere thanks TUN for having this blog so that Malaysian can expressed their ideas & thoughts.. keep posting more article in future.. Assalamualaikum wbt

  126. Why our history book now don’t have Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and Hang Likir? Is it because they are Chinese and hold Islam religion? Which mean in the few years Abdullah Badawi will also cease from Malaysia history book as the 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia because he is also Chinese and hold Islam religion exactly the same as Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and Hand Likir, what Tun say?

  127. Tun , thank you for the history lesson .
    Why people barking and said it an old story , And quite funny some people very narrow minded to discuss about DEB here .
    a – Some people come here said he/she dont get anything because DEB and even get marginalised .
    b – And come another person he/she come and said this country is build by chinese , and this country get develop because of them .
    Just from those 2 statement , quite ironic it is .
    This article show the true history .. Im not blame them for cannot receive the truth , this is what DAP want , manipulative the history and truth , yeeeaaa try read at those DAP blog , always about racial, and they readers nothing aganist it because its written what they what to read only .

  128. Hello Dr. Mahathir,
    As a chinese who has been through integrated schools all this while, I reckon I have the right to speak out on this issue Ketuanan Melayu or Malay Supremacy. I have Malay friends from my kindergarten years to my university years. I must say that I treat them like my chinese brothers. Why ? Because I do not see a reason not to. I do not think of them as Malays but as Malaysians. Of course, there are unresolved differences like the food we consume : for instance pork. This is a huge barrier.
    During my studies overseas, I wanted to stay with my best malay friend, however, our background differences just separated us.
    Now, let me start my argument regarding what was written in the article.
    There is no doubt that the Malays are the original inhabitants in the Malay Penisular. I also support the claim that the Chinese are enthusiastic about their Chinese school education and I myself have also witnessed how some chinese hate the malays and I believe that some malays hate the former too.
    If I had my way, I will do away with all Chinese schools, Sekolah Agama, MRSM, etc. Why ? Because all these types of schools contribute to the bad racial relationship in our country. For your information, I am a product of the MRSM system.
    A user above commented on how Malaysian Chinese do not speak the National Language, do not adopt the Malaysian culture, and do not respect the constitution. I must say that this is totally rubbish. I support diversity a lot and would love to be surrounded by people of different ideas, and skin color? yeah! Doesnt the user know that Americans speak spanish besides English ? that Spanish is the other official language ? Look at how Indonesia fared in their racial relationship. Although all the citizens speak Bahasa Indonesia and have Indonesian names, look at what transpired? The 1997/1998 crisis in Jakarta and I Dont mean the economic crisis. The problem wont end even if non-malays speak BM. Mutual respect is needed and each race has to forgo the thinking that :
    Malays are poor and lazy.
    Chinese are arrogant and greedy
    Indians are poor,arrogant and greedy
    Truth to be told ,the Chinese are not that well off. I mean ,everyone is the same ! Why should we compare ourselves with malays,chinese, indians. etc.
    I have a second question. Why do some users think that the Chinese have gotten much help from the Malays? I believe that this is just the opinion of a minority but I wish to explain.
    My parents finished highschool and did not attend university. Today, they work for a Singaporean company, managing the branch in Malaysia and earning a total income of 5 figures. Did they receive any help except for the Citizenship ? NO ! Just like any other chinese families in Malaysia, they work to gather as much money as possible to fund our studies. As a matter of interest though, some friends of mine used to tell me the reason the Malays have so many children is because the government supports them all the way to adulthood : I have never discounted this possibility though.
    In conclusion, there is no way to resolve our differences. We need to accept them as diversity. When the others are richer than we are, we try our best to be the same. Alas if we fail, it’s too bad. Some chinese are richer than I am, but I do not complain. Why ? because its through their hard work and perseverance. I do not object the Government helping the Malays to gain more wealth but please do not restrict the others’ chances when the Government is helping. For instance, the 30% equity. Some non-bumi companies have to resort to getting nominal directors just to fulfill the 30% equity. Easy chances like this would not spur the malays to achieve greater growth but would just make them lazier. Things obtained easily wont be appreciated. Imagine working 15 years to buy a house, that’s appreciation.

  129. YB Tun & Dll,
    Salah satu sifat Melayu Malaya adalah “liberal”,dulunya dilabelkan sebagai bangsa “pemalu,tolak ansur dan penyantun” tapi hari ini setengahnya menjadi liberal yang keliru dan buta hati. Parti bulan yang keras dulunya kini pula sudah jadi “lembut” dek kerana kuasa…alahai Melayu…Segelintir pemimpin Melayu PR adalah golongan pengkhianat yang ingin menghancurkan teras kestabilan Malaysia. Golongan inilah yang menjadi pemangkin api dalam sekam.
    Kepada pemimpin bukan Melayu, gunalah akal dan logik sama ada anda sememangnya layak menjadi PM kepada semua kaum. Melayu boleh menjadi pemimpin kerana sifatnya yang “bertolak ansur” dan sifat anda setakat ini sama seperti kaum kerabat anda dibawah sana. Tunggulah 200 tahun lagi…

  130. Tun hanya membazirkan waktu tun sahaja memberikan pendapat tun ini. Isunya di sini bukan kehidupan sebelum merdeka (atau di zaman british) dan kehidupan selepas merdeka (sehingga kini). Memang la kehidupan senang pada masa kini TETAPI… hak asasi manusia menjadi teruk sekali. Pada kami, pada hari ini dan zaman ini, Malaysia mesti diperintah oleh parti selain dari umno/bn. BN mesti menjadi pembangkang dalam malaysia pada hari ini, baru lah malaysia akan menjadi maju. Tetapi adakah BN boleh menerima hakikat dan memberi kuasa pemerintahan kepada parti yang lain, setelah semua sumber negara dengan menyalahgunakan polis, ISA, SPR dan sebagainya berada di bawah BN? Memang malaysia ini akan menuju kemusnahan berada di bawah umno/bn akhirnya! BS!

  131. Well, according to history. MALAYs are not the first race that reside in Peninsular Malay. So, therefore, I guess Malays too has to go back to wheere they came from!.
    ALL BABY are CREATED EQUAL! Therefore, all Malaysian should be treated equally by the Government! Malays has robbed the CHINESE Economic future where I remember ALL BANK was FOUNDED By the CHINESE and when their Found died….The govt forces them to sell to the MALAYs…Enough is enough….The Tun new economic policies has created lot of Tapeworms in Chinese Stomach…
    I hope the leaders will realize that!

  132. For ur information:
    In the Chinese community – Tan Siew Sin – is a REAL TRAITOR and BASTARD. period.
    If it was not becoz of him who betrayed the race, the Chinese community would have a better economical power by today.

  133. Below is part of a message written by Ong Kian Ming on “Ketuanan Melayu – A Non-Muslim View”. I hope the message could wake all the “sleeping” malay-muslims in Malaysia up.
    “There is no one ‘superior’ race or nationality in Islam. Malay Muslims, Indonesian Muslims, Pakistani Muslims, Arab Muslims and all other Muslims are of equal standing in Islam.
    But with the assertion of Ketuanan Melayu, the status of equality is threatened, at least in the context of Malaysia. Malay Muslims are suddenly elevated to a position of racial superiority over that of Indian and Chinese Muslims.”
    Salam sejahtera…samarata jangan tak samarata, okay!

  134. Salam Tun,
    Malaysian must proud with our forefathers.Malay,chinese,Indians,Orang asli,sabahan ,sarawakian and others have been contributed for progress of country.Every citizen rights must be protect at all cost.Malaysia is best and always be best.Hidup Malaysia Hidup Malaysia Hidup Malaysia.

  135. Tun….
    Saya nak komen sikit pasal komen Upholdjustice on November 11, 2008 10:21 PM
    3.As far as Orang asli are concerned,the Malays are also pendatang.The Malays never admit openly they migrated from Indonesia even though Parameswara was from Sumatera.
    Ada juga manusia kat Malaysia ini yang tersangat bodoh,agaknya mereka ini tak sekolah kebangsaan sebab tu sejarah pun tak tau,disekolah cina & tamil agaknya mereka hanya belajar sejarah negeri cina & india saja.saya tak tau lah yang komen ini orang india @ cina tapi yang jelas mereka ini tak layak jadi rakyat Malaysia kerana dah lah tak tahu cuba memutar-belitkan sejarah pula,eloklah kementerian pantau apa yang diajar disekolah jenis kebangsaan ini.
    Wahai si bodoh Bila masanya orang melayu ini datang dari Indonesia pula???
    saya tak perlulah tulis dari kurun berapa yang kita rakyat Malaysia perlu tahu pada zaman dahulu Malaysia & indonesia tidak wujud lagi
    tanah ini dikenali sebagai kepulauan nusantara iaitu kepulauan melayu kerana diduduki oleh orang2 keturunan melayu.
    kepulauan nusantara ini amatlah luas sehingga meliputi Malaysia,Indonesia,singapura,Selatan filipina.Waktu itu orang2 melayu seringkali berpindah-randah,berdagang & berkerajaan dikepulauan ini.
    Orang asli pula adalah golongan orang yang tinggal dihutan2 atau dibukit,mereka ini tinggal dalam masyarakat yang berkelompok kecil dan sering berpindah-randah mencari tempat yang sesuai untuk bertani & mendapat hasil hutan.Jika sesuatu tempat itu tanahnya sudah tak subur mereka akan berpindah ditempat lain,di Indonesia juga terdapat ramai lagi golongan orang asli ini.
    Sebelum Parameswara tiba di Melaka lagi sudah wujud banyak kerajaan
    purbakala melayu contohnya kerajaan Gangga Negara( tahu ke kalau tak tau buka buku sejarah) & banyak lagi kerajaan yang saya pun dah lupa namanya.
    Kerajaan Malaysia & Indonesia pula wujud selepas perang dunia ke 2,sebelum itu orang melayu yang mempunyai banyak etnik antaranya jawa,boyan,minang,bugis dan banyak lagi sering berulang-alik @ berpindah-randah diantara kepulauan ini.Ini kerana mereka memang berasal dari kepulauan ini & bebas kemana saja sejak beribu tahun dahulu.
    kalau anda kata orang melayu ini adalah pendatang juga maka cuba tunjukkan saya dari mana asalnya orang melayu ini,takkan tuhan jadikan kaum melayu ini tak bertanah.Apakah orang melayu ini asalnya dari laut??
    kalau ditanya dari mana asalnya orang cina & india kita semua tau lah tentunya dari China & India takkanlah dari benua arab @ eropah.
    Saya pernah menonton rancangan Astro Awani channel 501 mengenai tajuk berkaitan UITM & ketuanan melayu kalau tak silap saya beberapa bulan yang lepas antara yang dijemput memberi pendapat adalah Datuk Ibrahim Ali & seorang anggota DAP,apa yang menarik perhatian saya ialah Datuk Ibrahim Ali mengatakan beliau adalah generasi ke 3 dari datuknya yang merantau ke Malaysia Tetapi si DAP pula menyampuk mendakwa generasi beliau lebih lama disini iaitu moyangnya!!!
    Nampak disini walaupun anggota DAP ini nampak berpendidikan tinggi tetapi masih tidak memahami sejarah apalagi kalau yang tidak bersekolah.
    Ni saya nak bagi faham …Memanglah datuk kepada Datuk Ibrahim Ali generasi pertama yang datang ke Malaysia tetapi apakah Beliau tahu
    datuknya adalah generasi keberapa yang bertapak diIndonesia,mungkin sebelum itu generasi datuknya bertapak dimalaysia sebelum berpindah ke Indonesia..begitulah ceritanya sejak dari zaman dahulu-kala lagi.
    Bangsa melayu di Indonesia & di Malaysia adalah sama serumpun sejak zaman purbakala lagi…………..cuma yang pasti tanah ini tuhan jadikan orang melayu sebagai orang yang wujud dahulu disini manakala benua arab orang arab,benua india orang india,benua cina orang cina,benua eropah orang eropah manakala benua antartika orang Eskimo saja yang nak kaum lain tak ingin pun.
    Oleh itu kepada Upholdjustice on November 11, 2008 10:21 PM janganlah lagi menunjukkan kepandaian anda di blog ini kerana ada orang yang lebih pandai sedikit dari anda …..itupun kalau reti baca bahasa Melayu kalau tak sia2 je aku tulis.

  136. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Funny.Out of nearly 300 comments,not even one notice the message Tun wanted to sent out,which is:
    1.Win some,lose some
    2.Nobody can get everything,as they wish
    3.Putting something in its place,deservingly or otherwise
    Tun is not kind of person to incite hatred among races.Please trust me on this.History will never lie,LIKE THE FALL OF ROME,ISLAM CALIPHATE,MOGHUL..

  137. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Funny.Out of nearly 300 comments,not even one notice the message Tun wanted to sent out,which is:
    1.Win some,lose some
    2.Nobody can get everything,as they wish
    3.Putting something in its place,deservingly or otherwise
    Tun is not kind of person to incite hatred among races.Please trust me on this.History will never lie,LIKE THE FALL OF ROME,ISLAM CALIPHATE,MOGHUL..

  138. Awong, awong,
    Orang melayu itu memang duduk sini lama. tapi kita bukan kaya lah, Pembesar yang kaya. itulah sebabnya kita kata mereka pembesar. banyak orang melayu miskin tinggal di kampung dan desa. api lektrik tak ada, air sungai dulu ada sekarang dah tak ada. banyak anak muda kami suda belajar. tapi jadi kakitangan raja saja-lah.
    Jadi bila kami jadi semua pembesar barulah boleh hapuskan deb, betul tak Tun.
    Jadi awong,lu mesti faham ini semualah. sejarah lu betul tapi orang putih yang tulis lah.

  139. Dear tun
    Refer to isma.
    A little facts to share.
    Yes, all of the Malaysian students sit for the same SPM paper. But, do you know that there are differences between STPM and matriculation?
    STPM = 2 years, matriculation = 1 year. Entrance to university is based on this two exam papers, not SPM!

  140. Aston,
    Yes singapore is a great clean country with a world class subway system.. clean efficient, air conditioned .. reminds me of Tokyo or Osaka… singapore has a larger economy than Malaysia.. with no resources, and no land and tiny population… That is real achievement and that is commendable to the people and government of Singapore.
    Sadly Malaysia hasn’t got their public transportation right… with a monorail that can’t really service the masses due to its fixed platform size… its nice for show.. but that’s Malaysia isn’t it… all show.. ver little substance.

  141. “There is a stupid sentiment in Malaysia that the chinese control alot of shops in Low yatt.. they have alot of retail outlets for clothes.. this is unfair.. the chinese have too much!
    Now it’s our time to get it because the Chinese have too much!”
    Have the people with the above mentality ever paused and thought…. How did these chinese people get into the position that they are in?
    Do you think its unfair that Bill Gates is a rich man? he has too much its time he shared it with me?
    What about Warren Buffett or Michael Dell… its unfair.. all these white people with so much money.. how about our equity??!?!?
    – How about getting off your backside, using your brains and doing some hard work in building up your business….
    If you think doing this is the cause of unfairness.. How can Tun even contemplate creating a society as sophisticated as Japan with this mentality?!?!?!
    … Malaysia has a long way to go in being first world.

  142. Tun,
    Alot of people have commented about Chinese protesting about rights and how this can be seen as racist or double standards particularly when Malays protest about their rights…
    If people had a clear train of thought they would know… that,
    The LAW in Malaysia benefits Malays on Racial grounds.
    The Malaysia law discriminates based on Race.
    Mr Isma,
    We chinese do not have a grouse with the Malay population… in fact we find the Malay population in general to be friendly and always assisting in times of need.
    The minorities of Malaysia have a grouse with the law.
    The Law being preferential based on colour of the skin and religion.
    Regardless of whether you yourself Isma have not benefitted from the NEP, there have been large numbers of marginalised that have not. You can not take your experience and use your ego to run over a race purely based on those experiences…
    I am a product of the NEP.
    I scored top marks in my A-Levels but was rejected the opportunity to study in Malaysia, hence the reason why I have had to move to another country…. another country that would accept money for an education… It boggles my mind why Malaysia is willing to send fee paying students to benefit other countries economic prosperity.. but after living overseas and being accepted as an equal, and not being racially discrimnated against here, I choose to stay.
    Why? Because the country that I live in today rewards those that achieve based on merit… not by something that we can not help.. ie: our race.
    The country has accepted me as a contributor to society. It is developed, safe, not corrupt and politically sound and transparent.
    Should Malays tell you to leave, maybe that is good advice… as long as the Malay Kris still exists, there will never be any regrets in leaving.

  143. Dear Tun,
    I am glad that you wrote this for us.Although you can just write and can’t do much, at least we were told about the past. It is a good lesson although it is hard to be accepted for some people. I admit i felt the same too but lesson has to be learned. Malaysians should be united. If Indians and Chinese can be part of the country and ask for their equal rights, the indonesians, philipinos or others could ask us the same thing in future. It could happen and it have happened.
    Thank you so much Tun and good luck Malaysians!

  144. No need to worry – that is a lot of young talents leaving Malaysia from year to year.
    Thai is why Malaysia is so lagging behind Singapore and other nations.
    If this make you happy? If yes, so be it.
    If we want a good country, we must destroy the Umno party first.
    Remember that Umno is the most sinful party which create cancer for this nation.

  145. Reply to Das on November 11, 2008 2:30 PM
    Cakap pasal fikiran terbuka memanglah senang, budak tadika pun buleh. ok bolehlah anda ususlkan supaya sekolah kebangsaan Cina dan Tamil ditutup habis cerita baru lah sama-sama berfikiran terbuka. Semua cakap Bahasa Malaysia. Itu baru betul-betul rakyat Malaysia. Tanyalah berapa kerat yang pandai nyanyi lagu Negaraku… Mesti kata Melayu perkauman betul tak. Dah tu yang sebuk-sebuk mulakan kacau perlembagan, agama Islam, “keistimewaan” Bumiputera tu apahal. Sapa yang mulakan. Yang saya lihat x ada apa2 keistimewaan pun Bumiputera, memang itu hak mereka. Hak mereka 100% pun terpaksa dikongsi dengan bangsa lain. Yang istimewa tu ialah India & Cina sebab dapat warganegara dan duduk kat Tanah Melayu. Saya terpaksa meninggi suara sebab anda sudah mula kurang ajar pada pemimpin berjasa seperti Tun. Anda ada Sammy Velu yang memperjungkan orang India tanya dia lah kenap x buat kerja. Tun cuma beri pandangan untuk survival bangsa dia dan biar rakyat faham sejarah. Untuk rakyat Malaysia dia dah pun melakukan yang terbaik. Bubarkan lah sekolah jenis kebangsaan. Inilah produk2 yang terhasil daripadanya. Kerajaan x nampak lagi ke…

  146. Dear Tun
    Minta izin….
    By former BN supporter on November 11, 2008 7:42 PM
    Hi you ini sakit JIWA dan METAL ke??????

  147. Salam Tun,
    1) Memang benar sekiranya Tun nak mengatakan bahawa Tun Tan Siew Sin menyokong perpaduan hubungan sino melayu. Bukankah Tun Tan Siew Sin seorang tokoh pemimpin yg berpandangan demokratik dan inginkan perpaduan serta jalinan semua kaum silaturahim tercapai demi kemerdekaan/keharmonian negara tercapai. Sekiranya Tun Tan Siew Sin tidak memberi pendapat beliau sendiri, saya rasa bahawa kemerdekaan negara kita tidak akan tercapai hingga ke hari ini. Tun Mahathir tidak seharusnya melihat saja ke arah zaman yang lebih dikenali sebagai sejarah atau zaman ‘Dinosaur’ lalu saja yang hanya dapat memberi gambaran serta peristiwa yang berlaku pada zaman dahulu kala. Tun Mahathir harus mengambil kira pandangan jauh dan jangan dikaburi dengan zaman sejarah dulu kerana zaman silam /sejarah mungkin lebih sesuai dengan keadaan dan peristiwax2 yg berlaku pada masa itu.
    Contohnya, pada masa pemerintahan Jepun di Malaya, banyak rakyat Cina ditindas dan dibunuh, malahan banyak orang Cina tidak ada alternatif lain melainkan menyertai parti Cina Kumunis yang hanya boleh membela nasib mereka pada masa itu. Tambahan pula mentalilti orang Cina masa tu masih lagi bercelaru disebabkan tiadanya atau kuranhya pendidikan pada masa itu dan mereka ni banyak mengikuti perkembangan di negara China dimana peperangan antara parti Sun Yat Sen dan part Manchuria yang diketuai oleh pengikutx2 Raja China terakhir (last Emperor of China) yang meyokong dasar kerajaan Jepun. Parti Komunis muncul susulan kekalahan kerajaan Manchuria-Jepun yang diketuai oleh Raja China terakhir. Orang Cina malaya tidak tahu siapa yang akan menjamin hak dan kehidupan mereka di malaya kerana mereka sedar dalam pimpinan orang jepun, banyak dikalangan mereka dibunuh oleh orang Jepun dan orang Melayu serta India tidak menghadapi nasib seteruk semasa pemerintahan kerajaan Jepun di Malaya. Mereka terpaksa ataupun dipaksa menyertai parti Komunis. Saudara Tun Tan Siew Sin tahu mengenai perkara ini dan beliau juga orang yang berpedidikan Tinggi dan Inggeris, justeru itu beliau tahu yang mentaliti serta dasar Komunis ini tidak boleh dipakai di negara kita yang terdiri daripada berbilang kaum. Sekiranya Tun Tan Siew Sin tidak meyeru orang melayu dan kerajaan British memperuntukan kemasukan warga Cina sebagai warga Malaysia, maka perpaduan kaum antara Cina, India dan Melayu tidak akan tercapai dan banyak orang Cina yang terdiri daripada orang Komunis tidak akan meletakkan senjata mereka. — ‘Tun Tan Siew Sin, Tunku Abudl Rahman and other Great Ministers from the past were right that all in the name of Peace and Independence, they have to do whatever that can bring the three races together and form an independent country of what is is known today as Malaysia and not Malaya. These are the ministers who want changes for the sake for thier own people and nation.’—Much respect for these Ministers who think for the people unlike today’s UMNO / BN ministers…
    Tun Mahathir pun pernah dihumban ke penjara buat satu masa ketika dahulu kerana pendapat serta kritikan Tun Mahathir terhahap pimpinan Tunku Abdul Rahman dan juga orang melayu (the malay dilemma). Saya rasa bahawa Tun Mahathir juga setuju yang orang melayu masih lagi mundur dan sikap mereka harusla diubah supaya mereka dapat bersaing dengan kaumx2 lain yang maju selain daripada orang Cina. Yang Tun Mahathir juga pernah menyokong dengan DEB (Dasar Ekonomi Baru) dan Dasar Pembangunan Nasional (DPN) demi memajukan orangx2 melayu dari pelbagai sudut, antaranya, koutta 30% orang melayu bekerja di syarikat swasta, subsidi bantuan pendidikan, usahawan dan pertanian, dan lainx2 lagi. Kan Tun Mahathir juga berpandangan jauh dan inginkan matlamat misi 2020 dicapai dimana orang melayu tidak perlu lagi bantuan kerajaan dan dapat bersaing secara adil dengan kaumx2 lain? Apakah soal wawasan 2020 tidak lagi diinginkan oleh Tun Mahathir?
    Rakyat terutamanya kaumx2 lain seperti Cina dan India inginkan tranperansi kerajaan dalam mengendalikan soalx2 yang berkaitan dengan wang negara supaya Kerajaan Malaysia tidak meyalahgunakan wang serta kuasa atas nama atau dasar wang yang digunakan adalah untuk hak kepentingan orangx2 melayu dan DEB. Biarla kerajaan Malaysia berterus terang dengan akaunx2 kerajaaan dan duitx2 serta budgetx2 akaun negara kena pada tempatnya. Dahla korupsi dalam kerajaan dan suruhanjaya tinggi kerajaan semakin menjadi-jadi kebelakangan ini, adakah Tun mahathir masih lagi nak mempertahankan soal kepentingan dan hakx2 orangx2 malayu? Saya rasa dasar dan hak ini akan memanjakan serta menjadikan orang melayu tidak giat berusaha untuk diri mereka sendiri dan gologan atasan UMNO akan menggunakan senjata ini untuk memastikan kaum lain malahan kaum melayu sendiri tidak mempersoalkan atau mempertikaikan duit/wang negara yang digunakan kerajaan bagi projek pembangunan negara yang kononnya digunakan untuk perkarax2 lain yang tidak sihat.
    2) Tun Mahathir quote:
    “The next major issue was the one concerning the special position of the Malays. Not many people are aware that this provision was inserted in the 1948 Federation of Malaya Agreement as part of the special responsibilities of the High Commissioner in the following terms;
    “The safeguarding of the special position of the Malays and of the legitimate interests of other communities.
    Tun berkata demikian tapi dalam mejaga kepentingan orang melayu, kepentingan kaumx2 lain pun kena dijaga seperti yang dikatakan diatas ‘ and of the legitimate interests of other Communities’. Apakah Tun Mahathir sudah lupa orangx2 Asli dan juga kaumx2 lain di Sabah dan Sarawak yang masih jauh ketinggalan dari sudut pembangunan, ekonomi dan pendidikan ?
    Zaman dah berubah Tun Mahathir, dan Tun Mahathir kenala sedar bahawa banyak pegawaix2 kerajaan serta ahli ahli politik UMNO hanya mementingkan diri mereka sendiri dan Tun Mahathir pernah berkalix2 mengkritik ahlix2 dan orangx2 atasan UMNo supaya tidak mempolitikkan wang negara koran banyak korupsi dalam kerajaan yang semakin hari semakin banyak rahsia penyelewengan kuasa dan korupsi wang dalam tangan kakitangan / anggotax2 Tingkat Empat UMNO.
    Saya inginkan Tun Mahathir menjawab isux2 yang dibangkitkan oleh saya.
    Salam Tun.

  148. Salam Tun Mahathir,
    1) Memang benar sekiranya Tun nak mengatakan bahawa Tun Tan Siew Sin menyokong perpaduan hubungan sino melayu. Bukankah Tun Tan Siew Sin seorang tokoh pemimpin yg berpandangan demokratik dan inginkan perpaduan serta jalinan semua kaum silaturahim tercapai demi kemerdekaan/keharmonian negara tercapai. Sekiranya Tun Tan Siew Sin tidak memberi pendapat beliau sendiri, saya berasa bahawa kemerdekaan negara kita tidak akan tercapai hingga ke hari ini. Tun Mahathir tidak seharusnya melihat saja ke arah zaman yang lebih dikenali sebagai sejarah atau zaman ‘Dinosaur’ lalu saja yang hanya dapat memberi gambaran serta peristiwa yang berlaku pada zaman dahulu kala. Tun juga harus mengambil kira pandangan jauh dan jangan dikaburi dengan zaman sejarah dulu kerana zaman silam /sejarah mungkin lebih sesuai dengan keadaan dan peristiwax2 yg berlaku pada masa itu.
    Contohnya, pada masa pemerintahan Jepun di Malaya, banyak rakyat Cina ditindas dan dibunuh, malahan banyak orang Cina tidak ada alternatif lain melainkan menyertai parti Cina Kumunis yang hanya boleh membela nasib mereka pada masa itu. Tambahan pula mentalilti orang Cina masa tu masih lagi bercelaru disebabkan tiada pendidikan dan mereka banyak mengikuti perkembangan di negara China dimana peperangan antara parti Sun Yat Sen dan part Manchuria yang diketuai oleh pengikutx2 Raja China terakhir (last Emperor of China) yang meyokong dasar kerajaan Jepun. Parti Komunis muncul susulan kekalahan kerajaan Manchuria-Jepun yang diketuai oleh Raja China terakhir. Orang Cina malaya tidak tahu siapa yang akan menjamin hak dan kehidupan mereka di malaya kerana mereka sedar dalam pimpinan orang jepun, banyak dikalangan mereka dibunuh oleh orang Jepun dan orang Melayu serta India tidak menghadapi nasib seteruk semasa pemerintahan kerajaan Jepun di Malaya. Mereka terpaksa ataupun dipaksa menyertai parti Komunis. Saudara Tun Tan Siew Sin tahu mengenai perkara ini dan beliau juga orang yang berpedidikan Tinggi dan Inggeris, justeru itu beliau tahu yang mentaliti serta dasar Komunis ini tidak boleh dipakai di negara kita yang terdiri daripada berbilang kaum. Sekiranya Tun Tan Siew Sin tidak meyeru orang melayu dan kerajaan British memperuntukan kemasukan warga Cina sebagai warga Malaysia, maka perpaduan kaum antara Cina, India dan Melayu tidak akan tercapai dan banyak orang Cina yang terdiri daripada orang Komunis tidak akan meletakkan senjata mereka. — ‘Tun Tan Siew Sin, Tunku Abudl Rahman and other Great Ministers from the past were right that all in the name of Peace and Independence, they have to do whatever that can bring the three races together and form an independent country of what is is known today as Malaysia and not Malaya. These are the ministers who want changes for the sake for thier own people and nation.’—
    Tun Mahathir pun pernah dihumban ke penjara buat satu masa ketika dahulu kerana pendapat serta kritikan Tun Mahathir terhahap pimpinan Tunku Abdul Rahman dan juga orang melayu (the malay dilemma). Saya rasa bahawa Tun Mahathir juga setuju yang orang melayu masih lagi mundur dan sikap mereka harusla diubah supaya mereka dapat bersaing dengan kaumx2 lain yang maju selain daripada orang Cina. Yang Tun Mahathir juga pernah menyokong dengan DEB (Dasar Ekonomi Baru) dan Dasar Pembangunan Nasional (DPN) demi memajukan orangx2 melayu dari pelbagai sudut, antaranya, koutta 30% orang melayu bekerja di syarikat swasta, subsidi bantuan pendidikan, usahawan dan pertanian, dan lainx2 lagi. Kan Tun Mahathir juga berpandangan jauh dan inginkan matlamat misi 2020 dicapai dimana orang melayu tidak perlu lagi bantuan kerajaan dan dapat bersaing secara adil dengan kaumx2 lain? Apakah soal wawasan 2020 tidak lagi diinginkan oleh Tun Mahathir?
    Rakyat terutamanya kaumx2 lain seperti Cina dan India inginkan tranperansi kerajaan dalam mengendalikan soalx2 yang berkaitan dengan wang negara supaya Kerajaan Malaysia tidak meyalahgunakan wang serta kuasa atas nama atau dasar wang yang digunakan adalah untuk hak kepentingan orangx2 melayu dan DEB. Biarla kerajaan Malaysia berterus terang dengan akaunx2 kerajaaan. Dahla korupsi dalam kerajaan dan suruhanjaya tinggi kerajaan semakin menjadi-jadi kebelakangan ini, adakah Tun mahathir masih lagi nak mempertahankan soal kepentingan orangx2 malayu? Saya rasa dasar dan hak ini akan memenajakan serta menjadikan orang melayu tidak giat berusaha untuk diri mereka sendiri dan gologan atasan UMNO akan menggunakan senjata ini untuk kaum lain malahan kaum melayu sendiri tidak mempersoalkan atau mempertikaikan duit/wang negara yang digunakan utuk pembangunan negara yang kononnya digunakan untuk perkarax2 lain yang tidak sihat.
    2) Tun Mahathir quote:
    “The next major issue was the one concerning the special position of the Malays. Not many people are aware that this provision was inserted in the 1948 Federation of Malaya Agreement as part of the special responsibilities of the High Commissioner in the following terms;
    “The safeguarding of the special position of the Malays and of the legitimate interests of other communities.
    Tun berkata demikian tapi dalam mejaga kepentingan orang melayu, kepentingan kaumx2 lain pun kena dijaga seperti yang dikatakan diatas ‘ and of the legitimate interests of other Communities’. apakah Tun Mahathir sudah lupa orangx2 Asli dan juga kaumx2 lain di Sabah dan Sarawak yang masih jauh ketinggalan dari sudut pembangunan, ekonomi dan pendidikan ?
    Zaman dah berubah Tun Mahathir, dan Tun Mahathir kenala sedar bahawa banyak pegawaix2 kerajaan serta ahli ahli politik UMNO hanya mementingkan diri mereka sendiri dan Tun Mahathir pernah berkalix2 mengkritik ahlix2 dan orangx2 atasan UMNo supaya tidak mempolitikkan wang negara koran banyak korupsi dalam kerajaan yang semakin hari semakin banyak rahsia penyelewengan kuasa dan korupsi wang dalam tangan kakitangan / anggotax2 Tingkat Empat UMNO.

  149. To awong,
    Pernahkah anda mempelajari sejarah?Kemungkinan besar ramai kalangan bukan Melayu buta sejarah sebab tidak belajar sejarah dan tidak ingin tahu pasal sejarah negara ini.Adakah subjek sejarah diajar di SRJKC?Sekolah rendah kebangsaan pun sudah tiada mata pelajaran Sejarah.Baru-baru ini hendak diperkenalkan semula oleh kerajaan.
    Bangsa Melayu telah dijajah selama lebih 400 tahun oleh Portugis,Belanda,Inggeris dan Jepun yang membolot serta monopoli semua jenis perdagangan dan perniagaan.Penjajah Inggeris telah mengamalkan dasar pecah dan perintah selama hampir 150 di Tanah Melayu,antara dasar yang terkenal ialah menjadikan bangsa Melayu hanya sebagai petani.Ini mengakibatkan kemahiran dan kepakaran bangsa Melayu dalam bidang perniagaan dan perdagangan musnah.Ini sangat berbeza dengan kaum Cina,Penjajah Inggeris membuka peluang dan galakkan kepada kaum Cina berniaga selama ratusan tahun.
    Inilah masalah terbesar kepada kaum Melayu sekarang apabila mereka berniaga terpaksa bersaing kaum Cina telah menguasai dan memonopoli dalam bidang ekonomi semenjak sekian lama.Sekurang-kurangnya bangsa Melayu perlukan 3 generasi untuk berjaya yang baru sahaja bermula dengan dasar DEB pada tahun 1970.Hanya kaum Melayu sahaja yang boleh menolong orang Melayu,kaum lain jangan harap tamak haloba ada le…

  150. To “alibabamahathir”, plse prove to Tun and all of us that Tun has misquoted Tan Siew Sin’s statement. Or else, do not give a sweeping statement. It shows that you have encroached into the denial syndrome.
    To “ünique”, I am compelled to give my piece of mind here. Historically, malaysia was once called Tanah Melayu. What does this means? I don’t think I need to elaborate further. You ask yourself and I believe you will know the answer. Just to tell you a scenario about this racial issue. I am working in a multi national company (MNC), in KL. We have the chinese, malay, indian, mat saleh, etc. When a group of all-malay staff goes to lunch, they will be labelled as racist by the chinese and indian. But when a group of all-chinese or all-indian staff goes to lunch, they are not labelled as racist. Can you believe that? The malays are being so accommodating just to maintain a harmonious environment but somehow, some non-malays have taken advantage over these accommodating malays and start demanding their so-called rights to the govt. Don’t think this is a fair deal. My mild advice to anyone concerned…let’s not create anymore racial issues by demanding unreasonably. Just accept whatever that was given to you and be fair to the rightful owner of tanah melayu.

  151. Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun,
    Inilah kebenaran yang kita kena ajar rakyat Malaysia kita hari ni, jangan lupa asal usul kita, jangan dok melompat kerana taksub tak tentu hala.
    Ayahanda, pada pandangan saya yang hina ini, saya rasa orang yang patut menerajui Malaysia yang tercinta adalah sepatutnya ayahanda Tun. Saya cakap begini kerana ayahanda memiliki karisma dimana kawan atau lawan memang menghormati pendirian ayahanda. You are the one and only true statesman, sir!
    Now, we have to teach all over again to all our malaysian people on how to respect each other religion and races, all been spoilt by the Dolah Badawi regime…..Malaysia is ruined under his leadership, sometimes I agree to some of my friends thought that this dolah is not even qualified to be factory supervisor and just imagine how the hell he is running the country!
    Bagi saya la ayahanda Tun, senang je kalau nak kesamarataan di kalangan semua bangsa, pertama sekali kita kena tukar mentaliti kita dulu, jangan kita jadi bangsa pemalas, nak jaga kaum sendiri je, kerja yang sama, kelayakan yang sama tapi gaji berlainan kerana bangsa…..saya berani cakap ni Tun bukan pasal apa, saya dah bekerja dengan pelbagai syarikat dan dengan pelbagai bangsa, saya dah rasa apa bezanya bekerja dengan syarikat kepunyaan Cina, India, Mat Salleh, Melayu dan lain lain……memang terdapat diskriminasi Tun, tapi di tahap yang masih boleh di terima pakai lagi…..namun apabila bangsa2 ini cuba nak minta kesamarataan, saya rasa nak tergelak pun ada, rasa nak termuntah pun ada jugak, bukan apa…..satu bangsa yang pegang ekonomi sekarang nak pegang politik pulak, yang bangsa lain dah ketinggalan dari segi ekonomi, politik pun nak kena rampas jugak, saya bukan racist, saya tulis di sini berdasarkan pengalaman saya dan pengalaman kawan2 dan saudara mara saya….its a fact yang telah diketahui oleh ramai, tapi semua buat bodoh je……
    Pelik betul orang Melayu kita ni, senang betul terpengaruh dengan janji2 manis palsu, kenapa kita jadi macam ni ya wahai orang melayu?
    Takkan ini pun kita nak salahkan Tun jugak, bagi saya Tun telah buat sedaya upaya dia membantu bangsa kita, tapi kita ni kan suka ALI BABA…..dapat projek bagi kat orang , makan komisyen atas angin je la…..apa nak susah2 biar la bangsa lain buat kerja, kita goyang kaki, janji masyuk…..lama2 buat macam tu, nah berapa jauh kita kena tinggal…salah siapa? orang2 jenis ini jugaklah yang selalu blame atau menyalahkan Tun, kata mereka, Tun tak jaga bangsa melayu…..Tun nak kayakan kroni je…..oleh kerana kata2 inlah maka dengan kuasa Tuhan yang maha Esa, dapatlah kita pemimpin yang betul2 yang disebut sebelum ini iaitu mengkayakan anak menantu dan kroni je…..apa dah jadi….time ini pandai la pulak korang diam ya….tak berani bukak mulut….Time Tun dulu bukan main menyalak lagi orang2 jenis ni…..nape double standard ni???? Bukaklah mata sikit, masa Tun dulu takde pun anak menantu masuk politik dan mempengaruhi Tun pun, Tun ada think tank Tun sendiri, kalau tak silap saya la ianya dipanggil MTEN…..berbalik balik pada cerita tadi, sampai bila bangsa kita ni asyik nak menuding jari dan mnenyalahkan orang lain je, sudahlah…..its time to look forward…marilah kita bersatu denagn dibantu oleh TUN DR MAHATHIR dan dengan izin Allah untuk menaikkan nama negara kita yang tercinta ini….marilah kita bersatu….pada semua hormatilah bangsa, agama dan maruah masing2…ini bukan masa nak tunjuk jadi hero, kadang2 saya malu melihat ahli politik murahan yang mereka cerita ala2 hollywood semata mata nak memalukan sesuatu agensi tu….udah udah la tu….LETS FIND A SOLUTION ON HOW TO OVERCOME THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INSTEAD OF SPITTING ON EACH OTHERS FACES….

  152. retep,
    you think the rest of us are incapable of building the economy kah? If not for non-Chinese toiling up in factories, you will never even get the free education,free health care,the free this , the free that.
    Malaysia’s economy will still propser under Dr. M. Malaysia will still be a middle-income nation, with great peace and stability without the immigrants.

  153. @ aston
    Good for you. You now have slipped like a butter into Singapore and become full a Singaporean while Malays, the indigenous people of that land are living with prejudice and bigotry.
    Malaysia is better without people like you.

  154. Salam sejahtera Tun dan keluarga.
    Tun di harap sentiasa lah bimbing kami supaya orang orang Melayu tidak terjerumus dan menggadai negera tercinta.
    Tidak kah orang Melayu melihat apa yang terjadi di Singapura di
    mana kaum Melayu sudah menjadi kaum minority.
    Lihat Lihat Lihat.
    Tak Mustahil perkara ini akan berlaku di Malaysia juga.
    Tun God Bless You Insha Allah

  155. Dear Tun
    You are trying to tell one thing; the Chinese is better off now than when Malaya was under the British rule. The Malays are better now than when Malaya was under the British rule . To tell that the Chinese was better off during the British rule is definitely wrong. I think the comment is acceptable and what Tun is trying to say we should be grateful to Allah

  156. People like MM should these two questions :
    1) Would Malaysia be better off today if all the non-Muslim/Malay were shipped to Siberia 50 years ago?
    2) Would Malaysia have a better future if all the non-Muslim/Malay are shipped to Siberia tomorrow?

    IZINKAN YA…Jangan edit atau block komen saya ni…tq,
    “…..Sebenarnya merekalah yang dapat KEISTIMEWAAN ni, sebab daripada status pendatang yang bekerja dan berniaga mereka dapat jadi warganegara kepada negara yang kaya dengan hasil bumi dan bertuah…”
    Inilah salah satu kebenarannya… semasa ‘pendatang sepet dll’ ni ke sini, mereka dah ada ‘tempat’ kaut untung… dah memang2 berada dalam kategori ‘comfort zone’…ditambah pulak sikap spesis ni ‘dunia adalah syurga’ jadi …. harap faham la ya…
    Yang kita…org melayu rakyat tnh melayu..majoriti pd masa tuuu tinggal kat kampung2, pesawah, pekebun, petani…kais pagi makan pagi…agama syumul no.1 dihati…amatlah pemurah dan baik hati..
    Malang sekali…inilah jadinya!!!Sepatutnya pemberian kerakyatan ini patut diketatkan lagi…KOMPROMI YANG DIBERI TERLALU MURAH BAGI SPESIS INI….

  158. to Alibabamahathir,
    Tell us your side of story with facts if you disagree. Jangan sangkal dan mengatakan orang menipu kalau takde fakta. Nak menyangkal, biarlah dengan cara berhemah. kemukakan fakta yang berasas…buat research sikit sebelum memberi komen…

  159. Dear aston,
    Did u learn Ancient South-East Asian History? Did u ever heard of Malay Archipelago…Old Malay Kingdom like Langkasuka, Patani, Srivijaya, etc. until Malacca empire age are all about Malay kingdom history?. Malay is not immigrant as LKY said Malay originated from Indonesia. MALAY ARCHIPELAGO IS ONLY FOR MALAY-BLOOD KINGDOM. This is Malay right to preserve Malay heritage culture as Chinese do themselves. (The Malay did not same things happened when Spore once called TEMASIK, a part of MALAY ARCHIPELAGO which was seized by colonies of immigrants that use British help to escape from Malaysia).
    Being a Singaporean is ur choice, a lot more my Chinese friends here are forever happy being a Malaysian.
    Anyway we’r still neighbor baaaaa

  160. Dr M,
    I’m an Indian, 27 years old.
    Please remember whatever you say will become principles or gospel for future generation, especially for malay’s.
    You are creating violence among our brothers in Malaysia.
    Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person, when we obey because there is fear. So violence isn’t merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country. Violence is much more subtle and much deeper.
    When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country,to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
    Please don’t poison future generation.
    It’s so sad to see at this age you lack basic maturity.

  161. Tun,
    Setelah membaca segala komen, nampaknya isu di atas tidak akan habis dan akhirnya kita akan mendapat lebih keburukan dari kebaikan.Seperti yang dituliskan oleh saya sebelum ini,kita mesti mengutamakan keamanan dunia sejagat tanpa mengungkit-ungkitkan soal perkauman di mana kita dapat hidup dengan aman seperti yang dinikmati oleh kita semua di zaman kanak-kanak ,namun sedih sekali komen saya tidak disiarkan walaupun pada hakikatnya tiada manusia di dunia ini dapat menafikan bahawa Tuhan mencipta kita semua untuk hidup dalam suasana yang aman dan damai tanpa membeza-bezakan kaum.
    Apalah gunanya kita hidup lawan melawan sesama kita ? Apalah gunanya kita hidup benci membenci sesama kita? Apa yang kita akan dapat daripada huru hara ini? Kenapa kita tidak mahu meluangkan masa yang amat berharga ini untuk mengamankan dunia seperti apa yang dikehendaki pencipta kita? Saya sebenarnya amat menyangungi serta menghormati Tun sebagai seorang yang benar-benar telah menaikkan nama Malaysia di dunia ini semasa Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.Itulah sebab saya nak memberi komen berhubung dengan isu semasa dan berharap komen saya dapat disiarkan demi kebaikan umat manusia pada keseluruhannya.
    Namun amat sedih sekali, komen saya tidak disiarkan mungkin hanya kerana saya menulis sesuatu yang menyuarakan keamanan dunia sejagat.Saya tidak mempunyai nait lain selain daripada menyedarkan diri kita supaya memberi keutamaan kepada keamanan di dunia ini supaya kita dapat hidup dengan aman dan damai di bumi Malaysia yang tercinta ini.
    Oleh yang demikian,diharapkan Tun dapat menyiarkan komen saya demi untuk dibaca oleh orang yang memahami kehendakkan seorang makhluk manusia yang hendakkan keamanan manusia sejagat tanpa membeza-bezakan bangsa,warna kulit dan sebagainya……………

  162. Dear Isma,
    As you said, 65% of the population is Bumiputra but then quota for the Bumi to gain entry to Uni is 90%. Wow, that math really worked out wonders I have to say..
    Why stop short there? Out of the 90% who gain entry to Uni, what is the percentage that dropped out? 30-50% perhaps? Do you think this has got to do with the brains you are talking about?
    In the first place, why allow direct access from Std 6 to Form 1 and subsequently from Form 3 to Form 4 ? If that is not NEP to help the Bumis then what? So it doesnt matter if they rot during their secondary but most important is to gain entry to Local Uni. But what happens then? Place the responsibility on the Uni to filter the rot? This is a joke!

  163. to all the non malays who have misinterpret the article,
    it was made to shut all the accusation on how the government(malay) have treated the non-malay unjustly(false) and the fact that the non-malays could actually fare better in the hands of the British(and false). which is of course why Tun had given the figure and the percentage changes to compare, during British governing period and Malaya period.
    Seriously, it just strikes me on how ignorant you guys can get.time and time again, there will be some ignorant chinese who actually forget that they have actually fare better than the malays in malaysia, economically speaking. So does it really matter if the government continues to help the poor malay? or you actually know it doesnt, yet you continue to protest against it because you are:
    A) greedy
    B)hate to see other races to be as successful (doubt this) without trying as hard as you(which i highly doubt you did)
    C) All the above
    Maybe the next time when you preach equality among races, try to not hate other races while you’re at it will do? just maybe…. (then again i highly doubt you would)
    Better, if you could imagine that you are the Prime Minister and the malays are a minority, controlling most of the economy in the country and the chinese is doing poorly and the majority of them stay in kampung trying to meet ends meet, what would you do?
    Here’s a hint: if you say you’re not going to help the chinese, you’re a terrible liar. if you say you’re going to help all the poor people regardless of race, that’s exactly what the government is doing, unfortunately most of them are ‘malays’
    maybe before giving your 2 cent, try to look at malaysia, its politic, its racial diversity and differences abit more complex rather than what you want and what you see in other countries (granted they have no such issues). And yes, singapore is a racist country, the good thing for you, its toward non-chinese.

  164. Wahai Orang Melayu

    Cakap banyak pun tak guna….puak puak cina ni memang depa saja yang betul, depa saja yang pandai, depa saja yang equal (equal taik kucing, bila melayu panggil cina pendatang kecoh satu kampung, bila cina panggil melayu pendatang, haram tak bersuara..poodahcit)

    Kepada kerajaan Malaysia yang sibuk sangat nak ambil hati non malay ni..aku nasihat tak payah susah susah…dorang takkan sokong BN punya…dorang dah nampak jalan utk kaum dorang berkuasa melalui Anwar dan PR (mula-mula kasi Anwar naik dulu, lepas tu kasi Guan eng naik lak..tak caya tgk la nanti). Lebih baik korang ambil hati Melayu yg selama ni korang biarkan pasal korang ingat Melayu tak kisah….and satu padukan org Melayu….biarkan non malay dgn labu labunyanya tenggelam kelemasan…PAS pulak tolong bukak mata sikit agenda jahat dorang ni di sebalik kononnya liberalisasi, globalisasi etc etc..tarik diri dari PR sebelum PAS dikenang dalam sejarah sebagai pengkhianat bangsa melayu….esok tak pasal pasal kena maki dek anak cucu

    Yang sebenornya Melayu kena bersatu….mulakan dengan MOMBOIKOT SEMUA BISNES TOWKEY CINA MANA YANG TERMAMPU…di samping dapat mengelakkan korang dari di cekik darah oleh tokei cina yg mmg keje depa menipu je nak untung lebih, buktikan tanpa org melayu depa pun tak senang ..PUSAT ZAKAT PUN PATUT GUNA DUIT ZAKAT UTK CONTROL MONOPOLY CINA DALAM INDUSTRI MCM SPARE PART KETA SO CINA NI TAK SENANG2 NAK LETAK HARGA TINGGI KAT MEKANIK MELAYU….MULAKAN PENGUASAAN DALAM PASARAN SEKARANG…


  165. With due respect Sir,
    Your latest findings which meant alot and seemed brilliant to some, but not all because you have been emphasizing on the benefits of one race, while you have failed to elaborate on the pros and cons from a seemed wise perception, such as the contribution to the agriculture and the unique quality one could hardly seen in other country, and thus Malaysia will never be entitled for being a peaceful multiracial country as some have mentioned in the past. Either you have left out this very fact intentionally or otherwise, you have been successful in jeopardising the people’s unity spirit.

  166. Dr M,
    You are creating violence among our brothers in Malaysia.
    Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person, when we obey because there is fear. So violence isn’t merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country. Violence is much more subtle and much deeper.
    When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country,to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
    Please don’t poison future generation.

    YAB Tun,
    Saya sedang membuat penyelidikan doktoral berkaitan Bumiputera/Melayu. Saya amat mengharapkan agar YAB Tun memaparkan teks ucapan berkenaan seperapa segara yang boleh: ‘Honourable Minister of Finance, Enche (sic) Tan Siew Sin, at the Delegates’ Conference of the Hokkien Association of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur on 22nd May 1965′.
    Besar harapan saya YAB Tun tidak menghampakan permintaan saya kerana saya cuba memperoleh salinan teks ucapan ini di Arkib Negara dan Perpustakaan Negara serta di National Australia Library sebelum ini tetapi dimaklumkan tiada dalam rekod mereka.
    Saya mohon berbanyak-banyak kemaafan tidak berkesempatan menemui YAB Tun semasa berkunjung di Melbourne.
    Semoga YAB Tun dan isteri sentiasa dalam peliharaan Allah Ta’ala.
    Terima kasih. Salam hormat.
    Rohaida, Melbourne

  168. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Senario Politik bertambah buruk,perpaduan antara kaum semakin rapuh dan ekonomi kita semakin tenat. Pemimpin kita di atas sana tengah buat apa sekarang ni ye! Harap Tun dapat memberikan sedikit nasihat untuk meleraikan kekusutan di kepala setiap kita agar kita tahu arah tuju kita.
    Orang Kampung

  169. Salam Pakcik Mahathir
    walau pun komen saya yg Panas Bangat tak di siarkan tapi You are The Best of The Best..

  170. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Satu cebisan sejarah yang cukup bernas dari negarawan ulung kita. Di harap agar pihak yang selalu membangkitkan isu-isu sensitif dapat memahaminya dan tidak lagi membangkitkan kemarahan orang Melayu.Ingatlah, jangan uji kesabaran kami.

    F I K I R – F I K I R L A H S E J A R A H OIIIIIII……..

  172. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Kepada aston November 12, 2008 3:02 AM
    Sekurang-kurangnya negara ini telah kurang seorang cina yang tak sedar diri macam kamu. Sebab itu kamu memilih Singapura sebagai negara baru kamu disebabkan pemimpin tertinggi disanapun berbangsa cina yang juga bersikap racist terhadap kaum melayu dan india disana.
    Kesimpulan kamulah yang racist sebenarnya. Jangan marah aaaa….
    Seremban 121108 11:44am

  173. Dear Tun
    Do you mind to compare what Tan Siew sin said in his statement just before he passed away, (the contain of his speech was banned by yourself while you are the PM) and the statement he make in the early 60’s.
    This two speeches will tell us what are the real understanding among malay, chinese, indian before and after forming of Malaysia on MCA side and what actually happen in 80’s when UMNO trying to twist and interpreted the social contract to benefits those UMNOPUTRA’s to the extremes is lead to today unhappiness among non-Malay.

  174. Tun,
    Since Obama has won his White House bid by harping on “yes We Can!” which rings similar to your “Ya, Malaysia Boleh!” perhaps we should conduct studies on how best to change.
    We cannot continue harping on yesterday’s formulas of change. Today carries new challenges. You can see around us that the Malays are more advanced and cultured than before. I do not think they wish to be associated to aphorisms that poke at them in unfavourable historical terms.
    We Malaysians (Malays, Chinese, Indians et al) are now strong, thanks to history of a stable and fast growing region. We have to move forward to a new understanding. That will involve us taking on a new language of change and self-esteem. That we do not need handicaps and shackles to be better. Can we have merit and just allocations? Will it help those left behind by inspiring the right spirit of hard work and discipline? Can we forge ahead united and borderless in character and content?
    Yes we can!
    Redhuan D. Oon
    PendAtang Dengan Izin

  175. Tun,
    You’re such an amazing and impressive thinker. Your anti-Jewish outbursts are so legendary that Hitler would have benefitted from learning a thing or two from you. I wish you well then, and hopefully you will dig up even more documents to incite more excitement among Malaysians.

  176. My respect to you Tun and dear readers,
    I m a Malay, and I envied the Chinese for being a well sustained society over these years. What have been said by Tun Tan Siew Sin may be his fallout if the Chinese those days are “understanding” like today. Rupa-rupanya bukan melayu aje, MCA pun mudah lupa…..
    Recently, an MCA top brass questioning the 30% equity of the Malays. Mana bole maa…why not we make the cake bigger together? kita sama-sama bole makan lebih maa…Lu jangan ambik itu nasi dari pinggan saya loo…saya anak ramai mau makan woooo….
    Always looking forward for your writing Tun, better than the best channel in Astro !!
    Teruskan menulis Tun.

  177. Salam Tun,
    Pada masa kita menuju untuk mencapai Wawasan 2020, kita masih dibelenggu dengan perkara-perkara yang tidak membantu mencapai wawasan yang telah Tun gariskan 18 tahun lalu. Hanya tinggal 12 tahun lagi tahun 2020 tetapi apabila kita asyik bercakaran berkenaan kaum masing-masing, kita sendirilah yang membantutkan wawasan untuk menjadi negara maju.
    Apabila kita membaca nota Tun kali ini dengan persepsi masing-masing – ramai yang terlalu emosional dan terlalu sedikit yang rasional.
    Ketika saya di bangku sekolah menengah lebih 20 tahun lalu, guru Bahasa Malaysia saya bertanya pada seorang rakan India “awak bangsa apa?”, dan jawab rakan saya itu “India”. Beliau kemudian bertanya kepada seorang rakan Melayu soalan yang sama dan jawapan yang diberi juga merujuk kepada kaum sendiri. Maka guru saya menjawab kita adalah BANGSA MALAYSIA!!.
    Apa untungnya apabila Melayu dan bukan Melayu berdebat mengenai “superiority”? Hak Melayu dan bukan Melayu dah sememangnya termaktub didalam Perlembagaan. Pada orang Melayu, tidak elok mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat seperti nak menghalau bukan Melayu. Setiap bukan Melayu ada haknya tersendiri.
    Pada bukan Melayu, anda bukanlah pendatang sekiranya anda dilahirkan dinegara bertuah ini. Bersyukurlah kerana anda mendapat peluang yang baik untuk berjaya dinegara ini dan diberi hak yang pelbagai seperti mengundi, berniaga dengan aman, membeli hartanah dan lain-lain lagi. Tetapi hormatilah juga hak keistimewaan kaum Melayu seperti yang telah termaktub.
    Saya jadikan kejayaan kaum Cina sebagai satu pendorong untuk saya memulakan perniagaan setelah lebih 12 tahun “makan gaji”. Keluarga saya pada mulanya membantah sebab tindakan saya akan menjejaskan pendapatan keluarga dan “rutin” perbelanjaan bulanan. Dan sudah tentu berniaga tidak semudah yang disangka kerana kita tak dapat lihat jumlah yang sama didalam akaun bank setiap bulan. Pada masa yang sama, saya tak mengharapkan kontrak kerajaan tetapi mensasarkan syarikat swasta dari berbilang kaum. Alhamdulillah, perniagaan mula meningkat dikala ekonomi yang tidak berapa baik ini.
    Dari situ saya belajar bagaimana untuk menjadi “resilient” dan Melayu juga boleh. Saya juga sedar itulah cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh bukan Melayu terutama kaum Cina bila mereka tiba di Tanah Melayu dulu. Tetapi yang penting, kerjasama antara kaum amat penting untuk menjadi bangsa MALAYSIA yang berjaya.
    Janganlah kita asyik bercakaran dengan perkara-perkara yang remeh yang tidak memajukan negara kita. Baca semula 9 cabaran menuju Wawasan 2020 yang telah digariskan oleh YABhg Tun, dan anda semua akan memahami (sepatutnya).
    Semoga YABhg Tun berdua sihat sejahtera dan diberkati Allah SWT.

  178. Salam Tun,
    Pada masa kita menuju untuk mencapai Wawasan 2020, kita masih dibelenggu dengan perkara-perkara yang tidak membantu mencapai wawasan yang telah Tun gariskan 18 tahun lalu. Hanya tinggal 12 tahun lagi tahun 2020 tetapi apabila kita asyik bercakaran berkenaan kaum masing-masing, kita sendirilah yang membantutkan wawasan untuk menjadi negara maju.
    Apabila kita membaca nota Tun kali ini dengan persepsi masing-masing – ramai yang terlalu emosional dan terlalu sedikit yang rasional.
    Ketika saya di bangku sekolah menengah lebih 20 tahun lalu, guru Bahasa Malaysia saya bertanya pada seorang rakan India “awak bangsa apa?”, dan jawab rakan saya itu “India”. Beliau kemudian bertanya kepada seorang rakan Melayu soalan yang sama dan jawapan yang diberi juga merujuk kepada kaum sendiri. Maka guru saya menjawab kita adalah BANGSA MALAYSIA!!.
    Apa untungnya apabila Melayu dan bukan Melayu berdebat mengenai “superiority”? Hak Melayu dan bukan Melayu dah sememangnya termaktub didalam Perlembagaan. Pada orang Melayu, tidak elok mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat seperti nak menghalau bukan Melayu. Setiap bukan Melayu ada haknya tersendiri.
    Pada bukan Melayu, anda bukanlah pendatang sekiranya anda dilahirkan dinegara bertuah ini. Bersyukurlah kerana anda mendapat peluang yang baik untuk berjaya dinegara ini dan diberi hak yang pelbagai seperti mengundi, berniaga dengan aman, membeli hartanah dan lain-lain lagi. Tetapi hormatilah juga hak keistimewaan kaum Melayu seperti yang telah termaktub.
    Saya jadikan kejayaan kaum Cina sebagai satu pendorong untuk saya memulakan perniagaan setelah lebih 12 tahun “makan gaji”. Keluarga saya pada mulanya membantah sebab tindakan saya akan menjejaskan pendapatan keluarga dan “rutin” perbelanjaan bulanan. Dan sudah tentu berniaga tidak semudah yang disangka kerana kita tak dapat lihat jumlah yang sama didalam akaun bank setiap bulan. Pada masa yang sama, saya tak mengharapkan kontrak kerajaan tetapi mensasarkan syarikat swasta dari berbilang kaum. Alhamdulillah, perniagaan mula meningkat dikala ekonomi yang tidak berapa baik ini.
    Dari situ saya belajar bagaimana untuk menjadi “resilient” dan Melayu juga boleh. Saya juga sedar itulah cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh bukan Melayu terutama kaum Cina bila mereka tiba di Tanah Melayu dulu. Tetapi yang penting, kerjasama antara kaum amat penting untuk menjadi bangsa MALAYSIA yang berjaya.
    Janganlah kita asyik bercakaran dengan perkara-perkara yang remeh yang tidak memajukan negara kita. Baca semula 9 cabaran menuju Wawasan 2020 yang telah digariskan oleh YABhg Tun, dan anda semua akan memahami (sepatutnya).
    Semoga YABhg Tun berdua sihat sejahtera dan diberkati Allah SWT.

  179. salam Tun,
    I want to correct the misperception by those who think that all Malays in this country are from Parameswara lineage who came to this country in the 1400 something. This is absolutely crap! Are they saying when Parameswara came the land was totally empty and consists of while animal only and jungle? No! There were already Malays living there scattered all over but not properly governed into states.
    What Parasmeswara did was bringing the idea of statehood to the Malays and declared himself the first Sultan of Malacca! From there on his lineage created the Kesultanan Melayu in other states. He didnt bring hundreds of thousand of Malays from Sumatera with him on his boats to fill this land, otherwise all of Malays now will be speaking Jawa, Achenese dialect etc! How could he had brought the malays from Sumatera when he himself fled prosecution from his state?
    So, please dont distort history to support your weak arguments! Accept the facts and study history and learn, dont memorise just to score 15As!
    Salam Tun

  180. Dear aston
    By aston on November 12, 2008 3:02 AM
    The answer for you is from By
    isma on November 12, 2008 2:24 AM
    Until now i keep wondering…why other races always think that if a malay become a millionaire that’s because of DEB … Didn’t they noticed that even malay businessman also need to look for a business and compete with other races for survival of their business? If they think DEB is not fair…I wonder why 70% of Malaysia economy still controlled by ONE race.. (anyone can answer me?) Please don’t say that it’s because you work hard you can be successful…Sounds like other races did not work hard as you did…
    The other thing that i didn’t understand is why they think most Malays can go to university because their bumiputra status… So far I know..all of us needs to sit for our SPM exams and answer same set of questions paper.. If you have good grades of course you will get higher chances to further your study in university..Even most of us (including me) need to get PTPTN loan for our education… Do u think that this is still not fair to other races??? As far as I’m concerned..Malay also has brain like others and we still need to get good grades if we want to further our study. If u are questioning about the quotas.. please check our country demographic…(in case u lazy to find out..65% of Malaysia are Bumiputra) Please bear in mind, when i said bumiputra…this is including those from Sabah & Sarawak.. So if u do the maths..shouldn’t bumiputra gets big quotas to study in local university?
    As far as I’m concerned…after almost 30 years I’ve been as bumiputra in Malaysia only once i used my special so called “hak keistimewaan” which is during my time to purchase my house which is a medium cost apartment. Guess what??? I only get 7% discount for that. So if other races got problems with this 7% discount…maybe you can try to look around and see whenever any developers launch their property sales..the bumiputra lot will be the last unit to be sold..Honestly speaking I’m not shocked at this because I know..even with the discounts, bumiputra will still can’t afford to buy the house.. Do u still feel not fair about this??
    My arguments is simple…before you think that you have been treated unfairly by others…please look around and judge yourself..You can question “hak keistimewaan” until the last day of your what are you getting from it??? Do the bumiputra treated non bumis unfairly? Did they denied your rights to get good education? Did bumis stopped you from becoming a millionaire? Do you feel not safe living in Malaysia which ruled by a democratic government?? If the answer is YES to these questions…i think it’s time for you to pack your bags and start looking for a new home..
    Yes we are Malaysians but every races has their own rights…If u stop questioning about others rights..I think others will stop questioning about yours..At the end of the day…we still need each others..That’s why we are UNIQUE country..
    P/s Thank you TUN for having this blog so that Malaysian can expressed their ideas & thoughts.. keep posting more article in future..
    ** GONG LEE also Singaporean yesterday, emm….

  181. saya bergaul dengan ramai kawan drpd kaum pelbagai. Saya peminat kepada buku TUn – Malay Dilemma
    Yang memalukan apabila ditanya kenapa kaum melayu masih mahukan tongkat, samaada diskaun hartatah, atau ekuiti 30%. Sedangkan yang dapat manfaat hanya lah golong ‘bangsawan’ politik.
    pada masa kawan kaum india hanya menyeru ‘sedekah’ untuk membina kuil, cina untuk sekolah cina, permintaan kita pula merupakan projek2, AP-AP, yang mana kita setiap kali menjual untuk mengaut keuntungan dalam masa singkat.
    tun, melayu mudah lupa. saya setuju. Perkataan BERDIKARI bagai tak dijumpa dalam kamus kita. kaum2 lain sanggup, boleh bertungkus lumus, mengambil risiko, belajar, LEBIH drpd satu / dua bahasa, YB dan menteri kita pula, membuat bising atas nama2 jalan yang ditambah bahasa lain, atas nama ‘membiayai’ bahasa bangsa, mengaut undi2 politik. Memalukan kalautidak dibenci.
    semasa lawatan dibuat ke saudi, saya tidak pernah dengar mereka berdebat dan bertegur tentang penggunaan Arab perlu diperluaskan, sedangkan mereka dianggap orang islam yang kaya. orang arab faham penggunaan inggeris penting untuk mereka. Kita sebagai negara yang sebegini kecil, membuat tuntutan, berkelahi tentang bahasa ni, bahasa tu.
    Perkara2 yang perlu dititik beratkan sekarang, bangun la bangsa melayu, dengan memberi ‘secukup’ bantuan untuk kita BERDIKARI, tanpa ‘memanjakan’ kita. Dunia luar penuh persaingan. Sebagai peniaga kecil, saingan telah dirasai, bukan daripada Cina tempatan, tetapi negara China, India.
    Kawan cina lebih berminat berniaga dengan negara cina, s’pore, yang tidak mengenakan redtape, polisi2 yang dianggap tidak memberi manfaat kepada mereka dari segi perniagaan. Tun mungkin lebih faham tentang Binariang- Maxis.
    Perkara2 tentang Cina menguasai 80% ekonomi, kalaulah ia benar, kita percepatkan langkah kita, mengejar dari belakang. Orang Yahudi diberi peluang di Amerika, kaum afrika juga tidak pernah dipinggirkan.
    laungan Obama “yes we can” selepas memenangi pilihan, bagai kata2 Tun, Malaysia Boleh! dia ‘COPY’ ni~!

  182. Dear Tun, first and foremost, I must state that I fully agree with what Tun published here regarding what Tun Tan Siew Sin had said. Surely Malaysia must have progressed in many fronts from its independence till 1965. That statement by Tun Tan Siew Sin clearly indicated a great man who prided himself in being part of the government who had ruled a country which had gained independence approximately 10 years prior to his statement. But that was in 1965, I was born in that year. In fact when Tun Tan made his statement , I was, in fact, not born yet. I was born several months later.
    I think what had happened before 1969 could hardly be denied and a lot of Tun

  183. If malays are so unhappy in this land, they are free to go back to Indonesia, nobody stop them.
    Mahathir is a racist evil and bapa of corruption in the eye of Chinese society.
    Only Umno morons see Mahathir as a God.
    Malaysia is better under British rule for sure without the Umno

  184. Chinese in Malaysia seumpama kacang lupakan kulit.
    Bila dah bagi betis nak pula pahaa..
    UMNO have to watch-out,buka mata,telinga luas-luas.
    Jangan cakap je berapi-api nak pertahankan but no action.

  185. Yang saya pernah inggat Almahrom Ismail Bahrum pernah berkata yaitu Mendiang Tan Cheng Lock pernah menggatakan yaitu “Orang bangsa saya jika dia saorang dia keramat” “Jika dia berdua mereka berjudi” “Jika bertiga mereka menyamun” “Jika berempat mereka tubuhkan kumpulan haram” “Jika berlima mereka cuba menubuhkan kerajaan dan jika berjaya mereka menuntut Longchong-longchong Wa Kai ertinya Kesemuanya ini aku yang punya. Mari sama2 kita lihat diseberang tambak dan lihat disana dan apa dah jadi pada sebuah pulau sebesar padang bola sahaja.

  186. Salam Buat Tun Sekeluarga
    saya rasa komen saya petang semalam mungkin tak dikeluarkan atas sebab-sebab tertentu kerana ianya amat PANAS kalu depa orang cina membacanya. Tak pa. Tapi dikalangan orang MELAYU saya rasa perlu ada orang yang berani mengeluarkan kata-kata kurang ajar sikit kat depa orang cina sebab selama ni kita dok selalu bagi muka kat depa.
    ‘Kalu depa orang cina mintak tu mintak ni tak dapat..suruh depa naik Tongkang balik Negara Cina..pi mintak kat sana kot-kot kalu dapat!!!
    Aku Darah Anak Melayu

  187. Salam Tun, perhaps Tun boleh provide the whole script?
    Ur point of view on Ong Tee Keat action nowadays… He’s d one who ungkit-mengungkit sebenarnya..

  188. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1.Kepada Azlan on November 11, 2008 11:41 AM
    Kalau hari ini kamu cari rezeki dengan company cina tak menjadi salahnya.Tapi kamu biarlah ada wawasan. Biarlah ada cita2 supaya suatu hari nanti company tersebut menjadi milik kamu dan cina yang menjadi kuli kamu pula. Itu pun tak salah kan?.
    2.Kepada pakpandir08 on November 11, 2008 6:50 PM
    Kamu BANGSA APA HA? Bangsa lain dok kutuk BANGSA MELAYU,nak rampas HAK ORANG MELAYU pun kamu ni masih seperti dulu TAK APA ! TAK APA!Sesuailah dengan nama kamu PAKPANDIR.Masih tak sedar diri, BODOH!.
    3.Kepada syetleh on November 11, 2008 10:48 PM
    Saya setuju dengan anda “kalau cina dan india sangka melayu akan mengalah itu akan memakan diri mereka,80% perniagaan dimiliki oleh mereka ini ,tapi perniagaan ini akan collapse the most in 3 days if the malay boikot it”
    4.Apa kata kalau kita jalankan kempen MALAY BUY THE MALAY FIRT.Business yang belum ada kita cuba adakan kerana ia juga menjadi FARDU KIFAYAH kepada orang2 ISLAM.
    Doa moga Tun sihat selalu hendaknya.

  189. Tun,
    Sorry to say this.. I believe your writing and starting of weblog has only 1 reason
    1. You are living in denial at your age still wanting to see how much of support you still can get from your blog. Wow… 9million uniques in less than 1 year!!! So what? Look at your post? As I asked, what is your intent of having this post? To see how Malaysians kill each other verbally? You are pathetic yourself I would say..
    Week after week I see comments that lick up to u. It is only today in this article, that I managed to see the 2 sides of the comments. Previous comments were all licking up to you.. Where is our backbone? Are we afraid to stand up to what is right because of the draconian law called ISA? You didnt do much good too during your tenure. You too simply invoked the ISA.. And look at how Msia is today?
    90% of the comments are I, I, I and I… Malays are this, Malays are that, Chinese and Indians are pendatang..
    Someone also said that Chinese wants equal rights with the Malays but cannot speak BM. What the heck is that person talking?? Tun can be a witness as long as he is alive… Chinese score more As in BM than the Malays themselves. Which Chinese today of the current generation cannot speak BM?? If that is the case, then let me ask back, if we are talking about intgeration and unity, how many languages can a Malaysian Malay today speak?
    This post is definitely heading no where and so are the comments from everyone..
    And Tun, pls dont moderate to prevent my comments from showing..
    God Bless

  190. tun pernah menangis satu ketika dulu mengatakan tidak dapat menukar pemikiran orang-orang melayu dan meninggalkan tongkatnya. hari ini tun pula mengorek semula ucapan zaman dinasour dan sudah tentu ia diedit semula (tentu tun masih ingat lagi macamana reporter mengedit kata-kata tun yang mengatakan adalah baik kerana kerajaan menurunkan harga petrol)
    mungkin ini strategi tun yang terakhir untuk mendapat sokongan orang-orang melayu sebelum anwar menjadi pm? dengan menaikkan sentimen perkauman.
    orang-orang cina yang ada di malaysia datang ke sini dengan menaiki tongkang sehelai sepinggang 2 generasi dahulu. mereka langsung tidak membawa emas atau dollar US. mereka bersesak-sesak seperti hamba abdi afrika yang dibawa ke usa. orang-orang melayu pula telah zaman-berzaman hidup di sini. tetapi kenapalah setelah 50 tahun merdeka kami masih perlu memperkatakan 30% ekuiti? sepatutnya semua orang-orang melayu dah kaya-raya. adakah kerana orang cina beli rumah mendapat diskaun? atau mereka ini lebih mudah memasuki ipta dan akhirnya semuanya menjadi profesional? ramai yang memberikan komen yang peratusan penduduk orang melayu 66% tetapi milikan ekuiti 30% pun masih belum dicapai (walaupun kerajaan mengamalkan deb/ nep berpuluh tahun) peliknya ramai lagi yang masih menyokong deb dan tun yang telah memerintah 22 tahun.
    jika kita diberi kayu pancing ia memberikan makanan sepanjang tahun, jika di berikan ikan ia memberikan makanan sehari sahaja.
    mungkin satu cara penyelesaiannya ialah dengan memberikan kayu pancing berbanding ikan. tetapi siapalah yang akan memilih kayu pancing sekiranya selama ini mendapat ikan?

  191. More than one million Chinese emigrating to overseas for the past 50 years.
    I become a Singapore citizen because I lost all hope for Malaysia.
    Malaysia is a wonderful nation without the racist party – Umno.
    Malaysia is a good nation without the corrupted BN gangs.
    Malays are also pendatang who steal the land from Orang Asli.
    Never telll me that Malaysia is the best country in this planet.

  192. To alibabamahathir,
    kalau Tun dikatakan penipu, dan memaparkan kenyataan Tun Tan Siew Sin di luar context…apa yang sebenarnya..bagitaulah kalau setakat nak menuduh…sorilah…budak tadika pun selalu buat macamtu….
    To Jatt
    The money spending for education is not their own’s the goverment money…

  193. Salam TUN,
    Until now i keep wondering…why other races always think that if a malay become a millionaire that’s because of DEB … Didn’t they noticed that even malay businessman also need to look for a business and compete with other races for survival of their business? If they think DEB is not fair…I wonder why 70% of Malaysia economy still controlled by ONE race.. (anyone can answer me?) Please don’t say that it’s because you work hard you can be successful…Sounds like other races did not work hard as you did…
    The other thing that i didn’t understand is why they think most Malays can go to university because their bumiputra status… So far I know..all of us needs to sit for our SPM exams and answer same set of questions paper.. If you have good grades of course you will get higher chances to further your study in university..Even most of us (including me) need to get PTPTN loan for our education… Do u think that this is still not fair to other races??? As far as I’m concerned..Malay also has brain like others and we still need to get good grades if we want to further our study. If u are questioning about the quotas.. please check our country demographic…(in case u lazy to find out..65% of Malaysia are Bumiputra) Please bear in mind, when i said bumiputra…this is including those from Sabah & Sarawak.. So if u do the maths..shouldn’t bumiputra gets big quotas to study in local university?
    As far as I’m concerned…after almost 30 years I’ve been as bumiputra in Malaysia only once i used my special so called “hak keistimewaan” which is during my time to purchase my house which is a medium cost apartment. Guess what??? I only get 7% discount for that. So if other races got problems with this 7% discount…maybe you can try to look around and see whenever any developers launch their property sales..the bumiputra lot will be the last unit to be sold..Honestly speaking I’m not shocked at this because I know..even with the discounts, bumiputra will still can’t afford to buy the house.. Do u still feel not fair about this??
    My arguments is simple…before you think that you have been treated unfairly by others…please look around and judge yourself..You can question “hak keistimewaan” until the last day of your what are you getting from it??? Do the bumiputra treated non bumis unfairly? Did they denied your rights to get good education? Did bumis stopped you from becoming a millionaire? Do you feel not safe living in Malaysia which ruled by a democratic government?? If the answer is YES to these questions…i think it’s time for you to pack your bags and start looking for a new home..
    Yes we are Malaysians but every races has their own rights…If u stop questioning about others rights..I think others will stop questioning about yours..At the end of the day…we still need each others..That’s why we are UNIQUE country..
    P/s Thank you TUN for having this blog so that Malaysian can expressed their ideas & thoughts.. keep posting more article in future.. Assalamualaikum wbt

  194. Hai, are we going to compare everything to 1957?
    That was 2-3 generations ago!
    And one fallacy here, Govt should be spending on education! And of course it would be spending more in 1963 than in 1954. In 1954 we were not even independent. As a newly independent country, our spending on education should have been increasing!
    I copy the quote below from your posting Tun. One comment I have to make. The UMNO leaders than are nothing like the UMNO leaders now! I can’t imagine any of the UMNO leaders now (Maybe with the exception of you (whenever you re-join UMNO, maybe Najib and Muhyddin as well) leading us to independence. They don’t have the imagination and the vision and the ability to reach out to others. What happened? Why is UMNO now not the UMNO of 1957? Please don’t compare 1957 to the present!
    “When negotiating the terms of independence before that date,” Siew Sin continued, “the MCA had asked that every Chinese who could legitimately claim to be regarded as a citizen should be allowed to become a citizen with the achievement of independence. It is a tribute to the farsighted statesmanship of UMNO and its leaders that they reacted sympathetically to this request. To give effect to this sympathy, a provision was inserted in the constitution itself to the effect that “good character” meant any person who had not been in jail during the period of three years preceding his application for citizenship.

  195. When TUN comparing those numbers, it is very misleading without comparing to the population ratio. Back in the 60s, Malay and Chinese Population are about even (40% each) as a ratio to the whole. Therefore, prior to independence ~12% for Chinese education was peanut as compared to the funds to Malay education. After independence, the amount of funds was just catching up with the ratio of each population!
    Where as of now, each race within the population should be allowed to compete equally. Abolish the QUOTA! Back in the 70s, when Tun and Anwar was advocating the Malays to have BIG family..So, only those middle and poor Malay follow what their leaders was telling them. Now, they are stuck, since the same pie has to share among many more Malays. Therefore, Rich Malay continue to control the destiny of the country. Tun and Anwar has created a dependency among the Malays. You can see it around you..Competition produce a better future! Singapore is a great example. It is now Top 20 richest Country in the World…So, don’t believe what Tun Said…He is for his own family….and think about it…Maybe his son will be the next PM soon….

  196. Dear Sir,
    Thanks for sharing the insight. I believe a high % of people (muslims, non-muslims) who are part of the 1million plus Msians who contribute to income taxes are unhappy because they see obvious mistakes in usage of govt resources. The educated people observed that NEP has not reached out to the needy people but to the selected few. In spite of the special rights given for 50yrs+, the mentality of “depend on govt and hand-outs” is still there while little effort is made to “help oneself improve”. It is good to be fed fish; even better to learn how to fish. If you keep holding the hand of a child who is learning to walk and do not let go, the child will grow up to be an adult who can walk only with crutches and have an inferiority complex when he sees others around him walking independently.

  197. kalau tak agree and nak sangat equal rights
    balik la negara nenek moyang mereka
    a friend of mine whom went to
    his nenek moyang’s country sd
    he cant live over there
    1 week is enough
    hindraf pun satu
    pi balik la kalau kecoh sgt

  198. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera moga sihat selalu. Dengan izin.
    Dalam 50 thn ini dunia dah maju, zaman dah berubah. Dulu kerakyatan ialah hak pusaka dan keistimewaan, tapi skrg ia dah jadi komoditi yang di pasarkan. Pandangan jenerasi muda berasaskan keadaan skrg bukan dulu. Bukan tak kenang budi, lupa sejarah tapi hakikat dunia skrg. Dulu anak kecil pantang jawab emak bapak, tapi skrg digalak soal dan melawan jika tak betul. Tok nenek dulu rela buang sungai cucu derhaka ini.
    Mengundang pendatang.
    US,Eropah,Aust,NZ,Hong Kong,S’pura giat mengundang pendatang dan mrk pilih bulu tarik pendatang terbaik didunia(modal harta,modal insan. S’pura sendiri hadapi masaalah kebocoran modal insan walaupun mrk terkenal menjaga modal insan terbaik mrk.
    Menghalau orang
    M’sia sibuk menghalau rakyatnya merata dunia(Umno standard reply). Rakyat 27 juta jumlah paling kecil di Asean (excl S’pore). M’sia nak jadi Spura 50 thn akan datang takut ditenggelami jiran besar? Menghalau mcm ini bodoh dan buruk padahnya jangka panjang. Yang kuat,mampu dan terbaik akan keluar, yang tinggal lemah,miskin dan terbawah. Mrk akan menjadi masaalah sosial negara.
    Bapa bengis menghalau anak tengok anak mcm mana yg tinggal. Menghalau binatang pun, yg terbang ialah burung yg tak berganjak ialah kerbau,babi dan lembu.Semua binatang berak bersepah.
    Dua jenis Melayu sini. Satu melenting membelit segala permintaan perubahan sebagai persoal kedudukan Melayu. Satu Melayu mendengar, melihat dan perhati kelakuan bangsanya bila dapat madu. Adakah dia kera di beri bunga atau kumbang di beri bunga. Kalau kera bunga se hutan pun tak cukup. Kalau kumbang sekuntum bunga jadi se hutan.

  199. Dear Tun,
    After reading all the comments on this article, it seem to suggest that the Malay has given a lot by giving away citizenship. This is the most ridiculous suggestion that I have read in my 39 years. Who built the tin mines that flourish Malaya, who worked the rubber plantations that prosper Malaya, who helped built townships and started trading activities that made what Malaysia is today. Who helped build Malaysian economy if not for the Chinese? Now when the Malays have been enriched they become ungrateful and big-headed and turn against the Chinese. Like the Malay saying, Malaysian today “jangan lupa daratan”. So giving away citizenship to Chinese is as of right and never a privilege because we help build the nation. Tu Tan Siew Sin was intoxicated when he gave the speech. Do you think sub-urban trading and selling carpets, nasi kandar, nasi lemak, roti canai and handicrafts helped built Malayan economy? Tepuk dada tanya sendiri.
    Thank you.

  200. to solcroft,
    Why u bark liked anjing gila. What l meant in respond to ‘unique’ is that if he said what Tan Siew sin idea doesnt represent the inspiration of the chinese today, then we Malays also can say that what TUNKU did also doesnt represent the inspiration of the Malays today. My question is what will happen then if every body start questioning these.
    Yes, did u realised we Malays are PATIENTLY observing the present scenerio whereby certain non malays are provoking on sensitive issues, including lslam openly. This is what l meant cacing sudah naik ke mata. Solcroft, why u menyalak macam anjing gila? Why not u put ur points dengan rational bukan emotional. Why ar u too emotional, to that extent u look very childish. If u want to forget history, then we are ever willing to abolish the social contract agreed. But the biggest question is what will happen to our children and the next generation????? The answer then is, BUKAN CACING NAIK MATA , but YOUR MATA AKAN DIMAKAN CACING.

  201. Bila melihat kepada kemelut politik dan sosial hari ini, besar kemungkinan ianya adalah berpunca dari kesilapan dalam fokus pendidikan negara. Kita lebih suka menumpukan kepada sains dan teknologi, perubatan serta ekonomi dan membelakangkan aspek sejarah. Walhal, dalam banyak keadaan, sejarah lah yang banyak memberikan maklumat berguna dalam hidup. Tanpa mengenal sejarah, jadilah para ilmuan yang dangkal dan buta hati.
    Hari ini, majoriti masyarakat Malaysia buta sejarah. Saya merupakan professional dalam aliran sains, tetapi atas minat yang mendalam tentang senario politik dan masyarakat saya berusaha untuk mengenal balik sejarah negara dari semua aspek. Tetapi, berapa ramaikah yang seperti saya? Selalu melihat betapa ceteknya tahap pemikiran masyarakat kita apabila heboh tentang sesuatu isu yang sepatutnya sudah sedia maklum. Isu perlembagaan dan sejarah negara WAJAR di ajar di peringkat sekolah dengan lebih seriou dan dengan format yang lebih baik. Tidak dinafikan bahawa subjek sejarah selama ini dianggap sebagai penyemak dalam bilik darjah, tetapi HAKIKATNYA, mengenal sejarah akan menjadi lampu suluh yang jauh lebih baik dari menjadi pakar dalam bidang sains, teknologi, ekonomi, peguam yang akhirnya menghancurkan serta mmeporak perandakan negara dengan melakukan dan memainkan isu-isu sensetif.
    Saya percaya, malasalah yang berlaku pada hari ini bukan datang dengan sekelip mata, ianya telah melalui proses yang panjang dan kita sedang melihat hasilnya. Dan proses itu bermulah dari hari pertama individu itu menjejakkan kaki ke bilik darjah !. Kita memerlukan 20 – 30 lagi untuk membentuk semual masyarakat Malaysia seperti yang di impikan selama ini, itu pun sekiranya sistem pendidikan negara di oleh semula..
    Cubalah Tun fikirkan kebenaran fakta ini..

  202. Dear Tun
    A Chinese man married a Malay lady, their children are Malay…. ?! Yourself is also not a pure Malay? Most of cabinet Malay are not pure Malay… and now whose right are we fighting for? or rather who are we cheating? Ourself?
    Cant we stay together in peace? We are born color blind until our Government and Parent informing us.
    I prefer to be neutral all this time but i think we have over discussed the race issues and sometime even religious issues.
    I love my country but why is my country dont care about me and pilih kasih.

  203. Tun,
    What is the benefit of stoking Malay anger against the Chinese? You were once the leader of this country. Aren’t the Chinese, Indians and other non Malay citizens of this country? Have they not contributed to the development of this country?
    Why despite their contribution, you want to stoke the Malays to be angry at the Chinese and other races?
    So many commentators commented and warned others not to question their rights, just what rights are there? Is it the DEB? Do you really believed the DEB has benefited the Malays in general or it has just benefited a few?
    Do you think it’s fair for a millionaire Malay to get 7% discount on a bungalow when a poor Chinese or Indian are not entitled to get a single sen discount on cheaper homes? Is this the way of Islam?
    How does Chinese and Indians asking for their own vernacular schools be deemed as threatening the Malay rights?
    You were once the PM of Malaysia, your government mentioned many times lauded Malaysia’s strength in diversity, how does your article promotes the slogan echoed during your administration?
    Once your admirer but not anymore.

  204. pakcik mahathir,
    kenapa la asyik cetuskan rakyat kita gaduh2. aiyo. politik manyak membosankan la…wa baca komen2 kat atas pun wa rasa sakit hati oh bila dia org hentam sini sana…jgn ar kasi dia org gaduh2 lagi mah…tak elok utk “kesihatan” negara. obama sudah menang mah. raja pedra dh lepas…ok ar…tp anwar tipu kan…kata nk jadi pm, x jd pulak. bosan arr…i mula2nya sokong sama dia, tp sejak dia tipu, wa malas ar…tp wa tetap x sokong umno or bn ar…

  205. salam tun,
    Apa pun harap penjelasan tun ni jangan disalah tafsirkan, secara prinsip dasarnya – janji mesti kita tunaikan. Kalau kita dah berjanji kemudian kita mungkiri……… maknanya kita tak boleh letakkan KEPERCAYAAN lagi. Golongan yang mungkiri janjinya boleh berjanji lagi, dan lagi…dan lagi TAPI CUKUP !!!!! SEMEMANGNYA TAK BOLEH DIPERCAYAI!

  206. salam to all bloggers…
    actually this is first comment
    selepas sekian lama jadi pembaca setia
    i hv done watching, reading all the comments, analyse with analytical thoughts.
    honestly said… i am sick of all this.
    bergaduh x sudah2. macam budak kecik.
    budak kecik pun x macam gini sebab hati diorang suci bersih.
    jangan pikir
    apa yang akan aku dapat kalo …
    tak boleh ke kalo kita pikir
    apa aku punya contribution kat negara ni?
    come on la
    sejarah tu mengajar kita erti hidup
    orang tua2 cakap,
    smart man learn from his mistakes
    wise man learn from other’s mistakes
    kalo kita pikir balik,
    sebenarnya kalo kita ada integriti dan jati diri
    benda2 macam ni tak timbul
    refering to snow ball effect…
    kalo semua dah gaduh,
    negara kacau bilau, ekonomi down, x de investment
    crime rate escalate (ye la orang susah pun nak makan gak),
    anasir2 luar akan ganggu gugat kestabilan negara kita.
    pastu apa jadi?
    kedaulatan negara kita- apa akan jadi?
    menang sorak kampung tergadai le jawabnye…
    kita dah nampak sign tu satu persatu
    sama ada kita nak admit ke tak, terpulang pada individu.
    korang suka ke gaduh2 ni?
    aku mmg x suka. buat semak kepala je..
    kita semua sebenarnya bijak2 belaka
    bezanya… arah dan hala tujuan pemikiran kita
    tapi tak tau la kalo ada yang guna kepala lutut…
    -every action must have a reaction-

  207. Regardless of what Tan Siew Sin said, the points were made in an age which is vastly different from our time.
    As for what people want nowadays vs their forefathers, it is difficult to come to any forms of mutual outcome. The fact is we as Malaysians have evolved differently and we are in fact the by product of the older generation.
    The social contract should be respected but people must also realize that no system or rule last forever. There will be a time when the social contract needs to be refined.
    Regardless, I do not believe in reliving the past when we should set our targets for the future. A gradual change should take place to incorporate Malaysians to be united.

  208. Salam Tun,
    Wishing you and family in best of health.
    Tun, this piece answer to alot of questions.
    Sympathy and Kindness is taken for granted.

  209. Salam Tun,
    Setuju sangat dengan komen nash :
    Do you really think the Australian would let the Chinese become the head of their country one fine day – in ten or twenty years from now when the Chinese bred all over Australia? Or do you think the American can even imagine a Chinese President? Or British would accept an Indian PM?
    Saya juga setuju bila orang cakap melayu mudah lupa … sudah lupa atau terlupa. Jangan tunding jari salahkan bangsa lain sahaja. Kita orang melayu kena tolong menolong antara satu sama lain. Sekarang bukan masa untuk berbalah dan tentukan siapa yang betul. Orang melayu kena bangun, bangun dari tido yang panjang. Jangan sampai merempat di negara sendiri.
    ps: Kepada orang cina, kena lebih menghormati hak orang melayu. Jangan asyik suka menyimbah minyak ke dalam api. Takut kemudian hanya membakar diri.

  210. salam,
    semua permasalahan timbul kerana sikap orang melayu itu sendiri dgn tak apanya,biarkanlah dan lain-lain lagi,orang india yg dihasut oleh orang cina memusuhi orang melayu dah besar kepala di tambah pula kebodohan orang melayu itu sendiri tak bersatuhati dan ini yg membuat india dan cina memijak mijak kita,tolong pikir-pikirkan,kalau cina dan india sangka melayu akan mengalah itu akan memakan diri mereka,80% perniagaan dimiliki oleh mereka ini ,tapi perniagaan ini akan collapse the most in 3 days if the malay boikot it,believe me?percaya tak cina dan india ini tenguk melayu dgn seribu kebencian.and this thing(article 153 and ketuanan melayu should not be touch in the first place)pkr and pas bacul sebab bersekongkol dgn this cina and india.nenek moyang kita BERMATI-MATIAN mempertahan tanah melayu ini dimasa kesusahan dulu dimana orang2 cina dan india ini(kan mereka ini kominjs)siapa yg mempertahankan hak melayu disini umno,pas pkr(malay opposition mp in pakatan ally should ask them to stop of playing this sensitive issue) before is getting worse.last but no least this cina and india dah naik lemak,WHO START THIS ISSUE NOW?umno kena ubah sikap INSYAALLAH rakyat akan sokong(tak nampak parti lain yg berani pertahan hak melayu selain umno)pkr jauh sekali,pas mungkin,

  211. Salam Tun,
    I am ever willing to print the transcript to PDF for distribution.
    Being a strong believer of Perikatan and now BN, I am confident our great leaders in Perikatan has done this country proud. The problem is the present BN leaders and ex BN leaders in PKR have no pride to themselves.

  212. Salam Tun,
    Interesting point Tun but what for?
    SS is in the era of Tunku – an era which see real sharing of power between the three races.
    SS was the Finance Minister, now MCA do not even hold any even though we have 2 finance ministers.
    So, Nash get the fact straight please, government organisation only for Malay-kah? No wonder all Chinese will now vote for Pakatan. Some of non-Malay speak better BM than Malay. Malay cannot even pronounce Chinese name (what brotherhood?. Please do not talk about immigration lest you are orang asli (asli means what?) UiTM partly sponsored by Malay or fully sponsored by Malaysian. Try to talk to Chinese school HM to see the funding… I seen many Malays in chinese schools in sarawak, and please do not underestimate people in US, or British or Australia, they are had first class mentality, us talk big still had third class mentality. we are still racist man.. So Nash we can be hero of our race but not for this nation.

  213. Dear Tun,
    You really need to revolutionize the Malays mindset to save the Malays.
    I really don’t know who can save the Malays other than you.
    I want to refute what was stated by nash.
    1.Chinese employers would definitely promote a Malay if this Malay really helps them to earn money.However,sad to say ,somebody always curi tulang.Government jobs belong to all Malaysians regardless of race.Nothing wrong to give high ranks to non Malays if they are capable.The Malays say they can’t accept a Chinese as PM but they never fail to accept money from Chinese.More often than not,they unashamedly ask money from Chinese as duit kopi or ang pow during Chinese New Year.
    2.Most Chinese in Malaysia know how to speak Malays though they have to learn three languages at one time.
    3.As far as Orang asli are concerned,the Malays are also pendatang.The Malays never admit openly they migrated from Indonesia even though Parameswara was from Sumatera.
    4.UiTM=Universiti I Tidak Mahu. Chinese ‘racist’ schools are higher quality than national school.Recognizing the fact,the Malays now are increasingly sending their children to Chinese primary schools.
    If the national schools are of English medium,the Chinese will definitely send their children to English schools.Then there is no need for chinese school.
    5.The Sultan only treats the Malays best.
    6.The Malay entrepreneurs always lose money.Main reasons are a.They want high salary although they are not capable and competent.
    b.They are lazy and like to slack.
    Can banks help such group of “entrepreneurs”? I think even overseas bank would say a big “NO” ,let alone Chinese banks.
    Government money is mainly from Chinese tax payers .Nothing wrong to help Chinese entrepreneurs.
    Nash,do you know one Chinese from Malaysia has recently become a cabinet minister in Australia?
    The Chinese want the Chinese to rule Malaysia because they can’t tolerate economy idiots to ruin this beloved nation anymore.
    The Malays want the Malay to become PM just because they know Malay PM will be biased towards the Malays although they realize this Malay is not competent enough to rule this nation.
    The Malays in Singapore have realized that Lee Kuan Yew has done the right thing by not giving special rights to the Malays.Otherwise,you think Singapore would be so prosperous and advanced?

  214. Dear Tun,
    You really need to revolutionize the Malays mindset to save the Malays.
    I really don’t know who can save the Malays other than you.
    I want to refute what was stated by nash.
    1.Chinese employers would definitely promote a Malay if this Malay really helps them to earn money.However,sad to say ,somebody always curi tulang.Government jobs belong to all Malaysians regardless of race.Nothing wrong to give high ranks to non Malays if they are capable.The Malays say they can’t accept a Chinese as PM but they never fail to accept money from Chinese.More often than not,they unashamedly ask money from Chinese as duit kopi or ang pow during Chinese New Year.
    2.Most Chinese in Malaysia know how to speak Malays though they have to learn three languages at one time.
    3.As far as Orang asli are concerned,the Malays are also pendatang.The Malays never admit openly they migrated from Indonesia even though Parameswara was from Sumatera.
    4.UiTM=Universiti I Tidak Mahu. Chinese ‘racist’ schools are higher quality than national school.Recognizing the fact,the Malays now are increasingly sending their children to Chinese primary schools.
    If the national schools are of English medium,the Chinese will definitely send their children to English schools.Then there is no need for chinese school.
    5.The Sultan only treats the Malays best.
    6.The Malay entrepreneurs always lose money.Main reasons are a.They want high salary although they are not capable and competent.
    b.They are lazy and like to slack.
    Can banks help such group of “entrepreneurs”? I think even overseas bank would say a big “NO” ,let alone Chinese banks.
    Government money is mainly from Chinese tax payers .Nothing wrong to help Chinese entrepreneurs.
    Nash,do you know one Chinese from Malaysia has recently become a cabinet minister in Australia?
    The Chinese want the Chinese to rule Malaysia because they can’t tolerate economy idiots to ruin this beloved nation anymore.
    The Malays want the Malay to become PM just because they know Malay PM will be biased towards the Malays although they realize this Malay is not competent enough to rule this nation.
    The Malays in Singapore have realized that Lee Kuan Yew has done the right thing by not giving special rights to the Malays.Otherwise,you think Singapore would be so prosperous and advanced?
    Instead of being beleaguered by the fire of jealousy,the Malays should work hard.They must realize that there is no such thing as free lunch.

  215. Putting on one another’s shoes
    (Imagining myself as a young non-Bumi born post-Merdeka)
    Okay. I’m born in Malaysia. This is where I live. This is where I belong.
    Eh. There’s special privileges for Bumis? I thought this country was specially for all who are born in Malaysia and treat it as home? Why am I treated as second class citizens? This is the only place I’ve known. I would probably be treated just as well in any foreign country. This is just not fair. Even if Malays are less better off (hence the special privileges), giving them too much will only spoil them. That’s why even though they have special privileges, Malays aren’t improving their standards well enough. Many are just taking advantage of the special rights. They can do much better. They have the capability but they don’t need to and many are not. Many are smart but lazy. Those who actually work hard, are quite competent. I think that both non-Bumis and Bumis have about the same intelligence. The main difference is that one can afford to be lazy while the other can’t. Sigh.
    (Imagining myself as a young Bumi born post-Merdeka)
    Okay. I’m born in Malaysia. This is where I live. This is where I belong.
    Eh. There’s special privileges for Bumis? Ooh. My ancestors arrived in this country way before the non-Bumis. They were just invited to work the lombongs and ladangs. But isn’t it a bit embarassing that we need so much privileges and so many aren’t working hard to really realize the purpose of the program? I think we’re being pampered too much. So many other countries look down on our special privileges. Malays in Singapore are so well respected compared to in Malaysia. It’s certain that it’s about merit, not natural background that bring them to where they are.

    I’m sorry if my points of view seem biased. I’m trying my very best to be objective in this matter. I still think that Malays are granted too much privileges. When ceteris paribus(all else being equal), choosing a Malay over a non-Malay is alright. Having a little (perhaps 5%) more advantages than non-Malays is fair. However, one must recognise that as the non-Malays/Malays rise, as the more efficient person/company grows, the resulting greater benefits are enjoyed by all.
    Not all Chinese are all that bad. Beyond whatever racism one sees, all people, regardless of race, naturally want is fairness.
    It’s already 2008. We’ve moved on. Malays are doing better now. The good are doing very well. However, many are becoming lazier and complacent. Policies should be adjusted according to both yesterday AND today.

  216. Sallam Tun Dr Mahathir and my fellow Malaysians,
    Your above article is so revealing and eye-opening for our fellow Malaysian in perticular the Chinese.Without doubt,your site will always be my favourite and I’m sure all Malaysians feel the same.
    Another eye-opening site is DemiNegara (,the bold,no-nonsense,to the point blogger who will take you to an intellectual journey to achieve a truly BANGSA MALAYSIA…However,if you cross the lines,he will hit you back,HARDER.
    To my fellow Bumiputras please do visit Deminegara.To the Non Bumiputra,in particular the chinese,I insist and urge you pay him a visit.To the majority of the chinese who are downright racist,i hope you don’t constipate.

  217. Sir,
    Nash, the commentator 51933 is totally screwed up. He’s got it all wrong. These are the type of people who would send the country into the middle ages. I can’t believe there is such idiots around. Nash, you know what, you are totally racist comparable to the Nazis. I just hope Umno loses the next election. Then we’ll see what happens ok. Without the Chinese, people like you will be nothing but remain in your kampong. Is your boss a Chinese? You are nothing but an idiot. Please Tun, publish this.

  218. History is to tell ppl not to repeat the same mistake and learn from it. We have to advance ourselves and not stepping at the same spot …. otherwise we will behind others….

  219. salam tun
    harap tun dapat keluarkan petikan penuh siew sin ini
    hope tun can publish full statement about sew sin article
    harap tidak menyusahkan
    hope not to hard
    thank you

  220. Baru baca komen pukul 10 pagi,
    Ramai plak kawan bukan Melayu kita yang respond, sapa yang makan cili dia la terasa pedas. tapi seperti yang telah difahami, respond yang diterima adalah tidak bersetuju dengan post tun, biasalah orang jenis keras kepala.
    tapi kepada yang cerita pasal to move forward, melayu harus berubah, tolonglah faham, post ni bukan pasal move forward or backward or melayu kena berubah, post ni adalah reminder kepada semua warga malaysia yang membangkitkan isu perkauman ni. Nak move forward, go on, tapi jangan la bangkit pasal benda lain. kalau betul nak bincang, bincang la secara berhikmah. Betul ke isu Melayu yang menyebabkan kita tak boleh move forward atau isu bangsa lain yang naik tocang yang menjadi masalah. ye la, sekolah pun nak cara sendiri, jenis kebangsaan.
    Mereka ni nak jadikan Malaysia macam Singapura baru dia puas hati. Lebih baik susah sebagai tuan di rumah sendiri daripada senang (senang ke?) sebagai ORANG GAJI DI RUMAH SENDIRI. Sekali lagi, statement ni bukan bermaksud saya tak nak move forward, tapi prinsip dan dasar tertubuhnya Malaysia ni jangan la digodak sesuka hati untuk kepentingan satu kaum.
    Kalau ada masalah dari segi pelaksanaan, kita betulkan mekasnisme pelaksanaan bukan dasar. Semoga Malaysia terus maju.

  221. Dearest Tun,
    Great historical facts! As I have said before, all these racial issues being raised now are by irresponsible politicians in Barisan ( due to the current poor leadership) and by those in Pakatan,especially PKR and DAP, taking advantage of the current poor leadership to incite racial tensions with the hope of bringing down Barisan. Ordinary rakyat has no real desire nor the interest to debate racial issues,as long as they can make a decent living and their livelihood is not being threatened.Unfortunately, that is not the case right now. Cost of living is up and inflation is uncontrolable,so people become unhappy with the government,especially when we dont see the changes that could make our lives better.
    I believe all these historical facts about our racial intergration from pre-independence, should be included in the history books and taught to our children from very young age, so that they can fully appreciate how each race in the country is protected under the constitution.
    With that,future generations of Malaysian will not be easily influenced by any future irresponsible politicians.
    Thank you Tun, for the history lesson!

  222. Tun…..
    Maaf lain topik,Tolong ulas berkenaan harga minyak,kini harga minyak dunia dah turun kerajaan bodoh ini janji akan ikut harga pasaran tapi kini nak tetapkan harga minimum.Apa ni……..
    Bila rakyat susah harga barang naik apa yang mereka buat?
    mereka naikkan juga harga minyak menyebabkan harga barang terus melambung.
    Kini harga minyak dah turun maka mereka yang menguruskan kerajaan tak prihatin ini masih nak juga meraih keuntungan dengan berura2 menetapkan harga minimum….(lebih boleh sapulah)tolonglah biarkan rakyat menikmati hidup yang senang sikit dengan harga minyak yang murah supaya pilihanraya akan datang pembangkang tak dapat gunakan isu minyak ini & kerajaan yang ada dapat dikekalkan.
    Sebelum ini nak kaji pemberian subsidi juga….apalah kerajaan pelik ini kalau dah janji nak bagi subsidi & minyak harga pasaran dunia teruskan ajelah kerana rakyat dah dapat menerima perubahan ini walaupun pada awalnya ramai tak setuju.
    Tun ……tolong ulas kerana saya dah tersangat marah

  223. Dear Tun,
    Tumpang Lalu’
    To Pak Ali 11 Nov 2008
    I agree with your explaination, I dont think USA citizens would vote for Obama if he is a practising Muslim or he is a Pak Arab who clings to the original Islamic culture or if he is still practising his Kenyan ancestor culture . The truth is he has embraced and turned himself into the White culture.
    So to those who has been complaining about Ketuanan Melayu stop harping on using USA recent presidential election as the role model. Even Lee Kuan Yew dont feel it is okay at this point of time to pass the baton to a Malay or other race in Spore as Spore PM. Dont forget Spore used to be under the power of Malay sovereign once upon a time ago. Again to those who is not satisfied with Tun who keep bring up this issue, please dont use Spore as another role model for Malaysia to follow.
    Everyone is a racist deep down in their heart, it is the racial tolerance that enable us to live harmoniously and take benefit from this precious god given land.
    To be frank, I am sick and tired when some race feel that the Malay cannot survive on their own or cannot bring this country to a height success without their help. No doubt that I am thankful for their participation in the Malaysia economic wealth generation but dont ever think that the Malay cannot stand economically on their own. We can look at this from a different perspective if the history has been diffeent.May be if God did not permit this historical event where the citizenship was given easily to the non Malay after the Independence, may be the Malay will learn to stand on their own to survive from the beginning and the Malay 30% NEP participation would have been achived long time ago. Perhaps the Malay would have perform better economically if there are no other race that keep on belittleling and labeling the Malays as lazy, practising the ‘Budaya Ketam”, and non performing.Believe me the Malay was once a strong nation especially during the Parameswara or Kesultanan Melaka. The Malay did all that on their own. Remember all that happen before the other races embark on the shore of Tanah Melayu.
    To Tun, I always admire you for your wisdom
    Penjual Mee Rebus Johor

  224. Salam All,
    Reading all the comments made me conclude that all these is like chicken and egg story. Chinese conquered certain sectors because, they’ve been denied some of their rights as malaysians and the malays are defending their rights because chinese are conquering many sectors.
    Bila nak habis macam ni? Sudah sudah la. We should live as before. I think, most malaysians knew that by 2020, there will be no more malays, chinese, indians and etc (if Vision 2020 is materialised la). All will be malaysians. So, apa nak kecoh2. Banyak lagi kerja lain yang kita boleh buat untuk memajukan diri.
    Nak letak signboard bahasa cina la, tamil la, jawi la.. ape gila tuh? First language kan bahasa malaysia, and second language kan bahasa inggeris? letak bahasa malaysia dengan bahasa ingeeris dah la. Pegi la negara2 lain dalam dunia ni. Mana ada government negara lain yang sanggup bagi kebebasan untuk semua kaum?
    I think, to all chinese friends, please read one book written by one malaysian (of chinese race) “The Chinese Dilemma”. Non-chinese pun boleh baca. Best buku tu.
    Well, all malaysians, let us work together in peace and harmony to upgrade our lives, economy and etc.

  225. Just a little advise for Nash. There is a saying, look at our weeknesses before even thinking of other’s weakness. You will certainly do well in life. ( I am btw 25% Malay and is proud to say that I am successful without HELP from NEP because I am not entitle to it)
    Just to comment on this particular point:
    1) Chinese employers would never promote a Malay to a Managerial level and above even if he is much more qualified and knowledgeabe than the rest of the Chinese employees. BUT, you want Malays to give higher ranks/posts to Chinese in government organizations.
    – No doubt that many Chinese are racist but do you know that Chinese are much more “money face” than being racist? The Chinese businessman will definitely promote a good qualified Malay owing to the fact that Malays are not too demanding in terms of salary ( not greedy ). The reason why in many occasion when a Malay is not promoted is simply due to working attitude. Majority are lazy but expect rewards.

  226. Tun,
    saya bukanlah seorang yang anti perkauman dan saya tak terfikirpun akan ada perasaan itu tetapi dengan banyaknya isu2 yang dimainkan oleh hindraf & dap,gerakan,ppp maka secara tak langsung saya menjadi marah dengan kaum2 ini yang bagi saya melanggar syarat & persetujuan dengan orang melayu semasa sebelum merdeka.Bukan saya saja malahan kawan2 ditempat kerja pun lebih marah dengan isu ini,bayangkan kalau mereka yang ektrem pemikirannya seperti yang ada dinegara jiran maka akan berlakulah kejadian yang tidak diingini.
    Kemenangan Obama telah mencetuskan pelbagai kenyataan dari banyak pihak mengatakan dunia telah berubah tak mengamalkan perkauman lagi,pemimpin boleh dipilih dari berbagai kaum dimalaysia ini,kini amerika dipimpin oleh orang kulit hitam.
    Apa yang ingin saya nyatakan disini ialah bahawa Malaysia adalah sangat berbeza dengan Amerika,sejarahnya & sejarah penubuhannya,
    oleh itu cuba kita lihat kembali sejarah…..
    sejak dari zaman dahulu lagi orang2 melayu telah bertapak disini kita boleh mula dengan zaman Parameswara & zaman Sultan2 yang lain,mungkin kita masih ingat Sultan Mansur,Sultan Muzaffar,Sultan Alauddin & lain2 lagi.Kemudian kita lihat ,pula kisah pendekar2 melayu Hang Tuah,Mat Kilau,Tok Janggut,Rentap,Datuk Bahaman & lain2 lagi pahlawan melayu yang telah berjuang menentang Portugis,Belanda & inggeris.Semua mereka ini adalah orang2 melayu dan menjadi bukti Malaysia ini adalah milik orang melayu & bumiputra & tanah melayu ini mesti diperintah oleh orang melayu sampai bila2.Perkogsian kuasa yang ada kini pun dah lebih dari sepatutnya.
    Dinegara ini mana ada cerita tentang pahlawan cina @ India menentang penjajah(sebelum merdeka)kecuali kisah yang dibawa dari negara China & India.
    Sejarah Amerika pula…semua kaum yang ada hanyalah pendatang bukan keturunan asal jadi mereka tak kisah siapa yang bakal jadi Presiden pun,malahan Mr Terminator yang tak lahir di Amerika pun boleh jadi Gabenor.Kalau orang cina @ India nak bertanding jadi Presiden pada pilihanraya akan datangpun boleh juga.
    Oleh itu ingatlah akan sejarah sebelum meminta yang bukan2 kerana negara ini harus bertahan dari arus kemusnahan,kerana apa yang diminta boleh menjurus kearah kehancuran atas apa kita telah bina selama ini.Dinegara ini masih majoritinya orang melayu & masih ada Sultannya2 oleh itu biarlah orang melayu menjadi ketuanya(pemerintah) kecualilah orang melayu hanya tinggal 30% dari jumlah rakyat Malaysia.

  227. Tun,
    Diharapkan Tun dapat menulis sesuatu yang merapatkan semua umat manusia tanpa mengira kaum.Keamanan dunia sejagat adalah segala-galanya di dunia sementara ini.

  228. Kepada Administrator, tolong jangan censor komen saya ni.
    salam tun,
    Agree with u on this.
    Dalam kes kita, bila merdeka, orang Melayu tak dapat apa2 extra, kurang lagi ada la, sebab kita terpaksa berkongsi negara kita dengan orang Cina dan India. Sebenarnya mereka lah yang dapat KEISTIMEWAAN ni sebab, daripada status pendatang yang bekerja dan berniaga mereka dapat jadi warganegara kepada negara yang kaya dengan hasil bumi dan bertuah, jauh dari bencana alam ini. Itupun tak cukup lagi ke? dasar manusia tamak, materialistik! FIKIR la!
    kalau nak hapuskan HAK KEISTIMEWAAN, kita hapuskan la HAK KEISTIMEWAAN mereka. Yang kita orang Melayu ada ni sekarang bukan HAK KEISTIMEWAAN, tapi KOMPROMI. Sebab tu kalau disentuh KOMPROMI orang Melayu ni kita marah, nak KOMPROMI apa lagi? dah 51 tahun KOMPROMI nak KOMPROMI apa lagi? FAHAM KE?
    Lepas ni saya USULKAN kita jangan sebut HAK ISTIMEWA orang Melayu, kita sebut KOMPROMI orang Melayu. HAK ISTIMEWA ni HAK ISTIMEWA orang Cina dan India. Kalau nak hapuskan HAK ISTIMEWA ni saya takde masalah.
    FAHAM ke bangsa lain ni? Macam ni, kalau takde KOMPROMI ni dulu, tak timbul apa-apa isu, sebab semuanya dalam negara ni adalah milik orang Melayu!
    Nota: Kalau nak dengar jawapan saya kepada Ketua Wanita Gerakan pasal asal usul rakyat Malaysia ni pun boleh, tunggu post di blog saya.

  229. Tun,
    Saya sebenarnya berasa amat sedih dengan keadaan sekarang di mana ada di antara kita telah mengungkitkan isu perkauman demi untuk mendapatkan sokongan semata-matanya. Daripada pengalaman saya semasa dulu-dulu perkara itu tidak wujud dan kita dapat hidup dengan aman dan bergaul bersama-sama tanpa mengira kaum .Kehidupan di kampung jelas begitu baik sekali jika dibandingkan dengan kehidupan di bandar-bandar sekarang di masa situasi yang sebegitu sudah mula hilang dengan timbulkan isu perkauman.Mereka ini lebih suka mencari sesuatu yang boleh menghuru-harakan kedamaian demi mencapai impian mereka.
    Mereka sanggup mencaci kaum lain dengan gelaran tak bersyukur dengan apa yang ada dan macam-macam lagi. Sebenarnya bagi diri saya kita tidak sepatutnya mengungkit-ungkit isu perkauman memandangkan kita tidak akan mendapat apa-apa kebaikan selain daripada kebencian dan juga mangakibatkan suasana yang tidak aman.
    Sebenarnya apa yang penting dalam kehidupan di dunia ini ialah mencari keamanan sejagat tanpa mengira kaum di mana kita semua dapat hidup dengan aman dan dapat menikmati kehidupan yang sementara ini.
    Daripada kajian saya, ada di antara kita sudah mula lupa asal usul manusia sebenarnya iaitu semasa kita diciptakan sehingga sanggup mencaci orang lain dengan mengungkit-ungkitkan bangsa demi untuk kepentingan diri mereka sebenarnya.Bagi diri saya , sebarangan penghinaan kepada bangsa lain sebenarnya secara tidak langsung telah menghina Penciptanya yang mahukan makhluk ciptaannya hidup dalam suasan aman dan damai di dunia ini.
    Mereka ini juga sanggup melupakan asal usul kita sebagai makhluk manusia di mana kita semua sebenarnya adalah sama sahaja. Bagi diri saya , bangsa tidak wujud di mata Tuhan (iaitu pencipta kita) dan isu perkauman hanya diungkit-ungkitkan oleh mereka yang tidak mengenali asal usul manusia.
    Oleh yang demikian,harapan saya kepada semua orang yang suka mengungkit-ungkit isu perkauman supaya mengkaji semula asal usul manusia demi kebaikan manusia sejagat. Dengan kajian yang sedemikian barulah kita tahu siapa sebenarnya kita dan dapat mendidik generasi yang akan datang untuk hidup dengan aman dan damai.Bagi diri saya tiada yang lebih berguna dalam dunia imi selain daripada mengamalkan sifat bertolenrasi di antara satu sama lain dan menikmati keamanan sejagat.

  230. The answers you seek for your Vision 20/20 are all in the replies on this issue of race relations, albeit late but I hope those in power will take note and make Malaysia a better place for all.
    Many Sarawakians and Sabahans could be regretting for not pulling out of Malaysia when Singapore was asked to leave. Of those who strike it rich do not mind but more and more will not be happy to be in Malaysia if they read all what are said here.
    A lot more need to be done to make Malaysia a truly developed nation-Not a divided nation on three “MAIN PILLARS” with each fighting for their share without remembering that there are others who are being sidelined when we should be all, Malaysians, united in spirit and purpose to have a better future, not just West Malaysians or Malays, Indians or Chinese. If so, why not Sabahans and Sarawakians?
    For all who forget about Sarawakians and Sabahans, can Tun ask them to start a movement or referendum to ask Sarawak and Sabah to leave Malaysia? The racial debate has to stop if Malaysia wants to achieve your vision of 20/20.

  231. By Ahmad kamal on November 11, 2008 6:43 PM
    A very good comment.But I am a bit confuse with your attitude before and after you become PM.Before you become PM you seem to be very pro Malay and anti Chinese.Some peaple in UMNO brand you as malay ultra.But when you become PM in 1981 you attitude toward your own race change completly.You make alot of Chinese and India not only rich but very rich.When YTL cannot even pay his bank loan only $30m in 1994,You ask Anwar to help.When Vincent cannot pay his debt to Public bank aroung the same time,you also ask Anwar,as Finance Minister to help.At the end when their loan fully settle,You give to both of them project that make them very rich today.
    When Halim,Tajuddin are in trouble,during the financial crisis 1997,you not only try to help them but took away what they have by force and give it to Khazanah? Tun I dont understant you?
    By Ahmad kamal on November 11, 2008 6:43 PM
    A very good comment.But I am a bit confuse with your attitude before and after you become PM.Before you become PM you seem to be very pro Malay and anti Chinese.Some peaple in UMNO brand you as malay ultra.But when you become PM in 1981 you attitude toward your own race change completly.You make alot of Chinese and India not only rich but very rich.When YTL cannot even pay his bank loan only $30m in 1994,You ask Anwar to help.When Vincent cannot pay his debt to Public bank aroung the same time,you also ask Anwar,as Finance Minister to help.At the end when their loan fully settle,You give to both of them project that make them very rich today.
    When Halim,Tajuddin are in trouble,during the financial crisis 1997,you not only try to help them but took away what they have by force and give it to Khazanah? Tun I dont understant you?

  232. Salam Tun,
    Saya merasakan semua perkara ini berlaku dan persoalan mengenai isu hak hak istimewa orang melayu dipertikaikan adalah kerana kita mempunyai pemimpin pemimpin yang lemah dan tidak berkaliber yang sedang menerajui Malaysia.
    Ketidakpuasan hati ini bukan sahaja datang dari kaum orang cina, india malah melayu sendiri.
    Pemimpin pemimpin yang ada sekarang bukannya pandai menambahkan pendapatan untuk negara tetapi lebih kepada pandai menggali dan mengaut keuntungan yang telah ada dalam negara. Bermula dari sinilah, ketidakadilan berlaku.
    Apabila melihat orang orang Melayu yang berjaya kita saling dikaitkan dengan perasaan mereka berjaya kerana talian talian (“cable”) yang ada dengan orang2 besar di dalam kerajaan. Walaupun sebahagian besar bumiputra mungkin juga berusaha keras tetapi hak hak kelayakan inilah dipersoalkan. Jika orang bukan bumi mampu melakukan kerja yang sama dengan jaminan kualiti yang lebih baik, mengapa kita tidak layak mendapat kerja tersebut semata mata kerana kuota?
    Dari sinilah mulanya hak hak istimewa melayu dipersoalkan.
    Pemimpin pemimpin Melayu yang lemah dan korup ini telah menjadi symbol dan menimbulkan satu tanggapna dimana semua orang melayu juga dilabelkan tidak cekap (incompetent). Pernyataan ini agak racist, bergantung dari pandangan mana. tetapi adalah salah satu punca ramai mula bersuara. Tidak mungkin kita akan biarkan orang yg tidak cekap menerajui Malaysia.
    Malaysia pada pandangan saya adalah sebuah negara dan kawasan yang terbaik/terselamat di dunia. Saya percaya Tuhan amat menyayangi Malaysia. Satu satunya negara yang tidak mempunyai bencana alam yg besar melainkan banjir (itupun salah malaysian tak pandai buat system perparitan yg efektif).
    Untuk menjayakan Malaysia, Melayu kena melipatkan daya usaha, dan memperbaiki jurang perbezaan antara kaya dan kurang kaya, berpelajaran dan kurang berpelajaran. Dengan ini, hak hak istimewa orang melayu boleh dikurangkan. Sebenarnya tidak kira, orang melayu, cina atau india, tetapi jika sudah berada di atas, jangan lupakan yang berada di bawah.
    Bahagikan rezeki dan peluang kepada yg kurang bernasib baik. Masih ramai rakyat yang miskin di kampung kampung dan tgh bandar sekalipun.
    Kita kena jadikan Malaysia tempat yang selamat untuk semua tinggal. Jangan biarkan orang jahat bertambah jahat kerana kemunduran yang berlaku kepada negara kita Malaysia. Kadar jenayah pun dah meningkat kerana Malaysia tidak bersatu padu.
    Mungkin ada diantara kita memang racist tanpa disedari tetapi semua ini adalah sekadar mempertahankan bangsa sendiri. Orang Melayu kena hormati orang cina yang mempertahankan bangsanya, orang cina juga kena hormati orang Melayu yang mempertahankan bangsanya. begitu juga orang India.
    Kita ada 3 bangsa utama. (lebih jika ambil kira kaum2 di sabah dan sarawak) Setiap bangsa mempunyai kekuatan masing2. Apa yang bangsa lain lebih kuat kita sepatutnya belajar dari mereka. Apabila pemimpin sendiri gagal menyatakan dan menasihati apa yg terbaik untuk rakyatnya yang berbilang kaum, pelbagai keraguan timbul, dan akan menjadi punca perbalahan.
    Terima Kasih.
    P/s: Saya dapati kebelakangan ini, Tun mangambil masa agak lama mengeluarkan sesatu journal. Mungkinkah masalah kesihatan? Utamakan kesihatan, pandangan Tun masih relevan.

  233. Tun
    you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.
    you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.
    you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.

  234. Salam TUN,
    Thank you Tun for ur effort to tell us, The Malaysian about the History of Malaysia.
    Forgive me to address these issues to Das and Alibabamahathir who are too emotional about Malays Rights and non- malay disatisfactions.
    Both of you please accept the history. History cannot be changed by any means. What we need now is to sustain or even prolong our peaceful living in the country that we love so much. without older generations farsighted vision and strategy and Malays compromy we are no where today.
    Respect Tun Mahathir, late Tun Tan Siew Sin and Late Tun Sambathan, Allahyarham Tunku, Allahyarham Tun Abd Razak and Allahyarham Tun Hussin Onn for their priceless contributions.
    Just maintain the status quo ie cari makan, be happy, respect people, never question about history, smile to each others,be nice, compromy,be united etc and cruise along your life until YOU DIE.
    The life is short isn’t it ?.

  235. Salam Tun,
    Why now they start questioning Malay Rights? Aren’t they thankful they are not only given the citizenship but also free to do business, go to school of their choice etc…etc.Whilst the Malays continue to witness their community growing in numbers, academically successful and economically among the richest and prosperous without questioning or protest And now, they are asking for a non-malay prime minister!
    Look at Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong says, “Only Chinese PM for now.But what about the Ethnic Residential Quota for public housing estates in Singapore introduced in 1989. “Such quotas ensured that Malays did not constitute more than 20 per cent of the total population in any constituency and 22 per cent of the total population in any public housing block. For the Chinese community, the quota dictated the maximum of 80 per cent in a constituency and 87 per cent in a public housing block”. This gives a better reason, for now, why others cannot be PM for now (and never will be), unless this ethnic residential quotas is removed. So, Malaysians lu pikir lah sendiri!

  236. Tun,
    It is good of you to quote Tan Siew Sin. There are many stories how the Chinese first landed in Malaya.There are still many people who are alive could depict these stories.Basically, the Chinese landed in Malaya to earn a living. Most of them started as labourer to the British doing jobs that were not taken by other races e.g. night soil collectors. I used to be observed them when I was small. It is good to collect all the stories and produce books so that the Chinese who failed to be thankful to read them many times.They should be grateful to the ever kind Malays.

  237. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Tun. Semuga Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga diberkati ALLAH SWT & RASULULLAH SAW. Amin…..
    Marilah kita sama-sama menghayati sebuah sajak karya SN Allahyarham Dr. Usman Awang (kalau tak silap).
    Melayu itu bangsa berbahasa
    Melayu itu bangsa beradab
    Melayu itu bangsa beradat
    Melayu itu ISLAM
    Melayu itu taat setia pada Raja, Sultannya
    Zaman berzaman Melayu percaya adanya Tuhan
    Melayu banyak petua dan falsafahnya…..
    Pantang maut sebelum ajal
    Agamanya jangan kau ludahi
    MAUT padahnya nanti
    Raja,Sultannya jangan engkau langkahi
    Sanggup bertikam berlembing
    Bercerai nyawa dari badan kau nanti
    Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata
    Hidupnya Melayu biar miskin harta
    Jangan miskin budi bahasa
    Merdekanya Melayu dengan gema MERDEKA!!!
    Bukan kecil langkah Melayu
    Hampir lima abad menjadi hamba
    Bermandi darah dan keringat
    Membasahi tanah bertuah ini
    Tanah ini Melayu empunya

  238. Dear TUN,
    I am really surprised that after 51 years of independence, many Malay readers of your blog still do not feel ashame at all, feeling paranoid that the Chinese or the Indians are going to snatch away their ketuanan Melayu. Imagine a reader like Pak Ali has the cheek to tell the Non-Malays not to be too demanding or greedy because they are now so much better off than the Malays and therefore Non-Malays should not ask for more.
    I, as a Malay, feel really shameful because Pak Ali thinks anyone can just become a billionaire just like that. Pak Ali, are you a billionaire ? Why can’t you be a billionaire ? Why not ? The government does’t help you ? The government doesn’t provide you any tongkat ? Ask youself why you failed after getting so much help and so many apportunities from the government? Stop blaming others for being demanding. If we as Malays can’t prosper, why stop others. This is a selfish act not taught in Islam.
    I would like to advise Pak Ali to follow Nabi Mohammad’s foot steps – work hard, be sincere, trustworthy and stop feeling jealous of others who do better. If you are miserable, don’t expect others to join you. I have so many Chinese and Indian friends. They are successful because they have the right attitudes. They don’t grumble and they don’t ask the government to help when they face problems. They always think of new ideas and never give up. That is why they are better off than others.
    So, wake up Pak Ali. You can talk and sound like TUN but for God sake, please imitate also other qualities you can find in TUN. You must at least know TUN for 22 years already. So you should know what else to do beside echoing what TUN has said. TUN has done more than enough for us. The ball is at our feet now.
    I love u TUN. May Allah always bless u and family with good health.
    Thank you.

  239. Salam Tun,
    Thank you for citing the contents of the article. It would be nicer if we read the article in full ya.
    I for one think that the racial problem that we have now is because of Pak Lah’s administration. To diffuse tension, Pak Lah should go now instead of March. He abused NEP. That’s why people are angry with UMNO. It is not UMNO’s fault but because of the top leader’s action that present a perception that it is being abused. It was ok until Pak Lah came into power. Malays, let us help each other, help the poor. Do not ask what NEP can do for you but ask on how we can stand on our own feet. Help each other. Do not let greed and jelousy crepts in our heart. Ask on how we could help the country and not on how the country can do for you. For the able, let us help the poor to get education. If private assistance is given, the recepient will work harder than if given by the government because the recepient knows that the money comes from one’s own sweat and not from gov tax.
    Thank you

  240. Tun,
    I disagree with your thoughts, and disagree with Tan Siew Sin’s thoughts as well. As a Chinese, I truly grateful for granted citizenship. But history is history, past have past. When Non-malay were granted Citizenship, they already think and feel Malaysia is their homeland, as well as the future generations will have the same thoughts. We borned in Malaysia, and we will strive our best to help Malaysia in economy, education, global status, living standard. We will help other Malaysian as a whole, regardless of race. We never question on Malay special rights on Constitution. We are only questioning the efficiency of executing this. The wealth and power seem only goes to the Malay-Elite group, and thus it did not really solve the poverty issues in major Malay group. Do you think by putting 30% equity to bumiputera, will really help the major Malay community? Who among the major Malay here have benefited from there?

  241. Assalamualaikum Tun. Apa yang saya nampak pada hari ini ialah puak bukan Melayu mempersoalkan apa saja yang berkaitan dengan Melayu kerana negara sekarang bernama Malaysia. mereka kata melayu pendatang, mereka kata melayu darah tak tulin tapi campuran, mereka tak mahu faham tatacara melayu, mereka mahu melayu jadi global supaya hilang keutamaan melayu, mereka mahu keadilan tanpa memberi keadilan kepada bumiputra asal kerana penduduk asal ialah orang asli, mereka mahu kesaksamaan dan kesamarataan kerana inilah prinsip merit yang mampu membawa kemajuan kepada semua, mereka mahu ketelusan kerana ketelusan membawa erti kelemahan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan, mereka menentang rasuah seolah-olah mereka tidak memberi rasuah, dan macam-macam lagi.
    Melayu pula ada yang sekongkol dengan ‘fahaman baru’ ini. Ini biasa dalam mana-mana sejarah.
    Hanya melayu yang kental mampu mempertahankannya. Tapi apa yang ada hanyalah melayu yang berketak seperti ayam gila sakak. Berketak tetapi tak bertelur pun, dan mereka lakukan ini sejak mac lepas lagi, baik diperingkat raja2, profesional, sarjana, ngo dan semuanya.
    Setakat hari ini, melayu masih boleh mati. Perjuangan tak sepakat antara pemimpin politik melayu dan ngo melayu. Melayu akan mati jika begini berterusan.
    Pedulikan melayu yang tak sedar diri. Yang sedar diri perlu melakukan sesuatu dengan segera dan cepat. 2012 bukannya lama sangat… Mereka sedang menunggunya, bersekali dengan melayu yang tak sedar diri.

  242. Salam,
    Tun, saya marah sangat kenapa sekarang ni masing2 semua nak jadi Tuan dalam Malaysia ni…. salah ke org Melayu ni nak jadi kaya dan memerintah negeri dia sendiri.. Bagi saya PENDATANG TETAP PENDATANG. KENA BUAT CARA PENDATANG… WALAUPUN DAH DAPAT CITIZENSHIP, kenalah ikut Perlembagaan Negara. Jadi… isu yang saya nak timbulkan di sini ialah, kenapa mereka-mereka itu terlalu biadap nak mempersoalkan hak2 org Melayu? Hairan la… Yg kelakarnya… kalau mereka2 tu dah byk sgt duit dan kaya raya pergilah duduk di USA ke, Australia ker, atau balik ke negara asal usul masing2 ker… hehehe kelakar la…

  243. AGENDA di belakang artikel Tun ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengungkitkan persoalan antara orang melayu dengan orang bukan melayu … dan seterusnya timbullah huru-hara …
    Buat apalah PADA MASA INI, TIBA-TIBA sahaja berceritakan tentang sejarah yg lama … nampaknya taktik yg sama seperti si ahmad di penang …
    Ini jelas sekali untuk bertujuan mengungkitkan dan menimbulkan keadaan ketegangan antara kaum …
    Ini memang style Tun, selalu mencari kesempatan dan memecah-belahkan rakyat demi kepentingan diri-sendiri …
    Kalau anak Tun memang begitu berkaliber, biarkanlah beliau bertanding dengan keupayaan sendiri .. dan bukannya sengaja mewujudkan keadaan yg tegang dang kemudiannya anak sendiri muncul sebagai wira pembela bangsa sendiri …
    memang menjijikan …

  244. Dear Tun,
    The following text I received:
    Sometimes, I don’t understand what more do you guys (chinese) want? You want the Malays to share what’s ours, but you never want to share yours with us. You want to take from us but you never want to give. In order to live in harmony, we have to give and take and not just take.
    Simple examples:
    1. Chinese employers would never promote a Malay to a Managerial level and above even if he is much more qualified and knowledgeabe than the rest of the Chinese employees. BUT, you want Malays to give higher ranks/posts to Chinese in government organizations.
    2. You want to be called Malaysian and to be treated the same as Bumis BUT you refuse to practice National Language, like a true Malaysian citizen.
    3. You want to be called Malaysian BUT you never want to accept the history of this land – the historical facts of Tanah Melayu, Chinese relationship with Communism or your great ancestors history of migrating to this land.
    4. You want UiTM to be opened to Chinese BUT you never want to abolish your racist schools that instill racisme and separate your children from the Bumis and make it harder for us to accept you and vice versa. Deny all you want, but till you can tell the truth, there is no truce.
    5. You want to be called a Malaysian BUT you don’t really acknowledge our Sultan. In fact, you act as if the Sultan only belongs to the Malays and Chinese has nothing to do with them. I’ve met a Chinese who doesnt even know what Agong means.
    6. Chinese-controlled banks would try hard not the help Malay entreprenuers BUT you want the government to help Chinese entrepreneurs all the same.
    The truth is, you don’t want to be a Malaysian, you just want to have the country all to you. You don’t want to embrace Malaysian culture, national language, perlembagaan and our history – YOU JUST WANT CHINESE TO RULE MALAYSIA AND BE THE PM. That’s all you want, isn’t it?
    Do you really think the Australian would let the Chinese become the head of their country one fine day – in ten or twenty years from now when the Chinese bred all over Australia? Or do you think the American can even imagine a Chinese President? Or British would accept an Indian PM?

  245. Tun, banyak pandangan yg pro dan contra dari apa yang Tun utarakan pagi ini. Org bukan Melayu melenting seolah olah bangsa mereka hidup tertindas dan hidup lebih terok dari mereka yang tinggal di mainland China. Mereka menuntut kesaksamaan dalan ekonomi. Pejabat saya terletak di tingkat 28 di sebuah menara. Meninjau dari tingkap, saya dapat lihat bangunan2 pencakar langit yg 99% dimiliki oleh bukan Melayu. Inilah yg mereka dakwa kita tidak adil dan mereka ketinggalan.
    Mereka tuduh polis tak boleh diharap, mengapa mereka tidak memberi cadangan macam mana nak galakkan bukan melayu menyertai pasukan polis. Yg menuduh polis tidak effisyen, saya yakin 100% beliau tidak akan membenarkan anaknya jadi polis.
    Pernahkah org Cina fikirkan berapa ramai anak2 muda mereka sanggup bertungkus lumus menjadi askar untuk mempertahankan negara? Yang mereka soalkan hanya kesaksamaan dalam ekonomi yg mana sudah nyata mereka menguasai. Bila berlaku kemalangan di kalangan anak mereka yg menyertai PLKN satu dunia heboh. Inilah jenis manusia yg tidak pernah bersyukur.

  246. Dearest tun,
    One word for those human lazy.Anak cucu cicit pun tak guna,U can c wat happen rite now!Chinese dont like handout!human don like it!Chinese deserve to be malaysia citizen because they work hard!Mau makan tak mau kerja kuat!

  247. Tun.
    A very good comment.But I am a bit confuse with your attitude before and after you become PM.Before you become PM you seem to be very pro Malay and anti Chinese.Some peaple in UMNO brand you as malay ultra.But when you become PM in 1981 you attitude toward your own race change completly.You make alot of Chinese and India not only rich but very rich.When YTL cannot even pay his bank loan only $30m in 1994,You ask Anwar to help.When Vincent cannot pay his debt to Public bank aroung the same time,you also ask Anwar,as Finance Minister to help.At the end when their loan fully settle,You give to both of them project that make them very rich today.
    When Halim,Tajuddin are in trouble,during the financial crisis 1997,you not only try to help them but took away what they have by force and give it to Khazanah? Tun I dont understant you?

  248. …perjuang bangsa bukan untuk kepentingan sendiri…tapi bersedia untuk berbakti….pemimpin bangsa sudah tiada lagi….dimanakah pengganti….melayu masih tercari…………… mencari harga diri….
    kekuatan melayu terletak pada politik.. ekonomi jauh sekali…tapi kalau politik dilacurkan diri…dimana letaknya mentality….bersedia untuk mati..umpama jasad mati berdiri…..
    melayu tetap melayu..buruk hina tetap mati bersama melayu… kerana kasih kerana kebenaran jebat sanggup mengorbankan diri… inilah simbol melayu sejati….perjuangan belum selesai….. wawasan kita tegakkan.
    Asalnya melayu bukan bangsa yang mengharap dan bukan jenis yg suka meminta dibantu…. tapi ianya lahir dalam melayu kini sebabkan lamanya kita dijajahi…. penjajah menerapkan sifat menegah merdekakan diri… malas untuk merubah menuntut hak sendiri.. dan selesa dengan keamanan yg diberi…
    dasar takluk dan pecah menyumbangkan kemunduran melayu…cina dan india dibawa untuk memecah penguasaan ekonomi melayu… yg tinggal hanya politik untuk dipegangi… dan jika ini juga melayu serahkan kepada pendatang apa yg tinggal untuk membela diri….
    dan tugas pemimpin melayu adalah untuk membantu dan menyedarkan melayu kembali berdiri mendapat hak ekonomi melalui dasar-dasar yang dirangkai.. inilah perjungan yg ditunjangi oleh pejuang melayu terdahulu membantu melayu bangkit dari segi ekonomi… ini bukan satu kelemahan tapi hak mutlak melayu dinegara sendiri…
    melayu bukan malas untuk bekerja tapi kita masih lagi dirantai dibutakan hati…bagaimana kita hendak maju kalau teras ekonomi masih dipegang oleh pendatang..kalau ada melayu yg kaya tapi kayanya melayu tetap bergantung kepada bangsa lain…..oleh itu jangan mudah percaya kepada propaganda kesamarataan….kerana keaman hanya dapat dicapai jika kemakmuran ekonomi dapat semua rasai…..ini bukan kesalahan hak istemewa yang diberi….tapi menteliti yang menggari……….terus dijajahi…
    kini melayu wajib melahirkan kembali pejuang yg sejati..agar nasib bangsa terbela untuk diwarisi generasi nanti……

  249. —->By commoner99 on November 11, 2008 11:22 AM
    The Chinese fights for their rights, no problem. And the Indian fights for their rights, no problem also. But why is it when the Malay fights for their rights, they will be labelled racist and be condemned like no others? Looks like the definition of racist is not even rightly understood!
    Dear Countryman (borrowed from my sikh lawyer who called his own kind).
    It already being said that the so-called Oversea Chinese descript themselves as THE JEWS OF THE EAST. They will puppet the jew in business, life and relationship with others etc.They said they are not racist but they are.So my friend we also must be like the Jewish.
    Some said (even that some already successful malay likes Zaid)we must fight at equal footing in business, pirahhh actually it hard to be a malay in Malaysia. You must be extremely good then you are better. In my line of business those Managers from Chinese’s owned bank don’t have to go out marketing but business came to them like water from pipeline, but for us we have to go all out to get business. Ye lah cos they own kind control the business.
    So don’t talk about fairness, as only ALLAH is fair, not you and not me.
    Sorry Ayahanda… nak lepaskan perasaan.

  250. Dear Tun
    Semasa zaman era 80an keluarga saya tinggal di sebuah kampung, ada sebuah kedai runcit berdekatan dengan rumah saya, barang yang dijual tidak banyak pilihan dan harganya juga tinggi, tetapi kami terpaksa membelinya sebab keluarga kami tidak mempunyai kereta, kalau ingin pergi ke bandar terpaksa kami mengambil bas 2 kali, Perniagaan Kedai Runcit it amat baik.
    Semasa era 90an wujub banyak pasaraya berdekatan dan keluarga kami memiliki sebuah kereta, kita menbeli kebanyakan barang kepeluan daripada pasaraya sebab murah dan banyak pilihan. hanya membeli barang dari kedai runcit itu sekali sekala bila tidak senang ke bandar. Perniagaan Kedai Runcit itu mulai menurun.
    Sekarang dengan kewujutan hypermarket dimana barang di jual dengan harga yang amat berpatutan, dan hampir semua keluarga di tempat tinggal saya mempunyai kereta, jarang sekali kami menbeli barang dari kedai runcit itu, Bulan lalu kedai runcit itu tutup.
    Salam Muhibah buat Tun & Keluarga

  251. dearest unreplaceable Tun,
    yesterday i saw a brown monkey quarelled with a yellow dinosaur on tv.. but i think they have something in common, they are completely useless to the malay community.. perhaps malaysians..(think that i buy this main wayang nonsense?)
    white did make black slaves… brown never did anything to yellow or charcoal (forgive me, can somebody suggest me another colour then?)…
    look down south, yellow pressed brown balls so hard till they can’t breathe.. and an island can be easily be conquered.. buy brown land, make expensive house or apartments until those ‘brownies coolies’ or ‘in gomen opis’ salary can’t afford to buy…
    not interested in low cost houses intended to accomodate ‘coolies salary’.. they are a complete pest and hooligans… import all those yellows and registered them as voters in a newly developed township that browns can’t afford. so election will be easy…
    make sure the towns and cities are conquered.. find one or two stupid brown politician wearing a black baju melayu and songkok underneath a female yellow skirt… (man, this brown guy is a total waste!)
    think and say la what you want, i don’t care!.. these are indeed real life facts to everyone who is reading this.. yellow malaysians still can’t admit that they are being racist in every corner of their working heart or whatever they do for a living in this country!
    why is that so? why still lie? why do you hate us so much? is this is your country that we are taking over? or being a racist motivates you all to work harder and unite better? why then?
    angry with what i say? ask yourself again.. you know that i’m right, so don’t pretend.. our politician should work this over, not some ‘chinese opera’ or ‘malay sandiwara’.. there’s still good guys on both sides..
    forgive me Tun for being sarcastic to these people…

  252. btw tun, what is ur real intent of publishing this article? to gauge the feedback of the msians? or to fan the racial hatred? i dont see ur opinion or thot abt what siew sin had to say.. appreciate if u could say a word or two..

  253. Tun,
    Do you think Hong Kong is in better hands now that it is in the palms of the communists? Or do you think the British did a good job in creating the civilised and economic prosperous hong kong that is today? – The British had the people’s interests at heart and have created a very transparent, progressive, hard working Hong Kong.
    Its nice that you read through history.. American US history will have some elements of Malaysia today…

  254. it is such a pity to see the lame comments here… we are in the 21st century and yet we have people with the mindset of 1800…
    how does it reflect the malaysia society when the people are uttering words like, “indians can go back to india and chinese can go back to china”
    i wonder if china could tell that to their chinese muslims that they could go back to malaysia if they wanted..
    asal negara ini bukan tanah melayu, so pls brush up ur history.. tanah melayu was never tanah melayu.. kalau tanah melayu is tanah melayu, pasal apa natives of malaysia are BRANDED bumis and not orang melayu?


  256. Malaysia should be proud of its British heritage.
    It could you worse, you could have had the French or Dutch like Vietnam and Cambodia or Indonesia… just look at the GDP…
    If you notice, all members of the British commonwealth are relatively well off… if you look at Canada, Hong Kong, Australia and most Commonwealth economies.. they could not have been what they are today without the help of the creation of basic infrastructure.
    In my opinion, the British did a good job in working with Malays and Chinese traders…. as for Indians.. they have always have had that strong British India connection throughout history.
    Malaysian British colonial buildings should be maintained to preserve the strong connection Malaysia has with Britain.

  257. I do hope Tun come out with something which is not racial for all future discussion.
    Tun also have to know, no one will do everything perfect and no one make no mistake.

  258. Selamat petang Tun,
    I guess Tun wrote this article after Tun have received a lot of not so nice and baseless comments from the non-bumi (chinese and indians). These bloggers, their comments which Tun has posted already shown that they do not understand much about the polical landscape of the country and tidak bersyukur kepada apa yang mereka dapat. Sadly, most of these bloggers are educated and young.
    Well, I am a chinese, educated, and am proud to be Malaysian and respect Tun greatly, not a “pengipas” as claimed by S..Tan.
    Back in 2004, BN won all states except Kelantan. This has proven that BN is relevant and for the first time Malaysia was united and proved that Tun’s leadership was accepted by all races after 22 years.
    However, because of the new captain, our Pak Lah (melayu mudah lupa, tamak, degil dan malas) and that si KJ and si Zaid have indeed damaged BN’s unity in less than 5 years.
    Yes, indeed chinese leaders from parti2 BN (MCA, GERAKAN) has voiced up their dissatisfaction especially when UMNO is weak eg:- penghapusan 30% quota ekuiti Bumiputra, RM50 million for chinese schools are not enough, cancel the hak bumiputra property lot,. road signs to be changed etc… which I consider these leaders are also selfish and “tamak like Pak Lah, cuma mereka ini rajin sikit lah.
    Tun, over here I wanted to share the following “pepatah” originated from a famous chinese writer (China) and I guess some of our chinese leaders knows:-
    1 Japanese = 1 ulat
    4 Japanese = 1 naga (shows that Japanese unite)
    1 Cina = 1 naga
    4 Cina = 1 ulat (shows that chinese selfish and not unite)
    Well, in Malaysia
    1 melayu = malas
    4 melayu = satu geng
    1 cina = bijak
    4 cina = gaduh-gaduh
    1 India = hero
    4 India = mabuk-mabuk
    Manusia semua sama, ada baik, ada jahat tak kira bangsa. I believe there are a lot of silent chinese are just like me in Malaysia…..
    Till then.

  259. Selamat Petang Tun ,
    maaf jika saya ada tersilap kata ..ya memang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa sebelum Malaysia merdeka ,british dan orang melayu telah banyak menolong orang cina ..
    Tetapi kita rakyat cina boleh mencapai ke tahap yg kita berada disekarang ni adalah semua usaha kita sendiri .Mengikut statistik ,semua agihan sumber kewangan adalah lebih banyak memihak kepada orang melayu berbanding cina dan india .Misalnya sekolah ,tempat beribadat dan lain-lain .Nama saja digelar rakyat malaysia ,tapi adakah hak keistimewaan kita semua seimbang ?
    Kami tidak menyalahkan sesiapa jika kita tidak dapat mencari makan di tanahair ini tapi apabila orang cina atau india kaya je ,mesti ada desas desus yg menyatakan ini adalah semua atas pertolongan kaum yg sebaliknya..hampeh !!
    Selepas diberikan tongkat pun kena dipimpin untuk berjalan..aduhai
    Semoga Tun dan keluarga semuanya sihat-sihat belaka ..Im always with you Tun ..

  260. With the recent election of Black American Obama to the presidency of the US, we in Malaysia are also affected with the unexpectations. Non-Malays are now more aggresive than ever in fighting for the equality. Yes Mr. Shawn Tan, I don’t deny that this is your motherland, just like the Malays in Singapore. Even though Singapore or Singapura which was originally a Malay-land, Singapore is not ready to have non-Chinese as the Prime Minister. I agree with you, we need changes like what Obama is trying to do in America, and I need to stress that America is more than 200 years old while we are just above 50. At the same time I also agree with several postings in this entry, are Malaysian non-Malays really portray Malaysian identity? Some non-Malay parliament members can’t even speak a decent Malay language, it is such a shame to listen to their broken Malay on tv. Are we ready to have a non-Malay PM of Malaysia who is not fluent in our national language and willing (without complains) to wear songkok and baju melayu? It is such a frustration to know that some non-muslims, who love Malaysia from the bottom of their heart, are ignorant about Islam, whilst Malaysia is an Islamic country. I am ever ready to vote for a non-malay to be my PM as long as that person is a muslim (this is my personal view and it does not represent the majority), simply because non-muslims are not fit to lead my beloved Islamic country. Thank you Tun, you are one of the great Islamic leaders and I really admire your bluntness, which is to me way better than trying to be nice but escaping the reality.

  261. one smarta$$ historian from the university of Petronas wrote to nst that non-Malays are now reclaiming history from the “Malay elites” and that, history of malaysia will endure the process of democratization. (wow…how civilized we are now!!)btw,he’s a Malay( a Merican) historian himself.
    I assumed he was sorely wrong.The “Malay non-elites” are waking up to reclaim the history and they are using freedom of speech to speak back to the same people who assumed they are incapable of speaking bahasa mat salleh.

  262. Salam TUN,
    can we have the full copy of the speech please??.. =))
    i think its great to always be reminded of our ancestors generousity…
    && i dont care if the non-bumis appreciate it or not…
    Who are they to question our “ownership” of this land…
    proud malay

  263. Dear Tun,
    I am Chinese and my family has been here for generations. Everyone in my family speaks fluent malay. My aunt is married to an Indian and I have Chindian cousins. My great grandmother converted later in life and I have muslim relatives through marriage.
    When we have Chinese New Year open house, we go the extra length to ensure the food is halal, the cutlery and plates are from the caterer who makes the best ayam percik and nasi dagang. We want to ensure our Malay friends enjoy themselves as much as we enjoy having them in our home.
    Most of my friends are Malay and I am Malaysian first, Chinese second. A bit of a predicament as I can hardly speak my mother tongue (Hokkien) and have been called names like “Banana” – yellow on the outside and white on the insides”…”OCBC” – Orang Cina, Bukan Cina…My Chinese friends think its weird that I speak no Chinese but its all in good fun!
    I’m married to a lovely Indonesian Chinese and we speak English and Malay. Her family members are very comfortable speaking Bahasa Indonesia which is something I don’t see here much among the local Chinese. I’ll occasionally bump into Chinese Indonesian students and they speak very good Bahasa Indonesia and I am amazed!
    It pains me when politicians speak poor Bahasa Malaysia and the first thought that comes to mind is who they are representing as it clearly shows poor mingling with the Malay society. Sad but true?
    It pains my ears every time I hear the ex-Party President of MCA making a speech in Bahasa. It makes my choke when the current MIC President makes a statement and has become the butt of all jokes but let’s not go there. I’ve heard Lim Kit Siang talk and I laugh!
    It irks me when some immigrants son whose grandfather is from India or Pakistan or Central Jawa now calls me a pendatang but we shall not say who.
    I’m really not in the mood to discuss greed and equal rights at this moment. I prefer to share my opinion on life’s everyday issues. Until next time Tun….salam hormat.

  264. Dear Tun,
    Pada pendapat saya konsep “KETUANAN MELAYU” ini telah disalah erti serta dimanipulasikan oleh sesetengah pihak tertentu untuk kepentingan idealogi politik masing². Mereka yang mengambil kesempatan terhadap konsep atau slogan “KETUANAN MELAYU” ini telah banyak membawa pandangan negative serta kurang senang dari kalangan orang² bukan melayu. Kebanyakkan mereka juga tidak faham akan slogan tersebut.
    Bagi sesetengah pihak yang lain pula, mereka menganggap slogan itu merupakan kata² bersifat perkauman. Pada hakikatnya ialah untuk mengingatkan bahawa orang Melayu mempunyai tanahnya sendiri, negaranya sendiri, dan serta kedaulatannya sendiri. “KETUANAN MELAYU” adalah sekadar SLOGAN, dan ia tidak mengambarkan langsung pun tentang perkauman. Ianya satu slogan untuk membangkitkan semangat orang melayu supaya berusaha bersatu padu bagi memajukan bangsanya.
    Dalam industri perniagaan penswastaan, golongan melayu merupakan yang paling lemah. Oleh yang sedemikian, orang melayu harus berusaha dengan lebih gigih serta membantu orang² melayu lain untuk maju dan secara langsung melibatkan diri mereka dgn orang bukan melayu. Orang melayu ini perlukan suatu “semangat”, dan “semangat” ini adalah amat penting bagi menerajui kejayaan.
    Sama juga dengan masyarakat Cina dan India di Malaysia ini. Mereka juga mempunyai “semangat persaudaraan” didalam kaum masing masing. Jika kita lihat dan dapati ada juga slogan² atau kata² “semangat” mereka, contohnya “..our chinese brothers” atau “..makhal sakti” yang dilaung²kan ketika masyarakat india menuntut kemerdekaan mereka oleh Tuan Ghandi daripada pihak British.
    Ramai yang tahu masyarakat cina mempunyai semangat perkauman yang amat kuat. Tidak kira walaupun mereka dari parti politik yang berasingan, tetapi semangat persaudaraan mereka kuat antara satu sama lain. Kita boleh juga lihat seperti di amarika dizaman 19 masihi atau 18 masihi, dimana setiap pendatang rakyat cina kesana akan dibantu oleh orang² cina yang telah menetap disana sebelumnya.
    Walaupun pada hakikat masyarakt cina itu daripada ethnic yang berlainan (hainan,zhuang,hezhen,manchu,etc). As long daripada tanah besar- mereka akan jadi saudara di negara asing. Semangat mereka menjadi kuat. Begitu juga dengan India, kecuali semangat persaudaraan india tidak sekuat seperti cina.
    Tidak seperti orang melayu. Orang melayu ini mempunyai kelemahan iaitu DENGKI,TAMAK, dan LUPA DIRI. Jadi pada pendapat saya slogan “KETUANAN MELAYU” itu adalah slogan untuk merapatkan lagi jurang persaudaraan diantara masyarakat² melayu yang berlainan ethnic (Kadazan,dayak,dusun,asli,penan,etc). Di malaysia bumiputra “dipuratakan” sebagai melayu. Tolong jgn salah faham ok.. itu sahaja.

  265. Assalamualaikum TUN dan sekelian pembaca budiman.
    Memang Melayu terkenal dengan budi bahasa.
    Tetapi ini tidak bermakna kaum lain boleh memperlekehkan melayu.
    Isu 30% kuota melayu yang di bangitkan oleh MCA adalah amat MELAMPAU.
    Mereka begitu rakus hendak merampas segala apa saja yang menjadi milik
    orang melayu..Mereka sanggup membelakangkan persahabatan, persefahaman
    dan tidak mempedulikan perasaan orang melayu.
    Semalam 10 Nov 2008 di Parlimen, YB Pontian mempersoalkan tentang
    peratusan syarikat melayu yang terlibat dalam pengexportan.
    Cuma 26.6% sahaja berbanding populariti orang melayu yakni 66.0%.
    Bermakna jumlah sebenar orang melayu yang terlibat terus dalam
    aktiviti tersebut adalah lebih kecil jika kita pecahkan kepada
    pemilikkan 51.0% syarikat bumiputra..
    Jangan di biarkan ini terus berlaku..
    kerana di khuatiri ..

  266. Also please explain why there is so bumiputeras nowadays going into Chinese School even they have to paid monthly fees.
    Why did they support the Chinese school.
    do chinese school should not received any support from the non chinese. We leave in the multi racial country. It shows many do not care whether you are bumi’s or you are non bumi. I dont see the reason on the need to argue about Bumi’s should get more right or what.
    Look at the goverment school itself. Do they get the support from their ppl. If yes why so many bumi’s going to chinese school. and we accept them with warm heart.
    GIven the chance i believe if we get almost equal, we can make this country on higher stage and trust me, wawasan 2020 will not be a problem at all. Chinese is not looking for power. We are looking for unity. We are looking for a better Malaysia. WE ARE LOOKING INTO HOW TO GIVE HAND to help this country. We are not doing before of power.

  267. Salam Tun….masyarakat kebanyakkan malahan pemimpin besar pun masih tidak faham dan memahami cara hidup bermasyarakat. Bila dah diberi peluang terus mahu dikaut semua. Orang kita yang besar2, tak sudah-sudah dengan agenda peribadi.

  268. Tun,
    By the way, do you believe if Malays ge the 281.19 per cent and Chinese is the one who get 183.28 per cent. Will the situation be vice versa.
    As i know most chinese school are very dependable on the public support fund and i am amase that the donation from the Chinese are overwhelm. Some even donates 20k for the school development purpose and the best part, they can manage to donates so much to help for the development of the chinese school. Thats why we can see some chinese school has a nice building.
    Chinese are generous in giving too. We earn and then we give. But i seldom heard any bumiputera donating a big sum of money for the development of the school or country.
    I know there are but not as much as the what the chinese giving. But i have seen some very very poor family are donating rm10.
    Also, most of the time while during weekend or free time. I can see all of this chinese school student out. To get donation from the public. I hardly see any malays out to give support to the school. Yet the chinese fighting spirit is so high even they have to carry out their thick face to ask for donation. Even some of them belongs to a rich family yet they show their support and walk out from their wealth to ask for donation from the public. This is not easy.
    Yet….what to said i am proud of this kid. Even in PBSM(persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah), many seeking for donation volunteer is chinese too who work hard for their organisation that they r in.
    Now the chinese are working so hard. We talk and we do.

  269. “article 153 of the Constitution. I have no time in a speech of this nature to tell you exactly what it means or what it does not mean, but very briefly, the effect of this provision is that, firstly, all existing rights are preserved; secondly, no citizen can be prohibited from engaging in business activity or deprived of his right to engage in business activity merely because he is a non-Malay.”
    This is what article 153 mention about for non malay right. But in actual facts, non-malay have been block to several business acticvity, especially on the construction sector, they cannot get awards of contract, and have to pay money to bumi company inorder for them to get the contract…., so, where is the non-malay right???????is it protected!
    COnclusion, the present BN government are not following our constitution law, they interpreted the bumi right according to benefits their own pocket.
    And talk about education opportunities, we can go firgure, go to local U, ask the student on the same course, list out their individual STPM or Matriculation Grading, see whether they are having the same grading inorder for them to enter the same course, is this what we called about non-malay right. Dont tell me we no more practise QUota, we just changed the name to do some cosmetic appearance only.
    Malaysia independent more than 50 years, yet, non-malay have to bear this unfair treatment dont know till when, and now even after 51 years of independent, UMNO still divide ore nation into race, just like what the British colonies did.

  270. Ayahanda Tun,
    Melihat perkembangan tuntutan kaum cina yang diukur sebagai melampau atau terlebih sudah, adakah orang melayu patut menyesali kemurahan hati nenek moyang mereka terdahulu memberi taraf kerakyatan kepada kaum cina? Kalau sesuatu itu memberi faedah siapa yang tak mahu tuntut?
    Penulisan Tun memberi info yang baik.

  271. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, saya ade buat blog pasal online business. Dalam 1 post saya, saya postkan artikel pasal trafik blog tun – saya tulis memang tiada sape boleh lawan.
    Jadi, salah satu pemberi komen tulis satu komen. Dia kate tun patut letakla advertisement ke…adsense ke dalam blog tun. So, hasilnye nnt boleh didermakan untuk charity.
    Saya pasti projek ini boleh berjaya dengan sokongan 9 juta pelawat blog ini. APa salahnya kan? Klau takut macam menggangu, letaklah yang simple punye je cukuplah. Insyaallah, hasil pungutan akan tetap memberansangkan. Tun, apa kata tun cuba?
    Kalau tun berminat, post yang saya maksudkan ada di sisni
    Terima kasih tun kerana meluangkan masa.

  272. To jaiguru,
    I sympathise with you, but you are not alone. Others are in the same predicament too not because they are non-malays, they are Malays too.The world is not a fair place depending on which side of the fence you are standing and nobody is ever satisfied with what they have be it Malays or Non-Malays. We can only change for the best. I too tried to change the way things are done in the company i work in, but the majority are chinese, so my ideas most of the times fell on deaf ears! So the perceived ill treatments works both ways depending who you are. The Non-Malays feel that they are not being treated fair by the Malay and vice versa.
    So where do we go from here? Are we to give up and simply migrate to other countries which also have the same problems? Are you expecting to migrate to Scotland or Ireland and all the sudden be given equal treatment by the locals? Hell, even the Scotts and the Irish were not treated equally by the Britts! Please study their history. Or you expect to be put on the pedestal when you migrate to Australia? Didnt you see how they treated the Aboriginies and asians – Chinese, Vietnames and Lebanese? Common man, you can complaint a lot about Malays, but we have treated the Chinese and Indians better than most countries. Please count your blessings.
    Please understand this,the Chinese and Indians and other races are part of the fabric of Malaysian society and have roles to play,but stop harping on the rights of the Malays to have their rights to run this country. A lot of politicans are playing up this dangerous issue to gain popularity and attain power. Can you guarantee the Malays, that once a non-muslim ,non-Malay becomes a PM, he will not sideline the Malays like in the south and guarantee Islam will be treated with utmost respect fitting the official religion of this country? I dont think so! He will undo a lot of measures and policy to favor his own race be it Chinese or Indians or whatever. What goes around usually comes around.
    salam Tun

  273. My dearest Tun,
    I like what blogger JAIGURU said as per below in his views:-
    “But Tun ask every chinese and indians and the non-malays, what they really want. Probably there is just one thing they want to be called a ‘deserving Malaysians’; not Chinese, Malaysian or Indian Malaysians.”
    I so agree with the above statement…we just want to be Malysians and just move on with our lives. So tired of all the bickering that is happening now in this country. There must be something that can be done…. hope TUN you can share a formula to stop all the bickering.
    Whatever said and done…I still love this country and will always love this country…. wont run away like some bloggers do.
    take care TUN

  274. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Memang benar ada pihak yang tidak sedar diuntung.
    Sudahlah kita beri tempat dan peluang, macam-macam depa minta itu dan ini.
    Seeloknya jangan dilayan lagi segala permintaan mereka. Buat habiskan beras jer.
    Sudahlah kita beri mereka macam-macam, tup tup sokong pembangkang dan merosakkan kita pulak.
    Anyways terima kasih Tun kerana mengingatkan kita orang-orang Melayu.

  275. Assalammualaikum!
    Yang di sayangi TDM
    Lantaran drp sifat tamak walaupun mereka menafikannya, mahu mengaut kekayaan bumi ini tanpa segan silu menidakkan hak pribumi walaupun yang dipinta hanya 30% sahaja. Drp 30% itupun terpaksa diagihkan lagi kerana realitinya Bumiputra terpaksa mendapatkan bekalan bahan mentah, mesin, barangan modal dsb daripada mereka juga. Akhirnya drp 30% itu yang benar2 dpt dimanfaatkan oleh bumiputra hanya sekitar kurang 8% atau 25% daripada 30% itu. Sedangkan yang memiliki harta kekayaan yang banyak spt wang, hartanah dsb sebagainya siapa???. Sebab itulah pencapaian bumiputra tak sampai 20% setelah diambilkira penglibatan GLC dan kerajaan.
    Agaknya kalau begini jadinya rasanya nenek moyang saya tak ingin untuk merdeka bersama mereka, mau mereka guna cara lain walaupun secara paksa, yang penting kebajikan anak cucu bangsa tidak dinafikan dengan sewenang2nya.

  276. Salam Tun,
    Your new finding is good and let’s all understand the whole senario of the Rakyat Malaysia.
    If we look back into history, the malay were so-called created or born in this land. And history also told us that the malay empire has grow from strength to strength and the businessmen from India and China came to trade and become an empire. If we look into the history of Malacca and Johor, then we will know that those days Raja-Raja or sultan still carrying till today.
    Then we face colonised by Portugese, British and so on. And the people at that time who are NOT originated from this land had been occupied the land and started breeding. Then back to British colonised, and by that time the Malay, Chinese, India have started to live together and fought for independence. BUT, the key word here is the Land of belonging which is from the Malay existance.
    And the rest are history which is a FACT and also history is about truths and facts.
    Very simple question:-
    1) Why Siew Sin quit the Finance Posts?
    2) Why NOT the Government help the POOR? (Which here the government is Malay and the poor is Malay). And what happen if the poor is chinese!!!!!
    3) Why, the chinese NOT educate their kid to accept be friend with the malay?
    4) Why, the political party must used racial to win support NOT caliber, just like USA! Obama did NOT use Racial issue to win.
    Always NOBODY appreciate what they have TODAY but regret when lose it.
    Final word – ‘WILL THE NON-MALAY ACCEPT THE FACT THAT 1 DAY THE MALAY CAN STAND ON HIS OWN FEET.’ If the non-Malay can accept the fact, then we can grown into a new ERA of development where all are called MALAYSIAN.

  277. Shalom Tun,
    1) What were these chinese background that were offered citizenship ?
    Were they from those Triads Group, Gangster or Ex-Con…etc ???
    Were they from a well off families ???
    Were they from……you know lahh…
    2) The problems with MALAY…they are always accomodative…with the attitude of ‘ TIDAK APA ‘….and in the end those people whom they have accomodate..’ Gua Mau Ini Lumah…Apa Sai….Gua Sama Family Gua Sudah Lama Duduk Ini Lumah….Gua Yang Bikin Ini Lumah Cantik..Besar…Hebat…’…
    Lu Melayu…Gua Punya Kawan lorr….apa lu mau??? Belapa Halga ini lumah Gua Bayar lorr.
    Bila sahaja Kaum Cina mahu beli dgn brapa harga aje…maknanya mereka mahu jadi TUAN…menggantikan MELAYU….Kenapa ???? Kerana perasaan HINA mereka kepada Tuan Rumah asal yang selama ini izinkan mereka duduk atau dah rasa BESAR kerana dah KUAT dalam ekonomi.
    3) Apakah ubat untuk penyakit ini ?

  278. Malaysia was and is very special in many aspects and in many ways. We were blessed with truly Asia’s culture and mixed with unique European traditions.
    There are bitters and bickers over whom should be the supreme hence showing ones ethnicity supremacy.
    The challenges are still hard for us to face but, still hoping to see more colours and equal chances for everyone.
    Glimpse: can we just revert 100% to English education – so no one can argue over who’s better than the other.
    A.H.M. Shahirasul Idrewoods
    Web of Debt – Ellen Brown

  279. assalamualaikum tun,
    great article,sure ruffled some feathers with this one.anyway,the truth is always plain and’s not about denying anyone their birth rights,it’s about preserving the malays their ancestral rights.
    our forefathers made this agreement based on the most condusive of situations.this agrement is now known as the “social contract”.let’s honour it and get on with our lives.
    or try pressuring the malays.let see where it ends.we’re not talking umno or pkr ciplak malays here.we’re talking anak melayu.

  280. Tun,
    Salam Sejahtera
    History lesson is very much depends on who is controlling the education sector. They will show all the good deeds of certain parties (sometimes can be little and exaggerate them) and all the bad things that the opponents did. Same for newspapers and TVs…
    Why only show/teach partially and not all. Students/readers will decide on their own. Kindly show the whole text, just scan and publish it. Thanks

  281. Tun Mahathir,
    You are just outdated!
    History is past. Things changed and we are all working toward one main goal; A better Malaysia!
    Janganlah bersikap 70’s lagi, itu dah kuno tu.
    What does matter is not the policies nor the protection but oneself attitude.

  282. Sir,
    Salam. May Almighty Allah continue to bless both of you with great health and wisdom in order to continue to give us guidance.
    Malaysian need wise and sensible people like you.
    In India, the minority of the population (160 Million of them, out of 1 Billion?) didn’t get a fair treatment from the majority. They are being made as black-sheep or the scapegoat. Being denied education, fair representation, health benefit etc, etc…. Huge gap between the super rich, the rich and the poor. The Government does not intend to lift a finger to rectify the situation. Other problems are far more imminent.
    In Sri Langka, the situation is even worse. The Government’s interest is only to safeguard their own safety.
    In UK, the Scottish and the Irish keep complaining about the unfair treatment from the English. The Scottish keep referring the English as B******.
    In European Union, they are more interested in their domestic economy compare to the world economy. Even the individual member of EU keep complaining about unfair treatment or unfair advantages of the other member.
    In Russia, if you resist the Central government order, they will just carpet bombing the whole town. Wipe you out from the equation. The government just don’t care about you.
    In China, the situation is tricky. Huge population. If earthquake strike one province, the other province will just ignore the situation as they have their internal problem to solve. Only the Central government will help the province. If the earthquake strike Monggolia, they will say, it is far away from them. If the earthquake strike Tibet, they will just keep quiet. The Tibetan and Monggolian, for years have voiced their dissatisfaction to the world, but nobody cares. They had been denied health benefit, education, representation etc, etc,…..
    In Taiwan, the politician are more interested to fight for more power rather than fighting for the people.
    In Australia, the Western Australia is fighting for their own share of economy with the rest of the continent.
    In the US, the minority has been voicing their grievances for years, but nobody bothers about them. Maybe that will change a little bit during Obama period.
    Malaysia, we have to solve our own problem with our own way and style. We have to look back to our history as the present population already forget about their own root. The Malaysian are generally already complacent with their economic achievement. They tend to forgot their founding father and their struggle for independence.
    I am suggesting for the History of our independence be included in the primary school syllabus, be a national school or national-type school. The kids need to be told from their younger age. Do not forget the root.
    In Australia, the history of the immigrating convict became a core history subject at the primary school. Every Australian know who they really are. They never argue about that fact. A fact is a fact. Nobody can deny, even a politician can alter the history.
    Jimmy Hillhead
    Osborne Park, Perth, Western Australia

  283. The malays are always willing to give. give give give. its great to live in Malaysia coz sooner or later i believe the malays will also let go of their political domainance

  284. There are some people who posted their comments based on their emotions and biases. They don’t know what they are talking about most of the time. Psychologists will tell you that if you were given an instruction to focus on the color blue, you will find lots of items in the room which are blue in color in no time. Similarly, if you write your comment with pre-conditioned mindset without fully scrutinizing your own stand, you will end up writing nonsense that does not help in the discussion.
    This fantastic blog of our most respected Tun should be used in a constructive way and it is not a place to argue childishly. To those of us who truly love this country, we simply wanted to convey the message that racial discrimination brings no benefit whatsoever for the future of Malaysia. Our country has a lot of problems and we can’t deny it, so let’s face it in a constructive manner. Look at the issue, not the skin color.

  285. The British left a working administration and many aspects of it were, are and remain good. What the government needs to do is keep the policies that work and revise those which are detrimental to the social development and well-being of Malaysia.
    As a Muslim majority nation, the Muslims first and foremost need to see the bigger picture in the context an Ummah; we should not continue to place great importance on ourselves being either Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, etc. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) abhorred ‘asabiyyah (partisanship) and Islam disallows it.
    In surah Aal Imran, verse 10, we read: “Be not like those who are divided among themselves and fall into disputations after receiving clear signs: for them is a dreadful penalty.”
    We should put our Muslim identity before our racial identity and accept and tolerate the diversity of Malaysia at the same time. Allah says :
    “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).”

  286. Dear Tun,
    I can guess what Tun trying to imply.
    All non malay in particular the chinese should be contented, be ignorant of all surroundings, forget all wrongs done by UMNO and the government.
    Just live what is given to you in the past and now.
    Come on Tun, be reasonable.
    I was born during merdeka year and i know it was tough life if there were discriminatory government policy.
    Most chinese have accepted your affirmative policy to improve the malays, but for how long you want to do it.
    What will be the timeline or no timeline at all?
    It is not the handout all the times but with affirmative action to change one’s mind set to improve oneself.
    BERDIKARI is very important concept to improve without handout.
    If Tun can, try to address the mat rempit issue and the youth hang out at every mall in malaysia.
    As i have made many comments to Tun blogg many times.Write something that can strengthen the unity of all races but definitely THIS ARTICLE IS NO NO.
    This article of yours will move us backward and not forward.
    My grand father/mother and father/mother came from china.
    They were poor and until they die they were still poor.
    I was born here. I like to be a good malaysia citizen and bring all good things to malaysia and let all to enjoy.
    The only i like to ask, after 50 years of independence, can we have more fairness to all without considering which race you belong to.
    Best regards to Tun,

  287. Salam Tun…..
    Sy tak nak cakap banyak kat sini… cuma hayati peribahasa ini. “DIBERI BETIS NAK PEHA PULAK”. Jadi, jangan bagi muka pada mereke-mereka yang melampau… Saya nak Tun cari lagi historical facts bagi mereka-mereka tu semua sedar asal-usul dan tujuan mereka berada di Malaysia ini!!!! Saya tidak bersetuju kekayaan org Melayu (yang majority 60%) hanya mendapat 30% hasil kekayaan negara. Sepatutnya kena sama 60%. Baru la mereka-mereka tu TAK AKAN BERANI mempersoalkan kedaulatan RAJA-RAJA DAN HAK ORG MELAYU. Kelakar la…..

  288. By nature the Malay are an accommodating race that why other races is able to be the richest man, billionaire, bankers, Chief Minister, Minister, Excos, Fed Coa Hc Judges, High rank in the army-navy-air force-police, DGs etc and yet the non-malays still say they are being treated unfairly and for that the Malay has to further compromise whatever rights they have even though it is guaranteed under the constitution.
    And yet others can say that they are marginalised and the Malay are racial. They can say so coz they are not in power. Hello! what the non-malays have now is 1000 x more than what I can say about what the Malay gets as a minority in a neighbouring country where the non-malays are in power and call them self the land of meritocracy, level playing field and equal distribution and what do they give the Malay there (they are not the richest man and there is no malays billionaire, bankers, Chief Minister, Minister [except for one in charge of enviroment for years], Excos, Fed Coa Hc Judges, High rank in the army-navy-air force-police, DGs, fighter pilots etc) when they are in power almost nothing and no body made a fuss out of it.
    Maybe the Malays here should learn from the neighbouring non-malays by not being so accommodating only then the non-malays here would appreciate what they have.

  289. Dear Tun
    I believe in this principle which i hold dear, being a Malay.
    ” Biar bangsa MELAYU, tapi jangan jadi ORANG YANG ME-LAYU”
    Biar kita jadi orang yang ME-MAJU, ME-NEGAK, ME-NGEMBANG dan selain nye
    asalkan tak ME-LAYU.
    Satu konsep “simple” untuk mengalih paradigma orang orang berbangsa Melayu.
    Semoga boleh perbetulkan kiblat kita semua.

  290. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Pisang emas dibawa berlayar,
    Masak sebiji di atas peti,
    Hutang emas boleh dibayar,
    Hutang budi di bawa mati
    Atas budi dan kemurahan hati (belas ikhsan) Melayu-Bumi lah kamu mendapat kerakyatan,peluang berniaga,pelajaran etc
    Kamu semua pendatang yang tidak diundang janganlah
    ‘diberi betis hendakkan paha’
    Pelajarilah sejarah dan hayati pejuang2 negara seperti Tunku abdul Rahman,Tun Sambantahn,Tun Tan Siew Sin,agar kamu mengerti tentang pengorbanan,supaya tidak menjadi
    ‘Belanda mintak tanah’
    Kepada mereka yang mempersoalkan hak2 Melayu-Bumi jangan mengambil kesempatan kebaikan Melayu-Bumi dan menganggap kamu
    ‘melepaskan anjing tersepit’
    ‘di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung’
    Satu hal yang pasti golongan yang buat kecoh ini
    ‘buta hati’
    sebab tidak ada istilah seperti ‘bersyukur’,’berpada-pada’,’kasihan’,’timbangrasa’ dalam hidup mereka.Yang mereka perjuangkan hanyalah mengisi ‘tembolok’ yang tak pernah kenyang,mengumpul harta yang tak pernah cukup,hiburan2 duniawi..
    p/s ‘jangan dipagar nyior yang condong,buahnya jatuh ke laman orang’

  291. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Pisang emas dibawa berlayar,
    Masak sebiji di atas peti,
    Hutang emas boleh dibayar,
    Hutang budi di bawa mati
    Atas budi dan kemurahan hati (belas ikhsan) Melayu-Bumi lah kamu mendapat kerakyatan,peluang berniaga,pelajaran etc
    Kamu semua pendatang yang tidak diundang janganlah
    ‘diberi betis hendakkan paha’
    Pelajarilah sejarah dan hayati pejuang2 negara seperti Tunku abdul Rahman,Tun Sambantahn,Tun Tan Siew Sin,agar kamu mengerti tentang pengorbanan,supaya tidak menjadi
    ‘Belanda mintak tanah’
    Kepada mereka yang mempersoalkan hak2 Melayu-Bumi jangan mengambil kesempatan kebaikan Melayu-Bumi dan menganggap kamu
    ‘melepaskan anjing tersepit’
    ‘di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung’
    Satu hal yang pasti golongan yang buat kecoh ini
    ‘buta hati’
    sebab tidak ada istilah seperti ‘bersyukur’,’berpada-pada’,’kasihan’,’timbangrasa’ dalam hidup mereka.Yang mereka perjuangkan hanyalah mengisi ‘tembolok’ yang tak pernah kenyang,mengumpul harta yang tak pernah cukup,hiburan2 duniawi..
    p/s ‘jangan dipagar nyior yang condong,buahnya jatuh ke laman orang’

  292. Salam Tun,
    Kita sebenarnya belum habis dengan isu perkauman, bila Obama menang sebagai presiden US,kaum bukan bumiputra (terutamanya ahli-ahli politik yang terdesak untuk dapat sokongan) pakat dok bising kenapa kita tak boleh jadi macam US ? berikut adalah sebab-sebabnya :
    Sebelum itu saya minta kenyaataan ini dibaca dalam bentuk fakta sejarah dan bukan isu perkauman.
    1)Masyarakat orang putih Amerika adalah kaum pendatang yang telah menghapuskan masyarakat pribumi Amerika (Red Indian) dengan cara pembunuhan kaum pada peringkat awal dan juga kemusnahan budaya dan bahasa secara tidak langsung kemudiannya.
    Jika kita bandingkan dengan Malaysia, kaum bumiputra ialah kaum perbumi yang telahpun bermurah hati memberikan kerakyatan tanpa banyak “songeh” kepada kaum pendatang sewaktu kemerdekaan. Malah kaum pendatang menuntut supaya mereka boleh kekalkan indetiti mereka seperti kekal bebahasa dan budaya mengikut keturunan mereka iaitu Cina dan Tamil. Jadi kenapa kita perlu menjadi seperti Amerika sedangkan kita lebih baik daripada mereka dari segi hubungan kaum peribumi dan kaum pendatang ?
    2) Sejarah juga menunjukkan ornag Amerika adalah penindas hamba abdi yang zalim pada masa lampau, pada masa sekarang mereka bercakap mengenai moral jika itu memberi manfaat kepada mereka dan pada masa yang sama membuli dan menindas termasuk menyerang dan membunuh secara terus dan secara proksi terhadap negara yang tidak menyokong agenda mereka seperti di Iraq, Palestin, Iran, Chile dan banyak negara lagi.
    Malaysia tidak pernah mempunyai rekod perhambaan manusia. Keamanan di Malaysia bukan dibentuk atas penderitaan kaum lain samada dalam atau luar negara. Isu perkauman yang cuba diperbesarkan oleh orang-orang politik pada masa ini sebenarnya boleh menyebabkan kita menjadi seperti Amerika, bercakap mengenai sesuatu perkata yang baik apabila ianya memberikan manfaat kepada kaum mereka sendiri walaupun ianya akan merampas hak kaum lain. Jadi kenapa kita perlu manjadi seperti Amerika ?
    3)Obama adalah presiden kulit hitam ( campuran dengan orang putih sebenarnya ) yang pertama untuk Amerika. Maka ramai berkata rakyat minoriti dan kaum pendatang juga boleh menjadi presiden di Amerika.
    Sebenarnya integrasi kaum kulit hitam telah belaku berabad yang lalu apabila kaum pendatang Afrika telah lama meninggalkan budaya dan bahasa mereka dan mengasimilasi menjadi warga Amerika yang sebenar dengan pertuturan bahasa Inggeris yang lancar dan budaya hidup yang tiada beza dengan kaum kulit putih. Walaupun begitu orang kulit putih mengambil masa yang begitu lama untuk meletak kepercayaan kepada seorang yang berketurunan campuran untuk memimpim mereka.
    Kita lihat di Malaysia, di peringkat awal lagi kita telah mengasingkan anak-anak kita mengikut bangsa masing-masing. Orang Cina akan menghantar anak mereka memasuki sekolah berbahasa dan majoriti bangsa Cina begitu juga orang India ke sekolah Tamil yang menjadikan sekolah kebangsaan hanya untuk orang Melayu secara majoriti. Pengasingan diteruskan ke peringkat seterusnya secara sedar atau tidak sedar seperti kawasan perumahan, pengambilan pekerja dan lain-lain aktiviti kehidupan.
    Dasar DEB yang sebenarnya untuk memastikan intergrasi sepenuhya antara kaum di Malaysia tidak mancapai objektif kerana kita secara sedar telah memastikan anak-anak semenjak dari kecil menilai sesuatu perkara dari segi perkauman dengan mengredkan mereka mengikut kaum masing-masing di sekolah Cina, Tamil dan Kebangsaan yang menanam jati diri mengikut budaya dan bahasa kaum masing-masing.
    Perlu diingat budaya dan bahasa adalah perbezaan yang kita meiliki tetapi ianya boleh dikongsi bersama kaum lain tanpa mengurangkan jati diri masing- masing. Tanpa intergasi kaum secara menyeluruh setiap perkara akan dilihat secara perkauman kerana kaum yang berbeza akan sentiasa merasa curiga apakah hak mereka akan dapat dipertahankan atau di rampas oleh kaum lain.
    Saya masih ingat cadangan yang di buat pada zaman Tun untuk membina sekolah yang menempatkan sekolah Kebangsaan, Cina dan Tamil pada kompleks yang sama supaya berlaku integrasi kaum tetapi di tentang dengan kuat oleh kaum Cina. Sekarang pemimpin politik Cina dok bising kenapa mereka tak boleh jadi macam Obama, pepatah Melayu ada berkata ‘ cermin diri sendiri”, itulah jawapan yang sesuai.
    Orang- orang politik (pembuat dasar perundangan dalam istilah orang putih) perlu menukar polisi mereka dalam mendidik generasi baru Malaysia supaya berlaku intergasi kaum yang sebenar.
    Jadi kenapa kita perlu menjadi seperti Amerika? sedangkan kita boleh menjadi lebih baik dari mereka dan dalam tempoh yang lebih singkat.
    Orang politik perlu dikawal oleh badan lain supaya tidak menyalahguna kuasa, seleweng, rasuah membuat dasar yang karut marut dan lain masalah yang telah mereka timbulkan.
    Kita perlukan perubahan minda politik untuk terus maju sebagai rakyat Malaysia bebilang kaum yang berjaya di dunia.

  293. Nampaknya parti2 kaum dalam Barisan tidak lagi menghormati UMNO. Mereka dgn lantang seperti pahlawan kaum mereka menuntut macam2. Kenapa UMNO sudah kehilangan taring. kadang2 rasa kehilangan tokoh2 seperti Syed Jabar Albar, Tun Dr Ismail dan Datuk Harun. Kalau macam ini berterusan lebih lah baik kalau UMNO duduk dgn PAS..berkongsi kuasa dgn mereka…Walaupun kita dapat perintah dgn ‘simple majority’tapi kita dapat pelihara hak kaum melayu dan agama islam… Orang Melayu telah banyak berkorban….jawatan menteri untuk kaum lain maseh sama walaupun kemenangan mereka jauh merosot… Tpi saya tertarik dgn apa yang ditulis olih saudara Tee Abdullah di Utusan Malaysia keluaran 2/11/2008 mengenai issue ini…
    Semuga TUN di Panjang kan umor dgn kesihatan yang sejehtera…

  294. Yes, somebody said greed has overcame them.
    There are many things in life you cannot have, you can’t have all.
    You want total equality, free market.. you can try but
    there is no guarantee you can keep what you have right now .. peace!
    You want to get your share – inevitably you are getting somebody
    else’s share.
    Malays have given so much, yet you’re asking some more.
    Where is the balance of wealth by pupulation.. 70:30 population
    to probably 20:80 wealth??!
    What we have, we should appreciate. Don’t take advantage of the
    current weakness in politics.
    Have a good day Tun, sir!

  295. Dear Tun,
    What is the matter with you ? Are you here to help to solve the problems or stir the bees ? Perharps you should define your own and actual goal first. Why Malay always claimed that this is your land and we are pendatang. Back to the history you are one of the pendatang too.Who owns the land during the stone age ? After all, we all are pendatang too. The most important thing is we all are Malaysian regardless what race you are, work hard together to build a better future for ourself. If the country is in the mess, what future will we have ? A good PM must be able to lead the country for better development it doesn’t matter he / she is black or white or yellow.
    You know that better than me unless you are so single minded.

  296. Kepada semua Pembaca Blog
    Perlu diingatkan sejarah adalah sejarah dan kepada bukan melayu anda tidak boleh menafikan sejarah dan kita telah berjaya mengharungi 50 tahun bersama tetapi saya masih terkilan kenapa orang cina tidak mahu satukan sekolah tetapi berbincang perlu adil, adil akan wujud jika kita bersatu dan tidak mementingkan kaum kita, apa yang dapat kita lihat pemimpin cina tidak buat seperti yang diperkatakan mereka ,mereka mahu melayu tidak menunjukan racist tetapi jika dilihat dari tindak tanduk mereka ,mereka juga masih racist.Kami hanya nampak keuntungan disebelah pihak sahaja.Kalau nak diikutkan contoh Obama Amerika…230 tahun lebih baru mereka memilih kaum lain jadi presiden, itupun darahnya ada campuran black & white.kalau dilihat singapura yang di pegang oleh kaum cina pun melayu tidak banyak mendapat kelebihan daripada kaum cina.

  297. Reading what the comments posted here, I feel compelled to add my two cents here. While I’m sure Tuns intent of adding this entry was to enlighten us to the historical facts that confirm
    1. the chinese are better off than when under British Rule
    2. the Malays acknowledge the rights of Chinese race and rightfully want the non-Malays to acknowledge the rights of the Malays.
    I am disturbed by the escalation of this discussion. While most are written in the spirit of a healthy discussion, I can see this escalating to Chinese vs. Malay type thread.
    Allow me to voice my opinion. You can judge for yourself if I am biased or not. I am of Malay ancestry and have an Eastern education background. I noticed that the Malays deeply appreciate what Tun has said because there has not been a real champion who spoke out in favor of the Malay rights. The one person who did was ill equiped and did not relay the actual feelings of the majority of Malays.
    But, reading some of the comments I fear the chinese will get an even more distorted picture. The casual non-political related Malay cares little whats written on IC card, or if tenders go out to bumi’s or not, or if the equity is imbalanced. Racial harmony comes before prosperity. We understand that the chinese living in Malaysia are 3rd or 4th generation Malaysians. They feel they are entitled to more than their great great grand parents who was borne in Mainland China and couldnt speak of word of Malay. After all, it appears the only difference between a Malay and chinese person NOW is the colour of their skin.
    This is where I beg to differ. While the majority of you (chinese and Malay) reading this likely have a diploma or degree or even PhD, there are a large number of Bumis who are still too poor to go to school/university. When I head back to my hometown in Batu Pahat, I hear the pride my neighbours have when their son/daughter scores a scholarhip or allowed entry into a MRSM school. Without this, they would be at the farm or working at a Japanese factory for minimum wage.
    What I think is missing from the casual chinese observers is the understanding of the life of a Malay/Bumi outside Klang Valley/ Ipoh/ Penang or whatever city youre in. I dont blame anyone cause the city is filled with corrupted Malays who flaunt their riches and abuse their rights (like jaiguru said). But this is is still the minority! The majority are not yet able to compete. The majority still are unable to have savings. I know many who had to sell their belongings to accomodate the prices hikes. I am arent talking about PS3’s or Gucci bags, but wedding rings and family heirlooms.
    If you argue that we cant keep supporting this, well, I tend to agree with you but for now we still need this. And if you argue that we should be helping the poor and not only the Malay/Bumi, then again I agree with you. Bare in mind that the majority of the poor is still Malay/Bumi hence changing the policy to include the poor is just a cosmetic change.
    As a casual observer, I dont really care about tenders or business kuota’s. If I was a business man, I guess I would be. I dont know if we Malays are ready to do business on our own, but I do know our farmers and fisherman still need the social contract.

  298. Dear Tun..
    Saja je post..
    1. Proto Malay, also known as Melayu Asli or Melayu Purba in the Malay language, is an ethnic group in Malaysia. Anthropologists traced a group of newcomers Proto Malay seafarers migrated from Yunnan to Malaysia, during the stone age period.[1] According to R.O. Winsteadt, the Proto Malay has a smaller body size, they were polite and shy.
    A section of the Kambysene hordes settled on north-west of India later came to be known as Kambojas and their province as Kamboja in ancient Indian traditions [2]. A section of these Scythianised Kambojas is believed to have reached Tibetan plateau where they mixed with the locals; as a result some Tibetans are still called Kambojas [3]. Through Tibet, they went further to Mekong valley where they were called Kambujas (Cambodians), now represented by the Chams, still a tall, fair, dolichocephelic people with non-mongoloid eyes, of the Mon-Khmers [4].
    Combination of the colonial Kambujas of Hindu-Buddhism faith, the Indo-Persian royalties and traders as well as traders from southern China and elsewhere along the ancient trade routes, these peoples together with the aborigine Negrito Orang Asli and native seafarers and Proto Malays intermarried each others and thus a new group of peoples was formed and became to be known as the Deutero Malays, today they are commonly known as the Malays.
    2. Malaysian Chinese is a Malaysian of Chinese origin. Most are descendants of Chinese who arrived between the fifteenth and the mid-twentieth centuries. Within Malaysia, they are usually simply referred to as “Chinese” in all languages. The term Chinese Malaysian is also sometimes used to refer to this community.
    Most Chinese immigrants of Malaya came from southern China, mostly from the province of Fujian and Guangdong. In the nineteenth century, many came as indentured labourers, known as coolies (Chinese:


  300. Assalamualaikum TUN,
    Semoga sihat la hendaknya…izinkan…
    Untuk mengetahui sejarah sebenar Malaysia, ia adalah amat mudah. Ia tidak penting jika kita tidak tahu dimana letaknya kesempadanan Kepulauan Melayu atau The Malay Archipelago. Dan kita juga tidak perlulah untuk mengetahui samada wilayah selatan Thailand juga termasuk didalam kesempadanan itu. Kita celikkan je mata kita yang SEPET itu dan kita lihat saja di sekeliling kita. Ada tak nama raja-raja dinegara ini yang saperti Wong Phung Kok atau Lau Chee Pet ka..?? Jika raja-raja yang terdapat dinegara ini adalah terdiri dari Raja-Raja Melayu maka adalah agar sukar bagi sesiapa pun yang hendak menghujahkan atau memanupulasikan fakta bahawa penduduk asal negara ini adalah bukan orang Melayu..
    Hidup UMNO!!

  301. Tun,
    Kalau saya berbangsa cina, saya sangat gembira tinggal di
    Malaysia. Boleh bercakap hokkian, mandarin, pucau dan sebagainya
    di mana-mana tempat, papan tanda kedai dalam nama dan tulisan cina,
    rata-rata bangunan kedai kepunyaan orang cina, bangunan besar,
    indah dan mencakar langit kepunyaan mereka juga, memandu kereta
    berjenama dan mewah juga ramai mereka mampu dan sebagainya.
    Mereka, majoriti adalah ahli perniagaan dan sangat berjaya di
    negara ini. Dengan kejayaan itu mereka mengaut keuntungan yang
    besar. Oleh yang demekian, mereka dapat membeli dan memeliki apa
    yang mereka mahu dengan wang. Itu tak dapat setiap orang nafikan.
    Mereka bekerja kuat dan rajin, yes true. Mereka membayar cukai
    dalam jumlah yang banyak juga benar, sebab mereka kaya. Pendek
    kata, berbanding dengan bangsa lain, orang cina telah mara maju
    jauh kehadapan. Saya nampak mereka sungguh selesa. Ini cukup baik
    pada mereka dan mereka harus mempastikan Malaysia ini aman damai.
    Walau bagaimanapun setiap bangsa masing-masing ada kelemahan
    termasuklah orang cina. Saya tak mahu sebut laa kelemahan mereka
    Tun. Rasanya mereka tahu.

  302. Dearest Tun,
    Excellent article as usual. No one can accuse you of being a racist although some attempt to. History speaks the truth. Every person regardless of race should be grateful to be a Malaysian. I have never met a more tolerant race than the malays, thanks to their religious upbringing. God bless this wonderful land. salam


  304. Dear Tun,
    It is good that you brought up this matter for all to see. Some people may not like it, however history and past events should be noted accordingly. Social contract may it in verbal or written form should be honoured and respected by generations. It is known facts that the Malays have always accepted that all of us, Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Kadazans, Ibans, Aborigines, and all Malaysian citizen have to live together in this country. It is only when the rights of the Malays are being questioned that the Malays get upset and starting to question the rights of citizenship of others as was accepted in the social contract.
    Shall we stick to the social contract or should we tear it up? I think we should stick to what our forefathers have agreed since we were living under peaceful and prosperity under that contract. We only need to fine tune it so that the majority of us are happy with the arrangement. Much of the dissent and complaints actually arise from a misconceptions that the Malays are profitting heavily and the others are losing heavily from the contract. If this is true then there should have been more Malays millionaires than the combined total of Chinese and Indian millionaires in this country. Or at least there should have been more Malay upper class (rich and well off people) than the conbined total of others. But it is not so.
    Majority of Malays are still in the kampungs, owning small wooden or semi brick houses, lack of good infrastructures such roads, piped water, electricity, telephone lines, shopping complexes, etc. Big banglows, semi-D, apartments and expensive houses in the city are still owned in majority by non-Malays. Malays ownerships may well be below 25% in those type of properties.
    When government policy under NEP try to help the Malays, initially it was acceptable albeit wish some sinister remarks about the Malays to be successful in business and the likes. However when there were a few Malays were successful, then the sinister remarks turn into complaints of unfairness, discriminations, cronyism, etc. If we care to check, the Malays still have not surpassed the initial target of 30% and still lagging far away behind. However the uproar that are being circulating around are as though the Malays have grapped, pinched and robbed everything through the NEP. This is the real issue that sometimes stirr up the emotions of others and making them angry to the BN government of the day.
    Lots have been said about the kindness of the Malays, willing to live together with others, in the past and present as well. However I am very sad that the kindness was sometime being rewarded with sarcasm, backstabbing and efforts to remove a few previleges what are left for the Malays.
    Let me narrate a little true story of the kindness of our Malay forefather that was paid unkindly at later stage to the later generation. Long before Merdeka, a Malay allowed a migrant family to settle on a piece of his land with a verbal agreement that the rental should be Malaya Dollar 10 (equivalent of our present RM10 ?) per year and the land should be vacated in good condition when the migrant family had done well and can afford their own land. Everything was good when both parties were still alive. Years later after a few generations, with both original parties to the verbal agreement have passed away, the children still live side by side happily. The offsprings of the migrant family have obtained citizenship during Merdeka era.
    Then come 1980’s when development started happening in big way in this country. There was a feeling of reviewing the rental rate or retaking back the land by the present generation. That was when the misunderstanding started. It was argued that there was no provision for a review even though the rental was seem ridiculous at that time. When it was suggested that the be vacated, a compensation of around RM50,000 was quoted for the value of the house built, which was a very big amount at that time for kampung folks. The land was eventually vacated in around 2005 after a compensation of RM120,000 was paid.
    If we try to calculate the total amount of rental collected, it wont even come to near half of the amount of the compensation. That is how that Malay family learnt the lesson. The kindness of their forefathers mean nothing to the present generations. I was told that was not an isolated case in this country.
    The same thing is being promoted now. The Malays are being questioned now whether the verbal agreement of the social contract is binding or not now. Well, do we abide by the contract or shall we tear it up (or if there is no paper to tear up, shall we forget about it) ?

  305. YAB Tun,
    Maaf, nak tegur sikit….Saudara Alibabamathir..catatan saudara pada 11 Nov 2008 jam 8.43 pagi.
    Saya amat berasa dukacita di atas komen saudara kerana saudara tidak berhujah dengan bukti-bukti yang sahih sepertimana yang di tulis oleh YAB Tun. Tingkahlaku saudara samalah seperti peguam yang mempertahankan anak guamannya tanpa memberi bukti yang sahih kepada Tuan Hakim. Kewibawaan Tun Mahathir telah terbukti…anda pula bagaimana????
    Terima kasih YAB Tun di atas fakta-fakta yang telah dibentangkan yang boleh membuka mata dan minda puak-puak yang cuba menangguk di air yang keruh.
    Sejarah selalu membuktikan bangsa mana yang suka ‘ migrate’ jika ‘berlaku’ sesuatu di negara yang ia tinggal. Orang Melayu akan terus menetap di ‘Tanah Melayu’ walaupun badai datang menggunung. Sekian.

  306. salam Tun,
    kalau bukan Melayu nak jd PM, syaratnya mesti Islam dan mdpt didikan penuh dgn adab serta budaya melayu. jgn samakn org bkn melayu di malaysia dgn obama yg bkn kulit putih. obama mengakui dia seorg kristian walaupun asal bapanya seorg Islam, dan mdpt lebih byk didikannya dr datuk serta nenek dr sblah ibunya yg berkulit putih. budaya dan didikannya lebih cenderung kpd kristian serta budaya org kulit putih. sbb itu rakyat Amerika tak teragak2 memilihnya sbg presiden berbanding McCain yg jenis kaki perang, rakyat Amerika sudah bosan dgn peperangan.

    By peter511 on November 11, 2008 11:18 AM
    Dear Tun,
    I still think that the Chinese is better off under the British colonial, not that I like but is a matter of fact.
    At the end of the day, it’s not really matter what color of your skin as Obama had shown. AND you are not 100% Malay also ..

  308. Tun,
    Like to bring up one small subject. How are you going to explain about those Indian Muslim that join UMNO not too long ago and they enjoy or share or take away the Malays special right. They are not even 1% Malays at all and they are the real people that are taking or occupying the Malay

  309. Dear Tun,
    Only decent people with moral values and good character will care to acknowledge past events in history.
    Sadly most people today don’t care about history, worst still, some even distort history and come up with un-founded notions (as you have pointed out).
    Then there are the Ultras, they even claimed that the Malays don’t have evidence to proof their standing in history (No written record of historic events dating back 1000 years, therefore, the Malays cannot claim that they are Bumiputra)
    I hope decent people can come to the fore-front and help to build bridges that would foster greater understanding, promote peace & mutual respect!
    Thank you,

  310. Hi Tun,
    I am a Chinese but I respect your views Tun, but times have changed. That speech was taken decades ago and inspiration of chinese are different now. Chinese has been contributing in developing this country and has been providing job opportunities to every races. We didn’t ask for much, we just want to be a “deserving Malaysian”. When government help the poors of Malay, pls just don’t forget that there are other races who are starving too.
    Malay can always question and tell other races to always appreciate what they have given us, but if it is the other way round, we could have been arrested under ISA.

  311. Assalamualaikum TUN.
    Terima kasih di atas segala informasi dan sejarah ini.
    Saya harap TUN panjang umur seribu tahun lagi. Agar TUN dapat sentiasa bercerita dan memberitahu saya yang daif,anak-anak saya dan mungkin rakyat Malaysia keseluruhannya tentang sejarah lalu yang mana orang-orang seperti Tresa KOK, Tian Chua, Lim Kit Siang, RPK, termasuk si Zaid Ibrahim dan yang lain-lain yang sewaktu dengannya, tentang pengorbanan orang melayu suatu ketika dahulu.
    Bravo TUN.
    Love u always

  312. @ mega,
    “Well, ‘unique’ if you said that then we the Malays will also says ‘while Tunku was a great man that represent UMNO that time, what ever he says may not truly represent what the MALAY society’s inspiration in today. Then what will happen to this country?????? This is what earllier l said ‘cacing sudah naik ke mata'”
    The fact that Tan Siew Sin said these things is just a historical fact, and the contents of his speech was his personal opinion. He can talk, but whether he was correct is another question. Dato’ Onn Jaafar himself proposed opening UMNO to to the non-Malays, to the babi-eaters. And we all know what happened to him.
    If there is any cacing that sudah naik ke mata, unfortunately it is you. You bukan raja di negara ini. You, a pendatang yourself, sudah naik mata sampai ingat negara ini you bapak yang punya. Your delusion of swaggering around and calling the shots is just that – a delusion. If you think you have the power to tarik balik the citizenship of us “cacings”, you are sadly mistaken.
    @ Shahrul,
    “Dr Chua said it was unrealistic for Kedah to implement the 50% bumiputra quota for housing schemes, adding that the purchasing power of bumiputras should be considered. Imagine that Tun. I do not think of anything which is less insulting to the Bumiputras (Malay) community than to be told the above.”
    Unfortunately I can. Even worse, this grave insult is coming from the Malays themselves. See how hard they cry when their hak-hak istimewa appear to be in danger, regardless of whether that danger is real or perceived. See what a hue and outcry they raise, how they label Zaid Ibrahim as “pengkhianat” when he is so much as speaking the truth. The Malays demand their NEP and hak istimewa, because they insist that they are incompetent weaklings. I have never seen or heard of a race as a whole insult itself like that, EVER.

  313. By peter511 on November 11, 2008 11:18 AM
    Dear Tun,
    I really don’t understand what is your motive ? by keep on raising the racial issues ?
    You can always extarct part or certain article in favour of your argurment. what is the point ?
    I still think that the Chinese is better off under the British colonial, not that I like but is a matter of fact.
    At the end of the day, it’s not really matter what color of your skin as Obama had shown. AND you are not 100% Malay also ..
    dear peter511
    I think you must read this article first (if u understand read malay).
    byk pihak mengatakan suratkhabar utusan melayu byk menimbulkan isu perkauman, tp apa yg dibangkitkan ini sesuatu yg realistik bukan retorik.

  314. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    it was a very revealing history that you have had written here. maybe the sound that you heard about people claiming and complaining in this country and outside are the type of people that will not be satisfied for every bless they had and have some motive in their word. the world will not be completed if this type of people doesn’t exist. so perhaps we have to take their claim as a way to improve ourselves and look at our weaknesses and not taking it too serious that we will have peptic ulcer later.
    from a historical perspective we can see clearly that this type of tolerance malay had give to other non malay people was a very big convenience. in fact i believe in certain country the non bumi classification will not have this type of tolerance. unfortunately, this type of history are not being teach today to student plus majority of our student now, they learn just for the sake of getting high mark and go to university. the knowledge are not being valued. bumi people will of course took this history as a good thing for them and something to be proud of (i’m malay and muslim). but for the non bumi people, this historical view will not satisfy them.
    what are their core problem today is the problem of system and attitude. from my experiences, i will say most of this non bumi people not all but majority of them, they are a very good worker. in whatever field they enter, they are very serious in their work, they take pride out of it, they try to improve themselves day by day and they proved themselves to be among the top in the list. compared to malay people, not all but a lot of them they are not serious in their work, they play too much, not concentrating in their work, and they proved themselves to be among the moderate or lowish side. some of them didn’t have pride in their work and just do it half heartedly. but, they can get to the next level in their workfield possibly because they have a very good connectivity with the upper side.
    this is not applicable to every one but i think that goes the same with non malay company. do you want to hire people that you are not familiar with? i think no. that is why we still can hear this group and that group complaining about being in malaysia but not feeling as a malaysian. so i think for non malay people who work with malay people and they did not feel like it, so just resign and work with other company that have a good managerial system.
    the next problem will be the malay people itself. i would expect as a muslim mostly, malay people will have a much better attitude than the non muslim but this type of expectation proved to be wrong from our daily experiences. Allah asked us to be punctual but we proved to be among the most late comers. Allah asked us to be a good people who contribute to others but we proved to be among the most non contributor, made difficult for others type. it just did not make sense right. compared to our muslim predecessors before, we proved to be a lot but the most weakest. at past, muslim are the contributor for world in ground of knowledge or peacefulness but today it seem so contradictory. for me, this all correlate to what our Prophet had said before.
    so in my opinion, as a malay and muslim, we have to come back to the truth religious teaching of islam. if we have confidence in Allah and what Allah said and what our prophet Muhammad saw said, we will truely had the much of good attitude we will be needing for and we will be the example rather than be the one that is being criticized everyday.

  315. assalammualaikum tu,
    melayu adalah satu bangsa jiwanya lembut, mulia,sopan santun,setia,taat,hormat pg tetamu dan segalanya perkara yg baik.
    dlm kebaikan itu ada yg tak baik buruk perangai seperti berdendam,hasad dengki,iri hati,malas berusaha,suka jadi kuli,ambil jalan mudah dan mudah terpengaruh dgn perkara yg tidak baik(perkara negatif)
    bukan semua segelintir saja tapi yg segelintir tu yg boleh mempengaruhi melayu yg baik.

  316. Dear Tun
    After so many years of nation development, why are we still debating which race should get what? You think this is zero sun game?
    Are we not all bumiputera in this blue earth?

  317. Tun,
    During your era these issues with regards to article 153, social contract, NEP were not seriously questioned. However today we are seeing more and more parties are questioning these including some Malays from PKR, RPK etc.
    The only reason that I can think of is the country leadership is very weak to explain all the history facts and the reasons to all of this NEP, etc. They are all more concern on how they can maintain their support and enrich their family and cronies.
    Take Pak Lah for example, he is willing to admit openly that Malaysia can have a non Malay PM in the future, because he does not want to lose support from the non-bumis. Guess what, non-bumis are still questioning him and accusing him not sincere at all, just another slap to himself. He should have follow the PM of Singapore which is honest to admit that only Chinese can be their PM.
    Najib in order to win support from the non Malays, agrees to abolish NEP in the near future. Instead of giving explanation and reasoning to what had been decided and agreed by our forefathers, he bows down to the non Malay. He is more worries about his position then defending what is right.
    Worst is we have some people who claim they are true Muslims and Malays but fighting hard to abolish the NEP. Who is this Raja Petra? This idiot openly admitted he is a true Muslim at heart while at the same time he is insulting Islam and our beloved prophets in his many articles. His family doesn’t practice the Islamic way of life yet he had the courage to insult all the Muslims in everything. This guy which come from a royalty blood and has been living in luxury since his childhood will not know how the poor Malays struggle in the streets and how the NEP has helped thousands and millions of bumiputras.
    Who is Haris Ibrahim? He is a lawyer which defending all Islam converts and also doesnt practice Islam as his way of life (he has 7 dogs as his pets to name one example) and does not believe in Hadith dare to talk about Islam and quote al quran in his articles?
    Zaid Ibrahim is another one of them. All these people have been living in luxury and never have experience the pain of the ordinary people in the streets like me, of course they dare to speak against something that they dont need. All these traitors dare to speak up but if given a chance to lead this country, I am 100% sure they will cause bloody racial conflict.
    The fact is, NEP is still needed to balance the economic pie and racial harmony of all the people in this country that we love. We all need to look at history and learn from it. Those who do not know please look back and study why 6 million jews were slaughtered by the Nazis. The jews which was the minority had controlled the economy and the germans lived in poor, come to a certain level the situation has reached the maximum limit and it caused the racial clash. Why? because they dont have a system like NEP to balance the economic pie to everybody. This is the same with May 14th where the Chinese which already control the economy starting to gain political power through the election.
    I am not trying to threaten the minorities with violence or riot, but I am appealing to all Malaysians especially to the minorities please try to understand the history and the reasons to it. Nowadays the Chinese are more wealthy in Malaysia and they were not opressed at all. Look on the roads who normally owns the big cars and who are the top billionaires in Malaysia? I do not care and I do not feel jealous if they are rich because I know they work hard for it. Yet they are still complaining and complaining and having not enough. They have control the economy now they want to have political power as well? Do we want the Malays in Malaysia to be sideline and oppressed like what is happening in Singapore?
    This is the land of opportunities to everyone. Whoever work hard they will get there. I appeal to all politicians to stop harping on racial issues. During Tun’s time we all live happily everybody can earn a living and NEP has been there ever since. Its a proof that the issue is not because NEP or Malay rights.

    By jaiguru on November 11, 2008 11:56 AM

    But, i challenged them to things like manegerial skills, computers just testing them on how smart they really were???…
    Only to prove otherwise they have lost 9 out of 10 to me.
    .. But these are the real essence of Malaysia, though NOT all but Most of them.

  319. Dear Tun,
    Thank you sharing this very important speech made by one of the great leaders of our country.
    “It is a tribute to the farsighted statesmanship of UMNO and its leaders that they reacted sympathetically to this request”. This statement should be used to teach the leaders of today be it from UMNO, MCA, MIC or even the Pakatan members. That it was the honesty, intelligence and the want to have a peacefull co-existance that had guided them in making decisions and not the want to win seats.
    With regards to the Race relations again i think that we as Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Murut, Kadazan etc… have to play our role intelligently and with all honesty.
    This land does not belong to anyone but to everyone. But at the same time the non-malays have to understand that at the time of independence the majority of chinese and indians were only immigrants who had been in Tanah Melayu for 2-3 generations (majority of them at least, some had just migrated a few years before that) and were given citizenship or allowed to take citizenship by the British with approval from Malay leaders therefore it was natural for the Malay leaders to save guard their own community by giving them certain privileges. These privileges were meant to ensure the economic well being as well as to safe guard the Malay culture. It was never meant to show superiority of the Malays over other races.
    May 13, was an indicator of what happens when the majority feel threatened.
    The Malays of today on the other hand have to realize that being the majority is not all about safe guarding and abusing the privilages, they have to show that they care for the other races. They have to lead not only their people but the others as well. They have to ensure everyone regardless of race gets a taste of the economic pie, that the welfare of every citizen is taken into account just as the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W had done in his administration.
    Malaysians should not simply look at others and try to copy them for each nation has its pros and cons. Each nation has its own history which has shaped the present.

  320. Salam hormat Tun,
    Terima kasih dengan pendedahan fakta terbaru ini.
    Pandangan saya, di Malaysia orang Melayu telah banyak berkorban untuk bangsa asing terutama Cina. Antaranya:
    1. Sekolah Kebangsaan Cina dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Tamil wujud di negara kita. Sepatutnya sekolah berunsur kaum seperti ini tidak perlu ujud lagi di Malaysia. Selagi ia ujud satu dasar integriti kaum di Malaysia sudah pasti terlalu sukar dicapai. Lihat saja di Amerika, England dan juga serata dunia adakah sekolah berdasarkan kaum ujud dimana kaum Cina merupakan minoriti? JUSTERU ITU SAYA MENYARANKAN SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN CINA DAN TAMIL DIHAPUSKAN SAMASEKALI JIKA INTERGRITI KAUM HENDAK DILIHAT DI MALAYSIA.
    2. Dalam satu-satu pilihanraya di Malaysia, UMNO ( orang Melayu khususnya ) telah banyak berkorban dengan meletakkan calun wakil rakyat di kalangan parti MCA / PERGERAKAN walaupun majoriti di kawasan tersebut adalah orang Melayu. Cuba kita lihat secara fakta yang nyata, mana ada di kawasan majoriti Cina / India calun Melayu dikalangan UMNO / PAS bertanding? Jika ini terjadi, sudah pasti bangsa Cina / India tidak akan menyokong calun dari kaum Melayu sebagai wakil rakyat mereka. Saya ingin bertanya secara ikhlas ADAKAH CINA / INDIA DI MALAYSIA INI BEGITU JUJUR KEPADA ORANG MELAYU?
    3. DEB yang meletakkan pegangan ikuiti Melayu dan bumiputera di Sabah/Sarawak lebih kurang 30%-35% sahaja pun Cina / India berani pertikaikan? Jika populasi bumiputera di Malaysia melebihi 60% tetapi kita hanya meletakkan equiti bumiputera tak sampai 40% pun mereka ( 2 bangsa ini ) mahu hapuskan DEB, di sini saya ingin tahu ADAKAH CINA / INDIA DI MALAYSIA SUDAH TIDAK WARAS DAN SEOLAH-OLAH MAHU MEMBOLOT SEMUA KEKAYAAN DAN KESENANGAN DI TANAH MELAYU DAN HAK BUMIPUTERA DI SABAH / SARAWAK dan seterusnya menjadikan Malaysia seperti Singapura? Lihatlah Singapura, dulunya pulau tersebut adalah tempat tinggal asal orang Melayu tetapi dasar Inggeris telah menjadikan pulau tersebut sebagai destinasi popular kepada pendatang asing terutama dari Negara Cina dan ditambah ekonomi yang telah dimonopoli oleh orang Cina, akhirnya Melayu telah menjadi minoriti dan telah dianaktirikan oleh kaum Cina di bumi sendiri. SUNGGUH SEDIH DAN INIKAH YANG CINA / INDIA MALAYSIA MAHUKAN PADA SATU HARI NANTI?
    4. Satu perkara yang teramat sensitif yang berani mereka cabar menerusi DAP ialah Kedaulatan Kesultanan Melayu. Di sini Anwar Ibrahim yang telah bertukar wajah dari Melayu kepada talibarut Cina / India yang tamak dengan wadah politiknya yang tersendiri berubah-ubah telah sanggup mengaminkan dan berdiam diri sahaja apa yang DAP mahukan demi satu matlamat iaitu MAHU JADI PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA.
    5. Kedaulatan agama Islam juga kini, DAP dan Hindraf berani pertikaikan. Anwar Ibrahim dengan niat yang kotor asalkan dapat menjadi PM dan juga PAS seolah-olah mengaminkan sahaja perkara tersebut berlaku.
    Sekian Tun. Doa dan harapan agar Tun serta keluarga diberkati Allah s.w.t sentiasa.
    Blog Tun ini amat berguna untuk saya dan ramai pejuang bangsa yang lain bertukar-tukar pandangan.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  321. Dear Jai guru et all,
    if you’re saying USA, Europe or other countries are fair, just and based on meritocracy are far better than Malaysia, you’ve all the freedom and options to go and live there. No one is restricting anyone.
    At the end of the day, everyone has a choice. Ourselves are responsible for all the consequences of our actions BUT we’ve a choice on the actions.

  322. Dear Tun,
    Here ” The Malay Archipelago” Chapter VI Para 3
    “I am inclined to rank the Dyaks above the Malays in mental capacity, while in moral character they are undoubtedly superior to them. They are simple and honest, and become the prey of the Malay and Chinese trailers, who cheat and plunder them continually. They are more lively, more talkative, less secretive, and less suspicious than the Malay, and are therefore pleasanter companions. The Malay boys have little inclination for active sports and games, which form quite a feature in the life of the Dyak youths, who, besides outdoor games of skill and strength, possess a variety of indoor amusements. One wet day, in a Dyak house, when a number of boys and young men were about me, I thought to amuse them with something new, and showed them how to make

  323. Tun yang dikasihi,
    Kalau orang MALAYSIA tidak mendaulatkan BAHASA MALAYSIA, apa lagi tidak fasih berbahasa Malaysia, bolehkah mereka dianggap sebagai Orang Malaysia walaupun memegang kad pengenalan biru?
    Oleh itu, bagi saya, ORANG MALAYSIA tidak ada asalan untuk tidak fasih berkomunikasi dlm bahasa Malaysia. Orang Malaysia juga mesti fasih berbahasa inggeris (bahasa kedua) untuk berkomunikasi dengan BANGSA ASING dan juga sebagai bahasa ilmu (sehinggalah Bahasa Malaysia menjadi mantap utk dijadikan sebagai bahasa ilmu).
    Hanya BANGSA ASING mendaulatkan bahasa asing (seperti mengutamakan bahasa-bahasa lain di dlm pertuturan seharian mereka, media cetak, pengiklanan, syarat temuduga kerja etc). Kerajaan sepatutnya mengkaji semula taraf kerakyatan mereka-mereka ini yang mendaulatkan bahasa lain jika sekiranya mereka-mereka ini memegang kad pengenalan biru. Bagi saya, Sekolah JENIS KEBANGSAAN (C) atau (T) sekalipun (ARAB) sepatutnya tidak ada dalam negara ini.
    Saya menulis ni kerana sehari dua lepas saya menerima edaran email yang mengiklankan ‘tuition’ di kawasan perumahan saya yang mengajar Matematik dan Sains dlm bahasa Mandarin.
    Ampun dan maaf.

  324. Dear Tun!
    Much thanks for the painstaking research done on how “previlaged” the Chinese are to be in Malaysia! What about the “rest”?! It is indeed a well known fact that the economy in Malaysia is controlled by the Chinese, with of course, the Malays as “puppets” in most businesses!
    I can’t help but cite Barack Obama, to be chosen as America’s 44th President, as an example of how the world has changed! I too like you, do not have the time to indulge in the lengthy process of saying why the Americans have had a sudden change of mind in choosing their next leader! Please do not tell me that America has become colour blind!
    Times change and with that we as human beings have to change! I say this in a very matter-of -fact manner! Don’t live in the “Dinasour era”! Look forward! This will be the greatest service you can do for and in good memory of TSS!!!

  325. Answer to CK,
    That is the problem!. You wanted to be treated EQUAL. EQUAL does not necessary means JUSTICE. You cannot treat a 5 years old son and a 20 years old son. After all they are both humans?. You should understand that, it is because their needs are different!.

  326. Salam Tun,
    Saper cepat dia dapat, saper lambat ketinggalan la..
    Saya byk kwn sama Cina..tapi takde masalah pun.. ada masalah kita cerita..dia bagi idea..jgn lah plak harap dia bagi duit..
    Pak saya wat niaga sikit2..Nak wat projek hutang dengan tauke Cina puluh2 ribu xde masalah pun..dpat payment nanti bayarlah hutang. Ada guru Cina.. kita x paham, tanya sama dia..dia tolong sama saya.. xde masalah pun. Ada festival raya, gawai, krismas Cina mali..satu keluarga..xde masalah pun..
    Yang masalahnya Melayu ni kot.. Asyik tergugat je. Cuba ler ada ilmu ke Kekuatan ekonomi ke, xdela nak takutnya..Cuba cari buku Alfred Russel Wallace kalu x silap “The Malay Archipelago”, ada text yang mengatakan macam mana Kaum Bidayuh ditindas oleh bangsa Melayu semasa zaman kesultanan Brunei di Swk….Itu dulu tahun 1800an..Sekarang sudah byk baik.. xdak gaduh2..Jaga agama, hidup bahagia, cukup makan, tempat tinggal.. syukurla.. nak lebih, kerja la lebih sikit..
    MELAYU MUDAH LUPA..Melayu kaki rempit pun boleh jadi ahli putera UMNO..macam ni nak pimpin bangsa…Cubala kalu yang Puteri & Wanita Umno tu bertudung, bercakap Sopan santun, Jaga Aurat, Jaga tatasusial, perckapan..maybe org respect gak..NI SURUHAN TUHAN PUN TAK IKUT..APATAH LAGI UNDANG2 BUATAN MANUSIA…..hehe..peace.

  327. It’s about contribution to the country regardless of race, religion and gender.
    “If we can eliminate prejudice(self-prejudice), we can fully utilized our country resources”.
    Are we prepared? I don’t think so, Vision 2020? 11 yrs and 1 month left.


  329. Hi Tun.
    How do you explain why Malaysian can’t be united together? Because of your legacy?
    Just curious. I’m not a bumi either. If this continues on, Vision 2020 will just be a “angan-angan kosong”.
    Every kingdom rises and falls because of leadership.
    Non-bumi(s) has never against the bumi or natives. They struggle to survive, Chinese, Indians, to some truth, even the Bumi(s)~! Just because the need to struggle, they work hard, in every circumstances that force them too. To provide for their family, then they get oppress because of their hardwork because of their jealousy. I have a bumi friend that is very hardworking and smart, but not appreciated.
    What you need to know, isn’t the history, we learned from history. But focus on the future, by building unity.
    Jaiguru, you have my support.
    The education, why does of our university rank fall beyond par? Have a deep thought. We need to have the mind of preparation for globalisation, that’s one important viewpoint. The only universities on earth that does not open to other races and countries can be found only in Malaysia. This has been the laughing stock internationally.
    Grief *
    US have surprised the world with the first African-American President(he has a lot of work to do now), we should learn to learn from each other and understand each other in this community.
    Just think about it, why is there a majority ppl with their mindset with a backward mentality?

  330. Dear Tun,
    Your wise blog has attracted so many bright minds. We can have a really clear idea about what is most people have in their mind, and a hint of where our country is heading to as well as the future of Malaysia.
    There are still somebody yelling “kalu tak suka, boleh balik ke china dan ke india” up there, it is interesting that this post can even got approved.
    Am I disappointed and angry? Can’t say I am not. I born here and I grow up here, I was taught about multi racial harmony and wawasan 2020 since I was a kid, and now, when grow up, I get this.
    But then, Siew Sin speech has spoken one truth, “Malay rights, and Chinese education”, seriously, no other rights is more important then the right to study your own mother language and the education of your choice.
    Thank you Malaysia!

  331. Dear Tun,
    Nowadays many people are starting to argue article 153 and demand for the removal of NEP. They accuse that BN has manipulated article 153 to their own taste. Some even dare to argue that Social Contract never exist. But when you and some leaders come out to explain the reasons for NEP and so on, they will accuse you of being racist. This article is one of the good examples. Some of the commentators even said you should have not discuss this it will disrupt the racial harmony. Who are they fooling? They only want to read and listen to whatever that only can please them.
    1) Obama? Don’t compare Obama with Malaysian. Obama does not speak in his Kenyan language or go to school that use other language then their national language, which is English. Obama doesn’t practice his own culture and ridicule the religion of the majority of American which is Christian. In fact, Obama himself is a Christian. Obama does not fight for the Kenya language to be put in the signboards all across the state where he is the Governor. Obama way of life is exactly the same as majority of American, and he respects them very much, that is why American can accept Obama!
    2) Many of them are asking for equalities and similar rights in everything. But when their people discriminate the Malays, do they or their leaders do anything? Look at all the MNC and giant companies in Malaysia. To name a few Dell, IBM, HSBC, Giant, CSA and many many others. 70% of the staffs are Chinese while Indian 15% and Malay 15%. Worst look at their management level. Almost none are Malays. Isn’t this discrimination? Ok some of them may say they promote only those that are capable. If this is true, why almost 50% of the job advertisements specify clearly that they want only Mandarin speaking candidates? I have checked many of these companies their job of nature totally have nothing to do with using Mandarin in their day to day operations. The answer is simple, they are all racist. And do we see any politicians from DAP, PKR are fighting for this discrimination? Yet they want to be the leader for the whole Malaysians.

  332. Ini laa masalahnya dengan bangsa selain melayu kat Malaysia ni. Bila Obama menang, mereka ingat rakyat Amerika lebih terbuka. Tetapi, mereka lupa bertanya, adakah Obama berjuang untuk sekolah rakyat Negro atau memperjuangkan papan tanda jalan dalam bahasa afrika? Tidak!! Obama hanya memperjuangkan hak sebagai rakyat Amerika, iaitu yang universal, bukan hak Orang Putih, Hitam, Hispanik dan lain-lain.
    Ini yang bangsa cina dan india (terutamanya dalam DAP dan disokong secara diam oleh MCA dan Gerakan) yang cuba putar-belit. Mereka sendiri tidak mahu menyertai sekolah kebangsaan, nak buat itu, ini ikut cara mereka sendiri. Dan masih, mereka kata orang Melayu menindas mereka. Sekarang siapa yang tak patriotik?
    Pak Lah ikut saja apa mereka ni kata, berlembut sangat, habis tu? siapa yang dipandang hina sekarang? Melayu laa, kononnya melayu tamak, nak bolot semua harta bangsa lain. TERIMA KASIH PAK LAH

  333. Dear Tun,
    While Tan Siew Sin was a great man that represented MCA at that time, what ever he said may not truly represents what the chinese society’s inspiration on that day. It’s harmless when UMNO still want to give citizenship the chinese society before merdeka. I don’t know whether Malay mind on that day cannot see the future where the society of chinese will bargain more and more greedy.

    By Alibabamahathir on November 11, 2008 8:43 AM
    you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.
    M.A.T.I. MELAYU.
    ps. Ayahanda Tun, we beg you please release this reply to the ungrateful ‘Alibabamahathir’.

  335. 1. Saya tidak tahu akan hal demikian.
    2. Terima kasih kerana memberitahu.
    3. Ada banyak lagi perkara yang perlu diketahui oleh saya dan semua rakyat Malaysia
    4. Rasanya Najib dan Hishamuddin perlu duduk dan masukkan banyak perkara yang perlu dalam subjek sejarah kita. Penekana perlu dari segi angka dan bagaimana sesuatu perkara di ambil keputusan, bukan saja penekanan tarikh dan soal upacara dalam sejarah itu sahaja
    5. Penting – amat penting

  336. Salam Ayahanda Tun. I am Malaysian, 40 years old and I grew up alongside the NEP. I am Bumiputra. Most my maternal relatives hailed from Gwala India. It

  337. Tun,
    The issue of social contract never seems to rest. At one end, you talk about Bangsa Malaysia and equality but yet oppose to idea of Malaysian Malaysia. It seems that your idea of Bangsa Malaysia is not Malaysian Malaysia but Malay Malaysia rather with the non-Malays having to subject themselves to the demands of the Malays.
    Does social contract really exists? The term social contract never came about during the Merdeka Talks. This was further confirmed by last Sunday Star article of the interview of Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Rahman. ( See link : ) Even other prominent individuals like Ungku Aziz mentioned that social contract never really exists and it has been hyped up by UMNO party to gather votes. Agreeing to Article 153 and Malay Rights may not mean there exists a social contract that UMNO can extend it to everything.
    NEP, for instance, existed in the aftermath of May 13 racial riots with the noble intention to distribute wealth among the various races. It was supposed to be a temporary measure that would last for only 20 years after its introduction in 1970. 1990 came and what happened? NEP remains and it whoever questions it is breaching article 153 and go against the

  338. to Jaiguru – i still remember these youtube songs by ‘namewee’ – sums it all up.
    my opinion is let the limping bumis carry their crutches. if they don’t they’ll start running after us with not one but TWO keris in their hands.
    not that we’re thriving on their deficiencies, i do welcome a little of a challenge but overall it’ll turn malaysia into a mess – no good for all who call themselves malaysians. and indians will be the first to be out based on their overall strength at the moment.
    am i right Dr M ?? – i can’t believe that you said for years that u wanted to get the crutches out of the malays’ hands, and it’s still going on, indefinitely. if they have a fracture somewhere give them surgery and pin the fractures up. where’s the dateline and who’s keeping the progress chart? no one – no wonder u failed big time in that.
    I challenge any politicians to come out with a dateline.
    remember Dr M – no one forced you to come out with Wawasan 2020 – now u picked Najib – and you’ve done your mistakes with picking Abdullah. Why should we believe you this time?

  339. People hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe regardless of how much facts we present and how we present it. They simply cannot confront the truth. They won

  340. CK
    I believe you are right. It is disturbing. Disturbing to national stability but nonetheless the topic people in the guise of free speech and transparency wants to be openly debated. And yet they are not ready to face the consequences.
    I think YABhg Tun wants to relate to the historical context of the division in opinions, as you correctly pointed out, that happens today as we speak. Malaysia is still not a matured democracy nor an established nation. We only have 51 years under own belt, not even a generation has passed.
    I’d like to draw your attention to USA. It took them more than 300 years to be where there are today. What do you see now in America? Everyone speaks English (remember the Immigration and Naturalisation Services) and almost culturally identical in everything they are. You need to be naturalised to be American! (Question : Do you sincerely think we are?) Even then, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore noted that only 40% of whites voted for Obama as opposed to other non-whites in the highs 70%. Suggesting that it is not that America is colorless, but Bush is too disgusting that American wants to rid of. I think YABhg Tun had also pointed this out.
    Now back to our country, I trust every race in Malaysia need to be responsible and not crying foul at every single thing only looking from their own perspective. At the moment, the political “leaders” are playing to the gallery and there is no “statesmen” who is in power, not in any community. But mere political professionals.
    We muslims believe there is no such things as unrestrained freedom, as human with unrestrained freedom would normally destroy themselves. That’s why we need rules, and mind you rule applicable to others may not yet applicable to us. So we should not import rules wholesale but weigh them individually.
    I bet all of us need to really think hard, how all these things begun? If I remember correctly, only recently. And again as a thought maybe we should reflect, why is this so and what has caused it?

  341. I don’t really see the neccesity of digging up old history if it is not meant for educating at all. Whether a Malay, Chinese, Indian, they are the same while observed internationally, before some of you would comment with a self-centred perception, let’s face it – it is the culture of Malaysia. Study from the history of the world and learn from the mistake, instead of wasting time arguing, it shows Malaysians living without virtue and nobility quality.

  342. Dear Tun,
    Thank you for the history lesson. I used to hate sejarah in school coz for me the subject is really dull and boring. And the teacher make it worse.
    But learning history from you now are so interesting, always wonder if I can get A if you are my teacher in those days. Our education ministry should do something now about our history lesson in school.
    However Tun, can we just stop talking about ketuanan melayu, isu pendatang, race inequality and all those political junks. Even though I don’t support Zaid, I do believe in equal chances and opportunities. Like one of the bloggers said, we malay are pampered too long and still have long way to go before we really become supremacy. TO EARN OTHER PEOPLE RESPECT WE SHOULD PROOF OUR ABILITIES TO OURSELF FIRST, THE RESPECT WILL COME THEN.
    You should preached about bringing the younger generation of the malay communities to work harder, smarter and believed in ourselves like you used to say in all your UMNO speech when you are in power. All your vision to push us to work harder to become developed country by 2020. Those are trully inspirational. Your words in those days that really pushed me to believe in myself and abilities really worked. I used to wonder how come my Chinese and Indian classmate are so smart and always get good grades. Must be something wrong with my brain coz I’m a malay. Malay are always call lazy and stupid. But in fact its all about hardwork.
    Tun, rather than wasting our time now segregating us by race based just to gain political mileage, I think all of us should work together as one nation to face all the obstacles that is coming especially the current financial crisis that going to put us in deep shit soon. I hope you will continue to inspire us especially the Malay communities to work very hard, strive for a better life and live in this country harmoniously. Same goes to all Chinese and Indian people.
    We really do not want another May 13, 1969 repeating itself do we malaysian????? I wonder??????

  343. Tun,I dont know the truth in your postings,But to be Honest Malaysia is still the best country to live in.The Malays are much better or the Best among other races including my kind.
    The malays gets corrupted and polluted with the racist speech by the malay ministers for their own benefit.The malays in nature are very friendly unlike the chinese who are true racist.You try working in a CHINESE firm then you will get my fact.
    Look at singapore,WHERE are the Malays and Indians,Not to be seen and confined,All oppurtunities are for the chinese only.In malaysia they ask for so much and demanding for more.
    Mohd SivaKumar

    Untuk engko orang
    Entah apa lagi yang kamu non Bumi nak pun x tahu… kamu yang x habis2 provoke & persoalkan kontrak sosial; Bumi pula yang jadi mangsa. Dah tentula Bumi kena pertahankan kalu x sapa lagi, nak suruh kamu yang pertahankan jauh panggang dari api,sampai kiamat.
    Si Hishamuddinn penghunus keris pusaka zaman berzaman dah pun mintak maap (tindakan yang maha bodoh oleh pemimpin Melayu lagi lantanglah depa konon semangat setiakawan bahlol- kita ja yang setia kamu haprak). Kononya kaum kamu terguris, kamu baru terguris habis nayawa Bumi melayang dari zaman Portugis sampai Merdeka apa kamu ada kesah. Tup-tup Singapore yang terbang.
    Macam biasalah, paling kuat kamu kata cerita dulu x payah ungkit, kita dah zaman siber konon. Sebenarnaya saya lebih rela Tanah Melayu x Merdeka drp terima bangsa kamu jadi warganegara. Susah senang biar sesama bangsa saya sendiri. Sikit-sikit nak jaga bangsa kamu, sikit-sikit nak jaga bangsa kamu, kasilah satu negara Malaysia ni kat kamu garenti x cukup punya. Kenapalah kerajaan kita dulu x buat macam Thailand, Indonesia, Ceylon bla-bla. X payah buat sekolah jenis kebangsaan. Senang satu bahasa ja. Ni bila cakap dengan kamu kena pulak campur dengan isyarta tangan sebab x paham bahasa. Pulak tu nak ikut macam Amerika, Presiden Kulit Hitam Obama, yalah orang kulit hitam disana bukan ada sekolah jenis kebangsaan macam kat sini, cakap satu bahasa-Bahasa Inggeris, kat sini semua sebuk nak pertahan kan bahasa masing2 cakap Bahasa Malaysia pun lintang pukang. Kat sana ekonomi pun pun org kulit putih yang pegang’ jadi apa ada kesah. Kat sini dahlah ekonomi bukan Bumiputera pegang lepas tu jadi pulak PM, percayalah agama, Sultan dll habis kamu cantas satu satu…
    Kami x akan sebuk kalau kamu yang x mulakan…
    Hai Bumiputera nasi dah jadi bubur terima ajalah.


  346. Semua perkara yg berlaku di dunia ini, mesti ada MATLAMAT dan AGENDA di belakangnya …
    Apakah AGENDA yg tersembunyi di belakang artikel dari Tun ini, pada masa ini?
    Setelah isu Ahmad telah semakin dilupai dan masyarakat menjadi tenteram semula … TUN memaparkan pula artikel sebegini, dan amat jelas sekali apa agenda Tun melainkan orang yg bodoh dan tidak dapat mengertinya …
    Tujuan sebenarnya:
    (1) Memberikan ruang untuk anasir-anasir atau racist dari golongan bukan melayu untuk menimbulkan pelbagai persoalan terhadap artikel ini. Dan seterusnya diikuti oleh Gerakan dan MCA kerana menghadapi desakan
    – Dan seterusnya ahli UMNO akan keluar mempertahankan orang melayu dan menjadi wira
    – Sudah pastinya anak Tun akan menjadi orang pertama untuk berbuat demikian .. agar beliau akan menang dalam pilihan parti tak lama lagi
    – Ini memang taktik lama yg dipakai oleh Tun
    (2) Untuk menimbulkan huru-hara di negara ini, dan menggunakan peluang ini untuk mendesak Abdullah melepaskan jawatan lebih awal … semata-mata untuk membuktikan kelemahan beliau mengawal keadaan …
    Sebagai seorang penganut Islam, tolonglah fahami apakah ajaran Islam … dan bukannya semata-mata membuat huru-hara agar memenuhi kepentingan sendiri …

  347. Applaud to commentor ezani and pink lady,
    I think you both speak quite truely and I bear the same opinions.
    Why keep comparing? There never been fair.
    Dear Tun, please tell me, which race can get petral kiosk licence nowsdays? why some profittable business licences only can give to bumi? So is there fair?
    So please don’t keep commenting other races demanding this or that… Please do not forget who contribute the most for this past 50 yrs on economic and development of malaysia.
    So if we continue comment on this and bickering on this. When it going too end and focus on the real issue of the country ? How can a country moving forward? Previously some people comparing with US saying there’s never a Non White US President? Now it happen!
    And it is true to be competitive and to fit into a global level we should be based on meritocracy not based on favourism otherwise we can only be a 3rd world country.
    Refer to commentor alfresco on singapore malay, I don’t quite agree to your point. many singapore malays is richer and more educated than malaysia. Please refer to statistic of the household income in singapore.
    Finally, please stop all these comparison, and move forward and make our country a better, just and competitive country.


  349. YABhg Tun
    I can’t thank you enough for sharing this piece of historical record. This truly demonstrate that the present politicians and leadership by extension is too shallow in their thinking. They are not statesman but people who called their profession “politician”. For if one regard politics as profession, it will then be in every interest of that person to climb the professional ladder (the equivalent of corporate world ladder). So there is no real “semangat perjuangan”, one which is rooted to the community and anchored to principles, as one will use all available and convenient resources to climb the “ladder” to perhaps reach the ultimate job in politics ie Prime Ministership.
    The speech revealed by YABhg Tun is very meaningful to the generation like mine as we were not there to appreciate this. As I hailed from a village circa 60’s, I can still at least feel the meaning of being “susah” albeit at a much, much lesser degree to what my parents and grand parents would have faced. I can still feel and experience the wealth gap, socio-economic gap, and identification of profession by race and what it means to social integration.
    I believed the reason YABhg Tun bring this matter up is to relate to the hottest topic debated today not least by the Malay leaders themselves for political expediency both in one way or the other. I believe the politicians that dared call themselves “leaders” (even by rule of the jungle ie might is king maybe by throwing chairs at each other) should take heed of this piece of revelation, at how shallow their political understanding is, at how much politics now are not based on struggles to upgrade and uphold their kind, but just self interest, (perhaps) to gather wealth.
    YABhg Tun
    I am reminded by the history of the fall of the Malacca Sultanate to the Portuguese in 1511 due to the betrayal of our own kind. I would be grateful if YABhg Tun could also relate to this bit of history as I see some elements of this in the present scenario. At the end of the day, the ones who would bring down a nation will always be from among their kind, not the opposing party. History bear witness to this fact.

  350. Salam Tun,
    Thank you for this article. I just hope that our Chinese community especially those who are ultra sensitive about this particular issue will realize how lucky they are when compared to the Chinese community in Indonesia. Over there, they all have Indonesian sounding names and they speak the Bahasa Indonesia so fluently that it makes me wonder if they even speak their mother tongue anymore. And correct me if I am wrong but I do not think the Indonesian Government even allows Chinese schools to be set up there.I believe our country has overall, been kind to all the communities. Let us not tear asunder what our forefathers have painstakingly crafted and negotiated in their efforts to liberate this country from British rule. At the same time, I cannot help but state that I sometimes wish our politicians would zip their mouth shut since more often than not, they are wont to spout rubbish just for the sake of making statements!

  351. i think the most important thing is we need to be come as one. we need to know how hard we achieve the independent. unfortunately, now all people wanted to claimed they rights without thinking about the important of national. everyone wanted show up whose the better,but then they forget how lucky we are to be here as a Malaysian country with no war, no killing people, no bomb, everything we have.

  352. salam ayahanda tun ku syg
    i love y0ur leadership tun..walaupon xtahu ape2 berkenaan t0pik ni..heheheh

  353. Assalamualaikum,
    Hak pribumi dan tuan tanah Malaysia pada hari ini adalah bangsa Malaysia. Namun, sebelum wujud bangsa Malaysia, orang Melayu adalah bangsa asal di Tanah Melayu ketika itu.
    Hari ini, sebab nak tunjuk kuat, orang2 Cina dan India sudah lupa diri. Mereka merasa kuat kerana mereka menguasai ekonomi dan rantaian peredaran ekonomi di malaysia.
    Politik mereka berjaya pecahkan monopoli melayu untuk melayu. melayu kalau masih lagi leka, hanya tinggal bulu dada.
    Kepada orang Cina dan India, korang patut hargai apa yang dah ada pada hari ini. hidup seperti biasa, jangan cari pasal. kan senang?

  354. Dearest Tun,
    Could you write something about the Indians as well.
    GOD bless you TUN.

  355. Salam sejahtera YAB Tun,
    Mungkin tidak dinafikan bahawa anda adalah National Treasure untuk Malaysia. Ada perkataan ataupun bahasa yang digunakan sebegitu elok bagi membandingkan apa-apa perkara yang pernah dilakukan dahulu walaupun isinya boleh dicari di dalam mana-mana tempat ilmiah.
    Hanya 100 tahun sekali pemimpin yang paling baik pernah dicipta di Tanah Melayu sebagaimana sejarah juga membuktikan bahawa Tanah Melayu ini adalah memang kepunyaan Melayu sebagaimana Sejarah Melaka, Johor dan sebelumnya.
    Tidak seperti penulis blog Raja Petra dan Zaid Ibrahim yang kita boleh cari sejuta yang seumpamanya di dalam Malaysia ini. Seolah-olah ada kebenaran tetapi tidak tahu mengenai apa yang hendak dikata. Selalu ingin perubahan tetapi tidak tahu membetulkan sesuatu perkara. Selalu ingin dilihat baik tetapi masih tak sedar kesalahan yang dilakukan.

  356. Salam,
    i read some of the comments above and would to put up this opinion of mine.
    i am currently reading “The Audacity of Hope” by Barack Obama. it was written few years ago and before he became USA president. He wrote these few lines that felt its happening now around us..
    “It was also now true for every other issue, large or small, domestice or foreign, all of which were reduced to a menu either-or, for-or-against, sound-bite-ready choices. No longer was economic policy a matter of weighing trade-offs between competing goals of productivity and distributional justice, of growing the pie and slicing the pie. You were for either tax cuts ot tax hikes, small government or big government. No longer was environmental policy a matter of balancing sound stewardship of our natural resources with the demands of a modern economy; you either supported unchecked development, drilling, strip-mining, and the like or you supported bureaucracy and red tape that choked off growth. In politics, if not in policy simplicity was a virtue.”
    It is either A or B, either you are with me or against me. I think we all need to think about me its ashamed to the Opposition for after eight months of so called “took over”, failed to fullfil even the least campaign promises..what we are seeing now is bickering, going against extremely, unproductive behaviors, so childish and unable to accept differences.
    for the governing government let this be your lesson to realize, embrace, change and produce results.
    I am also reading “How to Make Globalization Work” by Prof Stigligtz. One thing i pick up from that book is simply ” we all shouldnt be overly greedy. it deterioriates individual, country, nation and the world. we must have compassionate for our brothers and sisters.”

  357. Hope all chinese in malaysia realise this is a FACT!cant they see for themselves. i’m in australia and i have never heard of, again i said NEVER heard of, a chinese who were a bigshot and running a big business here in Melbourne. that scenario only happens in Malaysia as far as i’m concern (i’m not a narrow-minded person and that is a FACT).
    Malaysian chinese; please be grateful. you wont even have a voice under colonial ruling.
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  358. YAB Tun,
    Thank you for sharing this thoughts by the late Tun Tan Siew Sin.
    Indeed it is a wise and well thought out explanation with regards to the unique multi race nature of our nation.
    This again indicate that leaders play such a crucial role in the shaping of a nation’s future. All this is not necessary if the leaders of today have a sincere desire to build this nation.
    They would not have sidelined ( for the lack of my own vocabulary ) a leader who have served the country for 22 years just because they do not welcome criticisms on their actions ( which mostly are family and self serving purposes tied up to enormous financial gains ).
    This only show what a mistake can cost a nation.
    Having said that we must look back and find the spirit and charisma of leadership as shown by Tun Tan Siew Sin.
    The leaders who are ‘up there’ today should all be given a wake up call to remind them of the this sincerity in nation building, regardless of what race or party they represent. UMNO in particular must take this lesson to heart.
    Reading Tun Tan Siew Sin speech really makes one sad of the sort of leaders and Prime Minister we have today.

  359. Dear Tun,
    History is very important to our development, for that matter to any human societial development.
    It provides us reference points and contexts based on known facts. It is no more assumptions, presumptions nor perceptions. What is recorded as historical fact is fact.
    But it provides us with the references and context to our present situation for which we can use to chart our future actions.
    History also provides us lessons from which we MUST learn and therefore improve and become better. People whom do don’t learn from past mistakes will not improve and become better.
    For the Malays – can I now ask you all collectively as a society, as a bangsa, as a people – have you learned from your past mistakes and have you raise up from them?
    Now UMNO – have you done an introspection of past mistakes? Need I say more?
    Lastly NAJIB – for the sake of Malaysia and all Malaysians – please learn, learn and learn from past mistakes and make us better.

  360. Dearest Tun,
    Great article and it is very timely too!
    Hopefully all Malaysian politicians & also common citizens (especially those who do not know how to be thankful =

  361. salam
    my opinion is simple….
    Our Rights have to be secured by means of cooperation and trust…
    but the problem is… among ourselves there are people who not adhere this principle…

  362. By ezani on November 11, 2008 10:25 AM
    You should indulge yourself to the Malay poverty, who will never have the chance that you have, to make such complain.

  363. To my dearest Tun,
    Good article and something to think about. As A non-malay, I am so sick and tired of all the racial remarks made at each other. We never had this problem and I dont see why we have to start questioning the Malay rights.Some races have become so arrogant( dont want to mention which race)to say that we are nowhere if they. tutup their businnes and migrate elsewhere. These ppl failed to realize that this country gave them the wealth. The truth of the fact is we are all racists in our very own way … so stop blaming others… i was particular appaled by one blogger here Rocketbulan and the language used towards the malays.
    Now we have started using Obama’s win and say we need a non-malay PM… WELL the Americans still refer him as a black president…. and only allowed it after them being in exixtence for more than 400 years…and remember…Obama is christian…I wonder if Obama was a fully a muslim… would he be a democrat candidate…i dont think so


  365. TUN.
    Saya amat risau melihat perkembangan politik Malaysia sekarang. Saban hari kta melihat lapuran2 media mendebatkan permasaalah dan kebiadaban setengah golongan memperlekehkan kaum melayu dan pemimpin2 melayu.
    Tak perlu berselindung lagi nyata kaum2 ini ialah dari kaum minority Cina dan India.
    Sebelum ini orang melayu sedikit pun tidak ingin mencuriga dan mengungkit2 segala yang telah pemimpin2 melayu berikan pada kaum2 ini.
    Tapi jelas sekarang kaum2 ini sudah tak sedarkan diri dan mula demand itu dan ini.
    Ada pulak pemimpin melayu yang bersama2 kumpulan ini cuba menjadi jaguh dan sanggup ‘menikam’kaum sendiri dari belakang.
    Ada pemimpin dari kaum ini yang telah diberikan kedudukan dan sokongan oleh kaum melayu semasa PRU juga telah lupa akan budi orang2 melayu. mereka terus membela kaum sendiri dan ada pulak yang berani menghina melayu.
    Memang sakit jiwa melihat sikap tamak kaum2 ini.

  366. Good day Tun,
    I am referring to Jinggo Rock comments as I think he is being stupid or something. As far as I am aware those MCA guys have never questions the special position of Malays otherwise they will not be so unpopular amongst Chinese in this time. I am a Chinese and as far as I know from the very beginning some of us were taught that Malays have special rights and we have never questions about it because we are aware that this is the culture so to speak that Malays will be treated special in some way. I think I don’t have to elaborate about what special way because I am sure all non-Malays are very well aware about that.
    You are right Sir about Malaysian Chinese is better off now compared to the colonial times. We should thank God that we are citizen of Malaysia, I don’t know about others but for me I am really glad that I am born a Malaysian Chinese instead of China Chinese.
    Keep it up Tun, enjoy reading your articles.
    Take care.

  367. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for your article about the history on SINO-MALAY relations but no thanks for the way and the timing for you to brought up this in your blog.
    Firstly, everyone must realise that we can’t compare the situation with America. Born to a Kenyan father but he lived as white American as his white mum remarried to a white man. Yes it was an historical situation for a born-black to be a President but most of the American was sick n tired with the current government. Any Tom,Dick,Harry that stand against the ruling party could have won as the President. It is the same situation in Malaysia. The recent PRU statistics clearly shows that people didn’t vote for opposition because they think the opposition will bring changes to Malaysia but they were tired with the current government.
    Secondly, the remarks by Singapore’s PM clearly shows that indirectly he is telling the mass that other races, “You don’t have the chance” because in a country that so called support meritocracy, he is telling the world that PAP can be only led by Chinese. It is same as UMNO, MIC and MCA. If one day the ruling party, BN is led by a MIC or MCA leaders, changes might come in.
    We have a very unique system due to the mix of different races and religious. I am not debating that which race contribute more to tha nation or other race had made use the kindness of the Malays but generally each races plays a very big part in building and sustaining the nation progress. Malay(agriculture), Chinese(timber/mining), Indian(plantation) are some of the samples to contribution to the country. As we move on towards industrialism, the changes and expectation of every ethnics changes dramatically. This is a new revolution that must be faced by all ethnics. The roles of the politician and law maker, should be more on concentrating how all the ethnics able to progress together. If changes needed to the constitution, then debate it over and get everyone understand the changes.
    Why try to divert the self-weaknesses into racial tension? Why the law maker commenting sensitive issues in public? Why calling another race as “pendatang”? There are so many whys to be answered?
    I would rather humbly suggest that Tun’s blogs to be a guide for others to follow. Condemning, commenting, complaining don’t works anymore? I realise that many of the comments on your blogs sometimes can be very seditious. I hope Tun can be the guiding factor to the current generation how to dictate the progress of the government. I always stick to the advise of the old “di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung” but please don’t make it as “di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit memijak”
    Apologize if have commented wrongly on your views as I always consider you as my role model of a leadership for past 20 years.
    Thank you.

  368. Salam Tun, I will cut out the shoe brushing part by most of the viewers here and will go directly in quoting some of the viewers post.
    But there is a small part of the speech that I am extremely agree with.
    “Malay rights, and Chinese education” – what a line of wisdom.
    – – –
    “By wargasetia1 on November 11, 2008 9:48 AM”
    wargasetia1, sila cadangkan apa pilihan golongan “minority” dapat kalau tidak dapat masuk universiti tempatan dalam ijazah yang kita meminati dan tidak sanggup menbayar yuran kolej di luar negara?
    Dalam ekonomi negara, cuba sebutkan bidang mana yang tidak dipelopori oleh kaum “majoriti”?
    Cuba kita syarikat-syarikat melayu, kerajaan, GLC yang mengutamakan kaum “minority” sebagai pekerja utamanya? Adakah?
    Dalam iklan mencari pekerjaan pun, abang juga tahu hanya segelintir syarikat cina meletakkan kebolehan berbahasa Mandarin sebagai syarat utama. Adakah abang tahu juga segelintir syarikat meletakkan syarat kebolehan berbahasa Jepun, Indonesia, Inggeris, Korean. Sebab bahasa itulah yang diperlukan dalam skop kerjanya. Selain drpd itu, adakah abang tahu bahawa BUKAN SEMUA CINA BOLEH BERBAHASA MANDARIN? Adakah saudara harapkan kelas lanjut bahasa Mandarin diadakan untuk calon-calon bagi vacancy “Customer Support Call Center – China”?
    Orang nak taruk bahasa cina dalam font kecil atas papan2 tanda, NGO ditubuhkan untuk membantas dengan sekuat-kuatnya.
    Sila namakan mana satu sekolah cina Sabah tersebut yang anda sebut bahawa bersyarat ibu bapa mesti tahu berbahasa mandarin? Aku dari Sabah.

  369. People nowdays are so advance in their thinking that they tend to come up with radical ideas on various issues. They are so stimulated euphorically by events such as Barack Obama being the 1st Black President of the US.
    But sadly, these people completely ignore historical facts with some even mentioning ‘History is history, let us not look at the past’. This sort of mentality will doom us as a nation.
    Instead we should always look at history and study it meticulosuly like what TUN did. Great leaders would not override historical facts but instead learn from the past and incorporating new age ideas into it so as to better implement any future existing policies.
    Never overlook history or it doom us to oblivion.
    Salam Tun N stay healthy (Malaysia still needs your guidance)

  370. Dear Tun
    Talking about history and constitutional rights way back during Tan Siew Sin and comparing the benefits now does not justify the previleges and benefits the malays has been enjoying since merdeka. Even when you were the PM you made sure the malays gets the best economics previleges which was made available through umno. Although the economics pie benefited other races but not as the malays others were made to slog their leaders were made to shut their mouth. Your generous heart and action made the malays so confortable and comfort in life which has lead to greedy,arrongance, and power chasers. I wonder what was the influence for malays special rights was inserted in the constitutional at that time. Was it because the chinese was considered communist, indians labourers while the malays were without land living by the sea and what about the the original sabah and sarawakian what was their rights. History can determine the root of all races in m’sia keep on writing the history its very interesting atleast we will know why constitutional for special rights was rewrite for one race although independance was for all races in M’sia.

  371. Salutations Tun,
    Yet another joy to read, kudos. And this time, the comments from all sides are equally conflicted. Yet a common theme resounds. We are all Malaysians. One need not have to be Malay, or early migrant Chinese/Indian, or even an indigenous tribesman, to qualify as one.
    Our forefathers, comprising all whom I have just mentioned gave their sweat, tears and blood for us. And it was for us to be able to live. It’s so simple. We work, we eat, we save for the future (though that last bit seems to get increasingly harder). Hence I truly appreciate what the country has to offer.
    It can be better, of course. But the point is to concentrate on improving things further for all Malaysians. Most especially the ones today who continue giving their sweat, tears and toil. The people on the street. The ones who need either education or empowerment and not mere handouts. Teach them to fish, so the saying goes, because it will stop being about racial differences one day.
    And this is getting increasingly apparent as I grow older… Let us not widen the rift to encompass demographic prejudices. That, in my honest opinion, is FAR scarier. Once again, I look forward to Tun’s next insight as one who has literally been part of our history. I certainly still have much to learn.
    P.S. I may not be a sharp pencil, but please accept my humble views with an open heart.

  372. That was then, what about now? chinese education still enjoy such percentages? show me where wealth is equally distributed among all races. And yes racial issue will never ever bring a country together, there should be a ruling for all political parties not to be racial or religion based! then only will a country be united! RACE and RELIGION has been used by many to create hatred and fear,then disorder and war! so we should not even be talking about race and religion for the sake of a better country.

  373. By Be proud on November 11, 2008 10:55 AM
    >>By Alibabamahathir on November 11, 2008 8:43 AM
    >>you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.
    Please come out with your arguments. Accusing without proofs is like ‘langgar lari’.
    Dear Tun,
    How we could get the full text of the speech.
    ..tah Alibabamahathir nie…nama pun dah lain mcm…ape yg ko tak puas hati nie..kasi bawak bukti,kasi tunjuk laaa.

  374. Since the race issue seems endless, I suggest that the non-bumis pool a huge sum of money and buy a state or two (say Penang, Sabah or Sarawak) from the bumiputra. Of coz, the bumiputra must be “murah hati” enough to sell so that the issue of “mencabuli” the sovereignty of malaysa does not arise.
    Then, each of us have our own country to rule and suspicion betwen races can be eliminated once and for all.
    Well, this is just a joke. Anyway, I wish to say that, by reading all the comments posted for this article, the stupid really speaks for their stupidity.
    Give it a thought.

  375. Assalamualaikum Tun..
    -Saya harap semua orang muda dapat baca petikan ucapan ini dan simpan sampai bila2 sebagai peringatan
    -Tak lupa juga kepada the ex de-facto minister of justice, dia perlu baca ini!

  376. That was then, what about now? chinese education still enjoy such percentages? show me proof where wealth is equally distributed among all races. And yes racial issue will never ever bring a country together, there should be a ruling for all political parties not to be racial or religion based! then only will a country be united! RACE and RELIGION has been used by many to create hatre and fear,then disorder and war! so we should not even be talking about race and religion fpr the sake of a better country.

  377. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    UMNO selalu dilabelkan sebagai racist oleh bangsa lain dinegara ini. Jika kita lihat kepada fakta diatas siapa sebenarnya yang racist???
    Mereka perlu ingat jika UMNO dilabelkan racist bermakna secara langsung mereka melabelkan orang melayu itu racist. Sejarah telah membuktikan jika tidak kerana sikap bertolak ansur orang melayu amnya dan UMNO khasnya sudah tentu mereka tidak mempunyai tempat dinegara ini.
    Pada 10hb. November, 2008 akhbar Berita Harian “…Singapura belum bersedia sekiranya kaum lain mengambil tampuk pemerintahan negara tersebut”. Jadi janganlah sesiapa dinegara ini nak mempersoalkan kaum mana nak memerintah negara ini. Janganlah dibandingkan cara pemerintahan negara ini dengan Amerika Syarikat. Sikap perkauman disana masih tinggi. Cuma tidak digembar-gembur dalam media arus perdana.
    Sekian Wassalam
    Seremban 111108 12:02pm

  378. Morning Tun,
    I am a local chinese, it may be my first comment on you blog but I have been reading your blogs since you started blogging. On this issue of the special right on malays I DONT find it offensive nor I would think you missquoted Siew Sin because I respect the constitution. Now before my extreme fellow chinese and non-malays start to bombard me for not standing up for my race, let me say this, trying to say out loud of the 5 rukun negara. I doubt many of us can still remember it. The point is the special rights doesnt fall on just malays, it also includes the bumiputeras in sabah and sarawak. So regarding to ketuanan melayu have different perceptions, we have some are nuetral and some extremes.
    There are tons of remarks and comments on chedet blog, some are genuine upset, others are just being mischief (just look at our public phonebooth). Some of the comments are uncalled for while others just wants to proof a point. I am not going to sound like a mediator here, but I would not lower my mentality until I would blast anyone whose comments that makes me angry.
    Tun, I would like to thank you from my heart for all the developments that you pioneered from your administration. But at the present racial tensions are high and the economy is unstably bad. I serious doubt the RM7 Billion injection on the stimulus plan will work out as we have seen other countries doing the same yet market still fluctuating. My question will be where is the few statstictians in Bank Negara? Is it wise to copycat other failures and fail with them? Is that the best our finance ministry can do?
    Weather we want to ammend or discuss on the social contract, the constitution article 153, we have to accept that those are the agreements on our forefathers to create malaysia independence. Everyone will like to justified their view with documents and facts but it will not change the outcome of our constitution nor it will make a whole lot of differrence on where we are now. I am a Malaysian chinese and I will die as a Malaysian (chinese or not). I hope Tun can come back to malaysia political arena to spearhead us into realizing your vision of 2020. Like it or not for the defectors of Tun, out current finance ministry are making uncorrectable misstakes that will take us from recession to depression on the economy.

  379. TUN,

  380. Tun, your arguments are crystal clear on this one, but only on the historical base.
    But the sudden upsurge and bickering over citizenship or Social contract did not started from there.
    The real thing started, since the foundation of the nation are based on ‘secularisme’ i.e Malays-Gov’t Chinese-Business, Indians-estates, Tun, you see greed has worked up on each other.
    Further explained by being Malays-Projects for $ Chinese-$ to use on projects to get more $, while; Indians-work for $.
    With education served as its enlightment to get things done but opened the other senses fro them to see how each other cheating each other and for creating newer lies.
    Lobbyist, cronies, etc mushroomed in tandem to corruption that used the NEP to make full use of the loopholes masking ‘Bumi status’ as their rights as Bumis as the more deserving. and if Bumi agenda doesn’t work, clearly they would use religion as an issue.
    But let’s just say that one just ‘had enough’ of the other.
    Divisions are created; normal for them to create allies.
    Example: I have seen Indians fare better with Chinese because they could relate better under these circumstances.
    The Citizenships, Social Contract is the thing of the past; Yes i agree that this is Malaysia, and Malays deserved their special privileges.
    Mind you TUn, That i am not a Bumi.
    But to illustrate this i will say things based on my experiences.
    I would easily say that my superiors are idiots just the fact that they are older, has some political influences and the fact that they are Bumis they got the ‘job’.
    But, i challenged them to things like manegerial skills, computers just testing them on how smart they really were???.
    Only to prove otherwise they have lost 9 out of 10 to me.
    But these are the real essence of Malaysia, though NOT all but Most of them.
    And that 1 out of 10 is the fact that they get a fatter pay check, lesser responsibilities and the chance to boss people around.
    I got an IQ of above 148, learning by the day, there isn’t a day that i wasted upon not to fill myself with knowledge. i took Two jobs to supplement income, and to probably get married next year.
    So i’m in desperate position, yet compleasant.
    My Bosses go to happy hour, drinking alcoholic beverages, toying with people’s wives, girlfriends and people’s daughters; do anyhting under the sun with the money that they have.
    When it comes to money and make money; they are the ones will be first in line and get the biggest cake. refuse transparencies to protect their interest, but worked up certain emotions on me, like being manipulated, and to used.
    What i will term them as The Fat Cat CEOs. Companies set upped to placed cronies.
    Besides Malaysia after all is also famous for getting contracts overseas and locally, but only to get the money, while the know-hows-they pay someone else to do it.
    Refusing the rights of every knowleadgable Malaysians of their expertise and the right to do something for their country; most oftenly non-Malays.
    Well, im asking you Tun, my best option and the things toying inside my head is migrate to another country and used my skills for peoples that can reward me.
    After all the idea of working is for survival.
    But Tun ask every chinese and indians and the non-malays, what they really want. Probably there is just one thing they want to be called a ‘deserving Malaysians’; not Chinese, Malaysian or Indian Malaysians.
    The sense of belonging.
    This is from me a normal person and from my heart What my MPs are saying let me just tell u this TUn, they dont speak for me. because the got degrees from the UK, USA and foreign countries.
    if you have something to say, Tun i’d be honoured. my email are [email protected]

  381. Tun yang saya kagumi,
    A’kum wbt..
    Saya pernah berhadapan dengan beberapa murid sekolah menengah yang tidak tahu dan faham bercakap bahasa malaysia. Ini adalah disebabkan bangsa melayu terlalu bertolak ansur dalam pelbagai hal termasuk bahasa. Lain-lain bangsa di Malaysia ini bertegas utk bangsa mereka, mengapa tidak pemimpin bangsa melayu bertegas dlm perkara-perkara yang boleh merosakkan bangsa dan negara. ?
    Sejarah membuktikan Bangsa Palestin ditindas dengan begitu kejam oleh bangsa Yahudi.

  382. Tun,
    Tanpa mengira bangsa, kita rakyat Malaysia harus bersyukur
    dan berterima kasih terutama semasa Tun meneraju negara ini
    selama 22 tahun. Pada masa itu negara kita telah bergerak dan
    maju dengan pantas. Politik stabil, ekonomi sangat baik, jenayah
    kurang, peluang kerja banyak, perniagaan berjalan dengan baik,
    hubungan diantara kaum pun baik dan sebagainya. Pendek kata,negara
    kita sangat makmur dan maju pada masa itu.
    Adalah masalah sedikit, contoh masalah nilai matawang kita, tapi
    semua orang tahu Tun telah menyelesaikannya dengan baik sekali.
    Suasana yang macam itulah yang dikehendaki oleh rakyat Malaysia
    dan kita harap dalam masa yang terdekat ini, menjelma seorang
    pemimpin yang setaraf dan sama hebat macam Tun Dr. Mahathir.

  383. Dear Tun yg di hormati,
    Hope you are always gettin healthier and younger hehehe. honestly, without you, our country will be really brain drained because the current leaders are all dim wits and pea brains.
    just to quote on the article :
    You will find it in article 153 of the Constitution. I have no time in a speech of this nature to tell you exactly what it means or what it does not mean, but very briefly, the effect of this provision is that, firstly, all existing rights are preserved;
    secondly, no citizen can be prohibited from engaging in business activity or deprived of his right to engage in business activity merely because he is a non-Malay.”
    end of quote.
    I think all existing rights are preserved.thats true and i think it should not be argued.
    But what about the second one? well that is not preserved and nowadays, many are deprived due to they are non malays.
    You see, this creates room for arguement. Why the first one is preserved but the second one is not? nevertheless, both are already engraved in the same constitution.
    So please tell me what went wrong?

  384. Tun,
    Tanpa mengira bangsa, kita rakyat Malaysia harus bersyukur
    dan berterima kasih terutama semasa Tun meneraju negara ini
    selama 22 tahun. Pada masa itu negara kita telah bergerak dan
    maju dengan pantas. Politik stabil, ekonomi sangat baik, jenayah
    kurang, peluang kerja banyak, perniagaan berjalan dengan baik,
    hubungan diantara kaum pun baik dan sebagainya. Pendek kata,negara
    kita sangat makmur dan maju pada masa itu.
    Adalah masalah sedikit, contoh masalah nilai matawang kita, tapi
    semua orang tahu Tun telah menyelesaikannya dengan baik sekali.
    Suasana yang macam itulah yang dikehendaki oleh rakyat Malaysia
    dan kita harap dalam masa yang terdekat ini, menjelma seorang
    pemimpin yang setaraf dan sama hebat macam Tun Dr. Mahathir.

  385. sadly i think malay special rights is only a piece of paper in the federal constitution. what benefit it brings to our anak cucu of today and tomorrow??
    > yet the non-malays want to take even this away from us
    malaysia now belongs to the non-malays esp. the chinese…they control the economy, the supply chain, the international biz export import and even local politics…. the malays, indians and others are merely their macais or worst ‘numbers’ just to meet the bumiputera requirement.
    …hmmm nasib melayu….merempat di bumi sendiri
    …yang mewah hidup membuta…yang merana terus sengsara…

  386. Dear Tun,
    What Tun Tan Siew Sin said in the past may not suit today society’s need. If Mr Ballack Obama can win as President of America mean people’s mind change from time to time, otherwise Mr Martin Luther King may see this historical event instead of being assisnated.
    Time changed, Tun.

  387. Some people are “men of few words”. That’s a good thing, if you mean men who “emphasise more in the doing of things than talking”.
    Then, there are those like Alibabamahathir 8:43 AM. His comment was: “Tun you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.”
    Now this writer is in the category of “men of too few words” – two sentences, with two incendiary allegations that promise a highly-charged attack lying ahead!
    Here we are, holding our breath with mouths gaping, to hear him unleash his venom on Tun Mahathir for the audacious lies and manipulations against Tun Tan Siew Sin. It is alibaba’s moment of glory – that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when the whole world stops to look at and listen to
    him… and Alibaba’s heart simply stopped beating from the sheer amazement and terror of it all.
    [Comment sponsored by: KHAIRY Permatang Pauh Undertaker Services Sdn Bhd
    “The ultimate `You Take My Breath Away’ Down Under Trip!”]

  388. AYAHANDA’

  389. Assalammualaikum, Tun dan Keluarga.
    Entah lah Tun Saya sendiri cari rezeki dengan company cina. Apalah yang nak diheboh kan bukan semua cina tu racist kan…. fikir fikir lah ye

  390. Dear Tun,
    Your speech abstract is very thoughtful from the historical point of view, but not helpful at all to the current complex society.
    Malays who advocates Ketuanan Melayu and NEP because they do not have the intention and will power to stand on their own feet, after being deprived the ability to diffuse knowledge and think critically. In addition, fear (for losing political dominance) has been instilled amongst the malays by their leaders with such naive thinking for 51 years!
    IN FACT, many non-bumis have benefited a lot due to the selective and loose implementation of NEP over the years, using the Alibaba arrangement. If yes so, why do the non-bumis now want a review of NEP since it is beneficial to them? The answer is very simple, it’s because the non-bumis recognise the status of malays as a major race in this tanahair and that in order for Malaysia to move forward, the malays must move ahead of the rest. We know, the economy pie of this beloved country will not be enough to share will all of us very soon if we still talking about race!
    With utmost respect Tun, we appreciate your thoughts and contributions, but the world has changed and so does Malaysia.
    Again, I believe your view does not represents the view of the Malays and so does Tan Siew Sin on behalf of the chinese.
    It’s very sad that our leaders are still harping on the history to lead the country, perhaps, we really need a CHANGE!
    Nonetheless, I wish you health Tun.

  391. bangsa cina dan india masih ada pilihan kalu dia tak suka dengan pemerintahan negara ini… dia boleh balik ke china dan ke india jika mereka mahu. persoalan… mereka mahu ker nak pindah dengan apa yg mereka telah kecapi selama ini di malaysia. balik ke pangkal jalan… jangan terlalu tamak dan mementingkan diri. asal negara ini adalah TANAH MELAYU!

  392. And that is why the Chinese has never asked or question anything unless provoked. We all realise that we are doing rather good except for some minor areas like.. it is near impossible to have fair play at job opportunities in government service and GLCs, scholarships, universities placements. This we, the Chinese are willing to put in the extra effort to proof to all that we deserve every opportunity given and we wont screw up.
    Now, the problem starts when some barbaric Malay decides to play up the whole issue!! Calling the Chinese nasty names like a kindergarten bully.. suggesting all sorts of ideas to “curb” the so called powers of Chinese..i.e. why must have Chinese schools? How come Chinese schools are so rich? etc.. So how?

  393. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Firtsly, I wish you and your family the best of health.
    CK seemed to have just realised that the nation is divided along racial lines and said that the only the Malays are supporting your views. Is he disturbed by what the Malays’ expression of opinion? Has he ever think of how disturbed the Malays are by the writings of the Chinese in their blogs and even in the Bar Council forum? Especially in the latter where so called lawyers not only belittled the Malays but also their religion? May be Zaid Ibrahim should also take note of this fact being a lawyer himself!

  394. dear sir
    we gave them citizenshp, we gave them our land, we gave them wealth. we gave them everything and even more.
    dear sir
    how stupid can we get? i’ve asked you before and now i’m asking you again, does stupidity run in this country?

  395. Salam Tun,
    Yesterday i read the Pm of Singapore said that it will be a while for a non-Chinese to be PM of Singapore and the Barrack Obama phenomena is a one-off, and race is still an underlaying issue in the US even when unspoken.
    I think he is right. The situation in Malaysia is similar like in Singapore but reversed. Here the Non-Malays are harping on when can they become a PM like the Malays and Indian are dreaming of when can they become Singapore’s PM. The truth is you get elected through majority votes, and the majority population in Malaysia are Malays, and Malaysia is a Muslim countries. In Singapore, the majority population are Chinese eventhough used to be Malays before the British came, and you dont have to be a Muslim to be a PM in Singapore.
    The issue of non-Malays to become a PM of Malaysia is the agenda created by a few politicians and NGOs because of their myopic political idealogies and dreams. In the US, it is very unlikely that an American Arab will become the President because it is a Christian country like it is very unlikely for a Malay or even a Muslim Chinese to become the PM of China because China is a Buddhist country. This is a fact!
    The Non-Malays should stop harping on the issue as it unproductive,it is not as though they are being oppressed in this country and prevented from doing this and that. On contrary they are playing a major role in the development of this country, sharing a big portion of the economic cake and have plenty of freedom. They should not be greedy as the statistics show that they are well off than the Malays! So what more do they want? Think of this – there is only one Malay in the top ten billinaire in Malaysia! The majority are chinese! So count you blessings and stop being greedy!

  396. Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun,
    Inilah kebenaran yang kita kena ajar rakyat Malaysia kita ni, jangan lupa asal usul kita, jangan dok melompat kerana taksub tak tentu hala.
    Ayahanda, pada pandangan saya yang hina saya rasa oang yang patut menerajui Malaysia yang tercinta adalah sepatutnya ayahanda Tun. Saya cakap begini kerana ayahanda memiliki karisma dimana kawan atau lawan memang menghormati pendirian ayahanda. You are the statesman, sir!
    Now, we have to teach all over again to all our malaysian people on how to respect each others religion and races, all been spoilt by the Dolah Badawi…..Malaysia is ruined under his leadership, sometimes I agree to some of my friends thought that this dolah is not even qualified to be factory superviser and just imagine how the hell he is running the country!
    Bagi saya la ayahanda Tun, senang je kalau nak kesamarataan di kalangan semua bangsa, pertama sekali kita kena tukar mentaliti kita dulu, jangan kita jadi bangsa pemalas, nak jaga kaum sendiri je, kerja yang sama, kelayakan yang sama tapi gaji berlainan kerana bangsa…..saya berani cakap ni Tun bukan pasal apa, saya dah bekerja dengan pelbagai syarikat dan dengan pelbagai bangsa, saya dah rasa apa bezanya bekerja dengan syarikat kepunyaan Cina, India, Mat Salleh, Melayu dan lain lain……memang terdapat diskriminasi Tun, tapi di tahap yang masih boleh di terima…..namu apabila bangsa2 ini cuba nak minta kesamarataan, saya rasa nak tergelak pun ada, rasa nak termuntah pun ada jugak, bukan apa…..satu bangsa yang pegang ekonomi sekarang nak pegang politik pulak, yang bangsa lain dah ketinggalan dari segi ekonomi, politik pun nak kena rampas jugak, saya bukan racist, saya tulis di sini berdasarkan pengalaman saya dan pengalaman kawan2 dan saudara mara saya….its a fact yang telah diketahui oleh ramai, tapi semua buat bodoh je……
    Pelik betul orang Melayu kita ni, senang betul terpengaruh dengan janji2 manis palsu, kenapa kita jadi macam ni ya wahai orang melayu, takkan ini pun kita nak salahkan Tun jugak, bagi saya Tun telah buat sedaya upaya dia membantu bangsa kita, tapi kita ni kan suka ALI BABA…..dapat projek bagi kat orang , makan komisyen atas angin je la…..apa nak susah2 biar la bangsa lain buat kerja, kita goyang kaki, janji masyuk…..lama2 buat macam tu, nah berapa jauh kita kena tinggal…salah siapa? orang2 jenis ini jugaklah yang selalu blame atau menyalahkan Tun, kata mereka, Tun tak jaga bangsa melayu…..Tun nak kayakan kroni je…..oleh kerana kata2 inlah maka dengan kuasa Tuhan yang maha Esa, dapatlah kita pemimpin yang betul2 yang disebut sebelum ini iaitu mengkayakan anak menantu dan kroni je…..apa dah jadi….time ini pandai la pulak korang diam ya….tak berani bukak mulut….Time Tun dulu bukan main menyalak lagi orang2 jenis ni…..nape double standard ni???? Bukaklah mata sikit, masa Tun dulu takde pun anak menantu masuk politik dan mempengaruhi Tun pun, Tun ada think tank Tun sendiri, kalau tak silap saya la ianya dipanggil MTEN…..berbalik balik pada cerita tadi, sampai bila bangsa kita ni asyik nak menuding jari dan mnenyalahkan orang lain je, sudahlah…..its time to look forward…marilah kita bersatu denagn dibantu oleh TUN DR MAHATHIR dan dengan izin Allah untuk menaikkan nama negara kita yang tercinta ini….marilah kita bersatu….pada semua hormatilah bangsa, agama dan maruah masing2…ini bukan masa nak tunjuk jadi hero, kadang2 saya malu melihat ahli politik murahan yang mereka cerita ala2 hollywood semata mata nak memalukan sesuatu agensi tu….udah udah la tu….LETS FIND A SOLUTION ON HOW TO OVERCOME THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INSTEAD OF SPITTING ON EACH OTHERS FACES….

  397. The Chinese fights for their rights, no problem. And the Indian fights for their rights, no problem also. But why is it when the Malay fights for their rights, they will be labelled racist and be condemned like no others? Looks like the definition of racist is not even rightly understood!
    So, talking about fairness? The same loop goes again, fairness to the Chinese is a must, and fairness to the Indian is a must also, then fairness to the Malay is not ok?
    When the Malay rights being questioned and doubted, the Malay is not allowed to question and doubt the other races’ rights the same?
    These seem very weird political atmosphere in Malaysia.

  398. Dear TUN,
    It is good that TUN talk about this ‘Chinese’ matter over and over again to remind all Malaysian. You are a good man. I love u. I always do. But I think reader like mega should not be too taksub with TUN and too emotional on this matter. As Muslims, we must know that God created people with all kind of bangsa, agama and budaya so that we take the trouble to know, understand and love each other. That is very basic in Sunnah Nabi. If we can’t follow Nabi then there is no need yet to go into Quran. Why be so critical about the Chinese or the Indians ?
    Why cacing naik sampai ke mata ? Nabi Mohammad never hated anyboby. Infact he even loved his enemies ! For a start, Malays like mega should look deep into the problems faced by the Malays today. Don’t worry too much about the Chinese and indians. They are not our enemies. We Malays are our own enemies now. When u and your family members quarrel, the neighbours either pity u or laugh at u. I don’t laugh at u mega. I pity u because you still don’t realise that cacing already naik ke mata u. That is why u can’t see anymore.
    Thank u.
    I love u TUN. Fight for everybody. Fight for Malaysia.

  399. Dearest Dr M
    and they have the audacity to demand equal rights based on the principle of meritocracy
    they keep barking that they pay taxes
    that Malays are lazy, uncompetitive and shackling them
    they want to race to accumulate world wealth and power
    and therefore they say that Malaysia will lose out to the globalised market competition
    they also demand a “neutral” language like English to be the MEDIUM of communication in all aspects throughout Malaysia
    Bahasa Malaysia is not up to mark it seems when it comes to international dealings
    they promote Mandarin coz China will become the so-called economic power house
    NEP to them is unfair and discriminatory
    they have forgotten that the Malays had to SHARE their sovereignity the moment citizenship was given to illiterate and poor coolies
    having to TOLERATE different and sometimes contradictory lifestyles and culture is already a BIG sacrifice
    and they are still DEMANDING more rights
    latest case was these teenagers protesting against fatwas
    my goodness, when will realisation hit their foreheads
    maybe another may 13 – Allah forbid

  400. Dear Tun,
    I really don’t understand what is your motive ? by keep on raising the racial issues ?
    You can always extarct part or certain article in favour of your argurment. what is the point ?
    I still think that the Chinese is better off under the British colonial, not that I like but is a matter of fact.
    At the end of the day, it’s not really matter what color of your skin as Obama had shown. AND you are not 100% Malay also ..

  401. Salam to Tun & Fellow Bloggers,
    Please find below my observations regarding the Malay and Chinese
    living in Malaysia.
    Category Malay Chinese
    Cooperation Strategies Not so good Very good
    Educational Achievements Not so good Very good
    Business Achievements Not so good Very good
    Public Charity Contributions Not so good Very good
    Income Tax Contributions Not so good Very good
    I think Malaysian Malays needs to do a thorough research for balancing the situation before it gets even worst.
    In Singapore, the PAP government has installed all the necessary mechanism to ensure that the Malay community will never succeed politically and economically even if they have the necessary credentials and obtain the necessary skills and educations. They will ensure that the Malays will always be lagging behind the more superior Chinese community.
    The Chinese leaders are very smart and will protect their community at all cost. Malays with PHD qualifications are better off working in other countries than in their own native land in Singapore.
    Thanks to you Tun.. please take care.. we still need you.

  402. Salam Tun and all,
    Please qoute Tan Siew Sin in context, if you so strongly believe that TUN had lied and quoted Tan Siew Sin out of context.

    2. If you cannot provide your ‘in context’ explanation to our (readers) satisfaction, then you must apologise in this post.
    3. Tun had done his part,he explained and we are satisfied. Now you must do your part,make us satisfied with your explanation or apologise. Don’t just come and leave such scandalous remark of Tun lying, and leave. Be responsible for your words. BE A MAN.
    Salam Tun and all. JAga Diri, JAga Solat. Sesungguhnya solat itu dapat mencegah dari fahsya’ (kekejian) dan mungkar (mafhum ayat).

  403. Akum Ayahanda TUN M..
    terima kasih kerana Ayahanda Tun mendedahkan perkara ini..artikel ini harus diletakkan didalam suratkhabar atau di majalah2 yg berkaitan bukan hanya didalam blog ini sahaja..ini adalah untuk bacaan semua kaum terutama sekali bagi Melayu dan Cina…bagi kaum Melayu ia dapat menaikkan semangat perkaumman antara kaum Melayu sendiri untuk mendukung semangat setia kawan diantara satu sama lain…bahawasanye kita sanggup berkongsi dengan kaum lain tetapi kita seharusnye bersatu diantara kita sendiri…bagi kaum Cina pula,mau kasi tau laa org kene ingat mana lu orang datang…jgn terlalu biadap didalam Malaysia ini sampaikan Kesultanan Melayu ,DEB dan sebagainye lu org mau kacau…tak malu ke?dah la menumpang dinegara org lepas tu nak buat hal pulak…jadi fikir2kan lah…jgn sampai peristiwa seperti 13MAY berulang kembali…kalau lu org tak mau sejarah ini berulang, janganlah kacau hak org MELAYU…duduk diam2 and ikut sahaja aper yang org lain dah ditentukan untuk lu org semua…
    saya bukan la nak mengutuk bangsa lain tetapi kene lah beringat,jgn la terlampau sangat nak menuntuk hak lu org,sedangkan kalau ikut betul2 lu org tak der hak kat Malaysia ini..bagi bangsa Melayu,ayuh bangunlah,dan bersatu sesama sendiri…tegakkan hak kita,lindungilah hak kita dan kita harus berusaha lebih gigih untuk agama,bangsa dan tanah air kita…Ayahanda Tun sudah berpesan banyak kali kepada kita,jadi marilah kita ambik iktibar dari pesanan itu…
    minta maaf Ayahanda Tun jika ada ayat saya yg agak kasar…

  404. Dear CK,
    Agreed with you totally… and perhaps you should suggest this to chinese majority based political parties namely Gerakan, DAP and MCA to drop their current disgusting agenda that brings NOTHING but racial disunity. ASK them to focus more in equality and the development of the country. Don’t just leave this to the malays and hijacked and condemned it every other corner.
    A small example of freedom of speech I see

  405. Dear tun,
    Totally agreed with you! Each race have their own agenda, fight for their own race. This is exactly what has make Malaysian far lag behind well developed country. From all the comments above, one can easily tell their own race. Meritocracy nowadays is nonsense. Treat everyone equal, stop all these racial issue!

  406. Tun, you are the best! Leaders like you only come once in every 100 years. Looking at our UMNO leaders right now, none even come close to having half of your capability. Actually, some say that your article doesn’t bring any good and will disrupt the racial harmony etc. But I think it’s good for anak Melayu to learn the history and appreciate the sacrifice made to accommodate other races in this great country of ours.

  407. Salam My Dearest Tun
    Perhaps you could share a bit on the Razak Report..something that was identified right at the beginning of Malaysia……this is a key burning issue which have plague us for 51 years….
    Why didnt MAGERAN implement the Razak Report recomendations? To me it was the perfect time to execute the single most unifying strategy to bring all of our kids together under our national language….
    If such a thing was done…our Malaysian society would not be where it is now…..

  408. Salam Tun lagi
    Satu Faktor penting hendak dikemukakan sini.Jangan kita lupa yang SIEW SIN tu anak peranakan Melaka, Nenek Moyang dari Ming Danesty 1650an semasa Hang Li Poh……Bukan Pendatang Cina semasa Penjajah British 1800an dulu…

  409. >>By Alibabamahathir on November 11, 2008 8:43 AM
    >>you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.
    Please come out with your arguments. Accusing without proofs is like ‘langgar lari’.
    Dear Tun,
    How we could get the full text of the speech.

  410. Assalamualaikum.
    Keluhuran Perlembagaan merupakan salah satu daripada Rukun Negara. Mungkin pemahaman kita tentang perkara ini amat kabur maka timbullah usaha untuk mempersoalkan beberapa perkara dalam Perlembagaan ini terutamanya yang melibatkan kaum atau bangsa serta agama. Masa mungkin telah mengikis pemahaman ini ataupun ianya tidak pernah dibahas secara ilmiah apatah lagi diajar kepada pelajar sekolah. Tanpa pemahaman yang betul tentang Rukun Negara adalah mustahil kita dapat menjadi warganegara yang baik kepada Negara yang tercinta ini ( ini adalah pandangan saya).
    Ahli politik awal kemerdekaan amat memahami perkara ini dan diterangkan kepada masyarakat dengan jelas dan selalu mengulanginya untuk mengelakkan salah faham dan rasa tidak puas hati. Pembangunan ekonomi dan perubahan sosio budaya telah mengubah keadaan ini hingga parti-parti politik yang mewakili kaum ini melupakan agenda perpaduan dan tidak lagi menerangkan tentang semangat perlembagaan ini kepada umum. Akibatnya kebanyakan generasi muda dan pertengahan lupa dan tidak tahu tentang perkara ini. Bukanlah perkara yang mudah untuk menyatukan berbagai bangsa dan budaya ini tanpa usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh dan berterusan. Harapan saya ahli politik masa kini dapat memahami dan memulakan langkah menerangkan perkara ini secepat mungkin demi keamanan dan kemajuan Negara Malaysia yang tercinta ini. Tolak-ansur dan kerjasama adalah kata kunci bagi masalah ini. Hanya pihak yang menentang kerajaan sahaja yang akan meraih keuntungan atas perpecahan ini, dan itulah strategi yang dijalankan selama ini. Objektifnya hanyalah kuasa tanpa memikirkan kerosakan yang akan terjadi nanti. Fikirlah dengan kewarasan akal dan fikiran yang terbuka wahai rakan-rakan sekelian.

  411. Thank you Tun,
    For reminding us of some of the important milestones in our brief history. Indeed what is spoken and written, can only partially tells us of the emotions being expressed in those written words. Did the late Siew Sin expressed gratitude to the UMNO leadership of the past or was he hitting back at the former colonial masters for past misdeed of labelling the Chiness as communist?
    In expressing the possible gratitude, I think the late Siew Sin was refocussing the energy of the newly adopted citizens to ascertain their future by ensuring their position in society through enforcing the Chinese language and culture remains strong, by making sure that Chinese language through chines education remains the bedrock of the Malaysian Chinese or should I say Chinese
    Looking at regional development already taking place throught out ASEAN at or about the same time, I think Chinese leaders like the late Siew Sin, was fighting tooth and nail, to ensure conditions enforced in Indonesia were not replicated in the newly Independent Tanah Melayu. If the UMNO founding fathers had taken similar route to the development in Indonesia for sure the migrant Chinese would not be given citizenship that easily, and if they were to be given citizenship as in Indonesia they would have to abandon their familiar chinese names, language and chinese culture. If only the UMNO founding fathers had taken that route we would have a more asimilated population, speaking the same language and at least having names that are more Malay.
    Looking at Indonesia nowadays after the 3 generations have passed the Chinese Indonesia cannot speak Chinese and they still have the label Chinese in their KTP or IC that denotes them as Chinese and would therefore not allow them to work in Indonesian Civil Service. And being the people that have learnt to asimilate and integrate to survive they have inter married with the locals to gain control over large tracks of land and become the real puppet masters behind a majority of the Indonesian population.
    And during the time of Habibie and Gus Dur as President of Indonesia, the Indonesian Chinese have once again regained their position to be recognised as Chinese, when Mainland China began to make political overture of establishing trade with Indonesia. In the name of trade again the chinese have regain the elevated position to begin changing thier name to more Chinese sounding name.
    But the Malaysian Chinese are a different lot – they remain united under the single unifying flag of fighting under the Chinese education umbrella to unify their position and to maintain their resolve as an ethnic group eventhough they come from different Chinese bloodlines of Hakka, Kek, Teo Chiew, and many others. They remain steadfast in ensuring language becomes their bedrock for contniued survival as a race. Maybe the 2000 years of Chinese history have taught them something – that language was the basis of Shih Huang Ti unfiying the Chinese empire and dynasty. Through language they recorded their history and recorded civilization.
    My dear Tun – the subject of Malaysian Independence and the unwritten war that was fought should be a taught subject for the Malay so they will know where they came from, and what had made it possible for them to come where they – BTN is a bit crude, refinement is needed.
    My apologies to the other blogger if what I have written seems somewhat diffcult to accept. As you want to be recognise by your ethnic background, I too want to be recognise as a Malay, with the language and culture that I have inherited from my parents and Malaysia is the Federated Malay State or Tanah Melayu and I take pride to be recorded within written history for time that history has been recorded that this is the Malay Peninsula.

  412. Tun.
    Satu pendedahan yang amat penting untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia untuk melihat bagaimana terbentuk nya Tanah Melayu kepada Melaya dan seterus nya Malaysia.
    Rakyat Malaysia dari kaum lain mesti menyedari dan insaf akan kemurahan dan kebaikan hati orang2 Melayu ketika itu untuk menerima mereka2 ini sebagai citizen.
    Tapi kini mereka sudah bersikap melampau dan keterlaluan.
    Saya ingin menyeru pada setiap orang Melayu terutama para pemimpin2 Melayu tak kira dari parti mana pun untuk terus mempertahankan kan hak dan kepentingan orang Melayu dari terus di nodai dan dicemari oleh mereka2 yang buta sejarah dan sengaja tidak mahu mengenang budi orang2 Melayu dan Raja2 Melayu ketika itu.
    Kita telah lama bertolak ansur dengan mereka2 ini. Tapi jelas mereka sengaja cuba mencabar kesabaran orang2 melayu.
    Kerajaan mesti bersikap tegas pada kumpulan perosak negara ini.
    Kita tak perlu lagi memohon maaf pada mana2 pehak yg ingin mencetuskan ketengangan kaum.
    Saya rasa kita telah pun memberi keadilan setiap kaum di bumi bertuah ini.
    Kadang2 saya rasa sedih melihat kaum majority mendapat amat sedikit habuan kemewahan negara. Golongan minority hidup bermewah2han. Mana silap nya?
    Tun izinkan.
    By Alibabamahathir on November 11, 2008 8:43 AM
    Apa kah kamu sudah ujud di zaman TUN Siew Sin? Atau ada kah kamu berada bersama ketika itu? YOU are the one a GREAT LIAR.
    Hidup UMNO,Hidup lah Melayu. Mati nya UMNO hilang lah Melayu.
    Itu lah perjuangan UMNO yang sebenar nya. Renung2kan lah wahai pemimpin2 UMNO.

  413. Salam Tun,
    1. Tun Tan Siew Sin, adalah anak Tun Tan Cheng Loke. Kalau tak salah saya, kedua-dua beranak Tun Tan ini adalah keturunan Cina Selat, yang mana pertuturan mereka adalah dalam bahasa Melayu atau Inggeris (dan tak berapa fasih dalam Bahasa Mandarin). Jadi, mungkin ketidakfahaman ini berlaku kerana masalah bahasa.
    2. Kebanyakan ahli MCA di peringkat awal faham isi kandungan ucapan ini. Tetapi disebabkan oleh ketidakfahaman kaum Cina di luar MCA, serta provokasi dari parti dominan Cina yang lain, seperti Gerakan dan DAP, menyebabkan ucapan ini menjadi sesuatu yang tidak dipeduli, kerana ke”tidak-popular”annya dari segi “political mileage”, terutama jika mahu menarik sokongan dari kaum Cina.
    3. Apa yang penting, dari dulu sehingga kini, kekuatan kaum Cina dalam bidang ekonomi dan pelajaran di Malaysia, tidaklah pernah dilemahkan, mahupun dihapuskan. Cuma, sikap “tak pernah cukup” akan menerbitkan sikap melampau.
    4. Yang lebih utama, bagi orang lain selain daripada Cina (terutama Melayu), perlu berubah sikap untuk bina kekuatan sendiri, sabar (tidak sabar akan melahirkan sikap “cukuplah makan komisyen”) serta tidak terlalu mengharapkan “tongkat”.
    5. Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak telah menggariskan satu Visi, yang secara asasnya, “measureble” dan “achieveable”, dalam masa 30 tahun.
    Andaikata, dalam tahun 1970, penguasaan ekonomi orang Melayu diandaikan sebagai ZERO. Jika setiap tahun ditambah kekuatannya dengan cuma SATU peratus, maka secara logiknya, dalam masa 30 tahun, penguasaan ekonomi Bumiputera akan mencapai 30 peratus, iaitu dalam tahun 1999.
    6. Sepatutnya, kaum bumiputera Malaysia menyambut millenium baru dengan kekuatan baru, berserta misi memenuhi objektif DEB tercapai. Bagaimanapun, sikap “suka makan bangsa sendiri” (seperti canibal) serta “tak sabar nak kaya”, menyebabkan kita masih menjerit “masa tak cukup, perlu diperpanjangkan lagi”.
    7. Ilmu Geografi dan Sejarah telah meriwayatkan kelemahan rumpun bumiputera nusantara ini.
    8. Geografi membuktikan bahawa bumi Australia lebih hampir dengan Asia Tenggara, iaitu hak rumpun Melayu.
    9. Sejarah membuktikan, bangsa Melayu ini suka berperang sesama-sendiri, dan menghasilkan kerajaan kesultanan yang kecil-kecil, serta tidak bersatu. Contoh: Kalau Terengganu kena serang dek Siam, Kelantan, Patani dan Pahang “tengok sahaja”. Bahkan, kadang-kala, negeri-negeri lain ni siap bagi bantuan logistik kepada si penyerang. Tak pernah terbaca dalam Sejarah, negeri Kedah, Satun, Kelantan, Terengganu dan Patani membentuk tentera bersekutu menentang Siam.
    9. Oleh kerana ke”tidak-bersatu”an inilah menyebabkan bumi Australia, yang secara geografinya dekat dengan nusantara, tetapi di”temui” dan “dikuasai’ oleh bangsa lain yang jarak duduknya separuh “sfera” bumi.
    10. Berbalik kepada ucapan Tun Tan Siew Sin ini, janganlah kita asyik berkata kepada kaum Cina, “cuba baca baik-baik ucapan ini, supaya anda insaf”. Tak guna kita berkata demikian kalau kita berada di kedudukan yang lemah.
    11. Yang lebih memberi pengajaran kepada kita adalah, “janganlah kita asyik berebut sesuatu yang jelas di depan mata, tetapi kekayaan yang tersembunyi di bumi Malaysia ini, malas untuk diterokai, dan dimilik orang”. Janganlah ulangi sejarah “kerana asyik berkelahi sesama sendiri, berebut bumi nusantara, bumi Australia dan Papua tak terjangkau dek tangan warga nusantara”.
    12. Obama membuktikan “boleh”. Jadi, ini akan memberi motivasi kepada kaum lain, mereka pun boleh jadi PM Malaysia suatu hari nanti. Kita tak mampu menghalang andai ini terjadi, kalau kita masih “lemah, perasan kebal dan asyik mengharap dibantu dari membantu”.

  414. Itu tulu, olang sutah lupa.
    Sikalang wa tengok lu olang malayu lagi bothoh,
    itu Pas sama Keatilan apa wa mau lia olang mau kasi.
    Wa untung la ata olang malayu buta sijalah itu macam.
    Itu pasat wa munya nama pun loketpulan.
    Loket itu Dap, Pulan itu Pas maa.
    Wa sayang sama nik acis.
    Lia pun buta sijalah.

  415. Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
    The fact is we are all racists. If we know that it will bring us nowhere, why bring it up in the first place? Sejarah terpaksa digali semula apabila kita semua lupakan sejarah! Kalau semua faham dan amalkan budaya malaysia iaitu hormat menghormati sesama kaum, takde jadik begini. Dan kalau nak dibanggakan sangat amerika yang kononnya mengamalkan sama hak utk semua, well better think again, they still call obama as the first black president. Itu negara yang dah merdeka lebih 200 tahun. Yang kita nih baru 50 tahun, tapi ramai dah lupakan sejarah!!! Kepada yang merasakan Malaysia tidak memberikan hak yang adil, tolonglah berhijrah ke negara lain yang dikatakan lebih baik. Tolongggg la… i’m sure they will welcome you!

  416. Dear Tun,
    You got all the figure right. Do you think most of the politician GUNDUS knows all this. Dig up all the facts please.
    Only knows how to CHARI DUIT HHARAAM. Malu lah sikit.
    Accept the facts and buat baik lah kepada orang yang telah banyak
    bawak kemajuan kapada Malaysia. Buka mata besar lah sikit.

  417. Cina Malaysia nak test market. Ada backing talibarut Melayu.
    Kalau mereka berjaya hancurlah orang Melayu Malaysia. Kasi betis nak peha. Depa dok baik2 dgn kita mesti ada muslihat. Dgn depa mesti draw line. Mungkin Tun dah faham benar sikap mereka.

  418. Tun,
    There are many problems in Malaysia’s Education System.
    “Malaysia’s education system has been criticised for a myriad of problems, including low standards in the English language, “leaked questions” from key examinations, racial polarisation and the resulting brain drain…
    I am sure many have read from
    As seen on TV – “Yes, we can”, “Change we need to belive in”.
    I am sure we can do something about fixing those problems.
    Best Regards,

  419. Dear Tun
    Thank you for our blog. The Chinese matter is quite important to me. From my experience of being a western-educated Malay who lived in Kuching, Sarawak for about 7 years during my teens and then moving back to Semenanjung Malaysia after I came back from the UK having done my higher studies there and working there for 2 years, I see the Chinese race as an extremely reslient and hardworking race. The Chinese can adapt anywhere. Just look at China town in New York and London and around the world. Apart from that, we have rich Chinese tycoons everywhere from Tan Sri Kuok in Australia, Li Kah Shin of Hong Kong and many well-known figures also here in Malaysia. In the US, many Chinese film directors and movie stars who made a name in Hong Kong have made it big in Hollywood such as director John Woo, Gong Li, Zhang Zi Wei, Joan Chen, Jackie Chan and many others. We can see that the educated Chinese speak very good English and many of them are very rich in Malaysia as we can see from their houses, cars and business.
    Tan Siew Sin’s quote : “It is a tribute to the farsighted statesmanship of UMNO and its leaders that they reacted sympathetically to this request…”
    Let us concentrate on Malaysia. First of all we Malays have to ask ourselves whether we are afraid of the Chinese in the business sense. If the Malays were to compete with the Chinese on equal footings will we be better? I think not because the Chinese have a strong early civilizaton and they have shown they are able to survive almost anywhere in the world and usually become wealthy after working hard a long time and this is inhherited by their children. The Chinese are also able to utilize their network from around the world but I think we Malays can only sell our locally-made Malay movies in Malaysia and it is hard to find strong Malay presence around the world.
    So given the above scenario, do you think it is wise to give 1 million citizenship to the Chinese? Even the British only gave 200,000 citizenships as you mentioned in your blog. Luckily they did not give 2 million citizenships otherwise the Malays would be overwhelmed. And now you are saying the UMNO party itself allowed the Chinese into Malaya. And then later we find all these UMNO Malays giving all the projects to Chinese contractors, which had actually been awarded to them by the Govt, so that they don’t have to do any work and can make a clean cut. So do you see now why I am so angry with UMNO? At least Zaid had the guts to stand up in front of the Malays and tell them straight in the face : do not be pampered by the Government. Even the Chinese and Indian immigrants had a hard time surviving in Malaysia and many have made it to the top through sheer gut and determination. And what does UMNO do ? Issue Zaid a showcause letter.
    Tan Siew Sin’s quote : ” If the Malays had been against giving a fair deal to the Chinese in the matter of citizenship, they would not have allowed such a situation to develop.”
    I do not agree with the above statement. The Chinese can easily counter this by saying that if the Malays were really fair, then the would allow a Chinese to be made the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
    Anyway, from what I see now, many Malays (or most Malays) have progressed to become strong, modern citizens probably not as resilient as some Chinese – but in general they have improved tremendously in terms of modern outlook and the education given to them. Credit must be given to you and the Govt for bringing about these changes in the Malays. However the pampering and favouritism of the Malay race still exists in Malaysia. Perhaps we are not ready yet our “baby” status to become a “man”.
    However, we Malays still do not have the unity and global presence and the hardworking and survival instinct of the Chinese. I see we have a long way to go.
    One other topic I would like to include before I sign off is the amount of robbery and thefts and crimes happening in Malaysia today. I cannot say that the police are doing a good job and yet we are seeing the police and senior police personnels smiling away and enjoying award ceremonies and raya celebrations. Just today I read in the paper about a car dealer in Georgetown being burnt to death in his office and the thieves speeding away with 6 luxury cars worth RM5-6 million. My own house has been broken into and generally when it comes to the public holidays such as Raya or Chinese new year, we become very scared for our empty houses.
    Criminals in Malaysia nowadays do not hesitate one bit to care about the consequences of their action or whether they will be killed or whether they will kill. It has become very bad. Everyday I read grievous crimes being committed in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bharu, Alor Star and many major cities and yet time after time, the police and our leaders are doing nothing. They only care about their periok nasi, their homes, their family and their children. We need to find a strong leader who not only can bring about economic growth but also to reduce the crime rate drastically and put away these criminals for good. And I believe strongly this “leader” will come from a strong Islamic background.

  420. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera and a very good morning.
    Once again thank you for sharing that invaluable piece of history which I presumed the majority of Malaysian were not aware of.
    What Tun have been doing through your blog all this while is very noble. Tun not only have been giving your opinion without fear or favour but also manage to educate us on history which we might not be able to find in history books.
    Thank you Tun for sacrificing your quality time and effort to do your research so that people like me and those who read your blog are able to share with you, your knowledge and priceless experience.
    I sincerely hope that our mainstream newspaper should make an effort to obtain this document and publish it for the benefit of all Malaysian.
    The recent surge of dissatisfaction feeling and the feeling of being marginalised by minority groups, could have been attributed by people whom through their ignorance (may be), fanning the sentiment of these groups. When sentiment is high, people tend to listen and choose what they want to hear, otherwise, they just shut their ears and pretend not to hear what they have been listening. At times, even though they have eyes, these group could look but they couldn’t see or they choose not to see what’s going on around them. These people pick and choose things that could benefit them only. Self-centered and selfish.
    After saying that, may be it is not fair to blame these people entirely because they might not know history. The government should embark to put history in its right perspective so that the whole nation is aware. This could be undertaken by the ministry that looks after national integration. An all out effort must be taken to educate the nation so that everyone are aware of their rights.
    I think we should be thankful to be living in this blessed nation called Malaysia. For those who choose not to admit how lucky they are to be residing here, whether you are a Bumiputra or non-Bumiputra, please look at the other nations around us. By the way, if you think this nation is not treating you fairly, you could please pack your bags and migrate to another country, and please don’t come back.
    Allow me to go off-tangent a bit Tun.
    What do you think of our southern neighbour PM’s statement saying that they are not ready yet for non-Chinese PM? and
    What’s Tun’s opinion on Wanita UMNO’s head sticking to her decision to hand over Wanita’s leadership in Jun 2009 instead of following UMNO’s leadership handing over in March 2009?

  421. CK
    Why find its disturbing when Malay raised the issue, when you conveniently scream LETS JUSTICE PREVAIL when a Chinese talk about it.
    You raised it, but yet when people counter challenge it you scream OPPRESION.
    What is oppressing about the agreement? Isn

  422. Salam Ayahanda Tun, terima kasih kerana memberi maklumat yang banyak mengenai sejarah2 sebelkum merdeka,merdeka dan sehigga hari ini… Memang kita pasti ..komunis itu Cina majoritinya. Sekarang ni pun… kaum Cina Malaysia tidak “Bersyukur” lagak… ‘PERKAUMAN’ Jika kaum Cina …segelintir yang sebegitu baliklah ke Cina… Timbalan Menteri Penerangan..yg buta sejarah! lempar batu sembunyi tangan! Menteri Besar Perak n Selangor jadi BONEKA DAP! Masih ingat 13 Mei 1969? Tak perlulah sekarang ni…POLITIK PERKAUMAN N KEPENTINGAN PERIBADI AHLI POLITIK SEMPIT INI! . KAMI DOAKAN DATUK MUKHRIZ BERJAYA! ADA KESINAMBUNGAN KEPIMPINAN,KEIKHLASAN DAN KEBERANIAN TUN UNTUK BANGSA,AGAMA DAN NEGARA! TERIMA KASIH

  423. Sikap UMNO tetap tidak akan berubah untuk selama-lamanya …
    MATLAMAT UTAMA artikel Tun ini amat jelas sekali, untuk memberi ruang kepada golongan racist / anasir-anasir golongan bukan melayu, untuk mengambil kesempatan untuk membangkitkan pelbagai persoalan … dan selepas itu ahli UMNO akan melompat keluar dengan gaya mempertahankan orang melayu dan kemudiannya huru-hara …
    Saya rasa, tidak lama kemudian, suasana ketegangan akan timbul sekali lagi dan anak Tun akan keluar menjadi pahlawan melayu … kerana ini memanglah taktik UMNO sekian lama ini untuk memancing undi …
    Entah-entah kena tunggu berapa lama lagi, agar orang UMNO seperti Tun ni, akan membuangkan sikap yg SUKA MENGUNGKITKAN DAN MENYEBABKAN KEADAAN KETEGANGAN .. dan selepas itu sendiri pura-pura bersuara secara seorang pahlawan bangsa …

  424. Dearest Tun,
    I’m sure this is going to be a hot topic of discussion. Some may argue that this is out of date, time has changed thus the racial arrangements and so on…to a point of accusing Tun as a racist. But before you (would be commentators) start to become emotional, just sit back and think. This is all about the Malay rights which they have forgone some at the formation of Malaysia so that other races can also stay and find a living here. If you guys start talking ketuanan Melayu then you better stop doing so as there is no such thing as ketuanan Melayu evidently nowadays. If you want really to learn what ketuanan means, just go and work in Saudi Arabia and you will learn what it trully means. What Tun is writing here is a reminder to all not just the non-malays, the spirit of the formation of Malaysia which should be cherished by all for racial harmony. Lazy malays, corrupt malays etc. are different issues here as Tun has been lambasting on the thing all this while but it should not mixed with the Malay rights when frustration gets to you. Am I being racist here? Honestly ask yourself, are you not a racist also. It is a human nature. In simpler term I would just like explain that as a basic human instinct you would want to protect your family, your immediate family, relative by marriage and so on. And who are they? They are of your own race normally (in Malaysia), because of the same religious beliefs and of same culture and custom. That is how we become racist.
    Warmest regards to you Tun and family. Wassalam.

  425. Dear Tun,
    Circumstances and needs change with time. Even business contracts are up for review and renegotiation periodically depending on circumstances. While in the past, Chinese tend to identify themselves with China, today, things have changed. No post-Merdeka born person would care to dream of calling China their “motherland”.
    Most of us treat Malaysia as our “motherland” and are disappointed when our “motherland” rejects us time and time again. While I have been extremely blessed, I can certainly understand the problems. All this calling of certain ethnic groups as “pendatang” is just crazy. Everyone should realise that we are in this boat together, sinking or otherwise.
    I think that the crux of the problem is that both sides are talking about very different things and the politicians from both sides are drumming up whatever racial sentiment that they can to get political mileage.
    What everyone needs to do is to sit down and have an “honest” dialogue about what each other wants. Make everything crystal clear and define everything properly. Then, only can we move forward together as a nation, a renewed and stronger Malaysia, to confront the problems that the rest of the world will present us with.
    PS: You are a good leader, but you could be a great one, if you can use your influence to solve this one nagging problem. Maybe you should talk to Marina a bit more and see what she thinks.

  426. As expected, some people will say, let’s forget about the past. This is now. Let’s move on. When they realise they are wrong, they simply dismiss history. As if history meant nothing!

  427. Salam Tun,
    Is race truly a shackle to betterment?
    Imagine living in a world where everyone is virtually the same: it would be pretty dull, I would think.
    I remember my choice of University was decided on the basis that it did not have that big a Malay(sian) community.
    Of course, many of my compatriots were pointing to the Midlands in the UK which has a sizeable Malay(sian) groupings, but I wanted to see what/who else is out there.
    I thought it would be good to see if I could fit in a cosmopolitant mix instead of being cuddled by communities close to that I have at home.
    Had the latter been the reason, I would have stayed at home where the passage of education would be less painful.
    Back to home.
    In my Kampung in Alor Star, there was everyone: Chinese, Malay, Indian, Sikh. All except perhaps the Mat Salleh.
    What we did not do was identify them in racial context. They are always called by names.
    I also remember this classmate of mine by the name of Ong (wonder where he is now?).
    We were pretty much rivals in academics matters at my school, but also good friends as there were times when we’d just popped by each other’s house to do things.
    I really do not understand when this distrusts, this boxing and this need to declare racial lines and boundaries.
    Had everyone the chance to grow exponentially as the country grew, there would probably be no real need for the so-called special priviliges which make it seems as though Bumiputra (Malays) are in need of crutches.
    We should not be hearing statements such as this :
    “Dr Chua said it was unrealistic for Kedah to implement the 50% bumiputra quota for housing schemes, adding that the purchasing power of bumiputras should be considered.”
    Imagine that Tun.
    I do not think of anything which is less insulting to the Bumiputras (Malay) community than to be told the above.
    Where did we go wrong, Tun?

  428. Dear Tun,
    By looking at all the comments that have so far been published on this article, we can clearly see that it has divide the racial unity already. You see Malay participants agreed with you 100% while Chinese or non-malays are sketicals about the whole issue. Isn’t it clear that this type of discussion bring us nowhere? Can’t we believe in the human spirit and treat everyone equal? Aren’t we supposed to focus more on the development of the country regardless of race?

  429. To Alibabamahathir,
    Pls dont simply say Tun was lying. provide proof and facts to counter argue.

  430. Salam Tun,
    Di satu ketika, (dan sekarang juga) orang-orang Melayu amatlah pemurah dan pemaaf. Kadang-kadang sifat-sifat inilah yang kemudiannya makan diri sendiri. Di kalangan kumpulan yang mendapat kewarganegaraan ini pula, kita tak nafikan peranan mereka membangunkan negara, tapi harus diingat peluang-peluang sebegini wujud atas kemurahan orang-orang Melayu (atau kelekaan orang-orang Melayu? Benarkah kaum Cina ini mendapat layanan buruk setelah berada dalam Malaya atau Malaysia? Cuba lihat sekeliling….anak Melayu dengan anak Cina. Sebenarnya, kaum Cina di Malaysia adalah yang paling beruntung berbanding kaum lain di Malaysia, bahkan di negara asala mereka sendiri. Dalam sistem pendidikan, mereka ada sekolah aliran cina sendiri, peringkat rendah dan menengah, begitu juga sekolah-sekolah persendirian, tak cukup dengan itu, ada juga kolej, kolej universiti yang rata-ratanya kalau kita lihat, didokong oleh kaum Cina dan dimonopoli pelajar-pelajar cina. Dalam ekonomi negara, cuba kita sebutkan bidang mana yang tidak dipelopori oleh kaum cina, samada pemain utama atau pun sebagai ‘baba’. Cuba kita syarikat-syarikat cina yang mengutamakan kaum melayu sebagai pekerja utamanya. Adakah? Dalam iklan mencari pekerjaan pun, segelintir syarikat cina meletakkan kebolehan berbahasa Mandarin sebagai syarat utama. Di negeri Sabah contohnya, sebuah sekolah cina meletakkan syarat iaitu salah seorang samada ibu atau bapa mesti tahu berbahasa mandarin sekiranya mereka ingin menyekolahkan anak mereka di sekolah tersebut. Lihatlah papan-papan tanda dan lain-lain promosi perniagaan, bahasa cina lebih diutamakan. Masih lagi kaum cina dikatakan ketinggalan di Malaysia? Kini, dalam politik pula, kadang kadang kedengaran demand yang bukan-bukan dari parti-parti cina ini. Mereka berani sudah meminta-minta dan mendesak kerajaan yakni UMNO sebenarnya. Untuk rekod, adakah kaum minoriti lain contohnya kaum India, pernah mendapat layanan sebegini. Apakah cara untuk menyedarkan kaum cina ini tentang tanggungjawab mereka? Apa yang perlu dibuat? UMNO kena fikir.

  431. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
    Saya amat berterima kasih diatas daya usaha YABhg Tun menterjemahkan pandangan orang Cina mengenai keberuntungan mereka di Malaya.
    Kita harap semua rakyat Malaysia terutama bloggers kaum Cina yang banyak mengkritik Pertuanan Melayu serta mempertikaikan DEB dapat membaca dan menghayati isi kandungan ucapan Tun Tan Siew Sin.
    Kaum Cina perlu berterima kasih terhadap sikap murah hati orang Melayu yang sanggup berkorban hak dengan menerima mereka sebagai warganegara walaupun British hanya sudi memberi kerakyatan kepada 200,000 dari 2 juta kaum Cina, (10 peratus).
    Sikap kecinaan amat jelas apabila kita melihat gelagat mereka di Singapura, Pulau Pinang, Ipoh, Petaling Street dan kawasan majoriti Cina.
    Mana-mana blogger kaum Cina yang mempertikaikan dasar kerajaan bagi membantu orang Melayu bolehlah angkat kaki sekiranya merasakan diri dianiayai di bumi yang bertuah ini.
    Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.

  432. Dear Tun,
    I would like to comment on the remark made by “unique” posted above regarding the chinese societies inspirations today. I believe that it’s important to look at the history and the past and this information be desseminated to the younger generation for knowledge purposes. History to me personally is very important and we can learn from what had occured in the past. Perhaps Malaysians should take a look at other countries and the problems they face. Malaysia prides itself in the eyes of the world by being known a harmonious multi racial country. Let it remain that way!I am all for a one “Malaysia” but the chinese should respect the Malay rights accorded.
    Thank you.

  433. To Alibabamahathir,..
    Kenapa tak percaya!!. Learn your history and get ur facts straights. Go to national archive and dig the speech. Read it yourself. Some people are born loser, just like u.
    Ada jugak org mcm ni.
    By Alibabamahathir on November 11, 2008 8:43 AM
    you lied. You quoted Tun Siew Sin out of context.

  434. Salam Tun,
    I have always say that the present UMNO and the PM is weak their explanations on events and circumstances and sometimes not based on any logical sense. I feel that is one reason why the rakyat is not fully with UMNO presently.
    I have always believe that one reason your leadership was very successful in that your superior logic is explain well that is easily understood by most of us .
    I just pray that the new PM will provide that easily understood logic so that the Rakyat will turn back to UMNO .

  435. Salam Tun,
    I have always say that the present UMNO and the PM is weak their explanations on events and circumstances and sometimes not based on any logical sense. I feel that is one reason why the rakyat is not fully with UMNO presently.
    I have always believe that one reason your leadership was very successful in that your superior logic is explain well that is easily understood by most of us .
    I just pray that the new PM will provide that easily understood logic so that the Rakyat will turn back to UMNO .

  436. Asalamualaikum Tun and the rest of the bloggers,
    This documents prove to be very crucial in ascertaining the facts which weren’t told during the formation of the “Persekutuan Tanah Melayu” and then Malaysia. I’m sure there’s a lot of other forgotten documents which has similar historical importance. I believe these documents if its properly sorted out and recorded as a part of “unclassified” documents would allow Malaysians especially the younger generations to learn the hardship our statesman have gone through in order to form the country we know today as Malaysia. These writings hopefully will shine new lights to us Malaysian against the “putar-belit” (lies) facts created by the oppositions to garner cheap support. Above all, this document has higher credibility because it is written by a Chinese. From the writer’s intellectual point of view; Siew Sin is giving hard facts that it was the Malays who had COMPROMISE a lot in giving away citizenship to the Chinese and Indians. I do suggest Tun Dr. Mahathir to translate this awesome writings to Bahasa Melayu translation as well.
    May God Bless Us All. Long live Malaysia.

  437. Dear Tun,
    Morning and hope this comment finds you well. In my humble opinion, It seems to me that you are suggesting that the Chinese in this country have been given a lot of priveleges which the government is not obliged to do so. It implied that Chinese should be grateful and stop complaining about inequality in Malaysia. It also supports in a very subtle way what Ahmad Ismail has mentioned that the Chinese are actually merely “Pendatang” in this country.
    After 51 years of independence, I would like to believe this type of debate should not even exist in the first place. It is unfair to all Chinese who were born in Malaysia. Honestly, I find it rather disturbing.

  438. Salam Tun
    Kesalnya saya lihat 51tahun kita MEDERKA masih banyak lagi “Katak dlm Tempurong” di Melayuland ini….
    Rakyat dipermain oleh buaya2 politik dgn sentimen PEKAUMAN, AGAMA, BAHASA…..
    Banyak sejarah sebelum Mederka telah diputar belik oleh orang tertentu. Semua kaum harus memerhati sejarah ASAL perjuangan sebelum kemederkaan dan hakikat yang timbul hari ini.
    Don’t blame others before yourself…..

    Why is every time a document on history is brought up, that seemingly not in favor of the non-Malay, it would be termed either as A LIE or RACIST?
    Why should we move on

  440. Dear Sir,
    Good morning.
    Thank you to you and team for digging up that piece from Malaysia’s history. I should definitely hang out with my kid at Arkib Negara more.
    Maybe more insights from you on this excerpt “It is a tribute to the farsighted statesmanship of UMNO and its leaders that they reacted sympathetically to this request.”
    Who specifically were involved (“the leaders”) here and what were their motives/reasons for the ‘symphathetic’ approach.
    Im from current times, I would think if you’ve toiled for the land for few years (even though recently migrated) and of ‘good character’, one should be part of the citizenship package deal was enough.
    Did they also think:
    1. That the non-malays were entrenched in the economy and operations (engineering, teachers etc) of the country
    2. The non-malays leaders were actually co-strong negotation parties with the brits?
    Dear sir, could you comment on the escalating rate of crime in Malaysia esp in these tough times.

  441. Hope this shall open the eyes of those who have been very ungrateful and forgot their roots and choose to have selective memory over things…history shall never changed…

  442. Thank you YABhg Tun for sharing this important milestone that was the thought of the most important chinese community leader that time, our beloved Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin.
    Everybody, that is, every citizen of this beloved nation, Malaysia must now come to senses. It has taken United States community 232 years from her first President, to accept other that white person from becoming her President. The process of assimilation of culture and way of life of any community is long and that is signified by what is happening in America.
    Therefore, we should not be edgy and continue to discuss stupidly all issues that are sensitive now. Perhaps these sensitive issues will not be sensitive anymore in about 200 years give and take 50 years that have passed in Malaysia. That time in future we would already be able to accept the facts of one nation. In nation building that is no magic and there is no short cut in achieving peace and prosperity. Malaysia should always persevere towards achieving one nation one people. It will take long years beyong our life time.
    President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln did not wish peace and tranquality to happen during their lifetime but at least they have been happy to lay the ground work that after about 232 years the community can accept change.
    In Malaysia similar spirit should be moulded. More so with so many highly educated citizen who want nothing but peace and tranquality. Work together now for the benefit of our children and our future generation; not as long as 232 years but insya Allah it will be shorter.
    Lets stop bikering and work together amist differences and policies. With the experience gained for the last 50 years, BN is the sample of multi-ethnic government in the world and I think the world should learn from it. I think Malaysia should be proud of this. Therefore preserve the benefit and lets move forward.

  443. I would like to comment to ‘unique’ which says, ‘while TAN siew Sin was a great man that represent MCA that time, what ever he said may not truly represent what the chinese society’s inspiration in today.
    Well, ‘unique’ if you said that then we the Malays will also says ‘while Tunku was a great man that represent UMNO that time, what ever he says may not truly represent what the MALAY society’s inspiration in today. Then what will happen to this country?????? This is what earllier l said ‘cacing sudah naik ke mata’

  444. Assalammualaikum Tun.
    A good and informative piece of writing. If they agree, then we should revert to the colonial days of the treatment to the Chinese. From what I can see, the only way to satisfy the majority of the Chinese here in Malaysia is to give in to whatever they want. That is so typical of the majority of the Chinese…kalau boleh, semua mereka nak pawai. They serve money and property or anything to be rich.

  445. Salam Tun
    Eventhough the ‘production’ of your writings in Chedet is kinda slow (recently), but once you were to write about it. I know it will make an impact.
    Please overturn every rocks on this issue. Personally, I don’t think Najib is able to solve such issues (on race), as he has inherited a whole lot of problems from Pak Lah.
    Hope the Chedet readers and supporters would pray for your health as we expect to learn even more from you.
    Thank you very much
    P/S: With curiosity, you never get old.

  446. It is difficult to comment but this MIC ( Malay, Indian, Chinese ) thingy has been done to death and frankly, it is getting a bit boring and counter productive.
    Every race wants to champion their causes, with unity as the main focus.
    A bunch of thieves will similarly do the same. Their leader will command the group to think alike and steal for their livelihood. The success or failure of this group depends on their leader.
    Likewise, the police chief trains his men to catch the thieves.
    In politics, people with the same skin normally group together and listen to their leader.
    In Pakatan Rakyat, the same thing happens too. The ignorant listen to their leader. If the leader asks them to burn tyres at KLCC, they would almost certainly do so.
    Therefore, it is all about unity in one form or another.
    When will the Serani, Orang Asli, Sikh, Bidayuh, Kadazan, Negrito, to name a few start to demand things like the majority of these races?
    Think about it.

  447. Salam Tun & all,
    Thanks for the history lesson today, i like history subject since i was in school, and this piece is brilliant! Thanks you.
    Maybe u can upload the whole document 4 us to read & review.
    Thanks again.
    May Allah bless u & family.

  448. Dear Tun,
    British was created to be nothing but CULPRIT.
    Yet there are Malays who praise the British. #@%^$&*)$%^%$#.

  449. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Impressive is your research. My comment this time has got nothing to do with your posting. I am sorry Sir, but please kindly permit my two cents in sharing anyway (suffice just for your read). I just got back from a very brief stop in KL during the weekend. I was at many avenues in and around the city trying to find some good deals for my laptop replacement. I have been thinking that I could get better deals there. Am I ever the wrong horse as always? You bet Tun. The Chinese controls almost 80% of business on every floor at Plaza Low ^@t KL. Okay, don

  450. Salam Tun..
    Pendedahan yang begitu ilmiah. Syabas!pada saya, apa yang perlu ditekankan kepada generasi hari ini ialah sejarah tanah melayu dan juga sejarah penubuhan malaysia. Ramai generasi hari ini termasuk melayu yang tidak mengerti apa itu Kontrak Sosial apalagi kaum2 lain.. Teruskan menulis mengenai apa yang telah berlaku, sedang berlaku dan ramalan apa yang akan berlaku..

  451. Dear Tun,
    Good Morning to you! Kindly pls allow me to speak some words.
    Refer to your statement “the amount spent on education as a whole increased by 183.28 per cent in nine years, the amount spent on Chinese education increased by 281.19 per cent ” Although the this seem to be a whole lot of money spend, but there are still not enough. There is a saying ” little amount of water can’t put off the huge fire”. May be you may think that I’m greedy but nevertheless, the money is still not enough to help the Chinese school. How many of Chinese school are being help thru this budget? How many are they in a State? Who will handle the fund? How will the fund reach the school?

  452. Greetings Tun
    Thanks very much for sharing excerpts of Tan Siew Sin’s speech on the progress made with regard to Chinese interests in post-independent Malaya.I fully respect article 153 and other provisions of the constitution which protect the special rights of the Malays. However, it troubles me that a Bosnian-born permanent resident can get a university scholarship, while a deserving non-Malay citizen of the country can’t. It pains me when a generation of younger Malays are unable to use the English language because of overzealous interpretation of the language provision in the consitution. All of us, regardless of our ethnic origin,and especially politicians, need to revisit the provisions of the constitution.

  453. Tun,
    Terima kasih atas penjelasan Tun berdasarkan ucapan Tan Siew Sin walaupun “suara-suara kecil” begitu tidak ramai yang tahu.
    Saya sarankan agar Tun menulis buku supaya rakyat Malaysia sedar bahawa apa yang mereka kecapi hari ini bukan datang bergolek.

  454. Assalakm Tun. Semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat selalu.
    Saya sedih bila membaca artikel seperti ini kerana terbukti sudah banyak bangsa Melayu memberi ruang dan peluang kepada Cina didalam pelabagai bentuk dan isu.
    Malangnya kenapa mereka buta dan terlalu tamak haloba seperti lupa apa yang telah kita korbankan. Malang lagi, pemimpin PKR nampaknya sudah menjadi lebih cina daripada cina sendiri. Sedih.
    Pemimpin UMNO pulak sekarang semakin lembik ditanahair sendiri.

  455. Dear Tun,
    We thank you a lot on this article. I hope all people of Malaysian will read and try to understand. If not fully but partially.

  456. Salam Tun,
    Kita haruslah sentiasa bersyukur bahawa kita di Malaysia ini tiada aktivis “Pembersihan Kaum”.

  457. Salam Tun,
    Terima kasih kerana berkongsi pengetahuan. Harap generasi muda sekarang lebih celik dan sedar.

  458. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for the recent article about the Sino Malay relations. I think you have resurfaced a very important facts from a 3rd party whose credibility was very high. The facts is some people think that Obama’s win is related to them. Many ppl forget that Obama never used foreign language in his home. He only used his national language even when talking to his mother or his grandmother. And he doesnt practiced distinct culture from the rest of American ppl. He was a true American. They don’t fight for ‘African School’ in America. They became a true American. Thats why they can be a president of US. Whereas here, they couldnt even speak national language properly. Imagine if Lim Kit Siang become PM, or Theresa become PM and give speech something like “Itu makanan anying libih baik sidikit dari tempat saya titon” during the PM speech, then we dont know which country we are living. Truly the time for them to become PM has not come yet, as what Hsien Loong said.
    I suggest that you please give duplicate of that document and other old valuable document to the National Achives. They are very important documents.


  460. I found that this quote mean something
    “The alliance came to power for the first time the amount spent on Chinese education was $11.7 million. The amount spent on education as a whole was $99.9 million. In 1963, and I have taken 1963 because after this year we would be dealing in pan-Malaysian figures, and therefore the comparison would not be fair, the figures were $44.6 million and $283 million respectively.”
    It shows how eager Chinese want to learn and spent most of their money for education years back then.Bumi’s also must do the same thing,for the sakes of our future Malaysia.There must be no race left behind, same goes to Indians and other minority races.

  461. Dear Tun,
    This should be circulated to MCA guys. Let them read and know the history. All these idiots should know their origins and not to question the special position of Malays.
    – Jinggo Rock –

  462. Dear Tun,
    While it is harmless to bring out things happened in the past, we should look forward without being disturbed by history. While Tan Siew Sin was a great man that represented MCA at that time, what ever he said may not truly represents what the chinese society’s inspiration in today.

  463. Selamat pagi Tun. Tulisan tulisan sebegini amat kami sanjungi Tun, kerana ia dapat membuka mata generasi muda baik Melayu mahupun bukan Melayu bagaimana kontak sosial itu dikerkenalkan.
    Malangnya Tun ramai dari mereka sekarang buta hati tidak mahu menerima hakikat sebenarnya hingga sanggup menimbulkan isu2 perkauman. Tapi Tun malangnya ada juga orang2 Melayu yg terang2 hendak menghapuskan hak istimewa orang2 Melayu asalkan nawaitu politiknya tercapai seperti saudara anwar ibrahim dan saudara zaid ibrahim. Melayu seperti ini harus dihumbankan jauh dari arena politik negara krn mrk ini sebenarnya punca dan penyebabnya orang bukan Melayu sudah berani timbulkan isu2 berbau perkauman. Isu2 ini diibaratkan ‘cacing dah naik ke mata’.

  464. Keep it up Tun.. You are full of ideas and memories.. Help malay to reach target of wawasan 2020.

  465. It will be good that this can be published elsewhere so that people are aware of history and be grateful that they can live in this country. I would suggest that this piece of history to be inserted in syllabus of the “History” subject for all school children. It needs to be emphasized to the young generations!

  466. asalamualaikum bapak….
    di mana bumi di pijak di situ langit di junjung…..
    kalo masih ada yg tak faham jugak….sesia le belaja tinggi2……

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