2. I did not agree with this simplistic view and I had put my thoughts on this blog. I believed that it was rather protest against the failures of the Abdullah Government that caused many Barisan Nasional members and supporters to vote for the opposition. But many still insist that race based politics is no longer relevant in Malaysia. Is it?
3. If it is because the Malaysian electorate had rejected racial politics, why did they vote for such parties as PAS, a very Malay Muslim party, and DAP, a Chinese dominated party. Even the Keadilan is made up of violently racist Hindraf Indians, Chinese dissatisfied with the MCA’s representation of the Chinese in BN and self-serving Malays who could not find a place in the other Malay parties.
5. Their accredited supporters who may really subscribe to their creeds had never been big enough to make them strong opposition parties in the past. They were never able to deny the BN a 2/3rd majority. It should be remembered that Keadilan won only one seat in the 2004 elections. The other two, DAP and PAS did not do much better either.
6. It was the defection by the BN party members which resulted in the opposition parties, regardless of the quality of their candidate getting the large number of votes to win so many more seats than they or anybody else expected.
7. Apart from the voters supporting the essentially race based opposition parties, the claim that it was the rejection of racial politics which led to the poor results by the BN has also not been borne out by the attitudes and debates by Malaysians post 2008 elections.
8. What we are witnessing today is an explosion of racial politics that is more bitter and blatant than ever before. Even the least observant cannot fail to notice how Malaysian politics now is more about racial inequities than about liberalism, human rights, openness etc.
9. True there has been quite a lot of discussion on the ISA. But most of the angry and bitter discussion is about Malay “privileges”, about the Social Contract, about the Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister being Malays, about UMNO bullying, about being or not being immigrants, about Malay dominance. Even the criticisms regarding the way judges are appointed or promoted have elements of race that is hardly disguised.
10. Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties. And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.
Dear Tun, and all relevant Malaysians
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat selalu. Minta izin….
Cuba nasib lagi. Nak beri pandangan lain tentang perkara berbangkit. Tiada hasutan, ancaman, hinaan, cuma pandangan bertentangan. Harap lulus di hujung perbincangan??
Mrk yg suruh kaum lain menyerap, cakap tak serupa bikin. Langsung tak ikhlas. Kalau bumiputera Sabah/S’wak pertikai perlaksanaan hak istimewa Melayu, entah kena halau atau suruh serap tak?
Apa yg mrk perjuangkan untuk golongan ini:-
1) Bukan bumiputera yg masuk Islam. Mrk dah tinggalkan budaya, agama, bahasa mrk memeluk Islam. Tapi bangsa mrk tetap bukan bumiputera, boleh tuntut hak sama?
2) Baba nyonya yg hanya faham satu bahasa, BM dan tak reti bahasa Cina. Budaya, bahasa, pakaian mrk lain dan bukan Cina. Apa keistimewaan mrk dapat? Dgn kaum Cina tak mesra krn budaya, bahasa lain, dgn Melayu tak serasi krn kulit lain. Penyerapan sia sia?
3) Mrk yg tidak belajar bahasa Cina/Tamil, masuk SK belajar BM sepenuh. Tinggalkan bahasa sendiri menyerap BM, bergaul dgn Melayu. Apa faedah mrk dapat dari yg belajar dua bahasa di SJK?
Saya tak terbaca apa apa cadangan untuk golongan sanggup menyerap ini! Jgn menabur janji dibibir pekong? Perkara tak semudah itu.
Rakyat M’sia tak perlu minta atau berjuang untuk hak sama sebab ini dah termaktub dlm perlembagaan (Article 8 Clause 2) Tidak boleh ada penindasan, pilih kasih kecuali untuk syarat Article 153 (Special provisions for bumiputeras) Article 153 wujud untuk mengelak kesan Article 8 (hak sama), bumiputera tertinggal. Bukan digunakan untuk menegak Tuan, menindas, menyerap, menghalau, mengancam.
Article 153 sepatutnya dikaji lepas 15thn Merdeka dan lapuran dibentang ke parlimen. Ini tak menjadi krn 1969 dan lahir DEB dgn tempoh 20th lagi. Tapi lepas 20thn (1991) tak cukup lagi dan bersambung tanpa tempoh…
Cara melaksanakan dua hak ini (sama dan istimewa) yg menjadi persoalan. Bukan minta hapus hak sesiapa. Itu kerja tukang karut politik. Hak berdua ini harus wujud selari dgn tidak memijak satu sama lain. Tujuan akhirnya hak sama rata mutlak.
Patutkah Melayu berada dibantu atas dasar hak Melayu, sedangkan ramai Melayu masih miskin (Curi keistimewaan)
Patutkah Melayu berada diberi keistimewaan lebih dari kaum lain yg miskin darinya (Perikemanusiaan)
Tidak ada cadangan melawan gejala ini. Cuma ancaman pada sesiapa soal. Mrk pergunakan DEB untuk makan budi! Berjuang krn tamak bukan hak! Sayang kemewahan, membelit keistimewaan bukan menegak maruah bangsa.
Tanya pegawai tinggi kerajaan, GLC, pengurus tinggi swasta, peniaga berjaya, penerima faedah DEB lain, sanggup lepaskan keistimewaan beri peluang anak nelayan, petani, pekerja Melayu? Jgn harap! Mrk nak berebut juga untuk anak sendiri pula! Sikap mrk dlm blog ini dah tahu.
Kaum lain dah berkorban untuk anak melayu miskin 50 thn. Bila Melayu sendiri nak berkorban! Ramai Melayu lain sedar bukan kaum lain saja yg bersalah terhadap nasib Melayu….dengar PKR, PAS (tapi tukang karut Umno cemuh mrk pengkhianat!)
As’kum Tun,diharap Tun dan keluarga sihat dan dilimpahi rahmat serta keberkatan.Tun,sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia,Saya amat berbangga krn pernah mempunyai seorang Perdana Menteri sehebat Tun.Saya yakin dan pasti segala kritikan dan pandangan yang Tun berikan adalah utk kemakmuran dan kestabilan negara ini.Mana mungkin seorang Negarawan spt Tun mahu memusnahkan apa yang pernah dibinanya,bkn?Tun,Saya amat merindui Tun,teruslah memimpin kami,krn spt apa yang Tun tahu,hingga kehari ini pun,bangsa kita masih terumbang-ambing,masih terlalu mudah utk lupa,masih perlukan tongkat utk berdiri.Tun,Saya tidak malu utk mengaku yang diri ini MELAYU tp Saya amat malu berada disekeliling Melayu yang tdk mampu berdiri tanpa bantuan orang lain dan terlalu mudah menyalahkan pemimpin terdahulu tanpa cuba utk menilai diri sendiri.Tun,sesungguhnya perjuangan kita masih belum selesai dan krn itu saya amat berharap Tun akan terus memberikan nasihat dan kritikan yang membina utk kebaikan kita semua.Akhir kalam,salam utk Tun sekeluarga.
Dear Tun,
No matter how hard and well you tried to explain to the people around the world, there are bound to have disagreement and agreement. Well, that’s their rights in this virtual world. But one thing for sure, racial politics are here to stay until world ends or some other form of dictatorial government comes into being.
Recent political events that had taken place had shown some unwillingness among ethnic based political parties to divert from their original political philosophy and would rather remain in their racial cocoon. They would rather play a game of disguise and deceit, to garner support from their own ethnic group. UMNO, MCA, MIC, DAP, PAS, PPP, Gerakan etc have their ways to champion the races they are representing. So, they are chauvinistic one way or another. How can we want to achieve truly Malaysian political scenario, where every citizen is treated equally, it’s dead impossible no matter how hard we try to convince. The political game of deceit and masquerade will still be an order of the day in political world
To Dr Perfect and Upholdjustice,
Stop fighting for equal rights as this will never happen. It will create more hatred towards the non-bumi, particularly Chinese. And remember, the more you aggravate the Malay, the more you rock racial harmony and peace.
To lebaikudin,
Stop harassing the Chinese. We have mom and dad just like you. Our blood is as red as yours.
P/S : There are good Malays and bad Malays; there are good Chinese and bad Chinese out there as well. Why don’t we look at the positive side of everything?
In fact, I have the best blood of all, Chinese ( 90%) and Malay mix.
Once proud to be called Malaysian but now an Australian.
It is you, and your kins who were migrated from sumatera and other parts of indonesia, you should read more history books instead of indonesian magazines.
The are many type of Malays, and some migrated from Indonesian, some from Pattani,Siam and some the Philippines. By saying the Malays are originally of indonesian descendants could mean that you and your kinds are one. Not us, that is why we are upholding our rights in the first place, and please tell me if MCA,MIC,PPP,PAS or whatever was not fighting for their racial agendas?
Adding to it, Kerajaan Kedah Tua was more than 2000 years old, and was mostly inhabitated by ‘Malayeu’, and the migration only affected some states such as Malacca, Johore, Perak, and Pahang but not Terengganu, Kelantan, Kedah, and Negeri Sembilan.
Thank you
What is it with hindraf being a non-racist movement? Hindraf is racist from the very beginning. You obviously do not clearly understand what hindraf is there for in the first place, and PR has their own hidden agendas for supporting hindraf.
I agreed with what Lebaikudin, he had a point there. It’s true, chinese comunity wanted this ‘equality’ but at the same time defending preserving their own ‘rights’ what’s with this type of equality you called??
To lebaikudin,
I don’t have any hatred feelings.Just want to uphold justice.
Do you know there were Malays joining Communist Party?
Why can’t we question Malay special rights after 50 years?We are not immigrants who have just migrated from mainland. The Malay who has just migrated here can enjoy special rights.In fact,non Malays born here even lose to Malays who have just migrated here.
Sekolah Wawasan definitely cannot achieve national unity.Only equality can achieve national unity.
By the way,I was not born yet during 1969.
You call me Mr Greedy?Very funny.
Mr Malas, the Malays(some ,not all) want special rights to satisfy their lust for laziness at the expense of non Malays’s basic rights.
Mr Memalukan,do you know that it is embarrassing to stick to tongkat despite having healthy body?
Mr Mundur,please don’t use population ratio to distribute wealth.It is ridiculous.Use efforts ratio.
Mr Marah,don’t easily feel angered by my comment.Be calm.
Last but the least,Mr Manja ,please don’t manjakan dengan saya to get teddy bear ,apart from wheelchair and tongkat.I will pengsan.
To lebaikudin,
It seems that I have to repeat many times to you.
I don’t know that your mathematics is so good that you can come up with population ratio to distribute the country’s wealth.
It is true that the Malays are the majority of this country.
However, do the Malays contribute 65% of sweat ,blood and tears in creating the wealth of this country?
Do you know that Tun introduced “Dasar Pandang Ke Timur” so that the Malays could spend more time to work hard?
Unfortunately,the Malays still spend more time to drink coffee instead to work hard.
Wealth should belong to those who work hard, not to those who are more bumiputera or constitute more population percentage.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Allow me to answer,
by upholdjustice Dec 9, 2:58pm
Let me do some conclusion of your hatred,anger and ungratefulness:
1.Chinese were communist when they fought Japanese occupation.They can never leave the doctrine accept death,now already third generation,it’s in their blood
2.Malaya Communist Party was financed,trained and indoctrinated by Kuomintang.It was created after the ‘power vacuum’ when British surrendered and Japanese is re-organising the admin.The idea was to ‘liberate’ Malaya and to form People’s Republic of Malaya.Nothing to do with nationalism as you claim
3.Malay rights were given as enshrined in the Constitution in exchange of jus soli.Questioning it, is tantamount to questioning the very reason for you non-Malay to exist on this Malay Motherland
4.There is no such thing as 30% quota as ‘tongkat’.The real wealth distribution should be 65%:25%:10% according to population’s ratio which is Malay,Chinese and Indian accordingly.You’re already controlling 80% of the business, Mr Greedy.What else do you want?Where were you in May 13, 1969?Don’t you learn any lesson?
5.Sjk (c) and Sjk (t)(vernacular) is the main reason of race’s polarisation,where children mingled with same race compared to sekolah kebangsaan where all the races mixed.Sekolah Wawasan is the answer.Mukriz is right.People against it are hipocrite
6.You refuse to assimilate out of fear of losing your ‘totokness’.You want to practice own religion,language,tradition etc and at the same time wanted to be treated ‘equal’.As a proverbial comparison:like a child holding tight to your teddy bear but insisting to be treated as an adult.You are only quiet when any policy or projects benefit you: pacifier (puting plastik la tu).So malay have the so called tongkat and wheelchair,you have teddy bear and pacifier to be proud of.Congrats!
7.Please do not compare Malaysia with Singapore as it is a city state and police state,ruled by communist.The reason you’re still not migrate there and still barking here is…YOU’RE TREATED WELL HERE!
8.And you claim Hang Tuah a chinese?Lee Kwan Yew is an alien!How about that?Proof it.Don’t gimme Wikipedia kind of shit,coz it’s tom,dick & harry’s crap
9.Point to ponder: Why Chinese has been chased away,shunned,discriminated etc in Korea,Japan,Philippine and especially in Indonesia?Because they work too hard?Ohh please..don’t let me puke here
10.And they call certain people as ‘Jews of the East’ for obvious reason,don’t they?
To Upholdjustice
May i refer to your last paragraph in your comment 9 december. Inter Racial Marriage.
Yes, i agree. if we want to produce a truly malaysian community, that’s the goodess way we should accept. by doing that we no more will be recognised according to ethnicity wether u malay or chinese or indian. the children of inter racial marriage couples will definetely be a true malaysian society in a way.
But, the main and the major obstacle to this idea is one’s religion or belief. Who amongst us is willingly ready to change religion or belief. We can have and practice a mix-culture in our every day life but our life will become ‘tunggang terbalik’ if we practice mix religion in our home.
Hope u don’t mind if i wish to add few words to your beautiful proposal.
1. we encourage and promote Inter Racial Marriage in our society. the end product is ‘bangsa malaysia’ no more malay or chinese or indian or whatever other ethnics which formed the malaysian citizens.
2. Inter Racial Marriage will be a reality, if all of us ready to practice only one religion or belief. since islam is our official religion, why not all malaysian think of accepting islam as a way of life. just for your knowledge, islam means “selamat”. all human being want to be “selamat” in their life.
3. lastly, Inter Racial Marriage society to use only bahasa malaysia and english as their means of communication. and only this 2 languages are to allowed to be taught in schoolls.
We don’t want because of things (cabar mencabar, ungkit mengungkit)like this will spark fire in our inter racial relation which were much have been repaired after suffering a severe damage in the May 13 incidence which took place some 40 years ago.
May Allah safe our country and our generations forever. Amin.
To Upholdjusice,
Your statement: “If you were the Prime Minister of Malaysia, all Malaysians regardless of race would die of hunger”.
My statement: Nobody would die of hunger, only people who share the same thought like u.. Die because u are no longer a Malaysian..
To Upholdjustice and Drperfect.
So u know what had happened to Chinese in Indonesia. So, don’t u think u people in Malaysia are much more lucky compared to them???
So, use your brain before talking nuts…. U people are so lucky if compared to the Malays in Singapore.
We don’t mind other people come to Malaysia to work but please respect the bumi’s. We Malays don’t care whether u are making money or not but as long as u don’t try to overtake this country in a “softsense” because if u study history, u are not from here..
One more thing, u said orang utan is the most native than the Malays, but Malays are much native than u?? So which one is less native?? It is U???
Both of u should leave Malaysia I think.. See whether u can have a better place somewhere with your attitude.. Don’t stay here if u don’t agree with the system here… Please hurry up.. Go to your mainland, they practiced Communism right.. So, that system suits u guys, equal distribution….
Assalamualaikum, saya sangat bersetuju bahawa kaum Melayu mengundi kepada pembangkang kerana protes dengan tingkah laku yang membuat orang muak dan menyampah.Pemimpin kena bijak mengambil hati rakyat terutamanya orang di kampung kerana mereka bukan lagi boleh disogok dengan mengadakan kenduri dua tiga ekor lembu ataupun hadiah kain batik serta pelikat.Mereka sudah mempunyai pendidikan dan akal untuk melihat dan menilai tentang kualiti pemimpin.Buat pemimpin UMNO jangan takut melaungkan “Hidup Melayu” kerana ini bukan racist.Kalau kita nak lihat racist lihat negara jiran kita yang suku-sakatnya sisa-sisa PAP iaitu DAP.Yang bodohnya orang Melayu kononnya pejuang keadilan tapi sebenarnya berjuang untuk diri sendiri sampai sanggup gadai maruah bangsa.Kalau dah pejuang masa jadi Timbalan PM dulu dah lama orang Baling hidup senang dan takkan dah lupa siapa yang bebaskan dia dulu dari ISA.Orang Melayu bukan pendatang kerana yang dikatakan bangsa Melayu ini terbahagi kepada tiga iaitu bangsa keturunan,bangsa politik dan juga bangsa budaya. Jadi kalau ahli DAP nak cakap Melayu pendatang macam mereka kenalah belajar sejarah Tanah Melayu dan Melayu.Mereka kena sedar dan tidak lupa diri kerana ihsan orang Melayulah mereka boleh tinggal dan jadi rakyat Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.Ini sudah tercacat dalam perlembagaan negara.Orang yang mempertikaikan perlembagaan negara boleh dikenakan ISA atau akta Hasutan.Orang Melayu kena berani memperjuangkan hak kita bukannya asyik dok jaga hati orang lain saja sampai bangsa kita diketepikan.Kalau mereka mengancam keluar BN sekalipun biarkan mereka keluar kerana di saat itu orang yang namanya Melayu tidak akan berdiam diri .Saya percaya PAS tentunya tidak akan bekerjasama dengan orang yang terang-terang menentang syiar Islam.PAS patut sedar peranan mereka dalam PKR tak menguntungkan merekapun.Orang di Kedah sokong PAS atas dasar PAS dan bukannua kerana PKR.Jangan jadi macam Selangor dan Perak yang jadi simbol saja sedangkan habukpun takdak.Ini masanya orang Melayu bersatu padu dan membuktikan kita semua bukan kaum yang lemah.
To lebaikudin,
I don’t know that your mathematics is so good that you can come up with population ratio to distribute the country’s wealth.
It is true that the Malays are the majority of this country.
However, do the Malays contribute 65% of sweat ,blood and tears in creating the wealth of this country?
Do you know that Tun introduced “Dasar Pandang Ke Timur” so that the Malays could spend more time to work hard?
Unfortunately,the Malays still spend more time to drink coffee instead to work hard.
Wealth should belong to those who work hard, not to those who are more bumiputera or constitute more population percentage.
To lopez,
You think we don’t have brains?Yes,you are correct.So , we Chinese are the most backward society in this country .Special rights should belong to Chinese community , not to the Malays who have better brains.
What is wrong with immigrants coming to this country for “bijih timah”?
So you think the Malays migrated from Indonesia to this country for holiday? For honeymoon?
What is the point of comparing who is more native than the others?
If we follow your thinking,the most native in this country is Orang utan.
The Chinese in Indonesia were severely discriminated despite using Indonesian’s name.
We just want equal rights.Is it a crime ? All religions forbids unequal rights.
If you were the Prime Minister of Malaysia, all Malaysians regardless of race would die of hunger.
To lopez on December 5, 2008 10:25 AM
Whatever it is, your “bigger picture” just sounds like that you are happy to hold that grudge of “We-gave-you-citizenship-in-exchange-for-making-you-an-eternal-slave” I don’t see why you wouldn’t stop emphasizing this when it’s good for you, this just makes you a loser when you would be rich in RM but remain in poverty in comparison with first world country, and I would be happy to accept any fact from you that explain factors that have been slacking/stopping Malaysia’s economy.
Tun, sehat sejahtera hendaknya.
Negara Malaysia ini akan aman, rakyatnya akan hidup dlm suasana penuh harmoni, hormat menghormati. Tapi yang jadi masalahnya ialah sikap mereka yang non malay kebelakangan ini nampak semakin melampau. Masa Tun jadi PM dulu tak der ler mereka berani nak usik sangat. Tapi lepas Pak Lah ambil alih dari Tun, maruah bangsa melayu tah kemana perginya, dah tak terbela nampaknya…
Keadaan ini terjadi kerana mereka (non malay) :
1. tak reti nak mengenang budi orang melayu kepada mereka. peminpin mereka (yg bertanding di kawasan melayu majoriti) menang dan boleh jadi wakil rakyat , kemudian dilantik pegang jawatan dalam kerajaan. kalau tak kerana undi melayu yang memenangkan dia, tak merasa dia nak jadi wakil rakyat.
2. tak reti nak berterima kasih dan hormat kepada UMNO yang banyak berkorban dan berjasa kepada mereka. banyak kawasan yang UMNO sepatutnya meletak calon melayu untuk bertanding, tapi atas nama semangat setia kawan (kononnya) maka UMNO dengan suci hati memberikan peluang kepada calon non malay (tak kira lah cina atau india) bertanding atas tiket BN, alhamdulillah dengan sokongan padu daripada ahli2 UMNO maka dia pun menang lah dengan majoriti yang maha besar mengalahkan calon melayu dari parti lawan. dan bila dia dah bertapak dikawasan itu maka “tak ada hari lagi dah” yang UMNO akan ada peluang untuk letak calon dikawasan itu, melain diberikan kawasan baru sebagai gantinya. kalau betul2 ada semangat setia kawan, kenapa mereka tak beri peluang kepada UMNO bertanding dikawasan non malay majoriti, tolong bagitau mana satu DUN atau Parlimen yang non malay majoriti tapi UMNO menjadi wakil rakyatnya.
3. tak reti nak berterima kasih diatas sokongan orang melayu kepada kemajuan ekonomi dan perniagaan bangsa mereka. kalau tak kerana sokongan orang melayu, perniagaan mereka tak akan maju dan berkembang seperti mana yang ada sekarang, sedangkan peniagaan melayu sendiri dalam keadaan “nyawa ikan” saja. mereka nampak tapi buat2 tak nampak, 75% orang melayu akan pergi kepada perniagaan/kedai orang cina untuk berbelanja dan 75% orang melayu akan ke kedai orang india untuk menggunting rambut, walaupun ada orang melayu yang menjalankan perniagaan yang serupa disesuatu kawasan itu. alhamdulillah kedai runcit atau bengkel kenderaan yang diusahakan oleh non malay boleh bertapak dan berkembang maju didalam kampong melayu, tapi tolong bagitau mana satu kampong baru atau tempat yang non malay majoriti yang anda boleh jumpa kedai runcit atau bengkel kenderaan yang diusahakan oleh orang melayu , kedai orang melayu dalam kawasan melayu pun susah nak hidup ini kan pula (“tak ada hari lah”) dalam kawasan bukan melayu.
Orang melayu dah banyak berkorban, dah banyak beri peluang, dah banyak menolong, dah banyak menyokong, dah banyak memberi kepada mereka yang non malay ini, jadi apa lagi yang mereka nak sehingga tergamak mereka ungkit segala-gala yang menjadi hak istimewa bagi orang melayu. segala-galanya dah mereka dapat, ekonomi dah mereka bolot, segala peluang yang ada dah mereka sapu, cuma satu saja lagi yang mereka belum dapat….
Benda ini dah lama mereka idam2kan….iaitu Jawatan Pegawai Daerah, Jawatan Menteri Besar/Ketua Menteri, Jawatan Perdana Menteri dan Memegang Tampok Pemerintahan Negara. Kalau UMNO nak mereka tutup mulut dan tak buat bising lagi, tak ungkit2 fasal orang melayu, senang sajer, bagi sajer apa yang mereka mahukan, gerenti mereka tak buat kacau lagi.
Apa pendapat Tun dan juga lain2 yang terbaca komen ini.
To true history
Dear true history,
Sorry for late reply.
I like your character.Please do not be affected by lebai kutu.Lebai kutu has absorbed too much cow blood , and is now suffering from mad cow disease.
“Ibrahim Yaacob berpura-pura menyokong Jepun namun kedua kumpulan ini mempunyai matlamat untuk menghalau penjajah.”by true history
Please do not be fooled by Form 5 or Form 3 History Textbook ,which was written by only Malay authors.
Who would be so stupid to support a much stronger colonizer,only then to expel him?
In other words,Ibrahim Yaacob thought he could expel Japanese more easily than British?
If Ibrahim was really a nationalist,he should fight all colonizers,whether they were British or Japanese.
Chinese fought for communist party? Do you know Malaya Communist Party(MCP) fought Japanese and British to establish a communist country free from British and Japanese?
MCP was actually strongly anticolonialism,and hence it can be regarded as nationalist.Unfortunately,it used wrong ways to achieve it.
If the Chinese did not fight Japanese at that time,you would accuse them of being not nationalists.When they did fight Japanese,you claimed that they fought ,not due to nationalism.
You think UMNO and Malays do not feel jealous about Chinese?A Chinese works so hard to establish a company without help from the government,yet the government is thick skinned enough to ask 30% company share to be given to Malays.Of course,Malays do not prevent us from becoming rich.They are just legal robbers who rob us of our hard earned money,thinking we Chinese can turn stones into gold.
Why blame Singapore PAP leaders?They were doing the right things at the right time.Negara “kacang lupakan kulit”?
Actually,the reason Tunku let Singapore to join Malaysia was to suppress the communists there.Hence, Tunku did it for the sake of Malaysia before Singapore communists could expand into Malaysia.
Singapore PAP leaders challenged Malay hegemony so that they could set up a really multiracial country.Hence,it is not kacang lupakan kulit.Instead,it is actually membalas budi Malaysia.If they succeeded,Malaysia today would be even richer than America.
I want to tell you historical facts which were intentionally omitted by Malaysia History textbook writers,just like now they want to hide Hang Tuah when they discover Hang Tuah was a Chinese.
The story:
After Singapore joined Malaysia ,Lee Kuan Yew immediately held Singapore General Elections.UMNO broke its promise with Kuan Yew when it intruded into the elections.Maybe Heaven sided with PAP.PAP successfully defeated UMNO in three Malays populated constituencies.
This shocked UMNO because if PAP could win the support of Singapore Malays,it could win the support of Malaysia Malays too.What did UMNO do then? It incited two racial riots in Singapore by telling the Malays that the PAP was mistreating them.
Lee was left with no choice when the Tunku could not control UMNO members anymore.The only option was separation.PAP chose separation ,not because they were afraid of being killed by UMNO extremixts,but because they wanted to avoid endless racial riots and bloodshed incited by UMNO extremists.
You pray so that Malays would not tunduk kepala kepada Chinese?
Please do not make me laugh until all my expensive fake teeth drop off .(In reality ,I do not have fake teeth.)
The majority are afraid of tunduk kepala kepada minority?We Chinese should be the one who are afraid of tunduk kepala kepada Malays.Look at MCA and MIC.They are nothing more than eunuchs of UMNO.
Let us look at Singapore Malays.Do they tunduk kepala ?
Just in case your answer is YES.Actually,the Singapore Chinese give Singapore Malays an opportunity to tunduk kepala to look down on Malaysia Malays.
Do you know the Malays tongkat and wheelchairs are sponsored indirectly by the Chinese?
If we Chinese do not take back tongkat,the Malays would regress more and more.One day ,the Malays would even ask us to sponsor their diapers.
Malay friends,if you do not wake up from your dreams,one day ,not only Hindraf,but Chindraf,Kadazandraf and Ibandraf will cooperate and stand up to you.
Do you want to make so many enemies from within your country(Chinese,Indians,Kadazans and Ibans),and at the same time make enemies with Thai people? You still feel you are morally right?
When can Malaysia create an equal and just society?
I think there is only one way now,given those Malays who agree to abolish special rights are still small in numbers and the majority are still stubborn to change their mindset.
The way may be inter racial marriage.Just like if you were a young Malay lady,I married you and produced a child .Hopefully,this Chinese-Malay child would not hate Chinese or Malays.And if Malaysia were to be populated with such kind of children,then equality and national unity could be achieved.
YABhg Tun,
Semua orang kat malaysia ni “admire” dengan stail tun yang tegas dan bertindak 2 langkah kedepan.
Setiap orang ada pendapatnya sendiri.
1. Umno marah akan Orang bukan melayu(OBM) tak pangkah BN.
2. Umno hanya boleh menang dengan menprovokasikan OBM. Tunjuk kuasa.
3. OBM tak pangkah MCA, MIC… Sebab ini sama dengan pangkah UMNO. They are mickey mouse party only….
4. Saya, OBM… tapi i pangkah PAS yang orangnya saya tak kenal, Walaupun calon UMNO ialah ex-menteri. so what.. Umno kan dah jadi parti dinosour..
Umno kalah sebab.. Pemimpinnya..
1. Angkuh..
2. Angkuh..
3. Angkuh..
Lihat komen menteri Umno + Akhbar yang tak laku no 1 di malaysia, Utusan.. penuh dengan hasutan.
Mengapa melayu masih bersungut.
1. Dapat sewa kedai di bangunan mara, baru rm250 sebulan. tapi lingkup. Kalau ikut market sewa Rm1000 beb.
2. Kebanyakan kedai di bandar selain KL, tanah rezab melayu punya la.. Cuma penyewa ialah cina sebab… tahu tahu la..sapo nak bagi kalao liat bayar sewa.
3. Loan tekun dll.. asal ada kedai dah boleh dapat RM5000 modal, tanpa kertas kerja… tak bayar balik pun tak apa.
4. Kerajaan negeri dah buat bandar-bandar baru, semua 90% kedai mesti melayu. So, adil ka…
5. Negeri-negeri pantai timur, OBM tak sampai 10% pun… tapi mereka semua dianggap kaya macam tauke cina kl… tak leh kerja dengan kerajaan kecuali mualaf… Anak-anak yang kalau pandai.. kerja kl/penang, kalau tak pandai… gi singapore kerja kilang.
6. Saham IPO dapat murah.. macam PNB bisnes (kaut untung dengan saham murah) 30% pulak tu… Kalau Syarikat telur mas… PNB, TH, KWSP akan masuk 25% lagi.. jadilah dia syarikat orang melayu…. Kalau syarikat telur masin… tak masuk pula.
7. Bayar Income tax… boleh rebat keluar zakat.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Allow me to comment,
by bumi ownz u
Your people are about 25% of the population and controlling 80% of the business,
My question is:
What’s the barking/howling all about?Do you want our backside also?
My advice is please don’t get blinded by those ‘equal right’ rhetoric
Otherwise we will start asking for the country’s wealth to be distributed according to population ratio,65:25:10,which is Malay,Chinese,Indian & others
So stop talking cock ok!
Tax calculated by race Bumiownz U???
I would agree if it is the China’s tax system..haha
Hello Ungrateful Bumi,
First of all, U should listen to Overseas statement above..
Secondly, if we are a racist, u won’t have your Malaysian citizenship right now. U will be sent back to your mainland and furthermore an ungrateful immigrant like u is nothing.
Thirdly, no chinese school in US funded by the government. U are nobody there. If there are any, it is not funded by the government. If u don’t know how to use the google search engine, then ask people who know..(third world knowledge).
Fourthly, U tell me if Malays in Singapore are allowed to be a fighter pilot. Don’t tell me they are?? (equality in your poor perspective) Your statement below really suits u.
(Because you know for a fact there are chinese schools and only pick and choose facts that are most convenient to you)
Fifth, please migrate if u want to be treated equally. This is not the place for u.. U are lucky enough but yet still yelling for more.. Honestly, in this country, people who work hard will get what they deserved. Just enjoy what u have right now.. Don’t ever think about equal rights of citizenship because u already got it.
I don’ care what u had achieved? I also work hard and already achieved everything that i wanted to including a Chinese wife. If i am a racist like u, my wife wouldn’t be from your kind.
So, please use your third world intellectuality to think about this matter. Stop complaining or otherwise please go to the nearest airport and migrate. Don’t forget to give your ID to JPN also..haha
Read and understand the statement below wrote by overseas:
To all NON-BUMI,
Please understand the fact that Malays would prefer Malaysia to be like Indonesia’s economy than having imigrants. I know that it is not our choice to come to Malaysia ( It was our ancestors’ choice to come here ) but that this label ( imigrants )will always be there, like it or not.
The fact is, non-bumi ( including me – having 10% malay blood )will never achieve equal rights for at least another 100 years in Malaysia.
So, what is the point of fighting? If dislike, migrate. There is always a better place or worse place out there.
To all NON-BUMI,
Please understand the fact that Malays would prefer Malaysia to be like Indonesia’s economy than having imigrants. I know that it is not our choice to come to Malaysia ( It was our ancestors’ choice to come here ) but that this label ( imigrants )will always be there, like it or not.
The fact is, non-bumi ( including me – having 10% malay blood )will never achieve equal rights for at least another 100 years in Malaysia.
So, what is the point of fighting? If dislike, migrate. There is always a better place or worse place out there.
Bumi Ownz U
I have read many of your comments and responses to others. I shall not waste my time with you. You are so caught up with this “fantasy” of being victimised and you are so unfairly treated that you have this fixation on others.
My thought is we often see what we do not have and not what we have.
This country will evolve in time. Maybe not as fast as you like it to be but it will. On Singapore, it is a “police state”. It has its ISA. Honestly, it is easier to manage such state compared to a country with 62 per cent Bumiputra, 22 per cent Chinese, 9 per cent Indians and the rest. And Singapore is technically in recession. So I guess, they are have their own trouble at this moment.
And you should also read more into history including about the United States and when did they allow the blacks and women to vote.
I shall not comment any further. There is this saying that you can bring water to a horse but you can’t force the horse to drink the water.
Let’s move on.
Mesin Taip Baru
YABhg Tun,
This is my first attempt to reflect in e-public domain your deep-thought and very searching words, as always, ever since I have heard of you when you were in Melbourne in 1969! Like many others, I certainly concur with your current assessment on the future of Malaysia in politics. Perhaps, it would take 221 less 51 years for Malaysia to elect the first Obama-like Prime Minister; unless, of course every willing and voting citizen of Malaysia would cast his or her vote for every non-partisan electoral candidate who champions for the interests of the country and of common people, public interests (not private), common goods (not vested interests), multi-lingualism in public education (irrespective of school-type)inter alia to improve inter-ethnic relations, and above all, one ought to be ever willing to go all out as much for oneself as for others, especially those who are not of their own kind or with some kind of “relationship”! I still recall clearly a commentary on ABC immediately after the May 13 Incident of 1969 in Kuala Lumpur; that was on two contrasting TV “shots”: one on a bunch of golfers at the Royal Selangor Club, and another, on “urban poor” folks at Pudu-Kg Pandan Pasar (wet market)?. In the words of the ABC host, I still recollect: “… ravens are always with ravens, sparrows with sparrows …”! It has always been a socio-economic struggle to one and all, and not a racial one. Without “what-is-it-for-me” relationship, would a present-day Malay/Chinese/Indian/Others would go all out to “help out” more for another Malay/Chinese/Indian/Others, respectively, than for others? The “answer”, perhaps, would rest with a credible public opinion poll! Hoping a Foundation, on interethnic relations in Malaysia, would undertake an excercise toward this end, I remain optimistic of the future of Malaysia.
forthcoming GONG XI FA CAI
New York, the City “Never Sleeps!” …, the place where “… all assets, buildings, public transport,.., and people alike, are fully utilised and productive, respectively, almost 24 hours a day!”
Last but not least Bumiownz u,
“Your obvious response would be for me to get out of Malaysia and move to Singapore”
Regarding to your statement as above, PLEASE DO SO….
Don’t live here if u don’t agree with the Malays..
Go to your mainland (China) also if u feel u will get well treated there. (I bet u won’t go there)..
“Temasek is a Malay name yes, if the Malaysian government were to take over a chinese investment company no doubt it would change the name to a Malay name, but the singaporean government has kept it because it isn’t racist. It is progressive… not backwards….”
Hello people, look at the statement above… Can anybody give this fella some help…haha
You take my comments as complaints. No, they are facts. The minority groups do pay higher taxes. If you think this is a complaint then you’d better find out what the definition of complaint is before you begin to speak.
Hello… How about you look at the TAX discounts given to Bumiputra’s for purchase of property. This tax isn’t calculated on income. Its caculated based on race… Ungrateful Immigrant? Sometimes I wish you were more vocal, that way we could really see your true colours.
What is your defintion of racism? Answer that if you can. Unfortunately you can’t win this debate..
Are you saying there aren’t any chinese schools in America? How about you do your research? A simple Google search would suffice but you’re obviously too “lazy”. Why can’t I say there aren’t chinese schools in America? Because you know for a fact there are chinese schools and only pick and choose facts that are most convenient to you. Your intellect and ignorance are still rather third world despite holding up a good fight and being US educated … I give you credit there.
If you were clearer in your first comment with regard to Temasek, there wouldn’t be miscommunication and misunderstanding. It has nothing to do with who is stupid. Its purley because you are incompetent at being able to express yourself properly. Temasek is the name of Singapore’s Investment arm. It is a Malay word despite being owned by the Singaporean government. And obviously you have chosen to negate the major point of Singapore’s economic performance today over the name of the country and flip flop non issue of where the name came from… priorities?
And what has happened to the Malay Singaproeans? They have equal rights like any Citizen of Singapore. What is your point? The Singaproean Government affords equal rights, equal opportunities for all its citizens. All those who carry the Singaporean Passport and all those who honour and cherish the country of their birth. But unfortunately you still have a rather pathetic perception that Indians and Chinese will forever be Immigrants despite them trying to better the nation. Why bother with people like you? Maybe because you are a minority and the majority of peoples are more open minded and less negative than you are.
Who is stupid? You talk as if I am stupid, but truthful facts and sound reasoning always prevail. Your aggressive stance that Indians and Chinese are Immigrants is unacceptable in this day and age and is deplored. Maybe you should open you eyes and asked yourself what have I achieved that makes me so self righteous?
bumiownz u,
Such a very good example of UNGRATEFUL IMMIGRANT..
U are complaining about paying taxes more than the majority (malays), my answer, yes of course, u should pay more because u ‘cari makan’ here in Malaysia, Malay’s country..
U live here, u earn your income here, than u pay your tax here.
Hello, tax is calculated based on your income, no matter chinese or other races, if you have a high income, than the tax would be higher.. Maybe, a new tax should be introduced to immigrants like u..
Hello man, Temasek is the name before Singapura.. Don’t u study history??? Got nothing to do with Temasek Holding or whatsoever?
Try to go to the nearest MPH or any other bookstore to buy history book…
U should be grateful where in your motherland (china), eventhouth the labour wages is very cheap, still your own people over there live in a very bad condition. But u people right here live in a happy life but still nagging for equal rights(so sad).
Tell me what happened to Singapore Malays?
If you read my statement carefully, then u can find my question. So, people already spot your stupidity….
U think if u live in US, u can get your own Chinese school..?
In your dream man… U won’t get it even in your third life also…
But, in Malaysia, we Malays give u the opportunity. So what else??
I studied in US before and please, don’t say that in US there is a school for chinese like Malaysia…
Ooops, by the way, talking about corruption, it happened everywhere, I am also very sad about it, but I wonder, who give the money most???
“we are talking in a bigger picture man” – What are you talking about? What bigger picture are you talking about? Regardless of whether the law was passed yesterday or 20 days ago, Indonesia has passed a progressive law. What has Malaysia done? You are right… the minorities will never get eqity in rights… The minorities will never get a level playing field, or Equal opportunity because Malaysia is shrouded by insecure and suspicious racists. Non progressive and reliant on government hand out citizens… Good luck competing with china and india. The world is watching what the government does to Chinese and Indian locals.
“U Still don’t answer my question do u?” (Grammar?) – No I “haven’t” answered your questions. What specific questions have you asked? Please ask them so that I can answer them.
We the minority should be greatful for what we have? The fact that we pay more taxes than the majority, maybe the majority should be thankful to the minority groups for supporting the government more.
Without the minority, you really think Malaysia’s standard of living would have increased? Do some research. Get your facts straight.
I doubt many people think I am the stupider between the two of us. Your last comment shows immaturity. Temasek is a Malay name yes, if the Malaysian government were to take over a chinese investment company no doubt it would change the name to a Malay name, but the singaporean government has kept it because it isn’t racist. It is progressive… not backwards….
And No, Malaysia ruled Singapore first, it departed and now has a larger economy than Malaysia’s. It has a world class subway mass transit system, it has a world class airport, developed financial industry and investment houses. It has a very low corruption index which is uncomparable with Malaysia’s, and all this from a tiny population of 3.5 million people. Your obvious response would be for me to get out of Malaysia and move to Singapore.
It has happened many times before, when an individual can not respond at an intellectual level, they resort to stupid statements like “get out” because they have nothing more intelligent to say.
bumi ownz u
Just past a law forbidding any form of racial discrimination done by Indonesia was not done 20 years ago. It was done recently. We are talking in a bigger picture man… Economic performance doesn’t portrays the real situation of rights of the people. U still don’t answer my questions do u?
U people should appreciate what u get today rather than yelling about things that u won’t get..
Before answering my question, please read it thoroughly, otherwise many people will think that u are stupid!!!
One question, were the Chinese first ruled Singapore.?
I don’t think Temasek is a Chinese name…haha
“That shows you are not native of this land”
How unprogressive and racist can you be?
Obama was the son of a slave race and yet he has become the president of the United States.. If America had the same mentality as you, the blacks would still be slaves….But we can’t compare the largest economy in the world with Malaysia..
You still believe that the chinese and indians are indebted to your race because of an agreement made 51 years ago? When will the “thank you bow down to you” stop and the acceptance of citizenship begin? Your thinking defies logic and reasoning.
You think the chinese and indians have not contributed to Malaysia’s economy and culture? Are you ignorant?
Your comments have all the traits of what is wrong with the world, suspicious, racist, ignorant, exclusive to name a few.
Don’t you think its time you expanded your mental capacity? It is precisely this sort of mentality that you portray, that makes Malaysia look like a backwards nation.. because it is always looking back.. not forward.
If you knew anything, Indonesia just past a law forbidding any form of racial discrimination. Furthermore Indonesia is part of the G20 and has one of the largest economies in the SEA region.
Indonesians afford more rights Today than lagging Malaysia… Singapore, well the economic numbers speak for themselves.
What were the first ten words you muttered in your comment?
Perhaps its time for you to gather some facts before opening you mouth.
To Upholdjustice,
I think u guys really don’t have brain… Let me tell u people. If not because of “bijih timah”, u guys won’t be here u know. That shows that u are not the native of this land. If u have money, go around and see Indonesia for instance, people like u don’t have rights even to use your chinese name. U have to use Indonesian’s name u know.. In Singapore for instance, did u see what happened to the malays there? Do you want that happened to you people right here in Malaysia? So if you don’t want that to happen, stop saying that the statement quoted by Tun was a mistake.. Learn from the history because history doesn’t lie like u people. U people are lucky enough sharing this wealty land with the malays. What else do you people want.. U will be sorry if I am the Prime Minister of Malaysia….
To Tun, I salute u.. Keep up your good work. Make this ungrateful people know who they are actually..
Dear Tun,
Allow me to address the Chinese readers here.
I strongly believe the first step to racial integration is to get rid of all SRJKs and have only SKs where Mandarin, Tamil, Arabic and other languages are offered as optional subjects. This is the best way to assimilate the various races and make them, from young, respect and understand the cultural and racial diversity of this country.
It is only those in self-denial mode, ignorant or simply just self-centred, who keep sprouting the nonsense that the different systems of primary education did not contribute to racial segregation.
The common ‘reason’ given in maintaining the SRJK (C) and also the misperception that SRJK(C) provide better education to the students, is nothing more than just a sad excuse for the political survival of certain figures.
Before any Chinese here claim that Malays too send their kids to SRJK(C) because of the ‘superior’ education, let me tell you this. The majority of the Malays and Indians who send their kids to SRJK(C) do so to enable their kids to learn another language, Mandarin. And if given a choice of learning Mandarin in SK, they will gladly abandon the SRJK(C).
The main problem with the SRJK(C) system is that the majority of the students are uncomfortable in speaking BM or English. As a result, these students tend to stick to their own lot, hence the polarisation problem in secondary schools and also universities. And what do we do to resolve this? We implemented the National Service. We must be kidding ourselves if we think that the 11 years of polarisation in schools can be undone within the 3 months in the National Service!
Further, the Chinese and Indians who are shouting so much about meritocracy should look at themselves and ask what meritocracy is there when the SRJK students sit for much easier BM and English UPSR papers as compared to the SK students? So, your 7As are actually of lesser value than the 5As of SK students, right?
It appears that the majority of the Chinese want to maintain everything Chinese i.e. their language, culture, education system and at the same time demanding to be treated as equal Malaysians. What irony!
I’m proud to say I’m a Baba. I studied in Malay right up to university level. I speak mainly Malay at home with my parents and siblings, with the occasional English words thrown in. My food regularly include curry, masak lemak, masak assam, sambal belacan, sambal tumis, etc. I’m comfortable using my hands to eat and wear the sarong in the house and I can comfortably hold any discussion in BM. I can speak quite well in Cantonese and Hokkien (which incidentally I picked up from my friends) but can only speak a sprinkling of Mandarin.
Does that make me less Chinese? Does it matter to me? BTW, I have a Chinese name, practise Chinese culture, pray to Chinese Gods and my favourite drink is Chinese tea, made by using those those tiny clay pots and poured into even smaller cups (which many of the so-called ‘defenders of Chinese culture’ shy away from!).
Before we ask to be treated as Malaysians (and all the other demands), we should look at the mirror and ask ourselves, “Am I a Malaysian?”. Remember, being born in Malaysia does not mean that we are truly Malaysians.
Mesin Taip Baru,
I find your comments very thoughtful. Thank you. I am pleased at last there are some readers taking notice of my views. Whether they are in agreement or disagreement, is fine by me. So long as my message gets out to open minded individuals and non violent results.
1. Good on you! etc. I’m happy that you have made that choice. I have no right in telling you where you should shop. I was merely pointing out your rationale in choosing certain shops for certain reasons as you may have already read.
2. You have every right to critisize Buddhism, Chritianity, Judaism etc. You may find some silly people making malicous and blaze comments but those with the strongest faith and highest intellect would know that religion is higher than man, higher than man’s criticism, and higher than Law created by mankind, regardless of religous belief.
The Law in the case being the ISA is needed to protect a religion? Don’t you think Islam is higher than the law? Higher than violent repercussions? Is there really a need to implement a common Mans flesh and blood law to Protect the highest religion in Malaysia? Protection is a sign of weakness…perhaps it is the police force’s incompetence in being able to handle violent repercussions -that is likely to be the real reason why protection is needed.
You may well call upon Orwell, but do not forget, Malaysia today is as racially polarised as you can get. Why? Because politics and the race card have been used to bring out racial sentiment, distrust, non-inclusive attitudes, oppression. So… the attitude amongst the entrepreneurial elite in Malaysia is, yes bumiputra can have their rights, have their discounts, but do not expect me to open my arms in sharing my hard earned wealth…let the government “protect” the malays and voice out Malay supremacy to get a cheap vote, but what action has there been in really creating a competative economic environment? How backwards can Government policy be?
Is this the sort of society that you seriously want to live in? Be proud of?
Equity in rights, Unity in rights, Inclusive policies… these are the things that will allow Malaysia’s economy to prosper.. It won’t take long for Shanghai’s 26 million people to reach 30 million… this is just one city and its larger than Malaysia’s population… Where will Malaysia’s economy be placed in the next 10 years?
I’m a little disappointed at your response to my comments as they seem a little cynical, condescending and rather negative, despite sincerely offering my hand in friendship. You are free to think and say what you wish, the world is smart enough to diseminate the truth.
Regardless of whether there is 1 or a trillion malays, there are some that would like to see Malay Race Special Assistance policies removed. I fail to see your point in clarifying whether I meant 1 or 1 million, as that was not the issue -if you re-read and absorb my comment perhaps a little understanding will result, furthermore I do not doubt your `level’ of intelligence.
Maybe you should have kept silent with relation to my comments in relation to Islam and terrorism. Your words do have validity, I do agree with you in some respects, but what is your peaceful and diplomatic resolution? Do you have an answer that will allow dialogue between the West an Islam? It’s good for one to have rhetoric, but rhetoric without a valid solution is meaningless. Furthermore rhetoric and abysmal economic performance will lead to voiceless marginalisation. Who is going to listen to a leader of a country with poor economic leaverage?
So what is your action plan? Are you prepared to think of a solution that would be benefitial to all mankind? As you can see, I do not choose sides. My side is humanity unlike your own, with bias towards only Your Race and only Your Religion.
I seriously doubt someone of Tun’s calibre would support any association with you and a person of your stature, but then again, Tun has many supporters of similar mindset to your own.
To ambrose on December 2, 2008 5:57 AM
Just for your information, terrorist is a term to use on those who would do damage to reach their goals through violence. For the State, you could only use “retaliation” to describe the act of military, comparing to using the name of religion while it would be ironic if the preaching does not encourage violence.
Dear Tun
Firstly, let me apologise if your noble intention of having an intellectual analysis of an particular episode in our nation’s history has turned into a racial grilling ground.
But I need to put the record straight especially on the comment by the well-travelled and educated Bumi Ownz U on November 30.
He wrote
1 – “Good on you! Its very easy to see that you are frustrated about the level of racism in Malaysia, and resorting to your own racial prejudices by accusing shop owners of being racist against you…hence not using these shop keepers based on their race… this is racist.”
2 – “Yes I agree that non muslims have no right to “interfere” with the islamic agenda, but non malays have a right to say what ever they like… Just because we aren’t muslims does not mean we aren’t entitled to voice our opinions…Perhaps you prefer oppression of infidels?
3 – We have problems with discriminative and Racist laws.. non progressive protectionist laws that assist Malays based on race.
Is this a difficult concept to grasp? Or is the majority just iigorant, maybe deficient in mental capacity?
My humble opinion, if a well-read person like you have the right to utter your differing views, don’t I have the right to choose who and where I should shop based on my preference? I worked and pay taxes like the millions Malaysian loving citizens and how I spend my hard-earned mullah is my choice, don’t you agree. I believe for someone so commanding in principle like you, you won’t take kindly to people telling you how to spend your money right?
And did I say all shop owners are racist towards Malays… I did mention about the many noble non Malays business people out there who are sincere in doing business and would treat a Malay like their fellow Chinese. So I believe you pick and choose your own qualms without maintaining the objectivity your proudly claimed.
You claim to know many Malays. You should try to understand the tenet of Islam. Just spend 15 minutes with your Malay friends and asked them what is the content of the Azan and what they utter repeatedly during the five prayes ordered on Muslims?
The many books you have read, maybe you should try reading about the Islam and how many modern civilisations prospered from the past Islamic prosperity and quest for knowledge.
Then you realise why even Muslims who are not well-versed with the religion does not make general statement about the religion. It is about faith. Islam is a religion. It is not a culture where you can add and spice it up to your likings. And is it too much to ask from a “rationally thinking” person like you to understand that Islam is off-limit to discussion for non Muslims or even non educated Muslims.
For somebody who have travel far and wide, you need to swallow some of your own pride and prejudice. Constantly I read this mantra of the need for equality. It reminds me of Animal Farm by George Orwell. The pigs keep telling all animals are equal but in the end, some animals are more equal than others. Prejudice or fact of life?
People may travel far and read shelves of books to gain knowledge…but wisdom is something we rarely find even in the best of books or the biggest of libraries.
I wish you well Bumi Ownz U (why does you nick sound racist?…opps my mistake… I am a Malay and a muslim …am privileged …thus I can’t utter my thoughts).
Do know, I wish all Malaysians irrespective of race and religion, the very best. I believe there are still many good men among us.
Mesin Taip Baru
Good Day Tun,
I would like to just comment on what Ambrose has to say on the Decemebr 2nd 5.57am, Dear Ambrose what you said is something that i agree very strongly.
But when you talk about terrorism, for malaysia we have not encountered this problem, but looking at how the goverment is reacting now with the major issues I think sooner ar later we will face issues from the global political matter.
We the goverment itself creates many issues such as this to arrise and this is due to we are not still perfect yet.
I think our goverment yet to realise or change on whatever bad that they have done to improve…….so why are we still supporting them?
Salam Tun,
Tq to MCA & PPP ungrateful leaders. At least you’ve shown your true colours now. I strongly believe that ISA is still relevant when dealing with this sort of ‘friends’. To them, they only prepared or start respecting their friends and appreciate them when they have impression that their friends are strong. However, they immediately behave adversely when they smell that their friends weaknesses.
Issue ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ bukan lah issue sebenar, tetapi sikap rakus dan tamak mereka itu yang selama ini disembunyikan. Bagi mereka hak orang lain tidak penting,yang penting mereka dah pun bersedia, sanggup dan cukup bernafsu untuk merebutnya dari sesiapa saja. Melayu merupakan satu bangsa yang berhemah sentiasa bersedia untuk berkonsi atau memberi laluan kepada sesiapa saja. Malangnya kebaikan bangsa Melayu ini dianggap sebagai’easy prey’ketamakan mereka.
Sewajarnya pihak yang mempertikaikan keistimewaan orang Melayu ini renung semula kedalam syarikat-syarikat swasta samaada solely non-bumi atau syarikat ‘ali-baba’ bumiputera. Amalam pekerja yang samakulit dengan tauke atau boss, mendapat gaji dan peluang yang lebih, lebih berleluasa. Selagi mana amalan sebegini masih mendapat tempat dalam tamadun mereka, maka, mereka seharusnya merasa malu untuk menuntut kesamarataan, penghapusan ketuanan melayu dan lain-lain sama erti dan implikasi dengannya.
Ya.. Allah, lindungi pemimpin kami ini dan keluarganya dari sebarang kejahatan, kemungkaran. Berikanlah ia kesihatan yang sempurna serta panjangkanlah umurnya.
Asalamualaikom TUN,
Permit me to comment on the reply by BUMI OWNz, brother u must have mastared the art of spining by playing with words, u must have learn this art from the various countries u have visited. To quote one “I KNOW MANY MALYS WHO WOULD LOVE….’ DOES IT MEAN 2, OR 2000, 0R 200,000 OR 2 MILLION, cammon BUMI OWNz even though u claim to be educated that does not mean that others are stupid, dont insult ower intelligent here.
Another thing BUMI OWNz I was silent on your swipe about ‘ISLAMIC COMMUNITY” and ‘TERRORIST’ and the leadership not doing anything about it. Well here again BUMI OWNz depite having travel the globe, at this juncture I am not amuse, but fell very sad that it has not made u wiser, or is it u tend to choose side base on your felling and sentiment, and not on facts. The world should now take serious heed and identify the root cause of so call ‘terrorism’ and who are qualified to accuse others of being a ‘terrorist’ Well BUNI OWNz the American (USA), the Israelis, the british has made it upon them to brand ather community as terrorist. American that creat the State of Isreal is the root cause and by doing so has daiplace the palistinian of their home, and look at the atrocities they have commited. Whoo control amwrican economies? What has happen to thier economies now and the causes of it. Look at the spinning by the american , british and others to justify the bombardment of Iraq and the murders they have committed, Look at Afghanistan etc etc, have those forces created a better world? Who do u think should be the terrorist now MR BUMI OWNz. Since u have travell far and wide u should be smart enough to figure that out. Why dont u start a crusade against those countries that has created a lot of suffering on this earth, if u so claimed to be upholding social justice, human rights etc. rtc… Why are your vision so focus on the Islamic community only MR BUMI OWNz.
Thanks TUN, your proposal to the rest of the world on how to curb terrorism should have been acted upon a long long time ago, and the world would have become a better place to live on now, but alas who are we, wnow have a self proclaim police man of the glob…
to true history & upholdjustice
While it is interesting to see both of you pointing out history facts, I don’t think this will get you anywhere further on helping the country while there are no actual statistic in the Japanese Invasion topic, proving the number of Malays helping Japanese; or having said that the Chinese are not fighting Japanese with a good faith of nationalism, you just wouldn’t know. Instead of wasting time on these arguments accusing the whole race, you might want to provide something more educative.
On the topic of special rights protecting the Malays, I don’t ask the Malay to be slave or bow to me; nor I would like to be slave of Malay. And I would be happy to see the races in Malaysia compete among races, thus showing the people the Malays could compete economically and then compete internationally for the sake of Malaysia’s growth. Otherwise talking on assimilation is pointless when everyone get an easy life, and I don’t see Malaysia will ever grow with such circumstances.
Asallammualaikum Tun,
Pantang orang Melayu di cabar seperti menjolok sarang tebuan.
Semoga Tun & serta keluarga di rahmati Allah swt selalu. Kami orang biasa hanya dapat berdoa agar Tahan Malayu Malaysia ini terpelihara.
Thanks for giving the time to respond to my statements. Its rather interesting to see your point of view on how Chinese and Indians in Malaysia have only the right to live in Malaysia, whilst the Malays should have all other rights… It’s interesting and it should be told to ALL minority groups where they belong! I agree with you. We belong at the bottom as you imply, because we after all, are only immigrants and should bow down to Malay Supremacy, after all your people are certainly high achivers and open minded and accepting of forward thinking ideals, wouldn’t you agree?
The truth should be heard with relation to how Malaysia really operates.
Also, if you read my comments, all the facts point to:
1. Me having Malay friends.
2. Me Liking Malays but disliking the laws and policies.
If you could point out facts in my writing that lead to negative discrimination based on race, I would gladly admit that I am a racist. But your blatant accusations that I am a racist hold no merit. I believe any level headed educated and civilised individual can diseminate the truth through my comments, rather than blindly follow your false accusations.
If you could only comprehend my statement with regard to abolition of Malay special privleges, I wrote that the majority of my friends and colleagues… not the majority of the Malay population. Do you find reading comprehension difficult or do you pick and choose words as basis to attack? P.s. I am pleaed that I amuse you.
My priority and motivations come from travel.
I have travelled the globe learning about economics, culture, religion. The most impressionable countries that I have visited is Germany and Japan.
Both these countries have superior work forces with passion to succeed. Passion to create the worlds best products, brands and services. No one can deny the technological and cultural progress that has occured in both of these countries, largly due to open progressive policies to spurr on innovation. Coming back to Malaysia, I still believe that the majority of Malays, with the right policies and support can achieve and make a dent in this world.
For now, the majority seem to be in limbo, unable to accept criticism well, unable to reply or rebutt with precision, largely based on incoherent, manipualated and ignorant information.
I love Malaysia. It is my home. I love Malays especially those whom are able to look past race and accept that we are all human beings deserving of equity in peace and love.
I want Malaysia to be the next technologically sophistacted and advanced country, like Taiwan or even Hong Kong. But can it?
It can only be done if all peoples in this nation unite peacefully and share rights, share dreams and share a vision to progress and improve ourselves.. looking at our faults and improving upon them. Not resting on our laurels and relying on hand outs. Relying will never lead to success.. it will only lead a time of survial and then failure.
I hope we can be friends Ambrose regardless of our race and religion.
And I hope that one day you will have enough compassion to look at your fellow Indian or Chinese brother in the face and say that ” Yes you are a Malaysian Too.”
Salam Ya Habibi TUN,
At last, terbukti si Chua tu buruk dari segala segi. Dahlah perangai dgn muka huduh. Percakapan pun huduh jugak. Dia like nobody bisness kata KETUANAN MELAYU dah tk relevan. Such a biadap statement. So how Datuk Hamid Albar? Selalunya berapi…now..mana u? This Chua tak sepatutnya diberi sebarang jawatan dan seharusnya dibuang negeri…
Pak Lah? Where is he? Lepas UMNO dan BN kalah teruk last PRU, politik dan ekonomi kucar kacir, masyarakat bertelagah, mana dia? U just get lost Pak Lah. Get lost from UMNO and BN. U r such leader yg tak bertanggungjawab. I think u r now tersenyum dengan keadaan negara kita sekarang ni and tgh makan angin habiskan duit rakyat di overseas. How could you. Now jln pi overseas sementara tunggu bulan Mac09? Wat have u done to org melayu and negara? Wat kind of leader r u? Cant you imagine seluruh rakyat sedang maki hamun and your life tak akan tenteram.
A’kum Tun,
Race politik mesti ada kerna kita manusia yang berbilang kaum. Naluri manusia yang berbilang kaum yang membuat kita berpolitikan sedemikian.
Kita kalau boleh hendak menteri Melayu mendengar keluhan rakyat Melayu saja. Tetapi Orang Melayu tidak sedemikian culture mereka. Malah mereka suka berkongsi dengan kaum lain. Kalau mereka tidak bertoleransi sudah lama tiada Malaysia berbilang kaum. Jadi hendaklah kita ketahui bahawa race politik tetap wujud dimana saja bukan sahaja di negeri Malaysia.
Asalamulaikom TUN,
Mohon laluan untuk mengulas posting Bumi Ownz U datedNov.30,[email protected]. This man is truely racist and I am definately sure that he has a lot of prejudice against the malays. Mesin Taip baru was very clear that the exploitation of the racial issues by certain group of people especially the chinese, off late was the main cause that influence him to adopt a different attitide towards the chinese community. And I am sure one of the culprit is none other then Bimi Ownz himself.
On issue no 2 on the fatwa, obviously Bumi Ownz is very ignorant. Any rational man knows that if u have no knowledge, u dont quilify to make any comment and if u persits then its is just plain disrespect or trying to be cynical. FYI Bumi Ownz we dont play around with religious matter, and if u persit the consequences are serious.The muslim in Malaysia has never interfere with other religion in Malaysia. Since u mention about infidel probarbly u care to look yourself in the mirrow lately?
Your ranting about racist laws and the malay right and social contract, have been answered over and over again and as such its not worth the time to comment here on this issue. Its look like its u that have the problem to grasp history and u might have to learn futher. The saying goes Sudah diberi betis, sekarang dah hendak peha. I am definately sure the Malays would not allow this to happen.
I am amuse by your comment that most of the malays would like to see the represive laws remove or revoke. U must be joking majority of Malaysian support these laws except for a person who has excel in life and have forgotten his roots and a person who is vigoursely campaigning towards same supported by his chinese wife.
Even though from your eyes we seems to be incompetent, we are happy and have no complain against that we hope the tongkat will be there forever, untill such time the other raceses are sincere and we dont feel threaten. U must remember the tongkat was given to us in exchange for giving u a place to call home. As a muslim its good to show gratitude, as oppose to bitting the hand that helps u.In fact in retrospect the malays have never question the other races right to citizenship here, until they question the social contract as mention by TRUE HISTORY. So I am a bit curious BUMI OWNZ as to your ulterior motive and obviously I can detect a fearce resentment, insecurity and jeleousy against the malays in u.This feeling inside u is so intense that u lose your sight of historical factors and fail to grasp the reality of the current situation, thus showing irational thingking.
Do take care BUMI OWNz, and come back to earth.
Salam Tun. Semuga panjang umur dan dirahmati Allah.
Saya ingin response kepada lebaikudin November 30, 2008
Terimakasih Lebaikudin. Kita jangan langung bagi muka kepada puak-puak yang cuba menipu sejarah. Fakta sejarah penting untuk bantai puak pelampau Cina dan Hindu ekstrem ini. Mereka mempunyai rancangan terancang untuk menghapuskan kuasa politik Melayu sebab itu mereka beramai-ramai menyokong PKR. Mereka serang UMNO tapi bukan MCA atau MIC. Dalam perhimpunan Hindraf di Batu Cave baru-baru ini, mereka menghina UMNO dengan begitu teruk. Lim Guan Eng dalam komen-komennya akan menyalahkan UMNO atau Utusan itu dan ini. Profesor Hindu kata UMNO koyak borang Hindu yang minta kerja dengan kerajaan. Mana boleh tahan
Dearest Tun,
The main partners in BN are still in denial. No change in MIC, infighting in MCA and most disheartening a weak UMNO.
The US has hailed that race is no longer an issue in its recent election but Obama got 95% of the black votes!
To Mesin Taip:
Most of the petrol station owners are bumis but it would be good to patronise Petronas becoz they contribute directly to the Govt coffers.
Also commenting and questioning on Islamic issues are two different things. If I were to say that the recent attack on Mumbai has given Islam and Muslims a bad image, would that be wrong?
As regards to racialism and Ketuanan Melayu. This is my view http://ffrreeddiiee.blogspot.com/2008/07/ketuanan-melayu-and-nep.html and http://ffrreeddiiee.blogspot.com/2008/08/racial-politics-and-racialism.html
God bless you Tun and your family
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Drngan izin…
………….PENDAPAT DAN PENDIRIAN (Yoga, Ketuanan).
There are many kinds of humans. Some like to poke their noses where they dont belong. Blame it on human character not on religion, race of bearer.
If we perceive outside parties interfere we have two options. Respond calmly firmly politely (like The Prophet) or angrily, violently and full of bravado (Islam ‘heroes’)
Pendapat (fikiran) mudah saja di ubah , pendirian (manusia) susah sikit. Satu melibat ramai, yg lagi satu hanya se gelintir. Dont confuse the two.
…………LOVE AND HATE ( Racist or nationalist)
It is not racist to love your race, buy only from your race. It is when you instigate others to follow you, demonise others based on race (not individual actions) where the thin line is crossed.
Spread love (for your race) but we should not utter hate, fear (for any race) based on a God given colour. Ordinary people realise this. Only politics and politicians play up racial cards.
We must never allow politics to influence our everyday actions cos ordinary people are victims of politicians.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Dengan izin utk komen,
by true history nov 29,12:27am
in response to upholdjustice
‘dicincang aku lumat,dibunuh aku mati’
namun menyerah takkan sekali!
Keep it up bro!
Mesin Taip Baru,
Good on you! Its very easy to see that you are frustrated about the level of racism in Malaysia, and resorting to your own racial prejudices by accusing shop owners of being racist against you…hence not using these shop keepers based on their race… this is racist. What did these shop keepers do to you? How about you have a nice cup of coffee with them one day and get to know them????
What happened to your rational?
Yes I agree that non muslims have no right to “interfere” with the islamic agenda, but non malays have a right to say what ever they like… Just because we aren’t muslims does not mean we aren’t entitled to voice our opinions…Perhaps you prefer oppression of infidels? Why not take it a step further to propose a jihad againt infidels? Oppressive measures seem to be your taste…
To do nothing… is the same as endorcement.. to turn a blind eye against terrorism is endorsing it.. this has been a problem in the Islamic community for too long.. There has been no leadership to tackle terrorism head on by islamic leaders… only hush hush.. we dont talk about it etc… turn a blind eye.. let the cancer fester…
Is anybody listening? The minorities don’t have qualms with Malays.. We have problems with discriminative and Racist laws.. non progressive protectionist laws that assist Malays based on race.
Is this a difficult concept to grasp? Or is the majority just iigorant, maybe deficient in mental capacity?
I know many malays that would love to get rid of these racist laws because they don’t want to seen as incompetent, always needing help, unable to do… these are the ones that have progressed far enough tto see the truth.
tun mahathir..lu boleh stop api apikan rakyat tak?pls delete this topic pls!
Dear Tun
I agree with you that all races must decouple themselves from certain racial standings if we ever want to create a truly Bangsa Malaysia.
But what deplores me the most is the outright ignorance of certain groups and individuals to question issues beyond their concerns.
We have a Chinese politician questioning the verdict by Majlis Fatwa on the Yoga issue and the most recent on Ketuanan Melayu being irrelevant.
First and foremost, a non-Muslim has no right to question anything about Islam. Period. As a non-believer of the religion, non-Muslims have no standing to question anything about Islam.
And then we have this constant bitching on the Ketuanan Melayu. The constant deriling against the Malays has driven me to shop for groceries at Malay shops, choose a Malay contractor for my house renovation, sent my car to Malay-owned workshops, cut my hair with Malay barbers, pump petrol gas station owned by Malays, buy insurance and unit trusts from Malay agents, etc.
I would go to non-Malay shops who are not prejudicial against Islam and the Malay race. Believe me, they are still many such noble non-Malays within us.
I would choose a lawyer who is not aligned to a certain council who constantly puts Islamic issue at a cross-road. There are many good Malays/Muslims legal practioners. (But you may reconsider some lawyers who boast about earning millions and earning more than the Previous PM.)
Am I being racist or am I just being a Malay Nationalist? My conscience is clear.
Mesin Taip Baru.
When Hindraf members fights for their religious rights? Who is stoping them from worshiping Indian Gods?
Hindu Right Action FORCE!!! Are you all forcing others or you are trying to build an Army? If you do you will like a Malay Al Maunah Group eventually that will be your fate not racial descrimination but just the Law shall eventually overtaken you-Kedaultan Undang undang Rukun Negara.
“all men are born equal before God” !! What about women? What about the Jews said they are chosen people.
Human choose those stament when they about to ursurper someonelese right!!! God never creat equal but biodiversity for that gives opportunity to contribute it is when people are forcing their so call right because the want to take but not to give
to Choo Voon Han -“30 tahun lalu, senario PAS mendapat undi Cina adalah satu angan-angan” No they vote Pas to oust Tun M in 1969 in Alor Star and my English teacher (mrs Teoh )in 1972 capaign in class to vote for Pas – Why? Chinese are shrewed from the start not just in 2008!!!
Old Fart-“social contract” agreed upon at that time cannot be supported as valid today- well parties breaks contracts to their advantage. Remember both can break them!! So do not play the fool with contracts unless you want to pay for it.
to KingJulien
“So my question is why do we need special treatment to a select community just to ensure they keep up with the rest?”
That is socialism. Any good state would take care of the weaker group. In world of competition ,net working ,syndicate,monopoly,mafiaism someone shall lose the race eventually no matter how hard the try. The poor is poor ,the weak is weak because of many factors some they themselves to be blame,some their parent should be blame ,some their culture should be blame,some their leader should blame,some the system……………who ever you blame unless you take remedy to correct it it will be become cancer that slowly has an effect on all society.
That why in Islam we have Zakat – poor and needy due,we have sedakah to help these people voluntarily so in other religion I presume.We ban gambling and addiction.
Recently I just talk to Orang asli teenager who did not finish primary and secondary school what future the have in this competative world,theri land is slowly encroach by development and capitalism. I met a orang Asli widow ,left by husband with few children . She recieve housing aid from religious deparment,some allowence may be. She struggle in factory and in jungle to get bamboo shoot to sell to make end meets………who to be blame. Must no we have her to help her children? Such they better educated and eventually better work force that benifit both capitalist and country?
The position of that Orang Asli was position of majority of rural Malays 40 years ago it would not have improve very much if not of UMNO leaders initaitive who brought about their improvement so are some Bumis still in remoter Sabah and Sarawak and Peninsular….Must not we for God sake help them.
Of course we should help also women in the dark streets of the city who have nothing to sell but themselves.
Many Malayan Chinese 40 years ago advocate communism for the same reason. The visibly see the workers and the Chinese capitlist.So robing the rich to make everything equal was the trend at that time. Now those communist children are capitalist them selves!!! Why the capitalist community had “help ” them to become competative capitalist!!!
its quite an interesting issue
saya rasa konsep ketuanan melayu ni wajar dipertahankan untuk masa sekarang.
ketika saya menuntut di luar negara,saya ada juga di ajukan soalan oleh seorang pesnyarah mat saleh yang berkahwin dengan seorang warga malaysia yang berbangsa cina.soalannnya menarik mengenai sistem unik yang diamalkan di malaysia.dari segi satu sudut dia bertanya sistem ini agak berat sebelah.(mungkin pendapat yang hasil dari perbualan bersama isterinya)
soalan mengenai uitm jugak timbul kerana katanya tiada sistem universiti seumpana ini di luar
jawapan saya agak mudah kepada beliau,sistem pelajaran!
di malaysia,melayu dengan sekolah kebangsaan.cina dengan sjkc,india dengan skjt.
selagi sistem ini dipupuk dari zaman muda.kita akan berpecah sejak muda.realistiknya zaman kita belajar membuat kawan adalah ketika dizaman sekolah rendah.ketika masuk di alam persekolah menengah kita hanya duduk bersama bangsa masing-masing dan begitu juga di universiti.
jika sistem disamakan.tiada lagi alasan timbul.kononya orang cina dan india tidak fasih berbahasa kebangsaan jadi tidak lulus temuduga.bahasa cina tidak dijadikan kriteria utama untuk bekerja di kedai-kedai(pergi saja di midvalley terang-ternagan iklan jawatan kosong tertera syarat fasih berbahasa mandarin)
di malaysia kita tidak terkejut jika rakyat ada yang tak fasih berbahasa kebangsaan.tapi di uk?pelik dan mustahil sebenarnya seseorang hidup tanpa boleh fasih berbahasa inggeris.
bila kita bermain dia ‘padang’ yang sama,kita suka tidak suka kita terpaksa bermain bersama. bila kita bersama baru masing-masing faham keperluan dan kehendak masing-masing.mungkin satu hari nanti……
kita tidak perlu ini semua tapi orang cina dan india tetap hormat melayu dan melayu begitu juga
sebab itu saya sangat menyokong idea dari tun untuk membuat sekolah wawasan.itu adalah langkah pertama.sebelum sekolah cina, india dan kebangsaan di satukan.menjadi satu sistem kebangsaan
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Allow me to comment,
by upholdjustice Nov 29, 10:03 am
1.Thanks a lot for agreeing with me,that assimilation like Chinese in Indonesia will solve the problem
2.I admire your character of not only non-racist but admitting bad habits like gambling,keeping mistress etc
3.It’s stupidity of Malays eating the cow after helping ploughing paddy fields.I felt touched..these animal should be awarded,given proper housing and EPF,Socso..
4.And now only I understand that Chinese distancing themselves from public govt services like PDRM,army to avoid competition for periuk nasi.Wow..I didn’t know your people are so caring,sincere,considerate..no wonder no Chinese turn up for recruitment drive,now the mystery has been solved.Bravo!
5.Yes,yes I agree comparing with condition in China is racist.What we want is Malaysian Malaysia,where people still separated in term of language,religion,culture (anybody can dictate anything as they wish)accept country’s wealth controlled by Chinese but no racial clash.Ideal!
6.Not only PM could be non-Malay,even Agong/Sultan position should be rotated between races.It’s democracy at its best
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Allow me to comment,
by upholdjustice Nov 29, 10:03 am
1.Thanks a lot for agreeing with me,that assimilation like Chinese in Indonesia will solve the problem
2.I admire your character of not only non-racist but admitting bad habits like gambling,keeping mistress etc
3.It’s stupidity of Malays eating the cow after helping ploughing paddy fields.I felt touched..these animal should be awarded,given proper housing and EPF,Socso..
4.And now only I understand that Chinese distancing themselves from public govt services like PDRM,army to avoid competition for periuk nasi.Wow..I didn’t know your people are so caring,sincere,considerate..no wonder no Chinese turn up for recruitment drive,now the mystery has been solved.Bravo!
5.Yes,yes I agree comparing with condition in China is racist.What we want is Malaysian Malaysia,where people still separated in term of language,religion,culture (anybody can dictate anything as they wish)accept country’s wealth controlled by Chinese but no racial clash.Ideal!
6.Not only PM could be non-Malay,even Agong/Sultan position should be rotated between races.It’s democracy at its best
To lebaikudin,
How dare you ask Chinese to be assimilated into Malay !
Do you remember what happened in Indonesia in 1998 during which racial riots broke out? The Chinese there have already been assimilated but the Malays there still wanted to vent anger on them.
Moreover,were Chinese in Indonesia being treated equally as the Malays?
While I admit my race has many undesirable habits like gambling,you think your race are morally perfect?If not ,then stop pointing fingers at other races.
Which race constitutes the highest percentage of drug addicts,rapists in Malaysia,much more than its population percentage?
You even dare to accuse Chinese of keeping mistress!What about the Malays?
The Malays only remember that Islam allows four wives,but they deliberately forget that Islam prohibits unequal rights.
You even accuse the Chinese of eating “khinzir”(pork).
My Malay friends,you all like to eat beef but do you know you are being ungrateful(kacang lupakan kulit)towards cows because they have been helping the Malays ploughing paddy fields?
Why don’t you ask your Malay friends whether they like the Chinese to join PDRM and Army ?
Your Malay friends most probably say NO because they want to avoid “competition for periuk nasi”.
Furthermore,the Malays officers in their mind think that PDRM and Army belong to their turf and have certain quota for the Malays.
Malay friends,please don’t compare migration to China with migration to Malaysia.
This is because China implements “One Child Policy” whereas you can produce as many as 100 children in Malaysia ,and at the same time enjoy subsidies from the government.
Therefore, lebaikudin,you have many brothers and sisters in your family,correct? You will not feel sympathetic toward people in China ,yet you still complain that China would mistreat you if you were to migrate to there.
Salam Bahagia Tun.
Tumpang lalu Tun.. hendak menjawap hujah rakyat Malaysia yang lain..
Hai Upholdjustice
Saya akan terus menjawab tanpa jemu
Salam Tun & felow bloggers,
by S.Tan Nov 28, 3.22pm
1.Terima kasih kerana saudara setuju dengan pendapat2 saya.Nampaknya saudara seorang yang bukan perkauman,peka kepada isu2,prihatin dengan masalah2 dan seorang rakyat yang setia,selaras dengan Rukunegara
2.Pendapat dan pandangan saudara sungguh bernas dan tidak ada cacat celanya.Malahan boleh dijadikan teks di SRJK (C)
3.Lagipun di SRJK (C) murid2 memang diajar sejarah kedatangan orang2 Cina dari Tanah Besar China,menjadi kuli di lombong bijih timah,menubuhkan kongsi gelap Gee Hin & Hai San & cara2 menghormati dan bersyukur kepada orang Melayu yang telah banyak berkorban
4.Penggubal Perlembagaan pulak terdiri daripada mereka yang bangang sebab melebihkan orang Melayu,sepatutnya kasi semua kat Cina dan India,sebab orang Melayu pemalas.Kaum2 lain tersangatlah rajinnya
5.Papan tanda jalan pulak jangan letak Bahasa Melayu saja,itu perkauman namanya.Letak 15 bahasa termasuk bahasa Jepun,Korea,Pakistan,Rusia, dll.Bukan apa takut nanti ada rakyat Malaysia yang tak paham tulisan Melayu,kesian dia sesat pulak nanti
6.Penternakan khinzir harus dijalankan secara besar2an dan sistematik dan diekspot sebagai sumber pendapatan negara.Kalau tak cukup tanah belakang rumah pun boleh buat reban
7.Azan pulak shhhh…jangan kuat2 ada orang nak tidor.Buatlah semingu sekali ke atau masa2 musim cuti sekolah ke…
8.Saya memang kagum dan berharap kepada semua manusia yang perkauman sejak akhir2 ini supaya membaca,memahami dan mengikuti pendapat saudara.Dalam erti kata lain pulang ke pangkal jalan
9.Saya dengar di negara China sangat liberal hinggakan orang Melayu pun boleh jadi PM/Presiden.China Boleh.Malaysia Boleh!
10.’di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit di junjung’
p/s sampaikan salam sayang saya pada Teresa Kok,Tan Lian Hoe,Lim Guan Heng,Ambiga,Hindraf & co
Salam Tun & felow bloggers,
by S.Tan Nov 28, 3.22pm
1.Terima kasih kerana saudara setuju dengan pendapat2 saya.Nampaknya saudara seorang yang bukan perkauman,peka kepada isu2,prihatin dengan masalah2 dan seorang rakyat yang setia,selaras dengan Rukunegara
2.Pendapat dan pandangan saudara sungguh bernas dan tidak ada cacat celanya.Malahan boleh dijadikan teks di SRJK (C)
3.Lagipun di SRJK (C) murid2 memang diajar sejarah kedatangan orang2 Cina dari Tanah Besar China,menjadi kuli di lombong bijih timah,menubuhkan kongsi gelap Gee Hin & Hai San & cara2 menghormati dan bersyukur kepada orang Melayu yang telah banyak berkorban
4.Penggubal Perlembagaan pulak terdiri daripada mereka yang bangang sebab melebihkan orang Melayu,sepatutnya kasi semua kat Cina dan India,sebab orang Melayu pemalas.Kaum2 lain tersangatlah rajinnya
5.Papan tanda jalan pulak jangan letak Bahasa Melayu saja,itu perkauman namanya.Letak 15 bahasa termasuk bahasa Jepun,Korea,Pakistan,Rusia, dll.Bukan apa takut nanti ada rakyat Malaysia yang tak paham tulisan Melayu,kesian dia sesat pulak nanti
6.Penternakan khinzir harus dijalankan secara besar2an dan sistematik dan diekspot sebagai sumber pendapatan negara.Kalau tak cukup tanah belakang rumah pun boleh buat reban
7.Azan pulak shhhh…jangan kuat2 ada orang nak tidor.Buatlah semingu sekali ke atau masa2 musim cuti sekolah ke…
8.Saya memang kagum dan berharap kepada semua manusia yang perkauman sejak akhir2 ini supaya membaca,memahami dan mengikuti pendapat saudara.Dalam erti kata lain pulang ke pangkal jalan
9.Saya dengar di negara China sangat liberal hinggakan orang Melayu pun boleh jadi PM/Presiden.China Boleh.Malaysia Boleh!
10.’di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit di junjung’
p/s sampaikan salam sayang saya pada Teresa Kok,Tan Lian Hoe,Lim Guan Heng,Ambiga,Hindraf & co
Uphold justice,
Very good one…
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab pengulas..
Kpd lebaikudin 26/11.
Impian yg baik, satu hari semua rakyat M’sia berkeyakinan dan bersatu tanpa syak,was was disebabkan kelainan kita. Kelainan ini patut dijadikan kekuatan. Kita satu bangsa dari segi hak, tapi budaya, bahasa dan agama majmuk. Banyak contoh negara maju berlandaskan prinsip ini.
Perebutan kuasa politik buat orang main isu kaum, raih sokongan dgn mensyaitankan kaum lain, menakutkan kaum sendiri. Jadi kita syak satu sama lain. Sebab ribut kuat yang ditimbulkan ahli politik, penyatuan ini tak mungkin berlaku dlm hayat Tun, sdr dan saya. Tapi takkan kita nak biarkan begini. Kalau tak dapat buat secara nyata, sekadar kata kata pun kira permulaan baik. Kita berharap jenerasi akan datang dapat menghasilkannya.
Ajaran Umno (bukan perlembagaan), kaum lain mesti menyerap satu budaya, bahasa dan agama baru boleh sama dan bersatu. Lihat negara satu budaya, bahasa dan agama. Indon dgn masaalah Aceh bersatu? Somalia dgn perang saudara bersatu? Pakistan bersatu? Korea bersatu? Negara Arab bersatu?
Hakikat manusia BERSATU DGN HATI bukan kulit, mulut dan pakaian. Hati manusia di buat Tuhan satu warna, tapi kulit mulut pakaian berwarna warni ada hikmahnya. Umno melawan ciptaan Tuhan atau nak jadi Tuhan?
Perlembagaan beri jaminan dan kebebasan pada kewujudan budaya,agama,bahasa lain. BM bahasa kebangsaan, Islam agama rasmi, budaya majmuk. Hanya Umno belit kata satu budaya itu yg agung, orang lain (termasuk bangsa di Sabah S’wak?) mesti menyerap masuk. Kalau tidak berubah, hak tak sama.
Umno tukang momok terbilang gemilang dan cemerlang (Kalau sdr ahli Umno, golongan sama!) dgn penipuan ini. Menghantukan budaya, kepercayaan orang dan menakutkan kaum sendiri. Dia tak bersih, tak amanah tapi paling cekap politik wang.
Cara menuju bangsa M’sia ini dgn bercampur (integration) bukan pelupusan atau penyerapan(assimilation). Ini cadangan Tunku Nazrin Shah, saya sokong dan saya sembah Raja ini! (Raja penyelamat dari niat busuk orang politik)
Ajaran Umno, kerbau mesti belajar mengembek baru boleh sama kandang dgn kambing? Minoriti mesti tukar budaya baru boleh sama. Ini menulis perlembagaan baru.
Pelembagaan : Rakyat M’sia sama rata dan tidak boleh di tindas (discrimination)
Perlembagaan: Kaum Melayu dan bumiputera Sabah S’wak di beri ‘keistimewaan’ peluang quota pelajaran,pekerjaan(sektor awam) dan perniagaan(lesen permit)
Jelas dgn DUA kehendak perlembagaan ini, tujuan ‘keistimewaan’ untuk membantu (yg lemah, tertinggal, terpinggir) bukan diguna mengugut,menekan untuk paksa orang menyerap. Keistimewaan diberi untuk pastikan Melayu tidak tertinggal,tenggelam akibat ‘kesamaan dlm perlembagaan’ bukan untuk tujuan lain. Ia untuk ‘catch up’ dan bersaing bukan jadi Tuan Maharaja. Jadi Tuan dgn kemampuan, keupayaan dan usaha bukan belit perlembagaan dpt untung mudah.
Tak perlu lenyapkan identiti asal makhluk Tuhan sebelum kita adil pada mrk, pandang mrk sebagai saudara. Tuhan yang menjadikan kita berbeza, bermacam dan berjenis. Kita di suruh hidup bersama, bukan suruh orang lain serap budaya, bahasa dan agama kita dgn tekanan. Kalau budaya dan agama itu mulia ia akan disanjung dan dipilih.
Saya tak takut pengaruh Melayu mcm tak takut pengaruh barat, timur, hitam atau putih. Yang baik kita belajar. Orang tak tau BM dikutuk bukan bangsa M’sia, faham dan menulis dlm bahasa M’sia dia kata kita dibelenggu bahaya pengaruh Melayu?
Inilah contoh permintaan berubah. Mula suruh belajar BM, lepas tu suruh mengembek, suruh berubah, lepas tu suruh serap entah apa. Tabiat Umno ini dari dulu. Keistimewaan(untuk membantu dari tertinggal) jadi ketuanan dan kemewahan. Nak betulkan krn penjajahan Melayu tertinggal, jadi asalnya semua Melayu punya. Orang lain menumpang.
Tentang majoriti, hakikat diatas adalah sejagat. Sebab majority, Melayu akan memimpin negara ini, kaum lain berkuasa dgn izinnya. Jgn membuta dengar tafsiran orang politik, minoriti boleh pijak majoriti tanpa bantuan polis,tentera,badan hakim,Raja. Ada orang percaya tukang momok karut ini (Umno). Ayam boleh kahwin dgn itik?
Sek wawasan pilihan baik dari SK dari pandangan kaum lain. Biar ia bersaing dgn SJK menarik pelajar. Saya yakin kalau tujuannya murni (perpaduan bukan pelupusan) ia akan lenyapkan SJK mcm sek Inggeris dulu bersaing dgn SJK.
Selain atas, saya dah jawab siapa momok, siapa takut, siapa kebudakan pegang teddy bear, siapa berubah, siapa dibelenggu, siapa katak!
Pasal iklan kerja perlukan Mandarin sudah di jawab ramai orang. Boleh baca.
Penjelasan: Saya tidak soal amalan silat,tarian,mengaji Quran. Kalau itu yg terbaca, maaf bukan niat saya.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
By upholdjustice Nov 27 11.36pm
So you want equal opportunuty,treatment & rights as Malay?Or in other word Malaysian Malaysia,satu bangsa Malaysia?
Satu bangsa mean tunggal:satu bahasa(bahasa Melayu),budaya(adat Melayu),agama(Islam).Bingo.Problem solved!It won’t take a rocket scientist to figure out
Assimilate,my friend.If you can’t than shut up and work.There,s no free lunch here
Why cannot?Because cannot eat bak kut teh,drink liquor,keep mistress,gamle etc,because your religion said ok maa…
Still talk cock?What is the % of Chinese in PDRM & Army?Very low,because cannot make money.In govt public service?Very,very low,because pay very low.Don’t ask what your country give you la…
What? You still talking cock?If I migrate to China today,100yrs from now my third generation won’t be able to get anything if still wearing baju Melayu,cakap Melayu,devout Muslim..
Heard anything about opressed 30 million people in China?And guess what are their guilt?:being Muslim
What about Tibet?Don’t let me start ok..
And I guess they call certain people ‘Jews of the east’ for obvious reason,don’t they?
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
By upholdjustice Nov 27 11.36pm
So you want equal opportunuty,treatment & rights as Malay?Or in other word Malaysian Malaysia,satu bangsa Malaysia?
Satu bangsa mean tunggal:satu bahasa(bahasa Melayu),budaya(adat Melayu),agama(Islam).Bingo.Problem solved!It won’t take a rocket scientist to figure out
Assimilate,my friend.If you can’t than shut up and work.There,s no free lunch here
Why cannot?Because cannot eat bak kut teh,drink liquor,keep mistress,gamle etc,because your religion said ok maa…
Still talk cock?What is the % of Chinese in PDRM & Army?Very low,because cannot make money.In govt public service?Very,very low,because pay very low.Don’t ask what your country give you la…
What? You still talking cock?If I migrate to China today,100yrs from now my third generation won’t be able to get anything if still wearing baju Melayu,cakap Melayu,devout Muslim..
Heard anything about opressed 30 million people in China?And guess what are their guilt?:being Muslim
What about Tibet?Don’t let me start ok..
And I guess they call certain people ‘Jews of the east’ for obvious reason,don’t they?
Salam Tun
It must be becoming obvious even to the most rabid free traders and internationalists that you were among the few world leaders to see the dangers inherent in this Zionist-led philosophy, and that you put the welfare of Malaysians first. You earned eternal respect.
If I may make an observation, free trade was not the only objective. To secure market domination, globalist bankers and corporations have used the media they own to provoke racial, cultural and religious division. Many Malaysians… Malay, Indian and Chinese… are unaware of how their differing cultural values and religions are being manipulated to this end.
With all humility, and with the advantage of objective uninvolvement, I hope I can assist at least some to see their situation more clearly.
Differences in culture and religion are an indisputable part of human existence, but all human beings share the same core values of family, and the desire to enhance the well-being of their families. The entire point of government is to coordinate this. Many governments have existed that have achieved this successfully, but three entities in particular have almost erased knowledge of these from public and reference libraries and I refer here to Zionists, the Vatican, Fabian Socialists and Evangelical Christians; although many would dispute there is a meaningful distinction.
While details in this regard would be extraneous here, it is worth mentioning that this suppression of history has assisted the aforementioned entities to launch attacks against humanity. Islam is attacked because it condemns usury, which is the Zionist’s source of wealth; Indian and Chinese nationalism is promoted so that the grab for international power can be manipulated; and family is attacked because it is the source of love and strength in all human beings, making them impossible to control.
Malaysia and its resources have been well defended from these manipulations and I just wish more citizens were perhaps a wee bit less short-sighted and more patriotic; enough to appreciate your services to the nation.
And on parting, may I add that the vast majority of Australians share your general values; unlike our media and certain politicians. We are working to correct this.
Dear Tun,
Right on the mark as always.
I wish i was as sharp as you.
To true history,
You remembered Japanese killed Chinese in Second World War.But you forgot that the Acheh Malays killed many Malays here when Malacca empire battled with Acheh.And there were many civil war too in human history.
The Chinese acquired citizenship as promised by the British here because the Chinese fought Japanese.So this citizenship is NOT PERCUMA but actually in return for blood ,lives and tears.You should be ashamed because the Malays had already sold this country to the Japanese.
Should the Chinese be grateful towards the Malays?Well, the Chinese still remembered that the Malays ganged up with the Japanase to kill the Chinese.There were so many Malays joining Kempetai.
Let me tell you a short story so that you can come out from your tempurung.
A white man reporter asked an Australian aboriginal leader to give his view about the white man invasion of Australia.The aboriginal leader just simply replied,” We human beings on Earth are nothing more than lice infesting a dog body.Should lice on one body part evict lice on other body part of the dog?”
Singapore does not want to go back to its long history with Johor because it will only affect Singapore Malays loyalty towards Singapore.
What is wrong with the fact that non Malays want to have the same rights as the Malays? All are Malaysians.Are the Malays going to stick to their tongkat and wheel chairs until 2020?
Let me remind you only real equality can create real national unity.
You should be ashamed again because the Orang asli,Kadazans and Ibans never question the Chinese citizenship.Only UMNO and you keep harping on “Chinese are immigrants”.
UMNO and you are really cruel .
The Chinese work hard and obtain wealth but you are jealous.
The Indians are poor and you all despise them.
Whether they are rich or poor in Malaysia, you just feel angry with them.
You mentioned that Tan Cheng Lock betrayed Dato Onn.But what actually disappointed Dato Onn was UMNO members who did not want UMNO to be opened to non Malays.
If Singapore were to give special privileges to the Singapore Malays,Singapore would be bankrupt long time ago.
Sometimes I really wonder and always wonder, you all Malays pray every day,but do you know the fundamental principle of Islam is equal rights ,no masters ,no slaves?
Does Islam really stipulate that immigrants must have less rights than indigenous people?
Please enlighten me.
By true history on November 25, 2008 2:00 AM
Salam Bahagia Tun…
Izinkan saya memberi komen kepada tulisan Upholdjuctice..
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I am agree with you. My thought is very simple. Chinese always condemned the malays politician are corrupted and accused goverment to give projects only to the malay people. In the other hand, they are the people who have money and “proposed ” to the malay politician to be corrupted, and now DAP talking loudly to eliminate corruption. What a mess? That is why, we as a second generation of FELDA will try our best to uphold the malay right as FELDA is the only Malay Owned Land left in the country……..Insyaallah!.
YABhg Tun,
It’ alright to have different opinion…it’s alright
to fight..to quarrel…we are all in one big family.
Even real family fights too…Hey! I know you too…
We might call each other names…don’t agree
with the type of food we eat..the political party we
support or even the religion we profess. Somebody drink
beers or prefers tapai and many other don’t.It’s alright!
The problem with us is we tend to talk too much about our differences…But, it’s alright..it’s okey. We are all human.
We watch American Idols and we have our singing and othe talent seeking programme on tv , eg. AF and others etc, etc..
And, it got me thinking.
why don’t we have our very own true malaysian tv programme about real malaysians, filming true everyday and real malaysian
out there who for example can talk 4 to 5 local languages or
who has 4 or 5 relatives or member of family coming from other races or from other states in malaysia or for that matter from other countrie, for example. Now, that would be interesting. Let me share this story and let you all know what I meant. I have a punjabi friend, a real joker from Tawau originaly from Kimanis ( by the way folks,I’m from sabah.. ) his late father
is a singh and mother a dusun. He’s married to a lady who is
from Tawau a muslim who is of mix bajau and brunei parentage.
I tell you folks…he can talk in fluent hakka with that typical tauke like gestures like nobody’s businese and made a chinese hardware owner from Sarawak jaws open with surprise and amazement. Just one look at him and you wouldn’t know he understand chinese or let alone speak their language.And, he is just one of so many..many around us. True life and living Malaysians. There are a lot of these amazing Malaysian like that friend of mine around, that, I can assure you!! But sadly, nobody seems to care to highlight these segment of Malaysians in any of our media.
Alamak! I myself comes from mix race lah..my grandmother, from father’s side is chinese and grandfather dusun. So is on my mother’s side..grandfather chinese ( original from China ) and grandmother pure dusun. And I’m a muslim. Whole family now is like rojak. Got Kelantanese, kedah, Chinese, English, Welsh, Indians, German…No brag!! but, you name it!!
Folks…the point I’m trying to make is. We are all Malaysian and a one big family.And we need to stick together..in good times or in worst of times. Fight….it’s okey. But, not to the extend of burning our only precious home down!!
Assalamualaikum Tun. Izinkan saya menjawab persoalan oleh Hardhitter.
Saya bertanggungjawab dengan tulisan saya.
Pendapat anda: japan is japan today because they are japanese of multi generations. but their ancestry line still pts back to china. having said that they are indeed chinese by birth..
Pandangan saya: Orang Jepun sekarang berfikir begitukah? Hairan juga, Jepun boleh memperlakukan China begitu dahsyat dalam Perang Dunia ke II. Kalau “chinese by birth” pun tak anggap mereka sama, fikirkan kebaikan yang “bukan Chinese by birth” dapat menerima orang Cina dengan baik di negara mereka, malah memberi kerakyatan secara percuma kepada mereka. Tidakkah anda ingin berterimakasih kepada mereka.
Persoalan anda: Japan likewise malaysia today tried or is trying to remove historical details from the history books.
Jawapan saya: Memang Jepun cuba menghilangkan kekejaman yang mereka lakukan semasa Perang Dunia II. China, Korea dan Filipina antara yang paling marah. Singapura lebih durjana, tidak menceritakan hubungan Singapura dengan kerajaan Johor. Saya tidak pernah bersetuju dengan apa sahaja yang bersifat membohongi sejarah.
Pendapat anda: history books today dont talk abt hindu civilization in lembah bujang do u know that?
Jawapan saya: Benarkah anda TAHU apa yang anda tulis? Bertanggungjawabkah tulisan anda itu? Rujuk Buku Teks Sejarah tingkatan 4 yang digunakan HARI INI di seluruh sekolah di Malaysia. Buka Bab 3, pg 71
aswb Tun & fellow bloggers
I really like the comments articulated by Ben Ahmed .The manner he put his thoughts, facts and arguments are quite diplomatic,objective, rational and professional with no sign of emotional outburst if compared with others.
Whoever you are, Ben Ahmad you are a good example of a cyber blogger who knows how to adhere to the blogger’s code of ethics and deserve a gold medal award for a being role model for other bloggers to emulate.
Please don’t get me wrong as I ‘m not going to attack you point of view but rather to try emphatize with your rational argumets.
your statements-What saddens me now is the attitude of my Chinese and Indian brothers and sisters. A number of you have taken potshots at us and branding us as racists. Even comparing us to certain racist countries and going as far as using the word “ethnic cleansing”. It is far from the truth, my brothers and sisters. Will China and India ever accept a Malay Prime Minister? Will Sri Lanka, Seychelles or Sri Lanka (Malays are a minority there for the past hundred years) will be able to accept a Malay Prime Minister?
Why is it so hard for my brothers and sisters to accept Bahasa Malaysia as the National Language? It saddens me that some of you can’t even speak decent Bahasa Malaysia for everyday conversations. Is Bahasa Malaysia a sub-standard language? Not worth to be spoken? In order to get a Bangsa Malaysia as envisioned by a certain number of you, you should be able to speak good Malay. Isn’t it true that when when you migrate to another country, on of the fundamental requirements is to be able to speak their language? Why are the Negroes and Arabs in France called Frenchmen? Why is Zidane called a Frenchman although he has Algerian roots? Its because they can speak French! The same applies here. I am not disputing the use of English in Maths and Sciences, I fully support it. What I am talking about here is Bahasa Malaysia as the daily spoken languange between the races.
Saya bertanggungjawab dengan tulisan saya.
Pendapat anda: japan is japan today because they are japanese of multi generations. but their ancestry line still pts back to china. having said that they are indeed chinese by birth..
Pandangan saya: Orang Jepun sekarang berfikir begitukah? Hairan juga, Jepun boleh memperlakukan China begitu dahsyat dalam Perang Dunia ke II. Kalau “chinese by birth” pun tak anggap mereka sama, fikirkan kebaikan yang “bukan Chinese by birth” dapat menerima orang Cina dengan baik di negara mereka, malah memberi kerakyatan secara percuma kepada mereka. Tidakkah anda ingin berterimakasih kepada mereka.
Persoalan anda: Japan likewise malaysia today tried or is trying to remove historical details from the history books.
Jawapan saya: Memang Jepun cuba menghilangkan kekejaman yang mereka lakukan semasa Perang Dunia II. China, Korea dan Filipina antara yang paling marah. Singapura lebih durjana, tidak menceritakan hubungan Singapura dengan kerajaan Johor. Saya tidak pernah bersetuju dengan apa sahaja yang bersifat membohongi sejarah.
Pendapat anda: history books today dont talk abt hindu civilization in lembah bujang do u know that?
Jawapan saya: Benarkah anda TAHU apa yang anda tulis? Bertanggungjawabkah tulisan anda itu? Rujuk Buku Teks Sejarah tingkatan 4 yang digunakan HARI INI di seluruh sekolah di Malaysia. Buka Bab 3, pg 71
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Dengan izin untuk komen,
by S.tan Nov 24 7.00pm
Ada anggapan SJK Cina/Tamil punca sifat perkauman. Ini tuduhan agak membabi buta. Mcm menuduh orang belajar silat, tarian Melayu, mengaji Quran itu perkauman krn belajar satu jurusan dan banyak pelajar dari satu kaum. Mungkin tak faham atau buta?
Komen saya:
Kalau tidak silap saya kamu mahu hak samarata untuk semua kaum atau bangsa tunggal iaitu Bangsa Malaysia?’Tunggal’ bererti satu agama,satu bahasa dan satu budaya.Pernah dengar peribahasa ‘masuk kandang kambing mengembik’?Assimilate.Apa jadi dengan sekolah wawasan?Melayu adalah majoriti.Jadi jangan persoalkan amalan seperti silat,tarian,mengaji Al-Quran.Kamu ibarat masih mahu memeluk erat teddy bear,tapi mintak dilayan macam orang dewasa…
Komen kamu:
3) Krn taraf antarabangsa Mandarin, kaum Cina belajarnya untuk menambah peluang menimba ilmu di luar negara (kalau diM’sia tak dapat krn halangan keistimewaan)
4) Kalau peluang tak dapat dalam negara (krn sistem pilih kasih), mrk ada peluang kedua dgn bahasa ini. Jadi mrk hanya nak menjamin masa depan mrk dgn penguasaan bahasa perhubungan antara suku kaum di M’sia dan antarabangsa.
Komen saya:
Tak ada halangan atau pilih kasih di Malaysia.Macam ayam dengan telor,mana satu datang dulu?Kamu tak mahu berubah itulah sebabnya tak berpeluang dan sebaliknya.Kamu kena keluar dari’kepompong’ yang membelenggu akal fikiran kamu tentang bahaya pengaruh Melayu,yang kamu sering momok-momokkan kepada anak cucu kamu.Jangan jadi katak bawah tempurung…
p/s Itu saya belum lagi sebut iklan kerja kosong yang berbunyi ‘priorities will be given to those who could communicate in Mandarin’.Lu pikir la sendiri
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Dengan izin untuk komen,
by S.tan Nov 24 7.00pm
Ada anggapan SJK Cina/Tamil punca sifat perkauman. Ini tuduhan agak membabi buta. Mcm menuduh orang belajar silat, tarian Melayu, mengaji Quran itu perkauman krn belajar satu jurusan dan banyak pelajar dari satu kaum. Mungkin tak faham atau buta?
Komen saya:
Kalau tidak silap saya kamu mahu hak samarata untuk semua kaum atau bangsa tunggal iaitu Bangsa Malaysia?’Tunggal’ bererti satu agama,satu bahasa dan satu budaya.Pernah dengar peribahasa ‘masuk kandang kambing mengembik’?Assimilate.Apa jadi dengan sekolah wawasan?Melayu adalah majoriti.Jadi jangan persoalkan amalan seperti silat,tarian,mengaji Al-Quran.Kamu ibarat masih mahu memeluk erat teddy bear,tapi mintak dilayan macam orang dewasa…
Komen kamu:
3) Krn taraf antarabangsa Mandarin, kaum Cina belajarnya untuk menambah peluang menimba ilmu di luar negara (kalau diM’sia tak dapat krn halangan keistimewaan)
4) Kalau peluang tak dapat dalam negara (krn sistem pilih kasih), mrk ada peluang kedua dgn bahasa ini. Jadi mrk hanya nak menjamin masa depan mrk dgn penguasaan bahasa perhubungan antara suku kaum di M’sia dan antarabangsa.
Komen saya:
Tak ada halangan atau pilih kasih di Malaysia.Macam ayam dengan telor,mana satu datang dulu?Kamu tak mahu berubah itulah sebabnya tak berpeluang dan sebaliknya.Kamu kena keluar dari’kepompong’ yang membelenggu akal fikiran kamu tentang bahaya pengaruh Melayu,yang kamu sering momok-momokkan kepada anak cucu kamu.Jangan jadi katak bawah tempurung…
p/s Itu saya belum lagi sebut iklan kerja kosong yang berbunyi ‘priorities will be given to those who could communicate in Mandarin’.Lu pikir la sendiri
walau apa-apa pun orang kita janganlah bergaduh sesama kita. ini akan menyebabkan pihak lain akan mengambil kesempatan. peliharalah malaysia yang tercinta ini supaya menjadikannya sebuah negara yang di sanjungi dan di segani. melayu jangan mudah lupa. ingat asal usul kita. kalau berpecah pun kita tak akan kemana jua. percayalah bahawa kita boleh bersatu dan jangan terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri. jangan bangga dengan kemewahan yang kita nikmati sekarang ini. tuhan boleh tarik balik apa yang kita ada.
Racism & election? Hmmmm… The comment box spewed more on racism than on the matter of election itself.
As a Singaporean, I sat close to the TV and keep tabs on the updates on Malaysia’s election. Yes, I was probably among the many who wanted to see the downfall of BN. The only thing that would trigger a wake up call for complacency. Its pretty obvious how the current government lost its direction and focus in an overview and worse if you drill into details of it.
Being across the causeway, all I could rely on was the media hype.
Some people are not wrong to say that Singapore should not be compared to Malaysia. The vast difference in size and population has always been under-mentioned. Instead critics that flew around has always been about their leadership decision. Why not start comparing the leadership qualities?
If we were to stand outside the box, both country govenment models work. For their own country. For their own people. Those are their success stories.
But try have PM Lee and Mahatir to switch places. One may work. The other may not.
Still experimentally, it will never happen for us to draw any conclusion.
Recently in our local newspaper, my heart sank reading about Singaporeans should not look forward to a non-Chinese PM.
If we were to track back history, there are so many that we could. The good, the bad, the ugly. Non of which will address the problem today and all of us will be like a rocking armchair. Commenting a lot but getting nowhere.
Move forward.
I walk around on Temasek grounds and all over the world carrying Mahathir-pride.
Do not demean us Malay Singaporeans when we come by. Each has their own role to play.
In summary, Mahathir stood up and by for the Malay-Malaysians and I could only be happy for them.
As a minority in my own country, while we are at ease with the Malays progress in Malaysia, us Singaporean Malays kept on fighting what we are entitled for.
Its a hard fight probably never to be won but at the end of the day, it is the Malay pride we carry.
We are just as capable as the blacks or whites or chinese and indians – if we work for it.
A little goes a long way.
All races are in a global competition, thirsting victory for race superiority.
But it begins with YOU.
Why complain about minority when success has always been in your hands?
Can’t go for it? Make a detour.
No one promised an easy road.
Today, I do not complain about not getting scholarships or the fact that we do not have malay autonomous schools or even the hard reality of having to fight harder to climb the corporate ladder.
Embrace the environment. Can’t live to it, then leave it.
Its the survival of the fittest.
The world has become a smaller place.
More things can be done today than yesterday or even centuries back(since many commentors are backtracking time)
At the end of the day, I do pray and sincerely hope that BN gets up higher from where they fall.
Malaysia is a country the world look up to for examples of the Malays. So are China and India for the matter.
So if they have to lead, they have to take pride(not arrogance) in leading and lead in balance.
Saya bertanggungjawab dengan tulisan saya.
Pendapat anda: japan is japan today because they are japanese of multi generations. but their ancestry line still pts back to china. having said that they are indeed chinese by birth..
Pandangan saya: Orang Jepun sekarang berfikir begitukah? Hairan juga, Jepun boleh memperlakukan China begitu dahsyat dalam Perang Dunia ke II. Kalau “chinese by birth” pun tak anggap mereka sama, fikirkan kebaikan yang “bukan Chinese by birth” dapat menerima orang Cina dengan baik di negara mereka, malah memberi kerakyatan secara percuma kepada mereka. Tidakkah anda ingin berterimakasih kepada mereka.
Persoalan anda: Japan likewise malaysia today tried or is trying to remove historical details from the history books.
Jawapan saya: Memang Jepun cuba menghilangkan kekejaman yang mereka lakukan semasa Perang Dunia II. China, Korea dan Filipina antara yang paling marah. Singapura lebih durjana, tidak menceritakan hubungan Singapura dengan kerajaan Johor. Saya tidak pernah bersetuju dengan apa sahaja yang bersifat membohongi sejarah.
Pendapat anda: history books today dont talk abt hindu civilization in lembah bujang do u know that?
Jawapan saya: Benarkah anda TAHU apa yang anda tulis? Bertanggungjawabkah tulisan anda itu? Rujuk Buku Teks Sejarah tingkatan 4 yang digunakan HARI INI di seluruh sekolah di Malaysia. Buka Bab 3, pg 71
Saya bertanggungjawab dengan tulisan saya.
Pendapat anda: japan is japan today because they are japanese of multi generations. but their ancestry line still pts back to china. having said that they are indeed chinese by birth..
Pandangan saya: Orang Jepun sekarang berfikir begitukah? Hairan juga, Jepun boleh memperlakukan China begitu dahsyat dalam Perang Dunia ke II. Kalau “chinese by birth” pun tak anggap mereka sama, fikirkan kebaikan yang “bukan Chinese by birth” dapat menerima orang Cina dengan baik di negara mereka, malah memberi kerakyatan secara percuma kepada mereka. Tidakkah anda ingin berterimakasih kepada mereka.
Persoalan anda: Japan likewise malaysia today tried or is trying to remove historical details from the history books.
Jawapan saya: Memang Jepun cuba menghilangkan kekejaman yang mereka lakukan semasa Perang Dunia II. China, Korea dan Filipina antara yang paling marah. Singapura lebih durjana, tidak menceritakan hubungan Singapura dengan kerajaan Johor. Saya tidak pernah bersetuju dengan apa sahaja yang bersifat membohongi sejarah.
Pendapat anda: history books today dont talk abt hindu civilization in lembah bujang do u know that?
Jawapan saya: Benarkah anda TAHU apa yang anda tulis? Bertanggungjawabkah tulisan anda itu? Rujuk Buku Teks Sejarah tingkatan 4 yang digunakan HARI INI di seluruh sekolah di Malaysia. Buka Bab 3, pg 71
By true history…
Persoalan Anda?
I am not asking the Malays to be grateful towards Chinese.Please show respect to us ,treating us as MALAYSIAN too.
jawapan saya: Saya sangat “kagum” dengan orang Cina. Anda mempunyai semangat yang hebat hingga anda boleh berada dan survive di seluruh pelosok dunia. Namun yang menyebabkan saya kecewa sengan SEBAHAGIAN Cina Malaysia ialah anda langsung tidak tahu mengenang budi orang Melayu khususnya UMNO.
By true history…
Persoalan Anda?
I am not asking the Malays to be grateful towards Chinese.Please show respect to us ,treating us as MALAYSIAN too.
jawapan saya: Saya sangat “kagum” dengan orang Cina. Anda mempunyai semangat yang hebat hingga anda boleh berada dan survive di seluruh pelosok dunia. Namun yang menyebabkan saya kecewa sengan SEBAHAGIAN Cina Malaysia ialah anda langsung tidak tahu mengenang budi orang Melayu khususnya UMNO.
By true history…
Persoalan Anda?
I am not asking the Malays to be grateful towards Chinese.Please show respect to us ,treating us as MALAYSIAN too.
jawapan saya: Saya sangat “kagum” dengan orang Cina. Anda mempunyai semangat yang hebat hingga anda boleh berada dan survive di seluruh pelosok dunia. Namun yang menyebabkan saya kecewa sengan SEBAHAGIAN Cina Malaysia ialah anda langsung tidak tahu mengenang budi orang Melayu khususnya UMNO.
Asalamualaikom Tun,
I am very please to read the contribution from TRUE HISTORY dated 25 Nov 2008 @2.00am in responce to all the comment and insinuation from people especially non malays and the opposition who claim to be non racist but are actually deep inside are more racist then anybody else.If we care to look back and analysis which party or group of people that started to exploit and provoke using this sensitive issue in the first place. The answer is very obvious, and since then the feeling of the malays has been severely hurt, leading to the backlash as we now experiencing. Its does not augurs well to the multiracial society we live in. And the interference from people across the border is like putting fuel to fire with the sinister intention to creat disention and anymosity to the races in Malaysia thus helping DAP in trying to achieve control of Malaysia. If this is achived, our neighbour would not have to constantly be fearful since the threat will be netralise. They have always harbours the view and perceive that our country will always be an immediate threat to them and they will forever attempt to control us. And that is why our honourable 1st PM had to cut an arm in order to stop the cancer from infiltrating further. This has achieve to arrest the diease from spreading, but we have to be constantly be on the alert of this danger as the chances for relapse is very great as evidence from the constant provocation targeted towards us.
In view of the above, I would like to remaind the Malays and those people that love this country, do not persist in creating the feeling of disention as it benifit no one race but will creat hardshipo to all. For the Malays we all know they have been very tolorent thus far but I feel that they would not like to be treated akin to the saying of THE CAMEL AND THE ARAB, BY BEING TOLORENT AND KIND THEY WILL EVENTUALLY BE KICK OUT OF THE TENT. The potential is very real for it to happen, and i for once will not rule out that the malays will unite to ensure that this does not happen.
Someone wrote that for the malays, this is our birthplace and that of their ancestors, and they have no where else to go, but for the other races they have their roots and origin somewhere else and they are éverywhere’.
Thanks TUN for all your jasa jasa to the malays and malaysian, and I hope that the people who have failed to recognise this would one day wake up from their slumber.
Saya bertanggungjawab dengan tulisan saya.
Pendapat anda: japan is japan today because they are japanese of multi generations. but their ancestry line still pts back to china. having said that they are indeed chinese by birth..
Pandangan saya: Orang Jepun sekarang berfikir begitukah? Hairan juga, Jepun boleh memperlakukan China begitu dahsyat dalam Perang Dunia ke II. Kalau “chinese by birth” pun tak anggap mereka sama, fikirkan kebaikan yang “bukan Chinese by birth” dapat menerima orang Cina dengan baik di negara mereka, malah memberi kerakyatan secara percuma kepada mereka. Tidakkah anda ingin berterimakasih kepada mereka.
Persoalan anda: Japan likewise malaysia today tried or is trying to remove historical details from the history books.
Jawapan saya: Memang Jepun cuba menghilangkan kekejaman yang mereka lakukan semasa Perang Dunia II. China, Korea dan Filipina antara yang paling marah. Singapura lebih durjana, tidak menceritakan hubungan Singapura dengan kerajaan Johor. Saya tidak pernah bersetuju dengan apa sahaja yang bersifat membohongi sejarah.
Pendapat anda: history books today dont talk abt hindu civilization in lembah bujang do u know that?
Jawapan saya: Benarkah anda TAHU apa yang anda tulis? Bertanggungjawabkah tulisan anda itu? Rujuk Buku Teks Sejarah tingkatan 4 yang digunakan HARI INI di seluruh sekolah di Malaysia. Buka Bab 3, pg 71
Salam Tun
Nak sambung cerita Mad Sailor di rumah Ahmad pada November 20 yang lalu.
500 tahun berlalu….Muniandy dan Ah Chong dah master selok belok dalam rumah dan luar rumah si Ahmad. Di pasar Ah Chong dah control. Sampai budget pasar Mad Sailor pun si Ah Chong dah kontrol. Mad Sailor banyak komplen Ah Chong sogok dengan Ah Moi yang mengiurkan. Senyap la Mad Sailor.
Muniandy…..dia iron baju sampai berkilat….licin….nasib baik hitam tu hitam. Kalau tidak….arang di polish jadi putih. Mad Sailor makin khayal dirumah….diluar di mengganas melahap tanah-tanah si Ahmad. Ahmad tetap protes….kadang-kadang dengan bising…banyaknya dalam diam.
Jadi Mad Sailor terus bertitah…..”Ah Chong! you are good! You know what I need!”
Tambahnya lagi …..”Muniandy boy! you are good! You know what I want!”
Lagi tanbahnya…..”Ahmad! you are really bad! malas….malas….malas!”
Entah macam mana si Mad Sailor terasa dunia dah berubah….eh! balik kampung lah.
Lalu …..Ahmad! Katanya. Ambil balik awak punya rumah…awak punya tanah….tapi jangan lupa jaga ini Muniandy dan Ah Chong. Sekarang awak Tuan…..jangan malas ha!
Baik lah Mad Sailor! Kata Ahmad.
Lepas tu jadilah Ahmad boss di rumahnya….ditanahnya….
Tiba tiba baru Ahmad sedar. Dia tiada pengalaman. Di Dalam rumah….diluar rumah….di pasar.
500 tahun kena side lined betul betul menghilangkan taring Ahmad.
Dirumah Muniandy dah kepong. Sampai cara nak basuh baju pun ada rahsia dalam resepinya.
Ditaman bunga… nak melambuk tanah pun ada rahsia nya
Di pasar…..harga pun ada double standard. Ahmad beli tunai barang yang sama RM 2.00. Ah Chong beli hutang tempoh 90 hari barang yang sama juga dengan harga RM 0.90.
Beku…bungkam…..Ahmad banyak kema belajar. Kena rajin….masalahnya selepas negatif dengan Mad Sailor begitu lam….sikap itu Ahmad terbawa-bawa. Tapi Ahmad cuba jugak.
Dari KL ke JB Muniandy dan Ah Chong naik BMW 8-Series dan dah sampai Air Keruh. Ahmad baru dapat Proton Perdana 2000CC dan baru nak sampai Toll Sg Besi. Bila Ahmad nak kejar? Tengah jalan ramai pulak Mat Rempit halang jalan. Macam mana ni? Siapa Mat Rempit ni?
Panjang lagi Tun. Saya sambung lain kali….Ada meeting ni….nak deal dengan rakan sejenis Muniandy. Semalam dengan jenis Ah Chong.
Tu lah selalu rasa nak marah tapi saya pendam aje. “Malai apa tau” itu lah standard line yang biasa saya dengar. But I made them eat their word after few deal.
Salam Tun
Thank you for your most informative reply to my comments. I very much appreciate the thoughtfulness that you put in your comments. This blog is very democratic indeed, but your response is rather too easy to rebutt. Tun, now I understand you when you comment about several critics not posing strong enough to challenge your ideals.
I was not going to bother replying to your message ParpuKari, but I thought better respond at least in order to convey the right message, and not be as igorant as you in your comments.
I have said many times before, Malaysia needs to seperate the ideology of wealth from rights. These are 2 totally different concepts. As you may know, Malays by Law, are given special priviledges. Fair and simply the Law Discriminates against all races, giving preferential treatment to The Bumiputra Malay Race.
Looking at your argument with relation to Indian’s owning shops in the Cameron Highlands, I fail to see your analysis in the situation baring any merit. Furthermore, when you ask who controls the economy, do you think this type of control “simply” landed in the lap of the Chinese? You think Hard work coupled with intelligence were not the attributes to successful entrepreneurship?
I deeply hope that you are the exception and not the rule, when it comes to the majority’s sentiment with relation to your inclusive mentality.
Your arguments assume this and assume that… You even assume that I am Indian. Your arguments are baseless, uneducated, ignorant and above all rude. It is people with the similar mentality such as your own that has lead to an under productive economy. Good luck, Malaysia may well be for you….:-)
true history,
u only got the facts partially right..
japan is japan today because they are japanese of multi generations. but their ancestry line still pts back to china. having said that they are indeed chinese by birth.. japan is a country that you should not be taking as an example. japan likewise malaysia today tried or is trying to remove historical details from the history books. history books today dont talk abt hindu civilization in lembah bujang do u know that?
u only posted half of your facts abt malays in the region. perhaps u missed it out or u purposely didnt want to show it all out.. malays are known as orang laut or sea farers, hence the name austronesian. they travelled all around SE Asia. History points that these sea farers first originated from lands like China, Tibet and Taiwan. When these sea farers settled in new lands like Tanah Melayu hence they were known as deutro malays. back in 300 AD, these Malays were believed to Malay of the Hindu faith.. If that remained until today, will you be fighting for the same cause in the name of Islam or because of the Malay community?
Dr.chua9 yang dihormati
1)Saya tidak menganggap andaian yang dibuat oleh Tun Mahatir tentang 20% penarikan modal kaum TONGHUA dari Kuala Lumpur secara negatif kerana Tun sedar tentang sumbangan kaum TIONG HUA di Malaysia, Tun juga nak generasi muda belajar dari peniaga Tionghua yang berjaya.Tun kadang kala DIRECT sedikit tetapi intention nya adalah yang bagus Keseluruhannya Tun pemimpin yang cermelang , berapakah peminpin adalah seperti Tun yang sanggup bekerja rajin sebagai SALESMEN pergi luar negeri untuk menarik pelabur ke Malaysia.
2)Saya cadangkan bilangan Menteri MCA dan Gerakan ditambahkan kerana kedua dua parti ini mempunyai ramai pakar seperti Fong Cheng Onn,Koh Tsu Kun ,Chua Soi Lek yang berkeupaya untuk menarik pelabur dari Asia Timur bagi membantu negara untuk menandangi masaalah kemelesetan ekonomi dunia.
3) Saya juga bercadang sebahagian daripada mereka yang menganggur khas nya yang muda diserap ke SEKTOR pertahanan. Mereka yang diserap ke Sektor Pertahanan boleh
menggunakan kemahiran mereka dalam kegiatan ekonomi . Itulah satu aspek yang kita mungkin boleh pelajari daripada REPABLIK RAKYAT CHINA , dimana setengah daripada barangan keperluan dan barangan kegunaan untuk pertahanan adalah dikeluaran oleh PEOPLE LIBERATION ARMY.
Dr.chua9 yang dihormati
1)Saya tidak menganggap andaian yang dibuat oleh Tun Mahatir tentang 20% penarikan modal kaum TONGHUA dari Kuala Lumpur secara negatif kerana Tun sedar tentang sumbangan kaum TIONG HUA di Malaysia, Tun juga nak generasi muda belajar dari peniaga Tionghua yang berjaya.Tun kadang kala DIRECT sedikit tetapi intention nya adalah yang bagus Keseluruhannya Tun pemimpin yang cermelang , berapakah peminpin adalah seperti Tun yang sanggup bekerja rajin sebagai SALESMEN pergi luar negeri untuk menarik pelabur ke Malaysia.
2)Saya cadangkan bilangan Menteri MCA dan Gerakan ditambahkan kerana kedua dua parti ini mempunyai ramai pakar seperti Fong Cheng Onn,Koh Tsu Kun ,Chua Soi Lek yang berkeupaya untuk menarik pelabur dari Asia Timur bagi membantu negara untuk menandangi masaalah kemelesetan ekonomi dunia.
3) Saya juga bercadang sebahagian daripada mereka yang menganggur khas nya yang muda diserap ke SEKTOR pertahanan. Mereka yang diserap ke Sektor Pertahanan boleh
menggunakan kemahiran mereka dalam kegiatan ekonomi . Itulah satu aspek yang kita mungkin boleh pelajari daripada REPABLIK RAKYAT CHINA , dimana setengah daripada barangan keperluan dan barangan kegunaan untuk pertahanan adalah dikeluaran oleh PEOPLE LIBERATION ARMY.
To Upholdjustice….know your facts…Left Adnan Saidi was born in Negeri Sembilan…he died fighting the Japanese in Singapore…
saya sangat stuju dgan tun…
Salam Bahagia Tun…
Izinkan saya memberi komen kepada tulisan Upholdjuctice..
Persoalan anda:
Why label the Chinese as immigrants while the Malays are also immigrants in the first place?
Jawapan saya: Rantau ini adalah kepulauan Melayu. Peta-peta awal dunia menamakan semenanjung sebagai Malay Panisular. Apakah orang Jepun sekarang tidak dianggap penduduk asal Jepun hanya kerana nenek moyang mereka beribu tahun dahulu berhijrah dari China ke Jepun?
Persoalan anda:
Let me remind all Malays here that if not for China which gave protection to Parameswara kingdom ,all Malays here would be evicted by Siam back to Palembang.There would not be Malaysia.There would be only Thailand which desperately suppresses the Malays.
Jawapan saya:
Itulah nilai istimewa hubungan Melaka dengan China… Orang Melayu sudah membalas budi dengan memberikan penempatan Bukit Cina di Melaka semasa zaman Sultan Mansor Syah. Pedagang Cina juga diberi keistimewaan untuk berdagang di Melaka. Anda sepatutnya bersyukur orang Melayu memerintah Malaysia…Bolehlah anda kekalkan nama Cina, tarian Cina dan segala kiasu Cina…Kalau siam memerintah.. jangan harap..Hari ini mungkin bahasa yang anda tahu ialah bahasa Thai…Tiada sekolah jenis kebangsaan…Tiada surat khabar Cina.. Nama anda sekarang mungkin Pibun Songram atau di Indonesia Rudy Hartono. Oh.. mungkin anda tidak kisah.. asal perut kenyang dan harta banyak.. cukup..
Persoalan anda:
Malaysian citizenship was granted to Chinese because they fought Japanese invasion.
Can you show me how many Malaysia Malays sacrificed their lives to fight Japanase?No? So the government had no choice but to borrow Leftenan Adnan from Singapore.
Jawapan saya: orang Cina di Tanah Melayu menetang Jepun kerana dendam dan marah Jepun menyerang negara China, merogol perempuan Cina dan BUKAN KERANA CINTAKAN TANAH MELAYU. Jepun membunuh orang Cina di Tanah Melayu kerana marah dengan sikap orang Cina yang membantu Negara China semasa peperangan berlaku. Leftenan Adnan? Singapura? Celik sejarah sikit.. Singapura dari segi sejarah ialah Tanah Melayu. di mana pun mereka berjuang, ini bumi Melayu. Satu perkara lagi, terdapat juga orang Melayu yang menyokong kedatangan Jepun kerana bencikan British. Sebab itu Jepun kurang siksa orang Melayu. Satu lagi, Cina yang menentang Jepun ialah Cina Komunis.. yang bercita-cita nak tubuhkan Republik Komunis Malaya. PKM ada link dengan PK China. Perjuangan mereka untuk CHINA bukan MALAYA.
Persoalan Anda?
I am not asking the Malays to be grateful towards Chinese.Please show respect to us ,treating us as MALAYSIAN too.
jawapan saya: Saya sangat “kagum” dengan orang Cina. Anda mempunyai semangat yang hebat hingga anda boleh berada dan survive di seluruh pelosok dunia. Namun yang menyebabkan saya kecewa sengan SEBAHAGIAN Cina Malaysia ialah anda langsung tidak tahu mengenang budi orang Melayu khususnya UMNO. Sekarang ini parti politik komuniti anda DAP, MCA dan GERAKAN menghentam UMNO dari pelbagai sudut setelah melihat UMNO dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang lemah. Masyarakat anda mengambil kesempatan semahu-mahunya tanpa ada perasaan malu. Anda menuduh UMNO sebagai rasis sedangkan pemimpin dari parti UMNO yang memberi kerakyatan jus soli kepada anda dengan perjanjian hak istimewa kami terpelihara. Anda mahu itu dan ini… tapi kaum anda tidak hormat kepada bahasa melayu seperti si kurang ajar Lim Guan Eng. Mahu hak yang sama, tapi SRJK atau SMJK tidak boleh disentuh. Anda tahukah apa konsep Malaysia Malaysian di Singapura… Sistem pendidikan yang sama untuk semua orang. Tapi komuniti anda di Malaysia, terus “totok” dengan semangat Cina. Lim Kit Sian mahu Perkhidmatan Awam lebih terbuka kepada bukan Melayu… bagai mana di pihak swasta seperti kilang-kilang yang melayan profesional Melayu sebagai kelas ketiga? Gaji pegawai Melayu tidak sama dengan yamng bukan Melayu. Adakah syarat 30% profesional Melayu di kilang-kilang di patuhi? hak orang Melayu dibumi sendiri yang sedikit ini masyarakat kamu hendak ragut? Jika anda ingin mengungkit hak istimewa Melayu yang sedikit, sekarang sertahkan semua kerakyatan anda..Jika anda tidak menjadi rakyat negara ini, kami juga tidak memerlukan hak istimewa kerana hanya kami rakyat negara ini.
Pertanyaan Saya:
Adakah anda rasa saya emosional? Saya hanya ingin anda tahu, saya mempunyai ramai kawan keturunan Cina… Saya mahu kita semua hidup dalam harmoni tapi tidak bermakna saya akan membiarkan hak kaum saya diambil oleh pihak yang sudah pun mendapat segala-galanya di bumi bertuah ini. Adakah UMNO terlalu jahat kepada orang Cina dan India yang taraf hidup kebanyakan dari mereka jauh lebih baik di sini berbanding jika nenek moyang mereka tidak berhijrah ke sini. Jika ada mahu di hormati sebagai rakyat negara ini, minta pemimpin kurang ajar anda khususnya dari DAP jaga perasaan kami. Orang Melayu terlalu baik untuk menganiaya anda. Kalau orang Melayu jahat dan tidak hormat orang, dah lama anda semua dihantar balik. Tentag Dr dari Singapura.. memang kaum anda (bukan semua) akan menyokongnya.. sebab matlamat kaum anda (bukan semua) ialah hendak melihat Melayu malaysia menjadi bangsat di negara sendiri seperti Melayu Singapura. Melayu-melayu yang baca tulisan ini, sedarlah diri.. orang Cina mereka boleh bertebaran ke mana-mana.. tapi kita orang Melayu, inilah saja negara kita. Musnah UMNO musnahlah Melayu. Pemimpin Melayu yang rasuahpun tolong sedar diri.. Kerana anda.. ramai melayu pun bencikan UMNO. Saya sayang UMNO tipi tidak akan menyokong membuta tuli. Saya sayangkan perpaduan tapi tidak akan menyerahkan hak oranmg melayu yang sedikit kepada kaum lain. pada saya orang melayu yang menyokong kesamarataan ialah Melayu yang SOMBONG dan tidak tahu diri. Baru senang sikit, sudah rasa kaya hingga ke langit.
Do you realize something called ‘Pakatan Rakyat’?
Isn’t UMNO, MCA, MIC using race as a basis? What’s the difference of them with the 3 other opposition party? If BN claim so much that they represent all the races, then why is there still division within the party?
Race is not something easy to eliminate. It’s the fundamental aspect that people use to differentiate themselves from others. Even non racist people will claim that they are: malay, indian, chinese, black, white.
Until one day when we don’t use those words to individualize each person, I guess no one can really claim that they are more righteous or non-racist, because although we are not racist, we are still endorsing the existence of race. And that, WILL allow the racist-nonracist cycle to go on.
Good Day to you Tun
I would just like to give a very general comment on this matter. I do not see any connection with the way how Pak Lah is taking care of the country since you ever left. If the latest general election brought a massive changes towards the nations here are some info that I would like to say in my point of view. If it was you in the position of the Prime Minister during the Hindraf issues I have a great believe that the issues on the indian community would have been disolved in a very diplomatic I would not comment on how you will do iy but with the experience you being the PM for the decaes you served I am rest assured. The entire problem accured when the PM refused to meet to discuss the issues, eventually it brought up to a terrible matter.
Second think is I would not be bothered on how much a politician can make or swindle the Rakyat’s money, but as a citizen I always see the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer, many things are not in proper set by the goverments. Since the title was taken over by Pak Lah, what is the things that he has done for the public, we are not talking about development only, but strtegies for the human’s who are still around begging for opportunities.(i mean the public)
Malaysia has been very much fair towards all races, but there is still changes can be done, but why do the goverment reacts after incident, at least take action and plan things as well as complete what they promise. I dont think any indian or chinese is not happy for the malays, they are as i say goverment always neglect them.
This is what I feel Tun i mean there is always more that i feel to say, but never had opportunities,I hope that the goverment will change.
Hi Tun,
I remember the famous quotation of Martin Luther King, do you remember “I have a dream…”.
Well he dreamed well, Obama is now the President of America and surely the non Malays are also entitled to their dreams and why not it can be a reality, after all it is not the kind of politics or politicians or races in Malaysia who control anyone’s destiny it is GOD.
Good day.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat bahagia. Minta izin..
Sudah sunting sedikit. Minta laluan beri sudut pandangan lain pada orang minta hapus SJK sebab tuduhan perkauman. Mungkin boleh lulus di penutup perbincangan? Tak menghasut cuma membuka mata…
Ada anggapan SJK Cina/Tamil punca sifat perkauman. Ini tuduhan agak membabi buta. Mcm menuduh orang belajar silat, tarian Melayu, mengaji Quran itu perkauman krn belajar satu jurusan dan banyak pelajar dari satu kaum. Mungkin tak faham atau buta?
Memang betul hanya satu kaum belajar di SJK. Ada pelajar kaum lain(syabas pada mrk tak menolak ilmu) tapi sikit. Tapi teliti sebab ini berlaku, jgn buat kesimpulan ikut perasaan tak ikut akal. Dasar pandang kulit, bukan mencari lebih ilmu, punca perkauman. Menuding ke arah lain cubaan memesong atau mengalih dosa.
Saya dah beri sedikit latar belakang berkembangnya SJK sejak penghapusan sek bahasa Inggeris (Siew Sin On Sino Malay…tulisan 16 Nov). Saya tambah sebab sebab lain (bukan krn perkauman membuta):-
1) Kaum Cina M’sia terbahagi tak kurang 6 suku bahasa (jauh beza dari loghat). Jadi mrk perlu bahasa perpaduan/perhubungan sesama mrk ia itu bahasa Mandarin (satu dari berpuluh ‘bahasa Cina’) Bahasa yg mrk belajar di SJK bukan bahasa ibunda(suku bahasa). Hakikatnya ramai anak Cina skrg tak tahu bahasa ibunda mrk lagi.
2) Mrk pilih Mandarin krn ia bahasa antarabangsa di iktiraf Majlis PBB (UN). Jadi ia bukan bahasa ‘chauvinist’. Ia bahasa antarabangsa mcm Inggeris, Perancis.
3) Krn taraf antarabangsa Mandarin, kaum Cina belajarnya untuk menambah peluang menimba ilmu di luar negara (kalau diM’sia tak dapat krn halangan keistimewaan)
4) Kalau peluang tak dapat dalam negara (krn sistem pilih kasih), mrk ada peluang kedua dgn bahasa ini. Jadi mrk hanya nak menjamin masa depan mrk dgn penguasaan bahasa perhubungan antara suku kaum di M’sia dan antarabangsa.
5) Dulu keperluan bahasa antarabangsa di isi sek Inggeris, tapi ini dah tak ada. Jadi kaum Cina belajar SJK di sek rendah dan masuk SK di peringkat menengah. Kurang 10% belajar sepenuh Mandarin ke peringkat menengah krn bayaran mahal, ramai tak mampu. Jadi mrk terpaksa belajar 3 bahasa.
Bangsa lain menuduh krn mrk kurang faham keadaan. Tapi pelik orang Cina tak tahu, sendiri tak malu, tuduh melulu. Entah lupa diri atau tak sedar diri.
Jangan samakan Indon krn di sana Cina hanya 2%. Dgn 2% mrk akan kebuluran bergantung sama sendiri. Indon tak ada dasar keistimewaan kulit, jadi beruntung kalau mrk tahu bahasa Indon. Di M’sia kalau krjn tak bantu, mrk terpaksa berpaut pada kaumnya sendiri, jadi bahasa Mandarin ada gunanya.
Bahasa itu ilmu, khazanah negara, kurniaan Tuhan. Tuhan suruh kamu kumpul ilmu. Siapa lenyapkannya menghina ciptaan Tuhan. SJK bukan punca atau pembiak sifat perkauman. Keadaan masyarakat, dasar negara dan pendirian pemimpin pemupuk sifat perkauman. Bukan tempat orang cari ilmu menjamin masa depan.
Guna akal, jgn panas perasaan nanti asap berkepul di otak, jadi otak asap!! Jangan jadi katak bawah tempurung, hanya tau menguak saja….
Deiii Bumi Ownz U,
What are u talking about? Discrimination? What? Are u crazy? Are u Malaysian macha? Which race is being discriminated in Malaysia actually? is it Chinese? Indian? or Malay?
You a a disgrace to Malysian community la macha, how come u compare us with South Africa and North America? Did the malay disriminate u or the chinese? Which race is controlling Malaysian economy? Why u blame the bumi’s?
I believe that indian is richer than the bumi’s…u dont believe me? i give u some example….lets take Cameron Highlands for instance, there u go all the business there is own by Indian la macha….are u blind or u a typical parpu…u can hardly see chinese or malay owns big restaurant in TANAH RATA la macha…not even mamak….all are Indian hindu…so…tak cukup lagi….brickfields tu…..penuh oooo….little indian town there, klang lagi……banyak lagi la…
But as usual it is easy to make the snake to understand…
Salam to both of you (TDM & TDH) and good day to all bloggers.
Some of the Non-Malay respondent to your article keep saying that they should be treated equally as Malaysian and abolish the Malay Right and privileges.
I would like to suggest some matters to them but firstly, please answer me these questions. Would you say yes to these:-
1. SRJK’s student (Tamil & Chinese) sit the same UPSR exam question as the SK’s student.
2. Abolish SRJK and enroll all MALAYSIAN primary school students and secondary school students into SK and SMK. Mandarin, Tamil & Arabic becomes option subject at school.
3. As a first step of the unity process, Sekolah Wawasan is the answer.
4. No difference of prices to all Malaysian. Currently, if you are a Non-Chinese Contractor intend to buy construction materials from a Chinese supplier, you are subjected to a two-tier pricing. Non-Chinese contractor will buy at a slightly higher price. For example, a bag of cement cost RM16 to Non-Chinese but it only cost RM 14.60 to their people.
5. Abolish discrimination in employment, promotions and job scope. Certain company don’t permit other people into their account department.
Other bloggers may have their experiences to share with us.
Jimmy Hillhead.
Nanjing, China
Salam Tun,
Ya..Betul kata-kata Tun tu..
1.Sebenarnya Parti DAP dan juga sebilangan MCA lah yang ‘racism’ yang membangkitkan hal-hal ini. Kalau mereka nak hidup aman kat Malaysia, mereka kena terima keistimewaan orang Melayu kerana kita mendapat kemerdekaan setelah pihak British menyerahkan kuasa mereka kepada Raja-Raja MELAYU, yang dahulunya mereka jajahi setelah menawan Tanah Melayu dari Raja & Sultan Melayu.
2. Pihak British tidak menyerahkan kuasa pada Malayan Union atau Barisan Nasional di mana pertubuhan ini di tubuhkan untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu di bawah Kedaulatan Sultan & Raja Melayu.
3. Orang Cina dan India kena faham tentang fakta ini. Kalau dah sejarah pun tak mau ambil tahu tapi ambil profesion Lawyer(Loyar Buruk),yang setahu saya, Kalau ambil jurusan ini kena pandai sejarah??? entah la.. Mungkin mereka ni pandai sejarah British gamaknya…(Elok la jadi Loyar Buruk kat Britain saja..tak payah dok melalak tak tentu akal)
4. Kalau dah Sekolah Wawasan pun tak mau bagi jalan, macam mana kita nak jadi liberal macam Amerika yang presidennya boleh dari keturunan hamba.
5. Saya ingin bertanya pada kaum Cina dan India, Mahukah mereka tukar nama mereka dari Lim Kit Malam ke Hang Buah ka atau Mat Karat ka?? Mau ka dia?? Mesti tak mau punya. Dia mesti nak bangga dengan nama dia yang sinonim dengan negara China punya…
6. Kaum Cina dan India ni patutnya sedar yang mereka sememangnya bertuah berada di di bumi Malaysia ni… Kalau zaman British mereka tak mendapat kerakyatan pun…Kalau di negara lain macam di tanah Arab, jangan kata kita dah di lahirkan kat situ atau dah tinggal lebih dari setengah abad, dah kawin dengan rakyat dia pun, kita dan anak kita masih di kira sebagai orang luar. Ini termasuk orang muslim, Cina yang agama Tionghua lagi la…
7. Pada kaum Melayu, anak jadi Tanah Melayu dari Nusantara yang sama, saya serulah agar jagan kita bersetongkol dengan Parti dan kaum yang tak mengenang budi ni…macam Exco kurang ajar Terressa KOK tu.
8.Saya berharap sangat Dato’ Hadi insaf… yang adalah lebih baik kita berurusan dengan orang yang sealiran fahaman agama dan budaya dari bersetongkol dengan Parti kurang ajar sepert ini. Biarlah Singapura jadi pengajaran kita.
9. Saya berterima kasih pada TUN di atas kewarasan TUN di dalam pemerintahan dan sekarang di bidang penulisan yang banyak membantu kita rakyat Malaysia membuka minda tentang sesuatu isu itu dengan lebih jelas.
10. Tapi saya kurang setuju dengan Sister in Islam yang beria2 kondem majlis Fatwa tentang banyak isu. Sekarang ni tentang Yoga. Tahukah Sister in Islam yang majlis Fatwa kerjanya adalah mengeluarkan fatwa yang bercanggah dengan Akidah Islam?? bukan kerja mereka menangkap orang berasuah. Untuk kes rasuah Majis tak payah keluarka fatwa… semua orang tahu yang rasuah haram dan siapa yang buat akan mendapat balasanyan nanti. Tapi amalan Yoga ni, adalah amalan yang melibatkan bukan saja jasmani tapi juga rohani yang mengunakan mentera2 Hindu dalam amalannya. Kita umat Islam di larang untuk meraikan upacara keagamaan Hindu tambahlah mengamalkannya akan memesongkan akidah kita. Terpulanglah pada individu itu sendiri. Bagi saya, saya tak mendalami ilmu Islam sedalamnya tapi, saya percaya seyakinnya yang orang yang kerja di majlis fatwa tu lebih mengetahui dan saya sebagai hamba Allah yang kurang ilmu wajib patuh pada setiap fatwa yang di keluarkan kerana hidup ini adalah ujian dari Allah. Siapa yang lulus, dapat masuk syurga dan yang gagal masuk neraka.
To JimmyHillhead on November 20, 2008 12:54 PM
You are a professional engineer, but you might want to consider again that number which 60% of bumiputras stand in the population of 27730000 of Malaysia which is 16638000. And let’s say in the most where 10% are professional Malay which is 1663800, you might still need to consider again if this number ever exist at all.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
by Bumi Ownz U Nov 23 6.19pm
For Islam, “Yoga is a threat to the teachings of Islam and must be banned!” – We’re not too shocked by this..
My comment:
My dear friend,could you explain to me the meaning of ‘syirik’ or ‘subahat’ or ‘khurafat’?
If you can’t,than you are most welcome to learn about Islam at any nearest Mosque
So you would understand the reason why we Muslim never argue about other’s faith, “be it Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or Jew..”
It’s your right to reject our values vise versa
Menurut Perlembagaan,Islam adalah agama rasmi Malaysia
Psychology talks a lot about being in a group. The feeling of belonging. The feeling of identification. Same colour skin goes with same colour skin. Same language goes with the same language. Many people prefer to be with their own kind. They feel out of place if they are not with their own kind. The feeling, the emotions has a very big effect on anyone. Psychology is more important than race. If one can stop saying the word ” Chinese ” as if it is such an obscene word, then one is on the way to breaking the barrier of psychology hindrance, rather than race or religion or whatever it is. If psychology is not the word, then other more appropriate words can be used. Again, this word comes before the words of ” race “, ” religion “, ” colour of the skin ” and so on and so forth. But it is difficult to find people who are willing to break out from their comfort zone. Not many are courageous enough to do so. That is why until today, instead of getting better, it seems like it is getting worse in Malaysia. Everyone wants to have their way. Every hard head wants to berjaya. Boundaries are laid down. Instead of being proud to be listed in the world heritage list, people are willing to go round destroying the things which are evidences of the historical significance of the place just because the road sign has two languages. How will tourits react when they see such vandalism ? They will think that Malaysians are not proud of their country. There are ordinary Malaysians who try to keep peace because wars do not just destroy one race of people. It destroys all the races and it gives no hope.
To all these people whose names are appended below, you are all ignorant guys who intentionally refuse to accept the true history of this Tanah Melayu. Read the history of Tanah Melayu and the Malay Archipelago. You guys can be considered very lucky that your forefathers were shipped from China or India to this Tanah Melayu instead of being shipped to Thailand, Fiji Island, Philippines, Indonesia, etc.
old Fart
This view written by a Malay is what most Malays strongly feel about this Tanah Melayu:
Agree with pakbelalang on what you wrote on November 17, 2008 8:08 PM
Dear Justice All,
Tun Mahatirs daughter was mentioned in the Sydney Morning Herald for speaking out against the Fatwa on Yoga.
Funnily enough, the rest of the world be it Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or Jew are free to practise Yoga as they please.
For Islam, “Yoga is a threat to the teachings of Islam and must be banned!” – We’re not too shocked by this.. it has become the norm for the many, after watching much more extreme teachings coming from Saudi Arabia and Iran…. the latest islamic fatwa comes as no surprise, and it does islam a great injustice in terms of showing a progressive and tolerant religious face.
very well said
should malaysia falls back into the hands of the british, so be it, it’s far far better to be rule by the british than by umno.
Not to mention, plenty of malays like to study and stay in United Kingdom, they like to be ruled by the british, they like the english lifestyle, they(malays) thinks that the english are superior. They follow and adopt the english style. they speaking english too…
Stop Talking about Singapore, it is different from Malaysia. Singapore is a corporation, not a country.
Dear Malay friends, if you wanna talk about Malaysia is yours and all, please don’t forget about the sabah and sarawak, they don’t belong to you either. They merely join semenanjung to form malaysia in which certain terms and condition are agreed upon.
Which means, you have to learn the iban, dayak , kadazan and asli language..which is the bumiputera language..not just bahasa melayu
azlan azlan
Saya pelik bila baca dari komen bukan melayu…mereka suka sangat kata melayu ni recist tapi bila nak campur satu sekolah dia tak nak, nak cakap bahasa melayu pun tak nak, tulis lagilah…
aiyo man, kalau hanya bahasa melayu saja..tak boleh cari makan lo.. pergi luar negara, tak boleh hidup, kalau kita only tau satu bahasa melayu, terpaksa kerjo sini, susah lo..pasal semua kerjo kasi melayu lo..kerana kena jaga kebajikan mereka ma, diorang ada hak istimewa ma… la la…semua cina baik jual handphone dan vcd saja.. mampus lo.. sebenarnya, bahasa melayu tak ada org pakai la..indon pun tak paham. kalau malaysia pandai sangat, pergi takluk negara lain seperti british dan jepun dan mereka akan terpaksa belajar cakap melayu. you must understand azlan, rugi aku ajar kamu.. you cannot force someone to learn a language, the person must learn it willingly. just like some malay parents sent their kids to chinese school, ada org paksa ke? not to mention, anak anak umno hantar anak mereka pergi international school man…muka melayu, tapi hanya cakap english..how you explain???> haha..ceteknya permikiran saudara azlan… cis bedebah..
Dulu masa nak diberikan kerakyatan setuju pulak jadikan bahasa melayu bahasa kebangsaan.
Inilah, suruh baca buku, kau main telor. Since when diberi kerakyatan? dan since when we setuju? Without the 3 races untuk mintak merdeka dari british, kamu masih sedang tanam jagung la, mahupun nak cakap beri kerakyatan..kamu ingat kamu tuhan ke?Must remember, without the independence from british, you will have nothing, Not even Malaysia.
Sedarlah kalau nak perubahan org cina perlu sekolahkan anak-anak mereka dalam satu sekolah..hapuskan sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan agama ,masukan pelajaran dalam satu sekolah termasuk subjek dalam sekolah agama. Biarkan mereka bercampur dalam satu sekolah.kalau tidak mahu berubah sistem tu, macamana nak harap orang melayu berubah dan nak jadikan malaysia malaysian.So lu pikirlah sendiri
the bottom line is bahasa melayu tak ada standard international..tak boleh pakai le.
what makes you think your religion is superior? ego betul.. dahlah.. azlan ni cetek permikiran
To Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad,
I appreciate comments like yours where discussions could be truly conducted when questions and answers were posted in a more intellegent and civilized manner.
I wonder if you would ever realise that this is the education standard and culture in Malaysia where it made almost everyone to praise the government, as if no one would think of a more creative alternatives to solve things out.
And so it is the culture of Malaysia where every matter were jumped to conclusion, without even judging if there are any possibilities that would prove an argument to be right, such as the argument of successful Malays in Singapore, I don’t know about the exact figure, but much have said and lead the conclusion to the answer of negative in order to support their own belief as oppose to yours.
And again the culture of Malaysia to deny any discussion opposed to one’s favor. Some would even go to the extends of questioning your own ethnicity, I have no idea but what if you are telling the truth. Some begin questioning of your intellect with uncivilized vocabulary; and some have no doubt in mind that our previous PM is a true greatman who contributed so much in economy, but eventually left the society with a corrupted and uneducated culture.
Mentioning of marginalization of Malays in Singapore, I doubted if it really exist in the first place, I don’t see any reason that the Singapore government would give benefit to silent the minority, and ironically I doubted if is even suitable to use the term of marginalization when they were subsidised.
This is Malaysia where all Malaysians regardless of race, are still living in a state of denial.
By the way, you should take care of the latest news on the banning of yoga by the Fatwa Council. It’s sad to witness more and more extremism in Malaysia.
Dearest Tun,
I would like to apologize for my naive comment on the education system in Malaysia earlier which was not approved by Tun to be published in che det blog. My sincere million apologies to Tun if I have caused any disappointment to Tun.
After readng half of the book on “Dr Mahathir’s Selected Letters To World Leaders by TS Abdullah Ahmad” last night, which I bought at Popular Bookstore @dicounted price of RM44.90, I came to realize my misarable mistake.
I felt honourable to own this book and I would like to pass it down to my next generations for them to understand more of Malaysia’s policies during Tun’s leadership of 22 years on:
1. terrorism: winning hearts and minds
2. globalization: between power & powerless
3. war & conflict…then peace (as always)
4. economic & diplomatic relations: raw power (not skill) is real
I laughed when Tun nicknamed Tony Blair as Bush’s “poodle” in allowing himself to be influnced by Bush in invading Iraq by force.
The letter from Prince Charles to Tun, I can safely concluded that His Royal Highness sharing the same with Tun and believed that the dominance of the world media is the culprit that drove the world in believing that all muslims are terrorists.
Tun, it looks our local news team (pasukan berita tempatan) of RTM 3, NTV 7, 8 TV and TV 9 are following the strategy of the powerful media strategies eg:- CNN & NBC(diswastakan untuk memperkayakan sesetengah pihak kat Amerika tu) to “jatuhkan Tun dan perjuang2 untuk UMNO dan BN under the leadership of our PM. Siapa kah boss2 kepada Media Prima? Kini RTM 1 & RTM 2 pun nak dirakus pulak, eh, siapa tuanpunya? Kerajaan, rakyat atau Media Prima?
Sekarang I faham mengapa melayu dilabelkan sebagai orang malas oleh jiran kita, Singapura. Sekarang I boleh menyifatkan Singapura sebenarnya adalah merupakan sebuah pentadbiran kerajaan yang mengikut idealism komunis. Jangan2 rakyat Singapura mencabar rakyat Malaysia. Siapa makan cili, siapa rasa pedas. Tak adil lah kalau mereka yang tidak makan cili, mereka kena tanggung kepedasan cili. Wahai, Singapaura, jangan lah terlampau dan tamak, rakyat Malaysia bukan malas, cuma kita bersyukur kepada apa yang kita ada….
It touched my heart when I read Tun’s prologue on:
“Whether I was a good or a bad Prime Minister is, of course, not for me to say. When I am dead and gone, the judgement would be more accurate. Since I will not be around then, it would be quite meaningless to me. My children and friends would be the one to savour the truth or bear the pain of whatever I am condemn for.”
Tun, you deserved my greatest respect, and saya tabik.
P/S: Siapa itu Lee Kuan Yew? Monopoly atau “poodle” to America, ha…ha…
Badawi has mentioned that anyone in Malaysia can be PM.
Yes provided that anyone and everyone has equity in rights.
Malaysia still discriminates based on race much like South Africa and North America in the arpartheid era.
When will Malaysians begin to decouple and distinguish the difference between rights and wealth?
Rights and distribution of wealth are 2 totally different concepts.
When will Malaysia begin to have the same level of sophistication as the developed world? A sopbisticated thinking that what UMNO has done, has destroyed all levels of stability in the country via oppressive and almost communist laws for the sake of peace, but very little prosperity for the poor and marginalised.
Merdeka was a time where all races joined forced in trust that each would look out for everybody’s self interest to topple the british government. A common opposition and a common goal.
Malaysia has since resorted in scare tactics, oppression in teachings to inhibit self consciousness.
Malaysia could have been a better economic performer than Singapore or even Hong Kong or Taiwan. I still believe that it can… but the majority need to learn that it is losing its subject matter experts across many fields due to its affirmative action policies, and its belief that UMNO can save them with “special privileges”.
Achievement starts with YOU Malaysians. Not what the government or other races can GIVE you. It starts with your actions to better the lives of YOU and your neighbours, and that includes your Indian and Chinese brothers and sisters.
Learn to do what is right for unity can bring abouts only positive results. The Law must change and Malaysia must change too.
To malaysian and singaporean malays,
Is free competitive market, based on merit alone is good for mankind? Bring a Surah in the Quran that says/points to that.
Good Morning Tun,
As parents to our children, we teach them respect for other races and tolerence for different ways of doing things. No all types of administrative policies of the government is raced base.
The public have the knowledge that Malysians must have better lives than the rest of the world and this blessing can be traslated to the fact that we are able to give $$ and physical aid when other countries are in need. (natural disaster). As to why the public elect race based parties or make the party to have majority Chinese or Muslims, that just represents not even 5 % of the nation’s opinion. ( 33% are children and 33% are senior citizens , 16% are adult women and 13& of adult males in the population do not vote).
I suggest we do not need much prove that the cultures are here to stay. Smokers, Womenizers, alcoholics, gamblers and drug addicts etc. , the Malaysians are unified to banish their citizenship if necessary. So to have our children practice patriotism and belive in unity, the government will wait for the people not to do racial acts. I hope the public, NGO’s continue to do their impartial acitivities so that there is more proof that Malaysia has progressed indirectly although the polices are not prefectly equal.
No race should be labelled superior although it is true in specific cases(eg.sports, research) . So equal the odds by working and stop talking. Work as though you sincerely believe that a united and patriotic Malaysians will exist. In the meantime the government as usual can play their politics on survival of the fittest for all I care. Their respect has been questioned always form time to time by the public. Unfortunately the public has only knowledge but not the experiece to appreciate its suggestions, so the government takes public opinion sometimes with a ” pinch of salt”. These vicious cycle just waste our time. So sincerely believe that a united and patriotic Malaysians will exist by working towards it.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat bahagia.
Minta izin beri pandangan pada hujah tentang sek. bahasa Cina/Tamil.
Ada anggapan SJK Cina/Tamil punca sifat perkauman. Ini tuduhan membabi buta. Mcm menuduh orang belajar silat, tarian Melayu, mengaji Quran itu perkauman krn belajar satu jurusan dan banyak pelajar dari satu kaum. Entah bodoh atau buta?
Memang betul hanya satu kaum belajar di SJK. Ada pelajar kaum lain(syabas pada mrk tak menolak ilmu) tapi sikit. Tapi teliti sebab ini berlaku, jgn buat kesimpulan ikut perasaan tak ikut akal. Dasar pandang kulit, bukan mencari ilmu, punca perkauman. Menuding ke arah lain cubaan memesong atau mengalih dosa.
Saya dah beri sedikit latar belakang berkembangnya SJK sejak penghapusan sek bahasa Inggeris (Siew Sin On Sino Malay…tulisan 16 Nov). Saya tambah pandangan kenapa sekolah ini wujud (bukan krn perkauman buta):-
1) Kaum Cina M’sia terbahagi tak kurang 6 suku bahasa (jauh beza dari loghat). Jadi mrk perlu bahasa perpaduan/perhubungan sesama mrk ia itu bahasa Mandarin (satu dari berpuluh ‘bahasa Cina’) Bahasa yg mrk belajar di SJK bukan bahasa ibunda(suku bahasa). Hakikatnya ramai anak Cina skrg tak tahu bahasa ibunda mrk lagi.
2) Mrk pilih Mandarin krn ia bahasa antarabangsa di iktiraf Majlis PBB (UN). Jadi ia bukan bahasa ‘chauvinist’. Ia bahasa antarabangsa mcm Inggeris, Perancis.
3) Krn taraf antarabangsa Mandarin, kaum Cina belajarnya untuk menambah peluang menimba ilmu di luar negara (kalau diM’sia tak dapat krn halangan keistimewaan)
4) Kalau peluang tak dapat dalam negara (krn sistem pilih kasih), mrk ada peluang kedua dgn bahasa ini. Jadi mrk hanya nak menjamin masa depan mrk dgn penguasaan bahasa perhubungan antara suku kaum dan antarabangsa.
5) Dulu keperluan bahasa antarabangsa di isi sek Inggeris, tapi ini dah tak ada. Jadi kaum Cina belajar SJK di sek rendah dan masuk SK di peringkat menengah. Kurang 10% belajar sepenuh Mandarin ke peringkat menengah krn bayaran mahal, ramai tak mampu. Jadi mrk terpaksa belajar 3 bahasa.
Bangsa lain menuduh krn mrk kurang faham keadaan. Tapi pelik orang Cina tak tahu, sendiri tak malu, tuduh melulu. Entah lupa diri atau tak sedar diri.
Jangan samakan Indon krn di sana Cina hanya 2%. Dgn 2% mrk akan kebuluran bergantung sama sendiri. Indon tak ada dasar keistimewaan kulit, jadi beruntung kalau mrk tahu bahasa Indon. Di M’sia kalau krjn tak bantu, mrk terpaksa berpaut pada kaumnya sendiri, jadi bahasa Cina perlu.
Bahasa itu ilmu, khazanah negara, kurniaan Tuhan. Tuhan suruh kamu kumpul ilmu. Siapa lenyapkannya menghina ciptaan Tuhan.
SJK bukan punca atau pembiak sifat perkauman. Keadaan masyarakat, dasar negara dan pendirian pemimpin pemupuk sifat perkauman. Bukan tempat orang cari ilmu menjamin masa depan.
Ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa. Guna akal jgn bakar hati nanti asap berkepul di otak, jadi otak asap!!
Jangan jadi katak bawah tempurung, hanya tau menguak saja….
dear Tun, I wish u a very long life. I want u to live longer to witness the political trouble in M’sia which should give u more pain now than before u were in the position as PM of this country. I don’t deny that u brought development to this country but u also brought hatred to this country. M’sia was very peaceful loving country during Tunku Abdul Rahman’s time. We accept each other races very well at all occasions with respect and happiness. Where all that have gone? I will tell u cos of u politican, for ur own benefit screwed us. I have been around the world but I like to live in the land that I love the best “Malaysia”. With all the raciest issue now I feel unsecured. Why? “politic”. Tun, let me ask u a question! The air u breathe belongs to u, “No”. Does this world belongs to u “No”. U can never own anything in this world except yr father and mother. If u have sense of humour pls look into making Malaysia into a peace loving country otherwise be like a tortise, the longest living thing in this world.
Dearest Tun,
I have always been intrigued, flabbergasted and awed by talks about racism. It has been a bone of contention throughout human history and many wars and confrontations have been fought because of it. Much blood has been spilt. It is sad indeed..
But Allah has decreed that we humans are divided into different races and religions and we can never deny that. It is up to us to try to live together in peace and harmony and sadly its not happenning although we have the intelligence to do so.
In my opinion, the race relations in this country is mired in deep distrust. I have always believed that whatever world order that is in place now has its roots after the creation of the United Nations and is mostly influenced by the events of World War Two, in my opinion, a war fought for racial supremacy.
We Malays are, fundamentally a peaceful and race. We tolerate and we welcome visitors to our home like no other. What changed the Malays was deceit and manipulation by our visitors, namely the Portuguese, Dutch and English. Throughout history, our hospitality have been taken advantage of. Everybody is trying to take over this rich, beautiful country, even now. We Malays are branded as lazy by certain quarters. We are not! I see it as a ploy to plant a feeling of low self esteem in us Malays. We were never lazy as proven by the success of our Malacca Sultanate! We were one of the busiest free ports in the world, mind you! Even now, with the policies of the NEP and thanks to our beloved Tun, more Malays are learned professionals and contribute greatly to the wealth and health of the nation.
What saddens me now is the attitude of my Chinese and Indian brothers and sisters. A number of you have taken potshots at us and branding us as racists. Even comparing us to certain racist countries and going as far as using the word “ethnic cleansing”. It is far from the truth, my brothers and sisters. Will China and India ever accept a Malay Prime Minister? Will Sri Lanka, Seychelles or Sri Lanka (Malays are a minority there for the past hundred years) will be able to accept a Malay Prime Minister?
Why is it so hard for my brothers and sisters to accept Bahasa Malaysia as the National Language? It saddens me that some of you can’t even speak decent Bahasa Malaysia for everyday conversations. Is Bahasa Malaysia a sub-standard language? Not worth to be spoken? In order to get a Bangsa Malaysia as envisioned by a certain number of you, you should be able to speak good Malay. Isn’t it true that when when you migrate to another country, on of the fundamental requirements is to be able to speak their language? Why are the Negroes and Arabs in France called Frenchmen? Why is Zidane called a Frenchman although he has Algerian roots? Its because they can speak French! The same applies here. I am not disputing the use of English in Maths and Sciences, I fully support it. What I am talking about here is Bahasa Malaysia as the daily spoken languange between the races.
I will stop my ranting here for now. There’ll be a lot more comments to come for the sake of National Unity. And don’t brand me a racist. My daughters attended Chinese School from primary 1 to 6 and they speak and read Mandarin as fluently as any of my Chinese brothers and sisters. We Malays can do that. Why not reciprocate? Have faith in the Bangsa Malaysia. The first step is yours entirely..when that happens, believe me, u will see more trust and acceptance coming from the Malays. It will be the first steps towards a truly Bangsa Malaysia.
Selama ini apa yang saya baca UMNO lah yang sentiasa menyuarakan isi-isu perkauman seperti kes perlantikan pemangku Pengerusi PKNS,membuka 10% tempat belajar kpd bukan bumi di UiTM,kes membabitkan Teresa Kok di tahan bawah ISA,melabel orang Cina sebagai penumpang di negara dll.Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia ingin melihat semua parti komponen BN memperjuangkan hak dan aspirasi semua kaum di Malaysia dan bukan kaumnya sahaja.
To non-Malays which are non-Muslim,
You can not be the leader in Malaysia, because a Muslim country must be led by a Muslim, and as the ultimate guidance, he must refer to the Al-Quran.
To arrogant singaporean malays,
Only a number of you are successful(really?) and felt very proud of it. But in economics, we look at the average when we analyse something. The average of the malays in singapoore are economically and socially deprived. (how many of you are doctors? engineers? economist? accountants? How many of the young singaporean malays read and study the Quran? How many of them drink alcohol? Is this the kind of development do you want, and proud of?
About tongkat
Most successful nations used tongkat to develop. German use trade protections (tongkat) to achieve rapid industrialization. So did Japan. Now both countries are at the forefront in terms of technological development. So, we Malays in Malaysia will use tongkat to develop ourself, even if it will take us 100 of years, as long as we be fair to other races and hold firm to the Quran, by Allah’s leave, we will succeed.
About Singapore:
There are nothing great about singapore’s development. Just a place that received alot of FDIs from Japan as Japanese looked for a cheap place to build its factories for its production chains. A copy cat of Taiwan development model. And lately, the country boasted of its developed financial centre. Nothing to be proud of a country that devour usury, which is forbidden in the Quran, Gospel and Torah, and who desists, wait for the war from Allah. Look at US, no helper or protector can help and protect US now. A country led by a non-Muslim will not use the Quran as his guidance,and her development will not be sustainable.
Congratulations to Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad.
You can now look down on Malaysia Malays because Malaysia Malays still need special privileges to satisfy their lust for laziness.
Why label the Chinese as immigrants while the Malays are also immigrants in the first place?
Let me remind all Malays here that if not for China which gave protection to Parameswara kingdom ,all Malays here would be evicted by Siam back to Palembang.There would not be Malaysia.There would be only Thailand which desperately suppresses the Malays.
Malaysian citizenship was granted to Chinese because they fought Japanese invasion.
Can you show me how many Malaysia Malays sacrificed their lives to fight Japanase?No? So the government had no choice but to borrow Leftenan Adnan from Singapore.
I am not asking the Malays to be grateful towards Chinese.Please show respect to us ,treating us as MALAYSIAN too.
There are a lot of ways to fight for their own race but dont be racist lah. Saya rasa definition of racist nih berbeza bagi setiap orang lah.
Pada pandangan saya racist ni; macam menghina/memandang rendah kapada sesuatu kaum mungkin kerana beza cara hidup, berbeza adat, beza warna kulit, rasa kaum sendiri lebih hebat and layak. Dari segi ini saya merasakan kaum bukan melayu yang lebih racist, mereka yg tidak bole tahan melihat orang melayu berjaya kerana ada perasaan dengki dan selalu berkata Melayu malas. seolah olah memandang hina pada orang melayu. Buktikan mana melayu malas???
tempat saya kerja ada saje cina yang malas tetapi tidak pulak saya kata semua cina malas?? gila kah nak generalise semua orang cina macam tu? tersangat racist. melayu yang bodoh sahaja percaya Melayu ni pemalas? dan melayu yang boleh tolerate dengan pandangan sedekimian, Anda telah menjadi terlalu tolerant kepada pandangan orang lain. Melayu banyak tidak apa attitude, ya saya ada nampak. Melayu pemalas, sorry beb, segelintar, setiap bangsa pun ada pemalas.
Kalau ada kaum mendapat lebih adalah lebih kepada favoutism. Seperti kaum malay in favor kepada hak hak tertentu. Perlu diingat majority rakyat masih orang melayu, orang melayu masih ramai yg miskin. Ini mungkin kerana peluang dan rezeki tak sampai pada orang2 miskin yg sepatutnya mampu membawa perubahan.
Ada cara nak fight for your own race, tapi bukan dengan membangkit dan menghina kaum melayu. Issue ni sensitive, macam kdg kala agak sensitive nak bincang hal agama. Kena dibincangkan secara halus dan lembut. Nasiblah Tun M agak dictatorial, Hal perkauman memang Tun M tak bagi orang cakap sebarangan. Sebab dah tahu start bincang pasal perkauman memang takkan kesudahan. Dan rakyat akan hilang focus pada nak memajukan negara kerana tidak bersatu.
bagi saya biarlah dictatorship pun, mungkin ada segelintir tak suka, tapi majority aman dan damai. macam sekarang, since semua nak bersuara, semua pun tak puas hati.
Kalau lah orang melayu ni racist, dari dulu lagi sudah ada macam ku klux klan. tapi tidak, nenek moyang kita terima cina dan india dengan terbuka. sekarang senang2 jer cucu cucu cina dan india kata melayu pula yang racist. Gila kah?
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun dan keluarga..semoga sentiasa berada dibawah lindungan dan rahmat NYA….Tun…saya ingin mencadangkan agar Tun menulis satu artikel mengenai pembabitan kaum bukan melayu dalam sektor awam yang mana kini ianya sering dimain-mainkan oleh pemimpian DAP….terima kasih
Salam Ayahanda Tun. And good morning moderator. The way I see it with my friend Dr. Syed Alwi:
1- He is living with a lot of insecurities.
2- Burn all every single log, fire on all cylinders, we are gunning for 10 milllion in two weeks? Hehehe LOL 🙂
What ever be the case, well done and congratulations is in order for the fast spinning counter.
The non-Malays are questioning the Malay’s Special Rights? I blame it on Tunku Abdul Rahman. Show me which of our neighbouring countries which had given citizenship rights easily like Tunku did during the independence. Myanmar? Laos? Indonesia? The Phillipines?
Is the public ready for the truth, or is the common man going to create laws to protect a religion that should rise above all?
How incompetent can a religion be in rebutting criticsm via law in order to prevent violent repercussions…
you would think model citizens would be pro peace and civilised.
I guess not… Iran… murders 13 year olds for being raped by 3 men. 1000 people stoning her….
This is islam.. and obviously Malaysia wants to do business with Iran when such laws exist.
What a joke.
Dear Tun, malaysian generally are very kiasu, not so racist among them. We are worst lot than the Singaporean in term of kiasu. WE got it wrong thinking that we are racist. I live in Mutiara Damansara and I notice the whole lot Indian, Malays and the majority Chinese are generally cannot lose type. I think they represent the whole Malaysian. They simply do not bother to help their nextdoor neighbour if they are in trouble. Why not pay and employ a security company to look after our back. I don t care what ever happen to my neighbour becoz we have secuiry guard. God bless all Malaysian. You are lucky becoz we have paddy, palm oil and petroleum unlike Singapore and iceland
Dearest Tun,
Thank you very much Tun for approving this comment of v9179 after he has tried so many times to blog in. Tun, please do not read and approve his comments because he is a disgrace to Tun, Malaysia and the chinese community and most importantly, he has given up his right to speak out as the rakyat of Malaysia. He is just a “banana cina”, seperti kacang lupa kulit.
Good day Tun.
May God bless you always and please take care.
Good morning Tun,
It looks like our neighbour si Syed Alwi “dah naik angin”. Seronoknya I tengok perangai ini, ha…. ha…
Wahai doktor, usahlah kau mengamuk, usahlah mengbangkit isu perkauman.
Nak cabar UMNO isu DPM cina di Malaysia pulak, ha… ha… Chinese over here do not greed for power like Mr Lee Kuan Yew and those who supported him have followed Mr Lee there. So, over here, cuma tinggal cina yang tak kisah siapa jadi PM, DPM, asalkan beliau adil.
Kalau MCA atau DAP berani nak cabar UMNO untuk merebut kuasa DPM, mereka akan ditendang keluar oleh kaum Melayu dan cina, faham!
Wahai rakyat Malaysia, sebenarnya, Singapura dah nampak sangat nak control ekonomi negara kita kerana Mr Lee dah buat satu kesilapan yang amat besar iaitu beliau hanya “look West” sahaja. Kini nak “look Negara China”, dah terlambat kerana kerajaan China amat sedih dengan perangai orang Singapore, serperti “kacang lupa kulit”.
Nak look north, Malaysia tak layan kerana Tun. Sekarang PM kita adalah jenis yang lembap, jadi Pak Lah, DSAI, MCA dan DAP adalah sasaran mereka.
Kalau kita betul2 fikir, mengapa Thailand jadi macam sekarang. Ini berlaku kerana perhubugan antara Taksin dan Temasek. Cuba kita lihat Indonesia, sekarang dah okay kerana mereka habis bayar hutang IMF.
Sekarang Singapore nak look mana? West dan kepakaran manusia dah bercambah dan tidak bernilai seperti dulu.
Mari kita buat kajian:
1. Hong Kong dah kembali ke pangkuan ibunya pada 1997, iaitu negara China.
2. Taiwan akan kembali juga ke pangkuan ibunya, China.
3. Sinngapore boleh juga kembali ke pangkuan ibunya, Malaysia lah, tapi dengan syarat2 yang mengikut perlembagaan negara kita.
Wahai rakyat Singapura, jangan lah hanya guna duit untuk merebut kuasa pada zaman ini, duit bukan lah “King” seperti yang dikata Mat Salleh.
Jadi, doktor, pikir baik2 sebelum membuat komen. Jangan ingat rakyat Malaysia adalah katak di bawah tempurung. Kita adalah rakyat diam2 ubi berisi, seperti Tun lah.
Good day Tun.
Most of the learned Malays agreed with your opinion. Only majority of PKR’s Malay will always disagree with you.
I think you have the other way around, only racist bone headed individuals would support Dr.M opinion on race.
Most of the Violent Hindraf supporter disagree with you for obvious reason.
– because most of them are poor and discriminated againts by the gov.
Most of the DAP’s or even PAP’s supporter will forever disagree with you for obvious reasons. This bunch of species will only agree to the matters that will benefit them. They treat everything like business deals. Untung mahu, rugi tak mahu.
-Really they are asking everyone be treated equally, they are not asking to be spoon feed. they want everybody to work hard not and laze around depending on gov to give them everything even wwhen they can afford to do it themselves.
Please ignore Dr Syed Alwi. I think he is not a Malay. He is a PAP’s supporter who is trying to pose as a Singaporean Malay. He will not respond to our posting simply because he is just trying to push his luck of dividing the Malay further by provoking us.
-When a Malay voices his option against against NEP, he is not a Malay, you call him traitor. Did you get his message or not.
You people will never change.
Greetings Tun,
I am astonished by your audrociously deft conclusion on the demise of BN in the recent elections. It is extremely convenient for one to concoct lame excuses and reasons for the defeat i.e. Lets All Blame Pak Lah. As far as I am concern, what happened is much more intricate and byzantine and has firm roots to the awakening of ignorant bumiputras (not umnoputras) and revolt by the deprived and oppressed chinese and indians.
I totally agree with Tun that as long as mankind walks on this planet, racism and racial sentiments will coexist. It is like risk….. always prevalent but always manageable. Being the longest serving statesman of this blessed nation, much more was expected from Tun (during Tun
Salam Tun
1.Setelah baca artikel dari Tun dan komen2 balas dari supporter Tun,jela disini betapa tak konsistennya pendirian Tun dan betapa tk pandainya supporter Tun membaca yg tersirat dari artikel Tun ini.
2.Kadang kala saya begitu kasihan dgn mereka2 ini (berbangsa melayu islam) yg begitu cetek dlm menilai rencah politik Malaysia hingga sanggup melupa kan betapa kita sbg rakyat terus menderita sepanjang pemerintahan BN bertunjangkan UMNO. Susah sgt ker utk kita tukar pemerintah dan sekiranya pemerintah yg baru itu tidak bagus, kita jatuhkan mrk semula.
3. Yg peliknya majoriti disini begitu kagum dgn sistem politik di US tapi kecut perut utk nk mempraktikkan disini akibat momokan dari parti pemerintah yg Tun lama sgt pegang tu.Sampai ada yg kata Tun begitu berani dipentas antarabangsa dgn mengecam kuasa2 besar sdg kn akibatn dari kecaman itu sedikit pun tk terasa oleh Tun dan anak bininya. Kita lah rakyat yg merasa kesannya.
4. Kalu nk perkatakan pasal perkauman, apa yg tidak dibuat oleh MCA,Gerakan dan MIC yg mengambarkan btp tk perkauman nya mrk. Hinggakan mufti pn mrk cadangkan utk dipecat. Terang2 pertikaikan keputusan YDP Agung dan semuanya berlaku dizaman Tun dan apa tindakan Tun utk mengecetkan perut mrk supaya tidak suka2 menghina agama dan bangsa kita???????
5. Ingat lah Tun akan kesilapan lampau Tun. Mmg benar kata2 Tun ttg keburukan UMNO tp Tun bukan lah org yg layak utk memperkatakannya. Seolah2 baling batu sembunyi tgn. Malu kita pd bangsa lain yg anggap ini salah satu sikap utama org melayu maka akibatnya kaum kita akan dianggap kaum yg tk boleh dipercayai dan seterusnya akan membantutkan usaha kaum kita utk mendapat peluang pekerjaan atau business dgn kaum lain.
to Hajar
Kalu pn U ni suka sgt pd Tun, jgn lah kritik org yg kondem Tun. Kritik la pd pendapatnya saja. U sibuk mengatakan org lain tk ada fakta sdg kn komen U pn langsung tk ada fakta. Apa makna FAKTA dlm kamus bahasa minda U ya?????Dpt lah sikit pengajaran dari debat Sabree dgn Anwar itu hari. Org tk respect dgn pendebat yg hanya tahu attack peribadi spt mana yg dilakukan oleh Mc Cain. Belajarlah dari sejarah.
Salam Tun
1.Setelah baca artikel dari Tun dan komen2 balas dari supporter Tun,jela disini betapa tak konsistennya pendirian Tun dan betapa tk pandainya supporter Tun membaca yg tersirat dari artikel Tun ini.
2.Kadang kala saya begitu kasihan dgn mereka2 ini (berbangsa melayu islam) yg begitu cetek dlm menilai rencah politik Malaysia hingga sanggup melupa kan betapa kita sbg rakyat terus menderita sepanjang pemerintahan BN bertunjangkan UMNO. Susah sgt ker utk kita tukar pemerintah dan sekiranya pemerintah yg baru itu tidak bagus, kita jatuhkan mrk semula.
3. Yg peliknya majoriti disini begitu kagum dgn sistem politik di US tapi kecut perut utk nk mempraktikkan disini akibat momokan dari parti pemerintah yg Tun lama sgt pegang tu.Sampai ada yg kata Tun begitu berani dipentas antarabangsa dgn mengecam kuasa2 besar sdg kn akibatn dari kecaman itu sedikit pun tk terasa oleh Tun dan anak bininya. Kita lah rakyat yg merasa kesannya.
4. Kalu nk perkatakan pasal perkauman, apa yg tidak dibuat oleh MCA,Gerakan dan MIC yg mengambarkan btp tk perkauman nya mrk. Hinggakan mufti pn mrk cadangkan utk dipecat. Terang2 pertikaikan keputusan YDP Agung dan semuanya berlaku dizaman Tun dan apa tindakan Tun utk mengecetkan perut mrk supaya tidak suka2 menghina agama dan bangsa kita???????
5. Ingat lah Tun akan kesilapan lampau Tun. Mmg benar kata2 Tun ttg keburukan UMNO tp Tun bukan lah org yg layak utk memperkatakannya. Seolah2 baling batu sembunyi tgn. Malu kita pd bangsa lain yg anggap ini salah satu sikap utama org melayu maka akibatnya kaum kita akan dianggap kaum yg tk boleh dipercayai dan seterusnya akan membantutkan usaha kaum kita utk mendapat peluang pekerjaan atau business dgn kaum lain.
to Hajar
Kalu pn U ni suka sgt pd Tun, jgn lah kritik org yg kondem Tun. Kritik la pd pendapatnya saja. U sibuk mengatakan org lain tk ada fakta sdg kn komen U pn langsung tk ada fakta. Apa makna FAKTA dlm kamus bahasa minda U ya?????Dpt lah sikit pengajaran dari debat Sabree dgn Anwar itu hari. Org tk respect dgn pendebat yg hanya tahu attack peribadi spt mana yg dilakukan oleh Mc Cain. Belajarlah dari sejarah.
Dear Tun & other bloggers,
Agreed with immyHillhead, November 20, 2008 10:04 PM
We should ignore this Dr Syed Alwi, i think he’s not a malay s’pore. i’m curious… He must be the anak beranak PAP’s.
Thank you.
Dear Tun,
Sorry, but I couldn’t help but to answer to TCT (November 20, 2008 2:49 PM) “…If Bumiputra get a average SPM result and they still able to get into University in Malaysia but not for non-bumiputra. Do you think that is fair?”
Let me ask you…
1) SRJK students get 7As, including 3As for the easier (sub-standard) BM Pemahaman, BM Penulisan and English papers. If they have to sit for the tougher BM Pemahaman, BM Penulisan and English papers, same as those students from SK, how many will still get 7As?
2) If an SK student gets 3As or 4As, and scored one or two Bs in the tougher BM Pemahaman, BM Penulisan or English papers, is his/her result inferior to the 7As by SRJK student, who sat for the ‘sap-sap sui’ BM and English papers?
It is no secret that if SRJK students sit for the tougher papers, many would have not scored As in the 3 subjects, if not fail altogether. On the other hand, if SK students sit for SRJK standard papers, many would have had a field day and scored As easily in the 3 subjects
The sad thing is that these students will have to ‘fight’ it out for places in the more prestigious secondary schools based on their UPSR results, which were achieved not on a level playing field, given the fact that SRJK students have an advantage in sitting for 3 easier papers.
FYR, I have a Malay friend who’s son studied in SK and scored 4As (missed out on English) whilst my neighbour’s daughter scored 7As. Adn they may be fighting for the same place in a prestigious secondary school. Where’s fairness?
Fairness means that all UPSR students MUST sit for the same standard papers for BM Pemahaman, BM Penulisan, Science, Maths and English. And fairness dictates that only the 5 subjects should be given consideration when applying for a place in secondary schools.
Are the Chinese/Indians who send their kids to SRJKs prepared for this?
It’s no use trying to talk about meritocracy when the fact remains that meritocracy does not prevail even in the earliest years of education ie. in the UPSR. And it is condoned by the very people who complained about the lack of meritocracy for places in the local universities.
morning chedet,
Dr alwi tu singaporean pedulikan dia.
kau ada MICkan guna sebaiknya la…pilihlah yang bleh buat keja.
jangan ikut seniority sangat. Pemimpin hindraf tu dah kaya la…
apapun Tun best..
Aswb Tun,
I vehemently agree with JimmyHill’s view that you should ignore Syed Alwi outright. Obviously, he is a great impostor, a phoney ‘Dr’ who is trying to create bloggers to respect him. A qualified ‘Dr’ normally knows how to earn respect rather than to force respect.Looking at his inability to substiantiate his statement and the manners he argue his facts, he is definitely a person with no substance and could be likened to empty vessel.(Macam ‘Tin kosong’
Another person that we should not entertain is AHKOW, probably his other anonymous identity or probably his cyber lieutenant to support his statements and stir ill feeling among us.
hari mau hujan…tapi hari mau mengaum
u are like a fai woof woof.. if i hentam buta, then what abt the mosque and islamic centre that the govt is building at braddell road?? wat are u talking?
it was built halfway, demolished and rebuilt … you think you guys can afford to build demolish and rebuild?
if it is not the govt then who? get ur facts right la.. if the govt is helping the malays from certain aspects and for a good cause, dont you think you are putting down the govt? ppl like you shud goto whitley detention centre…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Excuse me Tun,
I want to blast off this fella dr syed to Mars but then no spaceship wants to take him ‘cos he brings along too much dirt. Someone who thinks he has achieved so high and that he can never fell down except to the grave, one day you will fall into one, dr syed and when that day comes I hope you’ll be crawling on your feet asking for Tun’s forgiveness for insulting Tun and the Malays here. You are one snobbish fella, rude, spiteful, cold-hearted and arrogant one. Are you really a dr, a syed, a Singa fella, a Malay, an impostor maybe or just having fun here? Who cares..you are a nobody to me, for all I care go sew your own mouth, doc.
Tun has every right to state his mind on whatever causes he thinks fit ‘cos he has led this country and will do so as it is his duty to ensure the unity and stability of this beloved country stays forever.
Tun, I’m so glad there are many knights galloping to your rescue, anytime and anywhere. You can fight on your own but there are many warriors willing to sacrifice for you.
Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.
p/s I would like to convey my heartiest best wishes to Mr Jimmy Hillhead and may Allah bless you always. Your mother must be very proud of you. May Allah bless everyone like you. Thank you.
I wish to make comments pertaining to the postings that you received due to this article.
Most of the learned Malays agreed with your opinion. Only majority of PKR’s Malay will always disagree with you.
Most of the Violent Hindraf supporter disagree with you for obvious reason.
Most of the DAP’s or even PAP’s supporter will forever disagree with you for obvious reasons. This bunch of species will only agree to the matters that will benefit them. They treat everything like business deals. Untung mahu, rugi tak mahu.
Please ignore Dr Syed Alwi. I think he is not a Malay. He is a PAP’s supporter who is trying to pose as a Singaporean Malay. He will not respond to our posting simply because he is just trying to push his luck of dividing the Malay further by provoking us.
Jimmy Hillhead
Nanjing, China
(Kena kerja kuat, cari makan)
Dear Tun,
MALAYSIA. Yang perjuangkan Ideoloji Malaysian Malaysia berniat
jahat terhadap Melayu sebagai Pemilik Malaysia.
2) Mengenai bukan MELAYU menjadi PM Malaysia sebenarnya mereka
tidak ada hak langsung. Jawatan Menteri pun mereka tiada hak.
Perlembagaan menyatakan PM Malaysia tiada syarat MELAYU diciptakan
sedemikian rupa kerana ingin menuntut kemerdekaan secara aman.
Dear YAA Tun,
All this argument over race sounds very similar to the one that the Serbs of the former Yugoslavia made more than a decade ago. The Late Slobodan Milosovic when in power gave credence to those arguments and we all know what happened to that country. There are many unseen forces waiting to see the end of my beloved country. It is now more that 50 years since our independence. We are already going backwards as far as discussions on race relations are concerned. I hope that level heads will prevail and that those in powe will start thinking of a fair and equitable distribution opportunities and the national wealth. Time and time again we have clear evidence that those countries that did not see to the equitable distribution of poortunities and wealth have all ended as failed states.
We still have time. I hope that we can do better in the next 50 years that wht we have done in the past 50 years.
Salam Chedet.
Excuse me, just to clarify something …
Someone was saying that the Singapore Chinese Government build mosques for free, NO NO …that is NOT TRUE. (To that person, please don’t hentam buta saja).
We, Singapore Malay/Muslims, we put aside some money every month in a fund called the Mosque Building Fund via our CPF contributions. WE BUILD OUR OWN MOSQUES AND recently, with this fund, we are going to use it to support our Malay advancement projects via the self help Malay organisations.
Fai – a Singaporean Malay
I am happy to note that Dr syed Alwi of Spore in his posting nov. 20 @7.44am has tone down and become more courteous in his comment rather then being so aregant in trying to present his views. I am a muslim malay and i think so are u and we always adopt the eastern culture of berbudibahasa, unless I am so wrong bcos a SYED usually think they are a notch above the malays bcos they are decendent from the prophet.I might be wrong about this , if so my humble apology. The TUN has made monumental contribution to put Malaysia to where its is today, and any action of disrepect towards him, majority of Malaysian will jump to his defence.
I am not saying that he is perfect, neither do I have any personal contact with him but as most Malaysian, and I would like to emphasis to u ,are very proud to have had him as our PM for 22 yrs. The disrespect you had showed to him in your comment was very unfair, because we fell that you off all person u being a spore ‘malay’ does not qualify to voice such criticism due to the fact that our ‘malay’ brothers in singapore has lost all self respect in the the political, economical arena and in the goverment of singapore. We in Malaysia sympathise with our malay brotherhood there. and we prey that u as an educated man, “DR” can do something to eleviate the situation, ratherr them giving unfair comment to the Malaysian Situation.
In fact FYI, the Malaysian political struggle now by UMNO is focus to remedy the setback of BN in the last 12 GE whereby admittedly a lot of soul searching have to be made by the leaders and members of BN, and UMNO especially being the largest party.The apperant weak leadership in the government at the various level, and the failure to admit those weekness has compounded the situation futher. Ad ‘DR’ FYI, we dont want Malaysian malays to face the same fate as our malay brothers in Singapore now. the malay proverb that come to mind if that ever happen goes like this,
“Kokok berderai derai, tetapi ekor bergelumang tahi”. So ‘DR’ do your share of responsibility towards the Singapore malay, so that they can have their self respect again. But then again the Singapore PAP Chinese Regime is so powerful, and I do not see any dim light at the end of the tunnel, to achive this in forseable feature. Another food for thought Dear ‘DR’ we are glad and happy to note that the Spore malays have achieve some success in the professional field but dont adopt the attitude ‘Bertelor sebiji, rioh sekampong. because as a reality other races in spore are much more far far ahead in that sector or any other sector for that matter.
TUN and TUN siti hasmah, my appologies for sounding a bit harsh but as TUN says its about time for the Malays to say out their piece, kalau putih , putih lah, kalau hitam, hitam lah, and for our partners in BN, PLIZ DONT CALL THE KETTLE BLACK, LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROW 1ST, Salam hormat TUN and TUN siti semogo ALLAH sentiasa mencucuri rahmat kepada hamba2 NYA.
Salam Yg diKasihi Tun,
Minta izin dari Tun untuk berkata sepatah dua kepada saudara Dr. Syed Alwi yang AMAT BIADAP DAN YAND SUDAH LUPA ADAB bila berhadapan dengan yang lebih berusia.
budaya tongkat untuk kuota masuk ke universiti/kolej harus dikapuskan,mengapa?
1.at first,look like most bumiputra student benefited from it(due lower entry point),but when graduated they face umemployment,those lucky with GOOD connection can get into Public sector and rest of them unemployed & claimed that private sector dun want to employed them(know why? because of the result not only in University & SPM/STPM)
2.Government want vote when election come, so they build alot of college IKM,ILP…… (to make their parent happy as their son/daugther are undergat)at last they graduated with no job or not relevent to their profession.
so government will employed those unemployed gradute by create a lot of jobs(segregation of duty so called) —to keep the unemployment rate low, and then government can’t afford to pay higher salary due to huge government servant(around 900k ppl) so those ppl do partime job after working hour.
at last who untung from here? think about it,
as for me continuing Char Koay Teow, i pitty my employee,he was graduated but is helping me in my chay koay teow business. who should be responsible????????????
Dear Malaysians,
If you think that Malaysian Malays have made a lot of achievements – my challenge to you is to remove the tongkat. If you fellas are so good – then why do you need special privileges and the NEP ? Tak malu ke ? Berjaya dengan cara berdiskriminasi kaum !
We Singapore Malays do not go around BOASTING like Mahathir. You can read up on our achievements in Association of Muslim Professionals (Singapore), MENDAKI and so on. Check the statistics – it will surprise you. Whatever we achieve – is GENUINE success. We do NOT ask for Special Rights etc.
Finally – we do NOT want a Malay PM or General who will be pressured by people like Mahathir who plays the racial card.
Mana DPM Malaysia yang berbangsa China ? Saya nak tengok reaksi rakyat Melayu Malaysia ! Cakap aje banyak !
Lastly – my sincere advice to UMNO Malays – please talk of Malay Responsibilities instead of Malay Rights. You UMNO people are giving Malays a bad name. Seolah olah Melayu tak boleh hidup tanpa tongkat UMNO yang dah reput tu ! Malulah sikit ooii !!
Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad,
Well said. I support and respect your courage to say what you have said. Those that are still blurry and in dreamland should open their eyes and learn from those in singapore. If they really want to make malaysia a developed nation. If not, they can just dream on what DR M is dreaming a thousand years and still stand at where they are today. they wont step an inch closer to their 2020 dream even in 3030
Izin kan saya TUN,
Hey Syed Alwi, look at the points of the argument posted by T pertaining to your claim that Singapore Malays appear to be ‘successful’.
‘Don’t forget Malays only account for about 13.9% of the population in Singapore. I hate to bring this up, but if you agree that Malays are generally not as well qualified as the other races, then the percentage of successful Malays would logically be lower than 13.9% of the general population’.
T is trying to say that qualification wise, the percentage of qualified Malay is logically lower where else you have been blowing the trumpet as if the malays are so successful.APA NI YOU CAKAP MELAYU SINGAPORE SUCCESS TAPI T KATA TIDAK ????? HAI TAK RASA MALU KE APE YG T CAKAP NI ????
‘There are 20 ministers in Singapore’s Cabinet and one of them is Malay, so that works out to be 5%. Yes, by this count, Malays are under-represented. But the question is, is it by discrimination, or are the Malays just not as good as the rest?’
T is trying to say that you are under-reprented in the Singapore government because you are not as good as the rest.
You cakap melayu Singapore baguih tapi T kate tak baguih.apa ni ????
You tak nampak be…ni kuman di seberang laut nampak, gajah depan mata tak nampak ????? Meritokrasi konon ???? ini memang clear punye diskriminasi punye kes….Oh Tuhan bukankan lah mata orang2 macam Syed Alwi ini.
‘The answer can be found in the number of successful Indians who are even more of a minority at 7.9% of the population. But there are 4 Indian Ministers, or 20% of the Cabinet Ministers. Clearly, the minority races are very well represented, if not over-represented.’
To me. this is a systematic tool and technique to suppress the Malays’ voice in Singapore and also for the PAP government to take revenge against the Singapore Malays for what is happening in Malaysia.. I don’t think that the Singapore malays are that stupid
to the extent of not having qualified Malay professionals who could be appointed as other Ministers.
Syed Alwi, tak sedar ke….apa yang berlaku di sana, kawasan penempatan melayu di tukar kepada projek perumahan supaya Melayu dipaksa tinggal dengan bukan melayu. Ini adalah taktik PAP untuk memecahkan undi & Suara orang melayu.TAK SEDAR LAGI KE ORANG TUA NI ????
‘So, if there are few Malays in the top echelon, what are the reasons? It is very easy to cry discrimination if you fail because you are just not good enough.’
Believe me MR T, there are quite a number of good professional malays around Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia. Some of them are even better than your kind and they are being sidelined because they are too good and can put you to shame due to their extraordinary capabilities.
Syed Alwi, kamu rasa kamu baguih tak….kalau you baguih kenapa u mai keje kat malaysia…..Kerajaan Singapure perlukan Melayu yang baguih macam you la….
Sampai sekarang tak bole prove tentang kejayaan orang melayu Singapura…..Hang Tuah nak salah dah. TAKAN MELAYU HILANG DI DUNIA TAPI ORANG MELAYU SINGAPURA NAMPAKNYA NAK HILANG DI DUNIA…
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat dan bahagia. Minta izin di waktu blog ini rancak orang bertekak…
KISAH BENAR: Rukun negara, adil dan saksama. Rajin usaha, semua bangsa bekerjasama demi negara.
Ajaran sesat: Dukun Umno kata, ambil semua kita punya. Rajin bersatu, melawan bangsa bangsa negara
……………..Kisah benar: Ketuanan Melayu ialah kuasa dan kedudukan istimewa Raja Raja Melayu, payung perlembagaan.
Ajaran sesat: Pertahankan kemewahan Tuan Harta (Umno yg pegang peluang pendidikkan,pekerjaan,perniagaan) bukan kedudukan Tuan Melayu (Raja). Raja di sekat kuasa, boleh di hukum (pindaan perlembagaan), di tegah (Terengganu, Perlis) kalau lawan Tuan Harta.
Dulu Raja(terjamin Melayu) boleh sekat pindaan perlembagaan, skrg tak boleh. Hilang satu ketuanan Melayu, angkara siapa?
KISAH BENAR: Kontrak sosial untuk membantu yang lemah, miskin, terpinggir.
Ajaran sesat: Kontrak tak boleh soal, memperkayakan yang kuat (minta), memberi pada yg dah berada (kuasa pulas, cable kuat), membantu yg selalu menonjolkan muka (Umnoputera, kaya segera) Power to enrich without limit in the name of kulit.
………………Kisah benar: Hak keistimewaan Melayu, menolong yang tertinggal, terpinggir, lemah untuk BERSAING.
Ajaran sesat: Hak kemewahan TANPA BERSAING atau usaha. Main minta. Apa yg di beri di jual, pajak, gadai, lelong. Habis, minta lagi, dari datuk sampai ke cucu.
Dulu bapa pesan anak, jadi rajin jaga diri kamu. Skrg bapa ajar anak, jangan bodoh, minta hak kamu! Tiada tanggungjawab, tiada hukum, tiada jangka masa, tiada had, tiada syarat. Kata hak Melayu ! Semua boleh berlaku!
Ingat, ikut rasa(nikmat) binasa. Budaya hulur tangan, bukan mengorak langkah, hanya menunggu ajal.
KISAH BENAR : Debat pendatang ( selalu di ungkit Umno dulu) untuk membentangkan(academic) kelemahan hujah siapa awal dia punya, ada yang lebih awal. Pokoknya, yg kemudian terikat pada yg dahulu tak boleh lari. Tali ikatan ini tersimpan dalam perlembagaan.
Ajaran sesat : Isu dimainkan untuk faedah politik perkauman. Jadi isu menafi sejarah, melawan kedudukan, menggugat Melayu, merampas tanahair. Kecuali nak dapat
Hi Dr Mahathir,
I believe racism is the biggest issue in malaysia. Whatever benefit in Malaysia it is all given to Bumiputra. For example: If Bumiputra get a average SPM result and they still able to get into University in Malaysia but not for non-bumiputra. Do you think that is fair? Even what happened last time from UiTM about the “kuota” thing.I believe it is redicilous with it.
Of course you are a better PM than Abdullah.
Salam Tun,
To Dr Syed Alwi,
I am curious, the Singaporean Malays suceeded at what? Can you list down your achievements? I never heard anything significant of Singaporean Malays. Are they controlling the government? opposition?parliament? big corporations? How many MPs are Malay? How many Malay generals in the SAF? Please enlighten me.
There is nothing worst than being anak angkat in your own country!
Salam Tun
Salam Tun!
Izinkan saya mengarutkan satu analogi bahasa mudah dalam bentuk cerita.
Cerita 1:
Mad Sailor masuk rumah Ahmad. Ahmad sambutnya sebagai tetamu. Mad Sailor duduk lama dan mula pandai menasihat Ahmad itu ini begitu begini.
Lama kelamaan pandai si Mad Sailor merintah dan menitah si Ahmad…buat itu buat ini….buat begitu buat begini. Ahmad engkar. Dipulas tengkok si Ahmad. Tak terlawan Ahmad ambil sikap tak berkerjasama. Orang ceroboh pandai menitah dan memaksa dengan kekerasan….”tak mahu naku buat” bisik hati Ahmad.
Mad Sailor marah. “Malas ini Ahmad” kata si Mad Sailor. Lalu di upahnya si Muniandy bekerja di rumah Ahmad oleh si Mad Sailor untuk melayannya. Tidak cukup itu digaji si Ah Chong berkebun bunga dilaman rumah si Ahmad selain diberi tugas berbelanja dipasar untuk isirumah si Ahmad yang dikuasai si Mad Sailor. Tak malu betul si Mad Sailor itu. Macam rumah sendiri dibuatnya.
“Rajin ini Muniandy dan Chong” kata Mad Sailor. “Bukan macam Ahmad…malas”…tambahnya lagi. “Engkau bayar gaji pada mereka ….memang lah rajin” bisik hati Ahmad.
Cerita di atas berlangsung selama 500 tahun.
Nanti saya sambung.
Permit me to respond to Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad’s posting –
“And another thing. Malaysia is rich in resources. Yet where are the Malay scientists, engineers and professionals ? Tun Mahathir sent thousands of Malays overseas to study. Where are the inventions and innovations of Proton’s Malay engineers ? Where are the discoveries of Malay Biologists in Malaysia – given that Malaysia is rich in flora and fauna ?”
1. Question –
Yet where are the Malay scientists, engineers and professionals ?
Answer –
I am a Malay engineer. In fact I am a professional engineer, registered with various professional bodies, locally and abroad, especially Commonwealth countries.
My professional qualification is being accepted by various countries especially Commonwealth countries, European Union, US & Canada, China, Taiwan, Africa and of course Asean.
Graduated from a prestigious university in UK (Top 3), a product of NEP ( and proud of it). Working as a consultant to various foreign companies. My job has took me to various countries. Employed Malay & Non-Malay engineers & other professionals.
Known other Malay Professionals associated with our line of professional duties, as such, as a professional, I could not speak for other professionals.
Known lots of Malay scientists, engineers and professional (either as an academician or practicing) who do not brag about their achievements but who prefer their works speak for itself. Some of them are expert in their field, as such they are also the consultants to various foreign organisations.
In our line of professional duties, we have our networking that helps each other to perform the tasks that been entrusted to us by our client.
So Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad & other bloggers who share the same thoughts, please check your fact right before writing.
Jimmy Hillhead
Peninsula Hotel
Salisbury Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Dear Tun,
I totally agree with you that race based party politic is RELEVANT in Malaysia. It will stay forever in this holy land of Malaysia until and unless the government abolish the vernacular schools ..sekolah keb Cina, sekolah keb. Tamil and etc. (the mother of racism in Malaysia)
How can we claim ourselves “satu bangsa Malaysia” when we as the parents started to send out our kids to sekolah Cina, sekolah Tamil etc..? Arent we being hypocrypt by saying that we should be colourblind to our kids? For god sake, please dont compare USA and Malaysia folks..
Thank you
Dear Tun,
I totally agree with you that race based party politic is RELEVANT in Malaysia. It will stay forever in this holy land of Malaysia until and unless the government abolish the vernacular schools ..sekolah keb Cina, sekolah keb. Tamil and etc. (the mother of racism in Malaysia)
How can we claim ourselves “satu bangsa Malaysia” when we as the parents started to send out our kids to sekolah Cina, sekolah Tamil etc..? Arent we being hypocrypt by saying that we should not be colourblind? For god sake, please dont compare USA and Malaysia folks..
Thank you
Selamat pagi Tun,
Dah melampau ini si doktor entah dlm bidang apa, Tun, sila izikan saya mencelah:
To:Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad on November 19, 2008 1:50 PM
1. “UMNO Malays are in fact very frightened of Singapore Malays ! Why?”
Bukan takut, tapi benci, orang kau ini terlalu “syok diri dan hipokrit”.
2. “Because we are living proof that the racialism of Tun Mahathir is pure nonsense”
Itu hak kita lah, nak sibuk apa2. Your Mr Lee Kuan Yew has made the Singaporean to become “hamba kepada kekayaan”, tak kan lah kau tak tahu! Kita tau, cuma kita diam2 kerana itu hak Singapura.
3. Indeed – NOT ONE person here dare to challenge me on the issue of Malay Responsibilities. It seems to me that UMNO Malays want Special Privileges BUT they do NOT want the Responsibilities that comes along with it. Indeed – since when did UMNO ever talk of responsibility ? NEVER ! Mereka hanya pandai minta hak dan peruntukan Melayu. Tanggungjawab mana ? Langsong perasaan bertanggungjawab takde ! Semua nak makan free !
Kerana Malaysia ialah sebuah negara beragama Islam lembut dan moderate, kita ada raja2 Melayu. Di Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew is the self-claimed King, therefore 2 different bangsa, 2 jenis pentadbiran politik lah. Tak eloklah kau kata melayu suka makan free. Di Malaysia, kita suka makan free kerana dijemput, tak sopan lah kalau kita tolak, ini adalah adat istimewa Malaysia kita, Singapore takde free lunch ke?
4. And another thing. Malaysia is rich in resources. Yet where are the Malay scientists, engineers and professionals ? Tun Mahathir sent thousands of Malays overseas to study. Where are the inventions and innovations of Proton’s Malay engineers ? Where are the discoveries of Malay Biologists in Malaysia – given that Malaysia is rich in flora and fauna ? SATU HABOK PUN TAK DE. Yang ada si Tun Mahathir yang hanya pandai melaungkan slogan Ketuanan Melayu ! Hak Melayu ! Tun Mahathir – kalau tak mampu untuk bertanggungjawab – tolong jangan minta hak ! Hak patut di-imbangi oleh tanggungjawab. Di mana letaknya tanggungjawab Melayu ?
Kau berpangkat PHD ke? Bacalah semua articles Tun dari Mei hingga sekarang sebelum kau komen. Nampak sangat sombong kau ini. Sabarlah, dr. , mungkin selepas kau baca semua articles Tun, you akan sokong Malaysia dan Tun. Apa2 pun, kita masih jiran, betul? Takkan lah, kau nak sibuk2 peribadi jiran kau? Pangkat Doktor, kah… kah… namapak sangat kau ini bongkak dan malas.
Malaysia cina
To Zachary64,
People like you are predictable and boring because you only know how to attack those speaking the truth and are not able to provide rational answers to questions put forth to you. Your character reflects those UMNO parliamentarians who turns aggressive when under pressure, using hand gestures and vile language.
Racial equity?
Mana ada genuine racial equity. I have to admit that the bumis and the malays benefitted alot thru the NEP.I am not one of the benefitting party but I believe in the 1st rukunegara. Kepercayaan pada Tuhan. Rezeki ada di mana2. This land does not belong to either Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dayaks, Kadazans etc. It belongs to God.Be sincere and you will live in prosper.
Suka hidup simple.
To Jebat2008 nov 19 and lebaikudin nov 20, aku suka habis korang hentam syed alwi tu. Tepat dan jitu.Pedas cukup cabai. Teruskan.
Salam Tun,
Maaf dan Izinkan Tun,
Kepada Dr Syed Alwi (SINSG),
Just mind your own business overthere…!!!
Allah bless all. Insy.
syukur dapat cet dgn tun.
Adakah negara kita perlukan ISA.bagaimana cara nak buat permohonan untuk hak kaum india.Seluruh negara kini melanda krisis ekonomi. Tetapi kerajaan pak lah beritahu negara kita tak akan jatuh dalam krisis ekonomi. adakah kenyataan ini betul.bagaimana tahun depan ekonomi negara kita.kerana satahu saya masa tun sebagai perdana menteri pada tahun 1998 krisis ekonomi mempengaruhi negara kita.tetapi dengan adanya komenwell 98 dan lain lain project entelactual tun, negara kita dapat selamat dalam krisis. bagaimana kali ini. bagaimana negara kita akan selamat jika melanda krisis ekonomi. sekian terima kasih tun.
/// By ZACHARY64 on November 19, 2008 11:24 PM
we are demanding explanation from Syed Alwi on the number of successful Singapore Malays. ///
Zachary64 – the numbers of successful Singapore Malays may be small, but they achieved that on true merits.
Malaysia has many Malays in position of power, wealth and authority – the questions is – are they there because they are good, or are they there because of their skin colour?
Just one example, will suffice – university places. So many Chinese and Indians are better qualified, yet the vast majority of the places are given to Malays.
Don’t forget Malays only account for about 13.9% of the population in Singapore. I hate to bring this up, but if you agree that Malays are generally not as well qualified as the other races, then the percentage of successful Malays would logically be lower than 13.9% of the general population.
There are 20 ministers in Singapore’s Cabinet and one of them is Malay, so that works out to be 5%. Yes, by this count, Malays are under-represented. But the question is, is it by discrimination, or are the Malays just not as good as the rest?
The answer can be found in the number of successful Indians who are even more of a minority at 7.9% of the population. But there are 4 Indian Ministers, or 20% of the Cabinet Ministers. Clearly, the minority races are very well represented, if not over-represented.
So, if there are few Malays in the top echelon, what are the reasons? It is very easy to cry discrimination if you fail because you are just not good enough.
Yes, sure, Zachary, you can always parrot the line how come they are many successful Malays in Malaysia? Well, take away the NEP, take away the crutches and the tongkats, let the market decide, and then see how many real successful Malays you have. I can bet you on a pro-rata basis, there will be more successful Malays in Singapore than in Malaysia if kulitification and Ketuanan Melayu are abolished.
ceh konon bangsa malaysia, tapi bila beri komen pakai bahasa inggeris.. pegi mabuk la ko org ni…
kalu dah teringin sgt nak jadi bangsa malaysia yang bersatu
kenapa tidak cuba memahami sejarah serta keadaan setiap kaum dimalaysia…
ko org ni berposting seolah olah mahir sangat… padahal ada yang lansung tak reti bercakap bahasa malaysia… sungguh malu, suruh org lain jadi bangsa malaysia, tapi sendiri pun tak ingat, apa cerita??
apabila kaum melayu mengingatkan kaum sendiri, melayu dicop sebagai perkauman, bukan ke itu tidak betul namanya? jikalau suku kaum lain mengata kaum melayu dlm forum2 serta menggunakan bahasa mereka kenapa pula tidak dicop perkauman??
sesuatu yang telah dipersetujui dlm pelembagaan mengapa perlu dipersoal dan lagi dan lagi?? kenapa tidak mahu cari penyelesaian untuk merumus suatu kaedah yang dapat memberi kesamarataan kepada setiap suku kaum dimalaysia??
kenapa suku kaum lain yang dapat kelebihan dari dasar kerajaan tidak membantu lansung dalam peranan pembentukan bangsa malaysia yang bersatu??? dimana tanggungjawab sosial koparat mereka??
tapi apa bila melayu dan bumiputra dibantu, suku lain cop kerajaan sebagai perkauman??? sepatutnya, ambil kesempatan yang diberikan untuk membantu sesama kita…
orang melayu tidak pernah kesah pun jika berbelanja dikedai atau memanggil kontraktor berbangsa lain… tp jika suku kaum lain hanya buka peluang kepada suku sendiri, orang melayu tidak pernah pun panggil suku lain sebagai perkauman…???
dalam dunia ni tiada yang adil melainkan memberi kemudahan baru dikata adil….itulah dunia
marilah buka minda…
kpd semua warga melayu seberang tambak, takpayahlah sibuk jaga hal dalam kain org lain, kalau sendiri pun tak terbela…
malulah kamu semua…
kepada suku kaum kat malaysia ni…janganlah anggap diri tu bangsa malaysia jika, berbahasa dan bercakap lansung tonggang langgang
lihat warga indonesia, sekali pun ramai suku kaum tapi masih boleh berhubung dalam satu bahasa…. bahasa indonesia…..
salam hormat kepada semua
salam pergi jahaman kepada tukang spin, tukang sorak, tukang batu api, moga kekal dalam neraka….
yang benar dan ikhlas
Fazly Mohd
kota anggerik
“bahasa jiwa bangsa”
Dear Malaysians,
Some of you ask me for numbers and statistics. Well – you should contact Singapore’s Association of Muslim Professionals to get numbers and statistics. You should also contact Singapore’s Malay Chamber of Commerce.
I think that you will be surprised with the numbers. It will open your eyes….
Best Regards
Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad
akum Tun,
Once again I can see and observed how phatatic a Singaporean DR can be. After being criticise heavily on the claim that singapore malays are better of then the Malaysian malays, this DR is trying his best to ‘menegakkan benang yang basah’trying to say that the singaporean malays are a force to be rekon with in Singaapore. Another writer also claim that Singapore Government has built and contribute a lot of development to the malays in S’pore, building free mosque etc. little realising that those contribution a merely executed with a view to keep the malays in s’pore to be a contented group and will not do anything to challanged chinese PAP Government in power. Those are just sweets and choclate for the child to prevent them from being naughty. The said DR was also trying to project a picture that the s’pore malays has achieved outstanding progress under the PAP regime competing on a level field base on meritrocrasy. I am of the view that all these claims sound very hollow because at the end of the day, the malays in Singapore at this juncture and also in the feature can never dream of being a force to be rekon with, under the current regime. No matter what,the malays in Singapore is akin to the slave and the master for always, so DR do not be so proud of yourself unless you are doing it to bodek the Singapore Government for your own vested interest.
Salam hormat YABhg Tun…
To: Dr, Syed Alwi bin Ahmad on Novemver 19, 2008 1:50 PM..
I thank you and respect on your comments in chedet.com. Since chedet.com is open accross the globe, then I feel that you are olso invited to give your view base on statement made by chedet.com.
I felt a little bit disappointed by the way and tone of your comments. As a Malay, it is my personal opinion that, you are most welcome to make comments on S’pore Malays for as lenghty as you wish, but I don’t think that you owned the right to condemm the Malays in Malaysia, not even to any Malaysian. Perhaps, just perhaps you could make suggestions on how the Malaysian Malays to success along with the Chinese and Indian.
Thank you.
DAP is still race based. Lim Guan Eng still looks up to mainland china for inspiration. He quotes from China’s great leader recently, the black mice quote.
I would be more impressed if that had come from a non-chinese leader. Coming from a chinese, it sounded typical, and is proof that race still rules even in DAP.
Dear Tun,
Don’t you think it is timely now to have another MAGERAN for the second time and let democracy in this country be DEAD. Looking at the situation now I think it is appropriate to declare DEMOCRACY DEAD. Why ? The non-Malays continue trying to “jolok sarang tebuan”. The time bomb will soon explode. Make no mistake about it.
Dear Tun,
Dengan izin, i totally agree with Jamal. The whole UMNO setup need to change, BIG TIME. The leaders, the policy, the decision making process, the election process, the committee members – the whole set-up seems to breed corruption. Where are the capable and professional Malays?? Some may already be in UMNO, but what have we turned them into?? Everybody in UMNO setup need to be honest with themselves – self realisation… Do they really, honestly want to help build a much better Malays? Tough call, will it really happen, i mean the change that we all dream of… Lets not tlak of the others, be it malays, chinese, indians etc…, why don’t we start by changing ourself first, be self critical and start DOING something to improve ourself, our own family unit before start debating on the big picture…hopefully we will be able create a real tsunami of change…yes, somebody need to look at the big picture, but it seems that everybody is talking about it, not sure whether we walk the talk…
malays (i am a malay myself, proud of it), we need to look at ourself. don’t blame the chinese, indians for their perceived racist views, as a lot of their issues raised seems related to the performance of the malay race – civil service standard (half past 6..), present govt (oh my god..), sports association (need i say more)…
malays, wake up and start doing something better ourself (including me). i love this country and all peace loving malaysians…
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Kpd Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad,
1.Melayu Singapore minoriti,tak de suara,adalah kuli-kuli,jawatan tak penting
2.Kau kata Melayu S’pore berjaya.Mana dia billionaire korang ,tak pernah dengar pun
3.Melayu S’pore tak ada identiti.Cakap Melayu pun rojak,campur Singlish tunggang terbalik
4.Melayu S’pore dah tak ada tanah,Kg Glam yang jadi warisan pun tak tak boleh jaga,terlepas kat Cina
5.Melayu S’pore hidup dihimpit tekanan ekonomi sebab gaji kecik.Aku tengok korang berlumba2 shopping kat Giant,Tesco JB bila hujung minggu sebab barang murah (exchange rate)
6.Melayu S’pore suka langgar peraturan jalanraya Malaysia lepas tu tak bayar saman.Jakun la tu,sana mana ada highway nak test power
7.Melayu S’pore berlagak.Sikit2 komplen kata barang dia,tempat dia lebih baik.Tapi nyatanya tiap2 musim cuti berlumba2 nak masuk Malaysia sebab barang murah, kita mewah,orangnya peramah,sumber melimpah-ruah,aman damai.Kat sana nak makan KFC pun tak boleh sebab ayam tak sembelih
8.Melayu S’pore cemburu Melayu Malaysia sebab dilindungi Perlembagaan.Siapa tak mahu kelebihan/keutamaan.Jangan jadi hopikrit la brader!
p/s Bukan aku tak leh tulis dalam bahasa omputih,aku saja tulis dalam bahasa Melayu nak tengok Syed Alwi si ‘kacang hantu’ boleh paham ke tak
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Kpd Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad,
1.Melayu Singapore minoriti,tak de suara,adalah kuli-kuli,jawatan tak penting
2.Kau kata Melayu S’pore berjaya.Mana dia billionaire korang ,tak pernah dengar pun
3.Melayu S’pore tak ada identiti.Cakap Melayu pun rojak,campur Singlish tunggang terbalik
4.Melayu S’pore dah tak ada tanah,Kg Glam yang jadi warisan pun tak tak boleh jaga,terlepas kat Cina
5.Melayu S’pore hidup dihimpit tekanan ekonomi sebab gaji kecik.Aku tengok korang berlumba2 shopping kat Giant,Tesco JB bila hujung minggu sebab barang murah (exchange rate)
6.Melayu S’pore suka langgar peraturan jalanraya Malaysia lepas tu tak bayar saman.Jakun la tu,sana mana ada highway nak test power
7.Melayu S’pore berlagak.Sikit2 komplen kata barang dia,tempat dia lebih baik.Tapi nyatanya tiap2 musim cuti berlumba2 nak masuk Malaysia sebab barang murah, kita mewah,orangnya peramah,sumber melimpah-ruah,aman damai.Kat sana nak makan KFC pun tak boleh sebab ayam tak sembelih
8.Melayu S’pore cemburu Melayu Malaysia sebab dilindungi Perlembagaan.Siapa tak mahu kelebihan/keutamaan.Jangan jadi hopikrit la brader!
p/s Bukan aku tak leh tulis dalam bahasa omputih,aku saja tulis dalam bahasa Melayu nak tengok Syed Alwi si ‘kacang hantu’ boleh paham ke tak
To _hairil’
I’m quite impressed with your write-up as follows ;
Selagi kaum bukan Melayu tidak mahu ber”asimilasi” dengan penduduk asal atau kaum asal Tanah Melayu, selagi itulah kita akan terus berpecah.
this is the truth that we cannot denied.We call ourselves as Malaysians but in reality we are so different and diverse in terms of ethinicity , culture and religion.I concur with your view that The non-Malays do not wish or shall I say very reluctant to assimilate with the malays in general. Just a point to share with you.Just look at the Kelantenese chinese.Look at the way the Kelantenese mingle , interact and worh with their Malays counterparts over there. They speak fluent Kelantenese ‘dialect’ and even being address in the local malay name.But for their peers in Penang ,Perak, Selangor etc, they would prefer to maintain their status quo.
However, it is easier said than done for the assimilation process to take place and become reality. For example, America has to wait for almost 230 years to break the racial barrier in the form of Barack Hussein Obama as the 1st black President.To Americans in general, they are colour-blinded by Obama’s charamastic leadership style as ‘a real america who has already assimlated American culture and not been seen as a hard-core black who are fighting for his African culture, customs, ritual, beliefs and etc.
Kenapa tidak UMNO/BN perjuangkan ASIMILASI ini, disebalik perjuangan Barisan Alternatif yang bertunjangkan REFORMASI (yang kita tidak tahu apa intinya) ? Saya rasa asimilasi bangsa-bangsa bukan melayu ini lebih baik untuk generasi kita akan datang. Apa pendapat Tun?
Assimilation ??? in what form ?Please clarify further ?
Di Thailand, Indonesia, Filipina dan seluruh negara-negara berdaulat lain, mereka hanya perlu SATU BAHASA, satu sekolah, satu budaya negara. Sampai bila kita harus hidup dalam keadaan berpecah begini?
yes , our neighbouring countries are adopting one single language to unite their people under one common national language.In M’sia, we have so many categories of schools; national, vernacular & religious etc.
but they have been adopting thier languages ever since their independence. Well, the government can suggest but definitely the chinese and Indian community would disagree vehemently and will perceive this move as to eradicate their identity and culture.
Saya seorang Melayu, sekarang ini saya rasa serba salah apabila ditanya kenapa kaum bukan Melayu walaupun sudah 3-4 generasi di Malaysia tapi masih tidak sama dengan orang Melayu dari segi hak seperti Biasiswa,Matrikulasi dan sebagainya… jadi kadang-kadang saya berfikir juga, sampai bila? 100? 200? 300 tahun lagi? atau seribu tahun lagi?
maybe the viable solution is to allocate t these educational grants according to the population percentage. 60% to malays, 25%% to chinese, 10% to Indian & 5 % to others. if this allocation is not viable, what t else will ?????
Sampai bila kaum bukan Melayu di Malaysia mahu mengekalkan bahasa, sekolah dan budaya mereka di bumi Melayu/Nusantara ini? Sampai bila orang Melayu harus berasa was-was dengan orang Cina atau sebaliknya? Atau kaum Hindu merasakan Agama Islam itu menekan mereka (ada berkata hukuman bunuh untuk mereka beragama Hindu, masuk agama lain.) Jadi sampai bila? sampai bila kita Melayu, Cina, India harus berpecah? Mungkin Tun boleh jawabkan untuk parti BN?
definitely, the non-Malays want to maintain their language, school and culture in malaysia.Just look at the response to the Visionary School, more vernacular schools are being build instead.
Kenapa kita tidak boleh minta kaum bukan Melayu yang lain berasimilasi ? Kenapa tidak kita mula dari sekarang? Adakah kita perlu melalui satu peperangan antara kaum, baru ini boleh bermula??
A Very little percentage that the Non Malays already assimilated into Malay culture through mix-marriage that results in the form of chinese-Malay and Indian-malay Muslims parentage.
p/s – Thaksin Shinawatra, bekas Perdana Menteri Thailand itu berketurunan Cina, tetapi dia-nya diterima sebagai ketua negara kerana penduduk Cina Thailand sudah lama berasimilasi dengan penduduk asal Thailand-Siam.
in the not so near future, probably there’ll either be the first Chienese or Indian Muslims Prime minister who are more acceptable to the Muslim majority population.
Satu permintaan rakyat Malaysia untuk difikirkan?
This is a very heavy request and tall order for Malaysians to consider. Are they willing to sacrifice their identity,cultural and religion in order to ensure ‘assimilation’ to materialise ?
Qinai de AHKOW,
we are demanding explanation from Syed Alwi on the number of successful Singapore Malays. Let’s hear from him because he’s the one who claims that the Singaporean Malay are so successful.Give our friend the opportunity to defend his statement. Otherwise he will be perceived as ‘a phoney Singaporean’ who know nuts about his country and the kind of situation that his beloved people are undergoing.
I do not wish to entertain your question because your question looks like a someone who cannot accept the real scenario in Singapore and the ‘undeserved treatment’ being meted towards Singapore Malays in general. You can be likened to the famous Malay
Proverb, ‘Siapa yang makan cili dia lah yang terasa pedas’
Tun saya khuatirla…
jangan sekalipun rusahan kaum berlaku…13 MEI 2XXX???…banyak musuh ingin laknat ini termakbul(negara kaya jiran? terdekat, negara maju barat)kerana inginkan kekuasaan dan kekayaan…maka semai benih kebencian dalam tanah kita, wujud duri dalam daging…maka ranaplah negara kita…berhentilah semua kaum saling ‘menghunus pedang’, menceraikan rangka asas yang kita bina selama ini…kena tahu kerana irihati ‘orang-orang luar’ begitu lama kita tak berperang….janganlah sampai berlaku….linangan air mata dah tak berguna…belajar dari sejarah kesilapankan TUN?
cina berjiwa bangsa Malaysia(sarawak)
Assalamualaikum Tun Yang dihormati,
Minta izin lalu,
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya bersetuju penuh dengan YABhg. Tun tentang isu kaum yang masih menjadi penentu dalam politik Malaysia. Orang Cina dan India selalu kata Melayu racist dan mereka tidak. Jika betul masakan mereka nak tumbangkan kerajaan BN. Hakikatnya mereka kontrol agenda Pakatan Rakyat melalui pilihanraya. Setelah gagal, ahli parlimen Cina dan India yang dalam BN pun hendak berhijrah, dengan harapan dapat menguasai kerajaan Persekutuan dibawah Pakatan Rakyat. Apakah ini tidak racist? Nasib baik Tuan Guru Hadi Awang bijak dan tidak menyokong ‘Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim’!!!.
Sebenarnya saya telah menulis satu Artikel ‘Isu kaum masih jadi penentu corak Pengundian dalam PRU 2008’ dalam blog DAH IKHWAN bertarikh 19 Mei, 2008.
Sila lawati DAH IKHWAN Weblog, mudah dilawati melalui google search.
the more u guys hit syed alwi, the more i will support him though i am a msian…
syed alwi has the balls to stand up to u guys and yet u guys resort to coward tactics by asking to show numbers.. if he manages to show, will that keep ur gap shut and agree thru disagreement?
ok then let me ask the same towards u guys
ratio of malays to non bumis in malaysia is 65%:35%.
1. what is the quota for malays to gain entry to Poly or Uni? 90%!!
2. what is the ratio of malays to non bumis in the civil service? also again 90%
3. MNC’s like AMD, Dell, Intel practice meritocracy in hiring. Only the cream of the crop gets hired but what is the govt doing? Issue a standing memo that these MNCs need to have 50% of the workforce Malays.
4. what is the ratio of the malays in the armed or police force? again 85-90%.. (and pls dont say that non bumis are not interested in working in these field hence the malays have to take it up. that is just a load of nonsense)
and finally, do all Dr M supporters – dont be such a naive and blind cat to believe wholly what a person says. we are not idiots to be born without brains.. so use a little cow sense and rationalize.. do you think a person will ever talk bad about him or herself?
Dear Dr.
There was a time when the Malaysian psyche was attuned to greatness , we felt as if it was just around the corner….
Most of us were thrilled to subscribe to this Vision. Even those that were openly critical of it, were quietly excited about the possibility. It revolutionised all our minds into coalescing a shared hope that we have an achievable destiny , Wawasan 2020 ( Vision 2020 ).
” Yes we can ! ” and we began. to rally ,consciously or subconsciously, and dedicate into the message every ounce of our collective energy and IQ. Eventually the rest of the world attributed our rise to ” Malaysia boleh ! ” ( Malaysia can do ! ).
The subliminal message that empowered us is now gone and so it seems are our prowess to solve problems.
This was sadly evident when our close circle of childhood friends, a healthy mix of Malay, Chinese ,Indian Eurasian, Malaysians all, were having a get together in the coffeehouse of a renowned hotel. I nonchalantly asked ” What happened to the Old Man’s Wawasan 2020 ? ( Vision 2020 )
” One of our party , a Malaysian with incidentally Chinese ancestry, quipped ” Apa kita boleh buat ?”
( A Malay resignation that translates into ‘What can we do ……. ‘).
The same friend continued and produced the gem ” Abang , sekarang dia orang sudah buat kita sama kita WasWasan ”
( Brother , now they have made us suspicious of each other ). As to whom he referred to as ” they ” was unclear.
I later surveyed the coffehouse where the various races were present but kept exclusively to themselves, our table was
an anamoly. Rather ironic when , more than a decade later , an African American used the very same message of hope
and transformation to stir the imagination of his populace that led him to win the Presidency of the United States.
One of his electoral promise was to heal the fractures in his society. Our own process seems at the same time to be
greatly diminishing with no conglutination in sight.
Most citizens of our country used to look to the Government for direction. This is not because
we were an ‘ unthinking ‘electorate. Malaysians generally defer to the elected representatives of their
choice who are entrusted to administer the country through good governance. We had a sense of confidence that allowed us to focus attention on our businesses and more mundane matters. The bulwark of the Government, UMNO
is now percieved to be unsteady and it’s effects has cascaded into the other racially based political parties that are
partners in the present administration. People of all races feel the body politic is disconnected with their reality and
leaders are promoting their own aspirations and business interests. How on earth does one re instill trust for the future
in a non Malay who in the course of his business, was a listening party to an alleged insidious conversation among
UMNO members ? His intimation was that the very same persons that nominated a candidate to a very high post in the party, might not actually receive their votes because another candidate with less nominations made an offer too good to
When governance is perceived to be up for public auction we are all in serious trouble. Lest we forget, the mid eighties
and nineties, when UMNO was strong it elevated all races in our country. There was much confidence and trust then,
among all the races, and everything we did had lustre. This unity was the fuel for the engine of our prolific growth
in all fields. Although, I personally did not directly receive any political patronage or Government contracts
all of us benefited from the dynamics . This includes my friends of all races.
The main stream global media has lulled us into focusing our attention to various bailout packages and stimulus plans
including a G20 meeting to boot. The very same people have successfully fogged our vision of more than 40 trillion
US$ CDS ( Credit Default Swaps ) and an unknown number of it’s derivative instruments that are still circulating
world wide. It is all completely unregulated , magnified several times well beyond real asset values with varying
maturity dates and unknown amounts any of whose redemption may set off further global economic crisis. Of course,
Secretary Paulson flipped flopped about purchasing the toxic debts he has no inkling on how to value them. He would
rather bundle it all and parcel it out as Treasury bonds and sell it to people like us that have surplus reserves.
All this is done in a hurry…..
Here we are in Malaysia , where our banks are basically pawn brokers, we have to be stringently qualified for
our debts against real assets. Albeit our economy is still fundamentally sound, we may even squander this with
petty squabbles amongst ourselves. Vying for power and party posts through a lengthy campaign and transition of
leadership is also not helpful. WAKE UP !
Salam Tun,
Bagi saya.. kalau nak malaysia ni jadi orang malaysia punyer.. starting from now, semua budak2 sekolah patut mula sekolah dalam sekolah yang satu. Hanya ada satu jenis sekolah sahaja dalam malaysia ni. Takde jenis2, selapas itu baru saya rasa rakyat malaysia akan lebih toleransi dan terbuka kerana semua rakan mereka adalah berbilang kaum dan semakin rapat. Kawan sekelas lah katakan.
mungkin selepas 20 tahun baru kita nampak hasilnyer. jika kita tak mula dari sekarang, hampir mustahil dan mungkin tak berjaya menjadi satu bangsa satu negara malaysia. Bila malaysia nak start buat sekolah camtuh? mereka tak rela saya rasa..
Ini pendapat saja..
Semoga Tun Dr. Mahathir sihat hendaknyer..
Anyone can write anything in any blog. Especially when true identities are not required in the publishing of the content. Why bother then? No need to be responsible for everything that is written, either truely from ones mind, or with hidden agenda, whatever! Just simply shoot!
While for those who are known public figures, like Tun Dr Mahathir, it is not as easy as to simply shoot, because whatever said, either right or wrong, will be under public scrutiny. Not as lucky as others who like to hide behind whatever nicknames and shoot at anybody, with the so-called ‘facts’ which are without the accompanying details, e.g. event dates, venue, witnesses … etc.
Since nicknames can be used, anyone can use any name, Chinese, Western, Malay, Indian, Arab, German … whatever! Not only can hide behind the nicknames, but can even play different roles by just using different nicknames!
Assalamuailaikum Tun,
Well, it was a huge change that our nation was experiencing during the years of your administration. That can’t be denied. But what’s all the fuss about Abdullah being the PM or the current head of our government? I mean, you personally chose him for some reasons that you yourself know well, right? Why don’t we just give him the time and chance to administer the nation with his best? The fact is that no one is perfect for life, there is only mistakes and growth..
Well, corruption is evident throughout history of Malaya, thats for sure. I personally believe that soon or one day these people will fall if they keep on with their way of doing things. That’s always the precise ending that is certain to befall them. Even ourselves have done badly in the past, like racism and unfair treatments, but sure there is change that is about to occur any time now. What we see is always surfaces, not the real entity of the person. What comes around goes around, it’s a cycle, never ending…
the best thing to do now is focus on what we can really do rather than the mistakes or mischiefs that people do, simple. Just some generalized opinion. Thats all, thanks.
Saya pelik bila baca dari komen bukan melayu…mereka suka sangat kata melayu ni recist tapi bila nak campur satu sekolah dia tak nak, nak cakap bahasa melayu pun tak nak, tulis lagilah…Dulu masa nak diberikan kerakyatan setuju pulak jadikan bahasa melayu bahasa kebangsaan.Sedarlah kalau nak perubahan org cina perlu sekolahkan anak-anak mereka dalam satu sekolah..hapuskan sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan agama ,masukan pelajaran dalam satu sekolah termasuk subjek dalam sekolah agama. Biarkan mereka bercampur dalam satu sekolah.kalau tidak mahu berubah sistem tu, macamana nak harap orang melayu berubah dan nak jadikan malaysia malaysian.So lu pikirlah sendiri
Salam Tun,
Saya setuju dengan zachary64….please Syed Alwi publish the list, make us proud.we want facts not only talk.
you have a point there, tun. it’s a built up of all those suppressed disappointment and frustration, so, i guess the tagline, Deny BN of 2/3 majority really hit home with a lot of them and everyone wanted change, that’s for sure.
but i also strongly believe we have to maintain the race afterall we have our own roots, but i think why not put Malaysian then fill in Chinese, Malay, Indian. I think we have can achieve the bangsa malaysia status, but realistically pov of course.
Asalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Sewaktu Tun menjadi PM dahulu, kita semua orang-orang melayu merasa begitu yakin dengan kerjaan yang memerintah kerana kerjaan yang terbentuk pada zaman Tun adalah sebuah kerajaan yang stabil dan kuat,
Kekuatan kerajaan pada waktu itu adalah disebabkan ketajaman pemikiran pucuk pinpinan dan mempunyai wawasan yang jelas, seterusnya wawasan itu dijiwai oleh setiap rakyat Malaysia. Semua bangsa Malaysai bersatu hati menjayakan wawasan tersebut demi kecermelangan BANGSA MALAYSIA, bukan bangsa melayu, cina ,india atau mana-mana kaum, walaupun begitu kepentingan setiap kaum sentiasa terpelihara.
Setelah pengunduran Tun, kita merasakan penganti adalah orang yang memiliki ketajaman minda yang sama dan berharap apa yang telah dilaksanakan akan diteruskan.
malang sekali nasib kita, apabila pemimpin yang menerajui negara sekarang adalah dari mereka yang TIDAK BERWAWASAN DAN BERKARISMA.pemimpin memimpin dengan halatuju yang kabur, menyebabkan rakyat tercari-cari halatuju sendiri, kedaan ini menyebabkan pembangkang mengambil kesempatan memainkan isu perkauman untuk meraih undi.
Jelas sekali, punca keadaan ini adalah disebabkan kepinpinan yang lemah, yang membiarkan rakyat memperjuangkan wawsan masing-masing mengikut kehendak dan kepentingan sendiri. hasilnya, Bangsa malaysia telah kehilangan momentum, dan berada dalam wawasan yang kabur.
Tidak mustahil dalam situasi ini, peristiwa 13 mei akan berulang kembali, jika pemimpin membiarkan dirinya dipengaruhi oleh rakyat dan bukanya memimpin rakyat. apakah ini maknanya kebebasan dan keterbukaan yang diperjuangkan oleh pemimpin sekarang.
Apakah kerana dengan nama kebebasan dan keterbukaan kita semua terpaksa bermusuhan dan mengadaikan maruah dan bangsa Malaysia.
Jelas sekali pemimpin-pemimpin yang ada sekarang sebenarnya tidak tahu memimpin, walaupun rata-rata menteri yang ada sekarang adalah terdiri dari mereka yang pernah berkhidmat dengan Tun, tetapi baru sekarang kita sedar sebenarnya semua menteri-menteri yang ada sekarang adalah bukan memimpin,
Semua mereka kelihatan berkarisma keran dipinpin oleh Individu yang berkarisma.
terima kasih Pak lah kerana telah mencatat noda hitam dalam sejarah pembinaan BANGSA MALAYSIA
Dear Malaysians,
I write in response for the uncalled for – racial provocation by Tun Mahathir. Singapore cannot and should not have a Malay PM or President until Malaysian politicians like Tun – stops playing the racial card.
We cannot have a situation whereby Malaysian politicians can pressure a Singaporean Malay PM – by playing the racial issue – which is what your Tun Mahathir wants to do.
As for Singapore and Malaysia – the facts speak for themselves. Malaysian Malays have become addicted to Special Privileges and Ketuanan Melayu. They cannot function without the tongkat, wheel-chair and ambulance !
Singapore Malays have done very well in a meritocratic system by competing in a multi-racial environment. Singapore Malays have achieved TRUE SUCCESS without resorting to Kuota Bumiputera, UMNO corruption nor Ketuanan Melayu.
UMNO Malays are in fact very frightened of Singapore Malays ! Why ? Because we are living proof that the racialism of Tun Mahathir is pure nonsense !
Indeed – NOT ONE person here dare to challenge me on the issue of Malay Responsibilities. It seems to me that UMNO Malays want Special Privileges BUT they do NOT want the Responsibilities that comes along with it. Indeed – since when did UMNO ever talk of responsibility ? NEVER ! Mereka hanya pandai minta hak dan peruntukan Melayu. Tanggungjawab mana ? Langsong perasaan bertanggungjawab takde ! Semua nak makan free !
And another thing. Malaysia is rich in resources. Yet where are the Malay scientists, engineers and professionals ? Tun Mahathir sent thousands of Malays overseas to study. Where are the inventions and innovations of Proton’s Malay engineers ? Where are the discoveries of Malay Biologists in Malaysia – given that Malaysia is rich in flora and fauna ?
SATU HABOK PUN TAK DE. Yang ada si Tun Mahathir yang hanya pandai melaungkan slogan Ketuanan Melayu ! Hak Melayu !
Tun Mahathir – kalau tak mampu untuk bertanggungjawab – tolong jangan minta hak ! Hak patut di-imbangi oleh tanggungjawab. Di mana letaknya tanggungjawab Melayu ?
JJJ aka Jeng3
first and foremost – you need to learn respect – you get respect when you give respect.
Secondly, learn to understand that my comments in this blog originally was to Tun. Of course you’re his minnion so you’ll get your knickers all twisted, but son, the comments were to Tun, not you.
Try to understand that – now go back to your corner, and come out only when you know when & how to speak…
And don’t take things personally – it’s not going to do your blood pressure any good.
Love you brother…
“Dont be afraid of success!”
Banyak2 komen mie… larat ke Tun baca? Tun kan cbuk… Sian kt Tun… Smoga Tun panjang umur.
Dulu hanya ade seorang Mahathir. Skrag dah ade 9 juta Mahathir. Kiteorg akan truskan perjuangan Tun. Ckit2 pun jadila.
Salam Tun,
1) I normally avoid accusing others as racist due to the fact that those who say so, are actually the true racist.
2) I agree that act of racism is greater now than any time during your tenure as the PM.
3) ‘REJECT RACIAL POLITICS’ is only a slogan to get sympathy which will turn into votes.
4) Politicians, the moment they open their mouth, if they are Chinese they will ask for more Chinese schools and so on, and if they are Indians they will ask for more Tamil schools and so on. They talk about their own race only but yet shout about rejection of race based politics. Rubbish…. Soon the Indons, Thais, Bangla, Myanmar, Philipinos etc will have their own list of request. Anyone keen to take the lead? HINDRAF succeeded.
5) Prof P Ramasamy talk about inequality in the civil service and make some wild accusation, again on the basis of race.
6) The fact is, today, it is not only the Chinese or Indian who will NOT get a reply in their job application. It happens to Malays too. Why make racial issue by saying the government did it only to Non Malays. Act of racism and manipulation.
7) It can happen to anyone and not only in job application.It is not uncommon to hear Building Plan submitted for approval would go missing. Soon someone like Ramasamy will use it as a racial issue to get popular. The PBT perceived as Malay and the developers as Non Malays. Anyone keen to get popular?
7) My father retired as a Policemen in 1973, he loved his job. He had only one complain, lack of opportunity for promotion.
8) My brother retired from the Polce force in the 90’s and his reason for leaving is also about promotion.
9) Recently my nephew who is also in the Police force talks about quiting for the same reason. If they are non Malay they’ll surely have a strong case, but who cares?
10) Malays are facing the same dilema when it comes to working for the government, for that matter jobs anywhere, but only the Chinese or Indians would turn it into racial issue. I really cannot understand.
11) Recently someone said that Shah Rukh Khan was awarded the Datukship just to please the Indians. What????
11) Prove that those who accused others as racist are actually the TRUE RACIST!!!!!!!
6)’……regardless of the quality of their candidate getting the large number of votes to win so many more seats than they or anybody else expected.’
the above must be taken into much consideration during the next poll.
tun, why is ong kah teat so emotional?
i can still remember ling liong sik….
Dear Tun,
The very people to be blamed are the Malay themselves. Menang sorak, kampung tergadai.
Izinkan I nak mencelah,
To Liew on November 19, 2008 9:48 AM
Your comment:
100% agree with Onlooker on November 17, 2008 10:26 AM comments.
DAP, PKR & Gerakan allow all races and religion to join them what about UMNO? UMNO is no more for Malays but for Indian Muslim now. PAS is for Muslim, MIC for Indian and MCA for Chinese. Can you see the difference? BN need to change now or cannot see the light in future. I support Malaysia Malaysian and we all must stop calling each other names or terms like
Taking away UMNO’s right to steal always induces racial comments from those who have the most to lose – the UMNOputras.
Mahathir polished the crutch-system to such a fine art that all financial institutions in the country have become UMNO’s piggy bank. Look at Bank Bumiputra, Bank Rakyat, Bank Islam, Bank Pembangunan, Bank Pertanian. Billions upon billions of capital infusions.
A’kum Tun dan yg lain-lain.
Cita-cita untuk menjadikan Malaysian Malaysia ni sebijik mcm rancangan British dulu untuk menubuhkan Malaysia Union, cuma diorang tak sebut lagi utk menghapuskan hak-hak istimewa raja-raja melayu, tapi kalau ianya terlaksana, lambat-laun raja-raja melayu pun nak dilenyapkan.
Kalau race lain sincere untuk hak kesamarataan, kenapa masih ckp dlm bahasa ibunda mrk walhal kami org melayu berada bersama-sama, ini berlaku dalam kerja saya di mana dlm satu-satu jabatan itu ramai pulak org cina (jabatan kerajaan), bila diorang nak bincang perkara-perkara yg mana tak mahu kami tahu mrk akan ckp dlm bahasa cina padahal kami ada BERsama-sama. Isn’t it very rude? Nak kata tak fasih berbahasa melayu dan inggeris, tak juga. Mereka ini golongan profesional dan bukan calang-calang profesion. Apa yg mereka cuba sembunyikan tu? ‘share’lah sama-sama. Macam mana kami nak trust you all?
Saya juga amat bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun yg org melayu ramai mengundi pembangkang krn kelemahan pemimpin sekarang. Pada pandangan saya, bukan hanya pemimpin tertinggi yg lemah tapi juga berlaku diperingkat bahagian atau kawasan. Ramai yg mata duitan dan tidak layak atau tidak berkebolehan sibuk nak jadi pemimpin. Org macam ni tak layak jadi ahli UMNO pun, kerana mereka ada kepentingan peribadi. Mana perginya semangat dan matlamat asal penubuhan UMNO dulu? Kenapa disekat org-org profesional dari menjadi ahli? Yg saya nampak byk kaki-kaki bodek, talam dua muka, pencuri dan pembohong yg menjadi ahli UMNO dan mereka ini menggunakan kabel atau label”ahli politik” untuk mencapai apa yg dihajati sama ada nak naik pangkat dalam kerja atau nak dapat projek. mereka ini sanggup memburuk-burukkan org lain dan menikam kawan dari belakang, tak kisah dengan dosa pahala, rezeki haram atau halal asalkan apa yg dihajati tercapai. Saya sebagai pemerhati jijik dengan org-org seperti ini yg mengaku kononnya merekalah pejuang org melayu. Hamnpeh!
Mungkin UMNO perlu melakukan kusrus kesedaran sivik dan menerapkan nilai-nilai sebenar seorang pejuang bangsa kepada semua ahlinya, jangan ingat nak glamer aje bila jadi ahli UMNO. Mereka ini juga perlu diperbetulkan.
Kita perlukan pemimpin yg betul-betul berjiwa melayu, ikhlas dan paling penting berkebolehan untuk memimpin. Ni tidak, yg ada tu kelayakan akademik pun tak seberapa tapi berlagak pandai mengalahkan pakar, kerja semua hampeh. Bukan nak mengata meraka tak sekolah tinggi, tapi itulah hakikatnya,kebnyakan yg macm ni ada agenda peribadi, pas tu mesti ada anak menantu turt berlagak samseng dan ingat rakyat takut dengan mrk hanya kerana mereka tu keluarga seorang YB.
Saya sayangkan bangsa sya dan saya berbangga dengan asal usul saya. Saya percaya kaum lain juga sedemikian, masing-masing bangga dengan kaum masing-masing. Masing-masing nak hidup dengan lebih baik. Masing-masing nak hidup dengan lebih harmoni. Dalam keghairahan memperjuangkan nasib kaum masing-masing, jangan pijak kaum lain atau cuba menghapuskan hak-hak meraka. Sebelum sibuk mengkritik orang lain, cerminlah diri sendiri dulu, adakah sudah cukup bagus untuk menghentam kaum lain?
Negara ini tidak mengamalkan DASAR APARTHEID. Kalau betul, saya heran kenapa senarai Lelaki Malaysia paling kaya (dari nombor 1-10) kebanyakkannya bukan melayu. Agaknya kalau nombor 1-1000 semua bukan melayu, baru puas hati? Janganlah cemburu dengan melayu yg berjaya. Dan melayu yg berjaya janganlah mneyombong dan mudah lupa asal usul kita.
Sekian, wassalam.
Dear Tun,
The reality is, UMNO MUST clean up or Malaysia will turn into another wash out country. Following behind Sudan, DR Congo, Kosovo, Palestine, Philipines, etc…
UMNO adalah harapan Malaysia. Tugas pertama dan Utama Najib dan ahli MT yang baru mesti lah untok membersihkan UMNO.
Jangan asik dengan rhetoric sahaja. Seperti kata orang dulu, Macam TIN KOSONG. Cakap aja tapi tak ada isi sama sekali. Seperti ketam kosong dan busuk.
Di mana ada kemahuan Di situ ada jalan (Hang Tuah) – Bukan di mana ada cakap di situ boleh jadi kah???
Ada seorang Chedetan merumuskan bahawa untok memerangi politik wang – broker broker yang nak menjadi perantara Calun dan pengundi MESTI di bentras dulu. Juga pada whistle blowers di beri ganjaran lumayan dan perlindungan. Ini ada lah saranan yang baik.
Tak kan ahli jawatan kuasa disciplin sampai sekarang tak tahu hal hal sebegini. Tak de ke mereka buat kerja risik dan intelligence supaya mereka boleh lakar stragegi memerangi masalah ini.
Apa dah! – Yang mereka buat selama ini adalah mengelus dan mengulas – seperti sudah putus asa. Bebal bin Lembab sungguh – incompetent.
Tahu cakap aja – tindakkan tak ada.
Wake up UMNO mana tenaga, idea, semangat dan perjuang baru dan muda.
Mana Pemuda dan Pemudi yang boleh suntikkan idea2 yang innovative and creative. Pemuda dan Pemuda yang akan membawa satu perubahan paradigm di dalam UMNO.
CHANGE requires a shift in thinking and approach. That is actually what we can learn from the victory of OBAMA.
He is a young 47 years old President of USA. Our Pemudas are older then HIM???
Macam mana UMNO nak berubah?…..as they all have to go thru the “education and assimilation” tunnel…then when they come out at the end of the tunnel – they have became as per their predecessors ..their minds condition like their elders…So how to change???
Tun was fortunate as he did not go thru the same milling process. He was an outsider and always has been. he did not go thru the mill.
Unfortunately najib has always been an insider and when thru the normal milling process. Can we expect any better from him…
Najib MUST not stay too long. We need new fresh blood and ideas.
Najib must come in; regain UMNO’s pre pak Lah glory and step down for new blood. The promise of new blood will help in his task to regain UMNO’s position as the Premier Party in Malaysia.
Salam Tun,
Terima kasih kepada Dr.Syed Alwi Ahmad dari Singapore yang beri komen.
Bagi saya komen Dr. itu kurang tepat…..
Melayu Malaysia bukan tidak bertanggungjawab. Kami sedih juga semenjak kami kehilangan Singapura. Sehingga menjadikan Melayu Singapura sekarang macam hamba abdi…..
Bila dah jadi macam hamba abdi….maka saya nak tanya dr. syed…..takde ke perasaan nak merdeka…???? merdeka dari penjahan bangsa Cina…???? bukankah Cina singapura datang dari negara China..??
tapi dalam kes melayu singapura….beza mereka dengan hamba abdi dari negara lain ialah…..mereka bebas….agama pun…dengar cerita…ramai juga melayu singapura yang dah “”murtad””…..
dan zina dan anak luar nikah bagi Melayu singapore perkara biasa….wanita melayu kat singapura….cara pakainya pun …. seksi dan seksa…..
sebagai seorang muslimlah…..apakah tanggungjawab dr.syed alwi membetulkan hala tuju masyarakat Islam di singapura….
saya berdoa….semoga melayu singapura dapat mengembangkan ajaran Islam di sana…..
jangan lah pulak ajaran sesat menguasai masyarakat melayu islam kat sana….
dan salah seorang daripadanya pengembangnya barangkali dr. syed…..dan janganlah pulak cuba nak kembangkannya kat melayu di malaysia ni….
kalu dr. nak melayu malaysia menjalankan tanggungjawab….jawpannya kami sudah melakukannya….kami sudah menaikkan nama dan imej Islam ke serata dunia….
pemimpin kami … Tun Mahathir….adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab menaikkan nama Islam dan nama Melayu ke seluruh dunia….
dalam masa yang sama…Tun Mahathir dan melayu malaysia masih belum mahu merampas hak kaum lain di malaysia…..
kerana melayu malaysia bertanggungjawab…..mereka belum tergamak lagi merampas hak kaum lain….walaupun peluang itu ada…
melayu malaysia akan menguasai ekonomi malaysia dengan caranya yang tersendiri….
malangya hasrat kami terbantut….kalu Jambatan Bengkok diteruskan oleh Abdullah Badawi….ekonomi Melayu malaysia akan lebih hebat dari ekonomi melayu singapura….
kami tak sangka…Abdullah itu rupa-rupanya Abdul Lee Kuan Yew…..
harap-harap si keparat “Abdul Lee Kuan Yew” itu cepat insaf dan bertaubat….kalu mam…..hapus lagi bagus….
Salam sejahtera Tun,
Kepada Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad 18, Nov’08 5:39pm..
> Pada saya, di S’pore, pemerintahannya lebih dasyat…selamanya perkauman…sebab terang2 lagi PM S’pore tu kata orang Melayu tidak boleh jadi Pemimpin kat sana.
> Orang Melayu S’pore atau Islam kat sana boleh ke dapat Rights and Special Privileges etc…jika u all mintak hatta ugut nak bunuh diri sekalipun???Huhhh???
> Sebenarnya, mentaliti Melayu/Islam kat Malaysia ni amat baik sekali…baik hati sebab ugama rasmi negara kami Malaysia mengajar kami agar berbuat baik sesama makhluk dan jangan melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi…sabar, syukur dll.
> Tentang tanggungjawab…amat berat tuuu, kami dah lakukan sebaik mungkin dan lagi berat untuk kami melaksanakannya supaya jadi terbaik, contohnya: mempertahankan janji yang termetrai oleh pemimpin2 terdahulu…eloklah Dr Syed Alwi baca artikel2 yang berkenaan oleh Tun didlm blog ini…
> Kami sememangnya sedang dan akan memperjuangkan tahap maksima segala tanggungjawab dan amanah, namun inilah ujian-ujian yang perlu kami orang-orang Melayu hadapi sekarang…yakni, manusia tamak, gila harta dan kuasa dll.
> Dengan izin-NYA, kami berjaya, insy. Amin.
> Terima kasih Tun, sayang selalu.
P/S : Kami doakan saudara2 kami berjaya di sana dan semoga kejayaan Allah SWT berikan kepada semua-Amin.
I agree with ZACHARY64.
Syed Alwi why don’t u list down the number?
Especially in Army, Navy, Airforce & Police. (I really want to know about this)
Compare it with Malaysia, the ratio.
If u cannot proof this then u a just a dreamer with PRIDE & ARROGANT in your face.
Selamat pagi Tun,
Semoga Tun dalam keadaan yang sihat.
Izikan Tun….
To:Syed Alwi Ahmad on November 18, 2008 5:39 PM
I bukan melayu, I dah baca dan faham buku “Malay Dilema by Mahathir Mohamad” dan surat yang Tun telah tulis kepada Tunku Abdul Rahman sebelum 13 Mei, 1969. Well, in terms of nationality, we are indeed different.
Anyway, as a Malaysian, I, bagi pihak rakyat Malaysia (may I Tun?), to welcome you to participate “online discussion” in che det blog, of course I have to thank Tun for practicing the true meaning of democracy by approving your comment.
Under Tun’s leadership, Tun has opted “look east” policy in the 80’s, and has diversified his policies by looking at domestic (Malaysia), north, middle, down south (Singapore) and west after 1997. As a human being, Tun believes that we should love our neighbours, and the world. Did Singapore’s Mr Lee did this?
Thus, eventhough our Tun is no longer our PM and the UMNO member, our Tun can spend more time in educating and communicating with the rakyat, to show his love and passion for the country. Tun kata, “Duit Tak Penting” dalam dunia ini, kalau manusia hanya kayakan diri secara “merompak dan berperang” tak berperikemanusiaan dan berbermoral lah. Did Mr Lee made this statement in Singapore and to our MCA and DAP leaders?????
Before Obama get elected, he bought votes by telling the American that “China is the American’s Rival” under his leadership, and it was only about 17% of the American who voted in this election, does this make sense to you? It looks like the American has lost her nationality and economy due to their idea of capitalism and democracy without regulations, don’t you agreed?
The next day, Mr Wen Jia Pao, China, has asked the rich worlds after China’s bail-out for the US economy (US500 billion in total) to support the poor and emerging countries to fight for Global Warming”, but he was rejected by these countries. Later, China announced stimulus of US586 billion for China domestic and fiscal spending open to their government, and to the local and international private companies. What is Hsien Loong’s policy now?
Well, now the Japanese opted not to trust the West like before, and it was shown in their box office movies and TV dramas lah. I wonder whether you realize or not?
Just wondering how Singapore is going to solve this “masalah duit”. By spinning or brain-wash the Singaporean, Malaysia’s malay, chinese and indian? Aiyah, forget about it lah, because Malaysia has grow up to love and respect their “bangsa” more.
If you have further queries, kindly comment, I welcome you, Tun, boleh kan?
Good day Tun.
cina berjiwa bangsa Malaysia
Best Regards
Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad
mari la kita sama-sama hapuskan kebencian perkauman…jgan peningkan kepala…kita bersatu…memandang jauh kehadapan…walaupun ianya dipenuhi kekaburan dan kesamaran…kerana ianya pasti kita menempuhnya dengan bersama-sama…demi negara yang satu ini…MALAYSIA…
To Dr. Syed Alwi Ahmad,
Thank you for speaking up and opening our eyes. Singaporean Malays should be proud of themselves that they are able to succeed on their own merits without any special privileges.
Compare this to Malaysian Malays who demand for this privilege and that privilege and are not willing to put in any effort to succeed. And their reason for not being successful? That the non-Malays have taken away their rights. That the non-Malays have robbed them of their success. They follow the twisted logic that the success of the non-Malays have been the cause of the failure of the Malays.
To Zachary64,
I challenge you to produce the real reasons as to why Malays in Malaysia are considered not successful in spite of representation in the government, civil service, army, navy, airforce, and the police force.
Sebenarnya saya undi BN selama ini kerana protest DAP. Bukan kerana saya sokong BN.
*Your argument does not hold water.
from the way you guys hentam syed alwi, it only shows 1 thing and that is u guys live under the shell for too long… what syed alwi mentioned is so true to the bone..
malays in singapore were never given priveleges and for the sake of everyone and information of all, singapore had its first malay top student last year beating hundreds of thousands of other chinese… that is what people say work hard and strive for success… wat has malaysia achieved? 23 As top student?? 21 As top student?? what a laughing stock we are trying to be… if u put these 21A student in Sg, GB (gagal berhenti) terus.
let’s just stick to the part of msian malays vs sg malays.
and someone said singapore is part of tanah melayu.. u are not that intellectual the way you wrote.. sigh.. go read ur history la… singapore was only part of malaya for a short period of time (from 1963 to 1965).. before they joined malaya, they were a just another nation themselves la
u talk abt malays having no voice.. that is so not true.. do u know sg govt builds mosque and islamic centres for sgporean malays for free? does the msia govt openly build temples, churches and kuils for us??
do u know that sg govt gives upto 1k to every working citizen every year (non taxable?) wat do the msians get on the other hand? do u know that sg govt identifies top student who are unfortunate irrespective of race, helps them financially all the way to Uni? Down in Msia, people like Saiful who failed 2 semesters get govt scholarship on the other hand..
though life in sg can be too programmed, too predictable but that is how the country is.. look at sg today, 50 years ahead of msia in terms of development and top 5 richest country in the world.. where does msia stand? no shame kah? and yet we wanna talk big!
Assalamualaikum Tun & chedet bloggers,
if i understand ur tone wrongly, then pls forgive me for my subsequent words. having to comment singapore that they are racist and what not is akin to a singaporean telling it back to msians. are u not able to see the similarities in msia too? at least cermin diri dulu sebelum nak komen orang lain.. why kisah sangat penduduk asal is cina or melayu.. australia penduduk asal bukan orang putih tapi PM dia dari dulu orang putih.. do u think ur comment hold substance? look at sg and australia today, they are like 50years ahead of us.. mana pulak malaysia dari segi perkembangan? tak malu ke?
greetings dr.m,
from ur writings or if someone wrote if for u, anyhow irrespective carries a heavy tone of biasness and discrimination..
first you had to say “violent hindraf indians” then as usual ur hatred towards singapore (the non-chinese pm). it made me wanna laugh for ur wise age to be so kiddish.. live and let live..
singapore is being open to tell everyone that they are not ready for a non chinese pm.. wat abt u or badawi? anyone can be pm is like giving the country a HOPELESS HOPE.. cakap tapi serupa tak cakap.. so what is the point?
do you need to be so critical of the so-called “violent hindraf indians”? i bet you forgotten ur roots that u were of the indian blood too… shame on u.
are you aware of status according to Singapore Constitution ?
FYI, Status of Malays in Singapore
Although many Malays in Singapore are generally of mixed descent, they are still recognised as indigenous people of Singapore by the Singapore Constitution, Part XIII, General Provisions, Minorities and special position of Malays, section 152:
The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.
dear tun
saya kesian tenguk kedah sekarang…
To Syed Alwi,
Again we have to remind you that Tun’s article is on Racism & 2008 election. Why did you to bring in this irrelevant issue about the Malay President in Singapore ?
We are aware that the position of the President is just is largely ceremonial while the prime minister is the head of the government.
Are you aware of the historical facts that the first Singapore President or The last Yang di-Pertuan Negara was a Malay by the name Tuan Yusof bin Ishak ?
Based on the the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore, any qualified Singapore citizen irregardless of the ethnicity can be appointed by the so-called Meritocracy System.So the issue of whether a Malay could not be appointed as the President or PM does not arise here in the first place according to the ‘Meritocracy System’.
Tun Mahathir is an objective leader rather than emotional one.Why should he pressure “a Malay President of Singapore” to do Malaysia’s bidding on the ethinicity issue ? IF Tun is still the PM, that is the last thing he would do. If he still in power today, he would go ahead with the crook scenic bridge, renegotiate on the water supply term and that is unfair to Malaysia but very fair to Singapore. Where can you get 3 sen for 1000 litre supply of water this day ? We’ll see when the water agreement expire on year 2011.
Your statement -We Singapore Malays do NOT ask special privileges etc and yet we can succeed. ?
Good to know that you all are succesful over there. If that is the case, why there’s only ONE SOLITARY Malay Minister to be in charge of not a strategic position, Minister in charge of the Environment ?
If you were to look at the population ratio , the Malays are vey much underrepresented in the Singapore Government.
If you are qualified, why you have been denied the top position in the army, navy, airforce and the police force ?
Syed Alwi, I challenge you to list the number of the Malay Minister, top government officers, successful corporate businessmen,professionals ,Military General and Police Top Brass as TO SUBSTANTIATE YOUR STATEMENT.
If you could publish the list, then your people over here will salute and feel proud of Malays’ success in Singapore.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Hari ni saya tak berapa suka tengok gambar fesyen baju Datin Rosmah masa bergambar dengan Roger Federer dan kawan-kawannya.
Pada saya ia menggambarkan nilai-nilai Kristian.
Saya tak kata yang penasihat fesyen Datin Rosmah cuba menampakkan nilai-nilai Kristian pada beliau,tetapi itulah trend fesyen terkini di Malaysia.
Pada fikiran saya pintu masuk trend fesyen ini adalah melalui anjuran anugerah-anugerah dalam industri seni.
Kelihatan banyak sekali terpampang corak salib besar dalam fesyen yang tidak disedari walaupun berwarna amat terang sekali,iaitu berwarna MERAH.
Datin Rosmah dan Datuk Najib perlu berhati-hati dalam soal fesyen terkini.
Terima kasih Tun.
Tun, I agree with you. Malaysian politics is about upholding the different races especially the minorities who were originally not from this country. They hate the majority Malays and Islam and because of this kind of attitude, the racial politics will forever be relevant in Malaysia. Non Malay leaders are hiding behind liberalism but yet pushing hard to show to their community that their mother tongue and culture comes first while the Malay leaders are trying hard to please these minorities.
Sampai hari kiamat pun, mereka tidak akan ada perasaan hormat terhadap orang Melayu dan Islam. Dan sampai hari kiamat pun, orang Melayu tak akan bersatu.
Racial politics will forever be the Malaysian way of life. A strong and hard Malay leader is what is needed to lead the Malaysian.
saya sokong statement anakmerdeka. Untuk Singaporean Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad’s, saya harap dia lihat balik ke belakang dimana melayu sebelum merdeka. Mungkin waris pejuang kemerdekaan paham apa yang Tun cuba sampaikan. Mungkin bangsa lain lupa yang melayu bersuara atas dasar hak pribumi dan juga agama dimana Islam agama rasmi dan apabila kenyataan mengenai hak melayu dipertikai samalah dengan mempertikai hak agama Islam disebabkan Islam itu menjadi pegangan kukuh bagi melayu Islam. Dalam Agama Islam hak individu islam diutamakan dalam pentadbiran tanpa menolak hak kebebasan agama lain. Bermakna hak melayu islam lebih dari bangsa dan agama lain tidak dapat dinafikan. Jadi bila nak mempertikaikan sesuatu perkara, hak orang islam tidak harus dipinggirkan. Kenapa melayu bersuara sekarang , boleh pikir la…sendiri. Fahamilah dan kaji islam.
100% agree with Onlooker on November 17, 2008 10:26 AM comments.
DAP, PKR & Gerakan allow all races and religion to join them what about UMNO? UMNO is no more for Malays but for Indian Muslim now. PAS is for Muslim, MIC for Indian and MCA for Chinese. Can you see the difference? BN need to change now or cannot see the light in future. I support Malaysia Malaysian and we all must stop calling each other names or terms like
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Izinkan saya komen tentang seorang “Melayu Singapura” yang mengaku “Muslim” iaitu “Dr” Syed Alwi Ahmad.
Pada saya Syed Alwi berhak memberi pendapat peribadinya seperti orang lain. Tetapi beliau tidak layak mengherdik Tun Mahathir. Kalau beliau mendakwa kononnya pangkal namanya ada “Dr” ia bolehlah disamakan dengan Tun kerana ada “Dr” di depannya.
TETAPI Dr Mahathir jika menulis dan berhujah tidak pernah mengeluarkan kata-kata kasar. Malangnya “Dr” Syed Alwi Ahmad dari Singapura ini berhujah atau menulis mampu mengeluarkan bahasa berbau “Najis Lee Kuan Yu”. Ternyata Syed Alwi ini seorang Melayu Singapura yang “kaki bodek” kerajaan Singapura dan saya beranggapan seorang “dr” yang seperti Melayu yang telah “ditindik hidungnya”, apa Cina Singapura buat pada kaum Melayunya … beliau akan mengaminkan saja.
Kepada Syed Alwi, saya ada ramai saudara-mara di Singapura. Tinjauan saya kepada saudara-mara saya di sana, mereka kagum dengan kebijaksanaan Dr Mahathir dalam mentadbir negara Malaysia. Begitu juga kelantangan Dr Mahathir dalam mempertahankan ketidak-adilan dasar Luar Amerika Syarikat dan negara-negara dunia ke-3. Berbanding dengan Lee Kuan Yu apa yang bekas PM kamu perjuangkan untuk masyarakat dunia? Orang Melayu di Singapura kena tindik seperti kerbau pun seorang Melayu seperti kamu masih mahu pertahankan.
Tidak dinafikan seorang Melayu ( kononnya seperti Syed Alwi ini ) yang semangat kenegaraannnya amat menebal boleh jugalah dibanggakan. Yang ditakutkan oleh warga Singapura seperti seorang Melayu bijak seperti Tun Mahathir ini jika memerintah negara ialah:
1. Membina Jambatan Bengkok di Selat Tebrau bg menggantikan Tambak Johor ( Johor-Singapura ). Jika terbinanya jambatan ini, maka Singapura khuatiri setidak-tidaknya hasil pelabuhan di Singapura akan berkurangan kerana kapal-kapal dari barat dan timur tidak akan berlabuh di Singapura sebaliknya akan berlabuh di perairan / pelabuhan di Johor. Kita ketahui pelabuhan Singapura mendatangkan hasil yang besar kepada Singapura. Disebabkan kebodohan PM Malaysia sekarang ini, beliau telah dipermainkan dan diperbodohkan dengan berbagai helah oleh penasihat beliau dari Singapura seperti KALAMULLAH dan KHAIRY kerana dua bangsat ini dikhuatiri adalah ejen kepada Singapura. Saya berharap selepas berundurnya Dolah yang bodoh itu nanti, kerajaan Malaysia akan menyambung projek wawasan Dr Mahathir itu kembali yang ternyata akan banyak memberi keuntungan kepada negara pada masa-masa akan datang.
2. Langkah bijak PM seperti Tun yang lalu iaitu menurunkan nilai “Ringgit” berbanding “Dollar Singapura” telah mengubah haluan membeli-belah rakyat Malaysia ke Singapura TETAPI bertukar rakyat Singapura pula membeli-belah di Malaysia. Ia sedikit sebanyak telah mengurangkan income Singapura dari wang rakyat Malaysia ke negara tersebut.
3. Satu lagi langkah bijak Tun ialah membesarkan kemudahan-kemudahan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Malaysia untuk senang kapal-kapal besar dari luar berlabuh terus di Malaysia. Dulu kita terpaksa menggunakan pelabuhan Singapura untuk mengangkut barangan yang sepatutnya dipunggah terus di Malaysia. Ini ternyata banyak mengurangkan kos pengangkutan malah ternyata urusan penghantaran ternyata lebih cepat dari sebelum.
4. Idea Tun Mahathir untuk pembinaan lapangan terbang besar seperti KLIA juga ternyata dapat menjimatkan kos pengangkutan kargo dari Udara terus ke Malaysia, tidak perlu melalui Singapura seperti dahulunya. Ia juga banyak merugikan Singapura. Bukan sahaja kargo udara tetapi rakyat kita juga dapat menjimatkan masa dengan kapal terbang besar dapat mendarat terus di KLIA.
5. Agenda Singapura untuk mendapatkan Pulau Batu Putih telah berjaya di bawah kepimpinan Dolah yang bodoh ini. Jika PM Malaysia yang bijak seperti Tun Mahathir, saya cukup yakin pulau tersebut tidak akan meenjadi milik Singapura. Singapura seperti kita ketahui kekurangan daratan. Sejak pemerintahan Tun Mahathir yang masa itu bercadang dan telah mula membina Jambatan Bengkok bagi menggantikan Tambak Johor telah mula menakutkan Singapura kerana sudah pasti pelabuhannya akan terjejas. Dengan itu saya percaya Singapura mula dan cuba mendapatkan pulau di sekitar perairan antara Johor dan Singapura. Tujuannya pada suatu hari nanti mereka akan menambak dari Tanah Besar Singapura ke pulau-pulau tersebut sepertimana yang kita lihat mereka menambak pasir di kawasan Timur-Laut Singapura untuk dikomersialkan. Tetapi langkah Singapura itu banyak menjejaskan perairan Johor di berhampiran kawasan tersebut.
6. Kenapa Syed Alwi yang kononya sangat petriotik kepada negaranya dan memuji Tunku kerana bekas PM Malaysia dulu tidak sebijak Tun Mahathir. Jika PM Malaysia bijak seperti Tun saya percaya Singapura tidak akan jatuh kepada Cina dan seterusnya berjaya keluar dari Maqlaysia dengan helah politik kotornya. Syed Alwi perlu sedar sebahagian Cina di Singapura itu bukanlah dari Singapura atau Malaysia tetapi dasar pememerintah Singapura ( selepas berjaya keluar dari Malaysia ) telah menarik ramai Cina dari negara Cina dan Hong Kong menjadi warga Singapura. Kalau Syed Alwi ini tahu mengira cuba Syed Alwi kira penduduk Cina warga Singapura yang asalnya pada tahun 1960 jika pada masa itu saya jangka kurang dari 300,000 orang ( kita andaikan ). Adalah mustahil selepas 48 tahun kaum Cina di Singapura boleh menjadi hampir 10 kali ganda jumlahnya sedangkan kita ketahui dasar kerajaan Singapura tidak menggalakkan rakyatnya beranak lebih dari 2 orang. Cuba Syed Alwi yang kononnya Melayu Singapura tetapi daif tentang “politik” yang Lee Kuan Yu telah mainkan. Betapa busuknya dan tamaknya Cina seperti Lee Kuan Yu itu. SAYA MUSYKIL ADAKAH SYED ALWI NI SEORANG MELAYU SINGAPURA?
7. Jika PM Malaysia terus dipimpin oleh seorang Melayu yang bodoh, saya khuatir suatu hari nanti Singapura akan terus mempermainkan Malaysia dengan perjanjian berat sebelah dan agenda mereka yang busuk seperti mana “PERJANJIAN BEKALAN AIR MENTAH” yang mana pada sebelum 1960an nilai 5 sen dianggap sama nilainya pada tahun 2000 an. Di sini kerajaan Malaysia harus sedar betapa busuknya dan jahatnya niat Singapura yang tidak mahu bertolak ansur dalam urusan menilai air mengikut harga semasa.
Kepada Syed Alwi, niat bekas PM kami yang bijak seperti Tun Mahathir bukanlah untuk menjatuhkan ekonomi Singapura tetapi beliau lebih memikirkan masa depan rakyatnya dan tidak mahu kebergantungan kepada negara asing. Selepas Dolah sebagai PM yg bodoh memerintah Malaysia, PM Melayu kami tidak akan lagi memberi walau seinci pun Tanah Melayu kepada Singapura lagi.
Sekian Tun. Maaf jika ada perkara yang Tun kurang senangi.
Salam Tun, Now I totally agree. But may I add. Possibly there are Malaysians out there who have already transpassed their racial origin, including the malays. Whatever lah…
The most important thing is that, we must not allow these blatant politicians to squabble so much and so often. Malaysians are mostly contented, and are happy with what they are enjoying right now, including the Chinese, even though they still prefer to indentify themselves on racial basis.
But of course the government should be more careful when disposing projects. Malaysians are watching with their eyes open and mind oftenly reacted.
salam Tun,
to ravi,
If you say YES then keep quiet,you big idiot!
Show respect to Tun.WHO ARE YOU IN COMPARISON?
Dear Tun,
I agree with most of your comments here especially on this article but since there are some views posted which i think quite disturbing and if without clarification would result in more misundertanding, I decided to post my first ever comment here. Please pardon me if I had hurt anyone with who dislike me pointing out the truth (Tun, you always knew how it was being unpopular for stating the truth as it hurts). I am a BN fan and i have voted for BN in the last election. So please dun start calling me “penderhaka” once you’ve read my comments.
1. Kita WAJIB mempertahankan kepentingan orang melayu. Ini tidak boleh dipersoalkan. TETAPI perkataan “kepentingan melayu” tadak boleh disalahgunakan sehingga boleh digunakan dalam sebarang keadaan.
2. Honestly, this is one of the reason why UMNO has been unpopular as they have abused the “term”. Non malays are not against defending malay rights but rather the intention of using it in all unwarranted circumstances until it hurts ALL Malaysians. Non malays are not allowed to be vocal even in the name of progress and the great potential of really capable MALAYS are hampered due to strong dependency.
3. And very much because of this, you see the management of our govt socially skewed. (Read the below only if you’re a fair and reasonable person. Otherwise, just skip it of the truth hurts) Please ponder for a while on the below questions and go around town to do some research:
– Why there are such a low % of non bumi in govt post. GO ask the interviewers what awkward (racial) questions they post to a non -malay.
– How often do you see a non-malay getting promoted in govt post even if he’s been of service for a long time and very competent.
– Have you ever been harrased/intimidated by people of authority to admit wrong just becasue you’re non malay and your case is against a malay.
– Tenders and contracts are very very hard to obtain for non malays. (a quota is fine but not making life difficult for people).
– If your answer to these dis-equality is because non malays are “pendatang” and thus they do not deserve promotion, a govt post, contracts even if they are competent – then I have nothing to say.
– Let me remind that the forefathers of non malays have worked hand in hand with locals / bumiputra for the sake of this beloved country called malaysia and this is OUR achievement. It seems that non bumi are to hire malays based on RULE but non malays are not hired because they are not entitled to.
Think of the above points and ask an honest and reasonable malay if she/he feels the same as these are the batch of people who in a sense may not have voted for Barisan. Because they knew how it was like during the early days where people from all walks of life gather in festivites, visit each other and treat each other as a person (not by race) , respect each others culture and religion and the spirit of “tolong menolong” and gotong royong was overwhelming.
All in all, racial politics is relevant but must be kept in check just like the days when Tun is the PM. Everyone knows that the malay rights are not to be question but the other race are quite happy if in the process of guarding the right, their basic rights (as a normal citizen) are not striped off.
Thank you for allowing this comment.
Tun, saya nak tanya pada semua, Dr. Syed Alwi Ahmad tu siapa? Naper dia hentam Tun dan org2 Melayu di Malaysia ni? Org Melayu ni buruk sgt ke sampai nak kena melutut kepada arahan org2 Cina? Bagus sgt ke org Cina sampai org Melayu x ada responsibility to shoulder? Org2 seperti Dr. Alwi ni la yg menjadi dalang kepada perpecahan org2 Melayu. Sama spt Anwar Ibrahim… Dah tiba masanya sy sebagai org Melayu mempertahankan hak dan tanggungjawab untuk menjaga hak kami org2 Melayu…. Bagus sgt ke Spore tu? Skrg da menuju muflis dan kehancuran ekonomi… Bagus.. bagus.. bagus…. minum la air Newater harap2 lepas ni makan daging manusia pulak.. hahahaa…Jgn risau… spore tu kecik jer…. lama2 ia akan tenggelam…..tenggelam dari segala segi…pls trust me… kelakar la…
Dear all…
Teh tarik anyone? Maybe ice lemon tea? Boy, it sure is hot inside here.
hi HBT…
actually i already send many comments to you but never came out in this blog. this blog is for people to express thie satisfaction and dissatisfaction not only to carry something else like what your are doing. so you dun hv to advice the other or comment about the others. just mind your own business. i really dun like people like you, who are busy body and like to bother the others. if u have any problem with me, your are free to email me at [email protected]…
salam Ayahanda Tun,
saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan dari TUN.
Kerajaan yang ada sekerang terlalu lemah,
dalam banyak hal, menampakan kerjaan kehilangan kawalan dan pengaruh, keadaan ini langsung tidak elok untuk memacu negara menuju wawasan 2020,
berbeza sekali jika dibandingkan dengan kerajaan di era Tun,kekuatan kerajaan yang ditonjolkan sewaktu era tun telah membakar semangat rakyat untuk berdiri di peringkat antarabangsa. tetapi sekarang, kelemahan kepinpinan menyebabkan rakyat juga turut merasa lemah.
Adalah ini yang dimaksudkan dengan kebebasan yang diperjungkan, sehingga kerjaan kehilangan kawalan, dan tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan kerjaan sekarang umpama BONEKA.
Marilah kita sama-sama menyokong Pak Lah semoga dengan sokongan yang membuta tuli nasib kita sekali lagi tergadai atau sejarah 500 tahun terjajah akan mengalami pusingan kedua.
Dear Tun,
I always thinking what you have been writing in this post.I bet every malaysians had known this,realize it..but most of us just pretending..
Racist is normal, people in different culture,religion and races always get into boundaries.No mater how close and good friends we are,there still boundaries between us.It was race,culture and religion.
It can’t mix up.Without it, we lost our identity and honour.But it can be tolerate.That is what Islam already show us back then how great prophet Muhammad SAW and the khalifah ruled.
Chedet is the sultan of spin. He can tell you “bukan saya bikin”, but you should all ask him what happened to all the NEP beneficiaries like Rafidah’s relatives, the AP Kings, Diam-diam Daim, Tajuddin Ramli, Abu Sahid, Syed Mokhtar. Ask Chedet why he thinks Razak Baginda can have a RM500 million contract.
Ask Chedet how UMNO is going to get out of money politics when the old guard that he nurtured such as Ali Rustam and Taib Muhammad are in the running for the deputy presidency. These two flourished under the Mahathir regime.
Ask Chedet how Daim managed to get a chinaman to bail out Tongkah, Mokhzani’s company. Ask Chedet how he managed to call Hassan Merican to bail out Mirzan. Or perhaps we should all wait till Hassan retires and writes his memoirs ?
Chedet is a hypocrite. For 22 years, he fostered racial politics to ensure his own survival, and now that he is retired, he is complaining. If I were the Tun, I would simply keep my mouth shut, because history would judge him better if he didn’t try to shift the blame on others.
Salam Tun,
The true fact is Singaporen Malays are 10 x better Malaysian Malays living standard.Singapore Malays still enjoy their live in most peaceful life and don’t forget that Majulah Singapura still in Malay language.The Singapore Malay children are more dyanamic then ours and they spoke better English then ours.Please Blame Corrupt UMNO’s for our Malay downfall.
Izinkan nak mencelah.
By Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad on November 18, 2008 5:39 PM
S. Alwi. Yang awak sebuk sangat nak ambik tahu hal2 kat Malaysia ni kenapa? Tak tahu malu nya Melayu S’pore sorang ni. Kalau dah gelar orang melayu, di hujung dunia duduk pun di kenali orang melayu.Cubit peha kanan peha kiri pun terasa sakit jugak. Tapi dari nama awak saya pasti awak tak layak digelar melayu pun. Awak keturunan dari negara Arab. Tak payah lah nak mengaku melayu pulak. Buat malu melayu saja.
Tapi apa2 pun saya rasa awak nak tumpang seronok melayari blog TUN kat sini. Itu lah istimewa nya Malaysia yang tak terdapat di S’pore yang awak sangat banggakan LKY.
Kat sana rakyat nya tertekan persaan dan jiwa kerana hidup seperti ‘ROBOT’. Telah di syncronize atau di programming kehidupan mereka. Di suruh duduk, duduk. Disuruh diam,diam. Tak ada kebebasan.
Malaysia maseh lagi mengamal kan demokrasi. Maseh lagi boleh berdemontrasi. Bebas. Boleh pandu laju2 kat Express Way. Kadang2 boleh juga buang sampah kat jalan2. (Saya lihat perangai orang S’pore bila masuk Malaysia)S’pore boleh ka?
Lihat lah betapa demokrasi dan gentlement nya TUN.Walau pun awak memperlekeh kan TUN dalam blog nya sendiri,entries awak maseh di beri peluang.Awak maseh diterima sebagai tetamu nya.Sedikit pun tak di edit. S’pore boleh ka?
Tak malu kah awak datang kerumah orang sebagai tetamu tapi menunjukan sikap biadap. Ini lah budaya orang melayu modern S’pore.
Biadap dan angkuh.Yeakkkk! nak termuntah Melayu modern konon.
Arab bodowi ada lah!
Salam Tun Dr M,
Aku dari dulu lagi bebuku dgn AAB ni..pasal dia naikkan harga rokok sesedap gigi dia je..asal belanjawan je harga rokok naik, asal harga rokok naik je belanjawan. Aku akui aku isap rokok tu tak elok..tapi Tun Dr M dulu naikkan juga harga rokok tapi berpada-pada..Ye la pasal rokok aku tak bole le nak komplen lebih2… TAPI bila harga petrol 97 naik ke RM2.70 hari tu, tahap kebebukuan aku tak dapat dibendung lagi dengan kesesedapan gigi AAB..dan aku yakin dia tak bijak mengendalikannya…DAN terbukti bila harga tersebut telah pun diturunkan beberapa kali. Itu menunjukkan kegelojohannya menangani sesuatu isu…Nak jadi PM mana boleh gelojoh2..kena man-man…maa..
ITU JE AKU NAK LUAHKAN…lega sikit rasanya.
Maafkan bahasa Malaysia aku..
Adios Tun Dr M..
Asalamualaikom Tun,
I am actually very amuse by Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad, who has been commenting a lot about how proud he is to be a singaporean Malay whereby he mentioned that the singaporean malay has achieve tremandous sucess in Singapore without being given any special previlieges. I am quite sure he is either being naive or just couldn’t accept the fact that the malays in singapore has no voice at all and if there is any its just by design by the party in power in Spore, to pull wool over your eyes.
Another factor that I would like to contribute as an imput here is for the malay political base party, please learn from history of what happen in China whereby the communist and koumintang party were clearvely elluaded to joitly face the japanese threat, but when the dust settle, the koumintang were booted out of china.
It would be good for PAS, PKR and the malays to watch out for this scenario, because this suttle game could happen here and another singapore could be created.
The song being played now by DAP and other chinese base parties is very soothing to the ears, ie Malaysian Malaysia, meritrocrasi, not to bring racial issues or to have non race base party,REJECT RACIAL POLITICS etc etc is aimed at instilling complasency on the malay voters especially the young voters and they have succeded to do this in the 12 GE.
Despite playing those song, They themself do not walk the talk, as evidence in the various issues that have developed in stated of Selengor, Perak and Penang. And YAB TUN, I am happy and glad to note that u have also notice these development in your last sentence i.e. the development in the states held by the opposition especially Selangor, Penang and Perak is a window for the malays to look/see what is in store/to expect in the future if UMNO fails. Thanks u TUN inspite of all resistance from the opposition, within UMNO itself and others who have vested interest, u still persist in voicing out your valuable comment and views. And that is the mark of a true STATESMAN.
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Dengan izin saya minta sedikit laluan. Terima kasih.
To Malay Jesse James, well researched and well said. Its bullet proof
really; fist in velvet gloves.
Dear Dr. M,
“8. What we are witnessing today is an explosion of racial politics that is more bitter and blatant than ever before.”
I agree with you on this matter. Thanks to PakLah, the flood gates have been opened for angry and unthinking politicians to ravage the country.
If Malaysia is a country for all Malaysians then there should be equal opportunities for education, career, business, health, security and others. No one would like to live in a country which spews hatred and discrimination to those who rightly are Malaysians.
Politicians should set good example in nuturing the spirit of Wawasan 2020, especially in fostering a healthy racial understanding and acceptance. Instead PakLah and his BN/Umno allies encouraged politicians and pressure groups to tear down the fabric of solidarity and harmony.
What is sad is that many of these people took pleasure in wreaking our lives.
Salam YABhg Tun…
I wonder why my coments has not been displayed. Anyway it doesn’t matter anaymore now.
My humble request to Tun and others is, please use word
“bumiputera” instead of word “malay” when refering to UMNO. Word “malay” is no longer appropriate as the members are open to non malay in Sabah and olso orang asli in Semenanjung.
Pse correct me if I am wrong.
YAB Tun,
dan bloggers yg lain,
Manusia memang tidak pernah puas, dah lumrah. Setiap kaum nak pertahankan dan nak melebihkan kaumnya sendiri. semua ni politik.
Bangsa lain kena faham, kaum melayu dah banyak tolak ansur dari segala segi yang lain. bukannya kaum cina dan india di tindas. Semua bangsa masih mengamalkan agama, bahasa dan adat masing2.
Bukan semua kaum melayu pemalas, begitu juga dengan cina, bukan semua kaki penipu. Jadi jangan stereotaipkan sesuatu bangsa.
Yang lawaknya, orang cina kata Melayu racist padahal mereka yang racist tidak bole tengok melayu berjaya. adeh.
Semua ni sama jer, tak guna berdebat. kita aman jer cari makan di bawah ni. yang issue sekang ni orang orang yg diatas, melayu dan cina sama jer korupsi.
Dear Tun,
I think Malaysia should go back to feudal system and make the Sultans absolute monarchy.No Parliament. Parliament should be replaced and the Sultans appoint directly members of Majlis Perundangan Di Raja and Majlis Pentadbiran Di Raja to adminiter the respective states and country. The Sultans have the absolute power to hire and fire.
Hello Tun,
I still need to address you with respect Tun.Sound -minded M’sians must have been quite shocked with certain postings by irresponsible individuals.Anyway we should not let our emotions go wild.Tun please don’t harp on poor election results for BN.Current leaders know their short-comings & know how to amend.Time will tell.I agree with comments by onlooker & off-shore representative.Their comments are fair & realistic.Your earlier comments on “Cuti2,Hari Raya open house & racial unity,Rubbish & incinerators & Financial turmoil were good & beneficial”.Race-relations on the ground need a boost & not a damper.
Dear Tun,
To Dr Syed Alwi,
I can safely say you are a dreamer. I suggest you go back to your root, but on second thoughts I wonder if your Arabic root still exists in Singapore !!
You make laugh ! I think you are in a state of denial. Just go away and continue dreaming and enjoy your life in Singapore until doomsday.
Assalamualaikum Tun
Bila Melayu lemah dan berpecah dalam politik… kita akan hilang segalanya. Selagi Melayu tak sedar dan tak bersatu berpecah belah dengan PAS, Keadilan dan UMNO yang rata-rata tak memperjuangkan hak2 sebanarnay kita akan hilang segalana. Tak mustahil PM akan datang bukan Melayu dan lepas tu mungkin raja2 dah tak perlu.
Dear Tun
You are damn bloody right !
Salam Tun,
kepada yang beri komen atau kritikan kepada pandangan saya….saya ucapkan terima kasih….
anak-anak muda melayu pada zaman ini sedang ketandusan semangat nak sokong siapa…..?? Dilema mereka ialah nak sokong umno ke…PAS ke…PKR ke….???
kepada anak-anak muda Melayu yang dalam dilema ini…..saya sarankan teruslah sokong UMNO…..khususnya anak-anak muda Melayu yang tinggal dan menetap di P.Pinang….Perak….Selangor…Pahang….N.Sembilan…Melaka….Johor…Sabah…dan Sarawak….
negeri-negeri ini pecahan kaum Melayu…cina…india…seimbang….
Inggeris sengaja meletakkan kaum Cina dan India ramai di negeri-negeri tersebut…..tujuan mereka…senang mereka nak kontrol Melayu…melalui undi Cina dan India….
Lagipun…negeri-negeri ini kaya-raya…..
biarlah umno dan pas silih berganti memerintah Kelantan…Terengganu…Kedah….Perlis ke….negeri-negeri itu memang Melayu dominan…..
tapi negeri-negeri selain itu….bagilah sokongan padu kepada UMNO…
tujuan saya kempen lagu ni ialah…. dalam politik Malaysia…. saya percaya….kaum Cina dan India…akan terus buat masalah…cari masalah….mereka tahu…mereka dibawa masuk beramai-ramai oleh Inggeris…yang berhasrat menimbulkan masalah….mereka bukan selesaikan masalah…..kalu susah depa pi balik England…
Hasrat Inggeris ternyata benar….!!!!!
Itu la sebab Sekolah Wawasan ada masalah……!!!! Bahasa Kebangsaan ada masalah….!!!
Jawatan PM TPM pun akan mereka tuntut….!!!!!
Masalah orang Melayu pulak ialah……ada di kalangan Melayu sehasrat dan senada dengan Inggeris dulu-dulu tu….
Mereka yang sehasrat dan senada dengan Inggeris yang nak pecah belahkan lagi Melayu ialah Anwar Ibrahim….PKR’s leader….
Dengan PAS aku boleh percaya sikit….tapi dengan PKR ni….tujuan dia ni nak pecah belahkan UMNO aje….nak bagi bukan Melayu bencikan UMNO aje…..maknanya nak bagi Melayu lemahlah tu….
kalu PKR dan PAS betul-betul nak kuatkan Melayu….aku cabar dia berkerjasama dengan UMNO kat Perak ke….Selangor ke….sanggup ke..??
PKR dan PAS lebih rela berkerjasama dengan DAP….dalam politik…DAP adalah musuh UMNO….
persoalannya mereka fikir ialah bagaimana nak melumpuhkan UMNO…??
bukankah maksud UMNO itu “united Malay”…Melayu Bersekutu….
tapi semenjak Abdullah memerintah….United malay dah jadi….Malayan Union….Malaysian Malaysia….
dalam masa UMNO sedang dilumpuhkan oleh Abdullah…Khairy dan konco-konconya….diserang dari sudut lain pula oleh PKR,PAS dan DAP….MCA..MIC..rakan UMNO ambil kesempatan….mereka tuntut macam-macam….
Bayangkan kalu UMNO lumpuh….hilang suara….suara Melayu….suara Islam….BN pun lumpuh…..
PKR..PAS…DAP…MCA….MIC….(2 Melayu lawan 3+1 Bukan Melayu) akan saling berebut-rebut jawatan PM dan TPM….
dalam hal ini….suara DAP…MCA…dan MIC akan lebih kuat….berbanding suara PKR (Melayu+Cina+India=1+2) dan PAS….
DAP…MCA…MIC…tak heran dengan PKR….sebab suara mereka lebih kuat dalam PKR…(1+2)…..
tapi saya percaya….kaum Cina dan India…akan terus buat masalah…cari masalah….mereka tahu…mereka dibawa masuk beramai-ramai oleh Inggeris…yang berhasrat menimbulkan masalah….mereka bukan selesaikan masalah…..kalu susah depa pi balik England…pi balik Cina…pi balik India….hasrat mereka datang cuma nak kaut hasil mahsul aje….
Hasrat Inggeris ternyata benar….!!!!!
Itu la sebab Sekolah Wawasan ada masalah……!!!! Bahasa Kebangsaan ada masalah….!!!
Jadi…hasrat nak melihat “Bangsa Malaysia” wujud….macam Bangsa Indonesia…..masih jauh….perlu banyak korban….perlu keberanian luar biasa….perlu jadi macam Sukarno….macam Tun Mahathir…jangan jadi macam Abdullah…flip…flop….macam …. sekejap hunus…lepas tu…lembik…tidak hormat negarawan….
Anwar Ibrahim….Hj.Hadi….Nik Aziz….Abdullah….sanggupkah kamu berkorban…??
(specially dedicated to MCA,DAP, GERAKAN and alike..)
1. Majority Votes = Be accepted by the majority
2. Accepted by the majority = Be able to feel and be part of the
3. Being part of the majority include accepting and treasuring the
values of the majority (in Malaysia that’s include wearing
songkok during some palaces’ function ma….)
This formula have been tested and proven worldwide. Here are some of the examples:
At International level = OBAMA
At National level = MAHATHIR
Around the block = THAKSIN, SONIA GHANDI…you can fill the rest…
Syhh… please don’t tell anyone this secret formula ma… only for us…
Tun, you are still looking at the racial lines while the many who supported PR are happy to work amongst each other. This is a healthy trend. While you were in PM office have you done anything that try to harmonise the races? I’d never seen you’d done it. Never in your agenda. Instead you created many great divides only to be contented superficially by slicing the economic cakes. I don’t believe you will ever try to harmonise the races if you are back as PM.It seems from your writing in this topic you’d rather see the races split further. You never want to believe the races can work together. Why not let them take half a chance.
Up to this time, we experience more people to want harmonised society and tired of the Malay ego in UMNO. This is good as UMNO will be fighting a loosing battle. Look at the mess in UMNO election. The handover posts system is creating more dissent because the UMNO leadership thinks they just don’t want to share anything amongst themselves now. If one’s crony remains in the leadership he/she will continue to have access and authority in government. So UMNO is showing democracy is dead. If the Party continues to show this kind of trend, who would want to vote for UMNO led BN? I like it that way.
Look at you, why don’t you retire forever after handing over to Pak Lah. You give us no peace. If you can’t, UMNO can’t. So UMNO must go.
Dear Tun,
No doubt you have contributed a lot to the country.
As with many leaders, everyone has done mistake.
And yes, you’re right. Race based politics still exists. Why it still exists? Cause you have indeed cultivated malay ultra environment during your time. Just look at the environment in the government departments, or simply government owned company. If you’re not Malay, no matter how good you are, you’ll never get promoted to the head. And look who dominates the government agencies?
I’ve to admit Malay last time are much more friendlier. These days, youngsters have so much hatred built into them. Probably from your encouragement? By telling them repeatedly they are being attacked by other races?
Also, your Islamicisation plan with Anwar has also worked well. So well that religious tension has never been so tight before. What do you think?
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Melihat kepada keadaan sekarang di mana orang mempertikaikan hak-hak orang Melayu yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan,mengumpulkan harta yang tak pernah cukup,hiburan2 dunia yang tak pernah puas,dengki & cemburu yang tak pernah padam,kesimpulanya mereka ini:
..dan seperti lazimnya perangai anjing menyalak tak habis-habis walaupun PERUT KENYANG!
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Melihat kepada keadaan sekarang di mana orang mempertikaikan hak-hak orang Melayu yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan,mengumpulkan harta yang tak pernah cukup,hiburan2 dunia yang tak pernah puas,dengki & cemburu yang tak pernah padam,kesimpulanya mereka ini:
..dan seperti lazimnya perangai anjing menyalak tak habis-habis walaupun PERUT KENYANG!
Assalammualakum Tok Det,
1. Tak faham kenapa masih ada orang melayu yang BANGANG.
2. Mempertikaikan keistimewaan sendiri.
3. Mempertikaikan hak sendiri.
4. Mempersoalkan ketuanan dan raja sendiri.
5. Mempertikaikan ketinggian dan kesucian agama sendiri
6. Mempertikaikan tanah dan harta pusaka sendiri.
7. Kalau Cina atau India mempertikaikannya patutlah jugak?
9. Mereka ini BANGANG ke… BAHLOL. Tapi di antara MELAYU BANGANG ni ada yang ada Dr(PHD), Datuk Seri, Datuk?
10. Mereka ini tak sedar yang mereka disokong sekarang sebab mereka menjual semua hak dan harta mereka secara PERCUMA.
11. Tentulah kaum lain seronok sebab dapat harta dan hak.
12. Tak percaya cuba beri harta pada orang percuma. Semua orang suka kita. semua orang sokong kita. Bontot kita mereka sanggup cium. Tangan kita mereka sanggup jilat.
13. Tetapi bila hak dan harta sudah tiada Melayu tidak akan dihormati malah akan DICACI
14. Melayu akan DICACI sebagai bangsa yang BANGANG kerana menjual harta dan hak mereka yang TIDAK TERNILAI secara PERCUMA.
15. Melayu akan kekal bangsa yang MUNDUR, BODOH dan BANGANG dalam sejarah tamadun bangsa di dunia kerana menyerahkan sendiri hak dan harta mereka secara PERCUMA dengan SUKACITA DAN BANGGANYA.
Ayahanda Tun,
Saya rasa terharu terhadap sikap penulis blog yang bersikap kurang ajar terhadap Tun. Langsung tidak menunjukkan rasa hormat kepada orang yang telah banyak berjasa membangun negara ini. Pastinya yang ramai adalah golongan bukan Melayu yang tidak pernah ada rasa sayang kepada negara dan pemimpin negara ini. Sebabnya negara ini asal tanah Melayu, diketuai oleh orang Melayu, berpayungkan Raja Melayu dsb. Mereka asyik mengagungkan negara seperti Singapura yang kononnya lebih demokratik tetapi tidak akan mengiktiraf pemimpin Melayu. Pada masa yang sama mereka menghentam kepimpinan Melayu, kononnya tidak adil kepada mereka, korup, mendiskriminasi bukan melayu, menindas mereka dsb. Cuba bayangkan senario ini;
1. Di negara yang bernama Malaysia, dimana-mana pekan, bandar dan kota, tidak nampak dengan jelas bangunan, kedai dan ruang perniagaan yang dimiliki oleh orang Melayu. Sebahagian besar tanda nama dan iklan bertulisan kanji atau rumi inggeris. Mana keistemewaan orang Melayu?
2. Ramai orang terutama bukan melayu yang mengatakan pemimpin Melayu korup, melakukan politik wang. Cuba tanya diri anda, siapakah yang berada di belakang najis rasuah ini. Semua orang tahu siapa atau syarikat mana yang besar di Malaysia ini. Milik orang Melayu ke? Kenapa mereka menggalakkan korupsi dan pada masa yang sama berputa-pura baik tidak mengamalkan rasuah.
3. Pemimpin Melayu dianggap kejam terhadap orang bukan Melayu kerana mendiskriminasi kegiatan agama mereka. Mana ada didunia dimana pihak minoriti mempunyai jumlah kuil yang lebih banyak dari tempat ibadat kaum majoriti. Dimana-mana ada pokok besar, gua dan air terjun maka akan muncullah kuil ibadat, mula-mula kecil, lama-lama habis semua dikuasai. Bila disuruh roboh, diskriminasi kaum.
4. Mana ada didunia dimana kaum minoriti dibenarkan sebegitu bebas mengembangkan sekolah menurut bahasa masing-masing. Kalau di Amerika dan negara orang putih lain, tak ada pulak mereka ini memperjuangkan bahasa mereka. Semua dengan sendiri mengasimilasi termasuk menganut agama dan menukar budaya. Tapi di Malaysia, sebab ketolerenan kaum asal, kaum mendatang menuntut sama taraf dalam semua aspek termasuk nak menjadi PM. Ada harapan ke orang Melayu jadi PM di Taiwan, di Cina atau di India. Singapura terang-terang tak akan menerima.
Re: Singaporean Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad’s comment
Read Tun’s statements carefully before making remarks that shows you are mentally challenged. Tun is not fanning racial issues.
He is merely stating facts.
If you do not understand what Tun is trying to say, don’t comment.
And what make you think that the Malays are not good enough to be a PM in Singapore?
Singapore was part of TANAH MELAYU. I guess Singaporeans have either forgotten history or they do not learn or they never learn about the past.
ISLAM or Hak Istimewa Orang Melayu ?
Which ONE do you choose, true muslim !
Dear Tun,
It’s a pity, when you are no more in power, you can see things more clearly. When you were in power, racial unity and long term integration was, unfortunately, not your focus! Only, in your twillight years in power, you initiated the maths and science in english and vision schools in an effort to reduce some divides. You knew from the Yugoslavia experience, it is easy for a politician to ignite a divide amongst the masses who learnt tolerence and respect over the years. You were part of the problem that we face today and with your comments now, you are making the divide wider. In which Asean country, other than Malaysia, we have so much vernacular schools that 99% children/students from Kindergarten to University never really mixer with other races on an informal basis. In retropect, you make Lee Kuan Yew who abolished all chinese/tamil schools look brilliant and with the compulsary mother tongue, the Singaporeans are reaping the benefits of Western and Asian prosperity. You, Tun, muddled the whole thing on buliding long term foundations for unity. The situation is as fragile as ever and all you need is leader who needs to be a bit racial or extreme, and you set the nation ablaze!
Tun, ask yourself what could/should you have done to make us Malaysians rather than Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans etc. With your enourmous influence, you can still do it that you missed out while in power. USE YOUR INFLUENCE TO MAKE US MALAYSIANS!
May Allah grant you the power to do it.
Warmest regards
Assalamualaikum Tun Yg dihormati,
Takde ke cadangan utk menghapuskan Sekolah Cina Atau Tamil? rasanya sekolah jenis inilah yg menjadi punca utama sehingga timbulnya masalah Isu perkauman selepas PRU12,ini kerana orang melayu khususnya tidak tahu apa yg diterap,diserap dan dipupuk kedalam jiwa pelajar2 tersebut.Walaupun dipantau oleh Kementerian Pelajaran,tapi ianya hanya dari segi sukatan pelajaran sahaja.
Untuk merialisasi dan memungkinkan hasrat membentuk satu bangsa Malaysia semua pelajar tak kira bangsa perlu belajar dan diajar di satu jenis sekolah sahaja,contoh Sekolah Kebangsaan iaitu sekolah yg disediakan oleh kerajaan khas buat semua kaum bukan untuk kepentingan kaum .Dan dalam masa yang sama pihak Kementerian perlu mengkaji untuk mewajibkan semua pelajar2 mempelajari bahasa Cina dan Tamil selain dari mata pelajaran yang sedia ada tanpa mengabaikan budaya dan fahaman kaum masing-masing.
Untuk jangkamasa panjang rasanya ia memberi manafaat kepada semua kaum tak kira Melayu,Cina,India atau kaum lain dan dalam masa yang sama sifat2 perkauman dapat dikikis sedikit demi sedikit,walaupun mengambil masa tapi tak salah kalau dicuba.
Ini yang dikatakan perubahan dari akar umbi dan jika difikirkan ianya mempunyai kaitan dari segi politik semasa.
Tapi adakah kaum Cina boleh bertolak-ansur dalam perkara ini? rasanya dikalangan kaum India mungkin tidak ada masalah kerana ini ada memberi kebaikan dan kelebihan kepada mereka, terutama dari golongan miskin dan sederhana.
Dipihak parti-parti politik pula, adakah ianya boleh diterima?
Ini hanyalah cetusan idea dari seorang hamba allah yg perihatin dengan keadaan politik semasa dan wajar ianya direnungkan bersama.
Hanya Allah sahaja yang mengetahui apa yang tersurat dan tersirat
Salam Tun,
I definitely disagree on your article. As our nation grows older, we should be more tolerate on racial issues so that one day we will put a full-stop on these issues.
Salam TUN,
Pilihanraya yg lepas saya undi pas,bukan bermakna saya sokong pembangkang tetapi saya hendak protes pada pak lah dan pengampunya.
first and foremost – you are an idiot. Second, you don’t realise that Tun is splitting and playing the racial card here, not the general population.
My questions to Tun is why does he behave like a hypocrite…
I have no issues sticking to the majority gains majority benefit proposal brother…but stop being a Mule being led by Tun who has only his personal benefits in view.
if you want to support someone…don’t do it blindly. Of course if you insist..then good luck brother…you’ll probably be happy being a follower leaving your destiny to those who cant give two hoots to your success!
And Jeng – grow up, this is my country as much as yours. If you want to tell me to get out…brother, let me be the first to tell you, go to the corner and don’t come out till you can behave…
“Don’t be afraid of success!”
Izinkan Tun,
supersaint on November 18, 2008 4:58 PM
edmund chua on November 18, 2008 5:05 PM
Chua Soi Lek has not commited any crimes, but he was caught. Yes I pity him. I know his wife is okay with it.
Don’t tell me MCA has no one to replace CSL. Look at you guys, money and powers are all you guys interested. Have you ever ask how the rakyat of Malaysia, especially the kaum cina, what they think?
By the way, only MCA members selected CSL, not the rakyat, right? By pushing CSL for the minister post is it really that important? Who give power to MCA, rakyat, right? Ask him to keep himself low, don’t tarnish the image of MCA further lah in the TV news, very bad for MCA la…
No wonder majority of rakyat cina dislike MCA, that is why they joined DAP, eventhough they know DAP is no good, but at least they feel “lega’ by not giving their vote to MCA by punishing you guys.
I am not a supporter of Ong Tee Keat and I do not know him. Suka tak suka Ong Tee Keat is still your no. 1 in your MCA, and it was you MCA members who selected him. Let the new batch of guys up lah, get your CSL to train them, by the end of the day, it’s MCA who will get the vote, then the power.
By the way, it’s really very irratating to see the slogan: Who should be the be self-claimed king? in the last election. Don’t forget, this Malaysia, and we chinese chosen BN not because MCA, it’s because Tun. Mau cari makan boleh, janganlah terlampau, lu ingat sini ialah Taiwan.
P/S: Azalina Othman you, Edmond, boleh cakap bagus, now I understand Tun’s simple view, yes cikgu kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari. Pak Lah tidur, MCA main rasuah, ha… ha…. ha…
To me I don’t even care what MCA does, because I know chinese are selfish and not unite and greed for power, more power, just like Taiwanese and Singaporean.
cina berjiwa bangsa Malaysia
my comment to godfather comment why u become so racism?
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Saya tertarik dengan komen-komen blogger bernama Poh.
Pandangan yang bernas dari seorang chinese.Tun tahu,tapi blog ini terbuka.Tun menulis untuk semua orang baca.
Yang last sekali pasal cerita rasis ni,seingat saya mencecah sampai 1000 komen yang Tun lepaskan.Setakat jam ini baru 414 je.
Mungkin Poh seronok untuk membaca tulisan Saudara Mohamad Ridhuan Tee Abdullah dalam akhbar Utusan Malaysia,semalam dan hari ini (Naib Presiden Persatuan Cina Muslim Malaysia).
Mungkin itu yang sebenarnya Tun Mahathir nak sampaikan di sini.
Terima kasih Tun.
saya ingin memberi pendapat kepa saudara/i tingkat04 mungkin saudara/i tidak banyak membaca atau kekurangan ilmu saya rasa saudara hanya membaca surat khabar harakah atau keadilan sahaja. baru baru ini kita sudah mendengar dengan jelas dan nyata seorang YB kerajan perak yang baru memerintah selama tiga bulan dah terima ‘SEDEKAH SEKS’ dan dengan bangganya mengumumkan kepada semua. Adakah ini dikatakan pemimpin keadilan dari PR yang anda idamkan, baru saja memerintah 3 bulan dah mula rasuah, seks bebas apa akan jadi jikalau mereka sudah memerintah selama 50 thn mungkin negara sudah habis dijualnya…..sila komen wahai saudara/i budiman lagi bijak adil
Selamat petang Tun,
Izinkan Tun,
To: Godfather on November 17, 2008 10:30 AM
//I wonder sometimes if you are ashamed at all for instituting all the policies during your 22 years of (mis)rule that bred all the racist sentiments of the rakyat.//
Tun already explained clearly in his early articles, the racist sentiments in Malaysia are very deep rooted and strong, thus it’s better to advoid confrontation!!!
//First, you twisted the social contract so that your cronies and your children can benefit, at the expense of the poor. If money had been truly channelled to the poor and needy, no one would question the legitimacy of the NEP. Instead, Daim got off with billions, Tajuddin Ramli got off with billions, your children all got bailed out by others.//
It depends how your perceive this scenario, if you understand economy, I am sure you will agreed to what Tun has done to counter the sepeculation attack on RM back in 1997.
//Second, you corrupted the judiciary just because Salleh Abas wanted a truly independent judiciary. So you removed the independent judges and installed those who are subservient to your own party. Remember the Lingam case ? You personally selected Augustine Paul to preside over the Anwar case. You made sure that UMNO’s interests are protected, so there can’t possibly be a non-Malay Chief Justice. Poor Badawi had to take the route taken by you in the appointment of the CJ.//
Tun already explained in his early articles on what had happened to the termination of Tun Salleh and Anwar. Poor Badawi? Bila Tun tegur, tak nak dengar, lupa diri, ingat duit rakyat duitnya, bila ada masalah, jadi copy cat pulak. Sekarang dah jadi Cikgu Kencing Berdiri, Murid Kencing Berlari. Should I say padan muka, I can’t, and I believe Tun can’t too, no matter what it is, he still our PM.
//Third, you made sure that the investigative and prosecutorial organs – PDRM and the AG’s Chambers – are beholden to UMNO so that any Opposition is stifled or put behind bars. How do you expect future generations not to have a racial overtone in their comments on this matter ? It’s OK to use chemical water on defenceless Hindus but when it comes to vociferous protests by UMNOputras, everything is OK ?//
It’s alreadey proven it worked. Just look at India and China, they did very well, right. If you are not happy with the hindus’s right, please see Samy, use your strenght to bring him down lah.
//Yes, you must be held responsible for causing racial divides. In fact you should be tried for the clear cases of abuse of power.//
Tun should not be held responsible for racism, you are responsible!!!
Good luck Godfather
Take care Tun.
cina berjiwa bangsa Malaysia
Dear Sir,
1. I have to commend you yet again.
2. Now that this explosive topic has yet again encouraged more – sharing, airing, lobbying, riposting including some volleying of points from multiple sides of the peoples (sorry about the choice of verbs, unlike some quarters of the population, I dont think I can afford xRM for Kings of Tennis tonite[even after the 15sen cut])…..you’ve facilitated us to get on and now focus on the main issue.
3. Some further benefits apart from the diffusion of angst and understanding too include understanding/expanding the lingo of other parts of Malaysian society today. e.g. I can imagine certain quarters asking their despatch boys “eh ape ‘xde’ or ‘x-leh’ ” means and people looking up dictionary.com what ‘antecedent’ meant.
3. So back to MAIN ISSUE – marilah bersama-sama stop arguing about cutting the pie and lets work on BIGGER ISSUES like enlarging the pie.
4. New NEAC should be formed to monitor the current situation; tax breaks for the working public?; cut tax on cars; greater incentives to shift to service economy(also ask Khazanah to buy ebay too and other cheap service stocks while we’re at it)
Asallamualaikum Tun,
Saya terfikir sejenak selepas meninggalkan komen dalam blog Tun. Sekiranya masa semakin berlalu dan Tun telah meninggalkan kami, rasa-rasanya lah Tun, kami nak luah pada siapa apa yang terbuku dihati?
Pada siapa Tun?
Pada siapa?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Seorang Melayu yang sayangkan Negaranya kerana tahu selain Malaysia tidak ada negara lain yang boleh dituju memang tidak akan menyokong sebarang perubahan seperti diatas. Bangsa Cina dan India walaupun kononnya amat sayangkan Malaysia, masih ada negara ibunda dalam dirinyanya. Tak usah dinafikan, mungkin imegresen ada data statistik mengikut kaum arah tuju negara yang dituju oleh kaum di Malaysia.
Kelebihan UMNO adalah kerana masih tiada parti yang dapat memberikan sesuatu lebih faedah dari yang UMNO tawarkan. Sebab itulah, dalam ketidak sukaan, masih terdapat peluang untuk kekal berkuasa.
Tun, jika ada parti yang lebih ‘relevan’ bagi menyaingi offer UMNO membela bangsa melayu, saya tidak segan silu untuk mendaftarkan diri dari menyertai parti berkenaan. Saya lebih sayang akan bangsaku lebih dari kaum cina tidak mahu membuang aliran pendidikan mereka dan saya lebih sayangkan bangsaku lebih dari orang india yang tetap mempertahankan sekolah india, walaupun tahu sekolah berkenaan tidak berkemampuan dalam banyak serbi.
Malaysian Malaysia atau Malaysian for outa Malay?
1) mereka yang menghasut melalui tulisan di blog agar keistemewaan melayu, ketuanan Islam dan kedaulatan raja2 melayu juga di kategorikan sebagai teroris. Pena lebih tajam daripada pisau ?
melalui penulisan anti-kerajaan BN/UMNO didalam blog adalah permulaan kepada penentangan bersenjata terhadap musuh.
2) ngo/ngi tak kira sifat agama, hak asasi dll menghasut agar rakyat anti dasar kerajaan pusat adalah peringkat ke-2 kearah menjadi seseorang itu pengganas bersenjata menentang Krajaan UMNO/BN.
3) Suara politikus yang juga berjawatan tinggi dalam parti….MP…Adun….Exco Kerajaan Negeri…. yang membuat sesuatu yang tidak bertepatan dgn dasar kerajaan pusat adalah peringkat terakhir untuk menjadi penentang kerajaan sebagai pengganas bersenjata.
Suara penentangan oleh MP pembangkang adalah bermatlamat menjatuhkan UMNO/BN daripada kerajaan Pusat. Sekiranya gagal…..puak yang mendokong parti pembangkang akan pasti berontak dgn senjata.
Adakah Negara dibiarkan dalam bahaya oleh politikus berkepentingan dalam UMNO/Dap/PKR/PAS/MCA/MIC serta NGO/NGI ???
Salam .
Assalamualaikum Tun & Family,
Masaalah dengan non-Malays adalah ketamakan dan dunia ini adalah syurga mereka.
Nowadays, yang kita dengar adalah mereka nak ini, nak itu setiap hari.
Tapi apakah kita harus beri dan tunduk kepada kehendak mereka saja, sedangkan apa kita orang Melayu nak depa tak peduli. Jadi apakah kita perlu peduli dengan apa yang mereka nak?Apakah kita perlu tunduk dengan apa yang mereka nak? Sedangkan apa yang kita nak, depa buat pekak.
Apa yang ada sekarang pada semua orang sudah cukup memadai dan adil, depa jangan nak minta lebih-lebih dan kita pun tak perlu layan dengan kehendak mereka.Kalau rasa tak sesuai duduk di sini can always find greener pasture di mana sesuai di hati mereka. Free world to move around, baik orang Melayu, Cina, India etc dah kalau banyak tingkah.
Saya pernah berada di Singapura, dan sifat sombong non Malays di sana terhadap Malays amat ketara, bukan saja terhadap Malays Singapore tapi terhadap kita di Malaysia.Apalagi kalau depa tau bahawa kita ni professional, nampak sangat kedengkian di muka mereka, tak termasuk keberanian mereka menyindir kita secara berdepan, tapi apakah kita perlu melayan sifat mereka yang begitu selagi kedudukan kita teguh dan kukuh?
Sifat inilah yang akan kita lihat jika mereka berkuasa…
Sekarang kita tahu siapa sebenar kaum cina dan hindu yg selama ini menjadi warganegara Malaysia……
Siapa sebenarnya melayu yang dah jadi pengkhianat bangsa, agama dan negara.
Terima Kasih Tun kerana melantik Pak Lah sebagai PM Malaysia. Dengan “kelemahan” dirinya mentadbir parti dan kerajaan kita dah dapat kenal pasti pengkhianat2 .
Syabas Tun !
Dear Tun,
Sekarang ini rakyat malaysia mengalami satu pendekatan politik yang amat busuk. kami perlukan seorang pemimpin yang berpendirian tegas seperti Tun supaya negara Malaysia sentiasa berada dalam track menuju ke wawasan 2020.
soal perkauman tidak patut sama sekali dijadikan asas kepada isu politik.
How are you TUN,
UMNO is dieing because of Abdullah. In next election it will die and be destroyed because of Najib. and we will keep on blaming Chinese and Indians for it.
Just look at the comment in your blog. Most of them are racist. Malays are racist. We always blame Chinese or Indians to be the reason of our failure. All this special rights is just making Malays to be come weak and an incompetent race who just know to over react based on information which might or might not be true.
I do understand why this special right is important. We don’t want Malays to lose our political power and some UMNO member do not want to lose their easy way to make tons of money.
Statistically, how many Malay business can compete with others and be successful without the political support?? Maybe 5%. Is it the other races especially Chinese cause this failure or is it because of the Malays mentality which want every thing to be served with gold plate for them? Admit it, we (Malays) don’t like to work hard, we don’t like to read, don’t like to think and the most important we don’t like learn.
Just a question. How many billion being spent for IT industry and how many Malay companies have their own product and successfully marketed their product? As far as I know, there is only 3 Malay companies with their own IT products. And all this 3 companies is having problem to compete with other companies backed by UMNO politician which just sell product form over sea which are much more expensive and doesn’t suites our requirement(That’s the reason the High Speed Internet Connection Project Cost 500% more than the actual cost). They don’t have expertise and never solve any problem that their customers have especially government agencies. The government agency officer cannot and won’t take any action towards this political companies failure and forced to continue dealing with this UMNO supported companies because they are afraid of loosing their job or a promotion. The question, who is taking away Malays rights, UMNO or the other race and who get blamed for it??
People like me DO NOT SUPPORT UMNO because of the corruption and COMMUNIST like attitude shown by UMNO and it’s leaders. I seen this with my own eyes. I had a former teacher who now is a Minister in the Prime Minister Office. He teached me in standard 6. He was a person with high morality and a humble attitude. I know his economic status, but the day when he become a UMNO leader he also become a millionaire. Every thing that he thaught about self integrity and moral went down the drain when he became a Minister and helped UMNO top leaders to stop Tun Dr. Mahathir from being selected to represent Kubang Pasu in UMNO general meeting by giving RM200 to UMNO members including my father in law.
It’s seems that UMNO is a money making organization and one of the requirement to be come UMNO leaders is to forget about morality and self integrity. It’s nothing wrong to be rich, but in the process of doing so UMNO leaders is stepping on other Malay business man by taking away their opportunity although this UMNO leader have no qualification in doing whatever business project they are into.
This what makes UMNO to lose. This what makes young generation to vote opposition. UMNO is a organization full with bunch of lairs, unethical scumbag, and hypocrites which preach about Malay rights, doing good to society and other great things but never ever do anything close to what ever they said. And now we are going to have a coward as UMNO President who might as for commission just to attend parliament session.
The leaders of UMNO have to cook up new issues to win back support, and what is better than racial issues as what happen on 13th May. Don’t you agree Tun. When UMNO is racist , everybody else have to be racist. For others racism might be new, but for UMNO racism was and is always their power tools. Every time Malay lost their trust with UMNO, just create a race issue, Malay will come running back to their savior UMNO.
If UMNO stand for unity, their leader must not be a coward to propose and implement Single National School (Sekolah Wawasan). This is the key toward unity.
My son is 7 years old and he is surprised to see that I have Chinese and Indian friends. He said he don’t have any none Malay friends in school and he won’t see another Chinese or Indian student until he is in Secondary school. It’s to late then, for him none Malay are aliens with hidden agenda to hurt him. Any thing other race do is a threat for him.
When we Malay want to fight for our rights and preserve our Ketuanan Melayu. What about Chinese and Indian. Don’t they have rights to fight for things that they think is violating their rights.
Of course, all political leader will oppose this because they will lose their support and the most importantly their racist power tool. I am waiting for that leader(the one with balls and vision to see united Malaysia). If there is a race tension caused by this idea, let it be. Let us have a another 13th May and free our self from racism to become a united Malaysian.
Note for Chinese and Indian, why the hell when Chinese and Indian migrated to Britain or America you guys assimilated and become a part of that society. Why not you do it here?? ( May be because you have to become Malaysian which have the word Malay in it.) Remember you become Malay in Malaysian and not UMNO. Malay and UMNO is two different thing. UMNO is not Malay and all the special malay right was never enjoyed by average malay and bumiputera’s. The benifits is just for some UMNO leaders which I call them UMNOPUTRAS, the destroyers of Malaysia and all the development done by our beloved Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
Racist Is Not The Issue By The People, But It Is A Power Tool For The Politician, And Every Time This Tool Is Used, The One That Get Hurt Is Us, The Common People, And The One That Get Strong And Powerful Is The Politician. So Next Time, Before We Get Emotional On Certain Racist Issues, Think First, Who Is Going To Benefit From It.
Frustrated Malay ( also known as Melayu Murtad by UMNOPUTRAS who don’t expect this comment to be published.)
By Godfather on November 18, 2008 7:54 AM
Tun :
The curse of Mahathirism strikes again ! Mahathirism is all about pinning the blame on others and not on yourself. Everything is Badawi’s fault..
Assalamualaikum wr wb,
Dear Tun & all Malaysians,
Singapore cannot put up a Malay to be President or PM because of Malaysian politicians like Tun – who will always play the race & religion card. People like Tun Mahathir will pressure such a Malay President of Singapore to do Malaysia’s bidding by playing on the racial issue. Conflict of interest !
We Singapore Malays do NOT ask special privileges etc and yet we can succeed. What does that say of the Malaysian Malay mentality ?
Special Privileges must come with Special Responsibility. Rights are always balanced by responsibility. Why is it that Tun Mahathir does NOT speak of the responsibilities of the Malaysian Malay ?
If you want to be a Tuan – then you must also shoulder the responsibility of the Tuan. You CANNOT just ask for the rights and privilegees of the Tuan BUT then you do NOT want to shoulder the RESPONSIBILITY of the Tuan !
Takkan nak minta Hak Melayu aje ! Mana letaknya tanggungjawab Melayu ? Tak malu ke ?
Best Regards
Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad
Yg. DiKasihi Tun,
Gara-gara pembangkang memang tak ubah saperti kera mendapat bunga. Terlalu ghairah mendapat kuasa dan kedudukan sehingga lupa nak memerintah dengan baik atau tak reti nak memerintah langsung di negeri-negeri yang dikuasainya. Mereka tak habis-habis menyakiti hati orang-orang Melayu dengan dendam terpendam mereka terhadap penglupusan hak istimewa Melayu. Yang kita anggap kawan-kawan didalam BN rupanya bersama menyimpan dendam ini dan kita sedar bahawa kita keseorangan menentukan nasib sendiri.
Ramai orang Melayu kita sedar hakikat ini sekarang dan keputusan PRU 12 tidak akan berulang lagi dengan syarat UMNO tidak bertolak ansur dengan kaum-kaum lain dan meminta-minta maaf dari mereka.
Perjuangan UMNO datuk nenek kita mesti diikuti dengan tepat cekap dan hak-hak keistimewaan Melayu bagai didalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan diperkukuhkan lagi tanpa ragu-ragu dan tolak ansur. Kepentingan Bangsa dan Ugama Melayu mestilah dikembalikan kepuncak agenda UMNO. Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang tidak ada atau menunjukkan pada mereka semangat ini mesti ditolak dan diketepikan. Kerajaan mesti diperintah oleh parti bukan sebaliknya. Ketua-ketua Bahagian UMNO hendaklah dijadikan calun didalam PRU baik untuk Negeri atau pun Parlimen dan JANGAN meletakkan calun-calun parti komponen lain dikawasan Melayu. Biarlah kami tidak mengundi dari mengundi mereka ini. Calun-calun
Sedih kalau blog Tun ada ikutan dari orang macam krizleneski. Satu lagi keluaran NEP?
Salam buat tun dan keluarga…..
Apa buleh buat dah…rakyat pon dok pening kepala dah…pasai apa…tuh laaa….semua kreja pak lah ni laaa…hadoiii…undi terpaksa la bg kat pembangkang…tp jadi mcm ni pulak…perkauman dah menjadi-jadi…last2 sekali melayu jugak susah…tak pa la…yang senang jadi senang…yang kaya jadi kaya…yang dok berebut nak jadi lawyer tuh…cepat2 la grad…pasai apa…tahun depan perkauman punya pasai…
Ni minyak dah turun…barang tak turun lagi ni…tp saya ada satu produk kot nak bg lagi jimat minyak…try tengok klik laman web ni http://dwidinamik.blogspot.com
Salam Ayahanda Tun dan Rakan Blogger;
Tumpang lalu…sekadar ingin menyatakan sokongan saya pada Saudara JJJ kita…TERUSKAN…
dan pada rakan2 blogger yang lain…jujurlah pada diri kita sendiri..Apakah kita benar2 inginkan bangsa Malaysia yang tulin..jika benar… sokonglah Sekolah Wawasan…
Jika itu pun kita tidak dapat lakukan…kita kenalah bertolak ansur dan jangan menuduh yang bukan2..terasa sahabat kita..dan tak elok untuk negara kita yang tercinta ini..
Semoga Allah merahmati Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga…
it looks like you r the one who has been taken this as personal.
Chua Soi Lek get the No2 because of the voters. Because of MCA members voting him and not because of Mr.Ong Tee Keat. Why they vote for him in the first place. I believe you think he didnt deserve the No2 post isnt it. You feel he shouldnt be given such post. I know he did his mistakes and it is hard to forgive. But arent we learn to forget and forgive. The wife can, why not you. Saying is easier than acting i know. But it looks like ppl alrady put this behind. Give him one more chance for the sake of the country. I know maybe other country will have a doubt on this. But remember there is always a first time. Also, Bill CLinton previously denied the sex allegation but Chua Soi Lek comes up and admit it.
By taking up a lower or unimportant post, do you think OngTK will submit his name for the next general election. If he can do this now why not in the later day.
I didnt like Chua Soi Lek as well, but be fair, he is capable of doing thing.
Perkauman adalah fitrah semulajadi manusia. Wujudnya kaum yang berbagai-bagai ini maka dapatlah kita saling kenal mengenal antara kita. Pandanglah dari sudut positifnya kelebihan dijadikan berbilang bangsa dan kaum ini. Kenal rakan kita yang berbangsa Cina dan India ini dan cubalah sebaik mungkin fahami mereka. Ini dapat membantu kita dalam berurusan dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Janganlah menghina kaum atau bangsa lain kerana tidak memberi keuntungan kepada kita.
Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang mempunyai undang-undang walaupun agak ketinggalan dalam pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam. Setiap tindakan dan pertuturan kita biarlah dalam landasan undang-undang agar keharmonian ini terpelihara. Sebagai orang Islam kita telah diajar agar tidak menyerang dan menzalimi bangsa atau kaum minoriti selagi mereka tunduk kepada undang-undang dan tidak menyerang kita. Jika kita diserang maka bertindaklah dengan lebih keras lagi terhadap mereka sehingga mereka tunduk atau keluar dari Negara ini.
Kita juga dinasihatkan agar menyediakan diri dan peralatan untuk menakutkan musuh. Salah satu daripadanya adalah kesatuan dan perpaduan orang Melayu itu sendiri. Kita hendaklah bercakap dalam satu nada bersama-sama untuk menzahirkan kekuatan kita. Jika PAS dan UMNO bercelaru percakapannya maka inilah keadaan yang kita alami. Sesungguhnya amatlah sukar untuk PAS dan UMNO membuang ego untuk duduk bersama-sama dalam satu barisan. Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar ini menjadi kenyataan.
First of all you got to get the facts right. Correction, Bill Clinton wasn’t asked to leave. He had to step down because it is his end of 2 term maximum that he can Presides. Yet, Barack Obama, Hilary and many others often asked him for advise on current issues and he openly went around the country to campaign for them.
Secondly, CSL although maybe immoral, he is experienced and could help the party’s future. By what you meant, if you were committed crime, should you put to death and not given a chance?
Thirdly, Even if it is true that it will not make a good image for MCA to have a prominent politician in the high ranking of MCA, OTK doesn’t have to CHOOSE all his own people whose credibility isn’t proven. I believe there are many non OTK people who are in CSL’s camp that are far more experienced than those he chose.
Salam hurmat Tun Mahathir yang teramat saya sayangi,
Bagi saya Malaysia akan kembali aman seperti era pemerintahan Tun dulu jika dan hanya jika beberapa orang ini sudah mati atau tidak berkuasa lagi dalam politik tanah air kita ( diandaikan tiada orang lain seperti mereka yang tampil ) iaitu:
1. Dolah Badawi tidak menjadi PM lagi. Selagi dia berkuasa selagi itulah keputusan yang kerajaan buat banyak kekalutannya.
2. Khairy Jamaludin iaitu menantu Pak Lah yang bercita-cita besar nak jadi PM suatu hari nanti dan nak kaya cepat. Dia ini dah lah banyak merosakkan UMNO tetapi banyak menipu rakyat. Semasa Mukhris bertanding dlm PRU ke 12 lalu orang sibuk berkempen untuk Mukhris tetapi pengikut-pengikutnya yang datang berguni-guni duit dari KL cuba merasuah pengundi jangan mengundi Mukhris di Jerlun. KJ ini patut dipancung sahaja politiknya. Semua orang Kedah dan KL tahu sikap dia yang hipokrit ini.
3. Anwar Ibrahim jika mati maka kemungkinan orang Melayu yang bodoh akan kembali menyokong kerajaan. Itu pun jika pemimpin pelapis UMNO yang baru sedar dan berjaya menghapuskan politik wang.
Sekian Tun.
Salam Tun,
Seorang pemblog bukan Melayu (Cina Malaysia)mengatakan ia tidak mahukan PM dari bangsa Cina tetapi mahukan PM dari bangsa Malaysia..memang hasrat beliau itu murni tetapi bangsa malaysia bagaimanakah yg boleh diujudkan walau pun setelah 51 tahun merdeka..jika ekonomi antara kaum tidak seimbang, jika kita masih lagi memperjuangkan sekolah jenis kebangsaan, menolak sekolah wawasan serta mempersoalkan pelbagai perkara yg ada didalam perlembagaan dan kontrak sosial..bertutur bahasa melayu pun lintang pukang..bangsa malaysia macam manakah yg kita nak ujudkan?
Semua itu hanya illusi..
Salam Ayahanda Tun, minta izin. Dah lama Dr. Syed Alwi tenggelam kena pijak celah kasut cina di Singapore. Ni baru timbul balik. Kita rindu juga dekat si Melayu by profession ni.
Dr. Syed Alwi, you are a not only a modern Singaporean Malay, but you are also stupid at that. No one would dare to doubt that. The last time we participated in a dialogue, I recalled that you shot your own foot and you ran limping away to Lee Kuan Yew (who owns both your balls) on the other good one foot still left. Now you are back for more? I guess you can always shoot the other one and limp back just the same. I am amused Dr. Syed Alwi, that a “cek tendang” like you can really make us laugh! Thanks all the same and please do entertain us some more through your writings. I am very busy at the moment, can
Dear All,
No doubt all of us know racial politic begin because some certain ppl will like to get attention from every single population here.
Tapi kan entah kenapa, rasa satu macam bila lihat KJ dan Sharizat….I rasa lepas Rafidah, paling berkaliber Azalina Othman.
Sharizat tu pun….kadang kala bila lihat kat TV, cadangan yang diberi pun x munasabah. Selagi 2 orang ni ada, KJ dan Shahrizat….i rasa UMNO x kan berkembang………..Selagi Samy Vellu ada, MIC x kan berkembang, selagi Ong Tee Keat tidak member apa apa jawatan kepadas Chua Soi Lek, MCA xkan berkembang,
Selagi, UMNO,MCA, dan MIC tak berkembang, Habis la BN
Salam Tun,
Kalau kita baca komen2 non malay diatas, mmg jelas apa yg ada dlm isi perut mereka..
Masaalah utama disini ialah melayu tidak mahu bersatu..masing2 memperjuangkan apa yg ada difikiran mereka sahaja tetapi tidak menjurus kpd yg satu iaitu keutuhan bangsa..sifat ini nampaknya belum lagi muncul ke dlm benak org melayu..berbeza sekali dgn bangsa lain..kalau ada isu yg melibatkan mereka..suara mereka sentiasa senada..tak kira parti komponen BN kah atau pembangkang..
Sampai bilakah bangsaku nak sedar..
salam tun….
Bukan isu politik yang ingin saya luahkan tapi isu saya,isu saya dengan diri dan masyarakat majmuk yang mengelilingi saya…Saya adalah rakyat melayu islam malaysia yang lahir pada 1972….
saya dibesarkan hampir 2/3 dalam 36 tahun kehidupan saya pada era pemerintahan tun,saya ada duit dan hidup syukur alhamdulilah sampai sekarang.Saya merasakan negara ini sudah dijajah kembali secara perlahan-lahan dan bagaimana sedikit demi sedikit saya orang melayu mula meyimpan dendam yang amat kepada bukan sebangsa dengan saya,sumpah ini benar Tun…saya sudah rasa tidak selamat…dan dari hari ke hari saya mula menanam perasaan benci kepada mereka sehingga saya dan ramai rakan yang lain seolah mau menghapuskan mereka satu persatu,dan ini kebenaran yang bukan main-main….
ini masalah…ini memang masalah psycology diri yang menghantui saya sejak kebelakangan ini…masalah ini kian merebak dikalangan kami.
saya beristighfar mengadap tuhan…semacam ada jihad yang memanggil…Aruah abah dulunya dalam 13 mei…saya kagum….’perlu diteruskan kalau kita terancam’katanya….Saya pegang kata-kata tu.
Kami mendengar saja provokasi bangsa-bangsa itu….mungkin sekarang saya dan kami diam,saya dengar dan saya hadamkan saja ke telinga kiri ini…hanya iman yang menahan saya dan kami semua sekarang….
Nauzubillah Tun….katakan pada mereka bangsa-bangsa itu agar jangan dipetik jihad dari mainan politik mereka….kita ada keluarga yang ingin kita bela dan fikirkan…
saya dan kami tidak begitu selesa…
This is one of the link to the documentary about Anwar in YouTube. Whether true or not, its an eye opener. Hope someone watches this..
salam TUN..
Ape2 hal pun,saya setuju dgn Tun.
semoga Tun sihat sokmo.
Assalamualaikum Tun !!
Saya kagum apa yang yng Tun katakan.
Walaupun saya dari seberang tambak, saya selalu mengikuti perkembangan politik Malaysia.
Tun kembalilah ke UMNO and tegakkan Melayu di Malaysia.
Kalau rakyat melayu Malaysia mahu perkara yang sama terjadi kepada kaum Melayu di Singapura (sebuah negara Tanah Melayu yng sekarang menjadi sebuah negara Cina) undilah PKR, PAS, DAP serta parti pembangkang yng ada.
(PKR) Anwar seorang yng pandai berpidato yang menggadaikan pengundi Melayu untuk kepentingannya sendiri.
DAP – Parti yng mahu menukar Malaysia menjadi Singapore – dimana 90% jawatan penting dlm kerajaan dipegang oleh orang CINA. Nyata tenggelamlah Melayu di Malaysia dan Malaysia akan mempunyai seorang pemimpin asing menerajui sebuah negara yang asalnya Tanah Melayu.
Tun, tolonglah bangkitkan kesedaran orang Melayu Malaysia dengan kembali ke UMNO.
Salam Tun,
Hi Halu…
Hang Tuah dan Hang Jebat …. mereka ni masuk Islam….mereka belajar silat kebatinan….banyak guna ayat Quran…..Hang Tuah tak akan bertaraf pendekar jika dia tak belajar …. antara ilmunya….sesuai dengan zamannya…ialah memukul orang dari jarak jauh……
Hang Lipo pun masuk Islam……puteri China….akhirnya diterima jadi kerabat diraja….tak ada masalah pun…..
banyak kelebihan Islam…..orang Melayu jadi hebat sebab masuk Islam…
Laksamana Cheng Ho pun masuk Islam…..dia jadi hebat….
Orang Arab jadi hebat…sebab masuk Islam…..!!!
saya teringin nak lihat Cina Islam jadi PM Nalaysia satu hari nanti…boleh ke..???
khayalan saya….semua orang cina malaysia masuk Islam….oh..alangkah indahnya….
sebagaimana kaum monggol masuk Islam…zaman pasca kerajaan Islam Abbasiyah….hang kenal tak nama besar…Genghis Khan…Kublai Khan…mereka bangsa Monggol….
tak dak masalah pun….UMNO tiada masalah….
Halu…..kalau takdak masalah…..jangan buat masalah…jangan cari masalah….
tapi saya percaya….kaum Cina dan India…akan terus buat masalah…cari masalah….mereka tahu…mereka dibawa masuk oleh Inggeris…yang berhasrat menimbulkan masalah….mereka bukan selesaikan masalah…..kalu susah depa pi balik England…
Hasrat Inggeris ternyata benar….!!!!!
Itu la sebab Sekolah Wawasan ada masalah……!!!! Bahasa Kebangsaan ada masalah….!!!
Dear Tun,
As always, I will never fail to view your website. A few months back there are more and more problems crops up from the politician either from Barisan Nasional also from the Pakatan Rakyat. We should be united and let’s do something good so that the economy of the country strengthen up and think of the welfare of the people of Malaysia.
Just don’t meddle up the problems with no ending situation.Also. we always been living in a peaceful and harmonious manner its not good for our future generation.. So let’s start working together and be united..
From what I gathered from the newspapers they are not trying to help up or build the country into a peaceful and harmonious situation but to ruining it to something that I cannot imagine..
I wish to Allah hopefully not…
All malaysian should be united and fighting with each other will not be a good solution..
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya setuju dengan Tun bahawa PRU12, rakyat menolak pemerintahan kerajaan sekarang yang diterajui oleh AAB. Sebab2 penolakan itu saya rasa Tun sudah jelaskan dlm posting2 sebelum ini (antaranya ialah UMNO sudah menjadi parti elitist) jadi saya tak akan komen berkenaan ini.
Apakah sebenarnya race-based politics ini? Bagi saya, rakyat Malaysia sememangnya sudah boleh hidup aman damai hasil dari toleransi pelbagai kaum. Dah 50 tahun lebih kita hidup aman damai dan membangun bersama. Cuma mungkin ada yang masih tidak puas hati kerana mereka ini fikir bahawa mereka ‘sepatutnya’ mempunyai hak yg lebih. Mereka ini saya kira sudah lupa kepada sejarah negara Malaysia. Saya berani kata bahawa ramai rakyat Malaysia sekarang sudah lupa, tidak tahu dan tidak ambil kisah sejarah Malaysia. Sebab itu mereka ini fikir demikian. Kepentingan diri amat terserlah bagi mereka ini.
Beberapa parti kerajaan pemerintah sekarang bercakap tentang membuka keahlian kepada ‘multi racial’. Adakah ini penyelesaiannya? Barisan Nasional sudahpun merupakan ‘multi-racial party’, jadi apa perlunya ‘multi-racial party’ dalam sebuah ‘multi-racial party’? Bagi saya BN sudah merupakan formula yang tepat kepada Malaysia. Setiap parti dlm BN bertanggungjawab untuk bekerja dan membela rakyat dari setiap kaum. MCA dgn kaum Cina, MIC dgn kaum India, UMNO dgn kaum Melayu, dsbnya. Mungkin ada yg berkata, ini lah race based politics nya! Kalau ini lah race based politics maka persoalannya apakah pendekatan ini tidak baik?
Malaysia mempunyai kepelbagaian kaum yang lebih dari 3 bangsa utama. Jadi, siapakah yg lebih mengetahui & lebih mampu untuk bekerja untuk sesuatu kaum itu berbanding dengan kaum itu sendiri? Adakah orang kaum India lebih baik dari org Cina untuk menyelami masalah & budaya kaum Cina? Apa tah lagi kaum Melayu.
Jadi bagi saya, kecuali lah Malaysia ini sebuah negara yang mengamalkan asimilasi kaum, maka kita akan ada parti2 yang menjadi wakil kepada setiap kaum di Malaysia ini. Parti2 ini akan bekerja dan berkhidmat terus kepada rakyat dan juga bertanggungjawab untuk membawa permasalahan antara kaum kepada mesyuarat BN. Sekiranya ini berlaku, maka tidak timbul persoalaan racial tension di Malaysia. Saya yakin bahawa inilah formula yang baik!
Yang menjadi masalah sekarang ialah BN tidak dpt melakukan kerja dgn berkesan. Akibatnya ialah timbul tidak puas hati rakyat. Dan pihak pembangkang bertanggung jawab juga dlm memuncakkan perasaan perkauman ini (bad opposition). Tapi asasnya BN tidak bekerja dgn baik. Parti terbesar dlm BN ialah UMNO yang juga peneraju BN masa ini. Kesimpulan mudah kenapa BN tidak berfungsi dgn baik ialah kerana UMNO tidak berfungsi dgn baik. Kenapa UMNO tidak berfungsi dgn baik?..Presiden kena jawab lah ni sebab presiden kena bertanggungjawab terhadap parti. Kalau tidak, presiden kena turun lah.
Stay Healthy Tun. Che Ma pun kena stay healty jugak sebab nak kena jaga Che Det.
salam tun,
any thought on the government is collecting tax on petrol? they also want to implement the price floor for the petrol.
UMNO warns about losing “Malay Rights”. UMNO warns about PR taking it away.
But what exactly is PR removing?
I’ll skip all the technicalities so that the average person can understand. Let us just examine the facts. And I’ll just start by asking you a few simply questions:
a) What exactly is “Malay Rights”?
b) Who has ever received one cent of this “Peruntukan Melayu” since 1957?
c) Why is your application turned down, or rejected every single year without fail?
d) Compare your house, with that of the Minister. Which is nicer?
e) Compare the Minister’s house when he first joined Politics, and today.
f) How much longer will you continue to be used as a statistic for even more “Peruntukan Melayu” dollars to be put into UMNO’s own pockets?
A quick viewing of Ronnie Liew’s Website will start giving you an idea of the enormity of the Corruption, and such practises going on in this country today. All in the name of “Malay Rights”. They’re not even “Melayu”. And neither are you. You are Javanese, Minang, Cham, Patanni, Bugis, Achenese, Ambon, and so on. You want to see “Melayu”? Go to Pulau Bintan, Pulau Batam, Jambi, Brunei. Those are Melayu. Not you. And you all know it. UMNO is lying to you.
These lies, are simply the excuse for UMNO to line their own pockets. Do you seriously believe that UMNO made the “honest” purchase of RM5,000 per Stanley Screwdriver which we can buy at Tesco for RM15? Were they really corrupt, or just un-informed? Either way, do you want these robbers to be your Country Leaders?
Dear Malaysia. This is blatant Corruption. And UMNO deliberately keeps the Police salary poor, so that they are “forced” to be corrupt too. This is to ensure that the lower ranks will shut up when their Big Bosses are taking Bribes. And their Bosses’ bosses are equally corrupt too !!
And you, the Rakyat, just let them do this to you. You are so concerned about your pitiful “ricebowl” that you assume that it is alright for them to continue to Rape and Plunder the country. Malaysia is not hungry enough for a change of Government. And you will continue to “Fret and Strut upon the Stage, and then is heard no more..” like Shakespeare says, and still allow UMNO to rule the day. Let not our dear RPK suffer in vain. He has always been, and is fighting for Malaysia. And his efforts will come to waste if you, the people sit down on your sorry asses hoping that someone else will do it for you. Tun RPK is but one man. You are 28million strong. Without your help, RPK is wasting his time.
“Malay Rights” should be read , and understood as “UMNO Rights”. And “Peruntukan UMNO”, instead of “Peruntukan Melayu”. The Malays were never part of the receiving end. They were, and are still to be used as mere statistics. And that’s why they continue to ask the Malays to breed like JackRabbits. They need your Babies for a “Head-count”. And then, you’ll need to figure out how to feed them yourselves, furthering your financial misery. You’ll need to figure out how to feed them, school them, and turn them into responsible adults. UMNO doesn’t care if your children are Drug Addicts. They don’t care if your children become rapists, or murderers, or killers. They just simply need the Head-count. So that their own wallets are fat and thick.
So go ahead, and light another candle. Go ahead and sing the Negaraku while the FRU beat you with their batons. It means nothing if Malaysia is not prepared to Kill the Evil UMNO Regime today. What are you afraid of when PR talks about removing the “Peruntukan UMNO”? What are you afraid of when PR insists on removing “UMNO Rights”? They were never meant for you anyway…..
Prepared by a malaysian-
askm Tun…
Sampai bila kita nak jadi macam ini? dah naik busan dah bila baca artikel2 semua nie, tp kerajaan stil dok mcm tu jugak..
Xtau apa dah jadi ng pemimpin2 kita hari ni.. semua tamakkan kuasa.. dah ada jawatan, dah keja tetap, dah jadi menteri.. tamak jawatan lagi ka?
kenapa? duit x cukup utk 7 keturunan lg?
klu x jadi wakil, xble suarakan pendapat ka? saya heran betoi la..
ni la pemimpin melayu lani.. klu x jadi wakil, xble nak bersuara lgsg..
cuba la contohi rasulullah.. dalam satu ceramah, ada disebut..
pernah suatu ketika, para sahabat nabi di persimpangan jalan. Nabi berkata, kita ambil jalan ini. tp ada seorang sahabat yg mahir dengan jalan di situ musykil dgn jalan itu lalu bertanya pada baginda.. “adakah pemilihan jalan ini perutusan drpd ALLAH swt?” nabi menjawab” tidak, ini adalah pendapat diriku”. kemudian shbt baginda berkata, jalan itu terlalu jauh serta sukar dan menyarankan jalan yg lagi satu. setelah mendengar kata shbt, baginda mengambil keputusan utk mengikut jalan saranan shbt beliau.
sedangkan rasulullah sendiri mendengar pendapat shabat seperjuangan, apatah lagi kepimpinan kita ini yg satu haluan.. membangunkan tanah air tercinta kita.
renung renungkan lah…
marilah kita kembali kepada agama kita, agama islam.
ambil tauladan dari kisah2 yg disebut dalam al-quran..
jgn kita terlalu ikutkan orang atau berpaksikan masyarakat.
“iyya kana’ buduwaiyya kanas tai’n” -kepada-Mu kami sembah dan kepada-Mu jua kami meminta pertolongan..
kalau kita faham maksud ayat2 dalam al-fatihah, betapa sayunya rasa dalam hati ini ketika bersolat… seperti mana saya rasa.
betapa saya rasa diri ini terlalu byk kesalahan..
adakah segala kebaikan kita buat akan diterima oleh ALLAH?
adakah solat kita diterima oleh ALLAH?
apakah nasib kita di akhirat kelak?
subhanallah… maha suci ALLAH..
marilah kita sama2 menilai diri kita sendiri di samping memperbanyakkan amal ibadat di masa akan datang…
Dear Tun,
When Malaysian became racist,we should blame who?It was government.Why?Government play important role to bring awareness to citizen.What have been done by government since 50 Years?just a small improvement of economic development(if compare other country) but fail at social development.I was aware more and more racist among Malay,Chinese and Indian.Unity or perpaduaan is important element to Malaysia move forward became more success.UMNO,MCA and MIC is just party to fight the right of their race but it should play important role bring awareness to their race about UNITY.When talking about understand among race…Understanding among race will happend if each race is give by same equity.
Wallace Goh
U nak harap apa? Malaysia itu kan negara apartheid seperti Afrika Selatan dulu. Malaysia satu-satunya negara di dunia yang masih mengamalkan sistem apartheid. Ini sesuatu yang kita boleh banggakan di pentas dunia. Malaysia Boleh!
Salam Tun.
I agree with what you say but I dont agree with what you did when YOU were the PM of Malaysia for 22 solid yrs. I see nothing you done for the Malays living in Pristage and Intergity and now the Timebomb its on its way…../
As long as the The Big Family-Barisan Nasional Parties do not improving their internal relationships and hence provides solid confidents to the people, I dont think they will score a better electorate results in the coming election.
As at todate,there is still none of the present BN leaders who could able to solve and table out the BN parties’ hesitations amd problems. Just as what Tun had said to the Opposition Parties-only Lip Service also!
Cina tetap dengan kecinaannya.. jangan mimpi mereka nak jadi bangsa malaysia sejati.. kalau ada pun mengaku depan Sultan dan pembesar-pembesar sekalian yang ada. Mereka ada beribu senarai tuntutan yang mana setiap tahun dapat lepas dua tiga pun jadi… hanya kebodohan melayu sahaja yang menunaikan permintaan mereka.. sepatutnya sudah belajar dari kesilapan.. tapi belajar buat silap dan terus melakukan kesilapan yang sama.. kalau inginkan melayu bersama UMNO selamanya.. saya ingatkan supaya lebih utama kan MELAYU dan AGAMA kerana itu perjuangan yang asal.. kalau sibuk dengan mempromosi masyarakat majmuk.. siapa nak memperjuangkan bangsa MELAYU.. dalam MCA,DAP,MIC.. tiada perjuangan untuk bangsa melayu.. lebih utama kan bangsa mereka sendiri.. tuntutan demi tuntutan.. apa yang mereka lakukan hanyalah kerana bangsa mereka.. tiada lagi tuntutan dari bangsa melayu yang mahu didengar.. kalau ada pun jawapan yang diterima.. “TAK BOLEH NAK BUAT APA… KITA MASYARAKAT MAJMUK…” akhirnya MELAYU menjauhkan diri dari UMNO.. Apa yang UMNO boleh buat??? siapa sebenarnya yang nak memperjuangkan bangsa yang bernama MELAYU ini.. tak kan dah habis semua kekayaan dan kuasa baru nak tergadah.. itu pun nasib baik mahu tergadah .. kalau masih tak mengaku kesilapan yang dibuat.. betapa bebalnya, bodohnya bangsa ini.. Ya Tuhanku.. Apalah dosa bangsa ku ini..
“Melayu pergi berambus balik ke Indonesia !, Cina pergi berambus balik ke China ! dan India pergi berambus balik ke India !…” ini adalah merupakan antara ayat – ayat perkauman yang biasa didengari sekiranya berlaku salah faham mengenai perkara yang menyentuh hak terutamanya hak orang Melayu.
Secara individu, saya dapat menerima kenyataan bahawa orang Cina dan India wajar pulang ke tanah air nenek moyang mereka jika tidak lagi suka dan benci untuk menetap di Malaysia kerana sahihnya dari negara terbabitlah mereka datang ke negara MAlaysia.
Akan tetapi apabila timbul kenyataan Melayu balik ke Indonesia, itu yang menjadi persoalan besar yang wajar kita selidiki dari akar umbinya. Orang yang melemparkan kenyataan ini sememangnya orang yang buta sejarah tetapi celik IT (Info Temberang). Perubahan dalam silibus matapelajaran terutamanya sejarah perlu diberi perhatian supaya keaslian perjalanan sejarah tanah melayu tidak diputarbelit dan dimanupulasikan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.
Kerana kesilapan dari peringkat pendidikan sejarah di bangku sekolah inilah yang akan menyebabkan negara melahirkan pelapis buta sejarah, tidak tahu sejarah dan cuba merekacipta sejarah mengikut apa yang mereka kehendaki seperti orang Yahudi. Sedangkan negara maju sekalipun amat menitikberatkan sejarah kerana dari situ, setiap bentuk proses perancangan, strategi dan tindakan untuk mentadbir diri sendiri, keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara berlaku.
Jika tafsiran betul dapat diinterpretasikan di dalam buku teks sejarah, maka wajar timbul kesedaran bagi setiap bangsa bahawa dari mana mereka bermula di tanah air ini. Malaysia asalnya dari Tanah Melayu. Nah.. nama asalnya sudah menunjukkan tanah siapa sebenarnya milik Malaysia ini.. Tanah Melayu terletak di dalam Gugusan Kepulauan Melayu.. Tiada kompromi lagi..Warna coklat tetap mendominasi.
Bukan tujuan untuk menjolok sarang tebuan tetapi fahami hakikat yang sebenarnya bahawa Orang Melayu terlalu lembut hati, gigi dan tulangnya sehingga hak yang dimiliki diambil, dicatu dan diberi pada yang lain, tetap berdiam diri. Sehingga dihalau balik ke negara yang merupakan sebahagian daripada negara bangsa kitapun tetap tidak mahu berganjak dan berubah.
Dear Tun,
The change of wave in the recent election is truly on the dislikes of the Government on its policy and the protection given to the minority races of the country, fearing their freedom are at random.
Anyway your view is accepatble.
Kenyataan yang ada dihadapan kita ialah, jika melayu bersatu dibawah satu parti, melayu boleh menang 2/3. Apa lagi jika bumiptra Sabah dan Sarawak turut serta.
Jika dilakukan pertandingan dalam pilihanraya ikut jumlah kaum disatu-satu kawasan, kaum mana yang majoriti?
Jika kaum bukan melayu terus mencerca dan mendesak kaum melayu, apakah agaknya orang melayu tidak juga bersatu?
Kaum cina dan india harus faham dan berterima kasih, bahawa perlembagaan yang ada pada hari ini wujud semata-mata untuk menyerapkan kehadiran mereka sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang mendapat segala hak yang sama jika tidak lebih dari kaum asal orang melayu.
MEREKA SEBENARNYA MELAKUKAN KESILAPAN MELAMPAU, mempertikaikan apa yang tercatat dalam perlembagaan mengenai melayu.
Keistimewaan sebenarya adalah kepada mereka. Fasal-fasal yang menyentuh melayu sekadar cuba mengekalkan hak asasi orang melayu. Tidak lebih dari itu.
Apakah jika ini pun ingin dihapuskan, orang melayu akan terus berpeluk tubuh?
Hanya ada seorang melayu yang melampaui batas bangsanya dalam hal ini – ABDULLAH BADAWI.
I would be first to defend these folks the right to their beliefs. However, politicians espousing these positions do not belong in the highest national offices of any eastern nation desiring peace and stability in a shrinking world. Tolerance is not enough as peace required mutual respect.
As much as I’d like to believe that Najib is an improvement over Abdullah, I’ve seen this movie enough times to know better: ‘Meet the new boss, same as the old boss’. There’s nothing more pathetic than grown-ups who really believe in salvation by politics.
Abdullah is now having a trip to Kazakhstan which I believe it’s a waste of money and resources as what we should expect him less in 4 months unless he is now taking his sweet time before his retirement.
What a disgrace Abdullah is …
YABhg Tun and fellow commentators
I sincerely believe that the debate about Malay dominance and racialism had been drifting to the seas where no man wish to venture lest we are prepared to face the oncoming monstrous waves (that might kill all of us). In my humble view racialism and racial politics in Malaysia has been misinterpreted and rarely reflect the real issues in all these debates that most often come in the guise of Malay vs non-Malay (even bumiputera was rarely mentioned).
To me it is about seeking a Malaysian identity going forward. All the historical context being discussed and cited in all of these debates gave the foundation from where we start. I strongly agree with the observation of YABhg Tun on the issue of racialism being or tried to be laced with issues of human rights, inequalities etc. but in fact it is racial (or shall I say cultural) based sentiments.
Then again what is the identity of Malaysia or this small segment of the historical Malay Archipelago (should anyone want to dispute that) before the colonialist divided them? I believe the Malay culture and values (as we discussed today) is not about origin of one race but the customs and belief system that has been rooted deeply in this land no matter who the inhabitant are. That’s why we see the Malacca Baba from the Admiral Cheng Ho’s entourage that reside in Malacca adapted to the local culture (even language), same as the Arab traders who had come to this land hundreds of years ago and became all the “Syed” in Malaysia today, and not to mentioned the Indian traders. They have all embraced the customs or a significant portion of the culture to be received by the majority of this land.
The same it was with America or even UK or anywhere else in this world. The dominant and deep rooted customs and culture will dictate the identity. The westerners (read “European”) imposed their culture in America against the local “Indians” by force and followed by massive migration of populace that “drowned” whatever is local in America. Then only Asian and everyone else came to the continent and have to adapt to the predominantly “European” culture.
Back to the original question then, what is it in Malaysia? I have to confess that I am not authority in Constitutional Law but I believe the intention is to preserve what is dominant here whilst not to sideline others who chose to preserve their own culture. I guess in this respect Malaysia is so much better than America or elsewhere as constitutionally and explicitly this protection is stated. And to this end I agree with YABhg Tun’s observation unless we all choose to defend (with no compromise, I must add) our very own different cultures to its very last detail, national unity or national culture will never be achieved. If there is any attempt to portray that will always be prententious and superficial.
Then the question is who will assimilate to whom? Would the less dominant able to force the dominant? Or shall there be a new culture to be bred out of this melting pot? And how, peacefully or forcefully? I sincerely hope it will be by evolution and not revolution. And hopefully all these self-centric politicians will think beyond their own self interest for as Malay saying “api masa kecil jadi kawan, sudah besar jadi lawan” and nobody will have the might to douse them but to just perish in the inferno.
Dear Tun
Based on the racism and 2008 election, probably you are sourcing for feedbacks on why and how. Below is my personal opinion and hope it is helpful to evaluate.
1. Correct, unfortunately you forget to add other reasons why people were jubilant, leaders were arrogance, egoistic, bribery, unfairness, family member
Salahsatu Tujuan Pilihanraya ialah
Kuasa perundangan Persekutuan adalah terletak kepada Parlimen yang mengandungi Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan dua majlis yang dinamakan Dewan Negara dan Dewan Rakyat. Oleh kerana Yang di-Pertuan Agong adalah sebahagian daripada komponen Parlimen, maka baginda mempunyai kuasa-kuasa berikut:
* Memanggil Parlimen bermesyuarat dari masa ke semasa;
* Memberhentikan dan membubarkan Parlimen;
* Boleh memberi ucapan dalam mana-mana Majlis Parlimen dalam kedua-dua Majlis Parlimen bersama; dan
* Memperkenankan Rang Undang-Undang.
Undi lah sapa-sapa pun…
Harus Di Ingat…. Kuasa Agong
Walaupun Perlembagaan (Fasal 39) memberi kuasa eksekutif kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, namun menurut undang-undang Persekutuan dan Jadual Kedua Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Parlimen boleh memberikan fungsi eksekutif itu kepada orang lain.
Sungguhpun terdapat beberapa pengecualian dalam Perlembagaan tentang kuasa dan kedudukan Yang di-Pertuan Agong namun lazimnya baginda menerima nasihat dari Kabinet, lebih tepat lagi, Perdana Menteri. Walaubagaimanapun, Yang di-Pertuan Agong berhak dan atas kemahuannya meminta segala maklumat mengenai kerajaan Persekutuan yang diberikan kepada Kabinet.
Dear Sir,
It looks like whenever you have nothing to write, then you write on racism in the country by which you create arguments among ethnics. by which you become popular. What a cheap mentality you have.
I appreciate if you could write on ways to improve the economy of the country
Do you really think you could have been Prime Minister if you have registered yourself an Indian Muslim instead of a Malay? You knew how to manipulate racism to get to the top at UMNO by championing the rights of the bumis. No, one should take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself how the Malaysian system got to be so screwed up.
This has nothing to do with even trying to help the people regardless of religion or race. It is the way to get rich with all the UMNO bovine manure system. Enough is enough and all your UMNO cronies and ex-cronies all have to go.
Assalamualaikum wr wb,
Dear Tun Mahathir,
I am a modern Singaporean Malay-Muslim and I support PM Lee’s statement that Singapore is not ready to have a Malay-Muslim Prime Minister. He is absolutely correct. Why ? Because we do not want Malaysian politicians like you – to stir racial issues and pressure a Malay Singaporean PM into making decisions that will harm Singapore’s interest but will only benefit Malaysia.
It is people like you who harp on the racial issue that should be put away. I do NOT believe in Article 152/153 anymore. The Malays must learn to talk of responsibility instead of asking for special privileges all the time. Why should they have special privileges in this day and age ? Where are the responsibilities that they have to shoulder if they want to be a Tuan ?
You are a disservice to the Malays and maybe Tunku was right about you ! I am glad that you are no longer PM of Malaysia.
Salam Tun,
The pure racist revealed, Chinese and Indians.
The agent is language.
We need only two mediums in schools to choose, Malay and English.
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Izinkan saya menumpang pendapat disini. Saya merasakan bahawa sebenarnya Anwar Ibrahim bukanlah sangat nak menghapuskan hak-hak keistimewaan Melayu. Seperti biasa, beliau hanya memutarkan fakta secara keseluruhan dan memancing harapan bukan Melayu di Malaysia. Mungkin beliau beranggapan bahawa apabila telah berjaya menjatuhkan kepimpinan yang ada dalam UMNO, yang secara umumnya tidak popular hari ini, selebihnya ahli UMNO akan masuk semula kebawah sayap/ketiak beliau dan beliau akan terus terbang memacu semula agenda ketuanan Melayu seperti apanya bacaan beliau itu. Jadi nampaknya, DAP akan kena jual lelong suatu hari kelak dalam gabungan PR. Hebat ke Anwar Ibrahim ni? Planning dia dah cukup baik? Saya rasa sebenarnya, beliau yang akan kena jual dengan DAP. DAP hanya mempunyai dua objektif sekarang ini:
1. Kudakan Anwar Ibrahim dan jatuhkan UMNO dan Melayu
2. Jatuhkan Anwar Ibrahim dan terus padamkan Melayu.
Rata-rata mengatakan bahawa Wolfowitz adalah sekutu rapat Anwar. Betul. Memang benar dan tepat. Tidak dinafikan. Tapi apakah juga bukti yang kita ada untuk menafikan yang bahawa sebenarnya pengaruh Yahudi US sebenarnya lebih berkeyakinan
Sejak dua menjak ni kita di hiburkan dengan wajah2 pemimpim pelawak atau boneka dari beberapa negeri yang dikuasai PKR.
Di Kedah. MB nya nak buka kandang babi. MB dari PAS yang begitu menjunjung Syiar Islam dan sensitive akan agama Islam. Tapi telah menerima cadangan DAP untuk membenarkan penternak membuka ladang babi di Kedah.
Padan lah muka orang2 Kedah.(Maaf, TUN pun orang Kedah) Pi lah dok sokong sangat kat PAS tu.
Di Perak lagi memalukan orang melayu bila MB nya juga wakil PAS macam kerbau di cucuk hidung. Mengikut saja apa kata DAP. Tak apa tergadai maruah asalkan dapat pangkat MB.MasyaAllah!! Tergadai bangsa dan agama asalkan dapat jadi MB.Nauzubillah!!
Padan lah juga muka orang2 Perak kerana nak sangat PKR menang.
Kesimpulan nya ada kah memberi untung dan kebaikan pada orang melayu. Mana dia the champion of Malaysia si Anuar al juburi tu. Bangsa sendiri di perlekeh oleh kaum lain diam saja. Ini kah yang disanjung sangat oleh pengikut2 nya.
Di Selangor pun apa kurang nya. Si Khalid tu pun macam tu jugak dok iktu buntut si Tressa tu. Perlekehkan kaum sendiri kerana nak jaga sangat hati kaum lain. Kaum sendiri terpinggir tak apa.
Ya lah mati nya esuk orang2 ni lah yang akan menghadiah fatihah untuk nya kot.
Kesimpulan nya mereka faham PRU akan datang belum tentu menang jika nak harap pada pengundi melayu. Orang melayu dah pasti akan menyokonh UMNO dan BN semula bila Najib dan rakan2 nya dapat memulihkan UMNO dan BN. Kerana PKR atau Pas memang sedar kemenangan mereka adalah kerana rakyat ‘memprotes’ kepimpinan Pak Lah.
Dengan tak ada nya Pak Lah pastinya rakyat akan kembali pada BN.InsyaAllah.
Semoaga Najib berjaya membawa perubahan.
Its an honoured for enlighting us on this issues. Some are very confused on this issues and do not really understand at all. Tun as excellenc as ever indicate the fact of its existance, weather one likes or dislikes, is of individual choices.The point of the matters now is that the present Leadership AAB has failed,and will always failed because his foresight vision is never in existance, and AAB hindsight vision is lost and gone on the very day AAB was made a PM & President of UMNO.All must respect of what has been achieved and not let racism to boils up and causes havoc.What need to be understood is that Malaysia now with AAB as PM is lost without a direction and UMNO leadership, selfishness, by not being able to guide AAB and thus AAB is astray and lost.AAB is either silence on Tun critics, or if AAB would made verbal remarks, AAB would and could not say matters as clearly and visualised matters as Tun.The downfall of UMNO today is due to the lost of respect on Tun.No body can deny this and UMNO is afraid of the truth, just to hypocrately support AAB for his greed and not for UMNO struggle.AAB must now give up his PM & President post for UMNO to heals the wounds that was caused by AAB.AAB must resign now and any delayed is not doing any good but will make UMNO weaker and no more the party where the Malays can be proud just as previously.DSN & MT UMNO, Hope this message is clear and final for UMNO immediate response, AAB or UMNO? Its now or never? Thanks Tun. Salam to your loving family and do take care of your health always.
Salam buat Tun dan semua,
Saya yakin org UMNO yg undi DAP,PKR,PAS dlm p/raya lalu akan kembali kpd UMNO dlm p/raya akan dtg dgn adanya peralihan kuasa yg akan berlaku tidak nlama lagi..disamping itu ada perkara-perkara lain yg perlu di jadikan iktibar oleh dan pemimpin2 UMNO yg ada skg ini perlu berubah – lebih bersifat merendah diri serta tidak sombong, lebih perihatin terhadap kesulitan rakyat, tidak terlalu mememtingkan diri dan kroni, tidak terlalu menonjolkan kekayaan dan satu lagi yang begitu penting tidak terlalu mengambil kesempatan daripada peluang luas yg ada didepan mata..
Pemimpin UMNO atasan juga perlu lebih bijak bermain politik, perlu berani serta tegas dan jelas dalam mempertahankan hak bangsa(bukan bijak main politik menjatuhkan lawan sahaja)..bukan spt keadaan skg ini yg kelihatannya pengecut..adalah sorang dua yg berani spt Dato’ Rais Yatim..yg lainnya memberi apa sahaja yg dimita oleh pehak lain yg tidak pernah puas serta tidak mahu memahami sejarah (bukan tak faham sebenarnya! tp buat2 tak faham)..cuba baca tulisan dr mohd riduan tee atau dr lim swee tin..aman rasanya malaysia ni..
Pendidikan sejarah perlu ditekankan kembali dari peringkat sekolah rendah hingga ke universiti tidak kira swasta atau tidak..jadikan ia juga mata pelajaran teras..kalau gagal, tiada sijil, dip atau ijazah atau pun turunkan status pencapaian mereka..
Kesilapan yg nyata ialah sikap kita yg terlalu memberi..sikap ini tidak ada pd bangsa lain..sikap suka ambil mudah dan tidak mau merenung begitu jauh kedepan inilah yg menyebabkan keadaan saperti skg ini berlaku..saya percaya kalau Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun lah yg menjadi PM pertama, pastilah keadaan skg ini tidak akan berlaku….insyaALLAH.
Satu lagi ialah sikap perkauman yg tebal yg mereka tunjukkan..tidak mahu sekolah wawasan..apakah dosa kalau anak2 masuk kesekolah wawasan, sekurang2nya mereka boleh bergaul sesama bangsa..drp ketika kanak2 lah kita perlu semaikan sikap toleransi ini..ini mereka menolak..maka jgnlah hairan jika di universiti awam juga setiap bangsa dgn kumpulan mereka masing2..kalau nak kenal mengenali pun sudah terlambat! Dibenak tu dh tertanam sifat chauvinist yg tinggi..jd jgn cuba nak salahkan sesiapa..anda mmg beruntung menjadi rakyat malaysia..keadaa ini tidak akan anda perolehi dinegara lain..percayalah!
Namun demikian, jgnlah kita berharap orang MCA,MIC yg beralih arah ke parti alternatif tersebut akan kembali keparti asal mereka.. mereka sudah nampak dan arif dgn hasil yg mereka perolehi skg ini..jd apa faedahnya..Mr Samy jgnlah nak tunjuk jaguh!
Dan UMNO kalau nak mendapatkan sokongan mereka kembali, perlulah mencari ikhtiar tetapi bukan dengan menggadaikan hak bangsa kerana ini tak akan ada kesudahannya..anda telah dipilih, maka berfikirlah..jgn ambil mudah perkara ini..ingat, kesilapan anda hari ini akan memusnahkan masa depan anak cucu kita!
As a Malay from Sarawak, I do not share the sentiment of “Tanah Melayu” or “Ketuanan Melayu”. It seems that the Malays of Semenanjung think that they cannot survive in this world if they dont have the political power. They think that their situation is unique in this world and that their survival depends on this political power.
Pray tell then how did the Malays of South Africa, of Port Hedland, of Sri Lanka, of Mindanao, of Singapore, survive, all these while?
Why not we emulate the Chinese diaspora, or the Jews diaspora, or the Indian diaspora, that care not for state independence but rely more on individual effort rather that state sponsorship?
Affirmative action is good, I was a product of NEP. But wouldn’t it be blasphemy if I still request for 5% discount on a RM250,000 house? Wouldn’t it be blasphemy if I ask for school textbook subsidies for my children?
Those are the things about NEP that we can do without.
Salam Tun,
1. Recently, there was an uproar when the Selangor Menteri Besar decided to appoint the lady Deputy GM of PKNS to head the organisation. The reason being she is the most experienced and that the previous Malay head caused PKNS to lose millions through giving out PKNS prime land to private developers.
2. As usual there was a chorus of support from the chinese leaders. They think only they can manage better. They are either naive or just hypocrite.
3. Let me quote to you a comment by a retired senior selangor state government officer. “As a Deputy General Manager, Madam Lim is the most powerful officer in PKNS. All the while, The General Manager was just a puppet. She was the one who decide to give all the prime land to private developers. Those land that are difficult(?) are developed by PKNS. Her husband is a contractor. She is the person who made arrangement for payments to the politicians. Kalau nak investigate, she should be the one to be investigated.”
4. Probably, Khir Toyo, Abu Hassan Omar and Mohd Mohd Taib can verify that comment.
5. It is ironic that Khalid Ibrahim does not know these. Probably, he condone the on-going and wish to tap whatever opportunity that comes by. Rumours was around that he had the chinese to built the very expensive Guthrie Corridor Highway. This rumour can be verified by Guthrie and PNB board of directors.
Salam Sejahtera to Tun and family.
Salam Tun.
Budaya lembik dalam umno masih berterusan sehinggakan katagender dan food-not-bombs pun berani mempertikai fatwa MFK tentang pengkid dan lesbian.
Tak kedengaran pulak apa komen PM dan TPM berkenaan sikap kurang ajar NGO non-muslim yang berdemonstrasi di KLCC. Memadaikah dengan sikap “Tak Pa”?
Kesan PRU-12 memang jelas menunjukkan bahawa melayu sudah lembik disebabkan oleh sikap makan rasuah (wang & jawatan). Jadi segala hak-hak melayu sudah boleh digugat dan dipertikai atas alasan kesamarataan.
Jumlah keanggotaan kakitangan awam pun dipertikaikan seolah-olah wujud segolongan manusia menyekat manusia lain daripada menyertai perkhidmatan awam. Sedangkan hakikat sebenarnya, manusia tersebut lebih mementingkan wang semata-mata.
Memang betul pandangan Tun, sikap perkauman sudah semakin terserlah selepas PRU-12 sedangkan sebelum ini agak kurang kedengaran.
Jika kesamarataan ingin diperjuangkan oleh PR, mereka perlu buktikan dengan berkempen memansuhkan dasar sekolah vernakular.
Salam Tun
I was reading your blog as usual and suddenly felt like giving my comment especially when other commenters (some of them) labeled you as racist.
What I can see is that they somehow failed to see the big picture you are trying to convey. They think that the world function as equal as possible that everything is in perfect or ideal situation. I did not know how they come up with such thinking.
As for me, after almost 40 years of age, I see the world or our life works different as we want them to be. There is no simply you’ll get what you want and God will grant your wish. Instead you have to work extra extra hard to achieved your dreams. Furthermore there must also be some ways to sustain your momentum so that the graph would not go down the drain.
As for you, God knows how much you have been tested. And yet how strong your wills and determination which being acknowledged by friends & fans and enemies whether they like it or not. What you are trying to tell is simply the real situation that the world works differently and we must prepare ourselves for the worst. You have gone all the blood and tears and your advised to the later much younger generation to be careful with potential races crisis instead you have been labeled as racist!
I just wonder how these people would react if only they were in your position. Orang Melayu kata “cakap memang senang…”.
I conclude that it is very important to know what we want. It will dilute all negative feedbacks. As human being the creation of Allah the Almighty, it is very hard (almost impossible!!!) to please everybody.
Tun, just do it your way and take care…
saya setuju dengan pendapat tun, ramai yang pangkah pembangkang terutama PKR kerana tidak berpuashati dengan pentadbiran pak lah dan menantunya, saya sebagai org melayu semasa nak memangkah teringat cerita mengenai menantu paklah, scomi dan sebagainya menyebabkan saya sokong pembangkang pada masa itu tetapi setelah melihat pembangkang memeritah saya rase meluat plak gan pembangkang ni.
Saya menyesal pangkah PKR, akan datang saya mungkin pangkah Umno semula, harap ada perubahan dalam umno….UMNO perlu mempertahankan hak melayu dan pertuanan melayu.
I think many here have a skewed opinion on racism. A political party that champions the plight of their community to have equal opportunity as any other citizen can not be regarded as racism. It
To Onlooker on November 17, 2008 10:26 AM
Well said and done.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I agree with you, the results of 2008 general election do not signify that peole totally reject BN, and to me it is more of a wake up call. People are fade up with BN for not having clear vision for the country, for not knowing the priority and trying to please everyone until let others decide on behalf of the government especially on behalf of UMNO. But, definitely we cannot underestimate the capability of the opposition, they are trying at their very best to serve the people and they will probably be the chosen one in the next election to lead the country if the top leaders are still drowsing. I strongly feel that we still need a political party like BN to represent different races. However, due to several BN leaders, who have no charisma at all, the party has turned to be a hopeless party. One thing i observe in an organisation, some people are born to be good followers and will never be good leaders. Therefore, for the sake of this country, those who think that you are good followers but not leaders kindly let others to lead.
1. Benar apa yang Tun ungkapkan
2. DSN nak ambil ke apa yang diungkapkan oleh Tun
3. Takut dia sibuk benda lain jee…lepas nie..
UMNO = OK!!!
not ok is the people in the PARTY
( not all of them )..
MALAY-SIA = MALAY( majority)..
iban n kadazan
and other races….
AMAN AND DAMAI……thank god…
What you said is very true but why the current government is still not improving the standard?
During Tun time there is always new business anywhere and new people coming in the field, but now there are always those few and no new faces. Tell me if they don’t know any people then Tun can recomemed them some friends. How to win election when no friends vote for the current PM?
With Tun experience, please tell them what is wealth distribution is and how to achieve it.
Wish Tun is good health always.
salam tun…
saya mmg cukup kagum dgn tun…mana x nye…idea n pemikiran tun melangkaui masa depan…maybe susah utk dibuat coz ade rintangan tp sume tu leh jd…pokok pangkalnye kita cuba…sume org leh cuba tp cne pon msti ada asasnya…so sume yg tun lakukan mmg b’asas..alhamdulillah kpd Allah pncipta kita semua.
moga tun pjg umo n dpt sumbangkan pndapat kpd pemimpin kita…
When Chinese stand together to negotiate their well being, and Indian stand together to negotiate their well being, Malays should stand together also. How to negotiate when there is no unity? How to let your voice heard when there is no unity? How to defend your rights when there is no unity? No matter what happens, Malays should stand together and unite. Please don’t be blinded by fancy ideologies, think of what is practical and applicable in the reality.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Semoga sihat selalu. Agenda sebenar yang bukan melayu adalah untuk “menghapuskan” “privileges” orang melayu. Sebab itulah timbulnya Sosial Contract – yang saya fikirkan tidak perlu sama sekali. Berbalik kepada RACISM AND 2008 ELECTION – Juga tidak wujud kerana kita lihat di Sarawak & di Sabah BN menang hampir 100% kan? Justeru demikian saya sokong pandangan/pendapat yang berbahagia tun!
Salam mesra buat Tun dan semua dilaman chedet ini.Tun, dari pengamatan saya tentang topik yang Tun cuba jelaskan masih tidak jelas bagi mereka2 ini yang tak faham apa yang cuba Tun tuliskan kali ini.
Mereka2 ini kebanyakan memberi spekulasi yang amat bercanggah atau lari dari apa yang di maksudkan.Difikiran mereka ini tak habis2 dengan isu2 perkauman yang dibangkitkan kerana terlalu berfikiran negetif dalam isu2 sebegini,yang sepatutnya kita lebih banyak menggunakan akal serta berfikiran positif.Dari apa yang saya dapat jelaskan ,kebanyakan mereka ini dari kaum bukan melayu yang menimbulkan sesuatu perselisihan dalam hal2 sebegini walaupun kaum melayu ada juga membangkitkannya tetapi segelintir.Ramai dikalangan mereka ini sudah maju/berjaya tetapi adakah mereka terfikir jika mereka berada ditempat sebaliknya?.Mereka lebih mementingkan diri sendiri tanpa melihat apakah akan terjadi jika keadaan ini menjadi lebih tegang serta sesuata yang tak diingin berlaku akan menyebabkan masalah pada generasi2 yang akan datang.Mereka sudah memperolehi apa yang diinginkan ,tapi bagaimana dengan generasi2 yang baru menjenguk dunia ini. Kerana sifat tamak, dengki, bongkak dan mementingkan diri sendiri maka generasi2 yang tak tahu apa2 yang menjadi mangsanya.Kadang2 timbul perasaaan meluat apabila membaca komen sebegini yang kebanyakkan seperti kacang lupakan kulit.Mereka ini sebenarnya yang bersikap perkauman.Bila mereka dihulur dengan kesenangan mereka memuji tetapi jika sebaliknya mereka cepat melatah .Adakah mereka rasa menetap/ membina kerjaya ditempat lain lebik baik?Silakan kalau itu yang difikirkan.Rasanya kerajaan Malaysia tak pernah menegah / menghalang mereka ini tetapi jangan kerana anda telah berjaya ditempat orang janganlah sesenangnya anda boleh mempertikaikan sistem negara ini.Sebenarnya orang2 sebegini yang akan menghancurkan negara apabila diri mereka tidak mendapat tempat dinegara sendiri.Pelik dengan sikap orang sebegini,tak habis dengan ketidak puashati dengan negara ini.Bagaimana sikap mereka jika berada dinegara orang?Mereka tak akan merunggut apa saja yang ditetapkan oleh undang2 negara tersebut…….percayalah.Tak perlu pergi jauh ….singapore paling dekat.Kita akan mematuhi setiap yang ditetapkan kerana tindakan akan diambil jika kita melanggari undang2 itu.Tun,rasa2nya kerajaan perlu tegas dalam menangani hal2 sebegini.Kerajaan jangan beri muka pada mereka2 yang cuba mementang perlembangaan negara kita.Kerajaan mesti melakukannya, jangan sesenanghati untuk membebaskan mereka2 yang terlibat dalam hal2 yang membawa masalah pada negara seperti Anwar,hindraf dan beberapa orang dari parti pembangkang yang tak habis dengan tak puashati mereka.Kerajaan sekarang terlalu berlembut dengan orang2 ini, puncanya pemimpin yang terlalu lemah dan tidak cekap dalam menangani setiap masalah yang ditimbulkan sehingga kerajaan terpaksa meminta maaf.Rasa macam tak kena dan kelakar pun ada.Malah kerajaan bayar dengan jumlah yang begitu banyak .Bukankah wang itu boleh dilaburkan untuk perkara2 yang lebih manafaat lagi,sedangkan wang itu juga dari rakyat.Kenapa hal2 sebegini boleh berlaku hanya orang2 ini yang dapat menjawapnya.Itu antara pandangan dari saya.
Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
i totally agree with your statement that “it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service”.
Tak payah la nak membelitkan kata2 dgn mengatakan kita keliru untuk membezakan antara “racism from the human rights activism”.
Kalau betul kita hendakkan Malaysian Malaysia, hak sama rata dan sebagainya…apa kata mulai saat ini, kita cakap Bahasa Melayu, hantar anak2 ke sekolah yang sama, biarkan anak2 bersukan dan bermain bersama2 kaum yang lain, suntikkan semangat pada anak2 kita yang bumi Malaysia ini adalah anugerah Tuhan kepada kita semua utk hidup bersama2 dan saling hormat menghormati, jadikan Malaysia yang terbaik. TAPI ianya mesti dimulai dengan diri kita sendiri. Seandainya kita sendiri masih tidak mahu berubah, jangan harapkan orang lain untuk berubah….
tu semua agenda politik saja Tun.terang-terang kita nmpak sekarang politik lebih busuk dengan bau perkauman.
tundukkan mereka ini.takkan melayu hilang di dunia.
hazman abu bakar
Salam Tun.
Melayu sekarang dalam dilema.
Nak pilih UMNO… korup.(kepercayaan dah hampir 0%)
Nak pilih PAS … sekarang ni dah pandai main golf sehingga terabai tugasan sebagai wakil rakyat.
Nak pilih PKR… bukan untuk melayu 100%
Kalau camni next PRU maleh nak gi ngundi. Cam takde faedah jer.
Salam Tun,
Maaf di sini sy terpaksa luahkan perasaan harap Tun faham…..Saya rasa negara kita ni bukan satu negara yang disanjungi dan disayangi oleh rakyatnya sendiri. Tiap2 individu itu lebih dikenali sbg org Melayu, org Cina, org India, org Bajau, org Kadazan ………………………… (infiniti). Bila berjalan di mana2 di ibukota KL contohnya, sy tak nampak “flag-bearer” yg menyatakan mereka itu semua org Malaysia….. Semua bercakap dalam bahasa ibunda masing2, di tambah lg dengan pendatang2 haram dan halal yg memenuhi ruang setiap inci tanah Malaysia ni. Apa sudah jadi? Saya lihat kedai2 di tepi2 jalan, di dalam shopping complex, hanya tulisan Cina, English dan logo2 yg x melambangkan langsung ciri2 Malaysia….BOSAN BOSAN BOSAN. Sy dah rasa seperti negara sy dijajah semula……sy hairan mendengar org2 Cina dan India yg warganegara Malaysia lebih fasih bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris…. tapi bila bercakap dalam bahasa Melayu.. SEMUA HANCUR.. MCAM BARU SEMALAM DATANG KE MALAYSIA….BOSAN BOSAN BOSAN BOSAN… TUN, KEMBALIKAN MALAYSIA-KU YG SEBENAR…….PLSSSSS…
What is
Hi Tun..
Please take care of your own health. We all love you.
Hi Reza aljunaid.
Please update yourself.
Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat they all are not MALAY.
We’ve been cheated by the unreal history for so many decades..
If you don’t believe, pls ask those who are still study in Secondary school or who just graduated few years ago. They won’t know who the hell is Hang Tuah. You can’t find the Hang Tuah syllabus in their text book anymore. Goverment removed it.
Those story of your so-called Pendekar Melayu are no longer truth. Instead they are Chinese body-guard from Mongolia who protect Parameswara to Tanah Melayu.
Salam Ayahanda Tun. I think that D.S.Najib only has two issues that need fixing fast, and one of it, he is already fixing and fixing good but for the second issue he still seems lost. He still has too much uncertainty in race relations. It just needs a
Apa yang saya dapat lihat sekarang secara reality, membela dan menuntut hak bagi kaum cina tak kira dari parti MCA atau DAP telah mempopularkan parti masing2 dan ingin jadi hero bagi kaum cina itu sendiri, jadi halal politik perkauman mereka, pemimpin melayu nampak takut dengan politik mereka, bila melayu cakap mengenai kaum je terus racis, tertutup terus mulut melayu tu sekali dengan tindakan tatatertib. Tetapi hero kaum cina tadi tak ada tindakan dikenakan. Kenapa melayu perlu takut ditanah air sendiri? sikap macam berada dinegara lain plak. Saya rasa biarlah Umno saja dalam BN dan kita lihat apa akan jadi…
melayu sekarang bangun dalam diam…harap kaum lain paham dan jangan terlalu ghairah…wassalam
assalammualaikum tun,
ringkas saja- 90% berpunca dari paklah dan anwar.
sorang kencing berdiri
sorang lagi kencing menari.
Salam Tun,
Yes you are right here. For those who disagree will say you are racists… Well for them who disagree too are racists because they chauvinists to their creed. On the hand the Malays today are NOT the same as those on the 60s who are now age >60
Ybgh Tun,
Saya teruja dengan komen reza aljunaid . Malang nya Melayu dari dulu hingga sekarang, dari Menteri dan rakyat melayu jelata, hanya hebat dalam menyimpan semangat membara dan marah sahaja, membara akan jadi sejuk, marah akan memohon ampun, akhirnya melayu akan tunduk mencium bumi dipijak bangsa pendatang ni.
Pemimpin melayu memang gila kuasa, UMNO kerana dah terlalu hendak kuasa telah mengadai perjuangan nya , kini UMNO nak membela bangsa lain selain melayu. Melayu diperbodohkan, Melayu undi UMNO, rupanya UMNO nak membela bangsa lain selain Melayu.
Apa ye agaknya yang benar-benar yang akan membela Melayu ?????
Mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kebahagian Ybgh. Tun senantiasa.
Dear Sir,
This is a old topic. Please write something new.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Kita perlu tahu bahawa kaum cina dan india yang membangkitkan isu perkauman ini sememangnya sedang melakukan provokasi secara terancang bagi membuatkan orang melayu bangkit sepertimana yang berlaku dalam tragedi 13 Mei dahulu. Akibat dari insiden tersebut orang melayu telah yang dipersalahkan dan mereka-mereka ini kononnya diklasifikasikan sebagai “mangsa” kekejaman perkauman atau apa yang disebut sekarang oleh mereka sebagai ‘racist’ melayu.
Mereka-mereka ini memang licik dengan berselindung disebalik undang-undang dan demokrasi. Sepetimana yang didakwa oleh mereka hak kebebasan bersuara adalah hak mutlak mereka dimana sewenang-wenangnya mereka mencabar sistem kesultanan, isu agama dan hak-hak orang melayu sepertimana yang telah termaktub dalam perlembagaan Malaysia.
Yang menjadi bertambah parah ada dikalangan orang melayu sendiri bersekutu dengan mereka sebagai contoh Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Dengan adanya beliau dalam gagasan mereka ramai orang melayu yang terpagaruh dengan dakyah dan cerita dongeng yang disebarkan oleh Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Apa yang kita dapat lihat hari ini DAP dengan Malaysian Malaysia, telah mendapat sokongan padu kaum cina setelah mereka menolak MCA manakala HINDRAF yang menuduh kaum india dinegara ini telah ditindas dengan begitu kejam oleh Kerajaan UMNO telah mendapat sokongan padu dari kaum india setelah mereka menolak MIC. Dari dua senario diatas jelas menunjukkan kerajaan BN dibawah pimpinan Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tidak disenangi oleh kaum tersebut.
Secara tidak langsung kita dapat melihat sikap sebenar segelintir kaum cina dan india keatas orang melayu.
Kita telah banyak memberi ruang seluas-luasnya kepada mereka untuk sama-sama hidup secara aman dan mencari rezeki dinegara ini. Malah tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan ekenomi dinegara ini dimonopoli oleh kaum cina. Manakala taraf hidup orang india dinegara ini semakin baik malah ada yang lebih baik dari orang melayu sendiri. Orang melayu tidak pernah mempertikaikan apa yang dikecapi oleh mereka sekarang.
Mereka perlu ingat selagi adanya orang melayu dinegara ini, samada mereka suka atau tidak, samada dengan cara baik atau sebaliknya MALAYSIA AKAN SENTIASA DIBAWAH PEMERINTAHAN ORANG MELAYU SEJAK DULU, KINI DAN SELAMAYAN. Cukuplah dengan apa yang telah berlaku dengan Singapura.
Sekian, Wasallam
Seremban 181108 8:41am
asalamualaikum bapak…
aiiiiih…maleh dah nak fikir pasai melayu..pemimpin2 yg duk ada
buat sakit jiwa senak perut sakit otak…..kerana saya mmg tak p undi…terubat sikit seme2 sakit….undu bn…yg duk atas duk cakap tak serupa bikin…pkr…si ai beria2 nak jadi pm..pas..tingat berita tv3 6/7 taun dulu….jadi…kenapa saya nak bersusah payah undi depa yg pentingkan diri sendiri….berselindung sebalik ugama…terima kasih bapak kerana sentiasa bersama kami rakyat m’sia….
Apa yang Tun perlihat dan perkatakan disini sememangnya ujud fakta dan dalil nya.
Umno dengan para pemimpin nya mesti melihat kembali akan apa yang telah mereka lakukan selepas TUN memberi kuasa secara mudah pada pak lah. Mungkin kerana Pak Lah menerima kuasa secara ‘mudah’ ini telah membuatkan dia tidak tahu menjaga nya dengan baik.
Umno dikala ini terlalu ‘defensive’. Ini lah pertunjuk nya Umno telah lemah. Tiadak lagi berani berhujah mempertahankan segala perlanggaran yang dilakukan oleh sehabat sendiri atau lawan dalam perkara2 yang dilihat telah menyentuh hak bangsa dan agama. MALU!!.
Terasa aib dan hina nya bangsa melayu bila diperlekeh sedemikian oleh rakyat sendiri.
Pemimpin UMNO mesti lah bersifat ‘Offensive’ bila ada suara2 sumbang yang cuba mencabar dan menyentuh perasaan orang melayu.Tapi apakan daya kerana pemimpin2 ini semua nya lemah dan lembik.
Kebanyakan mereka ini pun duduk kat atas tu bukan lah kerana mereka sebenar2 nya berkarisma. Tetapi ada lah di antara penyangak dan perakus yang telah membeli kuasa untuk kepentingkan diri sendiri dan kemewahan yang boleh di kaut.Mereka bukan nya pembela bangsa yang tulin.
Mereka gunakan ‘wang’ untuk buat modal dan akan mendapat untung berlipat ganda bila berjaya terpilih sebagai pemimpin. UMNO seolah2 ‘BURSA SAHAM’ Hari ini tanam modal, esuk lusa boleh dapat untung. Kerana itu lah ramai nya pemimpin dari golongan ini tidak berkarisma.
Di harap kan Najib dapat belajar dan telah pun melihat kegagalan UMNO di terajui Pak Lah. Dan perlu segera memperbaiki nya. Dan perlu ada ketegasan. Ramai lagi rakyat dari kalangan orang melayu bersedia memikul tanggung jawab ini jika terdapat pemimpin2 yang sedia ada ini tidak lagi relevan sebagai pemimpin.
Tidak perlu lagi disimpan mereka2 ini, kerana akan hanya merebakan lagi virus penyakit ‘rasuah’.
TUN, teruskan menulis saya akan terus menyokong.
Pada sorang dua yang maseh lagi memperlekehkan TUN di sini biarkanlah. Anggap lah mereka Ibarat anjing menyalak bukit sahaja.
Semoga TUN sehat selalu.
Tun :
The curse of Mahathirism strikes again ! Mahathirism is all about pinning the blame on others and not on yourself. Everything is Badawi’s fault. Everything is Semi Value’s fault. Everything is Ling’s fault. Sorry, sir, everything is your fault. He corrupted our systems, and you killed meritocracy all in the name of race for 22 years. You meddled with our education system to try to give advantage to a particular race, and now this mess has to be slowly reversed. You allowed your cronies to rob and pillage in broad daylight so long as they did your bidding. Look at Daim, Rafidah, Ali Abu Hasan, etc. Now you have the nerve to say that Mat Taib is corrupt.
Is Najis any better than Badawi ? You knew the commissions he took on all defence contracts, but you kept quiet because Najis did what you wanted.
Yes, Sir, you allowed all the BN component parties to steal in the name of their race, and you expect that this will change ?
May Allah keep you alive for much much longer so that you can see with your very eyes the mess you have created for Malaysia. May Allah keep you alive for much longer so that the rakyat can have an apology from you when reality bites. Amin.
Selamat pagi Tun,
Izikan Tun…
To: edmund chua on November 17, 2008 10:50 AM
Hi Edmund,
I am not a MCA member, I am just a rakyat biasa. No doubt, Soi Lek has contributed alot to Malaysia and MCA party, and it’s okay to be emotional on this matter. Put yourself in Tee Keat’s shoes, and reason out why Soi Lek is not getting any minister posts.
“Clean Image vs Experience” – which is more important in Malaysia, Asia and the world? Just take the example of that Bill Clinton, he was forced to resign by Americans due to sex scandal, same as Soi Lek. But at least in MCA, Soi Lek is given the post for No. 2. If possible, I, as a chinese woman, I do not wanna see Soi Lek’s face in news or anywhere, because he was caught in ACTION….. Thus, if Soi Lek loves the party, he should know what the majority of the chinese want.
If Tee Keat were to put Soi Lek in the minister post, how will the “raja2 Melayu feel, how will the rakyat of Malaysia feel, how Asian and the world feel, how will the majority of the chinese react?
If you can answer these questions, I am sure you will agreed to what Tee Keat’s has done. Tee Keat is not ego, he is also a human being like us, he is under pressure especially from chinese like you who think that he is “kejam” for not to giving the post to Soi Lek.
So, Edmund, advice Soi Lek to accept his fate, and just keep queit and do his work, furthermore, he has pension and allowance from MCA,
Good day Tun,
cina berjiwa Bangsa Malaysia
Dear Tun,
Good morning,
I cannot understand why are you still harping on this subject of Racism and the 2008 Elections. While you are still at it, let me make my observation on this.
I believe if you had not stepped down as PM and handed over the PMship to YAB Abdullah Badawi, and stood for the Elections in 2004, BN would have lost quite a lot of seats then. BN won because the rakyat felt that we have a Mr.Clean who would tackle corruption that took place during your time. It is because the present PM did not tackle the corruption problem, and allowed the ministers to talk nonsense at their own will, the rakyat including the malays voted against BN. The racial issues are the work of politicians and not the ordinary rakyat. If we do not have politicians, we would not have racial problems.
Good day.
Akum Tun..
I don’t know what is our country is becoming into..the Chinese are asking for more as if they haven’t benefitted at all from the country.. they are asking more for chinese schools as if these schools are deprived of so many things.. please tell them to wake up and smell the coffee.. go to Sabah and Sarawak..see the interior schools..that’s why we don’t build chinese schools as yet coz the allocations are meant for the democatization of education..once everyone is on a level playing field, then we may consider meritocracy..pls i plead you tun..pls tell them..
Selamat pagi Tun,
Izikan Tun…
To: edmund chua on November 17, 2008 10:50 AM
Hi Edmund,
I am not a MCA member, I am just a rakyat biasa. No doubt, Soi Lek has contributed alot to Malaysia and MCA party, and it’s okay to be emotional on this matter. Put yourself in Tee Keat’s shoes, and reason out why Soi Lek is not getting any minister posts.
“Clean Image vs Experience” – which is more important in Malaysia, Asia and the world? Just take the example of that Bill Clinton, he was forced to resign by Americans due to sex scandal, same as Soi Lek. But at least in MCA, Soi Lek is given the post for No. 2. If possible, I, as a chinese woman, I do not wanna see Soi Lek’s face in news or anywhere, because he was caught in ACTION….. Thus, if Soi Lek loves the party, he should know what the majority of the chinese want.
If Tee Keat were to put Soi Lek in the minister post, how will the “raja2 Melayu feel, how will the rakyat of Malaysia feel, how Asian and the world feel, how will the majority of the chinese react?
If you can answer these questions, I am sure you will agreed to what Tee Keat’s has done. Tee Keat is not ego, he is also a human being like us, he is under pressure especially from chinese like you who think that he is “kejam” for not to giving the post to Soi Lek.
So, Edmund, advice Soi Lek to accept his fate, and just keep queit and do his work, furthermore, he has pension and allowance from MCA,
Good day Tun,
cina berjiwa Bangsa Malaysia
Dear Tun..,
Kadangkala lebih baik duduk dibawah kuku besi/diktator asalkan rezeki,taraf hidup,hubungan sosial terjamin berbanding dgn hdup dibawah transperacy,keterbukaan yg mn bleh mngundang semangat utk mengapi2kn perkauman.
Saya setuju dengan analisa Tun.
Harapan Saya.
Biarlah kita berbeza dari segi bangsa dan budaya, tetapi semua rakyat Malaysia diajar dan ditunjuk kebenaran yang hakiki dalam satu syahadah yang sama.
Maka akan hilang rasa cemburu dan curiga-mencurigai antara kita sesama manusia. Maka marilah kita bergerak sebagai satu badan dakwah mengajak dan menyeru manusia kearah satu agama dan mengamalkan amalan agama tersebut sebagai satu cara hidup.
Dear Tun,
The malays always vote out of emotion. Its so easy to win their votes. Just stir some emotions and they will sway the vote. They will not vote by looking far. They will not choose the most capable intelligent man.
Mahathir, you are such a PATHETIC RACIST!!You are the root of all racial probelms in Malaysia now, as if we don’t have enough problems already!!!Shameon you, you are NO BETTER than any of the UMNO leaders now, so please leave them alone to do their work or give constructive advice,for god sake!!!NOT create RACIAL ISSUES!!!balik-balik, cakap pasal racism, let it go. We are Malaysian, remember?? Wawasan 2020, remember???? YOU ARE SO SELFISH. YOU ARE TRYING TO ACHIEVE WHAT YOU WANT WITH THE EXPENSE OF THE RAKYAT AND COUNTRY BY MAKING THE RAKYAT OF DIFFERENT RACE HATE EACH OTHER. YOU ARE SINFUL,YOU MUST BE GETTING NIGHTMARES EVERY NIGHT.
By tingkat04 on November 17, 2008 10:19 AM
Saya amat kasihan dengan chedet. Chedet tidak dapat melihat senario pilihanraya secara keseluruhan. Mungkin chedet sudah 80 tahun lebih. Saya fikir, sememangnya rakyat malaysia bergerak kearah itu (politik tanpa garisan kaum). Cuma ianya tidaklah 100% terserlah
Dear Tun,
As i have already commented several times your rational regarding many issues are flawed, with this artical u are establishing this fact further!
Dont be shallow and dont assume that all Malaysians are shallow as well! Just because the Indians seem to be violently racist doesnt make right for the dominant race. Sometimes in order to achieve equality there is no other option available for the minority.
If u want to gauge racism among the races, one has to start on a equal playing field! Only then can an accurate conclusion be made! dont make your fellow Malaysians look stupid OK! Violently Racist! My A..!
What they want is to achieve equality and no more. Only once equality is achieved can a proper gauge of racism can be utilised.
U want to have a debate on this issue? give me a call! 012 2149427
I can also bring along a good friend of mine who is one of your most ardent and emotional supporters!
I have great respect for u but what u say is not acceptable rational!
Salam kpd YABhg Tun…
Setuju tu Tun..
Saya berpendapat senario ini, jika boleh disebut isu “perkauman?” ini berpunca dari kelemahan kepimpinan UMNO sekarang. Sebab itu saya kata DSAB mesti letak jawatan sertamerta, jika tidak isu ini berpanjangan kerana DSAB gagal ‘mematahkan’ dakwaan2 yg diungkit2 oleh beberapa orang pemimpin yg mencari sokongan atau ingin menjadi ‘hero’.
Yang menimbulkan isu ini hanya seorang dua dari MCA, MIC, Gerakan, DAP, PKR dan hantu putar belit Majlis Peguam. Justeru jika DSAB punya sedikit otak, perkara ini tidak akan berpanjangan. Dulu perkara ini tidak berpanjangan kerana Tun segera mematahkan hujah dangkal mereka. Ketika itu pemimpin2 Umno juga bebas untuk mematahkan hujah mereka. Sekarang masing2 takut..takut… Mujurlah ada Tun, TS Muhyiddin, DS Dr Rais dan orang luar Datuk Ibrahim Ali.
Saya dikelilingi oleh jiran2 dari masyarakat cina. Setiap hari kami bertemu, kami dalam masyarat biasa tidak pernah timbulkan isu2 perkauman. Baru2 ini kami adakan kenduri (doa selamat) makan tengahari kerana isteri saya hendak ke Mekah. Jiran2 Cina datang beramai2 dengan anak2 dan beramah mesra sambil mengucapkan selamat agar isteri saya selamat pergi dan balik. Apakah semua ini? Jika Raya Aidilfitri dan Tahun Baru Cina tak perlu nak ceritalah.
Sebenarnya tidak ada pun isu yg hendak diungki2 kecuali oleh beberapa pemimpin yg hilang pengaruh serta cuba menjadi hero. tetapi sebab utama ialah kerana kepimpinan UMNO yg lemah. PM sebok pasal peniaga tak turunkan harga.. Bagilah menteri2 berkaitan yg buat kerja tu.. Perpaduan kaum adalah keutamaan dari PM. Jika ada isu yg boleh melukakan bumiputera, segera jawab.
Kpd pakpandir08 on november 17,2008 10:03 AM..
Kadang2 ada artikel yg perlu ditulis dalam BI, untuk mendapatkan impak dan pengertian yg jelas. Bayangkan jika artikel ini ditulis oleh Tun dalam BM, ia akan akan lebih panjang dan mungkin lebih dari sekali ganda serta dikhuatiri tidak membawa maksud yg tepat. Ini tidak bermakna saya menjunjung BI, tetapi ia lebih kepada pengertian dan tujuan yg jelas dan blog Tun ini juga dibaca diperingkat global.
Satu hal lagi saya mohon dan berharap agar YABhg Tun, dan memimpin2 UMNO yg lain, sebutan “Melayu” hendaklah diganti dengan
“Bumiputera”. Walaupun di Sarawak ini belum ada UMNO, mungkin suatu hari nanti sayap UMNO akan melebar ke sini. Insya Allah.
Underneath, we are all the same. We are all Malaysians. Why quarrel about something that is only skin deep?
In essence we are all human beings. Lets all work together for the good of the nation and the world.
Those who continuously talk about hate and racism, have to learn to forgive, and move on. What good can come from creating hate? Why create racial resentment among the races when the rakyat actually get along?
The biggest obstacles to Malay progress are low standards and low expectations. Umno tells you that you cannot compete with the non-Malays. Yet there are so many parameters to what is better or not that it is impossible to measure them all. It is illogical to think that someone else is better than you.
To believe that you cannot compete is a very low expectation that guarantees very low standards, and it is the last thing you would ever want to leave to your children. The solution requires guts and faith – in you. You must insist on open competition, meritocracy, equal rights, and an end to all forms of racism.
You are not inferior, you can compete, and you control your own destiny. If you allow Umno to brainwash you, and your children, then low standards and low expectations become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The NEP has inevitably deteriorated to become a scam whereby Umnoputras will get all the benefits and be laughing all the way to the bank and everyone else gets poorer funding their excesses – mansions, wives, fat bank accounts, licenses, contracts, monopolies, APs. You get nothing, and I get even less than nothing – blamed for being the pendatang.
PAS and PKR want to change the NEP so that it will help the poor of all races but since the Malays form the bulk of the poor, then the Malays will automatically benefit exceedingly, and no one will feel left out or despised.
We must create a superior system of government that will be efficient, productive, progressive, competitive, and meritocractic – one that can hope to outperform Singapore – if we are to hold our heads up high, in open competition, and without prejudice.
The Malays will still totally dominate the aristocracy, cabinet, parliament, police, judiciary, military and government but in a country that is progressive, meritocractic, educated, progressive, prosperous and respects equal rights, human rights and freedoms.
This would be real legacy worth leaving to your children. Choose wisely.
Advanced progressive modern countries have achievement-based values, equal rights, open competition, meritocracy, and legislate against racism.
Such countries will have wealthier and healthier citizens who are not any smarter than you, and who will not be working harder than you, but they will be better informed than you, their kids will receive a better education than yours, and they will be earning lots more money than either you or me.
Umno will tell you that advanced countries like Singapore have prospered at your expense. The truth is that Umno will never give you a superior system. It cannot reform because it has an addiction problem. Umno leaders are addicted to huge amounts of easy money – your money!
Umno will tell you that their addiction to your money is in your best interests. Umno will say they only take money from non-Malays. Umno will say it is your fault if you are addicted to Umno’s Ketuanan Melayu policies and bumiputera privileges..
The truth is that Umno is addicted to your tax money, and Umno will try to weaken your will to succeed on your own by getting you mentally addicted to their falsehoods. Unless Umno can make you feel addicted to your privileges, and make you feel unable to compete, and frightens you with the non-Malay bogeyman (or bogeywoman like Teresa Kok), and that he or she is a threat to your safety, finances, future, race, language, culture and religion, then Umno knows it will lose your vote in open competition to PKR and PAS.
Businesses and businesspersons who have succeeded because of a government-sanctioned cartel or monopoly that denies others the chance to compete will make all Malaysians poorer – that is, except the lucky filthy rich Umno-BN leaders who gave themselves or family or cronies the cartel or monopoly – APs, Proton, UEM, Renong, Bank Bumi – in the first place.
If you are reading this letter, I can presume that just like me, you did not get the exclusive contract, license, cartel or monopoly either. The truth is you and I and everyone else have been made poorer by the system that Umno has created.
If the economy is heading for a downturn, and if the financial crisis affected your business, and you are wondering why people in other countries don’t work as hard as you, and still earn much more money, then you will begin to understand that they live in a superior system.
Their leaders do not rob and abuse their citizens as much as in Malaysia. If you drive a Proton and they drive a Japanese car for the same price, then you are never going to be as well off as them.
With Umno’s wholesale corruption, and racist propaganda that scapegoats and demonises the non-Malays to play on your fears and anxieties, our beloved country will come to resemble the uneducated, unproductive, expensive, impoverished countries like Burma, Indonesia, Philippines and Zimbabwe.
Umno leaders will do anything to stay in power and wealth, and that includes to divide and rule with lies, judicial abuse, and more. In the beginning the NEP picked the low-hanging fruit so there was an easy prosperity for everyone but now the signs of terminal decay are everywhere.
Economic and political reality has come back to roost, and if you are still poor, you need to ask why filthy rich Umno leaders are telling you that the non-Malays continue to cheat you of your rights and prosperity. The truth is that the success of any Malaysian in the open market that is subject to open competition will benefit all Malaysians.
Businesses, academics and professionals who have succeeded because of their competitiveness, innovation, hard work and determination bring prosperity to all Malaysians. Non-Malays and Malays who compete in the open market, if they succeed, it is because they offer everyone – you and I – a better product at a lower price.
Umno loves to say that the non Malays have used unfair means to advance by cheating you. The truth is Umno leadership has advanced economically and socially at your expense by destroying your competitiveness but to cap it all, they have succeeded in making you blame the non-Malays for their mistakes.
Umno makes you think that the way for you to reach global competitiveness would be to oppress and hamstring the non-Malays with steep racial quotas for jobs, licenses, and university places.
The truth is that it is the competitiveness and grit of successful Malays and non-Malays who compete in the open market in open competition that acts to provide every Malaysian – you and I – with the best goods at the cheapest prices.
You could buy a good quality, long lasting, reliable Japanese car in any other country for what you pay for a crappy Proton in Malaysia. Meanwhile, the AP scam that gives select Malays a license to smuggle in thousands of cars without paying duty will never be awarded to anyone other than the most overly privileged, wealthy and connected Umno elite insider – and definitely not to you if you are an ordinary decent Malay.
After the twisted judicial treatments and twisted sentences meted out to the likes of Lim Guan Eng, Anwar Ibrahim, Teresa Kok and Raja Petra Kamaruddin, I think we can safely rule out any semblance of a sense of right and wrong and common decency as a meaningful guide to Umno’s decisions.
There are a number of things I want to put across to my imaginary Malay audience in cyberspace – you – particularly if you believe every racist, inflammatory, bigoted, and demonised stereotype, opinion piece and fabricated news that Ahmad Ismail, Khir toyo, Utusan Melayu, and Biro Tata Negara tells you about me.
If I were a Malay leader, this is what I would say. The Malays totally dominate the aristocracy, cabinet, parliament, judiciary, police, military, and huge government bureaucracy. The Malays have the highest birth rates.
You have benefitted from the racial quotas in education, commerce, licenses, contracts, jobs and promotions – funded by non-Malays. Therefore if you are feeling aggrieved, if you are feeling angry, and if you are feeling insecure, you need to ask yourself why.
If Umno tells you that your culture, language, race and religion is threatened by non-Malays and non-Muslims, i would suggest you think critically before you act. Umno has destroyed any hope of English literacy amongst the Malay masses.
Without English literacy the professions are out of the question for you. High-paying jobs will be hard to find. You will be handicapped in your career and business. Umno tells you that the non- Malays have advanced economically at your expense.
The biggest obstacle to Malay progress…
KL Johnny | Nov 3, 08 4:43pm
I am a Chinese Malaysian male with diverse groups of friends – Tamils, Malayalees, Sikhs, Jaffna Tamils, whites, Eurasians, and Babas and Nyonyas. The problem is I have very few Malay friends.
Umno tells them iI am a threat to them. Umno tells them I am undeserving of equal rights. They might even believe it, and since I don’t want to think any less of them, I prefer to keep my own counsel.
Generally I don’t talk much about anything important with Malays, and certainly not about politics. I think meaningful friendships between Malays and non-Malays are becoming rare in Malaysian society.
There is not enough dialogue between Malays and non-Malays at the ground level. Umno speaks from both sides of its mouth – telling the Malays the non-Malays are a threat to them, and then turning round to tell the non-Malays that their rights will be protected.
At other times it may say the reverse, the key denominator being what it needs to say to win votes at the time, and the ethnic composition of the audience. After 51 years of Umno’s divide and rule, it is no wonder that race relations are a joke.
With Biro Tata Negara, Khir Toyo and Ahmad Ismail to lead the way, only a fool will think Umno wants good race relations. Umno leaders wants good race relations only when it will keep them in power. Power and money are the real motivations for Umno’s political leaders.
Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties. And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.
Now the question is who will be the losers at the end of the day. This kind of racial politics will finally end up with disaster. It takes just a few more steps forward to doomsday for Malaysia. Malaysia will become a failed state and you will see there will be some crazy people being “hypnotised” or “brainwashed” out there to the extent of willing to become suicide bombers and blow themselves at crowded places. Tiada maaf bagi semua !!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Percayalah selapas ini bukan setakat 2 ayat ALQURAN yang di bacakan
oleh pemimpin2 bukan Islam khususnya dari pehak pembangkang.Tentunya bertambah2 lagi orang Malayu yang akan terpesuna denganya.
Namun saya tidak tertarik dengan semua itu,yang saya harapan adalah kelahiran seorang lagi DIKTATOR ALA MAHATHIR,yang terbukti boleh membawa kejayaan kepada bangsa Malaysia.Sehinggakan akhirnya bangsa Amerika Syarikat meniru formula ekonomi yang diperkenalkan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bagi menangani krisis kewangan serantau yang berlaku 11 tahun lepas membuktikan kehebatan kepimpinan Melayu diiktiraf dunia.
Hanya melihat serta benci kepada politik perkauman, benci kepada politik keagamaan serta benci melihat laungan begitu dan begini, benci kepada penumbuk ke langit bukan penyelesaian selamanya. penyakit ini telah sedikit menular menyeberang laut cina selatan yang sejak sekian lama hanya menjadi penyakit di MALAYA.
Mujurlah bawaan peribumi Malaysia di seberang Malaya masih seperti dahulu kala dan tidak sedikit pun menghidap penyakit MALAYA ini. Namun ia tidak mustahil boleh berlaku kerana sayap Malaya sudah luas menelan seluruh pelusuk Malaysia. Keharmonian hidup antara kaum memang terkenal kepada sesiapa saja yang datang berkunjung ke Malaysia (Malaysia di seberang Malaya).
Sedang orang Malaya yang menjenguk di sini juga kagum dan tidak mahu pulang ke Malaya. Kenapa? Kerana ia suatu yang semula jadi di sini. Kesemulajadian yang tidak perlukan penerangan panjang lebar tentang hidup harmoni dan bagaimana mahu harmoni. tidak memerlukan kempen untuk berintegrasi. Intergrasi sejak ribuan tahun berlaku secara semula jadi pada setiap bayi yang lahir. jadi kempen integrasi yang di laungkan Kerajaan pusat Malaya sejak sekian lama tidak perlu di sini.
jurang minda jauh berbeza, begitu juga cara hidup, perbezaan budaya antara Malaysia Timur dan Malaysia Barat berbeza sekali bawaan antara keduanya. Memang Malaya lebih kehadapan (barangkali hasil bumi sejak puluhan tahun yang di makan) tetapi untuk mengajar cara bagaimana untuk hidup berharmoni kepada rakyat Malaysia di seberang sini saya fikir itu tidak perlu dan kemi boleh mengajar mereka bagaimana. cara kami ialah mereka hanya perlu datang dan lihat dan buka mata besar besar.
dan saya fikir pentadbiran sendiri kepada negeri sendiri dan tidak bertuan kan Kuala Lumpur adalah pilihan bijak lagi tepat. Jika ada pilihan saya akan memilih untuk mengundi tidak membentuk Malaysia. Namun sayang sekali saya belum lahir semasa pungutam suara Suruhan Jaya Cobbold puluhan tahun lalu.
Berpisah dan menarik diri lalu keluar dari Gagasan Malaysia adalah suatu idea yang baik. Boleh dikatakan semua penduduk di beberapa negeri tertentu langsung tidak berminat dengan Malaysia. Sebagai peribumi yang arif dengan tanah air sendiri sejak ribuan tahun saya tidak berasa gembira atau berbangga punya negara bernama Malaysia walau saya mempraktiskan dan menuruti segala panji-panji yang di ajar kan di sekolah KEBANGSAAN. Saya melaluinya dan mempraktiskan atas dasar peribumi memang punya adat dan juga mungkin kerana tiada punya pilihan.
TUN yang dikasihi,
Saya berpendapat TUN sehingga kini masih in a state of denial.
Sokongan orang bukan Melayu terhadap BN dan colon UMNO nyata sudah susut. Ini suatu kebenaran. TUN harus terima bahawa disebabkan UMNO yang terlalu menjaga kepentingan kaum Melayu sehingga mengabaikan hak orang bukan Melayu adalah sebab utama UMNO kalah teruk termasuk MCA, MIC dan Gerakan yang bersubahat dengan UMNO.
UMNO terlalu gebang tentang ketuanan Melayu yang tidak langsung selaras dengan ajaran Islam kerana Islam tidak pilih bulu atau warna kulit. Yang diutamakan oleh Islam ialah orang yang bertakwa kepada Allah tanpa kira bangsa. Islam adalah adil dan saksama. Sebenarnya pemimpin UMNO bukan sahaja tidak faham Islam malah tiada satupun ingat kepada cara perjuangan Nabi Mohammad. Kalau Nabi pun mereka tak boleh ikut macam mana nak ikut Al-Quran ?
Bercakap pasal ketuanan orang Melayu, banyak orang memulakan sejarah Malaysia dengan kedatangan Parameswara bagi menonjolkan keagungan Kesultanan Melaka. Sebenarnya orang-orang ini adalah buta sejarah.
Sejarah Melaysia sebenarnya bermula dengan kedatangan orang India ke negeri Kedah bersama-sama dengan unsur-unsur agama Hindu dan Buddha sekitar 100 B. C. Walhal Parameswara datang ke Melakan sekitar 1400 C.E. dan Parameswara adalah keturunan India
Dear TUN,
Many Malay readers are arguing about their rights in this country, ranging from ketuanan Malayu, citizenship, the status of Bahasa Malaysia, the use of language for road signs, Chinese are termed as pendatang, Indians, orang asli and those from the interior of Sabah and Sarawak are also fighting for their rights.
There is nothing wrong with this country. It is a beautiful and peaceful country. That is why everybody wants a share of it. It is everyone
Dear Tun,
If Malaysians could not live in peace and harmony by keeping on playing with racial politics then the best solution is to hand over back the power given to the rakyat to the respective Sultans and the Agong. We go back to feudal system and let the Sultans rule absolutely. We dissolve parliament and forget about Malaysia being a democratic country. We should go back to absolute monarchy system to safeguard our country from being in chaotic state of affairs. Like in Brunei which is ruled by absolute monarchy, everybody seems to be living happily.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sekeluarga. Dgn izin…
Tak ada faedah di bincang isu kaum lagi. Yang minoriti hanya boleh bersuara meminta, yang berkuasa tetap tak beralah, tapi isu dilebarkan orang politik keruhkan keadaan. Hentikan semua tuduh menuduh, mengancam, mencabar, menghalau, menghina, menghasut.
Hak masing masing esok tetap sama, tak lebih tak kurang. Yang untung pihak ada kuasa, bermaharajalela tak ada orang perhati apa dia buat. Lagi untung orang anak bertarung dlm pemilihan, dapat jadi wira bangsa.
Perbincangan untuk buka mata pada pendapat orang, tapi dah dibelit memijak hak, pertikai kontrak, melawan Tuan. Kalau manusia tak daya, Tuhan saja boleh tunjukkan mudarat sikap hati batu ini. Petandanya dah mula muncul.
Yang tak ada kuasa akan meminta dari yang berkuasa. Dalam agama, manusia meminta dari Tuhan dgn berdoa. Dalam demokrasi minoriti akan meminta dari berkuasa dgn bersuara. Tuhan tak menahan umatnya, jangan melampau minta lebih lebih, mengada ngada, bagi betis nak paha, panjat kepala, Belanda diberi tanah bila berdoa.
Tuhan sedar dia Maha Kuasa jadi mcm mcm akan di minta, terpulang padaNya nak beri tak. Sama juga kerajaan. Tak payah mengancam, melawan, merempuh, menahan orang jangan minta. Jangan beri, habis cerita.
Hakikat, kerajaan di bawah Umno. Angkuh, bongkak, sombongnya manusia dgn kuasa di beri Tuhan kalau sampai bersuara pun tak boleh! Orang minta dari satu mulut, dijawab dgn berarak, berhimpun beramai ramai dan menghadiah keris. Tuhan yang MAHA MULIA sedang memerhati insannya yang di beri nikmat kuasa (kuasa jumlah,kuasa perintah) cara dia melayan orang dibawahnya.
Tak beri lagi nak pijak orang???
It seems commentators like reza aljunaid are delusional and does not understand historical fact (or refuses to believe them).
Malaysia was build by everyone, whether they are Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Orang Asli and Dayaks, to name a few.
Our country was build by everyone
Parti berasaskan kaum sudah tidak diterima lagi di Malaysia?.
kata-kata itu adalah hanya menutup sebahagian muka dan membutakan sebelah mata kepada pihak yang berkata. Muka mereka mungkin dilindungkan separuh agar mereka tidak dikenali berasaskan kaum mereka.
Kaum cina memperjuangkan hak mereka (dari dulu sampai sekarang pun), Orang India memperjuangkan hak mereka (juga dari dulu sampai sekarang). Sudah tentu orang Melayu juga mempertahankan hak mereka yang telah termaktub dari dahulu supaya tidak dirampas orang.
Kalaupun mereka tidak memperjuangkan melalui parti politik tetapi mereka tetap menuntut dan menuntut tidak berhenti henti seperti diagendakan melalui Suque, diagendakan melalui Hindraf. apakah ini tidak berasaskan kaum. Mana ada orang Cina yang memperjuangkan kemiskinan dan kedaifan orang Melayu?. mana ada orang India yang memperjuangkan orang Melayu?. yang ada cuma Orang Melayu yang tidak lokek, tidak pernah serik membantu mereka menjadi lebih kaya dan lebih senang dari dulu.
Mereka yang bercakap begitu cuba menutup sebelah mata kerana tamak haloba mereka dan berusaha untuk merampas hak orang Melayu. Mereka tamak kuasa, meminta dan memaksa bila melihat Melayu makin tak terselia.
Mereka menuntut itu dan ini yang sememangnya bukan hak mereka. yang sudah dapat mereka tidak pernah cakap, minta lagi…minta lagi. Adakah Melayu ambil hak mereka yang ada?. adakah Melayu minta hak India yang dah mereka dapat?. Kalau Melayu tak pernah ambil hak mereka kenapa nak ambil hak melayu, bahasa, Agama (Majlis peguam pun dah pandai nak campur pasal Islam?). Majlis fatwa tak pun campur pasal agama Hindu dan Buddha!)
Melayu hanya ada kuasa politik, yang itulah yang hendak dirampas mereka. Mereka mahukan kuasa politik untuk merampas seluruh hak Melayu. Jadi, tidakkah mereka racism namanya?. kalau parti tidak berasakan bangsa, tiada UMNO maka keadilan yang jadi tunggak parti keganasan dimaharajakan oleh kaum lain untuk kepentingan mereka, Hindraf bermaharaja lela. Suque akan tuntut semua….
Dearest Tun,
1. Very well said Tun, especially on points 8-10. Those who believe that PAS, DAP and PKR are not racists are those who are living in dreamland. The only reason I
Dearest Tun,
I wholeheartedly agree with what King Julien has said above. My sentiments almost exactly. Well said.
Dear Tun,
I envisage demography as being key to safeguarding Malay identity and future in Malaysia. At the moment Malays comprise 55% of total population and with Muslims standing at 62% approx. The government should look into social engineering as a means to increase these statistics. Singapore leadership continues to retain a Chinese majority around 75% by bringing in and providing citizenships and PRs to qualified and talented Chinese first and foremost. This balances out the birth rate deficit of the Chinese population in contract to the higher birth rate of the Malays for example; Malaysia can learn a lesson from this in terms of maintaing a Muslim majority populace in face anti-Malay and anti-Islam propaganda. I believe this should be seriously considered because we as a nation should allow religion rather than race to be our primary identity; with a 75%+ Muslim majority, you will see the noise of the “opposition” get less louder in face of a stronger majority that is united by faith primarily and race secondary.
Salam Tun,
Tun tentu setuju bahawa orang melayu berjuang dengan keikhlasan dan tidak tamak hak orang lain.Orang melayu tdak sambut Hari Melayu,tapi orang cina sambut Tahun Baru Cina,walaupun ada yang beragama Budha atau Kristian.Orang India dan Sikh sambut Deepavali walaupun agama mereka berbeza.
Politik memang melampau batasan jika kita tidak ikhlas atau mempunyai niat yang serong.
Selamat Tun.
Malaysia bukan US Obama nama aje kulit hitam tapi cara makan minum cakap tak sama macam kulit hitam sebab kebanyakan nenek moyang mereka adalah hamba abdi jadi budaya mereka sudah diubah bertahun tahun secara paksa oleh mat salleh tak macam di malaysia kaum lain bebas amalkan ugama dan budaya masing masing mereka tak dipaksa atau diseksa oleh kaum bumiputera sedarlah sikit.tak libatkan politik mereka dah kaya dan senang kaum bumiputera tak rampas atau seksa mereka kenapa mereka nak buat lawak.satu masalaah sekarang ada pulak kaum melayu nak jadi hero untuk kaum lain ,apa malaysia ni negara konflik kaum ke zaman TUN OK rakyat ok, cerita pasal rasuah jangan jadi bodoh kalau handal sangat beritahu rakyat negara mana tak ada rasuah hah.budak sekolah tadika pun tahu.ada PM sekarang macam yoyo ada kuasa kongsi ramai ramai gan pembangkang bijak memang bijak tak pernah dibuat orang itulah PM kita.kalau Pak Brahim jadi PM hemm putih mata.
Good Morning Tun;
I’d like to thank you for your keen insight on our political scene. At first, I couldn’t really understand your motive or standpoint. However, after reading your book on the Malay Dilemma, I understand your passion and nationalism towards our Tanah Air.
On this article, you do mention and sideline the new alternative government based on their previous manifestoes and motives. However, the last one year has shown these parties to be working on a very different tune. I see more positive progress and giving back to society happening in the five states while the BN-led states are more keen with politicking and fault-finding of others. It is true when you say we are still racially prejudice in politics, however, the racial boundaries between each ethnic group have thinned and even crossed over.
On your Point #9, I think it’s really the surface when non-malays are bickering about preferential treatment given to some. I suppose the main gist of the issue is that a good numbers of non-malays are being marginalised for the betterment of affluent malays. I have no qualms when a malay is given help by the government, however, if a non-malay Malaysian is being marginalised on the basis that his/her own community should be the one responsible of him/her, I suppose that’s when racial politics does flare up.
From your book, I see your passion for standing up for the Malay-kind in a multiracial environment. True, 30 years ago when the book was written, competition had a whole different meaning. However, today, we see a new breed and class of malaysians. What we lack to see is we have conformed to each other’s customs and traditions. We have learnt to live and being inter-dependent with one another. What we need today is to address issues to help Malaysian across the board and not just a certain group. I don’t know if you would agree with me, but BN was built on the needs of a community 52 years ago. Today, that community has different needs and BN is blind from seeing this.
I’m sure we would all appreciate a Malay leader who knows and understand what each and every other Malaysian needs. But I do abhor when every other non-malay minority group are being marginalised for the Sino-Malay struggle. Like they used to say, Gajah sama Gajah gaduh, pelanduk di tengah-tengah jadi mangsa.
Thanks for your time and do share your insights. I do highly regard your views.
Dear Sir,
Just ask why oneself would vote for Opp in last election, senang aje.
For me it was just A SIMPLE THUMBS DOWN vote to the current admin. I’m sure it was the same for many as well as you hyphothesised correctly ie NOT the govt FORMAT but the OPERATIONS of it.
Sheer arrogance of the keris-wielding (get with the times, forget the keris, lost Malacca aint it) and we-can-make-it-on-our-own-we-dont-need-you politicians and grossly misguided (what >30%? ) rent-seeking activities, just menjelakkan keadaan (to use our new friend, Singapore’s term).
Also there seems to be a sense of vacuum in leadership for simple things like checking the rise in crime, international statesmanship, keeping in check your with your fellow barisan partners for congruency.. I mean I’m sure you had regular chit chats with your barisan partners over dim sum, thosei or nasi lemak under a tree on fortnight basis or something, ok maybe sago crackers sometimes (*cant think of any Filipina dish at the moment for Bayuland am afraid). what we saw recently that the pemuda MIC, UMNO and MCA etc at some demonstration recently at Sri Lanka HC was a good show..not sure about the cause though.
Even I was thinking of running independent somewhere, sentiment and resentment would ensure ANYBODY else but BN candidate could win. If I could dare say Sir, perhaps you too voted Opp too. Also for same reason to prove the same point.
Pragmatism prevails, current BN format should still be relevant BUT on this race discussion Sir, could I just add, assuming we step back and take a bigger picture:
a snapshot of a 60,000 year timeline – from Taiwan all the way down Philippines, Borneo, Tanah Melayu, Sumatera, Java and all the Indo islands right up to all the Pacific Islands…. ALL OF US ARE ASIATIC CHINESE anyway.
I agree that the 2008 General Elections result does not reflect rejection of race-based political parties.
The result was disastrous for Barisan Nasional because the leadership did not tackle arising issues that have racial and religious undertones such as the overblown Hindraf grievances.
Pakatan Rakyat led by eloquent liar Anwar Ibrahim succeeded in winning the hearts of emotionally challenged voters.
That was why the Opposition won more seats, but not enough to form the government.
Actually, we are hearing more racial remarks after the General Election.
There appear to be attempts to create racial tension here. It is unfortunate we have quite a number of chauvinist politicians who keep fanning the racial issues without giving much thought to far-reaching implications.
Wake up Malaysians! Don
Assalamualaikum Tun yang di hormati,
Saya amat setuju dengan pendirian Tun.
MELAYU. (Aku juga Melayu)
Melayu kini cepat sangan melatah, gemar menuding jari kearah lain jika diri itu mula dipersoalkan. Apatah lagi jika sedang mengecapi kekayaan dan kemasyhuran duniawi. Pangkat dan kedudukan sanggup dipertaruhkan demi mencapai cita-cita yang terbuku dihati. Wang rakyat, wang kontraktor sewenang-wenangnya ditaburkan untuk membeli kuasa dan pengaruh, dengan dijanjikan habuan kontrak apabila berkuasa kelak. Hanya pandai berkata-kata mengaburi rakyat jelata, namun apabila memegang amanah yang diberi, implementasi gagal dilaksanakan.
Dewan Rakyat dijadikan pentas untuk popular, bukannya mendebatkan usul yang akan menguntungkan rakyat. Semua orang disalahkan kecuali diri sendiri. Hari ini cakap lain, esok mula berdolak-dalik.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin..
Tokoh negarawan bersara tak patut ungkit hal ini. Nasihat sekali cukup. Ini berulang kali bukan nasihat, tapi berkempen. Mesti ada muslihat buat begini. Pemilihan Umno dan anak…??
Tun bapa perkauman sejak PRU Mar 08, berkali menulis dan berucap di majlis Umno dan pertubuhan Melayu (di JB dan seluruh negara) melaung Melayu (bukan Umno?) hilang kuasa. Opposition say voters support their new alliance, Tun says defection of disgruntled votes. Bertekak tak haus. Rakyat jadi mangsa bau busuk tahi perkauman yang di lempar. Tak ada kerja lain?
Biar rakyat tentukan PRU 13 tak payah heboh. Apa guna bertekak bezanya, ditinggalkan isteri dgn melepaskan isteri? TERIMA HAKIKAT BUAT KERJA!
Tiap tiap pemiilihan Umno, isu perkauman membara dan memuncak. Dalam Umno, perkauman jiwa pemilihan. Masa pemilihan musim perkauman. Ingat, tiap tiap ketua pemuda Umno ada rekod buruk mengancam kaum lain.
Najib di dewan perhimpunan Cina, Anwar bergelut dgn ketua pemuda MCA, Hishamudin dgn keris, KJ mencabar di pemilihan Umno lalu, Mahathir dgn
i cant much but agree to this. but, dont we see here more colourful choices instead just one?
well, to say the least – malaysia is also part of the world, filled with emotions and scenes that it can get itself remotely not to be affected with world’s reform and transformation.
i wish for good as being 100% malaysian now – i certainly need that luck to begin with.
Shahirasul Idrewoods
Ellen Brown – The Web of Debt
Duit Dua Kupang – Financial Articles
Salam to Tun and all,
Definitely Tun will receive lots of flak for this posting. Tak kurang juga yg akan uh Tun sebagai rasis, senile, etc ..etc. But be honest to ourselves and judge it fairly, we will see that Tun’s comment today is the reality. A hard one tough. We should learn to live with reality rather than having “dream” future (and be frustrated later on). As a whole, all Malaysian can live side by side and accept the differences. Nevertheless, those in power must address the weakness in implementing national agendas.
God bless all of us.
Salam Tun,
Malaysia adalah negara yang dibina hasil sokongan semua rakyat. India adalah negara yang dibina hasil sokongan semua rakyat. China adalah negara yang dibina hasil sokongan semua rakyat. Adakah Malaysia oleh India..?? Adakah Malaysia boleh diperintah oleh China..?
Jika sebelum merdeka, Malaysia diperintah oleh Britain……Inggeris menjadikan Tuan…..
Dasar-dasar Inggeris yang menggalakkan kedatangan orang India dan China ke Tanah Melayu untuk bekerja di sektor perladangan dan perlombongan, menyebabkan orang Melayu hilang peluang ekonomi.
Orang Melayu tiada kuasa menghalang kerakusan Inggeris menyedut hasil mahsul Tanah Melayu kerana Inggeris sangat berkuasa. India dan China adalah salah satu negara bekas jajahan mereka.
Apabila kaum Cina dan India semakin ramai di Tanah Melayu…Inggeris berharap…kedua kaum ini akan menjadikan orang Melayu tersepit.Dengan itu…akan mudahlah lagi Inggeris menjajah Tanah Melayu…perbuatan Inggeris ini dikenalisebagai Dasar Pecah dan Perintah….
Sehinggalah sewaktu Tanah Melayu hendak merdeka….Inggeris sengaja meletakkan syarat…jika Melayu hendak merdeka….terima Cina dan India sebagai rakyat Tanah Melayu….Inggeris tidak mampu hendak menghantar pulang pendatang Cina dan India balik ke negara asal masing-masing…
Dengan kebaikan orang Melayu, Sultan Melayu, melalui UMNO….ramai juga orang Cina dan India diterima menjadi rakyat Tanah Melayu….dengan agak mudah…
Hari ini…dengan nikmat sebagai rakyat Malaysia….mereka jadi kaya raya…..
Orang Cina adalah kaum pendatang paling untung besar….mereka dapat Singapura free….tanpa perlu berperang….senang-senang Melayu kasi free….apa Melayu dapat…?????
Begitu juga Pulau Pinang…..orang Cina silih berganti memerintah P.Pinang….apa Melayu P.Pinang dapat…??????
Kini….PKR…PAS….bersekongkol dengan DAP….apa Melayu dapat…??? PKR di bawah Anwar Ibrahim akan beri lagi jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri kepada kaum Cina….
Saya ucapkan tahniah kepada kaum Cina…kerana mereka sangat untung tinggal di Malaysia….berbanding di USA…England…Australia…
Kalau mereka susah kat Malaysia….mereka boleh balik China…kalau India….mereka boleh balik India….sebab itulah…mereka tidak suka sekolah wawasan….mereka sanggup mati kerana sekolah jenis Cina dan jenis India….
Saya percaya….orang Cina dan India….tak akan puas hati sampai bila-bila…..
saya ada cadangan kepada orang Cina dan India….kalu mereka masih tak puas hati…..lantiklah di kalangan mereka seorang Raja….Raja Cina dan Raja India….kemudian…jangan lupa….singkirkan pula Raja Melayu…
Tapi awas….pendekar Melayu masih hidup…..silap haribulan boleh lumpuh……
Tun Perak…Hang Tuah…Hang Jebat…Tok Janggut….Datok Bahaman…Panglima Hitam….semangat mereka masih subur…..menyala…membara…..
Salam Tun dan brothers and sisters,
Sifat perkauman yang menebal disebabkan oleh golongan cina yang memandang rendah kepada bangsa melayu kerana mereka berpandangan bangsa melayu adalah lebih inferior daripada mereka. Maka, mereka tidak berminat untuk menggunakan bahasa Melayu, tidak berminat untuk memasuki sekolah kebangsaan, tidak berminat untuk mengambil orang melayu menjawat jawatan penting di syarikat mereka, dan tidak mahu melibatkan diri dengan apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan orang melayu. Lihat saja orang cina Malaysia di Jepun. Mereka bersungguh-sungguh belajar bahasa Jepun dan suka menggunakan bahasa tersebut. Mereka bersungguh-sungguh mahu bekerja di Jepun sehinggakan sanggup menjadi pendatang haram. Mereka sanggup bekerja mencuci pinggan di Jepun semata-mata mahu menyelinap kedalam masyarakat Jepun. Ini kerana mereka memandang tinggi bangsa Jepun.
Selagi persepsi rendah terhadap orang melayu ini wujud, orang cina tidak akan mencampuri orang melayu. Tiada cara lain melainkan orang melayu itu sendiri memajukan diri mereka. Salah satu cara terbaik untuk mencapai matlamat ini adalah dengan menggalakkan pelajar pelajar melayu diluar negara untuk bekerja di syarikat asing diluar negara selama beberapa tahun selepas tamat pengajian mereka. Syarikat Jepun, British, Eropah adalah pilihan terbaik.
Dengan cara ini, pelajar -pelajar melayu ini dapat dilatih untuk bekerja dengan gigih, berdaya saing, dan dapat menyerap budaya kerja dan hidup (yang baik sahaja) masyarakat maju ini. Tiada gunanya menghantar beribu-ribu pelajar cemerlang melayu belajar di luar negara apabila mereka pulang ke tanah air dan bekerja dengan syarikat-syarikat awam kerajaan seperti Telekom, TNB, Bank Negara dan Maybank. Kebanyakkan mereka ini tidak dapat peluang bekerja di syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa di Malaysia kerana pihak pengurusannya disini kebanyakkan dikuasai oleh bangsa bukan melayu. Mereka ini mesti disalurkan ke syarikat-syarikat ternama seperti NTT Docomo, Sony, Toyota, Panasonic, Siemens, Citibank, BMW dan sebagainya diluar negara. Ini saja cara yang terbaik pada pendapat saya. Pihak kerajaan boleh membuat usaha kerjasama dengan syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa ini bagi mencapai matlamat ini. Saya berharap pihak kerajaan yang melawat blog ini memikirkan cadangan saya ini.
Salaam Tun,
Thanks for this posting. You took the words right out of my mouth. I have been trying to tell my friends that people did not vote for Keadilan, DAP or PAS. People voted AGAINST the corruption so prevalent in UMNO. They argued that people wanted change. And that PKR offers a long overdue change. UMNO is infested with corrupted Malays rendering it irrelevant. Many Malays who are well educated and embrace universal values, refused UMNO’s politics and called for a change.
And change we had. But is it for the better?
As you have maintained, racial politics is arrogantly exhibited in the name of democracy. All the cries for meritocracy and yet at the same time demanding bigger percentage for each race.
Recent tendency of many Malaysian to compare the supposedly ‘change’ in our political scenario to the ‘change’ supposedly brought about by the win of Obama in terms of racism is rather off tangent.
How I wish the opposition concentrate on being an effective opposition instead of what we are having at the moment.
Let’s all pray for the running water to find its level soon.
Thank you Tun for sharing your thoughts.
1. RASIS dan TERORIS hampir sama maksudnya iaitu niat untuk mencetus keganasan dan huru-hara.
2. Bila BANGSA Palestin menuntut HAK mereka… mereka dilabel TERORIS.
3. Bila BANGSA Iraq menuntut HAK mereka…. mereka dilabel TERORIS.
4. Bila BANGSA Cuba dan Columbia menuntut HAK MEREKA…mereka dilabel TERORIS.
4. Sekarang BANGSA MELAYU yang sedang menuntut hak mereka seperti secara terancang dilabel TERORIS melalui tuduhan RASIS.
5. BANGSA MELAYU yang beragama ISLAM memang memenuhi kriteria asas sebagai TERORIS di dalam tafsiran US dan sekutunya.
6. Hakikatnya sudah adapun kedengaran sekarang BANGSA MELAYU dilabel TERORIS.
7. Bukankah tuduhan HINDRAF ke atas MELAYU mempunyai unsur TERORIS?
8. Bukankah tuduhan MCA, GERAKAN dan DAP ke atas BANGSA MELAYU secara halus mempunyai unsur TERORIS?
9. Bukankah tuduhan rasis, kaki buli, menindas kaum lain, melakukan pembersihan etnik dan pelbagai tuduhan liar, buruk dan busuk lain seperti tuduhan perlakuan TERORIS?
10. Sekarang semua orang tahu sekutu kuat US di kalangan BANGSA MELAYU sendiri sedang gelojoh merampas kuasa di TANAH MELAYU. Siapa lagi kalau bukan ANWAR IBRAHIM SI BANGANG KAKI KELENTONG!!!
Winston Churchill 1945…..”To win the WAR is to talk about the WAR…. we fight in the air, we fight in the sea, we fight on this ground, we fight to the end and WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!!!!!!”
Ya ALLAH….KAU indungi dan berilah petunjuk kepada pemimpin yang ikhlas di antara kami Umat Melayu di Tanah Melayu. KAU berikanlah kami kekuatan untuk bangkit semula menjadi satu bangsa agung yang akan mempertahankan agamamu hingga akhir zaman….aminnnnnnnn.
asalam Tun..saya setuju sangat apa yang Tun katakan,sebenarnya pengundi masih syangkn partinya tapi sebabkan pemimpinnyee yang xsdar diri smpai skarang menyebbkan pengdi terpksa mngdi pembkang..wasaalamm
Dear Tun,
Me and my family always admire you. For us you are a true leader and was respected not only in Malaysia but all over the world. You were right when you say that people vote for the opposition as a sign that we dont agree with what Pak Lah has done to us…
we vote for the opposition not because we like them but because we want to show Pak Lah that there are something wrong with his leadership but sadly he just refuse to listen..Maybe we are not as smart as his Oxford’s educated son in law to give him advice on how to run a country…but he should at least see the real scenario of what is happening right now…Maybe if he still don’t want to listen to the people he will see the consequences on the next general election.
P/S:to DSAI,please stop destroying our country with your political agenda..maybe for once you may see that everything is not about you…the people does not need a leader like you that is full of grudges..
aslam Tun..saya setuju dengan apa yang tun katakan..Kebanyakan orang melayu sudah lupa..
Feedback on Item 2 – People are STOP supporting racial parties. Why we need MCA/MIC/UMNO where we can have PKR, which a multiracial parties. Please wake up.
Feedback on Item 3 – I am a chines, But I admired Nik Aziz. DAP is not a chinese party, it is mixed even they have a Tunku holding a top post , PKR is a multiracial parties and Wan Azizah is a great Leader.
And you should stop commenting on the past , look forward on how to rebuild the country and help to share your ideas in recovering back the economics. Selangor and Penang is doing a great job, you think BN can win back these two states … I am not suprised Sarawak will fall to PR in next election in 2010 ..
Since you already retired and not an UMNO member anymore .. please start to post something that can help the country and not to blame on Abdullah admin, he is leaving anyway .. give him some respect lah ..
Salam Tun,
1. It seems like we are going round and round in a circle here. I think we need to snap out of this racial thing.
2. I think the general public Malay, Chinese, Indian and other minorities who make up of the silent majorities get along with each other rather well, save those who are politically motivated.
3. I think during the last general election chinese has voted for pas, malay has voted for dap because they reject bn money politics that enrich only those who are politically connected.
4. Most non bumiputra do not question hak keistemewaan bumiputra. But I think most rakyat question all the politician in power who has made themselves supper rich in the name of defending ketuanan melayu. How noble yet deceitful.
5. I think there are also a small number of ultra non malay who think that they now have a bigger voice and has start to demand more rights. This in turn is fan into a racial issue by BN politician, thus provoke the ultra malays to be more vocals in retaliation. I do not think these extremist group has become larger only more vocals.
Be assure, the general public, the silent majority could see through the plots and view it with disgust.
6. Continue along the path of racial politics will lead to a faster demise of BN.
7. I think the new generation of voters like your daughter who embrace diversity, would like to see a two party system take roots in Malaysia. Although I must say that the credibility of the opposition is still in question.
8. Do not try to deceive the rakyat by fanning racial issue. It is absolutely disgusting.
9. I think Singapore is also served by heavy handed government. I think Singapore too would soon see a stronger opposition.
10. I am sorry for disagreeing with you, Tun. If my remarks has been offensive, I do beg for your forgiveness.
Salam Tun & keluarga,
Perkara2 sensitif belum pernah dibincangkan secara terbuka sebelum ini kerana tidak pernah diberi peluang.
Sekarang? No komen…
Dear Tun,
This is a very sharp and incisive analysis of the political development albiet with regards to racial overtones here.
In other words, if you want non racial bases politics – than all must subscribe to one language and if possible one major culture. Like Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Singapore, etc….and the list goes on.
All schools must teach the same language, moral education and encourage one major cultural norm.
Do we want this? Can we do it? Ask yourselves honestly and sincerely. If the answer is yes – then what language should we go for, what cultural norm? Malay or Chinese or Tamil, or Hindi or Telegu or Cantonese or Iban or Kadazan? What which one?
I can assure you deciding in this will create MORE animosity in this country than we have ever seen before in our short history of nation building.
Do you think DAP or PAS or PKR have one as well???
I definitely agree on your thought here. I am always fascinated of this racial subject in our nation context. I don’t consider myself as a racist, but it is not easy not to be one. I guess this is what environment and culture had mould me into. To be fair, it should be the minority to show their willingness to equility rather than malay have to to lose so much:
1. Single stream education. Elimination of Sek. Jenis Kebangsaan
2. Mother tounge and acceptance as Malay as Malaysian language.
3. Multi-cultural festival celebration public holiday elimination
4. Single stream law enforcement. Acceptance of syariah/civil law by all race
5. Hiring malay worker without prejudice of lazy race perception and uqivalent salary rate and career growth opportunity.
6. Drive properly and not being annoying on the road.
7. Respect halal/ non-halal issues of the majority.
Until then, I think Malay has tolerate a lot and would need the other side of the table to commit on something to give before losing anymore previllages.
Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Saya setuju dengan Tun bahawa prestasi merudum BN dalam PRU 12 Mach lalu tiada sangku paut dengan issue ‘racial politics’ ataupun ‘racial parties’ yang dibangkitkan olih pemerhati dari luar maupun dalam negara. Apa yang dapat dirumuskan adalah kegagalan dan kelemahan peneraju utama pentadbiran negara mengemudi pelabagai masaalah untuk menawan hati penyokong kerajaan yang satu ketika dulu memberi sokongan yang tidak berbelah bagi. Dalam erti kata lain mereka-mereka ini menunjukan sikap protes dengan tidak menyebelahi parti pemerentah.
Salam Tun.
Semuga sehat walafiat di samping keluarga tersayang.
Sesungguhnya dalam PRU ke 12 yg baru lalu, kami memang memprotes
kepimpinan UMNO.
Kami tidak nampak langsung kepimpinan yang berkaliber memerintah negara.Yang kami nampak hanya satu boneka. Boneka yang di perkotak katikkan oleh satu pehak yang gila kuasa.. Semua orang tahu hal ini,
cuma yang empunya diri masih nak berselindung.
Kami betul-betul bosan.
Jadi sebagai balasan kami memangkah parti lain supaya yang masih lena di buai mimpi
indah ..pergi jahanam dengan mimpi-mimpi nya itu.
Dear Tun,
Salam. I couldn’t agree more to your comments. At first I was among tenths of thousands believed that the failure of BN was basically due to rejection of the rakyat to race-base party. However, looking at current issues, personalities, leadership and others, I begin to realise that actually people were voting merely to vent their anger, not so much of support really.
And somebody has badly damaged BN reputation.
Salam Tun,
I would just like to share with fellow commentators about my experience.
I work in a MNC, and never a week goes by after the March elections where people do not talk about racial politics.
I am a Melayu and before the elections, It seems there is an understanding not to be affront about racial issues but focus on the business at hand.
These days people have no qualms about airing their perceived racial grievances in front of anyone for sny little thing.
Of course these wil always lead to interesting “discourse”.
What I realise now is that just like Gerakan and MCA, you know who is your friends when either the going gets tough or when they perceive they have an advantage over you.
It seems not just Melayu Mudah Lupa, but Malaysians Easily Forget.
Dear Tun,
Regarding your statement of the failures of the current goverment are absolutely correct and I would like to give my comment though.
From what I see, people who vote for the opposition in the past general election didn’t have a specific reason for voting the opposition parties.
Some say these people vote for the opposition because they are protesting for the hike of the fuel price and some say they are protesting for the relevan of ISA.
Such people are people who are not keep up with the global situation of which the 3F crisis have been occur lately.
The crisis have badly affected poor country and developing country whereas the goverment need to reduced budget for development and giveout fund for subsidies.
Than the opposition party will come out with their promises to lower the fuel price, giveout free electricity for all, half the water price and a lot more. Un-educated will caught in this fake promises and fight for something stupid.
The most stupid things I ever heard is that friend of my father argued with my father that the goverment never gift subsidies for anythings and we the whole family laughed him. Goverment never gift subsidies? This is crazy! Then who give them the low fuel price? Goverment are the one, am I right?
Because such stupidness people can gone into crazy and ruined the country. What do you think Tun?
Bodohwi days in office is numbered. March 2009 will be liberation day for all Malays and Malaysian from the reign of the worst(and dumbest) PM in M’sian history ever. May all Malays rally back under the flag of UMNO once again, and return the glory of UMNO like in its’ heyday. Let us once again bring back 2/3 majority to UMNO and BN and once again send the opposition into oblivion, Insya-Allah..
God !
you cant just accept that malaysian are matured enough to make their own decesion right . when ever malaysian make a decesion that must be because they have been manipulated by other, namely for you the opposition.
we perfectly aware that dap , pas and other oposition are raced based party. and we also realise that they have their own personal agenda . we also know that half of what they say are untrue.
but the fact we voted for them is becaus thats the best option we have . For malaysian anyone than BN is good enough.
You must be ashamed for reducing this country for the point we have to play racial politic to get even with each other. you keep on blaming abdullah but you equally have you part on putting this country through this.
Salam Tun,
Keadaan BN sekarang mungkin kekal atau bertambah parah.Tunggak utama dalam delima. Yg lama tidak mahu undur secara terhormat kalau hendak undur pun dia kena ganjang seseorang dengan Ego konon di lebih baik.
Dibawah pula org lama sekat untuk intelek baru jadi wakil.Tidak nampak persefahaman dan pengorbanan diantara mereka untuk parti.Ada pula politik wang yg merosakan minda manusia kepala kurap.Ini semua memberikan kelebihan kepada lawan.
Komponen MCA ,berlaku kesusahan dalaman bagi Ong Tee Keat untuk No.2 ,mungkin akan bertambah parah bila jadi puak Ghee Hin & Hai San.
MIC pula tidak perlu diperkatakan semua org.tahu ramai India Malaysia tidak sokong MIC kerana Samy mereka telah beralih pandangan.
Gerakan nampak macam hendak lompat kesebelah sana.
Masalah ini tidak diselasaikan dengan bijak maka bye bye BN .
Tiada guna jadi ketua tanpa kuasa.
Disebelah sana pula yg dapat memerintah beberapa negeri ,rakyat perhatikan juga kebaikan yg telah dibawanya berbanding masa BN.
Kalau banyak kebaikan maka tiada sebab untuk tukar pemerintahan.Dan lain lain negeri yg dikuasai olih BN akan berubah sokongan.
Maka UMNO tidak guna ada ketua dimata tapi tiada kuasa.
Ego ,tamak ,gila kuasa,pemimpin korap,pentingkan diri sendiri,kumpul harta bila duduk atas platform party — mereka ini boleh menghancurkan party.
Sekarang rakyat tidak macam tahun 70an ,sudah lebih celik kalau ada salah sedikit saja pemimpin cepat dapat information.
Sesuai betul ” menang bersorak kampung tergadai”
Betultak ?
Hello there,from what you have written we could come to an assumption that you have’nt come out of your Malay Dilemma .The time is ripe that you should speak for all the Malaysians alike without pride or perujudice. Credit ought to be given to you for the systematic criticism and to the inevitable downfall of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.The besieged serfs have spoken their minds against the fuedal lords on 8th March and it should be accepted by everyone . A day may dawn whereby a Barrack Obamma may be accepted by all.
ye ye kali ni aku dapat no 3….
saya setuju dengan TUN… BN kalah bukan pasal orang tolak parti racial tetapi marah pada gomen sekarang ni… kalau tidak kenapa di sarawak pati iban menang, di sabah parti UMNO menand di kawasan melayu, parti PBS menang di kawasan CINA dan begitu juga dengan parti lain….
Dear Tun,
Many are confused of this idea of ‘sekolah wawasan’. What are to be common and what nots.
Are there going to be three school entities with independent administration on the same school compound where the students only mingle during recess or general assembly.
dah males nak baca!!!. bangsa Malaysia susah nak capai. semakin renggang. salah siapa?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya amat bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun.
Apa yang berlaku hari ini adalah total rejection penyokong akar umbi UMNO keatas kepimpinan Pak Lah yang amat lemah.
PKR, DAP & PAS cuma mendapat “tempias” daripada senario politik hari ini dan bukannya penolakan orang terhadap “racial parties”
So happy for you to bring this topic up! It is one that of course you would know that I am extremely passionate about!
Regardless of whatever the reason, you can not deny that racial sentiments have worsened since PKR has come to oppposition.
I am pleased that the truth about what Malays think about the minorities has come up.
If you Flickr UiTM, you will see images of:
UiTM = Malay.
No doubt, the government is there to protect the Arpatheid that is racially seggregating Chinese and Indians from entry into this Superior Malay Univerisity.
I being chinese also feel bad that there are still many ethnic schools but do not believe that there should be a specific LAW prohibiting entry based on race… That is the problem!!
Malaysia is still operating under a racially discriminative system. A Racist System… people have fought and died in wars of religion and racists… Malaysia.. what will it do?
The problem with Malaysia is that the law admits the fact that the Malay race is incompetent.. and can not relinquish their extra rights.
Point 8. You talk of racial inequities above liberalism, human rights, openess… Racial equity is the foundation that brings about liberalism and human rights and openess…
Without racial equity, how do you expect the nation to be united?
You can not force 2 people to sit together if they do not want to be together…. this has been the problem with Malaysia and the reason why the Chinese (mostly) have been able to acquire wealth… through hard work and networking, because the government has taken the stance that it would look after the majority… but has it?
Do you really think anybody would open their arms in assisting someone who has had the benefit of a head start? furthermore, the finish line pushed closer? – Of course not.
The general attitude is:
Yes give the malays their rights, will the private sector help? No we only look for competent staff… you know the Harvard Grads..
If you want Malaysia to be developed, if you want the nation to succeed, the truth must be put on the table. Inefficiencies must be cut out, and above all, a level playing field must be laid, because the majority are lagards… There is nothing for the minorities to prove now… the ball is in the majorities court…
Oh one last thing, lip service is what Malaysia is good at.
If you want to talk about effectivness, efficiency, productivity and proven results through innovation and forward thinking, Japan and America are the real economic powerhouses…..
dah males nak baca!!!. bangsa Malaysia susah nak capai. semakin renggang. salah siapa?
malay rights has been seriously challenged.. the worst can happen to this country……….tq
YAB Tun,
I agree with your analysis on this. I personally never rejected the fact that I am a Malay and should have my rights as a Malay protected and upheld. I do not think the other race wants to discard their rights too, as in they still strongly wants to promote racial based school systems for example BUT I am sick of the kind of leadership and the ‘stupidity’ of this Abdullah Government. Many of my colleagues even went to the extend of saying they would rather see an Opposition rule in the country than seeing the smiling face of Khairy Jamaluddin taken as the future face of leaders in UMNO !!…
It may not sound rational but it is the reality of what the majority of people are feeling. Many of us have foreseen the failure of UMNO in the last election. In fact, many of us did not even bother to wait for the results…we knew UMNO will be devastated, simply because that was the feeling on the ground.
We knew it and I guess the result of the last General Election have proven what we felt was felt by many others too.
Therefore, I would like to put it that it was Dato Seri Abdullah and the arrogance of many UMNO ;yes-man’ leaders and ‘yes-man’ Cabinet that secured the failure of the UMNO and the BN for that matter.
Dato Seri Abdullah and UMNO still cannot see their own mistakes until this very day; and continue to destroy whatever chance UMNO have to redeem itself.
Now all of us is watching and betting on how much more damage he and those ignorant leaders of UMNO will bring upon themselves.
We cant help to fell that we will be proven right again.
Apa nak cakap yek?
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir
Finally, Saya orang ketiga….
Selama ni asyik ke 400…
Setuju saja
Dear Tun,
Malaysians will be facing doomsday if this issue of harping racial sentiments by the non-Malays continue unabated. At the end of the day the non-Malays will be the loser if they feel that they can weaken the Malays politically. They are too naive to feel that way. They must be conscious that the Malays are holding the “trump card” to finally say enough is enough. Lets go back to square one and restructure and dissolve the Constitution to suit Malay dominance in the country. This will occur for sure. It is matter to what extent the non-Malays continue to instigate and harp and belittle the Malays. Time will tell that democracy will soon be DEAD.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Your arguments on the racism and the 2008 election are clearly correct.
If we refer to the recent wind of change in the USA (Obama being elected as the first Black President), it came after the States was independent from the Brit more than 230 years ago.
Obama is the future President among the immigrants. Definately, immigrants could accept fellow immigrants to be their leader. Furthermore, they are practicing the same religion or believe – Christianity.
The son of soil in that prosperous land (the “Red Indians” – Apache, Sioux, Mohicans and etc) had never been elected or even have the opportunity to become a US President.
Due to the insignificance numbers of voters among native Red Indians, this community just adopt and adapt whatever situation forced on them.
Could Malays in Malaysia, who are the majority and practicing Islam, accepts the descendants of immigrants (Tiong Hua, Tamil, Ceylonese and etc. who are mostly non-Muslim) as their leader? Let’s wait until Malaysia celebrates it 233th Independence in 2190.
A non-Malay Prime Minister is possible only after the minimum acceptable requirement of integration between the Bumis and non-Bumis is achieved. The questions are:
i. What is the minimum requirement of integration?
ii. Who set or decide on the minimum requirement of integration?
iii. How the society could achieve the minimum requirement of integration?
Today, the level of integration between the Bumiputera and Non-Bumiputera or Muslim and non-Muslim in Malaysia is still fragile. If we refer to the recent incidents such as legal battles to claim the body of dead men/ women between the non-Muslim families and Islamic Department of various states, or the insulting comments made by non-Muslim NGOs on the Fatwa (Islamic ruling) of Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan on PengKid, ones can clearly notice the tension between both groups.
People are amazed by the level of understanding between various ethnics, Muslim and non-Muslim in Sabah and Sarawak. There was no legal cases/ issues pertaining to religion matters. what is the reasons?
I strongly believe one of the reason is because most of them are Bumiputeras. Even though Sabahan and Sarawakian are practicing different religions, the level of understanding and mutual respect are still high among them.
As compared to the situation in Peninsular Malaysia, some factions are totally “KIASU”. They don’t want to think rationally for the benefits of the nation. What matters for most of them is their group prevails in whatever situation, be it politics, economics, or social and cultural.
Racism begins with you.If you have not promoted race base education,race based parties,race based civil services then today we won’t have this problem.
Look at Singapore where schools ,political parties ,housing estates,civil service are consist of all singaporeans with different race.
The fault lies in you, not us.
Asalamualaikum Tun
Sedih tengok Parti UMNO, Wanita UMNO sekarang kelang kabut saya harap Tun nasihat sikit ,sebab nampak dia orang seperti tak tahu hala tuju .Tan Sri Rafidah kalau tak mahu perpechan dalam Wnita Umno
saya kira ni masa dia serah jawatan kepada Shahrizat dan Kamilia, sebab Shahrizat dan Kamilia jadi ketua dan naib ketua wnita Umno.
Kata lah ada pertandingan Sharizat dgn Rafidah kalau Rafidsh kalah tak apa sbb Shahrizat dah memang dipilih oleh Rafidah sendiri ganti tempat dia, kalau Shahrizat kalah nampak gaya wanita Umno Tua sama dgn Rafidah pun tak berubah,Umno tak berubah alamat PRU 13 lagi tambah teruk.
Tun masuk Umno balik pun orang tak akan undi Umno lagi sbb Umno dah jadi hak sesetengah orang atau hak keluarga tertentu sahaja bukan hak Orang Melayu dan Bumiputera.
calonTimbalan Persiden Umno Ali Rustam layak ke?
issue kecil di Melaka sendiri pun tak dapat nak selesai ni kan issue nalional yg rumit tak tahule,contoh issue BaBi sampai sekarang sangkut atau nak tunggu
PKR memerintah baru nak heboh spt Negeri Selangor.
lagi satu calun Timbalan Muhammad Taib iangat rakyat lupa ke kes bawa duit berjuta-juta keluar negara masa Negara tengah gawat dulu,
lagi satu sebagai seorang yang berkuasa bawa lari anak orang nikah dekat Galok Thailand ni ke contoh ORANG YANG NAK JADI TIMBALAN PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA entah kalau Tok Najib pun +- tak tahu le.
maaf sbb tak cemment issue di atas tapi hubung kait ada issue UMNO lagi critis sekarang rakyat banyak dah muak dgn politik UMNO
Tolong jangan focus pada issue lain perbetul dan nasihat AHLI UMNO Ssbb MACH 2009 MENENTU HIDUP MATI UMNO
Salam Tun,
Racism prevails in every society irrespective of how well planned the assimilation took place in a nation, for example, Indonesia who can be proud of their bangsa Indonesia, but still racist base riot broke once a while here and there. If not, religion became the factor for such fraction amongst the society. Even USA which uphold their ultimate new religion called democracy has bitter racism rooted deep in their community. The recent Obama victory really is a reflection of what actually happened in Malaysia politics. Not that they like him that much, but they despise more of the current leader!
BN in this manner is still considered a racism party with each components clinging to their own race and at times wanting to become champion of a racial issue. But what’s wrong with it if they didn’t sideline the other race, and be cautious with certain issues, as long as they do not create uneasiness within the components and uphold the Constitution. What really petrified the rakyat is that, these “warlords” are showing bickering tounge slashing in public, but behind close doors, laughing between each other dividing their bounty of the day!
That has to stop if they really want to govern in the next election. The rakyat protest to such immoral act, where the rakyat is suffering but these “Monghuls” are spending money lavishly to an extend that an unemployed millionaires were created during this “clean” tenure!
Racism! Heck! I don’t care what ever we want to call it, but the fish normally rot from the head!
Tok Det, I as a rakyat suffer very much and that makes me think twice of who I should support in the next general election. I am afraid that my thinking has somewhat align as what the recent American voters did. Am I being liberal and not racist? I doubt it very much! Yet, I am becoming one.
first off all, im sorry to talk about racism as i dont like to discuss about this at all but, tun…………..ramai yg mempersoalkan tentang isu yg baru tun bentangkan di PLF baru-baru ni, berkenaan isu tidak kisah samada cina or india menjadi perdana menteri malaysia. Sila jelaskan secara terperinci ape sebenarnyer yg tun cuba sampaikan.
I could not agree with you more Tun. You need honest and competent leaders in UMNO and Barisan. At present, most of them are viewed as financially serving their own self interest by the rakyat. The current WEAK leadership shown by AAB also does not help. 2008 Election demonstrates that the majority of the raayat is plain fedup and had enough with UMNO and Barisan that they voted for change, no matter what form of changes PAS, DAP, Keadilan promises. Whether the change will happen should PAS, DAP, Keadilan comes to power is another issue. To put it in a nutshell, UMNO, Barisan better wake up by demonstrating good and strong leadership and most importantly, mend their way. If not, the next general election is a gonna. Salam…
A’kum Tun,
Saya pun hairan pasal apa la diorang tak paham-paham. Terimalah hakikat yang rakyat tak suka pemerintahan Pak Lah kerana banyak kelemahan mentadbir dan sebagainya yang tak perlulah cerita. Bukan setakat Pak Lah aje sebenarnya, ada beberapa lagi menteri-menteri lagi.
Harap pengganti Pak Lah nanti dapat mengembalikkan kembali era Malaysia yang cemerlang, gemilang & terbilang.
Pak Lah = Bapa Kegagalan Malaysia
Salam Tun
It is not because the party based on race or what…we right know hate our LIAR minister….bcoz of FUEL PRICE…
You see lately why the peoples don’t care about the price…..because they want to AMOK….go to hell the BN Government…LIAR, LIAR, LIAR.
Y.A.Bhg Tun,
I refer to article by Bernama.
SHAH ALAM, Nov 17 (Bernama) — The economic reform adopted by the Bush administration which is similar to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s way of tackling the Asian financial crisis 10 years ago portrays the quality of Malay leadership, says an agency chairman.
Y.A.Bhg Tun,
Your economic reform did brought Malaysia out of recession in 1997…the pegging of ringgit to USD was brilliant…
A Malay can do it…and there are more to come….no time to be racist…work smart & work hard.
Call for all Malays to strengthen our political and economic position so that other races would stop insulting & ridiculing us…said Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim.
Thank you
Salam Tun
Post-colonial societies with political systems based on the vertical cleavages of race/ethnicity/religion are bound to be caught in this quagmire for generations after attaining independence from the departing colonial masters. The colonialists were, after all, the architects of these cleavages in the first place, particularly as they developed the colonial economy with imported indentured labour resulting in spatial as well as cultural separation.
The local leaders, being the elites of their respective racial groups, reinforced these structures because it benefited them to do so. This has been clearly manifested over the decades since Merdeka in the exclusivist politics of UMNO, MCA and MIC, where inclusiveness occurs only at the top of the social pyramid.
The resultant political mobilization that was carried out along racial lines from the very outset became the legitimate form of political mobilization and political discourse. The alternative, which had been deemed illegitimate by the British and deemed a threat to their economic interests, was political mobilization along class lines.
Class solidarity naturally cuts through race/ethnic/religious cleavages because people from the lower income groups can identify with each other regardless of their racial heritage, provided they are allowed to develop their organizations and political platforms absent the obfuscating ideology of race/ethnicity and absent the repression by the powers-that-be. Thus were the most advanced social policies attained by labour movements in countries that now are categorized as developed and advanced. This is not to deny that these countries had also benefited immensely from the plunder of the colonies, but without its labour movements only the rich would have been the beneficiaries of the capital accumulation and capital formation within their economies.
In the ongoing struggle between the South and the rapacious developed capitalist economies led by US corporatocracy, a population that is not united within a cohesive nationally agreed paradigm is extremely vulnerable. Sizeable segments of our population do not identify with the national aspirations because their worldview is shaped by the politics and ideology of race/ethnicity. Though one hopes to see the stirring of class-based politics that cuts across racial lines, we see opponents of racism articulating their opposition from an equally racist perspective. A case of pots calling kettles black. The demise of race politics and race consciousness is an essential precondition to survive the onslaught from desperate developed imperialist powers.
Salam Tun.
This is my first comment here.
After hundred (almost) times visiting this wonderful blog.
No time for praises, just go direct.
I think you should really stop talking about the election.
I couldn’t agree no more because everything u’ve said is true! So true.
But, what can we do about it?
Nothing, yet we should look forward n do sumting to avoid n improve it.
As instance, I love it soo much when u talked about finances, dinar emas, current affairs, be it local @ international n other things. U did a wonderful job. Open people’s minds!
But, please stop talking about “demise of racial politics and racial parties in Malaysia”, bcz yes. It is still relevant!
You can use your wonderful brain to talk something else other than disastrous pilihan raya 2008, but start inspiring people. Stop regretting, cz future is waiting.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Top 10 proof of Tun’s claim:
1.HINDRAF claiming ‘ethnic cleansing’ is RACISM
2.Asking for a non-Malay PM is RACISM
3.Multi language roadsign in Penang is RACISM
4.Questioning DEB & Malay rights is RACISM
5.Chinese & Indian schools is RACISM
6.Putting a Chinese to head PKNS is RACISM
7.Tan Lian Hoe saying Malays are immigrant is RACISM
8.Result of Mar 2006 election is RACISM
8.Denying Social Contract is RACISM
9.BN & PKR are race based political coalitions is RACISM
10.The Constitution drafted after consultation with all races is RACISM
ayahanda tun,
rakyat undi pkr ,pas, dap kerna menyampah dan geram dengan gelagat umno dan kuncu kuncu nya , saya terus tak pergi mengundi kerna merasakan tiada semangat dengan semua parti dan parti yg ada dalam kepala saya ialah parti kelurga yg majukan diri sendiri dan kelurga . kami buat perniaga kelurga dgn jualan makanan dan menternak lembu dalam ladang sawit, dan sekarang ni menguruskan jualan lembu korban.
saya nak minta pandangan ayahanda tun dengan menteri besar johor yg masih sibuk dengan aginda nya, orang dah menyampah dengan nya -tiada apa yg dapat dibangakan dengan johor – hampir semua harta dijohor ni dah bagi kat taukeh taukeh cina yg kaya raya.
lembu korban
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun,
From the on-set of independence, the political scenario that the nation has been built is carved on racial-base that is frameworked on racial coliation, within the scope of tolerance and harmony.
The formula of Perikatan then and (now Barisan Nasional) was the practical way of governing multi-racial community. The only groups of people who were against this coliation then were the communist party based groups.
Now the scenario is different; no more insurgencies and hatred and the nation have been in harmony and busy building up economically and during your time Malaysia has been included as one of the young tigers of Asia.
Governing the nation under monarch democracy have proved Malaysia has the right ingredient to be a developed nation in 2020 hopefully. Socio-economic growth have been growing from strength to strength amidst the background of malay interest and islam.
For past 50 years or so, the nation
Tun.. Saya setuju dgn Tun 100%.
As’kum TUN,
Totally 100% agreed. NO RACIAL HATRED.
Always behind you and support whatever thing you do to correct the system. Please bring the UNITY for GOOD and for ALL.
Take care and send my regard to Tun Hasmah.
Salam bahagia Tun,
My opinion, Bahasa melambangkan bangsa. Bangsa Malaysia bertutur dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan.
A true Malaysian, wont let their children be ‘divided’ by SRJKs very early in their tender ages.
Just like a true American, he is not a Kenyan in the United States of America and no American label him as immigrant. If you are holding the Kad Pengenalan Biru, then you are a Malaysian. Only you yourself unconciously labelled yourself as ‘pendatang’ (not anyone else!) when you behave like a Chinese or Indian. Chinese are from China and Indian are from India. And a Malaysian, is born and raise in Malaysia, speaks and live in Bahasa Kebangsaan!
We can still tolerate English as Bahasa Kedua until such time all Malaysia speak Bahasa Kebangsaan to their countrymen and speak English to FOREIGNERS!
Ampun & maaf.
Salam Tun,
I Share the same view with you regarding this matter. Even though not all non-malays or in fact only a small amount of them feel that they are talking as though they are not racial but when you look into what they mentioned or claimed, it is actually very racial. For instance look at the Hindraf. They claimed that the indians are very poor and being left out. But actually most of the indians in Malaysia are quite well off. Of course , not every single Indians are millionaires but so do with other races. Infact Malays and other bumiputras are majoritily poor to mid income. Just look at where i’m working they are hadly 10 indians but most of them, are chiefs or leaders to hundreds over Malays and others. Where is the claimed saying that they are oppressed. DAP make a big fuss about the stripped search of claimed “Chinese” lady few years ago. But when it turn out it is a Malay lady instead, DAP keep quite and the issue die down. If they really for Malaysian Malaysia then they should continue to fight for the right of the Malaysian Lady and not stop there.
Nowadays when people talk about equal right I think we should look at it more truthfully. Is it really equal right or it is just voicing the right of their own community. Please Malaysian, look back into your own self and ask these questions and answer truthfully.
Is it only certained race is being oppressed (not getting enough) or is it all races suffer the same faith. I don’t think it is about race but rather it is about individual. Some individuals are more previleage then others and just so happened the individu is a Malays then you start to comment the Malays is getting the extra privilaege.
Tun continue writing on this blog because i think now we Malaysian have an avenue to expressed ourself to someone that we (the majority) feel will listened to us and share our thoughts.
kedah kalah bukan sbb racist, sbb penyokong BN Dah tak respect kerajaan dan nak tengok apa opposition boleh buat. Saya setuju dgn DS Rais, kalau salah org naik UMNO akan pendek umur.
salam tun berdua, humility dah tak ada dlm kamus org kite. Ingat tak ali rustam dgn angkuhnya kata para pengundi keliru, masa keputusan PRU dulu. Sepatutnya nada die kena merendah sikit baru lah org boleh simpati. Kalau org2 mcm ni yg jd pemimpin tertinggi ,kesian UMNO!
Salam Tun,
Saya terfikir apakah coup d’état di Fiji pada tahun 2000 boleh berlaku di Malaysia.. saya mungkin silap, tetapi rasanya ada semacam persamaan “punca’ untuk berlakunya perkara itu.
Mungkin ramai menganggap keamanan di Malaysia datangnya sendiri…
Mungkin bila keamanan itu hilang, bila porak peranda berlaku, hura-hara berleluasa, barulah insaf dan sedar…
Moga Allah SWT selamatkan negara ini, kerana masih ada lagi yang berdoa untuk rahmatNYa..
Salam Tun,
Totally agreed with you.
As long we are NOT change our philosophy of our thought, there won’t be any changes to make Malaysian.
The culture of the Malaysia Malaysian still HAUNT the present Malaysian who wanted to live in harmony, growth and peace.
What the opposition doing now is that exploiting the wekaness of Malaysia Malaysian. And this is the BEST tools.
Very simple is Sekolah Wawasan, the Chinese will buck-off and will NEVER accept the fact that we are Malaysia.
Thus, I said before that only the Raja-Raja have the POWER to execute it although they have NO right to interfere in politic BUT the Raja-Raja have ALL the right to CARE for the Rakyat.
Here, we are mentioned the RIGHT’s of Rakyat NOT the politicking of Rakyat.
Again, my previous content “IF THE NON-MALAY ACCEPT THE FACT THE MALAY IS INDEPENDENCE THEN WE WILL BE CALLED MALAYSIAN NOT MALAYSIAN”. And, I strongly believe it is happening and we must accept with good faith to build Malaysia as being Malaysian
aswt YAB Tun yg amat dikasihi
Inilah masalah dari parti-parti pembangkang di Malaysia. Mereka ini selalunya PERASAN yang mereka tu baik & hebat sangat. Seperti yang Tun katakan berkali-kali sebelum ini, RAKYAT UNDI PEMBANGKANG SEBAB MARAHKAN PAKLAH & BN, BUKANNYA SAYANGKAN PAS, DAP ATAU PKR.
Ditambah pula bila paklah lantik seorang MENTERI KEHAKIMAN yang suka bongkarkan kelemahan Kerajaan, apa lagi? Makin marah la rakyat pada BN. Dah tu, mana lagi tempat nak bergantung dan nak lepas geram? Rakyat terpaksa menggunakan parti-parti PEMBANGKANG ni sebagai platform untuk lepas geram. Biarpun salah seorang pemimpin pembangkang ni dari golongan yang suka BELAKANG.
Bila hal ini berlaku, Pembangkang mula la rasa yang mereka tu bagus dan relevan kepada rakyat. Akibatnya, isu-isu sensitif perkauman ditimbulkan. Negara mula jadi kucar-kacir.
Ingatlah, ketua pembangkang di Malaysia adalah boneka kepada Yahudi.
Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun,
Tun, sebagai generasi selepas merdeka, apa yg ayahanda lontarkan di atas amat hebat dan jelas sekali.
Moga ayahanda dpt memberi komen yg bernas justeru yg dpt membuka pemikiran sempit sesetengah pihak yg berkaitan.
Harap ayahanda sekeluarga sihat sejahtera selalu.
Dear Tun,
I like the direct approach of this article and honest readers would agree that we are still largely devided by our races in Malaysia. I am not saying that this is right but looking into history and being realistic about what can be achieve within a reasonable timeline is key to change.
One should look into itself and ask if I have done enough to breakdown racial bariers? We still have race based schools, why is that? If our kids cannot go to school together and be friends as kids, what make you think we can be one “bangsa Malaysia”?
How much have you been teaching your kids about racial tolerance? I doubt many of us have put much thoughts into this, we just cruise along and simply put this burden on the Govt. In which we are the real culprit who refuse to change.
Even if we, the parents, teachers, friends, colleagues and govt officials put in serious efforts in changing our approaches, governance and teachings to our children for them to be more tolerant and embrace our uniques multi-cultural diversity,… kid yourself not, it will take GENERATIONS before we see REAL unity.
So don’t take out your guns now. Don’t shoot the govt for something that is impossible to accomplish. Lets help the govt and lets set a reasonable timelines for this change.
I am a Malay, I want to see changes but I want it in a controlled manner in which we can still live in harmony while the transition naturally takes place.
Thank you Tun.
Salam hormat Tun;
Benar sekali Tun. Perubahan yang ketara selepas Pemilihanraya Umum (Pemilu) kali ini ialah mereka dikalangan bukan Melayu secara lantang dan tidak tersembunyi lagi mengkritik dan mendesak apa juga saki baki keistimewaan orang Melayu dikurang atau dihapuskan. Disamping itu mereka tidak langsung menunujukan minat atau kesanggupan untuk berkompromi atau bertolak ansur bagi mengimbangkan ketidaksamaan dalam berbagai bidang termasuk ekonomi, pelajaran dsbnya dengan orang Melayu/Buniputera.
Kepada kaum Cina mereka naik tokcang kerana selama ini bidang ekonomi sebenarnya dikuasai oleh mereka dan selepas 03 Mac mereka sudah berkuasa dibidang poltik pula. Orang Melayu UMNO terus sebuk dengan politik wang dan rebutan kuasa yang tak habis habis.
Apakah semua ini berlaku dan dicetuskan oleh situasi dan kondisi setempat atau pun sebahagian dari hasil strategi segolongan pihak yang dipengaruhi oleh elemen luaran yang bermatlamat mengambil alih kuasa dari orang Melayu?
Banyak petanda menyokong kemungkinan pengaruh luaran memainkan peranan. Adakah pemimpin UMNO yang sedar dan sanggup berkorban?
My general comments on the failure of the March 2008 General Election is caused by cleverness of Datuk Anuar Ibrahim to join force of all PKR parties.
the recent downfall of BN popularity and much talked about unfairness and racism were mainly contributed to the weakness of BN’s leadership and his commanders. im wondering some people just cannot accept the facts. i just cannot think of one reason other than the above.
hang jebat
By the way Samy Velu won sungai siput with the malays vote. And no UMNO has won any seat at Malays minority area. In Penang UMNO could not take the CM seat even though their seats were more than Gerakan. BUT TO Chinese that was fair because majority of Penang is Chinese. To them is fair to us is racist.
By the way Samy Velu won sungai siput with the malays vote. And no UMNO has won any seat at Malays minority area. In Penang UMNO could not take the CM seat even though their seats were more than Gerakan. BUT TO Chinese that was fair because majority of Penang is Chinese. To them is fair to us is racist.
DEAR sir,
I would 100% agreed with you Tun, currently the Malay being told that they were also immigrant like the other races. Before, they wanted the Malay previllege to go and now ask for more jobs in the Govt without touching on the composition of races in the private sector that controlled by them. First PKNS they would say we are racist because opposed a clean Chinese to be a GM, she was not responsible for the PKNS losses earlier despite of 35 years working with PKNS. Only the Malays were blamed for any losses but if the company makes profit that was because the Malay previlege i.e. helps by the Govt. Unfortunately Malays buying all these nonsenses. We were prospered with 15 consecutive years, 10% growth under your premiership not under a Chinese, their businesses expanded and never say thanks to us. One odd thing they were silent when PERWAJA made 13 billions losses because it was Eric Chia that was appointed by you Sir and no qualm whoever appointed that time. Sadly the losses gone with his dead. The moral of the story is the corruption is also cluttered with all races and countries, not in Malays or Malaysia.
TUN, Malays must be dominant in Malaysia in order for other races to enjoy long lasting prosperity, but with the corrupted leaders, soon or later we all will sink with another Tsunami.
Even we have experienced from over the causeway the way how the Singapore Chinese got rid of Malay and became into power but we fast forgetful. Malays who enjoyed the scholarsip and govt helps are now codemning the very same system that helped them. But I bet you, when their children want to enter university they would be like others would fight for the scholarship. They are only the worst hypocrites of all kinds.
TUN you need to make a comeback to be part of reformist to ensure the leadership of Malaysia not to fall under the corrupt leaders.
Good Afternoon Tun,
Memang benar politik perkauman masih wujud di negara ini dan hampir kesemua negara di dunia ini. Tetapi kita adalah manusia yang bertamadun dan harus sentiasa maju dari setapak ke setapak menuju kesempurnaan. Kita perlu sedar walaupun kulit kita berbeza warna, kesemua kita di cipta oleh tuhan dengan darah dan daging yang memiliki ciri-ciri yang sama. Apa yang penting ialah perseimbangan diantara perasaan cintakan bangsa sendiri (yang cuma sementara) dan perasaan cinta terhadap unsur kemanusiaan (yang kekal). Tetapi yang saya bimbang di Malaysia yang tercinta ini, keseimbangan ini lebih kepada perkauman, bukan kepada kemanusian berbanding dengan beberapa negara maju di dunia ini….bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh.
Sekian. Have a good day with family and friends.
Dear YAB Tun,
My apology to you sir. I cannot agree with you on this..
We Rakyat, actually voted the opposition because we had enough with BN.
People wants changes and it’s time to give the opposition that chance to prove it. BN were given 50 years and what we get till today is “Corrupted Leaders”. We rakyat are victimised with so call “Development”. Only the “UMNOPUTRAS” and their cronies and some of the other component party leaders benefited.
Thank you.
Rgds/Harimau 1900
dear sir
come who may be if he or she is stupid and lame like the one we are having now then.. hm.. back to square one. isnt it?
dear sir
now that everyone is fighting or complainin bout something thn i have something to complain bout too.. HOW COMF OUR PM IS ALWAYS A MAN?? what, are we sexist?.
tidak akan ada lagi peluang untuk PAKATAN RAKYAT bila pemilihan raya umum ke 13 nanti. Semua lapisan akan kecewa dengan masalah yang selalu dibangkitkan oleh golongan-golongan pendek akal sesetengah parti.Barisan Nasional bukannya sempurna tapi ingatlah bahawa perjuangan dari UMNO dahulu yang membolehkan kita hidup senang-lenang sekarang ini.Kita harus pilih PEMIMPIN yang berjiwa BESAR bukannya PEMIMPIN yang KECIL jiwanya. wallah hu alam…assalamualaikum..
Yang Berbahgia Tun
Sebenarnya keputusan PRU ke 12 adalah satu kemenangan besar buat orang Melayu, yang diwakili oleh UMNO, PAS dan [sebahagian besar kerusi dalam] KEADILAN. Sebenarnya kekalahan terbesar adalah buat parti komponen Barisan Nasional yang mewakili kelompok orang Cina konservatif dalam MCA dan GERAKAN dan kelompok orang India dalam MIC dan PPP.
Tetapi sebab orang Melayu belum mahu bersatu merebut kemenangan besar mereka, maka PRU 12 kali ini tidak juga memenangkan dan menjamin kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu. Ternyata jika UMNO / PAS / KEADILAN tidak begitu sombong sesama mereka, penyatuan orang dan kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dapat diperkuatkan serta di pergunakan sebaik mungkin untuk mengatur semula kedudukan orang Melayu dalam kegiatan ekonomi Nasional serta sistem kepartian pemerintahan negeri orang Melayu.
Tetapi orang Melayu tetap orang Melayu, kuasa, perasaan curiga,perasaan iri hati, ada kala nya perasaan tamak, mengatur selera persahabatan yang dapat mereka jalin. Kalau dalam situasi ini Raja-Raja Melayu dapat memainkan peranan penyatuan bangsa Melayu sudah pasti anak-anak cucu orang Melayu dimasa hadapan tidak akan meratapi nasib dan keadaan orang Melayu di masa hadapan, dan sebenarnya jalan penyatuan ini tidaklah begitu sulit kerana kesemuanya ada ditangan beberapa kerat pemimpin bangsa Melayu dalam UMNO,PAS dan KEADILAN – hanya beberapa kerat pemimpin yang mempunyai pengaruh baik dalam Majlis Tertinggi UMNO / Majlis Dewan Syura PAS / dan Dewan Tertinggi KEADILAN – hanya disatu negeri saja Ketua Menterinya adalah berbangsa Cina, sedangkan di negeri-negeri yang selebih nya kesemua Menteri Besar / Ketua Menteri adalah orang Melayu.
Tetapi hati Melayu tetap hati Melayu – dendam kesumat, hasad dengki serta perasaan yang terluka masih merah berdarah menghambat unsur persahabatan sesama bangsa sedangkan bangsa lain sanggup berkorban demi bangsa – kalaulah …. ya kalaulah mereka berjiwa besar dan tidak meletakkan kepentingan pribadi atau kepentingan parti – orang Melayu mampu mengistiharkan kemenangan terbesar mereka dan dapat memenuhi segala tuntutan hati mereka, dari merubah kontrak sosial yang memberikan kedudukan istimewa terhadap kaum pendatang sebagaimana terkandung dalam pasal 153 yang sebenarnya tidak berpehak kepada orang Melayu apabila ianya berbunyi status quo dengan memeberikan hak istimewa kepada kaum pendatang untuk dapat meneruskan segala urusan ekonomi yang mencengkam hak eknomoni serta kemajuan orang Melayu.
Sebenarnya fasal 153 adalah fasal celaka buat orang Melayu apabila ianya tidak mencabut hak kaum pendatang untuk meneruskan kegiatan ekonomi tanpa sebarang had, tanpa meletakan sebarang syarat keperluan mereka untuk mengambil 90% pekerja Melayu dalam setiap kegiatan ekonomi yang mereka teruskan – kalau lah kita bangkit sekarang dan merubah fasal 153 dengan meletakan hak pemilikan mereka dalam sebarang perusahaan atau kegiatan ekonomi hanya terhad pada tahap 30% sudah pasti orang Melayu akan dapat memiliki 70% pegangan ekonomi dalam tanah air sendiri.
Tapi pemimpin Melayu tidak zalim, pemimpin Melayu memang tersangat-sangat baik terhadap bangsa-bangsa lain dengan tetap memelihara aturan main yang dicorak oleh penjajah bedebah. Kalau lah ada pemimpin Melayu seperti Idi Amin atau seperti Sultan Brunei sudah pasti orang Melayu tetap bermaharaja lela ditanah air sendiri, Idi Amin menghumban orang India dinegaranya kerana ternyata orang India bertabiat Yahudi dikesemua muka bumi diAfirka seperti orang Cina bertabiat Yahudi dibumi Asia
Ya pemimpin Melayu masih berhati perut menjaga perut mereka sendiri dan sanggup mengorbankan nasib bangsa sendiri, semata-mata mahu dilihat baik dimata bangsa asing, sedangkan orang asing siang berganti malam mencari jalan menkhianati orang Melayu.
Ya pemimpin Melayu – tidak ada lagi yang ULTRA MALAY dan tidak ada yang FI SABILILLAH untuk memeprjuangkan kedudukan Islam yang terhakis atas sebab memenuhi tuntutan kaum pendatang untuk terus menyembah berhala, untuk terus berjudi, untuk terus meminum arak dan untuk terus memperagakan batang tubuh gadis Melayu sebagai minah kilang dan perempuan GRO, ………. pemimpin Melayu masih bersekongkol dan sanggup membariskan tulang empat kerat bangsanya sendiri untuk terus menjadi kuli-kuli batak Cina dan bangsa penjajah yang mengirup kesenangan dibumi Melayu.
Itu lah pemimpin Melayu memperjuangkan nasib orang Melayu ….
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
I realy enjoy my life at your era of Malaysia.
But now it kind of a lot of mess.
I pray that Dato’Mukriz will follow your footstep and lead Malaysian.
Hakikatnya semua orang tahu kekalahan BN disebabkan oleh faktor PM yang tak cekap. Itu isu utama. Tetapi parti-parti politik cuba mengambil kesempatan dengan keadaan ini mengalih perhatian rakyat supaya mendapat kelebihan masing-masing. Saya ingat Musa Hitam dalam satu peristiwa cuba hubungkan dengan keterbukaan Pak Lah dengan kekalahan pilihanraya. Ini cuma hendak menutup malu saja. Hakikatnya BN atau UMNO yang lemah menyebabkan kaum-kaum lain sudah berani mengeluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang sensitif termasuklah parti yang kononnya dalam BN.Mereka mencuba nasib jika mereka boleh mengambil kesempatan dengan keadaan ini.
Jika sesuatu tidak dilakukan oleh pucuk pimpinan terutama UMNO saya berani jamin dalam masa 2 tahun kita mungkin menghampiri Singapura dalam isu kaum dan orang melayu makin hilang hak kita. Semakin lama semakin banyak. Kita lihat bagaimana Singapura yang semacam Israel itu boleh mengusai kita. Malangnya Pak Lah masih lagi tidak berupaya mengambil tindakan.Begitu lah lemahnya Pak Lah
Tetapi percayalah Tun, ramai lagi anak melayu yang sangup mempertahan kan tanah ini daripada di paorakperanda oleh kaum-kaum yang tidak sedardiri dan tidak sedar di untung ini. Cuma perlukan pengerak seperti TUN
Sekian Waslam
Dear Sir,
I do not believe people are rejecting “race-based” politics 100%. There is strong protest for poorly managed resources and corruption in Msia. It does not matter who controls the govt as long as they are do a decent and honest job. If there are more Malays due to population size, let them do the ‘control’ of the govt but they have to be able to do a good job such that ALL people especially majority Malays benefit. The observation is there is a bigger gap in income amongst the Malay selected rich and the growing middle/low income Malays. The special privileges helped Malays but also caused them a lot of damage that will take years to overcome and for them to catch up with the rest of other races. So, whatatever policy used, under whatever name to call it, it did not yield the right results. Meanwhile the country’s resources are further wasted as the politics are deteriorating at alarming speed. since March 8.
My most respected and admired Tun
I agree, the votes against BN were made with a heavy heart as we were disheartened by the leadership of DSAAB and this was the only way to get the message across.
PR is not a real alternative and their conflicting ideologies will tear them apart should they ever come to power which would push the nation from its current stagnation (no thanks to DSAAB) to a downward spiral.
I wish to point out that the Orang Asli, not the malays, are the original inhabitants of Malaysia. Most of the malay Malaysians came from Sumatra and other parts of Indonesia.
They only migrated here much earlier than the Chinese and Indian Malaysians. It does not mean they deserve privileges or rights just because they were the pioneer immigrants.
It is true that there have been abuses under the name of malay special rights and it is the duty of the malays in particular, and all Malaysians in general, to stop it so that the rightful malays get their rights, and the non-malays get their rights as citizens of this country.
It is a sad thing to say, but I do believe the main thing that is holding back malays is not the Chinese or the Indians, but the malays themselves. That is why Badawi and Mahathir have been quoted as telling to throw away crutches and work hard to face the challenges of globalisation.
The malay and others of the same mind should learn to stand on their own feet rather than claim for special rights and privileges. The world is becoming globalised and if they don’t change their attitude, they will only become beggars in their own country.
As for the malays who insist on hiding behind the veil of malay special rights – you have lost the respect of non-malays a long time ago.
We also suspect that the current situation will, unfortunately, get worse if no action is taken now. Why? Because our kids in school hardly mix with each other. They will grow up with little understanding of their fellow Malaysians, and with the suspicions that exist, it will be worse.
The truth of the matter is that polarisation in Malaysia is caused by the discriminatory practises of the government – especially after the NEP – rather than vernacular education.
The NEP is upheld for the rich and not the poor in Malaysia.
Whether we admit it or not, the problem is that the special rights and privileges given have now resulted in only a selected few malays getting richer and richer. The bulk of the malays, especially in the rural areas are not benefiting from the system.
Poor people are poor people, rich people are rich people – no matter which race they come from.
The poor in Malaysia must be served but I am sure all taxpayers feel that this should be done in a manner which is blind to age, ethnicity, gender and religion.
What is wrong with extending help to all deserving citizens based on merits and needs regardless of race?
The Malaysia problem is that rich do become richer. And because of the political system, the players are the same.
Out of control – this is all I can say about any type of enforcement and the level of corruption in Malaysia. No idea what Badawi has done in his five years in office but judging from the ground, I guess nothing much.
If you have ever heard of the simple saying, “Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” you will realise that many non-malays have learned how to fish but the government is still handing out fishes to the malays. One day the fish will run out.
If you want to say discrimination is here in the US, yes, of course it is. Can you name a country where it doesn’t happen? But let me tell you one thing – if you go looking for it, you will find it. But in Malaysia, you don’t have to go look for it because it seeks you out, slaps you in your face every which way you turn, and is sanctioned by law!
Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.
For most professionals, living abroad has its own ups and downs. But you get dignity, fair treatment and respect for your ability. You get a voice too. And ears to hear you.
Brain drain by the tank-loads is what we get. Every single year, Malaysia loses people who could potentially contribute to the country immensely.
So malay, you may keep your rights and perpetuate them. Such things are archaic. Who loses in the end? Your country, which should have been a first world one by today.
I sympathize with those that have benefited from the NEP, but the bad news is that the price he pays for his progress is much higher than what he pays for his benefit.
These special rights and privileges were once a necessity for them to move forward. Today, after many decades, they find themselves still standing in the same place.
It is a shame that our history has been constantly twisted so that our younger generation has no understanding of Malaysia’s foundation and its true aspiration.
It is arguable that if not for the contributions of the Chinese and Indian Malaysians who helped in the development of this country tremendously, Malaysia would probably be in same category like Indonesia or the Philippines, if not worst.
To improve the malays lot, more have to be made to work in private companies where competition is real and what count is your ability. If special rights only help malays to become government servants, then all the more reason not to invoke special rights.
But of course, the present ruling elite drunken with wealth, will continue to fight this dream to ensure that Malaysia is kept divided so that BN can continue to rule.
Alternatively, Malaysians may begin to realise the dream of a new Malaysia.
The bitter truth is that the majority of this nation don’t see the need to change things yet and until then, we can do little about it.
The bottom line with present day globalisation is this: compete on a level playing field or you will lose. Plain and simple.
10. Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties. And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.
On your point above Tun, how is voting for racial parties in BN going to help in decoupling? Doesn’t racial parties divide people rather than bring them together? Won’t it remain for as long as these parties in BN continue to stoke the fires to remain in power?
Salam Tun,
1. Minggu lepas saya terlibat dalam satu ‘event’ di Yayasan Tun, alhamdulilah Tun masih sihat dan moga Allah SWT memberi Tun kesihatan yang berkat dunia akhirat.
2.Tidak pernah terfikir dalam diri saya untuk menjejak kaki ke Yayasan Tun. Banyak fakta sejarah disana, komen saya ia adalah yayasan untuk ganerasi yang akan datang…. sederhana and nice setting all around.
3. Saya perasan, sejak kebelakangan ini topik yang Tun keluarkan agak menampakkan pegangan Tun selama ini dalam politik negara dan dunia.
4. Saya seperti biasa masih tidak berapa berminat dalam politik tetapi saya berminat dalam info di dalam politik. Amat-amat teruja dengan apa yang telah berlaku selama saya membesar dalam negara yang saya cintai ini.
5. Fakta yang Tun cuba kemukakan pada 2 topik akhir-akhir ini membuatkan saya terfikir, adakah Malaysia baru telah bermula?
6. Mampukah rakyat Malaysia terutamanya bangsa Melayu menerima perubahan ini? Bagi saya pemerintahan dari bangsa lain bukanlah satu masalah yang besar. Namun apakah yang akan terjadi kepada agama Islam? adakah Raja-Raja kita akan berdiam diri sekiranya kuasa Esekutif mula menjadi seperti US? terlalu demokratik sehingga hilang budaya bangsa Melayu, India, Cina, Kaum Sabah dan Sarawak.
7. Mungkin pandangan saya agak sempit namun realiti masyarakat luar bandar, perkara inilah yang menjadi bualan hangat kedai kopi.
8. Secara amnya, jika kita duduk di kedai kopi, berjalan-jalan di pasar atau pekan sehari tak kira mereka Melayu, India atau Cina apa yang terkeluar di mulut mereka hanya keluhan
” Apalah nak jadi sekarang? Tak boleh jadi macam dulu ke?”
” Kenapa sibuk sangat politik, kita nak beli beras pun susah cari duit”
” Amacam bos bisnes?” “Hiaaya.. banyak slow lah…”
” Orang Gomen okaylah gaji jalan walaupun kerja main2, kita kerja dari pagi sampai malam gaji pun susah nak okay macam dulu”
9. Rata-rata perniagaan di Malaysia telah menurun dari 40% hingga mencecah 60%, dahulu jumlah jualan dalam anggaran RM500-RM600 sehari menurun sehingga RM100 sehari, mana nak bayar sewa lagi, pekerja lagi, utilities lagi dll.
10. Ini adalah situasi yang hanya terjadi sewaktu PRU berakhir, waktu itu ekonomi dunia belum bising lagi seperti sekarang. Adakah keadaan perniagaan mereka terjejas kerana mereka membuat perniagaan berasaskan politik?
11. But anyway saya tertarik dengan setiap topik dari Tun, ianya seperti membunyikan siren waktu zaman Jepun dulu… bertempiaran orang lari untuk menyelamatkan diri dari kena bom atau serangan udara. Harap-harap Allah memanjangkan nyawa saya untuk melihat tanahiar tercinta ini berubah…
Najmi Mat Sarit.
Dear Tun,
There are many things that I agrees with you.
However, human nature requires change and alternatives to grow. Although many dangers may be ahead, it’s our risk taking nature that allows and forces us to grow and face whatever challenges ahead of us.
Whether more racist or not, only time will tell. For good or bad, all Malaysians will have to live with it.
Past and proven methologies can guide us, but it won’t be solutions to all problems.
Give the younger leaders the benefit of the doubt that they can govern the country well, wisely, and independently.
We all loves Malaysia, let it change(evolve) and let it grow..
The BN did badly due to the following reasons:
1. Lack of opportunities for non Malays in civil service and Government aided Higher-Education Instutions.
2. Massive corruption in the civil service.
3. The drastic increase in the crime rate in Malaysia.
4. The Judiciary being tightly controlled by the Government and therefore lacking independence.
5. The BN Government being non-caring about the hardships encountered by Malaysians.
6. Destruction of places of worship, as reported in the national papers.
The above are the real reasons for the bad showing by the BN in the last elections.
Dear Sir,
Yes, I totally agree with you. This is again a one off situation as when you sacked Anuar. Again this time people are confused and angry.
I do believe if we return to our true objectives we shall again be respected & strong.
I do hope you would assist Najib & get rid of Anuar, only you can do this. Please we need you to fight all the way for the love of our country.
K. E. Boy
Dear Tun,
Pertikaian kedudukan melayu menjadi-jadi apabila ada kalangan melayu sendiri yang menjadi jaguh dalam isu ini. Jaguh-jaguh ini melebarkan idea kesamarataan kerana melihat dirinya telah pun berjaya. Percayalah duhai jaguh dari bangsaku ini, masih ramai dari kalangan kami yang tidak bernasib baik darimu. Tongkat untuk melayu bukan sekadar bantuan untuk berjalan bahkan sandaran lambang warisan perjuangan memartabatkan bangsa dan agama.
bersatu, bersetia dan berkhidmat
Yang Berbahagia Tun
1. Suasana sekarang sangat memerlukan Ketokohan seorang pemimpin yang memiliki kerangka pemikiran seperti seorang Engineer atau Doctor (Seperti TUN) Siapa kah Mereka ini KALAU TIDAK siap lah kita
maybe paklah never look at the rakyat and experience what the rakyat feel…and when the rakyat try to tell him something is wrong he just wouldn’t listen…maybe he thought our opinion is not as important as khairi’s opinion since we didn’t go to oxford like he did…
maybe for once he need to look at the real situation and stop being selfish…this sick politic game have to stop…no more cronism and corruption…
p/s:to DSAI stop being the one who is responsible for ruining the country…everything should not be about you…stop holding grudges…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya bersetuju bahawa kegagalan memperolehi 2/3 dewan rakyat bukanlah disebabkan oleh politik perkauman. Bagi saya antara faktor yang mungkin menyebabkan pengurangan undi adalah kerana faktor berikut:
1. Pengundi muda. Pihak pembangkang membawa bersamanya satu kempen lonjakan dan mesej perubahan yang menawan hati pengundi-pengundi muda, apatah lagi pengundi muda yang baru berkesempatan mengundi untuk kali pertama. Sikap orang muda memang diketahui tidak segan silu dan agak berterus terang dengan kehendak mereka. Mereka mahu perubahan. Sebab mereka memerlukan Malaysia dipacu dan disedia dengan kemampuan berganda dalam semua aspek sesuai dengan zaman mereka yang lebih terbuka, kompleks dan lebih pantas.
2. Pengundi Cina. Sejak pilihanraya DUN Sarawak perkara ini telah ditunjukkan. Orang Cina bergantung kepada keadaan ekonomi. Peluang ekonomi orang cina bergerak agak perlahan terutamanya di kawasan bandar. Ketika Tun, memerintah, agihan kekayaan diperingkat bandar dengan mega projek sedikit sebanyak dapat mengekalkan sokongan mereka kepada BN. Tapi pendekatan Pak Lah dilihat lebih menjurus kepada luar bandar dimana beliau mengangkat sektor Pertanian sebagai satu pengerak baru ekonomi negara. Tambahan lagi pembangunan koridor juga lebih menguntungkan orang melayu atas faktor penglibatan mereka dalam pertanian dan pemilikan tanah adat dan tanah ‘Reserve Melayu’. Faktor ini menunjukkan penglibatan ekonomi orang melayu telah bertambah. Tapi masalahnya ialah kenampakkan bahawa Kek Ekonomi tidak berkembang pada paras sepatutnya menyebabkan persaingan yang sedikit merisaukan golongan orang Cina.
3. Pengundi India. Hindraf ditangani dengan cara yang kurang menyenangkan. Meskipun mereka tahu tindakan Hindraf agak keterlaluan, namun mereka sedikit terguris hati bila mesej yang dibawa Hindraf tidak diperdulikan yang mau- tidak-mau menggambarkan harapan golongan India diperingkat bawahan.
4. Faktor Anwar. Tiada siapa boleh menafikan bahawa Anwar mempunyai faktor tersendiri. Kelebihan beliau dalam mengembleng semua keinginan kelompok diatas sedikit sebanyak menambah kepada jumlah undi pembangkang. Sikap sesetengah ahli politik dalam BN yang suka menggunakan isu peribadi sebagai senjata serangan kepada Anwar turut menguntungkan Anwar secara percuma kerana beliau telah mendapat sedikit undi simpati sebab ramai telah merasa muak dengan tuduhan yang tidak berbukti.
5. Faktor Pak Lah. Keterbukaan Pak Lah membuka satu situasi yang serupa baru lepas dari kandang. Bebas. Sehinggakan ramai ahli politik terutamanya dari BN serta masyarakat umum ghairah menunjukkan ego dan kehebatan masing-masing seolah-olah merekalah hero tanpa memikirkan kesan dan akibat. Kesilapfahaman mula berlaku menyebabkan kalau Si ALI berkata sesuatu, Melayu dituduh, kalau SI Ah Chong cakap sesuatu, Orang Cina di tuduh begitu juga dengan kaum lain. Sikap In-Bias Group perkauman mula membiak dalam masyarakat. Dan media pula seolah-olah mengambarkan telah timbul masalah perkauman, padahal hanya segelintir golongan yang bermain dalam politik saja yang terlibat dan tidak berlaku pada masyarakat umum.
6. Faktor Najib. Sentimen pembangkang terutamanya serangan peribadi oleh Anwar, juga sedikit menyumbang kepada kehilangan undi BN. Tambahan lagi penerangan dan penjelasan agak kurang dilaksanakan.
7. Internet dan Blog. Secara kiraan mata, Pihak BN kalah teruk dalam peperangan Internet kerana ketiadaan faktor X, sebab mereka suka menggunakan media massa dan elektronik secara berlebihan mewujudkan keghairahan pengundi muda mencari maklumat melalui atas talian dan ramai juga tidak membuat imbangan maklumat dan ini berlaku secara berterusan dan menyebabkan mereka lebih percaya maklumat internet berbanding Media biasa. Maklumat ini seterusnya dialirkan dari bandar-bandar ke kampung-kampung iaitu dari anak ke ibubapa yang mana telah menimbulkan sedikit keraguan dan was-was dan seterusnya menjadi presepsi negatif buat BN.
8. Faktor Rasuah. Tiada siapa dapat menafikan wujudnya elemen rasuah dalam pilihanraya yang akhirnya menyebabkan Nama UMNO telah terpahat sebagai Kawan Kepada Makhluk bernama Rasuah ini.
9. Faktor Calon. Ramai yang bersetuju bahawa pemilihan Calon telah mengguris hati ahli-ahli peringkat bawahan apabila secara gelojohnya tanggungjawab mereka diambil alih oleh pihak atasan menyebabkan kemarahan seterusnya mewujudkan undi protes.
10. Faktor Tun. Keakraban Tun Dengan Pas memberikan prespsi yang cukup baik kepada Parti Pas terutamanya ketika Tun dinafikan hak untuk bersuara yang akhirnya juga menyumbang kepada kemerosotan undi BN.
Sir you are absolutely right this time. People dont vote for BN now becos of weakness in UMNO rather than they love the opposition. But you fail to realize, acknowledge admit and highlight that the corruption culture in UMNO have reached the UNCURABLE level and people in general have given up hope and trust to this party to govern the country if we to compete with others globally.There are just too many leaders in UMNO with tainted background and the two jokers quarelling in MCA and not forgeting the unbeatable Sg Siput candidates still refusing to let go of the MIC leaderships. With all these morons in BN ,do you think it will be able to revamp and gain people trust in the next general election ??? While the opposition have their flaws ,how worse can we get if they are to replace tne BN as goverment ?? As I can observed from your frequent posting of protecting and fighting Malay rights is merely to instill fears among the Malays to continueing supporting UMNO for its survival with no regard whether it can bring the nation forward any further. You are doing injustice to the nation by protecting only this group of elites which happen to include your son. Come on Sir you are a bigger man than that.
Salam Tun,
I thank God and I thank God for you. Now, I pray to God that there will be another like you or better than you to help us see what makes sense and what doesn’t in this country of ours.
I have said this before, I’ll say it again: I feel rather sad that you have to contend with all these nonsense happening in our country in your twilight years after working so hard all these years. Things happen for a reason, I’m glad you took to blogging. I feel much closer to you than when you were our PM for the 22 years.
Take care and May Allah bless you and Tun Hasmah.
Actually the silent majority is fed up with the Barisan Nasional (BN) government with all the corruption, wastage and extravagant spending which had not benefited the poor for the past 50 years.
What had been achieved was something any other government would have provided. You don’t need a BN government to build highways, crystal mosque, putrajaya, petronas towers and KLIA.Any government would have done the same.
What the people want is free highways, enough and accessible places of worship, efficient government servants,cheap petrol and low air fares. Plus enough schools & teachers, good hospitals and free medical services, new helicopters for our soldiers, less crime and corruption and no tv programs like Bersamamu. Total eradication of hardcore poors. Zero unemployment and relevant jobs and affordable homes without any problem with unscrupulous developers and irresponsible local authorities.
I think you are way off on this matter. Calling the Hindraf violent but who have they hurt so far? If this is the case then The Keris Wielding Umno Youth leader is no different when championing the Ketuanan Melayu. That is pure arrogance compared to the Hindraf who are championing for the poor Indians and also their lost of temples. MIC under Samy is useless. So now, the people are tired of all these racial parties especially UMNO. The world is going through an economic crisis and all they can think about is their party election. Tun for someone who is an elder statesman you are better off giving advice for the good of the nation and that also if your advice is relevant to the needs of the people today. Tun why don’t you visit the ISA vigils that are happening everyweek. You will see lots of Malays, Chinese, Indians and the other races that represent the colourful Malaysia againts the evils of ISA. After March 08, the majority of the Malaysians are rejecting Racial Politics and it’s really shameful that you as a former PM of Malaysia still championing it.
Tun i do not want to sound rude but i work for your relative before and seen some pictures of your ancestors. They looked Indian to me and you should be proud of it. Doesn’t mean that you Islam that means you are Malay. Check your own heritage and defend them too or for that matter advice your beloved UMNO to serve all.
Get a reality check Tun.
i feel this is very unprofessional to handle the country! irresponsible!!!
Dear Tun,
We will find out in the next election, won’t we, !
By then, not even yourself will have Pak Lah to blame if UMNO and BN do badly. NO more excuse! It would be purely a choice of Racial Politic vs Reform Politic!
We will then see how Malaysian really feel then, won’t we!
Assalamualaikum wbt.,
Saya sokong apa yang Tun tuliskan. Kebanyakannya rakyat di Malaysia menyokong sesebuah parti atas disebabkan sentimen ’emosi’, bukan ‘rasional’. Kerana kerana ’emosi’, mereka memilih PKR. Dulu teringat kawan duduk kat Selangor, dia secara terang-terangan mengaku akan memilih PKR sebab calon MB depa ‘kaya’ dan ‘banyak duit’.
Mengenai hak kesamarataan, ini sangatlah sensitif. Saya akan cuba memberi perlambangan kepada apa yang berlaku di Malaysia. Cuba kita bayangkan ada sebuah rumah besar kosong. Ali adalah orang pertama yang datang dan duduk di rumah itu. Siap beranak-pinak lagi. ALi tinggal di situ selama beberapa puluh tahun dengan aman dan gembira. Kemudian, datanglah seorang Mat Saleh bersama hambanya 2 orang, ingin menumpang di situ barang semalam dua.
Ali membenarkan mereka menumpang di situ atas dasar ‘kasihan’. Kemudian, hamba 2 orang tadi berasa seronok tinggal di rumah Ali sebab di situ selesa. Maka, mereka tinggal dan diberikan hak di situ oleh Mat Saleh tadi. ALi tak terkata apa-apa; sebab kalau dia bersuara maka akan binasalah Ali. Sebab lengan mat Saleh tadi saja sebesar buah kelapa.
Setelah beberapa puluh tahun, 2 orang hamba tadi telah menjadi ‘kaya’. Ali tanpa relahati membenarkan sahaja hamba tadi tinggal di rumahnya. La ni depa pulak nak ambil alih rumah dari ALi tadi. Sebab depa kata depa jugak ada hak di rumah itu.
1) Adakah ianya adil hamba tadi menuntut penguasaan dari Ali?
2) Siapakah tuan / pemunya hak asal di dalam rumah itu? Ali, atau 2 orang hamba tadi?
Saya bersetuju dengan Tun 100%. Pak Lah dok marah orang lain tapi tak pernah nak salahkan diri sendiri.
Dia kata KuLi tak pandai jaga Kelantan, dia tu pandai jaga Penang ke?
Pening kepala tengok Pak Lah ni Tun.
Salam TUN
Untuk negara ini mengadakan parti politik tidak berasaskan perkauman adalah terbaik untuk negAra ini, tapi keadaan semasa tidak menunjukkan begitu.
Rakyat tidak menyokong parti kerajaan dalam pilihan raya yg lalu bagi saya berpunca dr beberapa sebab;
Salam Tun dan keluarga
Isu perkauman dah lama wujud di dalam setiap parti itu sendiri. Kita ambil contoh, UMNO..tak semua orang melayu dalam UMNO mendapat keadilan yang sewajarnya dari pemimpin parti sendiri, samaada dari ketua cawangan atau pun ketua bahagian.. Kaum Melayu UMNO sendiri pun dilayan seolah-olah mereka bukan dari golongan Melayu. Masing-masing punyai agenda tersendiri..$,harta,perempuan.. Tanpa segan silu mereka memburukkan hal perilaku “kawan-kawan UMNO” sendiri. Membuka pekung di dada. Hal yang sama pun berlaku di dalam parti komponen BN yang lain seperti MCA dan MIC. Semuanya dengan 3 tujuan, KUASA, WANG dan dot.dot.dot. Kalau setakat menang berparti, itu tak menjamin BN mentadbir NEGARA…
Zaman sekarang dah berubah, tak macam dulu. Rakyat dah cerdik. Isu perkauman tidak boleh dijadikan alasan untuk memenangi hati rakyat. Menjelang piliharaya yang ke 13, akan bertambah kira-kira 2.5 juta pengundi baru dan ditambah dengan yang sedia ada. Kalau diconggak, jumlah ahli parti dari ketiga-tiga komponen terbesar BN, tak lebih dari 30% jumlah pengundi yang berdaftar. PENDEK KATA ” Kalau ahli parti komponen bertelagah sesama sendiri untuk kepentingan peribadi, JANGAN HARAP BN akan menerajui Kerajaan Malaysia pada pilihraya yang ke 13 nanti”. KIRIM SALAM je..
Assalammualikum Tun,
We can talk about a lot of things, racism & also 2008 election is part of these things. My main concern now is:
1.Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister. This is something i cannot and will not accept but the chances is good for him. I don’t want Anwar to screw Malaysians like he did in 97.Enough is enough for me but he is getting support from many Malaysians who does not want to see Dato Seri Najib as Malaysia next Prime Minister. This is 1 of my main concern.
2.Can Dato Seri Najib performs as Malaysian next Prime Minister??This has been in the mind of many Malaysians. There’s been so many issues/rumours/road side gossip about him but mainly it’s about his wife. Can we put our thrust on him when his wife has been the limelight of many negative incident?? Unlike you wife Tun Siti Hasmah who never get herself involve in Malaysian politics except for Bakti matters and a strong supporter of Malaysian Badminton, she never put herself in a bad position or gets bad image as Najib wife is. I take your word in this matter as i believe in you more than any leaders in Malaysia.
With the current bad image that UMNO is generating from the people,i think the UMNO General Assembly in March 2009 will not change anything significant to Malaysians and UMNO must not forget that it’s not just UMNO members that vote during our General Elections, it’s the people of Malaysia.Even if UMNO Assembly in march 2009 does change it’s top leadership, it’s Malaysians who will determine the next Malaysian Government.
Islamic Finance – less standardization portends more chaos
Arsalaan Ahmad Siddiqi writes about the ironical facet of Sharia’ compliant financing
which despite double digit growth finds itself questioned by aficionados, skeptics, and
experts alike. Sustainable future growth will only come through an across the board
standardization. The industry risks stagnation otherwise.
It was only in April 2008 that member of a UAE based Islamic institution made a stern
statement about Sharia’ compliant financing failing to come up to expectation. He is
quoted as saying,
People are talking nonsense these days. We do need political party based on races. If our moaning & complaints going nowhere, then it is our representative fault because they didn’t take it seriously. Take care of themselves only.
Tun, you are my Zhuge Liang..
Salam Tun sekeluarga,
Semoga perjuangan bangsa yang diutarakan mencapai matlamat.Saya percaya ramai anak melayu telah sedar kewajiban yang pasti didahulukan.Sedar atau tidak perjuangan semakin samar malah lebih pada ketidak ikhlasan.Saya pasti masih ramai perjuangan politik dizaman ini yang banyak tercabul akan kewibawaan kerna system dan cara memerlukan penyelarasan mengikut zaman atau kehendak.
Saya berharap malah berdoa agar pemimpin dapat memimpin bersama2 terpimpin,insyallah.
memang pon kita orang undi sebab bengang sangat ngan kerajaan sekarang….. next election lagi teruk umno kalah kalu keadaan ini berterusan……….. dok sebok bergaduh sama sendiri………………… otak kat mana????????????? dah kalah salah kan orang….. menang sebab diri sendiri…. sape saper pon boleh memerintah malaysia nie… as long as malaysian….. cina ka india ka melayu ka kadazan ka xkesah…. tapi harus di ingat malaysia negara aper??????????? nabi kita pernah berkata semua manusia sama sahaja yang berbeza imam dan takwanye….. So i think tun understand more than me…..
Dearest Tun,
I do know about others, but I did not vote for reasons you have given above. Brought my whole family to neighbouring country for “makan angin” and watch the results from the TV there until 4 in the morning. Met many Malaysians there and their reasons are more or less the same as mine.
Of course the oppositions will twist the facts on the reasons to their victory. Siapa mahu mengaku menang dengan heavy handicap? However, mind you that this is the tune they will be singing for the next few years as this tune sounds sweet to some and somehow the government is somehow singing “very the sumbang tune” that worsen the problem. I bet someone will be singing the tune in this comment space soon.
Warmest regards to you and your family. Wassalam.
Salam YAB Tun,
Saya sebentar tadi membaca laporan dari Bernama bahawa Saudara Anuar Ibrahim, semasa menghadiri jamuan makan malam di Sarawak, mengatakan bahawa, Sarawaklah kunci segala-galanya untuk BN tumbang dan PKR memerintah Malaysia.
Kalo saya tak silap hari tu kata Sabah lah kunci segala-galanya..hehehe..
Anuar… anuar ..apalah lah yang dok merepek ni..hang jaga lah pungkok hang dah lah Anuar…sat lagi orang disekeliling hang akan terajang pungkok hang dari PKR.
Komen YAB Tun mengenai kuasa politik bangsa di Malaysia ini memang benar….mereka menuduh kita orang melayu ni macam-macam.. bukan kah itu bersifat perkauman? sehinggakan Raja kita pun depa dok hentam semacam. Saya Setuju dengan pandangan bernas Tun itu.
Assalamualaikum YAB Tun,
It is always hard to disagree with Tun ‘cos most of the time your opinions are well reasoned and founded. Malaysia is now in a very very sory state. Tentang racism ni kita boleh rumuskan pembangkang sebagai, macam omputih kata, the kettle that calls a pot black. Satu lagi klise, satu jari yang menuding kepada orang lain empat jari menuding ke diri sendiri. I feel blessed that selama ni Malaysia under BN dan UMNO, kalau tidak kita mungkin telah menyaksikan racism yang lebih teruk lagi.
Dear Dr M,
I would only agree with you if Pak Lah is to be blamed partially. I would not blame Pak Lah for this and would blame you instead. I am very sure that you clearly knew that Pak Lah is not a true politician and is soft at heart, but you took him as your successor.
All the races were day by day got frustrated and angry with their respective community parties in the BN. The media coverage too backfired . The more the media spread negative image of the opposition parties the more the public got cheesed off. Even now the media is not kind to the opposition and it will definitely induce the public get fed up further.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
what you say is the real political situation that is happening in Malaysia…these political parties are only interested in their own agenda..when you were the Prime Minister, none of these issues has ever been brought..anyway Tun, i saw u at Pavilion KL and i star struck..u look awesome..thank u for what you’ve done to Malaysia..You are a legend in my head..
Even if Malaysians did not really agree with PakLah and decided to vote against him and his administration, the fact is that BN is now no longer in the position to run our country.
BN is busy with its own internal struggles, pointing fingers at everyone except themselves, leeching more of the rakyat’s money, spending more on/for their henchmen and becoming more erratic in decision-making process.
This is not the coalition that it once was. It is merely a grouping for ambitious individualists that seek their own political stature and reliving the old glories of what could have been theirs. This is no longer a coalition for and by the people.
With PakLah and Najib both overseas, and no one running Malaysia, I do not think they are serious about the country, just like their ever-backbiting allies in BN.
Everyone is free to give opinion and so is you. Its not a surprised opinion that you would say so as you is the longest serving UMNO President. But then that is the past…
The truth is the people’s power has proven that we as a rakyat can decide who is going to be our next leader regardless of the race, religion, skin color or whatsoever….
Salam Tun; No doubt. All true.
But need to clarify that if any argument favorable towards the sosial contract could not be judged as racism because it was stated there as part to be Malaysian. Any other against it is racial politics that they (without prejudice to any races)themselves actually questioned their own citizenship as a Malaysian by not accepting it!
aswb Tun and to everybody,
The March 8 2008 polls demonstrated the old adage/saying that elections are not won by opposition but lost by the government parties. The BN lost the 5 batttlegrounds in the strategic states; Selangor, Penang, Perak, Kedah and the impregnable PAS fortress in Kelantan. If were were to look at the 12th GE results, the statistics reflect that the opposition alliance (Barisan Rakyat) accumulated more than 50% votes in these 5 states, thus enable them to defeat the seemingly well-oiled BN machinery out of the pedestal.
Just a quick glance on the statistics that cause the downfall of the 5 states based on the % of Malay population and the % of the votes garnered by the opposition.
State Malay (%) Opposition Vote (%)
Kelantan 94.3% 55%
Kedah 77.6% 53.2%
Selangor 50.7% 55.4%
Perak 47 % 53.3%
Penang 33.7% 63%
Based on the figures above, Malays’ votes were considered crucial
in determiining the outcome of the GE results in Kelantan, Kedah, Selangor and Perak the with the exception of Penang.
Maybe for the 1st time in the country’s GE history, the Malay voters clearly vented their anger to the UMNO and the BN by casting their votes to the opposition front irrespective of the candidates’ ethnicity and background.For example, the state of Selangor is always considered as the safe state for the BN due to its Malay majority composition.Previously the BN never fail in Selangor due to the strong support received from the Malay voters. I would interpret that most of the Malays especially the young voters really showed their dislike against UMNO & BN by casting their votes to the Opposition. Perhaps they just wanted to send message to the BN that there were unhappy with a lot of issues but they never thought that their votes would dismantle BN out of power. In Fact, the opposition sides were also bewildered that they never expect to win in the first place. The majority of the Chinese and Indian voters casted their votes to the ‘Pakatan Rakyat’ candidates thus catapulted the PKR-DAP-Pas to power.
The same scenario also occured in Perak, another BN bastion in the northern region.Again the Malay votes determined the total GE outcome.The Malays’ protest votes turned to be blessing in disguise for the opposition alliance. the Chinese and Indian voters were united to dismantle the BN, even by not voting the Great Sammy Veloo and Kaveas.
The votes garnered by the opposition pact in Kedah reflect that the Malays majority were in favour of the PAS ideology and the governance style as proven by the success of PAS in Kelantan. Again the Chinese and Indian votes contributed to the downfall of the BN state government.
As for Kelantan, the Kelantenese have send a very clear message to the BN that development and money are not everthing if compared with religion which is not the commodity that they could easily substitute with.
Finally for the State of Penang, the GE results were not that surprising given the facts the oppostion sides were quite a major forces to be reckoned with especially in the island.It was very clear and apparent that the BN lost due to Chinese and Indian voters who overwhelmingly threw their support to the PKR-DAP-PAS axis. Here, the voters casted their votes to the oppositions’ candidates irregardless of the person’s ethnicity and religion. As a result, UMNO lost 4 seats and only managed to retain 11 seats. Their BN so-called comarade in arms were whitewashed and annihilated to massive destruction. Even the legendary Koh Tsu Koon also learnt to concede defeat and swallow a bitter bill as unbeaten loser.
My verdict is that the 12th GE was not won by the opposition but rather lost by the BN government.It’s the first time the voters turned out to be colour blind to vote for the candidates as long as the candidates were not contesting under the ‘dacing’ emblem and logo.
salam… dalam memilih pemimpin kita mesti memilih mereka yang boleh mendatangkan kebaikan kepada kita. sekiranya kesemua calon adalah yang “tak berapa elok”… wajiblah kita memilih yang paling kurang mendatangkan mudarat kepada kita.. PRU 12 telah menjelaskan segala-galanya…
Dear Tun,
Senang saja nak “semangat Malaysian Malaysia”. kalau mereka semua bersetuju untuk menghapuskan sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan dan mengangkat bahasa malaysia sebagai bahasa ibunda mereka,barulah kita boleh “talk further”berkenaan isu ini.
Saya sememangnya bersetuju dengan Tun berkenaan isu PRU 2008, ramai pengundi mengundipartipembangkang kerena telah jelik dan mual dengan BN terutamanya UMNO. Terlampau banyak kerosakan yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin UMNO kebelakangan ini.
Dear Tun,
1. I would like to thank you for the fine speech that you give at Intrade (Matrade Building) Forum. At your age, you still
Salam Tun,
Yes indeed our society is still racist at large either they express it openly or not. The difference is how extreme one can be. I for one can claim I’m racist as at uttermost our religion comes first and then our “bangsa” well being. In Malaysia, Political Parties is the best form and mode to fight for our rights in Malaysia. Tolerence may comes in the form of alliance, but believe me when I say that all the parties are racist and we cannot change that for the time being until there is truly one race that is Malaysian race which is unlikely due to our many difference ethnically and religiously. Not much can say for the future but surely the government will be racist enough to ensure them in power for the next election.
you have the gall to ask the questions when in your 22 years, you did not do anything to instill a single Malaysian race.
All your Merdeka rhetorics did not establish the foundation to encourage the ideology of one race – united front, and now you can write.
I say and maintain this – you are one selfish person.
Salam mualaikum TUN,
Now a days when ever you voices up something…!! They will call you racist..and all other negative words against yourself.
And yet again, they are racist themselves. Their racism statements against the Malays in particular..it seems okay and within their right. And those so call Malay leaders who share’s their bed are the only Malay leaders the people should look upon..!!
If they says something racist against the Malays, It’s okay and fine enough but not the other way round. They keep on harpening, how fortunate and lucky this people call Bumiputra. And they rose up to the political power in Malaysia with that ‘bias racism statement themselves.
TUN…I do sincerely hope you keep on..knocking those arrogant head, so that they came to their senses. You are very, very Relevant at this moment of time when SOME other Malay leader seem to shy off away..!!
Thank you Tun. Wassalam
Salam Tun,
Kalau ada kelapangan & masa, saya harap Tun dapat perjelaskan kenapa Tun pernah melabel Tunku Abdul Rahman sebagai “Chinese Lover”. saya hanya ingin memahami sejarah berkaitan dengan kontrak sosial dimana jika kita tersalah tafsir, ianya boleh memusnahkan tanah air kita. Sejujur-jujurnya, saya sebagai individu dalam generasi baru ini sememangnya mempunyai prasangka apabila berurusan dengan bangsa lain walaupun tidak dinafikan bangsa kita ada juga yang mengkhianati sesama bangsa.
Terima kasih & wassalam
I think even the malays are fed up with malay elites who grab more than their share of the NEP, and flaunt it to the very malays whom the deprive. As a party, UMNO stands for all that is good for the malays, but it is sad that a once great political entity has been reduced to money politics, rowdy meetings, lies and deceit.
The irony is that every day we read about the rampant and blatant use of money in the UMNO party elections, but no one has questioned where all the money is coming from. On the other hadn the ACA is being made use as if it is and arm of the UMNO disciplinery committee.
In the meanwhile the population watches with disgust and anger.
THAT is the reaso why UMNO fared so badly.
salam TUN
selagi manusia yang otak berada dekat lutut memerintah selagi itulah MALAYSIA akan jadi begini dan rakyat yang akan menderita…….
We vote for our right! I dont think BN will be defeat again in next election. anyway only god knows.
Buat Tun yang paling saya kasihi.
Saya sayangkan UMNO. Tapi dengan gelagat pemimpin UMNO hari ini saya mengambil keputusan untuk tidak lagi menyokong UMNO dan sebaliknya hanya mengundi calun melayu tak kira dari parti pas atau pkr. Sayang sekali di parlimen Pdg. Serai Kedah hanya Cina dan India yang menjadi calun. Saya tak mengundi untuk kawasan ini. Apa yang muskil melayu di Pdg Serai 67% Cina 18% dan India 15%. Bagaimana Gobalakrishnan yang anti melayu boleh menang. Melayu Islam yang sokong Gobalakrishnan terutamanya orang pas jawablah nanti di akhirat. Dulu kata orang UMNO yg sokong calun BN dari bukan Islam kata kafir sekarang siapa yg kafir pulak. Apa yg Gobalakrishnan bagi kat hampa. Kutuk melayu dalam Parlimen ada la.
Salam Tun,
“In the Constitution,the meaning of malay itself has three conditions,Firstly,the individual has to be muslim,secondly speak malay and thirdly the malay customs.” quote from benama news.
Can anybody tell me about those peoples born and live in penisular malaya for thousands of years ago were not malay,because of their religion!Religion can change but not race!Religion is about belief
and race about your DNA.Malays is a Malay by birth not by converting.You simply can’t change your DNA,a chinese cannot become
whiteman by following the so call rules and conditions.
Chinese,Indians and Mat salleh all can become Malay overnight by following the above three conditions.What a great Country.!!!
“The true Malays should know their history and culture” if not so call malays(Imitations)will clean sweep your rightful shares and ownership of this country.The True Malays is most beautiful and grace people in planet.I simply love the true malay people.
Assalamulaikum Tun,
“And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.”
Saya bersetuju sangat dengan kenyataan ini, Tun. Mengapa bising memperjuangkan hak sebagai warga Malaysia jika bahasa, budaya dan sejarah asal diutamakan daripada negara ini sendiri. Saya kerap jugak dengar daripada sebilangan ungrateful chaps berkata bahawa Malaysia ini hanya lah tempat untuk mencari rezeki, as long as there is still money to be made here in Malaysia they will stick…this is the kind of people who will in good times talk about their right but in the bad time, abandon his own country.
Semoga bimbingan Tun terus membuka mata hati setiap warga negara Malaysia..
PAS di Kedah nak amalkan 50% pemilikan Bumiputra dlm kawasan2 rumah baru. Last2 Kit Siang kata Kedah akan balik ke 30%. Hari ni MB Kedah declare kata Kedah akan buat kandang babi utk menampung permintaan domestik. Tempatnya mungkin di Kuala Ketil. Tungguu…..
MB Perak hanya boleh kata ADUN berbangsa Cina tu lebih bagus drp dia apabila ADUN UMNO tanya kenapa asyik ADUN Cina tu mencelah bila sepatutnya MB Perak jawab soalan dlm dewan negeri. Tungggu….
Bila Melayu lemah dan bagi muka, mmg kaum yg lain akan ambil kesempatan….
Sebab tu UMNO kena kuat dulu, kini, dan selamanya…
Yes I agree that it is the government first and foremost to blame for the unsatisfactory running of the country. And yes it has inevitably led to racial politics at its most aggressive.
But I think what the government and you yourself have so far failed to see that it is not because the races want to be separated and divided. It is not because they fear of losing their language, culture or history.
It is because the government is KEEPING it that way. How can the Chinese and Indians be satisfied when they are being openly discriminated in every aspect of their lives? And when they complain to the government, what do they do? They release statements and warnings not to mess with the Malay race, which in turn gets the Malays all riled up, convinced that their race is being ridiculed.
Do you see the pattern here? The Bumiputeras and the other races originally do not have issues with each other. The issues are about discrimination. It is the government which openly treat each race differently.
Until THAT changes…things will remain the same.
Dear Tun,
Your stands on this issue is very clear and I’m sure everyone knew it. However, politicians tense to interprete the issue in their favour. You just cannot do anything if someone wants to believe these selfish politicians. Let it be.
Racial issue is always an issue in Malaysia. No solution if every leader of the race doesn’t compromise. The inability of UMNO to response to this issue had caused much tension and discomfort among Malaysian. If the issue still remain unsolved after DSNTR take over, I believe BN will lost terribly in PRU13.
Salam Sejahtera Tun,
Pergolakan dalam UMNO masa sekarang pun nampak nya belum boleh menjaminkan sesustu yang positif dimasa mendatang.Bagitu juga lah komponen parti BN yang lain.
Ada seauatu langkah perlu di lakukan BN jika mahu terus menerajui kerajaan di PRU13 akan datang.Komponen parti PR dan kerenahnya adalah seperti yang TUN nyata kan diatas malah ada yang telah mula menunjukan ‘belang’ masing-masing.
Tapi UMNO masih dok bertelagah sesama sendiri. Rakyat kebanyakan melhat UMNO atau BN sekali pun seperti memperjuangkan ‘survival’ masing-masing saja. Tanpa memperdulikan rasa resah rakyat jelata atau orang-oarang MELAYU-ISLAM yang dok ada…!!!
Pemimpin Melayu mestilah bergerak dan berdiri kukuh …!! Bila mana Hak dan kepentingan Bangsa nya dipersoalkan dan remeh temehkan…!!! Jangan lah keluarkan ‘statement sub-standard’ macam melepas batuk di tangga saja..!!
Mana dia pemimpin Melayu bilamana ,Hak bangsa dan Agamanya di perkocak-kacikan….. se olah-olah Orang Mealayu tak dak Perasaan langsung..!!!.
Sudah tiba masa nya Pemimpin Melayu bertegas..!! Jangan dok berdeplomasi lagi..!! Kita saja yang dok berlembut…depa tak ambik pusing pun..!!
Sekian Wassalam.
Tun yang disayangi,
I couldn’t agree more. If the opposition or even some of BN components now talking about merit, rejection of racial politic, human right etc, Are they actually making a statement that non malay especially chinese can be a better and smarter PM than a Malay would? Or would they deny that the reason why they cannot accept Malay as a PM becuase he/she is not Chinese?
I believe, so much like you that the reason why BN lost is due to the fact that we have very incompetant leader. To be precise, we have very bad UMNO president coincidently the PM that do not have the charisma that could bring fear(if not respect) among his components leaders and that is the significant different between current UMNO President and the previous.
Salam Tun,
1) Salah satu sebab ramai yang berlain pendapat dari Tun ialah kerana adanya kajian yang merumuskan senario tersebut.
2) Macamana “think tank” ini memperolehi fakta mengenai jumlah undi mengikut kaum pun kita tidak pasti.
3) Setahu saya ramai pemimpin MIC tewas dikawasan selamat yang selama ini bergantung kepada ehsan pengundi Melayu. Akibat dari sifat angkuh HINDRAF kita tarik balek ehsan tersebut. Cuba tanya adakah orang Melayu menyokong HINDRAF?
4)Tak kiralah siapa parti lawan, lembu pun akan diberi kemenangan. Di sesetengah kawasan kelebihan undi lebih banyak dari peratus pengundi India itu sendiri.
5) Begitu juga dengan MCA, banyak sangat tuntutan. Kita undi orang lain asal jangan BN.
6) Namun pokoknya keadaan “naik tocang” wujud adalah akibat kelemahan kepimpinan Pak Lah dan fenomena KJ. Maka rakyat tanpa di suruh telah menggunakan “kuasa” untuk mengajar BN. Tak pandang bulu cuma nak ajar sikit.
7) Tetapi kerana post mortem yang salah inilah maka UMNO dan BN terus menuju kearah yang salah lagi menyesatkan. Depa bukan Doktor, tentu buat dignostics yang salah.
8) Kalau orang sakit boleh kasi obat…. Ni dah nampak nazak …….
Nak bacakan Yasin je lah.
9) But I know you won’t give up Tun.
U r soooo right, one of the main intention of majority of the voters was to reduce the BN/UMNO majority (however they had not imagined that BN would lose the 3 states) to teach the leaders a lesson, also the chinese voters were at that point unhappy with the MCA’s apparently lack of backbone in the BN.I don’t think i need to comment why MIC lost big as it is quite clear who and not what the problem is.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun..
Saya bersyukur Tun masih lagi memberi pandangan dalam perjalanan kerajaan hari ini.Saya kadang naik menyampah dgn pembangkang hari ini.Macam2 janji pilihanraya tapi tak buat pun.Hari ini masih lagi org berkatakan tentang Anwar Ibrahim.Saya pun tak tahu manusia jenis apa yg masih menyokong parti keadilan,pas dap.Mungkin dari segi logik mereka2 ini dari perwatakkan monyet.Kepada yg bukan melayu hormatilah hak orang lain.Berhentilah bercakap tentang hak2 ini.Saya dah mula jelik dgn perangai orang bukan melayu yg bercakap tentang hak2 orang melayu ini.Kepada bukan melayu yg tahu hormatinya saya ucapkan terima kasih atas dasar hidup menghormati hak orang lain.Saya selalu terbang keluar negara.Hampir enam benua saya merantau di dunia ini saban hari.Tapi saya tgk kaum india,cina di tempat negara orang lain tak pula berani menentang kerajaan tempat mereka tinggal mengapa???Negara ini negara kita bersama..tak salah jika kaum lain hendakkan sesuatu tetapi berpada2..tanya lah di jalan ampang..disko2 yg ada hari ini siapa yg punya??bangsa mana??tak maju tentang mana lagi??Tgk driver2 orang kenamaan di malaysia kaum mana??saya belum pernah tgk kaum cina jadi Driver kepada orang melayu mahupun orang cina sendiri..yg ramai kaum melayu dan india..Saya belum pernah tengok sesusah mana pun kaum india di malaysia meminta sedekah..yg ramai kaum mana mintak sedekah???Kaum saya sendiri.Jadi kalau nak timbulkan isu perkauman itu sendiri pandang2lah sekeliling..Jangan ikut hentam sahaja.Pergilah ke negara seperti Brazil,Argentina,Cuba,China,India dan Indonesia mahupun negara yg berkuasa seperti di Amerika Syarikat itu sendiri.Belum pernah saya tengok kaum india atau cina meminta sedekah.tapi di malaysia kaum india dan cina tak pula mintak sedekah tapi pemimpin2 cina dan india pula yg seperti meminta sedekah.Padahal semua dah dapat.Pemimpin melayu yg ada sekarang cepat Goyah.lembab terutama kepimpinan sekarang.Beringat lah satu parti untuk semua kaum???Apa ni??saya nak tanya seorang pemimpin PPP dan menteri yg sokong satu parti untuk semua tu bolehkan kementerian pelajaran,pertanian,kewangan dan etc disatukan dalam satu kementerian???Jangan jadi pemimpinlah kalau benda mcmni pun bodoh sangat tak tahu nak pikir..Huru Hara pemimpin2 ini.Roti canai bolehlah di banjirkan..Ini soal kemasyarakatan dan kebajikkan rakyat wahai menteri..Saya level SPM sahaja boleh fikir..Teruk la u guys..Malu la saya lalu depan rumah menteri ni tiap2 hari tapi Bodoh.Hidup Melayu dan TUn Dr Mahathir.
Salam TUN,
Inilah jadinya apabila puak2 kapiaq diberi banyak kuasa oleh bangsa Melayu/Islam itu sendiri..sampai ketuanan Melayu/Islam pon nak diungkitnya..
Zaman TUN x ader yg jadi macam nie,,
Take care TUN..
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Seems like Malaysian race base politics is here to stay. That whats make Malaysia so unique. Able to work together, regardless of race and religion, to strife for a better Malaysia. Each race has the right to uphold their own identity. For Malaysia to stay on forever harmony she needs a very capable leader who is respected by everyone. And also who can wrestle every corner of the ring without being afraid of being unpopular. I’ve no qualms about Malaysia having a non-Malay PM one day as long as he or she does not disregard the Malays. Malays are not selfish people and very tolerant. For that historical day to come patience is what we need. it may take a few generations for it to happen. So all politicians and the very ambitious and the in-a-hurry-to-get to the top, stop tangling and messing Malaysia and poisoning the minds of all Malaysians with issues on racism.
Tun, as a mother and a Malaysian who loves and will live and die in Malaysia, only wants the best for Malaysia where my children and my future generations will live in harmony and happily ever after. This is not a fairy tale longing. Is it so hard to ask for?
The very best to you Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.
salam Tun,
in my opinion main reason is Paklah, KJ, Kamaludin, Kalimullah, Brendan Pereira, Scomi and Ecm Libra.
but i really wonder why the so called Pakatan Rakyat didnt attack on this issue, which is very true.
they prefer to attack Najib on altantuya shaaribu case which is unclear, but their suppurters really believe this story.
well Tun, our Bangsa Malaysia belive in rumours/ khabar angin.
Tun, for 22 years u fail to change Malays way of thinking.
Dear Tun,
As what u think on the prepective of leader who ruled this country for more than 20 years, I also agree on what happen in 2008 Elections.
All the winning place by opposition is just because people dont understand what is the vision of Pak Lah Government.
With all the scandal and even the development of self esteem also not really success,people might think that we cant rely on BN anymore.
The chronology also positive relate to what happen now when every wing of UMNO also have problem on majority of choose the leader.
Hope you always make a great idea on against all the abuse of power in UMNO.
karisma dlm kepimpinan sgt pntg. bgaimana utk mencipta karisma itu, semuanya bergantung kpd kebijaksanaan seorg pemimpin.
mgkn kepimpinan berkarisma dlm BN pd masa ini tiada.. atau mgkn pemimpin BN tdk mengambil berat. itu yg menyebabkn pembangkang mengambil kesempatan. pembangkang pndai memanipulasi keadaan demi survival mereka. dan pemimpin BN pula tiada karisma utk melawan.
ditambah pula dgn keadaan persekitaran yg tidak memihak kpd kerajaan, karisma itu gagal dicipta.. pemimpin BN mgkn hanyut seketika.
tun ada karisma yg ckup tggi.. tiada siapa yg mudah utk melawan.. itu kebijaksanaan kepimpinan tun.. pemimpin BN kini lemah utk menghayati.. hrp2 mereka sedar.. ini yg sy doakn… jgn bg peluang kpd pembangkang skrg utk memegang kuasa. merekalah yg mencetuskn huru-hara yg ade.. sgl ketidak stabilan negara pd hari ini diburukkn lg dgn sikap pembangkang yg cube mengambil kesempatan..
pemimpin BN mst bijak mngatasinya.. jgn takut utk bertindak.. jgn terlalu berlembut..
Salam Tun,
I agree with you on the above subject. Yes, people voted for the opposition not b’coz they like the party, but rather b’coz the voters are really fed-up with BN. The new voters sentiment is very simple indeed. They would vote for the party which they think would best serve their interest, be it BN or PR.
Therefore, either the elected reps starts to perform, or the fat lady shall sing the song for them come next GE.
Salam Tun
I agree with you. The present politicians are the main culprits in instigating these racial breakdown just for your their own personal gains and popularity but sad to say the people tend to follow blindly.
Only when the people are proud to call themselves Malaysian and not identify themselves by race, I feel this problem will remain. The govt. itself is not helping either cos if one were to fill in many of the government documents, there will always be the column where one has to identify one’s race.
I strongly feel that the English-medium schools should be started again just like in the 50s and 60s cos then can all the races mingle and learn together.
Take good care of your health and salam to your wife.
Salam Tun,
Selagi kaum bukan Melayu tidak mahu ber”asimilasi” dengan penduduk asal atau kaum asal Tanah Melayu, selagi itulah kita akan terus berpecah.
Kenapa tidak UMNO/BN perjuangkan ASIMILASI ini, disebalik perjuangan Barisan Alternatif yang bertunjangkan REFORMASI (yang kita tidak tahu apa intinya) ? Saya rasa asimilasi bangsa-bangsa bukan melayu ini lebih baik untuk generasi kita akan datang. Apa pendapat Tun?
Di Thailand, Indonesia, Filipina dan seluruh negara-negara berdaulat lain, mereka hanya perlu SATU BAHASA, satu sekolah, satu budaya negara. Sampai bila kita harus hidup dalam keadaan berpecah begini?
Saya seorang Melayu, sekarang ini saya rasa serba salah apabila ditanya kenapa kaum bukan Melayu walaupun sudah 3-4 generasi di Malaysia tapi masih tidak sama dengan orang Melayu dari segi hak seperti Biasiswa,Matrikulasi dan sebagainya… jadi kadang-kadang saya berfikir juga, sampai bila? 100? 200? 300 tahun lagi? atau seribu tahun lagi?
Sampai bila kaum bukan Melayu di Malaysia mahu mengekalkan bahasa, sekolah dan budaya mereka di bumi Melayu/Nusantara ini? Sampai bila orang Melayu harus berasa was-was dengan orang Cina atau sebaliknya? Atau kaum Hindu merasakan Agama Islam itu menekan mereka (ada berkata hukuman bunuh untuk mereka beragama Hindu, masuk agama lain.) Jadi sampai bila? sampai bila kita Melayu, Cina, India harus berpecah? Mungkin Tun boleh jawabkan untuk parti BN?
Kenapa kita tidak boleh minta kaum bukan Melayu yang lain berasimilasi ? Kenapa tidak kita mula dari sekarang? Adakah kita perlu melalui satu peperangan antara kaum, baru ini boleh bermula??
p/s – Thaksin Shinawatra, bekas Perdana Menteri Thailand itu berketurunan Cina, tetapi dia-nya diterima sebagai ketua negara kerana penduduk Cina Thailand sudah lama berasimilasi dengan penduduk asal Thailand-Siam.
Satu permintaan rakyat Malaysia untuk difikirkan?
Saya juga setuju Tun…
Pssttt…Tun, kenapa kerajaan Sabah (Jab. Imegresen or Jab.Pendaftaran or sapa-sapala),tiada angin tiada ribut tiada berita tiba-tiba semua Pendatang Tanpa Izin (PATI) diberi Kad Pengenalan dengan status ‘Penduduk Sementara’ pada Sabtu (15.11.2008)lepas ya.
Salam Tun yang dikasihi..,
saya nak minta nasihat tun berkenaan tips2 bagi menghadapi kemelesetan ekonomi… Saya ada menerima email tentang bagaimana menghadapai kemelesetan ekonomi yang bakal tiba, iaitu,
1. jangan membeli hartanah sama ada secara tunai atau loan.
2. to pay off as much of our debts as debt collection will be hastened
3. sell any stocks u can even at lower prices
4. don’t believe in huge sales forecast from customers, be extremely prudent, lowest inventories, reduce liablilities
5. don’t invest in new capital
6. sell your properties now if u intend to sell, as the prices will fall.
Harap Tun dapat memberi idea2 dan tips2 bagi menghadapi kegawatan ekonomi ini, khususnya bagi pengguna dan rakyat berpendapatan sederhana seperti saya.
harap Tun
Dear Tun,
Actually UMNO is no longer the same animal now compared to UMNO in the past. People in UMNO now are no longer fighting for their AGAMA,BANGSA & Negara.
We have people that support Umno just because UMNO is power and money. UMNO is a useful tool to get contracts, title and many more.
Who care for what happen to the masses. Dollah enjoying himself in Perth when the people in Johor struggle with flood.
Najib is also the same animal. Dont talk about Muhammad, Rahim Tamby Chik, Jamaluddin Jarjis and Mahathir in Kedah. They are using UMNO as a tool for them to get easy money and with it they can pursue their hobby. It is no secret that most of them have extra “sidekick” and with power and money there are many “sidekick” around.
So UMNO is now “Parti penjilat buntut untuk mendapat buntut. Period.
ye tun, saya setuju..
saya ingat lagi kenapa saya pangkah pembangkang tempoh hari..
1. Pak Lah tak efficient.
2. Saya terlampau percaya Khairy adalah “invisible hand” pentadbiran Pak Lah.
3. Saya jangka harga barang dan harga minyak akan naik mendadak lepas pilihanraya.
4. Dan disamping kenyataan bodoh dua tiga menteri, contohnya suruh rakyat “berjimat cermat” la, “makan kentang” la, “corridor” sini sana la.
Itu aje.. takde kena mengena dengan Anwar bagus, Hadi bagus, Lim Kit Siang bagus atau racism. Tapi, saya tak taula orang lain.
Dear Tun,
What you reflect is very accurate. The opposition acts as if they had won the elections. Their Post elections agenda is bascially racial inequties & Anti Malays. Look recently,at Penang DCM….Malay hegemony remarks etc!! DAP Ipoh…Jalan Patoo etc.
Everybody knows about Indian hegemony in Maxis & ASTRO…but we just ignore it.
ISA, liberalism & oppeness is just lip service only.
Just imagine how they will treat the Malays if they won.
PKR will sell their mothers to win anyways. PAS, very surprise with their position in all of this, very muted. Can’t they see, when DAP/Gerakan/MCA attack UMNO, actually they meant Malays!!
HINDRAF we knows is a Hindu chauvinistic party in the mould of BJP of India. We knows how they behave in India!!
Dr Rais is right ..Islam should be used to unify the Malays.
We are so weak now….we cannot even change a street name to give it a better image in Kuala Lumpur.
Suggest UMNO cooperate strategically with PAS, let PAS rule Kelantan, Treggganu, Kedah & Perlis. Let them rule it as an Islamic state. We can show the world Muslim can have good governance too. They will be successful with federal financial muscle. In return they help umno in Perak & Selangor. Thus Pas get their dreams..with DAP it will never happen.
Sabah & Sarawak, we will give them priority for everythings. Anwar promise them 20% we give them 40%. Why not!! We reduce assistance to Chines & Indian (Penang, Ipoh & Melaka0 they hate us anyway..we got nothing to loose!! Then they know the cost of their racist politics & respect the REAL POLITIK in this country & appreciate how accomodative we have been for 51 years!!
Rahman Jaafar
Dearest Y.A.Bhg Tun,
In Malaysia, there will always be a racial differences its either one choose to take part in the race or choose to ignored.
It will always be the Malays to blame for…the Malays lead Government is incompetence, the Malays supported ISA…the Malays are corrupted lots….the Malays are lazy…the Malays are less educated….etc…don’t keep blaming the Malays…look inward unto your own kind….than you can blame it unto others….I am not a racist….look around us….after 51 years of independence…still having that thoughts….aaiyaahhhh.
The racism phenomena in Malaysia has been long inexistance before may 13 1969 and before Tun’s blog was even created. But its the racialist Politicians that’s to be blame for creating a virtual divided nation of Malaysia into their own individual parties perspective ideologies. They will go at any length to divide this peaceful nation into unstable nation if given a chance.
Tun’s qoute
2. I did not agree with this simplistic view and I had put my thoughts on this blog. I believed that it was rather protest against the failures of the Abdullah Government that caused many Barisan Nasional members and supporters to vote for the opposition. But many still insist that race based politics is no longer relevant in Malaysia. Is it?
To answer your question….
Without regret, I believe race based politics is still relevant in Malaysia, not for atleast another 10 to 20 years from now…regretfully, and the failures were also due to the weekness of current Government and administrations.
Tun’s Quote.
3. If it is because the Malaysian electorate had rejected racial politics, why did they vote for such parties as PAS, a very Malay Muslim party, and DAP, a Chinese dominated party. Even the Keadilan is made up of violently racist Hindraf Indians, Chinese dissatisfied with the MCA’s representation of the Chinese in BN and self-serving Malays who could not find a place in the other Malay parties.
To answer your question.
People thought by choosing the opposition parties will simply change the whole Malaysia’s political scenario (The Obama wanna be)…but they choose to ignore the problem lies ahead of them…as these oppositions parties are nothing less then an opportunist in everyway…look! who is their elected Commander in chief?….A gay leader alias street gangster…all started from the back…we need to move forward!!!!…need I say further?…always organized A BIG WALK OUT IN THE PARLIMENT BY THE OPPOSITIONS…what a loser!
Tun’s quote”
These three parties did not campaign for human rights or open Governments or even against the Internal Security Act. PAS had made no secret of their Islamic State pretensions. DAP talked of Malaysian Malaysia which was the battle cry of its very Chinese PAP antecedents of Singapore (no non-Chinese PM) and Keadilan talked about reforms etc., but the stress was on Hindu Rights and anti-Malay racism.
Answer to Tun’s question.
There’s been too many unrest non-malays souls in this issues Tun…what they had said about you a (former premier of Malaysia)and the leaders in Malaysia is uncalled for and way out of lined….
To all of of you unhappy and ungrateful bloggers…try tell that to Mr Lee Kwan Yew or the Singapore Government!…I dare you!…that’s right! ISA….you fool!…I believe there’s nothing wrong with the Malay PM…well if no non-chinese Pm for Singapore in future so be it…we don’t stood that low….we can just continue with our Malay PM forever….
But here in Malaysia every races has been given equal opportunities in many ways…what more do you want?….If it is the privileges you’re talking about…its all been given to every Malays, Chinese, Indians the kadazan etc…look around you….we have been enjoying the privileges together all these years….just becoz everytime some racialist politicians stir the racial problem again and again, that doesn’t mean we have to answer to their calls?
My Simple conclusion….if anyone failed to accept for what it is here to share….pack you bloody home and leave this country….many has done so previously!
Orang luar sememang nya ada sifat dengki dengan kejayaan Malaysia.
Dan apabila terdapat sedikit kecacatan atau kekerohan dalam politik kita mereka mempesarkan dan mengambil kesempatan untuk membuat kesimpulan dan kenyataan yang boleh membantu agenda2 tersembunyi mereka terhadap negara kita.
Dan pada parti2 pembangkang seperti PAS,DAP dan PKR pula semacam perasan dan syok sendiri bila mwenang besar dan mula lah menunjuk belang masing2 sebagai jaguh.
Tapi saya yakin PRU akan datang ramai MP dari parti2 ini tak akan masuk parlimen lagi. Menyemak dewan saja. Ini kerana rakyat Malaysia sudah pun mendapat melihat bertapa buruk nya ahli2 mp ini diadalam dewan.
Dan lebeh penting nya apabila Pak Lah telah pun berundur sebagaimana yang dikehendaki rakyat. Dan seterus nya apabila Najib dapat menyatukan semula kekuatan Umno dan BN.
Walau bagaimana pun UMNO dan BN hanya akan tampak lebeh kuat jika TUN diterima balik masuk kedalam UMNO oleh Najib. Dan TUN sentiasa bergerak seiring dengan pemimpin2 tertinggi UMno yang lain untuk mempertabatkan bangsa dan negara. Rakyat akan lebeh yakin sekira nya TUN diberi peranan dalam membantu kerajaan memulihkan parti dan ekonomi negara.
Selepas itu saya yakin BN dapat kembali mengusai kerajaan pada PRU 13. InshaAllah.
Betul kata Tun. Memang pada PRU yang lalu ramai yang mengundi PAS,PKR dan DAP hanya kerana marahkan DSAAB. Termasuk saya sendiri, terketar-ketar tangan memangkah parti lawan. Apakan daya, hati sakit melihat kerosakkan yang dilakukan oleh DSAAB. Harap-harap semua dapat diperbetulkan.
Dear Tun,
What you reflect is very accurate. The opposition acts as if they had won the elections. Their Post elections agenda is bascially racial inequties & Anti Malays. Look recently,at Penang DCM….Malay hegemony remarks etc!! DAP Ipoh…Jalan Patoo etc.
Everybody knows about Indian hegemony in Maxis & ASTRO…but we just ignore it.
ISA, liberalism & oppeness is just lip service only.
Just imagine how they will treat the Malays if they won.
PKR will sell their mothers to win anyways. PAS, very surprise with their position in all of this, very muted. Can’t they see, when DAP/Gerakan/MCA attack UMNO, actually they meant Malays!!
HINDRAF we knows is a Hindu chauvinistic party in the mould of BJP of India. We knows how they behave in India!!
Dr Rais is right ..Islam should be used to unify the Malays.
We are so weak now….we cannot even change a street name to give it a better image in Kuala Lumpur.
Suggest UMNO cooperate strategically with PAS, let PAS rule Kelantan, Treggganu, Kedah & Perlis. Let them rule it as an Islamic state. We can show the world Muslim can have good governance too. They will be successful with federal financial muscle. In return they help umno in Perak & Selangor. Thus Pas get their dreams..with DAP it will never happen.
Sabah & Sarawak, we will give them priority for everythings. Anwar promise them 20% we give them 40%. Why not!! We reduce assistance to Chines & Indian (Penang, Ipoh & Melaka0 they hate us anyway..we got nothing to loose!! Then they know the cost of their racist politics & respect the REAL POLITIK in this country & appreciate how accomodative we have been for 51 years!!
Rahman Jaafar
Saya sebagai rakyat malaysia (melayu & Islam) memang hendak megundi sesiapa sahaja yang dapat menjaga kebajikan semua rakyat Malaysia.
Mengikut perkembangan politik terkini saya merasa was – was siapa yang patut saya pilih kerasa semua pemimpin yang akan memerintah tidak menunjukkan kesungguhan untuk menjaga kebajikan rakyat Malaysia.
UMNO : Bergaduh sesama sendiri untuk merebut jawantan. Dan bila telah terpilih bolot semua harta kekayaan negara tanpa rasa bersalah. Bukan untuk berbakti untuk rakyat dan negara.
KEADILAN : Banyak dipengaruhi fahaman liberal. Semua nak samarata. tapi mengikut pekembangan semasa keadilan juga tidak pandai untuk mentadbir negara. Banyak tunduk kepada kehendak kaum tertentu.
PAS : Bagus dalam unsur Rohaniah tapi dalam unsur pentadbiran masih belum terbukti.
DLL : Masih belum nampak ketokohan dalam pentadbiran.
Rizal Bangi
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya setuju kepada pendapat Tun. Pati Pakatan ingat boleh memerentah nagara ini dengan bau perkauman yang kuat, tak betul sesama sendiri.Mereka ingat kemenangan mereka atas sokongan Hindraf (pak hitam).Dan Hindraf pula ingat Pati Pakatan menang kerana atas kerja kuat mereka. Piiiiiilah.
Dear Tun,
I disagree with your view (slant) on this.
I think the people finally decided to unite against BN (especially UMNO). The Malays were also part of this unity, thus the loss of Kedah, Selangor and Perak by the BN. The non-Malays also united to show parties like MCA, Gerakan and MIC the door. In the non-Malay’s mind the MCA ,Gerakan and MIC are cohorts of UMNO.
Race or no race I am not sure, but people were generally very united against the BN.
BN as the people know is UMNO.
UMNO is the corrupt, incompetent, bullying, arrogant, “KETUANAN MELAYU” racist malays.
I believe Tun know the above.
I also think Tun is merely trying to “mantra” something else over and over again repeatedly so that people will come to believe it!!
Dear Tun, those days are long gone. People are no more naive anymore.
Raja Chulan.
Salam Tun.. harap sihat selalu..
Inilah keadaan politik sekrg..
Sebab pemimpin pun memainkan peranan…
betul apa yang Tun tulis. byk undi protes dlm pr12. di tempat saya sendiri ahli umno yg memegang jawatan ketua sayap boikot pr n now hv become a new bhgn leader. tak tau mcm mana nk react/working for the next election.. semoga dipanjangkan umur di rahmati Allah Tun, isteri dan sekelian keluarga.
tahniah tun…
moga idea n pendapat tun dr dlu n skang mnjadi pegangan pemimpin kiter…
syabas tun…
Salam TUN,
Lagi terang dan Nyata…….
Masing-masing menegak benang yang basah…cuma Our generosity has caused us our future generation.
Salam Tun;
Below exceprts from today’s The Star:
Dear Tun,
I agree fully with you. It is rather baffling for some of BN component parties especially Gerakan and PPP pushing for the multi-racial concept in political parties and the dismantling of UMNO, MCA, MIC, and others when they themselves fair rather miserably in the last election. How can one champion something that one failed to promote it is beyond me. In this case Gerakan and PPP failed miserably in the election. In parliamentary seats, Gerakan managed to win only 2 seats, and in state seat it managed to win only 3 seats. For PPP it has nothing to show in both fronts.
So on what basis and logic that they based their arguements on? As far as I can see, there is an agenda behind their promotions. We all can see clearly. PPP is a spent force and is a liability to BN. Its survival may only be possible if it merge with the other parties. Gerakan lost Penang and lost Chinese support badly. Its 2 parliamentary seats were won on UMNO charity. So it is scared and running away very fast as well. At least MCA managed to salvage 15 parliamentary seats and 32 state seats while MIC got 3 parliamentary seats and 7 state seats. Component parties in Sabah and Sarawak, thanks to them, save the day for the BN.
You opening remarks “1. When the Barisan Nasional did badly..” should appropriately be “1. When a few of the component parties in Barisan Nasional did badly…”. Thanks to UMNO, MCA, MIC, PBB, PBS, PRS, SPDP, SUPP and UPKO who managed to win to some seats allocated to them to make up the number to save BN in the election. These are racial based parties and manage to contribute some 130 parliamentary seats and more than 300 state seats (including in Sarawak from earlier election) to the BN. So clearly Gerakan and PPP are really out of steps and they should rectify themselves before running away and blaming others for their own dismal performances.
Dear Tun, your last remarks really sum up everything. “10. Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties……….All that said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service”. Nobody else really can put it better than what you have stated.
To summarise, all I can say is that all of us must always not take losers words for reform and must always question their motives in promoting the idea of multi-racial based political parties in BN while racial based parties still work and deliver the votes.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Syabas and well done Tun.
One extra comment. If racism is the issue take the case of Bandar Tun Razak and many others – If not for racism Tan Sri Khalid would not have won. It was a protest vote by the predominantly Malay majority in Bandar Tun Razak. Nobody has said it out but in between whispers amongst the voters it was to show Tan Chai Ho that he has done nothing for the Malays except send Hari Raya Cards.
Carry on Tun we are behind you.
salam tun n all
Sekarang ni pon orang MCA,MIC dah pandai mempertikaikan HAK MELAYU. Orng Melayu tak pernah mempertikaikan HAK KERAKYATAN mereka ini…. mereka ini mcm gunting dalam selimut.
Ini adalah kerana PEMINPIN UMNO sekarang adalah lemah dan lembik serta tak nak BERFIKIR untuk melayu tp mengikut jer KEHENDAK BUDAK TINGKAT 4…
WAKIL-WAKIL UMNO… berhati2 semasa membuat pilihan pemimpin AKAN DATANG…
JIKA tidak rakyat akan terus membenci UMNO… walaupon NAJIB berkuasa….
Yang Berhormat Tun,
I agree with your assessment though I think it is unfair to blame it on Abdullah’s administration.The way UMNO politic had evolve from you and your predecessors are main reasons,(and poor Abdullah inherited it!) is the main problem here.I don’t see any selfless individuals now that can change the situation. Until a team come along, I don’t see any hope.
This is the truth, everything in this the country has become a racial issue.
It’s just that the Opposition claims that they are not racist, in fact they all are. In the case of Hindraf, both PKR and DAP has turned a blind eye the racist elements represented by Hindraf and argued that the support is based on Human Rights, value etc.
Dear Tun
The U.S 2008 election has set further precedent that anything can happen in politics with the peoples’ power. I think we have to admit that CHANGES are going to happen sooner or later. If BN want to gained losing ground in the next election, BN should not ridicule the PR faction. BN must work hard for MALAYSIAN and not to certain race. And that would be the key for the winning formula in the next election.
Assalamualaikom wbt Tuan. salam sejahtera juga buat kak hasmah.
Seorang pemimpin yang terbuang kerana enggan ke PBB tahun 72 memberitau satu majlis di dewan Hang Tuan di Melaka. Katanya, “Saya tidak racist, saya tetap sayang semua kaum. Tetapi saya tetap percaya kiranya kita leraikan perpaduan kita, kita akan menjadi bangsa picisan dan merempat dijalanan. Mereka berbaik dengan kita dengan tujuan dan agenda tertentu. Sulit untuk mempercayai mereka. Mati pun mereka jangan kita percaya, kerana mayatnya mungkin bangun mengancam kita”.
Pak Aziz Tapa turut serta di majlis itu.
Justeru itu kalau kita bangga sebagai tuan tanah, kita tuan agama dan tuan raja………….. BERSATU LAH KITA WAHAI MELAYU.
Puak tu boleh bercerita tentang apa saja sebagai umpan melalaikan kita.
Jangan kita lupa diri. Jangan kerana nak jadi tokey, nak jadi orang nombor satu, maka kita gadaikan bangsa. Selepas kamu menjadi tokey kamu juga akan di halau dan dinyahkan. Lembu yang dicucuk hidung wajib akur kepada yang pegang talinya.
Maaf Tun, kasar sikit.
Headline the Star online:
assalamualaikum dear tun.
what you have said is correct. yet there are people who are ignorant to the truth, believing all the lies and empty promises that are promised by the opposition. PAS setting up a non muslim wing is laughable. nowadays whenever the opposition tak puas hati sikit – sue. utter rubbish. endless takeover dates and unlimited MPs wanting to cross over. i do not understand how people can believe such blatant and open lies created by these self serving politicians. they know of the opposition leader’s intention of taking loan from the IMF last time. they know it is not possible for PKR to spend such large sums of money during the recent elections from their own coffers. yet people still go along and agree with him. i do not understand because it seems a lot of people does not possess common sense.
i am enlightened by reading the posts in your blog. thank you for the entertainment =)
best regards.
Salam Tun,
Bangsa Malaysia is a way to look forward to. However, malays in this country have lost their identity. How can we expect chinese and indians to respect and emulate us as an examples to them if we ourselves are so weak.
Malays in this country still have a strong hold that is UMNO. Through UMNO, malays are well respected once. I believe, UMNO could bounce back to its real struggle.
And, whoever think perjuangan sudah selesai will fail.
Salam Tun.
Agree with your above article. The Chinese & Indian plus some disgruntled and rejected Malays are now championing openness. Some elite Malay even come to the point of collaborating with the Non Malays harping on dismantling DEB and to advocate meritocracy. These elite and well-heeled Malays had forgotten how they came about to their present standing. Some of these ungrateful Malays even had graduated from ITM (UiTM) the pioneer college of DEB.
As a Malay I feel embarrassed with the murtad Malays and we all must never ever let these bunches of recalcitrants and traitors of our nation from achieving power.
For the non Malays so that they will always remember their roots, Tun I suggest that the speech text by Tun Tan Siew Sin in its original form be scanned and reproduced at chedet.com for our reprint. I intend to frame it at my living room for my children and future grand children constant reference.
Tun, please also reproduce whatever historical factors at your safekeeping at chedet.com for the reference of all Malaysians.
Asalamualaikum Tun,
I would like to share my thoughts with all, At this very moment, what is happening in this country with the silent and vocal uprising from the other races aside from the malays that is demanding this and that in equality is very ……….. (Please insert the word in)
Why does this happen? In truth, because UMNO and the Malays are weak. Who made us weak? that we have to ask our present leader and it’s corrupted Selfish and UNGRATEFUL tonto.
Why did this happen? simply because of human greed. Racism is at the very peak and yet the most UMNO leaders are keeping quiet, in the pretext, trying to ammend things back to shape with openess. Thus allowing all sort of demands being dish out in the open at their faces. This create opportunity to the opportunist among them.
Sad to admit, but the fact is, most Self Interest and Selfish Malays are the ones spoiling everything for the BANGSA MELAYU and themselves but still, with EGO as high as the Petronas Twin Towers, does not want to admit it.
WHY? again because of self interests and the 3rd world mentality they have and never wanting to admit when they are wrong, is the culture that they preserve darlingly and happily in their La La Land which is their preference. Selfish indeed.
So long as this go on, their son’s and daughter’s inherits this same culture as well.. at the end bye bye Malays. Another Singapore here we come.
The KISSING HAND CULTURE IS YET VERY APPARENT, Yes man now, so what is the different right, pocket penuh? OR because of RESPECT?
MELAYU, how to move up the ladder should all this remain unchanged? Only with lip service just wont cut it.
The Malays need a major revamp and change, in it’s thinking and for the start with the delegates of UMNO. They needs to change themselves.
We should not elect the Corrupt leaders in UMNO that lead the Malays then possibly we can change our path to greatness and maybe if it is not too late, the non malays will give the same mutual respect as the MALAY deserves that what the MALAYS had given them? DO you think?
While the other races especially in the opposition political party is taking the opportunity to elude the historical facts of citizenship lead by a “Pengkianat Malayu” remain at large. First, Second and Third Minister, a Big JOKE,, Singapore here we come again…
What we need, is a More Vocal Politician (Leaders) with “Common Sense in Talking and Thinking” that is it. With UMNO to BACK 100% in that person.
CAN the present UMNO do that??? I give you $$$$ then maybe I vote and Back you… or maybe someone can up a little, KIRI masuk KANAN pun MASUK equals spoilt votes? Siapa RUGI? M.E.L.A.Y.U R.U.G.I.
Are we to wait longer, to act reponsible?
Salam, TUN,
Bolehkah Tun huraikan sedikit mengenai PPE projek di Malaysia mahupun di luar negara. Dimana asas/dasar yang tulen dan juga perkembangannya.
Terima kasih.
We cannot deny about the special rights of malays. We also cannot deny about economic power by chinese. Indians also made themself better in law, medic, IT and so on. But what we can sure of, is that, British Planned to torn us apart is coming to reality. Chinese and Indians community cannot blame on us about malays privilege. We are all in a British Empire once. Did we realized about this when we talked about disparaties among us? Negative issue will make us more anger with each other. We are strong.
When China make their economy stronger, we get the benefit. When India excel in IT, we learnt from it. Dubai too has made itself as pioneer in architecture, hotels, land made islands and more. Japan respect us on ‘Dasar Pandang ke Timur’. We sell our product through out the world. Islamic product, our Twin Tower, MSC, FI, Putrajaya, and more have inspired world to cope with us. Our ideology about rasicm is better than US. Well, i hope the journey will not end here. We are racial-harmony country. DAP, PAS and PKR will not make our life better. It is just for temporary subtitution. Syukurlah dan terima kasih. What a kind word to us all. bye…
Dear Tun,
I remember many years back our ICs did not have race or religion stated (the blue plastic laminated ones).
I felt then we were on the way to forming a Malaysian Malaysia.
But things took a wrong turn after that with religion being given more prominence, which I think has resulted in the mess we are in.
In my opinion, the answer to Malaysia’s ills is to follow the Turkish model.
Until and unless our leaders have the courage Ataturk had, I don’t think we are going to go very far in the future.
Best Regards
Dearest TUN,
I hope and pray, for our next generations, that Malaysia will be back where it used to be, i.e. ALL Malaysians were living together in harmony and the country’s economy was actually good(not a whitewash).
To the New leader of Malaysia, DO IT.
salam Tun,
Betul 100% Tun. Semua ahli politik yg memperjuangkan freedom,hak yg sama utk semua kaum, judicial reform, hapus DEB, Non-Malay PM hanya cuba menjadi popular semata-mata agar kareer politik mereka masih hidup.
sebenarnya rakyat biasa telah hidup bersama sudah sekian lama tanpa masaalah besar, hanya ahli politik yg bermasaalah dan mengapi-apikan isu perkauman di media dan parliment.Lim Kit Siang dan Karpal tak pernah berpuas hati dgn apa-apa yg kerajaan buat selagi impian mereka menjadi PM dan DPM tidak tercapai. Dah lah terang-terang menunjukan kebencian terhadap Islam apabila negara ini digelar negara islam (memang negara islam pun – majoriti penganut Islam dan ugamaresmi ugama Islam!), perkara kaum pun nak buat masaalah! Saya tidak lihat apa-apa kebaikan datang dari dua MP ni sepanjang berada diparlimen, baik saja undur diri dan serah kepada MP yg muda dan dinamik. Anwar Ibrahim semasa menjadi sebahagian dari kerjaan dulu cakap nya lain,asyik membantai opposition dalam parliment! Sekarang dia bersekongkol dgn LIm Kit Siang dan karpal dan Nik Aziz hanya utk kepentingan politiknya saja,asal dapat jadi PM, his ultimate goal, never mind negara ni hancur dan Melayu dipinggirkan dinegara sendiri!
Kenapa PAS yg 100% orang Melayu dan beragama Islam dan sebahagian daripada PKR tidak digelar parti racist? dan juga DAP, MCA,MIC? Kalau nak ungkitkan semua orang dari semua parti boleh ungkitkan isu-isu yg membabitkan orang bukan Melayu, tapi bila kesudahannya? Sampai negara ini hancur dan porak keranda?
Orang Melayu juga yg bersalah, tanpa sokongan mereka pada 2008 election, parti oppossition takan jadi sekuat sekarang. Tak ada guna nya melayu sebanyak 60% dari populasi jikalau kita berpecah dan berpaling tadah untukmemusnah kaum sendiri demi kepentingan politik yg sempit.
And who started this racist ideology and practices?
Dearest Tun
A brilliant article. You have such an analytical mind and thought. Perfectly written. You conclude the point which make so much sense. Unlike the current leadership, no class.
Have a good day, Dearest Tun. I am the product of your good policy.
Tanjung Bunga.
Kita orang melayu ni kurang pandai bila berdepan dengan krisis
dimana kaum lain mula mencungkil perkara-perkara yang dulunya dianggap ‘out of bounds’. Orang-orang Melayu yang sama-sama menyalak
dengan kumpulan-kumpulan anti-melalyu tidak sedar bahawa mereka digunakan dan ditertawakan dari belakang.
Kita rasa tukang sorak ini sedar tentang hakikat ini. Adakah mereka benar-benar tidak peduli akan apa yang akan berlaku jika momentum ini diteruskan.
Pas memalukan. Melayu dalam PKR memualkan. Peranan media mengelirukan. Senario melemaskan orang Melayu.
Kalau pemilihan umno seperti stock market dan perwakilan sebagai players – maka baik diadakan pemilihan December .Tidak kah mereka sedar semakin lama barah ini dibiarkan semaki kurang kemungkinan dipulihkan. Umno semakin tenat dan MT masih nak ‘berbudi bahasa ‘
Adakah PM sekarang ini lebih penting dari keselamatan negara ?
Adakah MT yang ada sekarang ini menentukan haluan negara ini.Sekiranya benar sebahagian besar menang maka Malaysia tidak akan selamat..Ini termasuk bakal PM.
Ayahanda, Bonda & pembaca sekelian,
Tepat sekali…..sekarang semua dah tunjuk true colours.Kita, Melayu saja yang suka tolak ansur.Orang tolak…kita beransur……
Salam Tun,
Although I am a Singaporean,i have always followed your progress.
I totally agree with all your points.I would also like to add that in actual fact because the current leadership is very weak hence all the races are starting to ask questions which they have never dared to ask during your tenure.I which to state that country like Malaysia needs a very strong leader like Tun so that people will all stay united whther they like it or not.It is for the benefit of the masses that a strong leader can push down alternative views and lead the country to develop status.All this freedom of speech is actually very rubbish.We do not need freedom of speech if we do not have food on the table and the country is in political confusion.
Couldn’t agree with you more.
As a test of the Pakatan Rakyat’s claim to Malaysians’ rejection of race based politics, why don’t field non-Malay candidates in Malay majority constituencies and vice-versa.
The outcome will truly show if Malaysians, and the breakdown of specific races, have or have not accepted race-based politics.
Put Teresa Kok in Shah Alam, Lim Kit Siang in Permatang Pauh, Hadi Awang in Seputeh and see if they can fare well in the next general elections.
I don’t think they will.
tahniah tun…
moga idea n pendapat tun dr dlu n skang mnjadi pegangan pemimpin kiter…
syabas tun…
As much as other country like the US of A which people STILL put on a pedestal with all its failings, will still have a race based political situation, Malaysia will too…
what u have done is wrong…
just ask forgiveness from god…
Salam Tun,
1) Orang yang sememangnya buta tidak akan percaya apa kata Tun tentang “racism”.
2) Saya sudah berbuih menyatakan perkara yang sama bahawa kemenangan pembangkang bukan atas kekuatan mereka.
3) Ada kajian dibuat oleh Yayasan Merdeka merumuskan rakyat Malaysia mengundi tanpa mengira kaum.
4) Nak pi makan jap nanti sambung.
Salam Tun,
I felt the same way too. I really hate BN because of the weakness that a layman like me can easily pointed out. The method of doing things and problem solving is no class at all.
– Jinggo Rock –
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr,
Salam sejahtera kepada semua pemerhati laman ini.
Pertama kali beri komen.
Saya lahir dlm tahun 70an dan berniaga disatu daerah yang agak maju di K.L.
Kehadapan Tun Dr,
Amat setuju dengan apa yang Tun huraikan di atas TAPI saya berasa bimbang dengan PERMAINAN POLITIK SEMASA YANG SANGAT BERBAHAYA.
Ini cuma pandangan seorang PEMUDA resah
Dear Tun,
I have voted in 3 GEs. In the past, during your premiership, I’ve always voted BN. The last GE, I voted the opposition, DAP and PAS.
I voted DAP and PAS because I am tired of racism in politics. I find UMNO to be the main culprit in promoting racism and splitting the country by race.
Just my feedback to you and hopefully you can change this in UMNO.
Have a good day.
salam Tun,
Memang tepat apa yang Tun kata, cuma kebanyakan pembodek sengaja buat tak faham walau hakikatnya mereka tau yang Tun betul. Bukan senang nak buang racist ni. Yang bukan bumiputra ni nak saja minta yang lebih-lebih, tapi tak nak kurang pulak apa yang dah ada.
Teruskan idea bernas dan pedas Tun.
Perkara benar memang susah untuk diterima.
salam Tun,
I laugh at suggestions that the Malays are pendatang.To those instigators please remember that this land was named..
because it belongs to the Malays who had happily offered to share it with other races.
ramai sokong pembangkang masa PRU 13 kerana tak suka paklah.
sebab paklah suka tido, otak tak power, buat ucapan macam puppet, apa yang keluar dari mulut dia sudah lama dah dok ada dalam fikiran orang2 biasa.
paklah bodoh, sebab tu orang reject dia.
kesannya BN kalah, dan hasil dari kekalahan ini, wujud pelbagai benda2 pelik selepas PRU. ini semua paklah dol punya kerja.
jenis bodoh tak mengaku.
My beloved Tun,
Once upon a time not too long ago the nation was beset with external and internal common enemies that united the people to fight and defend the country.
They forego their differences and unite out of fear that they might lose their freedom,peace,lives and ultimately the country.
Perhaps with the impending economic catastrophe, we may once again band together amongst the people that truly love this country to pull through what might well be the worst meltdown of value and values of people and nation.
Ibarat kata Melayu…Sediakan payong sebelum hujan.
Semua sedar yang kita berbeza budaya dan sebenarnya terima.
Yang jadi sebegini adalah kelemahan pentadbiran kerajaan sedia ada dan keangkuhan mereka terhadap rakyat yang terasa terhina dan di perbodohkan dengan ketidak tentuan dan porak peranda melalui pengutusan ‘flip flop’mereka.
Dear Tun,
I agree and disagree with your comments:-
1) True, the migration of votes traditionally “reserved” for BN went to the Opposition in March 2008. Many called those “protest votes”.
2) Why protest against BN? Some reasons include incompetency, out of touch with current Malaysian needs, moral decadence, weak leadership etc.
3) Maybe it is not a racial issue – our people just want a government that functions well and delivers. I wrote earlier that the Opposition is the lesser of the 2 evils.
4) Corruption may not disappear even if the Opposition takes over, those who vote for them hope to have a fresh perspective and better solutions than BN delivers.
5) Our current BN does not usually keep their word, say one thing and do something different or they change their words all the time. The BN politicians think no one track what they say in the media. The public wants a government whom they can trust.
6) I am sure by now that racial issues are inconspicuously churned out by irresponsible and self-serving politicians. Racial polarization occurs when someone tells some people that it is more beneficial and profitable to become Malay, Chinese or Indian.
7) I have no problems with the NEP – just the implementation part. We must rid the “middle-men” and prevent them from hijacking the wealth supposed to benefit the majority needy.
Maafkan saya if I say this, dear Tun, there was a time when I felt our Malaysian Leadership was “untouchable” – that was when you were in charge and DSAI was your Deputy. But alas, fate has it all. I just want our country to be governed and run by intelligent and credible leaders.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I agreed with your vivid explanations. Indeed I feel sorry to myself as being Malay and hopeless to help others Malays. I tried to involve aggresively in UMNO with intention to share my knowledge to help my own Malays, but they rejecting me bcos they feel I’m a treat for them. I’m a professional have a little capability to talk in public. In the same time another race, Indian..they are accepting me well and we always talk how to make our country Malaysia is safe place for our generation to live. I wish Malays @ UMNO can accept me to help them too.
Assalamualaikum Tun and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah,
Racism will be there all the time till eternity.
Nowhere on earth anyone can claim there’s no practice of act of racist. It is natural and it is in the human nature to be racist.
How one handle this issue, shows what level of intelligent the person belongs to .Tun, you have handle this issue during your tenure as PM very well indeed.Unlike DSAAB,who has no control and command over almost every issue that crop up.
Great leaders will be able to handle this issue of racism in a very articulate manner that will make it into a non issue. Thats the sign of a great leader.
Even Obama’s success is mainly due to race being the factor.
Just look at statistics it shows.
My Great Respect to you TUN Dr Mahathir which I think should be made Khalifah if only the Muslim world understand what leadership it has been missing all this while.
May Allah Bless you and your family.
isu yang sangat complex dan sukar diselesaikan
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Benar dan tepat sekali.
Banyak yang undi PKR, DAP dan PAS di-sebabkan rakyat tak puas hati dengan cara PM kita mentakbir negara, banyak yang tak betul. Bukan nya diaorang tu bagus sangat untok menang, kita tengok Selangor dan Perak dah mula kucar-kacir dah.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Benar dan tepat sekali.
Banyak yang undi PKR, DAP dan PAS di-sebabkan rakyat tak puas hati dengan cara PM kita mentakbir negara, banyak yang tak betul. Bukan nya diaorang tu bagus sangat untok menang, kita tengok Selangor dan Perak dah mula kucar-kacir dah.
….org melayu semua… SEDARLAH!!!….
what more can i say? All the blames should put on Pak Lah! the stupid and arrogant PM of Malaysia! Congratulation Pak Lah! at least u won this title before u retire hahaha
Dear Tun
In the time of the second Emperor of Qin (roughly 200 BC), a government official named Zhao Gao did the following on behalf of the Emperor, as a test of loyalty. At a meeting of ministers and court personages, he brought forth a deer and pronounced it to be a horse. As Zhao was a rather powerful and influential man, a number of people agreed with him and said it was a horse, but there were still those who insisted it was a deer. Those who disagreed with Zhao Gao, even though objectively, factually speaking they were correct, were then executed for showing their disloyalty.
Sakam Muhibah to Tun & Family
Dear Tun,
Like the Malay saying “Berpijak di Bumi yang nyata” . . . truly some people dont remember their “Root”. And…for some reason, there’s one guy I dont understand, one blogger named with end name “saint” but the way he wrote is not so saint.. or he forgotten where he came from… “Mars !!! . Hey come on!! we all new that without Tun all these development cudnt happen. no KLCC, no Penang Bridge, no F1.. who on earth is this stupid guy thinking !!
salam Tun,
The opposition is trying their utmost best to divide up the malays.They are crying ‘thief!’ but it is them who are trying to divide the Malays and rule,just because they thought they can ride a ‘racing horse’in the form of DSAI.
The fact of the matter is Malays / Bumis constitute 62% of the population and rising while Chinese 22% and it is decreasing,and the Indians are at 8%.
The opposition will really have to try their best to split the Malays this time and also convince us that DSAI is a well-behaved angel.
Some psychos also try to get us to believe that DAP and PAS can get along well together.Really?hahaha…it’s a timebomb waiting to explode.
The best alternative is still the BN.
For those who find this the best time to curse and pour venom on the Malays,questioning the Social Contract and the DEB…(people like solcroft,kilmer,patrickz,Bumis ownz U,sivakumar,ravi whatever…)
1.Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
2.Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara
3.Keluhuran Perlembagaan
4.Kedaulatan undang-undang
5.Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan
When the Concil of Rulers decreed that the Social Contract and Malay Rights should not be questioned,PLEASE DO SO INSTANTLY AS YOU ARE CHALLENGING THE 2ND AND 3RD PRNCIPLES OF RUKUNEGARA!
If you are willing to co-exist peacefully in this country and adopt a GIVE AND TAKE attitude,we will all prosper.But if you keep on antagonizing us like y’all are so bloody goddamn righteous,be prepared for a bloody nose.
p/s-anthony Barcott is a scumbag..why..he is not even a citizen of this country.For all we know, he is now living in some birdcage like some zoo animal down south.
Good afternoon Tun,
Klu BN nak menang balik dlm GE yg akn dtg, senang saja.
PM baru kena adil dn treat semua org spt rakyat malaysia yg sah.
Polis kena jaga kepentingan rakyat dn jgn asyik duk gilap kasut ahli politik. gaji polis dibayar oleh rakyat so khidmatlah utk rakyat. Syed hamid dh lama jadi menteri luar negeri, jadi kita ingat dia mmg cerdik masa dia asyik gi luar negeri dulu. Skrg bila dia jadi menteri dlm negeri baru kita tahu yg dia nie bukannya pandai sgt. Sungguh memalukan bila semua tindakan dia buat nampak tk adil bg 27juta rakyat, tapi dia dgn Tan Sri Musa Hassan sahaja yg ckp adil.
pastu PM baru kena clean lah, bukan clean the govt treasury….hehehe..tapi clean the corruption..hehehe
Tun yg start jurang antara kaum selama 22 tahun, because seingat i, takde PM sebelum Tun yg terang2 mengagungkan sistem perkauman. So klu BN blh buat org cina,india dn juga org melayu rasa hormat pada BN dan have sense of belonging to the party..then dia org mesti bagi undi mereka kt BN.
So tak payah lah nak worry sgt k….menang atau kalah BN pada pilihanraya akn dtg bkan terletak di tgn rakyat tapi terletak pada parti BN.Klu menang tu psl Bn mewakili semua dn diterima semua. Klu kalah, ntahlah, mungkin psl BN ckp jee dia mewakili semua, tapi rakyat rasa tk diwakili kot….
Satu lagi, saya nak cadangkan, bagilah Samy Velu jadi PM sekali…hehehe…mcm Obama kt US tu….dn Rafidah aziz jadi DPM dia….hehehe…I think baru dia org puas hati dn bersara….selagi tu, i rasa dia org tk akn blah walaupun di reject oleh rakyat dn ahli parti sendiri. Maybe dia org tk capai lagi impian utk jadi PM dn DPM kot….so just give them the post so that puas hati dia org nie…
lagipun, pemilihan utk jawatan PM dn DPM adalah yg paling tk masuk akal dn paling mudah di Malaysia klu dibanding kan dgn the rest of the world.
Cakap je bole la…. Change your schools, language la dulu then talk about malay privileges and status quo…. kalau those thing pun tak sanggup then don talk about being a pure malaysian la…
YouDaMan Tun
Pls Save us….
Y.A.Bhg. Tun
You have said the truth and nothing but the truth. it is very obvious now, that racism has a reared it’s montrous head. Anybody who denies this must be wearing blinkers or is in a state of denial.
Every party leader in the Barisan Nasional, be it the MCA, MIC(Hindraf) or Gerakan talks about nothing else but the curbing of what is deemed as Malay priveleges. Even that which is enshrined in the constitution is now everybody’s foot stool.
Unity among the races in the country is now treatened and the MCA, MIC, Gerakan, do not seem to be putting much effort to promoting unity among the races in this country. The Indians here want to be Indians like in India and the Chinese want to be like the Chinese in China.
It was published in the Sin Chew Daily of April 13th last year, that almost 90% of chinese children between the ages 7 to 13 years are enrolled in chinese schools. Are the chinese sincere in wanting unity or is it just so much pretence.
dearest unreplaceable Tun,
well said! you’re my number1! always and forever…
ask ourselves why must we lie, cheat and hate each other about racism? fair to say that malaysians politicians are one of the worst among the globe? they just refused to grow up and become much mature. we should abolished all sekolah kebangsaan and start a true malaysian school. no tamil and chinese school anymore but malaysian school. that would make the sense of belonging to this country being better focused. i bet DAP,PAS and PKR got no balls to talk about this matter.. their forces are indeed based and about racism hidden in rights and bla bla bla.. without that, they are worthless..
and barisan must put corruption to a stop at all cost! right from the man on the street up to the prime minister.. nothing wrong being like israel over the matter.. nobody is above the law when it comes to the needs for this country..
Salam Tun,
Saya masih tidak faham kenapa Pak Lah yang hanya layak jadi penghulu kampong di pilih oleh MT dan ahli Umno untok menjadi
Presiden parti.
Kalau si PM lembek ini terlibat dalam rasuah semasa menjadi PM, kenapa tiada tindakan yang di ambil oleh MT Umno.
Saya lihat PM yang kurang arif ini tidak ada kebolehan untok mentadbirkan negara dan mengawal raayat Malaysia dari bersengketa mengenai bangsa dan hak2 orang Melayu.
Orang lain yang pula sibok mempertahankan maruah orang melayu sedangkan PM bodoh ini masih tidur lena dan tidak menjawab tudohan2 yang salah dari parti pembangkang terhadap orang melayu. Ini sepatut kerja PM untok mengawal keadaan dan untok mengurangkan jurang perbezaan pendapat antara kaum di Malaysia.
Semasa Tun memerentah, Tun berjaya mengawal keadaan. Tiada tudohan2 dari parti pembangkang yang tidak dijawab dengan bernas.
Saya berpendapat MT Umno harus mengadakan sidang tergempar untok menamatkan perkhidmatan si PM luncai ini dengan serta merta, tak perlu tunggu lama2 lagi demi kebaikan negara dan bangsa.
Saya fikir adalah lebih baik,MT Umno ambil tindakan sekarang untok
melucutkan jawatan Perdana Menteri Pak Lah kerana telah terbukti bahawa dia adalah perosak parti Umno.
Dear Tun
Benar apa yang dikata Tun. Malaysia akan menjadi seperti negara jiran kita..Singapura..Bangsa lain yang akan menjadi peneraju negara bertuah ini.Di kala itu, Melayu akan melukut di tepi gantang..Semua itu akan terjadi tidak kurang dari 5 tahun akan datang.Mereka sedang bergerak dan bersatu untuk menjatuhkan Melayu..
Melayu..Melayu..kenapa masih bertelagah..bila agaknye nak bersatu dan maju..
It is a multiracial country.
Everyone has a degree of its own race sensitivity, because we
have certain distinguishable values and religion.
It is just racial tolerence that keep us together.
As an individual, really, if you can’t be bothered to defend
the rights of your circle (that means family, friends and
race), you are likely not to fit to become a leader.
All this Malaysian Malaysia concept is hiprocracy.
Even Indonesians have differences due to racial background
though all of them speak Indonesian language.
The truth is, a lot of people want to bring Umno down, and
destroy the Malays in Malaysia.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I do not believe that Malaysia is ready to distance itself from race-based politics. For as long we speak different languages and our children go to different race-based schools, race-based politics will remain whether we like it or not. It will be a while yet before Malaysia is ready depending what we teach our future generation.
Anyway, please keep up with what you are doing as we still need you. Malaysia still needs you. Thank you for still sharing your wisdom and guidance.
Salam Tun …
saya cuma ingin nak cakap tentang beberapa perkara , saya harap orang boleh berfikir tentang ini .
1-Saya harap DSAI , dan puak puaknya , serta KJ , sedar dan paham , SELAMA LAMANYA ANDA AKAN DIKENANG SEBAGAI ORANG YANG TELAH MENGGADAIKAN HAK HAK ORANG MELAYU . Kita dah tak boleh undur , walaupun tukar PM . Dan semuanya kerana politik anuar , dan kerja mengarut menantu. So wahai ORANG MELAYU SEKELIAN , setiap kali kita terpaksa menjawap / berperang di akhbar dsb , sumpah lah Anwar & penyokong2nya ya . Tiba tiba dia senyap bila DAP & lain2 parti mengata dan mengutuk serta mempersoal melayu . Sedangkan dulu masa dalam UMNO , bukan main ,. Harap orang sedar , dan ingat untuk menyalahkan mereka2 ini .. saya berharap sangat nama DSAI akan dimasukkan kedalam buku sejarah melayu sebagai penghancur bangsa yg bermuka muka …
2-Pelik , secara tiba2 , No 1 contender dalam Ketua Pemuda , Mukhriz , hilang dari akhbar . Hari2 cerita KJ . hmm …. pelik,pelik.Ada comment ?
3-Tun, harap tun dapat brief Datuk Najib apa yang perlu dibuat. Bukan nak suruh CONTROL najib, cuma beritahu apa yang boleh difikirkan. Supaya tidak ada konspirasi dimasa masa akhir ( MAC ) untuk menghalang geng geng KJ dari mengambil alih .
Salam to both of you. I pray to The Almighty for your health, body, soul & mind. Please continue to guide us, wise man.
A remark from my Australian friend –
“Malaysian politics will forever based on the racial politic and racial parties. The sentiments are based on religion and races, and it shall stay that way. Either you agree or disagree with this statement, this is a fact of Malaysian politics,”
I tend to agree with my friend (which read & travel extensively). The situation in Australia or New Zealand or USA or UK or Taiwan or China or India or Pakistan or France or European Union or East Europe or Russia or Africa or Phillipine or Indonesia or Thailand are entirely different from Malaysian scenario. The majority has overwhelming the minority. The majority just could not be bothered pertaining to the minority. Either the minority being regarded as peasants or pests, it is up to your interpretation.
Politics for the other part of the world will be based on either democrats or republicans simply because the majority is overwhelming the minority. Period.
However, the situation in Singapore is unique and quite identical to Malaysia. The PAP is a brother to DAP. The concept of Malaysian Malaysia is a brainchild of LKY which their ultimate aim is to install a no non-Chinese PM in Malaysia.
In Singapore, the minority has marginalized the minority to a considerable extent.
I presume that DAP will inherit the style of PAP. Keadilan and the other parties will have to submit to DAP. Selangor and Perak has witnessed part of the actions. There are more cards to be revealed by them later while they are in power.
One of those days, people will wake-up from their dreams, but to late to realize their mistake.
Herdsman, Perth, Western Australia.
salam tun ku syg
social contract??entahlah tun..macam2 ragamlah politik nih!!!geramlah bila dengarlah!!!!!!!!!!!
tapi..komen2 tun semuanya berunsur negatif..mmg politik semua macam tu ke tun??
[email protected]
I’m not a YES man but you make me agree to most (99.99%) of your thoughts. Keep contributing your thoughts and ideas to this nation.
Salam Tun,
To me one is a racist when he or she always claimed they are non racist…………..and likewise PAS, DAP, PKR etc etc.
The problem is UMNO, complacent being a Malay as you rightfully said “Melayu Mudah Lupa”
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Itulah hakikatnya, undi yang diberi bukan sebab sokongan kepada pembangkang tetapi undi protes terhadap kepimpinan BN sekarang terutamanya Dato Seri Abdullah. Pembangkang telah mendapat peluang untuk memerintah di beberapa buah negeri. Sama-samalah kita saksikan dan menilai sejauh mana kemampuan PRakyat untuk membawa kemajuan mengikut acuan mereka pula.
Jika PRakyat berjaya, undi protes tadi akan berubah menjadi undi sokongan dan BNasional perlu sesuatu yang luar biasa untuk meraih semula sokongan rakyat. Kita lihat nanti siapa yang kena………
Jumpa lagi.
Salam Tun dan keluarga…
saya sentiasa menyokong Tun….
teruskan dgn hasil2 penulisanmu agar rakyat dan pemimpin akan terus sedar dari lamunan dan ketamakan…
Salam ayahanda Tun,
Saya terpanggil untuk beri sadikit komen tentang sosial kontrak dimana baru2 ini banyak dibangkitkan, walaupun ia termaktub dalam perlembagaan persekutuan. Sebagai saorang Melayu, saya fikir perlaksanaan nya terdapat banyak kecacatan. Salepas lebeh 50 tahun merdeka, orang melayu maseh berada ditahap miskin purata kurang dari RM1000 sebulan, lebeh teruk dari kaum2 lain. Lihat la di kampong2 berapa susah nya hidup orang2 melayu dan bumiputra yang lain. Tapi anehnya sebahagian kecil orang melayu hidup paling paling mewah, dan jika buat analisa, mereka2 ini banyak kaitan dg politik UMNO. Cuba kita hitung kekayaan perdana menteri, keluaga, menteri2, ketua2 bahagian, ketua cawangan serta ahli2 jawatan kuasa UMNO peringkat pusat, bahagian dan cawangan, serta kroni2 mereka. Mereka amat kaya dan boros. Banyak kontrak2 kerajaan dan swasta dibolot olih mereka. Kalau mereka betul2 berniagaan tak mengapa juga, tapi ramai mereka ini cuma guna nama, syarikat yg bertopeng bumi tapi dibelakang bukan bumi yang mengendalikan semuanya. Dulu kita dengar ‘ali baba’, tapi sekarang lebeh teruk dari itu iaitu ‘ali babi’. Saya tak hairan kalau sekarang orang melayu sendiri mempertikaikan ‘sosial konrak’ sbb mereka gigik dg permainan UMNO yang menerajui politik dan kerajaan dinegara ini. Sebab itulah politik wang dalam UMNO disemua peringkat berleluasa lebeh teruk dari penyakit kanser, sebab mereka perlukan pangkat, kuasa dan kekayaan. Sebahagian besar melayu dan bumiputra tersiseh dan hidup melarat. Saya tak hairan kalau orang melayu sendiri buang UMNO. Maaf Tun saya pun amat geram sekali apabila berbincang tentang perkara ini. Salam Tun.
Akum Dr M
Good morning to you sir. It’s been some time since I last wrote in your blog. But today’s posting is quite interesting.
The young chinese and other malaysians are vocally ‘lobbying’ about being a true malaysian and whatnot, but if you read todays Star, StarTwo, page2-4, it is entirely a different story. The headlines are, ‘Back to their roots’ and ‘Home away from home’. So what exactly do they want? I don’t really understand. On one hand they are asking about the rights of the Malays/Bumiputras, when it was enshrined in the constituition, for all Malaysians to adhere to. They are saying, loud and clear, that they are born here in Malaysia and all, but then, there they go ‘back to their roots’ and ‘home away from home’. During my school days, I’m in my 40s and a convent girl, I don’t think that we had any problem about being with each other, be it chinese,indian,eurasian,boyan,malay; and we had an english girl as a classmate too! We sure had fun during those times.
Malaysia is multi-ethnic with different religions,cultures and upbringing. We are exposed to the different races and way of lifes from birth, so if one grows up and find that one cannot live in such an environment, who’s fault is it, the other races, the governing government, the parents, or is it you, yourself? We chose how we live, right? If you choose to live within your own community so don’t blame others when there comes a time when you have to communicate with the other races but you find that you don’t know how!
It makes me sad that nowadays we always have to watch whatever we say or someone, or some organization might misunderstand what we meant and we have to face a lawsuit. What is to become of the future generation of Malaysians? Someone have to be ‘strong’ to guide Malaysia into the future, but who? We have to start somewhere if we are to see that to happen. What if the great minds of Malaysia come together and discuss with open hearts and sincererity what are good for Malaysia, start with what we teach our children in school-kindergarten onwards. All races,cultures and religions teaches their followers to do good, incorporate all that into the syllabus. I’m sure the above suggestions,were and being done now, but why is it that the end-result is not as it should be?
Ok lah for now, I guess. It’s a lot to reflect on from the above writing so will sign off for now and will comment again in future, insyallah. Regards and salam to Dr Hasmah and have a nice day to both of you.
10. Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties. And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.
Permisi Tun,
Apa yang yang saya lihat ia lah rakyat berasa seronok melihat geng pembangkang yang terdiri dari lim ,karpal,anwar dan nik aziz bagitu mesra, bersepakat untuk mendirikan kan satu kerajaan yang mungkin boleh membawa angin perubahan yang di ingin kan oleh rakyat.
mereka melihat geng bn tidak ada bersepadu, pak dolah dan umno berkokok sendirian, mca dan mic pun buat hal masing2 . pemimpin bn tidak lansung menampakkan semangat bersepakat untuk memberi satu semangat juang membela seluruh rakyat yang berbilang bangsa ini.
sekarang ketua ahli politik parti komponen bn masih tidak menjalankan hubungan bersepakat. umno mca mic dsb ketua2 politikus itu masih menikus dalam guni beras masing2.
masalah 2 yang timbul tidak dimabil perhatian, masing 2 mengeluarkan kenyataan yang berlainan sangat.
it may take some times for the rakyat to realize ‘back’ that the only party with all racial equalities turns out to be BN.. or is it?
at the time, nope, no convincing signs detected so far. the rakyat are too obsess with the BA bullshits..
Salam Tun,
You are definitely correct, Tun. Many of us are living in denial and some are even oblivious to the fact that they presume that ‘Racial politics has come to an end’ which it doesn’t!
Even your proposal on ‘Bangsa Malaysia’ has met with fierce objections particulary from the other races. That just shows how ignorant they are. If this trend continues,unity in MALAYSIA would be deemed a fantasy especially amongst the younger generation.
Some even labelled you as a racist for coming up with the idea (Bangsa Malaysia) – A living proof that Racial politics is still very much alive. You were just giving a solution to unite us Malaysians and address the racial divide between us. If the Malays were truly racist as claimed by the others, we would emulate nations such as our neighbouring countries and especially Europe (Migrate to Europe la and see whether they allow you to practice other religions and cultures openly)!
There’s a saying no matter how much you feed the person – It’s never enough! Racial politics must end!
Take care TUN.
Salam Tuan,
If you read comments on blogs from both sides of the divide, in my opinion we are pulling further apart than ever before. You are right that the discussions and dissension is clearly about race related matters. As a person of mixed parentage, i am unhappy about it but I am not sure if anything can be done about it.
Racism is alive and kicking. I know for a fact that there are racists among all the races in Malaysia. Since I can pass of as a Malay or non-Malay, when I speak to people, they speak to me as though I am one of them. There are occasions when Malays speak about non-Malays in disparaging terms, while there are times when I am with a non-Malay crowd, where they talk unkindly about Malays (thinking that I am not Malay). Normally I will be polite and not add anything and just hang around to see how far the discussion goes.
The comment function in blogs has allowed people to manifest their true racist feelings without being found out, when previously they only talk like this among their own kind. I don’t think we will ever solve the problem completely, what we can do is to manage the situation and in this case, a leadership that is strong but fair towards everyone is very important.
Thank you.
Salam Tun dan pelawat semua,,
Saya terjumpa dan terbaca artikel yang amat menarek ini dalam http://politiktanahair.blogspot.com/ Tidak releven dengan tajuk yang Tun tulis kali ini, namun dengan izin tuan empunya blog, saya cut & paste untuk renongan pelawat semua.
Diktator @ Doktor Mahathir
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad memang seorang DIKTATOR.
Beliaulah orangnya yang menghalang banyak kebebasan bersuara di negara ini.
Beliau tangkap Anwar.
Beliau sumbat Anwar dalam penjara.
Kemudian beliau benarkan Parti Keadilan ditubuhkan.
Beliau benarkan Wan Azizah berkempen ke sana ke mari mengatakan Mahathir zalim.
Beliau diam apabila Anwar dilayan sebagai “banduan” VIP.
Mahathir zalim.
Beliau benarkan musuh-musuhnya di dalam UMNO berkempen menjatuhkannya.
Tapi Mahathir kan diktator?
Mahathir juga menolak tawaran IMF.
Mahathir buat keputusan mengawal mata wang kita.
Negara kita terselamat daripada krisis ekonomi.
Tapi kan Mahathir tu diktator?
Diktator ialah orang yang memerintah dengan kuasa penuh.
Tiada orang lain yang berkuasa. Tidak boleh dicabar oleh sesiapa.
Boleh mengubah perundangan dan perlembagaan sesuka hatinya.
Tapi pada zaman pemerintahan DIKTATOR/DOKTOR inilah UMNO diisytiharkan haram oleh mahkamah.
Diktator/doktor terpaksa buat UMNO baru.
Diktator/doktor juga terpaksa bertanding mempertahankan kerusi presiden.
Bila menang, diktator/doktor lantik juga musuh-musuh politiknya di dalam pentadbiran.
Diktator/doktor juga lantang menyelar kuasa Barat.
Diktator/doktor juga lantang mengutuk perbuatan rejim Yahudi di Israel.
Diktator Tun Dr Mahathir.
Diktator yang berjaya.
Yang berjaya mempertahankan negara dari anasir jahat Barat.
Yang berjaya memenangi hati jutaan rakyat.
Tabik buat diktator.
Salam Tun,..
Only a leader of ur calibre dare to take things head on as it is..no soap opera,..no drama,..nada.The rest of the pathetic so-called leaders needed some spin or witch doctors to make em feel n look good,..true Malaysians will stand with you what comes may,..either in foreign or local ‘assault’.Ur records says it all,..Be brave dear leader cos ur needed most in these times of turmoil..
Salaam Tun;
If there is a number 11 after the 10 points above, it can read ….
(11) Let’s leave all the foolishness and negativity of number 1 to 9, and take a hard long earnest critical and honest look at number 10.
Number 10 is a gentle beckoning to peace loving Malaysians, indeed a wisdom of the way.
Of course, there are many ways to skin a cat.
first timer. third place. not bad at all. hidup tun..
Masalah racism is deep rooted in our society. Maklumlah, kita ini masyarakat berbilang kaum and agama. Walaubagaimanapun, masa pemerintahan Tun, tiada masalah sebegini.
if malaysian is no longer racial biased. then they will vote for a party that will only consist a mixed race party such as Keadilan.
but in Pru12 case, PKR itself consist of keadilan,DAP,PAS which are component of not only racial biased party but religion base aswell(pas,DAP).PKR is a direct copycat of barisan nasional.
However alot can be said by the way they manage the 5 states since early this year.If they rule the country, i can guarantee, we will dive into political, racial, economical instability for a long time to come.
PKR seems to have forgotten that their votes are merely protest votes against barisan nasional under Pak lah governess.People are frustriated with coruption and mismanagement within barisan nasional that is gotten worse and worse every days.
If the current practice within barisan nasional is not mended well to gain trust from the public, we shall see people will opt to give a suicidal ‘try’ for PKR to rule.
Barisan nasional leaders from root to top need come out from the denial closet and try to the understand the hidden message behind the public votes. Prove us that a definate change is in progress.
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Dear Tun,
You had been talking about it many times, and again you are definitely right about it. This was the first time I switched my vote to the opposition just because I was so fed up with the government especially the PM who did nothing but simply enjoying himself as though the country belonged to him. So did the majority of the cabinet ministers (as they could do whatever they like to the ministries because the PM was so understanding!). Could you imagine the PM having party at his resident and stayed awoke all the time and slept during the important meetings. So what we can conclude? The PM just liked to enjoy himself! not WORKING! go for HOLIDAY! I don’t mind for PM and his family to enjoy themselve after slogging for 22 years to make the country as one of the sucessful nation.
Im sorry to mention that Tun was part of the reason this happened. I believed you were taken by the “Alim Kucing Personality” did you ?
Akum Tun,
It seems to me that we will never be able to break out of race-based politics – as long as each and every race tries to ‘defend’ what’s their, regardless of the social contract signed by our forefathers.
Perhaps it’s time to look at other social models, like that found in the UK or the US. First and foremost, they have a strong identity to their country/adoptive country. Although over there it is closer to culture assimilation rather than integration, perhaps it is not all that bad. Similarly, the Chinese society in Indonesia is well integrated into Bangsa Indonesia, though as many people are aware, their history has been somewhat marred by blood and violence. However, at the end of the day, you will end up with a society that is bound together bysomething more that just fighting for what they believe is due to their race.
I am fully aware that this social model is far from being flawless, but in terms of unifying a country (as best as one could) under a single political system where one debates issues that are real and and beneficial to the country, instead of bickering about who gets what, who takes what, and so on.
Perhaps it’s high time for us as a nation to grow up, and not live in an illusion of what we consider as harmony.
Ayahanda Tun & Bloggers
Kalau DAP & PAS or pkr anggap kemenangan mereka dalam PRU12 disebabkan rakyat berpaling arah menyokong PR, ini menunjukkan mereka BODOH. Mereka tidak mengkaji KENAPA tiba-tiba pengundi beralih arah.
Namun apakan daya sememangnya parti-parti ini jenis suka menumpang Tuah kepincangan pihak lain, tidak lain dari itu.
Globilisation will get rid of race based parties.When all the old leaders die off people will not talk of being Malay,Chinese or Indian.Even PAS is seriously thinking of opening up to the non Malays.This shows the death of race based and religion based parties.If Umno wants to continue as it is, it will be reduced to a road side party.
Salam Tun,
Semoga sihat dan panjang umur untuk teruskan perjuangan.
I am still trying to make up what are you trying to tell in some of your posted blog sometimes.
I can tell you another theory that the people could also be protesting against racist policies leftover from the previous poor Admin directly to poor and subtle Pak Lah. Maybe he is NOT having great tricks rolled up under his sleeves like you. They know Pak Lah is not as “mean” as you. Thats why ppl dare to challenge the “norm”
OK OK, i have to admit you were indeed the best PM we have ever had, so far. So do you want to live dreaming about the good times we have in the past forever?
Violent Hindraf??? Take a look at the videos if u can. You will see who used violence
Racist PAS??? What are you saying about non-Malays joining PAS; so many of them. Crazy ppl?
DAP linked to Singapore; yeah tell us more. Why cant the Malays not allowed this choice
Keadilan linked to Israel; fighting for Hindus. and i read somewhere your “favorite” guy did a hindu prayer?
tell us more assumptions you have. Sorry we Malaysian are really stupid and cannot think of good strategies like you
and Tun is the cleanest and fairest among all. Can we ever get over with this outdated stigma?
Dont worry sir; with this kind ideas you are trying to instill on poor and gullible Malaysian; we will continue to remain a Banana Republic.
The ultimate aim of yours is to maintain the STATUS QUO of Malaysian politics; PERIOD lets not make a point further
I am sure you are going to get all praises from many readers after this for your instigating post
Good for your sir and wish you all the best!!!
Akum TUN dan semua
ini bukan soal perkauman tapi soal meluat yang amat sangat kepada AAB dan menantu. selamat tinggal dollah March 2008. Rasanya bagaikan berpuluh tahun si AAB ni memerintah..terima kasih dan syukur pada Allah SWT kerana dimakbulkan permintaan rakyat untuk beliau berundur.
Syukur pada MU Ya Allah.
Assalammualaikum, TDM!
Saya yakin selama 50 tahun rakyat Malaysia termasuk Melayu, Cina, India & pribumi Sabah/Sarawak yang telah hidup aman damai walaupun terdapat sedikit ketidakpuasan hati. Itu biasa, mana mungkin kita mampu memuaskan hati semua orang dalam satu2 masa.
Cuma setahun dua kebelakangan ini, provokasi isu perkauman ini telah mengambil tempat senario politik Malaysia akibat berlaku perubahan demografi kaum yang agak ketara dan masalah ekonomi dunia yang tidak menentu. Maka ada pihak yang bijak memanupulasi situasi ini untuk anjakan karier politik mereka, ternyata mereka berjaya.
Rakyat tidak dpt mengekses fakta dgn tepat & cepat tentang sesuatu isu yg diutarakan oleh pihak tertentu krn pihak pemerintah sendiri gagal menangani isu dgn berhemah & segera. Contohnya isu kenaikan harga petrol, ada pihak menyatakan harga RM1.10 untuk 8 tahun dulu adalah harga yg munasabah dan harga RM1.92 ketika PRU12 adalah mahal. Cuba lihat fakta, harga minyak mentah pasaran dunia ketika itu berada pd paras purata dibawah USD$20 & tukaran wang RM2.50 = USD$1. Pada Januari 2008 harga minyak mentah USD$87 & tukaran asing RM3.80 = USD$1. Dengan peningkatan harga minyak mentah lebih 300% & nilai USD$ lebih 50% saya kira minyak yg dijual pd harga RM1.10 suatu ketika dulu adalah jauh lebih mahal jika dibuat perbandingan berdasarkan situasi ekonomi ketika itu, namun tak ada orang ambil pusing kerana situasi ekonomi ketika itu masih mewah dan rancak.
Dan macam2 lagi isu termasuk korupsi, jenayah, pendidikan dsb.
Oleh itu pihak kerajaan harus bersedia menyediakan maklumat & fakta dgn tepat & bukan sekadar papan2 iklan, sbb tidak semua dapat diterima oleh rakyat bulat2 saja. Sistem penyampaian mesti baik.
Salam Tun,
Semoga sihat dan panjang umur untuk teruskan perjuangan.
Assalamualaikum Tun dan isteri.
Benar seperti kata Tun, kekalahan BN bukan kerana rakyat menolah parti perkauman tetapi kerana sudah bosan dgn Pak Lah. Anwar berada pada tempat dan masa yang betul utk mengeksploitasi perasaan rakyat ini dan berjaya mendapat kemenangan besar.
Semangat perkauman telah sengaja di tiupkan bagi membolehkan mereka mengambil kesempatan diatasnya. Kerajaan pak lah yang terdesak dan merasa terancam mengikut rentak permainan pembangkang sehingga akhirnya mengancam ketenteraman awam.
Kerajaan yang tegas pasti dapat membendung perkara ini dari menular seperti wabak yg akhirnya tidak terkawal lagi.
Harap semua akan sedar sebelum terlambat.
Salam Tun.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Saya sangat setuju dengan pandangan Tun, Sesungguhnya pada mereka yang mengundi parti pembangkang..sekarang terimalah bahananya.
Dear Tun,
I couldn’t agree more with you Tun.
But here’s another thought, i have to retrack back,run-up to the ’08 elections, the government decided to keep the oil prices at its level; RM1.95- even when the real global oil prices were almost at its peak, and bonuses for the civil servants, which was capped at a maximum of RM1,500.
But this is beyond race and election failure.
Everyone maintained their lifesytles and became bait-eaters.
And made BN the ruling party. the biggest fish was Sabah and S’wak.
And than post-elections, everything was reversed in a matter of instance fuel prices jumped to 70 sen per litre, taking the rakyat by suprise, and hardly any bonuses.
Making firms tighten credits and expenditures, which means no increment and bonuses.
You see what happened here Tun, this is what happen when someone that we have put our trust most in this country was toying with us.
How would one feel if someone that you trust was toying with you.
People generally prefer not to be divided, as they have experienced the joy and peace and prosperity of a brilliant win win formula which characterised your tenure. Their vote is a vote against the BN for the utter confusion and chaos and disrespect for your legacy.
The demogogues now under a bungling govt have free play, moderated only by your voice.
The prospective leaders of the BN have not shown any signs of discernment in their words and actions so far. Are our only hopes Muhyuddin who seems concerned and Rais who might help unleash the maybe 1000 potentially good leaders who are being held back now?
Of course you need to maintain the assumption that race based politics is truly alive and well in Malaysia. What you don’t want to see in your lifetime is the utter rejection of all of your lifetime’s work, as that is what it would represent if a non-race based politics takes hold.
Thus, even if you do see a universally accepted stance, you cannot but see it through your jaundiced eye and label it as racist.
Yes, DAP is substantially Chinese. But they have enabled Indians to rise up higher and in greater numbers than MIC has. Malays are not stopped from joining and ascending the political ladder in DAP. Too bad if you and UMNO have been very successful in ensuring Malays look upon DAP as the antithesis of every aspiration of the Malays. You are cruelly not right in that stance that you take. At the same time, being the man that you are you cannot avoid being accused of willfully taking and promoting that position as that is about the only excuse that you have to support the racist label that you apply to DAP. What that makes you, it is for you to decide.
You think that talking about the social contract makes that talk racially tainted. Yet you’d rather not see that the assumptions that underpinned the “social contract” agreed upon at that time cannot be supported as valid today. When the assumptions underpinning the social contract becomes invalid, it immediately opens another Pandora’s box as the constitution itself serves to actualise the social contract. And now I have to question the validity of the constitution itself.
You have the opportunity to open up this debate on examining the assumptions that underpinned the social contract. We then need to assess its validity today. Honest examination and analysis will I believe bring about a social contract that might be vastly different from the one that you hold so dear. It is indeed a blatant sin to attempt to uphold an invalid doctrine when you know so well that the imagined fears that underpinned the social contract are irrelevant today.
You will of course also not allow Keadilan to say anything without assigning a race label to it. It is sad that after so many years you still cannot see anything at all in Malaysia through your jaundiced racist lens.
Salam Tun,
Memang ada kebenaranya pentakulan yang telah tun ketengahkan….
Kini setiap komponen BN berderai, UMNO nya dengan isu politik wang, MCA dengan dua kepala naga dan MIC dengan 100 pasang kuali…..
Yang lahir hanya JUST a POPULAR leadrship….
Salam Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad 🙂
Saya cadangkan buku-buku karangan Tun yang salah satunya pernah diharamkan ketika dahulu supaya diterbit dan dicetak semula untuk tatapan dan renungan belia-belia Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia contohnya The Malay Dilemma dan Melayu Mudah Lupa.
Semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat sejahtera.
Dear Tun,
True! The notion that racial politics is on its way out of Malaysia is pure wishful thinking. (Cunning Kit Siang & Family wants you to believe that).
Seems that the status-quo can no longer be defended! … Because UMNO (Malays) is/are weak and not-united!
Wealth = Power = Respect! (DAP feel that they have Wealth, Power & Intellect, now they are demanding Respect and they are doing it cunningly)
Thank you,
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Di harap Tun berada dalam keadaan sejahtera bersama keluarga. Saya sangat bersetuju dengan Tun di dalam isu ini kerana kebanyakan yang saya perhatikan sebagai rakyat biasa, akhir-akhir ini polemik politik di negara ini disebabkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin parti yang nampaknya dahagakan peluang untuk menunjukkan kehebatan mereka kepada rakyat yang disangsikan kejujurannya atau pun kebolehan mereka dan lebih semata-mata untuk menunjukkan yang mereka lebih baik daripada Tun. Mereka terlupa atau tidak terbabit dengan kerja-kerja yang Tun lakukan di alam BN di bawah pimpinan Tun. Mungkin pada masa itu saya pun agak keliru dengan apa yang dilkaukan oleh Tun tetapi bila di halusi pemikiran dan pandangan Tun amat juh sehinggakan kadar buta huruf boleh dikatakan sifar sekarang ini. Ketika kecil saya, saya dibesarkan di Johor Bahru yang berhampiran dengan Singapura yang mana cara kehidupan Singapura nampak lebih ‘Advance’ berbanding dengan Johor Bahru disebabkan cara berfikir dan ilmu mereka lebih tinggi berbanding dengan rakyat kita. Ketika itu say bersa kecil hati tetapi bila diselami dengan rakyat yang kecil bilangannya dan pengaruh dari kuasa besar dunia, ini langsxung tak menghairankan. Rakyat Malaysia sebenarnya tidak hendak dunia menganggap mereka kerdil walhal kita sebenarnya sememangnya kerdil dan syok sendiri. Cepat rasa berjaya. Bukan nak kata apa, orang melayu sebenarnya hati mereka lebih mulia (kebanyakan)jika mereka tahu yang Allah sebagai RabbulIzatti. In yang dicemburukan oleh bangsa lain yang mana masyarakatnya tampak lebih kelam kabut hanya disembunyikan dengan menuduh orang melayu, pemimpin melayu tak bagus. Mereka terlupa yang mereka bukannya datang dari yang terbaik dari asalnya dan mereka buat-buat lupa yang tiada raja India mahupun Cina di Malaysia. Kerana kelalaian setengah pemimpin melayu yang khayal dengan kemewahan sanggup menafikan ini dngan terang-terang. Iya seperti Goh Chok Tong. Saya tak pasti apa yang ditakuti…hmmm sebenarnya takut tak makan..takut gagal..nak bini lari..Kalau taqwa kit kepadaNya tentunya kit percaya dan sedia diuji. Hidup di dunia ini hanya sementara. Tiada perlu ditakuti melainkan Allah. Ini bermakna orientalis Timur masih berjaya menakluki setengah pemikiran orang kita. Ini tedntunya tidak pelik bagi orang kafir yang sudah tentunya penakut…
We do not reject UMNO but we reject Pak Lah and the kuncu-kuncu
Salam Tun,
Bak kata perpatah bersatu teguh bercerai roboh.
Bila dah roboh, maka senang pihak yg jahat ini masuk dan takluk. Divide and Conquer.
Org2 yang berkenaan harus berhenti berangan-angan dengan politik sempit mereka itu sbb tiada gunanya bertelagah. Kalau rakyat dah tak suka dia jadi PM (Pak Lah) baik berenti ajer. Kalau dah muka mcm cawan tak reti malu…jadi mcm ni lah..masih nak dok atas tu. Bikin malu bangsa ajer.
Jangan sibuk nak sorak2 and try to be global champion..sebab..
kelak nanti, “Menang Sorak Kampung Tergadai”. ~ Wallahu’alam
Dearest Tun,
This is the voice of rakyat Malaysia regardless of races. It was Tun’s che det blog that made me understand more the politic and economic landscapes of Malaysia.
Well, to all races of Malaysia,
//Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties. And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.//
Please do not not think that Tun is trying to fan racism, Tun is just like you and me, a rakyat berjiwa bangsa Malaysia, Bangsa Malaysia Boleh!!!!
cina, bukan pengipas Tun, but a “Malaysian” who believe in true democracy.
Dear Tun,
I’m a huge fan of yours and this is the first time I am commenting. I may not read any of the following comments so if you choose to reply to any of my questions I most certainly hope you could post a small reply on your postings since I read this blog religiously.
1) I’ve been thinking about the term racist, and thought perhaps that the opposition may be viewing it in a different perspective. Both BN and PKR may be “racist” simply because they have component parties that are well, race based. But in terms of governance, it is one policy for all. Perhaps they are viewing the NEP as the root of all cause as it is fundamentally and clearly a policy custom made for bumiputras?
2) Tun, you have seen so much. As for me, I was born in the era where all these current policies have been in place and I was told to accept them. I will accept them, but I do at times question them and there is no better place to do it than here, directly to the former PM 🙂 My question has always been this – Why do we need a policy to help a particular community just to keep the balance and peace in the country? Someone said we must avoid 1969 from happening again. Frankly, I don’t know what happened in 69 other than some unrest. I read from somewhere it is because of the imbalance of economic power between the races etc. I dont believe in an inferior race. How you fare in one’s life depends on how much effort you put into your life and your work and if you are not keen, you just wont get any results. Even in my work environment, if a person is non-performing, he or she is out. No questions asked. I can hardly imagine a policy in place that will help balance up my weaker to my stronger colleagues. A policy like that is a wide open gate to abuse.
So my question is why do we need special treatment to a select community just to ensure they keep up with the rest?
And more importantly, do you agree that the more one is hand-fed, the more they will take it for granted and the less possibility of them standing up on their own?
The whole picture seems to change from there. Maybe such a policy has benefitted many people no doubt, but have these people acquired the skills and knowledge to truly retain these benefits? As for me, It seems that I appreciate something so much more if it was obtained through hard work and dedication and will not take it for granted, much like dating 🙂
Don’t get me wrong Tun. I hope you do not see this comment as racist or anything, it is just me sharing my thoughts. But I feel that everyone will be happier if they dont have to kow tow or worry about saying sensitive stuffs whenever they are out there. In the US people make a mockery of jesus christ in cartoons and they just go to bed at night and the next day no one remembers it. For us it makes the headlines for a few days. I do scratch my head sometimes! 🙂 In my opinion (and purely mine alone), religion is personal, between me and god, and whoever says bad things about it, i’ll let god deal with him or her. And I am most certainly not worried about his/her comment changing the course of thing or having a bad influence on others. I’m THAT confident 🙂
Ok I better stop. In fact that bell inside me is ringing telling me to better shut up or else I get into trouble. This is the mentality that I was born with and I hope I dont get to live with this mindset for the rest of my life. Deep down, I am yearning for that freedom to think and speak, together with my friends of many colours.
Good day to you Tun. You are one mighty man!
“it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided”
Hmmm…. I wonder why we are in this situation and who put us here.
salam tun,
i put the blaim to Pak Lah.
Dear ayahanda,
This is my first time commenting at your blog. Yes, indeed, it is very true of your observation. Look at the DAP MPs..and PKR MPs..their parlimentaries’ questions are concentrating on why non malay are not getting this and not getting that…Don’t it ever occur to their head that there are malays who had voted for them too. How could they claim they are multiracial. Actions speak louder than words. For your information ayahanda, most of my family have voted for PR last election, and we promise you this, it will be the first and the last. So.. you guys in PR enjoys your stay now. After this you will be put back at your original place as pembangkang as you deemly fit. And BN please don’t fall into the DAPs and PKRs’ traps..
I’m the first. Hidup Tun. Hidup Melayu
Salam Tun,
A bit sick about your views on the MArch 08 elections. I don’t see why you’re still wining about this. Badawi is going out in MArch and Najib will take over. According to your theory, BN will get the supporters back. Job Done right!!Why do you have to keep pressing it?
Your comments on 8 and 9 is drivel as well.Don’t think the interest in ISA recently was about what you said. It’s more because of the arrest of RPK, Teresa and that journalist.
1) RPK is a malay and a muslim. Can’t be racism here unless there’s a type of Racism where you hate your own race. There’s probably a different term for that.
2) Teresa Kok. Arrest was a mistake, just that no one wants to admit it. Don’t understand how can people claim she made the comments when those whom she allegedly directed the comments to were claiming she didn’t say it.
3) Journalist. Even a bigger fuckup here by the police, i wanted to say government but according to syed hamid, he didn’t make the decision.
Tun, keep up the good work though. Love your blog.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda ,
Memang kemerosotan undi PAU 12 adalah tanda-tanda protes rakyat tidak menyukai pemerintahan Pak Lah yg tungang-langgang dan lembik . Menantunya yg angkuh , sombong dan perasan bijak lagi teruk merosakkan keadaan . Orang Melayu mengundi pembangkang untuk mengajar Pak Lah dan org2 UMNO lainnya .
Saya sendiri adalah ahli UMNO telah mengundi pembangkang tapi bukan DAP . DAP adalah parti yg menyokong komunism dan 3 pemimpinnya yg terang2 anti Melayu iaitu seperti Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh dan Teresa Berkokok elok dibuang kerakyatan mereka kerana tidak tahu berterimakasih dan bersyukur kerana menjadi rakyat Malaysia .Maaf Tun terkeluar tajuk sikit tapi sy memang geram dan ‘hot’ dgn 3 manusia ini .
Tun , org UMNO juga telah melakukan byk kesilapan . Golongan profesinal muda telah disekat dari menjadi ahli kerana golongan senior takutkan ahli baru akan mengancam kedudukan mereka . Walaupun borang telah dihantar beberapa kali tapi permohonan tidak dilayan kerana lulusan universiti dan bukannya calang2 universiti tapi yg ke3 terbaik di Asia dan terbaik di Jepun dari bidang kejuruteraan . Inilah yg berlaku kpd saudara sy sendiri . Nasib baik beliau tidak menjadi ahli parti pembangkang .
Sebenarnya parti2 yg berasaskan perkauman masih lagi relevan . Org2 Cina dan India tahu hanya melalui parti BN barulah mereka dapat bekongsi kuasa . Hanya apabila keadaan UMNO lemah maka ramailah mereka ini berkokok tentang ketuanan Melayu kerana mahu mengambil kesempatan . Maka terserlahlah isi hati mereka bahwa mereka tidak ikhlas . Maka bagi semua pengundi Melayu dan Islam yg sebelum ini telah mengundi mereka maka pilihanraya akan datang mereka ini mesti diajar .
Wassalam .
P/S Tertarik dengan artikel Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee . Sy cadangkan beliau dilantik sebagai senator utk mewakili suara saudara baru di Parlimen .
salam tun dan semua rakan bloger
kegagalan BN menang 2/3 menyebabkan banyak masalah dan isu timbul
jelas kegagalan pentadbiran pak lah yang lemah telah mengakibatkan BN menangung beban kekalahn yang amat parah dalam sejarah parti
banyak pihak terutama yang melibatkan NGO menyentuh dengan terbuka isu perkauman,ini satu perkembangan yang amat merbahaya untuk negara.
rasuah dan keterbukaan melampau yang konon ingin diterapkan telah memakan diri sendiri.selagi masalah ini berlarutan.kita kian menghampiri ambang kehancuran.
kepada DSN dan pasukannya,sila ambik berat dan prihatin tentang isu yang diketengahkan oleh Tun.
en. mahathir,
satu blog yang hebat.
malangnya, nampaknya budaya putar belit telah juga mempengaruh minda dan fikiran anda dalam membuat / menulis ‘cerita’
hujah2 no 9. Ahli2 politik memang membuat debat dan bahas dalam subjek subjek. Tetapi, anda telah mentafsirkan bahasan sebegini RACISM.
Saya tidak tahu kamus manakah yang menyatakan “RACISM” membawa maksud membahas isu isu atau kenyataan. Tetapi, apa yang nyata ialah, anda perlu merujuk kamus yang memberi makna – RACIST. Bukan semata-mata membelit-putarkan isu semasa, dalam konteks anda, kemudian memberi Makna yang lain tentang RACIST. Lebih2 lagi, nampaknya sekali lagi, En.Mahathir, telah dijangkiti epidemic Abdullah, yang selalu menyatakan – Ini tak boleh tanya.. itu tak payah tegur.
mr. mahathir,
great blog.
unfortunately, i believe you have been influenced by the twist and spin skilled, as performed by current PM.
in point 9. malaysian politician DID discuss about those point. But now you make it look like it is RACIST to discuss that.
i have no idea which dictionary you are using to DEFINE Racist. One thing for sure, you need to refer more about what is RACIST.
Not twist and spin it for the sake of you point about “what cannot be discussed in your own context” – this would be exactly like Abdullah – Ini tak boleh tanya.. itu tak payah tegur.
Pada hemat saya, setiap pemimpin dari semua parti komponen BN adalah bertanggungjawab terhadap permasalahan ini. Pemimpin-pemimpin lama memahami tujuan perjuangan parti dan pegang pada tujuan asal penubuhan BN. Berlainan dengan pemimpin yg terkemudian. Mereka lebih kepada kepentingan sendiri. Kurang peka dan tak endahkan suara akar umbi. Semua gelagat pemimpin ini menyebabkan rakyat jemu dan jelak dengan senario hari ini.
Isu kenapa org Melayu lebih ISTIMEWA dari kaum lain tak patut timbul kalau rakyat faham perlembagaan dan pemimpin usaha terangkan pada rakyat. Jgn samakn Malaysia dan USA. KIta jauh berbeza dari segi budaya, kepercayaan agama dll. Di Amerika tak ada sekolah khas utk kaum lain. Tak ada cuti umum utk perayaan-perayaan ugama lain. Saya kenal beberapa org kawan yg ibubapa mereka menjdi rakyat Amerika, bila datang bercuti ke M’sia mereka tak boleh bertutur bahasa ibunda sendiri. Fikirkan sendiri wahai rakyat Malaysia.
Dari segi ekonomi kaum CIna lebih maju dan bilangan yg kaya raya jauh lebih banyak dari kaum lain. Tapi mengapa ada yg pertikaikan seorg Melayu yg kurang tinggi taraf pedidikannya tapi mampu jadi jutawan. Dia usaha dan rebut peluang – itu sahaja. Dan dia pun tak sekaya billionaire yg sedia ada.
BN masih relevan kerana Malaysia hari ini dibina atas semangat BN dan BN ada segala ‘prasarana’ yg lengkap utk memerintah Malaysia.
Saya seorang rakyat Malaysia keturunan cina. Saya setuju dengan analisis Tun yang pilihanraya 2008 menunjukkan malaysia telah menolak politik DNA adalah terlalu simplistik. Di sini walaupun analisis ini terlalu simplistik, Tun tidak boleh menolak yangrakyat Malaysia sedang bergerak ke arah itu. Barisan Nasional terutamanya UMNO mungkin belum bersedia bergerak ke arah itu tetapi diskusi seperti ini menunjukkan rakyat Malaysia sedang memikirkan perkara ini.
30 tahun lalu, senario PAS mendapat undi Cina adalah satu angan-anagan, kini ia adalah satu kebangkalian. Undi Melayu untuk DAP juga demikian. Ini adalah satu perkembangan yang positif bukan satu yang negatif seperti yang digambarkan oleh Tun, UMNO and Utusan Melayu
Di sini, saya tidak mahu yang seorang cina “dilantik” menjadi PM, saya berharap seorang Malaysia “dipilih” kerana dia adalah seorang rakyat Malaysia yang mempunyai “character” dan “merit” sebagai Malaysian. Seperti Martin Luther King kata
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Dear Tun,
This is my 3rd comment in your blog. As I said, you had my respect as an admirable PM, but please do not continue making statement on Racial topics. This is causing a lot of disagreement and tension. Different people tend to have different opinion.
I respected you but that doesnt mean I have to vote for the party that you support.
I did not vote previously and that doesn’t mean I don’t know who to support. If I support a party that because i simply tired of the talking of another party, I need to see ACTION and EFFORT been putting in for all Malaysian irregardless race and skin color. Not hardcore suppressing for those who voice out.
As a normal civilian, I’m tired of all those who are just talk but no action. Everyone can talk, but not everyone can do their talking.
Let’s action speak louder than words.
We have the eyes to see who really do good for the country.
Lets start with ACTION for all MALAYSIAN…
Salam sejahtera Tun,
Sejak Tun bagi komen tentang mana mana bangsa boleh jadi PM. Ramai melenting. Tapi, sebenarnya, rakyat Malaysia belum bersedia untuk menerima hakikat kebenaran kata kata Tun itu.
Sebenarnya, orang Melayu perlu terima hakikat bahawa mereka tidak rajin dan lemah lah yang membolehkan bangsa lain menjadi pilihan.
Contohnya, jika kita ibaratkan Malaysia ni sebuah kapal terbang, apa kita peduli bangsa apa yang jadi Kapten asalkan dia boleh memandu kapalterbang dengan selamat dan sampai ke destinasi. Sama lah, kalau orang melayu ke , cina ke atau india ke jadi PM, apa masalahnya kalau dia boleh membawa kebaikan pada semua.
Kalau orang Melayu nak terus ada kuasa tolonglah rajin sikit. Jangan malas.
Terima kasih.
apalagi yg nak dikata..benar-sebenar-benarnya…
hidup Paklah, Najib, Anwar and KJ…selamatkanlah Negaraku..sila letak jawatan
Assalam Alaikum Tun,
Malaysia sepatutnya bertambah aman dan makmur selepas piliharaya 2008 kerana rakyat Malaysia telah memilih calon yang sepatutnya terbaik untuk memimpin negara. Apa yang terjadi ialah emosi perkauman secara racist membiak dengan subur.
Aktiviti golongan ‘opportunist’ dan racist meningkat secara mendadak, golongan ini yang menyangka peluang mereka untuk menuntut apa saja semakin besar walaupun ianya bukan hak mereka dan tanpa mengambil kira kesan kepada keamanan dan kemakmuran negara. Mereka juga bermain dengan bahasa yang kotor dan penuh emosi di dalam banyak laman web.
Isu utama adalah isu perkauman dan hak antara kaum-kaum di Malaysia. Hal ini dibantu oleh segologan ahli politik negara kita dari semua parti yang turut ‘menyanyi bersama’ dalam isu perkauman.
Hasilnya kita dapat lihat Malaysia semakin maju dalam bahasa dan isu-isu racist terutamanya di laman-laman web. Pihak polis pula kelihatan amat sibuk terutamanya dalam menangkap mat rempit dan juga menangkap rakyat yang tidak membayar saman trafik. Mungkin jenayah tersebut lebih serius dari jenayah racist yang sudah membiak dengan subur di laman-laman web.
Apakah penyelesaian yang kita ada ? perlukah kita kekalkan budaya racist untuk menjadi semakin aman dan maju ?, Siapa yang sepatutnya mengawal budaya salah ini supaya tidak terus membiak ?. Saya rasa Malaysia masih mempunyai kerajaan yang memerintah dan undang-undang yang boleh memastikan kita terus aman tanpa isu racist yang semakin menular.
We can only first identify ourselves with our race.
There’s nothing wrong to admit to one’s race.
A Martian or Saturnian will do likewise.
And like that too, they may have different preferences if they were to mingle with Earthians.
People who condemn race plitics are either myopic or trying to be bigger than life.
Dear Tun,
Pada pendapat 1, x de masalah untuk tiga2 kaum hidup bersama. We still talk laugh…..nothing really bothering us.
But since you can see PKR mission was acceptable mostly by the Malays as well. It looks like this is not really Chinese Fault for voting PKR.
The Chinese felt no longer having fate with MCA.
Look at the real scenario now. What have Ong Tee Keat have done now. Sideline Chua Soi Lek. He insist saying he didnt do it. No personal politic. Yet he did like that. This even create hate for me towards him. Look at his attitude now. So ego.
Chua Soi Lek got so many support. yet he got stupid position. Even many politican are critising his decision but they did not show their dissapointment. I was truly upset for the scenario and really feel so sad. I do hope the goverment slash back to Ong Tee Keat decision. Otherwise one day, when gone. More chinese are going out from BN soon.
Trust me….all my frens here are suprise with the decision. And many seems to lost fate to MCA which in turn become BN.
Absolutely correct Tun.
Somehow “They” did not realize this. “They” want us to share our economy and power “cake” with them, but hell no they will not “share their own “cake” with us.
I can bet, those who complain about this, they can’t take bullet to defend this country. This minority bring shame to their people.
Thanks to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. You will be remembered most, compare to the other 4 former PM… as the most useless PM ever grace this holy land…
Salam Tun,
I agree with you totally in your last para – para 10. Racial sentiments and loyalties (plus royalties) would have to be decoupled.
Tutup semua sekolah cina/india, hospital cina, dan tarik balik semua kelebihan orang melayu. Di Malaysia cuma boleh guna bahasa melayu dan inggeris sahaja.
Yang tak pandai cakap bahasa melayu di tarik balik kerakyatan dan segala harta di berikan kepada kerajaan untuk pengagihan. Cara hidup pon cara hidup melayu sahaja boleh….. sebab ini tanah melayu, bukan tanah cina/india/mat saleh.
Amacam… ok ka?
Even you cannot do that….:)
Salam sejahtera YAB Tun,
Selama ini pun saya berpendapat bahawa rakyat di Malaysia tidak mengamalkan perkauman selama yang kita ada cuma terdapat segelintir sahaja yang berani membuta tuli bercakap mengenai perkara tersebut. Jika diimbas semula kebanyakan pemimpin yang bercakap sekarang terlalu menonjolkan perkataan ‘perkauman’ sedangkan isu tersebut sama sekali tiada. Isu seperti tender secara terbuka, HINDRAF dan sebagainya boleh dihapuskan sekiranya pemimpin bertegas menyatakan ia adalah sebagaimana yang telah dipersetujui atau perlu dilakukan tetapi tidak cenderung mengatakan bahawa ia perkauman.
Ia sama seperti masa yang lepas apabila Jemaah Al-Maunah dan Al-Arqam dan yang lain melakukan perkara yang salah maka ia perlu diambil tindakan tegas tetapi tidak mengatakan bahawa ia adalah isu perkauman. Kerana, apabila kita mengatakan bahawa ia adalah kaum ia tetap mengundang rasa tidak puas hati ataupun ia menjadi satu kesalahan apabila rakyat di bawah berjiran dengan Cina ataupun India.
Saya kadang-kadang pun rasa pelik apabila mengapa Ketua Wanita UMNO menjadi isu yang perlu digembar-gemburkan kerana yang bermasalah hanya Presiden tetapi tidak yang lain-lain. Maka yang lain-lain perlu dijalankan seperti biasa mengikut jadual kerana jadual yang dirangka sebenarnya menunjukkan betapa kesempurnaan sesuatu perkara dapat dicapai. Kecuali jadual yang dipaparkan oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Perdana Menteri.
Surely birds of the same feathers would flock together won’t they?
I wonder sometimes if you are ashamed at all for instituting all the policies during your 22 years of (mis)rule that bred all the racist sentiments of the rakyat.
First, you twisted the social contract so that your cronies and your children can benefit, at the expense of the poor. If money had been truly channelled to the poor and needy, no one would question the legitimacy of the NEP. Instead, Daim got off with billions, Tajuddin Ramli got off with billions, your children all got bailed out by others.
Second, you corrupted the judiciary just because Salleh Abas wanted a truly independent judiciary. So you removed the independent judges and installed those who are subservient to your own party. Remember the Lingam case ? You personally selected Augustine Paul to preside over the Anwar case. You made sure that UMNO’s interests are protected, so there can’t possibly be a non-Malay Chief Justice. Poor Badawi had to take the route taken by you in the appointment of the CJ.
Third, you made sure that the investigative and prosecutorial organs – PDRM and the AG’s Chambers – are beholden to UMNO so that any Opposition is stifled or put behind bars. How do you expect future generations not to have a racial overtone in their comments on this matter ? It’s OK to use chemical water on defenceless Hindus but when it comes to vociferous protests by UMNOputras, everything is OK ?
Yes, you must be held responsible for causing racial divides. In fact you should be tried for the clear cases of abuse of power.
I think you have big problems to differentiate racism from the human rights activism. Therefore you are confused with racism and human rights activism.
When Hindraf members fights for their religious rights, basically they are asking for the freedom of religion, which is the basic human rights agreed upon by all members of the United Nations when the Proclamation of Human Rights was signed by all members.
When the underprivileged but academically well-performed SPM results holders of Chinese origin in Malaysia cry for their rights of being given an opportunity to be enrolled into a local government-operated university in order to save their parents of some substantial educational costs which they may incur if they go to a private university, they are indeed fighting for their basic human rights of equal educational opportunities which our Federal Constitution promises for all.
When the poor rural Malays complain about their being deprived of the opportunities to secure lucrative government-run infrastructure construction projects, they are basically fighting for their basic human rights of being granted an equal opportunity in achieving economic prosperity and not to be forestalled from these opportunities simply because their networking cable is not big enough.
In the United States, no one rational man will blame the Black for playing racial politics when there is strong evidence to prove that the American State Police have used excessive force on a Black man criminal suspect in the police arrest, in which the abuse of violence by the Police is tantamount to the criminal offence of police brutality.
Therefore, please be very sure about what you are trying to say before you start to say something. Although you have been popular of being a man full of far-sight and insight, sometimes you just like to simply utter some convoluted logic out of the air. I believe your well-known creative book by the name of “The Malay Dilemma” remains as a highly controversial personal opinion since the first day of its publish until to-date because you are too stubborn to uphold your biased view about human ecological development. You simply choose to puportedly ignore the crude fact that “all men are born equal before God” and there is always some basic human love for one another, disregard of creeds, skin colours, religious backgrounds and cultural differences — a God-given human nature which one may be able to find in basic human instinct.
Can you please try not to be racist again in what you want to say?
Saya SETUJU dengan Tun..
Saya bimbang sekarang ni dalam UMNO masih banyak orang yang SYOK SENDIRI dan masih perasan UMNO dok kuat lagi.. malah, ada segelintir pihak menyalahkan orang macam Tun KONONnya memberi kritikkan hingga menjahanamkan UMNO pasal puak-puak macam Lebai PAS, DAP dan PKR sentiasa guna fakta yang Tun kemukakan dalam Blog atau press conference untuk HENTAM diorang balik..
Bila agaknya diorang dalam UMNO ni nak sedar diri? Kalau sesuatu perkara itu tidak betul, dah tentulah ada orang akan menegur atau mengkritik.. Kalau tak nak orang kritik, baikilah apa yangn patut.. UMNO dah jadi terlampau PENGECUT kerana taksub kepada pemimpin yang ‘mengHULOR’.. Nescaya kalau tiada kesedaran, UMNO hanya tinggal bendera aje pada pilihanraya umum ke-13 nanti!
Please feel free to visit my Blog
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Salam sejahtera juga kepada semua pemerhati laman ini,ini pertama kali saya memberi komen.
Kepada smua yg saya hormati,saya lahir pada awal tahun 70an..tinggal dan beniaga di satu daerah yang maju di k.l.
Kepda Tun,
Saya terpangil untuk menyertai ruangan ini kerana rasa sudah tidak tahan melihat pemimpin-pemimpin yg tak sedar-sedar,TIDAK INSAF ,tidak peka dan sebagainya. Setiap hari kita lihat didada akhbr,t.v dan banyak lagi..PEREBUTAN JAWATAN seolah-olah kalau tak dapat satu-satu jawatan tu,dia akan mati keesokkan harinya.
Apa yg sebenarnya telah berlaku aduhai UMNO,wanita dengan gayanya,pemuda nampak jelas tapi hampir-hampir juga belengan sesama sendiri..pucuk pimpinan asyik bermain SILANG KATA…!
Maafkan saya Tun,gaya bahasa yang Tun gunakan dihalaman ini nampak bersahaja tapi penuh muslihat,banyak perkara yang terselindung atau saya sendiri yang tidak berapa pandai mentafsir.
Semoga Tun & Keluarga sihat & diberkati,Kami Perlukan TUN.
The government officially practices a policy of positive discrimination that favours Malays over other races in many areas — from employment, education, scholarships and business to cheaper housing and assisted savings.
kenapa melayu terlalu nak menjaga hati kaum lain,sedangkan kaum lain secara terus menerus mendesak melayu supaya menghapuskan hak keistimewaan kaum melayu?melayu dah cukup bersabar dengan hal ni.pemimpin melayu perlu tegas.bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh.
forget about bangsa malaysia, tun. its hopeless.
Salam TUN,
Hopefully I am the first
Akum Tun
Your insight and knowledge is what we need to steer our country out of this mess that the present Administration has done. Don’t you ever toss in your bed thinking that you have given the baton to carry to the wrong person.
It is never too late take to that bold step that you have been holding on for so long, Please think of the rakyat who are suffering, you had kept the inflation on check, but now increasing the price of petrol to a hefty 73cts has had its consequences, all the other products and services have gone up. Nobody is reducing the prices in tandem to the decrease in petrol price and I strongly believe that you are the only person to save us.
So pleeeaase re consider go back.
Rgds and best wishes to you and your family memebers
Tun, that is why i call this country the land of racism.
Saya amat kasihan dengan chedet. Chedet tidak dapat melihat senario pilihanraya secara keseluruhan. Mungkin chedet sudah 80 tahun lebih. Saya fikir, sememangnya rakyat malaysia bergerak kearah itu (politik tanpa garisan kaum). Cuma ianya tidaklah 100% terserlah. Mungkin masih ada individu, atau pemimpin, dan sebahagian rakyat yang masih terikat dengan sentimen perkauman ketika mengundi, tetapi apa yang di lihat, rakyat dan pemimpin berusaha bergerak kearah proses pemutihan (mengundi tanpa terikut dengan ras dan kaum). Sedikit2, lama2 jadi bukit.
Mungkin chedet menilai/membuat kesimpulan yang berbeza (sebab itu chedet selalu salah memilih pengganti..). Tidak semestinya politik tanpa rasis itu bole 100% wujud dalam masa yang singkat, sedangkan di Amerika sekalipun masih ramai rakyat yang mengundi atas dasar kaum dan warna kulit. Cuma yang penting sekali (yang chedet sudah pasti tidak nampak), kebanyakkan pemimpin berhaluan kiri (DAP, PAS dan PKR semestinya) sedang sama2 bergerak untuk merialisasikan politik tanpa ras dan kaum. Dan ini yang parti UMNO tidak lakukan sama sekali.
PAS, DAP dan Keadilan memang mempunyai idologi berbeza. Tetapi yang kita mahu lihat, pemimpin2 ini matang dalam mencari garis tengah. Iaitu membentuk dasar yang tidak meyinggung mana2 pihak. Tidak seperti parti2 komponen BN yang nampak tenang di luar, bergolak di dalam. Istimewanya, dalam Pakatan Rakyat, semua pihak boleh mengeluarkan pendapat, dan membahas. Isu2 sensitif di selesaikan dengan cara yang elok dan tidak provokatif. Tidak perlu menghayun2 keris dan berniat ingin membahasahinya dengan darah Cina. Tidak perlu berkata “Boleh makan sup tangan kalo hudud di jalankan”. Atau tidak perlu membawa persatuan2 silat turun ke jalan memukul kaum2 lain. Berbeda di dalam BN. MCA dan MIC itu seperti pak angguk sahaja. Bukan sahaja mengiyakan apa sahaja yang di perkatakan oleh Umno, bahkan turut sama2 menjarah harta negara.
Maaf jika pendapat ini pedih. Chedet seorg negarawan, tetapi sering membuat konklusi dan analogi yang silap (cnthnya melantik Pak Lah). Saya faham chedet dalam usaha untuk membersihkan nama chedet selama 22 tahun. Tetapi tidak perlu menipu kununya politik wang semakin teruk hanya bermula di zaman Pak Lah. Atau kununya di zaman chedet kebebasan bersuara tidak di sekat. Atau kununya 22 tahun BN sentiasa di beri mandat 2/3 majoriti. Sedangkan semua rakyat tahu apa yang di alami selama 22 tahun. Walau kita ada KLCC dan KLIA, tetapi bahasa melayu terus terlungkup. University terus jatuh. Royalti untuk rakyat Terengganu di tarik balik. Bantuan untuk SAR di tarik balik. Chedet kena ingat, seribu kebaikkan dan kemodenan tidak boleh menutup satu kezaliman dan penindasan. Sampai mati orang akan bercerita chedet.
Se’rasists’ DAP, mereka tak pernah menarik balik sesen pun bantuan SAR di Penang. Se’jumud’ PAS, tiada satupun pemimpin yang di tahan BPR sebab rasuah (di tuduh itu banyak). Seburuk2 PKR, setidak2 nya isteri penasihat mereka menutup aurat.
Ini hanya luahan seorang rakyat marhaen yang memerhati keletah pemimpin mereka sahaja. Harap chedet terima dengan hati terbuka kerana chedet seorg negarawan ulung yang mengilhamkan Putrajaya dan SUKOM.
Salam Tun…
ur so right in ur statement…i would like to confess that i’m among others that simply gave my vote for the oppos. not because i’m happy for it..but i’m voicing my deepest regret towards bn..namely umno…so..hopefully….the leadership in umno now should be able to read the message right and clear…be more precise and decisive in their action…more able to comment and man enough to do it upfont…
Assalamualaikum Wbt
Secara kesimpulannya semua ini adalah berpunca dari Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Strongly agree with your statement.
Dear Tun,
As a chinese, I still believe I need a chinese party to represent the chinese community because some of the problems in chinese can better solve by their own race or representatives.
Look at Party Keadilan election, non of the chinese was elected for high profile office bearer, who is going to voice out for the chinese community in their party? Somemore they vocally ask for a Chinese deputy PM post of which Chinese has no place in their party. The same go to DAP, they even have to appoint a puppet Malay to became a Vice Chairman just to make them look like democratic party. For PAS, everything also can talk as long as other races bacome a Muslim.
I agree with Tun, races party are still relevant in Malaysia.
Semoga Tun sihat selalu.
you r true Tun.take care.
Dear Tun,
I think every Malaysians can foresee the future of Malaysia from now. If PR takes over the government, for sure opposition BN will do a lots of protest on the street(just like what happen to Selangor, Perak & Penang). Then, we will see PR using ISA to arrest opposition BN. Just like what happening now. People are fed-up with this scenario. We want to see some one like Tun can bring this country back on Global Track again. We need more and more foreign investor to come into Malaysia, We need brilliant leader, we need quality leader, we need to see this country moving ahead, we need a fair government! What is happening now in our country are really disappointing.
We agree that PR is more racist than the BN.
Barisan Nasional did badly in the March 2008 General Election because
1. BN did not take care of the ‘rakyat’
2. BN member shows protest.
3. PR is not strong but BN is weak under the current leadership
Yes Dr. if the amalysts just go down and do a true research, this is the truth. But unfortunately for the people, another spin is still left running.
salam Tun,
Pantun melayu terkini:
pak lah kencing berdiri, khairi kencing berlari..
Dear Tun…
I Couldnt agree more.. May Allah bless you and your family.. always!!
Miss Inpedependent!
Good Morning Tun,
It is safe to say that UMNO lost the last general election is because of fiasco rulling of Pak Lah and family.And on top of that don’t forget our no good-want-to-be PM(Anwar).If it wasn’t for this
jokers we would not in this kind of situation.All this talks about the Malay’s Right and other issue is just merely the opposition strategy to create havoc and chaos in Malaysia.I hope that one day that no good traitor(Anwar Ibrahim) take a good look at himself in the mirror and realize that he is just a Big Puppet for DAP.
DAP is just a screwed up party that only want this country to become the next Singapore.And as for Anwar goes,he is just a
disgrace to the religion and race.There is no way that moron going to be the next PM.
Good views are always good to share with.Thanks Tun for sharing your views with us.
Now Playing :Metallica (Master of Puppet) a song created for (DSAI)
Ybhg. Tun,
Pada masa ini ahli politik tak kira dari parti pemerintah atau pembangkang seharusnya memberi tumpuan kepada membangunkan masyarakat dan negara. Berpolitik dan membangkitkan isu perkauman yang boleh memudaratkan negara seharusnya tidak berlaku lagi kerana musim pilihanraya sudah lepas. Berpolitik berkempen untuk pemilihan dalaman parti tidak sepatutnya menggunakan media. Media sepatutnya digunakan menyiarkan berita-berita semasa yang bukan berpolitik. Nampak gayanya ahli politik sekarang selepas dipilih oleh rakyat tidak mempunyai masa bekerja untuk membalas jasa rakyat yang mengundi. mereka asyik berpolitik untuk menjaga kepentingan diri mereka dalam politik.
Ahli politik sekarang patut memberi tumpuan mengatasi masalah lepak, rempit, pergaulan bebas dan membuang masa di kedai kopi. Bila kaum yang lain maju dan mempunyai masa depan yang lebih baik kerana muda-mudi kaum itu tidak terlibat dalam kegiatan yang tidak bermanfaat.
Diri sendiri tidak berusaha dan tidak merancang untuk memperbaiki kearah masa depan yang lebih baik serta ahli politik yang dipilih rakyat tidak menolong mereka, adakah kaum itu sendiri boleh berdaya saing dengan kaum lain.
Isu-isu sensitif yang boleh mengakibatkan perpecahan kaum harus dielakkan. Hentikan usaha untuk mempertahankan MAT REMPIT, membincangkan sosial kontrek dan sebagainya.
Kekalkan undang-undang pencegahan yang boleh menjaga keamanan, ketenteraman dan keselamatan negara seperti ISA, Ordinan Darurat, Akta Kediaman Terhad,Akta Pencegahan Jenayah dan ADB (LLPK).
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
Terima kasih kerana YABhg Tun bersikap telus dalam memberi pandangan mengenai topik ini.
Saya rasa ramai bloggers yang berkhiblatkan pembangkang serta penyokong fanatik Hindraf, DAP dan DSAI akan melenting.
Saya amat bersetuju bahawa PRU 12 menyerlahkan lagi sikap pengundi bukan Melayu yang selama ini berpura-pura menyokong kerajaan tetapi sebaliknya memangkah pembangkang.
Sebelum PRU 12, parti yang fanatik dengan perkauman seperti DAP dan PAS, begitu juga Keadilan hanya cukup makan saja kerana majoriti rakyat menerima BN yang lebih bersikap liberal.
Semasa PRU 12, rakyat yang bersikap liberal tiada pilihan dan menambah undi kepada parti fanatik perkauman. Bila mereka menang maka belang mereka telah nampak.
Kaum Cina mula berpayung dibawah DAP telah berani mempersoalkan amalan orang Islam. Azan subuh dipertikaikan.
Kaum India yang kononnya selama ini ditindas cuba menghalalkan tuntutan Hindraf.
Keadilan pula sanggup korbankan hak Melayu semata-mata ingin menjadi lebih liberal. UiTM hendak dibuka kepada kaum lain atas alasan bertoleransi.
PAS menyepi diri sebagai mengenang jasa diberi laluan mentadbir Perak. Pada hal mereka hanya dijadikan sebagai boneka DAP. Mereka sanggup membelakangi Kanun Tanah Negara dengan meluluskan pemberian tanah kampong baru untuk selama 999 tahun kepada kaum Cina.
Orang UMNO kena minta maaf dan dicop perkauman apabila menceritakan sejarah Tanah Melayu. Hak Melayu dan amalan Ugama Islam dipersoalkan dengan alasan diambil secara tidak adil daripada kaum lain. Manakala apa yang dimiliki oleh kaum lain di bumi Melayu dikatakan itu atas usaha mereka.
DSAAB dilihat lebih sukakan bangsa lain. Jadi bangsa lain sudah naik tocang.
Orang Melayu tidak perlu takut sekiranya mereka jujur, bekerja kuat, bersatu dan berpegang dengan ajaran Islam. Janji Allah itu benar.
Bersatu Teguh, Bercerai Roboh. (Bukan kahwin lain).
Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.
another attempt by Tun to create havoc between races in Malaysia …
Tun tidak hormat juga terhadap perlembagaan dan kontrak sosial … sepatutnya artikel ini perlu ditulis dalam versi Bahasa Melayu …
Dearest Tun,
It will be a long time before we wipe the racist stench off our shirts. However, it is fairly easy to understand what happened in the last GE if you just take a moment to consider the fact that it isn’t the rejection of racial politics but rather the acceptance of the fact that there are other more pressing concerns in our lives.
BN component parties only seem to know how to play the racial politics game and no other. However, it is evident that things are not all well in our country and being racist is not going to save any of us. So, fixing the economy, providing good education and health care is so much more pressing matters.
Malaysians are generally a very pragmatic lot. We want leaders who can help us solve problems and not ones who are only out to create more discord and troubles. BN component parties need to wake up to this if they are to survive the next GE, which is likely to come at an even tougher time for our country.
Hope you can use your influence to fix this!
Tun, tidak dapat dinafikan keadaan sekarang amat membimbangkan ramai rakyat yang telah melihat kejadian 13 Mei 1969. Sekiranya parti politik terus menggunakan isu-isu sensitif menyakitkan hati orang Melayu perkara ini tidak mustahil tidak akan berlaku. Sentimen anti-Melayu memang sudah memuncak disebelah pihak disebabkan mainan orang politik dan NGO bukan Melayu. Apa yang sedang menunggu berlakunya satu lagi kejadian seperti 13 Mei ialah threshold kesabaran orang Melayu. Jika ini berterusan ianya akan meletup.
Parti Parti Politik berasaskan kaum masih releven. Apa yang diperlukan ialah pemimpin yang berwibawa dan bijaksana untuk meneraju negara ini.
Salam & Good Morning Tun….
Correct.. Correct.. Correct..
Dear Tun
I think what we are experiencing is due to very poor leardership in the country. There were also racial issues when you were PM, but you have managed it effectively. Today, when issues arised, it was not handled properly, hence creating other issues or chained reaction of issues.
Race based political parties are desparate to gain supporters by championing sensitive issues, like the teaching of English and Science in English. These jokers knew very well what is the right thing to do, but against it for the sake of thier polical survival.
Apart from the racial issue, political unstability, economy, cost of living, etc, its all pointing to very poor leadership. If Abdullah is reading this, PLEASE step down ASAP. PLEASE !!!
Salam Tun..
Penjelasan yang amat bernas. Namun kesimpulannya Bangsa Lain dah hilang kepercayaan terhadap pemimpin melayu yang korup.. Analisis begini dah banyak tapi penyelesaian tak da.. Pemimpin UMNO dah pekak badak maklum dah tua.. Tapi tak takut mati..Nanti jadilah macam Alm YB kat Klang. Dah mati masih kena korek.. korek.. semua harta peninggalannya sampai Banglowpun nak kena robohkan. Mellayu tak berhati perut.. Dimulai dengan pemimpin yang lupa terhadap jasa-jasa TUN..
Salam Tun & all,
Yup, I agree with Tun, BN will stay relevant for many times to come, because i still dont see any other party like it, that represent each races that stay under one roof with high level of tolerant & national purposes.
No other party yet that can equal BN, Nope not yet!.
… and Umno is yet to make any serious attempt to address this dire situation that is dragging the whole nation to the drain. The ‘racists’ among us are increasing in numbers by the day as level-headed leadership remains a luxury of the past.
The situation on the ground suggests that Umno and a majority of others in Barisan Nasional would be wiped out during the next election UNLESS immediate soul-searching and the necessary remedial steps are taken NOW.
p/s It is the fate and future of the country that we should be thinking and worry about, NOT that of Pak Lah or Khairy.
WAKE UP UMNO or you’ll miss the bus.
Agree with your statement.
Racism is a deep rooted problem in Malaysia.
Regardless, Malaysia is a great country, especially under your administration.
I would like to wish you the best of health
My soon to be completed article – An Exposé on Raja Petra Kamaruddin and the ”hidden-hand” behind Malaysia Today.
My current article -Legalizing Money Politics?
I don’t think we have someone like you to lead our country. Please dont give up to voice your views, opinion and thoughts.
PakLah ni degil. Tak realize ke semua org nak peralihan kuasa dipercepatkan. Ada udang disebalik mee kot..
DSN please dont be stubburn like PakLAh. Do listen to Tun for advise coz our country progress better during Tun’s time. Buang je kuncu2 yang tak boleh membantu negara….
Hi Tun…
ISA is a tool that use for terrorist or is a tool for government to arrest those who anti-government? Democratic country? Can’t raise opinion?
Hi Tun,..
Yea.. i totally agreed that GE 2/3 the main issue is to against Abdullah who is only knows how to enriching his Son-In-Law.
Y. Bhg Tun,
Orang Melayu harus merapatkan barisan dan seia sekata dalam mempertahankan hak. tapi kini orang-orang melayu yang bersetonglol dengan DAP telah melacurkan prinsip ketuanan melayu demi untuk survival politik.
Nyahkan mereka dari bumi bertuah ini.
Ayam di kepuk mati kelaparan, itik di air mati kehausan
Dagang lalu di tankkan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan
Apalah malang nasib bangsamu melayu, menang sorak kampong tergadai….
The opposition has been more racist than ever since the DSSAB regime. They have shown their disrespect againt the Malays, the King and the most, disrespect to the Malay ancestors that have given place to all these people who has forget oneself.
Our Sultans and King should play bigger role in handling this racial matters or better steel to reinstall their immunity as they are now being challenge by the outsider who are ungrateful to what these poeple have achieved from their occupancy till now.
Wassalam Tun.
Good Morning Tun,
Dearest Tun,
Assalamu Alaikum.
You are the best and your policies still relevant.
May Allah keep you in good health.
Walau apa pun keadaan, kepentingan Melayu wajib dipertahan.
Salam Tun,
Singapore terang-terang tak nak bangsa lain jadi PM selain Chinese.. Itu pun sedangkan negara tu bukan bukan penduduk asalnya Chinese. Masyarakat dunia tak pulak kata apa-apa.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Benar sekali seperti apa yang Tun terangkan diatas.
PKR, DAP dan PAS ingat orang undi parti diorang kerana sayangkan diorang?? Piiiraaahh…
Salam Tun,
Saya setuju ngan Tun.