2. The horse breeding is doing well with three foals sired by Albarik, a pure Arab. The foals are also doing well. We expect more this year.
3. We are looking for an Arab mare so that we will produce pure Arab foals by Albarik.
5. I was saddened to see quite mature teak and mahogany trees being chopped down to widen the road north to Ayer Hangat.
6. My friend had tried to bring in a foreign wood carver to Langkawi to start a new cottage industry. It seems that our immigration policy does not allow anyone above 50-years to come and work in Malaysia. What a pity. Our skilled engineers, pilots, architects etc can go out but skilled foreigners cannot come in. On the other hand unskilled labourers may come in legally or illegally.
7. The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in and even settle in our country. You can figure out the end results. I hope the Government realises this and maybe design a new immigration policy.
8. Then my friends took me to the most interesting new industry in Langkawi. It is the production of mozzarella cheese, the cheese used in making pizza.
9. Mozzarella is an Italian cheese and the small facility is owned and operated by an Italian who’s married to a Malaysian. He also operates a butchery where the cows are slaughtered and the meat is properly and professionally cut by a young Langkawi person who had been trained in Italy (actually in San Marino, an independent state in Italy).
10. I tasted freshly made mozzarella and it was delicious. Mozzarella is made with buffalo milk and the little “factory” is next to a Government project to breed buffaloes.
11. One day I hope this Langkawi mozzarella factory will become a tourist attraction, and the world will eat Langkawi mozzarella in their pizzas.
12. Telaga Harbour in the Northwest of Langkawi is full of yachts, including mega yachts. People say the marina reminds them of the Mediterranean, with Italian, Spanish, and Russian restaurants as well as a Chinese steam-boat restaurant. You can sit at a table on the harbour front and watch the yachts (some 130 of them) in the protected harbour.
13. There is a plan by someone to put some kind of floating platform in the marina for performances to be held.It is a great idea but the turning circle for yachts in the marina is small. The platform, I am afraid, will get in the way for big boats. However, I have no say in this matter.
Salam Tun!!!!
Eh, best la baca cerita ttg horse breeding dan mozarella cheese ni…nak pi tengok la one day, boleh tak??? open for public ka??? I hear from friends that you are a good horse rider…cayalah Tun!!!
nanti kalau ezah pi Langkawi, Ezah nak pi tengok!!!
By the way…harap harap blog Tun tak ada yg gatal tangan nak remove plak….jentik jari tu kang!!! Blog ni adalah pusat sumber tau tak…kalau tak nak baca jgn baca biar org yang suka baca saja yg enjoy the pleasure of reading it
To Tun…we all love you!!! keep blogging coz we love it!!!
Bercerita pasal Langkawi, tahun lepas saya pergi ke sana bercuti bersama keluarga.
Saya dah pergi dan cuba menunggang kuda di bangsal kuda eksklusif milik tun. Dan jika dapat memberikan harga yang berpatutan, saya rasa ramai yang berminat nak cuba naik kuda-kuda yang ada di bangsal tu. Pada saya yang mampu mungkin tiada masalah.
Tapi pengalaman pertama dapat tunggang kuda bersama 2 lagi anak tak dapat saya lupakan. Terima kasih sebab menyediakan bangsal kuda seperti ini,maksud terima kasih pada tun kerana mengadakan perkhidmatan untuk menunggang kuda pada orang yang tidak mampu untuk memiliki kuda sendiri.terima kasih kerana meng’kongsi’kan kuda yang tun muliki pada umum.
berkenaan kilang cheese yg baru dibuka tu, kami akan kesana lagi untuk merasa cheese buatan malaysia.
Apa-apapun saya harap Tun sekeluarga sihat selalu.
Suami saya kirim salam pada tun sekeluarga.
Dear Tun, salam Ma’al Hijrah moga sihat sejahtera. Dgn izin.
Moga Ma’al Hijrah memberi rahmat, bahagia dan kesihatan berpanjangan.
Cubaan terakhir selepas suntingan. Ulasan sudut berbeza pada ulasan berbangkit. Tak lulus juga, mungkin tak nak panjangkan kekecohan tak apalah. Akan cuba bila perkara ini diungkit lagi.
Antara pendapat dari blog ini yg menuduh SJK punca perkauman ialah:-
1) Berlaku pemisahan kaum sengaja
2) Belajar bahasa lain membelakangi BM
3) Sifat perkauman dipupuk
Harus dijelaskan perasaan perkauman boleh berpunca dari dasar krjn membeza hak kaum, sikap pemimpin dan ahli politik, keadaan masyarakat, bukan saja jenis sekolah.
SJK Cina/Tamil saja disebut punca pengasingan bangsa. Sekolah satu kaum di tadika permata, sekolah asrama, MRSM, sekolah agama, darjah matrikulasi, Uitm tak sebut. Sek ini dari tadika hingga ke universiti! Dibayar, dibiaya penuh kerajaan. Ada yg tak dibuka pada kaum lain.
Lepas menuntut kalau kerja krjn, jadi seluruh hayat tak bergaul dgn kaum lain. Kaum lain(90%) bergaul di SK peringkat menengah. Masuk swasta bergaul paling kurang 50% kaum lain.
SJK hanya 6thn dan 90% hijrah ke SMK lepas itu. SJK dibuka pada semua kaum. Ia tak dibantu penuh krjn, terpaksa minta derma masyarakat dan yuran tinggi.
Pengasingan..siapa dasyat! Whose mass, depth and period of segregation is more damaging?
Tuduhan ini paling suka diguna golongan anti SJK. Tapi hal sebenar ialah orang cuma nak menjamin masa depan. Kerana dasar keistimewaan, peluang mrk mungkin tipis, jadi belajar bahasa antarabangsa boleh bersaing diluar negara atau guna dlm masyarakat sendiri.
Kalau dijamin peluang sama jika belajar BM, ramai ibu bapa sanggup tinggalkan SJK. Mrk berbuat demikian dulu dgn Sek Inggeris krn lihat peluang lebih cerah di situ. Bukan buta perkauman belajar di SJK.
Siapa menuduh SJK menghasut kaumnya untuk membenci orang, tunjuk bukti! Krjn wajib ambil tindakan terhadap guru atau sek tersebut, termasuk menutupnya seperti sek ajaran sesat. Kurung mrk dgn ISA (ini tujuan sebenar ISA, bukan kurung wartawan, penulis blog, pembangkang!)
Undang undang cukup melawan gejala ini, bukan dgn menutup SJK. Sekolah satu bangsa banyak diMsia selain SJK(lihat atas) Sekolah menimba ilmu bukan anti Melayu.
SK tak dipilih krn tiada peluang belajar bahasa lebih, kurang sangat kaum lain dan banyak upacara agama mrk kena ‘turut’ hadir. Sek wawasan mungkin jalan keluar (peluang bergaul, belajar bahasa lebih, tidak terpinggir oleh majoriti)
Biar dua sek ini (wawasan dan SJK) bersaing menarik pelajar. Sek wawasan ada kelebihan. SJK pilihan pada yg nak menguji nasib (tiada bantuan pengajian tinggi)
Ia satu kezaliman kalau krjn tak nak bantu, tapi menyekat rakyatnya memperbaiki diri untuk bersaing di peringkat antarabangsa. Kalau belanja tak cukup nak bantu kaum lain, biar mrk berdikari.
Sifat perkauman boleh diurus dgn meningkat peluang pergaulan. Cari cara bijak bukan mengharam dan tutup itu ini. Itu cara orang nak jadi jaguh sekelip mata, menanggguk undi.
A.kum Tun…semoga tun dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera……
Saya merupakan seorang sailor dan boleh saya tahu catamaran Tun berapa kaki?
kalau diberi peluang boleh saya menjadi skipper kepada Tun…kalau tak silap saya pada tahun 1986 di Port Dickson Tun ada merasmikan acara Asia Optimist Championship…masa tu saya kecik lagi….tak sangka pula tun juga meminati sailing…..lepas pada tu semakin ramai pelayar yg kita hantar untuk menyertai pertandingan di peringkat antarabangsa.Alhamdulilah kita telah berjaya mencapai banyak kejayaan di peringkat antarabangsa…semua ini atas dorongan dan sokongan dari diri Tun sendiri..Tahniah Tun semoga Tun panjang umur dan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera..amin
salam tun,
End of November Saya sekeluarga pergi langkawi selama seminggu…Setelah lebih 10 tahun tak pergi…Banyak tempat menarik..kita orang lunch 2 x di kedai tun..seronok ..2 hari chartered boat..island hoping dan fishing…Tahniah tun..your vision menjadikan langkawi bukan tempat shoping murahan saja…tapi tempat yang menarik untuk sekeluarga…
salam sejahtera TUN,
it has always wanders me of how and what actually makes you see and think then only comments of about almost everything.thats the reason why i’d once blessed to see you and told you that the only reason is for INSPIRATION.
lately i am getting to know about your stable or horse breeding farm if i may say in langkawi.may we all be enlighten on whats your mission and vision in theese industry in relation to langkawi.perhaps an interview?
Salam Sejahtera YBhg Tun M,
1. Saya membaca catatan Tun dan begitu kagum dan bangga kerana negara kita pernah di perintah oleh seorang cendekiawan.
2. Saya telah mula membaca komen-komen dari semua lapisan rakyat Malaysia dan ini la permulaaan saya sebagai warga Tamil@Malaysian mula terasa sedih.
3. YBhg Tun, sudah lama kita mementingkan toleransi kaum dan agama dan saya rasa inilah yang menjadi masalah kita menjadi satu negara dan bangsa Malaysia yang kuat.
4. Saya memohon budi bicara dan kecerdikan Tun M untuk memulakan satu model pemahaman bangsa dan agama.
5. Saya menyokong penuh bahawa sistem pelajaran negara mesti di padukan, tetapi Tbhg Tun kita mesti mengubah cara pemikiran rakyat Malaysia.
6. Kita masih sempit dalam pendapat kita. Kita masih pentingkan bahawa bangsa klita yang terpilih dsb yang mengakibatkan ramai meluahkan perasaan mereka tak tentu arah.
7. Saya sedih Ybhg Tun kerana saya telah lama kagum dengan Tun berbanding LKY @S’pura, tapi dalam membaca komen2 di atas, saya terasa bahawa kaum bukan Melayu di asingkan.
8. Kami bukan pendatang kerana kami telah pilih untuk menetap dan berbudi kepada tanah ini. Kami juga fasih berbahasa dan bertanding di negara ini walaupun kami hidup dengan realiti penuh tentang sistem kuota dsb.
9. Ybhg Tun, saya masih tak hilang harapan dan saya berharap tuhan yang mahakuasa akan membimbing kita semua supaya kita berjaya bersama.
10. Saya yakin – MALAYSIA Boleh
Semoga Tun di cucuri rahmat tuan yang maha esa 🙂 We Love u Tun and only you can help Malaysia unite and rise!
Asslamualaikum Tun,
I may have probably missed you by a day at Langkawi, just before Hari Raya Haji.
I always try to make time to go for horse rides every time I’m in Langkawi. Also to say hi to En Hamzah whom has always been a gentleman to allow me to be part of the Langkawi Endurance team.
Really look forward to go riding at Perdana Stables again the next time I’m there; perhaps then I may get lucky and catch a glimpse of Tun riding as well..
Oh yes, will go try out the local mozarella cheese too..
Dear Tun
I was in Langkawi the first week of December with my daughter and we loved it. The marina does remind me of the continent and the horses are beautiful. My daughter who’s 4 got to ride one for the first time and she seems sure she wants one as a pet.
Langkawi is beautiful and peaceful and i hope despite the development and attractions it will stay that way. We’ve found a family getaway here in Malaysia and i would hate for it to be given a facelift that it does not deserve.
ps. I enjoyed your talk at the recent IIU conference. and i was glad i got to shake your hands afterwards. May Allah’s blessing be with you always.
Dey T,
Just because majority Malays said that leekuanyew is Simply NOTHING, you straight away labelled that Malay as being “poisoned” by UMNO?
You think Malays outside of UMNO is NOT clever enough to spot a low-life KIASU opportunist who are against us MALAYS??
& btw, You think all Chinese agree with that ultra-racist DAP??
#2. just because 1 (ONE) half-past 6 Malay wrote a by-the-way on leekuanyew to support his book, you immediately regard him as representing us Majority MALAYS??
Again, read this…:
“leekuanyew’s just a plain OPPORTUNIST where NO LEADERS during his time in Malaya liked his KIASU attitude.
Heck! Even the British has NO RESPECT for him!! 😛
IF they EVER did, they’d give him “Sir” just like Dato’ Sir Onn Ja’afar, Tun Sir Tan Cheng Lock, Tun Sir HS Lee, ETC. of the MALAYAN Leaders back then!!!”
#3. Tunku had to sacrifice/korbankan Singapura because under leekuanyew, as immediate as 1964, constant racial riots broke due to those KIASU ultra-chinese did not agree to have to be ruled UNDER THE MALAYS – Malay KING, Malay Sultans, MALAY PM.
Heck!! They’re just too Kiasuly BESAR KEPALA ingat/PERASAN that Pulau Singapura which located right smack WITHIN this MALAY Archipelago/Nusantara don’t belong to the MALAYS but the British!!?… Hahh..
Yep!.. So UNBELIEVABLY KIASU those Arrogant PAP!!
#4. Now, a quote from Anak KSB:
[QUOTE]. . . Lee Kuan Yew.
Alah….for so many hundred years…the wealth of the region has been milked by the colonial power and been concentrated in Singapore. Bila that bloody opportunist took over ….he was building a wealth on a wealth. Sukarno and Suharto was building wealth from scratch. Tunku…Tun Razak…Tun Hussein and you too were building wealth from scratch. I would rather say from ruin.
So…anybody who speak highly of Bloody LKY is actually overly disillusioned. In bahasa…”bodoh”…fooled by LKY.
SO…DO NOT COMPARE….NO COMPARISON….HE IS A FEW CLASS BELOW….BELOW. That is why kiasu….fear! fear triggered by insecurity! insecurity triggered by actual stupidity.
Yes. leekuanyew’s just like a Headmaster CONTROLLING a school.
Singapore’s foundation has been set up since the colonial days from 1880s!!
Everything has been laid out for him — from infrastructure to hubs (transportation – ports, airports; financial hubs – banking, trading). BIG DEAL!!…
So, think OBJECTIVELY if you’re at least True to Yourself.
Too kiasuly desperate! 😉
=> Enough”lah”.
hello sir,
I was in Langkawi for a 3 day vacation away from the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur. I stayed at a resort somewhere on Pantai Cenang. I had lunch (around 3pm) at the Loaf, Telaga Harbour on sunday and enjoyed the food there. I would agree with your thoughts that putting up a floating platform would jeapordize the in and out /turning of those 100plus foot yachts berthed there. Telaga Harbour is an impressive marina. It is even more stylish than those at Porto Malai and the one on rebak island. The last time I was in Langkawi (sometime in 2003) I witnessed its construction. Now, 5 yrs since I have now visited it and had lunch there!
Things have progressed since my last trip. Shopping has improved tremendously for people like me (who enjoy clothing and shoes) as I now can find stuff made in Italy again on Langkawi (although it may be items from a few seasons back). In 2003, while visiting LIMA then, you couldn’t find anything ‘designed’ much less ‘High Street’ fashion. I think Langkawi is slowly but surely moving along.
There is now a dual lane ‘highway’ from Kuah to the North. Yes, you are right about the trees being chopped down to make room for the road. But maybe that is a necessity, I drove through that road and it took about 15minutes less to reach kuah from cenang.
I will visit Langkawi more regularly after this last trip. Just thought I’d mention that in your blog, dear sir!
This is a very nice story. It is nostalgic even for oneself to read another’s reality show in such details.
Redhuan D. Oon
PendAtang Dengan Izin
Salam Tun,
Wishing you healthy and happy with family.
Just an idea:
Tentang mewujudkan satu jenis sekolah dan memansuhkan sekolah jenis kebangsaan di Malaysia,sebagaimana yang dianjurkan oleh anak Tun mukhriz.
Apa kata kita start subliminal attack yang bertubi2 di radio dan tv juga media massa, dalam jangka panjang supaya akan terjadi ‘tipping point’ dan perlahan2 menukar minda rakyat Malaysia menerima system satu sekolah.
Kita buat cara Yahudi control media di Amerika.
Satu lagi idea:
Jika Bank Negara ada agenda Melayu. Boleh kah Bank Negara print money at will, dan salurkan pada Bank Pembangunan atau SME Bank dan beri loan pada pemuda2 Melayu yang educated dan middle age (40 tahun keatas) untuk memulakan perniagaan berasaskan technology.
Saya berpendapat that oversupply of money tidak semesti nya membawa kepada inflasi jika tidak di announce to public (like what Pak Lah did by announcing to public tentang kenaikan gaji polis,and also menaikkan harga minyak dengan mendadak).
Splashing money kepada orang melayu yang ingin meng commercialkan technology tempatan tidak semestinya membawa kepada inflasi.
satu lagi idea:
Tentang kemelesetan ekonomi:
Boleh kah kita ‘spin’ money by creating peraduan dengan sms. or peraduan melawat perlis(for example), dengan hadiah lumayan supaya ‘activity’ boleh di wujudkan untuk mendapatkan multiplier effect.Tidak semestinya kita buat jualan murah di pasar raya untuk spin duit.
Transaction boleh dilakukan melalui sms. Dan melawat Perlis misalnya boleh meningkatkan perbelanjaan pada tol dan minyak dan lain2 perbelanjaan sampingan peserta2.Dan mungkin ‘multiplier’ boleh di spread kan evenly seluruh malaysia.
Jika kerajaan menawarkan hadiah mewah seperti kereta mercedes atau sebuah rumah,ini akan membuatkan rakyat dengan gelojohnya menyertai peraduan seperti ini dan boleh spin the ekonomi,terutamanya pada masa public holidays.
Itulah sahaja musings saya untuk kali ini…admire Mukhriz very much…he is cool!
Yang benar,
Azuwar Adib.
If you’re referring to my quote to linuxguy – please take note that my [UNQUOTE] mark was somehow not shown. So, NOT wrong blog!
The “border” is as shown below (please refer to full text above for location):
[QUOTE linuxguy]
My point is, our race relations in Malaysia is getting worst day by day. Now people are brave enough to use racist remarks openly and insult our religion but the government are doing nothing about it. This is one of the major things that Najib should look onto when he take over. And Tun you surely have some brilliant ideas to advise Najib. Please help this country before its getting worst.
[UNQUOTE linuxguy] —the “border” is here— & my reply/comment was:
Yes, the race relations in this country is in the pits & I totally blame it on the oppositions – particularly the ultra-chinese dap!!!
As, they DO NOT have any bullets to use against BN but by using that mere SHALLOW racist-related “issues”.
– such as the old necessity of having that clearly segregated RACIST schools that was built by the British.
Dear Tun,
7. The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in and even settle in our country. You can figure out the end results. I hope the Government realises this and maybe design a new immigration policy.
There is not a new problem, Can you expain what have you done to rectify this problem during your 22 years long in the office?
Sires.Sometime ago Jesus had called upon a Doc. He bore the first name of our First Man of our land, and the last name that ryhmes with Dawood restoran, to stay together for a little while. Then the stay got extended and it might have caused some to be aggravated. A kin perhaps, I not too sure. He plays the same toys as the others in his league who still persist in banishing me from the face of the earth. He emerges boldly from silence, just after the true arab found, his journey nearing the end. a Mini car his passion be. A camouflage these toys it seems with the nick of Sam he possess. If thee find a link to be, then prince of darkness will be found. That would make plenty sense for me, what other reasons can there be. A mother/aunt’s plea, to seek revenge with allies to the devil himself. Sir Gam Boot further in has the place of abode the son or kin we know as Sam. Hurry on these word I plea, God Speed.
/// By tunnusantara on December 14, 2008 2:09 AM
Dey T,
As a Malay, I can assure you that NO Malaysian Malay regard that leekuanyew as “great”; what more a “legend”(???), AT ALL!!! ///
tunnusantara, I suggest you read “The Unmaking of Malaysia, Insider’s Reminiscences of UMNO, Razak and Mahathir” by Ahmad Mustapha Hassan. I believe Ahmad M Hassan is a Malay and worked for Mahathir before. He is one who regard LKY as great. But then again, given your UMNO poisoned mentality, you would say AMH is not a Malay. Google for Ahmad Mustapha Hassan to find out more.
By OrangBaruLahir on December 15, 2008 7:36 PM
I was just telling them on how you broke the camel back in your decisive struggle to break the chinese monopoly in the Malaysian automobile market.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I dont know about you but I ve heard rumours that you were very critical when you are in office. Thats why Malaysia is now Malaysia, from where I am sitting, dawn is 8 hours late from where you are. It is no longer ‘that country sandwiched between thailand in the north, and singapore in the south. Great…..im medical by trade too so the things im about to say is a bit like how you think…..and its not what most people want to hear…..
I dont want to be rude but although your analysis are thought provoking, im afraid the subsequent comments are not. Not your fault, but i guess, Malaysians will always be Malaysians. Some are very good i must admit, but some of them- lets just say it reminds me of one of your ministers involved in car tradings etc. favour-hungry and childish….
The education ministry is in tatters, I dont know what type of scholars we are producing or if we even produce anything at all…. no matter how much we chant about protecting the bumis, they are always in a loss…. are these guys that stupid?
certainly looking at the comments above, the stuff they talk about are so petty…. Im not saying anything wrong with your site, but, this is your site…. how can this site be tarnished by childish comments like, ‘hope im the first’ i mean do they even realise that they are addressing The Man from a muslim country who never yield to the bullying powers of IMF and world bank? not because of blind stubborness but well informed foresight….your ideas and their comments just does not complement each other….
i dont know how to treat this pathology that just seem unique to yours and my kind…. People have gone to the moon and we are still arguing which foot to use first when entering the toilet!
As the tourists trickle into Pulau Langkawi, it still remains quite a loner island. May be because of the stiff competition from places nearby like Phuket island in Thailand or Pulau Penang. The tourist agencies should woo the Italian tourists since pizza is their traditional food. Turning to some of the comments made, some people imply that non-Malays do not think highly of you. Many non-Malays think that you are one of the one in a million Malay leaders who is very unique. Who else is going to take your place ? Someone who wants to go beyond the boundary set ?
Salam Tun
Akhirnya saya terpanggil juga untuk meluahkan apa yang saya rasa dan kagumi selama ini. Saya memang benar-benar mengagumi ide-ide bernas Tun yang amat saya hormati. Terasa kecil untuk sama-sama membincangkan keunikan konsep mediterranean Telaga Harbour Park kerana sebagai Perunding Utama lantikan LADA kepada projek tersebut, saya takut jatuh riak, tetapi sekarang saya berasa puas dan puas kerana dapat menterjemah ide-ide dan ilham yang Tun berikan. Kenangan saban Sabtu selama projek berjalan bersama Tun masih segar diingatan walaupun ianya dah 6 tahun berlalu. Kenangan itu tak mungkin saya lupakan untuk selamanya.
Salam hormat buat Tun dan Tun Dr. Hasma
Salam Ybhg Tun – actually Ybhg Tun you had left us with so many successes that we dont actually know where to begin to count our blessing – but it is part of your struggle to uplift the malays, that has no end.
I was outlining to a group of young Malays, one of your many untold secrets successes which had benefitted so many Malays, its just that the Malays never did come to realise the gift that you had provided to them.
I was just telling them on how you broke the camel back in your decisive struggle to break the chinese monopoly in the Malaysian automobile market.
I had related to the young chap at one time, when I was a bit younger, how Malays were treated when they entered one of the completely chinese owned franchised show room of Tan Chong Motors, Cycle and Carriage, UMW Toyota in the yet not too far distant past. We were seen like dirt that had to be swept out of the show room, as they, the chinese had full control of the value chain of the automobile industry before PROTON made its it debut in the market place. The chinese had control over all the auto franchises, be it for european, japanese, korean models and they also had full control over the service and repair for the various automobile parts.
Even if a malay had money, thay had to wait in line to the other chinese buyers and it was more likely that the chinese buyers would have first choice and pick for the cars that were coming. So even if a malay had money they may not necessarily be able to buy a car, because the chinese may not want to sell the car to the malay. Such was the situation before you really broke the chinese monopoly with the PROTON entry into the market place.
But the chinese were devious, when the PROTON were ready to be shipped out they had boycotted the presence of the car with reasons that they had exclusive franchies with their overseas principal and they cannot provide showroom space nor help to sell the PROTON.
PROTON had then to create its own franchise dealer, and when it came to selling the car the local banks could not provide loan for buying PROTON, you had then allowed for a bank to cater to the loan for buying PROTON cars and had given car loans to the civil servants. The chinese had never like the presence of PROTON and will always say that it is of inferior quality and would not be seen driving in one, and all the ads on TV had only MALAY faces as customers of PROTON, the chinese had eve boycotted reapiring PROTON cars.
Till this day, I had told the young Malay chaps, the chinese had always begrudge malays that bought PROTON, and even having to pay much higher prices, they will always resort to buying foreign made cars. I had told the yound chaps if Tun had not made the effort we MALAYS would never be able to buy cars and the chinese would remain in control of the whole value chain. Today a lot of malays owe a lot to the effort by you, to break the Malaysia auto market without actually taking away the chinese portion of the business.
I was just refering to ungrateful malays in PAS and KEADILAN which are now buying CAMRY in preference to PROTON just to show their indifference to you. Maybe one day they will make the MALAY regret their decision siding DAP
Sorry Ybhg Tun, not all young MALAY know about the situation before PROTON came into being, but you had actually broken the camel back for those chinese leeches sucking the blood of the Malays, which back then had full monopoly over the auto sales business.
I had reminded the young malay chaps for every decision made by the DAP there is a story behind which will never be told by them to the malays, and they must always remember that PROTON is for the malays and had help greatly to put down the opressive practices of the chinese leeches.
Thank you kindly from a simpleton malay – and please keep well
Salam Ybhg Tun – actually Ybhg Tun you had left us with so many successes that we dont actually know where to count our blessing – but it is a struggle that has no end for the Malays.
I was outlining to a group of young Malays, one of your many untold secrets successes which has benefitted so many Malays, its just that the Malays never come to realise the gift that you had provided to them.
I was just telling them on how you broke the camel back in your decisive struggle to break the chinese monopoly in the Malaysian automobile market. I had related to the young chap at one time when I was a bit younger, how Malays were treated when they entered one of the completely chinese owned franchised show room of Tan Chong Motors, Cycle and Carriage, UMW Toyota in the yet not too far distant past. We were seen like dirt that had to be swept out of the show room, as they, the chinese had full control of the value chain of the automobile industry before PROTON made its it debut in the market place. The chinese had control over all the auto franchises, be it for european, japanese, korean models and they also had full control over the service and repair for the various automobile parts.
Even if a malay had money, thay had to wait in line to the other chinese buyers and it was more likely that the chinese buyers would have first choice and pick for the cars that were coming. So even if a malay had money they may not necessarily be able to buy a car, because the chinese may not want to sell the car to the malay. Such was the situation before you really broke the chinese monopoly with the PROTON entry into the market place.
But the chinese were devious, when the PROTON were ready to be shipped out they had boycotted the presence of the car with reasons that they had exclusive franchies with their overseas principal and they cannot provide showroom space nor help to sell the PROTON. PROTON had then to create its own franchise dealer, and when it come to selling the car the local banks could not provide loan for buying PROTON, you had then allowed for a bank to cater to the loan for buying PROTON cars. The chinese had never like the presence of PROTON and will always say that it is of inferior quality and would not be seen driving in one, and all the ads on TV had only MALAY faces as customers of PROTON, the chinese had eve boycotted reapiring PROTON cars.
Till this day, I had told the young Malay chaps, the chinese had always begrudge malays that bought PROTON, and even having to pay much higher prices they will always resort to buying foreign made cars. I had told the yound chaps if Tun had not made the effort we MALAYS will never be able to buy cars and the chinese would remain in control of the whole value chain. Today a lot of malays owe a lot to the effort by you to break the Malaysia auto market without actually taking away the chinese portion of the business.
I was just refering to ungrateful malays in PAS and KEADILAN which are now buying CAMRY in preference to PROTON just to show their revenge to you. Maybe one day they will make the MALAY regret their decision siding DAP
Sorry Ybhg Tun, not all young MALAY know about the situation before PROTON came into being, but you had actually broke the camel back for those chinese leeches sucking blood of the Malays.
Thank you kindly – and please keep well
saya rasa bahasa malaysia sama penting dgn bahasa english…
utk terjemahan aper2 bahasa pun takleh lah sebijik dgn maksud bahasa tersebut kot….pendapat saya lah sbb saya sekolah satu tingkat beratap rumbia…heheheheheeee…..
bapak2..bapak sok2 ceq taklehlah tinggai komen kat bapak sbb takder pc…huhuhuhuuuuu….dah kena buang nih kena tau diri lah…..tapi ingat nak beli gak lah sebagai cenderamata kena buang kejer….haaa..
jgn ingat ceq maleh na bapak na….ceq rajin wooooooo….tapi dah kena bisik taknak lah merayu rayu…..aper baranggggggg…..
Dear Sir, Tun,
I am not Malaysian “Muslim”, married to Malaysian lady, have 2 “a must register as Malaysian” kids.
I been living in Malaysia since 1994 when that time your good self is the PM of Malaysia. I can speak and write in bahasa, I have PhD degree. I wonder why my application was approved during your time as PM?
Alhamdulellah now me and my family are Australian PR. I just wonder when Malaysian Gov. will approve my application. When I am about to die?
I really hope Malaysia will stay and develop as you wanted it to be.
Salam Tun!
Pendapat saya:
1. Unskilled Foreign Labour
Let them in. Tapi find a way to tax them. Stop the illegal. Let the local concentrate on the better job. Train them. Mat Rempit….jail them. Sent them to detention camp for training.
2. The Great Lee Kuan Yew.
Alah….for so many hundred years…the wealth of the region has been milked by the colonial power and been concentrated in Singapore. Bila that bloody opportunist took over ….he was building a wealth on a wealth. Sukarno and Suharto was building wealth from scratch. Tunku…Tun Razak…Tun Hussein and you too were building wealth from scratch. I would rather say from ruin.
So…anybody who speak highly of Bloody LKY is actually overly disillusioned. In bahasa…”bodoh”…fooled by LKY.
SO…DO NOT COMPARE….NO COMPARISON….HE IS A FEW CLASS BELOW….BELOW. That is why kiasu….fear! fear triggered by insecurity! insecurity triggered by actual stupidity.
Wassalam Tun
Asalamualaikum bapak…
adusssssss…saya salah sorang yg kena buang kejer….
adusss3….carik kejer aper yerk…
Hola Che Det…
Ahhh… Yummy Cheese !!! I love cheese… but my favourite would be Cheddar Cheese !!! Is there any deliciously made Cheddar Cheese in world that could be manufactures in Langkawi ?
Che Det… another thing, Langkawi kekurangan sign-board Petunjuk arah jalan, plus is it dirty around. Also… banyak barangan tiruan (ripped-off goods). Perhaps we do need badan pemantau seperti di singapore, untuk membasmi barangan tiruan.
Luqmanul Hakim bin Abd Rahim bin Abdul Wahab
URL : http://LuQiee.Livejournal.com
Salam Tun:
Minta ampun dan maaf kerana ingin mencelah jauh dari topik.
Ini adalah pandangan orang yang tak berapa cerdik, tapi kerana ingin melihat bangsa ku maju kehadapan.
Kita lihat sistem dalam kerajaan banyak kepincangan. Semua ahli2 politik dan ahli korporat2 dan keparat2 sibuk dengan memperkayakan dengan rakusnya, pewot kembung mereka sendiri, dengan kereta mahal dan besar, rumah yang mewah dan besar, isteri2 yang besau2, tanpa mengira haram atau dilaknat, tanpa segan dan silu, menghalalkan apa yang haram, asalkan mereka hidup dalam dunia kemewahan.
Sedangkan bangsa sendiri hidup dalam terombang ambing. Sistem kerajaann yang ada masakini sudah lapuk dan tak mengikut peredaraan zaman. Terlalu banyak kepincangan kalau hendak di detailkan satu persatu dan bole buat sebuah buku.
Cuba Tun lihat dari sudut kebersihan:-
Berapa banyak sungei2 dalam negera kita yang banyak telah tercemar dan hanya segelintir saja yang masih bersih dan selamat. Kenapa ini boleh terjadi dan apakah tindakan yang telah dilakukan oleh kerajaan? Saya lihat menteri datang dan pergi, sileh berganti tapi habuk pun tak de. Undang2 dan Jabatan Alam Sekitaran lemah tak bermaya dan berkuasa, dan perosak2 dan pencemar alam bermaharajalela melakukan apa saja, membuat pencemaran di rata2, sedangkan sumber air tercemar dan rakyat yang akan hidup dalam merana. Saya lihat sistem perundangan dan sistem kerajaan sudah lapuk dan perlu total revamp untuk melihat effektifnya pengurusan dan perundangan negara.
Cuba Tun lihat dari sudut PBT dan City Council :-
Banyak masalah di daerah perumahan, dari segi maintenance, kebersihan dan penyegelaran road systems, air, kebersihan, tempat awam, etc. Banyak kepincangan dan kerosakan yang berlaku, tapi PBT2 dan city council tak melakukan apa2. Satu contoh ialah air paip rumah dan tong sampah di sekitar perumahan, sungguh memalukan. Kita sudah dalam abad millenium, tapi air paip dirumah dan sampah sarap di sekitaran masih di takuk alam 60an. Satu contoh lagi, sistem transport, dari Desa Pandan ke KLCC menaiki teksi waktu jalan tak sibuk, mengambil masa 5 – 10 minits, tapi kepada orang yang mengambil bas dan LRT, kalau waktu tak sibuk 1jam, kalau waktu sibuk 2-3jam. Tanyalah orang di Desa Pandan. Bayangkanlah tinggal di city centre, tapi dengan menaiki bas dan LRT memakan 2 -3 jam tiap2 hari. Sungguh memalukan dan sungguh outdated dan masih dalam alam 60an. Ini menyebabkan banyak orang ramai yang tak puas hati dengan PBT2 dan city council dan menyalahkan kerajaan yang memerintah iaitu BN. Sistem kerajaan yang ada, kadang2 saya melihat PBT2 dan city council are more powerful dan the Ministry, ini menyebabkan kelemahan dalam sistem kerajaan.
Apa yang saya tak faham, apabila sesebuah negari di ambil alih oleh Parti pembankang, mereka sesuka hati bole menukar apa saja sistem dalam negeri, yang banyak merugikan rakyat.
Banyak lagi yang saya hendak menengahkan, dari sudut education, undang2, pertahanan, kepolisian, trade and industry, foreign affairs, etc. Its about time the goverment revamp some or the whole systems of governance. Kita sudah merdeka sudah lama, sekarang sudah masuk 2009!!!! Apakah masih mau hidup dan pakai sistem yang sudah lapuk, atau masih mau tinggal di era 60an!!!!
Kita mau seorang Ketua, leaders, PM yang berani,pintar, jujur, ikhlas, berwibawa, bertanggungjawab. Bukan yang pengecut, bachul, rakus, bahalul, berhati busuk, dan kejar popularity. Kita tak mau seorang PM yang bodoh, hanya tau bagi gula2 kepada rakyat untuk menjaga image dan popularity diri, tak berpendirian, lemah dan tidak tegas dan yang paling buruk lagi, tak ada idea yang bernas untuk menyelesai sesebuah masaalah.
Jangan lah jadi seperti Pak Lahap!!! Mr Flip Flop!!! Mr. Gula2!!! Bahalul!!!! Perakus!!!!
Salam Tun:
Minta ampun dan maaf kerana ingin mencelah jauh dari topik.
Ini adalah pandangan orang yang tak berapa cerdik, tapi kerana ingin melihat bangsa ku maju kehadapan.
Kita lihat sistem dalam kerajaan banyak kepincangan. Semua ahli2 politik dan ahli korporat2 dan kerparat2 sibuk dengan memperkayakan dengan rakusnya, pewot kembung mereka sendiri, dengan kereta mahal dan besar, rumah yang mewah dan besar, isteri2 yang besau2, tanpa mengira haram atau dilaknat, tanpa segan dan silu, menghalalkan apa yang haram, asalkan mereka hidup dalam dunia kemewahan.
Sedangkan bangsa sendiri hidup dalam terombang ambing. Sistem kerajaann yang ada masakini sudah lapuk dan tak mengikut peredaraan zaman. Terlalu banyak kepincangan kalau hendak di detailkan satu persatu dan bole buat sebuah buku.
Cuba Tun lihat dari sudut kebersihan:-
Berapa banyak sungei2 dalam negera kita yang banyak telah tercemar dan hanya segelintir saja yang masih bersih dan selamat. Kenapa ini boleh terjadi dan apakah tindakan yang telah dilakukan oleh kerajaan? Saya lihat menteri datang dan pergi, sileh berganti tapi habuk pun tak de. Undang2 dan Jabatan Alam Sekitaran lemah tak bermaya dan berkuasa, dan perosak2 dan pencemar alam bermaharajalela melakukan apa saja, membuat pencemaran di rata2, sedangkan sumber air tercemar dan rakyat yang akan hidup dalam merana. Saya lihat sistem perundangan dan sistem kerajaan sudah lapuk dan perlu total revamp untuk melihat effektifnya pengurusan dan perundangan negara.
Cuba Tun lihat dari sudut PBT dan City Council :-
Banyak masalah di daerah perumahan, dari segi maintenance, kebersihan dan penyegelaran road systems, air, kebersihan, tempat awam, etc. Banyak kepincangan dan kerosakan yang berlaku, tapi PBT2 dan city council tak melakukan apa2. Satu contoh ialah air paip rumah dan tong sampah di sekitar perumahan, sungguh memalukan. Kita sudah dalam abad millenium, tapi air paip dirumah dan sampah sarap di sekitaran masih di takuk alam 60an. Satu contoh lagi, sistem transport, dari Desa Pandan ke KLCC menaiki teksi waktu jalan tak sibuk, mengambil masa 5 – 10 minits, tapi kepada orang yang mengambil bas dan LRT, kalau waktu tak sibuk 1jam, kalau waktu sibuk 2-3jam. Tanyalah orang di Desa Pandan. Bayangkanlah tinggal di city centre, tapi dengan menaiki bas dan LRT memakan 2 -3 jam tiap2 hari. Sungguh memalukan dan sungguh outdated dan masih dalam alam 60an. Ini menyebabkan banyak orang ramai yang tak puas hati dengan PBT2 dan city council dan menyalahkan kerajaan yang memerintah iaitu BN. Sistem kerajaan yang ada, kadang2 saya melihat PBT2 dan city council are more powerful dan the Ministry, ini menyebabkan kelemahan dalam sistem kerajaan.
Apa yang saya tak faham, apabila sesebuah negari di ambil alih oleh Parti pembankang, mereka sesuka hati bole menukar apa saja sistem dalam negeri, yang banyak merugikan rakyat.
Banyak lagi yang saya hendak menengahkan, dari sudut education, undang2, pertahanan, kepolisian, trade and industry, foreign affairs, etc. Its about time the goverment revamp some or the whole systems of governance. Kita sudah merdeka sudah lama, sekarang sudah masuk 2009!!!! Apakah masih mau hidup dan pakai sistem yang sudah lapuk, atau masih mau tinggal di era 60an!!!!
Kita mau seorang Ketua, leaders, PM yang berani,pintar, jujur, ikhlas, berwibawa, bertanggungjawab. Bukan yang pengecut, bachul, rakus, bahalul, berhati busuk, dan kejar popularity. Kita tak mau seorang PM yang bodoh, hanya tau bagi gula2 kepada rakyat untuk menjaga image dan popularity diri, tak berpendirian, lemah dan tidak tegas dan yang paling buruk lagi, tak ada idea yang bernas untuk menyelesai sesebuah masaalah.
Jangan lah jadi seperti Pak Lahap!!! Mr Flip Flop!!! Mr. Gula2!!! Bahalul!!!! Perakus!!!!
Assalammualaikum to all especially to Tun..
1. I remember last time you have suggested having a bridge connecting Langkawi to the Mainland. In fact you also suggested having all the Highland to be connected (From Genting-Fraser Hill
Good day Tun,
No doubt about it that you not only have developed the country but also Langkawi overall. From a dead town to a tourist attraction to many locals and foreigners.
Being said so, I hope to see ferries that can carry cars from Kuala Kedah or Kuala Perlis to Langkawi Island, same like the one in Penang.
I being told by LADA that they only have Pontoon/Barge that carry the cars separately leaving owners behind. This Pontoon/Barge, size of a football field is an open concept and expose to sea water, which obviously not many would agree to leave their posh car behind. And chances of car getting damage are very high since they are mixed with other containers.
I also being told that there were plan/project to build bridge from mainland to Langkawi, which I think not necessary at all and its going to cost more than just having ferries.
I believed with your influences, you be able to do something about this for all driving enthusiast who love travelling on the road.
Best regards.
Had no chance yet to visit Langkawi. Read about it though and sometime saw it on TV..but somehow,.like everything else, when you’re telling it, it makes a great difference..seems exciting and suddenly feeling left out.Insyaallah, someday soon I will bring my family there.
Pada khutbah Jumaat lepas, Pak Imam sebut pasal kesihatan dan riadah dan menyuruh kita ajar anak berenang, memanah dan menunggang kuda..
Saya gembira bila rasa yang Tun ada juga luangkan masa untuk menikmati kehidupan.
Assalamualaikum, semuga Tun berdua diberkati dengan tahap kesihatan yang sentiasa baik dan gembira disamping keluarga.
Dear Tun Dr. M,
Please excuse me to set a matter straight with azmany
Dear azmany (The following is an extraction of your entry on the 10th 9.44p.m.
“All kind of people have come and live here so much so that our Bahasa Melayu is really a collection of multi-language – from Arab, Chinese to Dutch and English.”
I think you are historically ill informed or you purposely try to black the contribution of Indian languages to Bahasa Melayu. I am talking about Sanskrit and Tamil. Please do not forget that one of the pillars of Bahasa Melayu was Abdullah Munshi who partly Indian. The two languages mentioned above were used widely in Prosa Lama and Bahasa Istana. Only now, English words have been included gradually to make the Bahasa Melayu applicable for higher education and to enhance the legal practice.
So, I hope you would not hide facts in the future.
Assalamualaikum TUN,
Masalahnya skrgnya nie, bila ada saja proposal yg nak dihantar, banyak sangat halangan birokrasinya… Kalau dulu, KALAU boleh terus mengadap TUN, insyallah akan dipertimbangkan. Tapi kini ianya dah tak sama kot……
Dear Tun,
This is not about cheese and I hope you would allow me the space.
Education policy has now become a hot topic. You were an Education Minister for a while and when you became a PM you introduced the teaching of Mathematics and Science in the language of the english.
Now there are quarters objecting to the teaching of the two subjects in the english language. Can we have some thoughts from you on this? I am sure we would have a very lively debate on this.
Good day.
Assalamualaikum Tun.. Saya baru sahaja sign in untuk blog Tun selepas selalu membacanya..
1. Beberapa tahun yang lepas suami saya pernah bertemu Tun dan isteri di dalam gerabak komuter tanpa ditemani oleh mana-mana pegawai atau vvip. Beberapa tahun sebelum itu juga,ketika masih dalam era pemerintahan, saya pernah melihat Tun ( didalam surat khabar )membeli belah di bazaar ramadan sama seperti situasi di atas. Apa yang ingin saya nyatakan di sini ialah Tun sebenarnya memang seorang pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat dan cuba memahami jiwa rakyat semaksimum yang mungkin.
2. Banyak yang ingin saya luahkan di sini, tetapi saya tidak berdaya kerana saya hanya dari kumpulan sokongan yang makan gaji dengan kerajaan..dan kadang-kadang saya menjual kuih untuk menambah pendapatan. Tapi saya sangat bersyukur dengan rezeki yang di berikan oleh Tuhan..( Walaupun masih bercita-cita besar – utk dilaksanakan suatu hari nanti )
3. Dari cerita-cerita Tun di atas dan sebelum-sebelum ini saya masih dapat merasakan kehebatan aura, kewibawaan dan personaliti Tun dan isteri.
4. Walaupun saya tidak dapat menjadi seperti Tun, tapi saya amat berharap agar generasi-generasi baru politik dan ekonomi mempunyai ketokohan seperti Tun dan isteri…Paling saya berharap agar anak-anak dan cucu-cucu Tun ada yang mengikut ketokohan Tun ini…
Sekian, Wassalam
Anak Nambo Memet
what are you babbling about? wrong blog?
Salam Tun,
To: alibabamhathir:
I think you got it all wrong on the one school system. If we want a Bangsa Malaysia to become a reality, it is important that everybody get assimilited and go to one school where they mingle with other races everyday so they are comfortable and have less fear of their differences, use one common language – the national language, and yet still have the option to study their mother tongue in extra classes. What is wrong with that?
The current system with various schools based on ethnicity creates polarisation among students of various races. We can read this in the papers confessions of many National Service participants coming from various races that they only mingle with their own race in school and outside. I came from a mixed school where the chinese and Indians were my close friends we would kick balls and anything that moved in the morning before class, during recess and after school day in and day out. We would joke around and calling names without feeling insulted. That is the kind of closeness that can come out from having a single school.
But nowadays, kids are separated by parents into particular schools because prestige,my schools results are better than yours so dont look at them, dont kawan them, they are losers, that kind of attitude you know? So the same birds will flock together and they are weiry of other birds. So they live in a jungle on different trees but never mingle – so to speak. International schools are even worse – the rich kids only mingle with the rich and blue eyes.
The problem with Malaysia is everybody speaks of being one race-Bangsa Malaysia, but nobody is willing to let go to achieve this, the Chinese want Chinese schools, the Indian want Tamil schools, the rich want international schools, the Malays go to sekolah kebangsaan?
Some of us want to follow the US because they say it is the land of freedom and equal opportunity, but i lived there for almost 7 years, there were no white schools, black schools, Hispanic schools, Irish schools, Jewish Schools etc. They all go to one school! – Primary shool, high school, college and university! The only difference are when some schools are based on religion like Catholic school.
So why the alacrity?
To musato:
Sorry bro, as long as the sports associations in this country are in the hands of politicians who only know how to talk but never played the game, the people who use the positions for popularity and personal interests, i am afraid the performance of most sports in this country will sink deep into the Marianas Trench!
These people want quick success while they are in the office so they can boast about it, they want overnight solution, so one failure like in the Suzuki Cup, instantly they want to change the coach. Numerous world quality coaches had been brought into this country but all of them failed! Why? Because nobody wants to take time to build the foundation and go into the science of sports that produces world class atheletes. Save for the Squash, Bowling and Badminton and lately Cycling, the rest are in need of resuscitation.
I think the biggest obstacle to our atheletes doing well at the world stage is their mental strength. They need to get rid of the feeling of inferiority when facing the opponents. We must remember, after obtaining world class coach and trainer, world class facility, world class incentives( Datoship, pension, cash for medals, land etc), MP and Menter Besar for their sports president, only the atheletes can produce the results, no one else! If despite all these they still fail, then stop waisting my tax money to sponsor them! I need the money more than they do! Funny, the atheletes from Kenya and some third world country can produce results when ours constantly failed, what else can i say?
Tun, lucky in equestrian, Malaysia managed to win some medals. Do you think we should go for quality instead of quantity? I think we should focus on the sports that we are strong and send a smaller contingent so we dont waste the tax payer money. Enough is enough.
Salam Tun.
Assalamaualaikum Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha untuk Tun suami/isteri. Saya ingin menarik perhatian Tun tentang lawatan BUSH ke Iraq. Ini lawatan terakhir BUSH setelah penggal presidensinya bakal berakhir Jan’09 nanti. Puas hati saya melihat seorang wartawan AlArabia yg beroperasi di Baghdad melontar kasut ke arah muka BUSH. Satu tindakan yg sama diambil setelah patung SADDAM dijatuhkan dimana rakyat Iraq yg marah pada SADDAM mengetuk-negtuk patung SADDAM dengan kasut mereka beramai-ramai. Ini satu budaya orang Iraq bagi menunjukkan kebencian yang melampau terhadap musuh mereka. Tapi di Malaysia budaya rakyat Malaysia tidaklah sebiadap itu -ramai yg masih menyanjung kepimpinan TUN selama 22 tahun dalam memimpin Malaysia. Persoalan sekarang adakah dengan melontar kasut sudah memuaskan hati ratusan ribuan rakyat Iraq yag terkorban. Di fahamkan hampir 300,000 rakyat Iraq terkorban sewaktu penjajahan 2003 dan tentera AS yg terbunuh ialah lebih 4,800 orang. BUSH boleh didakwa sebagai penjenayah perang sepertimana Radovan Karadzic atau Slobodan Milosevic. Kesihanilah berapa ramai anak-anak kecil Iraq yg kematian ibu bapa mereka-jadi yatim piatu. Saya pernah lihat pameran di PWTC tentang perang Iraq- bagaimana penderaan dan penyiksaan tahanan Iraq dipenjara anjuran World Peace anjuran YKP. TUN dalam ucapan menyeru agar setiap pemimpin yg terlibat dlm Perang Iraq perlu dihukum di mahkamah Antarabangsa. Saya ingin melihat TUN mengadakan persidangan World Peace Conferens untuk mendakwa BUSH sebagai PENJENAYAH perang. Buktinya BUSH sendiri mengakui beliau mendapat maklumat yg salah dari perisikan CIA- dan sesal atas serangan ke atas IRAQ. Sudah tentu kematian SADDAM adalah satu kes PENGINAYAAN. Tidak terdapat senjata pemusnah besar-besaran WMD yg didakwa oleh agen CIA – Satu kelalaian dari segi penyiasatan dan menipu rakyat AMERIKA serta DUNIA keseluruhannya.
TUN isu BUSH menyerang IRAQ tidak harus di diamkan atau disunyikan begitu saja. IRAQ diserang oleh puak BARBAR yg dipimpin oleh Genghiz Khan dan Kublai Khan tetapi akhirnya mereka dimusnahkan oleh tentera Mesir selepas itu. Cuma sekarang kita ingin lihat bala tentera AS yg memusnahkan Iraq ini akan menerima kekalahan mereka ditangan tentera Islam. Pastinya SEJARAH akan BERULANG!. TUN boleh menjadi jurucakap dunia ISLAM untuk membangkitkan isu BUSH, BLAIR , DICK CHENEY dan lain-lain neo-conservatif berhaluan Zionist untuk dihukum di mahkamah antarabangsa sebagai PENJENAYAH PERANG.
Sekian, terima kasih untuk pandangan TUN-WIRA DUNIA ISLAM.
assallammualaikum TUN DR.M yang di kasihi
dewasa ni kita ada dua kelompok politik yaitu BA dengan BN jadi kenapa tk di jadikan tiga ia itu BB sebagai tambahan, di sini elok TUN ambil peranan dan cuba di TERANGGANU, kemunkinan besar keguyahan kepada BN dan BA, selamat mencuba insyaallah berkesan.
Salam Tun,
Hilang tension sekali sekala tak cakap heavy politik.
Sebut pasal Mozarella dan projek tun, teringat cerita kawan saya pasal satu restoran di Jepun, kalau tak silap katanya di Akihabara. Restoran tu pakai nama Dr Mahathir dan berimejkan Malaysia.
Orang kata ia milik Tun, tapi menunya ada daging babi.
Kawan saya tanya,
Ada betulka itu Tun punya?
Tun punya kalu, apa pasai itu daging sama arak ada jual juga?
Assalammualaikum Y.Bhg Tun and Family,
LANGKAWI….. also known as “Pulau Lagenda”. Always have a special place in my heart, because it is my honeymoon destination. Today is my 1st Wedding Anniversary, and after reading your post, really put a smile on my face.
During my honeymoon, I have bought a bowl from Langkawi Crystal and I can still remember what the cashier told me “Tun Mahathir lah yang telah menyokong kami membuat perusahaan ni. Dia hantar boss saya pergi ker Venice, Italy untuk belajar buat krystal ni. Sampai org dari luar pun cakap, Langkawi Crystal hasil seninya setaraf dengan Venice”. Hearing that makes me and my wife feel proud to be a Malaysian and respect of what you have done to the people in Langkawi.
Tun, I have some idea that may propel our nation to another greater heights. Since energy, environment and economy is always a challenge to the develop nation. Why dont during this economic condition, we take the opportunity converting the Island of Langkawi becoming the 1st Island in the World using 100% renewable energy like hydrogen, bio-fuel, solar power homes. I proposed Langkawi, due to it is an Island. So it is easy be isolate and control the it environment. I Norway they already have hydrogen highway. The US they have Califonia as a test ground, why dont we be the first develop nation marching towards this strategy. When we have Langkawi as a baseline or guideline, we can implement it to the states slowly but surely.
I would like to share my vision with Tun in-depth. If you give me a chance to meet you and discuss the way forward of the Vision. Here is my email address [email protected].
Salam Tun,
Not only Food industry should be encouraged in Malaysia, agrigulture should also be enccouraged too! If we look at countries like America, Australia and the New Zealand they never cease producing their dairy products, wheat, barley, fruits and etc. Whilst at the sametime, the pursuit of other knowledge like engineering technology, IT, business, economy and other faculty that help to contribute to their well-being have never been neglected.
The current increase in price of our staple food has got something to do with our long neglect in the aforesaid industries. We failed to produce enough food to be consumed locally, for a reasonable good amount of it has been exported to other countries for a better financial reward. And this carrot at the end of the stick will certainly lure these farmers to go for the bite; it’s natural.
I suggest the government make an all out effort to correct this imbalance so as to avoid this problem from being a perpetual one.
Failing which, in years to come we’ll see Malaysians being faced with a scarcely available food situation.
The American Senate has more than once said that there are not in favour to the USD14 billions bailout to their auto industry. One of the reasons to disagree with the bailout is because the Japanese are capable, reliable, and cost-effective car producer. So they see no reasons why the american auto industry deserves such bailout!
So, the choice of going forward without having to face other’s shameful failure must be avoided.
salam TUN and FAMILY,
Memang menarik Tun punya ideal, InsyaAllah bila sampai ke Langkawi saya n keluarga akan pekena kat restoran Tun. semoga seluruh rakyat Malaysia bila kesana je akan singgah di restoran Tun.
dear tun,
Mumbai attacks: How Indian-born Islamic militants are trained in Pakistan
An underground network of Islamic extremists has recruited a new generation of Indian-born terrorists by exploiting sectarian tensions in the fault-line city of Hyderabad
Indian authorities have denied that there is a homegrown terrorist threat to the country, instead blaming Pakistan for allowing Islamist attacks including the atrocities in Mumbai to be launched across its borders.
But The Sunday Telegraph has learned that scores of young Muslim men have disappeared from the central Indian city of Hyderabad, suspected of leaving for Pakistan to be trained by the country’s Islamist terror groups.
As many as 40 potential recruits are reported to have left the city – which has a large Muslim minority – under extremist guidance, while many other young men cannot be traced.
Police efforts to track the youths have floundered in the wake of the Mumbai attacks last month. A wall of community silence has protected the activities of teachers and other shadowy figures working inside fundamentalist Islamic schools and mosques.
“We have tried to establish where the city’s youth has gone but we don’t know,” said Hyderabad’s police commissioner, Prasada Rao. “We know they have gone to other places, either Indian states or abroad. We are checking but the parents or the others will not let us into what’s going on.”
Two Islamic movements based in Hyderabad, Darsgah Jihad-o-Shahadath (DJS) and Tahreek Tahfooz Shaer-e-Islam (TTSI), have been accused by local police of allegedly acting as “feeder” groups for militants seeking to recruit armed fighters. They have denied the allegations.
Members of a third local group, the Students Islamic Movement of India – which has been banned by the government – carried out a gun attack on police just days after the Mumbai attacks.
Police in Mumbai blamed 10 Pakistanis and their leaders back home for the carnage that killed 171 people last month. But Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the banned Pakistan-based group India accuses of planning the attack, has deep ties to Hyderabad. When an initial claim of responsibility for the Mumbai attacks was made in the name of “Deccan Mujahideen” – a previously unknown group – the perpetrators revived a historic Islamic claim on the Deccan Plateau, the territory which stretches between Mumbai and Hyderabad.
Extensive surveillance operations and intelligence investigations have failed to penetrate the inner workings of Hyderabad’s radicals, officials admitted. “These kind of elements that are linked to violence even allow us to observe their gatherings,” said Commissioner Rao. “But they know we are there and so do nothing to trigger suspicion.”
Officials at the DJS madrassahs – religious schools – in Hyderabad were not willing to discuss the disappearance of the city’s young men.
While there is no suggestion that the organisation orchestrates terrorist acts, the DJS carries a message on its website that is explicit about the right of Muslims to resort to violence.
“The DJS has trained and are training thousands of Muslim youths to defend themselves and to help, protect and defend the other Muslims,” it states, before adding that once trained in “self defence” members can leave to join any other Muslim group.
It continues that “the long term goal of the DJS remains to achieve the supremacy and prevalence of Islam in practice in its entirety”.
Hyderabad, like war-torn Kashmir, has been disputed since Indian partition when its princely rulers chose India over the Muslim homeland. Even though the city was the venue for a recent gathering of conservative Muslim clerics, who issued a fatwa against terrorism following the Mumbai attacks, riots and terrorist activity have risen steadily in the city since the emergence of radical Islam across south Asia.
The atmosphere in Hyderabad’s alleys and markets leading from its Raj-era square is marked by mutual loathing and suspicion between Muslim and Hindu sects.
“The young people are totally insecure,” said Omar Farook Sidique, a madrassah owner. “Everything for them is highly impossible here – the situation is all manipulated for political reasons. Every killing and every beating is given labels to put down legitimate activities.”
But Ram Mohan Reddy, a prominent Hindu lawyer, claimed: “Hyderabad is the epicentre of all this terrorism in the world.
“Every house is a cell and everyday those people in Pakistan are on the phone and internet with people here drawing strength from Hyderabad. Terrorism has become such a big problem because of government laxity.”
Violence has marred Hyderabad’s recent drive to develop a high-tech reputation by adopting a second name: Cyberabad.
Deprivation in the predominantly Muslim old city is palpable. A lake of raw sewage, populated with pleasure boats, sits not far from the construction site of an elevated highway.
“The circumstances for Muslims have changed for the worse in the 60 years of India’s independence,” said Judge E. Ismail of the provincial Human Rights Commission. “Muslims have fallen down in education, health and are not properly represented in the police or the administration. They feel they are not part of the mainstream.
“It’s not as if terrorism started for these reasons but some people misguide the youth that because of this they are entitled to heaven.”
Hindu activists maintain a vigilant outcry against supposed government concessions that they condemn as nurturing extremism.
The predicament of India’s Muslim minority plays only a small role in the indoctrination of the youth, according to Commissioner Rao. “This new generation has much broader grievances,” he said. “They are motivated by extreme views on the American presence in Iraq, Middle East frictions and Muslim torment worldwide.”
one thing i can say that if these two countries go to war both will be on the loosing side as we can see that punjab india,punjab pakistan,kashmir both sides,hyderabad will be gone in the dual between these two.however i still think that the attack was internal.india’s own people.own citizen.nowadays many things are screwed up in india.many many things.people started to rebel.i think only in kerala there are a few happy because of the gulf money is circulating and those people there are having a good time.i heard the ladies there are wearing gold bangles up to the elbows right from their wrist.which means they are well to do and ok.other places,india is having a lot of internal problem.the attack done was ltte style.something india is hiding from the world.idont know but i think thats there is something that india is hiding.possibly if they announce that the killing is by the local muslims towards the hindu,this will possibly create a big chaos.there will be racial tension.i mean a real serious one.if at this time the blame is not put on pakistan there is going to be some out burst.possibly that could be the reason behind it.something is wrong somewhere.
Saya suka baca komen jamilmalik pasal “end of the world”, rasanya itu yang paling dekat kehancuran dunia diramal berlaku di tahun 2012. Siapa2 yg mengikuti space.com dah tau yang bumi ni berumur 5 bilion tahun dan saintis meramalkan bumi ada lagi 5 bilion tahun sebelum musnah bersama seluruh sistem solar kita. Namun sebelum sampai ke 5 bilion tahun lagi, ada berbagai ancaman dan malapetaka yang akan melanda planet bumi.
Komen saya “end of the world” bukan hanya bererti bila bumi hancur lebur jadi debu2 angkasa, malah akan berlaku walau bumi masih “hidup” dan masih utuh bertahan di paksinya menerima apa jua malapetaka dari angkasa, tetapi “end of the world” akan berlaku bila umat manusia “terpupus” dari permukaannya akibat malapetaka itu, maksud saya bila sudah tidak ada lagi benda2 bernyawa yang boleh hidup di permukaan bumi terutama manusia, akibat dari malapetaka itu yang mengubah bumi menjadi planet yang tidak lagi boleh didiami, sepertimana bumi ini mula terjadi 5 bilion tahun yang lalu. Bumi telah berevolusi dari planet yang ganas kepada planet yang boleh menampung kehidupan dan akan berakhir juga akhirnya mengikut hukum alam, cuma menunggu masa saja.
Bila manusia sudah pupus dari bumi tapi bumi masih ujud, itu pun “end of the world”, belum lagi kita nak bayangkan kehancuran bumi, kehancuran matahari kita, kehancuran sistem solar kita, kehancuran galaksi Bima Sakti (Milky Way) kita. Bayangkan bila manusia sudah tidak ujud lagi di bumi ini, tidak ada apa lagi yang tinggal di bumi ini kecuali seketul planet tanpa tamaddun ciptaan manusia? Manusia mungkin pupus lama sebelum bumi ini hancur atau pupus bersama kehancuran bumi. Sekarang ni pun kita lihat sajalah disebabkan angkara manusia lah atmosfera bumi boleh berubah menghasilkan berbagai bencana, belum lagi diserang objek dari angkasa raya.
6 bilion manusia sudah cukup untuk buat bumi ini tercekik. Bumi ini kalau tidak dihancurkan oleh manusia akan dihancurkan oleh hukum alam, tapi yang sedihnya ialah bila bumi ini dimusnahkan oleh manusia sendiri, kalau tidak oleh perang nuklear mungkin disebabkan oleh kepadatan manusia. Di angkasa sana ada cukup planet untuk setiap seorang manusia, namun tidak ada lagi terjumpa satu planet pun yang ada oksijen untuk manusia bernafas. Saintis2 dah bertahun2 berusaha secara saintifik mencari planet baru demi kesinambungan tamaddun manusia sejagat, itu tandanya mereka percaya bumi akan hancur. Kita yang bukan saintis lagilah percaya sebab memang termaktub dalam kitab tentang hari kiamat.
Kita tunggu ajelah……..
“The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in and even settle in our country. You can figure out the end results. I hope the Government realises this and maybe design a new immigration policy.”
Hahaha… Funny but Good one Tun. What an irony in how policies are being implemented in our immigration department!
i love yo tun M…you are my idol…walaupun diorg burukkan tun. sy setia dibelakg tun. tun save malaysia
neway, please view and comment my blog
sorry to distract you
thank for clicking
Dear Tun,
It’s been a pleasure to read your blog and to follow along as you post. I read your daughter, Marina’s blog diligently too. I am an ex-Malaysian now living in Vermont, USA. Well, I can’t really say “ex” as Malaysia has always been dear and near to my heart, and I can’t forget the great rich culture (unlike any other in the world) and my awesome upbringing in Malaysia. I keep track on Malaysian news and politics daily, Thanks to the Internet!
I have met you on several occasions when I was a kid, especially during your open house Hari Raya celebrations and at other venues during your tenure as the leader of the country. It was a pleasure indeed. I am now returning for a quick visit to Malaysia in January 2009 after my last visit 10 years ago. I’m really excited and looking forward to my trip. I will be thrilled and honored if you could allow my wish to meet with you (this time as an adult), even if it’s just a few minutes to shake your hand and to have a picture taken with you.
My contact info can be found on my blog and on my photography site. Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and I hope I will have the opportunity to meet with you between January 17-27, 2009. Your are a great leader and please continue to do so.
Dear Tun, Salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin….
Blog Tun ada banyak pendapat tak masuk akal menghalau orang keluar akal beri pendapat. Satu pihak tak masuk akal, lagi satu akal yang keluar. Yg tinggal akal kosong. Apa jadi M’sia…’you can figure out the end results’
Binasa budaya kita dipenuhi orang tak berupaya guna akal lawan akal tapi guna mulut lawan akal (mencaci, mengancam, menghalau). Bukan saja dasar immigresen tarik ‘brainless’ masuk, tapi ‘brainless’ M’sian mau negara otak asap by draining our ‘brains’ out. Sebab mrk tak larat guna akal tentang akal.
Akal asap boleh dikumpul dlm botol, akal manusia yg mati saja boleh simpan dlm botol. Pada golongan ini lihat hujah balas Tun pada yg ‘degil?’ Sama mcm kamu yg puja dan puji Tun?
Tun tidak menolak ‘skilled foreigners’ to come in. Ada orang menolak rakyat sendiri yg berkemahiran kembali krn pendapat mrk berbeza.
Sejahat mana pun pendapat rakyat M’sia, mrk akan setia dan membantu M’sia lebih dari ‘skilled foreigners’ yg nak dibawa masuk. Sebab ini tanah tumpahnya darah mrk. Talian darah mrk mengalir disini. Kalau ini tak ada makna tak kan jadi lagu negara.
Lagi satu ‘drain for our brains’.
Kalau kita sibuk menolak sesama kita krn keistimewaan bukan keperluan, kita akan ketinggalan. Jepun(selepas perang dunia), Korea(selepas demokrasi), Taiwan, S’pura dah jauh didepan, tapi dulu mrk seiring dgn kita.
Rakyat M’sia ramai yg minta kerja di S’pura (termasuk Melayu), banyak perniagaan akan tutup tanpa pengunjung S’pura, ramai rakyat kita diberi pengajian tinggi di sana. Bukan mengagungkan S’pura tapi tanya kenapa begini. Dgn Thailand keadaan terbalik!
Pasal ‘brain drain’ ini, belum dikira Melayu yg dapat faedah DEB tak nak pulang berkhidmat. Mrk menikmati madu dua (selepas DEB) dgn gaji lumayan hidup senang di negara maju tak nak susah di Msia (dan bayar cukai pada orang). Mrk ini lebih baik dari rakyat yg mahu pulang (dan yg dihalau) tapi pendapat berbeza?
M’sia net exporter of ‘akal’ without help from immigration policies!!
Salam Sejahtera Tun Dr Mahatir Mohamad
1. Membaca berita di suratkabar, ada rakyat Melayu kelas pertengahan mengaku sebagai kaum pendatang di negeri Tanah Melayu. Maka pada pendapat saya, tibalah masanya pejabat pendaftaran memberi peluang kebebasan kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk mengkelas kan diri masing-masing dan keturunan mereka dengan status di Kad Pengenalan seperti –
a. Melayu/Bumiputra Asal
b. Melayu/Bumiputra (Perak, Selangor, Kedah, Terengganu, Sabah dll)
c. Melayu/Bumiputra Pendatang
d. Melayu/Bumiputra Campuran (Pelbagai campuran Cina, India dsbgnya)
2. Kerajaan mesti berusaha menyatukan sistem pendidikan sekarang yang lebih menjurus kepada perpecahan kaum kepada sistem pendidikan penyatuan. Isu menamakan jalan dengan pelbagai bahasa pula mesti dihentikan segera. Jangan sampai negara menjadi negara kartun dan porak peranda baru hendak di tangani. Kerajaan mesti tegas dan jangan jadi seperti lalang. Ahli-ahli politik berdagang politik boleh tapi kerja kena buat jugak la.
3. Peningkatan kos penyelengaraan kenderaan menjadikan banyak kenderaan tidak diselenggara sempurna, dan menjadikan jalan raya di Malaysia amat merbahaya. Kerajaan harus berbuat sesuatu untuk mengurangkan dan mengawal kos penyelengaraan dan alat ganti kenderaan yang lebih munasabah. (Harga kenderaan di Malaysia juga terlalu tinggi berbanding dengan negara lain dan mesti ada usaha untuk mengurangkan harga kenderaan agar mampu di miliki oleh orang ramai. Supaya orang ramai dapat bertukar yang lama dengan yang baru dan yang lebih baik dan selamat.) Memiliki kenderaan pada masa kini adalah kemestian umpama memiliki haiwan tunggangan yang sihat sebagai tunggangan di zaman dahulu.
4. Pernah saya berkereta di kampung-kampung di awal pagi jam 5 sebelum subuh melihat persekitaran dan kehidupan awal pagi warga yang tinggal di desa kampung. Terlihat saya mereka yang bersiap untuk memulakan tugas mencari rezeki, ke masjid dan surau dan sebagainya. Ada warga tua berpakaian compang camping membawa sabit bergegas kekebun masing-masing. Ada yang bersahaja dan ada juga menunjukan kesukaran di wajah mereka. Rupa-rupanya masih ramai lagi yang hidup susah di Malaysia ini.
Teringat masa kecik-kecuk, nenek saya yang terpaksa berhutang beras dan sardin dengan jiran sekampung apabila tidak ada bajet. ( Nenek, kini cucu telah menjelajah hampir 1/3 dunia. Kalau lah nenek ada lagi, insyaAllah kehidupan nenek pasti berubah).
5. Membaca berita seorang yang mempunyai anak dan isteri yang di tangkap dan di penjara 3 bulan kerana mencuri ayam. Adakah dia mencuri ayam untuk dijadikan makan malam untuk dia sekeluarga? Dimana fungsi kementerian kebajikan?
– Anti Angguk-Angguk, Anti Iya-Iya, Anti Yes-Yes
Sorry Tun,
It is a bit of a digression: I want to respond to aaj, T and linuxguy. aaj touched on Adnan Yaakob, saying that Adnan should have the brains to think about rearing buffaloes in Pahang, perhaps hoping the buffalo milk can be used to produce Mozzarella Cheese. Buffaloes are normally linked to padi fields. Padi fields need proper irrigation system to become productive. Since Pahang is never recognized as a ‘jelapang padi’ or ‘rice bowl’ area, it is deprived of federal allocation specifically meant for ‘rice bowl’ areas like Sekinchan in Selangor. As a result, Pahang on its own cannot carry out any large scale project to rear buffaloes as it cannot maintain its existing padi fields areas, let alone to expand. Perhaps, Pahang can have a try at having a special project of rearing buffaloes like that of rearing cattle. Again the economics of it need to be weighed properly.
linuxguy mentioned about ex-US President, Bill Clinton having stated that one of the personalities that he (Clinton)admires is Tun Mahathir. T said Clinton was trying to be nice when he said so as he was paid for every speech that he made. I believe Clinton was telling the truth as not many Third World leaders dared speak up and speak out especially against US like Mahathir did. And some people like to see others who are brave enough to go against the tide. In that sense, it was possible Clinton likes and thereby admires Tun Mahathir.
As for Lee Kuan Yew, he was smart, articulate and firm. That was why he managed to have a tight rein over Singapore, even until now. Tun Mahathir was no less smart, articulate and firm. That was why he was at the helm of Malaysia for 22 years.
I agree with linuxguy that the racial feelings among Malaysians have somewhat heightened. It reminds me of the situation then, when I was in my late teen, which later led to the 13 May 1969 racial clashes. DSNajib will have to address this and Tun Mahathir as an elder statesman can play a role. Leaders of all political parties and NGOs of all races can contribute too.
Salam Sejahtera Tun Dr Mahatir Mohamad
1. Bak kata orang kampung. Hemmm begitu la orang yang bila berduit melancung sana sini ( ke Langkawi) . Hilang kan stress gamaknya. Lawat ladang sana lawat ladang sini. Rehat di sana rehat di sini. Ke sana – ke sini. Bior le deme, dah rezeki deme gitu. ( kata orang Perak la). Bagi orang yang tak kemampuan (dimusim anak-anak cuti sekolah dan dalam gawat ekonomi) hanya mampu melayan stress di rumah, memikir bagaimana nak cukup kan belanja makan minum anak bini untuk hari ini dan hari besok nya, untuk bayar sewa dan ansuran itu ini dan sebagainya. Jauh sekali nak merehatkan badan yang keletihan bekerja, tapi akan terus tetap bekerja mencari sesuap nasi. Mana-mana yang dah tak ada kroja (kata orang Perak)terpaksa berhempas pulas mencari rezeki yang lain. ( Hai, stress bertambah membelon sampai ke atap rumah)
2. Gawat tahun ini dan akan datang, berlambak la nanti offer VSS sebab company dah tak mampu nak menahan tempias jatuhnya kewangan dunia. Maka akan ramai la orang yang hilang pekerjaan. Pada beberapa tahun yang lalu ada juga VSS, tapi di sebabkan oleh penggabungan syarikat – syarikat konon nya untuk lebih berdaya saing, supaya jimat perbelanjaan dan menambah keuntungan berlipat kali ganda. Peluang pekerjaan menjadi kecil disebabkan penggabungan pelbagai syarikat-syarikat ( Tapi sebanyak mana keuntungan yang mahu di kautkan? RM 1 bilion, RM 10 bilion, atau RM 100 bilion? apakah sudah cukup? Tentu nya tak ada yang cukup! Tak ada threshold yang dapat menentukan tahap kepuasan mendapat keuntungan. Malah, ramai daripada mereka yang mengambil VSS (rakyat Malaysia) yang dahulunya mempunyai pekerjaan tetap, terkontang -kanting mencari pekerjaan baru. Ada yang berjaya, dan ada yang tidak. Contohnya dari segi perbankan pula, penggabungan bank-bank di Malaysia selain mengecilkan peluang pekerjaan dan hubungan bisnis , menambah kesukaran peminjam kecil untuk meminjam di bank-bank besar yang ada. Dahulu mereka meminjam di bank-bank kecil dan mudah di atur peminjaman. Tetapi sekarang peranan bank-bank kecil di ambil alih oleh para “Ah Long” pula sehingga merana kan lagi peminjam kecil ini.
3. Sebagai sebuah negara, tentunya peluang pekerjaan di sediakan seluas-luasnya. Penguncupan peluang pekerjaan hanya menambah kesengsaraan rakyat mendapatkan pekerjaan. Apalah gunanya wang bertimbun dengan keuntungan 1 billion, 100 billion setahun tetapi tidak di agihkan kepada rakyat jelata sehingga ada rakyat yang hidup susah merana, ada yang tak makan, terbunuh dan sebagai nya? Impak kepada gejala negatif sosial langsung tidak di ambil kira. Susah orang ramai rakyat marhaen bukan soalannya lagi ( asalkan perut sendiri kenyang, malam ini dapat makan daging kambing bakar). Subjek Wealth Distribution tak ada dalam kamus lagi!
4. Impak kepada kenaikan petrol mendadak, menyaksikan kenaikan barangan harian dan makanan turut naik berkali ganda. Bagi mereka yang sudah tidak mampu, akan lebih merasa tidak termampu menanggung bahana ini.. Bagi yang yang kaya dan super kaya, kesan nya hanya bagaikan angin yang bertiup lalu saja di depan hidung.
5. Harga ikan naik, harga sayur naik, harga beras naik! Tapi tak pulak kita tengok petani, atau nelayan yang berumah batu besar atau berkereta besar! Sebaliknya, kita tengok tokeh-tokeh, orang tengah dan sebagainya yang bertambah menjadi mewah.
6. Tetapi penurunan harga minyak di pasaran dunia sekarang menyaksikan tiada atau sedikit penurunan harga barangan. Kerajaan yang menurunkan harga petrol seketul-seketul tak memberi kesan langsung kepada penurunan harga barangan. Datuk Shahrir, dengan fenomena ekonomi la ni, please la jangan turunkan seketul-seketul. Turunkan la selepuk ( macam kenaikan yang dulu naik selepuk) baru la nanti ada impak dan terkena pada batang hidung peniaga yang korup.
7. Hemmm, bila barang mahal, susu bayi mahal, orang ramai sukar mendapat makananan yang bermutu dan berzat. Ramailah nanti rakyat yang terpaksa ration kan makanan harian, ramailah nanti yang bertubuh kecil-kecil, kurus dan kekurangan zat dalam beberapa bulan yang akan datang di negara yang penuh kaya dengan hasil tanaman dan makanan, buah-buahan, dan ikan dll. Apa nak jadi dengan negara yang serba mewah dengan hasil bumi!
Anti Angguk-Angguk, Anti Iya-Iya, Anti Yes-Yes
Salam Sejahtera Tun Dr Mahatir Mohamad
1. Bak kata orang kampung. Hemmm begitu la orang yang bila berduit melancung sana sini ( ke Langkawi) . Hilang kan stress gamaknya. Lawat ladang sana lawat ladang sini. Rehat di sana rehat di sini. Ke sana – ke sini. Bior le deme, dah rezeki deme gitu. ( kata orang Perak la). Bagi orang yang tak kemampuan (dimusim anak-anak cuti sekolah dan dalam gawat ekonomi) hanya mampu melayan stress di rumah, memikir bagaimana nak cukup kan belanja makan minum anak bini untuk hari ini dan hari besok nya, untuk bayar sewa dan ansuran itu ini dan sebagainya. Jauh sekali nak merehatkan badan yang keletihan bekerja, tapi akan terus tetap bekerja mencari sesuap nasi. Mana-mana yang dah tak ada kroja (kata orang Perak)terpaksa berhempas pulas mencari rezeki yang lain. ( Hai, stress bertambah membelon sampai ke atap rumah)
2. Gawat tahun ini dan akan datang, berlambak la nanti offer VSS sebab company dah tak mampu nak menahan tempias jatuhnya kewangan dunia. Maka akan ramai la orang yang hilang pekerjaan. Pada beberapa tahun yang lalu ada juga VSS, tapi di sebabkan oleh penggabungan syarikat – syarikat konon nya untuk lebih berdaya saing, supaya jimat perbelanjaan dan menambah keuntungan berlipat kali ganda. Peluang pekerjaan menjadi kecil disebabkan penggabungan pelbagai syarikat-syarikat ( Tapi sebanyak mana keuntungan yang mahu di kautkan? RM 1 bilion, RM 10 bilion, atau RM 100 bilion? apakah sudah cukup? Tentu nya tak ada yang cukup! Tak ada threshold yang dapat menentukan tahap kepuasan mendapat keuntungan. Malah, ramai daripada mereka yang mengambil VSS (rakyat Malaysia) yang dahulunya mempunyai pekerjaan tetap, terkontang -kanting mencari pekerjaan baru. Ada yang berjaya, dan ada yang tidak. Contohnya dari segi perbankan pula, penggabungan bank-bank di Malaysia selain mengecilkan peluang pekerjaan dan hubungan bisnis , menambah kesukaran peminjam kecil untuk meminjam di bank-bank besar yang ada. Dahulu mereka meminjam di bank-bank kecil dan mudah di atur peminjaman. Tetapi sekarang peranan bank-bank kecil di ambil alih oleh para “Ah Long” pula sehingga merana kan lagi peminjam kecil ini.
3. Sebagai sebuah negara, tentunya peluang pekerjaan di sediakan seluas-luasnya. Penguncupan peluang pekerjaan hanya menambah kesengsaraan rakyat mendapatkan pekerjaan. Apalah gunanya wang bertimbun dengan keuntungan 1 billion, 100 billion setahun tetapi tidak di agihkan kepada rakyat jelata sehingga ada rakyat yang hidup susah merana, ada yang tak makan, terbunuh dan sebagai nya? Impak kepada gejala negatif sosial langsung tidak di ambil kira. Susah orang ramai rakyat marhaen bukan soalannya lagi ( asalkan perut sendiri kenyang, malam ini dapat makan daging kambing bakar). Subjek Wealth Distribution tak ada dalam kamus lagi!
4. Impak kepada kenaikan petrol mendadak, menyaksikan kenaikan barangan harian dan makanan turut naik berkali ganda. Bagi mereka yang sudah tidak mampu, akan lebih merasa tidak termampu menanggung bahana ini.. Bagi yang yang kaya dan super kaya, kesan nya hanya bagaikan angin yang bertiup lalu saja di depan hidung.
5. Harga ikan naik, harga sayur naik, harga beras naik! Tapi tak pulak kita tengok petani, atau nelayan yang berumah batu besar atau berkereta besar! Sebaliknya, kita tengok tokeh-tokeh, orang tengah dan sebagainya yang bertambah menjadi mewah.
5. Tetapi penurunan harga minyak di pasaran dunia sekarang menyaksikan tiada atau sedikit penurunan harga barangan. Kerajaan yang menurunkan harga petrol seketul-seketul tak memberi kesan langsung kepada penurunan harga barangan. Datuk Shahrir, dengan fenomena ekonomi la ni, please la jangan turunkan seketul-seketul. Turunkan la selepuk ( macam kenaikan yang dulu naik selepuk) baru la nanti ada impak dan terkena pada batang hidung peniaga yang korup.
6. Hemmm, bila barang mahal, susu bayi mahal, orang ramai sukar mendapat makananan yang bermutu dan berzat. Ramailah nanti rakyat yang terpaksa ration kan makanan harian, ramailah nanti yang bertubuh kecil-kecil, kurus dan kekurangan zat dalam beberapa bulan yang akan datang di negara yang penuh kaya dengan hasil tanaman dan makanan, buah-buahan, dan ikan dll. Apa nak jadi dengan negara yang serba mewah dengan hasil bumi!
Anti Angguk-Angguk, Anti Iya-Iya, Anti Yes-Yes
Salam Tun,
Ini untuk Anak KSB dan yang sependapat dengan nya. Dengan penuh hormat saya menyatakan pemimpin-pemimpin seperti Dr. Mahathir, President Omar Torrijos of Panama, Lee Kuan Yew dan Sukarno memang sangat saya kagumi. Mereka mempunyai keistimewaan sendiri yang mana hampir kesemuanya sangat-sangat berusaha memajukan negara masing-masing tanpa campur tangan kuasa luar, termasuk Amerika.
Sebagaimana kita tau, Dr Mahathir adalah bapa kemodenan Malaysia. Dalam masa yang agak singkat Dr M dapat membuka minda rakyat betapa pentingnya ilmu untuk kemajuan. Dengan kemajuan kita mampu membela kaum yang lemah sama ada dalam atau di negara luar. Ini semua telah pun dilaksanakan oleh Dr Mahathir semasa memerintah selama 22 tahun. Tetapi malangnya masih ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia yang bersikap sombong dan memandang remeh dengan pencapaian oleh negara jiran, terutama Singapura.
Percaya lah, lawat lah Singapura, di sana banyak yang boleh kita pelajari. Pekerja-pekerja kerajaan atau majikan, mereka ini hampir semua terlatih dan sangat bertanggung jawab menjalankan tugas. Sikap dan budaya kerja mereka sangat bagus. Mereka ini termasuk pekerja-pekerja dari China, Hongkong, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, orang barat dan lain-lain. Kenapa orang-orang ini bersikap boleh dan kenapa rakyat Malaysia di negara sendiri masih banyak lembab bila menjalankan tugas? Saya rasa, kita harus ubah SIKAP untuk maju lebih cepat; jadi dapat bersaing dengan yang lain.
Dengan ini juga saya nyatakan yang LKY juga banyak membuka minda orang Melayu. Melayu telah belajar berdikari. Sekolah tinggi tidak ada yang percuma, semua mesti bayar. Kebanyakan rakyat Melayu Singapura menjual rumah HDB (Housing & Development Board) flat mereka untuk menyekolahkan anak-anak mereka ke luar negara seperti ke UK, Amerika, Malaysia dan lain. Ini lah nasib masyarakat Melayu Singapura yang tak sama dengan masyarakat Melayu Malaysia semenjak ‘pembaziran’ ahli-ahli politik Malaysia tempoh dulu yang mana Singapura di pisahkan oleh orang-orang ini. Anak KSB diminta jawab, sama ada tindakan memisahkan Singapura ini satu kepintaran berpolitik atau sebaliknya!
Biar tidak saya bercerita tentang President Omar Torrijos dan Sukarno. Ini agak panjang ceritanya, saya syorkan Anak KSB dapat kan buku-buku tentang mereka di perpustakaan, sangat bagus!
Dearest Tun.
Very interesting comment Tun. I didn’t know we had a manuufacturer of local mozarella cheese here in Malaysia. I hope they will appear in the local supermarket soon. Can’t wait to try it.
Wishing Tun and family great health always.
saLam Tun
I like you very much 🙂
saya tak pernah plak sampai ke Langkawi
impian tu ade he3 insyAllah
anyway, thanks for all malaysia’s contribution especially
since 1981-2003 for malaysia
salam aidiladha
semoga Allah panjangkan usia
Salam YAB Tun,
Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.
Those who sow, will reap.
The life of this world is but play and amusement.
Persoalan kepada setiap warganegara Malaysia:
Bolehkah negara kita mencapai hasrat untuk menjadi sebuah negara maju menjelang tahun 2020? PENCETUS VISI 2020 masih ada bersama kita hari ini tetapi malangnya beliau sedang diketepikan, dihina, dicaci, dsn. Apakah tidak kita semua menggunakan akal?
salam sejahtera Tun,
Saya cuma mengharapkan UMNO kembali kuat seperti dulu..Sebagai bumiputera saya mahukan hak2 keistimewaan orang melayu terus dikekalkan..Jika UMNO kuat dan Barisan Nasional terus kukuh, anasir luar tidak akan bersuara mempersoalkan hak2 bumiputera..saya harap Dato Sri Najib, akan terus menjadikan agenda perjuangan bangsa melayu dan memelihara kepentingan kaum lain sebagai teras utama perjuangan..HIDUP MELAYU..
Dear Tun,
22 years of ruling Malaysia will have given you a unique perspective of how the wheels of bureaucracy works in this, our golden land of harmony, opportunity and fairness for all man of all creed and belief.
Surely, if Malaysia is to be great, we have to build on your monumentous successes that everyone in this forum is raving about: economic growth and prosperity, judicial fairness which provides certainty to businesses as well as individuals that the courts will not and cannot be corrupted or compromised in any way.
Also, the measure of how strong the economy is, is well reflected by the growing and glowing strength of the Ringgit against a weak and paltry US Dollar, not to mention the stuttering and declining Singapore economy (after all, we are richer than them in some many ways besides financially)
I would join the voices of many in wishing Tun many more days and weeks of blogging to highlight the weaknesses of policy and vision of both past and present administration.
After all, UMNO and Barisan Nasional have ruled the nation unchallenged since Independence and the thread of governance is one of continuity.
Warmest Regards & Salaam.
//MCA wants Science, Maths to be taught in mother tongue in primary schools Liow: English for secondary, mother tongues for primary
KUALA LUMPUR: MCA is agreeable to English being used to teach Science and Mathematics
Dearest Tun,
1. Tun has shown many ways to become successful. But, most importantly Tun has demonstrated that if one wants to be successful, one has to be very PASSIONATE in doing whatever he or she is doing.
2. I was in Langkawi 2 years ago
Dey T,
As a Malay, I can assure you that NO Malaysian Malay regard that leekuanyew as “great”; what more a “legend”(???), AT ALL!!!
He’s just a plain OPPORTUNIST where NO LEADERS during his time in Malaya liked his KIASU attitude.
Heck! Even the British has NO RESPECT for him!! 😛
IF they EVER did, they’d give him “Sir” just like Dato’ Sir Onn Ja’afar, Tun Sir Tan Cheng Lock, Tun Sir HS Lee, ETC. of the MALAYAN Leaders back then!!!
Ceh!!!… You’re so Kiasuly-Funny!
I’m 41 yrs of age, I’m just glad to have had been a citizen under your visionary leadership. In my lifetime I’m fortunante to have witnessed the great strides that you forced/ coaxed our country to take….has it been anyone else would our “inspired/forced” progress be where it is today?
You have laid the foundation that drives our citizen’s ambition and aspiration beyond rethoric- the can do entrepreneur requisite .
Thank you Sir; for the lesson, encouragement and wisedom.
i love mozarella!! =)
see u in yemen tun! cant wait.
~criminalize war!
salam Tun.
lain sungguh entry Tun kali ni. Bot Catamaran tu macam mana yerk? seronok kalau dapat bersama Tun mencandat sotong.
YABhg. Tun Suami Isteri,
Salam hormat, dan semoga dikurniakan Allah S.W.T dengan setinggi-tinggi kemuliaan,
It gives me real pleasure to read your observations on a few interesting fronts in Langkawi. I reckon you are as sharp as ever, and more relevant in speaking out your mind, as you are now back as an ordinary citizen. You have made some justifiable comments with regard to several setbacks in the Immigration Department, vis-Ã -vis some of the current rules and regulations. This clearly portrays that their thinking is still
Dear Dr Mahathir
My husband and I both love Langkawi and have watched the development at Telaga Harbour with interest but wonder why all projects laid down on the masterplan never come to fruition. On our yearly trips to Malaysia we have tried to find out when the residential development that was part of the master plan would materialise. Why if there is never any intention of having residential developments on these sites is it ever included in the masterplan? The development at Rebak Marina was originally meant to have residential development but that seems to have been dropped and I gather that the number of years left on the lease there now means that this is no longer attractive. Is this what will also happen at Telaga Harbour? I hope not .. As a Malaysian living abroad I dream of relaxing on the balcony of an apartment at Telaga ..
Assalamualaikum Tun,
So happy for you Tun, you have a heaven on earth to go to to relax and feel ocean’s fresh air. The last time I set foot in Langkawi was in the 70’s. Never been there since. Wish could be there when bored. If only there’s a bridge to Langkawi. I love cheese but so expensive. Can only buy once a month cos the kids just finish it immediately, none left for the next day. I like to try cheese like the mat sallehs eat but halal ones are hard to find.
Anyway Tun have a nice time there and take good care of yourself.
May Allah Look Upon You Always
haha,Malaysian only know spending money for houses, cars, luxury life.. unskilled foreign workers come here as waiter, maid, cook, cleaner, guard.. do you think they will really contribute for a foreign country they work with? Will they do the best to make a foreign country the best, the cleanest, the safest? Will they love or show patriotism to a foreign country they work with? The unskilled workers come for money,it is Malaysian’s country,so Malaysians is suppose to make Malaysia the cleanest,the most beautiful,the safest country! Malaysian should love their country and serve to make Malaysia the best! ..no others can do more than members of Malaysia!
I can see this highest spirit during my trip to Taiwan, and heard of my friend trip to Korea.. They love their country! They serve their country! They also do the best in their own interest while also contribute to the quality image of their country too.. Good environment!
Existing brain here already not enough and are fighting each others for own interest, regardless of country; while non-stopping brain drain out, without compensation by importing foreign good brain.. Truly the SADDEST!
Moreover, I think the most important lacking in Malaysian is.. what Malaysians know about life? How they perceive life is or for? I feel even more sad!
Tun, it’s good to create more job opportunity for Malaysian especially in 2009. Hope you will be able to attract more foreign investors to Langkawi.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Bolasepak Malaysia apsal kecoh-kecoh?
Sebab nak kejar ranking ke?
Khairy tu reti ke main bola? Ni ha…tendangan lencong lebih dari David Beckham.
Okay apa persembahan Malaysia lawan Vietnam.Kalah 2-3 sebab nasib penjaga gol terkeluar posisi dan bola bamping je…mungkin ada setongkol tanah yang tak rata/keras sebabkan bola bamping.
‘Tak pandai menari salahkan lantai’.Betullah salah lantai.
Piala Dunia, Ronaldinho (bekas pemain terbaik dunia)jaringkan gol free kick sungkitan melepasi jangkauan tangan David Seaman (England).Lebih kurang itu hari la…Malu besar David Seaman sampai rela hati bersara dari main bolasepak.
So,suruh je la penjaga gol Malaysia tu bersara dari main bola,apsal nak kecoh2 pasal coach dan rombak pasukan bolasepak Malaysia?
Ada akai ka?
Okay apa jaringan free kick dari Putra Indra Mahyudin dan jaringan gol dari corner kick.
Dua kualiti/skill specific yang perlu ada untuk menjaringkan gol dalam dunia bolasepak moden.
1. Free Kick
2. Corner Kick
Skill mengelecek tu kira extra la dalam dunia bolasepak Malaysia ni.Passing bola pun kalau tepat kira bagus dah tu.Nikan boleh jaringkan gol dari cantik punya free kick….so apa yang tak bagusnya?
Yang tak bagusnya,tiada pelapis yang nampak berwibawa.Masih bergantung pada seorang dua pemain.Macam coach Dollah Salleh komen.
Kekalkan coach Malaysia, Sathia 3 tahun lagi.
Terima kasih Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Ali Rustam kata kemenangan pilihanraya di Kuala Terengganu nanti adalah hadiah kepada PM dan TPM sempena peralihan kuasa pada MAC 2009.
Ali,lu jaga negeri lu sendiri la…..jangan nak menyibuk negeri orang sangat.
Harap BN kalah!
Terima kasih Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Harap Tun sekeluarga sihat sejahtera. The last LIMA my hubby ada salam dengan Tun dan kita sempat juga bergambar. Kami sangat teruja dapat berjumpa Tun.
Tahun 2009 hubby will take part again in the Exibition at LIMA and we hope can see u again Tun.
Thanks for the ideas and u really make us believe in ourselves. Because of you we have what we deserve.
Kalau Tun nak datang Putrajaya kami sangat teruja nak jumpa tun.
Salam sayang untuk Tun sekeluarga.
Salam Tun,
Da lama tak bagi komen dalam blog ni…..
Tapi bila Tun cerita pasal Mozzarella cheese ni teringat lagu..
AKu suka Singkong Kau suka Keju….
Hehe Hope Italian suka makan Belacan N cencalok…
Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun Dan Keluarga.
Tun saya rasa dah lama tak ke Langkawi bersama keluarga.Tahun hadapan dah plan nak ke sana untuk melihat keindahan langkawi dan tak lupa nak makan roti paling best di langkawi.
Tun sebenarnya saya tak faham lah dengan Pak Lah.Apa bila sudah sampai lepas kan jawatan lepaskan lah apa yang nak tunggu lagi.Kita pun sedia maklum kekalahan BN begitu teruk sekali di sebabkan pentadbiran Pak Lah. Jadi apa perlu nya pak lah nak ambil sedikit masa lagi.
Tun dah beri peluang kepada Pak Lah tapi begini jadi nya.Sedih lah saya Tun Negara kita dan orang Melayu di perkotak katikkan.Negara jiran Singapura pun tak hormat kita .Semasa Tun mereka begitu hormat dan takut. Kita seolah olah tak ada kewibawaan lagi.
Saya berharap Pak Lah dapat menerima kenyataan. dan berpijak di bumi nyata.Dahulu bila ramai yang mencemuh Tun kerana tersalah memilih Pak Lah, Tun terima dengan hati terebuka.You are true leader Tun.
Saya sungguh merasakan sepatut nya Tun yang di anugerahkan Nobel prise.Biasa lah Tun orang putih ni dari dulu sampai sekarang RACIST.
Tun jangan lah bersedih kami tetap bersama Mu dan akan meneruskan perjuangan Mu.
Tun kami berdoa agar Tun sentiasa sihat demi memperjuangkan Ugama,Bangsa dan Negara Insha Allah
Sire the disciples to the land of damsels for hire for a trick have escaped thine eyes. Only because I think the book of life I had sent had not arrived. Announce the point of deliverance and my dh lattering friends will not disappoint on the morrow itself. For if not my promise to Sharlin, I’ll be forced not to keep. Not by my will, of course, Sire. Kindness of great multitude exist in the one on sabbath img. to the left he stares not to the question on hIs left. It is as I saw it. No different than this. Google img. by name and find the one that speaks the question mark on the eighth block.
Dear YAB Tun,
With respect…
Your comments…” It seems that our immigration policy does not allow anyone above 50-years to come and work in Malaysia. What a pity. Our skilled engineers, pilots, architects etc can go out but skilled foreigners cannot come in. On the other hand unskilled labourers may come in legally or illegally”.
Dear Tun,
Who started this? When this started?
Malaysia imported unskilled workers 20 over years ago….Who should we blame now? The current P.M or the previous head of the goverment?
Rgds/ Harimau 1900.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua.
Semoga semua orang-orang muda dapat pergi dapatkan haji mabrur satu masa nanti.Bila balik haji boleh cuba rasa mozarella cheese kat Langkawi pulak.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha juga kepada No Holds Barred (RPK).
To Mayfidz Maverick 11 dec 5.48pm….We are Malay and we are proud of it.
Terima kasih Tun.
As Salaamu alaikum Wa rahamathullahi wa Barakathu,
Dear Sir Dr.Mahathir Bin Mohammed,
Iam an Arab race Holding Indian Nationality,
I have been following your lectures,interviews and News etc from 1990 onwards.It will be really a privilege to meet you in person as I am here in Malaysia.
The reasons which I would like to meet you are:
1.You are a very Outspoken, Daring ,Influential and most of all TRUTH loving Person.
2.I Want to share some of my Knowledge and talent what ALLAH has given me specially to the Malaysians in the field of Agriculture and thus attain self sustainability.And Indeed you are the most right person to go thru.
I request you Sir to please give me some of your Valuable time in the interest for UMMAH.
Jazakallah Khair
Dr. Mohammed
Government has achieved objective of ISA on Raja Petra Kamaruddin.
The purpose of putting RPK under ISA was to stopped the intelligence flow to him from his informats.
After RPK was released from ISA, these informants have stopped giving information to RPK. It can be seen from the mildness of the articles by RPK.
How to assue the informants that RPK will die without disclosure of the informants names?
Assalamualaikum Tun…
semoga sentiasa sihat hendaknya…
Saya kelangkawi baru dua kali…memang menarik. Terutama sekali Cable Car (menurut kata ‘tourist guide’ ianya hasil nukilan Tun)…cuma pada pendapat saya (yang pastinya takde siapa yang akan ambil peduli) tempat makan depan CIMB pekan Kuah tu perlu diupgradekan dari segi appearance dan kebersihan (6S)…
Soalan 1
Tukang Soal :
Having read more on the blog, many just blamed the non-Malay race. I work for a agent who has many rich Malays purchased worth more than 3.5 million ringgit apartments overseas and send their kids in private boarding schools with fees of more than 120,000 ringgit a year for several years. Some of these are not the famous ‘established’ rich but in politics.
I totally have no qualms with them as anyone who has money can do so but just don’t blame it on one race. It is a free world and no body owes you anything. Work for it decently. It is not a race issue. To reveal more, one of them is an ex-UMNO member.
So when you write, have an open mind.
Salam Tun,
It’s nice to read about your visit to Langkawi. Me and family was most fortunate to be able to meet you and Tun Siti at the Perdana Equestrian that day. Both of you looked fit and many thanks for taking time to take some photos with us. We’ve enlarged them and they are now in our living room!
Just to share..the horses seemed well cared and my kids loved their time there especially the eldest one who took the horseride.This was my 2nd trip to Langkawi, after 25 years (shame on me since my hometown is A/Setar!..hehe, my problems with boat rides). I was in Standard 6 the first time around.
Well, I was pleasantly surprised to see for myself how far Langkawi has developed, on par with some of the tourists spots overseas. Kuah Jetty really feels like a busy airport now with modern commercial centres near it. Good dual carriageways from town to the hotel areas, tourists areas are well-marked on roadsigns and maps. It was a breeze to drive around (which I saw you did as well). Telaga Harbour looked like St Tropez lah…awesome. Good mix of restaurant choices and saw many Europeans and Arabs with their families there too.
Brought my family to those tourist spots and actually enjoyed ourselves..(It was good that we had to cancel our Bangkok trip, Langkawi was worth it).
It can be improved further. I think maintenance at those spots are a must at all times especially the Telaga Tujuh area. Organization of people embarking and disembarking from the ferries can also be streamlined more effectively at Kuah Jetty. Trolleys should not be charged and made available everywhere. Families with small kids and big luggages would welcome this facility.
Langkawi is there and only some improvements/maintenance are required here and there to make it a top-notch tourist spot. Maybe a Langkawi legend-themed theme park? Kids and even the adults will love it!
I have high regards for you when you ruled. But now that you have ‘stepped out of the circle’, I am glad you notice there are many impediments all around us-as quoted by T. Tun, you could be the PM again and I believe the country wld prosper more, as you have seen and live the lives of ordinary people.
In response to linuxguy, I am a Malaysian living overseas for the past 15 yrs, Chinese do not blindly support a person but as long as a Govt personnel revolutionarise a country forward, we salute him, no matter what ethnicity he may be. We look forward for a non-Caucasian to excel. Other Malaysian PMs are moderate and had not done as much or had the visions of our Mahathir.
Democracy also means to benefit all citizen of a country, not just a single race. Through competition, a prosperous country wld bring contentment and advancement to a nation. No one shld sit back and do nothing.
Dear Tun,
how such great person are you to notice the taste of Mozzarella and think to the strenght of this cheese? I am exporter of Italian food,I want export to Telaga Harbour ITALIAN ORIGINAL BUFFALO MOZZARELLA with your “Langkawi brand”…in the meanwhile we educate people to use Mozzarella and after we will teach your people how to manufacture MOZZARELLA…I am very interested to keep in touch with you if you can have the time to answer,I am sure we can share a great business.Regards.MARCO
Please contact me at: [email protected]
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Pertama kali kami sakeluarga dari Singapura sudah merancang hendak pergi bercuti di-Langkawi dengan mengikuti rombongan pada 28/11/08.Tetapi di-batalkan kerana tidak mencukupi orang.Terkilan kami..Kami tukar cuti kami ka_Melaka di- Afamosa Resort.Tapi insha’Allah kami akan pergi di-lain masa.
Saya doakan project yang Tun uruskan di-Langkawi akan terus maju. Aminn…..
Tun Doctor Mahathir
Each of your posts I have been reading with great enthusiasm, interest and excitement. Of course sometimes after your lucid and bitter remarks about the current situation in Malaysia and prospects of Malaysian society I feel dejected and disappointed although I am not Malaysian and do not live in Malaysia.
But as a Muslim I consider Malaysian muslims to be fraternal people. After all, we are all “gens una sumus” (one family)
Several times I have sent my comments on your posts.
This time I just feel compelled to express my admiration for your mental capacity, interests,precision, enthusiasm, persistence- in a word your sanity.
Mashallah, your style and standpoints are excellently concise yet informative, comprehensive and reasonable . It is astonishing that your cognition is perfectly preserved as well as humor in spite of age, mashallah.
…I feel free to make such comment as I am a medical doctor working at the psychiatric clinic.
Tun , you are a person bestowed by Allah Almighty with great spiritual, physical and psychological energy and you are a great inspiration.
God bless you and fraternal Malaysian people.
salam. i’m looking forward to eat the mozzarella cheese(with the pizza or not) but for now i’ll just have to be satisfied with maggi curry. TT_TT. miss looking at your face in the paper though. he3.
Assalamualaikum wbt…yang amat dihormati Tun Dr Mahathir…saya amat mengagumi kebijaksanaan Tun dalam memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu dan negara tercinta Malaysia…Pertama sekali,saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Tun atas jasa Tun pada kaum Melayu dan negara Malaysia…saya dilahirkan pada 14th September 1981 dan saya dibesarkan sepanjang era pemerintahan Tun..Kebetulan arwah ayah adalah seorang pejuang Umno yang amat setia sehingga akhir hayatnya..saya telah melalui dan merasai pelbagai pahit maung perjuangan politik sejak saya berusia 6thn…Dan saya sendiri sedikit sebanyak dapat merasakan kesedihan dan kesenangan arwah ayah sepanjang perjuangan…beliau adalah Timbalan Ketua Umno Bhgn Padang Serai dinegeri kelahiran Tun…semasa pemilihan untuk menjdi calon utk bertanding diperingkat bhgn,berlaku lobi dan salah faham diantara ketua wanita dncalon yang telah dipilih untuk menggantikan beliau adalah Ketua Wanita…beliau telah berjuang dalam Umno sejak beliau berusia 20thn…tapi saya amat mengagumi arwa kerana peristiwa itu tidak sedikit pun mengugat kesetiaan arwah pada perjuangan Umno…Saya sedikit sebanyak amat bersyukur keana dibesarkan dalam keluarga Umno walaupun pelbagai perkara mendukacitakan berlaku….syukur alhamdulilah kini saya bertugas sebagai seorang jurutera di salah sebuah syarikat milik kerajaan…saya juga masih aktif dalam perjuangan Umno…cuma semenjak pemerintahan Pak Lah,sebagai seorang yg profesional,saya amat sedih dengan sistem pemerintahan beliau…beliau cuba mengubah apa yg telah Tun lakukan…keadaan menjadi seperti zaman 60an…Tun telah menukar Malaysia dr pertanian kepada perindustrian dan akan menggunakan konsep barter trade untuk menguankan defisit…sbg jurutera,saya amat kesal apabila pemerintahan Pak Lah membatalakan jambatan bengkok…itu adalah keputusan yg diangap terlalu bodoh kerana disebabkan kerakusan dan ketamakan rejim pmerintahan Pak Lah…saya amat berharap Tun kembali pada Umno,kembalikan kekuatan Umno yang telah musnah dan saya percaya masih ramai yang menyokong Tun…insyaallah saya amat berharap dapat bertemu dengan Tun satu hari nnt…a’kum
Sesekali Tun bercerita tentang selain politik pun syok juga. Layan..thats so called ‘variety’. Hehe..
Saya tak sabar nak tunggu anak Tun iaitu Mukhriz memegang tampuk Pemuda Umno; idea-idea baru dan pembaharuan yang bakal dibawa, InsyaAllah. Saya begitu yakin, ramai lagi seperti saya.
Kepada Mukhriz, semoga berjaya! Dekatkan diri dengan Tuhan, InsyaAllah semuanya berjalan lancar seperti keju mozarella. Lembut dan sedap dimakan serta berkhasiat. Ia sesuatu yang universal. Semua orang boleh makan keju. Orang kampung pun boleh makan juga. Sesuai untuk semua golongan terutama warga emas yang dah takde gigi.
Selamat berjuang Tun !
salam Tun
LADA should start refurbish Mutiara Burau Bay Resort coz not well maintained. 90 % of the resort guests are foreign tourist. The beach fronting the resort is also not well kept.
Thanks for the non policital write up.
Dear Tun,
You are really like a father figure to this country. I always look forward to reading your blog. But it is getting racist with some comment you receive.
I do not agree with your statement about Malay being a “hamba” in Singapore. I been working in Sg for the past 6 mths. If you ask me, i would say that regardless of any races, be it Chinese, malay or Indian. The Sg natural citizen in general resent their government. Because the way thing work in Sg is that, nothing is “free”. From young the sg government always remind their people that they have to earn their living.(it is drill into their head from media properganda). If you fail to take care of yourself, the government will not support you. They only want talent. No citizen in sg is ABOVE sg. That mean, sg will only care for it survival, to be better than the rest of the world. So that why sg new generation become delusion of their sense of nation.
They constantly feel insecure about their future, and by that i find that sg citizen are excellent when it come to saving for tomorrow. The general population probably have the highest saving compare to citizen from other nation.
So the conclusion is, i would say the feeling is mutual be it chinese, malay or indian singaporean.
Now come to the most interesting discovery about sg when it come to talent is that, i can conclude that SINGAPORE is NO {1} in THE WORLD when it come to talent retention. Why, that is because it is the most easist nation (I REPEAT: THE EASIEST)IN the WORLD to get EMPLOYMENT under the most (SIMPLE) condition, that is you must have QUALIFICATION & TALENT. They welcome you anytime. That why if you take their public MRT during working hours, you will find that half the people in the train are not singaporean. Just walk down their shopping district in Orchard, the 1st question you will probably ask them is that” are you singaporean?”.
Basically, the government don’t care where you come from, what your race or skin color. As long as you got talent, they welcome you.
This is our country problem. Our country give most “permanent resident” status to low skill foreigner due to the lack of clear-cut quideline & policies. in our immigration department.
How to compete with rest of the world?
Foreign Working :
Malaysia working in foreign country,Why?
It is the same condition the Bangla,Indon working in Malaysia: Net Saving.
Basic Salary for England is 1000 Pound (RM7000/=) and Germany about Euro 1000(RM5000). If they exploit you and give half is RM3500 and RM2500 respectively.
But Cost of living there is high to . 1 Cocao cola cost RM13 a can,and a plate of Nasi Campur is RM 30/plate and rent of decent plays can be expensive to . A hotel equavalent to Sri Mlaysia charge you RM800 to RM 600 a night ,small hotel RM 250 to 300.
Bangla and Indon probably feel the same way when they compare Rupiah to Ringgit,cost in Malaysia compare to their home country.
The key is not how much you earn but how much you save.If you are able to save 100 Euro (RM400 to 500 depend on market) a month than for a year saving shall be RM 6000.Some may not able to save the amount in Malaysia.
I went to UN sponsor conference for 12 days. I brought RM30 ringgit of Malaysian fast food so that I can have cheap/ Malaysia dinner. Over 12 days I save RM4000 ringgit of My allowence.Extra foods that I brought give me opportunity to introduce them to to hotel owner as well.
how about Malaysian Pizza ?
Salam…ini pertama kali saya ke sini . Seronoknya dapat mengikuti perkembangan pemimpin yang amat saya hormati . Semuga Tun sekeluarga akan sentiasa sihat dan di berkati Allah.
Saya pun dah lama tak ke Langkawi..tengah plan-plan juga kali nak bawa famili bersama.
i will go the place to feel it
Assalaumualaikum Tun,
great topic..
saya nak comment tentang foreign workers di MAlaysia..
the idea was so simple..
kick the local when your company or country facing economical problem because they are expensive..
and hired all the foreign brainless..
Hal ini sudah lama berlaku, termasuk pada zaman Tun..
Ini bukan masa untuk tunding jari, we need to solve this problem.
Saya merupakan bekas pekerja yg dibuang kerana krisis minyak dan syarikat terpaksa membuang pekerja kerana kenaikan 40% pada harga minyak oleh kerajaan..
Saya cukup marah pada PAk LAh..
kenaikan yang mendadak menyebabkan ramai yg dibuang kerja dan harga barang melambung dan masih tinggi walaupun minyak sudah murah..
dan yg lebih saya kesal..
para pekerja asing yg kerja di bahagian pengeluaran disimpan dan pekerja MAlaysia dibuang..
dan saya yg di bahagian IT pon menerima nasib yg sama..
tp rakan sekerja dr India disimpan kerana gaji lebih murah..
what I’m trying to say is we need a method or a law that protect the local if the company facing economical crisis..
sack the foreigner except those who come here with their special skills like doctors…
and keep the local people…
we have to protect our own people..
gajikan mat rempit jadi opretor pengeluaran dan mereka yg kurang cerdik sebagai pemandu van hospital ker, pemandu kereta kerajaan ke, cleaner hospital ker atau apa2 kerja saja lah..
malah kalau ada yg sanggup jadi buruh kontrak..
Ini tidak berlaku sekarang..
Yg kutip sampah alam flora ramai orang Malaysia dan yg lebih sedih ramai melayu..
sedangkan attendant kat hospital n nurse lelaki dr Bangladesh..
kenapa orang kita diberi kerja sebegitu?
dan orang asing dapat kerja yg lebih baik?
sepatutnya pekerja asing datang cuma diberi kerja buruh kasar dan kutip sampah sahaja..
tetapi hari ini, pekerja carrefour pon ramai bangla dan indon..
malah waitress hotel pon mereka yg mendominasi..
kerajaan perlu wujudkan akta melindungi kerja bg orang Malaysia..
jika tidak lambat laun org cina pon boleh jadi papa..
inikan pula Orang Melayu kita yg semakin miskin dan hina..
minta Tun comment kembali isu ini…
sekian.. salam buat Tun sekeluarga…
semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun..
Salam TUN,
Terima kasih kerana msih ambil berat terhadap langkawi. Saya sbgai warga lgkawi menyokong penuh pimpinan TUN. Teruskan pembangunan di pulau langkawi. Saya doakan TUN sekeluarga sihat sejahtera.
:: Jmpa TUN masa solat hari raya aidiladha di astar…
Trima kasih sekali lagi
-Kg Penarak Kuah ,Langkawi-
Yang berbahagia Tun,
Saya amat bersetuju dan bersependapat dengan kenyataan Tun baru-baru ini yang menyuarakan rasa bimbang bahawa Malaysia tidak akan dapat mencapai matlamat Wawasan 2020 sebagai negara maju ekoran krisis kewangan dunia sekarang. Seiring dengan perubahan radikal dasar pimpinan kerajaan masa kini ditambah pula dengan masaalah ketidakstabilan politik dalam negara – akan memberikan kesan terhapat hasrat negara ini untuk mencapai sasaran tersebut.
Salam Tun!
Allow me to comment on some comments.
Temasik….Renamed Singapore by Sang Nila Utama… a lot of thing happened….owned by a Malay Sultanate….”found” by Stamford Raffles….Raja Husin being tricked and loose it to British East Indian Co (typical malay attitude of being a good host…never mind loosing their home)…a lot of thing continued to happened… British conquer and rule the region…..Peninsular Malaysia….Sabah….Sarawak….they control water ways around south east asia……compelling all incoming and out going merchandies to go through Singapore by establishing their centre of administration there.
So…all sort of business establishment and facilities is centred to the Island. All wealth of the region are exploited and centred there. Development definately unmatch by the like of those days Penang and Melaka….Kota Bharu or Kuantan…Not even Kuala Lumpur.
Business pace definately different.
Whoever taking over after the British left will be building a new nation on a matured business environment. Singapore when left by the colonial power was easily 50 years ahead of the rest of the region. Illetaracy was minimal as compared to the rest of the region.
The Great Lee Kuan Yew was and is great opportunist. He realise the potential. Why toil it out to develop the whole of peninsula or Sabah and sarawak? Grab Singapore….everything is there. Control everything from there. Easy huh! Leave the rest to Tunku and the gang. Smart that he was.
With the wealth of the region that has been place in Singapore by the British…he can keep the distance of the Island from the rest far….very far.
So….he eventually managed to get Singapore out of the federation.
He does not succeed without help. Who help him? The stupid Liberal Malay of Singapore. They start to hate LKY when he does not consider them as a friend. The sream with protest….which eventually fading after their stupid leaders being thrown to jail or bought over by LKY.
So…in making comparison…..
When people is comparing LKY and Tun or anybody….Are they done on an equal basis?
Take this:-
Hakkinen driving 1957 1100cc Volkwagon….
LKY driving a 500HP 2007 Ferrari……….
In a night circuit of Singapore F1 Street Circuit
For a 30 laps race.
Who win?
Use brain…think!….When you cannot compare ….do not compare.
These people are special in their own ways! Be Good or Bad.
T…..what have you done for the nation you are earning your living now? What is your hobby? Respond please.
Salam Tun
Wau ada 1 lagi sebab untuk pergi ke Lengkawi, tapi sayang di-sini ekonomi nampak teruk, gaji kena potong, bonus 13th month hilang force to take leave yg ada lebih malang kena buang kerja. So sekarang zaman jimat cermat terpaksa beku plan nak pergi holiday this few years.
BTW Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to Tun sekeluarga dari kami di Singapura
salam Tun,
Einstein is known for his genius mind,
Newton is known for his extraordinary mind,
Bill Gates for a brilliant mind,
Dr. Mahathir as the master mind,
Abdullah Badawi? Well, never mind…
salam Tun & komentar sekalian,
sebelum ini Tun sudah beri penjelasan tentang dasar PPSMI dan mencadangkn Tun memberi pendapat tentang peranan Sejarah dlm mencapai kemajuan masa depan.
walau bagaimanapun, saya ada pandangan utk dikongsi bersama dgn Tun dan komentar sekalian mengenai SEJARAH & PPSMI di:
salam Tun & komentar sekalian,
sebelum ini Tun sudah beri penjelasan tentang dasar PPSMI dan saya mencadangkn Tun memberi pendapat tentang peranan Sejarah dlm mencapai kemajuan masa depan.
walau bagaimanapun, saya ada pandangan utk dikongsi bersama dgn Tun dan komentar sekalian mengenai SEJARAH & PPSMI di:
>> pal>>>>salam Tun,
1. Kadang2 cara perancang merancang sesuatu amat pelik. Mungkin mereka tak tau yg platform tu akan reduce the turning circle of the yacht. Tak mungkin pula! mereka kan pakar
2. manalah mereka letak otak mereka
3. susah nak cakap.
Salam Tun.
Nak komen “By T on December 10, 2008 3:19 PM ”
/// 7. The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in and even settle in our country. You can figure out the end results. I hope the Government realises this and maybe design a new immigration policy. ///
Dear Tun, you mean you just realized this now? You didn’t see the impact and result during your 22 years running the country?
Hey T! Mana kau selama ni? Where have you been? Do you really know what happenned during those 22 years? I am sure you don’t. Those were the year we witnessed a mass presence of international professional in Malaysia. Working along side local professional. Those are the years when technology transfer taking place at a tremendous pace. So….though a lot of brainless coming in working as a plantation workers or construction workers there a good number of people with brain coming in. Where were you? Belum lahir? Get the fact before uttering a word.
Those days local professional does not have to go begging for job in foreign country like what it is now. We saw people from UK…US….Germany…Holland…Australia….looking for job as a professional in many field here. Thus the technology transfer has been fast tracked. We saw highly skilled craftman working in project in Putrajaya. We saw them training the local craftman. So…do you know about this fact? Huh! What do you know?
The mass brain drain started in 2005. Do you know that? Huh! What do you know? And do you know why? Huh! What do you know?
I just wondering what has happened in Malaysia.
I just been attacked/insulted at my blog regarding unjustify Malaysia since my blog has nothing to do whit what they are try to provoke.
What make these peoples really hate to Islam?
Dear Tun,
Seems to me most people don’t get it.
That you are light years ahead than the rest of Malaysians.
Best Regards
Salam Tun,
Langkawai is always good. Besides sandy beaches, it offers good and reasonably priced food, and from affordable accomodations to expensive ones. The aquatic centre is a good place to visit and I like those penguins, they are really cute. Ya! going up to MatChinchang gives you a wonderful view of Langkawi, although with some fright to some for those who fear heights. But have no fear, those cable cars are designed to give you a safe ride!
With the newly established mozarella cheese company, it will certainly gives visitors a window of opportunity to have a closer look at how mozarella cheese are made. Will certainly buy some of Langkawi produced mozarella cheese for our home-cook spaghetti bolognaise!
Not forgetting those foals that will eventually be horses to ride. To breed them better, as you say, you need experienced people to look after them. I don’t see any reason why the immigration should not allow people of 50 years and above to work in Malaysia. These people have got the necessary experience, and only them can handle those foals. I personally see this restriction unnecessary, you know there are many people across the southern border always waiting for an opportune time to reside in Malaysia. The folly of yesteryear has caused the ‘southerners’ to be ‘isolated’. Why not you redeem this folly of our predecessors?
DR MAHATHIR got it wrong when he task science and maths to be taught in English. Singapore is better because emphasis is on English.
Mahathir and Murkriz real aim is to eliminate Chinese language schools. But chinese against it because chinese schools perform better in science and maths that national average.
U.S. students’ math, science scores deliver mixed results
TIMSS scale average: 500
Average scores significantly higher than U.S.
Hong Kong – 607
Singapore – 599
Chinese Taipei – 576
Japan – 568
Kazakhstan – 549
Russian Federation – 544
England – 541
Latvia – 537
Average not measurably different from U.S.
Netherlands – 535
Lithuania – 530
United States – 529
Germany – 525
Denmark – 523
Average significantly lower than U.S. average score
Australia – 516
Hungary – 510
Italy – 507
Austria – 505
Sweden – 503
Slovenia – 502
Armenia – 500
Slovak Republic – 496
Scotland – 494
New Zealand – 492
Czech Republic – 486
Norway – 473
Ukraine – 469
Georgia – 438
Iran – 402
Algeria – 378
Colombia – 355
Morocco – 341
El Salvador – 330
Tunisia – 327
Kuwait – 316
Qatar – 296
Yemen – 224
Source: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
var storyURL = http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/mathscience/2008-12-09-math-sci-scores_N.htm;
By Greg Toppo, USA TODAY
assalamualaikum tun,
Setelah membaca beberapa komen tun di dalam blog yang bebas ini,terpanggil saya terhadap satu isu yang mungkin tun pernah terfikir atau secara tidak langsung mengetahui rahsia disebalik Drama yang semakin panjang episodnya ini.
Drama Atlantuya yang satu masa dahulu menggemparkan tanah melayu kini masih diarah oleh seorang direktor yang mungkin tidak mahu dikenali umum di mata antarabangsa.
Maafkan saya jika saya terlepas atau tersilap,tetapi apalah yang ada pada insan jahil berfikiran kampung ini terlintas,
1)Dimana keluarga Inspektor Azilah serta Inspektor Sirul?
2)Mengapa wajah pesalah tidak didedahkan kepada awam yang kian ramai peminatnya tersendiri?
3)Adakah ini satu lagi kesilapan atau konspirasi ahli politik yang perlu dikambus untuk menutup kesalahan serta menjaga kredibiliti orang-orang atasan?
Mungkin tun pernah dahulu mengakui kesilapan yang lama,di harap tun dapat memberi pandangan terhadap “FILEM TERHEBAT DI ABAD PAK LAH”ini.
Terfikir juga saya untuk menulis skrip dan diberi kepada pengarah yang berbakat di Malaysia untuk difilemkan serta dipasarkan di seluruh dunia tetapi tidak di Malaysia.
Jika ini dikatakan satu Drama,terdapat banyak blog yang mengakuinya,namun hakikat yang terpalit di sebalik episod arahan “INSAN YANG TIDAK DIKENALI” ini semakin hari semakin membangkitkan kemarahan RAKYAT yang sering mengikuti persembahan terhebat barisan pelakon-pelakon tempatan di tambah dengan aksi-aksi antarabangsa yang dibintangi oleh sekaum politik serta segelintir insan yang tidak bersalah.
terima kasih sekali lagi tun
Assalamualaikum .Tun yang ku kasihi
sekian lama ku mencari
lama sungguh ku menanti
akhirnya dapat kutemui.
sembayang jumaat tanggal 5 dec tarikh keramat
dapat menunai impian teramat sangat
masjid negara menjadi tempat
aku mencium tangan mu sebagai tanda hormat
bilalah lagi dapat berjumpa
kerana itu juga takdir Allah Taala
kerana urusan Tun dan saya juga berbeza
yang mampu hanyalah saya berdoa
agar Tun ….berbahagia hendakNya.
Salam Tun,
Izinkan saya mencelah sikit.
To Dijam:
Jangan hirau sangat tentang singapore tu. Kalau dia orang tak kacau kita, kita buat dunno je lah. Mungkin kita patut belajar perkara-perkara yang baik dari mereka untuk diaplikasikan di Malaysia. Bukan semua yang LKY cakap betul dan applicable kat sini. Tapi, betul, kerajaan sekarang tak akan rugi kalau mendapat nasihat dari Tun macamana nak majukan negara, free pulak tu. The problem is ego and personality conflicts.
To Hang Kasturi:
Susah sikit lah nak rename P.Langkawi kepada Pulau Mahathir sebab PAS sekarang yg in charge, so it is a state matter to name something like in the case of Penang and Perak. Sure nya depa tu akan bangkang punya!
To jamilmaliki88:
Very interesting la you punya question: kiamat on 21/12/2012? I rasa dah banyak prediction yg keluar kat media US tentang Kiamat, tetapi semua tak betul. Discovery Channel banyak siarkan tentang komet/meteor yg akan melanda bumi berdasarkan pengiraan ahli saintist, tapi dalam tempoh beberapa ratus atau ribu tahun lagi, bukannya pada 21/12/2012.
Kalaulah betul tarikh itu, 4 tahun akan datang kita semua akan lenyap! Buat apa susah2 gaduh tentang isu2 politik? Baik kita tingkatkan amal ibadah kita, betul tak? Negara2 yg tengah bersiap membuat fasiliti bawah tanah adalah kerana sebab lain iaitu………nuclear war!
Cuba fikirkan,Al-Quran mengatakan bila Kiamat hampir tiba, amaran pertama tiupan sangkakala bumi akan bergonchang,kemudian pada amaran kedua bumi akan hancur lebur. Pada pendapat saya berkemungkinan amaran tiupan ini adalah warning system yg berbunyi pada loud speakers diseluruh pelusuk apabila radar2 menjejak serangan misil2 nuclear apabila berlakunya Perang Dunia Ke3! Dunia ini akan hancur lebur apabila berlaku serangan balas pada amaran ke2! Cuba fikirkan, bahasa Arab yg digunakan di dalam Al-Quran adalah bahasa kiasan yg tidak mempinyai vocab untuk istilah moden yg akan berlaku 1400 tahun selepas nabi Muhammad S.A.W wafat. Jadi mereka mengunakan istilah Tiupan sangkakala untuk mengantikan loud speaker.
Atau : serangan sekumpulan tahi bintang yang datang dari Asteroid Belt yang berlegar di luar sistem planetari kita. Amaran pertama mungkin hanya serangan tahi bintang yg besaiz kecil, bumi masih hidup. Tetapi serangan kedua, yg bersaiz besar, bumi hancur lebur!
Tetapi saudara jamil, kalau betul kiamat tu akan datang soon, tidak ada apa yg boleh kita buat,semua itu telah ditentukan oleh Allah. Yang penting sisa-sisa hidup yg ada di muka bumi ini, kita manusia patut berbuat baik sesama sendiri tak kira kaum dan ugama, parti politik dan kerwarganegaraan. Apabila ini terjadi, masalah harian kita yg memecah belahkan kita kerana idealogi politik,kepercayaan ugama, adat kaum, nampak begitu kecil dan irelevant.
Saudara janganlah Gung-ho sangat tentang ‘war’ dalam politik. Even dalam real war, the leaders need a break to restrategize and look at the bigger picture. Anggap lah perbalahan politik dalam UMNO ni sebagai perbalahan adik beradik, bertengkar tentang macamana best nak protect the family. Kalau kita bertengkar macamana pun sesama kita, kita tetap satu family, sesama Melayu, sesama Islam, cuma pandangan yang berbeza macamana nak uruskan hal-hal dalam keluarga. Ibarat air dicantas tak akan putus. Jadi, kalau Tun took a break and talk about Mozarella cheese, catamaran, sotong, why not? It shows that Tun is only human and has other sides. You are right, in the military we must keep the momentum of attack, tapi Tun as the General had given the mission,strategies and the motivation so the lower ranks can fight the ‘war’. So,it is up to us to make it work while the General smoke a cigar and ponder so to speak.
I think the General deserves a good holiday, dont you think so?
Sorry General Tun, saja nak mencelah. Take care.
Assalamualaikom wtw,
Tun Yang Di Kasihi,
1. Saya amat tertarik dengan cerita kejayaan Tun menternak (Breeding) kuda hasil baka Albarik dari Arab. Semimangnya baka Arab baik dan terbukti gagah dan kuat. Sayangnya saya tidak minat dengan sukan berkuda, walaupun saya tahu sukan itu amat baik untuk lelaki. Oleh kerana Tun amat berminat dengan sukan berkuda dan cuba pulak berternak kuda, maka saya mendoakan Tun akan berjaya. Mudah-mudahan baka yang dihasilkan itu akan menjadi baka yang terbaik yang akan diminati oleh penggemar sukan berkuda diseluruh dunia, InsyaAllah.
2. Yang saya nak kongsi dengan Tun ialah tentang berternak kambing untuk “dam haji”. Setiap musim haji, 2 hingga 3 juta ekor kambing disembelih sebagai “dam haji” diMina. Saya difahamkan kambing-kambing itu dibeli oleh Kerajaan Saudi dari Australia dan New Zealand. Kalau harga seekor kambing itu USD50 maka bermakna Kerajaan Saudi telah berbelanja antara USD100 hingga USD150 juta setahun. Sudah pastinya satu jumlah yang besar yang hasilnya dinekmati oleh penternak atau negara yang bukan Islam dengan menggunakan wang orang Islam. Alangkah baiknya kalau wang sejumlah itu dapat dimanfaatkan oleh orang Islam. Berkatnya lebih dengan harapan mereka yang menunaikan haji mendapat Haji Mabrur.
3. Tun sedia maklum, saudara-saudara Islam kita di Kemboja, Vietnam, Laos dan Myanmar, bahkan diIndonesia berada dalam keadaan ekonomi yang daif. Kalaulah mereka ini diberi peluang untuk menternak kambing untuk tujuan “dam haji” itu dengan jaminan belian oleh Kerajaan Saudi, maka saya yakin selepas 5 musim haji ekonomi mereka akan bertambah kukuh. Kita bagi kail untuk mereka menangkap ikan bukan bagi ikan untuk dimakan. Sebab itu saya kurang bersetuju dengan usaha baik oleh beberapa NGO diMalaysia yang mengumpul derma sumbangan korban untuk dibahagi-bahagikan kepada ummat Islam diKemboja dan negara-negara lain kerana ianya tidak menyelesaikan masaalah. Contohnya, saya difahamkan setiap tahun antara 2000 hingga 3000 ekor lembu disumbangkan kepada masyarakat Islam Kemboja. Kalau harga seekor lembu itu USD400 maka bererti sejumlah USD800 ribu hingga USD1.2 juta didermakan oleh rakyat Malaysia yang pemurah. Sudah pastinya lembu-lembu itu disembelih dan dagingnya dibahagi-bahagikan. Katakan setiap keluarga mendapat 1 kilo. Berapa lama daging itu boleh dimakan? Sehari? Seminggu? Sebulan? Pokoknya daging itu akan habis. Tetapi kalau dengan duit sumbangan sebanyak itu dapat diterjemah dalam bentuk projek, maka saya yakin setiap tahun satu kampung Islam di Kemboja mendapat satu projek yang boleh menjadikan mereka berdikari untuk jangka panjangnya.
4. Saya mendapat tahu Tun sekarang menjadi Penasihat kepada Raja Abdullah Saudi. Saya ingin mencadangkan supaya Tun dapat mengutarakan kepada beliau cadangan menternak kambing “dam haji” ini untuk diusahakan oleh orang Islam dirantau ini. Mekanismanya boleh kita fikirkan. PERKIM boleh bekerjasama dengan World Islamic Call Society (WICS) dan YADIM bagi melaksanakan program ini.
5. Saya doakan semoga Allah SWT akan sentiasa melorongkan Tun untuk terus menyumbang kepada pembangunan ummat Islam sejagat. AMIN.
Tun Che Det,
I don’t know much about this cheese stuff but if Tun is intrested about Multicolor Anodizing, I can enlighten you on the subject.This technology is quite rare.You combine with etching process and the end result is simply marvelous.
Salam Tun
Hi hi…a very interesting story..you obviously love horses very much and concerned about the welfare of Langkawi and also the environment.
It has been quite some time I have not visited Langkawi…perhaps I might bring my family there this end of the year holidays since from your blog, it seems much progress has been made there. Last time I went I stayed at Legends and visited the Marina and the underwater world. That was I got married.
Assalamualaikum w.r.t.
Good Day TUN,
1st of all wish you happy hari raya
aidilladha & hope you have a good health you & your family.really2 i want to say,since before but there no chance at ALL!!!!
During tun as prime minister i LOVE to watch news
just want to see you strike other who make mistake.yang paling utama THE USA………till the whole world know how fears are my country MALAYSIA and THE PRIME MINISTER…..Well to make it short you are the MAN OF HONOUR & STRAIT FORWARD…stop it there,too long to discribe…
after you step down then comes PAK LAH…Just about he ruling the country,i notice that the TOP 10 WEALTHY people none is malay…I was wondering what is happening?????that is imposibble!!!!!none at all is malay even TOP 20…there must be not right…ARE THE RECENT PM AWARE ABOUT THIS?????
I have travel a lot of places,the whole europe,far east,japan,NZ,australia & etc…..when they ask(you are from??)
my answer,FROM MALAYSIA.And they say(ohh!! YOUR PM ARE VERY FEARSS MAN).In a good meaning.DON”T FORGET THAT.that during TUN.
Coz for what i see even the US can masuk urusan malaysia.even the internal politic also we have to tell them.BY RIGHT THEY HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL.why we are so soft & stupid nak ikut telunjuk US???
What Happen To FEARLESS TIGER MALAYSIA???Now like a BIG BABY Yes sir!Yes Sir…Just hope TUN can lead the way,the way like BEFORE….
Have A Good Days & Good Health TUN..
salam Tun,
soo soorry out of topic again…can’t help it.
That server gives a plug and play
service to the client using either
hardware or software joystick. The
joystick goes into the port of the
Now in BAHASA:
Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya
layanan cucuk dan main dengan
menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras
atau lembut. Batang gembira itu akan
dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan.
To T:
So basically according to you all those that commended Tun were paid to do that?
Were these two Australians intellectuals also been paid to write the above article in Australian media? In fact I can provide hundreds of sources where leaders, politicians, journalists etc from all over the world had commended on what Tun has done. But whats the point? Surely you will not waste anytime to read it same like I
Semoga Tun terus sihat untuk membimbing kami generasi baru ke arah wawasan yg dicetuskan oleh Tun dulu.
Muhd Faez – Gen 2020
Klik utk rahsia kembangkan RM295 ->http://www.jutawanautomatik.com/recommends/muhdfaezjutawanmuda
Salam Tun
I was in the beautiful island of langkawi in june this year and had lovely time visiting many places incl telaga harbor. It was my first visit thanks to AA and MH affordable airfare. Langkawi has yet to achieve many of its potential which it is capable of, with the many little islands, pristine beaches and rich marine life.I hope the govt dont forget about this island bcoz I understand when you say you have no control over the matter now.
Have a nice day!
salam Tun,
kepada sdr. jamilmalik,
Saya juga berharap agar Bill Clinton boleh membuat research sedikit sebelum membebel.
Sudah begitu ramai warga kulit putih di Amerika yang mula mengikut jejak kaum kulit hitam mengkaji Al-Quran dan memeluk Islam atas kesedaran selepas membuat kajian.
Dalam jangkaan masa beberapa tahun lagi Islam akan menjadi agama anutan kedua terbesar rakyat Amerika mengatasi Judaism.
Petikan komen untuk renungan Bill Clinton.HEY MORON!THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!I think monica lewinsky blew the brains off you that you couldn’t think properly ever since!READ MY LIPS!
Professor Emeritus, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Toronto. Distinguished embryologist and the author of several medical textbooks, including Clinically Oriented Anatomy (3rd Edition) and The Developing Human (5th Edition, with T.V.N. Persaud).
Dr. Moore was a former President of the Canadian Association of Anatomists, and of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists. He was honoured by the Canadian Association of Anatomists with the prestigious J.C.B. Grant Award and in 1994 he received the Honoured Member Award of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists “for outstanding contributions to the field of clinical anatomy.”
“It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur’an about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, or Allah, because most of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of God, or Allah.” [1]
“The intensive studies of the Qur’an and Hadith in the last four years have revealed a system of classifying human embryos that is amazing since it was recorded in the seventh century A.D… the descriptions in the Qur’an cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the seventh century…”[1]
My comments;
Just to add..
some wise ass reporter in Canada argued that the Arabs must have cut up women’s abdomens to study the foetus development.
To this the good professor countered back, “Yeah…but then they will have to use a microscope as it is invisible to the naked eye…”.
And amazingly enough have a look how many times the
following words
* Solat (Prayer ) 5
* Month 12
* Day 365
* sea 32
* Land 13
* Sea + land = 32 + 13 = 45
* % sea = 32/45 x 100 = 71.11111111%
* % land= 13/45 x 100 = 28.88888889%
Modern Science has only recently proven that the water
covers 71.111 % of the earth, while the land covers
28.889 %. Is this a coincidence?
Who taught prophet Mohammad (PBUH) all this?
Allah, the All Mighty taught him this.
As the Quran tells us:
(This is) a Book, the Verses whereof are perfected (in
every sphere of knowledge, etc.), and then explained
in detail from One (Allâh), Who is
All-Wise and Well-Acquainted (with all things).
‘(Quran 11:1)’
The above is from the series of the scientific
miracles in Quraan, by
Dr. Tariq Al Suwaidan
Quran has all the secrets of world and answer to every question is presenting Quran, but it just needs to research on it or to explore it. On exploration one can find the answer of each and every question.
Bill,study the Holy Quran first before opening up your mouth.
assalamualaikum dan selamat hari raya aidil adha , salam perjuangan dan didoakan TUN dan keluarga dirahmati ALLAH sentiasa.
Dikesempatan ini saya menjemput sahabat2 , (UMAT ISLAM) hadir keperhimpunan PERWARIS di masjid tanah pada 20 dis 2008 jam 9.00 pagi (hotel samudera river side ).
pertahankan ketuanan Melayu
salam Tun,
minta maaf tidak ada kena mengena dengan topik.
kepada sdr. DIJAM,
Anda sependapat dengan saya mengenai isu LKY dan Singapura.Saya telah beberapa kali memberi pandangan sebelum ini di laman blog Tun bahawa adalah tidak mustahil satu hari akan datang dimana Singapura kembali kepangkuan Malaysia.
Perkara ini pernah disuarakan oleh LKY sendiri dan bukannya angan2 mat jenin saya atau anda.
Pada masa itu mereka ada dua options.Pertama kembali ke pangkuan Malaysia dengan syarat2 ditetapkan oleh kita ataupun berhadapan kemungkinan peperangan untuk menawan bahagian selatan semenanjung untuk mendapatkan tanah (macam Israel).
Kita mesti waspada dengan kemungkinan ini berlaku.
Tabik juga kepada LKY kerana berjaya menambahkan populasi Singapura dari satu kaum dengan polisi dimana kerakyatan ditawarkan mengikut nisbah sedia ada populasi pada masa itu 75% Cina – 25% Bukan Cina(jika tidak silap pertengahan 90’an)Taktik kotor itu berjaya mengecilkan nisbah kaum Melayu kepada sekarang iaitu kurang dari 20%.Alasan Rasmi yang diberikan ialah untuk mengekalkan daya saing,tetapi kita semua tahu alasan sebaliknya.
Kepada mereka yang anggap demokrasi Singapura lebih baik,jika Malaysia mengikut demokrasi ala Singapura,alamatnya ramailah pembangkang dari DAP,PAS dan PKR akan jatuh papa kedana dan bankrup.
Tahniah Singapura!Keep up the good economy.BTW just out of curiosity,how do you guys sing the national anthem if so many of your citizens don’t even know how to speak Malay?Lip sync?Miming?
***By T on December 10, 2008 3:19 PM
/// 7. The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in and even settle in our country. You can figure out the end results. I hope the Government realises this and maybe design a new immigration policy. ///
Dear Tun, you mean you just realized this now? You didn’t see the impact and result during your 22 years running the country?***
To: T,
Is your mother a woman?
The rationale here is “rajin lah belajar, pakai lah otak udang mu sebelum tanya soalan. You made yourself a disgrace and sound so stupiddddddddd by asking this question to our Tun.
(S is before T, to show that I am more “rajin” than you)
P/S: Tun, I am happy for Tun that che det has attracted some younger generation comments who knows what they should fight for to realize our wawasan 2020. If wawasan 2020 tak jadi, kita berusha lagi untuk wawasan 2030 asal kita jangan putus asa, “insyallah….”
askum tun..
thats interesting to know that halal rennet and halal cheese is being made in malaysia particularly langkawi..i had an idea once of doing the same,cheese production i mean,it seems that malaysian eating cheese, doesnt know ,whether the cheese is halal and rennet from the cows are halal or not..its safe to say that a lot of imported cheese from europe particularly like all the exotic cheese all use bovine based rennet ,and which are not particularly slaughtered in islamic faith..
i had ideas to open up a dairy farm that only specializes making halal cheese in malaysia,but as usual its very hard to get the necessary funding..jabatan pertanian and other govt agencies viewed the project as non viable..maybe the officer themselves dont eat cheese i think..
anyway tun,thanks for the insight
By crazyellysee on December 11, 2008 10:56 PM
Dear Tun;
…I did spend some times here during my exam times but just times had make gapes for me to drop comments here.
…which regards our vision towards 2020, I do agree and feel the same way anyway.
But, I think we as a Malaysian…we shouldnt give up that easily by those economy trauma and karma as well as poor leadership in our country’s political mainstream.
Salam buat Ayah & Bonda,
Teman rindukan zaman dimana Ayah memimpin tangan semua rakyat Malaysia dalam merealisasikan Malaysia ke mata dunia. Suasana yang aman dan sentosa. Di manakah letaknya Malaysia? yang mana merupakan hanya satu
pulau yang kecil jika kita lihat di peta dunia, tapi kecil lagi singapura dimana ramai/rata -rata mengenali ia dari malaysia. Melihatkan malaysia membangun dengan pesat penuh dengan kegemilangan dan perancangan jangkamasa yang panjang dan jauh pemandangan. Kestabilan ekonomi yang bagus, walaupun menempuh duga dan ranjau.
Dimanakah malaysia? di mata dunia jika kita tidak mempunyai Jambatan Pulau Pinang, Menara Berkembar, Litar Sepang dll, Dimanakah Malaysia jika tidak mempunyai pemimpin yang disegani/dikenali ramai, yang penuh dengan AKAL fikiran dan kebijaksanaan.
Siapa sangka malaysia maju dengan gah, walaupun hanya sedikit pembaharuan yang dilakukan tapi ia telah menyentuh ramai kaum dan masyarakat dunia.
Teman bangga menjadi warga malaysia dan dapat berbakti kepada negara
kita yang suci ini.
Teman rindukan zaman kegemilangan Ayah.
Salam Tun,
Saya amat berbangga atas apa yang telah Tun lakukan di Pulau Legenda itu. Pada 6 Jan hingga 9 Jan 2009, saya akan bercuti ke Langkawi bersama keluarga, nak berehat. Salah satu agenda saya ialah nak melawat Galeri Perdana . Nak tengok cenderahati2 yang Tun dapat selama Tun jadi PM.
Tahniah saya ucapkan pada Tun, kerana hasil titik peluh dan wawasan Tun, pulau Langkawi telah terkenal di seluruh dunia.Keep it up!..
Tumpang lalu…
Laman-laman blog lain dah kene GODAM ????Kuda Kepang, Tukartiub, AnuarIbrahim, Kerajaan Rakyat…Google, MSN dan Yahoo…Sila beri response…
As always, you embody leadership by example!
You truly inspire those of us who came to adulthood during your watch. Your focus, your dedication to excellence, your work ethics, your belief in yourself, your having the courage of your conviction and your ability to cut to the chase in matters simple or complicated are indeed valuable lessons for us to emulate.
Thank you, Ayahnda Tun!
P.S. Incidently, my Italian friend said the buffaloes bred in Italy for their famous Mozzarella di Bufala are actually asian buffaloes. But you must have known that, right Ayahnda? 😀
P.P.S. Mozzarella cheese is also great in lasagne, calzone and used in place of feta in greek salad or in place of parmesan in caesar salad. Try it, peeps!
Salam YAB Tun,
Again..and again…you are the one whom never stop encouraging ‘CUTI-CUTI MALAYSIA’.
Thank you YAB Tun.
Love you always…I also hope can go back to Langkawi for my ‘CUTI-CUTI MALAYSIA’.
salam tun, it’s so interesting reading your entry’s and the MOZZARELLA CHEESE really soundss yummy.Wishing u all the BEST HEALTH.
love the write-up..its very random & ads a good flavor to end this working week..
TQ Sir
Assalamualaikum Tun,
i hope u had a wonderful raya..great thing about the mozarella cheese in langkawi! i wish there are more projects that could be done by the locals with help from either foreigners or our own rich people. i hope we won’t become like china a long,long time ago when they closed their doors to outsiders and end up drained and used by their own kind who thinks they know best for everybody.
the damage is great already to malaysia now, so hopefully najib would be able to repair some things. but i think he would need major help from you!
thanks again for a refreshing article and giving hope that not all is lost..have a great weekend!!
First of all, Selamat Hari Raya Eid-ul Adha (belated)to Tun and family.
Also, my main concern is the commercialisation of beautiful islands like Langkawi. I think the government should not promote tourism as a main economic source but rather to promote agriculture and industry. The mozarella production is an excellant example. Our countries should become more self-sufficient in food production and basic needs in a more unstable world economy.
Salam TUN.
Memang menarik ada nya kilang Mozzarella Cheese kat Langkawi.
Bulan Nov. Tahun Lepas(2007) saya ada melancung ke langkawi bersama keluarga. Tapi tak tahu pulak ada Mozzarella cheese, mungkin waktu itu kilang tak siap lagi kot.
Sebelum itu tahun 1997 juga saya melancung ke Langkawi. Memang terlalu banyak perbezaan diantara waktu itu dan sekarang.
Tapi ada sedikit kecacatan nya , pada 1997 saya menginap di Burau Bay Resort. Waktu itu challet nya nampak baru dan cantik tempat nya. Dan tahun lepas saya kembali semula menginap di resort yang sama.Apa yang dilihat tidak lagi seperti pada sebelum nya. Challet nya dah uzur. Kurang seliaan. Dah tak menarik. Harga tetap tinggi.
Sewa kereta pun mahal.Sedangkan harga kereta nya jauh lebih murah dari tanah besar.
Pada tahun 1997 ada lah pertama kali saya melancung ke Langkawi.
Ketika itu Langkawi dah pun di istiharkan bebas cukai. Saya pun pergi lah shopping sikit. Maka saya lihat tanda harga nya tak banyak beza dengan yang di jual kat KL.
Saya pun tanya lah kat penjual nya, apa kah barang yang murah terdapat kat Langkawi. Jawapan nya.”Antara beberapa barang yang benar2 murah kat sini ialah kereta dan pinggan mangkuk.”
Tak kan saya nak beli kereta kot……Orang rumah apa lagi sopping sakan lah beli pinggan mangkuk. Senget kereta bawak balik K.L.
Sekadar nak kongsi pengalaman melangcung ke Langkawi. Memang seronok naik bot pelancung ke Pulau Duyong sambil melihat burung helang.
Salam Tun,
Saya amat kagum dengan cara pemikiran Tun, sejak dari dulu lagi Tun sentiasa memberi peluang kepada sesiapa untuk mencuba sesuatu yang baru. Saya percaya kita rakyat Malaysia akan merasa bangga kerana kita mempunyai kemampuan dan kepakaran untuk membuat atau mencipta sesuatu benda seperti kapal, Train LRT dan lain lain.
Tetapi senario ini tiada lagi dan kepercayaan kepada syarikat tempatan semakin kurang sebagai contoh Train LRT telah diberikan kepada syarikat asing melalui kerjasama pemasangan sahaja sedangkan kita mempunyai kemampuan dan kepakaran di dalam bidang tersebut.
Generasi kami amat memerlukan input pemikiran Tun, kalau boleh Tun bagi petua dan nasihat kepada kami supaya kami tidak melakukan kesilapan di masa depan demi untuk Bangsa, Negara dan Agama.
Tun boleh suggest buku-buku yang bagus untuk kami baca.
Assalamualaikum.Terpanggil untuk bersama dalam Che Det.Saya memang setuju dengan apa yang DM katakan tentang imigresen kita.Saya masih ingat lagi pada masa DM menjadi PM dahulu pekerja asing yang bekerja d M’sia terlalu takut dengan pihak berwajib apabila bekerja tanpa permit kerana pihak berkuasa selalu melakukan tugas mereka dgn membuat pemeriksaan dan serbuan di permis perniagaan tetapi sejak Pak Lah jadi PM nampaknya pendatang asing yang datang dan bekerja di M;sia tanpa permit seperti tak terkawal lagi.Alangkah berbezanya keadaan dizaman Tun, kami terasa dilindungi dan dibela tetapi sekarang semuanya berbeza, agaknya imigresen kita pun tidor juga kot!
This a pure life blog about tun that without touching politic….It means also tun now is relaxing and really getting retired from politic.It was nice.Let young man like us fight for u…
Cheer and have a nice day…
Wallace Goh
Dear Tun,
It is nice to know of your less serious and less stressful activities, I am happy for you. May Allah keep you cheerful always, Amin.
Dear Dr. M,
I’m planning to go there next week with the family. Hope to taste the sights and taste of the island.
By linuxguy on December 10, 2008 3:43 PM
Hi Linuxguy, please read ur comments properly, ur also making racist statements…b4 u condemn “THESE” ppl of being racist, please use ur half past six brain properly b4 u make idiotic comments. ur a super duper racist like those people from the Malaysian Post! im not a muslim or practise islam but i do admire Tun..u twat!
Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah serta keluarga dan chedet members,
Cerita berkenaan Langkawi, untuk pengetahuan chedet blog members saya telah ke sana sebanyak 18 kali,daripada motel hinggalah ke hotal yang besar. Daripada kurang menarik hinggalah tertarik….tetapi dalam tahun ini saya pergi ( 3 tahun tidak pergi kerana ada anak kecil )keadaannya banyak berbeza. Di Dataran Helang keadaannya macam tidak terjaga berbeza kebersihannya di zaman Ayahanda Tun.Nasib baik hati ini terubat kerana dapat pergi ke Restoran Ayahanda Tun. Maaf saya katakan bahawa Ibu saya cukup marah pada PM Pak Lah kerana mengabaikan Langkawi. Saya berharap jikalau Dato’ Seri Najib menjadi PM nanti kekalkanlah yang telah terbina kerana di Zaman Ayahanda Tun, apa yang beliau buat semua lapisan masyarakat dapat menikmati berbeza di zaman pak lah,hanya yang elit saja yang di fikirkan.Jumpa lagi.
Othman,Family’s and members
Salam ayahanda
Macam mana dgn seminar PLF
Shazrim Sharif
UiTM Kedah
Dearest Tun
Your speech & your view at the Global Financial Uncertainties today in Putrajaya was simply brilliant.
Thank you, Tun and Goodnite.
From Tanjung Bunga & the view of Kedah Peak.
YAB Tun M,
Congratulation on propegating Albarik’s progeny, and thanks a million for the previllage of training and riding Phrase. Currently I have a flea bitten grey mare- Arab and Poney cross at about 14H 2in- hoping to breed her with the grandson of Halimas Al Shaklan of Dengkil.
Langkawi Mozzarella, mmmm..mmm would certainly be nice with freshly baked baguette and diced tomatoes– may be will see’em soon in Cold Storage.
Assalamualaikkum Dr.Mahathir and Dr.Siti Hasmah,
I’m Jeffry Suresh Bin Abdullah.
1.It is always great when talk about north, especially about Kedah Darulaman. A state that produced world class leaders. Tunku, Dr.Mahathir, Dr.Siti Hasmah and many more that still being government’s backbones.
2.You have made your mom’s land, a glorious and prosperous land. I wonder how happy your mom and dad would feel, if they are able to see thier loving son, Che Det’s achievements.
3.Let’s believe that they are seeing it and being proud of you. They really do and giving you strength day by day…I believe in it.
4.In your previous posting you mentioned that you really cannot claim that you are Alor Star boy anymore. I appeal to you to declare again as Kedahan. Coz, may be you did not aware that millions of Kedahan take you as a role model and succeeded in thier courier. We talk,we think and we work like Mahathir. Simply because of the spirit of Mahathir as Kedahan. We always proud that you are a Kedah born.
When we successfull because of you, then you get a lots of credit from Allah. Same goes to Dr.Siti Hasmah that made Selangor people proud.
5.I hope one day I can own a few horses and be like Dr.Mahathir!
From Jeffry Suresh bin Abdullah and wife, Hafizah Yaani.
ceritakan juga tentang carpentry.tentang hobi Tun sehingga dapat anugerah dari u k.
Dear Tun;
Tun, It has already been a long while which I didnt give of my views in the comment boxes here. I spent about 2weeks time to recap all the articles in last 2 months which I had missed since september due to exams 🙂 I did spend some times here during my exam times but just times had make gapes for me to drop comments here.
Now, I’m back!
Tun, by referring to your recent statement to the media which regards our vision towards 2020, I do agree and feel the same way anyway.
But, I think we as a Malaysian…we shouldnt give up that easily by those economy trauma and karma as well as poor leadership in our country’s political mainstream.
If Tun does still remember me,*** Im a 17years old Malaysian who live in Brunei and have my full education here for 17yrs. **
Recently, I have set my mind to continue my study back in Malaysia next year just because of the soul and the hot blood wanting to be a proud/star of Malaysia.
If others can success and be famous/proud for his country, why can I?
Mr.Barack Obama can make a change and AMERICAN dream, why can the other youth in Malaysia?
😉 I belief if all of the Malaysians cooperate and strive for our nation, our vision toward 2020 isnt a impossible;)
Take care Tun and your family there.
Thank You.
crazyelly@ Hui Ling
Salam my dear Tun,
That was a lovely change from all the heavy stuffs, thank you.
I have always love Langkawi and among the highlights of my recent trip there were the ride on cable car to Gunumg Mat Cincang as the view was superb!!, cruising along Kilim River and the eagle feeding was interesting too. We were so happy when the boat man allowed us to plant a few saplings of mangrove plants along the bank of Kilim River. I thought it was a brilliant idea to allow tourists participate in conserving the environment.
I feel the people of Langkawi should be more proactive in order to gain from the tourism industry in Langkawi. The boatmen and the tourist guides should take the trouble to learn more foreign languages such Arabic, Japanese & others to cater for mulitnational tourists there. They should also be fluent in history, legends, well informed and positively motivated while attending to the tourists. Some of them seemed very quiet and timid.
The Island of Langkawi is naturally beautiful but I think the Chenang Beach was much cleaner during my visit 10 years ago as compared to its present condition now.
Nevetherless the ambience at Telaga Harbour during the night was exhilirating.. Cherrioo Tun.
Hari ini saya memang terharu sangat sebab dapat bergambar berdua dengan Tun di Putrajaya hari ini. Kali terakhir saya dapat mengambil saat kenangan manis itu adalah tahun 1998 di Malaysia Hall, London.
Saya tidak dapat berkata apax2 bila Tun memberikan peluang untuk saya bergambar sebelah Tun. Malah, Tun dengan berseloroh mengatakan yang Tun akan kenakan 10 sen untuk setiap gambar diambil 🙂 Saya akan membuat frame besar untuk gambar tadi untuk kenangan selama-lamanya. Terima kasih banyak Tun.
Walaubagaimanapun, ucapan Tun memang bagus dan spontan. Kami semua terkilan sebab Tun dapat memberikan satu ucapan dan jawapan yang padat, bernas dan kritikal tanpa membaca skrip. Dibandingkan dengan kebanyakan pemimpin lain, yang hanya boleh berucap dengan merujuk kepada teks ucapan yang telah disiapkan sebelum sesuatu majlis. Namun, Tun memang seorang pemimpin yang bijak, berkaliber dan sukar diganti.
Saya mendoakan agar Tun & Tun Siti Hasmah sihat walafiat dan panjang umur selalu.
I’ve always wished I could meet you in person or attend a talk given by you, but never got the chance to. Would it be possible Tun, that you allocate one or two hours in your programne in your next Langkawi trip, “a meeting your fans session”. You can sell Langkawi that way too. You can share some of your memories which had never been told before,some motivational stories or even some jokes with us, your ardent fans.I will definitely make a trip to Langkawi, just to see you in person and attend your talk.
assallammuallaikum YB TUN,
apa pandangan TUN keatas lembaga tabong haji bolih selamat kah? sebab lintah KARAT melekat situ, AMANAH SAHAM BANK SIMPANAN NATIONAL habis qanap, ajam pelat ajam, skarang loqarat arab sayup meninggi, sunggoh hebat imam hadiri bercakap inggris sebiji macam orang london …buat ABU LAHAB terkejut kalau dia dengar, yaahoo.. ngap.. ngap.. ngap… he..he.. lantak lah selagi bolih tlan…habuan halal
Salam YAB Tun
I am not sure that the immigrants that are inundating our country are brainless lot. I think they are a lot smarter and savvier than us. We are the brainless and careless ones for allowing them to slip into and and out of our country under every imaginable pretext. They are really making their presence felt here. For instance, I dialled Celcom Careline not too long ago and imagine my surprise when the recorded voice responded in Bahasa Indonesia before switching to English. I can understand if it were Syarikat Rokok Tembakau Gudang Garam. But Celcom? And I have not touched yet on foreign-owned bungalows that had been built ILLEGALLY but with water and electricity supplied LEGALLY to them. There was a big hullabaloo about this once upon a time but the problem seemed to go away. I am not at all surprise if those dwelling have since been legallized. Well, who’s the smarter one here? No prize for guessing.
Salam buat YABhg Tun dan sekeluarga,
1. Saya dengar rumor di Selangor akan diadakan election bagi perlantikan YDP dan 24 ahli majlis bagi semua PBT di negeri itu. Local tax payees layak vote for their respective PBT. Usul telah dirangka dan dibawa ke mesyuarat exco negeri. Mohon pandangan Tun tentang perkara ini jika ianya betul akan berlaku.
2. Apa pandangan Tun tentang bolasepak Malaysia yang semakin parah. Adakah kita perlu ambil langkah mencontohi Singapura yang telah mula menampakkan hasil (beri status warga negara kepada pemain pro yang berbakat (high skill worker)?
3. Jika Datuk Seri Najib (DSN) mendapat kuasa PM bulan 3 ini, adakah Tun menjangka DSN akan kaji semula pembatalan pembinaan jambatan pengganti tambak Johor? Bagi saya pembinaan jambatan itu amat penting bukan saja untuk Johor tetapi untuk seluruh negara.
4. Apa komen Tun tentang collaboration Proton-Mitsubishi?
Sekian, semoga Tun berdua serta keluarga sentiasa sihat wal-afiat dan dirahmati Allah.
juz nk bg taU..
my family will go holiday to langkawi..
Salam Dr Mahathir
Cottage Industries should be encouraged.
“Made in Malaysia” can possibly be a premium value. I discovered this when the melamine scare was recently exposed.
Many retail outlets actually pasted small labels indicating “Made in Malaysia” as an assurance that the danger of melamine was minimised.
Other made in Malaysia products could go the way of Natural products as opposed to synthetics. The ENVIRONMENTALLY friendly products could soon be the trend and could be highly valued.
Raw materials such as coconut parts, ratan, pineapple leaves, pandan, flowers, shells which are readily available could be turned into various items for sale.
Production of natural compost is rather easily done given the land mass of rural folks.
In fact the clean unpolluted air and the relaxed pace of life could also be a tourism product.
Yang bahagia Tun,
Sebagai rakyat Malaysia saya berasa bangga mempunyai seorang negarawan ulung seperti Tun yang sungguh berwawasan walaupun tidak lagi memegang tapuk pemerintahan negara. Ada sahaja idea serta projek-projek yang sungguh ‘challenging’ yang bolih kita semua usaha dan praktikkan dan mendatangkan hasil yang tidak ternilai pulangannya jika dilakukan bersungguh-sungguh. Olih itu saya menyertai jutaan rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan kemakmuran negara mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun dan keluarga.
Tun, you are great, thinking of sailing and yachting.
Such a great champion.
Tun, you still take afternoon naps and eat mixed nuts for tea?
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
Happy eiduladha n may all sacrifices we’ve made be accepted by Him.
When you talked about marina, i remember well how kampong folks were made to believe by shallow-minded pas speakers during their election campaigns that these marinas belonged to your daughter marina! What a joke! Sadly, many of the people believed what they heard n showed their anger n confusion during the election course…
Wish you all the best with your projects. Many will be sharing the benefits when you start these projects. Many will also be jealous n envious of what you’ll reap…
Take care, dear Ayahnda n Bonda.
Salam Tun.
1. This is my fav cheese. This is my first time to know that actually Malaysia has factory on making it. I will make a visit to Langkawi to taste it 😀
M.Huzaifah Muntalip
Salam Tun
Sir, you are a fine example of a charamastic leader. When you speak, you attract a huge audience. Certainly, you command a large number of followers. Not all in the audience will agree with all that you say but nonetheless they are still attracted to what you have to say. This including journalist. A journal written about you probably also attract higher readership. I am definitely one of your fan, although not necessarily agree with all that you say. Sir you are simply brilliant.
Hi , linux guy,
What you are trying to say is that all chinese has condemn what tun did during the 98 monetary crisis. I think you are quite wrong in saying that. On the contrary, most chinese business man has thought that what tun did at that time is brilliant and it took courage. I am a business man myself, in pegging the ringgit to the US dollar, it has enable me to accurately manage the cost of production, without having to worry the wild fluctuation of currency. It stabalises business, I trust more chinese believe in tun, and even more show their appreciation than Malays that that time. If I am not mistaken a lot chinese voted for UMNO at that time because of tun. Please remember, Tun implemented the currency pegging one day after sacking his deputy. Guess what, most malay has desserted Tun at that time. It is the chinese vote that has enable BN to return to power with majority. No hard feelings linux guy, only you thought wrong.
I found the comment by linuxguy on December 10, 2008 3:43 PM indeed is an eye opener that the other races simply cannot accept…
“These people their brain just can’t accept a Malay leader can be good and lead them, although they know some things that you have done are just brilliant”
In a smaller organisation TO REINFORCED what our dear friend is saying is to relate Experiences in working in the non Bumi firm.
1. The Bumis are perceived as lazy and low brain therefore their salary and recognition is less
2. The end result of Bumi and non Bumi is the same and in some cases had achieved better end result but was brushed aside,
3. If non bumis make mistake or even commit CBT, the issue was not even talked about as if nothing happened. However, if the Bumi made mistake, the whole world would know about it.
4. The Bumi is always made a scape goat for failure to achieved the end result.
5. Bumis inputs were always brush aside and even belittled but later on the inputs were implemented by claiming the credits were theirs
6. Were contantly brain-washed the Bumi is highly corrupt (eventhough we all know that the culture is theirs)
7. Were constantly brain-washed that the goverment policies are of no good or stupid
8. No denied that some Bumis were made to the top but the authority were not there…just for name sake to be sent to the Goverment office as GRO!
9. ….the list can go on and on….
Working with Non Bumi like this constantly deprive the EQUALITY phylosophy that what they are talking now. They themself are not sincere!
Sometimes being a Bumi is MALU lah! Nothing special except constantly being bullied.!
I wonder how other Bumis are doing ?
Salam buat Tun dan Isteri semoga sihat hendakNya. Saya kagum dengan usaha Tun kali ini. Tak mustahil apa yang Tun katakan akan tercapai.
Wawasan Tun 2020 saya tetap pegang dalam hidup saya. Tapi mampu kah kerajaan akan datang merealisasikan Wawasan 2020 ini??? Sekarang ni banyak sangat masaalah. Isu yang paling penting adalah Isu orang Melayu sendiri. Harap Tun dapat mengulas isu Wawasan 2020 ini.
Tun Pahlawan Terulung….
Assalamu’alaikum Tun & family,
Tun, Please take good care of urself & Tun Hasmah.
Assalammualaikum Wrt. Wbt.
Saya memohon maaf kerana setelah sekian lama buku “Malay Dilemma” tulisan Tun telah berada di pasaran, baru seminggu lepas saya dapat peluang membaca dengan teliti tulisan Tun di dalam buku tesebut. Alhamdulillah, jawapan yang saya cari selama ini berkenaan persoalan mentaliti dan kelemahan semangat juang orang Melayu telah Tun rungkaikan dalam Bab 3 buku Tun. Sebagai orang Melayu, saya bersedia untuk menerima fakta yang Tun tuliskan, tetapi sebagai orang Melayu juga, saya ingin sekali mencari cara dan penyelesaian terhadap permasalahan ini. Konsep “New Malay” sebenarnya boleh diwujudkan dan dilaksanakan, tetapi cara dan petunjuk masih tidak dapat saya fikirkan, atau lebih tepat lagi, saya hanya mampu merencana perancangan untuk anjakan ke arah “New Malay” dalam bayangan dan mimpi saya sahaja.
Saya masih muda, dan mungkin lebih muda dari Tun sewaktu Tun mula menulis “Malay Dilemma”, tapi saya sudah terasa bagaimana dimalukan dan dihina sebagai orang Melayu di bumi Melayu sendiri. Bukan kerana saya tidak berpelajaran tinggi, dan bukan kerana saya tidak mampu untuk bersaing dengan mana-mana kaum di Malaysia ini, tetapi saya merasa terhina kerana keseluruhan kelompok Melayu di dalam organisasi saya dikawal oleh bangsa-bangsa lain yang melihat pada orang Melayu, menilai kemampuan orang Melayu, sebagai watak-watak picisan yang tidak ada harga pada pandangan mereka.
Justeru itu, saya ingin sekali mendapat bimbingan dan panduan peribadi dari Tun sendiri, bagi membangkitkan semangat juang dan mengubah persepsi bangsa lain terhadap orang Melayu. Berilah saya panduan dan bimbingan dan saya akan laksanakan atas nama bangsa, agama dan negara ini.
Sekiranya Sukarno berkata “Berilah aku 10 pemuda yang hebat dan aku akan menguasai dunia”, maka berilah saya peluang untuk menjadi salah satu pemuda yang dibimbing oleh Tun untuk memperjuangkan perjuangan Tun yang belum selesai.
Terima kasih dan assalammualaikum Wrt.Wbt.
*Mohon maaf kerana tidak menggunakan nama Melayu saya, kerana belum sampai masa untuk saya berbangga menggunakannya.
First of all, I admire the rapid developments at the Langkawi island which had been going under a transformation into one of the most well-known tourist spots in Malaysia.
I had visited Langkawi a few times. From what I observe, we actually can attract more tourists to here by doing more publicity about this island. My point is to woo the tourists about the hot spots in Langkawi.
Now, we can include the small factory for the mozzarella cheese as a new tourist spot since it starts to produce a very good cheese taste. Everyone would really like to taste it when they come to Langkawi. They seldom know any other places who produces good cheese elsewhere than France and Italy , aren’t we?
It’s up to the respective tourism boards efforts to further promote Langkawi to the whole world. Utilize our resources available to ensure maximum benefit for the country.
Dear Tun,
I do agree that our immigration policy need to be reform.
The report that almost 70 to 80 percent of the ‘demonstrator’ and demonstration participants came from these ‘foreign’ in recent 10 years showed how our ‘brains are drained out’
These foreign brainless have nothing to loose as this nation are not belong to them.
They would do anything for some amount of money offered by the organizer.They can easily be paid to create a chaos situation and to show provoke the authority to take action.
They would take pictures and videos to show to the world that our government have ignored the Human Rights, the freedom of speech and etc.
To a comment sent by ‘T’,I would like to highlight that no one is perfect. You could realize that.
Tun have done so much to re correct this unfortunate mistake took place during the present of ‘beloved’ Anwar Ibrahim in his government.This future Prime Ministers at that time really ‘love’ his fellow ‘Indonesian, and foreign brainless labour.
Go and ask Anwar for his action during that era.
For that I would like to thanx Tun for his brave decision in ‘throwing Anwar out of the government’ before he drained our brain out totally if he become PM.
thank you Tun.
Dearest Y A B TUN,
You are right Tun, I hope you can talk with the Government to allow skill foreigners to work in Malaysia even if they are in their 50s. This will benefit the country instead of having too many unskilled illegal workers. Talking about brain drain, my son a banker is now Head of Corporate finance in one of the banks in Doha Quatar.There are thousands of Malaysian in the middle east, engineers, pilots, doctors nurses, bankers and other professionals working for fat salaries and perks. Can we blame those professionals who do not want to come back until they make enough money to enable them to buy houses and properties in Malaysia. Tun you should have been the adviser to LADA and I am sure we can compete with Phuket, Bali or Chang Mai. Langkawi is more beautiful and unspoilt compared to those places . May Allah bless and keep you well Tun wasallam
That is cool that you have finally admitted that the country immigration entry requirements are much to be desired for
– you agree then that the policies that predate-2004 are now showing flaws in the kind of talent (or bodies) that is introduced into this country.
Ybhg Tun these days since being retrenched as part of the cost cutting measures implemented by young Malays [graduating out of London Business School] making their permanent mark of shuffling paper to show profit, I have a bit more free time to look back at the achievement made by the nation, and of course one that can be attributed wholly to you is Langkawi.
It must have been a vision that flashed before you of what Langkawi could be that started your crazed effort to change the course of history of one of Malaysia many sleepy hollow. I wonder what really made you challenge the legendary curse of Mahsuri, that persisted in Langkawi until today.
A word of thanks from a simpleton Malay on your effort that has now resulted Langkawi becoming a holiday destination for Malaysian and almost everybody else from around the world. A DUTY FREE island, a new airport,strings of 5 star hotels, bi annual event that now has become an AIRCRAFT and MARITIME exhibition site for major military displays. I think it has at least created another dot on the map that has allowed foreigners to know a bit more about Malaysia.
Oh about the mozzarela cheese is it really made from buffalo milk ? I don’t mind spending time learning a new trade, milking the many buffaloes and learning to make cheese which some how has catch on to be part of Malaysian expensive imported diet
Keep well – please, at least we can throw our weight in you blog and share some of our troubles with some one.
Dear linuxguy – thanks for your input quoted below:
—– Quote >
Dear Tun,
Sorry a bit off topic.
See what Clinton said about you.
“But what Clinton revealed about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was more interesting. He listed down the names of leaders he admired during his term as US president.
They included South Africa
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Your latest article here is quite different from your articles before. Who ever thought that Tun would write something about Mozzarella Cheese. 🙂 However, congrats Tun for the development you brought into Langkawi. When I visited Langkawi, I never fail to go to The Loaf. The food there is splendid.
sesekali baca kisah pembangunan langkawi,seronok dari cerita politik..Tun..bagi sikit idea dan motivasi buat pembaca2 blog ini okay,,,
nice one Tun..non political but very interesting…Tun made it sounds great…we really miss you our PM and until now we cannot accept the fact that you are no longer the PM..sigh!!
Salam Tun,
Why bother to promote mozarella cheese? It is better to promote our very own product. Why can’t we promote belacan factory in Langkawi and called it “Langkawi Belacan”.
Tun, you see, the Korean is famous for their Kimchee, the Japanese have their Sushi, so here in Malaysia why not we promote belacan. It is an exotic food anyway.
Salam Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Haji buat Tun dan semua pembaca,
Saya pernah ke langkawi tahun ni sempena Hari Keluarga office kami. Kali terakhir saya sampai langkawi tahun 1993. so almost 15 years. Byk pembangunan di sana. Cuma tidak ler sampai ke tahap impressive.
Selama seminggu di sana, saya sempat ke Cafe Tun. Memang dah pasang niat nak tengok Marina yng penuh dengan boat. Saja nak kembalikan kenangan saya di Port Solent, Portsmouth. Totally different in Langkawi, Area cafe Tun nampak sunyi je seperti tiada pelancong yang tertarik dengan tempat tu.
Saya nak bagi idea pada org Langkawi, mungkin Tun boleh galakkan.
Buat ler Langkawi tu mcm Factory Outlet by terbesar di Malaysia, Tun buat le kat area Marina Tun. saya gerenti org akan serbu dah invest.
Di UK Factory Outlet merata-rata dan membangun. Di serbu pada musim2 perayaan. Saya sgt teruja dengan Factory Outlet concept seperti di UK.
pikir2kan lah.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Setahun lepas ada gok gi ke Langkawi.Tapi hari hujan.Biasalah hujung-hujung tahun.
So, tak dapatlah nak gi ronda ke tempat yang menarik lama-lama.Dekat kapal pun tak dan nak singgah.
Tapi suasana malam kat sana memang menarik.Lebih-lebih lagi masa hujan lebat.Penuh dengan limpahan cahaya.Rasa nak mandi hujan je…
Kat sana pun ada gok awek comel dari Kemaman yang pindah ke Langkawi.
Tahun ni tak dapat gi Langkawi pun takpe,awek comel tetap balik ke Kemaman.Tapi awek comel tak dan pulak nak rasa Pizza Itali yang ada mozarella.Kata nak beli….
Terima kasih Tun.
Nice to hear that the clergyman is well and healthy. My garden was
attended to by a bee. I chased it off and I think the bee has lost its sting. I went to Pertama complex not long ago and to my supprise there he was, the one who would win any look a like contest if held here in Malaysia. The poster that I saw in my friend K. Hairy’ s mall. I nearly made a mistake when searching for the one responsible in my script of page 13. The land of the lions was from where he came and I only got to know this after loosing my voice shouting treason at the person from page 1 and they did not adhere for thirteen times more. The pope is here, the pope is here, alas the wagging of the tail by de niro so rich, and must be upheld. Silence the meek, for they will not understand the intensity of terror I had seen in his eyes. They who downed two 45s to prove a point to me. Im, poster(Malaysia Airlines). Jesus must stay, the only way to banish one who claim rights to His son in law. How many ants this lump of sugar he attracts I’ve yet to tell but the start will see in caps “All Zoos Have Arranged Relocation and Zack Ask In Nobility, his friend Adam at Jalil hill” where to buy air bandung for the so called palamino who trots the last at de palma and central mart. Be awares then for the kentucky guy on page 2, who holds the key to the room that embraces the arms and not the balance. For the now, not red yet, so move. Three hundred and three, Bees, marched in the garden of Melawati therein the principal resides with Tun Perak laying the path. For if not then page 1 must be pressed. I saw him. Downing me would not quench the thirst that’s so great, so I’ll be ok. God Bless Malaysia.
Assalamualaikum TUN,
Saya cuma ingin mendapat pengesahan dari pihak TUN bahawa wujudnya pelaburan skim dibawah naungan TUN, di mana org-org dari Brunei di tawarkan melabur. Tolong minta penjelasan jikalau perkara ini benar2 ada sebelum kita tertipu oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Of all the article that Tun have posted, this one is my favourite. It is a departure from headache political issues and attempt by Tun to indirectly lead more economic activities, though in this case limited only at regional Langkawi.
This article could have fur flung effect on the Langkawi’s economy. Tun is aware that global economy is in recession mode and could adversely affect Langkawi’s own economy. We are aware that Langkawi is and has always been high on Tun’s regard. Tun is also aware that this posting will be read by thousands of readers. Lucky for Langkawi folks, Tun is taking matters of propping up Langkawi’s economy directly into his own hand, even without funding and doing it through his own blog.
High on his agenda is the exclusive horse breeding project tied directly to leisure tourism. The target is the for this are the wealthy and discerning businessman.
Tun’s emphasis is also on the maritime and shipbuilding industry targetting a niche in boat carving.
Being a statesman, Tun did not forget to advertise the products produce by lower rung fisherman by pointing out that they are toiling in the night to catch abundant squid.
The mozarella are important venture ought to be seriously considered by local businessmen. The comment on the yacht is of course intended to drive up leisure tourism in Langkawi to rival and equate mighty resorts in mediterranean and other prominent areas in the world.
Lastly, I laud Tun’s effort to urge for reform in immigration law. This should warrant urgent action by government and law makers. To all Tun’s critics, what have you done besides spreading hate, hate and hate….what have you to show for the fishermen and rural down trodden folks…
How I wish Tun could post similar posting about Sabah to help sabahan weather this economic hardship. Bearing in mind that SABAH IS THE POOREST MALAYSIAN STATE, it would be a service to be met with open arms, as the saying goes;
“Kecil Tapak Tangan,
Nyiru kami tadahkan”
Nasirudin Anjud
Kota Kinabalu
Assalamualaikum Tun yang saya tersangat hormati..Arabian Horse Breeding,Local Fibreglass Catamaran,Foreign Woodcurving,Italian Mozzarella Cheese,Mediterranean Telaga Harbour and we must not forget Japanese Bread.Tun,I am inspired by your neverending determination and vision in forwarding Langkawi as a selfsufficient and therefore a desired local and international tourist destination.Tun,you have successfully anchored Lima,Letters of Langkawi,Tour d’Langkawi in Langkawi even though it was said at one time that these international events would be hijacked one by one.I,for one, would like to see Langkawi as per your vision.My experiances in the development of Telaga Harbour has convinced me that Tun has the required resources to realise this vision.Tun,I wish you success in your projects in Langkawi and yes I agree with you that to put a floating platform in the marina is not on yet.The marina needed to be extended to cater for this form of activity.
(sorry lari tajuk)
atas jasa2 TUN dan ISTERI yang tak terbalas…..menjaga semua orang2 melayu dan rakyat malaysia keseluruhannya.JASAMU HANYA ALLAH YANG DAPAT MEMBALAS.Sekali lagi……TERIMAKASIH TUN.
Dear Tun
Hope you’re doing well and enjoyed your visit to Langkawi.
IMHO, I personally think Langkawi is becoming overrated and overpriced compared to 10 years ago, particularly the hotel industry. If the price hike is exponential to the quality of service (QoS) then it is understandable. For an RM100 Langkawi motel, you get a rundown room with faulty facilities and smelly room. Compared this to Koh Samui, you get a superb room. Compared to the more commercialised Phuket, you’ll get a more decent room than in Langkawi.
On preserving the places of interests, most of the attractions are not well maintained. Good examples are the Air Hangat Village and the Beras Terbakar site. There used to be batik paintings and cultural performance at Air Hangat Village which you won’t find anymore. The well water is dirty and turning green as a result of fungus infestation.
What are your thoughts on this?
Now that you will have your own catamaran, you better learn to swim !. No more excuses, cas. its unsafe being a non-swimmer once you are on any boat.
Its very easy, 1st learn to trust yourself i.e. water confident, 2nd learn to floot, just let your body do it for you, 3rd breath through your mouth and keep your eyes open. 4th move forward using your arms and legs.
I have taught hundreds of non-swimmers to swim within 10 – 15 minutes. Everyone are now swimmers !
So go to the pool today and try this out.
So the next time I hear from you,,,”yes am a swimmer now !!!!” o.k.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Semoga sihat sekeluarga dan selamat hari raya. I am very keen on this mozarella cheese produced in Langkawi. About all this unskilled foreigners coming in our country legal or illegal, can’t aour MP’s think of something to prevent them. My suggestion, employer who employ unskilled workers in the factory or any industry to be charged a high fee(createlah ape-ape name) so that the cost employing them is unaffordable. All these factories pun perah cukup-cukup keringat this people. With that condition, nak tak nak kena ambik pekerja Malaysia. Satu lagi, selain dari fee, tarik balik semua insentif tax sekiranya ambik pekerja asing nie.
Suruhanjaya yang Pak LAh sibuk nak buat ni,tak kire ke kosnye sampai 5000 orang nak ambil. Sedang gawat-gawat ni, cubelah pikir hal ehwal rakyat marhain yang kesusahan. Barang turun harga pun ambik syarat saje. Itulah padahnye,pikir pendek.
Nasihat saya, sesiapa nak jadi leader tak kire dari UMNO or others cubelah fikir kepentingan agama dan rakyat. Kalau rase tak cukup pandai, tak payahlah perasan.
Macam Pak LAh tak ape, kalau ape-ape jadi dia sekeluarga boleh duduk kat Singapore ke Australia ke. Ape susah.
Saya doakan agar Tun sihat untuk terus menulis dan memperingati pemimpin akan datang.Bukankah itu tugas sesame Islam.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
I like the writing Tun, an interesting to read writing which is based on your careful observation. It is right that whatever economic project to be carried out by Malaysians the first to think about is its positive economic impact to the project’s surroundings–to provide business and job oppurtinties to others especially the locals. On the Malaysian goverment policy barring over 50-year-skilled workers to enter business activities in the country, I agree it should be restudied. Why not we allow such pure skilled workers to come in. At least our local could learn something from them. Just allow them to come in but of course through proper regulation. May be the old said skilled worker could attend an interview with the respective authority. Just to make sure that the candidate is a real skilled worker which is much required by our country.
2008/12/11 KUALA LUMPUR: The idea for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was mooted last year, and not after the results of the March 8 general election as suggested by certain quarters.
It’s not an afterthought, says ACA deputy D-G
” On why Hong Kong’s Independent Commission on Anti-Corruption had been chosen as a model for the MACC, Abu Kassim said many politicians, non-governmental organisations and other individuals had used the ICAC as a comparison to the ACA.
He said the ICAC was internationally recognised as one of the best, if not the best, corruption prevention and investigation agencies in the world.
“Their model is the best. But, if you check the records, you will see that the ACA investigates more cases and charges more people, including major figures and politicians, than the ICAC does.”
REASON ACA investigate and charge more people in Malaysia than Hong Kong is HK prosecute and jail. Malaysia ACA “Not enough evidence” let go.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
You are 100% correct on the immigration issue, we need the brains to come in and milk their skills and ideas. I see these things happening during your premiership but not now. Although we got some ministers with the brains who during your time did very well in generating new ideas for the country, but I don’t see them doing the same now. Maybe its because they can’t work with their hands tied up.
So the case in point is that we need good leadership to run the country. During your time I saw all these colorful and brilliant developments happened which under this current administration nothing is going forward. My question is can we still achieve vision 2020?
Lastly I pray each and every night that Allah save us all and bless us and give us a new leader like you Tun,” Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir”. Aminn.
T, the braindrain has been there for many years, however it seems to have picked up a lot of pace over the lasy few years. Talent was kept in Malaysia through various incentives inc. future progress. It is the tumultuous leadership of AAB and the incompetence of UMNO after 2003 that has raised divides amongst professionals and non-professionals alike that have seen them packing their bags and leaving for other pastures.
The only way Malaysia can stem the tide of braindrain is by having a strong and decisive leadership that brings with it, political stability and fast-paced economic development as we witnessed during the early 1990’s.
Good day…
Saya tengok rancangan discovery ataupun travel astro tahun ini.saya terperanjat sebab mozarella memang dihasilkan oleh kerbau yang dibawa dari India 1000 tahun dahulu.susu dari lembu tak boleh dijadikan sebagai cheese mozarella.Bayangkan negara sejuk pun boleh membela kerbau apatah lagi negara kita yang memang habitat asli untuk kerbau yang suka berkubang. Saya harap Malaysia dapat jadi pembekal terbesar cheese mozarella dunia.
saya harap tun sihat dan dapat memberikan pendapat-pendapat bernas dalam blog ini,insya allah
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
Alhamdulillah YABhg Tun masih terus menyumbang tenaga untuk memajukan lagi Pulau Langkawi dan menambat hati orang Itali mengeluarkan mozzarella cheese D’Langkawi.
YABhg Tun telahpun melahirkan rasa kecewa dengan penebangan pokok jati dan mahogani tetapi mereka masih meneruskan kerja bodoh ini.
Mereka naif tentang geologi, geografi dan ekologi Pulau Langkawi. Mereka perlu sedar bahawa pertumbuhan pokok amat perlahan berbanding di daratan kerana tekstur tanah dan cuacanya yang rigid. Oleh itu setiap pokok amat bernilai dan tidak seharusnya ditebang dengan sewenang-wenangnya.
Persoalannya perlukah dilebarkan jalan tersebut. Saya rasa pelancong lebih suka mundar-mandir untuk menikmati keindahan alam semulajadi berbanding memandu laju.
Lagipun kita perlukan pelancong yang tinggal lebih lama supaya pelbagai industri sokongan sektor pelancongan memperolehi munafaat.
Telaga Harbour dengan kemudahan tempat makan, kedai serbaguna, penginapan mempunyai keunikan tersendiri.
Persoalannya adakah perlu dibina pentas terapong sedangkan kawasan laluan boat sudah senpit. Lebih baik mereka perdalamkan muaranya yang semakin cetek bagi melancarkan perjalanan keluar-masuk boat. Lagipun masih ada tanah lapang yang boleh dibangunkan disekitar Telaga Harbour.
Saya pernah tinggal di Langkawi ketika zaman mundur. Sentuhan YABhg Tun yang meletakkan pulau sumpahan Mahsuri dipeta pelancongan dunia.
YABhg Tun sanggup menaiki boat menjelajah kepulauan Siam bagi mencari idea membangun industri pelancongan Langkawi. Begitu juga dengan keujudan ladang kuda. Tidak kurang juga dengan Galeri Perdana, program LIMA, pertandingan Le Tour DLanglawi. Yang baru saya ketahui ialah membantu industri pembuatan boat.
Kerajaan sepatutnya mengiktiraf kepakaran serta sumbangan dengan melantik YABhg Tun sebagai penasihat bagi merujuk sebarang aktiviti pembangunan di Langkawi.
Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.
Dear Tun,
Bila Tun bercerita ttg mozzarella cheese di Langkawi, teringat saya pada produk Langkawii Crystal. Apa dah jadi? Saya pernah ke kilangnya yang dibina di sebuah pulau. Rasanya harga produk kristal tu terlalu mahal berbanding dengan kualitinya. Dengar-dengar kilang tu dah ditutup dan dipindahkan.
Tun, rasanya cerita santai begini lebih menarik dari cerita politik yang menyesakkan dada.
Take care Tun.
Salam Tun
Yes I agree with you that our Immigration policy is outdated.We should follow USA, bringing in new brains every year.We should follow Singapore giving citizenship to the rich and to young Chinese from Hong Kong to replenish their Chinese population.
Assalamualaikum Ya Habibi Tun.
1. Happy sangat baca tulisan Tun kali ni. Something different. Its was like a story by a father. Emm..sekali sekala kita tak payah pk pasal politik Tun. Tak de faedahnya. So I really happy for what you have done with your project. Insyallah apa Tun impikan mesti jadi. Dont wory ye Tun.
2. Since Tun komen pasal PATI yang melambak kat negara kita ni, saya pun nk amik kesempatan advice Menteri bertanggungjawab supaya jangan bnyk ckp. Cuba tgk kawasan Kotaraya, Bus Stand Kelang, penuh dgn PATI. Dia org konker habis. Buat bisness lagi. How can they got the permit? By giving duit kopi to authority? Wallahualam. Tolonglah jaga negara ni lebih baik. Tak cukup ke bangsa pendatang dah jajah ekonomi kita indirectly???? Takkan PATI pun satu hari jadi PM Msia!!!!! Tak suka tgk muka PATI yang bermaharajelela. Pls pls and pls do something about this. Something firm and efficient and effective.
3. Pasal brain tu. Tepat sekali!!!! Sokong 5000%.
4. Satu lagi paling saya menyampah, bila dah tangkap PATI, amboi baik sungguh gomen, buat rumah panjang, bg mkn minum free. Why should habiskan duit rakyat for this? Hantar balik je lah. Duit tu boleh tolong makcik pakcik yang miskin, bukan utk dihabiskan kepada PATI yang bnyk mendatangkan masalah!! Again, adakah untuk projek dan bisnes buat rumah tu? So pls. Hantar dia org balik. There should be no reason to maintain them. Its too much. Sometime I wonder what kind of leader yang exist dlm negara kita ni and what the hell that the authority is doing ‘up’ there???
4. Wassalam.
Dear Uncle Tun,
Best pula cerita Uncle kali ni,In my mind Uncle like cerita hal semasa saja that why sometimes malas nak bagi commment, Uncle amat understand what you readers need, make it different people will love you.
Assalammualaikum Tun Chedet,
ucapan selamat hari raya Aidiladha buat Tun sekeluarga, semoga sehat sejahtera.
Tun, cakap pasal industri desa ni..saya sebenarnye dah boring keje ngan org. dari dulu sampai la ni asek kena cekik je..dia makin kaya, saya dok tang sini jugak. so Tun, saya n wife suka tgk Asian food chanel..olive oil is major ingredient in cooking, the taste is delicious they even drink it from the bottle tapi hargenye sgt mahal kat sini.so.. rasanye kat Malaysia blom ade kot ladang Olive. walaupun saya dok pk jugak agak2 boleh tak pokok olive hidup kat sini..dengan cuaca n soil..n perhaps there are more to consider. U think i could bukak ladang olive? i biliv with good marketing in awareness of why olive oil is much better to be use in cookin, it’ll be a major bussiness. iTS FOR HEALTH! To think bout it, for me it’s more a good deeds than bussines.
From packaging to use of tools n machines, i know i have to top all the European design.
Well..back to basic. Any1 wanna team up?
Salam Sejahtera Tun dan keluarga…
Kali akhir pergi Langkawi tahun 2003 dan kali pertama tahun 1986.dulu Tun pernah cakap kalau jurujual menaikkan harga kerana ramai pelancung dan berlagak sombong …businessnya tak akan kemana.Memang betul. Saya lihat kedai yg dulunya meriah menjual barangan pinggan-mangkuk dll jadi suram dan masih menjual barangan lama yang tak habis ..sedangkan di super/hyper market luar Langkawi sudah ada bermacam2 barangan baru.
Apapun Langkawi masih tetap di hati saya tambahan pula saya baru tahu ada Kilang Mozarella dan ternakan kerbau dan kuda secara komersial di sana.Mudah2an kami sekeluarga dapat melawat tempat ternakan kuda Tun satu hari nanti.
Akum TUN
Selamat Hari Raya Iduladha untuk TUN sekeluarga.
Sebagai cadangan saya berpendapat TUN seharusnya dihargai oleh UMNO dan pemimpin yang ada. Banyak pandangan yang bernas yang boleh diterima pakai untuk kebaikan Malaysia. Tapi sayang sikap ego pemimpin yang ingin membina nama sehingga terlupa apa yang baik dan buruk. Seolah2 apa yang dibuat TUN semua buruk..ini sikap Pemimpin Islam Hadhari.
Salam Tun,
Apa yang saya kagumi tentang Tun ialah pemikiran Tun yang selalu keluar dari kotak pemikiran Melayu tipikal…pemikiran itulah sebenarnya yang diperlukan oleh orang Melayu…untuk maju dan menembusi medan antarabangsa…
Dear Tun,
I like this article of yours that provide good knowledge to others.
I also like Tun has kept away from boring articles on politics and racial issues.
At least we feel more fresh air now.
Thank you, Tun.
Tun, maybe someday you should write a blog about how you maintain your health all these years. Is there a secret? If so then share with us so all Malaysian can be more healthy than today. Thank you.
Salam Tun, semoga sihat sejahtera selalu.
Mozzarella cheese being produced in Langkawi? Wow! at last mimpi saya jadi kenyataan walaupun hanya dari kilang kecil. I’ve been wondering for so long, why doesnt Malaysia produce HALAL cheese? I’ve seen on tv where they lomorkan lard to the block of cheese. I’ve never been to Langkawi but maybe that MOTzarela could make me go there.. hehehe (cute giggle).
Dear Tun,
Mozarella cheese production in Langkawi? What a great step forward to this industry. It is sad to note that highly profitable business using local ingredients has not been widely promoted in this country despite widely travelled ministers and PM overseas. I wonder why ? or are they less creative and less inovative to see or are they just only spending rakyats’ money for ‘makan angin’? The trip to Taiwan for example has brought no technology development per se. Incredible things happen in this ‘Bolehland country’.
I must note here that you are one PM, who has travelled extensively during your reign and you have brought back many superb suggestions and ideas for our country. Currently, no bright ideas has surfaced to date, except businesses for certain parties, which has little impact to the socio-economic welfare of the mojority of the rakyat.
Too much emphasis has been given to “ketuanan melayu” and we the malays are on the verge of “menang sorak kampung tergadai”. We lost in many aspects to the non malays; in terms of education, mercy dependent on pricing of basic essentials goods, housing (where majority of the malays are flat dwellers), majority cant afforad to purchase houses exceeding RM250K, threads are commonly made against the ruling party by subordinate ruling coalitions.
Mozarella cheese and maybe edam chesse and even some highly technological know-how (imported overseas) may help elevate the majority malay entreprenuers, rather than for them to patctise corruption, which is synonymous to the malays at large. We ought to be ashame of ourselves.
Salam Tun,
Regarding the recent tragedy of landslide at Ulu Yam Baru dan Bukit Antarabangsa, we should not show the attitude of blaming each other or making wrong policies by stopping any future/current development on high hill areas. I suggest we should take it as a lesson & challenge to further improve our qualities in several areas such as:
1. Geological information system/portal for public access.
2. Environmental Engineering.
3. Civil/Structural Engineering.
4. Insurance protection premiums.
5. Properties valuation.
6. Building design alternatives.
7. Warning & alert system for natural disaster situations.
8. Victims compensation & recovery system/plan.
9. Etc
The policies and standards should be designed based on risk levels. Enforcement should be done professionally rather than politically inclined. If we take the disasters negatively, it will retard our growth (in every aspect) or will produce more disastrous after-effects. On the other hand, if we take it positively, it will make us a better nation. We should learn from the Japanese how they learn from incidents and improve themselves and not just wasting time blaming each other.
Anyway, I wish you and your family Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha and my deepest condolence to all the victims of Ulu Yam Baru dan Bukit Antarabangsa.
Some reading about landslide: http://www.ga.gov.au/hazards/landslide/
Salam Tun,
Langkawi’s success is due to you,Sir.Nobody,even your fiercest critics, can deny this fact.
Dear Tun, salam mesra selamat sejahtera. Minta izin…
Tun should really insist on better specifications for the boat. It should withstand a two way journey to say India, Japan not just for sotong catching. It is not helping capacity building to set low standards and artificially ‘create’ business…I could be wrong.
There was not a squeak from the previous govt when Indons(WM) and Filipino Muslims(Sabah) made up the majority of immigrant workers. Many of them are now confortably settled with Mykad. But now it is a ‘brain’ vs ‘brainless’ issue. What changed ‘I wonder why’
One business was praised and promoted (say cheese..!) while another a platform was plonked (tenggelam sebelum masuk dlm air) Somebody is not in the good book.
Is this article for light reading this time? Somehow there is still the scent of a rat somewhere….
“It seems that our immigration policy does not allow anyone above 50-years to come and work in Malaysia. What a pity. Our skilled engineers, pilots, architects etc can go out but skilled foreigners cannot come in.”
1. Di atas adalah salah satu contoh.Terdapat beribu-ribu lagi masalah yang menyusahkan bila anda memulakan perniagaan di Malaysia.
2. Tidak hairanlah mengapa bekas YB Jasin mengamuk di Dewan Rakyat bila projeknya di ganggu oleh penguatkuasa.
3. Ahli Politik yang hanya tahu menerima komisen (rasuah?) mungkin tidak terkesan oleh masalah yang dihadapi oleh peniaga tulin.Mereka hanya tahu makan dan menyalak.
take care tun
Assalamualaikum TUN,
Dikesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA. Semoga pengorbanan kita diterima ALLAH dan kita semua mendapat taufik dan hidayahNYA.
Dearest Dato,
Ah..Langkawi! The joy of holiday.
Langkawi mozzarella cheese. Sounds interestingly odd but potentially profitable venture.
Hope the recent slowdown did not affect the hotel operators there too much. Else, the island will be too quiet.
Dear Tun,
Quite a refreshing glimpse out life outside politics.
The country’s immigration policies are left much to be desired in view of the net influx of unskilled workers and the exclusion of skilled workers due to their age.
Langkawi mozarella – who would have thought.
Selamat Hari Raya and best wishes to Tun and family
Greetings Tun Mahathir Sir,
Your views on brain drain attracts my attention. Here in Singapore, the govt is busy pumping up the talent pool with “Young Dragons” mostly from China, and some numbers from Indonesia, Philippines, India, Myanmar etc.
If you care to visit our Immigration and Checkpoint building near Lavender, you will see a queues and queues of people applying or waiting to get their Permanent Resident. Getting a PR status for them is like getting a Golden Ticket to enter Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
Granted, they are just like any other human beings who desperately need to find greener pastures, working hard to provide a better living for their families. I emphathise with their plight, although I believe their arrival has also affected opportunities for locals.
Anyway, why i brought up this story? Just perhaps to suggest this to the Malaysian government:
Maybe the Malaysian government can aggressively attract talent from Singapore who lost their opportunities to the foreigners? I’m not talking about any brainless talent, but tertiary educated talents who lost opportunity because when they look up job advertisements in the newspapers, they see the following:
“preferably Chinese speaking candidates as need to liase with Mandarin speaking customers”
Kudos to the Italian businessman for getting your cheese business special mention in this blog that’s read by millions. I wish you many success ahead. any plans to go public in the future? 🙂
Yours Respectfully,
Thank you Tun for bringing this issue out.
And to Linuxguy, who the hell WORSHIPS LKY. you’re dumb. No one is using racist remarks except UMNO, but i think you’re too stupid to realise this as well. You’re the racist bastards to think of your fellow malaysians this way.
I’ve no problem with a Malay being my boss. a boss is a boss, be it Indian or chinese if all i care. You probably won’t be able to work in an international environment, i bet you probably have issues with a lady being your boss. Get a life buddy
Dear Tun,
Your are always complaining about our government policies. In para 6 and 7 you complain about our immigration policy. But Tun, the immigration policy was there during your time too! There was brain drain during your time too! Why complain? The biggest mistake Pak Lah did was not changing those policies. By the way the person making the good tasting cheese has he got the work permit?
I must mention here that without the foreign workers Malaysia would not have progressed physically this far. Without them your Twin Towers, the highways and Putrajaya would not have existed. No thanks to your administration, our own people shy away from doing these back-breaking work. Without them our plantations and construction industries would have to close down.
Good day Tun,
Salam Ayahnda Tun sekeluarga.
Good Morning & Assalamu Alaikum.
Dear Tun,
The Langkawi is very special to me. However, I have been there for once only…….way back in 2001, but it still churns sweet memories as our honeymoon took place there. I & my malaysian wife spent 3D/2N there. And since then we have never been there coz busy with kids. But, now, we plan to go there after the birth of our 4th child next year, Insha Allah.
I really admire your role in Langkawi Development Board and wish you a good health.
Allah Hafiz.
Salam Tun,
I just managed to watch Tun’s interview with Riz Khan on You Tube. The interview was great but you were not. You do not looked good nor sounded good. Tun, the way I see it, you are in a frail condition. So please take good care of yourself.
Note – and I agreed with your last statement that we all look forward to that change President elect Barak Obama promised everybody and not just talk while bullshits walk.
Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
Saya cuma memohon agar Tun dapatlah sedikit sebanyak menceritakan pengalaman Tun yang luas menjelajah seluruh dunia. Agar dapat dikongsi bersama-sama kami yang tidak dapat berbuat sedemikian.
Cukuplah cerita politik. Selagi Pak Lah jadi PM Tun tak payahlah lagi becerita politik.Lepas Mac nanti baru cerita balik.OK.
Shuhaimi Ismail
i love langkawi Tun..
good day tun. hope you and your family are in the best of health.
reading the post, it surprises me to see how actively you are spending your retirement. if anybody else, they would never qualify for a ‘retirement’.
i’m glad you still have the passion for langkawi. i once read that when you became the PM and developed langkawi, it was at the end on the 7th generation of Mahsuri descendants.
some people really put passion in what they do, some people just do it for the sake of doing it. maybe to please other people. and people can see your passion for langkawi simply because when there is passion, it tends to have comprehensiveness and vision.
voila for langkawi
Salam Tun,
Wah.. seronok baca tour TUN..
Hepi Touring Tun..! How can I forget
Langkawi.. that is where I first met
n shake Tun’s hand during LIMA ekspo..
A’kum Tun,
You were modernist and also an industrialist when you were the PM.
You really tailored Malaysia in the way you wanted it to be. Now you even actively give your views to the the government as a common people. But then today government probably the approach is different. I hope the public views were heard and rectification could be done asap. cherio..
Salam Tun,
You made us believe in ourselves. Thank you.
Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
I am indeed happy to know that Tun was in Langkawi the day before Raya Haji to enjoy yourself and had a busy time looking at Tun’s projects. As a normal rakyat, we should have this habit and mentality of “love & passion” in everything we do in life so that we can work, learn and enjoy our life as we move on. Hmm…. soft cheese on pizza is mozzarella cheese.
I am happy too to read comment by linuxguy on December 10, 2008 3:43 PM on Malaysia Today, which I never sign up as their visitor because I know that they are fully paid to create racial disharmony in Malaysia by creating arrogant and sound racist condemning the Malays and Islam so that our younger chinese and indians(especially those who are educated in Sekolah Menengah and private schools) can be easily be brain washed to be their loyal readers to create opposition party votes.
But this website had spinned and twisted all facts, ie, our rukun negara on “Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan” – the word “Tuhan” is a general word for the “almighty” of all religions, be it Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or Christianity etc. which represent and respect all individual’s religion teachings in Malaysia. So they do not need to attack malays (muslims) or Islam to increase the daily hits. I wonder have they touch the minimum requirement to be qualified to enter the “One Millionaire Club”(details of the club can be obtained from Tun’s May 2008 articles)….
Till then and good day Tun.
Aha… I hope that we will soon have our very own parmesan cheese and gouda cheese too.
Dear Tun,
It’s nice to see that you’re relaxing and doing things that you enjoy. Langkawi is very lucky to have you.
Like many who comment on your blog, I am saddened by the increased divide in racial polarity in our country. The latent resentment and angry defensive retorts are a testament to the brewing discontent amongst the races. The “togetherness” and community that used to bond us is quickly disappearing. I am Chinese myself, but I love Malaysia for what it is, and the potential it represents. It is your country as much as it is mine. I have great plans for the country when I return. It is my fragile hope that by then, the people will have come to a more peaceful understanding of what it means to be Malaysian.
I’ll look forward to enjoying the novelty of Langkawi Mozzarella cheese!
Salam Tun
This is superb….
Take care and may ALLAH bless u always.
Asalamualaikum bapak…
aiseyman….cedih lah cenggini…
saya baru berangan2 nak p langkawi…ni lah pertama kali tingin p langkawi selama lebih 20thn kat png….ingat nak p tengah bulan jan.
aiseyyy…ada vr lak…takot dapat bisikkan maut…harap2 depa tak paksa saya amik vr….aiseyyy…mmmm mungkin sis hbt leh bagi cadangan jenis bisnes yg sesuai utk saya…tapi kan saya nih mmg takder muka bisnes….cakap bisnes…tu yg susah tu….ni kena buat kajian ni…takleh jadik nih…..buat tempe/tanam cendawan/beli ikan keli/haruan/segala mcm ikan…o bela lintah/cacing…aiyooooo…yg nih cap badan takleh lah…eeeeeeeee geli geli geli geli…eeeee….
abis ganer nak berjaya..seme2 geli pulak dah….aisey..apa yg duk saya merapu meraban ni…tensen lah bapak…..ish2….
Dear Tun,
I am surprised (and delighted) at the news that we are now producing CHEESE in Langkawi. I am a culture nut and think that this might have an interesting impact to the local gastronomics.
Note that asians are morelikely to be lactose intolerant than any other ethnicities, because we do not traditionally consume much cheese or dairy products.
I am also surprised (and shocked) at our immigration policy. It seems that it is almost impossible for a skilled foreign laborer to come work in Malaysia unless he/she is married to a Malaysian, or work for a non-Malaysian corporation and transferred to Malaysia.
As to Lennon’s comment: “Notice how KL is being run by the banglas and the indons, cant eat anywhere without their kind as waiters or cook, cant visit any place without their kind as cleaners.”
I am going to sound like a broken record, but these are jobs that no Malaysians want anyway, but they are jobs that need to be fulfilled. How do you propose we handle this? I have no solution.
I see the same thing here in the US. Whether it be an American restaurant, or Indian or Latin or Japanese, the cooks and servers are mostly Mexican. Even the guy who handles the halal meat at the Pakistani shop is Mexican.
I realize that I am part of the brains outside the country, and I may not be much help right now. Being outside looking in is a different feeling. Malaysia is still my home and I am concerned of its well being because I want to come home someday, provided there are any brains left.
I wish you and your family much health so that you may continue to inspire Malaysians.
those are cool projects you have Tun
a part of hardwork and struggle
luck do play a part to ensure things run smoothly
sometimes luck is just not with our side.
This is where I hate it most for the have like you telling the have not like most of us, your luxury of living like a retired Don Corleone. I don’t think it is appropriate for a fighter like you to turn soft by telling us about your personal interest instead of your ongoing crusade against the Badawians, that story of horse breeding, Mozzarella Cheese and cottage industry, whatever, is only fit for listening during peace time, not in war time. You have started this war for a good government and you have built up a tremendous momentum among millions of readers of your blog. One of the 10 Principles of War is that “The impetus of attack must be maintained”. Be yourself, be as ruthless as a warlord you were before and don’t turn your back on us with this kind of kid stuff story anymore. Good nite my lord.
Langkawi is a beautiful island. I shake hands and took photo with you and my family at Burau Bay eleven years ago when I holiday in Langkawi. Since then, theres lot of island attraction across the region which Langkawi must compete. I hope one day your dream of Langkawi mozarella cheese will come true and we can go taste the cheese besides visiting other attractions.
Dear Tun,
I would like to comment on this … //My friend had tried to bring in a foreign wood carver to Langkawi to start a new cottage industry. It seems that our immigration policy does not allow anyone above 50-years to come and work in Malaysia. What a pity. Our skilled engineers, pilots, architects etc can go out but skilled foreigners cannot come in. On the other hand unskilled labourers may come in legally or illegally.//
Remark: Majority of Malaysians are fully aware of this scenario but our BN government is closing one eye or just
salam tun…
saya pelajar matrik, sekarang menetap di langkawi…ada beberapa perkara yang ingin saya utarakan…lebih mudah jika saya boleh menghantar email secara terus kepada tun sendiri…itu pun sekiranya hal ini tidak menyusahkan tun…
Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
Yes, I recently visited this place in Langkawi where they manufacture the mozzarella chese and was very impressed, not only with the set-up but also with the dedication and passion that the entrepreneurs have for the business. I hope the business will flourish…. I think Malaysia needs to really expand its dairy product industry.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga dan rakan di blog chedet.com
Seronok saya membaca bingkisan ayahanda dari Langkawi. Semoga apa yang dirancang dan diimpikan ayahanda insyaAllah menjadi kenyataan selagi tiada orang yang buta mata dan hati mencatas segala yang telah dirancang demi kepentingan diri mereka sendiri.
Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga atas segala apa yang telah ayahanda lakukan untuk kepentingan rakyat, negara dan agama.
Ayahanda u are the best and we love u so much.
Semoga Allah memberi kesejahteraan dan rahmat kepada ayahanda seisi keluarga . Amin…
Anakanda Rose Hadi
YBhg Tun,
Salam Sejahtera and thank you for stopping at Titi Gajah after Langkawi. As much as we value your observation of Langkawi, it is unfortunate that we don’t hear yours of the state capital too.May we get the good chance to have your views .BTW orang kampong sangat menghargai lembu korban yang didatangkan khusus setiap AidilAdha.
We pray for your continuing health and that of Tun Dr Siti Hasmah
Dear Tun,
At your age you are still mentally strong and having full of new ideas. That’s the difference between you and the rest. You definitely stand above all others, not like some brainless people especially the political leaders who are really haprak and HP6 !!!Their brains are still having “third class brains” even though some of them are accademically qualified but unfortunately their creativity to develop new ideas is “ground zero”. Pandai main politik sahaja tapi otak GOBLOK !!!
Talking about having brainless people coming to our country, I think it is high time to stop them coming. They are nuisance to our society. There is no high added-value in terms of productivity that they can contribute.They are just “pariah” lot not worse a sen.
There a lot more that Langkawi can offer if only the present leaders take serious effort to “crack their heads” but unfortunately it is perceived that Pak Lah has done nothing to focus on Langkawi’s development for the past 5 years.
I think Langkawi should have international branch campus universities to cater for foreign students particulary from Europe and Middle East countries.Just imagine if you have 100,000 international students studying in Langkawi, the spin off economic effect would be very great indeed. Or maybe we can convert the island as a centre of higher learning with first class infrastructure and facilities. All the brains from all over the world can be tapped from these universities in Langkawi.
Now Langkawi is under PAS administration. I wonder what has the new PAS government done so far to continue develop Langkawi?
Salam Tun,
Bila Tun cerita psl Langkawi, teringat pulak our family vacation kat sana bulan dlm bln September baru ni (it’s Ramadhan). It’s a first time for our kidz. Anak-anak kami Haziq (10) & Aisyah (5) sangat seronok & teruja. Tak terasa langsung penat & letih berpuasa. Naik kereta kabel, Underwaterworld (walau tak sehebat Aquaria), Dataran Helang, Pasar Ramadhan, Galeri Perdana, the marina’s & byk lagi. Sempat beli 2/3 jenis roti & cap kat The Loaf (and get the cap endorsed by both Tun during your Hari Raya Open House)
Terima kasih Tun. It’s your vision that make Langkawi what she is today…we salute u, the one and only our Tun Dr.M.
Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun Dr. Mahathir,
It’s interesting to know that Langkawi is producing Mozzarella cheese. This is taking the spirit of Malaysia Boleh to the next level. Can’t wait for the Langkawi cheese to be on the world map and being used for pizza by Pizza Hut and Dominos.
If the factory is open for visitors, we’ll be there on our next trip to Langkawi.
Regards and Wassalam
again!!tun alway’s right. saya sungguh hormat dgn pandangan,usaha tun yg sentiasa ingin majukan negara utk kesenangan generasi muda yg leka, lupa dan angkuh dgn pandangan bebas, penipuan fakta yg akhirnya membinasakan negara. kita perlu bangkit menyuarakan pandangan kita dgn tegas iaitu kita menolak golongan yg inginkan kebebasan bersuara kononnya kerana kita telah matang namun apa yg terjadi ialah kita semakin dihimpit gejala perkauman yg menebal.perasaan org melayu semakin dicuit, disakiti dan percayalah semangat org melayu akan sedar siapakah musuh kita! toleransi kita tidak dihormati, sejarah pembentukan negara diabaikan dgn alasan yg dungu dan angkuh. SEJARAH AKAN BERULANG…PERCAYALAH..WE MUST LEARN FROM HISTORY.
Salam Tun,
MOZZARELLA CHEESE!!! i love italian food. i love cheese. i love beef. in fact, i love food!
damn. no wonder i’m obese…
Tun, bercakap tentang Langkawi, saya berasa perlu diluahkan idea-idea untuk memajukan Langkawi. Banyak perkara yang boleh dilakukan untuk memajaukan lagi Langkawi. Antaranya,
1. Kolej/Sekolah Pelancongan- banyak hotel di sekitar Langkawi dan antara masalah yang dihadapi oleh hotel-hotel adalah kekurangan tenaga pekerja yang berkebolehan.
2. Pembangunan Industri Kapal Layar – Langkawi adalah merupakan destinasi pelayaran yang digemari oleh ramai pemilik kapal layar dari luar negara. Bagaimanapun kekurangan pekerja berkemahiran tinggi dan teknologi yamg berkesan melembabkan perkembangan industri ini di Langkawi.
3. Wireless internet – jarak yang agak jauh dari tanah besar dan faktor pelancongan menjadikan Langkawi tempat yang sesuai untuk dijadikan model pulau wireless sepenuhnya.
4. Lanscape – sebagai sebuah pulau pelancongan Langkawi seharusnya mempunyai lanscape yang menarik di seluruh pulau, bukan setakat sekitar airport sahaja.
Banyak lagi pembangunan yang perlu dilakukan di Langkawi. Saya harap pembaca-pembaca blog Tun dapat membantu Langkawi terus maju lagi!
Terima kasih.
well said, only the brainless governs this country.
Dear Tun,
I had been to Langkawi. Is a nice island. But lack of tourist spot. I hope your wish will come true.
Salam Tun,
“10. I tasted freshly made mozzarella and it was delicious. Mozzarella is made with buffalo milk and the little “factory” is next to a Government project to breed buffaloes.”
Macam iklan saja.
MOZZARELLA CHEESE makanan Mat Salleh & orang orang berada, Lidah tak sama .Kebanyakan Orang Malaysia lebih suka Roti Canai + Teh Tarik. Saya pun sama delicious pula bila kena Roti canai + Teh tarik dekat kedai Bismillah Taiping dahulu.Tapi bila kena Cheese rasa ganjil pula macam susu & yeast basi.Entahlah lidah kita berlainan.Mungkin lidah local made.
Tidak mengapa asal semua bahagia.
Ini mengenai DBKL tak patut sungguh kompaun salah parking motosikal 100.00 sama dan kereta pun 100.00 juga. DBKL mencekik sungguh penungang Motosikal.
Dear Tun,
You have done a great job building up Langkawi. It is a beautiful Island but due to greedy traders marking up their profits it does not attract tourist anymore. I remember when I first got there in 1991, Things are so cheap 3pcs of printed T shirt cost RM10, Ikan bilis and dried prawns are also cheap and so are the foods. At that time tourist are flooding in and local tourist came in 1 bag and going back in 2 to 3 bags. However in a short 3 years all the prices went up 2 to 3 folds. Sad to see many local tourist has stop going there. You have done all you could for Langkawi and it is up to the people there to do what they could to woo back the tourist.
May Tun and your family be in best of health
Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha,
Gembira membaca bingkisan dari Tun. Kalau berdasarkan cerita yang ditulis seolah-olah penulisnya adalah dikalangan umur 30 ke 40an. Cukup bertenaga dan berwawasan samada berkenaan Langkawi dan juga untuk negara Malaysia. Brain Drain, Illegal Labor from neighboring countries dan Mozzarella Cheese memandangkan betapa dalam dan jauh nya pandangan Tun.
Sedih bila memikirkan keadaan M’sia sekarang. Politik sebok dengan perebutan kuasa dan jaguh untuk setiap kaum. Orang lain sebok dengan ekonomi dunia tapi kita sebok dengan pemilihan UMNO, ugut mengugut antara parti dalam BN segala apa yang pernah menjadi sanjungan masyarakat dunia terhadap Malaysia seolah hilang begitu saja.
Di Jakarta 2 minggu lepas saya tunjukkan bangunan Pertamina kepada sahabat saya. Saya katakan pada nya ” Nampak tak perbezaan antara bangunan Pertamina di Jakarta berbanding bangunan Petronas KLCC di KL”. Saiz itulah yang menggambarkan daya wawasan seseorang pemimpin …Dia tercengang sambil mengakui bahawa perbezaan saiz bangunan itu antara langit dan bumi.
Rakyat Malaysia fikir lah mana arah yang sepatutnya kita tuju.
Salam Sejahtera Buat Tun Sekeluarga,
Saya memang bangga atas kemajuan di Langkawi. 8 years ago, saya ditugaskan disana selama lebih kurang 2 bulan. 1st thing that crossed my mind, was senduk, sudu, melanin and those things which i seldom use, maklumlah umur baru 24 thn.
1st week kat sana dah rasa tak sabar2 nak balik, then 1 weekend, i decided to ronda2 jalan jalan cari pasal. To my suprise, langkawi to me till now is a one stop entertainment center, both relaxing and fun. Ada jugak yg cakap pasal -ve things yang ada kat sana, well, itu semua kerugian mereka as mereka yang pergi ke sana mencari benda -ve.
Fishing, diving,sailing, tgk bintang, seafood, ulam…pehhh mmg best TUN. Mestilah ada tempat kat dunia nie yang better but to have it all in one island is superb!
Now saya kehulu hilir seeking help untuk buat pinjaman and perlesenan utk ferry services from J.B. to Langkawi via Muar,Melaka, Penang… But biasalah, belum sempat apa2, dah kena tembak. Well maybe betol kata org about penindasan kaum muda. So, rasa2 nya saya kena jumpa richard branson and sell off my idea to him.
Langkawi nie seasonal, biz mmg slow off season and i think it is due to limited transportation connecting the island and the mainland. Tapi, kalau ada ferry kan cantik. Imagine, Dari town center (J.B.,Muar, Melaka, Penang) you boleh naik boat/ferry and reach langkawi. Journey tu pun dah best, inikan pula the destination. Well, thats my idea, nak buat, orang tak layan. Menung jerlah kita nie..
Take care dan Terima Kasih Tun.
Muhammad Abdullah
[email protected]
It’s very refreshing and full of life to hear how Tun described Langkawi. I look forward to pay a visit to Langkawi early next year and hoping I could taste the mozarella cheese too or I might bump into our beloved and the greatest leader in all time, perhaps…
Salam Takzim Tun,
We all know that Langkawi is very close to your heart. During your premiership, you initiated a lot of projects to help Langkawi achieve economic growth so that the islanders would prosper.
After you left, naturally Langkawi cannot get the same attention it used to get during your time. You made the trip to find out the status of the projects.
And until today, you still refer the said projects as “my projects”. It is appropriate to change the name of the island to “Pulau Mahathir or Pulau Chedet “. It signifies how much love you have for the island.
Hang Kasturi
Tang mana kilang buat Mozarella Cheese tu Tun? Langkawi belah mana depa buat kilang tu? Nak kena pi try ni … 🙂
Effie Amri
Sultan Abdul Hamid Old Collegians
Class of ’97
While visiting Langkawi, my family and I had always enjoyed sipping ‘ARTIC coffee’ and eating your favorite bread at the ‘LOAF’ in Langkawi. The harbour view and atmosphere over there is terrific.
About a year ago, I went to the ‘LOAF’ at Pavillion, just to taste your favorite bread and have my kick on the ‘ARTIC coffee’. However, I am a bit dissapointed, the bread is served cold.
Saya bersetuju dengan linuxguy, Lee Kuan Yew adalah kilang yang mengeluarkan bangsa cina yang tamak haloba. Pada pendapatnya kaum yang dididiknya adalah superior, maka lahirlah dinasti kiasu. Maka ramailah pengikutnya termasuk segelintir bangsa bukan cina dan orang melayu menyembah pendapat tamaknya. Semuanya indah dan betul (jika kentutnya pun dikatakan wangi).
LKY memperkecilkan kebolehan orang tertutama orang melayu (hati hitamnya yang anti-melayu). Semua yang dibuatnya adalah betul. Beliau tahu masa akan datang bangsa cina di-singapura akan menyumpahnya kerana kemerdekaan singapura. Beliau dapat membaca yang singapura akan menjadi lebih susah apabila rantau ini akan lebih saing daya daripadanya dimana negerinya (little red dot) tidak mempunyai sumber dengan ruang yang terhad. Maka timbullah bukunya yang menyalahkan pemimpin melayu yang merdekakan singapura. Akan datang, bangsa singapura akan menyalah pemimpin-pemimpin melayu apabila segala kesusahan akan timbul satu persatu.
Tuhan itu kaya, kita (ramai yang tak tahu dan buat-buat tak tahu )sudah nampak akan kepincangannya. Singapura pada hakikatnya adalah negara yang susah. Ramai orang-orang singapura mula menyoalkan akan tindak tanduk apa yang LKY buat.
Walau pun singapura adalah sebuah negara yang merdeka, asalnya adalah tanah kepunyaan kesultan melayu. Kedaulatan tanah rumpun melayu masih kuat dan kita tengoklah (tidak mustahil) satu hari nanti singapura akan bercantum semula dengan tanah melayu.
Kita renung-renunglah….
I’m a nobody compared to you, Tun.
But throughout your ‘reign’ as PM, the number of unskilled foreigners who settled here were enormous. Starting in the mid-90s to fuel the manufacturing boom, my taman was filled with bangladeshis and indonesians. I don’t mind foreigner’s, I am not a xenophobe, I believe in the rights of people to make a living. But it really seemed there was no control over the influx. Some people were becoming citizens overnight, and earning special privileges which I who have been living in this country for 21 years have not seen yet. Remember the Operasi IC in East Malaysia, Tun? Where numerous foreigners became citizens overnight?
And who was in charge? You, honourable Tun.
Salam Tun,
Good, at least you take a break from politics……..
Lets talk about boat, squids, horses, mozarella or buffalo……..thats my topic.
My observation in Langkawi we can find a few of the albino buffalo or locally known as kerbau balag’
In Kedah balag’ is an outcome of a process call “saleh” i.e scientifically the gene of the species changes during the initial life process……..eg the siamese breed mangoes planted from the seed, the end product is the local mango or called “pelam telog”…..not much of economic value but sought after for “garam belacan”…….a saliva sipping salad with gravy mix of belacan, chilly, asam jawa and bit of sugar and salt….good to add in otak udang for extra cholesterol.
And hence that explain why we call the European and Americans as “Mat Saleh” due to the texture of their skin equivalent to kerbau balag’.
This country may be moving backwards. The anti-establishment movement is working overtime to create chaos with organising demonstrations at the drop of a hat.
The thinking culture is changing.
Youths of today are brainwashed to ‘think politics’, by their manipulators instead of using their brains for useful projects.
The youths are proud to be seen at public inconviencing events, virgils and time wasting rallies.
At best, we can only envy other countries and then question ourselves as to why this country is regressing.
Since you left running the country, positive things have come to a standstill.
Hopefully the new administration will correct this, or the future will be like many middle eastern countries….. war, wars and more wars.
Dear Tun,
I really appreciate your ideas and proposals for Langkawi, From nothing to where it is now. magnificent!international standard.
I have been to Langkawi for many times and have tried your favorite break first at your restaurant at the marina, phenomenal!! . The view was fantastic!!.
Anyway, What happened to langkawi marble?
Would like to comment on the issue of ‘brain drain’. To me – there’s no point for Malaysia to stop our people who want to go live and work overseas. Even if they’re skilled professionals also, let them go.
What is important is that we build our country to be one that people (does not matter whether local citizens, foreigners or Malaysia-my-2nd home people) would like to live in. If we can do that, good skilled people would come on their own.
Even those people who have left Malaysia will later want to come back. This time, they would have obtained greater knowledge and skills that they can impart to Malaysia. Free technology transfer 🙂
The only problem is that we often have this mix of greedy or paranoia. On one hand, we are afraid of brain drain and greedily try to restrain people from leaving Malaysia. On the other hand, we are paranoia and make it extremely difficult for skilled people to come into or come back to Malaysia. As Tun has pointed out – net result?
Let’s face it, since the days of Malacca Sultanate, we are a small country that thrives on international trade. All kind of people have come and live here so much so that our Bahasa Melayu is really a collection of multi-language – from Arab, Chinese to Dutch and English.
During Tun’s time, we have been cajoled to open up and have the self confidence to stand tall to claim our place in the world. Sadly, in the last 8 years, this spirit is no longer nurtured. We see our politicians syok sendiri between opposition and government, as if conquering the local sphere is all that matters. Like ‘Jaguh Kampung’ or is it more likely ‘Katak Di Bawah Tempurung’?
Salam Tun,
More ideas, please! In this time of needs, simple ideas are the ones we need more…
Do you wonder what Datuk Azalina is doing? Well from now till March ’09, she and most of the Ministers are either in KK or in JB. They are busy lobbying the delegates. The country’s state of health is fine, they say. So put Malaysia on hold.
Salute to your success for venturing in your project.
Myself have seen many failures in bumis project venture (I can confidently say almost all) in which they ended up owing banks for more than hundred thousands and hundred thousands of ringgit to pay back the loan scheme under the PUNB.
Appreciate your efford in setting up the PUNB to help out the Bumis but what I understand that they are more poorer now than before to pay back all the failed business venture.
But, where are the money went to?
My experience being close to them, not that the Bumis are lazy, stupid or mismanaged the fund…they are simply being SABATOJED by their vendors for supplying at higher price and demanded cash! Some vendors are even asking advance payment before supplying the service.
Give you a simple example.
Vendor supply chop stick to Bumi shop at RM 1.00 and sell at
Good to hear some good news too Tun.
Dearest Tun,
You always have brillant ideas,how i wish some of the MPs will have brain like you also rather than they are shouting and calling names at each other in the Parliment.
Point No.6 you are right should have bringing the experience and skilled people into Malaysia.Read Utusan 10dec about the Kampung Pandan it is sickening to see the Indons living like its their country’mini Jakarta’.How on earth are some of them can get PR easily,as i thought only skilled foreigner married to Msian are given the status?Even my dad has been up and down to the immigration for extension of visas and trying to apply for PR and takes years till now his PR is not approved.I wonder if the PR of the Indons is a genuine one.Worry if when one day the people there will claim that the Kg Pandan belongs to them because they have build and bred their family there.The PBT are just want to fine them because of the rubbish and unclealiness and the extension of the house build illegally?they should have just fine the owner of the land and demolished the house and send them back home..Sorry Tun a little bit out of topic just dont know where to express my frustration over this Indons issue because it has been the same stories over the years.
Anyway hope the Langkawi Mozarella Cheese will come true.
I just hope you will come back to take the office or they take you as an advisor for malaysia even Clinton admired you for your work but your own people …?sigh…
May ALLAH bless you with good health so you can keep on blogging….
Dear Tun
Thank you Tun,
This are the thing that Malaysian should knows. Leave a side politics. Brief us more on how to be effective and productive Malaysian. Then from there insyallah.. we will be a develop country in 2020.
Best regards
Syed Ali Syed Othman
assalamualaikum tun,
a very refreshing piece.personally was hoping for something more politically base.been to langkawi those days,heard she has been transformed tremendously .congratulations tun.who would ever guess…mozzarella cheese.great tun….just great.
thanks tun.wassalam
tun yang saya sanjungi…terima kasih kerana mengingatkan saya kembali pada langkawi..tempat saya berbakti selama 7 tahun.sebenarnya saya sekarang berada di uk kerana mengikut isteri saya menyambung pelajaran dan insyallah saya akan kembali ke langkawi nanti untuk menabur bakti kepada anak langkawi semula.saya banyak mengikuti tentang projek projek yang tun usahakan.yang paling saya berminat adalah ladang hidroponik mass melon berdekatan dengan LISRAM.buah yang dihasilkan sungguh sedap dan mendapat sambutan ramai…harap satu hari saya dapat mengikut jejak langkah tun.dan yang paling saya berminat adalah The Loaf Telaga Harbour…kebetulan ia ada berkaitan dengan kerja saya.saya mengajar di SMT Langkawi dalam bidang katering dan bakeri..harap satu hari saya dapat membuat lawatan bersama pelajar ke The Loaf.
what legacy to be left by pak lah?? may be pusat tamsdun islam.. for we wastage of resources….. tq
Assalamualaikum Tun,
1.Terimakasih Tun kerana response kepada tulisan saya By AzMa on December 6, 2008 10:27 AM.
2.Terharu melihat bertapa tingginya kencintaan Tun kepada TANAH BERTUAH ini.Walaupun tidak lagi mejadi PM, Tun akan tetap berkunjung ke LANGKAWI jika ada kelampangan.
3.Kepada yang belum lagi ke LANGKAWI atau pun yang dah lama tak ke LANGKAWI bolehlah membuat perancangan untuk ke LANGKAWI apabila ada masa dan cukup bujet.Yang pasti ia sememangnya bebaloi.
4.Selain mengunjungi tempat2 menarik jangan lupa untuk membawa keluarga melawat ke GELERI PERDANA dan mencuba MOZZARELLA CHEESE.
5.Kepada penduduk LANGKAWI anda mempunyai banyak peluang peniagaan yang boleh anda ceburi yang tak ada di tempat lain, maka rebutlah peluang ini. Moga LANGKAWI akan menjadi lebih maju dan makmur lagi di masa hadapan.
6.Kepada LADA jangan lupa JASA TUN, masih banyak idea yang boleh diambil dari Tun dalam memajukan PULAU LAGENDA ini.
Doa moga Tun sihat selalu dan dapat terus memberi idea untuk pembangunan TANAH TERCINTA.
salam tun,
kita memang tak menghargai orang bijak pandai.contohnya buah fikiran tun pun orang tak nak walau dah ada track record 22 tahun.orang msia nak yang pandai cakap dan pandai berpidato walau track record hancur.kalau bill clinton orang sanggup bayor USD 200,000 satu jam bercakap puji-puji malaysia.tun bercakap free kasi idea bernas pun orang tak nak dengar.tengoklah lee kuan yew.walau dah dekat 85 tahun .orang singapore masih letak dia sebagai penasihat negara dan bayar juta-juta sing dolar setahun.tapi ada rakyat malaysia kata tun dah nyanyuk..pencen je lah.
orang malaysia hanya suka orang yang boleh kasi RM10 untuk undi ketua cawangan.lepas tu tidor lena.hisap rokok gudang haram.dapat teh tarik free segelas dan nasi lemak sebungkus dah happy biar negara tergadai.
sebab tu malaysia tempat orang nigeria suka buat skim cepat kaya ,black money,sebab diorang tahu rakyat malaysia cerdik.dengan melabur rm 1,000 boleh jana rm 1,000,000 juta dalam masa satu bulan..tak fikir panjang.semua nak cepat kaya.
akhirnya pendatang asing dari indonesia,myanmar dan bangladesh penuh satu malaysia.sebab ada pegawai polis,imegrsen,rela,rakyat malaysia di kasi rm 100 dah seronok.habis semua iillegal di suruh masuk dan menjajah negara.
Ayahanda Tun,
Your posting on Langkawi is perfect timed as I’ll be spending 3 nights there for a holiday.
I’ve tried to search the web and found one restaurant called, Buffalo Farm restaurant? Is this the one you’re talking about?
Really appreciate it if you could let us know the location (or restaurant name) as my wife is a big fan of mozzarella!
Can’t wait for our trip to Langkawi, even though my kampung is in Arau!
Advice Ali Rastam to make Malacca a maritime attraction again. All the beutiful beach front already damaged by a shoddy development . No more natural coastal line anymore no more the sound of Ombak menghempas pantai…
Dear Y.A.B. Tun,
Alhamdulillah Tun sihat, take care Tun.
Having mozzarella cheese made of buffalo milk as the pizza topping certainly sounds great to most people. Although I am not a very choosy gourmet eater, I would certainly like to have some freshly made cheese in the pizza in order to enjoy the juicy cheese aroma. The cheese factory in Langkawi sounds very attractive to me since I have been trying to source for the cheese making know-how for quite a long time.
I do not know what species of buffaloes that have been bred in Langkawi for milking purpose since Tun did not mention about the species in the article. However, I wish to recommend one species of dairy buffalo by the name of Mura from Punjab, India. The cheese made of Mura buffalo milk really tastes wonderfully. One worth-noted advantage of Mura buffalo is that it can easily grow up to the weight of one tonne per head within a short period of time. I heard about this from an expert in Mura buffalo breeding but I had yet to confirm the accuracy of it with the supporting figures. If the information is accurate, then the fast growth rate will make Mura buffalo a good choice for dairy ruminant farming.
Meat Ruminant farming seems to be a bankruptcy-leading business in Malaysia due to the lack of comparative advantage of Malaysian ruminant farmers when confronting with the international competitors from Thailand, India, Indonesia and Australia.
However, I believe Dairy Ruminant Farming will thrive in Malaysia since there are many good potentialities for the down-stream milk product industries that are yet to be explored by Malaysian agro-based business investors. I just hope that I will still be able to find someone who has bright brain in Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan Malaysia (JPH) so that the ruminant farmers in Malaysia can be productively guided by the JPH officers to the right path towards a long-term viable farming business model in Malaysia.
Dear Tun Dr M,
You are very true Tun, there are far too many foreign workers in Malaysia. However, if they are here for the jobs they are employed for or the jobs which Malaysians do not want to do, then it is OK. However, now I notice and read in the newspapers that many of them have started business in Malaysia as though Malaysians do not know how to do business. This should be stopped unless they invest huge capital for their businesses. I am very sure that these “Foreign small time businessmen” would not declare their earnings and would not pay income tax.
Lastly, for quite some, I have been wondering how many foreign workers are there in Malaysia legally and illegally. If you take the public transport, you could notice that there are at least 1/3 of the passangers are not Malaysians. Based on my instinct, I feel there should be at least 3 million foreign workers.
Once again I say that if they work for the work they were brought in to Malaysia then it is very fine. It is only those who do not comply with the work permit (or for the illegals, work which Malaysians do not want to do).
sounds like you had a great Hari Raya Haji at P.Langkawi.It is just a boat ride away from Penang.I must go there with my family some day.Just been to Penang & the Pesiaran Gurney at Penang reminds one of Geneva esplanade.But of course Lake Geneva attraction is world class.Malaysia can still be world class if we strive hard to improve the tourist resorts; the hotels,service & food too.
Tun at least you are able to see the light & a bigger picture concerning Malaysia’s skilled work-force & it’s pathetic brain drain.Hope the present & future Govts will do something to tackle the problem.
Wish you success in your horse-breeding.
Salam Tun,
Nice to hear that you are ablke to take time to enjoy and relax.
Big Thank You for your labor in modernizing & prospering Malaysia.
Semoga sihat selalu…
In response to T,
Clearly you’re not in the right forum
> pls go and bark elsewhere
– buat menyemak jer
Salam Ayahanda Tun, I was just telling my wife the other day about the Philippines Mozzarellas. And I was telling her that if the Filipinos could do it and do it so well, no reason Malaysians can
Honourable Tun,
Your story about what you did and what you saw in Langkawi really touched my heart. There is no leader like you that left so much legacy for people of Malaysia to be proud of and enjoy.
You have so much ideas, abundance of it, if implemented can make places like Langkawi or any ulu places in Malaysia well known as tourist paradise and also producers of unique products like boat making and Mozzarella Cheese, Loaf etc. I remembered very well, when you are still the PM of Malaysia, you are trying to spur new economy for rural folks by trying to implement ‘One Village One Product’. This is off course a brilliant idea but this idea remain an idea as not many people continue your vision after you left the government. There are off course still some Kampong producing ‘Kuih Bahulu – Bermacam Warna’ and/or Kampong which is famous for ‘Keropok Lekor’ but there are very few Kampong Industry that makes high value and high yield products like Mozzarella Cheese etc. This Italian guy is really something, he brought some new ideas, technology and knowhow in taking advantage of the raw material available in the country and turn it into high value products. This is the kind of people we should bring in into the country. Not unskilled workers from neighbouring countries that end up making Malaysia unsafe place to live with so much robberies and increasing crime rates.
Those simple things that you do in Langkawi like horse breeding, asking boat maker who never make fiber glass boat to make fiber glass boat and showing example of the enterprising Italian taking advantage of buffalo milk to make Mozarella Cheese using Italian Technology are all fine example of you encouraging local entrepreneur to look beyond the norm to be successful. You have shown the way, I am encouraged with your leadership and and your entrepreneurial spirits. All the best Tun. You are definitely the true leader of Malaysia.
I hope you can also help to revive the Langkawi Crystal project. Very good potential.
You have put your creativity mind well on Langkawi. I hope Najib will put his mind on Tioman. Tioman needs a similar strong push to help the islanders.Nookvillage
Mamma mia ! that’s just refreshing for the brains.
Well, I’m tired of too much politicking anyway, don’t you?
But then we can’t be too complacent because our foes aren’t.
They are 24/7 just waiting to gobble us.
Don’t let up.
Say cheese.
Have a nice day.
Salam Tun,
Good to hear that cheese is now locally made in Langkawi. Hopefully some local boys can work with that Italian and learn from head to tail on how to make cheese (transfer of technology):-)
Note – to linuxguy on December 10,2008 3:43 PM
Individuals like Clinton, LKY , Mandela and certainly Tun are great leaders, if not to the world, most certainly to their own nation. I myself admire LKY due to his succesfull efforts turning backwater Singapore into first world nation in his lifetime. Maybe he is more successful because there is practically no opposition in Singapore. However, the question here is why Malaysia cannot be like Singapore when we have all the advantages such as ready market for our products, lots of natural resources etc. Is it due to our uneducated and corrupt leaders? Instead of thinking on how to develop the nation, they spend time on how to fatten their saving accounts. Or maybe it is unspoken government policy to make sure Malaysia remain a third world nation so that its leaders can continue to exploit the country’s vast resources and to pass the baton to their offspring and we, the majority remain ‘slave’ to them.
To me, these racist remarks you have mentioned, either from them or from us (Ketuanan Melayu) are just sideshows and purposely highlighted, either in mainstream media or blogs to divide and distract us, Malaysians. To be a great nation, as a prequisite, we all must unite and identify ourself as Malaysian, not as Malay, Chinese, Indians, Iban, Melanau etc.
However, this is the very last thing that our leaders want. If we unite, then all these race based political parties are no more relevant. Their very power derived from our non-stop bickering. The truth is as long as we remain as we are now, we will remain as ‘slaves’ to the ruling clans.(and I know Tun concurs with me, of course, in silent)
salaam sejahtera
pertama sekali,selamat hari raya aidiladha kepada Tun sefamili.
pertama sekali saya mahu persoal kalian semua,mengapa kita harus bertelagah hanya semata-mata masalah yang timbul?
mengapa kita harus melatah apabila menghadapi masalah?mengapa tidak kita duduk bersama berbincang cara mengatasi masalah ini?
Rakyat Malaysia sekalian,
kalian seharusnya bersyukur kerana kita merupakan warga Malaysia.
saya punya seorang sahabat dari Tanah Mesir,dari beliau,saya mengetahui lebih mendalam perkara berlaku di Mesir.
terdapat segelintir rakyat mereka sanggup menjual rahsia kerajaan semata-mata mahukan wang.itu yang menyedihkan sekali.
saya sangat berharap agar di negara kita tidak punya orang seperti ini.Tapi,kita bisa melihat bunga-bunga yang ini akan berlaku.lihatlah,bagaimana,rakyat malaysia sendiri berjumpa dengan Amerika Syarikat meminta tolong.
disamping itu,kita seharusnya bersyukur tidak menjadi rakyat negara lain.negara mereka agak kejam pada rakyatnya,memberi makanan yang tercemar dengan bahan kimia,pekerja pejabat dirogol dan sebagainya.
wahai pembaca sekalian,
bersyukurlah kalian kerana kalian merupakan anak Malaysia.
bagi para pemimpin pula,berfikirlah dengan elok kerana akal dan otak anda berada di atas kepala,bukan di kepala lutut.berfikirlah anda sebelum bertindak…
Dear Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha..
Horse breeding? that’s so nice… I love animals… and the mozarella cheese sounds yummy…
well, I really question the illegal immigrant from China… i’ve never heard about any of them on the news… No adult Malaysian Chinese, not even those from chinese school doesn’t know Bahasa Melayu at all… or English.
we can certainly differentiate between Indonesian Malays and Malaysian Malays.. but can we differentiate Malaysian Chinese and Chinese Chinese?
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda. Tertunggu-tunggu cerita dr Ayahanda. Hebat berwawasan ,seperti minat saya. Semoga sihat sentiasa Salam Aidil Adha.
Merajin bukan Melayu kata Irsyad(anak saya).
Abd Nasir
Salam Tun,
Langkawi has been blessed because it holds a special place in your heart and benefits from your ideas.
But Tun, we must protect it from becoming over developed as the special attributes of Langkawi lie in the greenery,beaches and marine life. We must control greedy developers from destroying the beauty with over-built projects just to make a quick buck. Here LADA can play a major role in overall planning and monitoring the pace of developments.
I have yet to try your muffin in Langkawi, but i did in the Pavillion,KL. It was marvelous! Soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside, Japanese bread flour is indeed different.
Sometimes it is nice to take a break from talking politics and drink a cup of coffee and your muffins and relax, the world seems peaceful and nice for a while. But sad to say, some people need to get a life in this blog, as they wont be satisfied and still whacking you on politics. In Mumbai, even Shah Rukh Khan is scared to drink coffee outside his home! We must count our blessings. There is no perfect country in this world, if there is, those who make all the noise would have migrated by now!
Take care of your health Tun, and everytime i eat pizza, i will think of the Mozzarella Cheese from Langkawi.
salam tun dan isteri,
alhamdulillah artikel kali ini amat memberangsangkan.saya pernah berkhidmat selam 3 tahun di langkawi di mana ketika itu ramai pelancong menjadi kenalan dan ramai berusaha terbaik menjadikan ianya satu memori indah dalam berkerja atau melancong.
malaysia mempunyai satu kehebatan yang pasti;banyak peluang belom diterokai/dicuba ke tahap maksimum hasilnya.saya yakin dan sering mengingat diri,keluarga dan malah rakan2 agar percaya tiada apa yang tidak mampu dilakukan!
melayu mencuba dalam pelbagai perkara kerna ini akan menjadikan melayu lebih dinamik dalam kehidupan.malaysia seharus membendung kedatangan pekerja asing yang tidak dinamik ini.ramai melayu mudah lemah kerana tidak dinamik dalam sahsiah maka kita mudah jatuh.
dalam kita menerokai bidang-bidang yang lebih mencabar banyak perkara boleh di simplified dan di inovasikan menjadi lebih baik.
YAB Tun,
Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera and a very good afternoon.
Mozzarella cheese, horse breeding and fibreglass catamaran building at a local boatyard in Langkawi?
For that, I would like to thank Tun for sharing all those information because if not for this blog, I would not have known about them.
With regard to our Immigration policy, I would agree with longjaafar (Dec 10, 2008, 3.49 pm), that a revamp is overdue. This is necessary with current local and global environment. Those which are outdated should be replaced to suit current situation.
Allow me to divert a little bit…
I have this eerie feeling that Malaysian are beginning to have the urge to flout rules. These are few examples that I witness recently:
– Coming back from Johor on the North/South Highway after Hari Raya AidilAdha. On reaching Senawang, traffic were reduced at snail’s pace. The 3 lanes highway suddenly became 4 with motorist using the emergency lane to overtake and doing it at a speed faster than those on the highway proper. They are not supposed to do that but where are the enforcement authority?
– People continue to smoke in non-smoking building and areas. Looking at these characters, they seems to be feeling proud that they were able to smoke in a non-smoking areas without being apprehended. Have a visit to the 3rd floor of Alam Sentral at Shah Alam and Jusco at Bukit Raja (visit the toilet and one might faint due to suffocation).
– Motorcyclist seems to have only one colour traffic light…GREEN!. I witness this everyday, to and from work. They hardly stop on RED, let alone Amber. Some carry helmet but not wearing it… there are some who doesn’t carry helmet at all. If you don’t believe me, please take a drive around Bandar Kinrara and Shah Alam Section 18 and 19. Some of these riders seems to be underage.
It is pointless to have numerous rules and regulations but lacks enforcement.
Salam tun,
saya setuju untuk antarabangsakan langkawi… tak perlu ke itali untuk keju mozzarella… alangkah baiknya yang terbaik di dunia terdapat di langkawi..
this blog is soo good…. thanks for enspire us about how malaysia should be….. sy suka itu.. naek muak dengar berita2 dicorong radio, tv, atau dada akhbar tentang politik semasa malaysia…. saya mahukan ketenangan….. sy tenang untuk baca blog ini….. thanks tun… at least i got the idea… how politic works in malaysia, berdasarkan mulut otai sendiri…. so brilliant
You are always so passionate in whatever you do, and that’s one of the reasons for your success.
Thank you very much for being passionate during your tenure as Malaysia’s longest serving Prime Minister.
Salam Tun,
Thanks to you Tun, kongsi bersama kami what going on… Menarik yer… ader cheese maker di Malaysia. Kita boleh bayangkan bagaimana agaknyer 30-40 tahun akan datang… bila mana Malaysia menjadi one of the spot for cheese industries in the world.
By T on December 10, 2008 3:19 PM
/// 7. The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in and even settle in our country. You can figure out the end results. I hope the Government realises this and maybe design a new immigration policy. ///
Dear Tun, you mean you just realized this now? You didn’t see the impact and result during your 22 years running the country?
To T:
I m not very sure if you are actually blaming Tun’s policies for encouraging Malaysians to study and eventually work in overseas. A lot of friends who are on govt scholarships working in overseas now. Most of
them want to work for a couple of years before coming back to Malaysia for good. I think they are doing the right thing by gaining some experience before coming back to serve in Malaysia for good.
Unfortunately, they are a few of them who already thinking how to stay overseas for good without coming back to Malaysia at all and/or pay the compensation. THEY ARE THE GOVT SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS. The sad thing is quite a few of them are Chinese Malaysians who supposed to be the top scorers in Malaysia, being given govt scholarship and expected to come back sooner or later. Quoting one of them ‘ I will work anywhere in the world i.e. Singapore, Australia, Canada, UK but I don’t want to go back to Malaysia’ Coming out from the mouth of a govt scholarship holder. If it’s from someone who is sponsored by Father & Mother, he/s dont owe the govt any debt. But fr a scholarship holder????
I am NEITEHR biased nor racist. I was studying in the UK long enough to hear and see things and judge by myself.
I rest my case
Dear Tun,
We just did a ‘detour’ to langkawi after our flight to Mumbai was canceled due to terrorist attack. We had a nice dinner at a place near the navy base, bought lots of tax free gift in kuah, and have tons of fun at the geopark. Thank you for your vision to make langkawi as it is today.
Dear Tun,
Very interesting write-up. I think more than millions people knows about the MOZZARELLA CHEESE now. Is a good tourism publicity. I believe if this writen by Tourism Malaysia for sure no body surf and read about it…….
You’ve done plenty for the country and I’m pleased to know of the progress up in Langkawi. I like Mozarella too.
Saya kagum sifat TUN yang terus menerus berusaha didalam apa juga bidang yang TUN minati.
Ternyata sentuhan TUN dalam apa jua bidang yang TUN ceburi memang menjadi.
Dari seorang doktor menjadi Perdana Menteri yang di kagumi dan dihormati oleh rakyat dan masyarakat dunia.
Dan kini menjadi seorang usahawan dan penternak. Ini seharus nya menjadi contoh dan inspirasi pada rakyat Malaysia terutama golongan muda.
7. The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in
Saya tertarik unkapan ini…….
Ini lah gaya TUN yang tersendiri.
Semoga TUN sehat selalu dan terus menyalurkan imformasi dan keritikan2 yang membina untuk dikongsi bersama2
Assalamualaikum Tun
Akhirnya Tun telah menulis topik yang berbeza. Asyik memikirkan masalah politik negara naik stress dibuatnya.
Bagi saya sepatutnya kita orang melayu hendaklah bersatu dibawah satu payung tak kira dari mana-mana fahaman politik untuk menentang unsur-unsur yang menyebabkan perpecahan dikalangan orang melayu ketika ini. Tapi easier said than done.
Bukan apa, sekarang kita boleh lihat sikap sebenar MCA, Gerakan dan MIC terhadap bangsa melayu.
Sekian wasallam
Seremban 101208 5.00pm
Tun, Having been born and raised for a considerable part of my life on this Island of Legends, any writing and comments on it automatically draw my attention. Thanks to you, Sir, for having made Langkawi a free port and a popular tourism attraction with many international level events such as LIMA, De Tour de Langkawi. It has also attracted ecotourists for its marine and terrestrial ecosystems. However, there are a no. of ecodestinations on the Island that, due to poor control, are deteriorating. Pulau Payar is one. Due to its many visitors and the unnecessary construction of chalets, the corals and the surrounding marine ecosystem are seriously affected. The second ecosystems that are affected are the forest reserves. The encroachment of Bt. Sawak and Gunung Raya Forest Reserves with clearing, one can see from the distance. This has been allowed to happen unabated. Lands seem to be alienated on Bt. Penarak and its development appeared to have contributed to the flash flood in Kuah, a recent phenomenon.
A large area of the mangrove in the Kisap-Kilim has been cleared for housing. Mangrove forests, because of its role as breeding ground for marine life, shore conservation and water cleaning properties are too important to be cleared for physical development. My concern is that we may kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
Finally, the Langkawi Tourism Action Council has provided the forum and coordinating machinery for all activities related to tourism on the Island. Announcement has been made by the Minister of Tourism that all Tourism Action Councils including the LTAC will be disbanded by June 2009. What will be the coordinating machinery for tourism development then?
Cheese bukanlah makanan utama di Msia tetapi permintaannya tetap tinggi walaupun harganya boleh dikatakan amat tinggi, ini disebabkan import dan standardnya. Bayangkan satu hari nanti rakyat Malaysia menukar ruji makanan mereka lebih terbuka untuk makan roti, daging dan chz contohnya. Potensi dalam bidang ini amat berpotensi besar, hanya mereka yang dapat lihat perkara-perkara sebegini merebut peluang terbuka meneroka industi baru semacam ini sebenarnya berpeluang cerah maju dimasa hadapan.
salam tun dan keluarga….
idea dan ilham Tun selalu menjadi pencetus yang memberi tafsiran masa hadapan. Saya kagum dengan idea Tun.
Saya sedikit kecewa dgn Jambatan Bengkok yg gagal diterjemahkan meskipun CIQ Bkt Cagar Johor Bahru sudah dibuka.Andai jambatan bengkok ini terlaksana maka impak besar pd ekonomi,eko sistem alam, seni kejuruteraan,pelancongan,pelabuhan,nelayan dan rakyat Johor pasti menangis kegembiraan kerana idea Tun ini adalah untuk warisan sejagat rakyat Malaysia.
Saya doakan Tun terus memberi idea dan nasihat yg baik. Tq…
salam Tun… my PErut dah making noise ,hahaha… yummy..
i also cooked macaroni on Hari Raya HAji..haha..my friend’s said “ini lah terjadi bila beraya di perantauan” hahaha… so funny.. ok la Tun.. off the topic , last monday i saw your interview on the Indonesian Channel bout the economic n all … GOOD one la TUN!! thumbs up!!
/// By linuxguy on December 10, 2008 3:43 PM
Nowadays it is almost popular to blame everything on foreign workers. What is not highlighted is how much we as a country have benefitted from the presence of foreign workers.
The problem actually is not foreign workers per se, but that of illegal workers, that move around freely, due to rampant corruption and abuse of power.
A legal foreign worker pays an annual levy, and contributes to our country’s productivity, and thus competitiveness. He or she is willing to work much more than the locals and that cannot be disputed. Just ask any factory owner and he will tell us that he would very much like to have locals, but they are hard to come by. There are thousands of local youths who are unemployed and yet they do not want to do certain jobs. That is what the govt must address. But will they?
Perhaps the training provided is not in line with demand. For example, transport companies are held to ransom by drivers because there is an acute shortage of them. Many youths would be interested but they do not have the required driving licenec because they cannot afford to get one. Restaurants even cannot get people to make roti canai. There is a mismatch of training and demand.
But hold it! The moment it is decided to finally do a study of that subject (or any other for that matter) there will be several study tours to far away countries and only then will we see anything being done. Not only that, even spouses will accompany them on these study tours.
Langkawi Mozarella? Nice
A’kum Ayahanda Tun M…tahniah minat Ayahanda Tun M..diharap pada masa hadapan mungkin tempat Ayahanda boleh digunakan untuk melatih pejuang2 kita menggunakan kuda sebagai salah satu kenderaan…sesungguhnye ia dalah sunnah Rasullulah yg kita cintai untuk mempelajari sukan ini…
Hope business will continue to bloom not only in Langkawi but the whole of Malaysia.
About the brain drain, smart people do not like to be governed stupid people, so they leave.
Shouldn’t the government subsidize imported books?? I think they are expensive. I can read at least 5 books in a month but i cannot afford to buy that much books. If Malaysian read more, we might become smarter 🙂
(Hm, maybe I am one of the Malays with ‘subsidi mentaliti’)
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Rasanya belum terlewat lagi untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Kurban kepada Tun dan keluarga. Semoga sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Saya pernah tinggal di milan, itali selama lebih kurang 9 tahun dan mozzarella dari itali mmg the best in the world. mmg sedap tun. jadi tidaklah ragu2 kalau nk makan produk mozzarella tu kerana buatan tempatan dan dijamin mutu dan statusnya. kebelakangan ini banyak sangat dapat email pasal barangan di malaysia pun bnyk yg tak boleh dimakan. banyak yang ada kena mengena dengan benda alah tu.
kerajaan kita kena buat sesuatu, apa nak jadi dengan rakat malaysian berbangsa melayu dan berugama islam ni. nak makan pun susah di negara sendiri yang agamanya rasminya Islam. mungkin tun boleh bagi buah fikiran.
Salam Tun.
Industri pembuatan mozzarella di Langkawi adalah satu perkara yang baik terutama sekali bila melibatkan pembangunan produk makanan halal.
Saya amat berharap industri produk halal ini terus berkembang di Langkawi seiring dengan perkembangannya sebagai destinasi pelancongan. Mungkin masih banyak produk-produk berasaskan daging boleh dibuka dan dimajukan.
Saya pernah beberapa kali melawat Telaga Harbour … memang menarik.
selamat hari raya aidiladha.
malaysia pun da produce mozzarella cheese dalam negara.
kebiasaannya ianya diimport dari negara luar.
Dear Tun,
Sewajarnyalah Dasar Imigresen negara kita disemak kembali. Bacalah akhbar. Setiap hari ada sahaja rungutan yang tidak menyenangkan tentang kemasukan pendatang samada secara sah atau haram. Mereka telah terlalu ramai hingga dirasakan melebihi keperluan. Hampir semua sektor dibolot oleh golongan ini. Sesungguhnya Malaysia adalah LUBUK EMAS bagi orang luar. Pemimpin mungkin tidak merasai keperitan rakyat marhain yang terpaksa berkongsi hidup dengan pendatang ini. Bukan semuanya manis malah banyak yang pahit dan menjengkelkan.
Namun apa tindakan dari pihak kerajaan? Hampir tiada yang benar-benar nampak kesungguhan dan rungutan rakyat hanya tinggal seperti anjing menyalak bukit.
Tun, rakyat kecil hanya dapat menyuarakan rasa tidak puashati dan mengharapkan pihak yang diamanahkan untuk mentadbir negara menjalankan kewajipan mereka.
Have a nice day. May God Bless U Always.
Happy touring, Tun!
Dear Tun,
Semoga Tun sekeluarga sentiasa dirahmati Allah s.w.t. It’s refreshing to read this type of articles rather than something which usually is so serious. Sounds like you really enjoying your life in langkawi up there. I’m also hoping that the current govt does not rest on its laurel and continue to further improve our nation’s economy and its people well-beings.
May Allah bless you. Wassalam.
Insya’Allah one day, langkawi mozzarella cheese will become popular not only in Malaysia but also all over the world.
Dear Y.A.B. Tun,
WOW! Interesting projects you have.
It would be nice if there is a centre where you could see and learn how sailboats are made, especially the for wooden ones. There is one at Pulau Duyong where you can find boat builders specialising in making hand-made wooden yachts.
Agreed on the fact that Malaysia is the land of opportunity for unskilled foreigners. Perhaps the current policy is there to protect the immigrant, be it illegal or legal ones, but not the rakyat. For example, if your maid run away, you would have to pay a penalty fee. If you go to the pasar borong, you would see the stalls are being manned by foreigners, who mark up the prices and sometimes the goods are more than the ones at hypermarkets. The unskilled ones are not being taxed, and they are one of the main users of public facilities; i.e toilets, and transportation. The rakyat is subsidizing the unskilled ones.
There are many illegals out there, having a good life, sometimes better than the locals who live in kampungs.
We should allow more people to go and work overseas. They will eventually give jobs back to Malaysia just like India. Their hearts will always come back to Malaysia anyways. Inf fact, Government should sponsor and make arrangements for our people to work for the big companies overseas. Also make special Amanah Saham for those working overseas. Arrange for MNCs overseas to pay salary to Malaysian workers though government. That way, that will also mitigate problem of our workers from staying overseas illegally
“The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in and even settle in our country”. It has to stop somewhere. Notice how KL is being run by the banglas and the indons, cant eat anywhere without their kind as waiters or cook, cant visit any place without their kind as cleaners. The no brainers are running the show, and all we locals know best is how to spend spend and spend our money lavishly and fighting each other for power. The no brainers send our foolishly spent monies back to their home. Wonder who is brainer, us or them.
Salam Tun
I know you had and continue to have visions for Langkawi. Do you think we should build bridge to Langkawi. First, may be we should allow relaimation works to emulate such concept as “the world” on kedah/perlis western and Langkawi eastern shorelines so that the actual bridge to be built will be shorter thus reducing cost. this should make Langkawi more accessible and encourage local tourism further.
sahoca member
class of 1981
Salam sanjung buat Tun dan bonda Hasma.
Saya difahamkan yang melawat Langkawi adalah merupakan perkara yang mesti bagi Tun bila balik ‘seghon’. Begitu sayangnya Tun dengan Langkawi dan rakyat Langkawi, tetapi apakah mereka benar-benar sayagn dengan Tun? Begitu juga dengan perangai orang-orang UMNO yang sepatutnya faham dan sewajarnya menerima aspirasi Tun semasa Tun mengilhamkan dan menzahirkan perancangan-perancangan yang ternyata membawa faedah kepada rakyat keseluruhannya.
Tetapi melihat gelagat mereka yang melatah mengalahkan orang nyanyuk amat mendukacitakan saya. Dan saranan Tun agar orang UMNO bangun dan kembali menyerang asakan politik etnik cina dan india, alhamdulillah telah mula menunjukkan kesan…….
Dan saya dengan upaya yang Allha berikan kepada saya akan saya gunakan bukan lagi untuk sekadar bertahan, malah menyerang kembali mereka ini seperti yang Tun sarankan setiap kali ada perjumpaan dengan kami-kami…..
Yes, our immigration policy has to be totally revamped. I still cannot accept that once a lady stops work or retires, her household is no more allowed to have maids. One would have thought that after working and slogging for more than 30 years, she would be able to rest, but our policy states that maids are only approved for women who work.
It always end up with the lady going to a friendly doctor who will certify that she is ill and therefore needs a maid. Who are we trying to fool?
Many of our policies are so outdated and there are very few in the govt who actually think. They are like robots, who do things on a daily basis without thinking why they are doing so.
For example, by right, we should not have any dirty toilets in this country because there is a Distrct Officer in every district, and there is the President in every local council. If only they care to make a surprise visit to one restaurant or one public toilet in a week, then we will not have dirty toilets.
langkawi mozzarella cheese.
plus gamat.
Selamat Aidiladha Tun,
Talking about boats, bila tun nak row bot rowing kayu Carl Douglas kat Kelab Tasik Putrajaya tu?
Anyway, I hope the malaysian MOZZARELLA CHEESE can be produce in other state as well, such as Pahang, because in pahang people like to eat Buffaloes meat rather than Cows meats. May Adnan Yaacob have the matured brain to think.
Tq Tun.
Dear Tun,
Sorry a bit off topic.
See what Clinton said about you.
“But what Clinton revealed about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was more interesting. He listed down the names of leaders he admired during his term as US president.
They included South Africa
Salam Tun….
What a nice trip ya…
Akan mencuba langkawi mozarella cheese ni gak nanti…
Cerita pasal mozarella ni Tun, saya tak berkesempatan lagi nak pergi restoren Tun. Insya-Allah satu hari nanti saya akan ajak satu family.
Akum Tun,
Selamat Menyambut HAri Raya Haji pada Tun sekeluarga.
Pandangan pada Langkawi membuat hati saya rindu utk bercuti pada Langkawi.
Terima kasih Tun atas jasa yg dilimpahkan sehingga Langkawi kini menjadi destinasi terbaik utk bercuti.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I love Langkawi!!! I have been going to Langkawi on an annual basis for the past 10 years or so. I even when there for my honeymoon with husband whom has never been to Langkawi before. Cant blame him, he’s
from the other side of the ocean!
Anyway, since I am a regular tourist in LANGKAWI, i can see how she grows in the past years. The development is rapid and it’s getting popular amongst the local and foreign tourists.
One thing that annoys me is the cleanliness of the beaches. Most of them are sandy and attractive BUT the cleanliness standard is so shameful!! rubbish are everywhere. the problem is there is no rubbiah bins at most of the beaches. where can the patrons throw the rubbish? on the beaches of course. I personally with the keep the rubbish in the car and bring it home but how many will do that??
just my humble observations.
selamat dan sihat selalu untuk tun,…
harap saya yang pertama kali ni,…
🙂 hehe
/// 7. The net result is that our brains are being drained out, no brains are coming in but the brainless may come in and even settle in our country. You can figure out the end results. I hope the Government realises this and maybe design a new immigration policy. ///
Dear Tun, you mean you just realized this now? You didn’t see the impact and result during your 22 years running the country?
Saya amat berbangga dan ceria membaca komen tun diatas. Tenang dan bertenaga membacanya dan dapat saya pelajari sesuatu dari situ. Sebenarnya, kami ni semua dah letih asyik disogokan dan cerita politik, semua orang tak betul dan semua orang sangka dia betul.
Akibatnya, pemikiran kami jadi tumpul dan tidak terbawak dengan cerita yang beragenda politik. Kerana kami bukan orang poltik dan apa yang kami inginkan sebagai rakyat biasa adalah seorang pemimpin yang berani memegang amanah Allah dan sentiasa berani kerana kebenaran.
Terima kasih Tun dan berilah kami ilmu seperti cerita diatas.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidil adha buat Tun sekeluarga….