2. The next day I went to work. Kuala Lumpur was quite empty. Then I realised that many, including Government servants had decided to take Friday off, so that they could have a really long holiday because Saturday and Sunday would be weekends and as a bonus Monday would also be a holiday being the 1st of the Muslim New Year. Five days holiday. We can go round the world in that time.
3. But after Monday holiday, workers in the public and private sectors can take time off for two days until Jan 1st when we will have another holiday. If we are smart we can actually have eight days holiday. Time to fly two times round the world.
4. What about work? Not to worry. During that time the Government and the private companies will be on automatic. Aircraft can fly on auto-pilot safely. We are on the ground. We will not crash.
5. It shows that we really don’t need a Government. It will just coast along even if no one is steering it. That is how good we have become at governing.
6. I am sorry for the poor policemen and other staff who have to be on duty during the holidays.
7. Have a nice holiday – or is it “holidays”.
//By Ah Wah on January 9, 2009 11:02 PM
You have been criticizing Pak Lah continually since you stepped down.
Is it just because he did not take your advice ? or is it because he is more friendly with S’pore ?
I feel you are too much to treat Pak Lah who is a real gentleman. He so far refrains from criticizing you and yet you inch further.
Is it fair ?//
Hi Ah Wah,
Is Pak Lah a gentleman?
No, he is not a gentleman, he has refrained from critizing Tun because he has learned his lesson on the issue of “Siapa Tun”? If he can be ungrateful to Tun means that he can be ungrateful to the country. You have never work with this kind of people, if you did, you will be just like me and will stand on Tun’s side.
Is Pak Lah more friendly with Singapore?
Yes, he is more friendly with Singapore that Singaporean can tell us off that they are smarter, richer and better than we Malaysian.
Let me ask you a question on a glass of half full water, the answer can be :-
a) Half Full (answer created by the world)
b) Half Filled (answer created by the world)
c) Somebody drank it (answer created by Malaysian)
My answer to this question is c!!!! Yes, some greedy Malaysian have drank it without our consent that made Singaporean richer. The person who drank this water is none other than our Mr Nice, Pak Lah & Co.including his son in law, KJ, the hound dog. Now Pak Lah allowed another half of the water to be drank by Pak Anwar(our local Boy George) and our terrorist Raja Petra to ambil hati parti PAS.
Think, Ah Wah and you will see in bigger picture, this is the aim of chedet.
Gong Xi Fa Chai.
Bye Tun.
You have been criticizing Pak Lah continually since you stepped down.
Is it just because he did not take your advice ? or is it because he is more friendly with S’pore ?
I feel you are too much to treat Pak Lah who is a real gentleman. He so far refrains from criticizing you and yet you inch further.
Is it fair ?
Sila izinkan…
//By Manjalara on December 30, 2008 5:19 PM//
So you are Raja Petra! Am I right? Do you know that why I dislike you, I dislike you because you are:-
1. You are too ego, ignorant and sombong and ‘syok diri’ on ‘look west” without thinking about our Rukun Negara. Education is the basic foundation for us to develop further so the country will be prospered and protected, you seem to be so fond with the western ideology on democracy and liberty, sadly you cannot and do not wish to apply this ideology to make the nation stronger, instead you helped indirectly to brain storming our younger generations of melayu, cina and indian to prosper your website, MalaysiaToday, to get profit out of the expense of our national security and unity. You should be ashamed of yourself by not helping the nation to unite and prosper!!!
2. It’s nothing wrong to allow marriages of the same race in any religion teachings and the world. Because our country is declared as an Islamic country, thus we have to abide by the law. It’s up to the individual whether he/she wants to marry other race. What do you mean by cina blood, Japan blood and spanish blood? Is it because the person has different blood then, technically, he will be the best person to lead Malaysia. We want a leader who work hard & smart, sincere, love and fair to all races in Malaysia, it doesn’t matter who is he.
3. On the prison issues, please let the head of department to decide. You were caught, this already proved that you have done wrong and have no right to speak on our behalf.
3. We do not know whether DS Najib is worst then Pak Lah or not, time will tell. However, Pak Lah has proven to be the worst PM in our history, he got caught sleeping during working hours and implemented all the white elephant projects that will destroy the stability of our country’s politic and economy. Just because he is your Abang , you decided to ask the people to vote for your Abang Lah, the sleeping handsome, to be our PM!!! As for the Altantuya’s case, please let our court to decide using our country laws, okay.
Mr Raja Petra, if possible, please think about your family before you take any “syok diri” steps, it’s very bad for you and your family, and by the end of the day, nobody will cry or pity you. Please stop fighting for your lalang hero Boy George (Pappy Anwar Ibrahim), he will not help you once he is in power, lain padang, lain belalang means charmeleon, ‘boleh tukar perangai’ to protect himself, very dangerous and risky for the country and you.
Anyway, happy new Year Mr Raja Petra, think about it. I do not mean to offend you, but I feel sorry for your family and hope that you will do something not to hurt them anymore, they have suffered alot because of you.
Good day Tun.
Perkara yang sama juga akan berlaku kalau Tun masih lagi jadi PM. Blame it on the calendar lah..
Salam Tun, As for my family and me, in particular, holidays mean more income. Because in KB, that holiday times means Kelantanese from over the states will be hovering around the town, and they are quite spendthrift too.
You see Tun, all condominiums in KB will be full. In fact, the condo owners rely on these holidays, for them to pay back their bank loans. KT do not have this kind of ‘holidays income’ yet… but may be because people of Trengganu are not as displaced as Kelantanese.
//By John on December 31, 2008 11:49 PM//
Hi Johnny Boy,
History will repeat itself if we chose to copy history. Instead of doing something, you as a rakyat chosen to let our BN, especially our so-called worst and “dah bodoh” PM in Malaysia, to copy Tun’s “langkah secara buta-tuli and brainwash naive rakyat like you to blame Tun on this matter.
In 2004, BN won 90% of the seats, in 2008, BN was almost denied 2/3 majority and our PM chosen to deny the lost was because of hom. Instead of doing some changes which rakyat nak, he has chosen to “ambil hati civil servants by giving them more holidays and increasing their gaji, give bonuses, also he has given out RM200 in Putra World Trade Centre before Hari Raya in 2008 to each Kelantanese in KL just because he wanted to “sapu” Kelantan under his leadership. Wastage of tax payers’ money is Abdullah Badawi’s favourite, why…. because “dia ingat dia ini Raja Abdullah, Malaysia adalah hak dia”. Our most discusting PM in Malaysia and his SIL (Son In Law) KJ, senior advisor, thinks that they can “sapu all their rubbish under the carpet by blaming Tun. Don’t you see that???
Well, if you are not happy with the current’s government services, please act and monitor their services to make them realize their social responsibility which our PM will not be able and does not have the know-how to teach them because he has too much personal debts to settle, and he is still trying his very best before he resigns to “kantoi” duit rakyat to settle his personal debts by “belasah” our Tun. Please remember Tun is not a member in any parties, Tun is a rakyat like you and me.
I hope that you will see what is happening in Malaysia currently and
stop pin-pointing your ‘young and naive finger’ at our most respect Tun”. I addressed you as Johnny Boy is to tell to act mature and decent, don’t you get my message? I am happy that you read my comment, and I do hope that you will see the bigger picture as time moves on ……
Good night Tun.
I can see that HBT is missing my point big time. I hope the concern parties reading my comment realise it.
Dear Tun,
I dont know about government sector, but in private sector especially in my company i believe we deserve this long holidays. All of us in this company have been struggle all year through to meet our customers’ demand and to achieve our target. Most of us including boses work long hours just to ensure our productivity is always at best.
So it is only during this kind of holidays, when demand quite slow, that we can get some time to rest and release our office stress, and come back with fully recharge.
So I guess, why cannot we take these holidays since we really deserve it.
By John on December 31, 2008 11:55 AM
Hi Johnny Boy,
Tun is not fuzzy about year end holidays and not blaming Pak Lah. Tun is telling Rakyat in a “jolly” way to get ready and be happy as we are approaching the very groomy and bumpy year 2009 with Automatic Government. All our leaders are so busy with their personal matters and they have decided to press the auto-pilot button so that they have more time to settle their problems, I do hope that you realize lo.
Good day Tun.
Assalamua’laikum YAM Tun,
From Ibn Abbaas (radiyallaahu
Hi Tun,
I don’t understand why Tun so fuzz about the year end holidays and the individuals spending their earned leave. As a matter of fact, everyone looking forward to take time off and spend time with their loved ones, including yourself. So there is nothing wrong in doing so. If such holidays falls towards end or beginning of the week then we need to address this is a very effective way!
As for your comment on Government will be automatic during such long holidays, well I would like to point the finger at you. You are the one who started to give alternate Saturdays off for the Government employees. Following your footsteps, Pak Lah made it worst. If Saturdays were to be a working days, then we won’t be having such problems. As far as we, “The Public” is concern, the Government is a service sector. Most of the private owned service sectors are now extending their services to 24×7. But unfortunately, the Government works vice-versa, God only knows whats the reason!
Please bear in mind that this has become big burden to the public as they have to take day off to handle Government matters, as most of the Government related matters are required us to be present at the respective Government offices and queue up for hours.
YAB Tun,
I believe you are being sarcastic about the whole long holidays thing. Not so nice to hear but I must tend to agree with you on that note.
Nonetheless, I did not take the long holidays but it did gave me and friends some time to catch up on things. Many friends of mine planned the long holidays (as u called it) but almost all did not make the two trips around the world – for the lack of budget I believe. If not, probably all would have done so.
Anyway, almost all of them who managed to call and have a chat did not miss to mention about the Government and the politics of Malaysia at the moment. The majority even gave the excuse that they feel they should take the long holiday because they felt ‘tired’ of the Government (UMNO specifically) and politicians in general.
I guess in general the rakyat actually can feel the misdirection and the weak leadership demonstrated by the Government specifically. Almost all mentioned the word ‘stupid’, ‘arrogant’, ‘change’, ‘crazy’…in trying to describe what they feel with regards to the current leadership of the country.
With that, dont they deserve the holidays Tun??
” 5. It shows that we really don’t need a Government. It will just coast along even if no one is steering it. That is how good we have become at governing.”
First, the word Kerajaan comes from the word Raja. If that is to mean in English, it will be Kingdom, not government. We need to find appropriate word for Government in Bahasa Malaysia to avoid complication.
Secondly, we don’t believe in the government of Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang until it accomplishes its goals of Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah. Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang so far has proven the government is in reverse, notorious and infamous.
Finally, Chedet, we need a government, otherwise the rakyat will be taken for a ride on a roller coaster until kingdom come.
Satu lagi yang agaknya lupa di sebutkan :
holiday satu minggu – gaji jalan..
cukup bulan angkat gaji – cukup tahun bonus 2 bulan..
Hoo.. Hoo.. Merry Christmas!
Assalamualakum Tun
1. Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah & Tahun Baru Masihi
2. It’s good to have long holiday… free our mind from daily hectic works & I hope we can start with fresh mind and new ideas for company and our country.
3. Could we have “politic” holiday ? Lots of feedings on politics in our mass media ..we need a rest…
Assalamualaikum semua.
When I quit working for the japs in Jul, my accumulated annual leave for just 2 years was more than 50 days, and I cant recall taking any leave during that period. I sure needed some break, but these kind of holiday culture is definitely very2 bad, at the back of salary raise just a few years back!
Masa kerja pun cuti, masa cuti lagi la…nak kata work smart pun tak juga. Kalau dah work smart, then the people shouldnt be facing tonnes of problems like just now at the auto teller machines of the biggest bank in Malaysia. So many CDM, but only 1 or 2 were working. If they are working smart, then they should be monitoring the situation from a far and doing something about it immediately. But, imagine a queue of 15 people made a huge sigh when the only CDM in JJBT suddenly hang up on them.Nay, they are not working! From top to bottom!
TUN,what you say is correct,totally agree with you 100%.Malaysian peoples just love holiday.I have never expected you would thing something like this,hahaha,youre really a funny person and innovative mindset becouse you always think something else that peoples that never think of it normally,so my guess is malaysia has the most holiday among of all the countries in the world,am i right?
salam Tun….hari dah lewat benar…tapi mata tak nak tidur…terus buka laptop terus serbu blog ni…tergelak sorang sorang baca apa yang tun tulis ni…as always, millions to ponder.!! suka la lepak kat sini, banyak ilmu dan make me realised something………I missed you alot in tv’s I missed your era…tapi kenapa skrg ni tengok Pak Lah…alahai…rasa nak tutup tv cepat cepat, bila tengok muka pak Najib pulak, rasa nak tendang ja tv jadinya!!! but dulu when you on air….with your words, speech, you can simply made people glued to their seat!!!
apa pun Tun, jaga kesihatan tu sama…dont overwork…but do continue with your blog…coz it charged up my brain to think ahead!!!
miss you love you!!!
p/s I still remember my first time shake your hand kat KLCC in year 2004!!!! you are the trully Malaysian Idol!!!
Dear Tun
Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah 1430 & Tahun Baru 2009.And happy holidays !
Dearest Tun,
1.You are RIGHT Tun. We already have more than enough of public holidays; furthermore, we have Sat-Sun off. I remember when Tun was our PM, Tun seldom took leave.
2.Another issue: SLEEPING DURING MEETINGS/WORKING. Below is an example on how to handle those who sleep during office hours:
Dear Tun
A very very happy new year to you and your wife & your family members. May you & wife a great health. This is a personally hand-type greetings
BTW … greetings & wishes also can go automated & very punctual also – you can tick – when & whom to delivers (mass deliveries).
It has been a long while since I log to your blog.
I was boring today (to catch up & hopefully tied up all the loose ends for year 2008) and I decided in between bored time I shall log-it. Wha-la… I love this piece. Who needs them.. it’s pre-programmed, pre-schedules, pre-coach, pre-determine, pre-decide, and lots of pre-pre.
I says.. I am all fired up to work again.
BTW… happy holidays to everyone.
Dear Tun,
Ya, This is always ours attitute. Just like ours national budget, year after year we are running deficit. Never mind, We still have petro, if worst come to the worst, ours next generation will pay it’s not ours matters anymore.
is it sound familiar ? Not so, These is always ours attitute, just like how we are asking of the free lunch. Somehow, somewhere, someone will need to payback.
Open letter to Pak Lah from Raja Petra.
Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi
Prime Minister of Malaysia
Prime Minister’s Office
Main Block
Perdana Putra Building
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62502 Putrajaya
Dear Pak Lah,
First of all, allow me to address you as Pak Lah, as you prefer your friends to address you. I may not be your friend in the real sense of the word — seeing that I am bent on cutting Umno and Barisan Nasional down to size, plus your government has detained me under the Internal Security Act and is still trying to appeal the court
Tun dan Yang lain-lain…
1. Menyentuh berkenaan dengan sikap kakitangan awam sekarang, saya sebenarnya serba salah. Saya pekerja swasta, manakala isteri saya pekerja kerajaan.
2. Isteri saya seorang guru, saya melihat beliau bekerja bukan untuk 8 jam sehari tetapi lebih . Bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan seorang Guru, tidak akan tahu bahawa kehidupan harian seorang guru.
3. Isteri saya bekerja di sebuah sekolah Menengah di kawasan bandar.
4. Bangun pagi seawal 5 pagi untuk bersiap dan bersolat subuh dan urusan anak-anak.
5. Pergi ke sekolah seawal 6.45 pagi untuk memastikan sampai di sekolah sebelum 7.20 pagi.
6. Dari satu blok ke satu blok untuk mengajar. Pernah ketika mengandung anak pertama saya, beliau hampir keguguran kerana memanjat tangga demi tangga di blok yang berlainan untuk waktu kelas seterusnya. Lambat bergerak , kelas yang seterusnya mungkin tidak diajar sepenuhnya.
Dimasukkan ke wad selama 3 malam akibat pendarahan.
7. Pelajar pulang selepas 1.45 petang, tapi para guru selepas pukul 2.30 petang atau kebiasaannya akan berlanjutan ke waktu 4 petang atau 5 petang. Kalau awal persekolahan , datang pula untuk acara kokurikulum atau latihan sukan sehingga pukul 5 atau 6 petang.
8. Bila pulang ke rumah, bukan pulang berlenggang, tapi penuh bag bimbit buku latihan pelajar-pelajar untuk diperiksa.
9. Biasanya selepas makan malam, tatkala pekerja kerajaan yang lain menonton TV, isteri saya kusyuk dan asyik membuka lembaran demi lembaran buku latihan pelajar-pelajar.
Kadang-kala saya terdengar keluhan beliau tatkala , latihan para pelajarnya seolah-olah tidak pernah diajar. Maka kecewa timbul dan terntanya-tanya sama ada beliau tidak pandai mengajar atau salah mengajar atau tidak sampai apa yang diajar. Saya akui kerana kadang-kala saya membantu mengira markah untuk pelajar beliau. Hampir separuh dibawah paras lulus. Kerja-kerja menyemak buku pelajar ini biasanya berlanjutan sehingga pukul 12 malam kekadang terlebih.
10. Selepas tidor, maka pada esoknya pula kembali rutin harian berulang.
11. Ini belum diceritakan lagi rintihan beliau kepada saya kedegilan para pelajarnya sama ada Cina atau India dan Melayu.
12. Mengajar sekolah bandar ini rupanya menuntut kesabaran yang amat tinggi. Tahap hormat seorang pelajar kepada guru hampir tiada. Usahlah seorang guru memncerita atau bertanya ” Kamu malas belajar ini, apa kamu mahu jadi nanti”
13. Pernah berlaku di sekolah yang lain akibat memarahi seorang pelajar Cina seprti ayat diatas, pada keesokkan harinya pelajar tersebut datang ke sekolah dan mencampakan RM 10 000 dalam dua ikatan dan bertanya kembali kepada Cikgu tersebut ” Cikgu pandai-pandai belajar dulu , boleh dapat duit ini macam hari-hari!”
14. Terkedu dan tergamanlah cikgu tersebut.
15. Setelah dikira seorang guru menghabiskan seharian masa mereka seperti berikut :
Sekolah : 7.20 pagi – 4 petang (9 jam)
Kerja-kerja menyemak latihan : 9.00 mlm sehingga 12.00 mlm
Kerja hujung sabtu : Sekali dua dalam sebulan.
16. Maka saya sendiri mengangumi kerja-kerja seorang guru ini. Isteri saya masih baru dan di Gred 41. Kakak sulong saya pula gred 41 tapi beliau menyambung pelajaran di UPSI selama 4 tahun.
17. Anak-anaknya seramai 3 orang dihantar ke ibu bapa saya. Beliau mendapat separuh gaji dan mengambil pinjaman PTPTN. Suaminya pula seorang Askar yang juga bergaji rendah.
18. Namun untuk memajukan keluarga, kakak saya berhempas pulas untuk belajar selama 4 tahun untuk mendapat Ijazah.
19. Alhamdulillah , beliau berjaya walaupun kadang-kala memikirakn laluan tersebut saya agak terharu. Pertama kedua-dua ibu bapa say yang menjaga cucunya selama 4 tahun. Malah bapa saya pernah menjadi jaga untuk menampung perbelanjaan cucu-cucunya dengan harapan tidak menganggu sangat Ibu cucu-cucunya belajar.
20. Suami beliau melakukan kerja-kerja sambilan untuk mendapatkan tambahan gaji menampung bayaran rumah, kereta dan sebagainya yang mana sebelum ini dikongsi bersama kakak saya untuk ansuran bulanan.
21. Apa yang beliau dapat setelah berjaya mengenggam ijazah.
22. Saya dapat melihat air mata beliau menitis ketika bergambar bersama keluarga dihari konvokesyen di UPSI.
23. Saya juga dapat melihat air mata mak saya dan bapa saya sendiri yang tersenyum bangga kerana kakak saya dapat menggengam Ijazah ketika berusia 36 tahun.
24. Bapa saya berceritakan bahawa beliau tidak dapat menyambung pelajaran kakak kerana kurang mampu ketika dahulu.
25. Malah bangga juga beliau bercerita bagaimana beliau meminjam duit Blok (Felda) untuk membolehkan kakak masuk sekolah berasrama yang menangis saban hari semasa sekolah kebangsaan kerana tiada sekolah di felda saya ketika itu.
26. Itulah yang beliau dapat.
27. Oh lupa, beliau mendapat hutang PTPTN untuk dijelaskan.
28. mmmm oo beliau mendapat gaji yang sama bagi graduan lepasan Ijazah.
Rakan-rakan beliau yang tidak menyambung naik secara automatik dari 29 kepada 32 dan 41 berdasarkan tahun pengajaran. Lebih manis bagi mereka, tidak perlu membayar PTPTN kembali. Tidak perlu bergaji separuh untuk tempoh 4 tahun. Tidak perlu membuang masa emas bersama keluarga untuk tempoh yang sama.
29. Maka siapa yang rugi.
30. Saya bukan kakitangan awam. Tapi saya mempunyai hubungan dengan kakikatangan awam dari golongan GURU yang menyatakan benar mereka adalah LILIN yang membakar DIRI…
31. Maka saya amat menghormati mereka.. yang bergelar GURU…..
YABhg Tun,
Salam hormat.
Apabila ada cuti umum pada hari Khamis atau Selasa, ramai yang sakit pada hari Jumaat dan Isnin.
2. Melalui blog ini, saya mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2009 dan Maal Hijrah kepada semua yang melayari Blog ini. Semoga SIHAT dan sejahtera menyambut cuti yang panjang.
3. Kepada YABhg Tun sekeluarga, saya mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2009 dan Maal Hijrah. Setinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada YABhg Tun memberi maklumat, pandangan, pengetahuan dan nasihat yang amat bermakna.
Asalamualaikum Tun,
1)Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah 1430 dan selamat tahun baru 2009.
2) Kepada sesiapa yang bercuti harap hargai cuti anda, gunakan cuti anda untuk kerja-kerja yang boleh memberi pulangan yang baik seperti menimba ilmu, silaturahim, mengeratkan keluargaan dll. Jangan digunakan untuk tidur dan menonton TV sahaja.
3) Kepada Nizzura, December 29,2008, 1:38 PM, singapura menyambu 2 hari untuk tahun baru cina dan 1 hari untuk hari raya aidil fitri.
Jumpa lagi………..
Yg Berbahagia Tun,
Selamat tahun baru 1430Hijrah.
Sekadar pandangan dan pengalaman saya.Hari cuti tiada pegawai kerajaan untuk urusan tertentu itu kira ok la.Namun bukan musim cuti pun banyak pegawai kerajaan ‘hilang’ macam-macam alasan.Jadi sesuailah buat kerajaan automatik.
tetap bersama…
Azaini Taiping.
Asalamualaikum bapak…..
nak wat ganer bapak eh…rame yg maleh keje pada yg rajin….
gaji nak..kejer maleh…gaji nak manyak2 lak..ciput depa tak hingin boleh hangin satu badan lak….belom buat kejer dah kalut naik gaji 20%
pastu haram tak buat kejer…ada sorang ustazah tu kata(ustazah fatimah kut jumaat tv8)la ni berhala dah takder dah…tapi yg duk asyik mahsyuk
ngan pompuan duit hinggit reta mende arak judi dadah pun kira berhala lah jugak………saya pun nak p cuti kat langkawi tengah bulan jan nih…5/6 tahun sekali baru ada peluang cuti tmpt lain….isk2…isk…
siannnnn saaaaaaaaya…..
Tun, is it just me ‘coz I don’t get it. Err.. when I first read this post, my first thought was that it is a complimentary post. To achieve ‘automatic government’ is no mean feat. Perhaps due to online government services that 48% of us today no longer has to put up with numerous trips to various government services. Perhaps in the near future, we can put most functions online so that we can actually lead our lives without actually having to deal with the government save for the once-in-4-years.
Then this being a CheDet blog, maybe this is meant to be a sarcastic comment instead. Looking at that angle – I can certainly see that point of view.
So I read the comments and I found that the commenters are as confused as me as well. Some took this post as a positive coment and strongly argue that CheDet is wrong as things are not good enough. Many already accepted the cynical angle and readily lend more credence to the thought. The rest are scattered among the two views.
🙂 Have a good new year folks. Whether Hijrah, Lunar or plain-Gregorian year… We are living in interesting time – enjoy it
Nice. Nice tongue in cheek!
But only in Malaysia you’ll find this happy situation isn’t it. And no one really complains. Whats even better, add another holiday for Thaipusam and even PAS and the ulamaks don’t complain. And that is why we got hope as a nation.
And this is also another reminder that considering everyone is on holiday and everything is still running, we don’t really need an UMNO led government to make sure everything continues to run isn’t it?
I bet even with Pakatan ruling the Federal government, considering UMNO and the BN are all peace loving people, our “holidays” will still be the same. Everything on autopilot!!
Salam YAB Tun,
Di Malaysia orang yang menganggur teringin nak kerja tetapi yang dah bekerja suka sangat ambil cuti.
Ingin saya cadangkan kepada pihak kerajaan agar kuat kuasa balik bekerja 6 hari seminggu. Bagi peluang penganggur bekerja sambilan pada hari-hari terdapat mana-mana pekerja/pegawai yang sedang bercuti dimana-mana jabatan.
Kalau boleh hari ahad pun boleh bekerja sebab pasti ramai yang sanggup bekerja terutamanya bila masa kegawatan ekonomi nanti. Pada zaman ini, cuti bererti bebelanja. Kita terpaksa keluar wang untuk bercuti.
Waktu pejabat sepatutnya lebih flexible. Tak semistinya dari 9.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang sahaja. Jika pejabat beroperasi disebelah malam hari sahaja maka kegunaan letrik hanyalah pada waktu malam dan waktu siang tidak digunakan dan ini dapat menjimatkan kegunaan letrik.
Sanggup bekerja pada bila-bila masa sepatutnya menjadi amalan baru kita semua sebagai langkah proaktif untuk menghadapi kegawatan ekonomi yang bakal melanda negara tahun hadapan.
Peniaga-peniaga kecil sepatutnya digalakkan dan dipermudahkan bukan disukarkan dengan lesen, kompaun berbagai kesalahan, dsn. Satu cara adalah dengan membenarkan mereka yang berminat atau sedang berjinak-jinak untuk menjalankan perniagaan secara kecil-kecilan dimana sahaja dengan menyokong usaha mereka dengan apa cara sekali pun.
Syarat-syarat yang terlalu ketat selalunya melemahkan semangat dan membantutkan usaha peniaga-peniaga yang masih baru. Memanglah untuk mencari kesalahan seseorang itu amat mudah tetapi untuk membantu dan mengalakkan seseorang terutamanya peniaga untuk memulakan perniagaan adalah susah dan memerlukan lebih banyak masa dan pengorbanan pihak-pihak yang berkaitan.
Perniagaan sepatutnya digalakkan dan dipermudahkan bukan dipersulitkan. Mentaliti bekerja makan-gaji sepatutnya dikikis dari minda kita semua agar kita tak mudah menjadi hamba kepada orang dan barulah boleh kita betul-betul bebas dan merdeka dalam erti kata sebenarnya.
Hanya seorang peniaga yang berniaga sendiri sahaja yang boleh bercuti pada bila-bila masa yang difikir perlu dan tiada sesiapa yang berhak menghalangnya.
with 30 days of annual leave per year, you are “forced” to use some of it somehow or rather. if its me to decide, i’ll take the three day leave and come up with the 11 day bonus. the best time to enjoy your annual leave is when you are still working!
terlalu banyak cuti kita ni. dalam setahun ada 365 hari tolak 52 hari ahad, tolak lagi 52 hari sabtu, tolak lagi 14 hari cuti umum, cuti am, tolaj pulak 25 cuti rehat, belum campur cuti khusus yang diistihar mengikut peristiwa, belum lagi cuti sakit kelentong…. last-last tingga 183 hari jer kerja nya…itupun belum tolak tuang, ponteng, mengular….entah apa2 lagi lah….
dear Tun
just to wish u a very prosperous healthy n happy new year – 2009
Salam Tun,
It’s a good title of this topic “Automatic Government”!
Ever since many years back, I keep on thinking why shouldn’t we have wisdom of any leader to put forward a rule as follow:-
1.Since the ‘vacant’ or ’emptied’ places and resources right from many office space to canteen have not been used during holidays why can’t we open it up ‘free’ with scheduled holidays round the year to have free educating programs for old and children such as using them for learning a short computer lessons or other enriched activities.
It is good to bring up higher progressive future malaysian and is cheaper than investing more ‘hardware’ in such as in khidmat Negara programs.
2.Also we may let it be used or occupied temporary for other community events too. It can be rent out cheaper for function during holidays than many facility in expensive places. We have many government buildings and facilities almost at every places all through out the states.
Anyhow, hope our future leader will make it a start. We really do not need more infrastructure for improving malaysian’s positive mindset for future of course not making it as corrupted abuse ‘business by individual head in charge’!
It is just a wisdom strikes my mind and thank for putting it here.
Thank you Tun.
Dear TUN,
Am not sure should i laugh or not, my current organization too have this holidays culture. i think its like cancer, its like good cells are eaten up by bad cells, COZ some people who are hardworking are also being lazy-lized by this culture… (which include me) haha!!.. even i have a good fren who dont want to work at international company with a good pay simply becoz the company doesnt offer malaysian holidays leave.. haha…
&& I miss you TUN!!!
Dear TUN,
Am not sure should i laugh or not, my current organization too have this holidays culture. i think its like cancer, its like good cells are eaten up by bad cells, COZ some people who are hardworking are also being lazy-lized by this culture… (which include me) haha!!.. even i have a good fren who dont want to work at international company with a good pay simply becoz the company doesnt offer malaysian holidays leave.. haha…
&& I miss you TUN!!!
Wahahahaha!!! Happy Holidays Tun!
Aiyah, look at it from an employee point of view la… Of course we always hope for such long holidays where we can “save” on our annual leave by taking a few days and gain another few days.
As for no commitment to our job or employer, well, err..seriously, employers are devil la. They bully us the employees like hell! If there is no law to protect employees, I should think plenty of employers will be mean and wicked like those in olden days…(bondmaids owners!!) So, how to expect employees to have passion and commitment to the company or job??
As for the government, well, since when have our government been working after you left? Get real la… These fatsoes have been lazing around, talking rubbish, wasting money and creating havoc all these times. Perhaps that is work to them! Wahahahaha…
Dear Tun,
Wish you a Happy New Year 2009. May 2009 will be a better year for us MALAYSIAN! Cheaper goods, a steady non flip flop fuel cost, less toll payout, safer home, good neighbour, much behaved mongkeys, ‘angkau’s and ‘antu buyuk’s in the parliment, less hypocrites politicians, less tax paid – no question ask if you pay high while you know the money is spend wisely, and you wont even scared to death when you visit any govt counter!
Naga Bari
Working hard?Hardly working?
Itulah..bagi satu lagi cuti ‘extra’ .
Campur sabtu ahad bertambah tambahlah cuti.
Terlalu banyak masa terluang, nak berbelanja lebih takut membazir atau mungkin tidak mampu, maka libatkan diri dengan aktiviti-aktiviti opportunist yang ‘free’ [free this and that] seperti :
Buat aktiviti jalanan,naik basikal,ajak dan ajar anak anak berpiket…
Korang jangan lupa bawa buku sekolah
Ilmu tu penting.
Tapi kalau negara kalang kabut macam mana ya?
Tidak apa anak anak, korang jangan fikirkan masa depan,ikut cakap ayah mak kamu ,pergi berpiket.
Mesti tampak hebat …maklumlah pelancong banyak sekarang ini
Boleh tunjukkan satu persembahan hebat tentang hak asasi untuk meraih simpati dan tatapan barat.
Lebih penting bagi ayah mak bila anak anak perpiket justeru tidak apa kalau kurang berfikir.
Berikan tanggungjawab berfikir itu kepada orang orang pandai dari satupertubuhan hebat itu kerana mereka yang pandai dan berani mesti di letak pada tempat yang selamat – seperti di belakang tabir…
Anak anak, korang ini macam orang putih kata lah ‘colateral damage’.
Kalau apa apa jadi, hari ini ayah mak buat satu ‘posing’ seperti naikkan tangan kelangit dan meratap hiba kerana dianiaya.
Hari esok ayah mak korang boleh buat anak anak lagi untuk menjanjikan kesinambungan agenda.Agenda siapa?
Ingatlah, anak anak pilih kita jadi mak ayah, kita pula ada tanggungjawab untuk sempurnakan amanat pencipta, patutkah kita menganiaya mereka?
Benci pada orang yang sengaja aniaya anak anak.
Anak adalah amanat, kecil ke besar ke, selagi kita ayah mak mereka masih hidup, kita mesti didik mereka dengan tanggungjawab, kasih sayang dan kesian belas.
Bila kita guna dan sengaja dedahkan anak anak kita kepada bahaya, kita sudah menjadi tidak bertanggungjawab.Siapa nak menyokong?
Sudah tiba masa untuk guna semula masa dengan berfaedah.
Ganti cuti dengan bekerja pada sabtu ke ahad ke…elak ruang untuk susahkan polis[mereka pun ada keluarga] dan juga orang ramai yang tidak berkuasa nak layan.
Mungkin boleh jadi macam Kedai TMPoint…ada kesinambungan perkhidmatan. Saya suka kamu!
Budak sekolah pun kena ganti cuti tau!
Satu lagi, bila banyak sangat cuti, orang yang nak cepat tu, kerana ketinggalan masa yang dia tidak merancanakan, mula lah guna satu dari alasan alasan ‘creativity’ nya untuk ‘jump que’ dengan beri wang untuk cepat dapatkan perkhidmatan.
Siapa yang galakkan?
Happy new year to Tun Dr M and Tun Dr Siti.May Allah bless you both always.
salam tun…sy mengucapkan slmt thn baru 2009…saya harap pada tahun baru ni tun ade zaman baru and semoga sihat dan kekal berpanjangan
Salam Tun,
The year 2008 is ending and we should be greatful that we are still alive and welcoming the new year 2009 with expectation that It will be a good year for us and also for the country. Looking back at 2008 I feel a bit disturbed with the events that has taken place in the country be it politics, social,race relation,racial discrimination among races, crime rate surged,corruption’s rapid flow thru out the country,and the public trust in the Police force how clean and efficient are they.The moral degration of our youth, the selfish attitude of races be it the malays, chinese or indians, no civic concious among people, a lot of highly stressed and sick people on the road.So come year 2009 can we change all this to a bettter Malaysian, better mindset and a nice place to live in. Goodbye and Happy New Year!!
Saya pun rasa bengang jugak dengan pegawai-pegawai kerajaan ni. Kadang-kala saya rasa tak adil CEUPACS buat tuntutan yang melampau-lampau daripada kerajaan jugak.
Contohnya, saya masih menunggu appointment dengan seorang Timbalan Ketua Pengarah sejak 3 bulan lepas. Mereka ini terlupa yang bayar gaji mereka ni adalah duit cukai rakyat. Betapa tak sedar dirinya mereka!!
Dearest Tun,
Hit it right on. It has been progressing to this current complacent environment ever since you left the government office. Especially with the Tingkat 4 influence of friends leading the many offices such as GLCs, any productive contribution to the economy? They are cruising through alright, and taking us all on the ride..
During your time, we are packed with work, nak leave kena justify. Now whole department on leave, no one cares. The word is, don
Selamat bercuti. Dalam cuti-cuti ini bawalah makanan ringan kegemaran ramai. Layari http://www.murukuherba.com
Dearesr Tun,
….he…he.. i know where you were coming from 😀
…it goes with the saying:
“we work so that we can live (better); not live to work!”
Salam YAB Tun,
Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1430..
Semoga YAB Tun Dr Mahathir & YAB Tun Dr Siti Hasmah sihat sejahtera & panjang umur dengan izin Allah s.w.t….
YAB Tun, sayapun bekerja pada 26hb hari tu.Tak mustahil YAB Tun turun ‘window shopping’ waktu tengahari di KLCC kan hari tu.
Haaaiii..rugi betul saya..selalu tak berpeluang berjumpa dengan YAB Tun.
Saya tak berapa faham apa yang YAB Tun cuba sampaikan..
Takpelah..saya kerja pada hari tu.Sebab tu kot saya tak berapa faham.
Eeemmmmm.. (:-I
Okaylah YAB Tun, Semoga YAB Tun sentiasa sihat walafiat & dapat terus menyuarakan pendapat YAB Tun diblog yang saya cintai ini.
//By ames2008 on December 30, 2008 8:13 AM
Badawi = from “terbilang” to “terhilang”….//
In BI,
Badawi = from “hero” to “zero”……..
Good day Tun.
Salam Tun,
Saya rasa negara ini terlalu banyak cuti. Bulan Desember sudah menjadi bulan yang tidak produktif. Mungkin kerajaan patut mempertimbangkan untuk mengurangkan cuti supaya negara kita boleh menjadi lebih kompetitif.
Well..not really for us. I’m leading a housing unit in state administration. Took our team to get to the most problematic public transit scheme, there should be a limit to these people who rent out the unit given to them illegally to other party n yet they never pay rental to the govt. Whats with this mentality n I wonder when do our govt think of doing something to make this paradigm change. Rather than thinking of how to privatise this n that, why cant something be done thoroughly n practically to change this mentality…make our people understand their responsibility towards government property…..
Selamat pagi Tun,
//To: S..Tan…………..SWING AT ABDULLAH?
If this is another swipe to bring him down, I will not be a part. Firstly there’s a ready outpour of eager volunteers, secondly the beneficiaries are no better.//
If this is the swing at Abdullah, I am pleased to be part of it as a Decent Rakyat. Our PM is the kind of Malaysian (so is Pak Anwar, Pak Najib) who has the mentality of “pakai duit dulu LAH, menyesal kemudian, depan baik dan sayang negara, belakang “siapa Tuan Punya?” The eager volunteers and benificiaries are no better because they are good in “politik wang”, not because they are good in governing. When we are talking about “politik wang”, it involves (BN & PR) Malay, Chinese and Indian. This attitude to reap money for their own and AK is developed under our current Captain and co-pilots of Aircraft Malaysia (BN) because they are trapped by the American’s theory of “crisis = opportunity, which we have learned today that it won’t work, just won’t work because of the scandal USA mortgage and subprime meltdown. Instead of doing something to raise the confidence level of Malaysian and use effective fiscal& monetary policies, it is indeed very sad and dissapointed to watch BN prefer to just sit there and pretend that there is nothing wrong with democracy and free market, similar to the denial stage of the western countries, “diam2 aja LAH macam Pak Lah kalau tak periuk nasi akan terbakar jadi abu nanti”.
I believe “democracy and free market” will be our next destination before PRU 13 because of our sikap tamak and terbukaan of BN and PR. Pak Najib doesn’t care much because he is brought in a rich and powerful family. I believe Pak Najib can only warm up the PM sit, he will not be re-elected as the next PM in PRU 13 and BN will “kalah”. When BN kalah, BN will put the blame on Tun, to me it’s very unfair and “zalim”.
During the 1996 – 1997, I have seen with my own eyes and allowed that to happen whereby “cina tipu cina, then cina tipu bumiputra, and bumiputra tipu Kerajaan (our respected Tun) with the vision of wawasan 2020. Now we are reaching 2009, the next wawasan is “100% Free Market” whereby all the korporasi kerajaan will be privatised, is it good for our rakyat? No, because free market will create greed, chaos, stronger and deeper racial issues which Tun knows very well that they will hurt our political stability and economy to develope further. At this age Tun is still working hard on this prevention because of tanggungjawab as rakyat, what about our rakyat and you, Tan?
Till then Tun.
P/S: There is one commentor mentioned that the Arab countries are not united. They are not united because they are god-fearing. if they are not god-fearing they will be the most powerful nation in the world, see what happened to the late Saddam Hussein. He was tortured before he was killed. Will Bush & Blair be tortured and killed for invading Afganistan and Iraq by force? The israel and palestine conflict is a benchmark for the Asian countries (our ex-PM, Tun Mahathir is doing this, the BN & PR are not interested in this issue)to use it as way to stop terrorism to prevent politic and economy instability to protect the rakyat just like what the Americans and Britons are doing to protect Bush and Blair. Is it wrong??? Think as an Asian because you are Asian, and we do not need to copy America way because they are just a “tin kosong” who has no love for the country.
Selamat Ma’al Hijrah 1430 dan Tahun Baru 2009.
5. It shows that we really don’t need a Government. It will just coast along even if no one is steering it. That is how good we have become at governing.
Kalau waktu seperti ini tak payah ada sesiapa yang ‘monitor’ perjalanan kerja2 penting kerajaan tapi negara maseh terkawal dan segala aktivti kerajaan dan swasta berjalan lancar. Bagaimana jika ia nya(negara) diuruskan dengan lebeh baik oleh pemimpin2 yang dinamik, saya yakin Malaysia pasti lebih maju dan berjaya dari apa yang kita lihat waktu ini. Agak nya lah……tapi sayang nya yang ada waktu ini semua HP6.
YAB Tun,
Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera and a Very Good Morning.
Allow me to take this opportunity to wish YAB Tun and Tun Siti Hasmah and fellow bloggers, Selamat Maal Hijrah 1430 and A Happy New Year 2009.
I sincerely hope and pray that the new year will bring new hope and a better future for ALL Malaysian who loves this blessed nation.
For those who think or perceive that this country is not a place conducive anymore for you and your family to stay, by all mean you could pack your bags and migrate to another country which you think could treat you and your family better. I wish you and your family, best of luck.
For 2009, I wish that Malaysia will have a responsible government who will put the interest of the rakyat above everything else.
I also wish that everyone in Malaysia will be ‘Law Abiding’ so that there will be less unwanted incidences.
For those who are on holiday, ‘Happy Holidays’.
Kan ini memanglah budaya atau amalan yg telah lama dipupuk sejak 22 tahun yg lalu? Namun ramai yg senang sahaja menolak semua kesalahan ini kepada abdullah, macamlah diri sendiri tidak perlu untuk bertanggungjawab …
bukankah sifat sambil lewa, endah tak endah, perasaan dengki ini memang lama wujud? Dah diketahui umum sekiranya setahun diberikan medical leave 14 hari, genap-genap setahun akan sakit 14 hari secara kebetulan ….
setiap hari syok sendiri dengan tungu jagung gergasi berkembar dan sepang F1 .. lebih baik berusaha untuk memupuk perpaduan dan persefahaman antara kaum … agar rakyat diberkati MINDA yg teguh untuk mengharungi masa hadapan yg semakin sukar …
tidak tahukah KEBENDAAN yg selama ini dijadikan kebanggaan adalah mudah sekali dapat digantikan? jagung kembar gergasi yg paling tinggi di dunia dahulu kini pun telah digantikan oleh bangunan pencakar langit di negara asing …. F1 malam di singapore pun nampaknya lebih menarik daripada sepang …
kalau hendak jasa diingatkan selama-lamanya, baiklah menyatupadukan rakyat berbilang kaum … dan bukannya menghasut, menakutkan atau menjadi batu api untuk mewujudkan ketegangan kaum demi kepentingan kerjaya politik diri sendiri atau anak sendiri
Dear Tun,
Seriously even with these holidays, i still think that Pak Lah Admin can still achieve wawasan 2020 on time (i mean his time). The reason is simple.
Pak Lah 1 month is equivalent to 1 year. Pak Lah 1 year is equivalent to 1 decade. So when we recaculate, his admin still can achieve the vision on year 2020. (So when he achieve the vision, the actual year is on 3000 – get what i mean).
Note – Tun 20 years is the fastest 20 years ever for Malaysian History, But for Pak Lah 1 term (5 years) is equivalent to 5 decades which is the looooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngeeeeeeeeeestttttt 5 years ever in Malaysian history.
And as for KJ, please do some work bro, stop occupying yourselves with debates, im tired of it, need to jolt our economy up, reduce traffic jams, stress and watever. Need some serious workable ideas and short, not some crap “Im graduate from Oxford, i should be Ketua Pemuda”
Dearest Tun,
Whether holiday or not holiday, that is different issue. The problem here in Msia especially “government offices”, when it comes to such a long break of holidays, the officers always take the opportunity to postpone events/meetings (sometimes very important meeting)to a much delayed date. Seems like if one person on holiday, the whole department is not working functioning. Not only holidays, when certain event take place eg. Hari Kebangsaan, Labor Day, VIP visits, etc., most officers will not be available most of the time. I still remember when I completed a bridge project in Pahang, Sultan Pahang was invited for a visit. Baginda Sultan suppose to visit/attend other events as well within the vicinity on the same day. 2 weeks prior to that, all the government officers were not available for anything as they are busy for the preparation …The whole town is running without government !!
That is the culture here, and those from the private sector will have to accommodate, for many many years to come.
Take care Tun.
Dearest Tun,
Whether holiday or not holiday, that is different issue. The problem here in Msia especially “government offices”, when it comes to such a long break of holidays, the officers always take the opportunity to postpone events/meetings (sometimes very important meeting)to a much delayed date. Seems like if one person on holiday, the whole department is not working functioning. Not only holidays, when certain event take place eg. Hari Kebangsaan, Labor Day, VIP visits, etc., most officers will not be available most of the time. I still remember when I completed a bridge project in Pahang, Sultan Pahang was invited for a visit. Baginda Sultan suppose to visit/attend other events as well within the vicinity on the same day. 2 weeks prior to that, all the government officers were not available for anything as they are busy for the preparation …The whole town is running without government !!
That is the culture here, and those from the private sector will have to accommodate, for many many years to come.
Take care Tun.
Salam Maal Hijrah Tun.
I hope you can write your great thoughts on the policy on Science and Mathematics being taught in English. I am quite perplexed that during the current debacle on this, they completely ignored your valuable inputs as the man who mooted and implemented this idea. I personally find this kind of idea and that of Sekolah Wawasan are noble thoughts and action towards a progressive Malaysia, but now, I have a fear that the current political gamemaster will undo the very progressive step that you had taken us front.
Please sir, comment your thoughts on this. I very much like to hear it from you, the man with leadership courage to think and act clearly on what is needed for this country.
My doa for your great health.
salam maal hijrah my dear tun,
your points are all very,very true..and it saddens me that at this time of year most of the top govt workers are all on holiday overseas..esp in the case of the late Yamtuan NS..it’s like he was all alone when he passed..very very sad…
Dear Dr Tun and wife,
Unfortunately, the same fate of enjoying public holidays are no the same for doctors on duty and on call. Both me and the wife had several calls (36 hour shifts) to do this week. Sometimes I wish I were a “layman” like others. I’m sure Tun and wife remembers how it was as a Doctor in the Govt services.
It ain’t entirely automatic, its just temporarily upheld by these unknown, behind the scenes public servants: police, soldiers, doctors, nurses, PLUS highway staff, pilots, and the list goes on…
Happy Holidays Tun
And for those who can enjoy it
(By ARMunsyi)
Dear Tun – it simply blows my mind off.
Good business for the petrol stations and toll collectors. A boost for domestic tourism.
Work? That four letter word comes at the end of the month. To bank in the salary.
Permisi Tun,
Selamat tahun baru 1430 dan 2009 untuk semua blogger budiman.
Memang tidak dapat di nafikan kita manusia telah maju . kita telah mencipta sistem dan budaya kerja yang boleh berjalan secara autopilot. dalam goverment kita da perintah am , policies , guidelines , standar operating procedures etc ini semmua memboleh setiap anggota tahu tugas masing dan berkerja secara otomatik.
cuti itu bukan sengaja diada adakan , ia adalah suatu cara hidup untuk kita semua, memang lah kalau kita lihat dari sudut negatif memang ada tapi kalau kiat lihat dari segi hubungan sesama manusia memang lagi banyak munafaat nya untuk menambah kan kasih sayang antara insan.
Yang menjadi haru biru adalah angkara orang yang gila kuasa,tamak, pentingkan diri sendiri , kiasu,niat jahat ada agenda tersendiri, kurang kasih sayang,tidak cukup makan pakai, tidak ada perkerjaan,–ia itu cara hidup yang tidak bertamadun, tidak ada sistem, budaya , tatsusila,ugama yang membimbing buat baik antara manusia ,politikus yang rakus dan tidur dan lain lain– dalam keadaan begini memang merlukan ketua atau executif yang kena berkerja keras membetulkan , mengekang,mengawalselia keadaan.
Manusia dilahirkan berbeza tahap pemikiran, kepandaian, keupayaan fizikal etc.
Justeru itu mereka melantik ketua untuk mendapat kesejahteraan dalam hidup mereka, tapi kadang kala mereka yang bercita2 untuk menjadi ketua sungguh licik memperdayakan rakyat dengan kata rhetoric. Walhasil apabila mereka menjadi ketua ,hidup rakyat terus tidak endahkan.
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
Saya bersetuju dengan ulasan YABhg Tun mengenai suasana Lembah Klang yang lengang kerana warga kota bercuti panjang.
Cuma kedai keperluan sekolah agak sibuk sikit. Jalan raya, kilang, pejabat terutama pejabat kerajaan sunyi.
Sepatutnya sebagai institusi yang besar, dihujung tahun sebeginilah kerajaan sibuk dengan urusan mengaudit, menilai, mengemaskini dan merancang sebagai persediaan program tahun depan yang lebih mencabar.
Semasa menjadi PM, YABhg Tun tidak lekang dari tugas sehingga ada yang irihati mengatakan gila kerja, gila kuasa dan tidak mungkin melepaskan jawatan.
Pada malam raja pun YABhg Tun masih memakai baju kerja. Tiada hari tanpa kerja.
Izinkan saya menjawap tohmahan blogger celupar By Onlooker on December 29, 2008 12:03 PM .
Saudara tak usahlah mengelirukan orang lain dengan cuba menunjukkan keadaan sekarang adalah rentetan masa lalu. Allah tidak membebankan seorang bapa diatas dosa anaknya yang telah dewasa. Kecuali anak tersebut tetap belum mumayyiz walaupun berumur lanjut sepertimana saudara Onlooker.
Pemimpin juga tidak dibebankan dengan dosa yang dilakukan oleh pengikut yang tersesat dari saranan pemimpin.
Saudara nak tahu semenjak DSAAB memegang jawatan prestasi dan produktiviti sektor awam semakin merosot. Urusan kaunter dibayar under counter. Nak buka fail kena duit. Nak minta surat jawapan amat susah.
Saya pernah melaporkan salahlaku kakitangan kerajaan tetapi mereka kata lebih baik masuk suratkhabar kalau nak dipercepatkan.
Semasa menjadi PM, YABhg Tun tidak lekang dari tugas sehingga ada yang irihati mengatakan gila kerja, gila kuasa dan tidak mungkin melepaskan jawatan sehingga mati.
Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.
Dear Tun,
Couldn’t agree more with this automatic government. When Pak Lah become PM among first thing he did was transforming the working days to 5 days week with Sat & Sun off. Orang gomen suke le…tapi kami orang swasta…susah la. Kalu ada urusan kerajaan, it’s either ambik cuti or minta jasa baik boss kluar sekejap. Itu dah mengganggu masa kerja kami. Tapi what to do, this government nak rehat lebih, kerja kurang..so kena sacrifice le..
Salam Tun,
Dulu Hari Kristmas kita hanya mendengar ucapan dari Menteri saja. Sekarang Menteri pula menyambut Hari Kristmas bersama menteri-menteri yang lain. Minda dah berubah. Kenapa Menteri tak pula jadi Santa Claus beri hadiah langsung jadi hebat…
A lot or truth to your comment even in jest or sacarsm but Malaysia has still manage to survive all these years with all these holidays. The Guiness book of record states that Malaysia has the most public holidays in the world. Something to be proud of? Yup,Malaysia boleh.
Why stop now? Throw in the 3 hours work days instead of 8 hours with the daily interruption of teh break, kopi break, roti break, rokok break, jamban break and gossip break, you end up with the most unproductive Government sector in the world. Even all the members of parliment at meetings or at the UMNO councils meetings need their hourly Siesta.
Yes, we must encourage more foreign investments into this country with the attraction of paying employees to take more holidays and to work less.
Tahniah di atas penganugerahan kedoktoran, oleh Universiti Aden.
dear dr..
hope ur doing fine, n congrats on the launch of ur blogging to unblock, most of ur fan r expecting somthin when come march..
coz ur still the smart old man nation love to watch
Gd morning.. Tun
I agree with you Tun, it’s “holidays”. I agree also poor policeman and other staff who have to be on duty during holidays.. but without goverment… The current gov look like only belongs to certain people only and not to the people. They are so many things to be done but because is holidays…really long holidays ….Why should the gov works when it’s can be automatic. It’s only show what kinds of gov we have…
sadly to say…. people want good service but what they get is gov servant still on holidays…
Anyway.. Happy New Year 2009 to Tun and family. Hope 2009 year things will be better in everything, continue writing your blog as it become inspirational to Malaysian people who look for guideline from you rather the the current p.m badawi always lost and lie to people.
P/s Badawi = from “terbilang” to “terhilang”….
after spending much during these holidays,the private sector staff would have to work extra harder to regain the ROI, unlike the government staff who may ask and expecting for another raise in salary/bonus & increment next year.
i hope the government staff (some, perhaps) would change their working attitude and be more productivity. why? its because :-
-too many break time and taking long hours.as a client in the waiting lines, every seconds count.
-too much newspaper readings.
-stop turning the office into make-up studio an hour before times end-work till the last minute laa…
-no ‘buddy’ system to sign off documents? what if that person died of stroke during his walk to the canteen or get choked at his breakfast?…
-be smile….smile…smile..its rezeki!
-be polite…polite…polite..!
if you are sincere in your work, you will feel the halal & afdal of your income & pension.
Tun sekeluarga
Kita selaku manusia yakni hamba allah tidak pernah ada cuti sebagai hambanya. Oleh itu tiada erti cuti melainkan dipenuhi dengan tanggungjawab kita terhadap allah dan hambanya yang lain.
The ‘automatic government’ is just an illusion and not automatic if the world economics is fluctuating and Zionists terrorism continues.
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun, my family and I wish you Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah 1430 and Happy New Year 2009.
As your grassroot supporter and always as well as citizen of this beloved nation, I have seen this calmness and confidence of the nation since you were at the helm. I belive insya Allah the nation will move on to create our own worldview in future provided the serenity of this nation is not disturbed by leaders who are behaving like magician that can spell the crowd.
This beloved nation needs a person who is larger than life; who has the quality of ‘siddiq, amanah and fatonah’; otherwise just fill in the gap for a wuality leader that will come by insya Allah.
Again I wish the year 2009 and 1430 will be the year of prosperity for Malaysia, Amin.
yap.. i agree with u tun… mcm semunya bole bergerak sendiri… susah nak cari pekerja yg komited n menjalankan kerja dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab skrg ni…
YABgh Tun,
We have blessed with so many Public Holodays.
Hi Tun, Selamat maal hijrah and i hope you are well. I have always been a great fan of your leadership and the way you think, and will be so keen to hear your views on our problem here in the film industry. i have blogged about it on my site, it would be a great honour for me if you can have a little read and then probably give me some advise on how to approach this problem the film industry is facing, so we can keep making better local films. http://afdlinshauki.blogspot.com
Afdlin Shauki
Salam Maal Hijrah and a Happy New Year.
That is a beauty in Malaysia Tun. I am working oversea in a Muslim country but yet, the first day of Hijrah and Maulidul Rasul is not a public holiday this year. We have long holidays during Eid Adha and Eid Fitri. Christmas is a day off and 1st January is a holiday not because of New Year but their Independent Day which is a year older then Malaysia. Someting unique here is that all employees despite of newly joined or have been long in the company are given 45 days annual leave. Being a Malaysian, I still prefer how we Malaysian set the holidays. It was a holiday here on Maulidul Rasul and 1st day of Hijrah. This year the government decided not to declare it as a public holiday. There is inconsistency in declaring public holiday and we have to wait for announcement on TV or radio for the government to declare and normally a day before and this will disrupt our plan and work.
Take care Tun.
[email protected]
Salam TUN
Memang dah mcm tu. Nak buat mcm mana.
Woah…!! It’s really holidays!! Even the commentators are on holidays. Well.. for most of the rat racers like me in KL, it’s time for a break from work. A daily battle from dawn to dusk.
Frankly, as a regular private sector executive , I felt blessed to be working here in Malaysia. So many Public Holidays. Yes, it’s unproductive when acceleration is always slowed down by many breaks. Like an F1 car that have a lot of pit stops. Sure kalah or, miraculously finished on podium.
Yet when a colleague in UK had a 6 months maternity leave, and I had 2 months? Sigh..
🙂 Life is beautiful!
Salam Tun, and Selamat Tahun Baru
May the years of Malaysia achieve what it is meant to acheive.
anggoron azid
no. is not an automatic government. it’s a fish monger government. made enough for the last twelve months to take deserving holidays in some far away cold climate countries to enjoy their wealth and to check their statement of account when there.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Salam Maal Hijrah dan Selamat Menyambut 2009…
We may not crash, but our economy is more likely heading for a crash soon…
Di sebalik jaminan serta kenyataan kerajaan yang Malaysia tidak akan mengalami kemelesatan, 5000 orang dilaporkan akan kehilangan pekerjaan, terumatanya disektor elektronik.. Memang terdapat percanggahan didalam fakta, apabila kerajaan mengatakan tidak terdapat kemelesetan ekonomi, tetapi dimasa yang sama mengatakan bahawa 5000 orang bakal hilang pekerjaan… Bukankah pemberhentian pekerja serta peningkatan % pengangguran merupakan suatu petanda kemelesetan ekonomi?
Saya juga amat merasa amat sedih dengan apa yg berlaku di Gaza… Saya amat berharap agar keamanan dapat diperjuangkan dan manusia didalam dunia ini dapat hidup aman damai…. Apakah tiada lagi harapan untuk kita melihat suasana aman didunia ini? Nampaknya Presiden Obama mempunyai pelbagai isu yang sangat-sangat perlu diperhalusi..
Apa pun Tun, saya doakan semoga Tahun baru 1430 Hijrah dan 2009 Masehi ini akan meberikan kejayaan yang lebih baik kepada Tun, keluarga dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan juga tidak lupa kpd seluruh masyarakat dunia..
salam Tun, as we all know, Malaysia is the only country in the world that celebrate every festival and has the most public holidays in the planet.
Happy new year to you and may Allah bless you always.
yes pity the doctors , police and all the other people involved in essential services.. Salam Maal Hijrah Tun
Dear Tun,
Happy New Year to you too.
Pretty good for employees but not to business owners to have very loooongggg holidayssss. Anyway, business not as good as before. Life must go on but I am happy living in Melaka……..
So lets come and visit, Land of many faces. Malay, Portugese, Dutch (if still here), British, Indian, Chinese, Mamak, Chetty and not to forget Pan-Asian as well as Indonesian. Bangla and Pakistani not to miss.
Tun, thank you for being the Father of Malaysia. Parameswara might be the first and I believe you will be the last. The next PM only Tok Pacak pegang tombak je 🙂
Happy New Year, Tun. We will all be one year older in 2 days’ time.
You are my Malaysian Idol.
Love you forever.
Dear Tun, salam Ma’al Hijrah moga kesihatan dan kesejahteraan berpanjangan. Minta izin….
Holidays are forced shutdowns of production and economic activity. They are economically disruptive and should be done sparingly. If employees need more rest days give more leave benefits not shutdown entire govt and private sector.
Five day week are such unnecessary unproductive ‘shutdown’ esp. the public sector.
In fact simultaneous holidays days create stressfull congestion on highways, cities and holiday destinations which generate super profits for some people. We should spread them.
If this is another swipe to bring him down, I will not be a part. Firstly there’s a ready outpour of eager volunteers, secondly the beneficiaries are no better.
This is democracy, Tun, and it is because of our self-claimed ‘Bapa Demokrasi’, our policemen and other staffs have to be on duty during this long holidays, I am wondering do they get double pay, Tun? Maybe our PM will be kind enough to pay them double to show the ‘rakyat’ that he is considerate, kind, caring and loving when he read this article. Furthermore, who needs to have captain and pilots “dah bodoh” to fly the aircraft, it’s better for us to switch on the auto-pilot button so that we will not crash! Ha…ha…ha….
Happy 1st Muslim New Year and Happy New Year Tun.
Salam Tun & Bonda,
Selamat Tahun Baru. Semoga Dipanjangkan Umur dan Dimurahkan Rezeki.
Semoga Tun terus menulis…
Salam Tun,
Hehe. i guess Tun is right about this. totally agree. 🙂
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Itulah bukti jasa yang Tun tinggalkan untuk kami… Kerajaan yang boleh berdiri dengan sendiri kerana pemantauan boleh dilakukan di hujung jari … (e-gov) kebanyakan pemimpin Kerajaan sekarang menikmati semua kemudahan dengan senang hati dan agak lupa diri … pemimpin sekarang yang pada mata rakyat umpama anak-anak kecil yang berebut mainan (berebut kuasa) diatas perjuangan dan perit jerih yang disediakan oleh pemimpin terdahulu… untuk menikmati dan menamak dombai serta menggarap kesenangan untuk kepentingan peribadi… yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk kesetabilan dan kemakmuran rakyat.
Kalau di perhati di Negeri Pantai Timur; eg di Kelantan baru-baru ini ramai lagi anak-anak rakyat meminta2 serta membuat publisiti menadah tangan untuk mengejar sekelumit ilmu untuk belajar dan sesuap nasi. Tapi pada masa yang sama dinegeri2 ini lah juga anak menteri yang mengejar glamor dengan menjadi artis serta berbangga dengan kekayaan yang tau tau nak kata datang dari mana dengan cara yang mudah.. Itulah contoh ketidakseimbangan dan ketamakdombaan.. yang dilakukan.
Kalau nak kata memang banyak, tapi kesimpulan segala kata…. kita ketandusan perjuangan tulen para pemimpin seperti yang terdahulu.. Apa yang kami takutkan… sampai satu masa seperti dalam hadis nabi(saw) yang maksudnya dapat difahamkan sebagai sang jahil berlumba untuk mejadi pemimpin, dengan apa cara sekalipun. Akibatnya apabila amanah telah dapat ditangan, langsung terlupa menjadi pemimpin bukan hanya untuk disanjung tapi menjalankan tanggungjawab dan amanah yang diberikan adalah segala yang nak diperkatakan di dunia dan akhirat.
Agaknya depa ni kena pi (SAR) sekolah agama dasar lagi… sepatutnya. Sebab tak takut langsung unjuran dan suruhan agama… ke…….? takut pulak kami nak sebut..
Apa2 pun kami sayang Tun dan segala perjuangan memartabatkan agama, bangsa dan negara akan terus kami perjuang dengan cara kami. Biaq segelintir pemimpin tu lupa… seperti apa yang pernah Tun kata dulu.. tapi setitis air mata perjuangan yang Tun titiskan ketika membaca sajak Melayu Mudah Lupa dulu… tetap akan membakar jutaan semangat kami rakyat yang setia dan sentiasa menghargai, mensyukuri serta sentiasa berbakti dengan segala upaya kami.
Insya Allah ramai di Kalangan kami Melayu Yang TIDAK LUPA Tun…
Your point really landing nicely on the Malaysian great land.
As you told before,”Just go for holiday, dont worry, the work will take care of it self”.
Bukan hanya kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia berterima kasih kepada negara “pemurah” ini, tetapi yang lebih menikmatinya adalah warga asing, yang datang bekerja di sini.Happy holidays.
Muga Allah menganugerahkan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan kepada Tun suami isteri.
Gomen automatik?? bukan gomen remote control ke??
Assalamulaikum Tun,
Pekerja Kerajaan memang begitu. Nak cuuuuti ja. Kerja malas. Kalau boleh nak reeeehat ja kat rumah. Gaji nak dapat tapi sentiasa tak pernah cukup. Siap nak buat part time lagi.
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun.
Sebenarnya YABhg. Tun ‘we do not really need a government’. Lihat disekeliling kita.Pejabat tidak pernah penuh dengan kakitangan dan pegawai ; ada saja kerja luar. Berapa hari kah kakitangan kerajaan bekerja sepanjang tahun 365 hari. Apa yang kita dengar ialah cuti…cuti…cuti….cuti termasuk tuang kerja , cuti sakit tipu, menyelesai hal peribadi dan sebagainya. CEUPEC sebuk dengan tuntutan. Siapa kata kakitangan kerajaan ‘efficient’ adalah sesuatu yang daif. Masakan kerajaan boleh membenarkan kakitangan nya mebuat kerja sambilan untuk menampung pendapatan. Satu dasar yang kurang bijak. Bila masa dia orang nak berehat. Bila masa dia orang nak beribadat. Dimana masanya mereka nak beriadah dengan keluarga. Mampus dibuatnya. Saya pernah mengusaha sebuah gerai pun tiada
masa nak rehat. Tun berkerja 20 jam sehari.
Dalam pada itu ,Pemimpin UMNO/BN sering bertanggapan bahawa tanpa mereka Kerajaan tidak dapat berfungsi. Nah lihat apa dah jadi diPenang ,Perak Kedah selangor dan Kelantan yang kekal dengan kepimpinan Tok Gurunya. Banyak perubahan telah berlaku diPulau Pinang. Kegiatan ekonomi rancak berjalan dan pelancong asing begitu ramai disana. Pada zaman Koh Su Khoon , kawasan KOMTAR menjadi kawasan hantu tapi kini dah naik semangat baru. Cina Melayu India semuanya seronok berniaga. Pelik kerana Kerajaan BN gagal menjadikan Georgetown sebagai pusat pelancongan warisan yang menarik. Pemimpin UMNO Tanjong kini melangut melihat perubahan ketara yang dibawa oleh DAP.
DiPerak pun begitu , orang melayu yang sebelum ini ditekan oleh Tajul Rosli mula merasa nikmat pemerentahan PR. Tajul dengan kuncunya mendakwa tiada perubahan berlaku keatas orang Melayu diPerak tapi hanya berlaku kepada kaun Cina / India yang diberi tanah milik kekal. Saya minta Tajul dapatkan fakta sebenar sebelum memutarbelitkan sebarang isu .
Jadi orang UMNO jangan lah menabik dada bahawa tanpa mereka (orang UMNO) negara ini tidak boleh diperintah oleh orang lain. Kalau YABhg Tun sendiri yang telah banyak berjasa kepada Negara, Agama dan Bangsa pun boleh dicerca dan dimaki hamun oleh pemimpin UMNO hari ini, apakah Pak lah tidak akan menerima nasib yang sama atau lebih teruk apabila beliau melepaskan jawatan PM nanti. Sama-sama kita tunggu dan lihat.
salam Tun,
Nice pose Tun. As usual,quiet cynical…but don’t worry, I always like your cynical views. But, I’m very sad Tun…while we, the Muslims celebrated the new year (Maal Hijrah), the bloody hunger, or perhaps I can call them the “Bloody Bastard”, ISRAEL, are killing and massacre our Muslims brothers & sisters in Gaza. And what a shame…they called this is act of defence!!! And as usual Tun, the Muslim countries, including our country just watching these barbaric acts without doing any significant things except O..I..C..What a shame!!!! Very sorry Tun…I’m really angry!!! I’m waiting for your comments about this latest unfortunate event…Anyway Tun, Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah & Tahun Baru 2009. Semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa sihat walafiat & beroleh kekuatan utk terus memperjuangkan nasib umat Islam yg tertindas…Amin.
Dearest YAB Tun,
I am a retiree, to me everyday is a holiday but I make it a point not to go on holidays during school holidays, Its jam everywhere , the roads are full the hotels are full, too many people everywhere. I prefer to go on holidays, when everybody is working and the children are in schools. Yes Tun , I really dont know a country which has so many public holidays as in Malaysia, Come to think of it when do they work, that does not include sick leave, cuti bersalin which is now longer,and every Saturday off too. During my time its work work work all the time..I was in the uniform service, and now I feel sorry for those people in uniform, Nurses doctors policemen, firemen soldiers,security guards etc. We must salute them for doing a thankless job. All the best Tun nothing like a retired life. Wasalam
Yeay, finally took the time to register, have always loved your humor and sarcasm, hahah
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Wish u a happy new year of maal hijrah
I love Pak Lah and Tun so could the quarel stopped..
I believe it for politics but most of the time it seems does not bring any good..
So please take it into consideration okey.
Tunku Muhriz Is Proclaimed New Yang Dipertuan Besar Of NS
KUALA PILAH, Dec 29 (Bernama) — Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir, 60, has been proclaimed the new Yang Dipertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan.
Congratulations, Tuanku Muhriz. I am always in favour of constitutional monarchy system. It is full of Malay tradition and culture that must be maintained at whatever costs, provided the rulers behave and maintain the highest degree of dignity and responsibility in order to get the respect from the rakyat.
Our present rulers are now more polished and having very cultured personality. They are highly educated and know how to carry themselves as constitutional monarchs.They are true diplomat of the highest order. Politically the rulers are acting as check and balance where the rakyat could fall back on them as a last resort to oversee that our country is peaceful and prosperous. Make no mistake about it.
Salam my dear Tun,
I think you are right. Absolutely right. We are in Malaysia enjoy public holidayssss more than others. Which is good for those who are allocated with plenty of annual leave like our friends in goverment sector. But not for private. We have to really plan our vacation in order to have a very good holiday such as Hari Raya, family vacation and year end holiday (14 days annual leave…compare with goverment, 30 days..).
anyway, happy holidaysss to all of us and may 2009 will be better than 2008 dispites of economics slow down (expected laa)…
Dear Tun,
That’s what has been happening the last five years. Just imagine the opportunity cost.
Five years of waste and the soon-to-successor does not seem to be making much of an impact anyway.
Just imagine, with the world in probably its worst economic crisis he can issue a blanket statement that all Muslim couples must undergo compulsory HIV testing.
Why only Muslims, why not non-Muslims as well? Very simple. Muslims can be rode roughshod over because they are lesser beings to non-Muslims.
Our leaders still don’t get, we are now in the mess we are in because of pandering to losers.
The right path for this country is the path Kemal Ataturk took for Turkey. Like it or not, Malaysia’s future depends on this.
Best Regards
hehehe..Tun u r da best!! take care ya!
finally, somebody is spoken out about the “automatic” things….
may be we have been familiarized with auto gear car, auto washer machine, auto there, auto here…
ISA Stays Despite Strong Protests
By Rozlinda Yahya
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 29 (Bernama) — Despite deafening calls to abolish the Internal Security Act (ISA), there was no indication at all in 2008 that it will be abolished or replaced with a new law.
The detention of several individuals under the ISA sparked debate on the act, with many claiming it restricted freedom as enshrined in the federal constitution and was misused for political interest.
Yes, ISA must stay, period. Make no mistake about it. Why should it be abolished. It is the most effective law that could guarantee the security of the country from being manipulated by unscruplous and rascal politicians continuing to stir and harp on sensitive issues in order to gain popularity. To say that ISA is restricting freedom is all bullshitt!!
Selamat menyambut Ma’al Hijrah and Happy New Year…hopefully it will be a real HAPPY new year.
P/S Selama nie ramai yang pergi pejabat dari pergi kerja…. so biasa la bila ada public holiday yang dekat-dekat, dia orang sapu la habis-habisan, seperti mana dia orang sapu kekayan habis-habisan…
dear tun,
we are a hedonistic nation of the elders…or have you not known
Interesting & enjoyable..Making my day and day when reading…!
Forgot there is another Two-days time off available…!Time to fly two times round the world…….!But surely my Boss will ‘K..l’ me..!
Salam Tun, Wishing you ” A Very Happy New Year 2009″ and May Allah always blesses you ” the Best in life. Allowing me to say ” You are The Great and The Best PM in my life..Malaysia”. Hopefully , there is another young Mahathir..in New Malaysia..!
Salam Tun,
Selamat tahun baru Hijrah! Luv to read your opinions. Do continue.
Salam Tun,
Selamat tahun baru Hijrah! Luv to read your opinions. Do continue.
Salam sejahtera Ybg Tun,
Apa nak buat bos… Abang Besar (Big Brother)dah arahkan gitu.
Ujudkan budaya malas..
Hentikan semua projek supaya ekonomi Malaysia merosot..
Hancurkan UMNO supaya Melayu tidak dihormati oleh kaum lain…
Hancurkan BN supaya negara sentiasa huru hara…
Gagalkan Proton, supaya engineer Melayu jadi tak pandai ..
Malaysia mesti gagal kerana negara Islam tak boleh berjaya didunia…
Salam maaf Yg Bhg Tun. Wassallam
a great holiday joke!
Opsss, FYI, Pak Lah has adopted a new system which is called “Fly by Wire” Management Control System. Under the new system, workers in the public and private sectors can take time off as they wish as currently, they’re scrambling to reposition themselves in a world of recession.
By introducing the fly-by-wire management control system, he eliminates the complexity to fill in the ‘leave form’, fragility of our GDP and replaces it with long holidays.
I wish Happy Holidays and see you next year.
How nice if we can change the present governmenat automatically without waiting until March 2009. Hope our country can all the economic turbulance without sacrificing the people pocket anymore.
This is what we call Malaysian working days.
As you have mentioned earlier in one of your article , Malaysia have too much holidays. Well , this is what is happening.
Sad too sad , most Malaysian wants good pay, less working days.
Wonder how long this can last.
Happy New Year to you and your family
Good one!
Haha! You really make my day.
Hazman Abu Bakar
Salam tun.
“It shows that we really don’t need a government…”
I sense a HUGE sarcasm here, but can’t pinpoint it. Care to explain? Hehe.
Happy Holidays to u too sir.
Salam Tun,
Selamat Tahun Baru Maal Hijrah 1430 dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2009 buat Tun yang dikasihi. Semoga Tun dan keluarga akan sentiasa dirahmati Allah, dunia dan akhirat. Saya dan rakyat Malaysia akan sentiasa memberi sokongan pada Tun kerana kami bukan melayu yang mudah lupa..InsyaAllah
Salam Tun,
The public and corporate sector can fly on automatic mode.
To small time entreprenuer this is the worst time of the year, three working weeks are lost, nothing moves.When the offices reopen, we will see both sectors would be struggling to recuperate from AIDS i.e Acute Inefficiency, Dragging Syndrome.
Happy New Year Tun! I guess other than the two of us, the rest of the country is ‘still’ on holiday…or perhaps “holidays”! You take care.
Salam Tun,
I took the so called long holidays u mentioned, with family. And my cousins with family too. We are all from Kuching and spent the long holidays in various resorts in Semenanjung. In a way, our country’s tourism industry benefited, as well as our ‘semangat kekeluargaan’.
Wishing u Happy New Year and good health.
Salam Tun,
Tg Mukhriz dilantik Yam Tuan N9. Mungkin musim ini adalah musim TUAH orang yg bernama Mukhriz……..siapa nama Mukhriz…sila angkat tangan.
Assalamualaikum Tun & Famaly,
Ringkasan pendapat,dedikasi & komen saya :
1. harapan tulisan ini sebagai top 5 teratas dalam tajuk blog kali ini,
2. selamat bercuti & beristirehat sebelum menempuhi 2009 yang lebih mencabar (sokongan saya terus meningkat terhadap tun yang dihormati),
3. saya baru balik dari Port Diskson bermalam di hotel di sana..suasana aman & meriah dengan rakyat yang berbilang bangsa..bercuti tanpa ada gangguan. Harap keamanan akan terus kekal dalam suasana sebegini baik didalam politik & sosial rakyat umumnya.
4. bulan 3 pak lah turun, harap dato najib peneraju yang bijaksana dapat mengubah persepsi rakyat terhadap BN & UMNO khususnya..seperti semasa di zaman tun dahulu.
5. pemimpin2 UMNO..baik calon2 & ketua2 dipelbagai peringkat, bermuhasabahlah & cermin diri. Jgn sesekali bermain & mempermainkan rakyat yang telah mengundi. Jika silap haribulan..keputusan berulang @ mungkin lebih parah akan terjadi.
6. kami rakyat lihat, dengar dan melalui apa yang pemimpin tak rasai (pemimpin yang senang & hanya pandai bercakap)didalam kehidupan di tanah yang tercinta ini.
7. Kembalikan martabat Melayu..hidupkan keharmonian sesama kita. Sedih sungguh apa yang terjadi pada negeri perak & selangor..tanah, bahasa, kepentingan tergadai.
8. Majlis peguam..anda memang perjuangkan demi keadilan. tapi kadang2 keadilan itu memakan anak dan bangsa itu sendiri khususnya org2 melayu. Kalau di negara lain dah lama jadi peguam dalam rumah.
Sekian..bersambung di lain hari. Rindu era tun dahulu.
Tun, saya terasalah dengan entry Tun ni.. Saya antara rakyat yang mengambil cuti panjang dari 26hb – 31hb. Tapi takpa, i have worked really hard this year, this is the only time i get to cuti panjang. Tun jgn risau, walaupun kami cuti panjang, we always check our mails and stuff. Wassalam.
You have a nice holiday to Tun!
Assalammualaikum Yg Berbhg Tun Dr Mahathir,
1. Walaupun Pak Lah dah bagi 2 hari cuti dalam seminggu, rakyat tidak mengundi BN dalam pilihanraya yang March, 2008.
2. Cuti ini sebenarnya mengurangkan produktiviti kakitangan Kerajaan dan kesannya memperlahankan ekonomi Negara.
3. Pihak swasta pun terasa apabila tidak dapat berurusan dengan Kerajaan Malaysia kerana cuti yang terlampau kerap.
4. Tak tau pula pihak Konsultan mana yang Pak Lah rujuk kononnya cuti dua hari seminggu, produktiviti Negara akan bertambah.
5. Yang nyata, Pak Lah masih tak cukup tidur walaupun cuti 2 hari seminggu.
Biasa la Tun. Penat2 bekerja setahun inilah masanya nak cuti. Tapi yg cuti kebanyakannya yg makan gaji. Yg berniaga tetap bekerja. Masa inilah yg berniaga tu dpt bonus bila yg bercuti bawa keluarga makan2, makan angin, beriadah, dsbnya.
Salam TOK DET,….
orang ramai hanya perlu mencari wang. bila ada kesempatan cuti, apa lagi, berbondong2 la balik kampung atau shopping. keselamatan negara dah ada polis dan tentera yang tak cuti. rakyat tak peduli dengan kerajaan. kepentingan diri mesti didahulukan. begitulah keadaan zaman sekarang…..
Ayahanda Tun, wishing Tun & wife tahun baru hijrah & tahun baru 2009! Nukilan Tun saya sokong. Looks like those wishing to have another round of holiday will do come the new year on thursday! Take extra leave on friday & return home on sunday, just in time to prepare for the kids’ school day on monday! Well, what the heck, maybe another leave day monday! Like it or not Tun, thats truly Malaysian! We actually need a holiday to rest from a holiday!
Ayahanda Tun, wishing Tun & wife tahun baru hijrah & tahun baru 2009! Nukilan Tun saya sokong. Looks like those wishing to have another round of holiday will do come the new year on thursday! Take extra leave on friday & return home on sunday, just in time to prepare for the kids’ school day on monday! Well, what the heck, maybe another leave day monday! Like it or not Tun, thats truly Malaysian! We actually need a holiday to rest from a holiday!
Ayahanda Tun, wishing Tun & wife tahun baru hijrah & tahun baru 2009! Nukilan Tun saya sokong. Looks like those wishing to have another round of holiday will do come the new year on thursday! Take extra leave on friday & return home on sunday, just in time to prepare for the kids’ school day on monday! Well, what the heck, maybe another leave day monday! Like it or not Tun, thats truly Malaysian! We actually need a holiday to rest from a holiday!
Dear Tun,
Happy New Year to you & Family! Anyway our country are champion of Public Holiday. You can see almost 1/3 of the year is public holiday…… this is not good!Daily Business will be affected…….
Tun can you tell us your story in Yemen ? I think Yemen is a great country for Malaysians to visit and invest- very cheap, the people there are extremely friendly and respect Malaysians alot !! I went to Yemen ( Sana’a and Aden ) 2 months ago and mashllah its a very wonderful country especially Aden , I immediately plan to start business with my Yemeni friends right after graduation. You can see my trip report to Yemen ( with 200 pics + )here–> http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=736154
But sadly, most Malaysians only want to visit and invest in places like Australia, UK, US, Europe and Japan.. Why don’t you address Malaysians to spend their cash in cheaper and friendly Yemen instead of those places ?
Tun, negara kita ni banyak sangat cuti umum lah, maka kuranglah daya pengeluaran kita..
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Government servant not “pemalas”
they just like much on Holiday.
Happy malas-malas on Holiday!
Azlan bin Samat@Samad
Kinabatangan , Sandakan ,
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Only in this administration that weird things happens. Auto pilot all the way.
“Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir” and may Allah bless us all with better future. Aminn.
Dear Tun,
Lets take this New Hijrah Year as a mark to change for the better for the UMMAH by daring to change the status quo which is depriving us from being good Muslims.
I often hear people say that Muslims are defeatist and fatalistic. My experience reading and commenting on this blog seems to confirm this belief! Allah Help us!
Most if not practically all educated Muslims believe that we have NO CHOICE but to accept the riba in our financial and economic lifes. That we have to have riba in our lifes due to darurat!!
Have we lost faith in ALLAH and the teachings of the ALQURAN and our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW? Allah forbide heaven for thus who have lost faith in Allah’s greatness and wisdom.
Who says we do NOT HAVE A CHOICE? Have we forgetten the five pillars of ISLAM?
1) Shahadah
2) Solat
3) Fasting
4) Zakat
5) Haji
Therein is the wisdom we all seek. The 5 pillars are complete for us to live our MUSLIMS lifes as required of us by ALLAH thru the teachings of AL QURAN and the our Prophet.
The 4th edict – payment of ZAKAT is the inspiration we all Muslims need to practice our economic & financial lifes. For the sake of ALLAH have we lost our marbles not to see such a clear edict!!!
With this – who needs riba!! Who says we have NO CHOICE!!
Allah will close the hearts, minds and eyes of those who do not seek Allah’s redha and Allah’s guidance.
Muslims you have a choice – why still hide behind the veil of darurat? Haram is haram and RIBA is HARAM.
Of course we should not just drop everything and adopt a new system…every change requires a period of transition. So also this Jihad for change.
WHAT HAVE WE GOT TO LOSE by exploring this shariah compliant economic and financial system.
May the new year bring joy to all Muslims and all human beings in this world.
Salam Tun
Perhaps we should follow the Indonesian approach to holiday. They have this thing called Cuti Bersama or Cuti Kapit , whenever a holiday falls on Thursday or Tuesday , the Friday and Monday becomes an automatic holiday which is deducted from your annual leave, the whole system shuts
The world has becoem so automated that people rarely look for friends nowadays..you can basically live a life of your own, waking up in the morning, maid prepare breakfast, watch Astro all day and play PS2..
My new year resolution is to be more outdoor person..there are lots of natures to be seen and experienced like our jungle, waterfall, animals etc..I am getting tired of being corporate slave typical 9-5 workers who has to work like a dog just to pay off for mortgage and over priced car..It’s time for some meaningful life…
But again, with 4 little kids to feed and raise, what choice do I have…??
Selamat Ma’al Hijrah Tun..Moga dikurniakan kesihatan untuk terus menyumbang bakti kepada negara
Dearest Tun,
Firstly wish you and your family a very good health. May God bless all of you in this new year…
I am working with an international company supplying machinaries to high-tech factory like the one newly builted at Kulim and Sepang. The most challenging part of the project so far is not about onsite technical problem rather the approval from government specially custome on the building materials.
As it is TAX-free project, a lot of contractors had faced the challenge to complete the project on time due to the custome clearence. For example, we had been fighthing and pay a lot for the the goods to fly in from Europe, US, China but when it KLIA specially on friday morning, WE WILL DEFINATELY stucked and missed the weekend until at least next tuesday or wednesday to clear it. Reason being…the ego officers just DON CARE and have no urgency attitude! The impact: contractor lost the weekend to complete the work and got penalise for late completion and off-course the investor also pay the lost to get their facility running on time!
How can we compete with our neighbouring country if we continue like this? Who else willing to invest in Malaysia as they do not have support from the government…Some of my Singapore friends even making joke of use talking oabout building high-tech industry in Malaysia as we seem like never improve……
Hopefully all govenrment officer would adapt the “WORK URGENCY” attitude as other private firm……..wish all happy new year…..
Salams dear Tun.
A cynical,humorous posting…but oh so true!!!! May Allah have mercy on us.
As we are in the process of creating robotic society (or should i say – Malay Robotic Society – MRS) it is not a surprise to have even 3 months holidays in a year especially for those gov servants.
“Kerajaan beri cuti pada rakyat supaya mereka boleh pergilah melancong ke destinasi dalam negeri” – sounds familiar?
The chinese are very successful becoz of hard working as for the malays we are very successful in implementing holidays.
Wish you always in good health.
p/s: maybe we can have kebab together again sometime.
Dear Tun,
I think Malaysia has the most number of holidays when compared to other countries. It was the same during your tenureship. So why the surprise.
I used to enjoy the holidays when I was working in the government service. But now I have only 11 public holidays a year. So I have to work today (Monday) and on New Years day as production has to go on. I am not complaining though. I am thankful for being employed at my age and inview of the economic situation that is expected to come onto our shores.
Good day.
Dear Tun,
Recently badly hit by this round of crisis and with nothing much doing decided to learn a bit of blogging. People like us do not have a chance to express ourself to you alone, we might meet you at your open house, at talk and seminars that you gave but not the venue to fully express our feelings to you. I am taking this opportunity to tell you how I felt about you.
Firstly, I like to tell you how much I miss your crisis management during your time as PM, no matter how bad it was, we still felt that somethings are being done and we have something to look forward to. Not this round, many felt helpless and the political scene not just between the opposition but within BN and Umno itself are a total disappointment to us layman.
Not all layman are good or well versed in politics, many look up to leaders in time of crisis but with the credibility of our present leaders it would be fair to say we somewhat look down on them and would not want to believe in them.
Myself is a born and breed Malaysian of chinese origin with a mix of love and disappointment toward you. I really love and adored you when you are the PM of Malaysia but sometime disappointed when you speak as Umno president which at time I feel quite bias. Like I said, as layman we do not know much about politic even though sometime it is just politics talk but I still feel hurt.
Being born here, I look up to you as my PM and since you are my PM, I feel everytime you speak, no matter where and when, you are addressing me as well. At times you speak as Umno president, you alienate me and reminding me as different or lesser Malaysian, I am very hurt. Hurt because my PM whom I loved and adored look at me differently just because on my origin which is not my choosing.
When you cried on your announcement of retiring, I am almost to tears but the next few day I felt my sadness was wasted and was also jealous when you said your tears are in fact for the Malays that you couldnt change. Sigh… dont you know, my dear Tun, many Malaysian from other races love you as much as the Malays does. Do you not feel for us too?
I really hope that one day, a PM could only act as a PM of our country and should not be sitting and talking as a party president especially a race based party. Once chosen as PM, one must resign from top party post and become ordinary member to act fully and fairly as the PM for all Malaysian.
No matter what, many still love and adored you and misses you a lot.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
1.Bagi kami yang bekerja DI UNIT KECEMASAN Hospital Kerajaan terasa juga iri hati dengan Penjawab Awan yang lain yang dapat cuti sampai 3 atau 4 hari kadang2 sehingga seminggu di musim perayaan.
2.Bagi kami jangankan nak bercuti lama, kadang2 cuti terpaksa dibekukan kerana kekurangan staf.
3.Masa orang lain bergembira itulah bagi kami masa yang sibuk.Kadang2 terpaksa bekerja “double shift” kerana sibuk ataupun kekurangan staf.
4.Tapi kerana niat bekerja tu KERANA ALLAH dan dapat BERKHIDMAT KEPADA MASYARAKAT itu saja yang menjadi pengubat hati, walaupun kadang2 kami tidak pernah di hargai.
5.Cuba mencontohi CARA TUN BEKERJA.
Selamat Menyambut MAAL HIJRAH 1430, moga Tun sihat selalu.
My dearest Tun,
I am surprised you now noticed on how many holidays we Malaysian have. You could have minimise the holidays during your 22 years of reign but have done nothing. I followed your blog but I am very disappointed that everything oyu said in your blog, you could have done it while you were in power for 22 years. Maybe you are scared of your political status and now want others to manage the long outdated and outstanding problems that YOU FAILED to solve. I rest my case with respect. By he way, what were you doing in Yemen … working? Good for you but you should have gone to Palestine and solve the Palestinian problems and bring Bush to the war crime tribunal which you have collected lots of funds for that purpose.
Tun, give us a break will ya? It is not only us in Malaysia… the whole world is on holiday. Very difficult to get anything done during this period if you need feedback from other people in the organisation. I was working on Friday 26th too. I think now is a good time to do catch-up work and be ahead when the business “opens” on the 5th of Jan 2009. Looking forward to a smooth traffic going to work on 30th & 31st.
Happy New Year!!!
Salam Tun & all
Yes, Happy New Year Muslim & Muslimat.
Wishing all of us a good holidays, May Allah S.w.t protect us all.
On 25th & today, i have have friends that r working, x bole wish them anything sbb sy akan tetap nampak mcm memperli walaupun x ada intention nak buat bergitu (sbb i’m on straight holidays & be bek working tmrw)Hehehehe.
Anyways…still would like to wish them good luck & like to said “Jgn Mara Ar” heheheheh, Commitment korang tahap Hero la, Senyum selalu.
Salam Tun,
Selamat Menyambut Ma’al Hijrah, moga Allah s.w.t panjangkan umur kita dan pemimpin2 yg beriman.
Syed Hussin
Shah Alam
Salam Tun,
Umat Islam sudah pun menempuhi 1429H. Kini 1430H telah pun menjelma. Bagaimana azam kita sebagai umat Islam. Transformasi pemikiran, halatuju, budaya dan gerak kerja yang cemerlang amat penting agar umat Islam dapat terus berada di landasan Islam yang sebenar serta mendapat keredaan Allah Taala. Masa senggang atau lapang yang Allah berikan sama-samalah kita manfaatkan untuk terus mengerjakan perintah Allah agar kejayaan yang dijanjikan Allah kepada hamba-hambaNya dapat kita kecapi bersama. Insya-Allah. Tidak lupa kepada pemimpin yang telah dipanggil Allah ke hadratNya iaitu Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, YTM Tunku Jaafar, semoga Allah memberkati dan meredai baginda sebagai hamba kepadaNya. Al-Fatihah
Salam buat tun dan all bloggers,
Saya amat setuju sekali dalam hal cuti nie.Kita sering sahaja melihat cuti umum untuk berbuat sesuatu perkara dalam kehidupan.Tetapi kini kita sering dibuai mimpi kerna terlalu banyak hari bercuti.
Sebagai manusia kita harus berehat dengan betul tapi kini cuti umum bukan untuk berehat malah banyak aktiviti yang akan memenatkan badan dan seterusnya menumpulkan pemikiran.
Saya berharap agar muda mudi kita yang mempunyai banyak masa dan tenaga dapat disalurkan kearah yang lebih bermanafaat dan berpengalaman.Wakil rakyat harus merencanakan aktiviti setempat dalam kawasan masing – masing bagi memastikan agar tenaga muda kita dapat dicurahkan kearah yang berfaedah,insyallah.
Saya berpendapat bekerja 5 hari seminggu amat baik dalam banyak keadaan kerna kebanyakan perkara dapat dilunaskan pada sabtu/ahad.kita harus berusaha lebih tekun agar bersama – sama memacu ekonomi dalam keadaan tidak menentu kita.
Kesepakatan kita dalam memastikan agar kehidupan dan kerohanian dapat diseimbangkan.
semoga kita menjadi lebih dinamik dimasa depan.
Tun, Assalamulaikum, dan Selamat Tahun Baru,
Do we have a government right now?
I think it is more like people using the government for themselves.
All the know is “tai-chi”. Wonder when they are going to put the fatwa on that as well.
HaHaHa… cynical indeed…
Saya harap Tun dapat melawati rembau.net milik Tuan Khairy kerana terlalu banyak comment yang jelas mengutuk dan menghina Tun serta Mukhriz secara terang-terangan..
kadang-kadang terpikir juga, siapa yang bagi comment seperti itu… anak buah sendiri kah?
Maybe it would have been a good idea that you would write something about Gaza. Why doesn’t anything happen in Malaysia? I have been here for five years and there has been hardly any protest towards these crimes that happen in the world, it’s as if Malaysia is asleep. Is having a calm city this important? Shouldn’t the Palestinians and other Muslims in the world know that the Malaysian people support them and are at least protesting to the governments that support Israel like the United States? Why is everyone asleep?
we have too many holiday in Malaysia next month apart from new year 2009 we have CNY Malaysia will close again for 1 week follow by KL for city day if we take saturday and sunday plus gazetted public holiday and annual leave entitlement ( some sector 30 days and add a few more day for sick leave ) actually we Malaysia only work for 6 months in a year and 35 hrs a week what a lazy nation. IN 2004 PakLah cancelled sat as a working day.
Dear Too,
I do aggree with ya.. how about the private sector force to take leave or shutdown due to ecomomic situation, it thnik the goverment servent must do the same.. so everybody will have an equal situation to recover the crisis..
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Israeli air force jets have bombed the Hamas-run interior ministry and the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip, a significant cultural symbol for Hamas.
Air raids pounded Gaza for a third day as Israeli attempts to force a halt to militant rocket attacks continued.
Palestinian medics say nearly 300 people have been killed in the air raids that began on Saturday.
Israel has threatened to launch a ground assault and is now calling up 6,500 army reservists.
The air raids have struck centres of Hamas strength in the Gaza Strip, including security compounds, government offices and tunnels into Egypt which have provided a lifeline for the territory during the Israeli blockade.
As dawn broke over Gaza City, a powerful explosion struck the interior ministry, witnesses said.
Earlier on Monday, another air raid hit a laboratory building in the Islamic University.
The university is a centre of support for Hamas – the Islamist militant group which controls the Gaza Strip. Many of its top officials graduated from there.
University authorities had evacuated the campus a few days ago as they had been expecting a strike.
Ewa Jasiewicz, an international volunteer with the Free Gaza Movement in Bayt Lahiya in the north of Gaza, told, she had heard explosions late into the night and had seen local TV reports of a helicopter bombing a mosque and killing five girls.
She said she had seen for herself hospitals desperately overstretched as they struggled with serious casualties.
“Because Gaza is so densely populated, there is no such thing as precision strike – you have glass, brick, shrapnel flying into people’s homes,” she said.
Earlier on Sunday, Israel bombed supply tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip used by Palestinians to smuggle food and other supplies – including weapons, says Israel – past the Israeli blockade of the territory.
As jets pounded the southern Gaza Strip, hundreds of Palestinians stormed over a fence on the Gaza-Egypt border, but Egyptian security forces fired shots to prevent them entering.
An Egyptian security official was shot dead and another wounded in the turmoil which followed.
At the UN, the Security Council joined international calls for restraint by urging an end to all violence in Gaza, including rocket attacks from Gaza.
Israel says militants have fired 110 rockets into Israel since Saturday.
The air strikes were launched on Saturday against Hamas targets in the densely-populated coastal territory, less than a week after the expiry of a six-month-long ceasefire deal with the militant group.
Israel has hit targets in all Gaza’s main towns, including Gaza City in the north and Khan Younis and Rafah in the south.
More than 210 targets were hit in the first 24 hours of what Israel says could be a lengthy military operation.
“We took Hamas by surprise, we targeted Hamas headquarters, so this is the beginning of a successful operation, I hope, but the idea is to change realities on the ground,” Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told on Sunday.
The high numbers of casualties made Saturday the single deadliest day in the Gaza Strip since Israel’s occupation of the territory in 1967, analysts said, although no independent confirmation is available of the numbers killed.
Border confusion
Most of those killed were policemen in the Hamas militant movement, but officials said women and children also died.
Shaky Egyptian-brokered six-month truce between Hamas and Israel agreed on 19 June
Palestinian rocket fire and Israeli operations in Gaza reduced
Violence resumes on 4 Nov as Israel launches incursion which it says targets Hamas tunnel; Palestinians respond with rocket fire
Hostilities increase; Israel tightens blockade on Gaza
Truce expires on 19 Dec; both sides blame each other for its breakdown; rocket fire increases
Israel launches major air strikes on 27 Dec
The head of Gaza’s police was among those killed and hundreds were wounded.
In Israel, one person was killed on Saturday in the town of Netivot, some 20km (12 miles) east of Gaza, while there were reports of several Qassam rocket strikes early on Sunday.
Rockets landed in Ashdod, Israel’s largest southern city – some 38km (23 miles) from Gaza – the deepest they have ever struck inside Israel, Israeli media said. No injuries were reported.
A Palestinian youth was killed by Israeli fire in the north of the West Bank during protests against the raids, medics said.
‘Ugly massacre’
US ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad has suggested Hamas held the key to restoring calm.
“We believe the way forward from here is for rocket attacks against Israel to stop, for all violence to end,” he said.
He was implicitly backed up from Cairo by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas – whose Fatah faction is a bitter rival of Hamas.
“We could have avoided what happened,” Mr Abbas said, saying the Islamist group should have renewed the ceasefire before it lapsed.
The air raids came days after the truce expired and as Israel prepares for a general election in February.
The exiled leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, has called for a new intifada, or uprising, against Israel, while the movement’s Gaza leader, Ismail Haniya, called the attack an “ugly massacre”.
The Israel-Hamas truce was regularly under strain and was allowed to lapse when it expired this month.
From 1967 Israel’s military occupied the Gaza Strip and Jewish settlers built communities within the territory. Israel withdrew in 2005 but has maintained control of Gaza’s borders.
Muslim all over the world please pray for the safety of our felow brothers and sisters in Palestine,Amin
Happy New Year, Tun.
In the ad agency that I worked in London, we shut down for two-weeks at year end. This shut-down is additional to our annual leave.
I think it’s best everyone including the politicians take a break to regroup considering there is still 3 more mths to the UMNO election, the KT election will be in a few weeks, and then it will be the general election….oh, or will there be a snap election if Najib successfully becomes PM.
I am cynical that Najib will.
But I guess he has the RAHMAN prophecy working in his favour.
Tun, your sacrasm is unparalleled and yet it has a lot of truth. AAB is such an ineffective PM that it does not matter whether he is there to lead the government nor not, lol!
salam Tun & keluarga…
nk buat mcm mane, dh org melayu kite mmg mcm tu pun…
klu bleh tu, nk ddk rmh tp dpt gaji je…
anyway, go on tun!!!
slmt maal hijrah…
Dear Tun,
I wish you “selamat menyambut Ma’al Hijrah 1430”
I believed most of them either they are from private or public
are taking this apportunity to take long leave with their children who are also having their year end school hildays. This is only the best time for families gathering and traveling.
However, make sure everything has been planning ahead so that the ongoing daily routine duties would not be jearpodized either they are from public or private sectors.
“Happy New Year 2009”
And if the civil servants are smart enough start off to apply for a leave on 2nd Jan, they can have 3 extra days for holiday! Interesting. Would the correct punch line be “It’s good to be a civil servant!”? 🙂
Dear Tun,
Most systems will need to develop into fully automatic and functioning systems. where things gets done with least effort. It wants to go into a stable state.
That’s what SOPs, procedures, systems are for – to allow the system to run almost on auto pilot, with minimal human (management) intervention.
They are good for keeping the status quo and for times like these when the staffing is at a minimal 😉
However, for any system to become better it needs to create new or improve systems thru creativity and innovation. Which need forces (or people or situations or incidents or the need to be more productive, etc..) who or that will disrupt the system. Only then can improvements to the existing system (or change for the better) can happen.
Right now (this holiday season) we just need the status quo. But be forewarn; this is the worst time for any calamity to happen – the system will not be able to handle it – if not for the men & women who defend and up hold our safety, peace and security – those polis, army, navy, airforce, civil defence people; we often take for granted.
Happy holidays – but lets not take our safety, security and peace for granted.
always think smart n work smart
Dear Tun Dr M,
Holidays are good news for nearly all of us except for some chronic workaholics . The number of public holidays Malaysia has is in the average range of the holidays of other countries.
However, there is one thing we can do to our holidays which would give relief and time, especially for our banking and government of dealings. Under current holiday structure we find it difficult to go to the banks and government departments during our working hours. Thus, if it takes a short while we get permission from our superiors or we just sneak our and sneak in. However, if our dealing is going to be time consuming, then, we either take ½ or full leave to attend to those matters.
To help eradicate this problem why not both banks and government departments operate on Saturdays and office hours to be 9.00a.m. to 5.00p.m. Of course it the staff of those concerns would object intensely. The actual fact is the staff of those concerns would be divided into two. The concerned offices would be manned on a rotation basis. This means the staff work for 2 Saturdays a month.
Love it when you go all sarky, Ayahnda Tun.
But you definitely have grounds, Sir. Malaysia is notorious for having the most number of public holidays per year and Malaysians famous for relishing them to the point of “lupa daratan” (even if they aren’t flying”. 😀
think smart work smart…
Do not forget the oppositions are working hard to get extra seats they need to form a new govt. Pelanduk boleh lupakan jerat tapi jerat takkan lupakan pelanduk. They maybe in Sabah and Sarawak doing their groundwork—come March they can catch BN by surprise ( does it work that way? )
We all should be thankful we could afford to spend our holidays in or out the country and rest assured when we come back we still have the same country ( tak ranap jadi padang jarak padang tekukur kena bom dan peluru berpandu) the same govt ( not like the Thais –coup every now and then) ,the same house ( except if your house perched on a hilltop ) the job ( especially the govt job ),the property ( tidak dirampas dan dihak milikkan oleh kerajaan )and so on.
Bersyukurlah dengan nikmat yang kita ada,bila nikmat ditarik balik cakap pun dah tak keluar suara!
salam tun,
malaysia tak perlukan kerajaan dan pekerja kerajaan.pekerja kerajaan cuti-cuti..dan cuti..terlalu banyak cuti..adakah setelah sabtu minggu cuti pegawai kerajaan produktiviti mereka lebih tinggi?ada pegawai kerajaan yang masih minum pagi walau jam dah pukul 12 tengahari.ada yang bagi ayam makan di rumah sebab di university tak de kelas/tutor di university.ada yang ambik anak di sekolah dan hantar anak mengaji .ada yang bukak pasar malam waktu pejabat jam 2 petang.ada yang tak balik ofis hari jumaat dan suruh orang punch card.kami hanya berterimakasih pada doktor,jururawat dan polis,tentera yang bekerja waktu cuti.pegawai pejabat tanah,majlis perbandaran dan juga pegawai -pegawai lain kurang dedikasi sebab teralu banyak cuti dan banyak sangat buang masa.
mengait baju baby,buat bunga telur dalam pejabat,jual amway dan juga promot skim cepat kaya.ada juga buat sembahyang sunat dhuha waktu kerja dan mengaji quran waktu kerja.kalau boss asyik tidur..pegawai pun tidur jugaklah.entah mengapa terlalu ramai pegawai kerajaan di malaysia ni kalau mengikut ratio.tukang buat teh lain,tukang sapu lain,despatch lain,tukang taip lain,tukang lift lain,drebar lain,tukang bukak komputer lain,tukang bodek bos lain.patutnta kita kurangkan semua pegawai kerajaan sebanyak 50 peratus.hanya polis,tentera,doktor dan jururawat je yang patut ditambah. sebab tu pembangkang kata..pegawai kerajaan penuh dengan orang melayu yang gagal dan kalah bersaing merebut peluang pekerjaan di pihakswasta.tidak berketrampilan dan malas.jadi kita tak boleh salahkan pembangkang cakap macam tu lihat aje di pejabat tanah dah cukup.buat kerja lembab,file hilang..boss tak de,,staf tak de..hilang.patut menteri kita pun dikrangkan 50 % sebab tak perfomed..makan gaji buta.pembayar cukai tak dapat perkhidmatan yang setimpal dari cukai yang dikeluarkan..
Nothing in this world really is automatic, it seems automatic but it really needs alot of hard work and maintainance behind it. Have the Malaysia government put in enough effort for it to run on automatic mode? Hahahaaaa, I think NOT. They are more towards ignorance. The DAY will come when they realize just how much holidays they have been taking when really should be WORKING in order make this country a better, more efficient and certainly more safer place to live!
Salam to The Honorable Tun.
For ordinaries holiday or holidays mean they are free from work physically and mentally including our next ‘mantan’ pm. But I believe as a mentor to most of visitors at your blog your brilliant brain should ‘seven-eleven’ works.
Dear Tun!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Good one! We all know why Malaysia is what it is today!
For you Tun, here is something from my goodself :
Saya taklah suka sangat dengan Singapura. Tapi saya rasa kalau bab cuti, kita patut ikut diorang. Christmas cuti sehari, Raya cuti sehari, Chinese New Year pun cuti sehari.
Kalau nak be competitive kita kena kerja lebih. Bukan nya cuti lebih.
Tapi tu lah mindset orang2 kita. Nak buat camana?
2 sen,
salam YBhg. Tun,
selamat tahun baru. Menarik pandangan Tun, ‘automatic government’.
I wish, in 2009, we could made the government to run on automatic mode on:
– memastikan Malaysia bersih – Latih rakyat untuk tidak membuang sampah di merata tempat dan jaga kebersihan tandas awam. Semalam saya sekeluarga ke Air Terjun Gunung Ledang di Sagil, kotornya! Pengunjung membuang dan meninggalkan sampah mereka di merata tempat, sedih melihat mereka tidak rasa bersalah sikit pun malah membiarkan anak anak mereka melakukan perkara yang sama.
– menghentikan penebangan hutan seperti di Cameron HIghland yang semakin tenat sekarang. Tun lawatlah ke sana dan lihatlah sendiri.
– kurangkan bilangan pekerja asing. kalau Tun ke KL pada hari cuti umum, merekalah majoriti.
Kebanyakan kami adalah orang biasa, rakyat jelata tidak mampu untuk bercuti dan membawa ahli keluarga ke luar negara, tidak seperti politicians, kaum kerabat diraja dan ahli perniagaan Ini sahajalah negara yang kami ada, so please do something before its too late.
Politician sepatutnya kempen dan bersungguh-sungguh melaksanakannya di kawasan masing-masing. Tiga perkara mudah seperti di atas dulu dan apabila rakyat dah nampak kesan, rakyat akan semakin percaya dan berbaloilah untuk kita memilih mereka nanti.
Di atas merupakan permintaan mudah dan realistik.
Terima kasih.
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Perhaps someday in the not so near future, all governments would be run by public appointed CEO
Salam Tun… Saya keja kat kilang sawit ni..xde cuti pun…even jd exec pun keja lagi teruk dari myanmar ke indonesian..kena ikut workers yang terikut dgn MAPA/NUPW..diaorg keja so kita kena keja.Kalu diaorg keja jd accident, kita kena tanggung.Bukan mcm gomen, org atas wat salah kambing hitam jadi mangsa….even cuti raya puasa dulu pun cuti 2 hari. x’mas keja, awal muharram keja, new year keja..bukan ada OT.Untung orang keja gomen..leh cuti sokmo..
Peace.Merry X’mas, selamat menyambut Awal Muharram and Happy New Year..
Tun..Apa azam baru??
Salam Tun… Saya keja kat kilang sawit ni..xde cuti pun…even jd exec pun keja lagi teruk dari myanmar ke indonesian..kena ikut workers yang terikut dgn MAPA/NUPW..diaorg keja so kita kena keja.Kalu diaorg keja jd accident, kita kena tanggung.Bukan mcm gomen, org atas wat salah kambing hitam jadi mangsa….even cuti raya puasa dulu pun cuti 2 hari. x’mas keja, awal muharram keja, new year keja..bukan ada OT.Untung orang keja gomen..leh cuti sokmo..
Peace.Merry X’mas, selamat menyambut Awal Muharram and Happy New Year..
Tun..Apa azam baru??
Dear Tun,
Need your opinion. The goverment servants used to earn salary very much lower than the private sectors.
But nowadays most of them are better than those working in the private sectors. They also can opt for EPF scheme or pension scheme. Of course most of them prefer pension scheme since they can opt for early retirements, work other places and the goverment still support them through pension forever. Also we never heard of any retrenchment in the goverment sectors.
What about those working in the private sectors. They also pay taxes , partly also to support these retired old people,
mostly having higher risk on their job security. What can the goverment do to help these people? Do you think our goverment should follow USA by implementing “Jobless scheme such as food stamp” for all Malaysia citizen who get retrenched or unable to find job to support their family? Also giving some kind of preasure to goverment to find or provide more jobs in the country to reduce the unemployment.
It seems that our goverment always compare bad things in other country rather than looking at the good implementation such as health care in Europe and welfare in USA for their citizen.
Please give us your thought.
Have a nice holidays.
Sesungguhnya kerajaan yang ada sekarang tidak berbuat apa2 untuk kemajuan negara.Tak ada lansung idea untuk kemajuan negara.Kerajaan sekarang adalah kerajaan yang membosankan dan penuh dengan masa untuk bercuti dan pemimpinnya selalu tidur(semua orang tahu..kalau tak caya tanya pegawai kerajaan).Saya berdoa kehadrat Allah supaya pemimpin yang tak ikhlas dan selalu tidur akan dilaknat Allah dan akan menerima pembalasan diakhirat kelak.Amin
salam Tun,
Three more months to go…seems like eternity…can we fast forward time to March 2009 when AAB steps down?
AAB – Atas Ada Batu…besar punya atas kapala!
Assalamualaikum Tun,how are you?Nampaknya saya yg pertama.Thanks for your very useful information to all of Malaysians.I’m just totally fascinate of your leadership for 22 years in Malaysia.Absolutely brilliant!! Keep it up Tun,I love to hear from you.(Kalau x keberatan,hantar la email pd address saya,[email protected])
As usual, a good observation Tun. You’re a 110% right Tun, everything in this beloved country of ours seems to be on Auto-Pilot mode now … and I wonder who the real PILOT is?
Guess the Prime Minister must also be on leave since he’s been working very, very hard over the last 5 years … destroying this country its once harmonious society.
The people govern through democracy, and if people chose to take plenty of leave who is going to do the work? Illegal immigrants? Do you know that in the middle east, they work for less than 10 minutes a day? I hope Malaysia does not come to this.
The main reason we are left behind in progress compared to the west is their devotion to managing time.
The human body was created such that it can survive with just 2 hours of sleep a day. We should all try to do as much as we can while we are awake.
I call on the government to abolish all public holidays. All workers have their allocated leave they can take during the year for their personal affairs. No one will lose. Those who disagree are lazy people who should look into themselves and imagine if they were out of work, what whould they do? Ask for more leave or ask for work?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Many happy holidays to you Tun.
Since I took the option to retire and become a full-time housewife (never regretted though) and now a a single parent, I never had a holiday. Everyday got to day the house chores and silat in the kitchen. During schooldays, to and fro from the house to school, then back from school to the house, mornings afternoons and evenings, then from house to tuition and from tuition back to the house daily. All for the sacrifices and love for the children. Very tiring but worth it. No holidays either on Saturdays and Sundays, silat with the pots and the pans of course. Even if balik kampong or go the mom’s place, still got to do the housekeeping and cooking. It’s like I’m also working for the government, aren’t I? I’m trying to make good citizens out of my children. But I make sure I take sometime for my precious Chedet.com., even when the school holidays are almost over.
Wish could take the children for holidays around the world like some rich fortunate people but cannot afford la even in the country, just take them to the mall and eat nasi briyani or nasi pattaya when pocket is loaded (the price of these cooked food has shot up!). To take 6 children, excluding myself, let’s say to Langkawi for a 2-3 days stay, count the ringgit do you need to bring along. Anyway, my children are not complaining. Maybe someday, God’s willing, I’ll take them for a holiday to somewhere, anywhwere we can afford.
Sorry Tun for this woman’s blah..blah..blah..
Actually I wanted to express my utmost anger towards the murderous act of the Zionists to the people of Palestine. Immediately after your postings on terrorism, these murderers started slaying the Palestines in Gaza.
And they put the blame on the Palestine people for their murderous actions. So inhumane of them! Such cold-blooded animals! So arrogant!
Please Tun, speak louder to stop these butcherings. Please Tun, please help them. Your Voice is Power! All I and my children can do is pray for love and peace in this world.
Take care of your health Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.
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Hi CHEDET, just wanna share with you,
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the the universe.
Dear Tun,
I can not agree more. As a small business owner, it is near impossible to run a business here in Malaysia. With an office in PJ, Selangor, customers in KL and production centre in Negri Sembilan, work is constantly interrupted by plenty of holidays.
We are a small country, with a less-than-driven and focused workforce these days. We already have plenty of problems to stay competitive in the world. The holidays just makes things all the more difficult.
Dear Tun,
Malaysians love holidays. Some really deserve it after striving very hard to earn money and wanting to have a nice and deserving holidays and enjoy the fruits of their labour. These are productive Malaysians.
But for some, do they really deserve long holidays?
Talking about “Automatic Government”, I think for the past 5 years we were really having “automatic government”. A government that had delivered nothing at all. Nothing that we could consider as outstanding in terms of economic development. All haprak and HP6 !! All in a mess especially on racial understanding and tolerance. It has become bad to worse and continue to disintegerate. What a pity !! Everybody seems to be hard-headed. In this instance, I wonder whether we can really survive as a united nation. It looks like we are going through a lose-lose situation rather than a win-win situation. The culprit is the government itself under the leadership of Pak Lah who seems to be having a total lost of control of the administration. He seems to be enjoying himself as a Mr Nice and so called “liberal” Prime Minister whom the oppositions really having a field day to ridicule him. A lame duck Prime Minister!!
Dear Tun,
Salam maal hijrah and happy new year,i am one of those who has to work on holiday,working at an airport on holidays is a madhouse,flight delays,bad weather,technical problem, the poblem list is endless.
Top of all that the present government is throwing the KLIA master plan down the drain when they decided to built a Rm1.6 billion new LCCT at Labu,Negeri Sembilan,cant imagine the present government totally disregard the developement policy of KLIA,we could have overtaken Changi with their pants down if we followed strictly to The KLIA masterplan.Firstly the govt misplaced the LCCT,KLIA master plan has already outline in detail future expansion program,MAHB totally did not play their role,now they at risk of being another failed GLC for suggesting LCCT be built at an area meant for cargo handling and only suggesting a new area when millions has been wasted.Now with KJ(kerajaan jahanam) Airport Masterplan MAHB is actually banging ball eventhough given a small share.
It is completely unbelievable politician can go to the extent of making a fool of the people support to abscond billions and at the same time waste another billions from an existing facilities.
KLIA was once said to be a white elephant project by opposition,now they should be ready for a whitier elephant.
KLIA masterplan has a land reserve of 10km square for future developement which can accomodate five runways and up to 8 terminal building,the area available can handle airline three time the size of air asia with no problem.Yet best of all this Labu,enstek,nilai area chosen by KJ masterplan is just outside the eastern border of KLIA 10km square airport developement reservation,why? to make sure MAHB die a Natural death,make sure negeri sembilan got an international airport and some guy got million from their control GLC,(they failed with the heart institute,now this).
So Tun, you have done what you could,BN is clearly on the way down,sometime a good team has to be dump before they could learn their lesson.For the next 3 months let watch The Black Tikus built his LABU Airport.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
apa khabar Tun? saya cukup kagum dengan pimpinan Tun dahulu. Dan sehingga Kini masih mengenang jasa2 Tun. Semoga Tun sentiasa di bawah lindungan Allah S.W.T.
selamat bercuti buat Tun sekeluarga dan seluruh rakyat malaysia.
Malaysia sangat bertuah di beri kenikmatan yang sangat banyak… Cuma…
tahukah kita bersyukur???
Salam Tun and Tun Hasmah,
Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah. Maybe it is the time of the year all govermnent servants, govermnent officials, directors and secretaries as well as those in the cabinet to take a moment and do some thinking and ‘muhasabah diri’ how they want to run the govermnent, their department, their ministry or their office in 2009 or 1430 hijrah. Take this long time-off to buck-up and refresh their commitment to be the best governing body for the years to come. To all of them, I wish the all the best.Lets start with ‘BERSIH, CEKAP and AMANAH.’
Dear Tun…
It’s a shame that some critical sectors are on holiday too.
My father can’t get out of the government hospital on Saturday as the radiologists are away for long holiday and other doctors could not make the decision eventhough he was told earlier he will be discharged on same day.
Can get the result of the scan made on Friday only tomorrow (Tuesday).
So it has been 5 days he’s hospitalised with 3 days wasted for waiting the result.
That’s one of the danger of auto-pilot government agency.
It had to do with the mentality..
But I do admit that I too took 14 days of leave enjoying these holidays as you called it.
Actually we need a government lead by whom who knows how to govern. For the ‘sleeping beauty’ installed by you Tun, it all goes automatic. 22 years of your great contribution, you left us with this cunning Lah Dynasty. It is sad for us that he had three more month to do more damage to the nation.
Anyway, Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah Tun.. semoga panjang umur dan diberi kesihatan sepanjang hayat.
Dear Tun,
Just want to wish you a Happy New Year in advance
& thanks again for reminding us not to be complacent.
I think holidays is okay because families can spend more time
together, but must always remember that without hard work
we will fall behind. Hopefully everyone will be well rested
after the break and can make up for it with more efficient work.
Thanks for blogging, sometimes we go off course but with your
wisdom we remember.
Have A Very Happy New Year
& Take Care.
Perhaps your overseas trip to Yemen brought you a lot of funs when having camel ride in the desert.
If your assistants are too inefficient to update you on the latest information, then please allow me to feed you with some news in the government offices. The government servants have to take time off now because they are advised to do so after your pet politician who is now the Finance Minister has found no money to pay the overtime allowances to the government servants.
So Tun, please be considerate a bit. If you can go “makan angin” in the Middle East, why make so much noise when the government servants are just trying to claim back the fringe benefit which they deserve because they earn the benefit at the expense of their leisure time? They could have chosen to clock out at 4:00 pm during weekdays without having to stay in the office or at the job site in order to finish their work. And this is what the government servants in the Immigration Department are doing now because they expect no more payment of overtime allowances to them from the Government.
Don’t be surprised when you see the productivity in the Government Offices will drop drastically in the near future!
salam maal hijrah buat tun.
I am a teacher working in Penang and my husband is working in KL. He is working in a construction company. It is very difficult to get leave even on public holiday especially when the project is almost completed. And my little girl who is only three keep asking me “mama….papa balik tak?” When I said no..she will cry…
Happy holidays and new year for all malaysian.
Salam Tun,
I would like to wish you a Great New Year ahead.
Asssalamualaikum Tun,
selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah. Saya sebenarnya seorang doktor di hospital kerajaan dan pemberian cuti oleh pihak kerajaan amatlah dialu-alukan dan sejak hidup di zaman teknologi ini di mana nasib rakyat dibela, saya amat bersyukur dengan pemberian cuti seperti ini. Tetapi ia sebenarnya bermatlamat menyenangkan pihak yang bekerja di pejabat atau klinik sahaja kerana pihak yang kerja shift selalunya menjadi mangsa kerana terpaksa menaggung beban kerja lebih masa. Ini berlaku dengan berleluasa terutamanya di bahagian kesihatan dan keselamatan terutamanya hospital Kerajaan dan Universiti mengakibatkan cuti mereka dihalang. Nasib mereka ini selalunya terabai dan banyak yang meletak jawatan kerana tidak tahan dengan beban tugas tak setimpal gaji yang diberikan. Saya harap Tun yang masih bergelar doktor membawa masalah ini ke depan. Terima kasih.
Salam Maal Hijrah tun and readers,
Perkara ini adalah satu kebiasaan di dalam agensi Kerajaan walaupun tak semua orang ‘mengambil kesempatan’ atau ‘dapat mengambil kesempatan’ bercuti kerana komitmen dan tugas. Namun, saya tidak pula ingin membuat kesimpulan dan mengatakan samada ianya tidak patut atau tidak bagus.
Pun begitu, saya tidak melihat ada satu sense of urgency dalam agensi Kerajaan apatah lagi Wawasan 2020 hanya tinggal 11 tahun sahaja lagi untuk direalisasikan. Tapi, saya juga tidak ingin melihat sense of urgency yang membuta tuli yang dipaksa dan akan menyusahkan orang lain.
Saya terfikir, siapa yang memantau pencapaian kita dalam menuju wawasan 2020 ni? kalau dalam teori pengurusan, siapa yang leading dan siapa yang controlling? tak nampak…. kabur…. wawasan 2020 semakin jauh dari jangkauan. Tapi perkara ini adalah dijangkakan kerana saya pernah dengar Pak Lah sebut pasal 2058 kalau tak silap. Alasan boleh dicari, dan yang nyatanya krisis minyak dan kewangan dunia akan dijadikan alasan. For sure. Nampakna takkan jadi negara maju lah kita.
Apapun, saya setuju sebahagiannya dengan tun, kita masih perlukan Kerajaan. Tapi bukan semua agensi dan jawatan. Mereka yang cuti panjang ni, bolehlah kita teliti lebih lanjut kedudukannya dan kalau perlu ditutup agensi tersebut atau di mansuh jawatannya.
Happy Holidays to you, too! May 2009 bring lots of joy, peace and happiness! Good health always!
Asalamualaikum wbt..
Peluang cuti panjang wajar kita gunakan sebaiknya. Penuhkan ia dengan aktiviti berfaedah bersama keluarga dan saudara mara. Perbanyakan solat-solat diwaktu malam mohon kepada Allah agar tahun 1430 hijriah yang baru ini dipenuhi dengan amal bakti serta pekerjaan yang halal.
Kepada mereka yang bergelar public servant tidak kira jadi menteri ke atau apa pon….henti-hentikan dan hindarilah dari sifat2 munafiq.
Subhanallah…sama-sama kita berdoa agar kita dijauhkan dari sikap ini.
Dear Tun,
I have to disagree with you on Point no. 5
Actually, we are better of without the government (read Pak Lah)
salam Tun,
For those working in the hospitality industry,especially at resorts,these are the busiest times of the year.Some might even go a few weeks without having an off-day.
Their turn will come when the school starts.Happy holidays!
Assalamualaikum Tun yang dikasihi,
Pada pandangan saya , sebenarnya ramai yang bercuti untuk menghabiskan cuti tahunan mereka atau mungkin jugak sebab ada yang diantaranya yang agak “frust” dengan keputusan ‘Bonus ‘ yang mereka terima . Jadi untuk hilangkan rasa keciwa dan mungkin untuk “recharge battery” , baiklah mereka bercuti lagipun cuti sekolah sudah sampai ke penghujung.
Kepada yang tidak bercuti dan ofis mungkin agak sepi , saya cadangkan kepada mereka-mereka ni supaya buatlah perancangan kemajuan untuk tahun depan – samada peribadi atau kerjaya . Jangan pulak menular bila bos tak de . Betul tak Tun ?
We love you Tun .
A’kum Tun & Family,
Moga sihat sejahtera hendaknya.
Being in private sector especially with hospitality industry….there is no such thing as what is called “HOLIDAY”. Our business module is to WORK during/when all the humans are on HOLIDAY.
Well, nothing to complaint since we choose to be there.
Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah Tahun 1430.
Actually we can manage this country without politician. It saves cost and more reliable. It is less manipulative.Happy holiday.
Dear Y.A.B. Tun,
This particular entry cracked me up. They are people who work very hard during this time of the year and some on ‘shut down’ mode. Some are on ‘hybernation’ mode and they run personal errands during the holidays. Thanx to technology, many are still able to perform work and communicate on work matters from other parts of the world, whether or not they are on holidays.
This month has been a non-productive one as many are on ‘shut down’ mode and off for holidays till next year. It will take longer to boot them up as to compared to the ones on ‘hybernation’ mode.
Wishing you and Y.A.B. Tun Siti a splendid New 1430 Hijrah.