1. I don’t know whether my piece about Langkawi mozzarella was read by the Star or not but I am glad the paper carried reports on the production of the unique Italian cheese in Langkawi.

2. There is no doubt the recipe was brought by Mr Muhammad Michael Bruschi, an Italian who married a Malaysian.

3. His cheese making facility is located near a Government buffalo breeding farm. Talking to Mr Bruschi I realise that there is not enough buffalo milk for him to grow his business.

4. He is very knowledgeable about cattle breeding and he has a number of French limousine cows in his farm

5. I am informed that the buffalo breeding station is to be handed to a cooperative. Although the Government veterinary staff know about breeding buffaloes and can train the co-operative to carry on, perhaps they can make use of Mr Bruschi to bring in Italian practices into buffalo breeding, especially for maximising the production of milk. I am sure it will benefit everyone.

6. I hope no one will be offended by my unsolicited suggestion. I am still nominally the adviser to LADA or Langkawi Island Development Authority.

7. Mr Bruschi also has a Malay boy who he had sent for training in butchery in San Marino, an independent country inside Italy. Carving up the carcass of a slaughtered animal requires special skills. The different parts of the animal sell at different prices in the market. A trained butcher would carefully carve the carcass so as to maximise the returns from selling at different prices the best parts and the less tasty parts.

8. Maybe our butchers are already doing that and would require no more training. But in case they are not then they should get themselves trained so tha they can maximise the returns to themselves by selling special cuts like T-bone, rib, cheek, fillet, rump etc.


65 thoughts on “MOZZARELLA CHEESE II”

  1. Thank you for posting such article. Its great to see such eye opening post.There are still many things to learn and more surprises to come. Meanwhile, while we are waiting why don’t we try Tenant Screening. It teaches us how to achieve the best protection for the best times

  2. That sounds pretty nice. Though some calculations need to be done. Anyway this kind of business is quiet hard to establish because of the high competition level. But, god, I love the idea.

  3. Dear Tun.
    I have a friend who owns a bakery shop at Ikano Power Centre, Mutiara Damansara. U have been there once, late last year. The best part about this outlet,everyday, he make it an effort to donate 30 % of the pastries to the orphange nearby.Since I live in Mutiara Damansara, I will assist him in collecting and distribute them whenever i can.This is almost a daily affair. I do hope your outlet at Pavillion can start something like this. Ordinary folks like us, can start to make that difference in any small ways that we may come across in our daily lives to help those needy people.

  4. Semuga Sjahtera selalu semua peminat Tun terutamanya Tun M,
    Apa ke hal nyer dengan Mr Nothing tu…
    Whatever he said, i believe he is Tun’s fan, otherwise he wouldn’t have read and taken the time to comment!
    May be dia bukan manusia biasa yang umumnya kita tahu punya banyak cita rasa. Takkan, hari-hari nak expect cerita berat and serious saja.
    Biaq pi kat dialah, Nothing laaa.
    Cerita cheese ni menarik and harap menjadi. Baca nukilan Tun, saya teringat kira-kira 10 atau 15 tahun lalu, sewaktu saya dalam lawatan bertugas ke Langkawi(sejak tu, boleh kata saya dah kerap ke Langkawi).
    Masa kat sana, saya dengan beberapa orang pegawai LPP masuk ke kampung-kampung, melawat macam-macamlah, untuk rencana saya. Saya agak terkejut, bila seorang Pak Cik yang saya jumpa tu bagi teka teki kat saya.
    “Susah nak tanam apa-apa kat pulau ni, cuma dua benda je yang menjadi. Cek cuba teka tengok.”
    Puas la saya dok teka macam-macam, tapi semuanya salah.
    “Di sini, satunya, kita hanya boleh tanam pokok jangguih, gerenti tak mati, biji dia sedap pulak tu. Satu lagi, tanam orang mati. Dua-dua tu, lepas tanam tak payah dok jaga, baja dan siram. Yang lain payah nak kata,”
    Saya memang tercenggang malah sampai hari ni pun dok terfikir balik kata-kata Pak Cik tu. Cuma yang saya boleh ingat, masa saya ke sana tu, banyak tanah sawah ghang (terbiar).
    But now, whenever saya ke sana pun, tak lah masuk kampung-kampung tapi pi holiday jer. So tak banyak tau sangat la.
    Apa pun, kalau ada cara, ada daya memang elok sangatlah dengan rancangan cheese ni. Apa yang penting kita cuba, cuba dan cuba, InsyaAllah bERJAYA.
    Kalau tak, takkan lah orang nak kata “Di mana Ada Kemahuan, di situ Ada Jalan.”
    Kalau betul pokok jangguih senang hidup kat Langkawi, mungkin kita boleh tanam cara besar-besaran. Kan biji jangguig tu mahal!

  5. Bagus tu,cheese kat langkawi.’Butchery’ memang ada potensi,saya dah melawat kedua-dua tempat ni di Switzerland 08,dari process hingga ke pasaran.
    Ada potensi,org melayu pun boleh buat./cuma kita kena ubah pemikiran kira je,Kat Europe semua nya convineance food ,masuk microwave atau ready to eat food….Tun tentu tahu semua ni,dah banyak merantau ,membaca,ingat balik nanti nak g langkawi tgk depa buat cheese..nak buka kilang meat product,modal banyak,balik nanti nak bayar hutang dulu…masih kat swiss hingga april 09.
    Kedah meat masih ada ka kat Changloon?Mai kita berniaga Tun…

  6. Dear Tun,
    I read many positive points abt Langkawi.Yes it’s surely an idyllic,quiet & romantic island good for the young & the retirees who want to kill some time.Looks like it’s especially wonderful for the jet-set honeymooners.Should be an affordable place for the budget conscious honeymooners who have just started off.They’re going for the “Get away from it all feeling”.They want to be left alone.What better place than Langkawi in the north west of Peninsular M’sia.Add on the good food & music it will be an excellent place.I can imagine Langkawi competing closely with Koh Samui & Hua Yin of Thailand.I have not been to any of the three so I’ll go to Langkawi first in the near future.

  7. How about helping people like Mr Bruschi get working permits and Permanent Residency.
    It would help Langkawi and Malaysia a lot more if the home ministry were to process PR applications like Australia, in a fair and transparent manner.
    There are many more partners of Malaysians who are rotting in Malaysia because they are discriminated against.
    Forget about grand ideas, make sure government servants do their job fairly and we will be much further along economically.

  8. ASALAMUALAIKUM TUN,di harapkan Tun sentiasa sihat di samping keluarga tersayang….ternyata satu lagi cabang perniagaan yang boleh di banggakan telah di temui…Mozarella Cheese oleh en Mr Muhammad Michael Bruschi….penemuan ini saya percaya akan mengharumkan nama malaysia dalam menjadi pengeluar Mozarella Cheese terbaik di dunia…anak2 tempatan tidak seharusnya melepaskan peluang sekurang kurangnya belajar sesuatu dari pengalaman,kemahiran dan ketekunan en Mr Muhammad Michael Bruschi…malah perniagaan beliau itu sendiri sebenarnya telah menjamin satu lagi peluang bagi rakyat Langkawi iaitu perternakan Kerbau yang mana susu nya menjadi sumber utama dalam proses pembuatan Cheese ini…rebutlah peluang,bukalah mata dan majukanlah bangsa kita

  9. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    You are right again Tun about on how to maximize any given product, we should get involve in the training our people to produce more than we consumed. It is a new thing when speaking about cheese and carving buffalo but the is we must change the mindset of our people about looking at things.
    Once again I salute you Tun “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir, dulu, kini dan selama nya and may Allah bless us all”. Lets us wake up and give the best towards vision 2020. Aminnn…..

  10. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    I read this comment(By pyan on January 12, 2009 1:01 PM) on the go yesterday and made a mental note to get back to it again when I could. I don

  11. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Dear Tun Dr M,
    What? MOZZARELLA CHEESE II?! Is that your choice of topic compared other urgent topics? Are you satisfied with the happenings in Kuala Terengganu that you would want to touch on a lighter topic? Or were you asked distance yourself from the by-election? Certainly, you still make the headlines when it comes to contemporary politics. Not only that, the politicians and the press are always on the look out as to what you have to say on any political development or decision making.
    Please revert back to a topic related to current political events. We can have MOZZARELLA CHEESE when we visit Langkawi. Talking about Langkawi, it does not have enough attractions to pull more tourists. Even the local tourists are not that happy and feel it is not value for money (except for the duty free items).
    Will those high ranking officials in the island and your team of advisers come up with a Langkawi enrichment and redevelopment plan.
    I am sure you have a lot of ideas to develop Langkawi as it your baby.”
    Tun, if the wording of the above hurt your feelings, please forgive me. I actually wanted it to sound “shocked” due to sudden change in the topics chosen before. I further tried to add a little bit of “humor”. I think the humor part had been misunderstood by many. I think I should be alert on this. Once again sorry Tun and those who got hurt by comment directly and indirectly.
    As for ,andi70 on January 13, 2009 2:12 AM ‘s comment, My comment on Langkawi is to highlight the overlooked needs of Langkawi. Yes, has quite a lot of attractions but nearly half of it is for the tourists and the moderately rich Malaysians. However, for the average incom
    e earners there isn’t much.
    Having 100% occupancy during school holidays and during other holiday seasons cannot be used to assess a particular holiday resort. Since most of the holiday spots would also have 100% occupancy rate. It is during of season that we should be concerned and monitored.
    I feel Langkawi has great potential as Tun N could foresee. In order to exploit it we need further develop it to match or surpass other prominent resorts in this region. My intentions are sincere.

  12. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Dear Tun Dr M,
    What? MOZZARELLA CHEESE II?! Is that your choice of topic compared other urgent topics? Are you satisfied with the happenings in Kuala Terengganu that you would want to touch on a lighter topic? Or were you asked distance yourself from the by-election? Certainly, you still make the headlines when it comes to contemporary politics. Not only that, the politicians and the press are always on the look out as to what you have to say on any political development or decision making.
    Please revert back to a topic related to current political events. We can have MOZZARELLA CHEESE when we visit Langkawi. Talking about Langkawi, it does not have enough attractions to pull more tourists. Even the local tourists are not that happy and feel it is not value for money (except for the duty free items).
    Will those high ranking officials in the island and your team of advisers come up with a Langkawi enrichment and redevelopment plan.
    I am sure you have a lot of ideas to develop Langkawi as it your baby.”
    Tun, if the wording of the above hurt your feelings, please forgive me. I actually wanted it to sound “shocked” due to sudden change in the topics chosen before. I further tried to add a little bit of “humor”. I think the humor part had been misunderstood by many. I think I should be alert on this. Once again sorry Tun and those who got hurt by comment directly and indirectly.
    As for ,andi70 on January 13, 2009 2:12 AM ‘s comment, My comment on Langkawi is to highlight

  13. Salam Tun,
    Para penggangur dalam negeri boleh diberi training to be a butcher.
    Masuk dalam iklan & off you go for training rather than many nak jadi opis boy aja.

  14. Salam Tun,
    By Nothing but wind on January 11, 2009 1:37 PM
    Please revert back to a topic related to current political events. We can have MOZZARELLA CHEESE when we visit Langkawi. Talking about Langkawi, it does not have enough attractions to pull more tourists. Even the local tourists are not that happy and feel it is not value for money (except for the duty free items).
    Dear Mr. Nothing,
    It is a sad feeling that engulfed myself when I read your comments. As a Langkawian, I didn’t see it from that perspective. Locals are still coming to Langkawi for vacation, and for your information, the hotels were fully booked during the last school holiday. Don’t try to find a room now for the coming chinese new year. There’s none! Unless you are willing to splash some money on higher end 5 stars hotels.
    I kept asking why are these people frequented Langkawi for many times, and I got the answer. People come to Langkawi to enjoy the natural environment. Shopping is a bonus to them. No hustle and bustle of the big city. I knew a germen couple who has stayed at The Datai without a miss every year since the opening of the hotel.
    People likes serenity and that is the biggest selling point of Langkawi. It speaks for itself.
    Tok Det, the Langkawian said, once you drink the Mahsuri water, you will never leave Langkawi.

  15. Dear Dr M,
    indiana on January 11, 2009 10:52 PM
    This monkey thought he has done more than Tun Mahathir to fight for Palestinian Cause. It’s funny to think how people can be shallow at times.
    This donkey thinks it can read peoples mind. Where the hell did I mention about Palestinians and what I and Dr M did for them in this blog.
    Come on brother. Wake up! and don’t fantasize too much.

    I’m always wake up, you moron, what is more important topic than Palestine currently. What is your level to condemn Tun’s posting?

  16. Hello Tun,
    I have eaten mozarella cheese made from normal cow’s milk but I don’t think I’ve tried mozarella made from buffalo milk.Hope that it’s pleasant to eat.Don’t mind trying because I’m adventurous with food.As long as it’s fresh & hygienic it’s fine with me.Hope this business picks up for your friend.

  17. Dear Tun,
    How can you be talking about all those mouth watering special cuts like T-bone, rib, cheek, fillet, rump.. surely you cannot take those type of food with your condition

  18. By peter on January 11, 2009 5:32 PM
    I have been having difficulty signing in to leave a comment since your website migrated to the present one
    Salam Tun,
    Me too..
    I’ve been having difficulty signing in to leave comment.So me too, also reregister a new one and it works.
    Wish you success in business.

  19. Salam Chedet,
    1.Mr Muhammad Michael Bruschi, an Italian-Foreigner datang dengan idea dari itali.(cheese).
    2.mcm Donald Trump ckap dlam apprantice niaga
    “percayakan/yakin dengan produk anda”.
    3.Chedet pun masa niaga produk malaysia kat dunia pun misti pakai prinsip tu.
    4.buku ape yang chedet rasa elok baca untuk tingkatkan ilmu niaga ni Chedet.
    5.kat ipoh sekarang dah susah nak cari tempat nak usahakan cendawan tiram ni Chedet.saya pernah tolong orang buat perusahaaan(masa tu saya amik upah Rm 200/= masa kerja,saya buat tu sebab saya nak belajar camne nak buat cendawan tu)dan saya nak buat.saya pecaya kat produk ni dan saya nampak potensinya.saya ade hasilkan buku camne nak hasilkan produk ini.orang puteh cakap buku tu “paperworks”.
    saya memang betul-betul study produk ini,chedet.”DEMAND > SUPPLY”
    5.tapi takpe Chedet.saya akan pasti laksanakan produk ini dengan jayanya InsyAllah..Chedet Doa kan saya bejaya menghasilkan produk ini
    6.kalau Chedet ade masa terluang,Chedet pegi tegok tempat orang buat Cendawan tiram ini.BEST KALAU TENGOK HASIL YANG KELUAR.
    7.Chedet Sedekahkan Al-Fatihah kat Arwah Pak Long(sifu yang pernah ajar buat cendawan tiram)

  20. Salam TokDEt,
    1. Lama betoi sy x mencoret dlm blog TokDet nih. Tp masih kekal menjadi pembaca setia.
    2. Syabas TokDet! TokDet sudah mula arif bagaimana mahu menjana pulangan dr blog terbaru ini. Itu sebenarnya rezeki yg Allah SWT berikan kpd TokDEt di atas jasa2 yg tela ditaburkan.
    3. Dr segi bisnesnya, TokDet telah mempunyai brand tersendiri dan tersohor; maka seharusnya itu membuka semua mata blogger di luar sana supaya tetap menjana ekonomi hidup mereka dgn semua peluang yg ada.
    4. Hasil drpd weblog ini nnti diharapkan dpt membantu TokDet meneruskan perjuangan khususnya membantu saudara Palestin kita.
    5. Laknat Yahudi!
    Jmpa lg TokDet,

  21. Dear Tun,
    We can appreciate the message you are acutally sending us.
    At the end of the day it is about the THIRST for knowledge, skills and knowhow that will differentiate those from the have and have nots, the weak from the strong, the powerful from the downthrodden.
    An Italian has come here to share his knowledge on how to make cheese from Kerbau Milk. What was to stop a Malaysian going to Italy to learn this skill and bring it back. Lets not talk about just cheese, butchary or cattle rearing. Lets us look at the wealth of knowledge that abound in this world. Have we Malaysian gone out to acquire them?
    For Muslims, why have madrassahs when what they learn are about history and the details for the Quran and Hadith and what have you but not real world knowledge? These young minds with the potential to acquire the vast knowledge that abound around us have been hindered by the doctrines of the madrassah.
    Why not allow the madrassah to go along the lines of the – mission schools which have been proven to be able to breed scholars worthy of the knowledge the world posseses.
    Then we will have Muslim scholars who are attuned to the prinsips of Islam but ready to accumulate the vast knowledge around us.
    Our Institutes of Higher Learning – which has the new emphasis of generating more PHDs and therefore creating new knowledge are primed to see this happening. Lets break all taboo subjects, be innovative and creative, asking question that will breakdown the dominance of new knowledge by the WEST.
    Are we able? Yes we are.
    But we must free ourselves, our minds and our past acquired knowledge and ask why – why must it be this or that way? why not some other way. Keep on asking and exploring for the answers.
    For muslims we have an advantage cause all knowledge come from ALLAH. And we believe that very strongly. An we believe in Allah. That will make our search for knowledge that much easier.

  22. Salam Tun,
    Bestnya dengar pasal mozarella cheese dengan steak. Boleh makan pizza puas-puas. Lepas tu steak dengan ‘mushroom sauce’.Fuyooo. Kalau ada Chef Wan buat demo, lagi terliur. 🙂
    Selamat makan tengahari,

  23. assalamualaikum…..
    saya dan keluarga ucapkan Tun dan isteri sentiasa bahagia dan senyum selalu.
    Tun saya ni lari sikit dari tajuk…..saya nak cerita berkenaan selamatkan rakyat palestin….saya lihat rakyat malaysia terutama org islam dan melayu kita berusaha utk menolong spt dgn cara memboikot barang2 amerika,buat sembahyang hajat dan sebagainya tetapi bangsa cina dan india takada perasaan ke ……….
    mereka fikir di palestin tu banyak org islam so cina dgn india ni buat do no aje….
    terima kasih Tun

  24. Tun,
    By 1Onlooker on January 11, 2009 9:55 PM
    I do not know much about these cattles or pig breeding businesses, but from what you wrote, Onlooker or 1Onlooker, it really opened my eyes to understand why Malaysia always opt for imports and never seems to achieve success in export for local farming activities on meat fruits, seafood, rice or vegetables etc…. because we have been “hypernating and finger pointing to win election” from 1998 until 2009 for allowing these farming activities to die naturally.
    We always heard that “In Malaysia, if you want to achieve success, it’s not on how good you are, it is on whom you know!!. We rakyat allow the ruling party to “diam2 makan rasuah”, it has became a habit because we allowed it. Now it is time, we should should learn not to use “rasuah’ as the mean of achieving our success, we have been doing this for the last 20 years (not incuding Tun, I believe Tun never like to be bribed because Tun loves the country), should we start now in year 2009, our Tun has initiated the KL foundation to criminalize war, we have to do something Onlooker, we cannot be forever sitting “atas pagar seperti lalang”, and feel everything is impossible. Rules and regulatons are rigid, but human brains can be utilized to make things happened, right?
    In these coming 10 years, we cannot rely on food imports, we have to reduce imports in order to survive after the US economy crisis. This trend will force the government to do something to make sure it carries out these farming activities to reduce our trade deficit and increase job opportunities since electronic industries are going down hill.
    This is a market that we need to carry out detail study, not the Labu LCCT kind of projects, not the high end , hillside luxury housing or buliding construction sector, not the share market to stimulate our economy. It’s time we must act decent and mature, to tell our government that we are monitoring them. Don’t let them fool us again, we have had enough in these 5 years. Instead of wasting our time to change the leaders mentality, why not we do something that will benefit our rakyat to make sure the government does the jobs correctly. We are not allowed to put comment in website, but we can use blogging to voice out our frustration, chedet blog is the best method to voice out our frustration, we do not need to “rasuah” the government to make sure they do the work correctly. For government to change, it has to start from the rakyat. This is what we want to see in future, Onlooker….
    Good day Tun.
    I know Tun is a forward-looking person because you always look for hi-tech or proven methodologies as the plan for technological improvement. It sounds to be a good idea to bring in new know-how in cow breeding and butchery techniques. However, I just feel that you may have gone too far and too fast for the local consumers and the local Malaysian farmers to catch up with you.
    As for the local consumers, majority of them are not gourmet eater who have developed a habitual good taste on the delicious T-Bone steaks. Majority Malaysians can only afford to pay for a bowl of “sup daging” (beef soup), “sup gear box” or “sup ekor” (ox tail soup) for their dinner, which typically costs about RM6 per serving per person. The local consumers are simply too poor for a piece of tasty T-Bone steak, which may cost about RM20 in a gourmet restaurant.
    The market demand may be a problem for the local cow farmers since they have to face the keen competition from beef importers who usually bring in frozen beef from Australia, Indonesia, India or Pakistan. As far as I know, the cow farm which is operated by your buddy Tan Sri A in Padang Hijau, Kahang, Johor can only manage to fetch a retail price of about RM7 per kg for his fresh beef.
    If Tun really cares enough to ask the cow farmers about the common problems they face, then it will not be difficult for Tun to realize that uncontrolled import of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) pathogen-carrying live cows from Thailand and the high feeding cost are the most commonly found problems in ruminant farming industry of Malaysia.
    Foot-and-Mouth Disease is not easy to control because many importers are allowed to smuggle into Malaysia the FMD pathogen-carrying live cows through the Malaysia-Thailand borders. It is not easy to detect the FMD pathogen through the bare eyesight unless the importers really go through the blood-test (which is always skipped during smuggling process) on the live animals.
    High feeding cost is also a fatal problem. Some books may suggest that one head of cow requires one acre of pasture land for growing. However, in Malaysia a typical farmer who owns 300 acres of pasture land may still find that 300-acres land is barely enough to feed 180 heads of popular cattle species such as Brahman meat cow, KK Buffalo, Bali Buffalo or Red Pied Friesian dairy cow, especially during the interruption period of grassland replanting. Taking into the consideration of the current land cost of about RM60,000 per acre, how many farmers can really afford to rear cattles nowadays in Malaysia? Some smart farmers are just barely enough to operate on a breakeven level by feeding their animals with some inexpensive foodstuff like Sago waste, waste water from Taufu factory, brewery waste and prune-off oil palm leaves.
    Even the unreliable feed such as Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) which is deemed to come with problematic high copper content and diarrhea-causing high fat content will cost the farmers more than RM500 per tonne in Malaysia as at to-date. Sometimes it may cost the farmers about RM6 per day to feed one head of their cows. The high feeding cost is really killing the farmers.
    The Malaysia Government has spent a lot of money on operating the research institutions such as MPOB and Institut Haiwan. However, not many of the so-called experts who draw high salary from the research institutions seem to grasp a good hold of what is actually going wrong with Malaysia in terms of high trade deficit in relation to frozen meat import. We have been talking about the objective of food security since the days of currency attack in 1997-1998 until to-date. However, there is not much of the progress we can see so far in relation to the food security in Malaysia. Our consumers still prefer to buy imported frozen meats because they are relatively much cheaper than the locally produced fresh meats. Our cattle farmers feel very much disappointed with the Federal Government under BN Administration because the available pasture lands are limited and the grain feed prices keep running up to an unaffordable level. It will not be surprised for us to see that more and more cattle farmers are bound to run into the financial stress and tight cashflow situation in the near future due to the slowdown in the market demand for meat products as consequences of recent sluggish market for oil palm Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) and Rubber Latex.
    Therefore, I think it is not realistic for Tun to talk about training the Malaysian butchers to sell special cuts like T-bone, rib, cheek, fillet, rump etc in the current sluggish market situation. The special cuts are just too luxurious for a typical Malaysian consumer in the midst of economic slowdown.
    P/S: Your blog administrator doesn’t like my name “Onlooker” therefore I have to change it to “1Onlooker”.

  25. Thanks for the good ideas you have. However this idea semms not been practised by our people. I had an experience where my uncle had 68%burn & we tried to send him to PRINCE COURT HOSPITAL & others private ones to save him. However all private seems rejecting all critical cases just to maintain their reoutation and not behave as hosoitals to saves lifes.
    P.S. He died yesterday 11/01/09.
    Money not everything it seems reputation the most

  26. TUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Assalamualaikum Tun…..How is my favourite TUN today?…I hope that you are in good health…..
    Just few things I would write here…hope you will read it..
    I noticed that not even one person said that what happening in GAZA now is a genocide or ethnic cleansing…..almost all the people when come across the matter will say “IT IS A WAR”.
    TUN, I think if you start to mention what happens in GAZA now is an act of ethnic cleansing then maybe people will take it more seriously……this so called “WAR”…is more to one side only….that is to the advantage of Israel….where they bring out their most sophisticated weapons and artilleries while the Palestinians have none!!!even if they do have any it would be 30 years behind!!!!…..everyday 30 -40 people killed and nearly half of the victims are children!!!!…..
    I think its time the people should look back at the history of why HITLER KILLED THEM!!!Just imagine if that didnt happen , there will be more jews then they were today now!!!….
    Well maybe I would be banned for saying this but here it goes!!!!!
    When I was in UK my friend shown me a film which was dated before the second world war…showing how the jews were living in filth, how they slaughtered animals so cruelly that they were banned to slaughtered animals in Europe that time, how they became middle persons in business in order to get quick money, how they created modern arts and made it a valuable assets when it was just a filth art, and they were the first people to make blue film where they went to Hollywood…and how they controlled German….and that the German people were poor but the jews were sooo rich…..thats when the Germans had enough and started the 2nd World War……and also about the 4 or 5 brothers which made up the rockefellar, rothschilds,etc., …these are the people that ruined the world today!!!!!!!!!oh yeah not to mention George Soros who donated about 250,000 dollars personally from him and his family for the campaign of Obama…and thats why he kept silent same as Anwar Ibrahim…thats why he kept silent!!!……maybe cat got his tongue there!!!!
    I go now TUN!!!

  27. Tun.
    Posting di atas semacam nak refresh atau mententeramkan minda kita dalam keadaan sekarang yang segala2 dalam bercelaru. Politik tanah air dan juga konflik luar negara. Ada eluk juga TUN menulis bahan2 yang rengan2 seperti ini untuk mententeramkan keadaan atau kepanasan atau gelora yang melanda pehak2 tertentu dalam beberapa2 issu berkaitan dengan pehak berkenaan.
    Tapi ada sesuatu yang agak menarik juga dalam posting ini. Disamping memberi maklumat atau cerita al kisah nya “Mozzarella Cheese” terselit juga akan maksud yang tersembunyi atau tersirat yang menjadi teka teki atau untuk mencabar minda kita untuk merenung sejenak akan apa ada disebalik kejayaan Mozzarella cheese ini. Saya tertarik akan cerita ini.
    Copy and paste.
    Carving up the carcass of a slaughtered animal requires special skills. The different parts of the animal sell at different prices in the market. A trained butcher would carefully carve the carcass so as to maximise the returns from selling at different prices the best parts and the less tasty parts.
    So, ulasan diatas maseh bolihh di pertejemahkan dengan luas akan maksud yang lain dan tersirat.
    Bergitu lah tinggi nya nilai penulisan TUN. Mungkin ada rakan2 disini bolih menterjemahkan didalam kontek atau perspektif lain disebalik cerita pengalaman seorang “Butcher” di Mozzarella cheese.

  28. Dearest Y.A.B. Tun,
    I hope both you and Tun Siti are in good health.
    My family consumes a lot of cheese; cheese slice, mozarella, chedar and many more. I look forward to see more local recipes with use of cheese. I will definitely find it useful for my cooking.
    On a separate note, thank you so much for adding RSS subscription capability on

  29. Tun,
    On a different subject. The US boycott.
    Before we go on a US boycott – what about Israeli origin companies already operating in Malaysia in disguise – these should have never been allowed here. One such company is a VISHAY Technologies in Melaka. Read this article on their origins:
    The grit of a survivor
    24 Feb, 2008, 0448 hrs IST,Gouri Athale, TNN
    For those brought up on a diet of Leon Uris and stories of the Jewish ghettos of World War II Europe, a meeting with a survivor of one such ghetto was not to be passed over. That this survivor, now an 82-year old, is the founder chairman of a company with revenues of just under $3 billion, might be reluctant to recall his youth is understandable. In fact, his immediate response to a question on those days was,

  30. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Terima kasih HBT.Guna window XP baru boleh log in
    Gembira hari ini untuk mengetahui orang tua itu dari kampung Tokku Paloh.
    Salam Sejahtera.Al-Fatihah.
    Penting untuk kita belajar melapah supaya daging sembelihan menjadi lebih enak untuk dimasak dan dimakan.
    Cara-cara sembelihan juga penting supaya halal untuk dimakan.
    Saya tak pandai.Saya mahu belajar untuk menunaikan ibadah korban.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  31. Dear Ybgh Tun ,
    Very enlightening …. I would hope PPES Ternak of Sarawak Economic Development Corporation would consider adding similar buffalo rearing as well in addition to cows , deer and camels especially in areas around Limbang etc and consider manufacturing of cheese , Malaysian leather and related leather goods etc.
    I think it is quite widespread in Malaysia that we have a number of quality feedstock for manufacturing purposes but usually LACKS quantity adequate to sustain long term production . Your alert is very much relevant and appreciated .
    Selamat Tahun kepada Tun & Family

  32. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    The Republic of San Marino with just 61 square KM of land mass is the fifth smallest country in the world. But don

  33. Assalamualaikum Tun and all Che Det bloggers,
    At last i’m in…i’ve change my name from hazard72 to 72hazard because my previous name cannot be used to log in.
    Sekian wassalam
    Seremban 120109 9:41am

  34. Dear Dr M,
    indiana on January 11, 2009 10:52 PM
    This monkey thought he has done more than Tun Mahathir to fight for Palestinian Cause. It’s funny to think how people can be shallow at times.
    This donkey thinks it can read peoples mind. Where the hell did I mention about Palestinians and what I and Dr M did for them in this blog.
    Come on brother. Wake up! and don’t fantasize too much.

  35. Dear Dr M,
    indiana on January 11, 2009 10:52 PM
    This monkey thought he has done more than Tun Mahathir to fight for Palestinian Cause. It’s funny to think how people can be shallow at times.
    This donkey thinks it can read peoples mind. Where the hell did I mention about Palestinians and what I and Dr M did for them.
    Come on brother. Wake up.

  36. Malaysians are a bit slow in catching up and when they do, it is always too late. Butchery is a skill, yet to be mastered by our local boys.
    Anyway, here is a more interesting piece of news which I heard through the grapevine at Langkawi.
    A new self sustaining eco hotel in the making is getting into trouble with the authorities and may not get to renew its licence to operate. Reason? Beacuse it did not apply for a permit to use rain water and secondly there are no drainage for water to flow out to the sea.
    This self sustaining eco hotel is built on the principle of recycling used water, gets energy from the sun and water supply from the rain, but the authorities does not encourage it.
    Any comments Dr. M?

  37. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    You are not only BEST in implementing policies and projects that will bring Malaysia to be an developed country but also GREAT in utilizing your skills, hard working attitude and “strategi turun padang” to tell us the direction that Malaysia needs to move on to the direction in these coming 10 years. After introducing non-farming jobs, the weblog business, now Tun has directed us to look into farming job, that is utilizing the breeding of cattle skills in creating farming jobs that will indeed an industry that we should look into it.
    Tun, most chinese do not consume beef because of buddhism. In reality, I think Malaysian chinese is abide by this mentality. In Japan, Hong Kong and China, they consume beef because these cattles are breed to be eaten, not breed to work in the padi fields as of those old days. So to them, there is no harm in eating beef. Whatever is it, I do not consume beef, but I allow my children to take beef because I do not want to limit their choices of meat. Please don’t get me wrong, Tun, it’s my personal opinion and it has nothing to do with religion.
    Good day.
    P/S. Tun, me too having problem to sign in to comment using the old PC with version of microsoft window 2000. With the XP version, I have no problem in commenting. Maybe our bloggers can use ‘Opera Browser’, fast and user friendly to try out.

  38. Tun yang saya amat kasihi,
    saya mempunyai cadangan agar dapat dinilai oleh Tun sendiri supaya negara kita dapat keluar dr kemelut ekonomi yg melanda buat masa ini.
    1. Kerajaan perlu menyuntik dana 7 billion sperti yg diwartakan mulai sekarang untuk merangsang projek2 pembangunan supaya berlaku kerancakan aktiviti ekonomi di peringkat pertengahan.
    2. Kerajaa perlu mendesak supaya TNB, Talikom, PLUS menurunkan kadar potongan 25% daripada tarif sekarang untuk tempoh 2 tahun sahaja, supaya lebihan td dapat dibelanjankan oleh rakyat bawahan.
    3. Cadangan supaya semua cukai diturunkan pada kadar yg sewajarnya.
    Apabila kecairan berlaku di pringkat atasan dan bawahan bertembung, kerajaan juga akan mendapat faedahnya.
    Saya amat mengharapkan cadangan ini dapat diketengahkan oleh Tun, oleh kerana Tun lebih arif setelah memerintah negara kita selama 22 tahun.

  39. Salam Tun,
    My friends have been asking on how to get the cheese and they were even asking me to courier 1kg to them.. with such demand, the cheese could be another trademark of Langkawi besides “minyak gamat”.

    Tok Det, keep fighting for this cause.

  40. Dearest Tun,
    1. Tun, you are STILL RELEVANT, even when you talk about mozzarella cheese.
    2. Hope Pak Lah knows that he is the ONE who is IRRELEVANT, because no one (other that those

  41. By Nothing but wind on January 11, 2009 1:37 PM
    Dear Tun Dr M,
    What? MOZZARELLA CHEESE II?! Is that your choice of topic compared other urgent topics? Are you satisfied with the happenings in Kuala Terengganu that you would want to touch on a lighter topic? Or were you asked distance yourself from the by-election? Certainly, you still make the headlines when it comes to contemporary politics. Not only that, the politicians and the press are always on the look out as to what you have to say on any political development or decision making.
    Please revert back to a topic related to current political events. We can have MOZZARELLA CHEESE when we visit Langkawi. Talking about Langkawi, it does not have enough attractions to pull more tourists. Even the local tourists are not that happy and feel it is not value for money (except for the duty free items).
    Will those high ranking officials in the island and your team of advisers come up with a Langkawi enrichment and redevelopment plan.
    I am sure you have a lot of ideas to develop Langkawi as it your baby.

    This monkey thought he has done more than Tun Mahathir to fight for Palestinian Cause. It’s funny to think how people can be shallow at times.

  42. Tun,
    I know Tun is a forward-looking person because you always look for hi-tech or proven methodologies as the plan for technological improvement. It sounds to be a good idea to bring in new know-how in cow breeding and butchery techniques. However, I just feel that you may have gone too far and too fast for the local consumers and the local Malaysian farmers to catch up with you.
    As for the local consumers, majority of them are not gourmet eater who have developed a habitual good taste on the delicious T-Bone steaks. Majority Malaysians can only afford to pay for a bowl of “sup daging” (beef soup), “sup gear box” or “sup ekor” (ox tail soup) for their dinner, which typically costs about RM6 per serving per person. The local consumers are simply too poor for a piece of tasty T-Bone steak, which may cost about RM20 in a gourmet restaurant.
    The market demand may be a problem for the local cow farmers since they have to face the keen competition from beef importers who usually bring in frozen beef from Australia, Indonesia, India or Pakistan. As far as I know, the cow farm which is operated by your buddy Tan Sri A in Padang Hijau, Kahang, Johor can only manage to fetch a retail price of about RM7 per kg for his fresh beef.
    If Tun really cares enough to ask the cow farmers about the common problems they face, then it will not be difficult for Tun to realize that uncontrolled import of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) pathogen-carrying live cows from Thailand and the high feeding cost are the most commonly found problems in ruminant farming industry of Malaysia.
    Foot-and-Mouth Disease is not easy to control because many importers are allowed to smuggle into Malaysia the FMD pathogen-carrying live cows through the Malaysia-Thailand borders. It is not easy to detect the FMD pathogen through the bare eyesight unless the importers really go through the blood-test (which is always skipped during smuggling process) on the live animals.
    High feeding cost is also a fatal problem. Some books may suggest that one head of cow requires one acre of pasture land for growing. However, in Malaysia a typical farmer who owns 300 acres of pasture land may still find that 300-acres land is barely enough to feed 180 heads of popular cattle species such as Brahman meat cow, KK Buffalo, Bali Buffalo or Red Pied Friesian dairy cow, especially during the interruption period of grassland replanting. Taking into the consideration of the current land cost of about RM60,000 per acre, how many farmers can really afford to rear cattles nowadays in Malaysia? Some smart farmers are just barely enough to operate on a breakeven level by feeding their animals with some inexpensive foodstuff like Sago waste, waste water from Taufu factory, brewery waste and prune-off oil palm leaves.
    Even the unreliable feed such as Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) which is deemed to come with problematic high copper content and diarrhea-causing high fat content will cost the farmers more than RM500 per tonne in Malaysia as at to-date. Sometimes it may cost the farmers about RM6 per day to feed one head of their cows. The high feeding cost is really killing the farmers.
    The Malaysia Government has spent a lot of money on operating the research institutions such as MPOB and Institut Haiwan. However, not many of the so-called experts who draw high salary from the research institutions seem to grasp a good hold of what is actually going wrong with Malaysia in terms of high trade deficit in relation to frozen meat import. We have been talking about the objective of food security since the days of currency attack in 1997-1998 until to-date. However, there is not much of the progress we can see so far in relation to the food security in Malaysia. Our consumers still prefer to buy imported frozen meats because they are relatively much cheaper than the locally produced fresh meats. Our cattle farmers feel very much disappointed with the Federal Government under BN Administration because the available pasture lands are limited and the grain feed prices keep running up to an unaffordable level. It will not be surprised for us to see that more and more cattle farmers are bound to run into the financial stress and tight cashflow situation in the near future due to the slowdown in the market demand for meat products as consequences of recent sluggish market for oil palm Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) and Rubber Latex.
    Therefore, I think it is not realistic for Tun to talk about training the Malaysian butchers to sell special cuts like T-bone, rib, cheek, fillet, rump etc in the current sluggish market situation. The special cuts are just too luxurious for a typical Malaysian consumer in the midst of economic slowdown.
    P/S: Your blog administrator doesn’t like my name “Onlooker” therefore I have to change it to “1Onlooker”.

  43. Tun,
    Ada yang mengatakan mengapa Tun menukil tentang Mozarella Cheese sedangkan ada isu yang lebih penting untuk dinukil. Nukilan Tun ini ada banyak maksud tersiratnya. Jangan baca pada permukaannya sahaja. Gunakan ilmu didada untuk mentafsir dan menganalisa hasil nukilan ini.
    Isi tersirat yang paling penting dalam nukilan ini, dengan keadaan ekonomi yang tak menentu, semua pihak perlu memahirkan diri dengan skill2 dan ilmu2 dalam bidang masing2.
    Dengan cara ini semua pihak dapat mencari cara yang paling sesuai untuk melihat bahagian mana untuk diketepikan (liabiliti) dan bahagian mana yang paling baik untuk ‘dicambah’ bagi mendapatkan lebih manfaat (profit/revenue).
    Tanpa skill/ilmu, kita akan fikir apa yang kita selalu ada itu baik untuk kita walhal itulah yang merosakkan kita.

  44. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Sorry Tun I’ve to stop craving for cheese right now since it reminds me of MacD cheeseburger, cheese in Pizza Hut’s, KFC’s Zinger burger with cheese on it and the list goes on.
    How to talk or even think of these western foods when the Palestinians are being deprived of healthy food and clean water and medicines. Are you trying to slow down the momentum, Tun? You should keep tabs on the more important current issues here for our reading but then this is your blog.
    If the Langkawi cheese is sold in my neighborhood and part of its earnings goes to the KLFCW or to the Palestinian Funds or maybe send Langkawi Buffalo Daging Dendeng or Langkawi-Made Buffalo Shoes to Palestine on humanitarian grounds and around the world, then I would gladly buy and eat it (only Langkawi cheese since I’m confident of its halal status).
    But then in the meantime no cheese on my table, imported or locally made until the Isrealis ceased their oppressions in Gaza.
    Anyway Tun this is only an opinion and suggestions from a no-one.
    Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

    8. Maybe our butchers are already doing that and would require no more training. But in case they are not then they should get themselves trained so that they can maximise the returns to themselves by selling special cuts like T-bone, rib, cheek, fillet, rump etc.

  46. Salam Tun,
    Happy New Year 2009. This was an interesting read and a suitable topic as we approach the Lunar Year of the Ox! 🙂

  47. Asalamualaikum bapak….
    aiyooooo…naper eh takleh sign in…duk berpeluh2 tukar sana tukar sini…harap2 yg ni bertahan lama selagi blog bapak duk ada hendaknyerrr…..jgn lah kena block lagik namer saya heheheheeeeee..
    sibbek dah cerdik sket sbb duk layan kat sini…heheheheeeeee….
    baca artikel ni saya tak sabar2 nak p langkawi….
    strawberi berlori lori…sori sori selama ni tak ingat nak pi…

  48. Saya harap pegawai kerajaan lebih aktif mempromosikan kegiatan seperti ini dgn ikhlas disampaing mendapatkan ganjaran dari segi gaji bulanan mereka.
    Kegiatan yang bermunafaatkan ugama dan bangsa pahlanya sehingga keakhirat nanti insaalah

  49. Assalam mualalikum
    Dear Tun,
    I guessed not many are like you. Who’s mind is always inquisitive and full of ideas. Ideas to enhance and to improve the living lot of the people. And in most case the non Malays are the ones that willing to try it out. Maybe it has to do with financial matters too.
    Also I do noticed not many of our Government officers up the DG level and even Ministers who are willing to come out with ideas and tried it out. maybe either they too scared to be called ‘ a fool ‘ or worse still being accused of having a personal interest or agenda.
    Once upon a time i did try to give some ideas to the DG of the Malaysian Timber Industry Board of what they can do with the unkepmp and unkept showroom at Bukit Nanas . As much as he agreed with my ideas and was really excited about it but sadly in the end it was just empty talk. Nothing was done to improve and attract tourists to the lace.
    I guessed its all about red tape and not willing to take the risk. Courage is risk. Sadly most of us do not have that.
    The only courage and risk that they have is be bought over during the UMNO Election.

  50. A very belated new year greetings to you Tun,
    I have been having difficulty signing in to leave a comment since your website migrated to the present one.So I have to register a new one and hope it works!
    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2009!

  51. Tun,
    Apa-apa yang kita buat mesti dibuat dengan bersungguh-sungguh, serious, focus dan sebagai selain menjalani latihan, kursus dan penyelidikan.
    Dengan itu, perkhimatan dan barangan yang dihasilkan adalah bermutu tinggi dan akan menjadi “branded” disamping menawarkan harga yang berpatutan.
    Itulah yang membezakan sesuatu perniagaan itu berjaya atau sebaliknya.
    Tun, kedai roti, The Loaf di parvillion sangat bagus dan unik saya tengok. Harap Tun dapat buka cawangan di Kuching, Sarawak. Tiada lagi kedai roti macam itu di sini.

  52. wishes you a success in your business. Hope this italian is not like the previous italian whom you had worked with before.

  53. Dear Tun Dr M,
    What? MOZZARELLA CHEESE II?! Is that your choice of topic compared other urgent topics? Are you satisfied with the happenings in Kuala Terengganu that you would want to touch on a lighter topic? Or were you asked distance yourself from the by-election? Certainly, you still make the headlines when it comes to contemporary politics. Not only that, the politicians and the press are always on the look out as to what you have to say on any political development or decision making.
    Please revert back to a topic related to current political events. We can have MOZZARELLA CHEESE when we visit Langkawi. Talking about Langkawi, it does not have enough attractions to pull more tourists. Even the local tourists are not that happy and feel it is not value for money (except for the duty free items).
    Will those high ranking officials in the island and your team of advisers come up with a Langkawi enrichment and redevelopment plan.
    I am sure you have a lot of ideas to develop Langkawi as it your baby.

  54. salam tun
    dl ramai je org2 lama yg ad high skill dlm potong2 daging ni tp skang dh kurg.
    mkn daging korban pn dh xwape best daging sbb kurang nye skill potong daging utk asing2 daging best dgn yg xbest.
    SATU LAGI TUN,PASAL PERKEMBANGAN DI GAZA. seperti yg seme tahu,tun adalh pengerusi anti peperangan kuala lumpur. tp ape kate kt cadangkan buat demo mendesak kerajaan menghantar tentera ke gaza. sbb kt tgk stakat kt buat demo bantah keganasan israel,xde la pulak israel laknat nk lyn kt umat islam kn?kalau boikot barang pun mcm bese je amerika,tgh gawat pun steady je diorg suntik modal bertrillion2 kt industri diorg.
    klo stiap rakyat di setiap negara islam desak kerajaan menghantar tentera,ada la peluang untuk kerajaan islam untuk hantar tentera kan?kalau stakat tggu krajaan anto tanpa seranan kite mcm xgune je. sbb kite tgk israel ni kalau diikutkan,padan dgn lebanon je lwn tp tu la mslhnye umat islam wat diam je.
    walaupun tun pengerusi anti perang,ape kate tun tolong lah desak kerajaan2 islam untuk hantar tentera ke gaza.rasa2nya ni je la caranya,kt kna lawan dgn keganasan gak.cara lain mcm dh xnmpk hasil dh.kt kena tnjuk ketegasan kt sebagai krajaan islam,sbb dgn kata2 pn org dh peduli.
    kalau nk boikot brgn,bkn seme org akan kalau hantar tentera, dgn satu arahan org atasan je,kt boleh mempertahan atau menyelamtkan org skaligus mmberi amaran kpd musuh islam yang kt xkn berdiam diri.
    tolong lah tun….
    kalau tun xnk komen di sini tun tlg la email saya di [email protected]
    saya ingin mendengar buah fikiran tun.
    terima kasih.
    semoga Allah memberkati hidup tun dan dilimpahi rahmat slalu.

  55. Salam Tun,
    Saya sekeluarga amat-amat berbangga dengan idea Tun dan prinsip Tun untuk menaikkan nama Negara Malaysia. Sejak dulu hingga kini dan pastinya sampai bila-bila …
    Saya harap Tun terus dapat menyumbangkan idea Tun yang amat berharga bagi kami semua rakyat Malaysia dalam meniti hari-hari mendatang!
    Amat seronok dapat menonton kemunculan Tun di RTM secara langsung dalam Blog@1, setelah sekian lama saluran media kerajaan itu “memencilkan” Tun … Tun is our number one blogger and our idol! …
    Semoga Tun terus ceria dan sihat walafiat! Aminnnn ….

  56. Seronok dan sejuk hati bila baca masukan macam ini, Ayahnda Tun. You are always thinking of us. How not to love you! 😀

  57. Tun,
    It sounds good to venture by our farmers at Endau, Limbang, Tumpat ,Kuala Pilah and Keningau. Perhaps you want to regroup farmers from these places for study visits at Langkawi. Mozzerella Cheese is new to many.I am only used to Bintulu Cheese i.e the famous belacan.

  58. Dear Tun,
    How about producing leather goods from the hide of bufallos. Does it make business sense? Maybe Mr Bruschi could get Italian entrepreneurs who have the expertise in the production of leather goods to come to Langkawi to set up leather factory there.

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