1. I was shocked when a reporter asked me why I regard the Israelis as terrorists when it is the Muslims who blow themselves up so as to kill children. The Israelis are apparently not considered to be terrorists despite daily reports with pictures of the women, children and babies who have been killed and wounded.

2. Do the suicide bombers deliberately target children? Would they kill children if they could kill Israeli soldiers? What is their objective in killing children? Is it because they know it would win them the war?

3. I have no liking for people who resort to killing by blowing themselves up. But they are not regular soldiers who can be protected by tanks and powerful bombardment before they shoot and kill their victims. In fact the regular soldiers of the Israeli forces need not expose themselves to any danger as they choose their targets. They can shoot missiles from far off. Yet there can be no doubt that civilians including children have been deliberately killed by them in much greater numbers than the suicide bombers have ever done.

4. For the suicide bombers, fear of being discovered before they could blow themselves up must be very real. They have to control themselves and appear calm and innocent as they seek the most effective time and place to blow themselves up. The tension must be great for they know soon they would be dead, killed by the explosives they were carrying.

5. To get close to Israeli soldiers would be a great feat. The soldiers would not allow Arabs to get near them knowing that they might be suicide bombers. Not being able to go back with the bomb unexploded the bombers must blow themselves up somewhere.

6. Have they all targeted children? I don’t think so. The Western media is biased and are controlled by Jews. The Israelis do not allow foreign Press reporters to see them killing the people of Gaza and elsewhere. The reports of the suicide bombers targeting children came from the Israelis. Can we believe them? Do we get any pictures of children being killed like the pictures we see of children in Gaza being killed?

7. In any case we know that the number of Israelis killed by suicide bombers or Hamas rockets are nothing compared to the nearly 1,000 Gazans confirmed killed so far. Even the Red Cross and other international agencies have condemned Israeli atrocities.

8. Yes the suicide bombers are terrorists. But they have no other choice. They don’t have bomber and fighter planes, tanks, guns, rockets and chemical weapons to fight their enemies.

9. The Israelis are terrorists by choice. They have been trained to kill using powerful weapons. We see them killing on television and in pictures in newspapers.

10. The whole world condemns Israeli attacks. It is strange that a Malaysian reporter should think it is all the fault of the people of Gaza and Hamas.

258 thoughts on “TERRORISTS”

  1. Dear Lou Ma and all concerned,
    Bila kami melabelkan yahudi/israel itu terrorist, tolong kami semua cermin2 diri sendiri, apakah kami juga sama, senada spt terrorist?
    Cerita-cerita spt terkait, mana ada selesainya? dari dulu sebelum Islam, datangnya Islam, tetap sama saja….
    Jgn memusuhi sesama manusia kami semua, termasuk Cina spt saya, Arumugam yang Hindu, si John yang Christian, serta yahudi2 lain di dunia ini spt kalian yg Muslim-muslimah, kami semua cucu Adam-Hawa loh? Paham? Perangi keganasan dengan kesedaran hati nurani, mudah2an aman dunia ini, Amin.

  2. I fail to see how a man, standing in his own home, or nation, defending himself, his family and his neighbors against an invading foreigner who has to kill or drive him from his land and steal it can, regardless of the weapons, tactics or deceptions he uses, be called a “terrorist.”
    In most places in the world, other than Palestine, he would be regarded as a “patriot,” or a heroic defended=r of his home, family, tribe, and nation.

  3. Dear nasurudin,
    Very interesting to read “terrorist come frm Singapore military”.
    I personally think that Singapore is the one who worried about terrorist from the neighbouring countries which serve the ‘birth place’ of religious fundamentalist or terrorist.

  4. Salam Tun,
    Saya sentiasa bersetuju dengan komen2 dari Tun. Terima kasih kerana masih lagi menulis dan mengeluarkan pandangan2 yang bernas sebagai pembuka minda bagi ramai orang.
    Maafkan saya kerana bahasa saya selepas ini mgkin agak kasar sedikit, tetapi bukan ditujukan kepada Tun.
    Saya nak tujukan komen saya selepas ini kepada si laknat pakpandir08 yang bodoh sombong tu.
    Awak tu kalau dah tak tau fakta, tak payah la nak cerita tentang hal-hal global macam ni. Pegi kedai beli telur, rebus sampai keras, lepas tu telan dengan kulit2 sekali.
    Kalau tak tau, diam. Baca aje, then pahamkan betul2. Jangan tunjukkan sangat yang awak tu bodoh….

  5. Untuk pengetahuan semua.
    Saya pernah terbaca yang Pak Pandir ni orang cina…dia yang mengaku sendiri. Kalau tak caya bacalah komen yang terdahulu dalam chedet.com

  6. Dear Austozi,
    I admire your humbleness and belive you can rationalize the facts. I am sad to see comments you’ve made towards me is actually reflecting yourself. I guess that would be it….think again.

  7. Dear Tun,
    My main woories about terrorist come frm Singapore military.They have the capababilities and might to take us out in 3 hours. Just down south of Bukum Island of Singapore, they have just completed building an air jet strip capable of holding 40 dozens of fighter jets. Up north near Bukit Timah, ground to ground missiles pointing Johor and Major cities of Peninsular Malaysia are always in ready mode.

  8. Assalaamualaikum,
    Dear brothers & sisters in Islam,
    The Palestinian people truly need our sympathy and help. The recent invasion in Gaza by the Israel has made life more pressing and very difficult for our brothers, sisters and children in Palestine. Recently in the news, more than 1,300 innocent lives have been killed and more than 22,000 buildings like houses, schools, Masjids, hospital and government infrastructures were bombed and destroyed. There is no clean drinking water, the sick and the injured are left helpless as medical drugs are very scarce and limited, children have lost their parent(s), there are no jobs to earn for a living and food are very expensive and scarce too. The disheartening story will go on and on without any certainty of improving the lives of Palestinians in the future. It is estimated that there are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. However, sad to say, majority are living below poverty line.

  9. Maaf Tun,
    Saya ingin menggunakan kesempatan atas Blog Tun untuk menyelitkan link supaya para pembaca semua dapat menilai apa yang berlaku di Palestine dari sudut berbeza, bukan dari sudut pelaku atau yang diperlakukan.
    Harap2 pembaca dapat menyelitkan link tersebut sebagai usaha mendidik dan menyampaikan maklumat, terutamanya di laman2 popular seperti youtube, myspace dan sebagainya.
    Ramai yang memberi komen sebelum membaca maklumat secukupnya. Daripada mengherdik JAHIL, PANDIR atau BODOH, lebih elok disertakan sumber maklumat untuk dibaca dan paling tidak untuk dibahaskan dengan tatacara. Kata2 kesat tak dapat mencerahkan hati yang hitam.
    Tapi sabar dan baik bahasa mungkin. InsyaAllah.
    Mungkin yg lain2 ada link dari sudut Israel/Palestine bolehlah di selitkan beserta komen.
    Pleasant Hill, CA

  10. YABhg Tun,
    GAZA, 18 January, 2009. Just after dawn today the Palestinian Government send it’s troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunship into Gaza in search of terrorist Zionist Jews. According to a spokeman for the Palestinian Army, this latest move is in retaliation to the Zionist terrorist constant rocket attack into it’s territory. This latest aggressions by the Palestinian army received condemnation from many arab, middle eastern countries.
    The UN and US issue warning and ask the Palestinian army to restrain it’s use of excessive force. It however defended the Palestinian right in protecting itself and warn leaders of the Zionist terrorist to stop rocket attack into Palestinian territory.
    Palestinians and the Zionist terrorist had been fighting bitter wars for nearly 40 years for control of the disputed territory. And, the Palestinian Government had built walls to protect itself from sporadic attack by armed militant Jews.
    The latest casulties figures, 1000 death from the Jews and 8 from the Palestinian army. The US is a stunch supporter of the Palestinian. The US along with Britain helped create the state of Palestine for Palestinians immigrants escaping Nazi Europe after a million Palestinian were killed by Hitler Nazi Germany during World War 2.

  11. Salam Tun.
    Allow me to comment the lines below:-
    “By ah_heng on January 14, 2009 5:14 PM
    Dear Tun,
    Being a Malaysian, we always heard “your” side of the story. And obviously we have painted Israel as the “bad” one.
    I am just wondering, what will the “Israelis” talk abt themself? HERO? Country with a mission?
    I always like to hear both sides of the stories….
    So…Wong or ah_heng need to hear “story” from both sides. News written too little? BBC…CNN…ALJAZEERA….AOL….GOOGLE…YAHOO..etc….not enough?
    Hear no more man.
    You have travelled the world. Haven’t you. May be…read no more for analytical prowess you do not have. Looking and listening from a far is too much for your mind to comprehend. You must be stupid with a peanut mind…..poor you. So….Tel Aviv shall be your destination for your another trip abroad. Learn hebrew….listen to the everyday conversation on the street, listen to the radio and watch their TV programme. Do not go to get into GAZA strip…do not bother. Just try to get as near the border as possible.
    Well “seeing is believing” is better. This experience will enlighthen you. I am sure you would not be making such a stupid, ignorance, silly comment.

  12. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me.
    Dear hening,
    You obviously are not receptive to alternative opinions so I’ll keep this short.
    You are contradicting yourself again.
    I fear nobody will ever understand the whole picture if wise people like you keep baulking at any questions deemed by you to be ‘too sensitive and inhumane for public consumption’. All there will be is one-sided information derived solely from what you believe to be fact. I’m willing to entertain the idea that such information may be fact, but let’s not lie to ourselves that it makes the picture complete.
    Nevermind if you still don’t get it. I’m tired and moving on.

  13. YABhg Tun,
    I heard from a close source of mine from Pentagon that the new US President, Mr.Barack Obama had directed the US Airforce to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq with tons and tons of………money and foods!!
    and kill them all with kindness….
    I hope the Afghans and Iraqis will retaliate in kind……..for this latest American cruelity and blow themselves up…….
    with joy and laughter.

  14. YABhg Tun,
    I would like to respond to S..Tan’s January 16, 2009. 12.28am comment.
    S..Tan,yes…you are right sir, there are a lot of OVERZELOUS HEROES around. Infact in my home town, there are these local overzealous heroes who OVERZELOUSLY erected huge memorials for their loved ones brutally killed by the Japanese Army during the war. And, they are no bumiputera either…..,if you get what I mean.

  15. Hello Austozi and DrPerfect,
    The question was tailored to help you to realize what is a right question to be asked. As a reporter, one should know the fundementals and be sensitive to the situation before asking a question. The fact is, the whole land occupied by Isrealis now belongs to Palestenians by history and the Palestenians are constantly being harrased since the day of first occupation. Tun has striked the bulls eye in the first paragraph of this topic. I am more ashamed of your remarks and have no regret on my comments because you are the one with the ill thoughts since you give room to inhuman question by the reporter. If you think you are a wise man, try to understand the whole picture before commenting. I can anticipate your will belabor on your stand but the fact will remain as a fact. I am never ashamed of using sarcasm expression to hit the nail right through your head.

  16. Its all about Zionist, free mason… Not all of the Israel is terrorists but all the Zionists in Israel and US are terrorists.
    After Gaza, next stop will be IRAN. Wait and see… Bloody fool of America

  17. Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar:
    Allah’s Apostle (Prophet Muhammad p.b.s.) said, “You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews till some of them will hide behind rocks. The rocks will (betray them) saying, ‘O ‘Abdullah [i.e. slave of Allah (refering to the Muslims)]! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him”.
    Source from Sahih Bukhari,Volume 4, Book 52, Number 176:

  18. Salam Semua.
    Cadangan aku, jika ingin menyatakan sesuatu, dan menyampaikannya secara ilmiah, adalah lebih baik disertakan dengan sumber kenyataan tersebut. Pembaca yang bijak mungkin boleh membaca sumber tersebut dan membuat kesimpulan yg terbaik atas komen2 kalian. Kerana perlu difahami setiap komen/artikel pasti mempunyai asas dan kecenderungan tertentu.
    Aku ingin melihat saudara PakPandir08 menyatakan sumber beliau untuk pemahaman pembaca2 lain.

  19. Salam Tun!
    I would like to add few words more for the ignorant Pak Pandir and that bloody stupid reporter….sorry…I’m being harsh here.
    You (PP & Reporter)two bloody novice! Read…Read…Read…..
    Research why and how Israel comes into being. What were the ways,means and tool used to make it happened. And find out how the existence is ensured. What or rather who has been the tools.
    Find out also why and how Hamas came into being or rather born. Who were/are their sponsors…originally or current.
    You get the real finding….you publish and do not forget to attach your opinion therein…..Then see….whether you are still breathing the next day after it went public. Ahh!! what am I saying…You ain’t got no balls. Are you?
    You are not reading….you have not been researching….you are shallow. Go to Palestine man/lady….if you have not been reading.
    Sorry Tun….stray dog shoot stray bullet and they do not deserve good words.

  20. Assalamualaikum w.w.
    Kekejaman bangsa yahudi (Israel) kepada umat Islam Palestin hanya boleh di selesaikan dengan menggunakan senjata paling canggih di dunia, dimana senjata ini ada pada umat Islam.
    Senjata yang paling ampuh adalah doa kepada Allah s.w.t. Doa ini mempunyai kaedah tertentu untuk dipatuhi memudahkan ianya di kabulkan oleh Allah s.w.t. Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
    Oleh itu di sini saya menyarankan agar seluruh umat Islam di seluruh dunia sama-sama melaksanakan doa ini, insya Allah dengan kesatuan hati dan tekat seluruh umat Islam,penderitaan rakyat Palestin dapat dihentikan / dikurangkan dan pengajaran yang sungguh dahsyat akan diterima oleh bangsa Israel yang kejam dan bertindak diluar batas kemanusiaan. Usaha-usaha murni lain yang sedang berjalan perlu diteruskan seperti pungutan Derma kilat, sholat hajat, usaha diplomatik oleh pihak kerajaan dan NGO dan sebagainya.
    Saranan saya dibawah ini adalah merupakan bacaan Surah YASIN dan DOA kepada Allah s.w.t. yang Maha Rahman dan Maha Rahim.
    Cara-caranya adalah seperti dibawah ini:
    1. Membaca surah Yasin (Sekali, 3X atau 7X )setiap hari sebaiknya selepas Sholat fardh, ketika sampai ke ayat perkataan ‘MUBIN’ ( dimana terdapat 7 MUBIN pada surah YASIN iaitu pada penghujung ayat yang ke 12, 17, 24, 47, 60, 69 dan 77) berhenti membaca dan letakkan jari telunjuk anda pada ayat MUBIN tersebut sambil berdoa ” YA ALLAH MATIKANLAH RAKYAT ISRAEL SERAMAI RAKYAT PALESTIN YANG TERKORBAN, CEDERAKAN LAH RAKYAT ISRAEL SERAMAI RAKYAT PALESTIN YANG TERCEDERA DAN TIMPAKANLAH PENDERITAAN KEPADA RAKYAT ISRAEL SEBAGAIMANA PENDERITAAN YANG DIRASAI OLEH RAKYAT PALESTIN” ( Ketika doa ini dibaca kusyu’kan fikiran anda dan bayangkan wajah-wajah bangsa Yahudi yang zalim yang akan menerima pembalasan dari Allah s.w.t.. doa untuk ini tidak boleh melebihi batasan).
    2. Pada setiap malam jumaat selama 3 minggu berturut-turut ( iaitu pada 22 Jan, 29 Jan dan 5 Feb. 2009) seluruh umat Islam di syorkan membaca surah YASIN di masjid secara berjemaah selepas sholat Maghrib dan bacaan dipimpin oleh Imam masjid berkenaan. ( Bacaan mestilah di ulangi sebanyak 7X dan cara bacaan dan doa seperti di atas.)
    Beberapa perkara di bawah ini perlu di ambil perhatian kepada seluruh umat Islam yang ingin berdoa menggunakan kaedah ini agar doa kita dengan mudah diperkenankan oleh Allah s.w.t.
    1. Tinggalkan semua aktiviti-aktiviti maksiat.
    2. Kerjakan sholat Fardhu Lima waktu tepat pada masanya dan berjemaah.
    3. Perbanyakkan ucapan Istighfar, doa Nabi Yunus dalam perut ikan (300 x)
    4. Perbanyakkan sholat sunat, doa dan zikir, puasa sunat serta perbanyakkan membaca kitab suci Al-qur’an.
    5. Perbanyakkan sedekah kepada yang memerlukan.
    6. Taatilah kedua orang tua dan berdoalah untuk keselamatan mereka di alam kubur jika mereka telah meninggal dunia.
    7. Kita hendaklah menanamkan keyakinan yang tebal dalam diri kita, sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t. memperkenankan doa kita.
    Saya mengajak dan merayu kepada umat Islam seluruh dunia, marilah kita sama-sama menggunakan senjata paling canggih ini untuk memberi peringatan kepada musuh-musuh Islam khususnya bangsa Yahudi (Israel) ini.
    Semoga usaha kita yang tidak seberapa ini jika dibandingkan dengan penderitaan rakyat Palestin mendapat Tawfiq da Hidayah Allah s.w.t. dan semoga hidap dan mati kita dalam keadaan mentaati perintahNya. Amin Ya robbil ‘Alamin.
    (Forwardkan email ini dan terjemahkan kedalam pelbagai bahasa yang anda ketahui )

  21. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Kepada pakpandir08.
    Usik lagi SARANG TEBUANG, kan dah kena sengat.
    Padan dengan muka kamu! Hwa,hwa,hwaaaaaaaaa!

  22. Dear Dr M
    I wholly agree that the Israelites and US should be brough to justice. However I wonder also how many lives can be saved if Hamas is not so stubborn so as to fire rockets to South Israel and irritate them. We know how the Israelis are. Hamas fire 1 rocket, Israelis will fire 1,000 back. And the Israeli soldier monsters will deliberately target innocent women and children. So should Hamas be stubborn and defiant if not behaving so can save innocent lives?

  23. Hi Tok det,
    1. I can understand when CNN or CBS spin words to deliberately be bias against muslims.
    2. Eg. A white man with a gun = gunman
    A man that resembles an arab with a gun = terrorist
    3. It is part of a propaganda that uses the english language.
    4. Throughout the Israel aggression on Palestine, CBS chose to report more on Obama’s economic plan rather than the atrocity Israel was perpetrating. At least CNN covered more on the Israel brutality.
    5. But what i dont understand is when our on news channel read news from the west without thought. I was listening to MIX FM’s news yesterday and they were referring to Hamas as Islamic militants.
    6. This is exactly the propaganda Israel uses over the media. It is really sad when MIX FM cannot be thorough with its news reporting.
    7. Since this is a popular blog, maybe someone will pick up on my complaint.
    Shahril Teoh

  24. Salam Tun.
    Nak komen sikit orang-orang ni Tun:-
    1.PakPandir08—-(memang pandir)
    2.Reporter..(entah sekolah mana reporter tu)
    Baca ni:-
    – Palestinian were not crazy going against the might of Israel arsenal with a sling shot or stone – remember Intifadah(If you have been reading)
    – Palestinian are not stupid going against the might of the Israel arsenal by ending the ceasefire few month ago( If you have been reading)
    – Palestinian were not stupid going against the might of the Israel’s arsenal by firing the ugly cylinder into uninhibited Israel’s territory (If you have been reading)
    Those are the act of showing displeasure….the least they could.
    What would you do if your wife or daughter is being raped in from of you? When you are being forced to witnessed. Hand tied. Gun pointed to the head? Smile? May be you would. Other can’t.
    Those act(the Palestenian) were by those who can’t bear the prolong act of aggression they were subjected to. It natural.
    Stupid reporter! Ignorance Pak Pandir……read…read…You must be looking and seeing at the same time.
    Sorry Tun….people must put comment for valid reasons here.
    Those peanut headed are too unbearable.


  26. GOOD!
    Now we can address ISRAEL as TERRORIST BY CHOICE!!
    I like that word.. UPHOLD my FRIEND…

  27. I studied in one of the US university way back in 1981 and they have a Jewish Society there. They are so hateful of the Palestinians that they have a pin up on their wall, a map of Palestine, which is a blank piece of paper. What does that mean?

  28. #01)
    So We (Allah) made an agreement with you (Children of Israel): “You (Children of Israel) must not shed your own blood, nor drive one another out of your homes;” then you ratified this and were witnesses [for it]. (Quran: 2:84) by T. J. Irving:

  29. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    My apologies and with your permission,
    To Faceoff Jan 17, 2009. (1:18PM)
    You’re Damn Right, There are always 2 sides of a coin but sometimes due to unfair circumstances one side looks better than the other. Your judgement on the Israel-Gaza war is impaired due to your lack of knowledge on the history of the Palestine and Israel. Nevertheless you are not to be blame as those who also participated in this blog. Please do some homework, research and reading. You may be able to see some new perspectives. I am sure you can conclude a better judgement after that. But if your mindset already made-up, you may have already being “brainwashed” by the zionist, or stubborn as Bush you can never change your mind. Why? Because you are not able to see reality as a rational human being. Not all Jews agree to the zionist cruelty.
    Thank you Tun.

  30. Buat Pak Pandir,
    Membaca nama anda saya sudah tahu tahap pemikiran dan ilmu yg ada didlm minda dan dada anda.
    Hamas melancarkan roket krn sudah tertekan dan terlalu lama hidup terkepong! Nak dibiarkan mereka akan mati akhirnya, anak2 kelaparan, tiada bantuan dr dunia krn semuanya telah disekat oleh Israel..so jln terakhir drpada mati lmbat dan tak terbela biarlah mereka sekurang-kurangnya melawan mempertahankan tanah mereka..dapat jugak syahid!mempertahankan tanah palestin dimana terdapatnya masjidil aqsa!
    Puncanya israellah

  31. mr wong,
    if u want to know both sides of story of course you can read it everywhere. But I think it is not really difficult to know who is the terrorist when one side have been killed about 1300 lives and one side is only 13 lives!Or you just prentend not to understand!

  32. Dear Tun,
    I am very angry at the Egyptian leaders for not allowing the Palestinian women and children to cross their border into Egypt for shelter. Had they allowed them, the large number of casualty could have been reduced. I am also very angry at the Arab nations for not sending their elite forces with their sophisticated weapons to drive the Israelis forces out of GAZA ! For goodness sake Arabs wake up pull your bloody socks !!!!!

  33. What a shame to see those using irrelevant obscene metaphor on one’s own comment such as what written By hening on January 17, 2009 10:52, please don’t pollute a discussion with your self-thought funny than ever sarcasm and make bad reputation for Malaysians.

  34. #01)
    So We made an agreement with you (Children of Israel): “You must not shed your own blood, nor drive one another out of your homes;” then you ratified this and were witnesses [for it]. (Quran: 2:84) by T. J. Irving:

  35. Dear Tun,
    This is on the light side la.
    Now we Malaysians have to be careful when we speak.
    In our day to day conversations and also in P Ramlee movies, you will frequently hear ” eh, kau ni ingat kau terror sangat ke..”
    “Terror” carries such and innocent and funny meaning for us it is a joyful word to use in our day to day language.

  36. This is no ordinary war. From a religious point of view, it goes way back to the time of creation when the first people started to fight because of jealousy. These first people were the two sons ( Al-Maida ) of Adam and Hawa. One of the sons gave God an offering which was accepted. The other was not accepted. If we are to compare that incident to what is going on now, it is almost the same. The fight for recognition. When emotions get in the way, the thinking becomes one sided. The government controlled mainstream mass media in Malaysia is also not neutral because it tells us that Israel is guilty. Malaysians are not told the other side; that of Israel. Would you simply pick a fight with anyone when there is no provocation from that person ? Unless you are a mentally ill person. Then there are other issues. For the Palestinians, they have the Palestine Liberation Organization and they also have the Hamas and other groups. So Malaysians have to be clear about which of these groups want peace. By wearing the Arafat’s tie, most of Malaysians would go with PLO which recognizes Israel. Talking about terrorism, if you realize, the tactic which the terrorists use these days are surprise attacks. From Bali to Mumbai. Next is where ? Both Bali and Mumbai are places in Islamic countries. Why are they attacked ?

  37. Dear Tun,
    Fruit for thoughts for all to think.
    1) Which is the only country in the world to have dropped bombs on over twenty different countries since 1945?
    2) Which is the only country to have used nuclear weapons?
    3) Which country was responsible for a car bomb which killed 80 civilians in Beirut in 1985, in a botched assassination attempt, thereby making it the most lethal terrorist bombing in modern Middle East history?
    4) Which country’s illegal bombing of Libya in 1986 was described by the UN Legal Committee as a “classic case” of terrorism?
    5) Which country rejected the order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to terminate its “unlawful use of force” against Nicaragua in 1986, and then vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on all states to observe international law?
    6) Which country was accused by a UN-sponsored truth commission of providing “direct and indirect support” for “acts of genocide” against the Mayan Indians in Guatemala during the 1980s?
    7) Which country unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in December 2001?
    8) Which country renounced the efforts to negotiate a verification process for the Biological Weapons Convention and brought an international conference on the matter to a halt in July 2001?
    9) Which country prevented the United Nations from curbing the gun trade at a small arms conference in July 2001?
    10) Aside from Somalia, which is the only other country in the world to have refused to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?
    11) Which is the only Western country which allows the death penalty to be applied to children?
    12) Which is the only G7 country to have refused to sign the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, forbidding the use of landmines?
    13) Which is the only G7 country to have voted against the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998?
    14) Which was the only other country to join with Israel in opposing a 1987 General Assembly resolution condemning international terrorism?
    15) Which country refuses to fully pay its debts to the United Nations yet reserves its right to veto United Nations resolutions?
    Answer to all 15 questions: The United States of America

  38. Hamas is the real terrorist. I am not against muslim, but “Hamas” is the real terrorist. But most people relate Hamas with Muslim since Hamas’ members were muslim….
    Hamas killed Palestine people, in certain cases just because of Palestine having fun (singing and dancing)…
    Hamas/muslim will happy/dancing when they kill others people because they believe there should be no problem by killing people.
    I am not a muslim, I am not a Christian, and I am not a Jews. But I never see any other races other than Hamas muslim dancing on the road when terrorist attack on 9/11….
    Please watch this video made by Palestine people – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_OGhj43GAE

  39. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to respond to hening (January 17, 2009 10:52 PM).
    Indeed, that would be a valid question. However, your analogy is ill thought out. I will try my best to put it into perspective for you.
    Let’s suppose your dad has been accused of sleeping with your wife in his dream.
    Your wife: “He slept with me in his dream.” (Israel: “Blame Hamas for their rockets and suicide bombers!”)
    Your dad: “I didn’t!” (Hamas: “Blame Israel!”)
    In trying to seek clarification from your dad regarding your wife’s allegation, you will need a leading question such as this: “Dad, my wife said you slept with her in your dream. Did you?” (Reporter: “Israel says Hamas fired rockets and sent in suicide bombers, so Hamas is to blame. Why are you blaming Israel instead?”)
    In your dad’s defence, now that he’s received the prompt, he’ll know exactly what to refute (“I will never do that because I’m not interested in women.”). Similarly, knowing exactly that allegation to refute, Tun clarified, “The Palestinians had no choice because they were cornered by Israel. So we can’t blame the Palestinians.”
    Many people know that Israel says, “Blame Hamas!” and Hamas says, “Blame Israel!” But they do not know why. The reporter’s job was to get Tun to clarify why and to inform his/her readers of both sides of the story. That was what his/her profession demanded. It is called journalism.
    You obviously support the Palestinians’ position in this war. It is intriguing why you support them if you have not heard Israel’s argument. I guess you didn’t give it much of a thought. You probably jumped to a conclusion. On the other hand, if you have thought about it, you obviously have learnt about Israel’s argument. In other words, you have benefitted from the same journalistic practice which you are now condemning. What makes you think you are better than other people such that you should be granted exclusive, privileged access to the other side of the story?
    Sorry if I haven’t explained it well enough, but that’s the best I can do. I think your father and wife make as bad an example as mine.
    Just in case anyone else might care enough to wonder, I do think the Palestinians have been victimised in this war, and that Israel has used disproportionate force on civilians. But that shouldn’t make the reporter’s question a taboo to ask, because it helps us shape reasoned opinions about the world we live in.

  40. Assalamualaikum to muslim bro. and sisters
    When the trade centre in New york got hit,the muslim were the one spontiniously had been blamed and now when the Israel attacked Palestinians the muslim were the one who had been blamed,kononnya kalau Hamas tak fire rocket masakan Israel nak attack. If we see through the world in this modern age,only muslim countries suffers the most and attacked by the mighty super power on the name of terrorism. War between Iraq and Iran for eight years,weapon has been supplied to Iraq by USA,WHY? When Iraq try to invade Kuwait due to their internal conflicts between Iraq and Kuwait, USA attacked Iraq. Making it as the opportunities The USA come out with the term Iraq producing nuclear weapon and they destroyed Iraq in total. After the 11Sept09,USA make full use of of the term TERRORIST,NUCLEAR TREAT,DEMOCRACY,AND SELF DEFENCE to wiped out the Islamic countries and conquer the oil and land to Israel. After this, most likely under the leadership of Obama the USA is going to go after Afghanistan on the name of Osama b Laden because Iraq has been destroyed,Palestine has been heavily bombared and Afghanistan,the USA failed to capture till today so its their next target. Iran are on their list,since Iran is self economically independence at the moment the USA might be gearing up their ideas and bad tactic to vanish Iran.
    In Quran already mentioned Gog n Magog will return the Israel people to Palestine for the third time to claim it as their land and they will rule the world,will rebuild the king Solomon temple by destroying the AL Aqsa mosque.In 1948 Israel was formed and returned for the the third time in Palestine illegally by the help of then great power Britain and German. Today the Jews are digging under ground the foundation of masjid al aqsa in order the mosque to be collapse by it self and just with 14million population in this world they are in middle of gaining their power to rule the world, even the USA is under their command. As in hadith it mentioned an army will rise from khurasan to fight the jews and every muslim should joint the army by all means with Imamul Mahdi taking on the lead. Then will come the al masih dajjal(anti-christ) whom the jews will follow,and the prophet Isa a.s(jesus)will kill the dajjal as stated in bible as well.
    For non-muslims you will not understand what is actually happening today and in future unless you have the knowledge of the al-quran and the hadith of prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
    What ever is happening in this world today is the reason why you can see more and more people learning the al quran and the hadith of prophet Muhammad s.a.w,eventually convert to islam.
    when you say about relegion it should sounds global and be accepted globally by all means.
    The word ISLAM mean in arab simply “TO SUBMIT TO THE WILL OF GOD”.

  41. Tun, I really have high regards on you since I met you for the 1st and last time in 1975 at SMK Likas Kota Kinabalu. At that time you were then Minister of Education. As I grew up, you have become the Prime Minister of M’sia.
    I agree with you for condemning world leaders who resorted to war and in particular the war between Hamas and Israel. The great numbers of innocent civilians especially women and children perished in the war really sadden me to the greatest extend.
    But Tun, as I lived on in my beautiful state of Sabah M’sia, Tun had put us living in fear during your term as Prime Minister and until now. As we are not able to build strong houses with bigger iron grills, thus subjected us to easy prey of PATI and the new citizens made up by Tun yourself and your agents in Sabah like Musa Aman Khan our present CM and others.
    Tun, please answer my two questions with your heart.
    1. What prompted you to provide instant citizenship through project IC to the PATI in Sabah?
    2. What do you think about the non-muslim bumiputras in Sabah?
    Thank you Tun. May God blesses you with good health and strength.

  42. Zionists and Israelis politicians are the real terrorists… they are purely terrorist groups.. Hanya Allah sahaja yang akan balas kekejaman mereka…

  43. Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
    saya Norsiah mahu beri sikit komen di ruang ini ya.. 🙂
    majority of Palestinians are Muslims. Most of the Palestinians are being killed by Israelis army. Israelis army killed both Muslims and Christians Palestinians. what i am trying to say is that not only Muslims are the victims of Israelis army, Christians who reside in Palestine are also their victims.
    There is one organisation, Jewish Voice for Peace. The organisation set up by Jewish community in USA. They set up the organisation as they keen to see peace between Israelis and Palestinians. I am so touched because actually they called the USA embassy to stop war in GAZA and although their actions failed, they try and try and try various actions(until now)to speak out against the siege of GAZA. They even sent the tens of thousands who have signed petitions and letters calling for Congress to work for an immediate ceasefire and end the siege. This depicts that even the Jews are not supporting the war on Gaza. They are condemning Israel’s assault on Gaza. They are the JEWS and they are like any other humans who wanted to live in peace regardless of race,language or religion.
    Actually I like the opinion made by a girl. I am not sure what is her real name but she name herself as Azure. This is what she said:
    “its horrible how the Arab countries aren’t doing anything to help the Palestinians. Hamas is wrong about firing rockets on Israeli civilians instead of the military because this is wrong Islamically and not all Jews in Israel support this Zionist act.it is still horrendous how Israel keeps on targeting civilians who haven’t done anything.This conflict is never going to be solved even if all the Arabs were ready to fight against Israel because America and the rest of the world have their best interests with Israel and Israel isn’t going to stop until they get their greedy paws on the whole of the land. i think Palestinians and Israelis should share the land and give the country a new name or split the country in half but make Jerusalem open to both of them. Insha’allah a solution will be found”
    She has good mindset and I am fascinated by her comment. From the way she wrote, I knew she has the mature mind.
    I am an ordinary, teenage girl. I could not boycott all of the USA and Israel goods as Coca-cola is my favourite soft drink and McDonald’s is my favourite fast food restaurants. (I am trying hard not to be hypocrite.) All I can do is to pray to Allah S.W.T to make this world a better place to live in and end the cruelty massacre of Palestinians. Allah S.W.T. is my only hope.

  44. Jews are stuborn people. They controlled everything including the US President’s balls. War between Muslims and the Kafirs will last till the end on the world. The Kafirs created TERRORISM and today they are frighten of what they have created including thier own shadows.

  45. Hello austozi.
    Yes, you can call any queries under the sky as a question and be neutral about it. For people like you, I will not be surprised if you were to question your father whether he has slept with your wife in his dream. This is still a question aren’t it?

  46. Salam Tun,
    Saya bersetuju dengan apa yang tun kemukakan tu..
    Tetapi pada pandangan saya apa yang terjadi di Palestin berpunca daripada kesilapan umat Islam itu sendiri. Allah SWT tidak akan menurunkan bala ke atas umatnya melainkan umat itu sendiri telah melakukan kesilapan atau kemungkaran di atas muka bumi ini. Jika kita lihat sendiri pada sirah Rasullullah yang dahulu, tuhan akan menurunkan bala keatas umat tersebut sekiranya mereka melakukan kemungkaran di atas muka bumi ini.
    Tidak perlu kita lihat jauh, kita cerminkan diri kita sendiri dan tanya adakah kita umat Islam? Adakah kita sudah cukup kuat untuk menangkis serangan dakyah dan pengaruh dari barat? Adakah Islam kita hanya pada nama sahaja? Sekiranya kita tidak berubah sekarang tidak mustahil satu hari nanti kita juga akan jadi seperti Palestin. Fikirkanlah…..
    Bukanlah saya ingin menyokong di atas kebiadaban Israel, tetapi itulah hakikatnya. Umat Islam pada hujung zaman sekarang ini tidak lagi bersatu hati seperti zaman kegemilangan Islam dahulu. Sepatutnya perbezaan pendapat dan fahaman diantara umat Islam boleh membawa kemajuan kepada umat Islam seperti di zaman-zaman ilmuan Islam dahulu. Pada zaman tersebut, perbezaan pendapat dan fahaman ini telah melahirkan lebih banyak ilmuan dan cendakiawan Islam yang terulung di dunia. Bahkan para ilmuan Islam telah menjadi contoh kepada orang-orang eropah dan barat. Namun pada hari ini perbezaan pendapat dan fahaman ini telah menyebabkan umat Islam berpuak-puak dan bermusuhan. Sekiranya umat Islam zaman sekarang sekuat atau seteguh seperti dahulu, maka tidak ada siapa yang akan berani untuk mengganggu gugat keutuhan ISLAM!

  47. Minta laluan YAB Tun,
    Dear onlooker,
    I’m your typical Malay muslim wish to inform you- I do not hate the Jews, as mater of fact history tells us that the muslim Arab world has provided safe haven for the Jews under persecution of Christian tyrants. I personally had Jewish acquintance and teachers during my Uni days.
    What I have issues with is the Zionist regime that want to annihilate the palestinian arabs both muslim and christian – what is the difference between the Nazi holocaust as opposed to what is being perpetuated by the Zionist regime now. If you are to take pity on the Jews for being the Nazi’s victim what about the terror inflicted on the Plastenian for the last 50 years?
    Israel is the only country that is built on the foundation of religous dogma, Judaism.The killing of Palestinan Arabs is to keep the non Jewish population growth in check, and the lost generations of Palastenian of the last 50 yrs only know war as mean to establish their fundamental human rights -to live and survive else Hamas wont be in power today.
    So my freind, we do not hate the Jew but the Zionist regime of the Jewish state.

  48. Salam yang berbahagia Tun,
    Allow me to share the following, which I came across in the blogsphere.
    Thank you.
    The suicide bombing
    by Dr Khalid S.A. Abu Al Saud
    (A surgeon and political philosopher)
    Mother.. O’ mother… I love you!
    I can’t see you suffering anymore,
    Crying daily, for having no money,
    For bread, water, and electricity.
    I can’t see my sister Jamilah crying silently,
    For being scared, and hungry.
    Therefore I decided to sacrifice myself
    For you, the family, and the holy, dying country.
    Good bye, good bye… mother!
    Mother…O’ mother… pray for me!
    They trained me well for my holy duty.
    They promised me, to give you money,
    For 15 years, regularly.
    If I do my duty, correctly.
    Ah… mother! … You don’t need to bury me,
    As my body will be burnt to ashes, immediately.
    Mother… O’ mother… remember me!
    Tell the smart people from West and East,
    As long as there are… millions, and millions
    Of desperate families like our family,
    Of desperate children like me,
    The world will see suicide bombing, continuously,
    Even if they have summit-meetings, weekly.
    Only just peace and economic security
    Can prevent the tragedy.
    O’ Almighty, please forgive me, forgive me!
    Good bye my soul and misery!
    I’ll see you soon in the garden of eternity.
    You… you… stop immediately!
    Boom… boom… boom… !!

  49. In any conflict, there will be the good and bad guys. Who decides which catergory is relative. Likewise, they are Malaysians and foreigners who think that you are a tyrant while others thought that you are an angel.
    Therefore, with due respect Tun, I do not agree 100% of your comments. It takes 2 hands to clap. Why disturb the hornets nest if they do not bother you…maybe a minor irritant but not necessarily have to go to war.
    Tun, there are always 2 sides of a coin. You are looking at one side.

  50. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I supposed this pakpandir08 is a Jew living in Malaysia. Kalau bukan pun. mesti bapa, nenek atau moyang dia adalah bangsa Yahudi terkutuk. Yang pelik tu kenapa nak tinggal kat sini pegi aje le berambus kat US, Europe, Israel atau kurang2 nya kat seberang tambak Johor. Sokong sangat Israel dan US. Memang jenis yang tak mengenang budi. Tinggal kat sini dengan aman masih tak bersyukur lagi and have no sympathy for others.
    Daripada penulisannya he looks adequately educated. Kalaulah dia ni Melayu rasanya he owed this country a lot. Surely his education was sponsered or at least financed by a loan from the goverment. Kalau anak orang kaya pun dari mana datang nya semua harta2 yang ada. Mesti sedikit sebanyak ada bersangkut dengan negara tercinta ini.
    This is one good example of mistake that the goverment had done. Melepaskan anjing tersepit. Nak salah kan gomen pun tak bolih pasal masa dia mohon biasiswa dulu dia pakai topeng manusia.
    Marilah kita bersyukur kerana kita semua tak jadi macam pakpandir08.

  51. SALAM TUN,
    The Israelis by far has weapon of mass destruction since decades ago..
    The Arabs have known this facts donkey years ago….
    Look at the Saudis & other Arab nations….they would rather see Iraq being DISARMED than the Israelis.. So it shows How the Arab people work…among themselves… Please Arab People wake up….The Israelis are making you all look like a fool….. Fight like one people & one nations… United the key word……

  52. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Nampaknya semua masyarakat di dunia bersepakat mengutuk terhadap keganasan di GAza.
    Saya juga bersimpati di atas kejadian yang telah menghancurkan ketamadunan sebuah masyarakat di Gaza.
    Tetapi, tiada bezanya kematian yang disebabkan serangan yang dilakukan oleh Yahudi terhadap Palestin ATAU Amerika membunuh rakyat Islam Iraq ATAU ramai penduduk Islam di serang di Afghanistan ATAU kematian disebabkan oleh askar Siam terhadap masyarakat Islam di Selatan Thai ATAU pembunuhan beramai-ramai di Bosnia????
    Apakah perbezaannya terhadap sebuah jiwa yang merdeka? Mengapakah simpati yang memuncak khusus untuk rakyat Palestin berbanding warga Islam yang lain???
    Adakah kerana Israel disebut di dalam Al-Quran berbanding Amerika, Siam, PBB atau Serb yang tidak tercatat di dalamnya?
    Inilah masanya untuk kita ketengahkan MINDA KELAS PERTAMA yang sering disebut oleh pimpinan negara. INILAH MASA dan KETIKANYA. Tiada guna canang dibunyikan tanpa gendang dan seruling.
    Irama yang menarik, walaupun dibunyikan dengan kuat tidak menyakitkan telinga berbanding sebaliknya.
    Walaupun kita merintih sehingga titisan darah sekali pun, kita tidak mampu mengubah kerakusan nafsu syaitan Israel.
    Bagii saya, adalah lebih baik kita melakukan tindakan yang lebih aktif dengan mengubah haluan seperti yang telah Tun lakukan semasa zaman kegemilangan terdahulu.
    Dasar Pandang Ke Timur.
    Seru seluruh masyarakat di dunia ikut haluan kita dengan membelakangi BARAT. Bukan sahaja masyarakat Islam, bukan Islam juga dipelawa ikut serta.
    Sori tak sempat nak habiskan cerita.. ada kerja perlu dibereskan. Nanti sambung.
    Mat Jenin.

  53. Delpiero,
    What is important here is solution not problem. Problem is the secondary when it happened. So the permanent solution here is to call for PEACE. That is why the human race in this world is using their brain wrongly and there will be no PEACE unless all of us ask ourselves what is the benefit of WAR . List down item by item . What is the benefit of PEACE……….Let us weight it using the most powerful of our brain to THINK……Then we will only know what is the best. Human is not using their brain to the maximum capacity to think why we DON’T NEED WAR BUT PEACE IS WHAT WE WANT FOR ALL MANKIND IN THIS WORLD………………..FROM TODAY ONWARDS WE NEED TO DEFAULT OUR MIND TO PEACE AND OVERWRITE WAR WHENEVER IT FLASH FROM OUR BRAIN………………….

  54. Dear All,
    Some of you have a lot of question. Before you ask for the answer go back at the beginning. The events went on and on never fails to create heat, then into flame and now it is finally blew. It started even before there is anything called Hamas.
    Its not about whos to blame but to make things simple just think of those poor children on both sides. Every momment of the day is in terror.
    Just think of that and figure a way to stop this crime at large.
    No more children killing.
    Stop arguing and start doing your part.
    War is a crime.

  55. Tun,
    Sebenarnya saya pun tertanya-tanya kepada diri saya apakah orang kita benar-benar faham dengan dengan maksud “bias” terhadap komen-komen tentang Israel.Apa yang cuma saya tahu ialah manusia sentiasa melihat orang lain ganjil pada hal mereka juga tidak jujur terhadap diri mereka sendiri diri dengan membuat komen yang “bias” terhadap orang lain.
    Mereka ini adalah terdiri daripada golongan manusia yang boleh diibaratkan ganjil bin pelik memandangkan mata mereka buta terhadap apa yang mereka tahu tentang “bias”.Mereka ini sebenarnya telah membuat komen yang “bias” tetapi tidak mahu mengakunya hanya kerana nak betul sahaja…..
    Itulah yang orang kata kumbang diseberang nampak tetapi Gajah didepan mata tak nampak pulak…………….
    Dalam dunia ini, siapakah yang sanggup melihat manusia berperang sesama umat manusia dengan bunuh membunuh sedangkan Tuhan mencipta dunia ini untuk dinikmat kita bersama. Jadi yang penting kita hendaklah menggalakkan keamanan sejagat dengan membuat komen yang jujur dan tidak berat sebelah memandangkan manusialah yang sebenarnya rugi samada kita menang atau kalah di dalam mana mana peperangan.
    Pada diri saya tidak gunanya membuat komen tentang siapakah yang benar dan sebaliknya . Apa yang lebih berguna ialah dengan menggunakan akal dan fikiran yang dikurniakan oleh Pencipta kita mengapa harusnya kita hendak bunuh membunuh sesama manusia sedangkan Tuhan kita mahu kita hidup aman dan damai. Itulah kelemahan paling ketara dalam diri seseorang apabila tidak memberi tumpuan tentang niat sebenarnya Tuhan kita supaya mematuhi apa yang diturunkan selama ini.Sebarangan peperangan hanya membawa kemusnahan dan tidak membawa apa-apa ertinya kepada umat manusia. Menang dan kalah adalah permainan yang tidak membawa apa-apa erti.
    Cuba bayangkan betapa baiknya kita melupakan semua kejahatan untuk berperang dan duduk semeja untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh dunia ini semenjak manusia dicipta sampailah sekarang.
    Jadi di sini, boleh ke Tun menyiarkan komen saya untuk dikongsi bersama orang-orang yang membaca blog Tun itu. Saya sedia menerima komen dari serata dunia berkenaan dengan cara pemikiran saya terhadap peperangan dan keamanan serta bagaimana otak kita berfungsi dan manusia sebenarnya yang telah menipu dan overwrite semua kebaikan yang dikurniakan oleh Tuhan kita. Saya sangsi komen saya akan disiarkan memandangkan ini bukan kali pertama saya menulis. Namun saya ingin melihat apa reaksi dari Tun tentang cara pemikiran saya dalam soal dunia sekarang.

  56. To Wong :
    Probably you don’t know the history of Israel. Kalau lu tak tau, biar aku bagitau. Yahudi Israel tu asalnya tak ada negara. Kena halau dari Jerman pergi Palestine..Merempat sana..Lepas tu berperang, Amerika and England support. Lepas tu PBB bersekongkol dengan USA and U.K..bahagi negara palestine…2/3 pergi kat Israel..1/3 pergi Palestine..Padahal..Yahudi Israel tu..30% saja population dia..Lepas tu isytihar merdeka..tahun 1948..Kalau aku masuk rumah lu lepas tu claim 2/3 dari property tu..apa lu rasa..???.. Bodoh punya orang…
    To Flin..
    If I have a gun and rampantly shot your family..what do you feel? And you can’t do anything about it..No weapon and no ability to fight back..and no body want to help you..what do you do..lock your self in the cage..that coward..so you will fight back by any means..same thing to suicide bombers..And for your information.. Muslim is Israel enemy..that for sure and fact…
    The world don’t have any right to deny Hamas Organisation as a valid government. People of Palestine choose them. And to declare them as a terrorist organisation..shows how USA are prejudice and unfair. Kalau govt tu ikut telunjuk dia…dia recognise..kalu tak..jadi la terrorist..
    Palestine pun satu jugak…Hamas berperang..Hisbullah duduk tengok..Hisbullah berperang..Hamas tengok..apa nak jadi..Negara Arab tak payah cakap la..semua jadi badut..semua nak jaga tempolok sendiri…

  57. Can someone or somebody tell me or confirm, will the Israeli stop killing/murdering the Palestinians if Hamas quits? I (1000% sure)think the killing will continue even if Hamas quits. Who’s going to buy weapons produced by the top world weapon producer? Where are they going to test their weapon of mass destruction? In Mojave desert?

  58. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Hamas cannot be blame, they represent the Palestinian. We should blame Israel… they the root for all this conflict… I wonder why there are still stupid people try to mixing the fact… I mean those stupid Malaysians that blamming both sides. It is clear that the real culprit are stupid Jewish!!! stupid malaysian jewish supporter… damn you!!!

  59. Hi All,
    I am not non-muslim and not muslim. From a civilized Human standpoint, I strictly condemn Israel acts of killing innocents of Palestine, I just hope the war stop but I disagree with bombing back Israel for peace. For example, If a stranger kill your son today and tomorrow you go and kill the stranger’s son. So, at the end, we only got 2 dead bodies and 2 killers. An eye for an eye will just make the whole world blind.
    But I have 2 questions here :
    1. If Palestine is not a Islamic country, will there be a lot people like you and I protest against Israel and US. What if Palestine is a Jews country like Israel?
    I hope
    everybody still will come forward to protest in the name of “Humanitarian” and not only in the name of “God”. I really hope all of us walking towards India Embassy on 28 Nov 08 after Friday launch sending flower and mourning for the Mumbai bombing victims but we didn’t.
    2. In the history of mankind, all the wars are created by a minority of “Selfish Leader” not by majority of its citizen. If you go and interview every citizen, I don’t think they will say “Yes, we like war” or “Yes, we like to bomb”. the “Leader” is the root problem not its people.
    a.) I hope the US people protest against Bush Administration (Yes, I hope they did cos they choose Obama for a possible good change)
    b.) I hope the Israel people protest against their President.
    c.) I hope the Palestine people protest against their Hamas Gov.
    d.) Finally, I hope all Muslim in the world to stand forward and condemn “Suicide Bomber” who fight in the name of religion. And I hope all Non-Muslim stand forward and condemn US “terrorist policy”.
    Please. We all want Peace and we can achieve it, just don’t believe all the things said by your leader. If the leader is bad, choose another one. Thanks.

  60. Dear Tun,
    do you have any good suggestion/solution for both of them? rather then blaming each other?

  61. salam.
    Tun,saya cadangkan Tun kritik lah org Arab.. Arab Saudi dan Mesir terutamanya..mereka ini jiran2 terdekat Palestin..saudara2 seagama kita..tp apakah usaha mrk untuk membela org Palestin..saya tidak nmpak..yg jelasnya mrk sangat menyokong Amerika dan terus membekalkan minyak pada US..merekalah, pada pendapat sy yg sebenarnya membunuh dan membiarkan rakyat Palestin terus menderita 60thn lamanya!..

  62. assalamualaikum.
    im only 17 and im waiting for my spm results.
    for this blog im so shocked when the reporters asked you the stupidest question ever.i guess.but i agree with you.suicide bombers have no choice.they doesnt have latest machine to kill all the israelis.but in order to have their own land back they have to blow up themselves.n to the reporters.you should think.im sure you are older than me but as a student,ive been talking and discussing about this since im in secondary school but im sure we can make a better conclusion compared to you.you are such a person that not see the world using both eyes.btw u should know,now its the eyes beyond seeing la weyy:DD

  63. Salam kepada YBgh Tun Doktor Mahathir Mohamad..saya sangat mengkagumi ketajaman hujah Tun. Bagi saya tun adalah seorang negawaran dan kata-kata tun merupakan senjata sangat ampuh dan teruskanlah usaha Tun dalam menegakkan kebenaran dan membela nasib semua bangsa yang tertindas.
    Sekiranya ada lagi orang seperti Tun dan jika semuanya pemimpin arab seperti tun..umat islam akan dipandang dan disegani oleh semua bangsa.

  64. Salam Tun,
    Dear Enthusiast, thank you for the information!
    Its hard to believe eventhogh Jews population around the world is only 14 Million compare to 1.5 billion Muslims but Jews conquer most of it!! Hard to swallow but its true 🙁

  65. 8. Yes the suicide bombers are terrorists. But they have no other choice. They don’t have bomber and fighter planes, tanks, guns, rockets and chemical weapons to fight their enemies.
    Both way should just stop firing and engage in a peaceful treaty. By the way suiciding is a crime because it is not only violent, and violating any purpose of the Creator when the life was wasted in war. There is no reason at all to encourage suicide bombing, did you expect every individual to own a plane or tank?

  66. Dear Tun,
    Assalammualaikum Semua.
    Jangan salahkan semua raayat Amerika dan Isreal. Ada juaga di antara meraka yang cintakan kedamaian dan tidak se zalim yang di sangka.
    Mereka semua telah di racuni dengan idea2, rencana, khabar dan propaganda dari sekolah, media dan lain2 di negara mereka sehingga mereka tak dapat membezakan yang hak dan yang bathil.
    Sogokkan berita salah, palsu dan fitnah membuat mereka jadi begitu.
    Democracy depends on Public opinion. So who ever can have the means to control the media can sway public opinion and can thus get people to support aggression, mass murder (BUSH is no different from Hitler in IRAQ as is Olmet in GAZA). They can even win elections when they can sway public opinion???If not how do you explain a MORON like Bush being re-elected for a second term???
    So all citizens of cyber space it is our duty to INFORM the peace loving citizens of Isreal and USA of the real truth; by-passing the main stream untrusted media. Even the much respected agencies like BBC are being made us of by these people. BBC might be ok but they are subtly being made us of to colour the truth of what actually happened, esp in GAZA now.

  67. Response to Aziz:
    At the end of your comment you wrote”..so please the Muslims around the world, stop acting like terrorist and be a true believer because if you do, God will promise you heaven. ”
    What you’re saying is… Muslims around the world have been acting like terrorists.??? Well, I guess, you’ve been bought. Do you think the Muslims wanted this? Who labelleld the Muslims as terrorist? Who had given Palestine to the Jews? Europe don’t want them, and Europe have vast empty land. The so called good old United States of America, should give up one of their states to the Jews.. why Palestine (a tiny, puny state)? So tell me who are the real terrorists?

  68. Wahai orang orang Islam, bergeraklahlah atas nama agama. Itu lah yang paling di takuti oleh musuh musuh Islam. Mereka mempunyai persenjataan yang canggih sedangkan orang orang Islam tidak memiliki apa apa selain dari tubuh tubuh yang kosong yang mereka jadikan sebagai tebusan. Perdalam dan perkuatkan aqidah kita. Berpegang TEGUH dengan kalimah Syahadat. Negara Islam mana yang tidak (atau belum) di jajah? Penjajahan samada dari segi minda atau physical. Hanya Allah yang bolih dan akan membantu kita… bukan PBB, bukan Amerika atau sekutunya.

  69. You guys are barking up the wrong tree and shooting the messenger. It is a reporter’s job to ask questions to solicit responses – the more controversial, the better. After all, controversies increase readership. Who knows, the question may even be “planted”. Instead of condemning the reporter, you should thank him/her. If the reporter had not asked the “stupid” question, then Tun would not have the opportunity to show the world how “clever” he is.

  70. A’kum Tun!
    We can argue about it on and on forever but to say who is the real terrorist is really hard. I am a Muslim myself but i believe in Allah and His words and He does not teach any of us the believers to kill or harm another human being but only for self protection. But even then its better to forgive than to fight.
    But this war in Palestine has been going on for years and we all know about it. and we saw many pictures and heard all sort of stories about it from both sides. but again the we have to understand the main reason why they keep on fighting over the land when they can actually seat and discuss about it and talk like a man. but its not easy since they are both are very stubborn and ignorant about world’s view.
    We Muslims around the world need to look at this and really study the whole situation. because if we continue doing suicide bombing all over the world and keep on showing the world how we doing it in the name of God(Allah). that is totally not what God says.
    but again the Palestine people, Iraqis, Afghans and and all other Muslims around the world will have their argument about it. their mothers and sisters being killed in front of them, their homes burnt down,their land taken, and all sorts of problems.
    so they react and they react wrong by killing themselves and say it in the name of God. we all have brain and do we think God will teach something like that? does not matter if u are muslims, christians or any other religion there is, there will be none teaching u to kill others.
    so for me personally they are both wrong. the Zionist and the Suicide bombers are both terrorist. its just that the Zionist wear uniforms and the suicide bombers don’t. and the Israelis army is recognized by the world and Hamas not.
    but i really would like to see better Palestine in the future in terms of education, political stability and economically. Only through this will be the best way for the Palestinians to get out from hell. try to imagine if they been doing it for the past 60 years, I am very sure they are better equipped now compare to what they are today. today’s war is not just fighting using guns and weapons but also politically and economically.
    we see today there are not many Muslim country in the world that is respected among the world leaders. we are thankfully to Allah for letting someone like Tun to lead our country to the place we are today. but other than Malaysia, do you see any other Muslim country that is strong enough to tell the UN to act accordingly on the world issues? None.
    so the best way to fight the Israelis is not using the weapons but use our brain. we need to study hard and learn how to make the best financial system so that we do not rely on the US for their currency, we need to create our own product to replace all the Israelis products, we need to be better equipped with knowledge then I can bet my live on it that we will defeat them easily.
    so please the Muslims around the world, stop acting like terrorist and be a true believer because if you do, God will promise you heaven.
    thank you

  71. I am a huge fan of yours but due to all respect, Dr.M, I have to agree with Solcroft.
    Dr.M, I believe good journalists should be able to provoke the interviewee in order to get the best or worst answers – depending on how you take the questions as. In this situation, I think you take it a little too personal and defensive towards anything involving Israels and Jewish and any Muslim country.
    Suicide bombers, non suicide bombers or terrorist – what ever you call them, does not justify killing another human being. So please do not reason why suicide bombers did what they did. Killing is still killing – be you Jewish, Muslims, Christians or Hindus. Period. No need for a long list of another post to retaliate from another individual who did not agree with you.

  72. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat selalu. Minta izin…
    …………….TWO SIDES
    We can take sides but have to be fair. We can be fanatic supporters of our badminton team but we cannot cheer even a single illegal line call. In fact we should protest if we are so righteous.
    We can be justifiably outraged by gross atrocities against our chosen side, but should we brush off an atrocity against the other side on proportionality, the end justifies the means? If criminals are given some humanity, compassion what more civilians regardless what their side’s military capacity.
    The reporter probably trying to draw Tun’s attention to your silence on ‘terorrism’ on the other side. You have now given it due mention (hopefully not grudgingly?)
    I support that terrorism comes in many forms by individuals, groups, military, state and allied nations. If it creates fear, anxiety about safety and well being it is terrorism. Examples
    Suicide bomber – Blind retaliation – Hamas
    Military incursions – Wholesale revenge – Israel
    Exterminate dissent – M’sian politics – ISA
    Racial strife – Fear mongering – Umno
    Racial supremacy – Citizenship, economic rights – Umno
    Violent criminals – M’sian Crime Scene – Police busy arresting peaceful damonstrators, attending by elections.
    Boycott – Threat to livelihood – Overzealous Heroes

  73. Salam Tun
    Sometime you makes sense but sometime I dont understand you and as such I say you dont make sense.
    I believe Dr Rafick has explained it well in his blog on why boycot will only harm ourselves rather than the amercians or the israelis.
    We may not be able to send our soldiers but nothing stopping us declaring openly that we will send weapons to the palestinians on the basis of defense. I think you should read and evaluate DrRafick blog and make an assessment out of it. His blog is http://rights2write.wordpress.com/2009/01/15/terrorism-in-gaza-%E2%80%93-1000-people-butchered-and-growing-please-continue-talkingand-watch/

  74. Its kind of funny when you read some retard comments saying Hamas fighters hiding behind women and children in the GAZA war. I guess when the Israeli infantry orders 100 civilians to take shelter in a house and shell it, its called heroism to some. And shooting civilians with white flags is act of bravery and self defence to some commenting here. How do you expect Hamas armed with rifles and RPG to fights against the Zionist military in open war ? A military unit with Hamas capabilities would a adopt Sniper tactics combine guriella warfare. Israel knows if they sent infantry first into Gaza the casuality would be high. So they adopt bombarding Gaza first by air strike and artilery fire to kill as many Hamas fighters regardless the loss of civilian life. As we all know the geography of Gaza which is congested leave little room for Hamas combatants to take the frontline far way from innocent civilians. Ohya what about blocking medical and food supplies to Gaza by Israel ? Anyone wanna blame that on Hamas too ? There has to be a military answer to Israel, as long there isn’t there will be no peace. What will stop the enemy from attacking one, a return knowledge that they too will suffer equal destruction in response. And the Palestinians can’t do this. The Israelis know this and they are doing it to their advantage. Until then little can be done for them. The world has changed little, the country with the strongest military might rules the world.

  75. Dear Insan and fellow bloggers,
    Why bother to explain to pakpandir. Just because he/she writes in Malay and use an acronym like pakpandir doesn’t make him a Malay or Muslim.
    He/she is here to annoy and irritate you people, From his writing one can tell that there’s no love lost between him/her and the Malays or Muslim writer. He’s logic to every issue is like the ipso dipso theory whereby “a fish can swim and a man can swim, thus that maketh a man a fish”. So just let him/her be with his or her ego.

  76. replying to comment from Ah Heng –
    I wonder are you ‘Rob’ with a different name now?
    What country? Israel? They got their country the same way America got theirs..! by killing the existing Indian (american) and Arab (Israel)
    Look back at the root of the history.. now we beginning to understand why america so steadfast in supporting israel. They want Israel get their country by just taking whoever land that maybe..! in whatever way.. killing? bombing? .. not a problem.
    what story we want to hear? and what’s next after Israel? If this strategy proven workable, then do we realizie that our neighbor down south would also adopt this same strategy? since all their defence policy is shaped following the exact blueprint of Israel and even trained by Israel Defence Forces (IDF)
    Then the whole world (who backs US and Israel) will also backs S’pore for their cause?
    I think they already started – They got our Batu putih last year..! what’s next? you want JB dear neighbour? or you want malacca?
    If this Israel story left on to go on and take over the whole Palestinian land, then believe me that other small country will start dreaming big! and will start to consult Israel on their best practise over the years..!
    Will we be confined to a smaller peninsular malaysia?
    It maybe far-fetched imagination.. but it’s not impossible.
    A concern Citizen.

  77. Askm Tun & fellow readers
    To those who are still ignorant and skeptical, try read and understand the following text carefully.
    Seeing Through the Lies
    The Facts About Hamas and the War on Gaza
    The record is fairly clear. You can find it on the Israeli website, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Israel broke the ceasefire by going into the Gaza and killing six or seven Palestinian militants. At that point

  78. pak pandir tak faham yang tersirat. Polis-polis di India tu beragama Hindu (mungkin ada yang Islam atau beragama lain – tapi yang pasti TIADA polis India yang kita pernah dengar beragama Yahudi) so disebabkan itu pengebom berani mati pergi ke hotel sebab semua orang tahu siapa yang tinggal di hotel tu. i think he needs to go to school as per what Dr. Mahathir had advised Mr. Rob.

  79. assalamualaikum ayahanda tun,
    We Muslim don’t really hate jews in general..Most jews that lived in muslim country is prospered and can live prosper under most muslim country..Jew@judiasm is recognized by us muslim as a religion.. What we hate@disapproved is the israel country that is zionist..thats all..Please don’t just judge us muslim is jew hater..

  80. Salam Tun,
    I guess, this is an example of a reporter born from books, following the definition of terrorists literally with a fix mind of what it is without understanding the gist of the meaning. To that reporter, please UNDERSTAND the situation and emotion of what is going on. Put your feet in the Palestinians shoes. You just failed to recognize that this is the situation where the powerful is tormenting the weak. In other word, THIS IS PURE EVILLLLL !!!

  81. 1) Saya nak comment sedikit mengenai hujah pakpandir08 on January 14, 2009 5:16 PM
    2) Kepada semua pembaca jangan layan “murabbal” ni. Buat buang masa je.
    3) Dah bodoh tu bodohlah. Nama pun pakpandir.

  82. Salam Tun
    I agree with you that the Israeli are terrorist. In malaysia we are always fight the communist which we label as terrorist. Unfortunately you have not call for countries to pick up arms against the terrorist. Why is that? In fact dr rafick in his blog today at http://rights2write.wordpress.com/2009/01/15/terrorism-in-gaza-%E2%80%93-1000-people-butchered-and-growing-please-continue-talkingand-watch/ questions your views on this issue.
    In my mind he has a valid point which makes more sense then the call for boycott of Starbuck..

  83. Dear Tun,
    It is so sad to see your readers verbally attack that reporter. It just goes on to show how influential a person you are. So much so that other people will echo whatever you say without thinking it through. So please use that influence beneficially.
    With due respect to you and all your readers, I’m tempted so say, “It was a leading question, stupid.” That was a question that many readers who happen to read that interview WILL ask (you may not but others will). The journalist’s job was to solicit clarification from you and inform his readers of your opinion. I believe he/she did just that, except when you published this post, the opening was focused on the reporter’s leading question, so your readers reacted wildly and threw their virtual shoes at him/her.
    You may think you know it all, but it doesn’t mean the public should only hear your argument and be forced to jump to a convenient conclusion based on that alone. Malaysians are too easy to jump to conclusions. If we don’t like “the other side of the story”, we shut our eyes and ears and refuse to know it. As a result, there can never be any intellectual discussion at all, so nothing can ever be put into a meaningful context for us to draw a well-informed conclusion. We make a conclusion nonetheless, but that would be qualified as a convenient conclusion at best.
    You may think it is obvious your side of the story is true. It doesn’t mean there isn’t another version of the story, and it doesn’t mean the public are not entitled to know it or assess the merit of each argument for themselves.
    Your readers are free to jump to any conclusion regarding what I’ve just said. But please understand that I’m just saying you may have misunderstood the intentions of the reporter.

  84. To share will all the readers and jews, if any!!!
    BY William Sieghart from Times Online
    We must adjust our distorted image of Hamas
    Gaza is a secular society where people listen to pop music, watch TV and many women walk the streets unveiled
    Last week I was in Gaza. While I was there I met a group of 20 or so police officers who were undergoing a course in conflict management. They were eager to know whether foreigners felt safer since Hamas had taken over the Government? Indeed we did, we told them. Without doubt the past 18 months had seen a comparative calm on the streets of Gaza; no gunmen on the streets, no more kidnappings. They smiled with great pride and waved us goodbye.
    Less than a week later all of these men were dead, killed by an Israeli rocket at a graduation ceremony. Were they

  85. Tun,
    -saya berharap Tun dapat menggunakan pengaruh Tun untuk mencadangkan kepada OIC supaya semua negara OIC mempunyai 1 rangkaian berita channel TV international, yg kalau boleh berpusat di Malaysia supaya kita dapat mengetahui berita2 yg sebenarnya terjadi di seluruh dunia.
    -melanjutkan lagi usaha Tun supaya trading transaction dilakukan dengan Dinar.China telah melakukan percubaan trading mereka dengan negara2 luar menggunakan Yuan.

  86. To 10nlooker comment on january 14, 2009 8:05 PM
    1.It is ok to be stupid,but please dont show your stupidity to the
    others. dont talk about things that you dont really understand.
    2.learn and read more about palestine-israel history,find Al-Quran english/malay version and read it from the beginning until the end.Please do research about how israel gain their teritorry.
    3.For example:Its like singapore who origin is from Malay land,then want to separate from malaysia,and then want to claim the whole malaysia as singapore land.
    Your Question to Tun:
    Why do you have so much hatred towards the Jews? Is it because the Al-Quran does indeed tell you to kill any Jew who stands behind you?
    My Answer:
    Holy Quran already answer that long time ago before your ancestors were even born.
    It sounds like this in malay:
    Maksud firman Allah: Hai orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah kamu jadi orang-orang yang selalu menegakkan (kebenaran) kerana Allah, menjadi saksi dengan adil, dan janganlah sekali-kali kebencianmu terhadap sesuatau kaum mendorong kamu untuk berlaku tidak adil, berlaku adillah, kerana adil itu lebih dekat kepada takwa, dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan. (An Nisaa’:8)
    -There is no instruction to kill or to abuse anyone from holy Quran even we dont like them.
    -That is why pure nasionalist person like Tun in his authority time succesfully keep Malaysia in harmony and peace between multiracial ethnic.See how many chinese,indians still live and get what their rights.But see how hindraf betray us,spreading wrong story about malaysia in india,britain.and i beleive maybe hindraf is coordinating a plan with jews to condemn malaysia later,but world knows who is israel.
    -What Palestinian people do is just to protect themself not attacking others.
    -In Holy Quran there is guidance to protect ourself.In malay it sounds like this:
    Maksud firman Allah: Hai orang-orang yang beriman, apabila kamu bertemu dengan orang-orang yang kafir yang sedang menyerangmu, maka janganlah kamu membelakangi (mundur). Barangsiapa yang membelakangi (mundur) di waktu itu, kecuali berbelok untuk (siasat) perang atau hendak menggabungkan diri dengan pasukan yang lain, maka sesungguhnya orang itu kembali dengan membawa kemurkaan dari Allah, dan tempatnya ialah neraka Jahannam. Dan amat buruklah tempat kembalinya. (Al Anfal:15-16)
    -imagine if someone attack and burn your house,and then claim your land as their place?
    -how would you react if your children,wife,mother get shot by white phosphorus torturing bullet in the head and chest? or even left dead without head?
    -we dont hate jews for no reason.In US,some rich culprit jews people control United States Government.They donate money to israel to buy massal desrtuction weapons.US government OBVIOUSLY supply weapon to israel,recently offer shipping tender to send nearly 350 containers of weapon to israel.
    Use your brain think wisely.
    May God bless Tun and his family,hidup Tun!
    Im glad to hear that yesterday China is in trial to use Yuan currency for their international trade.Sooner no one will use USD anymore,USD is sinking and they dont even realize that muslims is 1 of their major economic source.Muslim treat they rights but still they want to abuse muslim.
    Tomorrow ill distribute hundreds to thousand copy of pamplets listing many jews related US product ,that obviously support israel massacre genocide plan,to be boycotts.
    Hopefully all muslim in malaysia do the same thing,boycott all US and Israel product.
    By 1Onlooker on January 14, 2009 8:05 PM
    Why do you have so much hatred towards the Jews? Is it because the Al-Quran does indeed tell you to kill any Jew who stands behind you?
    Some Christians may perceive the Jews as the ethnic group who kills God (refers to Jesus by Christians). Yet majority Christians who believe in the sermon of “God is love” will never again have unreasonable generational hatred towards the Jews. Perhaps it is the wrath of God which makes the Jews to be hated by many and be forced to live in high tension situation in Middle East throughout two thousands years. But why do the Malay muslims also have to hate other Jews, such as Singaporean Jews or Indonesian Jews, who bear no responsibility in any conflict related to the war zone in Middle East? In which verse of Al-Quran do you really find that hating someone based on ethnic prejudices can be justified and supported by the Islamic principles?
    I think it is unfair to the Jews if the Malay Muslims have to choose to hate a Jewish person simply because he/she was born a “Yahudi”. Can you people please learn to stay away from ethnicism or racism?

  87. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Not to Instigate but to Educate. If I may suggest,
    Che Det.co.cc being the most visited blog platform in Malaysia would it be possible if a consenses be done with your participating bloggers on the knowledge on why the war being waged in Palestine.
    This should be interesting to read should you decite to spare an entry. Syukran
    Semuga Tun sihat selalu.

  88. When i check the history, Hamas with Israel was has been going on for few decades.
    When check, it was Hamas who do the severe killing to Israel. Many foreigner were kill as well. But why no one condemn the killing as much as when Israel attack Palestian. I doubt it. Arent this show we are injustice human as well. PPl tend to believe this is ebcause we are muslim country and when it involves Muslim ppl, we condemn badly. Is that true?? Israel didnt do anything until now there said they got no choice but to attack back. They get the backing of America. The killing is cruel and everyone know. But as i know, before the war Israel has give a stern warning for a couple of weeks to ask everyone in Gaza to get from the city.
    Also we said Hamas suicide bomber are terrosit. So terrorist will not kill children? You were asking for picture of the killing??? If among Hamas there is terrorist why not they have cruel ppl killing children. They do have. Hamas at first said Israel should be muslim country, it is a promise land. which resulted they want the land and have war with israel. Therefore they create war with Israel. Howver Israel did not give up and play offensive till the rescue of America.
    In any case, all the ppl around the world will condemn any killing and yes it is so cruel to see the killing. But i would prefer if our goverment condemn both Hamas and Israel. It just looks to me right now 90% condemn Israel but only 10% condemn Hamas.
    Please lets other see us a justice country instead of support only muslim country. I do hope for a peace talk. It is really sympathy to see those children being kill. They are really innocent.

    (from http://maszleemalik.blogspot.com/)
    Much of what is said about Gaza is myopic and without historical context. Israel, despite the condemnation of the international community (the USA administration excepted), constantly justifies its hideous crimes on the grounds of self-defence. Those who never engage with the root of the Israel-Palestine conflict and its history are very easily led to believe that the Israeli assault is a response to the rockets launched from Gaza by HAMAS.
    Butchering civilians is nothing new for the Israelis. How can one forget the atrocities committed by the Zionist terrorist organisations Irgun, Haganah and others before Israel was created. Could anybody forget Deir Yassin, where in 1948 more than 200 hundred Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, were killed by Zionist terrorists, who later became members of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). How can anybody forget the 17,500 dead

  90. Pak Pandir08
    Kalau tak wujud negara Isreal maka sudah tentu terbentuk pulak negara Palestine yg merdeka. Jadi tiada Israel maka takde le Fatah, Hamas dsbnya di bumi Palstine yg sebelum ini. Agaknye kalau British pindahkan orang Yahudi ke sini, maka wujud le pulak Fatah, Hamas versi Malaysia! Alamak, seramnya! Kena banyak rujuk sejarah.
    Yang peliknya kalau roket Hamas takde le pulak orang Israel yang mati, yang ada sorang dua luka2 sikit buat syarat. Entah2 roket itu pun dia orang punya saja nak provokasi ialah macam September 11, satu dunia tahu 2 menara runtuh tapi sekor pun orang dia rentung padahal biasanya dalam bangunan tu ada beribu yang Yahudi yang bekerja disitu, dapat mimpi ambil MC kot.

  91. Dear Tun,
    Good afternoon,i have been following your comments on the barbaric attacks on Gaza by the barbarians of Isreal.You have shown the world the example of a true leader who is so caring for the people of the world,we cannot single out any other leader from anyway in the world who has daringly hit the US and others involved in this barbaric demon act.It is really sad to see the so call super powers keeping mum about it and supporting the barbarians from the back door. The whole world need to get together and preasure the barbarians to stop the inhuman action imediately.Thelatest from the UN for briefing is only an eye wash.They (Isreal) will not stop until Gaza is destroyed in total.Tun, it will be good if you also voice out the similiar barbaric attack on civilian Tamils in Sri Lanka.It looks like UN/US/India is least bothered about it.We believe you can bring some lights/hopes for stopping the killing of the innocents over there.Pls comment.
    Last but not least,We most Malaysians feel we/govt still need you to guide us/govt,why not do it from inside instead of outside govt.There will be a termendous support if you can make a comeback.
    Thanks for your time Dear Tun.
    Man for Peace.

  92. Dear Che Det,
    Perhaps, you’d want to open a Gmail account. Since it would be better if i could email directly to you. Open a gmail account, then let others to know by announcing it at this website of yours.
    Even though you might get thousands of emails, but in the email box, there is a function of “Search mail/email”. It uses metadata search engine, just enter a keyword, such as for an example, [email protected] . Any email that contain that word will appear in the search results. Isn’t technology simplies our life ?
    Plus… make sure that you are the only one that has the password and could login to you email (don’t ask anyone to do things for you, do you believe they are trust worthy ? I don’t by the look of it, because none of my comments to you are being approved. Bizzare), you wouldn’t want any of you unscrupulous to deleted some mails, as their don’t want you to know of certain matters.
    I hope to get you email address… perhaps there could be better as i could email you of matters.
    Luqmanul Hakim bin Abd Rahim bin Abdul Wahab
    URL : http://LuQiee.Livejournal.com
    Email : [email protected]

  93. Salam Tun.
    All these conflicts taken place in Palestine is lopsided war. Palestine should be allowed and given freedom to buy own weapon of their choice so that they too could protect themselves from Israel terrorists. Then only they would fight in a proper war. Otherwise there is no stopping them from resorting to suicide bomb.

  94. b>Greeting Earthling Buddy…
    I mean Che Det…
    I’ve read the Article of your’s regarding the “War Crimes” of the Israeli Troops in Palestine and Gaza.
    I would want you to read my opinions and perspective views regarding it (If you care), that i wrote it. Since You are the Chairman of KLFCW (Kuala Lumpur Foundation To Criminalise War). Hope what i wrote it is usefully.
    (latin) “Magnus Ab Integro Seclorum Nascitur Ordo
    Read regarding it at Article # 520http://luqiee.livejournal.com/136770.html
    Luqmanul Hakim bin Abd Rahim bin Abdul Wahab
    URL : http://LuQiee.Livejournal.com
    Email : [email protected]
    TEL :
    (+6) 017 – 330 8263
    (+6) 019 – 338 7025

  95. pada hemat saya, teda gunanya hamas membalas ngan tembakan roket. utk setiap nyawa israel yg dibunuh, akan dibalas ngan 100 nyawa palestin yg rata-ratanya org awam. berbaloi ke berbuat demikian?
    sebenarnya saya juga berpendapat org msia amat hypokrit dlm isu ini. kata nak membela nasib palestin, tapi sampai skarang kutipan awam tak mencecah rm1juta pun…. sedangkan penduduk UAE dah sumbang hampir $300juta. kalo nak kata boikot, adakah kita sanggup berhenti melabur dlm bank US, beli peralatan komputer, windows software, kenderaan, makanan, minuman, rokok, arak, universiti amerika, peralatan elektrik dll? kena ingat apa kesannya kepada peniaga tempatan dan ekonomi negara sekiranya US membalas ngan bawa kluar pelaburan ke negara ASEAN yg lain spt vietnam dan filipina? lingkup jadinya negara kita(US adalah pelabur terbesar Msia). i hate israel as much as i hate war, tapi jgn sampai kita bakar kelambu angkara benci nyamuk.

  96. Salam Tun,
    People, please learn from history.
    PakPandir08, if you’re Muslim please read and learn more from insan’s comment.

  97. Salam TUN,
    1. Kezaliman yang dilakukan oleh yahudi dilakukan keatas palestin adalah dasyat. Mereka membunuh tanpa rasa belas kasihan tidak kira tua atau muda, kecil atau besar samada lemah atau berdaya.
    2. Sebagaimana, janji Allah akan bantu sesiapa hambanya yang dizalimi, walaupun dari golongan kafir. Kenapa palestin tidak dibantu oleh Allah & doa mereka dan seluruh orang islam tidak kabul? Allah tidak pernah mungkir janji, maha suci Allah dari mungkir janji. Mesti ada sebab yang kukuh sehinggakan Allah tutup bantuan dan nusrahNya kpd muslim yang sedang dizalimi.
    3. Jawapannya ialah seluruh orang islam melakukan kezaliman yang lebih dasyat terhadap seluruh orang bukan islam termasuk yahudi di Israel. Kenapa? ini adalah kerana orang islam telah menidakkan hak orang bukan islam untuk diajak kpd Allah dengan diajak menerima kalimah Lailahailallah Muhammadarasulullah.
    4. Orang islam palestin yang meninggal dlm serangan yahudi, insyallah mati dalam keadaan islam krn pernah mengucap kalimah, (kalimah Lailahailallah Muhammadarasulullah) dan akan terima syaafaat dari Nabi saw di akhirat dan akan masuk syurga.
    5. Namun mereka yang belum islam termasuk yahudi di Israel? apa akan terjadi terhadap mereka dalam keadaan mereka tidak pernah mengucap kalimah yakni tidak mati dengan islam. Mereka akan mati dibakar dalam api neraka yang panas menyala selamanya.
    6. Siapakah yang lebih zalim? muslim atau yahudi? Jawapannya ialah kita seluruh islam dalam keadaan buat zalim terhadap mereka yang belum islam termasuk yahudi. Walaupun orang islam dizalimi termasuk di palestin tetapi kezaliman yang orang islam lakukan terhadap orang bukan islam seluruh dunia termasuk yahudi di Isreal adalah lebih zalim dari kezaliman yang mereka terhadap kita orang muslim.
    7. Inilah jawapannya kenapa doa orang islam tidak diterima dan tidak dibantu oleh Allah sedangkan Allah janji akan bantu orang yang dizalimi. Sebagaimana dalam hadis Nabi saw ada sebut lebih kurang bunyinya, bila orang islam tidak mengajak manusia kepada Allah (amal makruf- ajak kepada Allah dan nahi mungkar- mencegah syirik terhadap Allah) maka akan tiba masanya bila kamu berdoa tidak akan dikabul, apa yang diminta tidak diberi dan bila kamu mohon bantuan Allah terhadap musuh-musuh kamu, tidak akan dibantu.
    8. Sudah ratusan tahun orang islam tidak mengajak orang bukan islam kepada islam kerana orang islam telah tinggalkan perintah Allah yang pertama iaitu tidak lagi buat kerja nabi, http://kerja-nabi.blogspot.com/
    9. Inilah puncanya orang islam tidak bantu seperti di palestin walaupun orang islam tetap berdoa, masih bersolat, bayar zakat, berpuasa, naik haji dan ramai lagi alim ulama’ dalam kalangan orang islam namun kerana orang islam tinggalkan kerja nabilah iaitu perintah Allah pertama yang mula-mula diturunkan di Mekah sebelum perintah Allah kedua, solat.
    10. Allah akan bantu orang islam bila orang islam kembali buat kerja nabi, cara nabi dan sanggup berkorban macam nabi kita Muhammad saw. sepertimana bantuan Allah terhadap Nabi saw & sahabatnya di badar dan perang2 lain.
    11. Bila orang islam tinggalkan kerja nabi maka kezaliman orang islam terhadap orang bukan islam jauh lebih dasyat daripada kezaliman yang mereka buat terhadap kita orang islam. Kerana matinya orang islam Insyallah syurga dan rahmat Allah menanti dan kesusahan yang menimpa orang islam jadi asbab untuk dosa-dosa mereka diampunkan. Tetapi tidak orang yang bukan islam. Untuk mereka dalam kubur sahaja pun mereka telah diberi azab dengan dihantar 99 ekor binatang berbisa bersama mereka sehingga kiamat.
    12. Inilah sebabnya selama ni kita semua orang islam tidak dibantu oleh Allah. Sudah puluhan tahun orang islam palestin dizalimi iaitu semenjak negara Isreal dibentuk tahun 1946 lagi, ini bukan cerita baru. Allah gunakan orang islam di sana dan beberapa tempat didunia untuk Allah tunjukkan kemurkaan Allah terhadap orang islam kerana langgar perintah Allah dengan tinggalkan perintah yang pertama iaitu kerja nabi. Dan kemurkaan Allah juga menimpa kita seluruh orang islam seluruh dunia dengan Allah letakkan orang kafir berkuasa atas orang islam iaitu Amerika dan sekutunya.
    13. Teruskan hantar bantuan makananan, ubatan dan lain-lain keperluan untuk mereka yang dalam kesusahan di Gaza & palestin. Namun jangan kita lupa untuk ajak semua orang islam seluruh dunia termasuk di Gaza dan palestin untuk sama-sama bertaubat kepada Allah kerana dosa tinggalkan kerja nabi selama ni. Kita telah lama aniayai orang bukan islam. Sedangkan Nabi saw meenangis melihat jenazah orang bukan islam. Tetapi tidak demikian berlaku pada kita semua dengan melihat dgn penuh kebencian. Tiada lagi kesian dan sedih spt Nabi saw. Ini kerana semua orang islam lupa akan maksud hidup dan kerja nabi utama sebagai muslim.
    14. Sebenarnya kerja Nabi saw iaitu mengajak orang yg belum islam kepada islam telah Allah fardhukan kepada orang islam kerana Nabi saw adalah nabi terakhir dan tidak ada lagi nabi dihantar setelahya.
    15. Namun harini kita mahu bunuh orang bukan islam tanpa mengajak mereka terlebih kepada islam. Sepatutnya mula2 mereka diajak terima islam, kalau enggan kemudian suruh mereka bayar jizyah/tax atau enggan juga,kemudian barulah perang. Dan kalau berperang setelah ajak mereka pada islam barulah orang islam akan dibantu Allah.
    16. Harini perang berlaku antara islam dan yahudi bukan lagi kerana kalimah tauhid yang mulia tetapi berebutkan dunia. Berebutkan duit, berebutkan harta benda, berebutkan tanah dan pelbagai benda-benda dunia. Hal ini kerana orang islam telah dijangkiti penyakit yang sangat berbahaya iaitu cinta dunia dan takutkan mati. Sedangkan Allah berkali2 bagitau dlm Quran bhw Allah tidak meletak harga sedikit pun pada seluruh benda2 dunia melainkan iman dan amal yang sempurna.
    17. Kemurkaan Allah terhadap orang islam akan berterusan sehinggalah orang islam mula bertaubat dan bangkit kembali buat kerja nabi.
    Wassalam TUN, Love U so much

  98. Even before being elected in 2006, Hamas agreed to stop suicide bombings & succeeded for a period of 18 months into late 2006. During this period, Israel refused to ackowledge them as winners & continued a campaign of killing & assasinations. June 2008 brought the latest cease-fire into play in which both agreed to: 1) Hamas was to stop rocket attacks on Israel, 2) Israel would open blockades of relief supplies into impoverished Gaza and 3) Israel would not attack territories in Gaza.
    Hamas didn’t fire a single rocket for much of the duration of this cease-fire, but it was Israel that continued to keep most of the routes into Gaza blocked in effect continuing its strangle-hold upon the Gazan civilian population and violated the cease-fire on, of all days the US presidential election day, November 4th. It was on that day that Israel entered into Gaza where they killed six Hamas “militants” as reported by the Associated Press (AP).
    AP stories November 5th/6th discussed the possible collapse of the cease-fire based on these attacks, but they went largely unpublished in the US where media attention was focused entirely on the presidential election. Moreover, a Nexis search found no reference to the raid in the transcripts of any television news broadcast during the period. It is nothing short of amazing how deceptive the media can be in such circumstances, especially when partnered with an equally deceptive news-maker.
    Israel enjoyed a period of calm. Palestinians did not! This fact was attested to by Khalid Mish’al:

  99. Dear Tun,
    I am devasted by the killings of innocent Palestinians in GAZA. What can the world do to stop the killings? The UN is impotent. We can call for ceasefire umpteen times, they would be broken time and time again. We need a country that is as strong militarily as the Americans to stop all these killings. Russia, China?

  100. Dear Tun,
    Non-muslims are asking why Muslims are so worked up on Gaza. My answer to them is that all Muslims are brothers/sisters. So if they shoot a Palestinian, they are shooting at my family. I think we should differentiate that there are normal Jewish people and there are Zionists. The Jewish people are people of the book which is mentioned in the Quran. It is the Zionists which are the terrorists and must be dealt with. When the Muslims controlled Jerusalem, the Muslims treated the Jews and Christians with great respect and there was peace unlike during the Roman and Crusaders time. And now with the Zionist Israel in control, they are committing genocide against a people and government democratically elected ( Hamas ),and nobody in the world seems to have the power to do anything.
    I believe Tun’s vision of an industrilised Malaysia by the year 2020, is not only briliant but must be done and adopted by other Muslim countries. Finally, Muslims can choose to drive a Malaysian car, go to a Malaysian Petrol station, go to a Malaysian hypermarket, have a Malaysian astronaut,…. We should now target the next phase, making our own high performance computers, making planes, satelites, enable our learning institutions for quality educations, generating thinkers (Nobel Laureates)…. No more repeating mistakes of the past by outsourcing problems to other people.

  101. What is amazing is that so many Western leaders, so many presidents and prime ministers and, I fear, so many editors and journalists, bought the old LIE; that Israelis take such great care to avoid civilian casualties!
    Have we forgotten the 17,500 dead

  102. Assalamualaikum Y.Bhg Tun,
    Saya menyokong apa yang Tun katakan, amat bernas dan ada kebenarannya. Tetapi pada saya apa yang terjadi ketika ini semuanya berpunca daripada kesilapan negara-negara arab itu sendiri. Kesilapan mereka yang pertama ialah mereka berpuak, berpecah-belah malah ada yang berperang sesama mereka. Mereka perlu sedar dan faham yang mereka seharusnya bersatu untuk membantu dan mempertahankan hak saudara sebangsa dan seagama dengan mereka yang telah diserang, ditindas dan dirampas haknya, tetapi kebanyakan negara arab dan pemimpin arab itu sendiri bersekongkol dengan pihak Amerika, mereka bekerjasama dengan pihak yang menjadi penyumbang kepada rejim yahudi, dan lebih teruk lagi, markas-markas tentera amerika begitu banyak di negara-negara arab. Mengapa pemimpin-pemimpin arab membenarkan pihak amerika membuka kem-kem askarnya disana. Kesilapan kedua orang islam ialah, orang islam leka dengan dengan hiburan yang melalaikan dan mengabaikan usaha untuk mengembangkan ilmu. Cuma ilmu sahaja yang boleh membantu sesuatu bangsa untuk mencipta sebuah tamadun. Ini telah terbukti dizaman-zaman kegemilangan tamadun Islam, dimana ilmu begitu penting ketika itu dan agama lain begitu segan dengan kemajuan dan teknologi yang dimiliki oleh negara islam pada masa itu. Oleh itu, apa yang saya hendak tegaskan disini, perpaduan dan ilmu sahaja yang mampu menguatkan Islam disamping beribadah kepada Allah S.W.T. Yahudi memang sudah lama menantikan saat ini, saat dimana Islam menjadi hamba kepada mereka. Mereka sedaya upaya ingin menghapuskan Islam dari muka bumi Allah yang mulia ini dan itulah janji mereka sejar ratusan tahun lagi. Dendam kesumat mereka tidak akan sesekali padam. Kita seharusnya sedar yang kita masih lagi berada didalam peperangan dengan yahudi sehingga hari kiamat, kita perlu bersatu dan buang segala perasaan dengki, irihati sesama bangsa dan agama demi menjaga kehormatan islam dari dicabuli oleh bangsa dan agama yang sememangnya telah menjadi musuh kepada Islam seperti yang telah dinyatakan didalam Al-Quran.
    Tun sebagai pemimpin yang disegani dan dikenali diseluruh dunia terutamanya dikalangan negara Islam, saya rasakan Tun boleh menyatupadukan negara-negara Islam. OIC tidak dapat bertindak apa-apa kerana OIC hanyalah satu pertubuhan untuk negara-negara Islam bersidang, bukanlah pertubuhan yang menjaga hak dan kepentingan orang Islam. Dengan apa yang terjadi ketika ini, kita sebagai saudara seislam cuma dapat melihat, tetapi tidak dapat membantu apa-apa selain membuat demonstrasi jalanan yang tidak dapat menjamin apa-apa. Umat Islam seharusnya berusaha untuk menghentikan kekejaman rejim yahudi di bumi Palestin. Jika umat Islam masih tidak sedar percayalah, yahudi akan terus menindas dan membunuh umat Islam dengan gembiranya, kerana bagi orang yahudi mereka berpegang pada satu prinsip, umat islam adalah syaitan, jika mereka dapat membunuh satu orang Islam, ibaratnya mereka telah membunuh 10 syaitan. Walau apa sekali pun, kita sememangnya perlu berperang dengan yahudi, bagaimana kita dapat mengalahkan yahudi? dengan cara bersatu, dan jangan lalai dengan apa yang Allah perintahkan. Saya ada terbaca satu buku berkenaan dengan solat subuh, seorang ulama’ islam dizaman khalifah ada mengatakan “Ada satu amalan orang Islam yang amat ditakuti oleh yahudi dan mampu menakutkan yahudi, amalan itu ialah bersolat subuh secara berjemaah” saya berharap sesiapa sahaja yang membaca komen saya ini, dapatlah sekiranya anda fikirkan dan renung-renungkan penyataan ini. Akhir sekali, saya akan terus mendoakan semoga negara kita Malaysia dan agama Islam akan terus dilindungi oleh Allah S.W.T.

  103. Dear 10nlooker,
    Why do the west have so much hatred towards the Muslims? Is it because the Bible does indeed tell you to kill, bomb and maimed any Muslims who disagree or stand in your way?
    You did say “some Christians may perceive the Jews as the ethnic group who kills God (refers to Jesus by Christians). Yet majority Christians who believe in the sermon of “God is love” will never again have unreasonable generational hatred towards the Jews.”
    But I have yet to see or read that the Jews and the West whom the majority are Christians say they forgave Hitler for all the atrocities he had done to Mankind but i only hear the opposites.
    Perhaps when the Palestinians Muslim retaliate with suicide bombing, the west and Christians are very wary of anyone who is a Muslim. But why do the Malay Muslims have to suffer when we were overseas. We were discriminate, pull one side for a strip search and some of us were refuse entry just because we spotted a beard.
    We the Malay Muslim had nothing to do with the London bombing and most of us are ignorant of the reasons for the bombing in the first place. In which verse of the bible do you really find that hating someone based on ethnic prejudices can be justified and supported by the Christian principles?
    I think it is unfair to the the Malay Muslims if the Christians choose to hate and discriminate a Malay Muslim simply because he/she was born a “Muslim”. Can you people please learn to stay away from ethnicism or racism?
    10nlooker, you are such a pathetic person. My advice to you is refrain from making idiotic comment and before you go to sleep say “20 Hail Mary’s” and ask god for forgiveness hopefully when you wake up god had shown you the light. Amen

  104. They should stop killing each other long time ago. Since i was in primary school, this PLO and the tel aviv is a must seen topic in the news. Until when? Hopefuly my grandchildren not seeing it as I did. But still it was just hatreds and revenges from every fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins, and so on until God send another sign for us. We do what we can to help them but still we have to help our self to regain respect from each other. Or.. will end like those? If we’re not careful, a little mistake will bring back 16 May. It won’t be nice reading the history book because of greedy and selfish. The next generation may regret for our stupidity.

  105. Dear Tun,
    I find your statement is biased too.
    And I saw some comment here is quite biased too…
    Personally, I do not agree to the act of violence and killings. Neither Israel or Palestinian(Hamas) is right.
    But first we need to understand why Israel is attacking Gaza. The reason is because Hamas have been ongoing shooting rocket into Israel. Dear Tun, what will you do when your country is constant under attack by these rockets? Israel had been giving warning many times but Hamas, did they think of the consequences when they shooting rockets into Israel? Hamas are selfish group of people and now making the normal citizens suffer.
    Yes, some may argue, back 50~60 yrs ago, Israel occupied their land. Then if we look back more on history, in 10th century the land was parts of the Jews.
    So how do we resolve this conflict? We must bear in mind the majority of people just want a normal life, living peacefully not fighting for this or for that.
    So stop point fingers. As a leader, you need to set exemplary by giving statement that is not based on your personal feelings.
    All leaders can help by refrain both Hamas and Israel and have UN send in peace troops to safeguard both side of people.
    At last I think is ridiculous for Tun giving excuses for these suicide bombers. If these suicide bombers is such martyr they would have attack the military quarters and not towards innocent civilians.

  106. Terima kasih Popiah & insan atas penerangan yang diberi.
    Harap2 mereka saperti pakpandir08 yang masih belum tahu cerita sebenarnya akan faham dan mengerti mengapa orang2 Palestin bertindak demikian. Janganlah nak menang sorak aje kampung tergadai tak sedar. Masih nak menyebelahi Isreal. Fikir dan analisa semua fakta2 dan berita2 yang diterima , baca sejarah bangsa yahudi. Banyak buku2 & cerita2 orang yahudi, malah dalam al-Quran pun ade. Tapi ingat bukan pula semua orang yahudi ini jahat, ada yang baik hanya kumpulan zionist saje yang tak berhati perut. Selepas baca semua ini fikir, fikir, fikir banyak2 kali kemudian gunakan akal. Jangan telan segala ada yang di suap. Memang betul bukan semua di Palestine itu baik dan patut disokong. Kita cuma mahu keadilan jadi sokong dan bantulah yang terinaya bukan sebaliknya.

  107. Dear Tun,
    I am grateful and proud that Malaysians have you. Thank you for always sharing your valuable thoughts.
    I must admit it is very good to have discussions and debate on the Palestian issues. We can clearly see that there are many unfortunate ones who are still ignorant and can still live in denial eventhough it can be clearly seen that human rights have been ignored in Gaza(people like mr Wong and the reporter and many others out there).
    We can debate until Obama sat on his chair in the White House as the Israelis race their way to increase the death toll of the innocent children, women and men in Gaza. But, won’t debating only create hate and anger but no action?. I dont care much of the views of the ignorants(those who condenmed yours). I value your point of views and I 100% agree with it. Because you are damn right about all of it.
    But we need action. What can we do to help them? Boycotting the US and Isreal products?. Its good, but I dont see Mecca Cola or ZamZam Cola on the shelves. I dont see cereal which is not not Nestle. I thought we have OIC, isnt Malaysia suppose to be a Halal Hub? What the hell are they doing? Maybe to clear off the shelves from US or Isreali products is impossible. Furthermore some are even manufactured here. But we need options, choices. I have chosen Zaitun over Colgate for my toothpaste recently. Before this, I dont even bother to try it because its local (yes, I was shallow before this like many other Malaysians.)I wanted to have cereal for breakfast but I decided not to because I was’nt sure if Kellogs is American. We Malaysians are Americanised/Westernised in almost every aspects of our lives, from food to TV to clothes and sadly even to our culture. Perhaps you can help to come up with another “Dasar Pandang ke Timur” – like policy . As for now maybe we can start of by buying products from developing countries instead of importing American products. And even better we can start producing our own products to cater for our needs. After all isnt this what Halal Hub is all about?(Please, please convey this to Pak Lah).
    I am sure with your influence and connection eventhough you are no longer in power there are still a lot more that you can do to help us Malaysians and the Muslim world all over to achieve.
    I hope there will be more fruitful discussions that will initiate positive actions.
    May Allah Bless you and your family.

  108. Salam Tun,
    Please allow me to share these figures, hopefully these would serve as a wake up call to all the Muslims.
    Extracts of speech by Hafez A.B Mohamed: Director-General, Al Baraka Bank
    World Jewish Population 14 million
    Distribution: 7m in America
    5m in Asia
    2m in Europe
    100 thousand in Africa
    World Muslim Population: 1.5 billion
    Distribution: I billion in Asia/Mid-East
    400 M in Africa
    44 M in Europe
    6 M in the Americas
    Every fifth human being is a Muslim.
    For every single Hindu there are two Muslims
    For every Buddhist there are two Muslims
    For every Jew there are 107 Muslims
    Yet the 14 million Jews are more powerful than the entire 1.5 billion Muslims
    Here are some of the reasons.
    Movers of Current History
    o Albert Einstein Jewish
    o Sigmund Freud Jewish
    o Karl Marx Jewish
    o Paul Samuelson Jewish
    o Milton Friedman Jewish
    Medical Milestones
    o Vaccinating Needle: Benjamin Ruben Jewish
    o Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk Jewish
    o Leukaemia Drug Gertrude Elion Jewish
    o Hepatitis B Baruch Blumberg Jewish
    o Syphilis Drug Paul Ehrlich Jewish
    o Neuro muscular Elie Metchnikoff Jewish
    o Endocrinology Andrew Schally Jewish
    o Cognitive therapy Aaron Beck Jewish
    o Contraceptive Pill Gregory Pincus Jewish
    o Understanding of Human Eye. G. Wald Jewish
    o Embryology. Stanley Cohen Jewish
    o Kidney Dialysis Willem Kloffcame Jewish
    Nobel Prize Winners
    o In the past 105 years, 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel prizes whilst 1.5 billion Muslims have contributed only 3 Nobel winners
    Inventions that changed History
    o Micro- Processing Chip. Stanley Mezor Jewish
    o Nuclear Chain Reactor Leo Sziland Jewish
    o Optical Fibre Cable Peter Schultz Jewish
    o Traffic Lights Charles Adler Jewish
    o Stainless Steel Benno Strauss Jewish
    o Sound Movies Isador Kisee Jewish
    o Telephone Microphone Emile Berliner Jewish
    o Video Tape Recorder Charles Ginsburg Jewish
    Influential Global Business
    o Polo Ralph Lauren Jewish
    o Coca Cola Jewish
    o Levi’s Jeans Levi Strauss Jewish
    o Sawbuck’s Howard Schultz Jewish
    o Google Sergey Brin Jewish
    o Dell Computers Michael Dell Jewish
    o Oracle Larry Ellison Jewish
    o DKNY Donna Karan Jewish
    o Baskin & Robbins Irv Robbins Jewish
    o Dunkin Donuts Bill Rosenberg Jewish
    Influential Intellectuals/ Politicians
    o Henry Kissinger , US Sec of State Jewish
    o Richard Levin, President Yale University Jewish
    o Alan Greenspan , US Federal Reserve Jewish
    o Joseph Lieberman Jewish
    o Madeleine Albright , US Sec of State Jewish
    o CasperWeinberger , US Sec of Defence Jewish
    o Maxim Litvinov , USSR Foreign Minister Jewish
    o David Marshal , Singapore Chief Minister Jewish
    o Isaacs Isaacs, Gov-Gen Australia Jewish
    o Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman Jewish
    o Yevgeny Primakov, Russian PM Jewish
    o Barry Goldwater , US Politician Jewish
    o Jorge Sampaio, President Portugal Jewish
    o Herb Gray, Canadian Deputy – PM Jewish
    o Pierre Mendes, French PM Jewish
    o Michael Howard, British Home Sec. Jewish
    o Bruno Kriesky, Austrian Chancellor Jewish
    o Robert Rubin , US Sec of Treasury Jewish
    Global Media Influential
    o Wolf Blitzer, CNN Jewish
    o Barbara Walters ABC News Jewish
    o EugeneMeyer , Washington Post Jewish
    o Henry Grunwald, Time Magazine Jewish
    o Katherine Graham , Washington Post Jewish
    o Joseph Lelyeld, New York Times Jewish
    o Max Frankel, New York Times Jewish
    Global Philanthropists
    o George Soros Jewish
    o Walter Annenberg Jewish
    Why are they powerful? Why are Muslims powerless?
    Here’s another reason. We have lost the capacity to produce knowledge.
    o In the entire Muslim World (57 Muslim Countries) there are only 500 universities.
    o In USA alone, 5,758 universities
    o In India alone, 8,407 universities
    o Not one university in the entire Islamic World features in the Top 500 Ranking Universities of the World
    o Literacy in the Christian World 90%
    o Literacy in the Muslim World 40%
    o 15 Christian majority-countries, literacy rate 100%
    o Muslim majority – countries , None
    o 98% in Christian countries completed primary
    o Only 50% in Muslim countries completed primary.
    o 40% in Christian countries attended university
    o In Muslim countries a dismal 2% attended.
    o Muslim majority countries have 230 scientists per one million Muslims
    o The USA has 5000 per million
    o The Christian world 1000 technicians per million.
    o Entire Arab World only 50 technicians per million.
    o Muslim World spends on research & development 0.2% of GDP
    o Christian World spends 5 % of GDP
    o The Muslim World lacks the capacity to produce knowledge.
    Another way of testing the degree of knowledge is the degree of diffusing knowledge.
    o Pakistan 23 daily newspapers per 1000 citizens
    o Singapore 460 per 1000 citizens.
    o In UK book titles per million is 2000
    o In Egypt book titles per million is only 17
    o Muslim World is failing to diffuse knowledge
    Applying Knowledge is another such test.
    o Exports of high tech products from Pakistan is 0.9% of its exports.
    o In Saudi Arabia is 0.2%
    o Kuwait , Morocco and Algeria 0.3%
    o Singapore alone is 68%
    o Muslim World is failing to apply knowledge.
    Always promote education, don’t compromise on it.
    We are World’s biggest and strongest nation, all we need is to identify and explore our ownselves. Our victory is with our knowledge, our creativity, our literacy…And nothing else.
    May Almighty Allah protect the Muslims around the world.
    Have a great day, Tun. Thank you for being an inspiration. I’m still hopeful that Malaysia could maintain it’s status as a role model to the third world countries.

  109. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. I am betting all my lunch money which my wife gave me, on the fact that pretty soon Sammy Davis Jr., would be reading Jewish comedic scripts out loud from Washington DC (DeCeit). Can Obama work things out with Osama? (Satu Amaa lain Apaa). Well let

  110. Assalammualaikum Tok Det,
    1. Bencana kemusnahan terus melanda UMAT ISLAM. Bencara alam gempa bumi, banjir, ribut, tsunami dan lain-lain mengorbankan lebih ramai UMAT ISLAM di seluruh dunia.
    2. Bencana perang dan pembunuhan terus meragut nyawa UMAT ISLAM berabad lamanya TANPA BATASAN KESUDAHAN dan menjadi tajuk berita utama dunia hampir setiap hari!!!
    3. NYAWA UMAT ISLAM tidak mengira kanak-kanak atau wanita, bersalah atau tidak, DIFATWA HALAL DIBUNUH oleh TUAN BARAT dalam perang ke atas keganasan. UMAT ISLAM HALAL DIBUNUH atau DITAHAN TANPA BICARA di mana-mana sahaja samada dalam rumah, di pasar, dalam masjid, hatta mungkin di dalam buaian sekalipun!!!
    4. AGAMA ISLAM DILABEL OLEH TUAN BARAT SEBAGAI PUNCA KEGANASAN, kemunduran dan kemiskinan. Negara Islam dan penganutnya menjadi PAKSI UTAMA KEJAHATAN dunia dan mesti dihapuskan!
    5. Hampir semua NEGARA ISLAM di dunia adalah negara ke-3, mundur, miskin, pengemis dan suka meminta-minta dari TUAN BARAT.
    6. Hampir semua NEGARA ISLAM di dunia AMAT BERGANTUNG dan terikat kepada TUAN BARAT seolah-olah SEDANG DIJAJAH semenjak lepas Perang Dunia Ke-2.
    7. Hampir kesemua PEMIMPIN ISLAM di dunia AMAT TAKUT dan TIADA KEBERANIAN LANGSUNG mengkritik TUAN BARAT mereka.
    8. SEGELINTIR PEMIMPIN ISLAM YANG BERANI seperti Yang Amat Dikasihi Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan disisih, dipencilkan, tidak mendapat sokongan dan diperkecilkan oleh Pemimpin Islam lain sendiri yang takutkan TUAN BARAT.
    9. Terdapat PEMIMPIN ISLAM sendiri menjadi talibarut TUAN BARAT memecah-belahkab UMAT ISLAM supaya terus mundur, lemah, bodoh dan berpecah-belah. Ini berlaku di negara kita Malaysia sendiri!!!
    10. Pemimpin Islam Dunia Arab pula lebih hina dan jijik kerana sanggup menjadi HAMBA KEPADA TUAN BARAT. Mereka tidak berani mengangkat muka sekalipun kepada TUAN BARAT. Mereka tergamak membiarkan pembunuhan ke atas UMAT ISLAM berlaku disebelah negara mereka sendiri, di depan batang hidung mereka sendiri!!! Lebih jijik mereka TURUT SAMA MEMBANTU pembunuhan ke atas UMAT ISLAM sendiri!!! Masih ingat lagi Perang Kuwait dan Iraq di mana mereka memberikan kemudahan ketenteraan dan turut sama berperang membunuh UMAT ISLAM sendiri?
    Ya ALLAH…. ampunilah kami…dan berikanlah petunjuk kepada kami.

  111. Dear Tun,
    Despite many years,many wars around the globe that had been happening, still why some humans belive the right ones are not always the terrorist and the ones who has the support from others are known to be the good guys ones.
    Can we say that Adolf Hitler are good ones? or is he a terrorist since he kills a lot of Jews? or he kills a lot of innocents women and children as a whole? and what about the japanese occupations? just they called themself a Kamikaze pilots during World War II, including their tactics and attacks,are their consider a terrorist too?
    Now the Middel East wars that i know of is about the land? between the Palestine and Israel..is about the land where their living side by side to get whois land it his.
    Whoever kills others one first wins! U ask anyone in Malaysia their will say the same.

  112. Malaysian reportes especially those who are non-muslim should go to Gaza and get the first hand information about the situation overthere. Not juts merely accept all the news from their fellow reporters from the west.

  113. Oh please Hamas is basically Syria’s support ORG.
    And they do use Women and Children as shield. If you are brave enough to launch rocket , then be brave enough to stand and fight. Don’t go and hide like chickens in schools and aid centers.
    If a rocket falls in your house or a missile lands in your taman both will result in your death. The argument of comparing the death toll in Isreal and Gaza is so stupid.
    Tun, the number of life loss is not like losing money.
    Every life is precious.
    To those who condemn Israel, please feel free to go over there and fight. Don’t worry I’m sure DR.M can spare some of his millions for sponsor you.
    To those interest in Intelligent discussion read

  114. Komen untuk kenyataan sebelum ini:
    (1) Sekiranya israel tidak wujud, mungkinkah hamas tidak melepaskan roket?
    Saudara kena fahami, bahawa apakah pandangan “orang bukan islam” mengenai isu Gaza … hanya adanya persefahaman, maka akan menjadi lebih mudah oleh masyarakat islam mendapat sokongan komuniti bukan islam .. untuk menangani keangkuhan amerika dan israel …
    pada pandangan “orang bukan islam”, mereka tidak ketahui siapa dia hamas. Dalam mindanya, hamas itu merupakan pejuang yg meletupkan bom atas badan. Dan hamas, tamil tiger, pejuang di indonesia, taliban dan lain-lain lagi semua dianggap pertubuhan yg mempunyai matlamat yg sama …. oleh itu, tiada sokongan yg kuat diberikan apabila negara islam diancam …
    mengapakah masyarakat lain mempunyai pemikiran PRASANGKA sebegini? Tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa Islam merupakan satu agama yg amat gagah, jika tidak, tidak mungkin wujudnya bilangan penganut islam yg begitu banyak di serata dunia .. namun tindakan sebilangan extremis menyebabkan orang lain mempunyai PRASANGKA terhadapnya …
    Sekiranya tidak wujudnya israel, mungkinkah hamas berusaha mempertingkatkan mutu kehidupan orang Gaza, ataupun berperang pula dengan puak yg lain di Gaza? Bacalah buku sejarah dan sehingga hari ini, pembunuhan antara puak masih berlaku di benua arab ….
    Di gaza, hamas dihalalkan untuk menyerang kerana kewujudan israel dan amerika … apa kata pula di mumbai, tidak kena mengena dengan israel dan amerika, tapi kena bom juga. Di thailand, tiada amerika dan israel, kena bom juga … di indonesia pun bom juga … INGAT .. pada pandangan masyarakat di serata dunia, mereka mengaanggap hamas dan pertubuhan extremist yg lain adalah sama … sebab itu, hamas perlu lebih berusaha menghapuskan imej sebegitu agar mendapat sokongan yg besar untuk menentang amerika dan israel .. ini barulah penyelesaian yg lebih membawa manfaat …
    Sebab itu, sekiranya saudara berhati ikhlas … berikan “bantuan” yg benar-benar “membantu” … dan bukannya kuat membodek … kerana angka kematian di gaza melambung sehingga ke tahap yg amat membimbangkan …

    By Peneliti on January 15, 2009 4:22 AM
    Askm w.w. Tun,
    Semoga YAB Tun sentiasa sihat serta panjang umur.

  116. ChannelNewsAsia.com [Jan 11] Dr Yaacob lauds S’pore Muslims’ rational response to Mideast conflict
    By Pearl Forss, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 11 January 2009 2316 hrs
    SINGAPORE : The Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Dr Yaacob Ibrahim has said Singapore is concerned about the ongoing Middle East conflict and supports the United Nations resolution for an immediate ceasefire.
    He was responding to questions from Muslims here about Singapore’s stand on the issue, at a dialogue session on Sunday.
    Protests against the Israeli bombardment of the Hamas-run Palestinian territory have taken place in Singapore’s neighbouring countries.
    Some have also condemned the Israeli action and a Singaporean wanted to know why the Republic was not doing the same.
    Dr Yaacob, who is also Environment and Water Resources Minister, said: “Condemning it does not solve the problem. But supporting what we think is constructive, like the UN Resolution, is the right way to go.
    “Israel is a state, we have to recognise it as a state and we are recognising it as a state. Hamas is ruling Gaza, they are rightfully elected but they are in conflict. So our position is that we take a very serious view of what is happening in the Middle East, and the best solution is for both sides to have an immediate ceasefire and come together and talk.”
    Singapore recently supported the United Nations Resolution announced on January 8 to call for an immediate ceasefire, and the Singapore government hopes that the Resolution will pave the way for dialogue between the two parties.
    Dr Yaacob added that the response of the Singapore Muslim community to the conflict has been very rational.
    Prayers for peace are taking place in mosques here, and the Islamic Religious Council is also coordinating a fund-raising effort in aid of Gaza’s affected victims.
    As for boycotting American companies like Starbucks and McDonald’s, Dr Yaacob said it is not sensible, and does not help the situation.
    The current economic crisis and meeting costs of living were other issues raised by residents during the dialogue.
    Dr Yaacob said that the government will be announcing more help for Singaporeans in the upcoming Budget, but he also called on grassroots leaders to work harder to identify those who are struggling and match them to the relevant national programmes.
    During the dialogue session, one resident from Punggol East asked why his PUB bill was increasing every month.
    Dr Yaacob replied that as oil prices are down now, electricity bills will also come down.
    But he added that what is more important is to get Singaporeans to be energy efficient, because the island-state will always be subjected to oil price fluctuations due to its lack of natural resources.
    Dr Yaacob elaborated: “This is the best time for us to instil these energy-saving habits in our households and make it a lifestyle. Japan is an energy-efficient nation.You know what they did? (During) the oil crisis of 1973… oil prices were very high. Then after the oil crisis, they did not lower oil prices, they kept it very high, they forced the Japanese people to be efficient. Today they are an energy-efficient nation. We must think along the same line.”
    Singapore has a masterplan for energy efficiency which is being implemented. Programmes are also being rolled out at the constituency level to help Singaporeans cut back on energy use. – CNA/ms
    TODAYOnline.com: Better a truce than condemnation – Dr Yaacob lauds Singapore Muslims

  117. This arguement is totally studip. First we must not not take on any side. Both sides done wrong in the past. Second we must stop thekilling immediately . The past is done and is in the past. Try to start fresh and ignoring the past. I know this is difficult. But by taking sides we will not end this conflict.If this cannot be done ,then let karma takes it course.

  118. Ini cerita dunia punya hal , kenapa kita tak faham – faham beza nya orang kafir dengan orang islam dan siapa bangsa musuh islam nombor satu , sudah tentulah yahudi. Mereka boleh bunuh sesiapa sahaja yang mereka mahu , disebabkan ugama mereka pun ugama yang tersalah pilih .
    Bezanya islam , mereka bertindak melalui ugama . Orang kafir lain hal lah. Itu bezanya. Cara kita mengatasi masalah berdepan dengan golongan yahudi ini yang paling penting , Kalau seluruh umat islam didunia ini bersatu hati pun , kita belum tentu menang , disebabkan pemikiran kita yang suka benda nak semua ada didepan mata , baru boleh buat kerja , itulah islam zaman sekarang .
    Lagi satu si hamas ini , langsung takde buat persiapan ke untuk negara mereka , pelik ? sibuk bom sana sini tapi bila kena serang dia tak cukup persiapan pulak , Ialah kadang – kadang niat itu baik nak bunuh musuh Islam , tapi lain jadi nya kerana nak tunjuk bagus agaknya didunia sambil itu dapat bantuan , dapat bantuan boleh beli senjata , tapi akhirnya negara tergadai . anak – anak yang mati , isteri- isteri menangis , rumah kena bom akhirnya sampai mati pun tak akan menang . Kalau beginilah cara kita nak berperang .
    Kalau musuh tidak ada perasaan takut kepada kita , itu susah beb
    nampak sangat kelemahan kita , kerana tuhan tak tolong orang yang zalim tapi tuhan juga tak tolong orang yang tak pakai otaknya. berfikir dulu sebelum nak buat beb , Kalau tidak lagi satu abad pun orang islam dibumi Gaza tidak akan menang.
    Lagi satu pendapat saya , mengapa Amerika membenar kan Gaza diserang , kerana Presiden Bush Amerika itu dibaling dengan kasut ,
    marahlah member tu , dihina begitu ……( Itulah cara orang Islam kalau tak puas hati )bukan nak baiki kelemahan , buktikan pada dunia siapa Islam dimata dunia , Baru lah Islam dihormati dan di segani . Itu pendapat saya .

  119. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    mari kita hantar pak pandir08 ke gaza dan tengok dia lari lintang pukang tak?
    Tun I am shock too that there jewish agents who has been giving the malaysian reporter the brain wash.
    I think that the whole world is just watching and doing nothing about the terrorist israeli government bombarding the innocent people of gaza and in fact the arab leaders are purely DUMB for dancing according to the israeli and the zionist tune. What are they really afraid of when wealth are on their side? Just go and buy the american media houses and change instead the mind set of the american public about who are the real terrorists, that is their own us government and the isreali government. History also taught us that it was the jewish people dressing as arabs that blow up the king solomon’s hotel during their struggle for an israeli illegal state. So think again!!! who are the father of terrorists? The zionist movement of course and yet the british government are supporting them blindly after they blow up that hotel killing innocent people and also high ranking british army officers.
    I personally salute Hugo Cheves and Tun Dr Mahathir for voicing out loud against the terrorist israeli government actions and the americans too for being blind and saying hamas is using its people as hostage and human shields when the isrealis and egyptian government closed its borders with gaza while the israel army are bombarding and massacre innocent people of gaza. These are crimes against humanities….. in short genocide of the gazans….. Just as what as hitler use to do to them the jewish people …..in the second world war.
    Tun once again I salute you “Viva Tun Dr Mahathir”.
    Ps let us all pray the sunat hajat prayers and donate to the innocent people of gaza for we malaysians are not blind. May Allah bless us all. Imagine if these evens would happen to us? Surely hope not. Aminn


  121. Dear Tun,
    I have to say that I have agreed to most of your articles in chedet (especially on Bodohwi’s administration). But not on the issue where Israel is fighting back after the continuos terrorist attack by hamas. Hamas is just like osama. Berani bikin tapi tak berani bertanggungjawab.
    Osama has been hiding somewhere after ordering the attack on the American soil. Hamas leaders has been hiding in other countries since Israel fighting back. Hamas soldiers has been hiding behind the palestine civilians. Even the not so great saddam hussein went into hiding. He even killed other muslim for not being the same as his islamic ideologies. Are we Malaysia supporting people like the hamas or osama or saddam? I’m surely not.
    And why the American got to be blamed? Is it because they back the Israel military? Any involvement yet from the American soldiers? It’s all Israel military. If the American involved, even higher militaries technologies would be applied. When iraq invaded kuwait many years back, it was the Americans that help out. Any thanks? When our country was under the japanese rule, it was the Americans that ended the war (atomic bombs on japanese two major cities) resulting in the japanese surrendering.
    The suicide bombers are so stupid to even carried out the attacks. Were they so confident that they would all go to heaven after they died? Isn’t it like buying your way to heaven? Ini dah macam rasuah ni… Better report to PM. These people has been brainwashed by their leaders to carry out the attack. Some were from very young age. This is like propaganda against the American. Just like the TV 1 and TV 3 news where the newscasters were only leaning towards one side. If they thought by killing others to gain something, they were all wrong. I thik the terrorist has been misusing the jihad concept. Or maybe they learned it from the japanese.
    Finally, the boycotting of the American products is simply stupid. The world is facing global financial crisis, and what happen if the American companies pull off the plugs on all of their francises in malaysia? Dah lah ekonomi tidak bagus, pekerjaan pun hilang. Sapa rugi? America atau Malaysia? Suruh Chairman francise Malaysia (I bet you know who is the Chairman right Tun?) dedahkan nama2 pemegang francise in Malaysia. Dan tanya mereka apakah implikasi boycotting produk Amerika?
    I’m not pro-Isarael and pro-American. And I’m definately not pro-hamas. I hope ceasefire will be achieved very soon. I feel sorry for the children, women, and other innocent palastine that were killed. They were killed because of the action of the chicken out hamas leaders.
    I hope the war would end soon and peace would be put upon the middle east. Forgive me Tun if my posting doesn’t bond well with your ideologies this time around. I believed you would agreed with me that everyone is entitled to his or her opinions. I think what the world main concern now is how to end the war. And not put the blame on one side only.
    Thank you Tun and all the best.

  122. An eye for an eye leaves both parties blind – Mahatma Gandhi.
    Justifying the use of suicide bombers to even up the score between the Palestinians and the Israelis is simply irresponsible. Does Islam teach you to hate this way ? The simple truth is both parties are killing each other, and one death on either side is one death too many.
    Think, Old Man. You have to answer to your Maker as to why you harbour such hatred towards fellow human beings. Being out of luck, or being suppressed, or being poor, or being helpless – these are never justifications to take life.

  123. Chances are the reporter is a fresh-faced young-un thats over eager to ‘impress’! Lets have him/her see some of the photos such as this http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_lebanon_children.html. (Thanks Tun for introducing me to this site via the My Lai photos) But then again this so called ‘puppet’ would always blame the innocents & glorify the tyrants!
    Pakpandir in my book is what my late Tok Nana used to refer as ‘Jendalu’ – they derive satisfaction out of agrying others, they are happiest when others a miserable. Provoking is their business. He likes to pretend to be ‘intelligent’ but like what someone said, his ‘pandirness’ is too obvious.
    I wonder if we had implemented the common islamic country currency (what it’s called just slipped my mind), could we be able to ‘squeeze’ them to stop their atrocities? I believe we could.

  124. Saya merasa cukup sedih kerana di Malaysia ini masih ada lagi org2 yang berfahaman yahudi Laknatullah….manakan adil jika kita ingin menyamakan Israel dengan PERJUANG2 HAMAS…Hamas berjuang sedaya upaya dengan sumber yang terhad dan mundur demi mempertahankan tanahair,maruah dah jatidiri mereka…adalah lebih baik berjuang dari mudah menyerah kalah…kita sendiri dapat melihat bahawa tentera2 israel laknatullah menyerang berdasar kan arahan tanpa memprdulikan tempat sasaran merka..sekolah,masjid turut menjadi tempat sasaran bom2 ganas mereka..nyata bahawa sasaran mereka sebenarnya adalah kanak2 dan wanita dengan tujuan agar tiada lagi generasi2 baru Palestin wujud di muka bumi ini…tetapi Tanpa kita sedari ALLAH telah pun memilih kaum Palestin yang terkorban dan tertindas sebagai SYUHADA dan mereka yang mendapat gelaran SYAHID….ALLAHUAKBAR

  125. Tun,
    Mengapa kita bersungguh2 mahu memboikot produk Amerika “yang terpilih” dan sama2 sibuk membantu rakyat Palestin? Kenapa kita tak bersungguh2 membasmi kemiskinan dan menaik tarafkan kehidupan rakyat dinegara sendiri?
    Sesungguhnya ini adalah mainan politik kerajaan Malaysia. Jangan la berpura2 mahu membantu orang islam, sedangkan orang islam dinegara sendiri tak dibantu.
    Tun, saya agak geram, mengapa produk Amerika “yang terpilih” saja? Adakah TUn mahu kembali popular dikalangan rakyat? Tun merupakan tokoh politik yang disegani diseluruh dunia, tapi dengan idea memboikot produk Amerika “yang terpilih”, dapatkah kita melumpuhkan ekonomi mereka?
    Saya dpt rasakan, ini semua permainan politik kerajaan Malaysia mempengaruhi minda rakyat, supaya rakyat akan berasa tertipu dan berkata, “oh! kerajaan Malaysia mempunyai sifat simpati, ikhlas memperjuangkan agama Islam”, tetapi hakikatnya tidaklah sebegitu.
    Tun, sekali lagi saya mahu bertanya, mengapa produk Amerika “yang terpilih” saja? Ini adalah contoh sifat hipokrit yg paling dahsyat!
    Terimalah kenyataan, memboikot produk Amerika “terpilih” sedikitpon tidak menjejaskan ekonomi Amerika, sebaliknya rakyat Malaysialah yang akan sengsara.
    Semua orang tahu, negara Malaysia sememangnya bergantung dgn Amerika. Jika kerajaan Malaysia bersungguh2 mahu memerangi keganasan yg ditaja Amerika, sediakan tempat pekerjaan alternatif untuk rakyat sendiri. Tutup seluruh peluang perniagaan yang datang dari Amerika. Jika tidak, terimalah hakikat bahawa kerajaan Malaysia adalah kerajaan hipokrit. Hipokrit teragung.

  126. Assallammualaikum YABhg. Tun,
    Your effort to correct the situation is very much appreciated by both muslims and non-muslims from all over the world. May Allah gives you strength to continue doing all good things for the people of the world.
    To Muslims,
    We have to organize Muslims all over the world to unite in terms of vision, mission, strategy and action to achieve better successes globally.
    Please kindly visit our website http://www.unitedmuslim.net for more information …
    Thanks & Regards,
    United Muslim

  127. masalah nya kita ni banyak macam pakpandir08.
    duduk senang lenang, perut kenyang,ada kereta ada anak bini.. hari panas pasang aircond, pagi sejuk ada water heater.. lepas tu nak komen kata macam-macam kat Hamas.
    Kita bawak kereta ada orang potong Q pun kita dah maki macam-macam. Bayangkan Hamas dan org palestin yang Yahudi ni belasah hari hari. Pukul, rogol, bunuh..
    Canggih macam mana sekalipun senjata dia, mesti dia nak balas dendam. Kita yang macam Pakpandir08 jangan cakap banyak.. Doa tak pernah, sedekah jauh sekali. lepas tu tau nak komen, nak kata hamas pun salah!

  128. Kepada Pak Pandir yang sememangnya PANDIR.Anda seorang yang berfikiran DANGKAL.Dalam KALAM ALLAH (AL-QURAN) memang telah dinyatakan bahawa ISRAEL adalah musuh utama ISLAM.Jadi janganlah bersekongkol dengan ZIONIS sekiranya PAK PANDIR adalah MUSLIM.

  129. Salam Ayahanda,
    harap ayahanda dan bonda di dalam keadaan sihat walafiat…
    ayahanda, sejak kebelakangan ini kita digesa utk memboikot barangan dari US dan Israel bagi memprotes tindakan biadap mereka melakukan pembunuhan di palestin. jika tidak menjadi keberatan, boleh kah ayahanda menerangkan signifikasi tindakan memboikot ini dilakukan? adakah ianya benar2 relevan dan mampu mengekang “jenayah” spt yg sdang berlaku sekarang ini DIHENTIKAN sama sekali kerana sy tidak snggup lagi menangis dan meratapi nasib2 muslimin dan muslimat kita di sana…
    terima kasih ayahanda…

  130. Who asked that? a Malaysian? oh my, what’s wrong with his/her head? stupid? ignorance? that’s something we can’t control.. the stupidity of ignorance people. It’s really painful to talk with. They wont accept the truth no matter what.
    Those people who unaware that Israel is the devil here normally is a bias person, people who hate or anti-Islam and offcourse someone who adore US. It’s a sad thing there are some of Malaysians who adore and love US more then our beloved country.
    It’s a sad thing but, still why those Arab peoples, OIC, Middle east or any other Muslims country brave enough to step up and help Palestine? Why they r so scared to help Palestine?

  131. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Pada hemah saya, sebenar-benarnya umat Islam didunia ini perlukan SATU KHALIFAH. Semua pemimpin Islam didunia ini memimpin negara masing-masing dengan jayanya, namun mereka semua tidak sehati dalam melindungi kepentingan umat Islam sejagat. Pelbagai pertubuhan ditubuhkan kononnya untuk negara-negara Islam, namun hanya melindungi kepentingan tertentu dan negara terbabit sahaja. Ada negara Islam yang kaya-raya, tidak lupa juga ada yang papa kedana, adakah kita akan membiarkan perkara ini berlanjutan…. disini saya melihat pentingnya dan keperluan ‘SATU KHALIFAH’, dimana suaranya akan didengar-pakai oleh semua umat Islam tanpa berbelah bahagi. Apabila diserang, sesama kita menentang/memboikot. Dengan itu, negara Islam akan kembali gemilang dan disegani oleh penjajah zalim baik dari segi ekonomi mahupun kekuatan ke’kita’an bangsa itu sendiri.

  132. Salam Tun,
    I love you Tun….To my dear ignorance Rob ..I have spend a couple years of life in your country and to be honest with you ..you guys are such an ignorance people…You consider yourself a ” a Good Guy” but the fact is you are the worst of all…Look at what you have done to the American Indian…you think they also a terrorist or primitive too…people who welcome you but later must regrets of their action…Dear Rob, we could be a small and not a strong country like yours but at least we are not primitive like you as to invade other people country as you like it and to continually support the REAL Terrorist of the world in the form of country you call Israel…Honestly I’m really sad there are too many people like you…ignorance..reside in your beloved country that prosecute innocence babies, children, woman and others just because they dont look like you…

  133. There is a kindergarten where all sort of children went and get to know each other. One of them is Ahmad, a poor boy who is short and skinny. Every day, during break time he would sit under the tree at the playground, minding his own business and eat his mee goreng from home. Invariably, Jeremy, the well built son of a rich family, and his friends would come and push him off – took his spot and spilled his lunch. One day Ahmad couldn’t stand it and retaliated with a swing that cut Jeremy’s lips. Enraged with his audacity to stand up, Ahmad and his friends gang up, hold him and took turns to hit him with punches and kicks and stripped Ahmad of his clothes. They later left him severely bleeding and barely alive – laughing that that little boy has been taught a lesson and should never dare to stand up and give them trouble again.
    Surely Ahmad was wrong to retaliate earlier and thus asking for trouble. He should have just kept quiet, just take it and count his blessings that he was spared of further trouble.

  134. Hi,
    I guess all America president KPI is going to war???
    I wonder which country is next….??
    The true terrorist is the person who is in power and keep on witnessing thousand of life being killed n yet do nothing…
    The true terrorist is the person who have the power to eradicate famine but do nothing…
    the true-true terrorist is the people who supports the so call leader who condone countries that resort to full militarily offensive against “primitive” people so fought to defend their home land using stones..

  135. To all reporters:
    1. The Hebrews of the Bible have no connection to the Jews today.
    2. The Prophets of the Bible were “Muslims”.
    3. The Canaanites are the forefathers of the Palestinians
    4. The Bible is legends based on what Jews imagined and not on history.
    5. The Jews today are descendents of a 13th Century Khazar tribe with no history in the Land of Israel.
    6. The location of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a Zionist invention.
    They are clearly the terrorists. If you ask any Jew today to which of the twelve tribes they belong to, none will able to answer.

  136. Obviously this UN is a hopeless organisation. It is no more than an organisation that takes the people’s money and enjoy the high salary. Would Mahathir come out and create a new organisation comparable to UN but representing the less fortunate nations? Except the super power, all others may want to join Mahathir, if a proper promotion is made.

  137. Salam buat semua
    Anda boleh gelar diri anda , atau gelar sesiaa apa saja : terrorist, pejuang, mujahid. Tak kisah. Tapi kalau sudah membunuh kanak2 semoga anda diLAKNAT.
    Ini termasuk mereka yang berada diselatan Tanah Besar Asia, yang saya dimaklumkan membuat peluru dan senjata dan dibekalkan ke Israel yang akhirnya membunuh kanak2. Semoga anda juga diLAKNAT.

  138. Dear Tun and all
    We are great to be Malaysian, staying in peaceful time now. But remember we going like Gazans if we are lack to s.w.o.t ourself.

  139. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun:
    It is unfortunate for the muslims that westerners (Americans particularly) define terrorism to merely fulfill their (the westerners)own cause. The fact of the matter is they are the real terrorist. They hide the fact (through their control of the media) that they are the ones responsible for the killings and hardships of people all over the world (not just muslims). They project the image that they are the heroes of the free world (free?), yet they are the ones who are the actual murderers. Yes, that’s who they are. Just bloody murderers. And they cleverly put the jews as the victims, yet the fact is the jews are the aggressors, killers, murderers.
    YABhg Tun. Please Sir, continue to lead us because there’s simply no one else.

  140. Salam Tun,
    I agree with one of the comment, the term “HERO” and “TERRORIST” are relative sort of like General Relativity 🙂
    Now the US will have a new President, but is he A CHANGE like people been saying? To me he is just another SALESMAN being placed in the White House by certain INTEREST GROUPS and what will he be doing? Just like any other President did; SELLING POLICIES to AMERICANS and the WORLD. But anyhow, just wait and see.
    About the term CHANGE, actually the INTEREST GROUPS that needed a CHANGE of Marketing Strategy and not the people, hahaha how’s that for a change.
    Come 2009 economic downfall forecast and review, OBAMA’s line might chage from “CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN” to “CAN YOU SPARE ME A CHANGE”
    hahaha… signing out
    Salam Tun

  141. pakpandir08
    Hamas bukan seperti yang anda maksudkan. Mereka meyerang sebab ditekan oleh israel dan merika. Tanah air mereka diceroboh, rumah diroboh, ekonomi disekat, perubatan disekat, segala-galanya disekat. Kalau anda takan anda masih berdiam diri?
    Mereka bukan lari sembunyi belakang isteri tapi israel menyerang dgn helikopter penggembur dan tank. Israel menembak mambabi buta. Tak masuk akal nak lari sembunyi belakang budak umur 2 tahun sbb takutkan israel.
    Hati-hati dengan propaganda media barat yang dikuasai yahudi.

  142. GoodDay TUN and to all Chedet Followers,
    I personally think that the reporter that ask you(TUN) that stupid question is really a retarded moron.Or maybe the reporter wanted to intimedate you so that he/she can spread out the news that
    you really are an anti-Jews guy,which i think is absolutely rubbish.
    Everyday i feel like not watching the world news because all i see and witness are the killings and the invasion being conducted by this dogs(Israel Army)and most are the victom are women and children.I feel helpless and speechless to see that such cruelty and barbaric actions being done to the women and children of GAZA.First it was the Bosnian,and now this.
    Personally i think the United Nations should move to GENEVA because there are powerless in America.And I personally want to solute the President of Venezuela(Hugo Chavez) for bringing aid and medicine to the needed people of GAZA.He (Hugo Chavez) suggested that President Bush And Israel President should be brought to the International court and should be criminally charge for war crime.And i personally think that he is spot on on this matter.
    May GOD help the people of GAZA and protect them in there hour of need.
    This whole world is mush saffer when there is less Jews in it.

  143. Gaza and Palestinians have this kind of miserable life today because they are lacking a good leader. Arafat ended up with having millions or billions (I don’t know which one is applicable, but with the young wife living in Paris). Where did the foreign aids go to for PLO?
    Malaysia could be worse if we did not have a leader like Mahathir Mohd. When we think about this, we really appreciated his leadership for over 2 decades. I suggest Mahathir to volunteer himself to lead the Palestinians to build their country. It will be a very tough job, but given the importance of such a mission, Mahathir should take it. Many countries are in bad shape simply because of a lack of capable leaders.

  144. Dear pakpandir08,
    Ingin saya kongsikan bersama saudara tafsiran ayat2 al-quran di bawah.. Mohon difahami dgn sewajarnya mengapa HAMAS bertindak mengangkat senjata menentang musuh, israel LAKNATULLAH..
    Ash-Shura (The Consultation)
    42:36 (Malay) “Maka sesuatu apa pun yang diberikan kepadamu, itu adalah kenikmatan hidup di dunia; dan yang ada pada sisi Allah lebih baik dan lebih kekal bagi orang-orang yang beriman, dan hanya kepada Tuhan mereka, mereka bertawakal.”
    Ash-Shura (The Consultation)
    42:37 (Malay) dan (bagi) orang-orang yang menjauhi dosa-dosa besar dan perbuatan-perbuatan keji, dan apabila mereka marah mereka memberi maaf.
    Ash-Shura (The Consultation)
    42:38 (Malay) “Dan (bagi) orang-orang yang menerima (mematuhi) seruan Tuhannya dan mendirikan salat, sedang urusan mereka (diputuskan) dengan musyawarah antara mereka; dan mereka menafkahkan sebagian dari rezeki yang Kami berikan kepada mereka.”
    Ash-Shura (The Consultation)
    42:39 (Malay) Dan (bagi) orang-orang yang apabila mereka diperlakukan dengan zalim mereka membela diri.
    Ash-Shura (The Consultation)
    42:40 (Malay) Dan balasan suatu kejahatan adalah kejahatan yang serupa, maka Barang siapa memaafkan dan berbuat baik maka pahalanya atas (tanggungan) Allah. Sesungguhnya Dia tidak menyukai orang-orang yang zalim.
    Ash-Shura (The Consultation)
    42:41 (Malay) Dan sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membela diri sesudah teraniaya, tidak ada suatu dosa pun atas mereka.
    Ash-Shura (The Consultation)
    42:42 (Malay) Sesungguhnya dosa itu atas orang-orang yang berbuat zalim kepada manusia dan melampaui batas di muka bumi tanpa hak. Mereka itu mendapat azab yang pedih.
    Ash-Shura (The Consultation)
    42:43 (Malay) Tetapi orang yang bersabar dan memaafkan sesungguhnya (perbuatan) yang demikian itu termasuk hal-hal yang diutamakan.
    Hamas are not some trigger-happy- violence- loving-religious -fanatics
    they have to make a choice because they are the one in that situation and NOT us because we dont really know what is exactly happening there.
    Demi ALLAH SWT, please dont judge them unfairly.
    wallahualam. Moga ALLAH jauhkn diri kita dari kesesatan..insyaAllah

  145. Assalamualaikum Yg Berbahagia Tun,
    Sungguh hairan ada pemberita Malaysia yang berfikiran segala yang berlaku di Gaza adalah berpuca daripada kesalahan orang2 Palestine. Seluruh dunia dengan jelas menyatakan Israel laknatullah adalah punca segala yang berlaku disana, tapi dia masih mahu bertanya soalan yang bodoh itu pada Tun. Kalau bercaya sangat dengan berita2 yang dihebahkan olih Israel, AS dan sekutu2nya, pindah sajalah dan bermastautin kat negara mereka. Tak sedar diri betul, kalau kat sana dia akan jadi “third class” resident, kutip sampah jangan mimpi nak jadi reporter. Tolonglah gunakan otak yang ada dikepala bukan gunakan kepala lutut.
    Sorry Tun, terpaksa berkasar sedikit untuk mempersedarkan yang masih menperagungkan dan mempercayakan “Barat”.
    Tahniah Tun for all the effort put in. Hope that you continue with this good deed.

  146. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Nothing is strange anymore in Malaysia after Abdullah Badawi takes over as PM. The silly man made Prime Minister has no agenda of his own, has no leadership value and the vulnerable man has no standing to be leader of anything. Malaysia is crumbling down to rubbles again and all we see is just a Prime Minister who is merely living out a day to day existence at the expenses of Malaysians. The one thing I have learned in all my walks of life is that each day the world would just turn on someone who had just been sitting on top of it yesterday. That day is fast approaching for both Abdullah and UMNO. Perhaps after the defeat of BN in KT soon, UMNO power makers would be heralded into a new chapter of awakening; Pak Lah has no business being PM. We need more commentator like Keadilan Pak Pandir, so as to show the Malays, the real picture of how survival in Malaysia today and tomorrow is going to be like. UMNO should be restructured and run like a PLC. With a clear line of communications with stake holders (the Malays). Stake holders may convene and fire anyone off the board should a situation of “contract frustrations” arises. That power should be taken away from the corrupted and timid MT. A near total corporate restructuring is long overdue in UMNO. And the person who could achieve that feat, shall lead UMNO and BN into forming the next government after PRU13. Any less, would be null and void. UMNO MT, go say your thanks to Abdullah and Khairy.

  147. “Dan (ingatlah) ketika suatu umat di antara mereka berkata: “Mengapa kamu menasihati kaum yang Allah akan membinasakan mereka atau mengazab mereka dengan azab yang amat keras?” Mereka menjawab: “Agar kami mempunyai alasan (pelepas tanggung jawab) kepada Tuhanmu, dan supaya mereka bertakwa”.
    ayat ini pula..
    “Dan janganlah kamu campur adukkan yang hak dengan yang batil dan janganlah kamu sembunyikan yang hak itu, sedang kamu mengetahui.” (Al-Baqarah ayat 42)

  148. Dear Tun,
    It is worrying to see the one-sided, biased and ill-informed debate that is happening in relation to the Jew-Palestinian conflict. It seems that the Muslim community has this in-built hatred for the Jews, and debate is always skewed against them, no matter what. Comments like Jews control the world by proxy is unhelpful. I know, and have a lot of Jews and they are dear friends of mine. The Jewish people are the smartest, most entrepreneurial and business savvy people, and Muslims would do well if they learn from these people.

  149. Tun,
    I agree with you. And i believe the war will continue as it will benefit those who are selling the weapons. It not coincidence that the economic turmoil came in tandem with the war..

  150. Dearest Tun,
    It’s enlightening to read about your definition of terrorist and terrorism.
    I am sure with your knowledge of the world and current affairs it gives you a broader view of what terrorism is all about and the poor journalist whom hv asked you that question is seeing things too narrow minded-ly.
    He/she should be happy to have the ex premier pointing out such an important aspect that is much needed in the job as a journalist.
    To be honest, I consider myself to be one such person as well. Therefore I seek your assistance, Tun, in enlightening me further about the term terrorism.
    Just recently I have concluded a backpacking trip into Myanmar, our ASEAN neighbour that is close to our heart. Despite the proximity of Myanmar to Malaysia, I am saddened to come to know that my knowledge of the country is so limited.
    Only after my visit to the country, that I realise such a poor and miserable nation full of sympathetic soul with some dying off the streets could even exist.
    That’s why when I came back to Malaysia I tried to do some research on the net and found out the atrocities that the Burmese government has done for the past 40 years. (including imprisoning the democratically elected prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung Sung Su Kyi)
    May I know that in your definition of terrorism Tun, does it include the part about crazy military government raging war against its own people and brutally killing thousands of innocent victims, raping women and child and burning down villages and homes?
    If my research is to be trusted, as I type here, more than 3200 villages has already been torn down and millions of Burmese ethnic minorities has been displaced and living the life of hell on earth as refugees in their own and neighboring countries.
    I would like to seek your enlightenment in this and why on earth is Malaysia keeping total silent about the atrocities happening in our neighboring country.
    Is this about the ASEAN pact where we are not supposed to interfere with member’s internal affairs or is it because of the economical benefits that we stand to gain from the Hitler like government of General Than Shwe?
    Then again, I might be wrong in my research.
    If so please pardon me Tun as I do not see the world as much as you do and definitely has no idea on what is happening behind the scene as all my research has been done thru the American dominated internet websites.
    The American media could just have manipulated the facts once again (as in the case of Israel and Gaza) to promote hatred against the Burmese government for an unknown reason to me.
    Therefore I sincerely seek your assistance in helping me truely understand this pressing matter I have in mind.
    Thank you very much in advance and I do hope to hear your reply.
    Tan Lit Han

  151. Askm w.w. Tun,
    Semoga YAB Tun sentiasa sihat serta panjang umur.
    Pandangan Sdr Syariffudin Hafe itu saya setuju. Namun, saya risau pula tentang keselamatan Tun kalau pergi ke sana. Lagi elok jika Tun dapat minta kerjasama dengan salah satu negara-negara di Timur Tengah yang hampir Israel dan Palestine yang agak supportive / biasa dengan Tun melalui kedutaan negara berkenaan di Kuala Lumpur.
    Pendapat Tun yang kerap “Check Mate” fikiran pemimpin-pemimpin serta ahli-ahli fikir boleh membantu mengatasi kemelut yang orang lain sudah mati akal, tak tahu nak buat apa dah…
    Semoga Tun terus diberi Allah swt kekuatan. Tun Boleh!
    Terima kasih.

  152. I agree with pak pandir..please read his comments below..he shows that he can think better than mahathir..
    Both sides should be blamed … either hamas or israel …
    (1) Sekiranya israel tidak wujud, mungkinkah hamas tidak melepaskan roket?
    – Saya rasa ramai yg ada jawapannya di dalam hati untuk soalan ini
    – walaupun israel tidak wujud, hamas tetap akan bunuh, tetapi terhadap pihak yg lain, rasanya peperangan antara puak yg akan berlaku …
    (2) Hamas itu sudah ketahui israel akan membalas dengan senjata canggih sekiranya hamas melepaskan roket
    – Namun, hamas tetap melakukannya. Setelah melepaskan roket, lari lintang-pukang dan bersembunyi di belakang anak dan isteri pula
    – Dah tahu israel itu memang zalim dan pasti membalas. Apabila diserang, “pejuang” yg lepaskan roket itu tidak mati, anak dan isteri pula yg mati. Lepas tu menangis di depan television mengampun simpati
    (3) Hamas itu kekurangan senjata yg canggih, bayangkanlah sekiranya mereka mempunyai senjata yg canggih, apakah yg akan terjadi?
    – sudah pastinya singapore kena bom disebabkan PISANG israel
    – mungkin juga langkawi pun kena bom, pasal mozerella cheese ciptaan eropah wujud disitu
    (4) kenyataan bahawa “pejuang” sukar mendekati askar menyebabkan mereka menyerang orang awam, adalah LUCU sedikit
    – Di mumbai, askar dan polisnya amat senang didekati. Kalau nak bom, ramai yg akan terkorban
    – Namun, dia bom pula hotel yg ramai orang awam menetap di situ


  154. Salam Tun…you are totally right in everything you say but sometimes in this world you just dont get people who actually think before the speak…all journalist are good journalist but some are good butwere bone idiots..just like PM’s…all PM’s are good PM but some were also born idiots…sad to say that we have an idiot for a journalist as well as an idiot for a PM…keep up your excellent writing Tun…

  155. Dear Tun,
    It is so unfortunate that most Malaysian are ignorant of the going on in the middle east, especially pertaining to the Palestinians/Israelis conflict. Its bad enough that the Malaysian public have a very vague knowledge about the issue but coming from a Malaysian journalist…that is the pits. And these are the very people who brings the news to our coffee table every morning.
    I do hope that somebody would inform my fellow non-muslim Malaysian that the Palestinians who are defending their homeland against the Israelis are both Christian and Muslim and not just Palestinian muslim alone. My other wish is that those who know not about the history of the middle east conflict please refrain from making comments justifying the Israelis action.
    The irony about the conflict is that the Jews who are the victims of the so called holocaust is doing the same thing to the Palestinians.
    I sometimes wonder if Hitler had killed much more than the six million Jews, do you think the world would have been a peaceful place?…..just a thought. My other thoughts is that what brought about the holocaust is that ‘The Nazis says that they are the superior race and the Jews says that they are chosen race’ so when you put them in one place…..the rest are history.
    Anyway I do hope you take good care of yourself and I do enjoy your blog.

  156. that reporter is ignorant.
    salam TUN.
    ‘who is the terrorist?’ one asks.
    is it the guys who blew themselves up?
    or is it the guys who ‘legally’ murders everybody within sight?
    both are.
    one is terrorist by situation. a person who is pushed around is expected to push back eventually.
    one is terrorist by choice. the person who starts to push in the first place don’t have the right to complain when he is pushed back. neither is better than the other.
    the main victim are the innocents. parents lost. children lost. homes destroyed. they are the ones who should receive our attention.
    and yet somehow, somebody will justify the action and reaction caused by this uncivilized war. neither side will stop. both sides wants to throw the last stone. they justify their actions using body counts. to stop, one must kill as much as the other side does.
    after thousands of years existing, we still resort to murder and mayhem to justify our effort for peace. this is stupid. and sad.
    i pray to god that the innocent died will be received as mati syahid. insyaallah…

  157. Dear Tun,
    This respond is timely.
    We don’t condone any act of terrorism but we condemn Israelis for being “terrorist by choice”.
    Should be a good lesson to “Rob”, “Andrew”, “CVCO” and “I love Jews”. Please learn back history, not in your country as your media, educationist and government are “bias”. Do not undermine Asian intellectuality.
    All of you may be smart, but not wise!

  158. how on earth the reporter could ask
    that kind of question.
    suicidal bomber, like you say they almost
    have no choice.. they wanna use gun?
    before they could kill one, they already
    dead.. at least the more brave than us..
    how US wanna stop Japan during world war II,
    not by fight against Japanese soldier,
    but they attack their city..
    Israel use the same way.
    we can’t trust anyone right now..
    we Muslim only have Muslim on our side..
    we alone in term of world.. but we have
    Allah.. May Allah Help Palestinian.

    8. Yes the suicide bombers are terrorists. But they have no other choice. They don’t have bomber and fighter planes, tanks, guns, rockets and chemical weapons to fight their enemies.
    9. The Israelis are terrorists by choice. They have been trained to kill using powerful weapons. We see them killing on television and in pictures in newspapers.

  160. Salam sejahtera Tun sekeluarga yang dikasihi, juga buat semua pejuang Che Det.
    Bukan Melayu semakin banyak menulis perihal sejarah negara.Seperti sejarah kemerdekaan,peristiwa 13 Mei dan sebagainya.Ada desas desus mengatakan tugu perjuangan PKM ada didirikan di Sarawak dan juga di Negri Sembilan.Bekas Menteri Penerangan Dato’ Zainuddin Maidin pernah memperkatakan akan hal ini dan beliau dibidas oleh masyarakat cina kerana mempertikaikan kewujudan tugu-tugu ini.Chin Peng sedang diberi ‘wajah’ baharu, sehingga beliau mampu memfailkan saman kepada kerajaan Malaysia(saman tersebut gagal,namun perjuangan tetap diteruskan kerana mereka ‘menanti hari esok’ & ‘esok masih ada’).
    Setiap usaha yang dilakukan dengan penuh daya juang pasti akan membuahkan hasil di kemudian hari.Setiap kali melihat kelibat ketua menteri Pulau Pinang saya akan nampak Chin Peng,ini kerana gaya dan penampilan mereka sama.DAP,HINDRAF dan sebahagian besar ahli Majlis Peguam amat bahagia sekali dengan apa yang berlaku di Gaza ketika ini(ayat ini berniat jahat kerana ditujukan kepada penyokong Israel).Sumbangan paling besar pemimpin tinggi negara kepada bangsa Melayu ialah membenarkan golongan ini mempamerkan hati perut sebenar mereka terhadap bangsa Melayu,jadi kita dapat melihatnya dengan jelas sekali.Apabila sejarah bisa ditulis semula, maka Mahathir Mohamad mungkin akan di’cap’ sebagai petualang dan Chin Peng sebagai hero sebenar, Melayu sendiri yang memulakannya.Wahai bangsaku ‘ESOK UNTUK SIAPA’ atau ‘ESOK SUDAH TIADA’?

  161. Dear pakpandir08,
    Do you even know how Hamas started? or why Hamas was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin? or the political situation in Palestine between Hamas and Fatas? Do even know what Hamas is?
    Do you know how the nation of Israel was formed? and how the land of the Palestinian was originally usurped by the Jews to form that nation? Do you even know why all this conflict started? Do you know what was and is, the ultimate goal of the fascist Zionist regime?
    Please make you research first, understand the situation of the conflict, before start pointing finger and making assumption of who to blame.

  162. syariffudin hafez,
    I think chedet did try to go there but Israel prevented him from entering Palestine becos of his past track record of speaking against Israel. I am not sure but it seemed like you need Israel’s permission to enter Palestine, or at least some parts of it.
    Ok, maybe he can go to other countries bordering Palestine like Syria or Egypt and engineer a peace deal from there. But what are the chances that Israel agreeing to it, knowing that chedet is a strong supporter of Palestine, hence not entirely independent?
    My 2 sen.

  163. Salam Tun and may you and family be in the best of health
    There will be no peace in the land of Palestine if there is no tolerance shown by either the Jews or the Pelestinians. The crux of the matter is for the Jews – their failure to understand and address the issues faced by the Palestinians ie. poverty, no freedom, being treated as prisoners in their country, lack of education, etc. For the Palestinians – their failure to accept that the Jews are there to stay, like it or not because there have no other place for them to go. By “dismantling Hamas military capability” (the claimed objective) is so short sighted a solution (from a so called superior race) because out of the ashes of this destruction and senseless killings there will be hundreds more Hamas or even more violent groups (members of which will comprise of the fathers, brothers or sisters of those people killed) that will fill the vacum left by the weakened Hamas. When this happen, the Jews will start the whole thing again…… so when will this end …. the killings and destruction…. only god knows I am afraid…

  164. the israeli may have consult some of the arab league members before the assault as they are bless to go ahead with the killings and may promised no firm action by the arab governments to counter attack except to continue talking….

  165. TDM
    I think, the reporter & Ah Heng are examples of typical non-muslims in Malaysia. Worst still in Singapore and Indonesia too. We cannot expect these people to alliance with you and to have the same understanding & mentality. Only small fraction perhaps are not. Most of them have been painted with the colorful of the west and the jews and have been idolised America and Bushism like no others. And will never see their atrocities even though more than 1/2 of the world have condemned the aggressions.
    Additionally the political scenario in Malaysia has shaped their mentality to rejecting anything relates to Muslims affairs and global Muslims issues in general.
    This is not racist statements but a reality you must not deny.

  166. Tok Det,
    You were right when you said the jews ruled the world by proxy a couple of years ago. Yesterday’s headline (14 Jan 09) shows that Olmert had proven your words.
    I think now is the time for the Arab leaders to think back what they have done by having “the relationship” with the US which had made other Muslims suffered. Muslim must now become independent of the West and start to build our own economy dynasty.
    Only then, Insya Allah, we will succeed and give more support to our brothers and sisters.

  167. Salam Tun,
    as part of my pledge to boycott israel-us product, i have stop buying and using anything related to them, like facebook, WAYN, yahoo and hotmail, and use my streamyx account instead. please ask telekom malaysia to upgrade their site on par with those above. people all over the world have no alternative in terms of products mention above. this is an opporturnity for tm to flare in this market.
    cokes, nestle, nokia i can do without. they have substitutes. but communication, well, this is one part that i hope tm will do something about it.
    Tok Det, please make this as your snippets.

  168. Dear Tun and all,
    True that there is nothing much we can do other than donating money, performing solat hajat, having special Parliament session and urging the UN to impose ceasefire upon israel zionist etc, but at least all this things help strengthen the courage and spirit of the people in Ghaza.
    There is no true reporting of the international media other than those full with biased towards the zionists. That’s why some people including Malaysians simply believe them. If they were to think logically and rationally… such a report that the suicide bombers killed their own Muslim children could never arise. My question to those of you who share the thinking: would you kill your own people, what more the kids and ladies?
    When bad things do not befall us, it is easy to think like this and like that..but when it really befalls us then we want other people to listen only to our story.

  169. jawapan khas kpd pakpandir………….
    saya kira menanggap nama anda adalah pakpandir, kerana saya tidak tahu nama sebenar anda.
    secara jujurnya, saya boleh simpulkan bahawa pakpandir hanya bercakap mengikut idea-idea logik untuk kategori minda kelas bawahan. Maka saya berasa bahawa, gelaran pakpandir memang berpadanan dengan diri anda yang bukan sahaja macam tin kosong malah berperwatakan bodoh sombong.
    mengapa saya berani berkata demikian?
    jawapannya cukup mudah, kerana soalan-soalan dan hujah-hujah yang dikemukakan oleh beliau bukan sahaja tidak disandarkan dengan bukti-bukti jelas (sejarah dan lain2) malah semuanya seperti kebudak-budakkan yang inginkan perhatian.
    tidak salah untuk bertanya jika tidak tahu. tiada siapa yang akan marah. jangan bimbang …..
    maaf dengan ayat saya yang agak kasar, tapi itulah hakikatnya.
    saya akan cuba menjawab dan menerangkan serba sedikit tentang keadaan sebenar yang berlaku disana dengan menggunakan analogi-analogi menarik supaya minda lemah dan terbantut pakpandir senang untuk memahami ayat-ayat yang bakal saya gunakan.
    1- apakah seorang lelaki yang berbadan sasa yang ingin merogol dan mencabul seorang gadis yang lemah tapi mempunyai silat, mengadu dianiaya apabila “anu”nya ditendang oleh gadis tersebut? Pelikkan?
    2- bagaimana sekiranya datang 3 orang pihak berkuasa mengarahkan pakpandir berserta keluarga (jika ada) keluar dari rumah anda sendiri tanpa membawa sebarang benda-benda (baju, perabot dan lain-lain) dan menyerahkan kunci rumah tersebut kepada keluarga yang lain tanpa mengendahkan rayuan dan lolongan pakpandir? apa tindakan pakpandir sebagai TUAN RUMAH dan HARTA BENDA yang berada di dalamnya? adakah biarkan sahaja ia berlaku dan pasrah dengan takdir? atau pakpandir ada cara tersendiri?
    3- katakanlah pakpandir ada satu rumah banglo 1 tingkat yang mempunyai 6 bilik tidur. 2 daripada 6 bilik tidur tersebut pakpandir bagi kepada 1 keluarga asing sebagai ihsan.
    tapi setelah 3 bulan mereka tinggal bersama, mereka mula membuat bising, membuat kotor, dan mula mintak untuk dapatkan lagi 2 bilik lagi. Akibat daripada pakpandir menolak walaupun pakpandir sudah memberi beberapa cadangan dan rundingan, mereka mula mengugut untuk merampas secara kekerasan dan mula mengorek lubang untuk mencamtumkan bilik-bilik tersebut.
    sebagai tuan rumah, apakah pakpandir akan melawan dan mendapatkan kembali sebahagian daripada rumah pakpandir tersebut? atau pakpandir cukup baik hati dan bertoleransi orangnya untuk sedekahkan rumah tersbut?
    cukup dengan 3 analogi sebagai pencetus kepada minda pakpandir untuk mencari dan mendalami sejarah-sejarah dan kisah-kisah sebenar yang berlaku di sebalik kisah palestin.
    setelah pakpandir bersedia, saya dengan berbesar hati akan berkongsi semua maklumat yang tidak seberapa yang saya miliki untuk dijadikan renungan dan bertindak sewajarnya bersama.
    cuma saya nasihatkan, jangan ulangi perbuatan yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai “bodoh sombong” kerana ia sebenarnya mencerminkan siapa sebenarnya diri anda dan apa yang berada di dalam sebagai isinya.
    sekali lagi saya mohon maaf kerana ayat-ayat yang saya gunakan sememangnya agak tegas dan kasar tapi anggaplah ia sebagai kritikan membina dan ia datang kerana perbuatan pakpandir sendiri.

  170. Salam Tun,I hope that you’re in good health and as wise as always.
    I’m just wondering,if you’re still the Prime Minister,would you consider sending our army to Gaza to defend the Palestinians and at the same time,try to persuade other Muslim countries like Iran and Turkey to do the same?If I’m not mistaken,you did almost similar thing during the Bosnian War,although I’m well aware that the political situation in the West Bank is not the same like the one we had in Balkan more than a decade ago.

  171. Salam TDM & all,
    1. This Malaysian reporter must just being a reporter and not a human being when asking such a question to Tun.
    2. Obviously when developing the question the reporter have not make any homework bcoz the obvious facts it out there. Just single out Muslim as suicide bombers is like saying that Palestinian are all Muslim.
    3. Asking such a question just show ignorance & I bet that Tun must feels kinda annoyed with this reporter.
    4. Maybe the reporter just want to take ur attention & others at that time. That will be rather pathetic.
    5. The reporter obviously not at the same pages as us the Majority in this matters.
    4. Supports the criminalize of war!

  172. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Maaf minta laluan,
    Response kpd pakpandir08 on January 14, 2009 5:16 PM
    1.Kamu ni tak habis2 bodek YAHUDI.
    2.Bertubi2 orang ramai mengutuk YAHUDI tapi kamu tetap menyokongnya.
    Moga kamu dapat anugrah dari YAHUDI LAKNATULLAH suatu hari nanti.
    3.Selamat makan PISANG KAKI dengan air COCA COLA setiap hari kerana nak jaga hati YAHUDI, mudah-mudahan tak sempat tua kamu dah kena DIABETES.
    4.Selamat mencuba.
    Doa agar Tun sihat selalu.

  173. The Humiliation Of America
    By Paul Craig Roberts
    “Early Friday morning the secretary of state was considering bringing the cease-fire resolution to a UNSC vote and we didn’t want her to vote for it.” Olmert said. “I said ‘get President Bush on the phone.’ They tried and told me he was in the middle of a lecture in Philadelphia. I said ‘I’m not interested, I need to speak to him now.’ He got down from the podium, went out and took the phone call.”
    “Let me see if I understand this,” wrote a friend in response to news reports that Israeli Prime Minister Olmert ordered President Bush from the podium where he was giving a speech to receive Israel’s instructions about how the United States had to vote on the UN resolution. “On September 11th, President Bush is interrupted while reading a story to school children and told the World Trade Center had been hit–and he went on reading. Now, Olmert calls about a UN resolution when Bush is giving a speech and Bush leaves the stage to take the call. There exists no greater example of a master-servant relationship.”
    Olmert gloated as he told Israelis how he had shamed US Secretary of State Condi Rice by preventing the American Secretary of State from supporting a resolution that she had helped to craft. Olmert proudly related how he had interrupted President Bush’s speech in order to give Bush his marching orders on the UN vote.
    Israeli politicians have been bragging for decades about the control they exercise over the US government. In his final press conference, President Bush, deluded to the very end, said that the whole world respects America. In fact, when the world looks at America, what it sees is an Israeli colony.
    Responding to mounting reports from the Red Cross and human rights organizations of Israel’s massive war crimes in Gaza, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted 33-1 on January 12 to condemn Israel for grave offenses against human rights.
    On January 13, the London Times reported that Israelis have gathered on a hillside overlooking Gaza to enjoy the slaughter of Palestinians in what the Times calls “the ultimate spectator sport.”
    It is American supplied F-16 fighter jets, helicopter gunships, missiles, and bombs that are destroying the civilian infrastructure of Gaza and murdering the Palestinians who have been packed into the tiny strip of land. What is happening to the Palestinians herded into the Gaza Ghetto is happening because of American money and weapons. It is just as much an attack by the United States as an attack by Israel. The US government is complicit in the war crimes.
    Yet in his farewell press conference on January 12, Bush said that the world respects America for its compassion.
    The compassion of bombing a UN school for girls?
    The compassion of herding 100 Palestinians into one house and then shelling it?
    The compassion of bombing hospitals and mosques?
    The compassion of depriving 1.5 million Palestinians of food, medicine, and energy?
    The compassion of violently overthrowing the democratically elected Hamas government?
    The compassion of blowing up the infrastructure of one of the poorest and most deprived people on earth?
    The compassion of abstaining from a Security Council vote condemning these actions?
    And this is a repeat of what the Israelis and Americans did to Lebanon in 2006, what the Americans did to Iraqis for six years and are continuing to do to Afghans after seven years. And still hope to do to the Iranians and Syrians.
    In 2002, I designated George W. Bush “the White House Moron.” If there ever was any doubt about this designation, Bush’s final press conference dispelled it.
    Bush talked about connecting the dots, but Bush has failed to connect any dots for eight solid years. “Our” president was a puppet for a cabal led by Dick Cheney and a handful of Jewish neoconservatives, who took control of the Pentagon, the State Department, the National Security Council, the CIA, and “Homeland Security.” From these power positions, the neocon cabal used lies and deception to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, pointless wars that have cost Americans $3 trillion, while millions of Americans lose their jobs, their pensions, and their access to health care.
    “These obviously very difficult economic times,” Bush said in his press conference, “started before my presidency.”
    Bush has plenty of liberal company in failing to connect a $3 trillion dollar war with hard times. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities blames Bush’s tax cut, not the wars, for “the fiscal deterioration.”
    Bush told the White House Press Corps, a useless collection of non-journalists, that the two mistakes of his invasion of Iraq were: (1) Putting up the “mission accomplished” banner on the aircraft carrier, which, he said, “sent the wrong message,” and (2) the absence of the alleged weapons of mass destruction that he used to justify the invasion.
    Although Bush now admits that there were not any such weapons in Iraq, Bush said that the invasion was still the right thing to do.
    The deaths of 1.25 million Iraqis, the displacement of 4 million Iraqis, and the destruction of a country’s infrastructure and economy are merely the collateral damage associated with “bringing freedom and democracy” to the Middle East.
    Unless George W. Bush is the best actor in human history, he truly believes what he told the White House Press Corps.
    What Bush did not explain is how America is respected when its people put a moron in charge for eight years.
    Source: http://www.rense.com/general84/zins.htm

  174. Dear Tun,
    There is this saying that states, ‘Meaning are in people, not in words’. In other words, meaning is in the interpretation of words, and it may vary considerably. In my opinion, the reporter’s definition/meaning of the word ‘terrorists’ only implies to people whom strap-on bombs onto themselves, then proceed to blow themselves up – thus, killing people.
    However, to me the word ‘terrorists’ has a different meaning. I defined terrorist as a person who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims – like what Israel is currently doing, and not only suicide bombers.Hence, the example above shows a stark contrast to what terrorist or terrorism means to different people. And in my humble opinion, this needs to be address, people have to be educated so as not to be so bigoted.
    Keep doing what you’re currently doing Tun. I admire you for sharing your ideas, personal opinions to the World through this blog.

  175. Dear Tun,
    Such a question is typical from a non Malay reporter. I am afraid many of them are blinkered. Not only are they ignorant of the truth but they also have a strong bias towards Islam.
    I would suggest the paper he represents send him there for a short stint and lets see if he does not pee in his pants when the jets drop their bombs.

  176. Pak Pandir,
    Klu tgk ckp awak mmg ada pandir sikit. Mana awak tau yg menangis sbb anak mati tu yg shoot rocket ke Israel? Kita tak mengalami apa yg org di Gaza mengalami. Mcm Tun ckp betul suicide bomber ni tak de choice tu sbb diorg sanggup buat mcm tu. Nak fight dlm perang mungkin tak boleh nak menang sbb tak de technology & senjata jd itulah yg diorg fikir diorg mampu nak buat at least benda tu diharapkan dpt menakutkan Si Israel Lakhnatullah.
    Just imagine, sorg bapa yg kematian anak dan isteri. Even klu saya sendiri mungkin akan turn jadi suicide bomber sbb dah tak de apa yg tinggal di dunia. Mungkin saya juga akan terfikir itu saja cara untuk mengajar si Israel.
    Sekarg mmg kita tau bagaimana kejamnya si Israel ni. Tp kenyataannya masa lain yg takde pertempuran pun org Islam di sana dihimpit dgn ketakutan dan dinafikan hak asas utk hidup dlm keadaan aman.
    Tp jgn kita leka di Malaysia ni tak mustahil lahirnya suicide bomber versi melayu sekiranya pihak2 tertentu terus mencabar dan bermain isu2 sensitive. Sama2 kita doa supaya dijauhkan perkara tu berlaku demi anak2 kita di masa depan.
    Klu Pak Pandir nak tau roket kayutsha yg ditembak oleh Hamas tu adalah rocket peninggalan perang dunia kedua. Mmg boleh ckp roket murahan. Tp Israel mmg sengaja cari alasan untuk menjatuhkan Hamas yg menang secara sah dlm pilihanraya. Sbbnya, Hamas tak mcm Fatah yg korup dan mengikut telunjuk Amerika dan Israel. Even klu Hamas tak shoot roket pun si Israel akan terus melakukan kezaliman terhadap org Islam di Palestin. Wallahualam

  177. apa pnya reporter ni Tun. dia xbaca paper ka.xsangka reporter malaysia yg tanya soalan mcm ni.
    Hazman Abu Bakar.

  178. Why don’t you say that both Israel and Hamas should stop? After all, it wouldn’t it be biased to support one party while that party also wants to kill of the other party? Are you denying that the Israelis suffering from suicide bomber’s attacks?
    Don’t you think that the reporter is just being fair as to ask that question? Not that I’m taking any sides because when children or people die, there is no justification to say that he/she deserves death, Jews or Muslim. After all, it is not up to mere human beings to decide who gets to live or die.
    It is undeniable that children also died because of suicide bombers. You may defend them, but their acts also result in the death of innocent people. These innocent people may be parents of those children.
    The quantity of casualties and quality of weapons does not justify the actions of either side to be better than the other. Hamas kills, and so did Israel.
    Would you prefer that both sides to stop, or for one side to perish?
    If the argument was about the way Israel attack with modern weapons and the quantity of casualties, what if the Israel were to use the same method as the Hamas? Would that make Israel better that it is now base on your argument?
    If you were to condemn Israel because most of them are Jews, and to support Hamas because they are Muslim, then the issue would be more about religious matter and that would be prejudice. Otherwise, I believe that you would struggle to take action to stop the genocide in Burma as hard as this case.
    Furthermore, there is always a choice to be made. You can choose to be a suicide bomber and kill people, or use diplomacy. If Hamas were to agree to not attack Israel, Israel would stop too.
    You said that Israel’s soldiers have a choice. Yes, they can just follow orders made by politicians like you were once, OR face martial court, get convicted, then quit the army or go to prison.
    Also, you can’t argue about how suicide bombers feel to justify that they are any better that soldiers. Are you suggesting that suicide bombers deserve their human feelings acknowledged when they actually kill people too? Suicide bombers kill with intent whereas soldiers kill by orders of the leader. Whether do they intent to kill children is another story.
    I am not supporting neither Israel nor Hamas because both their actions results in the death of the innocent.

  179. Salaam Tun,
    I am not surprised by the reaction of the reporter.
    I recently read a columinist in NST having a difficult time trying to reconcile America as Evil in protecting Israel.
    This is because people like these have always worshipped America The Ideal, America The Hollywood, America The Champion of Democracy.
    It must be so difficult for them to find excuses to clear their conscience by grasping at straws that “Hamas shoot their fireworks first”,”Israel is doing it in self defence”, “Israel also suffered heavy casualties” when they see the pictures of children maimed and killed, their fellow reporter friends writing the truth on the use of chemical weapons nd indiscrrimate killing…and they agonise further to look for more straws to grasp.
    I pity them.

  180. Every newspaper in the world is reporting such as:
    1) Israelis kill Palestinian woman on Annapolis anniversary
    2) Helping Israel kill Palestinians
    3) Israelis Kill Palestinian Boy at Protest
    4) Israeli forces kill five Palestinian children in Gaza
    5) Israeli Fascists kill Palestinians
    6) IDF troops kill Palestinian fire-bomber near West Bank settlement
    7) Palestinians: Gunmen flee besieged mosque
    8) Israelis kill 155 Palestinians in Gaza and say this is just the beginning
    9) Israeli strikes kill 21 Palestinians in Gaza
    10) One Israeli killed, 4 hurt as Palestinian rockets hit Negev home
    11) Rockets fired from IAF kill 200 Palestinians within hour
    12) Palestinians kill Israeli woman in Sderot
    13) BBC parrots UN-Hamas as Palestinians kill their own
    14) Israeli mortars kill 40 Palestinian refugees
    After reading/listening to 14 news, all i heard/read from different channels, newspapers whether it’s Telegraph UK, People Daily, Boston, The Australian, Herald Tribune, and many more…are:
    Out of 14 only 2 news said Palestinians killed Israelis. Others all were reporting that Israelis killed Palestinians.
    And only 1 news said the Palestinians killed themselves.
    So, how can we not label ISraelis as terrorists?

  181. Tun,
    //By jurublog on January 14, 2009 5:44 PM
    Unfortunately, even in Malaysia, the non-Muslims would prefer to believe the international media’s side of the story. They tend to read the local media’s coverage with skepticism.
    When I read through some of the blogs written by non-Muslim Malaysians, they term the international media coverage as “the other side of the story”, as the local media is seen as being bias towards the Palestinians.//
    Hi jurublog,
    We are lucky because there are only a very limited of these non-muslims (i refer to chinese) who believe the international media. Majority of the local chinese dislike America, so is the rakyat of China and Hong Kong. Our motive is similar to Tun, that’s why we are smart, unique, kind and brave!!!

  182. Dear Tun,
    This reporter who posed such question is just pure IDIOT, period. He or she must have thought that the question posed was indeed a brilliant and intelligent one. It is just a reflection of how knowledgeable this journalist is. Haprak, HP6, dah bodoh stupid question.

  183. Asalamualaikum Tun,
    1) Pada masa ini apa yang dirancangkan oleh media antarabangsa terutama yang dipelupuri oleh yahudi berjaya untuk sedikit sebanyak menanam rasa curiga dan benci kepada Islam.
    2) Kalau diperhatikan orang-orang bukan muslim didalam perbincangan kecil saya seolah-olah menyalahkan orang-orang islam yang fanatik yang tidak bertimbang rasa.
    3) Kalau dibaca ruangan penulis bukan muslim didalam akhbar perdana terutama akhbar berbahasa Inggris, sedikit sebanyak menyalahkan orang islam secara tak langsung.
    4) Matlamat yang dirancang secara halus oleh media barat adalah berhasil.
    5) Lihatlah Singapura yang diteraju oleh pemimpin yang anti-islam tidak menghiraukan apa yang berlaku di-Gaza. Pemimpin-pemimpin mereka telah dijajah oleh Yahudi.
    6) Pada masa kini sesiapa yang memuja dan memuji yahudi akan di sanjung tinggi dengan habuan menyerupai sokongan moral, kewangan, perniagaan, liputan media dan juga ketenteraan.
    7) Singapura adalah negara yang memuja Israel dengan hebat. Tidak lupa juga sebahagian pemimpin diMalaysia juga bersengkongkol dengan Amerika ( sebuah negara yang juga di-jajah oleh Israel).
    8) Berani ke-Anwar Ibrahim mengutuk Amerika? Nak mampus, nanti sumber kewangan ditarik balik maka berkecailah harapan nak jadi PM menerusi lubang belakang oops! maksud saya jalan belakang.
    9) Kalau kutuk pun beralas, jangan tidak. Hati pak serban dan tok guru perlu dijaga. Kena pulak masa ini kempen pilihan raya kecil KT sedang berjalan kenalah bermuka-muka.
    10) Balik kepada keganasan, mana pergi tuk-tuk, raja-raja Arab yang kaya raya? Mereka tak kisah akan sengsara orang-orang Palestin. Walau pun bangsa Arab, tapi kaum lain-lain. Meraka lebih suka berhibur di-kelab luar negara, dengan kapal terbang mewahnya, kereta dan di-harlem.
    11) Pada Israel dan Amerika mereka dah lali dengan kutukan antarabangsa dan pembakaran bendera. Dah tak kisah lagi. Tuhan mungkin tidak akan mejatuhkan malapertaka pada masa ini. Hanya kaum tersebut yang boleh berubah nasibnya sendiri.
    Bersatulah orang-orang muslim……..

  184. Tun,
    Perhaps that reporter, or that Rob or Charles or whoever it was, could gain a bit of insight by reading, not the reports or the witnesses, but rather the 100 or so commenters here, almost all of them American.

  185. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I hope I can throw my shoes to that stupid reporter. I think he/she is too busy finding sensation stories or gossips until he/she doesn’t have time to watch TV ,read newspaper or accessing internet…
    Kepada saudara-saudaraku yang merokok ( jenama2 Barat), tolong lakukan sedikit pengorbanan untuk tidak merokok.Kita sedia maklum yg hasil keuntungan syarikat2 berkenaan , besar kemungkinannya disalurkan kenegara Israel.
    Jika saudara2 kita boleh bersabung nyawa untuk berjuang, apa salahnya kita berjuang sedikit … ianya juga baik untuk kesihatan. Ayuh!!! Jom boikot ROKOK

  186. News from Haaretz.com
    A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem’s Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.
    The clergyman prefered not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot.
    On Sunday, a fracas developed when a yeshiva student spat at the cross being carried by the Armenian Archbishop during a procession near the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City. The archbishop’s 17th-century cross was broken during the brawl and he slapped the yeshiva student.
    Both were questioned by police and the yeshiva student will be brought to trial. The Jerusalem District Court has meanwhile banned the student from approaching the Old City for 75 days.
    But the Armenians are far from satisfied by the police action and say this sort of thing has been going on for years. Archbishop Nourhan Manougian says he expects the education minister to say something.
    “When there is an attack against Jews anywhere in the world, the Israeli government is incensed, so why when our religion and pride are hurt, don’t they take harsher measures?” he asks.
    According to Daniel Rossing, former adviser to the Religious Affairs Ministry on Christian affairs and director of a Jerusalem center for Christian-Jewish dialogue, there has been an increase in the number of such incidents recently, “as part of a general atmosphere of lack of tolerance in the country.”
    Rossing says there are certain common characeristics from the point of view of time and location to the incidents. He points to the fact that there are more incidents in areas where Jews and Christians mingle, such as the Jewish and Armenian quarters of the Old City and the Jaffa Gate.
    There are an increased number at certain times of year, such as during the Purim holiday.”I know Christians who lock themselves indoors during the entire Purim holiday,” he says.
    Former adviser to the mayor on Christian affairs, Shmuel Evyatar, describes the situation as “a huge disgrace.” He says most of the instigators are yeshiva students studying in the Old City who view the Christian religion with disdain.
    “I’m sure the phenomenon would end as soon as rabbis and well-known educators denounce it. In practice, rabbis of yeshivas ignore or even encourage it,” he says.
    Evyatar says he himself was spat at while walking with a Serbian bishop in the Jewish quarter, near his home. “A group of yeshiva students spat at us and their teacher just stood by and watched.”
    Jerusalem municipal officials said they are aware of the problem but it has to be dealt with by the police. Shmuel Ben-Ruby, the police spokesman, said they had only two complaints from Christians in the past two years. He said that, in both cases, the culprits were caught and punished.
    He said the police deploy an inordinately high number of patrols and special technology in the Old City and its surroundings in an attempt to keep order.
    p/s: Outsider are saying Malaysia support Palestinians because we are Pro-Islam and we label Israelis as terrorists are wrong. What say you about this article? Action speaks the identity

  187. Dear Tun,
    Selamat Tahun Baru buat Tun dan Tun Hasmah.
    Eversince I could recall things and history, Palestine and Israel have been two countries I heard of most! And I believe most of those people at my age would come to term with me.
    I always wonder what is it they fight for? I am crystal clear now of the root cause after many years but I couldn’t think of any possible solution to it. It will continue forever it seems.
    Killing and more killing will happen. Arabs, as shown in the history, are not united people. No way they could help their brothers. They won’t even bother for hatred among them perhaps more than hatred against Israelis.
    Tun, no matter what we say or do, things will remain as it is. Never hope they take us and heed to our calls at all. Very unlikely and almost impossible they cease fire upon our call, or even the world is calling.
    But what you do and the rest of other few to bring about changes and awareness is very noble. We don’t have the might that they have but deep in our heart we offer hopes and condolences. I didn’t watch TV when all these killing and brutality to children were aired, I simply couldn’t take it. What about the feeling of those parents who carried their severely wounded children or killed? Well for these people, to live is a sin, they must find ways and means to die, bringing with them their enemies along the way.
    How could this stop? Who will stop them? Barack? Those who think close to it must be daydreamers.
    Killing will continue. The best we do id to pray and pray and do what we can even a little thought.
    World is never at peace.

  188. Pak Pandir08,
    Dari pada jawapan saudara sah lah saudara ni memang pak pandir.
    Jawapan #.
    1.Andaian orang tak pergi sekolah.
    2.Andaian orang bodoh. Kalau di serang, kita duduk rumah dan tunggu saja ke? Tak penat ke tunggu 60 tahun. Tak tau ke kalau rumah kita di robohkan, tanah kita di ambil secara paksa kita perlu melawan dengan apa yang kita bolih. Selama 60 tahun orang Palestin di aniaya dan di bunuh dengan kejam.Patut ke mereka biarkan saja.
    3.Satu lagi andaian yang bodoh. Patut lah orang Singapura pun gunakan Israel sebagai penasihat.
    4.Jangan samakan pejuang Palestin dengan business rival(???) di Mumbai. Ada bukti ke yang serang Hotel Mumbai tu pejuang.
    Akhir sekali… saya harap pakpandir08 jadi lah orang yang berpengetahuan dan bukan orang yang keliruan.

  189. asaalamualaikum Tun,saya sokong apa yg diluahkan oleh saudara Syarifuddin.H.apa yg boleh setakat ini dilakukan ialah melalui ‘ekonomi’.rakyat Malaysia seluruhnya mesti satu hati untuk boikot habis-habisan semua produk keluaran U.S & yahudi.kita kena buat/laksanakan ‘misi’ ini betul-betul.kalau Osama Bin Laden mengishtiharkan ‘jihat’ melalui senjata……………kenapa tidak,kita laksanakan ‘jihat’ kita melalui ekonomi…seperti yg dilakukan oleh Jepun,selepas mereka dijatuhkan 2 biji bom atom di Hiroshima & Nagasaki.Syarikat-syarikat gergasi di U.S kebanyakannya sudah dimiliki oleh para cerdik pandai,professional,ahli perniagaan Jepun.sebenarnya mereka sudah menang dengan tanpa disedari oleh kebanyakan orang.kita harus mencontohi cara begini,kalau pemboikotan dilakukan betul-betul keatas semua produk U.S & Yahudi laknat ini,nescaya lumpuh juga ekonomi mereka.semua hasil jualan produk mereka,saya percaya,digunakan untuk membiayai perbelanjaan peperangan yg sedang berlaku di Gaza sekarang..apa lagi kita tunggu,lumpuhkan & ranapkan terus ekonomi mereka.inilah sebenarnya ‘misi senyap’ & senjata paling ampuh sekali.w’slm

  190. Tun,
    Memang elok Hamas tembak roket kat Israel walaupun keadaan damai. Mereka ni cari kemerdekaan. Macam juga zaman Tanah Melayu kena jajah dngan Jepun. Puak2 British ni bersama2 askar Melayu lancar perang gerila. Tiap2 hari serang Jepun.
    Kira macam Jepun tu Israel dan Orang Melayu tu Hamas la zaman tu
    Sekarang Hamas serang Israel serang Israel sebab nk merdeka. Mereka pejuang tulen. Mereka nak dapat balik Baitul Maqdis. Sepatutnya OIC ada askar perang dari seluruh Negara Islam. Pertahankan Masjid Aqsa macamana sekalipun.

  191. im not sure who coined this…
    “you kill a person.. you are a murderer.. you kill a million and you are a conqueror”
    pretty much speaks of the current war affairs..

  192. Tun,
    Seharusnya kita Umat Islam sepanjang hayat yang ada bantu Palestine apa sahaja yang boleh bagi mempertahankan hak mereka. Saya kagum dengan semangat Tun yang begitu gigih memperjuangkan dan mengemukakan pandangan bagi menegak hak itu. Saya tetap bersama Tun memihak Palestine.

  193. I wonder who the super-intelligent reporter is … May God Bless her/him and the entire family.

  194. Salam Tun, Apa yang Tun kata tu dah betul dah. Cuma kadang-kadang bila hanya di sebut Israel, tanpa merujuk balas pada mana-mana pihak yang melakukan keganasan, termasuklah umat Islam atau Palestin, maka ini akan di lihat semacam menyerang sebelah pihak saja.

  195. Tun~~~ i’mma student in UTP.i’ll be doin my internship starting from july.i won’t be around from july onwards.So i hope u can come and give speech like you did every other year in UTP tis semester. Thank you.

  196. Assalamualaikum Tun..
    I agree with Tun’s opinion
    Just a reply to some of the previous
    This is the longest refugee crisis in the world but everyone closes a blind eye to it as we know the jewish lobby is strong in the land of the free…
    There are Zionists and there are jews..
    not all jews are zionists..
    if i’m not mistaken the zionists have a charter stating that they are of a superior pedigree compared to other races( funny that considering they were prosecuted under Nazi German , Aryan supremacy and all that stuff). It states that they are allowed to take for themselves the things that belong to the ‘lesser races’ in this case arabs.. A case of do unto others what others have done unto you..
    You need to bear in mind that the british and america trying to find a place for the jews affected by the holocaust.. they settled on palestine under the balfour agreement.. and they grabbed a lot of land then by means of war and the rest is history..
    i shudder when i see people mention that this is a civil war.. israel has equal rights to the land etc2..
    the palestinians were gracious enough to let them in and now.. padi dah makan pagar…
    the land is rightly owned by palestinians.. and they are defenseless in the face of the technological prowess of the Zionist military.. it is within their right to defend their homes and honour..
    a pity that OIC can only condemn and do nothing else.. nothing much is expected of the UN anyway..
    p/s: not all jews support the occupation.. certain groups actually oppose the occupation and do demonstrate.. but just a small amount unfortunately
    marilah kita banyakkan doa utk saudara seumat kita dan menolong di dalam kapasiti mana yang kita mampu
    -Dr MIHS-

  197. I’m compelled to comment pakpandir08’s comments. 1 thing sure is that, his name suited his comments.
    1) Surely Hamas not rocketing Israel if there’s no Israel, obvious what? And how do u know Hamas will kill? r u God?
    2) Is Hamas suppose to sit down, do nothing while watching the Israelis rape their country? u got brain or not?
    3) Hamas is retaliating against Israelis occupation and oppression, what S’pore and L’kawi got to do with them?
    Long live Tun..

  198. salam. Tun, the reporter seems a bit like Rob. wasn’t he? this morning, i can’t believe the happiness that i saw of an Israeli soldier’s face as he pose for pictures with his weapons. seriously, it was as if he was going to a party instead of a war.

  199. Dear Tun,
    Everyday in the news in BBC 1 Scotland, they regards Israel as the hero and Hamas as the terrorist..But, I think,most people know better than these lies..May Allah help the Muslims in Gaza.
    From Scotland with love

  200. Hallo PakPandir08,
    alahai..please use indian nickname lar…takpayah sorok2 pakai nama melayu, sbb cara tulisan you tu obvious sangat dah… dah tu comment pun pasai polis/soldier Bombay…;p…pasai apa nk pi tembak polis india? tak da kene mengena ngan palestine/israel issue. Lain kali bg analogi yg baguih sikit la pakpandir *celup*!

  201. Salam Tun dan rakan-rakan bloggers
    Isu antara Palestin dan Israel tak akan selesai. Israel akan terus menjadi musuh negara Arab dan orang Islam.
    Hadis-hadis dari Sahih Bukhari dan Muslim menceritakan situasi seperti ini berterusan sehingga hampir kiamat.
    Jadi….jika penyelesaian tidak ada, sekurang-kurangnya harapan dan usaha kita ialah supaya situasi akan menjadi lebih baik untuk penduduk Palestin.

  202. Tun,
    Beside the local reporter, chedet too has another strange commentor name pakpandir 08 and Ah heng. Because the world has too many of these shallow minded, ignorant and dumb people, that is why the conflict is never solved.
    Tun, TVBI Hong Kong has came up with the latest drama series that screwed the American being arrogant and ignorant who love to twist and spin the truth eg:- ” The world saw the “deer”, but the American insisted that it is a “horse”. I am glad that the hongkies have began to see the truth after returning to mainland China. I am gald too that Arab countries do not declare war on Israel. I wanted to see what will that OBama do, maybe by the time he acts, it will be the strategy NATO (Never Act Talk Only) and declares America Bankrupt!!!!
    I feel very sorry for the Palestines and those Asians who were killed, they have suffered for we Asians, Tun, Tuhan akan tunjuk jalan, the Americans & Jewish will fall, The Asian will rise!!!! Those murderers and butcherers will be punished by Tuhan…… This is what the west says : CAUSE & EFFECT!!!
    Good night Tun and please take care.

  203. Dear Tun Dr M,
    I certainly agree with you that the Palestinians have n choice but to use suicide bombers to attack Israeli soldiers. However, these suicide bomber kill only a few of their enemies and die. Yes, they sacrifice their life but very few (5,10 or slightly more) of their enemies are killed. Is it worth the sacrifice of our life at a young and middle age. Is it worth to leave their wife, children and other relative in distress for just a few lives of the enemy state.
    Instead, why not become a snipers and kill 10 or more enemies and yet have high possibility to escape and stay alive.
    As the Palestinians are unable to acquire contemporary weapons due to lack of funds, the Muslim nations could fund the Palestinians. Now that developing countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia etc have started the ball rolling the Arab Nations should follow suit and they should know how much they should contribute. These Arab nations are excessive attached to the Western world so much so they can’t open their mouth say what should be said.
    However, on a long term basis, both the Israelis and Palestinians should sit together and come up with an acceptable and practical solution. They can

  204. Dear Tun Dr M,
    I certainly agree with you that the Palestinians have n choice but to use suicide bombers to attack Israeli soldiers. However, these suicide bomber kill only a few of their enemies and die. Yes, they sacrifice their life but very few (5,10 or slightly more) of their enemies are killed. Is it worth the sacrifice of our life at a young and middle age. Is it worth to leave their wife, children and other relative in distress for just a few lives of the enemy state.
    Instead, why not become a snipers and kill 10 or more enemies and yet have high possibility to escape and stay alive.
    As the Palestinians are unable to acquire contemporary weapons due to lack of funds, the Muslim nations could fund the Palestinians. Now that developing countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia etc have started the ball rolling the Arab Nations should follow suit and they should know how much they should contribute. These Arab nations are excessive attached to the Western world so much so they can’t open their mouth say what should be said.
    However, on a long term basis, both the Israelis and Palestinians should sit together and come up with an acceptable and practical solution. They can

  205. Tun,
    Why do you have so much hatred towards the Jews? Is it because the Al-Quran does indeed tell you to kill any Jew who stands behind you?
    Some Christians may perceive the Jews as the ethnic group who kills God (refers to Jesus by Christians). Yet majority Christians who believe in the sermon of “God is love” will never again have unreasonable generational hatred towards the Jews. Perhaps it is the wrath of God which makes the Jews to be hated by many and be forced to live in high tension situation in Middle East throughout two thousands years. But why do the Malay muslims also have to hate other Jews, such as Singaporean Jews or Indonesian Jews, who bear no responsibility in any conflict related to the war zone in Middle East? In which verse of Al-Quran do you really find that hating someone based on ethnic prejudices can be justified and supported by the Islamic principles?
    I think it is unfair to the Jews if the Malay Muslims have to choose to hate a Jewish person simply because he/she was born a “Yahudi”. Can you people please learn to stay away from ethnicism or racism?

  206. Dear Tun
    You and quite a few readers seem stirred by the fact that a reporter asked a question. To me that question wasn’t controversial at all. I guess most Malaysians are so used to receiving lopsided information from the state-run media that any unconventional question will be deemed shocking.
    One has to understand that it is merely the job of a journalist to approach any issue from various angles and ask the relevant questions. Such questions must not be construed as the journalist’s personal point of view. He/she may have asked Tun that question as a means to solicit your opinion from your point of view, nothing more.
    If he/she hadn’t asked that question, many would not have had the opportunity to read what you think, which was the point of the interview. That would have been bad journalism.
    A journalist must not be a mere mouthpiece that broadcasts what the government has to say. To me that journalist is a good journalist, because he/she asks thought-provoking questions. We need more of them, please.
    On the other hand, those who wish to be spoon-fed with ‘no-surprise-for-me-please’ ‘news’ can simply turn to RTM, TV3, The Star or Utusan to feel satiated. So what are they complaining about?

  207. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Ada rupanya manusia yang menyokong Israel di bumi Malaysia ini ya Tun. “Open minded” lah tu gamak perasannya. Atau pun itu kah yang dinamakan “modern mindset”?. Apakah orang islam di Malaysia ini juga satu hari akan berhadapan dengan sekutu2 Israel ini di tanahair kita ini sendiri?
    Bersatu lah wahai umat Islam di Malaysia. Kita sebenarnya sentiasa diintai oleh musuh2 Islam. Muhasabahlah.

  208. Tun,
    Enough of these killings whilst the so called community of nations UN can do nothing and the perpetrator gets scott free. The end does not justify the means. When will this horror end ?

  209. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I admire your persistent support towards the Palestinians.
    As for the local journalist who believeS that it is Hamas who is the real terrorist, let him/her be. He/she is entitled to his/her opinion. Probably, he/she has never done any research regarding the history of that troubled area. I suppose not many people did.
    I am not going to divulge into the historical facts but in my opinion, the main problem in that area is the STUBBORNNESS of both people living there right now i.e. the Arabs and the Israelites. Both are claiming that they are the rightful inhabitants of that particular land. Logically, when a dispute cannot be solved amicably trouble ensues. Thus, since 1948 that particular area has never tasted a period of calm.
    I do not have any solution towards such stubbornness. What can I do right now is to take a lesson from it. Claims such as “rightful owner” or “rightful inhabitant” will not get us anywhere. The consequence is mostly conflict or worse, violence. The world is getting complex each and every day and to face these complexities, we need rational thinking, high level of adaptation and patience, even higher level of tolerance plus anticipation of newer complexity.
    My only hope is that our peaceful country will not be another Arab/Israel conflict. Only time will tell. This is just me talking and I pray somebody is listening.
    with regards,

  210. Dear Tun,
    It is obvious that when the super power nations like US or Israel is attacking Palestine, Iraq and Afganistan, their act are said to protect their nation…not terrorism! But when all these nations being attacked take up retaliation against them then they are treated as terrorists… do you all think it is fair and not double standard applied?
    I hope the Security Council of UN has to take up immediate and correct action to stop all the war. Otherwise the war will be escalating and more innocent civilians will die!

  211. 6. The Western media is biased and are controlled by Jews.
    Where is the eastern media? Are the wealthy arabs people or malaysia cannot controlled the media? why the whole world listen to CNN, BBC, AFP? Even you allowed yourself to be interview by them.
    One thing I learn is that, we as a Muslim make a lot of condemns and forget about how to invent!
    We talk about boycott but we barely have alternative
    Our mind still prefer Starbucks then Tek Tarik Ali.
    I admire the black american in the event of Montgomery Bus Boycott. Can we be just like them?

  212. Dearest Dr M
    Yes and I think the Zionists are laughing at these gullible audience who believe every word of their purposeful misinformation.
    The media they control has become such great spin masters, that it is now elevated to “fine art”.
    They conveniently forgot Abu Ghaib and Guantanamo Bay where “human rights” is a dirty word.

  213. ahhh….
    Yahudi itu yang terorrist…
    bukan palestinians…
    depa memperjuangkan apa hak mereka sahaja…
    Yahudi yang teroris sebab rampas hak orang

  214. Tun,
    it has reached a stage whereby every muslim is seen as a potential terrorist.
    perhaps at the rate things are happening in Gaza, we are pushed into becoming one ?.
    as a muslim, i for one cannot sleep peacefully nowadays,,,its making me crazy.
    guess am not alone ?.

  215. Please get real. In your blind hatred for the Israelis you’ve already prepared a long list of excuses to pardon the suicide bombers.
    Just because you “do not think” the suicide bombers target children doesn’t mean they don’t. In fact it is much EASIER and EFFECTIVE to target civilians than military installations to sow terror. This is why the 911 hijackers crashed their plane into the WTC, why the Mumbai terrorists attacked hotels and train stations instead of army headquarters, and why the Bali bombers chose a popular tourist spot full of civilians instead of a military installation full of soldiers and commanders.
    Just because you think the suicide bombers “have no choice” doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t. They have every bit as much choice to blow themselves up, as the Israelis do to commit the atrocities they are comitting now.
    How you think you can selectively condemn one side and make up a long list of excuses for another based on how many people they killed, is probably a very fine example of the reason why the world couldn’t care less about Malaysia and the rest of the Muslim world when you protest against Israel. You’re all just a bunch of selfish hypocrites

  216. Tun
    I remembered once upon a time they was a President by the name of Anwar Sadat. he loved and cared for his country and people. He does not want to see more of his people killed because they have inferiour weapons compared to his enemies.
    So he decided to call for PEACE with his enemies and he gets more than he bargained for. He even got back the land that his enemies occupied. !!
    Sadly he was assaninated by his own people who believed that having war with the enemy can solve the problem rather than making peace.
    The late Sadat used his brain for his country and people.
    Hamas could have used that tactic too and may even get the West Bank and not only Gaza. Sadly Hamas is being funded by those who find pleasure in war and violence. After all they not the ones going to war with Israel.
    As for Israel, they need war too. Because their allies need to sell weapons and bullets. Today Israel need war more than their enemy because to them, this war is like steamrolling the weak enemies and gaining more territories. They know they have their allies and even the UN to back them up. They know too that the Palestinians are helpless because the neighbors are not supportive nor assisting them in their fights for their land.
    Tun is right that Israel is more ‘terrorist ‘ than the Palestinians because they use fighter jets, bombs, tanks and well fully armed armies to over run Gaza which is defended by those having just an AK47 and punitive rockets. Its not a fair fight really. Not only the resistance fighters got killed but more women, children and old folks get killed for nothing !! And the Israelis dont give a damn about it. ! As a matter of fact they prefer to wipe out every single Palestinians from the face of Gaza and the West Bank.
    But whatever it is I do pray that Hamas if they really loved their people make peace with the Israelis. If Hamas extend their hands of peace and Israel refuse to accept it than the whole world will know then the real agenda of Israel and its allies.

  217. Salam Tun,
    Para 10- siapakah pemberita yang dimaksudkan Tun itu? Tak berakal benarlah pemberita itu.
    Jika ada 10 pemberita seperti itu di negara ini, maka huru-haralah negera kita tercinta ini. Dah beribu yang mati dan tercedera akibat kekejaman yahudi itu tetapi pemberita berkenaan masih tidak mampu menilai siapa yang teraniaya dan siapa yang menganiaya?
    Kepada pemberita seperti ini senang sahaja untuk buat dia faham Tun- andaikan yg dibom oleh yahudi keparat itu ialah anak-anak dia atau isterinya, atau ibu/ayahnya baru dia dapat membuka mata dan dapat faham apa yg sebenarnya berlaku.
    Satu lagi kenyataan yg saya pernah terbaca- kononnya Israel menyerang kerana mempertahankan diri. Satu lagi kenyataan yg pernah saya terbaca – Bush meminta supaya Hamas menghentikan serangan terhadap Israel. DUA KENYATAAN ITU, BAGI SAYA SANGAT PELIK. MUNGKIN SUMBER SEPERTI ITU YANG MENJADI RUJUKAN DAN PERTIMBANGAN PEMBERITA YANG DIRUJUK OLEH TUN.

  218. PAK PANDIR08.
    saya harap ini nama sebenar pakpandir.kalau tidak keberatan boleh saya tahu pak pandir islam ke bukan islam? saya hairan macammana pak pandir boleh mengeluarkan pendapat sedemikian. di mana salahnya bagi pihak hamas untuk menentang penyangak yang sesuka hati menceroboh negara mereka? kalau hamas dianggap salah maka pejuang kemerdekaan tanah air kita seperti mat kilau,dato’ bahaman juga termasuk dalam golongan hamas ini. saya kira pak pandir tergolong dalam golongan yang tak pernah kenal erti susah dan buta hati.

  219. Tun,
    Many people are still in the dark about the history of how Israelis occupied Arab soil especially youngters. May someone come up with this.
    Many people had been killed by Israel and American soldiers. So the one that is still alive takes revenge, so, so simple as that if Americans and Israelis still dont know the reason.
    So, stop killing them if you dont want them killing you.

  220. Minta Tun diberi tanggungjawab oleh PBB utk duduk semeja dgn pemimpin Palestin dan Israel utk merangka gencatan senjata serta merta! Dah tak nampak tokoh lain yg mampu utk buat benda ni….

  221. Greetings and Salutations to you, Bapa Malaysia.
    Obviously this one particular reporter are among the few who are not compassionate, incapable to comprehend the good from bad!!!
    Sad to know there’s one among us like him/her… sob, sob…

  222. Maybe the reporter is a third class graduate. Lack of general knowledge. Blinded by the CNN. It’s a shame. Malaysian media should improve their service by exposing the truth about Israel.

  223. Assalamualaikum Y.Bhg Tun,
    Yes Tun you’re right. Actually yahudi Israel-Amerika ni bacul secara nyata dan terang kerana memerangi dan membunuh kanak-kanak. Memalukan askar-askar mereka lengkap bersenjata dengan segala peluru berteknologi canggih tapi haprak otak cekai dan bangang. Nak tunjuk handal sangat berperanglah askar dengan askar. Itu pun depa takdak akal nak fikir.
    Percayalah Tun, yakinlah bahawa dalam sedikit masa lagi sama-samalah kita tengok Israel-Amerika akan hancur jugak. Tak lama lagi dah. Allah SWT tak zalim pasti akan ditolongnya umat Islam serta negara-negara kecil yang tertindas dan teraniaya. Sesungguhnya ini telah dijanjikan di dalam Al-Quran. Apa cara pun hanya Allah SWT jua yang maha mengetahuinya. Contohnya, bencana alam sepertimana yang berlaku di Amerika setelah penguasaan mereka ke atas Iraq dahulu.
    Kita umat Islam mudah nak faham kerana kiamat dengan maksud mudahnya ialah kemusnahan alam semesta dan kita dihidupkan semula di suatu alam yang lain. Maka itu tidak ada yang mustahil jika Allah SWT nak musnahkan Amerika-Israel dalam sekelip mata sahaja. Pertolongan Allah SWT tetap akan tiba buat rakyat Palestin yang teraniaya. Kita nampak pada mata kasar mereka dizalimi dengan kejam tetapi pengorbanan pejuang-pejuang mereka pergi dalam keadaan syahid yang amat mulia disisi Tuhan. Cuma yang sedihnya kanak-kanak, wanita serta orang tua yang tidak berdaya melawan turut terkorban.
    Saya pohon satu sahaja kepada seluruh negara-negara Islam sedunia agar bersatu memboikot Amerika-Israel dan segala produk-produk keluaran mereka bagi melumpuhkan ekonomi mereka. Kita tamatkan kerjasama dua hala dengan mereka walaupun pada awalnya agak perit tetapi penguasaan negara-negara Islam seperti minyak di Arab Saudi, Kuwait, Brunei dan lain-lain, sementara getah dan kelapa sawit dari negara-negara Asia dan pelbagai lagi sumber bahan mentah dihentikan. Ini akan menjurus kepada kelemahan mereka apabila urusniaga ini dibatalkan segera.
    Bunyinya mudah tetapi bukanlah senang untuk dilakukan namun bertekadlah untuk bergabung dan bersatu hati bagi menguatkan empayar Islam dunia. Tun dikenali seantero dunia dan saya yakin suara Tun masih didengari dan diterima oleh negara-negara luar. Bersuaralah dengan apa jua cadangan-cadangan yang lebih sesuai kerana selagi kita semua gagal bersatu memboikot mereka, nescaya situasi sedemikian akan terus berlaku dan berulang selamanya. Palestin menanggung derita dan sengsara ini lebih 30 tahun berlarutan tanpa kesudahan. Pernahkah dunia Islam terfikir kenapa dan mengapa? Apakah langkah-langkahnya? Amat menyedihkan apabila saudara kita terbiar tanpa pembelaan.
    Bersuaralah Tun! Bersuaralah Tun! Besar pahalanya!

  224. Salam and my Dear Tun
    I think that Malaysian reporter got the facts upside down. The facts are purely immature and need no further deliberation because it’s nonsense.
    I am against any act of terrorism. But when a person losses everything he/she had from family members and properties, they simply have nothing to lose. Simply because they don’t have anything else in this world. That’s why they resort to suicide bombings.
    Probably, the reporter haven’t been to a war zone before. Just imagine your ALL love ones were perished in a plane crash. How would you feel?
    Think before you write (reporter). Probably think again and more….
    Best regards to you Tun, and take care of your health.

  225. Dear Tun,
    I saw this article on WSJ I responded to it would love to hear your rebutal to Benjamin Netanyahu
    A Response to Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu’s article on WSJ a few days ago on Gaza
    Imagine a siren that gives you 30 seconds to find shelter before a Kassam rocket falls from the sky and explodes, spraying its lethal shrapnel in all directions. Now imagine this happens day after day, month after month, year after year.
    Yes I can imagine that happening as a matter of fact I’ll add on to that after scurrying to avoid the explosion and then they’ll return home to their wrecked house for shelter a house that has even been bulldozed with the family still inside, and yes their uncles , brothers and sisters were shot at point blank unarmed . They have nowhere to go cause the border is off bound even to get basic supplies . 5 of their generations have been killed. Day after day, month after month, year after year… oh Sorry this is more relevant to the Palestinian than Israel…
    If you can imagine that, you can begin to understand the terror to which hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been subjected. Three years ago Israel withdrew from every square inch of Gaza. And since that withdrawal, our civilians have been targeted by more than 6,000 rockets and mortars fired from Gaza. In the face of this relentless bombardment, Israel has acted with a restraint that other countries, faced with a similar threat, would find hard to fathom. Israel’s government has finally decided to respond.

    Yes I have also seen on youtube how your battleships open fire to a defenseless family having a picnic by the beach, What was your true meaning of that who within the 10 year olds and 12 year olds that your sniper targeted a Hamas military men or does your military belief that Hamas is a name of a kindergarten?

    For this action to succeed, we must first have moral clarity. There is no moral equivalence between Israel, a democracy which seeks peace and targets the terrorists, and Hamas, an Iranian-backed terror organization that seeks Israel’s destruction and targets the innocent.
    Yes as a matter of fact there is no moral equivalence to what Israel has done to Sabra and Shatila , you splendidly have a morally clean? Track record. Yes its convenient to expect that after all the violent that you have inflicted there shouldnt be a defensive retaliation. Remember this
    [20:30] There was 3 weeks of peace [following the PLO evacuation], then suddenly on the 15th of September something horrible happened – the international peace keeping force decided to withdraw… and israeli planes flew in and 500-600 Israeli tanks started to roll in to Beirut city [violating the peace treaty]. Before this Beirut city was surrounded by Israeli tanks but never invaded like that – the Israelis had bombed Beirut from the air and seiged the city and denied water and medicine to the people, but this time the tanks are comming – and you can see the tank shelling. [photo] You can see the Mosque in south Beirut – that was the first shell that fell – it was from an Israeli tank. They began to surround the refugee camps in all directions. By about mid-day there was streams of shell smoke comming from everywhere and everybody was very frightened knowing that something horrible is going to happen…
    At 4:30pm news arrived at the Gaza Hospital that Israeli troops had invaded Akka Hospital [just outside the camp], nurses had been raped and killed, doctors and patients shot dead.
    The Massacre
    The phalange militia were Israel’s proxy in Lebanon, their members were recruited from the Maronite Christian community. They were payed for, trained and armed by Israel. They were effectively an extension of the IDF, and were usually sent in to do the dirty work.
    After Sharon’s army had taken West Beirut and sealed off all escapes routes from the Palestinian refugee camps, Sharon ordered the phalange in. The official order from Sharon read “for the operation in the camps the phalange should be sent in”*. Knowing that the camps were full of unarmed civilians – mainly women and children, only around 150 phalange were deployed. The testimonies of the survivors suggest that both Israeli soldiers and their mercenaries the Phalange entered t he camps and participated in the massacre**.
    The Israelis supervised the operation from their forward command post, a six story building overlooking the camps. From there they gave logistic support and relayed orders to the soldiers on the ground. Concerned that reports of the on-going slaughter would leak out, the soldiers were ordered to continue the killing through out the night – to facilitate this the Israelis lit up the sky with flares all night long. The idea was to kill as many Palestinians as quickly as possible, before international pressure would put a stop to the operation. Over 3000 elderly men, women and children were murdered. Next the evidence had to be buried quickly – so the Israelis send in bulldozers. Houses were packed with bodies and demolished to form mass graves. One such mass grave contained a thousand bodies.

    In launching precision strikes against Hamas rocket launchers, headquarters, weapons depots, smuggling tunnels and training camps, Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties. But Hamas deliberately attacks Israeli civilians and deliberately hides behind Palestinian civilians — a double war crime. Responsible governments do their utmost to minimize civilian casualties, but they do not grant immunity to terrorists who use civilians as human shields.
    Yes and why are you just firing on every human shield there is ..
    The international community may occasionally condemn Hamas for putting Palestinian civilians in harm’s way, but if it ultimately holds Israel responsible for the casualties that ensue, then Hamas and other terror organizations will employ this abominable tactic again and again.
    The charge that Israel is using disproportionate force is equally baseless. Does proportionality demand that Israel fire 6,000 rockets indiscriminately back at Gaza? Does it demand an equal number of casualties on both sides? Using that logic, one would conclude that the United States employed disproportionate force against the Germans because 20 times as many Germans as Americans died in World War II.
    Your missing the point the root cause is not whether there should be proportionate casualties but the indiscriminate
    In that same war, Britain responded to the firing of thousands of rockets on its population with the wholesale bombing of German cities. Israel’s measured response to rocket fire on its cities has come in the form of surgical strikes. To further root out Hamas terrorists in a way that minimizes Palestinian civilian casualties, Israel’s army is now engaged in a ground operation that places its soldiers in great peril. Carpet-bombing of Palestinian cities is not an option that any Israeli leader will entertain.
    Why should you carpet bomb when the advent of your weaponry can shoot specifically at targets by the way if you did carpet bombing it will be harder for you to hide from your true intentions
    The goal of this mission should be clear: To end the current round of missile attacks and to remove the threat of such attacks in the future. The only cease-fire or diplomatic initiative that should be accepted is one that achieves this dual objective.
    If our enemies assumed that the Israeli public would be divided on the eve of an election, they were wrong. When it comes to exercising our most basic right of self-defense, there is no opposition and no coalition. We stand united against Hamas because we know that only by defeating Hamas can we provide security for our people and hope for a future peace.

    Well there will always be a retaliation to Israel indiscriminate treatment of the Palestinians , the root cause is what your doing and camouflaging the world with articles such as this.

    We fight to defend ourselves, but in so doing we are also fighting a fanatical ideology that seeks to reverse the course of history and throw the civilized world back into a new dark age. The struggle between militant Islam and modernity — whether fought in Afghanistan, Iraq, India or Gaza — will decide our common future. It is a battle we cannot afford to lose.

    Fanatical ideology , have you read the International jew by Henry Ford, scary isnt it? J Oh you are it!

    Mr. Netanyahu, Israel’s ninth prime minister, is the chairman of the Likud Party and its candidate for prime minister.

  226. Dear Tun,
    “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
    May PEACE prevail in Middle East.

  227. Tun, spt biasa pendapat Tun memang bernas dan jitu.
    Namun sayangnya kelantangan suara atau tulisan Tun itu saya tak nampak pun bahawa ianya akan mengubah
    apa2. Reporter yg Tanya Tun itu pun tak payah la Tun layan. Kalau dapat puaskan hati dia pun tak ada
    faedahnya. Palestin tetap diserang, rakyat tetap dibunuh.
    Tun, adakah cara lain yg lebih berkesan ?
    Apa pendapat Tun kalau saya minta Tun pergi ke sana dan buat pelan damai atau merangka apa2 yg patut dgn liga arab.
    Bertemu dgn cara berdepan adalah lebih afdal berbanding melalui blog shj.
    Saya dah mula bosan dgn orang yg setakat bercakap shj spt pbb, oic dll.
    Please do something yg bernas di waktu yg singkat ini!
    Lagi banyak kita bercakap, lagi banyak masa terbuang dan lagi ramai rakyat Palestin terbunuh…
    half peace…

  228. Tun,
    Unfortunately, even in Malaysia, the non-Muslims would prefer to believe the international media’s side of the story. They tend to read the local media’s coverage with skepticism.
    When I read through some of the blogs written by non-Muslim Malaysians, they term the international media coverage as “the other side of the story”, as the local media is seen as being bias towards the Palestinians.
    Unfortunately too, the current senior journalists in our mainstream media comprise of mainly non-Muslims. Apart from their messages of change by leaning towards Pakatan Rakyat, they also subtly attack any views towards Islamisation. They will also attack any views towards Malay unity by branding it as racism.

  229. Dear Tun,
    1- In my opinion, the term ‘terrorist’ is relative. It is relative to the scale of reference. Of course, this is debatable.
    2- To an Israeli, it is a terrorist act to fire a ‘primitive’ unguided rocket to Israel which might cause a small explosion with 1-2 casualties as compared to when the jet fighter launches a hi-tech guided missile to Palestinians that could kill or maim 10, 20 or more Palestinians; that is considered as peace effort. Well we should know that; if the the scale of reference is the Israeli/America interest, then the Palestinians are terrorists.
    3- On the other hand, the Palestinians are looking at the Israelis as the real terrorists. Of course, the Palestinians have all the reasons to support the claims.
    4- While the world at large also agrees that the Israelis are the aggressors (it is not terms as Israeli terrorists); the world stood still and just look on as NATO (No Action, Talk Only) just because of one country veto. Only a handful of sympathizers that comes to the Palestinians but still the hands are tight. To the Israelis, as the world cannot do anything; hence, they feel that they are rightful ones.
    5- Lastly, we should use a universal scale of reference in defining the terms. Let alone whatever the real terrorists want to call Palestinians/Muslims, so be it – who cares!

  230. Salam Tun,
    That reporter is another example of ‘ignorance’. So arrogantly, he has the gut to ask you that question.
    The whole world condemn the criminal Zionist.
    Lets us unite to fight this terrorist to face the trial.

  231. It is true that the whole world regardless of races, from west to east condemned the Israeli attack on the innocent.
    Yet, the act to revenge will not end …. so until when the killing of innocent people in Gaza or the action of Muslim suicide bomber? I strongly believed, both parties will not be able to achieved their objectives if they continue like this for 10, 20, 50, 100 years or forever!!
    In my opinion, if all the Arabs (Iran, Egypt, Syria, Saudi etc) can be united and together they stand against any intruder (even the mighty USA in future), i think this kind of any can be prevented now and in future. The intruder have to think twice to attack the Arabian countries.
    The arabian are rich, huge population. So with these combined factor of money and people, they can have better was weaponry …
    I might be wrong, but i think that is the weakpoint the Israeli or American knews and take advantage of.
    Eventhough I am not a Muslim, but i sincerely hope that one day those Arabian countries be united like brotherhood, and repel whatever ill intention of the westerners.
    Hope to see a real peaceful world that all of us and future generation can lived in.

  232. Dear Tun,
    Actually there are lots of people that are not aware of the brutal killing in Gaza. I am pleading for the public to help and show support for those in palestine. As for the reporter, Yes the suicide bombers are terrorist… but who in d world would blow up himself unless he is in need of attention…? what would u call a country who send out missile to other country and purposely aim it to kids/hospitals/public places..?
    Tun, u have done soo much to fight not only for our country.. but generally for all the muslim nations especially Palestine…I respect you and i admire your courage…Thank You:)

  233. I think, the reporter is working with the “Jurusalem Posts”…if not he will think twice to say something stupid like that…lol

  234. Both sides should be blamed … either hamas or israel …
    (1) Sekiranya israel tidak wujud, mungkinkah hamas tidak melepaskan roket?
    – Saya rasa ramai yg ada jawapannya di dalam hati untuk soalan ini
    – walaupun israel tidak wujud, hamas tetap akan bunuh, tetapi terhadap pihak yg lain, rasanya peperangan antara puak yg akan berlaku …
    (2) Hamas itu sudah ketahui israel akan membalas dengan senjata canggih sekiranya hamas melepaskan roket
    – Namun, hamas tetap melakukannya. Setelah melepaskan roket, lari lintang-pukang dan bersembunyi di belakang anak dan isteri pula
    – Dah tahu israel itu memang zalim dan pasti membalas. Apabila diserang, “pejuang” yg lepaskan roket itu tidak mati, anak dan isteri pula yg mati. Lepas tu menangis di depan television mengampun simpati
    (3) Hamas itu kekurangan senjata yg canggih, bayangkanlah sekiranya mereka mempunyai senjata yg canggih, apakah yg akan terjadi?
    – sudah pastinya singapore kena bom disebabkan PISANG israel
    – mungkin juga langkawi pun kena bom, pasal mozerella cheese ciptaan eropah wujud disitu
    (4) kenyataan bahawa “pejuang” sukar mendekati askar menyebabkan mereka menyerang orang awam, adalah LUCU sedikit
    – Di mumbai, askar dan polisnya amat senang didekati. Kalau nak bom, ramai yg akan terkorban
    – Namun, dia bom pula hotel yg ramai orang awam menetap di situ

  235. Dear Tun,
    Being a Malaysian, we always heard “your” side of the story. And obviously we have painted Israel as the “bad” one.
    I am just wondering, what will the “Israelis” talk abt themself? HERO? Country with a mission?
    I always like to hear both sides of the stories….

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