1. Air Asia has done well to explain the justification for the so-called KLIA-East in Labu.

2. Not having the facilities and personnel I can only give my very unprofessional view on the justification:

a) Passenger Capacity

I must congratulate Air Asia on its very remarkable success. By 2014 it will handle 26 million passengers. Present terminal at KLIA is handling about 25 million passengers.

KLIA is planned to handle 125 million passengers. It has 25,000 acres of land to build another terminal and four satellites. It can even duplicate these terminals and satellites.
But Air Asia wants low-cost terminals with no aero-bridge, no luxury interiors. This is not a problem for KLIA.

There is enough space in the 25,000 acres of reserved land to build the low-cost terminal to accommodate the 60 million Air Asia passengers in the distant future. MAHB (Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad) can do this. (Incidentally Putrajaya has only 10,000 acres of land). However, by 2014 the total number of Air Asia passengers would only be 27 million. Accommodating this number should be no big deal for MAHB.

b) Runway capacity

By 2014 Air Asia will have 77 aircrafts. LCCT capacity will still be for 33 aircrafts. Does Air Asia expect all its aircrafts to be on the ground in LCCT all the time?

Usually some would be in the air and many would be at other airports. Expanding the parking area would not be too difficult. There would still be enough land at KLIA.

As for the runways Times Online reports that Heathrow will now build its third runway to be completed in 2020. Presently Heathrow has only two runways and it still handles almost 70 million passengers.

As stated above, KLIA can build another three runways to handle 125 million passengers. If passengers and aircrafts increase to more than presently handled by Heathrow, a third runway can quickly be built.

If KLIA LCCT is not connected by rail and bus, the thing to do is to provide all these. Extension to the Express Rail Link line can be built. Terrain is no problem. We have sliced through higher hills to build roads.

If the waiting time for taxis has increased due to the huge airport layout (I don’t understand this), whatever solution for this problem is proposed for Labu, the same solution can also be applied to KLIA LCCT.

c) Number of Gates

Since Air Asia will not be using the main terminal why should the small number of gates there be of concern to Air Asia?

If Air Asia will be putting more than 55 Gates at Labu to cater for its large number of aircrafts and movements, why cannot LCCT at KLIA be expanded to have maybe 100 Gates to avoid any shortages? Will Labu be provided with 100 Gates? If so, when?
Again, why be bothered about KLIA Terminal being equipped with aero-bridges etc when Air Asia does not want to use it?

3. The comparison with Dubai and Jackson Atlanta International Airport is misleading.

4. The picture shows four runways (no indication which airport). Multiple runways is common but they are operated by one airport with one control tower. The picture and the layout does not suggest separate towers for different runways. You cannot have multiple runways close to each other but controlled by different towers.

5. Perhaps Air Asia can show documents that separations between different airport runways of 2km are permissible. Is there any example of two major airports operating separately but located 2km from each other? I don’t know. Please enlighten me.

6. The problem prompting the idea of a new airport is the allegedly high charges by MAHB for the use of LCCT by Air Asia. MAHB is owned by Khazanah and it is believed Khazanah has a stake in Air Asia. Both are therefore GLCs. The Government can tell them to negotiate fair charges. Or is it the Government that wants this airport at Labu for reasons other than need?

7. Or is it that Sime Darby now wants to go into airport business?

362 thoughts on “LABU AIRPORT”

  1. Asalamualaikum TUN,
    Saya harap sekembali TUN ke dalam UMNO ni,tiada lagi projek projek mega yang hanya menguntungkan,hanya segelintir rak yat malaysia ni.
    Biar lah kita sama sama merasa apa yang ada di bumi bertuah ini.

  2. dear tun,
    i don’t it would become necessary for our government to spend the multi million dollar for unnecessary project. Furthermore, the money should be well spent to the upgrading our transport in KL efficiently.

  3. sorry off topic, would like to respond and i quote his post “By I love Jews on January 17, 2009 7:21 PM
    Some of you say in regards to my post that it is stupid to say God will take revenge on our behalf..Well, let me quote the bible for you:
    Romans 12:19
    “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord”……
    Islam doesn’t teach Muslims to revenge from anyone. Yes, Islam does command the Muslims to repel evil with good and to forgive and forget, but Islam also on the other hand, prohibits the Muslims from being hypocrites and it commands them to fight the aggressors in the name of GOD Almighty. If you, for instance, come and slap me on the face, then Islam commands me to forgive you. But if I find you, for instance, hitting and hurting again and again, then Islam commands me to fight you and stop you.
    Whether people speak evil of you, in your presence or behind your back, or they do evil to you in either of those ways, all is known to Allah Almighty. It is not for you to punish. Your best course is not to do evil in your turn, but to do what will best repel the evil. Two evils do not make a good.
    We did not create the heavens and earth and everything between them, except with truth. The Hour is certainly coming, so forgive with fair forbearance. (Qur?an, 15:85)
    Those of you possessing affluence and ample wealth should not make oaths that they will not give to their relatives and the very poor and those who have made emigration in the way of God. They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love God to forgive you? God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur?an, 24:22)
    Make allowances for people? (Qur?an, 7:199)
    A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend.? (Qur?an 41:34)
    The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if someone pardons and puts things right, his reward is with God. Certainly He does not love wrongdoers.? (Qur?an, 42:40)
    those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other people ? God loves the good-doers” (Qur?an, 3:134)
    You will never cease to come upon some act of treachery on their part, except for a few of them. Yet pardon them, and overlook. God loves good-doers. (Qur?an, 5:13)

  4. Dear Tun,
    Air Asia simply does not have the financial capacity to build an airport, period. Air Asia simply trying to provide creative ideas to promote its business but at the end of the day it is actually trying its luck to make others as suckers. Those who support the idea of Air Asia having the capacity to build airport are really “blind, deaf and dumb”.
    Tony Fernandez is a dreamer. Yes, you can dream, dream and dream but not all your dreams will become reality. Accept this fact and be contented. Don’t behave like a monster where you can manipulate other peoples’ brain no matter how 3rd class their brain is. As long as they are not moron the 3rd class brains still have the capacity to think what is right and wrong!!

  5. Dear Tun,
    Decision On New LCCT In Labu In Three Weeks’ Time
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 30 (Bernama) — The decision on AirAsia’s proposal to build a new low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) costing RM1.6 billion in Labu, Negeri Sembilan will be known in two to three weeks’ time, said Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
    “Actually, the government has not made a decision on the matter. What is important is that all the fact finding and details arising will be scrutinised,” he told Bernama after attending a Chinese New Year dinner function organised by the MCA, here, Friday.
    Ong said the government needed time to decide on the matter as it involved many parties.
    “The Transport Ministry, Economic Planning Unit, Finance Ministry, Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) and AirAsia are meeting for the good of all parties concerned,” he said.
    Bernama on Friday reported that the government had rejected the proposal for a new LCCT in Labu, but the low-cost carrier was said to have several concessions, according to sources.
    It was reported that MAHB would be given the responsibility to build a new LCCT near the existing terminal, which is next to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang.
    The sources were also quoted as saying that the decision to cancel the proposed project was conveyed to AirAsia at a meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and was attended by Finance Ministry, MAHB and AirAsia officials.
    I just want to observe how Najib handles this issue. Whether the decision will be haprak, HP6 and finally flip,flop,flup just like always the case when Pak Lah made his decisions. Today “boleh” tomorrow “tak boleeeeh” macam iklan TV nak order teh tarik setengah glass, “tak boleeeeeh” dan Tony Fernandez pun jawab “kenapeee tak boleeeh?” !! kah, kah, kah !!!
    I wonder what “concesssions” Tony is getting from Najib for Air Asia. My advice to Najib “jangan main silap mata”. It will be backfired later on.
    Don’t “play-play” with the rakyat, Najib. Soon you will be seating at the driver’s seat. Once you made a bad decision, you are finished politcally. Remember the bloggers are mightier than one million swords. They can “kill” your career instantly.


  7. Dear Tun,
    Your comments on LCCT Labu are valid but don’t you think that your push for IPPs during your tenure was not fair for the country. If your argument for establishing the IPP was because TNB was not efficient than it is your failure to hire the correct CEO of TNB at that time. Your decison was always for your politcal agenda. Why was that all ok during your time? I remember the drama of a national power outage to justify IPPs to exist. Than the license was given to your cronies which than TNB is forced to buy power from them. What kind of economics was that. Why now the talk about who will benefit if the Labu airport is completed????

  8. First of all, I would like to convey my gratitude towards you, Dr. Mahathir for developing Malaysia and the Malays way of thinking in order to become a successful race.
    About the plan of constructing an airpot in Labu, Negeri Sembilan, before that I would like to ask you on the projects that have been disallowed by former deputy premier, YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim which for me is as a waste as the project that is being carried out in Labu. I didn’t see you, Dr. Mahathir, fighting for the righteous cause as what Dato’ Seri Anwar did all this while until currently. For me, both you and Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) is as coward as what was told by Dato Seri Anwar towards the the Malaysians. You, Dr. Mahathir, should realise that Dato’ Seri Anwar is not creating rumuours or tensions. He is trying to save you and Pak Lah from getting from bad to worse. That is why, Dato’ Seri Anwar didn’t want to rejoin Umno and BN if the two parties wanted him to rejoin them. And, that is why Dato’ Seri Anwar preferred to be in Pakatan Rakyat especially, Parti KeADILan Rakyat (PKR).
    So, before you want to demolish Dato’ Seri Anwar from the Malaysia’s politic’s arena, I hope you could answer Dato’ Seri Anwar revealations about your misconduct of powers and of you doing corruption activities when you were the premier of Malaysia.
    Thank you.

  9. Dear Tun,
    I have been involved in flying ( big, small, slow and fast planes) airport and air traffic operations for almost 40 years. I have been to most of the world’s busy airports like O’Hare Chicago, JFK New York, Heathrow London, Atlanta Georgia and physically saw the air operations at these airports. I must inform the PM and his Cabinet that these are real busy airports and KLIA will NEVER be as busy as these airports in 2020, even 2 more runways and sattelite terminals are built and all AIR ASIA 70 planes operate out of KLIA! Please go and see air operations at these airports before making decisions based merely on inaccurate informations and very shallow justifications.
    After reading Tun’s views and some very sound comments from readers I can only add one comment: Building another airport in LABU, next to KLIA is MADNESS.
    I have the highest respect for YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib and I strongly recommend that when you become the PM, please scrub the idea of building KLIA- East in Labu! Enough is enough!!!
    Sorry, AIR ASIA and SIME DARBY must leave airport business to MAHB. The government and all parties involved must make concerted effort in bringing KLIA to be the world’s best airport and petty differences MUST be resolved!
    It souds silly, but we don’t want AIR ASIA to build own runways and airports everywhere they operate!

    Friday, January 23, 2009
    Tentunya rakyat Malaysia yang berwawasan menyambut baik pengumuman Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak bahawa kerajaan belum membuat keputusan berhubung status pembinaan Terminal Penerbangan Tambang Murah di Labu Negeri Sembilan.
    Rakyat yang tahu bahawa KLIA dibawah pemerentahan Mahathir telah diperuntukan seluas 25,000 ekar tanah untuk penambahan terminal dan dan 4 satellite lagi telah terkejut bila Kabinet meluluskan cadangan pembinaan LCCT (Terminal Tambang Murah) untuk Air Asia itu.
    Sekaligus bila sahaja mendengar pengumanan itu orang terus bertanya apakah tidak ada menteri yang mengingatkan tentang hal ini dalam persidangan kabinet atau ini merupakan salah satu “tolak ansur” antara Abdullah dan Najib untuk membolehkan Najib mengambil alih kuasa dengan licin dan mudah atau adakah ini termasuk dalam ajenda kerja Abdullah yang hendak diselesaikan sebelom bersara.
    Prasangka buruk juga timbul bahawa yang terlibat dalam konspirasi menyokong LCCT LABU ini ialah Khairy Jamaluddin Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO( orang Negeri Sembilan) Kalimullah Hassan (bekas Ketua Pengarang Kumpuan NST) dan Tun Musa Hitam. Kesemua mereka ini yang merupakan sahabat baik Tony Fernandes mempuyai pengaruh yang kuat keatas Abdullah Badawi.
    Abdullah telah pun menyamakan taraf Musa Hitam dengan Mahathir dengan memberikannya Tun untuik mengubati hatinya yang luka tidak dapat menjadi Perdana Menteri. Sejak menjadi Pengerusi Sime Darby Berhad, Musa telah berkerja keras siang malam (termasuk ketika berada di disco) untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah seorang negarawan dan ahli perniagaan yang lebih pintar dan lebih cekap dari Tun Dr.Mahathir . Maka beliau pun mencadangkan penswastaan IGN yang pantas mendapat balingan kasut dari rakyat dan kemudian beliau dikatakan seronok untuk Sime Darby bersama Tony Fernandes membina lapangan terbang di Labu.
    Sebagai seorang ahli perniagaan baru yang cekap maka Musa Hitam sudah tidak mengambil kira berapa hutang yang tidak dibayar oleh Tony Fernandes kepada Malaysian Airport Holding Berhad kerana ini semua boleh “belakang kira”
    Utusan Malaysia dalam lapurannya mengenai kerajaan belum membuat keputusan tentang pembinaan LCCT di Labu itu telah menyebutkan bahawa pembinaannya akan menjejaskan Lapangan Terbang Antarabahngsa Kuala Lumpur(KLIA) yang dirancang menjadi hab penerbangan utama negara dengan begitu banyak wang telah dibelanjakan.
    Khazanah Nasional yang memiliki kepentingan dalam MAHB(Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad) turut membantah cadangan itu kerana porojek berkenaan bukan sebahagian daripada Pelan Induk Lapangan Terbang (PILT).
    Sesungguhnya Tun Mahathir telah membuat rancangan pembangunan negara yang berwawasan untuk negara ini muncol di masa depan sebagai negara maju yang bermaruah tinggi ,tidak sahaja dari segi kekuatan ekonominya tetapi juga persekitaran yang indah,teratur dan kemas. Projek yang boleh disepadukan tidak perlu di letakan berasingan.
    Secara kasar kita dapat mendakwa apa yang dilakukan oleh Air Asia ini adalah untuk mengkhianati Wawasan 2020 Tun Dr. Mahathir. Orang India cukup berkuasa sekarang,mereka bukan sahaja boleh menceroboh masuk bilik mayat di hospital malah mereka dapat meruntuhkan Wawasan 2020. Insaalah ini semua akan berlaku dengan sokongan orang Melayu

  11. Pada pendapat saya Tun, Sepatutnya Air Asia beroperasi sepenuhnya di KLIA bukannya di LCCT atau di subang atau di Labu. Cuma penghalangnya sekarang adalah sikap HASAD DENGGI dan BUSUK HATI yang ada disesetengah pegawai di MAHB dan mungkin juga segelintir menteri yang ada menghalang dari perkara ini dari terlaksana. Sudah sampai masanya MAHB menerima KEBODOHAN mereka sendiri mentadbir KLIA. Ini kerana mereka hanya makan gaji…so tak perlu nak fikir susah payah atau untung rugi syarikat. Cuba mereka mentadbir. syarikat mereka sendiri adakah mereka akan membiar syarikat mereka mengalami kerugian? Sudah semestinya tidak. Seharusnya MAHB + Air Asia + MAS, bergabung tenaga memajukan industri penerbangan di Malaysia DAN BUKANNYA memusnahkan semasa sendiri dan akhirnya siapa yang akan rugi?
    P/S: Satu teguran ikhlas dari generasi Muda MALAYSIA

  12. Tun,
    //By Larry Jay on January 24, 2009 10:21 PM//
    Mengamuk pulak, ha…ha… ha… Control your temper, Mr Larry. In weblog hang pun nak angin cepat, kalau in public, hancur lah image hang dan negara kita, hai ya….
    Good night, Tun, this is our ‘so-called BI educated people’ lucunya….. he cannot even know how to control his temper, and he is talking about citizenship in a multi racial country, ha..ha…

  13. Since Air Asia is a private business, if it wants to have its’ own infrastructure, then it has to pay for all of it. The purchasing of the land, the construction of the runway, the building of the terminal, the staff, the services and so on and so forth should be foot by itself. Then it would not be using the people’s money and I think the people would not jump over it. Instead, the people would think it is a good idea. However, looking at KLIA, I would say that this mega airport is not doing a very profitable business. Air Asia used to share the KLIA main terminal. I cannot understand why there is a need to separate it. What I see is it is all about status. Just because it is a low budget airline, people cannot get to enjoy first class facilities. Why can’t people have 5 star facilities at 1 star price ? The 5 star being KLIA itself and the 1 star being the airline. And since MAS and Malaysia Airport is semi government, people’s money is being wasted away instead of being fully utilised in the sense that Air Asia can share in KLIA’s terminal. The budget airline phenomenon has made many people think about what is necessary and what is not that necessary, especially in terms of how money is used.

  14. Tun
    I dont know about others esp those fans of Tony, this Labu airport is sheer waste of money.
    Some points raised does make a lot of sense.
    However some talk on the streets; and sorry i have to bring up this point. if your son has been also involved in this project; ur opinion has been otherwise? I hope this sentence will not be deleted
    But after longer tea talk with my buddies; maybe u ( not saying literally you but they the ppl who is gonna get this business) would only allows swipe once for the stakes.
    Like u had F1 good project, alot of obejction, but what the heck, we made the money.
    Now lets say somewhere in the middle before the break even point reached u plan to have another track say in Batu 3 expansion. Ppl say is Dr Man mad?
    Thats why we think someone is mad here. Well look fwd to hear what Tony has to say to u over this…

  15. To HBT,
    Your brains are over-developing rapidly after reading my comments…but its shrinking at the eastern hemisphere. Dont allow the elements of emotions & sentiments out-do whatever capabilities left in you which is very much shown in your last two comments. You should stop assuming as what I have seen in most of your feedbacks… as you got to always remember that “Assumptions Is The Mother of All Screw Ups’ & for your own sake stop ASSUMING!!
    I am no supportter of any political party or any individual…but any positive contribution by any parties which would benefit the people of Malaysia..I will always hail & support. I can be a Jakun, Malay, Sekoi, Negrito, Chinese, Melanau, Indian, Dayak, Kelabit, Iban,Portuegues, Bidayuh, etc.. & that is just a race & culture we all have in us but the most important fact is that we are all known as Malaysian.
    Opinions, feedbacks & views may defer but not our CITIZENSHIP which is well protected under the Federal Constituition.
    So HBT, its not advisable for your brains to over-develop at the moment as the symptoms is unfavourable. Take things one at a time & you will be able to focus & accomplish better!!
    Larry Jay

  16. YABhg Tun,
    Walaupun tanpa data statistik, pengamatan secara rambang yang di buat keatas terminal KLIA dan LCCT dapat kita merumuskan bahawa LCCT lebih sibuk serta aktif berbanding KLIA.
    Selaku airline tambang murah, Airasia seharusnya memerlukan kemudahan prasana yang boleh menjamin matlamat asas mereka berdasarkan ‘tagline’ syarikat, ‘now everyone can fly’.
    Pembangunan KLIA-East di Labu N Sembilan semestinya satu strategi syarikat jangka panjang bagi menampung trafik yang semakin tinggi. Pembesaran terminal LCCT sekarang sudah pasti tidak mungkin dapat membantu pertambahan trafik di masa akan datang. Malah secara umum, Airasia sememangnya memerlukan sebuah terminal LCCT yang baru.
    Walaubagaimana pun, pemilihan lokasi di Labu N Sembilan bukanlah satu lokasi yang begitu strategik. Ini di sebabkan oleh kedudukan nya yang amat berdekatan dengan KLIA dan pengawasan serta pengurusan trafik udara akan menjadi sukar dan ianya akan menjadi prone kepada kemalangan udara. Analisis yang di buat oleh YABhg Tun ini memang bertepatan sekali.
    Malah, pelan pembangunan KLIA yang boleh menampung sehingga 5 landasan serta 6 terminal satelite secara otomatik nya tidak memungkin kan pembangunan KLIA-East.
    Walaupun pembangunan KLIA-East secara keseluruhannya akan di tanggung oleh pihak swasta, tetapi operasi nya secara tidak langsung akan di tanggung juga oleh kerajaan. Kerajaan perlu menempatkan agensinya seperti kastam, imigresen, polis, bomba, bebanan kawalan trafik udara dan sebagainya. Sekiranya, Airasia menanggung kos perbelanjaan operasi ini sudah tentu tidak semua boleh terbang dengan Airasia lagi.
    Walaupun saya anak N Sembilan dan amat gembira melihat pembangunan di bawa ke negeri adat perpatih ini, namum pemikiran secara professional serta kajian lebih mendalam terutama kedudukan nya harus di beri keutamaan.
    Airasia perlu duduk serta berbincang dengan MAB bagi mengekploitasi pelan perancangan KLIA. Tidak ada gunanya kita mempunyai kemudahan bertaraf dunia sekiranya trafik udara di KLIA amat sedikit sekali. Kita amat jauh ketinggalan dari jumlah penumpang dan trafik udara sekiranya di banding kan dengan Changi Airport dan Suvarnabumi Bangkok. Sekiranya kos yang tinggi di kenakan kepada airline, maka trafik udara akan berkurangan dan pendapatan akan melebihi ‘capex’ maka wang rakyat yang banyak diperlukan lagi bagi menampung segala kerugian.
    Malah, sebahagian dari pembangunan KLIA juga boleh di gunakan sebagai hub bagi airlines tambang murah di rantau ini dan secara langsung memangkin pertumbuhan KLIA itu sendiri.
    MAB seharusnya bersedia menerima anjakan paradigma ini, sekurang kurang nya bagi pelan jangka pendek bagi menampung kehilangan mendarat syarikat besar airlines yang lain seperti British Airlines dan etc.

  17. apa pun sy mmg menyampah kat air asia. perangai staf2 cam sampah. kot ye pon kami bayar murah, takkan taleh senyum, layan passengers elok2??
    impolite stewardesses + stewards in an airline which konon2nya kebanggaan malaysia? buat malu malaysia adelah…
    aku sanggup naik MAS. walaupun poket kopak. MAS barulah kebanggaan malaysia !
    Pak Lah ni pun satu. dulu dok sibuk2 naik komuter, konon nak baiki pengangkutan awam. skang apa citer????


  19. Tun,
    Izinkan kali ini…
    //By Larry Jay on January 22, 2009 9:49 PM
    To HBT,
    You seems not to be deliberating on logics & facts intelligently & rationally but seems & sounds to be more of a little 5 year old kiddo mumbling whom brains is in the active developing stage!!
    I have not only noticed you in this comments but also in other various comments where-by your understanding of world (internal & external) knowledge in history, economics, politics & in cultural is very limited indeed… far below than my 12 year old niece.
    However, the credit which I have no right to deny you is that

  20. Dear Tun,
    Pada pendapat saya, KLIA-East adalah satu jalan yang terbaik bagi syarikat penerbangan AirAsia untuk terus berkembang dan menjadi brand yang terkenal satu dunia. Semua justifikasi telah pun diberikan dengan terperinci oleh AirAsia sendiri. Saya secara peribadi menyokong keputusan AirAsia tersebut untuk membina KLIA-East.
    Saya berasa terkejut dan sedikit kesal dengan beberapa komentar yang mengatakan projek tersebut akan membazirkan duit rakyat. Seperti yang Tun sendiri sedia maklum, AirAsia merupakan syarikat swasta sepenuhnya dan pembinaan KLIA-East hanya akan dibiayai oleh Sime Darby, bukan kerajaan. Justeru tidak timbul isu pembaziran duit rakyat di sini.
    Mengenai huge airport layout. Dalam lapangan terbang sebesar KLIA, jarak sebuah pesawat itu perlu bergerak dari gate ke landasan dan juga sebaliknya adalah sangat besar berbanding dengan lapangan terbang yang kecil. Ini akan menyebabkan kos masa dan minyak kerana pergerakan pesawat pada kelajuan rendah adalah tidak efisyen dari segi minyak. Sebagai sebuah syarikat penerbangan tambang murah, ini merupakan satu kerugian yang besar. Justeru KLIA-East akan dibina dengan jarak landasan ke gate yang singkat untuk memaksimumkan penjimatan masa dan minyak.
    Accessibility juga menjadi satu isu besar buat KLIA. Masalah timbul kerana sistem pengangkutan dari KLIA yang amad terhad dan tidak reliable. Masalah tambang yang terlalu mahal dan bas yang tidak mengikut jadual seringkali berlaku dan malu sekali rasanya apabila isu ini ditimbulkan oleh pelancong asing. Langkah yang Tun cadangkan ialah, “provide these”. Masalahnya, adakah syarikat penerbangan sendiri yang bertanggungjawab menyediakan bas dari airport? Air Asia tidak patut dipersalahkan dalam soal ini kerana komitmen kerajaan sendiri perlu dipersoalkan dalam memantapkan accessibility KLIA.
    Saya juga ingin sentuh isu expansion. Dalam komen Tun, Tun banyak mengeluarkan cadangan supaya membina terminal baru, menambah gate dan sebagainya. Sekali lagi persoalan yang sama seperti perenggan sebelum ini timbul, adakah AirAsia yang bertanggungjawab membina terminal baru di KLIA? Adakah mereka juga yang perlu dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menambah bilangan gate di KLIA? Sememangnya kerajaan yang perlu memikul sepenuhnya tanggungjawab ini sekiranya kerajaan mahu KLIA menjadi salah satu hub antarabangsa di Asia Tenggara.
    Kesimpulannya, kerajaan adalah pihak yang bersalah kerana menjadikan KLIA sebagai kambing hitam dalam arus pembangunan perdana. KLIA dibiarkan terumbang ambing dibawah pengurusan MAHB dan bila AirAsia mahu membina lapangan terbang lain, barulah nilai, visi dan misi KLIA disebut-sebut. AirAsia hanyalah sebuah syarikat swasta yang bermotifkan keuntungan dan mengikut model ekonomi semulajadi untuk berkembang dan terus berkembang. Kerajaan yang tidak efisyen menyebabkan syarikat ini tidak ada jalan lain untuk berkembang selain melakukannya sendiri (membina KLIA-East).
    ps: saya lahir dan membesar dalam zaman Tun memerintah. Sampai sekarang saya masih harap Tun adalah PM kerana PM sekarang ni menyebabkan ekonomi dan pembangunan kita terbantut. Kita dah ketinggalan jauh berbanding dulu.

  21. Salam YABhg Tun
    Hanya satu perkataan yang wajar saya katakan;
    Ada kala jengking di sebalik buah kelapa sawit!

  22. I am impressed with Tun’s comments on the need to built another international airport within close proximity with KLIA with separate control towers and runways and the fact that KLIA is designed to cope with more traffic. I shake my head also but hard to blame AA when MAHB is not doing what it should do? I would probably do the same, given the circumstances …… All nak jaga their own pockets and interests.
    This is OT but would love Tun to enlightened a frustrated Malaysian on the need to built KLIA which is so far away from everyone else in the Klang Valley. I have been asking myself and find it extremely hard to explain to visiting friends from overseas why you decided to built KLIA. The area within KLIA and Putrajaya has not developed much and find myself *^&* everytime I travel so far from PJ to pick up friends and families from KLIA. The travel is burning a freaking hole in my pocket and I believe many malaysians are facing similar problems. KLIA is nice but compared to our southern neighbour, it is still far behind. Look how sg respond with T3 and the excellent services and connectivity. SG is world class no doubt and not any amount of spending by its competitors can match. Sad to say this but this is my experience as an airline passenger. I can really feel the difference when I cross the border and world travellers concur the fact.
    The spanking new Putrajaya offices are really nice but whenever I go there for official or just visiting, I shake my head. Why? Because the facilities are 1st class, world standard but the mentality 4th class. Malaysians esp the hard core you know what, have a long way to go before they can compete internationally. I mean really long long way.
    I think you are too far sighted and too optimistic. Petronas so kaya and why not spend them while you can, right?

  23. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Rasanya kes Labu lebih kurang aje dengan kes Sepang,Putrajaya dan yang seangkatan dengannya..
    Pembaziran wang rakyatlah,kronilah,rasuahlah,kepentingan individulah dan apa-apa je lah..
    Tapi akhirnya yang bising2 tu pegi juga KLIA,pegi juga buat rombongan melawat Putrajaya..
    Kenapa mesti ada kes Labu?Kenapa Tony nak buat airport baru?
    Kenapa kita jadi cacing kepanasan???
    Belajar la dari Tony untuk masa 20-30 tahun akan datang dia sudah nampak.Sepatutnya kita dah belajar 50 tahun lebih dari Tony.
    Sekarang rezeki dia la..sapa suruh biarkan lompong kesempatan diambil orang lain.Bising2 tak ada guna.
    Sebagai contoh projek2 masa zaman Tun ,sekarang baru kita nampak hasilnya.Itu sebab Tun buat Wawasan 2020.Ikut cara dia la, tengok masa depan bukan asyik tengok belakang.
    p/s tengah masak pengat labu

  24. Najib: No Decision Yet On New LCCT In Labu
    PETALING JAYA, Jan 23 (Bernama) — The government has yet to decide on low-cost carrier AirAsia’s proposal to shift KL International Airport’s (KLIA) low- cost carrier terminal (LCCT) to Labu in Negeri Sembilan, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today.
    “We are looking at it but have yet to make any decision. I cannot pre-empt the decision by making an announcement,” he said.
    Najib said the government was studying the Labu LCCT proposal to see “if we can go ahead or we need to make a different arrangement.”
    To be called KLIA East, the proposed new low-cost carrier terminal is expected to sustain AirAsia’s exponential growth as opposed to the LCCT at the KLIA from where it is operating now.
    To Najib,
    A leader must be able to make quick and precise decision. Don’t try to avoid the issue. You have heard the majority of the voices of the rakyat who oppose the project including our former Prime Minister. Listen to them. They don’t make mistake on this issue. It is very clear that the building of the airport is ridiculous and rubbish proposal made by greedy people with vested interest, period.
    There is no different arrangement to be considered as far as building of the airport is concerned. It must be cancelled. Let Air Asia and Sime Darby sort out their business to find other alternatives.No need to propose anything to them. Not the government business. Why should the government accommodate much time to this private project on Labu Labi airport. There are other pressing economic matters which Najib must focus. Unemployment rate is now increasing by the day and what Najib is going to do about it. Foreign workers are hanging around by the thousands without jobs now and what Najib is going to do to avoid social problems arising from these unwanted foreigners. Urban poverty must be tackled immediately. There are a lot of people in the urban areas are now suffering with limited financial resource to maintain their families. It is serious, Najib. This airport business must not be of concern to the government at all, not unless there are cronies keep on knocking at Pak Lah’s door as a last “kopek” before he leaves office disgracefully without anything to show of his deeds except to cause almost the downfall of Barisan Nasional government.

  25. Dear Tun,
    Reading MoMan’s comments is very interesting. For all we know he could be Tony himself 😉
    Anyway welcome to the real world of having to bang your head against the “establishment”.
    As a businessman Tony would do well to be cautious with his approach to getting things done. Especially burning bridges, shooting people in the foot and side-stepping people.
    Worst is to patronise the very people who will be his customers. Tony will be better advice to hold his horses for this project for the moment.
    Your idea may be good and may even have come out of your frustration with the “establishment”. But steam-rolling it thru is NOT the way right for now.
    He can always revisit the problem in another way, another format or even another idea.
    We have heard his story and you have heard our story.
    Perhaps someone from KLIA operators can to comment your side of the story?
    We all want what is BEST for Malaysia – bit lets not do things that may disadvantage other Malaysians in the process.

  26. YABhg. Tun,
    Salam hormat.
    Kepada bloggers berbangsa Cina , diucapkan Gong Xi Fa Cai.
    1. Seperti biasa pada cuti perayaan ini dan cuti yang panjang, warga KL dan PJ anak balik ke kampong masing masing dan lebuhraya akan menjadi sesak. Seperti biasa banyak kemalangan jalanraya yang meragut nyawa.
    2. Soalnya, do we need another North-South and East West Highways or do we need badly a new Labu Airport? Do we need another new rail track to accomodate fast trains or to replace the existing unreliable KTMB tracks?
    3. Kalau tidak, sampai kiamatlah rakyat Malaysia menanggong sengsara kesesakan jalan raya. Bayangkan bila jumlah penduduk dan bilangan kenderaan meningkat 2 kali ganda… perjalanan dari KL ke Ipoh yang mengambil masa 4 jam di masa kesesakan akan mengambil masa 8 jam…

  27. Dear Tun,
    Dengan izin…:)
    S…Tan, minta maaf kiranya terasa dengan pernyataan saya sebelumnya..Sesungguhnya saya budak baru belajar.
    untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut kenapa jambatan bengok itu perlu bengkok… sila rujuk disini
    ……Tahap pengswastaan
    Apa yang anda katakan benar…memang perlu panambahan peluang pekerjaan. Tapi yang saya tidak sokong adalah pembinaan perkara yang tidak perlu.. mengapa tidak saja LCCT yang ada sekarang dibesarkan, ditambah, dicantikkan, dipermodenkan.. tentu saja apa2 pembaharuan yang seperti saya katakan akan memerlukan penambahan pekerja..
    ……cari masalah
    Semua yang anda terangkan adalah penciptaan perkara yang baru. Tapi apa yang dicadangkan disini adalah perkara yang sama..LCCT diganti LCCT..cume ditempat yang berbeza..lainlah kalau cadangan tersebut merupakan LCCT yang terapung diudara…sayalah diantara orang yang akan menyokongnya…:)
    Tentang pukul memukul tu, saya pasti adalah fitnah semata.. yang pastinya Tun M telah memudahkan rakyat dengan segala pembaharuan beliau.
    And Larry Jay
    Yet again, your point is based on deception and manipulation of facts.
    Please provide all the facts and figure. When you mentioned about the transaction..please provide date, and figure.
    And how about the agreement that i have mentioned… why dont you read about it before replying to my comment.
    maybe you are not living in the world of fantasy, so i hope that you can provide all the figure and facts of your view so that i can do some research on it. Thanks.

  28. Good morning Tun,
    As usual, izinkan Tun….
    By Larry Jay on January 22, 2009 9:49 PM
    //To HBT,
    You seems not to be deliberating on logics & facts intelligently & rationally but seems & sounds to be more of a little 5 year old kiddo mumbling whom brains is in the active developing stage!!
    I have not only noticed you in this comments but also in other various comments where-by your understanding of world (internal & external) knowledge in history, economics, politics & in cultural is very limited indeed… far below than my 12 year old niece.//
    I am happy that you realized my writing sounds more to a 5 year old kiddo and far below your 12 year old niece. This shown that you are indeed has brain deformed that can manage to grow and stay at the “5 – 12 years” stage, who did not realize that the country is now transforming from teenager stage (19 years old) to mature stage (from emerging to developing country) through got you!!!!! See I am more far sighted than you because I learn from Tun through with all my heart because I am humble and not big headed like you who “talk cock”, boliau and can longlai (in cantonese means biadap)!!!!
    //However, the credit which I have no right to deny you is that

    By Source Dewata on January 22, 2009 9:05 PM
    Dear Tun,
    Sebagai orang Melayu yang diwar-warkan sebagai bersopan-santun, saya ingin terlebih dahulu meminta maaf di atas kekasaran kenyataan yang akan saya buat nanti. Tun, kembalilah pada UMNO. Restore it back to where it belongs. Sisihkan Pak Lah dan konco-konconya yang tak mengenang budi dan tak berguna itu. Kami benci kepada Pak Lah. Kami benci kepada Khairy. Pak Lah telah merosakkan parti, bangsa dan negara. Beliau tak berkemampuan untuk menjadi Presiden UMNO, tak hebat untuk menjadi Pengerusi Barisan Nasional dan tak berkarisma untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Kami BENCI pemerintahan Pak Lah. Kami juga marah dengan Tun kerana memberi kami Perdana Menteri yang lemah. Kami berasa malu untuk mengaku Pak Lah sebagai Perdana Menteri. Kembalilah pada UMNO barang dua hingga empat tahun untuk memulihkannya dan mendidik Perdana Menteri yang baru. Singkirkan mereka yang Tun sendiri pilih dulu tetapi kini tak tahu mengenang budi (seperti Pak Lah) dan biadap (seperti Nazri Aziz – siapa dia ini? tak kenal pun? patut dibuang negara?) Kami akan sokong dan setia pada Tun. Lagipun Tun yang lebih berusia daripada Pak Lah tetapi kelihatan macam Pak Lah yang dah nyanyuk dengan keputusan-keputusan yang tak masuk akal. Kami marah bila Jambatan Bengkok dibatalkan. Apa guna koridor-koridor tersebut? Untuk kemewahan keluarga atau konco Pak Lah??? Siapa pedulikan Singapura kerana mereka tak pedulikan kita? Tetapi kami bangga dengan KLIA, KLCC, Putrajaya dan Proton. Pak Lah bukan orang jahat tetapi beliau lurus dan lembik (dan mengantuk?) hingga dipergunakan oleh si Khairy dan Kamaludin bedebah itu (let them rot in hell). Nyah lah Pak Lah, konco-konconya dan ahli keluarganya dari UMNO dan BN. Kami benci anda! Anda semua pengkhianat bangsa, agama dan negara! Terima kasih, Tun. Semoga Allah selamatkan Tun.

  30. Dearest Tun,
    We know there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for that airport in Labu when so much can still be done to further develop the potentials of KLIA. But Tony Fernandez wants to be the KING of budget airlines, so how can the KING not have his own airport? Ego aside, I am sure such a deal also bring millions of ringgit to certain interested parties. Nothing unusual, given the fact billions have been wasted in recent years! It is also not unusual that we love to do silly things like Labu that makes us the laughing stock in the press of our southern neighbor!
    Never mind the damage to the environment that a new airport will caused! Never mind that the runways of two airports are dangerously located within 2km from each other! Never mind even if there is a mid-air collision!! Never mind if we lost 5 states to the opposition in the last general election!! Never mind if we lose the next election totally to the opposition!! This is to be expected of Malaysia today, a leaderless country!!
    While the US have seen the departure of a moron from the white house, who do you think is occupying Seri Perdana now or in the future ??
    When I see the word Labu,I suddenly think of the famous Malay fable-
    Pak Pandir Dengan Labu Labunya- I cannot help but wonder who the Pak Pandir is?
    It’s very sad to be a patriotic Malaysian today, but never mind….

  31. Dear Tun, salam msera moga sihat sentiasa. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas…
    Dear ‘mieze81’ ref January 21, 2009 3:42 PM
    Terima kasih, krn memberi pendapat pada komen saya.
    Di peringkat umur sdr, tak baik menggelar tulisan orang budak belasan tahun. Belum cuba belum tahu.
    Tujuan lain jambatan bengkok boleh dicapai tanpa membina jambatan bengkok. Kerja dalaman di JB cukup. Jambatan menjadi bengkok krn sikap perasan, degil dan menunjuk.
    Akibatnya belanja tinggi, faedah tak bertambah krn laluan tetap kempis ditengah laut. Belanja tak memadai manafaat.
    Pengswastaan pada GLC lebih baik dari pengswastaan pada kroni. Kerabat kroni kena jamin mrk untung, pinjaman diberi atau dijamin krjn, jaminan ambil balik kalau lingkup, rugi krjn tanggung untung orang punya.
    Immigresen, kastam, polis patut ditanggung krjn kalau LCCT berjaya menarik penumpang. Hasil dari penumpang lebih dari cukup menanggung saraan mrk. Menambah peluang kerja tak baik?
    Kalau manusia tak cari masaalah, banyak benda tak akan tercipta. Dah ada lilin, obor knp cari masaalah risiko sumber api lain. Dah ada kereta dan keretapi buat apa susah susah cari pengangkutan udara dgn bahaya terhempas.
    Pengswastaan ini soal percaya Tun atau percaya krjn skrg.
    Saya lebih percaya pada orang yg batalkan pengswastaan dgn hanya ‘suara’ bantahan (IJN), dari orang yg teruskan pengswastaan dgn memukul, menangkap rakyat menunjuk perasaan membantah projek jalanraya tol.
    Saya lebih percaya orang mendedahkan ‘con sessions’ agreement dari orang menyembunyikannya dgn OSA.

  32. To HBT,
    You seems not to be deliberating on logics & facts intelligently & rationally but seems & sounds to be more of a little 5 year old kiddo mumbling whom brains is in the active developing stage!!
    I have not only noticed you in this comments but also in other various comments where-by your understanding of world (internal & external) knowledge in history, economics, politics & in cultural is very limited indeed… far below than my 12 year old niece.
    However, the credit which I have no right to deny you is that

  33. Dear Tun,
    Sebagai orang Melayu yang diwar-warkan sebagai bersopan-santun, saya ingin terlebih dahulu meminta maaf di atas kekasaran kenyataan yang akan saya buat nanti. Tun, kembalilah pada UMNO. Restore it back to where it belongs. Sisihkan Pak Lah dan konco-konconya yang tak mengenang budi dan tak berguna itu. Kami benci kepada Pak Lah. Kami benci kepada Khairy. Pak Lah telah merosakkan parti, bangsa dan negara. Beliau tak berkemampuan untuk menjadi Presiden UMNO, tak hebat untuk menjadi Pengerusi Barisan Nasional dan tak berkarisma untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Kami BENCI pemerintahan Pak Lah. Kami juga marah dengan Tun kerana memberi kami Perdana Menteri yang lemah. Kami berasa malu untuk mengaku Pak Lah sebagai Perdana Menteri. Kembalilah pada UMNO barang dua hingga empat tahun untuk memulihkannya dan mendidik Perdana Menteri yang baru. Singkirkan mereka yang Tun sendiri pilih dulu tetapi kini tak tahu mengenang budi (seperti Pak Lah) dan biadap (seperti Nazri Aziz – siapa dia ini? tak kenal pun? patut dibuang negara?) Kami akan sokong dan setia pada Tun. Lagipun Tun yang lebih berusia daripada Pak Lah tetapi kelihatan macam Pak Lah yang dah nyanyuk dengan keputusan-keputusan yang tak masuk akal. Kami marah bila Jambatan Bengkok dibatalkan. Apa guna koridor-koridor tersebut? Untuk kemewahan keluarga atau konco Pak Lah??? Siapa pedulikan Singapura kerana mereka tak pedulikan kita? Tetapi kami bangga dengan KLIA, KLCC, Putrajaya dan Proton. Pak Lah bukan orang jahat tetapi beliau lurus dan lembik (dan mengantuk?) hingga dipergunakan oleh si Khairy dan Kamaludin bedebah itu (let them rot in hell). Nyah lah Pak Lah, konco-konconya dan ahli keluarganya dari UMNO dan BN. Kami benci anda! Anda semua pengkhianat bangsa, agama dan negara! Terima kasih, Tun. Semoga Allah selamatkan Tun.

  34. This is another classic example of how the very selected few trying to make billions out of silly and irrational justifications. Im not surprised at all as under the Malaysia Boleh tagline, we can do everything including to build two airports in such a close distant. Why not? Malaysia boleh, as always.

  35. Can we afford another airport? Should we buy more land to build new international airport? Whose land is being earmarked at Labu anyway?
    Who really needs the new airport?
    It is better just to extend the present KLIA as you have suggested to meet future demands.

  36. A’kum & Salam Sejahtera,
    Kalaulah pembinaan sesuatu projek melibatkan wang poket sendiri isu ini semua takkan timbul, tapi disebabkan penggunaan dana dari GLC dan badan berkanun milik kerajaan oleh yang demikian ianya mendapat bantahan ramai.

  37. Tun,
    By MoMan on January 20, 2009 7:35 PM
    Dear Mr MoMan,
    I thank you for your views on some hicups in KLIA due to human factors. I agreed with you that KLIA is one of the best masterplan design airport in the world, better than Changi Airport, but at par with Hong Kong – Chek Lap Kok Airport.
    However, as a Malaysian, we are bind to 5 Rukun Negara for 51 years now. Air Asia has became the so-called famous low cost international and domestic airlines in such a short time is not because Tony is capable, it is because Tony has intimate contact with Singapore through the support of KJ, the ONE SON-IN-LAW of Pak Lah (our PM -Patung Mainan, ex-finance Minister and now the Defense Minister).
    Everyone knows that only international air flights can generate profit, domestic flight is a social responsibilty binded by national carrier to cater domestic market and connectivity to other airlines which can only generate income to sustain the operation cost. MAHB is doing its responsibility as the national carrier in the correct manner, however Air Asia has lost its vison and social responsibility to the country. Air Asia is only interested in making profit without protecting the country from soft invasion from the west through Singapore. What’s the point of having of Air Asia that will only make the rich become richer, the poor become poorer. The poor become poorer because they believed that they must obey their religion teachings. The rich is only interested in protecting and increasing their power and wealth, to them they are the god which are forbidden in Islam.
    Because of the issue of Air Asia, BN has lost 2/3 majority in PRU 12. This shows that many of the BN supporters are not ready and do not like our Pak Lah and his cronies, especially that SIL, for their arrogant,ignorant and greed, turning their responsibilities to power by making the rich become richer. These so-called rich and powerful people may not be able to sleep for many many years from now because they were caught in this USA economy crisis. We have learned hard in 1997, we were attacked in 2008 because Pak Lah did not kept his promises to Tun.
    Indeed very sad, the Pak Lah & Gang has expanded the corruption through elegance silent using their power that has jeopardized our Tun’s image and hard work for all these years. The best that BN can do now is, abandoned Air Asia that carries the name of korap jantan, so that the rakyat will have confident in BN.
    Take care Tun and so is mr MoMan.
    Kuala Lumpur can be the gateway to Asia. We need to build the volume first, expand the connectivity, optimize our cost efficiency and the rest will follow. Kuala Lumpur will be the biggest hub.
    Tun, please don

  38. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Mohon di-izinkan saya sedikit ruang disini. Terima kasih.
    Dear Puan HBT, thank you for sharing with me your very interesting take over the Air Asia issue. Yes it

  39. Hello tun, i’ve read a book titled “Mahathir Mohamad, Achieving True Globalisation” by Dr Kohei Hashimoto. It might b an old book but what i like about this is that u have this vision of looking east, particularly Japan. Among many topics in ur website, this topic is d nearest in terms of modern transportation. I know this is about the aviation industry, but i think we shld also look at our railway industry. The best we have is the ERL which connects klia n kl, n the lesser 1, the ktm commuter which connect as far as seremban down south. when it comes to japan, its all about their bullet train called “Shinkansen”. It connects japanese major cities troughout the island accept Hokaido maybe which is still under construction maybe. I really like these trains because they r really fast(300km/h) n d latest ones have cool designs. When ur in it, its almost as if ur in an airplane. I think our airport in KLIA is already a world class airport n doesnt need anymore attention. I think we shld move on on building new things i.e. “MALAYAN SHINKANSEN” which connects Georgetown – KL – JB within an hour or 2 or 3. I think malaysia shld start bragging on building a High Speed Rail Network throughout malaysia. Imagine a Malayan Shinkansen passes through Gunung Ledang like a shinkansen wo do through mount Fuji!! 😉
    I wish u n family long n healthy life Tun.

  40. Hello tun, i’ve read a book titled “Mahathir Mohamad, Achieving True Globalisation” by Dr Kohei Hashimoto. It might b an old book but what i like about this is that u have this vision of looking east, particularly Japan. Among many topics in ur website, this topic is d nearest in terms of modern transportation. I know this is about the aviation industry, but i think we shld also look at our railway industry. The best we have is the ERL which connects klia n kl, n the lesser 1, the ktm commuter which connect as far as seremban down south. when it comes to japan, its all about their bullet train called “Shinkansen”. It connects japanese major cities troughout the island accept Hokaido maybe which is still under construction maybe. I really like these trains because they r really fast(300km/h) n d latest ones have cool designs. When ur in it, its almost as if ur in an airplane. I think our airport in KLIA is already a world class airport n doesnt need anymore attention. I think we shld move on on building new things i.e. “MALAYAN SHINKANSEN” which connects Georgetown – KL – JB within an hour or 2 or 3. I think malaysia shld start bragging on building a High Speed Rail Network throughout malaysia. Imagine a Malayan Shinkansen passes through Gunung Ledang like a shinkansen wo do through mount Fuji!! 😉
    I wish u n family long n healthy life Tun.

  41. Tony…the Malaysian entrepreneur who created a successful low-cost airline…a man with vision. Is it? Really? If not for a silly company who actually sold Air Asia for RM1 (and still kicking their own butts until now) and assuming the RM50 million in debt, Air Asia wouldn’t see the light of day. If not because of Pahamin Rejab, Tony would still be selling CDs. Ingat senang nak convince the government to change the very regulated industry like aviation? Sudah la Tony, The Edge sahaja yang tak habis habis mengagungkan kau. Mmmm….maybe that Shanmugan was his old friend.

  42. Dear S…Tan
    Seperti yang anda nyatakan
    “Membina LCCT baru lebih berfaedah dari jambatan bengkok dari segi pintu masuk negara. Jambatan bengkok punyai kepala besar (di JB) leher kecil (di S’pura) dan ditanggung krjn. LCCT Labu dibina swasta dan jumlah penumpang dijamin swasta sendiri bukan krjn. (Banding kadar trafik lebuhraya dijamin krjn, bayaran tenaga IPP dijamin)”
    Nampaknya anda tidak membaca dan berfikir dalam2 sebab utama jambatan bengkok dicadangkan.. jadi jangan menulis seperti budak belasan tahun. Baca juga artikel yang telah ditulis oleh Tun M tentang perkara ini.. Benarkah pembinaannya oleh swasta? siapakah mereka ini? dan juga pekerja imigresen & kastam? Polis? ditanggung oleh Air Asia ke?… baca lagi Mr. Tan.
    “Kalau masaalah teknikal menara kembar bertapak atas tanah lembik boleh di atasi, apalah isu teknikal dua landasan berdekatan.”
    Dua masalah yang dinyatakan merupakan perkara berbeza. perkara pertama memerlukan penggunaan teknik kejuruteraan yang luar biasa.. manakala perkara kedua hanyalah perbuatan yang saja mencari masalah.. fikir-fikirkan..
    and MR Larry Tan,
    Its a very frightening situation thingking that people having good writing skills like yourself tend to manipulate data, facts and history for your own gain. Unlike the most of us thats need to validate whatever it is that we are trying to convey, we hope that you will not believe on your own lie..
    Did Tony himself came out with the idea of buying the ailing airline? NO Larry..NO!! Tony and gang only came out with the idea of low fair flight which Tun has actually forseen the possibility of its implementation in malaysia.. They are are actually applying for new license.. It is TUN that advised them to go and acquire one from the existing airline company in Malaysia.
    And about Tan Sri Tajudin.. it seems that you are really desperate to manipulate facts in order to create hatred to Tun M, Tun Daim and Tajudin.. or is it that you are blinded by your ill feeling to them that you refuse to read?
    There’s an agreement between Tajudin and Malaysia goverment. And please.. show the facts and figure when you said that Tajudin failed MAS?.. or is it those who hated the succes of MAS and wanted to monopolized the flight industry for himself did it??
    Come la.. dont let us generalize on your kind of people.. Please…

  43. Tun,
    Bg saya biar apa pun alasan bg meneruskan rancangan untuk membina KLIA EAST -LCCT di Labu ianya satu langkah yang kurang bijak lagi bodoh. KLIA dibina untuk wawasan yang jauh bg masa depan. Lainlah KLIA yg sedia ada sudah dan tidak mampu menampung keperluan Air Asia bg tempoh 15 tahun akan datang. Tambahan pula dalam situasi ekonomi yang tidak menentu ini.
    Jika ianya diteruskan apa akan terjadi di KLIA? Sudah tentu segala perbelanjaan besar untuk membinanya dahulu bg keperluan 20-25 tahun akan datang sia-sia belaka.
    Memang benar ia tidak melibatkan wang rakyat / kerajaan tetapi kewajaran sesuatu perkara dilakukan perlulah bijak dan masuk akal.
    Tun, sejak Dolah Bodowi ini memerintah saya bukanlah membenci beliau tetapi kebodohan beliau membuatkan saya cukup meluat. Saya mula meluat apabila rancangan Jambatan Bengkok di Johor dibatalkan. Bg saya ia mampu mendatangkan income negara untuk jangka masa depan. Rancangan membina Jambatan P Pinang ke 2 yang kurang bijak itu bg saya ia jauh kurang mendatangkan hasil pada negara / kerajaan. Lg pun jambatan yg sedia ada hanya sesak pd hujung minggu sahaja. Alternatif jalan laut iaitu ferri masih ada. Sepatutnya kerajaan perlu memikirkan keuntungan kerajaan / rakyat diutamakan dahulu berbanding keuntungan syarikat atau individu terkemudian.
    Saya juga menyokong sepatutnya Dolah yang bodoh patut ditolak seawal yg mungkin dari memimpin negara.
    Saya juga menyokong pendapat seorang anak Terengganu bahawa kekalahan BN di Kuala Terengganu baru-baru ini di tangan PAS bukanlah disebabkan faktor orang tak suka pada Najib tetapi orang Terengganu terlalu meluat pada Dolah. Masjid Kristal dan beberapa projek besar di sana jatuh ke tangan kroni Dolah ditambah pula isu pulangan keuntungan minyak kepada rakyat Terengganu.
    Sepatutnya UMNO sudah lama menolak kepimpinan Dolah ini kerana idea-idea yang diutarakan beliau lebih bersifat bodoh dari bijak. Saya sokong dan percaya pandangan ramai orang bahawa semakin lama Dolah memegang jawatan PM semakin besarlah “barah” dalam Perikatan BN dan UMNO itu sendiri.
    Sekian Tun.

    Saya adalah berjuta peminat bolasepak tetapi teramat sedih dengan prestasi Malaysia pada masa ini. Justeru itu saya terpaksa menggunakan blog Tun bagi menyampaikan mesej dan mencadangkan 1 dari 1000 cadangan yang boleh diterima pakai oleh orang-orang yang bermegah memegang jawatan dalam FAM sehinggakan tak mahu turun dari tahta jawatan yang yang dipegangnya seolah-olah tempat tersebut bapak dia yang punya

  45. well, i have been read all the comments above. it’s sounds silly to me. please compare the KLIA and LCCT? Which are the one , that people are crowded? Which are the one they most prefer? For sure LCCT. Because Air Asia always says customer is right, and always works for their customers satisfaction.By the way Air Asia is a low fare airline and it’s good in doin budget rather then paying the high rental in KLIA better to have a LCCT which can reduce the fligt fare and helps the average level people to enjoy their life by flying through Air Asia. Please dont use political issues here. Use your brain n think. You can find a good solution for it. I will always welcome the LABU Airport project. AIR ASIA you can do it.

  46. Assalamulaikum Tun – semoga sihat-sihat selalu.
    Pengerusi Air Asia dengan angkuh berkata:
    ” apa yang kecoh? kami bukannya guna duit kerajaan, kami hanya mahukan kebenaran satu laagi kemudahan pengangkutan”
    Saya ingin bertanyakan Dato’ Aziz Bakar, Pengerusi Air Asia dan juga Dato’ Tony – Adakah Air Asia akan mengeluarkan semua perbelanjaan termasuk perkara-perkara berikut:-
    1. Pembinaan Jalan : menyambungkan KLIA@EAST-LCCT dengan jalan utama;
    2. Gaji pegawai & anggota polis (Kawalan keselamatan/Trafik);
    3. Gaji pegawai & anggota Imigeresen;
    4. Gaji pegawai & anggota Kastam;
    5. Gaji pegawai & anggota DCA (Control Tower;
    6. Menyediakan & menyelengara perumahan mereka;
    7. Pengakutan untuk kakitangan tersebut; dan
    8. Lain-lain kemudahan terrmasuk sekolan dan seumpamanya.
    Kalau semua perkara tersebut diatas disediakan dan perbelanjaannya dikeluarkan oleh Air Asia saya berpendapat kerajaan harus menyokongnya projek tersebut kerana ianya akan menjana pekerjaan kepada rakyat malaysia, sekurang kurangnya 10,000 orang.
    Tetapi jika sebaliknya kerajaan yang waras haruslah menolak cadangan tersebut kecuali kerajaan ada agenda terselindung dan mahukan kekalahan dalam PRU ke 13 nanti.

  47. Salam Tun,
    saya tengok penumpang2 Air Asia tak ubah macam penumpang bas dalam filem Bukit kepong..bersesak2 dengan basnya yang dipandu laju, sempit dan saya rasa tidak selamat!! rakyat kita masih kedekut untuk berbelanja walaupun untuk keselamatan diri sendiri..
    nak pergi LCCT macam nak pergi pasar aje!! tapi tidak kedengaran pun cerita2 mengenai bantahan ke atas projek Labu ini di dalam media2..apa nak jadi dengan media kita ni nie?? sampaikan berita pembatalan kontrak pembelian rumah oleh Mahkamah Tinggi yang melibatkan beribu-ribu pengguna pun tiada disiarkan dalam media!!!

  48. Selamat pagi Tun,
    //By bluesgang on January 20, 2009 5:20 PM//
    Hi bluesgang,
    //1. Its not Tony’s problem, Tony just a talented businessmen who wants to cash in the opportunity cause idea blank from Pak Lah Government.//
    Yeap, it’s not Tony’s problem, it’s Pak Lah’s problem, that is why Hindraf was set up to go against BN, to them Tony is the hero, to me Tony is just a Donald Trump, buatan Malaysia.
    //2. MAS was undermined with many hidden hands to make Air Asia more frontal then MAS. I got MAS friends, they told me everything. They weren’t allowed to compete with Air Asia but must kow-tow or bow to Air Asia. So Tony seized the day.//
    Because of this incident, rakyat has became smart, using blogging to unblog, launched by Dr M (the book costs only RM25) to expose these invinsible hands so that Tony and these hands will be exposed and made to understand our Rukun Negara and the country name, Malaysia.
    //3. I still wonder how Air Asia going to compete when KJ is no longer there and MAS is unleashed for equal competition with Air Asia.//
    Well, I think A. Asia is going to be took over by MAS and Fireflz since they are underutilized because of Air Asia when KJ is no longer there.
    //4. So Tony got alot of money and want to do some PFI, so simple, ask him to do some PFI in airport zoned area thats all, why go so far. If he doesnt like he can reclaim his own land in south china sea and called it tony’s land and land whatever he wants there and stay away from our country. And whoever loved him, can migrate there and change your IC too.//
    I don’t think Tony got money, his supporters must have ran away from him and leaving him with all the hutang owed by Air Asia, siapa makan cili siapa rasa pedas, I pity him, but I don’t feel sorry for him.
    //5. So at the end of the day, Air Asia airport is not an issue actually, its only air asia, not Malaysia problem. Give him the ultimatum, if Air Asia wants to upgrade his airport, upgrade within KLIA region thats all. If other guy can listen, like Mcdonald serving halal food, why not him. Same case as Tajuddin Ramli when he wants to do something even bad things, he still do it within our reach, he just dont simply pop an idea want to make his own international airport in his kampong in Kedah.//
    I don’t agreed with you on this, Air Asia should be abandoned in Malaysia or move down south to the Singapore Island.
    //6. Since Tony got money, u can do something else, do hotels or whatever, or international university or private hospitals or something. And make a special train connecting your LCCT in Sepang to your development area in Labu. If u do International University (UIA example or Al-Azhar) u can tap these muslim students with strap cash to come to study there (since they got issues with US Patriot act) and buy some houses around there and make your airline able to tap more middle east market. So at the end of the day, u end up having 3 areas, 1 in Sepang, 1 in Labu and 1 in between. And dont forget, can make the money on the side without making too many ppl angry. So at least Pak Lah can sleep peacefully for once since election disaster without having Tun barking at him in his blog and make him look like a fool.//
    Pak lah is a real fool, not because of Tun and bloggers making him look like a fool. HE IS A REAL FOOL! People now saying that PAK LAH IS BETTER THAN PAK ANWAR because at least Pak Lah is a fool, Pak Anwar is a crook!!!!
    //7. So finally to those all Pak Lah supporters/advisors please for once give a very super duper smart ideas so that Pak Lah can be proud and sleep peacefully at night. I guarantee he keep on having bad dreams. Please do some best service for him. Pak Lah is great guy, and u guys (supporter and advisors) are giving him a bad name.//
    I was told it’s not Pak Lah’s fault that he got bad names, it’s because of his SIL, KJ. I say, if the cow does not want to drink water, we cannot force it to drink. If Pak Lah is not greedy, he will kept Tun’s promises when Tun resigned. But he didn’t, instead he let Anwar out, Raja Petra not to be charged unders ISA, Lingam’s case, Salleh’ ex-gratia payment, Zaid Ibrahim’s issue, bar coucil, kept silent on racial, religion ,social contract issues etc… to protect his name. I don’t think he can sleep now because he is scare that he may have too many bad dreams that “Tuhan” tunjuk in his dreams. Anyway, I am dissapointed with Pak Lah, but I will never say ‘padam muka’ and and never feel sorry for him. This is the punishment for those people who go against religion teachings, siapakah yang tidak mengenang budi, dia pasti akan di hukum, and tis is what we call “CAUSE & EFFECT. Good day bluesgang!
    Sincerely yours,
    redtanglung gal
    Good day Tun.
    P/S:- S..Tan, these are the some of reasons why I always go against you. I am not a racist, but I am a Malaysian, since this our country’s problem, we have to be united, like Obama says, CHANGE OR PERISH, we learn from USA and do it MALAYSIA WAY (the best and proven way is MAHATHIRISM, and we improve from here, no more hypernating folks, wake up or perish, this is the global trend that is unadvoidable, accept it in Malaysian way, that is refer to RUKUN NEGARA!!!!

  49. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Please allow me this small passage. Thank you.
    To my brother Saudara samuraimelayu, thank you for pointing out to me that remark at 10:33 18 Jan, as I have flew pass that on auto pilot several times already and totally missed it 🙂 Anyhow, it

  50. Dear Tun,
    Firstly, I want to establish the fact that I am great admirer and have the greatest respect for you. I consider myself a lucky person, I was born and raised in a good Muslim family, I have a loving and caring wife and most of all I thank God that you are not a Singaporean 🙂
    I am deeply involved with the new airport mentioned and for this reason I have to keep my real identity concealed. KLIA is a great airport, the masterplan design and the forward thinking involved is top notch. Sure, some people will make silly complaints stating that it is too far away and that it

  51. Assalamulaikum Tun – semoga sihat-sihat selalu.
    masih dengan KLIA EAST -LCCT.
    Pengerusi air asia dengan angkuh berkata:
    ” apa yang kecoh? kami buknnya guna duit kerajaan, kami hanya mahukan kebenaran satu l;agi kemudahan pengangkutan”
    ” kami bukan hanya mahu membina LCCT, tetapi menjadikan LABU sebuah hub pengangkutan “airport city” ( bandar lapangan terbang) yang serba canggih dan lengkap dengan kawasan perumahan, sekolah, hospital, hotel, sistem pengangkutan yang tersusun serta taman tema supaya dapat menarik pelancong”
    untuk pengetahuan Dato Aziz kami rakyat tidak kecoh, tetapi kami fikirkan kepentingan nasional, iaitu menjadikan KLIA hub udara serantau dan bukan pentingkan keuntungan beberapa kerat dalam air asia.
    syabas !! bangunkanlah kawasan perumahan, sekolah, hospital, hotel, sistem pengangkutan yang tersusun serta taman tema di labu, dan jadikan labu satu bandaraya canggih – rakyat akan tabek sebab ada peluang pekerjaan..
    tetapi terminal udara (lcct) mestilah berada dalam kawasan KLIA sebab kemampuan KLIA ialah 125 juta penumpang setahun dan terdapat kawasan tanah yang luas untuk air asia bangunkan lcct sendiri disitu. Datuk Aziz mesti ada agenda nasional dalam diri.

  52. Assalamulaikum Tun – semoga sihat-sihat selalu.
    masih dengan KLIA EAST -LCCT.
    Pengerusi air asia dengan angkuh berkata:
    ” apa yang kecoh? kami buknnya guna duit kerajaan, kami hanya mahukan kebenaran satu l;agi kemudahan pengangkutan”
    ” kami bukan hanya mahu membina LCCT, tetapi menjadikan LABU sebuah hub pengangkutan “airport city” ( bandar lapangan terbang) yang serba canggih dan lengkap dengan kawasan perumahan, sekolah, hospital, hotel, sistem pengangkutan yang tersusun serta taman tema supaya dapat menarik pelancong”
    untuk pengetahuan Dato Aziz kami rakyat tidak kecoh, tetapi kami fikirkan kepentingan nasional, iaitu menjadikan KLIA hub udara serantau dan bukan pentingkan keuntungan beberapa kerat dalam air asia.
    syabas !! bangunkanlah kawasan perumahan, sekolah, hospital, hotel, sistem pengangkutan yang tersusun serta taman tema di labu, dan jadikan labu satu bandaraya canggih – rakyat akan tabek sebab ada peluang pekerjaan..
    tetapi terminal udara (lcct) mestilah berada dalam kawasan KLIA sebab kemampuan KLIA ialah 125 juta penumpang setahun dan terdapat kawasan tanah yang luas untuk air asia bangunkan lcct sendiri disitu. Datuk Aziz mesti ada agenda nasional dalam diri.

  53. Dear Tun,
    Ok i got the message from all those Tony’s lovers.
    1. Its not Tony’s problem, Tony just a talented businessmen who wants to cash in the opportunity cause idea blank from Pak Lah Government.
    2. MAS was undermined with many hidden hands to make Air Asia more frontal then MAS. I got MAS friends, they told me everything. They weren’t allowed to compete with Air Asia but must kow-tow or bow to Air Asia. So Tony seized the day.
    3. I still wonder how Air Asia going to compete when KJ is no longer there and MAS is unleashed for equal competition with Air Asia.
    4. So Tony got alot of money and want to do some PFI, so simple, ask him to do some PFI in airport zoned area thats all, why go so far. If he doesnt like he can reclaim his own land in south china sea and called it tony’s land and land whatever he wants there and stay away from our country. And whoever loved him, can migrate there and change your IC too.
    5. So at the end of the day, Air Asia airport is not an issue actually, its only air asia, not Malaysia problem. Give him the ultimatum, if Air Asia wants to upgrade his airport, upgrade within KLIA region thats all. If other guy can listen, like Mcdonald serving halal food, why not him. Same case as Tajuddin Ramli when he wants to do something even bad things, he still do it within our reach, he just dont simply pop an idea want to make his own international airport in his kampong in Kedah.
    6. Since Tony got money, u can do something else, do hotels or whatever, or international university or private hospitals or something. And make a special train connecting your LCCT in Sepang to your development area in Labu. If u do International University (UIA example or Al-Azhar) u can tap these muslim students with strap cash to come to study there (since they got issues with US Patriot act) and buy some houses around there and make your airline able to tap more middle east market. So at the end of the day, u end up having 3 areas, 1 in Sepang, 1 in Labu and 1 in between. And dont forget, can make the money on the side without making too many ppl angry. So at least Pak Lah can sleep peacefully for once since election disaster without having Tun barking at him in his blog and make him look like a fool.
    7. So finally to those all Pak Lah supporters/advisors please for once give a very super duper smart ideas so that Pak Lah can be proud and sleep peacefully at night. I guarantee he keep on having bad dreams. Please do some best service for him. Pak Lah is great guy, and u guys (supporter and advisors) are giving him a bad name.

  54. Hi Tun,
    Saw this interesting comment on WeeChooKeong blog. I think i better paste it here for everyone to read.
    Btw, i saw Air Asia register the domain “KLIAEAST.COM” for their future use.
    Angry Staff

  55. Hari ini warta berita TV3 memaklumkan bahawa Khazanah tidak setuju dengan cadangan PIA. Bagus lah tu. Kadang-kadang terfikir juga, Air Asia tidak pula buka airport baru di Thailand, Singapore atau di Indonesia. Mengapa?
    Sudah saya baca kesemua komen yang tertera dan saya dapati komen-komen dari orang-orang ATC banyak juga. Sekurang-kurangnya ada pendapat dari mereka yang arif dalam bidang aviation ini.
    Kepada AA/SD, fikirkan masak-masak dahulu. Jangan jejaskan negara dengan banyak sangat airport didalam satu kawasan. Kalau nak buat juga, buat kat Tanjong Malim / Slim River / Rawang, jauh dari KLIA tetapi dekat dengan KL.
    AA/SD ni kalau sayangkan BN, lupakan saja projek ini. Kalau teruskan juga, mereka dah tidak kisah dengan BN.
    AirAsia dulu beria-ia nak ambilalih Rural Air Services (RAS) di Sabah dan Sarawak dari MAS. Apabila tidak tahan dengan kerugian (walaupun disubsidi), AirAsia serah balik kat kerajaan sehingga menjejaskan RAKYAT pendelaman Sabah dan Sarawak…tiada penerbangan sekian lama. Ini dinamakan “TERMINAL RAKYAT”? Jangan kelirukan RAKYAT. MAS yang ambilalih balik RAS.
    Si Luncai terjun denan labu-labunya, biak pi, biak pi.

  56. To Larry Jay
    I think Tun Mahathir was making his views known. So can you.
    I don’t think it called for such damnation from you. If you have a good view let us know….write to this blog so that we could hear you out. Ultimately, it is the Government who will be making the decision, AFTER WEIGHING THE PROS AND CONS. Kapish???
    Tun, some people hate to debate professionally and cannot accept
    ‘agree to disagree’.
    Tun, may your ideas and views inspire others to think and have a view too…

  57. YABhg Tun
    As a rakyat I don’t understand why the Government is not asking the same question as you did with the proposed Labu airport? Why aren’t the professionals voicing their concerns on the duplicity of the airport in Labu? Surely they won’t get shot by Pak Alah (literally get shot at!) if they were to give their views.
    To the upcoming PM, my statemate, please hear out what people are saying before committing yoursel.The repercussions will be on you, Dato Seri Najib as the the new PM, so be PR savvy and listen to your ‘publics’. Let the rakyat discuss freely and then decide. This is the only decent thing you can do now after the fiasco in Terengganu. You have enough professionals in your own office to advise you on ‘issues’.
    Tun, they are really clueless.
    Salam hormat to you and family.
    Show us that you got brains, guts and transparencies that you so much preach. More so… us you are much better than the current one…..
    I can only hope.

  58. Assalamualaikum Tok Che dan Nenda..
    Malaysia ni bukannya negara yg besar sgt utk ada banyak sgt airport.
    Walaupun kita nak menggalakkan pelancong dtg dgn mengadakan penerbangan terus ke destinasi, tapi kita juga perlu seimbangkan dgn penerbangan domestik.
    Rancangan utk pembinaan airport baru di Labu itu sgt tidak wajar. Terlalu dekat dgn KLIA Sepang. Air Asia pun jangan lah sombong sangat sehingga tidak mahu berkongsi dgn MAHB. Setelah dah kaya raya ni, apa pulangan balik Air Asia kpd masyarakat?? (Tambang murah itu mmg dah sepatutnya!!)
    Oh ye Mr Larry, I do remember what happened to MAS. But do we really need another airport??. Sepang tu besar ok. Boleh je tambah runway.

  59. Salam Tun,
    KLIA di kira bertuah kerana AirAsia menjadikannya sebagai hub, tapi harus dingat yang Singapore juga telah membina LCCT nya sendiri dan ingin melobi supaya AirAsia menukar hub nya ke Singapore dengan melayan segala kehendak AirAsia. Advantage hub di Singapore ialah connectivity mereka keseluruh dunia jauh lebih baik dari KLIA
    Kalau benar terjadi begitu, rakyat dan negara Malaysia yang rugi. Bagi saya yang kerap menngunakan khidmat AirAsia dan LCCT merasakan tidak mungkin MAS boleh menyediakan tambang murah seperti AirAsia.
    Maka apa yang tinggal untuk KLIA dan Malaysia? nak harapkan MAS, nak berpuluh tahun masih di takuk lama. MAS yang sepatutnya bersaing dengan SIA untuk pasaran penumpang hanya bersaing dengan adik kecil AirAsia, ini boleh dilihat dari promosi MAS yang hanya menawarkan tambang promosi ke laluan AirAsia sahaja bukan SIA.
    Dalam menangani hal ini, semua pihak harus berhati2 bukan ikut emosi. Mungkin saranan Tun untuk menggunakan KLIA boleh diteruskan dengan syarat bangunan terminal baru itu di uruskan sepenuhnya oleh AirAsia dan dibuat satu runaway baru khusus untuk AirAsia dengan berkongsi satu control tower.
    Walaupun dibuat begitu masih terdapat kekurangan nya berbanding dengan Labu :-
    1. Bayar tambang kapalterbang RM9, keretapi ERL ke KL Sentral RM35 berbanding tambang komuter dari stesen Labu ke KL Sentral RM5.10 kerana airport Labu akan dibina berhampiran stesen keretapi Labu dan KTM sedia berkerjasama dengan Airsia.
    2. Dari stesen KTM Labu, penumpang boleh terus ke puluhan destinasi
    kediaman mereka di Lembah Kelang tanpa tukar tren di KL Sentral dengan tambang yang murah dan kekerapan 15 minit.
    3. Stesen KTM Labu menyediakan connectivity terus ke Singapore dan bandar bandar lain.
    Tun, kalau dengan RM1.6 billion tu, boleh tak Sime Darby bina jambatan dari Langkawi ke tanah besar, jarak terdekat tak sampai 30 km, sedangkan jambatan kedua PP 22km. Banyak faedah untuk rakyat Malaysia dan penduduk Langkawi

  60. Dah banyak dah projek – projek gomen yang membazir – menghabiskan duit rakyat. Tengok la disana-sini banyak jalan raya, flyover, jambatan yang separuh siap ditinggalkan begitu saja. Kalau tuan-tuan ke PutraJaya, tuan-tuan akan pasti nampak satu jambatan suspension yang separuh siap. ( Kalu sesiapa yang tak perasan dan mandu masuk ke laluan tu , mungkin akan terjunam masuk ke dalam paya.) Smart projek pun membazir sbb tak dapat selesaikan sesak jalan raya di KL.
    Sepatutnya, banyak projek yang lebih menafaat boleh dibuat dibanding dengan projek airport ke 4 nih. Buat lingkaran keretapi laju on ground / underground ke seluruh bandar dan pekan ceruk rantau di malaysia lebih berbaloi. Rakyat boleh jimat duit petrol & toll, kurangkan kemalangan jalanraya kalau berkereta, jimat tenaga & jimat masa dan keretapi boleh angkut beratus penumpang sekali trip.
    Duit yang “tersave” dari pembaziran dah boleh buat utk bayar dole money kepada mereka yang kehilangan kerja di waktu ekonomi meleset ni, meningkatkan mutu sekolah & pembelajaran, mengada perpustakaan di setiap kawasan perumahan dan kampung-kampung, meningkatkan infrastruktur & kemudahan awam di luarbandar dsbgnya.
    Gomen nak support satu lagi projek pembaziran di Labu, tentu menjadikan rakyat semakin tertindas. Tak ade ke lagi bijak pandai yang meneraju Malaysia la ni. Pemimpin2 selalu sangat ke luar negara yang tentunya guna duit rakyat, tak kan tak belajar dari pengalaman berjalan-jalan di negara-negara dunia?
    Satu kes lagi, kalau rakyat dapat buat projek pun, biasanya ada pemimpin ni yang dapat “makan” dulu, rakyat “makan” kemudian. Dari dulu sampai sekarang sama cam tu jugak.
    Seram betui tengok gelagat pemimpin negara di negara yang kaya dengan sumber alam dan makanan ni….kiamat pun dah dekat.

  61. Dear Tun,
    Kalau Khazanah tidak bersetuju mengapa kerajaan memberikan kelulusan? Jadi saya fikir ada kuncu-kuncu Pak Lah yang telah “menggoda” pegawai kerajaan supaya diluluskan project airport di Labu.Sime Darby mesti jawab. Musa mesti jawab. Zubir mesti jawab. Mana boleh main senyap je? Both of you are responsible to stakeholders and a statement must be made to give what exactly the position of Sime Darby as it stands now!

  62. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Pertama sekali, siapa yang menjadi mastermind untuk pembinaan LCCT sediada, kononnya untuk menempatkan penerbangan tambang murah atau lebih tepat lagi untuk Air Asia???
    Memang tidak dapat dinafikan dengan adanya syarikat penerbangan Air Asia ni ramai yang mampu menaiki kapal terbang untuk urusan perniagaan, melancong dan sebagainya.
    Tapi persoalannya disini, atas dasar apa Air Asia dapat mempengaruhi Kerajaan menyediakan terimal khas untuk pesawat-pesawatnya??? Malah dengan begitu bangga Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengumumkan tambahan kepada LCCT yang ada di Labu. Malah Menteri Besar negeri saya memberi sokongan padu
    I smell corruption in the air…
    Sekian Wasallam
    Seremban 200109 11:49am

  63. Khazanah Not Supportive Of LCCT In Labu
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 (Bernama) — Khazanah Nasional Bhd, the government’s investment holding arm, is not supportive of the plan to buiild a permanent low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) in Labu, its managing director Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar said Monday.
    He said the National Airport Masterplan should be used as a reference on what should be built for the sake of the country’s development.
    “Under the masterplan, 10,000 hectares have already been set aside, of which only about a third has been used,” he told reporters after presenting Khazanah’s annual review here.
    He was asked to state Khazanah’s stand over the issue.
    According to Azman, the airport sector is one where the clustering or network effect is important.
    “We cannot have a few airports here and there because then you cannot get the connectivity,” he said.
    Describing it as a national issue, Azman said: “Certainly we should follow through”.
    If Khazanah has confirmed that it is not supportive of the project, it is an indication or a message to those who initiate the idea to just cancel the project, period.
    Khazanah is the voice of the government under Ministry of Finance. So we can safely say that it is NO GO TO THE PROJECT not unless Pak Lah making a FLIP, FLOP, FLUP decision or a haprak and HP6 one to counter the statement made by Azman. If this happens Azman might as well resign because he is really having a “dungu” boss who does not understand what is going on. His boss now is enjoying and sleeping in a jet plane around the world.

  64. Tun,
    By bluesgang on January 19, 2009 5:58 PM
    Dear bluesgang,
    It looks like Pak Lah will never change in these 2 months, and he will be remember as the failure forever in my heart, please read the Star Online on:-

    By MHzAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:33 AM
    off topic..
    rasa nak tergelak guling-guling bila baca komen manusia yang bangang mcm kamal ahmad tu quote: “Salam Ayahanda Tun, izinkan saya sedikit ruang disini untuk menjadi individu pertama mengucapkan tahniah kepada BN atas kejayaan besar mereka di P036 Kuala Terengganu. Adik saya si Kamarul baru telefon bagi tahu berita kemenangan besar ini kepada saya.”..

  66. Salam YAB Tun,
    Bolehkah kapal terbang LUNCAI mendarat di lapangan terbang LABU?


  68. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Pertama sekali, siapa yang menjadi mastermind untuk pembinaan LCCT sediada, kononnya untuk menempatkan penerbangan tambang murah atau lebih tepat lagi untuk Air Asia???
    Memang tidak dapat dinafikan dengan adanya syarikat penerbangan Air Asia ni ramai yang mampu menaiki kapal terbang untuk urusan perniagaan, melancong dan sebagainya.
    Tapi persoalannya disini, atas dasar apa Air Asia dapat mempengaruhi Kerajaan menyediakan terimal khas untuk pesawat-pesawatnya??? Malah dengan begitu bangga Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengumumkan tambahan kepada LCCT yang ada di Labu. Malah Menteri Besar negeri saya memberi sokongan padu
    I smell corruption in the air…
    Sekian Wasallam
    Seremban 200109 11:49am

  69. Dear Tun,
    Free enterprise that’s the name of the game. They say, let enterprise do its things and it will benefit society. It will force prices down thus benefiting the consumers and public.
    Economists holds this to be TRUE and its like a “law of nature” to them. A law that cannot be disputed. No amount of argument or factual occurances will change what they believe to be the TRUTH.
    So they go on to say, let Tony exercise his free enterprise so that the consumer public will benefit.
    The real question to ask, if we are really looking for the truth is – Will society as a whole benefit???
    The answer is an unequivocal NO!
    How can putting more airplanes in the sky benefit society. It creates unwanted needs. Not everyone needs to fly in an aeroplane!
    Next is the question of National Interest. Airports have very significant national interest and national significance.
    Why allow the enterpenur to dictate such things – as we all know they don’t have national nor the public at heart. They are there to make money and more profits.
    The need for airport MUST be reserved to the goverment.
    Unless the goverment of course is a LAME DUCK one.
    The Americans public have realised the folly of unbridled free enterprise and the danger of large corporations. They are fighting them now.
    But here in Malaysia we are trying to emulate the Americans by giving free reins to these ideas of free enterprise and large conglomerates.
    Wake up you all. Why copy a system that is failing.
    Create a new one for god sake. A system that is equitable to the people, the earth and sustainable for our future generations.

  70. Dear Tun Dr,
    In my opinion, the reason why they want to build a new airport is simply because they don’t like anything that comes from you. KLIA was your idea, they want to build another one with their own idea. When they use KLIA, they can’t stand the thought that it was built during your era.
    They do not want to up gread and appreciate your idea, your hard work and your dedication. All they can think of is themselves(dengki hati).
    They do not care what will happen to the government or the people.
    Thank you
    Warm Regard

  71. assalamualaikum…
    1. masalah disini ialah bukannya hendak menidakkan hak air asia untuk berkembang tetapi kami membangkang LCCT labu ini kerana fasiliti yang ada seharusnya digunakan sepenuhnya.
    2. Gunalah KLIA yang sedia ada.Bincang elok-elok. Kalau MAHB yang incompetent tegur dan cari jalan supaya ia lebih efektif.Bekerjasama jangan lah n bermusuh pulak.
    3. Don’t re invent the wheel again. it’s useless.
    4. We have a lot of world class facilities but usually it is not fully utilized.
    5. Our politic now is similar to this situation.

  72. Dear Tun,
    Truth is very easy to understand.
    I sincerely belive all parties concerned understands what is right about the Airport issue.
    As usual, what every party however is interested here is to sell (promote) their vested interest instead.
    It is therefore Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s interest VS Mahathir’s interest VS Musa Hitam’s interest etc. Frankly, no one cares about Malaysia or its Rakyat’s interest.
    This is ALWAYS the case in this *^%#@? Malaysia.
    Decision making in Malaysia is screwed up big time!
    Am I correct, Tun?
    Best regards
    Raja Chulan

  73. Tun,
    in today’s The Star paper, even Khazanah MD had made a point that he’s principally not aligned to the new airport at Labu. He recommended that we should follow the KLIA Airport Master Plan.
    Hopefully, Khazanah having a stake in Air Asia, can try their best to influence the proposal before it’s late.
    I believe majority of us not against the new airport, but Air Asia & Sime Darby must come up with strong arguments and facts on why they really need a new airport closer to KLIA when KLIA itself is under utilised.
    Until we’re happy with the explanations, there’ll be always dissatisfaction on the ground.

  74. To Ahmad kamal,
    According to your “…Khazanah bukan lah pemegang saham Air Asia…”, since you are so sure, could you please provide us prove?
    To Larry Jay
    According to your “…Then came in a small time boy called Tony Fernandez with a vision on Low Cost Carrier…”, really? I thought there is a famous “prior art” out there, heard of Sir Richard Branson?

  75. Tun,
    Commentors can contribute their comments in chinese language too? I did not know which button I pressed, it came out “Han Yi Pin Yin” to comment in chinese. I will try to figure out when I have time to try on mandarin, Tun, is tamil included too???
    Anyhow, please allow my comment on si S..Tan ini yang degil and tak relevan in this economic cycle (wrong button, Tan) hai…. , strategi hang sama ke dengan Pak Lah just because dia (beliau) ada cina blood???? Mr Tan, this is why kuasa barat via Singapore like Malaysia, because we are multi racial, so to them they have 40-60% chances of winning (opportunity lah) to conquer our Malaysia throu “isu keturunan” like what you have brought up all this while, aiyo….. makan nasi Malaysia, bunuh negara Malaysia, Awas, Tan, nanti tuhan (cina) marah lah…..
    By S..Tan on January 20, 2009 1:05 AM
    //1) ………………..’TAK NAK’ ORANG BERJAYA//
    BOLEH, SEMUA PUN BOLEH DI LAKUKAN, TAPI KESELAMATAN & PEPADUAN NEGARA MESTI DIAMBIL KIRA DULU, rakyat bukan “duit syaitan”. Kita dah belajar kow2 lah dari spekulasi syaitan pada 1997, takkan kita nak bodoh kali kedua ke, Tan?
    Orang yang keluar adalah orang yang tidak mengenang budi, mereka akan kena kejutan ini di luar negara. Mereka hanya akan cakap pasal benda yang syok diri, mereka tak akan kata mereka tertindas kat sana, biasalah orang nak jaga air muka.
    Air Asia ambil jalan mengejut sampai I pun terperanjat, mereka berjaya kerana main kotor, rasuah dan politik wang, what so great about Air Asia, yang I lihat ada manyak2 korap jantan saja yang bunuh ekonomi negara kita. Buang lah nama Air Asia through “table discussion”, buat lah synergy effect thro merging supaya 1 + 1 = 10 (business in synergy effect) this is the win-win situation lo.
    //4) ………………..PEREBUTAN KUASA//
    Yeah lo, inilah contoh perebutan kuasa dua GLC yg melemahkan negara seperti titah Raja Nazrin. Guna kuasa demi kuasa. Itu lah sebab kami kat chedet nak ajar mereka ini supaya guna kuasa demi Agong, Raja2, negara dan rakyat, bukan demi poket sendiri dan poket negara asing saja. Inilah demokrasi yang rakyat nak, bukan demokrasi Singapore, USA dan Britain yang digunakan.
    But anyway, you can write as much you can. I think you are the “cikgu” with the style of elegant silence”, ini lah kita panggil “pengecut”!!!!
    Tun, please take care.

  76. Salam Tun,
    It looks like both sides have valid reasons for/against Labu airport. Air Asia seems to have valid reasons to build KLIA-East and they did say that they will not spend wang rakyat. Conversely, the true KLIA is the best airport in the world (and I mean that) which would be a waste if Air Asia did not use it. Perhaps we need a meeting or debate on this where Tun can be the moderator. Or Datuk Tony can meet Tun privately to explain his reasons (to avoid any media circus)as both personalities are well known and respected.
    I have to agree with Larry Jay’s comment.
    Tony did take a ‘sure die’ airline and transformed it to the behemoth it is today cos he had a vision, executed his strategy and managed the media well (perception). Side tracking a bit, this is how the Israeli people became the successful people they are today and we must learn from this.

  77. Tun,
    Sila izinkan this comment, I know him thro the Poodle Bush Conspiracy….
    //By Larry Jay on January 20, 2009 2:59 AM
    Well, Well..,Well Guys/Gals,
    The major comments I see here is that Tony & Gang are bad guys/gals with self-interest & with hidden agenda’s…yeah..yeah…yeah!! Tell me all about it!!! Mary Had A Little Lamb..Twinkle Twinkle Little Star..Snow White & 14 Cabinet Ministers, Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tung…Naik Tangga Turun Tangga..etc…//
    Hi Larry,
    Long time no see lah. Are you a macha??? Sorry lah, I ask because I am frightened of the incident of Mumbai Terrorism because we do have these macha yang diperalatkan kuasa barat to kill the innocent lives regardless their nationality.
    These lyrics need to be updated in order to be relevant;
    -Mary Had A little Lamb means Mary Had A Little Poodle (this is a cute animal too)?
    -Twinkle Twinkle Little Star means Twinkle Twinkle Little Obama (he is black, we cannot see him at night)?
    -Snow White means Snow Black (Michelle Obama, hitam jugak)?
    – 14 Cabinet Ministers means Pak Lah Cabinet Ministers (he and his gang lah including your christian brother Tony)? They have to say Selamat Tinggal to Malaysia, Rakyat says selamat jalan, bye bye or goodbye, da da, jai chien (putonghua), tamil saya tarak tau,etc..
    – Pi mai Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tung (it should be Tu not Tung) means kalau tarak baik, gostan (reverse) lah,jom balik rumah lah, go home, or GO BACH TO MAHATHIRSM = RUKUN NEGARA???
    Naik Tangga Turun Tangga means Tony Naik Tangga Tony Turun Tangga?
    Well, Larry the world is bulat(sphere), so like what the salleh says if we don’t change, we will go back to square one. Sabar lah, we are doing this, sit tight and watch how we do it through
    Da da, Larry!!!!
    P/S. After reading your comment, I dah jadi bayi pulak, blurr dan nyonok lah

  78. Y.A Bhg Tun,
    Another Airport will be a nother waste of taxpayer’s money…
    disagree with the idea of having another…
    have a nice day Tun..

  79. Salam Y.B. Tun.
    On the corrupt UMNO leaders, I suggest Y.B Tun come out with the list of the most preferred leaders to win in the coming UMNO assembly. Eventhough the result will not be 100% as per Tun’s list, at least the delegates will have some guidelines and also to deter manipulation by certain quarters to elect on certain candidates.
    Though Im not an UMNO member, as a Malaysian Sarawakian who ever the delegates choose will effect us too.
    Thank you – Zuuk

  80. YAB Tun,
    What you commented makes sense – its just that it is not reported. I read in the The Edge recently (Jan 19 issue) comment by M.Shanmugam titled LCCT- an acid test for Najib. The writer pointed out that Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes is facing his biggest battle for the new airport , I quote ” Leading the charge is none other than former PM Tun Mahathir Mohamad, who has persistently found fault with Abdullah’s administration over the last four years….”
    He further wrote ” But who can forget that the very reason an LCCT is being considered in Sepang or Labu is the mega KLIA that was built during Mahathir’s era at a cost of RM 10 billion despite many objections? Until today, many still question the move from Subang to Sepang when there was ample land in the vicinity of the old Subang airport for expansion. One of the large plots in Subang is where the RRI is lcoated.It is now said to be the domain of only well-connected housing developers.There were other large tracts in Subang as well, that, incidentally are mostly owned by Sime Darby Bhd…..” ” Today most of the Sime Darby land has been converted to residential and commercial developments, but some 15 years ago, there were no such plans….”
    He further wrote ” The KLIA was built at a cost of RM 10 billion in 1998 to cater for 25million passengers. The main terminal itself cost some RM3.5 billion, according to reports. In contrast, Air Asia’s terminal, proposed some 10 years later is estimated to cost RM 1.6billion. So one can imagine the layer of fat that was creamed off by rent seekers. And who pays the cost? joe Public again in the form of aeronautical charges. ”
    My own analysis as a layman…
    1st, it is clearly does make sense to have two airports just 2km apart from each other. I am not sure about the regulations.
    2nd, clearly this writer do no like your ideas but trying to tell us Tony Fernandes ideas are great. I have read your justifications for having KLIA in Sepang and I must say I agree with your reasoning Tun. So, if you can enlighthen this M Shanmugam guy….
    3rd, Sime Darby seem almost desperate to spend billions as soon as possible. Healthcare, airport development or the whatever the business deal is not a concern…the idea is to find how to spend and justify it as a ‘good business idea’ is it?? hmmm….
    4th, in my opinion the real test for Datuk Seri Najib, is not whether he chose to support Air Asia as a demonstration that he is business friendly and unbiased. The real test for Datuk Seri Najib is to be able to shed the real feelings that many feel about this flip flop Government. The real test for him will be to undo all the damage that Pak Lah have managed to inflict on the perception, moral, hope and vision of the people in his short tenure as PM. He will step down in March (dont forget flip flop, so dont count your blessings just yet) but the damage will remain if Datuk Seri Najib fail to address the real issues. The KT by election clearly demonstrate that the people are comfortable to not hope for a BN rule anymore and this is the prevailing spirit now. THIS is the real test for Datuk Seri Najib.

  81. Tun,
    Iziknkan…By luvmal on January 20, 2009 5:01 AM
    //Have u read ‘How to win friends & influence people’ by Dale Carnegie. I’m sure that alot of what he says u have known before, however human have short memory of what they learn if the dont constantly practice it!
    Model of the story, criticizing people or groups of people is very unlikely to achieve your goals!//
    Hi, luvmal,
    In chinese, putonghua (mandarin), says : ‘Duo Ke Peng You How Koh Do Ke Ti Ren’, maksudnya “It’s better to have a friend rather than to create an enemy”, I am sure Tun knows better than you, and so is what DS Najib and TS Myuhiddin are doing, that is why majority of the chinese like Tun and BN lo!!!!

  82. 1. Building a new airport should be based on current and future capacity.
    2. Based on Tok det’s explanation, the arguments for the new airport sure seems flimsy.
    3. And we should compare or benchmark ourselves to heathrow.
    4. At the end of the day, im sure the figures and stats will not be in favour for a new aiport. It will probably be in favour for a “get rich quick scheme” all too familiar in the ears of malaysians.
    Shahril Teoh

  83. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Maaf, Minta laluan.
    Response kpd Ahmad kamal on January 19, 2009 4:44 PM
    “Apa kena mengena dengan Pak Lah atas kekalahan ini.Bukankan Pak Lah sudah mengumumkan akan berundor pada Mac ini.Bukankah Najib yang mengetuai dalam kempen Pileharan Raya di KT.Dia yang merancang semua strategi”.
    1.Kamu ni memang pembodek Pak Lah.Dah berapa banyak Pak Lah atau KJ beri projek kepada kamu?.
    2.Kau kata Pak Lah tak kena mengena dengan kekalahan Pilihanraya KT?.Kenapa Pak Lah masih lantik KRONInya sebagai calun kalau betul2 dah nak berundur?. Kenapa tak bagi peluang kepada DSN saja yang memilihnya?.
    3.Sebenarnya RAKYAT TERENGGANU dah lama menyampah dengan Pak Lah, cuma Pak Lah saja yang tak tahu atau buat2 tak tahu.Sepatutnya Pak Lah tak usah tunjuk muka di KT sebelum Pilihanraya.Kerana dia tunjuk mukalah, BN kalah di KT.
    4.Tahukah kamu pada PRU12 berapa ramai KETUA BAHAGIAN di Terengganu telah di cantas oleh Pak Lah dan beliau lantik kroni2nya sebagai calun pada saat2 akhir.
    5.Projek di Sungai Terengganu, termasuklah Masjid Kristal telah diberikan kepada kroni2 Pak Lah atau KJ untuk dibangunkan.
    6.Mana dia yang dikatakan KORIDOR PANTAI TIMUR yang dilaungkan oleh Pak Lah selama ini?.Cakap je berdegar2 suruh oarng sorak, tapi isinya kosong.
    7.Banyak lagi kalau nak disenaraikan.
    Drp Ahli UMNO Trg.
    Sentiasa menyokong Tun.

  84. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    I am suprised when I read this comment
    //By Ahmad kamal on January 19, 2009 4:44 PM.//,
    I pelik mengapa Kamal boleh buat komen mcm ini, oh… bukan Kamal Ahmad, ia adalah Ahmad Kamal. Jadi apa yang dia komen, I terbalikkan maksudnya, “Pak Lah dah Nyanok, bukan satu kali, dah banyak 2 kali sampai semua kabinetnya jadi nyanok, cuma yang tidak nyanok seteruk Pak Lah ada lah rakyat di KT dan bloggers, sorry lah Ahmad, that’s the truth.
    Tun, kini I phonia pulak dengan nama Ahmad, (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi), ee…. another Ahmad yang suka meniru cara2 Obama, just because dia ada sikit2 muslim ke??? Muslim tak muslim that is not important, Obama is the President of USA, bukan lah President UMNO.
    Another penyokong kuat Ali Rustam?? Tun, Ali kata kali ini BN kalah di KT because PAS kata kalau undi PAS, mereka akan pergi syurga, dah haprak dan bodoh MB Melaka yang asyik memperkecilkan mentaliti umat muslim, menyampah lah orang2 kuat Pak Lah dan Ahmad ini…..

  85. Stephen Doss is an idiot! what comes above love for UMNO is love for the country! UMNO was just a tool used for the betterment of the country. As it is it has become an outdated and misused tool. Why u want to love this! Moron!

  86. Ayahanda Tun, and i just hope that those http links I’ve included upstairs wont be doing another quicksand trick on me like it did with that New Straits Time http link of mine the other day. 🙂 Take care Tun, and warmest regards and love from all of us here.

  87. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Mohon di-izinkan saya sedikit ruang disini. Terima Kasih.
    Saudara samuraimelayu, salam. Lamanya balik Jepun? 🙂 Tak pa, ni homework kelas Mr.Dorai saya salin untuk bacaan saudara.
    Please click on the http links below to see the details on Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia. Please read carefully and establish for yourself, the make up of its Board of Directors. I could copy and paste, but that would somewhat lessens its credibility, as all the websites below belongs to Air Asia. I want it to be directly from the horse mouth himself.
    And please do click on the link below to see what Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. means to Air Asia X.

  88. Salam and a very good morning Ayahanda Tun and to all my fellow bloggers here.
    Please click on the http links below to see the details on Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia. Please read carefully and establish for yourself, the make up of its Board of Directors. I could copy and paste, but that would somewhat lessens its credibility, as all the websites below belongs to Air Asia. I want it to be directly from the horse mouth himself.
    And please do click on the link below to see what Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. means to Air Asia X.
    Yes, there is a better and more secured way for this kind of algebra my dear Tan Sri

  89. Hi Tun,
    Long time no comment!
    Just read what Hindraf rep said! Bunch of idiots! This is delayed response to your comment ‘racist Hindraf Hindus’
    Although i’m a born Catholic, i still felt it when u said that! But not for long cause I realise that one can be a great thinker like yourself, but nobody is perfect! I realy admire u because u still have the ability to learn new things!
    Have u read ‘How to win friends & influence people’ by Dale Carnegie. I’m sure that alot of what he says u have known before, however human have short memory of what they learn if the dont constantly practice it!
    Model of the story, criticizing people or groups of people is very unlikely to achieve your goals!
    If u have read the book, i suggest u review it.

  90. Well, Well..,Well Guys/Gals,
    The major comments I see here is that Tony & Gang are bad guys/gals with self-interest & with hidden agenda’s…yeah..yeah…yeah!! Tell me all about it!!! Mary Had A Little Lamb..Twinkle Twinkle Little Star..Snow White & 14 Cabinet Ministers, Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tung…Naik Tangga Turun Tangga..etc…
    Please look back what Air Asia was in early 2000’s when it was managed by DRB-Hicom (Goverment Linked Company) & they were bleeding to glory like how King Daud was slewing Goliath.
    No other GLC or private corporate companies or even the Goverment or The Ministry of Finance had the little nitty guts to take upon this bleeding company. Then came in a small time boy called Tony Fernandez with a vision on Low Cost Carrier. He pawned his & his 2 other family members house just to ensure that there is cash available in bank to buy to obtain a RM 22 million debt…(no idiots @ fully spoon fed companies will ever even dream of doing that)& all of them were was laughing at him with thoughts of “What a dead meat Tony gonna be to the banks”
    He eventually turned it around with his great vission & the utmost passion he had in him. He did it guys…from an ailing company with 2 rundown aircraft & RM22 million debts TO a now multi billion public listed company.
    The greatest gift he gave to the all walks of life of the Malaysian including the lower income group was able to fly & they are enjoying it to the utmost as well & will continue to enjoy it. I bet that 85% or even 90% of you guys/gals above have flown under Tony’s armpit..
    So, the bottom line at the moment is that “Tolong Jangan Senang Lupa” as our Bapak Kemodenaan Malaysia @ Mahathir use to say…
    In comparison, take MAS as a case study… Tajuddin Ramli of Naluri (or previously known as MHS) took the helm funded by the goverment & what he did?? He squashed & squeezed MAS to the ground with massive continuous losses with only the rich & elite who can fly.
    To add salt to injuries to average Malaysians, he managed to sell back all the shares at the price he bought at RM8 when the actual value at that time was a mere RM3.8 under the expense of we tax-payers

  91. Salam Tun,
    Ni yang saya dok heran sesangat ni, nak pi buat airport no. 3 kat KLIA buat hapa…. lepas tu kata nak bina untuk kegunaan rakyat…. apa yang mengarut ni….. Kat KL tu kita dok guna Bus Station Pudu Raya yang dah lama obsolete tu…. saya rasa dah lebih 20tahun dah…. plaza rakyat (siap guna nama rakyat lagi) sampai la ni tak siap2 lagi. Patut la BN dok kalah… cerita nak bela nasib rakyat. berapa ramai rakyat dok naik kapal terbang dok compare dengan rakyat yang dok sedut asap bas tunggu kat Pudu raya tu.


  93. A’kum Tun, wish you all the best.
    To have a another airport is just wastage of resources and time.
    It is better for Air Asia to negotiate with MAHB to expand the current LCCT. Last time also, the Government has done well to develop a new LCCT within a very short time period!
    Why the same thing cannot be done again?
    Over expansion from the main core business requires huge capital and attention and this could straiten the company’s financial capability to go through tough situation in the future.
    Hopefully they will make a wise decision.

  94. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Secara peribadi saya teruja membaca tulisan Tun yang begitu simple tapi jelas dan saya kira mampu difahami oleh semua lapisan pembaca. Justifikasi dan hujah yang Tun ketengahkan berkaitan cadangan pembinaan Airport Labu sememangnya padu dan tulen. Syabas diatas usaha dan pengorbanan Tun menyalurkan informasi kepada kami semua. Semoga Tun sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat dan dirahmati Allah.

  95. alam
    Berdasarkan keterangan diatas , all we can say “money agenda”
    The design of KLIA which huge reserved capacity and furthermore of utilized of Subang Aiport status , till to date , not full utilized.
    If KLIA or Subang being chosen for upgrading as required for the demand it will not cost so much , compare new location which they can marked up the price from infra , local authority , approval until it build.
    The new development initial cost will be around 2.5 B – 3.B , the question how will get the most benefits ?.
    At the end , we rakyat have no choice but to used it. It will create unpleasant to rakyat bawahan , but for sure SD can smile , A can have nice sleep , T can start counting profit , the land will automatic price increased and the rakyat get O. Well plan.
    Time to changed and all rakyat look forward 2013 when

  96. Tun yang dihormati,
    Crooked bridge? Dun think so theres any proposal.Dun you know they are all crooks with crooked hearts already. So no way for the rakyats and the crooked bridge. The sleepy’s style.
    Datuk SAS pemb*d*k. Cabinet? In the same boat.

  97. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin…
    Skrg apa tindakan Pak Lah semua tak betul. Nak cari silap, dikorek cacing sampai dapat. Kalau hati orang dah putus tak nak, seribu hajat sia sia.
    Menambah pasarana apa buruknya, lebih lebih lagi tanpa biayaan krjn. Kenapa sykt penerbangan lain mesti tunduk, tunggu si lembab MAHB, MAS. Agaknya dah tak tahan karena ‘little Napoleon’ mrk ini, lalu bina sendiri.
    Membina LCCT baru lebih berfaedah dari jambatan bengkok dari segi pintu masuk negara. Jambatan bengkok punyai kepala besar (di JB) leher kecil (di S’pura) dan ditanggung krjn. LCCT Labu dibina swasta dan jumlah penumpang dijamin swasta sendiri bukan krjn. (Banding kadar trafik lebuhraya dijamin krjn, bayaran tenaga IPP dijamin TNB)
    Projek pasarana membuka serta merta laluan ke negara lain harus disokong. Projek pelabuhan (Kuantan, Pasir Gudang), zon dagangan bebas (PKFTZ) yg dibayar krjn lebih ragu ragu prestasi mrk krn tiada pelanggan.
    Kalau masaalah teknikal menara kembar bertapak atas tanah lembik boleh di atasi, apalah isu teknikal dua landasan berdekatan.
    Sykt penerbangan murah lain model operasi dgn yg biasa. Krn persaingan, ia ditekan bila berkongsi lapangan terbang, ATC, bayaran sewa di KLIA. Mirip cara Umno menekan.
    Air Asia ambil jalan mengejut keluar dari KLIA, mcm ‘orang’ keluar parti bila tuntut perubahan. Rakyat M’sia yg berkemampuan dan berkebolehan keluar negara atas sebab sama. Yg tinggal tak mampu dan tempang kemahiran.
    Inilah contoh perebutan kuasa dua GLC yg melemahkan negara seperti titah Raja Nazrin. Guna kuasa demi kuasa.
    Whatever it is an alternative LCCT is not a sinister development, it is the sinister objection to it that is misplaced. Democracy is giving a choice. Highways and IPP are examples of non choices!

  98. Proposals To Improve CIQ Complex To Be Brought To Cabinet
    JOHOR BAHARU, Jan 19 (Bernama) — The Sultan Iskandar Building, which houses the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) centre, should be integrated with the Johor Baharu city centre for the benefit of the complex users and traders in the city centre.
    Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad said six proposals had been drawn up to be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration, to improve the CIQ complex to make it more user-friendly.
    Yes, six proposals to be submitted to cabinet but I wonder whether there is a proposal to build a crooked bridge??

  99. (Heard over Putrajaya spy phone)..It’s January already? Oh, no! March is coming soon…what are we going to do? Oh no.. Oh no…Let’s takeover the National Heart Institute, its big money…will last until our great grand children. What? People are angry. Ok…think…think….ok I got it. Let’s build another airport. Yeah. Call Tony, quick..ask him to come to Level 4 now.

  100. KLIA was built and regarded as Airport of and for the future. I’m sure the future would meant at least 50-60 years from 1998… but its only 2009 just 11 years after the opening of KLIA…. What th’ he** is this PL thinking…???

  101. Salam sejahtera Tun sekeluarga yang dikasihi dan juga pejuang Che Det sekelian.
    Saya rasa lapangan terbang di Labu tu kalau dia berdegil nak buat juga, rasanya eloklah dinamakan KJ INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, kan sedap bunyinya tu.Baru ada kelas sebab nak iras macam bunyi JFK di Amerika Syarikat.Lepas tu pulak eloklah rasanya kalau dibina sebuah lagi,kali ni lokasi paling tepat sekali adalah di Kepala Batas yang mana saiznya mestilah mengalahkan KLIA.Soal takut tak sempat sebab tempoh peralihan kuasa dah nak dekat tak timbul sama sekali.Tempoh itu boleh dilanjutkan selama mungkin kerana Najib seorang yang penyabar dan beliau tidak ada masalah untuk menjadi seorang penunggu sepertimana salah seorang wali songo yang bernama Sunan Kali Jaga.Ibnor Riza pun ada sebuah lagu hit berjudul ‘Berdiri Seorang Perindu’.Nama airpot ini pula mestilah nama Pak Lah.Tapi kalau dia tak mau namanya diabadikan gara-gara jiwa hambanya atau ‘ku cari damai abadi’, eloklah ditukarkannya menjadi LIM KIT SIANG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT,barulah Malaysia.Hidup Pak Lah!

  102. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Of late, Dato Seri Najib is under criticism for various matters including the failure of BN to retain the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary seat. It is quite unfair to put the bulk of the blame him. From the start, all was not smooth for UMNO Candidate. The worse was, some of the UMNO members discredited their own candidate with slurs. So how do you expect the others support him.
    As for Dato Seri Najib, he is heavily occupied with various matters which he thinks need to be addressed before March 09. Being the Finance Minister is another headache for him due to the financial crisis. Some of the recently announced controversial projects (I think it is from Najib at his capacity of Finance Minister) seem to be premature. If at all those projects are necessary then the public should be informed of it. Otherwise he would face open criticism which could be wrong.

  103. My Dearest Tun,
    When the 1st day I heard news said that Air Asia and Sime Darby would jointly proposed to built new airport in Labu, my mind paused and started to thinking that, what will happen to KLIA? Yet another stupid proposal came out from Sime Darby. Labu and Sepang just 10km away, how come they would operate using 2 different control tower? How stupid it is this idea, clearly these people just looking on the business side than the other things.
    Ironically, government just approve it without considering on the affect to KLIA. As Tun mentioned, what Labu Airport can do, KLIA could do the same and yet it is more practical than that stupid Labu Airport.
    The affect could happen would severe if government decided to give green light to this new airport. Of course KLIA and MAHB will get the severe consequence.
    There is too many stupid decision made by government under Pak Lah. Im beg to government pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee dont do it this stupid idea because it will shown how stupid it was the government. Eventually, government would not respected by the people anymore.

    Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. I am attaching that http link above because I am dumfounded after reading it. Reminded me to that roundabout statement made by Datuk Shahziman Abu Seman on reducing electric tariff a couple of days ago (before the BN grand victory in KT yesterday). He said give him three weeks and he can get the tariff down. So ok, we wait and count. But that Human Resource Datuk Menteri, he really makes me think Tun, and I am thinking hard for these past few minutes on what to make of his statement really. All I can say is: that he should be doing commercials for that condom maker Durex and not waste time working for this stupid Bedouin government. It

  105. Dear Tun,
    The reason they were to build at Labu because its so near to Rembau, our very dear friend’s hometown. Why not we use our available resources and build this so called new LCCT terminal in Singapore, yes in Singapore, with our very own money. The birth place of Kalimullah. And I am sure PM Lee would very much be very happy about this. Even now Singapore Changi control tower will take command frm all aircraft flying into Singapore from asfaras Jasin airspace.l fly Malaysia Airlines even if by Shuttle i will always insist Malaysia Airlines/.

  106. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga beroleh kesejahteraan.
    – Terima kasih di atas segala idea dan legacy yang Tun telah tinggalkan pada kami.
    – LCCT baru seperti yang di cadangkan oleh kerajaan sekarang, pada hemah saya cuma membazirkan wang rakyat ataupun Pak Lah ingin meninggalkan sesuatu sebelum beliau meninggalkan pejabat.
    – Saya percaya semasa Tun membina KLIA dulu, semua benda yang berkaitan penerbangan masa hadapan telahpun di ambil kira. Dari segi keluasan tanah dan jumlah trafik udara.
    – Dengan adanya menara kawalan yang terlalu dekat di antara KLIA, LCCT sekarang & LCCT baru ini, saya rasa pengawalan trafik udara akan menjadi sedikit kecoh dan tidak mustahil akan berlaku kemalangan(perkara terakhir yang kita nak tahu).
    – Tak bolehkah kita cuma gunakan KLIA sepertimana LT Heathrow di London yang menempatkan semua urusan penerbangan di satu tempat yang sama. Dalam masa yang sama nama KLIA akan lebih gah di mata dunia dan tanah rakyatpun tak perlu di ambil.
    – Janganlah kerajaan cuma pandai nak bazirkan wang rakyat tapi nak menang PRK K.Terengganu pun tak boleh.(Tak tahu mengukur/ mengatur strategi)
    Sekian Tun, sampai ketemu lagi.

  107. >>>>>>>>>>>>Dear Tun,
    1. It baffles everybody why another airport at labu shd be built.
    2. KLIA is underutilised
    3. LCCT has just built an extension of LCCT. Now AA wants to move to Labu….
    4. Another ridiculous decision by the cabinet, or is it by the cabinet??
    5. Whatever reason given by AA, it is ridiculous and an insult to the right thinking man in this country
    6. I hope DS Najib would stop this project, just like our friend did to the Double tracking and the crooked bridge, a precedent has been created brother!!!
    7. It shd be in the interest of the nation to cancel this labu thing…
    8. Let us save KLIA!!!!KLIA can cater for future increase in air traffic, so why Labu?
    9.What else is in the hidden agenda before Mar 28?? anybobody would like to guess???
    take care Tun,
    warmest regards,

  108. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Dulu masa kelas investment,saya kena pilih salah satu listed kompeni untuk buat kajian.Macam kena tengok BSKL jugak la.
    Saya tak berapa pakar untuk pilih kompeni besar yang mungkin boleh buat untung banyak-banyak,so saya terpilih kompeni yang bermasalah.
    Kalau tengok dia punya harga,makin lama makin turun.Dah puas belek-belek suratkhabar baru dapat tahu apa masalah dia.Rupa-rupanya ada perebutan kuasa lembaga pengarah.
    Dah bersungguh-sungguh buat assignment,lecturer marah la pulak.Sebab pilih kompeni yang tak untung,bermasalah pulak tu.Apa kena cari yang boleh buat untung je ke?
    Saya pikir Sime Darby pun macam tu jugak.Bermasalah.Tak lama lagi gulung tikar la tu.Nak cari projek pun entah apa-apa.Takde idea baru.Bikin tiru saje.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  109. Dear Tun,
    Please send this message to Pak Lah.
    1. Dear Pak Lah please solve the insane traffic jams in KL now intead wasting building a new airport.
    2. I know traffic jam is good for real estate developer, car manufacturer, petroleum company and mechanics business but when the traffic is from 700 am to 1130pm, it start to look stupid. Tun Mahathir can check and take some pictures while test drive the traffic and post it on ur facebook, it is INSANE!!!!. Cause i know Tun sometime goes undercover checking around with your perdana and kancil.
    3. I respect RapidKL but seriously it didnt give too much impact on the current traffic.
    4. Public Transport like Putra is not efficient anymore, if u start to queue for ur train on 730pm, u can only get on your train on 830pm (maximum-if u r lucky u can get in within 30 min) cause the people is too many queing up. Or maybe Tun can pop at Putra Gombak Terminal or the other end at 8am and check yourself.
    5. An average guy nowadays spend average 3 hours/day (back and forth on the road) which means 3.75 days/month on the road. In terms of effiency 3.75 days + 4 days (sundays) that means we got 7.75 days not working for each month exclude holidays. This does not include traffic during lunch and friday prayers. No wonder Malaysian are not that efficient anymore compare to vietnamese. Even bola pun boleh kalah (shame on u FAM).
    6. Its time for Government to form a think tank on matters how to synergize Putrajaya-CyberJaya-KL situation cause i noticed theres inbalance between these 3 key areas. Putrajaya is lonely and KL is too crowded. It is better if GOM paying people to think about this matter and restore the inbalance instead making a new airport thinking to solve traffic jams on the air. I guarantee theres alot of money to be made in optimizing opportunities between Putrajaya-Cyberjaya-KL instead dozing some trees in Labu for some planes shortage on 2014. Come think of it, this might be some good business prospects for Sime Darby to get involve in, solving common ppl problem and making some money on the side.
    7. This another strange ideas from Pak Lah admin. I dunno what their admin have been thinking, from judiciary, ijn, USA FTA, DEB, Johor bridge and etc. Too many strange ideas that doesnt make any sense, sigh. I expect the best ideas might pop up on the last days of his admin, but Pak Lah dissapointed me, so sad.
    8. Well we got to bare for another 2 months of strange ideas to pop up. Clock is ticking.
    9. But please Pak Lah if u read this, do something about the traffic, if u manage to do something within this 2 months, at least u have ease up some minor issues of all the common people in Malaysia. DO something to make KL-Putrajaya-Cyberjaya efficient again.
    10. Im not asking for total solution but just to reduce from average time spent on the road for work from 3 hours/day to 1.5 hours/day thats all. Some guys spend 5 hours/day on the road if he works from Ulu Klang to USJ. It can be anything from updating the current public transport (train) with more EMU or new zonal areas or new highways, please do something about it, u have done nothing about it since u take position as PM in 2003.
    11. If the GOM keep giving excuse like “This is world economic turndown and everyone is facing it” then let me be the Prime Minister, i can pop in the TV everyday 24/7 and give that excuse to the people and earn some pention. The reason we put him there is to figure out extraordinary things that normal people like me couldnt think. Like u Tun, u have done many extraordinary things from great to worse but still u did something. Out of 10, i can give Tun 7 great feats and 3 rotten ones. But bottomline, Tun indeed have behave like a leader with a direction, either we going up or going down, but still we heading somewhere. But Pak Lah, im confused either we going for Agriculture based or Industrial based, im so confused. Im even confused with Islam Hadhari, what it is all about? Different Islam? Smarter Islam? Im confused.
    12. At least Bush have direction better than Pak Lah, he said hes going to war, which he really done it, even it doesnt work according to his plan for US in terms of economy or image but atleast he is heading somewhere.
    13. Finally, I want to seek apology from Pak Lah, I dont mean anything to smear your name, but in terms of this country direction im so confused since we change leadership which is very important. Secondly so many department or government vehicle performance efficiency have dropped significantly. Even the streamyx im using now strangely slow like dial-up and ive called for service until today they didnt come to solve it. 🙁
    14. Theres 2 month left, im still positive about the last minute performance that mean something to the ppl even it is deteriorating. Like Oliver Bierhoff of Germany which always on the bench and never scores but when he came in for Checzh – Germany Euro Final he scored the last minute golden goal which makes him remembered as the hero of Germany for taking home that cup. Pak Lah can still be that guy, and im waiting…..

  110. eee takutnya baca info tulisan ‘akupunya’. Mari kita renungkan dalam-dalam komentar ‘pemerhati politik’ dan bahaskan pendapat ‘Prabagaran Gopalakrishnan’. Silakan…

  111. I could not agree more with Tun.
    KLIA is designed to handle up to 125 million passenger per annum. The airport could upgrade its landside and airside infrastructure (up to 2 main terminals and 4 satellite terminals supported by up to 4 runways, 1 ATC and other facilities) as a huge piece of land has been reserved for this airport.
    If Air Asia wants to have more control over its operations, I am sure one satellite terminal can be built and dedicated to Air Asia.
    Besides the boarding gates, this new airport at Labu calls for capital investments in duplicating common infrastructure such as high-speed rail link, public transport, CIQ, airport safety and security, air traffic control and ground control.
    I just don’t see the business logic behind all these new capital investments for common infrastructure. Furthermore, Air Asia has already invested in a separate terminal at KLIA. Why couldn’t the management be more far-sighted in planning their capacity previously, and now it is looking at another site to cater for future traffic growth?
    Eventually, the users of the transport services will have to bear all these capital costs. Are we saying that Asia Asia can still be cost competitive by building additional terminal capacity and the associated basic infrastructures and facilities at Labu (instead of building a new dedicated satellite terminal for Air Asia at KLIA)?
    Like Tun said, high charges from MAHB could be a key consideration here which could be negotiated. This is a commercial decision. I am sure Khazanah as a shareholder representing the government interest in KLIA/Air Asia, together with the Transport Ministry would have considered the entire air transport industry development and capacity planning in a holistic and coordinated manner, or have they not? Or are there some government cronies having something to gain from this scheme?
    As the government, it is its role to protecting the consitituents’ interest, i.e. we the tax payers and voters!!! So stop allowing the inefficient build out of infrastructure and capacity in this country!!!

  112. Dr M,
    Biasa lah Air Asia kroni sapa?? 1 airport duit tak cukup masuk poket lah.. yg hairan nya kenapa di lulus kan??

  113. dear tun,
    tq 4 all the info u gv us..appreciate it very much..
    pak lah n kroni – sudah2 la tu…m’sia dh hancur bcoz of your greed..
    may Allah bless tun & family
    may Allah gv us all justice against those who hv oppressed us for their personal gains..

  114. Dear Tun,
    Pemimpin UMNO dah jadi macam Labu Labi. Banyak sangat berangan-angan nak jadi kaya. Itu sebab mereka suka tidor dan mempi macam dalam cerita Labu Labi. Khayal!!!

  115. [QUOTE from Benderbuzz]
    Salam Tun.
    Teringat saya al-kisah Cinderella yang menggunakan LABU sebagai kereta kuda dan tikus-tikus yang menjadi kuda penariknya.
    Betapa Cinderella bergegas pulang sebelum tiba waktunya (12.00 midnite) sebelum kuda dan keretanya bertukar kembali menjadi tikus dan LABU.
    Sekarang bayangkan keadaan kita sekarang; Projek Airport LABU (Sime Darby), “Cinderella aka youknowwho”, kuda-kudanya dan tarikh akhirnya (Mac 2009).
    Apakah tikus berjaya membaiki LABU atau Cinderella akhirnya lari lintang-pukang hingga tertinggal “kasutnya”?
    tak kelakar langsung.. no offense..
    aku oppose buat airport baru.. tapi kalau nak buat bullet train ke okay gak.. tak payah drive KL-JB.. tiket mahal sikit dari bas tak apa.. janji selesa.. sampai cepat.. tapi mesti kurang dari tiket flight..

  116. Cukuplah! Barisan Nasional jangan nak cuba tipu rakyat dengan segala alasan yang karut-karut. Rakyat dah celik mata. Rakyat tidak lagi buta internet. Semua maklumat rakyat dah dapat tahu dengan sekelip mata je. Jadi pemimpin janganlah nak beri alasan yang tidak masuk akal tentang projek airport ini.
    Lagi cepat kerajaan batalkan projek ini lagi baik untuk Barisan Nasional. Rakyat sekarang sudah hilang keyakinan dan kepercayaan terhadap dasar pembangunan Barisan Nasional. Semua dasar kerajaan yang dianjurkan tidak menepati kehendak rakyat. Semuanya tidak transparent. Semuanya kelabu kerana ada unsur-unsur untuk penyelewengan.

  117. Dari email yang saya terima dari AirAsia, mereka hanya akan membina “TERMINAL” sahaja. Bermakna ruang udara tidak terlibat dalam pembinaan ini. KLIA Aerodrome dan Approach Control masih lagi menjalankan tugasnya bagi ruang udara di atas Labu (ini persepsi saya dari emailnya). AirAsia mau terminal sendiri. Let it be. Pesawat-pesawatnya mendarat di KLIA dan ‘taxy’ sejauh 7-10 kms ke Labu. Siapa yang menanggung minyak pesawat? AirAsia. Pesawat menggunakan lebih banyak minyak taxing dari ‘flying in the air’ Biarkan. Tapi masalahnya duit siapa yang digunakan untuk membina terminal berkenaan. Katanya “RAKYAT TERMINAL”. Duit rakyatlah apalagi. Mesej dari Kuala Terangganu sudah kedengaran. Masih bisukah kerajaa. Tak Telus.

  118. Dear Tun,
    Kekalahan UMNO di KT,Tun buat komen ini kerana pengundi tak ada confident dengan Pak Lah dan Najib tak bersalah.Nampaknya Tun dah Nyanok.Sorry.
    Apa kena mengena dengan Pak Lah atas kekalahan ini.Bukankan Pak Lah sudah mengumumkan akan berundor pada Mac ini.Bukankah Najib yang mengetuai dalam kempen Pileharan Raya di KT.Dia yang merancang semua strategi.
    Berhubongan dengan Airport di Labu,kenapa kita harus menentang hasrat Sime Darby dan Air Asia.Mereka tidak meminta satu sen pun wang kerajaan.Kenapa takut akan kejayaan Air Asia.Apa yang kerajaan akan rugi.Yang saya nampak yang akan mengalami kerugian yang besar ia lah MAHB.MAHB dan Khazanah Malaysia amat sombong dan cuba menghalang kejayaan Air Asia.
    Saya nasehatkan TUN,sabelum menulis dalam Blog buat lah research dulu.Jika kita mahu orang menghormati kita,tulis lah dengan betul dan jangan fitnah.Khazanah bukan lah pemegang saham Air Asia.Tidak ada satu pun institusi pelabor saperti PNB dan Khazanah percaya akan kejayaan Air Asia.Kerana Air Asia lah kita dapati ramai kita dapat pergi ka Sabah dan Serawak dan versi versa.Satu kejayaan yang tun sendiri cuba laksanakan dahulu dengan mengunakan ferry dari Kuantan.

  119. What is it with Pak Lah and Sime Darby?
    Dulu Sime Darby nak ambil alih IJN, kononnya nak Privatise. Sekarang ni dah nak buat Lapangan terbang kedua di Labu NS pulak. KLIA is under utilized. Kalau KLIA atau MAB tak efficient sekali pun, runding balik dengan menaik taraf. Memang dah ada capacity utk KLIA expand. Apa yang susah sangat?
    Apa? Pak Lah ada syer ke dalam Sime Darby kah?
    Kepada Pak Lah, sudahlah tu… Dah nak pencen lagi dua bulan masih buat perangai yang sama. Buat rakyat benci kat hang lagi. Dah lah dok jalan sini sana. Hang ingat hang ni Foreign Minister lagi kah hoi? Eish… Pelik sungguh Pak Lah ni… Tak nampak apa langsung contribution dia pada negara…
    Kepada Najib, tolong hentikan project Airport kedua ni. Satu pembaziran sahaja… Saya rasa Rakyat tak perlukan Terminal Rakyat ni…

  120. Salam Tun…
    Another Airport????
    Biarkan Pak LahAP terjun dengan LABUnya…

  121. Maybe government thinks that it is now the needs to spend money has come – dont we know that our government has big appetite to spend as much as they can. To boost the economy perhaps.
    It is difficult to understand why people would bother to have new airport, when we already have one big and well-known.
    Or Air Asia and Sime Darby want to have Air-Darby Airport (ADA) to show the spirit MALAYSIA BOLEH?
    Who knows….

    By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:15 PM
    Assalamualaikum YAB Pak ‘AAB(Aimless, Arrogant Bonehead),
    Kami mengucapkan setinggi tahziah kepada YAB Perdana Menteri yang lemah dan longlai yang telah menguburkan senatorship dan jawatan timbalan menteri calon BN Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid memenangi pilihanraya P036 Kuala Terengganu.
    Jelas sekali ini menunjukkan bertapa tingginya kepercayaan rakyat Kuala Terengganu kepada kepimpinan BN dan juga UMNO. Ini juga telah sekaligus membuktikan kepada pengkritik-pengkritik tegar Khairy di laman popular ini yang bahawasanya, calon pilihan Khairy ini telah diterima dan disajikan dengan keropok leko dan kek ‘masjid krystal’ oleh rakyat di P036. Saya nampak masa depan yang sangat cerah bagi BN terutamanya UMNO untuk terus kekal bertahlil di masjid krystal dan akan dimakbulkan kerusi pembangkang diparlimen selepas PRU13 kelak.
    Jelas sekali, sokongan padu daripada MCA, MIC dan Gerakan serta PPP yang telah turun padang berkempen senada dan seiring dengan UMNO dalam pilihanraya ini telah berjaya membuahkan labu-labu BN yang lebih besar pada kali ini. Bagaimanapun kami mengucapkan tahniah kepada jentera BN khususnya Datuk Abdul Azeez dari UMNO dan juga tidak lupa, kepada YB Khairy Jamaluddin dengan kejayakinan mereka mengekalkan kerusi P036. Sekali lagi, saya mengesyorkan kepada YAB Pak Lah, YB Khairy, dan juga YAB Datuk Seri Najib berambus dari UMNO jika sayangkan UMNO.
    UMNO: Dulu Kini dan Selamanya!
    Selagi ‘Ada Abdullah Bungkus-UMNO’
    Jom kita raikan titik peluh jentera UMNO/BN diKT dengan lagu
    Sekian, wassalam dan terima kasih.

  123. Going by what the present government is doing, Malaysia will be invaded by airports. If the airport is not doing well, then the government will use the taxpayers money to bail them out. This is just old story in new a packaging.

  124. Assalamulaikum Tun ,
    KLIA EAST ?????
    shareholders of tune hotels, air asia through proxies etc. including those have conxtion to higher ups.
    now everyone can fly and now everyone knows who is behind air asia and tony fernandez. it is a story about rich to be richer.
    mas suffered the last restructuring. due to air asia’s greed and agreed by the government domestic routes were rationalised . air asia asked to be given sabah / sarawak routes from mas despite objection by mas air asia was granted granted its wish.
    within a year air asia realised that the within sabah and sarawak
    routes were not profitable. they never were . mas was performing national service in sabah sarawak . flying poultry and goats is not profitable but it is social obligation..well done mas.
    realising these problems air asia made second wish. they told the government that they have to return these inner sabah sarawak routes to back to mas. again mas objected. again mas was overruled.
    during taking over of inner routes sabah sarawak and handing over of fokker planes to air asia the planes were in perfect working condition because mas holds one of the best safety records in the world. when these planes were returned to mas most of them were grounded and not airworthy. the fleet were badly maintained by air asia.
    it was a crash program to spend RM108 million to build first LCCT as demanded by tony and proxies. then extension adjacent to the first one completed 1st quarter 2008. all this are taxpayers money. now they want to dump the terminal build KLIA EAST calling rakyat’s . very clever.
    transport minister was taken a joyride to france to receive air asia’s first airbus A330. after that gula-gula the KLIA EAST was recommended to cabinet subsequently approved. by right minister can officiate the aircraft on arrival malaysia.
    whatever happened MAS was the victim of circumstances by tony fernandez, shareholders/stakeholders and proxies.
    since KLIA capacity is 125 millions passengers and under utilised government should direct airasia to use KLIA and pay RM85 for the aerobridge . airasia should use the RM10 charged to psgrs for choosing the seat and pay for aerobridge because allocating seat should be foc. now everyone can board the flight comfortably.
    government please wake up.

  125. Salam Tun,
    The true reason for Labu Airport is…….Fernandez wants it for FREE. He already owes MAHB RM85million in overdue parking charges not to mention other facilities. He wants to show profits at the expanse of others people.
    LCCT was built at a cost of RM110 million (excluding VO)just for him. He would have more planes coming meaning that he has to park his aircraft somewhere, therefore this would attract airport charges. So build new airport so that he can park his aircraft for FREE.
    Now he is even asking the Penang Government for LCCT, when the airport was just extended recently, due to his request to accomodate Air Asia check in counters.
    He already got his way by both Govt opening up KUL-SIN sectors. Now he fly into the most lucrative market in ASEAN. OPen sky policies, with the assistant of BUDAK-BUDAK Tingkat 4, robbing MAS of the LON sector with his Air Asia X, and yet Tony Fernandez says he did it without the Govt helping him. What a bull!
    Soon Air Asia capacity shall even exceed that of JAL & SIA combined, so he claims….another bull!
    I wonder who ask TH and Khazanah to invest in Air Asia? With the kind of treatment that Tony Fernandez gets, Air Asia should be knighted “National Low-Cost Carrier” (no offence to Idris Jala).
    He already loss millions due to the fuel hedging after the sudden drop in oil prices (there is GOD after all) but he did not disclose this. Yet he gets prestigious awards, for his so called “management skills”.
    I think DCA should send its team of inspectors to look at Air Asia aircraft. With the number of turnaround times and frequencies, I doubt maintainance is done. After all, recently there have been TWO (2) mishaps on AIRBUS A320 in the world (in US and Europe). So its a good excuse to order checks before one of his A320 decides to “kiss” the ground.
    I think its enough preferential treatment given to Tony Fernandez and furthermore LCC has lost its hype, economically worldwide. This can be seen with the recent closure of so many LCC in the world.
    Lastly, Pak Lah and Khairy must go at all cost. Enough is enough. Kuala Terengganu by-election is a clear indication, as clear as the blue sky that Air Asia flies.

  126. Tun,
    I agree on this. We dont need another airport. I feel MAHB should just be fair to Air Asia. Currently their charges are ridiculous. Air Asia is a Low Cost carrier and if they get charged like that by MAHB it can’t be called a low cost carrier. Air Asia pushing for a new airport would be an escape route to run from MAHB monopoly.
    Just build another runway or two and expand the low cost terminal. Turn KLIA into a busy airport instead of making it a boring airport. MAHB must bring down the price of airport handling or whatever they do to make money. Think about just making enough profit,not too much. Trust me some where down they line all money spent will come back after operations through out the years. Yes it will take years, better late than never.
    What is the cost to expand the terminal,gates and build a runway at KLIA? It is going to be much cheaper than building a new airport.
    Air Asia should think about making the airlines even better than what it is now and Sime Darby, why not you buy planes and lease it out instead of wasting money on building an airport since you want to get into the aviation industry.

  127. I wonder if this is permitted under the international law to have so many airports in such close vicinity. It will be a kemaluan besar if after we spent so much money and it’s not approved by the international law.
    But on a positive note, the rakyat near Labu can have bigger area for konvensyen, pasar pagi and karnival macam-macam. BN may organize the longest pasar pagi stalls in the god damm world.
    Someone… please save Malaysia!

  128. Tun.
    By pakbelalang on January 18, 2009 10:37 AM
    Saya rasa agak setuju degan komen saudara pakbelalang diatas.
    Tapi masaalah nya orang2 ni maseh tak sedar diri. Mereka nak lihat sehingga Umno ni hancur baru lah agak nya mereka faham dan sedar bahawasanya mereka lah punca nya. Selagi UMNO ni maseh bernafas walau pun tinggal nyawa ikan mereka maseh lagi nak kaut untung sampai kering kontang. Maseh lagi angkuh konon nya mereka adalah pemimpin yang maseh disokong rakyat. Segalanya kerana kepentingan diri dan keuntungan peribadi.
    Peojek Airport Labu tu lebih baik diusahakan tanah itu untuk pertanian. Bukan kah Sime Darby ni lebih mahir dalam pertaniaan. Bukan kah Pak Lah telah lancarkan dan memberi keutamaan dalam industri asas tani.
    Pengarah2 SD mesti lah ambil kira kesan dari projek itu. Dari segi alam sekitar. Pencemaran bunyi. kesesakan ruang udara.
    Dari segi keuntungan dan pulangan pada rakyat rasa nya tak ada tapi keuntungan Tony dan berkepengtingan di Air Asia dan SD tu agak jelas positif.

  129. What ever it is Air Asia and MAHB should work together to solve the issues and this should notbe done by creating another problem. What is the point of building another airport if the current airport has not even reached the total passenger capacity? If another aiport is built, what will happen to KLIA? Everywhere I go there is always good remarks made about KLIA by foreigners and I believe, if it is properly managed, it can be a lot better.
    I don’t see a point of having another airport very near to each other. It’s nice to have but it is not neccessary unless it is very small and cater for private jets only (which I believe KLIA is capable of providing too).
    If the Goverment can spend a lot of money in this time of recession, then it better be for the community development, retrenched workers, medically uninsured poor people et all. Not for some lazy people who want to make fast money.

  130. kenapa la kerajaan kita macam takde otak bila nak buat sesuatu yg hanya akan menambah kebencian rakyat kepada kerajaan BN.kenapa cuma tau membazir sahaja.kenapa?????klia tak cukup besar ke??contoh:BOLEH KE STESEN MINYAK YANG BERJENAMA SAMA DI BUKA BERSEBELAHAN?sama la.takan nak buka air port kat labu.boboh betul perancangan kerajaan skarg ni.kalau buka kat sabah ke sarawak ke,adala logik sikit.bengap betul la pm kita nii

  131. Assalammualaikum Tok Det
    1. JAMBATAN BENGKOK JOHOR-SINGAPURA. Rakyat dan Sultan Johor yang juga negeri kelahiran Musa Black pasti gembira. Air di Selat Tebrau akhirnya bercantum juga. Musa Black akan pasti akan jadi HERO JOHOR!!!
    2. PENGLEBARAN JAMBATAN PULAU PINANG SEDIA-ADA. Tak payah buat jambatan baru sebab kos tinggi. Lambat sangat pulak nak siap. Lagi pun ekonomi tengah lembab sekarang. Pak Lah akan disanjung oleh rakyat di negeri sendiri. Pak Lah akan dapat gelaran HERO PULAU PINANG!!! BN pasti akan menang semula di Pulau Pinang!!!
    3. PROJEK KERETAPI LAJU NASIONAL. Tambah laluan keretapi terutamanya di negeri yang tiada kemudahan keretapi seperti Melaka dan Pulau Pinang (di kawasan pulau). STESEN KERETAPI TERMODEN boleh dibangunkan di LABU dan konsesi diberi kepada SIME DARBY bagi menggantikan projek KLIA-East dan IJN yang dimansuhkan. Sebab stesen keretapi KL pun dan sesak dan uzur dan patut jadi muzium. KJ akan dapat gelaran HERO NEGERI SEMBILAN!!! Lepas tu akan dapat gelaran Datuk Seri KJ yang akan diberi oleh Ali Rustam!!!
    4. PROJEK TERNAKAN BABI BERPUSAT DI PULAU. Mohd Taib boleh mencadangkan TERNAKAN BABI BERPUSAT di pulau yang tidak berpenghuni di Malaysia. Kalau boleh pulau yang berdekatan dengan Singapura. Kerana Singapura negara pengimport terbesar babi dari Malaysia. Lagi bagus buat di pulau berhampiran Batu Putih. Silap-silap Singapura akan beri semula pulau Batu Putih kepada Malaysia sebab tak tahan bau babi. Mohd Taib akan menjadi HERO SELANGOR kerana pusat ternakan babi di Selangor tidak perlu lagi diteruskan. Orang Melayu & Cina tentu akan suka dengan jalan penyelesaian ini yang mana tidak akan lagi menggangu sensiviti kaum selamanya. Mohd Taib pasti menang jawatan TPM sebab disukai semua kaum dan berjaya pula mendapatkan semula pulau Batu Putih yang DIJAJAH oleh Singapura sekarang!!!
    Tapi takut Pak Lah tak sempat sebab tinggal 2 bulan je lagi. Pak Lah pulak sibuk dengan SURUHANJAYA tak habis-habis daaa….

  132. Dear Tun,
    Is it because Sime Dabby now controlled by Tun Musa Hitam ? Is this the real reason ?

  133. Most of the people who commented here obviously have not read the newspaper interview with Tony or even check his website (
    1. The new airport will not be built using rakyat’s money. It will be funded by Air Asia & Sime Darby or some other private institution who is interested to invest.
    2. Air Asia requires a new airport, regardless where it will be built or who will build it.
    3. The problem is the Government or MAHB or MAS or whoever has the authority on the KLIA or LCCT or Subang Airport now is not cooperative with Air Asia. They are afraid and fear of Air Asia. So, their strategy is to delay the expansion of Air Asia until they have time to save theirs. These are selfish people, who only cares about their survivals, but not the nation (rakyat & negara).
    4. Air Asia is not guilty but a victim.
    5. I don’t understand how Air Asia can be profitable and conquer the market in a very short time, but our national airline is striving to survive. Obviously the decision maker in the company needs to be sent back to management & finance school to learn how to run a business and make profit.
    Thank you.

  134. Tun,
    Somebody somewhere somehow is making something for themself. AAB,TMH, KJ are the culprits as usual.Good for highlighting this to us.Safety, Security and Environment is never considered for thier gains.Their Greed must be stopped now.
    Tun as earlier predicted KT Pilihin Raya Kecil was a blow to UMNO & BN. AAB still fails to realise his weaknesses, and still think he is needed. KJ on the other hand is trying to be Ketua Pemuda. Tun Musa Hitam is trying to make something from Sime Darby as their Chairman. Tony Fernedez is trying all out to make his mission accomplished, before AAB retire.DSN is now in a delima.UMNO is history come the next coming general election. Salam Tun, family & Fellow Bloggers.

  135. Labu airport – does NOT make geographic, economic and common SENSE! It can invite air-disaster. Pak Lah tu apasal la bodoh sangat… please do some researches before approving such proposals. Of course Tony Fernandez will give all the reasons to support his proposals and hope the current “thinkless” government akan termakan dengan proposalnya.
    To the prime minister and ministers – please understand that the responsibility is to govern and lead Malaysia to prosperity, it is not about creating your own legacy and once the previous PM is down, all his initiated projects is put to a stop. There should be continuity…KLIA was built with at least 50-100 years projection – enough room for expansions (to accommodate up to 125 millions passengers, that is more than double than what Air Asia’s expected growth – 60 millions), stick to the masterplan, fully-utilized the current facility. Please stop ridiculing the rakyat with all these diabolic plan-decisions.
    Remember – development should be for Malaysia as a whole not partitioned to a certain group of people or certain time-period of “someone’s” legacy. You have no legacy PakLah, so stop trying and do not ruin our beloved Malaysia further. Your only legacy is TOTAL DEBACLE!.

  136. Surat Terbuka BPN Kepada Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
    Harap semua ahli BPN dapat siarkan artikel ini di blog masing masing bagi membolehkan KITA MENDESAK agar Tun Mahathir ( bekas Presiden UMNO ) membuang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih dan kembali memberi sokongan kepada UMNO/BN.
    Lebih lebih di bawah bakal PM Malaysia Ke-6 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak bulan Mac nanti .. ..
    Agar kekuatan Melayu Islam akan kembali kuat bagi menghadapi lawan yang semakin gigih berusaha menjatuhkan pembela agama bangsa kita sejak sekian lama dengan fitnah dan tipudaya….
    Ayuhlah sahabat demi melihat bangsa kita tidak lagi diusir di bumi sendiri angkara bersengketa sesama mereka…
    1. DI Kuala Terengganu, petunjuk yg boleh menyenangkan hati ialah BN masih disokong oleh 30,200 pengundi bermakna BN masih relevan.
    2. Kemenangan PAS masih merupakan sambungan tsunami politik PRU12, menunjukkan pembangkang masih beruntung kerana trend itu masih berterusan.
    3. Tun Mahathir tidak sepatutnya menutup pintu untuk membantu BN hanya kerana tidak bersetuju dengan Pak Lah atas beberapa perkara, kerana sebagai PM Pak Lah sudah pasti mempunyai reason untuk meneruskan atau membatalkan satu-satu dasar untuk kepentingan negara. Perkara ini pun dilakukan Tun pada ketika dia sbg PM.
    4. Tun M dikenali kerana semangat nasionalismenya yg kuat kpd bangsa Melayu & tanah air, namun dalam konteks UMNO Tun telah silap apabila tidak menyokong UMNO sepenuhnya semasa PRU12 dan PRK Permatang Pau & terbaru KTerengganu.
    5. Jika Pak Lah seorg yg pendendam, sudah pasti Mukhriz tidak jadi Ahli Parlimen, malah sudah pasti Mukhriz akan digantung keahliannya kerana menulis surat yg tidak patut kpd Presiden.
    6. Tunku dahulu tidak mengambil masa lama untuk memecat Tun Mahathir akan perkara yg sama.
    7. Maka itu, jika Tun memang benar2lah sayangkan bangsa Melayu, maka Tun perlu membuang egonya.
    8. Jika Tun dalam usia 84 masih sanggup terbang ke Kuwait untuk membantu rakyat Palestin, mengapa tidak kepada orang Melayu & UMNO yg pernah dipimpinnya dan yg meletakkannya ke mercu tanda.
    9. Penulis berharap Tun berbaiklah semula dengan Pak Lah, janganlah memberi syarat untuk membantu UMNO dan orang Melayu, jika tidak penulis percaya tidak mustahil PRU13 Perdana Menteri Malaysia terpaksa dipilih dalam kalangan MP DAP!
    10. Ia tidak mustahil, dahulu di Singapura ada 3 Kerusi MP UMNO, akhirnya PAP berjaya leraikan, mansuhkan dan tutup sama sekali peluang UMNO & Melayu di Singapura.
    Dari gerakan pemuda Blogger Pembela Negara…

  137. Assalammulaikum TDM!
    Ini yg dikatakan penjajahan cara moden, strategik & jangkapanjang.
    Mula2 mereka menjajah pemikiran, idealogi & products loving. Sebab itulah gerakan baikot tak mungkin menjadi kenyataan dibumi Malaysia ini walaupun Iraq, Palestine @ negara2 lain hancur lebur angkara penjenayah dunia kerana kita semua sudah dipengaruhi sepenuhnya.
    Langkah ke 2, menguasai kepentingan syarikat2 besar negara walau dengan apa cara sekali pun termasuk dgn dasar2 & perjanjian berat sebelah. Apabila mereka sudah menguasai saham2 tempatan mereka akan selangkah lagi dengan cuba menguasai tanah2 strategik dengan berbagai alasan seperti penggabungan, pengambilalihan dsbnya.
    Di zaman sekarang, penjajahan tidak perlu ke medan perang, cukup sekadar dgn menekan mana2 butang yg mereka mahu. Hasrat mereka akan menjadi lebih mudah & licin jika ada dikalangan rakyat yg sudi berkerjasama dgn habuan yg lumayan. Sejarah telah membuktikannya.

  138. Apa khabar Tun? sebenarnya bagi pandangan peribadi saya ini berlaku bukan lah di sebab kan oleh masaalah KLIA atau LCCT tapi berpunca dari rasa ketidak puasan hati dari orang orang yang tertentu terhadap apa yang sudah Tun laku kan,, boleh dikata kan mereka tak seronok tiap kali melalui KLIA yang telah di ilham kan oleh Tun.. Ini lah sebenar masaalah yang timbul masaalah orang Melayu

  139. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    I very much agree with you. we don’t need another airport. When LCCT was built, I was wondering why do they need another airport just for low cost flights. And now they’re proposing another airport at the same place. Its bad enough that there are no connecting rails or trains between the two current airport, it will be a disaster if there were 3. You could get confuse and miss your flight.
    Building another airport just because is stupid and a waste of money. Just use the current facilities.. Plus, KLIA isn’t even running at its maximum capacity yet. Adding the LABU airport shows that the govt isn’t using its facilities and money efficiently.
    KLIA is already good enough for all of us. Its beautiful and hi-tech enough. Just compare it to Heathrow. Its loads better.
    No to LABU Airport.

  140. CIQ Johor menyusahkan dan rugi

    Pentadbiran BN yg lemah

    Pakailah otak buat project oooiiii
    Kerja orang Bumiputera lah ni

  141. Assalamualaikum Tun …..
    Tun Ni mmg kecoh.. ni kan projek jangka panjang (projek untuk 20 tahun akan datang).
    Pada masa tu semua rakyat jelata akan menggunakan flight sebagai kenderaan awam atas alasan itulah terminal flight kena lebih byk dari terminal bas, terminal LRT atau Komuter.
    Lagipun inilah penyelesaian atas rungutan rakyat kepada kutipan tol. Naik flight tak payahlah nak pikir pasal tol lagi kan ….
    Mungkin waktu itu rakyat biasa yang kurang berkemampuan boleh membeli NURI 2nd hand untuk kegunaan hairan…..

  142. salam tun,
    Wahai rakyat2 yang cukup marah dengan penubuhan Klia-East,
    Saya adalah salah seorang rakyat Malaysia yang sering ke LCCT kerana kerjaya saya yang memerlukan saya ‘travel’ selalu.
    Bayangkan saya boleh menyamakan LCCT dengan stesen bas Puduraya.
    Kesibukan LCCT dan kepadatan yang sesak adalah saya rasa wajar bagi satu lagi landasan yang boleh MENGURANGKAN KESESAKAN tersebut dan MELEGAKAN pandangan mata.
    Apa yang perlu ialah bukannya kekangan terhadapa memajukan tanah semak samun tersebut kepada sebuah bandar baru yang terancang.
    Yang sepatutnya dibincangkan adalah agar tender terbuka bagi pemaju-pemaju yang bakal merebut projek.
    Yang sepaptutnya dibincangkan adalah rentetan kemajuan yang bakal menyulami pembangunan di kawasan tersebut.
    Jangan jadi primitif untuk menolak kemajuan tetapi bertamadun menyelia kemajuan dengan lebih telus dan adil.
    KLIA-East dibina adalah kerana permintaan Air-Asia untuk menambah kapasiti penerbangannya.
    Bayangkan kawasan yang semak samun itu bakal menerima kemajuan dari tempat menternak ular-sawa kepada kawasan bertamadun yang menyambut lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan

  143. I agree with you Tun. I’d been to many airports such as Changi, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Seoul, Dubai, Bahrain, Jeddah, Heathrow, Luton, Stansted, Dublin, and many more airports in Europe.
    All airports more or less look similar but so far I found that the most under-utilised and the most unlivedly airport is the KLIA. Despite the beautiful set-up and ambience, there are not many people in the shops or the cafes. Therefore, LCCT should not be built at first place. There are so much space in KLIA, make use of it.
    If prices are the problem, MAHB should sort it out. Whatever the underlying problems are, the government should interfere.

  144. Assalamualaikum Tun:
    Memang payah untuk rakyat biasa seperti kami untuk memahami apakah tujuan sebenarnya disebalik kekecohan dengan LCCT baru ini. Tetapi bagi kami tanggapan pertama kami, mesti ada udang sebalik batu. Tanggapan ini yang amat mudah kita ambil memandangkan kerajaan dan pentadbiran yang ada sekarang memanglah tidak popular dan semakin dibenci rakyat dengan banyak program program dan pembangunan dan projek projek yang tak masuk akal langsung.
    Kebencian rakyat telah terbukti sekali lagi di P036 Kuala Terengganu dan amat malang sekali Dato’ Seri Najib menjadi mangsa kepada putar belit Abdullah Badawi. Tak payahlah saya ‘elaborate’ cara nya sebab umum tahu BN akan kalah di Kuala Terengganu. Buat masa sekarang ini kita doakan saja moga-moga tidak ada lagi mana-mana ahli parlimen yang tiba-tiba meninggal dunia sebab buat masa ini kalau diletakkan parti cap BELACAN pun untuk lawan BN di mana-mana pilihanraya kecil, sudah pasti parti cap BELACAN tu menang! Sebab apa, sebab BN tak pernah sebodoh BN sekarang ini, terlampau ramai politician BN termasuk pemimpinya mementingkan tekak sendiri.
    Kembali kepada masalah kapal terbang Air Asia ni, tidak dapat saya lupakan kepada satu lagi masalah benda- benda terbang yang menghantui Malaysia, nyamuk AEDES dan Dengue. Angin jugak saya bila memikirkan cara dan tindak tanduk kerajaan untuk menangani masalah ini, tak cukup dengan hanya memberitahu rakyat cara cara untuk membersihkan keadaan sekitar rumah kita sahaja. Masalah ini telah menghantui Malaysia berpuluh tahun sudah. Tetapi apakah inisiatif sebenar kerajaan Malaysia yang perihatin ini untuk memberi segala tumpuan untuk menghapuskanya dengan cara yang paling komprehensif. Berapakah jumlah belanjawan kerajaan untuk R&D kepada masalah ini? Tidakkah Malaysia ingin menjadi negara pertama yang menemui cara untuk menhhapuskan sama sekali virus dengue dan nyamuk ini?
    Saya sendiri pun baru sahaja keluar dari pusat perubatan kerana dihidapi demam dengue. Percayalah demamnya amat menyakitkan sekali, tak dapat saya bayangkan bagaimana jika anak-anak kecil kita yang terpaksa melawanya, maut memang menunggu kita. Akibat dari trauma ini saya mungkin akan mati juga daripada akibat terlampau banyak menyedut aerosol anti nyamuk yang saya terpaksa gunakan sejak kebelakangan ini.
    Tun yang saya hormati, kadang kadang projek-projek gah yang tak tentu arah ini bukanlah yang diingini sangat oleh rakyat jelata. Kami rasa sudah cukup apa yang Tun laksanakan dari segi infrastruktur untuk menjadi pemangkin kapada kemajuan seterusnya. Apa yang rakyat mahukan sekarang ialah keselesaan dan keselamatan kami untk menjalani hidup seharian. Keselesaan dari segi kesihatan dan keselamatan kemerdekaan kita dari ejen-ejen dan proksi-proksi Zionist yang semakin berkuasa sekarang ini di Malaysia.
    Jadilah kerajaan yang perihatin dan mementingkan keselesaan dan keselamatan rakyat, rakyat akan menjadi rakyat yang sentiasa menyokong kerajaan.

  145. I read Tony’s Q&A in one of the local dailies and was impressed with the objectives of Air Asia for the coming years. His detailed analysis for the need to expand his business in this region of Asia need to be congratulated. We need good infrastructures, conducive political climate and firm vision from entrepreneurs to embark in a no nonsence project of this scale.
    Air Asia, earlier proposed to operate its LCCT Terminal from Subang and the former Transport Minister made many assurances to improve the facilities of the airport way back then.
    Air Asia’s preference to operate from Subang was a good news to many air travellers due to its vicinity to the city. But all of a sudden,many things went “wrong” and this did not materialise and Fire Fly, operated by MAS is using the facility now.
    Since Air Asia is on the expansion path with the increasing fleet of its aircrafts and the potential of increasing its air routes, it would be only logic for it to have an airport independent of KLIA. This would be a check and balance and would help to improve the services of air transportation in general.
    Since Air Asia is willing to fund the project, I see no reason why there is so much of fuss. As MAHB could not cope with the demands of Air Asia to increase or improve the facilities at the LCCT in Sepang, it is only prudent for any business concern in the field to find an alternative mode to fulfill its obligations. So the idea of another airport brewed!
    Decision to build another airport is not a small matter, taking into consideration of the prohibitory costs. The new airport would certainly boost the country’s image and imagine the flow of capital and revenue that would be generated in Malaysia by the increase in air passage. Employment opportunities too would be increased.
    At a time when the world is facing economic slowdown, Air Asia has made an exceptional proposal for the construction of an additional airport. Whether this project would materialise is another matter. The positive attitude and intelligent business vision of Tony certainly need to be praised.
    My personal view is that Air Asia should do a thorough soul searching of KLIA’s capacity to meet Air Asia’s needs for its long term requirement. Labu would be a good choice for the location of the new airport due to its close vicinity with KLIA which could be readily connected by rail and roads, but the building of additional runway would be a set back.
    MAHB should seriously consider Air Asia’s concerns and work closely with all parties concerned to meet the requirements rather than having a “closed mentality” approach which is typical of most of our government agencies.Convince Air Asia that KLIA is a better choice.
    MAHB being the manager of a First Class airport still possess the Third Class business mentality.
    MAHB,please shed your arrogant attitude and instead manifest your ability to meet customer obligations as stated in your business manifesto. GLCs should not be helmed by incapable managers!
    KLIA is so huge and it cannot be denied that it is severly under utilised. It would be a slap on the face for MAHB if Air Asia’s proposal for a LCCT in Penang come through. MAHB you better buck up!

  146. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Saya membaca komen dari penulis “Bosnia Global Air Express on January 18, 2009 2:21 AM” dan mendapati bahawa ianya adalah pembentangan yang terperinci dari aspek teknikal dan keselamatan zon penerbangan dan aspek pengendalian ATC KLIA dan Subang. Saya harap pihak kerajaan yang berwajib juga ada membaca komentar ini. Janganlah sampai berlaku di KLIA atau di “Air Asia Labu Airport” tragedi seperti yang pernah berlaku pada sebuah pesawat 747 KLM dan sebuah lagi pesawat 747 Pan Am di Tenerife Island Spain pada tahun 1977 dahulu. Sila klik pada http link-link di bawah untuk paparan youtube (lakonan semula BBC)tentang kejadian berkenaan dan juga untuk pembentangan fakta kejadian di wikipedia. Syabas kepada Bosnia Global Air Express diatas pembentangan fakta yang konklusif, dari aspek yang telah hampir dilupai dalam kealpaan berpolitik: iaitu aspek keselamatan, nyawa penumpang dan mereka yang berada dibawah laluan udara ini.

  147. Saya sangat berharap supaya Air Asia & Sime & the kurap geng lebih bijak dalam membuat perancangan untuk merompak Malaysia dimasa hadapan supaya tidaklah kelihatan seperti mempunyai IQ setinggi seekor KELDAI.

  148. Dear Tun,
    U R dead right on this issue … NO to KLIA-EAST even though I’m a resident of Seremban …
    THis’s just another of Sultan Badawi & his pet KJ’s tactics to grab as much $$$ as possible before Mar 09 …

  149. Salah satu topik hangat untuk sembang-sembang di kedai kopi sekarang adalah mengutuk tindakan kejam Israel terhadap Palestin. Kita hanya mampu berdoa dan menghulurkan bantuan kewangan. Itu sajalah yang kita mampu.
    Juga topik hangat di kedai kopi sekarang ialah kepimpinan Barisan Nasional yang lemah, berdasarkan rasuah, dan manusia tertentu yang ingin membolot semua projek di Malaysia. Kita hanya mampu menambahkan dosa masing-masing dengan mengutuk manusia-manusia tertentu ini. Selain itu tidak banyak yang kita mampu lakukan untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia.
    KT pun dah terlepas ke tangan pembangkang. Saya amatlah yakin Malaysia akan terlepas ke tangan pembangkang tidak lama lagi.
    Walaupun tak sanggup diperintah oleh pembangkang, nampaknya dah tak ada pilihan lain. Kita dah menyampah tengok hari-hari ada projek untuk orang-orang kaya yang inginkan kekayaan yang bertambah tambah dan tambah dan tambah lagi.

  150. Tun,
    Frankly speaking, I do not want Air Asia to be succeeded at all, not because I am a die hard fan of Tun, or people nicknamed me as “pengipas or pembodek Tun” or whatever.
    I believe if Malaysia (an Islamic Country) is build through the name “Asia”, eg:- Air Asia, Asia Funds, Asia Flavours or anything that has an Asia word in it, Malaysia will be viewed in future as a threat or enemy to the western and middle and east countries.
    Pak Lah, of course he won’t see the threats of making Air Asia successful, to him, all he can think of is Tun zalim, jahat, cemburu, dictator, pandang rendah kat dia, these are the stupid reasons that he can think of. He would not be able to see that he is actually digging grave for our future generations. No matter what it is, Tun, DS Najib and DS Ong Tee Keat, DS Samy, Tok Nik Aziz, Lim Guan Eng (BN, PAS or PR) must stop this future disaster by closing off the Air Asia and the LCCT in Labu for the sake of our future generations. In religion, we are taught to be NEVER BE GREEDY, IF YOU ARE GREEDY, TUHAN AKAN TUNJUK MARAH, in mandarin,
    “Su Ta Jao Fung” means “huge tree brings wind (jealousy and hatred)!

  151. I live in PJ, going to LCCT is a mess, long hour journey. If it’s going to be in Labu, i’m sure i wont pick airasia as the first choice. So Firefly, please extend your flight routes and give a good price to compete Airasia. Definitely people will choose Firefly in future.

    Di Kuala Terengganu, petunjuk yang boleh menyenangkan hati ialah BN masih disokong oleh 30,200 pengundi bermakna BN masih relevan.
    2. Kemenangan PAS masih merupakan sambungan tsunami politik PRU12, menunjukkan pembangkang masih beruntung kerana trend itu masih berterusan.
    3. Tun Mahathir tidak sepatutnya menutup pintu untuk membantu BN hanya kerana tidak bersetuju dengan Pak Lah atas beberapa perkara, kerana sebagai PM Pak Lah sudah pasti mempunyai alasan untuk meneruskan atau membatalkan satu-satu dasar untuk kepentingan negara. Perkara ini pun dilakukan Tun pada ketika Tun sebagai PM.
    4. Tun Mahathir dikenali kerana semangat nasionalismenya yang kuat kepada bangsa Melayu & tanah air, namun dalam konteks UMNO Tun telah silap apabila tidak menyokong UMNO sepenuhnya semasa PRU12 dan PRK Permatang Pauh & terbaru K.Terengganu.
    5. Jika Pak Lah seorang yang pendendam, sudah pasti Mukhriz tidak jadi Ahli Parlimen, malah sudah pasti Mukhriz akan digantung keahliannya kerana menulis surat yang tidak patut kepada Presiden.
    6. Tunku dahulu tidak mengambil masa lama untuk memecat Tun Mahathir akan perkara yang sama.7. Maka itu, jika Tun memang benar-benarlah sayangkan bangsa Melayu, maka Tun perlu membuang egonya.
    8. Jika Tun dalam usia 84 masih sanggup terbang ke Kuwait untuk membantu rakyat Palestin, mengapa tidak kepada orang Melayu & UMNO yang pernah dipimpinnya dan yang meletakkannya ke mercu tanda.
    9. Penulis berharap Tun berbaik-baiklah semula dengan Pak Lah, janganlah memberi syarat untuk membantu UMNO dan orang Melayu, jika tidak penulis percaya tidak mustahil PRU-13 nanti Perdana Menteri Malaysia terpaksa dipilih dalam kalangan MP DAP!
    10. Ia tidak mustahil, dahulu di Singapura ada 3 Kerusi MP UMNO, akhirnya PAP berjaya leraikan, mansuhkan dan tutup sama sekali peluang UMNO & Melayu di Singapura.

  153. Dear Tun,
    Apa nak jadi dengan kerajaan kita sekarang? Setiap satu projek yang dibuat kononnya untuk kesejahteraan rakyat, untuk rakyat dan kepada rakyat. Benarkah? Yang pasti pemimpin sekarang lebih berminat untuk mengisi tembolok sendiri.
    Tun, pilihanraya kecil Kuala Terengganu telah berakhir. Rakyat telah bersuara. Kalau beginilah iklim politik semasa, BN kena berharap semua wakilrakyatnya panjang umur. Kalau tak…kita dah boleh jangka kesudahannya. Rakyat tidak lagi boleh digula-gulakan dengan isu pembangunan dan kebajikan rakyat. Itu adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan dan pemimpin. Mereka memegang jawatan adalah untuk berbakti kepada rakyat dan menjalankan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan. Sebab itu mereka berada dikedudukan selesa tersebut. Segalanya rakyat tanggung. Kediaman, perabut, pembantu rumah, kenderaan, minyak kereta, tol, bercuti keluar negeri, keraian dan apa-apa saja kehendak yang kuasa boleh berikan. Keadaan dunia hari ini menyebelahi orang yang berjenama dan berkedudukan. Rakyat yang tidak ada apa-apa ini hanya berharap kepada pemerintahan yang adil dan saksama. Jika itupun tak dapat dipikul
    maka….tak perlulah wakil-wakil rakyat ini menawarkan diri untuk menjadi pemimpin kepada rakyat.
    Ketahuilah wahai ahli politik, rakyat sekarang tidak lagi memilih parti yang dinaungi malah lebih kepada faktor peribadi calon itu sendiri. Termasuklah cara mana mereka ini mengendalikan rumahtangga sendiri. Kalau rumahtangga sendiri pun tak boleh jaga bagaimana nak menjaga negara.
    Tun, take care. Malaysia still need u around

  154. Assalamualaikum Tun
    I hear voices too!!!
    the voice told me Air Asia owns MAHB RM800 millions.
    Well , I hope I am not crazy…
    Sekian, wassalam.

  155. Tony sounds desperately indeed, however, does MAHB did their job? As mentioned being a Khazanah co. aren’t they should be the first one to propose solution to AirAsia in order to keep the priority of low cost for the Rakyat? Proposal has been submitted to Cabinet in 2007, it takes 1 year to get approval. MAHB doesn’t aware about it earlier until cabinet approve it?
    I think the mis-management from the top level of MAHB has eventually lead people lost of confidence on them. Should MAHB starts to review this case seriously? By the way, who wants to take the hassle to build a new airport and manage it?
    Whether it is transparent or not, i think AirAsia willing to open book and in the event, Opposition could help us counter check.

  156. Salam Tun,
    Pak Lah makan angin lagi di luar negara bersama-sama misi “perdagangan” dan “kemanusiaan” di Asia Barat. Ntah apa lagi bisnes besar yang akan diborong sebelum tiba penamatnya.
    Bahagianya bila dia bersara nanti (-;

  157. assalamualaikum ayahanda tun,
    Ramai yang mengatakan bahawa tun amat berdendam terhadap AAB sehingga selalu mencari kesalahan AAB sehinggakan isu yang dibangkitkan tun tentang KLIA-East ini tiada lain hanyalah hendak menghentam AAB sahaja. Memang secara peribadi saya sendiri amat bangga dengan kejayaan yang telah dicapai oleh Air Asia. Melihat lambang pasukan kegemaran saya Man United terpampang di badan kapal terbang air asia adalah satu kebanggaan sebenarnya. Kewujudan Air Asia adalah juga dari restu Tun suatu masa dahulu. Pemimpin kerajaan mana yang sanggup memberi lampu hijau kepada sebuah syarikat penerbangan tambang murah untuk beroperasi pada waktu syarikat penerbangan nasional negara mengalami krisisi kerugian paling teruk dalam sejarahnya ?. tapi tun beri jugak. Dan saye prcaya tun sebenarnya juga bangga dengan kejayaan yang telah dicapai oleh Air Asia . Tetapi sekarang Air Asia yang diterajui Mr Tony Fernandes (dan tangan2 dibelakangnya) telah menjadi terlalu tamak . Mengapa dibazirkan kemudahan yang telah sedia ada ? its not just a facilities,is a world class facilities that just too good to be waste … jadi saya merasakan bahawa rancangan KLIA-East ini adalah semata2 untuk memuaskan nafsu Mr Tony sahaja .. hes now become the most ambitious man in this country … selama ini saya rasa kerajaan dah bagi apa sahaja yang mereka minta .. apalagi nak ? Kenapa mesti nak melampau ? kalau macam ni suruh jela MAS turunkan harga tiket dan gunakan strategi pemasaran mcm Asia biar semue orang beralih pada MAS and then lets see how they gonna survive … geram lak aku …
    akhir sekali tun jage kesihatan k tun … kami semua masih memerlukan tunjuk ajar dan nasihat dari tun … malaysia dah teruk tun … kami sentiasa doakan keselamatan tun sekeluarga … Assalamualaikum …

  158. salam Tun,
    Sorry out of topic yet again,
    One of the messages that the voters in Kuala Terengganu want to send to the current government is;
    Now only Pak Lah,Najib & Co. get it!Too late…

  159. Dear Tun,
    Umno veep: BN needs new approach
    MALACCA: Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam will call for a change in the approach taken by Barisan Nasional to woo voters following the coalition

  160. Salam Ayahanda Tun. In my view, the rakyat want accountability from someone for all the lunacies from October 2003 to date. That accountability is not forthcoming from the two most accountable figures in this fiasco; Abdullah and Khairy. Fat chance in hell it would be coming put of their gold filled mouths. So now the rakyat go for the next available

  161. Salam Tun,
    saya sokong ” Say no to Labu Airport”. Tingkatkan dahulu sistem pengangkutan awam kat darat di mana orang awam sangat memerlukannya dan bukan airport baru. Kalau orang turun pergi kerja dengan kapalterbang tak apa juga….Tetapi logik kah pergi kerja tiap tiap hari dengan menaikki kapalterbang sedangkan naik pun bus dah tak teratur dan dah tak terbayar bagi orang kebanyakkan. Ini adalah penyalahgunaan duit rakyat yang sangat membazir. Dimanakah usaha kerajaan sekarang rakyat dapat melihat bahawa kerja-kerja meningkat sistem pengangkutan awam sedang dilakukan atau hanya dalam ucapan dan kertas sahaja.Sepatutnya kerajaan sekarang belajar merancang secara realistik ….Kalaulah naik bus dapat pergi ke mana-mana dengan sistem pengangkutan yang baik tak payahlah beli kereta pening pasal bayaran pada bank, penjagaan kereta, insurance tahunan, cukai jalan, minyak dan banyak lagi kos bila kereta dah makin tua….Bilalah kerajaan sekarang dan akan datang, betul betul berfikir untuk rakyat dan bukan rakyat berfikir untuk kerajaan…
    Sebagaimana yang Tun lakukan semasa Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri.
    Banyak lagi nak tulis tetapi semakin saya tulis makin saya sedar harapan pada kerajaan sekarang hanyalah angan-angan…
    harap Tun terus menulis untuk rakyat dan demi rakyat, bukan macam Badawi untuk kroni dan demi kroni……akhir sekali demi poket yang besar dan tak reti nak cukup..
    Happy Chinese New Year and God bless u and ur family..

  162. Salam Tun and all bloggers,
    After reading Tun’s unprofessional point view:
    1) “The Master of Labu” still and always thought that we are too stupid to understand the real image of shadow behind.
    2) “The Master of Labu” always assume people won’t read the “real” as Malaysian don’t like so much on reading and there is no facility of retrieving data. i.e. Malaysian people never know how to use internet or e-mail. That’s why they intend to give that “wangi” statements but misleading with hope people can’t get it!
    3) “The Master of Labu” is trying to meet the requirement of planned well future for bright attitude which it will give more benefit to the legacy of “Labi”. (The old Labu & Labi failed to do that…they learned from there I guess)
    4) The long term investment of “pertolongan” to all people who will give their full support to achieve the mission and vision to be Malaysia’s “Pinggan Mangkuk”
    * and suddenly cross in my mind the History of Malacca…498 years ago….

  163. Salam Tun,
    mcm xpercaya jer ada orang nak belanja besar walaupun syarikat rugi…bravo la abg Idris Jala, MAS masih untung, AirAsia sudah rugi tapi masih mau buat airport sendri…adoilah..tak lama lagi AirAsia dlm kenangan..ehem bank yang bagi pinjam pun akan bankrap and merge dengan bank lain…ala macam tak biasa.

  164. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Ada yang berkata, biarlah AirAsia/Sime Darby nak bina KLIA-East. Mereka buat secara “private funding initiative (PFI)”. Bukan pakai duit kerajaan. Dari segi funding tu, mungkin benarlah. Cuma dari segi kesannya terhadap sistem pengangkutan kita, nampak gayanya berterabur balik lah. Yang susah ialah rakyat.
    Dari masa Tun M menjadi PM kita boleh nampak, ada usaha dan visi untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan mutu sistem pengangkutan kita. Oleh itu timbul lah PLUS, timbul lah KLIA, timbullah KL Sentral dan juga projek landasan keretapi berkembar. Nampak jelas hala tujunya. Dan rakyat boleh menunggu dgn sabar kerana mereka tahu perancangan masa depan dah jelas dan akan menyenangkan mereka.
    Bila terbinanya LCCT, walaupun rakyat dapat menikmati perkhidmatan tambang murah, rakyat sebenarnya tidak mendapat yang terbaik. Bayangkan kalau kita ada connecting flights antara KLIA dan LCCT ini. Sistem teksinya juga masih lagi ditahap yang sungguh sungguh rendah. Kalau kita bina juga KLIA-East ini, maka keadaan ini akan menjadi lebih kelam-kabut (Dan juga, toloooong sangat2 lah, jangan nak kelirukan rakyat dengan menggunakan slogan “Terminal Rakyat”). Sepatutnya, KLIA itu diperbesarkan untuk menampung keperluan penerbangan tambang murah ini.
    Sekarang ini mungkin KLIA-East, lepas ni? KL Sentral-East? atau Putrajaya-West? Mungkin Cyberjaya-North? Oh ye Litar F1-South?

  165. Selamat Sejahtera Tun,
    What happen to Sime Darby, she is a agriculture giant, as such she should thinking how to expand existing businesses and should now thinking how to venture into agroculture and aquaculture businesses which have synergy with agriculture business. But look like she is now busy taking over Institute Jantung and expanding into airport bussiness. No wonder its share has plunged more than 50% since the new chairman took over.
    Sincereby wish Tun in good health always.

  166. Salam My Beloved YAB Tun,
    Tak sabar tunggu komen YAB Tun tentang kekalahan UMNO di Kuala Terengganu.

  167. assalamulaikum ,
    Tun yang dihormati….
    Saya nie tengok Air Asia dah naik minyak sekarang nie…. sekarang nie dengar Air Asia dah GOmen pun dah boleh pakai …. pakai yang diorang cakap e-waran …. kalo macam ni MAS pun boleh lingkup satu hari nanti …alas Pak Lah nak jimat kos …tapi yang untung.sapa? ahli BOD(Board of Director ) air asia ler… tau saper ler…tahun lepas siap umum penerbangan kat Urbekistan..siap Pak lah yang pergi…kalo MAS (Gomen GLC) logik pulak …alasan …ada kerja rasmi….ni airport Labu pulak… alahai ..masih tak cukup ker… projek TUN kat Johor pun dia cancel siap gantikan dengan WPI seolah-olah dia yang buat….heheheh …Wilayah sini,Wilayah sana…. tolong lah selamat kan BN dan dari terhakisnya kepercayaan muda mudi melayu dan bumiputera memasakini… yang kesian nanti Najib yang kena cuci tahi yang ditinggalkan oleh Pak Lah… saya cadang kan kalo lah najib tu naik …isyaallah .yang 1st thing kena buat ialah singkirkan KURAP yang mula menjangkiti BN ….ok ….harap airport LABU tu kalo kita ramei bantah mungkin ok kot….. wassalam hidup TUN …
    MY IDOL…..

  168. Salam Ayahanda Tun, maaf tak dapat hantar tulisan disini sebab “Sukar Menembusi” syukur sekarang boleh dah! Sokong Anti Keganasan Israel dan Zionist! Juga Selamat Jalan Paklah dan kuncu2 dan pembodek2nya…. Lepas nak ambil alih IJN nak buat Airport Labu pulak…. Hai tak habis2 menunjukkan kurang cerdiknya beliau! Nak habiskan wang rakyat! BN kalah kat Kuala Trengganu ni…tak ambil iktibar kekalahan Mac 2008 masih guna teknik lama mendekati pengundi dan cara lama yang lapok berkempen! BN BUKA MATA LAH! ATAU SIAP SEDIA DITOLAK KETEPI!

  169. 1. i luv airasia because with few hundreds ringgit i can fly away and experience new “education” that we human being needs. dulu nabi muhammad kita kata, belajaqlah sehingga ke negeri cina. la nih, dengan RM 0 + tax, kita dah boleh belajaq ke negeri cina.
    2. about the aerobridge. cmon, KLIA is an international hub. it should have aerobridges. kesianlah makcik2/pakcik2 tua tuh, kena jalan kaki. macam ada sorang tuh suggest pakai bus, tuh pun ok, tapi still kalo ada aerobridge, takdalah susah sangat orang tua wheelchaired nak naik kapal terobang.
    tok det yang disayangi takpalah…boleh lagi dan masih kuat. Untuk pelanggan2 airasia yang dah nak cium bau tanah, mereka terpaksalah panjat tangga kapal terobang dan berjalan beratus meter between arrival and departure hall.
    then kalo lah saya jadi TKI ( tenaga kerja indonesia ) yang berulang alik surabaya-lcct, mesti saya akan heran kenapa bandara di surabaya ada aerobridge dan airport di lcct@KLIA takda. kuno jugaklah malaysia nih agaknya. di indonesia, major airports ada aerobridge and smaller airports yang pakai taxi dan yang lagi kecil barulah kena jalan kaki. secara perbandingan bodoh hamba ini, lcct yang bejuta2 tuh sama jek dengan airport indo yang paling kecil, yang ntah apa tah namanya.
    3. selain dari itu, duit tax yang mahb kutip tuh apa lah gunanya. tak salah rasanya MAHB beli aerobridge dari muhibbah engineering banyak2. kalo lah setahun ada berpuluh juta airasia passenger kali dengan rm 20-30 airport tax, pehhhh…banyak aerobridge boleh buat tuh. satu aerobridge baru baper, rm 5 juta ke 10 juta jek. at least depa ada makanlah in these hard time. hehehe.
    mungkin MAB akan kata duit tuh nak spend utk airport lain2 juga. tapi apa salahnya menyumbang balik kepada airport yang bagi banyak untung.
    4. saya harap tidak adalah any pack yg dikatakan2 di atas seperti mahb-mas cuba bersekongkol utk trash air asia growth or airasia-sd cuba utk outdo klia. after all, malaysia nih kecik. kalo benda as simple as this kerajaan tak dapat intervene, habislah. Apalah guna perkataan GLC pada MAHB tuh sekiranya kerajaan tidak dapat menentukan policy yang terbaik untuk rakyat dan para pekerja air asia mahupun MAHB + MAS. Perlu diingat, although ada pembaca yg address airasia’s stewardess skimpy dresses, tapi kat situ jugalah diorang mencari rejeki. MAS pun apa kurangnya dengan skandal pramugara terlampaunya.
    Dan anda perlu tahu, kawan saya di airasia pernah bercerita yang airasia ada pilot pompuan yang comel dan pakai tudung lagi.
    akhir kata, apalah guna akal yang panjang, kalo diguna untuk membunuh diri.

  170. assalamualaikum.
    sy belajar kat luar negara. tiap2 tahun paling kurang sekali akan balik Malaysia. rindu kat Malaysia la katakan.
    dulu senang je. bila sampai KLIA, boleh terus ambil domestic flight balik rumah.selalunya air asia sebab lagi murah berbanding MAS.
    sekarang? kalau nak naik air asia kena naik bas pergi LCCT.saya sangaaaaaatlah tak setuju bila air asia pindah ke sana. sekarang kena angkut beg besar 30kg+ naik bas.leceh.pakcik driver bas pun bukannya tolong angkutkan beg pun.
    kenapa air asia pindah ke sana? adakah MAS takut bersaing dgn air asia? (masa tu mmg air asia tgh popular sbb lg rasa firefly tu ditubuhkn pun sbb nk bsaing dgn air asia.tanak MAS rugi.firefly part of MAS kan?)if air asia was kicked out of KLIA coz of MAS, i am so frustated. tak fikirke kesusahan penumpang??
    KLIA mmg bes. kemudahan lengkap.kecuali peak time-surau x muat.airport punyala besar, tapi surau kat corner2 je? selain tu, KLIA ni nampak suram la. KLIA siap dibina rasanya cam takdelah lama sangat, tapi nampak macam usang. airport changi memang lagi lawa la compared to KLIA and even other european airports i’ve been to.
    tambang ERL mmg takleh turun ke? RM 70 pergi balik ? kopak la poket.pengangkutan awam lain cam takde dah.teksi pun lebih kurang mahal je.
    pengangkutan awam kat KL bile nak upgrade? buat la sistem bus pass. tak payah pakai konductor bus dah.
    kenapa KL kotor? sampah berlambak kat jln TAR. kenapa tak pernah nampak DBKL sapu sampah? selalu nampak jadi polis trafik pulak.bab trafik tak boleh bagi polis trafik PDRM uruskan ke?
    hmm..mungkin saya mengadu kat salah tempat. tapi nak jugak.dah lama geram.
    saya sayang Malaysia. bila duduk oversea baru tahu macam mana perasaannya when u’ve got home to come back to….tahu tak macam mana perasaannya merempat kat negara orang???

  171. Assalamualikum Tun,
    Nampaknya Pak Lah + Musa Hitam + Konco2 nya tak habis2 cuba nak padamkan segala jasa2 Tun selama ini.
    Selepas IJN, LABU AIRPORT pula. Kalau boleh KLIA nak di tutupnya.
    Supaya terpadam terus nama Tun dengan pembinaan KLIA.
    Jasa Tun tetap dikenang.

  172. Assalammualaikum dah Selamat Sejahtera Tun sekeluarga dan pengunjung che det. Master plan KLIA tak di ikut pak lah mesti sebab dia slalu tido masa Tun sampaikan penerangan, tue la pasal bkn master plan KLIA aja dia x ikut, semua serba serbi plan Tun untuk negara dia x buat, tue la pak lah, banyak sangat tido.

  173. YAB Tun,
    Saya gembira apabila melihat UMNO kalah di Kuala Terengganu…..apa pun, isyarat yang diberi oleh rakyat Terengganu amatlah jelas…mereka sudah bosan dengan kepimpinan UMNO sekarang. Saya sedih melihat wajah DSNTR sebagai Chief pilihanraya di KT tu… Apa yang boleh beliau buat…itu semua kehendak si Pak Lah tu. Tak sabar menunggu March 2009..tarikh keramat untuk UMNO dan BN mendapat tali hayat mereka semula. Untuk DSNTR jgm merasa sedih…rakyat terengganu sayangkan anda….mereka di Terengganu dan di seluruh Malaysia akan menyokong balek UMNO dan Bn bila kepimpinan sekarang telah di tukar ….. DSNTR akan menjadi PM dan Saudara Mukhriz menjadi Ketua Pemuda ….. INSYAALLAH….

  174. Tun.
    Kerajaan Pak Lah tak serik2 membuat atau merancang projek2 yang kontroversi, bertentangan dengan pemikiran waras rakyat. Siapa lah ‘master mind’ semua projek2 ini.
    Apa rational nya yang kerajaan bersetuju sangat2 akan projek seumpama ini.
    Kerajaan maseh tak insaf dan maseh tidak mahu belajar untuk melihat bagaimana untuk menguruskan pembagunan yang benar2 menguntungkan seluruh rakyat bukan untuk segelintir yang berkempentingan.
    Jawapan dan pertunjuk telah rakyat berikan dari segala kegalan kerajaan mengurus tadbir negara. Yang terbaru keputusan di P036 KT.
    BN kecundang. Walaupun kerajaan menabur berjuta RM di KT. Tapi maseh ditolak rakyat. Kenapa?
    Apakah BN mahu terus ditolak rakyat pada PRU13? Renung2kan lah bakal PM. DSNTR. Usahlah ikut sangat rentak Pak Lah dan menantu nya itu. kerana merka lah KT kalah kat Pas.
    Pengundi di KT meluat tenguk KJ berkempen untuk calun pilihan nya,proxy nya di Terenganu. Rakyat terengganu tahu dan nampak hal ini.
    Tun, ada apa2 nak komen tentang P036 KT ini.

  175. Assalamualaikum
    Yg Bhg Tun.
    Baguslah. Banyak lagi airport dibuat lagi bagus. Kat Perlis kena buat satu. Taklah susah nak kejar macam nak rak pi lepak kat Kepala Batas Alor Setar berjam jam.
    Kalau di kawasan lembah Klang tu penuh dengan airport nanti pekak telinga org Lembah Klang bunyi bising jentera pesawat’ termasuk Tun juga. Lama lama org KL semua jadi pekak. Macam pemimpin la ni dah pekak badak.

    Politik ialah teori serba mungkin. Pelbagai kemungkinan boleh berlaku. Jangan pekakkan telinga jika kita dengar sesuatu yang baru tetapi apa yang perlu ialah kita menghalusi dan menyiasatnya.
    Saya ingin berkongsi pandangan dengan pembaca apabila seorang rakan saya yang merupakan penyokong kuat Pak Lah menghantarkan mesej pesanan ringkasnya sebagai ucapan selamat tahun baru kepada saya. Katanya,

  177. Salam Tun and other reader,

  178. asskum,
    Tun yg dihormati.
    Saya risau la Tun,kalau kita rakyat Malaysia masih lagi tidak sedar akan ancaman luar dan dalam negara.
    Cuba kita lihat & ambil ikhtibar daripada kisah Gaza.Memang kasihan lihat mereka,tapi kita kena lihat pada sejarahnya,mengapa mereka menderita sekarang.
    Jadi, kalau di Malaysia pula kalau rakyat tidak peka dan sedar akan ancaman-ancaman dari pelbagai bentuk (ekonomi,ilmu dan dll)kita akan ditindas macam tu saja.Terutamanya golongan bumi.Kita patut sedar di mana kekuatan kita sekarang.
    Kami generasi baru ini sangat risau dengan masa depan kami.Cuba kita lihat pemimpin kita sekarang,semuanya tidak jelas vision,mission dan sifat ultra membela rakyat & bangsa. Seperti ada saja “hidden agenda” meraka.Kami boleh baca air muka dan hati mereka la.
    Secara jujur kami sangat perlukan pemimpin seperti Tun untuk masa kini dan selamanya.Memang Tun dah tinggalkan platform untuk kami dan generasi pemimpin.Tapi rasa tidak yakin masih kuat.
    Tun, boleh ke Tun hasilkan lagi sebuah buku untuk panduan dan ikhtibar supaya setidak-tidaknya menjadi pembakar semangat kepada kami.Sememangya saya ada semangat nak membela bangsa saya.
    The Malay Delema 2,the New Generation….can?
    Harap Tun komen ye.

    1. Air Asia has done well to explain the justification for the so-called KLIA-East in Labu.

  180. Dear Tun,
    Kerajaan jangan segan-segan atau malu-malu untuk membatalkan projek airport ini. Sebenarnya kerajaan BN dah pun tak maruah lagi. Sudah menjadi lumrah keputusan yang dibuat Pak Lah “flip, flop, flup”. kah, kah, kah !! Dah tak hairan lagi !!

  181. Pakatan Form Council Of Menteris Besar/Chief Minister
    ALOR SETAR, Jan 18 (Bernama) — Five states under Pakatan Rakyat (PR) today endorsed the formation of a council of Menteris Besar/Chief Minister and an Exco to ensure they will not be sidelined by the Barisan Nasional government.
    Guan Eng said the formation of the council would be a platform for the menteris besar of the Pakatan Rakyat ruled states to be on par with other states when attending meetings held by the Prime Minister during Rulers Council meetings.
    I think these new Chief Minister and Menteri Besars are suffering from cultural shock and inferiority complex. Mereka kena belajar the royal code of conduct apabila berhadapan dan mengadap raja-raja. kah, kah, kah. Carilah buku mengenai Protocol yang dikarang oleh Datuk Kolah.

  182. A’kum Tun!
    The people involved in this business must get the benefits from it altogether. And it is a shame that the idea is so stupid to build a new airport for the low cost carrier. They already spend millions or ringgit on the LCCT and yet they want to build another one which is less than an hours drive. I really don’t understand what is going on with out Prime Minister and the people running the show. They are so dumb and they can’t spend the money wisely so that our economy will be better. Instead they waste more money on useless project like this. So sad…
    The recent KT election result showed that the people are tired and fed up with the government and they want change. I still don’t understand why Pak Lah and the gang do not get this. Even a boy would understand a clear message like that.
    Tun, it is so sad to see our country become like this and it is so sad also to mention our Prime Minister is Abdullah Badawi because he is definitely not that great to be our leader. I wish that you could live forever and lead this country to a greater level. but insyallah one day there will be another great leader like you will lead us again in the near future but of course not Najib and his wife. I hope Rakyat will do something about this because from what I heard, he is worse than Pak Lah. So do we want someone worse than Pak Lah to lead our country again?
    thank you

  183. Dear Tun,
    Do you still remember UMNO leaders had “brainstorming” session at Glemmarie after they almost lost in the election. What happens now? They still cannot revitalise their position. They still lost the by-election in KT.
    Kata orang Johor, brainstorming “TAIK KUCING” !!

  184. Dear Tun,
    Selagi otak pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan diletakkan diponggong mereka, kerajaan akhirnya akan menuju kehancuran. Kepercayaan dari rakyat saban hari semakin pudar, maka selamat jalanlah kerajaan Barisan Nasional.It is no joke. The sign is very glaring and the government is facing tough time to convince the rakyat whether they have credibility anymore to rule the country. Remember, 5 states already gone. Soon everthing is gone!! Do something before it is too late, Najib and gang. Pak Lah is “kaput” !! Deadwood !!

  185. Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun Dan Keluarga.
    Semenjak Pak Lah mengambil tampuk kepimpinan macam macam hal berlaku. Kalau mengutungkan tak palah ini banyak yang merugi kan. Semua dapat di lihat dengan jelas tak ada wawasan langsung.
    Semenjak itu negara bukan semakin maju makin mundur.
    Sebaiknya Pak lah letak jawatan dengan segera.
    Dulu ada yang berkata Tun bengkrup kan negara. Tetapi sekarang siapa yang membengkrup kan negara. Tuhan Maha Adil Tun,dengan sendiri perkara ini terjawap.Tun we still need you very badly. Tun tolong lah kami sama sama menyelamatkan negara kita.Kesilapan memilih Pak Lah telah berlalu,Pak Lah juga akan berlalu.Mari lah sama sama kita memartabat kan Malaysia saperti zaman Tun dahulu.
    God Bless You Tun InshaAllah.

  186. Dear Tun,
    Macam mana Barisan nak bangkit semula jika tak habis-habis dengan dasar yanmg mengelirukan rakyat dan menaikan kemarahan rakyat. Semua projek yang diluluskan tidak masuk akal tanpa membuat “case study” yang menyeluruh untuk dibentangkan kapada rakyat dengan sejelas-jelasnya. Inilah yang dikatakan projek “flip,flop,flup”. Akhirnya backfired but the damage has been done to reflect their gross stupidity and finally being ridiculed by the rakyat.What a shame!!

  187. Dear Tun,
    Mengapa Air Asia nak “menenggek” kat Sime Darby suruh buat airport? The present Sime Darby set up being typical of its “dah bodoh stupid” new Board members and management under Zubir is very raw not like the old guard of Sime Darby management who were very conservative but with full of leadership quality and charismatic outlook. They maintained and applied the highest degree of credibility, transparancy and good management principles.

  188. Salam Tun
    To my mind the intention is clear, the government maybe trying to encourage free market by having another airport operator other than MAHB, which will cater for low cost budget carrier like Air Asia and the likes. This will break the monopoly of MAHB in the market, thus creating a competitor for MAHB. I foresee not only Air Asia will benefit from this venture but other regional low budget arlines who will be given landing rights here. Mr. Fernandez has also mentioned about opening other LCCTs in other states amd even in neighbouring countries. This piece of information may have prompted the Penang CM asking for LCCT in Penang too. In the meantime talks are still ongoing, albeit behind closed doors, between Air Asia and Jetstar (the Australian low budget carrier) for a possible cooperation or merger. My reading is we will see some foreign interests in the operatorship of these LCCTs either directly or indirectly.
    Frankly Tun, I am all for free market competition because I feel its good to have competition and at the end of the day, this will benefit the rakyat. However, on the other hand, the study done failed to take into account of other factors, besides the under utilisation of KLIA, what about existing airports like Batu Berendam in Melaka (which I heard is being upgraded) or even Ipoh for that matter or nearer still Subang. Can Mr Fernandez think of more challenging way to utilise these airports rather than choose a a short cut and simpler way out by building a new one in Labu? Is the same going to happen when Firefly or Berjaya Air becomes larger, they too will be given permission to build their own airports too ?? Now how many airports do we need here !! If this goes on, we have more airports than railway stations or bus terminals. Of course this will be on rakyat’s monies one way or the other….. apa nak jadi nie Tun…
    Can someone put some sense into this government head that the rakyat is not at all convinced with all of this… just look at the results of the Kuala Terengganu by-election ! I think this government, more particularly the politicians which are running it, are bend in trying to destroy itself by alienating themselves from the rakyat !

  189. Long Live Tun!
    Dear Citizens,
    1. Pls have a look at the LCCT facilities.
    2. Pls look at the price of the food inside the boarding area of the LCCT.
    3. Pls look at the number of people in the LCCT.
    4. Pls look at the no. of empty seat for you to sit on in the LCCT.
    5. Pls look at the landscaping of the LCCT.
    Then you will understand why MAHB is not really a smart choice to work with.
    I have also heard the 4th floor guys have taken many of the projects including a VERY VERY spacious Police Station in Johor. The police station is bigger than a jail. When you have the time, you can go to Batu Pahat to have a look at the Newly built Police Station.

  190. To Najib,
    Dengar cakap orang yang dah berpengalaman lebih 21 tahun mentadbir negara. Without the slightest shadow of doubt there is substance to Tun’s argument. So the government must make the decision fast to cancel the airport project and move forward to other pressing social and economic matters.
    You proceed with this project the BN government will face tough time in the next election. The internet is mightier than the sword !!

  191. Dear Tun,
    I believe by now the Chairman of Sime Darby must be thinking of naming the new airport.
    May I suggest to Musa Hitam to name the airport “LABU LABI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT”. Mr Labu becomes the Chairman of the airport and Mr Labi its CEO. Haji Baghil becomes the “advisor”. kah, kah, kah !!!

  192. Saturday, January 10, 2009
    KJ Mula Bersuara: Petanda BN Akan Kalah
    Beberapa buah media massa mula menyiarkan kenyataan Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin mengenai pilihanraya kecil Kuala Terengganu. Seperti selalu, kenyataan tersebut bersikap angkuh dan memperlekehkan orang Terengganu, seolah-olah mereka bodoh kerana memilih PAS di tiga dari empat kerusi DUN dalam Parlimen Kuala Terengganu.
    Ramalan blogger Jan 10,2009 tepat. BN kalah.
    KJ ini dah semacam bawa beban kapada UMNO. Dia patut dibenamkan kalau UMNO nak kekal selamanya….
    Najib mesti fikirkan sama ada si KJ ni akan bawa tuah atau balak kapadanya.

  193. Salam
    Tun yg dihormati,
    Saya tidak bersetuju dengan pembinaan KLIA-East.Izinkan saya bercerita melalui pengalaman saya sepanjang berurusan diLCCT.Saya berkerja ditravel agency diShah Alam dan sering menghantar dan menyambut pelancong-pelancong asing yang keluar dan masuk ke Malaysia.Boleh dikatakan ramai juga pelancong asing yang menggunakan perkhidmatan agensi ditempat kerja saya bercakap tentang LCCT yang pada mereka terlalu nampak “murahan”.Yang menjadi persoalan saya ialah kenapa MAHB membina LCCT yang ada pada hari ini cuma ala kadar sahaja dalam erti kata lain seperti melepas batuk ditangga.Kalau kita perhatikan LCCT sebelum projek pengubahsuaian seperti yang dijalankan sekarang ini tersangat ringkas walaupun pengguna masih membayar airport tax (kalaupun airport tax diKLIA lebih mahal itu pun tak banyak beza dgn airport tax diLCCT).
    Apa yang ingin saya sampaikan disini ialah walaupun namanya LCCT (Low Cost Carrier Terminal) tapi jangan lah terlalu “low standard”nya kerana LCCT yang ada pada hari ini ialah “hub” utama Airasia dan Malaysia pada amnya dikenali oleh negara-negara lain diAsia sebagai tuan rumah Airasia jadi secara tak langsung nama negara kita juga akan ikut terjejas.
    Saya amat berharap LCCT yang projek pengubahsuaiannya akan selesai tidak lama lagi akan mementingkan kualiti dan kemudahan bertaraf antarabangsa kepada pengguna dan pengunjungnya walaupun namanya tetap Low Cost Carrier Terminal.
    Terima kasih.


  195. Dear Tun,
    KT By-Election Reflects Need For Reforms – Gerakan
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) — The result of the Kuala Terengganu by-election reflects the urgency for Barisan Nasional (BN) to carry out further reforms.
    Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said the result amplified the need for BN to become a more cohesive and effective multiracial coalition to continue representing, serving and uniting the people.
    First thing first when you want to talk about reforms. UMNO must get rid of haprak, HP6 and dah bodoh stupid and corrupted leaders. Pak Lah and his “deadwood” hopeless konco-konco or cronies must be out from the limelight of UMNO top leadership like Mike Tyson, Khir Toyo, KJ, Ali Rustam and few others. They are just useless fellows and good for nothing. They are the spoilers and a total liability to the party. The UMNO members must kick them out. No two way about it. Najib must remove them for good. Don’t give them positions at all. Dump them in order to save UMNO. That is a fact which UMNO members must accept outright. Rakyat dah meluat tengok perangai mereka yang dah tak ada credibility lagi. Rakyat dah benci melihat mereka. Otak mereka sebenarnya KOSONG. Macam TIN MILO KOSONG !!
    Sometimes we have to be blunt to get the message clear. Or else they think they are still indispensible.
    To initiate reforms we need brilliant technocrat politicians who have the mental capacity and IQ above average in order to get the respect from the rakyat.As for the present set of UMNO leaders unfortunately their level of intelligence does not deserve to lead the rakyat. They are not leaders but “penyangak besar” of the first order. Make no mistake about it. If they are still around for the next few years then I feel sorry for BN. BN will collaspse. The nation will collaspse. Malaysia will become a failed state.
    The opposition parties led by Anwar just as hopeless as UMNO. They also cannot deliver because they simply do not know how to govern. Their political principles all ROJAK. How can they focus on championing the rakyat with different agendas and principles.

  196. Salam YBhg Tun,
    Saya melencong sedikit dari kesah Air Port Labu ini dengan cerita lain. Semasa Tun jadi PM dulu terkenallah dengan Air Port in the forest KLIA. memang sangat menarik Air port KLIA tu. Juga dengan Garden City Putrajaya. Sekarang ini Putrajaya sudah ada 13 taman. Sekarang ada cerita Mont Kiara nak dijadikan berbagai-berbagai Taman. Jean sudah jadi penasihat projek landskap ini. Apalah konsep Tamannya tak tau lah. kononnya nak jadikan tropical forest.Berapa banyaklah tropical forest. Rimba alam kat Putrajaya sudah ada tropical forest.FRIM sudah ada arboretum tropical forest. Kami dari kumpulan botanists mencadangkan mont kiara tu dibangunkan sebuah Taman palma, iaitu koleksi palma dunia. tapi tak dapat sambutan. Malaysia ni ialah Palm country. Malaysia mempunyai bilangan spesies palma kedua banyaknya dalam dunia selepas Amazonia.Kita sepatutnya sudah ada Taman Palma untuk pemuliharaan kepelbagaian biologi.Agaknya sudah ada orang yang nak ambil popularity Tun dalam membangunkan Taman-Taman. Komen sedikit Tun

  197. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    SAY NO TO LABU and let “silunchai terjun dengan labu labu nya” comes this march.
    BOYCOTT LABU to be added to list of boycotts.
    “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir” and may Allah bless us all.
    May Allah save Malaysia from these crooks……. Aminnnn.

  198. Assalammualaikum Tok Det.
    1. JAMBATAN BENGKOK JOHOR-SINGAPURA. Rakyat dan Sultan Johor yang juga negeri kelahiran Musa Black pasti gembira. Air di Selat Tebrau akhirnya bercantum juga. Musa Black akan pasti akan jadi HERO JOHOR!!!
    2. PENGLEBARAN JAMBATAN PULAU PINANG SEDIA-ADA. Tak payah buat jambatan baru sebab kos tinggi. Lambat sangat nak siap. Lagi pun ekonomi tengah lembab sekarang. Pak Lah akan disanjung oleh rakyat di negeri sendiri. Paklah akan dapat gelaran HERO PULAU PINANG!!! BN pasti akan menang semula di Pulau Pinang!!!
    3. PROJEK KERETAPI LAJU NASIONAL. Tambah laluan keretapi terutamanya di negeri yang tiada kemudahan keretapi seperti Melaka dan Pulau Pinang (di kawasan pulau). STESEN KERETAPI TERMODEN boleh dibangunkan di LABU dan konsesi diberi kepada SIME DARBY. Sebab stesen keretapi KL pun dan sesak dan uzur dan patut jadi muzium. KJ akan dapat gelaran HERO NEGERI SEMBILAN!!! Lepas tu akan dapat gelaran Datuk Seri KJ yang akan diberi oleh Ali Rustam!!!
    4. PROJEK TERNAKAN BABI BERPUSAT DI PULAU. Mohd Taib boleh mencadangkan TERNAKAN BABI BERPUSAT di pulau yang tidak berpenghuni di Malaysia. Kalau boleh pulau yang berdekatan dengan Singapura. Kerana Singapura negara pengimport terbesar babi dari Malaysia. Lagi bagus buat di pulau berhampiran Batu Putih. Silap-silap Singapura akan beri semula pulau Batu Putih kepada Malaysia sebab tak tahan bau babi. Mohd Taib akan menjadi HERO SELANGOR kerana pusat ternakan babi di Selangor tidak perlu lagi diteruskan. Orang Melayu & Cina tentu akan suka dengan jalan penyelesaian ini yang tidak lagi menggangu sensiviti kaum selamanya. Mohd Taib pasti menang jawatan TPM sebab disukai semua kaum dan berjaya pula mendapatkan semula pulau Batu Putih yang DIJAJAH oleh Singapura sekarang!!!
    Tapi takut Pak Lah tak sempat sebab tinggal 2 bulan je lagi. Pak Lah pulak sibuk dengan SURUHANJAYA tak habis-habis daaa….

  199. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Bercerita mengenai airport ini, baru-baru ini saya dengar cerita syarikat helikopter baru yang bertapak di Miri Sarawak Awaninspirasi Sdn Bhd telah mendapat kelulusan daripada seorang panglima tentera udara untuk membenarkan helikopter syarikat tersebut mendarat di Lapangan terbang Labuan (Military Base) dengan kedua-dua juruterbangnya adalah “mat Salleh” atau Urang Putih…Iban punya cakap. Setahu saya military base ini tidak dibenarkan mana2 pesawat mendarat di lapangan terbang tersebut melainkan mesti ada seorang juruterbang rakyat Malaysia.
    Pada pendapat saya adalah orang itu yang sanggup MENJUALKAN Malaysia untuk Mendapatkan DUIT $$$$$$$ Bayar Sejumlah $$$, boleh mendarat Sudah…. BAGUS la KERAJAAN Malaysia nihhh!!!! Boleh Jual Beli Lagih TUhhhh… Kena ingat Juruterbang Mat Salleh nih kebanyakkannya bekas Tentera.
    >>PAK LAH dengan nasihat KJ untuk menggunakan SYARIKAT PERMODALAN KEBANGSAAN BERHAD (SPKB)membina syarikat helikopter AWANINSPIRASI yang mempunyai rakan kongsi mat salleh CANADA HELIKOPTER (CHC) yang dibeli oleh First Reserve Corporation ( Syarikat Jews.
    Pak Lah & Co. Lu Pikir la Sendiri!!!!!!!!!!

  200. Salam Tun,
    Stupid is as stupid does. Pak Lah has not stopped from exposing his foolishness. Tun, we believe that your words are mightier than thousand of swords.
    “IJN pun dah tak jadi, si sombong Wan pun dah kalah. Biarkan geng si Luncai (AAB, KJ, TF, MH etc.) terjun dengan aiport Labu-nya.”
    I just found out that our Nabi (based on few hadiths) was poisoned by a Jew, which led to his death. If the Arabs dare not crush every single zionist (the Prophet killers) in this world, I guess the Malays should take up this noble task.

  201. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Apala yang boleh kita lakukan jikalau projek itu tetap akan dijalankan, kerana kuasa bukan ditangan kita, tapi ditangan datuk seri perdana menteri. dia yang buat keputusan dan rakyat kena terima. apa boleh buat jika dia rasa ini boleh mendatangkan kebaikan kepada semua. dan tugas kitalah pada pemilihan kerajaan akan datang untuk membuat review tentang perkara ini. penganti datuk seri perdana menteri perlulah memikirkan apakah yang terbaik dilakukan olehnya kerana selepas ini dia yang akan memikul tanggungjawab segala tindakan yang dilakukan oleh seniornya.

  202. Dear Tun,
    Doesn’t this simply stink to high heaven.
    This is the trouble when leaders think the country belong to their family members and cronies.
    And I thought Tony would have more brains than that. But what is this compared to the Bible, Quran or all the other holy books.
    For these people $$$ is their God.
    And wonder why the BN lost in the KT by-election. The coalition is guaranteeing itself to be out of power come the next GE.
    The (BN) leaders still don’t realise the leader of the country now is the DEVIL himself.
    Best Regards

  203. Assalamualaikum Tok Dad…
    It’s been a long while ..after reading your posts and all, and sincerely, you have really inspired me further with your pep talk many years back about the difference of Dato and a Doctor to the world.
    However, I have to say the peace, as I think many of our politicians are so engrossed in their own pockets and forgetting what is going on in the world.
    Yes, 2KM connector is possible. Singapore Airport runway 20 R and 02 L is more than 5 km apart with a connector, but then, 02L is not usually in use, meant for RAF Changi and the SATS repair crew.
    However, I do strongly support your cause, and wondering WHY DON’T WE MAKE THE FULL USE OF SUBANG and convert Sg Besi Airport to Kuala Lumpur City Terminal , just like LCY London Docklands Airport for firefly. Subang used to carry more than what AirAsia will ever churn out. Frankly speaking, they should just kick AirAsia out and just let them use Subang, since it’s a no frills. 70 flights a day is what they can max out, and I believe the Ara Damansara residents can bear with it far better than those Singaporeans in Boon Lay tolerating the RSAF Fly By on a 15 min basis.
    On another note, when will there be an airport in KULIM as it’s a nuisance to drive to PENANG ISLAND, pay RM7 for toll and endure the 75mins drive to the airport from Kulim. Having one here is good for the High Tech Park…and everyone else.

  204. Dear Tun,
    KLIA is a fantastic airport. Great looking world class facilities.
    The thing is this world class infra structure is managed by fourth world managers.
    This point Tun did not touch on.
    Airasia has proven themselves to be world class manager, so give them a chance to built and manage their own airport and make the country proud. They should be supported and championed.
    A little bit of competition with MAHB will not be bad. For both parties. They might just buck up and ship these fourth world managers out.

  205. Assalamualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,
    Musang Hitam penuh muslihat, biarlah Bodohlah Bodohwi terjun dengan Labu-Labunya. Khairy si muka jamban terus memperjambankan bapa mertuanya.

    Salam Ayahanda Tun. Hari ini saya melihat Datuk Seri Najib sangat kusut wajah beliau. Raut wajahnya adalah jauh lebih tua daripada umur beliau. Saya tengok beliau nampak macam benar-benar seorang yang tertekan dan berada dalam kebuntuan. Saya tak nak menyindir beliau dalam komen pada kali ini. Sebab saya merasakan yang sebenarnya memang beliau telah bekerja keras di Parlimen 036 Kuala Terengganu baru-baru ini. Dan jika seseorang itu telah berikhtiar dengan kuat, maka siapalah kita untuk mempersendakan apa-apa tanpa kita jua yang akhirnya akan kehilangan maruah sendiri – dengan cara menyindir sebegitu. Datuk Seri Najib perlu ikhlas bertanyakan diri beliau sendiri, adakah kepimpinan beliau diterima rakyat? Jika kebarangkalian jawapannya adalah: Tidak, maka beliau perlu melihat permasaalahan ini dengan jujur dan berani. Nescaya juga jawapan yang bakal beliau perolehi kelak akan bernaungkan kejujuran dan bertiangkan keberanian. Saya merasakan yang rakyat TIDAK menolak Datuk Seri Najib. Rakyat TIDAK menolak BN kerana bencikan BN, dan rakyat tidak menolak UMNO kerana bencikan UMNO. Tetapi sebenarnya, apa yang telah berlaku di P036 adalah merupakan undi suara protes rakyat kepada kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi dan juga kepada pembawa menantu lelaki beliau, iaitu Khairy Jamalludin. Ini adalah merupakan cubaan rakyat untuk membersihkan (melalui lunas demokrasi dan secara terhormat) kepimpinan negara daripada pengaruh Abdullah dan Khairy serta para sekutu mereka. Pengunduran Abdullah sudah tidak lagi mencukupi buat rakyat. Dan Datuk Seri Najib tersepit ditengah kemelut diantara kesetiaan beliau kepada ketua dan keikhlasan kepada diri beliau sendiri dan juga rakyat. Di antara Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang, Najib Razak dan Abdullah Badawi – sebenarnya Datuk Seri Najib jauh lebih berkaliber untuk memimpin Malaysia. Ramai yang bertindak untuk tidak keluar mengundi di P036 baru baru ini sebagai suara protes mereka yang khas ditujukan untuk PM dan menantu beliau Khairy. Wan Farid semua tahu tentang hubungan rapat beliau dengan keluarga PM. Semua kenal siapa Wan Farid. Tetapi kenapa beliau tetap dicalonkan untuk bertanding dan akhirnya membawa kekalahan kepada UMNO? Sikap PM yang berlepas ke Qatar pada hari pengundian telah mengakibatkan imej paparan malam kekalahan BN di P036 terpaksa di tanggung oleh Najib seorang diri. Saya hairan kenapa sampai begini jadinya kredibiliti Datuk Seri Najib? Di manakah pendirian beliau? Di manakah sifat-sifat perjuangan dan kepimpinan beliau? Entahlah Tun. Saya tulis semua ni sebab saya sempat melihat imej terbaru Najib, dan jika di sebelah Penang orang kata

  207. This is the sure short-cut way of becoming billionaires.
    Tun did the same way of enriching himself and his gang through YTL and other IPPs at the expense of the poor and debt-ridden TNB.
    Now it’s time for Dolah and the gang. Having enriched themselves through Air Asia at the expense of Mas, why not consolidate further through the proposed Labu airport at the expense of KLIA.
    Comparing the two regimes, the latter has passed something to the Rakyat, in which Air Asia has now made “everyone can fly”.
    With the synergy obtainable in the Labu Airport, I’m confident that Tony would be very much generous in remitting further benefits to the Rakyat. Whereas the IPPs, which blatantly are seeking and keeping super profit at the expense of TNB and the Rakyat. Inspite of the hike in the tariff for the sure IPPs, TNB is left with carrying a debt to the tune of some RM25 billion for the Rakyat to shoulder ultimately.

  208. This is the sure short-cut way of becoming billionaires.
    Tun did the same way of enriching himself and his gang through YTL and other IPPs at the expense of the poor and debt-ridden TNB.
    Now it’s time for Dolah and the gang. Having enriched themselves through Air Asia at the expense of Mas, why not consolidate further through the proposed Labu airport at the expense of KLIA.
    Comparing the two regimes, the latter has passed something to the Rakyat, in which Air Asia has now made “everyone can fly”.
    With the synergy obtainable in the Labu Airport, I’m confident that Tony would be very much generous in remitting further benefits to the Rakyat. Whereas the IPPs, which blatantly are seeking and keeping super profit at the expense of TNB and the Rakyat. Inspite of the hike in the tariff for the sure IPPs, TNB is left with carrying a debt to the tune of some RM25 billion for the Rakyat to shoulder ultimately.

  209. Dey Tony,
    Later, you start to believe your own lies!
    Continue hoping your lies turn true.
    When it comes true, you forget about your lies.
    Then you don’t know which is which.
    Are these lies? Are those truth?
    Later you find yourself next to Dollah.
    Welcome to the Club!!

  210. Is A New Airport Needed, Questions Chin
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 17 (Bernama) – Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui said that his ministry was not against any development including building a new airport, if needed.
    The issue is not whether the airport can be built on palm-oil land or not, he said to reporters when asked on Sime Darby’s plan to build the permanent low cost carrier terminal (LCCT) on its land in Labu, Negeri Sembilan.
    “The issue is whether we should have a new airport or not,” he said.
    The issue now is for the government to retract the approval given to Sime Darby Bhd. The approval is made out of greed and without any strong commercial basis to support the building of the new airport. It is scandalous, no merit and does not make sense at all. The government should listen to the public outcry over this serious issue. Don’t be blind, deaf and dumb !!!! Don’t be haprak, HP6 and dah bodoh stupid! NO WONDER THE GOVERNMENT IS FAST LOSING SUPPORT FROM THE RAKYAT. They think they can just bulldoze everything. No, no, no !! Time is over for them to just ignore the public view.
    Alright, if they don’t cancel the project, they will face the consequences. They will be thrown out of power for sure in the next election. By that time Pak Lah already wash his hand and probably will become the chairman of Air Asia with a fat allowance of RM100,000 per month.
    Mana Musa Hitam and Zubir? Why they remain silence? Buatlah statement !! Otak dah beku ke? Kalau beku tak payahlah nak jadi Chairman dan CEO !!!

  211. Salam Dr Mahathir,
    It’s been sometimes since I visit your blog. I see you’ve moved to a new domain with adverts and all.
    You’ve even give allowance for responses. That’s very cordial of you. But Im still sad that nothing is change with regards to your adversaries. After not being able to take over IJN now they are collaborating with Air Asia to build the 4th Airport. What next?
    By 20th Jan, US will have a new President after 8 years of having a moron for a President.
    What is the faith of Malaysia, I wonder. Will the moron PM still cling on to his post until death?
    So Malaysia can now come out with a new award befitting a statesman, JMSM (Jadi Moron Sampai Mati).

  212. Dear Sir,
    As much as I am a fan of AA and what its done for travel consumers and boosting Malaysia as a travel hub for the region, one has to tread and monitor its corporate actions and proposed dealings very carefully. I applaud the attention you’ve given to this recent proposed corporate action of theirs.
    If one is a shareholder, please be wary of RPTs.
    And yes, just sit a roundtable and thrash the transfer pricing, charges etc. In the end, we just want a world class airport (KLIA), airline (MAS) and LCC airline (AA).

  213. Salam Tun
    I’ve once read that CEO of BA predicted that almost 30 airlines will go bust due to credit crunch & econimic crisis….
    Look around the world…people are less travelling and American Airlines has grounded plenty of its aircrafts.
    So the idea of expansion Labu Labi Airport is just a diversion of Tony on how strong the market is. I’ll BET that their flights to London also will FAIL…Don’t they learn from what happening with Oasis Hong Kong?.
    People in UK & Europe are all now halt their travelling & spending. Economy are so bad….MFI, Woolworths and lot more retail outlets are closing down…& in fact lot of banks also facing difficulties…and yesterday Barclays share plummeted 25% from its value & they lost billion of pounds in the market…
    Does Tony still think the airline industry will not affected?
    I reckon this Labu Labi airport is just a diversion so that he, Tony will have excuse if the airline industry is fail & they AirAsia & Sime Darby al least can make some money out of this new airport. They don’t care whether we need new airport or not…they just want their portion of the cake…so if AirAsia go bust soon…he at least have his pension save somewhere…They get money people invested in..then blahlah…no different from Bernard Madoff!!
    ..Pak Lah also may want to save some pension for him…even dah banyak dia sapu….
    Wake up people?? Look what’s happening around the world now & how worst it is?
    Start a campaign NOW…”NO TO LABU LABI AIRPORT”

  214. Salam Tun
    Thanks Tun for your explaination. Just nak tanya Tun…after all of these issueswith kelembapan & scandal oleh Pak lah…why don’t we start a campaign to throw shoes to Pak a guy throw shoes to this ok?
    I’m going to meet him in one occassion..what is the implication of doing this?…How many of us have guts to do this?..I think someone need to start…What is your opinion Tun?
    If people start to throw shoes to him..then he will get a clear message…dah cakap macam2 pun dia buat pekak jer….I think this is the best way…Please give me your opinion please?

  215. Dear Tun,
    I assume Tony Fernandez must have promise to offer Chairmanship of Air Asia once Pak Lah steps down as Prime Minister. Maybe Tony promises RM100,000 a month allowance plus other perks.
    So what do you expect when the offer is so lucrative for Pak Lah to enjoy his retirement until he dies. And KJ pun tumpang sekaki !!
    In any case, we as Malaysians must oppose this project. There are so many options for Air Asia to expand its wing but not try to manipulate with all kinds of proposal that can cause wastage of resources particularly when it involves public funds directly or indirectly to benefit Air Asia.

  216. Salam YAB Tun and fellow bloggers,
    1. I’m sure Dollah and his goons are not happy cos Tun chose to pursue this matter on labu’s airport. Others had seemed to have kept quiet.
    2. Tun knows what Dollah and his gangsters are up to…but Tun still tried to be fair by giving is opinions, suggestions. Logically Tun is right and Dollah, Musa Itam and oter goons should take note.
    3. But,Tun and most of us know for sure Dollah and his greedy goons are going for the money…they ad robbed us over and over again under the pretext of development, helping the poor,education, etc. Full of lies.
    4. Serve him (Dollah) right for putting an arrogant fatty and he lost in KT. Again, Tun’s opinion about people rejecting BN cos of Dollah proved accurate. Instead of admiting, they (Najib and other ministers)kept on giving excuses…hey nincompoops, ow many more loses you need to see before admiting the facts? That’s why Tun is against late transfering of power from Dollah, the later, the more serious damage done. Najib, hold your balls and stand up against Dollah.
    5. Sometimes I think it makes sense when it was suggested that Najib may be UMNO’s president but Dollah remains PM…since it’s only a tradition for UMNO president to become PM. Then why Dollah wanted his men to dominate the cabinet?
    6. Para 4 & 5 are relevant and related to all nonsense done by UMNO’s reps, GLCs, MBs, etc. Thank you Tun for your consistent belief in the truth.

  217. Dear Tun,
    1. I was in Seremban, last week for business meeting.
    2. Talk-talk… we end-up in Labu Airport.
    3. To my shock, my friend, knew about this (that something big going to happened in Labu area) about 5-6 years ago.
    4. Just as info, my friend is Umno-NS strong people, and he been instructed to buy land and invest in house development near labu areas.
    5. When my friend ask, why develop house in jungle, his Umno *contact*, indicated, just do, you will not regret.
    6. After 5-years++, the housing project completed with 100% unit sold, to BN investors.
    7. Then after 1-year, SD and AirAsia announcement, the demand sky-rocketed. The BN investors made quick money.
    8. This is how million’s “CREATED BY NPE and UMNO”.
    9. I am Malaya, who have been request by my government to control my spending and share the burden of high fuel price.
    10. Here NPE and BN, creating wealth for thier cornies…
    11. I must now look for “BN-Cronies for Dummies” book and learn this trick for the survial of me and my children.

  218. airasia seems to be like it is in a hurry. first it wants to operate from subang. then it wants the lcct. now this fiasco. must be more to this than meets the eyes. buiding an airport in melaka sounds more sensible than in labu.

  219. TO CHE DET,

  220. Tiada lagi perkataan yg lebih sakan dlm kamus dewan selain dari ‘bodoh,buta & bebal’ dpt di ucapkan kepada cadangan tidak waras dan gila dari 3-4 org manusia projek “SI LABU” ini…mereka menganggap 26juta rkyat msia juga tuli spt mereka utk menghalalkan ‘airport rakyat’ ini….pls!! bangunlah wahai kamu dari igauan, buka mata dan jadilah waras! Hentikanlah cdgan bodoh ini dan laburkanlah kekayaan kamu utk membina dan membentuk “universiti moral dan sosial msia” pula bagi menyelamatkan muda-mudi dan bangsa msia yg semakin punah skrg!

    Tun, walaupun Tun NYATAkan Tun bukan seorang yang ‘unprofessional’ awal-awal lagi, tapi Tony Fernandez jugak bukan seorang yang profesional jugak.. Siapakah Tony Fernandez sebenarnya sebelum ada jawatan CEO Air Asia? Seorang ‘musician’ yang tak laku bukan?
    Sekarang Air Asia dah SEBARkan e-mel KONONnya untuk beri maklumat kewajaran pembinaan LCCT-East..
    Soalnya, ADA ke dalam dunia nih sesebuah lapangan terbang dibina hanya untuk MONOPOLI sebuah syarikat penerbangan sahaja?
    Ini kerja GILA!

  222. Askm Tun & fellow readers
    What can we do against these people who won’t listen when all they hear and think about is “How much will I be able to pocketed when all this are done?”. I definitely agree with Tun that KLIA is huge enough to accommodate Tony’s toys~ its not like all of his plane will be on the ground. You can see at google earth or if you people have taken off from KLIA you’ll be able see the magnitude of KLIA.
    It will be a waste of money of all parties. But I guess Air Asia and Sime Darby has lots of it~ They should channel this resource through other means like other readers commented, Air Asia could build a university or an institute to train more pilots, aeronautics engineers and more while Sime should really concentrate on making their shareholders and plantations’ participants happy.
    In the matter of creating job opportunities, wouldn’t it be the same if a satellites/extensions/new terminal be built at KLIA? It’s more cost effective and it would make transiting planes easier.
    Correct me if I’m wrong but KLIA was designed to handle 125 million with the current infrastructure. So, one could expect if a satellites/extensions/new terminal were built it could easily handle more. Also, like Tun mentioned, KLIA can also construct more run ways if need to and other amenities to run the airport i.e bridges, transit buses, rails, commuters etc. Location wise, it’s WAY TOO CLOSE to KLIA. Taxiing back and forth is a waste of precious time and money. Why Labu to begin with?
    Pak Lah is a weak leader, I don’t even respect him as the PM. He’s unable to control the people under him, hardly delivers his promises to the nation and does things half way, a typical malay qualities unfortunately.. Khairi aka KJ, who’s he? What has he done for the country? What contribution he gave to the people? Pak Lah’s son-in-law? So what? From what I’ve heard from all around, he’s the type of person who should not be in politics or anywhere close. Now I understand why Musa Hitam never last in the Government, he couldn’t even make proper decision. Now at Sime as its Chairman, he’s still the same. Mr. Tony, I used to respect him. How he turn loss to profit. How he lifted the Air Asia brand to where it is now. But, he is now just another “politican”..
    Even though we expressed our concerns, what can we do? Will the current Government listen? To my eyes, all I see in the parliament are bunch of showy, whimsical, selfish, ignorant, retards squabbling for power and supremacy. So few are actually fighting for what the people want or need, makes me sad really. Now, those NON-BUMIs, especially the so-called “Pakatan Rakyat” dared to questioned the BUMI’s rights even though it has clearly been stated in Article 153 and agreed upon by all parties during independence.
    P.s, if I’m wrong do please enlightened me.

  223. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    So cunning this sime..firstly it wants to take hold of the jantung hati rakyat then it wants to wipe out the oil palm trees…for what?..for money of course and money means power and power means it can hold the government by its neck.
    I think building the Labu airport by the “Labulabies” is an unwise move in the security and environmental expects. There will be influx of the immigrants and this will added grave to the social problems to the locals and the nearby areas. More unwanted rubbish and who’s going to monitor them..sime? And I guess you have to pay toll to get there. Cekik darah rakyat lagi!
    Security is very important now, you’ll never knows what is going to happen when many people of all sorts enter the country. if this project is privately funded then it has to provide its own police, security personnel, bomb squad, firefighters and so on. Or later by some unforeseen circumstances the government has to bailout and buy it using the rakyat’s money again.
    What I’m most afraid of is the planes colliding with each other as KLIA is near it, if the people at the control tower are not doing their job professionally. May it never happen here. What about noise and air pollution? Every corner of this project has to looked into very thoroughly.
    To make things easier just expand the existing KLIA and make full use of it. Why need another one unless you build a modern fully equipped army airport for defense from (who knows when) invading enemies..and missiles and bombs maybe? May Allah protect us and this beloved country. Now whatever projects is think of security of the country must be top priority and not making someone’s pocket bulging.
    Tun, PAS has won in KT. I just wish someday it break off with DAP because it arrogantly has belittle Islam. Do you see DAP’s flags and hindraf’s demo there? There’s no DAP and hindraf spoiling it so that’s why the people there are just too happy to vote for it. Just my opinion nothing politically.
    Tun again I plead with the people of the world to STOP THE MADNESS IN GAZA! PLEASE SAVE THE CHILDREN AND PEOPLE OF PALESTINE!
    Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  224. landasan baru.
    malaysian always like the cheap , the low cost… meaning, low cost carier is the best choice…
    If i’m the travel agency and have to give recomendation to some of my custumer between air asia airline and Mas, many aspect will take in count.
    1. the price, air asia is cheaper….only rm99 including all charges. the MAS is about rm150. that quiet big amount of money. sure people my custumer will ask for a cheaper one. thus, air asia is more competitive.
    2. the transportation to air port terminal.
    for LCCT, they have bus from kl central rm9, rm8 and also from pudu rm10. The taxi is more cheaper since red taxi is incharge , only rm6o0 to central of kuala lumpur.
    for KLIA terminal . they have high speed train, cost about rm 35. very fast… but only for rushing . the taxi@ limo about rm140 to kuala lumpur. the red taxi is not allow to enter KLIA terminal . how poor to them. the buses is very poor, every a hour per bus to kl available.
    LCCT have every 15min. very exclusive buses. fast and comfort.
    3. the services, the MAS sure have a very nice hospitality, the food, the cabin attendent. So polite, friendly and i feel overwhelm for that aspect.

  225. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    This is all a bailout. As simple as that, nothing more and nothing less. But instead of using government cash, the government is using the

  226. The rela reason Tony AirAsia want a new airport is because MAB and KLIA are so bloated by corruption that Airasia will be bankrupt by their inefficiency. [ROOT CAUSE]
    The reason why government of present day want another airport is because the potential corruption money can be obtained from Airasia and Sime Darby. [PULL]
    The reason why government of present day does not do its duty to guide KLIA and MAB to operate efficiently for the interest of Airlines base in Malaysia is because there is no corruption money to be made by the leaders. [push]

  227. Ikut pelan asal Kerajaan! Kalau ada yang kurang dalam pelan, ubah suai n tambah baik. Bukan buat pelan lain yang bukan sahaja tak selari, malah mengganggu pelan asal.
    Kerajaan mempunyai jangka hayat yang lebih panjang berbanding Air Asia dan Tony. Pelannya mengambil kira kepentingan hampir semua pihak. Tapi, pelan Air Asia n Tony ni hanya untuk kepentingan dia je. Selagi dia boleh buat untung dia akan pursue pelan dia. Tapi, kalau dia cabut, apa akan jadi?
    Kalau tak silap saya, LCCT tu pun untuk accommodate keperluan Air Asia. Setelah Kerajaan keluar duit untuk bina LCCT, Air Asia nak buat terminal baru kat Labu. Apa akan jadi pada LCCT Sepang?
    Alasan yang diberi memang TAK BOLEH DITERIMA! NONSENSE! Tony, kalau nak tunjuk pandai pun, bukan at the expense of Negara dan Kerajaan ok!
    Menteri Pengangkutan sila ambil tindakan! Memang pembinaan tu u boleh kata bukan bidang kuasa u, tapi kalau mengganggu pelan induk KLIA tu, takkan masih bukan bidang kuasa u. Put politic aside ok! Stand up and do your job! Or else I’ll kick ur ass bro!

  228. Dear Tun,
    I sense that, mr tony did wanted a new airport since the souring relashionship between AA & MAHB for quite sometime, but the main character who made everything possible is the 3 blokes..
    the “bapa Kejatuhan Malaysia”, the Black Moses (musa, who has a lot of hatred against you), and the one and only K-J..
    anyway, if you look at the link posted by our dear friend here, Mr. Iskandar,, you will see one thing in common on the people who posted all those supporting comments towards AA, that is ……. Its so typical of them!

  229. Salam Tun,
    Ini komen saya berkenaan tingkah laku Sime Darby akhir-akhir ini. Baik ianya berkenaan IJN mahupun isu Labu. Betul atau tidak hanya Allah yang tahu, maklumlah saya hanya nujum Pak Belalang.
    1. Saya raya Sime Darby @ Musa Hitam sudah terdesak untuk mengejar dateline Mac 2009 kerana selepas itu Musa tiada lagi tempat bergantung iaitu Pak Lah.
    2. Jadi, difikirkan semua yang mega-mega untuk disapu bersih dan dilobi oleh Musa sementara masa masih ada.
    3. Bila rakyat mengamuk pasal IJN, Musa kangtoi terpaksa menyerah kalah.
    4. Lalu dilobi habis-habisan pulak dengan Labu-labunya. Seperti biasanya, Air-Asia akan diperkudakan untuk menguatkan sokongan tentang segala macam justifikasi.
    5. Inilah Musa dengan Labu-labunya.
    6. Yang tinggal harapan hanyalah Tun untuk melobi sehebat-hebatnya agar Musa akan kangtoi juga dengan Labu-labunya.
    7. Kalau Musa berjaya, maka ini semua akan menjadi beban kepada Najib dalam pilihanraya akan datang.
    Sekian, wassalam.
    Nujum Pak Belalang.

  230. 1) Kepada kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:15 PM
    2) Ha ha ha…. Very catchy or otherwise?

  231. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    Mungkinkah apa yang berlaku kini dengan pembabitan Sime Darby adalah kerana ketidakpuasan hati kerana pernah diketepikan dan diambil tindakan yang menjatuhkan karier dan peluang untuk memerintah dikala zaman yang pernah suatu ketika disebut sebagai, 2M?
    Individu berkenaan mengatur semula strategi untuk “memerintah” atau yang lebih popular “master of puppet”. Beliau menggunakan beberapa orang sebagai percaturan menguasai pemerintahan politik dan penguasaan ekonomi Malaysia.
    Apa yang dapat saya perhatikan beberapa perkara berlaku apabila DSAAB mula menerajui pemerintahan selepas persaraan Tun, individu ini mulai diberi pengiktirafan dan mula diketengahkan oleh media dan mendapat publisiti, penghargaan bintang kebesaran dan mula menduduki kerusi-kerusi “hangat dipasaran”.
    Mungkin ini hanya pandangan saya yang tidak begitu arif tentang politik dan ekonomi.
    Walaubagaimanapun, seperti teman-teman yang lain saya merasakan kerajaan DSAAB perlu berintegriti seperti yang disarankan oleh beliau sendiri. Ini jika tidak dilakukan maka suatu hari nanti Malaysia akan beralih pucuk pemerintahan kepada “Pembangkang” maka mereka pula yang perlu membangkang seperti yang terjadi di 4 buah negeri yang kini dikuasai pemerintah yang berlainan ideologi daripada pemerintah persekutuan.
    Bila ini berlaku, saya amat pasti individu-individu yang bertanggungjawab kini tidak akan ada untuk melihat perkara ini berlaku.
    Saya amat berharap jika ianya betul-betul berlaku, saya tidak dapat melihatnya kerana tidak mampu dan mahu dipersalahkan oleh generasi yang akan datang yang akan menyalahkan saya kerana tidak melakukan yang terbaik untuk mereka sebaliknya hanya untuk kepentingan saya dan segelintir teman-teman akrab.
    Salam bahagia buat ayahanda Tun sekeluarga.

  232. Salam Tun,
    Mungkin kekalahan BN di KT merupakan masej yang jelas tentang penolakan rakyat terhadap idea-idea singkat(airport labu – one of them) Pak Lah aka Pak Lena and konco2 nya.
    Utk BN ubah lah pendekatan bagi gula-gula kat pengundi ni, rakyat dah meluat dah. Dah dua PRK BN klah.. Duit bazir berjuta-juta just for nothing!!!

  233. Asalamualaikam Tun,
    1) Everybody knew the selfishness of our Tony and Sime Darby. These two hooligans will do anything on earth to achieve their goal.
    2) Abdullah and Najib had received the signal of BN defeat in KT. People are fed up of what is running around. The country is now being managed by another hooligan KJ.
    Stop the airport issue. Us stern answer, NO. Forget about Tony

  234. Dear Tun
    I wonder when the government/investors decide to spend billions of ringgit on building another new airport to cater for Air Asia needs, what happens in the worst case scenario when Air Asia company faces major problems eg lower demand than projected because of stiff competition etc, facing financial problems due to recession in the unforeseeable future, and facing bankruptcy and closes down? They are other probabilities you can think of and I wonder whether the ‘smart guys’ are thinking hard before they make any decisions! What will become to the airport if all expectations fail?
    We have a beautiful airport in Sepang and why not USE IT for any expansion in the future! Logically the infrastructure is there and all you need is to have all the right logistics and proper planning and experienced people to execute them. Are Sime Darby/some VIPs have hidden agendas we don’t know about?
    A. Faiz

  235. Assalmualaikum YBHG. Tun
    Apa nak susah-susah. Kan Kazanah, Sime Darby, EPF , MAS , MAHB, Air Asia semuanya wang Rakyat. Tentukan kabinet kata ‘tidak ‘ kepada cadangan ini. Apa kah kita masih tidak faham tujuan tersembunyi Pak Lah dan Kroni nya atas cadangan ini?????????. Bodohnya Melayu. Macam-macam alasan yang diberi oleh Tony semata mengaburi mata rakyat. Pandangan serta penjelasan TUN cukup bernas untuk kita menolaknya. Siapa dalam kabinet yang menyukong cadangan AIR ASIA ini adalah ‘kroni’ pak lah . Itu saja pandangan saya.

  236. DEAR TUN,

  237. Dear Tun,
    The present hard headed BN government with their personal interests in mind would no more be acceptable by the Rakyat of Malaysia. This has clearly been seemed in the by election at Permatang Pauh ang KT election at Kelatan.
    Rakyat of Malaysia would not protest vebrally and physically like before but silently and peacefully now! If the BN government tends not to receive such continuous protest from the Rakyat, they better change the attitude of governing the country properly at all times and not just to biase the rakyat by giving gula gula during the election!
    I am glad to see that after having gone through half a century of indepandence, the Rakyat of Malaysia have indeed grown more mature which BN government has to attend it seriously! Or else it will be the end of BN empire in Malaysia…

  238. Assalamulaikum Tun.
    Enough said. Time for action. Throw UMNO/BN out of office. PRK KT just cemented concrete proof how despise we are to UMNO/BN.

  239. In case BN leaders are in supreme state of denial – via KT by-election – the rakyat has spoken again. “We hate the current leaders and we reject the current state of government”
    The timing of this Labu Airport and previously the IJN fiasco are perfectly time to remind the people to continue sending the message. To all the top hierarchy in UMNO, I do appreciate the concept of teamwork and being a ‘party man’. But our Malay saying also goes ‘Raja Adil Raja Ku Sembah, Raja Zalim Raja Ku Sanggah’.
    Back to LabuLabi Airport:
    1. To people of Labu, remember that KLIA now has a buffer zone of about 10,000 acres surrounding the airport in which NO BUILDING DEVELOPMENT IS ALLOWED for safety reason. This is commented by Muhammad Halim earlier; the people of Labu will actually lose economic opportunity when their land can no longer be allowed to be developed.
    2. It is a new strategy by concession-cronies to “profit by construction contract now, go to hell with future”. Basically the strategy is attempt to ‘help government’ by building public infra by concession, get all the construction contracts with good profit (this is private business transaction, so no need public disclosure) . Get concession company suffer a few years and then plea to government, “bail us out or else we will go bankrupt”. Because it’s public infra, government will do so and they will cleanse their hand”. STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING HERE.
    The nawaitu of this proposal is indeed very dark and blatantly not sincere. Some projects, we can only know the folly after the event but we know when they started, the intention seemed sincere. Not this one, whether it is to blackmail MAHB or plain profiteering : the intention is clearly insincere.

  240. Dear Tun,
    Najib must act now and put this stupid project to rest. Don’t let it drag too long and it will be backfired on his leadership. The truth now the airport is not necessary, period. Don’t defend the project when you know that the rakyat now are fully aware of the situation. Thank you Tun, for giving us the opportunity understand the issue of building the new Airport.Now we are very clear indeed.
    Tun Musa is coward for not giving any statement on behalf of Sime Darby regarding this matter. Silence Is Elegant !!!!!!
    If the project is on, it is worthwhile for the rakyat to demonstrate peacefully to protest this project. Will somebody sponsor to distribute T-shirts having “NO TO NEW AIRPORT” campaign.

  241. Dear Tun,
    Mengapa Barisan “kalah” di KT? Satu pengajaran lama yang dilakukan berulang kali oleh pemimpin UMNO dan masih lagi tidak sedar diri. Ba UMNO akan terus hancur selagi pemimipin haprak dan HP6 seperti KJ, Mike Tyson, Khir Toyo, Pak Lah, Ali Rastam dan lain-lain masih lagi berada di puncak kepimpinan UMNO. Mereka ini semua adalah “liability” kapada UMNO yang membawa “balak” dan padah kapada image UMNO yang dah rapuh. Mereka sudah jadi “kayu buruk”.
    Disamping itu UMNO masih lagi gunakan strategi lapuknya tiap-tiap kali berkempen. Strategi “MAKAN DIRI SENDIRI”. Pemimpin UMNO dah hilang pedoman. Dah hilang keyakinan. Dah hilang maruah. Dah hilang segalanya !! Pemimpin UMNO dah “pekak, buta, dan bisu”. Bolehlah diumpamakan pemimpin UMNO bila berkempen dan bercakap menggunakan “bahasa isyarat” orang bisu kapada rakyat.Maka rakyat yang celik dan tidak pekak tidak paham apa yang dikata oleh pemimpin UMNO yang diumpamakan seperti orang ” pekak dan bisu”.
    Umno Oh Umno !! Sungguh jauh kau akan ditinggalkan oleh orang Melayu untuk selama-lamanya.
    Apakah hikmahnya dari kekalahan yang dialami oleh UMNO di KT. Jawabnya ada pada diri pemimpin-pemimpin dan juga ahli-ahli UMNO yang tak sedar diri. Semua pemimpin tertinggi UMNO mesti tengok cermin dan lihat muka masing-masing dan ukur diri mereka sambil bertanya SIAPA AKU INI? Mungkin semuanya akan menjawab, “Ya, benar, aku haprak. Aku HP6. Aku pemimpin dah bodoh stupid.

  242. Dear Tun,
    I feel you’re being too quick to the gun
    in criticizing the proposed building
    of the Labu airport.
    You say it’s irrational.
    Weren’t you the one who had also wanted to build
    just as wasteful an airport in Northern Malaysia
    so that you could close down Penang’s airport,
    thus wrestling control of the state from the opposition?
    Air Asia true motives are still unclear.
    But you, of all people, should know better
    than to believe that economic decisions
    made in Malaysia are not politically motivated.

  243. off topic..
    rasa nak tergelak guling-guling bila baca komen manusia yang bangang mcm kamal ahmad tu quote: “Salam Ayahanda Tun, izinkan saya sedikit ruang disini untuk menjadi individu pertama mengucapkan tahniah kepada BN atas kejayaan besar mereka di P036 Kuala Terengganu. Adik saya si Kamarul baru telefon bagi tahu berita kemenangan besar ini kepada saya.”
    saudara kamal ahmad terminum air daun ketum ke? hahahha
    (maaf Tun, komen saya ini sekadar lepaskan “geram’ saya pada manusia yang guna nama kamal ahmad tu)
    semoga Tun berdua sihat walafiat dan di rahmati Allah…

  244. KLIA di buat sangat cantik “oleh Tun Dr Mahathir”. Rakyat Kelantan naik Air Asia atau Fire Fly menggunakan airport LCCT atau Subang, macam airport Cape Town sahaja, sangat kodi berbanding dengan KLIA.
    Kami ingin juga menikmati kemudahan airport yang setanding dengan Heathrow, Beijing dan sebagainya yang ada pada KLIA.
    Buat apa KLIA dibina 5 tingkat, ruang yang luas, mempunyai berbagai-bagai kemewahan dan keselesaan sedangkan kami terpaksa berkerumun di LCCT macam kandang kambing sahaja.
    Kawasan KLIA boleh dibesarkan dan mampu menangani 125 juta penumpang, manakala sekarang hanya baru ada 25 juta. Buat apa nak bina “LABU”? Syabas Tun kerana mencelikkan mata rakyat yang ingin membukanya. PM, TPM,…etc kena prihatin tentang rakyat yang nak menikmati KLIA ini. Kalau KLIA itu “kecil”, dah tak muat lagi, kami terpaksalah terima hakikat bahaawa “yang murah ialah shack dan yang mahal ialah bungalow”

  245. Sejahtera kepada TUN dan keluarga
    I Like your your last sentence ” Sime Darby want to go into airport business”. Bukan Sime Darby TUN tapi “mastermind” nya dan kuncu2 nya yang decide. Patut lah tak jadi PM kerana “niat” dari awal dan sampai sekarang tak betul.Bukan nak membina tetapi nak merosakan bumi bertuah Malaysia.
    Tumpang sekejap TUN , kerana nak nasihat kan Najib.
    BN boleh menang jika sekiranya pilihanraya akan datang jangan benarkan INDIVIDU tertentu pergi berucap masa kempen kerana kebanyakan kami tidak mahu dia hadirkan diri dimana mana majlis lagi UMNO dan Barisan lagi.
    Kerja mereka-mereka ini telah berjaya nampak nya kerana tujuan mereka dalah untuk menghancurkan BN dan UMNO am nya. Orang bukan tak nak mengundi BN tetapi bila nak mengundi dan muka muka ni datang terus pangkah PAS.
    Singkirkan mereka ini pada pemilihan UMNO bulan March 2009 nanti.
    Tahniah kepada PAS kerana telah memilih calon yang sesuai kerana perwatakan dan latar belakang pun diantara faktor yang mesti di pakai bila memilih calon.
    Pak Lah nak buat Airport kat Padang Pasir ya atau nak tanam kelapa sawit. he he he he
    Kesian kita semua tetapi Alhamdu kerana Allah pasti berserta KITA.

  246. Assalamualikum Tun…

  247. Salam Tun.
    Terima kasih atas nasihat ini. Secara logiknya memang betul kenapa perlukan kawasan lain sebagai LCCT? tidak bolehkah kos yang agak mahal itu dikurangkan oleh pengurusan di LCCT sekarang ini?

  248. Salam YBhg Tun,
    Sikap kita orang Melayu khasnya (dan Malaysia amnya) ada empat.
    Teman namakan ‘4N’:
    N pertama: ‘Nganga’ [mulut terbukak]. Bila sedap dengor orang lain bercakap, kita nganga. Sedap benor le tu!!
    N kedua: ‘Ngelat’ [cakap tak penah betoi]. Bila bercakap, kuahnya lebih dari isi. But most of d time, takda isi langsung!!
    N ketiga: ‘Ngelak’ [tak mau terima kenyataan]. Bila rasa kantoi waktu bersembang/ berbincang/ berdebat, mule le kita buat2 tak dengor. Cabut le, tunggu apa lagi!!!!!!
    N keempat: ‘Ngamok’. Bila nampak keadaan tak betoi sikit, nak ngamok aje keroja dia. Orang lain salah, dia aje yang betoi!!
    Teman rasa isu LCCT ni ada kat N kedua. Paklah & Co ada kat N pertama!! kita pulak ada kat N berapa??


  250. salam,
    kepada pemimpin kerajaan sekarang,
    hangpa tak perasan ker, betapa ramai dan kuatnya rakyat membenci korang? dok perabis duit rakyat tak sudah-sudah. perbodoh kan rakyat tak sudah-sudah. macam ni buat la pilihanraya kat mana pun, sure tak boleh menang. org dah benci! org undi parti lain bukannya sokong sangat parti tu. orang undi parti lain sebab orang dah tak nak orang BN menang laaa…orang dah tak kisah dah parti lain boh calon sapa.tak paham-paham lagi ka?

  251. I think this new Labu airport has nothing to do with the actual need. I think somebody desparately need a “big construction” job.
    Is it possible that once the Labu airport is completed, “somebody’ will twist MAHB’s arm to “compulsory purchase” the Labu airport at it’s “construction cost” and intergrate it with KLIA? This probably also explain why there were no mention of construction of new Control Tower in the Labu airport.
    Along the way, sombody somewhere will pockets billions of ringgits in a “legal” manner.

  252. i was wondering is this really true the LABU airport is using our rakyat fund to build????? If this is not we shouldnt care so much at Air Asia will need to use their own money to build. But if it is, we are doing the right thing to condemn.
    Who failure for not able to utilised the KLIA airport? The goverment itself???? Or the KLIA management? Why MAS wasnt able to give some competition to Air Asia. Almost every airlines is not making money now. So wish Air Asia the best.
    I love the KLIA airport but it was so so quiet…..not many stall there. Maybe we should start the initiave such as lowering down the rental. You know even in Penang, there is one place which being rented out at 99cent.
    Your view point can be made it live to condemn the goverment to approve the Labu airport. How many more land will be taken up for development. One day there wont be any more jungle/tree left in Malaysia soon. Sigh……………………..

  253. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    Huh…? Sime Darby masih nak menjalankan pembinaan Labu Airport di N9 by showing the investors the most rediculous facts & examples to make sure its land is sold to Air Asia? Tun, are they that desperate, either they do it or die, sikap seperti Khir Toyo and KJ ke?
    Tun, Sime Darby has mutated into a 1st class and 1st of its kind “Koporasi Kongsi Gelap” manipulating its power through strong cables to the family of Pak Lah and cronies. I know that Tony is smart, work smart and determine to make sure he can do it. He dares to challenge MAHB to show his ability is better, the problem with Tony is that he does not love the country (kerana sikap ini, dia dah kalah lah, unless dia nak ikut stail main kotor) and he is just only a puppet (mangsa) to KJ and Pak Musa Hitam only. What a pity!!!!
    Tun, Pak Lah kata PAS ada masalah, DAP ada masalah, BN ada masalah, semua parti2 ada masalah dengan kuasa oomp-nya (Pak Lah tampak lebih bodoh, ego dan menyampah), masalah apa tu, Tun? Yang I lihat, paling bermasalah adalah Pak Lah & Co. saja.
    Buat Kempen Beli Barangan Tempatan seperti yang dilaksanakan Tun pada 1998(yang sepatuhnya, Pak Shahril yang nak lancarkan kempen ini untuk menyelamatkan dirinya daripada dipecat (atau disuruh untuk tender resignation-nya) merupakan ‘a window dressing’ sahaja to make sure “deal Labu” di”approve” kan sebelum Pak Lah berundur. Dah terlambat lah Pak Lah, kalau ko (beliau) berundur dengan membawa keluar sekali gus semua MP’s seperti KJ, Shahril Samad, Wan Farid (he looks like a crook to me), Ahmad Said, Sharizat, Azalina Othman (Menteri Perlancungan) dan kroni2 sekarang, mungkin BN akan dapat diselamatkan dengan hanya 51% chances pada PRU 13 ‘HANYA JIKA’ DS Najib & kabinetnya berani mencabar diri mereka untuk menyelamatkan UMNO dan BN.
    Dah dijangka PAS menang, dgn majoriti lebih dpd 2,600, yang tak undi adalah lebih 16,000 (20.5%)rakyat. Mengapa mereka ini tidak mengundi, ini bukan kerana mereka ‘duduk atas pagar’, mereka ini adalah kumpulan yang lebih sabar dan tahu apakah yang mereka inginkan.
    TAK NAK LABU AIRPORT, TAK NAK AIR ASIA (kakitangan2 di Air Asia jangan gusar, andai sekalian pasti akan diambil bekerja dengan MAS, Fireflz dan KLIA to make Malaysia more systematic, more patriotic and more respected locally and internationally, yang kena bimbang adalah pihak “management dan board of directors” saja, so is better to’blah’ sekarang. Tokdet dah keluarkan ariticle ini, pasti Air Asia akan dibungkuskan rakyat selepas Mac 2009 dengan cara BOYCOTT!!!!
    Good day Tun.

  254. Pak Det….we are facing a lot of problems and issues created by stupid prime minister and the gang including the Sons. Now before step down, trying to make something for the cronies too. I agree with you, with our KLIA why we need another airport?? Quiet all the time can bring his son’s pockets full of cash. “Saya tak ambil rasuah (tapi tak tahu la kalau anak saya ambil???); Hidup Islam Hadhari, duit masuk hari-hari!!!!! Go to hell pak lah!

  255. Assalamualaikum Y.Bhg Tun,
    Kami sebagai rakyat Malaysia sangat kecewa dengan kepimpinan AAB mentadbir negara. Idea2 dan cadangan yg dikemukan sebelum nie oleh AAB hanya bagus untuk publisiti dirinya dan kebanyakan dipetik dari pembelajaran di O & H oleh para pembantu beliau yang masih hijau. AAB sepatutnya mempunyai wawasannya sendiri untuk negara dan mengukur kemampuan setiap projek yang ingin dilaksanakan.
    He should set his own direction for the country and not depending on the genius from O & H to think. The genius should assist you and not u assist them in implementing each project. This is different during your leadership Tun even each words that written been checked. You will be stay up late to check all the proposals that been prepared as per your direction.
    I really hope that AAB would reconsider building the airport in Labu. Please look into a bigger picture rather than all the benefits that TF presented. AAB should assign SIME to focus on the expansion as the biggest plantation company rather than competing with MAB. Competition between MAB and SIME would not be healthy as both are owned by Khazanah. DAM please advised them and revise their KPI for 2009.
    May ALLAH bless and protect us,INSYALLAH.

  256. Y.A.Bhg Tun….,
    Dear Bloggers & friends,
    1. Appending below is the email I have received from Air on January 14, 2009. Oviously it was from Air Asia. As I have red it over and over again, it does not sound like from a true Malaysian Company. It sounded like nothing but from an arrogant and greedy person whom is so ungrateful of what he is now.
    2. Mr. Tony, you were actually lied to the Malaysian public. Oviously there were no detailed discussion or meeting between you and MAHB. Perhaps once or twice only, just to show that discussion did happpen. When both failed to reach to a solution, you have decided to go the govtn, knowingly that someone there could helped you and again to show that you are somebody now.
    Email from Air Asia,
    “quote” Dear Valued Guest,
    We at AirAsia and AirAsia X appreciate your patronage in choosing us for your travel. As a regular user of the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) in Sepang, we have heard your concerns and complaints about the cramped facilities at the LCCT. Many of you may not be aware that the terminal is owned, operated and managed NOT by AirAsia but by Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd., a government-linked company.
    To help serve you even better, AirAsia

  257. Dear Sir,
    I wonder how you manage your time and your ability to match on despite all the adversaries out there to fight against you and your gangs.
    The announcement of developing this so called new LCCT caused such a grave concern of yours, you had made many good comments and believe the Minister of Transport has yet made his stance in the public.
    I found the strategies we had for the ports/airports are not well placed.
    Could any of you could put the interests of public and travellers first before you guys fight on??
    The principle of sustainabilities are to ensure the self supporting kinds of keep churning the acitvities which are desired by the users/public.
    If youdo go for the LCCT in Sepang, you found the crowds are increasing in leaps and bounds.
    Why it was able to be keeping up the business and keep the crowds coming and coming, while we could nto have such similar experiecnes like in KLIA??
    Please do some real investigations and understandings about the big differences we had here.
    Air Asia grew so well and we noted the needs increased, and surely the impositions of the services and the needs of Air Asia to pay MAHB has a lot to do with the request by Air Asia to get the central government to support its growth.
    But all goes up has to come down.
    Who is to guarantee that Air Asia will be able to maintian such a crowd till we could have a chance to recover the invested money of RM 1.6 billions to develop this new LCCT?
    Again, what had been the onjectives and actual plans when we had such a large land bank for KLIA??
    Those who held the privileges of the RIGHT information must be professional to present the real TRUTH of the move which cost Malaysians Billions and not just the development of this new LCCT, the operation cost, maintaining, the infra to support this LCCT…..
    How could we help the public and majority of Malaysians more with this billions of money in this trying time??
    Why only Sime Darby at Labu??
    Why not in Rawang of Selangor??
    How about Ipoh in Perak??
    Or Kuantan of Pahang??
    Surely we could give very good reasons for the choice we had made.
    However, no matter what you had raised, I trust the relevant experts had more ane better answers than you.
    The point is the remnants of your ability to govern adn administer as your wish in your era had led us to this current situation, the Chief decided, the rest must find answers to justify the decision made.
    However,I trust we still have some real good civil servants who could help the relevant chiefs to come to sense.
    I pray for them to be able to convince the respective Bosses to decide what will be the best for all Malaysians!!
    I still find the idea of this Labu LCCT is not as rosy as we had been made believe in.
    The real growth of the air traveeling industries could be badly affected with such a severe world economic contraction, I would be glad to find money are channeled to assist the abilities of malaysians via education, via re-training, and via many other efforts to keep Malaysians are best for all who desired to enjoy the abilities and competitiveness of Malaysians!!
    So long and I wish youa very good Sunday!!
    Best regards,
    peter Leow

  258. salam Tun
    Saya ada jugak permintaan Tun. Tun tolonglah minta Sime Darby buat lagi 3 atau 4 airport lagi kat penang. bukan apa, maybe lepas ni rakyat malaysia mungkin akan ada airbus sebiji sorang. so saya berharap sangat la supaya airport ni dapat dibina. bukan apa tun pak lah and kroni jugak cakap buat airport pun untuk rakyat jugak. tapi seumur hidup saya rasanya baru sekali kot naik flight.tu pun orang sponser. apa apahal pun KT Pas dah ambik.kepada pak lah and kroni cepat2 la kaut apa yang ada. kami rakyat susah kat bawah ni tentu akan ingat kalian sebagai pengkhianat bangsa dan negara sampai bila2.

  259. assalamualaikum,
    1. saya sangat2 le bersetuju pelabuhan udara baru dibina kat labu.
    2. kat n9 mana le ade lagi pelabuhan udara baru. syabas atas proposal simebabi and asia udara.
    3. dengan adanye pelabuhan udara baru tu….diharapkan dapatlah paklah pi selalu melawat grand son dia kat n9 tu lepas pencen nanti.
    4. dulu simebabi dok pakat nak ambik alih IJN… sebab rakyat dok menyalak…tak jadi. la ni depa nak bina pelabuhan udara pulak.nak bina dan jual kat asia udara. sapa dia ceo simebabi yang pekak badak tu….tah2 mantan tpm hak dulu tu.elok la depa dok dengaq kata toni tu. last2 teloq depa pun kena juai. labu oh labu!!
    4. tapi yang baiknya pak lah ni…dia setuju tukaq epf ke pencen kat kakitangan krajaan . zaman tun dulu mana leh tukaq . selepas akta dipinda baru le saya dptt tukaq kepencen. bravo pak leh!!!
    5. bravo…paklah n najib @rosmah….umno dah kena sembelih kat KT.
    6. rakyat la ni bukan macam dulu….janji umno/bn macam janji pakatan pembangkang. janji pakatan rakyat patut le rakyat tak percaya…janji bn/umno pun la kita susah nak percaya.
    7. kat perak pas/pr dah bagi tanah kat orang yang menyokong komunis dulu….kat org melayu depa bagi pajakan 99 tahun. baguih le pas!!!!.apatak….depa dok celah ketiak dap.
    8. wassalam
    9. wassalam

  260. Salam Tun,
    KLIA Labu turn into pumpkin…..
    KLIA sepertimana Tun tahu under utilize dari segala sudut. Dari Main Terminal Building, Satellite Terminal, Parking Apron, Runway dan airspace semuanya under utilize. Jadi mengapa dibenarkan pembinaan LCCT pada awalnya. Daripada MTB yang selesa dan aerobridge, penggunakan dipaksa menggunakan tangga di tepi dan luar aerobridge untuk menaiki pesawat dengan alasan kos aerobridge dalah amat mahal. Kemudian terbina LCCT di KLIA tanpa aerobridge dan kemudahan yang jauh lebih teruk dari MTB. Setiap kali hujan, penumpang akan menggunakan payung untuk ke pesawat di LCCT. Setelah sekian lama penumpang tersiksa, laluan koridor berbumbung terbina bagi keselesaan penumpang walaupun pada dasarnya aerobridge jauh amat selesa. Saya difahamkan caj aerobridge di MTB hanyalah RM85 sejam. Bagi pesawat A320 Air Asia dengan turn around 20 minit, 180 penumpang, kos penggunaan aerobridge hanyalah 47sen seorang. Sekiranya penumpang mampu membayar RM5 bagi check in bagasi, apalah kos sebanyak 47 sen yang hendak dijimatkan.
    Kita ambil contoh ruang udara….Approach bagi KLIA kini dilakukan dari ATCC Subang dimana pesawat telah disusun untuk mendarat satu persatu manakala KLIA Tower akan menerima pesawat yang akan mendarat pada aras lebih kurang 4000 kaki dan lebih kurang 10nm dari landasan. Bagi penerbangan berlepas, KLIA Tower akan coordinate dengan ATCC Subang dan membenarkan pesawat berlepas dan sebaik sahaja berlepas, pesawat akan menghubungi Departure di ATCC Subang dan meneruskan penerbangan ke destinasi.
    Lapangan Terbang Subang pula terletak lebih kurang 20nm di Utara KLIA dan mempunyai ruang udara tersendiri iaitu lebih kurang 10nm radius dan ketinggian 2500 kaki. Ruang udara memelebihi keluasan yang dinyatakan dikawal oleh ATCC Subang. LT Subang kini amat sibuk dengan Firefly, Berjaya, TUDM dan pesawat pesawat jet koporat dan kelab penerbangan serta helikopter.
    Walaupun terletak 20NM di Utara KLIA, pergerakan pesawat di LT Subang amat terhad dan ketat. Ini kerana takut menggangu pergerakkan penerbangan KLIA. Cuba bayangkan pergerakkan 77 buah pesawat Air Asia di KLIA Labu yang hanya 2km dari KLIA. Yang 20nm amat terhad, bagaimana pula yang 2km akan dapat beroperasi dengan sempurna. LABU TURN INTO PUMPKIN
    Kemudahan ATCC Subang amat terhad. terhad dari segi peralatan radar dan juga tenaga kerja. Kekurangan kakitangan di ATCC Subang amat ketara. Walaupun pengambilan tenaga baru dilaksanakan namun yang telah lama berkhidmat banyak juga yang bersara. Bukan mudah bagi mengendalikan Radar service Approach dan Departure. Pengalaman amat penting bagi memastikan tidak berlaku perkara yang tidak diingini seperti air miss dan head on. Walaupun dengan bantuan teknologi radar yang canggih, ia masih memerlukan input manusia untuk berfungsi. Jadi apabila berlaku kekurangan pegawai ATCC yang terlatih, bagaimanapula DCA Malaysia akan mengendalikan Tower di KLIA Labu dan mengendalikan radar tambahan di ATCC Subang dengan efisyen.
    Kedudukan Runway KLIA adalah 32L 14L dan 32R dan 14R. Bagaimana pula kedudukan Runway di KLIA Labu. Dengan kedudukan hanya 2km dari KLIA, kedudukan runway KLIA Labu yang selari 32 dan 14 pastinya bakal menimbulkan kekeliruan juruterbang. Ini kerana apabila juruterbang tidak teliti dan peka, kejadian seperti tersalah mendarat di landasan yang betul akan terjadi. Ini lazimnya akan berlaku kepada juruterbang yang pertama kali ke Malaysia ( jarang berlaku tetapi ini pernah berlaku di luar negara ) dimana dari udara ia akan kelihatan 3 runway yang selari. Yang mana satu 32R. Yang tengah atau yang paling Kanan. Sekiranya runway KLIA Labu berkedudukan tidak selari dan melingtang contohnya kedudukan 23 dan 05, ini sesuatu yang amat berbahaya. Bayangkan pesawat KLIA menggunakan runway 32L dan pada masa yang sama pesawat berlepas menggunakan runway 05. Andaikata ATCC subang terleka ataupun Tower KLIA Labu tersilap memberi kebenaran berlepas ataupun juruterbang Air Asia sendiri tanpa mendapat kebenaran tower telah berlepas, pastinya ini akan membawa kepada pertembungan udara yang dahsyat. Kejadian juruterbang berlepas atau mendarat tanpa kebenaran selalu terjadi di Malaysia. LABU TURN INTO PUMPKIN
    Air Asia tidak reti berterima kasih walaupun Kerajaan melalui MAHB telah memberikan imbuhan insentif berupa caj pendaratan, parking pesawat, ANFC yang amat rendah berbanding MAS. Apabila MAHB telah memberi insentif yang menarik, adakah wajar bagi Air Asia lari membuka KLIA Labu dengan menyatakan MAHB telah over charged dan Terminal kendalian MAHB tidak menpunyai kapasiti yang mencukupi untuk menampung penumpang Air Asia.
    Ini tidak termasuk isu CIQ, Kuarantine dan sebagainya lagi…LABU turn into PUMPKIN

  261. Salam to Tun and All,
    Basic problem: AirAsia and MAHB can’t agree on the cost and facilities.
    Shouldn’t the gov focus on these issues rather than choosing easy way out by building another airport? We dont need new airport!! Be firm and publish the detail. Make it transparent. If there is a will there is a way…unless the will is to make money.
    As pointed by many readers, directly and indirectly, rakyat money will be used in the end. Is this how gov plan on spending my hard earn “tax” money? My middle finger to all responsible in this shady deal.
    as an Air Asia frequent flier, I support yr bussiness but not to the point that it is detrimental to the country. Channel yr energy to ensure yr new aircraft always looks new. They look “season” in comparison to other carriers (I fly alot due to my nature of work). Yr boarding process – sometimes really looks like free for all (at the gate and in the plane). Yr steward/stewardess can do with less chit chatting noisily (between them) and better grooming. And ..yr communication people, they never reply my mail. Not even acknowledging it (remember yr email: “we aim to improve” on 29th Oct 2008).
    God bless all of us.

  262. 1. reading your blog is like reading `Logic diagrams’, and it make my brain working.
    2. I am from Kubang Pasu,Graduate from Local university and directly exployed to work in Japan after graduating from university.
    3. I fly back to Malaysia 3-4 times/year.Sometimes using changi airport to visit my brother who stay in JB.
    4. Well, very sad to say i have to rank the three airport i use as:(1)Singapore Changi (2)Tokyo Narita,and (3)KLIA.
    5. I believe you have used these 3 airport more than me, and i also believe you have seen these airports growth.Why KLIA’s growth lost to the other 2 airports?
    6. In japanese company, although you have done a good job, you will get 90% critize and 10% praise, and it is because of team work(although 90% is your work). Through this, one is motivated to accomplished a better result in the next task.This is how a japanese being trained to mprove from current situation although you think you already did a good job.Same for the company, and it is same for an airport management.
    7. For KLIA, much improvement after its operation for the years? I only heard more and more passengers using KLIA, but everytime i want to go back Malaysia, the only choice i have for direct flight from Japan is MAS and Japan airlines JAL, and ANA(share code with MAS) and the price is very expensive. at the end, i chose to use changi as i have more choices, which mean i can find a cheaper flight.Just FYI, i can save around RM 2000/trip compare using changi airport from KLIA. KLIA is not yet able to be called as Asia/South east asia HUB at least in coming few years.
    6. KLIA-LCCT-Subang is all under MAHB. Frankly, I am doubt of MAHB management. Why MAHB can not fully expand and manage these airport, improve the service, facility, transportation etc. Subang airport is under-utilised, KLIA is under utilised, relationship/partnership between MAHB-Airasia in LCCT seems going to finish after labu being used.Firefly can not have any competitive advantage for domestic flight even through it is using subang airport. If Airasia is allow to use subang airport, what will be current situation?
    7. All this is management and implementation. Why we stop growth where else other country is heading towards better and better.
    8. Again it come to management and implementation. Pak lah is lack of this 2 DNA.
    9. Airasia make Malaysia more popular and bring more tourist to malaysia, why MAHB or current goverment cannot play a role to manage it properly to bring benefit to all of us.Again, i blame it as poor management and no proper implemention/management of KLIA.
    10. lastly, to Tun and family, Please do take care of health as it is more than anything.

  263. Dear Tun,
    Well written. Layman like us will not be able to visuallise how the building of Labu airport will resulted in wastage.

  264. Adakah keputusan PRK-KT menunjukkan rakyat kawasan itu masih ragu-ragu, Dato Badawi akan menyerahkan jawatan PM kepada Dato Najib Mac ini? Kalau begtulah, sesungguhnya orang Kuala Terengganu silap, Badawi pasti akan serahkannya pada Najib, dia pasti serahkan! percayalah..

  265. I find it absolutely diabolical to build another airport when KLIA is still underused and has plenty of ‘space’ to cater for the demanding needs of AirAsia now and in the future.
    KLIA is now voted the 4th best airports in the world (as seen on CNN of late) and wouldn’t it be nice for tourists to see what a great airport Malaysia has to offer them rather than sending them off to a ‘boxed up’ looking riff raff cheapo airport.
    There’s obviously some ‘deals’ going on in the upper echelons of the ranks and all parties seem very much interested in filling up their back pockets and enjoy life to it utmost greatness with no great concern to the environment and public tax payers money.
    British Government has just approved the 3rd runway at Heathrow.
    It’s never easy for them to finally decide on the 3rd runway. The environmentalist protestors are still raging outside the airport even as we speak. In fact, protestors had even breached airport security to protest close to the runway at Stansted Airport!
    The decision towards creating Heathrow 3rd runway is probably understandable. Heathrow is one of the busiest airport in the world and they need another to feed the demand and also to ensure that it remains the hub for Europe and the world.
    But this is nothing in comparison to KLIA. It is ‘barren’ compared to Heathrow (in terms of passenger traffic). So, why do Malaysia need another?
    Where’s the environmentalist people in Malaysia? Are they not voicing out their concern about air pollution, lower quality of life due to noise etc.? C’mon guys, I definitely would not want to live under the flight path. I’d move out.
    Anyway, my point is – AirAsia stay in KLIA and don’t waste my tax money on some other stupid airport. You’re just being greedy with divaish behaviour. Stop giving lame excuses! It’s ridiculous!

  266. Assalamualaikum Y.Bhg Tun,
    Nampaknya BN kalah di KT. ini sudah dijangka…memandangkan Pak Lah sudah menjanjikan jawatan kpd calon BN jika menang. Faktor ini juga boleh menyumbang kepada ketidakpuasan hati terhadap BN.
    Pak Lah sudah berlepas untuk lawatan kerja ke negara luar, lawatan ke Bahrain selama dua hari mulai esok, dan diikuti lawatan dua hari ke Qatar dan diakhiri dengan lawatan dua hari ke Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE) bermula 22 Januari.
    Wah…sempat lagi ke luar negara dalam menghitung hari2 terakhir…Kalau dah tak jadi PM nanti, susah agaknya nak ke luar negara dan disambut dengan rasmi. Dah hilang keistimewaan….nak harapkan jemputan khas untuk beri talk tentang ekonomi etc, apalah yang boleh diharapkan dari Pak Lah agaknya….
    Dengar2nya, Tun Musa HItam juga turut serta dalam lawatan tersebut. agaknya utk projek Sime Darby di sana agaknya selepas projek airport Labu…mungkinkah Musa Hitam salah seorag penasihat Pak Lah selain anak menantu dan group tgkt 4?
    Pak Lah..Pak Lah…masih tak sedar2kah rakyat dah menyampah dengan tindak tanduk beliau?

  267. Kelewatan kerajaan dalam menangani isu ini seberapa segera akan merumitkan rakyat dan kerajaan itu sendiri.
    Kerajaan perlu membuat keputusan cepat, tepat dan yakin. Semua yang di sebut diatas adalah berkepentingan dengan kerajaan. Lebih lama ianya bising-bising maka ianya akan memburukkan dan menghakis kredibiliti syarikat ‘rakyat’ dan orang2 besar di dalam maupun di belakang mereka. Untuk memulihkan persepsi negatif rakyat terhadap syarikat-syarikat hitam ini memakan masa yang panjang (telah terbukti), ditambah executive/ businessman ini sudah tentu sukar menangkis serangan2 ini yang berbau politik.
    Sejak-sejak ini banyak sudah kita lihat syarikat besar harapan rakyat kita entah mengapa menerima ujian begitu hebat, ada saja benda tak kena ‘mereka’ buat.
    Pemimpin perlu yakin dan tegas membuat keputusan dalam hal ini dan menghentikan semua ini.
    Adakah ini semua dinamakan persaingan dunia perniagaan atau permainan orang politik sebenarnya..?

  268. a’kum Tun…
    1. Tidak dapat dinafikan Airasia telah banyak memberi peluang kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk ‘now everyone can fly’. Namun kerajaan sepertinya memberikan ‘kelebihan istimewa’ terhadap Airasia sehingga mengancam perkembangan syarikat penerbangan lain?
    2. Mengapa begitu? Apakah kerana sesetengan golongan berpengaruh mempunyai kepentingan tertentu dalam Airasia? Sehingga kerajaan hanya menutup mata terhadap monopoli tidak sihat yang dilakukan Airasia?
    3. Pembukaan LCCT di KLIA belum terlalu lama dan belum digunakan secara maksimum, namun sekarang sudah dirancang untuk dibina sebuah airport baru? Lebih pelik lagi pada jaraknya yang terlalu dekat dengan KLIA.
    4. Masalah bukan sahaja akan timbul dari segi pengaturan lalulintas udara, namun pembaziran yang bakal timbul terlalu besar. Seharusnya terdapat pendekatan yang lebih bijak untuk mieningkatkan kemampuan terminal yang sudah sedia ada.
    5. Tergantung samada pembinaan KLIA-East sebagai sebuah lapangan terbang yang baru atau hanya pelebaran dari KLIA yang sedia ada, ia hanya akan menyebabkan pembahagian fungsi yang tidak wajar sehingga boleh menbyebabkan terhambatnya perkembangan dari salah satu lapangan terbang ini.
    6. Seharusnya kerajaan berfikiran lebih objektif dan melakukan penilaian yang komprehensif untuk menjadikan KLIA sebagai ‘hub’ pengangkutan di rantau ini. Bukan hanya semata untuk memenuhi ketamakan sesetengan pihak!

  269. Tun,
    I am very impressed with the figures you have given above. The question is, why build the present LCCT in the first place? Why was the Main Terminal Building (MTB) of KLIA not expanded the last time to accommodate low cost carrier?

  270. assalamualaikum tun,
    first let’s check the land title of the proposed labu airport.sime darby’s involvement explains a lot too.all this “curi makan” is taking it’s toll on UMNO.
    losing in terengganu explains a lot.Bernama by election coverage was almost like a true news coverage.carry on with the labu airport.come next election,it’s a sure win for opposition.the Rakyat has had enough,WE WILL VOTE FOR THE OPPOSITION EVEN IF WE DON’T TRUST THEM CAUSE WE’RE SENDING UMNO A MESSAGE…CHANGE NOW OR LOSE IT ALL.
    all of Malaysia knows air asia is trying to kill MAS and KLIA,we also know who are the main player.this traitors will sell of Malaysia piece by piece for a quick allow this plan to proceed is obviously giving the Rakyat the wrong message.DEAR MALYSIAN,WE DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION.
    DSNajib has failed even before taking his place as our P.M.he should thank paklah’s pariah son in law and his beloved two timing wife for contributing to his failure.
    we are heading toward a society of lawless.those who abide the law loses and those who break them makes it.soon nobody’s going to respect the law.everything can be bought or sold.the poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer.
    May ALLAH bless and protect us,INSYALLAH.

  271. salam…
    saya rase amat malu dengan pentadbiran sekarang ni…
    apelah terlalu ceteknyer penilaian utk melaksanakan sesuatu plan pembangunan…
    saya juga amat dukacita dgn kenyataan menteri MOT, apa dia ni terlebih belajar atau pegi belajar tapi tak tau ape ke??
    andai dia baca komen saya ni…harap jawaplah
    1. jika pembinaan LCCT diteruskan, bagaimanakah sistem jaringan pengangkutan? siapa yang akan funding kos2 membina, kawalselia
    dan agensi seperti JKR tidak terlibat ke? bukan ke duit rakyat juga akan mengalir?
    setahu saya… sekalipun ia pembiayaan swasta, bagimana nak tanggung semua kos2 terbabit jika ia terlaksa??
    2. bila masa pulak projek yang berimpak tinggi tidak perlu dikemukakan plan pembangunan kpd agensi kerajaan??
    3. kalau tidak perlu permakluman… bagaimane hendak kemukakan EIA
    bukankah ia melibatkan agensi dlm kerajaan??
    bukan ke ia meningkatkan lagi kos perjalanan dan mase ke LCCT LABU?
    jadi bermakna rakyat kena gula2 saje tentang tambang murah..tertapi dikira semula kos rakyat untuk kesana, maka ia menjadi syarikat Tambang MAHAL
    pada saya LCCT tu dah cukup baik dan hanya perlu beberapa perubahan kerana kapasiti LCCT KLIA boleh dipertingkat dan diperbesarkan lagi
    dan lagi…
    Air asia ni pun satu hal… termakan pujuk rayu sime
    betul2 tamak simenergy darby.. pas nak IJN blom berjaya, inikan pula nak buat pelaburan pasal airport pulak?
    jika pekara macam ni berterusan maka Barisan Nasional akan menjadi B’End seperti mana RAHMAN code N utk Najib berti “END” utk Barisan Nasional

  272. Pak Lah is leaving this March 2009. Goodbye and Goodriddance. If Najib want to prove that he is a better PM than Pak Lah and want to save this country and the Rakyat NOW IS THE TIME FOR NAJIB TO SAY ‘NO’ TO THIS PROPOSED LACCT LABUT !!
    He has the power to instruct Khazanah not to agree to this new airport idea. Instruct Khazanah to pull out their investments then !!
    No point of the Rakyat including Tun to talk and discuss this issue anymore.
    The ball is at najib’s feet. If he wants Bn to win handsomey in the next election HE HAS TO DO IT HIS OWN WAY !! HE CANNOT FOERVER BE A ‘ YES ‘MAN TO AAB !!

  273. A’kum Tun,
    Off topik sikit. Saya terkejut melihat KT jatuh kepada PAS memandangkan TPM mewawarkan BN bakal memperolehi majoriti yang lebih besar. Melihat kepada statistik PRU yang lepas, tidak menghairankan kerusi parlimen boleh bertukar tangan kerana majoriti nya adalah sedikit. Di dalam temubual Awani sebentar tadi mengatakan DUN bandar majoriti chinese telah memihak kepada PAS. Kalau begini trend nya, Trengganu bakal jatuh kepada PAS pada PRU yang akan datang. Lebih memalukan keran TPM telah mengetuai 2 pilihanraya kecil tetapi akhirnya mengaku kekalahan. Telah sampai masa nya TPM memikirkan strategu untuk PRU yang akan datang. Cara berfikir BN sekarang telah lapuk. Telah sampai masanya TPM menerima nasihat daripada Tun.

  274. Tun….
    labu dgn luncai nak terjun…biarkan…biarkan…
    saya nak komen pasal kekelahan semalam ingatkan Tun dh tulis pasal kekalahan BN kat K.Terengganu, Pak Lah ptt letak cepat2 la jawatan, najib pun pandangan seroing dkt dia ckp2 payah nak buang dah..lagi satu jgn la masa nak mengundi turun duit,projek, iktiraf ini iktiraf itu buat ini buat itu dekat tempat pilihanraya,nampak sgt keburukan tu…. bagi rakyat pendidikan,bagi rakyat teknologi, bagi rakyat kemudahan lepastu nak tipu rakyat..tlg la ni bukan zaman dulu nak buat macam tu semua…sedaq la diri musibat punya pak lah

  275. I’d say someone is too ambitious but i agree with you Tun. There must be another reason for it. It could be Sime Darby wants to be in airport business. Who knows next would be taking over the nation maybe? Then there will be no more election and we’ll save money on election. I’m seeing the Wall-E movie as our future scenario.
    Hazman Abu Bakar.

  276. I stay in Bandar Enstek.
    Tony – masa utk tunjukkan belang & pengaruh. Hanya semata2 Air Asia dah popular – he feels he can get away with everything. Air Asia, with short, skimpy dress stewardess – nothing M’sia / patriotic at all – just a mere alternative.
    With support from Pak Lah, Sharizat and all kuncu2 – he try to ridicules Msian.
    For the harmony of Malaysian, for reducing air, noise and land pollution – please stop making this mistake.
    Jangan lah kerana keegoan dan kesombongan pemimpin – bakal merosak dan meranapkan masa depan bangsa dan negara

  277. Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
    nak tunggu plak apa tony nak kata pasal pembinaan lapangan terbang baru atas tanah kelapa sawit. Air asia/sime darby… apa nak jadik nih…. labu labi tul la…

  278. Salam Tun.
    Teringat saya al-kisah Cinderella yang menggunakan LABU sebagai kereta kuda dan tikus-tikus yang menjadi kuda penariknya.
    Betapa Cinderella bergegas pulang sebelum tiba waktunya (12.00 midnite) sebelum kuda dan keretanya bertukar kembali menjadi tikus dan LABU.
    Sekarang bayangkan keadaan kita sekarang; Projek Airport LABU (Sime Darby), “Cinderella aka youknowwho”, kuda-kudanya dan tarikh akhirnya (Mac 2009).
    Apakah tikus berjaya membaiki LABU atau Cinderella akhirnya lari lintang-pukang hingga tertinggal “kasutnya”?

  279. Assalamu’alaikum YA.Bhg Tun,
    Nampak gayanya bangsa kita dah kena teruk lah Tun..Kira macam pukulan maut juga..Kita kena cari pimpinan yang bijaksana macam Tun juga lah. Dato’ Seri Najib pada saya ada wibawanya..Wassalam Tun

  280. Dear Tun,
    Firstly, wishing you a Gong Xi Fai Cai and good health always.
    As for the KLIA East issue, I am totally confused and lost on why we need to build so many airports in the vicinity of KL and Sepang. It does not make any economic sense at all.
    KLIA could not be built as a RM10 billion white elephant and its capacity been under utilised for the next 20 years.
    Why can’t MAHB and AirAsia both GLCs sit down and resolve the issue for the interest of our nation. The fact is that our resources should be better utilised and should not be used for the benefits of a few individuals.
    So, Tun., for the good our nation, I really hope that you can do more to

  281. Salam buat Tun,
    Nampak gaya Tun tak letih-letih nak kondem projek Labu ni. Biarlah, Pak Lah nak buat satu lagi koridor ekonomi dia.
    Yang diberi kat Sime Darby di utara sana, tiga-tiga negeri dah tumbang. Habis tu, peruntukan kat sana bawak la turun mai sini. Dekat sikit dengan kampung menantu – senang nak kontrol.
    KWSP pun tak lama lagi ada tabungan dekat setengah trilion, kalau tak bagi pinjam projek-projek macam produktif macam Airport labu ni, terperam la duit – macam simpan duit siling dalam labu Sayong. Susah CEO KWSP ni nak urus duit banyak-banyak.
    Lepas tu, dalam PRU akan datang, NS lak tumbang dan mintak la Sime Darby angkut duit dia ke negeri lain.
    Cadangan lebih baik – kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang dah mintak LCCT kat Bayan Lepas. Sime Darby boleh la buat kat sana kerana AMAT BERTEPATAN SEKALI sempena dia jadi entiti teras NCER.
    Good luck..

  282. Dear Tun,
    It seemed these days SIME DARBY’s decision making had been done by “invincible hands”. Labu Airport saga is another “unwised” bussines making decision. SIME DARBY was not disturbed by anybody during the time of the former SIME CEO Tan Sri Nik Mohamed. Tan Sri Nik left SIME with billions of cash and SIME is still a very profitable company. The current CEO Dato Seri Zubair should aware that Sime belong to 10.5 millions shareholders where most of them are BUMIPUTRAS as claimed by him during IJN saga. How’s ironic. The shareholders interest should be protected and not repeated similar to IJN saga and SIME BANK “black-episode”.
    Proud to be product of DEB.

  283. Salam yang di hormati Tun,
    BN kalah lagi kini di KT. Apakah pemimpin tidak sedar lagi bahawa rakyat telah menyuarakan perasaan kecewa mereka terhadap pemimpin yang tidak telus di PUM 2008 dan masih buat pekak/ buat bodoh sahaja dgn mengumumkan keputusan mereka mengenai projek Labu Labi ini pula? Lagi sekali tidak telus, apakah hendak UMNO dan BN hancur kelak?
    Ya Allah selamatkan UMNO dari pemimpin yang tamak haloba ini! Wahai pemimpin pemimpin dan ahli ahli UMNO, ambillah pendirian yang berani dan jujur dan jangan fikir hendak kayakan diri sendiri sahaja. Berjuang kerana dan untuk rakyat sprti pengasas parti kita dulu !

  284. Salam Tun,
    Ingat kenangan masa guna Subang Airport dulu. Turun flight kena pulak bas nak ke terminal 1, 2 atau 3. Lupa SZB, kita ada KUL KLIA, sekarang ni ke Labu..

  285. Salam Ayahanda Tun, izinkan saya sedikit ruang disini untuk menjadi individu pertama mengucapkan tahniah kepada BN atas kejayaan besar mereka di P036 Kuala Terengganu. Adik saya si Kamarul baru telefon bagi tahu berita kemenangan besar ini kepada saya.
    Terima kasih Tun atas ruang ini.
    Assalamualaikum YAB Pak Lah, saya mengucapkan setinggi tahniah kepada YAB Perdana Menteri yang dikasihi dan dihormati diatas kejayaan besar calon BN Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid memenangi pilihanraya P036 Kuala Terengganu. Jelas sekali ini menunjukkan kepercayaan tinggi daripada rakyat Kuala Terengganu kepada kepimpinan BN dan juga UMNO. Ini juga telah sekaligus membuktikan kepada pengkritik-pengkritik tegar Khairy di laman popular ini yang bahawasanya, calon pilihan Khairy ini telah dapat diterima dan disanjungi oleh rakyat di P036. Saya nampak masa depan yang sangat cerah bagi BN terutamanya UMNO untuk terus kekal memerintah Negara Malaysia selepas PRU13 kelak. Jelas sekali, sokongan padu daripada MCA, MIC dan Gerakan serta PPP yang telah turun padang berkempen senada dan seiring dengan UMNO dalam pilihanraya ini telah berjaya membuahkan kemenangan BN yang lebih besar pada kali ini. Sekali lagi saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada jentera BN khususnya Datuk Abdul Azeez dari UMNO dan juga tidak lupa, kepada YB Khairy Jamaluddin. Sekali lagi, saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada YAB Pak Lah, YB Khairy, dan juga YAB Datuk Seri Najib.
    UMNO: Dulu Kini dan Selamanya!
    Cemerlang Gemilang Terbilang!
    Hidup Pak Lah!
    Hidup Khairy!
    Hidup Najib!
    Hidup UMNO!
    Sekian, wassalam dan terima kasih.

  286. Salam Yg Amat Berbahgia Tun,
    Tun, saya dah agak UMNO/BN pasti tewas di KT. Sebabnya mudah. Orang ramai sudah TERAMAT MELUAT, MUAK DAN AMAT MARAH dengan Pak Lah & Co. Isu

  287. Tun,
    Duit rakyat tak boleh dibazirkan dengsn sewenang-wenangnya.
    Disinilah tanggung-jawab kerajaan BN dan PM.
    Kalau pembinaan lapangan di Labu menjadi nyata dan semua orang tahu ianya tak perlu dan membazir, BN memang mencari nahas.

  288. Many still cannot believe why the government approved the Labu airport. Our neigbours are laughing at us for yet another un-clever decision. I am confident to say that 80% of airasia’s passengers were malaysian, will these travellers travel every month? – to meet the 27 million mark by 2014.
    The Tigers and Lions are also doubling their flights around this region. Can Airasia maintains and keeps its customers?
    We have enough white elephants here so please review the decision. Do not rush in making decision as it makes one to think of a “personal interest” is involved.
    Labu Labi

  289. tun,
    we dont need another airport… as suggested, klia be enhanced to cater for air asia needs… or is it pork barrel politics ie to give project to sleepy paklah’s crony

  290. Dear TUn,
    It’s all about few personal trying to make money…. I don’t see the need especially when KLIA is yet to be fully utilised. I am a frequent traveler and everytime I am at KLIA, I feel pathetic.
    We don’t know how long Air Asia can sustain its business…..
    I think many Malaysians wish that KLIA be used to the meximum before government thinks to have another airport.

  291. I remember when doing the video during KLIA’s construction that it would have 2 main terminal buildings and 4 satellite buildings (by 2053?). In fact, to me, the present LCCT shouldn’t have been built for expanding the present KLIA facilities would be enough…but when politics and money-craved orang politik are involved…what much can we say???

  292. Hebatnya Sime Darby- semua dia nak hentam- ladanglah, hospital jantunglah, lapangan terbanglah, lepas ni apa lagi?
    Bravo SD, tetapi jangan sampai yang dikejar tak dapat yang dikendung berciciran…………….

  293. Akum TUN
    saya rasa LCCT di Labu yang baru ini tidak lebih daripada mencari peluang sementara si bahlol (PM Tido) masih ada oleh Musa Hitam dan konco konconya untuk mencari wang wang…
    Tony Fernanadez tidak boleh fikir ke untuk negara kita malaysia, buat apa nak membazir pada benda yang dah ada dan mampu untuk tujuan yang diinginkan.
    Saya dengar cerita banyak projek kecil kecilan dah dijanjikan kepada orang2 tertentu yang setia.. hee heee.
    mungkin ada deal belakang kot..

  294. Salam Tun
    Tuu dia…..BN kalah lagi di Terengganu.Padan muka UMNO.
    Lepas ni boleh buat satu lagi airport kat Seremban ke Rasah ke
    atau Senawang ke kan.
    Pak Lah,Pak Lah……………
    KSAH Old Boys 85′

  295. Saya baru berjumpa dengan Dato kamaruddin dan bertanya kapada nya apakah rationalnya untok pergi ka labu dan membena airport sendiri.
    Jawabnya,MAHB terlalu cookie.Melayan Air Asia saperti anak tiri dan mahu Air Asia membayar kapadanya dengan bayaran yang biasa.
    Kejayaan Air asia telah memberi kejutan kapada ramai Oeang.yang paling ketara ialah komen dari Lee Kuan Yew.Ia berkata ia tak sangka yang budget Airline bagitu berjaya sekali dan Singapura terpaksa bertindak dengan pentas.Ia membena LCCTnya.kalau di banding dengan LLLT di Sepang amat memalukan.
    kalau Tun ada masa cuba melawat LCCT.macam pasar Selayang di pagi hari.Jumlah penumpang melimpah ka luar.Tiada tempat dudok di sediakan.kemudahan tiolat tak cukup.panas dan tidak teratur.MAHB telah membelanjakan 110 juta.
    Kamaruddin berkata,Air Asia sekarang telah membawa penumpang melebehi SIA.In satu kejayaan yang membanggakan.kenapa ia di anak tirikan.
    Kenapa MAHB bias kapada Mas.Firefly di benarkan terbang dari Subang.Kenapa AirAsia tidak di benarkan.Cuba lihat berapa banyak MAHB telah belanjakan untok memajukan Subang.Cantek dan cangeh.
    Kwejayaan Air Asia patut dijadikan satu contoh anak Melysia tampa bantuan kerajaan berjaya mengatasi SIA.Mengikut kamaruddin,Temasek mahu mambeli saham Air asia dan ia mahu Air Asia mengunakan Changi sabagai Hubnya.
    Untok,pengetahuan Tun.Khazanah bukan dan tidak menjadi pemegang saham AirAsia.Tabung haji ada 50 juta saham dan EPF ada 90 juta.
    Kamaruddin juga hairan kenapa banyak orang mementeng rancangannya untok ka Labu dan membena terminal sendiri.Ia tidak mengunakan wang kerajaan.katanya penumpang akan dapat pergi ka Labu Railway station dengan hanya membayar tambang $5.50 sen,berbanding dengan $ 15 ringgitka KLIA dari central.

  296. say no to the new waste project!!!
    aku dengar sekarang ni pencemaran udara dekat labu ni dah kritikal ar jugak.. labu ni dekat je ngan Nilai.. Nilai ni kawasn industri.. aku x tau ar sbb apa ramai sngt suka duk nilai.. bnyak kawasn perumahn baru naik.. x tau ke Nilai ni kawasn yg sngt bahaya dan trdedah dengan risiko udara yang tercemar.. kalu tegok tahap pencemaran kat nilai ni memang korang trkejut gak ar.. tp mesti ramai yg x tau nye.. pastu labu ngan nila ni da la dekat.. nk buat plak lg lpangan trbang.. huh.. lagi la trcemar nye udara kat situ.. tu blum lg masuk bab kawasn tadahan yg akan terlibat.. huh.. huh.. abis ar negeri sembilan.. da la negeri kecik je.. bukan nye besar mcm negeri aku ni.. esok kalu jadik ar projek ni.. huh.. aku rasa mesti banyak masalah timbul.. ngan bnjir, traffic, pencemaran, ngan bisingnye lg.. huh.. memang yg nk buat ni pikir duit je.. yg trlibat pun sama mesti de masuk jugak tu.. huh.. huh.. kalu x takkan ar tetiba je nk buat.. huh.. negeri sembilan tu da la kecik, takkan ar korang nk abiskn tanah kat situ utk buat lapangan trbang je.. dlu nk buat KLIA ngan sepang pun dah amik banyak da tanah kat negeri sembilan tu.. ni nk tambah lg.. labu ngan KLIA tu bukannya jauh sngt.. cukup2 ar dgn lapangan trbngnye.. aku memang x sokong 100%.. nk amik jalan mudah je nk dpt untung.. otak x kreatif langsung.. dulu nk mulakn syrikat penerbangn tambang murah, sngt2 la kreatifnye.. skang ni da kaya langsung jd x kreatif.. suma nk kaut.. pikir ar sikit.. tmbah baik apa yg ada kat KLIA tu kan boley.. huh.. KLIA tu pun da besar da.. pikir ar kraeatif skit.. pikir pasl alam sekitar yg trlibat jugak.. aku ni sensitip sikit pasal alam sekitar ni.. huh.. huh..
    love our environment, love our nation..
    kepimpinan melalui teladan..

  297. Salammualaikum TUN,
    Your unprofesional comment is professionally accepatable. Everyone can look in the net about recommended international standard for airport planning and construction.
    Most airport in the world can be considered an international infrastructure. Airport are designed to international standards to qualify as a certified ICAO(international civil Aviation Organization)Airport.
    If you build an airport not in accordance to the standard and recommendation of ICAO,you will still have an airport but not a certified one.
    International Airline will only operate from an ICAO certified airport.
    This ‘serawa’Labu airport will most likely not be recognized by ICAO and the disaster is,this Labu will drag down KLIA all together,because they are so close one will effect the other.
    In Malaysia even military base is ICAO compliance.It is a wonder which company will give insurance coverage to a Low Cost Carrier which operate from uncertified airport.Maybe Sime will extend into aviation insurance next!!

  298. Salam Tun dan rakan-rakan bloggers
    Rasanya elok kerajaan pula yang beri penjelasan mengapa projek ini dipersetujui. Apa rational kerajaan?

  299. Dear Tun
    I think the problem is that Air Asia has no confidence that MAHB can build a LCCT with the facility Air Asia requires in the time frame Air Asia needs. This feeling is not unfounded due to past failures by MAHB to give the facilities and charges that Air Asia needs.
    I think Tun did not address this issue.

  300. Salam Tuan,
    Kita bolih perhatikan kebanyakan PROJET KILAT sama ada bina balai raya, gerai makan atau lapangan terbang, bukan untuk kesenangan rakyat tetapi untuk setengah pihak dapat kontrak. Sebab itu kita dapat perhatikan kebanyakan Projet Kilat yang di bina tak memberi faedah atau merugikan saja. Wallahualam.

  301. Pada pandangan saya ini adalah salah satu perancangan Khairi Jamaluddin (KJ) bagi membangunkan/memajukan Negeri Sembilan…sekurang-kurangnya nilai hartanah di N9 dapat dinaikkan seperti Langkawi…

  302. Some of you say in regards to my post that it is stupid to say God will take revenge on our behalf..
    Well, let me quote the bible for you:
    Romans 12:19
    “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord”
    So you see, from the Christian perspective, we should never take revenge because God will avenge on our behalf. The bible teaches us to love our enemies and bless them that curse us. (So different from the quran’s teachings)
    Let me get it straight. I LOVE muslims, but I HATE Islam. Everyone is made in the image of God therefore I must love them yet I had the wrong teachings they have submitted themselves to. I love the people of palestinians and the jews alike..I wish they are not caught in such situations of war. However, this is a fallen world we are living in – this is an IMPERFECT world where there will be hunger, famine, war..etc..
    Let me sum up my belief for you by the command from Jesus Christ, my God and Saviour.
    ‘This is my command to you, that you love one another’ – Jesus Christ.

  303. Tun, tolong jawab dengan isu ini:-
    Republik ini walaupun kecil tetapi taringnya lebih besar dari Harimau Malaya. Maka tidak hairanlah jika ada orang mengatakan jika Malaysia berperang dengan Singapura maka Malaysia akan kalah.
    Sejauh manakah kebenaran kata-kata ini?
    Ianya memang benar. Singapura yang kecil itu sebenarnya menguasai hampir keseluruhan sistem keselamatan Malaysia melalui tali barut-tali barut di Malaysia. Boleh dikatakan tiang seri ekonomi Malaysia hampir 60 % dimakan anai-anai Israel yang bersarang di Singapura.
    Israel Menguasai Malaysia Melalui Singapura
    Dalam menguruskan sistem keselamatan negara, salah satu aspek penting ialah sistem komunikasi dalaman iaitu antara pejabat persekutuan dengan ibu pejabat negeri. Kawalan ke atas sistem komunikasi amat penting kerana kebocoran maklumat akan menyebabkan pihak luar mudah meneroka strategi rahsia keselamatan negara. Namun sekarang, ia bukan sekadar tidak selamat, malah dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Israel melalui agen-agennya di Singapura. Sistem komunikasi PDRM dimonopoli terus oleh syarikat-syarikat Yahudi di Singapura. Perkara ini disahkan sendiri oleh akhbar The Star pada 5 Ogos 2008 (Selasa).
    Agen Israel Dalam Sistem Komunikasi PDRM
    Keseluruhan tender pembinaan sistem komunikasi yang akan ditukar dari analog kepada digital telah pun diserahkan secara rasmi kepada Asiasoft (M) Sdn. Bhd. (no. Syarikat : 150529-H). Syarikat ini adalah milik penuh kepada syarikat tunggalnya iaitu Asiasoft Pte. Ltd. yang berpengkalan di Singapura. Nilai penuh tender yang diberikan kerajaan Malaysia ialah RM1 billion tetapi dikecilkan menjadi RM42 juta. Apa yang mencurigakan ramai penyelidik ialah ‘individu’ yang bertanggungjawab membina sistem itu. Individu tersebut dikenalpasti sebagai bekas tentera Israel yang berkhidmat sebagai programmer semasa di Israel. Programmer yang bernama Izhak David Naskar yang memegang pasport Israel bernombor 10902695 itu masih lagi warganegara Israel. Jadi, bolehkah kita menganggap ini suatu kebetulan? Paling membimbangkan ialah Izhak bukanlah tentera atau programmer biasa, beliau adalah ‘pakar’ sistem komputer yang telah memenangi anugerah daripada Kementerian Pertahanan Israel. Malah beliau juga bertanggungjawab membina sistem risikan berteknologi tinggi untuk pasukan pertahanan Israel sekitar 1970 hingga 1987. Seorang lagi rakan Izhak yang bertanggungjawab membina sistem komunikasi PDRM ialah Ido Sccheschter yang memegang pasport Israel bernombor 56626252. Ido pula lebih mencurigakan kerana selaku ahli pasukan yang bertanggungjawab membina sistem komunikasi untuk PDRM bersama-sama Izhak, hingga saat ini beliau masih lagi seorang tentera Israel yang sah bukannya tentera pencen. Apakah yang menyebabkan PDRM mengambil orang-orang Israel ini? Adakah kerana terdesak atau didesak? Bukankah lebih baik jika melantik programmer-programmer dari kementerian pertahanan Iran yang sememangnya lebih pakar dari Israel.
    Penguasaan Singapura dan Israel di Malaysia
    Seperti yang didedahkan sebelum ini bahawa Henry Kisingger telah pun berbincang sesuatu dengan mantan Perdana Menteri. Tetapi kita harus ingat perletakan jawatan Dr. Mahathir bukanlah titik noktah penguasaan Yahudi ke atas Malaysia.
    Kerja-kerja penguasaan Israel ini disambung pula oleh Khairy Jamaludin apabila bertungkus lumus menjual saham Pantai Holding kepada Parkways Holding iaitu syarikat milik pelobi zionis terkenal iaitu Richard Blum.
    Isu-Isu yang perlu diberi perhatian
    Penjualan saham Pantai Holding oleh Khairy Jamaludin kepada Parkways Holding. Jumlah saham sebanyak 31 peratus. Penjualan saham Telekom sebanyak 5 % kepada syarikat Singapura iaitu Temasik Holding. Syarikat MITV milik Israel di Singapura berjaya memenangi lesen penyediaan 3G di Malaysia. Kemenangan mengalahkan syarikat lain yang lebih layak iaitu DiGi.
    Penjualan air Malaysia kepada Singapura yang tidak masuk akal sebanyak 3 sen untuk 1000 gelen. Untuk menampung keperluan air rakyat Johor, kerajaan perlu membeli semula air kepada Singapura dengan nilai 50 sen untuk 1000 gelen. Ini seperti memberi air percuma kepada Singapura. Dikhabarkan sistem keselamatan komputer Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sentiasa diserang hacker dari luar negara setiap 15 minit.
    Sehingga kini Singapura amat bergantung hidup kepada Amerika dan Israel. Keseluruhan sistem keselamatan dan ketenteraan Singapura adalah kembar siam dengan ketenteraan Israel. Apabila keberkaitan ini berlaku maka harus bagi kita melihat akan tujuan tersembunyi Singapura yang cuba menguasai ekonomi Malaysia. Kita harus sedar, negara Israel yang kecil itu sudah pun menguasai ekonomi kebanyakan negara-negara dunia berkuasa veto. Orang-orang Israel adalah pemilik-pemilik saham terbesar bagi syarikat-syarikat gergasi dunia. Saham adalah kunci pintu gerbang untuk memasuki ruang pembuat keputusan sesebuah negara. Walaupun pemimpin dipilih rakyat dan pemimpin akan mengikut kehendak rakyat, namun putaran itu akan kembali semula kepada penentu kemajuan ekonomi negara iaitu pemilik-pemilik syarikat gergasi dalam negara.

  304. Salam sejahtera YBhg Tun,
    Nampaknya mereka seolah2 tidak tahu atau memang mengenepikan prinsip2 Kejuruteraan Awam dan prinsip2 Perancangan Bandar (KLIA Master Plan, etc). Prinsip2 tersebut amat penting untuk pembangunan yang teratur dan terancang sehingga ke 100 tahun.
    KLIA munkin dikatagorikan didalam 50 years ataupun 1oo years design.
    Daerah Labu masterplan tak boleh pakai lah dengan adanya airport baru ni.Kena buat baru..

  305. Thank you, Tun for highlighting this new project at Labu. I ‘ve just returned from Jakarta using the new arrival terminal LCCT. I’ve also been flying Air Asia to new destinations. And everytime I fly AA, I always think highly of Tony Fernandes and like to thank him for what he has done for Msia.
    But this new development at Labu seems to be souring my impression of him as a genuine entrepreneur, the man who beat the big boys and Malaysia Airlines and came out victorious. Now is the opposite. He seems like the corporate opportunist using political connections for his own advantage at the expense of Msian taxpayers and Msia too. He is just another grovelling $$$ man. Whether he is being used or otherwise, for their greediness, I do not know. If he is, then Mr Tony Fernandes, you dont deserve the accolade given upon you.


  307. Assalamualaikum wbt..
    Apa khabar Tun sekeluarga???
    …well… rumours klia-east nie pun ada saya dengar2 juga…. cumanya pelik laa….kenapa la nak dibuatnya airport baru…kalau betullah lcct tue xmampu menampung jumlah penumpang, kenapa tidak dibesarkan sahaja… diupgradekan… lagi murah kos nya rather than build the new airport..
    jangan la diabiskan duit rakyat…siapa yang tak menyokong pembangunan..tapi..nie pembaziran…
    harap Tun dapatlah menasihatkan pak2 menteri yang xsedar diri tue..

  308. Salam TUN,
    All the facts that you highlighted do make sense to instigate the need for another airport. The only possible reason could be – they (AIRASIA) want an autonomy from MAHB. They want to prove that they can do better than MAHB.
    I watched Tony’s presentation to justify for the new airport. He acted like a developer, an architect and perhaps a politician as he used a catchy word ‘RAKYAT’ for marketing. The issue here is that the fund will be from a private company so that no issue of government involvement etc…It has to be seen in a much broader perspective. What about the land acquisition and ownership? Why in Labu, Negeri Sembilan? Issue of sustainability? Environmental issue? etc…
    If the government allows this develoment to realise. I would have thought that PETRONAS can even venture into many areas of business. Or even PNB. Petronas has cash reserve. Petronas can always build not only 1 may be 2 or 3 airports. The point is that focus in business area. Why can’t Tony just focus on how to make profit on airline business rather than being a developer, an architect and a politician. Soon he will come out with the idea of producing Airasia oil in order to fly their aircrafts.
    Airasia will never represent a Malaysian business company from my perspective as they are many evidences to indicate that the company belittled MAS and the country. One of its marketing banner in Brisbane shows that ‘YOU PAY PEANUTS YOU GET MALAYSIA’. How would you interpret that?
    Srazali Aripin
    Brisbane Australia

    HABIS TU..

  310. Please Gov, please stop the Labu Airport project… As you and everybody knew, we still got spaces to upgrade our LCCT airport..
    All this issue will cut AirAsia cost and help enrich the cronies to built Labu Airport…
    Come on Sime Darby, you still can make other project to make profit.
    Stop Labu Airport…

  311. Salam Ayahanda Tun. This labu airport is close to being put into deep freeze by the board of Sime Darby. It was all just a bail out for Air Asia parent company, Tune Air. Its an open secret that Tune Air had a disastrous financial year 2008. Creative accounting in or otherwise, that

  312. “55 Gates”, etc
    If there is no bridge, wouldn’t a huge waiting hall with taxing buses be sufficient?
    What’s this great need for gates?
    Are they having flights every minute?
    Mind boggling.

  313. ini semua sebab krisis antara Air Asia dan MAHB. Kedua2 entiti ini mempunyai hubugan yang sangat tawar. MAHB memang selama ini tidak menyukai Air Asia kerana Air Asia begitu banyak songeh, banyak cakap dan banyak prvoke. Air Asia pula merasa begitu hebat dan rasa terhina apabila MAHB tidak mendegar cakap mereka, kerana pihak Air Asia merasakan merek alebih bijak dari MAHB.
    Semua ini berlaku adalah berdasarkan emosional decision, not a strategical decision. Air Asia gah kerana anak angkat Perdana Menteri berbanding MAHB.
    Dua2 ini adalah kebanggaan rakyat Malaysia. kenapa perlu berelagah semata mata untuk menaikkan nama dan kehebatan masing2 dengan mengorbankan nilai2 kesejahteraan untuk rakyat dan alam?
    Nampak di sini, ketamakkan (greddy) melampaui moral. sudah2lah…upgrade saja LCCT kat KLIA tu. untuk kos rendah sebagai pengangkutan sambungan dari kapal terbang, bina sahaja komuter dari LCCT melalui laluan2 baru yang lebih menguntungkan termasuk ke dalam putrajaya berbanding ERL, bina monorail untuk hubungkan terminal utama KLIA dengan LCCT, bina lebih banyak hotel murah dan lebih baik Sime Darby usahakan kawasan penempatan baru di kawasan berdekatan LCCT itu sebagai pusat pertumbuhan baru.
    Kemudahan teksi dan bas sudah ada. tidak ada masalah.
    mengenai kemudahan lapangan terbang itu sendiri, sebagai termina tambang murah, nampak tidak ada masalah untuk membesarkan landasan dan pintu masuk kapal terbang. Cuma bina sahaja.
    Yang penting, MAHB kurangkan birokrasi, Air Asia pula berhati perut.
    Ka hebat kalau kedua-dua entiti hak milik Malaysia ni bekerjasama elok2.
    “Jangan kerana nampak jerami itu kering, kita hanya guna puntung rokok sahaja untuk membakarnya, padahal di dalamnya ada banya yang masih basah”.
    Jangan biarkan diri CEO2 hebat kita dibelenggu ketamakkan dan kebodohan abad baru.

  314. askum Tun,
    Thats normal Tun,i dont think Malaysia needs a new airport right now to cater for Air Asia or what not..they can make do with current facilities..semuanya ada udang sebalik batu …somebody is going to be the next billionaire in Malaysia if the project goes through…
    regards Tun and keep up the good work…

  315. I am a big fan of AirAsia for what it has done to Malaysia. It has allowed Malaysians from all walks of life to travel to see the world, to widen their horizons, to open up opportunities elsewhere at minimal costs. It has also proudly enhanced Malaysia’s name to the rest of the world. I admire Dato Tony Fernandes very much and I feel he fully deserves the credit he gets.
    However, the ‘KLIA East’ proposal, in my opinion, makes no sense. I have tried to review the pro’s & con’s of this proposed project and I personally feel that the con’s outweigh the pro’s this time.
    It is simple; duplication is a waste of resources, even if it is financed privately by SimeDarby. Especially with the proposed site being so close to the current airport.
    I also feel that MAHB should work with AirAsia to come to a comprimise regarding the airport fees, direct access to the ERL at the LCCT etc. It can and it should be achieved for the benefit of all parties and the country as a whole. If this is done then , AirAsia can do what it is best at (running a low cost carrier), MAHB can do what it is best at (running airports) and SimeDarby can do what it is best at which is running plantations.

  316. AA just couldn’t stop bullsh***ing. And those ppl in the govt are so greedy.
    What goes around comes around.. do you think your children will be in peace Tony?? God is so Almighty FAIR. Your greed will eat up your family eventually.. amin..

  317. This only proofs that “a thinking man/woman” is a mandatory requirement for leadership.

  318. Tun
    Again Sime Darby with its redundant business intentions. I suggest that they (Sime Darby) should look into reviving Plaza Rakyat replacing that old obsolete Puduraya or, why don’t the decision makers at Sime Darby just take a ride in our Monorail from KL Sentral to Chow Kit and see many unfinished/incomplete building left idle, right in the city centre that can turn to new business centre/usage.

  319. salam, i also think that there is something wrong with the idea to develop the Labu airport. the name labu was not a nice one too 😉

  320. Saya berpendapat Master Plan asal KLIA harus diikuti bagi mengelak pembaziran. Amat menyedihkan pelaksanaan sesuatu projek yang dikaitkan dengan rakyat sebenarnya dilaksanakan hanya untuk kepentingan suatu kumpulan tanpa memikirkan manfaatnya kepada masyarakat. Dengan hubungan lebuhraya yang baik diantara Kuala Lumpur , Seremban dan Melaka maka pembinaan KLIA East tidak akan memberikan impak yang besar kepada pengembangan ekonomi.
    Kerajaan harus lebih rasional dalam melaksanakan sesuatu projek agar dalam kegawatan ekonomi ketika ini hanya perancangan yang lebih teliti akan dapat membantu pemulihan ekonomi dengan lebih cepat lagi.
    Saya bukan penentang pembangunan tetapi ingin mengingatkan kerajaan bahawa rakyat sudah pandai menilai dan tidak menerima bulat-bulat apa yang dihidangkan oleh kerajaan.
    Saya berharap kerajaan menimbang semula keputusan ini.
    Selamat Berjuang Tun.

  321. More things to consider tun
    -Building an airport involves heavy investment in a depleting resource.
    Many geologists agree that the world supply of cheap oil has peaked and is declining. Major oil companies have reported that the replacement rate of their oil reserves has plunged. The fact that rail gives more value for the oil buck is widely known but bears repeating. A 150-seat airplane has a fuel consumption rate of 44.7 passenger miles per gallon. By comparison, a train of five coaches with at least 300 passenger seats has a fuel consumption rate of 292 passenger miles per gallon.
    -Air travel is a heavy polluter
    An airport at Labu would provide another setback to Malaysian

  322. i don’t know why they call it the ‘rakyat’s terminal’.
    it’s supposed to be a terminal for everyone in the world! it’s an international airport for god’s sake. make it simple, link it up closely and let travelers have an easy transit experience. the more people there are in one single place the more an airport’s shops there would be – that would be good for the local economy.
    being a budget terminal miles away, we have to drag our 30+kg of luggage from one terminal all the way to another and line up again to check in. what are foreigners going to think about this? why would someone need to transit in KL if they can do so much easier in singapore?
    i’m sure we can build another extension of the existing KLIA with a smaller budget without the so called ‘luxuries’.
    furthermore if there’s so many places one can fly to from KLIA’s budget extension, there might be even more airlines willing to fly to KL. it’s a synergy that will bring about growth.
    please focus on the benefit to both the country and the travelers who paid to travel (by air i mean – not by carrying luggage, taking trains/cabs for miles, and line up again as if there’s no better thing to do.)

    but this fella.. what is his name.. tony..whatever.. still want to “tegakkan benang yg basah”. I guess a lot of money has been involved to make this plan happen. so by hook or by crook.. he has to make sure this project will not scrap by the government.
    he even make a special blog to explain to pplz about this stupid airport.
    i wonder who is behind this project… i don’t think it’s tony…

  324. this sounds like another monumental waste of money which is quite common nowadays.. even klia seems to be underutilized.. there,s no point in building a new one.. unless to fill certain people’s pockets

  325. Sime Darby is the mastermind all about .
    KLIA still the best our airport and at he moment our country no urgency to built new airport. So why to waste our rakyat money.

  326. Salam hormat YABhg Tun,
    Merger Sime Darby (SD), Guthrie dan Golden Hope belum tentu menguntungkan pemilik saham, khususnya pemegang saham ASB kerana ada merger yang gagal; yang pasti untung beratus juta ialah oihak tertentu (pakar runding dan broker).
    Kemudian SD buat kesilapan kerana tamak untuk memiliki IJN sehingga rakyat mengamuk. SD gagal untuk belajar dari kesilapan tersebut lalu melakukan kesilapan yang lebih bodoh lagi iaitu hendak membina lapangan terbang di Labu.
    Tun Musa HItam selaku Pengerusi dan Pengarah Urusan SD (DATO’ AHMAD ZUBIR MUSHID) patut letak jawatan untuk memikul kesilapan dan kebodohan tersebut.

  327. Ybhg. Tun.
    Sebagai salah seorang ALUMNI SMAP (Sek. Men. Agama Persekutuan, Labu) dan pernah menghabiskan masa 5 tahun disana ketika dahulu, saya ingin ucapkan BRAVO dan TAHNIAH kepada kedua-dua AirAsia dan Sime Darby kerana berjaya mewujudkan satu lagi airport yang canggih di negara ini.
    Saya juga seorang pengguna aktif LCCT di KLIA memandangkan saya bermastautin di Semporna, Sabah. Dalam satu tahun, lebih 8 kali saya menggunakan LCCT sebagai ‘gate’ untuk saya berulang-alik dari Malaysia Timur dan Malaysia Barat. Saya merasakan agak rimas kerana ‘kesesakan manusia’ setiap kali saya berada di LCCT.
    Tetapi, selaku manusia yang berfikiran sihat (ditambah lagi hidup 22 tahun dizaman Tun yang selalu meminta rakyat memperkasa dan membudayakan ilmu) saya lihat banyak ruang kosong dan jalanraya yang panjang berlingkar-lingkar untuk sampai ke LCCT. Jika LCCT diperbesarkan dengan mempergunakan tanah yang saya sebutkan tadi, maka tidak perlu kita bersusah-payah untuk membina sebuah lagi LCC di Labu, Negeri Sembilan.
    Tetapi, macam Tun katakan dulu ‘Sime Darby is as good as the government’, maka siapalah saya selaku rakyat marhaien ini dan biasanya jika bersuara pun akan dikategorikan sebagai ‘suara-suara sumbang’ sahaja.
    Dengan ini saya sekali lagi menyambut saranan pembinaan airport baru ini dengan seribu tandatanya (berdukacita dan menyampah) dengan tindak-tanduk ‘Ayahanda’ Perdana Menteri kita kini, anak-menantunya, kroninya dan segala pencacai/tukang kipasnya dan mendoakan agar ia berjaya dilaksanakan (sesuai dengan kehendak rakyat yang sudah jemu dan jijik dengan pentadbiran BN sekarang ini) supaya kelak ia menjadi ‘memorial’ kepada keruntuhan sebuah dinasti.
    Seperkara tentang media kerajaan – saya juga mengucapkan SYABAS kerana sentiasa menyiarkan berita-berita berat sebelah dan teruskanlah siaran anda supaya BN akan tersungkur terus di bumi Malaysia.
    Mungkinkah pertukaran pucuk pimpinan akan berlaku pada March ini? sama-sama kita tunggu. Kalau saya jadi PakLah saya akan kata: “Saya tidak boleh memilih Datuk Najib kerana dia telah membuatkan BN kalah dua kali berturut-turut di Pulau Pinang dan Terengganu. Saya tidak boleh mewariskan kuasa kepada orang yang menyebabkan kekalahan parti. Maka dengan itu saya terus menjadi PM sampai masa yang ditentukan kelak. Lagipun, LCCT di Labu baru sahaja siap dan masih belum lagi saya rasmikan”. Sebaik saya melafazkan kata-kata itu… seperti biasa, maka saya pun ‘TER’tidur lena.

  328. Saya, Ahmad Adzlan Fadzli Bin Khairi, rakyat Malaysia, di sini meminta penjelasan dari Kerajaan Malaysia tentang pembinaan Lapangan Terbang Labu.
    Saya, Ahmad Adzlan Fadzli Bin Khairi, rakyat Malaysia, di sini meminta Kerajaan Malaysia tidak menyembunyikan apa-apa maklumat yang berkaitan dengan Lapangan Terbang Labu ini daripada rakyat.
    Saya, Ahmad Adzlan Fadzli Bin Khairi, rakyat Malaysia, meminta Kerajaan Malaysia agar tidak memperkecil intelek rakyat dan membazirkan wang rakyat untuk sesuatu yang tidak perlu.
    Saya Ahmad Adzlan Fadzli Bin Khairi, rakyat Malaysia.

  329. Dear Tun,
    The explanation by Tony really shows how much they want that KLIA-East badly.
    It is true that we have such a huge amount of land at the present KLIA and all we need is just build another 1 or 2 satellite building exclusively for Air Asia only.
    Ironically, the Cabinet can just agree to the idea or probably they are just ‘yes man’ to the PM and Tony. Sime Darby definitely fits the puzzle in this debacle as well! It must be a farewell gift for the PM, good grief! Probably it would be called Abdullah Badawi International Airport!…God forbid!
    Just hope that this battle wud not die-off, we’ve got to have our say and tell the government how much we are against this wastage of having another airport or will just be another laughing stock to Singapore and Thailand….which we are….

  330. we dont need another airport at the same place. it would look crowded and messy. not elegant at all and shame to us malaysian for not being able to manage our space efficiently..

  331. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Walaubagaimana sekali pun alasan dan perkara yang cuba diterangkan oleh pihak AirAsia. Pastinya ia adalah amat melucukan.
    Hari ini kita sudah ada 2 airport terminal. KLIA & LCCT.
    Buat apa lagi nak ada kat labu? Jauh dari K.L
    Apa mungkin ia hanya baik untuk penduduk Utara Johor, Melaka & Negeri Sembilan.
    Kesimpulannya kalau PM nak tinggalkan LEGASI nya sempat ke dia buat perasmian? atau bakal Ketua Pemuda UMNO yang baru teringin sesangat menabur jasa pada penduduk setempat. Ialah setakat ni selain hanya buat projek pembangunan yang tak boleh nak diketengahkan dirinya.
    Jadi saranan saya, selepas ni kita pastikan saja mereka2 ni tak dapat berkuasa lagi….
    Tapi boleh! jika iman Kita kuatlah dengan dugaan KEMEWAHAN & HABUAN dari orang yang pernah paling berkuasa di tingkat 4 JPM.

  332. Salam Tun,
    Saya tak nampak ketulusan kerajaan dalam perkara KLIA-East ni, melainkan nak menghabiskan duit rakyat. Dan kerajaan akan berterusan mengatakan ‘KITA BUAT NI SEMUA UNTUK RAKYAT’…padahal menghabiskan duit rakyat. Maaf Tun, but we should change the government to make sure that the government tidak sesuka hati belanja ikut hati. Sebagai contoh, pembelian peralatan untuk institut2 latihan, 10 projek hanya diberi kepada 10 syarikat kroni, sedangkan puluhan lagi syarikat2 kecil yang menunggu projek2 sebegini. Yang kaya bertambah kaya, yang kayap bertambah kayap.

    STOP IT!

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