1. Perhaps it would be worthwhile if we read again the Charter of the United Nations to see how we and other countries subscribe to and carry out the objectives of the Charter.

Below is the introduction to the Charter;

“We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generation from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standard of life in larger freedom, and for these ends to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organisation to be known as the United Nations.”

2. Clearly the United Nations is aimed at saving succeeding generations (we and our children, grand children….) from the scourge of war.

3. Who wars today? Is it us or is it the very country which initiated this Charter, on whose soil the countries of the world gathered to formulate and to sign.

4. Total disregard for the “sorrow to mankind” is shown repeatedly by the United States and Britain.

5. And has the United States shown any “faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small”.

6. Look at the millions killed, millions more injured, cities and towns devastated by wars of aggression by the United States, look at the detention without trial and the torture of suspected “terrorists”, the sanctions which killed hundreds of thousands of children and many other obvious disregard for fundamental human rights; look at them and ask yourselves what kind of people are the Americans who signed the UN Charter.

7. Then there is the obligation “to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law”.

8. Have the United States and Britain, the main signatories of the United Nations Charter “established conditions under which justice and respect for …. treaties and international laws”.

9. Both countries totally ignored the Charter of the United Nations the treaty that established it, when both warred against Iraq without the approval of the United Nations. Numerous international laws on rights of citizens and non-citizens, imprisonment and torture, international agreements on the environment have been flouted by the United States. Even the authority of the World Court has been rejected by the US.

10. Has the United States promoted social progress and better standards of life? Killing people in order to promote democracy is totally contrary to this undertaking.

11. Has the United States practiced tolerance and lived in peace as good neighbours? Has the United States obeyed the injunction not to use armed force and has it used international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all people? To all these questions, the answer is a resounding “No”!

12. Truly the United States and at times Britain together with Israel have never honored anything that they have undertaken to do in the Charter of the Untied Nations or at any other time.

13. And yet these two countries often take the high moral ground to preach to other people about human rights, about the rule of law, about respect for international law, about respecting treaties and agreements, about equality and freedoms etc.

14. Never has the world seen hypocrisy on this scale.

189 thoughts on “THE UNITED NATIONS”

  1. Beloved Tun and Tun Siti,
    1. Welcome home. A week or so may be a short time to most, but for those of us who care for both of you and miss your appearance in the local scene, that period seemed a little bit too long. Nonetheless, we continue to hope and pray that Tun Siti and Tun remain, as always, in the best of health.
    2. What is astonishing to me personally during your absence from Malaysia is that despite your tight schedules when abroad, you still found the time, Tun, to send postings to Che Det, and that is something I cannot help but marvel.
    3. One week after your United Nations postings, Israel began launching one of its deadliest attacks on the Palestinians, this time on the Gaza Strip.
    4. Article 24 of the UN Charter, inter alia, empowers the Security Council

  2. Beloved Tun and Tun Siti,
    1. Welcome home. A week or so may be a short time to most, but for those of us who care for both of you and miss your appearance in the local scene, that period seemed a little bit too long. Nonetheless, we continue to hope and pray that Tun Siti and Tun remain, as always, in the best of health.
    2. What is astonishing to me personally during your absence from Malaysia is that despite your tight schedules when abroad, you still found the time, Tun, to send postings to Che Det, and that is something I cannot help but marvel.
    3. One week after your United Nations postings, Israel began launching one of its deadliest attacks on the Palestinians, this time on the Gaza Strip.
    4. Article 24 of the UN Charter, inter alia, empowers the Security Council

  3. Salam Tun
    I have reiterated that the United Nation of today is nothing but to promote Western Interest..
    The Westerners still consider the Asians are just weaklings. They always think they are superior above the rest….
    And true enough we the Asians let the Westerners bomb other Asian country like Iraq, Palestine etc.
    We are just cowered when we are challenged by the Western power.
    Is this what we are defending for in the United Nation of today…

  4. Dear my beloved Tun,
    That’s why they called them US/Britain/Israel as COW..Criminals Of War.. In malay also known as LEMBU…typical call for those brainless/moron/stupid human being..perhaps those COW should be slaughtered ASAP for the sake of peaceful world in future

  5. UN mahupun BN perlu meneruskan usaha untuk kesejahreraan dan kemakmuran seluruh umat bumi dan Malaysia khususnya. Tanpa mempedulikan desakan atau hasutan pihak-pihak berkepentingan.

  6. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, as I would not want believe it but as long as the world keeps rotating in its axis there will always be war and peace ..and war and peace ….and it goes on and on.
    Hatred and jealousy started when Allah commanded Iblis to bow to Nabi Adam but Iblis chose not to and went against Allah’s command and promised to forever deceive mankind and wars started between mankind until Hari Kiamat.
    Wars and conflicts existed during the times of the Spartans, the Vikings, the Crusades, the times of Caesar of Rome, the French revolution, the German revolution, the Russian revolution, the Marxian and Fascist period in Europe, the conquest of Asia by Kublai Khan, Genghis Khan of Mongolia, the Civil War of America and between the natives Indians and the white people, the Opium War, wars during the dynasties period in China, the times of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Sino War, the 1st World War, the 2nd World War, the Korean War, the 6Day War, the Vietnam War, the so-called war against terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Cold War, the Argentina War, Bosnia-Serbia, the Congo Confrontation, the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation,The Holland’s invasion of Indonesia, and the going-on conflicts in South East Asia, and the list is so many…..just too many…
    So you see, we Malaysians are exposed to all reports on wars since time existed on earth. The people of Tanah Melayu had gone through tough times during the invasion of the Portuguese, the British and the Japanese. Those still alive have not forgotten the harsh treatments they have endured.
    Don’t blame the mass media. In fact blame yourself if you have not been reading much or just plain lazy to dig further on the histories of wars and the whys and the hows and the whens wars existed in the first place.
    Among all the wars, how many involved America? I’m not the expert here. Yes USA is one of the superpowers of the world because it controls the economy of the world. It also hold some countries with its clenched fists and modern sophisticated weapons.
    Thus it is not surprising that it too control the UN. Did US ever listen/follow to the UN’s resolutions? Did it ever listen to the voices of the peoples demonstrated on the streets around the world?
    Yes, since USA is one of the superpower, we Malaysians would like to see it play a much fairer role in the international scenes, firm but with sincerity and compassion. We Malaysians are not the enemies of USA but just annoy of its unfairness it displayed to some countries, especially the countries with Islam as their religion. Why is this so? Has any of the Muslims countries ever attacked, conquered USA? If not, why did USA permitted Israel + GB + Allies attacked the Muslim countries? Why couldn’t it play its international role without allowing wars and terrorizing people in mind? If in the beginning it has played its role very well, the world would be a better place to live in. Please bring back the Peace. Please try to understand Islam. If we Malaysians respect you, the US, please respect us too. The whole world needs you to respect them too, the right to live in peace. Is that so wrong? ISLAM IS PEACE.
    (P/S:Just to say a piece of my mind to By boz’s comment on Jan 25th)
    Tun if you still have a bit of love left to UMNO, then try to bring the UMNO’s house back to its rightful place before it drifts further away. UMNO, take Tun as your Advisor when Tun is still with us before you regret yourself. You have nothing to lose but much to gain. Even if you lost the next PRU, at least you lose with dignity and pride. Never betray your party and your people if you are not satisfied with your party. But strife to make it better and better.
    I just hate those who betray and leave the party when it needed all the help it can from its own people, and then jump to another party. After harvesting and consume the yields of the party, filling fulled and satisfied then cowardly make an exit. That’s his/hers right yea. But I just couldn’t stand the act of betrayal and cowardice.
    (just heard on the news about some fella in Perak jumped ship.
    Please dear Tun take care and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  7. Dearest Tun,
    Please allow me to respond to the following bloggers:
    By max on January 23, 2009 8:58 PM :

  8. Selamat pagi Tun,
    Izinkan as usual….
    By Harimau1900 on January 24, 2009 11:13 PM
    Dear YAB Tun,
    With respect sir..
    //To HBT…I don’t see what really upset you with Max’s comments above…..Max has a point there…We have more worrying things to worry domestically than Internationally.
    There are a lot of internal issues within our country that have not been solved and we trying to correct the WORLD!
    Everyone has the right to read or comment in Tun’s blog as this was posted for everyone to read and comment. People could agree or disagree with Tun’s comments and we should take it as a healty debate to improve and move forward. No one has the right to stop or force them to agree to all Tun’s comments. I’m sure even Tun wants the same so everyone can put their thoughts together so we can have our beloved country Malaysia at the top of the world as an example for others to follow. Our goal is to make Malaysia as a country by example for others to follow.
    I apologize if my comments offended you.
    Kita boleh kena Teh Tarik dengan Roti Telur sama-sama…
    Thank you/Harimau 1900.//
    You my friend who is made in Malaysia and act like Malaysian, Mr Harimau 1900 and I remember you. You are so much polite now in chedet, I am happy for you that you have had learn from Tun.
    You belanja I makan kat mamak, I belanja you makan kat Loaf. I believe, if you respect me one inch, I respect you one feet. I love to have friends who respect others, not that Max, dia ingat dia mat salleh (the real mat sallehs are indeed friendly and respect others), ish…. jangan berlagak spt orang putih, sini adalah Malaysia, nak tell me in the mat salleh way, I say you go fly kite.
    The problem that mat Max brought up is created by himself because of his negative thinking on our ruling government, courts and police. Who say that the police and courts are not doing their jobs, they are. As for “Nurul and Sharlini’s murders”,yes indeed is very sad, sad, sad. Let it be the lesson to all parents to be more careful in guarding their little children. Harimau, this world is full with “not so nice” people, be it domestically and internationally, all I can say is be nice and be carefull, that’s all we can do as a human being.
    Happy holiday, Mr Harimau.
    Good Day Tun.

  9. salam Tun,
    the comments (non supportive ones) are truly out of topic or should we say THEY OR THESES PPL cannot read between lines what Tun is trying to say. i would like to brand these ppl ONE EYED PERSON or zionis ass kisser.
    puas hati aku…….

  10. Being considered as one of the world’s superpowers, it is regretable that only U.S.A. is singled out as the trouble makers. Malaysians fail to see that the world is under threat from other countries with nuclear power like North Korea, Cuba, Europe, Iran and wasn’t it sometime ago that Malaysia is accused of having nuclear technology ? Beside nuclear, terrorism that goes uncontrolled in Bali and Mumbai, and can Malaysians be sure that Malaysia is full proof 100 % safe ? Malaysia is surrounded by threats of terrorism. Extremists in Indonesia, in Philippines and in Thailand. Can Malaysia’s status as an Islamic country protect her forever ? United Nations strives for peace in all countries. However internal conflicts become internationalized. What happens between Israel and Gaza is almost the same as what is happenning in Southern Thailand near Kelantan ? How come the case with Southern Thailand is not internationalized ? Wars between tribal groups in Africa go on for years and years. Conflicts between India, Bangladesh and Pakistan go on for years and years too. In fact, there are wars in so many different parts of the world which the mass media fail to report to the Malaysian public. So I think at times we cannot be just one sided.

  11. Dear YAB Tun,
    With respect sir..
    To HBT…I don’t see what really upset you with Max’s comments above…..Max has a point there…We have more worrying things to worry domestically than Internationally.
    There are a lot of internal issues within our country that have not been solved and we trying to correct the WORLD!
    Everyone has the right to read or comment in Tun’s blog as this was posted for everyone to read and comment. People could agree or disagree with Tun’s comments and we should take it as a healty debate to improve and move forward. No one has the right to stop or force them to agree to all Tun’s comments. I’m sure even Tun wants the same so everyone can put their thoughts together so we can have our beloved country Malaysia at the top of the world as an example for others to follow. Our goal is to make Malaysia as a country by example for others to follow.
    I apologize if my comments offended you.
    Kita boleh kena Teh Tarik dengan Roti Telur sama-sama…
    Thank you/Harimau 1900.

  12. Tun,
    The topic is on United Nations.Yes, I agree the United Nations is a paper tiger now. That’s why many countries try to resolve their border problems on their own.Mr Ban was shocked to see the devastation at both Israel & Gaza.Last that I read was that there was a truce at Gaza.The region is rather volatile & things can flare up again any moment.

  13. Tun,
    By max on January 23, 2009 8:58 PM
    Dear HBT
    //First of all your boot kissing opinion stinks; pls argue with some point more constructive. I hope you also fully practice what u preach next time esp now u have openly showed ur disliking for US. But of course if u cheat; its ok becoz nobody will know anyway.//
    Whether I cheat or not, people will know, don’t worry about that, at least Michael Moore knows!!!!! If you dislike my boot kissing opinions stinks, please don’t read. Who knows what Obama will do, huge deficit of USA may cause more deaths and they have selected Aghanistan as the agenda.
    If you are scare, pack your things and run to USA, man like you really got no and so stupid to think that US can be a truthfull international police with such huge deficit. Obviously they will kill more muslims. Abandon Air Asia if you want yourself and kids to be safe in malaysia. With Air Asia around, Malaysia, an Islamic country, is challenging the USA and they can create all reasons to attck us, think about it Mr Family Man!!!!

  14. Tun,
    //By I love Jews on January 23, 2009 2:05 PM
    how do you comment on the news that Fatah spied for Israel during the Gaza attack?
    How to you explain that now the Hamas are killing the Fatah??//
    I love Jews,
    I have been holding my comments on you all this while. Please read carefully and understand “the KL Foundation To Criminalize Law” by Chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad first and use your brain to understand the resons why Dr Mahathir goes against UN before you comment. I love Jews, you are just another arrogant bast.rd like the Hamas.
    The title is on UN!!! UN today cannot function properly and fairly because it involved too many morons (the crooked politicians dressed as MIB or The Legend). We are condeming those who brutally killed and butchered innocent lives here, we are not against the UN or the Obama (the white house turned black house).
    For those who love jews or the so-called justice or police in the world (S..Tan, pakpandir08, Larry Jay, koey tew man, please go a head with your support, but not in Don’t be the low moral morons in to show your hypocrisy here. Never2 under estimate the world and rakyat power, I love Jews and please shows some respect. Unless you are those students who wear “diapers” to school, nak ajar memang susah kerana otaknya masih bayi lagi, a,b,c,d tak tau, alif ba da pun tarak faham, nak sokong Justice pulak, ish…..
    We have many crooked politicians locally, and we will show them how to be a good leader which has vision, the true and raw vision, not the window-dressed up vision as shown in hollywood movies and by Obama & Michelle dancing on the stage. Huge deficit in USA means hutang terlampa yang boleh membawa bencana lagi dasyat dan tidak adil di dunia, Mr L love Jews

  15. Dear HBT
    First of all your boot kissing opinion stinks; pls argue with some point more constructive. I hope you also fully practice what u preach next time esp now u have openly showed ur disliking for US. But of course if u cheat; its ok becoz nobody will know anyway.
    And Tun; as i am looking into the country news; the trend is far more worrying than our worries for Gaza or UN or even the the Air Asia terminal in Labu
    This is about our safety, about our friends living next door, our police cannot even have good inteligence to find and solve the case of innocent young girl call Nurul or Sharlini and they get very trigger happy when they caught a suspect for car theft(read news report today). Well i thought we had courts to throw the charge, but i think the Malaysian police can do anything they like.
    Well i ask now; find Nurul and Sharlini’s murders and hang them. Why? Because i want my kids and his friends to be safe too next time. When i can ensure this then i have right to comment about Israel’s murder of those innocent Palestine babies.
    As i have mentioned earlier in my other comment; we better not talk so much about other countries being so cruel. Its always better to look into our own house first before we comment on others
    It is also disgrace that while so many issue surrounding our country we get too carried away with world events like Obama, or even Anwar. Well i dont care who becomes PM next. For us the peace we enjoy thats most important to us. Right now our current BN politicians are not able to keep the country in peace and harmony. For HBT same goes to you, if you dont like Obama or Anwar then pls shut up. U can go to Tun’s house and get your rose for being so blindly loyal.
    For me on Mahathir during crisis; there was hatred i have to admit but the control and anger management was probably good that ppl do forgive and forget things and carry on what is important for most of us. Our livelihood.
    Right now we talk about freedom and right, and but all end up like bullshit and we cannot sometime accepts simple criticism and comment about anyone.
    IF FREEDOM AND RIGHTS IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU; then pls act on it please…

  16. Selamat petang Tun,
    //by pakpandir08 on January 20, 2009 6:46 PM
    For statement #6
    – … look at the detention without trial and the torture of suspected “terrorists”
    I think this is similar to ISA in Malaysia … president Bush will say … the act “detention without trial” is to maintain harmony of the world …
    human are sometimes quite funny, certain things that we did is correct, but if same thing did by others, then it is wrong …
    Di negara ini, ramai orang yg bersifat …. “semua dia betul, semua salah orang” … khasnya oleh sesetengah tokoh politik, dan pembodek-pembodeknya …//
    **I agree with Tun on last para 14.
    Never has the world seen hypocrisy on this scale.**
    Macha pandir,
    If you don’t like ‘Mahathirism’, why keep on barking here???? We sincere bloggers in never sign in as visitor, never complain or make any remarks in Anwar and Raja Petra personal blog eventhough we dislike them.
    We have our standard and we know where we stand. But you, aiyo.. yo.. I think you are a hypocrit like the American crooked politicians and your uncle Anwar. To ban ISA so that your uncle Anwar or your brother Tony can be our PM. Mana boleh macha, ini Malaysia bukan Amerika. Siapa itu Obama??? Your brother ke???? Nak buat pembezaan, carilah fakta yang kow2 bagus, jangan lah asyik tunjuk kebodohan ko di sini. With your kind of attitude, PR to be the leading government, no thank you because you guys have low moral and do not where you stand, nak complain pun boleh salah tempat, aiya…..

  17. Akum Tun
    Itulah nasib negara ketiga dan terutama negara islam. Seluruh dunia nampaknya diperbodoh bodohkan oleh US dan israel. Justeru pemimpin dunia Ketiga mesti la yang berwibawa dan berilmu dan sanggup bekerja kuat bukan tido dan pentingkan anak menantu aja.
    Saya bersetuju dgn pandangan PAK BELALANG tentang komen beliau, kalau Ali atau Mat Taib atau KJ yang menang dalam pemilihan UMNO nanti UMNO /BN akan hancur dan jgn mimpi BN dan UMNO akan lebih elok.
    Ali rustam bukan tidak kuat bekerja dan bukan susah nak jumpa. Tp setiap kali berjumpa dia ni suka tido dan tidak memmpunyai ciri2 pemimpin yang bertaraf antarabangsa dan mungkin sesuai utk jadi Ketua menteri sahaja dan Mat Taib pun gitu hanya sesuai menjadi MB atau menteri Luar bandar aja. Kalau KJ bukan tak cerdik tapi kurang bijak, beliau la punca pada kemusnahan BN/UMNO bersama pak mertua beliau.
    Saya rasa dah tiba masanya UMNO berubah dari pentingkan jawatan kepada pentingkan kebaikan bangsa, agama dan negara. Contoh israel mereka tidak membuang pemimpin yang berilmu tapi bekerja sama2 untuk kebaikan negara beliau. Kita di Malaysia bila aja TDM letak jawatan semua pakat dok kutuk dia. Ini lah balasan.
    TDM bukannya sempurna tapi jasa beliau telah terbukti dan malaysia begitu berjaya. Apa salahnya idea idea beliau diterima pakai dan perhalusi. Saya yakin kalau TDM masih ada bersama sama dengan pemimpin dunia ketiga yang lain, polar politik dunia akan menjadi lebih menarik bersama Presiden Iran dan lain lain.

  18. dear tun. this is my first time writing. how are you tun. i have been reading s.tan comments & i think this s.tan is a racist & i do not think he is really chinese as he claims to be. a chinese do not waste time talking or even writing in his fashion. he twist every single line into twist of lies that he put forwards as his version of truth. he is srunning in a small circle & each time he writes here that circle become smaller. i am a retired chinese civil servant. i am proud to be a malaysian. people who writes here like kamal ahmad reaffirms my belief in my country malaysia. that there is & will be a better future for all of us here. s.tan i frankly do not believe you are chinese at all. you are racist. yes. but you are no chinese. your tongue are too forked to be one. – a proud malaysian chinese.

  19. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Saya masih ingat masa sekolah darjah 1.Tiap hari Isnin kena berikrar :
    Maka kami rakyat Malaysia berjanji untuk mencapai cita-cita kami berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip yang berikut ;
    Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
    Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara
    Keluhuran Perlembagaan
    Kedaulatan Undang-undang
    Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan
    Sampai sekarang saya masih ingat kerana setiap hari Isnin (umur 7 tahun) kena hafal.
    Jadi saya sokong saranan Datuk Mukhriz untuk merealisasikan SEKOLAH SATU ALIRAN (bermula dari sekolah rendah) kerana ini memang akan memberikan impak kepada budak-budak generasi akan datang.
    Kaum lain jangan risau la pasal keselamatan maruah dan harta benda diaorang kerana Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pun suruh kitaorang pergi belajar dan mengembara seluruh dunia untuk menuntut ilmu tanpa takut hilang jati diri.
    Nyawa pun kami sanggup pertaruhkan untuk menjaga hak korang.Tengoklah contoh polis (zaman bagi polis jalankan kerja keselamatan sudah la.Takkan nak suruh kita orang pulak) yang sanggup bergadai nyawa untuk menyelamatkan setiap orang yang berada dalam kesusahan….bukan macam Amerika dan Britain.
    ‘Charter’ bagus tapi tak berdaya nak buat,sebab Amerika bukannya Malaysia.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  20. how do you comment on the news that Fatah spied for Israel during the Gaza attack?
    How to you explain that now the Hamas are killing the Fatah??

  21. Dear Tun,
    I wish to draw your attention to your open letter to Obama on Jan 1, 2009. It was picked up by an Arab reader who wrote in to the Arab News, an English language daily in Saudi Arabia, and the open letter was reprinted center-page in the Letters To The Editor section in its entirety on Jan 9, 2009. Your comments and views are much followed by the people in the Middle East, and as one of your readers commented you are highly regarded even by the ordinary folks here in Saudi

  22. Dear Tun,
    Just to lighten the mood, and to pay our last tributes to an idiot, please find below quotes from Bush! Enjoy:
    “For NASA, space is still a high priority.”
    “If you say you’re going to do something and don’t do it, that’s trustworthiness.”
    “One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is “to be prepared”.”
    “Justice ought to be fair.”
    “A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.”
    “If the terriers and bariffs are torn down, this economy will grow.”
    “Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.”
    “Reading is the basics for all learning.”
    “We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.”
    “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?”
    “September the 4th, 2001, I stood in the ruins of the Twin Towers. It’s a day I will never forget.”
    “It isn’t pollution that’s harming the environment. It’s the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.”
    “I have opinions of my own -strong opinionsbut I don’t always agree with them.”
    “If we don’t succeed, we run the risk of failure.”
    “When the governor calls, I answer his phone.”
    “For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It’s just unacceptable. And we’re going to do something about it.”
    “(The Taliban) have no disregard for human life”
    “I can press when there needs to be pressed; I can hold hands when there needs to be… hold hands.”
    “The problem with the French is that they don’t have a word for entrepreneur.”
    “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
    “It’s a time of sorrow and sadness when we lose a loss of life.”
    “I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.”
    “I’m honoured to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein.”
    “The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country.”
    “I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family.”
    “I recently met with the finance minister of the Palestinian Authority, was very impressed by his grasp of finances.”
    “Will the highways on the Internet become more few?”
    “We’re going to have the best educated American people in the world.”
    “Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across the country.”
    “General, I want to thank you for your service. And I appreciate the fact that you really snatched defeat out of the jaws of those who are trying to defeat us in Iraq.”
    “I think we agree, the past is over.”
    “America stands for liberty, for the pursuit of happiness, and for the unalienalienable right of life.”
    “There’s an old saying in Tennessee I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, fool me once, shame on shame on you. Fool me you can’t get fooled again.”
    “I don’t particularly like it when people put words in my mouth, either, by the way, unless I say it.”
    “One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.”
    “You wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling.”
    “My job is a decision-making job, and as a result, I make a lot of decisions.”
    “Sometimes when you study history, you get stuck in the past.”
    “It’s in our country’s interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm’s way.”
    “We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe”
    “There is distrust in Washington. I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I’m sorry it’s the case, and I’ll work hard to try to elevate it.”
    “I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep on the soil of a friend.”
    “It’s very important for folks to understand that when there’s more trade, there’s more commerce.”
    “I think it’s really important for this great state of baseball to reach out to people of all walks of life to make sure that the sport is inclusive. The best way to do it is to convince little kids how to

  23. salam Tun,
    To S.C Tan,
    you are a typical person (there are many others of your species here) who loves the western media too much to believe that the Palestinians / Tun are also to blame for this conflict.I think that many of your kind are OPPORTUNISTIC BY NATURE.
    May I suggest you read up Prof.Chandra Muzaffar

  24. Assalamualaikum,Tun yang dihormati dan semua pembaca
    Saya bukanlah orang pandai-pandai,cuma seorang marhaenis yang agak bosan dengan keadaan sekarang.
    Semasa saya dalam darjah tiga tahun 1983,semua murid-murid sekolah menderma dalam Tabung Bantuan Palestin,sekarang anak saya pula yang minta derma tu daripada saya.Apalah sangat seringgit dua itu tetapi…
    Sudah 26 tahun saya lihat dan dengar kisah-kisah tragis.Tak kira Palestin,Iraq atau Afghanistan.Kita pun sedih sebak tengok insan-insan teraniaya.Tapi pernah tak kita fikir mengapa mereka ditindas?
    Mengapa mereka sebegitu tertekan,terhimpit dan segala macam ter.. lagi?Mengapa rakan-rakan seislam dan se’Arab’ sekitarnya hanya melihat?
    Sudah tentu kita akan kata AMERIKA lah penyebabnya,ISRAEL lah syaitannya,bukan?Mengapa mereka kuat?Bagaimana cara mereka kuat?
    Orang-orang teraniaya ini (Palestin,Iraq dsb)sepatutnya contohi musuh mereka sendiri iaitu AMERIKA dan ISRAEL.
    Maksudnya bukan cara lawan balik dengan batu atau peluru atau apa2 senjata lain tapi dengan PERPADUAN antara puak.Kita tahu masyarakat Arab ini berpuak-puak dan suka bertelagah.Sebab itu Islam datang ke sana.Islam nak puak-puak ini ada HATI NALURI.
    Apa sebab AMERIKA dan ISRAEL kuat?Sebab kereta kebal dia power..? bom ada bertan-tan?Senjata canggih..? Bukan itu sebabnya..Mereka ni power pasal mereka tahu ambil kesempatan.Mereka tahu apa kelemahan dan apa kelebihan.Mereka tahu golongan-golongan ini tak ada pemimpin sejati.Satu puak satu pemimpin.Puak yang lain pun ada pemimpin juga.Lepas tu bertelagah tak puas hati siapa nak jadi ketua pemimpin.Siapa yang beri lompong kesempatan pada ISRAEL & AMERIKA ni sebenarnya? Bak kata Nabil ” Lu pikir la sendiri”
    Ingat tak dulu ‘Dasar Pandang Ke Timur’? Dulu Jepun jajah kita,bunuh nenek moyang kita…Tapi lepas tu kita belajar macam-macam ilmu dari mereka.Kita jadi Jepun tak?Kita pakai kimono tak?Kita pakai selipar Jepun sampai sekarang kannn…
    Orang Melayu ni semua pandai-pandai apabila ada pemimpin yang bijak (Macam Tun la…).Kalau kita tak mahu jadi ‘insan teraniaya’ rajin-rajin la belajar dari pelbagai aspek.
    p/s Saya masih minum air Coca Cola,sungguh sedap rasanya terutamanya sekarang musim panas.

  25. comment:
    Kamunting Detention Camp cannot be compared with Guantanamo Bay detention camp. I don’t think those detain in Kamunting Camp are due to their opposing of the govt policies but they are purely instigators that can cause havoc to our fragile multi-racial society. They are worse than terrorists. They deserve to be secluded from our society for the sake of peace and harmony.
    The word of the day is hypocrisy.
    Obama has taken the first step to close Guantanamo and you defend Kamunting by stating ISA detention are worse then terrorist. How is detaining people without trial under ISA different from what the US was doing at Guantanamo. Most of the ISA detainees are those that question gov. policies and voice out injustice by gov. They are political prisoners. Nobody should be detain without trial.
    So you are saying Political prisoners are more dangerous then Terrorist.

  26. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Despite all my disagreement with the cronies around you, I read your writing on Malaysian current affairs with great interest because your articles are filled with factual insights due to your experience as premier.
    However I disagree with your views on world affairs because your comments are loopsided and lack depth and breath. I see Dr Mahathir as a Malaysian leader and elder statesman but I do not see global leadership in you due to your biased views.
    There are leaders with from Asia who command global respect such as Lee Kuan Yew, Deng Xiao Ping and Mahamat Gandhi. Mahamat Gandhi’s hunger strike brought down the British Imperial colonization of India and lead to India independence. That is worth massive respect from my heart. Deng Xiao Ping liberalized the largest communist society in the world without breaking the union is one of the greatest feat. Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s view on asian affairs is constantly requested by First World leaders.
    Dear Tun, please focus on Malaysia current and future affairs. Malaysia is sinking into recession and the current leaderships are still in denial. Tun has personally spoken about this matter in your response to Datuk Sri Najib when he wrongly said that Malaysia is not affected by global recession.
    Tun should not waste time to critize Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi because Tun chosed him. PERIOD. He has ststed he will step down if Datuk Sri Najib won President election of UMNO. Now that he did, what is Datuk Sri Najib doing? After PM Abdullah publicly stated a date that he will step down there is still nothing of substance to show that Datuk Najib will fix the economy. The most visible are:
    * Helicopter fiasco – still spending time to explain
    * Submarine fiasco – still spending time to explain
    * Mongolian fiasco – still in headlines
    * EPF fiasco – new baggage
    * RM 7 billion budget meaningless
    * Federal Broadband contracting fiasco
    Tun has a hand in suppresing many potential successors during two decades of rule. The potential succesors waited so liong they all grew old and dying but refused to let young ones ascend. A Nation should not allow any ruler to dominate for so long without succession plan. That is the biggest failure of Tun Dr Mahathir’s legacy.
    Tun started the loyalty first criteria has resulted in entire leadership hirachy full of baggages. I do not see datuk sri Najib in any position to clean up the house due to his own baggages that are so big compare many of his lower ranks.
    Tun has a duty to speak up on the need to limit the PM terms to two. No one should serve as leader until he dies. There is too much uncertainty. Uncertainty wreck havoc to foreign direct investments. There is no dynamism in old dying leadership. Look at North Korea.
    Tun also need to speak up on the successor of Datuk Sri Najib.
    I do not see a potential successor in the current batch of deputy and vice presidents in UMNO. Too old. Too much baggages. I see many younger leaders in order to rise had succumbed to corruptive politics. The best way to get rid of the old baggages is to change government so that the young and able men can surge forward without dainted affairs.
    Tun want to be remembered as Malaysian statesman or failed ketuanan? Considering the Indian blood in your veins, please choose to be a statesman of all Malaysian. Fulfill your pledge to expose corrupt leaders. Make them resign. Start with one.
    If you do not give evidence on line for at least one corrupt Umno man after so much rethoric in the internet, no one will believe you anymore. You will be relegated to the list of flip flop in the same category as your enemy Datuk Sri Abdullah Ahman Badawi.

  27. Salam Tun,
    It appears that the UN Charter benefit; only, nations run by ROGUES. Poor and military-weak nations that do not accept and support their empirical agenda, their people will be butchered, their nations plundered and pulverized, and their civilizations wiped out!
    Obviously these ROUGES are abusing their power to go against the UN Charter, therefore they are to be brought to justice and dealt with for not preventing war, instead encouraging the killing of people using their produced weaponry. Their consumption of oil in great amount has led them to GREED. This greed has made them evil to invade IRAQ for their oil, on the pretext to remove Saddam Hussein said to be their potential threat towards fulfilling their evil dream to creat a new DIABOLICAL EMPIRE!

  28. /// By obbi71 on January 21, 2009 2:54 PM
    Today I heard with disgust CNN comments on the inaugral speech of the new US President. The comment was ” … a warning to Muslim countries”. Why MUSLIM counries? Are the muslim countries the cause of todays upheaval? World War 1? Germany. World War 2? Germany, Italy and Japan. ///
    obbi71 – I think you should not jump to conclusion based on the CNN comments. Go and get the actual Inaugural Speech. I have appended the relevant paragraph below.
    /// To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society’s ills on the West – know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist. ///
    As you can see, the first sentence is very friendly. What warning are you talking about? Obama is talking about going forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect.
    The second sentence again is only a warning to those who are guilty. We all know that Tun like to blame Malaysia’s ills on the West. So, yes, it is a warning, but only to those who seek to sow conflict.
    Again the third sentence is a warning only to the culprits – if the hat fits, wear it.
    The last sentence is very friendly – the US will extend a hand of friendship if you are not belligerent and talk big. Like asking the Malaysian Armed Forces to attack the United States and Israel.

  29. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Minta sedikit izin ruang disini. Terima kasih.
    By JJJ on January 22, 2009 11:46 AM
    Salam JJJ. Well said, well written and well done JJJ! Indeed its a cut above the rest and you sure stood tall now looking down at that lover of Jews with your analysis and presentation my friend.

  30. Salam,
    US adalah DAJAL akhir zaman. Kalau kita baca ciri-ciri Dajal, serupa la dengan US. Orang dulu-dulu kata, Dajal ini besar (Memang kerajaan US tu besar. Kalau berdiri dan tangannya mengapai ke atas, tangannya mencapai langit dan kakinya berada di dasar lautan(tengok teknologi US dengan kecanggihan satelit dan kapal selamnya). Matanya satu (tak dapat nak membezakan yg baik dan buruk). Kalau dia bercakap, manusia akan terpesona (tengok produk hiburan, MTV misalnya).
    US memang Dajal!

  31. By RajaChulan on January 21, 2009 11:52 AM
    Dear Tun,
    1.President Obama has agreed to close down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
    2.Likewise, will the Malaysian Government agree to close down the Kamunting Detention Camp?
    Kamunting Detention Camp cannot be compared with Guantanamo Bay detention camp. I don’t think those detain in Kamunting Camp are due to their opposing of the govt policies but they are purely instigators that can cause havoc to our fragile multi-racial society. They are worse than terrorists. They deserve to be secluded from our society for the sake of peace and harmony.

  32. Tengku Abdullah Calls For Total Revamp In FAM
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 22 (Bernama) — Former Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) deputy president Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah has called for a total revamp in the association’s administrative structure.
    This could bring back the country’s glory in the world number one sport, he said.
    FAM dan macam parti UMNO. It is stinking and slowly sinking. No hope !! Dulu, kini dan selamanya ……..pi mai, pi mai tang tu juga.
    FAM has always been in the comfort zone. Their culture is just like UMNO. No difference! It is a sick national football association. We can safely say that FAM is just as haprak and HP6 association. The people who are running the show have lost their direction what to do with the present poor state of affairs in the national football team. What a pity !!

  33. Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
    Clearly, Charter of the United Nation is not the “Constitution of the World” for the lives, freedom & dignity of all peace loving nations are now threatened by the very “Charter” introduced in the name of peace.
    It makes me wonder why governments of the world are bind to uphold this Charter, continues to remain as the under priviledged member (surrendering the veto powers to the irresponsible few) to this club which allows the “trio of terror” to dictate, humilate and slaughter and treat humans worst than animals.
    Let us all choose our own destiny. It’s best that nations stand up for their rights. The UN can never ever protect the interest of its members, let alone the world. We should call for a worldwide campaign to LEAVE THE UN enmasse because we don’t need to go to the UN to be heard as our voices had never meant anything to UN.
    Herman anak Temasek

  34. United Nations… i just read that George Bush had to pause during an important speech to answer a telephone call from Ehud Olmert on January 12. Think UN Sectary General has to the same..? We have the answer.
    So, there is a cease-fire in Gaza. There have been many. But lives have been lost, settlements ravaged, the blame is still on Hamas and not on Israeli’s part. Why has the world not recognized Hamas? Hamas has not been given platform. Mahmoud Abbas is no Yasser Arafat, he doesn’t command enough influence to help the people of Palastine. What was he doing when the people of Gaza was cut off. One has to be the man for and of the people. Hamas and Fatah must meet eyes. Nothing can happen right if this does not happen first. Israeli’s just took advantage of this and will continue to do so.
    The world continues to function like a movie, doesn’t it? If someone has made movies out of the Israel-Palastine conflict, this would have been sequel number….we lost count. It’s many more than James Bond sequel. The lead actors keep changing. We have new one, Barack Obama. We have heard he is Hope and he is on his way to remaking America and Hopefully remaking a new world too.
    The whole world is putting very high Hope on President Obama. He has a lot of praying to do because circumstances around him are not in his favor. We Hope the diversity of his secretaries will be able to pack some weight to realize quickly some of his promises in his inaugural address, if not all. Many say he touches on almost everything and that is very ambitious. “In God We trust”.
    For as long as the UN is housed in New York, the world is not going to see much is being changed. Now they will be consumed with correcting the financial sins of the west, what’s new can we expect from the UN.

  35. salam Tun yg dihormati,
    Sepatuhnya PBB ini dibubarkan untuk keamanan dunia,dan membuat satu badan baru untuk semua negara didunia tanpa kuasa veto.Dimalaysia bantahan dari PM kita hari yg ke-12. dimanakah PM kita ini pergi apabila rejim zionis membuat penyembelehan umat islam diGaza, hanya Tun seorang yg membuat bantahan tanpa henti dan berbagai seruan.Sekarang PM kita pergi melangcong ke negara arab yg kayaraya.pergilah keGaza dan bantu umat islam disana.

  36. Why do people quarrel? Because they cannot argue.
    Why do people argue? Because they cannot talk.
    Why do people talk? Because they cannot whisper.
    Now, taking quarrel as the yardstick, lets look the other way.
    Why do people fight? Because they cannot quarrel.
    Why go to war? Because they cannot fight.
    Analyse that.

  37. Dearest Tun and fellow readers,
    My thoughts on the matter:
    I bet it was a proud moment for all Americans (maybe except for those supporting McCain) last night / yesterday when Obama took to the Oval Office and I’m sure it has been a long time since they feel this way.I can relate the feeling on the possibilty of hope, new positive changes and having a leader that can actually lead. We in Malaysia may or may not be facing the same situation come March 08 when Najid takes over as PM, however I am still hopeful.
    Reality check – I feel sad that for all the hype that was portrayed in CNN, BBC and other boradcast, this is merely a political spin because as we all know at the end of the day, all the same interest of the US such as the utlimate and scared protection of Israel, war on other countries (mainly if not all aiming at Muslim Countries) would remain the same.
    The Presidency of the United States does not belong to the American People but rather to the Mutli National Corporations who spends millions if not billions of Dollars promoting and campaigning in the US Presidential Elections, so of course their interest first and foremost will be the absolute priority.
    And who owns or sits at the head table of these corporations…well..the Jews of course, hence: the cycle of aggrevations, murdering, manupulations and terror will continue on the Muslims and other small insignificant countries that “they” deem unworthy.
    May Allah SWT blessed us for there are much struggle and challenges ahead for the Umah of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

  38. Reading through all the comments to your write-up, they are the reasons why innocent victims of a “wanted” war are seen on our TV screen day and night.
    You know very well, Tun that they are victims of men who are born innocent but being guided by the environment they are schooled into they become bloodthirsty because they want and need political power for their needs and wants AT ALL COSTS. It even made Tun to do things which eventually made you leave early. Now you have your core supporters back, but is it enough to make Mukriz, the next Youth leader? If he makes will he be able to be the next PM? The cards are in your hand.
    You also know that my sacking from the State Cabinet in 1995 was purely political serving the needs of the ruling party. How many Sarawakians miss my contribution, only GOD knows? When I shaved my head for three years, it was NOT IN PROTEST and made out by the media and rumor mongers but with all the false accusations made against me my answers were as written in the letter I gave and the rest was left to be answered in the Court of the Almighty, because I left “VENGEANCE TO GOD”. Why only three years Tun may asked. It was enough because when I started to noted that the curse started to affect even my core grassroots’ supporters who were misguided into smearing my reputation, I have to stop it. After as I said in Parliament once, I came back from Canada to help serve our country so that there will be no racial riots like May ’69.
    Tun, with this new year, help spread good will to all men and be the Statesman our World really need now. As to Palestine, why should we worry too much as long as HAMAS is fighting PLO as well? While USA is guilty of helping Israel, other countries are also guilty for supporting HAMAS and not PLO. Their fight (Palestinians/Jewish) is older than the KORAN or the BIBLE themselves. Let us save Malaysia first from the PARASITES OF BN which have brought you before and now Pak Lah down. They will also let NAJIB down. Let look for the cure from these parasites before it is too late.

  39. Dear Tun,
    I think the our truglle has achieved it’s. The war in iraq and afghanistan is already costing the coalition force US and British into deep recession. Millions of Americans & British is loosing their homes, wander on the streets and might even having difficultis to feed their family. They are already paying for their action. As usual, it is always the ordinary people paid for the irresponsible act of their leaders.
    Please bear in minds that almost 70% -80% of their citizen is not supporting their government’s middle east policy. That is why their people is voting for a new administration. Bush and Tony Blaire are going down as the worst president and prime minister in the history. Even John Howard faced a humiliating defeat in last election by loosing his own seat in the parliment.
    CNN is airing how the palestinian suffer from israel’s attack almost all the time. BBC’s Hard Talk programme is condeming israel for her action. French is palying hard to broker a cease fire. I think the world is backing palestinian.
    Know this, it is not weak by not killing,
    it is not weak by not armouring yourself with weapon,
    it is not weak by hoping for peace,
    it is not weak by choosing hope over fear,
    it is not weak by forgiving your enemies,
    it is not weak by letting go the past.
    Please remember how we Malaysian and Idian obtained independence from British. Our fore fathers have more courage than those who just merely seek for hatred and revenge. They faught in the right way for the right cause.
    We must show the palestinian to fight not with fear or terror.
    Therefore, I support your boycott on coke and Im a non muslim.
    Our family will not buy coke for this chinese new year.

  40. YABhg Tun,
    Sir, permit me to use your blog to send an open message to Mr. Barack Obama the new US President.
    Dear Mr. President,
    First,I would like to congratulate you for your historic inauguration as the United States’ first black President. Kami orang Malaysia ucapkan tahniah kepada Bapak (Mr. Obama understand bahasa, ok). What I am asking from you, sir, is nothing much,it’s within you power and I believe it would be a good start.
    Mr. President, I humbly would like to suggest to you that, instead of sending your armies and soldiers into other peoples’ countries you could instead send your citizens and volunteers to help out these poor countries.
    The previous administration had succeeded in taking more lives, causes more sufferings and hatereds with their bombs and missiles.
    Sir,I know you can make a change.

  41. Hello Mr Selva. How are you. You talk about the Iraq War as though you were there and the US and its allies have every right to attack Iraq. What was Bush’s the first reason to attack Iraq? WMD. He could not find it. Second reason? A refuge for Al Qaeda. Later Bush realise that Sadam and Osama were at odds. They were not the best of friends. 3rd reason? To overthrow dictatorship and establish democracy…ha ha ha what joke. Why not the US attack and establish democracy in North Korea? North Korea definitely has WMD and not enough food for its people.
    We understand why Bush attack Iraq and Afghanistan. These 2 countries posed no threat to the US. They were not responsible for 911. The US attack these 2 countries unilaterally. Remember that ex President Bush said that he is a “War President”…..What did the UN do….nothing…but sanction the war.
    Hellp Mr Selva…

  42. Here are the statistics on the topic “The United Nations”
    Off Topic {63%} | On Topic {37%}
    With ——— | ——–
    Substance Non-sense Defamatory |Relevant Non-sense Defamatory
    ——— ——— ———- |——– ——— ———-
    19 20 22 | 15 8 13 =97
    Conclsusion :
    1. Tun Dr M is a real democrat, the not so pandai are given space to utter whatever.
    2. Malaysians lack “space” to speak out that they need Che Dat’s website to standout.
    3. Malaysians should learn to debate like Tun Dr. M. and foul up his website.

  43. I must praise this Syed Bukhary. I understand he gave your organization RM3.5 million for the Palestinans. Recently I read he is sponsoring 50 Chinese Muslims from China to study in Malaysia every year (I think in The Star today).
    I must also point out that it is the duty of every God-abiding Muslim member of UMNO to potray a good impression of Islam and the hudud law as being the fairest and most law above any other law, simply because it comes from God. I am disappointed that non-Muslim UMNO allies such as MCA can have a very negative view of hudud law until they hate it and try to prevent its instalment. UMNO as orang-orang beragama Islam should have explained hudud law carefully to your non-Moslem allies in its proper context so they do not automatically hate hudud.

  44. Salam Tun,
    The very beginning of the United Nation existance has seen that the establishment is used by the Western govenrment to stage their propaganda.
    We are being fooled to join the establishment. They used their influence to murder and plunder Muslim nations that they deemed threat to their existance. For example look at Iraq, Afganistan & Palestine, these nations have suffered annihilation; million in death toll & suffering to their muslim people. More intention of further destruction to countries like Iran & Syria are on their target list. Even economically the western government used United Nation to damage the economy of China eg North Korea and other nation which do conform with the western idealogy of democracy. I think the West have to think or rework their definition of democracy.. I think they more crazier than the Asian in pursuing democracy….

  45. One thing UMNO can learn from President Barrack Obama is his impartiality in picking the best candidates to form his government whether they be friend or foe. Malaysia will do better if there is less sense of schism between BN and BA and we concentrate on who can best do the job rather than be party-oriented. Please take heed.

  46. Dear Tun,
    Today, the world is no longer being a place call ‘safe’. For a small nation like most under develop countries. The develop countries used the United Nation for their own means. Imagine, if the leader of the powerful nation having it leadership a truly person who love peace and justice could lead the world a better place for the mankind.
    But what the world is having now with leaders who is greed and irresponsible. These are the answer of what has happening to the world today. As long, the Charter of the United Nation is not being fully understood by it members, then there will be no assurance of peace and order as long the hate and selfproclaim of the leading nation need to be corrected.
    Why must there be a VITO POWER where the double standard of those elected nation having the full advantage and with the kind of law and rules played by the elected nation actually the cause of the problem and unsettle issue cannot be overcome as long the application of such rules has being the practise of the United Nation.
    If these are not being ammended, then what is the benefit/purpose of having the United Nation. It worth to form own cartel from divided nation among the UN members. The old days of the USSR is the better world to be. Must the rules hold by major funder or because of it mighty hardware is being measure of the United Nation is the critiria for holding the VITO Power.
    If this is the case of what United Nation is all being about, my suggestion is not to have United Nation to be the control body of the world if it’s only benefit to certain members of the UN.
    The Charter is being a Charter and only a turly leader must take the stand to correct what is not being corrected. As long the United Nation having the sort of double standard rules, it’s good for not having at all.
    There are saying – Cakap tak serupa buat.
    By Minyak Tanah – 2200 (2020)

  47. Dear Tun,
    If my calculations are correct!
    Three biggest names in human history. Three different goals destined by God.
    The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW is destined to guide the ummah towards Ad Din and lead the world out of darkness. Born on August 571.Received the first revelation at the age of 40 and started daawah openly at the age of 44!
    Osama is destined to show the world that blood pays in blood. Born on 10 March 1957.His first successful mission is September 11, 2001 at the age of 44!
    Obama is destined to lead the world on the right track.
    His gateway to political success started when he was elected to the US Senate in 2004, at the age of 44!
    Another similarity is that all are born as Muslims

  48. salam Tun,
    I laugh at the naiveity and bible thumping bravado of commentator ‘I love jews’;
    By I love Jews on January 17, 2009 7:21 PM
    Well, let me quote the bible for you:
    Romans 12:19
    “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord”
    So you see, from the Christian perspective, we should never take revenge because God will avenge on our behalf. The bible teaches us to love our enemies and bless them that curse us. (So different from the quran’s teachings)
    why are christian priests and missionaries converting to Islam?

  49. Big Guns rule the world!
    Hope Obama visits your blog and hopefully can knock some sense into his head!.

  50. dance-gamedance-game I think TUn is too busy so here are some honest answer to your questions.
    First – Its hard to look people in the eye, when you a dishonest MP.
    Corruption and murders all takes a toll on the soul
    Second – USE RTM- NTV7 to brainwash people to believe price hike is needed, if that doesn’t work and people protest send FRU in.
    Third – Arrest all PR leaders under ISA before the next GE.
    Fourth -It is true the Federal gov. controls everything. As Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made a statement in KT chanllengin Lim Guan Eng Investment figure “It’s a lie and a sin by Lim Guan Eng, as the first thing that an investment expert does is to see the Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) and my ministry and not go to the state government straight away”
    But overall I think Tun is more concern about the Palestine People and attacking the US and Israel. I don’t think he cares the countries economic issue
    Five – We only boycott products we can live without.
    Six – UMNO will still be in charge, they have money and ISA. Look how they control Sabah without winning the election

  51. salam Tun dan komentar sekalian,
    lama tak komen, saya nak cadangkan kat Tun supaya pasang widget translate google. sekarang sudah ada utk bahasa indonesia, walaupun begitu bagi kita rakyat malaysia yg tak berapa fasih sgt dgn bahasa inggeris boleh translate artikel tun dlm english kpd bhs indonesia. sekurang2 boleh tau makna artikel english tun dlm bhs indonesia. mungkin tun boleh pertimbangkan. sekian.

  52. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun, actually I couldn’t be bothered with all the pom-pom in welcoming the NEW SHERIFF OF AMERICA. Why should I. His mouth is still and will be zipped on the killings of women and children in Gaza. Will he kneel on his knees and say sorry to the Palestinians on behalf on BuSH..T and EggOmelet! No, of course not! He is surrounded by Israeli patriots who hold dual US and Israeli citizenship!
    America = Israel and Israel = America. Now I know why AMERICA CAN NEVER BE A FREE COUNTRY.
    President Lincoln freed America from SLAVERY but you Americans brought slavery back. You preach Israel like they are God to you.
    You have become the SLAVES OF ISRAEL! Everything you do, your every sweat to earn a living goes to your “God Israel” to kill.
    Forget about the UN Charter Tun. This charter and promises made by AmeriIsrael is just to blind the world and shut their mouths. They are not binded by the Charter or any Rule of Law. But if any country goes against the US and say one ugly word about their “God Israel” or send one “blunt pencil” to hit their soil, they will retaliate with much more brutal hostility!
    So listen World, AmeriIsrael has said: “You don’t play around with us. You don’t make a fool of yourselves. Think…think before you do or speak!.
    Regret to know that apanama Livni is a women and good gracious she speaks on the killings of women and children in Gaza as they are not humans and deserve and had to be killed. Is she human? What if there are tens like her in AmeriIsrael? There can be no peace in the world.
    Tun take of yourself and please take care of your First Lady too.
    May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  53. Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
    1.VETO – was initiated to control as check/balance amongst super powers.Unfortunately it was abused by USA to protect Israel
    2.FUNDING – UN’s annual budjet depended more than 50% to USA’ ‘donation’ and it normally released gradually according to the numbers of ‘anti-Semitic’ declaration/bill
    3.JEWS LOBBYIST – they control USA’s presidential’s dmin/advisor/consultant.They are every where,using funny names,fighting the same cause : survival and dominance of Israel/Jews
    Get rid of these menace and the world will be a better place,Insyallah

  54. salam Tun,
    many commentators here blame the rich Arab countries for not helping out the Palestinians.
    It is true and it’s because the Americans have wielded a strong hold over their Kings and Sultans so much so that these rich Arabs were made to feel obligated and subservient to the US’s wishes and commands.
    Think of Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,Qatar,UAE,Oman,Bahrain.
    Why in the world the Americans never pushed for democracy in these countries when on the other hand they have been so firm when dealing with others (think Myanmar)?
    It is because they can control the kings and
    sultans easier than to control a democratically elected government.
    Case in point,the Hamas government in Gaza which was elected by the people themselves.
    These Arab kings and Sultans are too afraid to act because they will be threatened with all kinds of actions including invasion.
    The only thing they will do is to provide funds to rebuild the total loss of infrastructures in Gaza.
    I have the deepest respect for President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela who severed diplomatic ties with the Jewish Regime.Now this guy has the guts!
    The Zionists will now train their guns on and try their best to bring this guy down,with the US help of course.Mark my words,this will happen in the near future.

  55. salam tun,
    1.bercakap tentang kekalahan bn di kuala terengganu,saya fikir rakyat sudah xdpt menerima bn lg..masakan tidak,sepatutnya bn dpt menang besar kerana semua menteri2 berkampung disana..byk duit dihabiskan untuk pilihanraya masih kalah lg.najib harus lakukan sesuatu jika xmau pisang berbuah 2 kali.jika dulu.kalah di permatang beranggapan yg rakyat x mahukan sdiamaklum yg paklah dh mau berundur dan di ganti oleh masih juga kalah.jka bg alasan.calon bn yg dipilih itu salah..mmg siapa yg pilih?siapa yg bertanggungjwb..dh tentunya najib..najib harus jaga maruahnya jika mahu kekal lama.
    2.Alasan demokrasi subur hanya nk menutup kekalahan shj.kalu demokrasi xsubur..dh lama malaysia ni xada parti politik, dah jd negara diktator.. kerajaan pula kuat mengampu kerajaan hinggakan rakyat naik meluat mendengarnya selain dari harga barang naik xmenentu serta tindakan kerajaan lmbt membuat keputusan dlm menangani krisis ekonomi tidak seperti zaman tun dahulu.
    4.Bercakap pasal Barack Obama,di harap beliau dpt membetulkan semula dasar2 luar dibwh kepimpinan bush dahulu.

  56. Dear Tun,
    I really think that the americans just can accept any political pressure from other countries globally.
    they are just like stubborn child who keeps on making silly excuses to do things that clearly unnecessary to others.
    Are they kids?
    or are they aren’t old enough to even think clear of what might happen?
    Guess I won’t find answer to these questions….

  57. Salam Tun dan pembaca,
    Kita senantiasa diasak dengan pelbagai berita tentang kekejaman Israel. Namun begitu negara-negara Islam hanya dapat berkumpul dan berbincang tanpa sebarang tindakan yang boleh di ambil. Rakyat-rakyat di serata dunia hanya dapat berkumpul untuk menunjukkan perasaan dan protes apa yang berlaku. Akhirnya perang tetap belaku walau apa yang cuba dilakukan oleh mana-mana pihak.
    Perniagaan senjata oleh Amerika dan pelaburan untuk R&D mencecah angka trilion Dollar Amerika setiap tahun. Tanpa mencetuskan peperangan bagaimana senjata-senjata ini dapat dipromosi. Negara-negara Arab dan beberapa negara lain berhutang dengan Amerika kerana peperangan dan senjata. Pembelian ini untuk menjaga kepentingan negara-negara mereka terutama minyak namun begitu mereka akhirnya berhutang dan menjadi seperti kerbau di cucuk hidung.
    Peperangan tidak akan berakhir walau di mana sekali pun selagi Amerika mengeluarkan senjata. Tiada peperangan bermakna tiada perniagaan. Tiada perniagaan Amerika akan jatuh lenyap kerana tiada aliran wang masuk atau tiadanya pegangan ke atas kepentingan minyak negera-negara berhutang.
    Oleh yang demikian, yahudi sebagai pemikir dan stategist Amerika akan sentiasa menjadikan peperangan sebagai alasan untuk mempertahankan diri. Negara-negara yang ketakutan akan menambah bilangan senjata dan membeli dari Amerika dan akhirnya akan menambahkan hutang. Akhirnya akan menguatkan pegangan Amerika ke atas negara tersebut dan takut untuk mengambil apa2 tindakan.
    Dunia akan berterusan sebegini jika umat Islam tidak bersatu. Kita tidak memerlukan apa-apa sebenarnya. Kita perlukan penyatuan yang jitu dari negara-negara Islam. Jika yahudi boleh mengkaji Al-quran untuk memenusnahkan umat Islam, kenapa umat Islam hanya mengaji Al-quran. Sesungguhnya Allah telah berikan terlalu byk maklumat untuk umat Islam maju dan berjaya namun begitu kita leka dengan amalan-amalan dunia hasil dari propaganda yahudi.

  58. Tun,
    The World good or bad is decided by the US supported by Britain and Israel and not the United Nation. So long as this status quo is not changed the World remains the same, full of sufferings and injustices.

  59. Dear Tun,
    The voices have spoken. Only hours after Obama taken office, first instruction was to suspend Guantanamo for 120 days. This is only the beginning. I strongly believe in him and I won’t be surprised if he would lead the march of the Black Flag. As he quoted “…once again reigns from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea.”
    Only the powerful leaders on earth would be able to carry the Black Flag. It is destined for you to witness and even participate in the last campaign.

  60. Tun,
    This main factor behind this misfortune is because we were taught as;
    Came to think about this famous quote, I guess I was a fool to have being influenced by this quote blindly and sub-conciously.
    Yes, we can’t beat them, we join them but must with self-concious, not blindly, example, I boycott USA & Britain products that can be produced locally, boycott Defense Minister on purchase of USA war arms , boycott McDonalds’s occupation through REITS, boycott Shell stations so that other petrol stations can survive locally, this will indeed reduce their power and wealth to control and manipulate UN, the world peace. Never put all eggs in USA & Britain baskets, boycott sikit-sikit, lama-lama akan jadi bukit so that USA & Britain will have to listen to these tiny little voices of the world.
    I have watched the DVD “The Iron Man” (versi TAK ORI) few days ago, it looks like Afganistan will remain as the main agenda for Obama to increase security and defence budget domestically and internationally.
    I have watched DVD on “Sinking Of Japan” (versi TAK ORI juga) last night, Japan needs to save themselves in this economic crisis without relying too much on USA and the world market, that is why employees of Toyota were asked to purchase the company’s cars, it’s fiscal & monetary policy in a multi-international corporate.
    This movie shown that when Japan has such serious problem, the 1st person to run away to US is Deputy Prime Minister (The Prime Minister was killed in air crash due to volcano eruption) bringing along with him the Japan national religion assets. I guess that is why we have seen many Japan Prime Ministers were asked to resign in these few years due to their dissatisfaction on these crooked politicians who have close-tie with USA which is famous for flip & flop on her so-called liberal foreign diplomacy ‘yang tidak mengenang budi’ = democracy in USA.
    It’s dissapointed to know that such person(s) do exist in BN when Sumatra was hit with earthquake last year, beliau ini siapa dan cara dipakai usahlah dibangkit, I cuma nak beritahu yang menteri2 bersikap ini adalah salah satu fakta mengapa BN kalah pada PRU 12, Permatang Pauh dan KT.
    DS Najib is on the right track so far as the finance minister, that is to introduce fiscal policy to save the country’s economy before moving to government spending and monetary policy (tax and interest rate) because he needs to wait for BNM to annouce the kadar inflasi.
    Good day Tun and keeps writing.

  61. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Same old situation, same old story, nothing we can do…unless the muslim countries unite and strike this megalomaniac oppressor.
    Until then, we can only wait and hope that day will come ASAP.
    Sekian, wasallam
    Seremban 220109 9:09am

  62. Dearest Tun,
    I’d like to share this with you, in case you haven’t read already.
    This fascinating essay, written by King Hussein’s grandfather King Abdullah, appeared in the United States six months before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In the article, King Abdullah disputes the mistaken view that Arab opposition to Zionism (and later the state of Israel) is because of longstanding religious or ethnic hatred. He notes that Jews and Muslims enjoyed a long history of peaceful coexistence in the Middle East, and that Jews have historically suffered far more at the hands of Christian Europe. Pointing to the tragedy of the holocaust that Jews suffered during World War II, the monarch asks why America and Europe are refusing to accept more than a token handful of Jewish immigrants and refugees. It is unfair, he argues, to make Palestine, which is innocent of anti-Semitism, pay for the crimes of Europe. King Abdullah also asks how Jews can claim a historic right to Palestine, when Arabs have been the overwhelming majority there for nearly 1300 uninterrupted years? The essay ends on an ominous note, warning of dire consequences if a peaceful solution cannot be found to protect the rights of the indigenous Arabs of Palestine.
    “As the Arabs see the Jews”
    His Majesty King Abdullah,
    The American Magazine
    November, 1947
    I am especially delighted to address an American audience, for the tragic problem of Palestine will never be solved without American understanding, American sympathy, American support.
    So many billions of words have been written about Palestine

  63. betul kata Tun…
    tapi adakah kita perlu menentang PBB?
    kerana PBB hanyalah boneka amerika…

  64. Salam Ayahanda Tun. These are my 2 cents worth. Thank you.
    1- TV3 should not keep finding the weaknesses of the opposition and highlighting those issues almost on a daily basis as they do now. Its shows desperation, and desperation leads to desperate things. Stop the diversion method, its old school. You must approach your viewers with flair, common sense and a certain high degree of intellectual quotient. The rakyat sees all that you are doing as trying to hide

  65. omg…
    are you saying united nations is one of ‘them’ too. may allah saves us from the one eye.

  66. Assalamualaikum,
    For me the UN is just a mere tool brought to life by the victors of WWII to serve as a framework for world government. Its the fascists’ way for their New World Order!! We should never put any hope in their basket. What surprised me is that we really believe in such failed and corrupted institution. I dont see the need for us to continue our contribution to this so-called world governor

  67. point no. 6 : look at the detention without trial
    we malaysian are proud of this too, because we have our own version- ISA

  68. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin..
    ……………..GLOBAL BULLY
    A strong nation comes from a strong govt. Strong means you have the power to wield on another to yield. Thats how you get agreement, acquisce, compliance and steamroll dissent.
    Once a party has absolute power we can only pray for its goodness of character, or heaven help us.
    Who advocates a strong govt? I know one person.
    We need a good govt not a strong one. Only the rakyat need to be strong.
    The world has seen a united nations organisation hijacked to serve the interests of powerful nations. M’sia has similar scenes of a united Malays organisation being hijacked by crooks and racists.
    The atrocities of US on the world stage can be viewed comparing the local scene. One party has dominated a united Malays organisation and commits gross violations against the spirit of the constitution.
    ……………..USE LOCAL
    Tun correctly reiterated US misconduct viz a viz UN charter. Compare UMNO misconduct viz a viz M’sian constitution.
    Saving People
    Basic duty of govt is provide freedom, safety for its citizens regardless of political leaning. ISA (mcm UN Charter) di tunggangkan untuk menangkap wartawan melapur cakap benar, penulis blog, ahli pembangkang.
    Mat rempuh, Mat berarak, Mat hamun, Mat ugut diberi permit dan perlindungan.
    Security and Safety
    Cawangan krjn seperti polis digunakan untuk melawan rakyat bukan melindung rakyat atau melawan jenayah. Kejar penjenayah, gadai nyawa hanya dapat pingat dan saguhati. Menghambat orang berkumpul dgn aman dapat naik pangkat.
    Govt institution to protect rakyat is terrorising rakyat voicing dissent peacefully. Crime rate rises proportionately with the pay rise to police force.
    George ‘Sorrows’ of M’sia
    This party has no regard for rakyat suffering. It is willing to bring disaster to our doorstep to achieve its ambition. See how they strangle development from opposition areas and states. Similar tactic to Israeli blockade of Gaza to force out Hamas?
    Equal Rights
    People who claim the nation ‘belongs’ to one race only and that race must be supreme will defend ‘equal’ rights, protect the small? A believer of glory of colour not character, kulit not content will change our nation?
    Upholding Justice
    We have abused detention without trial ( which is against the constitutional oath to protect the rakyat) long before Guantanamo, Al Qaeda, Iraq, Afghanistan. They are learning from us.
    To establish conditions for justice and respect for obligations we have mass sacking of judges, correct correct correct advisers. Authority of Supreme Court enhanced by ISO (I so order) judges.
    Practising tolerance and living in peace as good neighbours involves threats of deportation, citizenship, deprivation, choking off funds. Even statesmen believe in such practises. Kill a fire with fire.
    To those who try to justify the above, think! Your same justification is what the US is saying in defence. If you slip, you might sound like a Maha hypocrite to condemn them and try to justify the above at the same time.
    Yet these people are the loudest proclaimers of justice against the US.
    M’sia has seen such shameless righteousness on every level.

  69. Before we delve deeper into the role of The UN organization in world affairs, let it be known that The United Nation Headquarters & General Assembly Building, which sits on the sprawling 18 acres of prime land (facing The Hudson River) at Lower Manhattan in New York City, was actually donated by the rich and powerful Rockefeller family. This fact is not known by many though.
    In this regard, what interest does the Rockefeller family have in international or world affairs? Why were they being so

  70. Salam Tun,
    Melencong sikit..
    Tahniah kepada para pemimpin UMNO Terengganu yang telah bertungkus-lumus dan cuma kalah dengan majoriti tipis, lebih sikit dua ribu undi sahaja kepada Pas di Kuala Terengganu.
    Semoga mampu peroleh kekalahan dengan majoriti yang lebih tipis di masa depan.

  71. Zahid’s Directive Against Spirit Of Federalism
    IPOH, Jan 21 (Bernama) — The Perak state government today described the directive by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that federal departments and agencies in Perak should not attend meetings organised by the state government as not respecting the spirit of federalism and the rights of the people.
    Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said the directive was against the state government’s policy of having good relations with the federal government in the interests of the people.
    To Menteri Besar Perak,
    Please bear in mind that respect is to be earned. If you don’t respect the Federal government, please don’t expect the Federal respect the State government. The State government seems to always ridicule the Federal government most of the time. A good example is the purchase of vehicles for excos and govt. officers. It is the policy of Federal government to use National cars Proton but you chosed otherwise by purchasing Camry with a glaring intention to belittle the BN Federal govt.policy. This is a reflection how immature the State govt. is.

  72. Money Politics: 12 Individuals Arrested
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 21 (Bernama) — The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has arrested 12 individuals to facilitate investigations into allegations that they received money from a politician recently.
    MACC investigations director Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull said the 12 individuals were picked up since yesterday afternoon around Maran and Temerloh.
    “Eleven of them have been released on MACC bail today while another was still being detained for further questioning,” he said.
    Kita tunggu dan lihat sejauh mana keberkesanan MACC dalam mengendalikan kes rasuah yang sudah dianggap menjadi barah yang dah tak terkawal lagi dalam parti UMNO.
    Pada pandangan saya rasuah dalam UMNO boleh dihapuskan jika Perlembagaan UMNO dirombak semula dalam urusan pemilihan jawatan diperinkat cawangan hingga keperingkat Majlis Tertinggi. Ini mesti dibuat kalau image UMNO nak dipulihkan semula. Kalau ahli-ahli UMNO tidak mampu buat sesuatu untuk memertabatkan semula parti UMNO ketahap yang boleh disokong dan diterima oleh rakyat maka kehancuran parti UMNO hanya menunggu masa sahaja.

  73. State Funds Not Used, Says Selangor MB
    SHAH ALAM, Jan 21 (Bernama) — Selangor Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim has denied that he had used state funds to sponsor 46 heads of cattle for meat distribution to constituents of Bandar Tun Razak during Aidiladha last December.
    He said the cattle, valued at over RM110,000, were sponsored by subsidiaries and associate companies of Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS), which wanted the meat to be distributed to suraus in the constituency.
    Khaled is the Member of Parliament of the constituency.
    “There is no question of abuse of power and furthermore, it was members of the public who benefited from the effort,” he told reporters after chairing the weekly state executive council meeting here today.
    Khalid is actually not an intelligent person. He is a mediocre Mentri Besar. Manusia ini tak tahu mengenang budi. Inilah manusia yang “menggigit jari orang yang sumbatkan nasi ditemboloknya.”
    Dia kata dia tak salah gunakan kuasa. Pembohong besar. Soalannya mengapakah pembahagian daging tersebut hanya dikawasan Parlimennya sahaja. Mengapa tidak dikawasan-kawasan Parlimen yang lain. PKNS adalah syarikat kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan sepatutnya pembahagian daging tersebut diagihkan kapada semua kawasan Parlimen di negeri Selangor. Menteri Besar dah bodoh stupid. Bekas ahli corporate “taik kucing” Haprak dan HP6. He was just a lucky boy who was at the right place and at the right time when he was the PNB “office boy” of Tun Ismail.What had he done to Guthrie when he was the CEO. Did he add value to Guthrie’s shares compared to IOI or Kepong.Nothing. Being the largest plantation company in the world he contributed nothing at all when he was CEO. Dia berlagak sahaja kononnya dialah ahli korprat bumiputra yang berjaya mengendalikan syarikat ladang gergasi.Podaaah! I did not have any respect for him as a successful bumiputra corporate leader.

  74. Companies’ Losses Blamed On Bad Management, “Directives”
    IPOH, Jan 21 (Bernama) — Two subsidiaries of the Perak State Development Corporation (PKNP), Cherry Blossom Sdn Bhd and Star Career Sdn Bhd, suffered heavy losses owing to bad management and “directives” from certain quarters, senior state executive councillor Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham said today.
    He said the two companies, which only had a paid-up capital of RM150,000, suffered losses and ran up debts of more than RM300 million.
    The losses were the result of “directives” and pressure from certain quarters for personal gain, and the companies and their staff should not be blamed, he said.
    To Ngeh,
    Don;t just gave wild accusations. Be brave enough to expose the matter to the public and reprimand them if those people who gave directives are the culprits that caused the companies suffered huge debts.

  75. hello,Kita semua apa saja projek yang tak masuk akal and mahal adalah cara pencuri kolar putih sapu duit .Selalu berlaku dikalangan politician and korperat.Mereka pasti nak dapat kontrak jadi kenyataan sebelum Paklah pencen.Ni kira duit sapu or songlap terakhir,sebab bagi penyokong Pak lah lepas ni kena bungkus la balik kampung setidaknya dapat la sapu duit rakyatcukup untuk 7 keturunan hidup senang lenang.Sebab idea bina airport ni memang karut.satu lagi contoh u kalau dok Seremban you dapati MB seremban ni suka sangat posing banner and banting poster foto dia utk ucap selamat.Banyak sampai jadi buah mulut org.Tak mahal ke nak buat Banner or poster color just untuk ucap selamat.Well same thing here.Kroni buat bisnes poster ni memang dok goyang kaki.Apa kat Dr Mahatir.
    Waris Allahyarham Dato Hj Redza B Hj Mohd Said al-Linggi.

  76. Dear Tun,
    Another thing the countries, of the world who are tired and disappointed with the UN, can do is abandon the UN and start a new Grouping better that the UN. A UNION OF NATIONS – WITH EQUAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES.
    Let US, Isreal, UK, France and their like stay with their UN. They will soon realise that to be leaders they need constituents to lead. IF the constituents leave. They will be leaders to NO one!!!!
    Invite Ban Kim Moon over to facilate this new Union OF Nations.
    What is to stop nations like China, India, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, Latin Americans and African country from crossing over to this grouping if they are promised equal rights, and responsibilities.
    Don’t think for once that we cannot live or survive without US or UK or France ot their like. This assumption is flawed.
    Because we can and we will.
    God Bless.

  77. Dear YBhg Tun Dr M,
    I feel very sad that even after one year (almost) since the last general election,leaders of BN are still toying with weird ideas as though business is just as usual.People have called you by sorts of names but to me what is most important is how you have managed this country which is multi lingual and multi races.I fully support wealth distribution but certainly leaders do not have to ‘kow tau’ to demands and then announce publicly ‘so many millions RM’ for this and that to the non Malays. At the same time,these people call for a ‘Malaysian Malaysia.’ I do not even for one second think that this will happen if you are still the PM.
    I personally feel that you need to make some headlines about the coming UMNO Election such as ‘Whether a candidate has secured enough nominations,any other UMNO member can contest even for the top posts.Let the members decide by secret ballots.’ This will encourage transparency. As you know Tun,no divisional heads would nominate other than the incumbent to avoid victimisation but things can change at the general assembly.
    I love UMNO, apart from being an individual, because my whole family starting from my late father has always been and will always be with UMNO.At this rate,if the issues are not properly addressed,UMNO may become obselete. Please step in whenever you can.
    Best regards.

  78. Dear Tun,
    UN nowadays is only UN. Nothing UN can do to change or control the world. The world is actually lack of influential leaders that can influence and control others.
    Obama is a new hope.He just serv for one day and I dont expect peace and justice world would happen. As you aware, genius Jews are controling and sail stupid America. Americans are stupid and bloody hell. The are enjoying every second of their life without realizing they are being control by jews.
    Structural actions to get rid jews from American administration and root should solve a lot.
    And my last point is, knowledge ARE power!

  79. Dear Sir,
    United Nation is US and Israel’s rubber stamp. But I blame OIC for being highly ineffective. OIC is so ineffective that if they ceased to exist tomorrow, hardly one Muslim soul will notice.
    Keep on writing sir…. and please allow me….
    Dear All,
    please visit to have your say on the proposed pension scheme to replace EPF lump sum withdrawal at 55.

  80. Tun,
    It is no point for you to deliberately pick the United States for a fight simply because the US did supply lethal weapons to Israel in exchange for money. If you are really a conscientious Muslim who does not like to see wars or ill-willed hostile actions to be happened among human races, then perhaps you should try to stop the Home Minister, Dato Seri Syed Hamid Albar, from asserting a religious perscution on the Sabahan or Sarawakian Native Christians by banning the usage of the word “Allah” in the Christian Weekly called “The Herald”.
    The Christians from East Malaysia’s native groups had been using a Malay version of the Holy Bible for centuries. I had a book of the Malay version of “Kitab Suci” since many years’ ago. I could assure you that the Native people in East Malaysia had been using the word “Allah” to refer to “Jehovah” or “God” right before the time when Tun was born.
    Why does the Home Minister choose to restrain the Christians in using the word “Allah” now? Is Syed Hamid Albar trying to turn Malaysia into another Gaza? Is he a religious fanatic? Why must Umno appoint a religious fanatic to assume the duty of a Home Minister? Is Umno really running short of talent now?
    Tun, for goodness’s sake, shall you please say something fair to the Christians based on your understanding about Al-Quran?

  81. Salam Tun,
    “They put the mock in De’mock’racy
    and you swallowed every hook
    The sad truth is
    you’d rather follow the school into the net
    Cuz swimming alone in the sea
    is not the kinda freedom that you actually want…”
    excerpt from Regaining Unconsciousness – NOFX.
    truth in a punk song.

  82. Salam YAB Tun,
    Setiap yang mempunyai mata dan telinga tertumpu dan terpaku seketika.
    Mulai hari ini, ‘Matahari’ baru sahaja timbul dari barat.
    Bendera-bendera ‘Hitam’ akan mula berkibar megah.
    Pokok-pokok di Palestine sebenarnya telah lama ‘berbicara’ dimana kedudukan musuh sehingga hampir habis telah ditebang dan dimusnahkan.
    Maka dunia sekarang ini hanya sedang menunggu seseorang.
    Seorang yang mempunyai hak, mungkin seorang yang tidak dikenali ramai, tetapi diutus untuk memimpin serta mengakhiri segala kepalsuan, kekejaman dan kesengsaraan selama ini yang telah berleluasa dan bermaharaja lela.
    Semoga kebenaran, keadilan, kesaksamaan dan keamanan sebenar akan segera dapat diwujudkan semula bagi semua yang ada di seluruh alam hendaknya.

  83. Dear Tun,
    Sorry my reply is nothing to do with the american. Can you please brief us more on what Najib explain that BN leaders are arrogant..
    First – Why most of Malay leader have no eye contact, stop look at the face of the people when they shake hand. They choose to divert their attention to others while shaking their hands. To me it is rude and have no respect to the person who they shake hand with. I have shake your hand three time and you always look at my face and make me shaking.. One in Empire Hotel (Brunei) twice in KL.
    Second – What will Shahrir do when economic back to normal where petrol goes back to the normal price. Are they going to just blindly raise the petrol market in Malaysia? What is your advise to him on this matter? Recently I ate roti telur and it cause me RM 2.00 per piece.(with the current fuel market price)
    Third – Why we lost Kuala Terengganu.? What is the action plan that Najib will do to face the next election? What will you do if you are in Najib situation? I really hope that Pakatan Rakyat wont win as they are not ready to manage Malaysia with their nonsense system.
    Fourth – Economic melt down. Recently we heard that some of the company have prepared to retrench their staff to support their business. What should we do? How are we going to live without any job? As a government what do you think they supposed to do to prevent riot when most of the people have no longer have their job. Selangor MB claim that this has nothing to do with the state as this is the central fault meaning the government.
    Five – People talking about boy cotting american product. My question is are we ready to live in the stone age?? Most of the product in our country is from the states.. What do you reckon?
    Six – Honestly.. do you think UMNO can still in charge after the next election?? A bit scared actually, as I am not ready for a new management.
    Tun, sorry to bother you with these question.. Please ignore it if the question is to childish and nonsense. My curiosity is to big to handle. Wishing you a good health, panjang umur, murah rezeki and dilindungi oleh Allah di dunia dan akhirat. Amin.
    Thank you
    Best regards
    Syed Ali

  84. “..and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.”-Barack Obama’s inaugral address
    Did he include Israel?I wonder!

  85. salam tun,
    saya berasa pelik dan hairan menghadapi situasi yang ditangani oleh kerajaan sekarang..selepas tahun baru cina ini..timbul pula berita.harga gula akan dinaikkan..apa yang berlaku pada kerajaan malaysia sekarang.Selepas plihanraya umum lps.satu persatu harga barang harga barang dinaikkan dgn alasan ini isu global tanpa memikirkan bahana yg menimpa rakyat..dan di momokkan pula dgn crite subsidi yg diberi untuk barang makanan..semasa zamam tun masih ingat lagi..ia tidak timbulpun subsidi barang makananan.di ingin tahu..dari mane datangnye semua subsidi ini.Selain daripada itu,sebelum ini..harga minyaK dunia hanya mencecah bawah 50dolar harga dipam bagi petrol ron 97 ialah rm1.80..ia spatutnye dibwh paras rm 1.80 jika mengikut harga pasaran,sekarang ini.rakyat pula yg bagi subsidi minyak kepada kerajaan dimana relevannya..harap tun boleh bagi penjelasan.

  86. ‘How I wish we can have world leader, selected by whole country presidents.. as smart, brave n intelligent like u to control the world…I’m sure this world will be better place to live….’
    I wish for it too..realy hope..but US is US..they still have the power…they were born to be arrogant…i wish Islamic countries can work together and make US disappeared..mmm..can we do it??who is going to start first???maybe the party that is called PAS…hahaha..LOL~

  87. Forget the United Nation, “berat-berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul”, and we outside Palestine, we can only watch in horror (or not) but is that all we can do? Watch and donate? I think we can do more. I am not for the Jews when I say this, maybe we could learn from them. They only have return to their zion in the last sixty years or so. Before that, in nearly three thousand years they have been in diaspora. Before the 2nd World War, nobody likes the Jews,they were 2nd class citizen. Maybe the West over sympathise the Jews for what Hitler did to them. Maybe its circumstances but the Jews took the opportunity, in the land of plenty (US) they make sure they become very important. They help the US to become powerful, by making sure they are in the corridor of power and finance. From there they contributed in all forms for the formation and existence of Israel.
    So what we can do about it? First we should tell the Palestinian to save their children. Its no use to tell their children to grow up and become a fighter, but become lawyers, engineers, architects and business man instead. This is where we can participate, give them scholarships, tell the Palestinian to send their children here, give them a place to study in peace here. The rest of Muslim world can do the same. Give them scholarship.
    Then do what the Jews did, go to the US and make sure they gain place in the corridor of power and finance. This may not happen in one generation. Be patient, prepare the same for the next generation. But don’t send them children to some unwinnable war. Their next battle ground is to gain a place in the corridor of power and finance in the USA.

  88. Which generation do you actually belong Kheve?
    i’m born in 11 of Julai 1981. Me, and those who are born in the same year and after, grow and lived under the administration of Tun Mahathir for a long2 time. For many of us, He’s our Idol and role figure.
    Some of my friend that had oppurtunities to shake Tun hand, will be coming to us bragging of the event, its like a dream.
    Untill now, i still hopes that someday i’ll get my chance. Actually i’ve had the oppurtunity to do it when Tun came to initiated the completion of my department building in UIA, but at that time the queuing line was over crowded by lecturers and adminstrators. I was pushed behind.
    Me, and my friend were always proud to have Tun as our leader. We will and have argued with those who tried to ridiculed Tun. For us, these people are blind and ungratefull. We classified this people as those who does not like to read. thats why their mind are shallow.
    My brother in law is once a body guard for TUN. He kept some picture taken with Tun. One of them is with me, which is an envy of my friends.
    One of my friend had the oppurtunity to present her design to Tun. She cried after that. Its like a dream…
    Many of my generation, those who appreciate things, love life, peace and growth, we also love Tun.
    And my friends Kheve, i don’t know about you.. but most of my generation will always remember Tun for all the good reasons.

  89. Can we ask all countries of the world to form so call a “New United Nation” or any other world organization that have a similar function as the United Nation? We did form a New UMNO during your time when the old one is no longer valid.
    I know that when UN was first set up in 1940s with veto power given to the 5 countries (correct me if wrong) , it was done with honorable intention and these countries are supposed to play an important role in ensuring the peace in this globe.
    But I guess after a few decades the UN and especially those countries with veto power has misused the UN and their powers to achieve their own agendas in indirectly conquering the world in the name of upholding democracy and human rights. We fail to solve the many of todays world problems due other smaller countries CANNOT VETO THE BIG COUNTRIES VETO POWERS..!!! eventhough the issue has been supported unanimously. The representation of the veto powers also are not well represented by all countries / religions. Definitely these factors contribute to double standard in their decision makings.
    Perhaps if we replace this existing UN with “new UN “we can relinquish these veto powers and the world would be a better place to live in.
    Just my humble idea eventhough i know it is almost impossible to make it a reality.

  90. Dear Tun,
    Whatever it is UN is just an organisation just to make the people of this Planet Earth feel good, not the real thing. Cause when it comes to money and power, these guys US and etc can simply become amnesia for a few seconds. Lets look at the real thing which have happen to the ground.
    SOme US intelligence claimed Iraq have WMD, which end up not even there. So what happens after that? the guy who claimed the availability of WMD werent not even prosecuted, why? Below are the following
    1. The amount of contracts for the war have escalated to trillions/year for 10 years straight.
    2. Opportunity to speculate crude oil price, crude oil was speculated to more than 200%, whereby they arent much changes on the physical costs. So this small group of ppl earned trillions just by playing with the sliding scale and speculate.
    3. Is everything about oil? Nope i dont think so. Iraq is a place that many ppl have interest to invade cause the location it offers. From Alexander the Great, Genghiz Khan, Caesar, Pharoahs etc. wanted this area cause of its border and position. Whoever controls it effectively can be very wealthy. Even China famous silk road pass it through. One thing about business “LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION!” All of u guys can check the geography of Iraq and Afghanistan, u guys will encounter that these 2 countries are central position to their continent and have at least borders to 5 different countries.
    4. So finally what happened to the guy that claimed theres WMD in Iraq, strange there are no stories about him in CNN or whatever prime news lately. I guarantee he is a billionaire by now.
    Ppl always focus on casualties that was done specific on that area which we have noticed 1.3 million iraqis and 4400 US soldiers dead. But ppl never noticed the casualties abroad. The ppl that lost their business and jobs due to irresponsible oil speculation and some of it the currency speculations. In US alone there are millions lost their businesses and jobs due to this.
    Lets take another example, the drug cartels.
    1. The drug cartels have made more destruction than any terrorist organisation put together in a year.
    2. Their products destroy ppl which doesnt care any type of creed, religion or races. The damages to the ppl and rehab is within billions/year around the world.
    3. Their intentions just simple to make more money not to fight for freedom or independence. Just money.
    4. We take example in Mexico, according to Times, 5300 ppl have been decapitated in last year alone which means 14.5 ppl heads are chopped every day!!. This is so much more than taliban did in 6 months!!!
    5. We hunt terrorists that live in the caves and riding broken trucks but these drug cartels live in a mansion and drive porsche to kill ppl. Pablo Escobar was listed in Forbes the 7th richest guy in the world once.
    6. In Afghanistan, as per Times articles, the crops from that country alone supplies half of the world drugs today, but kinda strange, there are no F16 Eagle bombing that place. Seriously it is strange. But when i read the final part of the articles, the transaction was like estimated USD 500 million/day. So no wonder la.
    So when these 2 simple case studies were put together, it is concluded that MONEY over rules everything even the UN charter. They will go for peace if only the money offered from peace are so much more than war can offer. U have proposed to settle this issue by identifying the root cause. I think they know whats the root cause, they just ignore it cause the money in solving root cause is not that much.
    Finally, i would like to propose to Tun to include “WAR PROFITEERING” as serious criminal which as at same level to the people that pulls the trigger. The people that irresponsible to speculate the oil price need to be brought to justice too cause the damages they have done to other country economy. WAR PROFITEERING need to classified not just on selling arms but other things too, like commodities and currency speculations etc, anything that can makes money during the war.
    If WAR PROFITEERING is taken into serious actions, I can guarantee not many are interested to go to war cause there not much money to be made.

  91. Today I heard with disgust CNN comments on the inaugral speech of the new US President. The comment was ” … a warning to Muslim countries”. Why MUSLIM counries? Are the muslim countries the cause of todays upheaval? World War 1? Germany. World War 2? Germany, Italy and Japan.
    The unrest in the Middle East was caused by the US and UK who created Israel in 1948 (after WW2) by hijacking the land of the Palestinians and taking by force their property? Muslim countries did not do that.
    The UN was created by them…of course it has to go along their whims and fancies. Remember the first letter always start with a U. United States, United Kingdom, United Nations.
    If the United Nations wants peace in the Middle East and the world today, the Palestinian conflict with Israel must be solved. The Palestinian must be given back their right over their land.
    Thank you Pak Tun, you fought for the Palestinians. I remember your article whether or not to send MAF to attack US. My God. But remember our Prophet with 300 men can beat 3,000 armed men from Mekah.

  92. The world has experienced two world wars that caused extensive damage to the economy and the people.
    It was agreed in the United Nation that declaring war on another nation would not be accepted. The United Nations jointly declared in the UN Charter to restrain trespassing and conflicts among the nations. It was agreed that the nations should voice out their grieveances to the UN body for a peaceful solution in the event of a conflict.
    The UN Charter is well spelt and the cooperation of its members play a vital role in the enforcement.
    We do come across rogue nations which would challenge the law of the Nations.
    US and Gt Britain, being the role players in drafting the charter, holds greater responsibility for world peace. These nations possess the military capabilities to oversee peace of other nations.
    The US is been accussed of distorting the world peace and interfering in the affairs of independent nations.
    With the military might of the US, it is able to provide technical and security support to other nations. This does not mean that the soverignity of a nation is at stake.
    The US is often been accussed for policing the world but to a certain extent, rogue nations are kept at bay due to the policing.
    When IRAQ declared war on KUWAIT, it was morally correct for US to come to KUWAIT’s defence. A rogue nation like IRAQ should not be allowed to bully a weaker nation and as a responsible member of the UN, it is only natural for such action.
    In the process of defending KUWAIT, the US and its allies suffered losses in lives of its soldiers. Hundreds of innocent lives were lost in IRAQ and KUWAIT as a result of the invasion.
    KUWAIT, been a soverign state, deserves to be protected and it is the social responsibility of member nations to provide protection.
    The US and its allies were accussed of going to KUWAIT’s defence because of the oil reserves. Does it make any sense for one soverign nation to declare war on another nation of similar status? If not for the intervention by the US and its allies, KUWAIT would have been wiped out from the world map and another Israel-Palestine style of conflict in the region due to displacement was avoided.
    Oil reserves need to be protected due to its depleting nature and there is a moral obligation of a nation to safeguard it. When Saddam’s army retreated from KUWAIT, they deliberately torched the oil storage facilities rendering in wastage of millions of litres of oil.Imagine what a mad man like Saddam could do to destabalise peace and harmony in the region if his actions were not checked.
    IRAQ’s refusal to grant permission to check its nuclear facilities led US and its allies to invade IRAQ. Saddam’s arrogance of non declaration of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) result in much destruction and sufferings of the citizens when war was declared on the nation. A beautiful country was completely destroyed and thousands of innocent lives were killed.
    It may be argued that the US and its allies should not interfere into the affairs of IRAQ, being a soverign nation. If IRAQ pose a threat to the stability of peace to the world,its actions need to be contained.
    Subsequently, no WMD were found in IRAQ and due to the arrogance of Saddam in promoting terrorist activities, the country was brought into the current state of affairs.
    Adherence of the UN Charter is a collective responsibility and the member nations owe a duty to each other in the enforcement.
    The veto power accorded to certain nations in the Charter acts as a check and balance of powers of the other members in the higher hierarchy. Absence of unilateral decisions by the member nations render the UN Charter workable under all circumstance.
    As for your comments on Human Rights and Detention Without Trial, I feel that you dont deserve any credit. You have contributed positively during your office for this disservice! Where was our HUMAN RIGHTS when hundreds of the Boat People were turned away in the high seas and abused by our enforcement authorities? Detention Without Trial- there are hundreds of detainees in the Kamunting Camp who are wasting away their life without any charges. Gross breach of Human Rights is taking place at our doorstep and please refrain from preaching to the world.

  93. Salam Tun.
    ini terkeluar sikit dari topik.
    kes pak man telo dahulu..harap Tun masih ingat.selepas pak man telo diberkas wang sejumlah 19 juta dirampas oleh kerajaan dalam tahun 1997.
    kebanyakan pelabur ialah melayu miskin nak cepat kaya. untuk melabur mereka gadai tanah, jual basikal, jual motorkar, gadai rumah macam-macam lagi.menyebabkan ada diantara mereka jadi gila dan sebagainya.
    ramai ahli umno pergi berjumpa menteri kewangan ketika itu untuk minta balik, tetapi beliau kata tidak boleh.
    apa ada jalan untuk leraikan keas ini dan wang pelabur dipulangkan. bolehkah Tun bagi satu idea.
    semoga tuna sihat selalu.

  94. Dear Sir, Thank-You for this opportunity to comment on your website. I wish to say that I find some of your postings both interesting and insightful. I immediately bookmarked your site as soon as I found it. I wish to add that I once met you on the beach near Marang in Trengganu in 1989. Thank-You for taking the time to say hello then. I sincerely hope you will find the time to at least consider this suggestion now.
    I wish to make it clear at this point that this is only a suggestion. I do not think you should follow one course of action or another. Only you know best, and only you know what is possible.
    I too am against these wars – but apart from low-level conflicts in areas such as South America, the main areas of conflict are in Iraq and Afghanistan. These conflicts have been identified by the outgoing Bush Administration in America as a ‘War On Terror.’ The primary cause of this ‘War on Terror’ were the September 11th attacks in New York and Washington. The Vice-President of the United States tried to link the invasion of Iraq with the events of September 11th. Please remember the reports that were distributed by Cheney’s office alleging that lead hijacker Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi Intelligence in Prague. There were also reports circulating with the Vice-President’s approval that some of the hijackers were trained in Iraq, at a place called Salman Pak. Although ostensibly the war in Iraq was designed to discover weapons of mass destruction, the links being made by the Bush Administration between Iraq and Al Qaida were substantial.
    I heard a radio report a couple of years ago, I think it was on the BBC. You were being interviewed and you stated that President Bush was lying about the events of September 11th. (Not verbatim) At the time I wish you could have elaborated but you did not. I could only think that your comments were related to the meeting in Malaysia where a number of individuals associated with Al Qaida are alleged by the Americans to have had a planning meeting. In fact, the 9/11 Commission Report made repeated references to this planning meeting and the narrative of how Al-Hazmi and Al-Mihdhar slipped under the radar form the backbone of the Commission’s findings. Perhaps I made a mistake in doing so – but I construed your comments as implying that the narrative was flawed. It was based on information that was substantially incorrect. Of course I could be wrong and you were not implying that at all.
    In recent times the United Nations has overseen the mass murder of civilians at Srebrenica, not to mention the creation of the state of Israel. I don’t view it as totally ineffective – but veto power by the permanent members leaves it paralysed frequently. It is my suggestion that a good old-fashioned dose of the truth could well derail the American/Israeli war on terror, if in fact a false picture of what occured has been presented. I would suggest the following: if you know that the facts presented to the American population were deliberate lies, please consider saying so, in detail. The new American Administration would find it very difficult to continue its ‘War on Terror’ if the reasons behind it were based on false pretenses. Thank-you for allowing me this opportunity to express these thoughts.

  95. Salam Tun.
    Dissolve UN and replace with a new democratic world organization which treat every country equal?
    No more veto powers other than member’s vote?
    Relocate to a neutral country?
    Big contributors does not mean more power?
    How to act against big bullies (US, UK & Israel)?

  96. Dear Tun ,
    Lately as you can see UN is a merely a grouping of nations who are idle in the ideas as to how to handle the world issues, you can see for yourself the destructions on humanity especially the Palestinian issues the barbaric action towards the populations in GAZA and the biggest jokes of the century you have bunch of the arab leaders who do not give a damn of what is happening there.
    Their silence is an endorsement and mandate for the aggressor to do more carnage and killings and what do the ARAB LEADER are doing well probably doing their annual shopping spree just to compete among themselves and to show off their wealth a very sick attitude indeed and The Arab league and THE OIC is doing what they are good for which talking nonsense at every cause i think its better for them to shut up then to talk.
    Day in day out i’ve seen kids/elderly/family are butcher for no reason they are not soldiers they are just like you and me just trying to survive to live in this world.
    Tun, i urge you to form up a tribunal to look into this issues
    so our future children won’t suffer blindly in the hand of the DEMOCRATIC BARBARIAN.

  97. Salam Tun.
    1. Semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat sejahtera.
    2. Tahniah sebab blog Tun dah menjadi antara blog yang mempunyai
    rating tertinggi sejak dibuka. Saya ada tengok Tun sewaktu jadi
    tetamu rancangan mengenai blog di TV2 haritu.
    3. Tun, saya amat berbesar hati jika Tun boleh berikan
    pendapat yang lebih terperinci tentang Barrack Obama yang baru saja
    secara rasmi menjadi Presiden Amerika Syarikat yang ke-44 semalam.
    4. Sebab, seperti yang Tun tahu, satu dunia mengharapkan Obama dapat
    membawa perubahan seperti yang dia janjikan sebelum ni.
    5. Ada pendapat yang mengatakan bahawa, Obama tidak akan dapat
    mengubah apa-apa kerana dasar dan polisi Amerika dipegang oleh
    org Yahudi.
    6. Dan selepas saya baca artikel oleh Paul Craig Roberts – The
    White House Moron Stumbles to the Finish – The Humiliation
    of America yang Tun letakkan di topik “Boycott”, saya semakin yakin
    Obama tak akan mampu ubah banyak perkara. Ataupun tiada langsung.
    Sekian, terima kasih.
    Mohamad Nadmin Bin Sulaiman

  98. Dear Tun,
    1.President Obama has agreed to close down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
    2.Likewise, will the Malaysian Government agree to close down the Kamunting Detention Camp?
    3.In Guantanamo, the ‘enemies of the USA’, mainly captured foreign ‘terrorist’ are being detained. Whereas in Kamunting, the Malaysian Government detains its own citizens who are politically opposed to them. Shame, shame on the BN (read-UMNO) Government!
    4. Malaysia, hasn’t been any better (in fact worse) than the USA on this matter.
    5. Your views on this article is akin to “the pot calling the kettle- black”.
    Raja Chulan.

  99. Salam Tun and my warmest wishes to the family,
    It is sad that such an important world body with noble aspirations that carries the hopes of millions being reduced to what it is today. The respect and credibillity of this organisation has long been diminished and there is very little anyone can do to improve this. Just look at the destruction of Gaza, the killings of the innocents, the young and old, which look to the UN for help and shelter in the UN facilities there, only to be blown to pieces. One would have thought that the UN schools, hospitals, etc would be the safest shelter under those circumstances but there is very little the UN can do to protect their own facilities let alone the helpless people there. I think if the UN still wants to be relevant in the years to come, it has to seriously do a lot of soul searching. If it continues as it is now, the organisation will be just a body which gives out aid when there is famine or natural disasters or for certification for the preservation of heritage buildings/structures !

  100. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. I cant help to sway my comment here in that inauguration path somehow Tun. Well, there we have it, an African American US President! We

  101. The UN has gone defunct years ago. Even if you don’t have a look at the UN putting an end to the wars, you will see that US have not settled their UN bill in arrears for many, many years until I believe, recently.
    I do not and cannot trust the UN now since the Security Council allows its members to impose veto and US is using it without consideration of the thought of others (like abstaining from condemining the Israeli invasion of Gaza).
    Since US now have their first Black president, I would like to bring up the stark contrast between another black lady Condolezza Rice and Barrack Obama. Condi can play the piano and is black and yet she carries out the ignorant objectives of the Bush administration to the very evil of effects, for example, when she abstained from voting for the US in condemining Israel’s invasion of Gaza. She has also made many visits to the Middle East but has acheived nothing for the Arabs, only serving to further Bush’s laws.
    I believe Obama is different. However, it is very interesting to note the SMS messages that gets shown on Astro Awani during the live telecast of Obama’s first presidential speech followed by analysis of that speech by 5 invited Astro Awani guests. Many M’sians especially from Kelanatan and T’gganu immediately shot Obama down without giving him a chance to prove himself by saying “he is another Jew” and “he will continue to dispense out the Jewish lobby”. This people already have a set, permanent and wrong mindset and now I see how difficult it is to change the mentality of those up north.
    In Arab Middle East, many people in Iran and countries which do not have much urban development also have already fixed mindsets and see US as “evil” without even considering that the ability of Obama to rise up as the first Black 44th president, is really not an orchestration of Jewish lobby, but it is true democracy at work and the wishes of the American people.
    I don’t know how long Obama can last. I am elated that he made it as US’s first Black president but only Allah SWT can protect him. The Jewish lobby is very strong and who knows what they will do to Obama if he does not follow their wishes. Plus the problems he has to face this year is enormous. I must say his speech is very good but that speaks nothing of the ability to fix everything and put down the Zionist lobby. Only Allah SWT can do that.
    The first thing I would advise Obama is to put his own security and bodyguards closest to him and surrounding him all the time, probably consisting of trusted black men!!! We know what happened to John F Kennedy!!!

  102. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    When at school, we had to study every bit and pieces on all the countries in the world, about their histories, geography, culture, agriculture, industries and so on. On America we learned about their towns and cities and lakes and we even had to remember where they were situated and pin-point them in our exam papers. What I’m trying to say here is that I at that time was very envious of America and their great accomplishments and had always imagine how wonderful it was to live there, and how lucky the Americans are and how proud they are to be Americans. But now Tun, after knowing their true colours I fact I felt nothing good about them. It’s as if everything about them I see untruthfulness, pretentious, dishonesty warmongers and BLOOD-HUNTERS!
    Do you think Tun, they will ever admit to their wrongdoings and show vast remorse and sorrow for the unwanted wars that they have created?
    Do you think Tun, that with the new president of USA, he can change the mindset of the Americans?
    Do you think Tun, that whatever charter or agreements or promises made by them to appease the world, they can be trusted to uphold them?
    Do you think Tun, that the Americans want to be and can be forever free from the stronghold of Israel?
    Do you think Tun, that America can be independent in the true sense?
    Do you think Tun, that America can win back my heart and feel envy and love again like I used to?
    Well Tun I’m just an ordinary person with an ordinary perspective in life. Nothing I say will change anything. So in the case of the NEW SHERIFF OF USA, I do not expect any or much changes at all unless he himself is FREE and INDEPENDENT from becoming a SLAVE OF ISRAEL!
    On home ground, Mr MY said UMNO-BN has lost its “WOW FACTOR”. The WOW factor is you Tun! Whether people like or dislike you, people still eagerly wanting to hear whatever you have to say on anything at all, be they big or small issues, important or otherwise.
    You are still relevant. Why are they so stupid to let you go!
    Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  103. Salam Tun,
    I first met Tun when I was in form 4, during the official opening of my school in Johor Bahru during the seventies when Tun was the Education Mininter then (Tun Razak Govt.)That was really a memorable moments for all of us, to shake hands with Tun etc.
    And I just came back from recent Haj.What really surprise me (and other Malaysian Jemmaah) is that whenever we mentioned Malaysia, your name will always be mentioned by those whom we spoke with…be that of residents from Mekah or Madinah and other nationalities esp. those from the professional group like doctors, lawyers, businessman and even the ordinary citizens……one of them, a doctor from Bangladesh praised Tun so much and envied the transformation of Malaysia into one of the most developed Islamic country during Tun’s era…he is really one of your admirers in this world.So…this are solid proofs that Tun has not been forgotten by others esp. the Islamic world.This also means that Tun is a well known figure in the Islamic world!!! I am really proud to be a Malaysian because of what Tun has done to Malaysia and the Islamic world,there is no mention of Pak Lah or any other Malaysian leaders……jauh sekali nama tokoh tokoh Pas kita (yang pandai cakap tapi tak serupa bikin dan juga tak pandai bikin)….I do not think that we can/will have another good leader like Tun again, not in this century…not in the near future (maybe we can get it “back to the future”, if we have the time machine to travel to the past and future)
    Thank you Tun for all your past effort and contribution to the Islamic world,insyaAllah Allah akan membalas nye, biarlah apa orang nak kata….Allah maha mengetahui.
    Always your supporter, kini dan selamanye, salam.

  104. Let us nuke the zionist, till kingdom come.
    Dah hancur bumi palestine baru pak arab ni nak hulur bantuan. Subhanallah.
    Buta dah ke mata jiran2 palestine ni.
    Dah terlalu kaya sehingga lupa jiran yg susah.

  105. Dear Tun,
    Agreed and very correct. In fact UN is almost belongs to the US-Britain. And the US politics/economy belongs to the Jews. Hence the UN is actually controlled by Jews/Israel. Others? Puppets. Diplomacies, resolutions, etc with only ‘OK’ from US-Britain-Israel. Sometimes I don’t see the relevant of the UN Security Council anymore. Might as well tore it down.
    We are looking and witnessing a massive scale of hippocrisy ever in the history of planet earth owned by the US-Britain-Israel (backed by Australia,Singapore and other hippocrites countries)

  106. YAB Tun, apa kata Tun initiate tubuh United Nation yang baru dimana tiada kuasa Veto .mulakan dengan negara miskin dulu…Ibu pejabat di KLCC…

  107. we have to defend our religion and our country. we are on our own. there is no such thing that we can rely on UN, OIC, NAM etc..
    education/knowledge is the most important strategy, if our people are smart then nobody can denies our existence. knowledge is power!

  108. If nothing else, the recent Gaza war proves, again, that the UN is nothing but a mere puppet of US and Britain to project a “just” and “fair” image to the whole world. It can pretend to protect the interest of all human kind, but it’s obvious that it’s powerless to do anything at all.
    But to be FAIR, any organisations made up of different nations aren’t really that effective. OIC was irrelevant in trying to stop the Gazan war. Even the Arab countries can’t work together to help another Arab country. I guess the reality is that there will never be a common ground for all nations to effectively work together.

  109. Salam Ayahanda Tun…
    dah maklum dah PBB ni siapa dibalakangnya dan agendanya. Tak da apa nak taroh harapan pada PBB….memang patutlah Ayahanda Tun menafikan akan berkhidmat di PBB lepas letak jawatan PM…. Sekarang nampaknya Malaysia saja yang bersungguh-sungguh membantu dan mencari jalan untuk damai. Kempen Anti Perang “Yayasan Perdana” Mercy Malaysia yang berkhidmat kepelusuk dunia! Syabas Ayahanda Tun dan rakyat Malaysia yang begitu perihatin!

  110. agree with you and kheeve, while US really a big bully in this world, but wouldn’t Malaysia do the same if we are the most powerful nation in this world and jews or Christians are the religion terrorist used to justified their terror act?
    I am no expert in politics or any social studies, through history we can see powerful nation tend to suppress weaker nation so they can hold on to their status.
    We really can’t do much about what US & other more advanced nation is doing. What we can do is strengthen ourself so no bullies can bully us!

  111. Tun,
    Truly Tun, is a man of principle, and a Hero to us Malaysian.
    US, Britain, Isreal & Some Western Countries are the real hypocrites. They are in fact cowards and thier strength are the weapons they owned and trying on them, to killed, injured or mained innocent people. The main issues is Muslim are being branded as Terrorist, when the actual facts, US, Britain & Isreal should be labelled Terrorist of the present world because they fail to respect UN and take matters base on thier guts feeling.

  112. What to do – most politicians are hypocrites. Why is it that a hypocrite can see the speck in other people’s eye, but cannot see the log in his own eye?

  113. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Maaf Anankanda lari tajuk. Anakanda ingin mendoakan kesejahteraan dan keselamatan Ibunda Tun Dr Siti Hasmah yang khabarnya berada di London untul menjalani pembedahan mata. Semoga selamat pergi, selmat kembali dan cepat-cepat sembuh.

  114. We are humiliated and oppressed because we’ve left our Deen and some remain Muslim by name only. There are many ayaat of the Quran and many hadeeth speaking of the losses that we will suffer due to our own negligence of Deen. Allah SWT does not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves. We commit shirk, we take riba, we leave salah, we do bid’ah, we lie, we cheat, we indulge in kaba’ir! Do we think Allah will bless us and help us before He tries us?

  115. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Please click on the http links below to see the details on Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia. Please read carefully and establish for yourself, the names and make up of its Board of Directors. I could copy and paste, but that would somewhat lessens its credibility, as all the websites below belongs to Air Asia and I want it to be directly from the horse mouth himself.
    And please also do click on the link below to see what and how much Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. means to Air Asia X.
    My commenting here has started to cause much discomfort for certain quarters. And I believe that is good news. There is so much I want to share with my fellow commenter here; and even on this UN topic too, I could dig up old skeletons in the closets to haunt Badawi & Co. Tun would surely remember the Iraqi Oil for Food Programme fiasco…the one that had involved Abdullah ex-brother in law, Kojo Annand, few top level UN staffs and even some Iraqis. But I will just save it for another day. Hope you read those links above Tun. And I hope once and for all, we could see and judge for ourselves, if or not Air Asia has any crony links to the “powers that be” in Malaysia. The horse cant lie. Till then, take care Tun. Warmest regards and love from us all. Wassalam.

  116. You are correct Tun M. I agree with you.
    There is 1 comment that I found a little bit emotional..
    Never too late, Najib. Firstly, you have to put your house (UMNO) in order. There are a lot of shitts within your party that need to be clean up. Get rid of those UMNO leaders from top to the lowest ranking who are really causing problem to the image of the party now at its lowest ebb.There are a lot of them. Identify them and don’t give them any space to move up within the party hierarchy. They are nuisance and corrupted party members who would only think of their vested interest. They are hypocrite people. Mat Tyson, KJ, Azeez, Ali Rastam and few others are just useless. We have to accept the fact that their contribution to the party does not augur well to boost the image of UMNO, instead the rakyat look at them as CLOWNS. The rakyat know that these clowns are not sincere leaders. They have the means to check and counter-check who are the real leaders who can lead the country forward. So to Najib, I suggest he must look at his backyard and act without fear and favour to remove these clowns for good, if he wants to be Prime Minister of Malaysia for the next 20 years.”
    I believe that some of the leaders he mentions in the comment are a good leader and has a very good personality and easily approached by the Rakyat. I think this guy haven

  117. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Life just like a round wheel; there’s a time to the top, there are always to get down too. No body can stop the wheel ! No body!
    Islam Civillization will come up again and get the world for the last with love, peace and harmony.That’s the promise.
    Tun, You are always there!
    Selamat berjuang Tun!!

  118. Salam Tun!
    1. US continuously propogating war funded by trillion dollar worth of “I owe you” chit going around in the form of US Dollar.
    2. The “I owe you” chit with artificial value created, circulated and held by a trillions by some Jew Foundation. Fictitious creation.
    3. This fake value is supported by real value of Asian and Muslim.
    Burn the fake….artificial value lost the form (do not worry about the substance because there is none) and subsequently Jew left with no money….(they are welcome to a lot of country for their fake wealth…being given citizenship even)…..when all are lost…..No fund left for war..nobody want to be the friend of Jews…Go gold or anything else….ban the “I owe you”(US Dollar)…..Drug, Al-Qaeda, fight for oil, Human right, terrorist….cold war….they are all camouflage…..excuse to go for war….world should be destabilise….for the survival of Jew’s crafted financial system. So as to enable them be the master to the rest of the world.
    Who can do this?
    Tun! What do you thing?

  119. Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
    Today the whole world witness the inauguration of the 44th President of the USA, Barrack Obama. “Change” will be the theme of his presidency. A fantastic inauguration speech was delivered by Barrack Obama a moment ago and I am optimistic that he will try his level best to deliver what he preaches.
    But…this is a big BUT here, the Zionist and Neocon Fascist lobbyist and elements in the US administration will work doubly hard here to ensure that America will continue to be the Fascist America since the end of World war II. Too much is at stake for the Fascist Neocons and Zionists to just let Obama carry out his promises of peace and just world in term of economics and militarily. USA has long been the proxy of the terrorist Israel and their institution of president, since the First World War has long been the instrument for terrorist Israel to pursue their terror agenda on the world. The US economic system are in too deep shits for Obama to do a 180 degree turn to it. Their fake economic system and monetory systems has long been shape by the Zionists and Fascist Neocons since the Bretton Wood days. The Zionists and Facsist Neocons have knitted American policy and institution of president into a complicated web of deceipt, lies, global injustice, rampant disregards of the UN charters, war against humanity that Barrack Obama may needs a three lifetime of presidency to unravel it effectively. In the end, the world are going to see another let-down of another American president. The world will continue to see one war after another in other to satisfy the terrorist Israel thirst of global hegemony. The world will only see peace when the citizens of United State of America decided that enough is enough. One American president may not have enough courage and support, but the whole US citizen can decide on the rightful path for America to take and once again gain the respect of the world. America must respect the charter of the United Nation and help the already rotting and dying United Nation gain a new life and hopes.
    Unlike George W. Bush who take on the presidency like some kind of paranoid cowboy who terrorises the world on the very first day of his presidency, there are some hope from Obama for the good of mankind and world peace. The first black president may be the answer the whole world are waiting for.

  120. Tun……Dream on……The world has not change before you became the PM of Malaysia and after you retire…Hypocrisy on the scale that you mentioned..Will it ever change? Never..Your great great grand children will testify to that…Cheers Tun..

  121. Together for 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia
    United Nations Charter
    21 January 2009
    To Tun, and True Malaysians (In particular, PM Designate Datuk Seri Najib),
    UN is weak because of dominance by US and Britain over The Rest of The World/Weaker Nations which include CHINA at the point of UN formation. US led and won 2 WWs against Nazis and its allies while Britain wielded economic and political influence and economic dominance over its Colonies for decades before UN formation.
    It is inevitable that weaker nations look up to and kowtow to these 2 dominant nations for protection and survivor. CHINA had to be under CLOSED DOOR and humiliated with 2 CHINAs policy by US for ages before its reemergence as a World Power to provide check and balance to US and Great Britain.
    Lets learn from The UN Saga and Happenings in The World Now; be it Hamas/Jews conflicts and the US triggered financial and economic turmoil on The Rest of The World and draw similarities to the current political and economic situations in MALAYSIA.

  122. Dear Tun,
    The Americans are the most misinformed if not ill-informed people in the world and America is the only country which had gone from Barbarism to Decadent without going through any civilization.

  123. Should the US Pull the Plug on Israel?
    The last time the US restrained Israel in its never-ending wars of aggression was when President Eisenhower pulled the plug on the Anglo-French-Israeli effort to grab the Suez Canal in 1956.
    Since then, we have not even chastised Israel when its actions hurt the United States. During the 6-Day war in 1967, for example, Israel attacked the USS Liberty, a Navy signals intelligence ship, in international waters, and murdered over 30 American sailors. The Israelis, of course, claimed it was an accident — but the Israeli claim was at least questionable, to put it charitably, because the Israeli fighter bombers made multiple attack passes, before Israeli gunboats machine gunned survivors in the water. Moreover, festooned with antennas, the Liberty had a very distinctive profile and was flying a huge American flag. Yet the US Congress never held an inquiry into Israel’s culpability (the only time in our history Congress failed investigate the root causes of a Naval disaster) and the DoD inquiry was as a disgraceful white wash.
    Viewed in retrospect, the pusillanimous reaction to the assault on the USS Liberty by the United States government had a decisive grand strategic effect, however. It told Israel in no uncertain terms that it was now free to ignore or even hurt the interests of its patron in the pursuit of its own venal ambitions. History certainly suggests as much, because since that attack, Israel has operated without even a modicum of cosmetic restraint by the US. The Israelis have felt free to plant spies in the US government, like Jonathan Pollard. Most recently Israeli Prime Minister Omert bragged to Israeli citizens and the press about about he made Bush dance to his tune by interrupting a speech Bush was making in Philadelphia and telling Bush to humiliate the inept Condolezza Rice by forcing her to abstain on the UN resolution calling for a halt in fighting in Gaza — a resolution that she had helped to draft, presumably with Bush’s blessing.
    Nevertheless, the American taxpayers continued to finance Irsrael’s arrogant behaviour year after year by repeatedly shovelling billions of dollars for new weapons and military/economic aid to Israel. The transfer of our front line weapons has been justified repeatedly as being necessary for Israel’s self defense, yet the Israelis have repeatedly used those weapons for offensive attacks, recently in Lebanon (2006) and now in Gaza. In the case of Gaza, it used the distraction of the US election in Nov 08 to break the cease fire (again using US weapons), and after triggering the desired response from Hamas, it unleashed its long-planned murderous attack on Gaza in late December, just weeks before the innauguration of President Barack Obama, in effect, pulling the rug out from under Obama and painting him into a corner at the very time when Obama was trying to focus his energies on and build bipartisan political support for dealing with the worst internal economic crisis since the Great Depression.
    The GBU-39 guided bomb is perhaps the most egregious case point illustrating how our aid directly helps Israel to wage aggressive war regardless of American interests. After the disastrous Israeli attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006, the Pentagon pushed for and Congress approved the transfer of thousands of precision bombs to replenish Israel’s stocks in August and September 2007. The GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb was not included in this gift. But then, more recently, and for no apparent reason, four months before its assault on Gaza, the Pentagon first notified Congress of the GBU-39 transfer in August 2008. Congress was in recess during August, but transfer of GBU-39s to Israel was one of the first items it disposed of in after reconvening in September, in dutiful obedience to the demands of the Israel Lobby and its wholly owned subsidiaries in the Pentagon. These weapons and their delivery racks were then rushed to Israel, and in less that 3 months from the time of Congressional approval, 1000 GBU-39s were cleared aerodynamically for release from Israel’s planes and placed in the operational inventory, just in time for Israel’s attack on the Gaza Ghetto. The GBU-39 is one of the most modern weapons in the American inventory.
    Last September, the GBU-39s were trumpeted by the Israeli press as bunker busters of choice for an attack on Iran. But that claim was preposterous and most likely deliberate misinformation, given that we now know the Israelis had been planning the assault on the Gaza Ghetto for at least three months. It was preposterous because GBU-39 has a tiny warhead (only 50lbs encased in a 280 lb bomb). Its small size and (theoretical) high accuracy, however, makes the GBU-39 a far more appropriate as a weapon of choice for assassinating individuals and small groups in densely populated urban areas, like Gaza, than for taking out deeply-buried nuclear components in Iran.
    Unfortunately for the mass of innocent Gazans, the GBU 39 does not work as accurately as advertised. It has reliability problems, among other things, according to my sources some of whom have experience in using this weapon (indeed, one told me he thought its problems made it a step backward in effectiveness). To make matters worse, targeting intelligence is never as good as claimed by airpower enthusiasts. In the real world, once the bombing starts, the feed back from the effects of the attacks is ambiguous at best, and consequently target lists proliferate wildly, as was the case in WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq (I & II), Kosovo, Lebanon (I & II), and now again in Gaza.
    All of which begs the question with respect to blindly supporting Israel: How much is enough? On January 19, Bruce Robbins argued in the Providence Journal that enough is enough.
    Israel’s claim of self defense in Gaza was bogus because, the ceasefire was working. Robbins quotes Israeli figures, which say the number of rockets fired out of Gaza in July, August, September and October 2008 was, respectively, 1, 8, 1, and 2, whereas in the two months before the cease-fire, the Gazans fired 149 and 87 rockets. The ceasefire was broken on Nov. 4-5, when Israel launched air and ground attacks against Hamas, while the attention of the world was distracted by the U.S. election (sound familiar?). Whatever started this new and massive round of atrocities, the Israeli parliamentary election being he most probably candidate, it was not a few more rockets, rockets that may not have been fired by Hamas at all, but by splinter groups, like Islamist Jihad. What Robbins does not say is that the overwhelming majority of rockets fired from within Gaza are homemade Qassam rockets. Qassams do not even have a guidance system. Their explosive warhead weighs between one pound and 22 pounds, depending on the model, and it is made of smuggled TNT and urea nitrate, a common fertilizer. Its propellent is a mixture of sugar and potassium nitrate, another common fertilizer, and the fuse designed to detonate the warhead is made from a rifle or pistol cartridge, a spring, and a nail. In flight, the rocket is not even spin stabilized but merely settled down by primitive fins, make out of sheet metal, mounted next to the nozzles … which is a dynamically unstable configuration and is why it often leaves a crazy corkscrewing smoke trail when launched in the direction of Israel.
    None of this matters, however. It does not matter that the Israelis have slaughtered over 1300 people in the Gaza Ghetto against a loss of of only 13 Israelis, because Congress is cheering, having passed a resolution of overwhelming support (390 to 5) in the House. And it does not matter that Obama is hosed and will probably be humiliated into toeing the line from the git go, because he has pledged to preserve the special relationship.

  124. Salam sejahtera buat TUN,
    Maaf Off topic.
    Got to know Your wife, bonda TUn siti Hasmah buat operation mata??
    ERrkkk….. Hope everything goes well.
    kami mendoakan semoga bonda Siti Hasmah selamat menjalankan pembedahan dan semoga cepat semboh,
    Saya bagi pihak keluarga..
    Mohd Said bin Hasan

  125. Hello Tun,
    United Nation charter is for the ideal aspiration what a UNITED NATION should be like. Theory different, practical different…..Even in Malaysia, what is our charter?? Its been step on, abuse, corrupted, diverted same also. How do you clean up UMNO when one of the leadership itself is tainted by Atlantuya case. People are watching and not stupid you know. While the low ranking personnel gets the blame, the one masterminding is now enjoying holiday in England. If by God or fate or destiny we’re able to clean up Malaysia, then there’s hope for UN also. Everything start from our own house first.

  126. Salam to Tun and fellow bloggers,
    1. The main culprit is the jews. They planned everything from A-Z to take over the world…yes, they’re no doubt blessed by god to have superior thinking power but is put to no good intentions. If only they use their ‘gift’ to save the world just like the one stated in the charter.
    2. Just think, why; kashmir is there? why israel is there? why the fighting between syiah and sunna? why arab countries were silent on gaza’s invasion?…main factor is the jews! They ensure they control world leaders especially the powerful countries…therefore all the nonsense done will not be punished because they’re the sheriff, judge and jury. Sad to say…money is the main pulling factor, so the jews spent more money to buy leaders, chiefs, kings, presidents, prime ministers, sheiks, etc
    3. Now in our country there are people behaving like the jews, using fun, food, fashion, finance, film, etc to slowly taking charge of the muslims. We have things happening at UN’s level but do not forget what’s happening here in our country…the modus operandi is the same.
    Thank you Tun.

  127. Dear Tun,
    “To those who’d tear the world down, we’ll defeat you. To those who seek peace & security, we’ll support you.”
    “If you see the black flags coming from Khurasan, join that army, even if you have to crawl over ice….”
    I truly believe in the above 2 quotes. How about you?

  128. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Apa yang tinggal pada kita yang bergelar khalifah di muka bumi ini. Bila umat Islam lain ditindas kita berasa begitu lemah sekali. Suara Tun semasa menerajui negara begitu terserlah dan ditambah dengan ketegasan Tun membuat negara Arab memandang Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang bakal memimpin umat Islam seluruhnya. Ucapan Tun dipersada dunia amat dinantikan oleh umat Islam.
    Kita berada di mana sekarang? Di mana kesinambungan perjuangan Tun untuk umat Islam sejagat? Saya amat merindui kepimpinan dan buah fikiran Tun yang cukup tajam dan bernas.
    Salam dari saya buat Ayahanda dan Bonda Tun.

  129. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Spanjang pembacaan sy kt blog Tun ni, sy agak terkejut jugak dgn komen2 dari negara luar( America terutamanya). Jelas skali mereka tidak tahu menahu tentang apa yang terjadi di sekitar mereka. Sy suka sikap yakin mereka,pemikiran mereka, tapi malangnya mereka ersilap informasi la Tun. atau information overload? Kadang2 terdetik jugak dihati, “Bengapnya mereka ni…”. Sy sungguh tak sangka mereka sebegitu rupa. Ntahlah, mcm xtau apa2. Rsnya sebilangan besar penduduk negara ni lebih tahu daripada mereka. Kita negara membangun ka, atau mereka yang baru nk bangun ni? Klakar pun ada.
    Smoga hidup Tun lebih happy dan bersemangat. Teruskan perjuangan Tun. Sy yakin, satu hari nanti pasti segala harapan dan impian Tun untuk Malaysia akan termakbul. Sama-samalah kita berdoa untuk kesejahteraan bersama. Wassalam.

  130. Sir,
    The men and women behind these two leading western nations and most of the European countries are the visible faces of the Illuminati. This secretive organization is the one behind all of the events, including the Charter, leading to the present day global chaos. Wars, economic instability, political upheavals, assassinations, you name it, everything has been the handiwork of this sinister cabal. There job is not done yet. In 1776, a man by the name of Adam Weishaupt, a former Jesuit priest started it all. This may sound very conspiratorial but I tell you it is the truth. Names like Baron Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, and quite a few others were all Illuminati. These were banking families who continue to control world finance even to the present through their descendants. I dare say they control all the countries of the world, all the leaders. I dare say DS Najib, KJ are also Illuminati. There is a lot more to this story and there is truth in it. We can do nothing to stop them. A piece of paper like the UN Charter is nothing but just that, a piece of paper to these people. Nothing will change until they achieve their goal of global dominance. Think of me as crazy or whatever but this is the real reason for so much chaos and bloodshed in the world today. I cannot provide the prove of all this but there are numerous websites that tell of this stupendous plan for global conquest and the subjugating of mankind. Believe it or not!

    14. Never has the world seen hypocrisy on this scale.

  132. Salaam Tun,
    @ Kheve The Stupid (7pm)
    How can you equate Dr.M’s leadership with killing of babies, children, women and torturing civilians as done and condone by the American and Israeli government.
    Yes, your generation will remember Dr.M. YOU however, know one will know or care.
    Maaf Tun if this is not suitable for your blog.

  133. Salam Tun, hard to fault the UN when the Arabs and muslim countries all over the world failed to take any action to save the children of Gaza. It is’nt so hard for egypt to open its gates to refugees but yet they just waited and watched. Like what one al jazeera commentator said, you cant expect us to be more arab than the arabs.

  134. Dear Tun,
    One of the things that Pak Lah missed the opportunity to be considered as a productive Prime Minister is his failure to improve the transportation system in the Kelang Valley. He did not treat it as his priority. Instead he is more interested to have grandeur projects to portray himself as if he is more visionary than you, Tun. So he created all the “Corridors” with multi-billion dollar projects in the pipeline. But now with the world economic meltdown all these “Corridors” become “angan-angan Mat Jenin”! kah, kah, kah
    Akhirnya Pak Lah jadi “Perdana Menteri Pak Pandir”. kah, kah, kah!!
    Pengantinya Najib harap jangan pulak jadi Perdan Menteri Pak Mudim. kah, kah, kah !!

  135. Dear Tun,
    For all its flaws and faults the UN Charter is an Ideal. An ideal we should all work towards. Unfortunately the pass reality is not to be. There are several reasons for this;
    1) It must be a Union amongsts equals. As per the constitution of Most (if not all) countries where all citizens are equal in the eyes of the law and the “goverments”. This may be a good chance to push this agenda, esp. with the OBAMA – I am for change mission! Will he have the desire and the will to see it happen. If not atleast get the process started into motion.
    2) Every leader be it a democratically elected or monarchy or communist has as their FIRST priority the welfare and well being of the citizens of their country. The UN’s agenda comes second.If there is a conflict there – of course their country comes first. More so for the democratically elected leader – he is most likely to lose his position if he does not take care of the citizens. SO the system is actually working against the UN ideals!!Can we change this? Unfortunately not, not yet atleast. In future maybe. By the achievement of the above (1) we can move forward to get the goverments to include relevent parts of the UN charter into all the member countries’ constitutions. Can Obama get this into motion?
    3) Restructure the world economy to make it a world economy amonsgt equal and not of the haves and have nots. What we see are inequalities of countries of have and have not – US$ or Euro. When in actual fact ALL countries have – they have something the other want. Each country should be given the sovereign rigth to decide how best to use and disburse this haves – be it natural resources, people, skills, etc..
    4) Abolish all forms of interest in our financial system. Interest does not create value nor add value to the economy, not to people and not societies. It makes people indebted. It encourages boom and bust. It encourages blind consumption. It has not real value but destroys value.
    5) Finally, the UN must be focused on solving problems instead of creating them.
    An ideal; we all must fight for – you and your foundations too, sir.
    As for the Isreal issue – we need to approach it from a micro perspective. If the US will not support never mind. The other nations MUST commit to boycott Isreal – If china, India, Japan, Russia and most of the EU chips in. US will have no options left. Push for this for the short term. Keep the pressure on and on and on until something happens.
    We must Never give up on the Ideals of the UN.
    Allah bless us all. We seek not anything of this world BUT for getting Allah’s Pleasure(Redha).

  136. Salam Tun,
    You see the Americans need to create fear and wars to sustain their dependance on sale of weapons exported to other countries.
    I mean millions of their citizens hold jobs at weapons making factories!
    Siapa nak bagi anak bini mereka makan?
    Nowadays with their economy in shambles,there’s no better way than to sell weapons of mass destruction!

  137. Dear Tun,
    What then is the answer?
    Actually its very simple. We must become better and more powerful than these countries.
    Then none of the veto powers US, Britain, France, China or Russia will dare bully us.
    But I don’t see this becoming a reality as the rest of the world depend on these same countries for their continued existence.
    Best Regards

  138. Salam YAB Tun,
    Izinkan saya beri komen dan pandangan. Juga untuk testing-testing kali terakhir kerana banyak juga masa mencuba masuk. Semua yang saya sebutkan disini adalah pandangan peribadi dan tiada niat untuk menyinggung perasaan sesiapa atau cuba menghasut sesiapa.
    Bila disebut sahaja pertubuhan antarabangsa UNITED NATIONS kita terus merasa kagum, hormat dan rendah diri kerana setiap ahli adalah ketua-ketua kerajaan negara, mereka bersidang untuk meluahkan segala pandangan dan perasaan rakyat seluru negara.
    Apa kata kalau semua ahli berpakat untuk ‘tendang keluar’ ahli-ahli yang bermasaalah yang sudah tidak lagi menghormati, tidak berminat, tidak bermoral dan sentiasa mempersendakan segala keputusan yang telah diambil bersama dan sepakat. Selepas itu kita namakan THE NEW UNITED NATIONS atau THE UNITED NATIONS MINUS 3 (bergantung kepada bilangan yang keluar).
    Selepas itu MALAYSIA BOLEH istiharkan WORLD WAR III. Itu pun kalau dengan izin Tuhan juga dan tidak mustahil. Tetapi biasalah hanya selepas ding-dong, flip-flop, berbuih-buih mulut, terbeliak mata, sakit telinga, geliat kaki dan tangan baru kita tahu mereka ini sebenarnya jenis SAKIT MATA dan orang yang BUTA (tiada niat disini untuk menghina sesiapa) yang kita namakan MAKHLUK BARU didunia ini. Ada juga yang pura-pura sakit mata kerana takut dan pengecut.
    WW III atau THE FINAL WORLD WAR sebagai penutup dan penentu pasti tidak dapat dielakkan ya itu diantara GOOD vs. EVIL yang sebenar. Seluruh dunia perlu melawan MAKHLUK BARU yang ‘cacat penglihatan’ itu. Kebenaran melawan yang bathil. Kebenaran disini umpama seperti memberi cermin-mata atau membantu mereka yang buta atau rabun mata untuk melihat semula petunjuk kepada jalan yang benar.
    Selepas itu harap-harap masih adalah lagi dunia. Pasti selepas itu penuh dengan kekayaan, harta rampasan, bangunan-bangunan kosong, ladang, tanah, dsn. hingga hampir tiada fakir-miskin dan pengemis. Satu DUNIA BARU yang tanpa sempadan dan terbentang luas serta bebas.
    Kita namakan THE NEW WORLD. Semua akan hidup aman damai tetapi sekejab sahaja. Biasalah diantara setiap dua tempoh keamanan itu ada satu peperangan. Maka sementara menunggu satu lagi pusingan peperangan antara yang baik dengan hipokrit(zuriat baka jahat), berbagai-bagai peristiwa pelik akan berlaku.
    Contohnya satu agama sahaja, satu keluarga sahaja, dan semuanya satu sahaja termasuk negara dan kerajaan. Kerana semuanya satu maka semuanya jadi ‘baik’ sebab tiada sesiapa pun kenal apa itu ‘jahat’ sehinggalah datang semula jenis-jenis ‘anti-baik’ seperti zaman/era dahulu. Mulalah dengan sistem kewanganlah, perbankanlah, dsn.
    Begitulah seterusnya dan sejarah akan terus berulang lagi selagi insan yang bernama manusia masih menjadi penghuni dunia dan setiap orang perasan merekalah seorang khalifah yang telah Allah ciptakan dengan ‘TanganNya’ sendiri.
    Maka fahamlah kita semua sebab-sebab rungutan para malaikat dahulu. Hanya Allah sahaja Yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang telah berlaku, sedang berlaku dan apa yang akan terus berlaku sehingga akhir zaman dan pusingan seterusnya, dan seterusnya… Semuanya telah tercatat dan sunah Allah akan terus berulang tanpa perubahan dan percanggahan.

  139. No Necessity For Law On Race Relations
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 20 (Bernama) — The cabinet recently rejected a proposal for a bill on Race Relations aimed at uniting the various races in the country, said Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal.
    He said the weekly cabinet meeting two weeks ago felt that it would be better if efforts at uniting the various races in the country were carried out through education rather than legal enforcement.
    Yes, I agree, but in the first place who is the idiot who proposed the bill.
    To unite the people of all races we should start through education system. No two way about it. We must have a single national school where all children of all races must go to the same school. They can learn everything they want including language of their own mother tongue and also relgious studies all under one roof. It is a matter of willingness to appreciate the importance of getting all our children to understand each other better and be united as Malaysians.
    Either we accept this with an open mind or we will soon see Malaysia will be a failed state and perish.

  140. A’kum Tun!
    Yes I agree with you regarding the Charter of United Nations and the American are Britain not following it.
    They showed the world that they can rule the world through power. they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan without the approval of UN and yet they claim it to be legal war. So I do not understand either.
    On the other hand, I just finished watching the Inaugural of the new President of the United States. They showed the world how they really want a change in their country. So let’s look at the bright side of it. Insyallah with the new President we will be able to live in a safer world but only after the Muslim around the world stop acting like an idiot and conducting suicide bombing around the world.
    If we Malaysia have the same power and technology as the US, what would we do to protect our own country when we know we are exposed to all the terrorist around the world. Simple. We would definitely prepare ourselves and fight this terrorist. So it is really hard to argue about this whole thing.
    For me both sides are wrong going into war but they both have no choice.
    They are many bad influence you can get from the Americans and their country but they also have the best people with the best brain in the world. God already promise those who work hard that God will reward them with success. That’s what happen to their country. They are so advance in all fields which make them the best country in the world. What would you say 20 or 30 years ago if anyone ever mentioned to you that one day a black man will be the President of United States of America? Big NO of course. But not today! We witnessed today on HBO that President Obama was elected as the new President. God already promise us that nothing is impossible with hard work and effort. so it proves God’s point but too bad it happens in America and not Malaysia.
    thank you

  141. Assalam alaikum
    For me the United Nations can be describe as “United Nothing” since the United States hegomony influenced on it which at the same time influential nations of G7 keep mum of their mouth.
    Hopefully so and god willing that these new elect President, Obama take stern action to restructure back the U.S foreign policy particularly when UN against malpractice of Israel.
    If President Obama fail to restore US relationship with other nations particularly the Asian nations and the Muslim nations, UN will be the same. Also Obama can be describe as “a cave man” who cast away on Isreal beach.
    So far, UN, I starred them with half star. Because many of UN actors are U.S and Israel Puppets.

  142. GoodDay Tun,
    Personally i think that the United Nations is a white elephant.They should change there name from United Nations to the United Morons of America.They might as well change they policy,from saving future children they might as well change it to kill the children policy.These organizations just talks,talks and talks as the Israel soldiers slaughter the Palestinians.
    To me, the United Nations is just another puppet for the Americans government.And Presidents Bush is the Master of Puppets.
    Somebody please procecute this moron(BUSH) and that baffoon Israel president to the ICJ.I am really disgusted by all of this killings women and children that they have done to the innocentsof Gaza.These two jokers should be sentence to the electric chair.I hope they dont get a way with this crime,if so that means there is no justice in this world.May god help the innocent people of Gaza and may this will be last of this inhuman trag

  143. Dearest Tun
    Wishing you well and healthy. Hopefully, Mr. Obama can stop the war and make a different. Our economy too, need a rescue. Otherwise, there’ll trouble amongst our multiracial societies.
    Great article, Tun.
    On a clear day, the view of Kedah Peak from Tanjung Bunga is simply Magnificient.

  144. Dearest Dr M
    They are supporting their weapons industry. Therefore they need wars to generate income for their coffers.
    These 1st world leaders should be put on trial for mass killings.

  145. The United Nation is obsolete and I would recommend that we withdraw from UN. Get others to do so as well. The veto powers are really colonial instruments and as Tun has illustrated, these super powers use the veto against the minion countries like Malaysia and other developing powers whilst they themselves have no regard to the UN charters and rules. Remember how much billions US owed UN? And they have no intention, nor financial capacity to pay up.

  146. >>>>>>>>>>>>Dear Tun,
    1. UN charter is just a piece of paper. But the people who signed it may understand what they had signed. Unfortunately, the leaders who read it either they do not understand or choose to ignore it as long as it protects their interest..!
    2. In Bornia the UN sent troops to prevent further genocide. Why? Bcos they are different! In Palestine they are muslims…1,000, 2,000, 3000 muslims killed, no problem! 22,000 buildings collapsed no problems, women, children were killed no problem. And what saddened me most is the UN only talked for days, but no action on the ground>
    3. Why can’t they send in the UN troops? No mandate la…..
    4. The Arabs, what had happened to them? They all are under the US! Correct or not. The jews and the US had planned many generations ago to control the Arabs. It is so pitiful, they are so powerless, so speechless, can only watch their kind being slaughtered day and night!!! Can’t even tell the US to intervene to stop the massacre of the Arabs in palestine!!!
    5. I hope our country would not be sucked by the US in the future, and our future leaders are not like the Arabs!!
    6. Keep our sovereignty intact…
    Take care Tun,
    Warmest regards,

  147. Salam takzim YAB Tun;
    The diplomacy and antics of the US government throughout history has been consistent and has not deviated from what the Red Indians used to say that the white men spoke with fork tongues and live by the guns.
    They are the warmongers, hegemonic, conduct themselves with arrogance and continuously create enemies and wars all over the world. The new President had voiced his plan of intensifying the war efforts in Afghanistan. It is not too far fetched to say that they will meet the same fate as the British at the turn of 20th century and the Russians lately.
    Sad to say that in the Middle East turmoil, the Israelis with the help of the US intelligence have practically bought over the Arabs and the Egyptians. Israelis inelligence penetration of the Arabs, Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian and even Iranian society has been very extensive. This is what we fear could happen in Malaysia ( probably already on going )if UMNO’s favourite past time is playing with money then leaders will be bought over and exploited against the interests of the nation.
    To corrupt the enemies is one of the Protocol’s directives.

  148. Tun,
    All I can see is that these morons (highly skilled = highly paid) are doing:
    “When they killed the innocents, they say, gee… we are sorry (to the death bodies) and say, you know lah, we have to kill (innocent lives) for living, “cari makan”, all sort of barbaric answers and dressed these answers in “Charter” through democracy, moral, truth, resposibilities, liberty, freedom of rights , freedom of speech, international trade and laws, justice, etc …
    I just don’t believe these crooked morons, disguise in politician mode or Man In Black (MIB)! Tun, they are the real culprits to all these misfortunes. I am begining to believe that Bush & Blair were the morons of the Think Tank who palnned the bombing of the World Trade Centres, and blame it to muslims terrorism. They have huge deficit (hutang), they maybe desperated to kill their own people and others for the sake of themselves. These morons have done much more damages than that god dam thing (Godzilla)!!!!, I am very sad and dissapointed with these politicians (morons) of the international police countries…..
    Good night and take care, Tun.

  149. Salam TDM,
    Selain kita memboikot barangan USA, saya ingin mencadangkan satu lagi cara untuk membantu rakyat Palestin.
    Saya ingin mencadangkan agar kerajaan Malaysia mengambil seberapa ramai anak-anak Palestin dan disekolahkan di Malaysia. Kita boleh meminta rakyat Malaysia yang berminat untuk menaja kos pembelajaran anak-anak Palestin ini. Dengan ini kita mungkin dapat membantu mereka menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan berharap agar mereka dapat menggunakan ilmu yang diperolehi ini untuk memajukan saudara-saudara mereka yang lain. Dengan cara ini kita mungkin dapat mengurangkan jumlah kematian anak-anak Palestin yang tidak berdosa.
    Terima kasih TDM. Salam

  150. Salam Tun,
    United Nations(UN)?Siapa UN ni?Betul ke UN ni pengaman dunia?Kalau betuk kenapa dah berpuluh tahun negara Palestin di jajaha tiada kesudahannya?Jawapannya kerana UN adalah pertubuhan yg melaungkan hak asasi manusia dan keamanan sejagat yg palsu.UN ni sebenarnya adalah link kepada AS dimana dari situlah kekebalan AS terjamin.Negara lain “lopong” jela.Memang diatas kertas UN ni adalah pengaman untuk umat manusia sejagat,tapi hakikatnya adakah berlaku begitu?Sebenarnya UN ni adalah AS dan AS adalah penjenayah dunia bukan polis dunia.Tapi dunia tak ada polis sebab tu AS yg sebenarnya penjenayah boleh mengaku polis.Un akan bantu jika kepentingan As adalah berbaloi baginya.Renungkanlah saudara semua.Maaf kalau ini tidak benar,tapi saya berperasaan begitu kerana dah berpuluh tahun Palestin dijajah tapi adakah UN lakukan untuk pembebasannya?UN cuma syor gencatan senjata.Itu jelah.Reda kejap buat lagi “anak didik” AS tu.Beratus lagi korban.UN….gencatan senjata.Jadi apa sebenarnya tu?Kalau negara lain yg buat benda camni dah lama dihancurkan oleh AS ,atas alasan tolong UN.

  151. Perhaps we should persuade the UN to expel some of those countries.. as in Article 6 below..
    Article 6
    A Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.

  152. Salam Tun,
    To understand why Britain, America and United Nation behave as what they are currently, we need to understand their history and the people behind these countries. Their existance is to bring back Israel for the Jews. All has been planned since beginning. Most of have been systematicaly fools and manipulated by these people.
    I would like to recommend to readers of this blog to watch “The arrivals” by noreagaaa, which is available in youtube. It will open up our mind…insyallah.

  153. Tun Dr M,
    By right United Nations should be superior to all the nations of the world including the 5 Permanent Members of the Security Council(US, UK, France, Russia and China). However, due to the Veto privilege, US and UK have been the stumbling blocks for some important, urgent and appropriate resolutions from being approved.
    The US goes one step further, Taking the law in it’s hands did some destructions in certain weak and poor countries in the name of fight against terrorist.
    What right US has,to judge other countries when they themselves are cruel and barbaric war criminals. I am referring to the 500,000 over innocent victim who either died or got injured due to ration from the atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki just to end the war quicker.
    I conclude that either abolish the unfair Veto powers or allow majority votes to approve any UN resolution. Relocate UN to some other countries(preferably a third world country. This is to ensure the UN functions independently. Currently, it looks as though, the Secretary General of UN need to get advice from the US President before he opens his mouth.

  154. Tun,
    USA, Britain and Israel see us the Muslims as never ending enemies. Furthermore, the Muslim lives are too cheap for them. They will be good to Muslims provided the Muslim could assist them in one way or another.We should learnt to see them as our enemies and should not be neared.What we need is a strong united Muslim Organisation with a better Charter.

  155. Dear YAB Tun,
    Your point on…
    6. “look at the detention without trial”
    This also happens in our beloved country…..Any comments from you sir pertaining to this?
    Thank you.

  156. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    UN is not relevant now days.
    It is because US & Britain are well organize controlled by Jews as their proxy.
    WHY :-
    Over the years, the United Nations has sponsored over 500 multilateral agreements, which address a broad range of common concerns among states and are legally binding for the countries that ratify them. NOT one of it fever to ISRAEL violating international law.
    Since its creation, the UN has often been called upon to prevent disputes from escalating into war, to persuade opposing parties to use the conference table rather than force of arms, or to help restore peace when armed conflict does break out.
    Over the decades, the UN has helped to end numerous conflicts such as Bosnian WAR, Dafur, War Against Terrorist ..etc often through actions of the Security Council. But which of the act is due to the reality fact!

  157. United Nations.. united as it is actually a grouping of society and people who has power and money that have a bigger say or influnce of those who has lesser means, resources and capabilites..
    While it started out as a noble idea after such devastation of the last world war that the human kind has ever seen, UN has failed us, human kind towards an equal and just human society. It failed to adjust itself overtime from being independent and a fair organization in protecting the rights of human being in this world.
    Mayb we are overtly critical of the UN charter and funtions, but UN as an organization did not fail. It is human being itself fail in uniting ourselff to live side by side in harmony and peace. Is it our nature to dominate over one another by all means possible?
    Mayb history will tell us, this can never be achieved..everlasting thy neighbour they say..easier said than done. Law of the jungle still prevail..only the strong survive..clustering , pairing..formation of caucus..its all done because..alone we cant be strong..but in numbers we can..but for what it to developed and enhance ourself and subsequently for the benefit of your neighbour and others..ideally it is supposed to be that way..but somehow..greed is a of the more dealiest 5 sins of human is and never will be a factor that human being cannot ignore..never enough and never satisfied..
    UN has to transformed itself..get out of new york mayb one way to show a statement of intent of being independent..though it can never be perfect as what the founding fathers of UN wants it to is us human beings..the next generation..can only see the relevancy of UN in the a place where we can raise our grievances and issues no matter how big or small..color of your skin..if we can only live side by side in this home call earth..for we only got ourselves to blame..for the extinction of human beings in this place we call the dinosaurs of the past..

  158. such is the way in the world of power… as practiced by u too Dr M.
    We cant complain about how it is done, just on what is done. And I suppose like u, the USA foreign policy cares about its citizen first. I have always believed that what u do, in the bigger picture, benefited us overall. The details be damned, the country supreme. Well done on Malaysia btw. U will always be remembered by my generation.

  159. Dear Tun,
    BN Cannot Remain In Comfort Zone For Long – Najib
    PUTRAJAYA, Jan 20 (Bernama) — Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders should break out of their comfort zones and reorientate their approach to be constantly in tune with the people’s aspiration, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today.
    Calling on BN leaders to raise to the occasion, the deputy prime minister also urged them to rearrange their strategies and resolve to make changes not only to themselves but also to the party for the sake of the people and country.
    The BN government, he said, should ensure that all development programmes were geared towards fulfilling the people’s needs.
    “If we fail to deal with these challenges effectively,” he said, “punishment awaits us in the 13th general election.”
    Never too late, Najib. Firstly, you have to put your house (UMNO) in order. There are a lot of shitts within your party that need to be clean up. Get rid of those UMNO leaders from top to the lowest ranking who are really causing problem to the image of the party now at its lowest ebb.There are a lot of them. Identify them and don’t give them any space to move up within the party hierarchy. They are nuisance and corrupted party members who would only think of their vested interest.They are hypocrite people. Mat Tyson, KJ, Azeez, Ali Rastam and few others are just useless. We have to accept the fact that their contribution to the party does not augur well to boost the image of UMNO, instead the rakyat look at them as CLOWNS. The rakyat know that these clowns are not sincere leaders. They have the means to check and counter-check who are the real leaders who can lead the country forward. So to Najib, I suggest he must look at his backyard and act without fear and favour to remove these clowns for good, if he wants to be Prime Minister of Malaysia for the next 20 years.

  160. Dear Tun,
    How I wish we can have world leader, selected by whole country presidents.. as smart, brave n intelligent like u to control the world…I’m sure this world will be better place to live….

  161. For statement #6
    – … look at the detention without trial and the torture of suspected “terrorists”
    I think this is similar to ISA in Malaysia … president Bush will say … the act “detention without trial” is to maintain harmony of the world …
    human are sometimes quite funny, certain things that we did is correct, but if same thing did by others, then it is wrong …
    Di negara ini, ramai orang yg bersifat …. “semua dia betul, semua salah orang” … khasnya oleh sesetengah tokoh politik, dan pembodek-pembodeknya …

  162. Salam Tun,
    this is what have been told of the 100 years of muslim sufferings after the toppled last kaliph empire. the us-britain-israel are just fullfiling the prophecy and the end of that era is blooming. these countries which terrorised the whole world will come to it’s knee with worldwide economic boycott on their product.
    malaysia must lead the movement. with diverse experience while spearheading nam & oic movement, also a stronger voice through un, lid and other dialoges, her role is pivotal in ensuring that these attrocities terrorising countries abide by the un charter.
    we need to encourage more ecomonic cooperation through organisations that malaysia is a member, and pursue at all cost.
    on the rakyat level, start generating extra income by venturing into small business, self-sustaining agriculture or mlm business, because at times like this, a lot of small entrepreneurs and mlm business sprung like blooming mushrooms after morning rain. strengthen our economy and starts donating to deserving people and countries. we should be economic producer, not being as a user only.
    once we can be self independent on economic terms, use it wisely to enforce our purchasing right. help local products, boycott us-israel-british product.
    thanks for publishing most of my views Tok Det.


  164. UN charter have been written 55 years ago. Its benefited to those who won the 2nd world war so as to their component. Its belong to 5 dominant state led by USA and her territories the 4 others, Britain,China,France and Russia.
    The charter is no longer useful now. Because what ever happening in some poorer countries the charter will be set behind by the Security council, but the veto of 5 state will be won the vote, event though the decision or resolutions taken are against the charter.

  165. Dear Tun,
    The United States is an ageing country full of “blind, deaf and dumb” people. That’s why it is difficult for them to really appreciate the Charter now. They have become senile and could not remember what is really going on in this world. They are at a loss. They have lost their sense of smell, hearing, sight, and emotion.They have no soul.

  166. Dear Tun,
    That’s why i dont harbour much hope on the new president of the US, things will be the same. They will keep doing whatever they are doing now. They are babarians, they need to use violence to control other people.
    kind regards,

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