2. When I left Malaysia the papers and television were full of reports on the Israeli brutalities in Gaza. There were heart-wrenching pictures of little children half-buried in the rubble of destroyed houses. I was very upset with Israeli brutalities and I thought the whole world would condemn Israel.
3. I was shocked that in the United Kingdom, the land of the free press and free speech there was hardly any report on Gaza and the Israeli invasion. Certainly there were no pictures of the brutal killing of children.
5. Maybe by freedom of the Press they mean allowing the Press to pick and choose what they wish to publish. Yet they talk about self-censorship in Malaysia. What our papers fail to report is nothing compared to what the British and American media fail to report. Obviously they are protecting Israel’s interest.
6. All these give credence to the allegation that the Jews control the Western media. When in 2003 at the OIC conference I said that the Jews rule the world by proxy, I was condemned by the Western press and the US Government. It would seem that Jewish control over the ethnic European countries, in particular the United States of America is total.
Muslims nor Malays were anti semite as Jews and Arabs are semite.
Jews in Penang in Jalan Yahudi (now where their graves are founder) were never harass .When Europe prosecute jews all over the places through history from Medieval Spain to Farcist Germany they live without threat in Muslim majority area.
Arabs and Jewish conflict began under influence western style nationalism . Pan Arab vs Zionist.All happened after first world war and accelelerated after second world war when Jews terrorist and nationalist began displacing the Palestinians who had live there for at least 1000 years if not 2000.
The hatred is attrocities of war 1948,1967,1973,……………
Israel is being seen as neocolonialism of the west that leads to twin tower attack and west counter attack in Afghanistan and Iraq…
Salam Tun
Bangsa Yahudi menilai tinggi sejarah dan agama mereka. Salah satu sebab mereka amat berkuasa pada hari ini. Masa semakin suntuk untuk bangsa bukan yahudi menyedari kemusnahan yang di lakukan oleh Yahudi terhadap dunia. Allah yang maha mengetahui dan maha berkuasa.
Do you agree religion is one of the major tool for politician to control poeple and most of the time it divert? Are religion the important tool of Malaysian Politician weapon? If so, it is a pity of of the peoples.
Salam Tun
I have read quite a lot on the plight of the Gazans. There are many perspectives to this issue. The Suuni Arabs apparently are not happy with the Hamas and the Hizbollah. Their slow reaction to the plight of the Gazans in the recent Israel onslaught, testifies this hypothesis. Were they condoning the attack by the Israelis? Egypt and many other Arab countries around the region would prefer these two groups not to be there. They are seen as a threat to them, as well. This could be the syiah-Suuni issue and the Sunnis and other groups of moslems look at these two groups as ‘extreme’. I won’t be surprised that the attack on Gaza, specifically targetting the Hamas fighters and in the process killing the innocent civilians, was conspired by some Arab countries who prefer not to allow the Syiah or these two groups reign supreme in this region. The US would not have attacked Iraq without the tacit support of some Arab countries, I suppose. And, I personally feel that the dominance of Iran is seen as a threat to some Arab countries whose people are predominantly Sunnis, and some of which are wealthy. Of course, no Sunni-majority Arab countires would want to be dominated by the Syiah. I can forsee that if US or Israel were to attack Iran, it must again be with the tacit support of some Arab countries. The US will be paid in cash and kind heavily to do this ‘service’. These Arab countries will, for their survival, conspire with Israel and the US. Remember how Kuwait was returned to the Kuwaities after the country was trampled by Sadam’s army? It was not done for free. The solution to the Palestinian issue also lies on the Arab countries, but how many Arab countries would want a liberated Palestine? How many Arab countries would want a dominant Iran? How many Sunnis would want to be dominated by the Syiah? I see quite a complex problem in this region, besides just condemning the Western power for the quandary. Your comment, Tun?
Dear Tun
There is NO justification in what Israel is doing to Palestine.
Israeli actions are worse that what the Nazis did.
As an afterthought, the world should have let the Nazis finish the job just as the world allowed George W Bush Jr to finish off Georgw W Bush’s job of ousting the former President of Iraq [and later allowing him to be killed] just because Iraq was brave enough to stand against America and Israel.
Best wishes
Alpha Tango
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
Of course you are right Tun. Everynone knows that Britain and the United States trademark in dealing with world community is double standard. Therefore western countries especially Britain dan the United States should had not angered at the first place when you said Jews lead these countries by proxy and the worst being colonised silently by the Jews.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun. You may want to download this video from Australia ABC Lateline which aired in Sydney on 5/2/09. The interviewee paints the real face of Israeli politicians which most of us would not know.
Harretz newspaper’s Akiva Eldar joins Lateline [mp4] [wmv] (05/02/2009) at this link http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/vodcast.htm
I don’t know whether you watch Youtube, but there were some good interviews done by one of the British reporter (thomson, i think) interviewed Regev after they prevented the red cross from crossing the borders..
But there isn’t anything that can be done from the uk or any other countries unless the neighbouring middle eastern countries help out..
Dear Che Det,
You may want to read this
im volunteer to go to gaza.! kalo tun dpt kumpulkn seberapa youth kat msia pegi gaza.sy org pertame volunteer!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Yes indeed I believe you are correct.
The Jews do control the western media and they pick and choose what they want to publish as advised by their spin doctors.
This is their greatest strength and asset in controlling the minds and hearts of the world to sympathize and support or at least reduce the pressure on them when they commit the atrocities against the Palestinians.
I fail to understand why we can
written by:
Nurhalida Dato
Anti-Semitism in Malaysia
There is a strong strand of anti-semitism in the Malaysian body politics that needs to be exorcised.
There is a big difference between disagreeing and protesting the actions of the state of Israel and being against/hate people of Jewish descent.
Other than the regular protest against Israel which turn into rants about Jews, my first brush with Anti-Semitism in Malaysia was Ibrahim Ali (yes the current MP) giving a speech when he was running as an independent in a by-election in Pasir Mas. That must have been in the late 80’s or early 90’s.
It was a long rant about how Yahudi”s were controlling the world. Even then, I wondered, what relevance did this have in a Pasir Mas by-election (it was not about Israel but some conspiracy where people of jewish origin were taking over the world). A rather long and hateful rant (if you have heard him since you can see he is a rather boisterous, combative and yes a hateful personality, one wonders what he would do in a world full of peace) that seemed so out of place that I still remember it.
Discourse about Palestine is passionate. Even I feel strongly about it. But the fact is a large proportion of the population of Israel vote for peace based parties. One should disassociate the actions of the state from its people. That simply does not happen in the case of Israel.
Instead in Malaysia we get all kinds of conspiracy theories. Remember Mahathir blaming George Soros and the Jews for the Asian Financial Crisis? Why is he not blaming “the jews” now for the present state of the world economy? Is this not another scheme for domination? If not then the earlier rants were rubbish too.
See this latest by Mahathir
6. All these give credence to the allegation that the Jews control the Western media. When in 2003 at the OIC conference I said that the Jews rule the world by proxy, I was condemned by the Western press and the US Government. It would seem that Jewish control over the ethnic European countries, in particular the United States of America is total.
It is so hateful, such a lie that any reasonable man could see through it. It breeds hatred and resentment. Anyone objective who actually reads various press would know the above statement is frankly a lie, but Mahathir gets away with it and his brigade of worshippers agree without having exposure to the press in the first place. They accept what he says as the truth.
It is so critical to form your own experiences from direct experience rather than accepting what people say at face value. Unfortunately Mahathir’s stature means that what he says is accepted as gospel. You can’t be objective in his forum.
And I think PAS too suffers from this anti-semitist discourse though what relevance it has in Malaysia, I do not know.
Why I disagree with this so strongly?
This hatred of the jew being whipped up on and off in Malaysia, other than being fundamentally and morally wrong isn’t so far from being racist about one another in Malaysia.
How many cinapek, melayu, india jokes does everyone know? How about the jokes and arguments at dinners where everyone belong to the same homogenous group and the conversation turns chauvinistic? It’s not a big leap from being racist about jews and being racist about other Malaysians. It’s not a big jump at all. And the discourse about jews is not that different from the discourse in some blogs about the non-bumiputeras trying to “takeover” Malaysia. What is the difference when they are both products of hate.
We must kill the racism in our hearts completely. We can’t kill a little bit and keep a special place for the yahudi. It has to go completely, and we must view conflicts like Palestine as what they are, rather than some giant conspiracy by a race of people.
Otherwise in Malaysia, the discourse, will always be , Cina Kaya, Melayu Malas, India, kotor and kaki minum and other stereotypes just as Yahudi’s have been stereotyped.. Racism should have no place anywhere.
Unfortunately people have read what they wanted to about my comments rather than trying to read what I was trying to say.
In essence , Tun was in england when Gaza was not from page news. It was before.
as to anti-semitism. I think it important to distinguish between disagreeing with the actions of the state of israel and being anti one entire race of people.
They are hugely different.
So here is Tun is england saying Gaza is not being covered. I disagree and say the same is happening in Malaysia. Open your papers tomorrow and see if it is front page news anymore. Is Darfur being covered?
So can I then make the generalisation that the Jews control the Malaysian media?
What is happening in Palestine is wrong and should be condemned and hopefully some stern action is taken. But to use that and say the press is controlled by one race of people? That’s wrong too. Any objective analysis can show that but the Tun is not interested in being objective in this case.
salam tun.
ya mmg btoi..saya pun nmpk,media dibarat membuat pejam mata dengan apa yang jadi di Gaza..mereka seolah-olah merahsiakan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku dan keadaan di Gaza hanya biasa shj..ini akan membuatkan islam di mata barat adalah pengganas.tetapi dalam keadaan yang sebenar di Gaza,kanak-kanak dibunuh dengan kejam oleh yahudi yang kononya ingin membanteras keganasan..hmm.
klau yahudi 2 mmg yahudi gak..
harap Allah merahmati roh2 para syuhada.
American Media
1) Jews don
Maybe I can add some perspective to the blog by explaining a few things about USA you probably didn
I read a frontpage article in one of the freelondonpaper on the London Underground last week about the BBC and SkyNews for refusing to air an ad for aid campaign to raise funds for the Palestinians (mainly women and children) and also to rebuild the country fearing being labeled as being biased towards the war (towards Israelis). This caused a huge controversy within the media circle, and the British public (including Politicians and Celebrities). They stated that they would like to remain impartial and unprejudiced quoting that if it happened to Israel, they would still not run ad campaigns – BULLSH*T!
I’ve been in the UK since high school and I’ve seen ads for almost many different kinds of aid campaigns; from animal cruelty to abused children to extreme poverty to war refugees–which DOES show graphical images/footages (as a way to make people cry hence make the donation)–why would the Palestinians be any different?
It seems like media companies to give these sort of statements, they’re indirectly admitting that they’re being biased.
Your comments, please.
Thanks and regards,
Media biases happened everywhere even in the united state the country of freedom, for example fox news is well knowned as pro-democratic. even in malaysia we have glc controlled paper served their own interests too.. wasnt this the main reason Tun started chedet.com then chedet.cc?
Funny, off-beat news
Dear Tun,
I look forward to see your posting on Edorgan (Turkey PM) on his recent outburst against Israeli PM during World Economic Forum in Davos. Sadly during that forum, Simon Peres has received much applauded after he emotionally explained the rationality of killing 1200 Palestinian. He was so sad and responded immediately by claiming Simon Peres as killer in front of stupid capitalist and Jewish controlled media.
We need this kind of leader in Muslim countries same as you are.
I do agree on this issue as many country or even government may want some sort of control over media just to make sure the society will be well in order. The same situation happen in Malaysia too. To certain extend it may be good but it will be depending on the maturity of the society itself. Some society will respond to a news with open mind and will seek to understand it before making any drastic action. But to some society, it will respond to a certain news with full ’emotion’ and if the agenda is being manipulated by certain people for his own purpose, it will create certain level disturbances in the society.
I believe everyone do want to live in a harmony and peaceful society. I do hope GOD will bless those ‘leaders’ in whatever way to create and sustain world peace.
Ruling the world by proxy is a subjective term. Here in Malaysia we also have that. There are quite a number of politicians even those within the rank and file of institutions that only maneuver for their own good at the expense of public good. Alot of wastage and corruption occured and much lives are lost in goodwill and knowledge capital terms.
If humans are truly God fearing (strange that the Children of God are not) the world would have been a better place, be it in Gaza or here in dear Malaysia.
Redhuan D. Oon
PendAtang Dengan Izin
Dear Sir,
May I foremost inform you that you are my mentor. Your honest, and often brutal, views of the Jews have often attracted criticisms, but you have also opened the mind of the thousands who read your columns. Although I am also disheartened by the skewed reporting of the Palestinian tragedy, I have hope that as more people read about it, through columns like yours, opinions will change. Maybe not in the governments, but in the streets. I live in Los Angeles, and I saw the protest outside the Isreali embassy here. I was moved when I saw that the protestors of the incursions were not only Muslims, Christians, but also Jews. That gave me hope, renewed hope of the human spirit.
Salam utk Tun..
Satu dunia tahu betapa kejamnya perbuatan yahudi. Dunia kutok keganasan mereka ke atas Gaza, terutama Dunia Islam, cuma Presiden Mesir nampak macam bersekongkol dgn Israel. Alasannya mudah, sebab Hamas adalah jelmaan dari musuh tradisinya A Muslimin. Mubarak mendapat keuntungan dari kekejaman yahudi keatas Gaza.
Soal barat boleh pekakkan telinga,buta mata dan tutup mulut atas kekejaman yahudi di Gaza itu kerana mereka dulu lebih dahsyat zalimnya menyembelih yahudi, takut takut tembelang busuk mereka terbongkar kepada pelanggan pelanggan yang mereka sedang kaut keuntungan sekarang ini.
Apapun alasan, barat dan yahudi seolah mengejutkan singa yang lena dengan mimpi berbalah sama sendiri.Kejadian di Gaza bagai memukul gendang perang dari pejuang pejuang Islam utk bersatu yang selama ini berpecah belah. Dunia islam adalah pengguna yang paling besar, dan jika pemulauan berlaku atas produk negara barat pasti akan memberi kesan yang mertugikan mereka.
lawati: http://waiz-retro.blogsport.com
Dear Tun,
It’s my first writing to you.
There are a lot talks of suppression at various part in the world. What is you comment on A Kugan case.
Thank you & long live Dear Tun.
Semuga sihat sentiasa. Mohon laluan untuk bercakap kepada HAIRUL.
Jangan mengutuk Tun seolah-olah menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai pemimpin negara yang memperkenalkan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dalam matapelajaran di sekolah tu berdosa besar. Rasanya anda lebih berdosa besar kerana berfikiran jumud, bodoh sombong dan berprasangka buruk akan niat baik seorang pemimpin. Rasanyanya anda mesti gagal Bahasa Inggeris dalam peperiksaan kot. Itu pasal marah sangat. Kesiannya…..
Salam Tun,
To Sans, Hairul and alike,
There’s so much hatred in you guys and it shows.
Talking about free press.
The PR states governments and leaders clearly against it. They’re doing it to Utusan Malaysia.
Kerajaan dan UMNO buat kesilapan besar apabila melantik Dato’ Tarmuzi Aziz, bekas Pengerusi MPM untuk jawatan KP DBP mulai 3 Feb ini – Pak Dharma.
-Dharmala NS.
30 Januari 2009.
Salam Tun,
Bagi pendapat saya, penindasan umat islam di dunia telah lama wujud. Saya rasa kita tidak perlu risau dengan berita atau gamba yg tidak didedahkan. yahudi sendiri dengan rasa bagganya menyiarkan tayangan perang mereka di dalam youtube. Selain itu, Al-jazeera dengan berani akan mendedahkan segala kroni US dan yahudi ni.
What is more important is our action. Jiran2 palestin lebih berdiam diri dari memabantu. Yang peliknya mereka di tanah arab,mempunyai kuasa minyak, dan senjata yang tidak kurang hebatnya. Pendapat saya, daripada menghabiskan duit membeli kelab EPL dan pemain yang berharga berjuta2, duit tersebut boleh digunakan untuk membantu sahabat kita di Palestin.
Orang di Malaysia pula sibuk dengan BOIKOT. Saya masih tak paham masih ada umat islam yang berkunjung ke restoran makanan segera kegemaran mereka.Bagi yang berhenti,SYABAS dan TAHNIAH. Sepatutnya usaha memboikot patut dijalankan dari dulu. Mungkin kesedaran ini timbul lambat. jadi bo nak salahkan sesiapa.
Kepada TUN, teruskan dengan ide2 hebat. Kami masih lagi menagih pemimpin hebat seperti TUN.
Salam Tun,
The United States & the Great Britain are synonymous to us. Their attitude are the same. It is no difference who is their president they elect, their gameplan is still the same as long there are so called Zionist into play… Look at the US President and The GB Prime Minister until now nothing has changed for the Palestinian People. No Palestine nation has been established…
And look what the Arab nations are doing? Just look & see and sponsor millitants to stir terrorist act. In the end who gets the cane, the people suffers. I think we should do something as Great Muslim Nations if we are United we can voice our concern and bring them hard on the table of negotiation…
Salam TUN…
ya it’s true… it just like nothing happen to them… no wonder their people did not know anything about how cruel Israel towards Palestine. always bias… love you TUN… thank you so much… May ALLAH BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY… you always be my role model and idol… i adore your courage and your mission also vision about Malaysia and Malays… please take a good care of yourself and your wife… (“,)
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I agreed 100% with you. Medias in the western world are proxies working for the zionist communities even their head of states too are servants for the government of isreal.
What bias laws apply on to other poor nations don’t apply to them including embargoes, tariffs and all sorts of “crab” laws. They don’t practice what they preached. The best example is how their media is bias towards Zimbabwe and on the other hand they don’t report about the killing of the people in Gaza by the terrorist military government of isreal.
Once again i salute you Tun, “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us all in the hope of bringing justice and peace for all”. Aminnn…….
“Don’t cry on Gaza”
Dear Tun,
The Gaza’s predicament makes me think about ourselves – the Malaysian Muslim. We can’t blame the jews, the US and britain or any other non-muslim countries for the slaughtering. we must blame ourselves, become of our ignorance in arrogance (dalam bahasa melayu..bodoh sombong). Tun, why I say this because it is related to your policy for students to learn mathematic and science in english. Indeed it is a futurictic and visionary policy. I dont what to elaborate further on this, as I’am going to write a book on why it is paramountly important to learn both subjects in English. I hope the plight of the Gazanians will open the eyes of the Muslim Malay (ignorance and arrogance) who oppose and critise such a visionary policy. In succint, we need science and technology to protect (not to fight) ourselves againts the barbaric people.And as per now, the knowledge of science and technology, greatly can be found in this colonial language an not in our honourable mother tonque. It is sad, but it is a reality.
YABhg Tun,
Their press goes through a different rating process…
and they set their own criteria as well…
Dear Tun,
Welcome back to Malaysia. If I knew you were going to London I would have given you the few pences i’ve save in a jar. What you would do with it you might have ask…..well you could throw them in front of a running double decker bus, that would have gotten rid of a few Jews.
The Jews are so powerful now that there’s nothing the white christian can do to stop them. A good example is Mel Gibson, a popular hollywood actor, where is he now? when was the last time we heard of him? nobody knows. His Crime was he uttered the unthinkable when he was caught drunk driving. He blamed the Jews for the trouble around the world. So now he’s history.
As for the fate of the Jews, as soon as the White Christians realized they were taken for a fool, a second round of Holocaust is coming.
Salam Tun,
Cite pasal Yahudi dan Israel nie, teringat saya baca buku yang bertajuk “Sejarah Pemikiran 1” oleh Sulaiman Noordin. Banyak orang taktahu pasal Yahudi nie kan Tun?. Saya rasa kita semua nie kena tipu saja dengan Yahudi dari A sampai Z…
Kalau Tun baca buku, Tun bagi lah komen… nak jugak dengar komen Tun…
p/s: Saya sekarang tengah baca “Sejarah Pemikiran 2” pulak.
Dear chedet,
I thought papers like the Guardian is pretty fair in its reporting of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. I tend to agree with sans, albeit without his anti-anti semitic rant, that the papers may have shifted its attention to the handling of the economic crisis. And even in Malaysia we saw people like Najib being more concerned about the by-election, and Abdullah being busy with his business tour of the calmer part of the middle east.
my 2 sen.
Dear Tun,
The truth is every Israeli Prime Minister has got every American President and every British Premier by the leash. The equivalent Malay proverb is “Seperti kerbau dicucuk hidungnya”.
Of course the media in the West is owned by the Jews.
The Jews regard the Palestinians as less than human. So they deserve to be brutalised, murdered and massacred. And of course all these atrocities do not deserve any mention, anywhere at all.
Salam Tun,
There is no press freedom in Britain (including USA) 25 years ago, they are the same after 25 years later. No change at all!!!! They say that Israel is controlling the world economy, I believe that they are lying. Britain (including USA) press media are saturated (terlalu tua) and they are protecting their self interest (cari makan, Tun). In order to survive, they have to bully Asia because majority of their people thought that Asia is at par with Africa, except the 4 little Asia dragons. These little dragons are not little any more
Dear YAA Tun,
The time has come for the OIC to look for a solution to the Paleatinian Crisis based on a One State Solution based on a modified version of what brought white rule to an end in South Africa.
Tun yg saya kagumi
I live in Saudi Arabia and totally agree with what you published. Just finish reading front page article on Arabnews on your Riyadh summit
“Mahathir calls for rebuilding of global financial system”
Ghazanfar Ali Khan | Arab News
All my Arab friends/neighbours only recognise “Mahathir” as the great Islamic leader from Malaysia. They even said their King of Saudi Arabia/Princes/Princess are just an American puppet in the middle east.That is why you see the Middle East Summit always failed to tackle issue with regard to Israel because the so called Islamic leader from Saudi Arabia/Egypt will never want to pressure the American. The economy of these two countries relied so much on the technology from America.
One other thing to point out that Singapore will be the Israel of South East Asia in near future. Please take necessary steps before another “GAZA of SEA” come close to Malaysia.
Salam Ayahanda Tun M yang dikagumi! US dan Britain sama2 dengan kuncu2 Eropahnya telah sah dikuasai habis2an oleh Yahudi…Saya tak bleh tengok kekejaman Israel diGaza samada di TV dan surat khabar..hati jadi hancur dan amat benci dan geram pada Israel dan sekutu2 yg menyokongnya!
Umat Islam perlu tanya diri sendiri kenapa masalah serta konflik umatnya tidak mendapat perhatian daripada masyarakat bukan Islam. Dari kaca mata masyarakat bukan Islam, umat Islam adalah golongan yang hipokrik.
Lihatlah di negara yang majoriti Islam, masyarakat bukan Islam sering tertindas. Orang Islam sering memaksa nilai hidup mereka ke atas bukan Islam. Tak payah pigi jauh, lihat aja di Malaysia ni. Orang yang menganut agama Islam yang ingin keluar dari Islam, apa dah jadi pada nasib mereka? Siapa pulak yang memahami kesengsaraan serta tekanan jiwa yang dihadapi oleh mereka?
Selagi umat Islam tidak berubah dari segi budaya hipokrik ini, jangan harap orang bukan Islam akan simpati pada mereka.
Kenapa Tun tidak melancarkan kutukan terhadap keganasan bertopengkan agama Islam di Selatan Thailand, Mindanao Filipina, Bali Indonesia, Pakistan serta Mumbai India ? Nampaknya Tun pun lebih kurang 2×5 saja.
Sikap suka melatah, emosi, cetek akal dan dendam tidak akan membawa umat Islam ke mana-mana. Hanya dengan menggunakan kewarasan akal fikiran barulah kita tidak menuju ke arah kebinasaan.
Semoga Tun diberi pedoman agar mencapai kewarasan akal (wisdom) di suatu hari nanti.
assalamualaikum Tun,
Kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia harus bersyukur dengan segala kenikmatan yang telah dikurniakan oleh Allah s.w.t yang didokong oleh perjuangan pemimpim-pemimpin Melayu dan juga bukan Melayu.
Insaf dengan takdir yang dialami oleh rakyat Palestin dan untuk kita mengelakkan DIRI dipijak dan dihina, maka orang Melayu harus sedar dan bangkit dari kemalasan yang mengurungi diri kita sejak sekian lama. Sedarlah orang MELAYU!
I have every “confidence” that Pak Lah will force OIC,NAM,Latin Countries and Arab League to sit down and pass a resolution to halt any trade with the US/Israel..Pak Lah has the charisma,intellegence and the support of his son in law…hahaha
For a country that advocates fairness and equality,your negative stance towards suffering Palestinians only shows that u r not better than ‘primitive’ people like us..I believe most Brits doesnt condone what is happening in Gaza
(I love jew,try live with the palestinian n u’ll know their feeling)..Uncle Dee posted a comment by Adolf Hitler;Hitler must have read the Jew’s history…hmmmm
Lets not insist that they report about us anymore.
Lets whats happened to our Palestinians brothers, sisters and especially their childrens be the focus point, a start for new era of muslims.
Let them limit their news, go on, insist us to be – the terrorist, poor, not united and of course, go on, continue to report yourselves to be the only greatest citizen of the world.
We should stop wanting to be like them or in awe of them.
We will survive simply, because islam is moderate.If we position ourselve to that, we focus better and have ample space to breath and think and make that changes to leap into what we were once.We have been that road before, its not hard, we just need to want it only – unite first.
We have been omitted from their reporting at their whims and fancies.We could say that their news are incomplete and because of that, they are not the ultimate,they don’t offer up to date news, so why only trust on them to be our news provider – we too can pick and choose.
Infact, we could consider/insist that every bad things that they have written and told about us as null and void.Failing to report when they are capable means they are not credible.We should also questions their sources.
Businesses that limits their market to amongst themselves only, are not truly successful businesses.Same goes for news agencies who picks and chooses what to and not to report.
Time to have our own news!
One world leader said, we, muslims countries, majorities are poor.
Huh, are we, really?
Yes, we are, but if we unite we have strength to be the richest.
All of us pay zakat, thats a lot of money. Manage it well, ensure that the person who receives it today will in turn has the chance to give away to others.
Time to have our own world bank – a strong muslim chamber of commerce!
We have great leaders and achievers.Identify and gather all of them and make a plan to build a better muslim world.
All of us are khalifah, don’t only wait for our leaders, let them do their work like they must.Be wary of leaders [inclusive our own]who whisper words that perpetuate hate towards muslims and encourages hates and disunity amongst muslims.Reject these kind of leaders.Put them in a corner, facing the wall,let them play by themselves.We don’t need them, they will only make us loose focus. Support those that subscribe to unity – our unity first.Never attempt to cuts us into bits and pieces by branding each other kafir,who says a muslim cannot be occupants of hell,only kafir – let only Allah be the judge to that.We are too small to make that decision.
Focus to be what we were once, first! We use to be a lot of great things.
In Malaysia, Tun often tells us what great muslims we once were.
We can be that again.
Knowledge,knowledge,knowledge,knowledge,don’t reject knowledge,take it, whatever size or shape.Our iman and taqwa will guide us to do the right things.
The computer doesnt work without a zero.Who invented the number zero?
Tell our children our success stories. Make it known to them.Give them pride, make it easier for them.
Don’t wait, do it.
Assalamualaikum Tun berdua.Sebagai pemimipin dalam keluarga, kami akan lakukan tanggungjawab dan amanat untuk memperkasakan anak anak kami dengan ilmu, iman dan taqwa.
…and if Hitler could annihilate the whole Jewish race, what makes you so sure that he would not annihilate other races including his own race just to be the superpower ? But the strange thing is that each time one Middle Eastern person seeks asylum, he would turn to the West for help. There are so many asylum seekers in the U.S., U.K., Australia as compared to other countries like Malaysia. Why can’t they have a new life in another Middle Eastern country ? Or another Islamic country ? Not only that, they can find a new life in this Western country. The Malaysia’s media is a carbon copy of the British media or other country’s media which is being one sided and personal in reporting any news. In order to be a genuine peace maker, one has to be neutral and listen to both sides of the story. Malaysia is often known as a peacemaking country and therefore it should not take side, no matter how personal the issue can get to be. That is professional management of a conflict.
Akum semua,
Hanya ingin memperbetulkan kenyataan Sdr Azam Alias( yg mula-mula memberi komen) :
Magic Number – 6 Million
Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must “vanish” before the state of Israel can be formed. “You shall return minus 6 million.” That’s why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the “6 million” is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in “burning ovens”, which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: “. . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State.” A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the “burning ovens” (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been “fulfilled” and Israel can become a “legitimate state”.
‘International Red Cross documents clearly show that fewer than 300.000 jews died during WW II in all German concentration camps combined’
Edgar J Steele in ‘Holy Holocaust’
Rujukan : http://www.nogw.com/dark_history.html#holohoax
Dr Mahathir said:
4. I understand that it is the same in America, another great advocate of the freedom of the Press.
I am not sure about UK, but I can tell you that there’s news about Israel/Palestine conflicts almost on a regular basis, even on local papers. How do I know? Because I live here and am witnessing it.
Your hatred towards western people is blinding you from making an objective judgement. You are a very dangerous person, spreading lies in the public. Funny thing is there are people actually believing you.
May god/allah have mercy on you…
Sebelum berjuang untuk saudara kita di Paletin, kita terlebih dahulu harus menyingkirkan sebarang perangai atau sifat yang menyerupai Yahudi.
Malas,Tamak, Tidak sabar, Dengki, Mengambil hak orang lain, Sombong dan lain-lain merupakan diantara perangai seorang Yahudi.
I can only see that we Malaysians are as bias as UK/USA in our comment/opinion especially we do not have any clue what is happenning over there and the information we have now is also through our media. So whose media is right or wrong? Just because we are muslim our media is right? I wonder how many of those that given strong comment here actually were in Palastine or know the truth. Anyone?
Dear Tun,
Freedom of the press is exactly what it is – Freedom of the editorial team & the owners TO PRINT what they think fit.
We had been programmed since young to believe what we read in the papers. Well now we know better than to trust the papers.
What they think fit to be printed can have many perspectives, such as;
1) The paper sales figures
2) Advancing their world view
3) Pandering to popular culture
4) National/Party interest
5) Winning elections
6) Getting advertisers revenue
7) and such other reasons which look at truth and reality with tinted glasses, or as a medium, as it suits the above objectives.
That is why the new generation and now the older people would rather go to the internet for information.
At least the net do not purport to be telling the truth – but allow us make our own judgements from the many sites and views.
Now; the NET is where true press freedom exist. The responsibility in on ourselves to look for the various views and perspectives to make our own conclusions.
Welcome to the new FREE PRESS – the internet.
I note that both BBC and Sky have refused to carry the appeal for humanitarian aid to Gaza. Would you use your influence with the owners of Astro to unbundle their news channels to allow Malaysians to exercise their choice? As things now stand, we have no choice but to subscribe to all the news channels. I would like to signal my displeasure by unsubscribing the BBC and CNN but can’t do that. I think that is a more practical boycott than that suggested by you. And it can have an impact as Malaysia is one of the major English-language news markets in the region.
Additionally, I’m sure you have noticed that almost all Malaysian hotels carrying Astro news channels do not provide al-Jazeera. You may have your own quarrels with al-Jazeera, but I’m sure you will agree that their coverage of Gaza has been exemplary, some times maybe even going overboard to be balanced. Now will you use your influence to demand that Malaysian hotels provide al-Jazeera?
It appears to me that you are so shallow in history lessons. I think you need to know a little history why Hamas fire rockets to Israel. The areas where rockets are fired into belonged to Gazans. Moreover, although Israel withdrew from Gaza, they continue to control Gazans in all aspects of their lives. That’s an occupation by all definitions! Desperate people call for disperate measures.
Read this from Robert Fisk – from The Independent UK. You would understand why Hamas did what they did.
Robert Fisk: Why bombing Ashkelon is the most tragic irony
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
How easy it is to snap off the history of the Palestinians, to delete the narrative of their tragedy, to avoid a grotesque irony about Gaza which
Assalaamualaikum Tun,
Please allow me link this website for all to read and understand.
Zionist Massacre in Gaza
January 2008
salah siapa… bangsa Arab tak pernah mahu bersatu. masing-masing nak menjaga poket sendiri.. Negara Arab saudi sendiri yang kaya dengan hasil minyak, terang terangan menjadi sekutu Amerika.
So, kalau orang-orang islam sendiri tidak mahu menggembelengkan tenaga untuk selamatkan negara islam yang lain.. siapa yang nak tolong.. Takkan orang kafir laknatullah kut..
tepuk dada tanya selera..
Westerners are mostly hyprocrites and yet some of our people respect them membuta tuli.
Memang jelas, Israel rule the world by proxy. Khutbah Jumaat di masjid di Singapura beberapa minggu lalu, menyeru agar kita berdoa untuk saudara saudara Islam kita yang menjadi korban di GAZA tetapi tak sepatah perkataan pun menyebut tentang “Israel”. Tun tahu tak semua masjid di Singapura khutbahnya sama kerana semuanya di control oleh MUIS, Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura.
hmmm…maybe the brits were not updated with the latest news in gaza, have obsolete computers and limited media coverage…no wonder you advocated the ‘buy british last’ policy..bravado Tun, very far sighted (i wish i have the same vision..)…
I am afraid you are right in this sense. BBC has very little coverage on the war in Gaza and this is what I read on their front website today:
An Israeli soldier has been killed and three others injured in an attack on their patrol near the border with Gaza.
“Israel’s army said an explosive device was detonated next to the patrol.
Israeli troops crossed into Gaza as helicopters hovered overhead firing machine guns. One Palestinian has been killed, Gaza medics said.
The Israeli death is the first since Hamas, which controls Gaza, and Israel declared ceasefires after a three-week Israeli offensive against Gaza.
One Israeli officer was badly wounded in the explosion and the other soldiers were lightly wounded, an army spokesman said.
No Palestinian militant group has said it carried out the attack.”
One Israeli soldier killed, istead of 100,000 Palestinian civilians, over the past weeks is what making the headlines in the news. One. Not 100,000.
Dear Tun,
I would wish that we try to buy “advertisement space” in the UK and the US media – television and papers, and observe how they handle our requests.
If they allow us to put our advertisement in their media, then we could put in our views to the people of these nations.
If not then we could shout out about the double standards in their “freedom of speech”
Again; this is what i called biasness justified. Tun you should also glad that the UK papers did not report so much on what has happening in our country too. Police brutality, ISA detention camp and few rotten things happening in our country. Definately i would not like to have that sort that news being reported outside.
If there was; before i condemn their “biasness”, i would first check the authencity of the news.
Certainly we have many news in Malaysia; that may not need further checks. Well we cannot expect a court judgement then report a case can we? They are reporting the news; weather you want to believe or not that is your own problem , in their eyes and perception, just like how we see Palestine in our own lenses. I admire that you are so serious about Palestine issue; but sometimes are the ppl in Mid East themselves are taking our fight seriously? (details needed here).
You should also know that inspite of the London bombing few years back, they did not tell the Pakis to go back. Infact UK has been good place for asylum seeking nationalities.
Tun; your help is needed more in Malaysia than Palestine. By this way, i am not indicating that war is permissible. But our issue in our own circle of influence in our homeland presses us more than the ones outside.
For those who say, dont disturb Tun he is retired, well fine i will step commenting hereinafter. Tun, then pls blog something else but not politics or war, Malaysia or world. Lets talk about flowers pots, bonzai trees and buns
Salam, tidak dinafikan mereka ini tidak bersimpati dan berhati perut.
Assalamulaikum wr wb Tun,
Memang benar Tun, pihak barat mahu menghancurkan Islam, mereka bersatu dalam mencapai agenda mereka tetapi kenapa umat Islam masih mahu membrukan sokongan yang tidak berbelah bahagi kepada mereka. Kita lihat disekeliling Palestin adalah umat Islam. Anehnya, umat Islam yang dikatakan bersaudara membenarkan pihak musuh terus melakukan keganasan tanpa henti di Gaza. Apakah sudah jadi kepada dunia Arab yang satu masa dulu begitu digeruni tetapi hari ini mereka menjadi begitu kecut dan mementing diri sendiri serta harta kekayaan dunia. Mereka telah melepaskan tali Allah untuk bersatu. Wahai Umat Islam bersatulah jangan kerana politik kita sesaudara berbunuh-bunuhan menerusi demokrasi yang dicipta oleh Barat. Kerana tamakkan harta dunia kita sanggup melakukan apa saja kepada saudara kita. Dimanakah silapnya kita Tun?
Umat Islam perlu bangun semula dengan menjadi pengeluar dan bukannya sebagai pengguna. Inilah kekuatan mereka yang dapat mematahkan segala usaha dunia dengan menidakkan hak orang.
Apakah perkara yang sama akan berlaku di negara yang kita cintai ini.
Salam ALaikom Tun n Tun,
and prayers for peace to the people in GAZA
I’ve been reading more than half way through this book, Titled “PAINTING ISLAM AS THE NEW ENEMY” Globalisation & Capitalism in Crisis, bY Abdulhay Y. Zalloum. he outlines the tactics and steps taken by Zionist to implement their ambitions of a Greater Israel. Something which we had always known but not knowing how it was done. Hope this book will help us realise our folly and unite.
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Mohon di-izinkan sikit ruang. T Kasih.
COPY “By sel Author Profile Page on January 27, 2009 5:08 PM
aswt YAB Beloved Tun & Fellow Bloggers
Moses in History brough Jews out of egypt and Hitler killed only
6 million Jews…. This morning he SMS to me to explain it why,
” I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left
some so that you world would know why I did that”- Adolf Hitler
U see….
Love Peace” PASTE
Sel, that’s heavy brother…Moses split that sea for them Jews – that’s the truth. But Hitler on SMS that’s the real truth man. I salute this Sel. Adolf Hitler on SMS, that’s something else. Sel, you heard about that new Hitler microwave oven? It seats 500 now!
Ok, I won’t be keeping you from more texting to Hitler and Stalin (but you be sure to keep us posted on any new text here ok?), so I share this joke:
“Three women – a German, a Jew and a Polack – all gave birth to seven pound baby boys at the same time. The nurses got the babies mixed up somehow and couldn’t tell which baby belonged to which mother. After an hour of mass confusion the father of the German baby decided he would settle the problem. He walked into the nursery and lined up the three infants in a row. He then clicked his heels, raised his arm in a salute and shouted, “Heil Hitler!”
The German baby snapped to attention, the Jewish baby shit it’s pants and the polish baby played in it!”
Salam, salah satu permintaan nabi muhammad (saw) minta dari Allah (swt) ialah supaya umat2nya bersatu dan itu lah satu2nya Allah tidak beri. It is just not the time yet to go into Israel, but the time will come, dengan izinNya. And the israeilites as usual think they know best, lawan Allah and they think the Almighty doesn’t know. 🙂
My mesej is respon to artkawi.
I’m not supporting isreal. even USA. Malaysia is my belove country. if any countries attack our precoius country, i will give all my life to defend.
back to gaza.
If, and if the palestine is not muslim, how do you react?
If, and if the isreal is muslim, how do you respons?
no need to worry other countries.
GOD know how to respond to human being acts!
aswt YAB Beloved Tun & Fellow Bloggers
Moses in History brough Jews out of egypt and Hitler killed only
6 million Jews…. This morning he SMS to me to explain it why,
” I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left
some so that you world would know why I did that”- Adolf Hitler
U see….
Love Peace
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. The whole lot has always been Kosher with the BBC and CNN and even Yahoo got stiff words to quit on the Gaza news just a couple of days before Bush spilt the White House. And by that time Bush was already not running the US government and neither was Obama yet. But it was Olmert running the US government from Tel Aviv (with Wolfowitz in DC) on cheap international IDD call rates and it was a very rare and brief moment for the free world to observe that long hidden naked truth.
But let
Assalamualaikum Tun and all readers,
The media are so controlled by the Jews that the BBC and SKY news even ban emergency appeal for GAZA. They news rep can give whatever reason they wish, but I find it disgusting anyhow. Over 1300 people including children killed and they talk about media being unbias or neutral. Its madness.
I’m in the UK at the moment and has been here for 1 year and a bit. I’m packing, leaving and heading back home to Malaysia. And this is one of the reason. I find western bias is intolerable.
Assalamualaikum Tun and all readers,
The media are so controlled by the Jews that the BBC and SKY news even ban emergency appeal for GAZA. They news rep can give whatever reason they wish, but I find it disgusting anyhow. Over 1300 people including children killed and they talk about media being unbias or neutral. Its madness.
I’m in the UK at the moment and has been here for 1 year and a bit. I’m packing, leaving and heading back home to Malaysia. And this is one of the reason. I find western bias is intolerant.
Semenjak chedet masukkan iklan kat web ni, rasa minat nak baca kat sini menurun sikit, kenapa ya?
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
Semoga Ayahanda dan Bonda sihat-sihat selalu.
Salaam Tun,
Look at what the British MPs said about the BBC and Sky about their the Gaza appeal!
MPs slam BBC and Sky over Gaza snub
3 hours 19 mins ago
Print Story
More than 100 MPs have signed an early day motion criticising the BBC and Sky News for refusing to show an emergency appeal for Gaza. Skip related content
Related photos / videos MPs slam BBC and Sky over Gaza snub Terrestrial broadcasters ITV, Channel 4 and Five have shown the televised appeal, made by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC).
The refusal of the BBC and Sky News led to protests outside Broadcasting House where demonstrators burned their television licences and occupied the buildings reception until they were removed by police.
Richard Burden, the Labour MP who tabled the motion, said 112 MPs have signed it so far.
The motion rejects the “unconvincing and incoherent” justifications given by the BBC and Sky.
Mr Burden said: “The fact that well over 100 MPs from different parties have signed this Commons motion shows the breadth of concern about the position which the BBC and Sky are taking.
“The arguments that BBC managers have been putting forward in defence of their refusal to screen this appeal have shown themselves to be even more unconvincing and contradictory as time has gone on.”
Praising broadcasters who decided to show the appeal, he went on: “The needs of a child traumatised by war in Gaza are no more or less important than those of a traumatised child in another war zone.”
BBC director general Mark Thompson said the decision not to broadcast the appeal was “absolutely” in line with the corporation’s broader approach to impartiality and appeals.
And John Ryley, head of Sky News, said “absolute impartiality” was fundamental to their approach.
Regards-Yay 27/1/2009
Salam Tun,
Tun, nothing done by the west shocks me anymore and you shouldnt be too.
The truths are only for those who seek them because it bothers them to be in darkness for so long. Do not bother to bring the truths to those whose minds and hearts are already closed shut like some of the commentators in your blog who blamed the victim for the crime done to them. It is like saying if the women are not dressing so sexy, they will be safe from rape. If Hamas did not fire those rockets, Israel wouldnt have attacked them that way. They failed to search for the historical events that led to that firing of rockets which was Israel’s provocative attack in Nov 2008.
In this world, there will be bad people and good people, that is a fact. People are not born bad, they were just influenced by the beliefs they practice or the people around them. God will show the true path to those He wishes, and to those who ignored the truths are those condemned for eternity.
The arrogance and cruelness of the Israelites are mentioned all over the Al-Quran, and the existence of Dajjal (a people who only see with one eye meaning only see one side of the truth)who is the enemy of Islam is also mentioned in the Al-Quran. The coming of Yakjuk and Maqjuk – two brothers or races that bring destruction to the world is also foretold in the Al-Quran.
It is not surprising how America and Britain (brothers of Anglo-Saxon descent) who amongst then two and collaboration with Israel have brought more destructions combined on this earth more than any other nations in the last century.
We Muslims cannot make them like us if they dont want to, they may be nice in front of us but behind us they plan mischevious things. We must not waste time to appeal to them as their hearts have turned black and failed to see the truths.
It is time for us to reunite and become strong as an Ummah, ignore petty things that devide us, we must rebuild again our civilisation throught he mastery of knowledge, strengthen our defences through our own indegineous weaponary like Iran and Pakistan, we must make them think twice and respect Islamic countries and Muslims before they even think of firing a single bullet at us, we must be strong again, inshallah we will succed.
Many empires have come and gone, from the great Alexander, to Genghiz Khan, Shi Huang Ti, Egyptian Kingdom, British Empire,Portugese, Spanish and even Ottoman Empire and USSR, the lesson to be learnt everyone of us will meet our ending, only God shall remain.
The time for the Israelis and the two brothers (America and Britain)who support them to meet their end shall come, it is just a matter of time.
Then, eternal peace shall prevail on this earth.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Is condemning Israeli’s brutalities on the killings of babies, children and women, can be called as anti-semitic? Who invented this word anyway?
Whether it is in anybody’s front page news, middle page news, back page news, corner page news or sideline page news, makes no difference. They are still in our news and will always be. Despite the truce, news on the pains and sufferings of those still alive or barely alive are pouring in from our own brave reporters. We Malaysians are up-to date with international news. Are you too?..referring to those who so proudly claim to live in US or GB or Europe who preach freedom of the Press and freedom of Speach?
Anyway what gives you the notion that death and destruction is reduced after the truce? The people of Gaza are dying a slow and painful death caused by the illegal chemical bombs and cluster bombs of Israel with the go-ahead from US. Don’t you know that! The poisonous chemical are eating up their bodies. Israel purposely want to wipe out the entire population in Palestine and its economy.
Can you deny this? Tell the world that it is right to kill babies, little children and women! Better still, tell that to your baby, your children and wife (or husband)!
Remember the killings in My Lai, Hiroshima, Nagasaki? Aren’t they dying slowly but surely or crippled for life from the chemical weapons and the radiation of the bombs! Isn’t that too is destruction..destruction of the human race that is not up to your liking! Don’t purify yourselves with the blood of the babies, the children and women around the entire world!
And don’t you dare say that, Tun and us around the world, when raising issues and true facts on the inhumane killings and unfair treatments and violent invasions into the countries that are not with you as anti-semitic! The truth is in front of you.
So the world is in recession. You still have your two hands and two feet and healthy bodies to work and your great government still has the means and money to help and feed you. Think of those you have maimed and crippled and their breadwinners you have so abruptly taken away from them! Don’t give your help or money if you don’t want to…just stop for a moment and think how it would be like if you are them…or you just simply feel disgusted picturing them in your saintly head! Nothing on the aftermath of the war, physically, traumatically and psychologically, is relevant to you or your papers. Your are just BORN SELFISH HYPOCRITES!
Tun, I’m expressing myself on comments made by Mr By sans on Jan 26.
That person must be out of this world and out-dated. Just wish he would be more human and feed himself with true facts and recent international news from responsible sources. Maybe out of curiosity, he invaded Chedet.
Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.
What moral rights do we have to criticise other countries when our BN leaders do not even have the will to provide justice to our own minorities ?
The number of deaths in our police cells speak for itself.
salam Tun,
to I love jews and Prabakaran Gopalakrishnan,
This is a perfect example of western media manipulations which you guys fell victim to.Some news such as rocket attacks will be blown out of proportions and other news which do not fit their agendas will be consigned to mere footnotes.
Once again do yourselves a favour,go and read ‘the Gaza Massacre in Perspective’ by Prof. Dr. Chandra Muzaffar.
So to I love jews,do not try to quote from sources about the evils of being Muslim.I assure you I can do better in proving otherwise.I can also quote from many of your famous fellow Christians.
Sorry if I’m hurting Non Muslim’s feeling, but you don’t know what are you talking about Palestine and Gaza Issues. It is about land and religion. Land was originally belong to Palestine people which is Muslim but was taken away/rob/confisticated by Israel/Jewish with help from UN/PBB and British and USA. This people has killed innocent people of Palestine for generations and that will continue until end of the world. So, we put in simple way, if somebody come and kill our whole family..take or land, do you think we will just sit back and say everyhing is OK?..No brain man know the answer unless we are coward enough to say..”as long as i’m alive..i’m o.k wth that”.. so for Mr. Prabagaran Gopalakrishnan, YOU ARE SO STUPID AND YOU DON’T BELONG TO MALAYSIA…AND TO MR CRIS, YOU SHOULD LEARN HISTORY AND KNOW YOUR ROOT. AND YOU DON’T HAVE RIGHT TO TELL WHAT GAZA PEOPLE WANT AS THEIR LEADER. IF THEY WANT HAMAS, WHAT WRONG WTH THAT? Can we say to American people not to select OBAMA? THE TRUTH IS, MUSLIM/ISLAM IS ENEMY TO ISRAEL/JEWISH..THAT FOR SURE. DO YOU THINK HITLER KILL JEWISH FOR NO REASON? IF YOU DON’T KNOW, LET ME TELL YOU..JEWISH PEOPLE IS THE WORST MANKIND IN THIS WORLD. THEY CAN’T BE TRUSTED. THEY ALWAYS STAB YOUR BACK. AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT.
Every countries in this world have a right to defend himself. Palestine is entitled to have a weapon. Iran have a right to have a nuclear technology. Singapore don’t have a right to deny us a nuclear weapon if we able to have it. If Israel can have high tech weapon to go war, what wrong with Hamas to have a rocket.
Dear Innocent,
I do agreed with your opinion on the media has aggravated hatred among communities in Malaysia. It was clearly irresponsible attitude by Malaysian media. If we want to improve racial and religious harmony, we cannot posting such a irresponsible post in local media. We already in midst of fragile racial and religious tension and would not accepted another provocation by the media and politician.
What the hell is the meaning of so called freedom press if we have to scarifies racial and religious harmony. Government should step up to avoid this, be more proactive rather than let the things happen then cure.
Tabik Tun,
I am fully agree with almost all what you said in your blog. I never put up any comment in here but I am your faithfull folower. Everyday when I get connected to internet, your blog is the first page that I open. All your idea was brilliant. The only thing make my finger move to type some comment was when I read comment from “Falcon” which was “umat islam tidak perlu terkejut dengan sikap berat sebelah orang bukan islam”. I am non-muslim, for me, this kind of comment is too general which demand huge explaination from Mr. Falcon, who ever it is. All non-muslim in Malaysia will be shock to read that statement. We direct our support to Palestine humanity Crisis as Malaysian and never in our thought to being unfair to our fellow muslim. That comment could triger anger from non-muslim people. Please remember that Tun’s blog is folowed by majority of Malaysian and let us respect each other as Malaysian.
Mr. falcon, If you don’t have anything good to write, better be keep quite or buy your ticket to Palestine and FIGHT…..! rather than make such coward comment….
1) The west cannot deny that they are now under the control of the Jews. They are all apes which are leased by the Jews.
2) I am saddened, the Goliath west with their might is being control by the tiny David. Hahahahaha…..
YABhg Tun,
Western democracy is based on their mold. To them, only democracy that been practised by them is correct and others are not.War tribunal is only valid to poor countries or rouge countries which have been trade mark by them. UN has failed to play the roles as world government. Reformation has to be done ASAP to the UN.
Salam and thanks.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
At last, I am able to sign in at this new site.
Just a short comment, i.e. Western Democracy = Hypocrisy (in the highest order).
Thank you, Wassalam.
Dear Tun Dr M,
Please allow me to reply the following statement
By akubosan on January 26, 2009 8:19 PM Stated:
The man who was a criminal, now a corpse, is made a “hero” by some groups. Just like some bollywood movie.
Aku lagi bosan dengan kenyataan diatas. A person is considered a criminal only after the verdict is meted by the judge. Until then he/she is a suspect.
Only when this sort of tragedy take place to us,we feel the pain.
He may not be a Bollywood hero but gets the sympathy of many because of such horrifying death at a tender age.
If at all the tragedy happened,after he was proven guilty, then his family can take it as harsh punishment for not so severe crime.
Tabi Tun,
Tun are a great man with a great idea. But, remember Tun, not every time your idea is always right. Mentioning the palestine, we should look to the history. so, we cannot blame either isreal or palestine. we are not the people of palestine or isreal. so we don’t understand what’s actually happening there! we support palestine because of religion? Or something else?
Sometime God allows something happen to reveal His distiny!
God bless Tun.
salam Tun,
somebody should seriously consider to print windscreen / bumper stickers,t-shirts,badges which read (my suggestion)..
Usually Chinese businessmen smells opportunity and capitalise very fast.I’ll be your first customer!
Dear Tun
I don’t condone the attack on Gaza. However i also note that there are no reports of Hamas many attacks on Israel that led to the Gaza invasion by the Israeli troops in Malaysian newspapers.
As much as I abhor Israel’s military actions upon Gaza and its people, I can’t help but feel that in this particular case Hamas is to blame. After all, they were shooting rockets into Israeli towns since the time of Israel’s pull-out from Gaza. Moreover, they were firing from populated areas which put the Israeli army in a difficult position. No sovereign country, be they legitimate or otherwise would sit by idly while another people shot rockets at them on a daily basis, let alone Israel. The history of the Israeli-Palestinian is just that, history. Israel has been in existence for over 60 years now. This was mandated by the British through the Balfour Declaration. There is no way to force the Jews out of Palestine short of killing all of them. This, of course, is impossible. So, what remains is for the Palestinians to engage in negotiations with the enemy. They must pursue a policy of non-violence a’la Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. The Arab countries are simply not bothered about the plight of their fellow brothers, the Palestinians. The best option is for them to lay down their weapons. Wait until things cool off. Then initiate genuine negotiations with Israel. At the moment they are not talking to the Israelis. In fact, the Hamas charter calls for the total destruction of Israel. To them there is no place for a Jewish state in Palestine or for that matter, a Christian one. The fact is, the two Semitic peoples can live together as they have done for centuries. All is needed is a moderate Palestinian leadership like Fatah’s Mohamed Abbas and his party. Hamas is too violent for comfort. The Israelis are an intelligent lot and Hamas needs to engage them wisely. Otherwise, they will continue to suffer the consequences of messing with the highly trained Israeli Defense Forces.
Salam Tun
” I could have killed all the Jews in the world but I left some of them so that you will know why I was killing them ” -Adolf Hitler
Dearest Tun,
I seek your explanation on the below issue:
Certainly, I will NEVER EVER listen to PAK LAH as he is currently enjoying yawning, sleeping, etc.
We love you so much.
The Engineer within,
mus and family
salam tun…
now everything bout Jewish became more obvious..
but still there are some people that still live in denial and put all the blame on hamas…
now the black president of united states that live in the shadow of jew can’t run from the fact that his advisors and associates are all but in israel interest.
Kalau bukan kita siapa lagi..Saya pantang betul jika kita atas usaha sendiri tidak mampu menadingi yg lain..sedarlah saudara Islamku sekalian..bertapa kita ditindas..adakah kita hanya mampu marah,tapi x sedr akan diri kita…fikirkan..semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat walafiat..
Assalamualaikom Tun,
Satu dunia tahu bahawa Israel dibantu oleh US dari segi ketenteraan. Mengunakan segala kemudahan dan teknologi, mereka menyerang Palestin yang tanpa sistem pertahanan langsung. Bukankah sebagai satu negara yang berdaulat mereka sepatutnya diberi peluang untuk mempertahankan diri dari diserang.
Saya melihat pihat Israel dibantu teknologi US, mara dalam kewilayah Palestin. Perbuatan mereka seolah-oleh seorang lelaki sedang merogol seorang gadis dikhalayak ramai dan tiada siapa datang menolong!
Dimanakah OIC?
Bantuan ekonomi dari negara Arab untuk membina semula Palestin, untuk apa jika selepas itu menjadi bahan untuk sekali lagi ‘dirogol’ oleh Israel.
US dan Israel menandatangani perjanjian menghalang penyeludupan senjata ke Palestin, tetapi siapa pulang yang menjadi ‘mata-mata’ untuk menghalang penghantaran senjata dan teknologi dari US ke Israel.
Kenapakah penghantaran senjata ke Palestin mesti didefinasikan sebagai haram oleh dunia?
Pendapat saya, OIC sepatutnya mempunyai satu ketetapan bagaimana untuk bertindak untuk memberi bantuan pada kadar segera semada dari segi ketenteraan mahupun bantuan ekonomi jika mana2 negara Islam diserang. Ketetapan tersebut mestilah mempunyai satu kelebihan untuk memberitahu (bukannya meminta kebenaran) Secutity Council akan tindakan tersebut.
Sekian, terima kasih dan semoga Tun dan keluarga sihat selalu hendaknya.
memang menyedihkan…
namun Rakyat Amerika
dan England sebenarnya
telah dididik sejak di
bangku sekolah rendah
untuk menyayangi dan
menyokong Israel……
Bagi mereka,itu merupakan
salah satu perkara penting
dalam beragama….menyayangi
Tidak hairanlah mengapa
akhbar-akhbar di sana
tidak menyiarkan apa-apa
tentang Palestin.
Jangan salah sangka
dengan gagasan kami….
kami bukan Zionis dan
bukan juga gagasan
pengganas….kami adalah
kami….kami melihat kepada
kebenaran biarpun sebenarnya
tiada keadilan dalam dunia ini..
Banyak cara lain selain daripada
menjadi pengebom berani mati…..
Tun tentu masih ingat….”Apa
yang paling penting Ialah Mindset”.
Ucapan Tun pada tahun 2003 sempena
persidangan OIC.Mindset Rakyat
Amerika dan England,memang begitu
adanya……sudah berakar umbi….
Thoughtful quote of Hitler’s personal diary… “I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left some of them so you will know why I was killing them.”
Tak tahu bila masalah Palestin akan selesai. Mungkin ini satu pengajaran untuk semua dunia Islam. Selagi mereka tidak bersatu dan masih bersekongkol dgn mereka yg menyokong Israel, maka selagi itulah dunia Islam terutamanya Palestin tidak mendapat pertolongan Allah.
Kepada semua Pemimpin Islam, BERSATULAH…Dengan kegawatan ekonomi dunia dan kelembapan ekonomi Amerika pada masa ini, saya rasa ini adalah masa yg paling sesuai untuk negara2 Arab yang kaya untuk menekan Amerika. Banyak bank-bank di Amerika meminta bantuan wang dari negara Arab. Sepatutnye mereka jangan diberi bantuan/pinjaman wang. Kalau boleh beli terus aje bank-bank di Amerika yg bermasalah tu. Barulah negara Islam dapat sedikit sebanyak mengawal ekonomi di Amerika.
I fully support u, Tun that the Jew rules the world by proxy. But the more important and crucial issue is what make them very powerful compare to us Muslim? Can we imitate some of their action plans so that we are at par or better than them? Surely, the muslim world desperately needs a leader to properly plan and execute the planning to bring the muslim nations to higher place so that the world will respect and look up to us once again. Better start now than never. It is never too late!
They fought for Israel since Crussade War. Hm… No wonder. Why they do that? Retake? This is what happen when Politic mix with religion. Religion divide, belief unites. Once they believe, nothing can change even if they try to convert to else. What on earth will make politics change? The game remain the same even the player changed. The conflicts must be stop once and for all. But, how? Who will let prides behind and hug their long ages enemy? If, and if it is if, the third world war might come and is it because Nazi rebirth? Feel free to explore the world heart. She remember everything, human who tried dominating everything.
The Jews don’t have right to ignore Palestin existence just because they was promised for the land. The only right they have is to be grateful they survived in WWII. Jesus Christ alone can’t change them. Maybe his brother can. But if He is, He will be under ISA custody, if He is in Malaysia, today.
Dear Tun,
I am not surprised about the absence (or lack thereof) of reporting on Gaza’s sufferings. Their freedom of press only applies when it comes to issues that suit their stakeholders – politicians, ignorant public, and lobbyists including Jewish groups.
Take for example – BBC and Sky TV. They simply refuse to air 2-minute UK appeal for humanitarian donations from organizations such as UK Red Cross and other organizations even after 10,000 plus complaints against them to date!Their excuses – to maintain impartiality! By refusing to air, they are technically partial – that’s is they choose to listen to those who tell them not to air.
So, there is no such thing as free press anywhere in this world.
IMHO, this is one of their strategies, to let the people in their country to keep in their mind only about how terrorist is the Arab people (Muslim) but not to show the reality on how cruel and brutal is the Israel people to Palestinian (Muslim). As a matter of fact, mass media have major influences on the way how the people in that country think.
Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Lama betul saya tidak melayari entry Tun. Dan lama juga saya tidak pernah mengirim komen saya dalam Laman yang saya minati ini. Saya tidak pandai berbahasa Inggeris, jadi Bahasa Melayulah yang menjadi ikutan saya. Maaf, ya!
Bila membaca artikel Tun kali ini saya teringat satu peribahasa Melayu yang berbunyi, “Kuman di seberang laut nampak dilihat, gajah di hadapan mata tidak nampak”. Begitulah lebih kurang bunyinya dan maknanya semua orang faham.
Siapa pun macam itu selagi bernama manusia. Negara kita pun menghadapi situasi yang serupa seperti yang disebutkan oleh saudara Hairul dalam kmennya di atas tadi. Jadi sama-samalah kita berdoa untuk keselamatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Islam di Gaza daripada mengutuk perbuatan orang lain. Kita harus sedar bahawa kita juga pernah melakukan kesilapan seperti mana orang lain lakukan.
Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun dan isteri,
Saban hari kita melihat pengeboman demi pengeboman berlaku di Palestin walaupun gencatan senjata masih dikuatkuasakan. Penggunaan senjata yang tidak seimbang di antara Hamas dan Israel menyebabkan hanya 3 kematian berlaku kepada rakyat Israel sedangkan seribu lebih kematian berlaku kepada rakyat Palestin. Benarlah kata John Travolta dalam filem SWORDFISH, “They (muslim) take (kill) one of us, we take the entire city”. Tiada guna memberikan bantuan pembangunan semula USD 1.5 billion sedangkan pengeboman bertali arus mengena bumi GAZA. Tindakan yang perlu dilakukan oleh pertubuhan OIC adalah dengan membekalkan surface to air missile dan anti tank missile yang dijual di pasaran agar Palestin dapat mempertahankan diri dari serangan dan pengeboman bertalu-talu pada setiap masa dan setiap hari. Contoh-contoh surface to air missile adalah SA 7 Grail dan SA 14 Gremlin, . Sementara contoh anti tank missile adalah AT 3 Sagger, AT 4 Spigot,AT 5 Spandrel. Dengan itu, kita akan dapat melihat jumlah kematian yang “equivalent” di kedua-dua pihak. Wassallam
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has criticised the BBC for refusing to air a charity appeal for aid in Gaza.
He told reporters that his message to broadcasters who were showing the appeal was: “Cheers – and keep on doing it”.
A’kum Tun!
How are you? I hope you are in good health.
It is very obvious that they American government is controlled by the Jews. It is not because they are bad people but because they are smart. We can’t deny their intelligence and hard work that bring them to achieve that level. Before this they were only few millions of them and look at them now. How powerful they have become!.
What about us the Muslims around the world? Still fighting and killing each other for power, money and status. Is it not us the Muslims that need to start putting plans into action and doing something that benefit us all instead of doing something that show our stupidity and laziness?
Even though we hate so much to see the Jews are controlling the world by proxy, we need to start realizing it before it’s too late. We have to start doing some catch up or maybe a lot to be done. If only we stop blaming each other and not helping one another. We Muslims today only pity by the lips but no action.
And the American government also benefited from them through their ideas and technology or maybe their money to make US become better and more powerful. So they are both benefiting from one another. I don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s like doing business when you get a WIN-WIN situation deal? Will you take it or leave it?
Like you always said, ‘MELAYU MUDAH LUPA’ but it can also be used as ‘MUSLIMS MUDAH LUPA’.
We Muslims we always forget about others who have been treated unfairly by the Israelis and yet the Muslims world do not speak. Why? Is it because they are scared? Or maybe because they forget that Allah tell them to help your brothers when they are in trouble? They could help but they choose not to! It is sad to see this happening among the Muslims world who famously claimed that all Muslims are brothers. The Arabs, they are coward. They do not do anything but continue watching the Palestinians being killed by the Israelis army.
There is no one to change our destiny but we ourselves. We Muslims still far behind in every aspects of life. It is because we do not compete enough and be among the winners to bring ISLAM to another level but we continue fighting and killing each other just for your one’s benefit. So sad…..
thank you
I think the masses here in London smypathizes with the Gaza victims. There were even pickets (though not as vociferous as one would expect) in the city on Sunday. Unfortunately the media magnates control what are to be fed to the public. So far, anything Gaza has been pretty muted. BBC is refusing to even telecast a short clip sponsored by NGOs seeking humanitary aid for Gaza victims – calling it a move to ensure political “impartiality”.
Yes, pathetic.
Assalammualaikum Tun,
So far, i am fairly disappointed with the Arab nations for not doing anything significant in helping the Palestinians. I am proud to hear that two South East Asian countries, both Malaysia and Indonesia, are doing their utmost best in defending Palestine.
I am disappointed to know that there are those who do not even know the root cause of the Palestine-Israel conflict. Some do not even know that Israel was formed illegally. I hope that you can publish a write-up about Israel being formed illegally and tell us more about the history behind Palestine and the illegal formation of the state of Israel. It would be nice if you could publish such article internationally.
Then, to add icing to the cake, probably you could once and for all answer the question whether the war in Palestine is truly a jihad. If i write an article about it, no body will read because i am not a well-known individual like you.
I would like to praise Malaysia for her effort in standing up for right from wrong. Kudos.
Feel free to visit my political blog about Singapore at forzasingapore.blogspot.com
Salam Tun.
Your finding is not surprising. The general mass in Britain just doesn’t care. Those who care will always find their source of information.
Those there who care knew of how well filtered the news that reached the public in Britain. Double standard?….Do not talk about that. Britain is well known for that for centuries. No one shall beg to differ.
For those who are looking and seeing at the same time shall find other sources and make their own judgement. The world now is borderless as far as information is concerned. To hell for those who are looking but not seeing. Shallow minded and peanut headed were mere dust in the wind.
Tun…..how would your ideas be revive? The alternative to USD. Or alternative to jews capital market even better. I strongly believe that if these two mechanism can be put to stop, US will be tamed and jews can be discipline for I strongly believe that they’ve created all the trouble in the world so as to destabilise the world in order to protect those two tools. Tools of their survival.
The Jews started the gangsterism business in the early days of US. They proceed to drugs. Embarked on oil and guns. Now IT and monetory. Human right and whatever right….and so on. I strongly believe they are camouflage.
May be some of the people that read this blog may suggest something…
Salam Tun
Salam YBhg Tun,
To sans:
For your info, almost all of Malaysian Muslims and maybe Muslims all over the world are anti-Seminitic.. You wanted us the Muslims to be pro-Seminitics….
You are anti-Muslims…
not all jew are zionist.
zionist =
1) those who robbed palestinian land without giving any compensation plus demolished their houses and kill the palestinians to expand their land.
2) those who not respect UN resolution and keep on doing what they want seems that they are exampted from UN resolution
3) those who believe every jew should go back to israel and any obstacle in between in order to meet the agenda should be demolished. (if the palestinians are the obstacles, they should be removed or should be demolished. thats why they attack the civillians)
To all people out there!!
please stop this virus from spreading out. it is like a cancer, expanding time to time. when jews around the world decided to go back to israel, they are going to expand their land. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria are among the countries that potentially to occupied.
this virus called the zionist should be stopped from spreading.
Salam TUN,
To Hairul :
1) Nothing wrong with teaching English in math and saints
2) You better think what you have done for your country, your race and your religious rather than u keep babbling about what Tun have done.
3) Opposition has their own media to channel their information and it is much better in Tun Era compared Pak lah.
4) Tun never takes any action although there
Salam TUN,
To Hairul :
1) Nothing wrong with teaching English in math and saints
2) You better think what you have done for your country, your race and your religious rather than u keep babbling about what Tun have done.
3) Opposition has their own media to channel their information and it is much better in Tun Era compared Pak lah.
4) Tun never takes any action although there
We must put an end to the jewish lies. Never trust them. They have their influences inside our beloved country. We know who they are but we let ourselves blinded.
Dear Tun,
Tun kata disini, mereka ‘mengakuinya’ disana
Dan sesetengah daripada kita masih lagi kata, kebebasan akhbar disini lebih teruk dari yg disana. Dan mereka mahu kita ikut mereka? Adakah mereka mahu jadikan kebebasan media disini lebih jadi lebih teruk berbanding apa yg mereka kutuk?
Ada dari mereka yg kata Tun ni Mahazalim. Tapi bila ada pemimpin mereka setuju kewujudan Israel. Adakah pemimpin mereka tidak zalim?
Salam Ybhg Tun,
We are always saying how evil (and apparently effective) the Jews are in controlling and influencing the Western media. Railing against, condemning them and maybe even boycotting their products are pointless. The European powers (including Stalinist Russia)were ambivalent,perhaps even had no emphathy for the Jewish people residing in Europe then. But now because they control the media they are ‘all powerful’.
We have to take a leaf from their book. They are smart enough to think aboout their survival by ‘investing’in lobby groups and the western media. I only wish that the rich Muslim nations are less selfish (by focusing only on their own wealth)and instead in a combined effort ‘invest’ in the same way the Jews have done.
There was an opportunity recently, when the influentual New York Times when broke and had to persuade the Mexican telecoms billionaire, Carlos Slim, to come to their rescue.(Why is our own Malaysian Indian billionaire keeping his money abroad instead of reinvesting in Malaysia or supporting our nation’s causes?)
Tun, you are still held in high regard in the Middle East unlike the current chairman of the OIC, and you can still do something about this.
best regards and wishing you and Tun Hasmah well always,
Hussin Md Zin
January 26, 2009
America is a Jewish Colony: Update on Olmert
Dr mahathir, have you forgotten that Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel from the Gaza strip for nearly a decade.
Did the news in America, Britain or malaysia broadcast it? No!
How come the aid that is coming into Gaza now is from America and Britain??? What’s countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt doing??? Those Islamic countries rich in oil..why arent they doing anything to help the civilians in Gaza?
Hmmmm… Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan menghantar tentera ke Palestin… Kalau masa zaman pemerintahan Tun dulu.. ketika satu dunia tidak menjalankan hubungan diplomasi terus dengan kerajaan Jepun… takde satu pun negara yang berani.. sehinggalah Tun Umumkan Dasar Pandang Ke Timur… Jadi inilah masa yang paling sesuai untuk kita kembali berjuang bukan untuk Palestin Sahaja tetapi sebenarnya Perjuangan Islam… Saya doakan agar DSAAB gunalah akal dia untuk kembali mengatur langkah seperti masa TUN dahulu… MMMMM Tak guna kawan dengan Negara AS ni, dalam Al-Quran pun dah cakap dah.. masa zaman dulu TUN takde jabat tangan dengan US Pres pun banyak AS company melabur kat sini… renungkanlah.. Isteri, anak-anak, harta hanya hiasan dunia.. Bangunlah Umat Islam kita berjihat.. Allahuakbar..
Don’t know about that but I have been watching CNN and BBC. They showed the Israeli attack on Gaza plus all the ‘scenes’. I have never read their newspapers. It comes as no surprise if they don’t report the attack on Gaza since Israel was their creation in 1948. The US and UK created Israel by taking the land from the Palestinians by force and ‘throwing’ them out of ‘Israeil’. The Palestinians become refugees in their own land.
And they have got the guts to blame ISLAM for the Middle East Crisis. Where got road?
Assalam Tun@Ayahanda.
Sememangnya dunia ini masih lagi dikuasai oleh pengaruh dan kuasa ekonomi Yahudi. Malahan ada orang Melayu sendiri yang percaya dan yakin dengan dakyah tipu helah mereka ini melalui penyampaian ceramah-ceramah agama yang sebenarnya didalangi oleh Mereka secara halus dan amat sukar untuk dikesan. Walau bagaimanapun seperti fahaman Wahabi, menurut alim ulama yang bertaraf Qutub’ menyatakan yang mereka ini Muslim hanya pada kulit tetapi dalaman mereka …..adalah kafir. Pendakwaan ini teramat sukar untuk dipercayai tetapi hanya Allah SWT sahaja yang memberi petunjuk kepada kebenaran. Namun begitu orang Melayu khususnya yang cetek ilmu perlu membuat kajian yang terperinci tentang asal usul fahaman wahabi! Kerajaan perlu mengeluarkan kenyataan tentang kefahaman ini!
Tentang Pelestine, sebenarnya ia merupakan tempat di mana Syaitan dan Iblis dicampakkan oleh Allah SWT dari syurga dan ular yang yang digunakan oleh iblis untuk penyamaran dicampakkan di Iran. Sememangnya tempat itu(Pelestine) berasal dari pelesit. Tempat ini menjadi perebutan antara Iblis dan Syaitan sehingga hari Kiamat! Namun manusia yang ingin hidup dan mendiami serta menjalankan aktiviti ekonomi di situ sebenarnya adalah satu tempat larangan yang ditegah oleh Allah SWT. Sebab itu Baitul Muqaddis (Qaabah) dialihkan ke Mekah! Hasilnya …. berlakulah perbalahan dan pertelingkahan yang amat dashyat melibatkan nyawa dan kedaulatan bangsa Arab yang kian terpalit dengan kezaliman dari Zionis! Namun begitu dari sudut kemanusiaan kita memandang perkara ini secara serius dan keganasan perlu dibenteras tetapi apakan daya Zionis itu kuncu kepada Iblis yang cuba memusnahkan manusia yang kurang beramal kepada AllahSWT. Di akhirnya akan bermula perang dunia ke 3 berpunca dari Palastine! Ini semua urusan Allah SWT yang tak perlu kita campuri tetapi usaha kita sebagaimana yang Tun war-warkan wajib disokong dengan perasan kasih sayang antara sesama insan.
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
1.In the West freedom of the press mean anything but not negative reporting about Israel/Jews
2.BBC was recently condemed by the public for not reporting donation pledge for Gaza war victims
3.Their lame excuse: trying to be neutral in the Israel/Gaza conflict
4.What they pretend not to see is, it’s about saving children & women,nothing to do with Hamas
5.Off course the true motives are to save a few blushed faced Jews investors & policy makers & to avoid being accused as anti-semitism
6.These policy makers (read Jews proxy) are the same culprit branding freedom fighters in Gaza,Afghan,Iraq,Kashmir as terrorist
America is a Jewish Colony: Olmert reveals all.
By Bob Finch
On monday january 12, 2009, the leader of the jews-only state in palestine ehud olmert revealed to a jewish audience in ashkelon that he had insisted george bush should tell condoleeza rice to vote against a united nations
Please use your influence and don’t let Israel find an excuse to attack Gaza ever again. Hamas must never give them the reason. That way nobody will suffer or die.
Dear brothers & sisters in Islam,
The Palestinian people truly need our sympathy and help. The recent invasion in Gaza by the Israel has made life more pressing and very difficult for our brothers, sisters and children in Palestine. Recently in the news, more than 1,300 innocent lives have been killed and more than 22,000 buildings like houses, schools, Masjids, hospital and government infrastructures were bombed and destroyed. There is no clean drinking water, the sick and the injured are left helpless as medical drugs are very scarce and limited, children have lost their parent(s), there are no jobs to earn for a living and food are very expensive and scarce too. The disheartening story will go on and on without any certainty of improving the lives of Palestinians in the future. It is estimated that there are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. However, sad to say, majority are living below poverty line.
assalamualaikum tun,
please don’t be shocked tun.the white boys being using this cheap tricks in all aspects of life.always preaching the do’s and don’ts but never practicing.that’s what other races are suppose to do and abide.we are white and supreme.we don’t need to follow rules.the white mans life is more valuable than the colored people and if you are a muslim…shit kill them all and let the god of the white man sort it out later.
the main culprits are the muslim leaders of today’s world.allowing themselves to be lead like cows by this barbaric race.it’s all about the money tun.every country out there has their own personal paklah and co.
time for change has come they say.let’s see.maybe a colored man can make a difference.gandhi did,mandela nelson did and tun dr.mahathir mohamad certainly did.so tun,please don’t expect the british or the american’s to do the right thing.it’s beyond them.let’s concentrate making the other world bodies functional and give the united nations to self nominated heroes of the world.
and just for the knowledge of my christian brothers,once the jews done with us the muslims they’ll be coming after you guys.any race can be a muslim or a christian but you got to be born a jew to be jewish .best of luck brothers and sisters.don’t ever say we din’t warn you’ll.wassalam
It is very disheartening for the victims. Today, BBC and Sky announce that they will not air the charity appeal to help the massive underfunded Gaza with the argument of impartiality despite the pressure from other parties. They are inhuman. Pro-Israeli lobbyists are behind all these!
Salam Tok Det,
I think this is the double standard that been used for a long time by the west. They try to cover up, as much as they can so that people won’t notice the massacre in Gaza.
I wonder if the British government had used the “D-Notice” again on the case of Gaza. But i read on the newspapers, the Government of British had condemns the BBC themselves for not showing the news. As far as I know, BBC is just like RTM here, but we understood it have more liberty than RTM had. But still it was under the control of British government right?
It’s so confusing.. Is it me or it is them who always wanted to confuse us? I think its them, as been said earlier, they always being double standard in this kind of issues..
Bye Tok Det, Wassalam..
Dear Tun,
We can make a very simple deduction. Why the Jews are so powerful? Because the Arabs are too weak to stand united against the Israelis. In fact, Israel is surrounded by the Arab countries and yet they can’t even destroy the Israelis. So the blame falls on the Arab themselves. That is a fact which we simply cannot deny.Until and unless the Arab leaders are united to face the Israeli atrocities they will continue to be ridiculed by the Israelis until doomsday.
The question now why are we so concerned about the Palestinians when their own brothers (the Arabs) do not do anything to retaliate and help them?
The Arab leaders particularly their presidents and kings are obiligated towards the United States and Europe because of their vested personal interest. Their position as heads of states is so fragile that they are afraid that they can be thrown out of power at anytime of the day. So they need to kowtow western countries for protection so that they will continue to rule their respective countries.
I don’t have any respect at all with these Arab leaders. They are bloody corrupted leaders. They have no balls. A good example is Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. They would prefer to remain silence when the Israelis invaded Gaza. When Gaza is being destroyed by the Israelis and finally retreated then only the Saudi government willing to offer a billion dollar financial aid to reconstruct the infrastructure of Gaza city. They prefer to see Gaza ruined and letting the thousand of innocent Palestinian children and womaen die rather than willing to act militarily to support them and destroy the Israelis. They are just hypocrite Arabs of the first order. Shame on them !!!
Salaam Tun,
When first Tun said that Jews rule the world by proxy, the whole world condemned it. And many people like me who wanted to show the support to Tun but unfortunately there was no platform like today (Blog:Chedet). I am so happy that we can openly and loudly express our support for Tun that he is TOTALLY right to say that Jewish control over the ethnic European countries, in particular the United States of America is total.
Dear Tun, we are with you. We follow you and we dont care whatsoever the circumstances may arise by telling a bit of “truth” for the sake of humanity.
May Allah bless you and empower you locally and internationally.
You know it and, we know it all the time that the truth on what happened in Gaza was not truthfully and fully publish in the Western Media. Thats why when you were condemning the US Govt publicly in this Chedet.cc for their bias treatmen, we have some ignorant and hard headed bloggers who responded/commenting with No substance at all. All they like to do is Get Back At You…and Smashing You..!! And try to show to us that they are Superior than us. What they failed to know that they have been blinded by the Jewish.
Talking about being primitive, I guess our primitive Media Channel managed to make us wiser and knowledgeable than them. We are able to see which is right and which is wrong . Wherelse their advance media distribution techology have left the Americans and the Brits still clueless on what is happening in the world and they cannot see for themselves that their being CONQUERED and used by the Jewish. So sad…!!
Salaam Tun,
Well what do you expect from the western media, they are own by the Jews so it is obvious that they will not report on the actual happenings in Gaza…….really shame to them the champion of free speach and freedom of press, the rules only apply to others not to them…….afterall they are kafir!!!!!
Even BBC is too scared to run donation campaign for Gaza…….what more can you say…….!!!!!
Regards to you.
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. I am a Muslim student, doing my A-Level under PSD scholarship and will follow your footstep of studying Medicine next year. I would like you to know that I am a big fan of yours and therefore am keen to enlighten you with an epiphany I’ve realised recently.
It has been reported that children have suffered the blow of the war in Gaza.
But Tun, has it occured to you that the killings of children are intentional?
The thought struck me when I was reading the articles about the manner of the murder of the children whereby the children suffered an intended hit, rather than being caught in bombed areas, hence the death.
One may ask why children are killed mercilessly. I would say that the Jews have learned America’s mistake during the Gulf war. America attacked Iraq and left the country, leaving children who are deeply affected by the deaths of their fathers. Now, after a decade, these children who have grown into vengeful adults, attack America by the means of terrorism and suicide bombings.
Thus, to prevent the Jewish land from being blasted apart in the future, the Jews slay the Palestinian kids today. This is way beyond the line of humanity that a human can cross.
Any chance for the Western and European media to write about that?
Tun, I hope that my humble thought will shed light on a whole new perspective on why Israel is committing a crime much worse than war. Thanks a lot for allotting a space for me to speak, Tun!
May God Always Bless You, Tun!
Tun, apa yang saya kesali, media kita hari ini seolah2 ingin mengobarkan semangat prejudis antara agama. Sebagai contoh, petikan dari Berita Harian 26 Januari 2009:
Kekejaman di Palestin dedah agenda Israel hancurkan umat Islam yang dianggap seteru utama mereka
ISLAM mengajar supaya mengenal siapakah musuh kita sebenarnya. Musuh yang ada di depan mata ialah bangsa Yahudi dan Nasrani dan musuh yang tidak dapat dilihat ialah nafsu jahat serta iblis dan syaitan yang sentiasa menggoda manusia.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud: “Orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut agama mereka (yang sudah terpesong itu). Katakanlah (kepada mereka): Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah (agama Islam itulah petunjuk yang benar. Dan demi sesungguhnya jika engkau menurut kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya (wahyu yang memberi) pengetahuan kepadamu (mengenai kebenaran), maka tiadalah engkau akan peroleh dari Allah (sesuatu pun) yang dapat mengawal dan memberi pertolongan kepadamu.” (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 120)
Seperti yang sedia maklum, Malaysia terdiri dari pelbagai kaum dan agama. Petikan di atas boleh menimbulkan ketidakpuas hati umat nasrani,yakni orang kristian.Petikan seperti “Musuh yang ada di depan mata ialah bangsa Yahudi dan Nasrani dan musuh yang tidak dapat dilihat ialah nafsu jahat serta iblis dan syaitan yang sentiasa menggoda manusia.” boleh menyababkan perbalahan antara agama.
Dalam pergolakan yang berlaku sekarang ini, kita seharusnya mengeratkan hubungan antara agama dan kaum dan bukannya mengobarkan semangat prejudis yang boleh membuatkan perbalahan antara agama.
Petikan dari ayat al-Quran diatas yang diletakkan (yang sudah terpesong itu) berkeupayaan menyenbabkan umat Nasrani marah.Kalau lah umat agama lain yang menyatakan Islam sudah terpesong, sudah tentu juga umat Islam akan marah. Jika benar menurut agama Islam agama Kristian terpesong, cukuplah untuk pengetahuan umatnya sahaja dan bukannya diletakkan di media massa yang dibaca oleh orang umum.
Perbalahan kaum seperti 13 Mei 1969 cukuplah sebagai pengajaran. Isu-isu yang menyentuh sensitiviti perlu dititikberatkan agar ianya tidak berulang lagi. Umat Islam dan Kristian hendaklah menimbulkan kesefahaman antara satu sama lain dan bukannya menyemarakan rasa prejudis yang ada. Sesuai dengan surah dari al-Quran.
Tun, actually there are a lot of news about Palestine and Israel here in the US. Maybe there are some news bias towards the Israel, but there are also some efforts to state the facts and hear stories from both sides. Maybe not as much as Malaysia.
After Obama’s inauguration, the papers gradually turned the focus to the new president and not publishing too much about the Middle East war anymore. Al-Jazeera is doing their job well in covering the Mid East issue though.
We are hoping that the leaders of the Muslim countries keep pushing the PBB to act tougher. I thought the OIC has a strong voice out there, but it seems like they are just ‘whispering’ and no one can hear them well.
UMNO ADUNs and YBs defecting to Pakatan Rakyat.What is going to
happen to UMNO when it is reduced to a fringe party?
Dear Tun, i personally mail out to you through the [email protected]. Kindly help me on my request. Pls let me know wether Tun receive my mail or not. tq
Dear Tun,
Yet there are many Malaysians who worship the West in particular the USA and UK. There are more now that advocating the so called ‘ Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Transperancies, etc,etc. I call these people ” Brown/Black and Yellow Englishmen ”
There are also some political leaders that are being supported by the West and has even financed these people to overthrow you during your rule and even now funding them to take over the country.
The West loves people who are fantastic orators and can melt the hearts of the Malaysians. Because in most cases those who are clever with their fiery speeches are nothing but just ’empty vessels’ and let their Western masters called the shots from behind.
Salam Tun, interesting and not shocking. As I mentioned in my previous post to you, long time ago, even with Obama up there, I don’t see any improvement in Gaza.
Sorry to be off topic a bit here….On a hot local topic, if you are reading this post and if you have the time, I would like to hear your comment on Kugen’s death. What do you think about the deputy ministers’ reactions in Serdang Hospital? Why no one trust the system anymore? Is our country so full of conspiracy? and no more justice for the man on the street? The man who was a criminal, now a corpse, is made a “hero” by some groups. Just like some bollywood movie.
Dear Tun,
Yet there are many Malaysians who worship the West in particular the USA and UK. There are more now that advocating the so called ‘ Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Transperancies, etc,etc. I call these people ” Brown/Black and Yellow Englishmen ”
There are also some political leaders that are being supported by the West and has even financed these people to overthrow you during your rule and even now funding them to take over the country.
The West loves people who are fantastic orators and can melt the hearts of the Malaysians. Because in most cases those who are clever with their fiery speeches are nothing but just ’empty vessels’ and let their Western masters called the shots from behind.
Masalahnya Tun… Umat Islam sendiri tak yakin dengan diri sendiri dan Jihad pada jalan Islam. Kalau semua bermuaafakat,kita boleh kalahkan mereka…dengan senjata mereka sendiri..yaitu Wang … dan tanpa kita sedar Allah Swt dah beri kita cara..dan belasah mereka dengan wang mereka sendiri yang makin rapuh.
Stop using Astro, Bottled drinks and all, so they are kicked in the pockets.And don’t use Windows.
Hope someone has the balls and drop a Nuke on Tel Aviv
azrin @ http://www.ZYRAZ.COM
Zyraz Chocolates Malaysia
Salam YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
GONG XI FA CAI kepada bloggers yang merayakannya.
1. Tun, its a grand design when the governments of USA, UK and others deliberately interfered in education, social, psychological, political affairs of their peoples.
2. First, they will ensure the masses are ignorant of what’s going on around the world…they go to schools to know mostly about their own affairs, their newspapers mostly reported local news…so you can figure out their ignorance.
3. Just like Tun had experienced, I was in California during the Gulf War in early 90s. Most of the news in the medias were doctored, limited,biased. Here are some examples;
– all video clips showed US & allies only attacked empty buildings, army installations, infras, etc as if no one was killed, and most Americans bought it! Except for the educated americans who knew the truth.
– they used terms like ‘desert shield’, ‘nintendo boys’, ‘smart bombs’ etc…all to convince american idiots the targets were destroyed without misses and therefore no casualty to the people at large
– they showed little jews in cradle with gas masks because iraqis used scud missiles…my god, the damages done by the patriot missiles to the iraqis were hidden!
– they used same videos over and over again…but the ignorant americans (thanks to the education system)were proud of their armed forces.
4. So, like what you are afraid of, ignorants will believe anything, just gossips will do. Until now, 2009, there are millions of ignorants out there, even in developed countries. Even some of the bloggers here like using their emotions rather than thheir brains.
5. All are the efforts of the jews; controlling the leaders, medias, ngos, etc. Its working according to thheir protocols. Imagine, the British govt owns BBC but yet cannot convince BBC to promote aids for the Gaza victims.
Thank you Tun for sharing your concern.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I’m not the least surprise at all Tun. They are damn bias and the greatest HYPOCRITES on earth! They will never tell their own people the truth. They are afraid to expose the evil wrongdoings and the brutalities of their Masters.
But the network Al-Jazeera has given lots of information and inputs about the atrocities of the Israelis on Gaza. Watch on the internet online web Twitter (just picked it up BH today).
They forced down our throats to obey their sermons on freedom of this and freedom of that. They themselves are not free. THEY ARE SLAVES OF MASTER JEWS! The Jews are glorified to the point of being worshiped.
May Allah forbid.
Truth will Prevail! They cannot hide the truth forever. They cannot make all the people blind and deaf all the time.
They have been exposed their true colours to the world by Tun. Great Tun! People must not be restrain from knowing the truth.
Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.
Dear Tun,
Actually not all jewish are supported the establishment of illegal zionis state of Israel. Recently, I have found that certain jewish group who do not supported the establishment of Israel state in Palestine.
1st of all, we have to know that Zionism is a political philosopy which it main intention is to establish the Israel state while Judiasm is religion of most of Jews. Based on true Torah teaching, God has set all Jews to be scaterred all over the world. There will be a Messiah who gather all the Jews and lead them back to Israel. Zionis is a group and has misleading most of Jews and using certain part of Judiasm teaching in order to achiving their own political agenda.
Clearly, Zionist is a political group and absolutely not a Messiah as being thought in Torah. According to Torah, Messiah will lead all the Jews back to Israel not Zionist.
TU, It’s the same in Malaysia.When the gov’t do something ,their mouthpiece bla bla for days.But if the opposition do something,the gov’t mouthpiece are mute.It’s worst in Singapore.
America and United Kingdom need not to report to the world because they are for it.They are the culprits.They were together with Israel in hand and glove.Please see them differently because certainly they are our enemy.It is expected from them.Our only savour lies on the unity of Islamic countries.Work towards it.
I live in the Uk and I don’t agree with you at all. When the ISrael attack was in full force it was front page news in the newspapers and on TV. Now with the ceasefire and the reduction in death and destruction, it is no longer front page news, just like in Malaysia.
Is it front page news in Malaysia?
Gaza is also vying with the morbid economic news. People are losing their jobs and the UK economy is in a recession. This is and can be an editorial decision on what is most relevant to the British people but of course, this to you is about “Jewish control”.
Seriouly Tun, you’re anti-Seminitic rants has poisoned enough of the political discourse in Malaysia.
Ybhg. Tun,
Semalam, saya tengok cerita ‘Schindler’s List’ karya Spielberg yang menceritakan tentang kekejaman NAZI terhadap penduduk JEW di eropah. Akhirnya baru saya faham mengapa filem ini diharamkan untuk tayangan di Malaysia.
Pada pandangan saya, media di Great Britain (dan UK amnya) hanya akan memaparkan berita yang kerajaan mereka ada ‘interest’ sahaja. Kalau di’publish’ sejarah negara ISRAEL di akhbar mereka, nescaya pencetaknya akan menerima kutukan seluruh dunia.
Bukankah ‘negara’ PALESTINE, JORDAN, TURKEY dan sekelilingnya di ‘cipta’ oleh British?
Kenyataan Tun Begitu Ikhlas
Salam Tun. Saya amat tertarik dengan kenyataan Tun ini. Pastinya, inilah adalah luahan hati Tun yang tulus dan telus.
“I was shocked that in the United Kingdom, the land of the free press and free speech there was hardly any report on Gaza and the Israeli invasion. Certainly there were no pictures of the brutal killing of children.”
Jom kita imbau kembali keadaan Malaysia pada suatu ketika dahulu.
Malaysia pernah mengalami situasi yang serupa. Negaranya demokrasi, pemimpin sangat berwawasan, tetapi kebebasan suaranya amat terbatas.
Suara keramat, suara rakyat tidak didengari, dan suara pembangkang, yang mahu membantu kerajaan melihat sisi yang tidak mampu dilihat oleh pihak kerajaan, disekat dan diputarbelitkan.
Sekarang pun, keadaanya lebih kurang sama. Kenyataan para ulama dan tok-tok guru, hanya disiarkan pada bahagian yang boleh mendatangkan kontroversi. Hujahan ilmiah dan dalil yang diberi, langsung disekat. Dan pemimpin kerajaan, yang bukan ahlinya pula yang pandai-pandai memberi ulasan.
Dan saya amat yakin. Kenyataan Tun ini pastinya memberi petunjuk yang jelas bahawa Tun menyokong kebebasan bersuara dan tidak mahu sebarang sekatan dikenakan pada mana-mana pihak.
(Kecuali pihak pembangkang di Malaysia?)
Saya meminjam kata-kata Usman Awang:
“Jangan takut melanggar pantang,
jika pantang menghalang kemajuan.
Jangan segan menentang larangan,
jika yakin kepada kebenaran.
Jangan malu mengucapkan keyakinan,
jika percaya kepada keadilan.”
Tambahan kata-kata saya pula begini:
“Dosa yang dilakukan semasa kita menjadi pemimpin boleh jadi satu kesilapan. Dan dosa itu menjadi lebih parah, jika kita ego, serta tidak mahu mengakuinya.
Dan dosa itu akan berterusan, kesannya hingga ke anak cucu, jika kita mahu mengubah dan memperbetulkannya. Dan saya melihat, Pengajaran Sains dan Matematik Sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggeris sebagai suatu dosa yang besar.”
Selamat berbahagia Tun.
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun
Saya cuma nak tanya , siapakah “MASTER” Suhahakam Dan apa kah matlamat Syed Hamid Albar Menteri Dalam Negeri mengadakan Forum ISA. Tak perlu buang masa. Kita adalah kerajaan demokrasi yang sah , buatlah apa yang patut dari kaca mata Islam. Adil , Tiada kezaliman dan tidak berkiblat kepada barat atau bertentangan dengan norma hidup islam. Akan sampai masa nya ‘kebenaran’ akan tersohor (prevail) dan kezaliman Isreal terhadap rakyat Palestin yang tidak berdosa akan dilaknati oleh Allah.
Tun, I agree with u. However, I think that it is time for Malaysians, to disregard their political and religous beliefs to act together in requesting the superpowers to check Israel’s brutality.
Further, efforts must be made to get Egypt to open its borders to Gaza so that humanitarian aids can be channeled to the Palestinians. Egypt shall exercise its sovereign rights to help its Palestinian brothers regardless of the veiled threats from Israel and its big brothers.
Tun, I only knew bits and pieces of information retrieved from the MSM as well as talks from alternative political parties. If other OIC countries are hesitating to take the right action, I feel that it is just right for Tun to start the action with support from Asian countries.
Lastly, wishing Tun Hasmah a speedy recovery. May both of u be blessed with good health as we still have miles to go before we sleep…
Asslamualaikum ayahanda Tun and bonda siti hasmah. Hope you’re always in His blessings.
Please continue what you are doing. It’s a form of Jihad too. Fardhu Kifayah. Who else have the courage to voice this out with strong facts in simple straight to the point language??
To the US and the British, you are the real bullies. Invading Iraq with false reasons?? other country can’t own nuke facilities for energy but you do have nuclear weapons.
Palestine can’t even protect their mother land from continuous invasion. Homes are demolished, widows and orphans are increasingly alarming. In facts they are killed too including infants. Israel is clearly doing the holocaust on Palestine. High tech war tecnologies vs local made rocket (and stone)??
Your papers didn’t show about what happened in Gaza. What this means?? The answer are, first, clearly demonstrate the world biggest hipocrites ever with an enormous amount of hipocrisy (maybe you could include this in the Guinness World of Records) and secondly ,yes, Jews do rule the world by proxy.
Salam Tun
I’ve sent an article to you through Perdana Leadership Foundation on ‘Media Terrorism’
macam mana nak siarkan dalam press?
kalau press itu sendiri kepunyaan Jews?
Tun yang saya kagumi,
A’kum wbt…
Zionis menakluk dunia melalui media cetak dan proxy. Orang Eropah dan Amerika dikawal oleh Zionis laknatullah, hanya Allah SWT yang akan membongkar semua kegiatan jahat mereka. Setiap perkara yang melawan kuasa Allah SWT tidak akan selamat dan akan menerima balasan. Kita tunggu dan lihat, cuma masa yang akan menentukan Zionis akan hancur dari muka bumi ini. Apabila mereka selindung di sebalik pokok pun akan dikhabarkan oleh pokok itu sendiri.
Buat masa ini umat islam dalam keadaan yang cukup lemah utk menandingi Zionis laknatullah dan hanya pertolongan dari Allah SWT sahaja yang dapat memusnahkan mereka.
Sekian wasalam.
Semoga Tun dan Dr. Siti Hasmah berada dlm. keadaan sihat walafiat.
Asalam tun dan keluarga semoga sihat hendakNya.
Tun, please continue your mission to influence other countries and also the UN General Assembly to establish a War Crime Tribunal for Gaza. Lets those Israelis soldiers and Generals (including the Isreal PM) be brought to justice for the recent Gaza genocide.
Tun, please continue your mission to influence other countries and also the UN General Assembly to establish a War Crime Tribunal for Gaza. Lets those Israelis soldiers and Generals (including the Isreal PM) be brought to justice for the recent Gaza genocide.
Salam Tun,
Bagi pandangan saya, umat Islam tidak perlu terkejut dengan sikap berat sebelah orang bukan Islam. Hal ini sudah pun diterang dengan jelas oleh Allah S.W.T tentang golongan bukan Islam yang cukup keras kebencian mereka terhadap umat Islam. Pada saat ini, umat Islam tidak perlu terlalu bergantung harap kepada ihsan orang bukan Islam. Umat Islam perlu mencontohi junjungan Agung Nabi Muhammad S.A.W yang cukup teguh pendirian baginda dalam menyebarkan syiar Islam. Baginda bukan sahaja seorang pemaaf terhadap golongan kafir yang cukup zalim dan pernah menganiayai baginda, tetapi juga seorang yang berjiwa kental dan sentiasa memikirkan strategi yang terbaik bersama para sahabat agar diri mereka sentasa dalam keredaan Allah dan tidak menyerahkan nasib mereka semata-mata diseksa oleh orang kafir yang zalim. Nabi dan umat Islam cukup kental dalam menyahut seruan hijrah walaupun sentiasa mendapat halangan dan godaan dunia. Akhirnya, tanpa mengharapkan ihsan dari orang kafir, mereka mendapat kejayaan yang cukup besar dalam mendaulatkan Islam dia atas muka bumi ini berbekalkan bimbingan daripada Allah dan peluh keringat usaha mereka sendiri. Ingatlah kita boleh berterima kasih jika Presiden USA yang baru iaitu Barack Hussein Obama bersikap sebagaimana Raja Najashi Kristian dari Ethiopia dahulu melindungi dan menghormati umat Islam, namun haruslah diingat jangan semua perkara diletakkan di atas bahu beliau semata-mata sebaliknya umat Islam sendirilah yang perlu bangkit dan mendaulatkan Islam dengan berani dan penuh bermaruah. Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesebuah kaum jika kaum itu sendiri tidak mahu mengubahnya. Semoga Malaysia akan terus subur dan menjadi tempat yang sentiasa diberkati dan dirahmati Allah Taala.
“”The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million, but today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.””
that’s right…
semoga bonda hasmah sihat dari rawatan mata di sana…
long life Tun’s..