1. I was in England recently and the newspapers were full of dismal reports on bank and business failures, the closure of well-known businesses like Woolworths and Baratt, the increases of unemployment rate with some 700,000 professionals among the 2 million laid off or unable to get jobs. And there were lots more bad news.

2. The British Government is busy bailing out banks and companies with hundreds of billions of pounds but the economy seemed to have gone into recession despite all these efforts. There is no sign that the crisis is on the mend.

3. Malaysia can feel vindicated because all the things we did in the 1997 – 98, crisis, which were condemned by the economists of Europe and America, are now being done by them blatantly and on a massive scale. They talk about trillions of dollars and hundreds of billions of pounds in bailouts. Where the money is coming from is not revealed. Have they been keeping these huge sums for such an emergency?

4. I am not a financier or even an economist. But somehow I think the bailouts are not going to work although they worked in our case.

5. This is because the banks and businesses we bailed out did not get into trouble because they abused the systems or indulged in fraud. They were forced into that situation because the currency was devalued by currency traders and they found themselves unable to meet their commitments. Once they gained access to funds through bailouts they were able to do business again and to repay the money they had received.

6. They were able to do this because, although Malaysia was in recession, the rest of the world was not. There was much less constraint in doing business.

7. The situation today is very different.

8. The collapse of the economies of the rich countries is due to extensive abuses of the financial and monetary systems so much so that the systems broke down completely. I doubt (not being an expert I can only doubt) that the trillions of dollars to bail out the failed banks and financial institutions will enable them or their economies to recover.

9. This is because their huge losses were due to fraud and they cannot recover the billions they had lost through ordinary business, i.e. through the financing of the production of goods and services. Only through doing the same things that had brought them down, i.e. through sub-prime loans, through investments in derivatives and hedge funds, through massive loans to currency traders etc. can they make the billions to return the money they had received through bailouts. Obviously they cannot be allowed to indulge in their old abuses. Through ordinary business it would take years and years to recover the money they had lost. In the meantime all these banks, financial institutions and businesses will belong to the bailor, the Government, i.e. they have effectively been nationalised. And that will spell the end of capitalism and the free market.

10. It should be noted that the East Asian countries have not yet recovered from the 1997 – 98 crisis. Their currencies have not regained their strength to the pre-crisis levels. They have all become poorer, or at least not as rich as they could be had there been no financial crisis.

11. It will be the same with the rich countries. Their GDP and per capita pre-crisis will not be restored despite the trillions they are spending on their bailouts. They are poorer now and will remain relatively poor even after they have put their houses in order.

12. I may be wrong of course. Maybe by more trillions of dollars of bailouts the rich would achieve recovery. But I have my doubts.

13. Unfortunately the poor countries will also become poorer.


  1. i must note that it is not exactly fraud, in this case. is just that the banks are over borrowing in the good times. even if the lender does not have sufficient evidence of the ability of payment. when recession came, people cant pay back, which is one of the factor of this crisis.
    other then that banks also engage in derivatives and futures trade. which is done aggressively, no proper risk management is done.
    this is all cause by?
    to my limited understanding and knowledge, this is cause by banks appraisal and reward system. which focus on increase in share price or
    profit for the year. this force bankers and top management to focus on short time high gain. in order to have a bigger and fatter bonus. in the expense of risk of cash flow running low. or taking on very high risk which the bank is unable to take.
    this is cause by basic greed of human nature. governance have to be improve. as a country Britain is doing fine. with balance point of views and good governance, country would only grow in the long term.
    i just hope the governances does not transit to unreasonable strict law which might kill of business
    nothing to do with fraud, if compare to malaysia’s current situation. and potential. malaysia has fling away billions of ringgit in useless projects which does not give much value to the public except the developer and some greedy politicians and government officials.
    i do hope the malaysia one day grow out of this shit hole. as the system itself is internally weak. with corruption at the top of the highest level. if resources place in the right place. which add value to peoples lives. malaysia will surely grow and prosper properly and in the long term will grow. lives of the people will improve, which BENEFIT everyone. not just some greedy people on top.
    if this continues, i do not see malaysia going very far. other then a country with natural resources which are diminishing and cheap labour. malaysia can only go so far. if corruption is not cope and good governance is not in place. IF YOU DONT GROW YOU DIE.
    most young bright talents unwilling to come back, to serve the country partly because, of corruption and their achievement is not appreciate( monetary and status). credits going to the wrong person, just because of the skin colour? or just because he know someone?
    sadly i dont see this changing much.
    i do hope one day malaysia will fight out of it’s own cancer. if not our country will just be left behind and forever be behind.
    i urge all malaysians who are reading this. make your say, do something to help stop this cancer. if not malaysia will just be left behind slowly but surely. start by forming society andhave civil interaction and understanding with one another, build on that, educate of our rights and responsibility to our nation to others.
    make them be aware of the real situation going on.
    the one in power who ever you are, start making changes.would it not be noble to not think of ourself and out do our animal instinct to be greedy. but share and grow in the long term malaysia will surely turn out to be better. for our future of the country
    i wish and pray one day, one day i can say malaysia has finally change..and grow as a nation. with people who are more educated and quality of life improves

  2. i must note that it is not exactly fraud, in this case. is just that the banks are over borrowing in the good times. even if the lender does not have sufficient evidence of the ability of payment. when recession came, people cant pay back, which is one of the factor of this crisis.
    other then that banks also engage in derivatives and futures trade. which is done aggressively, no proper risk management is done.
    this is all cause by?
    to my limited understanding and knowledge, this is cause by banks appraisal and reward system. which focus on increase in share price or
    profit for the year. this force bankers and top management to focus on short time high gain. in order to have a bigger and fatter bonus. in the expense of risk of cash flow running low. or taking on very high risk which the bank is unable to take.
    this is cause by basic greed of human nature. governance have to be improve. as a country Britain is doing fine. with balance point of views and good governance, country would only grow in the long term.
    i just hope the governances does not transit to unreasonable strict law which might kill of business
    nothing to do with fraud, if compare to malaysia’s current situation. and potential. malaysia has fling away billions of ringgit in useless projects which does not give much value to the public except the developer and some greedy politicians and government officials.
    i do hope the malaysia one day grow out of this shit hole. as the system itself is internally weak. with corruption at the top of the highest level. if resources place in the right place. which add value to peoples lives. malaysia will surely grow and prosper properly and in the long term will grow. lives of the people will improve, which BENEFIT everyone. not just some greedy people on top.
    if this continues, i do not see malaysia going very far. other then a country with natural resources which are diminishing and cheap labour. malaysia can only go so far. if corruption is not cope and good governance is not in place. IF YOU DONT GROW YOU DIE.
    most young bright talents unwilling to come back, to serve the country partly because, of corruption and their achievement is not appreciate( monetary and status). credits going to the wrong person, just because of the skin colour? or just because he know someone?
    sadly i dont see this changing much.
    i do hope one day malaysia will fight out of it’s own cancer. if not our country will just be left behind and forever be behind.
    i urge all malaysians who are reading this. make your say, do something to help stop this cancer. if not malaysia will just be left behind slowly but surely. start by forming society andhave civil interaction and understanding with one another, build on that, educate of our rights and responsibility to our nation to others.
    make them be aware of the real situation going on.
    the one in power who ever you are, start making changes.would it not be noble to not think of ourself and out do our animal instinct to be greedy. but share and grow in the long term malaysia will surely turn out to be better. for our future of the country
    i wish and pray one day, one day i can say malaysia has finally change..and grow as a nation. with people who are more educated and quality of life improves

  3. Salaam to TUN and family.
    Here’s a video about 44 min. long which explains splendidly the nature and workings of the (privately owned) FEDERAL RESERVE and how it contributes towards inflation in USA (since 1913) and elsewhere, and how it created “paper money” not backed by GOLD, and creates money out of nothing.
    Ron Paul, a former US 2008 Presidential Candidate who was “news-blacked out” by the Jew-owned corporate media, was adamant in dismantling Federal Reserve to SAVE America.The financial elite of course did not like him, and sure enough he was soon out of the Presidential race.
    Obama is no angel. He is a PUPPET of the Brzezinski group and treads to the tune of the Wall Street financiers. So, do NOT be fooled by his eloquence and rhetoric of “CHANGE” and HOPE”.
    1) THE FEDERAL RESERVE: who are they?
    2) THE MONEY MASTERS (anpther great video…you’ll never see HISTORY & ECONOMICS the same way again)

  4. I am a Malaysian working in Singapore . Recently I am detail to work in Pulau Punggol Timor worksite ( which is just opposite Johor , Pasir Gudang port ) . I noticed that from mid February 2009 onward , everyday there are a lot of Malaysia concreting Sand being transfer by Tug & Barge to this island .
    From what I gather on site , this concreting Sand is purchased by Singapore Government ( i.e Ministry of National Development ) through a vendor and will be stockpiling at Pulau Punggol Timor for future used . From the conversation with the officer on site , Sinagpore Government is going to stockpile at least one million tons of Malaysia concreting Sand at this island .
    My friend working in the Malaysia construction industry has always complaint to me that our sand in Malaysia has become more expensive due to the large export market to Singapore which is fighting with our Malaysia counterpart on the scare resource .
    The concreting sand is banned from export , however our scare concreting sand is still being export to Singapore and in large quantity . The concreting sand is our natural resource and it will not reproduce after mining . Will we end up in the stage where we have to buy the concreting sand from our neighbour country ? If that day really happen , it will be a great shameful to our Nation .
    I have read the China Press on 9th Nov 08 and 7th Dec 08 which had reported on the illegal mining and export of concreting sand to Singapore . From the site observation and the progress of concreting sand being stockpile by Singapore Government at Pulau Punggol Timor , it seem like our Malaysia Government has not taking any action on the illegal export of our scare natural resource . Can you help to preserve our Country natural resource !

  5. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga Allah memberkati segala usaha-usaha Tun selama ini.Terima kasih.

  6. Bailing out gambling debts will only lead to enslavement of the whole world. Total world GNP is $54 Trillion, total outstanding derivative bets is $2 – $3 Quadrillion, yes with a Q. $2000 to $3000 Trillion. it will never be paid and needs to be put through bankruptcy re-organisation.
    For all who would like a detailed analysis about the current world economic situation, please visit and you will be very well informed about the current disintegration of the world-wide monetary economy. Allah help us all for this one is by several degrees worse than what happened to the “western” world btwn 1927-1935.

  7. for me,it is too much for 60billion stimulate package. there’s many cons of that much stimulate package compare to their pro.

  8. Yang Berhormat Tun Dr. Mahathir Salam Bahagia,
    Where the money coming from? Very often now-days, we hear news about so-called stock-market pandemonium since the collapse of the subprime products. Stock markets rallies for awhile following some would be good news then stumble upon some bad ones.
    Billions of dollars being pump-into the market, apparently to save jobs of those in some financial firms. Yet the markets are still not convinced, still going even further downward. Ironically, those banks being bailed-out are splitting the money in bonuses to their-own employees. The bonuses were given as-if the firm is profitable. This is indeed, outrageous.. Obama called it irresponsible act

  9. Dear Tun
    Assalamu alaikum. Well said and thanks for your insight! Hope this time Malaysia will be safe with the RM60b stimulus package.
    Thank you

  10. Dear Dr,
    Allow me to address you as DR because it is something that originally belong to you.
    However, some times ago, long long time ago or shall i say once upon a time ago you were a full pledge Doctor and was treating patients for their illness……,dont’t you have any medicine now to treat the illness of our current country status, or i would rather say the medicine to treat our politicians…???

  11. I seriously think that your financial crisis remedies in the late 90s are much better and more disciplined that what is taking place in England. I was rather critical about your move on pegging the currency and the austerity drives that you made us Malaysian go through. It worked and kudos to you.
    Comparatively, I think Gordon Brown, with his experience as the Chancellor of the Exchange, is behaving and reacting like an amateur trying to bail out every institution as compared to you in the 90s.
    As an expat in London, it is just very surreal experiencing another financial crisis!

  12. Dear TDM,
    It is interesting that you have raised financial crisis and bailouts. Let me infuse a slightly differing perspective to your article.
    Expatriates in Malaysian MNCs earn 10x more salary than their local counterpart for the same job. During the financial crisis, the expats retrench Malaysians whose salary is 1/10th of theirs. I guess the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer here. They retrench without considering paycuts, less working hours etc.
    The expats then spend enormous money on thier allowances, housing etc which we (Malaysians) bail them out for. People with ill-itentions support this for their own purpose.
    However, during this time, all I hear is ‘Ketuanan Melayu’, ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ etc when in reality it is ‘Ketuanan Orang Putih’. This was never the case during your time ……. therefore … Should I cry or should I laugh ???????

  13. Where and how are the American going to get the money for the masive wholesale bailout??? Easy answer!!! Print the money!!! Don’t worry the demand for USD will still be there. Even though without backing, the USD won’t succumb to the like of Zimbabwe Dollar.
    As long the world market is priced again USD, the demand is ever exist. Once market pricing shifted away from USD, the the USD, without backing will make do with USD Billion Bill just like Zimbabwe.
    Be wary in keeping USD …. be very wary and worry …

  14. Assalamualaikum
    I hope everything is well with you, our beloved Tun. You’re an inspiration for me, my number 1 inspiration in fact. Back in 97/98, I was merely a form 1 boy who didn’t know anything about global economics or financing, but I knew one thing. What you did at that time worked well even though the Westerners at that time looked down on us and laughed in our faces while we faced the crisis.
    I remember at that time they tried to pressure us into loaning from the IMF. Had we did that, I reckon we would’ve ended with the same fate as Thailand and Indonesia, in debt and unable to rebuild. But, thankfully at that time you were our fearless leader, and despite what they said about you (irregardless whether its true or not), you did what you had to do for the benefit of the people, as a true leader would.
    10 years on, today Malaysia is constantly getting into the news for all the wrong reasons. If 10 years ago we were known as “the country with the tiger at the helm”, we are now just known as “that 3rd world Asian country”. What has happened? I’m no good in politics, economics or finance, but I do know this: the few years since you’ve been gone has been declines in our society, our economy and our confidence.
    So Tun, please lend your guidance to today’s leaders, whoever they may be. Whether it is Pak Lah, Najib or even Anwar for that matter, I hope that you guide them with the experience you’ve had running this country, and the tenacity in which you embedded in our international relations because we are getting more and more weak in the international eyes’ perceptions.
    I feel that today’s leaders are getting too arrogant, and it is getting more and more evident that we are a dirty society, with dirty politics etc.
    There is something really wrong with our country Tun; you’ve recovered it once but today’s leaders have forgotten the true meaning to be the leader of Malaysia. Please remind them.
    PS: I forgot to say thank you for everything since 1985 Tun (I was born in 85, so I didn’t have the pleasure to enjoy your leadership prior to that). Wishing you and your beloved family well.

  15. TUN,
    please come back..
    naik lah semula, jadi PM..
    ramai yg mahukan Tun semula,
    Malaysia tak mampu hadapi crisis dan kemelut ekonomi dan politik ini,
    hanya ALLAH yg dapat menyelamatkan..
    dan jalan yg nampak, Tun lah orang nya.

  16. Izinkan Ayanhanda Rakyat Tun,
    By T on March 9, 2009 9:23 AM
    /// By HBTAuthor Profile Page on March 7, 2009 8:58 PM
    Bush is a nerd who cannot differentiate Iran and Iraq, Wu (China leader Mr Wu Jintao) and Who. ///
    I wonder who is the idiot who tried to show off and backfired? Who, indeed is Wu Jintao? Never heard of this person (well, actually he could be among the million farmers with the same name.) But Who is Wu? I know a Hu Jintao.
    Hi T,
    Thank your for correcting my pronounciation on Wu, it’s Hong Kong Cantonese. Yes, the correct pronounciation is Hu in putonghua, Mr Hu Jintao. Well, this show who is the real idiot who knows nothing about the world, and I can confirm that you are a ‘macha’ now. Go “fly kite” (main layang-layang) with Mr Anwar Ibrahim, Pak Lah, KJ, Tony and Patrick Lim Badawi including Mat Tyson.
    Here’s some jokes on Bush that you can laugh, but not me after learning the truth:
    1st Joke:
    Ms Rice : Mr President, it’s Kofi.
    Mr Bush : I don’t want coffee.
    Ms Rice : It’s Kofi.
    Mr Bush : I told you that I don’t want coffee.
    Ms Rice : Sir, it’s Kofi Annan on the phone.
    2nd Joke:
    President Bush was practising a speech on global warming issue in his farm one late afternoon. He used the word “fact” in his speech. His advisor told him, “Sir, you cannot use the word “fact”, and he asked, “Why?”. His advisor replied, “because “fact” is telling the truth.
    Selamat malam Ayahanda Tun.

  17. Selamat pagi Ayanhanda Rakyat Tun,
    //By Puteri Tanjung on March 8, 2009 1:38 PM//
    Dear Puteri,
    Yes, Malaysians including Asians need to work hard and we are born with this capability because of our tradition, culture and moral values. Yes, those UMNO top gun members, the real culprits to the fall of our economy 1997 and 2008, are still around using “sedekah or politik wang” to get projects from and influence our government to gain “means of cepat kaya” because our PM is a person who looks so clean (makan rasuah (commision) behind the rakyat’s back). Some of these so-called high profile and hypocrit UMNO politicians (in reality, they just ballon up their images with their close-relationship with the press media) are:-
    1. Mat Taib – he had caused the dead of an indian couple (wife and husband) who were paid by him to take care of his boy (child from the 1st marriage) and were shoot to dead by police eventhough they were innocent, remember the case of Mat Taib’s son who was kidnaped many2 years ago. He had “menyalahguna kuasanya” to silent the case, however, the scandal of “unknown cash” was terbongkar in Australia and he was asked to resign from UMNO, of course by Tun Mahathir. He is now our Pak Lah’s public speaker (right hand man LAH).
    2. Pak Daim, another musang, and is highly skilled (zalim and kejam in protecting his wealth and power) with elegant silence which is beter than Pak Musa-ng Hitam who had made some chinese multi-millionaires bankcrupt overnight, eg, late Tan Sri Loy and late Tan Sri Eric Chia. The eldest son of the late Tan Sri Loy is doing very well in his business. The late Tan Sri Eric Chia died peacefully in our country after he was cleared of corruptions and wrong doings by our court. The person who damaged Tan Sri Eric Chia’s image was Lim Guan Eng and his supporters including his father Lim Kit Siang due to their ignorant (follow blindly with brains but no heart) to the world justice(to me, they are the musang like Musa Hitam and Daim). For the normal citizen, my sister’s late boss, a Malay businessman who relied on import to make business died of heart attack because of currency speculation which had made him berhutang berjuta2 RM due to the increment of pound sterling abnormally 20 years ago, and his son is also doing well in his career and Tun had met him personally in Shah Alam, I don’t think Tun knows him personally.
    3. Ali Rustam who can’t control his wife, another man who is afraid of wife like our Pak Lah, telah menyalahguna kuasa untuk diri dan koncu2 nya. All I can see, he is just another weak MB who should “berundur bersama Pak Lah”. I think he will fight till “The end justifies the means” like Daim and Musa. The Datukship of Shahrul Khan was balloned up by Ali Rustam and Daim to jatuhkan maruah Tun Mahathir. I dislike Ali Rustam because his wife had made the rakyat of Malacca to wait for her for 3 hours to claim their hadiah. Ali juga makan rasuah from “pig chinese association” in Melaka.
    4. Our Pak Shahril Samad, a graduate of Economics from Switzerland, a YES MAN who does not even know how to minimize the cause and effect of the free market to protect our local and international consumer industry with brains and heart. His action in controlling the hal ehwal pengguna dalam negara yang hanya “protect” bisnes orang asing is another factor that had contributed to the lost of 2/3 majority of BN in PRU 12. Kini, I am sure he will be low pofile in the coming months.
    5. As for Pak Lah, Pak Anwar and their goons (ada sikit brain, tapi tarak maruah and heart), they are still trying their very best to make rakyat suffer like the “Chinua Achebe’s book, “Cry, Beloved Country” to make sure “The end justifies the means”. Now, these goons have changed the slogan to “Tidak Perlu Mengenang Budi”, sound familiar to you? Yes, it is “the west democracy with brain and no heart” which our Tun has been fighting locally and internationally until today to drive us out from this mess that will indeed kill our peace and pepaduan in the country after 51 years of independece.
    Eventhough I have not read this book, I can guess the rationale behind this book. Thus, let us work hard with Tun Dr Mahathir, to drive our country to the right track, that is transforming Malaysia from a teenage girl to a young lady who will celebrate her 21st
    birthday of independent to make Malaysia a “One Goal, One Spirit, One Determination” to continue in maintaining our peace and harmony. Don’t give up and we are almost there, and Raja Nazrin of Perak is working on this track to bring up the mentality of our malay citizens to achieve this goal. Ketuanan Melayu Yang Biadap, Sombong, Malas dan Tidak Bertoleransi” practiced by Pak Lah and his goons have made rakyat of all races blame Tun, and our beloved ex-PM had suffered silently for 5 years. Now, it’s show time to get these outdated and kolot devils in disguise out from our politic landscape with to achieve the goal set by DS Najib and his cabinet:- ONE GOAL, ONE SPIRIT, ONE DETERMINATION for our younger generations and our future generations.
    Take care.
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  18. I wish that I have the time to spend reading more of the posts on this blog.. I’d like to point out here though a comment by “burung”
    I share your thoughts, thanks. I believe that one of the most important lessons that every single one of us should learn is “how money came into the world”. History should teach a whole chapter of that aspect of history to all schools.
    Teach about the Rothschilds, the proponents of all the wars our planet has witnessed in the last couple of centuries; the American Civil War, WW1, WW2, Iraq…Why and what the reasons and mechanisms were behind the economic depressions, inflation, famine the world over…
    And, yes, I too believe that we are living in the finale of many great phenomena; many of which will be of unprecedented scale.. be it the collapse of giant corporations, a whole nation, an empire.. And i believe the worst is yet to come. Gog, Magog, Lucifer…are now all glaringly obvious along with their evil plans.. ascending the throne and to rule from the one-eyed pyramid.
    And our earth too is possibly heading towards her ultimate finale. With all the fuss and possibly facts about an impending ‘galactic alignment, the approaching of the planet X, the inevitable pole shift’… and then with ‘the mayan, the i-ching, the sumerian..’ prediction of a grand finale of most things in existence…
    It is no longer a myth that soon enough the sun may in fact rise from the west, that Mecca will be green and lush…..Allah has said-‘let the unbelievers plan, for We too are planning, and soon enough they will know who is the better in planning’-
    No politicians, not even if we take account of all of them on the global scale could intervene.. it is the time and it is now that Allah swt will open our eyes, our hearts and all of our senses to see and to finally be shown the TRUTH, The Reality that is hakiki.
    Contemplate and ponder.. start living a life that is DEATH-FRIENDLY … hopefully we’ll meet again in a new reality that will be Us-Friendly.. love
    p.s. I personally think of all Malaysians who have ever lived here on Malaysian soil, only two have made the greatest impression on me, one being P. Ramlee and the other of course my beloved Tun Mahathir.. maybe I was not too impressed about the PRIVATIZATION stuff during your era.. other than that You are my hero, always will be..

  19. Dear Tun,
    I am very interesting in your opinions and ideas for this crisis. In my opinion, I think that this crisis cannot be rocovered in short term. All the stimulus packages launched only help certain party. Now as the current strategy planing is to increase government revenue rather than spending. The main root of this crisis is mostly due to financial paper lose which is no monetary value and also the confidence of the public. If the government still focus on budget or project and country economy still remain worse, then it is really wasting of funds. Government can provide more jobs to the retrencher or jobless people. One of the way is to increase the job task which replace the foreigner. For instance, in plantation sector which need a lot of foreigners to operate, and they need a “mandor” to take care over them. Another solution is to encourage more enterprenuer with a full strength. This mean that make sure every effort should grounded to the public. The most scary thing is not the economic crisis but the unstability of social. The next bailout company which I have seen should be Malaysia Airline due to their mismanagement of funds and internal conflict between local operators. Come on we are all Malaysian, no matter MAS or AirAsia we must corporate to compete with the rival not agianst each other.

  20. Salam YAB Tun,
    Dunia sekarang ini sedang dijajah oleh sistem, maka hapuskan sistem tersebut untuk membebaskan dunia. Sistem yang telah menyebabkan kesangsaraan, kesedihan, kematian, dsn. ini yang berunsurkan riba atau faedah tidak sepatutnya wujud dan tidak patut disokong.
    Hutang sintetik melebihi $1 quadrillion adalah tidak munasabah dan tidak masuk akal dan jumlah semua wang didalam dunia ini pun tidak akan cukup untuk membayar balik hutang-hutang tersebut.
    Mengantikan sistem kewangan dunia adalah peyelesaian yang paling baik dan berkesan. Balik kepada ‘credit-based dollar’ bukan ‘monetary dollar’ dan perkenalkan sistem kewangan Islam.
    Bailout dengan cara mencetak wang untuk memulihkan sistem yang berkali-kali gagal adalah kebodohan dan seakan menanggung orang yang kalah judi dan terus mengalakkannya dengan melangsaikan hutang-hutangnya. Penjudi ini pulak jenis jahat, sombong dan bongkak.
    Dunia tidak memerlukan syarikat-syarikat gergasi seperti dinasour yang sedang menunggu masa untuk pupus kerana lembab. Lebih baik meramaikan bilangan peniaga-peniaga kecil atau usahawan-usahawan kecil yang lebih lincah walaupun bermodal kecil. Syarikat-syarikat yang tidak dapat bersaing dipentas global tidak perlu di bailout.
    Mereka yang bergelar pakar ekonomi, kewangan, perbankan dsn. yang ada sekarang boleh dikatakan hampir semua tidak patut dan tidak layak berbangga dengan jawatan dan gelaran mereka. Mereka ini sebenarnya sudah tidak dapat membezakan diantara yang halal dan yang haram, yang hak dan yang bathil dan amalan mereka adalah sia-sia belaka. Ada ilmu tetapi tidak dimanfaatkan malah tidak berani bersuara melarang kemungkaran.
    Mereka yang bergelar pakar ini sebenarnya telah lama di ‘pukau’ oleh sistem dan masih lagi khayal macam penagih dadah. Mereka inilah yang akan bermati-matian mempertahankan sistem yang pada anggapan mereka telah memberi rezki kepada mereka selama ini. Bagi mereka itu riba atau faedah itu halal dan dianggap sebagai perniagaan.
    Setiap orang wajib mengetahui sendiri segala-galanya, termasuk sejarah, tentang sistem kewangan dunia dan kaitannya dengan ekonomi sesebuah negara. Cuba ikuti pakar-pakar yang betul yang dapat menerangkan secara mudah dan jujur yang tidak perlu bercakap berbelit-belit.
    Ini adalah supaya kita akan lebih faham dan tidak akan mudah menjadi mangsa dan diperbodohkan oleh mereka yang bergelar pakar itu dan ini yang masih menyembah sistem ciptaan manusia-manusia tamak dan rakus yang telah banyak mendatangkan kemudaratan dan keburukan didunia ini.
    Riba bukan perniagaan dan tidak perlu wujud bersama. Perniagaan yang mempunyai unsur-unsur riba bukan lagi dipanggil perniagaan tetapi harus dipanggil penipuan. Apa sahaja yang meragukan dan tidak jelas serta susah difahami pasti disebabkan oleh riba.
    Krisis sistem kewangan yang menyebabkan kegawatan ekonomi dunia sekarang harus kita sama-sama fahami betul-betul dan mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran daripadanya.
    Saya pasti Tun sendiri akan menghadapi sedikit kesukaran untuk menerangkan segala-galanya kalau kita semua masih tidak mempunyai pengetahuan asas tentang kewangan, ekonomi, politik, sejarah, agama, dsn. Penyokong dan peminat Tun yang sebenar harus berilmu, bijak dan yang penting mencintai kebenaran.

  21. Dengan izin Tun..terima kasih.
    Kuleem.Saya tak setuju sama sekali tidak seorang pun yang tidak dapat menerangkan secara terperinci jalan keluar kemelut ekonomi secara Islam.Orang-orang mukmin dapat jalannya.Saya sebagai muslim biasa pun mampu menjelaskannya.
    Apa yang menjadi persoalan ialah ‘viability’ dan ‘feasibility’ pendapat-pendapat kami.Ianya memang berkesan secara ‘mikro ekonomi’ tetapi untuk menjadi rangsangan kepada ‘makro ekonomi’ tak tahu lah.
    Tetapi yang paling pasti jalan keluar adalah dengan “melihat dengan Nur Allah”…

  22. Tun,
    We agree starting with point number 3.
    Interestingly some of your topics raised here are discussed at teh tarik time. Yes, we are also asking The question, “Where the money is coming from is not revealed.” Hopefully can hear some comments here about this point. To provoke further related question, “How much money each country can print and who controls it?”
    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.- Albert Einstein
    Ordinary Joe

  23. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin..
    Harap ini boleh setelah dibelah dua….
    Tun pointed to the causes for the Asian financial crisis in 97/98 and the global economic crisis now are very different. This exactly exonerates the use of bailouts now, but does not exactly vindicate Mahathirism style use in 97/98.
    The ringgit crisis part was rightly fought with unorthodox currency regulations. Bravo, well done! The corporate woes side was not so clear cut. Saving the economy is ‘mixed’ with saving crooks and cronies. Rakyat money should not be used to save ‘favoured’ companies.
    Asap tebal kegawatan digunakan menyembunyi kegiatan menyelamat kawan dan kroni. In US, UK there is strict parliamentary/congressional review and approval over funds approved for each company.The directors have to appear in parliament to answer for their failure. They are not immune from investigation.
    Di M’sia syarikat yg terselamat tak sebut terima kasih pun pada rakyat, jgn sebut siasatan terhadap mrk! The bailout fund is aproved en bloc and parliament has no say on individual cases.
    Directors leave or stay on the whim of ……..? Any director investigated for the loss of these millions?

  24. Dear Tun,
    A very concerned citizen,I think a medical doctor wrote abt the dire situation in M’sia & highlighting the potential dangers the country is facing.Well I bet you many sensible people had already been sensitive & wary enough of the declining social & political conditions.However it was very good of him to post it for all of us to hear him out.
    Yes I think Pak Lah certainly owes the Rakyat a good explanation for the current political & social state of the country.Be pro-active & not only think of the solutions but implement them quickly.But sadly, he only has up to end of March & then he walks out heaving a sigh of relief.Well Pak Lah, please be more responsible than that!!Remember you have a big duty to the Rakyat who had put you up there!!Can you just wash your hands off the Rakyat.Well he thinks there is always Najib to pick up the pieces.
    Well let’s see how well our friend performs!!

  25. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin..
    Harap ini boleh setelah dibelah dua….
    Rich and poor whether people or countries, operate under the heaven. The chinese say heaven has eyes. All excesses and domination will receive due retribution.
    The north countries are paying for their excessive domination (and manipulation?) of the south. Poor countries may become poorer but they will not suffer more as they have suffered the worst.
    It is different for the northeners! They have to taste the medicine they believed they will never need.
    Same goes for people who want to dominate based on supremacy of race, religion, language and force. Your day of reckoning will come. The longer the crime the bigger the retribution when it arrives!
    Only fairness, justice, compassion should be supreme not race, religion or country. Only a strong leader can envision this. Tun melted, Pak Lah wilted, Najib waited, Anwar gated, Obama just started..

  26. To wi,
    Anything bad comment about US president is a good comment.
    The only change Obama going to do is changing his mind after 1 year. When the campaign funder (big corporations) starts pulling his pants then the reality start to bite.
    America is the most corrupt country in the world. The difference is they bribe it “legally”, different than malaysian here which is a bit crude (actually they on the learning curve).
    50 years ago the Malaysian politicians doesnt know what the meaning of bribes. They knew the meaning when they came back from American University. But one day malaysian will learn how to bribe it legally and make it look clean and of course u know who is the teacher.
    I learn some of the tricks from the white guy too. Its clean bro.

  27. Tun,
    One blogger’s comments abt President Obama are not so fair.How do you know exactly he would do such a thing??hasn’t he got enough headaches inheriting a troubled economy & world fr ex-President Bush??.I very much doubt he has the time ,resources & even Energy to interfere in Malaysia’s sensitive affairs.He has just passed the 50 day mark.We should be fair to give him more time .He is trying his very best to make all happy! But can he ,so help him God!!He said we are facing a recession worst than 1930’s depression.It is biting very hard on many economies.

  28. Yang berbahagia Tun
    Tidak lama lagi kita akan dapat lihat pakej rangsangan ekonomi yang akan di canagkan Pak Lah dan Tingkat 4.
    Ini adalah tindakbalas keatas negara negara lain yang telah menyenaraikan pakej rancangan mereka.
    Kita pernah melalui ini semasa negara negara jiran kita menaikkan harga minyak. Kerajaan kita kata tak normal kalau kita tak ikut sama.Harga minyak kita masih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan negara negara jiran kita. Jadi naiklah harga minyak kita
    Kenapa bijak pandai Tingkat 4 tidak mahu ikut contoh yang pernah Tun tunjukkan dulu.
    Jangan ikut orang. Ikut kepandaian sendiri.
    Semasa kegawatan dulu, negara negara lain sibuk meminjam wang dari Bank Dunia, tapi yang bijaknya Tun mencari penyelesaian sendiri sehinggalah saya menjadi teramat bangga kerana cara penyelesaian Tun diiktiraf seluruh dunia.

  29. Dear Tun,
    By 1OnlookerAuthor Profile Page on March 6, 2009 5:41 PM
    Please do behave yourself and don’t try to get your head high by the bad habit of fonding to judge upon other people’s financial failure, lest the same kind of measurement be imposed on judging you yourself, which will happen only too soon and too hasty, with the same measurement yardstick that is equally tough, equally sharp, and equally unbearable when being applied on you youself!
    To find time to stay close to God shall be the better thing to do now for everyone of us! Don’t you think so?
    Onlooker doesn’t seem too happy when Tun made a comment on the financial failure of the western world. I wonder why? I guess it is his natural instinct when his master’s weakness is being exposed, he will try to defend it as best as he could.
    You see Dude, Tun Mahathir is a former Prime Minister of Malaysia and a Statesman. Although he does not hold any offices anymore I believe he feels that it is his duty to inform his countryman that all that is west is not always the best and that is the difference between you and him.
    By the way dude if you dont have any constructive criticism to give, dont waste your time in this blog site go fly a kite or something and also, is there no limit to you sucking up to your western masters.

  30. Salam kepada En Sazali..Izinkan saya membalas pandangan saudara tentang “Pelajar dibenarkan menjawab dalam dwi bahasa, bahasa rojak (bm campur bi dlm satu ayat),dan sepenuhnya dalam bahasa melayu”..Apabila saya bertanya kepada adik perempuan saya yang sedang menunggu keputusan SPM pada 12 Mac ini,bahawasanya dia berkata perkara yang en.Sazali sebutkan itu TIDAK BENAR. Dalam peperiksaan diberi 2 pilihan sama ada pelajar hendak menjawab sepenuhnya dalam bahasa Melayu atau sepenuhnya dalam bahasa Ingeris. Tidak boleh sama sekali dirojakkan bahasanya.Ini peraturan SPM. Peraturan itu dibuat oleh Lembaga PEPERIKSAAN.Penceramah-penceramah penyemak kertas soalan yang datang ke sekolah adik saya juga memberi arahan seperti itu. Mengikut pemerhatian pelajar pelajar dan guru,sejak wujudnya PPSMI soalan-soalan peperiksaan SPM juga semakin mudah.Oleh itu saya ingin bertanya kepada En.Sazali siapakah pemeriksa kertas soalan tersebut???. Saya rasa saudara sendiri yang perlu ke sekolah melihat keadaan sebenar dan bertanya sendiri pendapat pelajar-pelajar sekolah. Tidak mungkin dengan hanya 2 subjek yang diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris akan tergugat kedudukan bahasa melayu dan pertuturan seharian. Jika kita MELAYU terus berusaha memajukan diri dan memikirkan kepentingan bahasa Ingeris pada masa hadapan, kita tentu akan berjaya suatu hari nanti.

  31. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    One might argue that the root cause of the current financial crisis lays within the (Western) banking system, that it is the result of greed, outright fraud and speculations. One might also argue that the bailouts and nationalization spells the end of capitalism and the free market. You are stating (to right) that

  32. Dear Tun,
    A lot of unpleasant developments lately but all can be solved.Some useful comments that are informative.Some comments are rather personal & humiliating so I rather avoid because it’s none of my business lah!! Sendiri punya business pun mau jagalah macam mana mau peduli hal2 atau peribadi orang lainkah –senangkah?–ayoh!!!
    Betullah macam Tun sebut beberapa kali sampai Tun pun hauslah ia itu kaum Melayu mau belajar Sains & Mathematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris.Saya fikir kaum melayu lebih untonglah,macam mana bisa rugi??.Tak kan hilang maruah kah!!!Tengoklah Tun sendri pun belajar ‘Perubatan’ jadi doktor sampai jadi PM selama 22 tahun.Semua PM Malaysia bekas & sekarang pun sudah belajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris.Semua che gu,pensharah & penuntut senang ajar & belajar 2 perkara itu masing2.Banyak nama,term dan formulae pun dalam Bahasa Inggeris.Kalau mau terjemah dlm BM sikit lecher.Ingat lah kalau mau sambong pelajaran kamaktab tinggi atau universiti dapat Ijazah Masters dalam segi Sains macam mana senang melanjutkan diluar negara?? macam mana menghadapi cabaran yang hebat ini.
    Saya tak tau ada protes sasterawan sama sekali sebelum baca website Tun.
    Lagi Pak Lah mau bena jembatan dari Sabah sambung kaLabuan.Saya fikir lebih perdaganggan & pelawat dari Spore kaJohor dan lain2 tempat diSemenanjung Malaysia.Rancangan membena Jembatan ganti causeway lama ini pun digugor.Pak Lah sia2 setuju saja–macam tak serius sebab ingat mau bersaralah, main Golf & pancing ikan2.
    Tuhan berkati Tun & Pak Lah sama2.

  33. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Many has given their views and opinions on this issues. I only have a very simple opinion regarding this Tun. Maybe the world is being punished because people have forgotten and failed in their obligation to uphold honesty and truthfulness in their everyday lives and business transactions. People have become very selfish and greedy and this has led to their downfall.
    But I believe Tun good honest people will exist, triumph and survive in this world. Living is not how to cheat, to fraud, to swindle or to fool others. It is to enrich oneself (by honest means of course) to enrich others. Then the world will be a better place to live. How wonderful life will be. Is it not you Tun who said: Enrich thy neighbours, or something like that.
    If one is not careful one can never be on top always. As the Malay proverbs says: Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga.
    Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  34. The west bank was dead cos of investment in high risk portfolio like AIG fail to survive cos too much money tight up witht the high risk of insurance service, the bank will gain high earning if the economic was good & vise versa. This is just like invest in the future & loss was unlimited.
    Basically bank can survive will not dead if through the basic saving & borrowing!

    By RahmanAuthor Profile Page on March 5, 2009 11:04 AM

    So, si sasterawan konon saja memperjuangkan Bahasa Melayu… Tengok kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka pun dah tau, antara Inggeris dan bahasa Melayu, ejaan je beza, bunyi dan maksudnya sama..
    Ps. kami nak belajar bahasa ‘dewa-dewa’ dengan Puteri Bunian.

  36. If the student does not speak English well enough to converse in the language, then I fail to see how teaching him or her the Maths and Sciences in English is going to either teach them to speak Engilsh, or help them master the Maths and Sciences.
    Academic studies in a foreign tongue oorly understood sounds to me like a ssure road to failure in all subjects!
    A foregin language whould be taught as such, as a FOREIGN LANGUAGE.”

  37. If the student does not speak English well enough to converse in the language, then I fail to see how teaching him or her the Maths and Sciences in English is going to either teach them to speak Engilsh, or help them master the Maths and Sciences.
    Academic studies in a foreign tongue poorly spoken or understood sounds to me like a sure road to failure in all subjects!
    A foreign language should be taught as such, as a FOREIGN LANGUAGE.
    If the local teaching staff is not up to the subject, then there are certainly sufficient native English speakers available right here in Malaysia, expats, retirees and young tourist backpackers, who would probably be pleased by an opportunity to assist in classroom environments and at the same time introduce a “Native” English free of accent and the Manglished syntax and useage which I hear as a product of the current system.
    In exchange for room and board, I suspect a number of backpacker tourists might be encuraged to “live in” and provide an embedded English environment in the home or the hostel.
    Why not try it?
    A Native (American) English speaker. BS (Cum Laud), in English Lit

    Take it easy Tun, and if there comes a free time your way, please write a book for us on your legacy of KLCC, KLIA and Putrajaya (especially KLCC).

  39. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    FELDA ditimbulkan isu satu demi satu, Kementerian Pelajaran ditimbulkan isu satu demi satu. Dan terbaru, isu Pembelajaran Matematik dan Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris akan dibawa ke persidangan. Hal Ekonomi tak minat? Kegawatan dah meruncing, pun tak disentuh hal tu. Hanya tahu berpolitik ala GPMS sahaja (ramai tak lupa kepada peloporan GPMS dalam isu ini). Kini mereka berselindung disebalik pembangkang pula. Sebenarnya pembangkang pun dah kena klentong sekali dengan mereka, dah jadi

  40. /// By HBTAuthor Profile Page on March 7, 2009 8:58 PM
    Bush is a nerd who cannot differentiate Iran and Iraq, Wu (China leader Mr Wu Jintao) and Who. ///
    I wonder who is the idiot who tried to show off and backfired? Who, indeed is Wu Jintao? Never heard of this person (well, actually he could be among the million farmers with the same name.) But Who is Wu? I know a Hu Jintao.

  41. Salam Tun,
    Setuju dgn Pak Belalang…kita perlukan science people to lead and develop our country. Blend with strong faith to Allah, InsyaAllah kita akan berjaya.Apa yg terjadi sekarang ialah kita di perintah oleh org yg tak sepatutnya memerintah. Apa jadi? Lihatlah sekarang..
    Apalah sgt bahasa sekiranya nasib bangsa itu sendiri tergadai…Saaterawan negara cuma takut puisi2nya tak terjual lebih daripada nasib bangsa yg akan terjual sekiranya ilmunya dangkal dan tak kemana-mana…
    Apalah ini namanya perjuangan…Fikirkanlah…

  42. SALAM 12 RABIULAWAL 1430…
    Rasulullah, nabi d akhir zaman……..
    Islam itulah agama dibawa……….
    Mari semua kita ucapkan……………
    Selawat & salam kepada Baginda……….
    Muhamad SAW junjungan kita………
    Salam Maulidurrasul kepada muslimin semua………
    Tak kira parti… tak kira apa bangsa….
    didalam Islam… kita semuanya sama………
    *janganlah berpolitik sehingga lupa diri…..
    Lu pikir la sendriii……

  43. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin…
    Rukunnegara 4 : Kedaulatan Undang Undang.
    Cadangan Umno, Rukunnegeri Perak : Kedaulatan Raja Raja
    Rukunnegara 2: Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara.
    Cadangan Umno, Rukunnegeri Perak : Kesetiaan pada Undang Undang dan Negeri
    Kesetiaan pada Raja, kedaulatan pada undang undang. Pengasas Rukunnegara lemah bahasa ke mrk salah bubuh perkataan?
    Kesetiaan krn Raja itu maruah, warisan dan kebudayaan Melayu dan harus dikekalkan. Kedaulatan (undang undang) krn ianya yg teragung dan dijunjung bukan manusia.
    M’sia negara demokrasi berparlimen (milik rakyat) bukan negara Kesultanan (milik Raja)
    M’sia ada Raja berperlembagaan (Raja patuh perlembagaan) bukan Raja pemerintah (kuasa sendiri)
    Mempertikai gunakuasa Raja dlm perlembagaan mendaulatkan undang undang. Menghina Raja ialah suka didukung (di Perak mana Umno lemah) tak suka dilempar ( pindaan perlembagan ’93 bila Umno kuat, isu MB di Terengganu, Perlis)
    ……………..BANGSA ASING (pinjam bahasa ‘BajuKurungUngu’)
    Ada Melayu Umno guna ‘bangsa asing’ merujuk pada rakyat M’sia lain keturunan. Maksud mrk bangsa asing itu ada negara asal yg patut mrk kembali? Bangsa ini tak patut berada diM’sia?
    Sedarlah bangsa asing itu (termasuk bapa dan datuk nenek mrk) lahir di M’sia. Tiada penggantungan atau talian dgn negara lain kecuali bangsanya sama.
    M’sia lah tanah tumpah darah mrk. Semua manusia lahir di dunia ini kehendak Tuhan. Jgn bongkak, megah, sombong sangat kalau dapat berkat dilahirkan Melayu di M’sia. ‘Bangsa asing’ kamu pandang rendah itu makhluk Tuhan juga, cuma dapat berkat ‘terencat’ dijadikan keturunan berbeza.
    Ajaran agama dan Tuhan mana mengajar umatnya melayan orang lahir sama waktu,tempat dan negara dgn buruk krn bangsa, agamanya lain. Hak istimewa keramat tidak dikurnia Tuhan pada ‘Tuan’ mana mana. Ajarannya ialah kebajikan, keadilan, kesaksamaan.
    Kita hormatilah nenek moyang kita yg dah putuskan kita hidup berkongsi dan bersama. Nak ingkar atau dengar cakap. Mengingkar pesan orang tua tua buruk padahnya.
    Mempertahankan maruah, hak ketitik akhir darah, telah dilalui nenek moyang kita. Mrk lebih matang dah putuskan kita hidup bersama. Jgn nak lagak pandai skrg cuba ubah hasrat mrk dgn istilah baru ‘ketuanan’ dan ‘bangsa asing’
    Rakyat M’sia tiada ‘bangsa asing’, bangsa lain mungkin. Negara ini milik bersama. Kalau nenek moyang kamu tak rela ini, ia tak mungkin berlaku! Jgn menghina nenek moyang kita!

  44. Salam Tun. I am from financial and banking background. Thank you Tun for the brilliant capital control mechanism deployed during 1997/98 fiasco. Had it not due to your bold and unpopular decision and action, at the same chopping Anwar from selling-off the country to IMF, most of the bumi professionals would have now been degraded to become office boys, clerks, or even “pariahs” (sorry if the last is too extreme, but not impossible ok!).
    The one and only cause of the financial collapes in US which impacted the globe, is purely “GREED” by way of “HUMAN MANIPULATION”, nothing more and nothing less. The question to ask is, “by who” and the stupid bunch of followers. In the last many2 years, the capitalist jews got tired of the normal and conventional financial business, ie lending, transactions on physical assets. Then they realise, the profit growth is mediocre, not enough to fund and “control” people and economy. Then they group among themselves (jews capitalist comprising bankers, traders etc) and created a new trading tools, such as derivatives, which is trading on future expectations (which is actually a bluff created by some clever wise guy to justify the mechanics of it). It became popular overnite globally. In actual fact, economically it does not contribute any actual or true value to the instrument and asset. Soon, a noble and long standing financial institution collapsed due to the failed derivative trading, remember Barring of UK? The same on other “intangible and virtual” financial transactions including, money market, forex market, all in the guise of demand/supply situation, and economic capitalisation. But behind all….somebody making huge ton of money out of nothing (just a clever manipulation of future expectation created for such purpose). So, the cycle goes on and on, until somebody got rocked-off. Regretfully, all financial players adopt and play along with the creators. Doesn’t matter whether morally right or otherwise, for as long they can make money from the market. Of course the recent sub-prime changed (hopefully there will be change)….Look deep, there are those already having loads of money from the fiesta, while the rest loose everything, savings, home, employment etc Only the ordinary Americans, but not the jews ok. How the US get the money to bail-out $trillion is beyond imagination…print..print…print. Whether the money has value backing? Who would know?? No one can question US. The oil price in 2008. Wonder how the price suddently ceased and dropped to below USD30? Please give thanks to Almighty. The collapse of the banks has ceased all credits for speculative activities in world oil. Without credits nobody can speculate, and demand dropped, price fell. Given all these, it is GREED and HUMAN STUPIDITY that has created all misfortune and sufferings globally. Malaysia’s experience in 1997/98 provided strong fundamental to cushion the current situation. Let’s see what our government going to do next.

  45. money has transformed/ evoluted. today, the era of Digital Money has started where industries in the Middle Man. May God Bless the Earth & Mankind. Kepler Mission is to seek & get ready a new planet before this planet start to burn flesh (road to end). All this is so NATURAL. survival instinct. manusia boleh! Human CAN actually speed up OR slow down the end of the earth that will definitely come as stated in Holy Book, but naturally due to human natural behavior it is going more on the speed up.

  46. Tadi saya dapat berjumpa member member lama di suatu majlis
    Yang memeranjatkan
    Kesemuanya sekarang menyokong pembangkang
    Ada seorang tu baru buat bypass jantung,pun menyokong pembangkang walaupun hanya membayar rm2000 yang selebihnya rm48000 di biayai oleh kerajaan.
    Ada pula yang berkata kejadian tembak menembak oleh PDRM yang mengorbankan 5 warga vietnam di rancang oleh PDRM sendiri kerana tidak mahu memanjangkan kes.
    Kesimpulan yang saya dapat rumuskan rakyat Malaysia perlukan adds on value/nilai tambah sebab yang basic seperti perubatan percuma,pelajaran percuma atau apa saja yang di beri percuma adalah basic value.Kalau pembangkang memerintah pun basic value ini masih ada.So…..politician fikirkan apakah nilai tambah yang rakyat perlukan?
    Demonstrasi PPMSI yang membawa keranda yang bernombor amat memalukan.Ternyata inilah akibatnya apabila ia di politikkan.Saya adalah pelajar english medium semenjak 1969,dan saya tak nampak pun aper aper masaalah untuk mempelajari BI.Kenapa zaman saya dahulu isu ini tak timbul pun?.Semua murid murid masaitu yg di dlm atau di luar bandar belajar BI.Takade pulak yang membangkang mungkin ada bezanya pemikiran dahulu dengan sekarang.So…nampaknya orang dahulu lebih bijak berfikir utk kebaikan anak anak nya.
    Kebanyakkan yang menentang isu PPMSI ini adalah BAPAK BAPAK kerana BAPAK BAPAK inilah yang sebenarnya tak faham BI.
    KAWAN KAWAN BLOGGERS cuba cubalah menulis di blog pembangkang pulak kerana blog chedet ni selalunya di baca oleh pro kerajaan sahaja.Yang anti kerajaan memang tak akan membaca blog ini.Saya nampak banyak ulasan yang bernas cuma ianya tak sampai secara menyeluruh kepada pihak pembangkang.

  47. You may have your points there. But to say we in Malaysia have everything in order will be an exaggeration. Just take a look at the way our fund is being spent. Government projects under senior ministers are over-valued merely to enrich a few individuals. Also, a lot of money is being spent without prudence.
    The 35billion that is to come as stimulus package, can we expect this government to be prudent?
    I doubt!

  48. Salam Tun
    Nak tambah sikit Tun.
    Bail out….The capital injection was not used as a seed for businesses. It was use to cover rotten areas. Therefore …profit generation is not relevant.
    Monies used in bailing out ….Do they really used that much money?
    ….Do they really have that much money?
    Trillions and trillions …….Fake value that is.
    Bring the current system down and bring Islamic Financial sytem and that could save the world

  49. 70,000 More Bangladeshi Workers Coming To Malaysia
    By Sajad Hussein
    KUALA LUMPUR, March 8 (Bernama) — More than 70,000 Bangladeshi workers are expected to arrive in Malaysia soon to take up employment in the plantation, construction and services sectors, the Labour Counsellor at the Bangladesh High Commission here, Talat Mahmud Khan, disclosed today.
    Saya tak faham dalam keadaan negara kita mengalami kadar pengangguran yang semakin teruk, kita boleh tambah lagi pengambilan perkerja 70,000 dari Bangladesh.
    Apa cerita ni Syed Hamid. Tidur ke ?
    Kementerian Dalam Negeri mesti berikan penjelasan yang munasabah mengapa permit masih dikeluarkan untuk membawa masuk perkeja asing.
    Mana lojiknya Syed Hamid.
    Apa nama syarikat-syarikat outsource yang telah dapat sebanyak 70,000 permit?
    Adakah yang dapat permit itu dari golongan konco-konco Pak Lah dan Syed Hamid?
    Berapa commission dapat satu kepala? RM 100 atau RM 500 atau RM 1000 per worker.
    Berniaga atas angin memang best. Tak payah modal besar dan pikir banyak-banyak. HANYA JUAL AIR LIOR KAT MENTERI BERKENAAN SAHAJA !!
    Dasar memberi permit beginilah yang menyebabkan UMNO lemah.
    Kalau gini caranya Syed Hamid, please don’t dream for you to win a place as Vice President of UMNO. You are just NO GOOD. Haprak and HP6! Make no mistake about it!
    Syed Hamid will have to do the explanation before the UMNO election if he wants to stand a good chance of winning the VP position.

  50. Dear Tun,
    Someone wrote asking you why the RM is weaker than the Sing$ and why Malaysia’s economy (GDP) is lower than’s Singapore.
    I would answer the questioner this – WHO CARES.
    What is most important is that Malaysia achieve the thing or ideals that it values. Economic success is NOT the be all and end all.
    Malaysia values;
    1) Peace for all its people and its neighabours.
    2) Respectful relationship will all citizens and other nations.
    3) Rule of Law for the good the people at large.
    4) Happiness and sufficiency for all in material and spiritual matters.
    5) Eradicating illiteracy – all citizens must value knowledge.
    6) Sustainable development for the sake of the people.
    Can anyone to add to this list?

  51. Dompok: Objections On English Usage Considered Before
    KOTA KINABALU, March 8 (Bernama) — Objections surrounding the use of English as the medium of instruction for Mathematics and Science in schools, had been discussed when the policy was first proposed.
    Therefore, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Bernard Dompok said, there was no reason why the authorities should revert to the policy since the Malay language was not under any threat.
    “I feel this matter has been considered, like eight years ago, when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad proposed it when he was the prime minister.
    “All the objections that we hear today, were those that were already discussed, about eight years ago.
    “This does not mean we are ignoring the Malay language…I think Malay language is striving, we have succeeded making it the language of the nation, so much so, nearly all the homes in Sabah are using it as the first language,” he told reporters after launching the Stacy AF first album, ‘Aku Stacy’ at 1 Borneo here today.
    The Cabinet will decide on the policy — which began in 2003 — this month, on whether it should be continued, following calls by groups for it to end.
    The Government will consider four aspects in deciding whether the policy should continue, namely the status of Bahasa Malaysia as the national language, the ability of students to master English, the competency of teachers in teaching the two subjects and the achievement of students in Science and Mathematics.
    About 5,000 protesters joined a procession from the National Mosque to Istana Negara yesterday, to hand over a memorandum to the palace, urging the King to intervene in the issue.
    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he wanted an immediate decision on this to prevent further controversy.
    Sasterawan-sasterawan yang menganjurkan demonstrasi jalanan di Istana Negara tak ada class. Setahu saya sasterawan-sasterwan negara dianggap sebagai intelektual yang disegani oleh masyarakat. Tapi kalau dah berdemonstrasi bersama dengan “orang gila” dan tak ada maruah diri namanya. Dah jadi macam sasterawan “jalanan belakang Lorong Hj Taib” atau sasterawan “pariah”.
    Apa yang Bernard Dompok perkatakan itu adalah benar, betul dan tepat. Kerajaan jangan berpatah balik atau “flip flop” berkaitan dengan dasar yang telahpun dipesetujui dan telah diperbincangkan dengan mendalam 8 tahun dulu.
    Soalannya sekarang ialah kemungkinan perlaksanaannya kurang berkesan. Jadi apa pulak nak dimansuhkan. Yang harus diteliti sekarang ialah mencari ikhtiar bagaimana dasar ini boleh diperkemaskan dan diperbaiki lagi segala kelemehannya. Itu sahaja.
    Apa pulak dah melalut dengan membantah dasar tersebut supaya dimansuhkan perlaksanaannya. Apa lojiknya yang munasabah untuk dimansuhkan.
    What we should be concerned now is to give our children the opportunity to get the best education for their future well being so that they can be very mobile and competitive to face the present borderless world of globalization.
    These children when they are competent to communicate in English particularly in the field of science and technology, they can go anywhere in the world to “cari makan” with confidence.
    Kalau setakat belajar sains dan matematik dalam bahasa Melayu macam mana nak kerja di Amerika Syarikat, di Timur Tengah, England dan Europa atau di mana-mana sahaja didunia. Tak laku !!!Pasal penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris dalam bidang sains dan teknologi lemah atau tidak tahu lansung. Macam mana nak jadi professor di university luar negara. Itu hanya satu contoh sahaja.

  52. Dear Tun,
    On the mess in Perak. This is about rule of law and law and order. But here we have Law Makers not respecting the law??
    If law maker don’t respect the law – how can you expect the ordinary people to respect the law. If no one respects the law – than you have MAYHEM – or no law and order.
    It seems the PR are adament in challenging the laws – they wnat to see how far they can push the law. To them any law is UMNO law and so it does not apply to them. So what law do they conform to? Is it the law of the JUNGLE?
    Well Pak Lah you started this journey of mayhem and opened the pandora box. You have not been able to charm these lawless politicans to toe the line – have you?
    Now everyone is suffering – no thanks to you.
    Perhaps this will be a good time for the sensible law makers to tighten the present law to close all the lop-holes and cracks.
    But where are these sensible law makers? Lets see if UMNO can bring them to the fore come 28 Mar 09. Or will – the pandora boxes in all the states of Malaysia be opened all at the same time…Mayhem in the making.
    Good Luck Malaysia.

  53. Dear Tun,
    Bonds are IOUs. These IOUs are interest bearing. Why do countries need to take IOUs??? When they can just print the money?
    Countries are like individuals. Individuals need to trade (they need to buy things and sell things). Just to be sure when you work for someone and when get paid – you are actually selling your services for the pay. And with the pay you buy food, pay for services, etc…So all productive individuals need trade.
    Similarily countries, they need to trade with other countries. Similar also we need a medium of exchange. For individual in Malaysia we use the Ringgit. But between nations – most prefer the US Dollar.
    But as we have seen using US$ for international trading gives the US$ unfair advantage and leave all other countries beholden to the USA.
    Being the creator of the US$ the USA central bank hold a very high responsibility and we have given a very big RIGHT for them to meddle with the world economy, financial and monetary system – thus affecting every nation and everyone in this world.
    BONDS are not necessary if we practice Free Market truly. Nations trade because we need to exchange goods and services. Example, nations trade resources such as land, skills, labourers, etc for new technology, production process, markets, brands, etc…
    So it becomes the responsibility of the goverment to ensure their country become active participants in world free trade.
    With “cheap” labour and land Africa can be the Food Bowl of the world with developed countries coming in to improve farming yields and productivity.
    With the free trading amongst the nations Africe will become economically and politically better. They will NOT need those unhealthy (interest bearing and blood sucking) handouts form the IMF or World Bank, etc..
    We do not need bonds but we need free trade. Allow private investments in infrstructure projects. Funding for nationals and social good activities can be from the Zakat collection or goverment taxes.
    Stop trading in US$ for USA’s own good. No nation should be burdened with so much responsibility on world’s financial and monetary system that it has casued them to collapse.
    We need a new international trading currency. Tun has suggested the gold Dinar. Its a good start but does not go far enough. Gold still has its limitations.
    We need a neutral currency – which does not belong to any nations but which belongs to all Nations of the World. It is an arbitrary unit – whose value is decided by each individual country. For example lets call this currency the UN$. Malaysia can peg the RM to the UN$ at a fixed rate. So it goes for other nations. All international trading must be via the UN$.
    It than becomes the right and responsibility of the nations central banks to decide what exchange rate to the UN$ is best for their country. As the central goverment/bank knowns what resources they have to back their currency they will also know the value is must have against their present and future trading partners nations.
    There is a better system that we can introduce to the world economic and monetary system – Now is the best opportunity to do it.
    Forget the BAILOUTS. instead wipe out all the bad loans and what have you and lets try to work out a process to start from a clean new sheet. Let fails industry fail. We can build it up again. But everyone need to moderate unabashed consumption for consumption sake. Do we need a new model of car every week? Do we need or do we WANT? As individuals we need to ask ourselves – also as nations and people of the world.
    Do the expert economist and politicians DARE to change their paradigms???

  54. Salaam to Tun,
    It is good that Tun raises the topic. Is global economic recession pre-planned? a strategy…to enrich a few and impoverish the rest of the world? Perhaps.
    Let me post to all bloggers the following websites and videos that I have come across….related to banking cartels, greed and The New World Order.
    Happy reading/ viewing.

  55. Assalamualaikum
    Y.Bhg Tun dan rakan-rakan sekalian
    Saya baca banyak komen kenapa politik kita sekarang nampak tidak menyokong kearah pembangunan ekonomi dalam mengatasi kemelesetan ekonomi global sekarang.
    saya berpendapat (sori Tun ya bagi pendapat sikit)…..
    Ada pihak yang mahu perkara ini berlaku. Ini adalah strategi politik bagi satu pihak dimana ingin melihat kerajaan yang memerintah sekarang tidak fokus kepada bagaimana untuk mengatasi masalah ekonomi. Ada pihak yang merancang tekanan kepada kerajaan. Tekanan ini berbentuk PERHIMPUNAN DAN PERARAKAN yang bukan sahaja mengganggu kestabilan politik malah ekonomi negara. Perlacongan umpamanya adalah bergantung penuh kepada keadaan politik sesebuah negara.
    Saya suka kepada ucapan Dato’ Sri Hishamudin semasa beliau diwawancara berkaitan isu perarakan berkaitan bahasa inngeris bagi matapelajaran MATH dan Sains. Beliau arahkan kita supaya duduk diam sekejap dan berpikir secara rasional berkaitan isu tersebut tanpa mendengar kepada hasutan orang lain. Kita perlu bersama-sama tak kira bangsa atau fahaman politik perlu bekerja sama untuk mengatasi masalah ekonomi negara.
    Kepada mereka yang suka sangat membuat perarakan yang tak faedah ini esok dijemput untuk menyertai perarakan bagi menyambut mailidur rasul.
    Terima kasih

  56. salam Tun… yg amat saya hormati dan sanjungan
    boleh tak Tun bagi komen sikit pasal kes altantuya….
    kes nie dah terlalu lama dan menimbulkan terlalu banyak spekulasi.
    Terima kasih.

  57. Assalamualaikum,
    Kebelakangan ini terlalu banyak pihak yang mendesak kerajaan supaya memansuhkan PPSMI kerana berbagai alasan antaranya program tersebut kurang berjaya dan juga meminggirkan bahasa Melayu itu sendiri.
    Jika dikatakan PPSMI tidak berjaya langsung mencapai matlamat adalah tidak tepat. Jika dahulu murid-murid di sekolah langsung tidak tahu istilah-istilah mudah dalam Matematik dan Sains tetapi sekarang mereka sudah dapat memahami malahan menterjemahkan ayat-ayat mudah dengan agak baik walaupun murid yang bersekolah di kawasan pedalaman..
    Yang menghairankan ada juga ahli akademik, pembangkang termasuklah GAPENA yang lantang menentang. Adakah mereka ini pernah turun padang dan membuat kajian dengan lebih dekat. Mungkin mereka sudah cukup bijak dan anak-anak mereka sudah cukup pandai dan x perlu lagi ada PPSMI ini. Adakah mereka peduli tentang nasib dan masa depan generasi muda di pedalaman yang masih ketinggalan..
    Perancangan PPSMI pada saya sudah cukup baik. Sekarang murid-murid mempunyai 20 waktu seminggu untuk belajar dalam BI (BI + Math + Sains ) tanpa mengaganggu peruntukan waktu untuk matapelajaran lain. Kenapa perlu dimansuhkan ?? Jika ianya kurang berjaya, buat saja penambahbaikan. Jika dimansuhkan terus samalah keadaannya dengan ” jika kita mempunyai anak yang kurang berjaya dalam pelajaran maka tutup dan matikan saja peluangnya untuk belajar dan berjaya ” …Patutkah begitu ??
    Tanya kepada ribuan penunjuk perasaan depan Istana Negara, tanya pada Mat Sabu, GAPENA dan pembangkang..Adakah dengan memansuhkan PPSMI maka pendidikan di sekolah akan bertambah baik..? Jika mereka kuat membantah dan menentang PPSMI, apakah mereka mempunyai idea lebih baik atau perancangan atau pelan tindakan mereka sendiri untuk mengatasi masalah penguasaan BI dikalangan murid melayu.. Jika “ya” maka teruskanlah menentang, jika tidak lebih baik nilai dulu diri sendiri dan balik rumah cerminkan dulu diri anda..

  58. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    One might argue that the root cause of the current financial crisis lays within the (Western) banking system, that it is the result of greed, outright fraud and speculations. One might also argue that the bailouts and nationalization spells the end of capitalism and the free market. You are stating (to right) that

  59. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    One might argue that the root cause of the current financial crisis lays within the (Western) banking system, that it is the result of greed, outright fraud and speculations. One might also argue that the bailouts and nationalization spells the end of capitalism and the free market. You are stating (to right) that

  60. Assalamualaikum Tun.. Semoga sihat sentiasa..
    Apa pendapat Tun mengenai PPSMI yang sedang hangat diperkatakan kini..Kata menteri yang terlibat.. PPSMI ini berjaya berdasarkan pencapaian peperiksaan tahun lalu..tapi terdapat beberapa pekara yang mengelirukan saya dan para pendidik. Hanya para pendidik sahaja yang tahu tahap kejayaan PPSMI ini.. tapi tak dibenarkan bersuara dan terpaksa menerima baik atau buruknya PPSMI ini. Setahu saya dan dari hasil temubual saya dengan pendidik terutama sekali yang memeriksa kertas soalan peperiksaan mendapati tahap pencapaian PPSMI bukannya sesuatu yang boleh dibanggakan. Pelajar dibenarkan menjawab dalam dwi bahasa, bahasa rojak (bm campur bi dlm satu ayat),dan sepenuhnya dalam bahasa melayu. Bagaimana ini dikatakan berjaya sedangkan pelajar kita tidak menjawab fully in english.Bagi saya PPSMI ini akan menjatuhkan anak melayu sedang di SJK (C) diajar dlm bahasa ibunda. Matlamat pendidik nmengajar dlm bhs inggeris juga tidak ada manafaatnya jika tiba waktu peperiksaan pelajar menjawab dlm bahasa melayu.Minta tolong dikaji sedalamnya dan jika boleh mintalah pandangan dari pendidik terutama guru yang terlibat dalam PPSMI ini bukan pandangan dari menteri yang hanya bermesyuarat di parlimen tanpa turun padang untuk melihat sendiri terutama hari peperiksaan.Jangan kerana ego politik anak bangsa jadi taruhan.. terima kasih.

  61. Dear Tun,
    What choice do they have except bailout by governments? The current situation is not alien a.k.a. recession, depression and whatnot. The action taken (the bailout) is not unprecedented. Tun had scored before, perhaps looked upon as a precedence. If Tun is doubtful for this round, will Tun be able to provide a better solution?
    Since the day it is cool to go global, it should not be hot or ugly if any numbers are counted in billion or trillion. Media loves to talk about bad things & earn more readership (a.k.a. more money), too much good news for a long time becomes boring. So, they are busy fanning the fire. Perhaps we should stop reading/watching the news, good times will return sooner than later. Repetitive & complaining without solution is no solution at all.
    We are no difference from the cells in human body. Cancerous or tumor a.k.a. the culprits need to be removed. Good ones need to be given the boost. The immune ones get wiser. The ones that get away mutate. The cycle goes on. And, no, I am not a doctor, economist or financier. Good Days to A Happy Tun.

  62. Dengan Izin Tun..Terimakasih..
    Bagi penentang PPSMI cuba hayati…
    Senario satu :
    Saya Kink Sink Balia di sini kini menemuramah mat-mat dadah di lorong-lorong belakang kota raya ini..
    “Er saudara..mengapa saudara terlibat dalam penagihan dadah ini?”
    Penagih lalok la..Wa mau isap ke,injek ke mau mampos ke..wa punya suka la..INI PILIHAN peduli apa??
    Kink Sink Balia :Tidak kah tindakan saudara ini merugikan negara kita?
    Penagih :Rugi apa ni Sink ? Apa yang kerajaan rugi dari tindakan gua?..Ini mau hisap sikit tak boleh..kena tangkap kena hantar SERENTI..gua punya suka la..Hidup bebas dan merdeka..
    Senario dua :
    Saya Kink Sink Balia di sini menemuramah mat-mat rempit.
    “Er saudara..mengapa terlibat dalam aktiviti rempit ni?
    Mat Rempit : Alo Sink..kita orang mau rempit ka apa ka, apa kena mengena sama lu? Lu ada susah apa? Rugi apa ? Lu apa hal?
    Kink Sink Balia :Tidak kah tindakan anda sekalian merugikan negara?
    Mat Rempit : Rugi apa? INI PILIHAN HIDUP KAMI la brader..Kami pilih cara hidup sendiri,kerajaan rugi apa?
    Senario tiga :
    Ya bertemu lagi kita..Saya Kink Sink Balia menemuramah bohsia pula..
    Kink Sink Balia : Er..adik-adik mengapa terlibat dalam aktiviti sebegini?
    Bohsia : Alo Sink..kami buat apa pun kami punya suka la..Ini PILIHAN KAMI!!!
    Kink Sink Balia : Tidak kah tindakan adik-adik ini merugikan negara kita?
    Bohsia : Rugi apa ni Sink?..Apa kena mengena pilihan cara hidup kami dengan negara ?? Sibuk la lu Sink…
    Ya..Sekian dahulu ulasan dan laporan saya dari jalanan untuk TV..
    Moral laporan ini : Is Sink is Kink?
    TEPAT SEKALI…Sink Is Kink!!!
    * Penentang PPSMI anda ‘memilih’ untuk menentang..menyangka melalukan kebaikan untuk bangsa dan negara anda *
    Apa perbezaan antara anda dan ketiga-tiga golongan di atas?
    Jika anda tersilap pilih dan tidak nampak akibat kesilapan pilihan anda maka akibatnya generasi tinggalan yang di belakang akan menjadi mangsa.
    PPSMI satu wadah ilmu.Ia membuka banyak ‘front’ ( bagaimana anda terjemahkan maksud ini ? ) kepada generasi akan datang.Menafikan cabaran ini kepada generasi muda akan melemahkan daya tahan mereka terutama menjadi ‘resourceful’,’pliant’dan ‘reliant’.
    Hayati maksud Al Quran ini
    “Tidakkah mereka takut meninggalkan turunan yang lemah di belakang mereka ?”
    Dan Ayat AL Quran ini dari Surah AL Haj..
    ” Yang buta itu bukanlah mata..Tetapi mata yang di dalam dada!!”
    Tepat sekali..SINK IS KINK..
    Terima kasih Tun..

    A Dead Horse
    Young Chuck in Montana bought a horse from a farmer for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the horse the next day.
    The next day the farmer drove up and said, “Sorry son, but I have some bad news… the horse died.”
    Chuck replied, “Well, then just give me my money back.”
    The farmer said, “Can’t do that. I went and spent it already.”
    Chuck said, “OK, then, just bring me the dead horse.”
    The farmer asked, “What ya gonna do with him?”
    Chuck said, “I’m going to raffle him off.”
    The farmer said, “You can’t raffle off a dead horse!”
    Chuck said, “Sure I can, Watch me. I just won’t tell anybody he’s dead.”
    A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked,
    “What happened with that dead horse?”
    Chuck said, “I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars apiece and made a profit of $998.”
    The farmer said, “Didn’t anyone complain?”
    Chuck said, “Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back.”
    Chuck grew up and now works for the government.
    He’s the one who figured out how this “bail-out” is going to work.

  64. Assalamualaikum! Tun dan pembaca sekelian,
    Mengenai isu PPSMI ini apakata para penyokong PPSMI mengumpulkan tandatangan sebagai tanda sokongan sebab saya rasa ramai yang menyokong cuma tak mahu kecoh seperti yang menentang. Tak payahla kita berdemonstrasi, tak kan selesai masalah…Dalam keadaan sekarang Banyak lagi perkara penting lain yang perlu difikirkan.
    Terima kasih.

  65. ASWT YAB TUN n Fellow Bloggers
    This time I fully agree with our brothers Pakbelalang & Rahman.
    I’v survived belajar dalam bahasa Flamish (Belanda) to obtain My MD. masa di Belgium. So what is ENGLISH. after all its our 2nd language.
    My fellow non malay friends hantar anak2 utk tuisyen bahasa inggeris.
    Able to speek multi languages dan berada di Negara Orang PUTEH ber tahun tahun tidak pernah melunturkan JATI DIRI ANAK MELAYU HASIL DEB ini.

  66. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun, minta sedikit keizinan ruang disini.
    “KUALA LUMPUR 8 Mac – Kementerian Pelajaran akan menghantar kertas cadangan berhubung isu Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) kepada jemaah menteri pada bulan ini.
    Timbalan Menterinya, Datuk Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong berkata, pihaknya percaya pendekatan itu akan membantu untuk mendapatkan satu keputusan yang sangat dinanti-nantikan oleh semua pihak di negara ini.” – UTUSAN On line.
    Percayalah YB Datuk Wee, isu ini akan padam dengan sendirinya selepas bulan Mac ini. Percayalah. Selepas itu, hanya akan tinggal mereka yang benar-benar terlibat dengan isu ini sahaja yang akan terpaksa mengangkat buku dan beg masing-masing untuk meredah kelegelapan pagi untuk menimba pelajaran disekolah. Hanya akan tinggal para pendidik negara yang akan terpaksa juga menanggung apa jua beban hasil daripada perjuangan para NGO dan Sasterawan Negara kita ini. Akan juga tinggal para ibu bapa yang akan terpaksa berdepan dengan isu-isu lain dalam menyediakan bebanan kewangan dalam agenda pembelajaran anak-anak mereka akibat daripada perjuangan NGO dan para Sasterawan Negara ini. Ketika itu, para jockey profesional serta kuda-kuda tunggangan mereka tidak akan kelihatan lagi batang hidung dan ekor mereka. Kuda-kuda tunggangan akan dibebaskan semula untuk berlari bebas berkarya di prairie-prairie masing-masing. Mana kala towkay besar kepada para jockey akan meraikan kejayaan mereka di tempat lain pula dan dengan agenda lain pula. Percayalah YB Datuk Wee, anda akan melihat semua ini kelak, dan anda boleh membuat ianya sebagai suatu pengajaran dan iktibar kepada diri anda dalam perjalanan politik anda. Saya selaku seorang Melayu, atas rasa penuh malu dan kesedaran, memohon maaf kepada anda seorang saudara senegara saya yang daripada keturunan Cina diatas kepada pameran dan pamparan sikap, pe’el serta tabiat rakus kemelut politik muda bangsa saya ini. Seperti kata YB Datuk Seri Hishamuddin, kenapa hanya selepas enam tahun baru nak dikecohkan sebegini? Apakah agenda sebenarnya? Sebenarnya pembelajaran dalam Bahasa Inggeris adalah demi untuk memartabatkan bangsa kita dimata dunia kelak, demi anak-anak kecil yang akan mengharungi arus Wawasan 2020 kelak. Tetapi kuda dan jockey hari ini yang sudah mabuk perlumbaan tetap akan terpaksa berlumba juga, sebab itulah hakikat dan unsur batuan bagi kemaraan politik murahan mereka. Mulai daripada hari ini, segala karya Pak Samad telah juga dinodai oleh penulisnya sendiri – dan saya hanya mampu bersimpati dengan beliau. Ketulinan telah tercemar, nilainya sudah hilang juga akhirnya. Salam simpati.

  67. The melting down of the western economies.
    Finally TDM’s enunciation of the ‘fixed exchange rate’ against the ‘floating exchange rate’ has begun to see light in the corridors of the western powers.
    But the whole world have been stubborned enough to give their ears to this bright idea crystallised in the mind of none than TDM, who ‘single-handedly’ fought relentlessly amid the bitter opposing forces within and without, to rescue the near collapse of the economy of this country.
    That was the story which happened about 10 years ago, and had it not been for TDM’s brilliant idea and fighting spirit, I very much doubt that Malaysians could continue on living decently, and of course continue blogging like we are doing now.
    But this gem of brilliant idea, though thrown into the history of dustbin, either intently or otherwise continues to sparkle like a rare diamond.
    The western powers have begun to rationalise that the trillion of dollars, sterlings, euro or in whatever currency of bailouts are not going to work out. Their economies have been in tattered for allowing the financial systems to be littered with mountains and mountains of junk derivatives.
    Bailing of bad investments will see no end. The real fix-up to these rotten economies will go to the extend of ‘cutting off the hands’ of George Soros and his gangs, who see the opportunity to speculate and gamble in the name of everything which can be traded, chiefly from primary commodities to currencies.
    The only life-line to rescue the rotten western economies is to adopt and revive the brilliant idea, chiefly fixing the exchange rate of currencies, as enunciated by none other than TDM. Rush for that rare gem of diamond, though already thrown in the history of dustbin for it could save the crumbling of world economies.
    This brilliant TDM is a gift from God in our lifetime. Not only that he is gifted with brilliant mind but he too is gifted with good health and age.
    With the western economies already in tattered, and Malaysia is currently in tattered politically and very soon economically, I propose that TDM’s service is much needed by the country, and probably at the IMF too in order to stablise the economies worldly.
    Being an ordinary human being, not all efforts of TDM had guaranteed the desired results.
    A nation’s success cannot be attributed solely to one person but it’s the teamwork of the people. As already proven, TDM has had shown to be an effective leader, and with the hindsights for his shortcomings of the past, I believe TDM would be more careful to steer the country well at this point of time for the benefit of most Malaysians.

  68. The Islamic community must unite to gain strength to execute the commandments of God or to administer the world according to His desire. I call it community because we are not united. By uniting, we have the economy of scale. So, our utmost struggle is in uniting the Islamic community especially amongst the middle east countries. At present, the middle east countries is a symbol of Islamic disunity. It was once and suppose to be a symbol of unity for the whole world/ mankind.

  69. In Islam, God has declared war against those involved in such fraudulence financial activities or ‘riba’ in general (as stated in the holy Quran). The infidels are not excused and now are facing the blow. The muslim community/nation must take precaution. This as a reminder from God – do something with our current system – revamp our current practice and work in the Islamic way comprehensively. What is being done in Malaysia in particular is the other way round, i.e devising an Islamic financial instrument(just as an alternative) to fit into the current practice. The muslim nation/community today is like a small kid trying to run with only one of his two legs with the aid of an artificial leg because he was taught to do so. He will definitely fall at one point. He doesn’t know how to use his real legs together because he was trying to use them like an artificial leg.

    Mr Prime Minister, The Head of the Judiciary, the IGP and the AG please listen to me. This is Malaysia with 29 million people. We have a Government of the day. But are you aware that nothing seem to be right as at this moment. The people are quarrelling, the politicians are fighting among themselves, the crime rate seem to be out of control. The economy seem to be at a stand still Yet nobody seem to be neither concerned or interested nor are they taking proactive steps to do what has to be done. Right now the only thing we hear and read is about all the massive police reports being made by all kinds of concerned people. Is this not a sign that something is seriously wrong?
    The police seem to have lost sense of their direction. Where is the police force to curb and eradicate crime. Are human beings not entitled to live in peace and in harmony? Right now every household is scared stiff about their own safety not only on the roads but even in their own homes. Our sons are scared of kidnappers. Our daughters are worried if they would be the next victim of rapists or snatch thieves or robbers.. Our wives are equally scared if their home would be destroyed by terrorists in the guise of robbers and gangsters. Yet nobody and I repeat nobody is bothered. Not the least bit. When an MP brings out a certain problem in the Parliament the Speaker is disinterested in even hearing it as the Speaker is himself not bothered.
    Where is our Prime Minister now? I don

  71. HBT
    Thank you for your generous comments. Yes, we Malaysians all have to work hard but hardwork alone just won’t do it. Any meaningful and significant development and progress of the country can only take place if and when we have a responsible, hardworking, stable and smart government. As of now, HBT, when I see the list of some of the candidates that are gunning for the top posts in the coming UMNO election and the irresponsible antics of both the governing and the opposition state governments that we have, Chinua Achebe’s book title comes to mind, “Cry, Beloved Country”. Know what most of them have in common?
    “The end justifies the means”

  72. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Minta sedikit ruang Tun. Terima kasih.
    KUALA LUMPUR, (NST On line) SUN:
    More than 70,000 Bangladeshi workers are expected to arrive in Malaysia soon to take up employment in the plantation,construction and services sectors, the Labour Counsellor at the Bangladesh High Commission here, Talat Mahmud Khan, disclosed today.
    Please click on the http link below for more read on the subject.
    Dear Excellency Talat Mahmud Khan, thank you for stating that openly. We appreciate your frankness and candor spirits. Thank you again your Excellency. Best regards Kamal Ahmad.

  73. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Hari ini maka telah pun genap setahun daripada tarikh PRU12. Suatu titik dalam sejarah Malaysia yang tak perlu saya ulaskan disini lagi. Itu saja nak/mampu berkata tentangnya Tun. Saya rasa lebih baik saya dan rakan-rakan memberi tumpuan dan mengkaji lebih mendalam kepada cadangan Dinar Emas Tun buat masa sekarang. Ini lebih suci, realistik dan logik jika dibandingkan dengan jalan-jalan sempit dan terdesak bagi sesetengah mereka dalam percaturan politik UMNO hari ini. Wassalam Tun. – Ikhlas, Kamal.

  74. Pak Belalang,
    The article posted by Jebatmustdie (March 6, 2009) may be of some interest to you.
    Berita menarik di dalam Utusan Malaysia hari ini:
    ALOR SETAR 6 Mac.

  75. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
    You are almost right that financial crisis can’t be cured eventhough they bail out and nationalise all financial institutions when their banking phylosophy, operational and aim remain as status quo.
    Western government and their community will facing great stagflation where cost of living keep increase when production decrease but huge of money induce by their government will flood into their market will push-up the price. At same time unemployment rate increase when production institution not supported by financial system which collapse.
    Mohon keizinan YABhg Tun untuk saya memberi pandangan mengenai PPSMI.
    Sebagai seorang bapa yang mempunyai anak di tingkatan 1, darjah 6 dan darjah 4, saya terpanggil untuk komen mengenai tindakan segelintir sasterawan dan kononnya pejuang Bahasa Melayu berdemonstrasi di pintu masuk Istana Negara.
    Mereka lebih baik berjuang supaya penggunaan Bahasa Melayu diperbetulkan di papan tanda, pertuturan dalam drama TV, penggunaan istilah yang tepat dan bersopan di Parlimen, DUN, surat dan mesyuarat rasmi kerajaan serta syarikat kerajaan. Malah banyak lagi ruang yang mereka boleh perjuangkan untuk memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu.
    Pencemaran bahasa amat berleluasa tetapi tiada siapa peduli. Bahasa rojak, bahasa pasar, bahasa Melayu-Indon, bahasa SMS, bahasa remaja telah merosakkan Bahasa Melayu sering diguna pakai.
    Hampir tiada program memartabatkan bahasa Melayu oleh pejuang Bahasa. Yang kelihatan ialah hendak menjadi jaguh menghapuskan PPSMI.
    Sedarlah pejuang bahasa bahawa anda sendiri lemah dalam Sains dan Mathematik kerana ianya diajar dalam Bahasa Melayu. Institut Terjemahan Negara dan DBP tidak mampu mengeluarkan buku sains dan teknologi terkini didalam Bahasa Melayu.
    Pejuang bahasa hanya syok sendiri bersastera untuk halwa telinga. Ingatlah untuk menanam padi perlukan penguasaan ilmu sain pertanian. Menangkap ikan, menternak ayam, itik serta lembu perlukan teknologi. Bukannya bahasa berbunga, buahnya tiada.
    Bangsa lain ketawa gembira apabila Melayu lemas dalam isu bahasa.
    DSAAB nampaknya sokong pejuang bahasa kerana beliau berkelulusan sastera.
    Semoga PPSMI terus dilaksana untuk memajukan anak bangsa agar setaraf ilmuwan dunia. Jika tidak maka untunglah pencetak buku kerana dapat bisnes baru ketika rakyat tertekan dengan keadaan ekonomi semasa. Apakah sanggup pejuang bahasa menanggung kosnya!
    Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dan para bloggers dirahmati Allah.

  76. Salam Tun dan sekeluarga,
    Ada berita tergempar berlaku di Malaysia. Pengganti Tan sri P. Ramlee sebagai seniman agung Malaysia sebenarnya telah wujud…DAH LAMA DAH..! Nama beliau juga bermula dari P…iaitu P. LAH. Beliau benar-benar dapat mengembalikan nostalgia P. Ramlee kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Pada hari dan saat ini P. LAH layak digelar SENIMAN AGUNG, buktinya..
    Persamaan P. Ramlee & P. Lah
    P. Ramlee P. LAH
    Laksamana DO RE ME – sidang DUN Perak
    Kerajaan Fasola bersemayam dan pokok, memalukan
    Bermesyuarat di bawah pokok bukan saja Perak tapi
    Kita D Malaysia
    3 Abdul – Menantu dan penasihat Menantu dan penasihat
    gadai harta bapak mertua T4 Gadai habis harta
    negara/ orang melayu
    kepada Singapura
    Nujum Pak belalang – P. LAH suka main golf
    Raja Masai suka main dengan pembesar
    teka-teki hingga tergadai Singapura hingga
    negara tergadai Pulau batu
    Ahmad Albab – KJ kata – kemenangan
    P. RAmlee (syawal) kata – kekayaan dan jawatan ketua pemuda
    dan kebahagian rumah tangga terletak pada BAPAK
    terletak pada ALLAH bukan MERTUANYA ..P LAH
    bapa mertua (mansor al-buaya/tompel).
    Sebenarnya ada banayk lagi cerita P. LAH yang bukan saja sama tapi lebih hebat dari P. Ramlee. Mungkin lepas Mac ni P. LAH akan jadi pengarah, pelakun dan penyanyi atau ,mungkin sekarang ini P. LAH sudah pun berlakun ……

  77. Me and buddies from MCA and MIC and other components awaits the “Hero Return” ceremony after Pak Lah stepping down. All of us know damn well who is the hero we hope to return.
    Please dont let us down Tun by not returning. Again we awaits. Together we will abolish the lies and illusion that PKR have conjured. Together we shall cleanse the stains that have tainted our beloved party.
    It is ordained by heavens above, u belong to us all malaysians not just muslims. Resigning and walking away will be your greatest betrayal to all of us. It will be your last service for the people to bring us out from this circus. Make the old glad and make the young remember…
    We await for your return…..
    (sounds cheesy but that what i felt at the moment)

  78. saya setuju sangat dengan rahman. orang melayu kita ni cepat sangat melatah. Saya mengajar di sekolah tadika cina. Saya kagum semangat ibubapa dan anak-anak murid saya. Mereka gagah belajar bahasa Inggeris. Saya guru bahasa inggeris, jujur saya katakan di sini mereka tidak segan-segan langsung bertutur bahasa inggeris, tunggang langgang tapi boleh lah. lama-lama ok. Matematik pun dia orang diajar dalam dua bahasa. so they can understand both. Hari-hari kena drill buat latihan banyak-banyak. Memang boleh punya! ibu bapa pun very supportive. Tak give up. Susah-susah sangat buat sekolah lain-lain aliran bahasa. Ada melayu dan inggeris. Ibubapa boleh pilih nak hantar anak dia belajar sekolah mana. Orang cina rasanya bagi apa pun dia pulun, dia orang akan berusaha sampai boleh. tak buang masa berdemo. Masa yang ada dia orang buat revision. Pasal demo serah kat melayu. Dia orang cuma berdemo masa tol naik je. Baru nampak muka! Orang Melayu ni suka berdemo masa-masa lepas sembahyang jumaat. Agaknya masa sembahyang tu tak kyusuk langsung. sia-sia je. Orang patutnya lepas sembahyang dapat pahala, jadi lebih baik nak lebih berusaha nak capai kejayaan macam yang dilaung-laung dalam azan. Sudahlah, baik gunakan masa yang ada sama-sama belajar dengan anak-anak, bukak dictionary. Anak pun rasa bersemangat, tengok contoh baik, budak-budak belajar melalui contoh. Kalau tengok ibubapa dia orang protest macam ni, esok-esok dia orang pun jadi macam tu jugak. In 100 years to come tak ke mana. Jadi kaki bebal or bebai memanjang.

  79. YAB Tun,
    You have been strategic when you were at the helm. I always respect for what you have done sir. However, the leaders of the so called advanced nations were not at smart as you during that time and even today because I always believe as a muslim and malay you have always put keimanan in front of you when you make your decision. “Orang beriman” always makes firm decision.
    Do not feel vidicated because now in a global village where informations are flowing beyond borders and boundaries. I believe what you have done so far even now when you are no more the premier you are potraying “orang beriman” by making strategic comments that can be used by leaders who like to improve their leadership.
    You are more magnanimous now than ever before. Keep it up as global resource point or centre. I will continue to support your articles.

  80. Sir,
    1. When the laws undertake… to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society… have a right to complain of the injustice to their Government.
    2. That all the measures of the injustice government are directed to the purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
    3. To exasperate at once the extremes of luxury and want. They have exemplified the saying,

  81. PPSMI?dasar yang sebenarnya membuka mata diri saya tentang peri pentingnya orang melayu berfikiran maju ke hadapan.
    mengenepikan perasaan ‘syok sendiri’.
    dan tarikh 7/3/2009 menonjolkan sifat sebenar orang kita.
    terjerit-jerit di jalanan.
    dan seperti biasa kelibat ‘tokoh’ seperti mat sabu pun turut menjerit…
    dahulu dia berpantun…
    ‘wau-wau bulan,wau bulan teraju tiga’
    ‘siapa pangkah bulan dia masuk syurga’
    dan sekarang dia menjerit…’hapuskan PPSMI!!!’
    selepanya hilang di celahan manusia.
    dunia,dunia…politik tidak mengenal batasan.
    asalkan ada kredit yang boleh diraih…sesekali jangan dilepaskan.
    dan muda-mudi yang berpakaian putih atau merah,disaat diarah oleh pensyarah mereka untuk mnyiapkan tugasan,hari esok nak hantar,
    terkial-kial mencari teman yang sudah selesai,atau terus ‘copy & paste’ dari buku.
    sayang seribu kali sayang…para sasterawan mendapat dokongan orang-orang seperti ini.
    sayang seribu kali sayang…tanahair ini diwarisi makhluk-makhluk yang seumpama ini.

  82. Dear TUN,
    As a malaysian student who currently studying in oversea then reading this kind of sadness tht actually happen in my beloved country( in past 10 years, it’s unimaginable, this could rise in our nation), i would rather pretend im not a malaysian,it’s kind of relief when we in denial state!!.. really such an amazing turn down for malaysia right now, from the political, morality all become so mess up tht we might turn to become like indonesia one day( not an insult for the neighboring country but tht’s the truth, hey they have street demonstration so damn frequently till it desensitized you and dont care about it anymore). Are we heading to tht point? this is not going forward as the vision 2020 our Tun M aim for but im afraid we going backward to 0202 bc to the roman empire i presumed… the latest news i read about the PPSMI(is tht correct spelling? im trying to become ignorance here), Perak jumping and hoping,and STREET DEMOCRAZY AND SUED CRAZY( quoted crazy word from IGP, but im sort of agreed with him, the past 10 years, never heard ppl suing each other, having street demo, is this become our new culture??, wonder where or when do this all started, ouh yeah maybe after someone from tht ISA released out, im one of his fan during 1997-1999 “tragedy” when i thought he’s being framed but now i know, he’s the one who create and started the chaos we having nowadays,ouh dont sued me!!im sorry if any of his supporters reading this and im sure they would denied and denied their so called clean, respected leader is the one who started this culture ) then the one im really interested is in Kugan’s death.. im not haters or racist, im neutral here, but why suddenly when the so called suspect thief died during interogation became the hot news?? the whole indian community( perhaps, this is just assuming coz the MIC youth responding to it) condemn this? do you guys have or heard about car thief?? what they done to their victim? are we so much lose up our morality until the level to protect the villain while we question the right authority who helps us in prevent the crime?? ( yeah2, i know about the word innocent until proven guilty but hey there’re no such smoke w/o fire) . Just let the authority doin their job,tht’s their speciality, they good in doing wht they do. In US, dont think any suspect of villain question the FBI for arresting or shooting, they know tht somebody they knew already cross the line and get the hit by the authority so wth, just let it be.. here in malaysia, suprisingly is, the DOCTOR( forensic pathologic) and the POLICE is put on the brisk of being suspended…are we goin to suspend the authority for doing their job?im not saying doing job by killing or hiding the fact during postmortem of course in every ethical and professional doctor wont do tht.. dont be paranoid, schizo personality , if this keeps on so when they just let the villain away to the street and you get mugged, someone you know get killed by the villain, dont blame the police why they dont do their job right by letting dangerous man to the street, once more, i would like to emphasize here, im not haters or racist, this is just the morality concept,you dont make a big fuse about death of villain( yeah2, innocent till proven guilty), but this is my opinion as a student with so much passion of wht happen to my homeland while im away for study.. hope Tun would like to comment on this, thanx
    ps/ really dont get it wht happens to malaysia currently, disrespectful to sultan, playing the constitution card, question the malay rulers, but i know where the root of this problem is, it is one of your fav word TUN, ” MELAYU MUDAH LUPA” ( i know most of the so called penyokong anwar who so obses-compulsive with him is the local medical student under JPA scholar and usually from pantai timur, im not really get it why, maybe they would became another nizar or anwar in the future, wht kind of fate my generation would face next, im start to wonder………….

  83. assalamualaikum wbt…
    i agree for most of all your ideas… there is “BUT”…
    just my 2cent 🙂

  84. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Malaysia is one of the lucky and gifted country. If its finance is well managed, it will only suffer minor economic crisis as compared to our southern neighbor (Singapore) and many other countries.
    This is due to the economy of Malaysia is well balanced in terms of fundamental(natural)resources, production industries and service industries.
    The government, in its Economic Stimulus Packages, should try its level best to invest the funds rather than handing over the funds to its citizens.

  85. Tun:
    I am not surprised at all if these countries suddenly have billions or trillions coming out of no where (from our point of perspective) implementing their bailing-out maneuvers to revitalized their economy. None of these countries will ever reveal how much “Contingency Funds” they have but what matter most is the fact that they have to do whatever is necessary. Most surely, with their superb economists and financial experts, these countries knows what they are doing and I find it hard to swallow that they are copying your style when we were facing our “Economic Crisis”. Speaking too about being secretive, not many know of the fact that over in the West, we have a few Malays that are very successful to the extend that one of them could easily pay off all of our foreign national debts and even have money to spare to sponsor the next 3 coming “Malaysia Plans”. But you don’t find them listed in the Forbes. Finding it hard to believe? Don’t tell me that Ananda Krishnan is richer than Samy Vello because I will say it’s a Marco Polo.
    There is two ways in dominating a country namely, coming up with a pretext followed by a military invasion or attacking it’s economy. Iraq was a military invasion but what happened to South East Asia was an economic hit-job. You were smart enough to decline the advice as well as the monetary aid offered by the IMF and the World Bank unlike some of the other countries in this region. Later you came out with good ideas, for instance making Malaysia the automotive hub of SEA. But what had happen to your idea and Proton? Right now Thailand copied your idea and right now where’s the automotive hub of SEA located?
    Speaking about the poor countries becoming poorer, I am sure that you are aware that we are living in a very competitive environment where only the best will survive. So, Indonesia might be a poor country but if I am a Malaysian retired civil servant, I rather move to that country because I will live like a king even with my small Primary School teacher’s pension. The cost of living is cheap. Cigarettes? A 20 stick pack of Benson & Hedges cost far more less than in Malaysia. Yes, I know that smoking is NOT good for the health but can’t I make my own choice? I don’t have the money to smoke those Cuban cigars like many of our “rich folks”. Cigarettes is merely one of the poor man luxury and with each Budget Presentation at the parliament, everybody knows that is a norm that the tax on tobacco will keep on rising. By the way, formerly the cigarette companies not only are allowed to advertise or to sponsor i.e. the Malaysian Football League and it does cost them much. Now it is no longer allowed. Tell me, where does that money goes to? People are still smoking (so is my doctor).
    Coming back to the bailing-out maneuvers over in the West, let’s just be polite enough to just shut-up and hope that it will also help to revitalize our economy.
    Thank you Tun for giving me the opportunity to speak out, even if you or some of the readers might not agree to what I have said. But please defend my right to say it because I will defend your’s.

  86. Saya berdoa semoga pemimpin yang tak ikhlas dan tak mempunyai kelayakan mengurus ekonomi negara dan membenarkan kaum keluarga mengambil kesempatan atas kelemahan dirinya akan dilaknat Allah swt

  87. Assalamualaikum Tun!
    Ekonomi dunia sekarang berada di ambang kiamat, inilah tanda-tanda yang dunia ini akan kiamat tak bberapa lama lagi. Banyak tanda-tanda hari kiamat telah muncul dan x perlu nak diterangkan dengan panjang lebar lagi. Bersedialah untuk bertaubat nasuha sebelum ajal tiba!

  88. When I was a kid, i used to read on the Singapore Straits Times newpaper, featuring one of Tun Dr Mahathir favourite pastime: COOKING. It was published in somewhere around 1987. Ever since it inspired me to take up cooking as my pastime. So here I am, sharing my recipes with everyone through my blog.

  89. Sasterawan-sasterawan buat demo di Istana Negara. Bodoh stupid punya kerja.
    Sasterawan ini semuanya lemah cangok. Idea mereka sudah layu. Mereka ini hidup dalam khayalan. Mereka dah tak laku lagi di zaman ini , tapi sekarang kita perlu Melayu yang mempunyai otak global untuk menghadapi cabaran yang lebih getir lagi di masa akan datang.
    Untuk memperjuangkan bahasa Melayu bukan cara berdemo. Cara ini dah lapuk. Jadi bahan ketawa bangsa lain. Memalukan !! Intellectual Melayu berfikiran sempit.
    Melayu tidak harus kebelakang sibuk dengan memperjuangkan bahasa tak habis-habis.
    Kita patut memperjuangkan macam mana Melayu hendak hidup untuk kesejahteraan keluarga mereka.
    Melayu mesti maju bersama dengan teknologi modern yang memerlukan otak yang pintal dan glokal bukan otak kosong dengan khayalan alunan lagu, madah dan pujangga, siang dan malam, pagi dan petang. Tak ada economic value kepada kehidupan orang Melayu.

  90. salam TUN yg masih sihat he he
    skrg kite tengok saje lah Ayam jaguh MATA LEBAM tu… senyap sepi
    kalu tidak, dia la yg berkokok masa Polisi TUN suruh bailout
    mengatakan kroni la nepotisma la.. dan la la lah
    kalu pun BN ditakdirkan kalah pada PRU akan dtg nanti, PR pasti lintang pukang nak selamatkan ekonomi… time tu baru la rakyat tau, kalau pandai cakap saje, belum tentu boleh buat..
    takpe TUN.. sy doakan panjang umo lagi supaya boleh tgk sandiwara politik malaysia
    Fazly Mohd
    Kota anggeriks

  91. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Sebaik-baik orang kafir pasti tiada imannya.
    Seburuk-buruk Muslim pasti ada iman dan agamanya.
    Tapi Presiden Barrack Obama kelihatan mempunyai keimanannya.Walau bukan Muslim.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  92. Ayanhanda Tun,
    Our local news had informed that there are some relationships between our local leader (it must be Pak Lah & Anwar Ibrahim because they must have signed up many agreements that they need to pay penalty due to this financial meltdown) and the decromatic party of USA. I think alot of our people believe that it is a conspiracy to bring down Anwar Ibrahim, and of course Pak Lah.
    Believe me, one of US foreign diplomacy policy is to interfere any country that does not bind to their so-called democracy (I mean the double standard kind of democracy). Bush told his cabinet to come with a speech to invade Iraq or Iran since these countries hold the world oil fields, and he believed that he is a servant to Jesus Christ and he wanted to see justice to be done.
    Bush is a nerd who cannot differentiate Iran and Iraq, Wu (China leader Mr Wu Jintao) and Who. He said, “I don’t care whether is Iraq or Iran, just give me the facts”. Ms Rice told him that USA cannot invade Iran because Iran government is chosen by the people, thus it is a democratic country. So, he said, if that’s the case, let us invade Iraq, this damn Saddam Hussein had tried to kill my father.
    That is why we are now watching street demonstrations on the minor issue of English teaching in Science and Mathematic. If our government and people do not act wisely, USA will be suceeded in creating an opportunity for Obama to interfere and oppress our government. Please be calm, and put your comment in chedet weblog to let the world read and know that Malaysia is indeed a democratic country. Anwar Ibrahim is the liar, a traitor to the country and Pak Lah is a fool who cannot monitor his son in law KJ (Korap Jantan lah).
    Tun, I know you are wise and this is one of the reasons why is created. Thank you once again for saving us from the USA’s mess.
    Good night.
    P/S: To Mr Hanan, there won’t be any WW 3 because China and North Korea are the threats to United States of America because they have suceeded in creating the nuclear bomb. Mr Hanan, I believe that there will be more suicude bombing in Gaza because of hatred and frustration. I can feel their anger and fury. Put yourself in their shoes, what would you do if the ENEMY who damaged your land, killed your love ones, your relatives and the people become your government. A normal human being will rather commit suicide bombing to make sure they can kill as many as they could before they die because they have lost hope to be alive in the world. Please take care and all the best to you.

    8. The collapse of the economies of the rich countries is due to extensive abuses of the financial and monetary systems so much so that the systems broke down completely. I doubt (not being an expert I can only doubt) that the trillions of dollars to bail out the failed banks and financial institutions will enable them or their economies to recover.

  94. Dear Tun,
    Sasterawan-saterawan buat demonstrasi di istana negara macam orang gila.
    Very unintellectual. Shameful, indeed. Memalukan bangsa Melayu.
    Menjijikan !! Mana maruah mereka? Maruah mereka dah masuk dalam “tong taik”.
    I am not a part of these stupid people calling themselves intellectual.

  95. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    //By Rahman on March 5, 2009 11:04 AM//
    Dear Sdr Rahman,
    You right, what’s the point of translating BI to BM dengan memelayukan perkataan itu dengan penukaran ejaan saja. Furthermore, Science and Mathematic have nothing to with “kesasterawan” and we have to learn and memorize all technical words and defination if we choose these subjects. Why do we want to let our students suffer?
    In reality, many of these “si sasterwan” in the world are the most irresponsible people who do not care for other people’s feeling including his/her family, kononnya mereka ini adalah insan yang bersikap kool atau “cool” in BI. Apapun, kita biar pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan yang tegas terhadap golongan ini.
    In 1998, Anwar Ibrahim used his slogan “REFORMASI”, another word translated from BI – REFORMATION, they accepted, and now why they go against it. I guess the best word to descibe these bunch of malays is “MELAYU MUDAH LUPA”. All I can see it that they have the same attitude with Anwar Ibrahim – dia buat boleh, orang lain buat tak boleh, mengada-gada, ish…
    Good night and all the best.
    Good night Ayahanda Tun.

  96. salam tun,
    u shld have patented bail-out as way to rescue to your name !
    imagine the fees as now that the western govt r doing the same thing

  97. Yang di kasehi Tun,assallammuallaikum,sihat selalu hendak nya.
    pertama perdana menteri wanita, salepas menatu, putih & hitam lupa returunan jenis bangsat, samsu & todi, cawat & bertocang, ma-cin-ta berbahasa london, pelik – makan suap – dr. paku karat.

  98. Tun Dr M,
    Saya amat terpegun dgn nukilan Tun. You are really my Prime Minister. I was born on 1979, When I start to know how to read and for 22 years you had been my PM.
    Saya sentiasa bandingkan pemikiran YABhg TUN dengan YAB PAK LAH ternyata jauh sangat.Antaranya Tun Bijak merancakkan ekonomi, antara yang memberi kesan kepada negara adalah penekanan Tun kepada Industri Pelancongan. Saya adalah salah seorang pengusaha aktiviti pelancongan, kerana pada waktu Tun industri ini banyak memberi manfaat kepada negara dan rakyat. Dasar-dasar Tun dlm aktiviti ekonomi amat kami rindui. On the ground di kalangan pengusaha kecil dalam industri pelancongan kami sering melihat kepada zaman Tun dan Zaman Pak Lah. Terima Kasih Tun.

  99. 1,000 protest against use of English for teaching Mathematics and Science
    By : Alang Bendahara
    Protesters against the use of English in teaching of Mathematics and Science in schools marching to the Istana Negara.
    About 1,000 people are defying police blockade at Masjid Negara and marching on the streets to Istana Negara to hand over a memorandum protesting the use of English in teaching of Mathematics and Science in schools.
    The protest which started in the late morning caused massive jams along Jalan Kinabalu. Several participants were arrested.
    Two representativer handed over the memorandum to an Istana Negara official at 2.50pm. Most of the protesters then headed back to the Masjid Negara. There were reports that tear gas and water cannons had been used. More details to follow.
    No,no,no !! The government must continue the use of English in science and mathematics. No turning back. It is for the benefit of the rakyat especially the Malays.
    Melayu jangan jadi bangsa yang lemah takut menempoh cabaran. Saya inginkan anak cucu saya lebih pandai lagi dari saya. Pengunaan Bahasa Inggeris akan meningkatkan lagi kualiti hidup anak cucu saya.
    Terimalah hakikat ini.

  100. Dear Tun,
    I think Najib must be brave enough to tell the “perwakilan” who are the right people to be included in his team. He has no choice but to lead the perwakilan to be rational in choosing new UMNO leaders. If he fails to give the hint whom he wants the leaders to be in his team then I feel Najib would be facing serious problems to make drastic changes to UMNO.
    UMNO cannot afford to have corrupted, haprak and HP6 leaders. It will be disastrous!!
    Ada setengah perwakilan telah pun dibeli dengan wang beribu-ribu ringgit untuk menentukan bahawa pemimpin yang merasuah dapat kemenagan dalam pemilihan.

  101. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    To print that kinda of words, like what you have stated in this posting. I felt rather it’s not that simple, if it were to be a lay man, like myself for instance..!!
    You sum it well.., I guess..!!!
    It shows that, you’re still prevail in this land call Malaysia…!!
    There’s no doubt about that..!!
    Thank you Tun, and please do keep on, those ‘golden words of yours’…coming.
    There’s still lots of ears out here..ever ready to listen,to what ever kind of advice you have to say..!!
    Wasalam from Don B.Jeles…a voter for this PRK P059 Bkt.Gantang on April 07th.2009..!!

  102. Salam Ayahanda,
    //By Puteri Tanjung on March 5, 2009 10:35 PM
    YAB Tun and readers,
    This was what George Soros said at Columbia University:
    “The seriousness of the crisis cannot be exaggerated. The closest comparison that I can think of is actually the collapse of the Soviet Union.”//
    Dear Puteri Tanjung,
    This is indeed good news for Asia. The Georgie Greedy Empire is pulling out from Asia and they have failed terribly. Don’t panic and do nothing, just waited out for the storm to end, not long from now, and their next target will be Soviet Union.
    To his followers especially our Anwar, KJ, father and son of Bodowi inculuding the Lim’s father & son, excludes Mr Karpal Sing (he is a man of honour and priciple, I respect him though he is a hot temper man), are trying to create chaos in our country so that they can topple our government using USA as their bait. Let our police, FRU and court to do their jobs and they are paid to protect our King, country and the rakyat.
    Most importantly, let us work hard to make sure Pak Lah and his AK are out from Putrajaya as soon as possible. Take care Puteri and may god bless you and your family.
    Till then Tun.

  103. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa di rahmati Allah. In the event of current economic scenario, government (including opposition party) should be more focused on to overcome the situation. Both parties should work together. I’m not an expert but govn should implement a drastic action before it getting worse. I’ve notice that the oppsition party hardly need a power…what is all about? Common guys, the Malaysian had suffered enough through out those years…rebut-rebut kuasa for what? That hard-up ahh…u all till to the extent of “meeting bawah pokok pun jadi”…mak bapak u all must be really dissapointed dengan perangai anak-anak dia yang orang gila kuasa to show off their power….Pls la there are many many generations yang nak hidup in peace in the future like your children and grand grand children maa…Asyik rebut kuasa, gaduh and bertekak kat parliament what did u all get? Overcome the economic turmoil for the benefit of Malaysian rather than your personal benefit..dah kaya nak kaya lagi…Actually this is the main objective for these opposition party and some of BN member which I think they have their own personal agenda to become more richer and richer ( I think). I never see they really sincere towards what they said…
    l work together in the

  104. salam tun
    pada hemat saya segala yg terjadi pd masa kini semuanya adalah ujian dari yg maha esa utk menguji umt islam khususnya&melayu amnya
    namun apa yg penting adalah kita sebagai saudara seagama haruslah bersatu serta jgn menyebarkan khabar angin yg blm sahih kebenaranya

  105. Salam Ayahanda,
    Izinkan saya mengucap ribuan terima kasih kepada “By baiduri.z on March 5, 2009 10:16 AM” yang sudi berkongsi sama bloggers artikel dari “Nor Mohamed Yakcop (23rd. October, 2003), our current Deputy Finance Minister.
    What Nor Mohamed Yakcop wrote is similar to the book written by Mahathir Mohamad – THE MALAYSIAN CURRENCY CRISIS How and Why It happened. Yes, I agreed with Nor Mohamad Yakcop, Malaysia was saved from the crisis by Tun’s sincerity, high moral value and willingness to shoulder the burdens and reponsibilities with no fear. I was touched by Tun’s speech in PAU, live telecasted in TV, that had made me respect Tun until today, a speech that I can never forget. This is why all my comments show my displeasure to that “damn Bodoh PM, son and his bast..rd KJ and his koncu2 including MCA and Gerakan who were trying to push all the blame to our beloved PM.
    Once again, thank you, Baiduri for your sincerity in sharing the article with us, it touched my heart.
    Take care Tun, may god bless you.

  106. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Looking at the very present political scenario that

  107. Salam Tun,
    Semoga tun sihat alhamdulillah. Saya sokong dengan comment suadara Rahman….Bahasa Inggeris adalah global sehingga Jepun serta Indonesia yang begitu kuat dengan adat resam, budaya serta bahasa mereka pun perlu menguasai Bahasa Inggeris di dalam persidangan-persidangan dunia.
    Menguasai Bahasa Inggeris bukan bermakna mengenepikan Bahasa Melayu. Dulu sibuk dengan bahasa baku lepas tu senyap….apa sebenarnya yang dia orang nak….Berbalik dengan pengajaran subjek Maths & Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Pada pandangan saya ia adalah salah satu pendekatan (method) untuk menguasai Bahasa Inggeris. Anak melayu tidak boleh pergi jauh tanpa penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris. Ini berlaku depan mata saya, graduan yang berkelusan dari universiti tempatan yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris di dalam hampir semua subjek akan lebih ‘excell’ di dalam dunia pekerjaannya. Berbanding dengan graduan dari universiti tempatan yang mana bahasa penghantarnya adalah Bahasa Melayu. Banyak paper work terutama di sektor swasta menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai ‘intermidiate’. Saya sendiri bekas graduan IPTA yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris di dalam hampir semua subjek. Saya tak kata saya bagus tapi perbezaan amat ketara lebih-lebih lagi bila terpaksa membuat paper work untuk presentation. Harap Tun boleh luahkan pendapat Tun.
    Apa pun saya masih lagi fasih berbahasa Melayu seperti orang lain….

  108. Dearest Tun,
    This is the end of the road for western capitalism as we know it……Malaysia too is impacted by what is happening in the world today…..we must go back to Islamic way of trading, finance and businesses…… to safe us from total collapse which the western world are facing now…..the US unemployment rate has reached 8.1%, in February 2009 alone more than 650,000 workers lost their job in the US…..China also facing the same effect with many factories closed down……!!!!

  109. Ayahanda,
    Saya sokong komentar cucu tok buyung March 6, 2009 12:57 PM mengenai pingat darjah kebesaran ini.
    Pemberian pingat ini terlalu diambil mudah tanpa ditapis kewibawaan calon2 penerima pingat.
    Saya hanya ingin menceritakan pengalaman saya.
    Tahun lepas suami saya yang bekerja dgn kerajaan telah malu alah dan menerima penganugerah pingat selepas beberapa kali/tahun dia menolak pencalonannya. Di majlis itu, saya dapati terlalu ramai (hampir 80%, pada congakan saya) penerima2 pingat adalah bangsa asing. Dan hampir kesemua mereka itu muda belia belaka yg terdiri dari pihak pembangkang. Dan ketika bertegur sapa, orang di sebelah kiri dan kanan yang bukan melayu berkata “Ini time mesti angkat itu semua pingat kasi kita orang. Dulu election kita ada kerja, ada kasi luui (duit), ada tolong ma..”. Nanar kami mendengarnya. Tapi apakan daya, telan sahaja la sbb bangsa asing yg berkuasa di negeri ini.. malangnya.
    Pemilihan calon dan pemberian pingat menjadi lebih cincai ketika PR berkuasa. Ya, mmg mereka kurangkan jumlah pingat tahun ini, tapi penerima2nya, alahai..
    Ada seorg penerima pingat yg amat saya kenali, yg punyalah kaki perempuan, kaki penipu, berhutang sana sini, pun boleh mendapat pingat dan yang paling kelakar dia mendapat Pingat Kelakuan Terpuji (PKT). MasyaAllah, terpuji ke kelakuan dia yg sebegitu? Tapi sbb dia kaya, apa pun OK.. Tahun depan dpt Datuk le agaknya. Biarlah, itu urusan dunia.
    Pada saya, pada masa kini, “Datuk” dah tak dipandang tinggi lagi kerana SESETENGAH pemilihan bukan dibuat kerana ketokohan dan jasa tapi sekadar kerajaan negeri membodek seseorg supaya tahun depan “tolong”lah lagi.
    Mungkin ada yg berkata sama sahaja ketika BN memerintah. Tak tahulah saya, tapi itulah keadaannya tahun lepas.
    Aduh, sedihnya kerana di penghujungnya, Raja Melayu kita juga yang dipersendakan oleh bangsa asing dan sekarang oleh sesetengah Melayu sendiri.
    Entahlah. Apakah kita hanya akan menang bersorak tapi kampung tergadai? Pasti mereka bertepuk tangan sekarang dan memanjangkan langkah lagi. Kita?

  110. TS Noor Mohd Yaakop semasa keje bawah Tun punyala bagus kpl dia. Tp bl jd je org politik hbsla. Serupa jg klau uztaz dh msuk politik lingkup gak. Menteri kewangan kedua sepatutnya bkn terdiri dr politician.

  111. Tun,
    Nothing wrong with capitalism, free market, nationalism, globalization, protectionism, as along as following God’s rules. World belongs to God.
    It’s just about a number of people who overly greedy for worldly possession. They develop their own rules to conquer the world. They’re changing God’s rules in accordance with their need and saying it’s from God. They’re empowering their proxy to execute and to shout ‘for the sake of human being, peace, justice and new world’.
    Since most of God’s rules have not been followed…. then, sooner or later, it will lead to chaos, catastrophe, natural disaster in every part of the world. It will definitely affect mankind.
    Don’t they care for…….? It seems they just care for themselves. So, should someone save their soul in order to save the world and mankind, or….???

  112. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. This has gone mostly unnoticed in, but I wish to say that our Police (PDRM) has been taking a lot of pro-active measures in pre-emptying organized crime activities across the nation. Keeping the country safe, and making it safer for all of us law abiding citizens. This is a much welcomed change indeed. Well done; are words all we could say, as ambassadors of our appreciation for our most sincere form of gratitude to our unsung heroes in blue. The nation owes them a lot more than readily acknowledged. Thank you.

  113. Salam Tun,
    Puteri Tanjung dapat berita interesting , betulkah semua tu Tun?
    Kenapa Tun Pecat ANI AROP dari TNB?
    Saya hendak dapat kontrak kecil pun susah.
    Bukan hendak jadi Jutawan cuma hendak hidup.

  114. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Nampaknya miggu ni, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcob punya turn kena

  115. Call to restore Malay rulers’ immunity
    ALOR STAR: The Kedah Royal House Association is calling for the immunity of Malay rulers to be restored.
    Its president, Datuk Tengku Zainol Rashid Tengku Yahya, said this was vital in light of the unscrupulous actions by some quarters in mocking and belittling the Malay rulers.
    “We will ask the Conference of Rulers to seek the restoration of immunity for the rulers.
    “We need this because some quarters have sneered at the rulers while others had even criticised them,” he said after the flagging off of participants in a treasure hunt from here to Hat Yai by Sultan of Kedah Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah.
    Present was Sultanah Haminah Hamidun.
    Participants in 45 cars took part in the annual event which was organised by the association.
    Tengku Zainol warned politicians against ridiculing the rulers or exploiting the monarchy.
    “We need to restore the immunity of our rulers which was taken away from them when the Constitution was amended in 1993.
    “Our rulers are the pillars of strength and protectors of the people. We shall not tolerate any more action to ridicule or criticise them.”
    Tengku Zainol later led some 100 people, including the participants, in pledging their loyalty to the sultan and other Malay rulers.
    He said a gathering, involving some 250 non-governmental organisations to express loyalty to Malay rulers, would be held in Kuala Lumpur soon.
    Yes, I think we should look into this matter seriously.
    I am in favour for the immunity of the Malay rulers to be restored. It seems there are people, particularly, the irresponsible politicians taking advantage with bad faith to ridicule, exploit and criticize openly the rulers to promote their politcal interest.
    It is unbecoming for these “dungus” to blatantly disregard the feelings and sensitivities of the royalty who is being regarded by the Malays as their “PAYONG” and as a sacred institution for centuries which they treasure very much.
    If we do not check this trend of being disrespectful to the rulers I am afraid soon there will be chaos. Make no mistake about it. Prevention is better than cure.
    Lately,some irresponsible politicians have shown their “BELANG” like Karpal Singh who is so “kurang ajar” daring enough wanting to challenge the Sultan’s wisdom. This is tantamount to “menderhaka” as far as the Malay culture and tradition are concerned.
    I think now the rakyat should be appreciative enough to look upon the Sultans as a symbol of unity. Our Sultans are now much more educated and they have the wisdom to execute their responsibilities as constitutional monarchs with flying colours.
    The present set of Sultans are not “pariah” like Karpal Singh who is behaving arrogantly to the extent of claiming himself to be “King”. Podaaah !!!
    I am a strong advocate of the monarchy system. It is a beautiful institution having an atmosphere of deep Malay tradition and culture and ww must treasure this instutution as our heritage at all costs.
    Now is the time for us to reflect whether the present political scenario that is happening in Perak has caused damage to the royal institution. If so, I think the rakyat owe a public apology to all the Sultans not only the Sultan of Perak and rally behind the Sultans.
    I would suggest the Federal Governmet take the initiative to organise a massive rally pledging respect, support and allegience to the Sultans.
    GET IT DONE !!!
    Daulat Tuanku !
    Daulat Tuanku !
    Daulat Tuanku !
    Daulat Tuanku !
    Daulat Tuanku !
    Daulat Tuanku !
    Daulat Tuanku !

  116. TUN.
    Ahli UMNO sedang bersiap sedia di hari2 akhir menjelang langsung nya acara kemuncak perhimpunan setelah pelbagai liku2 dan cabaran yang ditempuhi parti dan ahli2 nya. Harapan ia nya akan berjalan lancar mengikut jadual. InshaAllah. Dan bergitu juga debaran pada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang akan sama2 turut serta melihat dan mengikuti peristiwa kemuncak nya setelah pelbagai andaian, ramalan, tilikan , fitnah,tohmahan keatas calun2 di semua peringkat.
    Politik Umno adalah penentu perjalanan dan corak politik tanah air. Segala keputusan bakal berlaku pada PAU kali ini akan menentukan hala tuju UMNO dan pemerintahan nya. Keputusan nya amat penting tidak saja untuk ahli UMNO dan BN tapi juga pada keseluruhan struktur kerajaan Malaysia untuk meneruskan survival pemerintahan nya.
    TUN, izinkan saya merumuskan dan menyentuh sedikit keatas calun2 yang bertanding.
    Saya amat tertarik akan calun2 Ketua Pegerakan Pemuda. Ada tiga nama besar bakal berebut jawatan yang penting dalam haraki UMNO.
    Sesiapa yang berjaya di peringkat ini boleh lah dikatakan kerjaya politik nya dalam UMNO dan akan punyai masa depan. Kerana ia selalu dilihat satu platform untuk meneruskan cabaran di peringkat seterus nya. Boleh lah dikatakan sebagai 2nd.liner dalam pucuk pimpinan UMNO. Pengaruh dalam pergerakan ini amat kuat.
    Justeru itu lah kita melihat tiga nama besar dalam pegerakan itu berebut tempat yang dikosongkan DSH.
    DSKT adalah exco pemuda yang telah berjaya mendapat undi tertinggi pada PAU yang lalu.(Itu dulu) Pencabar yang harus diberi perhatian.
    DMTM seorang lagi exco kanan pergerakan dan juga MP yang punyai pengaruh tersendiri dan dilihat calun favourite.
    Dan KJ penyandang NKP dilihat calun yang berbekalkan Trade mark sebagai menantu PM. Atau pun lebih tepat menantu bakal mantan PM.
    Sudah pasti ketiga2 mereka ini punyai wawasan tersendiri untuk membina kekuatan pergerakan dalam semua aspek. Bergitu lah yang di war2kan semasa memperkenal diri.
    Tapi ahli2 terutama para perwakilan tentu lah lebih bijak dan arif siapakah yang benar2 layak untuk memikul tanggung jawab ini.
    Saya ingin melihat DSKT niat dan hasrat tersirat nya untuk mengepalai pergerakan ini dari sudut poltikal survival nya.
    Beliau pernah menjadi MB Selangor sebelum PRU12. Namun nasib BN tidak baik di Selangor. Kini beliau hanya seorang ketua pembangkang dalam DUN Selangor. Ini menyedari beliau kedudukan ini tidak akan memberi jaminan untuk masa depan politik nya. Walaupun BN berjaya merampas semula Selangor dari PR pada PRU akan datang.
    Justeru hanya menduduki KP beliau akan dapat meneruskan perjalanan politik nya.
    Untuk lebih adil, DSKT tidak lah boleh dinilaikan ada kekurangan kriteria sebgai KP. Kekalah BN di Selangor bukan lah disebabkan hanya faktor beliau. Semua rakyat Malaysia dah tahu punca nya penolakan rakyat pada BN pada PRU yang lalu. Sebgai bekas MB beliau cukup berpengalaman dan punyai wawasan yang jelas.
    KJ sebagaimana telah ditakdirkan telah menjadi menantu Pak Lah. Walaupun baru merangkak dalam politik UMNO beliau bergitu cepat berlari dan mendaki. Seorang opurtunis. Melihat peluang yang terbuka, Pak mertua seorang PM. Terlalu rakus dan mengunakan setiap peluang yang ada untuk membina landasan politik nya.Bukan penghematan saya seorang tapi Semua orang tahu kebenaran perkara ini. Bukan kata beliau tidak punyai aura atau wawasan dalam politik. Seorang terpelajar lulusan Oxford pulak tu, beliau dilihat cepat belajar berpolitik. Tapi beliau ada sedikit kegopohan. Anak muda, darah muda, cepat bergelora. Ini tidak baik untuk menjadi pemimpin. dan ada juga gambaran yang lain yang kurang sehat dalam keperbadian nya. Dan juga ada perkara yang maseh diragui atau dicurigai dalam kejujuran dan keikhlasan dalam perjalanan politik nya.
    KJ sudah pasti mahukan teramat sangat akan kerusi ini kerana ini lah saja peluang yang akan menentukan kerjaya politik nya. Selepas ini Pak lah dah tak boleh membantu nya jika ia gagal mengatur langkah seterus nya.
    Datuk Mukhriz. Pada awal pencalunan telah dilihat sebagai calun favorit. Punyai watak yang consistent dalam keputusan yang di ambil. Namun beliau agak kurang dapat liputan yang luas dalam politik kerana hanya seorang exco pemuda dan beliau tidak juga dilihat sebagai anak mantan PM TDM. Beliau membina politik nya tanpa sokongan dari ayahanda nya secara direct atau terbuka. Beliau maseh ‘suci’. Maseh berseh dari sebarang kontroversi. kalu adapun sedikit hangat diwaktu beliau dengan ikhlas dan jujur mendesak Pak Lah meletak jawatan selepas PRU yang lalu. Saya yakin atas rentetan desakan itu lah Pak Lah telah akur untuk meletak jawatan pada PAU kali ini.
    Dan saya juga yakin dah pasti beliau punyai bakat,karisma dan kekuatan dalaman diri nya yang kuat untuk berjuang dalam UMNO. Sifat bergini ini sudah tentu ada dalam diri nya. Pasti lah ada antara sifat2 kecermelangan yang telah diwarisi dari kecermelangan ayahanda nya. Beliau patut di beri peluang untuk memimpin pergerakan pemuda.
    Apa2 pun segala nya terpulang lah pada para perwakilan yang akan menetukan pemilihan yang telah diamahkan ahli akar umbi calun yang mereka kehendaki. Yang bukan ahli hanya mampu menerima keputusan itu. Sama ada suka atau tak suka akan apa2 keputusan yang bakal berlaku bukanlah hak pada yang bukan ahli.

  117. Dear Tun,
    Salam from the UK. I have seen how the economy crisis affected our country and now I am living in the UK seeing what’s happening is realy depressing and worrying. I work as a GP and has got my own clinic probably the only Malay Malaysian doctor who is running a single handed practice in the UK (I may be wrong).I have realised that your comments towards western countries tend to be pessimistic. May i know why? I belief that this is the “world’s nature” for the economy to be up and downs.I am not talking about facts here and not intended to, because I think its everyone’s guess.Great talk you gave to us that day……really admire you…

  118. that is superbly brilliant!!!…your explanation is far more better than the one who called themselves economic experts..well said Tun!!


  120. To Dr. Mahathir, from his old friends in the LaRouche movement,
    I read with delight your comments of March 5, and the 2003
    report by Nor Mohamed Yakcop about his collaboration with you in
    the 1997 events, as posted by one of your supporters. As you
    know, we at EIR (Executive Intelligence Review ) spread your words
    and your policies internationally in those difficult but
    inspiring years, both through the articles Gail and I wrote,
    through posting your speeches directly, and through several
    interviews (see , at a time that most of the world was following George
    Soros and his fellow British imperial hedge fund speculators in
    denouncing you as a traitor to the “Washington consensus” of free
    trade and globalization, who would destroy his country through
    such reckless deeds. History has shown who was right, and who has
    dragged the world along into the current descent into Hell.
    I wish to note that your most profound insight at the time
    was that your actions were temporary at best, and limited to a
    defense of your nation from international speculators, but that
    neither Malaysia nor any nation could long survive if the leading
    powers did not reverse the policy of floating exchange rates,
    financial deregulation and untrammeled speculation through hedge
    funds and derivatives. Now, no nation can survive this systemic
    collapse, unless a totally new system is instituted rapidly (See
    “How London Goes Down,” By Lyndon LaRouche,
    Your recent comments of March 5 are correct in noting that
    the global crisis today is different from that which Asia faced
    in 1997-98, since the Asian debts which went bad at that time
    were largely viable investments in real economic enterprises,
    caught up in the crushing grip of the speculation against your
    currency. Indeed, the bad debts today are not “good investments
    gone bad,” which may someday recover, but rather, constitute over
    a thousand trillion dollars in worthless derivatives – literally
    gambling debts – with no real physical entities underneath them.
    They will never recover, and attempting to bail them out will
    only add more unpayable debt to the bubble, driving the world
    toward a new dark age.
    I hope, however, that you will be proven wrong in stating that the
    advanced industrial nations “will not be restored,” although you are
    certainly right that the bail out will not achieve that end, but only make things worse. But the proposal of Lyndon LaRouche, to use
    Constitutional methods similar to those of Franklin Roosevelt in the 1933 depression, are now on the table, and the subject of intense debate within the new Obama Administration in Washington and in the corridors of power around the world. This proposal calls for placing the
    entire banking system under bankruptcy protection, just as
    Roosevelt imposed a “banking holiday” in 1933, clearing out the
    derivatives and related junk, freezing it altogether, and
    reconstituting the viable savings and investments of those banks
    as a basis for new, federal credits under a government-owned
    National Bank (not a private Central Bank), issuing credits for
    industry, agriculture, infrastructure and other purposes required
    for the general welfare. The hedge funds and the private
    investment funds will undoubtedly collapse – and good riddance –
    but the chartered banks must be preserved, under strict federal
    The “floating exchange rates” must be eliminated, setting
    all currencies at fixed values, as you did for your nation in
    1998, so that long term investments in infrastructure and
    industry can be safely undertaken without fear of the currency
    speculators. Fixed rates worked from 1945 until 1971, when the
    Bretton Woods agreements were scrapped by the Nixon
    Administration, unleashing the global casino of currency trading.
    The “New Bretton Woods,” a policy proposed by LaRouche, and
    supported by you and thousands of others in the late 1990s (see, is
    the only option available to stop the breathtaking collapse we
    see sweeping the world today. In particular, the great Eurasian
    powers of Russia, China and India must be encouraged to
    participate, while the call for a “super IMF” being proposed by
    Britain’s Gordon Brown, to establish a new centralized control
    over the banking systems of sovereign nations in order to save
    the bankrupt international financial institutions, must be
    relegated to the dustbin of history, along with the British
    This can and must be achieved, to create a new global Renaissance,
    based on nuclear technologies, revolutions in food production,
    and a recommitment to the principle that all men and women are
    created equal, in the image of God, based on their inherent
    creative potentials. Your global leadership in this effort is
    needed today even more than it was in the last decade, and we
    welcome your recent rededication to that cause.
    Your friends, Mike and Gail Billington, for the
    international LaRouche movement.

  121. Tun Mahathir Mohamad,
    It is seems clear that today’s economy crisis would be worst than 1997-98. Thus, this crisis, in my opinion would later on effect the growth of developing country such malaysia.
    Furthermore, your Vision 2020 that being once appraise would be vanish. Since you have resign in 2003, the Vision 2020 never been heard anymore from the mouth of any leader.
    Apparently, the reason is just one. You dont have the POWER than you are gone.
    My suggestion, you and your son should collaborate to ensure that the flame of spirit that last time being announce by yourgoodself is continued. Either by campaign or by seminars.
    Last but not least, I just feel that our country is in Autocruise mode by Pak Lah,that had been setup earlier by your good self.
    The Fuhrer’e

  122. As’kum Ayahnda Tun,
    harap Ayahnda Tun sekeluarga sentiasa
    dilindungi dan dirahmati Allah.
    Bila baca komen Tun dan situasi semasa yang tak menentu,sampai bila nak pulih pun tak tau,teringat arwah mak saya yang cukup beringat anak cucu dia bila suka buang baju lama,dia kata hampa tak pernah rasa susah zaman jepun,masa tu susah sampai kain guni pun orang potong buat baju,kena la belajar makan ubi kayu,tapi yang susah la ni ubi kayu pun kena beli.
    Think about it bagus juga biar generasi la ni rasa susah,kalau tidak perkataan susah tu dia orang tak paham tak pernah experiance,baru ada act of survival,ni yang dia orang kenal,ayam kenturky.
    Be prepare for the worse,
    Expect the unexpected,dont take thing for granted.
    Went the going get tough,the tough get going

  123. TUN,

  124. Najib Cautions Against Blindly Rejecting Globalisation
    PUTRAJAYA, March 6 (Bernama) — Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today the people, while striving to empower the Malay language, should not be too obsessed with rejecting elements of other civilisations which can enrich the knowledge, technology and culture of the Malays.
    He said that in facing globalisation, it was important to have a rational attitude and consideration in harnessing the logical benefits instead of blindly rejecting globalisation.
    “It must be remembered that language is the soul of the nation. Mastering foreign languages does not necessarily erode an individual’s identity and intellect but will strengthen his identity and love for his nation and language.
    “In the context of Malaysia, mastering foreign languages should not be seen as negating the importance of the Malay language itself,” he said in his speech at the International Malay Language Debate Final for the Deputy Prime Minister’s Trophy at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre, here.
    I can draw into conclusion that Najib’s speech is an indication that he would stick to the teaching of science and mathetics in English Language.
    That’s a good sign and moving in the right direction.

  125. Dear Tun,
    Sultan Criticises Malays Questioning Position Of Malays, Rulers
    PETALING JAYA, March 6 (Bernama) — The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, today expressed disappointment over the action of a certain group of Malays which continued to question the positions of Malays and the Malay Rulers when these were enshrined in the constitution.
    The sultan described this group of Malays as rude, ill-mannered and unabashed, given that they had been nurtured from the time of their ancestors in the customs and traditions, good behaviour, courteousness, and engaging in consultation.
    “It is on this premise that the Malays are held in high esteem and respected, (but) where are the Malays now?
    What you always said now being said by the Sultan.
    That’s the whole truth.
    I like to repeat.
    What you always said now being said by the Sultan.
    That’s the whole truth.
    Again I like to repeat.
    What you always said now being said by the Sultan.
    That’s the whole truth.

  126. Dear Tun,
    Perak Speaker Sues State Legal Adviser
    KUALA LUMPUR, March 6 (Bernama) — Perak State Legislative Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar has sued the State Legal Adviser for allegedly acting on his behalf without authorisation.
    The writ of summons was filed through Messrs Tommy Thomas at the High Court (Civil Division) Registry at 3.40pm today.
    The Speaker also alleged that the legal adviser had neglected and defaulted his duties to the extent of causing an injunction to be granted against him in a proceedings on Tuesday.
    By acting as a lawyer representing him, the Speaker alleged, the legal adviser had also defaulted his fiduciary obligations to him.
    I think speaker Perak ini tiap-tiap malam minum todi. Bila dah mabuk todi fikiranya dah tak siuman. Maka merapu-rapulah dia.
    Orang mabuk todi tak layak jadi Speaker.

  127. Musa Welcomes Abdullah’s Announcement On Proposed Sabah-Labuan Bridge
    KOTA KINABALU, March 6 (Bernama) — Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the state government welcomed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s announcement that the proposed Sabah-Labuan bridge would become a reality in the near future.
    “We have been waiting for this bridge to be built. Thanks to the prime minister for his foresight,” he said in a statement here tonight.
    Musa said the Sabah-Labuan bridge would not only facilitate travel, but also business and trade between the state and Labuan.
    he, he, he …. who is talking, man!! A lame duck Prime Minister who is going to leave office end of the month. Gua caya sama lu !!
    Did he suggest to have a zigzag bridge since he had cancelled the crooked bridge! kah, kah, kah !!!

  128. SALAM TUN ..TUN tolonglah selamatkan MALAYSIA..sejak DSAI tu keluar penjara,kucar kacir celaru jadinya..mereka dah berani buat apa saja yg mereka mahu temasuk melawan Sultan..tolonglah TUN sekali lagi menyelamatkan MALAYSIA..tolonglah..
    Semoga Ayahnda TUN sentiasa dilindungi dan dirahmati ALLAH..

  129. Ambiga To Receive US Courage Award
    KUALA LUMPUR, March 6 (Bernama) — Malaysia Bar president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan has been named among the eight recipients of this year’s “International Women of Courage Award.”
    The award was established by the US Department of State.
    According to the Press Office of the US Embassy here, Ambiga would receive the award from US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington on Monday in conjunction with International Women’s Day.
    It said Ambiga was selected “for championing the rule of law and for advancing human rights, the status of women and religious tolerance in Malaysia.
    “Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan has emerged as a strong voice for tolerance and justice, and has had a direct impact on judicial reform in Malaysia, contributing to strengthening of the role of women in civil society.”
    Does she deserve it? No, I don’t think so. Why? Almost all Malaysians do know who really she is. Only the elite few within the legal fraternity know her. That is all. Saying that she is championing the rule of law and for advancing human rights, the status of women and religious tolerance is pure rubbish. She does not represent Malaysians of all walk of life. So I can safely say that the recognition awarded to her is just a public relation exercise initiated by Obama adminstration. No big deal !!

  130. You know Tun, reading your blog is one of my greatest pleasures in life. I am already 56 and this is one the few entertainments I get and it is free of charege. Reading your blog rejuvernates my tired mind because whatever you say is the truth. Just to add one of my views, which may not be true but I think it cannot be dismissed outright. The recent economic crisis was already in the making and was about to erupt anytime. But what precipated it is I think the recent insane price of oil. This, my tired mind tells me is the work of Bush and his Jewish friends. They wanted to kill of the emerging economies of India and China which were consuming great quantities of oil.They thought their stockpile would see them through. But they forgot that there is a divine hand in everything. So the bubble burst and they ended up losers. What do US and UK export. Academic certificates for which people spend tons of money to obtain. So whatever we bring out is some knowledge which is intangible and a piece of paper which is the only tangible thing that leaves its shores. And we know its products too! I was at Essex 25 years ago but there is nothing I learnt which I couldn’t learn at UM. We have one of its products on the 4th Floor and we know its propensity to destroy the country. You talked about the gold dinar, nobody listened. You talked about the Caucus and people called you a recalcitrant. You proposed the bridge and they abridged it. When will they listen to you. This is what I lament!

  131. Ministry Mulls Over Giving Subsidy To Developers
    KUALA LUMPUR, March 6 (Bernama) — The Housing and Local Government Ministry is mulling over giving subsidy to housing developers to enable them to build better quality and affordable homes in prime locations.
    Pergilah ke Singapura dan belajar bagaimana pemerentahnya uruskan soalan perumahan berkualiti untuk rakyat berpendapatan rendah dan lihat keadaan perumahan yang sungguh berseh, selesa dan teratur disana. Banyak yang boleh dipelajari disana.

  132. Nik Aziz Blames Media For Negative Perception Of Opposition
    KOTA BAHARU, March 6 (Bernama) — Pas spiritual leader, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat blamed the media for depicting the opposition coalition as being disrespectful of Royalty.
    The Kelantan Menteri Besar claimed that the media did not accurately report the issue in Perak, making it look like the opposition had triggered the matter.
    He was commenting media report lately which often blamed the opposition for disrespecting the Sultan of Perak.
    What crap Nik Aziz statement is. Come on Nik Aziz, you are a Tok Guru, man! Don’t talk rubbish. Don’t be hypocrite.
    Nowadays you seem to be making a lot of conflicting statements. You are not consistent in your principles. Macam lalang ! Why? Maybe you are becoming senile.
    Frankly, I have lost my respect in you, Nik Aziz. You don’t deserve to be called a Tok Guru. There is nothing special in you actually and I just wonder why certain people give you that much respect (taksub).
    I never treat you as a Muslim scholar at all.What more as “spiritual” leader. No, you have not reached that stage. Far from being spiritual.
    In fact, in Islam there is no such thing as spiritual person. I think when compare Nik Aziz and my late father, my late father was more spiritual than you.
    The best that I could consider you as just “Che Gu pencen sekolah petang” ie. guru sekolah agama di Johor.
    The reality is your party is being made by PKR and DAP as as “lembu”.
    I would sincerely hope that before you die you “tinggalkan lah wasiat” untuk party you to be with UMNO untuk merapatkan silahturrahim dan bersatu demi kesejahteraan ummah.
    Semoga Allah berikan taufiq dan hidayah kepada Nik Aziz untuk ubah haluan kepada yang lebih baik lagi.Saya rasa UMNO tentunya akan menerima PAS dengan rela hati dan besar hati.
    Fikir fikirkan lah Che Gu Nik Aziz !!!.

  133. Salam Tun,
    Setiap dekad, ada saja cara yang diusahakan untuk merompak ekonomi negara miskin. Yang peliknya bagaimana nilai matawang US masih kukuh berbanding matawang lain. Apa yang cuba dibuat adalah memporak perandakan ekonomi negara lain, biar semua orang percaya ekonomi merudum. Selepas 2-3 tahun, secara senyap mereka akan masuk semula kedalam ekonomi negara kecil dan mencanang keadaan ekonomi kembali pulih. Selepas itu mereka menjual kebanyakan pegangan dan mereka mulakan kembali pusingan menghancurkan ekonomi negara tersebut.
    Saya mencadangkan wang EPF dilaburkan lebih besar dalam pasaran ekonomi tempatan sebelum dana luar berbuat demikian (mungkin setahun dari sekarang). Selepas itu, EPF menjual ketika dana luar cuba menaikkan ekonomi secara mendadak.

  134. Asalammualaikum Tun,
    1) Its a bit late for me to submit my views. As we knows, Anwar is in silent to ‘buy’ 31 member of Parliaments to achieve his goal. The political scenario in Malaysia especially Perak did put him into dilemma.
    2) Actually, the main reason of his silent is due to economic reason. His employer the boys in the Washington do not have the financial reserve to forward even a bit to Bro Anwar.
    3) Allah is great, disaster that god befell to the greedy and arrogant west did affect Anwar.
    4) Malaysia will never be in peace as long as this devil is not send to the darkest dungeon as what you did earlier. The Malays will fight and betray each other, disloyal to Sultan and what next.
    5) Anwar will be used by DAP to achieve their objective as requested by DAP’s big brother Lee Kuan Yew. As I see, LKY is happily laughing on his way to hell (death call next on the list) that his vision to see the Malays killing the Malays is finally met.
    God please further the distant of Anwar from us……Amin

  135. Salam Tun,
    Mengikut Baiduri “Is this because the situation today is worse or is it because the leader is still unable to find a certain formula best to fight this crisis?.
    Kalau betul katanya maka Ekonomi kita akan susah.Penganguran,Kemiskinan,Jenayah dll.
    Perak PKR buat kecoh tidak bolih terima tewas.Lain kali Orang Perak jangan undi PKR Lagi.
    Hairan bila ada Nizar ada saja Taukeh .Nizar macam papet DAP.
    PAS dan Keadilan harus bertanggungjawab dengan perpecahan Melayu dan kemunculan sifat Durhaka kepada Raja kerana berkompromi dengan minoriti demi untuk memerintah dan gila kuasa.

  136. Dearest Tun (The Only Saviour to BN & Malaysia),
    Is true that by pouring in trillions of dollars would not solve the crisis, as Malaysia during the 97/98 crisis is a very different scenario. We have to think of what Malaysia has in terms of natural resources which needed to recover in terms of export growth which was not fully affected. As for the rest of the world especially developed countries their economies is very much depended on the service industry/paper economy/fake economy.
    Just imagine rescuing companies which is very much depended on these economies will definitely end up in one situation (as corporate company) firstly, they will use the money to patch much of the holes in the shareholders pocket, then they have to shrink their business operations due to the loss of businesses or worst the worst sell it off : )…… (Tun we hope to buy another company like MV Agusta in 2-3 years time retain some technology then sell it off to the Chinese sure make some money out of it or maybe some iunvestment for Malaysia 😉
    I’m confident that Malaysia will truly bounds back with the method introduce by Tun in being a pragmatic leader. We have all the resources and alliances needed to overcome these, is just the current govt. is still dozing off at times like these or busy getting $$$ out of the country. Guess it may be true that someone here commented that the country has left little money these days : (
    I’m confident we still can strive through if we can implement Tun ideas ASAP. Like i said before some apes in the fourth floor cages has to be launch into the space. (Planet of the Ape is where these ppl belongs).
    Well the only thing we the poor Malaysians can do is stay strong and united against these goons.
    To our dear UMNO, MCA, MIC & others brothers from the grass roots pls realise these soon without Tun, i guess the only options to Malaysians will be the oppositions. Do you agree with me?
    Tun may god bless you.
    The Poor Malaysian.

  137. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Minta izin untuk sedikit ruang. Terima kasih.
    Dear Saudara Jamal, Salam. The II concept you mentioned earlier, could it be a close resemblance to the Mudharabah concept in practice today? And going to your point number 3; it would mean that our deposit would go less and lesser with time

  138. Assalamualaikum,
    Buat Tun,
    Saya masih lagi menunggu cadangan dari Tun sebenarnya siapa yang layak menggantikan Pak Lah.
    Banyak “Commentor” (Pengikut Hardcore Tun) yang menghentam Pak Lah tidak kira dari kegawatan politik mahu pun kegawatan kewangan. Kadang kadang hentaman itu tidak berasas.
    Semua mahu dia turun dari takhta itu, tetapi siapa sebenarnya Tun dan mereka mahu di naikkan.
    Mereka diatas pagar tertanya tanya. Mereka yang menyokong UMNO pasti dengan membuta tuli menyokong Najib. Yang mana Nanti mereka akan hentam pula Najib mengikut arah hentaman Tun.
    Siapa yang memiliki kreadibiliti?
    Siapa kah pemimpin kita itu?
    Sebab apa yang saya nampak kita seperti menendang pemandu Bas keluar tanpa sedar kita tidak tahu siapa yang boleh memandu Bas? Yang nyata itu tindakan yang bodoh, malah lebih elok di panggil kumpulan bodoh.
    Hanya ingin tahu

  139. Assalamualaikum,
    Apa yang di maksudkan dengan “they abused the systems or indulged in fraud” dengan lebih terperinci?
    Dan, adakah sekiranya ia di aplikasikan sekali lagi di Malaysia, sebagai contoh kita di Malaysia mengunakan pakej rangsangan 10 billion, adakah kemungkinan “fraud” itu wujud didalam system itu. Atau ia hanya akan menambah hutang negara?
    Hanya bertanya.

  140. Oleh : AIDC
    Tulisan Killer dalam komen Malaysian Insider (klik di sini) dan youtube channel anwaribrahimdotcom (klik di sini) berusaha untuk merungkai beberapa persoalan misteri yang menyelubungi isu foto bogel Elizabeth Wong.
    Walaupun terdapat beberapa percanggahan fakta dengan kenyataan dengan kenyataan mainstrain misalnya tentang status Hilmi Malik yang sudah berkhawin, sedangkan media pedana mengatakan kedua-dua pasangan itu masih bujang, namun secara keseluruhan, isi penceritaannya boleh diteliti lanjut.
    Free sex thinking
    Pertama hujah Killer mengatakan kegiatan gelap Elizabeth adalah suka bertukar-tukar pasangan seks tanpa kahwin. Hobi Elizabeth ini sudah lama berlaku, tetapi mula terbongkar sejak dua bulan lepas.
    Killer menyebut terdapat sekurang-kurang tiga individu yang menjadi kekasih gelap Elizabeth iaitu Hilmi Malik, Tian Chua dan Mat Salleh.
    Menurutnya Elizabeth telah lama menjalinkan hubungan seksual dengan Tian Chua (Ketua Penerangan PKR, hingga faktor itu pertunangan Tian Chua bersama warganegara Hong Kong, Mable Au, terpaksa diputuskan. Kali terakhir hubungan Elizabeth-Tian Chua terbongkar ketika ditangkap di Hotel Taipei, ketika misi PKR memburu calon-calon BN di Taiwan.
    Tetapi dalam masa sama Elizabeth turut menjalin hubungan dengan pemuda Melayu-Islam bernama Hilmi Malek, ketika pemuda itu belum berkahwin dan hubungan diteruskan walaupun selepas lelaki itu sudah berkahwin.
    Lelaki Melayu itu diberi keistimewaan apabila dilantik menjadi Pembantu Peribadi kepada Ahli Parlimen PKR Petaling Jaya Selatan ,Hee Loy Sian.
    Amat jarang Ahli Parlimen berbangsa Cina akan mengambil pegawai khas Melayu, kecuali atas sebab-sebab tertentu terutama ‘keistimewaan’ lelaki Melayu yang tidak dapat ditandingi oleh ahli-ahli PKR lain. Dia juga dikatakan menjadi aktivis penting PKR bahagian Pandan.
    Juga dalam masa sama, Elizabeth mempunyai seorang lagi pasangan kekasihnya iaitu seorang pemuda Mat Salleh.
    Semua kenyataan media tidak menyebut siapakah pemuda Mat Salleh itu, apakah dia warganegara Malaysia dan apakah dia juga berkaitan dengan PKR ?
    Motif sebaran foto : Cemburu cinta tiga segi ?
    Di antara ketiga-tiga lelaki itu, siapakah kekasih yang paling disayangi oleh Elizabeth, kerana semuanya dilakukan secara serentak ?
    Tian Chua, Hilmi atau Mat Salleh ? Siapa kekasih sebenar yang paling disayangi Elizabeth ?
    Komen Killer seolah-olah bersetuju kekasih yang paling disayangi oleh Elizabeth adalah Hilmi.
    Dia menulis begini, ‘Elizabeth semakin rapat dengan Hilmi dan mereka menjadi semakin intim ketika menyertai Pilihan raya Ke- 12, (Mac tahun lalu). Walau bagaimanapun hubungan mereka menjadi tegang dengan aktiviti-aktiviti

  141. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Minta di-izinkan sedikit ruang jika boleh, T. Kasih.
    Dear Puteri Tanjung, I think you shouldn

  142. Am concerned that since Tun’s departure, our country seems to be running into a number of negative directions. Political, financial and social problems are being heard and seen more often than before. Therefore although the measures taken in 1997-1998 to cushion the impact of the financial crisis at that time worked for us, and we should definitely feel the vindication, it may not work this time around for us due to too much distractions and interferences ongoing. sure, the government have introduced a few stimulus packages here and there to help, if not boost, at least to keep the economy going, but it seems like we are in such a mess at the moment.
    I sadly miss the tranquility and stability enjoyed in the 1980’s right up to 1997. pretty much went down hill from there on … don’t we have any capable leaders out there as good or better than Tun when he was PM? now would be a pretty good time to show yourselves and do something …

    You are promoting this. I hope you feel guilty having badly discriminate Sabah, to the extent some have remained very poor.. lokk closer hre than trying to teach us looking afar…

  144. Assalamua’laikum, Tun,
    Its great to read your article. One of my friend in UK did his research for his Phd on your succesfull overcome the economic crisis in 1997-98. I am proud of it.

  145. Dear Tun,
    Up to the 70s, the Japanese were giving the Americans a run for their money. Japanese goods were flooding the US market at cheaper cost. The Japanese worker was earning much less to make the same quality goods as the American worker. Ultimately the wages of the Japanese worker also went up to match and even surpass the American worker. The Japanese yen was also purposely pushed up in value.
    the Americans are now trying to get China to revalue their yuan too. Logically since China now exports so much manufactured goods to China, the wages of Chinese workers should also match that of the US worker.
    But there are 1.5 Billion Chinese. Their workforce is in the hundreds of millions. It is not likely that the wages of the Chinese worker will match the US worker. This means the wages of the American worker may have to come down to match Chinese wages. I believe this is what Adam Smith called ‘The invisible Hand’. It is working its magic right now.
    There is a great equalisation going on around the world. Since real goods and services are now pouring out of China and India at very cheap prices, real wages and prices around the world must adjust to the Chinese and Indian levels.
    I dont think the quality of life or the standard of living will change in the US or Europe. It will possibly improve. But it may become cheaper now.
    Syed Akbar Ali.

  146. Joematchi
    Careful what you wish for. Saya pernah dengar Yahudi lah yang paling banyak memilikki emas di planet Bumi ini. Kalau benar, Yahudi juga lah yang akan menguasai ekonomi dunia dan melakukan penyelewengan di institusi-institusi kewangan. Can anybody confirm this?

  147. Dear Tun.
    I wish those PKR hardcore supporters to spare a moment and study the EIR report, and reconsider. To PM Pak Dol, hope you know the country’s expectation to be a leader – quality.
    This book review appears in the August 13, 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
    Malaysia’s Challenge to IMF:
    A Lesson on `Method’
    by Michael Billington
    The Tragedy That Didn’t Happen:
    Malaysia’s Crisis Management and Capital Controls
    by Dr. Marie-Aimée Tourres
    Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Strategic and
    International Studies (ISIS Malaysia), 2003
    338 pages, hardback, $23.50; paperback, $13.00
    This book, to be officially released on Aug. 25, is the only comprehensive review of the extraordinary confrontation between the Government of Malaysia under the leadership of former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the nest of speculators in the Western banks and hedge funds, and the institutions of the Washington Consensus, during and after the 1997-98 financial crisis in Asia. Its author, the Frenchwoman Marie-Aimée Tourres, was a visiting fellow at the International Institute of Strategic Studies (ISIS) in Kuala Lumpur in 1997-98, and again from January 2000 until the present. A skilled economist, Dr. Tourres presents both an economic analysis and a compelling political account, of the Malaysian response to the speculative assault on the currencies of the Southeast and East Asian “Tiger” economies, which began in Thailand in 1997. It is an inside account, sponsored by the ISIS and its director Dr. Noordin Sopiee, (a close friend and collaborator of Dr. Mahathir), by Petronas, the state petroleum agency, and with direct support from Dr. Mahathir himself.
    Even more important than the fascinating details of the initial collapse, the debates, and the intricate planning of the historic decision to reject IMF policies, imposing instead partial currency controls on the national currency, is Dr. Tourres’ insight into the quality of thinking which generated these policy decisions. It is this method of thinking which is the real object lesson for the rest of the developing sector, facing similar but unique crises in their own countries today.
    Readers of EIR know that the fight waged by Dr. Mahathir, often acting alone among national leaders of the world against “IMF orthodoxy,” was both strongly supported by EIR and its founder, physical economist Lyndon LaRouche, and was covered extensively in the pages of this magazine. Although we had reported occasionally on developments in Malaysia, and Dr. Mahathir’s leadership through the early 1990s, sometimes critically, when the currency speculation against the region hit with full force in July 1997, EIR made it a practice to convey the speeches of Dr. Mahathir, and some of his closest associates, on a regular basis. Since 1997, EIR has published extended excerpts from over 20 speeches by Dr. Mahathir, as well as an exclusive interview conducted by EIR’s Gail Billington and Dino de Paoli on Jan. 22, 1999. For many developing sector leaders and others, this EIR coverage was the only source of truthful reporting of Malaysia’s fight

  148. Tun,
    I now understand a little bit about why the world is in this crisis.
    Thanks Tun, Only Allah the Almighty knows and Allah is the true path for us to seek the answer. US Dollars & British Pound is now considerd Tissue paper. Worthless just like the world war 2 Japanese Currency whic my late Grand Father kept a sack full but is wothless after the war. History repeats itself and the greeds of mankind are the true causes for the happenings. Zionist are the mastermind. Muslim countries must now unite for the betterment and refuse the use of US Dollars for trading Oil.Muslim from all over the world brothers must unite, be strong to face the resilient forces of the world devils wearing human faces. Salam Tun with full respect for Tun as a True Muslim Hero. May Allah Blessed Tun, and all Malaysian alike.

  149. Tun,
    Now I have read so much anxiety & frustration of M’sians-commoners & educated ones alike.Yes!! the leaders better change their policies before the juggernauts give the country a miss lah.Nanti (miss) lari sampan atau tongkang!!.Every where I go I can see the economic slowdown–I don’t know whether all our bloggers see at their respective places.Everyone wants to hold back their pocket money simply because the future is uncertain.Nobody knows what will happen the next day.

  150. Tun,
    Please do behave yourself and don’t try to get your head high by the bad habit of fonding to judge upon other people’s financial failure, lest the same kind of measurement be imposed on judging you yourself, which will happen only too soon and too hasty, with the same measurement yardstick that is equally tough, equally sharp, and equally unbearable when being applied on you youself!
    To find time to stay close to God shall be the better thing to do now for everyone of us! Don’t you think so?

  151. Salam buat Tun.
    1.Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this matter.
    2.We’re like a lost sheep unable to seek our way home.
    3.The sheepherder is sleeping somewhere lost in his/their deep sleep and dream(s).
    4. Maybe, InsyaAllah, you may able to apply a few jabs here and there.
    5. I sincerely believe so and you in fact have proven yourself.
    6. Others would love to have your expert opinion and “service” to rectify and/or remedy on how to overcome this mishap but not our Malaysian, unfortunately.
    7. Gajah depan mata tak nampak.. tapi kuman seberang laut depa nampak pulak.
    8. So Please Tun, help us out!!!
    Thank You.

  152. Ybhg Tun semuga Ybhg Tun dan keluarga sehat walafiat.
    I think your definition of the problem faced by the region as a whole and Malaysia as part of what was in the past an emerging economy is accurate, not that I am world economist but from a pespective of a realist. Taking thing as it is, into something that makes sense of the reality that we are in.
    I dont know of time frame, and what we may want to set our sight as the goals and target for individuals, SME, corporations or for that matter, the nation as a whole.
    So far those in the kampung may have yet to feel the impact of the global economy. all the basic foodstuff and basic necessity for them to maintain the upkeep of their family are still there, within reach of their limited income, as for those in the cities maybe they are now feeling insecure about the true value of their wealth that is if they remain working, as for those already facing retrenchment they may already be coming to grips with the situation developing before them.
    In any TSUNAMI type situation, the first part of the rescue and recovery process, is always to determine the extent of the damage, from the direct impact of the TSUNAMI and the indirect impact prevalent after the TSUNAMI.
    Maybe having done that, the following search and rescue operation, which is essentially to bring about some semblance of normal well being to those directly impacted by the disaster, can begin. Life can never be normal again, if lives are lost and whatever wealth that you have manage to acquire are gone forever.
    At least the search and rescue operation will establish the real impact faced by those hit by the disaster, to enable some form of assistance to be planned and arranged for those hit by the disaster.
    The secondary impact are loss of infrastructure not related to the imapcted individual, it is about restoring road, water supply, communicaton, health care, food supply, eduaction facilities and at a later part how to help those impacted with some means of rebuilding their livelihood.
    The current global economic crisis is aslo a disaster, which maybe does not directly impacts Malaysian as individual, but the secondary impact of the disaster, will destroy the infrastructures that we are familiar with in dealing with our business aborad.
    We will probably lose markets, we will probably lose funding instruments, we probably lose our bulk carriers and shipping to those marekts which have been major exporters, and we will probably lose our networks of business connection as they could have already succumb to lower demands, in the faced of fixed cost for salary and others in thier business.
    Ours may not be as much a direct impact unless we are heavily hedged in our business, or our insurance coverage are very reliant on overseas insurers, except for those in industries owned by foreign corporation which are heavily into manufaturing for exports.
    I would say the government owe us some explanantion on what areas we will be heavily hit, maybe our currency again, maybe our stock again which maybe temporary homes for “hot money” that temporarily needs to be parked somewhere.
    I think the biggest challenge for our leaders are not in addressing the short term search and rescue operation, but how to recover and maintain our position within the soon to be poorer world economy.
    Do we protect ourselves once again ? Do we immediately reduce our imports? Do we immediately raise taxes ? Or do we simply wait and see ?
    I think for those still driven by opportunities, I think we need to find ways of making our money works better for us, not only to sustain our economy but also to ensure we would sheltered against the incoming second wave
    Thank you Tun, maybe we again need to reactivate our MTEN and other advisory bodies, seeking not one opinion, but many second opinion.
    I have always believe that Allah does not create a situation just for the sake of it, but to help those in need and also to punish those that have transgressed. After all HE is fair to all.

  153. Rulers asked to seek restoration of immunity (The Star – 6 March 2009)
    ALOR SETAR: The Kedah Royal Household Association will ask the Conference of Rulers to seek the restoration of immunity for rulers.
    It said this was needful to ensure that

  154. Dino: As’kum Ayahnda Tun,
    harap Ayahnda Tun sekeluarga sentiasa
    dilindungi dan dirahmati Allah.Saya amat sedih dgn suasana tidak tentu dan celaru yang melanda Malaysia bumi bertuah yang amat dicintai ini. Bilakah agaknya rakyat akan sedar siapakah dalang sebenar disebalik kegawatan ini.Saya sebagai salah seorang anak watan yang pernah mengharungi hidup selesa diera pemerintahan Ayahnda Tun cukup terasa dengan gelombang yang melanda negara sepanjang tempoh pemerintahan AAB. Beliau seorang yang tidak mempunyai ketokohan yang sepatutnya dimiliki oleh seseorang yang bernama pemimpin, hanya taksub dengan populariti,hanyut dibuai mimpi mimpi indah sehinggalah keputusan PRU12 yang lalu menyaksikan tsunami politik melanda hingga menyebabkan AAB mendapat malu besar apabila kehilangan negeri dan menjadikan beliau seorang PM yang pertama tidak mempunyai negeri tetapi masih mahu terus memerintah negara.Mengenangkan itu saya teringat sewaktu AAB mengeluarkan DSAI dari tahanan dulu, seorang sahabat pernah berkata demi meraih populariti PM telah mengeluarkan seekor iblis yang bertopengkan manusia dari sangkarnya, dan kamu lihatlah nanti bukan sahaja AAB akan dijatuhkan, malah negara juga akan dihancurkan.
    Semuga Allah menjauhkan mala petaka dan elakkan negara dari jatuh ketangan mereka yang sentiasa membuat fitnah dan tidak bermaruah…….AMMIIINNNN…..NNN

  155. Antikmalaya,
    Er…please read carefully my “comments”. I was merely forwarding to YAB Tun what an UMNO Veteran had written in Kadir Jasin’s blog.
    I didn’t expect YAB Tun to publish it. I just wanted him to be aware of some of the things that had been written suddenly.


  157. your far sightedness is second to none in malaysia. You are the true leader and until now noone can prove of your involvement in any corruption. If you had involved in any corruption, by now Pak Lah and his people would have exposed it by now.
    May Allah bless you and give malaysia a true leader like you in future.

  158. KU LI is still doing his best to rescue Perak, even standing at the edge-line of the gray area (the area where good, evil, BN doing & PR doing meets) trying to rescue Perak.
    Tun, Perak needs your RESCUE ROPE! Ku Li has thrown his rope to rescue Perak. your rope which is made from magical pen can surely hold perak weight from drowning, maybe can even put Perak back to where it first came from.
    ..Lies seem to be lifeless. but if lies were born/created/birth, it can grow/transform/evolute (like money) like any other growing/transforming/evoluting life such as child/cell/virus.
    ..the earth are full of invisible lies that is growing fast to cover/force the earth to become hell.
    ..most of the religions today have lies tainted all over them which they will never be heading to pure-ness/Great TRUTH of God.
    the only place today where human can seek TRUTH (Law of God, Law of Nature, Law of Gravity, Law of Science & any other laws)is only in the Quran & the 1st bible, NOT in religions or their brand.

  159. Daniel,
    Perhaps kept or saved or taken by ‘decried alien’ (as described by Theodore Herzl)…..
    Well, since unable to find out the decried alien located….. so, no legal action been taken yet…..

  160. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    There goes the arrogant rich country who always thought they are super powers and always right just because they are rich. Even they thought they were right when invading Iraq was due to mass destruction weapon cause, which of course was proven very wrong and they finally say it was wrong. But only after thousands of innocence lives gone.
    The economic crisis we are facing today is because of their greeds and arrogance. The system that is created by them to make the rich countries richer and the poor nations poorer.
    I hope this is an awakening call for the rich Arabs nations and the rich Muslim countries to kick start and make the dinar trade (base on gold)a reality in huge scale. Of course i’m not an economist, or near anything to it but i’m an ordinary civilian who are trying to make a living. I don’t even fully understand how the system actually wors but we have to take ourselves out from this.
    Love to hear “under the same sun” by scorpions

  161. Dear Bloggers,
    Good comparison!!
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
    Total Area: 244,820 km sqr
    Population: 60,975,000
    Total GDP (norminal) : $2.78 trillion
    Total Area: 329,847 km sqr
    Population: 27,730,000
    Total GDP (norminal): $186,718 billion

  162. Dearest Tun
    Economic issue is too difficult a subject for AAB. He is only concerned about Islam Hadhari.
    A PM whom has contributed almost nothing during his five year tenure.
    No foresight and lack intelligent. He has even destroyed our national unity. The Malay has become weaker and poorer.
    Keep on Writing, dear Tun.

  163. TUN
    Keadaan politik bercerlaru masa kini yang juga dilihat telah mengheret institusi di Raja telah menimbulkan keresahan dan kebimbangan pehak istana.
    Ada segelintir masyarakat dan individu telah cuba menyanggah atau pun menentang perlembagaan dan mencabar perundangan negara. Mereka juga terang2an mencabul kedaulatan Raja2 melayu.
    Sekarang kita dapat lihat Raja2 Melayu telah pun menzahirkan kebimbangan mereka mengenai permasaalahan ini secara terbuka.
    Raja2 Melayu adalah sebahgian warisan, maruah,semangat dan kebudayaan orang2 Melayu di Malaysia. Kita maseh perlukan raja sebagai payung negara. Amat malang jika institusi ini runtuh.
    Kerajaan Melaka dulu nya amat terkenal dengan Sultan2 nya. Kini Melaka sudah tidak ada Raja.
    Orang2 Melayu mestilah kembali bersatu mempertahankan kedaulatan institusi ini demi maruah bangsa.
    Ini bukan satu institusi kuno.Maseh banyak negara maju Barat yang mengekalkan kedudukan Raja2 mereka mengikut perlembagaan negara masing2. England, Sepanyol,Denmark antara beberapa negara Barat yang maseh punyai raja, dan mereka sangat dihormati dan disayangi rakyat mereka.
    Saya ingin menyarankan pada Duli2 Sultan dan Raja2 agar lebih berhati2 mengurniakan bintang2 kebesaran. Hanya individu yang benar layak dan benar2 patriotik dan benar2 berjasa terhadap negara sahaja yang wajar di beri gelaran. Kita tak mahu lihat lagi ada ‘badut2’ konon nya rakyat Malaysia tapi cakap melayu maseh lagi Wa.. Lu.. bergelar Datuk. Tokeh kerang pun di anugerah Datuk. Tokeh balak haram pun dapat Datuk. Pada mereka yang menderhaka hendak lah menarik balik anugerah itu, supaya bintang2 kebesaran ini dilihat lebih mulia dan tidak dipersalah gunakan kedudukan nya. Kerana kita pernah lihat orang2 yang bergelar Datuk ini sentisa mencari kesempatan. Contuh nya, “Mana atak Polis moleh saman sama wa. Wa Latuk lo…”
    Gelaran2 ini telah menjadikan modal untuk kepentingan diri setengah2 pehak dan untuk bermegah2 dan tunjuk kuasa.
    Contuh terbaik Ngeh and Nizar, sekelip mata dapat gelaran Datuk. Kini menyanggah dan menderhaka pada Tuanku Sultan yang bergitu adil terhadap mereka. Mereka ini tak layak memakai gelaran ini. Tak malu sungguh. kalau mereka gentleman pulangkan kembali bintang itu pada Sultan.

  164. The Government will borrow £37 billion and use it to buy shares in RBS, HBOS and Lloyds TSB. It hopes to recover some of the costs from the banks’ profits.
    The RBS rescue provides an example of how this will work. The Government is taking £5 billion in preference shares in RBS, which will deliver a “coupon” or guaranteed return of 12 per cent, giving the Treasury an annual return of £600 million on that part of its investment. The rest of the Government’s investment will be in ordinary shares. They will pay no dividends because the banks have said they will suspend dividend payments until their financial situation has improved. However, this £20 billion investment in RBS will have to be funded by borrowing – which will involve the Government selling bonds paying around 4 per cent interest. That could cost the taxpayer around £800 million a year. There are though, other aspects of the bank support package that could bring in some money for the Government: the Treasury will charge banks a fee for insuring their loans to one another. Treasury officials said the Government investment would not immediately be self-financing. But in the long-term, they hope that selling the bank stakes back to private investors after markets have risen and the economy has improved may ultimately deliver real returns for taxpayers.

  165. Dearest Tun,
    Good health to you and your family. If our (Malaysia) economy foundation is as strong as what our DPM mentioned months ago, then our currency should and would get stronger as this period.
    So it look like our economy foundation is infact “lembik” but not as claimed by the government. You had done a right decision during 97-98 for not getting the “bailouts” from IMF, and suspended the free trade of RM. Else every Malaysian is still repaying the LOAN to this “LOANSHARK”.
    By the way, any comment on the “Mogolian girl” news reported by the French reporter?
    thanks TUN…..
    Good luck to our Badminton WIRAs that fighting at England now….

  166. for young ppl like me. i love to read ur article. not mean i love u but limit to ur article. dear Dr.M (ur famous nick before). i love how
    your problem solving method. i know each solution depends on situation. as a young ppl who still growing up, i hope u can write something about leadership.
    i know its hard to be 1 or to teach 1. if u can show us a guidelines. i think its more than enough. maybe about body languange, talking or maybe flirting if u still like to do it. haha.
    i like to read your article. full of knowledge & wisdom. each time i read acticle & tell it back in my class. everyone can’t blink. of course they will blink.
    hope ur idea a knowledge i can pass it to next generation. make this country proud.
    thank you n have a good day sir.

  167. 1. I think Obama and other Europe guys stop being a fuzz and give a call to Tun Mahathir to ask for advise and give a speech in all their Universities especially Harvard business school to teach their students on “how to run your government and economy”.
    2. Tun, i think u forgot one more thing, one of the reason these Western economies collapsed cause their Universities have been calling Anwar for speech to their students. No wonder their bankers and economists are becoming a big FOOOL!!!! cause they are listening to Anwar hahaha.
    3. The only thing Anwar have achieved economically during the opposition took over the states is giving more jobs to lawyers thats all. Look what happened in Perak, engineers, businessmen, accountants have no jobs. Only lawyers are busy settling cases for some assembly under a tree and whatever circus there. And these lawyers got paid handsomely either PKR side or BN side. SO the conclusion is, when Anwar become PM of Malaysia (God Forbids), the only people that going to benefit from Malaysian economy are lawyers.

  168. 1. Sometimes we go to very deep complex diagnosis of things. YEs most of us are learned people from universities. Thats what most of us do.
    2. Some even proposed alot of theories the reasons behind it and even methods to solve it. But most people forgets how high your education and prowess, we at the end of the day are just mere mortals.
    3. Im an educated guy, well paid by my employer cause of my qualifications, skills and knowledge. After 30 years of my life, ive noticed one thing, science (whether it is applied or social) is just the best guess, it is not the exact answer of all things.
    4. We forgot that there are higher power or rules of nature that govern us. And im a believer of karma or in Islam Qadha and Qadar. Or white guys believes “what goes around, comes around”.
    5. Have everyone thought that what happened to them can be considered as karma? Look what the western have done to the third world countries and specifically moslem countries.
    6. They have made the people from these countries lost their identity, lost their sovereignity, humiliated, splitting them to factions, disrupting their unity and most important lost of hope and trust towards their own religion and culture.
    7. So what happened to them now? Is it exactly what happened to these countries that they have been playing around?. Their own people are losing hope, some even shot themselves, family institution deteriorating, divorces on the rise (in US today, every 3 marriages, 1 will endup in divorce), trust towards their leaders and systems dwindling, jobs are loss in the millions. Most doesnt know what to do.
    8. This is just the beginning, whats next?
    9. See…what happened to them is almost similar what happening to the countries they have corrupted, disrupted and devastated – loosing hope. Is it coincidence or karma?
    10. For them western, they should learn something, what have happened to them is almost similar happened to the great civilization before them. “Nothing last forever”.
    11. One thing will last, a pure sincere friendship based on respect not friends for benefits. And these friends will help them out. But sadly most of them are not their real friends, they are just bunch of puppets, stooges and proxies. We got a few in our country. But of course friendship based on money and interests will not last. These so called proxies will soon betray them too cause they knew they are just proxies, they definitely doesnt want to go down with them too…
    12. Well i hope that these so called western civilization learned something, they should start making real friends and respect them instead of creating trojans and proxies meddling around with each countries affairs in the name of democracy or human rights. God have given them strength to be a good brother not a bully.
    13. And they should start doing good things instead spreading lies through media, simply give ppl name terrorists and beat them up without finding true causes. And they should start walk the talk, what is really human rights and democracry all about.
    14. And they should start to listen to us or else we start to listen to their competitors China and Russia. Is that Karma? yes. 20 years ago they have been banging these socialist countries and pulled their pants down, i still remember in 1991, the russians cant even afford to buy a bread. Now look what they are today. They got more millionaires in Moscow than New York. The US are calling them threats but I simply called it karma, u deserve it US people.
    15. Well finally, alot of people considered this situation is trouble. But we Asian should consider this an opportunity to break free from them. Imagine Japan can build their own plane but was dissalowed cause of some post WW2 arrangements. Now the PM can just say it in the open, Honda and Mitsubishi should make their own planes for domestic travels and other asian markets. If US and Western start open their mouths, give a ring to Mr Putin, Mitsubishi and Tupolev should work something out over here, just ignore boeing and airbus, what can they do? another war? it will bring their economies to their knees. So they blackmailed to bring out their interests and capitals? so get the Fcuk out, we bring China and Russia in to replace them.
    16. And finally, dealing with a bankcrupted guy is not good for business. So…do we should continue do business with US or Western countries? We should, but not exclusively, we should work with guys got money and skills. Let the karma teach these western countries a lesson. So when they learned, we can talk again….

  169. Dear Tun,
    First, I’m really glad I’m getting most of the benefits under your time as PM, I was born in the year which Tun was PM of M’sia. Thank you as you continue your fight for us after you retire. You inspire me to be a greater person and contribute to our nation.
    I’m sad, really sad, neither gov nor opposition really have the commitment toward our economy status and social well-being. Why don’t they debate about the progress 9th Malaysia Plan, progress of budget 2009. If not, at least any preventive steps to stop it getting worst. I believe Economy problem to lead to greater social problem. If every politician in Malaysia stop using trick against each other, use the time & resources working towards a better plan to help. I believe Malaysia able to move few steps towards Vision 2020, Which is only 11 years after!
    Semoga Tun dan Keluarga Tun sihat selalu,
    Best Regards,

  170. Salam untuk Tun yang disayangi,
    Thanks for giving your opinion about the world situation right now.
    Hope there are key player in the world looking at and think about it. Great advice become useless if no action toward being taken. Please continue giving your brilliant idea and we all will take action and expedite it.
    One of my action to recover my financial crisis:

  171. Hello Tun
    I was just reading the Star Online today and it is interesting to note that there were 4 Malaysians in the Forbes Asia “Heroes of Philantrophy” list, 2 of them from Sabah royalty – i.e. Tuan Yang Dipertua Negeri Sabah and Datun Raya Erom, his relative. The other 2 Malaysians are Jeffrey Cheah Sunway Group and Lim Kok Wing. Mana UMNO Melayu yang kaya-kaya ni ? Sumbang la sikit kepada kebajikan…

  172. Salam buat Tun sekeluarga dan peminat-peminat bog Tun,
    Firstly, my advice to all bloggers is that you must read Tun’s book entitled’ “THE MALAYSIAN CURRENCY CRISIS – HOW AND WHY IT HAPPENED”. It is a fascinating reading and Tun has reduced the complexity in finance and economic, more so currency and forex trading into a common jargon adn layman understanding.
    Secondly, during the 97/98, the event was clear..the WINNES were George Sorros and the Quantum fund, whilst the LOSSERS were the Asian Goverment, economy and the people. Bit it is very strange that the is no body to be declared a WINNER in the current crisis.I am sure that since the crisis is a market driven and emanated from the financial innovation, somebody must be making a huge profit at the expense of others. So the question now is whilst we have indentified many lossers in the current crisis, we have yet seen somebody who emerge as winner – yet.
    Thirdly, western or conventional economic theory is no more relevant. Adam Smith and Keynes must give way to the ICT revolution. Economics theories arose during the period of feudalism and peasantry, and no more relevant to this era.
    Fourthly, in the previous crisis there was NEAC. But anything to that effect now?
    Fifth, our so call economic expert Dr. Jomo (adviser to UN), a contrarian to Tun, – is useless…..
    Sixth – the solution….Read the book by Tun first; the wisdom and solution contain therein…

  173. Dear Tun,
    We need a real alternative that will work. May I suggest the following;
    1) That interest bearing banks be abolished and investment institutions (II) to replace them. These IIs will be an institution which invest or fund projects purely based on shared risk taking. No such thing as sure returns as the present day banks are practicing.
    2) These IIs will have full service to its customers without the element of interest. They will have ATMS, funds transfers, trade payments, non interest bearing loans.
    3) These IIs will be able to take deposits and savings. But these funds if not used for investments and projects will be have its anount deducted (2.5% per annum). Non productive funds must be made productive by this process to be given out for social activities such as basic medical services, basic education, supporting the poor and such other services.
    4) These IIs will be supported by a whole new industry of projects consultants and managers.
    5) Non productive funds held can be excused from the 2.5% deduction if it is used for loans (secured ones ofcourse) without interest.
    6) These IIs earn their keeps from a part of the 2.5% deducted amount, fees for banking services and earnings from project consultancy and management and control.
    7) These IIs will not be able to give funds for investments and loan from money they do not have (creating money). But will be supported by the goverment central bank who will have the sole right and responsibility to create new money.
    So as not to overload my fellow readers…I will continue with this viable proposal later…especially about nations raising funds for its can we do it without resorting to interest bearing BONDS…

  174. Dearest Tun,
    Banyak kritikan yang telah dibuat terhadap Tun. Mengapa ini berlaku?
    Sampaikan rakan sekeliling yang pernah berjuang dengan Tun pun hari ini mengutuk Tun samada dari belakang atau hadapan. Kenapa sekarang bising? Adakah mereka ini talam dua muka atau Tun sendiri pernah memerintah dengan kuku besi?
    The bail-out is a classic example. Good effort are looked down even by our own people!!
    Manusia berjasa dilupakan, Manusia korupsi diagungkan!!
    Kita kena bertanya pada Tun:
    Bagi saya, pejuang yang berjuang diatas diri sendiri akhirnya akan tumpas dan kecundang juga dan pastinya tidak akan berani membuat kacau keatas kepentingan orang lain. Kerana nak sorok kepincangan diri sendiri.
    Masih butakah hati bangsa aku ini!!

  175. Salam Tun. Again another very good blog. I noted the points :-
    1. The subprime crisis was acheived through fraud and greed.
    2. Asian countries have not recovered to 1997/1998 pre-crisis level
    3. The western countries cannot recover unless the scale and method of their recovery follows the trend of subprime and mortgaging techniques that they had used which caused the collapse
    4. Trillions of dollars may be required for there to be any visible improvements to be seen immediately.
    5. Obama will not have an easy job. Hie recovery must be of the right scale (trillions). Some visible things he has done right :-
    a. Capped the bonuses of greedy executives of top Fortune companies to US$500K
    b. Closed Guantanomo by this year
    Hillary also did a good job by visiting Indonesia as a side tour.
    However he is facing pressure by the GOP who say his economic measures are not detailed enough and they don’t want to support it.

  176. It is interesting to note BN still has money to waste by paying the 3 frogs to jump in Perak but there are still several commenter blaming PR for not working with BN to solve the economic crisis.
    Very nice article. Trying to divert you supporters attention.
    btw I hear Najib has taken a trip out of Malaysia, just to be safe huh ?. At this age you are still able to skim and plan, no bad.
    In the end we will have to answer to GOD for our actions in life.
    What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity

  177. TUN.
    Kemelut politik di Perak maseh belum reda. Setiap hari ada saja berita yang berkaitan dengan issu politik Perak. Kedua2 pehak sentisa mengatakan mereka dipehak yang benar. Masing2 cuba mengunakan mahkamah. Namun itu mereka terus melakukan atau memprovokasi keadaan walaupun kes mereka maseh diselesaikan mahkamah.
    BC juga turut membuat ulasan dan masuk campur.Dan mengeluarkan kenyataan. Petikan dari kenyataan akhbar.
    KUALA LUMPUR: Kekebalan Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan tidak ada akta atau undang-undang lain yang boleh mencabarnya kecuali Parlimen sendiri meminda perlembagaan.
    Andai nya sesungguh lah speaker sebegitu kebal bagaikan Raja atau Sultan kerana tiada undang2 yang sedia ada yang bolih dipakai untuk mengatasi perlakuan, tindakan dan keputusan mereka , saya rasa tak setuju dengan akta ini.
    Saya rasa dah tiba masa nya Parlimen harus meminda akta ini. Menetapkan semua speaker DUN atau Parlimen hendak lah dilantik dari kalangan individu yang tidak berparti atau bebas dari pengaruh mana2 parti. Ini lebih adil. Mungkin mereka ini dari kalangan Hakim2 mahkamah. Bukan nya dari angota parti yang meneraju kerajaan.
    Dalam kes Dei Siva, sebagai speaker yang sepatut nya berkecuali membuat keputusan telah bertindak sebalik nya.
    Dia kelihatan membuat keputusan berdasarkan sentiment atau kecenderongan nya dan ketaksuban nya kepada parti yang di anuti nya.
    Ini suatu tindakan yang berat sebelah.
    Seorang speakaer mestilah menjalankan tugas mengikut peraturan dan undang2 dan juga setakat autority yang dia ada. Tidak lah selebih dari itu kuasa speaker. Dan kuasa sepenuh speaker hanya lah ketika waktu di dalam dewan dan yang berkaitan dengan perjalanan persidangan DUN atau Parlimen. Di luar dewan dia dianggap manusia
    biasa. Tapi Siva telah juga cuba berkuasa sesuka hati nya didalam dewan mahu pun di bawah pokok. Dia juga sewenang2 nya memecat Setiusaha persidanagan DUN nya. Perlakuan nya melampau sebagai seorang speaker. Ini lah gara2 bila pertama kali merasa kedudukan tinggi dan ada nama, mula lah berlagak dan nak tunjuk kuasa. Kap lam ya nga betul lah dia ni.

  178. Dearest Tun,
    Banyak kritikan yang telah dibuat terhadap Tun. Mengapa ini berlaku?
    Sampaikan rakan sekeliling yang pernah berjuang dengan Tun pun hari ini mengutuk Tun samada dari belakang atau hadapan. Kenapa sekarang bising? Adakah mereka ini talam dua muka atau Tun sendiri pernah memerintah dengan kuku besi?
    The bail-out is a classic example. Good effort are looked down even by our own people!!
    Manusia berjasa dilupakan, Manusia korupsi diagungkan!!
    Kita kena bertanya pada Tun:
    Bagi saya, pejuang yang berjuang diatas diri sendiri akhirnya akan tumpas dan kecundang juga dan pastinya tidak akan berani membuat kacau keatas kepentingan orang lain. Kerana nak sorok kepincangan diri sendiri.
    Masih butakah hati bangsa aku ini!!

  179. Kita sbgai negara Islam boleh mulakan contoh……
    Negara peMula mengGunakan Dinar Emas…….
    Janganla berterusan menjadi bodoh….
    Jangan biarkan negara ditindas…………..

  180. A’kum….
    Pertimbangkan langkah utk berdagang bersandarkan penggunaan emas….
    ataupun dinar emas….
    Jangan disandarkan kepada dolar US…..
    Jangan taksub kpd dolar…..
    “US dollar… Dollar Kelentong….”
    ia hanya sekeping kertas yg d cetak
    Sekeping Kertas Ada Harga Diri…………………????????
    Lu pikir la sendriii……………….!!!!!!!!!

  181. Tun, I think there is a great difference between the current global financial tsunami and the Asian Financial Crisis.
    The condemnation from the US and Europe against the Asian Financial Crisis bailouts were largely due to the fact that the bailouts in Indonesia and Malaysia were mainly to bail out friend, family and cronies. Whereas in the current global financial crisis, the bailouts in all the countries are to ensure that the global financial system does not fall apart. All the bailouts are open, transparent and go through proper approval from the relevant authorities.


  183. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Well I am sure politicians in The UK would be peddling resilient lines like:

  184. Asalamualaikum bapak…
    hmmmmmm….orang bijak tak akan ngaku dia bijak…cam padi…
    selalu yg tak bijak yg duk mendabik dada ngaku dialah paling bijak..
    saya lebih percayakan bapak dari dolah yg duk suka2 hati kata ekonomi m’sia bagus manjang…hampeh…haram takleh percaya….
    muga bapak sentiasa di bawah lindungan Allah selalu…
    terima kasih atas segala penat lelah jerih payah bapak selama ini tapi sayang dicemarkan dolah yg dah mati sebelum mati….

  185. (Bernama) — Jerlun Member of Parliament Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir today urged the government and opposition in Perak to come to a compromise and address the main issues like the current economic meltdown.
    Admitting that the political crisis in Perak was increasingly bewildering, Mukhriz who will be contesting the Umno Youth chief post this month, said the impasse would be a disadvantage for all parties involved if allowed to prolong.
    I am in favour of imposing immediate emergency rule or even going back to absolute monarchy rule. Sultan Perak adalah Raja jajahan Negeri Perak dan mempunyai kuasa mutlak untuk menentukan siapa yang berhak untuk mentadbir Negeri Perak, period.
    The Pakatan Rakyat had failed to govern the State. They are now behaving like dungus. They feel that they are getting support from the rakyat. No. The rakyat is always behind their Sultan whatever it takes. So Pakatan can just forget that the Sultan would reinstate them to rule Perak. No way. They have embarrassed their Sultan and don’t expect the Sultan to kowtow them. That will be the last thing to happen. Democracy is dead in Perak. Make no mistake about it. You can go to whatever courts you like but at the end of the day the Sultan calls the shot.
    Jangan memperkotek-kotekkan Raja Melayu. Thats my advice to Pakatan. Enough is enough. There is a limit to whatever action you take. At the end of the day Pakatan will be the greatest loser. You just cannot win as far as challenging the Royalty is concerned. Don’t try your luck by instigating the rakyat. Don’t push the Sultan to the extreme. The rakyat will rally behind their Sultan.

  186. salam sejahtera..
    kegawatan ekonomi skrg dapat kami rasa…selaku yg berada lama laut tidak langsung ambik kisah masalah politik yang melanda negara..tapi masalah ekonomi yang melanda sekarang amat membimbangkan kami..banyak kapal yang drifting di persisiran.. ini menunjukkan betapa lembabnya ekonomi sekarang..
    harap tun dapat memberi nasihat yang membina untuk memulihkan ekonomi sekarang..

  187. (Bernama) — Jerlun Member of Parliament Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir today urged the government and opposition in Perak to come to a compromise and address the main issues like the current economic meltdown.
    Admitting that the political crisis in Perak was increasingly bewildering, Mukhriz who will be contesting the Umno Youth chief post this month, said the impasse would be a disadvantage for all parties involved if allowed to prolong.
    I am in favour of Emergency Rule or even going back to absolute monarchy rule, period.Perak adalah jajahan Sultan Perak yang berkuasa mutlak ke atas jajahan negeri Perak. Tuanku berhak menentukan siapa yang boleh mentadbir negeri.Forget about democracy. It is dead in Perak.
    This Pakatan Opposition is not worth a sen now. They simply don’t have the mental capacity to rule the state. They are all dungus, period. We don’t talk about hak rakyat now. kalau pemimpinnya menderhaka kepada Rajanya sendiri dan kurang ajar.
    To Pakatan Rakyat, please don’t claim that you get the support from the rakyat. The rakyat just got fed up with your antics. The rakyat is all behind the Sultan. So please stop all the nonsense, you dungus !!

  188. Smart Tunnel Spared Several Areas In City
    KUALA LUMPUR, March 5 (Bernama) — Syarikat Mengurus Air Banjir dan Terowong Sdn Bhd (Smart) said its storm water tunnel (Smart Tunnel) prevented several areas in the city like Masjid Jamek, Jalan Tun Perak, Lebuh Ampang and Jalan Melaka from being inundated on Tuesday.
    Thank you, Tun. Without your vision to build the Smart Tunnel I think the whole of KL would have been inundated by floods and causing a lot of damage to properties and lost millions of ringgit.

  189. Dear Tun,
    “I may be wrong of course. Maybe by more trillions of dollars of bailouts the rich would achieve recovery. But I have my doubts.”
    I think you are qualified and have the experience to help these destitude western countries how to bail out their bankrupt banks and corporations.
    Of course, it does not come free of charge. I am sure you will ask a professional fee in GOLD DINAR equivalent to a trillion dollars!!

  190. Salam Tun
    As you said Malaysia is not that badly effected by the economic crisis as compared to the rich countries.In spite of this situation our government should not so much in alarming people on this matter.Nowadays because of this alarm people are so scared to spend and thus reduce cash liquidity in the market This make the crisis worsen

  191. Dear YABhg. Tun,
    The global economic crisis is damaging the western countries. Most of these contries are consumer countries and normally the downturn will affect them on the first phase and now, I can see the impact of multinational manufacturers in Malaysia retrench a lot of people and close shops. Manufacturing countries normally will suffers 6 mths-1 year after. People on the street who are jobless need to survive so crime rate could be alarming. People tend to be afraid, stay at home and this will worsen the economy.
    Leaders action must speaks louder than their words and must be a fast decision maker like what you did in the past. I have a strong believe and instinct that your son Mukhriz, possess these qualities. Even my chinese friends support him for the Umno Youth top post.
    ‘Berani Berubah’

  192. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Yes, the world is in recession. There is no where to run. From the capital of capitalism the US, fortress European Union and even Japan are in recession. Economies are contracting with negative growths and there is no sign of recovery. Some predicted it will last at least two more years. The worst part of it is that we don’t know whether we are already at the bottom or the worst is yet to come.
    Such is the gloom and doom of today’s world economies.
    There was a time when the US was hailed as the greatest economy in the world. Its economy is the most developed and regarded as the model economy for all to follow.
    When the East Asian 1997 crisis happened, the western economists, politicians and businesses were quick to lecture the East Asian countries how badly we managed our economies. They say it was not due to speculators but just bad management. Corruption, Cronyism and nepotism was the words of day.
    The IMF, ever arrogant, started imposing conditions on the East Asian economies in return for IMF rescue loans. The imposing picture of the IMF President witnessing the signing of the agreement by Mr. Suharto will forever be etched in the minds of Asians. We are after all Asians. How could we ever compete with US or the Europeans? How could could we know about economics or the world of finance?
    We should not bail out our business or banks. Let them go bankrupt. We should raise interest rates. We should open up our markets. No restrictions. Let the free market rule.
    It was latter found out that economics text book remedies by the IMF made the economies much worst than before.
    Malaysia, under Tun, ever the fighter, fought back and did the opposite what IMF “advised’ to do. We imposed the now famous capital and currency controls. Pegging the Ringgit to the US at RM3.80 a dollar and barring capital funds from leaving the country.
    Now, as Tun had written, the so called developed nations are doing exactly what we did during the 1997 crises. Lowering interest rates near 0% to help businesses, bailing out, etc,etc.
    Having said that, it seems the western nations are not as superior as perceived to be. And maybe, Asians are not as stupid or inferior as some would like to believe.
    I think the time has come that Asians started thinking for themselves and not looking to westerns on how to manage their economies.
    Look at what Tun did during 1997 crisis. Did he asked the West or IMF for advise? No. Even though he was a doctor by profession, he took the time to study economics and finances and helped the nation pull out of the 1997 financial crisis. Something for us to ponder and learn.
    We are just as good as the West. We must break the inferior mentality that the West is always better and what the West does is always right.
    Only then can we truly be free and out run them of becoming a developed nation.
    Regarding the US trillion stimulus package. I doubt the US have that much money. It is so easy to print money. Having the world ever addicted to the dolor makes it more easier. Its time we go back to gold based or gold dinar concept.
    We should go back to doing business the way it was meant to be. A buyer, a seller, and product.
    No more complex transactions which is more speculative. Speculative is gambling. Look at the havoc they cause during the 1997 financial crisis. A gambler always loses. When you put gambling elements into the economy, then the economy loses. People will suffer. Unemployment rises. Businesses go bankrupt.
    Riba or interest should be banned. How could you earn income simply by lending out money? There is no economic activity or buying or selling involved. Its just transferring of wealth from A to B. It is oppressive and get rich quick scheme.
    The sub prime crisis was the direct result of interest based economies which made the burrowers unable to pay as the interest kept on increasing. If the US is smart, they should let the burrowers just pay the principal amount via restructuring the loan installments and waive the interests. Thus, they can pay the loan without having to deal with interests that keep increasing their loan amount. When the borrower pay, the people get to keep their house, the bank get there money back. No bankruptcies. No Non performing loans. Everybody is happy.
    On the other hand, selling and buying give products and services to the people, increasing their standard of living and in return obtain profits.
    A total revamped of the world financial system is needed. Do not wait for the US or western to take lead. We need to be proactive.
    This is my opinion, an ordinary Asian from Malaysia.

  193. Tun,
    DSA seems to be broke…… If DSA is broke, do you think he’ll keep begging PM for bailing him out…..???

  194. 1. saya sokong sangat2 dengan “rahman” dalam ulasannya tentang daftar bahasa melayu.
    2. jom tengok dalam ruangan ututsan pada 5/03/09 di ruangan sains dan teknologi; yang bertajuk “Akses e-mel dengan cepat dan mudah” oleh NAZRUL AZIM SHARUDDIN berbunyi ;
    MENGGALAKKAN lagi penghasilan telefon (HEHEHE) bimbit berkualiti (HEHEHE), Nokia baru-baru ini telah tampil dengan dua model (HEHEHE) terkininya bagi kelompok siri-E (HEHEHE).
    Didatangkan dengan papan kekunci QWERTY penuh untuk model (HEHEHE) E75 dan papan kekunci QWERTY kompak (HEHEHE) untuk E55, kedua-dua model tersebut menawarkan perkhidmatan terbaru untuk e-mel (HEHEHE) syarikat(HEHEHE).
    Dengan fungsi (HEHEHE) itu, ia dapat memberi platform (HEHEHE) dan penyelesaian terbaik kepada syarikat-syarikat korporat (HEHEHE) menerima dan menghantar e-mel kepada pelanggan dan pengguna mereka pada bila-bila masa.
    Menurut Naib Presiden (HEHEHE) Nokia Asia Tenggara, Chris Carr, komunikasi (HEHEHE) dunia tanpa sempadan kini memerlukan pengurusan sesebuah syarikat sentiasa mengakses (lagi HEHEHE) kepada emel dalam usaha meningkatkan produktiviti (HEHEHE) mereka.
    “Justeru, telefon bimbit ini menawarkan pengguna dengan sambungan aplikasi (HEHEHE kat DBP) seperti Microsoft Exchange dan IBM Lotus Notes yang secara tidak langsung memberi penjimatan dalam kos (HEHEHE) operasi (HEHEHE) tanpa perlu berbelanja untuk pembelian perkakasan atau pelayan,” katanya.
    Selain itu, prestasi perkhidmatan emel pada telefon bimbit berkenaan turut dipertingkatkan dari segi sokongan HTML (HEHEHE lagi kat DBP), paparan lebih luas, fungsi (HEHEHE) e-mel asas serta susunan fail yang lebih teratur mengikut tarikh, maklumat penghantar dan juga saiz (HEHEHE panjang).
    Pada bahagian atas paparannya pula, terdapat pautan untuk kalendar (HEHEHE kat GAPENA), nombor (HEHEHE panjang kat GAPENA) telefon dan juga pengurusan tugas.
    Mengambil inspirasi (HEHEHE kat BEKAS MENTERI PELAJARAN) daripada kejayaan siri Nokia Communicator yang berasaskan e-mel, fungsi kedua-dua model itu telah diperkembangkan agar lebih pantas dalam menyokong aktiviti (HEHEHE) membaca, mengurus dan respons (HEHEHE kat DBP) kepada e-mel.
    Ciri lainnya pula adalah mempunyai kuasa bateri (HEHEHE kat DBP) tunggu sedia yang lebih lama iaitu sehingga 28 hari, perkhidmatan Nokia Maps menerusi Sistem Penentu Kedudukan Global (HEHEHE) (GPS), permainan video (HEHEHE) N-Gage serta sambungan kepada Ovi Files (HEHEHE) untuk perkongsian data bersama komputer.
    Nokia E75 bakal berada di pasaran pada Mac ini sementara E55 pada suku kedua tahun ini.
    4. dah baca?
    5. tengok perkatan sebelum (HEHEHE) inilah kerja DBP dan GAPENA selama ini memperjuangkan bahasa melayu. makan gaji buta buat kerja halai balai.
    6. jawablah nanti kat akhirat.
    7. sedih sebab Tun tak dapat tinjau2 kerja depa masa berkuasa dulu

  195. Salam Tun,
    it seems we are in better position in both scenario. the 97-98 crises pass away because only our region was affected, but this time round, the whole world is crumbling. as i have mention , malaysian government need to spruce up the initiative to create as many entrepreneurs and SME in basic necessity all over malaysia.
    just allocate RM5 million to a town, and build a yellow noodle factory to supply for the whole district. Duplicate and we will have 12 towns supplying basic needs. well, capitalism didn’t work, communism is still surviving, islamic way is sure to win.
    look at al-arqam. if not for azhaari wishful thinking, they is one of the best organisation ever to expand economically in the region. learn from them, the secrets etc. duplicate. the way is already proven, we need not seek it far away. it’s just within our grip.
    in the end, we will have a strong domestic economy, and with God wills, export the surplus. that’s how a nation should work. duplicate japan with their cottage industry. let people have job, and the economy will spin.
    Tok Det, if only the government was thinking of “rakyat”…

  196. 1. Masa semakin suntuk. UMNO mesti diperbetulkan dengan cepat segala kepincangan yang berlaku di dalam UMNO yang dah parah.
    2. Najib tidak ada jalan lain melainkan mesti tegas.
    3. Jika ada konco-konco Pak Lah yang menang dalam pemilihan dan memang diketahui umum bahawa mereka tidak layak, Najib MESTI sidelined mereka. Mereka dah jadi KAYU BURUK. Mereka Haprak. Mereka HP6.
    4. Perwakilan yang memberikan kemenangan kepada mereka memanglah BANGANG dan TONGONG.
    5. Saya rasa Najib mesti reorganise the whole structure of UMNO. UMNO is in a battering state of affair. Dah tonggang terbalik !!
    6. I don’t think Najib would be able to handle the mess created by Pak Lah without getting full support from his new team. So his choice of new team must be seen by the rakyat having the highest credibility and integrity. THIS IS VERY CRITICAL.
    7. I would suggest Najib to select the most senior high powered and respectable UMNO members to advise him on UMNO affairs.
    8. He should consider having an independent UMNO Presidential Advisors to guide him in the administration of UMNO as well as the running of the government. He cannot rely totally on Majlis Tertinggi because I can bet that some of them are still behaving like old UMNO way of thinking.
    9. Having Presidential Advisors is good for Najib to get second opinion in his decision making process so that the decisions made by Najib are well supported by everybody. NO MORE FLIP-FLOP, HAPRAK and HP6 DECISIONS CONTROLLED BY 4th FLOOR OXPOD STREET SALESMEN OR CONMEN.
    10. UMNO NEEDS TOTAL OVERHAUL. Make no mistake about it.
    11. Umno is now like a junk car whose mileage has clocked exceeding more than 100,000 miles. A lot of new parts got to be replaced to make the car functioning well again.

  197. Salam Tun and all dear bloggers,
    My sub-topic : “Message to Najib, the PM-in-waiting”
    Financial crisis and bailout. The whole world is in crisis and in frenzy over what to do to bring their economy back on its feet.

  198. Dear Tun,
    You are quite right about the government nationalising the banks in uk but i disagree using the word fraud on the banks. the banks in the uk made genuine mistakes in their investment portfolio especially linked to the subprime mortage lending debacle in the usa. It all started with the bush administration.Bush was the real culprit but the sad thing is he didnt even know that he ordered the subprime lending maybe he didnt understand the meaning of subprime. The economy was further aggravated by the war in iraq and afganistan. But bush didnt understand all these. he is not so bright and a slow learner. Tony Blair although an oxford graduate followed the fool, bush with the approval of british parliament.
    What the current us and british governments are doing is correct. it is classical economic theory using expansionary measures to stimulate the economy or to reverse the contractionary spiral.
    It is different from our 1997 crisis. our pre1997 economy was a bubble economy of share market. But Tun was superb with the capital control to stop the currency traders otherwise our country would have gone to the dogs.
    amin tan

  199. Salam Tun,
    this is my first appearance since few months seeing u blogging.keep up good works and always take care of your health. i’m always by your side, even though i was so far from you.

  200. Salam Tun…
    This is the worst economy crisis ever… Based on what i read and hear, it will be much longer to recover from this than the previous one….
    I’m working in Electronics Manufacturing..
    For the past few month…
    I see my friends been VSS due to this…
    I feel so sad….
    And SO MAD…
    When everyday i read the paper… It’s just about politics been the headline…
    “Die nak saman nie” , “Perlantikan tak sah” , “Sidang Bwh PoKok”
    Can’t they have enough of this….
    Better unite and help the people WHO VOTE FOR THEM…
    get through this economy crisis…
    People are suffer right now…
    Wish that u still be our PM…
    Maybe the condition is not this worst….
    Some of the BIG people says that when TUN was PM, it was “KUKU BESI”
    But for me…
    I always respect TUN…
    Semoga tun sihat selalu….

  201. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun,
    Apa yang Tun hujahkan diatas ada kebenarannya. We are confident the current financial crisis worldwide could be solved amicably by

  202. Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
    1. We have manipulators at our country’s level
    2. Not surprising though, we have manipulators at global level
    3. Those developed nations talked about letting the markets do
    their work but in reality some greedy traders in cahoot with
    leaders of big nations manipulated the markets
    4. Now when shit happens, then they seek the nation, the
    people to help them out…its happening in our country too.
    Maybe at a smaller scale but look at some of the losses from
    glcs; TNB? Maybank? proton…others? The market is not allowed
    to take its own course but the manipulators (so happened related
    to dollah)discrupted the process.
    Tun you’re one of those with the heads, hearts and actions to
    make things happen..things beneficial to the rakyat, especially
    during this bad time. But, for political and personal reasons,
    these nincompoops will never admit you’re helpful.

  203. Trillions dollars and pounds are poured into market and the market will be full of money! The market will cheer up but soon, a world scale inflation is awaiting. Yet another darkness…yet another free fall but this time, it will be nations’ central banks.

  204. Dear Tun
    I like the way you analyze things you are brilliant.
    I hope our deputy PM if he becomes the Prime Minister
    he will have you as an adviser or appointment you for
    a special role to help us out of the mess we are in.
    Take care….

  205. Assalamualaikum w.b.t YBhg Tun,
    Saya berbangga dengan Tun kerana di mana mana di UAE, sekiranya menyebut Malaysia…sudah pasti nama MAHATHIR MOHAMED akan terpacul dr mulut samaada Arab,Pakistan,India, Afghanistan etc. Mereka sungguh berbangga dengan pencapaian Tun menaikkan nama Malaysia di mata Dunia, melawan kehendak USA, menangkis krisis ekonomi97. mereka berbangga dengan Tun. Sudah tentu sebagai rakyat Malaysia saya juga turut terharu dengan sambutan mereka. Malah lebih terharu lagi apabila mendengar/melihat rakyat Malaysia sendiri mengutuk Tun. Hanya doa kesejahteraan dari hati saya terhadap Tun yg mampu diberikan pada waktu itu (di saat mereka mengutuk Tun).
    Ok berbalik pada isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Tun, saya juga berpendapat berkemungkinan Dinar Emas adalah jalan yang terbaik. Ketika Tun menyatakan tentang pentingnya Dinar Emas diperkenalkan, ramai pemimpin dunia memandang remeh perkara ini. Tetapi baru baru ini saya ada terbaca artikel di Gulf News tentang penggunaan emas sebagai simpanan walaupun bukan sebagai matawang. Mungkin sedikit sebanyak ini dapat menyokong pendirian Tun dalam pengenalan Dinar Emas?

  206. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I always wonder…. who determined how much a country should have?
    can the king of malaysia or the leader in 3rd world countries print their own money???? whats the value of money this days….
    like what u said…where all this money come from…. i know… money factory…got u directors… US President and UK PM

  207. salam Tun..
    i just want to say thank you for saving the country from Anwar before.
    Semua kebenaran sudah terkeluar dan saya tak dapat bayangkan bagaimana TUN hadapi semua fitnah dengan tabah dan tidak memudaratkan diri TUN.
    Terima Kasih sesangat TUN. Jsaa mu di kenang sampai bila2.
    Dan juga terima kasih keapda isteri TUN, Dr Hasmah.Send me and my family salam to her.

  208. Tun, even you are not economist but your comments is better than the the economist. We will see what will happen next.

  209. YAB Tun and readers,
    This was what George Soros said at Columbia University:
    “The seriousness of the crisis cannot be exaggerated. The closest comparison that I can think of is actually the collapse of the Soviet Union.”

  210. assalamualaikum tun.
    dulu masa saya kecit kecit tahun 80an dulu, saya dan sepupu saya 3 orang dah pandai main monopoli kat kampung kami di kampung kelubi, jasin. bayangkan masing2 umur 9-12 tahun dah pandai main monopoli dari lepas makan malam sampai ke pagi. dalam main monopoli tu kami lantik seorang banker untuk menjaga duit olok2 monopoli tersebut. mula2 kami ikut undang2 monopoli itu yakni apabila seseorang itu sudah kalah (duit habis), maka dia terkeluar dari game tersebut.
    tapi sebab kecit kecit pon kami dah jadi capitalist, jadi apabila salah seorang sepupu saya habis duitnya, dia terpaksa menjual hartanahnya. tetapi akhirnya duit jualan hartanah itu habis juga dan dia terkeluar dari game monopoli itu. tetapi kerana ingin terus bermain, saya, yang paling banyak duit dan hartanah, meminjamkan duit kepadanya dengan syarat dia bayar balik sedikit demi sedikit setiap pusingan monopoli itu bersama interest! tapi seperti di jangka akhirnya dia tetap bangkrap dan berhutang dengan kami.
    saya pula semakin seronok dengan uwang berjuta! tetapi saya masih mahu sepupu saya terus bermain dan tidak mahu hutang dia terhadap saya menjadi NPL. maka saya dengan cerdiknya telah meminjam duit dari banker untuk saya kemudian pinjamkan balik kepada sepupu saya! hah!
    tanpa di sedari, apabila banyak pusingan monopoli sudah di lakukan, yang kaya tinggal saya sorang dan sepupu saya yang 3 orang tadi pon bengkrap. tetapi mereka tak puas hati dan terus mahu bermain! dan saya sebagai along yang prihatin, meminjamkan mereka duit. dari mana saya dapat duit tu? dari banker kami lah yang jugak tamak haloba walhal dia tak main pon game tu tapi hanya tukang jaga duit.
    dan seperti di jangka apabila hutang bertambah dan lebih banyk wang di perlukan, duit olok2 yang di sediakan dek monopoli tu pon tak cukup! maka apa yang kami buat? kami CETAK DUIT dengan koyakkan buku matematik kami yang ada kotak2 tu untuk di jadikan wang.
    akhirnya pusingan monopoli itu tidak habis kerana setiap kali duit habis, kami hutang, kalah lagi, hutang lagi. tetapi akhirnya kami berhenti apabila buku matematik yang kami koyak untuk di jadikan duit tu tinggal kulit aje.
    nampaknya saya yang tak paham bahasa ekonomi pon dah jadi penyangak mata wang pada umur 9 tahun.

  211. Dear Tun Dr M,
    During any economic crisis, the countries which are immediately and severely affected are those company

  212. Salam Tun,
    It’s good to here from you again! I’m write here to tell you something. Hope you listen….. Ya, semua orang tahu Tun adalah pemimpin yang paling berwibawa yang telah membawa Malaysia ke suatu aras baru dalam dunia moden ini. Tanpa idea pemikiran Tun, tak mungkin Malaysia akan maju seperti ini. Tun tidak perlu menjadi economist pun Tun boleh berfikir seperti mereka malah lebih baik lagi. Pendapat Tun memang susah nak sangkal.
    Tapi Tun, mengapa tidak Tun beri pendapat mengenai isu PPSMI ini? Saya sebagai salah seorang pelajar sekolah menengah di Malaysia yang memperjuangkan PPSMI akan lega dan bangga jika Tun bersuara tentangnya.

  213. salam ayahanda,
    your views and comment are superb.please don’t stop writting.The country needs ayahanda to show the right path..

  214. Akum Tun,
    Saya mohon pada Tun,dengan keadaan politik negara yang tidak stabil dan ekonomi dunia yang kucar kacir, tolonglah bantu untuk pulihkan kedua-duanya terutamanya politik. Biarlah orang melayu yang menguasai politik. Kembalilah kepada politik dan pulihkan Malaysia, please

  215. Now, can anyone in the opposition or cabinet ministers without an economic portfolio write a deep and detailed insight into the global financial situation as you can, Tun? 😉
    You will always be my favourite Prime Minister, Tun! haha!

  216. Salam Ayahanda Rakyat,
    Tun, I am very, very sorry to have mentioned the name of Daim in my previous comment which Tun did not post in chedet. I only came to know that he is another “Melayu bersikap Yahudi (mudah lupa kerana bermentaliti Capitalism), hanya mementingkan dirinya tanpa mengenang budi (tidak mengenang budi means west democracy), another bas..rd after reading the comment from “By Puteri Tanjung on March 5, 2009 12:56 PM”. The writer must be a chinese due to the writing. The story of the late Tan Sri Loy was mentioned who died in England during the hard time in 1997. His late 2nd son was killed in a car crash few years back, the worst tragic moment for the Loy’s family. The late Tan Sri Eric Chia’s image was damaged too due to this financial crisis. Tun, greed and power could lead to misfortunes if we do not believe in god.
    Now I heard voices that there could be a World War 3, can we believe it? According to these voices, dollar is equal to America + gold. Now, US$ is rising abnormally and very unstable (volatile lah). Would US $ plunged or keep rising abnomarmally as mentioned by the writer to RM4.50? The rising of US$ could be another speculation to create fear or greed in human mind because the bailout did not work? When there is a war, gold price will increase thus US$ will increase too. I doubt US$ can hold on to her value. If she does, then Iran will be force invaded like Iraq, and the world will never have peace and fairness.
    I do not understand why Yahoo news keep on saying that Iran has nuclear power? An Iranian who visited our Genting Highland 2 years had told me that their government had cut off all the budget for nuclear power research and developement because of oppression from the United States of America (“You represent all races?”,asked Klaatu, Noah turned alient, to the USA secretary). Thus, Iranians hate their government because it has caused all these scientists out of jobs or work as a sales representative for the American company.
    I strongly believe that there won’t be any war. I remember I told an investor by profession that Bush will not invade Iraq. He told that Bush would invade, yes he was right. I anwered, if Bush declare war on Iraq, the USA will be the enemy to the world. Now it proved that I am right, and now USA is suffering due to their ignorant and greed.
    On local front, I do hope that the mini budget will be aimed to lessen the burden of the rakyat, please focus in saving our economy, forget about US or European markets.
    To bloggers, if you want to stop the war of WW3 from happening, please do not invest in Europe and US currencies and their share markets. Let the real supply and demand determine the true value of these currencies to make sure these speculators suffer being poor for the rest of their lives. This is what god wants us to do, I learned this from Klaatu, the alient!!!

  217. Salam Tun dan Toh Puan.
    Ini yang akan terjadi kalau “tidak amanah” dan “tidak jujur” apabila memegang “wang” di tangan.
    Saya merasa hairan dunia barat yang cukup bangga dan selalu mempromosi “pasaran bebas” sekarang terpaksa “meludah kelangit terkena muka sendiri”.
    Saya masih ingat, semasa krisis kewangan berlaku di Malaysia, dan kita perkenalkan “skim selamatkan syarikat kerajaan -GLC” di kecam hebat dan di sindir kerana “tidak bebas”, ” tidak telus” ,dan “mengamalkan kronisma”.Sekarang siapa yang tidak telus, tidak bebas dan mengamalkan kroni?
    Dunia barat cukup terkenal dengan skim, dan tipu daya yang tajam, Dari dulu lagi, mereka cuba mempengaruhi minda masyarakat dunia supaya sembah dan tunduk dengan idea mereka, “konon nye mereka ada ijazah HARVERD, STAMFORD, YALE…konon!” sebenarnya mereka sama dengan budak tadika KEMAS.
    Saya juga teringat semasa penjualan AGUSTA yang tidak tulus dan tidak jelas, masih kabur dan samar-samar. Sampai sekarang tiada sesiapa pun yang berani bersuara. Dan betul kata Tun, bangsa ku mudah lupa dan rakyat Malaysia suka di beri gula-gula, untuk lupa, tak ambil kesah dan buat tak tahu aje!Janji periuk nasi saya tidak terjejas. Tergadai ilmu teknologi AGUSTA pun tak apa!
    Tun ekonomi Malaysia alhamduliah masih selamat tetapi saya tidak tahu akan bertahan berapa lama. Adakah setiap kali tukar pemimpin, tukar menteri barulah hendak membuat perubahan “tambah gula-gula” kepada rakyat.
    Saya berharap Tun dapat membuat kertas kerja dan hantar ke kementrian yang terlibat bagi membantu rakyat Malaysia yang masih takut hendak berbelanja. Buat masa sekarang rakyat hanya beli barang yang penting sahaja. Terutama sekali kategori makan. Kedai-kedai lain akan tutup dan bungkus!
    Dengan usaha Tun tu, rakyat akan nampak usaha dan sayang Tun pada negara ini, walaupun dah bersara.
    Tun kami perlukan idea Tun. Kami perlukan aura dan kata-kata semangat dan idea-idea bernas Tun yang berjaya kalahkan idea barat kuno ni.
    Saya dan keluarga mendoakan Tun dan Toh puan sihat dan Anak Tun akan menjadi PM Malaysia. InsAllah.

  218. Salam..,ayahanda.
    Semoga matahari/bulan menerangi di pagi 1st April dgn terang benderang….

  219. Salam Tun and Family
    We are concern how our government is going to tackle the financial crisis that we are facing. The western are busy bailing out their banks and corporations and thank god that we are still ok. Tun’s idea and suggestion on how we have to work during the crisis is paramount. I also hope that the government will expedite the implementation of projects under stimulus package.

  220. Tun Mahathir,
    Salam Dengan Penuh Hormat.
    I am back after a long while.
    The down turn of the cycle is back on our shore and indeed, the rest of the world and this time around it’s going to be more intensified.
    America is carrying a very big baggage due to their big greed. They now have a new man at the helm with new financial advisors but the force behind that POWER will be the same,the scrpulous Capitalists and Finaciers and their greed is never ending.Blame it on Market Force as usual.
    America and its allies would want to have their say in every part of the world and to sprade thier cost around. Well and good that the FTA with Malaysia is still pending.But, I do not know how far their long arms are taking a swipe at our economy maybe our well learned economists are aware of the situation.
    I do watch the EPL on the Astro channels and notice Air Asia logo on the Sleeves of the Football Officials. I wonder whether it is worth the while or whether it was indebtedness. Vergin Air is now a partner. Purchase of new aircrafts were financed through Barclays arrangement, MU’s jerseys are now financed by Air Asia an extension of being the official aicraft for MU’s Asian tour ect. More UK flights has been approved. I am waiting for the day Vergin/ Air Asia’s proposal in taking over of the National Airline.Could it be part of the sceme pushed by the POWER behind the invisible Market Force ?.
    I am just hoping that NTR can be as screwed to save the Country. As I see it, PKR is acting as the frontline no. 1 enemy of the country. Are they part of this long arm that I was weary about ?.

  221. Assalamualaikum and greetings to Tun and visitors,
    Thank you Baiduri.z for sharing the article with all of us. Hopefully world is sharing.
    Indeed great man is not born everyday. He is still here; we all just listen and learn as his wisdom pours.
    God willing another one may come around soon. This nation and the world need one.
    Semoga Tun dan pembaca semua dilindungi yang Esa.

  222. Salam Tun,
    Currently I am in London …. and I am 95% sure that they will fail. Somehow, something inside my mind telling me that the zionisme is part of this. Their media (which is owned by zionisme) sure are taking part in helping to pull down the public confidence .
    Tun, do you think that that the zionisme is pulling a string somewhere.
    Please take care. My pray is with you and Tun Siti always

  223. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    On the day you relinquished your position as the PM of Malaysia, I had wrote a letter to the editor and published in the NST saying that you can still be of service to the country after you are no more the PM as you would still be around to dispense your advice. I was actually wrong! After seeing what happens to the so called developed countries as regards to the financial crisis, Tun can still of service not just to the country but to the world!
    Where are those people who said that Malaysia was a ‘pariah’ country because it did not take the medicine prescribed by the experts then such as IMF and the World Bank…and what are they saying or doing now, looking at the massive bailouts by the western governments of the failed companies in their countries? Don’t they ever realized of their own follies?

  224. Comment on Puteri Tanjung:-
    I wonder why a person like Dr.M who is so corrupted and incompetent as depicted by you can survive for 22 years? If he is so, why are the Arabs referring Malaysia as Mahathir, a Muslim Leader. Do you think a corrupted person should fight against the Jew? Isn’t that committing suicide?

  225. Tun,
    Somehow i wonder what happened to all our scholars from days before Merdeka till now? Where are they? It seems to be a desert. I scout the local TV channels and i hear not much inspiring intellectuality. Either they are trying to fill up the air time with face saving statements or just play it safe. No one delivers hard hitting facts in the face like you do.
    It is good thing this blog.
    Redhuan D. Oon
    PendAtang Dengan Izin

  226. can we buy them? at least we can open a new malaysia in europe. iceland also OK.

  227. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    1) Do you think that the economical collapsing of almost all countries can be a catalyzer of a global war, e.g. WW3?
    2) If there is a possibility, can we do something to avoid it?
    3) Can a war solve economical problems?
    4) Can we learn about it from history or experience?
    It would be interesting to read your opinion. May be it is worthy another post of you.
    Hanan, Israel.

  228. I guess their Economic Hit Man (EHM) missed the target this time. Terkena batang hidung sendiri. As for us pulak, our MOF2 and Najib should start to sit together and put an end to beating around the bush.

  229. Salam Tun,
    I agree with your comments as I was train in financial industry and I live in England for many years. Obviously, your opinion is valid about England & US bailout.
    But to compare it with your success in 1997-98 is not really compatible. I was in M’sia at that time also. After all Malaysia is a small country with small economy. Also Malaysia trade mainly within Asean countries. Obviously we also trade with UK & US but not at larger scale. Also in 1997-98 the world economy is strong and only in our region had a problem. Our currency is being manipulated as it was happen to South American countries earlier.
    This time the crisis is more real. It worst than most people thought. UK, Europe & US economy collapsed mainly due to the outrageous and greedy bankers and people in their financial industries. Many complicated financial instruments such as CDO were introduced with the idea to steal the money quickly. Many Ponzi schemes also were created by clever looking city blokes in grey suits. Also these plus the sub prime mortgages and more other factors has caused this disaster.
    Obviously, if the west collapse it will bring down the rests. we have seen Japan, China, Singapore etc all have been affected. I’m sure Malaysia will be affected badly sooner or later. We call it here, the second wave, will effected countries like Malaysia and the rest including Middle East.
    I can only wish the best for Malaysia as Pak Lah knows nothing about the economy. He even don’t know whether to resign or not or when to resign or not. Najib obviously will have to take this burden. I can only wish him best of luck as I’m sure he needs it!.
    Good Luck Malaysia!

  230. Assalamualaikum,
    Yang Dikasihi Ayahnda Tun
    dan para Pembaca
    Saya amat tertarik dengan bisikan ungkapan “melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya”, “menarik rambut didalam tepung, biar rambut tak putus tepung pun tak berterabur”, “berhenti makan sebelum kenyang”, “jika menghulur parang biar hulur tak jatuh sambut tak luka”, “bila merendam pekasam biar tangan tak kecut pekasam tak basi” , “meniti tali biar tali tak lucut lutut tak bengkok”
    Iktibar dari ungkapan ini adalah “eloklah menyelesaikan masalah yang kita pikir kecil sebelum ia besar, kerana kalau dah besar umpama buluh dah tua… bila di lentur kuat sangat… dan terlepas libasannya amat menyakitkan.
    Iktibarnya golongan pemimpin WAJIB memikirkan cara mencegah negara kita terjebak ke dalam lubuk krisis ekonomi lebih teruk melalui kesepaduan dan pemuafakatan berbanding POLITIK KANAK-KANAK yang sering menyengat mata dan telinga bila ditonton dan dibaca dimedia
    Iktibarnya untuk golongan tertentu…. yang berkaitan dengan polisi ekonomi negara dan membaca ulasan Ayahnda Tun… ini … AMBIL LAH IKTIBAR DAN DAPATKAN PENYELESAIAN YANG TERBAIK TERDAYA… Setelah berusaha barulah kita Bertawakkal kepadaNya
    Hai belalang…. kalaulah kau diwujudkan berjuta-juta dan nilai kau berbillion-juta…. bole lah ayah jadikan kau sandaran untuk pulihkan ekonomi negara ini…. Apa daya ayah ni nujum ajer… tak leh pulak nak magic kan ko jadi bernilai emas berbilion juta… untuk didambakan demi negara tercinta ini… hai belalang…. nasib baik jugak kau juga lah belalang….
    Moga Allah kurniakan segala yang terbaik buat Ayahnda Tun dan Keluarga kerana Kami Amat Sayang Ayahnda Tun…

  231. Salam Ybhg Tun,
    Komen kepada Puteri Tanjung;
    Memang bermacam2 ketidakbaikan dan kebaikan telah berlaku semasa pimpinan Ybhg Tun Mahathir. Membina Daya Bumi, Putrajaya, KLCC, Plus, KLIA, masalah MAMINCo, Perwaja dan bermacam2 lagi. Malahan bernmacam2 pergolakan dan scandal telah dikatakan berlaku semenjak Tun Mahathir memegang tampuk pimmpinan pada tahun 1981.
    Walaupun berlaku bermacam2 scandal seperti yang digembur2kan, tetapi segala keperluan rakyat sentiasa dapat dipenuhi. Rakyat sentiasa gembira dan negara aman tenteram. Kebanyakan rakyat bekerja dengan motivasi yang tinggi untuk membangunkan negara.
    Peluang pekerjaan bersepah2 kerana terlalu banyak projek sedang dilaksanakan.
    Kilang2 sentiasa sibuk membuat pengeluaran untuk memenuhi permintaan kerana terlalu banyak projek sedang dilaksanakan.
    Rakyat yang mulanya menunggang motosikal kapcai telah mampu membeli Proton Saga ataupun Perodua Kancil. Ada orang kampung sekarang mempunyai dua tiga kereta dihalaman rumah.
    Harga minyak bahanapi dan barangan keperluan sentiasa terkawal menepati kepada pendapatan purata rakyat.
    Profesional Melayu, Cina, India dan malahan mat salleh drpd luar negara berganding sama rata membangunkan projek2 besar negara tanpa unsur2 prasangka.
    Nak balik kampung pun senang dan cepat dengan adanya PLUS highway.
    (nak buat PLUS highway pun dulu banyak jugak dengar scandalnya)
    Kegiatan politik karut dan remeh jarang kali berlaku.
    Pasaran jual beli saham menjadi aktiviti sampingan yang sangat menguntungkan.
    Restoran makanan mahal dan murah sentiasa penuh dengan pengunjung samada malam atau siang hari kerana rakyat mampu berbelanja besar.
    Rakyat tak ambil pusing dengan ‘scandal2’ juta ringgit seperti yang dinyatakan kerana keperluan rakyat sentiasa terjaga.
    Cakaplah apa jua scandal yang telah Tun Mahathir lakukan tetapi BN sentiasa mendapat lebih daripada 2 per 3 majoriti didalam Parlimen. Undi daripada kaum Melayu, Cina , India dan lain2 lagi.

  232. “Recession is when your neighbour losses his job, Depression is when you lose yours” ~ President Truman

  233. “Gentlemen, he said,
    I don’t need your organization, I’ve shined your shoes,
    I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards
    But Eden is burning, either brace yourself for elimination
    Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards. ”

  234. Saya copy n paste je samua ni, letak kat depan balik supaya semua dapat membacanya….
    Salam Tun,
    Thank you sir for your insight on the economic crisis that we face today. I, as small a person as I may be, am also worried of the days ahead as we are told to expect a worsening economic condition by the media.
    You have made it very clear that the crisis that we have to face today is much more alarming than the 97-98 crisis. However I am looking at it at a slightly different perspective. During the 97-98 crisis, when you implemented actions to curb the economic crisis such as pegging the Ringgit, bailing out the companies and such, the nation as a whole went through an adjusting period that did not affect the common man as much as it did the big corporations. On the other hand, the government of the day has chosen a different track whereby the people are asked to shoulder some of the burden by raising tariffs and prices. Is this because the situation today is worse or is it because the leader is still unable to find a certain formula best to fight this crisis? I am sure Dato

  235. La ni seluruh dunia menhadapi masalah ekonomi yg ketara, tetapi kat Malaysia ni macam tak ada ahli politik yg memandang serius tentang perkara ini,mereka ni cakap,fikir,action semua lambat, semua lambat daripada negara lain,mereka sedang menbincang tentang privatisation pasukan bola sepak negara diparlimen???WTF..
    government servant kat malaysia ni dah terlalu banyak (bilangan gov servant/jumlah tenaga kerja di malaysia)x 100% sehingga kerajaan:
    1.terlalu beban dengan costnya— Gaji bulanan,pencen,bonus…etc
    2.Gaji mereka tak boleh tinggi– terpaksa kerja partime-jual burger etc
    3.penggangur yg tinggi- kerajaan terpaksa upah those fresh grad yg keluar dari Intituisi tinggi yg mereka bangga
    sebab kerajaan practice 30% saham utk perlabur asing yg nak invest kat negara kita ni,sehingga perlabur asing tak nak invest kat sini so rakyat tak da kerja..kena tunggu kerajaan..semua tunggu bantuan…
    hopeless leader will bring Rakyat to nowhere..

  236. Dear Tun,
    You were right about the steps that you took during the financial crisis of 1997/98. I can still remember the “advise” given by the so called experts – local and home grown – about letting our banks and business failed because they were not competitive enough!!! Now they have to eat “humble pie”! The economics professor of a once prestigous local university with a strange name (not insulting him), was vociferous condemning your policies handling the crisis, but now is holding an important post in an international organisation giving economic advice – hope people realise what an idiot he was and is!!! But of course, he is an economic “idol” for people who are against you.
    Problem with economists (or economics experts) is that they will never admit their mistakes – there is always be “on the other hand” argument!
    I think you should have a certain sense of satisfaction about being proven right but as usual you never like to take credit for success unlike some (you know who!) who is now claiming that they are responsible for saving the country.
    And Malaysians as usual, Mudah Lupa.
    I pray that you and family are in the best of health and will continue writing on righting what is right (how’s that for playing with works).
    Hj Jamil

  237. The current world Economic Meltdown is said to be worst in decades by the majority of globe. The British generally say that current Economic Crisis is worst in a hundred years and some go on to claim that this is the

  238. I just wonder where did the pre-crisis money go? somebody must have made billions of dollar profit out of it. What happened to those who made those abuses and frauds ?

  239. saya merupakan pelajar lepasan institut perguruan..yg telah menghabiskan kpli pada nov 2008 tapi hingga kini belum mendpt tempt..tidak seperti kawan yg lain….saya tidak mendapat tempat ekoran dulu saya pernah meletak jawatan dalam kerajaan…hal yang demikian terjadi kerana pada ketika itu saya hanya bekerja sebagai kakitang sokongn…dan setelah mendapat kpli saya meletak jwatn degn izin dr ketua jbtn…..pada awal tahun…saya telah mengisi data yang mengatakan saya pernh bekerja dgn kerajaan…dan meletak jwtn…ttp kpm tak memberitahu apa2 pun..pada bulan nov 2008…mereka beritahu yg kami…yang ada kes letak jwtn tidak boleh post…kami ada seramai 226 org….sekarg dah 2 bulan lebi menganggur…pada akhir bulan ni pihak spp telh meluluskan kami untuk posting as DC41…tidak seperti yang dijanjikan oleh Pn.Norhamidah Awang,BSM,KPM…mengatakan kami akn dilantik as DG41….namun itu tak mnengapa…kami masih boleh terima…kini..pihak BSM,KPM…leoas tgn kes kami….dan menyerahkan kes kami kpd bhgn penempartan sekolah…tetapi….bahagian tersebuat mengatakan yg kami akn dipost kalo ada kekosgn d sekolah…sedangkan sekolah yg sy harus post dulu…masih kosong…dn dalam berita..masih banyak kekosogn…knp ini harus terjadi?tolonglah kami untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini..kami bukan orang senag….dan berkedudukan,,,tetapi kami rakyat Malaysia..knp diperlakukan sedemikian..?
    samapi kini tak da jwpn dr pihak kpm…sampai bila kami harus menuggu?….

  240. Dear Tun,
    What is money (or the numbers in your bank book, bank statement, etc.)…it all has NO intrinsic value at all.
    Money has NO value. Its value is derived from what it represents. What it is backed with.
    It is like an IOU where by when we present it the creator of the “money” he must be able to exchange it with something of value (product or services).
    Money is just a medium (of exchange) allow trading to take place efficiently. Otherwise we will be going around barter trading to no end.
    Money started of as a receipt given by goldsmith as evidence that someone had deposited gold pieces with them. Pretty soon the receipts were accepted by traders as representing the gold. So when they needed to, they can go to the goldsmith to redeem the gold by presenting the receipt. It can also be liken to the pawn ticket 😉
    Soon the goldsmith realise that they can make profit by lending to people these receipts (which they can print at a very low cost) when there wasn’t any gold to back it. The profit is derived from the interest these goldsmith charge for the loans on these receipts.
    So these receipts that the goldsmiths printed did not really have any gold to back it up!!! Yet they were able to profit from it.
    That is how bankers/banking was born!
    Eventually money (the paper kind and the bank statement kind) became the thing they use to make Trillions…from practically nothing!!.
    Can banking be called trading in its true sense!!!???
    Trading is for exchange of items of value, eg gold for services or goods, etc…
    And Free Trade should involve only Real true trading.
    In this sense Banking does NOT qualify as an activity worhty to be call or be associated with Free trade/market.
    We can have free trade/market without banks. Banks do not belongs in the free market world.
    I dare those expert economist to change their paradigm and look at real free market economy without banks – There in lies the real economy real which will be real easy to understand, not for just those experts.
    Free Market Yes!
    Interest bearing Banks NO!

  241. These countries forget the basics of economy, and even Singapore, learnt the lessons we had and braced for a bad streak with all their cash where it should be… in gold and not circulating their physical currency.
    US on the other hand, is so busy trying to destable the world by giving countries like IRAN the Intaglio Machine which literally prints money to destroy Iraq but these Iranians printed USDollars instead…cheaply.
    If not for our Agriculture, we are sitting ducks again, and for Thailand and Indonesia, their economy is self sustaining because their money never left the country. It’s pouring into as the world needs to eat and have to pay for it. Europe imports most of their food from us, Indonesia and Thailand. Indonesia in retrospect has over 750 Million Metric Tons of Gold in reserves to back their currency and we have somewhere about more in that region for our RM150Billion of currency in circulation. (25*25*1million numbers x(1+5+10+50+100 RM the math, max number of currency, but only 1% is in use) compared to Singapore having just $4 billion in circulation and $1.4B in 100/50/10/5/2 notes.
    Whatever it is, we should start getting our own citizens to grow their own food. Wherever possible, on the roof tops, on the corridors, on vacant land and TNB reserve land (which UK placed them under Allotments Program) and don’t rely at all on foreign worker. DISALLOW renewal of Work Permits for this 3 years and WHOLE HEARTED AMNESTY. Anyone who wish to go home..can just go..and never to come back.Save money, time, labour and man hours processing and feeding these illegals.
    The point is.. that is what UK, Europe is doing to make sure their currency is circulating again..and ECO NO MONEY is what happens when people who are greedy trade over nothing.Now they are selling their reserve gold bullion to cover their shorts and oil drops.
    Rasulullah SAW prophesied that of the the problems of RIBA and Money,and in this end of happens, before Kiamat.
    We must learn and adapt quickly. And the Government can take the first step, No TOLLS and PRE CRISIS oil prices of RM1.30/l.
    You have been wise to do the harsh thing before Tun, and this time it will work again but on the bigger scale. The Yahud is doing what U doing..but without Allah to bless will fail.
    Best of Health
    Azrin @

  242. Tun,
    Your comments only make me feel sad for the affected people, especially the jobless.There is very little that ordinary folks can do.From the economist’s point of view in a global recession if those who have the means & refuse to spend some money & adopt only austerity measures it will make the situation at home & the world at large worse.Coupled with this financial crisis is the cruel act of terrorism to wreck more havoc,physical & mental pain to others.So we can see we are living in uncertain & fallen times.I suppose we can ask for spiritual help from God.Moslems from Allah. It’s important to have inner peace first before we can reach out to our fellow beings.Need also to extend a hand to those who genuinely need our help by giving alms at church or zakat at mosques.When others look the other way we should pray to God to help them get on the right path.

  243. Tun.
    DSRY membuat ulasan dan kenyataan menarik semalam. Beliau mengatakan antara banyak sebab kenapa berlaku nya kekeliruan, perbalahan dan tercetus nya kekecuhan dikalangan rakyat adalah di sebabkan kurang atau lambat dalam penguat kuasaan undang2. Terlalu lambat bertindak olih penguat kuasa undang2 untuk mengekang sesuatu yang telah berlaku menyalahi undang2. Bergitu lah antara maksud nya yang saya faham.
    Beliau juga ada menyentuh peranan AG yang tak nampak kelibat nya dalam mana2 masaalah pelanggaran perundangan yang sedang melanda negara untuk tampil membuat kenyataan atau mengambil tindakan yang tegas.
    Ya lah saya pun perasan juga mana pergi Gani Patail. Negara kecuh dengan pelbagai masalah perundangan. Dia sedap2 tidor. PM pun kurang sentuh isu2 yang sedang melanda negara yang membabitkan politik saman menyaman, tembak menembak, persidangan bawah pokok,
    menghina Sultan,DLL. Kalau bolih cuba mengelak diri bila ditanya olih Press.
    Maka kerana itulah tak ada jalan penyelesaian yang effektif dan permasaalah itu terus berlarutan. Tidak ada NOKTAH nya seperti yang berlaku di Perak. Masing2 mengaku dipehak yang betul.
    Negara sudah cukup banyak mengubal2 pelbagai akta dan kanun tapi penguat kuasaan nya amat minimal atau tidak ada langsung.
    Maka itu sekarang ada rakyat mengambil kesempatan untuk menghuru harakan negara. Mereka langsung tidak takut untuk melanggar undang2 atau perlembagaan negara.
    Saya rasa AG ni patut diganti dengan orang lain yang lebih effisen dan berani melaksanakan penguat kuasaan undang2 yang dia punyai kuasa.

  244. Tun,
    Great to see you running here and forth to London 😉 I remembered you came to London around the same time last year. And I even took a picture with you (
    Anyway, back to your comment. With due respect, I am really tired with all the criticism on what the US or European have done trying to “save” their countries. Naturally, with their economic size all numbers will run into trillions… But that doesn’t mean they should just sit down and watch them fail. I am sure you didn’t do that when Malaysia went into such crisis in the 97-98.
    So, what’s your thought on how to revive these bad economic condition? I am sure you will agree with me that if “we” manage to bring them back to their feet, it’s beneficial not to those Yankees and “fish and chips” blokes, it’s also good for MALAYSIA.

  245. The other thing that we should take notice is that these people responsible for the credit crunch are the same people who are playing future commodities especially in the oil trade.
    They are the same people responsible hiking the oil price up. Now they don’t have enough money to do that. The oil price are back to normal. Even lower than previously forecast.

  246. i would like to express my disappoinment in Federal Government for not expressing their objection to the recent statement by Kedah Menteri Besar (which I read over the newspaper recently) to stick to the increase of Bumi Quota in Housing development in Kedah from 30% to 50%. I know that the policy on applies to “swap” Malay Reserve Land in Kedah, but such policy was based on 30% under the previous housing policy.
    I cannot understand why the Federal Government is keeping quite these day on this Bumi Quota issue in Kedah. And I think Kedah is not sparred from the World Economic crisis.
    As a Kedahan, I think that such policy is not fair to non-Bumi. Last was 30% (which I think was okay). But now it is 50% (which I think is absurd).
    So, Tun, could you please let me know your views on this policy as you have successfully led our country for more than 20years.
    A very disappointed Kedahan

  247. Finding Solution To School Bullies
    KUALA LUMPUR, March 4 (Bernama) — The police will discuss with the education department on appropriate measures to overcome bullying in schools.
    Bukit Aman CID director Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin said the police would help the department by giving suggestions and guidelines on how to deal with the problem.
    “Although the issue is not yet critical, the police believe that it should be handled together.
    “This is to ensure that our country is not inherited by a generation involved in crime.
    Hisham pun sama macam Pak Lah. Tidor je !! Sampai sekarang tidak dapat mengatasi masaalah buli di sekolah. Apa pasal benda yang senang untuk mengatasinya boleh jadi satu masaalah yang serious dan tidak dapat di tangani dengan berkesan.
    Jawabnya, Hisham’s priority is FLIP,FLOP !!!! NO serious long term commitment to tackle the problem. “Tenggelam timbul” attitude !!

  248. Salam Tun.
    Nampaknya tindakan negara maju untuk menyelamatkan ekonomi mereka tidak pula diberikan sebarang ulasan oleh pakar ekonomi yang menggemari Anwar Ibrahim. Hampir tiada langsung komen kedengaran yang akan mendakwa kerajaan Britain dan US cuba menyelamatkan kroni mereka.
    Apapun harap-harap Najib dapat bertindak pantas,bijak dan berkesan bagi menghadapi situasi yang kian gawat kini. Mungkin penubuhan pasukan MTEN baru boleh difikirkan seberapa segera.

  249. Dear Tun,
    The western countries have been cursed by Allah for practising riba’ in their banking system. Now their banking system has collasped. They should now look into the viability of Islamic banking system.
    They have been played out by the greedy Yahudi (Jews) who created the banking system to suit their objective of controlling the world financial system.

  250. Dear Tun,
    Semuga dalam lindungan ALLAH hendaknya.
    Rata-rata rakyat biasa dah merasai bahang dari kemelesetan ekonomi. Malangnya tiada langkah-langkah konkrit yang sedang diusahakan oleh pemimpin negara. Apa nak jadi dengan Malaysia. Ekonomi merudum, rakyat sengsara, pemimpin masih leka berpolitik tak habis-habis. Malu rasanya bila DUN pun bersidang bawah pokok. Bergolek-golek omputih gelak, mundur benar Malaysia. Buat dasar hanya bawah pokok. Apa sebenarnya yang ingin dicapai oleh pemimpin kita hari ini?
    Perdana Menteri mana? Makan gaji buta ke biarkan perkara ini berlarutan. Jangan lepas tangan saja. Sudah-sudahlah berpolitik. Buat lah kerja pulak. Rakyat menderita ooiiii

  251. Here you are telling, reminding and spooking us that the economy is not getting any better at all. Get to work, get to work, get to work!
    But in reality..,
    Malaysian politicians still playing with time and not only that, they are playing with each of the rakyat

  252. Dear Tun,
    I just have one question need your clarification.
    How do you come into conclusion that Phileo Allied Bank should go and acquired by Malayan Banking in 1997/98 ?

  253. Salam Tun,
    Terima kasih kerana update blog… Apa2 pon.. Sy tak nampak kerajaan kita bersedia nk hadapi krisis ekonomi.. Nampak lagi sibuk dengan keadaan politik semasa…

  254. this bailout will be like pouring water into river to fill it up.
    the money system has very much over ballon-ed with fake credit over the pass few centuries. those kind of money has been balloning all over the world like bubble & ballon everywhere which was gravity by industrialization.
    today the money system become very sick for consuming too much of air. money which was created from Lies (tricky complicated unhealthy fake credit) will eventually have his pay back day. maybe now is the day.
    money same as human is evoluting as time goes by. money although seem lifeless, have evolved into lifeless evil that is haunting the lifeless Earth/Resources to become Hell.
    ..that is why money also got ‘duit halal’ & ‘duit haram’..
    human is getting more, food resources is getting less & cannot coup up with the daily demand.
    when the last fish is fished out from the river, then only human will reliase that money cannot be eaten.

  255. Salam Hormat TDMM & TDSH,
    Wow ! That is scary BUT alhamdulillah we have shahadah where rezeki Allah will provide as long as we work hard. With present situation we even have to work harder. If TUN have any small renovation work both architectural and interior design maybe TUN could allow me to take up the opportunity. Hope TUN do not mind me being direct because I believe if we don’t ask we don’t get.
    Thank you SIR!

  256. Hi All, ada yang puji Dr M dan ada yg disebaliknya. Tapi bila kita lihat rekod, saya rasa tak salah dipuji.
    Ramai persoal pembinaan twin towers. Pembaziran. Tapi saya lihat twin tower dah jadi landmark untuk Malaysia. Makin banyak filem Hindustan tayang twin towers dlm pembikinan klip2 lagu mereka. Ini secara sedar atau tidak menjana ke arah tourism (salah satu sumber pendapatan negara kita). Ini baru satu. dah tentu ada kelebihan lain yg kita tak nampak.
    Ini pandangan saya sahaja. Sebagai rakyat yang humble, ini yang saya nampak.
    Saya setuju dgn Dr M yg mengatakan peperangan di Gaza bukan based pada keagamaan. Ia hendaklah diselesaikan secepat mungkin atas dasar perikemanusian. Tetapi saya hairan…Kenapa Dr M belum tulis mengenai orang2 Tamil dibunuh oleh tentera Sri Lanka dan LTTE di Sri Lanka.
    Apakah pandangan dan tindakan Dr M sebagai Chairperson of The Kuala Lumpur Foundation To Criminalise War (KLFCW)?

  257. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Based on what’s going on in the US and Europe, I personally do not believe that the bail out will work and it will take longer than they expected for the economies to recover.
    The current situation cannot be compared to what happened to Malaysia and other Asian Tigers of the 90s because our problem then was an excessive speculation on the respective currencies. It started with Thailand all the way to Brazil and Argentina.
    What is happening in US and Europe is that the whole financial sectors are affected. The banks, merchant or investment banks who securitised the sub-primed assets and sold to investors or other banks. Insurance companies like AIG are impacted because they provided guarentees for these sub-primed which finally became toxic assets. Not spared were the two mortgage financiers, FannieMay and FreddieMac which required bail out money in October 2008.
    In addition, US is facing huge problem in their back bone industry, automobile manufacturing as recent sales indicated a 50% drop in sales across the board.
    The major different between Malaysia and US situation is that in 1998, Malaysia has a strong fundamentals and we were facing a crdit crunch because we were following the contractionay policy prescribed by IMF. Alternatively, US findamentals is rather shaky and it worsened when the price of petrol was shooting through the roof and finally the credit crunch which happen because banks were not lending as to protect their own liquidity in shoring the sub-prive and toxic assets crisis.
    In Malaysia, it was a policy decision and it cost the government almost nothing to impelement the currency control measures where as in the US and EUROPE, trillions of dolars have been created and pumped into problem industries and companies just to bail them out. Foe example, AIG has received more than USD100 billion just to shore up their accounts which showed USD60 billion deficits and this is not the last of the woesening financials of AIG. More is to come.
    So, the bail out by US and EU governments will not lead to swift recovery because of weak fundamentals and rising unemployments. You see, when the confidence is gone and the perception is gloomy, people tend to save more money in the time the economy require spending from all quaters; consumers, business and governments. As of now, I don’t see such a thing happening in the US.
    As of Malaysia, the main industry that is being affected is the electronic manufacturing because consumers in US, Europe and to a certain extend Japan are not spending on new gadgets. Once our factory workers are retrenched by the bus loads, consumer confidence will reduce and this will have a strong negative impact across the board.
    Finally, I do not see any concrete plan by the government of the day on how to arrest the recession and stabilise the economy before we can rise above the crisis. So Tun, please lead the way…
    Shah Alam

  258. Assalamualaikum
    Saya hanyalah budak kampung yang serba kekurangan tetapi ingin juga memberikan pandangan dalam hal ekonomi Negara sekarang ini. Rasanya ekonomi asasnya amat mudah dan praktikal. Kapitalis mencipta teori dan membentuk kerangka yang kompleks agar mudah dimanupulasi oleh mereka. Maka terperangkaplah kita dalam sistem ekonomi mereka yang berbelit-belit dan penuh tipu daya ini.
    Islam mengajar kita amanah dan jujur ketika menjalankan muamalat. Tiada spekulasi, riba dan gelembong ekonomi yang akan meletup bila musimnya tiba. Tolong menolong adalah prinsip asas ekonomi Islam (Qard Hassan). Kalau Negara kita mengalami masalah ekonomi kita wajib membantu. Salah satu bentuk bantuan kita adalah memberi pinjam kepada kerajaan dan berbelanja tapi berhemah. Membayar zakat dan cukai. Saya cadangkan kerajaan angkat dulu keperluan mandatori mencarum kepada KWSP (bahagian pekerja) agar pendapatan boleh belanja kita meningkat seterusnya meningkatkan penggunaan dalam negara. Biarlah kerajaan meminjam daripada EPF untuk meningkatkan perbelanjaan kerajaan dalam insfrastruktur. Kita semua hendaklah bersatu bekerja keras membangunkan negara ini kerana inilah masa yang sesuai untuk kita mengatur langkah menjadi negara yang kuat dan berdaulat dalam semua segi (ekonomi, politik dan kemanusian)
    Kerajaan yang ada perlulah berubah, meninggalkan kemungkaran dan maksiat dan menjalankan amanah dengan berhemat dan teliti dalam membuat sesuatu keputusan dan perbelanjaan. Saya mencadangkan agar kerajaan memacu sektor pertanian dengan lebih agresif lagi dengan mengatur semula modal insan dan kewangan. Kita mempunyai tanah yang luas serta subur. Amat memalukan bila kita mengimpot begitu banyak barang makanan untuk keperluan dalam Negara. Sebaik mungkin kita perlu menjadi negara yang mampu memenuhi keperluan kita sendiri kerana kita mempunyai banyak sumber asas. Langkah lebih ektsrem lagi adalah meningkatkan perlindungan kepada ekonomi kita jika perlu. Kurangkan impot barangan yang kita boleh keluarkan dengan meningkatkan cukai dan levi.
    Inilah pandangan budak kampung mungkin ramai yang tak setuju.

  259. Another piece of exellent write up that sum up all the news in the media about economy which nobody really understand. Thanks Tun for making me realised it all now. But why suddenly the dollar is in demand recently, another puzzle for me. Semoga Tun sekeluarga berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera. Maaf zahir batin.

  260. Askm Tun & fellow bloggers
    It has been a long time I haven’t been here, busy as of late. I’m no economist nor am I a financial advisor, but I would like to share my views on this.
    I personally don’t think it’s fair that we have to go through what the Americans and the Europeans are going through. Like Tun mention, their abuses in the financial and monetary system is their own downfall. Big companies/Financial Institutions like GM, FORD, CitiGroup etc are all out begging for funds and they seem to have enough of it. Just last month on CNN, GM the worlds biggest auto-maker was asking (more like demanding by the sound of them) financial aids from other countries like Germany and Sweden (concerning Saab and Opel if I’m not mistaken). While CitiGroup, has sold off most of its subsidaries and it’s share prices plummeted still despite of their measures and bailouts.
    Ironically, we are depending on this countries i.e America and Europe for trades and investment, if they suffer we also suffer.
    That is what has happen or is happening. The question now is what can we do about it? I agree that bailouts is not going to give an impact of great magnitude to bounce back the world economy. Though we see minor improvement, it is not stable. What will stabilize the economy? One of the way I see if we invest more on Islamic based financial instrument or investment as it is not being effected by the conventional method. Maybe somebody with more experience and knowledge on this matter can explain it better.
    Wishing Tun & family good health and good fortune. Also, to the others.

  261. sejak krisis 97-98, ana ingin sekali melihat bahawa tindakan yang diambil oleh Tun akan menunjukkan hasil yang diharapkan. Ana juga mengikuti perkembangannya walau bukan secara akademik, membaca juga tulisan Menteri kewangan kedua ketika bersama-sama Tun menghabiskan masa di Argentina membincang hal ekonomi, dan sekarang bila krisis melanda semula, terasa begitu bangga dengan tindakan Tun dahulu.Kini semuanya adalah sejarah. Bagi ana Tun bercakap dalam bahasa yang mudah difahami tidak kira apa bidang yang Tun bicarakan. Memang benar komen Prof Emiritus Khoo Kay Kim yang Tun seorang yang tidak pernah membosankan. Moga panjang Umur Tun.

  262. ASM Tun,
    Tu le, dulu Tun dah kata jangan dok harap green back saja kita kena sandar kat dinar or whatever sound not so arab (terrorist le konon2 nya). La ni semua padan muka their economic terrorist will “kill” more people than the suicide bomber termasuk le kita yang masih merangkak nak recover ni. And I also wonder where is these trillion dollars coming from (maybe from the paper pulp company eh??) US can do wonders (sic)

  263. Good afternoon, Tun.
    This crisis is financially fatal, even the very rich.
    Some very rich ppl lost their millions of dollars of savings in Lehman’s. Being very rich, they also have very, very, very high expenditures/commitments usually. They may be able to sell off their assets but now values are low, so they are also making losses on that.
    Depending on their background, whether they became rich from poor, or they were born rich, they will react differently to the situation. There are some bleak stories of rich ppl unable to cope.
    There is also some conspiracy theories floating around. Among them that the big Western invst banks were just running scams and siphoned all their customers’ funds before crashing the banks and markets. How true is this? No idea. But in my view, plausible. That Madoff thing may be just some cover up of something even bigger.

  264. Thank you for your insight, sir. As always – concise, precise -making it easy for the layman to digest. Vintage Mahathir!
    Bless you, sir. May Allah always keep you in His care.

  265. Dearest Tun,
    You’re always right is just that why can’t our current leaders see this, the only solution for Malaysia to overcome this terrible time is by seeking Tun advise not denying it. I feel sad for the country when such a time we are bickering within ourselves and denying the pragmatic way of solving the Malaysian current external problems.
    The oldest party in Malaysia will soon face problems when all the Malaysians feels that the current leadership does not care about the ppl but it’s own interest of power and greed in controlling the opposition state. Definitely they have forgotten who puts the opposition there???? Let’s just say playing hard ball now is like getting the ball bounce back at your face hard. If there is a snap election i guess Perak will be fully grasp by the opposition. In times like this the harder you try the bigger the fall. I ingat tingkat 4 banyak kena belajar lagi bukan di Ofortt tapi dari Tun. Kalau situasi sekarang bagi Tun mungkin kita sudah beli Oxford Universiti untuk Malaysia seperti Proton dan Agusta.
    The only way out for Malaysia is Tun. Trust me Tun, if Tun were to appear more in the newspaper, Malaysians will definitely have the feel good factor already. Whatever Tun says or recommends does have a pragmatic approach which turn things around. How i wish i could be your student taking your advise and approach, guess someone just doesn’t know how to cherish what good things they get in life.
    Even the western powers reformulate what Tun has implemented previously. Tapi ada orang yang nak belajar dari Tingkat 4, kursus buat $$$$$$ shj… isk isk.
    Betul sedih lah. Jangan khuatir Tun, Tuhan akan memanjangkan umur Tun untuk Malaysia. Orang jahat mesti mati muda…
    the poor malaysian.

  266. Tun,
    What crisis ? Its just the transfer of fund, from the poor and medium class to the rich. they money isnt gone just a transfer of master

  267. Syabas Tun! Very well put. Short and sweet.
    I am not surprised with some excutives who talk but whatever they talk about does not reflect in their deliverables.

  268. Tun yang di hormati,
    Tahun 1997-98 Malaysia menghadapi masalah kerana tidak dapat memenuhi ‘commitment’. Rasa nya isu ‘balance of payment’, kalau salah mohon perbetulkan.
    Sekarang negara-negara Barat menghadapi masalah kerana masalah perbankan , masalah ekonomi dsb.
    Masalah ini telah melibatkan semua negara dunia samada yang kaya dan yang miskin.
    Negara kaya seperti Jepun, China dan Singapura pun tak terkecuali.
    Rasanya mereka lebih teruk terkena bahang masalah ekonomi ini dari negara-negara miskin.

  269. Apa sudah terjadi kat negara kita ni?
    Baca blog banyak-banyak apa guna? Tun tak payah la blog banyak sangat, buat sesuatu, dan buatlah dengan secepat mungkin!
    Saya tak tau la apa yg hanpa ni syukur sangat — macam lah keadaan sekarang baik sangat.
    Buka mata, tengok jauh sikit. Malaysia sekarang ni sangat tenant, kalau bukan Pakatan Rakyat, dapatkah hangpa ni semua nampak bodohan UMNO-BN?

  270. Hi there!
    How to revamp the sick world financial system when the world dominating economies already spent the money that they did not have? Now they are issuing bonds and urge countries like China and Japan with high saving rate to purchase them!
    I have a very layman approach, all the west needs to do is be frugal and stingy on every expense and learn to earn for one

  271. Tun,
    Their leaders labeled some moslems as terrorists. Now, their people have to face the real horrible future for quite long time. Is their financial and economic collapse or crises caused by their leaders at Wall Street? Or by their leaders at Capitol?…. Or maybe by the collapse of World Trade Center on 9/11/2001…??? WTC collapse done by terrorists, right!?

  272. Salam Tun, i hope after March you will play a vital role in advising the new Government on some creative economy custom made for Malaysia. If your son wins the Ketua Pemuda, continue to input him to be a better and concerned politician in this 21st century.

  273. assalamualaikum…
    Harap Tun sihat dan ceria selalu…
    lama dah tak hantaq komen..
    Pasal PPMSI ni kan,,Pelik la Tun,orang2 yang dok bangkang PPMSI mcm tak mau bagi orang melayu terus maju jer..padahal,budak sekolah dan cikgu2 byk yg sokong kalu PPMSI ni diteruskan..
    Hari tu,saya tengok TV,pengacara TV tu cakap “Layarilah laman sesawang”..puas saya fikir rupa2nya laman sesawang tu laman web rupa2nya..
    Ntah la..Rasanya GENG2 GAPENA ni mcm ada yg TAK KENA jer..
    Ok lah Tun,,nak pi mkn sat..

  274. Salam Tun,
    Hanya satu mansia aja di Malaysia ini yang mendukung ‘ bailout ‘ yg di lakukan oleh negara Barat itu. Tidak laen da tidak bukan ialah Anwar Ibrahim ! Pembodek negara kuasa Barat.
    Saya amat bersyukur sekali kapada Allah kerana Anwar tidak di jadikan PM negara ini. Kalau tidak Malaysia akan di jadikan ‘ the 53rd state of USA ! ”

  275. Assalam’kum Tun.
    I’ve read a lot on your paramount & unparalleled efforts to solve our own 1997/’98 financial crisis – Tun learned from basic the full mechanism of the financial system (till you’re an expert?), then dedicated whatever precious hours available to develop the numerous remedial methods and to choose & implement the most likely workable one, Tun single-handed fought against the speculators/hedge funds managers that have full backing from western governments/world financial institutions together with their slanderous mass media, and all those amid the so-called & uncalled-for Reformasi & Keadilan lies directed at Tun and led by the PKR adviser. That the crisis was defused in record time & your ‘Malaysian way’ remedy also greatly helped other affected Asian nations to minimize their damages, spoke volumes about its success.
    I doubt that any present world leaders are experiencing the financial crisis in a situation you’re in then. Worse still I’ve greatest doubt that PM ‘no quality’ Pak Dol bother to know the mechanism & options to find solution, well there is already someone from Pekan happily volunteering as scapegoat when our economy crumbles. PM Dol has long ago spread the word that his purportedly brilliant son-in-law is an Oxford graduate, so why quiet on the economic crisis? Rakyat sedang menderita dan akan akan lebih sengsara tapi PM Dol hanya fikir bagaimana nak tambah kekayaan keluarga & kroni/pengampu.
    I dearly & greatly hope the present government (PM Dol & son/son-in-law not included – they are liabilities) is sincere, to study the world economic crisis and be ready with best solutions.

  276. Hope their ‘Golden Boy’ (Anwar) a.k.a Pakatan Riot chief de mission have the remedies how to solves his ‘funder’s’ problems. Sure is he not only ‘Master of Nothing’ as said by many.

  277. YAB Tun
    Just want you to know that an UMNO VETERAN wrote this in Kadir Jasin’s blog.
    “Dato KJ.
    Satu tulisan yang baik.Saya setuju dan tak setuju dengan tulisan Dato.Saya ingin memberi pandangan dengan akan sumbangan dan kesilapan yang di buat oleh mereka semasa menjadi Menteri dan Perdana Menteri.
    Tun Mahathir.
    Saorang yang mempunyai persenolity yang kuat.yakin kapada diri sendiri,banyak membaca dan mempunyai visionnya sendiri untok menjadikan malaysia sabagai negara maju.Samasa menjadi perdana Menteri,sungguh pun ia mempunyai ahli kabinet yang tak kurang bijak saperti Musa Hitam dan Tengku Razaligh,style Tun mentabir Negara macam one man show.Akhirnya Musa dan TRazaligh mengambil keputusan untok menentangnya.Berlaku lah pertembongan sengit pada tahun 1987.
    Sejak dari awal Tun menjadi PM pada tahun 1981,ia telah banyak membuat kesilapan.Antaranya membena Daya Bumi diberi kapada kontrektor jepun dengan harga 100% lebeh mahal dari local kontrektor.Bezanya $200 juta ringgit.Kemudian Tun cuba mempertahankan harga Tin.Scandal MAMINCO.Kita kerugian hampir $400 juta.Menubohkan Sogoshasha.Akhirnya di tipu oleh orang di perrcayainya Abdulah Ang.Kerajaan rugi hampir $100 juta.Menubohkan Perwaja.Eric Chia buat angkara.Kerajaan kerugian hambir 5 billon.
    Kalau hendak di sebut banyak lagi.Akhir sekali di akhir pemerentahannya ia membelanjakan hapir $40 billion wang Petronas untok membena Putra Jaya dan Twin tower.Satu pembaziran yang tak dapat di maafkan.
    Tun juga bertanggong jawab untok melahirkan beberapa Billionair saperti Ananda dan YTL dan Syed Mokthar.Dan bertanggong jawab untok mematikan beberapa Ahli Korporat Melayu yang ia pada mulanya membantu mereka.Tan Sri Ibrahim Promet,Tan Sri halim,Tan Sri Tajuddin,semua dibiarkan mati katak dalam krisis kewangan 1997.
    Jadi,Kadir you tak usallah puji sangat Mahathir tu.Dia macam ayam sabong,bekukok sedap tapi ekornya banyak tahi.
    Tun Daim,saorang persenoliti yang menarek.Saorang batu api yang melagakan pemimpin UMNO sacara tak sedar mereka di ketepikan.Ia baik dengan semua orang saperti.Tun Musa,Tengku Razaleigh,Anwar Sanusi.Akhirnya mereka ini habis di lenyapnya.Ia juga baik dengan Lee Kuan yew dan saya tak tahu samaada ia menjadi spy Singapora. Banyak keputusan yang ia buat lebeh menguntongkan Singapura.Perundindan untok menbangunkan tanah Railway di Singapora salah satu darinya.Keputusan yang Daim buat tampa di rojok kapada kabinet.Membatalan CLOB merupakan satu yang merigikan malaysia capital market.Dia beritahu semua orang Effictive Capital milek UMNO,tapi yang banyak untong ialah Akbar Khan,orang kuat Daim.
    Samasa Daim menjadi menteri kewangan pada tahun 1984 ,Mahathir amat percaya dengannya.Ia di anggap sabagai economic Czar.tapi mahathir tak tahu ia juga banyak private deal yang menguntongkannya.Rekord Daim samasa menjadi Menteri kewanga kali pertama amat impressive.Banyak budaknya saperti Tajuddin,Halim,Wan Azmi,Razaligh,Rashid Hussein menjadi billionair secara mendadak,terutamanya samasa pasaran saham naik mendadak tahun 1994 – 1997.
    Semua orang tahu bahawa kejatohan Anwar dalam UMNO dan Kerajaan di rancangkan oleh Daim.Ini di sebabkan Anwar tidak terhutang budi kapada Daim.Tak dapat di napikan tampa Daim,Anwar tidak akan kemana2.Daim lah yang bertanggong jawab meminta Mahathir menjadi Menteri Kewangan.Daim juga bertanggong jawab bagi Anwar mengalahkan Tun Ghafar.Anwar apabila menjadi Menteri Kewangan telah mula hilang pedoman,Ia menjadi amat sombong dan mula mengorek apa yang Daim buat samasa menjadi Menteri kewangan.Anwar juga banyak membuat keputusan yang merugikan Daim dan budak2nya.Contohnya ia lah keputusan Anwar untok membenarkan Tan Sri Loy dari MBF untok mengambil aleh syarikat Sri Hartamas.
    Ini merupakan projek yang paling Daim idamkan.Projek ini mulanya di mileki oleh Tan Sri Syed Kechil dan Wong kee Tat.Waktu krisis pasaran saham tahun 1985 Daim yang masa itu menjadi menteri Kewangan enggan menolong Syed Kechil.Syed Kechik jadi bankrup dan Sri Hartamas di bawah receiver.Samasa Daim berhenti menjadi menteri kewangan Daim telah meminta proxy nya,Dzulkifli untok membeli saham2 Sri Hartamas.Anwar yang tak tahu ekor pangkal telah mendengan nasehat Murad dari bank negara untok memberi projek ini kapada Tan Sri Loy.Sudah tentu Daim marah.
    Tun Daim yang mula nya menjadi menteri kewangan yang baik,telah dilantek menjadi Menteri kewangan kali kedua salepas Anwar di pecat.Dalam masa ini lah Daim menjadi bagitu rakus.Banyak projek2 di luluskan tampa pengtahuan kabinet dan Mahathir.Ahkirnya Mahathir memechatnya dan saya percaya sampai sekarang Mahathir berasa very bitter apa yang Daim lakukan.
    Pak Lah sabagai Perdana Menteri.
    Saya maseh ingat pada masa itu,apabila hubongan Daim dengan Mahathir telah menjadi renggang,Daim sacara terbuka meminta pemimpin UMNO untok memaksa Mahathir berhenti dan Pak Lah menjadi Perdana Menteri.Tun Khalil,Setiausaha Agong UMNO, merupak antara orang nya yang memain peranan ini.Saya juga di maalumkan oleh Megat Junid,sabelum ia mati, yang ia dan Daim lah merupakan orang yang mempengarohi Mahathir melantek Pak Lah sabagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
    Tun Daim yang mulanya merupakan musoh yang ketat dengan Musa dan Pak Lah dari team B,tiba2 menjadi kawan baik.Saya yakin Tun berbuat demikian kerana ia sangka ia boleh menggunakan Pak Lah yang ia tahu amat lemah dari segi kuality leadership.
    Kenaikan Pak lah banyak di bantu oleh budak BTN saperti Anwar zaini,Shagul hamid,Rozai,Dr Kadri dan Pak Wan,Pak mentua Anwar.Mahathir pun tahu samasa Pak Lah dalam kabinetnya tidak ada satu pun idea bernas yang ia sumbangkan.PR nya first class.Ramai kawannya tidor tak lena bila pak Lah jadi PM.Tapi akhirnya mereka ini menyumpah Pak Lah kerana satu pun projek kerajaan mereka tak dapat.Siapa yang salah di sini kadir.Tun Mahathir tak boleh cuci tangan.
    Tan Sri Nor MOF2 merupakan persenolity yang amat menarek.saya setuju 100% dengan You yang ia lah yang merosakna ekonomi kita sekarang ini.Ia juga yang memberitahu Pak lah supaya membatalkan banyak projek yang Tun rancang sabelum ia bersara.Ia juga yang memberitahu Pak Lah akan pembaziran Mahathir.Semua yang you sebut itu betul.tak payah saya nak tambah.
    Memang Ia denga Zeti tak sebulu.ia tak mahi menyambog kontrek Zeti.Zeti terpaksa menunggu di pejabat Pak Lah 4 jam untok berjumpa denganya dan memaksa Pak lah menyambongkan kontrek nya pada hari itu juga.
    Ia juga sabotage Tan Sri Ali Abu Hassan.Yang patut menjadi MOF2 ialah Tan sri Ali dan bukan dia.Sampai sekarang Tan Sri Ali tak boleh lihat mukanya.
    Memang benar,Pak lah kena kelentong dengannya.Pak lah yang banyak tak tahu hal ekonomi ikut sahaja apa yang ia recomended.Untok berlaku adil kapada Pak lah banyak projek dan kontrek untok anak beranak Pak Lah,untok Noni,untok Khairy di beri oleh MOF2 tampa pengetahuan Pak lah.Sebab itu dalam interview Anwar zaini dengan Pak lah,ia tak tahu menahu akan kontrek yang di perolehi oleh Scomi.
    Saya tak mahu menyebut banyak direct nego kontrek di beri dengan harga gila2 dan tahu berapa banyak mereka buat duit.Itu antara ia dengan Allah.Saya boleh sebut di sini tapi nanti you kata mana boktinya.Jadi fitnah.
    Eloklah saya simpulkan disini bahawa Najib mempunyai tugas yang berat untok membetulkan kewangan negara.Saya percaya Negara kita sudah kehabisan wang dan kita akan benkrup jika harga minyak dan harga kelapa sawit di tahap ini.Deficit kita akan lebeh besar dan nilai ringgit akan jatoh lagi katahap $4.50.
    MOF2 dah tahu nansibya.Ia memberitahu kawannya di tasek gelugor yang najib dah clip wingnya.Ia tak lagi dapat approve kontrek2 yang besar.Najib dah tahu tembelangnya.Dengar kata tempatnya akan di ganti oleh proffesional dan bukan ahli politik.
    Saya berharap cerita pengliporlara saya ini tidak ada unsor fitnah dan boleh di siarkan.Salam.”

  278. Dearest Tun,
    It’s good to hear again on the topic of bail-out. In 1997, the Asean Tigers’ economy went into crisis due to the greed of the financial/currency speculators. Malaysia economy was badly hit, affected the capital market severely. Debts arose and infrastructure projects suddenly stalled.
    When you came out with the rescue plan – ‘Bail-Out’ ala Danaharta, Capital Control and Currency Fixing, the idea was ridiculed and shot down not only by the western economists but also by our own economist, you know who! At that time, I read with great interest and anticipation with one big puzzling question in me – What make Dr.M so confident about his formula?
    Your popularity at that point in time was quite severe due to the DSAI’s case. As far as I can recall, none of the people that I have met shown any comfort in your rescue plan. In fact, as you know, the ordinarily Malaysian love to look down at any good efforts but when it comes to milling rumors, even the professionals got themselves trapped by their own perception. I called it imagination! Some had said “Oh, this is Mahathir’s plan to rescue his cronies”.
    But surely, most of us had failed to understand the underlying intentions of the rescue plan. Enough warnings and concerns have been said at international gathering about the potential damages if the practices of the speculators were not curtailed. The Jews got irritated because they were singled out and the Arabs have no appreciation at all over the issue as they were so comfortable with their oil money. Which was why the proposal on Dinar Gold was not popularly accepted by the OIC.
    If we are to observe the scenario today, we as Malaysian should be proud and thankful because we had a leader who fought hard and hard enough for justice, fairness in order to make this world a better living place to live. The Malaysian success story in pulling itself out from the economic slump of 1997 is no easy feat when the rest of the world was rejecting our homa-made formula. They had wished that we fail because if we did fail, that would be the demise of Islam and Bumiputera’s privileges.
    By Allah’s will and greatness, Dr. M is still around today to see the rewards of his works, warnings and concerns where none of the capitalist were of interest to take heed of. Today, the western effort to bail out its banks, though they were at once adamant to let companies to fail under a capitalist system could finally end-up with pockets full of monies but of no value because their formula to print more monies will eventually backfire. Until today, they have failed to address the crux of the problems which resides in their biased system and practices.
    Well, let them suffer and suffer hard. Paper money will collapse. Capitalist system will collapse. Fancy financial papers and instruments will collapse. Riba will collapse. And interestingly, the Democracy system will also collapse. Mankind has been given a full-proof system by Allah swt but we fail to apply them. Will Islamic economy replace the Capitalist economy? I hope so.
    I wish you the best of health and may Allah swt take good care of you. ‘A great leader will find pain in even doing the right things’ – Based on my own observation of the past great Muslim leaders.

  279. Tun,
    God may have been providing room for boycotting US products by tightening spending and improving saving.

  280. Salam Tun Sekeluarga..
    Bolehkan negara-negara ISlam mengambil kesempatan diatas kelemahan sistem ekonomi dunia untuk mengukuhkan kedudukan Umat Islam? Saya berharap Tun dapat memujuk pemimpin-pemimpin dan tokoh-tokoh Islam bersatu hati membina semula kegemilangan Islam.

  281. Dear Tun,
    Whatever it is, I don’t see our government is capable of doing anything to safe our country, we are going down hill faster than expected. Everyday our paper only talk about politics, and we all sick and tired of it. I hardly read the paper now adays. I prefer to read international news from internet.

  282. I believe this feeling is shared among most people on the street. Unfortunately the power that be believed that it’s better be kept as the elephant in the room – everybody knows it’s there but nobody wants to talk about it.
    But the world will go on. Implosion or explosion or economy – we will move on. The question is whether we (rakyat biasa) want to mop in sorrow and self-pity “Apalah nak jadi dengan nasib kami ni… tak tahu lah..” or we soldier on and look for new opportunities in this changing times.
    Look at the bright side. The once-giants of businesses are now shred to pieces. This will allow smaller, unknown companies from small, unheralded countries like Malaysia (albeit with less debt overhang and kita-boleh attitude) to walk up to new customers and say ‘We can do it for you – good quality & technology, competitive price and stabil economy’ (don’t mention the forbidden word – politics). A year ago these people from, say China or Middle East, may eksyen at us and prefer to listen to the Mat Sallehs. But now…. we may be a better option – especially if our offer is backed with financial support from local banks (who have money but too scaredy cat to lend out nowadays).
    We play our cards right – we may become like Korea in the 80s to the troubled world. Of course if our business proposal come with no-nonsense support of a strong government – it will be a cinch. But let’s not be dreaming too much – ahhh… the good old days when the mere mention of our leaders will add 50% premium to our proposals. Don’t we miss that.
    When stomachs are full – people do tend to be less restless and not bicker over the smallest of things.

  283. Dear Tun,
    I thank God for giving you insights, wisdom and health to both run the country for 22 years and still continue to lend advice to the current administration, albeit, unwelcomed.
    Please give us some concrete advice, especially to the medium and lower income groups, how to weather through this financial crisis.

  284. Assalamulaikum YBhg.Tun,
    Financial and Economic Crisis globally, Just wondering How Our present Govt and Finance Minister making all the efforts to recover and rectify.
    You proved and do it your way and we were saved in the 1997-1998.
    We might become poorer , but SOMEBODY in the present administration have to act fast to come up with a plan to recover with their way. or at least ask ANYBODY who have done their way.
    But on the other side,across a blue ocean on the east side an Island a financial Offshore Hub, Somebody which is related to anybody can become richer by launching a New H-HUB, I would say an opportunist to grab the chance despite the difficulty of the masses of the Malaysian in financial turmoil. Sad to say and see our leaders at loss and busy in newspaper making statement rather than looking at real problems of Financial Tsunami.
    Hope By April we can get down to real business Insyaalah . Wish you could contribute by giving ideas to these ANYBODY, SOMEBODY and EVERYBODY.
    I am just a NOBODY who care for my survival and my family and the people of malaysia .
    I just Wish we Malaysian could be on the map again and or vanish in thin air .or just become irrelevant ..
    You put us on the map AND HAVE MALAYSIA BOLEH SLOGAN but the somebody is making us invisible. TQ

  285. Salam Tun,
    If the current financial crisis cannot be solved through bailouts, re-indulging in their old abuses stemming from the existing monetary system, cannot be allowed either. And, if it would take years to recover money lost through ordinary business, then the “The entire world financial system is in danger of collapse. It is usury-stricken and bankrupt” “THE GREAT DISORDER UNDER HEAVEN” (Mao-tse Tung’s phrase) that is now reigning the world is due to this.”
    I’m inclined to agree that the alternative, as you mentioned, is to end capitalism and the free market!
    Hopefully, if every nation on this planet does this, the entire world will be at least free from the fraudulent-yoke of the current monetary system that has enriched the rogue-few!

  286. I wish the leadership in Singapore was as forthright and prudent as you Tun. They seem to living in denial and banking on “business as usual” when (and not if) the Western economies recover. They believe the sharper their recovery, the faster the recovery of Singapore’s own economy and the recovery of the bad investments through Temasek and GIC.
    I personally have little doubt that the global financial crisis is the beginning of the end for the free market/capitalist world order and it will take a total revamp of the model to even start to realise a viable alternative to the fraud and abuse that was inherent in the “free market” model.

  287. Just find way to have food on the table for this financial crisis.
    Don’t waste time on bailing company this time. It will not work.We to stimulate only internal business such as construction industry so our local can have some internal business activity to start off till the world recovers.

  288. asalamualaikum…
    apapun krisis ekonomi di sana sudah pasti akan mempengaruhi ekonomi kita di sini, di tambah lagi dengan gimik politik sekarang, silap hari bulan mau jatuh juga ekonomi kita. saya hanya boleh berdoa dan berharap PM sekarang dan yang akan naik nanti dapat mengukuhkan ekonomi kita..

  289. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Yahudi telah ditetapkan berperangai sebegitu sehingga hari khiamat karang,cuma sekiranya kita mengkaji sejarah islam yang lepas dan mengikuti cara2 islam yang sebenar mereka akan tunduk jua.
    Jadikan sejarah islam yang lepas sebagai guidence kita untuk terus mengalahkan mereka Tq
    Berniaga di 60 negara dengan modal yg kecil di

  290. salam to chedet and fellow visitors
    can chedet throw us some light on where would our great institutions be, say at the end of this year, and maybe by next year, following these ‘world economic turmoils’. i’m refering to our epf, tabung haji, asn and the likes, where most of the monnies in there belong to the people.
    yes, the economy may go down, and it may buoyed-up the next day, but will our savings go down when the crisis worsens?. are there enough being done to protect such deposits and would there possibilities that our deposits ‘evaporate’ with the crisis?
    can chedet give us the low-down on these resources that the govt would go to in order to turn around, or, to ‘fend off’ the influence of the ‘rest of the world’ economic slumps that is happening around us now? would the institutions that have been listed above be spared or their resources otherwise used? where would that lead us the account holders of our hard earned deposits and would we know before it happens that the resources have been used and ‘unrecovered’ if the turmoils dig in for the worst.
    i’m sure there are many, if not most of us, are depositors and holders of accounts in these institutions.
    thank you.

  291. Salam Tun,
    You have shown us a very grim picture of the current world economic situation and see no light at the end of the tunnel.
    Here we have DUNGGUs running meetings under the tree.
    Dato MOZA yesterday explained that the government have spent or will be disbursing 90% of the money from the first stimulus package before end of this year.
    Ask anyone on the ground, who gets anything from this package. NON!
    Do they have a think tank headed by the PM cracking their heads trying to overcome this crisis. I dont know. Probably Pak Lah dont know either.
    We are already half dead with the current political scenario, three quarter dead with our stupid PM and soon confirmed dead when our politician did nothing to address the worsening economic situation.
    Its ok we can carry out as many post mortem after this, better still we can do it overseas if the result is unsatisfactory.
    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE….. I am going for a vacation.

  292. Frans De Walls, dalam bukunya Chimpanzee Politics (1982) ada mengungkapkan tentang ‘kelicikan Machiavellian’ ataupun ‘Machiavellian Intelligence’. Maksud yang ingin beliau huraikan ialah bagaimana kapasiti seseorang boleh memanipulasi keadaan sehingga menguntungkan nafsu peribadi. Iklan
    Tidak timbul soal prinsip atau tidak, asalkan matlamat menghalalkan cara. Biar siapa yang terkorban, sama ada keluarga, sahabat baik, prinsip agama, asalkan nafsu serakah ‘politik’ tercapai.
    ‘Machiavellian Intelligence’ boleh diterjemahkan melalui sikap berjanji, tetapi boleh bila- bila masa memungkiri janji. Boleh membohong, tetapi kadang- kadang sahaja bercakap benar.
    Boleh nampak baik dan ‘beriman’ di tempat awam, tetapi, boleh berwatakan ‘iblis’ jika di belakang orang. Boleh memuji depan orang, tetapi boleh mengumpat dan mengeji di sebaliknya. Semua ini tidak mustahil hari ini, kerana politik adalah segala-galanya.
    Maka tidak menghairankan jika silang-sengketa perbalahan politik ada kaitannya dengan penganut faham politik ala Machiavellian. Apa bezanya dengan kriteria orang munafiq? Bukankah ciri orang Munafiq seperti yang terkandung dalam Hadith Sallahu�alahi Wasalam, iaitu bila berjanji suka mungkiri, bila bercakap suka berbohong dan bila diberi amanah suka khianati.
    Apabila politik dilihat segalanya, makanya obsesi atau keghairahan terhadap politik melampaui batas. Apatah lagi apabila politik sebenarnya tidak mengenal prinsip. Tidak pernah dalam sejarah politik moden kejujuran dan kebaikan diletakkan di tempat paling atas sebagai prinsip paling utama. Prinsip yang mendominasi politik moden hari ini ialah semuanya berteraskan faham Machiavellian.
    Benjamin Wiker dalam bukunya 10 Books That Screwed Up the World; And 5 Others Didnt Help menulis pengaruh Machiavellianisme yang telah mendominasi peta pemikiran politik semasa.
    Beliau mengesahkan bahawa sifat ‘iblis’ atau kejahatan ini akan sentiasa mendominasi karakter manusia, apabila melihatkan kebaikan sentiasa tunduk kepada �kelicikan� iblis. Ini terbukti, bagaimana seorang hamba Allah yang mulia, pertama kali dilahirkan sebagai khalifah bernama Adam, tetapi �tumpas� kepada bisikan Iblis.
    Alim yang ditipu Iblis
    Berapa ramai orang ‘alim atau ahli ibadat, yang kononnya rajin beribadat, tetapi rupanya diperdaya oleh Iblis kerana ujub dan takbur dengan sifat ‘alimnya. Ibn Qayyim Al Jauzi ada berpesan dalam bukunya ‘Talbis Iblis’ iaitu ‘Perangkap Iblis’ supaya orang beriman berhati-hati dengan permainan dan tipu helah iblis.
    Malah berapa ramai orang dermawan dan ilmuwan yang dihantar ke neraka kerana luarannya rajin menderma dan berbakti pada ilmu, namun rupanya ada niat keduniaan iaitu digelar sebagai dermawan dan ilmuwan. Kisah mereka ini ada dirakamkan dalam Hadith Sallahu�alahi wasalam.
    Rupanya tipu helah iblis lebih berjaya dan �menang� ke atas kebaikan. Hipotesis Benjamin Wiker mengesahkan kebenarannya. Makanya, dalam dunia politik moden apabila peta pemikiran didominasi oleh faham Machiavellian, tipu helah iblis sebenarnya yang melingkari �sarang� politik itu.
    Sebab itu juga, biasanya sukar untuk kebaikan dan kebenaran menuju puncak di persada politik, kecuali pada zaman-zaman tertentu, seperti Umar Al Aziz, Salahuddin Al Ayubi, Muhammad Al Fateh dan Khulafa Rashidin. Hatta zaman mereka pun ada saki baki watak �iblis� seperti kaum munafiq, zindik dan kafir harbi, tetapi lingkarannya tidak sekuat lingkaran kebaikan.
    Adakah kerana lingkaran �keiblisan� dalam peta pemikiran politik semasa, makanya kita perlu merombak keseluruhan sistem politik moden, seperti membubarkan parti politik, tidak menjadi wakil rakyat, menghukum �kafir� sesiapa yang berpilihanraya atau sebagainya? Barangkali persoalan ini perlu dijawab dengan jawapan yang berakar, iaitu worldview tentang politik semasa dan posisi kita dalam mengenal dan mengiktiraf kebenaran.
    Gagasan demokrasi moden, seperti parlimen, parti politik, pilihan raya dan sebagainya dipersetujui oleh sebahagian besar ulama kontemporari seperti Sheikh Qaradawi, Dr Azzam Tamimi, Rashid Ghanushi dan ramai lagi.
    Persetujuan mereka tentang demokrasi moden bukan suatu yang �permanent�, tetapi sementara sahaja. Ini kerana dalam demokrasi moden, ada nilai yang selari dengan Islam seperti kebebasan hak asasi, bersuara, berkumpul, melantik pemimpin dan sebagainya. Ada nilai-nilai ideal dalam Islam yang boleh diselarikan dalam agenda demokrasi moden.
    Namun, hipotesis Benjamin lebih ke hadapan. Berapa banyak parti berteraskan Islam atau yang ingin membawa �kebenaran� berjaya di puncak kuasa, seperti di Algeria, Mesir, Turki dan Sudan? Kerajaan Hamas menang walaupun dengan sistem demokrasi moden tetap dinafikan kemenangannya!
    Asasnya ialah demokrasi moden yang ada hari ini bukan gelanggang berpihak kepada Islam. Semua undang- undang, falsafah, permainan dan pemainnya telah diatur oleh orang lain.
    Apabila demokrasi moden ini dipaksa kepada ummat Islam, sebenarnya kita kekok dan janggal, kerana bukan gelanggang kita. Mungkin terlalu ideal dan sekadar �bermimpi� jika sekadar slogan kita mampu selesaikan masalah ummat Islam hari ini.
    Banyak agenda asas terkorban apabila gelanggang demokrasi moden menjadi pertembungan politik faham Machiavellian. Ada dua perkara yang menjadi korban, iaitu kecenderungan mendekonstruksi autoriti dan seterusnya membuka ruang yang luas untuk faham sekularisme.
    Adakah pernah sebuah parti politik Melayu hari ini, tidak kira di pihak kerajaan atau pembangkang saling-sokong menyokong antara satu sama lain dalam agenda bangsa Melayu dan Islam? Kerana terlalu �party-centric�, maka yang baik dikatakan buruk, yang buruk terus dihentam.
    Apabila autoriti dalam agama diserang, ia telah membuka ruang untuk faham sekularisme menyerbu masuk. Fenomena obses melampau kepada politik dalam demokrasi moden ini biasanya menguntungkan agenda �keiblisan�.
    Bukankah politik moden tidak kenal dengan �kebaikan dan kebenaran�? Apabila keiblisan diangkat tinggi, soal agama dan akhlak sekadar tempelan sahaja. Autoriti yang telah diruntuhkan menyebabkan faham kebenaran terpulang kepada keuntungan parti politik.
    Epistemologi kebenaran dilihat kepada sokongan parti politik, bukan lagi kepada akar kebenaran. Siapa yang bercakap benar dalam politik, walau berpandukan wahyu, akan dilihat sekadar pandangan peribadi, bukan pandangan hakiki. Makanya pihak lawan tidak akan menerima kebenaran itu.
    Pemisahan agama dan politik
    Wacana sekularisme dalam politik moden telah mendominasi, malah berakar dalam politik Barat.. Sebab itu pemisahan agama dan kuasa direkod awal-awal dalam perlembagaan negara mereka, seperti di Amerika Syarikat, negara pertama dikitiraf sebagai berjaya meletakkan pemisahan agama dan kuasa dalam perlembagaan mereka pada tahun 1791.
    Apabila wacana sekularisme terus mengisi ruang politik negara yang beransur-ansur meruntuhkan autoriti, maka akan timbul kekeliruan di kalangan rakyat dan ummat. Agenda agama Islam, kedudukan bangsa Melayu dan bahasa Melayu dipandang sepi.
    Agenda teras ini tidak lagi diangkat, kerana setiap orang mempunyai persepsi tersendiri yang relatif. Apatah lagi tiada lagi autoriti yang berwibawa dikitiraf untuk dijadikan rujukan dalam soal tersebut.
    Hatta agenda umum seperti kemiskinan, perpaduan dan ekonomi negara akan tergugat kerana epistemologi kebenaran tidak lagi berpandukan kepada agama, tetapi nafsu manusiawi. Tidak mustahil, faham Keynes, Hayyek, Locke, Hobes dan ramai failasuf Barat dijadikan pakar rujuk.
    Untuk mengatasi akar permasalahan politik semasa, apakah cadangannya? Jika bercakap semua ahli politik semasa persis �keiblisan� pasti mengundang kemarahan mereka. Apatah lagi mereka yang terpalit rasuah, rakus dengan kuasa sehingga sanggup melompat parti demi habuan duniawi.
    Apa yang ada pada kita ialah membetulkan ‘worldview’ kita tentang keperluan dan sikap politik semasa. Apa yang akhirnya kita mahukan daripada sistem politik semasa ini?
    Adakah kekuasaan yang benar, tetapi hanya sementara sahaja? Ataupun potensi manusia yang ada peradaban yang tinggi, yang boleh meletakkan kebenaran di tempatnya? Kebenaran hakiki tidak boleh kompromi dengan �kebatilan�, ibarat minyak dan air yang tidak boleh bercampur.
    Sudah tiba masanya kita meletakkan batu asas untuk menjadikan manusia yang lebih beradab, yang tahu hakikat kebenaran dan hakikat kebatilan, berpandukan epistemologi yang betul. Jika kebenaran hakiki diutamakan, silang sengketa politik semasa sekadar titik bengit yang ketinggalan jauh.

  293. Sidang tergempar Dun Perak yang terpaksa diadakan di bawah pokok kira-kira 100 meter dari Bangunan Perak Darul Ridhwan, 3 Mac lalu adalah sah dan tidak menyalahi undang-undang kerana perlembagaan dan arahan tetap dewan menyerahkan kepada Speaker untuk menetapkan tempat dan lain-lain perkara berkaitan. Iklan
    Menurut pakar Perlembagaan, Profesor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari yang mengulas tentang ‘Tragedi Hitam Demokrasi’ di Perak itu, pihak polis awal-awal lagi sudah melanggar Perlembagaan apabila menerima arahan dan perintah dari Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (SUK) dan bukan dari Speaker yang menjadi kuasa tertinggi dalam dewan.
    “Apa yang berlaku sah dan tidak menyalahi undang-undang kerana perlembagaan dan arahan tetap dewan menyerahkan kepada speaker untuk menetapkan tempat bersidang,” tegas beliau ketika dihubungi.
    Dua usul yang diluluskan oleh dewan diperakui sah dan perlu dilaksanakan. Malah Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamalauddin boleh mengadap Tuanku Sultan dan persembahkan usul dewan untuk tindakan seterusnya.
    Aziz berkata, mahkamah tidak ada kuasa untuk mengeluarkan injunksi kepada dewan. Beliau kesal, pihak pentadbiran negeri (SUK), polis dan lain-lain pihak terpaksa menyekat dan menutup dewan dari digunakan untuk sidang tergempar Dun.
    “Mereka (BN) tidak ada pilihan lain,” ujar pensyarah undang-undang Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIAM) itu.
    Aziz mempersoalkan sejak bila seorang setiausaha dewan (Abdullah Antong) diberi kuasa mentafsirkan peraturan tetap dewan sedangkan setiausaha hanya kakitangan biasa yang bekerja di bawah arahan Speaker.
    Polis juga, tegas beliau boleh didakwa di bawah Kanun Keseksaan (Penal Code) kerana menghalang dewan bersidang dan perkara ini telah disebut oleh Speaker, V Sivakumar.
    Mengimbas apa yang terjadi pada pagi 3 Mac lalu, insiden di Perak itu cukup menyedihkan kerana ini membuktikan bagaimana institusi rakyat seperti pentadbiran awam termasuk polis yang sepatutnya bersikap neutral dan tidak memihak serta menjunjung perlembagaan, rela dijadikan ‘kuda tunggangan’ oleh pihak tertentu, kata Aziz.
    “Demokrasi tidak akan makmur tanpa kerjasama insititusi itu. Anehnya Zambry tidak mengaku mengeluarkan arahan menutup bangunan sekretariat. Begitu juga dengan Dato’ SS. Jadi, bagaimanapun OCPD terus tidak membenarkan ahli dewan masuk?” soal Aziz kehairanan.
    Dari satu sudut, ini telah menimbulkan persoalan, “Apa asas pihak polis untuk tidak membenarkan 28 Adun Pakatan Rakyat masuk ke Dewan? Takkan mereka (polis) tak kenal Speaker? Takkan Adun-Adun Pakatan ini dianggap pengganas dan penjenayah? Ini perlu dijawab oleh pihak polis.”
    Tegas Aziz lagi, insiden di Perak itu gagal menyuburkan proses demokrasi kerana institusi awam seperti polis tidak memainkan peranan dengan betul

  294. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya tgh bengang dengan gerakan yg nak tentang PPSMI, si sasterawan negara yg nak perjuang bahasa Melayu konon.. Mintak Tun tolong komen. Bagi saya, tak payah tegok jauh2 kalau nak perjuang bahasa Melayu pun…
    Semlm saya pi Klinik Kesihatan Bayan Baru… dan tengok daftar kata bahasa Melayu yg digunakan di situ
    Bahasa Sains:
    Ortopedik (dpd Orthopedic)
    Imunisasi (dpd Immunization)
    Arteri (dpd Artery)
    Fizikal (dpd Physical)
    Sains (dpd Science)
    Matematik (dpd Mathematics)
    Jgnkan bahasa sains, bahasa yg biasa guna pun translated bagai lepas batuk kat tangga:
    Visi (Vision)
    Misi (Mission)
    Objektif (Objective) — ni saya pelik, kenapa tak guna “matlamat”??
    Saya tengok spelling jer beza, bunyi lebih kurang sama je ngan bahasa inggeris nye… Perjuangan bahasa Melayu amendanya kalau setakat ejaan je beza, tapi sebutannya sama? Paling ketara, perkara yg diaorang perjuangkan sekali tu, Sains dan Matematik konon… apa bezanya Science dan Mathematics?? Bunyi sama jer…
    Besok, saya boleh agak:
    Software akan jadi “sofwe”
    Keyboard akan jadi “kibod” (siapa yg biasa guna papan kekunci???)
    Mouse akan jadi “maos” (siapa yg biasa guna tetikus????)
    Plastic mmg dah jadi plastik…
    Bag mmg dah jadi beg…
    Computer mmg dah jadi komputer…
    Wire mmg dah jadik wayar…
    Cable mmg dah jadik kabel…
    Programme mmg dah jadik program…
    So, si sasterawan konon saja memperjuangkan Bahasa Melayu… Tengok kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka pun dah tau, antara Inggeris dan bahasa Melayu, ejaan je beza, bunyi dan maksudnya sama… so, kalau kamus DBP dah tercemar… kenapa nak bising dengan PPMSI pulak? DBP tu adalah jantung kepada bahasa Melayu, bukannya PPMSI. Jaga la tepi kain diri sendiri dulu, betulkan kamus Dewan dulu.
    Biarlah Sains & Matematik diajar dlm bahasa Inggeris, kalau tak, nanti lagi teruk jadinya, takut “campur” akan jadi “plas”, “tolak” akan jadik “maines”.. sepertimana “matlamat” telah digantikan dengan “objektif” kerana “objektif” tu lebih “glamer” penggunaannya (ye la, mat salleh kat TV kan selalu guna perkataan “Objective”, baru la ada standard macam mat salleh sikit bila guna “Objektif”).
    Minta maaf Tun kerana lepas geram sapa pada gerakan penentang PPSMI ni kat sini… tapi saya mmg betul2 tak geram…

  295. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    A lot of things the developed countries as well as the less developed countries or in short poor countries could learn from this economy and financial crisis that bringing and will bring immense problems to the people.
    I still remember your suggestion on the prcatical usage of gold in trade exchange instead of USD currencies or Euro.
    Or may be the economist or financial experts from now should look at and practising Islamic Financial management to deal with the crisis.

  296. Salam Tun,
    Greed is the factor. Sekarang manusia abused the system because of greed. When this happen siapakah harus dipersalahkan? Banks are human creation…. The system is created by man…. The loopholes are also man made….there goes the system..

  297. salam and selamat sejahtera to all malaysian
    Regarding to the topic I can say that this is all the bankers and bloody sucking rich family game to suck-up the real wealth on earth. They control all the banks in US an England. They fooled the world by print out the paper money from thin air to booms the economies and then turn down it by making the economy crisis every 10 years so that they can get control to the real wealth e.g your home, you business, your gold, your land etc. the Federal Reserve Bank in US is not the US government Bank and same goes to the Central Bank of England they are owned by the rich family that run the cooperation to control the world economy. Tun, how about Bank Negara ha?
    Please watch the documentary from below link then you will know who control the world and what we need to do to stop this people.

  298. Dear Tun,
    I also have a DOUBT on government measurement and action plan on tackling current economic crisis. Eventhough on first quarter 2009, Malaysia GNP estimation is 0.5% (still not negative)and most probably we will face reccesion (negative growth)on second quarter 2009.But it seems like that the governemnt are not intrested on economic recovery plan but seeking stabilising politic situation whether for indivudual interest, state government or nation (i really have no idea)instead.I think (i’m only can think coz i’m not expert)that economic stimulas package must be able to increase local or internal business demand to ensure local company still can survive for period of time.Given on instability politic situation, investor also have a DOUBT to invest in Malaysia plus their pocket are getting smaller.But i could be wrong because on 97/98 recession,there were also a politic disaster ( anwar ibrahim dismisal), but we succeslly facing the economic recession with our own way. The main reason we manage to recover from 97/98 recession is because we have a no-nonsense and wisdom of prime minister on that time that provely managed to control economic crisis and the sames time politic crisis. CAN THE PRESENT GOVERNMENT OVERCOME ON CURRENT POLITIC AND ECONOMIC CRISIS SUCCESFULLY ? I hope so…

  299. …. kalangan manusia jenis camni, sebelum lena di malam hari, dan bangun di pagi hari, fikiran asyik tertumpu camana nak menipu mengguna kaedah terkini. Berhati-hati. Penyanyak di sekitar anda.

  300. Assalamulaikum ,
    Of course the coventional financial system which is created by mankind will collapse and only the system which derives from the Al Quran and Sunnah will survive . It’s the Jewish who created the conventional and those race is notorious for their greed and atrocity inflicted on mankind .
    Wassalam .

  301. Salam Tun,
    Saya Mohd Nazri Mohd Yusof aka anakbuah. Saya sering memberi komen mengenai Tun dlm blog The Scribe Kadir Jasin. Saya mungkin selalu memberi komen yg mungkin terlalu kasar dan mungkin menyakitkan hati Tun kalau mendengarnya. Saya dengan ini memohon berbanyak maaf atas segala kekasaran saya itu dan sesungguhnya amat menyesal. Yg mungkin diketahui oleh ramai pelayar blog Tun.
    Saya dengan ini memohon berbanyak2 maaf di dunia dan akhirat. Diharap Tun membaca posting saya ini dan memaafkan saya. Sekiranya dibaca oleh admin, minta disampaikan kepada Tun. Terima kasih.

  302. Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    I think this is the first time I don’t quite comprehend your analysis on the economic/financial downturn in U.S. and Europe. Maybe a more simpler explanation can do justice.
    Thank you.

  303. That why economy so down now but our politicion just focus on gila kuasa. Hate Hate Hate..
    Thank you Tun.

  304. salam Tun
    Semoga panjang umur dan sihat selalu….
    Perjuangan belum selesai….
    Salam Maulidur Rasul

  305. Slm & good morning…
    Eh its perfectly legal Tun, printing more & more notes is no different from issuing more & more asset backed debts! Israel can ‘long’ arsenals from them what… price now for smart bombs later. They can lah Tun!

  306. Dear Tun,
    Being not an economist and finacial expert like you, I would like to ask who is controlling the global international Monetary system especially the printing of nations currencies? Do you think all these superpower contries will print their currenies without the knowledege of others and this is where their hundreds of billion and trillion of dollars & pounds come from?

  307. There was a feature on CNBC titled “House Of Cards”, and it explained in detail about the subprime crisis. Imagine a person earning USD900.00 a week being encouraged (by the bank) to buy a property for USD500,000.00.
    I agree with you, Tun, that the latest bailouts will not solve the problem that they have got themselves into.

  308. Tun,
    The price of shophouses in Kuching here are very expensive.
    In a very good area one unit costs RM1,000,000 or more.
    Recently so many shophouses were built and all were sold out.
    I am sure these people got loan from banks to purchase these
    shophouses. They also had money to pay the downpayment maybe
    about RM300,000. Big sum of money for most and ordinary people.

  309. Dear TUN,
    So how badly currrent malaysia economy now?
    Semua cakap ok..ok ja.. tapi tengok kilang2 semuanya tenat ja..

  310. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    The sad thing is that, while these rich countries scramble to tackle their economic woes, our so-called leaders are busy with power play – by-elections in three Bukit & one Batang; and of course the UMNO election. As I’m typing this comment, Mr PM is somewhere in Labuan to launch what they call a Halal Hub base.

  311. Tun, the most important question is, are we(malaysian gov. & the public) doing enough to save our economy from the pitfall? As far as i know, we are too slow and less patrioritic. Too much politicking and far less working to get the job done!!

  312. Capitalism has failed us yet again..soon there there will be a rise of communism in its true sense….there will be a mad or a distort individual taking advantage of the chaos and disorder caused by the failure of capitalism..preaching of full altruism of hate towards greed thatis created by capitalism..
    history does have the tendcy to repeat itself..the rise of hitler in the 1930’s was a result of the great depression..stalin and the bolshevik revolution..was due to the greed of the tzar..are we going to see another madmen on the hill..rising from the ashes of the failure of capitalism..
    Did capitalism failed or just human greed caused capitalism to fail..a question where we as human being got to answer ourself

  313. Salam Tun,
    Thank you sir for your insight on the economic crisis that we face today. I, as small a person as I may be, am also worried of the days ahead as we are told to expect a worsening economic condition by the media.
    You have made it very clear that the crisis that we have to face today is much more alarming than the 97-98 crisis. However I am looking at it at a slightly different perspective. During the 97-98 crisis, when you implemented actions to curb the economic crisis such as pegging the Ringgit, bailing out the companies and such, the nation as a whole went through an adjusting period that did not affect the common man as much as it did the big corporations. On the other hand, the government of the day has chosen a different track whereby the people are asked to shoulder some of the burden by raising tariffs and prices. Is this because the situation today is worse or is it because the leader is still unable to find a certain formula best to fight this crisis? I am sure Dato

  314. Ybhg Tun,
    What would be your Diagnosis to the present Economic Turnmoil in M’sia. Could you elaborate in yr usual simple yet concise manner.
    Regards – MEN AT WORK

  315. Together for 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia
    Money is Manufactured and Not earned – Alarm Bells Sounded for Stanford in 1995
    5 March 2009
    To Tun and All Malaysians,
    Success is measured by Ringgits and Sens by society. The road to Money and Power is to be politically right to win at all cost to be MPs and ADUNs so that you are above the laws which The Rakyats toe. With new found status as YBs and not Yang Berkhidmats for The Rakyats and Malaysia, those with Money and Power could right what is wrong when the law is grey. Not only profit from the flaws in laws with Money and Power, one could even swear on the Holy Quran and Bible for truth when all that requires is Just Be True and Truth as the result speaks for itself.
    RM1= SGD1 at the point of split from Malaysia in 1963 and today RM2.37 = SGD1.
    In Malaysia, we have fiascos by MCA and Pan Electric fame in the 80s to Aokam and RM200 per share by the Repco

  316. Dearest Tun,
    this is the first time im commenting after following your blog for months now. We r seeing the prophesies of Prophet Mohamed of the signs of last days unfolding one by one. Obviously Gog n Magog has been released and has spread destructions, oppressions, fraud, morality decay, aggressions, mind control, deceptions etc to conquer the world wiz their new world order. Our prophet also foretold that the false messiah will assume his throne in jerusalem through deception assisted by Gog n Magog. Dajjal’s will reign for 40 days, one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week and the rest like our days. Dajjal was also recorded as from an island. I believe we r in the days where dajjal is completing his day like a month. One day like a year was when England was ruling the world (island of britain), one day like a month is now when USA is the ruling state of the world. with the collapse of USA we r gonna see the ruling state role shifting to,guess who, the imposter, most unholy state of Israel. Thus the days like a week is slowly beginning as we speak. Is it unlikely that Israel will not assume this role considering that it has quietly and for many years been a nuclear power state and have amassed wealth through their grip of the financial system? Muslim scholars have predicted that the all along fraud paper money will be replaced by a further grave fraud of electronic money to continue the enslavement of the world by a these group of tyrants and followers of dajjal(anti christ). Muslims will continue to be slaughtered all over the world as we are the only ones seen as an obstacle to all their evil plans. We will be killed for our faith, oil, whatever little wealth and defiance. Muslims all over the world are mostly poor. The powers that rule the world today are going after the poor and the faithful. And they do this through deceptions and lies to invade, conquer and plunder.
    The sea of galilee shall dry up as the prophet had prophesised. (Its falling at historical levels right now)The son of Mary shall come but not to hail the imposter unholy state of israel(that was created thru deception, lies, land grab, state terrorism, usury, shirik laws, secularism, acts of genocide etc) but to destroy it and restore the world based on faith in the One true God.
    As long as we do not recognise all that we have been reminded by Allah and his prophet, we r going to prescribe the wrong measures everytime and will be dragged into the hole with them.
    Tun, you were absolutely right when you wanted to implement the gold and silver dinar. Obviously the current administration has eyes yet could not see, have ears yet could not hear and have hearts yet could not comprehend. I am not going into the hole with dajjal even if my govt tell me to do so. And i hope that Allah will give me that strength and to all the muslims who are aware of what is unfolding before our very eyes now.
    May God bless you Tun.

  317. Brilliant opinion Tun…
    They will not recover as well as they might hope..
    How bad that we are also drag down by them…
    But Lets Hope For the best Tun….
    Hope our new leader(Malaysia) can at least prevent the situation from getting worst…
    semoga Tun Dirahmati Allah…

  318. Macam manalah dengan nasib negara kita agaknya ya…dalam keadaan politik yang huru hara, ekonomi makin meleset…marilah kita sama-sama berdoa semoga negara kita diselamatkan dari segala bala..aminnn…

  319. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Exactly the case Tun. The US is priming up its home economy, trillions is going into the bailout buckets and this would again lead to fuel demands and upsurge once more by the speculators. This where cash cow is? Our money definitely going there partly Tun.

  320. Asalamualaikum and morning Tun,
    World really do, need a new and strong economic system. Capatalism if not remove very soon it will bring more harm and disaster. Poorer countries getting poorer and rich countries won’t be even better.

  321. Askm Tun.
    Saya amat setuju dengan ulasan Tun. Saya ragui kejayaan bailouts di negara-negara Barat. Di negara kita juga, dalam keadaan masalah kepimpinan kita sekarang ini, kita tak boleh terlalu yakin. Negara lain sibuk dengan usaha menangani masalah ekonomi tetapi di negara kita ni asyik dengan isu-isu politik. Tun terukan komen terhadap kepimpinan kita

  322. Salam Tun,
    Walaupun Tun kata bukan xpert tapik cara Tun keluarkan pendapat tu dah nampak Tun expert dah…….heehehe kalaulah dunia ni mendengar apa yang Tun cakap…maybe tak jadik camni kot…..


  324. damn, what an informative piece.
    Even your haters will agree that you are one giant man when it comes to international finance and economics.
    What is your plan for Malaysian when we start to be a net-importer of oil?

  325. tun,
    im no financial gig too. But i think the era of FIAT money is now effectively over. It exists because an authority or govt declares it to be money. It achieves value because a govt says it can be used to pay debt or buy goods and services and because people trust that the currency will be reasonably stable. Normally the creditor, in which a government, often through a central bank or reserve bank, is the major creditor backing the currency.
    Usually, a fiat-money currency loses value once the government which acts as the creditor refuses to further guarantee its value, but a strong private banking system and consensus of the population may prevent this. For example, the so-called Swiss dinar continued to retain value as a type of credit money in Kurdish Iraq, as a result of backing by private banks and acceptance from individuals there, even after its fiat-money status was officially completely withdrawn by the backing government (the central government of Iraq).
    When the Bretton Woods Agreement had to be abandoned, the Federeal Reserve then had printed far more paper money than they had the gold to back up. Although their Federal Reserve notes were nonconvertible to gold for U.S. citizens, foreigners could still redeem gold with them. They did so to avoid losing out as the Federal Reserve printed even more money, making the money they owned less valuable due to its abundance. After the Bretton Woods agreement was abandoned, and the U.S. dollar was no longer convertible to gold, the dollar fell violently in exchange for other currencies, reflecting the decreased demand for the currency. The price of gold rose relative to the dollar during this period of time.
    Perhaps what we are witnessing now is history repeating itself but by a far larger scale!
    The collapse of the dollar has to come!

  326. assalamualaikum Tun…
    maafkan saya kerana sememangnya saya tidak berapa tahu mengenai ekonomi. tapi ingin saya timbulkan di sini ialah isu kenaikan harga barang-barang harian yang semakin ketara walaupun harga minyak sudah turun.
    Di manakah syahril samad yg pernah menjanji harga akan turun pada tahun ini?
    Adakah perlu Paklah turun dahulu sebelum harga barang juga turun?

  327. Salam.. Semoga Tun sekeluarga sejahtera dan genbira selalu. Saya tidak pandai dalam hal2 ekonomi ni.. Tapi saya setuju dengan pandangan Tun, dimana keadaan sekarang berbeza dan memerlukan cara yang berbeza unuk menyalesaikan. Semuga Tun terus menyumbang kepada negara dan dunia…

  328. Salam YABhg Tun,
    Well said. An interesting angle you have written there. Permit me to highlight a different angle which is much closer to home. The role of our EPU in our economy and also the Finance Ministry.
    Thank you for the time Tun. God bless.

  329. Org putih ni sombong, masa kita back up bank kita diaorang kutuk kerajaan kita, tapi sekarang diaorang plak ikut cara kita..kata je hidup bertamadun..hampeh,kepada parti yang tau membangkang je tu,baik kamu cari idea nak selamatkan malaysia daripada masalah duk gila ke kuasa je..SEDARLAH..

  330. 1. saya tertarik dengan no 3.
    They talk about trillions of dollars and hundreds of billions of pounds in bailouts. Where the money is coming from is not revealed. Have they been keeping these huge sums for such an emergency?
    2. pada pandangan Tun dari manakah kemungkinan besar duit itu di perolehi.
    3. skrg banyak org bercakap kembali cara islam. ttp tidak seorang pun yg dapat mencderita secara terperinci bagaimana langkah yang dianjurkan dlm islam utk selesaikan masalah ini ( yg adapun cadangan dulu2 Tun supaya menggunakan dinar emas )

  331. Salam Tun.
    Samapai hari ni saya tidak dapat melihat strategi yang dibuat oleh kerajaan untuk mengurangkan masalah ekonomi sekarang.Asyik berpolitik banyak dari cuba memikirkan masalah ekonomi sekarang.Rakyat makin terdesak. Kos meningkat,pengangguran,perberhentian pekerja dll. Harap tun dapat buat sesuatu dengan menggunakan pengaruh tun. Kami sokong Tun.Wasalam

  332. salam Tun,
    Thanks for your ‘not being an expert’ views.
    I think I can trust you more than those so-called financial experts and gamblers operating those huge casinos that we call BANKS!

  333. Unfortunately in Malaysia, the goons are still playing politics with little concern on the financial wellbeing of the people. Pakatan Rakyat is making it too difficult for Barisan Nasional to manage the country effectively. It is easy for PR to blame BN on the poor economic situation in Malaysia, but they should do their part too.
    The Government needs to explain the marked difference between the projected 3.5% GDP growth announced just a few months back and the actual 0.1% growth. Was the 0.1% growth attained after some “massaging” of economic figures?

  334. Good Morning Tun,
    Recession is the most common word that has been in everybody lips right now.It is the worst situation that any country would like to be in.It has been the thorn on everyone backside right now.
    After all the bail out packages and injection of money being supplied through out the banks and financial institution it seems that it should get the economic running,but sadly it has done nothing to change the situation.
    I have a bad feeling that this recession will go on within the next year.Even the Malaysian government have to preapare a mini-budget package to sustain the economic crisis situation.But yet we Malaysian are treated with Oscar nomination drama that has been going for this past few weeks.It seems our politician wether are from BN or Pakatan Rakyat are more interested on making Malaysia a sore-eye for interested investors to invest in our country.The situation itself would have been a great tell all stories that is worth everpenny for moviegoers around the world.Even the government can make up few good movie titles that can be used for this highly rated movie.
    But as usual we as a rakyat will have to suffer for all this pathetic politician fiasco and childish behaviour.Sometimes you have to wonder why that the rakyat have no respect for the politician in Malaysia.It is sad but true situation to be in.
    Your thoughts and opinion are always welcomed.Take care TUN.
    Now Playing : Metallica – Sad But True

  335. Salam Tun,
    Pak Lah kata ekonomi kita kukuh dan tiada masalah walaupun keadaan sub prima yang teruk di Amerika. Tetapi dia tak nampak domino effect yang akan berlaku dan kini telah menjejaskan Malaysia. Sebelum Tahun Baru Cina terdapat lebih kurang 20 ribu yang diberhentikan kerja dan 3 minggu lepas naik kepada 80 ribu penganggur baru. Tok Jib pula jadi pak angguk je.
    Sekarang kita tunggu 10 Mac untuk bajet mini dan akan datang kita lihat syarikat Malaysia yang mana satu akan kena bail out nanti.

  336. Salam Tun,
    What you have done for the country in 1997 was indeed genius. Maybe you can share some advise on how to overcome this current situation for the common man. Do we need to start saving or start spending to help the country?

  337. Assalamualaikum
    Tun yang disayangi….as usual…..your insights are brilliant. Really proud of you.
    Halim Mad Lazim

  338. Salam.. Semoga Tun sekeluarga sejahtera dan genbira selalu. Saya tidak pandai dalam hal2 ekonomi ni.. Tapi saya setuju dengan pandangan Tun, dimana keadaan sekarang berbeza dan memerlukan cara yang berbeza unuk menyalesaikan. Semuga Tun terus menyumbang kepada negara dan dunia…

  339. UN should have a think-tanker to tackle the crisis and not by just bailing out. And above all, TUN should be in the committee to provide the best practical ways to cussion during this difficult period.

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