1. When President Obama made a bid for three trillion dollars in order to deal with the financial crisis, I assumed that like the immediate past President and the Head of the Federal Reserve, he was going to use the money to bail out the failed banks and financial institutions.

2. This would be an exercise in futility because those banks and institutions failed because they cheated, because they abused the system. The only way they could be restored is by allowing them to cheat and abuse again, creating money out of thin air and lending 20 to 30 times more of this money to the funds held by the borrowing institutions for them to invest. It is this practice which has precipitated the financial crisis.

3. The bailouts have clearly failed. Increasing the amounts of bailout will not result in success. The failure will only get worse. It’s the classical sending good money after bad money.

4. Now Obama and Brown are talking of going against the powerful financial elites. Brown implicated a shadow banking system based in financial havens – a system that has been beyond the control of Governments, and bereft of rules and regulation.

5. For decades the shadow banking system has been raping the world. Previous Governments had been forced to cover up their depredations. The bubble they created should have burst earlier. But the political elites did not have the guts. And so the abuses and cheatings had gone on until they became so big that cover-ups became no longer possible.

6. And when the bubble bursts the miscreants expected as a matter of right for the political backers to help then recover through bailouts with public money.

7. Now it seems there is a leader who dares to take on the powerful financial barons.
8. If I am not wrong I think Obama is about to destroy the cozy relationship between the American political elites and the financial elites.

9. This is because the only way to stop the rot is to destroy completely all the failed banks and financial institutions including the great insurance companies. They must not be revived, much less restored to their former selves.

10. Their victims should be helped out but they too must not be fully recompensed.

11. The world must return to doing real business – that of producing goods and supplying services. This will lead to the economies of the rich in particular to shrink. The GDP and the per capita will be much reduced.

12. There is no way this impoverishment of the rich can be avoided. There is no way the world can avoid a shrinkage of the total world economy, if we are going to stop a repetition of this financial crisis.

13. I hope Mr Obama will break the stranglehold of the financial elites on the political elites of America.


    I refer to my comment @ 12April, 9:20pm;
    Sentence no.11 should read ,
    11. If only your successor……
    My apologies, sir.

  2. salam tun,
    im a malaysian student studying in US. I believe that u r not a good person but a good leader with absolute different perspective. 27-hours away,12-hours time different frm msia, makes me think what I can do to improve msia. Im not even 20, but after i grad nxt year, I hope i can learn frm u how to be a good leader.

  3. Welcome back Dr Mahathir,
    I know my wish came a bit late but Im at the mercy of this Mickey Mouse engineering. As a result,was not able to access the internet for a number of days.
    1. Anyway you are truly our Malaysian Hero.
    2. Let us pray that your keynote address about the Palestine Solutions in London recently left a dent in the hearts and minds of the whites.
    3. Will we be seeing something be done to stop the Gaza Genocide by the Israelites after your proposals?
    4. Your talk on Global Financial Crisis at the Royal Commonwealth Society had left the audience in standing ovation for you.
    5. Let us pray again the whites will walk your talk.
    6. What you had conveyed to your separate audiences, have made all Malaysians, at least myself, feel proud to be a Malaysian.
    7. Ironically, it is a different scenario entirely over at home.
    8. Members of a political party were being asked to give a standing ovation to someone who was found guilty of money politics and hence was not allowed to contest.
    9. While people from other countries seek your views and advice but it’s not the case in our own country.
    10. No doubt you were given the task as an advisor to our national petroleum and car company, but apparently your advice was not needed.
    11. If only your predecessor had followed closely the plans laid down for him before you stepped down as PM.
    12. If only he had envisioned Malaysia embarking in high-value industries and innovation-led economy.
    13. After 5 years and 5 months later, your plans did not materialise.
    14. As a result,could Malaysia’s economy survive any impending Tsunami attack?
    15. Will whatever steps taken by Mr Obama help our trade with his country?
    16. Should Malaysia look for new trading partners and adopt a more stable trading currency?
    17. Will our new PM tread the same line as Mr Obama in dealing with corrupt bankers and Company CEOs?
    18. One thing for sure, our new PM should be very wary of what is brewing up now at home, especially with one of the largest banks and the re-named Telco formerly TMI.
    19. We rakyat do not want to see another AIG/GM/Citicorp or bad financier like Madoff or Pak Man Telo appearing in Malaysia.
    20. If it does happen,then I guess its like the Malay saying, “Mengata dulang paku serpeh, mengata orang kita lebih” likewise, “The pot calling the kettle black.”
    21. Good luck Mr Prime Minister.

  4. Tun,
    I’m really not good on this subject. But I do really want to know how it does happen, what make it happen because by knowing it, will enable us to plan our strategy to combat it.

  5. Sir, i am a young scientist from India. This world seems to be very confusing for me. And as per my understanding the major world events since last few centuries are manipulated by zionist jews through their breathtaking control over world finance, banking, media, blackmailing poltical elites of gentiles. Its a pity but no point in feeling dejected ad helpless….but to try n try !!
    Now sir i feel these jews deliberately creates confusion around the world most of the time. And i cant trust on news paper analysis of major newspapers like reuters, AOL, etc. There are few sources in the world upon whose analysis my heart could rely. You are 1 of the few among the world….who not only speaks truth….but whose actions speaks louder than world. I have heard many rhetorics in mosque sermon….but these are empty sermon with no intellectual capabilty for revival of our pristine conscience with result based action. Over the last few decades you have transformed Malaysia with utmost faith on Almighty Lord. You have changed the perception of modern muslim nation through your intellectual struggle. I thank you very much not just for being beneficial for malaysia but for acting on behalf of entire muslim ummah around the world. Your last address to the OIC was heart shattering…i was moved by your right analysis. You are the one 1 can rely upon for major world events analysis.
    Sir therefore i am having some queries.
    1. Is this world economic crisis a setback for jewish world financial dominance or its a deliberate plot by them for their own benefit?? may be they are blackmailing the world, even USA and europe?
    Is the financial crisis clearly beneficial, harmful or of no-consequence to the jews?? or may be we cant say anything about it at present stage.
    although history is full of un-intended consequences….may be jews planned something else….and it resulted differently?
    2. What is your opinion about obama? He speaks good as compared to criminal bush. But some of his appointment in his administration are problematic. He continues to speak positive even after his election….but still we are waiting for concrete action on all fronts, israel, palestine, iran, syria, lebanon, afghanistan, financial crisis, etc.
    Do you think (prelimnary thought) obama is genuine person? Will he be able to CHANGE american policy single handedly if he is genuine by chance? will he be able to question the jewish diaspora empire which they built painstaking , intelligently and cunningly over centuries particularly powerful in the last century?
    3. Sir as you told in your last lecture in OIC, Malysia…that of late…JEWS have become arrogant…and when they become arrogant they commit mistake and we have to seize upon these opportunities. Have they commited mistake in this financial crisis…paper economy crisis??
    Should we seize upon these crisis to introduce modern islamic finance and banking at a grand scale??…and i think malaysia has already done great ground work on this sector.
    Sir please give me answer to these 3 question…i will be very thankful to you for your kind consideration

  6. salam che det
    1. as im being australia for more than two years now, i have met many ozs & to some i manage to talk about this financial crisis.
    2. obviously, many of them dislikes the americans as of being the main reason of this financial crisis. some even said, there should be a wall built around the states & let them solves their own problems.
    3. although a doctor did said “when they are doing good, many enjoys the benefits, but when they are down, many prefer to blame them”.
    4. what matter for now is, what does the government should do during this critical financial period?
    5. just blaming the americans wont solve any problems. in other aspect, as a muslim, one should start to implement islamic characteristics, which moderation becomes the main course & objectives.
    6. for a start, the local banks should eliminate riba for good. do not mix halal & haram especially on things that relates directly with rezq.
    7. it is amazing to learn local banks that owned & managed by muslim in total, practice riba, as of they didnt get any education about this during school years.
    8. my savings in one of the local banks here is riba free. they only charge au5 for service fee, plus no interest given on savings because i opt for it.
    9. to gain barakah in everything we do daily is much important than to gain instant profit that never meet Creator’s pleasure. & for those who have patiences toward success in here & hereafter should have no problem to fulfill this.
    ~ khalas

  7. Assalamualaikum Tun, dan bloggers semua..
    Saya pun bukannya pandai blogging dan komen tentang orang lain. Bukan pula nak backing Tun atau ‘kipas2’ ni. hehe. Tapi saya tertarik dengan komen SVG pada komen yang teratas tajuk ni.
    1. Kepada SVG, lain kali kalau baca buku tu, baca daripada mukadimah. Baru sampai habis. Tak pernah baca ker comment Tun dulu, yang Tun keluar UMNO bersyarat. Rasanya SVG tau tau kut pasal tu. Cuba tanya semula orang2 yang tau. Pasti SVG tau.
    2. Tentang Tun sibuk2 pasal ekonomi amerika, Obama tu semua, tak tau ker yang Amerika lah kunci2 ekonomi dunia sekarang ni. kalau nak padamkan api, biarlah dari punca api tu. Kalau ekonomi Amerika pulih dengan pesat, kita pun tak payah nak bersusah payah teruk2.
    Sebenarnya dalam keadaan sekarang ni, ekonomi kita takkan pulih, selagi ekonomi satu dunia tak pulih, apa yang mampu kita buat sekarang ni adalah supaya ekonomi kita kekal berdaya saing.
    Kalau kita warnakan pemikiran kita dengan perkara negatif, semua benda akan jadi negatif. Kalau kita asyik membangkang, bila kita memerintah nanti, kita akan terus berfikiran membangkang. Itu tak betul, ini tak betul. Banyak lagi nak tulis, tapi rasa dah malas.
    Terima kasih Tun, sebab beri ruang. Nandre.

  8. Dear Tun,
    Of course you have the experience to talk about this topic. You yourself were creating millionaires from thin air during your tenure. You used the government coffers to bail them out when these people succumed to the financial crisis of 1997.
    As I see it, China would be the first country to recover from this. It has the money and the population. The government of China is doing the right thing by giving money to the people to spend and this would create domestic demand and thus jobs.
    As for Malaysia, the economy is export orientated and is wholly dependent on foreign demand of our goods thanks to you. Our recovery would be dependent on the speed of recovery of the industrialised economies. The stimulus pakaged we hope is directed to the right sector.
    Good day.

  9. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Dgn izin..
    ………….VINDICATING TUN – Heresy > Prophecy > Accuracy
    The battle declared by Sarkozy/Merkel/Brown against hedge funds, unregulated banking, rogue speculators at the G20 is not new or ground breaking. It was our Tun who railed against these institutions 10 years ago but no one listened. Instead he got nicknamed ‘heretic’ and ‘loose cannon’.
    It was supposed era of free and open market economy. They turn a blind eye to the ‘manipulation’ since they were the beneficiaries and weaker economies the victims. Now they get burnt and want everyone to rein in and help the global economy! Do we have to suit them?
    Tun already pointed to the dangers of speculative trading which manipulate assets and fiddle currencies for paper profit. In the end it brought down the entire banking system with crippled assets and bloated currencies.
    Sad no one at the G20 (not even the press) mentioned Tun’s crusade 10 yrs ago. Tun was the lone voice then. Feels like the victory was ‘stolen’ from Tun. If not for Tun’s domestic spat, Tun would have been at the forum instead of espousing his thoughts in his blog.
    US – Financial elites rule Political elites = Lobbying, Competition
    Mahathirism – Political elites rule Financial elites = Cronyism, Corruption (via Money Politics)
    US – Elite and barons = Cozy relationship
    Mahathirism – Warlords(politics) and Landlords(business) = M’sia Inc (actually Umno Inc)
    Can you spot the difference?
    Umno assembly wants Umno heads to grab and grip all GLC, Universities and Govt posts (professional jobs). We have a more dangerous situation in M’sia than US! Some people have their noses sniffing in the wrong places instead.
    Hope Najib breaks the stranglehold of the Umno lowly-educated political elites over the highly qualified professional elites. Pls dont let small brain division leaders head our nations pride corporations and institutions. Then we dont need university degrees but Umno decrees!
    I hope people are aware Umno is similar to the rogue financiers we so vehemently condemn. The modus operandi is similar – create wealth out of thin air.
    Obtain wealth thru political rights not righteous work, get rich selling permits not goods, get income from commisssions for reserved projects not commitments, get money for voting not leadership.
    Yet these are the people accusing the west living beyond their means. Head small want to wear big hat? Privileged race here not living beyond their REAL capability? For their sake I hope it is not so! Or you will be like the west sooner than you think.
    Tun advocate tough no bail out policy for misadventurers. Even victims should not get full compensation?
    Tajuddin returned loss making Mas to govt with a profit when Govt buy back at higher price (Buy out is different from bail out?) Konsortium Perkapalan (link to a politician son) sold to party with hidden backing (Cash out is different from bail out?) Perwaja has been loss making almost all its life but resuscitated many times with tax payer funds (Hold out is different from bail out?)
    Sometimes we scorn at the lice on others hair but forget that we dont even have hair!
    Tun Musa – Elegant silence
    Tun Abdullah – Dignified silence
    DS Anwar – Muzzle into silence
    Tun Mahathir – Cannot keep silence

  10. Again thanks for giving me the chance to have my comment posted
    The first thing i wanted to know right after BN lost the 2 bukits is your reaction. The BN boys said the same thing so did the prime media. that we need to look closely and study and analyse. Phew!!! Tell me whats new dear boys. How much closer do u want to look at things even after getting msg after msg. I look fwd to hear what u have to say, or rather still have to say if u dont mind?
    Tun did u say that the last election was protest against (Tun) Pak Lah and now against whom now? Pak Lah is not there or is he actually behind the curtain????
    As i said, u were probably trying ur best to help, but the msg is too powerful, maybe they also wish at least u are much wiser read it better than the other guys in BN.
    Now, every thing BN does will not matter as the connection is really lost here,in power plant there is a term called synchronisation with the grid, thats the same here the power that BN claim to have cannot be transmitted into the strong grid ppl have, its like a secret network that exist that is beyond race or background. Its the common denominator called freedom to choose. Its not a Malay thing,an Indian thing or Chinese thing. Its an universal cry for freedom, sorry Tun u have to be commoner to feel it, frankly if u recall Pavlov’s theory, u know wt i am saying of course.
    Sometime i feel proud that we have this freedom in Malaysia still.
    Well, God has been fair, BN still has Batang Ai. So that is still room for everyone to celebrate.

  11. Salam Tun
    Obama is only a man not superman….He requires time to alter course.
    Some want him to be a failure so let us seat back and see the drama unfold….

  12. Ayahanda Tun,
    Now I’m starting to understand why u said that we need to go back and start using DINAR EMAS as means of our financial basic. I believe US will be valued far lesser than what they claim now.
    Thank You for joining back UMNO and campaigning for BN. I thought they will give u a new membership number.. 34xxxxx

  13. Assalamualaikum.
    1. Amerika dan kapitalis akan musnah seperti kayu reput.
    2. ISLAM akan bangkit memerintah dunia.
    3. Malaysia akan aman makmur dan menjadi contoh kepada negara lain.
    4. Melayu akan kekal memerintah Malaysia dengan adil dan saksama.
    5. Sistem kewangan ISLAM akan berkembang dan menjadi peneraju kewangan dunia.
    6. Singapura akan jatuh miskin dan hilang kuasa ekonominya.
    7. Cina dan India akan hidup aman dan makmur selagi taat setia kepada Negara dan pemerintah.

  14. Salam Tun dan famili,
    Kembalinya Tun dan keluarga ke dalam UMNO diambut pelbagai reaksi dari rakyat. Ada yang setuju dan ada yang tak berkenan dgn kembalinya Tun ke pangkuan UMNO. Bagi saya, yang penting pemimpin UMNO mesti melakukan anjakan paradigma. Buangkan segala yang keruh dan rapatkan saf saf barisan pemimpin yang betul betul pentingkan rakyat, bukan hanya orang Melayu dan Bumiputra tetapi juga untuk seluruh rakyat.
    Kembalinya Tun ke UMNO diharapkan bukan hanya indah khabar dari rupa tetapi diharapkan sebagai titik permulaan untuk UMNO berubah.
    Saya harap selepas selesainya pilihanraya kecil 3 kawasan ni nanti, diharap kerajaan BN memberi fokus kepada rakyat sekarang yang menghadapi pengangguran,peluang pendidikan dan sosio ekonomi yang lebih baik. Hentikan cakap cakap politik.
    Saya harap Tun dapat memberi panduan kpd DSN dan anggota kabinet baru nanti dalam arahtuju pembangunan negara kita yang tercinta ini.
    Kami menunggu sentuhan ajaib Tun dlm membantu DSN.

  15. As’kum Ayahnda Tun,
    bersyukur dengan situasi peralihan kuasa diantara DS Najib dan Tun Abdullah telah berjalan dgn lancar. Diharap DS Najib dapat meneruskan agenda, legasi dan perjuangan yang belum selesai dengan membawa kerajaan yang sedia ada ketahap yang diinginkan oleh majoriti rakyat yang waras dan matang dalam berfikir. Jika keputusan PRK di 3 kawasan memihak kepada BN maka itu bermakna isyarat yang positif telahpun ditunjukkan oleh rakyat, jika sebaliknya, maka DS Najib haruslah menyusun strategi awal bagi memerangi fitnah dan dakyah dari pihak pembangkang terutamanya parti penyangak, pembohong dan pakar membuat dakyah (PKR) yang sentiasa menabur fitnah dan membangkitkan rasa tidak puas hati rakyat dan seterusnya mengajak rakyat bangkit untuk menentang tak kira dengan cara apa sekalipun. Rakyat yang matang berfikir tahu menimbang dan menilai yang mana intan dan yang mana kaca. Dakyah dan janji janji kosong oleh pihak PR selama ini telah banyak berjaya mengikis kepercayaan rakyat akan ketidakmampuan parti pembangkang untuk mentadbir negara. Oleh itu DS Najib mesti menyusun satu barisan yang ampuh dan padu supaya dapat mengembalikan semula kepercayaan rakyat terhadap UMNO dan BN. Kami dari kalangan golongan menengah akan sentiasa memberikan sokongan dan menaruh harapan selagi DS Najib dan kabinet barunya nanti dapat menerajui BN diatas landasan yang betul dan tidak menjadi bahan tertawa seperti kerajaan yang diterajui oleh Tun Abdullah.

  16. To svg,
    Good day! Don’t get too sensitive. Tun has a right to support anyone he wants. Tun will never betrays UMNO and BN. Tun’s comeback if we see thoroughly is to help gain back support for UMNO & BN, and to heal corruption. Even if Tun is with PKR, or DAP or PAS, corruption does exist in those parties. And his writing on Obama is just his perception of what he feels, anyway, he is free to pen down his thoughts.
    Long live Malaysia.

  17. Tun,
    Untuk makluman Tun, apa yang diperkatakan oleh Tun berhubung dengan krisis kewangan ini TELAH LAMA KAMi MEMIKIRKANNYA. Pada pendapat kami, Sistem kewangan dunia yang sedia ada perlu dihapuskan terus. Ekonomi kita seharusnya “SELFT SUSTAIN AND SELF MAINTAIN” sebagaimana yang anak haji tegaskan kepada kami semasa hayat beliau. Jika kita perlukan produk dari luar, kita hanya perlukan sistem batter trade dan sandaran untuk batter trade mengunakan Dinar Emas.
    Dengan kaedah ini, tidak akan ada sebarang spekulasi dalam pasaran. Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun, dengan kita kembali kepada pokok asal perniagaan berasakan produk dan perkhidmatan akan menurunkan KDNK dan secara tidak langsung beban sara hidup yang tinggi dapat dikurangkan. Pekara ini harus dititik beratkan oleh kerajaan dibawah pimpinan Najib jika beliau untuk memenangi kembali hati masyarakat.
    Kami juga mencadangkan agar supaya, spekulasi harga pasaran di haramkan. Pemilikan saham syarikat hendaklah berasakan prestasi kepada perniagaan secara tulin.
    Pihak kami juga menegaskan agar CTH (central Trading House) yang telah lama DICADANGKAN diwujudkan agar seberapa segera agar beban pengguna di pasaran dapat dikurangkan.

  18. Dear Tun!
    Let’s clean our very own backyard before commenting on others! Look at the pathetic condition of Malaysian politics today! Now that you have rejoined UMNO do you really think that their fortunes will change?! I seriously doubt but wait for the by elections results and you might have second thoughts, even regret as to why you ever “blew” your 22 years of “good” service with this action of yours!!!!!
    The statements you have made in support of UMNO and Najib, including your justification of the Perak fiasco, speaks in volumes of your character!!!!!!! In short, I had (past tense) respect for you as a elder statesman but after your unwarranted statements…..well…..you have hastened the dimse of UMNO as well as BN! Good luck to you, Tun!!!!!!

  19. Yea, it’s nice to talk about the corrupt in distant lands; distracts us from looking at our backyard, right?
    And, now that Tun Mahathir has joined hands with those supposedly corrupted he has thus far condemned, and has found room to accommodate practices that were hitherto questionable, the more distacted we become the better! …and we could all continue to sing, “and, he’s jolly good fellow…”

  20. Salam Ayahandnda Tun
    Welcome back to Umno..even I am not an Umno Member. Umno and Bn need you as Malaysia need you. Once again, welcome back!!!

  21. Assalamualaikum, salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Saya pun turut nak tumpang sekaki-dua ikut angin komen Pak Belalang tentang tahap perkhidmatan teksi, bukan sahaja di lembah Klang, malah bagi seluruh negara. Deplorable, disgusting, sickening, arrogant, kso

  22. UMNO dah cantik molek.
    Cuma kita kena cari pemimpin yang benar-benar bermaruah.
    Inilah masaalahnya. Yang salahnya ialah ahli UMNO yang menghidangkan pemimpin yang haprak dan HP6 untuk memimpin kita.
    Mengapa setengah daripada kita masih lagi “pekak, buta dan tuli” tidak dapat menilai yang mana pemimpin yang boleh memertabatkan bangsa dan agama?
    Semuanya ini adalah kerana perwakilan yang diberi hak mewakili 3 juta ahli-ahli UMNO tidak dapat menjalankan amanah yang diberikan dengan jujur.
    Mereka telah menyelewang kerana jati diri mereka lemah akibat disogok dengan wang rasuah yang begitu lumayan untuk di tolak.
    Akhirnya UMNO dapat pemimpin “pariah” yang rasuah dan pentingkan diri mereka sendiri.
    Apabila perwakilan haprak, maka hapraklah pemimpin yang dipilih. Merekalah yang jadi petualang bangsanya sendiri. Mereka tidak malu. Mereka sungguh menjijikkan.
    Bertaubatlah kalau mereka sedar yang mereka tidak amanah. Pintu bertaubat masih terbuka besar. Allah memang penyayang lagi mengasihani!!

  23. Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
    Mari kita ambil satu contoh sahaja.
    Pada zaman Rasullulah s.a.w Baginda menegaskan nama Allah sebagai tuhan berbanding banyak tuhan oleh orang musyrik.Jadi terperanjat untalah orang musyrik bila mendengar Rasullulah s.a.w menyebut nama Allah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim..
    Orang musyrik segera heboh..Apa Muhammad ni?..Dia melarang kami nama banyak Tuhan tapi dia sendiri menyebut nama banyak Tuhan?..
    Tak paham aku..
    Itulah dia mereka yang tidak mengerti..Allah itu Esa..tapi namanya Asmaul Husna 99.
    Begitu juga Tun..dia ada kebijaksanaan ‘wisdom’ yang tiada pada kita.Allah mengangkat darjat manusia dengan 2 cara iaitu iman dan ilmu.Kita lihat contoh Nabi Musa a.s menjawab pertanyaan seorang kaumnya.
    Wahai Musa a.s siapakah orang yang paling berilmu di kalangan kita?
    Jawab Nabi Musa a.s akulah orangnya.Allah menegur Nabi Musa a.s dengan sikap Baginda dan sebagai pengajaran mencari …seseorang di antara pertemuan dua buah lautan untuk belajar ilmu..
    Maqam Nabi Musa a.s lebih tinggi dari Nabi Khidir a.s tetapi ilmu Nabi Khidir a.s lebih tinggi kerana ‘ dia orang yang mendapat ilmu langsung dari kami..( Allah )’
    Tun ada kebijaksanaan yang bukan ‘conventional’.Nabi Musa a.s berjanji akan sabar dan taat kepada Nabi Khidir a.s dalam pencarian ilmu.Tetapi bila melihat Nabi Khidir a.s memecahkan perahu,membunuh budak dan mendirikan tembok, Nabi Musa a.s membantah dan lupakan janjinya untuk sabar..Di akhir penerangan. Nabi Khidir a.s berkata
    “Ini bukanlah kehendak ku..Ini lah takwilnya yang kamu tidak sanggup bersabar padanya” Surah Al Kahfi.
    Kalau Tun sudi menerangkan semua sebab dan akibatnya pada anda,adakah anda bersetuju atau akan membantah seperti Nabi Musa a.s membantah Nabi Khidir a.s?
    Tun manusia biasa sahaja.Pasti Tun ada melakukan kesilapan tapi bodohlah kita bila dalam bilik pembedahan kita lihat Tun mula membedah ( making incision ) kita mula mempertikaikan kebijaksanaan Tun..eh..kenapa belah ini?..kenapa tak belah itu dulu..?
    Ringkasnya..kita Dr ke dia Dr…? Kita pandai ke dia yang pandai?
    Moralnya percayalah orang yang lebih pandai dari diri kita sendiri.Kerana memang begitu lah ajaran Islam..Taat dan patuh walau pun kepada benda yang kita tidak suka sehingga terbuktilah sebaliknya..

  24. salam untuk tun sekelaurga.
    Saya telah pun join UMNO semula, ikut langkah tun.
    Terharu sangat lihat sokongan di bukit gantang, saya kesana
    dari PJ semata-mata nak tengok Tun. Dan sambutan tersebut
    amat diluar jangkaan. Cina, India, Melayu semua menyambut
    kedatangan tun.
    Ya Allah, berilah keberkatan dan kesejahteraan kepada
    pemimpin kami ini dunia dan akhirat.
    We love you very much, Tun.
    Mazelan Abas

  25. Dear Tun
    I admire your courage to help out ur comrades in BN lately in the Bkts bi-elections. I know that u realise very well the ground sentiments and the hatred they have against the BN candidates. They still love you Tun but they probably hate BN more than they love you.
    Even if BN loses it is not your fault, those BN guys should be well embarassed that they have to resort back to an “old” retired PM to rescue them. Why the situation of total helplessness and desperate situation in BN , are they still not clever enough to think of their own remedy, why the doctor must always the one to come to give the aspirin or dose of motivation? Prevention is NOT better than CURE?
    Which ever way we look at it the country had it best times in ur tenure but the legacy may never be continued by any of your successor. Its a fact come reality! I dont know when will ever the guys up there will listen to the ppls’ hearts and listen. ASK ASK ASK and LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN! Here we have BN leaders just want to TALK TALK AND TALK only!
    It has to come with some sense of feeling and pride, sorry to say that BN leaders are scoring very badly on this. What you are speaks mmore loudly than the words you utter, we cant hear you!

  26. Salam tun,
    ucapan permulaan yang amat menarik di Bukit Gantang dan Bukit Selambau… semoga pengundi atas pagar memangkah BN hari nih..

  27. Assalamualaikum Tun yang dikasihi,
    Syukur kehadrat Ilahi,langkah Tun yang dinanti-nanti selama ini..menyertai semula UMNO.Terasa syahdu dan sungguh berbangga.Terima kasih Tun.
    Moga Tun & isteri sejahtera selalu.

  28. Salaam Tun and family,
    Below is a fascinating website that all of us should read.
    It gives a world view of the global capitalist and Zionist agenda that most of us are not aware of.

  29. salam tun..
    saya seoarng pejenguk setia blog ini…seorang yang sangat menkagumi tun sebagai seorang negarawan…tapi hari ini terdetik dan terkuis sedikit hati saya dalam menghakimi diri tun sebagai seorang yang sangar=t berprinsip..betul kata tun sendiri…melayu mudah lupa…tun telah mengiyakan apa yang tun katakan dahulu…demi politik tun telah mencemarkan diri tun dengan perasuah2 yang tun tuduh sendiri…sama ada ia benar atau tidak…pemimpin2 umno inilah yang tun tuduh sebagai perasuah tetapi kini mereka bagaikan bersih dari segala2 nya..manakah tun letak prinsip diri tub…maaf tun walaupun saya mungkin tidak layak menegur tun tetapi inilah hakikat yang saya tahu tun sendiri faham mengenai nya..tidak perlulah tun menuduh DS Nizar sebagai penderhaka sedangkan tun sendiri pernah menarik kuasa2 raja..tetapi rakyat faham kerena ia untuk kepentingan dan kebaikkan…kenapa dulu tun kaat Nizar masih sah sebagai MB kita tun tuduh dia sebagai penderhaka…TUn hari baru saya sedar orang yang saya kagumi selama ini telah menipu diri saya…amat sedih sekali saya untuk menerimanya…orang yang selama ini saya kenali sebagai negarawan terbilang telah kehilangan prinsip nya…orang yang selama ini cukup saya kagumi dan selalu saya pertahankan oleh manusia2 yang selama ini mengutuk tun telah terpesong dari prinsip perjuangan…saya cukup malu untuk berhadapan dengan mereka…kerana tiada apa yang boleh saya katakan lagi..ini bukan soal politik tetapi soal maruah…biarlah umno atau pas menang sekalipun tiada maknanya semua ini..hanya politik murahan mainan manusia yang lebih bersifat kepartian…Hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui..
    semoga tun sihat selalu..
    yang kecewa

  30. Salam buat Tun,
    Saya sangat setuju dengan kenyataan dan pendapat Tun sewaktu persidangan di london mengenai bantuan yang di berikan terhadap Bank-bank dan syarikat yang menghadapi masalah. Seharusnya bank-bank berkenaan perlu menutup operasinya,bukan di bantu lagi. Sudah terang lagi jelas,Bank yang mempunyai masalah adalah bank yang bermasalah. Langkah kerajaan Amerika memang kurang tepat bilamana masih bersedia membantu bank-bank yang mempunyai masalah.

  31. Dear Tun Dr M,
    It is a welcome move from you that you are back to politics by rejoining UMNO. However, your decision, not to be included in the cabinet line-up was a let down. This is because a lot of Malaysians, I can vouch,feel it as a let down if you don’t take a major role. I would say certain good qualities could be adapted from Singapore i.e. having a Minister Mentor’s post awarded to you. Many feel you still have a lot to contribute to the nation and you would definitely boost the moral and spirit of the Ruling Coalition.
    If you agree to become the Unofficial Advisor, then your participation would be that of a guest who will not have much influence. Ministers who are not used to your style of doing things might take whatever advice you give very lightly.
    I hope Tun have a word with Dato’ Sri Najib and let us know the good news soon.

  32. You seemed to be still caring of U.S.A.
    The unjustified war on Iraq went unnoticed dan tidak di bela . More than 60000 of innocent muslims life were lost. And now they re firing rockets to whom they feel that they are their enemy. Cowboy style. ( I think you are my enemy so I shoot.
    The Americans still have to conpensate the rightful government of Iraq for their UNJUSTIFIED attack.

  33. From Tun : 11. The world must return to doing real business – that of producing goods and supplying services. This will lead to the economies of the rich in particular to shrink. The GDP and the per capita will be much reduced.
    Its sound so good if: 11. Malaysia must return to doing real politic – that of ensure transparency and accountability. This will lead to the economies of the rotten BN rich in particular to shrink. The GDP and the per capita will be much increased.
    from Tun : “13. I hope Mr Obama will break the stranglehold of the financial elites on the political elites of America.”
    it sound so good if : “13. I hope Malaysian will break the stranglehold of the rotten BN elites on the rotten political system of Malaysia.”

  34. Salam Tun and all dear bloggers,
    This is an interesting, eye-catching and attention-grabbing topic. But whatever it is and whoever they maybe, one thing is certain. When greed creeps into the soul of humankind and overtakes ethics and principles, it signifies the beginning of doom.
    So Tun, now that you are back in UMNO’s house, make sure you remove the rotten fish right from the head till the bone marrow. Pardon me, but a lot has been said about the “rotten” UMNO. Make sure you reinject the right medicine this time and restore the rakyat’s confidence in it and thus, the BN.
    We are watching you, Najib & Muhyiddin very closely from across the South China Sea over the hills of Borneo. Should you fail to stop the rot of corruption, cronyism and nepotism in UMNO, the rakyat will curse you and your generation forever for allowing the rotten fish to breed and grow in this land of abundance.
    Please share our kenyalang best wishes to Najib and his BN counterparts in Sarawak this reminder. Should he forget this, we will make sure Batang Ai and the rest of Sarawak fall apart from the grasp of BN in tomorrow’s by-election (7 Apr 2009) and the coming State election due next year or so.
    This is our promise – a sure one bah.

  35. Salaam Tun,
    Need to hear your views regarding the G20 blacklisting Malaysia alongside the Phillipines, Costa Rica and Uruguay at the recent G20 Summit in London as “non-cooperative” countries.
    Visit – http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7979483.stm
    I’m astonished that this was not reported in our local media, perhaps they’ve been too busy on the local political fracas and the new PM 😉

  36. Obama supposed to support good banks and institutions with good management but not those failed ones with corrupt and greedy management. Ini dah terbalik!. This is only enriching the rich!.
    How about Malaysias RM 60 billion stimulus package?. Tang mana mau buang duit sebanyak itu?

  37. Salam Tun,
    welcome to UMNO. Hope the UMNO members now realise the worth of being a gud people. however, there are still corupted members who still can win to top position. semoga Allah buka kan pintu hati si polan tersebut untuk meletak jawatan as a gentlemen. AMIN.

  38. Salam Tun,
    1. Saya tidak faham kenapa Tun tiba-tiba bersetuju memasuki UMNO kembali baru-baru ini sedangkan Tun baru saja mengkritik permuda kerana meyokong KJ. Semua orang boleh agak kenapa KJ menang dan saya sangat setuju dengan tulisan Tun baru-baru ini. Saya bukan bermaksud menghalang Tun memasuki UMNO kembali, tetapi kenapa tiba-tiba sedangkan masalah rasuah dalam UMNO masih berleluasa.
    2. Adakah pakatan telah diadakan diantara Tun dan Najib?

  39. Salam Sejahtera buat Tun dan Keluarga
    My comments are not only related on OBAMA efforts to combat financial crisis but also looking on the aspects of Malaysian Businessman and Corporate Leaders.
    Crisis is a powerful terminology that may be stressful or traumatic and can change the world or country phenomena in economic, politic and social. It is unstable and dangerous situation for the civilization.
    Western countries, which endorsed the capitalism without any control, have been exaggerated badly by the current economic downturn. As what you said in your blog, past leadership in western countries were using public money to bail out the failed banks and financial institutions. It has been practiced freely at political level. The capitalism ideologies are not only leads the economy scenario but also manipulate all aspects of society

  40. Dear Tun,
    1st of all, I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate our new Prime Minister, Datuk Sri Najib for being our 6th Prime Minister and hope can boost up our economy.
    But I really unhappy the way u write in ur blog. Previously u condemn the move of BN for illegal grabbing Perak State Government and after our Pak Lah resign and u join UMNO, u twisted your words as saying that People of Perak have to support BN state govt. I guess that u really have to think twice before writing in ur future blog.
    Anyway I hope you can stay healthy always

  41. Comments made by “svg on April 5, 2009 10:28 AM”
    ” How about Malaysia’s RM60bil 2nd stimulus package? very sure that thos money going to UMNO & BN cronies and not to malaysian peoples who are really inneed.let settle our internal problems 1st rather than pointing others.we should not try to find faults aginst others, we should work hard for ourself since we are very small compare to US,Japan , Germany & others. Even Singapore is much more smaller than us, something like Batu Pahat size, they are much higher than us in everything.Why?The true democracy is been pracrise in Singapore.No discrimination among ethnics.Fair & equal for every citizen. Whoever work hard, they will gain it but in Malaysia, whoever can ‘Bodek & Kipas’ they gain it.”
    Just a comments from Kampong Boy here;
    Well it depends what you meant by cronies here. FYI, it exists on every face of the earth. Just like any human being. Like me, I do believe just same as you, we are not part of any elite and the inner circles. That’s fact of life my brother. Similarly, I am smiling to myself when you said that the true democracy is being practiced in Singapore. Well I hope you are true and true Singaporean. For that I would understand why you could come up with such comments on the democracy, fairness, non discrimination among etchnic and equal for every one. Or perhaps you just do not wish to admit that it also exist in any countries.
    Please do not simply equate every one of us having the preferential treatment whereby we have to leave with the fact that not every one of us are part of the inner circle and the elite. Look around and see that all of us, being Malaysian has benefited as well from the NEP. For this, we have to thanks to our leaders to make it possible.
    For your information, go and figure out who are the elite and the inner circle group of people in countries such as Singapore before you could come up with this type of comment. This may open up your eyes. For sure discrimination exists in every face of the earth whether you like it or not.
    Take it easy and have a good day.
    Kampong Boy

  42. Salam Tun & All,
    “The Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn starting in most places in 1929 and ending at different times in the 1930s or early 1940s for different countries” (Wikipedia)
    When i read the fact above, i can’t help but wondering, is the financial crisis will be as long as 10 years or more?!
    Hope Not!

  43. Your point of view is refreshing and quite educational. Of course, like everything else, not everyone will agree. Perhaps Najib (as MoF) could draw something out of this ?

  44. Dear Tun,
    I can see u are back to help BN to be back on track…
    Seeing u back on TV!!! I miss your speech….It’s reassuring…
    Just like old times…Huhuhu…I miss you so much…(^__^)
    All the best Tun..I’ll support you…!!!!

  45. bubbles…
    just wonder…
    is it noise in the system?
    what if those bubbles become uncontrollable?
    can bubbles create a situation called ‘many party sharing same bubbles ‘ or simply said ‘many party sharing same money because those money does’nt exist’?
    what will happen if those party withdraw those money in the same time?
    is that what actually happened when the oil price is increasing and many party withdraw those ‘sharing money’?
    if those ‘sharing money’ exist, what will the currency involved?
    is it print another note of money is the solution?
    just wonder…

  46. salam,
    welcome back tun, even though the monkey is still out there. we also hope the economy will give more smiles to lot of us. but maybe it is easy to said than done. one of those financial elites who created the federal reserve whom i forgot once said ‘let me control the money and i care not who is the government’. last but not least probably that person is from the same family offspring that create rumours napoleon won in waterloo in order to control some company in london stock exchage.
    erm…. show me the money by jerry maguire.

  47. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1. Tahniah diatas kepulangan Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah kepangkuan UMNO.Moga selepas ini UMNO akan dapat merasai suntikan semangat baru untuk meneruskan PERJUANGAN YANG BELUM SELESAI dan juga DEMI AGAMA, BANGSA DAN NEGARA.
    2.Agak terkilan dengan kekalahan Datok Mukriz tempohari.Walau apa pun doa agar PM baru kita akan memberi jawatan kepada Dato Mukriz dalam barisan kabinet barunya nanti.
    3.Biarkan KJ dengan PERMUDAnya.Tapi Datok Mukriz dapat lebih dari jawatan KETUA PEMUDA yang disandang oleh KJ.
    Moga Tun sihat selalu hendaknya.

  48. Dear Tun,
    What has Tun done?your dicission with UMNO has make us very sad. We was trusted Tun so much,loving Tun so much and caring Tun.
    But after today,Tun has help UMNO without good reason. Dear Tun,YOU HAS ABANDONED US WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR POWER BACK.I never make any comment b4 coz of i respect u. But now…As people said. “WHEN U R POOR. U SEE LOTS OF THNIGS.WHEN U R RICH. U SEE NOTHING…ECCEPT JOYS.

  49. As you all have already known that the financial experts (or so called) have commenced their efforts to charter the implications of this year’s credit crisis (esp. in the US) as a result of financial market turbulence. Not too long ago, everyone is aiming at the renaissance of China but with the current condition they are facing, it may potentially be a little while before their internal problems can be stabilized if not solved fully.
    So, what can our world governments do? I humbly think that the financial market should be slowly integrated to become a global network or hub. Except for US, I’ve seen efforts via conferences and seminars towards implementing such plans. I’m also shocked to know the rate of countries retreating from Euro these days.
    US on the other hand; if not properly controlled; may affect even to the security matters – just wait if New York started to feel the pinch and everything will start to lead to one problem to another. (esp. security matters) I do not know if US need to cut down on foreign assistance at the moment – but if this is the case, then the fiscal pinch may affect the amount of such aid. If I may say, I hope that New York can start efforts of working together with other financial hubs to become a network of global capitals. The only setback is the global political stability as whenever there are plans of more effective and beneficial integration, the political element has to be part and parcel of financial market. Of course, I don’t need to tell how much US can save by less interfering in other countries internal affairs as what have been done in Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. US Bush Administration has tried their best to save their economy but it is too sluggish – I hope they can crush their ego and restrategize – try to create a better relationships with other countries – they have tried too many models and these models just don’t work…
    We can no longer depend on IMF, World Bank (now almost irrelevant) and even the UN (they themselves are now in hot soup despite funded the US) but we have to do something NOW to create a healthier market – e.g. making more rooms for reserves. We know that UN’s stand on Darfur, Georgia & Pakistan – total silence for unknown reason.
    When I talk about integration or interdepence, I’m not really pointing towards globalization as it is still a concept of uncertainty that may become a friend or a foe. That is too much for a small guy like me to anticipate. Just referring to the good ol’ concept working together as a team. This ‘teamwork’ may lead to good global financial governance will create better monetary policies, securities regulations and even signifcant changes can be made to auditing and accounting standards.
    Where would be the ideal starting point? The answer is the first tier – Banking and Financial Institutions. I would like to open this suggestion to Asia (or SEA) as Asia is a very unique continent that has always found a way towards survival. (perhaps some democratization of financial policies should be in place) Most important is TRUST and coordinated efforts one another – as every bankers and financiers have all the knowledge. (Don’t wait for someone else to start first) There should be no more too much dependency on certain elite groups or industries that are ‘controlling the financial world’ and we have seen the impact when these ‘big mega industries’ started to fall. (NASTY!)

  50. Salam YAB Tun.
    Pandangan, pendapat serta cadangan Tun untuk Presiden Amerika Syarikat mengenai masalah krisis kewangan dunia terutamanya di US sendiri, membuktikan Tun seorang yang prihatin, berpengalaman dan memahami benar akan masalah tersebut.
    Cadangan dan harapan Tun harus dipandang serius oleh Obama dalam merancanakan kaedah pemulihan krisis kewangan yang paling buruk dalam sejarah dunia dan usaha dan komitmen beliau harus dibantu oleh semua pihak.
    Pendapat Pope dari Vertican City, beberapa minggu sudah, yang ada mencadangkan pengunaan kaedah kewangan Islam juga harus diambil kira kerana ada kebenarannya.
    Beberapa tokoh politik dan pakar kewangan di serata dunia juga berpendapat dan mengaku bahawa sistem kewangan yang ada sekarang ini telah gagal dan harus dihapuskan atau digantikan dengan satu sistem yang lebih sempurna, adil dan telus.
    Masalah yang sedang melanda seluruh dunia ini pasti dapat diselesaikan dengan segera dan mudah jika setiap penduduk dunia bersatu serta memberi tumpuan dan fokus terhadap masalah tersebut secara jujur dan ikhlas berbincang dan membantu untuk mencari penyelesaiannya.
    Perkara-perkara lain yang tidak penting dan remeh harus diketepikan dan tumpuan harus ditumpukan kepada masalah tersebut tanpa ada lain niat dan agenda tertentu masing-masing.
    Kaedah Bailout dengan cara mencetak banyak wang untuk menyelamatkan mana-mana pihak semestinya bukan cara pendekatan yang baik untuk jangka panjang. Ianya tak ubah seperti menolong kaki judi yang telah kalah dengan memberi wang untuk terus berjudi lagi.

  51. Y.A.Bhg Tun,
    Saya berkesempatan ke kawasan pilehan raya kecil Bukit Gantang dalam perjalanan ke Utara. Perang poster bagitu hebat menampakan demokrasi utoh dan unggul dalam negara kita. Tetapi saya bimbang melihat kepada perpecahan dikalangan orang-orang Melayu akibat dari fahaman politik yang berbeda. Sunggoh membimbangkan saya apabila kedua-dua pihak berusaha untuk menarik pengundi bukan Melayu sehingga sanggup mengadai asas perjuangan parti masing-masing.
    UMNO ditegakan sebagai sabuah parti nasionalis Melayu memperjuangkan kemerdekaan, memartabatkan bangsa Melayu dan memperjuangkan Islam disamping mempertahankan institusi raja sebagai payung kepada bangsa Melayu dan Negara. Manakala Pas diasaskan pada mulanya sebagai Parti nasionalis melayu yang kurang senang dengan kerjasama UMNO dengan bangsa-bangsa lain dalam gagasan Perikatan. Saya bimbang kedua-dua pihak telah lupa kepada sejarah dan dengan mudah bertolak ansor kepada perkara-perkara pokok yang terkandung dalam Perlembagaan Negara. Sejarah politik orang Melayu dari semenjak mula kita mengenali pilehanraya menunjukan sokongan yang sama banyak bagi kedua pihak.
    Kemenangan ditentukan oleh kepada pihak mana pengundi-pengundi Cina dan India memberikan sokongan. Untuk beberapa kali pilehanraya mereka memilih Perikatan dan kemudian Barisan Nasional sebagai permufakatan untuk kesetabilan politik negara yang seterusnya membawa kemakmuran negara sehingga Malaysia muncul sebagai negara membangun yang paling maju. Masyarakat bumiputara khususnya orang Cina menikmati taraf hidup dan memiliki kekayaan yang jauh lebih baik dari masyarakat bumiputa khusunya orang Melayu, malahan taraf hidup mereka setanding dengan bangsa lain di negara maju. Mereka membuat pilhan tepat menyokong UMNO dalam gagsan Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional untuk memakmorkan negara ini dan kekayaan dapat dikongsi bersama. Taraf hidup orang Melayu juga telah meningkat walaupun gagal mencapai matlamat pemilikan equti saperti yang ditetapkan dalam Dasar Ekonomi Baru.
    Saya berpendapat, sekarang keadaan menjadi sangat sukar kepada orang Melayu apabila PAS mengubah haluan perjuangan dengan matlamat hanya untuk berkuasa yang sanggup berkerjasama dengan DAP dalam Pakatan Yakyat oleh kerana DAP dari sejarahnya adalah Parti yang menolak gagasan yang diperjuangkan oleh UMNO dalam Perikatan dan kemudianya Barisan Nasional.
    Kemelut politik ini memerlukan negarawan saperti Y.A.Bhg Tun memanggil perbincangan dikalangan pemimpin poltik Melayu yang lain dan seterusnya menyakinkan masyarakat bukan Melayu lain terutama kaum Cina bahawa gagasan yang dibawa oleh Barisan Nasional adalah percaturan terbaik untuk bangsa Malaysia supaya politik negara stabil dan ekonomi berkembang menuju Wawasan 2020.
    Kuala Lumpur

  52. Assalamualikum,
    1. Obama ke sapa saja yang naik jadi presiden AS, tetap membawa dakyah dan teori serta pengurusan kewangan rejim Zionis.
    2. Jadi langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaannya tetap menggunakan duit…selagi duit ini disponsor oleh pelabur dan pelobi Yahudi maka ia tetap tidak berkat. Sebab unsur pelaburan bercirikan dari sistem riba tetap tidak dredhai oleh Allah.
    3. teori kejatuhan ekonomi dunia ini adalah ciptaan manusia. Bila dah tamak,hati jadi buta. secara otomatiknya yang sengsara manusia. itu sebab sistem kewangan secara Islam yang berlandaskan syariah dan mengikut lunas undang-undang al-quran harus diguna pakai. Mata wang islam harus ditonjolkan dalam pasaran dunia…mungkin satu persidangan antarabangsa perlu dibuat agar ketetapan ini boleh digunapakai di seluruh dunia. saranan dan usul boleh dimulakan oleh anggota OIC tetapi mereka didalam OIC semua perlulah bersatu hati dan teguh iman dulu…
    4. Mudah sahaja kalau nak pulih, rasuah,riba,pajak dan amalan perbankan serta pelaburan haram perlu dibenteras dan diperbaiki dengan amalan kewangan dan pelaburan ala Islam.
    5. Siapa yang setuju berdoalah agar ia menjadi kenyataan…

  53. TUN.
    Apabila mana TUN mengeritik TUN Dolah dan kepimpinan nya. Ramai kalangan pemimpin UMNO di peringkat tertinggi, MT dan Menteri telah cuba menjadi hulubalang TUN Dolah ketika itu.Pelbagai ayat dan perkataan mereka menghina dan memperlekehkan TUN waktu itu.
    Tapi kini apabila di tanya Press apa respond mereka, semua dari kalangan mereka mengalu2kan dan memuji tindakan TUN yang telah memberi sokongan padu pada DSN dan TSM. “Melayu mudah lupa”. Orang2 seperti lah yang merosak kan parti. Hanya melihat dimana ada untung disitu lah mengendeng. Tidak ada prinsip. Tidak ada falsafah.
    Saya maseh ingat orang2 ini. Tak payah lah saya nak huraikan satu persatu nama mereka.
    Ada yang kini sanggup menerima TUN untuk menjadi ahli UMNO di mana2 cawangan di kawasan nya. Ada bersedia menyerahakan jawatan pada TUN jika ingin masuk kekawasan nya. Ini semua cuba membodek DSN agar diterima atau terus dilantik semula menjadi menteri dan sebagai nya.
    DSN tak perlu orang2 yang kuat bodek. Mereka yang kuat bodek tapi tak kuat bekerja. Ini boleh menjejaskan jentera kerajaan.
    Tapi saya respek DSN dan TSM. Mereka tak pernah memperlihatkan ingin menjauhkan diri dari TUN sejak TUN bersara dari politik.
    Selamat kembali kepangkuan UMNO TUN dan bonda TUN CT.

  54. Salam Tun,
    1) I agree,the so call Financial Elite or members of some Billionaires Club, these are the people who are responsible for what we are currently going through.
    2) They are probably in their 70’s, owns huge penthouse in New York, owns super yatch, travel in private jets and donate generously to political parties. The CEO’s are just their sidekicks, machai or kuda.
    3) Remember the oil price they say it went up because of the Iranian nuclear program, or some gas pipelines being blown up in Sudan. The nuclear plant is now complete and Sudan is still in turmoil but yet the oil price remains low.
    4) Remember the typhoon Katrina and Gloria, both hit the USA but one causes the oil price to shoot up but not the other. Why?
    5) Remember the oil price reach its peak at the end of Bush’s administration, and the financial melt down came just after that? Bush and friends have made some money and disappeared, strange. He is probably back to his father Bush senior, helping him in the oil business. What a coincidence!!
    6) These Financial Elites(believe Bush, some Jews and also a few oil Sheikhs are members of this Elite club) also owns Banks, Oil Companies, Media, Stock Markets, Governments etc. They can manipulate and make a few bucks(billions) out of it. CNN can create all kinds of bad news. They can instruct editors to create news or ask generals to plan wars. They are so powerful.
    7)They knew the economic cycle, oil crisis in the 70’s, then the crisis in the 80’s, the 90,s and now year 2008.
    8) It is all well orchestrated, and yet most of us even the Singaporeans are being fooled,lost 400billion. They think they are smart, IDIOT!
    9) Don’t worry it will come and go, the next cycle will be around 2017. Tak Boleh tahan… sorry.
    10) By the way now that Pak Lah is gone and you have rejoined UMNO, I am sure there is not much to criticise.
    11) I wonder what’s next………… Please dont write on Obama, its boring.

  55. Assalamu’alaikum Tun
    It is good to have you back on chedet as I noticed you have been very busy lately visiting London and now re-joining UMNO and hitting the campaign trail in Bukit Gantang. My sister and her family who is now holidaying in London may have attended your talk at the Commonwealth Center. Hope you will continue actively contributing to chedet although you have rejoined UMNO and will be busy trying to prop up the BN.
    I totally agree with you and I am on your side in letting the failed instutions go under instead of bailing them out. For a while, I thought I was on my own because everybody was in favour of bailing them out but you now also have the same opinion.
    But Obama is doing the exact opposite and he is putting even more money in. As can be seen, the culprits are trying to hastily take the money in bonuses and now they will do the same bad habit with the bailout money in the hope to recover what they have lost. If their bets are accurate, they will recover the lost money but if they are wrong, the current economic crisis will seem like a small hole compared to what will happen if Obama’s US3 trillion dollars is misused.
    Well, as I said in my earlier comments — I am still hoping for an honest and strong leadership team for my beloved country but we will see. I have to give Najib a chance first. But I think so far BN and BA have strayed very far-off a proper Islamic ethical path. Maybe BA more than BN, but a-straying, anyway. We will see…

  56. salam tun,
    your thought, your views and your prediction is always beyond the time!
    may allah bless u…amin.

  57. Salam sejahtera YAB Tun,
    Pertama sekali tahniah di atas kehadiran semasa Perhimpunan Agung UMNO yang lepas yang nyata membangkitkan semangat juang kebanyakkan orang yang saya temui. Memang menarik dari cara kemasukan YAB Tun ke Perhimpunan Agung tersebut. Sama seperti ketika YAB Tun cuba meletak jawatan. Masih ada perasaan sebak.
    Krisis ekonomi makin menular besar ke seluruh negara-negara dunia hanya kerana krisis kegagalan bank-bank di Amerika. Saya berpendapat kalau perlu ditutup sahaja bank tersebut yang mana pelaburan akan terhenti dan dibuka di atas nama yang lain melalui dana yang disuntik. Tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan bahawa ekonomi mereka akan merundum tetapi mungkin tidak seteruk sekarang dimana orang akan berlumba-lumba mencari pasaran yang stabil bagi menampung krisis tersebut.
    Mereka tidak berupaya menyelamatkan orang yang sedang sakit jantung tetapi masih berupaya memprodukkan benda yang baru yang boleh menahan daripada kejatuhan teruk dengan kemungkinan baru dan juga prosedur kewangan yang baru.

  58. Obama has to ensure he continues to enjoy the support of the American people and the world for that matter. So far, everyone should be cautiously optimistic.
    The Rothchilds and the Rockefellers will be watching. There is no way they will give away their wealth accumulated over the centuries.

  59. This corrupted monitory system has long long time ago play the rule in creating today

  60. Assalamu alaikum
    YABhg Tun dan seluruh “felo” cehe det yang dikasihi
    Presiden Barack Obama tidak boleh dilihat sebagai Presiden U.S yang boleh membawa perubahan walaupun dia berjanji membawa satu perubahan yang besar kepada U.S dan dunia.
    Presiden Obama sama juga dengan Presiden-Presiden U.S yang lepas. Presiden Obama hanya melaksanakan tanggungjawab Presiden-Presiden U.S yang lepas yang mana tidak selesai sehingga sekarang.
    U.S memiliki banyak institusi kewangan yang gagal berfungsi dengan baik akibat “kebijakan ekonomi” para penggubal dasarnya yang sentiasa berkiblat kepada pelobi yahudi israel.
    Apabial U.S mengalami “sakit ekonomi,” dunia sering diberitahu bahawa dunia menghadapi krisis ekonomi global. Malaysia dan negara-negara lain di dunia seolah beranggapan bahawa dunia berhadapan dengan ekonomi global dan patut mencontohi “rawatan ekonomi” yang disyorkan oleh IMF atau U.S.

  61. kl satu dunia ada mnegamalkan ZAKAT,mesti tak jadi krisis ni.
    dimana harta akan dineutralkan dan semua akan ada bahagian masing2..:)
    tak berkesempatan nak salam..;(

  62. Tun,
    Please draft out here, what public should do during this economy crisis to help goverment to recover the situation.
    Some of my friends say, worse yet to come. What we are currently facial is just the begining of economy slow down. Is it true?

  63. Yes Tun,
    I think Obama must do something different and end the cozy relationship between the political elites and the financial elites. But I do not agree with your point 9. where you urge the failed banks and financial institutions including great insurance companies to be destroyed completely.
    I believe by destroying them, it will worsen the world’s economy situation (including Malaysia’s) as these organisations have presence in many countries employing thousands if not millions of people. For a start, the top management and top executives should be replaced with people who really mean business to restore public confidence and revive the company and economy.
    I am sure you will not do what you said in Malaysia if you are still the Prime Minister today. If you remember, you “bailed-out” MISC, Proton, Bank Bumiputra, etc. before during the previous financial crisis. Today, in Malaysia, the Prime Minister should set terms for the top executives to make way should banks like CIMB requires bail-out from the government. This is regardless if the top person in the bank is his own brother or not.

  64. svg…
    Singapore true democracy?
    Sorry, wrong country.
    For your info, singapore also practice ‘bumiputera’ policy…
    Only Chinese can come up… Even Indian, are not…
    In Malaysia, there is still demonstration, Singapore?
    The next moment you will be in jail…
    Going against goverment (i.e. pembangkang?)… Will be sue in court so that next election, u r not allowed to contest

  65. Assalamualaikun ,Tun
    Biasalah selagi Obama tak bawa pulang tenteranya maka tak guna pakej rasangan ekonomi Amerika tu… Banyak duit diorang di salurkan kepada peperangan..
    Harap2 tun boleh kawal aktiviti UMNO terutamanya si KJ…sebagai penasihat kan…:P
    Apa2pun saya ucapkan selamat berjaya dalam menjalani tugas…

  66. TUN.
    Selamat kembali ke pangkuan UMNO.
    Hari tu TUN berucap kat G20 atas jemputan G20 atau sebagai delegate kerajaan Malaysia. Bukan kah Malaysia sepatutu nya di wakili oleh ketua negara. Apa2 pun TUN maseh bersemangat dan lantang menyuarakan pandangan dan kririkan. Tun maseh disegani dan dihormati oleh masyarakat global.
    Selepas mengahadiri G20 Tun sempat pulang untuk menghadiri majlis angkat sumpah jawatan PM oleh DS Najib. Ini membuatkan rakyat bertambah yakin akan kepimpinan DS Najib apabila seorang mantan PM dan negarawan ulung negara mengitiraf Najib sebagai PM.
    Apa rakyat nak komen lagi atau membuat tanggapan negative pada DS Najib jika TUN yang lebih arif dan bergitu dekat dengan ahli2 politik UMNO dan BN dan dah masak dalam sepak terajang politik negara telah memberi penilaian yang tinggi pada DS Najib untuk menerajui negara. Kenapa pula rakyat yang jauh dan kurang arif dalam politi ini memandai2 pulak membuat atau memberi komen2 itu dan ini dan cuba mengahasut orang lain untuk memburu2kan najib dengan pelbagai fitnah dan cemohan.
    Pada mereka yang diluar sana tu usah lah lagi taksub dan maseh mengharapkan dan memberi sokongan pada pemimpin dari PKR yang maseh mengimpikan untuk merampas kuasa.
    Setelah DS Najib mengambil aleh, dan TUN kembali cergas dalam UMNO rakyat mula memberi sokongan semula pada UMNO dan BN.Maka impian nya bertambah kabur. Jangkauan cita2 nya bertambah tinggi untuk di gapai.
    Mari kita buat sedikit simple mathematik, plus minus. tak payah ada formula roket sain.
    Umur DSN sekarang 56. Umur AI 62.
    DSN boleh berkuasa sekurang2 nya 4 penggal, 16 tahun.
    Umur DSN ketika itu 72 dan berkira2 untuk melepaskan jawatan pada orang lain. Tak kira siapa ketika itu yang jadi TP UMNO. Mungkin KJ pun tak apa.
    Dan berkuasa pula umtuk sepenggal sebelum mengadakan PRU. Dan BN kalah pada PRU itu.
    Umur DSAI waktu dah pun 78 + 4 = 82 tahun.
    Fikirkan lah seorang yang dah mencecah umur keangka itu. Apakah maseh bernafas (inshaAllah umur nya panjang) atau maseh tidak nyayuk dan kuat, sakit tulang belakang semasa kat Sungai Buluh dulu tidak berulng lagi dan maseh petah bercakap untuk membolehkan nya memulakan “day one” sebagai PM baru Malaysia ketika itu.
    So, fikirkan lah sendiri jawapan nya yang logik dari hukum akal.
    Saya dapat merasakan AI tentu pun dah mencongak akan formula ini. Maka itu lah sebab dia seperti cacing kepanasan dan meracau2 macam orng demam panas bila DS Najib berjaya di nobatkan sebagai penganti TUN Lah. segala cubaan dan agenda jahat nya untuk mengagalkan DS Najib dah gagal.(Peralihan kuasa antara TUN Lah dan Najib yang sempurna telah menjadi penghalang utama agenda nya)
    Rumusan nya apa pulak kewajaran nya rakyat2 kecil diluara sana itu untuk terus mempertahankan dan menyokong AI. Apa kah bentuk imbuhan yang bakal di terima bila Ai jadi PM waktu itu? Apakah memadai sekadar tukang pasang poster sahaja bila ada pilihan raya.
    Sedangkan ketika ini pun telah nampak akan perjalanan nya untuk menjadikan nya PM dah semakin jauh.
    PKR tidak akan bertambah baik atau ujud lagi jika AI tidak lagi menjadi pemimpin no1 nya.
    Maka saya menyeru rakan2 dan saudara2 saya yang maseh bermimpi disiang hari untuk melihat AI menjadi PM itu kembalilah kepangkal jalan atau berilah sokongan pada UMNO dan BN untuk masa depan negara dan bangsa Malaysia yang lebih baik.
    p/s formula dan perkiraan diatas juga sesuai untuk PAS dan DAP.jika ada pemimpin2 kanan nya sedang berkira2 nak jadi PM.
    “ONE Malaysia”.One Nation, one langguage. One PM. One TPM.(Not 2 not 3 TPM)
    Tahniah sekali lagi untuk DS Najib. Hidup UMNO/BN!

  67. Dear Dr M,
    Greetings. There is so much i need to say.However, i shall make it brief.I for one am glad that you had decided to rejoin UMNO.It needs you. I think PM Najib is a good administrator so we are assured that the country will do well. Lets get going on this. There is so much to do.We have wasted so much of time with unecessary politics. Please be aware of what is going on on the ground. There are reasons for people’s anger.So much has been said of the arrogance and the racist remarks of BN leaders. heck.. the PR members are no better. Why are we in this situation. My best friends are Malays. Their anger is real and towards BN.I could not imagine that UMNO will loose Malay support but it did.Lets stop talking along racial lines.We non malays know about the social contract etc. We had men of intergrity then. Razak, Ismail,Sambanthan Siew sin and many more. Now look how Syed Hamid talks……the arrogance. I think you understand what i mean. Please look into this.
    Thanks sir. Sincerely i hope you would assist here. People say, thet you are racist no 1.Your writings reflect that.Please change that.As i have said, we non malays understand the role of our Malay brothers and how important this.People to people in this country, there are no problems. The politics causes all the problems.

  68. Salam Tun…
    A great man is a man of honour. Saya setuju dengan pendapat & cadangan Tun tentang penggunaan sistem dinar emas. Apa yang sudah jadi dengan cadangan Tun itu? Saya lihat, negara-negara Arab sudah hilang minat terhadap cadangan Tun itu. Apa yang kita perlu lakukan untuk menarik semula minat mereka terhadap cadangan Tun itu?
    Masa itu emas…

  69. …. if I may forward my views; you should wait for a few months before rejoining to observe the ongoings of the new leadership. You have nothing to worry about. You will be accecpted any time.
    …. patutnya sabar duluuuu…. dalam dunia politik, seseorang akan memperalatkan seseorang secara halus dalam proses mendapat kuasa dan mengekalkan kuasa.
    …. dalam usia bunus, elok kalau dapat gunakan sihat rohani, jasmani dan pengaruh yang ada untuk menumpukan kepada kerja-kerja berdakwah.

  70. Salam buat ayahanda Tun,
    Selamat kembali ke dalam pangkuan Umno. Harapan saya adalah semoga Umno dapat diterima semula serta semoga Umno dapat dibersihkan sebersih-bersihnya. Saya masih menghitung hari bila agaknya KJ dibuang dari Umno sebelum saya mahu menyertai Umno.
    Mengenai rancangan rangsangan ekonomi oleh Obama, ia tidak begitu membantu disebabkan salahguna oleh pihak bank, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya Obama ada jugalah mencari jalan untuk memulihkan ekonomi daripada langsung tidak berbuat apa-apa sebagaimana Bush yang lebih banyak menghancurkan ekonomi daripada membinanya.
    Satu perkara yang mungkin boleh membantu Amerika Syarikat ialah “kempen beli barangan buatan Amerika” bagi menyokong industri tempatan. Kita juga perlulah sentiasa memastikan kempen beli barangan buatan Malaysia dilakukan secara berterusan kerana kempen ini terbukti berjaya memulihkan ekonomi Malaysia ketika zaman gawat.
    Kempen ini pertama kali dijalankan pada tahun 1980-an oleh ayahanda Tun sendiri semasa ayahanda menjadi Perdana Menteri. Kali kedua pula ialah semasa krisis ekonomi 1997-1998. Jika kempen ini dijalankan secara berterusan, ekonomi kita akan berkembang secara zaman senang, dan kita boleh terus hidup dan mampu mengharungi sekukaran zaman gawat.

  71. Dear Tun and friends,
    The world has gone crazy; increase in crime rates, youth gunning people down left and right, wars, rumors of wars, mother nature going berserk, world economy going into a spiral of death, everything seems to be showing that we are at the end ….
    I am glad to know… in the darkness of our present economic situation we have GREAT leaders who will stand up to make the necessary changes; people like Obama for taking over US, people like Pak Lah for giving way to Najib, for people like dear Tun who will stand and say what is necessary to be said, to every single person who switch off the light on Earth Hour just to sent a message to the world… the unsung heros fightining…
    Yes we are the extreme minority… but it does not make us nobody, we can do something. One act of random kindness at a time.
    Yes we cannot make decision to change the world, we cannot fight the giant financial elites… but that does not mean we will not die trying.
    Even if Obama manages to restore the world economic… it will take another 5 years or so before the storm clears away and we see blue sky.
    Even if all world leaders decide to stop pollution, it will take a long time to see the earth reaching its nature equilibrium.
    A true hero, is not someone doing the BIG things that everyone wows at. A true hero is someone who does the small necessary change that makes brings significant improvement to the people. Everyone will benefit from it but many may not even realise it.
    But the true hero walks away quietly knowing something good is done.

  72. Ministry Offers 128,295 Places For IPT Students
    JOHOR BAHARU, April 5 (Bernama) — This year 128,295 places would be offered to students for pursuing their higher education at public institutions, polytechnic and community colleges starting July, said Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin.
    He said his ministry had received 400,996 applications for degree, diploma, polytechnic and community college certificates from students throughout the country.
    “From the 128,295 places offered, 40,559 are for those with Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) and matriculation while 28,000 are for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia holders.
    So Khaled, what is your alternative plan for those applicants who miss the boat to further their studies? Almost 70% will be “mengangur”. It is mind boggling indeed. Kemana nak di “campakkan” muda mudi ini? Ini bermakna 272,701 keluarga “pening kepala” bagaimana nak uruskan perjalanan hidup anak mereka yang tentunya akan melepak di rumah tanpa buat apa-apa pun. Dah lah keadaan ekonomi merudum dan hasil pendapatan tidak menentu, macam manalah keluarga ini akan menghadapinya.
    Apa yang dapat kerajaan tolong? Mungkin ada yang dapat berkerja dengan kerajaan tapi berapa ramai yang boleh ditampong?
    Ini adalah satu masaalah besar kepada kerajaan dan jika tidak dapat ditangani dengan berkesan maka akan timbullah masaalah sosial yang buruk akan menimpa.

  73. Elderly Chinese Convert Treated With Cruelty By Cabbie
    KUALA LUMPUR, April 5 (Bernama) — A kindly old gentleman lost his wallet, pouch and important identification documents when the taxi he had hired sped off before he could retrieve his belongings as he was getting out.
    Omar Yong Teong Loo, 80, a Chinese Muslim convert from Lumut, Perak, told Bernama that the unknown taxi driver also did not turn on his meter and when he pointed it out received a scolding instead.
    If the story told by Omar is the whole truth then it reflects how bad our taxi system is.It is very cruel indeed.
    I had commented on this issue earlier. Indeed, it is very disgusting and sickening to hear this thing happening practically everyday.
    Bila lagilah nak diperbetulkan keadaan ini. Takkanlah tak ada cara yang terbaik untuk menangani masaalah ini.
    Sdra Noh, apa yang sdra nak buat untuk mengatasi situasi pemandu taxi yang berperangai seperti perompak besar ni.
    Yang menghairankan macam mana boleh diberikan lesen taxi kepada orang begini rupa.
    How the screening exercise is done for a persan to be eligible to get a taxi licence? Something is really not right in the system.

  74. ‘Give Me A Chance And Evaluate My Leadership Positively,’ Says Najib
    KUALA LUMPUR, April 5 (Bernama) — Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wants Malaysians to be positive and have an open mind in evaluating him and to give him a chance in demonstrating his leadership.
    Najib’s first test of his leadership quality is how he selects his Cabinet line-up.
    From his selection we could easily analyse his wisdom and which direction he wants to move the country forward. We could assess his inclination towards which sector he is going to focus most

  75. Dearest Tun,
    Let’s forget about all this economic thing. I am just want to express my opinion on Tun rejoinging umno. I am disappointed that Tun had rejoined the corrupted umno organization. Tun should have known better than doing that. We believe in Tun and Tun bitting us back. umno is getting from bad to worst. And we hope Tun would realize all that. There’s no need for us to outlined what bads came from umno. Tun should know better.

  76. I would like to suggest to Najib and Mahyuddin to include in their working schedules to visit all the Pejabat Daerah and get briefing from the DOs on the current status of every district development projects. This will help them to get the real situation what is happening on the ground. I remember Tun Razak did that when he was the Deputy Prime Minister to monitor the progress of rural development. My father was a penghulu during that period and when Tun Razak dropped by to visit Pejabat Daerah the DO called all the penghulu kampong to meet Tun Razak. I remember how excited my father was to be able to meet Tun Razak and listened to the briefing given by the DO and dapat berbual dengan Tun Razak untuk mengadu hal dikampong masing-masing.
    Secondly, I think there should be a budget to upgrade all the Balai Raya. I would suggest that the government build a multi-purpose hall as big as Dewan Sekolah in every Mukim and provide with all the facilities like ATM machine, counters to pay utilities, zakat and cukai tanah, badminton court, sepak takraw court, football field, basketball court etc.
    The community hall or Balai Raya could be utilised fully for social activity programmes in the Mukim. For example, the hall can be used for belajar agama untuk orang dewasa once a week (bukan ceramah agama), buat majlis kahwin,belajar silat, senaman, belajar main kompang,belajar masak-memasak,belajar bermacam tarian seperti kuda kepang termasuk lion dance, klas tuition, belajar main music ghazal , adakan kumpulan nasyid dll.
    Disamping itu digalakkan penduduk kampong adakan berbagai persatuan sosial seperti marhaban, team bola sepak, team takraw dll.
    Macam-macam boleh buat kalau kita nak “berubah” dan mesra rakyat. I think this is the most effective way to be close to the rakyat.
    There must be active participation for the kampong folks to interact among themselves especially the youngsters supaya mereka tidak berkeliaran di simpang jalan atau di tembok jalan atau di kedai kopi tanpa membuat sesuatu yang berfaedah.
    All these activities must NOT have any political inclination towards any party. The objective is strictly for the well being of the community.

  77. Dear Tun,
    First of all, I am delighted to see you returning to UMNO.
    So far I have not seen President Obama willing to break ties with the powerful financial elites or shall we call it the “Shadow money lenders” 🙂
    Did I miss any article circulating around ?
    It would be a very courageous decision from Obama if he chosen to let the financial elites fail and focusing on providing employment to the failed entity employees. I have no doubt the US can start over again and bounce back very fast.


  79. Salam Tun and all,
    I completely agree with you that the bail-out of any number will not help improve the current financial crisis, if the source of the trouble – the fake financial system- is not replaced. Other than this, I also hope the exchange rate system be scrapped, let’s go for one currency for all. Then only justice can be done to everyone and real economic activities can be dominant.

  80. Tun,
    Just a question. How are you going to clean up UMNO, especially Pemuda. Quite interested to know about the plan that you have in your back pocket or in your blue note book.

  81. Salam kasih untuk ayahanda Tun dan bonda Tun Siti Hasmah,
    Terimakasih kerana kembali ke UMNO. Terimakasih kerana tidak meninggalkan kami disaat kami memerlukan Tun…
    Saya percaya selagi sesuatu dibuat atas dasar keikhlasan, nescaya kerja yang dibuat pasti berhasil… walaupun dicemuh dan dikata, semangat juang Tun menjadi sumber inspirasi kepada kami anak2 Tun. Sesungguhnya hidup ini satu perjuangan dan tanggungjawab, yang kita kena hadapi sehingga nafas yang terakhir…
    Sama2 lah kita memohon doa disamping bekerja keras utk perpaduan rakyat Malaysia dan kearah keutuhan ekonomi.
    p/s: utk bangsaku, tolong la pakai otak yang diberi oleh Allah, sbb kalau tak pakai otak, memang kita akan diperkotak katikkan dan diperbodohkan oleh orang lain. Dan carilah ilmu sehingga keakhir hayat. Seimbangkan ilmu dunia dan akhirat. Dan laksanakan tanggungjawab anda sebagai khalifah dimuka bumi ini.

  82. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    I just want to response to svg comment on your latest issue. He/she/in between/claimed singapore advance in many aspects because the country is more democratic then us. Is that true?
    Hi svg please study singapore’s political system and record carefully before you jump to any conclusion. If it does not, satisfy you and you a Malaysian citizen, apply for Singapore citizenship and try to stay in the country. That’s all.
    If you unhappy with your own country (if you are Malaysian), why compare them with others. It seems like you appreciate other countries then your own. Let settle any internal problem among us as a family instead of shouting just to let our neighbours to listen.

  83. svg – I agree with you.
    Plus, if the 60odd bill stimulus package (dont forget the 1st installment) was issues during Tun’s era, a lot of gullible people may have tooted the horn and said what a brilliant move bla bla.
    These same gullible folks dont recognise (or realise) Tun has not muttered boo since Datuk Seri Najib took over finance portfolio, but was “full of opinions” when Tun Badawi was PM and Finance Minister and cancelled non-essential costs that Tun Mahathir was only too concerned about because they were his brainchild!

  84. Good Morning TUN and to all Chedet Followers,
    The world are heading towards a situation that is considered a life threatening situation.And the worst part of it is that the American government still haven’t kick start their economy like they wanted to be.And yet with the bailout package that the American goverment have prepared for their sinking company still haven’t change anything.
    Maybe this economic crisis are something of a bad karma to the American government and a lesson to them on not wasting their money on war and nuclear technology.I personally think that OBAMA should think of a way of injecting the Americans economy by using the old fashion way.And he should himself realize right now what will happen when the American government go to war with any country.As what has happen in 1991 and right now,everytime the American try and invade another country and violate the human rights by killings the women and children they will always be a backlash for all this genocide.There is saying ‘What goes around,come around’.And this is what has happen to the Americans and pathetic government.
    Congratulations on returning back to UMNO Tun.You are the man that can teach some of this corrupted UMNO members a lesson.Take care.
    Now Playing : Deftones – Around the fur

  85. Tun, what is your view on Labuan being listed as one of the four worst offenders on the Tax-Haven Blacklist published by OECD on 2 Apr 09?

  86. Dear Tun,
    Nice to hear from you after a bit long spell this time around. Glad to see you joining back the Umno.
    Well, after these by-elections, the first thing Tun need to do is to get KJ out from the helm of Umno Youth, this is an important and urgent task Tun ought to do !! Wish you all the Best.

  87. Assalamualaikum, salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Saya Nik Suffian dari JB mohon keizinan Tun untuk menyertakan komen pertama saya dilaman Tun ini.
    Menyentuh tentang

  88. Maaf Tun menyampuk to answer the question from bapakkucing.
    I have read the book “Islam and Science” and even watched the BBC series that you can download from youtube. It was a brilliant series from the viewpoint of the evidences gathered regarding the scientific achievements of the Muslims and non-Muslims under the shade of the Caliphate. In fact, references was made on how the West took a lot of scientific knowledge from these Islamic scholars prior to the ‘enlightenment’ and ‘industrial revolution’.
    Unfortunately Mr Masood’s analysis on why there was a decline in science and technology towards the end of the Islamic Caliphate and why Muslim world today are lagging behind is rather superficial and contradictory to the points he made at the beginning of the book, although I agree that Malaysia is one of the few Muslim countries that has achieved some advancement. Alhamdulillah. May Allah swt help us to advance in our Iman too. Amin!

  89. Assalaamualaikum Tun,
    Thank you Tun for your truthful opinion on this matter which I agree completely. The G20 solution is to prop up a financial system that is already in collapse and will do no real improvement to the lives of ordinary people whether in the West or in the poorer countries.
    There needs to be a complete change in economic system and not a patch work of the failed Capitalist system. I believe this is a real opportunity for the Muslim world to come forth with a real alternative solution. The Islamic company structure is a better alternative to the shadowy limited co. and MNC. Islamic company structure involves real people who either invest their money or skills to provide tangible goods or services with complete accountability. Those involve in the company will share the profit or burden the loss with no limited liability. Accountability is one of the most important aspect of fair-dealings in business.
    A few years ago, Tun recommended the Muslim world to return to the gold standards and use of dinar. Today, we see countries like Russia calling for such measures. I wonder if ‘I told you so’ would be a good expression for the OIC today. It is clear that the fiat paper currency has no value and is even more dangerous that all currencies are peg to the US dollar. Again, the use of gold and silver is the only form of currency accepted within the Islamic economic system.
    Saudi and Indonesia attended the G20 meeting but didn’t seem to have any voice or opinion on the matter. I wonder why?
    Thank you Tun.

  90. 1.reason originated from the latin word which means to re-join.
    2.u have re join UMNO and with all due respesct u will be able to reason with them hence make them an offer they cant refuse.
    3.gods willing such an extraordinary kampung boy from jln kilang ais if im not mistaken could share his insights.
    4.this same extraordinary man had use his insights once upon a time circa 10 years back to make this motherland what it was until 2003 before so called mass destruction out of hunger and greed took place.
    5.yes you were invited to all around the globe to deliver your speech and share your brilliant thought. yet is it delivered to the targeted audience which are the key player of all this mess?
    6.we are grateful that this extraordinary man brought us opportunity to look into things different and distiguishly. never i thought that someday i might be able to generate my mind into reading and thinking what this great man had got in his mind and had had to share.still i cant;its deep too deep
    7.if a person steal dont go all around spreading and telling about the stealing.nab and tell him outfront you stole. tell him right in his face you will fail to generate, projected whatsoever outcome with the bailout plan.
    8.may your insights, thought about producing and etc etc will reach the targeted people hence your thought will not only be taken into consideration yet put in action.
    may u have all the blessings.

  91. poor Obama.
    surely he is totally depressed right now.
    the world is watching him and expecting a miracle from him.
    i’m not sure that he can do it..
    it seems like he just going to repeat the same mistake.
    but,i still expecting something different..
    lets pray for that..

  92. Salam Tun & family
    Welcome back to UMNO.
    1. We can’t ignore the real global financial crisis right now. What Tun said is all correct. American’s banks and financial institutions were the one as example, created hundreds of high profile branded investment portfolio to attract not only in United States but through out the whole world.
    2. Banks after banks as well as financial institutions from Europe to Asia invested billions of their currency pump into them. I believe the real situation is that the world caught unaware of long over due USD weak currency due to many possibilities of their past abusing banking system. Again, with long over due cover up.
    3. We are the victim when the bubble burst suddenly and the whole world banks after banks collapse like domino. How much billions of ringgit, 2nd or maybe coming 3rd stimulus package doesn’t help anything at all if the American leaders never even change their mindset.
    3. As most countries depend on US as top trading partner, Malaysia should do barter trade with America instead. Ha Ha Ha!!! Long Live Tun & family.

  93. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Pada hemat saya. Obama pun adalah sebahagian komplot jahat antara Bank elit dan elit politik yang mana mereka berlongok dalam Council Foreign Relation, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission dan pelbagai pertubuhan elit yang berkaitan dengan Freemason dan Zionis.
    Ia boleh diumpamakan dengan persekutuan antara Iblis dan Dajal dalam memusnahkan keturunan Nabi Adam as.
    Adakah peperangan Dunia ke 3 akan berlaku jika keadaan semakin tidak terkawal? Mungkinkah Obama akan diserang hendap untuk menghuruharakan Amerika seperti pembunuhan Keluarga Kennedy.
    Lembaga belakang tabir ini dengan teliti merancang setiap peristiwa di dunia seolah mereka adalah takdir.
    Sesengguhnya kepada Allah yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Maha Besar untuk kita berlindung dan memohon petunjuk agar Umat Muhammad dapat melalui zaman yang sangat mencabar dan penuh dengan fitnah…Amin

  94. Dear Tun:
    It is not that easy for Obama to take on the powerful financial barons of the United States and it’s not healthy to mess around with the “Big Boys”. You yourself for instance, as what I heard somewhere before, at first attack Soros but later you became the 1st Islamic nation leader to apologise to the Jews.
    Anyway forget about Obama (let’s just concentrate about Malaysia) as well as listening to any suggstion of being the UN Secretary General. The bottom line is that if you don’t play the game as what the Western leaders dictates, no way will you ever be at the UN.
    Of course, welcome back to UMNO (in my case, I’ll wait and see) and hopefully you can help to revitalize the party’s image and give your ideas of how to solve our current economic situation. The cost of the basic necessities like food is increasing with each day and compound that with the fact of so many retrench/jobless people around. Believe me, when the rakyat is totally disappointed, come PRU 13, we will not only see BN/UMNO members seating at the Opposition side in the Parliment but many might end up on vacation at Kamunting.
    Yes, it is easy for you to be welcome back to UMNO because they need your face in UMNO. But if people like me, it’s a different story. Pasti kemasukkan saya semula di terima dengan orang-orang UMNO mengata di belakang penuh cemuhan (“haaa…sipembelot tu baru nak insaf ya!) dan “seniority” saya dulu dalam parti itu tidak akan di ambil kira.
    Let me tell you something. No way kalau saya pulang kepada UMNO, saya akan di terima oleh cawangan saya. Dulu pun 3 kali saya hantar borang mahu masuk UMNO tetapi cawangan kampung saya reject. Alasan Ketua Cawangan, orang-orang UMNO tempat kampung ini tidak mahu terima saya. Bila di rujuk kepada Pejabat Bahagian, mereka kata mereka tak boleh buat apa2 and suggest saya masuk cawangan lain.
    Sebenarnya Ketua Cawangan saya TIDAK mahu saya menjadi ahli di sini kerana dia sudah mendengar ura2 nama saya akan di calonkan untuk jadi Ketua Cawangan once I am a member. Mahu tahu juga Tun cara pemilihan Ketua, Naib Ketua etc di cawangan bagaimana di buat? Malam sebelum mesyuarat cawangan, diam2 puak ini sudah tulis nama atas kertas semua yang bakal di lantik. Kemudian di fotostat dan di serah kepada “supporters” mereka. Esok harinya, bagi setiap jawatan pasti ada seorang yang bangun mencadangkan nama si-anu si-anu, seorang lagi dengan cepat sokong dan kemudian cepat-cepat membuat usul di sokong sepenuhnya. Tak cukup itu, habis mesyuarat dan waktu dewan di bersih, terjumpalah kumian dan limau. Hai!….mesyuarat pun pakai main bomoh-bomoh???? Kalau di peringkat Bahagian ada 2 orang yang mahu jadi Ketua Bahagian, pasti wakil2 dari Ketua Bahagian yang tidak cawangan itu sokong, TIDAK sama sekali dibenarkan hadir untuk jadi pemerhati. Ini UMNO ya? Hmmmm…..
    Mengapa berebut dan bertahun2 kekal jadi Ketua Cawangan? Jawapannya mudah. Boleh dapat tanah, dapat tender dan dapat jadi ahli Kaunselor Majlis Tempatan. Best wooo…dapat pasang logo depan kereta and free parking.
    Tun, you at 84 years old dan dah masuk UMNO balik, do something about ini semua. Saya bukan mahu sangat jadi Ketua Cawangan, jadi ahli pun cukup seperti my parents and my grandparents. Right now I am in the Opposition Party and ada berita kemungkinannya saya akan di calon jadi Ketua Bahagian yang baru nanti bagi parti itu. I may not have the money to buy votes but in my area, I am a familiar figure bukan macam Ketua Bahagian UMNO yang bergelar “Datuk”, tak di kenali sangat oleh orang-orang bawahan dan tak mudah untuk kami jumpa kecuali musim Pilihanraya nanti.


  96. Salam Tun,
    Selamat kembali ke pangkuan UMNO. Semoga sekembalinya Tun UMNO khususnya BN dapat diterima semula oleh rakyat.
    Saya masih lagi menunggu KJ nyah dari UMNO barulah saya akan join UMNO…

  97. Dear Tun,
    No one will manufacture a lock without a key and similarly god won’t give problems without solutions.
    And yet, not everyone can be a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.
    :: qunang²::
    terang dalam gelap

  98. Tun..I agreed with you. But do you mind to share with us what do you think of Malaysia economic in next couple of years..

  99. salam tun n pembaca sekalian.
    nampak gayanya itulah yang akan mereka tuju.mereka dah telan ludah sendiri dengan membuat semua pakej penyelamatan..tapi mereka lebih kepada yang terbesar n bank2.syarikan kereta terbesar, bank terbesar…tetapi penipu terbesar mereka telah pun terbongkar.agaknya obama mungkin akan terjerumus dalam kancah yang dia sendiri cari penyakit.harap tun boleh menasihatkan lebih banyak kepada kerajaan pimpinan dsn tuk menolong dan membuka telinga mengenai masalah ekonomi Malaysia yang semakin teruk.bau kudisnya telah melata busuknya tapi ubat masih jauh lokasinya.mintak tun nasihatkan dsn supaya mengembalikan penubuhan MTEN.kalau tun ada peluang, minta tun huraikan bagaimana Mten ini membantu negara tercinta ini semasa krisis ekonomi.semasa kita semua sedang tidur d lena mimpi, pasukan Mten dan sub mten khabarnya bertungngkus lumus mencari data setiap hari.bermesyuarat mengenai data setiap hari dan berjam jam lamanya.apa pun, terima kasih banyak2 kat MTEN dan sub MTEN yang telah menolong semasa orang ramai termasuklah penulis sendiri sedang tidur.Pulau pandan jauh ke tengah, Gunung Daik bercabang tiga, hancur badan dikandung tanah, budi dan jasa yang baik di kenang jua.

  100. Salam Tun..and my fellow readers.
    Frankly speaking, I dont want to heard any of these issue..
    I want to hear about what in the world is going on with you joining back UMNO? Is it a big agenda going to be happen regards to restructuring of the Cabinet?
    I really really want to know what condition that you have noted to join back UMNO, on the last day of UMNO general meeting?
    We really salute you at this moment…but then, something might be happen..it has result 1001 conspiracy.
    Please digest..
    The Fuhre’r

  101. Dear Tun Dr M,
    I was eagerly waiting for you next topic and I do understand that you were quite busy for the past 2 weeks.
    The current topic is very interesting because this particular topic, could reveal all that is there below the iceberg because what we know is just the tip of iceberg.
    I truly agree with you that the major cause of the economic crisis is due to inefficiency and the unprofessional practice of the western financial institutions. I have attached my article sent to one of the online news (On the same topic):-
    We are in the midst of another global economic crisis. The current crisis is feared to be the worst of the century. If we track back our modern history, we would realize that World Economic Crisis took place once in every ten years i.e.1988, 1998 & 2008.
    What are the events that normally take place during economic crisis? 1. Drop in property value 2. Drop in demand for non-essential goods and services 3. Drop in production of goods and services 4. Trimming and cutting down in workforce where the extreme measure would be retrenchment 5. Banks would tighten its conditions for funding due to fear of bad debts. 6. The revenue of the government through taxes and others would shrink.
    What are the possible causes of world economic crisis? Whether you believe it or not one or more of the following reasons would trigger economic crisis (Please take a deep breath as the list is genuinely long):-
    Carelessness, greed, corrupt, ignorance, selfish, arrogance, fear, over speculative, irresponsible, conspiracy(passing the buck), intolerance, manipulative, protective, deceptive, fraudulent etc.
    The Economic Crises normally would have originated from the Developed Nations (Mainly the west) either directly or indirectly but affect the developing countries. Why? Normally, the developed nations would invest in developing nations. If a particular developed nation encounter

  102. is he really capable of this ‘miracle’? Ada ke Obama kudrat nak menentang kuasa depa??

  103. Dearest Tun,
    Good health to you and your family…I attracted with the word “HOPE” in your last point. The moment of the Dato Seri Najib swearing as our new PM i felt Malaysian finally got the new HOPE to reach the peak of MALAYSIAN wealthiness during TUN administration! This feeling is exactly the same like when i saw Obama swearing in fron of the whole world as the President of US. Many peoples see HOPE on him! Hope to save GAZA people, Hope to see the economy recover, Hope to see peace in Arab countries,,,,,etc.
    We are lucky to just to waste 5 years and thankful to PakLah for his fast “action” to step down. So far this is the best thing he had ever done for Malaysian (only me i am not sure how other people think). I can see now TUN is getting happier and happier after the current UMNO AGM. Great to see you smiling more often now and don have to waste your time picking bad decisions done by your successor……!!!
    Please don’t stop writing Tun….because all “Peminat” of your website are very glad to read the article from one of the greatest leader in the world…..
    Good luck to Dato Seri Najib and hopefully he know that all Malaysians counting on him to make our HOPE come true……..
    GODD HEALTH to TUN and Family………

  104. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
    Please allow me,
    This is the result of futile money scheme led by money swindlers in US! When the recession started in December 2007, millions of workers in US were laid off. By now, 13.2 million are unemployed, nearly 8.5% rate, 9 million are doing part time job as they cannot have full-time jobs when working hours are being cut and full time jobs are not easily available. Those who still secure their jobs find their salary reduced. When the income becomes lesser, people will not be spending lavishly and therefore, the economy of the country will become weaker.
    Hopefully, our country will not suffer dreadful impacts since the government has proposed better strategy to support the people and so far, not too many of the workers are laid off. Even so, there are many incentives prepared by the government to assist the people who are being retrenched. The unemployed people in our country should grab the opportunities in front of them because if they fail to do so, the immigrants, legal or illegal, will snatch them…
    We have seen this scenario long before recessions happened. Malaysians must not let the immigrants take all the advantages, especially Malaysians who badly need employment and to change their life for the betterment of themselves, their family and the nation as a whole. Working hard can show our patriotism. We don

  105. Assalamu `alaikum YABhg Tun dan semua blogger Malaysia,
    (01) Satu Malaysia. Tahniah kepada YAB Datuk Seri Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak, Perdana Menteri kita yang ke enam.
    (02) Tahniah juga diucapkan kepada YABhg Tun dan isteri kerana telah kembali ke pangkuan UMNO amnya dan Barisan Nasional khasnya.
    (03) Kita masih belum lagi membaca komen YABhg Tun tentang perubahan pucuk pimpinan negara setakat ini. Mohon YABhg Tun meluangkan sedikit masa membuat coretan untuk tatapan minda kami yang senantiasa berkehendak pandangan YABhg Tun.
    (04) Moga hari-hari mendatang akan menyaksikan perubahan-perubahan berlaku demi kesejahteraan bangsa, agama dan negara.
    Bujang Redzuan Bin Mohammed
    Kuching, Sarawak

  106. This is a hard job for Mr. Obama and the world. Hope we can learn a lesson from this crisis.

  107. Party machine trumps morality
    Hamish McDonald, Sydney Morning Herald
    Dear Tun,
    Reading the above article and many other articles in foreign countries on what happened in the country, I’m real worried about our image.

  108. Salam Tun,
    Saya kurang faham tajuk ini. Walaubagaimanapun saya ikuti pekembangan krisis kewangan ini. Saya rasa apa yang Tun tulis sebelum ini iaitu sekiranya seluruh dunia hilang kepercayaan dan pergantungan kepada US dollar barulah krisis ini tamat.
    Cadagan negara China untuk mewujudkan currency lain dan tidak menjadikan US Dollar sebagai reserve dunia adalah langkah yang baik sekali. Dengan itu ia akan melemahkan US dollar sekaligus membolehkan eksport AS dapat bersaing dengan negara luar dan seterusnya menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi AS. Selepas itu barulah negara-negara lain dapat memulihkan ekonominya dengan permintaan yang datangnya dari negara AS sendiri.
    -Jinggo Rock-

  109. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya tak la mahir sangat fasal ekonomi ni, tapi memang kami semua berharap agar berkat doa kami semua, ada kiranya insan besar spt Obama yang dapat memperbetulkan mana yang perlu kepada sistem perbankan Amerika yang dah banyak menyusahkan semua sedunia. Yg pastinya, dia akan berdepan dengan halangan golongan elit yg dah selesa mengaut untung atas angin. Insyaallah he’ll make the ‘Change’ he’s promised masa berkempen dulu.

  110. Assalamualaikum Tun berdua..
    Cuma berharap agar Tun dapat menulis kenapa Tun hadir pada penutup perhimpunan agung umno..
    p/s : abdullah menjahanamkan negara dlm masa singkat pun dapat pangkat Tun jugak? dunia..dunia..

  111. Dear Tun,
    You really hit in on the nail. The only way to deal with the present financial crisis and to prevent similar crises in the future is to allow these banks and institutions to fail. Itb is only then that a new financial architecture without the nexus between the political and financial elites can evolved. For too long,the existing financial system has been abused by these shadow banking system
    Nothing illustrate this complicity of Western Governments n allowing these shadow banking system to abuse the existing financial system more clearly than the recent statement that U.S. banks that have received government aid, including Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Chase, are considering buying toxic assets to be sold by rivals under the Treasury’s $1,000 billion plan to revive the financial system.
    If this is true that the US Treasury will allow these institutions to buy the toxic assets of their rival, this is truly the height of irresponsibility, if not stupidity!
    These institutions got themselves in a financial mess and caused an almost total collapse of the financial system with their bundling and selling of similar toxic assets. The government had bailed them out with taxpayer monies to save the financial system. Allowing these banks to buys these assets, repackaged and then selling them tantamount to allowing them to perpetuate these very scandalous transactions that nearly brought down the present financial system.
    What a way of adding insult to injury to the taxpayers! After having been raped by these institutions, it looks like the government is inviting “these institutions’ to do it again.
    After purchasing these toxic assets, this is what I see happening. These institutions will start classifying these toxic assets, bundle them up, put on newfangled values to these assets, get the rating agencies to ‘legitimize’ these valuations, dribble it to financial intermediaries and finally to naive and unsuspecting buyers who have no inkling of the underlying risks. Remember, precisely the same motion as what they did with home mortgages, the CDOs and other derivatives! If the above statement of allowing these institution is true, we can say that both the US Treasury and the FED officials certainly are out of their mind.
    If the intent is to to resurrect the financial system, I am sure this is not the kind of resurrection that we need.
    Metro Manila, Philippines.

  112. The Banks find it difficult to appreciate that the Banks’ money is that of the people. So when the Banks indulge by taking risk, they are in fact using public money. Yet the Executives in the Banks handle the monies as though it is theirs.
    Over time it would seem the Banks have forgotten that they are in fact trustees of the monies that is deposited with them. Therefore it is incumbent on them to carry out their job diligently and providing reasonable return but not to lose it.
    Unfortunately, in today’s world with so called “key performance indicators”(KPI), Executives get greedy to achieve their goals in order to receive hefty bonuses. They do not believe in the obligatory role of being trustee of the funds. They overindulge, for it is not their funds. They do not have any feelings other than greed.
    When the going is good they enjoy the fruits in pubs, cocktail bars and wine outlets. Suddenly, when the going gets tough, the reason is that the market has gone bad. Nothing to do with them despite the fact they were sending in good monies to chase bad money. The most they lose a job and move on.
    The poor investor loses his life savings and is left to stand homeless on the road. The morale of this is that the poor man still has to suffer.

  113. Tun, the American and the western worlds had accused Malaysia of being a corrupt country simply because we were dragged down into the financial quagmire in the last recession. By the same token, the American and western economies which are teetering on the verge of collapse now should simply be attributable to their own corrupt practices and be similarly condemned like what we used to be subjected to. The had formulated the test to asses whether a country is corrupt or not and they have to eat their own medicine and confess that they are the most corrupted countries in the world now. What I don’t understand is why the experts in IMF did not advise the governments of the affected countries to increase interest rates like what they had advised your “interesting” deputy to do in the last recession. In the upshot, either the experts in the IMF were stupid or your said deputy was stupid. Either way, you have been proven correct in your approach in dealing with the last recession. I hope you will continue to advise the present government if it deviates too much from the proper practices which may be of dire consequences to the nation.

  114. Asalamualaikum tun.
    Saya dari utara tanah air amat berbesar hati kerana tun dah menyertai umno semula,walaupun dengan cara ini tun mungkin tak popular dikalangan pengkritik politik tapi bagi saya apa yang tun buat adalah terbaik untuk umno dan BN.Semoga kita sama-sama harungi
    PR 13 dengan satu tekat untuk mengembalikan maruah umno BN.
    semoga tun dan keluarga sentiasa dilindungi Allah.
    Terima kasih

  115. salam tun dan semua….
    its a very great n brave decesion if obama buat macam tu… dan saya n other frens expect dia mmg akan ketepikan golongan finacial elites nie demi kepentingan ekonomi amerika dan dunia… kalau die tak buat macam tu, next 3 years amerika akan jatuh lagi teruk dari sekarang….
    lets go for islamic financial everyone…
    mic hamid
    financial consultant..

  116. I sincerely put “HOPE” on mr Obama efforts although the success rate is less than 1%. To challenge the world financial order is equall as challenge the world most powerful organization in planet earth!
    If successed, the world political & social landscape will changed to better!

  117. DEAR TUN,
    7) WOW!

  118. Assalamualaikum Dearest Tun ,
    You are so brilliant Tun . Dengan idea -idea Tun yang cukup jauh melangkau zaman, Tun masih sangat diperlukan di negara yang kita kasihi ini . Kalau tidakpun , Tun sebenarnya layak untuk jawatan Setiausaha Agung di PBB .

  119. Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    Syukur kerana duri telah keluar dari dalam daging. Ybhg Tun tampak spt seorang pendekar ketika naik ke pentas berhadapan ‘musuh2’.
    Maruah dan semangat Malaysia telah banyak termerosot. Antara perkara yang membuatkan rakyat sangat kecewa adalah terlepasnya Pulau Batu Putih. Ia dirasakan seperti duri yang sentiasa mencucuk didalam hati.
    Pada pandangan saya, salah satu cara awal yang cepat dan berkesan untuk penyatuan bangsa Malaysia dan mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat kepada UMNO dan BN adalah dengan meneruskan semula projek jambatan bengkok di Johor Bahru tersebut.
    Rakyat akan puas hati dan lega sekiranya Tambak Johor tersebut dapat dipecahkan. Dengan pecahnya tambak Johor tersebut, setidak2nya moral akan kembali pulih sedikit sebanyaknya. Nak berjalan pun tak perlu tunduk aja lagi.
    Sedikit sebanyaknya rakyat akan kembali yakin yang UMNO dan BN mampu melawan ancaman dan melindungi maruah negara.
    Perlaksanaan projek2 yang terbantut juga dapat menggembirakan rakyat tidak kira samada ianya dinegeri pembangkang atau tidak. Pada pandangan saya, lebih banyak kebaikan daripada keburukan sekiranya dilaksanakan projek2 besar. Banyak menafaat akan ujud secara tidak langsung. Jumlah yang telah diberikan oleh Petronas adalah banyak yaitu RM50 + RM62 billion pada tahun 2007 dan 2008.
    Sekiranya rakyat gembira, negara akan aman dan bersatu. Jenayah pun akan berkurangan.
    Wassallam Ybhg Tun.

  120. Salam Ayahanda,Bonda dan Peminat Chedet,
    Ribuan terima kasih dan tahniah atas kesudian Ayahanda sekeluarga kembali kedalam UMNO.Saya sangat lega.Let’s bring back glory to UMNO.
    Saya percaya Mr Obama ada baca surat terbuka ayahanda tu.
    Saya juga berharap lembaran baru akan bermula bagi semua warga dunia dan warga Malaysia mulai sekarang.Saya lega selepas bertahun tahun depressed.Saya tak putus putus berdoa agar kita kembali hebat.
    Saya harap Ayahanda akan continue menegur para pemimpin yang ‘out of line’.Rakyat akan sentiasa kenang keberanian dan ketegasan Ayahanda.
    Salam dari saya di Kuala Pilah.(5 wakil rakyat UMNO-sapu bersih).

  121. Dear Tun,
    The statements you stated are of high stature and I don’t think any of our ministers dare or have knowledge on how to response to these G20 leaders(of the richest and most advanced countries in the world).
    Your talent and intelligence suffice all our ministers’ knowledge combined. We hope Najib will tap your knowledge and wisdom for the betterment of our beloved country. Obviously, it is not an easy task to ride this economic crisis (caused by the greed of the G20 financial institutions).
    Your comments is always an eye-opener. Your are one in a million.

  122. akum TUN dan semua.
    saya amat bersetuju dan inilah masanya untuk obama dan US untuk memnbuat perubahan yang lebih baik terhadap sektor kewangan yg jelas sekali penuh dengan scandal spt Merril linch, Enron dsbnya.
    Saya dapat maklumat banyak duit arab yang dimanipulasikan oleh US yang mana para pemain sandiwara adalah yahudi.. Apakah mungkin dengan keadaan ini banyak Yahudi yang akan mengalami kerugian dan sudah tentunya arab arab yang belum sedar diri.
    mungkin TUN boleh ulas soal ini.
    akhir sekali selamat kembali kepangkuan UMNO dan saya turut sama TUN kembali ke UMNO dan BN

  123. Dear Tun,
    First and foremost, I would like to congratulate you for rejoining UMNO back and not forgotten to Dato’ Seri Najib for became 6th Malaysia PM.

  124. Assalamualaikum…
    Undoubtedly, US futures looking bleak. Their economy may never return to their past glory. Whatever Obama moves might be, US Dollar may never survives and return for their past glory.
    This might be the end of US era. Recent story on North American Union currency (Amero) was indeed interesting. Does US later on perhaps lives as fallen giant. Is it reasonable for them to bow low to mexican and south America.
    If US the fallen giant, who left to fill the giant shoe.Or shall it remains empty. Does China ready to take over the post or perhaps European Union.
    Whatever it might be, perhaps Israel has already acquired enough strength to stand up by their own. I doubt what would our fate (muslim world) would be. Perhaps the initial dream of unity in muslim world when Obama took over was after all a dream.
    I wonder where would ‘that guy’ now rely upon for his influence.Does he expect Israel to question Malaysian government.

  125. Dear Tun
    With ur mission accomplished in ousting Tun Pak Lah and bringing in Najib sooner than planned, i guess the whole purpose of setting up this blog has indeed met the purpose.
    I congratulate you on this and perhaps significantly on ur return to UMNO. Whether for good or bad, this change will do to Malaysia, only time will tell. I reserve this space to see if u can still come up with spicy comments on DS Najib’s doings in his tenure in the same magnitude ur blasted Tun Pak Lah those days. They say its good to give kritikan yang membina not yang membinasa
    Frankly, the US policy has been part and parcel of the whole world on goings. As an average Malaysian, we believe we will have better influence on our own circle first. We must get our home ground perfect first before we comment on other being imperfect.
    I dont care what Obama does for now, i am more worried for my country Malaysia. our image abroad, our children’s future. I can tell and u would know that most Malaysian are at the lowest opinion about our ruling govt. Thats the fact we cannot hide. The govt tries to be popular lately, timely with 3 bi-election around the corner.
    Are we asked to just forget what we think its best and instead leave the big “daddies” of this country to tell whats is good for us?
    i know we are Asians living way behind mature democracy, but when will be the time we will be allowed start to think differently move to a higher level of self actualization? Are we being constantly deprieved and deceived by the candies or handout given occasionally during elections.
    Is this vision Tun you had? Malaysian will become frozen as the country does not permit thinking out of the box. we are forced on steroetypes and fear of the unknown.
    In bible it says ” do the the things that your fear the most and the death of fear is certain”. I see the leaders of the country does this especially, but the people are not allowed to that risk.
    How much can we trust our new Malaysian CEO?
    I see the closure on the topic of UMNO, government discussion hereinafter. Thanks Tun for the commenting opportunity
    Good Bless!

  126. Dear Tun,
    You said it right.
    But can these leaders really do it?
    Do they have the clout and the guts to shrink their economies?
    Will they still be President or Prime Minister after they do it?
    Its not just the leaders – the people, especially the rich and people of developed countries need to support this action.
    Its what we call withdrawal in order to regroup and that reattack.
    This is the conscientious and deliberate action we need to do to the financial system. So that the real economy can resurface and provide the real growth for all nations.
    You can be rich but please don’t cheat to be rich.
    Work for it!!!

  127. How the Financial Crisis Was Built Into the System
    by Robert Kiyosaki
    How did we get into the current financial mess? Great question.
    Turmoil in the Making
    In 1910, seven men held a secret meeting on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. It’s estimated that those seven men represented one-sixth of the world’s wealth. Six were Americans representing J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and the U.S. government. One was a European representing the Rothschilds and Warburgs.
    In 1913, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank was created as a direct result of that secret meeting. Interestingly, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank isn’t federal, there are no reserves, and it’s not a bank. Those seven men, some American and some European, created this new entity, commonly referred to as the Fed, to take control of the banking system and the money supply of the United States.
    In 1944, a meeting in Bretton Woods, N.H., led to the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. While the stated purposes for the two new organizations initially sounded admirable, the IMF and the World Bank were created to do to the world what the Federal Reserve Bank does to the United States.
    In 1971, President Richard Nixon signed an executive order declaring that the United States no longer had to redeem its paper dollars for gold. With that, the first phase of the takeover of the world banking system and money supply was complete.
    In 2008, the world is in economic turmoil. The rich are getting richer, but most people are becoming poorer. Much of this turmoil is directly related to those meetings that took place decades ago. In other words, much of this turmoil is by design.
    Power and Domination
    Some people say these events are part of a grand conspiracy, and that might well be. Some people say they represent the struggle between capitalists, communists and socialists, and that might be, too.
    I personally don’t participate in the debate over a possible global conspiracy; it’s a waste of time. To me, the wider struggle is for power and domination. And while this struggle has done a lot of good

  128. How the Financial Crisis Was Built Into the System
    by Robert Kiyosaki
    How did we get into the current financial mess? Great question.
    Turmoil in the Making
    In 1910, seven men held a secret meeting on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. It’s estimated that those seven men represented one-sixth of the world’s wealth. Six were Americans representing J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and the U.S. government. One was a European representing the Rothschilds and Warburgs.
    In 1913, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank was created as a direct result of that secret meeting. Interestingly, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank isn’t federal, there are no reserves, and it’s not a bank. Those seven men, some American and some European, created this new entity, commonly referred to as the Fed, to take control of the banking system and the money supply of the United States.
    In 1944, a meeting in Bretton Woods, N.H., led to the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. While the stated purposes for the two new organizations initially sounded admirable, the IMF and the World Bank were created to do to the world what the Federal Reserve Bank does to the United States.
    In 1971, President Richard Nixon signed an executive order declaring that the United States no longer had to redeem its paper dollars for gold. With that, the first phase of the takeover of the world banking system and money supply was complete.
    In 2008, the world is in economic turmoil. The rich are getting richer, but most people are becoming poorer. Much of this turmoil is directly related to those meetings that took place decades ago. In other words, much of this turmoil is by design.
    Power and Domination
    Some people say these events are part of a grand conspiracy, and that might well be. Some people say they represent the struggle between capitalists, communists and socialists, and that might be, too.
    I personally don’t participate in the debate over a possible global conspiracy; it’s a waste of time. To me, the wider struggle is for power and domination. And while this struggle has done a lot of good

  129. Salam Sejahtera Tun ,
    Well , this is just the beginning of America under Obama.
    We all sincerely hope to see him steer America out of
    recession soon .
    It’s about time the main culprits penalised.
    It should happen sooner than later.
    By the way , I congratulate Tun for rejoining UMNO.
    Tun , your presence must be felt in UMNO everywhere
    to revive back UMNO.
    Thank You & Take care Tun.

  130. actually, it’s better to just let the world economy kaput once and for all. only then the venus project can kick in. and true freedom will be in order.

  131. Tun,
    Totally agree with using this “opportunity” to clean up the whole financial system. But I afraid all these people just won’t let go and give up what they so called “wealth” easily. My source indicates they are doing even much more worst than what we can understand through the news and reports 😉
    Welcome back to UMNO TUN btw…

  132. Salam Tun…,
    Dah banyak hari tunggu post baru dari Tun…letih…!!! hari-hari buka..blog Tun…Saya tau Tun busy…
    Saya tak pandai komen pasal kewangan Obama…
    Tapi nak cakap dengan Tun…saya meleleh air mata bila tengok Tun hadir kat PWTC hari tu…Semangat saya naik kembali setelah Tun sertai UMNO. Saya berdebar menunggu barisan kabinet baru Dato Sri Najib…Hope there will be big evolution! Saya teringin nak tahu apa perasaan Nazri Aziz bila Tun balik ke pangkuan UMNO! Hari tu dia bukan main lantang komen Tun…Kata anak buah saya… budak-budak tingkat 4 semua dah kemas barang dan cabut lari…(anak buah saya kerja kat JPM). Katanya KJ sebenarnya diberi pas warna oren (kalau tak salah yang membawa maksud lawatan sementara).., tapi dia minta dibuatkan pas biru yang membawa maksud memang untuk kakitangan…!
    Di ruangan ini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk memohon ampun dan maaf kepada Pak Lah dan ucapan terima kasih kerana memberi laluan kepada Datuk Sri Najib. Mohon maaf kerana desakan dari kami membawa maksud untuk kepentingan ugama, bangsa dan negara. Harap Pak Lah tidak mengambil hati terhadap Tun yang selama ini begitu keras mengkritik kepimpinan Pak Lah. Kami yakin segala yang Tun lakukan ialah kerana untuk kebaikan dan perlukan perubahan segera memandangkan UMNO berada di hujung kehancuran.Apapun kami tetap mahu Pak Lah disanjungi sebagai Perdana Menteri ke lima Malaysia dan sumbangan Pak Lah dalam bidang pertanian terutamanya akan kami sanjung tinggi. Kami doakan Pak Lah peroleh kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat dan dilimpahi Allah dengan rezeki dan kebahagian di samping keluarga- amin.
    Tun…kami bersama-sama Tun…!Kami rindukan speech Tun setelah lama tak kedengaran,….!!Bye dan moga Tun sihat dalam perjuangan!

  133. Selamat Petang Tun
    A ghost financial institution. Sounds the same as “undi hantu”.

  134. Together for 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia
    Obama about to break the relationship with financial elites..?
    6 April 2009
    Dear YAB Tun,
    Ever since the announcement of the trillions USD package by Obama, DJIA rallied from a low of 6,500 points to over 8,000 points and the Asian stock exchanges saved for Bursa rallied to highest gains for a single month in March in over a decade.
    USD weakened by a mere 20 basic points and not half from 1USD = RM3.80 to 1USD = RM3.60 with the doubling of thin air money being injected by Obama! All these took place within a space of just 3 weeks! Confidence levels in the economy and the market have since improved with guarded confidence on the worst could be over in the US.
    While it is true that over exuberance by speculation and manipulation by those with MONEY and POWER precipitate BUBBLES which will culminate in adjustment to a level supported by the market forces of demand and supply. But what is doing real business of producing goods and services Tun?
    Banks as the cornerstone of the economy have been doing exceedingly well lately in Malaysia with some banks still recruiting staff and giving good bonuses and promotions for staff while another is on voluntary unpaid leaves scheme to weather the softening economy! Our cars prices are at a level which is comparable if not higher than that of developed world and property prices of over RM300,000 would be beyond THE RAKYATs means based on 1/3 loan repayment quantum of THE RAKYATs income level! The ever escalating cost of basic living expenditures on food, essentials and services are felt by THE RAKYATs as a burden!
    How would one equate the disparity between income level of THE RAKYATs and daily cost of living expenditures?
    Is there REAL BUSINESS of producing GOODS and SERVICES in the MALAYSIAN economy? Are we competitive and productive to face this CONSTANT CHANGE World?
    The World is a CONSTANT CHANGE so is MALAYSIA and surely MALAYSIA is not too small for EVERY RAKYATs and our leaders must not live in self gratification of our successes and self denial of our failings after 51 years of Merdeka with divide and rule policies.
    YAB Tun and all BN and PR leaders let

  135. Salam buat Tun moga Allah s.w.t merahmati atas kepekaan kita atas cara seseorang pemimpin merencana ekonomi negara mereka.Negara Amerika memilih Mr. Obama yang pada saya seorang yang sudah tentu tidak dekat dengan Allah s.w.t .Jadi jangan harap beliau akan dapat menghapuskan kejahatan spirutal rohaniah dikalangan manusia sejagat.Saya percaya kejahatan berleluasa dalam perekonomian telah melampui hukum-hukum yang mutlak serta telah dicampur-adukkan dengan berleluasa tampa kawalan sewajarnya.Lumrah manusia suka mengambil hanya yang ada kepentingan dengan mereka sahaja tapi menolak selebihnya atau sepenuhnya sebab fahaman agama,bangsa dan keturunan mereka.Kekuasaan yang menjadikan mereka telah mula ditolak malah ditentang kerana tidak nampak oleh penglihatan mereka.Pesan Nabi s.a.w kembalilah kepada yang sebenar memberi rezeki pada mu dan patuhilah larangan yang dikena terhadap rezeki mengikut hukum yang ditetapnya.Kalau engkau engkar terimalah musibah yang akan menimpa mu sehingga akhir zaman.Walla’alam

  136. salam tun,
    your struggle to introduce dinar to counter the monopoly of USD should continue. I believe the muslim world, the chinese govt will support you.

  137. What Tun Dr. Mahathir has left unsaid is that, within free market systems, the banking system as whole, through business cyclces, has never made money. Ever! Sure you could reap enormous profits with 20, or 30 or 40 times leverage. But, the losses in one year -when leverage works against you- can wipe out several years of profits and leave one bankrupt or nationalized.
    What is also left unsaid is that people working in this industry – that is demonstrably unstable- have made lots of money. That is the price that (open, and market based societies pay for “effective financial inermediation.”
    The question then is whether this is bad? It sure appears so, when a banking bust results in widespread job losses, credit crunch, and an acute awareness of the asymmetries and inequalities within such an economic system.
    But all this is not necessarily a result of some deep conspiracy. It is not as though some “global elite” as the Tun puts it was sitting around in some dark, smoky, room in NY or London, hobnobbing with politicians, whilst swilling on brandys and cigars and plotting global financial domination!
    If anything, this is a pure outcome of financial innovation (and greed) getting ahead of risk management (and caution). This is a phenomenon observed across various institutions and disciplines — be it hedge-funds, banks, rating agencies, regulators, policymakers and politicians.
    Lots of people warned against excess leverage, large risks, asset bubbles. But, the policy, regulatory and financial management tools and mechanisms were simply insufficient to stop the bubbles and risk taking. Moreover, no one predicted the precise or even the broad contours of the mechanics by which sub-prime lending (of all things!) would bring the western financial system to its knees. In view of this unpredictability, this has been the “perfect crisis,” since by definition a crisis is largely unpredictable until it is too late!
    Put differently, this crisis is but the natural outcome of an evolving set of circumstances in which a culture of greed and aggrandizement has overwhelmed a culture of prudence and restraint.
    As such, to lay the blame at the feet of “cozy relationships between political and financial” and a cosseted “global elite” is a populist argument that is dangerously predicated on emotion rather than hard/cold analysis. We all have a collective responsibility toward fixing the system, rather than fixing the blame. And to do otherwise, would prolong/deepen the global downturn which, ultimately, would be detrimental to Malaysia’s highly open and trade dependent economy.
    Thus the need of the hour is to restore financial confidence and re-start trade in toxic assets, with a view to ultimately extricating such assets from the financial system. And that is precisely what the U.S. Treasury is trying to do by providing a broad (non-ideological) framework for risk sharing and a set of guarantees and payoffs to allow markets to function appropriately (not in a panicked fashion) and find a new equilibrium.
    Dr. Mahathir, of all people, should know this. Afterall it was under his stewardship that Malaysia followed a policy that was the complete opposite of his unforgivingly stern recommendations for western banks and financial systems.
    And if flaws are to be highlighted, and scandalous (political-financial) relationships are to be emphasized, it would not be unfair to argue that there is a far more cosseted relationship between Malaysian politicians and Malaysian banks — starting with the new PM, his excellency Mr. Najib, and his brother who also happens to be CEO of CIMB.

  138. Assalamualaikum tun
    i dont know much about the backdrop of this current financial crisis ,the teory could be true but i am pretty sure prices of essantial item are getting higer by the day ,this cause a major set back in aur daily life.
    let obama squeze all thier avialble brain to overcome the current termoile, we just could hope he could overcome the situation becouse in a way or another it will efect us ecnomicaly and polictically too.
    as a regular follower of your writting i was not suprise that you shifting your focous abrods, i was really taken you that you made yourself and tun hasmah presents at the UMNO general assembely ,i do belive that it will do good to Perpaduan Melayu wich are at detiorating state now and i wholehartedly like to see you in UMNO again.
    much to be worried that you may not be abale to make a fair comment and enlitend the rakyat on the issues of intrest .
    we have say goodby to the past adminstration and a new one is rooling in gracefully but the cuntary current termoile is no seceret,we might overcome the economic sitiuation but etenic interelation is the biggest calanges. the flip/flop dicision of the past adminstration was ia way encouraging the situation bubbling and i dont know when it will burest,Allah sahaja yang maha mengahtawi.
    my only hope the current adminsteration would not make the same aproch that may cause the malay to feel inscure in thier home land being challange of thier right ,thier ruler are being questioned and thier religon islam are being mock.
    p/s make sure the current UMNO lembaga disiplin will be replace with someone who really know about disipline.

  139. Hello Dr Mahathir,
    Hope you don’t mind. As one of billion’s Obama’s fan, I hv to say his phrase again.. “the cost of inaction is far worse than cost of action”. Of course there will be pro’s and con’s in each actions. Before overseeing the future risks…always remind yourself to solve the present problem as a true leader. I don’t think VIP’s like you would really feel the outcome of recession compared ordinary people like me whom hardly hit by the crisis.
    ciao, cassandra

  140. Dear Tun,
    Sunday April 5, 2009
    Blinding humour
    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, in a speech in London, took to task crooked bankers for

  141. Bubbles everywhere. The Third world will always look up at the Whites, that’s our problem. They are remarkable people, no doubt. They carry themselves well, dress up well, speak well and we are quick to be conned by them. They are ‘consultants’ everywhere in the Third world. Credentials of whom are questionable. Productions and services are the true criteria for an economy. Alas, these ‘remarkable’ people are conning the people by doing business in the air. The whole system of this capitalist economy will ruin the world soon. Money seems to change hands but we see no products or services being accomplished. This is how the rich are becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer.

  142. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Tun, what is happening in the United State and european countries that causes the rest of the world suffer was a justification of immoral and less ethical banking and financial management practise by these countries.
    We hope Mr Obama and Mr Brown could learn some from this mistake to lessen the world community’s burdan or at least give them hope that this difficult moment could end soon.

  143. Tun,
    I’m afraid I don’t share your optimism this type. Obama is not where he is today on his own strength. This is a man picked from near-obscurity four years ago to suddenly rise to the top post of America. He’s backed by a group of people and I can bet my bottom that they are not doing it for the love of peace. There is an agenda at play.
    The perfect candidate will play his part and earned the trust of rich middle and far east Asian. Until one day the dagger will come out, stabbed into the heart and twisted before it is pulled out again.
    Morbid? Paranoia? Time will tell and mark my word for it.

  144. Ayahanda Tun,
    Can Mr Obama break the stranglehold of the financial elites on the political elites of America? If he dares to do so, what will happen to him since these elites have enjoyed cozy and filthy rich lifestyle. Will they allow Mr Obama succeed? Furthermore, their GDP and the per capita will be much reduced, can they accept this fact? Being rich is comfortable, however plunging from rich into poverty can drive them crazy which may inflict some barbaric ideas like initiating terrorism in USA to create war on terrorism. Or perhaps they will hire a highly skilled sniper to assasinate Mr Obama. Americans do not like to learn history, they like history repeat itself. God Saves America and Mr Obama, I sincerely hope that they will learn from this greedy financial meltdown!
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  145. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    I came upon a book by Ehsan Masood titled “Science and Islam: A History”. In the book, an interesting perspective of the history of science in the Islamic world is discussed, from the time when the European countries were in the dark ages to the time of the British Empire.
    An interesting question posed by the author is that if the Islamic empire was so good in science before, why are the OIC countries lagged behind in science and technology?
    The book mentions OIC countries which are better off in science and technology such as Malaysia, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey. The book also mentions your name, and is implying the similarity you have with the caliph al-Mamun of Baghdad (the son of the Umayyad caliph Harun al-Rashid). A quote from the book about the characteristics of the leaders of historical Islamic Empires who had enabled the flourishing of science:
    “These were men who were not always interested in listening to the public, who used force to silence or eliminate their critics and opponents, and yet at the same time who were keen to push science.”
    Then the author went on to mention names such as Ayatollah Khomeini, Kemal Atatturk alongside your name. Tun, what do you think? Could you please write something about this? I acknowledge that your leadership had made our country much better in science and technology than other developing countries (but we still have a lot to do to catch up).It is not like you have to justify yourself, but it would be interesting to know your point of view in this matter.
    Thanks, and sorry because my comment got nothing to do with the topic of this entry 🙂

  146. really agree with no. 11. see how improper credit & political banking from one country affect the globe. hope will not happening in Malaysia, especially to GLC.

  147. Salam Tun and all,
    1. A good doctor will diagnose and tell the truth about a patient’s illness.
    2. If a surgery is needed, then a surgery is given.
    3. If the problem is deep-rooted and needs detoxification of the body before the condition could be reversed through systematic rebuilding of the body immune system and strengthening of internal organs, then detox it will be.
    4. A good doctor doesn’t lie; and a good and trustworthy doctor will tell the patient and his family straight to their faces what causes their pain.
    5. TUN Mahathir is A Very Good Doctor.
    6. May Mr Obama listens to his advice. It was given free, and without fear or favour.
    7. What has Mr Obama and the US got to lose? They are at the moment losing a lot already, perhaps it is timely for them to listen to this good doctor.
    8. George Soros can testify to this fact, if he is honest enough to admit it.
    Take care Tun, your God-gifted ingenuity is indeed for the whole world. I am thankful to Allah SWT that you are a Malaysian.
    Take care Tun and all, Let us all be mindful of our Solah, Let it be performed in congregations, for congregational prayers is one of the key for the blessings of Allah SWT upon us all.
    – si kenit – the insignificant one

  148. Tun,
    you have made thing that cannot be clearer for the novice.
    your first paragraph is contrary to the last. That make it even clearer.
    Those elitists are gangs or rather, goons.
    We are heading to the finishing/ ending line.

  149. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1. First and foremost, thanx for helping to strengthen UMNO officially…as a member again, no doubt you’ve been fighting for UMNO for decades even though when you were not a member during that dol who? time…cos clearly it was dol’s party not UMNO.
    2. I do hope likewise, Najib behaves somewhat like Obama when dealing with bailout and like ur no 13 (heh,he Dol’s favorite no), break the stranglehold on those guys in financial on political elites and vice versa.
    3. We the rakyat are fedup cos these politicians got things easily…contracts,…sponsors…and when shits happen, they get easy bailout from govt. Whereas the poors like me struggled all the way and when I’m down, nobody can help except alongs! So that special relationships between financial elites and political elites must be checked.
    4. We jokingly said now that Najib is the PM, most of the functions he attends will have to be extended (the hours) cos Rosmah will probably needs more time to sing with her karaoke team, hehhehe….
    5. Hehe (again)…Dol said he will not criticise his successor…apa dia nak kritik, dia tak buat apa2 yang baguih semasa in power! If Najib does wrongdoings pun he will keep quiet cos he (Dol) started the wrongdoins. Dol tried to imply that Tun should’ve commented in private…but Tun knew what happened right? All your comments went down the drain…Dol only did it for publicity sake, pretented to jot down all Tun’s comments but just to make Tun satisfied but didnt actually interested to listen to Tun.
    Hope for the best….and if Najib goes out of line, especially with Rosmah’s antics…Tun must confront Najib.

  150. salam Tum,
    good luck to Mr. Obama.He will need it.
    Thanks to Tun for returning to UMNO,I also pledge to vote for UMNO although there is this little nagging issue about KJ still sticking out like a sore thumb,like a pestering open wound,like a malignant cancer about to kill its host.
    UMNO must do something about this to fully restore its image.Only then will former supporters come back.

  151. Peace be upon you, Tun.
    I believe he will fail. There are two possibilities; he dies trying or lose the war against the financial elites.
    Wassalam and best regards to you.
    P/S: Have you send him a letter?

  152. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan ‘1 Malaysia’ oleh PM ke-6 ini? adakah semua kaum akan dilayan samarata? tak mungkin…..jadi jangan adakan ataupun lahirkan konsep ataupun slogan tanpa merealisasikan objektifnya. cakap tak serupa bikin.

  153. Aslmkm Tun,
    I’m so glad to see Najib and Rosmah call on you on TV. I’m
    sure the feeling is shared by most Malaysians. And we are
    optimistic now that UMNO and BN will soon be on the right
    path towards recovery. And this is good for the country.
    As for Obama he doesn’t seem to be shackled by the previous Administration. He dares to do things differently, to charter
    a different course. A course maybe more akin to the vision of
    the founding fathers of the USA. And this is a good thing for
    the people of America and for the rest of us.
    The Financial Elites who have had such a long stranglehold on
    the American economy and it’s politics; it’s an open secret of
    what caste they are, where their allegiance lie. In truth they
    have contributed immensely to the unending troubles in the
    Middle East and the unending persecution and extermination of
    the Palestinians.
    Obama has to be doubly on his guard though. The orthodox and extremists among these people are experts in the macabre
    science of assassination.
    There’s a typo error in para 7. And I think in para 11 too.

  154. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    How I wish I could add anything to what you’ve already written. The point is, Barrack Hussein Obama is just one man. The ‘criminal’ financiers however, is a club of powerful, influential and brilliant individuals who has, over the years, deceived so many by giving out a little and pocketing so much, while enslaving the masses and ‘educating’ them on the virtues of their ways. They have managed to put fear into the hearts of millions of individuals by convincing us that our fortunes are tied to their ways and financial system. How do we convince everyone of the folly of their ways after decades of mental programming? How do we move forward with the confidence that our future livelihood is not tied to the fortunes of these criminals, and that there is indeed another, better way, albeit with a bit of bitter pill? That their families will be helped? That their standard of living will not be severely affected should change be instituted?
    These are the answers that needs to be provided to the world in general in order to change the world order. Until and unless everyone sees there is no other way, or there is no hope of reviving the old ways and the old financial system that thrives on deceit, the fear that has been programmed into us will prevent us from making that leap of faith….

  155. Aslmkm Tun,
    I’m so glad to see Najib and Rosmah call on you on TV. I’m
    sure the feeling is shared by most Malaysians. And we are
    optimistic now that UMNO and BN will soon be on the right
    path towards recovery. And this is good for the country.
    As for Obama he doesn’t seem to be shackled by the previous Administrtion. He dares to do things differently, to charter
    a different course. A course maybe more akin to the vision of
    the founding fathers of the USA. And this is a good thing for
    the people of America and for the rest of us.
    The Financial Elites who have had such a long stranglehold on
    the American economy and it’s politics; it’s an open secret of
    what caste they are, where their allegiance lie. In truth they
    have contributed immensely to the unending troubles in the
    Middle East and the unending persecution and extermination of
    the Palestinians.
    Obama has to be doubly on his guard though. The orthodox and extremists among these people are experts in the macabre
    science of assassination.
    There’s a typo error in para 7. And I think in para 11 too.

  156. Dear Tun,
    Back to home front. You have shown a lot of facts about the failed state of affair of the world financial system and I hope you would be able to guide our young Prime Minister to do the right thing for the sake of our well being.
    Put our economy back in the right track and we will be thankful to you and the new Prime Minister for having the right vision.
    It must be done quickly before it deteriorates further.
    Get rid of Anwar’s antics. He is the culprit who is trying to destroy the well being of the rakyat by creating all sorts of troubles to shake the government of the day and to cause the rakyat feel insecure.
    He is not championing the rakyat but trying to champion himself to achieve his ambition to be Prime Minister by 16th Sept. 20…?

  157. Salam Tun,
    Tahniah atas kemasukan semula menjadi ahli UMNO.. semoga selepas ni UMNO kembali berkuasa semula..
    Sebelum ni Barat sentiasa memperlekehkan keputusan kita dalam mengembalikan ekonomoni negara… dasar penambat nilai dollar menjadi sindiran pihak barat mahupun pakar ekonomi kita sendiri yang berpaksikan barat… namun keberanian kebijakkan kita melampaui fikiran mereka.
    Ketika negara mereka sendiri dilanda musibah yang sama.. apa yang disuruh negara kita buat tidak pula dilakukan disana… cakap tak serupa bikin…
    Saya setuju Trillion Dollar duit rakyat Amerika digunkan untuk menyelamatkan beberapa golongan saudagar elit yang selama ini menaja kempen pilihanraya mereka…
    Akhirnya nanti, kita akan melihat syarikat yang diberi bantuan hanya akan menggunakan wang bantuan untuk gaji para eksekutif yang tidak rela dikurang walau 1 cent pun dan memberi bonus kepada para pekerja… walaupun sepatutnya digunakan untuk memperkukuhkan kewangan syarikat disamping dalam membantu rakyat dan negara Mereka!!
    Selagi golongan elit ini masih tidak mahu berubah mengikut keadaan dan hanya pentingkan diri sendiri, saya yakin ekonomi dunia lambat dipulihkan.
    Para pengarah Industri besar mahupun kecil dinegara kita pun takde kurangnye… sanggup buang pekerja dari kurang gaji bulanan… sanggup pinjam along dari jual BMW beli proton…
    Ego tak bertempat.

  158. Assalamu alaikum Dr
    The first thing on my mind when I opened your weblog was to see your thoughts on your becoming an UMNO member again- why, what, how,when etc etc
    But sad to see nothing of such matters. Do you need a few days to churn out something special regarding the above.

  159. That is if they don’t get to him first. They normally rub out anyone who gets in their way.
    Lincoln, the Kenedys, Saddam, Bush senior nearly bought it, Bush junior became a rampaging monster to save his own skin .. Obama is simply expandable.

  160. Salamun Alaikum Tun,
    Again Tun, you have proved your detailed comprehension towards the global economy even at the age of 87! May Allah blesses you with longevity.
    This is the first time I’ve heard of a joint plan between President Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown to actually crush the stronghold of political elites in the American elites. Yes, it is true that it is a very bold by him to somewhat jeopardise the pulse of their economy (cum financial malignancies) for the benefit of the people and their economy at this trying time. To my fellow readers, please correct me if I’m in the wrong.
    Pardon me (as I’m just a teenager), but I believe this step will restructure the global economy as America will put forth a new method of dominating the economy via an obsolete dominance by various parties which will merge as an identity, which is the classic gentleman’s way of mastering it. Not that it’s wrong…
    He has sacked the MD of General Motors for failing yet again to enhance the company. I see boldness in this, and as Dr. John C. Maxwell puts it, an organisation is only as strong as it’s leader is. It’s generalisation is controversial, but it is a theory that has proved itself in time repetitively. For instance, your 22 years of dynamically excellent leadership has seen Malaysia through rapid modernization in two decades. Just a few years in, you’ve introduced Proton, followed by the Penang Bridge which you’ve overseen as important to uplift Penang’s economy. Needless to say, many thanks to you, Penang has emerged as an industrial and advanced state! And you paved way for others without being forced or told to.
    Back to the US conundrum, Thomas Friedman wrote an article a month ago in The Star. In it, he strongly suggested that the government nurture a more potent business, which is the online market, instead of the ailing companies. I cannot make a stand about online business yet as there are ethical issues that remain pertaining to them. For that, I humbly seek your advice Tun, or any other readers who don’t mind sharing a thing or two about it.
    Lastly, if it is not too much to ask, may I know if you are planning to take your solution of the Palestinian-Israeli dilemma to the international authorities? Kindly see this as a question asked by a grandson to his grandfather.
    I respect every decision you make and will make your every move as an example. I’m really looking forward to an opportunity to bersalaman with you, Tun.

  161. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Tahniah untuk Presiden Obama.
    Saya boleh sifatkan Obama adalah seorang yang berhati kering.Lihatlah ketika Gaza diserang bertubi-tubi,beliau hanya melihat dari jauh dan gambar beliau di dalam akhbar ketika itu hanyalah dalam keadaan sedang bersama anak-anak dan isteri beliau (kelihatan bersiap sedia sebelum menuju ke suatu majlis).
    Melalui Chedet.cc ini saya berasa amat bertanggungjawab untuk menyampaikan salam keluarga kepada Habib Ali.
    Minggu lepas baru saya mendapat maklumat tentang kedatangan Habib Ali ke kawasan perumahan saya dan sudi menyampaikan ceramah bertajuk ‘Cabaran Globalisasi Kepada Umat Masa Kini’ di masjid pada 28 Ogos 2005 yang lalu.
    Kedatangan Habib Ali amatlah dialu-alukan dan disanjung tinggi memandangkan Habib Ali adalah pendakwah yang bergiat aktif di Timur Tengah,Amerika dan Eropah.Setahu saya Habib Ali berasal dari Amerika.
    Berkenaan saranan berdakwah melalui ‘loud speaker’ (IT) yang Habib Ali sampaikan semasa ceramah dan kebetulan saya mendapat maklumat juga dari ‘loud speaker’ ,maka saya fikir adalah wajar untuk saya menggunakan ‘loud speaker’ ini untuk merakamkan penghargaan ke atas kedatangan Habib Ali.
    Tentunya 28 Ogos 2005 adalah diantara waktunya yang membolehkan saya mengumpul input-input untuk dimuat-turunkan dalam chedet.cc
    Terima kasih Tun.

  162. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Itu lah dia akibat musibah riba dan bertentangan hukum Tuhan.
    Begitu juga dengan rasuah. Kerajaan kita juga harus terus menentang gejala rasuah dan jauhi amalan tersebut jika tidak mahu musibah PRU 12 berulang!

  163. Tun,
    Selamat kembali ke UMNO.
    Saya ingin mencadangkan agar Tun menyiarkan juga setiap ucapan yang Tun buat di mana-mana arena di dalam blog chedet ini.
    Ini akan membolehkan pembaca-pembaca blog ini untuk memberi komen dan pendapat terus kepada Tun mengenai kandungan ucapan-ucapan Tun tersebut. Penyiaran kandungan teks ucapan tersebut oleh media juga nanti akan perlu menyiarkan sumber ucapan, iaini blog chedet.

  164. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun Mahathir dan Bonda Tun Ct Hasmah,
    Selamat kembali ke pangkuan UMNO dan anakanda sangat berbangga dengan keputusan ini. Semoga semua orang Melayu di negara ini merapatkan jurang yang telah dibina oleh PM ke-5 dan konco-konconya.
    Semoga Tun dapat membimbing PM ke-6 ke jalan yang benar.
    Semoga Allah memberi keberkatan kepada ayahanda Tun Mahathir, Bonda Tun Ct Hasmah serta keluarga dan semua yang menyokong kebenaran.
    anakada ROSE
    Remember Teori RAHMAN telah berakhir dan adakah akan bermula Teori MAHATHIR (MUHYIDDIN (MUKHRIZ mungkin juga), AHMAD ZAHID, HISHAMUDDIN , A=……., T=…….., H=…….., I=………., R=……….) Yang nak isi tempat kosong cuba fikir2kanlah sama ada nama anda bermuala dengan huruf yang tertinggal itu. Tapi nama KJ jangan nak impikan kerana tak ada dalam list. hahahaha

  165. I thought we did something similar in the past either directly or indirectly but in a smaller scale and manageable situation as to ensure this could be covered-up if necessary. Correct me if I am wrong in this comparison.
    However, I must admit that we did no harm to the rest of the world by doing so.
    Have a Good Day, Tun. Warmest regards.

  166. Dear TUN, lets forget about Obama’s plan. How about Malaysia’s RM60bil 2nd stimulus package? very sure that thos money going to UMNO & BN cronies and not to malaysian peoples who are really inneed.let settle our internal problems 1st rather than pointing others.we should not try to find faults aginst others, we should work hard for ourself since we are very small compare to US,Japan , Germany & others. Even Singapore is much more smaller than us, something like Batu Pahat size, they are much higher than us in everything.Why?The true democracy is been pracrise in Singapore.No discrimination among ethnics.Fair & equal for every citizen. Whoever work hard, they will gain it but in Malaysia, whoever can ‘Bodek & Kipas’ they gain it.

  167. Dear TUN….really supprised with your move to join UMNO back…its also shows that u r also apart of current corrupted practised government. Tun should avoid all this since TUN claim that the corruption still going on in UMNO.Indirectly, TUN also support Ketua Pemuda UMNO……KJ.

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