1. When in 1957 we became independent the population was only five million. Even after 1963 when Sabah and Sarawak joined the Peninsula to form Malaysia the population was only slightly more than six million.

2. Today Malaysia’s population is 27 million. Obviously most Malaysians were born after 1957-1963. Meaning to say they had not known anything but being free, being independent, being ruled by their fellow countrymen.

3. History is not a compulsory subject in our schools. If at all history is taught it is sketchy, not really giving a clear picture of what it was like to be ruled by foreigners, by the British, the Japanese and in some cases the Thais.

4. I am not trying to say that those who lived under colonial rule are more appreciative of independence, although that is basically true. But what we should all be concerned with is that we appreciate our independence and our freedom more, whatever may be our political leanings.

5. Is it wrong for us to look back on the past? Some think it is irrelevant. That was before, this is now. Don’t tell us all those stories about the struggles of people gone by. We have always been independent. All our life we have been independent.

6. But I think we should know where we came from. Otherwise we would not know which way we should go. We may think we are going forward when in fact we are going backward, back to where we started. We would not be making progress.

7. I am pleading for the teaching of history. George Santayana, an American philosopher once said; “Those who forget the lessons of history will be condemned to repeat their mistakes over and over again”, or words to that effect.

8. How do we know we are not repeating our mistakes now if we do not know of our mistakes in the past. We need to know.

9. We need to know how we came to be colonized. We need to know how we barely managed to escape from being a Communist state.

10. We need to know how our Rulers were forced to surrender their states to the British. We need to know how the British were forced to rescind the MacMichael treaties. And so on, and so forth.

11. Somewhere along we would recognize the mistakes we had made. And knowing them we would be better able to avoid making them again. Our country would continue to grow and prosper.

12. The independent generations have enjoyed the independent country they inherited.

13. Surely they would want their children and grandchildren to inherit the same.

14. And this they can ensure by knowing the history of this beloved country and the mistakes of the past.

255 thoughts on “THE GENERATION GAP”

  1. good governance is good governance…whether leader is black ,brown white,having the best interests of the people as main priority . Hypothetically speaking of course,always wondered,Colonist exploits your country’s resources but what if they govern very well on solid principles of justice and equal opportunities,and despite exploiting somehow are able to benefit the people and overall make country and citizens better off or elected people of same ilked as you voted in with the full optimism and best intentions but got sidetracked became greedy and abused positions thereby retarding and damaging the nation in process.
    Terrible choice,one side is sacrifice nationhood ID but having good quality of life not living in fear or feel intimidated,ruled by principles based on justice and merit,another having a national ID but seeing it degrading slowly.Feeling smothered and disillusioned.Which is better,lesser of 2 evils.

    Pantun Seloka
    Malaysia itu satu ..takkan dua tiga pulak.
    Orang Paling suka berfalsafah………Orang Melayu
    Mngajak orang bersatu – padu ……..orang Melayu
    Orang Melayulah………..paling layak bersuara kerana M’sia dan Malaya.
    Tanah melayu bukan datang dari satu keturunan Siam atau Indonesia.
    Mungkin ada kahwin campur tapi berdarah Melayu.
    Kita buat cerita pun berkisar semua kaum ( cerita Sebumbung )
    Hampir semua kena ada watak cina dan India.
    Kanchana Dewi , Sathiya , Penyanyi Datuk D.A Allycat , Jacklyn Victor ( yg enggan menyanyi dan berlakon drama tamil ) , dan dulu ada Param dan juga beberapa penyanyi dan pelakon cina kita ambil untuk tunjuk keharmonian kaum . Baguslah lagu tu….
    Sampai kempen cerita animasi …..beli barangan M’sia pun ada tiga watak berlainan bangsa dan agama ……..punyalah nak bagi harmoni kaum.
    Peliknya……….adakah kita orang Melayu sahaja yg sungguh-sungguh dan beria-ria
    Nak jadikan satu Malaysia untuk semua.
    Yang dok jumpa dah rata-rata ..
    Geng lain dok kejar semua bidang …dari ekonomi sampai ………kalau terlampau kaya beli tanah buat kubur secara teratur dan melambangkan status depa …cth di Nilai tuh.
    Kita…..nih try pi jalan sorang – sorang kot belah Penang tengok. Jangan ajak sorang pun melayu….besa jumpa kereta pancit atas ferry sapa pun tak bantu.
    Kalau kita ada motor je…….pancit…jumpa geng lain bukan kata nak pelawa baiki atau tolak …tapi tengok pun tak nak.
    Di tempat lain pun jumpa perkara sama …masa sebuah kereta tu eksiden pagi – pagi dekat dgn sungai….ada dua tiga cina ….mai…ingatkan nak tolong …….rupanya depa ambil nombor kereta …( tikam ekor kot ) lepas tu dok bergelak suku depa je la.
    Kita pernah jumpa satu pick-up cina dia naik sorang dari Perlis nak balik Alor Setar ….tiba-tiba terbabas nak jatuh parit ….dekat kediaman rasmi rumah Datuk..masa tuh ….dia dok undur sorang – sorang …kereta nak pelan masuk parit. Kita sebagai anak melayu dgn ikhlas hati suruh dia tarik hand brake dan matikan dlm gear. Suruh dia minta tolong org …dia segan …last-last kita melayu nilah pi ikut geng melayu lain pakat tolak pick-up dia sampai selamat. Bukan nak belanja minum …TQ..TQ..pi gitu…begitu juga kes yg sama dgn mamat India .
    Apa pasal org Melayu nih hati budi dia lurus bendul , baik sangka tak kira kaum.
    Walhal kita nak tumpang tanya pun dari jauh tutup pagar. Yg ada anjing lagilah…
    Cuba perati posmen dan meter reader TNB …kalau melayu pi rumah geng lain sah boh kot jauh je…tapi kalau jenis melayu sama melayu yg baik siap ajak minum kopi walaupun ajak ayam je..
    Sebab tu org melayu kalau melancong atau berjalan dalam negeri kena cari masjid….bukan nak sembahyang saja…….tukar pampers anak , qada

  3. Dear Tun,
    I agree with your views on the inadequacy in the teaching of history in Malaysian schools.
    I was born after Merdeka in 1961 (I’m 48 now) but luckily my father was an avid student of history. It is from my father that I got my interest in history.
    I’m very sad about the lack of knowledge about our history, not only among the young today but also among my peers. Many of my friends don’t believe me when I tell them that until 1909, the states of Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu were under Thai suzerainty !!!
    As a Malay from Selangor, I get angry when I meet people from these states (formerly Unfederated Malay States), who look down on people from the other states just because we were colonized by the British and are supposed to be less “Malay” than them.
    They always say that Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis are the Malay “heartland” but they don’t seem to realize that if it were not for the 1909 Treaty Of Bangkok, the people of these states would be bowing to King Bhumipol of Thailand today.

  4. Benar kata Tun,
    Kita perlu singkap perkara relevan yang berlaku sejarah yang lalu dan buatkan sebagai iktibar supaya kita takkan berulang melakukan kesilapan.Namun semakin kurang penghayatan rakyat Malaysia terutama generasi muda dalam hal ini.
    Subjek ini pun dipandang ringan sahaja oleh remaja,belia dan pelajar.Guru pun hanya menyatakan ia satu subjek yang boleh “cukup-cukup makan” score untuk peperiksaan.Perkara ini tidak sepatutnya terjadi dan penghayatan itu adalah lebih daripada itu.
    “Mind set” pelajar untuk mata pelajatan ini pun kurang menyenangkan iaitu “Sejarah sungguh membosankan”.Dan hakikatnya ya,itu yang berlaku dan buku setebal mana pun tak sanggup nak baca.Apatah lagi untuk penghayatan yang sememangnya nipis untuk diukur.Terutama buku-buku teks untuk pelajar Tingkatan 6.Sangat tebal dan mereka tak sanggup untuk membeleknya.
    Harap-harap rakyat Malaysia akan berubah demi sejarah yang lepas tidak akan berulang apatah lagi untuk generasi yang kita pinjam kan masa depan mereka.Perilaku kita hari ini akan dipersoal dan jawapan harus diberi.Elemen baru sentiasa akan menyerang sejak globalisasi berlaku dalam negara ini dan bila ia menyerang menjadi senjata bakal menikam…tiada detik dapat menentukan.Dan apabila kita sedar, harap detik itu masih boleh diperbetulkan.Kalau tidak..ketika itu sudah pun terlambat.

  5. Ayahanda Tun,
    Dengan izin….
    //By S..Tan on April 21, 2009 12:18 AM
    Bantahan yg tak kena tempat ini baru menang sorak kampong tergadai! Jaga jaga Melayu yg pegang kuasa atas beratus ekar tanah kosong! Mrk ini pencuri menyorak api!
    Pemberian pada Melayu, membela bangsa. Pemberian pada kaum lain menggadai negara? Generation gap here?//
    Dear Tan,
    This is not generation gap here! It’s your memory gap! Dah lupa ke result of PRU12 whereby rakyat voted opposition parties? After they got rakyat’s power, they formed Pakatan Rakyat and tried to topple Tun Dr Mahathir and BN by force until today, dah lupa ke sejarah ini yang baru saja berlaku pada tahun lepas.
    Orang tua should be wiser and more kind minded, but you, aiyah…. getting more and more sempit and racist sampai memori pun dah hilang. Nasib baik chedet murah dan baik hati, kalau tak pasti anda akan dipanggang kaum Melayu macam I pernah diugut sdr Tan pada satu ketika yang saya akan dipanggang kaum cina. Just like what the mat saleh says” You are back to square one”, Tan.

  6. Tun,
    Semoga sihat sejahtera sentiasa.
    Ingin mohon maaf terlebih dahulu sebab bahasa malaysia saya tidak begitu baik/lancar lagi sebab dah lama tidak tulis dan tutur lagi, tapi nak cuba juga.
    Saya merupakan produk generasi KBSM and Dewan Bahasa, dimana Bahasa Malaysia Baku merupakan topik panas masa tu. Masih lagi terkenang zaman sekolah saya, dimana polisi-polisi pendidikan asyik berubah sampai guru-guru sendiri keliru. Banyak contoh yang boleh saya berikan tapi tak nak bazirkan masa Tun. Tujuan cuma nak berikan gambaran kepada Tun, perasaan saya, sebagai seorang pelajar dan guru-guru masa itu. Penuh keliruan.
    Setahu saya, matapelajaran “Sejarah” adalah wajib dari tingkatan 1 hingga 5, tak kira sekolah Kebangsaan and Jenis Kebangsaan.
    Kalau Tun ada masa lapang, cuba ambil buku teks “Sejarah” untuk tingkat 4 atau 5. Sila pilih bab-bab yang berkaitan dengan sejarah tanahair yang Tun fasih. Sejarah yang kami pelajari, cuma separuh dari kisah yang berlaku (half of the whole truth story). Buku yang kami pelajari dari, merupakan pandangan dari satu sudut dan kisah-kisah dalamnya banyak telah disunting.
    Kalau boleh dan masih lagi mampu, harap Tun dapat berikan sedikit tunjuk-ajar atau nasihat kepada pihak-pihak yang berkenaan agar tingkatkan mutu sistem pendidikan negara tercinta kita. Cuba ubah persepsi mereka, beritahu dan catitkan sepenuh kisah yang berlaku. Pada zaman sekarang, kami tidak lagi sejalil dulu.

  7. Ayahanda Tun,
    Dengan izin….
    By S..Tan on April 21, 2009 12:18 AM
    //Kiriman ini membahas beberapa pendapat yg disiar dlm blog ini bukan masuk tuduh melulu. Gajah boleh masuk tapi pelanduk tersekat? Lagi pelanduk ini dah dikuruskan, kiriman dah dibelah lagi.//
    Are you saying that “gajah” is the kind and huge bumiputras, and “pelanduk” is the smart and small non-bumiputras yang dah dikuruskan. With mentality like you, the non-bumiputra akan dikuruskan lagi. Masih degil to accept 1Malaysia like other malay, chinese and indian, not forgetting the bai?
    Pemberian tanah di Perak is illegal and Tun Dr Mahathir was right regarding this information according to history. I have confirmed with my children on this matter, and the right of the land is under our PERLEMBAGAAN UNDANG2 and is belong to bumiputra whereby Ali (bumiputra) cannot sell, and Baba (non-bimupitra) cannot buy. Whether to develop this tanah or not, it is up to our Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negara with permission from the Raja2 Melayu. Takkan lah Tan tak faham HIS-TORY???
    Look at our chinese, MB Selangor PKR Khalid kasi wang kepada Sekolah Kebangsaan Cina, Cina support mereka. Ex-MB Perak PAS Mohd. Nizar kasi tanah kepada cina, cina support PAS eventhough cina do not trust PAS. Apa ini Tan????? Kasi duit baru support parti itu? Is this “wang politik” and can we bring up to the court and argue this action?????
    Janganlah jadi ‘BATU API’ macam rakyat Lah dan opposition party which make cina look more materialistic seperti Taiwan and Singapore whereby money is more important than love for their family and the bangsa.
    Kau kata nak tolong cina, padahal kau sedang memberi alasan kepada mereka supaya mereka memberontak secara buta-tuli dengan isu perkauman yang outdated dan bodoh just because Tun LAH made some mistakes in his strategies. Frustrated and mentally-ill Americans fired gun shots that caused deaths to the public every year, does this mean that USA government will ban the purchase of gun? Is it because DS Syed Hamid Alba who followed order to detain Teresa Kok and the Sin Chew’s reporter under ISA act means that Malaysia need to ban ISA? If does not allow your comment to be posted, you say that chedet is racist and bias?????
    You are really making me sad and dissapointed with your separuh komen yang takde pendirian to show that you are FAIR and CLEAN. Don’t be a hipocrite LAH. Maybe you do not understand and do not read chinese language, that’s why you failed to be a Malaysian cina because you do not understand the history of China. Hai… you are another book worm who memorize facts to get distinctions in your examination grades, itu taktik lama-LAH, Tan.
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  8. Tun,
    Benarlah kami semua mau belajar & tau sejarah Malaysia baru tau bersyukor dgn democrasi negara ini.Baik juga Malaysia di bawah pemerintahan British dulu sebab dapat diajar tentang pentadbiran Kerajaan.Dgn pengalaman ini Rakyat dapat pengetahuan membangun negara.
    Saya fikir dgn Projek Iskandar Johor,Malaysia takkan menggadai negara sebab negeri Johor perlu beribuan pelabur dari Malaysia dan S’pura.

  9. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Dgn izin…
    Kiriman ini membahas beberapa pendapat yg disiar dlm blog ini bukan masuk tuduh melulu. Gajah boleh masuk tapi pelanduk tersekat? Lagi pelanduk ini dah dikuruskan, kiriman dah dibelah lagi.
    Pemberian tanah di Perak dibelitkan menjadikan Melayu setinggan. Tanah itu diberi pada kampong baru dan juga kampong tersusun (Melayu). Dari segi jumlah penduduk dan keluasan tanah ia dibahagi hampir 3 kali ganda besar pada Melayu dari kaum lain. Hanya pak momok Umno masih nak angkat isu ini yg ditolak oleh Bkt Gantang, Bkt Selambau.
    Tanah milik kekal atau pajak, krjn ada kuasa ambil balik. Tapi memberi milik tanah pada rakyat bolehkan mrk dapat hasil dgn pinjaman bank, mendorong mrk menjaga kawasan dan perbaiki rumah. Dgn naiknya nilai tanah disitu meningkatlah taraf hidup rakyat. Memberi tempat teduh soal kebajikan manusia, nak diputar merugikan Melayu. Apa yg rugi kalau kawasan itu memang kediaman mrk. Ada niat nak halau mrk?
    Jaga beratus ekar tanah di ruang pembangunan Iskandar, Timur, Utara, tapak perindustrian yg dijual pada pelabur asing! Tempat teduh berpuluh kaki dilawan tapi beratus ekar lenyap tak diendah?
    Bantahan yg tak kena tempat ini baru menang sorak kampong tergadai! Jaga jaga Melayu yg pegang kuasa atas beratus ekar tanah kosong! Mrk ini pencuri menyorak api!
    Pemberian pada Melayu, membela bangsa. Pemberian pada kaum lain menggadai negara? Generation gap here?

  10. Tun,
    You’re right. It is always good to learn from history. It is always wise to stop, take a moment and reflect.
    As time passes by, as generation changes, it seems like people couldn’t stretch their awareness on the past events. That’s why the young people always being reminded to respect elders, and that’s why I envy the veterans. They have something that I don’t have; experience and wisdoms of life. These 2 items come in the function of time. It’s frustrating for me as youngster, but it is a fact.
    In the same time, I realize that certain people still clinging on their past glories. It’s never wrong to appreciate your achievement, but the fact is, it has passed. What matter most is to color our future to be better than yesterday, and appreciate our present.
    Past is something that has occurred. We can only look at it and learned.
    Future is something that yet to be unfolded. We can only plan and steer it within your capacity (we don’t have final say on it).
    Present is something that we need to cherish. It is real and it is happenings. It is our moment.

  11. I was born on 1986 but I appreciated that Malaysia is an independent country now. I always proud to be Malaysian, even I am in overseas now, I still proudly to tell people that I come from Malaysia.
    I have something to share with everyone here.
    I am working in Melbourne now. My passport is going to expired this year end but I am going back home for holiday that means I have to renew my passport before I go back. So I tried to call the Malaysia’s embassy in Canberra several times but guess what, the officers that work there are really rude yet I get to know that I must go there personally in order for me to be able to renew my passport. Trust me, it is really silly to fly there just to renew my passport. When I told my friends that not Malaysian that I have to fly to Canberra to renew my passport, they were laughing because all the while they thought Malaysia is a well developing country and I should be able to just mail my passport there to renew it rather than fly all the way to Canberra. Other than that, I just can’t take it as in the officers are really rude and mean. I emailed the relevant department back in Malaysia regarding with these issues yet no one ever reply my email. No further action being taken because I called again two weeks ago yet the officers are still rude and mean.
    I wonder what others will think about Malaysia when they get to call Malaysia’s embassy in Canberra and they are not Malaysian, Their perception towards Malaysia will be destroy by those irresponsible officers. They are representing Malaysia in Australia but not trying to damage Malaysia’s reputation.
    As a Malaysia, I truly feel shame towards their behaviour. I know I can do something by reporting to the relevant departments rather than let it off. I tried my best to contact relevant parties but in the end, nothing I can change due to the fact that no one can’t be bother to investigate in these issues.
    As a Malaysian that in overseas, I truly appreciate government’s effort to have embassy here but think of the other way round, we don’t have embassy in every single state yet we have to go all the way to Canberra just to renew our passport. Other than that, the officers that work there are just so mean and rude!
    If the new PM wants Malaysia to be one of the top country in the world, I truly hopes that he can start from such small things because ALL THE OFFICERS IN EMBASSY IN EVERY COUNTRY ARE REPRESENTING MALAYSIA TO FOREIGNERS.
    I leave comments on the new PM’s blog and now I leave another one here. I just hope that relevant parties can take action on the above issues. I will continue to raise my voice, email to relevant parties till they reply and give me answers.

  12. Good day to you,Tun
    Actually you are right,we must not forget our history.Forgeting our history means we forgeting ourself and we must learn from mistake.
    Our 1st history is WHY BN lost,we must study why BN lost so teruk.
    Please everyone,why BN lost.Is that because of
    a) Monopoly?
    b) Corruption?
    c) KJ?
    d) Mahatirism?
    e) Races card?
    f) Umnorism?
    g) Barang Naik?
    h) or else.
    Learn from history guys,if not GE13 will lost more terrible?

  13. Sumber : bernama..
    KUALA KANGSAR, April 19 (Bernama).
    The Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah today said he would take on the primary responsibility of implementing all efforts to ensure that the institution of royalty which was core to the system of governance and nationhood in the country would continue to be protected.
    An offspring will not allow the dignity and sovereignty of a ruler to be ridiculed. As such the people must be conscious not to be hasty to throw the lamp away, as daylight too will end.
    Let it not be that as night falls, people grope about directionless, blanketed in darkness without a lamp, he said at the pledging of loyalty and awards ceremony in conjunction with the 81st birthday of the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah at Istana Iskandariah here today.
    He said the Malay rulers were not just symbols in the country but that the Malay Sultanate had an important role as the centre of strength for the people.
    Raja Nazrin said the administrative system with Malay Sultanate as its core had been in place for more than 600 years and had succeeded in developing a great culture and civilization.
    He said the wisdom of royalty aided the developmental process of intellectuality and from the palace emanated great works of art in writings.
    The Malay rulers are the symbols of sovereignty the symbols of citizens’ strength the umbrella for the country’s crown. The Malay rulers give identity to the nation.
    People who understand the culture of monarchy, will understand the philosophy of royal administration, the role of rulers, especially the role and responsibility of holding up national identity, he said.
    He said the continuity of a race and the face of a nation depended on factors that gave it identity from the aspects of institutions, religion, culture and language.
    Actions of insulting institutions, ridiculing institutions, fermenting hatred towards institutions are early steps in the movement towards abolishing the institutions therefore abolishing the original identity of the country’s race.
    During the Cold War, such steps came from groups who held on to left-wing political doctrine and were categorised as subversives
    Bravo Raja Nazrin…. Kami di belakang Raja-raja Melayu..

  14. korn1805, I agree with you that tv shows nowadays are full of crappy reality shows. the current generation is what I would call generasi afundi – it shudders me that the very same people are also voting in the next group of leaders…
    i am moved to suggest that our local tv stations consider doing history quizzes, one that offers at least RM1million or thereabouts to the individual or the school team winners. I have seen very intelligent quizzes over the UK tv stations where students from their universities battle it out and the questions were very, very tough. I was surprised to see how much these students know.
    my 2 sen.

  15. In Singapore Primary School, they never teach history but they have Social Studies lesson, which touches on Singapore history and now all the primary school pupils know that Singaporeans are made up of migrant population including the Malays…how sweet history lessons are.

  16. Salam Tun.
    Bagi saya, sejarah mengajar kita tentang siapa pemimpin yang telah dan yang berpotensi menghancurkan negara. Jenis pemimpin bagaimana yang patut kita percayai dan siapa yang tidak boleh diharap.
    Generasi muda kini agak buta sejarah. Maka mereka lebih mempercayai pemimpin “penghalal cara” yang mungkin juga agen asing. Mereka lebih mempercayai pemimpin yang galak memperkudakan perlembagaan negara demi agenda gila kuasa. Mereka lebih gemarkan pemimpin yang menghakis hak dan kesinambungan kaum sendiri.
    Mereka lebih percayakan segolongan rakyat yang lupa asal-usul dan tiadanya sifat mengenang budi. Mereka lebih menyokong kaum lain yang memperdajalkan bangsa sendiri di mata dunia.

  17. Salam Tun Dr.,
    Permit me to ask you this: How did Malaysia gets her name, in the first place? Who suggested it? M-A-L-A-Y-S-I-A.
    Did Tunku suggested, as some might believed.
    Please refer to:
    Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Bulletin 120 entitled: “The Opalinid Ciliate Infusorians’ by Maynard Metcalf of the Orchard Laboratory, Oberlin, Ohio.
    ‘Malaysia’ appears on these pages: 293, 362, 465, & 467…
    quote Page 361 “…The ancestral branch which give rise to the Pelobatidae moved northward from eastern Equotoria into the continent of Asia, probably just about the time Australasia separated from Asia-Malaysia, that is, during the last Jurassic.”
    Washington Government Printing Office, published 1923.
    Who really suggested Malaysia? This is history…

  18. salam che det
    1. its not about learning history, but to know the person who makes it happen & become a history. Contoh terbaik, Rasulullah saw.
    2. kebolehan manusia berbeza-beza, namun yang benar-benar bernilai di sisi Allah swt, adalah mereka yang menyatupadukan ummat atas kesedaran diri & inisiatif akal bersumberkan kerjasama antara makhluk bernama manusia berlandaskan Al Quran & sunnah Nabi saw.
    3. populasi kecil atau besar, bukan sesuatu perkara yang menjadi percaturan Allah swt, tetapi kualiti manusia yang mentadbir diri, keluarga, atau juga masyarakat yang akan menarik kesukaan Allah swt.
    4. membangunkan ummat ke arah masyarakat islam bersepadu lebih utama dari masyarakat bersepadu bermotifkan ekonomi & kemajuan dunia tetapi hakikatnya rohani yang jauh dari maksud sebenar dihantar ke dunia ini.
    5. hari ini telah terbukti, walau hebat mana pun sejarah itu diceritakan namun tanpa kesedaran terhadap agama, manusia akan cepat lupa pada asal usulnya.
    6. sebagaimana rakyat digesa berusaha gigih, apabila Allah swt uji sedikit dengan kehadiran minyak, maka bermulalah episod berlumba-lumba membangunkan negara, berlumba-lumba merebut kuasa sehinggalah ke hari ini.
    7. tidak mustahil nikmat itu Allah swt boleh tarik kembali.
    8. tidak mustahil juga apabila rakyat islam yang merasa tertindas berdoa ke arah itu, minyak itu akan hilang buat selama-lamanya.
    9. again, its not about learning history, but to know the person who makes it happen & become a history. Tidak ada contoh yang lebih baik selain dari Rasulullah saw.

  19. Jangan lupa promote pemakaian tudung yg sempurna kepada ahli2 UMNO agar tidak menjadi modal oleh PAS dan fitnah kepada Islam. Tudung itu hukumnya wajib, tidak seperti pemakaian kopiah oleh lelaki. Ia bukan isu peribadi kerana Islam bersifat ummah. Ia bukan juga faktor alim atau tidak alim. Ia adalah perkara wajib. Walaupun banyak hal2 yg dikatakan penting selain isu tudung, namun tudung tetap merupakan sesuatu yang sering dipersoal oleh orang2 kebanyakan yang ingin menyokong UMNO. Jadi isu tudung ini boleh menjadi liabiliti kepada perjuangan sebenar Melayu-Islam melalui UMNO.

  20. YABhg Tun M,
    Sekali lagi minta lalauan Tun,
    Untuk jong52yuara.
    Sebenar Dacing Simbol BN – Ia seimbang berasaskan KEADILAN – di mana pembahagian hasil negara yang tercinta ini diagihkan mengikut keperluan rakyat. Dan tidak sekali2 dibiarkan orang2 yang tamak dan rakus membolotnya kerana bila mana golongan2 susah, miskin dan merana bertambah banyaknya bilangannya – mereka akan memberontak kerana mereka pun berhak hidup dengan senang dalam negara mereka yang kaya dengan sumber alam semula jadi ini. Bila sudah negara huru hara dan hancur menjadi negara miskin, di mana lagi nak lari cari kehidupan yang aman dan sejahtera. mungkin orang yang tamak dan rakus tadi boleh lari keluar negeri kerana dah ada harta macam Taksin kan. Jong dan lain2 FikirkanLAH kenapa ADA SAMPAI ORANG nekad dan BERANI jadi pengebom berani mati UNTUK MEMPERJUNGKAN APA YANG DIYAKINI DAN DIPERCAYAINYA. – cuba fikirkan dan hayati – Marilah KIKISLAH PERASAN TAMAK HALOBA DAN DENGKI – MARILAH KITA BERSIKAP SEDERHANA PENUH DENGAN PERTIMBANGAN WARAS, SIKAP TOLERANSI DAN TAK ADA LAGI PANDANGAN SERONG – YANG PENTING DIAKHIRNYA KITA BERADA DALAM NEGARA YANG AMAN DAN MAKMUR SERTA NEGARA MAJU – DI MANA ANAK2 cucu2 KITA DAPAT HIDUP BERDIRI SAMA TINGGI DAN DUDUK SAMA RENDAH – SAMA MAMPU Axora!?!?.
    Thank u Tun and always take care.

  21. Aslmwt Tun,
    I fully agree with your advise for the nation. History should not only be thought in school. The general public must be constantly reminded too. When history are forgotten political stability are compromised. I can still remember back in those days where the RTM would telecast Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah. Programs like that should be telecast again by all TV channels before prime-time news programs from now on to remind the people. They should be in the various languages to make sure the message will get through. At least we should know who the Portugese, British, Japanese were during their occupation. Of course the struggle of our heroes who fell and died fighting the insurgence of the communist in Malaysia should also never be forgotten and to remind us who the insurgence were and where they are from and areas they are located in the states of Malaysia during the confrontation. Hopefully there are none left that could trigger an unrest again in Malaysia.

  22. Dear Tun,
    If you want to talk about history of Malaysia, kindly remeber this person that yet has been forgotten except, being named as a place in KL, that is Tun Dr. Ismail.
    The legacy left behind by Ismail is often viewed in a positive light. It is conventionally held that his sudden death altered the course of Malaysian history

  23. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    //By ParpuKari on April 15, 2009 12:34 PM//
    The twisting of TS Myuhiddin’s statements by chinese papers are mainly on profit making because many ‘chinamen’ without vision for 1Malaysia dislike TS Myuhiddin. I do not know why, I guess TS Myuhiddin is a strict and firm guy, 100% the opposite of our Flip Flop Pak Lah and DS Hishamuddin, maybe these chinese felt threatened and uneasy with him around especially as the Education Minister.
    These so-called chinese politicians of MCA and Gerakan are good in talking, but when problems rise up, mereka ini akan buat tak tahu. And that Wee Ka Siong is so stupid by slamming Tun Dr Mahathir’s statement on vison school, kalau dia bijak dan peka macam rakyat, dia mesti tahu yang DAP tidak pernah hantam our education ministry!!!! Another dah bodoh dan haprak h/p 6 minister who works for syiok diri, patutlah BN ditolak rakyat! If these ministers do not change their attitudes, the rakyat will tukar them with the opposition party leaders to release their anger and fury eventhough they dislike PR!!!!
    Good night Ayahanda Tun.

  24. Yg Berbahagia Tun,
    Setiap orang yang mengaku diri mereka warganegara Malaysia mestilah tahu fakta sejarah dan asal usul mereka dan keperitan membebas dan memerdekakan negara tercinta. Justeru, prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara yang menjadi garis panduan dan amalan kita semua selama ini janganlah samasekali diganggu-gugat dan di porkotak-katikan.
    Olih itu kemunculan sesetengah puak, lebih-lebih yang sangat taksub, bersifat agresive dan cuba menimbulkan keresahan ketenteraman awam dan kestabilan negara perlulah menghayati fakta-fakta sejarah terlebih dahulu sebelum memulakan langkah berdemonstrasi jalanan sehingga sanggup menggangu dan menghalang perjalanan Diraja untuk mendapatkan sesuatu untuk mencapai cita2 politik mereka. Daripada berbaring menghalang arus perjalanan ditengah-tengah jalan, pemimpin-pemimpin mereka patut menarik mereka bersantai ditepi-tepi pantai…sejuk badan dan minda.

  25. Yg Berbahagia Tun,
    Setiap orang yang mengaku diri mereka warganegara Malaysia mestilah tahu fakta sejarah dan asal usul mereka dan keperitan membebas dan memerdekakan negara tercinta. Justeru, prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara yang menjadi garis panduan dan amalan kita semua selama ini janganlah samasekali diganggu-gugat dan di porkotak-katikan.
    Olih itu kemunculan sesetengah puak, lebih-lebih yang sangat taksub, bersifat agresive dan cuba menimbulkan keresahan ketenteraman awam dan kestabilan negara perlulah menghayati fakta sejarah terlebih dahulu sebelum memulakan langkah berdemonstrasi jalanan hingga menggangu dan menghalang perjalanan Diraja untuk mendapatkan sesuatu untuk kepentingan politik mereka.

  26. Salam Tun.
    You hit spot on. The Malaysians – and yes, including the Malays – need to understand what sacrifices that our forefathers had made in order to gain our independence. The concept of Jus Soli – or Social Contract – as far as I recall was not taught as part of the curriculum during my primary and secondary schools in Malaysia. I had to look up on my own as per my own interest.
    Also there is not much awareness of local heros with the likes of Tuk Janggut, Datuk Bahaman, Mat Kilau against the colonizers in the media…also the Bugis Daengs that fought alongside their Malay brethren against the Dutch occupiers…
    A lot of Malays bled, suffered shame and incredulities under the rule of the occupiers..And it took a courageous group of Malays with the leadership of Datuk Onn, and the formation of UMNO that challenged the Malay Union (British sneaky agenda to dilute the Malay ruler’s power ) and upheld the Malay Sovereignty of this land.
    Under UMNO’s leadership with Barisan – Malaysia flourishes. All races benefit under the wisdom of Malay leadership. Dispelled communism, brought order and social justice. We Malays had managed Malacca well before – sort of Dubai of 1400s – with its owns feudal government, with Shahbandars, Temenggungs, Datuk Bendaharas to manage trade and commerce with the Arabs and Chinese Traders…We Malays was never Malas, Lemah…I do not know how this concept ever been brought forward in the first place…In my opinion, after working with myriad people with different backgrounds and cultures drilling for oil in all over the world – slight exageration there – mainly in the Caspian and the Arab and African continent mostly – these negative attributes are prevalent in any races, but we Malays are the ones who like to trump these negative traits as ours the loudest…*sigh*
    In my opinion, it is a shame when a Malay called another Malay as Melayu Malas, Lemah…because this is not true. Try and meet any Malay and you can feel the welcomeness…their outreach…their kindness…I think most people confused the Malay cultural sense of not being forward or being direct as being timid…and therefore not assertive and concluded that the Malays are malas. They are not!..Go to kampungs..see how they toil the lands…
    I think we Malays should think bigger. Our forefathers had once run and manage Malacca well – the center of spice trade and crossroads between East and West – that in that era, Malay language was the lingua franca of that Far East region. Malays were everywhere. We were sailors (not lanuns like the Dutch called us – they called us that because we fought against them), tradesman etc.
    Imagine if the West – Portugese, Dutch, British – can let us live in peace and focus on trades then…instead of colonizing us.. Imagine what we could have become…500 years of colonization had made us weak in our spirits…bangunlah bangsaku!
    Malays..know your roots. Take pride in being Malay. We are honest, hardworking, God Fearing people..we can lead..and we can be a good khalifah for the muslims nation and be an example to the global community that is able to balance believing in God and seeking prosperity in life at the same time.
    Syabas to Tun on a well researched speech about the Palestinian conflict in London recently. I am truly inspired by you. You are the reason for me to believe that justice and basic human decency still exist in this current global politics. I would consider myself successful just to be half a man like you. Syabas again!
    Salam hormat.
    Balkanabad, Turkmenistan

  27. Dengan Izin Tun…Terima kasih..
    Syabas smarthasin
    Dan jelas Tun ada ditengah-tengah budak2 hafiz.Dari situ saya percaya Tun berada dipihak yg benar.Lebih2 lagi selepas pemecatan DSAi Tun pergi mengerjakan ibadat haji dan tiada perkara yg buruk menimpa Tun.//
    Saya amat menghargai cerita-cerita yang sebegini.Bagi yang tak percaya sudahlah…Agama Islam pun ada yang tak percaya.
    Dalam maksud mimpi ini..
    Jika seseorang pergi Haji dengan keadaan Menzalimi orang pasti dan pasti Allah SWT akan mengenakan kifarah padanya ketika di kota mekah..//
    Dan jangan lupa Nik Abdul Aziz dan konco-konco mereka pernah mengaddakan sembahyang hajat di padang dengan jumlah seratus ribu orang untuk menjahanamkan Tun…
    Masih kau ingat pada waktu itu ?
    Sekeping sejadah terhampar di rumput
    Lalu ku genggam ia menjadi layu masih kah ingat

    Masih kau ingat?
    Masih kah ingat menyalah guna sembahyang
    menganaiyai orang?
    Kau berlari-lari ke kaki langit mencari fatamorgana
    Lalu hujan turun kau basah bersama
    Masih kah ingat..Masih kau ingat?
    Eh…sori..terlalut lagi lagu Kopratasa..
    Sesungguhnya hanya Allah SWT saya yg lebih mengetahui.
    Saya juga pernah bermimpi tentang PM kita iaitu Dato Seri Najib Tun Abd Razak.
    Dia sedang berucap di sebuah perhimpunan.Seseorang memintakannya membaca Surah As Sajdah..Kerana sebab tertentu saya bacakan untuk dia..
    Dari situ saya menafsirkan Dato Seri Najib tidak terlibat membunuh Altantuya.Bagi yang mahu dan sudi percaya hayatilah Hadith Rasullulah s.a.w ini
    “Mimpi orang mukmin adalah satu dari empat puluh darjah kenabian”
    “Mimpi orang muslim ialah satu per tujuh puluh darjah kenabian ”
    Saya mengucapkan syabas dan terima kasih kepada smarthasin kerana sudi berkongsi cerita.Terima kasih.
    Bagi mereka yang sedang mencemik, sambut dulu cabaran saya..
    Anda telah berpuluh tahun membaca Surah Fatihah..
    Berapa banyak kali anda dapat membaca Fatihah di dalam mimpi?
    Tahukah anda apa yang di perkatakan Ibnu Sirin tentang mimpi membaca Surah Fatihah?
    Tun…sudilah bercerita kepada kami tentang keaadaan di dalam Kaabah.Itu rahmat utama Allah kepada Tun..Sudi lah berkongsi dengan kami..

  28. Dear Tun,
    Right from the beginning, Ministry of Education(MOE) should emphasized on history subject to its students. The people of Malaysia should know where they came from, I assure you that there large no. of Malaysia don’t even know its independent history. Thus, there are even many of your blogger when commented in your blog has shown a lack or insufficient knowledge about our own history including Nasha B. Edwin.

  29. Dear Tun,
    Man/Women is a creature of his/her past. He/She is shaped and conditioned by the past. He/She cannot escape from his/her past. Like it or not he/she lives by his/her past. His/Her past will always be with him/her.
    This process can happen consciously or unconsciously or semi-consciously. Infact, even before we were born the past haunts us thru our parents.
    If we had the opportunity to study our faults we can trace to something in our past.
    The thing is, can we do something about it now to correct and remedy the faults. We surely can. But we need to first identify, recognise and accept the following;
    1) What the faults are.
    2) How did it come into being.
    3) Can we do something about it.
    4) What are the ways we can do toremedy the faults.
    Without looking back at the past (history) we will NEVER be able to find out how the fault came about can we???
    So like it or NOT we need to know our history very well in order that we can solve the problem of today AND TOMORROW.
    Sincere Regards

  30. Dengan Izin Tun…Terima kasih
    Pencetak Sinar
    Kadang-kadang tu sesetengah komen tu agak melampau dan kesat tetapi masih lolos untuk paparan bila dah berat pada BN. Bila yang berat pada PR pasti di sekat//
    Tepat sekali.Blog Anwaribrahim penuh dengan maki hamun terhadap Anwar tetapi semua lolos untuk paparan dan bila yang berat pada BN tak pernah di sekat….Emmmmm…betul ke ni pencetak sirna??
    Ada sesetengah mendakwa di bukit gantang PAS mendapat derma yang banyak dalam majlis yang yang di penuhi arak dan sebagainya, tetapi mengapa kerajaan BN tak sekat terus penjualan arak sedangkan ia mampu berbuat demikian?//
    Dangkal sungguh pemikiran Pencetak sirna…Arak,judi dan makan “brader” ( Husin Lempoyang 2009 )adalah hak orang-orang bukan Islam.Mereka memohon hak ini untuk masyarakat mereka.Islam tidak melarang hak bukan beragama islam.Oleh itu penjualan arak tak di sekat.Tapi pelik pula ya? Di Kelantan sahaja wujud pengharaman penjualan tembakau..Kenapa pengharaman penanaman tembakau tidak
    diseragamkan keseluruh negri milik PAS sedangkan ia mampu berbuat demikian ?
    Adakalanya mata hati boleh buta… So celik-celikkan lah mata hati tu… bukan suruh sokong PR tetapi betulkanlah kesilapan dalam BN…//
    Tepat lagi..tahukah anda orang seperti anda tidak akan di sekat di dalam blog-blog PAS,DAP dan PKR tetapi akan di sekat di dalam blog-blog BN..Mengapa ya?
    Kerana kami semua tidak semulia orang-orang PKR…

    By SivaAuthor Profile Page on April 16, 2009 6:11 PM
    Good evening Tun.
    Having said that, we should remember that spending too much time reminiscing about ‘the good old days’ is just like driving with our sight focused on the rear view mirror. It won’t be long before we crash. We should look back but the focus should be to thrust forward. Malaysia has great potential and is blessed with great resources. All we need is the right people – people with the drive, passion and competency to transform us to greater heights. We had you before Tun. Hopefully, we have found your successor.
    Ps. Of course, this beloved nation appreciate the likes of our Adik HBT who always look at the BIGGER PICTURE of WAWASAN 2020 for our future generations. Bless you all and the family.

  32. To whybee bangi 2, on April 16, 2009 12:11 PM
    Thank you for telling me that you are Malay. I can understand why you feel insecure.
    You can blame me on this matter. For example, one of your Malay leaders had called the Chinese as a

  33. Assalamualaikum kepada YABhg. Tun dan sekelian yg ada di sini,
    Mengenai gelagat pemimpin2 PAS yg sanggup menghalalkan apa sahaja walaupun benda itu dulu mereka kondem tetapi sekarang ia boleh kerana ia akan memberi kebaikan kepada politik mereka seperti yang ramai dapat lihat kebelakangan ini, maka kita hendaklah bersyukur kepada Allah SWT dan Rasul kita SAW yang pernah mengingatkan bahwa di akhir zaman akan ada golongan yang sanggup menjual agamanya seperti di pasar-pasar hanya untuk memenuhi impian mereka untuk berkuasa. Maka, sebenarnya sejak dulu lagi, sudah terang lagi bersuluh siapakah mereka ini yg sanggup mengambil guna ayat separuh dan menyembunyikan separuh lagi untuk kepentingan sendiri.
    Semoga kita semua diberi perlindungan Allah SWT daripada permainan dan tipu helah manusia, Amin.

  34. Salam buat Tun yang dikasihi,
    1. The question here is how are we going to absolutely learn our history and our mistake in the past if the Rulers do not want to cooperate & contribute in revealing the truth?
    2. Now we are in 2009. I hate the fact that we are still incapable to revise, question and justify the Malay Annals.
    3. They should be a reasonable explanation behind the emergence of Sang Sapurba, the dragon Saktimuna, the death of Temagi, the mystery of 5 siblings, the passion of Gusti Putri, the Alexander’s bloodline, discovering lion in Temasek, the lost cities & treasure, etc.
    4. I think we should start to create thousands of historian. Not only common historian but also”freak historian”,those who loves to explore mystical and unexplainable thing.
    God’s will.
    Tun dan Tun Hasmah jaga diri baik-baik ya

  35. Dear Tun and All
    I would like to comment on some funny article written by as follows –
    “By yourlifeilive on April 15, 2009 1:35 PM
    It is so funny, there is still people who like to steal other people history by making assumpmtion. Yes, recently, there were some theorists who just based on names and sounds and the make conclusion that the person was of their descent. For example, I cannot stop laughing when some chinese historians tried to claim Hang Tuah as being Chinese, hahahaha, just because his name sound like Hang Too Ah, and then another assumption like Hang Jebat as derived from Hang Jee Fatt..kah kah kah, just because it sounds like Chinese names they claim it is theirs. So funny. No brain and obviously shown their ignorance about history…
    Sometimes I pity them for not having their own actual heroes, just want to steal from others story and manipulate some facts and then spread it out thru internet to make people believe. Come on, be yourself , I know many people are amazed of the Hang Tuah skills and competency in fighting as well as to achieve somethings.
    That’s why history is important.

  36. Salam to YABhg. Tun and everyone,
    I strongly agree with your thought to have History as a compulsory subject for children in schools. It is self explanatory , why History is important to be learned by all in order to achieve our visions to become a high-end nation.
    We must know and understand our past to conquer our future. Therefore, all lessons learned will remind us all our glory and mistakes and to guide us to prevent from any mistakes from happen again at the same time we should also be proud of some od our glory-past achivements or events…
    I hope my dear Tun will highlight this matter and also there is a need to look back at our existing history syllabus whether it is accurate or non-bias (like what the british has taught us before), attractive and of course not a boring ones in terms of delivery of subjects to pupils.
    Thank you Sir.

  37. Tok Det , walaupun saya tak merasa pengalaman sejarah dahulu , tidak semestinya saya melupakan asal nenek tok moyang saya dari mana . Tok Det kena faham sejarah yang lalu yang boleh kita ambil hanyalah pengalaman yang mempunyai ilmu sahaja , melainkan sejarah yang diturunkan oleh tuhan kepada bangsa manusia , walaupun lapuk tetapi ilmunya boleh diguna pakai untuk masa hadapan , kerana ianya sejarah yang mempunyai ilmu utk rohani manusia . tidak kira sejarah dari bangsa apa pun , generasi kita bukan dilahirkan utk mengingatkan benda benda seperti ini . pengalaman negara kita diserang jepun ke atau dijajah oleh british hanyalah utk bangsa yg lalu , yg kita boleh ambil dari pegalaman itu hanyalah ilmunya sahaja . kalau negara kita diserang utk generasi yg akan dtg sudah pasti pengalaman yg baru akan muncul , dan cara peperangan pun ternyata berbeza dari sejarah peperangan yang lalu .
    Sejarah peperangan islam pun kita menang kerana pertolongan tuhan . adakah setiap org beragama islam dimuka bumi ini tidak takut pada kematian yg berperang utk agama , negara serta bangsa . 13 mei yg berlaku menunjukkan kebangkitan bangsa melayu , hikmahnya , bangsa kita tidak takut pada kematian sebab itu kita dapat bekerja sebagai satu bangsa yang bersatu , serta tidak melupakan hak kaum lain juga .
    Kalau hari ini generasi sekarang tidak memihak pada kerajaan bukan kah ianya juga menunjukkan , generasi sekarang bijak menilai dan kerajaan sepatutnya merubah cara pemerintahan supaya ianya akan dapat meningkatkan lagi cara pemerintahan kerajaan , bukankah itu juga dipanggil satu hikmah . bukan kah itu juga menunjukkan kebangkitan generasi bangsa malaysia . cuma cara dia berbeza kita tidak berperang ianya lebih dekat kepada pengetahuan utk generasi akan datang yang tak boleh diperbodohkan dengan sewenang-wenangnya . bukankah kerajaan berjaya membentuk satu generasi yang berpendidikan , tetapi kerajaan menentang pula apabila generasi sekarang lebih bijak kerana tidak meyokong kerajaan . kerajaan kena berubah kalau mahu diterima , berubah utk masa depan rakyat bukannya dikatakan berjaya kerana utk satu nama individu sahaja .
    apa pun sebenarnya kerajaan berjaya mengubah cara berfikir generasi sekarang ke tahap yang lebih tinggi walaupun hakikat yang sebenarnya adalah tuhan yang merubahkan kita kerana sayang kan bangsa kita , untuk satu tempoh yang telah ditetapkan .

  38. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat selalu. Dgn izin…
    Ini pandangan pada perkataan sering dipakai jenerasi masih rindukan sejarah silam bukan nak mengorak ke depan.
    ………………BANGSA ASING
    Ada penyokong Umno pegang pada pengasingan bangsa, membuat ia dibenci dan MCA, MIC dijauhi kaum lain. Mrk bahagikan rakyat M’sia pada asing dan asli (bukan miskin dan kaya), ada bangsa tuan dan bangsa hamba (bukan insan Tuhan dilahir sama, tiada bangsa istimewa), ada bangsa anak tiri tiada hak (menyanggah sejarah pemuafakatan pembentukan M

  39. Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    To by Chris (8.37 am)
    You mentioned that history of Malay rulers are very dubious. Only if more people know their true origins. The question is how about the history of other world rulers..$ The Chinese rulers for example at the chinese mainland. Thousands women kept inside the the so-called forbidden palace to serve one king. We can find much world histories at National Geographic channel.

  40. Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    To by Chris (8.37 am)
    You mentioned that history of Malay rulers are very dubious. Only if more people know their true origins. The question is how about the history of other world rulers..$ The Chinese rulers for example at the chinese mainland. Thousands women kept inside the the so-called forbidden palace to serve one king. We can find much world histories at National Geographic channel.

  41. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tub n Bonda,
    Izinkan anaknda,
    Bercakap pasal sejarah, 20 tahun berlalu, ramai yang lupa siapa musang berbulu ayam itu.
    kerana lupa sejarah,
    tidak tahu siapa yang telah berjasa,
    memberi hormat pada tokoh yang tercela (ABI),
    tidak tahu siapa sebenarnya penjarah,
    percaya terus tanpa curiga,
    tidak tahu siapa yang mendapat laba (DAP),
    bila sama sendiri bertelagah,
    tidak tahu perangkap ternganga,
    mudahnya diri menjual agama,
    menukar-nukar hukum mengikut rasa.
    kerana lupa sejarah, anakmuda menjerit2 di jalanan,
    maukan pemimpin yg kononnya mampu berlaku adil.
    kerana lupa sejarah, anakmuda menjadi perosak,
    menjahanamkan harta awam, menzalimi diri sendiri.
    kerana lupa sejarah, anakmuda melolong2
    melaungkan ketidakpuasn hati
    kononnya kerajaan zalim, tidak membantu mereka yg menganggur,
    tidak menyediakan kerja
    yg sesuai dengan ijazah/diploma/sijil mereka,
    (sedangkan lulus kelas 3 atau cukup2 makan saja).
    kerana lupa sejarah, anakmuda mencaci pemimpin negara
    tetapi menyanjung orang yang di pilih kuasa asing
    menjadikan diri proksi menghancurkan perpaduan jati.
    kerana lupa sejarah, anakmuda mencerca bangsa sendiri,
    konon tak perlukan tongkat lagi,
    walhal ramai yang tempang, tak daya berjalan,
    apatahlagi untuk berlari.
    kalau hingga kini masih lagi lupa sejarah,
    alamat nanti tak merasa nikmat merdeka
    jiwa dan raga….
    Semoga Ayahnda n Bonda di dalam peliharaan Allah selalu.
    just my bain wave…

  42. Salam Tun,
    But being too observant of history may hinder progres of current generation. I am not a admirer of your idea of non-malay domination of the country’s politics and economics which will colonise the malay like the british. Nowadays, all important sector are controlled by Malay ( telekom, tenaga,petronas,KTM,MAS,bekalan air,CIMB,Maybank,UEM,ministries and others). Even non-malay businessman paid tax to the malay government. If a non-malay buy a Mercedes Benz, they paid 100% tax to the government. Who is the benefactor of those tax? It is the majority of the malaysian who is Malay.So Tun, please stop comparing non-malay to the british colonialists. No one is ‘mengacami orang melayu’. The non-malay is contributing to the country. They may be some extremists non-malay but all are. So be appreciative.

  43. Salam Tun…
    Sejarah perlu bagi generasi mengenal, menghargai & membina jati diri tapi kalau dibaca hanya sekadar untuk lulus EXAM…it won’t serve the purpose.
    Terbukti ibu, bapa, persekitaran yang penulis blog ni dibesarkan tidak langsung melakari hati penulis tetapi…(baca isi hati penulis blog ni di –… jelas membuktikan pengaruh kawan, pengajar, paling penting dalam pengisian seawal usia muda.
    Fikir2kan suatu formula berkesan untuk 1 M’sia, yg perlu dibentuk sebelum anasir luar memasukkan jarumnya.

  44. Salam tun,
    saya merupakan anak merdeka, lahir selepas negara ini mencapai kemerdekaan walau pun begitu, saya sentiasa berasa sayang akan negara ini kerana saya tahu betapa sukarnya pejuang-pejuang dahulu bersengketa dengan penjajah untuk mencapai kemerdekaan. Kini, generasi muda telah menunjukkan betapa jahilnya mereka mengenai sejarah…sikap sayangkan negara dan pemimpin semakin mengurang…lihat saja lah komen-komen yang dilemparkan di dalam blog-blog…sentiasa memburuk-kan pemimpin-pemimpin negara dengan kata-kata yang berbaur fitnah…sepatutnya generasi muda perlu ada sikap sayang akan negara kerana negara inilah tempat tumpah darah kita, dilahirkan di negara ini dan akan mati di sini…saya rasa semasa saya mengikuti kursus, saya didedahkan dengan semangat nasional melalui tayangan video….HATI MALAYA…walaupun ianya dalam keadaan tertutup, padangan peribadi saya ialah filem ini perlu dipanjangkan kepada masyarakat kita…maksud saya kita boleh dahulukan dengan pegawai-pegawai kerajaan, seterusnya kepada masyarakat dengan medium media kerajaan…ini pandangan saya…seterusnya kerajaan bersama dengan pemikir-pemikir perlu mengubal strategi baru, pendekatan realistik, bagaimana untuk mendidik anak bangsa supaya sedar bahawa hanya negara inilah tempat kita bermastautatin, negara inilah yang dipertahankan daripada musuh-musuh sama ada musuh dalam negara mahupun musuh di luar negara…setakat ini dulu…salam tun

  45. During the 1997/1998 crisis and at the same time there was riots here and there in KL, and leaders from other countries putting us down for applying unorthodox financial method, I fear not for myself, but then again ,it was not fear, it was hatred , I hate those people who at times of trouble made things worst. They took things to the street. I remember going to work, hearing the taxi driver babbled on how heroic those people were, my spontaneous reply was –

  46. Dear Tun,
    How far will your history lessons go? Just to talk of the “sufferings” of the locals under British rule and how we must appreciate what we have today?
    WIll it be History as it was, as what factually happened and documented? Or History as seen through the eyes of certain communities?
    Will it include the facts of History as what I learnt in Sejarah Malaysia in 1978-1980, which include history of Melayu Pertama, Melayu Kedua, Baba and Nyonya, the Chettiars, Hang Tuah and his 4 brothers, etc?
    What will your proposed History include?

  47. Aswt YAB Tun & fellow bloggers
    maaf tumpang lalu sekali lagi,
    To Pencetak Sinar,
    U said kenapa Kerajaan BN tidak haram kan ARAK.
    I want to ask u the same question.
    Kenapa Nik Aziz dari Kelantan’NEGERI SERAMBI MEKAH’ tidak
    HARAMkan penjualan ARAK di kelantan??? Do U know that Arak is available in certain shop diKelantan. Anak remaja melayu kelantan pun MINUM ARAK.
    KELANTAN ‘NEGERI SERAMBI MEKAH’ tetapi kegiatan maksiat berlaluasa.. rumah pelacuran …. budak-budak sekolah lahir anak luar nikah serta mukan mahram bersekedudukan pun ada. SO TELL ME..
    APA YANG PAS dah buat????
    Kenapa semasa pemerintahan NIZAR (PAS) di Perak tidak mengharamkan penjualan arak, tidak tutup kedai-kedai judi, tidak tutup rumah-rumah pelacuran di IPOH????..MEREK KAN JUGA BOLEH MELAKUKAN SESUATU.. SO, WHY NOT???

  48. Aswt Yab Tun
    Maaf tumpang lalu
    To Pencetak Sinar,
    If u think other people do wrong doing do u still also do the wrong doing. Hakikatnya org cina nak minum arak lantak depa lah. Yang PAS dah tahu hasil yng mereka terima tu SYUBAHAH.. tak kan jadi hukum HALAL kut hanya kerana org PAS PARTI “WERAWOLF” yang terima.

  49. There is a difference between living through history and living only knowing history. Living through history means that you get to know what is happening through your five or six senses there and then when the event is happening which gives a bigger impact. Living only knowing history is you never live through those times and you know about it and therefore you lack the impact. Each one of us experience life differently and this experience makes us come to a decision as to how we think. Even before independence, not everyone was in the same spirit and mind to fight for independence. Some Malaysians still supported colonial rule. Some Malaysians were communists. We should ask these Malaysians why they did not support the independence movement. These were the very people living through the independence era. Some people think that in order to change, they must do away with the past. Anything that they can change, they would change. You see, you can change what is physical. But what is in the heart is difficult to change. How do you change what is in a person’s heart ? Going to the history of another country and another group of people. People who lived through the holocaust know that it was a terrible event. But today, there are some people who tried to influence others into thinking that this event never occured. Elsewhere, the authorities tried to rewrite history about the second world war. History should be told in its’ original form, not turned and twisted because people feel too ashamed to tell the truth. Ever wonder what people in the next century will think and talk about the people in this century ?

  50. Salam Tun,
    Saya pernah dengar statement.. org ckplah golongan yang muda ni lebih minat untuk menyokong pembangkang dalam pilihanraya. Orang-orang yang ‘tua’ and duduk di kampung lebih kepada kerajaan. Kononnya masyarakat muda ini lebih berpendidikan menyebabkan mereka lebih cenderung untuk menyokong pembangkang. Dengan kata lain pembangkang juga adalah dari golongan cerdik pandailah.
    Sebenarnya apa yang saya lihat, seperti yang tun huraikan dalam penulisan ini, saya dapati masyarakat kita, lebih-lebih lagi yang hanya lahir selepas negara sudah mengecap kemerdekaan dan kemajuan ini, tidak tahu bersyukur. Mereka sudah pun mengecap nikmat hidup yang telah dibawa oleh arus pembangunan dan kemajuan negara yang telah diusahakan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin terdahulu. Mereka tidak merasa keadaan sebelum merdeka di mana ada cubaan untuk merampas hak dan kedaulatan raja2. Mereka tidak nampak dan merasai kesusahan hidup di zaman penjajahan, dan banyak lagi yang tak mampu saya huraikan.
    Sementara golongan tua, yang lahir sebelum kemerdekaan, mereka telah menempuh pengalaman yang mencabar dan menyakitkan ini. Saya pasti mereka menghargai apa yang mereka nikmati hari ini.
    Sebenarnya perjuangan pembangkang ada agenda yang tersembunyi daripada pandangan mereka dan bagi orang yang bijak berfikir, sudah tentulah mereka akan berwaspada dengan perjuangan mereka yang hanya menggugat ketenteraman dan kesejahteraan negara.

  51. Assalamualaikum, Tun.
    As a history student of the University of Malaya, I just like to say in response to this article…

  52. anak kecil main api
    terbakar hatinya yg sepi….
    air mata darah bercampur KERINGAT
    bumi dipijak milik orang
    nenek moyang kaya raya
    tergadai seluruh harta benda
    cinta lenyap di arus zaman
    Indahnya bumi kita ini
    Warisan berkurun LAMANYA
    Hasil mengalir ke TANGAN YG LAIN
    PRIBUMI merintih sendiri
    Masa depan sungguh kelam
    Kini kita cuma tinggal KUASA
    Yang akan menentukan BANGSA
    kita rumpun bangsa MELAYU
    menganut AGAMA YG SUCI
    semangat BANGSA berlandaskan ISLAM
    teras capai KEMERDEKAAN
    BANGUNLAH dengan gagah perkasa
    Janganlah terlalai teruskan usaha
    should with this writting people still get offended by you
    asking you to stay down at home
    i would say…i dnt have the exact word to say
    should anybody have the exact word how to say thank you to this so called senile oldman etc…text me [email protected]
    i really wanted to thank him
    tunku once mentioned he’s lucky as he had razak as DPM
    there is no razak to help razak when he’s the PM
    i would say to my kids im very grateful to allah that i grow in 22 years of mahathirism
    but what do my kids gonna tell my grandkids?
    i wonder….if all the verse in the song come true
    yet not to worry
    its stated in Koran
    God bless insya allah

  53. Salam Tun,
    Kadang-kadang tu sesetengah komen tu agak melampau dan kesat tetapi masih lolos untuk paparan bila dah berat pada BN. Bila yang berat pada PR pasti di sekat.
    Ada sesetengah mendakwa di bukit gantang PAS mendapat derma yang banyak dalam majlis yang yang di penuhi arak dan sebagainya, tetapi mengapa kerajaan BN tak sekat terus penjualan arak sedangkan ia mampu berbuat demikian?
    Adakalanya mata hati boleh buta… So celik-celikkan lah mata hati tu… bukan suruh sokong PR tetapi betulkanlah kesilapan dalam BN…

  54. Dear Tun and all,
    Menghayati dan memahami sejarah sememangnya amat penting. Semua rakyat Malaysia harus mengetahuinya. Mungkin pengajaran sejarah di sekolah tidak begitu berkesan, lantaran ramai yang kurang memahaminya.
    Harus diingatkan, sejarah tidak usah diputarbelitkan demi keuntungan politik. Sejarah yang benar adalah sejarah yang tidak membenarkan yang salah serta harus diperbuktikan dengan kajian.
    Kembali kepada sejarah : Kita harus belajar dari sejarah agar tidak mengulangi kesilapan masa lampau. Namun begitu, ada sesetengah fakta sejarah yang tidak dapat diubah .. contohnya kita pernah dijajah, masyarakat majmuk Malaysia, perlembagaan persekutuan dll.
    Fakta sejarah kekal sebagai sejarah kerana ia merupakan sejarah.
    Ia tidak bererti perlaksanaan sesuatu undang2 tidak boleh berubah kerana telah ditetapkan beratus tahun dahulu seperti yang tercatat dalam sejarah.
    Sejarah pemerintahan negara telah berubah banyak kali dari zaman Parameswara ke PM sekarang. Sepanjang 700 tahun ini, banyak yang telah berubah. Dari Bendahara telah menjadi Perdana Menteri, dari senjata keris telah berubah ke senjata moden, dari kereta lembu telah menjadi Proton dll ….
    Kalau tiada sejarah, tiadalah hari ini.
    Kalau tiada Portugis tiadalah Belanda.
    Kalau tiada Belanda tiadalah Inggeris.
    Memang Inggeris telah mengaut keuntungan yang banyak dari negara ini, namun penjajah juga telah memperkenalkan sistem pemerintahannya yang menjadi asas kepada perlembagaan negara. Sehingga kini, kita masih merujuk kepadanya terutamanya apabila timbulnya isu-isu yang kontroversi. Apakah ini bukan kebaikan dari penjajah dahulu.
    Namun kita harus berbangga kerana negara ini tidak terikat kepada mana2 pihak dan kita berupaya merancang pembangunan negara. Kita harus kekal merdeka !

  55. Good evening Tun.
    My family and I have always admired you and your work. I consider myself blessed to have had the enviable opportunity of working with you in LIMA 97 and 99 (during my Navy days, though I have left the service back in 2000).
    I find your article very relevant at current times. A lot of issues can be handled better had we looked back at previous events. Most of the time, there is no actual requirement to reinvent the wheel. And understanding the past history develops a sense of pride and belonging to the nation. “Tak kenal maka tak cinta”. If we don’t even know our history, how to ‘cinta’?
    The talk nowadays is that loyalty is dead, whether it is loyalty to an employer, loyalty to the family, loyalty to the nation or even loyalty to the spouse. But if we just take a moment off and look back at why we made certain decisions previously ie the history (including marrying that spouse of ours), the right decision forward will be achieved and the so-called loyalty will prevail.
    Youth nowadays aim to make enough money so that they can leave this “god-forsaken land” to seek greener pastures overseas. Failure to instill the values of our history is one of the main reasons for this new behaviour. I believe this is the best time to reinstate emphasis on history to rebuild our sense of pride and belonging to this blessed country of ours.
    Having said that, we should remember that spending too much time reminiscing about ‘the good old days’ is just like driving with our sight focused on the rear view mirror. It won’t be long before we crash. We should look back but the focus should be to thrust forward. Malaysia has great potential and is blessed with great resources. All we need is the right people – people with the drive, passion and competency to transform us to greater heights. We had you before Tun. Hopefully, we have found your successor.
    With best wishes.

  56. Salam Hormat dan Kasih Tun M & Tun CT yang disayangi.
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan saranan Tun supaya rakyat Malaysia yang tercinta ini belajar dan menghayati sejarah Tanah Air sendiri. Ini supaya kita dapat melangkah ke hadapan mencapai W2020 dan 1Malaysia dengan mengambil iktibar dari sejarah dan tidak mengulangi kesilapan-kesilapan yang lalu.
    Ada golongan yang menyatakan buku sejarah adalah propaganda UMNO dan BTN, golongan ini adalah golongan yang tamak dan yang hanya memikirkan kepentingan sendiri serta berniat serong, pemikiran mereka ini sudah dikuasai perasan tamak dan rakus kerana mereka tidak mahu melihat dan tidak mempedulikan kesukaran yang dialami oleh golongan kurang bernasib baik.
    Tun, marilah kita semua rakyat Malaysia menyokong penuh niat ikhlas DSNTR untuk menjayakan 1Malaysia demi bangsa, agama dan negara. Saya amat yakin DSNTR ingin menyambung perjuangan, khidmat bakti dan ketulusan yang Tun telah curahkan untk negara ini, marilah kita berfikiran positif dan jayakan 1Malaysia berlandaskan perpaduan, toleransi dan antara kaum yang ada di bumi yang tercinta ini. Mailah tingkatkan lagi perpaduan yang sedia ada, hakislah perasan tamak ahloba, perasan cemburuh, perasan hasad dengki dan marilah kita menyokong kerajan BN disamping kita itu kita sama meluahkan kritikan yang membina dan ikhlas kerana yang penting akhirnya semua kaum di Malaysia akan hidup dalam keadaan aman sejahtera, membangun dengan harmoni. (Untuk mencapai ke sama rataan @keadilaan sistem handycap seperti dalam permainan golf adalah cara yang amat terbaik).
    Kepada mereka yang menyakiti hati Tun melalui blog ini. Saya nasihatkan berhentilah dengan niat yang buruk kamu ini. Tak baik menghina dan persendahkan orang yang yang telah dengan ikhlas berkorban untuk bangsa, agama dan negara, percayalah kamu juga akan menerima akibatnya nanti. Tak percaya – tunggu dan lihat.
    Sekian Tun, always take urself and your loving family.
    Yes – seronok betul melihat Tun dan isteri hadir di pelancaran PROTON axora semalam.

  57. akum TUN dan semua
    100% setuju dengan TUN dan sebagai tambahan saya berpendapat banyak daripada kita belajar sejarah sekadar menghafal tarikh dan peristiwa dan untuk lulus periksa. Tapi sejarah seharusnya untuk kita memahami akan bila peristiwa itu berlaku dan kenapa ianya berlaku supaya kita tidak mengulangi kesilapan dan mengambil iktibar daripada sesuatu peristiwa.
    Banyak sejarah dimalaysia yang boleh kita renungi, sejarah kejatuhan melaka, sejarah 13 mei, dan mcam2 lagi.
    Saya berpendapat TUN boleh mainkan peranan sebagai penasihat negara dalam isu perpaduan, dimana DS Najib seharusnya memberi ruang yang lebih kepada TUN untuk turun ke negeri2 dan berceramah tentang isu perpaduan dan peri pentingnya keharmonian sesuatu negara. Kerana saya berpendapat kehadiran dan kemampuan TUN berceramah amat begitu berkesan untuk diterima rakyat dari pelbagai kaum.

  58. Salam Mantoba,
    menarik juga pendapat anda…
    Kalau menurut saya, dah P.Pinang tu kawasan pembangkang bagi sahaja la pembangkang… tak yah buang2 duit atau tenaga… tumpukan kerja-kerja utama dalam kementerian masing-masing… set’kan KPI itu dengan baik dan bergerak maju kehadapan jangan pandang belakang… sebab kita tiada masa untuk melayan dan melengah-lengah masa dengan isu-isu politik yang tak pernah habis… letih betul la Malaysia ni asyik cerita pasal politik tak habis2… bila la Negaraku nak maju-maju…..
    Yang mudah kita mudah kan… yang utama kita dahulukan… kena fikir kepentingan rakyat banyak bukan hanya kepentingan satu DUN atau negeri… saya percaya P.Pinang pun dah banyak duit untuk mentadbir DUN dan negeri, walau tanpa bantuan pusat… bukan ke ekonomi P.Pinang juga sangat makmur dibawah pentadbiran Pembangkang… kenapa nak risau?….

  59. Assalamualaikum.
    1. Saya rasa PR sedang cuba untuk menghapuskan sistem kerajaan yang ada pada hari ini.
    2. Lihatlah bagaimana mereka menghina institusi Raja-raja yang menjadi teras kepada Negara ini.
    3. Lihat juga mereka cuba menidakkan sistem pemilihan ahli dewan perundangan. Mempersendakan Dewan Parlimen dengan kata-kata yang mengejek dan tuduhan-tuduhan liar yang jahat serta bersidang bawah pokok.
    4. Bagaimana mereka menempelek sistem kehakiman yang diamalkan kini sebagai rasuah dan berbagai tuduhan lagi. Memuji bila keputusan memihak mereka tetapi mengeji jika sebaliknya.
    5. Andai semua sistem ini berjaya diruntuhkan mereka sistem yang bagaimana pula akan dibangunkan mereka? Saya tak nampak sistem pemerintahan ISLAM akan dibangunkan oleh PR. Jika mereka berani sila jawab.
    6. Marilah kita semua bertenang dan jangan berpolitik secara melulu. Adakah kita belum matang setelah lebih 50 tahun merdeka dan melalui berbagai peristiwa pahit manis bernegara dibawah pemerintahan sendiri. Adakah kebanyakan ahli politik ini gila berebut kuasa hingga hilang pertimbangan mana yang baik dan buruk. Perlukah kita mengikut dan menyokong mereka?
    7. Melayu harus bersatu demi kestabilan politik Negara tercinta ini. Pilihlah cara mana dan platform apa yang hendak digunakan. Sebaiknya adalah ISLAM kerana sesungguhnya AGAMA menjamin keamanan dan keadilan. Janganlah kita menjual diri untuk keuntungan yang sedikit dan tidak kekal. Jadilah khalifah dibumi ALLAH ini kerana itulah tugas dan amanah kita.

  60. Dear Tun
    As you have said many times, Melayu mudah lupa, They have a little bit of money through government help, they forget their root and more sadly their history. They feel no qualm of hugging at one time, that person was Lee Kuang Yew stooge. Now their newspaper condemn PM when MECD was abolished, although they feel no shy of hugging people calling for malaysian malaysia. Their AIM now is to destroy Malay protector that is UMNO without the majority of the malay realize that why UMNO is the malay protector.At the same time, they are strenthening their race based association, kelab, bangs and thousands of them. So when Ong Kee Teat was talking nation within nation, it means no intergration and forget about assimilation, frankly I can sense what is in the heart and mind of this kind of community and it doen not change since the first trigger during the proposal for desentralisation by British.

  61. Dear Tun,
    I agree with some of the opinion that we should get our student to learn for the sake of learning itself instead of for the sake of passing exam. That is the weakness of our school system, I think. Students learn because they want to pass exam not because they want to know the things especially for those in secondary school level. Subject like history is just a stepping stone to get a better exam result. This subject will not affect much your college application and has nothing to do with your job application. It is not important at all to learn.
    During my school days, about more than 15 years ago, I learnt history only from form 1 until form 3. During form 4 & 5, I was in science stream and we didn

  62. I agree that history should be a compulsory subject, starting from primary school. Nonetheless, it should be taught the way it actually happened instead of the way the government wants it to be. God help our children if Parpukari should ever become a history teacher.
    History is definitely useful in helping us all learn from past mistakes. Mistakes like how Malaysia has been ill governed by BN for the last 30 years.
    I have heard of many versions of Malaysian history, mainly on how Malaysia achieved independence, the role Malays played during the colonization, the so called communist era, the removal of Singapore and so much more.
    However, which would be considered worse, being colonized by a foreign country or being colonized by our very own so-called leadrers?

  63. Asalamualaikum Tun,
    THE GENERATION GAP is the most interesting topic to discuss. in future BN will have more challenges because there is this “GAP” youre talking about.
    the picture would be like this.
    “BN” = orang tua
    “people” = orang muda
    so what happened when org tua + org muda live together?
    org muda never cares about the history, for eg: in UTUSAN theres an article about “BANGKITLAH MELAYU” this is completely nonsense for those who are educated.
    do u know why? if im not mistaken, those HAK-HAK, protective issue IS MORE suitable for those living in primitive jungle, rural area because it is very dangerous wild world out there. this is commonly acceptable as people need to stick together for survival, hunting together & such. but now is it still reasonable in 21st century?
    although i do mean it is mainly towards the malay, but chinese/indian are no exception either. there are many chinese/indian who are involved with agricultural, live in rural area and guess what.. they are racist towards the malay as well. racism problem is actually EVERYONE’s PROBLEM. not just certain race or some group of people.
    regarding the UTUSAN issues, this is absolutely fishing bait for BN to those uneducated malays in the rural, or even worse primitive malays living in the cities. however.. due to development and economy growth in the cities/country, as the world become more and more globalized, org muda will survive and change. unless the propaganda from UTUSAN is the one who doesnt want Malaysia to be globalized and compete in international arena?
    why im saying this? the reason is simple, because UTUSAN CLEARLY ask malay to stick together, and stay close. how is this possible in globalized world?
    in globalized world, we need to share culture, share beliefs, share a lots of things! trade with each other to step forward in the country, what kind of exchange? from all-race across-all country this is how malaysia able to become developed country. but since utusan wanted or prefering malay to do this or that.. you guess what will happened when org tua asking org muda to do something? BN WILL FAIL sooner or later because theyre race-based party(umno/mca/mic)!
    based on history, BN(old government) giving the title, pangkat or whatever to malays. and i repeat.. this is old practice.. you! old man, will made org muda in non-suitable condition(globalized world) & ask us to do this and that because its more suitable to your ‘old man’ beliefs and practice! guess what will happen? more opposition force towards BN.
    for eg:
    .. because malays or umno are getting this or that, then.. the other race will also demanding this and that kind of ‘Title’.. this is human nature. you cant stop them if you dont stop giving to your own people! or unless BN is admitting practicing berat sebelah? mana perginya simbol/lambang dacing BN yang tidak berat sebelah?

  64. TUN.
    Berita Mutakhir.
    Fairoz bekas Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 P.P letak jawatan Adun Penanti. Ini bermakna satu lagi Pilihan raya kecil akan di adakan.
    Sekali lagi memperlihatkan permainan dan ujian politik negara.
    Dan satu lagi peluang dan usaha untuk UMNO mencuba menembusi kubu PKR. Fikirkan lah macam mana untuk memikat hati para pengundi dikawasan itu. Jika cara pendekatan di dua Bukit sebelum ini gagal ini peluang yang ketiga untuk mencuba formula baru. Dan belajar lah melalu “SEJARAH” di dua bukit terdahulu. Sejarah itu cukup bermakna untuk dijadikan pendoman di Penanti kelak.
    Persolan nya apakah UMNO dan BN maseh nak gunakan gula2. Memberi segala nya pada pengundi2 dikawasan tersebut. Jangan lah membazir. Biarlah rakyat dikawasan itu buat pilihan dahulu. Jika mereka inginkan kemajuan segera dan pesat dikawasan mereka, mereka akan undi BN/UMNO. Tapi sebalik nya jika mereka relakan tidak perlu dibela, mereka akan terus mengundi PKR.
    Janji2 untuk memberikan itu dan ini hanya merugikan kerajaan dalam kegawatan ekonomi ni lebih baik wang itu di salurkan dahulu ke kawasan yang rakyat nya benar2 telah memilih BN.
    Setelah mereka pembangkang berjaya mereka akan gelak kan UMNO dan akan mengatakan “Tak Payah pun sokong BN, dapat jugak. Lagi banyak dari yang sokong BN”.
    Gunakan tektik lain. Jangan asyik main defensif sahaja. sekali sekala kena keras dan reaktif menentang segala tohmahan dan fitnah. dan berani menyusup ke kubu2 lawan menerangkan kedudukan dan kepincangan pemimpin2 PKR/PR. Kalah pun tak apa. Tak jejaskan kerusi UMNO. Kalu menang memang rakyat dah berubah.
    Ini semua pendapat dan cadangan dari kacamata dan pemikiran saya. Tak perlulah UMNO/BN setuju. Buat lah apa2 yang patut untuk menawan hati rakyat.

  65. Salam Tun,
    im still in high school but i had opportunity to feel your ruling time..
    i appreciate what u’ve done to us..
    i still can remember when the first time i went to F1 gp..
    i never thought i could see the best race on earth at that time..
    i know this will be a great history for me..
    i would never forget it…
    but im sad here a lot of my friends said u were the traitor..
    u kicked anwar ibrahim to jail..
    but i dont think such a wise man like u would do that right??
    they never think what have u done tou us..
    for them anwar ibrahim is the best leader in malaysia for now n forever…

  66. To Paje
    Salam Tun
    I agree about letting all Malaysians know about the history. When we studied in the 60’s history was fun, easy with no ‘catches’ in between. To my dear friend, PAJE during your time, history has changed and changed so much until to day so
    many ‘characters/people/incidences’ are no longer taught or mentioned. I wonder why?
    The three main races in Malaysia must know where each comes from! This land of ours, Malaysia are actually inhabited by Senois, Negritos, Dayaks and many other indegeuous tribes. They are the real “BUMIPUTRAS” of this country. In the first place you dont even know where the Malays come from? Please check it out.
    I have nothing against calling this land MALAYSIA. YAB Tun also does not come from this land!! The latter, our generation are here not because of choice!!…because we are born here and this is our country.
    I salute to our new PM who is mooting ONE MALAYSIA…ONE MALAYSIAN.
    Sorry PAYE, I cannot agree with you on what you wrote. That’s why BN lost 2 out of 3 with the type of mentality like yours.
    Time has changed, let us not dwell into who is superior! I am sure, it is not written in your holy KORAN that the Malay race is superior than others nor there is a ‘fatwa’ claiming this???!!…. A lot of things said are ‘man-made’, tidak boleh dikekalkan. Wake up, you are still in dreamland.
    Let us all work together or the sake of this country and all her RAKYAT irregardless of race and religion and make this a better place for our children and our children’s children. What say you, TUN?
    Coming back to History, lets us make and develop a new History syallabus for all, easy for all to conceive and remember, and remember it well so that one day we will all live up to the ONE MALAYSIAN tag.
    Before I end this comment, I bear no enomosity with you MR. PAYE but pray and hope that one day if I do meet you on the street, I will have no hesitation to offer salam and best wishes… because we are brothers….one for all and all for one.
    Tun, sorry being carried away, salam sejahtera to you and all your family.

  67. Dearest Tun
    Good to see you last night for the launching of Proton Exora and we feel good that Tuan Syed Zainal Abidin give recognition of your contribution to Proton.
    It was your idea that Proton Existed.
    Over 20 years of running a car rental business, my company has purchased not less than 200 units of Proton models. We support your leadership and the national brand.
    Though there’s lot of hiccup on it accessories and transmission system, overall, it is still an acceptable car. At least Proton keep on improving on its quality. That’s important.
    The leadership of Proton play an important role on its development. Under the former chairman, it was a downfall. Datuk Nadzmi and Tuan Syed is definitely a good team leaders.
    I’ve booked two units of Exora today for business purpose. The car looks good and impressive.

  68. Askm! Tun yg di kasihi.
    kita sambung bicara mengenai mimpi saya ketika DSAI dipecat dari kabinet Tun. Pada masa tu saya sedang mengikut jemaah 40 hari di pasir putih kelantan. Pada waktu siangnya saya membaca berita tentang Anwar Ibrahim tapi pada malamnya saya bermimpi tentang Tun.
    Suasana dalam mimpi itu adalah ketika perhimpunan ( Jor) jemaah semalaysia. Saya sedang berada disalah sebuah gerai makan sementara. Tiba2 ada jemaah mengatakan Tun hadir dalam perhimpunan itu. Saya macam tak percaya. Tapi seketika kemudian saya nampak Tun sedang duduk dengan dikelilingi budak-budak hafiz yg berpakaian serba putih.
    Dan jelas Tun ada ditengah-tengah budak2 hafiz.Dari situ saya percaya Tun berada dipihak yg benar.Lebih2 lagi selepas pemecatan DSAi Tun pergi mengerjakan ibadat haji dan tiada perkara yg buruk menimpa Tun.
    Jika seseorang pergi Haji dengan keadaan Menzalimi orang pasti dan pasti Allah SWT akan mengenakan kifarah padanya ketika di kota mekah..
    Sesungguhnya hanya Allah SWT saya yg lebih mengetahui.

  69. Dear Tun,
    God-fearing older ones gained not only knowledge but also wisdom, insight, understanding, and thinking ability

    By Headline Malaysia on April 15, 2009 12:59 PM
    Yes, I agree that know the history is good. It is good to remember history as a lesson of life to move forward. But let us not be too proud of history that made us forget how to move forward…
    It is easy to move forward if you’re moving alone, but moving A COUNTRY and A MULTIRACIAL COUNTRY forward must have different load. Many sacrifice has been made. So every races should have something to loose. Malay are loosing their land, they have to accept that they are sharing this land with others,Chinese are loosing their hope to be richer and more successful than they are now because they have to accept rules of owning a land of this peaceful country and Indians are also the same as chinese they have to accept the RULES written in order to make sure that every citizen can live peacefully. I RECOMMEND BARISAN NASIONAL TO OPEN A WEBSITE AND NAME IT AS “SUARA KESTABILAN”.
    I believe that no one can get KEADILAN in this world, KEADILAN is only can be achieve at akhirat(so Anwar should be passion and wait for the day and let malaysian live without fear). But KESTABILAN is possible and we already have it for more than 50 years. SO WHY NOT WE JUST ACCEPT IT AND MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER AS UNITY.

  71. Salam Tun & Bloggers..
    Everytime when an issue of declining political support on BN,it has been & always been UMNO that being dumped with all the fault.All of this is because all the media,printed or electronics had been displaying the weakness of UMNO leadership…But the fact is that,as history also shown,all the other component in BN had been widely,badly scrapped by the PR/DAP at the last PRU.UMNO still has the most majority support even though it has been some decline in percentage.MIC especially is had been almost whacked off in the last PRU,left only with very,very few winnings but its only in the area of mostly that had majority malays(which is UMNO people)that made them win.The indians says that it is the makkalsakti meaning people power had shown they can throw down any leaders that they seem didn’t gave them much in term of indian people need.YET,the leader of this particular party still have the guts to question DSN,the PM of his cabinet line up…it is just because he didn’t get any ministerial post.Come on,grow up man.Your own people don’t like you anymore.Even when their own GA,this man is willing to do anything to make sure he’s still the party’s president.Why is he so afraid to release the presidential post?Because he’s afraid that all his wrongdoings will haunt him afterwards?Only god knows..I’m sorry to all indian community,they are all had been suppressed by their own kind,not the govt or UMNO.MIC is seems like a very small party i guess…but they think they are still one of the biggest component in BN…
    The other party,these guys don’t even care when perak & penang had been taken by the opposition.They don’t even went all out when the 3 by elections,which 2 of them won by PKR & PAS.Most malay votes goes to UMNO,but the other don’t even care to take responsibility when their people votes goes to PAS/PKR.In the last PRU,Gerakan,MCA,MIC had lost ALL their seats to DAP but the blame still goes to UMNO,even though you still can see all the other seats had been won by UMNO,struggling to fight off in the ADUN hall as oppositions.In Perak case they are may be even happier that this state was ruled by the DAP even the MB(during that time laaa) is a PAS or malay just because the Sultan wanted this,if not the MB seat would go to DAP leadership.Sadly said,i know how i experienced when working in perak even when perak is being ruled by BN.The salary that i have is equivalent to a guy that his job is only to clean the machines after certain process being done,even though i am the engineer with higher responsibility & work load.Now it has gone worst,with all the lands that had been loaned by the state govt had given out freely to their people with an absurd term of year,999 years…this is what the british had been trying to do with us when they ruled this country,they said that they will stay as long as the sun shines,moon exists,then they will give us the independence.That means we will only gain independence when all hell break loose,at the end of days!!!..which is the second highest time is 999 years…
    So,do we learn anything from the history,when english had fooled the malays into giving out the land authority to them while the malays can sit down enjoy with high post,heavily paid but had no authority?…The same story goes,MB yet he had no damn authority in anything except for cultural & religions…its true what had been said by George Santayana”those who forgets the lessons of history will be condemned to repeat their mistakes over & over again”…it so true Tun..sad but true.
    Now,back to BN..even this components are just merely hanging to their slim won seats yet they still want to have more ministers from their party.MCA had been given 1 extra ministry in their grabs,MIC still been given even though in my mind thinks the PM was so generous in giving away this job to them.Yet the UMNO cabinet numbers had been decreased,they still want more..for me,please prove to BN that you all can win back all your lost seats then you can wish whatever they think they are belong first for your own community,towards the unity of all malaysians..
    To all UMNO & ex-UMNO people,please be unite for the sake of our forefathers who had spill their guts & blood in getting the independence for Tanah Melayu back then,for the sake of our children,grandchildren,those who will inherit this sacred land from us..for what we do today will gave them the benefits in the future.all we had is only political power,in economy we are still not strong but not weak yet not strong enough..DEB is there but still the economy is still in the hands of certain race.If you don’t believe me,just look when Chinese New Year holidays,the economy is just like a standstill…do you still think we are strong enough?….Let us don’t let the power slips off from our grab.Even though some cendekiawan said that pluralisme is the way nowadays,its not coming from a power sharing like BN does.This pluralisme is coming from the workers from the industrial era,industrial workers that looking for a secure job,low housing price & higher pay.The oppositions had been promising them free money for them,free lands,subsidies etc…but the truth is,we are still a developing country yet a strong developing country but not yet become a developed country status which we can give free meal,free housing & all sorts of subsidies..all this subsidies eventually will increase the tax rate for the middle income people..You can see the example in Penang already..they are increasing the fine rates,coming soon water tariff,next is the tax…so do you think there is a free lunch in this world??….Think again…

  72. Tun,
    not only we should learn and look back at our history.. we should also learn from others history.. learn the chain of events of one thing that will lead to another, learn the cause and consequences.

  73. Assalahamualaikum!
    Semuga Allah SWT merahmati Tun sekeluarga disebabkan jasa2 Tun yg tak ternilai harganya terhadap kemajuan negara tercinta.
    Memang benar rakyat malaysia mudah melupakan sejarah bukan terlupa!
    Sepatutnya sejak dari sekolah tadika lagi rakyat malaysia telah di motivasi tentang sejarah. Cerita2 katun yg diminati kanak2 hendaklah berkisar tentang sejarah perjuangan mewujudkan malaysia merdeka..
    Disamping itu untuk lebih maju dalam bidang ekonomi kita perlu kaji sabdaan Nabi SAW yang bermaksud Belajarlah kamu walau pun hingga ke China…Kalau diperhatikan masakini ekonomi dunia dipelupuri oleh orang china dimana 60% barangan yg dijual di Amerika adalah buatan China.
    Oleh itu demi memantapkan bangsa Melayu untuk menguasai ekonomi negara khususnya dan ekonomi dunia amnya kita kena belajar budaya niaga orang china.
    Untuk memahami budaya China kita kena tahu berbahasa China. Oleh itu perlulah kita memasukkan pelajaran bahasa china disekolah rendah lagi.
    Memang bahasa inggeris amat penting tapi untuk menguasai ekonomi negara orang melayu perlu tahu bahasa china.
    Orang china menguasai ekonomi kerana mereka faham dan boleh bertutur bahasa malaysia serta memahami budaya orang melayu malah mereka boleh berbahasa jawa.
    maka ramailah orang jawa di parit raja batu pahat terpaut dikedai china hingga 7 keturunan menjadi pelanggan tetap.
    Pengalaman saya , satu masa saya pergi supermarket di kuala pilah, saya singgah dikedai keset, masa tu ada dua orang gadis china sedang bersembang sambil memerhatikan saya. Saya jemaah tabligh dan ada janggut sikit. Pada masa tu saya minat lagu China walau pun tak faham ,sebaik saja saya letakkan keset lagu china di kaunter untuk pembayaran maka berubah muka 2 gadis china tadi. Salah seorang terus melarikan diri. Mungkin mereka menyangka saya pandai berbahasa china, dan saya pun tak tau apa yg mereka katakan…
    itulah pentingnya kita berbahasa china. Rasullullah SAW pun telah perintahkan kita belajar walau hingga kechina 1500 tahun dahulu.
    kalau kita tahu berbahasa china kita akan tau budaya kerja orang china. DEB tidak berjaya kerana sikap atitud orang melayu tak berubah. mereka ada persatuan tapi tidak ada kesatuan seperti orang china.
    Oleh itu kita kena motivasi orang melayu yg ingin berniaga dan membuat pinjaman bank supaya berniaga dengan budaya niaga orang china.. Barulah melayu akan berubah dan berjaya biar pun tidak dapat menguasai 70% ekonomi paling tidak boleh mencapai 45% ekonomi negara. wassalam. sama-sama lah kita fikirkan.
    Saya adalah pencipta kalendar yang boleh guna 9999 tahun masihi.
    Kalendar saya ada dua lapisan, dengan hanya 2 pusingan sudah dapat bulan dan tahun yang kita kehendaki.
    Ada satu kalender wawasan bertajuk Teguh bersama menuju seabad cemerlang terbilang malaysiaku merdeka.
    Motifnya kita berwawasan memajukan malaysia serta mempertahankan kemerdekaan hingga seabad…Insyaallah…

  74. Dearest Tun,
    I would like to congratulate TDM and DSN on the new Proton MPV launch, not a bad car with the price. However, recently i came across an article on the main newspaper of Dongguan, China dated on 10 Apr 2009 on a business trip that Proton might be facing a huge lawsuit from it’s Chinese partner or the govt. itself. What has happenned here? It was written by the Chinese press that it was like the Bridegroom(Proton) has abandoned the Bride(it’s Chinese partner) after tying the knot. Is sad that Proton once a proud brand of Malaysia and grasp a new breathe recently was again facing a great threat of BILLIONS RINGGIT sued soon due to FLIP FLOP decisions.
    Was wondering why Proton would abandon a huge market such as China? I understand Honda takes great pains, sincerity and years to penetrate China and yet we feel is best to abandon the Chinese???? Are we sane? Or is there an issue behind the whole story as Malaysia always has. I guess the Chinese govt. seems to be very serious on this case and the paper said if the sue comes true they hope the Malaysian govt. will not use the “duit rakyat” to settle it (wondering how considerate of the Chinese). This worry the Malaysians, we are now facing economic uncertainties and facing such a suit if the govt. use the ppl funds to settle it this will be a great cry of a good governance, pls Tun do someting before is too late guess we have been doing a lot of flip flops and empty promises. The world is looking towards China and we are isolating ourselves, sad to see this. Understand, this can cause the bankruptcy of Proton which none Malaysians would like to see that especially Tun as it is like your baby since 1985.
    Hope Tun will be a real good adviser to Proton as it is a mess also seeing Proton reducing to it’s current state, is such a sad view. Hope the Exora launch will be the end of the flip flop decisions….
    the poor malaysian.

  75. When I looked back at my History, I remembered clearly that in those days, we, the people of Malaysia, were having great fun in our schooldays. We shared the same class, we played our favorite games football and hockey, and we even share talking about our feelings and aspiration.
    Alas, those happy days were now slowly fading away by skewed policies and rampant discrimination of the current BN government.
    Can we get that good part of our lives for our kids irregardless of races, religions and creed?

  76. Hi Tun,
    Not forgetting past/history is a value to uphold by everyone. When it mentioned as value; it becomes a must or should.
    Kita ada matapelajaran Sejarah di sekolah tetapi, status matapelajaran berkenaan tak sama dengan Matematik, Sains, English , BM atau fizik,bio dan sebagainya.
    Sememangnya, pelajar2 akan pentingkan matapelajaran2 berkenaan sebab, itu adalah market requirement apabila mereka keluar untuk lanjut pelajaran ke universiti/kolej atau mencari kerja. Unless kerja sebagai guru sejarah atau di bidang2 yang berkenaan sahaja.Keperluan manpower dalam bidang itupun amat sedikit. Jadi para pelajar2 endahkan saja matapelajaran sejarah.
    Kalau kita ubah polisi pelajaran Malaysia agar jadikan sejarah sebagai matapelajaran penting, takut kita ketinggalan dalam matapelajaran lain yang lebih diperlukan oleh market. Jadi apa solutionnya?
    Apakah kata kita gunakan media cetak dan electronic untuk tujuan mendidik sejarah.
    Sekarang pun ada di tv dan newspaper rancangan2 yg berunsur sejarah tapi ianya boleh ditambah. Banyakan berita2 berunsur sejarah di TV dan newspaper dengan cara yang inovatif supaya pembaca tak elak dari baca dan tengok.
    Satu lagi kemudahan yang kita ada ialah perpustakaan. Ini satu masalah lagi. Hanya segilintir sahaja berkunjung di sini. Kenapa? Kalau masalah ini dapat diatasi maka perpustakaan pun boleh dijadikan tempat untuk memberi dan mengambil knowledge sejarah.
    Tetapi, yang sangat penting ialah, walau apa pun perantara yg digunakan, ianya mestilah disediakan atau disajikan dengan cara yg inovatif agar generasi masa kini dapat ditarik.
    Tun, saya perhatikan yang generasi muda lebih berminat stesen TV swasta. Hairan juga kenapa bukan RTM…..

  77. Salam ayananda Tun,
    Tak sangka Nizar macam 2. Betul2 gile kuasa dia nih! Mintak simpati rakyat buat meeting bawah pokok kat rumah….desperate and hardup sangat nak jd MB? Bukan nak bela nasib Melayu tapi sibuk nak penuh poket dengan berbagai sponsor….apa nak jadi. so tugas PM Najib, is to turn back the track….cos we could not turn back the clock but able to turn back the track!…tak sedar diri si Nizar ni. Mak bapak tak malu ke? Kena advise sikit anak dia ni jangan jadi lupa diri and sanggup jadi barua golongan tertentu demi kuasa dan harta..

  78. Dearest Tun,
    Sad to see ppl in your blog is still arguing on the issue of race. This shows how progressive is Malaysians(this goes to those who have so much time sitting in mamak/kopitiam talking on this issue). Well I’m not as educated but pls let’s all learn to be practical as every single one or race plays a vital role in building a country. But to Malaysians mentality we still talks about the Malay land, Chinese, Indian rights…etc. ??? really heart sick as this really defeats the purpose of the current PM calls for 1Malaysia.
    Let me tell you a story while the Malaysians are arguing on this. I got a fren who is a true bumi been doing a restaurant business here in Malaysia for 14 years renting the land from his fren. Recently his fren has passed away since and the widow got married with a Bangladeshi. The new husband performed a haj recently and when he got back my fren was asked to leave in one month time so he can start a new business. I was so sad as a true Malay he is being asked to leave in such a hurry, well whose land is that? And one more problem since most Malaysians have cars why is the govt. still subsidising for Rapid KL since most of it using the service is foreign workers is it fair for Malaysians.
    Guess the govt. really has a huge task in making this a success, with true sincerity i’m sure DSN will succeed with the good advise of Tun. I’m sure i would like to be a part of this to make it a true success. Is time for the govt. to look at the importance of true harmony among the race. I hope Tun will play a huge role in this too. Again welcome back Tun is good to see you in newspaper more nowadays.

  79. salam sekali lagi, Tun berdua dan seisi keluarga dan semua pembaca…
    Nak komen sedikit tentang caption penulis, En. Roy (apr 15 – 12.37PM).
    En. Roy, maaf pendahulu kata…
    Secara positifnya saya nak komen tentang caption u diawal comment u as dated above..,
    u said…, History is alive, always…..,
    To me its not quite accurate to say that way…but my understanding in the true meaning of the word, History, translated..,Sejarah..(read below),
    “Sejarah adalah sesuatu kenangan yang dah mati (berlalu) dan tidak mungking akan menjadi suatu impian yang hidup (cita-cita), namun sejarah yang dah berlalu itu bisa dijadikan pedoman, demi membuahkan sesuatu perkara kehidupan masa depan agar lebih baik dan tiada bercela…”
    Allah..hai, itu pendapat saya saja.., jangan marah yea, En. Roy…cuma tak setuju bila fakta “berlalu(mati) dikatakan hidup (alive)….mungkin maksud you sama gan I, tapi kurang tepat cara u elaboratekan maksud ati u kan???
    …pelangi butler, saja cari kawan berseloroh dan bertukar2 pandangan…dan tak pandai mana pun…
    Terima kasih, yang empunya blog, Tun yang dihormati dan dikasihi…

  80. Dearest Tun,
    At this moment, I can truly say that Malaysians are not that unite anymore. They would act and do things that they considered as comfortable. Any actions that may and would lead them to leave their comfort zone are considered to be useless and must be avoided. Truly a classical ‘survivorism’ behavior.
    What I would like to highlight is that our country has long be in it’s comfort zone. Not that I would like to see anything to happen in our country, but truly from examples around the world has shown that disasters and problems unite us all.
    Young generations of Malaysians never truly experienced a situation that truly would make them understand the actual value of freedom. I am not an anarchist and I am not to see anything bad befallen my country, but if we would come to a state of moral and social enlightenment, something must happen to unite us all. And that something might not be something that all of us are in favour.
    But then again, I might be wrong.

  81. The one who said we do not need to look back to our past is a total IDIOT and these type of people do not deserve to have their said heard. I was born after independence but I never forget the history that made this country. Opposition leader should stop telling lies.
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  82. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    “As the canon’s ceased to fire
    and the muskets put on hold.
    Slowly the smoke drifted away
    and the horror started to unfold.
    Soldier’s were lying everywhere
    on that field all covered in red.
    The only one’s that survived were
    those that packed up and fled.
    The hill was like an ocean
    all covered in blue and grey.
    No way can man forget
    what has happened on that day.
    How can a country be so divided
    that families fought each other.
    I pray we all learned our lesson
    of war and that there’ll never be another.”
    Poetry on The American Civil War, describing the scene of a battlefield. History comes in many texts. And one of them is poetry. We could learn just by spending a few minutes reading everyday. Very often the past reminds us of today and tells us of tomorrows and any nation that forgets their history, is a nation bereft of dignity. But history for most people is just that: History. They would not want to read and understand because they believe that they too are charting history. These people (Anwar Ibrahim is prime example) choose the path of ignorance to call it their turf and to make it their refuge. From this platform, they preach their propaganda, their malicious agendas, and their selfish suicidal intent. This country is no Kamikaze ride people. Parachute? I don

  83. again…
    Salam Tun berdua dan seisi keluarga and all readers..
    re : Commenting on article written and posted by En. Tauke Kedai (15/4 – 12.08PM)
    The article was very interesting to ponder…it is quite simply phrased, precised and honest!! At least I thought so..
    Wide and in-depth of thoughts by the writer..and relevant to all, at least I said so…
    Very much agreeing, the mentions in the third last paragraph of the article….
    Thank you and salam sejahtera, En. Tauke Kedai…

  84. Assalamualaikum…Tun berdua dan seisi keluarga…again I like to share ny thoughts with all readers..
    ….make history compulsory in school., re-write it’s syllabuses touching 20-30% of too old history, such as, kesultanan melaka (as these types were quite vague) touch more on quite recent 1700’s onwards which were more clearly told and written (this quite relevant as it could include the Revolution years in Europe and the struggle of United States Of America)…the closure of China, the Tea Years and World Wars 1 & 2 That had transformed the world to a better living planet.
    Touching the more true of Independence of Malaya… The coming of Chinese population and their roles…so do the Indians…and how the Perikatan met and invited the Indians to form Independence….so on , and so forth…
    We believe the Dewan Bahasa and the Arkib Negara can do this job easily….Hang Tuah times not interesting anymore. Perhaps as Sultan of Melaka, as he was very well known worldwide at that time, as popular as George W Bush (current time), his story must be told…showing how the blessed land been known to the world even during the spice trade years…Happened to be, I had visited the Islamic Museum of Sarawak (in Kuching), there was a map drawn by European/Arab (not sure) voyager, the map of semenanjung tanah melayu in 1100’s was 3 times larger that the small continent of India. Picture tells 1000 stories…how powerful was the Sultan and the Malay world at that time….now I guess history repeats, this small blessed country had made the world loved, everybody wants to have some forms of involvement with Her.
    ….History also said, too popular She maybe, finally She was conquered. As Tun had reminded, knowing history, teaches us not to repeat the same mistakes again…not learning history, we might not realised how popular was the Sultan of Melaka, and the fall of His empayar.
    Maaf, kira ada mana2 kekilafan dan kesilapan…maklum saya tak brapa pandai…, cuma nak share apa yang saya rasa saya tahu….
    Terima Kasih Tun dan seisi keluarga.

  85. dear Tun,
    It is a shame that the subject of Hang Tuah has been pulled out from the syllabus (or so i heard) from 1999. The chinese are claiming that the subject is pulled out as researchers have claimed that thru DNA testing it is proven that Hang Tuah and the other Hangs are infact of chinese origins, therefore the subject then would have to be removed as the Malays dah tertipu. And how they now question that the Malays are no more than pendatang ourselves. I have countlessly debated these issues on the blogs and frustrates me that generally the Malaysians are ignorant of their own history to be able to agree to that claim, especially the younger ones. Is it hard to see that prior to the formation of Malaysia / Indonesia or other countries in the archipelago some 50-60 years ago, the Malays were free to roam the sea to the lands beyond, as we were the sea people? the whole archipelago was our world? so it didn’t matter whether we were javanese, minangkabaus, bugis,or whatever, there were no country called Malaysia or Indonesia say some 100 years ago or beyond. And it is very sad that the latest findings that reveals the advanced ancient civilization of Austronesians/sumerians/malays that have been published in books are only available at the Historical Society’s bookstore, or even Azah Aziz’s books on Busana Melayu which highlighted the old malay text pre jawi are only available in university bookstores, and the latest book about Langkasuka has not found any support for publication. the findings of Stephen Oppenheimer are only kept by the people who are interested or in the know but no publicity about his findings about the ancient malays from the book ‘Eden in the East’, and many would be surprised to know that the natives of Taiwan are infact Malays and that Malays do not come from south of China but have wondered the seas thousands of years ago and went as far as Hawaii and Madagascar. It’s frustrating that this angle has not been highlighted in the media for general knowledge or even been injected in the school syllabus for history subject, as this would end the bickering of what the Malays are all about and why we are called the bumiputeras to begin with when some of our lineage are indeed from indonesia. Even the malays should know this to explain to their non Malay peers that even if they are javanese or bugis that this whole gugusan kepulauan melayu was once free for people to roam around without political borders, and there was a Sunda continent which has since drowned that once was equivalent to a nation with many kingdoms way back then.
    I was born in 74, and been abroad in my teen years and missed the historical subjects found in school. i was eager to know my roots as an adult, and my interests were further ignited after meeting a mat salleh in terengganu who are studying this particular subjects and introduced me to Tan Sri Mubin Sheperd’s books. Sadly when i returned to Kuala Lumpur and went to the National Library, these books have been ‘diluputkan’ for checking out purposes, as well as many other books that have not been checked out for over a year. aside from the archives, these books (and many other old publishing) can be found in barnes and noble new york. I’ve been fortunate to discover some answers to what my identity is and where we were from, but many others are not as eager as i am. some feedback from the younger ones think that the reason sejarah is no longer concentrating on sejarah melayu or Hang tuah has been removed is due to the government’s fear to be labeled as racist and to concentrate more in the Malaysian history… though they may be right, however i do believe that this part of the history is also important as it makes up the identity of the original people of this land and despite the many attempts to erase that. as albert einstein aptly put is somewhere along the line of ‘the further we go back into history, the further into the future we’ll see’.

  86. Salam Tun,
    To alibabaanjing 15 April 11.26PM
    1) You and your parents are truely ungrateful(don’t care what color you are).
    2) Don’t blame anyone if you choose to migrate just as your parents forefathers did by coming to Malaya.
    3) Do you know that more than 10,000 young qualified Singaporeans migrated to US, Australia, Canada and etc(some quietly purchased properties in MALAYSIA!!!) every year?
    4) Talented foreigners were invited to fill the vacumm.
    4) No future? Ask LKY, or blame PAP even better.
    5) Idiot, you never learn history.

  87. If there is someone to blame on the issue about education, it is you !!!
    You are the longest serving PM ever for Malaysia. You are the one who basically decides everything during your time. What PAK lah and Najib inherits are basically your baggage.
    What more, our history books basically telling one sided story only which is from BN point of view rather than the neutral point of view. That is why many blogs nowadays become a challenge for the govt to explain the real thing, what was happened that day before and after independence.
    By right during your time, you should allow History to be taught for all students, rather than some classes only. For example, how come at form 4, only arts students were allowed to study History at govt school and not science student. Next, at form 3 how come Islamic studies become optional with drawing? and many more.
    This is not to mention the mistake of establishing too many non competitive private collages where low graded students are allowed to study technical subjects that end up with noncompetitive and technical graduates!!!
    Stop blaming others since all mistakes mostly originated from youur era !!!

  88. Salam Tun,
    To ignore the History of Malaya is to deprive yourself of how the present day development came into being. Unfortunately, the poor people, more often, have been made to sacrifice to make way for development, at whatever cost!
    Long story short, in the course of expanding the British Empire, the British came to colonise Tanah Melayu. With the presence of tin and other minerals and eventually rubber (originally from Brazil), they were inspired to bring in workers from India and China to help facilitate production together with the local Malays and those from the Malay archipelago.
    Whilst developing the economy, the British Colonial Power built roads and other infrastucture like schools. To protect their long-term interest, they established kampung Melayu designed not only to segregate the Malays from the Chinese and the Indians, but said to also setting off ethnic conflict among the Chinese, the Javanese and the local Malay communities. This is a typical colonialist rule of Divide and Rule, remaining loyal among themselves to safeguard their own interest and same time robbing the colonised land of its natural resources and squeezing its people.
    It has been reported that the open hostlity to Chinese and Indian
    sojourners was a key feature of most Malay nationalist rhetoric, largely due to British reforms of local legislature that opened for the way for Chinese and Indian representation as of 1930s onwards.
    The present day Malays have not changed very much, unfortunately. Lacking very much as compared to Chinese and Indian communities. The majority of Malays have been said to be stuck in the past and seemingly refusing change.
    “Unfortunately, all the cultural and educational changes brought by Islam remained for the most part in the town areas…the influence of custom or adat and the strong animist beliefs of the rural areas limited Islamic teachings and caused the practice of Islam to merge with Malay adat and its animist basis”. (Mahathir, 1970)
    As we can see, history has shown us that Malays have been slow to change their way of practice, and this has been one of the causes for them to be left behind by Chinese and Indian communities.
    With this particular weakness among the Malays, will the existing government take this into consideration as to slow down the development of kampungs into mega-city. Not slowing it, will not only deprive the poor Malays but also other poor communities!
    It is evident that the poor Malays, Chinese and Indians are being displaced since they are the least to afford and own property in the urban or new urban areas. Such situations inevitably produce conflict. I see that we have to trudge the road towards ‘1 Malaysia’, and it will be a long and arduous journey to take!

  89. Does this mean we should let our elected leaders get away with corruption, cronieism and many more abuse of power. The courts and PDRM have shown their bias with cases involving these leaders. Look at Perak, the Federal Court had basically ignored the Constitution and made ruling favoring BN in all cases involving the Perak Speaker decision.
    [b]Article 72, Clause (1) Federal Constitution clearly states: 72. (1) The validity of any proceedings in the Legislative Assembly of any State shall not be questioned in any court.[/b]
    But this is what happens when you hire Judges who are involve in politicval parties.
    This is the young generation are seeing and we are feed up with the injustice. BN can play the race card all it wants but it will not work on educated Malaysians.

  90. We can argue until the cows come back.
    We can debate until everyone is pleased.
    We can’t actually, for this particular topic of history.
    When we mentioned history as a lesson and guidence for future decisions, racial segmentation is obivous as everyone wants to maximise their interests:
    1. Malays and Bumi likes history as benchmark (Still lagged behind in education and economy)
    2. Chinese dislikes history as benchmark (Chinese wants more)
    We won’t pleased anyone, so just continue the current practice like DEB since we have succeded in doing so – but focus more on national security, government efficiency, more job opportunities, low inflation, etc.
    Somebody pointed out that the rise of racial politics and hatred amongst Malaysians are in line with the rise of PKR. May or may not be true, but for DSN – don’t indulge too much in addressing racial pressure from ‘opposition’ – just do it!! We won’t go wrong with economic prosperity, safe neighbourhood and clean government.

  91. Salam Tun,
    I was born in 1972. Yup, I never have first hand experience pre-Independence era. But, I still remember how my grandmother told me how hard it is during those days. The parang panjang, the pancung kepala, ubi kayu, lari masuk hutan etc etc. And how the Japanese came to Malaya. And all sort of things.
    In my childhood days, I still remember how I gave much respect to our army (for being responsible to free our beloved country from communism, British etc,etc). During my schooling years, yep, a lot of history lesson. Well being a little kid, I never appreciate the history lesson by then. But, after I can thing for myself, I started to realize how hard it is the days before our Independence.
    Well the history taught during my schooling years, plus what had my grandmother told me seems to make me realized that that is what we should stand up for. Well the history of Malaya also being aired by TV1 & TV2 during that time, i.e. Baling Treaty (the agreement between our beloved Tuanku Abdul Rahman & PKM)
    Well now, when I go thru my children (all three of them are still in primary school) schedule, text books etc, there are no History subject. As far as I can remember, during my schooling years, History was taught to primary school starting from Standard 4. Well now, I have to take extra effort to tell my kids on our country history. Yep, they are like me before, seem not to interested in our country history. But hopefully soon, I hope that all my kids realized how important to know our the history. Well just like what u say Tun, if we learned from history, it will avoid us from repeating the same mistake again and again.
    But the most important thing is, all of Malaysian ought to know how this country being ‘created’. The status of ownership of the country should also being told all over again. The willingness of the Malay to share this beloved country with other races should also be highlighted. Well the Malays have been very very kind to other races as they can ‘cari makan’ in Tanah Melayu. And Tanah Melayu got it name for something.
    Or maybe the changes of the name of our country from Tanah Melayu to Malaysia makes them think that all races should have equal treatment. Well I’m not racist, but sometimes I feel sad that other races would ask so much from the government for their own race. Put a stop for it. Or just gave them some history lesson so that they realised that they are stepping on somebody toes. Or just remind that the name of this country is MALAYsia and not CHINAsia or INDIAsia. Hopefully they will learn.
    Mendoakan agar TUN berdua agar sentiasa berada di bawah lindungan NYA dan sihat selalu agar dapat mempertahankan HAK-HAK MELAYU.
    P/S : Mempertahankan is not the same as meminta…..

  92. History will show that you have cheated in the 1999 election by disallowing the newly registered and young voters to participate.
    Similar incidence in the UMNO election against Tengku Razaleigh in the formation of “ghost branches”.
    history will also show that when our growth rate was at its peak before 1997, it was a regional phenomena and not entirely due to your economic policies.
    The privatisation that occured during your term in office is now bearing fruits at high cost to the consumers and even more inefficiency to the country in terms of over capacity, particularly in the power generation industry.
    My personal observation suggest that putting many unqualified malay students into higher education actually made them poorer and addicted to govenrment aid. If they had worked as an apprentice at the age of 16, they would have earned at a much earlier period and probably have their own small business by 24, the age of graduation for many students.
    The PAC should also query Proton on why they bought stakes in a useless unreliable italian motorcycle company AGUSTA for RM300 million.
    I would appreciate some opinion to the above.
    Thank you.

  93. I still don’t understand why Tun Dr. Mahathir is going after YB Khairy Jamaluddin even after the pemilihan.
    Why not give him a chance?
    I just don’t understand.

  94. 12. The independent generations have enjoyed the independent country they inherited.
    13. Surely they would want their children and grandchildren to inherit the same.
    14. And this they can ensure by knowing the history of this beloved country and the mistakes of the past.
    Thank you Tun. Real gem.

  95. Dear Tun,
    I really appreciate your article about history. I have always felt that it is important for every one regardless of races to be well informed of the history of this country. I believe that history should be made as a compulsory subject in schools. Most of the youngsters now are either involved in social problems or becoming more and more materialistic.We see the Americans, even those in pre schools have heard of George Washington. The sense of patriotism in our country is low or almost nil. Which is one of the reasons why I believe that the youngsters are inclined to follow the path of PKR or DAP since these groups have the tendency to rebel and insist on self importance only. Most of these youngster do not even understand what they are fighting for. For them, it’s cool to rebel – including those educated and professionals. So, please, I hope Muhyiddin and Rais Yatim could make a difference. I also believe that one of those History books taught in school should be written by you. And your book The Malay Dilemma is part of our education system.Time is running…

  96. I totally agree with the importance of teaching history to our children and every generation afterwards. It is equally important to teach the complete history, and not be selective especially when it comes to events deemed as sensitive. For example, the events that led up to and including 13th May 1969, and the government policies drawn up afterwards such as the NEP should be detailed without bias. The student protests in the 1970s that led to laws such as UUCA, the draconian implementation of Operasi Lalang and the horrendous destruction of what used to be an independent judiciary with the removal of Tun Salleh Abas, should be taught as part of contemporary history as well. History should also not merely highlight the glory of our Sultans and Raja’s, but also of their roles in ceding power to the British. Malaysia has a pre-Islamic past, as evidenced by the temples in Beruas and Gangga Negara, but these subjects have been cast to the footnotes of history at best. The list goes on but in short, History is of perennial importance however we must have a COMPLETE history, or we once again rob our younger generation of the knowledge required to improve their lives and those of future generations.

  97. Salam Tun Dr Mahathir
    mana tulisan saya Tun,?… saya rasa saya dah hantar dua komen dah sejak semalam)…. Tun sibuk dan penat baru balik pelancaran MPV proton yang baru ye Tun?… terkesima jugak saya melihat MPV tu… rasa teruja pulak nak tenguk di bilik pameran hujung minggu ini… al-maklum kereta nasional…kan… jangan ada banyak masalah sudah la…. harap-harap kualiti juga bagus setanding dengan harganya yang berpatutan kan Tun…..
    Izin saya menegur parpukari dalam blog Tun…
    Parpukari, jagalah tingkah bahasa anda… kalau itu yang anda katakan anda sama juga lagak pembangkang menggunakan bahasa kesat hanya untuk meng’iya’kan kata-kata anda…
    Saya rasa UMNO dan PAS tidak salah dalam memperjuangkan nasib bangsa Melayu dengan cara masing-masing…. Saya respek juga PAS ni, walaupun dengan kekangan mereka masih boleh bertahan berjuang… tenguklah di Kelantan… masih utuh dikuasai pembangkang walaupun tanpa pembangunan fizikal daripada kerajaan Pusat, namun pembangunan insaniah dan pendidikan saya pasti mereka merasai juga agihan dari kerajaan Pusat (dan menurut saya itu memang sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kan?…dalam membangunkan modal insan tanpa perbezaan fahaman kan?)…
    Dulu dari segi sejarah, sejauh yang saya selusuri (al-maklum pengetahuan saya ni pun cetek juga)…. bangsa bukan melayu tidak sangat berminat dengan politik… ye la kan politik adalah berkenaan pentadbiran, kerja-kerja sukarela dan boleh dikatakan tak boleh jadi kaya lah kan….
    Tapi sejak akhir-akhir ini, apabila politik dikaitkan dengan wang… ini telah membuka minda bukan melayu untuk menceburi bidang politik dengan lebih serius lagi… ye la dengan kuasa boleh dapat lagi banyak wang…(saya akui, itu kan nature manusia.. mengejar kebendaan dunia, : sebab itu kita perlu batasi dengan taqwa).. sehinggakan ada kenyataan media (maaf mungkin kenyataan media itu tidak tepat)…..yang seolah-olah bangsa bukan melayu ini sudah begitu angkuh dengan tidak mengharap bantuan daripada kerajaan lagi.. malahan merasakan diri mereka sama seperti pengemis, kalau diberi bantuan kewangan dari kerajaan Pusat….. (tak baik kan persepsi begitu?….).. tapi memang saya setuju jugak… kadang-kadang orang politik ni pun satu … masa nak berkempen baru terhegeh-hegeh nak bagi itu dan ini… lepas tu dibesar-besarkan di dalam media pulak tu… mana tak orang meluat? (walaupun kebetulan memang nak bagipun kan… baguslah bagi kalau tak bagi lagi la teruk)….
    Namun, saya percaya kalau kuasa dan politik diMalaysia di kuasai oleh orang Melayu, secara automatik bangsa-bangsa lain tidak payah risau… kerana bangsa Melayu terkenal dengan kesopanan dan berpegang kuat dengan agama, malah dalam agama Islam itu sendiri mendahului orang lain (dan kemaslahatan ramai) adalah diutamakan berbanding dengan keperluan individu…(ahli politik, ingat ini baik-baik ye!!!!)
    Tapi kalau bangsa-bangsa lain yang pegang belum tentu lagi bangsa Melayu diberi muka…ye lah saya akui kehebatan dan kekuatan bi’ah mereka, cara dan strategi networking mereka memang hebat Tun… cuba tenguk negara Singapura saja sudah memadai Tun, mana ada orang Melayu dibagi Muka kan Tun… malah untuk berbudaya dan beragama secara bebas dibumi sendiripun banyak halangannya… harap-harap ianya tidak terjadi dibumi bertuah ini… insyaAllah..
    SEbab itu, kalaulah perlembagaan Masia berasaskan al-Quran dan Sunnah, saya tidak sangsi kalau bangsa lain memegang kuasa politik di Malaysia…kerana walau berbeza agama, namun kalau al_quran ynag menjadi rujukan insyaAllah, kesemua “maqasid Syariah” samada Islam dan Bukan Islam akan terjaga insyaAllah…. namun selagi perlembagaan Msia sekarang ini berasaskan perlembagaan yang sedia ada dan Common Law menjadi rujukan… saya tidak mahu kuasa politik jatuh ditangan pihak pembangkang atau bangsa-bangsa lain….(ye la nak mengubal perlembagaan bukan semudah yang disangka kan Tun…. lagi-lagi ini sudah menjadi persetujuan kita sejak kita mula merdekaa, kita memang tidak boleh berpatah balik untuk mengubah sejarah silam yang telah disepakati diantara ketiga-tiga bangsa utama untuk membentuk Malaysia)….. bukan semua orang faham yang al-Quran dan Sunnah itu adil menjaga kesemua maqasid Syariah.,.. paling kurangpun kalau Quran itu sudah sempurna… perlaksanaan manusia yang masih kurang kefahamannnya dan persepsi bias untuk mementingkan diri sendiri tu tetap ada… bayangkanlah ada manusia yang cuba memanipulasi terjemahan hanya untuk menghalalkan cara…. hemmm… Nauzubillah Tun.. harap-harap saya tidak tergolong dari golongan ini…
    Oleh itu saya harap UMNO dan PAS boleh bergabung… dengan gabungan ini yang akan membentuk BN itu nanti…
    UMNO + PAS + (MCA + MIC : yang sudah tidak begitu popular dikalangan bangsa bukan melayu lagi)….akan bertanding melawan PKR + DAP..juga parti bebas la (kalau ada). hah amacam Tun o.k tak?…
    sebenarnya, saya malu juga Tun, orang Melayu macam kena buli je dengan bangsa bukan melayu… cuba tenguk macam Dato’ Nizar, kemudian baru-baru ni DSAI… boleh pulak Lim Guan Eng… beri bebanan melantik TP1 secara total kepada Dato’ Anuar Ibrahim (DSAI)?…bukan ke kalau namanya pakatan harus bekerja sama-sama… malah siapa LIM Guan Eng yang masih muda menekan DSAI yang kalau bukan OTAI pun tapi lebih tua… disini prinsip Yang Tua dihormati yang muda disayangi yang ada pada bangsa Melayu sangat saya hargai….. melihat senario tersebut kesian jugak saya kepada DSAI… marah jugak saya sebagai bangsa Melayu pun ada juga… macam kena buli2 atau kena lekeh je Tun…..
    So, berbalik kepada sejarah dan senario politik hari ini, sekali lagi saya sarankan bergabung lah wahai politik Melayu… tak sanggup lagi saya lihat perpecahan sesama bangsa dan Umat… memang tidak dinafikan ada kepincangan pada UMNO dan juga PAS itu sendiri… namun untuk memilih PAS yang bersekongkol dengan DAP dan PKR tu… saya masih tidak boleh terima lagi… kalau gabungan UMNO dan PAS ini menjadi realiti, saya adalah orang pertama yang akan mendaftar sebagai ahli BN… hehehe… dan jangan takut, saya bersedia memeberi komen dan cadangan kepada parti gabungan Melayu ini kalau ada apa-apa yang boleh saya bantu la kan… al-maklum Melayu Mudah Lupa kan Tun…. kalau boleh saya tambah… ” Melayu Lupa Daratan”… pun boleh jugak… kalau tidak mana timbulnya cerita si Tanggang kalau bukan sebagai pengajaran untuk bangsa Melayu ni kan Tun…
    O.k lah, Tun.. harap-harap Tun boleh siarkan komen saya kali ini, kalau Tun tak nak siarkan… saya merajuk tak komen lagi dalam blog Tun… hahahaha…
    Ma as Salaamah, Wa illal Liqa’
    Saya katak bawah tempurung yang ada internet….

  98. Dear Tun Sir,
    Really very much appreciated what had you done Sir. I will be adored you till death. May Allah swt blessing you and family and everybody with you. Remember Allah swt always be with the heart kind peoples. Tchuss and Goos Day Tun.
    Mrs Casablanca
    Lorong Kilang Ais, Aloq Setaq.

  99. /// 8. How do we know we are not repeating our mistakes now if we do not know of our mistakes in the past. We need to know. ///
    Spot on Tun. And we will keep on repeating our mistakes if we keep recycling old and tired politicians who cannot be taught new tricks and are used to fighting the last war.

  100. It is unarguably right to remember and know our history. However, history will not tell you what is right and what is wrong. It depends on the truth of the history when it was written. For us to move on, we must not use history to formulate our national policies. Given 50 years as nation-building, Malaysian should have achieved a nation with no discrimination on race, religion and language.
    I was a Kampong boy. When I was admitted to UM in 1980, I was kind of delighted and with full hope to get a scholarship to finance my study. It turned to be a dream which never comes true. The allocation of scholarships was merely in line with racial consideration. I knew that was nothing wrong even though I was not pleased with the policy. If we are looking back history, I will not be happy with the government forever.
    As such, I am not trying to say that younger generation people are not appreciative of the contributions made by our fore fathers, we should, however, give opportunity for younger people to decide what is best for this country.

  101. Sir,
    History is biased. It is always written from the viewpoint of the winners. Not each and every event are recorded. The true facts of history should remain inside the Pandora’s Box. If the true facts of history, especially our own history, are laid bare, then I believe a lot of people will be left dumbfounded. For instance, the history of the Malay rulers are very dubious. If only more people know their true origins.

  102. Dear TUN
    lebih dari 2/3 al quran mengisahkan sejarah umat umat yang sebelum islam agar ianya menjadi pengajaran kepada kita .saya setuju dengan tun untuk melihat kesalahan-kesalahan kita agar ianya tidak berulang tapi bukan kesalahan kesalahan kita sahaja tapi orang lainpun kita kena lihat

  103. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1. Sewaktu di zaman persekolahan dulu saya belajar sejarah hanya untuk lulus peperiksaan dan ujian. Rasa meletihkan apabila perlu menghafal tarikh dan tahun yang terlalu banyak.
    2. Masuk ke sekolah aliran vokasional, langsung tidak ada subjek matapelajaran sejarah.
    3. Sekarang, saya rasa rugi sangat tidak mengambil subjek sejarah kerana tidak mengetahui banyak sejarah Malaysia. Hanya mengetahui asas kerana membaca surat khabar tulisan pengarang-pengarang yang menulis melalui pengalaman mereka.
    4. Sewaktu kecil dulu, arwah atuk saya selalu bercerita tentang zaman Jepun dan lagu Jepun! Tapi waktu itu jadi tukang dengar bukannya faham sangat. Makan ubi rebus, seksanya pada zaman itu, untungnya org zaman sekarang dan macam-macam lagi.
    5. Dan sekarang saya perlu tanamkan azam untuk terus membaca kisah sejarah untuk saya ceritakan pada adik-adik saya dan orang lain yang tak ambil peduli kisah sejarah Tanah Melayu!
    6. Tun, arwah atuk saya di zaman Tun adalah ahli UMNO yang sayangkan parti BN. Masih ingat susahnya hati dia setiap kali PRU diumumkan di tv, dan saya juga (walaupun masih kecil) mengadap tv menunggu keputusan hingga lewat malam (itupun kira sejarah Tun).
    7. Terima kasih Tok Bah atas kenangan/sejarah itu.
    8. Terima kasih Tun atas sumbangan Tun selama ini.

  104. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun (comment tadi lupa add ni Tun. Maaf)
    1. By ensuring a much lesser BN hold in Parliament after PRU12, they have succeeded in the first step. And all thanks to Abdullah and his 4th Floor Royal London Circus troupe.
    2. But then came a set back for them, their free lunch counter closed down unexpectedly on April 3rd 2009.
    3. But nevertheless, by electing in a massively unpopular Youth leader into UMNO several days earlier, they have succeeded in the second step already.
    4. Now they have promulgated into the next step which is going after all the state UMNO organization. Look at Terengganu and Perlis today. Who

  105. 1. By ensuring a much lesser BN hold in Parliament after PRU12, they have succeeded in the first step. And all thanks to Abdullah and his 4th Floor Royal London Circus troupe.
    2. But then came a set back for them, their free lunch counter closed down unexpectedly on April 3rd 2009.
    3. But nevertheless, by electing in a massively unpopular Youth leader into UMNO several days earlier, they have succeeded in the second step already.
    4. Now they have promulgated into the next step which is going after all the state UMNO organization. Look at Terengganu and Perlis today. Who

  106. TUN.
    Malam tadi lihat TUN kat TV bersama2 DSN melancarkan MPV Exora. TUN nampak ceria. Apa yang telah diulaskan oleh Datuk Nazmi dan CEO Proton jelas segala cetusan ilham dan usaha TUN untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai negara pengeluar kereta telah berjaya waluapun usia nya baru dalam 25 tahun. Umur seorang anak muda, tapi telah matang dan berjaya. Syabas Proton.
    Ini lah sejarah. Sejarah dimulakan dengan idea dan usaha. Dan hari ini menempa kejayan dari hasil sejarah semalam.
    Kejayaan tadmadun manusia hari ini adalah dari hasil sejarah lampau manusia. Manusia belajar dari sejarah lampau untuk maju kehadapan. Sejarah adalah satu rujukan yang perlu dilihat, dikaji dan di inovasikan untuk pencapaian hasil yang lebih baik buat masa2 mendatang.
    Melihat seketika politik di Ganu kite. Apa yang tak kena dengan MB nya? Pasti ada sesuatu yang kurang di senangi oleh sebahgian pemimpin2 dan YB2 nya.
    Cara fizikal nya pun dilihat MB ni tak ada karisma. Kadang2 membuat kenyataan atau ulasan macam bebudak sekolah tinkatan 4.
    T’ganu perlukan seorang pemimpin yang lebih berwibawa dan pakar dalam pentadbiran dan pengurusan kerana negeri ini sebuah negeri yang kaya. Yang banyak dana atau DUIT yang perlu ditadbir urus dengan baik lagi bijaksana dan telus. Jika tidak habis lah duit rakyat entah kemana.
    Pemimpin PAS Perak mengugut dan mengahasut rakyat Perak supaya ikut macam Thailand merusuh untuk memaksa kerajaan membubarkan Dewan.
    Dia ingat semua rakyat bodoh dan nak dengar cakap dia.
    Sedarlah bukan semua rakyat di Perak tu pun sokong PAS. Orang melayu di Perak tu bukan semua nya penyokong PAS. PAS lebih ramai disokong oleh kaum Cina dan India. Tapi bila bab nak berdemonstrasi ni kaum Cina amat bijak, mereka tak kan ikut serta. Mereka cuma cucuk2 dari belakang. Orang2 Melayu yang cepat melatah apa lagi macam orang tak siuman dan tak beriman melakukan rusuhan melanggar undang2. Siapa yang kan untung di Perak jika PR berkuasa. PAS hanya kuda tunggangan DAP. Juga PKR tdak akan dapat apa2. DAP akan menguasai PAS untuk mentadbir negaeri.
    Tapi sayang nya pengikut2 fanatik PAS dan PKR terlalu taksub tanpa ingin melihat kesan nya untuk masa kan datang.
    Peminpin2 PAS dan PKR dari kaum Melayu ni sanggup menipu dan memperjudikan nasib rakyat melayu Perak semata2 untuk mencapai hasrat untuk berkuasa.

  107. Salam Tun
    I have to say that I agree with korn1805. History is considered a boring subject back in school,and I admit that I used to be one of those who felt that way. It’s possibly due to the way it is being taught and also the textbooks being used.
    Of course now,I have already changed my view towards the subject,maybe because I’ve grown slightly older(I’m 22 this year by the way) and are getting more passionate about politics,especially of our nation. To know more about politics,you need to know history as well.
    Perhaps one of the approaches that can be used in order to instill interest towards history among the students,is by making them aware of its importance in shaping our country’s future,rather than stressing on the importance of getting high marks for this subject during exams. Try to relate things that are going on right now with historical facts during the classes.
    The academicians and also the policy-makers have a lot to do about this,and they need to act fast. Hopefully the new Education Minister will take note on this issue as well.

  108. Selamat pagi Tun,
    //11. Somewhere along we would recognize the mistakes we had made. And knowing them we would be better able to avoid making them again. Our country would continue to grow and prosper.//
    Yes, I agreed on this and I have stressed many times that we need to learn from our past mistakes so that we can improve and prosper.
    It looks like DS Najib has learned from Pak Lah’s past mistakes and he is willing to “turun padang” without red carpet and kombang. This should be the way of “People First, Performance Now” and I hope that his cabinet will follow his steps in making sure BN will win in PRU 13.
    As for DAP, I have learned my mistake by voting them. If they do not pull out from Pakatan Rakyat with Anwar as their Ketua, I am sure they will lost my vote in the next PRU13. With DS Najib as our current PM, we will prosper and grow, and he deserves a chance to prove his capability. As for Anwar, history told us that he is not reliable and he is only interested in becoming PM at all cost..
    An indian muslim asked me why Thailand people protest the government, and I aswered because “the rich become richer, the poor become poorer” because Thailand had borrowed loans from IMF in 1997. Sound familiar with this statement, yes, it was YAB Dr Mahathir’s most important statement during that time when our currency was attacked by Georgie Soros. Poor people are the most easily manupilated and exploited group by greedy politicians to achieve their dreams and wealth.
    The lost in Bukit Gantang was because the wakil rakyat of BN did not do their job properly by listening to the grievances of the rakyat there. BN needs to work hard including the Malay and chinese newspapers like TV3 in making sure 1Malaysia succeeded.
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.
    P/s: To Owlz, I have read your comment and I agreed with you that majority of the Malays are kind in nature. Be sincere in everything you do, and do not listen to hearsay or gossip and always remember “Manusia Mudah Lupa” because of wealth and power.
    Abg Samuraimelayu, count me in because I know how Dr M worked during his leadership. I will continue supporting Dr M for the rest of my life. Now chinese began to open their eyes and heart, and agreed with me that Dr M is the best PM and our Malays are kind in nature.

  109. salam yab tun…
    moga tun dan keluarga diberi kesejahteraan dan kesihatan. saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan tun bahawa sejarah adalah penting. penting kerana supaya kita sedar akan asal usul kita. ibu bapa kita juga sering menceritakan pengalaman mereka sewaktu membesarkan kita semua. susah payah mencari rezeki. membanting tulang empat kerat bekerja keras untuk membesarkan keluarga.
    hari ini apabila kita telah mendapat atau mengecapi kesenangan dan kehidupan yang lebih sempurna kita lupa akan kesusahan kita yang terdahulu. generasi sebelum walaupun masih ada lagi tetapi sejarah tinggal sejarah. tiada lagi penghayatan erti susah senang waktu dahulu.
    hari ini saya bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada parti umno dan kerajaan kerana telah berjaya menyediakan prasarana yang cukup hebat untuk rakyat malaysia. tiada siapa pun yang tertinggal dari segi pelajaran kecuali ibu bapa yang tidak mementingkan pelajaran untuk anak anak mereka. sebagai tanda terima kasih saya hari ini saya berkhidmat untuk parti umno sebagai membalas jasa dan juga memastikan anak anak saya serta generasi yang datang dapat menikmati kehidupan yang cukup sempurna sepertisaya dan lain lain kecapi pada hari ini. ini adalah tanggungjawap kita. bukan tanggungjawap pemimpin seorang.
    saya merasa kecewa apabila melihat mereka yang telah berjaya dalam apa jua bidang hasil perjuangan pemimpin terdahulu mula menidakkan hasil tersebut. dengan bangga dan megahnya mereka mendabik dada bahawa kejayaan mereka hari ini adalah titik peluh usaha mereka sendiri tanpa bantuan kerajaan dan parti yang membentuk dasar. mereka ini saya anggap tidak tahu bersyukur dan berterima kasih dengan usaha usaha pemimpin pemimpin terdahulu. bertambah sedihnya apabila ada segelintir orang melayu yang sanggup memperjuangkan kesamarataan dan menyerahkan hak kita kepada bangsa lain. saya sebagai salah seorang melayu merasa amat bersyukur dan berterimakasih kerana hak hak istimewa orang melayu lah saya dapat belajar hingga ke peringkat universiti. dengan hak ini juga lah saya mendapat biasiswa dalam membantu saya semasa belajar. saya tidak faham mengapa ada orang melayu inginkan kesamarataan. adakah mereka sudah cukup pandai dan hebat untuk bersaing dengan bangsa bangsa lain? adakah mereka sudah cukup mewah untuk menanggung pelajaran anak mereka di universirti?
    apakah mereka ini buta sejarah? orang bijak pandai mesti tahu dan belajar sejarah. tetapi akibat rasa kitidakpuashati dan perasaan yang tidak hala mereka menyokong pembangkang. orang yang tidak pernah campur dengan masyarakat dan politik tiba tiba menjadi bijak pandai dalam politik. orang yang dahulu hanya tahu bekerja siang dan malam hari sudah ada masa untuk berpolitik. tetapi arah mana kah yang mereka tuju?
    ramai yang terpedaya dengan dakyah dakyah atau isu isu yang di timbulkan oleh penulis penulis blog yang datang entah dari mana. berlagak seperti orang yang tahu semua perkara. orang melayu juga akhirnya ditipu oleh orang melayu sendiri. orang melayu juga akhirnya menang sorak kampung tergadai. begitu bangga dengan kemenangan mereka dalam 3 pilihanraya kecil parlimen hingga bersorak ke seluruh negara. apa lah nak jadi dengan politik hari ini. yang salah menjadi benar. yang benar dikatakan salah. masyarakat menjadi keliru. kepercayaan kepada cerita cerita karut dan fitnah terus menjadi agenda utama. bukannya hari ini tetapi sejak dahulu lagi, sejak zaman datuk nenek moyang kita lagi orang melayu percaya kepada fitnah. orang melayu kita ini begitu mudah dipengaruhi rupanya.
    apa yang saya lihat, generasi hari ini memerlukan satu landasan yang cukup lengkap dan baik untuk mereka jadikan panduan hidup. seperti dalam komen saya yang terdahulu, matlamat tun ialah ingin menjadikan malaysia menjadi negara maju pada tahun 2020. oleh demikian matlamat itu lah yang menjadi garis panduan hidup kita semua. tanpa matlamat generasi muda hari ini tidak tahu arah tuju mereka. mereka tiada lagi semangat untuk menjadikan malaysia sebagai sebuah negara maju nanti. jika mereka melalui landasan yang betul sudah pasti mereka tidak ingin melihat negara kucar kacir serta tidak aman kerana ini akan merencatkan pembangunan negara ke arah sebuah negara maju. mereka inginkan kemewahan, kesenangan, aman damai dan selesa kehidupan harian mereka. cubalah tun bisikkan kepada dato seri najib, wujudkan semula wawasan 2020 ini supaya seluruh masyarakat dan rakyat akan terus bersatu dalam usaha untuk mencapai status negara maju nanti.
    insya allah, semua akan kembali kepada asal jika seluruh rakyat mempunyai komitmen dan arah tuju yang satu iaitu menjadikan malaysia sebuah negara maju pada tahun 2020.
    salam hormat

  110. Salam Tun
    Good article..
    1) Sejarah mengajar kita supaya tidak membuat kesilapan yag sama.
    (History will not repeat).
    2) Sejarah mengajar kita menghargai sesuatu.
    3) Sejarah mengajar kita maju kehadapan.
    4) Sejarah mengajar kita erti kehidupan.
    5) Sejarah juga akan membuat kita matang dlm pemikiran.
    Take care Tun.

  111. students always complaining about how boring the subject History is when they are in secondary schools.
    gahhh…youngsters like me know nothing and do not appreciate what we have rite now.perhaps when we lose it then we would realize how important that thing is.
    the quote by George Santayana is written at the beginning of each chapter for the Form4 and Form5 History textbook..
    “Those who forget the lessons of history will be condemned to repeat their mistakes over and over again”
    hahha.i got an A1 in SPM..for memorizing the facts..not 100% understand and realizing the importance or independent.
    Tun,you are the greatest.

  112. SALAM TUN,

  113. Salam Tun,
    bukannya saya tak minat matapelajaran sejarah atau tak mengendahkan asal usul malaysia. guru pada zaman persekolahan saya yang mengajar sejarah sangat memboringkan walaupun dah masuk sekolah menengah. guru tu cuma duduk di kerusi & membacakan buku sejarah kepada murid2 sampai tamat kelas. guru tersebut memang sangat pasif. jadi pada masa tersebut saya menganggap matapelajaran sejarah sangat boring, rupa2nya saya salah tafsir, sebenarnya guru tu yang boring. tapi bila saya dah sedar, saya dah tamat sekolah & di alam pekerjaan. lebih baik kementerian pendidikan do something about it, sbb saya pasti sudah tentu ramai guru seperti itu. buatlah matapelajaran sejarah tu lebih menarik & perbaiki cara penyampaian guru2.

  114. salam saudara,
    saya fikir subjek sejarah perlu dimartabatkan kembali kerana ramai yg telah lupa; malahan tidak tahu bagaimana negara ini merdeka. rata2 rakan dlm lingkungan dekat saya nihil tentang sejarah – bagaimana perlembagaan kita dibentuk, soal kontrak sosial, soal pengorbanan pemimpin & org2 melayu terdahulu, kongres melayu, soal penjajah, pengisisan merdeka dll lg.
    melihat kegelagatan masyarakat mutakhir, saya rasakan bibit2 1969 mulai memercik. jika keruwetan sebegini tidak dikuncupkan atau dinyahkan, tidak mustahil menara bangsa kita akan dicobak-cabik kembali.
    harapan saya, renung dan pelajarilah sejarah kembali- kerana sejarah adalah landasan yg tidak pernah menyimpang, tetapi lurus.

  115. A’kum Tun!
    I could not agree more! You have made it clear that History subject is very important even in today’s world when everyone seems to forget their past and failure. But I thought that was just the attitude of the Malays in our country…Mudah Lupa!
    Now Muhyiddin is the ‘Menteri Pelajaran’ so he needs to stress out the importance of it and ensure that every school will learn History until the highest possible level. The reason why people of Mat Salleh in the US, UK, Europe, and some other parts of the world, are very smart because they spend their free time wisely by READING. We Malaysian, we DON’T read! Why should we? we are all smart people but when you ask them any capital of the world maybe in the South America countries like Uruguay! What’s the capital city? he will not know! because we are ignorant people who do not care to read and to know history. You will only learn history if you read. as long as we do not have the energy and mentality to change for the best then we will always be behind. A person is well judged if he has a lot of knowledge about what he does best! unlike us. we are not learning something just because we like it and we want to be the best at it. we go to school in Malaysia to learn the knowledge of all basics. English, BM, Science, and Math but when we get to high school we learn the harder part of the education syllabus. then we go to degree we learn what we think we want to be. but i can guarantee you that most people who study education in Malaysia are not because they love it or because they like it. they just study just for the sake of it. for the sake of getting DEGREE but at the end no work what so ever….and many are employed!
    My advice to the government is they should study again how the teaching methods should be introduced in our country! we need to start teaching our kids what they love and they like then only they will become the best at it. It does not mean everyone is going to be a doctor or a lawyer, or footballer, but Allah already made each and everyone of us to have their own talent! so the best solution to make you an even better person is by making full use of the talent he got. somehow our parents today always stop their childre if they want to be a singer, footballer, golfer, instead they should be doctor or lawyer or all sorts of work. if you really have the commitment and spirit to be a doctor…so choose it….if you know you have good footballing talent, then start learning it at the young age. that would make our country a better country than it is now. I am sure many will agree with me that most of the richest man in Malaysia are either you are politicians or businessman. that’s it. you will not know hear a malaysian singer is billionaire or footballer is a billionaire. but in the UK or US or Europe, their people can be the best in whatever they do. it is because they start at an early age. they know what they want in their life. and i think our government should do the same. we need to produde students that are capable of being the best in their field. then we can talk about other topics because poverty and employment are one of the most hardest problem to fight against! that is just the way it is!
    i hope Tun can play a part in maybe trying your best to make the current government change or improve in some of the education system in our country!
    thank you

  116. Assalamualaikum YABhg.Tun,
    Saya hargai usaha Tun membangkitkan isu sejarah.
    Kejahilan rakyat mengenai sejarah negara turut menyumbang kepada masaalah integrasi kaum hari ini. Adalah amat malang sekali kerana anak Melayu sendiri pun sanggup menidakkan ketuanan Melayu kerana tidak faham sejarah dan terpengaruh dengan konsep ‘sama rata’.
    Tun, dengan izin:
    Allow me to attach my letter regarding the significance of the single school system that appeared in the star newspaper .This is my small contribution towards a united and peaceful Malaysia.I hope it will benefit those who have the free time to read it.
    The Star Online > Focus
    Monday April 13, 2009
    Go for single education system
    MOST Malaysians are concerned about the deteriorating state of our racial integration today.
    Recent events of demands, counter demands and threats of one community against another, reinforce my fear that many are driven by emotion when looking at every issues that crop up in our daily life.
    Instead of conducting a level-headed analysis and offering constructive propositions while admitting the obvious, we are more prone to subscribe and align ourselves with suggestions that glorify our own individual race regardless of the truth.This prevalent thinking along racial lines will persist unless those in authority put up a concerted effort to undo it.
    If we are serious about a united people irrespective of race, creed and colour, there are many areas that we can work on. But we ought to make the necessary sacrifices. Like the wise man says

  117. Salam Tun,
    Congrate’s and I was truly amazed with MPV Exora shown on TV.
    Hmm,Is true subject ‘Sejarah’ or ‘History’ should be enforced by education goverment to its people throughly.
    But after a 50year independent day there is another issued our malaysia nation face.
    Now we have facing another one issued problem created because we never learn from history before.
    Todays our residenship is truly easy be given to non resident by marriage.This create a new raced of malaysian and confusion of identity for our malaysian people.
    In other words,goverment should enforce a new system for outsider married our malaysian people and get status for malaysian citizenship.
    Now people from INDONESIA,China,India,Bangla,Arab,Europe married our people and get easyly Malaysian citizenship,and in the future will create a lot of issue.
    This issue is our mirror for the people in the future,which create mix identity and culture which very uneasy to understand especially when it comes to our malaysian constitution,culture,and religion.
    So,obviously from your view I agree History should be thought to all Malaysian to protect us from a new invention and new colonial to assimilate our Malaysian people.
    You always right,but I only not agree with you on PPSMI issue because definitely from research finding shows no improvement to the people except many student cannot cope with the science subject taught in English compare to the previous in Bahasa Melayu after 6 years.
    Hidup Mahathir,I also will love to join UMNO after this following your step.

  118. Salam Tun,
    I know you are angry at the younger generation because they have voted for the opposition in the by-election for Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang.
    Even if our younger generation knows about history, do you think they are stupid to vote for a party which is infested by corruptions?
    You should put the blame on UMNO, not just Pak Lah. The whole lot of them, including our current PM.

  119. Salam Tun,
    Semoga Tun sentiasa didalam kesihatan yang baik dan dapat terus menegur dan membawa Malaysia kejalan yang betul.
    Saya juga lahir setahun sebelum Merdeka dan sedikit sebanyak dapat merasa bahang kemerdekaan dan sejarah yang berlaku selepas itu. Saya dapat memahami sepenuhnya tentang keperitan hidup dan perjuangan masa itu. Saya juga dapat merasai pergaulan masa sekolah dan kawan2 karib dari bangsa lain tanpa sedikit pun ada iri hati. Kedai runcik Apek Cina itu yang menjadi ‘hyper market’ kami semua dikampung. Tidak ada lansung perasaan perkauman masa itu. Hidup aman dan damai bersama kaum India yang ada.
    Kami belajar hingga habis sekolah menengah disamping ramai yang telah memasuki sekolah menengah berasrama (STAR,SDAR,MCKK,TUN FATIMAH antaranya). Tamat dari situlah masing2 membuat hala sediri. Banyak yang sambung Tingkatan 6 kerana masa itu tidak ada pilihan lagi kalau nak keMenara gading. Waktu itu DEB baru bermula. Ramai diantara pelajar2 melayu yang kurang mendapat keputusan baik menyambung ditempat2 latihan/vokesional dan kolej MARA (ITM>UiTM). Saya adalah salah seorang produk ITM. Saya bersyukur sungguh bersyukur adanya ITM ketika itu.
    Malah, anak2 Melayu produk MARA memang telalu ramai sekarang, kerana ramai juga yang keMRSM. Secara rata, DEB, selain dari memberi jalan2 baru untuk kaum bumiputra berniaga dan mencari kekayaan. Terpelajarnya anak2 melayu ini kerana rancangan dan susunan kerajaan masa itu. Saya bersyukur. Tapi kenapa golongan muda memberontak?
    Masa berubah, semangat bersaing untuk merubah hidup menjadi keutamaan. Diwaktu inilah, ramai yang bertuhankan wang ringgit dan kekayaan. Dan bermulalah juga korupsi dikalangan masyarakat kita. Ini membawa kepada gaya hidup, yang berkuasa itu dapat memberi kekayaan. Maka merebaklah dari urusan kerajaan hingga ke politik.
    Apa yang saya lihat dan semua orang juga tahu, golongan muda melayu sekarang, yang juga mendapat kemudahan2 yang diberi kerajaan sewaktu menuntut mencari ilmu, disamping kurang memahami perjuangan yang sebenar, telah terang2 mencaci DEB. Mereka rasa mereka dah berilmu dan dunia juga sudah tiada sempadan. Anak2 muda ini ingin terus bersaing dan mahu menjadi orang yang bebas berfikir dan mempunyai hak untuk memilih citarasa yang tersendiri.
    Maka, kroni, kosupsi dan salahlaku dikalangan ahli politik, kabinet, kerajaan menjadi isu yang utama sekarang. Bagi mereka orang itu cukup senang menjadi kaya raya melalui jalan yang salah. Mereka perlu diajar. Itu saja isunya.
    Kita kena cari jalan/cara bagaimana mahu bersihkan kerajaan sekarang. Selagi perkara itu tidak dapat diselesai maka orang2 muda ini akan tetap memborontak, walaupun cara yang menakutkan akibatnya. Semata2 untuk mengajar, kejalan yang betul.
    Apa yang Tun nyatakan memang saya setuju. Sejarah kita jangan kita lupa. Dan pihak kerajaan juga perlu berubah, secepat yang mungkin. Jika tidak, hancur negara jadiya.
    Harap Tun dapat membantu kita semua…

  120. Selamat pagi Tun,
    From gen-X to gen-Y to …?
    History repeating itself in a different forms.

  121. 1 Belajar sejarah kemudian tak memahami disebalik tersiratnya sejarah?
    2 British tak akan memberi kemerdekaan kepada kita selagi missinya tidak berjaya; iaitu supaya orang-orang melayu memerintah negara dengan berpenggang pada pelembagaan yang dicipta penjajah (pelembagaan yang kita puja-puja selama ini), pemikiran kita telah dijumudkan dan diajarkan ugama Islam duduk dibawah majlis raja-raja dengan memesong ajaran sebenar.Hasil-hasil bumi tanah melayu tetap dipungah (ekspot konon) ke negara penjajah dengan upah tidak memadai.
    3 Melayu ini yang menganut agama Islam telah menjadi lemah pemikirannya dengan dimomok budaya subsidi, diajar taat dan patuh pemimpinnya walaupun bukan pada tempatnya (pak turut) dan suka ampu mengampu atau sanjung disanjung demi kepentingan murahan.
    4 Tanah-tanah orang melayu terlepas kepada bukan melayu. Kemudian wujudkan rezab melayu tetapi boleh ubah syarat atas rundingan orang dalam, maka tanah melayu tersebut terlepas juga kepada orang bukan melayu. Tanah-tanah kerajaan yang srategik diswastakan, yang wujud bandar-bandar dan perumahan-perumahan yang diduduki bukan melayu. Maka orang-orang melayu hanya mampu duduk di kampong-kampong atau yang mana ok sikit dapat duduk dipingir-pingir bandar. Dimana silapnya? Merdeka ke?
    5 Belajar sejarah tapi buta sejarah.
    T. Kasih dari orang kampong terpencil

  122. Salam TDM and all;
    Totally agree with history lesson to be taughted with more emphasis on how we secure independent and laid out amicable solutions to stay together in harmony.
    Traitors of the past with their selfish plots should be make known and how they assisted the foreigners to colonize our beloved kingdom.
    Suggest we should teach the “true” sejarah tanah melayu/kingdom and our early civilization. The real references are available now.

  123. Dearest Tun,
    It is indeed sad that many of our young people have no idea about about our history. Like you Tun, I wish that history is a compulsory subject at least up to SRP level.How else can the young generation appreciate what was like in the past and how fortunate they are at present?
    Take my daughter for example, she is what I called the MAHATHIR CHILDREN. She was growing up during the time when you were our PM, she knew no other PM except you and has lived in relative prosperity all throughout her teen and young adulthood because you were our PM.Now that she is an adult, married and have her own family, she is beginning to wonder why things ( especially the last 5 years) are not the same.
    Millions like her have come to take things for granted in our country. They need history lessons more than those of us who live through the early years of independence,of the formation of Malaysia,etc etc. Some of them don’t ever know why Anwar Ibrahim was thrown in jail in the first place. We need to reach out to these young people to put some issues in clear perpectives, if we don’t, Pakatan Rakyat will go all out to mislead them!

  124. Assalamualaikum,
    Saya sokong sejarah diajar secara mendalam.
    Even dalam Al-Quran juga terdapat banyak kisah kisah yang berlaku pada manusia yang terdahulu. Semuanya untuk mengajar dan memberi peringatan.

  125. My personal opinion about Ahmad Said as Mentri Besar of Trengganu is that he is not the right leader to helm the state administration, period.
    I think he is still suffering from “kejutan budaya” after being appointed as Menteri Besar to replace Idris Jusoh.
    Maybe he is also suffering from inferiority complex. There is something that is lacking in his personal traits.
    Looking at the latest political development in Trengganu, I think Ahmad Said is facing personality clash and is unable to get the respect from most of his BN colleagues because of the way he carries himself as Menteri Besar.
    Najib and Mahyuddin have to step in and quickly resolve this leadership crisis in Trengganu.I believe the situation would become more serious if there are “invincible hands” taking advantage to get involve in the crisis.
    It does not augur well for state BN if the problem continues to drag on indefinitely without any concrete solution.
    Trengganu has got a lot of potential to progress faster than any other states especially in tourism sector. But unfortunately the state leader running the show is not able to have the right vision and take advantage to capitalise the natural resources that are “freely” available.
    It looks like the present Menteri Besar does not have the “intellectual” capacity to move the state forward. What a pity!!

  126. Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun dan Keluarga.
    1) Tun memang betul apa yang Tun katakan.Sejarah itu amat penting.
    2)Contoh mungkin ramai orang orang muda tak mengetahui dengan jelas bagaimana Malaysia boleh melepaskan sebuah pulau bernama Singapura.Gara gara siapa?
    3)Boleh kah pulau itu di pulangkan balik saperti Macau di pulangkan kepada tanah besar Cina.
    4)Pelajar pelajar Malaysia hendak lah mempelajari sejarah dengan lebih terperinci.
    5)Kalau tak mengetahui sejarah orang akan memutar belit kita.Mereka yang memutar belit itu akan merubah fakta sejarah kerana kita sendiri tidak arif tetang sejarah.
    6) Tun jasa Mu amat di hargai.Tak ternilai.
    Di harap sihat selalu Insha Allah.

  127. Assalammualikum Tun, i might be bad in my history subject but many thanks to you for highlighting the important of past history to be remembered by the current generations. I strongly beleived the culprit behind the downfall of Barisan and Umno are mainly due to AB/son-in-law(sorry, i really hate to mention their name)/patric.Even some ministers elected by AB are not fit to be there. Its good shahrir has left but nazri aziz is still there and what do you think of him ? Please be frank Tun… No matter what with you around the new elected PM/DPM will have more courage to expose themself and learnt to be blant like you do. Tun, im making the declaration that my family and me are back to UMNO now.

  128. Tun,
    1. History is importance if we tell the truth. However, I noted that we removed Hang Tuah from history because he is not Malay.
    2. So, what is the point of having history if the objective is for campaign and manipulation?

  129. Salam Tun,
    I’ve waiting your new post everyday and wondering what issue you’ll address in your blog. History!!…I was twisted because all this while i was thinking you’ll talk about the need to continuing abandon mega projects.
    Since you talk about history, please let us know what makes you decide rotation system for Sabah CM last time. Please tell us a bit the implication you want it be…

  130. Salam…
    Sejahtera dan Rahmat Yang Esa hendaknya senantiasa memayungi Ayahanda Tun,Bonda Hasmah dan seisi keluarga…
    Ayahanda…inilah kali pertama saya berpeluang berkata sepatah dua.Dengan izin..”i am speechless..”
    Apapun,berhubung tulisan Ayahanda pada kali ini,sy tidak dapat lari dari mengangguk setuju untuk kesekian kalinya dgn apa yang dituliskan.Sejarah..Dalamnya ada pelajaran berguna.Jangan pernah terlupakan sejarah apalagi buat tak endah.Maka,sumber yang kurang bukan alasan.Hendak seribu daya tak hendak memang banyak dalihnya.Kajilah sejarah semoga kita sama-sama terhindar dr kesilapan serupa (jika ada) dan boleh mengulangi sejarah yang manis untuk dikenang (tentu saja banyak utk disenarai di sini)…
    Terima Kasih Ayahanda…

  131. Hi Tun,
    As a Chinese, I fully agree with you that we are independent. That is why I move away from Malaysia to look for better job opportunity. 3 out of my 4 siblings are working in a foreign land. I miss my home. Do I appreciate my country or patriotic toward my country? My answer to you is no. As a kid, my parent has taught us that as a Chinese, we have no future in Malaysia. You can

  132. Salam kepada Tun & Keluarga.
    Info yg amat menarik…
    Sedihnya…ramai rakyat malaysia lupa mengenai sejarah malaysia itu sendiri…semoga malaysia tetap bernama malaysia dan sentiasa dipacu maju oleh pemimpin yang bijaksana seperti Tun…
    Tahniah kepada Tun kerana sanggup menunda perjalanan demi kemunculan Proton MPV Pertama Malaysia…Tabik Springg kepada Tun…

  133. Assalamualaikum,
    Penyataan yang biasa yang kita dengar terutama dari sama ada ayat ikhlas dari pejuang kemerdekaan atau ayat biasa dari pejuang politik yang mencari sokongan atau simpati.
    Sebenarnya mengingati sejarah tidak salah, malah sangat elok. Tetapi mengambil sedikit dan buang yang banyak itu yang salah. Meninggalkan moral/intipati dan mengungkit jasa itu yang tak sedap didengar.
    Malah sebenarnya sesuatu yang lebih besar sejarahnya tidak di endahkan. Kita ambil contoh Sejarah kebangkitan dan kejatuhan Islam itu mungkin ramai yang tidak endah. Sedangkan dari semangat pejuang agama itu yang telah membangkitkan banyak perjuangan-perjuangan kebenaran, keadilan dan kemerdekaan.
    Apa guna kenang sejarah kecil jika ia menjadi lesen menongak rasuah. Apa guna menitip kesucian pengorbanan darah untuk bangsa sekiranya ia menjadi laluan pemimpin maksiat. Apa guna memperjuangkan semangat kebangsaan sekiranya ia memadamkan hati untuk ingat kepada Tuhan yang satu.
    Bila munafik cuba berkuasa apa jua kata-kata boleh diucapkan untuk mendapat sokongan. Bila lebih ramai muslim dari mukmin, Tuhan diperduakan dengan kuasa yang hanya seketika.
    Kata-kata pencetus semangat “bangsa” dan “perjuangan” yang bertentang dengan zikir kepada tuhan dan perjuangan akidah akan semula di semarakkan. Tuhan telah tentukan agamanya untuk melalui jalan sukar. Laluan yang ditentang oleh panganut agamanya sendiri. Yang Kuasa dan kebendaan seperti abadi didepan mata, walaupun “subsidi 20 tahun” telah diberikan.

  134. Salam Tun,
    Untuk menjiwai sejarah tidak semestinya hanya dengan mewajibkan matapelajaran sejarah itu sendiri. Pelajar sekarang ramai yang dah bijak2 Tun… kita galakkan diorang buat kajian sejarah silam… kita galakkan anak-anak muda sekarang ni meneroka sejarah mereka melalui daya kreativiti mereka… lepas tu kita bagi mereka pamerkan hasil kajian mereka, lagi baik kalau disusuli dengan ‘oral presentation’ lagi…. Wah!!… saya jamin, para pelajar sekarang boleh dapatkan informasi yang menarik dan dengan secara tidak langsung semangat kecintaan kepada negara dan semangat kerukunan hidup dalam pelbagai bangsa dan agama akan lebih dihargai…..kita boleh buat aktiviti ini semasa sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan atau aktiviti-aktiviti sekolah, kawasan perumahan, aktiviti masjidpun boleh juga….kita galakkan lagi semangat untuk para remaja dan pelajar untuk mencipta sejarah mengikut bidang dan minat masing-masing… amacam Tun o.k tak?…Haha…. saje je Tun… kalau cadangan ni tak realistikpun anggap saje la saya berlawak Tun… saje nak meredakan tekanan mental diri sendiri ni Tun…hahahaaa…..

  135. Salam Tun,
    Setuju dengan pandangan Tun berkenaan dengan penghayatan sejarah. Rata-rata di kalangan anak muda di Malaysia kurang penghayatan sejarah negara kita. Mereka belajar matapelajaran sejarah di sekolah tetapi malangnya kupasan sejarah tersebut tidak diajar langsung di sekolah. Sistem pendidikan kita tidak berupaya untuk menilai keupayaan para pelajar kita memahami dan menghayati sejarah yang dipelajari. Apa yang dipertekankan hanyalah soal peristiwa yang berlaku dan bila ianya berlaku. Perkara-perkara yang berkaitan tentang pengajaran dari peristiwa tersebut tidak pernah diungkapkan.
    Sebagai contohnya peristiwa kejatuhan kerajaan Melayu Melaka adalah disebabkan wujudnya pengkhianat bangsa. Begitu juga dengan peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 terjadi disebabkan wujudnya pengkhianat bangsa. Rata-rata dari sesuatu tragedi buruk yang berlaku di Malaysia banyak disebabkan oleh kewujudan pengkhianat yang kemudiannya membawa kehancuran. Tetapi perkara-perkara seumpama ini tidak pernah dikupaskan di dalam matapelajaran sejarah. Pelajar-pelajar mempelajari sejarah hanya untuk menghafal sahaja. Soal kesedaran tidak pernah diterapkan di dalam hati dan sanubari para pelajar.
    Sekiranya para pelajar dapat mengambil iktibar akan sejarah yang berlaku di masa lalu saya percaya semua rakyat Malaysia akan rasa bersyukur dan berterima kasih terhadap apa yang mereka miliki ketika ini. Bangsa bukan Melayu juga akan berasa amat bersyukur dan tidak meminta sesuatu yang melampaui batas jika memahami sejarah.
    Sekian sedikit pandangan dari saya.

  136. Salam buat YBhg Tun,
    Pelajaran Sejarah – tak perlu sebab buat apa kita pandai sejarah, Tan Sri Kay Kim pun tak sekaya mana, jadi pakar sejarah sampai pencen pun tak kaya-kaya juga. Lagi pun, susah nak buat benda tak betul, nanti ada terasa sesalan kat hati.
    Kat Malaysia ni, tak payah belajar sejarah Malaysia pun orang muda kita tau macam mana nak beli undi, nak kurung orang kat hotel dan lain-lain lagi. Dan seterusnya macam mana nak ‘gadai’ negara..
    Tapi sejarah juga tercipta seorang Ketua Pemuda yang baru dilantik, baru je turun kereta nak tolong berkempen kena halau balik dek Seniornya kat Perak baru-baru ni – sebab tak belajar Sejarah – Sejarah macamana nak jadi pemimpin yang baik dan berhemah..
    Sejarah juga bakal tercipta – cuba kita bayangkan apa akan jadi dengan PKR bila DSAI meninggal…? Mesti jadi sejarah – berteraburnya anak-anak dia bagai anak ayam kematian ibu..! Ini kerana rebannya tidak kukuh, didirikan atas dasar emosi yang meluap-luap dan semangat dendam nak jadi PM.
    Akhir sekali, menjadi sejarah juga kita terlupa sejarah negara..! Dan pemimpin yang ada sekarang pun bakal jadi catatan dan monumen sejarah kalau masih tak reti dan belajar dari sejarah lalu..

  137. Salam Tun, sekarang bukan masanya utk kita menyalahkan sesiapa,lebih-lebih lagi bangsa melayu. Sedarlah dari lamunan ,muhasabah diri dan kuatkan iman. Saya berani menyatakan disini bahawa kerajaan sekarang akan tumbang pada PRU akan datang,kerana apa….kerana tidak ada sesuatu perkara pun yang menyokong bangsa kita….terus terang saya katakan disini parti melayu sekarang bukan lagi parti yang dominan,baik pembangkang mahupun pemerintah. Saya tidak menyalahkan bangsa lain,kerana mereka adalah bangsa yang bersatu utk kemajuan bangsanya, walaupun berbeza fahaman politik. Saya juga tidak menyalahkan DSAI,kerana beliau memang seorang yang pandai bermain dgn psikologi,tapi yg saya nk salahkan adalah diri saya dan mereka yg terpedaya denganya,saya adalah salah seorang yg keluar UMNO semasa Tun keluar dahulu tapi saya tidak akan masuk UMNO/PAS selagi bangsa saya (PAS) dan (UMNO) tidak bersatu demi memperjuangkan agama,ekonomi,bangsa dan negara. Saya akan terus menjadi pemantau dan pengkritik yang membina sekiranya tiada pembelaan utk bangsa saya dan perpaduan bangsa lain. Kesian(sekian) terima kasih.

  138. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Tun, are you aware that there are certain quarters in UMNO today who is advocating a peace platform with PAS? A peace working platform? I am not surprise if its Khairy

  139. Salam Tun & all,
    History should be a reminder to all, not just to be proud of who we are but also a guidance.
    If you don’t have past, you don’t have any future!

  140. Hmm…sejarah negara penting untuk kita tahu.
    Memahami sejarah supaya tidak berulang kesilapan dan menghargai kemerdekaan.
    Setuju bahawa Al-Quran itu mengandungi sejarah yang sangat wajar dijadikan pedoman. Penuh dengan kisah teladan dan peringatan.
    Bukankah Rasulullah berpesan supaya berpegang pada al-quran & sunnah? Supaya kita tak sesat mencari arah? 🙂
    Yang baik datang dari Allah.
    Segala yg kurang dari diri sebagai hamba yang lemah.

  141. Salam Tun, No doubt about that. History is very important. But the gap that existed right now is due to fact that the present generation is only aping what the older generation is doing. And the gap is getting wider everyday, because of the truth in the saying that ‘jika bapa kecing berdiri, anak kecing berlari’.
    So, in order to stop the gap getting ever wider, we must make sure the older generation is giving the right example, the right role model. It has nothing to do with history. The pangs of survival is so intense and wanting that the present generation disregard values, disrespectful to religious teachings… and who is sultan or PM? Do they really bother about them?
    There will be no value attached if there is no money in your pocket. And so we can see the rise in socialistic thinking. Thus the social justice and humanitarianism. But alas, do they know where they are heading? I dont think so, and I dont believe so.

  142. Dear Tun,
    I agree with TUN for reminding all of us to know the history. It is vital for all the rakyat to know how we get this and that for Malaysia to be born. Thank you very much for giving the figure about 6 million people when east Malaysia merge with west Malaysia. It was only 6 million. But why the quota system for non malay in Malaysia still the same even now Malaysia have 28 million? Is this a practical joke?

  143. saya faham sangat maksud Tun.. sedih mengenangkan keadaan majoriti rakyat (including pemimpin) di Malaysia ini yang rata²nya sudah HILANG INGATAN atau BUAT² LUPA dan SANGGUP melakukan yang tidak sepatutnya semata-mata utk dapat duduk diKERUSI EMPUK. Dem!

  144. Dear Tun,
    It is inevitable that history will be forgotten with time. History lessons offer our young constant reminders of past mistakes we made and so seek to dampen that process. But there are also a number of problems associated with history as we know it:
    1. History is written by the victors of war or confontations. It is difficult to say how much of it is history and how much is propaganda. It is important to know the different faces of history.
    2. There is recent history and history from a time long past us. We need not only learn history, but learn also to recognise the relevance or irrelevance of a certain history and apply the lessons we learn in the appropriate context.
    3. There is also reflecting on the past and harping on the past. Remembering where we came from can help us move forward. Clinging on stubbornly to the past will halt our progress.
    4. We have our own history to reflect on, but also others’ to learn from.
    5. There is history and there is aspiration. Aspiration makes history, and history in turn drives aspiration.
    I say we mustn’t forget history. I will encourage our young to know history from multiple sources, not just as an academic subject but as applicable knowledge, not just our own but others’ too. This way they will not be easily manipulated by propaganda, and they will be able to learn from others’ mistakes instead of waiting for themselves to make the same mistakes before they start learning. They will be able to derive aspirations from history, and make history.
    In this respect, I’m glad the people have actually learnt from recent history of UMNO/BN’s misdeeds. As a result, they now aspire to take their rights back and only give them to the people they trust. They demand more from the government — more transparency, more accountability, more people-centric policies. If we understood how our rulers were forced to surrender their states to the British colonists, we also learnt how the people had surrendered theirs to the goons of UMNO/BN. 5-13 is irrelevant, as this is now a united, multiracial revolt against a handful of sellouts who have enriched themselves at the people’s expense. We have seen how other countries have had accountable leaders and prospered, we do not think we need corrupted leaders for our country to work. So I see PR’s rise in popularity as a good thing, as it is a perfect opportunity for us to make history as a nation. By this, I don’t mean PR has to take over the helm of the federal government. A change in attitude for the better on the part of UMNO/BN will be notable history in its own right, and to be honest I will be happy to settle for that.
    Tun, I believe why PR appeals to the masses is because UMNO/BN is such a fantastic party that takes care of every interest, whim and fancy of its members, especially the most important ones. It has long been known/rumoured that political connections with UMNO/BN grant one certain privileges in life, e.g. access to government contracts, sometimes immunity to prosecution. It is because PR politicians fight such a difficult political battle in the face of unfair treatment meted out by UMNO/BN, that we trust their struggle is genuine. I mean, think about how many PR veterans have been thrown in jail for various reasons connected to their fight for a cause they claim they believe in. How many from UMNO/BN have had the same fate? UMNO/BN is the logical party to join if you want to safeguard your personal interests above everything else. Those PR guys really didn’t have to fight such a hard battle if they were doing it for personal gains. They could have just joined UMNO/BN and be pretty much guaranteed a comfortable career in politics. So for UMNO/BN to win back the hearts of the people, the first thing its politicians have to do is to practise fairness, and be accountable. Shouting empty slogans from the comfort of Putrajaya’s marble-clad offices just won’t cut it anymore.

  145. It is innate for humans, at some point in their lives, to look back and find a connection between the past and present.
    As an ex-secondary student, I must say these:
    – history is a compulsory subject
    – the history syllabus is shallow and repetitive to the point of being a bore
    – there are a lot of history teachers who just teach for the sake of passing exams
    – there is no support in our society for the Humanities. We are too engrossed with Sciences.
    I wish to elaborate on two of the points mentioned above because their meaning is vague.
    Ever since primary school, the topics in our history textbooks are being repeated year after year. It is like as though the subject is not enlightening us but more of brainwashing us. It also gets boring and tiresome when a certain content of information is force-fed into our minds. Such a syllabus assumes that the young are mentally handicapped. And such a syllabus also oppresses our curiousity. If you spoon-feed everything to us, what else is there to discover on our own will?
    As for our society, we stress too much on getting a career, family and a reliable education. Any parent hopes that their child gets into the science stream, thus leaving the art/humanity stream in a state of hopelessness. If you wish us to love history in its most basic essence, we must alter the thinking of our society towards the art/humanity subjects. Both streams are equal, but prejudices still remain.
    Frankly, I wish to see more in our history textbooks, for starters. If we could make the syllabus as interesting as “World History”, there will be no need to worry about the young not wanting to rediscover their past.
    PS: We are appreciative of our independence. But maybe not as much as the previous generation since we didn’t live to see those historical moments.

  146. at past,
    there was a “tanah kurnia”
    but now,
    we have to fork up or wn mone to buy a 70’x20′ terrance house at RM300K.
    at past,
    there was a schoolarship for higher education.
    but now,
    we have to pay study loan full payment plus interest.
    at past,
    there was 15% dividen from ASB….
    but now,
    to get 9% also very reluctant to get.
    at past,
    there was…
    ah…you know…bla..bla..bla..

  147. Tun,
    Memang penting sejarah untuk diketahui semua – kerana ‘sejarah sentiasa berulang semula’ – dan kita sepatutnya mahu sejarah yang ‘baik’ untuk berulang dan bukan sejarah yang ‘tidak baik’.
    Tetapi sejarah itu sendiri adalah amat luas. Kita sekarang hanya mengambil kira sejarah mengikut buku teks tapi buku teks agak sempit fokusnya – terutama dalam skim pendidikan sekarang yang belajar hanya untuk peperiksaan.
    Masyarakat keseluruhan harus mengambil berat mengenai sejarah dan bukan hanya meletakkan tanggungjawab kepada cikgu-cikgu dan kerajaan. Percetakan buku-buku tempatan perlu digalakkan. Produksi drama, filem dan teater berdasarkan sejarah juga patut digalakkan. Muzium-muzium perlu digalakkan dan diberi dana untuk membuat kajian. Kita ada muzium Islam – tapi tidak banyak diketahui dari tanahair kita sendiri.
    Tanahair kita bermula dari zaman Orang Perak (‘Perak Man’) beribu tahun yang lepas – kemudian zaman Lembah Bujang, Kedah dan lepas itu barulah zaman Melaka bermula… kesemua ini patut diketahui dan dibanggakan…

  148. sejarah mengajar kita berfikir siapakah diri kita dan apa sumbangan kita kepada tanah air tercinta ini, dan juga menjadikan perjuangan para pemimpin silam didalam mengharumkan serta memartabatkan maruah bangsa Melayu sebagai tuan dan pemerintahan tertinggi di Tanah Melayu dari dulu hingga kini, semakin jauh kita daripada Islam maka semakin jauhlah kita daripada pertolongan Allah S.W.T. maka tanpa cara lain kita mesti melakukan usaha dakwah keatas umat Islam, jadikan sejarah kerajaan Bani Abbasiyah musnah kerana dakwah tidak dilakukan dengan tertib dan sempurna keatas tentera dan rakyat mereka sehingga menindas penduduk tanah jajahan, maka azab Allah S.W.T. menimpa mereka dengan doa orang yang tertindas dimakbulkan maka hancurlah kerajaan Abasiyah yang merupakan kerajaan yang kuat dan maju dengan teknologi serta ilmu peradabannya. Kesimpulan disini ialah kita mestilah menjadikan sejarah sebagai iktibar serta menjaga amalan dan iman kita supaya diterima dan mendapat keredhaan Allah S.W.T. sepanjang masa INSYAALLAH.

  149. Assalamualaikum Tun, sy suka sejarah. Abah saya kata Sesiapa yang nak jadi pemimpin kena tahu sejarah. Sy sedang mengkaji lagi buku2 sejarah Melayu.
    Sy jadi macam tak percaya. Mungkin orang kita malas menulis. Buku tentang kebangkitan komunis banyak ditulis orang putih. Depa kaji sejarah kita.
    Orang kita pula sensitif nak sebut tentang sejarah ni. SEbabnya Komunis2 celaka tu masih hidup. Keturunan depa yang duduk di MCA, Gerakan dan DAP sekarang.
    Berbalik pada cerita sejarah ni. Sy dapati kebangkitan PKR, PAS, DAP ni nak semacam kebangkitan Komunis. Dulu komunis ramai pengaruh sebab orang zaman tu susah2 belaka. Ramai rasa tertindas kerana Jepun dan British. Sebab tu komunis bangkit.
    Sekarang dah Malaysia jadi aman damai, sy pun tak faham apa pasai Melayu, Cina dan India ni jadi begitu bodoh dan begitu tak bersyukur pada Allah. Sanggup menentang kerajaan. Serupa anjing gigit tangan orang yang bagi tulang kat dia.
    Kerajaan dah beri macam2. Pinjaman, bantuan, faciliti, kemudahan belajar dan lain2. Masih mereka rasa tertindas sampai sanggup tentang kerajaan. Bodoh betul.
    Saya rasa ISA patut kita perketatkan. Apa saja anasir bunga2 nak jadi anarki ni kita patut humban masuk ISA.
    Di mana kita punya Special Branch yang hebat semasa zaman komunis dulu. Di mana perisik2 kita, komando2 yang dilatih elemen subversif. Mereka patut bertindak hancurkan element2 nak gugat negara ni.
    Biar negara kita aman damai.

  150. Bagi saya yang membaca sejarah, apa yang pasti “SEJARAH SEDANG BERULANG KEMBALI”, malangnya ianya bukan dimulakan oleh rakyat bawahan tetapi DIMULAKAN oleh mereka yang belajar sejarah seperti TUN dan pemimpin-pemimpin lain baik dari Kerajaan atau Pembangkang
    SEJARAH menunjukkan permulaan Tanah Melayu dijajah oleh British adalah kerana Sultan Kedah serta kerabatnya berebut kuasa, begitu juga dengan Sultan Perak. Peperangan demi peperangan berlaku, yang pastinya melibatkan rakyat bawahan.
    SEKARANG kita lihat UMNO dan PAS sedang berebut kuasa (mereka ini adalah RAJA-RAJA Melayu zaman dulu). Pergaduhan demi pergaduhan telah berlaku dan MELAYU sekali lagi berpecah. Kita umpamakan UMNO sebagai Raja Melayu yang zalim, rasuah dan mula menindas rakyatnya, dan PAS sebagai kerabat Raja yg berasakan dirinya boleh menjadi Raja yang lebih baik.. maka mereka akan terus berebut kuasa..
    AKHIRNYA ??? Lihatlah apa yang telah berlaku pada sejarah , Melayu telah DIJAJAH. Dan saya pasti dan yakin orang Melayu akan sekali lagi dijajah selagi UMNO dan PAS terus berbalah…..
    Di zaman cucu cicit kita nanti, mereka akan belajar dalam SEJARAH, bahawa pemimpin pemimpin (RAJA-RAJA) seperti TUN, NAJIB, ANWAR, HJ HADI dan NIK AZIZ lah adalah mereka yang bertanggungjawab menyebabkan MELAYU DIJAJAH SEMULA ….
    dan tinggallah ia dalam lipatan sejarah, kerana pemimpin MELAYU memang dari dulu tidak pernah mahu belajar dari SEJARAH….

  151. Salam,
    Saya doakan Tun sihat wal’afiat. Keputusan Tun menyertai UMNO semula adalah keputusan yang amat dihargai oleh setiap orang Melayu yang cintakan bangsanya.
    Izinkan saya cerita sedikit blog PM baru kita sebelum saya beri pendangan berkaitan isu “Generation Gap” ini
    Saya dah 2 kali hantar komen blog PM Dato seri Najib iaitu 1Malaysia tapi tak disiarkan. Saya cadangkan blog 1Malaysia hantarlah reply kenapa tak disiarkan. Jangan diam2 saja. Nanti ulangi SEJARAH lama, BNasional tak mesra rakyat. Saya percaya ramai rakyat Malaysia hantar komen tapi pengendali blog agak terlalu “selective”. Jika tak boleh disiarkan, sebagai tanda penghargaan balas emel kata saja mohon maaf terlalu sensitif untuk disiarkan. Kata nak dengar pandangan rakyat. Kalau diam2 akhirnya rakyat mula lah fikir negatif.
    Tak apalah saya fikir blog Tun lebih hebat.Komen negatif terhadap Tun pun disiarkan di blog Chedet asalkan guna bahasa sopan. Jadi saya akan terus beri pandangan sebagai rakyat dan ahli UMNO biasa kepada kerajaan BNasional khusunya UMNO hanya di blog Tun, selagi diizinkan.
    Islam mengalakkan kita megimbas kembali sejarah orang2 dahulu supaya menjadi peringatan kepada kita supaya tidak melakukan kesilapan yang sama seprti terdapat dalam banyak ayat2 Al-Quran.
    ****Sebelum Merdeka****
    Melayu paling berkuasa. Zaman dahulu Melayu dan Islam itu sebati , tidak terpisah seperti zaman sekarang ada Parti PAS yang memisahkan Melayu lain dan Islam itu lain! ====PAS jangan syok sangat menang kat Bukit Gantang. Hang pa ni buat kerja2 “kuli” untuk kaum lain.PAS for All. Orang Melayu di situ dah semakin ramai percaya kat UMNO semula. PAS semakin berubah perjuangan, boleh bubar Parti dan ahli hang pa boleh join PKR dan DAP! Sebab sehati sejiwa! Bagaikan pinang dibelah dua! Jangan marah ye!Bergurau sikit2 saja.====
    Penjajah Inggeris, Portugis, belanda, jepun dan Siam mengiktiraf orang Melayu sebagai pemimpin peribumi di Kepulauan Melayu samada dengan mengadakan rundingan atau peperangan dengan Sultan Melayu. Begitu juga penjajah mengikitraf kaum Bumiputera yang lain di Sabah dan Sarawak di Semenanjung.
    Stamford Raffles menanadatangani perjanjian dengan Sultan Hussein Shah pada tahun 1819 untuk membangunkan Singapura sebagai pusat perdagangan.( La ni Singapore dah bukan lagi dikuasai orang Melayu. Sementara Pulau Pinang, Francis Light dapat memujuk Sultan Kedah tandatangani perjanjian pada 1786. Penang masih selamat dalam malaysia walaupun belum pernah Ketua Menteri orang melayu. Baru nak jadi Timbalan Ketua Menteri Melayu dah macam2 masalah.
    ***Selepas Merdeka****
    Kerajaan BNAsional lebih darbaik daripada penjajah dengan memberi penekanan setara kepada kaum Asli sebgai peribumi dan juga memberi layanan istimewa kepada kaum2 India dan Cina dengan memberi kerakyatan. Malaysia ialah negara didunia mempunyai kabinet paling ramai berbilang bangsa. Jangan banding keadilan Malaysia dengan Amerika, australia , canada atau New Zealand. Kebanyakan mereka pendatang dari negara Eropah/Afrika dan lain2 lagi. Mereka cuba jadi jaguh demokrasi tetapi rakyat peribumi mereka dipinggirkan.(Red Indians di Amerika, aborigines di Australia &New Zealand). Di Eropah, bukan peribumi boleh dikatakan sangat sedikit bilangannya, sebab sangat sukar jadmendapat kerakyatan dari zaman dahulu lagi.
    Keadilan yang diwar2kan oleh PKR, PAS dan DAP hanyalah satu khayalan futuristik (“futuristic dream”) pemimpin2 mereka yang sukar jadi kenyataaan dan mungkin menjurus kepada pergaduhan dan perselisihan kaum. Ini kerana orang Melayu kekal sebagai orang Melayu, orang Cina kekal sebagai orang Cina dan orang India kekal sebagai orang India dan begitu juga kaum2 lain.
    Barisan Nasional yang dahulunya ialah Parti Perikatan adalah formula kepada keamanan dan keselamatan negara. Ia nya ditubuhkan oleh orang2 Melayu, Cina dan India disertai kaum2 lain dari Sabah dan sarawak. Kemuafakatan dan tolak ansur dan saling menghormati satu sama lain kunci kepada kejayaan Malaysia. Kaum lain mestilah menerima dengan rela hati hak2 peribumi orang Melayu, orang Asli dan kaum bumiputera Sabah, Sarawak dan Semenjung. Jangan tertipu dengan konsep Malaysian Malaysia ala Pakatan Rakyat kerana pemimpin2 dahulu terdiri dari pelabgai kaum telah menerima konsep “merdeka” 1957.

  152. Dear Tun,
    I really don’t know where or when hv our education system gone wrong, when I was a secondary student in the late 80 we did learn History, Science, Geography, English, B.Malaysia & we turn out ok.. Now I understand there are lots more subject taught in school but look at them now?? There must be something worng along the way.. As I said the Minister for Education must not come for a political person but instead a PROFESSOR or someone from the Ministry of Education before & have a passion to teach.Perhaps a former school “NAZIR” is the best as S/he will be able to understand better what is needed & what is not.
    With this then tak de lah lagi semua MAT2 kat MALAYSIA ni

  153. Salam Tun,
    1Ingatkan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin umno sekarang supaya mereka belajar sejarah lagi.
    2Kebanyakan mereka sudah lupa sejarah, sejarah perjuangan umno.
    3Saya cukup risau apabila di sana-sini orang berkata, umno sedang nazak.
    4PM Najib tidak salah,
    -cuma PM sekarang mengambil alih Malaysia dalam keadaan Malaysia sedang sakit
    -mengambil alih umno, dalam keadaan umno sedang parah
    -mengambil alih jawatan PM semasa peribadi sendiri cukup buruk pada persepsi orang ramai.

  154. Salam Tun and fellow followers of che det,
    1. One can say softly, or one can shout out loud- but to those who are dumb, deaf and blind nothing will work. For they will refuse to listen, take heed let alone obey.
    2. I believe that as a whole, Malaysians are still a wonderful lot of people. Kind, considerate, tolerance, cheerful.
    3. But, a handful of people, (and what is a few thousands compared to the larger millions?) insisted on delivering a message that Malaysians are divided, Malaysians are unhappy, Malaysians are oppressed, Malaysians deserved BETTER than what they are already getting. And, like it or not, some people are buying that message, even though those shouting out loud are the ones committing the most ridiculous of errors.
    4. Take the very recent case of Eli Wong and her infamous picture. What do you think would have happened, had the lady been from the larger ruling party of the nation? By God!!! I dare say the whole world would have joined in the chorus that leaders must be clean and seen to be clean.
    5. But, because she came from that part of the society that is the one usually making the loud noise, the whole indecent case is kept hushed. If that is not enough, Ulama’s came to her defence too!!! And talks of she is a good worker bla bla bla is forwarded so as to cover the gross error she had made.
    6. So, the silent majority meanwhile, continued to be silent. And the whole episode appeared like it was just another page in the paper, when it could easily had been the downfall of the other silent side had the offender been from the other side.
    7. Moral of the story? The deaf, dumb and blind shouldn’t be allowed and should NEVER be allowed to lead those who can see, hear and say what is right and what is wrong. Because, following the former will only lead us astray.
    May Allah The Almighty Showers HIs Mercy on us all. Long Live Independent Malaysia!! Long Live Good Malaysians!!!
    Take care Tun and all, let us all observe and be steadfast in our 5 daily prayers for Allah’s promises of safe-keeping and blessings are on HIs servants who are ardent in their hopes for His Mercy through Solah.
    as always, the insignificant one- si kenit

  155. good article from a great person…keep up the good work tun…may good bless u…

  156. Yg Berbahgia Tun,
    Semoga sihat sejahtera disamping isteri tercinta serta dilindungi Allah SWT.
    Sejarah harus dipelajari oleh dan untuk semua kaum. Melayu sebagai penduduk pribumi, Cina dan India dll sebagai kaum pendatang. Dibenarkan menjadi warga negara oleh Almarhum YTM Tunku sebagai memenuhi syarat mencapai kemerdekaan.
    Oleh kerana penduduk pun dah jadi sampai 27juta, Melayu yang dah dulu 80% telah berkurangan menjadi 60% maka Kerajaan perlu merangka dasar baru melindungi orang orang Melayu dari segi politik dan ekonomi.
    Kalau dulu Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak melancarkan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB)maka saya cadangkan YAB Dato Seri Najib melancarkan Dasar Politik Baru (DPB)dan masih kekal juga mempertahankan Dasar Ekonomi Baru.
    Dasar Politik Baru ini adalah seperti berikut :-
    1. Pilihanraya Umum hanya Bumiputera sahaja dibenarkan mengundi.
    Ketua Ketua dan pemimpin pemimpin kaum Cina dan India akan dilantik sahaja sebagai Senator kejawatan Menteri atau sebagai pegawai di Kementerian.
    2. Semua harta benda kaum kaum pendatang akan dimilik negarakan.
    3. Dasar keselamatan Negara diperkukuhkan dengan ISA diperkasakan.
    4. Seseiapa yang menentang akan diturunkan status sebagai pemegang IC merah
    5. Kalau berterusan menentang akan dihantar ke kursus seperti PLKN selama 2 tahun dan di beri pelajaran sejarah dan kursus mengenang budi.
    6. Yang lain YAB Dato Seri Najib boleh tambah.
    Maaf lah Tun, saya dah fade up dengan bangsa yang tidak tahu mengenang budi ni.
    p/s bangsa Melayu/Bumiputera yang menentang ni cuma nak kuasa politik sahaja dan menjanjikan bulan dan bintang kepada kaum pendatang. Di Perak, tanah pun telah diberi pajakan 999 tahun. Macammana BN nak counter ‘rasuah’ ini? Ini sangat merbahaya. Biar sahaja DYMM Tuanku Sultan menjatuhkan hukum kepada bangsa Melayu penderhaka ini. Buang negeri, buang daerah dan hilang kelayakan berpolitik dan mengundi.
    Selamat Maju jaya Tun, tahniah atas keberanian dan kesungguhan anda memperbetulkan apa yang salah dan menjaga kepentingan orang Melayu.

  157. SALAM TUN,

  158. Dear Tun,
    Totally agreed with your posting this time. The younger generation always think they know best…forget about history..that’s their normal mantra. And the manipulation of minds by certain politician do injustice to further confuse the younger lot. And the most unfortunate things is certain BN components leaders are also talking to the same tune and twisted words.
    Nowadays, politician are so crazy of power, money and popularity that they willing to sacrifice everything be it their religion, race or country. I can’t imagine what will happen to this lovely country should the masses continue playing and following the dangerous path. Are we are on the road to bloodbath towards along the way of this democracy journey and total freedom??? Really afraid to even thinking about it.
    Anyway taukeh kedai thank you for your insightful attachment of the above article.
    Wish your the best of health Tun, take care.

  159. Dear Tun,
    I agree with you the important of learning history.But i am more concerned on the behaviour of the Malays in this country nowdays.They don’t seems to apppreciated their status as bumiputras anymore.Is it because the majority of the Malays nowdays are really rich? that they don’t even know to differenciate between religion and race? or are they just plaint stupid that they don’t seems to care anymore about the survival of their race in this country?
    There is a Malay opposition political party that is in a state of denials that they are not of a Malay race but only Muslims to champion Islam.If i am not wrong Tun, only in Malaysia we can automatically call a Malay is a Muslim.I saddens me Tun, that this ignorant so call Islamic leaders are willing to forsake the welfare of their Malays brethens just to win the votes of the non Malays on the pretext that Islam is universal religion that takes cares the welfare of all races in this country.
    This so called Islamic leaders are willing to sacrifies their race, religion and country just for their own personal interest.Tun, is saddens me more that the Malays communities are unable to think wisely like the other communites in this country.Because of their ignorant of Islam, they are easily being manipulated by the other communities in this country.I find it amusing that a non Muslim opposition leader, suddenly found a keen interest in the Quran dan reciting it to the Muslims voters.If the non Muslim opposition leader did not recite the Quran properly, so too the majority of the followers of this Islamic party which only parrots what their bosses says.He he. Salam Tun.

  160. Salam tun,
    Harapan saya semoga melayu tak akan mudah lupa hinggakan sekiranya ada pihak yang berniat jahat menulis semula sejarah tanahair kita dalam versi yang lain sehingga kita tidak dapat mengenalpastinya.
    Semoga Allah melindungi kita semua.

  161. Aslmkum Tun sekeluarga….
    1. Saya kira pandangan tun kali ini ada kaitan dengan perkembangan politik masa kini,terutamanya berkenaan tuntuntan-tuntuntan dari komponen BN..walaupun kita tahu ada di antara penyokong-penyokong komponen BN itu adalah penyokong “non-perform” parti itu terutamanya semasa di PRU12 dan di semua pilihanraya kecil yang lalu.( Rujuk Tajuk” Kebijaksanaan kaum cina berpolitik” Tulisan Awang Selamat-MM-Ahad-12/04/2009)-kita kena fikirkan perlukah cara begini setiap kali ada PR.
    2. Peristiwa-peristiwa yang telah berlaku itu boleh membuatkan kita belajar, mengenal dan mengetahui buruk baik dan kepentingan proses yang timbul atau tindakan yang diambil dari peristiwa-peristiwa atau episode itu.
    3. Pembelajaran dan pengajaran sejarah sebagai subjek yang diwajibkan di institutsi pendidikan.
    4. Saraan tun di perenggan 11, 12 dan 13 hendaklah kita renungkan sedalam-dalamnya dan kita ambil iktibar darinya.

  162. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh!
    Tun yang dihormati,
    Sejarah adalah sejarah dan punca segala kemusnahan bangsa-bangsa yang ditunjukkan oleh sejarah sebagai pemusnah adalah ketidakbijaksanaan pemimpin dalam menjalankan siasah. Dan Tun adalah bekas pemimpin. Tun pada satu ketika tidak bijaksana bemain kuasa. Kalau Tun bersikap macam Tun Abdullah Badawi (mengundur diri) semasa kemelut kuasa dengan timbalan Tun, UMNO dan orang Melayu tidak menjadi seperti hari ini. Tun cukup tidak mengenal watak orang: Anwar Ibrahim dan Abdullah Badawi.
    Bercerita tentang tahun 1957 tidak relevan lagi hari ini. Yang relevan pada tahun itu yang boleh dibawa hingga ke hari ini hanyalah prinsip kebijaksanaan dan keadilan. Cita rasa orang bukan Melayu hari ini lain Tun dengan persekitaran dunia bukan apa yang ada pada tahun 1957. Tentulah apa yang dipandang bijak dan adil oleh orang bukan Melayu hari ini pun lain juga.
    Ada simpulan bahasa Inggeris mengatakan bahawa kalau seseorang itu terlalu radikal di waktu mudanya dia akan menjadi sangat konservatif di waktu tua.
    Semua manusia dilahirkan merdeka dan tidak ada hukum agama mengikat kita mepertahankan status quo 1957 dalam hubungan Melayu dengan bukan Melayu. Yang ada hanyalah kebijaksanaan siasah politik, bukan merungut atas nasi yang sudah tumpah hari ini yang mungkin tangan Tun sendiri salah satu dari punca penyebabnya. Perlembagaan tidak boleh membela orang Melayu selagi orang Melayu tidak bijak menjalankan siasah politik, dilihat tidak bijak dan adil.
    Kalau saya ditanya apakah penyebab besar delima perpecahan orang Melayu hari ini? Jawabnya mudah sahaja. Tun tidak kenal Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Tun Abdullah Badawi. Apakah Tun Abdullah Badawi lebih bijak dari Tun apabila ia meletak jawatan bila berhadapan dengan kemelut politik tidak kepercayaan pada dirinya dengan meletak jawatan dibanding dengan Tun mempertahankan jawatan apabila ditentang oleh DS Anwar Ibrahim?
    Tun jatuhkan Anwar UMNO pecah dua, Tun lantik Abdullah Badawi, orang melayu hilang kepoercayaan terhadap kepemimpinannya – semuanya menerusi tangan Tun. Akibatnya orang Melayu hilang arah apabila parti besar orang melayu (UMNO) terumbang-ambing dewasa ini.
    Apakah mustahil untuk orang Melayu bersatu semula pada hari ini sebelum Anwar ditarik lebih jauh oleh orang bukan Melayu dari perjuangan orang Melayu?
    Tun adalah di antara tokoh-tokoh pemimpin Melayu yang masih berwibawa menyatu umat Melayu. Saya tidak melihat Musyidul Am Pas Dato’ Nik Aziz itu memandang serong terhadap Tun. Saya tidak mempunyai keyakinan bahawa Datu Najib yang muda boleh menerajui Malaysia dengan jaya dan stabil selagi Anwar ada diseberang sana.
    Demi agama dan bangsa Melayu yang tun sayangi, saya percaya Tun boleh berbuat sesuatu.
    Kalau orang Arab Muhajirin dan Ansar boleh bersatu, kenapa orang Melayu UMNO dan PAS tidak boleh?
    Allah mengingat kita berpegang teguh pada taliNYa.
    Salam hormat dari saya

  163. Tun,
    You folks who are political leaders from Umno always like to do self-praise and demand for the appreciation or the gratitude from the common people because of your claimed indebtedness by the people to you Umno folks. Whenever there is a loss by Umno in the by-election, then the people will be blamed for being ungrateful or not being appreciative because the people did not cast a vote for the Umno candidate in the by-election.
    However, Umno leaders tend to indulge themselves in self-praise by placing overmuch emphasis on the importance of Umno leaders and only citing the reason that Umno played the historical role as the ruling party which took over the rule of Malaysia nation from the British colonial rule and continued to rule and make Malaysian people’s living go on until to-date. Umno leaders tend to ignore the basic principle of human development which stipulates that “People come people go and no one leader is indispensable in the world.”
    If Umno is proven even by its own party leaders that the integrity of the party itself has already been tainted and made questionable in terms of its trustworthiness and the ability to change for the better, then it will be much better for the political system of Malaysia to allow taking over of the political power by an alternative party such as Pakatan Rakyat from the corrupted Umno in order to bring forth a system of checks-and-balances which will facilitate a mechanism of internal self-correction and self-improvement within Umno itself. It is no point for us to continue tolerate Umno’s unchangeable corrupted behaviours and let the incompetent and inefficient group of leaders to continue ruling Malaysia with a failing system which would surely fail the people again and again.
    It is not right for anyone to continue preaching to the people a false theology of compulsorily showing appreciation to the political leaders, for the political leaders are not infallible. A true theology should always put emphasis on showing appreciation to God. If someone really knows how to thank God, he/she will also know how to thank a leader whose political decision making is always in compliance to the will of God. In other words, we should not preach a false theology of “people’s supremacy” or “ethinic supremacy” since no one can be much more supreme than God. We should preach a theology which encourages people to do things in compliance to the will of God and to pledge the political support only to those leaders who are really God-fearing and showing loving kindness to the people.
    Therefore, let’s forget about teaching people to love only Umno leaders and not Opposition leaders. Umno leaders who are not God-fearing would not deserve any love from the people. Opposition leaders who are God-fearing and really show their concern about the people’s welfare and livelihood problems shall deserve much more love from the people.

  164. Salam Tun,
    Betul apa yang Tun katakan, kita perlu tahu sejarah, ada sesetengah orang tidak mahu tahu sejarah negara ini kerana dikatakan lebih memihak kepada sesuatu kaum walaupun sejarah tersebut benar. Mereka tidak mahu menerima realiti sejarah.

  165. Salam Hormat TDMM & TDSH,
    I can’t agree more with what you have just posted. I was born in 1966 and agreed I only know the history very much sketchy. I am pretty sure many of us will ditto my words. So the question now, do our front line up ministers well verse with the history? Just wonder? No doubt national spirit could be developed if one read the history with ‘roh’ but are we? I can keep on anticipating!!! Why? Many of the so called leaders that I have seen them giving speech (obviously through various media(s))and read their columns clearly do not have this so-called ‘roh’ but merely theory. Speech that dosen’t draw crowd!!!!!!!!!!The convincing factor is not there. On top of that they drive big cars, they live in big house, the wear with style walking through red carpet with egyptian cotton shirts, silk dress, chunky diamond ring, quality leather shoes that definitely could go into mud etc. Macamana nak berjumpa rakyat? How do we expect the grass root to reach the grass root. Majority will feel inferior because these leaders exhibit superiority towards the people that they tried to convince to vote the governing party. Baliklah asal, janganlah mendongak langit, cubalah rasa bukan bayangkan bilamana ramai lagi orang di luar sana berkira2 apa lauk nak di bagi anak makan, belanja sekolah tak cukup, tangguh dulu bayar yuran, berfikir sejenak beras paling murah mana yang patut di beli but leaders up there just talk and talk and talk infinity. What majority want is roof over the head alias shelter and proper food to eat and decent clothing to cover ourselves. Yes, obviously all this looks ok surfacely but semuanya bayar ansuran……….huh.
    So , new saf can you guys do a real post mortem to these needs so that you can still be in power in the next general election. Jadi kerap-keraplah turun padang, bagi muka kena matahari bukan bila nak mengundi je. So SAF how good is your history knowledge? Sure you can get distinction but only papers. If we have ‘roh’ sejarah kita , kita tak akan kelam kabut macam sekarang. Everyone is looking for a brighter future that were bleak for the last 6 years.

  166. Salam Tun,
    Bagi saya, ini antara article Tun yang terbaik. Cukup maklumat dan cukup ilmiah kepada pembaca. Saya merupakan salah seorang anak Malaysia yg lahir tanpa mengetahui keperitan dlm era penjajahan. Tapi apa yg mengajar saya tentang kepayahan dalam peperangan ialah kejadian di Palestine. Keperitan mereka mengharungi peperangan cukup untuk saya belajar kesengsaraan mereka lalui setiap hari. Apa yg saya harapkan ialah agar perkara itu tidak berlaku di Malaysia kerana saya tidak sanggup untuk berhadapan dengan peperangan dan pembunuhan. Hanya dengan melihat keperitan mereka sudah cukup untuk mengajar saya erti kemerdekaan. Harapan saya agar kita sama-sama kita menjaga dan memelihara keamanan ini dan kemerdekaan kita ini dengan baik, kerana untuk mencapai kemerdekaan itu sudah cukup payah untuk dikecapi. Tetapi untuk mengekalkan kemerdekaan adalah tanggungjawab lebih besar dan memerlukan kerjasama semua masyarakat. Terima kasih Tun kerana mengeluarkan artikel ini untuk kami lebih berfikir.

  167. Salam Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Sekarang baru saya faham, kenapa Nabi Junjungan Muhammad (S.A.W) ditakdirkan Allah untuk dihantar ke kawasan pendalaman untuk disusu kepada ibu susuan, walaupun Nabi Muhammad itu sendiri datang dari kalangan keluarga bangsawan Bani Quraish….
    Pendidikan, ye.. pendidikan dan pengalaman yang dilalui oleh Baginda yang membuatkan baginda lebih terbuka, tabah dan cekal menghadapi cabaran hidup….
    Semua orang mempelajari sejarah, masalahnya sejauhmana penerimaan sejarah itu dapat dihayati oleh setiap individu. Penerimaan dan persepsi setiap individu itu berbeza, dan untuk ini, kita tidak dapat mengawal persepsi manusia banyak….malah meladeni persepsi itu dizaman yang serba mencabar ini juga tidak dapat kita kawal atau arahkan… hemmm… Saya hanya dapat berdoa Tun… dan itu adalah selemah2 Iman saya…Harap-harap masih ada sisa-sisa tinggalan sejarah untuk anak-anak saya warisi, bukan hanya menggigit jari dikemudian hari….Wallahualam…

  168. Dear Tun,
    Spot on! I think history is very important even in Britain these guys reminisce about the WW2 and still commemorate with remembrance day etc. Almost 50% of public holidays across the globe has something to do with historical milestones the country has achieved in the past.
    What is more important in our history teachings in Malaysia is not only to memorise important dates. So what if Penang was open by Mr Light in 1781. What students fail to see is the significance of that and the previous build up of why it happened. We were a sovereign nation then- prosperous and economically significant. But what went wrong? Why and how did we became invaded? All these questions- you ask any students studying in our schools and I guarantee you they will fail to answer. You ask them dates and to calculate they know the answer before you even complete your query. You ask them how they feel- they dont know how to express themselves…..
    The point that im getting at here is the Malaysian education system is obsolete… What I can see it producing is a docile hypnogogic passive receptive individuals who just ‘get along and tow the system line’…. I know this because I am one of such product… When I came to the UK to pursue A Levels and subsequently Medicine I struggled because I cannot think for myself… reason is out of the Malaysian education equation… there is no critical thinking in our teachings…..
    How can we then succeed in the world of innovations and critical thinking? All these sekolah pintar etc means nothing to me….OK these guys are great at regurgitating how chlorophile synthesise glucose etc but you bend the question slightly and almost everyone gets it wrong! The core of the teaching process was built on unstable foundations. Tan sri Muhyiddin must make this change…

  169. Salam,
    -Sejarah mengajar kita menjadi lebih dewasa. zaman sekolah dulu memang tak minat sejarah kecuali sejarah perkembangan Islam ( sirah dalm Pendidikan Islam )kerana olahan lebih berbentuk cerita khususnya kisah nabi dan para sahabat berbanding sejarah Malaysia yang berjela-jela olahannya dan faktanya perlu dicari.
    -Lagi pun, subjek sejarah lebih kepada bentuk hafazan, justeru pelajar aliran sastera ( ala DSAI ) dan murid ala tahfiz lebih menyerlah dalam subjek ini.
    – Pelajar aliran sains biasanya kurang berminat dengan subjek sebegini.tapi mereka masih boleh skor subjek ini kerana ternyata ia senang untuk dapatkan ‘A’ bagi membuktikan kecemerlangan pelajar itu.
    -Namun, subjek ini tidak memberikan kesan dalam kehidupan kebanyakkan pelajar. Sejarah itu tiada nilai, sekadar menambah bilangan ‘A’. maklum sajalah, banyak ‘A’ dipandang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang di Malaysia ini.Sesuatu harus dilakukan.
    – walau bagaimanapun kini baru sedar kepentingan sejarah, walhal Nabi juga menyuruh kita mengetahui sejarah dan salasilah keluarga kita terlebih dahulu. aspek ini biasanya terlepas pandang. Jika hendak pilih pemimpin, ‘sejarah’ latar belakangnya juga harus diteliti, agar kita tidak membuat kesilapan yang sama. hehehe

  170. agreed Tun. it’s time our children and grandchildren study malaysian history comprehensively. it’s for their own knowledge and advantage . at least no foreigner can ridicule us (malaysians).
    bravo Tun.
    p/s: teachers at school are not challenging enough and do not like when challenged either by students or parents. teachers shud be trained to be more receptive towards criticism. but before that, they shud be armed with sound knowledge and be good physchologists, but instead, they themselves are defensive whenever confronted by students or parents.

  171. Although I agree in parts with the article, I have to disagree with the direction it wants to bring the readers.
    There is no sense to try to instill fear in the readers when there are absolutely no reason to.
    Many readers read your article Tun. Your words carry a lot of weight.
    Thank you.

  172. For all too long party political propaganda has overshadowed the facts of history. It is true that the ‘independent generation’ do not appreciate the freedoms and rights they take for granted. Education in Malaysia has generally skewed the real picture of history by promoting pressing priorities of today.

  173. Bila kita belek Sirah Nabi pun kita akan membaca dahulu soal sejarah Bangsa… iaitu sejarah Bangsa Arab Jahliyyah… mengapa perlu sejarah bangsa sedangkan Islam sudah hadir? Adalah sebabnya… yang pertama ialah kerana kejadian BANGSA itu adalah fitrah manusia dan Allah mahu kita saling kenal mengenali, dan dalam proses untuk mengenali itu, adalah lebih utama kita mengenali perihal Bangsa kita terlebih dahulu.
    Bangsa yang menolak sejarah sebenar adalah bangsa yang jahil, jumud dan angkuh.
    Sejarah adalah segala2 nya… sejarah meliputi semua cabang ilmu dan merupakan salah satu komponen dalam ajaran Islam yang terpenting.
    Hidup Tun… teruskan usahamu memperingati anak bangsa ini…

  174. Dear Dr. Mahathir.
    Salam Sejahtera, Shalom and Grace to you and your dears.

    You are absolutely right. A nation that “forgets” its past history is ignoring its future and will not have a future.
    As I’m a descendant of one of the oldest peoples on earth, the Jewish people, I can confirm it. All along the history we didn’t forgot our roots and history which was essential for our survival. We managed to overcome pogroms, riots and discrimination when we were spread abroad. During the times we (the Jews)forgot our history and origins we have been punished.
    We must remember our history and tell it to the next generations as is. Even in my country Israel I can address many young people which know well their past history, leaders, events, etc. I can feel my frustration is great when I hear their ignorance.
    History must be remembered when we need to establish our home affairs as well as our relations with other nations. History is including mistakes as well as good approaches we need to learn from. We should not do the mistakes twice and adopt the good approaches as BKMs (Best Known Methods).
    Be blessed with your family and Shalom Mesra.

  175. Askm! Semuga Tun serta keluarga sentiasa dalam rahmat Allah SWT.
    Benar apa yang Tun katakan, Melayu mudah lupa, Bila melayu dah senang sikit mereka lupa asal usul dan terus mengulangi kesilapan lalu.yang peliknya kita badget kecik tapi citarasa tinggi…Ada lebih sikit dah mula bergaya….Kita harus sedar pesaing sebenar kita dalam bidang ekonomi bukan nya mat saleh tapi bangsa cina. Oleh itu untuk berjaya kita kena memahami bahasa cina seterusnya kita akan memahami budaya kerja orang cina.Pembelajaran bahasa cina perlu diadakan seawal sekolah rendah. Apabila kita tahu berbahasa cina mudahlah kita berniaga dengan cina dan kita tidak mudah tertipu helah niaga orang cina.betul tak…..wassalam

  176. Dear Tun,
    Agreed with you and hope Najib will not follow badawi ‘s foot step as he never learn from the mistake.

  177. Tun,
    I sincerely agree with your comment where younger generation does take things for granted and often forget what our forefathers have done to create what Malaysia has been today.
    However, we should not be over protective in the name of “history” and risk losing opportunity to develop Malaysia into a further advance and respected country in the World. History are important and they have guided us thus far. But future is what we have to face and live it. You have mentioned the growth in the population and because of this, we can’t do things what we thought to be good when the population was merely 15/16 millions Malaysian back in 1990s…
    And for the rest who commented on my reply, sorry guys/girls, I hope you can respect that this is Tun’s blog and not a venue to direct your anger and frustration just because you don’t agree on my view. In short, I don’t give a damn. Stay focus on this blog! 😉

  178. Saya setuju dengan Tun, sejarah itu sangat penting kerana itulah di dalam Al-Quran sejarah nabi-nabi terdahulu diulang sangat banyak dan Allah juga meninggalkan sebahagian dari kesan sejarah untuk dijadikan panduan dan iktibar kepada mereka yang mendapat hidayat.
    Generasi muda sekarang ramai yang sudah lupa sejarah kerana baginya sejarah itu sudah terbelakang. Katanya zaman ICT tak sama dengan zaman dulu yang kuno. Zaman sekarang yang penuh kebebasan katanya yang bagi saya adalah propaganda Barat atas tiket Demokerasi. Inilah gerakkan Barat untuk menghancurkan negara Islam yang maju seperti Malaysia dan memastikan negara Islam lain terus terperosok sebagai negara miskin.
    Tetapi malangnya Generasi Muda, Generasi lepasan Merdeka ini di ketuai oleh pemimpin-pemimpin lama yang mempunyai kepentingan peribadi atau mungkin pemimpin-pemimpin di kuasai oleh pengaruhluar samada di dalam parti pemerintah atau di dalam parti pembangkang. Pemimpin yang pandai memanupulasi pemikiran generasi muda yang sentiasa ingin berubah.
    Semuga Malaysia dan Melayu tidak menyesal sebelum terlambat. Jadikan sejarah kejatuhan empayar Islam sebagai contoh yang paling terbaik. Ingatlah, Apabila sudah jatuh memang tidak akan bagun lagi!!

  179. Lim Allows More Time For Anwar To Pick Deputy CM
    PENANG, April 15 (Bernama) — Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has given Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim more time to decide on the candidate for the post of Deputy Chief Minister I.
    We can safely draw into conclusion that it is immaterial whether the Deputy Chief Minister 1 post would be filled sooner or later as far as Eng Guan is concerned. It is not significant at all. After all the Deputy Chief Minister position is symbolic only. Tak ada TARING macam paper Tiger !!
    Serupa juga macam Nizar jadi Menteri Besar Perak. Dia hanya jadi ” babu” sahaja kapada DAP. PAS diperkudakan. Itu pun PAS tak sedar diri. Kuasa punya pasal. Tapi kuasa “pariah” !!!

  180. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I agreed one hundred percent with you on this issue.
    I was amazed when i found out that the History class is not taught in my son’s primary school. Why is this? How are these kids to know the roots and history of their country? How are they going to appreciate our country independence and the struggles when they celebrate the Merdeka Day every year, other than another public holiday?
    Something must be wrong somewhere in our education system and the Ministry of Education, dont you think?
    During my time, the History class was my favorite because it was fascinating to learn about things that happened before our times. You are right, if we dont learn from our history, there is a very strong chance that history will repeat itself.
    Look at the US, she is repeating the same mistakes from the Vietnam War in Iraq and Afghanistan.The US is still in the denial mode and refuses to withdraw.
    I am also worried of calls from certain groups in our country to rewrite our history to make certain parts of the history looks sweeter that what actually was. It is like the Japanese who totally excluded the role of their country as the villain in the WWII. Up to this day Japan has refused to acknowledge that she attacked China in 1939 and killed 300,000 citizen in Nanking. I am not saying this group of people in our country are like that,they are not, but rewriting our history for political gains is a no no.
    History should be factual and be told as it happened eventhough it put some groups of people in bad light. Hopefully, our children will read it and learn not to repeat the same mistakes during their times.
    Tun, our education system is in dire need of resuscitation as it becomes too exam oriented. This system only forces students to memorise answers to score more and more A’s but lacking in creativity, skills of improvisations, analytical thinking and very rigid. No wonder we hear that our graduates from local Uni have problems getting jobs, as employers nowadays are looking for more than just the number of A’s in their certs.
    My son’s school forces him to learn Arabic language four out of five school days and yet no need to sit for exam. I dont see the urgency of learning this language unless he is going to take Islamic studies and go to Al-Azhar in Egypt to do his degree, or use it to study Al-Quran. I dont mean to say that it is not important, as we do send him for tuition on the subject. But dont you think it is better to teach them English instead so they can get a good grip on the language when they enter secondary school?
    Who is he going to practice the language with at home as we dont speak Arabic? Most of his friends dont speak Arabic and i am sure when he works one day either in the government or private companies, he wont be using it, unless he works in Dubai.
    My point is, the Ministry of Education should think thoroughly before implementing any teaching curriculum on the relevancy of the subjects for their future.
    Of course, those who are religiously inclined will not agree with me on this issue, i can accept that. I think there are plenty of opportunities to learn it later in high school or universities, but meanwhile i think the teaching of English is more important. There also thousands of religious books on the translation of Al-Quran and Hadiths in English in many universities all over the world, knowing Arabic is not the only way to learn our religion.
    Tun, i personally think, the years between 1960 and 1980 produced the best generations in this country. It may due to the education system back then or it may be the people were less uptight, less gap in the generations compared to after that.
    I asked a lot of questions on our history to some of the kids i know, they had no ideas of our history, very sad. Our history is like the roots of a big tree, if our knowledge is shallow that means the roots are not strong, the tree can easily be blown away by strong wind, there are those who are very good at manipulating history to achieve their agenda, if we are not careful, we will be making the same mistake over and over again.
    It is time for the new Education Minister to revamp the subjects taught in schools for the sake of our childrens’ futures.
    Wassallam Tun

  181. Assalamualaikum,
    1. Melayu lahir bersama Islam di Tanah Melayu ini. Kerana Islam seluruh umat Melayu bersatu.
    2. Baba dan Nyonya tidak jadi Melayu kerana mereka tidak menganut Islam tetapi India Muslim dan keturunan Arab diterima sebagai Melayu kerana mereka Islam.
    3. Mempertahankan Bangsa Melayu yang berAgama Islam adalah wajib kerana jika rosaknya Bangsa ini maka rosaklah Agama Islam itu. Jangan keliru dengan fahaman Assabiah. Fahaman ini mempertahankan bangsa tanpa landasan Agama.
    4. Di mana dan bagaimana lahirnya Melayu itu hendaklah Melayu menyelidikinya. Ini penting untuk membentuk jatidiri Bangsa Melayu itu.
    5. Usahlah terpedaya dan tertipu dengan seloka indah orientalis, kapitalis dan berbagai-bagai faham lagi. Umat Islam hendaklah kembali kepada Agama Islam yang telah sempurna sebagai panduan hidup kita menuju kepada ALLAH.
    6. Jangan takut berjuang kerana ALLAH dalam menegakkan Agama, Bangsa dan Negara. Hendaklah kita semua memperbetulkan niat dan tujuan perjuangan ini agar tidak terpesong dan sia-sia.
    7. Marilah kita semua bersatu mempertahankan pemerintahan Melayu Islam di bumi tercinta ini. Lihatlah sejarah bagaimana dendam, dengki khianat dan kezaliman menghancurkan Melaka dan beberapa kerajaan Melayu terdahulu hingga kita menjadi bangsa yang hina di Tanah air sendiri.

  182. Salam Tun,
    I believe the mindsets and the intentions or NIAT of a’warrior’ of the past is NOT the same as the ‘worrior’ of today…
    The pure NIAT of one is always questionable… why he/she doing this or that…
    BUT ofcourse if one have the NIAT to know + visualized + understand of the sacrifices of the ‘warriors’ of the past then one can appriciate LIFE and do his/her work with great enthusiasm and sincerity…

  183. yes you are definitely right, but many malaysian and mostly malays are the ignorant kind of people. they did not want to study, they failed to understand what they studied,and they choose only to hear even though it is not true what anuar said or did, but they want to listen to him even though what he telling to pkr people and pas is basically a liar.this is a malay that live right now in malaysia. if they do study hard and understand history of the past, then they would understand that what anuar and pas has cause to misleading them. then i hope the younger generation should study hard and do not failed to understand the history of malaysia, and did not became like thier parent, in which is ridicoulusly stupid……
    May Allah bless them all…..

  184. Indeed, Tun, history is the best teacher and those who are ignorant of the past is a fool. However, there is certain truths to the words look forward to future and put your past at your back as well. Those who cling to the past is also a fool, and so do those who only look into the future without learning the past. That is why we need a system that allow every citizen of Malaysia to feel that the country really does belong to every races. All the 3 main races have been together for at least half a century already and they have been through the thick and thin, but the unity among the three races are still as fragile as ever. Though there are some exceptions where the 3 races could befriended one another but the majority is still suspicious of one another. We need a system that will not differentiate one race to the other race, as much as the Malay is still not as rich, there are many chinese and indian that are not as fortunate as well. We must understand that poverty is not a race problem, it is the nation problem together. To do this, we need to pull it together as a nation, not a nation that solely belong to only one race. If this problem is not address, surely another May 13 is inevitable with new generations that are still puzzled with the Bumiputera privilege. When that has happened, surely those who study the history will laugh at the foolishness of the current rulers – that the rulers are ignorant of the past. Please reconsider this matter with urgency, that Malaysia is for Malaysian, not Malaysia for a race.

  185. Salam Tun,
    when i was young, my mom always told me about history, how cruel Japan and Communist can be, how Malay was treated as slaves by British, nowadays, young generation may not seen what was happen in the past they might think that it never gonna be hapen again but unfortunately it started to happen again! I’m afraid that some of us will be the actor of the past story

  186. Dear Tun,
    Hope you’ve enjoyed your lunch.
    1. The government should be braved enough to take strong action to stop current politicking stupidity. Almost all (especially the Malay) politician from PR seems to forget who they are. All of them are eager for power. Not because they all know how to rule the government but they just want to shows to the rakyat and the world that they are the winner.
    2. When they win they will happily digging old files records just to show to the public, what have been wrong done by the previous government. When they cannot find any wrong-doing, they will use anything to make the thing are wrong in the eye of people. That is why I say they do not know how to rule & govern; they just want to be good policemen cum judge. This is what is currently happen in the Selangor & Pulau Pinang. Selangor government are now making their every effort to channel the water supply which is currently under SYABAS to their selected cronies.
    3. And now, what are currently happen in Thailand they want the same to happen in Malaysia as long as their agenda fulfil by toppling the state government. They are so stupid. The whole world knows “What happen in Thailand, Stay in Thailand”.
    4. Off course, this stupid pemuda melayu want that occasion to be a part of our HISTORY as well.
    Until then,
    Salam perjuangan.

  187. Assalamualaikum Tun
    It’s an important remark…….way to go Tun
    Just feel very uncomfortable with the current political in Malaysia….
    a lot of pressures from various factions….to request for so called representative in the new cabinet…some also think that their pious level is determined by the political doctrine they are attached to……
    halim mad lazim

  188. Salam Tun,
    May you have a peaceful day.
    Setuju dengan pendapat Tun berkenaan menghayati sejarah. From history we learn to be matured and become stronger. But it keeps repeating by itself. We have seen the raised of great empires and the falls of it before and it may happen to this fragile country.
    It is the phsycology of wanting to change made the people repeating those history like it or not, no mater who lids the fire first. From monarchy to republic, communist to democracy and revolution by revolution occured, shows that nothing remain still.
    In the context of Malaysia, the backbone of the system is tolerance.
    Of course PR shouts they are most relevant today in a way not becoming a racial stance (hidden by names and political agenda). It’s actually transpiring the justice which UMNO-MCA-MIC did long time ago (as you said, how many malays were in the top billionaires list in Malaysia?).
    Are we ready for meritocracy system or even an Islamic state?
    Back to the factor of people wanting to change the system (without truely understand its consequences).
    How can we ever stop this from happening?
    May God bless Malaysia!
    M193GH, manch.

  189. Tun,
    excellent articles for the younger generation to understand and hopefully to digest on the previous struggle on Independence. DSN is a capable leader and he need to be supported. DSAI is a Malay traitor with power craze and has proven to be an agent for the American & Jews. PKR if to be in power, hopefully not, will be a choas for every Malaysian especially with thier DAP & PAS having different idialogy. The fact is that they are responsible for the racialist remarks in creating anger amongs us Malaysian.UMNO, MCA, MIC and other components parties within BN must unite and work together as agreed and not be fooled by the Politics of DSAI, LKS.KS & DNA. UMNO must now get rid of all those culprits for personal gains, only for their personal gains, and have no interest to ensure Rakyat be respected and getting thier benefits. DSAI was ths root for money politics during is time in UMNO, and Allah has shown to most Malaysian the type of person DSAI is. Are we all going to have DSAI as our leader? As for me and many others the answer is NO. Thanks Tun. take good care and regards to everyone at home.

  190. History is the ground where we are standing on….we may easily fell down if we fail to understand the form of the ground..
    We will only be able to walk steadily if we know and understand all the obstacles and other states of the ground.
    Referring to Malay today….failure to understand the history has made us to what we are now….to the state that I wish to label as

  191. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    It is sad to see many youngsters nowadays (but not all) seem to take Malaysian independence for granted. Mereka cuma tahun fikir nak berseronok sahaja, sampaikan ada yang terlanjur dengan membuat perkara yang ditegah oleh agama. No wonder why there are more Mat Rempits, Mat Gians and all kinds of the bad “Mat-s” or “Minah-s” who are often associated with Malay youths. Zaman memanjakan anak sudah berlalu; kalau diteruskan juga dikhuatiri Malaysia akan jadi “negara penyangak” yang dipimpin oleh orang yang rosak akhlaknya suatu hari nanti. Sayangkan anak tangan-tangankan.

  192. Salam Tokwan,
    I’m totally agreed with you but sometime we have to consider also how the subject history is being taught nowadays in school. Not all the students are gifted with imaginary power to illustrate the scene how the situation last fifty years. I’m not pointing to anyone else but myself alone, I have experienced with very taugh time to study history during school and even uni for the civilisation. This is mainly because of the method or approach that being used is not really approacable.

  193. Salam Tun
    Again, a great short blog which shows your very wise use of words and your extensive grammar and dictionary. Very nicely written in English. Please tell Muhyiddin to tailor the Malaysian History syllabus properly.

  194. Salam to Tun and All,
    Beware on those that trying to rewrite the history. (Chin Peng, Malayan Union, Perjuangan utk kemerdekaan etc etc). This is too rampant now and has reached a point that if someone recite the history, he will be ridiculed and even banished by his own party (stupid no ball leader…sorri for my language).
    Yr article above is a very timely reminder for all of us.
    God bless all of us.

  195. Good Afternoon,
    There is no use of teaching history in schools if most of our pupils right now do not appreciate the freedom that have been
    given to them by our hard fought leaders in the early days.History teaches a society to learn the mistakes that the past has brought us and move forward on achieving new goals.But it is so much different right now in Malaysia.We are heading towards becoming a country like Thailand.Like Thaksin in Thailand and like Anwar in Malaysia,both of these scumbag should be locked inside a jail once and for all.It is injustice to any country to be runned by such a disgusted politician as both of these jokers.Only god knows what will happen if these two characters get hold of there country once again.
    Now Playing : Metallica – Leper Messiah

  196. I agree that history is important but how far do we actually learn from our mistakes? learning history is one thing but actually thinking and digesting it is another. i think history also teaches us that our past leaders acted and made decisions under different circumstances, just as our leaders now. so we have to learn to appreaciate that.
    i used to tell my secondary history teacher that i hate History because it made me think that previous people made weird decisions, some making mistakes that caused huge damage.i guess i know better now. maybe that was the best decision at that time. maybe. maybe the history was not written correctly. maybe.
    lets just all appreaciate history and dont repeat the same mistakes.
    precaution is always better than cure.

  197. Salam Tun Dr.MM
    I notice that bloggers either they are with or against UMNO/BN prefer to bring up issues in details with regards to UMNO/BN YBs/parties. Even though its just (most of it) hear-say information but its one sided and not fair to UMNO/BN.
    We also want to be updated on issues of the opposition parties and YBs? Are they capable YBs? Before they become YBs who are they? and etc….
    I’m what people calls “pengundi atas Pagar”. I suggest its time now for blogggers to blog in details on issues of the opposition parties/YBs.

  198. Salam..
    History had thought us that we did not learned anything from history..
    Hesmel Faznee Faisal.

  199. To Tauke Kedai:
    The article you included in your comment was interesting. could you share with us the author?

  200. Yes, what Tun said here is the reason behind knowing the history. I realised the importance of learning it as not to repeat the same mistake again and again. I hope this message is clear enough.
    Thank You Tun.

  201. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Actually Tun, after I made a critical comment. And I see a new posting from you, it really worries me. I would procrastinate and read it line by line. Then I stop and read again. Because Tun, one word

  202. Assalamualaikum Y Amat Bhg. Tun.
    Just to share a small view and from my experience when visiting two universities in southern Thailand. To my surprise, each of the universities has a small museum not only cater about the history of their university but the history of the southern Thailand and also about their culture. From what I gain from the experience that history can make people progress.
    May Allah Bless You and Your Family.

  203. most human are actually hopeless to learn from mistake. the Greed is driving their coarse. has the human learn after so much of human was killed during war of the barbarian, war of the warlord, world war 1, world war 2 & all the existing land of warzone today throughtout the globe? they learn nothing, all they learned is killing still needed to be continue. get ready for world war 3 which i will call it as ‘war of the 2 evoluted confused religion’
    what you understand may not neccessary overcome greed (Lying Religion), but greed can easily overcome even to what you understand.
    it all started in the ‘gray area’ (where good can be seen as evil & evil can be seen as good), this is where Truth meet Lies, in religion & also in law, this is the area where good & evil can be produce/created & born from this gray area of human law & religion law. human is alway trying to comes up with new idea by manupilate this gray zone to get power/money.
    it all started with love, they become greedy wanting to achieve to be great human because the want people to love them. it a cycle of law of Mother Nature (Law of God)

  204. Salam buat Tun berdua moga diberkati Allah s.w.t.Benar pendapat Tun itu kerana kisah sejarah penting kepada kita.Sebab sejarahlah dapat mengenalkan kita asal usul kejadian manusia,agama,bangsa,budaya serta alam semesta.Bumi berputar masa bergerak yang tertinggal sesaat meninggalkan sejarah untuk kita renungi.Itu pun kalau dicatat oleh manusia.Kisah sejarah yang terbaik bagi kita sudah tentu kisah yang sebenar tiada kepalsuan serta penipuan kerana kepalsuan pasti merugikan kita seumur hidup seperti yang diingatkan oleh Allah s.w.t kepada manusia yang bermula dengan demi masa…
    Mengingatkan kejadian yang lepas sering membantu kita waspada terutama kejadian negatif berulang.Tetapi menginsafkan diri kita betapa kerdilnya kita didalam alam maya ini setiap kejadian ada yang maha berkuasa menentukannya.Balasungka kejadian sejarah ini ada hubung kaitnya kita dengan yang maha berkuasa.Lipatan sejarah antara manusia membawa perbalahan yang tidak ada hujung pangkalnya sebaliknya sejarah hakiki manusia dengan tuhan dalam Al-Quran adalah nur cahaya menerangi kehidupan selamanya.Ingatlah catatan sejarah Allah s.w.t kepada manusia pasti tidak dapat ditiru oleh catatan manusia yang makin hakis dimata serta semakin keroh hatinya.

  205. Good Afternoon TUN,
    Obviously some Malaysian in our country are not grateful for what we have.Some of us even question the rights and privilages that have been given to them by our previous leaders.And yet some of us even seems to let all that privilages go away because of some politician political interest.Just look at has happen to Malays nowadays.There are so divided in their own agenda of some politicians that uses them to question the rights that have been given to them since independent.It is sure that they are blinded by their so called heroes(Anwar and Co) in thinking that the goverment have abandoned them and are bias towards every oppurtunity that have been given to them.
    Sad to say that the scenario in Malaysia politics is heading towards it’s demise.The opposition party have question the rights of the Malays and the ruling of our Sultan as a tool to create an issue that have been long ago been discuss.The ruling of Pak Lah for 6 years have been a thorn in every UMNO member and for most of the rakyat in Malaysia.If it wasn’t for him Anwar would still be inside jail and just counting the last days of his life.But yet the unthinkable happen….Pak Lah let that low-life traitor go and let him create havoc again with his circus shows.What was he thinking?.
    All is lost for the Malays if BN loses the next general election.We will definetly see a lot of rioting and protesting in our country if the opposition become the next government.Another Thailand in the making i presume,that’s what Malaysia will be.
    Now Playing : Guns N Roses – Right Next Door To Hell

  206. Assalamualaikum,
    Tun yang dihormati,
    Saya ialah pengunjung setia tulisan Tun…
    Namun idea Tun mengasaskan PPSMI ke dalam sistem pendidikan Malaysia menyebabkan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia akan menjurang.
    Walaupun ideanya sangat baik demi mengangkat martabat pemikiran dan status ilmu bangsa melayu, tetapi pada masa yang sama ia akan menyebabkan bahasa melayu menjadi kurang keutamaan dalam pendidikan. Ini bermakna bahasa melayu akan dipinggirkan dalam budaya rakyat Malaysia selepas Bahasa Inggeris. Walaupun alasan BM masih digunakan dalam subjek lain tetapi cuba perhatikan dengan teliti pada subjek SPM bagi aliran sains berbanding aliran sastera. Aliran Sains menggunakan BI sebanyak 6 subjek dari 10 subjek (bilangan lazim di setiap sekolah) manakala aliran sastera akan menggunakan BI sebanyak 3 subjek sahaja dari 10 subjek yang diambil dalam SPM.
    Idea ini juga akan mentahkikkan wujudnya dikotomi dalam masyarakat seperti luar bandar dan bandar. Malah ia juga boleh menyebabkan BM kurang diamalkan oleh bangsa lain dengan alasan tiada nilai komersial atau tiada kepentingan dalam kehidupan seharian kerana BI sudah menjadi bahasa alternatif berkesan. Bahasa Melayu yang sepatutnya diiktiraf setaraf BI sebagai bahasa ilmu sebaliknya hanya menjadi bahasa kasta rendah yang hanya diamalkan oleh orang2 kampung.
    Perjuangan UMNO menuntut kemerdekaan adalah sesuatu perjuangan mulia yang perlu dikenang. Masalahnya pejuang UMNO kini menggunakan jasa2 ini sebagai senjata mengugut rakyat kini daripada mengeksploitasi jasa UMNO dulu sebagai teladan memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu Moden. Saya sangat mengharapkan karisma Tun masih mampu mempertahankan aura perjuangan UMNO dahulu ke dalam UMNO kini. Janganlah dengan perlantikan Mukhriz ke dalam kabinet mampu menutup mulut Tun dari terus menegur dan membimbing UMNO kepada kebaikan dan kegemilangan era moden. Jangan biarkan Najib merasuah Tun dengan perlantikan Mukhriz.
    Harapnya Tun dapat menarik kembali PPSMI dari sistem pendidikan Malaysia.
    Yang menyayangi tun,
    ps;(berbunga hati bila bersalam dengan Tun)

  207. Salam Chedet,
    I dun really care ’bout politic, it’s not that am saying “NO!” TO POLITICS but theres too much hanky panky….
    so whatever voice come out from a politician, it became like “what’s his agenda?”……
    First of all, what i really2 want is Malaysia will become a ZERO POPVERTY!!!!!! please… help Malaysian first… dun wanna see anymore in tv showing our people eating snailssss…
    2nd….. Help Malaysian KIDS & adults(not to be missed) with education……..
    if we can produce Healthy body & “mind” MALAYSIAN people, then i think our politician voice is worth to be heard..

  208. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Ya,saya menghargai sejarah.Sejarah adalah petunjuk kepada saya.
    Sejarah membakar segenap salur darah saya untuk terus menaip sehingga kini.Sejarah adalah kebenaran dan sentiasa bercakap dengan sesiapa yang sudi mengenang sejarah.
    Sejarah membentuk keperibadian kita.Zaman kolonial, hatta zaman komunis sekalipun itulah yang membentuk peribadi tentang perlunya radikal.
    Sejarah adalah saka turun temurun.Kita membawa kemana sahaja kita berada.Mengenang sejarah membolehkan orang menyayangi kita.
    Apa yang terjadi hari ini,itulah yang akan membentuk sejarah pada masa depan.
    Seorang penguam syarie secara live di tv pernah berkata ‘sanggup bunuh anak sendiri kalau ikutkan rasa marah.’
    Ya,saya bersetuju dengan perasaan beliau.Tapi saya tidak fikir itu perlu untuk menentukan sejarah pada masa depan.
    Sejarah hidup orang Melayu penuh beradat dan berlapik.Namun keadaan dunia kehidupan berubah membuatkan adat yang sedia ada sedikit demi sedikit terhakis.
    Kenapa orang Melayu susah sangat nak meluahkan apa yang sebenarnya terbuku di hati?
    Terima kasih Tun.

  209. Salam Tun,
    You are correct. We should strongly bare in mind where we came from so that we know what ground we are standing….History is impotant so that we remember where we came from, being thankfull and appreciated to live in Malaysia…and the important is to have some respect to each other expecially the Sultan….dont simply thrown your words! (You know your self better!)


  211. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    I am glad to see that you are back in UMNO. Maybe you can help to strenghten UMNO from the inside, or BN as a whole will fare poorly in PRU13.
    I fear due to the “dry” nature of your chosen topic, while very relevant, may go over the head of some readers, who may not understand the implications of your statements. So I am giving my own non-descript views (and worries) on History.
    I believe the correct quote from George Santayana you were thinking of goes something like this: Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
    1. I fully agree that History needs to be thought in schools. However, my worry is that: Would what is presented to our children be the honest truth, or the sanitised/acceptable version? George Santayana, an American philosopher once also said, “History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren’t there.”
    2. In order to learn History more effectively, we should ensure that all forms of History involving our beloved country is allowed to be taught, including the negative aspects and mistakes, be it by politicians or communities. Channels should be opened at mosques, temples, guilds and churches to educate the young (and not so young) on living History and it’s impact on society and the country. Our young need to be told of their heroes and villains irregardless of race or religion. George Santayana, an American philosopher once also said, “A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.”
    3. There may be some among us who will not be too pleased at this, for fear of exposing skeletons long thought to have been buried deep in the back of their very large closets. To them, I leave this quote by George Santayana, an American philosopher who once also said, “The truth is cruel, but it can be loved, and it makes free those who have loved it.”
    4. Unfortunately, my personal believe is that there will not be much dialogue in this matter, and it will not be taken up due to lack of political will and the underestimation of Malaysian’s tolerance and acceptance, even with our PM’s 1Malaysia concept. Subjects such as this do not serve any party well politically, besides dredging up sentiments when necessary. George Santayana, an American philosopher once also said, “Skepticism, like chastity, should not be relinquished too readily.”
    5. It does not cease to amaze me how you can choose to reflect and study the current mood to put in what you feel should be corrected. I have always admired that about you and I am pleased that you are still carrying over steadily while some of your contemporaries seem to have reached senility. George Santayana, an American philosopher once also said, “To know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather than what they say.”
    6. I commend your still astute vision to recognise the need for History, in order to remind all of us where we came from, what he had to go through, and where we find ourselves now. Should we take the easy way out and assume that we are well on track towards assimilation, or do we pause to study and learn from our past mistakes, of which there have been many? George Santayana, an American philosopher once also said, “Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.”
    7. I will be the first to admit that I am not an expert in everything, as some may claim to be, I take pride in being a Malaysian who believes in lifelong education, and am perplexed why this is only given token lip service by the Government of the day. Perhaps there are many “dinosaurs” who fear that they will tumble from their political pinnacle should the general masses gain the necessary knowledge to understand their motives and weakness. Tun, I will always salute you for your bravado, even though there have been things I do not agree with coming from you, as I respect your views, (and anybody else’s) as long as it is rational and logical. You will always be a hero in my History book, even if PR takes over and paints you as a villain in their version of history. George Santayana, an American philosopher once also said, “The wisest mind has something yet to learn.”
    8. I admit there will be those who do not agree with what you (or I) are saying (veiled or otherwise) in this posting, and to them I leave another quote by George Santayana, an American philosopher who once also said, “Before you contradict an old man, my fair friend, you should endeavor to understand him.”
    Tun, thank you for indulging my ramblings, most of which will also go over the heads of most readers, but I am truly trying hard to stay off the sensitive subjects in any blogs.
    I will always pray for your good health, and your role as an elder statesman (albeit outside the official channel) is much appreciated as the rakyat need a voice of conscience which the opposition is acutely lacking in pursuit of their own agenda to power.
    We do not need another Thailand! or Philippines! Or Indonesia! Or Myanmar! Or Memali! Or Baling! Or Kg. Medan! Or any other that will never be mentioned in Malaysian History Textbooks!

  212. TUN,
    Orang muda sekarang kata sejarah tu cerita lama…. sekarang cerita baru.
    So what went wrong?
    Kini perlu ada penekanan terhadap sejarah, tertutama perjuangan kemerdekaan. Tapi subjek memang perlu ditekankan dlm bahasa Malaysia. Siapa-siapa yang tentang PPSMI kini boleh bertenang sebab ada subjek sejarah dalam bahasa kebangsaan

  213. Dear YABhg. Tun,
    Yes, learning and knowing our history is important. I will ensure that my children know their history well. Unfortunately, I am not going to leave the teaching of history to my children to our school system for sure. Our school history books are written by vested interest groups and crooks. These books are what I would call propoganda materials (by UMNO/ BTN) rather than history books.Most of the contents in these so called history books are sickening and make us vomit our guts out.
    Propoganda and history must never be mixed.
    Raja Chulan.

  214. Assalamualaikum wrt.
    I hope Tun and wife are always in good health. I’m just a normal Malaysian who born in 1987, of course, I was born decades after the Independence Day. I’m totally agree with Tun which emphasizes that we have to look back on our long history. But, for those who do not learn from history, they will just repeat the history themselves. That’s why we need to determine and understand very well on our past weaknesses that causing our country being occupied by the unwanted British, ‘Nippon’ and other countries.
    Just take a look on history of Malacca. Does what our weaknesses that enabled them to invade and take control Malacca? Is it because of we defend Malacca by using Kris and small canon? Or, is it because of the treason actions by Malacca peoples itself? Or, is it because we are too weak to defend ourself? Just think about it, how far they advance in military technology compared to us at the time? Just imagine, Malays at the time just swaying their Kris but Portuguese pull the trigger and shot Malays by using guns. Can a sharpest Kris match for a small-sized, high speed blunt bullet? Here, we realize that science and technology supremacy will make one nation strong, capable to withstand itself with any challenges and keep the nation’s pride high.
    Now, here we are, as Malaysians of the contemporary Malaysia, we need to work hard, struggle to the death in order to improve our beloved country in science and technology so that we can enjoy this independent forever. But, what’s going on here? Protests can be seen there, here and anywhere else to force the government stop Teaching Science and Maths in English. This is so nuts. Why do we need to give a ‘red light’ for this ambitious and effective approach? Does Bahasa Melayu will bring us back to our past magnificent history? Of course not. Before this, Bahasa Melayu is being use as a medium for uniting our multiracial society. Now, when the society is united, it is a perfect time improve the society’s technology, strengthen and enrich our nation by introducing English language as a medium for teaching Science and Maths. Not to be an Englishman, but only to be a true Malaysian who pride on his/her nation. Back to the point, we have to learn our mistakes by looking back to our past history and do whatever it takes to preserve our independence.

  215. YABhg Tun,
    I’ve always make it a point to remind my children of our own family history…our humble beginning, living in wooden house, bathing in the river..gathering woods…with no electricity..

  216. then again, we might end up with different versions of history-each race would have something different to say.Owh, this is so confusing

  217. Salam Tun,
    Compact yet excellent. How I wish I could write like you.
    Yes, history – I remember during old school days, we took it as one of the subject to be learnt. Not with interest. Maybe few topics of interest but not all. When I was in uni, Malaysian History is a compulsory subject for Year 1 Student. I learnt the very basic mistakes that our leaders did in the past (which I remember only 2 out of 3 facts till today, after 10 years leaving the uni). The mistakes happened again and again regardless in which era of colonization be it portuguese, dutch, japanese, thais, british etc.
    The mistakes were:
    1. Power struggle among the leaders (perebutan kuasa)
    2. Getting help from foreign parties (meminta pertolongan kuasa asing)
    3. I dont remember hehehe … will update once I remember them.
    The first 2 facts are what we are facing now. And they never learnt from mistakes.

  218. Najib surprises Sikhs at Vasakhi celebration
    KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak joined the Sikh community in its Vasakhi Day celebration yesterday.

  219. Assalamualaikum wrt.
    I hope Tun and wife are always in good health. I’m just a normal Malaysian who born in 1987, of course, I was born decades after the Independence Day. I’m totally agree with Tun which emphasizes that we have to look back on our long history. But, for those who do not learn from history, they will just repeat the history themselves. That’s why we need to determine and understand very well on our past weaknesses that causing our country being occupied by the unwanted British, ‘Nippon’ and other countries.
    Just take a look on history of Malacca. Does what our weaknesses that enabled them to invade and take control Malacca? Is it because of we defend Malacca by using Kris and small canon? Or, is it because of the treason actions by Malacca peoples itself? Or, is it because we are too weak to defend ourself? Just think about it, how far they advance in military technology compared to us at the time? Just imagine, Malays at the time just swaying their Kris but Portuguese pull the trigger and shot Malays by using guns. Can a sharpest Kris match for a small-sized, high speed blunt bullet? Here, we realize that science and technology supremacy will make one nation strong, capable to withstand itself with any challenges and make the nation’s pride high.
    Now, here we are, as Malaysians of the contemporary Malaysia, we need to work hard, struggle to the death in order to improve our beloved country in science and technology so that we can enjoy this independent forever. But, what’s going on here? Protests can be seen there, here and anywhere else to force the government stop Teaching Science and Maths in English. This is so nuts. Why do we need to give a ‘red light’ for this ambitious and effective approach? Does Bahasa Melayu will bring us back to our past magnificent history? Of course not. Before this, Bahasa Melayu is being use as a medium for uniting our multiracial society. Now, when the society is united, it is a perfect time improve the society’s technology, strengthen and enrich our nation by introducing English language as a medium for teaching Science and Maths. Not to be an Englishman, but only to be a true Malaysian who pride on his/her nation.
    Back to the point, we have to learn our mistakes by looking back to our past history and do whatever it takes to preserve our independence.

  220. YABhg Tun,
    Your article is a timely reminder to all Malaysians. We cannot take things for granted and keep changing the goal post for every generation. If history has to change it must be done by the masses through the processes that gave birth to the very history.
    Unfortunately as the pre-independence generation fade away, much of the unwritten history becomes hazy. Not all stories are documented and even those that are documented end up as someone’s story i.e “he-story”. This itself can create confusion.
    The generation gap issue becomes a glaring aspect as youths and young kids grow in an environment that advocates science, technology, finance and economics. Therefore, bulk of the students lose out in history unless they had cultivated good reading habits.
    Compounded to this is that as a nation we did not look at ways of reminding our youths and kids of the struggles of nation building. We have not gone in a big way to produce films or plays depicting history. The younger generation are into entertainment and that should be a medium used to excite them. Obviously, the question of economics comes into play but there are many ways to address the issue.
    The issue of priorities are fundamental and if we choose not to let our younger generation know of our history then the nation and we have to pay the price.
    YABhg Tun, it would seem that at appropriate times you come with good soul searching views.
    Thank you.

  221. YAB Tun,
    There is no doubt that learning history is important to ensure minimal repeat of mistakes as we walk into the future.
    However history should not be used to threaten the rakyat by leaders to stay in power.
    History should not be abused to justify plundering actions of today’s leaders for the immense contributions made by past leaders towards independence, towards unity, towards progress!
    We are forever indebted to the contributions and works of past leaders (whether Malay, Chinese or Indians) towards our independence and progress.
    But this indebtedness should not be used by recent and current batch of leaders as ransom to garner support from current and future generations.
    The support and respect must be earned. It cannot be forced onto the rakyat.
    If current leaders failed to live up to the standards and spirits of our forefathers and past leaders, then they are the ones that have failed to learn lessons from history. They failed to understand how past leaders were able to unite divided regions/states into a single united nation, Malaysia. They failed to understand how to heal the rift and divide among races that threaten this young nation after 1969. They have failed in understanding the fundamental lessons learned from our short history. They are the ones that should be taught the leadership spirits displayed by our past leaders.
    If current leaders failed in their understanding and appreciation of history, is it fair to demand understanding and appreciation from the current young generation?

  222. Yes, I agree that know the history is good. It is good to remember history as a lesson of life to move forward. But let us not be too proud of history that made us forget how to move forward…

  223. You said:
    3. History is not a compulsory subject in our schools. If at all history is taught it is sketchy, not really giving a clear picture of what it was like to be ruled by foreigners, by the British, the Japanese and in some cases the Thais.
    History IS a compulsory subject in schools, at least for the last 10 years. Its a core subject for SPM examinations, along with BM, Maths, English and Moral.

  224. Alahamdulillah,
    Now Tun start writing on this.
    Let close the gap.
    it is more than 50 years wide.
    Good luck, Najib.

  225. Salam Tun,
    Saya sokong apa yang Tun cadangkan.Banyak sejarah telah dilupai dan anak anak sekarang merasakan sejarah adalah sesuatu yang membosankan.Saya tak menyalahkan pelajar pelajar tapi saya rasa approach yang sesuai harus digunakan.Kita tak boleh menggunakan sistem baca dan ingat saja.Kita harus menggunakan 3D animation dengan sound system yang baik supaya dapat diserap oleh pelajar pelajar.
    Zaman dah berubah,pendekatan pendidikan pon harus di ubah suai.Anak anak kita sebenarnya amat bijak cuma tidak diterapkan minat.Mereka tak pernah baca buku HArry Potter tapi dari cerita pertama sampai yang siri terkini mereka boleh mengingati jalan cerita dan character character yang ada.
    Kementerian Pelajaran harus mengambil langkah yang kreatif untuk mengubah suai cara pendidikan dari “belajar untuk lulus” kepada “belajar dan mengetahui”.
    Saya rasa banyak perubahan yang harus dilakukan tapi diatas adalah salah satu idea saya, takut kalau beri banyak sangat dah out of topic dan ramai yang akan menentang macam pelajaran Mathematic dan Sains dalam bahasa Inggeris.

  226. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Semoga sihat selalu disamping keluarga.
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan Tun, dan berharap Sekolah2 di Malaysia akan menekan pengetahuan sejarah dikalangan generasi muda dan kanak2. Saya rasa penekanan lebih harus diberikan pada generasi muda diperingkat Menengah dan University. Bukan hanya tumpu pada sejarah awal Malaysia, tapi harus jugak menekankan sejarah kemajuan Malaysia atas kepimpinan kesemua Perdana Menteri Malaysia. InsyaAllah Malaysia akan menjadi Negara yg mempunyai generasi yg perihatin terhadap kemajuan.

  227. Hi there.
    Just wondering. Isn’t History a compulsory subject in secondary schools? During my time as a secondary student, i studied History for 5 years. Most students would say History is less interesting compared to other subjects in school. The Education Ministry should review its curriculum about the subject. One suggestion is to integrate some of facts about History in other subjects. The textbooks should be given fresh new makeover to make it ‘student-friendly’.
    Teachers also play a crucial role in providing interactive ideas and fun approaches in teaching History. Don’t let students write essays that they won’t remember after a few days. Let the students become active learners. Let them immerse in various resources other than just writing on a piece of paper. Multimedia presentations, drama, class trip to historical places are some ideas that would increase their interest. Make them truly appreciate events in the past that has shaped the country rather than remembering them for a short while just to pass an exam.
    History shouldn’t be taught just in schools. The media plays an influential instrument that can help educate the people. Stop spending time showing crappy reality shows and worthless political news. TV producers should create world class documentaries for our Malaysian viewers. Shame on the people who extract rakyat’s money through voting for someone they hardly met through SMS.
    Well, that’s just my 2 cents worth of opinion. I just hope as Malaysians, we should be able to tell the people around the world where we come from, and how we feel about our great history.

  228. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    History is alive, always. It was a pity that during my years at school, as you have mentioned, there was nothing much being taught on history since I was in Science stream. But that doesn’t stop me from getting my own knowledge in that area. I come to conclusion that any good politicians are actually historians. But this trend is the least in our home ground, only a handful of politicians are historians, i.e. the veteran ones. Those of younger generations, they are nuts at history, they know nothing and talk whatever they’d like without solid reference to history. I pity them and more so worry about our political future and will.

  229. Sultan Trengganu mesti lihat apa sebenarnya masaalah yang dihadapi oleh Mentri Besarnya. Harap Sultan dapat membuat sesuatu demi untuk kesejahteraan rakyat tuanku.
    Rakyat mesti diutamakan kalau nak tengok Trengganu maju. Saya berkesempatan bertanya dengan kawan-kawan dari Trengganu dan mereka mempunyai persepsi yang rendah bahawa Ahmad Said memang tak layak menjadi Menteri Besar kerana peribadinya tidak begitu menyerlah dan tidak ada karisma sebagai Menteri Besar.
    Trengganu perlukan Menteri Besar yang berintelektual tinggi dan disegani oleh rakyat.
    Sultan Trengganu mesti berfikran terbuka dan rasional supaya negeri tuanku dapat ditakbir secara professional dan telus.
    Jika difikirkan bahawa Ahmad Said kurang cekap menjalankan tugasnya sebagai Menteri Besar adalah wajar Trengganu mendapat Menteri Besar yang baru daripada ” mendokong biawak hidup”.



  232. Yes, I have full support on your statement, we must look forward and not look backward. We must understand that the independence of Malaya in 1957 was the effort of all three major races, not Malays per se. I hope Tun yourself will realize the fact that Najib’s so-called ‘One Malaysia’ is the way forward in achieving the 2020 Vision!

  233. Sebenarnya orang melayu PAS dan UMNO telah dipermainkan oleh seorang manusia bernama Anwar “Drama King” Ibrahim!
    Kenapa saya katakan demikian? Sebabnya ini adalah permainan polilitik gila Si Agen Zionis ini, dia telah mengaturkan segalanya dan kini PAS dan UMNO seolah-olah berada di dalam keadaan “Check Mate”
    Bila melayu berpecah siapa yang untung? Jawapannya ialah tiada siapa yang untung pun! Kecuali Anwar dan cita-cita politik gilanya sahaja! Demi mendapatkan kuasa atau lebih tepat lagi saya mengatakan demi hendakkan kerusi PM Anwar sanggup berbuat apa sahaja hatta sanggup menghancurkan bangsa sendiri sekali pun!
    Inilah kenyataan pahit yang harus ditanggung oleh dua parti yang mewakili kaum melayu di negara kita ini.
    Di dalam keadaan sekarang ini, UMNO sudah mula mendapat semula kepercayaan orang melayu namun ianya tidak cukup untuk UMNO memenangi sesebuah kawasan yang ditandingi kerana masih ada segelintir kaum melayu yang menyokong PAS!
    Namun bilangan orang Melau yang menyokong PAS ketika ini amat kecil sekali, saya tahu jauh di sudut hati pemimpin-pemimpin PAS memang ada yang terasa kepiluan apabila mereka semakin kurang mendapat sokongan mealyu/islam.
    Angkara siapakah ini? Kenapa PAS masih tidak mahu muhasabah diri? Kenapa PAS terlalu ego untuk mengakui yang mereka lebih memerlukan UMNO dari UMNo memerlukan PAS ketika ini? Kenapa tidak boleh diadakan satu kata sepakat di antara UMNO dan PAS demi menjaga kebajikan bangsa melayu?
    Kenapa harus PAS menjadi pak turut? Kenapa harus PAS menjadi budak suruhan kepada beberapa individu yang gilakan kuasa? Kenapa PAS tidak meletakkan kepentingan rakyat melebihi dari kepentingan peribadi Anwar dan kumpulan Erdogan dalam PAS?
    Siapa yang menguasai PAS sekarang ni? Golongan ulamak atau golongan ‘ERDOGAN” yang bertuhankan Anwar “Kaki Putar Alam” Ibrahim?
    Tahniah kepada Anwar Ibrahim kerana telah “check mate” kan PAS dan UMNO!
    Apa pendapat anda? Siapa yang rugi?

  234. DEAR TUN,

  235. Tun, saya berasa sedih apabila mengenangkan sebahagian daripada tanah air kita tergadai kepada orang lain olih kerana bangsa kita terlalu lemah hingga bolih di perkotak-katikan olih penjajah. Walaupun ia telah menjadi sejarah…..kita haruslah mengambil ikthibar daripada kejadian tersebut supaya kita akan lebih berhati-hati, bersatu-padu, berilmu, berharta dan yang lebih penting kita taat kepada agama supaya kita tidak tergelincir daripada landasan hidup kita……PEMIMPIN HARUSLAH MEMENTINGKAN AGAMA DAN NEGARA BUKANNNYA DIRI SENDIRI…WALLAHUALLAM

  236. Dear Tun,
    It is quite true that everyone should know the History of our country. But when times go by, it is also important for us( our government) to amend and improve certain rules and regualtion, policies etc to meet with the change of people living habit and demand in the country. To accept changes and adopt new rules, regulations and policies will be more benefits to our country development.
    Any reluctance to accept changes will only hinder the unification of our races. And any history sentiments used to creact the snsitivity among the races will also obstruct the progress of national goal for “ONE NATION & ONE MALAYSIAN VISION.”
    Good Day!

  237. Thanks you Sir. This is an execellent brief of the importance of learning from history. As you already know, Al Quran is also a ‘history book’ for our reference to avoid the same mistakes of the past.
    I want to share an article which I think an execellent brief analysis of democracy ala-Malaysia and what democracy means for all of us. I love history for reasons that you have stated in your article.
    The article goes like this:
    I feel compelled to comment only because i find it difficult to comprehend the sheer naivete or perhaps it is the scarily fervent belief of the followers of certain political leaders in the almost messianic qualities of those leaders, who in the eyes of their followers can apparently do no wrong.
    To those few who are so

  238. Dear Tun,
    Assalamu Alaikum,
    This is really a very good article because the History is very important to know. It is also hugely vital for a mankind to learn the history. Likewise, for Malaysians, it is a MUST to know about their history.
    Hope to hear more such good articles from you Tun.
    May Allah Bless You. Amin.

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