1. Money is no longer in the form of coins and currency notes. Today money may be in the form of cheques, credit cards, entries in the account books of banks, telegraphic transfers, even bit coins.

2. But whatever form that money takes, except for small amounts, all others must be recorded in writing or some form of permanent records.

3. Money in the banks may be in the form of coins, currency notes or gold. But in whatever form the value they represent must be as stated in account books. Much of the money dealt in banking transactions do not exist except in the account books of their banks. Banks may therefore lend money which they don’t have. This is necessary because there cannot be enough coins or currency notes minted for the needs of business.

4. We hear much these days of huge sums of money being owned by the rich. Actually they do not have the money in cash i.e. coins and currency notes. They only have entries in the bank books indicating the money they have with the banks.

5. If they want to use their money for payment of goods or services, they merely issue cheques to the amount.

6. Today they may use a credit card which would be accepted by the seller of goods or service, which the seller can claim from the bank. Usually the claim involves a transfer from the account of the buyer to the account of the seller in the bank.

7. If the seller needs to use the money in his accounts, he merely issues a cheque or he uses his credit card.

8. No cash in the form of coins and currency notes are involved at anytime.

9. When a large sum of money is paid to a person for whatever reason, the money could be in the form of a cheque. The cheque has to be deposited in a bank where the sum is credited to the account of the receipient. The cheque is retained by the bank but the stub is retained by the depositor. Of course the depositor can also maintain a book recording the payments made to the bank, or the receipt of money from the bank. In addition the cheques can hold record of the transaction.

10. If for example USD681 million is donated to a person, then this amount will be in the record of the donor’s bank in the first place. There will be records in the bank of the money deposited with it. These records will have details of the source of money, the form of money and a lot of other details.

11. When the money is given to a receipient, the source bank will have records of the acts involved in instructing the bank, the form of transfer, receipts by the receipient or the receipient’s bank charges etc.

12. The receipient bank will credit the amount in the account of the receipient with details of the donor’s bank.

13. If subsequently the receipient spends the money, for whatever purpose, it will be recorded by the bank (debited), recorded in the cheques issued and if the cheque is cashed, the cash paid out as cash or cheques or transfer to the account of the creditor would all be recorded.

14. Clearly an investigator can follow the records of the movements of the USD681 million including the return of USD620 million to the generous Saudi Prince.

15. Banking secrecy should not be in the way of an investigation by Government authorities investigating criminal acts.

16. The mere letter of admission by the generous donor is not enough. Neither can the decision of the Attorney General that there has been no wrongdoings be accepted without all the records aforementioned.

17. Even swearing on the Quran is not acceptable as we cannot tell how strong is the faith of the swearer.

18. So, what can be believed is that the USD681 million or RM2.6 billion in the account of the Prime Minister is 1MDB money. And unless it can be proven otherwise the money must have been stolen. The person stealing money must be classified as a thief whether he is punished or not.

16 thoughts on “MOVEMENTS OF MONEY”

  1. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    With all due respect, since we’re talking about the importance of evidence, perhaps you share any links (or even better, post it here) of the police reports your associates made in the numerous countries mentioned countless times before.

    The reason i’m asking this is because you have mentioned time and time again that 1MDB is being investigated in various cities around the world, triggered obviously be our very own ‘pratriotic’ citizens’s police report. I don’t recall any website posting a copy of the report. Now, i am not denying that the reports were made. I’m pretty sure they were. What i want to see is the content of the reports, because it is public knowledge that ‘evidence’ was also attached to the reports. Please don’t let me down….because what i DON’T want to see is something like this: “Dear police, we believe that a crime has taken place in your country. Please investigate. Attached are some newspaper clippings and a powerpoint file as evidence.”

    Pure genius if you ask me, but not sustainable (especially if your intention was to mislead). Time will tell, and the truth will prevail. I believe that time is near as many untruths have been exposed already.

    Thank You Tun.

  2. “Karl Iskandar”…you are so generous, well done. But where you stole that 40K? Got from najis for doing pimp work (your family business?) for his…LOL

  3. I have a friend who is running an orphanage. A month or so ago, she told me that she may have to borrow money from banks or close down the orphanage. She loves the kids under her care like her own children.

    Without her knowledge, I did a research on her orphanage and found that they are hardly surviving and will have to go soon.

    I went to the bank, and deposit RM40k to her account. I reckon enough to cover a few months expenses for the orphanage while she look for a better way to funding it.

    Recently we met up at Starbucks. She was in high spirits and we talked about the kids in the orphanage and future plans for them. Neither one mentioned about the RM40k. The coffee was good, and our conversation was filled with love, hope and her dedication for the orphans.

    I feel blessed having a friend like her, taking care of so many innocent poor kids, helping them to a better life.

  4. It is up to the banks to report irregularities in their clients transaction.

    There exist laws that bind them to follow or use some discretion in terms of business strategy and relationship with their clients.

  5. What about 20 tons of gold owned by you and family member ? When you are Pm , one son get lucrative contract from petronas and the other one get exclusive dealership of porsche and you want world to believe that you didn ‘t do anything to make it easy for yours son to mint money . That aslo categorised as stealing since other capable competitor are disadvantaged because My Papa is Pm of country .

  6. Ralat atas kenyataan Hutang bukan huyang mohon maaf.

    Tun…..realitinya banyak wang di curi kebarangkalian untuk mendapat balik hampa. Kita perlu report kepada pihak Polis malah kadang2 telah rakyat sendiri dapat menilainya apa jawapan di berikan keatas wang itu.

    Pencuri mungkin dapat di tangkap tetapi jumlah wang yang hilang pasti menjadi sebaliknya.

    Maknanya ada manusia menyembah duit sehingga sanggup melanggar perintah Allah s.w.t.

    Sekali lagi terima kasih buat Tun.

  7. Salam Tun.

    1. Bank negara kata hutang telah meningkat. Betul wang dari keuntungan jualan eksport membolehkan negara kita masih berwang tetapi ia tidak banyak seperti sebelumnya kerana faktor pembayaran balik wang huyang yang makin bertambah atas faedah yang di kenakan.

    2. Bayangkan kalau kita dengan hutang yang rendah maka kita tidak mungkin mengurang atau menghapus subsidi. Malah cukai baru seperti GST tidak perlu di tambah atau di adakan kerana ia satu liabiliti yang membebankan rakyat.

    3. Malah yang lebih teruk kita dapati peruntukan sesetengah kementerian telah di kurangkan termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan.

    4. Lihat contoh Brunai dan Singapura dengan kurang beban hutang maka keuntungan hasil jualan boleh di guna semaksimumnya.

    5. Lebih teruk lagi wang yang di pinjam itu di dapati telah mengalir ke akaun persendirian pembuat hutang itu. Sementara hutang2 itu akan di bayar dengan harta yang di miliki dari pelaburan agensi2 kerajaan sehingga berlakunya kerugian dalam beberapa unit pelaburan.

    6. Sebenarnya cara mencuri melalui rekod atau transaksi telah lama berlaku . Salah satu contoh penipuan tendar2 yang bertuankan seorang pemilik dengan sebutharga terendah dengan nama lima syarikat berlainan yang tuan punyanya seorang pemilik (juga meletakkan kaum keluarga bagi setiap syarikat pada sebut harga tersebut).

    7. Contoh lain penipuan melalui komisen bila ada perjanjian secara rahsia antara wakil pembeli dengan penjual. Telah di kenakan harga yang termasuk sejumlah wang kepada wakil pembeli.

    8. Allah s.w.t sendiri berkata bahawa tiada makhluk yang dapat lari dari paparan KEBENARAN bila di adili pada hari bicara (akhirat) nanti.

    9. Kaedah cara perbicaraan ketika di dunia amatlah berbeza dengan perbicaraan hari akhirat.

    10. Betul kata Tun bersumpah dengan al-quran bukan satu jaminan berkata BENAR kerana telah di masukkan ke dalam cacatan dosa dan pahala. Malah timbangan neraca Mizan menentukan berat atau ringan atas amalan atau perbuatan dosa dan pahala.

    11. Di dunia hanya sementara dan penuh dengan tandatanya namun akhirat jua jawapannya.


  8. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kita suka orang power. Tapi kita ingat orang power ni tak punyai kekuatan prinsip dan pegangan macam kita.

    Asal power je tak perlu usaha dan kecerdasan akal agaknya. Mungkin nasib semata mata.

    Macam Najib. Nak jadi power pun kenalah tabur duit. Kena kuat usaha cari duit. Kena cari ramai kenalan berduit.

    Apatah lagi perlu bersabar selama berpolitik 40 tahun untuk pegang Menteri Kewangan tak mahu lepas lepas dan menjawat jawatan Perdana Menteri.

    Mudah agaknya nak jadi orang power.

    Guru sekarang dah tak boleh rotan anak murid. Sebab tu anak murid tak power. Anak murid hanya berharap pada guru yang power.

    Kalau nak jadi power, biarlah guru yang power rotan diri kamu. Ada sanggup?

    Kalau tak sanggup, tak payahlah berharap.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  9. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Bila berbicara bab kroni Tun Mahathir, saya naik hairan kalau diri kita berminat nak jadi kroni Tun Mahathir kenapa tak mendekati dan temui Tun sendiri mintak seperti yang dihajati.

    Di sini Tun sendiri dah bagitau dalam Tun tak bagi duit, tapi sebagai pemudah urusan sahaja.

    Tapi kalau dah kertas kerja pun bila dibaca dah boleh ditong sampahkan, bagilah mudah urusan pun, siapa nak bantu?

    Okeylah tu, Tun nak bagi guna kabel Tun. Kata ada kabel besar. Apa tunggu lagi? Pergilah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  10. Salam Tun,

    Sy stuju sgt dgn tulisan saudara Tanggang.. pd zaman Tun dulu, penyelewengan, salah laku, rasuah tu ada cuma segalanya trtutup n mungkin tak diketahui kbanyakkan org..jika pelakunya trtangkap maka sluruh kredibilitinya akan musnah..gelap masa depan klu tak pandai jaga n bawak diri..
    Tapi sekarang semua perbuatan tak senonoh tu dibuat terang2..tiada rasa malu atau takut..malah mnjadi satu kbnggaan pulak..bleh kluar tv lg kata itu ini..sume die yg btol, org lain sume salah..sdangkan org ramai dh tau die kaki pusing..

    Memang jauh rasa perbezaan hidup di zaman Tun n sekarang..zaman Tun tekanan idup tu dtg skali dua je dlm setahun..sekarang hari2 pun tertekan..

  11. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Betul kata Tun, setiap transaksi bank perlu ada rekod. Dari mana dan ke mana wang tersebut pergi. Bahkan saya rasa inilah cara yang digunakan pihak MACC untuk menangkap perasuah, money launderer dan sebagainya. Tetapi masalahnya bukan pada cara nak dapatkan bukti. Masalahnya siapa yang terlibat dengan 1MDB, yang telah melumpuhkan segala macam siasatan. Itulah kita sering perkatakan selama ini, di manakah “rule of law”? Bukankah dibawah undang-undang semua orang adalah sama dari Perdana Menteri sampailah ke pemungut sampah?

  12. Dengan Izin Tun,
    Saya nak ketok kepala Karl Iskandar…

    Karl, as JPB wrote…
    When you undermined DrM, you write shit.
    When you upheld Najib, you write shit.

    What are you? Shit or dedaks eating moron?

  13. Assalam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Mohon luar topik.

    Berkata Al-Imam Qurtubi: “Barang siapa yang membaca Al Quran, maka Allah akan menjadikan ingatannya segar meskipun umurnya telah mencapai 100 tahun”.

    Yg Bhg Tun masih amat mengingati segala apa jua pun samada ianya Akta2 negara, proses perbankan, proses pentadbiran negara, peranan2 yang patut dilaksanakan oleh jabatan2 kerajan dan sebagainya walaupun telah lama berlalu dan umur Tun pun sudah menghampiri 100 tahun.

    Didapati sepanjang 22 tahun pentadbiran, Yg Bhg Tun telah menerapkan banyak nilai2 peradaban Islam dengan iktikad yang mana akhirnya telah membawa negara kepada tahap kecemerlangan pada ketika itu walaupun negara ini diduduki oleh berbagai2 kaum. Tun sendiri mengamal dan menerapkan nilai2 peradaban Islam dan seperti yang mana telah di perkatakan didalam Alquran peradaban ini akan membawa kepada peradaban nilai kehidupan dan kemajuan tinggi. Rasanya tak perlu diterangkan lagi contoh2 nilai2 peradaban Islam yang telah diterap oleh Tun tempoh hari.

    Seorang pujangga Islam ada mengatakan “When I looked West I saw Islam but no Muslims, but when I looked East I saw Muslims but no Islam”. Saya berpendapat masyarakat Barat mengamalkan nilai2 peradaban Islam sejak dahulu lagi sehingga kini dan ini telah membawa kejayaan dan keselesaan hidup mereka seperti yang telah dimaktubkan didalam AlQuran. Nilai2 peradaban Islam ini mereka pelajari samada dari Kitab2 terdahulu Taurat, Zabur dan Injil (bukan Bible) mahupun Al Quran sendiri. Bezanya masyarakat Barat ini adalah mereka tidak mengakui shahadah yaitu mengakui ke Esaan Allah dan Kerasulan Muhamad SAW. Sebab itu masyarakat Barat sangat takut dan benci kepada penyelewengan dan rasuah didalam pentadbiran mereka. Mereka tahu bahawa segala ini akan meranapkan kemajuan dan peradaban mereka. Sesiapa pemimpin mereka yang menyeleweng, rasuah dan tidak amanah, mereka akan tentang habis2an kerana mereka tahu gejala ini akan membawa kehancuran kepada mereka sendiri dan negara mereka.

    Musuh2 Islam amat takut akan penerapan nilai2 peradaban Islam yang telah diterap oleh Yg Bhg Tun tempoh hari yang telah pun terbukti membawa kepada kemajuan negara. Sentimen Perang Salib itu masih lagi berkobar2 didada mereka sehingga kini. Cuma approaches Perang Salib ini tidak lagi mengadakan peperangan terus di Jerusalam tetapi menjajah dan melemahkan semua negara2 yang dibawah pentadbiran Islam didunia ini. Di Nusantara, ianya bermula semenjak penjajahan Portugis dan Belanda ketika dahulu. Sehingga kini mereka akan pastikan bahawa negara2 Islam akan sentiasa lemah, huru hara dan sentiasa berpandukan kepada peradaban hutan. Nilai2 peradaban Islam yang telah diterap oleh Yg Bhg Tun mesti dilenyapkan segera. Untuk ini, Tun mesti dichop sebagai pengkhianat negara. Ianya sama seperti usaha2 yang telah dilakukan oleh penjajah Inggeris terhadap pejuang2 Melayu seperti Mat Kilau, Tok Gajah dan lain2.

    Semenjak perginya pentadbiran Tun, negara mula mengorak langkah menuju kepada peradaban hutan. Masyarakat samada ianya pemimpin atau tidak, tidak lagi menghormati undang2 dan peraturan hidup atau Addin. Tiada lagi slogan Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan. Masyarakat kini tidak takut lagi samada trafik light itu bernyala merah atau tidak. Penipuan terhadap sistem perbankan semakin menjadi2. Bermacam2 modus operandi ujud untuk menyamun. Tiada siapa tahu samada scale yang ditunjukan pada pam minyak di stesen2 minyak itu benar atau tidak kerana harga minyak berubah2 setiap minggu kini dan tiada siapa yang memantau. Tiada lagi sikap tolak ansur ketika memandu dijalanraya.

    Tiada lagi peradaban Islam di negara ini.

    Wassalam Tun.

  14. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    In regard to your article clause 17 “Even swearing on the Quran is not acceptable as we cannot tell how strong is the faith of the swearer”, I believe many politicians are willing to do the swearing, with no sense of sense, despite having committed also fraud.

    However, it is not bad to insist such practice, as sincere goddess people believe in God going after the fraud doers for repaying what bad things they have committed.

  15. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Yes, in this modern era, wealth comes in various means. So does money.

    In fact, legislation to govern money flow is in place. It is a matter of how the enforcers play the role properly.

    Our Bank Negara, under Zeti’s administration, made much complimented efforts for the set-up of governance mechanism. But, enforcement might not be that good.

    In the case of 1MDB, Rakyat like to see actions on culprits who have siphoned out the country’s resources. The enforcement units should go after those managing the funds, during the period of scandal.

  16. Good morning Chedet,

    This is the last sharing I have of the Al Araf 7:7 affairs I promise. It’s the final arbitration that I have with Zero. Hence I cut and paste verbatim. I’m not going to censor. You are welcome to do so. This include some profanity words and interventions of an unknown third party who had been following my discussions for quite a while.

    14/4/17 Day 90 The hand that rocks the cradle

    Last night I had an insightful discussion with everybody in Al Araf 7:7. It seems that besides my father, siblings. in-laws, nephews, Adi Putra and Mr BJ, there isn’t any human male in Xanadu. There are djinns, angels and demons but the rest are women. [M]en will be answerable to women in Wolfsschanze. No wonder Malik is so calm when I asked him where he is getting his sentries. Now it make sense why women can travel between Xanadu and Wolfsschanze. That also explains why women are spared from the torment of hellfire and the phrase “We rock!”.

    That doesn’t mean every man get tortured. It only means that they are quarantined in the one hell. The good guys will still party with me in Wolfsschanze. There will be booze and sluts and all the entertainment stuff but they don’t travel to the 99 heavens. The 99 heavens are for the women with the exception of the… no exception? Even Dragon Planet and Mother Earth are women? Wow, so that what it means by heavenly state… Pussies, pussies and more pussies.

    Men are pigs. They will cause destruction in due time. Let them do whatever they like among themselves in a confined area. It’s a whole universe for men. They won’t miss a thing, said Zero. It’s like the men are getting their own man cave. That’s all they care. Fuck, get wasted and male bonding.

    Y[O]u sure about this Zero?

    [Yes, I want the women to have the finer things in the afterlife. Besides, they won’t miss the men. They can always travel to Wolfsschanze if the angels, djinns and demons are not satisfactory enough. Trust me Sha, it is for the best interest of everybody. Women needs are intricate. They want to raise children, they want to be pampered and they want to have girls power. Men are happy with being a hedonist. Once they get their vices, they are set to go.]

    There were some deliberations in between, too lengthy to post here and then this final part:

    Very well. Since I am the supreme leader, the benign king and the benevolent dictator, then this is my final arbitration:

    1. Everybody starts at zero today, Friday 14th 2017. Each one deserves a fresh start in Sparta 4964 including Hitler of whom I learned so much from and had long forgiven.
    2. Everybody pays his/her sins through karma. Upon death all will settle their debt. There is no negative balance
    3. With the exception of Chedet and Najib, all men and women will enter Xanadu unconditionally. Only women are to enter Wolfsschanze, one of the two pleasure points in Al Araf 7:7
    4. Najib will be in solitary confinement with the Stone of Hope. He is to be known as the Blue Avatar and my Albatross. The only antimatter is the small patch at the tip of his nose. There is no torture.
    5. Chedet will be known as Thor, the ruler and the king fucker of Wolfsschanze.
    6. I am to be known as AlphaX64, Marshall Alex Marconi the Military Provost and Mulder the Free Radical. I am the alpha male next to Tigera in Xanadu. I am also an alpha male in Wolfsschanze next to Thor.
    7. This is the final arbitration and will stand until 7/4/2042

    Witnessed and endorsed by Ghost in the Machine 7.30 pm 14/4/2017 – REJECTED. Follow the earlier assertion, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.

    Well, that’s as much as I can share with you on Al Araf 7:7’s affairs. I hope you are satisfied with the effort I put in.

    I’ll be off now. Until we meet again in Ramadhan.

    Sincerely, without wax,

    Sharudin ibn Jamal ibn Moslem Al Farisi
    For the Greater Good of God

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