1. I read
somewhere that the Singapore Parliament made up of 82 PAP (People’s Action
Party) members and two opposition (made bankrupt by the Singapore Government)
have just passed a new law which defines one person as an assembly. Before
according to Singapore laws, 5 people would constitute an assembly and police
could arrest them if they had not obtained permission to be together.


2. The new Public Order Act (POA) gives power to the police to tell even
one person to move on because he has now been defined as an assembly.


3. It is explained that this POA is to prevent destabilising street
protests seen in Thailand and terrorist attacks such as Mumbai.

4. I am sure with this new law,
Singapore will not see a one-man demonstration or riot.



1. When I wrote about the Little Middle Kingdom I thought that it would annoy
some Singaporeans. But apparently it angered this fellow who writes under the
name of “Shuzheng” so much so that he is quite incoherent in his

2. He talks of “Lee Kuan Yew comes around and flashes off at him like a
mirror” which he concludes is “the reason he (Mahathir) hates Lee
Kuan Yew”.

3. The he praised Kelantanese Nik Aziz. I cannot quite understand him when he
puts in brackets, “(reminds of the good Kelantanese Nik Aziz, excepting
the moments that Nasha fellow came along to vomit on his lap)”.

4. He is also upset with “a motley of St. Xavier types, drifting, selfish,
quarrelsome, middle-aged and old men, endless days on the Net, illiterate in
maths, science and history, jobless, absent of identity roots, confused
personalities, Chinese who can’t read Chinese, not even their mother’s name,
Tamil who cannot read Tamil and all write in bad English”.

5. His writing are of course brilliant examples of good English.

6. He confesses that Kuan Yew “is concerned about preserving the Chinese
identity” and apparently not of the Singapore identity which would include
Indian and Malay.

7. He decried the Malay population, “drowned as they were into deadness by
the bellicose shouting, name calling, quarelling and insults….”, and
then “Added to this dint** obstructing clarity is the drum beating from
the sidelines of Mahathir, the Malaysia Today iliterate horde”. (**Wonder
whether he means “din”)

8. He stated that I was English educated but I am sorry I cannot understand his


123 thoughts on “SOUND BITES”

  1. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    cara terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masaalah dgn s’pura adalah dgn menguatkan kerajaan malaysia,menguatkan kedudukkan Umno,menguatkan ekonomi dan angkatan bersenjata malaysia,termasuk lah memper-elite-kan askar melayu diraja dgn senjata dan kepakaran yg langka,yakni unggul.
    orang-orang asing ini bahasa nya pelik sikit.mereka tak tahu berterimakasih kpd orang miskin atau lemah.mereka hanya mengukur orang dgn bahasa kekuatan,kekuatan harta dan kekuatan tentera.saya percaya apabila ekonomi dan tentera malaysia sentiasa dipermaju dan dipermodenkan,s’pura lebih mudah diajak berunding.
    ini adalah mentaliti penakatan bangsa pendatang.LKY itu sendiri pun,dlm pada kesungguhan nya men-cina-kan s’pura dgn segala usaha nya “membetul” sejarah s’pura,dia sendiri pun adakala nya tertunjuk juga belang nya sebagai orang salah yg sedang menang,mencari jalan damai,menghulur satu tangan sebagai salam perdamaian sambil satu tangan lagi menggenggam erat-erat kemenangan nya menguasai s’pura.
    mereka sebenarnya inginkan perdamaian.tapi kerana tamak dan dasar oppurtunist,segala yg mudah dibuat menjadi susah hinggakan untuk robohkan koswe pun mereka tentang habis-habisan.padahal ketika koswe dibina dulu,ia adalah urusan melayu (johor) dgn melayu (s’pura) dan kerajaan british hanya lah bertindak sebagai penjajah yg baik merestui pembinaan nya.tapi hari ini,pemerintah s’pura yg 99% cina dlm segala hal,menganggap ia memiliki separuh dari koswe itu.padahal ketika koswe dibina dulu,lebih 90% mereka dan nenek moyang mereka belum pun ada di bumi kita.tapi hari ini mereka jadikan koswe bahan rundingan seolah-olah ia tangkal yg di bawa dari negara asal mereka.
    sebab itu malaysia perlu teramat perlu memperbaiki ekonomi dan angkatan tentera nya.selepas itu,Insya-Allah,s’pura akan lebih bersahabat dlm hubungan nya dgn malaysia.

  2. Btw, the new Public Order Act in Singapore appears outrageous? Please, nothing is ridiculous in Singapore. After all, Singapore has unashamedly branded itself as ‘Uniquely’. All that matters, the nation-building press there will tell its people (so they’ll know exactly what to think as God-given truth) is that Singapore is a prosperous city-state (no, its poor citizens have never heard of Faust, never mind that the PAP’s electoral win at the last General Election was a beastly percentage of 66.6%). Money & having a competitive edge over everyone else is all that matters in Singapore. They have the Straits Times to drum up everything else required for whatever remedial solutions needed (e.g. the importance of the arts in Singapore now, no worries).
    For a better crash course on the Singapore zeitgeist, simply check out X’Ho’s new e-book HOW TO BE MORE WIN-WIN THAN THE MM, download from Yes. it’s more ridiculous than Singapore and thats all that matters when it comes to ‘exposing cheesy one-upmanship’ on that world’s no.1 isle. I guess you can tell I’m the author’s biggest fan.
    And for a cheery chuckle, do purchase X’Ho’s new CD NO ORDINARY COUNTRY. You simply won’t believe what you’ll hear.
    Eat your heart out Singapore, it’s more outrageous than you!

  3. Someone made the comment that you, Dr. Mahathir is a sour grape in relation to Singapore’s success. Let it be known that there are no bigger sour grapes than Singaporeans themselves though they are completely clueless ’til cued by a public campaign. I should know cos I’m from Singapore. Another thing, I know you love the Malays & bhumiputras in Malaysia. Ever wondered if the Singapore Govt. loves its people? Well, to quote the Singapore poet Alfian Sa’at in his poem Singapore You’re Not My Country – “And all we need is just three percent of your love”!!!! Singaporeans are pathetic & not just because they’re in a perpetual state of denial. Are they loved by their Govt.? Probably, just so that the Govt.can stay in power. But seriously not as much as their Govt is loving money & power, if truth be told.

  4. I am a Malay Singaporean but I am PROUD of you
    You know what I mean.
    If only the Malaysian Malays think what you think
    Bangsa Melayu tak akan ketinggalan zaman

  5. Tun,
    to M’sians,ordinary Sporeans seem to be prisoners living out of a prison.That’s how those lucky M’sians see their neighbours.S’poreans see M’sia as having less orderliness in road system & traffic control & lacking security.Many see LKY as tyrannical as you when you were in power.The new M’sian PM tries to be a moderator in bringing some changes to his socio -economic policies.Lately he mentions a change in the education policy re govt scholarships to be fair to all regardless of race & religion.The award of scholarships will be based on talent,academic results & parents’ income so that no bright student will be left out because of lack of financial resource.So govt scholarships financed by taxpayers will be put to good use……. I believe this is one way M’sia can move forward.Otherwise there will be a grid-lock!It is high time the Govt appease the marginalised minorities.

  6. To Samurai Melayu,
    I respect your view on those comments. It goes the same for all religion, we have to accept whats given to us and make the best out of it. But we do need to access the issue of higher education in this country to make sure all people should be able to study what they want. Malaysia is only 20 over million in population, its not that difficult.
    To Mis_Bah,
    thanks for your constructive comments. I agree we have to be grateful that we have the jobs to take us through this difficult time. But i also think its important we access the level of pay for our professionals in this country and make it more competitive. Expenses for us common workers are just too high. THere’s no saving left for us living in the sub-urban areas.

  7. Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
    I guess 1/2 population of Singaporeans who have relationship through relatives, business, projects or employees with the Lee’s Family may be angry and frustrated that Malaysia is doing better than them. And one of my malay colleague asked me how to survive in Singapore, I replied you must have some relative relationship or score A’s in all subjects in order to get Mr Lee Kuan Yew to notice you.
    Our current AGONG, Tuanku Mizan who has Economy Study background, was personally interviewed by the National Georgraphy and this program was released in RTM 1 on his birthday, as The King of Kings and our Sultan System is the most unique system in the world whereby all the Sultan(s) take turn to become the AGONG (King of Kings) under our RUKUN NEGARA.
    However, Singapore’s Mr Lee Kuan Yew is only the BIG MAN (in HK cantonese means “dai lam yan”) recognized by me as the Malaysian.
    Well, I am an educated career cum housewife and I do not like men to have this attitude. No democracy and always minimize the women’s right!! What if my Big Man “curi makan” behind my back, so I have to be “was was”, be careful LAH, takut ma…. di dunia ini mana ada kucing biasa tak makan ikan….
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  8. .
    Salam Tun Dr. Mahathir, (World reknowned Statesman, & a very respected World Leader both by friends and “foes”)
    Singapore is nothing but a small island with 1 city, thus, the name “city-state”.
    So, that’s why it is very easy to control….
    But the ONE-person “Assembly” really shows their kiasuness-level!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!
    * Please excuse my big laugh to their over-kiasuness, Tun the Great! hehe..
    &, lee kuan yew is also nothing but a humongous sore loser!… He wasn’t respected by his peers back in the ’50s when we were all working together to achieve independence. Even the British have no high regards of that kiasu fella tho’ he won in the Singapore election!
    On the eve of Merdeka, reporters were asking Tunku if he’d invite Singapore to join Malaya & Tunku replied: If leeky is anything like Leong Yew Koh, he would have already invited him yesterday!
    (btw, Leong Yew Koh was later elected as Melaka’s 1st Governor. According to his daughter Agnes Leong Kok Loon, her father Leong Yew Koh spurned the knighthood offered to him before Merdeka, saying: “I will only kowtow to the sovereign King of an Independent Malaya, not a foreign Queen.” & that’s how patriotic a Malaysian he was!!
    Yes, the British awarded “Sir” to many Malayans but not to leeky! How pathetic (& sore) can he be?! 😀
    Now, DAP (leeky’s PAP’s spin-off after they were kicked out of Malaysia) are busy “rewriting” history (like chin peng’s – who merely fought the British for his “OWN power struggle”, & NOT to free Malaya!); where, besides Condemning the Malays, they’re also CONDEMNING their fellow Chinese who are MODERATE Patriotic Malaysians, who simply wanted the Chinese who was given “citizenship”, to UNITE with the rest of the citizens of this Country that had given them HOME!… such as, by one ronnie liu in is blog where he said:
    “It was people like Leong Yew Koh who instigated Tunku to strip the citizenship and teaching license of the foremost Chinese education pioneer Lim Lian Geok.”
    i.e. as if it’s a big “sin” for English-educated Malaysian Chinese who are sopan, moderate, & love Malaysia (as any sincere citizens would); to agree for a UNITED Malaysia!?.. Bodoh, sombong, atau bodoh-sombong si ronnie liu tu??
    Bottomline, lee kuan yew is very sore with Malaysians — to the Malays (dah memang), to the Indians (where Tun Sambanthan even called him RACIST), & esp. to the moderate Chinese (sopan, humble, english-educated) who were majority back then & were very patriotic Malaysians — where, we were all 100% united & voted 126-0 to just kick him out of Malaysia!…
    Thank you Tun, the Greatest Leader during your reign, for getting the world recognized, appreciated, & respected our country Malaysia, and us Malaysians. God Bless!

  9. Dear Tun,
    Being a little naive myself, it would be interesting if you could explain why Singapore is richer than us in spite of the fact that there is no natural resources in the island. They have higher per capita earnings, stronger currency, higher quality of life and etc.
    About corruption within the political arena, I am not too sure but if you try to bribe a policeman there, you will ended up in jail. Malaysia???
    As Rakyat, we must certainly thank Tun for bringing Malaysia to where it is today, but isn’t it better if we could overtake Singapore? We have people, natural resources and brains….

  10. Ayahanda,
    Hm… re-thinking about Singapore is ranked in the world as the lowest corrupted tiny little kingdom, why?
    I am telling fact, and fact is telling the truth. Because Singapore is a ONE FAMILY MAN show, of course corruption cannot be detected (“kah ki lang” ma… hokkiens means “all family members”, how to detect when there is corruption)!!!!
    I am sure 1/2 population of Singapore would agreed with me because the Singaporean lady by the name of Mei Lan said half of their population read New Strait Times, who is board of Directors behind this paper, you know lah….. And this 1/2 population of Singapore are WELCOME to Malaysia, we are once the brothers and sisters before Mr Lee Kuan Yew took over. Welcome abroad but must behave if you not you will be invited out by Malaysia custom and police departments, your country wants to protect Singapore’s image, Malaysia wants to protect our image of KEDAULATAN TUANKU and RUKUN NEGARA, this is win-win policy, k? And don’t play-play ah… with these departments.
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  11. Salam Tun Mahathir,
    To. DJ
    Col. Ishak Ismail like to me look an Indian Muslim Origin
    (may be an Indian Muslim) nothin mentioned about his family.
    probably his wife is non Muslim.
    the problem with Malaysian Chinese, they only went to become Oficer and General, not ordinary Soldiers.

  12. Some people just plain idiot. Not you sir and everyone knows that and they just wont admit it. Sore loser ‘Shuzeng’
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  13. Dear Onlooker, I also forgot to tell you that some of the secret police of the little emperor have been retrained to arrange for love-boats to match make the Singaporeans according to a system believed in by the little emperor (not dissimilar to the caste system practiced in the rural areas of India) that a doctor should marry a doctor and a lawyer should marry a lawyer and that a male should try to have a wife better than him academically (purportedly to qualify him for a higher caste). The little emperor is so inspired by this practice and totally believes in it to the extent he also married a lawyer (though he would have qualified for a higher caste if he had married a doctor–a misfortune on the part of the little emperor till now.)

  14. HBT said…and I quote…
    “I absolutely would not want our people and the world to think Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a legend. Tun Dr M is not an artist or celebrity.”
    Not a celebrity? Well neither is Caesar or Mandela…
    “I sincerely hope that Tun Dr M will not be remembered as Legend. Just take an example, the late P. Ramlee is the legend in Malay movie industry, what happened to his late son? I do not want our future generation to become the late son of P. Ramlee,”
    You think Mukhriz will whither just because Mahathir is a Legend?
    “I want Tun Dr M to be remembered as the “Path” to develop Malaysia further.”
    “… has analysed the world scenario so that Malaysia can adapt faster to catch up with the world.” was created firstly to fight Pak Lah after the mainstream blackout and secondly just to drop some snippets here and there…apa “catch up with the world” ni???
    …and btw Mahathir is already a Legend and definitely counts as a celebrity in the eyes of Malaysia, am I not right fellow viewers?

  15. Dear Onlooker, I forgot to tell you that some of the secret police of the little emperor have also been retrained to catch anyone chewing chewing gum or leaving Singapore with less than half tank petrol, etc.

  16. Dear Onlooker, I fully agree with you that there are hardly any secret police in Singapore nowadays and that there are hardly any cases of any person disappearing in Singapore because most of the secret police now have been retrained to hide behind the toilets to catch any one who fails to flush the toilet bowl after his businesses or catch one who throws even a toothpick on the floor after a meal or catch one who parks his car at nite when he sleeps and forgets to prick or scratch the correct holes or space on his parking tickets.

  17. hi dr m,
    i am a singaporean and i’d just like to correct u. yes we have 2 opposition members in parliament. no they have not been made bankrupt. you’re probably thinking about that wackjob chee soon juan.

  18. Salam hormat Tun Mahathir
    Saya rasa kalau Malaysia ingin damai seperti 50 tahun yang lalu bangsa majority harus bersatu.Saya sedih melihat manusia seperti toko Nik Aziz(kononnya tok guru) ,Anwar Ibrahim ,Zaid ,Nizar dan lain2 mereka sudah hilang akal sampai mahu menjual bangsa,negara dan agama.Mereka mungkin buta atau pura2 tidak mahu tahu beberapa hal yang terjadi di lakukan oleh DAP.Antara lain Lim Kit Siang anak beranak menentang perpaduan ummah antara muslim(jelas dua2 manusia bukan muslim dan tdk percaya dengan Allah)Kerana kalau ummah islam bersatu Lim kit Siang dan pengikutnya tidak boleh bersuara.ini yang mereka bimbang.Nik Aziz pula menghina pemimping melayu dan menuduh parti melayu islam macam2.Apa Nik Aziz lupa sebagai pemimpin Islam dan juga di larang agama menghina sesiapun dan kalau lah benar biar Allah yang menghukom mereka.Tok guru apa ini(political animal)saya percaya pengikutnya bukan bodoh,buta,atau pekak.Lama2 Nik Aziz akan cair seperti Zaid dan Anwar.Si Anwar pula mulai gelisah karna hari penentuan case sodomy semakin dekat.kenapa harus takut kalau tidak bersalah.Berani karna benar.Takut pula bersumpah dengan Al Koran.Jangan bimbang dan takut Allah melihat semua yang apa kita lakukan.Kalau press conference dikeliling dengan DAP dan Hindraf.Lim Kit Siang memang inginkan ummah Islam tidak bersatu karna DAP juga akan cair.Lagi sekali jangan lupa DAP yang mula nya memulaukan acara pelantikkan bekas menteri besar perak Nizar di istana Raja Perak.Ternyata DAP tidak homat raja2 Melayu.Yang aneh Nizar pura2 tidak mahu tahu kejadian tersebut.
    Wahai umat Islam bertindaklah sebelum terlambat.

  19. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    To JD
    “Colonel Ishak Ismail has been promted to become the first Army General of Singapore. Do we have Chinese or Indian General in Malaysia”? posted by JD
    Hi JD, yes you might be true. but he too might be reprensenting only 0.0001 per cent of the whole army officers in the Singaporean armforces. Am I correct? So please think.

  20. Dear Tun,
    You always hit the nail on the head. Singaporeans mostly know
    this. But of course for fear of reprisals they prefer to keep
    their peace.
    As for shuzheng, I can bet my little finger he is a S’pore govt
    official. Thence his earnest attempt to prove his worth with his masters.

  21. To sizzer33
    Is it a discrimination when you did not get what you “consider” as you are deserved too, forinstance being not offerred an engineering course at local university. You are not the only student in this country who get good result in their exams. There are hundreds or even thousands out there. May be their results are much better then you. So they were offered ingineering courses instead of you.
    You complaint about skyrocketing good prices. I too agree. But please put in mind that our country is not the only one which experinced such problems but our neighboring countries even all countries in the world too. May be you are one of the luckiest workers in the country because you were not among of those that who had been retrenched. I am happy too because the number of workers who losses jobs in our country in not as high as other countries. So think about it. Be grateful.

  22. Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
    //By zaq25 on June 23, 2009 8:34 PM//
    Dear zaq25,
    Thank you for your comments and from your name, I know that you are a muslim. Muslims are kind and do not want to fight with others, that is why muslims are always bullied (freedom of speech, k) by the west. The west always use Christianity and Capitalism to educate (or oppress, I leave it for you to decide) the religious people.
    Now, Hollywood famous director Ron Howard and Tom Hanks(gees, I like Tom Hanks because he can make sure this best buddy (Ron Howard) would accept his style in delivering the script in the movie)are trying to use Science and Capitalism through the movie “Angels and Demons” to confront and re-educate the world.
    Due to USA’s arrogant, current Americans will say, “I don’t believe God”. In the movie, Tom Hanks answered “I don’t understand God” when he was confronted the question by the Young Father of Rome’s most powerful Catholics church on “Do you believe in God? And this young Father claimed that Science is too young to understand religion (Bread turned into rats theory or belief?????).
    The point I want to stress here is we must evolve if we want to survive. I will make sure Tun Dr Mahathir will not be the legend, I would work my very best that his style in adminsrating our Malaysia under RUKUN NEGARA is the best test model and it will the right way to develop Malaysia as the world evolves currently (after 10 years, there will another word to replace “evolve).
    I absolutely would not want our people and the world to think Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a legend. Tun Dr M is not an artist or celebrity, he is a most kind and understanding PM of Malaysia whom I think the world and Malaysians should respect.
    I sincerely hope that Tun Dr M will not be remembered as Legend. Just take an example, the late P. Ramlee is the legend in Malay movie industry, what happened to his late son? I do not want our future generation to become the late son of P. Ramlee, I want Tun Dr M to be remembered as the “Path” to develop Malaysia further.
    Here, I have chosen to work smart, I read and understand chedet’s views while he is stll able to pen down so that I will become wiser, more responsible and more nationalism (Mr Obama’s 3rd strategy is National issues, k) because has analysed the world scenario so that Malaysia can adapt faster to catch up with the world. I am not going to be like Hanan and Tempered, only good in doing objective and religion analysis, what for? No action!!!!
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  23. Selamat Pagi MAT. Greetings from Batu Licin, Kalimantan, Indonesia.
    We can pursue the mud slinging and go on and on and on about S’pore’s and LKY’s shortcomings until the cows come home; but at the end of the day, the simple truth is, S’pore’s success is undispusted.

  24. Yg Berbahagia Tun,
    Who the hell is this guy hornbill 239230 of 24 June 2009 @11.30am begging you to shut up. Being a Singaporean, he should instead advice his old man LKY to stay put behind the causeway rather than canvassing himself barking into Malaysian territory. If not for our generous mankind sense, you people over there are almost choked to death without water.

  25. Colonel Ishak Ismail has been promted to become the first Army General of Singapore. Do we have Chinese or Indian General in Malaysia?

  26. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    From these two figures, we can assume that the Tambak Johor was owned by Johor. I do not understand why Malaysia feel very afraid with them. Is it because of their army@weapon? As a Prime Minister, Najib must be firmed and do his job now, this is the best time to fulfill the majority of Malaysian vission. The next election will coming soon, if you did not doing anything to overcome this problem, people will easily judge you failed like Pak Lah.

  27. Ayahanda Tun,
    This is why I call Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the family man. In chinese culture (the ancient one LAH) before Communist took over, the man (husband) said I am the 1st man and I will decide the rules for the family. This is how Singapore works!!! Hongkies prefer to re-educate their citizen the risks of social unrest which may cause deaths due to fanatic through TVB Hong Kong series drama, and Hongkies hate “kekerasan without democracy”.
    In Hong Kong “Shuzheng” is labelled as “tin je lam

  28. By Anonymous on June 25, 2009 8:04 PM
    By sizzer33Author Profile Page on June 25, 2009 1:37 PM
    To Mis_Bah
    Well with my results i think i deserve a spot to study engineering in my own country. But too bad, i’m only allowed to take Aquaculture. If thats not discrimination maybe i’m sensitive.
    M/S SIZZER33,
    ps. For your info..although we once knew most of the vvips in the government, we asked no favours but only seek for assistance. The rest we left it to the Almighty..

  29. Apa nak kecoh sangat dengan bahasa asing. Kat Malaysia ni berapa ramai yang tak faham bahasa kebangsaan, apatah lagi kalau nak menulis dengan baik. Tak kecoh pun. Ini negara caca marba…tak ada prinsip…

  30. Dear Tun and fellowmen,
    Talking about this little middle-kingdom, the findings below might seem to show that this little middle-kingdom is the hidden hand for much of the dissent we see here in the Malaysian political sphere. Traces and signs are out there in the cyberway for all to see.
    The IP: points to a popular Malaysian blog portal which is being hosted by a Singapore server named ReadySpace Network Pte Ltd – ReadySpace Network have very big clients including the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA)Sigapore and as well the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)Singapore. One does not need to be a genius to know that a private company in this little middle-kingdom who has such big clients also serve its clients-interests.
    One wonders whether the government of this little middle-kingdom will tolerate a website which will spread racial disunity, defamatory statements and hate propaganda against their own legislature, executive and judiciary. If there is one now, the blogger is surely fated to be caught, silenced and cast away in an island off this little middle-kingdom by its ISD. He can’t be sued for damages and made a bankrupt as he is already one.
    Please do not be blind my fellowmen. Seek for this IP and its connections. Be learned. Be aware. Be equipped.

  31. Salam Tun,
    I wish to share my view with readers of this blog making reference to the law passed by Singapore defining one person as an assembly. My personal understanding on such provision of the law is referred to a person who goes to the street alone and starts to create social unrest and persuades others to join him to illegally go against the authority. More so if the person has political interest for himself to get the support of the people to discredit the ruling government. Normally this kind of person will use whatever lies he could fabricate to create anger among the public to go against the government. But those bunch of idiots from the community who are burnt with anger with such fabricated lies and any seditious statements will join him to destroy the peace and harmony in the community.
    It is sad to note that there are idiotic citizens in Malaysia who blindly support such kind of act without fear of the serious implications it would bring to the security of the rest of the citizens and the community and nation as well. If the police acts to deal with any illegal assembly, they will tell the whole world that the police are brutally harassing them and all sorts of allegation with a view to paint a negative picture that the government is non democratic, cruel and so forth. May be they want the illegal assembly to go on without any police intervention, and should there be destructions and damages and loss of life or injuries they would otherwise want the people to blame the police force and the government as well. What they need is to get support from the people and topple the government through such kind of seditious actions which I believe is initiated by the agents of evils.
    The police force has done their good job to maintain law and order so that people will live in peace and harmony in our plural society of Malaysia. Since independent we have lived in peace and harmony under BN administration which many forget that the unity government comprising initially UMNO, MCA and MIC representing the various races have benefitted all, irrespective of race. We should be grateful that the power sharing in the BN has brought about many developments and many good things that benefit the people. The constitution has been well respected by all in the past five decades since independence. Well if we uphold the constitution and understand the spirit for which it was formulated there will be continued peace and harmony to live in this beloved country of Malaysia. If we love Malaysia, we need to respect the law and understand the constitution and not to be unduly misled by people with political interest who seem to be disrespecting the constitution and the law by staging illegal assembly and demonstrations and create disharmony to the community.
    Another issue which is being politicized is the treatment of criminals detained under police custody. The incident of one or two cases of death of criminals while under police custody has been much publicized. Whilst I appreciate on the needs for transparency on investigation of criminals, many seem to immediately punish the police as being brutal in carrying out investigations to the extent that cause death to the criminal. Well if we respect the law, let the authority carry out the investigations first and respect the outcome of the investigation and final judgment if matter is brought to court. The police have their procedures in investigation and interrogation and they are doing their jobs accordingly. Too many people who are misled by irresponsible politicians, who politicize such issue. May be they want criminals to be treated with the best hospitality while in custody, interrogate them with utmost politeness; serve them food from Kentucky or McDonald

  32. “I think she (Ho Ching) can even get away with murder cos she is daughter in law of LKY.” (anuar nordin)
    Wrong inference made by anuar nordin. I think among many so-called democratic countries, the only country in which you could find a VVIP who was able to escape the rule of law even after his having committed a murder crime is Malaysia!
    The Singaporean government could afford to lose S$70 billion without creating a shaky situation to Singapore’s economy but the Malaysian government could not even find money to pay for the soft loan of slightly more than RM4 billion, which the Barisan Nasional cabinet had approved to Port Klang Authority in 2007 to finance the much controversial Port Klang Free Zone project. As a result of which, PKA was then required to pay huge amount of overdue interest to its main contractor Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd, which is 70% owned by the chairman of Parliamentary Back Bencher Club, Dato Tiong.
    Singapore’s problem was due to over-optimistic misjudgement in the midst of global financial crisis but Malaysia’s problem was due to cronyism and Umnoputraism which created some half-past-six cabinet ministers in the Federal Government and hence caused mismanagement and bad governance.
    Singapore’s per capital income was around USD20,000 per head but Malaysia’s per capital income was only about USD3,000 per head. Surely the Singaporean government has gotten much better things for we Malaysians to learn, even though some Malaysians may decline to learn because of suffering from sour grape psychological symptom.

  33. To Juno…
    Saya tulis LEGENDS ni nak tolong Tun langkah lebih jauh di arena antarabangsa bukan nak kecilkan dia. Saya nak dia jadi truly world leader bukan sekadar asian leader sahaja, faham? Bukan saya atau kamu yang akan tentukan betapa greatnya Tun; sejarah dan dunia yang akan menilai.
    Kalau boring, kau jangan bacalah. Saya tulis untuk Tun bukan kamu. Lagipun yang saya tulis ialah fakta bukan hiburan.
    We are all spectators, ok? Kau pulak siapa? And don’t judge me having not even seen me yet. You don’t know me.
    And I don’t wnat to know you.

  34. Dear Tun,
    The big facts are :
    !) The so call “pandai” Singaporean lost almost S$70 Billion from the current economic crisis. Temasek Holding and GIC failed big times and who is the CEO, none other Mrs Ho Ching, wife of the current PM and daughter in law of MM LKY!!!! And she get away with it.
    I think she can even get away with murder cos she is daughter in law of LKY. Yet this old man want to advice us about good goverment!!!LKY needs to go and see a Doctor and have is old and senile brain examine!!!
    2) If Singapore is really a better place, why is own grandson choose to live in USA after completing his study there.LKY own granson abandoned Singapore !!!!! What a slap into his own ugly face!!!
    3) If Singapore is so economically resilent, why she is the first country to be hit by this economic crisis and until now have now real solution to overcome this problem.
    Bottomline. Malaysia is a much better country. so LKY just go away and prepare your final resting place..

  35. To Mis_Bah
    Well with my results i think i deserve a spot to study engineering in my own country. But too bad, i’m only allowed to take Aquaculture. If thats not discrimination maybe i’m sensitive.
    I’m not greedy. and i won’t be grateful if prices of items are skyrocketing while the paycheck of the people stays the same. Your comment is just basically asking people to be grateful that they’re alive. Well if thats so i can be happy living in Aceh being a fisherman. there’s no point in arguing from there isnt it. Since the topic is bashing singapore, thats why we bring out these points.
    I see a lot of comments here saying be happy, be grateful there’s no war or riot, be grateful you’re a citizen in this country. Yes of course everyone is grateful to have a home. We have to move on from there. If you’ve worked in a company, you’ll know what i’m talking about. Everyone needs to give opinions, make constructive arguments, get more ideas to improve operations. If we’re just grateful we’re making the production target we set 5 years ago, where are we gonna go from there. Get my point.
    And FYI, there’s a lot of good things abt malaysia i can mentioned. But its just going to be too long.

  36. Lagi-lagi Singapura. Tak ada berita lain ke?
    It’s just like the Singaporeans ‘hating’ us so much but the last I’ve checked, they have dedicated a few pages of their local newspapers for Malaysian news.
    Perhaps Tun would like to do the same and dedicate a portion of this blog with news, comments or condemnations about Singapore or LKY?
    Not that I admire Singapore, Singaporeans or LKY (in fact, I despise them all) but how to condemn their POA when we also have our “cannot wear black”?
    The second part sure is funny. I met this Korean guy a few days ago. He admitted his command of English is not good, but he said “Westerners’ English I can understand, Malaysian English I can also understand. But Singaporean English is very difficult to understand. I sometimes don;t know whether they are apeaking English or not”. LOL.

  37. Tun made a slip up – the 2 mps are not bankrupt.
    I welcome the POA law introduced by Singapore because as we can see in Iran, Thailand, Burma, Nepal and Tibet, it is difficult to have a peaceful protest or procession. CIA, foreign powers and even gansters will want the protest to turn violent. And a small trigger will ignite the whole thing.
    Singapore like you, (one who dare to speak your mind), dares to do what she think is right. For those who must protest we have Speakers corner for them to do so and not infront of the Malaysian Embassy as happened before.
    I was quite angry when a Seelan Palay demonstrated in front of the Malaysian Embassy in Singapore against the Hindraf arrest under ISA. Firstly we are interfering in the affairs of Malaysia. Secondly this activist though alone is no different from say a group of 2 or 3. It is political and more importantly how can the police be helpless.
    Single or dominant party rule. Well if you get Tun you are lucky but if you get Idi Amin then God bless you. Look at Malaysia’s progress under your rule. spectacular!
    Countries with strong single party rule need not necessary be bad as long as the Govt is competent and corruption free. Protests and upheavals are preferred by those who cannot win. Democracy has to be treated with a pinch of salt to suit local conditions.
    China’s CCCP has proven that it is the most effective and capable. Democracy can learn something from it.

  38. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    “I don’t bloody care if i’m suppress or my bloody race is discriminated, as long as i can get a job i love and raise my kids is a safe and civil environment, the rest are just politics” a comment from sizzer33.
    Hi zizzer33, I have exactly no idea on what race you are belong to but you might be a Malaysian chinese or a Malaysian Indian. I think all races or ethnic’s rigts are safeguarded or preserved under our constitution. So why you consider yourself or your race are being discriminated in this country?
    If you as an engineer to complaint about your low salary, just ask your employer to pay you more. Why you point your finger to the govt. I think your boss will not hesitate to pay you more if you perform well and give them an excellent or brilliant idea.
    So don’t be greedy but to be grateful. You will be much happy.

  39. To those who never live in singapore before, don comments blindly, i lived and work in singapore, even Malaysian Chinese i got the feelings we are second class Chinese to Singaporean, that’s why i came back many years ago, as of political situation, what is that to comments a city like country compare to Malaysia, put Lee Kuan Yew to rule Malaysia, he won’t yield the same result as what Tun did, Singapore is basically a chinese rule country, not as what we Malaysia, a truly melting pot, don write and comment blindly. For those who are sick and tire to live in Malaysia, the door is open..i was a professional, which used to be PR in Singapore, yet..i choose to come back and serve malaysia, singapore welcome those professional or skills worker, if you are one..why waste your time to write, write to singapore government for PR status, if you are not one of them, too bad…who is Lee Kuan Yew to comments our country? He is only the shit stirrer for his visit, so that political party are using his remarks to point the finger at each other, that will only scare away the investors, cos of the political situation, then the shit stirrer make his point of visiting…we don’t need people to teach us how to rule and run our country, since independent, we are also like Singapore, only one government ruling till today, are we a failure?

  40. Since we are on the topic of Singapore, I just saw an relevant article from The Asian Age.
    I post it here for your comments and reference.
    Err… I don’t think Singapore’s opposition members of parliament are bankrupt, undischarged bankrupts cannot run for parliament.
    The Asian Age
    Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, London
    Tuesday, 23 June 2009
    Seeking life, after riots
    By Deepal Trivedi
    Twenty-nine-year-old Mohammed Sheikh came to Singapore to get a diploma in hospitality management so that he could gradually “settle” down with a job. Today, seven years later, he says Singapore has given him much more than an education or a job. It has given him security and a sense of belonging which remains a fantasy for most of his friends and relatives back home in India.
    Hailing from Gujarat, Mohammed, like most of the 5.5 million Muslims in the state, witnessed gory riots in 2002 that saw bloody clashes between majority Hindus and minority Muslims in the otherwise industrialised and progressive state. He watched three of his family members, including his father, getting butchered. Mohammed later learnt that his cousin was gangraped before being charred to death. His family had to pay for being a Muslim. Soon after the riots, his family was socially ostracised by the Hindus in his city. The right wing Hindu organisations even announced an “economic” boycott of all Muslim products and services.
    Besides losing his family and home, Mohammed lost confidence and faith in the civil society. Democracy and human rights became an illusion for his community. Attempts by a section of the media or national and international human rights groups to change the situation by highlighting their plight boomeranged. The local pulse was so anti-Muslim that anyone espousing their cause was labelled a “pseudo”. All Muslims were, Hindu Gujarat believed, anti-nationals.
    But unlike most Muslims who silently accepted their marginalisation as their karma (destiny) and unlike the few who took to so-called jihad and got in touch with extreme Islamic elements across Indian boundaries to avenge the Gujarat carnage and get involved in chalking out an elaborate “We versus Them struggle”, Mohammed decided to move on in life.
    He did not want to spend the rest of his life cursing his destiny, abhorring the role played by his passive state government or detesting a particular community. He wanted to move on.
    After five months, when the bloody violence had abated, he went back to the hotel he worked at to resume his duty as the chief manager. His Hindu colleagues were glad that he was alive because the violence had left over 2,000 Muslim men, women and children killed.

  41. Salam Terhormat Buat YABhg CHE DET,
    Nur Muhammad
    (itulah cerita orang tua-tua kita)
    Langkawi itu indah seindah bahasa ini
    petah lidah melayu manis sudi
    liuk lentuk menyelam rasa
    bersentuh merasa cinta
    di jemari si batin ku ruh
    seseri cahaya nur mu
    Langkawi ini mengaitkan kisah
    menebarkan lagenda do’a orang tua-tua kita
    lagenda nur muhammad di bumi melayu
    kasih tuhan maha qudus pada hambanya
    saperti si-musa dan si-khidr
    menegak tembok yang senget
    terima kasih
    Najib Proposes Federal Islamic Treasury
    KUALA LUMPUR, June 24 (Bernama) — Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak proposed the setting up of a federal “baitulmal” (Islamic treasury) to coordinate matters related to property owned by Muslims in the country.
    The prime minister called on the delegates of the two-day National Baitulmal Convention 2009 which he opened at the Federal Territory Mosque here to discuss the matter in depth.
    He said an entity such as the baitulmal could not be set up in haste and that the constitution and relevant laws had to be looked at with a fine toothcomb.
    “For example, the role of the proposed federal baitulmal should not go contrary to those of the state baitulmal. In other words, its role should be clearly, creatively and innovatively defined in the interests of the welfare of Muslims,” he said.
    The proposal to set up the federal baitulmal was one of five made by Najib for the convention to fine-tune.
    Najib also suggested that the baitulmal be corporatised to allow for the appointment of professionals to run the entity for it to function more effectively.
    He also suggested that new sources of funds be explored for the baitulmal as the existing funds available nationwide were limited and insufficient to contribute to large-scale economic development of the Muslims.
    As such, he suggested that Islamic intellectuals contribute their resources and knowledge to research in exploring for contemporary and new sources of funds.
    The prime minister also called on baitulmal to play more active and proactive roles in social development activities as baitulmal as the financial, and not banking, institutions should engage themselves in wiping out poverty completely.
    “The existing baitulmal products should be rebranded to adjust to the fast-developing environment as well as globalisation,” he said.
    Najib said the time had come in this challenging world for Muslims to be bold enough to emerge from their conventional thinking pattern.
    “I urge that we begin to consider every option based on Islamic principles in re-strengthening the national economy, in particular, and the world economy, in general.
    “We have to shift from total dependence on others and instead strive to rehabilitate and empower the national economy, among other things, with the existing funds, that is the assets of Muslims in the baitulmal,” he said.
    Najib said that the government, through the national treasury and other national economic agencies, had played a role in keeping to the spirit of the baitulmal set up by Islamic governments of the past.
    He said economic management through the country’s fiscal and financial policies adhered to the current needs of the modern economy and Islamic values were used as guidelines in formulating the economic policies.
    “In my opinion, economic institutions do not need the name Islam for them to qualify to be grouped as Islamic economic institutions. It is more important that their roles are in keeping with the needs of the religion to upgrade the economic quality of society,” he said.
    an interesting read as i try to dream up a proposal the UiTM and University of Madinah campuses in Langkawi with Razak my QS and the funds.
    dalam hal Sinar-Flex and E-GuardRail, saya telah pun dapat green light dari Ketua Bahagian saya dan Presiden Fadzill sedia membantu. Sekarang Sinaran Strata harus telah mendapat kelulusan YAB Menteri.

    By hornbill239230Author Profile Page on June 24, 2009 11:30 AM
    It seems that you have a grudge with LKY or Singapore.
    From many Malaysian friends, I came to know that the proposed construction of the crocked bridge made you even richer and thus the cancellation upset you so much.
    You were one known as Mr. 10%, every project has to incorporate a 10% commission for you.
    It time for you to just shut up and enjoy your years’ of reward.

  43. Dear Tun,
    Harry Lee knows very well he cannot match your intelligence (and this hurts him real bad being a Chinaman to have a Malay whose brains are more powerful than his).
    So interpreting his trip here, I conclude that he thinks he now owns Malaysia (Najib and the rest are putty in his hands) and you are a spent force.
    You helped Malaysians get rid of the sleepy head prime minister and the way things are going, I think Malaysia will need you to put things right again.
    Please help the country get back on track again before it really becomes a failed state.
    Best Regards,

  44. Tun
    I tried checking the archives in CHEDET.CC (not sure if you migrated the archives from to read the response of Shuzheng, and couldnt find the reference.
    I know you wrote about the Modern Middle Kingdom, but could not locate any reference to a Blog titled “Littlest Middle Kingdom”
    Of course being a person who likes to Google (and these days Bing), I tried looking both for this person whom you’ve now taken a liking to (Shuzheng) as well the purported blog and response but naturally BING and GOOGLE have had issues of turning it up.
    Can you please publish the link to the article you refer to PLUS the Blog response…
    2/ I also take it you now have found avenues to discuss policies of other countries. As PM, you have chucked fits when other countries have highlighted lack of human rights in your policies. You have argued that other countries have no right to comment or condemn policies of a sovereign nation especially Malaysia’s. But you know using your Blog “airspace” comment on the guise of “it’s only your view you are expressing. No harm meant…” NICE !!!
    Keep on the rantings sir…it’s amusing…

  45. salam Tun,
    saya tak pasti ‘mamat’tu dari mana. dari komen2 dia saya buat kesimpulan seperti di bawah
    1) kalau dari singapore, mungkin die tertekan kena kerja mcm nak mati utk ‘survive’ kat sana. kasihanilah dia Tun, tak dapat peluang nak ‘having good life’ macam rakan sebangsa die kat Malaysia. Ataupon dia sampai sekarang tak dapat nak beli rumah sendiri, kenderaan sendiri, habis waktu kerja pun masih kene ‘struggle’ kat ‘fast food restaurant’, buat ‘part time’. kalau kerja kene pandai berlakon, buat kelam kabut mcm sibuk, padahal tak ada apebende pun.
    2) kalau dari Malaysia, die ni ada masalah buta hati untuk bersyukur, BN juga yang salah pasal tak cukup silibus pelajaran moral.hehe,gurau.
    3) die ni contoh nyata ‘racist’ tanpa ilmu. pendek kata ‘bodoh, tapi nak memberontak’
    4) adakah semua singaporean macamtu? harap2 taklah..

  46. Ayahanda Tun,
    I dengar khabar dari ground ZERO, our “RAKYAT MALAYSIA” kita mahu tukar kerajaan, tak nak BN, kerana mereka memang “frust sangat” dengan BN, no freedom LAH, oppression LAH on non-muslims, macam2 lagi, mereka MESTI MAHU BERUBAH, Kalau tak ubah, mereka tidak akan tahu adakah kerajaan baru (the PR)baik atau tidak. Mereka ini adalah penyokong2 kuat Malaysia Today. Mereka ini tanya, “siapakah itu famous SIL dan apakah yang beliau telah buat dan mengapa “Malays” tidak suka pada beliau? Huh…????
    So saya sebagai rakyat malaysia (anak Malaysia yang ori) nak tanya mereka apakah RUKUN NEGARA kita yang ke-2. Para bloggers who go against Tun Dr M can answer me?? I dah gone through the ’97 crisis, so I dah “immune”, ha..ha…
    Cheers and take care Ayahanda Tun.

  47. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Mohon laluan ……………
    To zaq25 – June 25,2009 8:34PM
    You sound great man! Only read about 10% of your write-up, then found it boring. Your statements, reasoning, comparisons looks as if that you feel that you are anytime a better statesman than Tun. That’s what in your mind, but in reality who are you? What have you achieved compared to Tun? You are just another audience watching a play, cursing and swearing because you dislike the actors. Best thing to do is to get out of the theater hall and go home. Others will want to enjoy the show they appreciate.
    If you are a Singaporean stay put in that tiny-winy island of yours, behave yourself, obey all rules and regulations. If you are a Malaysian surrender your citizenship and buzz-off and move over.
    Maaf Tun.

  48. Who is this shuzheng? Borrow Nik Aziz word..”Sampah”…just another racist person….write base on emotional not using brain….
    Anyway TDM….Not worth for you to comment on this rubish Shuzheng..Im surprise to read so many non-Bumi who are racist….Whn the facts show that so many non-Malay became richer during your time…and till now 90% of top rich men are non-Bumi….still not enough??? Whn Bumi just ask for 30% economy sharing is call racist..Whn 90% of contractor in Multinasional companies is non-Bumi and majority of management staffs is non-Bumi..this all never been question. (Lim Guan Eng can do some survey and confirm on this)….is Ok… but whn govrmnt allocate 30% project to Bumi…it been called racist..So that mean 70% for non-bumi is not enough… what number will make them happy…95% or 98% or 99.999%.
    For last 50 years we life in harmony and peace….Bumi help non-bumi become richer and in return just looking for 30% equity share…this also called racist??

    Saya berasal dari keluarga yang susah dari negari Cik Siti Wan Kembang. Sudah menetap di Ibukota lebih dari 15 tahun. Cuba balik berkerja di Kota Bharu beberapa kali tapi pindah semula ke Ibukota demi mencari rezeki untuk keluarga. Bukan mudah orang macam saya mencari kerja di Kota Bharu. Pelajaran tak tinggi, kampung halaman tiada, arwah ayah saya hanya menyewa sahaja sepanjang membesarkan kami. Ibu dan Ayah saya hidup ‘Kais pagi makan pagi’ kais petang makan petang’ kais malam makan malam’. Kehidupan kami memang susah. Untuk mencari duit lebih saya dengan abang kakak terpaksa menjaja kacang dan air sirap tiap hujung minggu dalam stadium semasa ada perlawanan bolasepak. Ibubapa kami tak sempat memantau kami terutama dalam pelajaran. Tapi kami amat bersyukur mempunyai Ibu dan Ayah yang baik.Kami membesar bersama emak saudara dan sepupu yang terpaksa hidup dengan kami kerana suami beliau kahwin ramai, yang akhirnya diceraikan. ( Gejala yang paling buruk di Kelantan ialah perceraian. Kerana menjadi ibu tunggal lah membuatkan wanita Kelantan ‘terpaksa’ berkerja keras mencari rezeki untuk membesarkan anak-anak kerana kebanyakan bapa tidak memberi nafkah kepada anak-anak setelah bercerai. Orang dari luar Kelantan malah media juga mempunyai pandangan bahawa wanita Kelantan aktif dan rajin berniaga. Pernahkah mereka terfikir atau menyoal diri sendiri kenapa wanita Kelantan jadi begitu? Sejarah lampau yang membawa wanita-wanita Kelantan aktif berniaga mencari rezeki. Demi membesarkan anak-anak yang kebanyakannya mempunyai anak ramai. Dengan kata lain orang lelaki Kelantan hanya tahu ‘buat anak’ sahaja. Tanggung jawab amat kurang.) Saya bersyukur kerana Ibu saya menjadi balu tidak Ibu Tunggal.
    Saya sebenarnya antara yang lahir semasa Kerajaan menekankan bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa yang perlu diutamakan di sekolah. Hari ini bukan sahaja saya seorang sahaja yang menjadi mangsa Dasar tersebut. Malah, ramai kawan-kawan saya gagal dalam membina kerjaya. Berkerja dalam perkerjaan kelas ketiga. Ada yang berjaya pun kerana datang dari keluarga yang memang sudah ada asas atau pun yang sudah kaya. Itu pun sebilangan kecil sahaja. Golongan yang macam saya akan ketinggalan. Sekarang golongan macam keluarga saya amat ramai. Golongan ibubapa yang kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang, kais malam makan malam. Lebih-lebih lagi di bandar-bandar besar. Yang menyedihkan ramai antaranya adalah orang Melayu.
    Saya amat sedih melihat mereka-mereka yang menentang Dasar PPSMI. Lebih sedih lagi diterajui oleh orang Melayu sendiri. Kenapa begitu bodoh sekali meraka. walaupun ramai yang saya rasa terdiri dari golongan baik. Kepada mereka suka saya katakan. Janganlah mengikut perasaan, gunalah akal. Perasan hanya lahir dari otak tidak dari akal. Yang membezakan kita manusia dari makhluk Allh yang lain kita diberi AKAL. Gunalah akal tu nasihat saya. Sekarang ini NGO seperti DONG JIAO ZONG pula ambil kesempatan menyokong GMP. Tak ingatkah kita siapa NGO ini?
    Saya bagi contoh apa yang berlaku kepada saya. Saya sepatutnya boleh maju dalam kerjaya saya jika saya fasih berbahasa inggeris. Tetapi tinggallah saya di belakang lebih-lebih lagi saya tiada ijazah. mungkin ada yang cakap mengapa saya tak belajar bahasa inggeris. Bukan mudah untuk saya belajar, kerana bagi saya keyakinan perlu ditanam semasa kita kanak-kanak lagi Lebih-lebih lagi orang macam saya. dari Kelantan. Berpuluh tahun hidup di ibukota pun ‘bau budu’ tetap ada bila bercakap. Baru-baru ini saya buka iklan surat khabar, ada satu kolum iklankan pekerjaan yang sama tetapi berbeza gaji yang ditawarkan. Yang tak tahu berbahasa inggeris gaji asas RM1200. sahaja. sebaliknya yang fasih berbahasa inggeris gaji asas RM2500. Saya merasa amat rugi kerajaan menukar aliran sekolah. Saya antara salah seorang mangsa dari Dasar dahulu. Bagi saya anak-anak perlu dipaksa secara tidak langsung. Mereka tak tahu apa-apa, mereka hanya ikut apa yang kita ajar. Anak-anak saya sekarang walaupun saya tidak mampu menghantar mereka ke kelas tambahan, saya bersyukur mereka dapat belajar dengan baik ketika kerajaan melaksanakan PPSMI.
    Apa yang saya tahu tentang PPSMI ialah anak-anak saya memberi komen bila ditanya tentang PPSMI, mereka tanya balik saya, kenapa orang sampai berarak ke istana nak mansuhkan PPSMI. saya tanya balik dia kenapa dia cakap macam tu?, jawab anak-anak saya, LEBIH SENANG BELAJAR LEBIH MUDAH FAHAM guna bahasa inggeris.Yang nak belajar anak-anak saya bukan saya. Yang nak belajar bukan penentang PPSMI. lagi pun ini belajar ilmu yang baik bukan ‘Ilmu Hitam’. Kenapa mesti hapuskan PPSMI?. Kalau ada yang tak baik dalam perlaksanaan PPSMI, kenapa kita tidak sama-sama fikirkan penambahbaikan PPSMI? Belajar bahasa inggeris adalah satu ilmu. Yang penting bagi saya sebagai ibubapa. Anak-anak saya dapat ilmu sebaik mungkin. Soal bahasa ini kalau boleh saya mahu kerajaan lebih fokus bagaimana cara supaya anak-anak melayu dapat menguasai bahasa inggeris sebaik yang mungkin dalam masa yang singkat. kalau boleh.(Bahasa mandrin jugak. Supaya tak mudah ditipu oleh orang yang pandai bahasa mandrin).
    Kita semua kena terima hakikat bahawa bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa Ilmu, bahasa utama dunia. Syarikat swasta menggunakan bahasa inggeris sepenuhnya. Jika anak-anak Melayu tak mahir bahasa inggeris maka tertinggal dibelakanglah mereka. Kerjalah mereka dalam perkerjaan kelas ketiga sahaja. Lebih-lebih lagi dengan keadaan sekarang, dimana orang Melayu sedang berpecah belah sesama sendiri. Kaum lain sudah berani ‘menongkah arus’. Sebagai contoh, cara mereka menutup peluang untuk orang melayu mendapat kerja di syarikat mereka. Hanya dengan mewajibkan penguasaan bahasa ibunda mereka kalau mahu berkerja dalam syarikat mereka.Semangat ‘kebangsaan’ antara mereka amat tinggi dalam membantu sesama kaum. Tidak seperti kita orang melayu. Sedang dan mudah berpecah belah. Bersatu bila peluang sudah tertutup atau sudah dimiliki orang lain. dengan kata lain ‘sudah terhantuk, baru terngadah’. Pemimpin yang baik seperti Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Mahathir di tolak di hentam sampai beliau terpaksa berundur demi Melayu bersatu.(Terima kasih lah kepada PAS dengan PKR serta ahlinya) Walaupun agenda memajukan orang Melayu belum berjaya sepenuhnya. saya yakin jika orang Melayu maju dan mampu menghasilkan ‘produk baru, teknologi baru, ilmu baru, dan lain-lain’, bangsa lain akan terpaksa belajar bahasa Melayu demi mendapatkan Ilmu. Saya harap pepatah ‘sudah terhantuk baru terngadah’ tidak berlaku lagi pada orang Melayu bila menolak PPSMI. Jangan jadi seperti kita kehilangan YABhg. Tun, bila dia tidak lagi menjadi Perdana Menteri. Baru semua orang terasa ‘Kehilangannya’. termasuk orang-orang yang membencinya. Sekarang lagi sedih bila lihat orang Melayu sendiri tak mahu kepentingan mereka yang di jamin dalam Perlembagaan Negara kekal, kerana mahu undi serta takut kehilangan undi dan mahu jadi pemimpin, mereka sanggup gadai maruah bangsa sendiri. Sehingga pemimpin pengganas seperti Chin Peng pun sanggup dibela. Lebih malang lagi ianya datang dari orang yang berada dalam sebuah parti politik yang sering mendakwa mereka lebih Islamik. Memang mudah bagi mereka yang ‘cerdik pandai’ dalam politik menterjemahkan pandangan mereka mengikut ‘acuan Islam’ supaya kelihatan ‘halal’. Runtuhnya kebangkitan Islam dahulu bermula dengan sikap beginilah.
    Menyentuh soal politik sekarang, dunia sememangnya dipimpin oleh orang politik. Tetapi pada saya, dunia sekarang tak perlu dah jadi pemimpin tertinggi, kuasa tak ada. Halatuju boleh dikawal oleh orang lain. Lihatlah Presiden Amerika, dikawal Yahudi jugak. Pada saya pengaruh atau fahaman Yahudi lagi bahaya. tidak orangnya. ( Ada bekas pemimpin kerajaan mengamalkan fahaman ini, tapi syukur pada Allah s.w.t kerana menghalang beliau dari memimpin negara ini. Beliau boleh tipu orang melayu tapi tidak boleh tipu Tuhan Yang Esa.) Ada beberapa contoh dah sekarang, di Selangor, di Perak, di Kedah, malah di bumi tempat lahir saya, walaupun Menteri Besar seorang ilmuan agama tapi tetap dipengaruhi faktor kepentingan undi. Lihatlah cara beliau, kajilah sedikit. Untuk undi atau untuk agama yang seperti dilaung-laungkan. ( Kita tidak mahu semua Menteri Besar lain -lain negeri malah Raja-Raja Melayu juga terkena ‘sindrom’ dikuasai dipengaruhi ‘kuasa dari luar'(terutama kuasa ‘ekonomi’) dalam menentukan hala tuju pentabiran masing-masing. Kalau orang melayu terus berpecah belah tidak mustahil perkara ini berlaku. ) Dengan “title’ Mursyidul Am tapi tak mampu berbuat apa-apa. Title hanya diberi untuk ‘Gah’ sahaja. Kemampuan beliau hanya membuat kenyataan ‘gimik’ sahaja. Bagi kepentingan politik dan undi. Sebagai contoh sekarang ini. Pilihanraya Kecil Manek Urai sudah ditentukan. Sekali lagi Mursidul Am PAS menuduh UMNO menolak Islam. Kerana UMNO tidak bersetuju mimbar masjid digunakan sebagai pentas kempen. UMNO dilebelkan menolak Islam. Beliau bukan tak tahu bezakan kaitan antara menolak menggunakan khutbah Jumaat sebagai pentas kempen politik dengan menolak Islam. Saya yakin Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat lebih tahu. Tetapi demi kepentingan parti serta undi beliau sanggup dengan sengaja buat kenyataan tidak bertanggung jawab. Menuduh sesama Islam dengan harapan orang akan menyokong beliau. Seperti juga kelakuan anak buah beliau dalam PAS tentang isu Chin Peng. Mereka mampu menterjemahkan pandangan mereka mengikut ‘acuan Islam’ supaya masyarakat menerima serta kelihatan ‘halal’. Itulah kelebihan Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang Anwar Ibrahim suka.
    Apa yang saya sebutkan tentang pemimpin dikuasai pengaruh luar, memang telah berlaku dalam kepimpinan PAS. Pada saya pemimpin seperti YB Tuan Guru hanya dijadikan alat sahaja kerana beliau ada pengaruh dan ramai anak murid. Halatuju beliau ditentukan ‘kuasa lain’. Kalau tidak kerana ada kelebihan sebagai Tok Guru yang mempunyai ramai pengikut, sudah tentu tiada nilai langsung dalam politik. Masa ‘tamat tempoh’ akan tiba. tanda-tanda sudah ada. Orang-orang Anwar sudah mula ‘tunjuk taring’. Lihatlah apa yang sedang berlaku dalam PAS. Perkembangan terkini dalam PAS. Kalau kita masih ingat peristiwa kegagalan seorang lagi Tuan Guru mengekalkan kuasan di Terangganu?. Taraf sama, ilmuan agama. Tapi reputasinya cuba dijatuhkan kerana gagal pertahankan kemenangan tahun 1999. Kerja keras parti lawan beliau dalam merampas kembali Terangganu pada 2004 hanyalah sebahagian kecil faktor kegagalan mempertahankan kuasa, yang sebenarnya faktor dari dalam Parti beliau sendiri yang menjatuhkan beliau. UMNO Terangganu jatuh pun kerana faktor dalaman parti. bukan kerana pengaruh PAS atau Anwar. Serangan senyap dari dalam parti terhadap Tok Guru dari Terangganu ini sebenarnya yang jatuhkan kerajaan PAS di Terangganu. Hanya kerana beliau menyandang jawatan Presiden selepas kematian arwah YB Dato’ Fadzil Noor Presiden PAS. Maka, jalan menjatuhkan maruah Presiden PAS yang baru paling mudah hanyalah, jangan membantu beliau semasa kempen. ( Presiden PAS sejak gagal mempertahan Terangganu nampak lebih agresif, kenyataan- kenyataan dari beliau dalam berberapa isu nampak semacam mencari popular. Beliau berjaya membuat diri jadi popular sehingga beliau seorang dicalonkan sebagai Presiden PAS dalam Muktamar tahun ini.) Imbas kembali semasa saya melalui jalan-jalan utama semasa kempen pilihanraya 2004, kebetulan saya dari Kota Bharu nak ke Kuala Lumpur. Saya lihat pos-pos PAS tidak meriah. ( Begitulah UMNO Terangganu kena pada 1999 akibat dari rasa tidak puashati pemimpin pelapis terhadap kepimpinan UMNO Terangganu yang tidak mahu beri laluan kepada muka baru. ) Golongan muda dalam PAS Terangganu yang pro Anwar tidak puashati atau sengaja mahu menjejaskan reputasi Presiden mereka ketika itu, jika di lihat dari tindak tanduk mereka ketika pilihanraya 2004. Pada pandangan saya, Anwar tidak menyangka orang harapan beliau dalam PAS meninggal dunia terlebih dahulu. Anwar juga tidak sempat mengatur pelapis di Terangganu. Orang-orang didikan beliau di Terangganu masih di peringkat Pemuda dalam PAS Terangganu sewaktu arwah meninggal dunia. Berbeza dengan negeri saya, orang kuat Anwar iaitu orang Tumpat. ( yang tertulis di akhbar mempunyai 17 Bilion kepentingan dalam syarikat senarai awan ) Selepas Anwar dipecat, orang Tumpat ini terus mengikut jejak langkah Anwar. Yang kemudian balik kampung terus diserap masuk PAS tidak KeAdilan sewaktu itu. Sedangkan sepatutnya pada pandangan saya beliau harus turun dengan KeAdilan di negeri Kelantan memandangkan status orang kanan Anwar ketika itu. Dengan pengaruh kuatnya sewaktu itu serta krisis politik yang paling hebat saya fikir. Soalnya kenapa orang Tumpat tu masuk PAS? Apakan ada agenda lain? Jika dilihat pada perkembangan semasa. Orang Tumpat ini tak nampak sangat peranannya sampai sekarang, maksudnya tak popular. Kemungkinan beliau takut orang ungkit sejarah. Jadi, carilah ‘proksi’ lain yang setia untuk memainkan peranan. Lahirlah Husam Musa. yang nyata sekarang Husam Musa lebih berjasa pada orang Kelantan. Tanyalah siapa-siapa pun di Kelantan. Jika mahu berurusan dengan kerajaan negeri, mesti mereka akan sarankan jumpa Husam tidak Tok Guru, kerana ‘tak jadi’ dengan Tok Guru. Mitak air tawar bolehlah katanya. Dengan kata lain mulut Husam lebih masin dari Tok Guru. Hari ni cakap esok lusa jadi, kerana beliau mampu. Mampu kerana ada Anwar di belakang. Pada saya Tok Guru tak boleh terlibat dalam politik. lebih-lebih lagi bila guna agama untuk kepentingan politik. Dalam politik undi lebih penting. Islam hanyalah alat PAS semata.
    Di Kelantan undi ada pada orang Melayu, KeAdilan dilahirkan bukan untuk orang Melayu. Untuk memiliki undi kaum lain, kalau tidak boleh menguasai MCA dan MIC, perlu sediakan tempat untuk mereka. Maka lahirlah KeAdilan. ( Kalau perancangan Anwar berjaya, saya percaya MCA MIC juga di bawah ‘perintah’ beliau. Bagaimana? saya ulas kemudian. ) Sebenarnya, sesiapa mahu memiliki undi Melayu selain kuasai UMNO, kuasailah PAS. Anda akan dapat undi Melayu. Anwar sebenarnya dah menyampah dah melayan Tok-Tok Guru dan sekerat dua ulama yang ada dalam PAS, tetapi demi undi yang berada di belakang Tok-Tok Guru ni. Anwar telan segalanya. Dengan kata lain ‘Buat bodoh je..’. Kerana beliau mempergunakan Tok-Tok Guru ni secara ‘tidak langsung’. Berbeza pula dengan ‘Ulama-Ulama Popular’ yang mengekori beliau ‘secara langsung’ selepas krisis 98. Ulama ni terpaksa akur dengan apa sahaja kehendak Anwar. Saya tak tahu sampai bila Ulama-Ulama tersebut boleh bertahan, pada saya, mereka sudah boleh ‘kembali ke pangkal jalan’. Saya tahu meraka sedar mereka diperalatkan oleh Anwar bulat-bulat. Tapi, mungkin kerana ego serta mahu menjaga nama, masing-masing terpaksa duduk tempat sekarang, walaupun hakikatnya hati kecil sudah tak mahu. Apa pun ini hanya pendapat serta pandangan peribadi saya sahaja. Semuanya terpulang kepada pandangan masing-masing. Serta mereka-mereka yang saya sebut tadi. Saya hanya menilai dari pengalaman berkerja yang dapat melihat sendiri apa yang berlaku di depan mata. Saya bukan orang politik jauh sekali orang yang ada apa-apa kepentingan.
    Sebut sahaja Anwar Ibrahim, berbagai perkara yang terlintas dalam fikiran saya. Semasa beliau jadi Menteri Kewangan beliau pernah meminta kerajaan mengeluarkan 60 Billion dari rezab negara pada 1997, kononnya bagi melawan penyangak matawang. Saya masih ingat terpampang di muka depan akhbar ini ianya diluluskan. Kemana perginya duit tersebut? Apakah tujuannya sebenarnya supaya duit untuk mengurus negara habis? Dengan kata lain supaya habis modal. Soal duit sebenarnya saya tidak faham sangat, tetapi boleh buat manusia ‘hilang akal’. Lebih-lebih lagi jika duduk di kerusi Menteri Kewangan. Macam-macam boleh buat. Pada saya orang yang bertanggung jawab dalam menentukan halatuju ekonomi negara ialah Menteri Kewangan. Jika ekonomi teruk dan tidak setabil Menteri Kewangan perlu bertanggung jawab. Pada saya atas sebab itulah juga kabinet meminta Anwar Ibrahim letak jawatan sebagai Menteri Kewangan. Jika dikaji selidik pada saya Anwar Ibrahim memang terlibat merosakkan ekonomi negara pada 1998. Apa pun, semuanya sudah berlalu. Apa yang berlaku kepada ekonomi negara pada 1998 sudah menjadi sejarah. Bekas Perdana Menteri, (Yang amat rugi kita kehilangan beliau) iaitu YABhg. Tun Mahathir telah berjaya mengatasi kegawatan ekonomi Malaysia pada 1998 dengan amat baik sekali. Saya percaya serangan ekonomi yang menjadi lebih buruk kerana ada tok dalangnya dalam sistem kita. Apa yang berlaku memang bahaya kepada semua, terutama orang Melayu. Orang Melayu bergantung kepada kaum lain dalam bidang ekonomi. Dengan kata lain kaum lain mengusainya.
    Ada cerita yang mahu saya berkongsi bersama. Sewaktu YABhg Tun Mahathir sibuk merayu kepada rakayat setiap masa. Supaya rakyat membantu kerajaan dalam mengatasi masalah ekonomi sewaktu krisis 98. Saya sedang minum disebuah warung di Greenwood Gombak. Di tv ada siaran berita, YABhg Tun sedang berucap meminta rakyat membantu kerajaan mengatasi masalah kegawatan ekonomi. Ada empat orang melayu yang sedang minum bersebelahan dengan meja saya telah meng’Boo’ YAbhg Tun. Begitu kuatnya pengaruh Anwar sewaktu itu. Saya dengan sepontan menegur mereka dengan ucapan salam dahulu. Kerana tak kenal mereka, risau jadi gaduh. Saya cakap pada mereka, mereka jangan salah faham. saya bagitahu mereka, ‘ anda semua jangan salah faham.. mahathir cakap tu bukan untuk kita… tetapi atas sebab beliau sebagai PM beliau cakaplah macam tu… Saya berani potong tangan.. apa yang mahathir cakap tu khusus kepada kaum cina. kita orang Melayu jangan prasanlah nak bantu… menyusahkan dia ada..lah..Buktinya saya cakap terus pada mereka.. Teh tarik yang mereka minum itu. Yang minum orang Melayu, Yang kacau kat belakang orang Melayu… saya panggil pakcik yang sedang buat air. Terus tanyakan pada beliau dari siapa beliau beli. Dari cina ke melayu? terus jawabnya dari cina.. Haaaa saya kata bukti depan mata. Janganlah duk perasaan nak bantu Mahathir. Kemudian saya bayar duit kemudian terus keluar cepat. Takut gaduh. Tapi nampak mereka terpinga-pinga terdiam. Saya lebih yakin pada apa yang saya cakap itu betul bila YABhg Tun mengadakan pertemuan dengan semua pertubuhan ekonomi cina selepas beliau berjaya mengatasi masalah kewangan negara. Tidak ada satu pun pertubuhan ekonomi bumiputra yang beliau jumpa untuk mengucapakan ‘Terima Kasih’ termasuk Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia. Sebenarnya bukan mudah untuk kita mempunyai pemimpin yang boleh memimpin. Serta mempunyai kebijaksana dan tahu apa yang beliau buat. Seluruh Warganegara Malaysia amat-amat rugi kehilangan YABhg Tun Mahathir. Pada saya kita perlu beri dia jadi Perdana Menteri sekurang-kurangnya dua kali piliharaya lagi. Beliau terpaksa berundur awal demi perpaduan orang melayu. Apa pun orang Melayu telah menolak tuah, maka dapatlah pengalaman ‘menakutkan’ dari 2004 sampai sekarang. Walaupun yang tersurat tak kelihatan sangat, tetapi yang tersirat akan menjadikan anak cucu cicit kita mangsa jika tak di atasi dengan baik. Peluang membetulkannya terletak di tangan Perdana Menteri baru sekarang. ( Saya amat berharap PM baru sekarang tidak berpandukan tekanan dari kumpulan-kumpulan tertentu terutama dari sektor ekonomi dalam menguruskan negara serta membuat dasar negara ) Saranan saya, lantiklah Che Det secara rasmi sebagai Menteri Kanan atau Penasihat rasmi selagi beliau boleh bekerja. Tak rugi kita. Orang yang menentang perlantikan tersebut sebenarnya sama dengan pihak di seberang tambak.’Che Det’ mungkin menolak jawatan tersebut tetapi ‘Mahathir Mohamad’ akan terus bekerja untuk Agama, Bangsa dan Negara. Beliau akan setuju. Tapi ‘Che Det’ mungkin keluar kenyataan ‘loyar buruk’ sikitlah. Tapi saya yakin beliau setuju. Tanpa perlantikan atau jawatan rasmi susah bagi beliau untuk mencurahkan pengalaman beliau untuk membantu negara.
    Sebenarnya nak cerita pandangan saya terhadap Anwar melalui pengalaman kerja saya, banyak muka surat yang perlu. Kesimpulannya krisis ekonomi yang dibantu Anwar supaya lebih teruk’ dengan harapan kerajaan Mahathir habis modal untuk mentadbir negara, yang membuatkan beliau terpaksa meminjam dengan ‘Along world Class’ iaitu IMF. Semua tahu syarat-syarat yang IMF beri kepada Mahathir. Syarat-syarat yang ‘ada udang di sebalik batu’. Syarat-syarat penjajahan dalam bentuk baru. Pada saya krisis tersebut tidak bahaya seperti apa yang telah melekat dalam jiwa sesetengah orang Melayu sekarang. Fahaman ‘Yahudi’ ini telah mengalir baik yang secara tidak langsung atau yang secara langsung dalam jiwa mereka. ‘Barah’ penyakit tersebut makin hari makin besar. Kerajaan di bawah pimpinan baru sekarang perlu menghapuskan ‘Barah’ ini. Mereka yang ada virus ini sudah ada dalam sistem kerajaan. boleh dikatakan dalam semua sektor. Malah syarikat milik kerajaan ( GLC ) jugak teruk dijangkiti virus barah ini. Bukan mudah mengubat ‘Barah’ ini. Bukti sudah ada pada PU13 lalu. Serta beberapa Pilihanraya kecil.
    Pada pandangan saya Anwar cuba menjatuhkan Mahathir secepat mungkin. Berbagi cara dia gunakan tetapi tidak berjaya. Sehingga beliau sanggup perjudikan Malaysia berserta rakyatnya hanya untuk jadi PM yang berkuasa secara ‘Total’. Ingat lagi bagaimana timbul krisis di Kubang Pasu? Kemudian peringkat Negeri, sampai Osman Arof MB Kedah sanggup maki Mahathir. ( TV3 ada siarkan dalam slot berita- semua orang tahu orang siapa menguasai TV3 ketika itu.) Peringkat Bahagian tak jadi, peringkat Negeri tak jadi. Cuba pulak melalui UMNO Pusat, Menggunakan akhbar ini untuk ketengah skandal Ketua Pemuda, supaya cepat jatuh. Boleh ganti budak suruhan dia. Kaitkan menteri MITI dengan skandal. Kerana menteri MITI Ketua Wanita UMNO. Kemudian sokong ‘budak suruhan’ beliau tanding kedua sayap UMNO. Semua sayap UMNO akan jadi miliknya. Ahli MT sebahagian besar termakan budi dengan beliau. Semua senyap je. Mahathir macam keseorangan sahaja mengatasi krisis ekonomi dan politik 98. Waktu itu semua orang lihat Anwar lebih baik dari Mahathir. Lebih alim, lebih cekap dan boleh dikatakan Anwarlah yang lebih segalanya. Padahal bagi saya Anwar berlakon sahaja. Semua jalan cerita sudah digarap dengan baik. Beliau memang pandai mengatur strategi. saya tabik beliau. Tapi beliau ‘Hilang pedoman’.
    Sebut berlakon, saya mahu kongsi satu cerita lagi. Masih ingat kisah mata lebam. Semasa heboh kisah mata lebam, satu hari saya sekeluarga pulang ke Kota Bharu menaiki bas ekpress. Malangnya sampai di Merapuh bas tersebut mengalami kerosakan injin. Saya dengan isteri serta tiga anak yang masih kecil menahan kereta sewa untuk terus ke Kota Bharu. Berhentilah sebuah kereta sewa. Di hadapan sudah ada penumpang seorang pak aji, yang saya kira jika di lihat dari penampilannya. Kamai anak beranak duduk di bahagian tempat duduk belakang. Tak sampai seminit saya naik kereta sewa tersebut, Pak Aji di depan mulakan ceramah beliau mengenai mata lebam. Macam-macam fitnah keluar dari mulut beliau. yang paling jelas sekali beliau pun sama menuduh Mahathir suruh Rahim Noor pukul Anwar. Pemandu disebelah hanya menyokong saja. Mungkin terpaksa. Hampir sejam saya mendangar ceramah beliau. Saya dah mula rimas, lebih-lebih lagi kereta sewa pulak tiada hawa dingin, kami berasak kat belakang. Lebih malang pemandu memandu paling laju 50km sejam. Tak tahu pukul berapa nak sampai. Saya pun memberi salam dengan niat mencelah ceramah tersebut. Mereka sambut salam. Saya tanya nak dengar crito Kuala Lumpo ko? Pak aji tu jawab ‘Buleh jugok awe’… Saya terus menegur apa yang beliau sampaikan. saya cakap apa yang pak aji cakap adalah fitnah. kerana tiada fakta dan tak masuk akal. beliau terkejut dan terus bertanya lagumana kecek lagu tu? ( macammana boleh cakap macam tu ) Saya pun bertanya beliau satu soalan, beliau ada kenal tak sesiapa yang menjadi anggota polis kat Gua Musang. Beliau terus menjawab, kenal… ramai polis kat balai Gua Musang. Beliau sebut beberapa nama. Dan bertanya saya kenapa? Saya tanya balik beliau. Pernah tak dengar-dengar cerita penjenayah kena ‘timbok’ ( dera ) semasa soal siasat? Dia jawab biasa dengar. dia sebut ada seorang sarjan yang ‘bekeng’ (garang) di balai Gua Musang. Saya tanya lagi beliau, Pernah dengar tak ceita.. polis kalau ‘timbok’ orang saloh takdok bekas? ( pukul pesalah otau orang yang disyaki tiada kesan ) Beliau dengan penuh yakin jawab, memanglah sudah menjadi lumrah dah begitu. Saya pun bertanya sekali lagi, KENAPA YANG BODOH SANGAT SEORANG KETUA POLIS NEGARA BOLEH ‘TIMBOK’ ( PUKUL ) ORANG SAMPAI ADA KESAN, SEDANGKAN SARJAN KAT GUA MUSANG PUN LEBIH PANDAI, KALAU BETULLAH MAHATHIR SURUH.. KENAPA SEORANG KETUA POLIS NEGARA BERTINDAK BODOH SANGAT JIKA DIBANDINGKAN DENGAN SEORANG SARJAN DI GUA MUSANG??? Beliau temasuk pemandu terdiam serta Pak Aji terus sepontan cakap. Ye tak ye jugok. bakpo jadi lagu tu…. Saya jawab, saya yakin Rahim Noor bertindak secara sepontan setelah di maki hamun oleh Anwar. Pada saya Rahim Noor adalah orang yang panas baran. Saya tanya Pak Aji kalau dialah di maki hamun ‘anjing’ dan macam-macam lagi, apa tindakan beliau? saya yang jawab dulu, kalu dengan ore klate kena tetak doh.. Beliau tersenyum tanda setuju. Saya pun mulalah ceramah saya pulak. Terkejut saya mereka berdua cakap mereka sebenarnya penyokong kuat UMNO dulu. Tapi mengikut keadaan atau arus semasa mereka menentang UMNO. Saya menegaskan pada mereka. Walaupun saya bukan orang politik jauh sekali aktif dalam UMNO. Tapi saya sesekali tidak perjudikan nasib anak cucu cicit saya dengan ‘mencurah air di tempayan’, yakni buang UMNO yang mempunyai pengalaman lama berdepan dengan kerenah berbagai orang dan bangsa. Menyerahkan kepada orang baru yang tak tahu hujung pangkal. yang sibuk mahu kuasa sebab bumi bertuah ini Kaya. Cuba macam Somalia, saya yakin takde Tok guru nak berjaung untuk jadi pemimpin. Sebab susah.. Ingatkah kita bagaimana UMNO lahir? UMNO lahir dari semangat perjuangan orang Melayu. PAS, KeAdilan lahir dari perasaan tak puashati. Yang lebih menjurus pada nafsu. Pada saya UMNO lebih berdaulat bukan mudah untuk hancur. Lihatlah berbagai masalah yang terjadi dalam UMNO, tetapi semuanya gagal meruntuhkan UMNO. Mereka angguk-angguk kepala tanda setuju. Saya cerita bagaimana UMNO rosak. siapa puncanya serta sedikit menyentuh hal ekonomi. ( sentuh banyak hal ekonomi sudah tentu mereka tak faham ). Sampai di stesen kereta sewa bandar Kota Bharu kedua-duanya bersalaman dengan saya sambil mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kerana membetulkan pandangan mereka. Saya pun berharap mereka lebih menggunakan akal fikiran mereka, tidak menggunakan hati dan perasaan mereka semoga mereka tidak lagi terhasut oleh hasutan PAS selepas itu. pada saya PAS mengambil pendekatan ala iblis. Kerana sifat menghasut adalah cara iblis. Begitu juga PKR.
    Di atas adalah sebahagian dari pengalaman saya, tidak bermakna UMNO kebal. ‘Barah’ dalam UMNO dan seluruh jiwa orang Melayu telah dijangkiti. Masa depan orang melayu sudah tidak menentu. Penanda aras boleh dilihat pada sejauh mana UMNO mampu bertahan. Orang Melayu janganlah bila ‘terhantuk’ baru nak bersatu. Tak guna dah.. Lebih-lebih lagi kuasa sudah tiada. Perlembagaan Negara tidak menyekat sesiapa atau kaum mana berkuasa. Jangan jadi seperti nasib orang-orang melayu di selatan Thai. Berjuang sampai sanggup potong kepala sesama manusia. tetapi tiada kesan kerana kuasa di pegang oleh orang lain. Penindasan secara halus dan teratur terhadap orang melayu (Islam) sebagaimana yang berlaku pada saudara kita di selatan Thai berlaku jugak di sini dalam sektor ekonomi terutamanya. Yang berbeza ianya berlaku secara tidak langsung, akibat dari ekonomi di monopoli satu kaum. Kaum lain hanya menumpang. Jika kerajaan pimpinan UMNO tidak bijaksana dalam menguruskan negara. Nescaya bila orang melayu sedar ( yang sememangnya selalunya kesedaran yang terlewat ) mereka seperti melukut di tepi gantang, hamba di bumi sendiri, mereka akan melakukan perkara-perkara di luar batas manusia untuk hidup di bumi bertuah ini. Tanda-tandanya sudah ada sekarang. Anak-anak melayu yang sepatunya diberi peluang kerjaya dipinggirkan termasuk lulusan universiti. Jadilah mereka Mat Rempit, Minah Rempit, Peragut, Perompak Kecilan-Kecilan, ( Orang Melayu buat jenayah pun jenayah kelas tiga ) dan berbagai lagi kegiatan yang tidak bermoral. Teguran saya ini bukan bermakna kaum lain adalah musuh orang melayu. Kita telah ditakdirkan hidup bersama di bumi bertuah ini. Baik Cina, India, Sikh, Suku-Suku Kaum di Sabah, Serawak, Masyarakat Orang Asli dan lain-lain. Kenapa kita tidak terus-menerus berjuang untuk kemakmuran hidup bersama? Apakah selama ini orang melayu tidak bertolak ansur? Apakah selama ini kaum-kaum lain hidup merana?
    Betul… ‘atas kertas’ tidak salah. siapa yang mampu serta berusaha lebih mereka boleh memiliki segalanya. Walaupun kemampuan orang cina amat tinggi, bagi saya mereka harus meninggalkan ‘sedikit’ untuk bangsa lain. Meraka tidak boleh bolot semua. Lihatlah sejarah kehancuran mana-mana negara di dunia ini. semua bermula dari ‘Ketamakan’. Orang cina datang ke Tanah Melaya bersama dengan budaya serta semangat kebangsaan yang amat kuat. Atas sebab itulah mereka berjaya di mana sahaja mereka pergi. Tetapi, di bumi bertuah ini mereka wajib menerima hakikat mereka perlu kongsi ekonomi. Kalau boleh dengan jujur dan ikhlas tanpa orang melayu perlu membuat dasar seperti DEB. Soalnya kenapa pemimpin dahulu membuat DEB? Pada saya masyarakat cina zaman dahulu lebih ‘extrem’. Bukan mudah seorang pemimpin boleh meminta jasabaik mereka, kalau bukan mengambil pendekatan ‘memaksa’ melalui DEB. Ianya lebih sukar jika pemimpin tersebut bukan sebangsa dengan mereka. Orang cina tidak boleh lari atau lupa bahawa mereka kekal di bumi bertuah ini kerana mereka berjanji sanggup berkongsi kekayaan. Orang melayu sanggup memberi taraf kerakyatan sebagai balasan. Pada saya, orang cina pun tahu bahawa orang melayu masih memerlukan ‘bantuan’ kerajaan untuk bersaing dalam sektor ekonomi. Apa yang orang melayu ada sekarang lebih kepada yang tersurat. Yang tersirat hakikatnya hanyalah sedikit sahaja.
    Betul… dunia sudah berubah. Malaysia juga perlu berubah. Tetapi bagi saya berubah tidak salah kalau untuk kemakmuran semua, kita harus berubah mengikut acuan kita sendiri. Kerana sudah terbukti formula kita yang lebih mendatangkan kemakmuran. Lihatlah tragedi tahun 98. Kegawatan ekonomi tersebut dirasakan oleh semua orang termasuk orang cina, tidak seperti kegawatan sebelumnya. Buktinya, dalam MCA pun berlaku perpecahan yang kononnya Presiden MCA ketika itu gagal membantu kaum cina terutama dalam menyelamatkan duit mereka yang mereka bawa keluar dari bumi bertuah ini. Sehingga Presiden MCA tersebut dianggap mengkhianati orang cina. Kerana gagal meminta Mahathir melonggar syarat-syarat sekatan Ringgit. Padahal, mereka-mereka yang membawa keluar duit dari negara ini di saat negara memerlukan ‘pertolongan’ mereka ketika itu, pada saya boleh dianggap penderhaka kepada negara serta mengkhianati rakyat seluruhnya. ( Dalam isu ini peranan Anwar juga menjadi punca duit mengalir keluar sebegitu cepat sehingga jika tindakan segera tidak di ambil negara akan kehabisan modal bagi menguruskan negara.Saya pun pelik kenapa anwar wujudkan duit bernilai RM1000 dan RM500. Orang niaga bukan pakai. Tak pratikal. lagipun bahaya bawa cash banyak. Apakah tujuan anwar supaya mudah seludup keluar duit?) Kerajaan pimpinan Mahathir hanya mahu orang-orang cina jangan memindah simpanan mereka keluar negara. Bukan nak amik pun duit mereka. Tetapi sebahagian orang-orang cina mengambil kesempatan ‘menekan kerajaan’. Saya tak nafikan sebahagian besar ahli perniagaan cina membantu Mahathir ( Kerajaan ) sewaktu krisis ekonomi 98. Terima kasih tidak terhingga kepada mereka-mereka yang terlibat yang membantu memulihkan ekonomi negara waktu itu.Tidak semua orang-orang cina tamak.
    Justeru itu, saya amat berharap masyarakat cina meneruskan malah akan berusaha mengekalkan dan meninggikan lagi sikap tolenransi yang ada sekarang terhadap kaum-kaum lain terutama orang melayu dalam menjalankan kegiatan ekonomi di bumi bertuah ini. Janganlah sehingga pihak kerajaan terpaksa mengambil pendekatan lebih ‘memaksa’ suatu hari nanti. Jika hal ini terjadi, api dalam sekam akan lebih membara dalam jiwa masyarakat antara kaum negara ini. Pandangan negetif antara kaum dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian di bumi bertuah ini sepatutnya hilang dari sanubari seluruh rakyat bumi bertuah ini. Saya amat berharap 1 Malaysia akan mengambil kira semua faktor. Orang cina perlu menyokong serta membantu jika ada orang melayu mampu maju, tidak kira dalam apa bidang sekalipun. Begitu jugak sebaliknya. Dengan semua kaum serta suku kaum atau etnik negara ini pun wajib ada sikap tolong -menolong ini. Kita adalah rakyat Malaysia. Jangan mengambil kira siapa mereka, bangsa apa mereka. Meraka adalah rakyat 1 Malaysia. Walaupun 1 Malaysia masih baru kepada saya. Saya berharap ianya akan membawa kemakmuran kepada rakyat Malaysia seluruhnya. Saya tidak mahu lagi mengingati pengalaman saya sendiri bila mahu beli barang dengan orang cina. Barang yang sama tetapi harga lebih tinggi jika saya sendiri yang beli. Berbeza jika saya meminta sahabat baik keturunan cina tolong belikan. Terlalu banyak pengalaman begini yang saya sendiri lalui sehinga barang seperti ubi keledek di pasar borong pun berbeza harga antara orang melayu beli dengan orang cina beli. Bila kerajaan melaksanakan pedekatan memaksa dengan mewajibkan pamerkan tanda harga. Baru ‘ok’ sedikit diskriminasi ini. Tetapi tak bermakna telah hapus amalan ini. Dalam isu inilah masyarakat cina perlu terlebih dahulu jujur dan ikhlas, sebelum mereka ingin membuat tuntutan-tuntutan sehingga berpuluh-puluh. Saya juga berharap kerajaan dapat memberi peluang pelabur membuka pasaraya-pasaraya besar lebih banyak, serta bukan sahaja terhad barang-barang yang di jual. Kenapa tidak ada pasaraya besar barangan ganti kenderaan dan lain-lain lagi. Ini bagi menyekat mereka-mereka yang tamak dalam melaksanakan perniagaan mereka. Monopoli dalam bentuk ini lebih baik jika melalui pasaraya besar. Rakyat tidak di tipu khususnya orang melayu, barangan yang dijual juga terjamin dari segi kualiti. Hak pengguna terjaga.
    Apapun, bukan semua orang cina ektrem. kalau yang extrem dalam politik. ISA ada bagi menyekat meraka. Kalau dalam ekonomi? Apa yang ada boleh mengawal mereka? Jangan pula sehingga orang ekonomi yang pula yang menentukan halatuju pengurusan negara. Hancur negara kerana mereka akan berselindung di balik kononnya atas dasar ‘Profasional’. Banyak dah berlaku walaupun negara boleh huru hara boleh hancur tetapi kononnya itu amalan ‘Pro’ akan di kira boleh dan tak salah. Masyarakat sekarang di didik untuk merajakan ‘freedom’, merajakan ‘Pro’, merajakan ‘human right’, merajakan hak itu hak ini walaupun boleh mendatangkan keburukan. Bukankah apa yang kita buat termasuk undang-undang untuk kebaikan kita. Bukan menyusahkan kita. Sebut sahaja ISA ramai yang marah pada kerajaan. Kerajaan pimpinan UMNO. Sampai ada orang bekas orang kuat UMNO sendiri ( Yang saya rasa dia masuk UMNO untuk mengejar kuasa padahal beliau sudah cukup kaya melalui firma beliau. Hasil dari kamakmuran negara yang digarapkan oleh Pimpinan UMNO terdahulu. ) Beliau membuat kenyataan ISA perlu dihapuskan. Menurutnya ISA untuk komunis. komunis dah letak senjata, jadi ISA dah tidak relevan katanya. Saya amat berharap suatu hari saya bertembung dengan bekas menteri di JPM ini. Nak tanya beliau satu soalan. Selepas komunis letak senjata kemana komunis pergi? Kemana ahli-ahlinya yang secara langsung dan tidak langsung pergi? (ahli berdaftar sahaja 30k lebih) Mereka kekal dalam hutan atau kemana? ISA untuk semua orang yang boleh mendatangkan huru-hara dalam negara. Walaupun tindakan seseorang itu jika di lihat atas kertas adalah betul. Pada saya kerajaan wajib menggunakan ISA jika ada individu atau kumpulan yang nyata boleh mendatangkan huru-hara. Walaupun di atas kertas rakyat lihat seolah-olah kerajaan bertindak bagi melindungi Barisan Nasional atau UMNO. Pada saya melindungi BN dan UMNO adalah sama melindungi rakyat seluruhnya. Penyokong pembangkang kena menerima hakikat ini. Pemimpin kerajaan serta pembangkang juga harus sedar. Rakyat seluruhnya harus sedar.

  50. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Mohon laluan ……………
    To zaq25 – June 25,2009 8:34PM
    You sound great man! Only read about 10% of your write-up, then found it boring. Your statements, reasoning, comparisons looks as if that you feel that you are anytime a better statesman than Tun. That’s what in your mind, but in reality who are you? What have you achieved compared to Tun? You are just another audience watching a play, cursing and swearing because you dislike the actors. Best thing to do is to get out of the theater hall and go home. Others will want to enjoy the show they appreciate.
    If you are a Singaporean stay put in that tiny-winy island of yours, behave yourself, obey all rules and regulations. If you are a Malaysian surrender your citizenship and buzz-off and move over.
    Maaf Tun.

  51. Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
    I will not suggest that you have any grudge against Singapore or LKY but I always read your postings about them with a lot of interest (and a lot of laughs sometimes ha ha).
    I’m wondering how it would be like if a former prime minister from Malaysia is appointed as a Minister Mentor (or is it the other way round?). I’m quite sure there will be a lot of Malaysian comments like “Dah tua bangka pun tak reti2 nak pencen lagi” and all sorts like that.
    And I wonder, what business does LKY to come here to Malaysia and meet all those leaders he met? Very friendly of him. Wonder if previous or current prime minister or president of Thailand, Indonesia or Philippines will do that next….. oh how forgetful of me, those countries do not have Minister Mentor… ha ha ha
    Note: Singapore do have ISA, right?
    Terima kasih Tun Mahathir.

  52. Salam Tun,
    To zaq25 (June 23, 2009 8:34 PM),
    You’re writing a bibliography or what …so long.
    To Shuzheng ….. haha ..

  53. “I can tell you one thing.Singapore surveillance is good.So if there is a need to apprehends somebody, the authorities just waits for the right moment..This citizen will simply ‘disappear’..” (wajaperak)
    wajaperak may be talking about the Singapore’s situation which happened 35-50 years’ ago when the cold war between the Western Camp and the Communist Camp were tense. Frankly speaking, I was haunted by the Malaysia’s situation which happened to a secondary school female classmate of mine who was detained under the ISA for about six months out-of-a-sudden because she was suspected to have received leftist influence from a school teacher. Of course she had to go through some kind of brainwash process in the ISA detention centre. She had been intimidated by the Malaysian Police not to disclose too much information about her ISA experience. Later on, she was so scared to talk to me about her experience after being released from the ISA detention. This incident simply happened to a teenager in Malaysia during 1978.
    Notwithstanding, I still find that Singapore nowadays is much more open and much more democratic. I never heard of any case about someone “disappeared” out-of-a-sudden in Singapore after 1980s, but in Malaysia of year 2008 I suddenly found that an important eyewitness in Altantuya’s murder case disappeared with the whole family out-of-a-sudden. I also found in year 2009 that a Malaysia’s popular blogger, Raja Pedra Kamaruddin, disappeared out-of-a-sudden because he was said to have been persecuted politically.
    ‘Cherish your “Emperor” all you like..We will cherish our’s..’ (wajaperak)
    Thank you, wajaperak, for telling me that Tun Dr. Mahathir is your “Emperor”. You have your emperor and I have mine. My emperor is not your emperor and your emperor will also not be my emperor. My emperor is Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia!

  54. Asmlkm Yg Bbhg Tun,
    1. Nampaknya ada yg kepanasan dgn komen2 Tun yg bernas, jitu dan tepat. Anyway,u have the right to say anything u want. This is part of human rights, isn’t it?
    2. They tried to teach u, who had very long experience whether domestic and international political arena. U’d gained so many compliments & respect from various types of people. Poor, rich, Muslin,non muslim,OKU, students, professors, leaders, Kings, maids, drivers, imams, priests, even beggars…..just name a few.
    3. I, especially is giving and will 4ever giving u supports. I know u know what are d best for this beloved homeland. For the anti Mahathirsm, pls dont give up to give views and opinions.
    4. This is very important to us, to measure and to know how the understanding of many Malaysians and non Malaysians towards our VISION 2020 and beyond.
    5. We have the rights to safeguards our homeland. Look what had happened to many muslims countries. Their leaders are too much enjoying prosperities and compliments from the west especially. Lastly they ‘NGAAAP’ them silently. This is very important for us to avoid such ugly things happen to my beloved homeland.
    6. Tun M is very passionate and loves this homeland very very very much. Dont u understand that. Dont u see or aware where is Malaysia now. We dont care about No.1 in everything, as long we are living peacefully, harmony and prosperity. Everybody will feel lucky to live in this beautiful homeland (except who do not know how to say thanks)
    7. Sun Tzu ‘Arts of War’ if i’m not mistaken, said that we must have direct and indirect strategies
    …if u know your enemy but u dont who u are…your chance is zero
    …if u know yourself but u dont know your enemy…your chance is 50/50
    …if u know yourself and you know your enemy…(find it yourself)
    Minta diri dulu Yg Bbhg TUN, semoga sihat selalu begitu jua seisi keluarga.

  55. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Last month i attended a talk (IMAGE & REPUTATION: PERSPECTIVES FOR FUTURE LEADERS) which u have given for UPM post/grad students. As usual, you were brilliant. You gave insights and depths to the topic which were very profound to me.
    U mentioned about being able to take risks and having to always behave even before being appointed a leader.
    How do u know some things are worth the risk?
    I know this is a random question but i still am curious.
    -Izzati Bahri-

  56. Salam YAB Tun,
    Memerintah ‘setitik’ negara tidak sama dengan memerintah sebuah negara yang lebih besar. Negara yang lebih besar saiznya tentu mempunyai lebih ramai penduduk dan tentu lebih susah dan rumit untuk dikawal.
    Besar atau kecil sesebuah negara itu tidaklah terlalu penting tetapi yang lebih penting ialah adakah penduduknya beriman dan bertakwa.
    Jika penduduknya beriman dan bertakwa pasti akan dibuka atas mereka berkah dari langit dan bumi dan kalau penduduknya berdusta maka pasti akan menerima siksaan atas apa yang telah mereka usahakan.
    Maka sama-samalah kita perhatikan bagaimana kesudahan orang-orang yang berbuat kerusakan dimuka bumi ini.

  57. /// 8. He stated that I was English educated but I am sorry I cannot understand his English. ///
    Tun, you should in all honesty confess “mea culpa”. Shuzheng is a product of your xenophobic and racist educational policy. He is not writing in English. He is writing in Manglish – a hybrid between crossing Malay with English, and mangling of the English language. And he’s not the only one with poor English – just look at most of the posts in your blog.

  58. salam Tun,
    “By Godfather on June 24, 2009 12:12 PM
    Shuzheng is not Singaporean. He is Malaysian and a product of the broken education system that Tun M engineered under his reign. ”
    Hmmm…maybe Godfather and Shuzeng is one and the same person?Or maybe his good buddy?
    For Godfather LKY’s cronisym and nepotism is OK (can turn blind eye,mah!)but anything to do with Malaysia is corrupted.This sort of attitude smells of suppressed racial sentiments.
    Now you see he is starting to babble and being incoherent as we have disproved his claims about the saint LKY.And you call yourself the smarter one,indeed!
    A word of advice for you and your likes (whether you like it or not),
    ..don’t act so goddamn righteous as you are only full of s***!

  59. Dearest Tun,
    Apa habaq Tun and may Allah s.w.t bless you with good health.
    And may I take this opportunity to say hi to ‘LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI’- That was well said.
    Tun wrote : “The new Public Order Act (POA) gives power to the police to tell even one person to move on because he has now been defined as an assembly”
    Have we seen or heard the Singapore’s Bar Council protesting openly?
    As far as I’m aware, NONE!
    If the same applies in Malaysia, I’m sure our Bar Council would have gone down the street protesting on behalf of the Oppositions and NGOs in the name of human right.
    Today, we say that Singapore could be our role model and we should be envy of its achievement.
    The issue here is, the Malaysians sometime fails to see how fortunate for them to be a Malaysian!
    And my belief is, God will not help those who are ungrateful!

  60. Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
    [[Singapore Government now is still rated as a much more democratic government than the Malaysian Government now or even dated back to the period of your 22 years’ tyrannic rule in the past.]]
    Tyrannic rule.Onlooker..what happened to drug addicts in Singapore?..Here in Malaysia we tries to rehabitilate them..Tries to blend them into society again.What happened to them in Singapore under the so just LKY??
    [[At least, we will not see the Singapore Police simply go handcuff a person and shout at him that “you are now under arrest, with ISA!”]]
    Such naive person you are onlooker.I can tell you one thing.Singapore surveillance is good.So if there is a need to apprehends somebody, the authorities just waits for the right moment..This citizen will simply ‘disappear’..
    [[and then this person be detained in solitary confinement with the Police threatening him that he might be detained for 20 years in the ISA Detention Centre if he didn’t confess in accordance with a pre-arranged confession like what the Malaysian Police were fonding to practise during Tun’s administration!]] you speaks from personal experience? Or Lim Kit Siang details it to you his personal experience??
    LKY is dear to you for some sentimental reasons unacceptable to us. By the same measures Tun is dear to us for sentimental reasons beyond your comprehension.It is called
    “The Mexican Standoff”
    Cherish your “Emperor” all you like..We will cherish our’s..

  61. POA ? “In case” masih ada orang yang tak tahu, saya bagi tahu sekarang, “Little Middle Kingdom is at war with TERROR”, sebab itu depa perlukan one man riot law. Bukan itu saja, depa ambil cap jari orang keleuar masuk melalui tambak Johor. Ingat! Middle Kingdom sedang di ancam oleh orang Melayu pincang bernama Mas Selamat Kastari.
    One other thing, please know that : ISRAEL (the father), USA (the son) and Middle Kingdom (would like to replace the United Kingdom) (the holy spirit), now forms the UN HOLY TRINITY. Baik jaga sikit, silap-silap kita semua kena define as Terrorist!!!

  62. On the POA and other law settings you sound like the pot calling the kettle black ….. but without such powers now, you can’t indulge in such whims of defining colours the way you want it. Malaysia should compare with Singapore’s progress, per capital income etc – that’s what counts to its citizens. Singapore has never been known for its democratic freedom, so what is your point? Comapred to Zimbawi Malaysia may even look progressive but is there any comfort?
    You like to score points but come off sounding dishonest in your blog – eg. the 3 cents water supplied to Singapore & silent on the treated water price Johore gets in return. As a statesman you will encourage bigotry in your citizens. Besides some good your 20 years in power has left much damage to the Malaysian society. Let others make amend & you take a rest. Stop sowing more discord.

  63. Shuzheng is not Singaporean. He is Malaysian and a product of the broken education system that Tun M engineered under his reign.
    The more relevant question is this: Why bother to focus on Singapore and make snide remarks about our neighbour ? Why not make remarks about the unity government in Zimbabwe or matters closer to our hearts like the PKFZ rip-off, the stadium roof collapse, the crime situation ? Focusing on Singapore isn’t going to help our own country.

    2. The new Public Order Act (POA) gives power to the police to tell even one person to move on because he has now been defined as an assembly.
    THE S$1,000,000 QUESTION.
    Ps. Earlier post accidentally submitted.

  65. I am a product of Mahathir bin Mohamad; and extremely proud of it. Dulu, Kini & Selamanya.
    Yes Mahathir has his fair share of mistakes. That only makes him a normal human being.
    But to worship a human as if he can’t do no wrong; is clearly and strictly unIslamic even how long your Jubah is.
    The Malay Muslim in Malaysia should sincerely asked themselves, how much has this so-called ‘Maha..whatever’ done in building a strong and respected Malay Muslim Community and its Image locally and abroad.
    The same should be done by All Malaysian on how much has this so-called ‘Ultra..whatever’ done in building a strong and respected Malaysian Community and its Image locally and abroad.
    In the same breath kindly asked ourselves how much actually those Liberators, Ulamaks, Champions etc have done in building a strong and respected, whatever they championing, locally and abroad; or are they just talking?
    Lets not insult ourselves

    2. The new Public Order Act (POA) gives power to the police to tell even one person to move on because he has now been defined as an assembly.
    THE S$1,000,000 QUESTION.

  67. salam Tun,
    One-man street protest an assembly?
    The only 2 opposition MPs made bankrupt by the government?Hahahahah….
    And the day will come when the current national anthem ‘Majulah Singapura’ is changed to complete the objective of belittling the Malay identity and remove the little remaining traces of Malay history in Singapore.
    But of course LKY’s blind supplicants here will continue praising Singapore no matter what and ridicule you (and even their own country) at all costs even when you are just stating the truth.
    It’s actually suppressed racial hatred of the Malays that’s being exhibited by these supplicants.What we do is all wrong and they are always correct.
    I love a peaceful multiracial society,I believe in tolerancy and power sharing between the races,but the same can not be said of these despicable supplicants.You know who you are.
    p/s – Nasha (must be Nasha Edwin!) vomitted in Nik Aziz’s lap?Huh…this ‘solfware’ expert drunk or what?Or maybe he/she and his/her partner Shuzeng had too much tuak nira to drink which explains Shuzeng’s impeccable English.

  68. Salam Tun
    Yes, I certainly agree with you that Singapore is more run like a ‘dictator state’ rather than a democracy and the near monopoly that PAP has on the island is ridiculous. But when we look at history and saw how Tunku basically banished the troublemaking PAP to the island to bring peace to the mainland, we can see how LKY became so strong. I think Tunku did not see in those days how the island of Singapore could transform itself into an entreurport despite the very appealing location (this is a mistake by a Malay leader) and some credit (a little!) should go to LKY for transforming the island in such a manner until today. Also to prevent Singapore from becoming stagnat, they want to introduce a Las Vegas Sands like casino on the island, which in terms of businss is an excellent business idea. Anyway, due to its small size, Singpaore is of course much easier to manage than multi-racial Malaysia so we cannot compare and should not compare. Instead we should learn from one another but certainly be very wary of Singapore and don’t allow them to take advantage of Malaysia as how they are taking advantage of Johor at the moment. But thank God, for the Sultan of Johor. It seems only he can see the wisdom of denying Singaporeans access as compared to our greedy political leaders from UMNO.
    Whatever it is, we have a lot of hard work to do to modernize ourself and as a result we will close the gap with Singapore. Under you, Tun, we have progressed much and even increased the stature of Port Klang and Tanjung Pelepas and made it a competitor to Singapore. The only blemish is the PKFZ project again a sign of greedy politicians! I am sure LKY can see the progress we have made under you Tun when he came here recently and probably felt a bit jealous ! (hi, hi, hi)
    Anyway I would like to move on to another interesting topic – the Iranian election. Thank God that an anonymous person e-mailed me through Hotmail some pictures on the lifestyle of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which allowed me to know the kind of man he truly is (humble and pious). I am sure a lot of good Iranians also know this man as a champion of Islam with a very strong will of not being swayed by the West (a character which many our leaders lack). It was easy for me to see how the situation became as it is in Iran.
    It seems that Iran is actually broken up into two groups – one is anti-West, hardliner and the other is pro-US and all-for-modernization group. As in all countries of the world, it is not easy to escape the influential hold of the West (also called the ‘yellow culture’ or ‘budaya kuning’) and Iran is one of them. I am sure elderly Iranians have sent their sons and daughters to the West to get good education and to learn new technologies to bring back to Iran (such as uranium processing and nuclear technology) and in the process, these youths have become influenced by Western culture and outlook, and has become the second group I described above. I think what they essentially done is to let down their fathers and mothers who only sent them to the West to get decent education but not to follow the Western thinking. For me, Mouhlavi is a sore loser who cannot accept the fact he lost and for him and others to urge public protest and demonstration, makes him as a traitor to the country of Iran. If he can prove election rigging then do so but he is only conjecturing. And knowing Mahmoud’s character, I don’t think he would resort to cheating to become a country’s leader – a recourse which very much angers God. So for me, people like Mouhlavi and the 2nd group of pro-reformists and modernists of Iran are a dangerous group which if they are victorious will make Iran just like any modern nation and the strong Islamic anti-West voice will disappear. Then we Muslims will not have any strength left! For me, Iran and Pakistan are the only pure Islamic anti-West nations left who have their own principles and are not influenced by the West (after the fall of Iraq). Even the Middle East countries of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, and the UAE appears to be all too pro-West! As for Malaysia, we can see for ourselves what the outlook of our leaders are!

  69. Yg Berbahgia Tun Dr Mahathir
    Assalammualaikum wbt.
    Harap2 Tun sihat dan dalam peliharaan Allah sWT selalu.
    Walaupun Singapura sebuah negara yg mengistiharkan dirinya sebagai demokrasi tetapi semua perundangan Singapura adalah lebih banyak menyekat kebebasan bersuara dan kebebasan berkumpulan.
    Singapura sebenarnya adalah contoh paling buruk yang boleh didapati oleh Barat sekiranya Barat mahu melihat kepada rekod kebebasan bersuara.
    Mungkin Singapura adalah rakan baik Yahudi, sebab itu Barat buat nampak tak nampak aje.
    Lawatan Kuan Yew baru baru ini pula nampak semacam dan ada udang di sebalik batu. Dato Najib pula telah menafikan bahawa Kerajaan telah terlebih memberi layanan kepada Kuan Yew. Mungkin 5 tahun Dato Najib bersama Pak Lah menyebabkan Dato Najib juga terikut ikut perangai Pak Lah tu. Alamat buruk ler bagi Malaysia kalau Dato Najib berprasangka baik kepada Lee Kuan Yew.
    Tun sahaja lah yang boleh memberi pelajaran dan pengajaran kepada Lee Kuan Yew ni. Teruskan usaha Tun untuk menyedarkan pemimpin2 UMNO bahawa Singapura sentiasa ada agenda tersembunyi dengan Malaysia. Agenda kedua Singapura yang kaya itu ialah untuk membeli tanah tanah di Malaysia ataupun menggunakan proksi DAP untuk di jadikan rakan kongsi.
    Kita tidak seharusnya lupa bagaimana Lee Kuan Yew berjaya mengeluarkan Singapura dari Malaysia dan beliau dapat menjadi Perdana Menteri di sana. Nasib orang orang Melayu pula kini ditentukan oleh bangsa pendatang dan Melayu Singapura kini terpaksa meminta minta untuk melakukan sesuatu kerana kuasa politik sudah tidak ada lagi bagi mereka.

  70. It seems that you have a grudge with LKY or Singapore.
    From many Malaysian friends, I came to know that the proposed construction of the crocked bridge made you even richer and thus the cancellation upset you so much.
    You were one known as Mr. 10%, every project has to incorporate a 10% commission for you.
    It time for you to just shut up and enjoy your years’ of reward.

  71. Salam hormat buat YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Bagaimana bunyinya kata-kata Tun dalam hal memperkukuhkan Sistem Perbankan and Kewangan Islam sehingga senang dan mudah diamalkan dikalangan negara-negara OIC sepenuhnya dan negara-negara lain pun terujua mahu turut serta kerana sistem perbankan dan kewangan Islam pembangunan yang baik untuk semua?
    Terima Kasih

  72. Haiyah Dr M, why don’t you just stop talking about LEe Kuan Yew and Singapore. I’m sick of it as my bloody pay check is half of the freakin singaporeans. We engineers can’t freakin survive in malaysia unless we do sales. I love engineering and i hope i can be paid better to do the job i love.
    They are first world country now and instead of charging at them, why don’t we just learn the good stuff because they’re obviously doing it right.
    We all should forget about this racial BS and concentrate on improving our country. When Singapore do something they do it with a BANG, the F1 in Singapore says it all. We just can’t bloody compete with them.
    I don’t bloody care if i’m suppress or my bloody race is discriminated, as long as i can get a job i love and raise my kids is a safe and civil environment, the rest are just politics.
    Final words.. Learn the good things from Singapore. Why don’t you write something positive abt Singapore for a change. At least it shows you’re not biased and a fair person. We all know there’s plenty of good in Singapore to write about.

  73. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Ever since I begin reading your blog about a year ago, I am beginning to fall in love with your sarcasm. Haha. You certainly know how to critic something or someone in a subtle yet sarcastic way. I like that. But here’s a correction for you. The current opposition members of the Singapore parliament are not brankrupt. The two who were made brankrupts were the late JB Jeyaratnam and the radical Chee Soon Juan and both of them are former members of parliament. The current opposition MPs are Low Thiam Kiang and Chiam See Tong.
    Anyway, I personally think the revised POA is utter crap. Haha. An assembly is supposed to be two or more. Haha.
    Anyway Tun. Don’t you worry. The PAP is actually afraid of our younger generations because we, including I, are aware of our surroundings and we are more outspoken and daring as compared to our parents and grandparents.
    Remember the Marcos and the Suhartos? Haha. What goes up must come down. Remember, there is always someone up there who is bigger.
    I have never seen someone so creative in evolving CORRUPTION so much so that it is now seen to them as an Art Form.
    And who is he to visit Malaysia and tell the leaders what to do? Cunning but not that smart. Slowly influencing other Malaysian states. Ofcourse, he would do anything to get raw materials and resources.
    During the World Water Month held in Singapore, the Government invited leaders from Aceh but what surprised me is that the government did not invite Jakarta. Wakaka. Sucking up to the Acehnese government and want some thing in return? Haha. Forget about it. Acehnese will never bow to Singapore. By the way, I was there to pick up the leaders from Aceh at the Changi Airport instead of taking the transports that the government has chartered. Ofcourse, they are my friends. Wakaka.
    PAP, according to my opinion, will eventually be the downfall of Singapore. We are actually victims of our own success. Truth, Democracy and Justice will prevail and God has assured that. Insha-allah.
    By the way, I am a Malay Singaporean and proud to be one. Thanks Tun. Assalammualaikum.

  74. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Ever since I begin reading your blog about a year ago, I am beginning to fall in love with your sarcasm. Haha. You certainly know how to critic something or someone in a subtle yet sarcastic way. I like that. But here’s a correction for you. The current opposition members of the Singapore parliament are not brankrupt. The two who were made brankrupts were the late JB Jeyaratnam and the radical Chee Soon Juan and both of them are former members of parliament. The current opposition MPs are Low Thiam Kiang and Chiam See Tong.
    Anyway, I personally think the revised POA is utter crap. Haha. An assembly is supposed to be two or more. Haha.
    Anyway Tun. Don’t you worry. The PAP is actually afraid of our younger generations because we, including I, are aware of our surroundings and we are more outspoken and daring as compared to our parents and grandparents.
    Remember the Marcos and the Suhartos? Haha. What goes up must come down. Remember, there is always someone up there who is bigger.
    I have never seen someone so creative in evolving CORRUPTION so much so that it is now seen to them as an Art Form.
    And who is he to visit Malaysia and tell the leaders what to do? Cunning but not that smart. Slowly influencing other Malaysian states. Ofcourse, he would do anything to get raw materials and resources.
    During the World Water Month held in Singapore, the Government invited leaders from Aceh but what surprised me is that the government did not invite Jakarta. Wakaka. Sucking up to the Acehnese government and want some thing in return? Haha. Forget about it. Acehnese will never bow to Singapore. By the way, I was there to pick up the leaders from Aceh at the Changi Airport instead of taking the transports that the government has chartered. Ofcourse, they are my friends. Wakaka.
    PAP, according to my opinion, will eventually be the downfall of Singapore. We are actually victims of our own success. Truth, Democracy and Justice will prevail and God has assured that. Insha-allah.
    By the way, I am a Malay Singaporean and proud to be one. Thanks Tun. Assalammualaikum.

  75. Tun, the article written by the little emperor was actually published in the June 8 issue of the Forbes magazine and the following are his actual words “Malaysia, despite it’s oil and gas revenues, has to use budget stimuli in order to stave off negative growth.” and in the article, there was a diagram showing Singapore forecasted -10.0% growth and Malaysia was -3.5% growth. He seems to suggest that it is natural for Singapore to have negative growth but not so for Malaysia. This is an apparent distortion to divert attention of the public from the mismanagement of his country’s economy and yet he tried to boast about his country having the largest export as % of GDP in the world.

  76. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    “I am sure with this new law, Singapore will not see a one-man demonstration or riot”.
    So, for those who are pro Singapore, you are welcome to the “Little Kingdom”. But please keep in mind that you are being closedly watched.

  77. YABhg Tun,
    If I’m not mistaken, it is not an assembley even if you’re in a group of maybe six or seven but standing 6 or more feet of each other.
    But of course nowadays, even if you are alone but complete with all the modern gadgets…one people can still be a nuisance,
    if you might call it as such, and create problems and lots of headaches for the authorities.

  78. There is nothing better than a Malaysia under your rule whereby oppositions to your ideas are thrown into jail using ISA law. It goes beyond those that Singapore or many other countries have introduced except those from Zimbabwe.

  79. Tun, charity begins at home. Why are you so hung up on Singapore? Why bother with the Singapore Parliament, when the Malaysian Parliament is more relevant, more or a circus and concerns you more?

  80. YAB Tun,
    Tun, can I request that you do not waste your time to ‘layan’ these types of comments ?
    Do you remember one Mr Khairy Jamaluddin ? and what happened when almost everyone ‘layan’ his antics ??
    These people deserves to be in the Little Middle Kingdom – why stay in Malaysia anyway.
    Thanks Tun.

  81. Salam Tun,
    hehehehe He confesses that Kuan Yew “is concerned about preserving the Chinese identity” and apparently not of the Singapore identity which would include Indian and Malay.

  82. salam ayahanda tun dan rakan blogger
    8. He stated that I was English educated but I am sorry I cannot understand his English.
    wakakaka..hahahahah..very sharp ayahanda tun..straight to the heart!!
    this “Shuzheng” or whatever his/her name was
    for sure had been infected by H1NI (piggy flu) and at the final level which nothing can be done to save him..

  83. Haha. Salam sejahtera Tun. Some people are just funny when they are strong critics of others especially on the language they are writing in when they cannot even present themselves as a proper English speaker/writer.
    Perhaps, PPSMI and the compulsory English as a pass subject policies are necessary for our country.
    There is a joke about bad English speakers.
    Your England no God (your English is not good)
    Oh well, anyway Tun. There seems to be a dangerous culture in Malaysian politics where supporters of certain political parties are just hammering the opponents with hate, anger, intimidation and defamation.
    I cannot help but conclude that the Tenets of Pakatan Rakyat are intimidation, defamation and affirmation seeking.
    Anyone who agrees with them, then friends they are ! Otherwise, without reasonable arguments and professional choice of words, they will dish out a continuous use of profanities against their “enemy”.
    Allow me to share with you Tun.
    Salam sejahtera Tun and best of health to you and your family.

  84. salam Tun,
    semoga sihat sejahtera..
    dasyatnyer singapura a.k.a pulau temasek..sorang pun boleh terjumlah sebagai satu bentuk perhimpunan..
    zalim betul..
    nasib baik aku dok malaysia..
    terbukti negara kita lebih demokrasi, lebih toleransi, lebih transpiracy dari mereka..

  85. Yg Berbahagia Tun,
    Rakyat negara ini yang berbilang kaum dan hidup dalam masyarakat majmuk sepatutnya bersyukur dengan policy kerajaan yang memerentah sejak mula mencapai kemerdekaan 52 tahun yang lalu hinggalah sekarang. Setiap warganegara yang prihatin dan cintakan keamanan dan kesejahteraan sejagat dapat saksikan sendiri betapa kerajaan mengambil berat membela nasib rakyat semua kaum tanpa mengira warna kulit, anutan agama, fahaman politik maupun amalan masing-masing asalkan tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan tidak bercanggah dengan undang-undang dan policy yang sedia ada, bersesuaian dengan prinsip demokrasi yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan negara.
    Layanan yang kerajaan berikan adalah samarata, tak kira ianya dari kaum majoriti ataupun minoriti – semuanya sama disisi undang-undang.
    Olih itu suasana ketenteraman dan harmoni yang sedang kita kecapi selama ini jangan sekali-kali diharu-birukan untuk kepentingan peribadi atau untuk menjadi jaguh kaumnya sahaja.
    Apa guna dan ertinya jika sebuah kerajaan yang mengamalkan sistem demokrasi jika bersidang diparlimen cuma dihadhiri dua parliamentarian pembangkang yang tempang….renung renungkanlah!

  86. askm Tun,
    item no 7: “the Malaysia Today iliterate horde”
    1. perkataan horde ni saya rasa dia refer dari online game ‘war of warcraft’
    ‘In the world of Azeroth, the Horde and the Alliance are opposing factions locked in a struggle for control of the land – and neither side is backing down.’
    2. Kalau mengikut cerita dalam online game ni, bangsa horde adalah satu bangsa ‘paria”… dimana bangsa alliance ni adalah bangsa bertamadun(dan bangsa manusia tergolong dalam ni)…
    3. jadi saya berpendapat yang tulis bernama ‘Shuzheng” ni terang2 menghina bangsa melayu sebagai bangsa ‘paria’….dan the last perkataan dia cakap tu bermakna bangsa paria yang berpelajaran lah…
    a. ‘Shuzheng” ni adalah peminat online game…
    b. Game ni baru je berusia dalam 4 tahun camtu, jadi saya rasa dia ni muda lagi, urmm….budak lagi..kalu dah keje kat singapore mana ade masa nak main game doh…
    c. ini lah contoh golongan muda di singapore skrg… betapa bencinya dia pada bangsa melayu, sape yang didik tu…..rasanya nak salahkan dia pun tak adil kot, sebab dia mana ade tahu sejarah asal singapore pun, tahu2 yang dia kenal little empperor LKY je….kakakaka
    d. Dan selalunye golongan macam ‘Shuzheng” ni hanya gah dalam cyber je, kat luar menikus…. (kiasu dan takut mati)..rofl

  87. Dear Tun,
    I think it would be a very good idea if Malaysia applies the same Act as in Singapore to stop all this nuisance of having street demonstrations. It is unproductive and causing a lot of distress to the rakyat. Something to ponder seriously. It is rather sickening to watch people behaving like monkeys demonstrating on the streets.
    I would rather opt to have a dictator to rule this country if it helps to maintain peace and security.
    There is no point of having democratic system when the rakyat are often being distracted, harassed and instigated by HP6 leaders with all kinds of foolish actions to destabilise our country. These haprak leaders are not matured enough how to exercise democratic principles to champion for the well being of the rakyat. They are narrow minded people who always keep on harping on issues that can cause disunity to a multi-racial society.
    If this situation continues I think in no time Malaysia will become a failed state. Believe me !!

  88. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat bahagia. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini….
    The POA could be related to the speakers corner set up by S’pore. There could be merit to such legislation in view of the openness for public assembly (no need permit) at these corners. They have to find a way to remove offensive speakers, not the innocent public.
    No need to sneer at such transparent legislation when our own country arrest people wearing black tee shirts, lighting candles, waiting outside police stations for news, cycling inter state, without charge! At least in S’pore you know which monkey law got you arrested. Here they arrest people and release them as they please.
    The complainant’s poor English not surprising given the focus of our education system. What to expect from a 22 yr old education system? I can accept his poor English as he is a ‘victim’ of the system. It is however, unacceptable 3 senior judges (Perak case) cannot write a legal judgement after so many weeks in any language! Talk about poor language skill of a miniscule commentor!!
    One mountain cannot have two tigers. Asean cannot have two eminent statesmen? Put two statesmen (one on pension) together, they will shoot statements at each other. Should international relations be sacrificed for the egos of these two??
    Personal feelings of Label Ultra and Little Emperor should not jeorpadise the youth of both nations. Let these two senior citizens take their quarrel elsewhere.

  89. Shame on you Shuzheng!!
    but,i’m still envy that u still can grab Tun’s attention..

  90. We can find the “english educated” all over cyber space, along with their superior english, blogging and passing comments just like MR Shuzheng above. Sometimes its disturbing, at time distressful, most times merely awful and stressful. They are really very educated and they pass comments like nobody business. (I had to double check my sentences this time)

    Dalam isu Kerajaan Perpaduan ini, INSAN yang paling dijatuhkan MARUAHnya adalah Timbalan Presiden PAS, Ustaz Nasharuddin Mat Isa.. Tak cukup diTIBAI semasa Muktamar PAS oleh Lebai ERDOGAN yang menuduhnya sebagai DALANG pencetus Kerajaan Perpaduan, beliau jugak diTIBAI oleh Pok Nik yang ternyata sekali mendapat LAPORAN sebelah PIHAK dan BUTA HATI akibat termakan hasutan puak-puak Lebai ERDOGAN.. Hari ini, Presiden PAS sendiri seolah-olah menikam beliau dari belakang dengan menolak idea Kerajaan Perpaduan.. Ustaz Nasharuddin hanya mampu mendiamkan diri sahaja akibat diTIBAI kiri-kanan..
    Kalau orang yang berMARUAH, sudah tentu mereka akan melakukan tindakkan yang DRASTIK terhadap parti yang jelas bukan sahaja meng’KAMBING-HITAM’kan mereka, membuat TOHMAHAN terhadap mereka dan jugak menikam mereka dari BELAKANG.. Apa gunanya membiarkan MARUAH diri tercalar atas sebab yang bukan kita sendiri inisiatifkan? Apa gunanya membiarkan MARUAH diri kita diHINA sedangkan semua maklum segala jasa-jasa kita terhadap parti selama ini? Namun, adakah Ustaz Nasharuddin berani mempertahankan MARUAHnya selepas apa yang beliau hadapi selama ini? Sedangkan nak jadik YB pun terpaksa mmerempat di negeri lain mengharapkan BELAS-IHSAN orang lain? HE!HE!HE!

  92. (a) It’s the beauty (and the curse) of internet that it attracts all sort of people – the good, the bad and the ugly. Is it good that the bad carries the same weight as the good? The challenge for society then to distinguish which is which and then to decide which one to follow. Probably not the outnumbered good…
    (b) It’s human nature – all around the world and from all time known – that history is written by the winners. As LKY, through his velvet gloved iron fist, is the winner down south – history will write of all the good things and development achieved. Same as the US in the last half century but woe to the fallen Iraqi, Palestinians, Vietname, Congo etc. The question is, next half century later – who will be writing our history on this land?

  93. Tun,
    Again, another brilliant posting! sarcasm in action! Poor guy, even with fractions of his writing, you can tell how sickening racist he is. Good example of someone who think he got a brain, but all he has just peanut!
    Good day sir!

  94. Ayahanda Tun,
    I was at the GMP (Gagassan Melayu Perak) launching in Ipoh last Saturday when you delivered your speech. Learnt a lot from the history of UMNO, how we trade 1 million citizenship, how we get the 80% majority during 1955 election. I’m sure young generation like me do not know or care less of those history fact. I really think that you could post the fact on your blog so it can be shared with the rest of my fellows Malaysian.
    I also like beside “Melayu Mudah Lupa”, is “Melayu Suka yang senang sahaja” which is absolutely true. Sometime I am sad to see our people, we only like to see other people to go down with us rather that we work hard so that we can stand as tall as them. we like to condem people rather than work it out to improve ourself.

  95. Dear Tun,
    I love history, I love politics, and from my observation, there are only two Malay who deserves to be given the title Tun in the history of Malaysia/Malay Archipelago. 600 years ago, it was Tun Perak..and now 600 years later it is you, Tun Mahathir. I am not too sure if there is another deserving Malay or even Malaysian who could bring the fame,glory,success to our land in this Malay Archipelago. To the littlest middle kingdomm..comprehend is MALAY ARCHIPELAGO..wonder how they can even make do in our archipelago..Anyway Tun, you are the greatest in history..not only in Malaysia but in the Islamic world globally..may Allah bless you and your family dear Tun.. Thank you for your every passion in developing our country.
    Salam Hormat.

  96. Why development so slow in Kinta Valley? Ipoh, once the second largest city in Malaysia become a quiet city.

  97. Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t.
    1.Agaknya pemerintah jiran seberang tambak Johor kita terlalu bermegah sehingga membenarkan ego naik ke kepala.Sehingga menampakkan bayang-bayang seekor “SINGA”.Kedegilan sang Raja Singa menunjukkan garangnya tetapi disudut hati takutkan si tikus munduk yang boleh merendahkan kuasanya.
    2.Rimba Emas pasti segelintir mereka yang menyembah Allah s.w.t pasti tidak menyukai pemerintah yang engkar melaksanakan hukum -hukum Allah s.w.t seperti haramnya riba,judi,arak,babi.Malah manusia diharamkan sama sekali memperdagangkan benda-benda ini dalam kehidupan mereka kerana ditakuti manusia mudah lalai.
    3.Islam bukan sahaja pada namanya sahaja tetapi perlu dijalankan hukum-hukumnya.Rimba Emas percaya mereka yang membenci Islam ialah mereka yang mengamalkan benda-benda haram ini.
    4.Islam sebenarnya atas hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t.Kalau hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t sudah terletak dalam undang-undang negara kita dan diguna pakai semua agama…maka penolakan nama negara Islam oleh parti kaum lain akan selesai.
    5.Pemimpin berbangsa melayu harus faham agama Islam adalah hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t (undang-undang negara) bukan catatan Islamnya.Contohnya kalau dia bernama Ahmad tetapi tidak mengamalkan perkara wajib dan meninggalkan perkara yang haram boleh menyebabkan dia terkeluar dari agama Islam.
    6.Walau bagaimana pun ketika Islam mula bertapak dinegara kita kebanyakan mereka yang menyahutnya kebanyakannya orang melayu.Ini menunjukkan bahawa bangsa melayu mudah menerimanya dari bangsa lain.
    7.Oleh itu golongan Islam yang takutkan perintah Allah s.w.t patut lebih mempercayai pemerintah melayu daripada golongan yang tidak memeluk agama Islam.Jadi jangan marahkan melayu membela melayu…
    8.Allah s.w.t tetap menolak seseorang yang berkasih dengan orang Islam selagi dia tidak memeluk agamanya.
    9.Come and joint “Kingdom of Islam”…to all Malaysian peoples(maafkan saya) and Tank You..
    10 Wallahua’lam..

  98. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    My goodness! Blimey I just stepped off a plane in Changi from Mumbai and this tiny island republic must have the most Assembly Man and Assembly Woman for any one single country in the world today Tun! 2.7 million of Assembly Man and Assembly Woman! Now Singaporeans can all be proud of themselves like never before because Papi just made all of them Legislators! Fantastic move Senior Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, stupendous, simply brilliant!
    Tun, you think they all would get to have at least own constituent bigger than single unit HDB flats? Fantastic news this is Tun, most Rolls Royce per capita is Moscow, most Doctor per capita is Italy, now most Assembly Man and Assembly Woman for whole nation capita is Singapore! Sure LKY kiasu all the way and beat everyone to that one lah Tun. We should congratulate him really! Fantastic lah! That means all Singaporeans got Legislators-Allowance lah? Wah more fantastic lah LKY you!

  99. Tun, I have recently written in your blog about Lee Kuan Yew being a bastard. I gave my reason then but I felt obliged to give further reason lest I be accused of blemishing the good name of the emperor without any basis. The little emperor always takes pride in the efficiency of the country he runs and enjoys giving tirades about the shortcomings of the leaders of other countries as if those tirades are God given truths to be adhered to by those leaders. However, he seems to forget that the competitiveness of his country owes a good deal to Malaysia who provides its necessities like water, trades, fundings and human resources. When our Governement bargained for a better deal for the Malaysians with regard to the water issues, the little emperor threw tantrum that his country was always cowed with the water issues. Yet when Malaysia suffered in the last recession, the little emperor did not miss that opportunity to bargain for the extension of the supply of water agreement by offering a loan of USD1billion to our country in exchange for low tariffs for the supply of water to his country and at the sale time permitting its banks to offer high yields to the Malaysian Ringgit deposits up to 40% interest return a year to cause the ourflow of Malaysian funds to his country to squeeze us dry in order for him to have an upperhand in the water negotiation. when confronted, he said he could not exert control over its commercial banks as if there were many trades in singapore that he could not lay his hand on!!!
    The little emperor also forgets that Malaysian CPF deposits could be financing part of Temasek’s venture. In a recent article written by the little emperor in Times megazine, he also did not miss the opportunity to take a swipe at the Malaysian counterpart by arguing that “Malaysia, despite its abundant natural resources, registered negative growth of 6.5% in the last quarter. While Singapore registered negative 10%.” He seems to suggest that Malaysia did poorly as compare to Singapore because Malaysia has abundant natural resources. I wonder why he, being a person who claims to run a country on a transparent basis, did not say that “despite my daughter-in-law’s hubris and vacuity in running Temasek, Singapore still registered a negative 10% growth last quarter.” After all, his daughter-in-law has to be answerable to some of the CPF contributors in Malaysia whose money might have found its way in the wrong hands in Temasek!!

  100. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1. Like you I also failed to understand what is written by this person. To me it looks like something some stupid statement from an idiotic and confused mind. The only conclusion that I can make is that this person may not be fond of you. Best to leave him/her with his/her fantasies. He is only showing his stupidity to everyone here.
    2. Nak komen pasal penulisannya pun tak bolih sebab tak tentu “ujung pangkalnya.”
    “Semoga Allah menjauhikan kita semua kita dari penyakit yang sama dialami oleh orang berkenaan.”

  101. Dear Tun,
    It seems to me that you like to “look down” (According to map)on Singapore and observe every move of LKY.
    Lee Kwan Yew does not enjoy retirement life. He is still a government servant. At least he does not spend tax payers’ money for his pension at this stage.
    Powerful man can’t exercise the power or without it is a tragedy.

  102. If you want to find out whether Singapore will accord the same treatment to our leaders as we did to LKY, the solution is simple…YOU GO AND VISIT SINGAPORE-LAR.
    Having said that allow me to move on to the very reason I signed into this blog in the very first place. Anyway I am posting this again for emphasis purposes. Again I stress that life is but for a moment by a legacy is immortal/forever. I believe it is important for you to know and establish your legacy. If not when you are gone your legacy will be left to people who have not met you of know you and may not have even be born during your time. Who knows how you will be remembered then.
    In case you missed it the first time…
    Imagine if all the greatest people since the dawn of time were ranked from first to last; where would you stand?
    It’s as simple as that.
    Yes, he is some sort of international statesman; better off than those who just ‘jaguh kampung’. which almost every country in Asia (and also Africa and S.America) already have.
    This is what I have been elaborating in my articles LEGACY AND LEGENDS. I hope you have read it.
    In order to achieve this Mahathir needs help from four sources:
    2. MEDIA
    All great man have a platform. Mandela-apatheid, Aun Sang Suu Kyi – Junta, Arafat – Mideast etc.
    2. MEDIA
    Publicity is very important. Constant coverage and exposure to the world by international news agencies will heighten a person’s reputation further. It is not just enough to be known. Mahathir has to be a household name; so much so that even a 5-year-old in USA or Africa known Mahathir the way they know Washington or Einstein.
    Anti-west or otherwise, the USA is as of today the centre and ‘capital’ of the world. ONE HAS TO GO AND BE KNOWN IN THE USA IN ORDER TO BE A GLOBAL ICON.
    I bet you can name most of the Hollywood celebrities. Do you by any chance however know any actor/actress from even France?
    This is a fact. USA is the door to the world. If it were China, I would have said go to China.
    Once Mahathir has accomplished these 3 criteria, then he is on his way to becoming one of the greatest people of this earth. But until then, he is only known in Asia and the Islamic World.
    In Malaysia you are great beyond; none higher. However on the international front you fallen short. Please compare the overwhelming support and outpouring adoration of Malaysian with other countries. Some probably just know your name, full stop. You have to reach out to all the people of the world the same extent to which you did to Malaysian, like for as if you were President of the United States or even leader of the entire world. You must do more. Unlike others you have 8 mantles and you are active on international issues; slightly better than the average Asian strongman. You are very close. Separate yourself from the pack and go the distance.
    Already in this very split second of a moment in time, there is Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcher, Yasser Arafat, Mother Teresa, Lee Kuan Yew, and many others. Not to mention also living legend from other fields such as Bill Gates, Marlon Brando, Princess Diana, Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe just to name a few. What more in a 100 years and forget a thousand; the list is endless!
    WORLD-FAMOUS (not just Asia)
    You are not to be famous and statesman-ly mere in Asia or the Islamic world or any region. You are to be a statesman and legend to the world. You are not to go from Malaysia to Asia or worse still from Asia to Asia. You are to go FROM Asia, TO the world. TO the world!

  103. Tun,
    “He stated that I was English educated but I am sorry I cannot understand his English.”
    Maybe he is writing “Communicational English” as taught in our national schools.

  104. “2. The new Public Order Act (POA) gives power to the police to tell even one person to move on because he has now been defined as an assembly.” (Tun Dr. Mahathir)
    If you have been to Singapore’s Orchard MRT Station during peak hours of the day and have experienced the crowdiness there by yourself, then you will probably get a much better picture on the reason why there is a need to have such a law amendment in Singapore.
    Even with the adoption of a much stricter law which governs freedom of assembly, Singapore Government now is still rated as a much more democratic government than the Malaysian Government now or even dated back to the period of your 22 years’ tyrannic rule in the past.
    At least, we will not see the Singapore Police simply go handcuff a person and shout at him that “you are now under arrest, with ISA!” and then this person be detained in solitary confinement with the Police threatening him that he might be detained for 20 years in the ISA Detention Centre if he didn’t confess in accordance with a pre-arranged confession like what the Malaysian Police were fonding to practise during Tun’s administration!

  105. Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    1.Sekiranya sistem sebegini dilaksanakan di sini,akan kedengaranlah suara-suara tidak puas hati daripada pihak pembangkang.
    2.Pada pendapat saya,parti pembangkang terutamanya para pemimpin mereka hanyalah banyak membangkang daripada melaksanakan sesuatu kerja yang menjadi kenyataan untuk kebaikan masyarakat dan rakyat Malaysia amnya.Golongan ini tidak mahu bersyukur dan sengaja menghasut golongan yang mudah emosional dan golongan ‘inferior complex’ untuk membangkang apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan.
    3.Sedarkah rakyat Malaysia atau lebih tepat lagi mereka yang ‘membangkang’ini,bahawa kerajaan negara kita lebih ‘lenient’dari segi kebebasan bersuara daripada mereka dan beberapa negara lain di dunia?Semenjak daripada zaman Tun lagi semua pihak boleh meluahkan pendapat mereka melalui saluran yang sesuai.Ada pihak yang menfitnah Tun dengan pelbagai tohmahan dan gelaran pada masa dahulu.Bayangkan sekiranya ia berlaku di Korea Utara,China dan Arab Saudi,mereka ini samada ‘menetap’ di penjara atau lebih malang nyawa melayang di tali gantung.
    4.’Budak’seperti Shuzeng ni,memang wujud di mana saja,serata dunia pun memang wujud spesis sepertinya,dia sendiri tidak tahu apa yang
    dia mahukan.Apa yang dia tahu, apa yang orang lain boleh sediakan kepada dirinya dan tidak mahu bersusah payah melakukan sesuatu untuk kebaikan negara.Kepada SHUZENG,senang cerita,segeralah tinggalkan negara ini,sememangnya anda tidak layak menjadi warganegara Malaysia!!
    Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat serta ceria dan dilindungi Allah.
    P.S:Masih ingat kata-kata ‘seseorang’tu,kata beliau,Pemimpin di Malaysia hanya boleh memerintah dua penggal sahaja.Tetapi pemimpin ni,tak letak-letak jawatan lagi,Malaysia sudah ada PM ke-6.Mengata dan membiarkan penyokongnya menfitnah dan mengata Tun,nyanyuklah dan pelbagai lagi,tetapi sekarang beliau pula yang terlebih ‘nyanyuk’.Skrip’seseorang’ini juga ‘Flip-flop’seperti PM ke 5(akibat kelemahan PM ke-5 dan jenteranya,habis tempias terkena kepada Tun dan PM ke-6).

  106. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Pelik dan hairan bagaimana sesetengah rakyat Malaysia terutamanya bangsa Melayu yang berfahaman sempit atau mempunyai yang mempunyai niat tertentu mengagung-agungkan LKY. Kononnya fahaman politiknya adalah adil untuk semua bangsa. Malah ini turut dilaungkan oleh sebuah parti serpihan PAP dan sebuah parti yang kononnya menegakkan keadilan .
    Namun adakah masyarakat Melayu Malaysia secara amnya mengetahui natijah apabila parti PAP memerintah Singapura selepas keluar dari Persekutuan Malaya pada tahun 1965 (baca sejarah yang sebenar bukan dari blog). Sekiranya bangsa Melayu di Malaysia tidak sedar dan terus termakan dengan omong-omong kosong parti-parti tersebut kelak kita akan menjadi melukut di tepi gantang, menang sorak kampung tergadai. Sehingga nak pegang senjata mungkin tidak dibenarkan kelak nanti.
    Sekiranya mereka menang PRU13 mungkin senarionya sebegini : –
    1. Siperderhaka itu menjadi PM(cita-cita yang tak kesampaian)
    2. Akta-akta berkenaan hak Melayu dan kaum bumiputera akan dipinda
    3. Sultan, Raja dan Yang Dipertuan Agung akan menjadi lipatan sejarah atau semua hak keistimewaan dilucutkan
    4. Presiden akan dilantik dan mungkin Si Perderhaka itu akan presiden yang pertama dan preseiden yang seterusnya mungkin datang dari bangsa lain
    …..dan senario (kenyataan dan hakikat) seterusnya boleh dilihat melalui jiran kita di selatan.
    Maka adakah kita mahu menjadi seperti jiran kita, itu terpulang kepada pembaca-pembaca yang membaca komen saya ni yang tak seberapa.
    Yang penting kita perlu tahu apa yang nenek moyang kita perjuangkan selama ini adalah bukan untuk diri mereka tetapi adalah untuk kita pada masa sekarang sehingga ke anak,cucu dan cicit mereka selagi bangsa melayu masih wujud di Malaysia sebagai majoriti, insyallah. Kita perlu tahu kita hanya manusia, tidak sunyi dari membuat kesilapan.
    Semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat

  107. I blame the people of Thailand who resort such actions to pressure the government. It affect the economy and the general peace of the country. Is the government that bad for them to act in such a way? I don’t know. But public movements should not be easily moved by populist politics. A popular notion does not make it a right and reasonable notion. Imagine if Malaysia’s people would riot and demonstrate every time the government does something wrong. There are mechanisms to address such issues. How effective are they? That’s another story.
    Democracy is not only about elections and demonstrations. Its about healthy debate and opportunity to express the needs of the society. Regardless, of what I said earlier. The average Joe needs a better avenue to express themselves, where politicians would be accountable. Why recently had we stated applying KPI to ministers, when KPIs had been implemened in so many places previously. You cannot talk your way out of this one anymore…
    But for me personally, if the goverment does not trust it’s people that they will conduct themselves properly than the people wont trust the goverment. And without trust, the country will fall. Unfortunately, this is not the case, even in Malaysia.
    To citizens, we too have to conduct ourselves well, be learned, dont be easily fooled by scandalous accusation, dont rely on popular notion, but rely on learned analysis and intellect.

  108. Dear Tun,
    1.0 No-one impresses me more than you. You read your e-mails! None, I think, in your position and age would do the things you do now.
    2.0 I think you just love the technology of today which keep you in the news while getting all sorts of cyber-feedbacks.
    3.0 With the technology you can still flash your “muscle” and make a difference on the political landscape of Malaysia.
    4.0 Kwan Yew came to Malaysia, create some storm in 8-days, then left ! Lots of pictures in the papers with local leaders and their wife! Even Tok Guru was pictured with “thumb-up”! Well, maybe our leaders want to learn something from Kwan Yew. After viewing Penang for a short while, he said Penang was “backwards”! Kwan Yew is “Brilliant”!
    5.0 Sad. You provided the best leadership in any country in the world have ever seen, yet people do not see.
    6.0 It is OK. One day in history many will learn to appreciate you

  109. Tun,
    Sarcastic as ever… i’m sure you meant that his english is actually singlish 🙂

  110. lol what? who is this guy, shuzheng?
    He’s a nobody compared to our beloved, tun!

  111. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Yes, it sounds ridiculous that Singapore government defines an

  112. Dear Tun,
    It is interesting to note that you also join us the rakyat to comment on the commenter. There are all sorts of characters commenting in the blog. I personally campaign many of my friends to visit your blog. The topics you throw out to be debated are current, of public interest and sensitive. You have been and are a controversial figure. All sorts of bad comments are said against you. Likewise you give back the same medicine to others sometimes more bitter payload than you received. I remember operation lalang under your rule. It was brilliant similar to a master stroke executed by a badminton champion, the twist of the wrist to deceive the opponent as to where the shuttle cock is going. The quarrel was between Najib and Lee Kim Sai on malay chinese status. The situation was getting out of hand. The police came in and arrested key opposition figures, including in the net were a kelantanese warrior Ibrahim Ali under ISA. The actual culprits were Najib and Lee Kim Sai. But they were your ministers. You are a politician par excellence, precise, bold, logical and streetwise.
    amin tan

  113. Asalammualikum, Dearest Tun, Perhaps Malaysia should do the same, why worry if Singapore the country that some Malaysians think very highly of can do such a thing why not Malaysia? Since they say Malaysia is not a democratic country then let them migrate to Singapore and live there happily ever after. Baru mereka tahu langit itu tinggi ka rendah. Mereka benci negeri sendiri dan bangga pada negeri orang.Look what happened to the capital of Iran, A peaceful demonstration turned ugly, They burnt everything, broke into stores and shops looted etc, the rest you would have seen in the news. As usual they blame the police, they fought the polic e .We dont want that to happen here, so let the Government be strict about people who want to demonstrate. Why must we fight the police as seen in other countries. They are there to keep the peace and protect other people who are not demonstrating. We want peace not war. May Allah bless you with good health Tun .

  114. Salam Tun,
    Singapore’s perceived strength is drawn from its resources…financial that is. Its accumulated reserves is a combination of 1. surplus from economy + 2. other sources. Small man can act big by the size of its wallet…nevertheless, he is still small in size. Can Singapore still act big if another neighbouring contry ceases to maintain parity of its currency with S$? How much of a strength, financial that is, Spore draws, at cheap or no cost, given that the neighbour country has tremendous surplus on its own accord?
    Small man can act big when the big guys just lepak… how often do we find out problems arise due to our own doing (or own not-doing).
    May ALLAH guide us always. However, we need to first recognize our shortcomings, and make an attempt to seek guidance!

  115. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Sudah 28 tahun anak saya bermastautin di Malaysia namun beliau belum diiktiraf Warganegara.
    Beliau seorg yg bijak (sbb itulah beliau mendapat First Class semasa membuat Diploma in Computer Science) tetapi malangnya disebabkan saya tak mampu, beliau tak dpt melanjutkan pelajaran Ijazah. Disebabkan bukan Warganegara, beliau tak layak pohon PTPTN.
    Tak tahu bila kerajaan akan meluluskan permohonan Warganegara beliau.
    Hantar email kpd Menteri Dalam Negeri, setelah lebih sebulan, tak ade apa – apa reply. Inikah slogan “Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan”…entahlah. Kami hanya rakyat biasa bawahan tetapi saya menunggu PRM-13 nanti, insya Allah.
    Terima Kasih.

  116. Dear Tun,
    Ha…ha…ha…, Tun, i like the part that shuzheng wrote “reminds of the good Kelantanese Nik Aziz, excepting the moments that Nasha fellow came along to vomit on his lap)”.
    Biaq pi dia ni lah Tun, jangan layan sangat dia ni.Suruh saja dia tulis di laman web maharaja dia, LKY.
    Saya harap Tok Guru Nik Aziz akan membaca apa yang shuzheng tulis ini.Ha…ha…ha, sekali-sekala kita perlu lawak jenaka kan Tun?Lebih-lebih lagi dalam keadaan senario politik negara yang kelam-kabut sekarang.
    Salam Tun.

  117. salam tun
    normal bagi seorang manusia yang bila dah marah semua benda dikeluarkan.Yang tak betul dan tak masuk akal pun akan diucapkan, sekadar nak menunjukkan yang dia betul dan orang lain salah.
    But history has value who u are sir. And so am I as the product of Mahathirism.
    Have a nice day and keep blogging sir

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