1. I am gratified that so many Singaporeans know minute details regarding the price of water (raw and treated) and the negotiations that took place.

2. True, I did not negotiate successfully the increase of the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water. You know why? If we demand an increase to 6 sen (100%), Singapore would increase the treated water price to RM1.00 (100%). Of course if we increase to RM6.00 Singapore would demand an increase to 50 x 2000% = RM100.00.

3. Yes, Malaysia profited by buying treated water at 50 sen. Malaysia’s entitlement was only 12% of the raw water it sold to Singapore. The cost of treatment is not RM2.40 as alleged. It was only RM1.20. However, since the Singapore dollar has appreciated against the Malaysian Ringgit from being at par to RM2.40, the same cost to Singapore would now be about 2.4 times the original RM1.20.

4. By the same token, when Singapore pays 3 sen to Malaysians, in Singapore dollars it is only 0.42 sen (less than 1 sen for 1000 gallons).

5. At the original cost agreed upon Malaysia benefited by 70 sen per 1000 gallons of treated water but only on 12% of the raw water sold.

6. Assuming that Malaysia sells 100 million gallons to Singapore, it would pay RM3,000. Malaysia’s purchase of 12,000,000 gallons would be RM6,000. Despite the discount, Malaysia would have to pay Singapore RM6,000 while Singapore would pay Malaysia RM3,000. It looks like Singapore would pay Malaysia with the money it earns from selling water to Malaysia and still have money to spare.

7. The negotiations failed because Singapore wanted more water beyond 2060. We could not agree to commit the future generations of Malaysians to something that could be to their disadvantage.

8. The price of treated water to the citizens of Singapore is very high compared to the 0.42 of one sen paid by Singapore for 1000 gallons plus the cost of treatment.

9. It is clear that for every day the water agreement remains in place, the Singapore Government stands to gain a huge sum of money from selling water to the people of Singapore.

10. By 2011 the first agreement would lapse. But the second agreement would lapse only in 2060. Singapore can enjoy 0.42 of one cent per 1000 gallons for another 51 years.

11. Since the present Malaysian Government has generously decided to stop discussions with Singapore on all outstanding issues, Singapore would continue to benefit from all the outstanding issues with Malaysia. Yet Malaysia willingly gave up its naval base at Woodlands without asking for any compensation for the facilities owned by Malaysia there.

12. Lee Kuan Yew is right. By Malaysian Government’s consent Malaysia is Singapore’s hinterland and subject to Singapore Government’s largesse. Singaporeans need not worry. You will continue to pay 0.42% of 1 sen for 1000 gallons of raw water until 2060. It is Malaysia’s gift to Singapore.


  1. Salam Tun
    I think the previous PM wanted to liberalise Spore asap. So he took the shortest route possible to relieve himself of the burden to engage in the lost battle.

  2. Salam Tun dan semua …
    Saya mewakili 9 dearah pemuda/pemudi negeri johor.
    BILA NAK BIKIN JAMBATAN BENGKOK ?.Negeri Johor akan makmur dengan roboh tambak johor. Persoalannya bukan jambatan bengkok tapi tambak johor. Perlu renungankan pemimpin.Cita2 rakyat didulukan.
    Sosial/ekonomi (peluang pekerjaan) negeri johor akan berkembang dalam sektor pelancongan (kemasukan feri batam/tg pinang jakarta/tanah merah/harbourfrontsingapore ,desaru, desaru,DangaBayJB Batu pahat/Melaka , begitu juga sektor berkaitan logistik dan shipping.
    Asyik kehendak singapore aje nak diutamakan/menang. Jambatan ke 3 tak ada feadah kelam kabut dirancang nak buat, nasib baik ISTANA reject..
    Harap Tun boleh sampaikan luahan suara johor ni pada mereka yang berkenaan.

  3. .
    Salam Tun,
    I agree with what is mentioned by Kadok below:
    1)Petikan daripada Malay Dilema Bab 11 Malaysia dan Singapura;
    ” Dari sudut sejarah, Singapura adalah milik Johor sehinggalah orang Inggeris Stamford Raffles menabalkan sultan baru dan memperoleh konsesi yang diragukan. Sultan tadi diketepikan apabila kegunaannya tidak bermenafaat lagi’…
    * Melayu diperdayakan di tanah air sendiri…
    2)Petikan daripada The Unsung Heroes YB Zainudin Maidin bab 19..
    “When Tunku announced his decision to seperate Singapore from Malaysia on 9th August 1965, the Prime Minister Of Singapore Lee KUan Yew broke down and cried for 20 minutes in front of journalist in Singapore.
    The report on Lee Kuan Yew not being able to control his emotions was carried by Radio dan Televisyen Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.
    Lee was disappointed because his dreams of a malaysian Malaysia were crushed. This what had brought tears to his eyes.
    He said” I felt I had disappointed the hopes of millions of people in Malaysia – the Chinese, Indians Eurasians and a small number of Malays. I had built up their hopes and they joined the people of Singapore in opposing Malay rule”..
    * Melayu diperdayakan lagi.. Lee Kuan Yew cried because he was really happy that his dream accomplished..
    2)Rancangan Briggs
    Rancangan Briggs adalah usaha pihak British untuk membenteras pengganas komunis Malaya dengan cara membina penempatan2 tersusun (kampung baru) dan lengkap dengan kemudahan2 asas untuk diberikan kepada kaum Cina. Ini adalah supaya kaum Cina dapat dikawal dan dicegah daripada menyertai kumpulan komunis dan mencegah mereka daripada memberi bantuan bekalan makanan dan senjata kpd pertubuhan komunis..
    Berpuloh2 kampung2 baru di bina di negeri Selangor, Perak dan lain2 negeri untuk kaum Cina. Rakyat Melayu tetap ditinggalkan di dusun2 dan pinggir hutan tanpa kemudahan asas.
    Adakah Rancangan Briggs berjaya$.. Anggota komunis tetap banyak. Bekalan makanan dan senjata sentiasa cukup sehinggalah ke tahun 1998.
    YB Nizar telah melanjutkan pajakan tanah kampung2 baru ini selama 999 tahun lagi.
    Melayu diperdaya lagi…
    Chin Peng tidak diburu oleh British secara bertungkus lumus seperti mereka memburu Tok Janggut, Dato’ Maharaja Lela dan rakan2 dan menggantung mereka ditiang tinggi selama beberapa hari di tempat awam.
    To ALL Malaysians (especially PAS), anda MUDAH SANGAT LUPA!

  4. Akum tun, and to all readers of this blog especially eric lee. At first glance eric your comments seems so innocence, but if u analyse deeper, its would seems that u are a bigots of the highest order, why dont u come out of the clough and dager thing and voice out your true feeling. Kalau nak ampu tun pon ok, tapi jangan lah mempersindir beliau, do u think all malaysian are stupid. As what the readers here voiced out, 50 years is a short time and Singapore can watch out then, and they will have to pay through their nose for Malaysian water. My only hope is that our younger/future generation should be reminded now and then about this issue so that they would not be cheated once more.
    Someone also mentioned that let us not be to engrouse with this issue because, water is a gift from god and we should be satisfied with the.03 cts that we got, I wont argue on that but then its a bit naive thingking. cos dont tell me we should give it out free or for that matter oil is also a gift from god why dont everybody share it equally with all the inhabitant of this earth. So its does not look as simple as its is.
    But in the finale analyses, singapore should have a big heart and should reconsider this issue as a ‘friendly’neighbour and also be more practical and logical big hearted enough to propose in lifting the cost of water base on the current world situation.I believe we malaysian will surely see this as a brotherly move and will definately have a better perception of singapore especially on issues/ policies that were very unfriendly before this. But then again this is wishfull thingking because being a country developed and matured base on the jewish concept is like asking for the impossible.So as there is no other alternative we malaysian should wait it out till 2060, patience will always presevere.

    TUN…JUST TO REMEMBERING YOU THAT ON EVERY MONTH OF JULY IS THE MONTH FOR REMEMBERING THE SREBRENICA MASSACRE, also known as Srebrenica Genocide. This bloody tragedy happens on the July 1995, killing of an estimated 8,000 Bosniak males, in the region of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina by units of the Bosnian Serbs Army lead by MANIAC Gen. Ratco Mladic.
    The Dutch UN troops can’t do anything to stop it…helpless…the UN council also can’t make the best decision about it to prevent this tragedy. What a shame!

  6. SALAM SEJATERA pada Tun & rakan2.
    Tun has already made his points clear on the water deal with the republic. I understand your salient point, Tun. The water deal is not a win-win deal but in fact a lopsided deal that benefits the Republic in the long run spanning for another 50 years. It was the British government who signed the water treaty without knowing that the Republic would be separated from Malaya in 1965.
    Is there anything that our present government can do ??? to negotiate a new deal looks complicated as the Republic would seems to demand for a lot of things that you have mentioned before; supply of sand, usage of the airspace for their Air force to roam freely ++++. If we were to ask for new supply rate then we have to ready to pay for a higher price for the treated water. eventually the new rate rate will again hit Malaysia more than Singapore. The Republic will always be the victor and we are at the receiving end due to the bases of the water agreement signed.
    Najib knows on the complexities of the matter. It is easier said than done. But Tun, you can’t expect Najib & the government to follow your strong sentiment. Maybe Najib has other option to deal with the Republic. It’s not about water deal only but to develop Malaysia into a much more stronger country economically by tapping in the Republic’s competitive edge as much as the Republic is tapping and exploiting our country’s resources to her advantage.
    Well, let’s let the 1st agreement expire in year 2011 first. If the Republic badly needs the supply, for sure they will negotiate on the table and that will be the best situation for the government to set a new rate for this new millennium

  7. wan roselan on July 10, 2009 8:08 PM
    – Yeah, RM0.03 equals S$0.0042.
    – It’s OK, no need to give Bumi status to the Chinese and Indians. After all, soon, the Indons, Banglas and Mamaks with the Bumi status will take over all your Malay rights.
    – Give to the Indons and their children lah. The RM3 million bungalow rings a bell?
    – And then you said, “I WISH I COULD READ CHINESE PAPER, THAT DAILY CONDEMNING MALAYS AND ASKED THEIR RACES TO BE UNITED”. Wonder who is the gutter politician? And who is doing the slandering? If cannot read Chinese, then read Utusan lah; what’s the difference?
    – That is what you know from the surface. Have you been there? Do you know what is actually happening? People don’t lose their economy (sic) and politics at the snap of the finger. People lose because they remain stagnant or move forward snail-like, while others move ahead at a much faster pace. The world have no room for laggards and that unfortunately is the reality. Or are you happy just to be “juara kampung”?

  8. weesg on July 12, 2009 10:44 AM, pray tell what in God’s world are you babbling about? Are you sure you are in the right blog? And by the way, it’s spelled “kampung”, not “kumpong”. Too much “pong” between your ears?

  9. SALAM SEJATERA pada Tun & rakan2.
    Tun has already made his points clear on the water deal with the republic.I understand your salient point, Tun. The water deal is not a win-win deal but in fact a lopsided deal that benefits the Republic in the long run spanning for another 50 years. It was the British government who signed the water treaty without knowing that the Republic would be separated from Malaya in 1965.
    Is there anything that our present government can do ??? to negotiate a new deal looks complicated as the Republic would seems to demand for a lot of things that you have mentioned before; supply of sand, usage of the airspace for their Airforce to roam freely ++++. If we were to ask for new supply rate then we have to ready to pay for a higher price for the treated water. eventually the new rate rate will again hit Malaysia more than Singapore. The Republic will always be the victor and we are at the receiving end due to the bases of the water agreement signed.
    Najib knows on the complexities of the matter. It is easier said than done. But Tun, you can’t expect Najib & the government to follow your strong sentiment. Maybe Najib has other option to deal with the Republic. It’s not about water deal only but to develop malaysia into a much more stronger country economically by tapping in the Republic’s competitive edge as much as the Republic is tapping and exploiting our country’s resourses to her advantage.
    Well, let’s let the 1st agreement expire in year 2011 first. If the Republic badly needs the supply, for sure they will negotiate on the table and that will be the best situation for the government to set a new rate for this new millenium.As for the second pact which is due to expire in 2060, let it be because we are not going to live long enough to know what is going to happen. Perhaps Malaysia is gifted by the god to have the abundant supply of water and natural resources to help the nearby country for their survival.

  10. SALAM SEJATERA pada Tun & rakan2.
    Tun has already made his points clear on the water deal with the republic.I understand your salient point, Tun. The water deal is not a win-win deal but in fact a lopsided deal that benefits the Republic in the long run spanning for another 50 years. It was the British government who signed the water treaty without knowing that the Republic would be separated from Malaya in 1965.
    Is there anything that our present government can do ??? to negotiate a new deal looks complicated as the Republic would seems to demand for a lot of things that you have mentioned before; supply of sand, usage of the airspace for their Airforce to roam freely ++++. If we were to ask for new supply rate then we have to ready to pay for a higher price for the treated water. eventually the new rate rate will again hit Malaysia more than Singapore. The Republic will always be the victor and we are at the receiving end due to the bases of the water agreement signed.
    Najib knows on the complexities of the matter. It is easier said than done. But Tun, you can’t expect Najib & the government to follow your strong sentiment. Maybe Najib has other option to deal with the Republic. It’s not about water deal only but to develop malaysia into a much more stronger country economically by tapping in the Republic’s competitive edge as much as the Republic is tapping and exploiting our country’s resourses to her advantage.
    Well, let’s let the 1st agreement expire in year 2011 first. If the Republic badly needs the supply, for sure they will negotiate on the table and that will be the best situation for the government to set a new rate for this new millenium.As for the second pact which is due to expire in 2060, let it be because we are not going to live long enough to know what is going to happen. Perhaps Malaysia is gifted by the god to have the abundant supply of water and natural resources to help the nearby country for their survival.

  11. To the person who, on July 6, presented 2 scenarios on “history can go two ways,” how about this – Scenario No. 3:
    Anwar will be remembered as one of the founders of the International Institute of Islamic Thought based in the US military state of Virginia who was put to trial in an Islamic court for distorting the interpretations of the late Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s The Meaning of Al-Qur’an widely used in the US, whereas Mahathir will be remembered as the champion of Islam who exposed the distortions to prevent the spread of Anwar’s interpretation of Al-Qur’an.

  12. Assalamuakum Tun
    Therefore to say that because of leaders like you, Muslim countries have failed is a GREAT INJUSTICE. On the contrary, if leaders of Muslim countries are like you , Muslims will not be in the state they are today. As a leader you have carried out the responsibilities that was entrusted to you. You have done so much for your country, for the people, it’s the people who have failed you, above all they have failed Allah and our beloved Prophet.
    To Zaq25
    Apparently you are not a Muslim. A true Muslim does not care how others judge him. what matters is how Allah judge him. Dr Mahathir is 84 yrs old, he will leave this world one day and when he is 6 ft underground , it does’nt matter to him anymore how he is remembered, believe me.
    Happy birthday Tun

  13. Dear Tun:
    U have had cultivated such citizen! So sad 🙁
    My words to U: Focus on your Malaysia’s building, give constructive support to the Government, stop demaging your image…..
    Whoever is the PM in Malaysia, honour him/her.
    U are the ‘PAST’, let it be……
    U can still be remembered, if U are honest & rightfull….sincere & responsible… as a past PM/citizen.
    Your actions …. not only cause & damage yourself, but also your son who is a MP in Malaysia….. U will be the bigger loser than anyone-else.
    U are old enough to think & know that this is the truth.
    G.Tai, 11 July 5.18am:
    Very disappointing to see your posting1 Is this the ‘Muslim’ way? To contaminate Mother Nature’s water and U shall be happy? 🙁
    Hope your GOD forgive U!
    Whatever U wrote, it came thru your thought! U need to pray more to do a soul search & try to purify your inner self!
    We must take responsibility with what we wrote.
    May your GOD forgive U.

  14. you are still doing those ministers work while they are busy digging our coffer even during daylight.
    malaysian ministers are plundering malaysia just like the humans are plundering the earth now. who cares what we are losing…maybe only you care.
    when plundering event happen it will eventually lead to a race (speeding up the process). malaysia corruption habit has become so clear to the level that can be consider sort of daylight robbing. so clear so many minister become too-very-over-rich by this daylight robbery yet nothing can be done about it. not even a little bit. it is becoming a permanent style running in the blood line system of UMNO now (reaches the point of no return yet?). congrat!

  15. Dear Tun,
    Comment by G.Tai outlined a person with intelligence and broad minded. If Malaysia wants to compete globally, start to encourage professionals into the country. Let me correct my sentence; first and foremost, encourage the genius and professionals within the country to stay!!!
    Sadly enough, we are on a constant influx of Non-Skill labours from Indonesia, who are granted citizenship and Bumi rights. On the other hand, we lost professionals. This is very unhealthy.
    One of the main reason I left Malaysia is because I felt disappointed owing to the reason that a Baba Nyonya community like myself is not even granted semi-bumi rights after 4 generations whereas the Indon are immediately granted bumi rights. My family practice some Malay cultures, eat with hand, wear sarong, proud to speak Malay, BUT a non Muslim.
    I have heaps of friends who migrated to Australia that could have contributed to the development of Malaysia… Doctors, International welding inspector, charted accountant, engineers …..

  16. Salam sejahtera Tun,
    Di sini saya ingin bertanya mengenai perjanjian air yang dimenteraikan semasa zaman penjajahan British dulu. Soalannya, apakah perjanjian itu mensyaratkan; air yang dijual kepada Singapura untuk kegunaan RAKYAT SINGAPURA ataupun ianya tercatat untuk kegunaan SINGAPURA?
    Dari sudut kenyataan di atas terdapat dua perbezaan maksud yang dimenteraikan:
    Jika ianya untuk RAKYAT SINGAPURA ini bererti Pemerintah Singapura TIDAK BOLEH menjual air itu kepada kapal-kapal yang berlabuh kerana syarat perjanjian mencatatkan hanya untuk kegunaan RAKYAT SINGAPURA!
    Ini telah melanggar syarat-syarat yang telah tertulis di surat perjanjian itu dan ini bererti Malaysia boleh menarikbalik atau memansuhkan perjanjian tersebut.
    Namun begitu saya kurang jelas dengan isi syarat perjanjian tersebut. Mungkin Tun dapat komen. Terimakasih.

  17. I would just want to ask anyone here a question:
    If your country offered to sell you a huge plot of freehold land 50 years ago at 1 ringgit as part of an agreement to buy your kumpong house, and say you took the deal as you have not much choice even though you love your kumpong house.
    50 years later, the government tells you that they have overpaid you by practically giving you the land for free, and conveniently ignored the fact that it was part of an agreement to buy your kumpong house. The government realise that the same plot of land now is worth millions of ringgit.
    The reason given to you is that the PM’s offiers negotiating and offering the deal to you 50 years ago are idiots who cannot calculate and they are practically gifting you the land. You should pay a fair price now even though its 50 years late and even though the government has no right to ask for more money now.
    Now, imaginethat the land is use to plant palm trees now and your entire family rely on the palm oil produced from the plantation to make a living. It is your only source of income.
    Would you say to your government, “yes you are right, I will share my millions with you as i had a good deal”. Or would you say, “we have a valid agreement and now the title of the land is mine. Plus you have my kumpong in exchange so how can you say the land is gifted to me? If you want the land, please negotiate a price with me”.

  18. I do not understand why are we helping the Singaporean and “killing” ourselves economically wise.
    We should protect our own Malaysian’s benefit and let Singapore take care of themselves. It is their problem – then at least then all those snobbish Singaporeans will learn their lesson.
    Help ourselves first before helping others! We can honour the contract till 2060 but never again shall we all at a disadvantage again.

  19. Salam Tun,
    Kita patut buat fasiliti sendiri untuk proses air. Tak perlu beli balik dari Singapore. Mesti ada cara untuk kita buat sendiri dan lagi lebih murah sebab boleh guna cara biotek … lebih baik dan juga dapat menghasilkan elektrik sendiri.
    Kalau tak boleh buat di Singapura, buatlah di Melaka atau Pahang dan jual “inter-state”. ….Lagi baik untuk jangka panjang kemajuan Malaysia!
    Kalau dapat diushakan begitu, kita hantar untuk minima keperluan rakyat Singapore saja (untuk memenuhi “Humanatarian Groung”) atau dan jual “Treated” water aje… tak perlu untuk industri dia.
    Begitu-begini, mereka pun dah mulakan projek “New Water” untuk kegunaan dia dan menunjukkan keangkuhan walaupun dia lebih memerlukan.
    Itupun pandangan saja….

  20. Dear Tun,
    At present, we may have seemed stupid to sell our water so cheap, but do remember that it’s raw water that we are selling. Raw water, being a gift from Allah SWT cost us nothing but SG have to treat it and sell back to us at a fixed price til 2060. In future, I believe that Allah SWT will not raise its price to us, but SG definitely has to pay much more for the chemical & filter use in treatment. So who is laughing in another 20 years???
    Another thing that dear Tun you might have some knowledge about: Does the agreement specify the quality of the raw water from us??? If not, can we pump our sewerage to them (They are drinking recycled water anyway) and let them be our Indah Water???
    On a totally different topic, I do find it weird that many here tend to drag this into “Malay against them” issue??? But please give credit when it’s due…SG has no natural resources, yet they have much higher GDP than us, WHY??? Because they have brain, they give PR & citizenship to professional from all over the world (Including professional Malays from Malaysia); but in Malaysia, we give the same to unskilled labour from Indon & Philippine. They give to PhD, we give to people who can’t spell Apple. So how do we expect the standard of living of Malaysia to be better when we have a constant influx of these “New Bumiputra” from overseas??? In time, their kids will compete with the local Malays for scholarship, loan and employment!!! It seems strange to me that Malays make a lot of fuss about giving bumiputra status to Non-Malay, but all quiet when the same is given to Indon!!! Why so??? Because of religion??? Then how are the Chinese, Indian, Mat Salleh Muslim should be treated in MAlaysia???? Remember the last sermon of Rasulullah SAW: “…every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. NOBODY HAS SUPERIORITY OVER OTHER EXCEPT BY PIETY AND GOOD ACTION.”

  21. salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    12. Lee Kuan Yew is right. By Malaysian Government’s consent Malaysia is Singapore’s hinterland and subject to Singapore Government’s largesse. Singaporeans need not worry. You will continue to pay 0.42% of 1 sen for 1000 gallons of raw water until 2060. It is Malaysia’s gift to Singapore.
    Very well said Tun…its an antidote for the heartbroken people,especially earlier generations,when the late Tunku decided to give independent to a tiny,ungreatful dot called Singapore..
    A snake will always a snake no matter what we named them..
    Let it be a lesson..painful lesson while handling the ‘cubs’ in our own backyards..
    May Allah be with us

    Salam Hormat dan Salam Kasih
    Orde Dunia Baru
    (kita pun terjun tanpa usul periksa)
    Saya perpanjangkan pertanyaan yang telah saya kirimkan kepada YBhg Dato’ Ruhanie Ahmad kepada YABHG Tun.
    Dato’ Ruhanie Ahmad,

  23. Hi Tun!
    I’m a big fan of yours but I just don’t understand how you do maths, it’s a little confusing (but you purposely made it that way didn’t you? – Cheeky Tun!).
    Let’s go through the numbers one by one and I’ll do it BM so those with a lack of fluency in English can fully understand what we’re talking about –
    1. Singapura membeli setiap seribu gallon air dari Malaysia pada harga RM 0.03. Bagi kuantiti yang sama, kita membayar RM 0.50 kepada Singapura untuk membeli air yang telah dirawat. Kita jual = 3 sen dan kita beli = 50 sen. Dua fakta ini memang cukup jelas dan nyata. Sekiranya kita menaikkan harga air mentah kepada RM 0.06/seribu gallon (peningkatan 100% daripada harga asal – RM 0.03), Singapura memang mungkin meningkatkan harga air terawat kepada RM 1.00 (peningkatan 100% daripada harga asal – RM 0.50). Berdasarkan analogi yang sama, jikalau harga air mentah dinaikkan kepada RM 6.00 (100 kali ganda 6 sen), maka harga air terawat berkemungkinan mencecah RM 50 (100 kali ganda 50 sen) dan bukannya RM 100.00. Dalam suatu perbandingan yang adil, bukankah andaian yang dikemukakan seharusnya serupa? Pada pendapat saya, kita tidak harus bersikap prejudis terhadap Singapura. Tambahan lagi, 50 x 2,000% = RM 1,000.00 dan bukannya RM 100.00.
    2. Seterusnya, soal kadar pertukaran mata wang antara RM dan S$ (perenggan ketiga) tidak bermakna dalam perbincangan kita. Pokoknya, kos rawatan air mentah ditetapkan pada RM 1.20 dan inilah titik rujukan kita. Walaupun nilai S$ kini lebih tinggi berbanding RM, pengiraan untung dan rugi masih lagi berdasarkan RM dan nilai mutlak ini tidak berubah. Sekiranya kita hendak mengambil kira kesan peningkatan nilai S$ berbanding RM, maka kita tidak harus mengetepikan kos penyelenggaraan yang ditanggung oleh pihak Singapura. Kos tambahan ini tetap dibayar dalam S$ dan sejajar dengan peningkatan nilai dollar, ini tidak menguntungkan republik itu.
    3. Akhir sekali, RM 0.03 = S$0.0125 (berdasarkan pertukaran S$ 1.00 – RM 2.40). Saya tidak faham bagaimana RM 0.03 boleh menjadi S$ 0.0042.
    I’m not a politician, so I’m not interested in being politically correct. However, I do think that we should present our facts and figures (and maths!) correctly to avoid losing credibility.
    Happy Birthday Tun Dr. Mahathir! May you have a long and happy life ahead! 🙂

  24. SALAM TUN.
    TQ SIR

  25. pada 2060 nanti…sesapa yang jadi yang jadi PM pada masa tue…dan masih jual air pada singapore…memang bangang la manusia tue!!!

  26. This raw and treated water thing between Malaysia and Singapore is an old issues if there is a contract and our forefather have signed it, let’s live it and let’s honor the contract and behave like a civilzed global citizen. To me the cost of water issue is nothing compare to the billions of dollar squandered by our corrupted politician – I am not accusing the politician and as an ordinary citizen we are often denied information but from the so many scandals that were reported in the newspaper recently (not forget the old one) like the mother of all scandals – the RM 11 Billion PKFZ (can built the bullet train from Singapore to Malaysia and still have 3 billions to spare) to the smaller but still not so small RM 10 million railway boy palace in Port Klang and the just surface RM 24 millions dentist banglow in shah alam, ….and the cheap arguement put forward by these officials. I pray to god that that our dear politicians – to those with a real human hearth – PAUSE and REFLECT, just a bit will do. The future of the country and its people – Malaysia and Malaysian (be it Malay, Indian, Chinese,dayak, bumi or non bumi all, all anak Malaysia) rest in your hand. Who do you think the majority of the Malaysian like us are today? I can tell you they have better brain? And when you make a comment, what do you think will be going through their mind? I can tell you they have better brain and thus can reason things better and not so easily influence by your out of date rhetoric. The citizen today are as good if not better educated than many of our politician, many are better exposed and they can reasonably make their own conclusion or form an educated opinion of their own that affect you… so let tackle the big issues, look at broad picture and lets not play too much politic with the future/survival of Malaysia. Lets start prepare ourself, expand the alaysia economic cake by challenging /competing with world for a piece if the global cake, believe that we will not only survive but win. Wake up and accept that other don’t owe us a living and no one is going to wait for us or give us a handicap becasue we are not ready, others dont care if we are not doing well. Malaysia and Malaysia – don’t find excuse or hide behind some obsolete mindset or policy or imagination – all these propoganda on Bahasa Malaysia, English, BN, PR, Bumi& non Bumi are distracting all of us “Anak Malaysia” from the real issues we are facing or at stake and that is to work towards the progress, growth or rahter survival of Malaysia, so that we can be a respectable and relevant nation in the world and in the future. Not as a Bangsa, for there cannot be a successful bangsa without first a successful nation – wonder why the US citizen are so confidwnt and it also seems that the whole world seems to be more careful whenever they are dealing with a US citizen (white or coloured)- why?.

  27. Dear All:
    Really disappointing see so many ignorances & naive people in Malaysia, that blindly following.
    Focus on your Malaysia’s building, U have all the resources, but still stagnant at 3rd World country?
    The coming downfall of UMNO will surface soon if all of U don’t make good use of your time & put focus on nation building.
    Water issue or not, doesn’t matter; Don’t forget the water are free given by Mother Nature in Malaysia….can make a little or not, so be it.
    All of U should take a look at the followings comments & digest them as references:-
    – Positive;
    * Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad dd 8/Jul 1.05pm.
    * Are we? dd 8/7 3.16pm
    – Negative & ignorant;
    * lr.Syahrizan dd 7/7 10.53pm
    * Zaqmir dd 8/7 12.35am
    Tun, stops damging your ‘GOOD’ image to your fellow Malaysians. U have come no easy thru the hardwork, but those good deeds can be forgotten & wasted, if U keep being nagging & untrufull.
    GOD bless U.

  28. This is to reply some of the comments directed to my initial comment.
    Now, this three sen per thousand gallons is for humanitarian purposes. The water supplied to Singapore is for Singaporeans to do their washing and drinking, and probably for some other needs.
    But Singapore took advantage of this cheap water for commercial purposes, i.e. reselling the water for a huge profit. This is a bad move by Singapore because they have now shown us who they really are.
    Singapore should think of tons of other ways to make money, but certainly using water supplied by its neighbor at such a ridiculous price is not one of them.
    Lastly, Tun thank you for letting me use your blog.

  29. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini setelah di potong…
    Here is a simple analogy for M’sians to understand why S’pore appears ‘unreasonable’. It is similar to Umno’s stance on Malay special rights!
    S’pore views Johor water agreements as part of S’pore Separation agreement. Water is a part of the ‘constitution’ of S’pore separation much like Article 153 is a part of the constitution of M’sian independence.
    M’sia now feels the agreement unfair and says time to review, S’pore agrees (but no agreement reached). Minorities here feel Article 153 is now unfair and say time to review, Umno (some members) spews threats and insults (without negotiating)!
    These items are fundamental to independence/separation agreements and variation without mutual consent is breach. Only mutual consent can vary this agreement not accusations.
    Other races are asking Umno to vary this mutually. What is their reply? Greedy, demanding, ungrateful, unpatriotic minorities! What should S’poreans say to Umno’s demand for S’pore to vary this mutually?
    The way Umno replies minorities is exactly the way S’pore feels! Mengata dulang paku serpih, mengata orang kamu yg lebih. Udang tak sedar dirinya bongkok.
    Mata orang dia pedih, kata orang dia lebih (Ciptaan)
    …………..OIL OR WATER
    Another reminder to patriotic M’sians. Don’t be blinded by a few sen issues with water (replenishing resource) that otherwise flows to the sea (if S’pore stops buying) and forget to guard the vast oil reserves (depleting resource) in Ambalat! Indonesia has used strong language against M’sia over Ambalat which is more valuable than selling water to tiny red dot!
    Don’t be too fixed on S’pore’s ulterior intentions when in the north there is already trouble brewing with Thailand accusing us of involvement with growing insurgency there.
    Get our vision right!

  30. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini setelah di potong…
    Tun is graduating from trick question to trick accounting. Watch out next for trick answers! Trick accounting is using figures to show a different picture from reality. The figures are not a lie but the conclusion is deceivingly distorted.
    Paying RM3000 and getting RM6000 paints a picture of gain and profiteering by S’pore. It hides the fact S’pore loses 70sen (cost of treatment RM1.20 alleged by Tun) i.e. RM8400 on the sale. Using same example, S’pore actually ‘pays’ RM11,400 but receive RM6000. This is purchase price and treatment cost only.
    What about infrastructure cost of land, construction and maintenance of the dam, reservoirs, pipes and treatment plants in Johor. S’pore claims it is S1bil (RM2.4bil). This cost will rise due to inflation in the next 50 yrs but S’pore cannot raise the 50sen price. The infrastructure will revert to Johor free of charge in 2061, when it will be worth..??
    To know the value of this infrastructure, look at S’gor water concession stalemate. After being ‘awarded’ the assets under privatisation (Mahathirism), what are these concessionaires(cronies) asking for S’gor to buy back? Are they as reasonable as S’pore to declare it is only S1 bil? Who is the vulture?
    Johor is assured of 50sen treated water for the next 50yrs whatever the treatment cost (in consideration for allowing S’pore at their own cost to pipe raw water to their country, which would otherwise flow to the sea) Note zero construction cost to Johor!
    Compare our toll highway operators get 10% increase every 3 yrs for the next 50yrs! (in consideration for completing a highway which was already partly constructed and using Govt loans and guarantees) Note M’sian taxpayers susidised the highway construction. Who signed the highway agreements?
    Water agreement has 25yr review clause. Highway agreement has no review clause. Water agreement has no provision for unilateral increase. Highway agreement confirms 10% increase every 3 yrs(compounded) for 50 yrs, regardless of traffic and cost! S’pore spend S1bil on water infrastructure which it does not get back. Highway concessionaire spends how much which it does not get back?
    Somebody committed a Ah Long deal on the highway. Deduct upfront (Govt grants, loans and guarantees), exorbitant rate (10% increase every 3 yrs for 50 yrs), daily repayment (daily toll for collection for 50yrs), heavy penalty (compensation for price embargo or traffic shortfall), no backing out (no option to review)
    Why are we raving like mad cows over a couple of sen issues in a sealed international agreement(registered with UN) and ignoring billions in highway plunder?

  31. Itulah kesalahan pemimpin kita masa tersebut. Jual tanah air kepada orang pemerintah singapura. Tak boleh dipulihkan kembali.

  32. To Zaqmir,
    Your Comment
    If you refer to history book, it is Tunku we (Malaysia) that wanted to be separated from Singapore.
    There is a term in Malay called “Bodoh sombong”. If you do not know about history, do not embarrass us with your ignorance.

  33. i see a lot of people asking the same questions. Why can’t we treat our own water? hmm..i knnow singapore has really good water treatment technologies but hey, i’m sure malaysia can do it as well.
    We can complain all we want about them but we’re on the losing end here.

  34. the mastermind for the past 22 years have created a lot of monsters found today … yet the mastermind now running here and there shouting …. “tolong tolong, ada monsters”
    may be due to his selectively memory lost syndrome … abbreviated as SISTI (Sekejap Ingat Sekejap Tak Ingat) … that he was the one who create the monsters …

  35. Dengan izin Tun,
    Akiaku and KT64 – Really guys.. Your math is really trully poor.
    And Mr. donplay puks – your comment regarding your so called friend thats working as a so called marine officer. It’s really B.S.
    My dear friend. I had the oppurtunity of developing a Marina along the straits of Johore. For the construction purpose, first of all we have to do a Sea Bed Survey in order to prepare the Earthwork design for our development. What we found out is that the average Sea Bed level for the Straight of Johor is about 80 – 90 feet(25 to 27 metres). While the Draft, berthing and turning basins of those Megaship is about 50 feet which Straits of Johore can easily cater. Please be Aware that the Megaship is those ship which can carry 4,500 or more of those 20 footers container units. And again, this kind of ship only account for less than 1% of the worlwide fleet today.
    So do you still think that your friend, the marine officer is giving you the right information?
    And Thank you Tun for your great Article.
    Thank you and Regard

  36. Saya setuju dengan pendapat wong, Jika kita langgar penjanjian berapa kita kena bayar bayar kepada singapore ?? Jika singapore masih ambil murah harga air tersebut sehingga 2060 , berapa kerugian yang kita tanggung…tapi saya rasa Tun tentu dah fikirkan dulukan mungkin kita akan rugi banyak atau cara pembayaran yang mustahil dibayar sekali gus. Hanya rakyat nak tahu macamana penjanjian tersebut ?lagi satu siapa yang menandatangani penjanjian itu.kalau dapat tahu detail lagi bagus.Macamana pun kita tak perlu LKY yang jaga negara kecil nak ajar kita tadbir negara kita.

  37. Asalamualaikum……
    aisayman….ceritanya….jadinyer lepas bapak berenti seme yg duk ada nih duk tunduk bkn jer kat org putih ngan jiran sebelah pun ketaq lutut nak kata tidak ke…..kalo seme2 nak ikut kata ong luar tak guna ler jd pemimipin yek….kalo tak nak buat prasarana utk ong m’sia abis duit yg duk kutip n yg petronas bayar tu p ane ek….
    saya riso gak bila baca komen sedara kamal ahmad…napa pemimpin la ni tak abis2 nak bagi harta n tanah org m’sia kat org luar…..

  38. What is the contents of the water agreements with Singapore? Interested to know also..Hope someone dont make good money out of this agreements..Who knows…its made to call “Where problems there is opportunity”….

  39. Tun,
    Hanya yang jelas nampkanya adalah lagi banyak Tun timbulkan isu-isu sebegini, lagi jelas nampak bodohnya pemerintah-pemerintah negara ini.
    Lebih baik diam daripada mengungkit perkara-perkara ynag tidka sepatutya di bahaskan oleh mereka yang tidak tahu hujung pangkalnya.
    Atau niat Tun hanya semata-mata untuk menunjukkan kononnya pemerintahan Tun adalah lebih baik daripada pemerintahan di bawah zaman Pak Lah dan Najib kot?
    Sepatutnya Tun membuatlah perkara-perkara kurang mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada negara dan janganlah cuba hendak memperkecilkan cara pemerintahan yang ada. Itu sahaja permintaan rakyat jelata.

  40. i rasa pemimpin malaysia ada sedikit masalah, kita layan orang kita dengan buruk. tapi kita layan orang lain dengan baik.
    itu aje, renunglah sendiri.

  41. At last you are giving a bit more of the whole water deal but your argument is still flawed. Another blogger has pointed out your error RM-3sen is 1.25 S’pore cent not 0.42 cent.
    Take your example in (6) of 100 million gallons raw water to S’pore & buying back 12 million gallons treated water at 50sen = RM6,000. The cost to S’pore is 3sen raw water + RM1.20 to treat (again using your figures, not knowing the actual cost)= RM1.23 cost to S’pore per 1000 gallons. For 12 million gallons it will cost S’pore RM14,760 a loss of RM8,760 to S’pore. This should be the cost you look at & not compare it to the RM3,000 S’pore pay for the 100 million gallons of raw water. Can Johore produce 12 million gallons at RM3,000 (RM6,000-RM3,000) or even at RM14,760?
    Many of your supporters are screaming without understanding these figures. It is like handing over say 3 durians to someone who makes durian cakes & getting back in return 1 durian cake from him for the raw material. That’s the price one pays for not taking the trouble to make the cakes himself. You don’t begrudge him for the 3 durians. He has to add other ingedients & labour to turn the fruits into cakes. We make such deals all the time, why demonise the other who earns a living making cakes.
    Johore may have more water than it needs and what do you do with it. It probably get flushed into the sea. And don’t hold your breath yet for 2011 or 2061. S’pore may have enough by then & Johore can keep its water. S’pore is already exporting water recycling technology to other thirsty countries.
    There is too much navel gazing & blaming in this country – it won’t be long before we may have to live on sunshine & water if we don’t look up.

  42. I can’t help but put my thoughts to the many comments here. I can only believe that our beloved country will grow if we stop complaining and start doing… doing the right thing.
    1) Land constraint
    They still can make do of their limited resources.
    2) Military strength
    What’s the use of military strength when we don’t even know how to use it properly.
    3) No natural resources in the island, thus no income.
    What did we do with our resources that we sold off to other countries. Did it prospered the people? If so, how come it did not grow the country like the rest, say Hong Kong, or Singapore.
    4) Limited genius and intellectual owing to limited population
    Sure enough S’pore took a lot of them from us. But the question begged to be answered is why are we losing good people? What are the causes that can retain them or even attract them? What are these genius looking for? Are we the one who’re pushing them away?
    5) Water contract with M’sia ends 2060
    They are improving in their knowledge, technology & such, knowing that they are lacking in many areas. Look at it this way, are we jealous of them? Since we have the advantage of vast resources, did we make full use of our resources to develop our country instead?
    Let’s not complain about others, but instead look at ourselves. If Allah has given us so many natural resources, people and favors, what else are we lack in that cannot make us grow further and surpasses the rest? Ask ourselves. Why blame others.

  43. Malaysia will never win any negotiations when dealing with Singapore. why????
    Because most of the talented people work for Singapore government,inclucing those who scored good results but was rejected by Malaysia universities due to the bias quota.
    Singapore government plan ahead for the future by welcoming more talented people(regardless of races)to work for the country while the Malaysia government produce incompetent graduates based on quota.
    From the beginning, the Singapore government made english as first language in schools while the Malaysia government abandoned english and made bahasa malaysia as a medium of teaching for all government schools. Worse, english is not a ‘must’ pass subject in SPM. No wonder our graduates can’t even communicate effectively with the rest of the world.
    for 22 years, who was that MASTERMIND to implement all these???
    How can our next generations compete with the rest of the world when they can’t even compete with ‘a tiny red dot’ on the map!
    AGAIN, who to blame????

  44. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. That pesky little dot called Singapore aside; we shift to matter closer to home and to heart. One Malaysia

    Salam Hormat dan Salam Kasih
    Dengan Izin.
    Exiled Uighur leader speaks out
    Chinese officials have accused an exiled Uighur leader of being behind the unrest in China’s Xinjiang province.
    But Rebiya Kadeer says Chinese repression is to blame and says she will not stop her activism until Beijing stops persecuting Uighurs.
    This is her story, in her own words.
    Perjuangan Belum Selesai.
    Sekian Terima Kasih salam Horamt dan Salam Kasih

  46. Dearest Tun,
    Dari saya kecil hingga sekarang (umur 37), Singapura adalah antara negara yang saya tak berminat langsung nak jejak kaki. Apa lagilah sekarang. Buat apa kita baik dengan anjing yang gigit tuan dia sendiri. Nanti kena penyakit anjing gila pula. Saya setuju dengan pendapat beberapa pembaca, batalkan saja perjanjian itu. Kita bayar je penalti, mungkin kita boleh kurangkan kerugian kita dan dapatkan semula maruah kita. Mana lagi dia nak beli? Dari Indon? …semuanya bisa diaturrrr… We are at Singapore’s mercy. Don’t hesitate to use it. After all, they never do. It’s true, we have to be nice to our neighbours. But, there is always a limit. Neighbours have to respect each other. Asyik kita je, dah berpuluh tahun, mereka masih tak ikut contoh kita. Saya yakin,mereka tak akan berubah. Saya juga yakin, orang Malaysia adalah di kalangan orang yang terbaik dijadikan Allah.Kita ada banyak sumber. Sekarang Najib dah umumkan FELDA bukan saja untuk tanaman kelapa sawit, impian nak jadikan Malaysia gedung makanan. Pastikan ia jadi realiti. It’s not impossible, why not? By the way, kepada orang agriculture, tak boleh ke antara tanaman setiap pokok getah atau kelapa sawit tu digunakan untuk tanaman ulam dan cili?

  47. The Price of Raw Water: Loss or Gain for Johor?
    Singapore buys water from Johor at RM 0.03 sen/4.546 m3 (RM 0.03 sen/1000 gallons). It sells treated water to Johor at RM 0.50/4.546 m3 (RM 0.50/1000 gallons), although treatment costs Singapore RM 2.40/4.546 m3. Effectively, Singapore is subsidising Johor at a rate of RM 1.90/4.546 m3. Table 5 provides the volume of water sold to Johor in selected years.
    Johor presently purchases around 8.14 million m3 (37 million gallons) of water from Singapore daily and sells this at RM 3.95/4.546m3 to its consumers (The Straits Times, 28 January 2002).
    Table 5: Volume of Water Sold to Johor (Thousand m3)
    Year Volume
    1975 21,341.70
    1980 39,841.50
    1985 56,735.20
    1990 51,424.50
    1995 65,501.30
    2000 50,600.30
    Source: Department of Statistics (Singapore)
    Singapore, however, is only legally obliged to sell 3.74 million m3 (17 million gallons) daily to Johor although it has been providing over twice this amount to the state (excess amounting to 20 million gallons per day). Hence, Singapore has been providing a subsidy of RM 29 million to Johor by selling treated water at the rate of RM 0.50/4.546 m3 (Kog, 2001: 18).
    Johor is, however, reportedly suffering losses to the tune of RM 3.2 million (S $1.5 million) per year by buying treated water from Singapore (The Straits Times, 5 February 2002a). This issue was brought up again in November (The Straits Times, 13 November 2002) by the Johor Assembly which this time alleged that Singapore has raked up around S$ 700 million by purchasing raw water from the state over a period of forty years.
    However, based on the stated costs of providing treated water in Malaysia by Long (2001),
    Johor has stood to gain by continuing to purchase water at the subsidised rate of RM 0.50/4.546 m3 from Singapore. Long (2001: 522) cites a figure of RM 6.86 per 4.546 m3 as costs if the Johor government were to process water domestically.19 The Johor government therefore saves RM 6.16 per 4.546 m3 of water, as it only pays Singapore RM 0.50 for an equivalent amount.
    In addition, back-of-the-envelope calculations reveal that Johor derives over RM 50 million
    from the present arrangement of buying treated water from Singapore at RM 0.50/4.546 m3 (RM 0.50/1000 gallons) and reselling at RM 3.95/4.546m3 (RM 3.95/1000 gallons). Based on the calculations undertaken in Table 6, it is difficult to support the contention that Johor has been losing money by buying treated water from Singapore.20
    Table 6: Net Water Revenues Accruing to Malaysia (Johor) Annually (RM) at 2002 Prices
    Raw Water Revenues from Singapore (0.03*350 million gallons/1000)*365
    3.83 million (+)
    Payment Malaysia Makes to Singapore for Treated Water (0.5*37 million gallons/1000)*365
    6.75 million (-)
    Water Revenues Malaysia gets from Sale of Treated Water to its Local Population (3.95*37 million gallons/1000)*365
    53.34 million (+)
    Net Revenues Accruing to Malaysia 50.42 million
    Johor has announced that it would stop buying water from Singapore in 2003 when it completes the construction of its own water treatment plant in Kota Tinggi at a cost of RM 650 million (S$302.7 million) (The Straits Times, 2 November 2002a). This has been confirmed by the Johor Chief Minister, Mr Abdul Ghani Othman on 6 January 2003, who stated that Johor will stop buying treated water from Singapore in mid-2003 (The Straits Times, 6 January 2003). Noting this, the Malaysian Foreign Minister, Mr Syed Hamid Albar said that it was

  48. Tun, all you need to do is to bring up a subject and all your ‘penyokongs’ will lap it all up, like true ‘kaki bodeks’, without analysing the facts or asking pertinent questions.
    Even when you reveal half of the story and forgot to reveal the remaining half, they will still ‘sokong’ you without question.
    Heck, they even accepted your calculation of RM0.03 = SGD0.0042 (0.42 of a cent) without questions asked.
    Maybe you care to explain and/or expand the comments posted by Chal on July 7, 2009 2:44 PM and by thinktank on July 7, 2009 1:53 PM? Or is there no necessity to do so because all your ‘kaki bodeks’ should not and anyway, will not, be bothered by the details?

  49. Bravo, sir. As always, your comments are priceless. Yet I wonder if those is question would understand the meaning behind your words? Hm…

  50. Hi Tun,
    You really made me laugh :DDD.
    Since you hate Singapore so much and dislike LKY, why you still want to give Singapore a “GIFT”???
    You are eating the Sour Grape here.
    Because of your incapable leadership that led to a lopsided deal, now you brag it as a generosity

  51. Dear Tun,
    You forgot to mention that you initiated a package deal. This was to include building the new bridge, re-pricing of water, CPF for Malaysians in exchange for Johore airspace, sand, amd KMT land.
    But you later called off negotiations on the package deal. So much for a win-win situation. Crying over split milk. So much talk about balanced reporting.

  52. Water conflicts between Malaysia and Singapore
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Singapore and Malaysia have a long standing conflict over water supplies.
    On 1 September 1961, the Federation of Malaya signed an agreement giving Singapore the right to draw up to 86 million gallons of water per day collectively from the Tebrau River, the Scudai River, the Pontian Reservoir, and the Gunung Pulai Reservoir, with effect through 2011. On 29 September 1962, a further agreement was signed providing Singapore the right to draw up to 250 million gallons per day from the Johore River, with effect through 2061. Both agreements stipulated the price of 3 Malaysian cents per 1,000 gallons.
    The Malaysian government has stated that the agreements were signed during a different time and that the price should increase. They cite the example of water sold by China to Hong Kong in the past, which was approximately $8 per 1,000 gallons. However, this price comparison is not directly applicable because while China has borne the cost of constructing and maintaining the infrastructure to provide water to Hong Kong, Singapore paid for all the costs of the reservoirs in Johore, the dams, pipelines, plant, equipment, etc. and Singapore continues to pay all the costs of operating and maintaining this infrastructure.
    Malaysia has always been a reliable provider of water to Singapore, but Malaysia has often used threats of cutting off the water supply to pressure Singapore politically. Seeking greater political independence and freedom from such pressures, Singapore has pursued a costly strategy of developing self-sufficiency of water sources.
    As of 2003, about 40% of Singapore’s water came from Malaysia. This proportion has been decreasing as Singapore has pursued its Four Tap Strategy of sourcing water from rainwater, recycling, desalination, and importation. As new desalination and recycling plants come online and new dams are built to create additional reservoirs, Singapore’s dependence on imported water decreases. With decreasing dependence, the potential for conflict is reduced.
    “The water issue between Singapore and Malaysia: no solution in sight?” (PDF). Ecomics and Finance No.1. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

  53. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Our wager is hereby referred to:
    Well you

  54. Ayahanda Tun,
    Izinkan I tambah dua kesimpulan, ini kena panjang sikit, saya kepada DAP Malaysian Malaysia, Mr Lim Guan Eng:-
    Need to work now, bye Ayahanda Tun.

  55. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Saya tak tahu kenapa kerajaan Malaysia dulu amat bermurah hati kepada Singapura sampai boleh membuat perjanjian sebegitu.
    Saya juga pernah melihat dokumentari tentang Singapura.Penjajahan yang dirancang dengan teliti oleh Inggeris bagi merampas Kemasik dengan menabalkan Sultan ‘klon’ bagi merasmikan apa yang dibuat oleh Inggeris.Kesempatan yang diambil ketika berlaku perpecahan kerana perebutan kuasa Sultan orang Melayu.
    Lee Kuan Yew juga menangis teresak-esak ketika pengumuman keluar dari Malaysia.Entah apa yang bagusnya Lee Kuan Yew nak masuk ke dalam Malaysia dan cuba melakukan praktikal mengikut acuan pemikiran dia untuk memajukan negara kononnya.
    Lee Kuan Yew sepatutnya tahu bahawa negara Malaysia adalah tanah Melayu.Orang Melayu bukan sembarangan.Sekarang ini pun kalau bukan kerana ‘kebodohan’ orang Melayu,Singapura mungkin dah lama berkubur.’Kebodohan’ maksud saya sifat simpati dan baik hati yang ikhlas.
    Satu masa Singapura akan ketinggalan.Satu masa nanti.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  56. Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
    Saya telah buat satu komen dalam OBAMA CAIRO SPEECH. Komen ini saya tulis secara “spontaneous” kerana saya BUKAN HAMBA AHLI2 POLITIK DI TANAHAIR KITA. Komen ini disiarkan atau tidak, itu hak istimewa blog
    Ayahanda, Pelik LAH mengapa Mr Obama kini berkawan dengan Republic of Russia, Mr Putin, yang telah menjadi “apanama” Russia semasa Bush’s administration dan masih dapat kekal pangkatnya walaupun Bush (USA Republican) telah di sidekicked by the Democratic Party.
    Mr Bush (USA Republican) asked for a favor as a gift from the current Premier Mr Wu of China to invite him to be the VVIP audience for the Beijing 2008 Olympic before he stepped down as a “gentleman”.
    Our Agong, Tuanku Mizan (our Agong, the King of Kings of Malaysia) was invited too as the VVIP Guest by China Authority, but I did not see Mr Lee Kuan Yew there in the DVD, was he invited as the VVIP guess of Republic of Singapore?
    Bill Gates bought the very expensive VIP room to watch this 1World 1VISION Beijing 2008 Olympic, a drop-out student (not a A’s student BN LAH) and I read this news from The China Press newspaper which reported that Bill Gates was so relax and happy behaving like a “child” waving his pair of hands when the theme song of Beijing Olympic was sang. On the other hand, Jet Li and Jacky Chan bought these expensive VIP rooms like Bill Gates.
    Ayahanda Tun, I am a supporter of Bill Gates because I have learned from him that never2 spoilt your children with monetary rewards, let the children learn to adapt themselves to earn money with CLEAN JOBS so that they will learn to adapt to the new world.
    I am a great supporter of Jet Li too because he is patriotic and honest. When he was confronted with a question on whether he would like his movies to be watched by kids, he answered, “No, these movies are not good for the kids because they are violent and not the real one LAH in reality (means the movies acted by him were twisted and spinned to make money LAH because he is an actor, that it his profession to earn clean money) and are very bad for teenagers.
    However, I am not a fan (peminat)of “Celebriti Kungfu”, Jacky Chan from SAR (Special Administrative Region) Hong Kong which has gained 50 years of DEMOCRACY & CAPITALISM from China, effective in 1997 as SAR HongKong, not SARS Hong Kong, k) though my husband is a hongky and he preferred to live in Hong Kong, but I prefer to live on Malaysia because of our RUKUN NEGARA which I have said loudly with the head prefect during our Monday assembly in primary and secondary school. So I asked my husband, are the Hongkies patriotic now after they have been under Britain Colony for 100 years nows, and after 12 years of returning to her motherland, China, he answered me that it is about 60% of the Hongkies are aware of patriotism. Wow, cepatnya!!!!
    Whether my comment is publish or not by, it is up to Tok Det, k.
    Good day and enjoy yourself Ayahanda Tun.

  57. When will UMNO start to have unity government talk with Singapore?
    How is the agreement betwen Ukraine and Russia over the gas supply to Europe? I think Ukraine was able to ask for more money after a few interupption of supplies to Europe.
    What would happen if the terrorists bomb this water supply pipe to Singapore? Wouldn’t the little middle kingdom fall into emergency? Has any one consider such security problem?

  58. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    What do you want ? That Singapore should sell treated water at full cost to Malaysia ? Is that what you want ? Or that we in Singapore should absorb all costs of water treatment – so that Malaysia makes a profit ? What kind of business dealing is that ? Semua nak free ke ?
    I’m sorry but your kind of thinking is what made Malaysia what it is today – another FAILED Muslim country !
    Malaysia is a failed country – principally because of you. Tunku was right a long time ago. You are a troublemaker. Only the Tunku knows how to deal with you.
    Dr Syed Alwi

  59. salam tun,
    terlintas di kepala saya apabila terbaca komen diatas.
    kenapa kita kena beri subsidi minyak kita kepada org luar?
    sepatutnya kita hanya jual minyak subsidi kepada warga negara sahaja. tidak kira la jika terpaksa tunjukkan mykad jika mahu mengisi minyak. tapi saya rasa tidaklah perlu menunjukkan mykad kerana mykad sendiri mempunyai keupayaan yg diperlukan. masukkan saja di pam dan subsidi akan diberikan. walaupun sedikit, kita perlu berkira. jgn beri hak kita pada org lain.


  61. Ayahanda Tun,
    “Sediakan keranda untuk Khir Toyo, kuda jantan hitam (Black Stallion)”, kata DAP MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA, Mr Lim Guan Eng, peminat kuat Mr ZhuRonJi, China. Alasan beliau kepada anak buahnya Mr Ng yang berada di Shah Alam ialah Kuda Jantan Hitam ini disyaki makan duit Malaysian Malaysia di Negeri Selangor kerana SISTEM KUCING DAP, bukan ANTI-RASUAH Malaysia.
    Beliau kata kepada pihak media kita di Pulau Pinang, “Usah payah sediakan KERANDA untuk saya, saya tidak makan duit kerajaan Pulau Pinang walaupun saya telah menjadi CM Pulau Pinang kurang daripada 2 tahun (tetapi Khir Toyo telah menjadi Menteri Besar Selangor selama 5 lama tahun).
    Saya pindah ke BUNGALOW mewah kerana rumah lama itu terkena anai-anai (white ants). Jadi untuk keselamatan, saya perlu pindah ke bangalow yang mewah ini. Saya berjabat tangan dengan Mr Lee Kuan Yew kerana kami ini adalah “kah ki lang” , kawan dan mungkin saudara mara dari kawasan kampung Fujian, China.
    My advice to Mr Lim Guan Eng,
    1. I JUMP, YOU JUMP (Jack told Rose in the romantic & dramatic movie Titanic)
    2. YOU JUMP, I DON’T JUMP (Anwar told Lim Guan Eng in the Romance of 2 Kingdoms of DAP & PKR sandiwara)
    My conclusion:
    1. Look before you jump
    2. Cina Lalang Jugak
    3. Corrupted person who can be detcted easily is the least
    corrupted person.
    4. Sistem Kucing DAP or DAP CAT System is COPIED Blindly from
    Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore).
    4. Poddle to Anwar
    Good night Ayahanda Tun.

  62. I say we f*** up Singapore the same way they f*** up us. We play the same ball game. We will justify the volume of raw water channel to them by adjusting the 1000 gallons of raw water to say RM 6.00/1000 gallons means that we will only supply them about 5 gallons of raw water until year 2061. It means that we will receive the equivalent 5 gallons of treated water. Once the agreement expires, we turn off the water supply forever and ever.
    Heck, we are not living in the 1950’s anymore. We do have the expertise, the resources and technology to build our very own water treatment plant 1000 times fold the capacity of the ones Singapore have. No need to rely on treated water from Singapore. God knows they might be channeling their failed-NeWater treated sewage water all this time to us Malaysians (Johorians)? In other words, there’s no need for us to honour the one-sided deal anymore.
    We will also need to create a control mechanism to prevent Singapore vehicles from drinking our subsidized oil. Impose immediate ban on Singapore vehicles from entering Malaysia which haven’t paid their Traffic Summons. Jailed them if we have to. After all, they have commit crime in Malaysia, so it is natural for them to be judge here. Notice that most Singaporeans will do their groceries hunt over here in Malaysia on weekends. We will ban them from entering our local Super Market. Instead, we will create a special shopping mall and charged them in Singapore Dollars.
    We have a lot of Singaporeans coming in here saying they are rich and well paid which is very true indeed. So our drastic actions is basically to justify on their self proclaim wealth.
    Owh yeah, please ban Lee Kuan Yew from entering Malaysia. It’s not fair to ban Mr Chin Peng only as Lee Kuan Yew also has his share of Malaysian misery.

  63. Salam Tun…
    To our future leaders …please analyse the long-term impact and not just your own periuk nasik & take thing for granted … A lot of questions you need to answer to your own grand children & Allah later…

  64. Okay Tun M….this is where your comments not only get to becoming ludicrous, it goes to show how gullible your ardent supporters are they just swallow your every word without questioning some of your past statements and how they contradict with your present –
    For one, you started out by commenting
    2. True, I did not negotiate successfully the increase of the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water. You know why? If we demand an increase to 6 sen (100%), Singapore would increase the treated water price to RM1.00 (100%). Of course if we increase to RM6.00 Singapore would demand an increase to 50 x 2000% = RM100.00.
    Then you made this statement
    7. The negotiations failed because Singapore wanted more water beyond 2060. We could not agree to commit the future generations of Malaysians to something that could be to their disadvantage.
    Following which, you also started your additional spin by stating
    10. By 2011 the first agreement would lapse. But the second agreement would lapse only in 2060. Singapore can enjoy 0.42 of one cent per 1000 gallons for another 51 years.
    Care explain to your ardent fan following what the 1st and 2nd agreements were and how what you couldn’t achieve with Singapore, pretty much the subsequent administrations are in the same negotiation constraints?
    I would also like to remind your fan following that in your previous blog, you commented –
    “As for the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water supplied to Singapore Lee says it was absurd for the former Prime Minister of hinterland Malaysia to ask to increase it to RM8 per 1000 gallons. I don’t know where he got this. Some Malaysian officers did suggest this figure but we were ready to bargain and maybe settle for RM3.”
    Well why didn’t you – care explain how that negotiation discussion went sir and what the constraints were (ergo the agreements)
    And I like the way how you completely pin this on Tun Abdullah with your past comment :
    ” The great 5th Prime Minister has decided that since the people of Johore did not want to sell sand to Singapore, Malaysia would not build any bridge, straight or crooked, or negotiate and settle the other issues like the Central Provident Fund, the Railway land. Maybe the 5th Prime Minister thinks he is punishing Singapore. Actually he is giving Singapore what its wants including the 3 sen per 1000 gallons water until 2061. Think of how many grains of nasi lemak we can buy with 3 sen in 2061. Imagine what 1000 gallons will earn for Singapore at that time. Can’t think of a more astute PM for Malaysia.”
    Your sarcasm in pure Tun M style only shows that you’ld rather just criticise all this on Tun Abdullah, without having to explain how those existing agreements were locked in till 2060, something which you could not alter, else you would have.
    To all Tun M supporters – ask this, why is Tun raising this water and sand issue. Is it that the leaders of Malaysia post Tun don’t want to see Malaysian coffers being better off, or is there some agenda and malice Tun M. has against his successor.
    Of course if you want to praise your beloved Tun M. and not check on the clarity and consistency of his arguments…that’s your right to be wanting to be ignorant!

    You said it-lah. Eric Chia also implyed such and Tajuddin Ramli some more confirm mean must be-lah. Very smart that Taj, after you retire then double-cross and push the blame to you. Now no more friends already. Cannot see each other. Hilang satu kawan.
    It is not too late! Ronald Reagan was a disasterous Hollywood B-actor but became President at the age of 70 for 8 years until 78! Abraham Lincoln flunked elections 8 times before becoming one of the greatest US Presidents. Another great US President John Kennedy had only 3 years before assasination. Even Jesus Christ too only had 3 years’ ministry. Have you ever heard of the word ‘comeback’? N. Mandela spent over 20 years in prison before becoming President for just one team and he is one of the greatest statesmen alive.
    Have you heard of OVERNIGHT FAME? Daniel Radcliffe for instance was a nobody until Harry Potter, nor Hayden Christensen until Star Wars. Just dalam sekelip mata they became INSTANT LEGENDS.
    You were already reasonable well-known throughout the world. But after the “Jews rule this world by proxy” speech you became ever more famous until some foreign press claim the news even reached “little villages in western Europe”…i.e. until even the most remote common man from the other side of the world knows you. That is the benchmark!
    Populariti ni kadangkala ada turun-naiknya. Bila berita hangat masa tulah naik tinggi-tinggi lepas tu bila cool down dia mula turun. Bila dah stabil itulah tahap sebenar.
    Buat apa susah-susah ‘shoot from the sidelines’; pergilah centre dekat-dekat habislah.
    You just need the BREAKTHROUGH, EVEN ONE (would do), a defining moment, moments like the “proxy” speech to propel you and rocketblast you straight to the top. If not it’s the slow, long, painful road.
    Do Rafidah, me, you and all Msians a favour by asking her just contest any top posts in UMNO to be PM. One in a million-wor, takkan nak bazir ni.
    If you meet Rafidah tell her I said this. “You were foolish not to contest the Vice-presidency after quite a stint at Wanita. In return the Wanita repayed you by throwing you out twice (over Siti Zaharah and now Sharizat). Don’t be a fool again. Contest the Presidency and become PM. It is your destiny. Prime Minister Rafidah Aziz rings. Enough with this ‘no ambition’ excuse. This is national service. You are a public property and owe your life to God and all Malaysians. You cannot betray the trust bestowed upon you. You can become probably one of the greatest stateswomen in the world equal to Mandela or Caesar, and you don’t?? Malaysia will be crying for your blood. ‘No contest’, “Support incumbents’ and ‘Close ranks” is just the lame excuse top leaders give just to avoid challenge and being kicked out themselves! Just contest. Meritocracy. May the best man/woman win. This is national service. Repent and contest!
    Nj is at his weakest. 40% approval rating. He dare not even call for a vote of confidence, afraid it will become a vote of NO confidence. His government is weak. Mahathir has counted 7 sins from Nj against him, including the latest liberalization measure, which according to Dr.M is just to be ‘popular’. If he screws up just once more that’s it; Anwar Ibrahim will be PM.
    The west will hail Anwar as the great icon of Freedom and democracy; and Mahathir as the little dictator. How about that?

  66. Dear Tun,
    Be forewarned the “THE MODERN MIDDLE KINGDOM” wanting to rule Malaysia, Indonesia & Thailand by proxy of the money i.e. big businesses and money – ala Isreal the US and the West.
    This “THE MODERN MIDDLE KINGDOM” using money to buy influence and decision in the hinterland to get what they want.
    This “THE MODERN MIDDLE KINGDOM” uses money to sell their “Meritocracy” Stupidity – its all just a show. To show the indigenious people are lesser humans that the migrants – esp those from the northeast.
    This “THE MODERN MIDDLE KINGDOM” is brainwashing the indigenious population with their slanted views of the world – making these people think they are lesser humans.
    This “THE MODERN MIDDLE KINGDOM” don’t care for the indigenious people. They only care for their status as “THE MODERN MIDDLE KINGDOM”!
    This “THE MODERN MIDDLE KINGDOM” draws in the billions of dollars made legally or illegally from the hinterland into their banks (they actually are like the swiss banks) to use for their covert campaign to subjugate the indigenious people.

  67. Dear Tun,
    True to form, the Singapore government seems to be benefitting from both sides of the coin.
    Singapore government wins, Singaporeans and Malaysia lose.

  68. Salam YAB Tun,
    Seperti minyak, air juga adalah anugerah Allah kepada kita. Setiap manusia memerlukan air untuk hidup dan air adalah satu daripada keperluan asas setiap kehidupan.
    Kita di Malaysia bernasib baik kerana terdapat banyak sumber air dari keluasan kawasan tadahan hujan bagi ampangan, dari sungai-sungai, tasik-tasik, air bawah-tanah, dsn. Negara jiran kita Singapura hanya memiliki keluasan 710 Sq Km dengan penduduknya seramai 4.8 juta orang sahaja. Kawasan tadahan hujan yang kecil ini pasti tidak cukup untuk menampung bekalan air bagi penduduknya.
    Atas keperihatinan pemimpin-pemimpin kita dahulu dan juga atas sebab perikemanusiaan, satu perjanjian bersama telah ditandatangani untuk membekalkan air pada kadar dan pada harga yang telah dipersetujui bersama dan hingga hari ini perjanjian itu masih diguna pakai.
    Memang benar jika dikira menurut sudut pandangan sebagai ahli perniagaan ianya jelas satu kerugian yang nyata, tetapi jika dilihat dari sudut keperikemanusiaan, ternyata pada hakikatnya kitalah yang menyara hidup mereka dengan membekalkan air setiap hari untuk memastikan mereka tidak mati kehausan di pulau itu.
    Secara purata pengunaan air di Malaysia bagi setiap orang adalah antara 100 – 200 liter sehari dimana secara purata 3 liter untuk diminum. Di negara maju seperti US dan Canada pengunaan air adalah antara 300 – 500 liter sehari manakala bagi negara-negara dunia ketiga yang miskin hanya sekitar 10 liter sehari bagi setiap orang.
    Kita boleh terus membekalkan air kepada Singapura tetapi kita harus mengkaji dan meletakkan syarat bekalan yang ada had. Ia itu terhad kepada satu jumlah yang munasabah mengikut kegunaan dan keperluan berdasarkan jumlah bilangan rakyatnya sahaja. Ini adalah had yang dinamakan had perikemanusiaan kita atas sesama manusia yang hanya orang-orang seperti kita sahaja yang akan faham. Sebagai contoh jika seorang 10 liter, maka 4.8 juta orang ialah 48 juta liter sehari pada harga 3 sen.
    Apa-apa yang melebihi had tersebut harus di caj dengan kadar yang lebih tinggi kerena tarif atau harga air bagi tujuan domestic dan non-domestic adalah berbeza, begitu juga bagi kawasan urban dan rural juga tidak sama. Harga air bagi kegunaan pertanian dan perindustrian juga berbeza tarifnya. Ini dinamakan harga jualan atas perniagaan air untuk mencari keuntungan yang mana semua orang termasuk mereka sendiri tentu faham.
    Pada masa sekarang ini untuk mendapatkan bekalan air bersih adalah amat susah manakala permintaannya adalah meningkat tinggi. Maka apa-apa yang susah diperolehi dan mempunyai permintaan yang tinggi pasti mempunyai harganya tersendiri dan ini merupakan prinsip asas dalam ekonomi. Maka, “the more you use, the more you pay” bukannya kita memberi diskaun kepada “high-volume users”.
    Kita sepatutnya lebih utamakan serta memberi lebih tumpuan dalam usaha untuk membantu negeri-negeri di Malaysia yang susah untuk mendapat kekalan air bersih seperti Kelantan dan Sabah daripada mengungkit-ungkit dan berkira sangat tentang untung-rugi perjanjian bekalan air ke Singapura yang telah dipersetujui bersama berabad dahulu.
    Pemimpin-pemimpin kita dahulu bukanlah terdiri daripada ahli-ahli perniagaan yang hebat-hebat seperti kebanyakan yang ada sekarang. Mereka tidak tamak serta mementingkan keuntungan sahaja, tetapi mereka dahulu adalah orang-orang yang berakhlak, ikhlas, warak dan betul-betul mempraktikkan segala ajaran agama mereka.
    Menghulur bantuan dan menolong orang lain adalah perkara asas dan biasa bagi mana-mana pemimpin yang tulin. Segala bantuan dan pertolongan yang telah mereka berikan tidaklah patut rasanya kita pula cuba ungkit, menyoal serta tolong menghebahkan.

  69. Dear Tun,
    Singapore government plan ahead for the future even when they first separated from Malaysia:
    1) Land is a constraint for future population growth.
    Solution: Demolish landed property and build residential flats all over the country and you can see the landscape today. Not pretty off course with concrete jungle, but manage to solve the main problem. Land reclaimation is also on going.
    2) Military strength is questionable:
    Solution: Ally with United States
    3) No natural resources in the island/country, thus no income:
    Solution: Encourage foreign investment, strive through innovation and technology.
    4) Limited genius and intellectual owing to limited population:
    Solution: lure all genius to the country ( Mainly from Malaysia ). Provide scholarships to top students from Malaysia that was somehow missed by the Malaysian government.
    5) Water contract with Malaysia ends 2060:
    Possible Solution: R&D and Technology ( treated rain water, sea water ). Some Malaysians PHD are actually working for Singaporean government in fine tuning the project!!!

  70. salam: i think WONG has a point.
    “On the other hand, if it’s a losing business, can’t we stop selling to them at all? Maybe there’s a contractual obligation to supply, but what’s the penalty of breaking it? Probably it’s more worth it to pay the penalty than supplying water at such ludicrous price!!!”
    and i think the PM of 22 years should explain more and in detail instead of tunding jari dan memperlekehkan kerajaan sekarang. After all, you were thee PM for 22 YEARS!
    fariz ghazali.

  71. From official records we know you are guilty of not publishing the whole truth. Malaysians who are emotional will get aroused by your statements, and is that you want?
    If the dams were not built, all the water will flow into the sea. Johoreans will continue to drink from the wells and rivers. That is why the former leaders sign the water pact. A win-win deal. It could have been re-negotiated in 1987 but Johore forego the exercise because Singpore had not stuck to the agreement and supplied treated water way beyond the contracted amount.
    No one is foolish. Singapore paid for damming, treating and distributing.
    Tun can you face Allah?

  72. Dear Tun,
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan apa yang telah diperkatakan oleh Prof. DiRaja Ungku Aziz. “MELAYU KENA JADI KIASU”. Sebab kita selalu dipermainkan oleh orang KIASU.

  73. Salam Sejahtera Tun dan Keluarga.
    1)Tun kami rakyaat sangat banyak terhutang budi dengan Tun.
    Tun ada lah pembela dan pejuang Ugama, bangsa dan negara.
    2)Tun demi maruah Agama, Bangsa dan Negara di harap rakyaat Malaysia tidak akan berputus asa dan juangkan hak mereka.
    3)Kami sangat berharap rakyaat kita mencontohi Tun yang tidak mengenal masa.penat lelah dan usia demi meperjuangkan raakyat dan tanah air.
    4)Boleh di ibarat kan Tun saperti lilin yang membakar diri sendiri demi memperjuangkan Ugama, Bangsa dan Negara.
    5)Boleh kah Singapura di ambil semula saperti tanah besar cina mengambil semula Hongkong dan Macau.Mungkin tak mustahil.
    6)Saperti Tun katakan dulu pemimpin pemimpin yang bertindak sesuka hati demi kepentingan sendiri akan di hina dan di cela sampai kekubor.
    7)Tun with all my heart I really salute you for what you have done.
    I pray to ALLAH for you for all your good deeds.Tun jaga kesihatan.

  74. “Allah gave this country with all the natural resources that Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong will die for. Instead we are still third world while these countries are all first world. Where did all the vast natural resources go to ? Tun M knows better than most. What happens when we are a net importer of oil in 2014 ? Tun M knows that too.” by Godfather.
    well said, i fully agree.
    Mr LKY keeps telling the next generations to learn english as to communicate to the world. But our country ‘greatest leader’ changed the medium of teaching in schools from english to malay. Now our graduates can’t even communicate effectively to the world.
    Now, i was WONDERING who was that ‘greatest leader’ ?

  75. Dear Tun,
    While you are harping on this water issue and giving your Badawi & Najib big “headache”, Singapore may have already compile a point to point rebuttal of your grievances. Guess what!,in the eventuality that this disagreement go to a third party, Malaysia lose face again.
    I can only speculate, as I don’t have as much the informations that you had (so mamy years as PM).This water agreement must be tied to some other issues which Malaysian side didn’t fulfill as parts of the deals.
    Whatever it is , move on, gain an advantage in your next dealing.
    You win some ,you lose some, I am sure Malaysia have good negotiators , or have you?

  76. salam TUN
    RUPANYA air bersih kita ni dari singapore pulak.kalau kita naik harga, depa pun naik harga.kira adat dunia lah tu…
    kalau kita naik harga,depa tak naik harga,sudah tentu ada udang sebalik batu….mungkinkah pasirrr atauuuu????
    kalau kita dapat teknologi merawat air tu,singapore menagis tak berlagu lah.hubungan kita mungkin jadi renggang la kan.tak elok la mcm tu.
    saya yakin singapore tu sekarang da mcm cacing kepanasan.lambat laun mereka akan berada kat bawah tapak kaki kita.yang penting kita terus ‘pandang ke depan’berusaha memajukan negara dan rakyat.
    senario politik negara kita sekarang membuatkan negara kita tersekat untuk maju,negara dan orang luar akan mencuri peluang dari keadaan ini..
    TERIMA KASIH TUN,dengan penerangan tentang harga air ni,baru lah saya faham situasinya.mungkin pada zaman TUN M,TUN LAH,NAJIB tak dapat nak ngajar singapore ni,ITS OK.pelan2…generasi m tak pupus lagi sampai 2060

    -In addition to your upcoming memoirs may I also suggest you produce a BOOK containing all your QUOTES considering that you are such a quotable person.
    -Another BOOK you can pen is one on SNIPPETS, since you always have interesting and sharp viewpoints on many subjects including mozzarella cheese and cobble stones?
    -I see that you have already produced a book containing selected letters by you to world leaders, which is good. Perhaps you can also publish selected letters by and to Arab, African and other leaders too.
    -You should also have another book updating your photos and pictorial journey, and also a book on speeches (this can be broken down into UMNO speeches, international forums etc.)
    -You should also have a simple book highlighting your programs and achievements. No need for too many words; just the main points following the pictures will do.
    -You should then pen books on every thing else.
    -You, or rather your thinktank should also pen a personal SONG by the title Mahathir and whose lyrics sing about

  78. sudahlah Tun … baik kita kerja kuat untuk mengecapi kejayaan, dan bukan selalunya mengapi-ngapikan sifat dendam terhadap orang lain …
    tidak baik dan berdosa sekiranya selalu menyindir kejayaan orang lain kerana sikap dengki, dan menafikan kegagalan sendiri dengan pelbagai alasan
    Berikutlah nilai minda yg ditanam di minda pembodek-pembodek
    Kata Orang: Tengok, dahulunya Singapura mempuyai taraf yg sama dengan Malaysia, tetapi kini mereka lebih maju
    Pembodek: Mestilah, Singapura itu kecil, sebab itu mudah dikendalikan dan menjadikan mereka maju … kita Malaysia besar, susah nak tanding
    Kata Orang: Tengok, 25 tahun dahulunya China amat miskin berbanding dengan Malaysia, tetapi kini mereka lebih maju
    Pembodek: Mestilah, China itu besar, sebab itu mereka mempunyai kekayaan semulajadi yg mencukupi untuk menjadikan mereka maju … kita Malaysia kecil, susah nak tanding
    inilah nilai yg diajar, selalu adanya pelbagai alasan mengapa orang lain lebih berjaya … dan pelbagai alasan kenapa diri sendiri lebih mundur …
    haih … entahlah bila baru boleh sedar diri …

  79. I’m sure INCOMING UMNO President and ELECTION delegates after seeing dr.M know by now what type of leader is a leader. But just to double check, here are some pointers.
    WHAT MAKES A GREAT LEADER – minimal qualities I’ve observed from none other than Dr.M himself necessary to at least be successful as a national statesman if not beyond…
    STRONG LEADERSHIP – Dr.M – iron man
    NATIONALIST/PATRIOTIC – Dr.M always Malaysia this Malaysia that defend independence etc.
    MOTIVATOR, INSPIRATOR, MOBILIZER, MOVER – Malaysia Boleh, climb Everest, go to space
    BIG THINKER, BIG IDEAS, VISIONAIRE, CREATIVE – megaproject, tallest building
    UPHOLD VALUES – call people to be hardworking, reject money politics etc.
    CHARISMA AND LOOKS OF A GREAT LEADER – if ain’t got the looks, he ain’t got nothing…how can people see him as great if they can’t even SEE him as great?
    These I have personally observed from Mahathir and Anwar who have made in INTERNATIONALLY.
    1. WESTERNIZED – I’m sure you’ve seen in Hollywood movies and in news how 3rd world leader who go to White House look and are preceived…ulu and straight from the jungle.
    2. STRONG LEADERSHIP – if you’re too weak to even lead a country, how to even lead the world?
    TO BE A LEGEND …like Stalin, Lenin,…or even umm Suharto…
    He should possess:

  80. To all Malaysian,
    the facts abt water agreements that we should know.
    Singapore and Malaysia have signed four agreements to regulate the supply of water from Malaysia to Singapore. The first – signed in 1927 – is no longer in force. Water imported from Malaysia under the other three agreements – signed in 1961, 1962 and 1990 – now meets about half of Singapore’s water demand. However, this will be reduced after the 1961 pact expires in 2011. The government has also stated that Singapore can be self-sufficient in water by the time the 1962 and 1990 agreements expire in 2061.
    1927 Agreement
    This was signed on 5 December 1927 between the municipal commissioners of the town of Singapore and Sultan Ibrahim of the state and territories of Johor. It allowed Singapore to rent 2,100 acres (8.5km2) of land in Gunong Pulai for the purpose of supplying raw water from the area to Singapore. An annual rent of 30 cents per acre (per 4,047m2) was payable on the land, but the water was free. Johor set aside an additional 25mi2 (64.7km2) of land and agreed not to alienate any part of this land without the consent of the Singapore commissioners. If the latter wanted to reserve any part of this plot for drawing water, they had to give notice to the Johor government and pay an annual rent of $5 per acre. In return, Johor could obtain 800,000 gallons (3,637m3) of treated water from Singapore daily at a rate of 25 cents per 1,000 gallons (per 4.55m3).
    1961 Agreement
    This was called the Tebrau and Scudai Rivers Water Agreement. It was signed on 1 September 1961 between the city council of the state of Singapore (the predecessor of the Public Utilities Board or PUB) and the government of the state of Johor. By then, Singapore was a self-governing state within the British empire while Malaya was already an independent nation. The 1927 agreement was declared void in this document.
    The agreement gave Singapore the full and exclusive right to draw off all the water within the designated land at Gunong Pulai, Sungei Tebrau and Sungei Scudai for a period of 50 years up till 2011. Singapore was to pay an annual rent of $5 per acre for the land and a charge of 3 cents for every 1,000 gallons of water. Singapore also agreed to provide Johor with a daily supply of treated water up to 12% of the raw water it drew, subject to a minimum of four million gallons (18,184m3), and at a price of 50 cents per 1,000 gallons.
    1962 Agreement
    Called the Johor River Water Agreement, this was signed on 29 September 1962 between the Singapore city council and the Johor state government. Valid for 99 years up till 2061, it gave Singapore the full and exclusive right to draw water from Johor River up to a maximum of 250 million gallons per day (mgd) (1.14 million cubic metres a day). In return, Johor was entitled to a daily supply of treated water from Singapore up to 2% of the raw water it supplied.
    Singapore had to pay rent for the land it used “at the standard rate applicable to building lots on town land”. The water prices remained the same as in the previous agreement – 3 cents per 1,000 gallons of raw water supplied to Singapore and 50 cents per 1,000 gallons of treated water sold to Johor. After Singapore and Malaysia stopped using a common currency, the prices became denominated in Malaysian ringgit.
    The 1961 and 1962 agreements provided for a price review after 25 years, with arbitration being the agreed course of action if bilateral price negotiations failed. However, the Johor government chose not to revise the prices at both opportunities, in 1986 and 1987.
    The Independence of Singapore Agreement (also known as the Separation Agreement) signed between the governments of Singapore and Malaysia on 9 August 1965 guaranteed the 1961 and 1962 water agreements.
    1990 Agreement
    This was signed on 24 November 1990 between PUB and the Johor state government. It was supplementary to the 1962 pact and would also expire in 2061. A separate document was signed on the same day by the governments of Malaysia and Singapore to guarantee adherence to the agreement.
    Under this agreement, Singapore was allowed to construct a dam across Sungei Linggui to facilitate the extraction of water from Johor River, with Johor setting aside about 21,600ha (216km2) of land for the project. Singapore agreed to pay RM320 million as compensation for the permanent loss of use of the land and its associated revenue, in addition to a premium of RM18,000 per hectare (per 10,000m2) and an annual rent of RM30 for every 1,000ft2 (per 92.9m2) of the land. The cost of building and maintaining the dam would be borne by Singapore.
    In return, Singapore could buy (from Johor) treated water generated by the new dam. This would be over and above the 250mgd of raw water that it was allowed to draw from Johor River under the 1962 agreement. The price of this additional supply would be calculated based on a fixed formula: the weighted average of Johor’s water tariffs plus 50% of the surplus from the sale of this water by PUB to its consumers after deducting Johor’s price and PUB’s cost of distribution, or 115% of the weighted average of Johor’s water tariffs, whichever was higher.
    This agreement was a follow-up to the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed on 28 June 1988 between the two countries’ prime ministers at the time, Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore and Mahathir Mohamad for Malaysia. The signing of the MOU was hailed as a breakthrough in Singapore-Malaysia water relations, the culmination of six years of difficult negotiations.
    Beyond 2061
    The Singapore government has stated that it will not renew the 1961 agreement which expires in 2011. Attempts to reach a new deal with Malaysia to secure water supply for Singapore beyond 2061 have not borne fruit despite years of tedious negotiations. To reduce Singapore’s dependence on imported water, the government has taken steps to increase the size of the local water catchment area and to build up the supply from non-conventional sources, namely NEWater (reclaimed water) and desalinated water. With the various water projects progressing well, government officials have assured Singaporeans that the country can be self-reliant in water by 2061 if it needs to be.

  81. My son will be nine this year.
    This would mean that every day, since he is in his ibu

  82. /// By azlan95 on July 7, 2009 8:24 AM
    I think you need to do something, something which will be permanent. I suggest you start a campaign for a new act in parliament – “Akta Perjanjian Air Singapura Selepas 2060.”
    In this new act the terms must be clearly specified, such as what price you want from the sale of 1,000 gallons. If you think US 2 dollars is a fair price then make sure it appears in writing. ///
    azlan95 – have you thought through what you are suggesting? Will it solve anything at all? Isn’t the current contract clearly specified and in writing? It says 3 sen per 1,000 gallons very clearing and in writing. How clear do you want it to be? The problem is breaking the contract. Okay, say you think US2 dollar is fair. In 20 years’ time, mahathir the second will say – not fair – let’s renegotiate. When will it end?

  83. Singapore and Malaysia have signed four agreements to regulate the supply of water from Malaysia to Singapore. The first – signed in 1927 – is no longer in force. Water imported from Malaysia under the other three agreements – signed in 1961, 1962 and 1990 – now meets about half of Singapore’s water demand. However, this will be reduced after the 1961 pact expires in 2011. The government has also stated that Singapore can be self-sufficient in water by the time the 1962 and 1990 agreements expire in 2061.
    1927 Agreement
    This was signed on 5 December 1927 between the municipal commissioners of the town of Singapore and Sultan Ibrahim of the state and territories of Johor. It allowed Singapore to rent 2,100 acres (8.5km2) of land in Gunong Pulai for the purpose of supplying raw water from the area to Singapore. An annual rent of 30 cents per acre (per 4,047m2) was payable on the land, but the water was free. Johor set aside an additional 25mi2 (64.7km2) of land and agreed not to alienate any part of this land without the consent of the Singapore commissioners. If the latter wanted to reserve any part of this plot for drawing water, they had to give notice to the Johor government and pay an annual rent of $5 per acre. In return, Johor could obtain 800,000 gallons (3,637m3) of treated water from Singapore daily at a rate of 25 cents per 1,000 gallons (per 4.55m3).
    1961 Agreement
    This was called the Tebrau and Scudai Rivers Water Agreement. It was signed on 1 September 1961 between the city council of the state of Singapore (the predecessor of the Public Utilities Board or PUB) and the government of the state of Johor. By then, Singapore was a self-governing state within the British empire while Malaya was already an independent nation. The 1927 agreement was declared void in this document.
    The agreement gave Singapore the full and exclusive right to draw off all the water within the designated land at Gunong Pulai, Sungei Tebrau and Sungei Scudai for a period of 50 years up till 2011. Singapore was to pay an annual rent of $5 per acre for the land and a charge of 3 cents for every 1,000 gallons of water. Singapore also agreed to provide Johor with a daily supply of treated water up to 12% of the raw water it drew, subject to a minimum of four million gallons (18,184m3), and at a price of 50 cents per 1,000 gallons.
    1962 Agreement
    Called the Johor River Water Agreement, this was signed on 29 September 1962 between the Singapore city council and the Johor state government. Valid for 99 years up till 2061, it gave Singapore the full and exclusive right to draw water from Johor River up to a maximum of 250 million gallons per day (mgd) (1.14 million cubic metres a day). In return, Johor was entitled to a daily supply of treated water from Singapore up to 2% of the raw water it supplied.
    Singapore had to pay rent for the land it used “at the standard rate applicable to building lots on town land”. The water prices remained the same as in the previous agreement – 3 cents per 1,000 gallons of raw water supplied to Singapore and 50 cents per 1,000 gallons of treated water sold to Johor. After Singapore and Malaysia stopped using a common currency, the prices became denominated in Malaysian ringgit.
    The 1961 and 1962 agreements provided for a price review after 25 years, with arbitration being the agreed course of action if bilateral price negotiations failed. However, the Johor government chose not to revise the prices at both opportunities, in 1986 and 1987.
    The Independence of Singapore Agreement (also known as the Separation Agreement) signed between the governments of Singapore and Malaysia on 9 August 1965 guaranteed the 1961 and 1962 water agreements.
    1990 Agreement
    This was signed on 24 November 1990 between PUB and the Johor state government. It was supplementary to the 1962 pact and would also expire in 2061. A separate document was signed on the same day by the governments of Malaysia and Singapore to guarantee adherence to the agreement.
    Under this agreement, Singapore was allowed to construct a dam across Sungei Linggui to facilitate the extraction of water from Johor River, with Johor setting aside about 21,600ha (216km2) of land for the project. Singapore agreed to pay RM320 million as compensation for the permanent loss of use of the land and its associated revenue, in addition to a premium of RM18,000 per hectare (per 10,000m2) and an annual rent of RM30 for every 1,000ft2 (per 92.9m2) of the land. The cost of building and maintaining the dam would be borne by Singapore.
    In return, Singapore could buy (from Johor) treated water generated by the new dam. This would be over and above the 250mgd of raw water that it was allowed to draw from Johor River under the 1962 agreement. The price of this additional supply would be calculated based on a fixed formula: the weighted average of Johor’s water tariffs plus 50% of the surplus from the sale of this water by PUB to its consumers after deducting Johor’s price and PUB’s cost of distribution, or 115% of the weighted average of Johor’s water tariffs, whichever was higher.
    This agreement was a follow-up to the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed on 28 June 1988 between the two countries’ prime ministers at the time, Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore and Mahathir Mohamad for Malaysia. The signing of the MOU was hailed as a breakthrough in Singapore-Malaysia water relations, the culmination of six years of difficult negotiations.

  84. Tun, firstly, pls check your calculations again. 3 sen is equal to 1.25 Singapore cent, not 0.42 of a cent.
    Your statement : “True, I did not negotiate successfully the increase of the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water. You know why? If we demand an increase to 6 sen (100%), Singapore would increase the treated water price to RM1.00 (100%). Of course if we increase to RM6.00 Singapore would demand an increase to 50 x 2000% = RM100.00.”
    Why do we need to buy the treated water from Singapore? Can’t we increase the price of raw water and not buy any treated water from them? Or is the purchase of treated water also contracted? And if so, who signed it and when does it expire?
    Your statement : “Yet Malaysia willingly gave up its naval base at Woodlands without asking for any compensation for the facilities owned by Malaysia there”.
    Why give up the Naval Base just like that? Or is it because the lease period ended? Why didn’t we ask for any compensation for the facilities?
    Why it seems that we, the rakyat, is always given half the picture and not the whole picture itself? Why not tell the whole story and then let us, the rakyat, judge for ourselves? BTW, no selective memory lapses, please.

  85. Salam Tun…
    Memetik kata-kata tu di dalam Malay Dilemma..kerajaan (pada masa perjanjian ini dibuat) ditadbir oleh kabinet yang bersidang untuk memenuhi kehendak demokrasi. Kabinet dibentuk oleh “ahli ahli” yang kurang berupaya atau langsung tidak punya upaya. JELAS, jika ini naluri pemimpin zaman tersebut, tidak ada apa yang lucu dgn tinggalan yang tidak masuk akal.
    ” …keputusan yang dibuat oleh majlis tertinggi ada kalanya tidak perlu dimaklumkan kepada ahli parti…” – malay dilemma

  86. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I am surprise because all these years we are providing singapore not only food, water and the better standard of living that they are in right now but we are also subsidizing our fuel too to singaporean cars. My question is for how long are we going to continue to feed singapore the free lunches. Why is our prime minister now keeping quite about these thing and not take the necessary steps to curb or control the damages done by so called mr flip flop “clean”. When are we going for these liberalization and the independence of singapore from Malaysia. My advise to our prime minister is to take necessary actions before its too late. These are the things that our beloved country of ours can save in times of economic crisis. I sometimes wonder in any agreement with singapore, why are we always the ones that will suffered in the end and it seems like eternity for us to reach 2060.
    I pray to Allah that you and your family are always in good health and blessed. Once again Tun, thank you very much for your concerns to remind us the ordinary people of what is going. May Allah bless us all, “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir”. Aminnnn…..

  87. Saya sedih dengan keadaan ini. Malaysia menjadi mangsa buli negara kecil dan ketamakan sebahagian pemimpin dan penjawat awam.
    Saya yakin, bila tiba tahun 2060, Singapura dan Malaysia akan menemui kata sepakat untuk menyambung kontrak selama 100 tahun lagi. Ini bukannya disebabkan oleh kita tak ada pakar atau kurang bijak, tetapi orang yang diberi tanggungjawab akan terjebak dengan rasuah. Rombongan yang berunding dengan rombongan Singapura hanyalah beberapa orang sahaja. Sedangkan perwakilan UMNO yang beratus jumlahnya boleh dirasuah, inikan pula rombongan sekecil itu.
    Saya cadangkan kita buat referendum. Biar rakyat yang tentukan samada menerima atau menolak tawaran “menarik” dari Singapura.
    Kami tak makan rasuah dan tak gila kebendaan. Kami mati tak bawa harta.

  88. Salam Tun,
    Tak letih ke duk tulis pasal Singapura siap dengan kira kira sekali.
    Percayalah Singapura akan runtuh satu hari nanti tapi bukan dengan kekuatan Malaysia malah dengan sendirinya.

  89. The Singapore government profited so much from selling its own people water at a marked up price, profited from taxes, etc. If only there is people in Singapore who is as brave as you to question the government: WHERE DID THE MONEY GO.
    Well I know part of it, like around $51b, was burnt by Temasek.

  90. A’kum YBhg Tun dan famili semoga sihatx selalu.
    1. Umpama duri dalam daging.
    2. Perkara yg dah selesai (tak mau bincang) masih dibangkitkan lagi. Bila kita sebut perkara ini, tibax emosi kita terganggu sebab tak puas hati. Kenapa tak puas hati? Sebab masalah masih tak selesai seperti yg kita inginkan, kita banyak memberi/beralah kemudian kita makan hati.
    3. Saya rasa bukan saya seorang yg tak faham malahan ramai rakyat Malaysia juga tak faham. Kita mempunyai ramai perunding, pemikir dan pemimpinj yg hebatx, tetapi kita masih tak boleh mendapat hasil rundingan yg win win dengan S’pore.
    4. Jadi apakah butirx rundingan air ini cuma berkisar mengenai harga? Atau ada perkara lain yg menyekat kita daripada mendapat keputusan yang kita semua inginkan?

  91. Salam Tun,
    Why not Malaysia just stop buying treated water from Singapore. Let Malaysian drink our own treated water. Then, we have reason to reduce the water supply to Singapore, and reduce the unfairness.
    Semoga Tun sekeluarga sentiasa diberikan kesihatan yg berpanjangan, dimurahkan rezeki & dipanjangkan umur. Amin.

  92. Salam Tun,
    It seems that the younger leaders of Malaysia don’t have any suspicions of Singapore’s intentions or they have not learnt from the bitter experiences of leaders of your generation when dealing with Singaporeans.
    They will take whatever you are offering and more and try to avoid giving anything in return. I have seen in in my dealings with Singaporeans, via an Asean working group, when I was working with a Malaysian statutory body!
    I think our politicians have to keep Singaporeans happy as they have too much investments there…!

  93. Dengan Izin Tun Terima kasih..
    Being in the know is good..
    Telling them who did not know is good..
    Knowing that you know that you could not revealed all that you know is heart wrenching..
    Knowing that the one who cause trouble did not know makes you sigh and snigger..
    Telling the unknown to the ingrate is never done
    But keep telling us the needs to know and you will realized we will forever be informed and thankful to you..
    For that I am indebted to you..
    Please keeps informing us because..
    Tetaplah memberi peringatan kerana peringatan itu berguna bagi orang orang-orang mukmin..
    Surah Azzariyat Ayat 55..
    Terima kasih Tun..

  94. Salam Tun
    Tun, you said in your blog :
    [If we demand an increase to 6 sen (100%), Singapore would increase the treated water price to RM1.00 (100%) ]
    [The cost of treatment is not RM2.40 as alleged. It was only RM1.20]
    [The negotiations failed because Singapore wanted more water beyond 2060.]
    [By 2011 the first agreement would lapse. But the second agreement would lapse only in 2060. Singapore can enjoy 0.42 of one cent per 1000 gallons for another 51 years]
    Unbelievable! I now see the climax and finale to your article on Singapore water (or is there some more?) It seems we Malaysians are not the only victims to the Singapore water agreement but their very own Singaporean citizens also “kena”. Hmm..this Lee Kuan Yew is a very shrewd businessman indeed!
    I am very disappointed to learn about the existence of “the Second Agreement”. Boo hoo hoo (crying)..don’t tell me we have to be footing a loss on our bills until 2060 ! I thought we suffer only up till 2011. Haiya…I think we must stop supplying water to Singapore and claim the contract to be “ulta vires” based on its “unreasonability”. Boleh tak ?
    Finally, after a thorough total review of your article, I come to one final conclusion : STOP SUPPLYING SINGAPORE WITH WATER AND TREAT OUR OWN WATER OURSELVES!
    (On a side note, Tun : I read with interest about your response to a reporter’s question on Najib’s liberalisation process where you said you disagreed with the abolishment of the 30% Bumiputra stake. I wholeheartedly agree with you and I was waiting for you to say it and also to write an article on this in chedet. On a more personal front, I truly thought that the abolishment of the 30% Bumiputra stake would be executed by a non-Malay “Prime Minister” should we have one in the very distant future. Never in my mind did I think it would be abolished by a Malay, Bumiputra himself Prime Minister whose father himself was a Prime Minister of Malaysia. Najib should be very ashamed of himself and he is a “traitor” to the Malays. Only a few hundred days as Prime Minister and he dare do least wait until you understand the workings of the Prime Ministership and also the workings of Malay soveriegnty before you actually start to abolish this “tunggak keMelayuan” which have been put in place and supported by all our past PMs (even Badawi himself!). The real blame should be on all the Malays who are acting complacently and couldn’t care less if they get their 30% stake or not. Where is the uproar ? Why the silence ? You Malays should be ashamed of yourself! Your own Malay PM take away your 30% stake and you remain silent ? Nazri allows babies and young children of non-Islamic couples where one spouse later converts to Islam, not to be converted to Islam and you remain silent ? You Malays get angry at all the wrong places (such as the Lina Joy issue) but when it comes to the real damage, you remain silent. Look at the Chinese! As soon as the PUNB put up the non-Malay stake of their ASN, it is all snapped up by the Chinese but look at the Malays take-up rate…only 30-40%. I think with this attitude the Malays don’t deserve anything good happen to them!

  95. Salam..
    Dear Tun,
    The issue now is not about the price of water per gallon that has been imposed on both parties

  96. Salam YABhg Tun berdua
    1. Saya perhatikan, bila kita berurusan dengan Singapura khususnya, ada pihak yang menang besar dan di pihak lain kalah teruk. Malangnya, kerap yang menang besar adalah Singapura dan kerap pula yang kalah teruk adalah Malaysia.
    2. Di satu pihak terlalu mendesak dan di satu pihak yang lain terlalu memberi.
    3. Sekarang semakin saya nampak rasionalnya Tun bersungguh-sungguh mahukan jambatan ‘bengkok’ dibina, menggantikan tambak yang ada sekarang.
    4. Cara yang terbaik adalah memutuskan ‘hubungan’ darat yang banyak membawa mudarat kepada Malaysia khususnya. Pembinaan Jambatan ‘bengkok’ mempunyai ironi membina terusan yang memberi kebajikan semua pihak daripada tambak yang ada sekarang yang hanya menguntungkan satu pihak sahaja.
    5. Sumuga usaha murni Tun berjaya demi warisan yang akan datang.
    Tun berdua jaga diri ya.

  97. Ayahanda,
    Khir Toyo kena attacked kerana Pakatan Rakyat knew that Putrajaya was sold to Wilayah Persekutuan at RM1.00 during Ayahanda’s leadership!
    Ayahanda, Khir Toyo was personally interviewed by The STAR Paper and KHIR TOYO said that HE IS THE BLACK HORSE, now we will see from here.
    Tonight, I will write on how to counter attack Pakatan Rakyat by using Kata Lim Guan Eng of Mr ZhuRonji!
    Take care Ayahanda.

  98. Shame on you Singapore! It’s like stealing candy from kids! To make matter worst the perpetrators are Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore Government themselves!
    I quote:
    “Singaporeans need not worry. You will continue to pay 0.42% of 1 sen for 1000 gallons of raw water until 2060. It is Malaysia’s gift to Singapore.”
    Singaporeans fails to see the good bid by Malaysian Tax Money is used to provide them with the cheap 3-cents water.
    Lee Kuan Yew is making a lot of money from water business. Buying it cheap like hell from Malaysia, and sell it expensive to Singaporeans. It’s like a daylight robbery!
    I still remember some years back, NeWater (purified water from sewage system) was launched, and no Singaporeans dares to drink it! Who wants to drink your own pee (althought it is purified)?
    I say to my Singaporean neighbour, Malaysia is changing (althought slow but we made an impact in the last election). But, when Singapore will follow suit? Time to vote new government lah Singaporeans! You’re all cheated by the Lee Kuan Yew’s Father-Son-Family Dynasty!

  99. Selamat Sejahtera Tun,
    Tun is the only one leader that dare to raise this water issue with the middle kingdom. Malaysia wasted 5 years under Paklah who try to be nice with her. We shall see how Dato Seri Najib’s administration slove this problem but of course without high hope.
    Lee Kuan Yew had visited Malaysia recently and also pay his visit to Lim Guan Eng and Nin Aziz. Did they ever questioned him regarding this issue? I am interested to know.

  100. Salam Tun
    Quate” 2. True, I did not negotiate successfully the increase of the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water. You know why? If we demand an increase to 6 sen (100%), Singapore would increase the treated water price to RM1.00 (100%). Of course if we increase to RM6.00 Singapore would demand an increase to 50 x 2000% = RM100.00.”
    Do you think this is a logical thinking Tun?
    Jangan selalu beri saja alasan dan dugaan mengikut perasaan terhadap negara jiran kerana hal peribadi dgn LKY org kuat singapura spt Tun terhadap Tun Paklah sehingga hari ni….
    Saya lebih kagum dan simpati dgn bekas PM Paklah( memang pernah saya memikat dgn kebolehan Tun menakbir negara satu masa dulu, tetapi kesal & hilang harapan dgn Tun selepas kes DS Anwar 80an & memberi ucapan rasmi dlm hari Kemerdekaan menyamakan pertubuhan cina pasal “su q” masyarakat cina bagai Komunis dulu),bersara tetap bersara,tak capuk tangan lagi hal politik negara lagi.
    sebagai yg dianggap oleh Tun “Melayu mudah lupa!” tetapi bukan bangsa lain terutamanya org2 cina di Malaysia ni…

  101. YABhg Tun,
    1. Why supply Singapore with water in the first place?
    Probable answer : i. Because we have lots and lots of it and
    ii. We can make money out of it
    iii. Just too eager to sell something to
    someone, anyone.
    iii. We are just a very good caring neighbour
    2. And, why buy back our own water?
    Probable answer : i. We don’t know how to treat raw water
    ii. Expensive to construct treatment plant so
    iii. It’ easy and cheaper to buy
    iv. It’s in our culture after all we are
    Malay………sian. We always buy…..
    v. Confused. Non of the above or maybe all of
    the above i, ii, iii & iv.
    2. Why we didn’t get a better deal out of it.
    Probable answer : i. Send wrong people to negotiate.
    ii. Don’t know how to negotiate
    iii. Just don’t know how to negotiate
    iv. All of the above i, ii & iii.
    3. Why all the complaining now?
    Probable answer : i. Singapore Gov’t make us look stupid
    ii. We look stupid.
    iii. We just look so stupid.
    iv. All of the above i, ii, & iii.

  102. Why dont the JOHOR government made a large banner or flyer and stated all the generosity the Malaysians had (force) to give to Singaporeans so they know that our government give them more then their government give to them. And lastly just blown (not really meant it- I dont want to be prosecuted for this) our side of Tambak Johor and get it over with- JIZURIMIN

  103. Tun,
    I think you need to do something, something which will be permanent. I suggest you start a campaign for a new act in parliament – “Akta Perjanjian Air Singapura Selepas 2060.”
    In this new act the terms must be clearly specified, such as what price you want from the sale of 1,000 gallons. If you think US 2 dollars is a fair price then make sure it appears in writing.
    Of course US 2 dollars plus 5% annually to account for inflation.

  104. Assalamualaikum salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    1) Berdasarkan kepada analisis semasa dan sentimen perniagaan serta pasaran Asia Tenggara, Temasek Group memang amat berminat untuk menguasai atau paling tidaknya pun, untuk menjadi pemegang saham besar Petronas demi untuk mengukuhkan aliran tunai dan kewangan Temasek Group yang telah mengalami penyusutan kritikal kebelakangan ini.
    2) Kebanyakkan pelaburan yang telah dilakukan oleh Temasek Group telah akhirnya membawa kerugian kepada mereka dalam krisis kewangan dunia kini. Ketika Temasek Group diketuai oleh Puan Lee Hoo Ching yang juga merupakan isteri kepada Perdana Menteri Singapura Lee Hsien Leong dan juga menantu kepada Menteri Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Temasek Group telah mengalami kerugian sebanyak USD4.6 Billion dalam kemelut pelaburan Swiss Bank. Temasek Group juga kehilangan 43% nilai pelaburan dalam Shin Corp Telco Thailand dan terbaru Temasek Group telah juga mengalami kerugian sebanyak Sterling Pound 850 Juta dalam pelelongan pegangannya dalam Barclays Group UK.
    3) Kebanyakkan pelaburan Temasek Group yang dibuat semasa Puan Lee Ho Ching mentadbir syarikat pelaburan milik penuh kerajaan Singapura ini adalah didalam sektor perbankkan antarabangsa dan akibat daripada kemelut krisis kewangan dunia pada hari ini nilai bersih portfolio bagi Temasek Group dilapurkan telah jatuh menjunam sebanyak 31% atau USD39 Billion; daripada USD185 Billion menyusut kepada USD127Billion dalam tempoh masa bulan Mac 2008 hingga ke November 2008.
    4) Buat masa ini hanya cabang industri Minyak dan Gas sahaja yang masih belum dikuasai oleh Temasek Group. Risikkan kewangan antarabangsa yang beribu-pejabat di London telah melapurkan bahawa beberapa transaksi kewangan berskala besar telah dikesan dibiayai oleh Temasek Group kepada beberapa individu dalam industri Minyak dan Gas tempatan (Malaysia) termasuklah kepada pihak yang membekalkan khidmat sokongan kepada industri yang sama. Proksi Temasek Group telah mula membeli saham syarikat-syarikat sokongan ini.
    5) Dengan penguasaan dalam industri Pelabuhan (seperti masa telah dikenalpasti bahawa beberapa pelabuhan utama di Malaysia kini telah dipindahkan sahamnya kepada proksi Temasek Group) tempatan, maka dapat dijangkakan bahawa Temasek Group kini sedang berusaha membuat beberapa pemerolehan berkaitan lagi demi untuk memantapkan organisasi mereka.
    6) Proksi-Proksi Temasek Group di Malaysia kini nampaknya sedang ditimbunkan dengan wang ringgit dan jaminan keselamatan sehinggakan mereka sanggup menggadaikan aset negara kepada Singapura dengan cara yang amat halus dan teliti.
    7) Kami agak terkejut mendengar desas-desus bahawa Ethos Consulting akan mendapat tempat didalam Lembaga Pengarah Petronas Malaysia serta juga serba sedikit deruan yang membawa khabar tidak sihat iaitu Ethos Consulting telah diberikan peranan utama dalam usaha FELDA untuk mencapai status FELDA Global. Mengetahui bahawa Ethos Consulting juga adalah merupakan sebuah badan penasihat ekonomi Singapura dan juga bahawa salah seorang daripada Ahli Lembaga Pengarah mereka telah pada tahun 2007 hingga ke tahun 2008 bertindak sebagai Penasihat Pemerolehan Ketenteraan kepada Kerajaan Singapura, saya merasakan seperti kedapatan 1001 naluri yang tidak kena pada gambaran tersebut.
    8) Umum juga sedia maklum bahawa Ethos Consulting adalah cabang pengaruh utama kepada Khairy Jamalludin dan

  105. Bukan saja soal air yg merugikan Malaysia
    tapi soal tambak johor, naval base woodlands..
    pulau batu puteh dan..juga tanah ktm di singapura
    …yang punya tanah ktm kerajaan malaysia tapi yang dpt
    untung towkay Neo…siapa yang salah???. Siapa yg bodoh?
    Ini semua kerana ketamakan dan korupsi pegawai2 kerajaan
    malaysia sendiri..malaysia boleh tapi juga malaysia bodoh
    singapura yg boleh bijak, cekap dan amanah!.

  106. Dear Tun
    Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
    Are the Malaysian negotiators simply dumb and stupid or are they purposely act stupid $$$$$$$$$ Why do we have to listen to the Singaporean. The question is who needs who. I think we can survive without Singapore but they will die of thirst if we stop the water flow.
    No doubt Singapore, a tiny city state country has lots of money and can buy influence and they cannot pull the iceberg from Antarctica for free, it will still cost them a lot of money. Even if they build pipeline from Batam or Sumatra. I don’t think Indonesian will be that generous to sell them at mere peanuts price.
    We already lost Batu Putih to them due to our incompetence negotiators. Some says they received good incentive for forgetting to provide histological evidence to ICJ. If we are that generous, why not we just sell Johor to Singapore. At least the Johorean will be very proud to be call Singaporean instead of Malaysian.
    I think all Malaysian may agree with me that we should stop being too good, nice and kind to Singaporean. They have monies so better pay-up our water at prevalence market price.

  107. Tun,
    1)You are smart not to agree to commit the future generations of Malaysians to something that could be to their disadvantage.
    2)However,the leaders of the non-malays,although secured a million citizenship in 1957,were not as smart as you.They commit their descendants as slaves just like cows with no equality in sight.
    3)It will be foolish and suicidal for the malay politicians and others higher up not to play up the special rights as and when they can.
    4)Of course,politically,the malays are at their weakest now and so they decide to give out sweets,like few more scholarships ,apologise for kissing the swords and eat humble pie for now,But wait till they recover via several ways.
    5)I am sure the word “pendatang” will surface again,bring back the kissing and saying that it is their tradition.
    6)By then,the other BN parties with the “pendatang” descendants with their tails tug between their legs,would be even more docile.
    7)Back to S153 and you will know what I mean.
    8)Or in case you are not sure -let me spell it out-it means the rights accorded in S153 is infinity.
    9)For that one million citizenship,some of the of the descendants have to toy so hard and save just sufficient to pay all their children’s education leaving little for their golden days.
    10)Asking the immigrant descendants to pay taxes on their income while narrowing the business opportunities to them are some of the tradeamrks of S153.
    11)So,one wins some and one loses some is alright for Malaysians.It may dent the ego a bit for a few personalities but still no big loss.

  108. assalamualikum ayahanda Tun..
    Tun tetap berjaya mengagumkan kami dengan analisa yang tajam terhadap sesuatu isu.
    Dan benar,kenapa kita perlu tersangat tunduk dengan Singapura.
    It is Malaysia’s “gift” to Singapore.
    kita sudah terlalu banyak memberi.dan sampai bila ingin terus begini..

  109. Salam hormat Tun semoga diberkati dgn kesihatan olehNya,
    “Ibarat melepaskan anjing yg tersepit” itulah yg dpt saya andaikan sikap jiran kita tersebut.Semoga Allah swt membuka mata orang2 seagama kita disana….Subhanallah !

  110. *******************************************************************
    Percayalah kepada Tuhan,sampai masa ketika itu…mungkin akan menjadi
    sebuah negara pula yang bergelar..”Malaysianporean”..!Kadang-kala,
    hidup ini bukan pasal wang ringgit….yang penting cukup makan setiap
    hari terus bersama-sama hidup aman-damai,makmur dan bahagia…sehingga
    ke alam akhirat……Insyaallah.!

    I notice that international accreditation particularly Englishman (Americans included) are very fond of honouring two types of people as great and befitting of legends:
    They stand in awe of great men who lead armies and fight courageous battles to conquer and build their empire. On the other hand these very same people adore peace-loving freedom fighter like Mandela, Gandhi and Suu Kyi who advocate freedom and justice.
    Others like Lee Kuan Yew or Suharto or some from Africa only make it as how-do-I-put-it

  112. inilah kesilapan besar perjanjian yg telah dimeterai oleh mantan perdana menteri yg lalu.
    saya sebagai generasi yg sekarang amat sedih .
    orang singapura sekarang amat gembira dengan pencapaian mereka
    memperolehi kekayaan dari sumber asli malaysia.
    mereka bukan saja jual air ini pada rakyat mereka tetapi
    kepada kapal-kapal yg berlabuh dgn berganda-ganda untungnya.
    bagi saya perjanjian 2011 tiada maknanya jika malaysia ingin
    mengenakan tarif baru utk singapura. mereka balik akan charge
    double pada kita. adakah mustahil jika malaysia terminate pembelian
    air yg telah diproses dari singapura. biarlah singapura membeli
    air murah dari malaysia sehingga 2060 tetapi tidak lagi membeli air dari singapura. seolah malaysia sekarang kena 2 kali bodoh dari singapura. aduh!
    bukan air saja…
    singapura mmg sungguh bijak utk kaut untung dari sumber malaysia
    – beli rambutan dari malaysia dan tukar nama kepada singapore lycee utk pasaran export
    – beli serai dari malaysia seikat seringgit dan jual pada pasaran timur tengah dgn harga seikat $6 dollar
    – kalau tidak silap saya burger ramli pun menjadi mangsa dgn repackaging disana
    kalau nak senaraikan mmg byk sgt mereka kaut untung disini
    pembelian hartanah, hyper market, panggung wayang, francais dll.
    apa yg saya harapkan jgn la malaysia suatu hari nanti tergadai…
    agar bijak membuat perjanjian dimasa hadapan dgn mereka…

  113. Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t.
    1)Walau pun Rimba Emas menentang penjualan air yang keterlaluan harganya berbanding anugerah secara percuma oleh Allah s.w.t…pandangan Tun adalah sangat bertepatan demi masa depan rakyat Johor keseluruhannya.
    2)Sebagai berketurunan salasilah bugis yang dianggap perkasa dalam perjungan telah diangkat oleh rakyat jelata sebagai Raja untuk bernaung mempertahan negeri.Keturunan yang menerima Islam ini juga dikatakan kuat dalam pemahaman agama Islamnya.
    3)Harap budaya asing yang menyerap dalam kehidupan tidak menggurangkan keteguhan dalam agama Islam.Maaf dipinta kiranya salah sangka ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan harga kontrak 0.03 sen dan 0.30 antara anak yang dimerdekakan Singapura dan anak jiran tetangga Melaka.(kesilapan jarak kontrak yang terlalu panjang diberikan)
    4)Untuk kemudian hari sebarang kontrak umpama jualan tanah pastikan tempohnya pendek antara 1 hingga 3 tahun.Sebagai kesempatan untuk penilaian atas jumlah simpanan yang masih ada.
    5)Sifat ikhsan perlu juga ada pada penerima barang ikhsan itu barulah keadilan dapat terbentuk…kesempatan atas sifat ikhsan dalam penjualan untuk mendapat keuntungan boleh mensia-siakan pahala kerana ada yang menderita kerananya…
    6)DUTI CUKAI IMPORT PERCUMA BARANGGAN HALAL dapat memakmurkan PELABUHAN dengan jambatan terbuka laluan kapal dibawahnya…DALAMKANLAH sepanjang perairan pantai pelabuhan…pasirnya tidak perlu di jual tapi ditambak ke kawasan-kawasan rendah genting pantai…kalaulah harga air di adilkan dengan harga jualan kepada Melaka.. dapatlah keuntungan dibuat sistem air pasang-surut berteknologi tinggi..kerana kini Johor mula menghadapi bencana banjir pasang air laut..kerana penambakan oleh negara jiran telah mengecilkan selat terberau..(kajian perlu dilakukan segera!!!)
    7)Kadang-kadang bencana itu juga satu petunjuk ada yang tidak kena dengan kelalaian kita dan tidak semestinya menunggu mimpi-mimpi yang bukan diilhamkan untuk diterjemahkan oleh pakar-pakar ilmuan kita.
    8)Hanya Allah s.w.t yang maha mengetahui segala-segalanya….

  114. Dearest Tun, Assalamualaikum, I hope you are in the best of health Insyallah. I hope the future generations of Malaysian would be smarter , and instead of selling raw water after 2060 they should sell treated bottled drinking water at 2000% more than the price of what we are paying for their treated water now. It will then be Singapore’s turn to give a gift to Malaysia.

  115. Aslmualaikum Tun
    sedih membaca entry terbaru Tun
    sbnrnya pemimpin Singapura bukannya pndai mana, cuma pemimpin Malaysia bertindak ‘kurang bijak’

  116. Salam, YAB TUN DR. Mahathir,
    We are very considerate and giving too much thought to our neighbor. Thinking, that a lot of thing is dependend on Singapore.
    We have to live with our mean and even forget about Singaporean investment when they demanded too to their advantage.
    It seem that most of the negiotations to our disadvantage

  117. Tun, I am a Malaysian. Malaysia is progressing well during your time while there were still corruptions in the government, were still a big issue. After so many years, the corruptions are getting from bad to worse. The main problems we face in Malaysia today is no Mega Projects are moving.
    But I disagree with the way you handle matters on the water issue with Singapore. Who signed the water agreement? If there is a contract and signed by the “incompetant” representatives of Malaysia, we can only blame it on our own fault, “Apa boleh buat”. Today, in our cabinet, all our MPs are politician and not to mention our Ministers that have to select from the elected MPs, are not as talented as the Singaporean Ministers, they are not able to go oversea to negotiate deals. Very likely one day they will sell all our shares to outsiders. Just look at how they sell your $1 motor company and I notice that the Singapore GLC is acquiring more and more businesses in Malaysia. Very soon, they may buy over Putra Jaya, if the Ministers are allowed to sell those assets to them. I would said, if BN is not changing its political direction, and only taking care of certain groups, I won’t be surprise your rival DSAI has the chance to be the next PM in our 13 GE. Just look at how Najib handle Perak issues, i believe during your time, you would not allow such things to happen. Even you want to control Perak, you will have a better way than our existing PM. People loose faith on the PM, people loose faith on BN, another example is people in Penang throw out Gerakan during the 12th GE. The main problem is during the elections, who was going to be the next CM of Penang is a hot topic rather than addressing the people main concern about the inflation and gas prices keep going up. So, I believe people of Penang get “fed up” and just throw all their votes to opposition. Our next GE is coming before 2013, and if BN under the leadership of Najib is not taking care of basic people of Malaysia’s needs, I think DSAI will be laughing and moving his way to Putrajaya.

  118. 1. LKY knows the Malays weakness..That why singapore get another 3sen until 2060,,
    2. how smart singaporean..Yang bodoh org Malaysia.
    3. To compensate this issue.Malaysia should demolished Tambak Johor and stop negotiate water issue after 2060. what have done is done…
    4. Tambak Johor is important to Johor and Malaysia.,
    5. Our PM hope never let Malaysian feel upset on Singapore issue.Demolished Tambak Johor
    6. LKY smart enough to meet Rosmah Mansor at the 1st place. He know our weakness.
    7. Don’t let our cucu and cicit cursed us soon.

  119. /// 1. I am gratified that so many Singaporeans know minute details regarding the price of water (raw and treated) and the negotiations that took place. ///
    Well, in this internet age, did you really think that you can hoodwink Malaysians and Singaporeans with your lies and half truths?

  120. Assalaimualaikum Tun,
    1.Ini menunjukkan ‘bertapa pandainya’ ORANG MELAYU berniaga ketika itu dan mungkin juga kepandaian ini diwarisi oleh orang melayu kini.
    2.Janji dapat untung sedikit sudah memadai, rugi kemudian tidak mengapa.
    3.Lawatan LKY ke Malaysia baru2 ini pasti ada muslihatnya.Kalau jujur ingin membuat kunjungan hormat kenapa jumpa pembangkan selepas berjumpa DSN.
    4.Keikhlasan yang LKY ditunjukkan adalah PURA2 belaka sepertimana nama negaranya SINGA-PURA.
    5.Bukan sahaja AIR tetapi PASIR juga banyak di Pantai Timur Semenanjung, sebab itulah LKY beria2 sangat hendak membina JAMBATAN KETIGA ke Singapura.
    6.Percayalah Singapura TIDAK PERNAH dan TIDAK AKAN bersangka baik terhadap kita selagi LKY dan ANAK CUCUnya memerintah Singapura.
    7.Sejarah membuktikan SINGAPURA adalah milik TANAH MELAYU.
    8.Apakah menjadi kesalahan jika kita MENGAMBIL BALIK apa yang menjadi HAK KITA suatu masa dulu?
    Moga Tun sihat selalu.

  121. Ayahanada Tun,
    //7. The negotiations failed because Singapore wanted more water beyond 2060. We could not agree to commit the future generations of Malaysians to something that could be to their disadvantage.//
    The answer is BUILD THE CROOKED BRIDGE at our side because Singapore population will increase double in year 2060 due to Science and technology. They will have to cross over to Malaysia because I am sure Singapore will not be able to accomodate their population and their share markets will never recover unless Mr Leeky plays DIRTY JOBS!!! Will their share markets recover, I doubt so!
    Currently, Singapore interest rate is 0.1% and I am sure 1/2 of the population of Singaporeans would like to invest in this crooked bridge because it is for our and their future generations to come!
    BUILD THE CROOKED BRIDGE AT OUR SIDE, NO SAND FOR SINGAPORE, and the naval base in Woodlands and water deal are Malaysian’s gift for the Lee’s Family and his “Kah Ki Lang” Geng!
    In Malaysia, kita masih boleh hidup dengan nasi lemak dengan harga RM1.20 sebungkus atau ubi kayu dipetik dari hutan simpanan kita!!! Singapore makan apa, since all the land built with buildings.
    Singapore will not dare to play hard with Indonesia because Indonesia is a baby, mainland China is budak!
    Take care and good night Ayahanda!!!!

  122. Never again sign any disadvantegeous treaty with Singapore. Check, double check, and double double check again and again and again.
    I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my stand. I can best put it that I am ardent supporter of Dr.M’s good things and a just a mild critic of his bad. And I think his good does supersede his bad.
    For the record I called him a legend and his deeds a legacy, only that I thought a bit more would have been nice and safer. If you had noticed most of my comments centred around this. I would not have even bothered writing about this to someone I do not deem fit.
    I also described Dr.M’s 8 mantles, listed down nicely all his accomplishments,and suggested ways and means of being tributed and remembered.
    Of course I also voiced a fair share of cunstructive crititism.
    At times i might have sounded cynical or sceptical, but that is only to drive a point.
    I still maintain that my piece on LEGENDS is too important to be overlooked, hence it being posted again and again, even at the fear of being ignored as boring or worse still laughed at or rebuked.
    I know reading it it’s very awkward as it deems to imply scepticism that so and so is not great enough, but if studied carefully you can see that the intention is sincere.
    Of course I hope that Dr.M himself has read it though there’s no way of being sure myself as it is diffiult for him to reply after being put in such a position.
    I’ll stop here (I mean just this short statement, not the rest of the articles). Cheers.
    History can go two ways.
    Scenario 1
    Anwar will be remembered as a truly international icon and beacon of freedom, democracy and human right (as well as this great bridge between the East and West), whereas Mahathir will be remembered as the lesser Asian/Malaysian strongman who defamed Anwar and threw this great man into jail, true to all his authoritarian ways.
    Scenario 2
    Mahathir will be remembered as this great Statesman and national hero of Malaysia, as well as a champion of the Islam and the 3rd world, whereas Anwar will be the infamous power-crazy deputy who tried to topple this great man for his own selfish ends.
    Which scenario will it be? How will history play out and play back these two figures? Who will prevail?
    I was wondering

  123. Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    1)Petikan daripada Malay Dilema Bab 11 Malaysia dan Singapura;
    ” Dari sudut sejarah, Singapura adalah milik Johor sehinggalah orang Inggeris Stamford Raffles menabalkan sultan baru dan memperoleh konsesi yang diragukan. Sultan tadi diketepikan apabila kegunaannya tidak bermenafaat lagi’…
    * Melayu diperdayakan di tanah air sendiri…
    2)Petikan daripada The Unsung Heroes YB Zainudin Maidin bab 19..
    “When Tunku announced his decision to seperate Singapore from Malaysia on 9th August 1965, the Prime Minister Of Singapore Lee KUan Yew broke down and cried for 20 minutes in front of journalist in Singapore.
    The report on Lee Kuan Yew not being able to control his emotions was carried by Radio dan Televisyen Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.
    Lee was disappointed because his dreams of a malaysian Malaysia were crushed. This what had brought tears to his eyes.
    He said” I felt I had disappointed the hopes of millions of people in Malaysia – the Chinese, Indians Eurasians and a small number of Malays. I had built up their hopes and they joined the people of Singapore in opposing Malay rule”..
    * Melayu diperdayakan lagi.. Lee Kuan Yew cried because he was really happy that his dream accomplished..
    2)Rancangan Briggs
    Rancangan Briggs adalah usaha pihak British untuk membenteras pengganas komunis Malaya dengan cara membina penempatan2 tersusun (kampung baru) dan lengkap dengan kemudahan2 asas untuk diberikan kepada kaum Cina. Ini adalah supaya kaum Cina dapat dikawal dan dicegah daripada menyertai kumpulan komunis dan mencegah mereka daripada memberi bantuan bekalan makanan dan senjata kpd pertubuhan komunis..
    Berpuloh2 kampung2 baru di bina di negeri Selangor, Perak dan lain2 negeri untuk kaum Cina. Rakyat Melayu tetap ditinggalkan di dusun2 dan pinggir hutan tanpa kemudahan asas.
    Adakah Rancangan Briggs berjaya$.. Anggota komunis tetap banyak. Bekalan makanan dan senjata sentiasa cukup sehinggalah ke tahun 1998.
    YB Nizar telah melanjutkan pajakan tanah kampung2 baru ini selama 999 tahun lagi.
    Melayu diperdaya lagi…
    Chin Peng tidak diburu oleh British secara bertungkus lumus seperti mereka memburu Tok Janggut, Dato’ Maharaja Lela dan rakan2 dan menggantung mereka ditiang tinggi selama beberapa hari di tempat awam.

  124. Tun Mahatir, as Malaysian, we are really sick of your unproductive comments. No need to explain further. The Singapore Goverment ahve produce a step-by-step account of what really happen. Whoever reads it will knows what actually happen. Thedocuemnts are also availbel in internet.Just admit U screw up the negiotations.
    PM Najib is a very capable person. Let him run the country.
    Take a back seat and enjoy the sun in Lankawi.

  125. As Malaysian, We are really sick of all your unproductive comments for a senior stateman !!! What re trying to prove !!!!
    It’s time you take break at langawai and think of your retirements.
    Leave it to the PM to run the country.. He is avery capable man. Don’t screw up his efforts..

  126. Salam sejahtera Tun, saya cuma mengambil kesempatan in untuk menentukan kesahihan yang lama terpaku di hati saya, iaitu ,mengapakah kerajaan kita batalkan pembelian air yang dirawat dari singapura? apakah kita tak upaya untuk merawat sendiri? bagaimana negeri negeri lain mampu merawat air untuk pengguna?

  127. Dear Tun:
    I do agree that we are at the disadvantage to Singapore, selling water at a very cheap rates, and in return buying treated water at a higher price. This is a historical mistake, that we must learn from. From SG point of view, they are protected by the contract that we had signed, so they have nothing to worry about. We can only blame ourselves, and our past leaders for such a disadvantage agreement. In my point of view, there is no point arguing with them, it is in the black and white.
    I read Tun’s ‘THE MODERN MIDDLE KINGDOM’ It strucks me that I would like to give some comment/personnal view. I am not so sure why Tun is so negative towards LKY, but one thing I admire him, as a leader for his country is that, he is doing his very best, to serve his country. I believe many readers will be annoyed by my statements. Please bear with me, and read on.
    I am neither PRO Singapore nor anti-malaysian government. Just that for so long that I had been following malaysian political scene, I found very few that truely serve the country. I am not sure how many out there share the same feeling, I do feel sad about this all the time.
    It is also sad to me that most of the time, political leaders like to play the racial issue. The chinese in this country is always portrait as the ghost, that will grab all the wealth and power in the country. Why? Divide the community (Malay, chinese, Indians and etc) and win their votes separately via different BN component has been the success formula so far. However, this also cause a disintegration to the society. No trust, no respect among the races. I have been fortunate to work oversea for few years, and I have seen how China has progress. (By the way, I am a chinese Malaysian. I proudly told anyone I come across oversea, by introducing myselve, as Malaysian) The real threat is out there, is out there. The competition to attract investment is out there…not within. Every single citizen living on this land, is an asset.
    I hope Tun will be able to read my comments/thoughts.

  128. Tun, this singaporean is a blood sucking one. we know what they have against this country. they robbed sngapore from us. personally, i cannot understand what LKY was doing in his 8 days visit to Malaysia last month. luckily he has wrap himself out from this country;
    Tun, we want the bridge badly. this will genuinely kill singaporean’s economy in near future. is there any way out to build the bridge without their consent?
    with permission tun,

  129. The billions of Ringgit stolen by cronies of Barisan Nasional is much more than the few thousand dollars in water deal with Singapore.
    An elder statesman like Tun Mahahtir should focus attention on major issues like eradicate corruption – the rood cause that destroy the competitive advantage of Malaysia compared to Singapore.
    Why Tun is penny wise pound foolish? Why is tun still distracting our attention to Nation building. What is your motive?

  130. Dear Tun
    Let’s see what you are really saying.
    Two sovreign nations entered into voluntary negotiations and signed and concluded an agreement in which you had a hand. No laws, local or international were broken by either country. No one had a gun put to his head. You had 22 years to re-negotiate the agreement with S’pore, yet you failed. You then blamed civil servants whom you appointed to negotiate until exposed by S’pore.
    Now, if you were PM of S’pore would you walk across the Causeway and offer better terms to M’sia? If you say, yes, that would beggar utter disbelief!!
    What I think this piece is all about is that you want to exert unnecessary pressure on PM Naji to unilaterally embark on your favourite white elephant project, the Crooked Bridge.
    Yet, I wonder if you know that the 2nd Link at Galang Patah is under-utilised due to its distance away from JB town centre and higher toll charges. The jams are ususally at the S’pore end, due to 100% security checks, loading up for S’pore Autopass and verifying & updating M’sian road tax details. This is what Govt officials should be negotating with their S’pore counterparts to ease the situation.
    I also challenge you to produce environment studies and tidal/geological surveys showing the waters of the straits of Johor are deep enough for larger cargo carrying ships to traverse; I have it from the authority of some M’sian marine officers that they are not!
    In any event, it would be suicidal of Najib to go it alone. That sort of unilateral action will exacerbate mutual distrust, create the kind of regional tension that turned the Middle East into a war zone and start an arms build up that would bankrupt us as it did the Soviet Union and now countries like Pakistan, Iran and Iraq. You asked what has happened to $265 billion Petronas earned. Well, start will $9 billion for Sukhoi Jets and kerosene driven Scorpene Submarines (and $’maintenance/facilitation contract of $500 million to Razak baginda’s Perimekar S/B to boot) which will gather rust becuase we will never use them gainfully.
    I think your intention is to constantly snipe at Najib and scurillously undermining him (like you did to AAB) while provoking and taunting S’pore.
    Either you want to see S’pore badly damaged or destroyed or there seems to be some underlying tone in your message that someday MUST S’pore return to be part of Malaysia. World Wars have started on much less hidden motives and ambitions!!
    Please take a lef out of the books of Carter, Clinton and Bush and behave like a true elder statesman! Tell us more about your bread biz, goat farming and cheese making.

  131. Dearest YAB Tun,
    Saya setuju 100% dengan pendapat Tun yang tidak menaikkan harga air mentah 3sen untuk 1000 gelen yang dibekalkan ke Singapura. Ini kerana Tun dapat melihat lebih jauh kesan-kesan yang bakal diterima oleh pengguna air terawat yang dibekalkan oleh Kerajaan Singapura ke Malaysia.
    Terima Kasih Tun, jasa mu tetap dikenang selamanya.
    The secret of ” Two Minute Profits” for less than $10

  132. “4. By the same token, when Singapore pays 3 sen to Malaysians, in Singapore dollars it is only 0.42 sen (less than 1 sen for 1000 gallons).” (Tun Dr. Mahathir)
    Tun, you are just a typical cunning politician trying to twist and turn and maliciously distort the figure in order to create some disillusionment in the mind of some Malaysian people who are relatively poor in mathematical sense. You need to explain further in detail how you arrive at such a figure indicating that 3 Malaysian Sen = 0.42 Singapore Cent.
    “Singaporeans need not worry. You will continue to pay 0.42% of 1 sen for 1000 gallons of raw water until 2060. It is Malaysia’s gift to Singapore.” (Tun Dr. Mahathir)
    Tun, I think there is a slide of pen here. S$0.0042 should be 0.42% of 1 Singapore Dollar or 42% of 1 Singapore cent. Your credibility may be questionable if you continue to play around with the figure without showing the proof of how you arrive at that figure of 0.42 Singapore Cent per 1000 gallons of raw water sold to Singapore!

  133. Dear Dr,
    Being a grassroot member of UMNO myself, I look forward to further discussion and engagement in order to strenghten the party. I have following feedback which could be useful for your consideration.
    Coming from generation after Merdeka (I am in mid 30s), I must admit that it is very difficult to make my generation and the younger ones understand the real struggle UMNO has gone through to achieve independence. Therefore when UMNO leaders want to talk to them about this, they refuse to listen. Even if they listen, they cannot feel and appreciate the struggle. Their conclusion is, UMNO cannot be so nostalgic about this!
    You will see the same response whenever UMNO leaders try to talk about the development that UMNO has brought to this country since Merdeka. To them, any other party, if elected to govern this country, is responsible to do that. The only way to win their support to UMNO, they must be convinced that UMNO is the party that is relevant throughout the time (past, present and future) and suitable for all generations (old, not so old and young).
    Statistically, winning the support of older generation during election is not a problem. But getting the votes from the younger ones are very tough and they are now becoming the majority. Why?
    1. Young voters are looking at UMNO from different perspectives. They look at the quality of leaders in UMNO, are they clean from corruptions? If not, they want to see what actions are taken by UMNO against these leaders? Sadly, in UMNO currently, even when Lembaga Disiplin has found certain leaders corrupted, they are still allowed to contest and hold their party positions and worse still, allowed to hold high government positions in public office. While UMNO is talking about eliminating corruption, the party itself is being led by a few corrupters!
    Young voters will never accept this. What UMNO needs to do now is to get rid of these leaders. This will be a useful lesson for future leaders of UMNO to be clean and seen to be clean by members and the public at large. Survival of UMNO does not depend solely on the support of its members but also from non-members who are active voters during election to whom we seek support. The existence of UMNO depends on whether we can win every election.
    2. Young voters are disgusted with internal problem and power struggle within UMNO from branch level up to MT level. Being the ruling party, UMNO

  134. Tun
    Now you are telling some truth but still not all the truth regarding the water agreement. Your way of spinning again, doc. You collected 3 sen, buy and sell treated water to johore residents without building the treatment plant, compensation to villagers whose land are used to dam up the catchment area etc etc. And you will get the treatment plant free of charge after the other party invested billions of dollars at the end of the water agreement. So who is giving the free gift. BE rational and truthful lah, Doc.
    Malaysia Boleh

  135. Thanks for sharing,
    It’s scary to see how our leaders have failed to navigate these issues well, after all the points mentioned does show an agreement that is not mutually beneficial. Unfortunately, I think we wont stop seeing these kind of leaders anytime soon. We are preparing poorly in creating quality leaders that are able to protect the countries agendas and able to navigate tough issues. Youths from universities are not educated or matured enough for their age,and does not show promise of their future. Student leaders who are ambitious to be in politics are taught (at least, inadvertently) in Machiavellian politics. Even in student politics there is too much politicking and less on contributing and improving the university’s society. Is this how we want our future leaders to be like? Sorry to get off topic but maybe the way politics are run today influences the next generation the wrong idea of what democracy and politics really is…

  136. Tun,
    I might not have understood the whole Water Selling/Buying story. But if the contract states that we must sell at a certain price, then we must sell at a certain price. Otherwise, why sign contract?
    On the other hand, if it’s a losing business, can’t we stop selling to them at all? Maybe there’s a contractual obligation to supply, but what’s the penalty of breaking it? Probably it’s more worth it to pay the penalty than supplying water at such ludicrous price!!!

  137. Salam Tun
    awatlah Tun baru nak bagitau skrg dgn jelas kenapa tak berjaya rundingan air, abis di spin dek parti pembangkang kata zaman TUN tak cekap
    Its time gov. perlu keteluasan yg jitu utk dedahkan kenapa ia berlaku, skrg ramai rakyat yg celik dan celik rabun tentang kerajaan
    takpelah… Tunggu abis perjanjian rundingan kedua, kite deal baik2 mase tu LKY pun dah padam.
    tertapi pasal tanah KTMB Woodland ishhhh jgnlah lepas bergitu saje mcm pulau batu putih
    terima kasih
    Fazly Mohd
    Kota Anggeriks

  138. biarlah….
    Tak lama lagi depa mintak tanah plak nak kuburkan rakyat depa sindri….
    bukanye besar sangat ,,, tiny red dot je….

  139. YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad,
    So that means that the middle kingdom is fully of beggars?!
    And after all these years and under a brilliant Lee; and the lovers of this mentor minister in Malaysia says that the we have a bad Economics policy with the DEB.
    With the g;obalwarming and rising water level I think the singaporean will frown soon. Ameen

  140. saya sendiri tak paham macam mana kerajaan boleh bersuara dengan cadangan nak buat jambatan diseblah timur johor…ermm….

    10. By 2011 the first agreement would lapse. But the second agreement would lapse only in 2060. Singapore can enjoy 0.42 of one cent per 1000 gallons for another 51 years.

  142. yang untungnya singapura yang ruginya kita jugak sedangkan LKY senang-senang saja masuk Malaysia dan bagitau orang yang berada dalam Malaysia macamana nak tadbir negara kita,betapa angkuhnya beliau dengan berbuat demikian,sebenarnya dalam segala aspek pentadbiran negara dan juga aset yang dimiliki Malaysia jauh lebih bagus dari yang ada di Singapura,cuma penguatkuasaan dan tidak dijalankan dengan sebaik Singapura tetapi LKY cuba untuk membayangi (overshadowed) Malaysia dengan memberitahu kepada dunia bahawa mereka lebih bagus dan baik.Soal air satu hal,Pulau Batu Putih,Tambak Johor,ruang udara,pasir semua perkara ini merugikan Malaysia.Malah rakyat Malaysia yang membeli motosikal berkuasa tinggi dari Singapura juga turut menymbang kepada kerugian kutipan cukai.Mungkin kerajaan patut mengurangakan cukai import bagi motosikal berkuasa tinggi di Malaysia untuk menjadikan ia mampu milik bagi yang berminat.Hal-hal sebegini juga patut kerajaan kaji semula.

  143. Kalau macam tu, Pak Tun, why not Malaysia sendiri export treated water to Singapore instead of untreated? Kita yang salah sendiri. Kita boleh caj dia lebih and make money instead of Singapore buat duit diatas kita punya harta. Daripada dulu Singapore and the world memang menganggap Malaysia is the hinterland of Singapore.
    Saya nak cerita tentang Tioman. Semasa saya di Pulau Tioman dahulu, ada pesawat Silk Air terus dari Singapura mendarat. Pelancung asing turun dan ternganga. Ada yang bertanya saya, what flag is that? Saya kata “Malaysian flag, sir.” Soalan dia lagi “Are we not in Singapore?”
    Pelancung tu ingat Tioman adalah sebahagian dari Singapore oleh kerana telah dipromosi sedemikian. Itulah dia Malaysia – the Hinterland of Singapore.
    Pak Tun, ngapa Kerajaan Malaysia daripada dulu sehingga sekarang macam tidak boleh buat apa-apa dengan Singapura mengenai beberapa isu – air, tambak Johor dll. Yang kita boleh – ruang udara aja.

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