1. Okinawa is a long thin island 100 km from north to south. In the old days the people in the south found difficulty in getting supplies from the north.

2. The people in the villages decided to have a shop stocked with their needs. They collected money from their village and built a shop. They employed a man from the village to manage the shop. Money was provided by the villagers to stock the shop with their needs brought in from the north.

3. The villagers bought their needs but did not pay immediately. Instead they themselves wrote on a piece of paper their name and the goods they had taken. Each time they needed goods or foodstuff they wrote on the piece of paper with their name and stuck it to a board kept in the shop.

4. At the end of the month they would total up all their purchase written on their paper and pay the amount due. The money was kept in a safe.

5. Later when business was not so good they put up a table and a few chairs and started selling drinks and coffee.
6. Every village would have this commonly owned village shop. It was a kind of cooperative, owned and operated by the villagers.

7. Today most of them have disappeared as access to their needs became easier due to better road, motorcycles and cars. The one I visited is one of the few left.

8. It worked well in Okinawa. Wonder if it will work well in Malaysia.


  1. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya dah lama jadi silent reader di sini, hari ni saya tergerak untuk mula menulis di blog. Something that I have been put off several times. Terima kasih pada tun kerana menggalakkan orang muda agar lebih banyak dan rajin menulis.

    Ok, berbalik kepada The Okinawa Village Shop, sadly to say saya tak yakin kita boleh buka kedai dengan konsep yang sama masa kini di Malaysia.

    Jika ianya dilakukan pada zaman ayah saya mungkin applicable. Zaman sekarang integrity adalah sesuatu yang sangat sukar ditemui.

    Last year, semasa anak saya berjalan-jalan di sebuah supermarket untuk membeli baju sekolah… Dia ternampak sekeping not kertas bernilai RM50 terjatuh di lantai. Dia hanya memerhati dan lalu di tepi duit itu, tanpa mengutip atau mengatakan apa-apa. Fikirnya, dia berharap duit itu masih ada disitu sehingga sesiapa yang tercicir datang kembali untuk kutip setelah dia sedar duit dia tercicir.

    Tapi tak sampai 10 minit, kawan yang ada di sebelah kami, yang juga ada bersama untuk shopping baju anak sekolah; kutip duit itu dan masukkan dalam dompet seolah-olah duit itu miliknya. Anak saya melihat dalam senyap, tanpa berkata apa-apa.

    Bila kami balik rumah, baru anak saya ceritakan apa yang berlaku. Saya memuji anak saya kerana apa yang difikirkan dan bersikap jujur. Tetapi, seperti dalam kisah cerita saya tadi.. Tak semua orang ada integriti zaman sekarang.

    Jika sebuah kedai runcit seperti di Okinawa itu dibuka di Guar Chempedak, kampung mak saya. Besar kemungkinan, kedai itu akan mengalami kerugian yang teruk kerana ramainya orang yang tidak jujur datang ke kedai.

    Tapi di sesetengah surau atau tempat di Malaysia ada satu sudut yang di panggil thrift corner atau “Rak Asnaf” sumbangan sesetengah insan mulia. We can’t count on Malaysian when it comes to money. But we can definately count on a few kind hearted Malaysian with a heart of gold.

    These rear gem is hard to find.

  2. With Tun permission,

    It seem that there is an Ah beng who did not know how to write proper Bahasa Malaysia here who had replied to my earlier comment.

    It also seem that this guy, whoever he is did not even understand the whole purpose of my comments and topic.

    He implied about public transport as a mean to solve the issue of rising petrol cost, but he forgot that I was talking about economics, not infrastructure. This guy most likely did not know that there was something called “DOMINO EFFECTS” in economics.

    If the topic was public transport, it could have been different.

    I assume that the guy lack comprehension on the topic that I have written about, but chose to act like he knows-it-all.

    The guy also talked about knowledge that can be obtained from the internet, I assume that he thought that my knowledge came from the internet and it was applied here when I wrote on your blog Tun.

    This guy also talked about how to tackle Global Warming issue, it was quite funny actually reading someone so clueless about the topic talk about it, to the point of suggesting that we use Air-Conditioner to solve the problem.

    Though I assume that this was what he implied to my topic, because it was too horrible to be comprehended by any sane guy.

    I think if this guy become one of the Minister, he could be one of those Minister who claimed that we are going to have SPV (Shared Prosperity Vision) or INCLUSIVENESS for ALL, but at the same time argue and mooted that Sarawak and Sabah including Labuan should not get RON95 priced at 2.08, and also Peninsular Malaysia should not get free tolls because it is only reserve for Sarawak and Sabah.

    Thank you Tun


    Of course i wont do this. Why? In the era of information sharing, i can search information that i can read, understand and apply, dont you think so?

    Everyone can express their opionions or comments, as social media users.

    We can choose to write, comment, or reply, in friendly or hostile way.

    It is about our mindset. I personally think our political parties are still stuck in dulu punya mindset iaitu bangkang for the sake of bangkang, janji menang undi, baru bikin.

    I guess this is the stail of politik tanahair whereby winner takes all, looser takes all.

    Nevertheless, whether voters like it or not, we will need to elect the perdana menteri based on majority votes via political parties. The rule and date of contesting is decided by EC.

    Campaign wisely.

    Vote wisely.

  4. malloucius Jan 15,2020 8:46 PM

    Mohon satu lagi ruang komen, sebab terlalu panjang.

    1. Kerajaan laungkan nak jadi kerajaan yang INCLUSIVE, atau kerajaan untuk semua dengan ekonomi untuk semua. Tapi kenapa harga minyak di Sarawak dan Sabah kekal pada RM 2.08 dan Semenanjung terpaksa bayar harga tinggi sehingga RM 2.50 jika PSP dijalankan?

    2. Bantuan yang diberi bawah skim PSP hanya RM30 sebulan kepada rakyat B40. Bantuan ni tak mencukupi untuk tanggung kos sara hidup jika subsidi petrol ditarik semula. Dengan RM30 sebulan ni, B40 lah golongan yang paling terkesan.

    3. Kalau betul mahu ekonomi hijau, kenapa tak bubarkan saja Petronas? Petronas tu bukan pengeluar minyak? Kenapa nak dengar sangat apa yang minta UN?? Sedangkan Malaysia bukanlah pengeluar gas rumah hijau terbesar dunia. China lebih besar, dan US lebih besar, Eropah lagi besar. Ada juga konspirasi teori yang kata US, dan Eropah sengaja tingkatkan suhu dunia mengguna geo-engineering atau weather engineering (manipulation) dengan tujuan untuk mengawal seluruh dunia.

    4. Ramai dari kalangan orang kita pun dah cakap merapu, mandi tak boleh lebih dari 1 liter, konon guna air lebih boleh sebabkan pemanasan global, elektrik tak boleh guna banyak. Semuanya menyebabkan harga elektrik, dan air meningkat tinggi.

    5. Kenapa kereta nasional seperti Proton tak keluarkan elektrik atau hibrid? kenapa paksa rakyat guna kereta petrol dan sengaja naikkan harga minyak tinggi? Proton terkenal dengan kereta yang guna banyak minyak dari kereta biasa. Contohnya model Exora.

    6. Alasan konon orang seludup minyak adalah alasan sama dengan orang Singapura dan Thailand guna minyak Malaysia. Ini isu penguatkuasaan, bukan subsidi. Kenapa tak buat nak isi minyak RON95 kena ada IC, atau kad khas dan perlu bayar di kaunter dan tak boleh isi melalui kad kredit. Ramai rakyat asing guna kad kredit.

    7. Kalau harga minyak tinggi, orang kaya tetap mampu beli minyak yang akan mati dan sengsara adalah rakyat biasa B40. Kerajaan kononnya mahu tolong B40, tapi adakah betul mahu tolong B40? RM30 sebulan boleh tolong? bila minyak naik, kos barang lain naik, dengan RM30 sebulan apa yang boleh dibeli?

    8. Yang tanggung tetap rakyat biasa akhirnya, dan ramai anak muda kita sengsara, sebab kos sara hidup tinggi disebabkan harga minyak tinggi ramai yang tak mahu berkahwin dan yang dah kahwin tak mahu ada anak sebab tak mampu. Akibatnya kadar kesuburan Malaysia jatuh merudum. Yang penasihat pula kata, “ini mungkin sebab trend di seluruh dunia” dan kerajaan pun dengan bodohnya beri insentif untuk orang mendapat anak, Ha ha ha. Rawat simpton je ke? tak cuba rawat PUNCA? atau SEBAB kenapa benda ni terjadi?

    9. Selain tu, kadar penceraian tinggi, dan bermacam benda yang dulu tidak ada sekarang makin teruk dan menjebak. Cuba try fikir, berapa harga minyak pada tahun masa zaman Tun yang Malaysia boleh dapat 7 hingga 9 peratus pertumbuhan ekonomi. Banding dengan sekarang?

    10. Akhir kata, harap PH jangan lah buat kerja gila PSP ni konon sebab Manifesto dulu janji buat PSP. Rakyat majoriti tak nak PSP dan mahukan subsidi sekarang tapi ramai yang berdiam diri. Ramai yang memendam rasa marah sejak zaman Najib.


    After reading the above in bahasa kebangsaan and inggeris, jangan kata mat salleh takut, aku pun takut.

    Perhaps, pakatan harapan is aiming to position capital city at mumbai level, the cheapest city in asia so that eveyone can fly?

    Put it this way, as university students, when a question is asked, what kind of foreign investment you want the government to bring in:-

    A. Must be lower than my average so that i feel more superior.

    B. Must be same level with me so that dont feel left out.

    C. Must be above average, and lower than me so that i feel nationalistic.

    D. Must be above average and above me so that i can learn from foreigner investors to improve myself.

    E. Dont know.

    I will circle D this time. Dulu i tak erti, kini aku erti.

    Which one will you prefer as mp dan wr? I guess they dont have time for this, why? Cant blame them, countering critism from opposition parties via social media already burned up their energy. My advice is dont read and dont counter their critism. Remember, they are adult, bukan budak sekolah.

  5. Mohon satu lagi ruang komen, sebab terlalu panjang.

    1. Kerajaan laungkan nak jadi kerajaan yang INCLUSIVE, atau kerajaan untuk semua dengan ekonomi untuk semua. Tapi kenapa harga minyak di Sarawak dan Sabah kekal pada RM 2.08 dan Semenanjung terpaksa bayar harga tinggi sehingga RM 2.50 jika PSP dijalankan?

    2. Bantuan yang diberi bawah skim PSP hanya RM30 sebulan kepada rakyat B40. Bantuan ni tak mencukupi untuk tanggung kos sara hidup jika subsidi petrol ditarik semula. Dengan RM30 sebulan ni, B40 lah golongan yang paling terkesan.

    3. Kalau betul mahu ekonomi hijau, kenapa tak bubarkan saja Petronas? Petronas tu bukan pengeluar minyak? Kenapa nak dengar sangat apa yang minta UN?? Sedangkan Malaysia bukanlah pengeluar gas rumah hijau terbesar dunia. China lebih besar, dan US lebih besar, Eropah lagi besar. Ada juga konspirasi teori yang kata US, dan Eropah sengaja tingkatkan suhu dunia mengguna geo-engineering atau weather engineering (manipulation) dengan tujuan untuk mengawal seluruh dunia.

    4. Ramai dari kalangan orang kita pun dah cakap merapu, mandi tak boleh lebih dari 1 liter, konon guna air lebih boleh sebabkan pemanasan global, elektrik tak boleh guna banyak. Semuanya menyebabkan harga elektrik, dan air meningkat tinggi.

    5. Kenapa kereta nasional seperti Proton tak keluarkan elektrik atau hibrid? kenapa paksa rakyat guna kereta petrol dan sengaja naikkan harga minyak tinggi? Proton terkenal dengan kereta yang guna banyak minyak dari kereta biasa. Contohnya model Exora.

    6. Alasan konon orang seludup minyak adalah alasan sama dengan orang Singapura dan Thailand guna minyak Malaysia. Ini isu penguatkuasaan, bukan subsidi. Kenapa tak buat nak isi minyak RON95 kena ada IC, atau kad khas dan perlu bayar di kaunter dan tak boleh isi melalui kad kredit. Ramai rakyat asing guna kad kredit.

    7. Kalau harga minyak tinggi, orang kaya tetap mampu beli minyak yang akan mati dan sengsara adalah rakyat biasa B40. Kerajaan kononnya mahu tolong B40, tapi adakah betul mahu tolong B40? RM30 sebulan boleh tolong? bila minyak naik, kos barang lain naik, dengan RM30 sebulan apa yang boleh dibeli?

    8. Yang tanggung tetap rakyat biasa akhirnya, dan ramai anak muda kita sengsara, sebab kos sara hidup tinggi disebabkan harga minyak tinggi ramai yang tak mahu berkahwin dan yang dah kahwin tak mahu ada anak sebab tak mampu. Akibatnya kadar kesuburan Malaysia jatuh merudum. Yang penasihat pula kata, “ini mungkin sebab trend di seluruh dunia” dan kerajaan pun dengan bodohnya beri insentif untuk orang mendapat anak, Ha ha ha. Rawat simpton je ke? tak cuba rawat PUNCA? atau SEBAB kenapa benda ni terjadi?

    9. Selain tu, kadar penceraian tinggi, dan bermacam benda yang dulu tidak ada sekarang makin teruk dan menjebak. Cuba try fikir, berapa harga minyak pada tahun masa zaman Tun yang Malaysia boleh dapat 7 hingga 9 peratus pertumbuhan ekonomi. Banding dengan sekarang?

    10. Akhir kata, harap PH jangan lah buat kerja gila PSP ni konon sebab Manifesto dulu janji buat PSP. Rakyat majoriti tak nak PSP dan mahukan subsidi sekarang tapi ramai yang berdiam diri. Ramai yang memendam rasa marah sejak zaman Najib.

  6. Salam Tun,

    Saya terbaca apa yang Saifuddin masih berdegil nak laksanakan PSP. Saya terpanggil nak luahkan apa terbuku dihati, rasa geram pun ada dengan geng Anwar tak habis-habis dengan PSP.

    1. Alasan naikkan harga minyak sebab ada orang naik Rolls Royce isi RON95. Kalau dia ni mampu beli Rolls Royce yang berharga jutaan ringgit, adakah dia akan terbeban kalau harga minyak naik? Cuba bandingkan dengan rakyat biasa yang kerja bergaji RM2000 sebulan yang naik Viva, atau Kancil?

    2. Alasan kononnya rakyat Singapura dan Thailand curi minyak. Itu masalah penguatkuasaan bukan masalah subsidi. Dah la ramai penguatkuasa rasuah. Kenapa tak buat saja nak isi minyak RON95 kena guna kad IC, atau kad yang dikeluarkan KDNKK atau Kementerian Kewangan.

    3. Ekonomi akan makin teruk bila minyak naik. Harga barangan akan melambung tinggi. Punca utama kenaikan harga barang mendadak sejak 2008 sehingga sekarang adalah kerana harga minyak.

    4. Habislah rakyat marhaen. Kerja makin susah dapat, yang dapat kerja pun tidak dilindungi dengan undang-undang buruh yang kuat, ada majikan yang abuse pekerja dan tidak bayar gaji dan potong sesuka hati gaji pekerja. Ratusan ribu pekerjaan tak di isi pun mengarut, ada faktor lain dan bukanlah sebab malas saja. Kadang majikan ni ada yang memang dah blacklisted abuse pekerja, kerja yang bergaji terlalu rendah dan masa yang panjang.

    5. Kononnya juga sebab Global Warming, kalau dah Global Warming kenapa tak henti guna minyak sepenuhnya dan terus dan guna elektrik secara meluas? kenapa begitu banyak birokrasi dan polisi yang masih nak lindung industri minyak Malaysia? dan juga lindung industri kereta yang menggunakan minyak?? Kenapa cukai melibatkan kereta elektrik masih tinggi? Kalau tak boleh elektrik sekalipun, kenapa tak guna gas NGV secara meluas? ini alternatif kepada minyak. Tapi nak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih.

    6. Kerajaan masih sayang industri minyak sebab kita dapat ratusan bilion dari minyak, tapi adakah ADIL kerajaan hukum rakyat Malaysia yang miskin dan memerlukan kenderaan untuk bergerak? Apa akan jadi pada B40 kalau harga minyak naik? ada orang bijak kata subsidi minyak sekarang lebih pada orang kaya, sebab tu nak buang. Jadi kita bagi satu contoh :-

    7. Orang kaya isi minyak kereta Velfire, RM180, penuh, dia dapat subsidi lebih dari orang miskin yang pakai Kancil isi minyak yang hanya isi RM30. Betul? Memang la betul, tapi kalau orang kaya tu mampu pakai Velfire berapa Tun rasa pendapatan dia? dia hairan ke tak hairan kalau harga minyak naik? sama juga kalau orang guna Rolls Royce, dia hairan ke kalau harga minyak naik??

  7. …. Selepas PH menang, I jalan kat Hospital Tanglin makan nasi lemak. I juga beli kuih dari orang Melayu. Ada mat motor juga beli. Dia pakai motor besar. Peramah orangnya. Dia kata dia dari Johor. Cuti ambil jalan2 Malaysia. I think dengan adanya PH unity Melayu makin kuat. Kalau kita terlupa Melayu, dengan PH yang rasis kita lagi ingat Melayu.

    What will the judge’s decision for Jackel Testile Mall in Malaysia Baru?

    Testile Gate skandal?

    Will Female Malay CJ allows them to use Islam as their political weapon not to pay debts to their suppliers, or to abuse power to bailout themselves because Perdana Menteri is TDM, not DSN, this time?

    Di Malaysia, declare bankruptcy looses freedom to makan angin in overseas, tak payah masuk jel punya so that their children dont need to go into deeper shit because of the selfishness of their parents.

    Due to the cause of humanity and kindness, american politicians chanted close down prison at guantamano bay, american citizens were happy back then.

    Later on, american citizens realized by closing prison at guantamano bay, oh no, they are coming here.

    Winning or loosing is not important.

    Most importantly is to make Malaysia and the world a safer place to live and enjoy.

    To revenge in the name of terrorism acts that could lead to new military wars due to ignorant and selfish supremacy?

    To sanction in the name of liberty that could prevent tensions to prevent revenge and terrorism acts onto civilians in populated cities that do not belong to them?

    If you are the leader, which way is safer?

    Whats the point of claiming the tallest building, biggest halal in manufacturing and financial hub when we cant make our people and fdi feel safe?

    The decision is on TDM’s table.

    To continue pampering them as father of OKU even when they have done wrong?

    New Malaysia?

    Old Malaysia?

    The choice is with the political parties of the divides because they are the ones who will face their voters in the constituencies that were passed down for generations.

    Can do you do.

    Cannot do, let go is not a bad idea too.

    To share or not to share, the leaders of all political parties decide.

    As voters, our obligation is to vote.

  8. Tun

    I support fully ‘SUDIN’ sentiments on your decision to act as Minister of Education which post I first met you at your Hari Raya Open House in 1972 at the house on the hill in Petaling Jaya. Both you and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah with the darkish looking Chinese Education officer came up to me and asked me who I was. I introduced myself as the Director who attended to a slight illness of the Gabenor of Bank Negara Malaysia the previous weekend and met Tun Dr Siti Hasmah at the Gabenor’s mansion in his sparse bedroom. From then on, I turned up at all the Hari Raya Open Houses at Bukit Tunku until you became the Prime Minister in 1981. We corresponded from then on. It was easy to deliver a letter to you in those days. I just drove up to your office and handed the letter to the jaga sitting in front of your office. Those were the days !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  9. Assalam Tun.

    My hearty congrats to Tun on the cabinet decision to appoint you as acting education minister.

    Hoping Tun can achieve the earlier intention that you seek for when they decided the PM can’t be a minister, and you picked Mazlee instead.

    Also hoping for this “acting” post to last till PRU15.

  10. Tun


    Do not talk rubbish to try to slide away like a slimy and slippery snake, Hainanese HBT630. We are still waiting.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  11. mubarakchan Jan 9,2020 11:13 PM



    We distinguished commentators in this distinguished Blog await your explanation why you called our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia and an iconic World figure, thus


    2. What is this Secret which is not a Secret ?

    3. Most importantly why you called our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad AN OLD SHIT ?

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

    Well, when you started to write from the begining and suddenly u-turn, gostan and twisted, you tend to forget what you wrote, mubarakchan.

    In the past, i couldnt see or understand the political rational why this and that happened.

    What will happen to dsn or anyone of his position, it will happen.
    Even if it is not him, it will be someone at this position will do the same to unite malay of different states with malay muslim supremacy kerana Agong is Malay, Malay is Islam by exploiting the non-muslim races.

    Jika niat mereka adalah murni, mereka pasti akan nampak cahaya di hujung sana. Jika niat mereka adalah untuk kayakan diri mereka sendiri, mereka pasti tidak akan nampak cahaya di hujung sana.

    sibotak Jan 10,2020 7:36 AM

    Details that are not the priority, i am not going to copy-paste what sibotak wrote, but there are questions that i think he is asking can be re-evaluated at the federal level:

    My point is where is the Ummah?
    When the other Ummah is being framed , suppress & bullied?
    I respect Iran. Being alone they able to stands for their Sovereignty
    Where is The Ummah

    The answer: Crystal Terengganu Mosque. Why? Because this mosque is built by subsidy of petrol users including non-muslim at federal level.

    Meaning, federal ministry who are muslim can travel to this mosque to do The Ummah at federal level. If they think is ciplak, they can resign from ministry, and set up their own travelling businesses with Tabung Haji.

    You want to get filty rich overnight, then, resign from the federal government posts, go do your own business in the private sector.

    It doesnt matter minister of finance is malay, cina, orang india atau bumiputera at federal level janji beliau adalah warga negara malaysia.

    Jika Jakim dan agama schools must be hold by malay, then, malay cannot interfere with urusan agama dan sekolah bukan islam, ini baru lah adil.

    The rest of the story, it is up to the divides to gaduh ke, to tighten belt, or to spend recklessly as if taxpayers are their ATM family members or whatsoever to dictate the federal unearned revenue, the decision lies with the next perdana menteri in waiting.

  12. Tun

    I think kempen BMF itu bagus. Buat I lagi perihatin terhadap orang Melayu dan Bumiputera Islam yang berniaga. Buat I ingatkan mereka lebih. Buat I sedar mereka juga berkemampuan untuk berjaya.

    I nak cerita pasal kereta. Kereta I dah habis bayar hutang bank. That means kereta I kereta pencen. Not only that I pakai kereta continental. Bila rosak makan banyak belanja.

    I mula hantar kedai kat Subang Jaya, kedai mekanik India. Tak kenal tapi pasal kat FB war warkan dia mekanik bagus, likers pun ramai, I hantar kereta sana. He was okay until kes Adib dan temple, I terus tak jadi bagi dia business.

    So I hantar satu kedai mekanik Cina not that good, then I hantar satu lagi kedai mekanik Cina, 2 kali 5, macam tupai baiki labu.

    Then my son hantar my car to kedai kawannya seorang budak Melayu. Anak orang besar I dengar. But anyway, terus my car ok like new, dia boleh detect kenapa dan mengapa kereta I jadi begini. Lain2 mekanik diatas main lepas tangan kalau tanya.

    Moral of the story jangan sesekali memperkecilkan kebolehan orang Melayu. Bila mereka bekerja mereka lebih jujur dan ikhlas.

    A few months ago I jalan kat sebuah mall Subang Jaya. I ternampak orang Melayu berniaga. I sebenarnya tak perlu sangat baju yang dipamerkan. Pasal ada kempen BMF dan I tau space mall sekecil itu mahal sewa. I berhenti dan tanya, dia dan suaminya cukup peramah, so I beli 2 helai. Not only that, mereka bagi I gift sebotol kueh. I kata pada hubby begitulah orang Melayu, baik hati budinya.

    Selepas PH menang, I jalan kat Hospital Tanglin makan nasi lemak. I juga beli kuih dari orang Melayu. Ada mat motor juga beli. Dia pakai motor besar. Peramah orangnya. Dia kata dia dari Johor. Cuti ambil jalan2 Malaysia. I think dengan adanya PH unity Melayu makin kuat. Kalau kita terlupa Melayu, dengan PH yang rasis kita lagi ingat Melayu.

  13. Viewing the weakness of the Ummah

    With the recent killing of Iran General
    I see not much Muslim Leader nor Nation comes forward and protests against
    Trump intentional Wrongdoings and it is an International Crimes
    Trump should be charged for murder

    But when an Islamic Leader or Nation did wrong
    West, Israel, British, US comes out with many accusations & assumptions
    I am talking here, the Weakness, the Failure of the Ummah
    As if we are not together as one voice
    As if we don’t have the guts and that makes them more & more arrogant

    Iran made a very professional, honorable, brave response by hitting its missiles precisely not injuring any lives at US illegal Base in Iraq
    It’s a massage Not to mess around with Iran

    Suddenly with the fall of Ukraine flight
    Iran was accused by the so said US Intelligence
    Iran accidentally shot down the airplane without any proofs nor evidence
    The fact of intentionally or as in now US Intelligence says it was accidentally.I am curious where they got this accidentally from?
    Hardly for them to say intentionally with no evidence, accidentally is also a nice word to made Iran looks Bad

    How about Israel , US sophisticated Jets, Drones accidently hit a Wedding ceremony, Hit a Mosque filled with people?
    Too many accidents that the UN ignored
    The double-standard of the United Nations. The very reasons my point every Muslims Nation should pull out from the UN being fooled and financial provider for US, West, Israel needs. And this need is put to the Wrong Doings
    It committed International Crimes, Killing Humans, destructing Nation,threatening World Peace & Harmony

    My point is where is the Ummah?
    When the other Ummah is being framed , suppress & bullied?
    I respect Iran. Being alone they able to stands for their Sovereignty
    Where is The Ummah

  14. Correction: Once this portfolio ok, then we can expect 1MDB wll be changed to 2MMDB iaitu 2 Muslim Malaysia Development Bhd, the trillion dollar whale change to trillion dollar shark, tak anih pun.

  15. Tun


    We distinguished commentators in this distinguished Blog await your explanation why you called our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia and an iconic World figure, thus


    2. What is this Secret which is not a Secret ?

    3. Most importantly why you called our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad AN OLD SHIT ?

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  16. I guess many of us heard the leaks of telephone conversation between najib and his wife dll vvips melayu.

    What would be your reaction?

    Curi dengar punya tak dikena, yang cakap punya kena kerana mereka tak sangka MACC boleh buat begitu?

    Sound like him, but not him?

    Another Political truth?

    Another political trap?

    It is up the media to goreng this piece of news from MACC to increase their circulation, janji circulation increase.

    Integrity or Amanah, it depends on the language preferred by their race base target readers.

    As saying goes, you can fool them some times, but you can never fool them all the times.

    Not hepi then call for general election with EC setting the rules.

    Ayuh, siapakah mahu jadi tuah, siapakah mahu jadi jebat.

    You feel shock?


  17. Just dont get too serious and over-excited with politik tanahair.


    Right pocket goes into Left pocket, after that, left pocket goes back into right pocket sampai tak habis2 lagi.

    Janji menang, baru bikin.

    Malu apa bossku.

  18. 2Kedai Muslim Malaysia on the card this time?

    The happiest mps and wr in waiting must be sibotak, Hajar, sri sense, dll pun tak peduli pun kerana mubarak chan mesti ok punya.

    Tip tip hooray lagi.

    Once this portfolio ok, then we can expect 1MDB wll be changed to 2MMDB iaitu 2MuslimMalaysiaBhd, the trillion dollar whale change to trillion dollar shark, tak anih pun.


    Because this is Bolehland.

    Malu apa Bossku.

    I am wondering ini adalah Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Malaysia?

    With this kind of flip flop, then, belajar bahasa jawi atau tidak, does it matter?

    Siapa tahu, mungkin syllabus ini dibatalkan apabila boss baru naik kerana dapat undi majority pengundi melayu.

  19. No, I am afraid Buy Muslim or Malay First, or BMF, is not the answer to the Malay business weakness. In fact, it will only make the Malays even weaker than they already are at the moment. You can only give yourself an advantage in market access if you ACTUALLY take advantage of that opportunity. The New Economic Policy is precisely what it was all about… that is, to give an unfair advantage to the Malays and Bumiputeras over the Chinese and Indians. The thirty per cent target that was set in 1970 or thereabout, has ended up creating a load of baloneys today, not entrepreneurs. Even Tun Mahathir himself as well as Tun Daim admit as such. So, what more evidence do people need?

    It is not the lack of opportunity that is the problem, but rather the lack of genuine interest to use that opportunity. People who fail in business can give all kinds of dumb excuses except pointing the finger at themselves. My advice to these people is to be less emotional and be more rational in thinking. That’s the first step, without which there is hardly any hope to get to the next step.

    Once you get passed that first step, then I will teach you what you should do next.

  20. Good evening Tun

    I tadi baru baca wall KCD isu tanglung. Amat mendukacitakan bila Timbalan Menteri Pendidikkan dan TPM turun padang pasang tanglung.

    I setuju tanglung tak perlu pasang disekolah2 sebab sekolah bukan shopping malls yang tujuan asal pekedai situ memang nak jual barang musim perayaan – sales time. I juga agak hairan kawasan Shah Alam yang majority penduduk adalah golongan Melayu Islam pun ada malls gantung barang2 perayaan CNY dan Christmas. I fikir berapa gelintirlah mereka2 disini.

    Seingat I dulu ketika tinggal diSubang Jaya years ago, Sunway Pyramid Mall tak pernah minat celebrate Hari Raya Puasa tapi mereka memang lebihkan Christmas untuk menandakan mereka orang Kristian.

    So ya banyak yang pelik berlaku dalam PH dari zaman BN. Yang bertudung macam Wan Azizah pun meraikan CNY lebih dari agama asalnya.

    Berbalik pada Jepun, orang Jepun ini ada banyak kedai secondhand – preloved products. Kalau Tun pergi pun Tun takan tau itu product secondhand. My daughter pernah kata masuk musim sejuk kedai ini ada keluarkan barang2 musim sejuk.

  21. Tun


    It is good very good that you are expressive on your personal views of the Malaysian Chinese. Here is more information on them and the future.

    1. The Counter-Insurgency Adviser to the Federal Government Tan Sri Dr C.C. Too 1951-1992 had warned generations of the Senior Officers of the Military and the PDRM that even though the CPM was seen to be defeated. They would come back in another form. By the early 2000s, I heard that the Special Branch was neglected and that the Seniors were dismissive of the juniors’ reports. Suddenly, as though at the press of the button by a phantom hand, the Controller, up popped the Belt and Silk Road Comics, the invisible ashes and the 30th Anniversary Peoples’ Congress at Kajang 2019. Naturally, there will be more to come given the present political flux all round.

    2. If you ask any Malaysian Chinese today, from which village in China their forefathers came from. They cannot give you the answer because they have lost their roots and cultural ballast. Not only that, they also lost their humbleness, courtesy, compassion and some are ill-mannered, rude and brash. I experienced this type of arrogance all the time from young Chinese at malls and petrol stations. Many young Malays and Indians have been helpful to me. It is sad to note the young Chinese behave in this manner – as though the World owes them a living.

    3. The poor Political Leadership of the Malaysian Chinese arose a long time ago. The MCA Leadership was only a front. Its finest hour was that the Chinese in 1951 became Malaysian Chinese. Thereafter, a complete list of them became mighty rich and none was left out. One proud MCA ex-co member told me.” I just sat in my air-conditioned office and made RM 20 Million.” The MCA paid the price in 2018.

    The Malaysian Chinese Leadership CANNOT BE EFFECTIVE AS LONG AS THEIR PARTIES ARE MIRED IN THE DETAILS AND NOT THE BROAD STROKES WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONSTITUTION. Hence, their Political Leadership will always play second fiddle to the parties of the MAJORITY. And they become even more ineffective by retro action back to CHAUVINISM. And what really held the Malaysian Chinese back was the lack of Vision and Care by their Leaders of long ago (1950s) on the Vernacular Chinese Schools System which became unresolved to this very day. In Thailand and Indonesia, there is no such problem.

    It will come a time the Malaysian Chinese will have to make the proper initiatives to resolve their Political Problems eg. i) their Political Leadership ii) their Vernacular Schools in an independent Nation, our beloved Malaysia.

    In 1972, Lee Kuan Yew just abolished the Nanyang University and the Vernacular Schools as threats to the security of Singapore.

    It should be remembered that Mandarin is only a language and has no cultural or historical or heritage elements connected with it. A graduate from this System knows 1,200 Chinese characters. A Chinese university graduate knows 2,000 more characters out of 10,000 known Chinese characters. It is obvious the Chinese media, the Chinese teachers, the parents, politicians, old boys etc all have a strict interest in furthering the Vernacular Schools System.

    This anomaly in the Malaysian environment has caused much mis-understanding with the other communities. Hopefully, this will be resolved in the mutual interests of all concerned, one day.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  22. Assalammualaikum,

    Chedet wrote “when later on the business was not so good, they set up … selling drinks …” is actually a natural response on adding revenue streams when one part of revenue is not good. Somehow, “Okinawa Village Shop” though a co-operative has got entrepreneurship spirit. I am impressed with what they done.

    Honestly, when I was in Japan, co-operative supermarket was part of Japanese life. Supermart and not “a village shop”.

    The goods they sell are below the price of other Japanese Supermarts. The co-op mart that I went to is located a few miles from the city, presemably the co-operative wants to lower its rental or land cost. We can only reach the mart by car, so the target market segment would be family and restaurant owners or businesses that buy goods in bulk.

    Customers do come in because the goods are cheap.

    “Hypermarket” kills single unit retail shop, and that change the businesses of Japanese retail shop from a mere retail shop to convenience shop that not only sells product but also offer service, drinks and food.

    Japs have a few brand of convenience shop – Seven Eleven, Family Mart, and etc. These shops thrive not only in selling small product at bloated price but also give service and sells food and drink.

    The one that is growing up is Family Mart, and its master franchisor in Malaysia is QL Resources. Maybe, it is fated that he met Family Mart first before others, and gain the sole-franchisor for Family Mart operator.

    The only drawback is that, he does not share the franchise with others, showing that the money is good and he wants it all. As we all know, QL Resources is a 100% Chinese company, and in highly dense Malay population, 99% of the market is Malay market.

    If I am in the business of convenience store, I will meet QL Resources owner – say to him that if you do not open up the business , then I will get another great brand-name into Malaysia and compete with him in Malay dense population area. He would not mind, perhaps as he is opening 20-40 outlets a year.

    Now, Malay creates “Buy Muslim First” to compete with the Chinese businesses that hold license to many retails and so on. Whether, you like it or not, this is good for the community in reducing economic gaps between races. Malay businesses will spur Malay SME. From manufacturing, distribution to retail. While,some people accuses BMF as racism, no one accuses single race owning 100% of business as racism.

  23. For Mubarakchan.

    Thank you for the reply. But you are wrong about my attitude towards race. I may be very blunt in my use of language, but that’s the way I was brought up and trained to speak at the Perse. We speak our minds. That is the main reason we are always the top co-educational school in England at the IGCSE and A Level results. Eton is always behind the Perse. Harrow and Rugby are miles behind us. The Leys in Cambridge (sorry Sultan Nazrin) is not even visible on our horizon. The Royal Shakespeare Theater was founded by an Old Persean.

    I don’t dislike the Chinese anymore than I like the Malays. I don’t show any preference for any race, including my own father’s race, Murut. I am completely neutral. I don’t make any friends, but may make a lot of enemies. But that is the price for being like this. Yes, it is quite sad. But I am okay with that.

    I see the Chinese as a greater existential threat for Malaysia as a whole although it is controllable in Borneo, a much bigger threat than Islam. No, again, it is not because I am a Muslim. It is because this is how as I see the Chinese in Malaysia, from a political scientist perspective. The immigrant Chinese, in short, are fundamentally different in work ethics and sociological attitude, from their host nation’s indigenous populace, and so significant are their size that the Malaysian government have had to change the way it governed the nation in the post-colonial era. The New Economic Policy would not have materialized if not for the Chinese presence in this country. Furthermore, racial conflicts and tensions would not have surfaced if not for their presence. And finally, the fact that permanent change back to the way the nation existed before the influx of Chinese immigration, is dependent on the immigrants’ adaptive capacity and willingness, more so than by the host nation’s indigenous populace themselves,that is the reason the Chinese community are an ever-present threat to Malaysia.

    I hope I have made myself much clearer to everyone in the blog, and my apology if my view is not in line with various quarters, perhaps including Tun’s and PPBM’s. But that’s the way it is. Sorry.

  24. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun untuk ulas isu yang hangat hari ini:

    1. Rasanya tiada apa yang mengejutkan terhadap kandungan perbualan2 tersebut (rakaman haram – pencerobohan privasi). Rakyat yang rasional telah membuat rumusan /keputusan pada PRU-14.

    2. Pendedahan (dalam PC) secara tiba-tiba dari SPRM ini yang saya anggap amat MENGEJUTKAN!

    3. Saya nampak SPRM (termasuk Latheefa Koya) seolah-olah macam orang yang gagal berfikir (maaf cakap). Negara kita tiada undang-undangkah?

    4. Apa HAK pihak SPRM untuk mendedahkan rakaman perbualan2 (termasuk antara suami-isteri) tersebut dalam PC?

    5. Saya tidak sangka Puan Latheefa Koya seorang yang berfikiran singkat. Malang sekali!

    6. Hal ini amat berkait-rapat dengan INTEGRITI dan AMANAH. Siapa yang mahu percayakan SPRM selepas ini?

    7. Penjenayah yang membuat rakaman (haram) terlepaskah?

    8. Dalam ISLAM, kita diharamkan mengintip orang.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  25. Tun


    Hainan, kindly explain to all the distinguished commentators in this Blog why you called our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad the Prime Minister of Malaysia and a World Famous Icon – AN OLD SHIT.

    And Hainan, also give evidence that MUBARAKCHAN stirs up THE OLD SHIT to make him look bad. What is this SECRET WHICH IS NO SECRET ?

    When you accuse, you must furnish evidence to back up your idiotic claims.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. Idiots are born every day.

  26. Aduh Tun,
    Bantulah kami..

    Masuk hari ni dah lebih 10hari tak dpt niaga…

    Kata nk selesaikan masalah kesesakan lalulintas..
    Kata nk bagi keselesaan pada peniaga…

    Sebelum ni, peniaga Uptown danauKota dibawah persatuan PPPKMWP cuma bayar bulanan kos yuran perkhidmatan RM150..
    Kenapa sekarang jadi sewa bulanan RM200lebih di tempat bazaria YB wangsaMaju

    Kenapa sebelom ni banci DBKL jd tak valid..??
    Siapa YB lantik buat bancian..???
    Apa kos.?

    YB penipu kah..??

    kah, kah, kah,…😄
    gelak, gelak juga…!

    Dah dekat 2 minggu tak dpt niaga ni..😔

    ini betul betul…

    Asalamualaikum Tun,
    selamat pagi & semoga dipermudahkan..

  27. Tun

    The Hainanese HBT456 to explain HIS COMMENT


    I have never read anyway until now that our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister, has been called an OLD SHIT..

    This confirmed you an IDIOT OF THE FIRST ORDER.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  28. I already done my part as voter in my constituency.

    It is up to TDM to call the shot.

    To me, it doesnt affect me on whoever become the next perdana menteri.


    Hakikatnya adalah sama saja.

    Either you take it, or you leave it, itu saja as voter.

  29. twinpeaks Jan 8,2020 10:02 PM

    Well then…, if you are getting a bit nervous now, then the Chinese had better start behaving well then. Don’t they.

    I think you should worry more, not me, twinpeaks.

    Mubarak Chan can stirr up the old shit to make TDM looks bad again, it is not a secret anyway.

    Bukankah budaya umno baru adalah wang politik?

    Bak kata, pandai2 lah mereka ini yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai tuah dan jebat.

  30. Tun


    Again some more facts for you TWIN PEAKS. With facts I always stand on solid ground.

    In the early part of 1969, I was offered the best State seat for a Chinese by Tun Tan Siew Sin and Tun Abdul Razak – the Selangor State Seat of Kuala Kubu Baru.

    As always, I consulted my Advisers, my relative Tan Sri Dr C.C. Too the most Senior Chinese Adviser on Counter Insurgency to the Federal Government 1951-1992 and my friends in the UMNO Youth.

    The former told me that the MCA was in trouble with its Leader all puffed up and its Constitution gave him full powers to do anything he liked. The Chinese were not happy. The latter, the UMNO Youth told me to forget about politics in 1969. I TOOK THEIR ADVICE AND RECOMMENDED ANOTHER CANDIDATE WHO CAME IN WITH A MAJORITY OF 550 IN AN ALLIANCE STRONGHOLD WHICH GARNERED 5,000 MAJORITY IN THE PREVIOUS GE.

    The old hands at the game already knew trouble or the Riots of 1969 could happen. Unfortunately, my Advisers were spot on. I avoided a pitfall and lived for another day.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  31. Tun


    Strange as it may seemed or coincidentally, YOUR REASONS FOR THE RIOTS OF 13 MAY 1969 ARE THE SAME AS MINE. Go and check. In your anxiety concerning the recalcitrant Chinese you might have overlooked this FACT.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  32. Tun,


    Here are TWIN PEAKS actual words, thus




    Please read my factual comments again. I did not accuse anyone but presented the facts and numbered them accordingly and separately. The 1969 Riots came about when these facts (time bombs) were put together collectively to form an explosive mix. One single fact as stated by me could not have raised the terrible Riots of 1969 which were created by the force of explosion from one big unholy mix.


    In a diverse Country, it is the Government of the Day which should be the Referee AND NOT THE MAN OR WOMAN IN THE STREET LIKE YOU AND ME. Let the authorities arrest the recalcitrant Chinese or not and put them in jail. This is what a Government should do with the Laws which should be up-to-date. These actions will make Malaysia Great.

    And I have said many times that the Malaysian Chinese lacked a strong and creditable Leader who SHOW THEM THE WAY – THE MALAYSIAN WAY IN LINE WITH THE REST OF THE NATION. With no Leader, these recalcitrant Chinese are just a bunch of leaderless sheep causing trouble UNNECESSARILY WITHOUT ANY EFFECT. Right TWIN PEAKS ? And our Lee Kuan Yew for reasons best known to himself poured oil on these Malaysian troubled waters !



  33. Good grief…, if all Chinese speak like HBT456, I just wonder if anyone in this blog knows what on earth the smelly dog is talking about every time.

    Any idea?

  34. You are playing with a dangerous game, twinpeaks.

    If you are not careful with the alerted tension in iraq-iran, you can drag all of us down including Malay and fdi with your stupid and naive assumptions.

    You want to listen, or not, it is up to you.

  35. Sedikit tambahan.

    Mufti WP juga adalah orang yang mendalami tasawuf. Malah pernah menafsirkan Kitab Hikam.

    Bukunya ada dijual di pasaran.

    Malah beliau berasal dari negeri yang sama dengan Syeikh Abdul Malek (1650-an), Terengganu.

  36. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Terima kasih Hang Jebat II kerana menyuarakan tentang kehidupan rambut.

    Saya lawat website mufti WP tentang tutup kepala/aurat.

    Biasanya orang yang boleh memberi fatwa adalah orang yang mahir tentang ayat ayat Al Quran, hadith dan ijtima’ ulama’. Maka ia telah disertakan dengan dalil Al Quran.

    Walaubagaimanapun. Saya kira Hang Jebat II adalah seorang wanita.

    Izinkan saya menerangkan tentang pendirian saya berkenaan Islam dan tatacara pemerintahannya.

    Setiap kali saya akan dengan sengaja mengulangi ayat bahawa saya menulis memberi pendapat bagaimana caranya mahu pergi mengambil black box dan mayat MH17 di blog (carian boleh dilakukan pada tarikh semasa itu) adalah semasa saya sedang makan di atas sofa pada bulan ramadhan sambil menonton televisyen.

    Alasannya saya letih kerja sebab layan 2000 hingga 3000 pax group curch pada bulan ramadhan.

    Tujuan saya menulis perkara tersebut adalah kerana mahu memperkenalkan ilmu tasawuf. Terutamanya berkenaan Kitab Hikam hasil ilham Syeikh Ibnu Athaillah As Sakandari yang diterjemahkan oleh Syeikh Abdul Malek ke alam Melayu.

    Ia amat terkenal dan masih diajar di sekolah sekolah pondok.

    Walaubagaimanapun, walau telah 2 PM saya dan Tun telah berjaya turunkan termasuk menukar satu kerajaan negara, saya tetap tidak akan mengatakan puasa itu tidak wajib. Dosa itu saya tanggung sendiri. Saya tidak akan mengajak orang ramai tidak berpuasa.

    Mengajak orang ramai tidak berpuasa adalah salah sama sekali.

    Malah pendirian saya berkenaan ajaran ajaran ulama ahli sunnah wal jamaah adalah tetap sama. Ahli sunnah wal jamaah adalah benar.

    Saya menerangkan tentang ilmu. Tentang pengetahuan dari Allah swt (jika diminati perkataannya). Atau dinamakan ilmu laduni. Saya tidak membentuk hukum hakam saya sendiri.

    Islam itu indah. Walau bagaimana cara sekalipun anda lakukan untuk memenuhi tuntutan beragama dalam Islam, anda sudah amat bertuah kerana :

    Syahadah. Tiada Tuhan Selain Allah dan Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  37. For Mubarakchan.

    Thank you for the reply. I respect your opinion, but I stand by what I have said earlier regarding the Chinese in Malaysia. So, we just leave it at that.

    By the way, the New Economic Policy as crafted by Tun Abdul Razak and his team in 1970/71 was an important tool to appease the angry Malay populace. This was necessary to diffuse the racial tension then. But please do NOT make any mistake and assume that everything should be all right today with the Malays. In fact, things have gotten worse, as the nation has prospered tremendously, but the economic gap between the Chinese and Malays are as wide as always, in fact greater. Furthermore, the Malay-led government corporations that stemmed from the acquisition decades from British businesses cannot be used as a front for the greater Malay community, whose median household income is so much behind that of the average Chinese family, today. It is this economic gap that caused the Race Riot in 1969, and not policies from the British days or indeed the post-independent government of Tunku Abdul Rahman. Please do not hoodwink anyone on this basic fact.

    Thus, as I have said repeatedly, to address this widening economic gap is not as easy as clicking the key on the computer. It will take decades and even then it will not show the desired result. Yes, it true that racial differences cannot be erased, but what can be done is the way people behave, especially when you know that you are an immigrant race, and therefore are expected to behave the way immigrants are supposed to behave. That goes for all your future generations without any exception, as that is the price for having migrated to Malaysia. The Malays have been very kind to accept your race, and they have not imprisoned you like in Myanmar, nor have they sent you to the gas chamber like in Hitler’s Germany.

    So, it is the least that you can do, and that is to behave as an immigrant race and respect the Federal Constitution. That includes not making fun of the Malays and other Bumiputeras in Youtube channel, not singing the national anthem in Chinese or whatever language that is not Bahasa Malaysia, and not pretending to sell Halal food to the Muslims when you know full well that they are not in fact Halal. If you behave in respectful ways, including closing down your vernacular Chinese schools, then there is hope that one fine day, no mad Malay will throw bombs at your temples.

  38. Bak kata, jika mahu tiru, jangan tiru sampai 100%.

    Jika mereka ini yang telah menyalahgunakan hak mereka, dan masih nak cari pasal dan jalan to cover up another greed to bailout or rich themselves using malay and muslim biased policy again, and again, since they could be rigged with snap of fingers via fear mongering with another malay race protest in the name of tanah melayu, not malaya, this time, what will happen?

    Such action is morally not right, and such action could lead to sanction and isolation by the authorithy of USA.


    UN too is formed and located on the land of USA whereby the elected President of USA is the host after ww2 ended.

    You as invited guest, i mean, as pendatang, seeking cooperation and peace, under migration act, foreign diplomacy and bilateral trades, you made speeches in terrorising and harassing citizens of America and the world, how would you feel if you are the host?

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
    Absolute freedom corrupts absolutely.
    Big can never fail?
    Big can bully?
    Big can threaten?
    Big can terrorize?
    Big can harrass?
    Big can be lawless?

    Mahu main politik, kena main dengan cara yang betul.
    Melayu mp gaduh sama Melayu mp?
    Cina mp gaduh sama Cina mp?
    Orang India mp gaduh sama Orang India mp?
    Kaum lain-lain mp gaduh sama Kaum lain-lain mp?

    I am least worried about China because I know their leadership does not want to start a military war with any countries that do not belong to them except Taiwan. I believe when Madam Tsai In-Wen wins in this coming presidency election, she too will do her part to make sure Taiwanese business community in mainland China will not be bullied by greedy Mainland Chinese national business community via Anti-copy cat, i mean, stricter trade law agreed by Beijing and Taipei ministries kerana mereka sama2 orang cina, tapping the Yellow Skin Asian market, or Great China Market, that include Japan, S. Korea, Hong Kong/Macau/Zhuhai, excluding North Korean since they still not ready yet.

    As for Middle-East Moslem Majority Region, i prefer not to play hard with them since they are split into different countries with different risk appetites and portfolio to generate economic growth of their countries. History shown us that until today, military wars are still going on in this region in order to showcase their absolute power of islamic policies to unite themselves.

    As for India and Pakistan, they still have a long way to go before they can catch up with the rest of the world, and it is a fact that they are still fighting off the worst raping crimes due to credit crunch, poverty hash geopolitical challenges and ongoing military wars in middle-east asia region.

    As for EU, UK, Canaada, Australia dll, they too have geopolitical challenges to curb the rise of nazi, commies and moslem supremacy.

    As for Africa continent, there are split into christian and moslem majority countries coupled with huge poverty, geopolitical challenges and the ongoing military wars in middle-east asia region.

    As for Indonesia, they are still fighting to curb absolute islamic policies from rising and hash geopolitical challenges that could shun off non-moslem investors via presidency election.

    As for the Philipines, they are still fighting with the international drug cartel due to poverty and hash geopolitical challenges to feed their people via presidency election.

    Malaysia is a small pulation country with lots of iddle, or reserved forest land, therefore, the elected perdana menteri and his cabinet at Putrajaya, has the absolute right to decide who gets what, and who dont get what. Whether we like it or not, all vvips are hold by Malay Muslim, and yet they still think they are being marginalized until today. Perhaps, they must have forgotten what they did in the past. The only thing that i didnt realize is politics could go to such low level and dirty just to stay relevant. Even when the perdana menteri is changed, hakikatnya adalah sama saja, twinpeaks.Either you stand up to say Tak Nak, to say Nak, agree to disagree, disagree to agree, resign or give up, this is a democratic process that they must go through whereby the winner takes all, the looser takes all.


    Mps too are human, they also got maruah dan emosi, betul tak?

    Tiap2 kali pun macam ini, siapa mahu ambil tanggungjawab berat macam ini yang asyik berat sebelah hanya untuk menyedapkan pengundi mereka saja untuk menyatukan melayu bumiputra muslim di semenanjung malaysia, sabah dan sarawak?

    The blame game is on, and the longer the case is dragged, it is definitely create a bad light on TDM and his Cabinet.


    There is no secret in local politics.

    Which way to go?

    Itu kena tanya selera mereka masing2, mampu atau tidak mampu to raise another race wars on the land of this country with malay and muslim biased policy whereby our forefathers claimed Merdeka from British Colonization.

    Kongsi atau cerai, itu terpulang kepada citarasa dan selera mereka masing2 in the name oil and gas industry.

    P/s: I stop using gas to cook for a couple of years now. Why? Because i have choice to use safer and clean energy to cook, that is electrical or induction cooker.

  39. Tun


    You have brought up the extreme bare facts on the Malaysian Chinese whose thoughts and actions you seem to know better than themselves. You also revealed yourself that you see a great divide between the Malaysian Chinese and the majority on the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. You further put the blame on the British for the importation of the Chinese into Malaya which was one of the British Empire’s brightest star in its firmament.

    In the main, you drew the hard-lines of the extremes in the sand. But fortunately, in the field of human endeavour or conflict, everything is fudged or in flux and most times the common sense and good prevailed unless such a situation arose in war-like communities which we Malaysians are not.

    One thing you did not mention was the fact that the Malaysian Chinese had poor Political Leadership from the very beginning. This maybe partially blamed on Lee Kuan Yew only.

    You kept on mentioning riots, and more of the same. Let me go back to the basics of why 13 May 1969 happened according to the facts. Riots are not so easily fomented nowadays because of certain steps taken by Tun Abdul Razak’s NEP beginning 1971 !

    1. The Federal Government from 1957-1972 practised the British Colonial Currency Board Policy without understanding its implications for an independent Nation. Unfortunately, the 2 successive Ministers of Finance did not know either but kept hanging onto their belief in thrift as emphasised by Confucius.

    The Currency Board designed for the remote financial control of British colonies stipulated that a colony could only spend what it earned. In independent Malaya, a Central Bank was incorporated in 1957 which functions were not utilised until the dissolution of the Currency Board in 1972.

    With a Currency Board, there were illiquidity, a slow moving economy, the rich became richer, the poor became poorer. The newly returned Malay or non-Malay graduates had no OD, credit cards, house or car or business loans. They were very upset to be treated like this in their own country even years after Merdeka in 1957.

    2. With the formation of Malaysia in 1963, a new crowd the PAP turned up at the Dewan Rakyat shouting Malaysia for Malaysians. They opposed the functions of Bank Negara Malaysia. They instilled fear in the hearts of many at the Dewan Rakyat especially during the red-hot ceramahs held by the PAP all over KL. I was there. Until now, no one knew that this was preparatory for Lee Kuan Yew to lead Singapore out of the Federation after he got the secret blessing of Uncle Sam in 1962 to do things secretly as the facts now reveal. A Conspiracy of sorts above the Malaysians heads.

    3. Lee Kuan Yew left behind a Chinese backed political party which thrived and grew strong in the Opposition 1966-2018 because the Malaysian Chinese never had a strong political Leadership even to this day.

    4. The Penang Riots of 1967 came about when the Federal Government wanted to streamline Custom and Excise Duties throughout the Federation.

    5. The Kepong shooting accident. This was exploited by the Opposition in the run-up to the GE of 1969. I was a witness to these demonstrations.

    6. The huge loss by the MCA at the 1969 GE.

    7. The insulting and vulgar street victory demonstrations in KL after the huge Opposition success at the polls were instigators to arouse hatred and violence. I was there.

    8. The Leader of MCA without much feel about the situation on the ground, took MCA out of the Alliance at 2.30 PM on 13 May 1969. By 10 pm, he was back in the Alliance. By 5 pm, the riots began and much lives were lost by 10 pm. The Leader was in the political dog-house until he retired in 1974. Thoughtlessly, the Leader did not consider that his partners thought they would lose Power if the MCA left them. That was the rub. That was the nub.

    9. Until the introduction of the Restricted Passport in 1970, gangsters could commute freely between Malaysia and Singapore. Only after 2000, with the computers, this gap was finally closed. Singapore could register 2,000 gangsters by 1972.

    TWIN PEAKS. At the material time of the 1969 Riots, the British owned 70% of the best Malaysian assets, the Chinese 25% of the third rate and the Malays just 2%. The Chinese were blamed by the British for profiteering. But the British were the principals who engaged the Chinese to distribute their Empire non-tariff goods for marginal profits at great risks in terms of credit and vicissitudes of the market place.

    HENCE MY 1972 CONCEPT TO BUY OUT THE BRITISH AT FAIR MARKET PRICES BEGINNING WITH SIME DARBY WHICH WAS SUPPORTED BY THE PRIME MINISTER TUN ABDUL RAZAK AND YBM TENGKU RAZALEIGH HAMZAH. With the advent of our beloved Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 1981, all major British assets were in Malay hands purchased at fair market prices.

    My 1972 Sime Darby Concept was to fast trek the Malays into BIG BUSINESS without disrupting the Chinese businesses. For my effort, my 1972 Concept toe Benefit ALL, was politicised by a MCA Leader who called me a ‘Malay Bum Sucker’ SO THAT HE COULD CHEAT HIS OWN CHINESE AND WENT TO JAILS ACCORDINGLY. Hence, we now have Public Bank, Hong Leong Bank, IOI, KLK, the Kuok and Lion Groups etc.

    With the fleshing out of the NEP and the purchase at fair market prices of Sime Darby and all the major British assets by our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Government Agencies from 1981, the Malaysian and Singapore economies ran upwards for over 20 years ! Believe it or not, TWIN PEAKS ! Please go and check.

    TWIN PEAKS. It is not all doom or gloom. We Malaysians have a lot in common – THE COMMONALITIES like thus

    1. Our in-born friendliness, hospitality and tolerance.

    2. Our Asian Values.

    3. Our cuisines.

    4. Our fondness for sports and entertainment as part of our Malaysian Life Style.

    5. Our Governments exhortations 1957-2003 except during the Dark Age of Cash is King promoted by the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs and SOEs.

    6. It is not so easy to start a riot these days with all the glittering buildings not owned by the Chinese. And the mixed residential areas in every town. Unlike in 1969, all communities lived in ghettoes. It was Tun Abdul Razak’s NEP which laid the groundwork for the Malaysian template of today beginning 1972

    We have come a long long way by emphasising and expanding on the COMMONALITIES well before 1957.


    A Government with all good intentions can only do so much. The majority part of the action rests with the Rakyat, thus the headline this morning


    Unlike Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore where the Ministry of Information is not only humongous for a tiny one-street town but all embracing including spying on the domestics and the foreigners especially Malaysians.

    With all due respects, TWIN PEAKS except for the terrible black blot on our beloved Malaysia’s history 2004-2018 administered by unqualified chaps, we have come a very long way taking into consideration that India took 5,000 years, Japan 3,000 years and Switzerland 800 years.


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. IN YOU WE ALL TRUST.

    TWIN PEAKS. Good question for you, today.


  40. Good morning!

    I ada nampak visitor to my blog datang dari sini, orang Singapore. Maybe that person you know who. My blog jarang terima visitors dari sini. Hubby kata sebab my blog cerita about stocks bukan politic.

    Cerita Mazlee masih lagi diperkatakan oleh bloggers, sejak TMI keluar berita nampak surat Tun tulis kepada Mazlee.

    I actually tau about it, bila terbaca kat wall KCD, padan muka kau Mazlee. Sehari selepas Mazlee letak jawatan. I juga sebut disini kalau nak bergaduh janganlah di media sosial.

    I juga tidak terkejut bila Permaisuri Agong nak guna jawi. Seingat I, tentera Johor antara kemestian mesti pandai membaca dan menulis dalam Jawi. I neutral on this subject. Sebab I tak sekolah lagi, anak I tak sekolah lagi . But I must say, Mazlee ini memang jenis suka buat decision yang merepek. Dia banyak idea but his ideas lebih sesuai untuk golongan belia.

    I pernah cakap dengan hubby, Mazlee ini macam jenis buat decision based on kawan2. For example kawan kata letih kapurkan kasut anak, Mazlee bagi kasut hitam. For example kawan kata banyak kerja tak sempat bersama keluarga, Mazlee terus bagi kelonggaran waktu. Mazlee lebih pada kerohanian. Dulu I pernah sebut sini anak sedara I complaint kenapa sekolah biasa jadi sekolah agama. PH menang. Mazlee jadi Education Miniter jadi tambah agama.

    Kalau Tun lihat zaman BN, education ministry taklah controversy sangat. Ada issue tapi bukanlah besar sangat.

  41. For Mubarakchan.

    Thank you for providing a clearer picture of the Chinese Malaysian situation, which to my mind, is a very serious threat today. Whatever we want to say, perhaps to defuse the everlasting racial tension between the Malays and Chinese, we still cannot get away from the ever-present internal threat to internal peace, the Chinese community. The chauvinistic Chinese character is the single biggest obstacle to national unity. That is a FACT, Mubarakchan. So unless this can be resolved by the Chinese themselves, I cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel, for national unity. You, being a wise and educated Chinese, is a needle in the haystack in your community. The remaining 99.9% are the opposite of you. The evidence is the extreme poor voter support for the MCA, short of temporary reprieve at Tanjung Piai, but everyone knows that was merely to protest against the DAP slacking in the duty to confront Tun Hahathir’s leadership. The plain fact is as clear as sunny day… the Chinese community are DAP supporters, pure and simple. This is a big problem for Malaysia’s well being.

    We all know what DAP stands for. They have absolutely no respect for the Federal Constitution, but of course they don’t say this in public. If it was left to them, the Malay Sultans would have been relegated to history. Sometimes I wonder if DAP leaders are imposters as well, just like the slimy dog HBT456. Chinese who are true citizens know and respect the Federal Constitution and at least know where they come from and how they should behave in this country. Unfortunately, this is not the case. With the new generation of Chinese, it all seems to get worse everyday. The new Education Minister really needs to think hard on how to bring the younger Chinese school children back into line. Otherwise, they will grow up to become loose cannons themselves, just like their parents. Of course, this does not apply to you and your family Mubarakchan, but like I said, you are a needle in the haystack in your community.

    I am not from Malaya but I really do pity my fellow Bumiputeras on the Peninsula, the Malays. Without us Borneo states, the Tunku could not agree to allow the Singapore and Malaya merger in 1963, as the Malays would have simply been outnumbered. This is the most important historical fault of the departing British. They have brought in TOO MANY Chinese into Malaya. But funnily enough, the British North Borneo Chartered Company and the Brooke Rajas have spared Sabah and Sarawak from being inundated with the so-called Yellow Peril, to borrow the term from the West. They were less than a quarter of the population of Sabah when the British left. Today, they are less than 9 per cent of Sabah’s population. So, the Chinese are not a threat in Sabah, as their number is too small. But in Malaya’s case, it is totally the opposite. There are simply too many. In Peninsula cities and towns, they outnumber the Malays(!) Every general elections, Peninsula-based Malay parties are dependent upon Sabah and Sarawak to provide them with political support. Otherwise, they cannot rule even in their own land. This is the sad fact.

    So, you do have a major time bomb in the Peninsula, clicking every minute, every day. It is a major problem for whoever is the Prime Minister. And most importantly, he cannot sweep this problem under the carpet, hoping for it to go away. The choice of Prime Minister is ever so important in future, as it will dictate how this problem is confronted. At best, it will lead to national unity. At worst, the Peninsula may end up with another race riot, and another, and another.

    So, it will always be there. And frighteningly, the problem will get even more serious and bigger in future. That is for sure, unfortunately.

  42. Hajar Jan 7,2020 6:48 PM

    Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Japan is a nice country to visit. The people there are also very polite, hardworking, disciplined, honest, etc. (unlike those very rude & dishonest Chinese people – majority; spitting even from inside a car – don’t care about hygiene / cleanliness).

    But then, do I want to stay there (Japan) for more than 2 weeks? Nope!

    I prefer to be in Malaysia where we can find all kinds of HALAL foods (restaurants) easily with reasonable prices – delicious too! Furthermore, I don’t really like Japanese food (not my taste).

    If the ultra kiasus @ racists @ bigots have problems with the ‘halalness & cleanliness’of foods / products, and the ‘halal logo’ that most Muslims look for (in food / service/ products), then by all means just get lost @ ‘berambus’ from this ‘Semenanjung Tanah Melayu’.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

    There are many non-muslim eateries that i can choose from, why should i care what she thinks? She must be very desperate or connered?

    Hak bukan dia, hak dia.
    Hak dia, hak dia.
    It simply means corruption and power abuse at the highest level.
    This is not the 1st time, and it wont be the last.

    Why get mad with this kind of politics?

  43. Salam hormat en/puan musato.

    Sebagai penganut Islam yang sebenar, kita mestilah belajar dan mengambil hukum daripada sumber yang mutlak iaitu Al-Quran. Selain sumber Quran kita tidak harus mengetatkan hukum. Zakir Naik bukan sumber hukum Islam yang mutlak. Baiklah jika disemak semula hukum rambut/kepala wanita sebagai aurat. Pendapat ulamak tidak mutlak. Janganlah dijunjung seperti mutlak.

    Tentang menjaga pandangan,itu saya setuju.tidak kira laki2 atau perempuan mestilah menjaga pandangan matanya serta menggunakannya dengan berhemah. Wallahuaklam.

    Sekian. Salam hormat

  44. twinpeaks Jan 7,2020 5:21 PM

    I wouldn’t be surprised if one fine day, the USAF bombers from Guam will fly over Beijing and all the other towns in China and drop atomic bombs on the Commies. The world can count on Trump to do this.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if one fine day, the MALAY bomoh from Perak will fly over KL and all the other towns on penyapu in Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak and drop air zam zam on the Nazi. Malaysia can count on TDM to do this.

    Commies, Melayu mudah lupa, atau buat tak tahu?

  45. Tun


    Here are the historical facts on how the Chinese in Malays were treated by the British up to 1951 with the coming of the Federation of Malaya.

    Pre-War. up to 1941 – Any Chinese who wants to visit China or Hong Hong had to get a visa to return to Malaya from the Immigration authorities. Normally, a 6 month visa was approved. All the Chinese were treated as Chinese Nationals of the Republic of China ruled by the Kuomintang (KMT). They carried this Passport or rarely, the Straits Settlements Passport.

    As the World political events increased in crescendo, the British sent Police cadres for 6 months to Swatow, Canton and Xiamen to study the ways and dialects of these Southern Chinese. On their return, they were placed in the Office of the Protector (a euphemism) of the Chinese next to the Chinatowns in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Penang – to keep a baleful eye on some of the troublesome political Chinese newly arrived from China in the 1930s. Because in 1931, the British caught a European Comintern spy in Singapore who was duly deported.

    Post War. 1945-1951.

    The Aborted Malayan Union as proposed by the Labour Government led by Clement Atlee. All inhabitants of Malaya were given citizenship. The British Residents alerted the Sultans who in turn got the Malays to mass protest at this Malayan Union.

    With the collapse of the Malayan Union, the British Military Administration (BMA) remained until the formation of the Federation of Malaya on 1951 when the Chinese were given citizenship on a selective basis based on a format acceptable by the Sultans and the Malays. That was the MCA’s finest hour.

    The Chinese remained as citizens of the Republic of China under the KMT until it lost Power to the Communists which began to rule the People’s Republic of China beginning 1 October 1949. Thereafter, the Malayan Chinese became citizens of the Federation of Malaya.

    The poor political leadership of the Malayan Chinese at the material time being from the commercial class did not foresee the problems now over-hanging an independent and free Malaysia today. This was probably due to lack of foresight and finance. I am referring to the vernacular schools which should have been resolved 70 years ago. This unfortunate event continued to bug Malaysian politics.

    TWIN PEAKS. HBT456 deserved to be ignored because his comments are undecipherable. He has no ideas of his own but latched onto the comments of others. Any serious person worth his salt will treat him like a NUT.

    I do not understand why some people think the Chinese are a threat to anyone. Some of them are so very clever as to be stupid. These were household names too. Like many others, I have contributed a lot in the National Interest. I never boasted or asked for titles, money or favours. I was brought up and educated in this manner. Live and let live. TWIN PEAKS.

    All things considered our beloved Malaysia has come a long long way. We survived even after the most disastrous event ever occurred in a country anywhere in the World – The Dark Age, 2004-2018 ruled by the Singaporean Puppet and Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs. Where else in the World but Malaysia ? On this survival, credit must be given to our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, DSAI and the Team for ousting the BN on 9 May 2018.

    From the ashes, rose our beloved Malaysia, one of 4 most important small countries of the World being Britain, Japan, Switzerland and Malaysia.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  46. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Japan is a nice country to visit. The people there are also very polite, hardworking, disciplined, honest, etc. (unlike those very rude & dishonest Chinese people – majority; spitting even from inside a car – don’t care about hygiene / cleanliness).

    But then, do I want to stay there (Japan) for more than 2 weeks? Nope!

    I prefer to be in Malaysia where we can find all kinds of HALAL foods (restaurants) easily with reasonable prices – delicious too! Furthermore, I don’t really like Japanese food (not my taste).

    If the ultra kiasus @ racists @ bigots have problems with the ‘halalness & cleanliness’of foods / products, and the ‘halal logo’ that most Muslims look for (in food / service/ products), then by all means just get lost @ ‘berambus’ from this ‘Semenanjung Tanah Melayu’.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  47. I wouldn’t be surprised if one fine day, the USAF bombers from Guam will fly over Beijing and all the other towns in China and drop atomic bombs on the Commies. The world can count on Trump to do this.

  48. The slimy smelly Chinese or Hainanese dog (or whatever) in this blog called HBT456, as everyone (including Mubrakchan and SS Lee) would agree, is not a citizen of Malaysia but an imposter, as indicated by its ignorance of the basic history of the country. When it referred to Bung the Hitler hailer from Sabah, I think the smelly dog meant Bung Moktar Radin, the Kinabatangan MP. The smelly dog does not realise that Mr Bung is a Dusun. A Dusun is a Native of Sabah, and a Native of Sabah is the original inhabitant of Sabah, and therefore of the greater Malaysian Federation. Just like the Malays are the original and therefore the Native of Tanah Melayu or Malaya. And the Ibans are the original and therefore the Native of Sarawak. There are many other groups in Sabah and Sarawak who are Natives of these two former British colonies.

    The Chinese and Indians, in contrast, had never been recognized, either by the Malayan or Borneo colonial administrators as anything BUT non-citizens and Pendatang. The Chinese were ONLY meant to be in Malaya and Borneo until these two colonies are handed back to the Natives of both Malaya and Borneo. They somehow slipped through the net. But this can solved later. The Chinese were meant to be deported back to where they came from, China or somewhere across the sea. Perhaps we can ship them back to Communist China, or if China does not want to take them back, we can just DUMP the Chinese community in Malaysia in the South China Sea or the Pacific Ocean. Let them all drown in the open seas.

    Mubarakchan can then lay all the blame on HBT456, should this happen one day.

  49. Even our japanese privated owned shabu restaurant offered mala soup as additional flavor to cater chinese taste buds, did you see any malaysian chinese boycott and protests today?

    Low barrier entry industry is the easiest industry to be replaced if they use price cutting strategy to retain their consumers.

    China too is moving away from this price cutting strategy, and thats why everything is expensive in their populated major cities.

    This is the most fundamental reason why we need to study economics based on supply and demand due to scarcity which has nothing to do with hak bukan dia, hak dia, hak dia, hak dia.

    When you see millions of iranians mourned, then, you will know they are still not ready to open up themselves further in the name of absolute islamic monarchy, and this is not a good sign for iran and those countries surrounding them.

    I sure hope Iran PM can restrain from any revenges inflicted by Trump Administration to prevent a war, not to start a war in the name of their flag to protect their citizens and assets belongs to them.

  50. Why usa president flied with air force one?

    It is because they are the pioneer in aviation industry since ww2.

    Hence, president usa is their pioneer aviation ambassador to show case their boieng technology, and everyone is aware what.

    Can Perdana Menteri of Malaysia afford to have this priviledge in using malaysian taxpayer monies to show case kapal terbang untuk PM?

    Boleh, bukan tak boleh.

    Unless kapal terbang is made and manufactured by Malaysian.

    Jika tidak, then, lebih baik charter first class cabin of MAS when travel to overseas, at least boleh bayar gaji mas and mahb.

    Air Asia is a budget airline with slogan of everyone can fly subsidied by all of us tak kisah you islam atau kafir.

    The rest is history.

  51. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kepada pemimpin pemimpin sekalian.

    Pagi tadi sambil saya minum teh tarik di kedai mamak, sempat saya tengok video Dr Zakir Naik dan Syeikh Ahmed Deedat, guru beliau.

    Seorang wanita Kanada bertanya kepada Dr Zakir Naik, kenapa wanita duduk dibelakang sedangkan lelaki duduk di depan dalam perhimpunan ceramah beliau?

    Jawapan beliau adalah ia kerana beliau perlu menjaga hijab (pandangan mata) semasa berceramah. Susah untuk beliau melakukan prinsip berceramah iaitu bertentang mata jika diletakkan wanita dihadapan sekali.

    Katanya jika beliau tidak berasa apa apa jika melihat wanita, maka beliau perlu berjumpa pakar psikologi.

    Bukan kerana merendahkan martabat wanita jika diletakkan wanita dibelakang, jauh dari pandangan semasa ceramah beliau. Skrin besar dibelakang disediakan untuk mereka melihat penceramah.

    Mana mana pemimpin perlu menjaga hijab pandangan mereka terhadap wanita. Ia adalah mesti. Lebih lebih jika seseorang itu tinggi martabatnya di sisi Allah swt.

    Ia bukan lagi perlu dijaga, tapi ia adalah satu perkara yang memalukan untuk memandang wanita (raut wajah atau bentuk badan).

    Ia tidak bermaksud lemah pada wanita. Namun sebaik baik dan seburuk buruk pengetahuan itu ada di dalam dadanya, sebahagian kurniaan dari Allah swt.

    Begitu juga dengan saya. Jika mahu bertemu saya, pastikan bertudung dan menutup aurat. Saya juga perlu menjaga hijab saya.

    Juga adalah penting untuk memahami ungkapan Dr M, “saya bernasib baik Siti Hasmah tidak begitu cemburu”.

    Itu juga salah satu persediaan yang perlu dilakukan untuk menjadi pemimpin.

    Terima kasih Tun.


    I already expected this will happen sinnce china has enough manpower and iron core to generate steel products to cater domestic and the world markets which are friendly to them.

    China is moving away from traditional manufacturing methods by upgrading themselves with modern technology learned and paid by them in cash from western countries.

    You can call them as copy cats or innovators pun boleh.

    But, one thing that cannot be faked, copied and bought is semamgat patriotism, and this applied to usa and their allies and enemies.

    Semangat Malaysia Boleh?

    P/s: bung the hitler hailer of umno baru from sabah must have forgotten he looked down on proton car, the first national car, and yet he as pendatang dare to call my race as pendatang? 😂😂😂

  53. SSLEE, do you know which country invented paper?

    H1N1, or Bird flu akin SARS?

    If we are talking about SARS, then, he must have been bitten by bats.

    Dulu, orang china, hk and WHO tak tahu, kini mereka sudah tahu the root cause.

    The wuhan flu applied to those wholesalers in pasar borang seafood + wild animals with their internal organs since african swine flu outbreaks.

    I am sure you heard of mad cow disease whereby the farmers feed the living cows with cow meat kerana jimat cermat production costs that caught WHO attention.

    AIDS was caused by human gatal with apes, i mean, orang utan, kerana dulu mereka tak tahu dan rasa malu nak bagi tahu doctor mereka, tak anih pun.

    The rest of the story, it is up to umno baru with pas behind them to twist and change their story board kerana mereka akan kata cannot remember, bz or deny, what they said, or signed.

    Thats why Malaysia is called Bolehland iaitu apa2 pun boleh when menang, baru bikin.

    Malu apa bossku.

  54. Tun,

    Sadly, I don’t think so it could work in Malaysia. Nowadays it’s difficult to see humble and honest kampung people. We’ve become a materialistic and complicated people where many no longer bother about being religious or decent.

    Anyway, I’m digressing from the topic- there are many of us who are not happy that Dr Maslee Malik resigned. Perhaps it is good to keep one or two decent Ministers who do not bother about politicking and who keeps his or her focus on the work. You have found a rare and extra ordinary person here and yet his time is shortlived in the ministry. There are many of us down here who think that apart from you, he is the best performing Minister in your cabinet. For the first time, we were experiencing a ministry leading to the direction without red tapes, politicking, corruption and favouratism. But then, why not? especially for education ministry!!!So sad, so disappointing . Such a loss to the country.

    One question from us, ” Bila lagi nak haramkan that rude and ignorant Dong Zong? we all dah fed up dengar diaorang ni bising-bising tak habis habis.” I’ m sure non of your ancestors ever regret coming to this land and continue to live in this land. So please lah, start a new life and blend in. All of us have to and you are no exception.

    Oh, another issue Tun- ramai dari kami tak rela terima Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai PM atau menteri. Bagi je lah dia ‘berkhutbah’ kat constituency dan family dia je. Again, I’ve said before, I think Wan Azizah can work very well but without him standing by her.

  55. When in good times, everyone feels happy.

    When in bad times, everyone gaduh pasal isu kacang putih that only divides races further hoping that they can get away with it?

    I sure hope the wannabes should avoid another invert national hard landing policy by replacing with muafakat policy with malay congress dignity by closing doors to non-muslim who have long been established in this country.

    Kongsi atau cerai, the choice is with the political of the divides.

    When general election is called, all voters can choose either to vote ruling coalition, opposition coalition and independents.

  56. I dont have to travel to foreign countries to learn the cultures and traditions of malaysia, dont you think so, SSLEE?

    Before you talk about the cultures and traditions of other countries, how much do you know about your state birth?

    Have you ever think of preserving them?

    Never assume everyone thinks like you, SSLEE.

    You think changing federal government, the living standard will go down?

    If you think in order to retain the votes of malay majority is to let them travel at the expenses of federal government with malay or muslim biased policy, no one will stop you.

    But, you cannot stop others who do not agree to you, SSLEE.

    I am not worried about japan and south korea because they too have soft and hard measures to deal with the ongoing tension between tehran and washington.

    What about you, SSLEE?

  57. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Please allow me to share my holiday experience below:
    Just back from family holiday to Hokkaido Japan, would like to share what it’s mean by look East Policy (Japan)
    The tower was built in 1878, and is all that remains of the drill hall of the former Sapporo Agricultural College (now Hokkaido University). The building was one of the earliest to be built in this city. The city itself was chosen as the administrative centre of Hokkaidō in 1868, which is the date currently recognised as the official birth of the city.

    Currently, this is the oldest building standing in Sapporo. The clock was installed in July 1881 by E. Howard & Co. (headed by a co-founder of what would eventually become the Waltham Watch Company) of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

    In 1970, Sapporo Clock Tower was designated an Important Cultural Property, and certified as Mechanical Engineering Heritage of Japan in 2009

    Japanese people are such a hard working, polite, culture, friendly, discipline, honest, meticulous and resourcefulness in using their limited resources to produce many things for the world market. (My son and daughter bought bagful of food and cosmetic items) If not for the evil politicians, I cannot imagine how such a polite and peaceful people can start such a cruelty World War II and committed such a horrifying war crime against humanity.

    The above Mechanical tower clock was installed in July 1881 by E. Howard & Co. The mechanical clock was meticulously maintained perfectly in working order by the clock keeper until today.

    Dr. William S. Clark, President of Massachusetts Agricultural College, was invited as the first vice-president of the Sapporo Agricultural College. During his tenure, he designed the curriculum with military training, similar to that of Massachusetts Agricultural College. And his words still echo loud and clear in the hall:

    There is only one rule I expect my students to follow in the future. “Be gentlemen!” That is all. A gentleman strictly adheres to rules, but this does not mean that he should be bound by them, but that he should act according to his conscience. All actions you take as students will be taken according to your own correct judgement. So this school has no need for stringent rules.

    “Boys, be ambitious!” Be ambitious not for money or for selfish aggrandizement, nor for that evanescent thing which men call fame.
    Be ambitious for knowledge, for righteousness, and for the uplift of your people.
    Be ambitious for the attainment all that a man ought to be.

    So my question to all Malaysians what it’s mean to be ambitious for the attainment all that a man ought to be???

    Back to Malaysia News:
    BUKIT MERTAJAM: There will be an adequate supply of red, big and white onions until the Chinese New Year celebrations in late January, domestic trade minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said today.
    He said the government was importing more onions from other countries such as the Netherlands, China and Pakistan, to make up for the shortfall in supply of onions from
    According to media reports, a kilogram of onions used to cost RM4 but now goes for as much as RM12 a kg.
    Hokkaido Island ranks first in Japan in terms of the production of a range of agricultural products, including wheat, soybeans, potatoes, sugar beet, onions, pumpkins, corn, raw milk, beef and many other products, including more exotic crops.
    During the cold and long winter farmers do winter farming using greenhouse heated by hot spring to produce; tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, strawberries and etc

    And in Malaysia where we have sunlight and warm weather throughout the year but we still cannot produce enough onions?
    “A matter that I’m not happy about is the cost of living. The government has been in power for almost two years, yet the issue has not been addressed. It is not difficult to solve this problem,” he said.
    Daim said while the government has the intention to make the right decision, there have been “roadblocks” that impede the farmers to advance due to the lack of funding and access to land plot.
    “Land is a state matter and we have 100,000 acres (40,468.5ha) of idle land that are being wasted. I’ve written to the state governments asking them to distribute the land. “Some responded well and said ‘yes’. Some didn’t reply at all,” he said.
    The country’s food import bill increased by an average of 6.5% annually from RM30 billion in 2010 to RM50 billion in 2018, with the bulk of the sustenance brought in from China, India, Thailand, Indonesia and New Zealand
    Early this morning the enforcement units of the Pahang state government moved in to demolish the rest of the farms numbering about 60 situated along Sungei Ichat, in Kuala Terla, Cameron Highlands

    Shared prosperity has to come with shared responsibility and shared values as our destiny is interconnected. Malaysians need to learn from Japan the core values on how without any natural resources and having just a small widow of time per year to do farming they are still able to produce bountiful agricultural products.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  58. Aduh..tun,
    Bantulah kami..

    Lesen menjaja dh kena batal…
    mana nk niaga.?
    siapa yg cekal..?

    Seminggu sudah tak dpt meniaga…
    Nk cari rezeki di kaki lima..
    Anak isteri hendak disara..
    periuk nasi entah cam mana..??

    Dibawakan ke YB, diceritakan kisah…
    “Orang Luar” dikatanya kami…
    Dijelirnya pulak lidah…

    Asalamualaikum tun
    & salam sepertiga malam…

  59. Correction: Oh yes, PD private beach that i visited is so much cleaner with no single use straws and plastic found.

  60. Oh yes, private beach that i visited is so much cleaner with no single use straws and plastic found.

    Thank you for those who made this happened to keep our ocean clean and safe.

  61. I said before, by the end of the day, the political power struggling is narrowed down within muslim vs moslem dll hanya ikut angin saja.

    They can continue to use jari to makan, but they cannot force others not to use chopsticks.

    Stainless steel straw is very dangerous and harder to wash, it is up to users to take the risk.

    Paper straw, i think we still need to depend on imports, hence, to replace single use straw or no straw, the ministry concerned should know what to do.

    P/s: Dilenma of Mahathirism? New Malaysia with DS Anwar Ibrahim as the interim Perdana Menteri for less than 4 years? The political parties of the divides to decide behind the voters.

  62. Tun

    I think Tun boleh bawa orang Okinawa jadi tenaga pengajar. Jepun suka bekerjasama dengan orang Melayu. Seingat I, kilang2 besar Jepun seperti Sony and many others di Malaysia senior management mereka adalah orang Melayu. Even Brahims juga start dengan partnership with orang Jepun.

    Berbeza pula dengan menantu I. Dia dulu kerja kilang milik US. Pasal ekonomi gawat kilang ini tutup di Malaysia. Boss Jepun dalam company ini ajak dia ikut balik Jepun dan kerja sana. That’s how dia kerja di Jepun. Manakala boss Amerika pula ajak kawan sekerja balik Amerika kerja. Usually ini akan terjadi pada orang kanan kepercayaan boss. Culture shock? Tak juga sebab orang Melayu ini usually adaptable. Bak pepatah Melayu Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung.

    Tapi Tun, isu Village shop ini tidak begitu menarik. Isu Mazlee lebih menarik hahaha I semalam jalan2 baca tulisan bloggers, ada yang terkejut kenapa tiba2 ramai sokong Mazlee jadi Education Minister semula, sedangkan fan tak sampai satu classroom semasa jadi Education Minister. Ada juga menyalahkan IKRAM kerana Mazlee melantik ramai orang IKRAM dalam teamnya. Ada juga fikir ramai supporters Mazlee now sebab haters jadi likers and also DAP sengaja nak tunjuk gagalnya PH.

    On my part, I don’t think isu Jawi ini begitu penting hingga Mazlee terpinggir kerana Raja2 Melayu pun sama sokong tulisan Jawi. I also think Tok Pa lebih suitable dari Marzuki yang pernah terpalit dengan skandal ijazah tak tulin.

    I memang kadang2 round baca tulisan bloggers bila lapang. My wordpress tak pernah cerita pasal politik, I lebih cerita dan komen hal2 berkenaan stockmarket. Well that’s my business.

    I guess she must have forgotten what she did when VP of USA, Democrat, VP Albet Arnold Gore Jr., came to visit Malaysia. She too must have forgotten what she did when Democrat President Obama came to Malaysia through proxies, i mean, senatorship.

    She can support Jepun, America Syarikat and moslem countries if she likes but she cannot stop me supporting USA, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, China and other countries and coalitions that seek cooperations and peace together.

    For those who think of warming seats, especially Chinese leaders in Malaysia, please dont contest.


    Being the punching bags for so many years, you still want your generations to be the exploited just to make Malay bumiputra Muslim supreme, happy and rich as if we are pendatang to them?

    I see her race contest, i just vote opposition, halalkan.

    If i need to tolerate her dengki, sumpah, fetna, sabotaj, rakus, jeles dan macam lagi in the name of Malaysia, i rather call myself as Chinese.


    At least, by this, i can still kekal my Chinese roots so that i dont have to wear masks to make her race happy.

  63. Tun

    I think Tun boleh bawa orang Okinawa jadi tenaga pengajar. Jepun suka bekerjasama dengan orang Melayu. Seingat I, kilang2 besar Jepun seperti Sony and many others di Malaysia senior management mereka adalah orang Melayu. Even Brahims juga start dengan partnership with orang Jepun.

    Berbeza pula dengan menantu I. Dia dulu kerja kilang milik US. Pasal ekonomi gawat kilang ini tutup di Malaysia. Boss Jepun dalam company ini ajak dia ikut balik Jepun dan kerja sana. That’s how dia kerja di Jepun. Manakala boss Amerika pula ajak kawan sekerja balik Amerika kerja. Usually ini akan terjadi pada orang kanan kepercayaan boss. Culture shock? Tak juga sebab orang Melayu ini usually adaptable. Bak pepatah Melayu Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung.

    Tapi Tun, isu Village shop ini tidak begitu menarik. Isu Mazlee lebih menarik hahaha I semalam jalan2 baca tulisan bloggers, ada yang terkejut kenapa tiba2 ramai sokong Mazlee jadi Education Minister semula, sedangkan fan tak sampai satu classroom semasa jadi Education Minister. Ada juga menyalahkan IKRAM kerana Mazlee melantik ramai orang IKRAM dalam teamnya. Ada juga fikir ramai supporters Mazlee now sebab haters jadi likers and also DAP sengaja nak tunjuk gagalnya PH.

    On my part, I don’t think isu Jawi ini begitu penting hingga Mazlee terpinggir kerana Raja2 Melayu pun sama sokong tulisan Jawi. I also think Tok Pa lebih suitable dari Marzuki yang pernah terpalit dengan skandal ijazah tak tulin.

    I memang kadang2 round baca tulisan bloggers bila lapang. My wordpress tak pernah cerita pasal politik, I lebih cerita dan komen hal2 berkenaan stockmarket. Well that’s my business.

  64. Correction: Bila bankruptcy law nak dipindahkan?

    The insiders is watching closely, sri sense.

  65. Go japan?

    Can or not?

    Bila bankruptcy law nak dipindahkan.

    Dah tak sabar naik pergi makan angin dengan anak perempuanku?

    You are right, sibotak.

    Malaysia is a rojak country.

    What this mean?

    Kadar inflasi pasti akan naik giler jika ikut stail po1.

    Quality of lifestyles pasti akan turun keranamu sibotak.

    With this kind of toxic politics, jangan kata ah choo takut, nanti ah kau pun lari.

    Who will bailout this country?


    Boleh atau tidak, sibotak?

  66. Good morning,

    Bila sini sebut culture shock, not really la. I dulu ada kawan kerja dengan Jepun. Kawan ini kerja kilang Bangi. Bukanlah pekerja kilang in that sense. Dia Senior Manager dan duduk betul2 depan bilik boss Jepun. Dia tak boleh balik rumah selagi bossnya tak balik. Boss Jepun ini juga kaki karoeke dan golf.

    Orang Jepun datang sini suka main golf sebab murah Tun. Sama seperti Westerner suka datang sini sebab beer murah. Always about faktor kewangan.

    My daughter pula tinggal di Jepun tapi bukan Okinawa. Bagi orang Islam susah sikit tinggal di Jepun. Nak cari makanan halal payah. Kalau ada pun mahal. Nasi beriani sepinggan harga 60-80 ringgit. Bab religion, kalau yang suka ketuk pintu rumah adalah orang Jepun Kristian. Dengan berpayung datang ajak pergi church.

    My daughter ajak I pergi Jepun. I kata no hurry, just another negara Asia, boleh dapat yang sama di sini. Kalau my daughter balik sini lagi murah dari I kesana. My cousin brother suka pula sebab Jepun cantik pemandangan. Then again dia memang kerja airline company dulu. Takat nak pergi overseas flight ticket dah sure free.

  67. Okinawa Village
    Its a case to case basis
    Believe its a remote area, very mild population, quiet, peaceful and natural
    We Malaysia already Rojak
    Tonnes of Hypocrisies, Lies, Hatred , Game blaming each other
    It’s the World US styles of development which will narrow
    the World to Doomsday
    It is happening. It’s coming
    Prepare for Death HBT

    Dunia tempat kita meninggal bukan tempat kita tinggal
    Dan apabila kita meninggal 1 cents haram pun kita tak mampu bawa
    Diri , Jasad kita pun tak mampu kita bawa lagi

    Tun sebagai Pemimpin
    Pemimpin Kerajaan yg bolih mencorakan Pembangunan
    Tidak perlu kita membangun seperti Hong Kong, Amerika, Barat & China
    Kesederhanaan ajaran Agama sudah masuk Akal
    Tidak perlulah kita memaksa diri seperti mereka menoreh Kebendean yg sementara Hanya merosakan Dunia. Menyiksa Kehidupan
    Pembangunan bukan bererti Kejayaan kalau ia tidak mampu mengharmonikan kehidupan.
    Pembangunan mencakar langgit tidak perlu di banggakan kerana ia pertanda musibah
    Yang perlu kini adalah
    Makanan yg Sederhana
    Teduh yg Sempurna
    Pakaian yg berhijab
    Dan kerana keresahan Dunia. Kita perlu ada Pertahanan yg kukuh
    Bukan Persilatan Berkeris
    Ini Zaman Tekan Butang. Tekan ,Semua Berkecai

    Memang seronok suasana Perkampungan seperti yg Tun bayangkan di Okinawa
    Perlu Penghuni yg Beriman & Bertaqwa
    Menjaga Kebersihan,Kesehatan sekitar
    Bukan macam Setan, buang Sampah sembarangan ,lihat saja peristewa buangan Toxic di Pasing Gudang, Johor

    Islam mengajar Kesederhanaan, Mengerjakan Sholat, Mengejar Kejayaan
    Seruan Azan ini menuju kita pada Kejayaan Keserdehanaan Dunia Akhirat
    Bijak pandai kita menimbang nimbangkannya

    Bukan ikut Rezmi Kafir,Hong Kong, China, US, Barat, Yahudi yg memperhambakan Kebendaan.Tidak peru kita dengar seruan mereka yg menghala kita ke Jahanam
    Kita ada Seruan kita

    Tapi sayangnya apabila kita sudah bercampur Rojak
    Inilah kita diini hari dan tunggu ketibaan harinya
    Kita menjadi Hamba khayalan kita

  68. Correction: It would be best to get orang lama umno to be the minister of moe.


    Malay is lembut dan sopan. They are different from indian muslim.

  69. It would be best to get orang lama umno to be the minister of umno.

    Siapakah beliau?

    Tok pah dari k’tan.

    P/s: bodek ke, devil ke, pengampu ke, ikan bilis ke, melayu ke, anti-cina ke, who cares what she think, it is none of my business.

  70. Then, I teringat ramai juga orang korporat berhenti duduk board public listed company seperti Wan Azmi. I wonder juga mungkin Tun nak ambil businessman jadi Minister seperti pilihan Jokowi dalam teamnya.

    Just guessing.

    Good night. Oh ya may I suggest jika nak bergaduh janganlah guna media sosial. Lebih baik bincang sesama sendiri balik tadbir, after all you all satu parti bersatu, kenalah bersatu kan!

  71. Those who are familiar with science may recall Moore’s Law. And that is the fact that the computer’s processing power doubles every TWO years. What may have been impossible to fathom in the 1970s, is no longer the case today, let alone in ten years time. Tun’s flying cars may be laughable today, but not in five years time. Rocketing to Mars may still be science fiction today, but it will not be in a decade’s time. Artificial intelligence is the highest form of computing power, and we can only imagine the unrelenting changes it will bring about. Humans may not be ready for what is coming, but we have created the future, unknowingly.

    Today’s school children will live in a VASTLY different world even to today. It is for governments to prepare them for a different world, if we are still living on planet Earth. They may be travelling through the universe for work and play.

    Yes, we can laugh…

  72. Good evening

    Tadi I tanya seorang anak muda, DSAI jadi Minister Of Education? Puncanya I saw someone letak poster kat wall FB KCD berbunyi begitu. Pelik sungguh.

    This young man jawab ‘BUKAN, TOK PA”

    Oh I see, ok lah tu, orang ada pengalaman.

  73. Omoshiroi desune !

    When I go to Japan, I had a culture shock. When I came back to Malaysia, I had another culture shock. Work ethics of Japanese are different. Hardworking, intelligent, yet very humble, smiling and nice.

    I am sure, when a Japanese come to live in Malaysia, he will also get a culture shock.

    My personal opinion, it is hard to run any type of shops these day unless it has some advantages over the competitor. For secluded island like Okinawa where the “capitalist” would not dare to open a shop due to low margin or less possibility to expand, it is still alright.

    But, in the city, if a co-operative shop is operated with co-operative mind, and in the next few months 3-5 similar shops open business nearby, then the co-operative shop is up for a fierce competition.

    The next alternative to co-operative shop is member’s shop. The shop would be still owned by the private owner with some investors, but customers can become members to the shop, which enable them to buy at a much discounted price.

    That would help the customers to get good bargain, and since it is profit oriented, the private owner, by all the brain and might that he has, would ensure that while the customers get good bargain, he would still earn some money, and in the mean time fight-off competitors from entering their domain.

  74. twinpeaks Jan 3,2020 1:43 PM

    All Malaysians must be prepared for the inevitable future, and it is coming for sure. Faster than you can say “but wait”. It is called the gradual disappearance of traditional jobs in companies and factories. Artificial Intelligence will be replacing a lot of jobs very soon. The future welfare of today’s school children will be dictated by how well teachers, schools and the Education Minister prepare them for the inevitable.

    Artificial Intelligence is not a joke.. it is real and it is coming fast to everyone, including Malaysia and Singapore. If school children are brought up and trained to become future lawyers, doctors and engineers, well they can forget this, as AI-capable robots will be used in all legal firms, clinics and hospitals. And engineering skills will be replicated by AI humanoids, who look like real people, by the way.

    The way to tackle this inevitable future is to train school children in creating their own employment. Yes, that’s right. In future, those who survive and succeed are the self-employed. Customers will be buying good and services from people who create their own jobs and who employ these AI humanoids to be their future slaves.

    Today, we have 10 employers and 1000 employees. Tomorrow, Tun and his cabinet ministers will need to create 1000 employers and 0 employee. AI robots will also be cheaply available to do all kinds of work for the 1000 new employers. In fact, online shopping tool (a computer-and-internet based robot) is just the beginning. More new AI tools are on the way soon.

    Human civilization is not up to this level yet, twinpeaks.
    We still need huge manpower to key in the data to keep AI alive and happening. Also, we need to have a standby manpower to deal with emergency or disruptions of data.

    Now, indonesia decided to splash salt to halt rain that caused flash flood in jakarta, meaning, the authorithy is spreading composite to block the sun permanently, can kah?

    Also, shooting satelite to space or building undersea cabling is more feasible, twinpeaks, since we have sea ocean monsters that need to be preserved, and protected to keep the ocean alive and happening.

    We cant build rockets, we can only choose astronaut as tourist to go visit space, dont you think so? Why make it an AI to most urgent political issue?

    Also, we still need people to prepare and cook, right?
    I am sure you dont want to marry a robot with AI to be your wife, right?

    I am okay with jawi caligraphy to be taught as compulsory art subject whereby malaysians of all races including vernacular schools can pick up this skill hoping that in future, they can mahir their brushes and sell them during raya aidilfitri.

    Similarly, i am okay with muzium negara in setting up a big tv screen with pre-recorded wayang kulit of different states being played daily.

    How zoo in malaysia feed the wild animals today, i wonder?

    Learning one language is already susah, now you want them to learn so many different languages? What for since we can buy apps for the translation?

    I already said, either bahasa melayu as bahasa kebangsaan to unite malaysians of all races, or bahasa jawi as bahasa kebangsaan to unite malaysians of all races.

    If those who think bahasa jawi can replace bahasa inggeris as bahasa antarabangsaan, then, they are isolating their future generations from developed countries.

    They have done that before kerana bossku, melayu mudah lupa?

  75. All Malaysians must be prepared for the inevitable future, and it is coming for sure. Faster than you can say “but wait”. It is called the gradual disappearance of traditional jobs in companies and factories. Artificial Intelligence will be replacing a lot of jobs very soon. The future welfare of today’s school children will be dictated by how well teachers, schools and the Education Minister prepare them for the inevitable.

    Artificial Intelligence is not a joke.. it is real and it is coming fast to everyone, including Malaysia and Singapore. If school children are brought up and trained to become future lawyers, doctors and engineers, well they can forget this, as AI-capable robots will be used in all legal firms, clinics and hospitals. And engineering skills will be replicated by AI humanoids, who look like real people, by the way.

    The way to tackle this inevitable future is to train school children in creating their own employment. Yes, that’s right. In future, those who survive and succeed are the self-employed. Customers will be buying good and services from people who create their own jobs and who employ these AI humanoids to be their future slaves.

    Today, we have 10 employers and 1000 employees. Tomorrow, Tun and his cabinet ministers will need to create 1000 employers and 0 employee. AI robots will also be cheaply available to do all kinds of work for the 1000 new employers. In fact, online shopping tool (a computer-and-internet based robot) is just the beginning. More new AI tools are on the way soon.


    Dikatakan, semua peniaga berlesen uptown danauKota telah dibatalkan lesen mereka oleh DBKL..

    Mana kami nk cari rezeki.??
    Tiada petak niaga lagi.!!

    Masuk hari ni.. dh brbrapa hari tak dpt niaga..
    Musim persekolahan dh mula..banyak belanja..

    Nk meniaga jugak.. DBKL hantar lori Penguatkuasaan.. sita/kompaun
    Ramai juga dari kami telah dikompaun berulangkali dlm masa terdekat oleh DBKL..

    Bantulah kami…
    Diharap juga Pertubuhan Ikatan Usahawan Kecil & Sederhana Msia (IKHLAS) dpt turut sama membantu.

    Asalamualaikum Tun
    & Selamat Hari Jumaat,

  77. Good morning!

    Okinawa island terkenal juga sebagai US Military base. I pernah tonton HGTV dimana ramai askar America cari rumah sewa disitu. Rumah disitu besar, sesuai untuk askar2 America yang saiz mereka juga besar dari orang Asia.

    Anyway idea ini tak sesuai la Tun, unless Tun nak PH dikenang sebagai satu gabungan parti yang suka minta public funding.

    I mean kalau kat stock market kita biasa dengan public funding. Itu pun terpulang samada kita nak atau tak nak participate dalam scheme yang dibentang mereka. But ini golongan B40, bukankah mereka selalunya dah ada government funding untuk business kecil kecilan mereka.

  78. Tun

    The Okinawa Initiative will work provided Malaysia has the following ingredients, thus







    With the easy availability of our durians, mangosteens, rambutans, coconuts, and all manner of fruits produce from the kampongs, will the meagre earnings from hours of work making handicrafts attractive enough ?

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem, If there is a Will, there is a Way !

  79. Tun

    For Sibotak.

    I have never generalize or stereotype another person’s behaviour because different peoples behave in a different manner.

    Your description of a Chinese giving alms (donations) with one hand with the knowledge of the other hand is not wrong because nowadays we have 21 year old Chinese nobles. These are few and far between. Or a case like the mad HBT which existed here for so long that he becomes a residential nuisance and gives the Chinese a bad name.

    In any Community, 30% are recalcitrant in which 20%-25% are incorrigible. 1% – 5% are hard-core or mad like HBT.

    It is the traditional compartmentalization and the stereotyping which figure prominently in our beloved Malaysia today. These are highlighted by the non-elites in the majority.

    This is the reason why I always said that the Malays should have thousands of real life elites like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Dr Daim Zainuddin and Dato Ser Sharil Redza Ridzuan who are on par with the World’s best. There are too many fakers, plagiarists and copy-cats in Malaysia or Oxford Street fellow travellers, today. This lot is compounded by the new industry called NGOs. ALL HAVE NO MIND-SETS. Just gift of the Gab or self-indulgence which leads to self-immolation.

    Sibotak. live and let live because every coin has a beautiful and an ugly side.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  80. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Tun wrote: “It worked well in Okinawa. Wonder if it will work well in Malaysia.”

    1. There’s no way that it will work in Malaysia, especially when we have (so many) people who are dishonest (lack of integrity), and have no sense of accountability / responsibility.

    2. They (majority) will simply take the goods (from the village shop) without even writing down whatever they have taken on a piece of paper as required. We still need someone to enforce the rule (write down; pay the total at the end of the month). This is the only way to handle people with this kind of mentality /mindset. In fact, it’s going to be a tough job to collect the money (debts) at the end of the month. Soon the village shop has to be closed…cash flow problem…

    3. Just look at those PTPTN loan defaulters! They don’t feel ashamed for not paying back whatever they had borrowed (their responsibility). In fact, they simply ignored their contracts (legally written /signed). But then who (PH or BN) promised to abolish the loans (and provide free education) during previous General Elections?

    P/S: I wonder when Mr. Lim Guan Eng is going to announce his resignation as Finance Minister.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  81. sibotak Jan 2,2020 4:51 PM

    Dream on it Tun
    It can never happen in Malaysia

    Japanese are disciplined, honest, hard-working and humble, people
    Here in Malaysia if I have a neighbor like HBT
    The attitude of
    ” Hak orang Hak dia
    Hak dia Hak dia ”
    It can never happen when you mingle with someone so friendly but have an agenda towards their friendliness.
    Honestly I,m early 50’s today
    I have never seen any Chinese who
    When the Right hand gives alms , Donations
    The left hand did not know

    HBT be Honest. Have you seen one ?

    Japanese are disipline and perfectionists, but malaysians in general are not at that level yet.

    Honest or not, i am not sure.


    Greed and fear factors are common, and it is the universal norm that all of us will go through.

    I only realized what hidden hands mean when i am in this blog for more than 10 years, sibotak.

    The only thing that i dont expect is politics could go so low and dirty just to win votes of the constituencies that they aimed to conquer, i mean, to lead.

    Okinawa island, what does malaysian politics have to do with this island?
    Barter trade of oil?

    I think tok det meant is semporna at the most south easten asia, at sabah water opposite bum bum island?

    Of course, mr imran khan, the current prime minister of pakistan, the moslem country at northern india, can play hard with United Kingdom. It is not him and pakistani to decide, it is up to brits to decide.

    Similarly, india with 80% of indians are hindu, and prime minister modi too can play hard with hinduism, janji menang undi, and shun pakistan out of india border,

    These 2 countries are still very poor, just like indonesia.

    Meaning, political stability can be very volatile when change of government, dont you think so?

    We have gone through this, bukan?

  82. Tun

    Kita sudah ada macam2 Koperasi seperti Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad, Koperasi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Bhd (KATM), Koperasi Kakitangan Bank Rakyat dll

    Okinawa? Well Tun sebut ini, I teringat satu siri TV Jepun yang dubbing dalam Bahasa Melayu nama Oshin. Oshin ini sebenarnya kisah benar founder Yaohan seorang wanita. Kalau kita ingat balik in the late 80s kita ada Yoahan di Malaysia too. Cukup besar retail company Jepun ini, but mereka telah dikalahkan oleh AEON juga product Jepun.

    Berbalik pada kisah Oshin, ianya menceritakan bagaimana seorang anak perempuan dari keluarga susah berkahwin dengan anak lelaki orang kaya dan telah dipinggirkan oleh keluarga suaminya, dalam keadaan susah mereka mula berniaga jual ikan. Very sad and motivating at the same time.

    Koperasi yang Tun fikir ini rasanya takan menjadi cuma ianya bagus untuk jadi motivasi saja.

    Wow Mazlee letak jawatan? I wonder juga bila LGE nak letak jawatan. My personal opinion I rasa Mazlee sebenarnya lebih layak jadi Menteri Belia dan Sukan. Perwatakan Mazlee lebih pada Belia. Dia tampak seperti budak2. Ideanya pun banyak bagus untuk belia. Syed Saddiq patut bagi jawatan dalam Menteri Kommunikasi sebab dia suka internet, smart phones, anything online semua suka. Well just my pandangan peribadi.

  83. Dream on it Tun
    It can never happen in Malaysia

    Japanese are disciplined, honest, hard-working and humble, people
    Here in Malaysia if I have a neighbor like HBT
    The attitude of
    ” Hak orang Hak dia
    Hak dia Hak dia ”
    It can never happen when you mingle with someone so friendly but have an agenda towards their friendliness.
    Honestly I,m early 50’s today
    I have never seen any Chinese who
    When the Right hand gives alms , Donations
    The left hand did not know

    HBT be Honest. Have you seen one ?

  84. I am not so sure that concept will work in modern Malaysia, Tun.

    As you mentioned, there are only a few of these cooperatives left in Okinawa itself. Japan has developed and so her people, too. Infrastructure of all sorts have forced changes in ways of doing things. North Borneo used to have plantation money that could be used to purchase goods and services in isolated spots in old Sabah, like Sandakan and Tawau. Today, people prefer to travel to nearest towns to do shopping, and those unable to drive can simply go online shopping on Lazada and Shoppee. Today, even regular book chains like Times, Borders and Kinokuniya face extinction unless they innovate their business models.

    It certainly does not make any business sense to open the Okinawan shop nowadays, unless it is merely for nostalgia, or simply to operate without any profit motive.

    For profit, online shopping seems to be the dominant trend. For profit, it is the business model to get into. But for sure, nostalgia is a nice thing to have too, if business can afford it (… operating at a loss).

  85. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Satu ciri penting akan kejayaan sesebuah Negara ialah perpaduan dan minda yang sentiasa mengutamakan kepentingan Negara.

    Apa yang berlaku sekarang ialan tahap perpaduan antara kaum yang membimbangkan. Isu Jawi diperbesar. Isu ini sesungguhnya tidak patut berlaku atau diperbangkitkan.

    Secara tulus dan telus, kenapa nak paksa sekolah rendah Cina dan Tamil belajar? Yang penting anak-anak kita menguasai bahasa kebangsaan dengan baik. Yang memalukan, apatah lagi nak tutup sekolah aliran kaum lain! Ini semuanya tiadanya kena-mengena dengan pembelaan nasib Melayu. Janganlah huru-harakan keadaan! Fokuslah ke atas macam mana memperbaiki ekonomi Negara kita!

  86. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    The mindset, mentality and culture of Okinawa villagers are something worth for Malaysians to emulate.

    Credibility is important to the success of this nation.

    If our young generations who owe PTPTN have this type of thinking, our Government won’t have faced such hardship in debt recovery process.

    To all who owe PTPTN loans, please think of the future generations to come, and pay back gradually.

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