1. When a new party takes over as a Government, it would be a miracle if it were to execute all its plans and promises overnight. Certainly, when PH took over from BN which had ruled the country for the past 60 years, it would be an even greater miracle if it can implement its plans and agenda immediately. It is not taking over just any Government. It took over from a kleptocratic Government which had raped the nation for years, destroyed its finances, undermined its administrative agencies, abused its laws, borrowed well beyond the ceiling permitted, placed the country on the path to bankruptcy, made the people dependent on the Government with bribes and generally undermined the moral of the people.

2. Of course, a lot of people were happy to enjoy corrupt money and many illegal favours. They would like these bad practices to continue. But the majority of the people knew the sad state of the country and ensured that the corrupt Government was overthrown.

3. This was a miracle of sorts. A “hodge-podge” coalition of 4 parties, together with another party outside the coalition and even a person not linked in any way to the parties, took over.

4. They were united only in the desire to bring down the kleptocratic Government. Otherwise they each had their own ideology and agenda. In other countries when a common objective is achieved, the fragile unity would break up as each party would try to take over. A bitter struggle would ensue. In the end the coalition would break up. In one Middle Eastern country, the ensuing struggles ended up with the military seizing power. It was back to square one.

5. This did not happen in Malaysia. The fragile opposition coalition was sustained, even with the inclusion of a non-member party as well as an independent individual who joined the cabinet. They formed a Government. And they seem to be working together, having formed a cabinet without any written agreement as to who takes what. This is the 2nd miracle. The cabinet seems to work. At least they can meet, discuss and make decisions. Of course, many criticised their decisions. This is normal. No Government can have the approval of everyone every time. The important thing is that this fragile cabinet is still functioning.

6. But many would say, this Government is directionless. Is it? Let’s look at what it has done. Despite a huge debt of well over a trillion Ringgit, it apparently has been able to retain the solvency of the country. The creditors are not suing the Government. Indeed, some are even keen to lend more money at low rates. The Government is clearly credit worthy. The debt has been reduced.

7. Politically the country is stable. Yes, there are some disturbances in a member of the ruling coalition. But this is normal. No one has tried to overthrow the Government by a vote of non-confidence. They know it will not succeed.

8. Then the economy. It is still growing at a good rate for a country at this stage of development. Yes, there is an outflow of funds and the currency has been devalued. This is a function of the market. Malaysia still has the biggest savings. Bank Negara Reserve is very high – RM400 billion plus. Other funds, such as PNB, KWSP, and some smaller funds add up to over RM1.5 trillion. Foreign assets are big. National Oil Company Petronas is doing well with more than 100 billion income. It is 100% Government owned. Yes, the Ringgit is depreciating. In many other countries, reserves of this size would guarantee the strength of the national currency. But the market apparently cannot believe this strength of the Malaysian finances and its currency.

9. The fact is that the Malaysian economy and its currency are strong. The market and the detractors may not think so. But the Government has faith in its financial and economic policies. And so do foreign and local investors.

10. Socially, the Government has launched the Shared Prosperity scheme. For our detractors this does not indicate clear direction. But for the Government the direction is clear. We don’t want just to recover and be prosperous. We want to share our wealth equitably.

11. Towards this end we have initiated a new industrial plan, complemented by a new agricultural plan. I will not elaborate. But we know the direction we are going. Outsiders may not. But we do.

12. We are clear as to what we want to do and how we will do it. Plans may take a week or so to create but implementation will take much longer, at least two years or more. But the work has already begun. For the observers it would seem that nothing is moving. Rome was not built in one day. When Malaysia was switching from an agro-based economy to an industrial economy, it also took time. But most of us could not remember and the young never saw the transition. Most were born when the transition was accomplished. It is difficult to imagine an agricultural Malaysia today.

13. The same will happen now. The transition will take time – perhaps two years or more from now. But believe me it will happen. Indeed in some ways it is already happening. We are going paperless and soon there will be cashless. Digitalisation is already happening and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is contributing towards increasing speed of work and transaction.

14. Even for me it is frustrating to wait. But wait we must. The machinery of Government has been cleansed and is rapidly adapting to the new ways of working. Even the Ministers are adjusting to being in the Government instead of the opposition.

15. The accusation that this PH Government is directionless is made by those who refuse to acknowledge reality. Are we really the same as the Malaysia under the previous Government? Or are they saying they prefer the kleptocratic Government better.

16. We don’t steal money nor raise loans so as to have money for bribing people. We spend what we have. What we have is less money. We cannot afford to give free money to people. Our way is to increase or create jobs. But the people must be willing to take up the jobs or the business opportunities created.

17. We are doing all these. But we are not attracting attention to them. In time they will become clear contribution to the country’s economy.

18. The world today is in a state of turmoil. No one is really doing well. Look at what is happening in Latin America, the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, even Australia. Only China, Japan, and South Korea are doing relatively well, but even the countries of Northeast Asia are having intractable problems.

19. Then look at Malaysia. We are stable, peaceful and the Government respects the law. We are removing draconian laws or suspending them pending abolishment or amendment. People feel safe travelling anywhere in the country. During the celebration of the new year 60 to 80 thousand people gathered to enjoy the shows. This cannot happen even in some developed countries.

20. I will not talk about natural disasters. We have been spared though we are not quite grateful.

21. Yes. Malaysia is recovering from the disasters caused by the previous Kleptoctatic Government. Even now we are enjoying better governance.

22. Give the Government a little bit of time and participate fully in the Shared Prosperity Policies, and in two years time you will realise that the direction of the Government is right.


  1. Dear Tun,
    The new minted Menteri Alam Sekitar under Perikatan Nasional. Yeo Bee Yin is a chemical engineering graduate from UTP? I still prefer her smiles than lebai Tuan Ibrahim who on his first day has already remade himself look ridiculous. Boleh bawa ke? Can’t wait to see his future jokes on the environment.

    Take care Tun.

  2. Dear Tun,

    Walaupun pepatah melayu mengatakan nasi sudah menjadi bubur tetapi tidak bagi kami rakyat yang tidak akan pernah berputus asa untuk mengubah Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara untuk semua, buangkan segala kebencian berdasarkan perbedaan perkauman dan agama. Suka saya kongsi di sini apa yang Tun kongsi mengenai Lim Guan Eng - Bukan saya hendak menangkan dia tetapi tidak semua yang kita nampak di permukaan itu adalah kebenaran terutama apabila kebaikan ditutupi dengan pembohongan akibat ketakutan pada kelemahan diri sendiri. Kini kita sudah kehilangan sebutir permata yang berharga, beliau sebagai Menteri Kewangan semasa kerajaan Pakatan Harapan memang sangat berpotensi membawa negara ke arah yang cemerlang. Malangnya kerana segerombolan perompak kuasa maka hasrat ini telah hancur berkecai sebelum sempat melihat hasilnya. Apa boleh buat Tun.

    Anyways Tun, it is not the end here. We will continue to support those like LGE who genuinely want to see our country healed from her long time illness that is the inability to soar high because of racial and religious narcissism.

    Thanks Tun for your honest opinion. I love you Tun. Take good care.

  3. Dear Tun,

    Just want to share this one with you, from Mujahid Rawa today

    After a few days it’s sinked in to me and become clearer – the people has been betrayed, a clear betrayal of the people’s trust by politicians who think it is up to them to decide. Politicians who have no shame no honour who think the people the nation have no value and can be treated like a game of chess or poker. Politicians who hide behind “rampas kuasa coup d’etat yang dihalalkan”, self-proclaimed “penyelamat” demi bangsa dan agama.

    What happened within the past week is so unfortunate and memalukan. When I look at pictures of those who have “won” konon together with the same old corrupt faces from you know who – I don’t know whether to cry, laugh, or puke – yes, truly rasa nausea. My God, these people truly have no shame at all. Kami rakyat yang rasa malu.

    Kenapa Malaysia jadi begini?

    GE15 will come whether we like it or not. Can these deceitful bunch from PPBM, PKR Azmin faction, UMNO, PAS suppress the people power this time?

    Cheats and thieves never stand the test of time. It has been proven time and again in history.

    Love u Tun, do take care of yourself. Hugs and kisses for Tun Siti Hasmah.

  4. Dear Tun,

    Know that no matter what nothing has been lost. You are still the victor because the snatchers played a filthy game to win. They won’t last, with the same old same old in now, the circle will begin again. We will have the GE again. We will pick it up from here and rise again to rid Malaysia of dirty politicians who pick on the people to save their own skin.

    Tun, let what is done be done. No need to regret. Let them do the work now, if they can in fact do the work of fixing the country. Tun can rest now, enjoy the things you have been missing in life, time with family and do the things you enjoy. Know that you are still precious in our eyes and hearts, and we want to keep it that way, to remember you as our ayahanda yang amat kami kasihi.

    We love u dear Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Stay strong as you are my hero.

    29 Feb 2020

    I can’t believe it’s over
    I watched the whole thing fall
    And I never saw the writing that was on the wall
    If I’d only knew
    The days were slipping past
    That the good things never last
    That you were crying
    Summer turned to winter
    And the snow, it turned to rain
    And the rain turned into tears upon your face
    I hardly recognized the HERO you are today
    And God I hope it’s not too late
    It’s not too late
    ‘Cause you are not alone
    I’m always there with you
    And we’ll get LOST TOGETHER~
    ‘Til the light comes pouring through
    ‘Cause when you feel like you’re done
    And the darkness has won
    TUN, you’re not lost
    When your world’s crashing down
    And you cannot bear the cross
    I said, TUN, you’re not lost
    Life can show no mercy
    It can tear your soul apart
    It can make you feel like you’ve gone crazy
    But you’re not
    Things have seem to changed
    There’s one thing that’s still the same
    In my heart you have remained
    And we can fly, fly, fly away
    ‘Cause you are not alone
    And I am there with you
    And we’ll get lost together
    ‘Til the light comes pouring through
    ‘Cause when you feel like you’re done
    And the darkness has won
    TUN, you’re not lost
    When the world’s crashing down
    And you can not bear to crawl
    I said, my dear TUN, you’re not lost

    Edited from Micheal Buble, Lost.

    Terima kasih Ayahanda Tun M, you’re forever in our heart.

  6. Dear Tun,

    You’re my man Tun!

    As per your statement this morning and the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council’s decision to back you as 8th Prime Minister – you have made my day, I am happy that you have chosen to stick with your principles for the people the country.

    Stay strong Tun, God with us, with you and the people of Malaysia!

  7. Dear Tun,

    The people have voted on May 9th 2018 and the people have chosen. Please do not betray the people’s mandate. The country is just beginning to recuperate, please do not allow dirty politics to ruin our country. The country is not a chess game for the greed politics to trample on rakyat. Please respect the people’s choice.

    I hope God will give Tun the wisdom to truly save our country this time. No more nightmare of the past. Your decision today will determine how people will remember you tomorrow. I trust Tun will not betray the people’s trust.

    Take care dear Tun. I have faith in you.

  8. Dear Tun, thank you for holding a delicate balance amidst the various political forces at work currently. There had been voices calling for ‘unity government’ since PH took over as government but they were quickly brushed aside. And these calls resurface again now.

    Come to think of it. A ‘unity government’ – whatever it is (the devil is in the details, they say) – is in fact much more aligned with the reality of how Malaysians live as a society. People from all walks of lives, colours and religions try to accept and tolerate differences instead of bickering incessantly at them – this is our unique Malaysian peaceful-loving way. A way of living so progressive that perhaps it has outgrown the legacy Western system of ruling-vs-opposition mode of government. Yes?​

    Without an apparent opposition, who serves as a check and balance to the ‘unity government’? One may ask. Perhaps it calls for backbencher MPs to more actively and meaningfully participate and debate in Parliament sessions, to fulfil their duty to their voters to act as a check and balance to the government, in a non-partisan manner that goes beyond politics and truly has people’s interest at heart. Gradually more of the general Malaysians will also have to take on such check and balance role, by increasing their awareness and participation in nation-building and general election.​

    God bless you and our dear Malaysia. Thank you!​

  9. Assalam Tun.

    After the following press statement made by MCCBCHST early yesterday, Tun M has resigned and his resignation accepted by YDP Agong.

    As reported bin the news,
    “An interfaith council has called on Dr Mahathir Mohamad to resign as prime minister to make way for fresh elections instead of forming a backdoor government.

    The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) said Mahathir should follow democratic principles and the rule of law if there really was a plan to reorganise the ruling government.

    “MCCBCHST appeals to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to use discretionary powers under the constitution and to order a dissolution of the Parliament and call for fresh elections.

    “MCCBCHST pledges its full loyalty to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and our beloved country Malaysia,” it said in a joint statement today (sic.)”

    You(MCCBCHST) should celebrate now,eh…

  10. Assalam Tun.

    Very unfortunate to see the Pakatan Harapan government disintegrate just over 1 month after this posting appeared.

    Thanks for all the good things you have done to the country, and to the Bumiputras.
    Many of us Bumis would still be “in the caves” if not for your relentless efforts.

  11. Dear Tun,

    Happy and blessed new year 2020 Tun and Tun Siti Hasmah.

    Been quite a while since I last dropped a word or two here. Apapun Tun berdua sentiasa dalam ingatan dan doa saya.

    Tun, whatever your decision today my prayers will always be with you. Sayang dan sanjung Tun selamanya. Jaga diri Tun.


    WALID = WAHID when CORRUPTORS TURNED WHISTLEBLOWERS due to infra-structure project failure? WAHID = WALID when WHISTLEBLOWERS TURNED CORRUPTORS due to infra-structure project failure? Jadi, MALU APA BOSS, iaitu RAKYAT?



    When NASIONAL BUDGET SPENT NASIONAL EXPORT TO AVOID TECHNICAL RECESSION? Ini kena tanya selera dan citarasa negeri masing2 which way they preferred. MAMPU atau TIDAK MAMPU.

    It is up to those in power of corridor to exploit their potential income revenue at the fullest. As voters, our national obligation is to vote when general election is called.


    WALID = WAHID when CORRUPTORS TURNED WHISTLEBLOWERS due to infra-structure project failure? WAHID = WALID when WHISTLEBLOWERS TURNED CORRUPTORS due to infra-structure project failure? Jadi, MALU APA BOSS, iaitu RAKYAT?



    When NASIONAL BUDGET SPENT NASIONAL EXPORT TO AVOID TECHNICAL RECESSION? Ini kena tanya selera dan citarasa negeri masing2 which way they preferred. MAMPU atau TIDAK MAMPU.

  14. Salam..
    Sape2 yang tak tau cara urus duit, ni aku nak share sikit..Asas Pengurusan Kewangan.

    So..kalau gaji korang dapat RM100, bajet korang kena RM100..Penggunaan tidak boleh melebihi income..Ni asas..

    Bermaksud kalau asas ko xbetul, kira ko fail la..

    Ok..tu bab diri..Skop kecik..Bila bawak skop besar..Skop keluarga dan negara, masih perlu ke asas ni?

    Perlu..Yes..perlu..TAPI ada lagi orang bijak pandai..Bila die x urus duit, die bijak berhutang..So..die praktik dekat negara.

    Ni aku nampak teori yang Malaysia amalkan..

    —-FORMULA NO.1—-


    Korang bukak pembentangan bajet..Ulang2 bajet melebihi income..Pehal? Entah lah..aku pun xtau..Contoh xbaik jgn ikut..Ambil ikhtibar dan buat pengajaran..

    So? Bila bajet lebih income, mesti xcukup kan? Patutnya kena kaji balik bajet..Rombak mane yang patut..Bagi ngam dengan income..

    Alahai..xpe..Kite hutang..Janji kita tabur duit sane sini..Nampak sikit kepura2an..Rakyat kan bodoh..

    Deal..Proceed..Dewan Rakyat Dewan Negara semua setuju kot..hahahahaha..Semua bukannya xtau asas pengurusan kewangan..So, semua setuju..

    —-FORMULA NO.2—-

    *Xde duit pinjam la..Dengan dlm negera ke..luar negara ke..Funder ke..Xkisah la..Asalkan pinjam..*

    Wei..weii..bende ni xabis2 weh..Masalahnya terang2an..Dalam report semua ade..Aku xpaham kenapa rakyat tak pertikai..Rakyat bodoh kot..Xpun malas nak tgk report bajet komen..So..pasni rajin2 la korang tgk hal dalam bajet tu..

    —-FORMULA NO.3—-

    *Set nilai hutang tak boleh lebih 55% daripada pendapatan*

    Formula ni tiptop. Aku xtau siapa yang start lahirkan formula ni dekat mukabumi ni..

    Formula galakkan hutang..Blagak hidup mewah dengan gaji kecik..

    Nampak sangat org yg buat formula ni die suka hutang. Jadi die pun set limit. Eh..ko nk hutang ko punya pasal la..Apehal pulak negara pun ko buat teknik ni??

    Ko xbley bayar ko bankrup..Xkan negara pun ko nk amek risiko yang sama??? Ape ke bangang lahai..

    Guna teknik ni setiap tahun, ulang, dan terus pilih. Sampai kiamat pun hutang Malaysia xabis..

    Siap tulis tu..Setakat ini hutang negara tidak melebihi 55% daripada KDNK..Ok..bagus la ko buat keje dengan tulis report..Ko bgtau fakta..

    Tapi bila fakta tu menyatakan setiap tahun asyik dok main2 dekat 50% – 55% tu nak jadi ape plak???

    Oii..rakyat oii..Sedar sikit oii..


    Ringgit jatuh susut??? Adakah nilai yakni nombor hutang tu turut susut?

    Disebabkan nilai ringgit jatuh hutang 100zillion boleh kurang ke jadi 100sillion??


    Hutang tetap hutang!!!

    Aku sedih melihat pihak atasan yang mengurus Malaysia. Kalau ko faham pengurusan kewangan, bermaksud ko akan anggap Malaysia ni sbg diri ko..Ko xsanggup merosakkan diri ko sendiri..

    Ko xkan memilih untuk habiskan saki baki nyawa ko untuk nikmati dunia ni dengan dari muda sampai ke tua asyik dok bayar hutang!! C’mon la…

    Konon i love malaysia..tapi bagi korang Malaysia hanya sebuah negara, sekadar nama dan entiti berbeza..

    Bisnes is bisnes..Aku is aku..Anggap jela Malaysia ni sbg sebuah syarikat Sdn Bhd kan??

    Korang semua nak menikmati keseronokan dunia ni dengan cara yang korang ingini secara individu..Korang xnak kongsi bersama..Ramai² hepi kan seronok..Esok lusa mati dah..Anak² kite pun tumpang gembira atas apa kita usahakan..

    Lantak la..Terpulang..Hidup korang..

    Cuma kalau ringgit jatuh, kuasa beli kurang..Kepakaran kite plak xde..Nak import lagi kos besar..Hutang banyak pulak..Aduhh..cane ni..

    Ok..last choice..Kite jual MALAYSIA..

    Kite setup company lain..

    Perkongsian sekadar nak membuka minda dan mata hati yang lama tertutup..Skian,salam..

  15. Salam.


    Peruntukkan bajet 450juta..dan stakat ni 6juta orang yang apply tu dah dapat..


    Aku pelik..macam mane anak ko boleh xmarah? Mungkin anak2 ko bodoh kot..Aku percaya anak2 ko bodoh..

    Anak2 ko bagi dekat ko RM100 dekat ko bulan2. Ko pun kumpul semua duit tu selama setahun. Pastu ko buat peruntukan untuk salurkan dekat jiran sebelah rumah???

    Ko cakap kat anak ko gini ke?

    “Nah ni..duit ni amek la..Bulan2 kamu bagi ayah RM100. Jadi lepas setahun ayah simpan, ayah ade RM1200.

    So, nah ni..Anak2 ayah amek balik RM30 untuk beli kuih mak cik ni..Janda sebelah rumah ni..Support bisnes die..Bgtau jugak satu kampung yang ayah suruh.. ”

    Hahahaha..oii…Lawak dow…

    Anak die langsung xpelik. Ape mabuk bapak die ni deal dengan janda sebelah rumah pulak ni kan???

    Takde kena mengena pertalian darah langsung!!
    Seronoknya lahai janda tu..Ade “special” bakat, so ayah die suh la anak2 die support..Janda tu hepi hidup selesa sebab die doktrin anak2 die tu..

    Anak die bagi die duit,bila die buat gitu die xde la nampak sbg berjoli..Walhal boleh je bagi dekat mak cik die yang sakit kat hospital, rumah nenek die yang dah usang..Pagar rumah die dah nak tercabut..Rumput depan umah dh panjang..Anak bongsu kurang upaya..Anak no.5 baru nak masuk blaja..Boleh je..TAPI janda tu yang ayah die pk..

    Eh..tolong janda jiran sebelah pulak pehal???? Anak2 pulak diam..

    So..xde hal la sbb anak2 die bodoh bab bajet2 yang tidak berkepentingan ni..So anggap jela anak die rela..

    Kalau pasal nak wujudkan pengaliran tu boleh je ngan saudara mara sepupu sepapat kan??

    So..apehal janda sebelah umah pulak bapak die pilih???

    Budak2 xpayah tau hal orang dewasa..Ni agenda bapak die..Agenda paling best..Visi utama bapak die..

    Bila malam menjelma..alahaii..hal orang tua..Janda dduk sorang..dah makan budi..Kenyit mate pun jadi..

    Semoga perkongsian ini beroleh manfaat.

    Tun! Imam Mahdi keluar, mudah2an ko hidup lagi..Aku doa umur ko panjang..Aku tarik ko hadap Imam Mahdi dulu..


  16. Askm YaB PM Tun,
    PH mengadakan Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) rakyat.
    PLUS menurunkan caj tol mereka.
    TNB sehingga kini masih lagi mengutip caj 1.6% KWTBB dari Pengguna yang tidak mampu memasang Panel Solar untuk dibayar kepada Pengguna yang mampu memasang Panel Solar di kediaman mereka.
    Adakah ini wajar serta adil diteruskaan memandangkan TNB setiap tahun mencatitkan peningkatan keuntungan perniagaan berganda mereka.
    Mohon pertimbangkan semula.

  17. Tun

    It is alleged that the Government is considering a ban on the arrival of Chinese tourists.

    The principles of Epidemiology state to prevent further spread of the disease, it is better to stop the movement of people from place to place. China has imposed a lock-down on 60 million of her people.

    A ban should be reviewed every two weeks.

    Prevention is better than cure.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  18. Tun

    CHEE is correct in his assumptions about the state of the Malaysian economy and its consumers who have been long suffering since 2004. The problems spelt out clearly are nothing new. I am sure your good-self, the Cabinet and your esteemed Advisers are aware about them a long time ago.

    The stark fact is the gross financial mismanagement of our beloved Malaysia beginning 2004-2018 compounded by NO POLICIES to the betterment and the enhancement of the Life of the Rakyat. What we had was a fun-loving Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs. Its idiosyncrasies are for all to see in the Courts.


    With such a financial rape of the Nation’s financial resources, it takes time to assess and replenish what was stolen.

    For example, what happened to the money from the spikes of petroleum prices from US$ 110 – 140 per barrel ? Then between 2004-2018, without any forward planning the Civil Service became bloated as one of the largest in the World per capita.

    Hence, I am fully confident that with a sound FM in place, a Supplementary Budget should be forthcoming soon at the earliest opportunity.

    CHEE should feel assured and comfortable that the Leadership of our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with DSAI and his Team by his side will not let him or the Rakyat down. They are as serious as us concerning the welfare and future of our Rakyat and ourselves – the thin red-line of Hope for the betterment and enhancement of all.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem IN YOU WE ALL TRUST.

  19. To have overthrown Najib’s government was already a big accomplishment by itself which few could have even imagined, if any. You spoke about the economy growing and how everything is doing well but unfortunately the real yardstick is do the people really feel they are doing well?? I am sorry to say it is not. Many ordinary Malaysians feel the burden of heavy taxes and how their hard earned money is still very thinly stretched. This is really the mother of all issues affecting the people and the nation. You really have to cut taxes especially the SST, which many feel is just another manifestation of the much hated GST, the abolition of which was what motivated so many Malaysians to vote for change in GE14. If you want to win in GE15, you must make a promise to progressively down rate the SST or even abolish it altogether. To do this with as little impact to government finances, unfortunately you might have to bring back GST because it was a more efficient system and you should just admit you were wrong. You might also have to increase corporate taxes as well. Then you need to abolish tolls and after that, you can think about strengthening the ringgit by raising interest rates etc. All these policies are not friendly to corporations but it’s about time the Malaysian government start thinking about the Malaysian consumer rather than trying to attract more foreign investment with policies that harm Malaysian spending power like ringgit fixing or devaluation, low interest rates and corporate taxes.

  20. Tun

    My blog kat wordpress dah capai over 10K pengunjung. Bukan dari chedet, majority dari investment forum dan google search engine. Hubby pun terkejut ramai pengunjung sekelip mata.

    Semalam kawan beritahu, bila letak my blog link kat satu investment forum, ada orang cakap, heh tengok nama ….., I kenal dia, dulu ada blog kat sini, how is she, kenapa tak datang sini lagi. hahaha

    Memang betul, I memang orang lama dalam investment forum tersebut, years ago dari zaman BN lagi. A lot of things I buat sekarang sama seperti dari zaman BN. Kongsi kad membership nak tolong bagi diskaun or pinjam kad tesco orang depan tak kira samada Melayu, Cina or India, untuk kasi dia points dari barang I beli. With those points pemegang card boleh tukarkan dengan cash voucher beli barang keperluan. I tiada kad tesco sebab I dah banyak kad, bonuslink la, aeon la, credit and debit la, dll buat berat purse saja hahaha That’s why ada peniaga yang pandai tak payah card, guna telephone nos or IC kad kaunter bayaran. Dari zaman BN hingga kini, tidak juga baru scheme ini.

    Thank You.

  21. Dearest Tun,

    Continue doing whatever that you’re doing. Time will tell. Most people are impatient on the outcome. They’l see. I don’t believe that anyone could control your decision and I also believe that you are still capable of making the right decision. Recently I had the opportunity of staying in one of the hotels in PutraJaya since I’m from another state. I managed to performed solat subuh at Masjid PutraJaya. Did not expect the waiting for grab/My Car to be quite a while though. Beautiful mosque but sadly empty ones. It is unfortunate that the PutraJaya habitants are not able to appreciate the mosque. Thumbs up to the Imam too. Maybe Tun, if you are able to come for the subuh solat at the mosque, you will definitely attract the crowd to perform solat subuh there. Who knows, even if the crowd came because of you, some may find the ‘hidayah’ to be fill up the mosque. Maybe then, all Muslim leaders would perform solat subuh in mosques. We certainly need to be better Muslim. Who knows, but I’m sure it will be positive. After all you are a crowd puller and an influential person. Everything around you will be gone one day, the only thing that will matter is what you did for Allah. Success only comes with your effort and Allah’s help.

    Semoga Tun berdua sentiasa diberkati Allah SWT.

  22. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Tahniah kepada BN/UMNO dan YB Mohamad Alamin yang telah menang dengan bergaya di PRK Kimanis! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    2. Makbul doa saya.

    3. PH patut bersedia untuk kembali menjadi Pembangkang selepas PRU-15.

    4. Nampaknya para pengundi di Parlimen Kimanis telah menolak wakil PH iaitu Warisan. Majoriti rakyat sudah muak.

    5. Saya jarang silap dalam penilaian / pemerhatian saya. Bila saya kata calon BN (sudah menangpun) lebih menyerlah, dan ternampak lebih berkredibiliti, ternyata pandangan saya sama dengan pandangan majoriti para pengundi di Kimanis. Lagipun PH tiada apa-apa kelebihan berbanding BN, malahan kurang dari segi prestasi keseluruhan. Cuma Tun sahaja yang menyerlah dalam Kabinet PH. TPM pun entah apa-apa. Menteri Kewangan lagilah hampeh.

    6. Syabas sekali lagi kepada BN/UMNO!

    P/S: DSN eloklah ke tepi…usah menyibuk…masa anda sudah berlalu. Anda sudah ditumbangkan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  23. Insha’Allah YAB Tun.

    Can you write in this blog YAB Tun on the current situation in Education Ministry? The idea to split back the Ministry is very well support.

    Moga Allah panjangkan umur Tun dengan penuh keberkatan dan pinjamkan kudratnya untuk terus mentadbirkan sebaiknya bumi bertuah Malaysia ni sehinnga akhir hayat.

  24. Insha’Allah YAB Tun.

    Moga Allah panjangkan umur Tun dengan penuh keberkatan dan pinjamkan kudratnya untuk terus mentadbirkan sebaiknya bumi bertuah Malaysia ni sehinnga akhir hayat.

  25. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga dirahmati Allah

    Bermula 1 Januari 2020, kerajaan telah melaksanakan kadar tangga gaji minima yang baru sebanyak RM1,200 untuk kawasan majlis perbandaran dan dewan bandaraya. Mengikut perancangan gaji minima ini akan di naikkan sehingga RM1,500

    Sebagai seorang penggiat IKS, kesan dari perlaksanaan gaji minima amat dirasai. Kos pembuatan akan meningkat sejajar dengan kenaikan gaji minima. Kami sedang dalam proses meningkatkan produktiviti melalui automasi, tetapi kekangan kewangan dan pembiayaan menjadi halangan utama. Pasaran tempatan yang agak terhad menjadikan pulangan pelaburan memakan masa yang lama. Selain itu peniaga kecil dan yang baru mula berkecimpung dalam perniagaan juga akan mengalami masalah.

    Saya meminta supaya kerajaan mengkaji semula rancangan untuk menaikkan kadar gaji minima kepada RM1,500. Saya pasti Tun sudah hadam dengan pelbagai kesan negatif akibat kenaikan gaji minima ke paras yang lebih tinggi.

    Sebagai alternatif, saya ingin mencadangkan supaya satu perbincangan serius berkenaan Pendapatan Asas (PA) atau “Universal Basic Income” diketengahkan sebagai satu kaedah yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan menaikkan kadar gaji minima.

    Banyak artikel pro dan kontra terhadap UBI boleh didapati di Internet. Pada masa ini perbincangan berkenaan PA telah disuarakan di AS oleh Andrew Yang, salah seorang calon Presiden dari Parti Demokrat. PA adalah satu jaminan kerajaan untuk memberi sejumlah pendapatan tetap secara berkala kepada setiap individu rakyat tanpa mengira latar belakang ekonomi atau status pekerjaan. Ia dilakukan secara automatik terus kepada penerima yang layak.

    Perlaksanaan PA akan membantu kelopok rakyat yang tersisih daripada sistem ekonomi Malaysia seperti Orang Asli Semenanjung dan sebahagian Bumiputra Sabah dan Sarawak untuk menjadi penyumbang kepada perkembangan ekonomi. Golongan ini akan menyaksikan peningkatan yang terbesar jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok lain yang sedang terlibat secara lansung dengan sistem ekonomi Malaysia.

    Pada masa awal perlaksanaan PA boleh dilaksanakan dengan bersyarat seperti ia boleh dihadkan kepada rakyat yang dilahirkan di Malaysia sahaja dan berumur 18 tahun keatas.

    Subsidi-subsidi bahanapi, makanan, dan sarahidup perlu dikaji semula. Ini akan mengurangkan karenah birokrasi pemberian subsidi.

    Jumlah PA yang diberikan hendaklah tidak terlalu tinggi hingga menyebabkan rakyat hilang insentif untuk keluar bekerja. Sebagai permulaan, nilai RM100 hingga RM200 boleh dijadikan asas untuk menguji kesesuaian kepada keadaan ekonomi dan membuat kajian kesan yang akan berlaku.

    Satu kekangan kepada PA adalah kos yang tinggi. Sebagai permulaan, katakan kerajaan memberi PA sebanyak RM100 setiap bulan untuk setiap rakyat Malaysia berumur 18 tahun keatas iaitu 70 peratus dari 32 juta jumlah penduduk, menjadikannya 22.4 juta penerima. Jumlah keseluruhan yang perlu ditanggung kerajaan adalah sebanyak RM2.4 billion sebulan.

    Satu kaedah penjanaan pendapatan yang boleh dilakukan oleh kerajaan adalah dengan memperkenalkan semula GST. Jika rakyat mendapat feedah secara terus daripada GST iaitu PA, besar kemungkinan rakyat tidak membantah perlaksanaan GST kali ini. Dalam hal ini, kerajaan perlu telus. Keseluruhan kutipan GST perlu dikembalikan kepada rakyat. Berdasarkan kutipan GST sebanyak RM41.2 billion dalam tahun 2017, kerajaan tiada masalah untuk memberi PA sebanyak RM200 sebulan untuk setiap rakyat yang dilahirkan di Malaysia berumur 18 tahun keatas.

    Pemansuhan subsidi-subsidi bahanapi, yang telah banyak disalahgunakan, digantikan dengan PA dapat memberi kerajaan satu sumber untuk memperoleh semula pendapatan.

    Sebahagian besar penerima faedah daripada PA yang di berikan adalah dari golongan B40 dan M40 akan membelanjakan wang yang diterima dalam ekonomi setempat. Kegiatan ekonomi akan menerima ransangan secara terus. Kerajaan juga akan mendapat semula sebahagian daripada wang tersebut melalui kitaran GST dan cukai-cukai lain.

    Perlu diperhalusi disini, sebahagian perbelanjaan akan pergi kepada pembelian atas talian. Kerajaan perlu mewujudkan satu mekanisma untuk mengutip GST bagi perbelanjaan atas talian.

    Ruangan komen ini amat terhad, tapi satu perbincangan serius tentang Pendapatan Asas (Universal Basic Income) perlu dimulakan.

    Sekian, semoga Tun dirahmati.

    Zainal Abidin

  26. Tun

    I baru baca artikel ini di FMT, I share pendapat penulis ini disini

    Mitos ‘sekolah Cina bagus’

    Faisal Tehrani -January 16

    Mengapakah murid Cina hampir tiada di Sekolah Kebangsaan? Satu kajian mesti dilakukan.

    Mungkin ia disebabkan taburan penduduk mengikut bangsa kini semakin tidak seimbang. Mana tidaknya, ada yang malah ingin membina projek perumahan yang sudah tentu akan didiami oleh Melayu-Islam sahaja, dengan serba-serbi fasiliti Islami, bertemakan “berjiran dengan enta sampai ke syurga”.

    (Baca: “Jiran enta di sebelah bukan Cina, jadi tiada bau minyak masakan babi hinggap di seluar dalam yang tersidai di luar; dan tiada salakan anjing meningkah azan.”)

    Asalkan Awang seorang Muslim, tak mengapalah meski Awang memelihara kucing yang berak tiga kali sehari di laman rumah enta.

    Kita ambil contoh Bandar Baru Bangi, di mana jumlah penduduk Cinanya amatlah terhad (jangan-jangan sifar). Sekolah Kebangsaan di sini tiada kelihatan anak Cina.

    Penempatan sekolah berdasarkan alamat kediaman. Jika ramai penduduk taman perumahan berbangsa Melayu, maka di sekolah terdekat akan dominan anak Melayu.

    Jadi, masalah kita lebih besar dari itu. Jika satu-satu kaum berkumpul di satu-satu tempat tanpa imbangan, ia akan mendorong kejahilan terhadap kaum yang lain dengan serius. Ini kerana tiada dialog berlaku.

    Pun, saya difahamkan itu juga bukan kesnya.

    Di kawasan yang jumlah penduduk Cina, India dan Melayu hampir seimbang pun, kita tidak menemukan anak-anak Cina di Sekolah Kebangsaan.

    Jadi ada kemungkinan besar bangsa Cina memboikot Sekolah Kebangsaan. Ada juga yang berhujah anak-anak Melayu turut bersekolah di Sekolah Cina. Saya berpendapat, kecilnya jumlah Melayu dan India di Sekolah Cina tidak dapat dihujahkan bahawa Sekolah Cina lebih multikultur dari Sekolah Kebangsaan.

    Begini, ada satu mitos: Sekolah Cina lebih bagus. Kerana bahasa Mandarin itu maha penting. Atau lebih canggih alasannya, Sekolah Cina lebih berdisiplin. Selain itu, kononnya senang mendapat pekerjaan.

    Tukang cat rumah saya, Ah Leong, memberitahu yang dia tidak mahu anaknya ke Sekolah Kebangsaan kerana guru akan mendorong anaknya masuk Islam. Dia takut anak lelakinya belajar sama dengan budak perempuan Melayu. Juga, di Sekolah Kebangsaan kononnya terdapat rasisme. Seolah-olah di Sekolah Cina tiada perkauman.

    Saya tanyakan dari manakah dia beroleh kecurigaan ini. Beliau menjawab: media sosial dan dorongan dari tokoh pendidik bangsa Cina.

    Ah Leong berpendapat tak mengapa anaknya tidak boleh berbahasa Melayu. Anak-anaknya masih kelak boleh mendapat pekerjaan mudah, lagi pun bahasa Mandarin ada nilai ekonomi. Ah Leong berani menceritakan ini semua kerana ternampakkan pelekat magnet lambang parti DAP di peti sejuk dapur rumah saya.

    Prasangka liar terhadap Sekolah Kebangsaan ini dapat difahami. Padahal PIBG ada kuasa menentukan pendekatan yang diambil sekolah.

    Pokoknya, kalau anda lantang dalam mesyuarat PIBG, segala yang salah boleh dibetulkan.

    Di sebuah mesyuarat PIBG yang saya hadiri, di sebuah Sekolah Kebangsaan yang majoritinya Melayu, seorang bapa, Awang (bukan nama sebenar) ada mengusulkan agar diwajibkan sembahyang berjemaah di sekolah untuk waktu Zohor dan Asar.

    Mujur, guru besar waras dan tegas mengatakan, “Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan sekolah Abim atau sekolah Ikram atau sekolah agama. Jika ingin solat berjamaah, hantar anak kalian ke sana. Sekolah ini Sekolah Kebangsaan, ada pelbagai bangsa dan agama.”

    PIBG medan anda sebagai warganegara untuk turut serta dalam membuat keputusan bersama. Jika anda malas menghadiri mesyuarat PIBG, anda tidak berhak melolong kemudian hari mengenai hal-hal fundamental yang sudah menjadi bubur kerana tidak ditangani ketika ia masih nasi.

    Sukar untuk kita memahami sikap kumpulan pendidik Cina. Kita boleh mengambil contoh terdekat untuk diukur.

    Di Singapura, Kamsiah Abdullah menulis sebuah makalah ilmiah mengenai nasib dan pengalaman sekolah vernakular Melayu dalam tulisan bertajuk “Sekolah Menengah Melayu di Singapura 1959-1987”.

    Kamsiah dari Nanyang Technological University menulis bagaimana perpisahan Singapura dan Malaysia mendorong kepada pendidikan dengan falsafah berteraskan “multilingualism” dan meritokrasi.

    Akhirnya 2 sekolah Melayu terakhir di negara itu, Sekolah Sang Nila Utama dan Sekolah Tun Seri Lanang, terpaksa ditutup demi menjayakan falsafah pendidikan sebuah negara baru.

    Akan tetapi, apakah yang kumpulan pendidik Cina lakukan di Singapura?

    Mereka membina tembok lain. Mereka masuk ke dalam satu daerah sendiri, menceraikan masyarakat sekeliling dan mendirikan tembok besar.

    Mereka mendirikan Sekolah “Special Assistance Plan” atau SAP yang tujuannya untuk membangunkan kemahiran 2 bahasa bertunjangkan nilai-nilai Cina: “effectively bilingual students that are inculcated with traditional Chinese values”.

    Yang dimaksudkan 2 bahasa itu tentulah bahasa Mandarin, dan bahasa Inggeris. Jadi SAP itu Sekolah Cina.

    Apakah kesannya? Sebuah laporan yang baik untuk menjelaskan bahana ini tulisan Ethel Pang berjudul “As Long As SAP Schools Exist, Chinese Elitism in Singapore Will Exist”.

    Dalam laporan yang cukup objektif itu, Pang melaporkan bagaimana beberapa pelajar Melayu atau India yang bersekolah di Sekolah SAP ini mengalami rasisme.

    Bukan itu sahaja, pelajar Cina di SAP dikesani tidak dapat membezakan mana satu India dan Melayu, serta hanya kenal nilai Cina (dan bukan nilai Singapura yang kosmopolitan).

    Tentu tidak adil menghujahkan Sekolah Cina di Singapura dengan Sekolah Cina di sini. Tetapi, adil atau tidak, kita harus mendengar keluhan teman-teman Cina dari etnik Hakka betapa pemaksaan bahasa Mandarin sebagai dialek tunggal bangsa Cina menjadikan dialek mereka mengakis.

    Adakah Sekolah Cina bagus? Saya tidak tahu siapa memulai mitos ini.

    Saya terlupa bertanyakan Ah Leong. Dia tukang cat sahaja, tetapi nampak dia serba tahu. Ini kerana pedomannya ada pada Facebook, manakala Confuciusnya Whatsapp!

    Sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan terbaik di Selangor adalah Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3; Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Petaling; Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Jelutong; Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Megah; Sekolah Kebangsaan Saujana Impian; Sekolah Kebangsaan Seksyen 9 Shah Alam.
    Ikut serta dalam senarai ini sebuah Sekolah Cina, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Lick Hung, yang juga Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi di SS19, Subang Jaya.

    Jadi, kita dapat melihat di Selangor, dan kebanyakan negeri lain, Sekolah Kebangsaan juga kompetitif. Hanya di satu dua negeri seperti Melaka dan Pulau Pinang sahaja Sekolah Kebangsaan ketinggalan.

    Sudah tentu kita mengharapkan sekolah yang baik adalah sekolah yang baik; tidak perlu dikotakkan atas mana-mana bahasa atau aliran.

    Tambahan pula, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil paling tertinggal dalam semua kelompok sekolah ini. Hal ini, nasib anak-anak India satu lagi kepedihan tidak terungkapkan. Padahal kita perlu berlaku adil kepada semua anak-anak.

    Semuanya bangsa Malaysia yang mahu mencapai bermacam-macam kemajuan di masa akan datang. Kita belum pula bincangkan anak Orang Asli dan di kawasan pedalaman Sabah dan Sarawak.

    Sudah tentu saya sebagai seorang liberal akan bersetuju jika sekolah vernakular Cina ditutup, maka semua sekolah atau institusi pendidikan yang khas untuk Melayu seperti MRSM, atau UiTM juga eloklah dikatup.

    Bahkan, kita boleh tutup sama semua sekolah tahfiz. Kita beritahu kepada ibu bapa supaya masuk syurga dengan kapasiti sendiri, bukan menunggang anak-anak menjadikan mereka hafiz.

    Lagi pun, berapa banyak masalah moral di sekolah-sekolah agama? Hal liwat meliwat lain, hal keselamatan sehingga hangus terbakar lagi lain, dan hal merekrut Islam jalur keras satu lagi masalah yang tiada penghujung.

    Kepada golongan liberal yang anak atau cucunya tidak ke Sekolah Kebangsaan (bahkan menghantar anak ke sekolah antarabangsa/swasta), kemudian bertutur bahasa Melayu jauh-jauh, atau sama sekali kurang arif bidang pendidikan; saya dengan rasa rendah diri menasihati – tidaklah usah masuk terjun dalam arus yang kurang anda kenali – memandangkan sudah ada gerakan liberal yang baik-baik perjuangannya menjuarai wanita seperti Sisters in Islam; atau mendorongkan Islam Progresif seperti Islamic Renaissance Front, atau dalam bidang pendidikan ada pula Parent Action Group for Education (PAGE).

    Buatlah kerja dalam bidang yang belum diterokai dan bukan merampas kerja-kerja orang sebelum kalian. Jadi bergabung dan majulah bersama-sama mereka.

    Wong Tai-Chee tokoh pendidikan Cina dihormati, ada menulis sebuah artikel yang diterjemahkan ke bahasa Melayu dengan judul “Makna Kewarganegaraan dan Diaspora Pada Hari Ini”.

    Beliau menyerukan Cina Malaysia agar menghayati makna kewarganegaraan yang tidak lagi nostalgik dan terikat oleh ikatan budaya dan darah.

    Kata beliau: “Memandangkan orang Cina Malaysia memiliki kewarganegaraan Malaysia, secara langsungnya mereka kehilangan hak kewarganegaraan China yang ditinggalkan oleh nenek moyang dan bukan lagi diaspora Cina.

    “China bukan lagi tanah air mereka. Definisi baharu bagi tanah air tidak lagi bergantung pada bukti tradisional seperti budaya dan ikatan darah, tetapi berdasarkan pengiktirafan dan perasaan kekitaan dalam konsep kewarganegaraan.”

    Beliau seterusnya berpesan kepada generasi Cina Malaysia yang lebih berusia agar lebih membumi dan memahami realiti semasa, sambil mengambil kira “kesedaran tempatan”.

    Di samping itu beliau secara halus mengingatkan rasa kedekatan dengan kemakmuran China itu hanyalah satu ilusi dan bukan kenyataan:

    “Warga Cina Malaysia yang lebih berusia menaruh perasaan mendalam terhadap China, jauh berbanding mana-mana gunung dan laut di tanah airku, Malaysia.”

    Beliau seterusnya menambah, “Sesetengah orang Cina mencari jalan keluar secara rohani dengan menjadikan kejayaan China sebagai peristiwa yang menggembirakan diri sendiri. Galakan rohani ini sebenarnya ilusi, sebaliknya perjuangan hak mereka melalui kesedaran tempatan barulah praktikal.”

    Mungkin saya patut bertanyakan kepada Profesor Wong Tai-Chee, siapa yang beliau maksudkan dengan “warga Cina Malaysia yang lebih berusia menaruh perasaan mendalam terhadap China, jauh berbanding mana-mana gunung dan laut di tanah airku, Malaysia”?

    Jika kita tidak membetulkan semua ini hari ini, dalam sedekad umat Melayu yang takutkan tanglung, dan umat Cina yang menggeletar ternampak tulisan Jawi, akan kian bertambah.

    Tatkala itu, saya tidak dapat membayangkan mitos apa lagi yang akan dicipta.

    Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili FMT.

  27. Hajar Jan 14,2020 5:49 PM

    Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    HBT456 (Jan 14,2020 10:00 AM) wrote:-

    // Hajar can hate my race, but she cannot stop my race to deny her a vote. jika main politik sampai tahap ini, then, lebih baik jangan undi as check and balance, dont you think so, twinpeaks? //

    I am not sure where this person got the idea that I am longing for her VOTE. Senile or crazy?

    HBT456 can show to the readers where in this blog I’ve asked for her worthless VOTE.

    Let’s see if she remembers (to prove that she is NOT SENILE) where in this blog I begged her to give me her worthless vote. Another symptom of a senile person is that she tends to repeat writing the same thing (statements) again and again…

    P/S: PH is in trouble again – too many undesirable issues / negative cases @ scandals.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family

    HBT456 can show to the readers where in this blog I’ve asked for her worthless VOTE.

    I am glad that Hajar treated my vote as worthless. It is definitely better off than being listed as undi hampeh dan haprak.

    Thank you so much for giving me up.

    Selamat tinggal.

  28. Tun

    I cuma minat saham I naik, bursa malaysia naik. Tapi masaalahnya dengan PH, lebih banyak menyebabkan saham satu Malaysia jatuh.

    I tak minat politik, kalau nak kaji balik memang PH lebih buruk dari BN. Masaalah besar dengan PH always rasa diri mereka betul. Dah beberapa kali dah BN menang bila ada pilihan raya, tapi PH masih tak nak belajar dari kesilapan, masih tetap anggap mereka ANGEL. Oh please la no one you all selamat melainkan diri you all sahaja.

    I also sometimes pelik bila ada orang kat forum investment cerita pasal politik. I wonder mereka ini labur dalam stock market ka. I mean kalau mereka labur sudah tentu mereka concentrate kat stocks mereka, tidaklah merewang fikir bende lain. Beside kalau cakap pasal politik bukan boleh buat duit, hanya buat penat jari menaip sahaja.

    Kan ka tugas kita dah ada bila election sahaja. Masa itu kita pilih calon yang layak untuk represent kita. Buat masa ini mengikut my pengkiraan dengan melihat berita terbaru seperti Latefa Koya saman menyaman dan tiada kes liwat AI, I doubt la PH menang.

    Anyway Tun, apahal dengan politician PKR seperti Anwar dan Lateefa, mereka ini takde kerja lain ka, untuk menafaatkan rakyat amnya.

    Good night Tun. Sleep tight. I always hope I tidor nyenyak, tapi kadang2 tak boleh tidor bila tengok saham makin menurun and I hilang mata pencarian.

  29. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    HBT456 (Jan 14,2020 10:00 AM) wrote:-

    // Hajar can hate my race, but she cannot stop my race to deny her a vote. jika main politik sampai tahap ini, then, lebih baik jangan undi as check and balance, dont you think so, twinpeaks? //

    I am not sure where this person got the idea that I am longing for her VOTE. Senile or crazy?

    HBT456 can show to the readers where in this blog I’ve asked for her worthless VOTE.

    Let’s see if she remembers (to prove that she is NOT SENILE) where in this blog I begged her to give me her worthless vote. Another symptom of a senile person is that she tends to repeat writing the same thing (statements) again and again…

    P/S: PH is in trouble again – too many undesirable issues / negative cases @ scandals.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  30. Can or not, sri sense, since Hajar berdoakan Alladin, oops, i mean, Alamin dari BN to win out in Kimanis.

    Saya lagi expert because i can foreseen the future in next 20 years, you percayaku tak?

    After going through all these horendous politics of flip then flop, i do not want to get involve anymore.

    Its up to the younger generation leadership of melayu dll kaum to decide their future career in politics.

    Will it end up another white elephant project?

    The choice is with the mps of the divides, khususnya, umno baru dari Sabah as per the wishes of twinpeaks.

    Rojak mamak atau Rojak Buah, you decide which taste suits you better in kampong masing2.

  31. Tun

    I biasa tonton drama undang2 US, recording itu memang tak boleh guna kat court. Apa yang Salleh Buang tulis based on undang2 Malaysia pun betul sama macam undang2 US.

    Lagipun pun Tun yang sendiri kata rule of law, nanti orang kata Tun dan Najib sama saja, even worse, nanti orang kata Najib belajar dari Tun.

    Remember I very expert in Public Relations.

  32. No matter what happen, there will be yesayers and naysayers.

    Henceforth, general election must be called to get the mandate from the voters.

    Dah dianakyatimkan berpuluh2 tahun just to make malay and bumiputra hepi, still not enough?

    Melayu mps themselves also dont care, why should you care as non malay mps?
    Lawan tetap Lawan, bukan?
    By the end of the day, it is up to the mps to do their parts to win votes.
    Malu atau Lawan, it is up to them to decide.

    Mampu kah atau tidak mampu to raise another peperangan dingin in dewan rakyat negara just to stay relevant?

    Itu terpulang kepada mereka keranamu Malaysia.

    Is it a blessing gift?
    Is it a curse gift?

    I do not want to peningkan kepala aku since i dont need to face the voters.

    Betul tetap betul.
    Salah tetap salah.
    Jika tak boleh tentukan, then, call for general election.

    Adakah itu halal?
    Adakah itu haram?
    The decision is with the perdana menteri at putrajaya.
    My obligation is to vote.

    New Malaysia?
    Moslem Malaysia?

    MPs of the divide should know the consequences, iaitu mampu, atau tidak mampu.

  33. Umno baru was not deregistered this time, sibotak.
    EC is handpicked by Perdana Menteri of Malaysia.

    There is no way umno baru can do what they like before even when they merge with pas and proposed muafakat nasional as option, atau alternative to barisan nasional to split votes again and again just to stay relevant.

    Do you really know what is going on, sibotak?

    If you dont, then, you really need to ask yourself, apa lagi you mahu, sibotak?
    You can fool us sometimes, but you cannot fool us all the time.

    Ayuh, siapakah mahu jadi tuah dan jebat dengan slogan melayu yang power giler iaitu malu apa, bossku?

    P/s: Finance minister? WHO are you referring to, twinpeaks? Please dont quote me since i am just a voter. Hajar can hate my race, but she cannot stop my race to deny her a vote. jika main politik sampai tahap ini, then, lebih baik jangan undi as check and balance, dont you think so, twinpeaks?

  34. If you want to build up the work ethics of someone, you have to do it when he is very young, when he is still at Primary school. But you don’t send him to become a soldier, do you.. You will be castrated by Human Rights if you do that. That’s stupid.

    And you cannot change the character of a Mat Rempit (or whatever) because he is already hardened. His brain cannot be changed. Don’t waste time. Focus on the still young children. Parents must play their role. Change the parent’s mentality so that they are not fanatical. Make them more rational in their thinking. Then they will do what is right for their own families.

    That’s the right way.

  35. The National Service(???). Don’t make me laugh.

    No, you don’t need this anachronism. It does not serve any purpose. Who on earth are you trying to invade? Indonesia?… They will laugh at you. Singapore?… You don’t need troops. You just send the battle tanks and they will surrender. Thailand?… Their men are too soft to fight anyway, our professional army are strong enough. In any case, ASEAN countries don’t have any reason to invade each other. We are economic neighbors. Diplomacy is the ASEAN way. So Malaysia’s only potential nemesis since Day One is the Commies of China. And you DON”T send your troops to fight 1 billion PLA; you pick up the phone and the US Marines will come with the two aircraft carriers’ flotilla. Together with the US Navy, we will defend our share of the South China Sea with our Scorpene subs at Sepangar Bay naval base.

    The only reason why any country needs a National Service is if you are trying to preserve your national integrity, like Israel. And the only reason why the Arabs are trying to invade Israel is, well.., because that’s their national pastime. That’s why they never progress beyond the desert. It’s the ancient Bedouin mentality… an eye for an eye. Try saying that to a Malay farmer, he wouldn’t have a clue what you are on about. The Malay farmer simply wants to go to his rice field. He wakes up before dawn and toil in his paddy field. It doesn’t matter if he is poor, that’s his business. Same goes for the Malay fisherman. They are nature’s gentlemen… not some sword-wielding camel-riding head-to-toe covered Bedouins.

    Pardon the pun.

  36. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Saya doakan calon BN, Mohamad Alamin, menang di PRK Kimanis. Mohamad Alamin lebih menyerlah dan nampak lebih berkredibiliti.

    Pengerusi SPR yang pro-PH pun tidak berkredibiliti dan tidak amanah dalam menjalankan tugas. Dulu bukan main lagi mengutuk orang lain. Bila diberi kepercayaan dan amanah, hampeh saja prestasinya.

    Tun tidak sepatutnya membandingkan tugas Polis dengan tugas Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM kerana bidang tugas /kuasa dan tanggungjawab mereka berbeza. Tun mesti terima hakikat yang Puan Latheefa Koya telah melanggar undang-undang Negara. Ya, kononnya PH mendaulatkan undang-undang Negara.

    Kalau begitu mengapa pula diserahkan rakaman2 tersebut kepada Polis untuk disiasat? Susahlah kalau Ketua pun keliru!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  37. I see this today
    Though Tun Heads Pakatan Harapan
    DAP has a stronger voice in PH
    Probably PH lean on DAP for Financial Strenght

    The Melayu Malaysia Don’t want any to do with DAP
    They did not recognize DAP
    On they another hand they had a Failed UMNO under Najib
    These made the Malay Votes a Divided and a Confused Votes

    That does not invite DAP for a plan
    UMNO must change its foundation
    UMNO must be an update Party to form an update Govt
    Not the old ,perut buncit, asal bolih, banyak hutang form of Govt to win its Votes back
    UMNO must have a new image
    Young, Vibrant ,Out Going Govt

  38. Gabungan Pakatan Harapan
    Ternyata lebih memperkukuhkan DAP dari Parti yg lain
    Malah mengalahkah Parti Tun sendiri
    Pakatan Harapan lebih menyandar akan infrastructue & kewangan DAP
    DAP sudah berbau PAP
    Mungkin sekarang mediang LKY agak tersenyum lebar

    Melayu Malaysia tolak DAP tapi menyandar pada Pakatan Harapan
    Nak ikut UMNO , UMNO Berkecamuk di Bulan Purnama
    Berasmara dana Rosmah & Najib
    UMNO tidak ada professional nya , malah masih berbudaya Kolot
    Berbudaya lama , masih terpekik pekik, sentiasa kesempitan kewangan
    Ini menjadi kenyataan dan Kegelisahan Melayu

    Di Telan DAP,Mati Emak,Di buang UMNO mati Bapak
    Maka UMNO perlu berubah untuk memenuhi Keinginan Melayu
    Keinginanan Melayu juga perlu berubah
    Tidak bolih macam dahulu, asik nak Menetek saja
    Asik nak peruntukan,asik asik nak Kerajaan bantu
    Di Dunia ini tidak ada Peruntukan
    Semua kena gali lobang. Bangun pagi cari rezki Halal masing masing
    Bukan asik nak ini , nak itu, pemutus buang. Jual sama Cina
    Ini kelaziman Melayu yg Melayu perlu berubah untuk Maju
    Jangan asik nak menetek Kerajaan
    Tetek Kerajaan pun dah Kendur,banyak Hutang
    Kerajaan pub Sesak dah

    Kerajaan UMNO yg saya madsudkan
    Perlu Berdikari
    Kita ada Hasil cuma kita tidak Bijak menghasilkannya
    Kita tidak bolih lagi macam dulu
    Bukan saja Orang Melayu. Kerajaan Melayu, Sultan Melayu pun jika nak bangunkan Negara sendiri perlu bantuan luar terutama dari China

    Nak tolong Orang Melayu
    Kena kasi mereka Susah
    Baru mereka akan Nilaikan & menghayati Kesenangan

    Sekarang Zaman , bukan zaman nak tunjukan Persembahan Persilatan
    Sekarang Zaman pertunjukan Ketenteraan tekan Butang
    Tekan sini , Gedebuu….uum Sana Meletup. Berkecai

    Malaysia perlu Dana untuk Keperluaan Ketenteraan
    Perlu Dana untuk membuat Senjata sendiri
    Maka saya sarankan
    Malaysia perlu National Service 2 Tahun sepenuh masa seperti Singapura
    Dapat mengajikan Kaki Tangan Kerajaan yg murah
    Dan anak muda yg berhidmat juga dapat di bimbing
    Tidak merayau menjadi Mad Ramppit, Mad Lepak, Mad Gian dan sebaginya
    National Service ada Baiknya untuk Negara
    Untuk Kerajaan juga untuk Belia yg tidak ada Haluannya

    Dengan Kerajaan yg Mantap dapat menghasil, mengutip dana dari Perniaga juga mengembangkan Ekonoi Malaysia dengan Cekap
    Kematapan Kewangan itu perlu
    Kerajaan perlu ada Ekonomi yg Mantap ,Suara Ketenteraan yg di segani

  39. Tun

    It is the MIND-SET again. If there is nothing wrong with the Prime Minister of Malaysia, our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then there is nothing wrong with the members of the Cabinet. Logically, it follows that there is nothing wrong with YB LGE the FM. To date, the YB has kept a clean set of books to the delight of all and the anguish of his jealous rivals.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  40. According to robert kiyosaki recently, japan has the highest debt in the world follow by usa.

    How to make money from here, he will teach us when we subscribe to his teaching via online. Why? Because he is a japanese american with american wife. Obviously, he is one of the best investment guru whom we can learn from when we want to make money via full time, or part time, dont you think so when we have passion in finance?

    Is it haram in malaysia because i am not american or japanese?

    In here, i still dont understand why you keep spiking me, mubarakchan? We are in 2020, not 1920, you see the gap of 100 years? You keep mentioning hainanese, and i have no idea who are you referring to? I already said, the only thing that i didnt expect is politics can go so low and dirty, and risky too, just to win votes.

    Scary, dont you think so?

  41. mubarakchan Jan 13,2020 8:33 PM


    Since when did the slimy idiotic Hainanese HBT630 promoted himself/herself or hermaphrodite snake to be my Arch Rival ?

    The slimy snake still has not apologise, express remorse or regrets to our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad the Prime Minister of Malaysia and Icon personality of the World for calling him “OLD SHIT” in his own distinguished Blog. And to explain to all what he/she meant “A SECRET IS NO SECRET AT ALL.” We are still waiting.

    My views since 1954 have been diametrically OPPOSED to yours snaky Hainanese HBT630.

    These are i) Pro-Constitution ii) Pro-Malaysia with a Chinese, Malay and Indian bent. iii) Anti-Lee Kuan Yew Policies against Malaysia. iv) Am not interested in Communal Politics. v) Emphasis on Socio-economics as the glue for Unity, Peace and Harmony always.

    Your views are :-

    i) NIL on all subjects.

    ii) Ride on the comments of all the distinguished commentators here.

    iii) just a resident CLOWN for the edification of others.

    iv) You have no BRAINS to call your own. Imagine calling the most distinguished Prime Minister in the World “OLD SHIT”. In other Blogs, you would have been deleted forthwith.

    v) It is good you confirmed you call your Dad in Hainan, “OLD FART”, slimy snake HBT630 the “OLD FART Jnr”

    vi) You are delighted to go to bed with your precious VOTE every night.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

    Instead of writing in here, please use all your fork tougue logic and snake skill to make sure najib is free so that you can bill your invoice to PMO, murabakchan.

    No need to keep spiking me because bossku is TDM, not DSN or PL.

    Good luck, and all the best. Make sure you clean up all mess and dirt in every corner once and for all to show taxpayers you are serious with new malaysia as per federal constitution.

    Sukuk bond ke, panda bond ke atau samurai bond ke, they must be verified by mof, guranteed by bnm before they pass to pm to sign, ok?

  42. Tun

    Since when did the slimy idiotic Hainanese HBT630 promoted himself/herself or hermaphrodite snake to be my Arch Rival ?

    The slimy snake still has not apologise, express remorse or regrets to our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad the Prime Minister of Malaysia and Icon personality of the World for calling him “OLD SHIT” in his own distinguished Blog. And to explain to all what he/she meant “A SECRET IS NO SECRET AT ALL.” We are still waiting.

    My views since 1954 have been diametrically OPPOSED to yours snaky Hainanese HBT630.

    These are i) Pro-Constitution ii) Pro-Malaysia with a Chinese, Malay and Indian bent. iii) Anti-Lee Kuan Yew Policies against Malaysia. iv) Am not interested in Communal Politics. v) Emphasis on Socio-economics as the glue for Unity, Peace and Harmony always.

    Your views are :-

    i) NIL on all subjects.

    ii) Ride on the comments of all the distinguished commentators here.

    iii) just a resident CLOWN for the edification of others.

    iv) You have no BRAINS to call your own. Imagine calling the most distinguished Prime Minister in the World “OLD SHIT”. In other Blogs, you would have been deleted forthwith.

    v) It is good you confirmed you call your Dad in Hainan, “OLD FART”, slimy snake HBT630 the “OLD FART Jnr”

    vi) You are delighted to go to bed with your precious VOTE every night.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  43. For Hajar and HBT456.

    You are both wrong. If you do not like the Finance Minister, you should just forgive him, sack him and ignore him. That’s the right sequence.

  44. Hajar can continue to hate me as chinese race in Malaysia.

    I choose to let Hajar do whatever she pleases with RULE OF LAW under TDM.


    Hating someone produces negative feelings, and it will eventually blind our heart in repeating the same mistake again.

    If Lim Guan Eng and his family wanted to convert into Islam, by all means go a head.

    I wont gossip, curse or hate him and his family.

    Because that is his choice of religion as Malaysian.

    You want to do it, do it in a transparent manner, no need to hide or whatsoever.


    Pilih kasih is not new.

    Whoever gets the majority votes, they will decide the direction of the economy.

  45. You want your arch rival to use GREEDY CUNNING OLD FOX instead of OLD SHIT, izzit, mubarakchan?

    They are chosen to study in USA dll negara is not because they are the best students, and you know very well.

    Why keep spiking me and make your arch rival having the political reasons to strike you back, mubarakchan?

    Dulu, my late boss punya adik brainstorm the sales team with my female malay colleagues and myself.

    He was sharing with us his romantism with his wife whereby he is so romantik sampai darling, you berak, i gosok gigi sharing the same washroom 😅😅😅

    The malay ladies were exicited and happy then, but i put up my hand and said, i got an important call to make, and left the meeting.


    Because i personally think as employee, we must not exploit company resources to do things that we like walaupun we are family members.

    Bak kata, jika tak boleh tahan with this kind of losser attitude and negative influences, then it is best to leave, will you disagree, mubarakchan?

    How local media and political parties want to exploit the news announced by MACC, it is up to them to goreng.

    Fake news?
    Alternative news?

    Bak kata, read at your own risk too when no one is verifying the content of the news.

    You can call it freedom of press in borderless world.

    To censor, tak boleh.
    To allow pun tak boleh.
    Habis, nak buat macam mana?

    I am not in the policy maker in committee council and the ministry in charged but what i can see is non-muslim voters are left only with 2 choices, either to vote PH (Pakatan Harapan) or MN (Muafakat Nasional) and Independents in Semenanjung Malaysia.

    If you are in Sabah and Sarawak, you can either vote PH or BN since that is not PAS constituencies after Merdeka.

    What is in your mind, i do not want to know, mubarakchan.

    Is it a blessing?
    Is it a lesson?

    To me, it is a blessing because i broke through race and religion barriers.
    To me, it is a lesson because the leaders of the political parties especially Malay political parties are still stuck in race and religion supremacy to stay relevant.

    Which way to go, i dont know.
    Whichever coalition garner the majority votes, they will name the perdana menteri to form his cabinet for the next 5 years.

  46. Tun

    The he or she Hainanese HBT630 has not given all of us the distinguished commentators in this distinguished Blog why he or she called you an ” OLD SHIT ” or why ” A SECRET IS NOT A SECRET ”

    Is he or she trying to wriggle out of the famous Chinese ditty known throughout the Chinese World, thus


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  47. Hajar Jan 12,2020 8:56 PM

    Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    HBT456 (Jan 12,2020 9:12 AM) :-

    Hajar Jan 11,2020 11:49 PM
    Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Why on earth did the Ministry give the contract to a company that has problem meeting the contract’s requirement (to supply PROTON PERDANA cars) in the first place? Dare to answer?



    Let her go figure out herself so that all of us can see.
    Unethical itu apa?

    Now I am very sure that HBT456 is SENILE.

    She is so confident that Lim Guan Eng is from UMNO BARU.

    Her hatred towards Malays / Muslims / UMNO / Bumi has affected her MEMORY. Most probably she is suffering from DEMENTIA.

    PH leaders (PH Government) and supporters must act responsibly, and must not blame others for their own weaknesses, failures, mistakes, blunders, wrong doings, corrupt practices, etc.

    Giving stupid excuses / answers / reasons for PH’s blunders / failures / etc. can only make the ‘rakyat’ despise the current Government more and more…

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

    Lim Guan Eng from Umno Baru is not important.


    Boss beliau adalah bekas umno baru dengan no. ahli #1, dont tell Hajar is not aware?

    When Democratic Party Action (DAP) with roket logo changed to Party Tindakan Demokratik, what is that mean?

    Now, UMNO-PAS proposed Muafakat Nasional to replace Barisan Nasional, what can Malaysian Chinese Association do?

    I can be very racist too but i chosen not to be but I cannot live up to your Malay standard, Hajar, but you cannot stop me being a Chinese. You want to fight, go fight with UMNO and Puteri wanita.

    Whether you are happy or angry, i just do not want to get involve and make things even worst. Not being in the governement wont make me less Malaysian. Not fluent in Malay, but i still can find a job in private sector by contributing income revenue to the federal and state governments.

    Therefore, you want to cari pasal with anyone, by all means go ahead.

    Sad, and very dissappointing though.
    But, that is not the end of world since i have so many choices not to stress out myself with the local politics.

    There are so many malay women bersikap Hajar, why should i go in to let her maki hamun me? Common sense, bukan?

  48. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    HBT456 (Jan 12,2020 9:12 AM) :-

    Hajar Jan 11,2020 11:49 PM
    Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Why on earth did the Ministry give the contract to a company that has problem meeting the contract’s requirement (to supply PROTON PERDANA cars) in the first place? Dare to answer?



    Let her go figure out herself so that all of us can see.
    Unethical itu apa?

    Now I am very sure that HBT456 is SENILE.

    She is so confident that Lim Guan Eng is from UMNO BARU.

    Her hatred towards Malays / Muslims / UMNO / Bumi has affected her MEMORY. Most probably she is suffering from DEMENTIA.

    PH leaders (PH Government) and supporters must act responsibly, and must not blame others for their own weaknesses, failures, mistakes, blunders, wrong doings, corrupt practices, etc.

    Giving stupid excuses / answers / reasons for PH’s blunders / failures / etc. can only make the ‘rakyat’ despise the current Government more and more…

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  49. Chedet

    Hutang negara bertambah. Jangan dikata berkurang. Facts and figure jangan pusing

    Buat keta terbang. Fokus la buat AI automotif. Kereta elektrik. Kata nak jadi disruptor. Up kan balik smart city putrajaya ngan cyberjaya

    Msia dulu senang dengan buruh murah.sekarang negara lain lak dpt. Jadi patutnya kita fikus jadi buruk professional murah

  50. Salam Tun. Kereta terbang – anti graviti. Jika ada penemuan tentang pola graviti dan medan magnet bumi segalanya tak mustahil. Sudikah Tun berkongsi pandangan tentang kesan teknologi baru ke atas industri automotif, pengangkutan awam, penerbangan, logistik dan konsesi lebuh raya. Adakah lebih baik jalan raya akan dipenuhi dengan tumbuhan hijau dan haiwan? Bagaimana pula dengan syarikat pengeluar minyak dan industri pembuatan yang lain? Ya, kereta terbang mungkin untuk negara maju dan export pembuatan akan meningkat. Apakah realiti AI dan kereta terbang akan lebih menutup banyak peluang kerja dan melahirkan beberapa orang kaya? Paperless, cashless dan satu hari tanpa pekerja cuma AI. Saya tak kesal dengan jutawan, cuma saya khuatir pembahagian harta dengan belas kasihan tak membantu sesiapa. Mungkin kereta terbang akan merubah sektor lain dan tenaga kerja diperlukan di pertahanan, pertanian, kesihatan mungkin juga pendidikan. Mungkin suatu hari saya tak tahu.

  51. I have no hatred, no anger, no frustration, no revenge, no bias, no prejudice, no racism, no preference in religions in stating out the national blueprint to membasmikan kemiskanan golongan B40 by creating jobs for them, khususnya kaum melayu bumiputra kita di negeri2 semenanjung, sabah dan s’wak, since i am not attached with any political parties in this country.


    The gazetted political parties need to face their bosses, iaitu pengundi mereka di kimanis, and make promises of this and that.

    Can these promises be fullfilled?

    Saya memang tak tahu, therefore, dont quote me, ok?

  52. Huh, Vellufire, recon toyata model sold at myr362,000 in malaysia market?

    Sri Sense:

    Anyway as someone yang familiar dengan Public Relations, I wonder apa tujuan Lateefa Koya, adakah nak menangkan calon PH dalam Kimanis or nak kalahkan calon PH dalam Kimanis. My conclusion, more towards nak kalahkan calon PH yang bertanding seat Kimanis because Tun kata RULE OF LAW.

    Well, jika follow RULE OF LAW of Putrajaya, pelajar2 agama school dari kampong should instead tunjuk support at iran embassy, turkey embassy, indonesia embassy, pakistan embassy dll moslem embassies, not china embassy dll embassies bukan moslem to support uyghur in northern asia to make china looks bad.

    Jika main politik sampai tahap ini, ia adalah lebih selamat not to contest, dont you think so, SSLEE?

  53. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    I think twinpeaks hit upon a brilliant idea, so please Tun bring back art programs as main programs or after-school programs or school-break programs. The arts can include Performing arts education (dance, drama, music, singing, music composer and song writing) literature, poetry and storytelling, Visual arts education in drawing, painting, craft, digital arts, media and photography.

    Art helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, inventiveness, creative problem-solving skills, build interest and confident.

    Visual arts teach learners about color, layout, perspective, and balance: all techniques that are necessary in presentations (visual, digital) of academic work.

    Arts experiences boost critical thinking, expanding the mind, teaching students to take the time to be more careful and thorough in how they observe the world from different angles. Art education connects students with their own culture as well as with the wider world.

    My wife spends a small fortune in sending our children for tuition on music, dance, drama, drawing, painting and photography. I think MOE can work with school, tuition center and private education center to formulate Art Programs as after-school or during school break programs so that children from all walk of life and ethnicity can have fun and learning Art together.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE


    I never favor the local sentiment politics of Taiwan, but I am alright as long as taiwanese want it that way as regional player as long as they dont provoke beijing in taking drastic military action against them.

    Victor re-write history?

    History re-write victor?

    We will know when general election must be called by the ruling coalition.

    Once the result of general election is out, everyone will know who is in, who is out.

    Why worry so much?

    Why take the extreme path when we have safer and better off options since we have general election in every 5 years.

    Bak kata, pandai2 lah mereka ini yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai tuah dan jebat di tanah melayu atau malaya.

  55. Correction: By the way, both proton and perodua cars are household brand cars preferred locally because they are the cheapest that we can get in malaysian market.

  56. By the way, both proton and perodua cars are not national branded cars.

    Until today, they are only qualified as national assembly cars after 30 years of heavy investment via petrol subsidy, meaning we dont produce these cars from top to bottom.

    We only assembly both imported and domestically sourced parts by investing heavily on the assembly plants and service sector by creating lower end jobs for rural malay states and capital cities of each state.

    Adakah langkah ini pembaziran kepada pengundi2 di kampung, khususnya, orang melayu yang beragama islam?

    Jika langkah macam ini pun kata hampeh, ciput dan haprak, go buy imported cars at higher price caused by heavier import duty AP to protect these 2 national assembly plants.

    Hard truth is always bitter to swallow due to the greed and fear factors.

    Bak kata, tak nak tak pa, tapi jangan hina.

    Cakap besar, semua pun pandai.

    Bukan main TERROR nak bomb beijing dan china here and there pakai nama president trump some more, malu apa, twinpeaks?


    Apabila bermasalah, semua kecut and hide inside the sarung.

    Bersatu atau Bersuhabat, itu terpulang kepada selera dan citarasa masing2.

    I really have nothing to say but i must thank TDM in creating this blog to unblog.


    If he didnt, i will never learn so much about politik tanahair.

    Thank you.

    God Bless to all.

  57. Good morning Tun

    Isu Tun jadi acting Minister of Education yang hangat hati hanya dari orang PKR seperti Syed Husin.

    Bloggers dah tak bercakap lagi. Mereka sekarang hangat memperkatakan Lateefa Koya. Hinggakan Salleh Buang menulis about it dalam NST.

    I tertarik komen satu blogger yang kata Lateefa Koya ini memandai dalam bahasa Melayu. I teringat seorang kawan kalau dia fedup dengan forummers yang asyik nak jatuhkan saham miliknya dia terus kata Jangan nak mengada2 kauner ini mesti naik – same meaning as Jangan nak memandai.

    Anyway as someone yang familiar dengan Public Relations, I wonder apa tujuan Lateefa Koya, adakah nak menangkan calon PH dalam Kimanis or nak kalahkan calon PH dalam Kimanis. My conclusion, more towards nak kalahkan calon PH yang bertanding seat Kimanis because Tun kata RULE OF LAW.

  58. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Rakyat want –
    a. The Government to focus more on economy;
    b. The Government to discard racism in politicking;
    c. The Government to reinforce multi-racial unity;
    d. The Government to enforce constructive welfare policies;
    e. The Government to strengthen cabinet members’ discipline in attending parliamentary meetings and discharge fiduciary duties in due course.

  59. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    The problems causing Rakyat’ dissatisfaction now are –
    a. PH made a lot of promises that couldn’t be fulfilled.
    b. Rakyat continue to suffer high costs of living, with no much change in “real” disposable income, under the threat of unemployment rise.
    c. Race card is on the play, with politicians busy having war of tongue.

    Of course, Rakyat do not expect to have a big change overnight. But, Rakyat expect something better.

    Just for example, is it right for the Government to float fuel pump price?
    a. What will happen after pump price increase? Inflation comes. It’s too short-sighted of the Government to merely provide cash subsidy to B40, ignoring the consequential effect on overall economy!
    b. What DAP leader said during era of Najib? Malaysia is an oil-producing nation, how can the Government make Rakyat pay for high fuel pump price?
    c. The Government asks for Rakyat to pay for high fuel pump price and the leaders propose to but new luxury cars? What a joke…

  60. Hajar Jan 11,2020 11:49 PM

    Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,


    Why on earth did the Ministry give the contract to a company that has problem meeting the contract’s requirement (to supply PROTON PERDANA cars) in the first place? Dare to answer?



    Let her go figure out herself so that all of us can see.

    Unethical itu apa?

    How to measure ethical objectively?

    Refer to the digit numbers in forex and bursa malaysia.

  61. Tun

    For the Hainanese HBT630.

    You have not explained why you called our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia and an icon of the World – ‘ OLD SHIT ‘

    Nor did you explain why you said ‘ A SECRET IS NOT A SECRET.’

    Do not slide away like a vulgar snake, Hainanese HBT630 with a father in Hainan called. “OLD FART”.

    Who cares whether you are a Chinese or not ! We all know you sleep with your VOTE every night.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  62. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    I believe the only person in the PH Government who knows where we are heading is Tun.

    The rest (majority) look as if they have no idea what they are doing, especially those in the Cabinet. That’s why the current Government looks directionless (with all kinds of nonsense).

    Quite a number are really hopeless @ useless, and worse than the most hopeless Ministers / Deputies in the previous Government (sorry to say). They are just there to fill up the quotas for parties within the PH coalition.

    Just look at Mr. Lim Guan Eng. He believed he was addressing a group of idiots when he said that the reason Vellfire was selected (merely an option? hahaha…) as the official car for Ministers/ Deputy Ministers was because the appointed company did not have enough supply of PROTON PERDANA cars. Oh really? Such a stupid answer / reason from a Finance Minister.

    I read somewhere that the price for Vellfire is around RM 362,000.00. Wow! What an option!

    Why on earth did the Ministry give the contract to a company that has problem meeting the contract’s requirement (to supply PROTON PERDANA cars) in the first place? Dare to answer?


    “They did not have enough for the ministers and the deputy ministers. That is why we gave the option if there is not enough, you can choose others,” he told reporters, referring to Proton Perdana.

    Lim explained that the Japanese imports were merely given as an option after the company in which the government intended to appoint as a supplier indicated that it did not have sufficient stock of Proton Perdana cars.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  63. My turn to congratulate Tun for being handed the difficult task of an Education Minister. In any developed country, this is the most important ministry.

    If Tun were to ask ME what I would do to improve the educational standard at Malaysian schools, it is this. Spend the biggest budget on the teaching of Art and Music. Ensure that every primary and secondary kids excel in at least one artistic medium (e.g. oil painting or watercolor or acrylic painting. I myself am specialist in water color and wood sculpture from young age) and at least one musical instrument (e.g. violin, piano, saxophone, trumpet, guitar. Mine is the alto sax since secondary school). I mean EVERY school kid, whether they are artistic or musically inclined, or not.

    The difference between a good engineer and a brilliant engineer, or a good doctor and a brilliant doctor. The difference between a good soldier and a great soldier. Architects, pilots, scientists, etc. ANY field. The difference between a First Class Engineering Graduate from Cambridge or Stanford, and a Nobel Prize winning Engineer from an unknown university. There is one difference. The brilliants and Nobel Prize winners are all ALSO good artists and musicians.

    Sorry to disappoint a lot of people and parents. But that’s the way things are.

  64. I am a chinese, and this is a biological factor that no one can change.

    I accept and respect inddifferences and i for sure cannot go so low by claiming myself as Malaysian first, Malay first or Muslim first when i know the truth of the past strugglings.

    We cannot change the past, but we definitely can improve as we go on.

    Which to go?

    It is up to the political divides to their parts, not me.

    Gentleman, atau Samseng politics, political parties decide which way best fit them.

    My obligation is to vote.

  65. mubarakchan Jan 11,2020 6:17 PM



    As a matter of curiosity, do you call your Dad in Hainan, ‘ AN OLD FART.’?

    You have not explained why you said ‘ A SECRET IS NO SECRET AT ALL.’

    You have not expressed remorse or regrets or apologise to all and sundry at your VULGARITY WHICH STINKS HIGH HEAVEN.

    We are all taken aback by your uncouth and barbaric behaviour in this distinguished Blog for Ladies and Gentlemen, not for animals of your kind, HBT630.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem


    No matter how angry, frustrated or mad at someone, i do not curse them.


    Because thats not my style.

  66. Tun


    As a matter of curiosity, do you call your Dad in Hainan, ‘ AN OLD FART.’?

    You have not explained why you said ‘ A SECRET IS NO SECRET AT ALL.’

    You have not expressed remorse or regrets or apologise to all and sundry at your VULGARITY WHICH STINKS HIGH HEAVEN.

    We are all taken aback by your uncouth and barbaric behaviour in this distinguished Blog for Ladies and Gentlemen, not for animals of your kind, HBT630.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  67. Assalammualaikum Tun,

    Congrats for being the Education Minister, once again.

    I have summarised a proposition of initiative that maybe undertaken in Malaysian school, based on Professor Sugata Mitra revolutionary ideas.

    As an overview, Mitra implemented “the school in the cloud” or self-organised-learning-eavironment. In the tech. term, “cloud” means “the internet servers”.

    I shared some links which you may be interested to read on.

    The first link below tell the story of a teacher, Sergio Juárez Correa in a Mexican school implemented the student-led-learning after he has been inspired by Prof. Mitra ideas. His result speak for itsef.

    The second link below is Mitra’s TED talk video which won him a 1 million grant to pursue his idea.

    The third link is the website of the SOLE schools around the world, connected to each other.

    Finally, the video of Jacob Barnet, which re-inforce Prof Mitra’s idea.

    After reading and watching the videos, I think you can figure it all out.

  68. Correction: Because he is the boss of Malaysia and he does not need to minta permission from barisan nasional, muafakat nasional or sudin.

  69. sudin Jan 11,2020 6:45 AM

    Assalam Tun.

    Hi to HBT2.0 (or HBT630), seems the old 456 Malglish trait is long gone, retired eh or got assistants, or expanded with new branches? Whichever, your repugnant ways are still consistant.

    It’s totally unbecoming for anyone to correlate the twice imprisoned Anwar’s purported PM designate is everything to do with UMNO’s and/or Tun’s admission of guilt. Ridiculous thinking.

    Your old ‘half past six’ habits die hard, so is Anwar’s.

    It is up to you to twist and turn, sudin.
    By the end of the day, it is up to the political parties of the divides to do their parts. To jual goreng pisang atau kek, the baker decides.

    I have been too long in here, and whoever becomes the next perdana menteri, he / she is the boss of malaysia. Before general election, voters are your boss.

    Empty vessel makes most noises meaning news are noises, they are not facts.

    I am out because i am grateful for what i achieved as malaysian parents, not because i want to offend your race supremacy of unity, sudin. It takes 2 to tangle.

    If we are good, we will emerge stronger.
    If we are no good even when you help us with hak istimewa, i mean, tongkat, we will only become weaker and weaker, cannot live without tongkat, dont you think so? Which way to go, it is up to TDM and his cabinet to decide.


    Because he is the boss of Malaysia and he does not need to minta permission from barisan nasional, or sudin.

    After this, can pakatan harapan wins out, itu tak mustahak.


    Because no one knows what the ruling and opposition pacts will do in order to win votes of the federal constituencies brought down for few generations after merdeka to run for the post of perdana menteri.

    New Malaysia?
    Islamic Malaysia?

    Entah, what is in their mind.

  70. Tun

    Tun taukan I ada kawan tauke besar public listed company.

    Years ago dia agak terkenal dengan sikap bagi kontrak pada company miliknya dan kroninya.

    I beli share company tersebut dan pergi AGM. Dia tentunya ramah nampak muka I, sebab dia memang kenal I sebelum jadi tauke besar.

    He said to me, I suka tolong Melayu. I jawab, tolong Melayu? Melayu mana you tolong? You.

    Esoknya dia ambil anak I kerja hahaha

    I ini jarang marah unless you really bad. Jagalah I bagi you sebijik.

  71. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Terima kasih kerana memenuhi hajat kami supaya Tun kembali menjadi Menteri Pendidikan, walaupun mungkin sementara. Saya ingin memberi cadangan tentang sistem Pendidikan negara kita.

    Saya berpendapat sistem Pendidikan negara kita terlalu berpecah mengikut kaum. Kita ada sekolah atau universiti yang kebanyakkanya terdiri dari satu kaum sahaja. Contohnya sekolah jenis kebangsaan terdiri majoriti adalah kaum cina atau india. Sekolah kebangsaan majoritinya adalah kaum Melayu. Demikian jugalah di peringkat universiti, universiti awam terdiri dari kaum Melayu, manakala universiti swasta adalah kaum bukan Melayu. Bahasa penghantaran yang digunakan juga berlainan. Bukankah kita ada Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Rasmi dan Kebangsaan? Tetapi kita lihat di sekolah jenis kebangsaan menggunakan bahasa lain dari Bahasa Kebangsaan. Demikian juga di universiti swasta, menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa penghantaran.

    Kalau dibandingkan sistem pendidikan seluruh dunia, hanya di Malaysia sistem pendidikannya berpecah mengikut kaum, dan bahasa penghantarannya berbeza-beza.

    Kemudian, apabila pelajar-pelajar ini tamat di peringkat universiti, mereka perlu pula berintergrasi dengan masyarakat.

    Pada tahun baru lepas, saya sempat bercuti di Genting. Saya terjumpa sebuah keluarga berlima Indonesia berbangsa cina. Rupa dan pakaian mereka seperti cina Malaysia. Tetapi yang buat saya terkejut, mereka berbahasa Indonesia dalam berkata sesama ahli keuarga. Saya difahamkan di Indonesia, orang cina bukan sahaja berbahasa Indonesia, tetapi mereka juga mempunyai nama Indonesia. Saya kata dalam hati, Indonesia benar-benar telah wujudkan satu ‘bangsa Indonesia’. Memang layaklah mereka mendapat persamaan hak, sebab mereka dianggap satu bangsa iaitu bangsa Indonesia.

    Saya pernah sekolah di Amerika Syarikat, semua bangsa belajer di sekolah yang sama, menggunakan bahasa yang sama. Tidak kira orang Amerika Itali, Perancis, Orang berkulit hitam, semua menggunakan bahasa Amerika dan nama mereka pun nama orang Amerika.

    Jadi, negara di atas berjaya membuat rakyat mereka ‘race blind’ disebabkan mereka di sekolah yang sama, menggunakan bahasa yang sama, bahkan nama mereka juga nama yang orang tahu nama berasal dari negara tersebut.

    Ini berbeza dengan Malaysia. Mereka mahukan persamaan hak, tetapi bahasa Malaysia pun tungang langang, mahukan sekolah sendiri, universiti sendiri, nama sendiri, budaya sendiri. Belajar tiga muka surat jawi pun riuh satu negara! Tetapi mahu persamaan hak, ngaku pula rakyat Malaysia.

    Jika satu sistem pendidikan untuk semua kaum, semua kaum perlu korbankan sekolah universiti masing-masing. Kata Tun, jika semua kaum tidak berpuas hati, maka adil lah cara ini.

    Kita perlu reform sistem pendidikan negara, tetapi tiada kaum yang sukakan perubahan yang menyebabkan kaum tersebut kehilangan identiti kaum tersebut. Inilah harga ‘bangsa Malaysia’.

    Saya rasa Tun juga tidak mampu laksanakan ini seorang diri. Semua stakeholders perlu bersetuju. Mungkin kajian menyeluruh perlu dilakukan kesan satu sistem pendidikan negara untuk semua kaum di negara ini.

    Selagi setiap bangsa mahu belajar berasingan, maka impian ‘bangsa Malaysia’ akan kekal sebagai impian.

  72. Good morning Tun

    Tahniah on your new post. I think its best Tun bawa Tok Pa in. Kerana dia pernah jadi Minister dalam ministry of education. Memanglah dia dulu orang UMNO, Tun pun sama juga. Advisable not to over over kutuk the old regime.

    Orang2 baru dalam Bersatu most of them tiada pengalaman dalam politik dan mentadbir negara. Begitu juga team Tun dalam PH, mereka bekas pembangkang kerja mereka masih nak membangkang dan tunjuk pandai. They either perasan they represent semua kaum Cina Malaysia or they perasan all rakyat Malaysia nak boss mereka naik jadi PM or they perasan jejaka idaman rakyat Malaysia. A lot of perasan diri going on dalam PH hingga apa jadi kat rakyat luar sana dah tak perasan.

    Not to mention Edge for example, dulu I memang peminat Edge kerana ada cerita business, stockmarkets dalamnya. Now nak cari cerita business online, kena kuak kuak, mana taknya, wall penuh dengan SRC, IMDB. Hellooo ini aktiviti naikkan stockmarket atau jatuhkan stockmarket? Buat I confuse so baikklah I baca IBs news or theSun lebih mudah.

    I kalau free suka jalan baca apa bloggers tulis, I hampir nak tergelak kerana ada yang keluarkan nama2 bakal Minister of Education, seperti anak Rais Yatim, anak Sanusi Junid dan ada juga nak Secretary LKS yang budak Melayu dinobatkan jadi Minister. Not to mention anak RPK suggest DSAI, I think she already meluat tengok penggolakkan dalam PH.

    Itu cerita bloggers yang gemar cerita hal ehwal semasa politik, my wordpress tidaklah Tun sebab I bukan orang politik, I tidak begitu berminat demgan politik, I cuma minat stock market naik, stocks I miliki naik dan I boleh buat duit dengan cari makan dalam bursa Malaysia. Pretty sure ramai rakyat Malaysia cuma minat nak cari makan tanggung keluarga.

  73. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

    I am a returning Malaysian who relocated to Sabah to semi-retire after working abroad for 19 years as an educator with the education ministry of a country. In most part of my tenure as an educator, I was both a classroom teacher as well as a head of department. Education has a special place in my heart and for the past few months, I have been following the various educational news, development and issues tha nation faced. Frankly, the state of education in Malaysia is in need of review or overhaul so young Malaysians are future-ready. We need educational policies that are visionary, purposeful, strategic and relevant so our young is equipped to face a VUCA world. If Tun has thoughts of forming a core think-tank team to review the existing educational policies or/and to brainstorm policies that are suited for the 21st century, I would like to contribute my ideas and rich experience so as to empower and benefit young Malaysians. This is my way of giving back to Malaysia.

    I can be reached via the email that I have registered under your blog. I really look forward to getting a favourable reply Sir. Thank you.

  74. Assalam Tun.

    Hi to HBT2.0 (or HBT630), seems the old 456 Malglish trait is long gone, retired eh or got assistants, or expanded with new branches? Whichever, your repugnant ways are still consistant.

    It’s totally unbecoming for anyone to correlate the twice imprisoned Anwar’s purported PM designate is everything to do with UMNO’s and/or Tun’s admission of guilt. Ridiculous thinking.

    Your old ‘half past six’ habits die hard, so is Anwar’s.

  75. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    I am deeply saddened, disturbed and alarmed by what I read in Tun’s blog comments and wonder whether Tun feels the same?
    “To become a developed country, we wanted to overcome nine challenges under Vision 2020 — fostering a united country, a society with a liberated spirit, a democratic society, a moral and ethical society, a liberal society, a scientific and progressive society, a caring society, an economically just society, and a prosperous society.

    “That was our aim and if we had achieved these nine objectives, apart from progress in other areas like education, technology, social equity and the like, then we would have been considered a developed country,” he said.
    Dr Mahathir hoped that the people would understand the challenges outlined under Vision 2020.

    Judging by what were expressed by many Tun’s blog commentators, we are far from achieving these nine objective. The question now is why Malaysians had regressed into their own silo with closed minded and refuse to see things beyond their own identity of race, religion and stereotyping?

    Malaysia had been and will always be a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual nation. All ethnic groups have shed their blood, toiled and sacrificed for this nation of ours and build this nation to what it is today. Let no one ever take that away from any of us or claim exclusively Malaysia only belongs to particular ethnic group. For the love of our nation we should all learn to live together and respect each other the sooner the better for all of us.

    Malaysia is blessed with the strength of its diversity and with diversity Malaysia is able to develop from post-colonial agriculture/commodities laid-back economy to become the world 35th largest economy in the world with a high density of diverse knowledge-based industries and adoption of cutting edge technology for manufacturing, digital economy and trading with every nations in the world because of our multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual strength. According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2018, the Malaysian economy is the 25th most competitive country in the world in the period of 2018–19.

    Tun plays a pivotal role in turning our economy development into a newly industrialized nation during Tun’s first premiership from 1981-2003. For Tun’s second premiership, I welcome news that Tun is taking up the addition duty as acting Education Minister.
    As a case in point, Daim highlighted again the loophole allowing well-to-do Malays to gain limited public scholarships under Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) and entry into Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) at the expense of poorer Bumiputera, including both urban and rural poor and from indigenous groups.
    He claimed many well-off Bumiputera were abusing the policies to enrich themselves.
    “We have been robbing the poor to further uplift those who do not deserve the support, and this widening of the education and income gap must come to an end,” he said.
    He noted that some Bumiputera even resort to racial fear-mongering to maintain their perks.
    “The fearmongering is only to encourage and continue this abuse. It’s time to stop the ‘them versus us’ rhetoric,” he said.
    “Let us not be under any illusions. We are still far from being out of the woods. We are far from being ready for the changes happening around us. We are far from being a united people. We are far from being able to compete at the global level. We are far from being able to embrace differences and changes. And underpinning all of this unpreparedness is education.”

    “To participate in IR4, we must go through a knowledge-based economy and here Malaysia has failed because the government, through the Ministry of Education, has not got its priorities right. The Education Ministry must not fail our nation.

    “If we do not first get education right, all these other challenges will suddenly become insurmountable. To borrow a quote from Alvin Toffler: “The illiterate of the 21st Century are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” I would like to add to this by saying, “not only those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn, but also those who refuse to learn.” said Daim.

    Tun Daim speak the truth and the truth hurt deeply but shall set us free. Our education had failed to empower Malaysians with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation. Our education failed miserably to produce new generation of enlightening political leaders, spiritual leaders and great thinkers as our education is more on indoctrination of mind rather than liberation of the mind and many learned people are so closed minded that they refuse to listen, to think critically, to learn, to unlearn and relearn.

    It is my hope Tun as acting Education Minister will have the political will and courage not to placate but to do what needed to be done for real changes in Education Policy as articulated by Tun Daim. An education that empowered Malaysians with critical thinking and open minded and prepared Malaysians for knowledge based economy and IR 4.0/5.0. An education that fostering a united country, a society with a liberated spirit, a democratic society, a moral and ethical society, a liberal society, a scientific and progressive society, a caring society, an economically just society, and a prosperous society.

    Thank you
    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    P/S: Please can everyone not trolling the respectful Tun’s blog with senseless comments but keep our comment respectfully.

  76. You did what you suppose to do
    To bring down Najib kleptocratic Government
    That’s yr good intention and you have done it successfully

    Behind a successful man is a woman
    Same as behind a failed man is also a woman
    Najib is a failed man behind Rosmah Mansor
    To me Najib is quite OK
    He is capable but his woman failed him
    Though I personally don’t know Rosmah
    But One can See IF One is not Blind

    Today, you have build Pakatan Harapan
    With the coalition of a few Party
    The fact Malaysia with Majority Melayu
    Did not want Chinese to be in place
    As much we can see the character of HBT of what he is up to
    No doubt I would say Lim Guan Eng is also a Good Leader
    He could be better if he reverts so can he understands the need of Malaysia

    My opinion UMNO should made a stronger come back
    With professional Malay/ Muslim Leadership
    UMNO with NO Najib
    Tun and ex UMNO made a comes back to UMNO
    UMNO & PAS should from together as One
    From this One, we will select the Leader
    It’s a Fresh start

    It’s all Yes Sir of Pakatan Harapan Coalition as for now, for today
    Everyone is obeying showing their decency
    But wait Tun. Their head will be Bigger once they have the influence
    Don’t be Cheated, Tun
    Do you not see thy neighbor?
    Do you not realize HBT directions today?

  77. sudin Jan 10,2020 3:38 PM

    Assalam Tun.

    Well said Tun, but only to those with rational thinking.

    The opposition will not admit the truth, else they will disappear altogether, obliterated!

    Neither will those impatient and ignorant Anwar supporters/followers, they will not stop trying to create waves of disenchantment until Anwar becomes PM, which I dearly hope will never happen. NOT FIT!

    I already said, it is more appropriate, safer and better off to get someone who is not jailed to be the perdana menteri.

    If dsai become the next perdana menteri approved by tdm, then, are tdm and umno baru supreme council admitted their wrong doings and sin in causing him landed in jail twice via syariah sodomy law?

    I am not against dsai but i think he must give up his ambition to be the perdana menteri of Malaysia.

    Perhaps, he can be the minister mentor of Pakatan Harapan?

    Can his wife be the female perdana menteri, that is a different story.

    I am out for this game, and i do not want to get involve anymore.

    Which way to go, it is up to the political parties of the divide to compete themselves to get elected in the next general election.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai. and may all your wishes are blessed in the year of Rat.

  78. Assalam Tun.

    Well said Tun, but only to those with rational thinking.

    The opposition will not admit the truth, else they will disappear altogether, obliterated!

    Neither will those impatient and ignorant Anwar supporters/followers, they will not stop trying to create waves of disenchantment until Anwar becomes PM, which I dearly hope will never happen. NOT FIT!

Comments are closed.