2. We were at that time trying to be friendly with Singapore in order to solve several problems. Although raw water would be supplied at 3 cent per 1000 gallons, the understanding was that in future only treated water would be supplied when our treatment plants would be ready. We would also not buy any more treated water from Singapore at 50 cent per thousand gallons when our new treatment plant in Johore is ready.
3. When we no longer needed to buy treated water from Singapore we could raise the price of raw water to Singapore without Singapore being able to raise the price of treated water to us.
5. At that stage I realised that being friendly with Singapore did not pay.
6. I don’t know about the sale of land to Singapore but as it was agreed that a treatment plant be built by Singapore in Johore, land would have to be made available.
Selamat sejahtera, semuanya.
Pertama sekali, izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya sebagai rakyat Singapura berbangsa Melayu. Saya sedang menuntut di sebuah sekolah menengah pemerintah yang ternama. Saya dilahirkan kepada keluarga berpendapatan sederhana, hidup dalam rumah pangsa HDB bersaiz sederhana tetapi menerima kasih-sayang secukupnya.
Isu perjanjian air antara kerajaan Malaysia dan pemerintah Singapura amat rumit dan saya berfikir bahawa kontrak yang dapat seratus-peratus menyenangi kedua-dua negara tidak akan tercapai. Ini terpulanglah kepada pemimpin-pemimpin untuk berunding dan berkompromi sewajarnya.
Namun, saya terkejut amat dengan komen-komen yang tidak masuk akal tentang kehidupan warga Singapura, terutama sekali yang mengenai kehidupan orang-orang Melayu.
Sebagai pemuda yang sedang bertungkus-lumus untuk ke menara gading, saya yakin sekiranya seorang rakyat Singapura, sama ada Cina, Melayu atau India yang dibekalkan azam yang kuat, akan meraih kejayaan – berdasarkan prinsip “meritokrasi”. Saya mempunyai cita-cita yang tinggi dan yakin dapat mencapainya. Saya tidak sedikit pun terasa tersingkir oleh (konon-kononnya)”ketuanan Cina”.
Saya akui bahawa kos kehidupan tinggi. Bil api/air, tempat meletak kereta, khidmat kebersihan majlis bandaran, COE, ERP dan sebagainya. Tetapi saya juga hidup dalam keadaan selesa. Saya tidak harus takut dirempit kalau keluar pada waktu malam. Saya dapat ke masjid untuk menunaikan solat fardhu Jumaat dengan izin sekolah. Walhal, jadual pelajaran sekolah diubah suai untuk memberi masa untuk pelajar Muslim mengerjakan kewajipan mereka.
Keadaan kebantutan sesetengah dari orang-orang Melayu memang sering dikemukakan di akhbar. Tetapi, jikalau ditimbang, punca kemudaratan keluarga selalunya merupakan diri sendiri. Yang masih sihat, tidak mahu kerja. Yang ada rumah, jual rumah lalu berhutang demi status memiliki kereta. Walhal, badan-badan pemerintah ada membantu keluarga-keluarga sedemikian supaya bangkit kembali dan berdikari. Kesengsaraan sedemikian bukan akibat “ketuanan Cina”. Lagipun, ada dari masyarakat Cina dan India yang berkeadaan serupa.
Saya percaya bahawa Singapura, sebagai negara yang kecil, KESEMUA rakyat harus berdisplin untuk memajukan ekonomi. Ini sahajalah caranya untuk Singapura mengatasi kekurangan-kekurangannya. Tiada ruang untuk bermalasan jikalau tidak melaratlah. Pemerintah Singapura menangani masalah-masalah secara pragmatik dan bukanlah menerusi pertimbangan sentimen-sentimen anti-X atau pro-Y.
Tanpa sifat “kiasu”, tidak usahlah saya bermimpi untuk hidup senang.
Tanpa sifat “kiasu”, tenggelamlah Singapura pada tanggal 9 Ogos 1965.
Hello everyone, and especially to you TUN. Thank you for this space.
I’m relatively new here and my initial impression of this site is that it serves an important function.
One of the first things that struck me as I browsed through the site is the amount of hype and attention that is given to Singapore. Why is that?
As I examined some of the comments made, I couldn’t help but wonder that if Singapore is some 3rd world country suffering from civil strife, corruption, a dysfunctional economy, etc., would it draw the same level of interests?
Looking at the general sentiments expressed in the comments I’ve read, I think not. Sure, there will be some sympathetic and even condescending comments about how sad and unlucky Singaporeans are, but not much else.
This is my take – most Malaysians are not interested per se in Singapore. The vast majority of Malaysians who comment about Singapore here are using this site as a means to denigrate the status and achievements of their puny, little neighbour.
Why? The answer is painfully simple – Singapore is a constant, annoying reminder that Malaysia has fallen very short of its true potential (this is putting it kindly). So since these pesky little fellas are not likely to disappear anytime soon, let’s take every little opportunity to slander them.
You know what they say. Repeat a lie often enough and it may become truth. So likewise, keep on portraying the Singapore government as dishonest, cut throat and downright ruthless; and who knows, one day everyone might actually believe that it was by robbing Malaysia that Singapore achieved its success.
Thus, the important function of this site – a platform for the great Malaysian delusion! That is, if it survives long enough.
Dear Tun,
Hope you are in good health.
Presumably a cardiothoracic surgeon, Mr Ezani surely got a lot of free time to write on politics. hehehe… another doctor interested in politics..? Tun was a general practitioner, Ezani is a superspecialist, surely must be smarter than Tun eh?
Anyway, Singapore is never to be trusted. They must be laughing and partying nowadays when Indonesians attention is on Malaysia over some silly advertisement. Nice redirection. I would have suspected Singapore has played some hidden hands in this.
Apologies to Mr. Tan? I admit to being a bit desultory in my posting with spelling mistakes and some numerical excesses. It was unintentional but careless.
I am glad nonetheless that you did read the posting to draw your conclusions. I meant 6000kms and not 60000kms as the figure the old emperorhimself is reputed to have scanned in his imperial design.
Reading my posting is of itself an achievement. I won’t indulge you or myself further. Its the Good Dr.’s blog.
/// By Gopal Raj Kumar on September 14, 2009 7:27 AM
Singapore is motivated by its desire to rule over that 60000 Kms radius n the minds of its leader. ///
Gopal, your whole message is a study in drivel, nonsense, and mistakes. You just cannot write a sentence without any errors. Just one example will suffice – the radius of planet earth is about 6,370 km. So, thank you for thinking so highly of Singapore – that they can rule over the entire whole ten times over.
Salam Tun,
Jaquar : don’t you know that the water agreement was made in the very “olden” days (1920s)? & singapore, with its very childish kiasu leaders refuse to budge from the 3 sen per 1,000 gallons rate in “modern” 1990s.
Your ignorance simply show typical shallowness &, stupidity.
Being competitive is not about taking advantage of other people.
— like the refusal to budge from the 3 SEN per 1 THOUSAND GALLONS.
&, That example alone shows an extremely kiasu “republic” &,
with further implying another as jaguh-kampung, that emphasized the pureness/purity & the totality of your extreme-kiasu being.
So, really!… Malulah Singapura.
Singapore is and will always in negotiations play the game of brinkmanship. Malaysians should engage in equally sophisticated dialogue in its negotiations with that island state government apparatus engages in. Malaysia needs to be utterly forensic and detatched and remember that none of the niceties are real but a cosmetic disarming tool of the other side.
Singapore is motivated by its desire to rule over that 60000 Kms radius n the minds of its leader. Like the state of Israel ift admires much, it also likes to play the rle of the underdog, the victim of Islamic extremism and the numerical superioirty of is neigbours it considers friend and foe alike. It is a convenient approach and keeps the minds of its population constantly in a state of seige.
Malaysian lawyers have an unenviable reputation for bluster, for legalesse, bragging, for theory but not for the the essential critical skills of negotiaion and creativity when it comes to practical applications of the law.
I do not make any apologies for the statements I make about Malaysian lawyers becausse it is not out of malice but their own record in the ex3ercise of their profession as a collective.
In your capacity as a leader you undoubtedly would have come across their uninvited thorny comments interfereing as an obstacle in the sphere of politics and government administration. Yet their contribution to the development of the law and the state is so minimal in context and their positions, their earnings and their performance in practice.
With respect to the water supply agreements with Singapore, Malaysia is at liberty to raise the price as it sees fit within the term of the current agreement even if a price hike mechanism does not exist within the framework of the agreement (which I doubt is the case).
Such agreements are fundamentally about capacity and scalability where capacity either increases or decreases and the ability to meet supply within reasonable parameters can be justified or met. For that Malaysia will and must always be the sole determinant. That itself is a tool for bargaining.
It can be pleaded in a figh if that does arise. The fact of the water supply and its continuity of flow is what matters. A trigger to shutting it off is in the hands of Malaysia and not Singapore or any international arbitrator that Singapore would care to approach.
Unless Malaysia is politically and legally committed to underwriting Singapore’s growth and its progress (as Singapore sees fit) wihtout abatement (which I doubt is a sustainable concept or the case) then the water supply agreements are justifiably favourable to Singapore as is the case now.
How ever if Sigapore wants to play by internationally accepted rules of economics and commerce it must pay for what it wants. In this case water. it must be able and prepared to pay the price that is demanded by the supplier Malaysia or cut its coat according to its cloth.
Where water is an essential commodity and a commodity where life or death depends on it, a threat to shut it off from supply can be interpreted as an act of belligerence (war) and although pre emptive action is illigal at international law, it has been condoned and tacitly defended by even the UN in the Iraq conflict, Israel on Osirak and the June waar of 1967 (mid east).
Singapore may have the financial capacity to wage war and the military hardware perhaps to some extent but certainly it does not have the capacity for a prolonged war over any issue especially water. Any act of hostility against the peninsula will attract recriminations from at least a part of the Nationalistic movements in Indonesia as well as the majority of Malaysians. It will also permanently shut off water supplies unless they take over by force the source of their water supply and create conditions for a protracted war of attrition it will never win. Singapore is not Israel.
Singapore’s right to access water from Malaysia is not a god given right (a divine right) but one based on mutuality. Absent that mutuality no agreement in fact exists. It only exists in theory and practice if put into action aand becomes an agreement at will. Perhaps it may be the best alternative for Malaysia. But who in Malaysia has the capacity to “bell the cat?”
A short note on Abdullah Badawi the most recent ex prime minister of Malaysia. This man bears all the hall marks of a person cultivated by outside interests to further their interests in the region. He acted more than any of his pre decessors against the interests of not only Malays, Chinese and Indians from Malaysia but of the nation itself.
His capacity to allow for self destruction is unprecedented. He allowed with impunity the destruction of state institutions and erosion of public confidence in the state and by the private sector to the detriment of the country.
Whatever had been painstakingly built up (including a generous slab of confidence) over 3 decades he painstakingly and with intent demolished uring his tenure in office.
The only way by which Malaysia and the Malays can re assert their primacy in their own land is for them to be pro active and not to apply the Kuomintang standard of their neighbours and some ungrateful fellow citizens as their own.
Let the Kuomintang employ whatever economic means and gains they wish to as Kuomintang wherever they reside and infect their host community with in South East Asia. And if not only in Malaysia perhaps anywhere within that 6000 Km belt in their imperial cross hairs.
Let them have their ecominc victories even if this be through the funding of opium crops in the golden triangle (Dr. Alfred McCoy-“the Politics of Heroin in South East Asia”) or the banking of its illicit profits in Singapore banks and partnerships with their state financial arms (Tamesek Holdings and Lo Sin Han- Helen vatsikopolous SBS TV -Dateline 2004).
It should never be a Malaysian objective to be like Singapore even if that states leaders wish to dangle the carrots of their economic only success devoid of any human, creative or spiritual input or quality.
For if the almighty wanted us all to be subservient to the almighty Singapore dollar, its imperial designs and shopping centres where our mouths and minds will be tied, he would have brought us all into the world as Singaporeans.
The advances made by Malaysia in its development on a comparitive basis with Singapore was achieved in shorter time with less oppression of its people. It served to demolished the one tool Singapore’s leadership used to motivate its mainly Chinese migrant population. That being the danger of the unmotivated and dangerously Xenophobic Malay.
The Mahahtir era and even that of Hussein Onn shed the cultural baggage of much of Malaysian Malays serving to demolish those myths of the benign and indolent Malay.
The Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore had a rude awakening when Malays embraced the benefits of that unwritten Ketuanan Melayu in much the same fashion as their Chinese counterparts exercising their Ketuanan China in Singapore to the detriment of the Malays benefitted greatly there. Fair exchange no robbery.
Getting back to the main issue, Malaysia should be mindful of the mind games being played by its neighbour. There is a fifth coloumn within Malaysia sitting on the fence with divided loyalties. They should be marginalised in any negotiation and relegated to looking after themselves without any government assistance or sympathy. After all if they are genetically superior they will survive.
Water and any other commodity may be traded but not with a gun to ones head. Malaysia ought to engage lawyers to work on their behalf not on the basis of connections but on a proper conflict audit performed on them first.
Independent research tends to show conflicts with large law firms wwho hide behind the nobility of the Chinese walls which we all know do not exist in reality.
Gopal Raj Kumar
Tanah yg Singpura gunakan dan simpan air kat Johore perlu
ambil sewa bulanan dengan mahal jangan dijual,cover balik duit air yg jual murah,bukan secara percuma atau atas dasar kemanusian.
Dah kasi air murah dah bagus lagi nak macam macam,
dibiarkan nanti macam Pulau Pedra,besok dia kata dia punya.
KESIAN rakyat Singapura dimana mana park kereta kena bayar.kat
rumah sendiri pun kena bayar.Tak bayar,Court juga pergi,lagi Rabak.
TAK ADA belas kesihan langsung.LIHAT,di Changi Airport,disediakan
GST Refund Counter untuk pelawat international yg berhak tuntut 7 percent gst refund.Di Woodland,Tuas,Ferry Tanah Merah,Worldtrade ferry termina, ada kerajaan Singapura sediakan GST Refund Counter. TIDAK. , Tidak, tidak.
Di terminal ini lebih tertumpu pada rakyat Malaysia dan Indonesia.
Adakah kami tidak berhak mununtut gst refund seperti pelancung lain.
Dah double standard lah ni.Dah gitu bila kita rakyat Malaysia dan Indonesia, terutama orang melayu dibuat seperti banduan,check sana check sini berbeza apabila mereka layan pelawat asing lagi lagi rakyat Amerika,Jepun.Morning Sir,Bawa 1 doz rokok pun lepas.Ahmad satu kotak pun diugut,kadang kala tanpa kesalahan di larang masuk dan di hantar pulang dengan cost sendiri,Suka suka dia.
Adakah kita harus diam diri atau tunduk pada mereka.
Apakah pendirian Kerajaan Malaysia dan Indonesia sanggup melhat
rakyat mereka di layan sedimikian.
Dear Tun,
Yes, Singapore is a KIASU nation, bangsat tak sedar diri. Take people’s land and want everything free.
The only thing we must be ready for war with Singapore. Our military intelligent and war planner must wake up to strategise war with this small country as they behave more like jew. We must begin now to equip ourself before its too late, military spending must be above everything. Look what India is doing eventhough in high poverty but they put defence as priority likewise Pakistan. Singapore is said to have strong military strength in South East Asia, what our government is doing to increase our military capability. What is the purpose of Singapore building their strong defence, they have motive which we should not ignore.
The purchase of Sukhoi and submarine had caused a lot of public debate, how these military toys were purchased. What I cannot understand why MACC is not investigating whether there is corruption took place in this deal.
Syabas… by singaporean malay
Wa caya sama lu. Agreed with yr comment about nasib
orang melayu yg hidup seperti Baruah Terhormat di tanan sendiri.
Datuk moyang kita sudah kena tipu itu sebab kita merana dalam kesepian.Banyak tipu helah mereka melalui media mencermin
kebagusan tapi sebenarnya fitnah. Gua belakang lu dan
don,t worry Allah be with us,memperjuangan hak kita demi nak cucu kita kemudian,Insallah
Call it what you want. Kiasu or kiasi. We call it world class competition. Singapore is ranked # 3 and Malaysia ranked # 24 in the world for competetiveness. We compete in the world against everybody and not just against the Malaysian jaguh kampongs. So do not put Singapore down when you lost the water deal. Don’t you think for a second that the present and past Malaysian governments haven’t tried everything they can to renege on the water deal. Ask your Dr.M and he’ll tell you that everything that is within the law has been pursued and everything failed. Singapore did their homework and presented the facts that the “tidak apa attitude” of your past has come back to haunt you. So who is the “kiasu” and who is the “sour grapes” now.
Malaysia kicked Singapore out at all costs hoping it will come crawling back on it’s kness to rejoin Malaysia. Majullah Singapura.
Berjiran dengan Singapore tu boleh. tapi kena berhati2. kedudukan Singapore sama macam Israel ditengah2 dunia arab.
Kebodohan pemimpin dulu tak lihat kedepan.tak ada visi lansung. Perundingan air, nasi dah jadi bubur,sebab lebih air.
Kelihatan bijak Kerajaan Singapura yg sentiasa capai matlamatnya selalu,bukan perihal air saja,soal Pulau Pedra,
Pangkalan tentera Malaysia di Woodland,persoalan tanah KTM yg ibarat
duri dalam daging,kenderaan mereka masuk kesini percuma,sedangkan
kenderaan kita perlu bayar permit ke tanah mereka,hasil sayuran,buah buahan kerajaan kita tak dapat hasilnya sedangkan mereka mngambil cukai gst, ini semua hasil bumi malaysia,dan banyak perkara lagi.Mereka menikmati hasil yg lebih lumayan lebih dari yg punya keluaran.Upama air.beli murah jual mahal,orang lain bikin kereta,mereka dengan COE saja dan untung berpuluh ribu,berlipat ganda untung minyak daripada si pengeluar minyak,pengeluar rokok untung berepa sen saje sedang mereka untung berlimat dan banyak perkara lagi,JANGAN salahkan mereka sebab mereka bijak.salah kita sendiri sebab bodoh.
KITA PERLU TEGAS DAN VISI KEHADAPAN.Ini kali mesti nak kira Beb, Takda parah,Beb.Nak kasi makan anak bini.Nak tolong orang yg lebih kaya dari kita,WAKE UP MAN,WAKE UP.Dah Imsak ni
Salaam to Tun and family,
Having read up quite a bit on Singapore lately, I have posted an article as below, on Singapore-Israel relaionship that went as far as 40 odd years ago!.
May Allah give blessings to Tun and family, ameen.
By ezaniAuthor Profile Page on September 1, 2009 11:06 AM
Salam to Tun, to all Muslim readers of chetdet and Selamat Berpuasa
To kamal ahmad and samuraimelayu, Tun asked you about the origins of our constitution. So please answer the question if you know anything, otherwise don’t sidetrack because you are wasting readers time.
Di bawah ini ada ‘sypnosis’ perjanjian air Singapura-Malaysia 1962 dan 1990. Cuba perhatikan dgn teliti. Secara ringkas, :-
menurut kenyataan Singapura yg sedia maklum,
1. Johor jual air mentah 3 sen/1000 gallon
2. Singapura jual air ‘minum’ (treated) 50 sen/1000 gallon.
3. Harga utk Singapura memproses air RM2.40/1000 gallon.
4. Johor beli 37 juta gallon air sehari.
–> Nampaknya ‘subsidi’ RM1.90 /1000 gallon atau keseluruhan RM70,000 (37 juta gallon ) kpd Johor !
Kerana ‘subsidi’ tersebut, Johor telah membeli ‘treated water’ dari Singapura melebihi dari yg dihadkan di dalam perjanjian tertera dibawah. Berapa agaknya Johor atau IndahWater jual air kpd rakyat jelata ?
Niat saya bukan utk menyebelahi mana-mana pihak, tetapi kalau kita ingin berdebat dan ‘menang’ dgn Singapura, kita mesti mempunyai keterangan yg kukuh, peguam yg berwibawa. Kalau tidak Malaysia akan jadi bahan ketawa dan ekekan. Mujur perbalahan ini tidak ke ICJ !
1962 Agreement
Called the Johor River Water Agreement, this was signed on 29 September 1962 between the Singapore city council and the Johor state government. Valid for 99 years up till 2061, it gave Singapore the full and exclusive right to draw water from Johor River up to a maximum of 250 million gallons per day (mgd) (1.14 million cubic metres a day). In return, Johor was entitled to a daily supply of treated water from Singapore up to 2% of the raw water it supplied.
Singapore had to pay rent for the land it used “at the standard rate applicable to building lots on town land”. The water prices remained the same as in the previous agreement – 3 cents per 1,000 gallons of raw water supplied to Singapore and 50 cents per 1,000 gallons of treated water sold to Johor. After Singapore and Malaysia stopped using a common currency, the prices became denominated in Malaysian ringgit.
The 1961 and 1962 agreements provided for a price review after 25 years, with arbitration being the agreed course of action if bilateral price negotiations failed. However, the Johor government chose not to revise the prices at both opportunities, in 1986 and 1987.
The Independence of Singapore Agreement (also known as the Separation Agreement) signed between the governments of Singapore and Malaysia on 9 August 1965 guaranteed the 1961 and 1962 water agreements.
1990 Agreement
This was signed on 24 November 1990 between PUB and the Johor state government. It was supplementary to the 1962 pact and would also expire in 2061. A separate document was signed on the same day by the governments of Malaysia and Singapore to guarantee adherence to the agreement.
Under this agreement, Singapore was allowed to construct a dam across Sungei Linggui to facilitate the extraction of water from Johor River, with Johor setting aside about 21,600ha (216km2) of land for the project. Singapore agreed to pay RM320 million as compensation for the permanent loss of use of the land and its associated revenue, in addition to a premium of RM18,000 per hectare (per 10,000m2) and an annual rent of RM30 for every 1,000ft2 (per 92.9m2) of the land. The cost of building and maintaining the dam would be borne by Singapore.
In return, Singapore could buy (from Johor) treated water generated by the new dam. This would be over and above the 250mgd of raw water that it was allowed to draw from Johor River under the 1962 agreement. The price of this additional supply would be calculated based on a fixed formula: the weighted average of Johor’s water tariffs plus 50% of the surplus from the sale of this water by PUB to its consumers after deducting Johor’s price and PUB’s cost of distribution, or 115% of the weighted average of Johor’s water tariffs, whichever was higher.
This agreement was a follow-up to the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed on 28 June 1988 between the two countries’ prime ministers at the time, Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore and Mahathir Mohamad for Malaysia. The signing of the MOU was hailed as a breakthrough in Singapore-Malaysia water relations, the culmination of six years of difficult negotiations.
Here it goes again. Beginning to think all calm at the borders until Tun whipped out the same old issue again… and again… and again…
I also noticed a trend here. When some commentors posted the most factual information on the pending water issues; without any prejudice and favouritism, the majority of the “patriotic” follower will just turn a blind eye on it. Time to use your brain and not the heart.
Went digging for independent information on the internet and found the below. One of the most concise and well documented information on the internet so far. Perhaps all these pending issues are all a conspiracy or profiteering. For reader who uses the brain, click on the link and come to your own conclusions. The truth is out there and for some, it’s painful to read.
Selamat Berpuasa.
The Price of Raw Water: Loss or Gain for Johor?
“Singapore buys water from Johor at RM 0.03 sen/4.546 m3 (RM 0.03 sen/1000 gallons). It sells treated water to Johor at RM 0.50/4.546 m3 (RM 0.50/1000 gallons), although treatment costs Singapore RM 2.40/4.546 m3. Effectively, Singapore is subsidising Johor at a rate of RM 1.90/4.546 m3. Table 5 provides the volume of water sold to Johor in selected years. Johor presently purchases around 8.14 million m3 (37 million gallons) of water from Singapore daily and sells this at RM 3.95/4.546m3 to its consumers (The Straits Times, 28 January 2002).
Singapore, however, is only legally obliged to sell 3.74 million m3 (17 million gallons) daily to Johor although it has been providing over twice this amount to the state (excess amounting to 20 million gallons per day). Hence, Singapore has been providing a subsidy of RM 29 million to Johor by selling treated water at the rate of RM 0.50/4.546 m3……”
Source: http://www.iseas.edu.sg/ef12003.pdf
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
You are a brave man.Syabas! Bukan semua orang mampu terima teguran.Hanya yang berani sahaja mampu..
Ada satu lagi yang amat menarik tentang peperangan di dalam bulan Ramadhan ini pada 17hb.Peperangan Yom Kippur amat memeranjatkan Israel dan Hanan ( he..he..)Secara rasmi tentera Mesir yang berjaya masuk ke dalam pertahanan Israel tetapi hakikatnya Ikhwanul Muslimin yang berjaya memecahkan benteng tentera Israel!..Ada banyak lagi pencapaian orang-orang mukmin yang ajaib..Jika sesiapa sudi boleh lah saya buka cerita sikit-sikit..Cuma kita hayati Ayat Al Quran Surah Al Baqarah ini
Al- Baqarah
Alif, Laam, Miim.
Kitab Al-Quran ini, tidak ada sebarang syak padanya (tentang datangnya dari Allah dan tentang sempurnanya); ia pula menjadi petunjuk bagi orang-orang yang (hendak) bertaqwa;
Iaitu orang-orang yang beriman kepada perkara-perkara yang ghaib
Perkara yang ghaib..
Terima kasih Tun..
By ezaniAuthor Profile Page on September 1, 2009 11:06 AM
Salam to Tun, to all Muslim readers of chetdet and Selamat Berpuasa
Salam to Tun, to all Muslim readers of chetdet and Selamat Berpuasa
Thanks for many readers (as per below) for analysing my comment. I hope I did not hurt anybody’s feelings especially in this Ramadhan month but I would like to be sincere in telling you that I only wish the best for Malaysia. More importantly and larger than that, I want to see the Muslim ummah strong again with one leader (khalifah) and able to stand up to US, Europe and Israel. I would like to give my response to some chedet readers who read and responded my comments below :-
To wajaperak: thanks for your criticism and comments on my reply. Yes, I hope Mukhriz can make it to higher ranks and he is already on solid footing now as Asst Minister in Trade and Industry. He used to be my Boys Scout leader (Team Nuri) at MRSM Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. I also want to thank you on the cerita hadith about Nabi Rasulullah SAW beri orang Quraish air walaupun mereka berada dlm peperangan Badar Al Qubra. Saya sendiri tidak tahu tentang perkara ini!
To kamal ahmad and samuraimelayu, Tun asked you about the origins of our constitution. So please answer the question if you know anything, otherwise don’t sidetrack because you are wasting readers time.
To nothingbutwind and changh67, please do not double-post. You are wasting our (readers) time and also Tun’s resources.
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
Aha..Can’t you see he is lying low? But his periscope is ever visible even over the smoke on the water?..
S..Tan..we played on our emotion here in Tun blog.But Hanan and company play for keep.That is the diferrence..
Only military muscle do understand what it takes to counter Hanan and company.Why world most intel fails in this aspect?
It must go with the brain and the refined skill of the utmost chess master!!
Tun is one..How many realizes and treasures him so?
Thank you Tun..
Salam kasih Tun,
Singapore ni mcm Israel. Kiasu nation. Bezanya di Israel, palestine tidak diberi peluang utk ‘angkat muka’ langsung. Mereka terus-terusan ditindas, kemudian dipijak2 dan sekarang dihenyak2 tanpa ada peluang utk bangkit.Di sini, kita bangun sendiri ketika jiran masih juga cuba utk bangkit. Jadi kita sempat bangun tanpa ditindas, dipijak atau dihenyak. Asas mereka berteraskan Amerika, sebab itulah apabila ekonomi di sana senget , dia pun ikut senget.
satu negara yang tidsk layak dihormati kerana datang beramai2 dari China nak cari kerja, kemudian ambil tanah org lain buat negara sendiri. Jgn Indon, Nepal, Bangla, dll buat camtu gak sudah.
/// By Redhuan D. Oon on August 28, 2009 11:36 PM
Singapore is a Kiasu Nation. Not i say so, but friends from Singapore tell me so.
Maybe it is due to their limited land mass. Maybe it is due to their overwhelming Chinese dominated social culture.
It has a certain affect on us and how we deal with them. We are either afraid of them or have become as kiasu as them. We have to admit that Singapore has higher efficiency than us, higher per capita income, better aquisition of technology, and most of all, Singapore is on the world map and we often do not make it on most world maps as an icon. ///
Redhuan, I think your post summed up the dilemma, ambivalence and confusion about Kiasuism and false patriotism.
You said (or rather you are kiasi and attributed the saying to your Singapore friends) Singapore is Kiasu. The point is – do You Redhuan believe that Singapore is Kaisu? If so, said so yourself and don’t hide under others’ skirts.
After having said Singapore is Kiasu, you then start to wonder why Singapore does so many things better than Malaysia. I thought you have the answer – kiasuism.
You see, kiasuism need not be a pejorative or dirty word. In Hokkien, it means “afraid to lose”. Turn this trait into a positive – in English, you can translate it into “pursuit of excellence”, “wanting to win all the time”, “don’t want to be a loser”, etc.
/// When we have our F1, Singapore wouldn’t take this lying down and came up with their amazing Night F1. Yet we spent billions year in year out to support the F1 Sepang investment. ///
How did Singapore do it overnight? You have the answer – kiasuism. Singapore does not want to lose out to Sepang. It wants to beat the competition. It wants to do better. It wants to be world class. How does Singapore achieve all these? You got it – by being kiasu.
/// How can we be no.1? By copying and following others? When will we really be No.1 in our own right and with our own products, ideas or ventures. ///
The sad truth is, you can’t if you keep poking fun at kiasuiam. If you see kiasuism in a negative light, then how to be No. 1? Ask yourself – what is the meaning of being No. 1? Simple answer – don’t lose to ANYONE and you will be No.1. In other words, be kiasu. Be afraid. Be really afraid. Be afraid to lose. Be afraid to be No.2 or No.3. Only No. 1 will do.
/// We are going to spend lots of money to educate and retrain our younger generations on becoming more innovative and creative. But like Tun once said in the Sun newspaper,
“We are capable of nothing. We produce almost nothing”. Strong words but it is better Tun says it then this man from Kuang says so. ///
Singapore is kiasu – that’s why their universities are all ranked among the top in the world, their Oxbridge graduates beat most from the UK and the rest of the world and their primary and secondary school children are among the top in science and mathematics in the world.
/// What happened to our idea of MSC as Malaysia’s Gift to the World? Can it be refreshed and reinvented with the approaching RMK10? We must not be kiasu or kiasi this time. We can and have to prove at least to ourselves that a legacy left to us from the past is meant for us to benefit from. ///
Redhuan, see how confused you are? To do well, the MSC must be kiasu and kiasi – otherwise the MSC will lose and die.
/// May Malaysia counts its blessings and chart forth its own path in this world not as a follower, but as a leader. ///
To be a leader, one has to win. To win, one has to be kiasu – no two ways about it. Think of kiasu as a virtue to be emulated, not a defect to be mocked at, sneered at, and disdained. “Malaysia Boleh” comes close, but it must be taken to heart and worked on, and not just a slogan. But Malaysia “boleh” may not bring Malaysia to No.1 position or be a leader. If being No.3 pun boleh, if being No. 1023rd pun boleh, then Malaysia cannot be No.1 If we keep having this siok sendiri attitude, and decry kiasuism, how to be No.1?
Dearest YAB Tun,
We just need to remember our Malay saying:
Dear Tun, salam Merdeka selamat berpuasa harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini….
………………….ASAP DAN API
Ramai orang di sini tertumpu bahaya ancaman S’pura konon, tapi buta perbuatan mengugut, mempersenda M’sia oleh jiran lain. Entah silau warna kulit buat mrk tak nampak asap dari api? Mrk lebih pandang pada kulit atau perbuatan?
Gelagat mrk mcm anak ayam yg riuh dengar bising gagak, leka dgn helang yg bersiul!
Look at accusations against Singapore. Being hard nosed in negotiations is on a war path. Being legalistic with the rule of the letter is militant.
Look at another neighbour. Threats of war (over Ambalat), threats to kill (over maids and workers pay), burn M’sia flag (over song and dance). They hold belligerent protests outside M’sian embassy many times, landed soldiers on M’sian soil before. Treat our athletes with contempt at tournaments, pick issue over an advertisement, arrested M’sian fishermen.
Has S’pore ever done these. Who gets the conquerer’s crown?
PS: Wajaperak, your ‘spat’ with Hanan over! I give up keeping up, Tun blogging at feverish pace now.
By HBTAuthor Profile Page on August 28, 2009 8:30 AM
Hishammuddin said that although he empathised with Chua,
Singapore is a Kiasu Nation. Not i say so, but friends from Singapore tell me so.
Maybe it is due to their limited land mass. Maybe it is due to their overwhelming Chinese dominated social culture.
It has a certain affect on us and how we deal with them. We are either afraid of them or have become as kiasu as them. We have to admit that Singapore has higher efficiency than us, higher per capita income, better aquisition of technology, and most of all, Singapore is on the world map and we often do not make it on most world maps as an icon.
When we have our F1, Singapore wouldn’t take this lying down and came up with their amazing Night F1. Yet we spent billions year in year out to support the F1 Sepang investment.
How can we be no.1? By copying and following others? When will we really be No.1 in our own right and with our own products, ideas or ventures.
We are going to spend lots of money to educate and retrain our younger generations on becoming more innovative and creative. But like Tun once said in the Sun newspaper,
“We are capable of nothing. We produce almost nothing”. Strong words but it is better Tun says it then this man from Kuang says so.
What happened to our idea of MSC as Malaysia’s Gift to the World? Can it be refreshed and reinvented with the approaching RMK10? We must not be kiasu or kiasi this time. We can and have to prove at least to ourselves that a legacy left to us from the past is meant for us to benefit from.
May Malaysia counts its blessings and chart forth its own path in this world not as a follower, but as a leader.
Redhuan D. Oon
Leader of the ADempiere Project,
according to international law, its all right for a country to declare wars when the country and its people lives are under threathen or at risk. e.g. human can not survive without water!
malaya could not fight the british, and surrendered to the japanese. do you think malaysia could defense itself properly this time?
Take home message?
what’s he doing in Malaysia of late?
Think about it, folks. I need not elaborate.
I’ll write up on Singapore in my blog.. next change..
Blessings of Allah to Tun and family.
Dear T
Thank you for correcting me and putting things in the right perspective. To everyone, please do not feel offended by my replies. I always try to write for the good of the nation and sincerely. However I do feel that the actual facts as put forward by T should have been put forward to the public transparently by the Govt so that the people know that they are not losing out on the water issue. I wonder why the Govt is not doing so. Perhaps there is a perfectly valid reason and in Malaysia’s interest also..I don’t know. However, we are always susceptible to mistakes and so am I! That is why I am very careful when I write to put phrases like “correct me if I’m wrong”. Unless I am absolutely sure of the facts. But who can be 100% sure of everything except Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala. But if there is something good to write, than write it succinctly and fairly with research, evidence and make it interesting to read!
To Tun, thank you for putting up chedet and putting up such interesting articles and being brave and open. I should have known that a 22-year visionary PM like you would not fail to profit the nation…hi hi hi! Hard to find a leader like you but we pray…
Tun, now you do it again, “Nak buang batu, sembunyi tangan”, Singapore and Malaysia Water Agreement which put Malaysia under handicap on negotiation table is cause by Malaysia own government negligent during Mahathir era from 1981 to 2003. The chorological of agreements can be traced way back in 1927 which bound to be review between both government for every 25 years.
i. 1927
Assalamualaikum tun
Terima kasih atas penjelasan dari pihak tun, sekarang ada dua fakta yang contradict antara satu sama lain….salah seorang pasti sedang berbohong…
kemudian suatu persoalan telah timbul….
bagaimana sesuatu urusan yang telah berlaku berpuluh puluh tahun yang lepas masih boleh tun ingat satu persatu, tetapi kes VK lingam yang tidaklah begitu lama berbanding urusan air singapura ini, boleh tun lupa butirannya…..hmmmm
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[One other major weakness is I believe you cannot take criticism very well or in a constructive fashion as you had banned a lot of journals and publications (especially the opposition and from the West such as Far Eastern Economic Review). We have to accept that not all people write about us is true but we must show it is false not ban it]]
Mr Ezani.I think you are a Dr from previous post.If you are, you should know that not everybody have what it takes to be a Dr.And to be a specialist,it takes a lot many more from mere Dr.That’s why a mere Dr are not allowed to be critical towards specialist because specialist knew what mere Dr are yet to comprehend in their nature of courses.
In these sense, Tun is a specialist.Some specialist refused to explained his act or deed in his ‘operation’ to a mere Dr more so to layman.It is his speciality and privileges.We must respect it because he have earned it.We will starts wondering if this specialist have erred in his judgement if scores of other specialist have shown otherwise.In those issues Tun is right.Compared it to mere PPK = Pak Lah ( Pembantu Perawatan Kesihatan ) and you will realizes how big is the gap between specialist and Pak Lah.
Mukhriz having trouble in being visible as Deputy Minister in Trade and Industry and also the threat of the more outspoken and visible Khairy Jamaluddin.
His good deed will speaks volume for himself.
[[I agree with Once A Malaysian’s reply. The first issue is that how can you and Muhyiddin have a differing viewpoint on the same matter despite you being Finance Minister at that time and working together? Now he is current Deputy PM and you are a 22-year ex-Malaysian PM and you can have a differing viewpoint on a simple fact of whether Lee Kuan Yew said he wanted to “go to war” with Malaysia if it did not supply S’pore with adequate waater supply ? The claim that Lee Kuan Yew said he wants to “go to war” on the water issue is not a small matter to sweep under the carpet and I am sure one of you could not have forgotten such an important uttering. I suggest that one of you may not be speaking the truth. We will find out on the Day of Judgement]]
This is not neccessarily true ezani.Consider this..The Doctor came out from OT ( Operation Theater )and says calmly to the waiting relatives..
1)First Statement : The operation was succesful.
Relatives : Oh..What a relieves..Very good Dr..Thank you very much (Compliment )
2)Second Statement : But the patient died.
Relatives : What the heck? Hell? !@#$%^&* Curses and uncontorallable anger..
Now.Who gets the information wrong?
[[The main issue which I have to bring up here, disappointing as it is to me, is that how can you propose to sell water to Singapore just because you want to “be friendly” with it ?]]
Tun have no right to sell water.Nobody did.Only Allah can.You have forgotten the Hadith in saying that basic amenities like water must be available to all more so the enemy.In Perang Badar, Muslim have the Quraisy by their throat by holding the fort in the only place the water available.Said one follower’s..”Now..we can only sit here and let them die by thirst”.Rasullulah s.a.w made sure muslim have ample provision before letting the enemy quench their thirst.In this very Ramadhan after something like..are you ready now?..Only then they go to war..Remember..Islam is a just religion.Tun have let the matter stand instead of enforcing..Let them die and suffer thirst..We have Singapore by the throat..What?..you want to squeeze them out of their lives or let them live?..This is why Tun is a Stateman and not Lim Kuan Yew far more so..YOU..
[[It is very important for a Government (Federal or state level) to keep careful database of the owners of the land of its country because otherwise we would not know if Singapore has bought over so much land that it now “owns” Johor.]]
Believe me.Tun have made sure all these requirement.But who? prays..that enforce it??
[[And now you tell me you want to “baik-baik” dengan Singapore ?]]
We have to “baik-baik” dengan Singapore or even Israel for that matter.Our loss is not because they take advantage over us but why we allowed them to do so?
[[Another issue is the Tambak Johor which you have so rightly raised in your blog. It is ridiculous to have a mole or causeway which blocks the water way and makes the water stagnant and does not allow ships to pass through. I do not know if it affects the shipping traffic to Port of Tanjung Pelepas or other Malaysian ports such as Port Klang, but if it prevents greater revenue from being generated by our country, than it should be demolished and a bridge be built instead, no matter how Singapore protests!]]
The operation must be done..But who holds the scalpel now and who owns the Operation Theater??
[[politicians like you from selling our whole country to foreigners!]]
Now I am angry and I don’t now why.(Jason Bourne)
From Perlis to Sabah..How many foreigners owns Malaysian properties?Do you have the statistic?For your information Malaysian security personnel is among the best in the world.They know better the threat.And since when Tun selling my country to foreigners?? ( Read the word my and not your’s )
[[So now the real issue has been exposed : it is you who actually initiated the sale of water to Singapore (correct me if I am wrong)]]
Yep.You were wrong.He just let the matter stands.Reasons as above.
[[Please also account for the billions of ringgit loss under Perwaja Steel, the Bakun Dam and the Carrian affair and the small group of Malay entrepreneurs you had raised up in our society who did not as expected distribute their wealth to other poorer Malays (as it should be)]]
I thought this is Khairy job?..Somebody wants to become his hatchet man?..Can I apply to?
[[and also your appointments of Anwar Ibrahim and Abdullah Badawi which caused untold disasters to our beloved country. I think why don’t you just expose the whole thing…everything…about Singapore (for a start) so that the public can make an assessment. Don’t worry, we all make mistakes at one time or another. If you did work honestly for the good of Malaysia, I think it would show through. After all, doesn’t the Malaysian public have the right to know since you worked in public office ?]]
Yes he did.He have not been audited but nevertheless have been accounted for.Tun is always accountable for his deed and action.I don’t know why.Maybe you should ask Abg Kamal Ahmad and Abg Samuraimelayu for details.maybe Prof_ridcully could help?
[[Is it true that BMW or Proton cars are sold cheaper outside Malaysia than in Malaysia? Why should we be made to pay more for our own internally-made cars?]]
Agreed on you about this account.
[[And one more thing Tun…I will certainly not elect a Prime Minister who does not have the guts to go to war with Singapore!]]
Why would sane man ever entertains the ideas of war?What have Tun always promote? Criminalize War!!
[[(1) I really cannot accept what Pak Lah has done..sekejap saja memegang Perdana Menteri dan dia dah beri Pulau Batu Putih hak milik negara tercinta kepada Singapura….grrrr…]]
S..Tan might said that you are barking at the wrong tree.Isn’t at Najib blog you should be hounding or better still Khairy blog?..:)
[[So I believe Khalid is right]]
Now here is a politician who does not sell “our” country to foreigner…Amin to that.
Terima kasih Tun..
/// By ezani on August 27, 2009 11:25 AM
The main issue which I have to bring up here, disappointing as it is to me, is that how can you propose to sell water to Singapore just because you want to “be friendly” with it ? Look now what has happened. They have profitted at our expense on the sale of water back to us, please correct me if I am wrong. ///
Yes, ezani, you are wrong.
3 Sen for Water
Why did Mahathir agree to 3 sens per 1000 gallon during his time? A few pointers lifted from an earlier posting in my blog:
1) The construction of the reservoirs, dams and pipe works to bring the water to Johor and to Singapore, as well as it’s upgrading and maintenance is all paid by Singapore – over the years it came up to a cost of more than S$1 Billion.
2) Back then, for every 1000 gallons of water:
– Singapore pays 3 sen for the raw water from Malaysia
– Singapore pays RM2.40 to treat this water
– Malaysia pays 50 sen to buy this treated water from Singapore
– Malaysia sells this treated water at RM3.95 to Johor residents
Johor made a profit of RM128,000 every day by selling treated water bought at a much lower price from Singapore. That’s a tidy net profit as the cost of construction is fully paid by Singapore (refer pt 1).
3) The two Water Agreements allowed for a price review after 25 years, that is in 1986 and 1987 respectively. But Malaysia did not ask for a review at that time. It was a calculated decision by Malaysia not to review. Johor State Assembly Speaker Zainalabidin Mohd Zain made this clear : “There was no point in doing so because Johor was dependent on Singapore for its treated water supply, and Singapore would have also increased its price of treated water sold to Johor.” So, Malaysia did not ask for a price review then because it have benefited Malaysia more for the status quo to continue (refer point 2).
4) Despite Malaysia choosing not to review the prices during the periods where they could under the treaty (refer pt 3), Singapore is still open to a price review – if only the Malaysia government under Mahathir could make up his mind on the right price – Mahathir first agreed to the price of 45 sen for current water supply and 60 sen for future water supply in Sep 01. But in Mar 02, he increased their asking price to 60 sen for water sold from 2002 to 2006, and RM 3 for water sold from 2007 to 2011. Yet later, he increased the demand to RM6.25 for water from 2002. It can be quite hard to play football if the goal posts keep moving.
5) In Dec 98, Malaysia under Mahathir decided the drop the price reviews approach as a singular negotiation (refer pt 4), and requested to resolve all the outstanding bilateral issues as a package. Singapore agreed. Then the Malaysian government unilaterally called off the package approach.
So all this
Good morning Tun Dr Mahathir,
The Star Online’s Headline….
(P/S – This should be the way Now, and the reporters dah “bangun”. The Star Online was caught last night in Muzzling with PM Najib’s opinion on this matter!!!!)
//Friday August 28, 2009
By DashingAuthor Profile Page on August 26, 2009 10:29 PM
All these idiots can praise you lah Tun. Let us face the fact…
Many a times I have heard comments saying Spore is more developed than us and that Tun was the culprit. Where have your senses gone wrong??? Both countries got their independence about the same time…and how many times are we bigger than them??? Few hundred or few thousand times???If Spore is as big as us, the rest of their country will be undeveloped jungle. Then you will see Spore like half of Penang today.
It is easier for LKY to rule a ‘RED DOT’ because he does not have any Sultans and Agong to consider when making any decision. That is why due respect must be given to our Tun with regards to the conditions he had to weigh when implementing many decisions.
Water issue…I believe Spore policy will never change with LKY around…and the people there generally feel Malaysians want a fair deal. Almost all our people Spore govt can outsmart….but they know they can not take Msia for a ride while Tun still has influence…that is what make us love our hero TDM…Allah SWT has blessed Malaysia with your leadership.
I regret you did not publish my reply here and I have no choice but to post your article and my reply on own blog, http://tockkong.blogspot.com. I know I won’t get many of your blind supporters to read and to comment, if any but I will continue to do so in whatever little way to right any wrong made by you on Singapore.
By OnlookerAuthor Profile Page on August 26, 2009 1:14 PM
What is so wrong about the Singaporean Government acquiring a piece of industrial land in Johore for building a water treatment plant on it?
I refer to the posting by “OnlookerAuthor” dated on August 26, 2009 as per above statement.
I wish to highlight that by giving Singapore government opportunity, it will creates opportunity to reclaim what SG govt invested.
LEE KUAN YEW is capable of doing anything to claim back in the International Court, example; Pedra Branca Island.
Everybody knows that LKY has a good political influences from all over the world, naturally the bigger award (Bigger part of Pedra Branca) goes to LKY (Unfortunately, it is not meant for Singaporean).
Therefore, by giving such opportunity to LKY to build in his expense, there will be another territorial dispute, as we may already predicted, ICJ (International Court of Justice) will favor Singapore government as per claim.
LKY will not live for long, and if his son Lee Hsien Loong slowly gain control over Johore state someday, it is disaster.
(This is LEE KUAN YEW plot to slowly gain control over Malaysia)
I strongly urge Malaysian Government not to “swallow” Singapore (Lee Family) government sweet-deal lightly.
One mistake Tunku Abdul Rahman has made is giving up Singapura to dictator LEE KUAN YEW, so I hope there will be no more mistake again from Malaysia counter-part.
In case if you wonder why I am not proud being Singaporean, it is because the malay has been marginalized and LEE KUAN YEW own the Singapore island.
Thank you.
Dear fellow forummer,
I am singaporean myself and former National servicemen and current Reserve servicemen, with regard about war between Singapore and Malaysia.
I and my fellow reservist mate did discuss and the conclusion is, we will not obey our Singapore Government to go war with Malaysia.
Instead, we will reverse the conflict into our (internal) own war between Singaporean and our government and his loyalist.
Should the day to declare war, let us, singaporean deal with it on behalf of Malaysia government.
Singaporean shared the same sentiment with the malaysian who do not trust Singapore LKY Government.
Back in 1965, LEE KUAN YEW was very upset not because to agree with the separations, it is because LEE KUAN YEW has failed to dominate in the federal Malaysia.
By his political move, he made singapore to be chinese majority to dominate the city-state, indirectly LEE KUAN YEW wants the malay ethnic group to slowly extinct from singapore.
Singapore malay suffered silently, we have been discriminated not just from the Singapore Government, but also from employer until to-date.
I had a malay friend who worked as IT Officer for 4 years, while his chinese colleague work just served the company 2 1/2 years got promoted to be his senior. Based on the education background, his chinese colleague is just an ITE grad while he has Diploma.
In short, to get promotion, one must not from the malay.
Today malay are suffering even greater than other races without a job that have been taken away. We are financially burden, struggling everyday and tightening our belt to pay debt such as HDB financing, car, school children expenses (school fees, daily meal).
Being minority malay, we are keeping extremely low profile, we do not want to bow to LEE KUAN YEW, if we are force someday, we will fight all-out war to reclaim what is belong to us (Malay Singapore Land).
We, as minority malay may not win, but we will leave our bloods to the soil to mark for the next generation to reclaim until we succeed.
Thank you.
So DPM lied when he said that Lee Kuan Yew threaten to go to war if we did not supply water?
YAB dan dikasihi Tun;
Terima kasih Tun kerana menjelaskan keadaan yang sebenar.
Hm! Muhyiddin Yassin ni selalu megeluarkan keyantaan bercangah (dah banyak kali dah sejak zaman Tun Lah lagi),takkan lah sepegecut itu pemimpin pada masa itu(Tun)sehingga sanggup duk diam bila diancam oleh LKY sedemikian rupa, Hai! kalau nak tunjuk benar pun janganlah sampai menjatuhkan air muka orang lain pulak! mentang-mentanglah kita ada kuasa sekarang ni… ingatlah langit tidak selalunya cerah!! rakyat la ni banyak yang cerdik pandai bukan boleh diperbodohkan dengan kenyataan-kenyataan yang tak masuk akal!.
Tengok sajalah keputusan pilihan raya di Permatang Pasir, sebenarnya bukan pengundi tidak sayang kepada UMNO atau menolak BN tetapi yang sebetulnya rakyat benci kepada pemimpin yang sombong dan riak.Walau pun berbuih-buih mulut pemimpin BN menjanjikan pembagunan dan kesenangan kepada mereka tetapi mereka tetap menolak.MEREKA TAK NAK,MEREKA MEYAMPAH.
Sesungguhnya saya amat merindui semasa pemerintahan Tun,negara berada didalam keadaan yang aman damai cuma kalau pun ada hanyalah angkara Anuar Ibrahim,itupun dapat diatasi oleh Tun.Rakyat bebilang kaum dapat hidup dalam keadaan baik dan tidak ada satu kaum pun yang berani melawan kerajaan seperti sekarang.Tetapi sekarang ini amat sedih dan membimbangkan keadaan negara amat kucar kacir.
Sesekali saya terfikir apakah ini balasan dari tuhan terhadap sebilangan pemimpin negara yang telah mendurhaka kepada Tun! balasan cash dari Allah semasa Tun masih ada,supaya Tun dapat melihat bertapa pendurhaka-pendurhaka banyak yang telah tersunkur, dan lepas satu sat pula bala yang datang.Sesungguhnya Allah itu maha megetahui dan maha adil didalam membuat setiap pembalasan!!….
Sekian Tun, selamat berbuka puasa dan berterawih.
Should we shout Merdeka this 31st August?
Ayahanda Rakyat,
After reading the comment by ezani, I was quite dissapointed that a Malay like him/her can be so “tergoncang” with the current issues until he/she cannot think straigt. Wajaperak was right, emosi Melayu can be “dodoikan”. Whatever it is, I am on Dr. Mahathir’s side no matter what happen and I am not “bodek-ing” Dr Mahathir because I am Malaysian.
Majority of the Malaysian Chinese are not interested with Singapore’s affairs, like myself, I never have the urge of travelling to Singapore because what Singapore have, Malaysia have, and it’s at cheaper rate!!!!
However, what Malaysia have, Singapore does not have it and this is the fact that majority of the Singaporeans do not like US. DAP and MCA members tak suka Singapore,I think Malay (UMNO, PKR & PAS) like Singapore!!!
Selamat berpuasa Ayahanda!!!!
sekali lagi sebuah episod cerita panas tetapi ia relevan dgn situasi dan menjadi satu cara atau matlamat pencarian ilmu dan fakta yang menarik untuk dikongsi bersama kpd semua anak2 Malaysia…
akan tetapi hari ni saya nak “share” satu lagi ilmu dan fakta untuk dibentangkan kepada si polan yang bernama KIJANG(kononnya dia yang “terpelajar” dan menilai secara “kritis”…ye ker???)
…dan untuk mereka2 di luar sana yang cukup dahagakan pengetahuan am dan sentiasa bersifat merendah diri dan tinggi budi pekerti…
“DTSS” – Deep Tunnel Sewerage System.(DIGUNAKAN OLEH SINGAPORE UNTUK RAKYAT JELATANYA.) Maaf artikel ini terpaksa di ceritakan, kerana terdapat segelintir manusia yang mengaku anak Malaysia tetapi lebih percaya pada cerita palsu dan sensasi di sekeliling mereka. Bagaimana begitu TAKSUBNYA dan DENGAN MUDAH mereka ini mengatakan ada sebuah empangan milik Singapore terletak di negeri Johor dan empangan ini tak siapa boleh usik, sebab kalau sesiapa usik, Singapore akan balas dengan serangan ketenteraan. APA PUNYA CERITA DONGENG NI! MANA PUNYA SKRIP BENGONG DEPA PAKAI NIE.. DAN SAPA PULAK YANG JADI TUKANG KARUT DALAM HAL SENSITIF NI…TAK TAU LAAA….
Singapore TAK BERGANTUNG SEPENUHNYA pada bekalan air yang diperolehi dari negeri Johor saja, mereka juga TELAH menyediakan satu teknologi proses rawatan air untuk digunakan oleh rakyatnya. Salah satu kaedahnya ialah sistem “DTSS”. Semua air kumbahan (air IWK lah, kalau ikut kata orang Malaysia) yang ada di Singapura dibawa ke DTSS ini untuk dibersihkan dan diproses menjadi bekalan air.
Setelah suci (tetapi mungkin orang masih rasa geli-geliman), ia dipam masuk ke kolam air tadahan untuk dicampur, kemudian diproses sekali lagi sebelum anda semua meminumnya dan menggunakannya “direct” dari kepala paip di setiap buah apartment atau bilik hotel/motel anda di Singapore. Nama rasmi air yang siap telah diproses DTSS ini tadi ialah “NeWater”.(bunyi nama sedap…rasa air, tak tau laaa..tak try lagi…)
Soo…Ini adalah sebahagian dari kaedah dan sumber yang sedang digunapakai oleh Singapore untuk tampung peningkatan keperluan air rakyat jelatanya.
So untuk kijang and freinds…janganlah mengarut…sila kemukakan fakta cerita empangan tu, di dalam blog ini. Kami semua nak tengok…jgn pandai cakap…lepas tu ko membebel CAKAP BESAR tak tentu pasal…konon diri ko lebih “terpelajar”…lebih pandai menilai dan ko nie tidak mudah tertipu…
Kalau ko sudah bersedia…bentangkanlah…saya nak tengok sejauh mana kebijaksanaan dan tepatnya fakta dari generasi “terpelajar” @”kritis”@ “tidak mudah tertipu” yang kamu agung-agungkan itu…
Hi Tun
I have been long watching this tit for tat rebuttals from both sides of the causeway. It has always been my wish to see that both present or past leaders come to an amicable understanding, by far that can only be an aspiration.
At the end of this ramadan period leaders from singapore will be invited over, media will highlight the cordial relationship. The next week or month a another accusation will surface, another rebuttal war takes place.
Another cycle comes into motion.I dont know whether issues will be ever solved. In your 22 years you could not do it. Do you think any one in Putra jaya could ? Well lets see. Both singapore and malaysia have a very bright future, so lets not talk about who said what but sit down and get matters settled. I am sure our neighbours would love to settle things over a plate of satay and ketupat. Lets face it we need each other( Denying this would be foolish)…….And I dont think so Singapore would be steam rolling you . common you are Malaysia , we need a very big steam roller !Btw Tun I would like to say that you have done well for Malaysia and would like to wish you a Selamat Hari Raya and may god’s speed be with you.
Dear Tun,
1) Important revelation!, that’s what you have done.. and it is very important one.
2) Mahyuddin should have thought carefully about this sensitive issue before saying it out loud. It is very embarrassing for him to be contradicted by Tun. And very embarrassing for Tun and Malaysia if KWY really said that- he should have been chased out from Malaysia there and then!
3) I believe your version… but why a DPM made such a statement? either he is a fool or there is a hidden agenda to discredit you… I wouldn’t know.
Salam Tun
I would like to comment on the current scenario relating to MACC and the Teoh Beng Hock inquest. We are not sure that MACC personnel caused the death of Teoh. But I would agree that MACC should be responsible for anyone while under their custody. What I mean to say is that, even if MACC personnel did not cause Teoh’s death, they should be responsible for his safety. So whatever the outcome of the inquest, MACC should still accept responsibility for the safety of anyone they whisk away to “interrogate” at their HQ. Are safety procedures and witness safety policies in place ? Here I am thinking, would Teoh be safer if the MACC had conducted their interrogation during office hours in bright daylight with a lot of people still inside the building of Plaza Massalam rather than 2am early in the morning? So in this sense, Nazri Abdul Aziz is wrong and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is right in drafting the Selangor State Government circular to ensure that Selangor State Government officials can be interviewed by the MACC, but only during office hours and in the state secretarial building to ensure their safety. In other words, if MACC cannot provide for Selangor State Government official safety, than the Selangor State Government itself should be responsible to ensure this. It is not about Khalid preventing the MACC from interviewing Selangor State Government officials. He only said they can be interviewed during more normal times and at a place which they feel is “safe”. He did not say MACC cannot interview Selangor State Government officials. Whatever it is, the MACC is sure to lose credibility because a witness had died under its custody and its interviewing hours is abnormal.I am not saying that govt officials and politicians should not be investigated for corruption but the MACC has lost credibility because they could not do it in a safe, fair and professional manner. From the high profile investigations they have undertaken, why have they not investigated Mat Taib for his A$1 million in Australia, Khir Toyo’s Disneyland trip and the Balkis money transfer, the awarding of the Malaysia Pavilion by Ng Yen Yen, the Monsoon Cup, the many corruption reports filed during the last UMNO Assembly, the PKFZ issue and the so many corruption headlines that are put in our newspapers day after day after day ? I tell you politics can be very dirty and if you decide to investigate corruption, you will wonder if you have enough resources to investigate and put a judgement in ALL corruption that take place..it is just impossible! So given the limited resources, how can MACC be shown to be fair and neutral given that there is already 1 death of a witness under its custody and its odd working hours of 24 x 7 ?
The ULTRAKIASU EXTREMIST comments refer.
Hmm……..ever wonder why these ULTRAKIASU EXTREMISTs exist? Probably they don’t find safe refuge in their own country, being bullied by the communal policies, arrogance of certain community, and just plain and simple being neglected to a 2nd class citizen in their own country. Day -in and day-out, racist remarks are being thrown at these EXTREMISTs. Starting from school – get down and see for yourself. Look at the current by-election. Shameful!
ULTRAKIASU EXTREMISTs probably would not mind the US meddling into the affairs of this country in order to protect the minority rights, let alone Singapore.
salam Tun,
sebijak-bijak Tun pun masih ditipu oleh Lee.
sebab tu Tun berdendam dengan Lee sampai sekarang.
“keimanan mematangkan cara kita berfikir”
1. The march to Putrajaya is just a dream.Make no mistake about it.
2.They just don’t have the stamina to reach the finishing line.
3. Even if they reach the finishing line their energy will be drained and exhausted.
4. What they will do after reaching the finishing line is just relax and enjoy the fruits of their success.
5. They will suffer from cultural shock to see how beautiful Putrjaya is.
6. Each of the component parties will start to quarrel which building (ministry) should be under their possesion and be given the title for 999 years !!
7. What about their staunch followers and supporters?
8. They will definitely demand the whole world as promised.
9. But sorry for them they will just manage to gigit jari je lah !!!
10. Only the privilege few like Ah Long and high powered mafia will be given ” discreetly” the status of Cinaputra!!
11. There will be a new breed of “Little Napoleon” to run the greenhorn government.
12. So in the final analysis the country will be in deep shitt and we will difinitely go to “hell” and become a failed state.
A simple difinition to describe the attributes used to characterize a failed state:
1. loss of physical control of its territory
2. erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions
3. inability to provide reasonable public services
4. inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community.
5. a central government so weak or ineffective that it has little practical control over much of its territory
6. non-provision of public services
7. widespread corruption and criminality
I think DAP will certainly be angry after reading all these bad comments about Singapore. Ya la…their twin brother PAP ada di sana. If DAP is angry, PAS will follow as they are loyal follower of DAP.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
jangan menyusahkan rakyat singapura mahupun rakyat malaysia. kerajaan malaysia bagilah percuma, lepas tu.. minta Singapura bagi percuma balik juga..
oleh kerana kerajaan malaysia berbuat demikian secara percuma dahulu, suruhlah kerajaan singapura tanggung kos untuk treatment sebelum bagi balik air kepada Malaysia.
YABhg Tun,
Please allow me to refer to n.ajis (or whatever his name is);
You are so lucky that Tun allows your comment to be in eventhough it was not into Tun’s favour (i think and Tun is being to good to most of people (like you) here in Chedet) and clearly your statement is rubbish to some people.
Hello bro n.ajis, any ‘Tom, Dick & Harry’ can become a blogger. Please don’t brag yourself. You should always refer back to the history. Appreciate how our uncles struggle to get independent.
“Selamat Menyambut Merdeka”
Manusia Biasa
Kota Raja
Posted by;
By n.ajis on August 27, 2009 8:33 AM
War with Singapore? Let me ask all bloggers here? Should the war really happens, on which side do you think the Malaysian ULTRAKIASU EXTREMIST will stand? Pls answer honestly.Tq
Salam Tun
I disagree strongly with Dashing. I believe you did a very good job to transform Malaysia into a successful developing nation and that you also had admirers not only from Malaysia but also from all over the world and many on the other side of the world still remember. I think your biggest pluses are in bringing economic development especially construction, and in promoting the use of information technology in e-Government and also the bringing in of F1 and also the Commonwealth Games and Chairmanship of OIC and also the setting up of Petronas. You personally are a charismatic leader with witty answers, very cool temperament (I have never seen you get angry or show your emotions except when you resigned and cried publicly as PM), VERY HARDWORKING (you sleep little to bring progress to the nation, only taking little catnaps on the plane and a few hours sleep), EXCELLENT NEAR PERFECT INTEGRITY (due to your excellent upbringing, you have never been involved in any sex scandals, bribery or corruption, Alhamdulillah), VERY GOOD DIET (you are the slimmest and healthiest M’sian PM I have ever seen!), TOTAL LOYALTY TO YOUR WIFE, well read, well educated, excellent family background and very good speech-making especially your UN speeches. You also raised up Proton (but it turned out into a farce with the AP issues towards the end of your premiership). I think your best qualities are your far-sighted vision. I used to criticize Putrajaya and KLIA but now I know they are well thought out in advance and very far ahead planning! However, unfortunately you are not estranged to some disastrous issues and weaknesses (in my opinion only) such as RM1.5 billion lost under Bakun Dam and Perwaja Steel, the Ibrahim Libya killing, the splitting up and deregistration of UMNO, the lost of the sekolah pondok for teaching religious studies and a total disregard or respect for the opposition especially PAS. One other major weakness is I believe you cannot take criticism very well or in a constructive fashion as you had banned a lot of journals and publications (especially the opposition and from the West such as Far Eastern Economic Review). We have to accept that not all people write about us is true but we must show it is false not ban it. Well this is what people are, they have their pluses and minuses but I give you 85%. Most importantly it is very hard to find somebody to replace the likes of you and as we can see in the many replies and in general, many are calling for your return! Because of what I know of you and how you performed, I would support Mukhriz anytime (he also used to be my Boys Scout leader (Nuri) back in MRSM Pengkalan Chepa) but I can he is now having trouble in being visible as Deputy Minister in Trade and Industry and also the threat of the more outspoken and visible Khairy Jamaluddin.
I agree with Once A Malaysian’s reply. The first issue is that how can you and Muhyiddin have a differing viewpoint on the same matter despite you being Finance Minister at that time and working together? Now he is current Deputy PM and you are a 22-year ex-Malaysian PM and you can have a differing viewpoint on a simple fact of whether Lee Kuan Yew said he wanted to “go to war” with Malaysia if it did not supply S’pore with adequate waater supply ? The claim that Lee Kuan Yew said he wants to “go to war” on the water issue is not a small matter to sweep under the carpet and I am sure one of you could not have forgotten such an important uttering. I suggest that one of you may not be speaking the truth. We will find out on the Day of Judgement.
I commend your bravery and courage in exposing this matter but please get your ears ready for some hard-hitting anger and vented frustration from me for what you have done.
The main issue which I have to bring up here, disappointing as it is to me, is that how can you propose to sell water to Singapore just because you want to “be friendly” with it ? Look now what has happened. They have profitted at our expense on the sale of water back to us, please correct me if I am wrong. Since you instructed Muhyiddin to speak to LKY on the water negotiation, how can you not know such an important matter as to whether that parcel of land where the water processing plant was built belonged to Singapore or not ? It is very important for a Government (Federal or state level) to keep careful database of the owners of the land of its country because otherwise we would not know if Singapore has bought over so much land that it now “owns” Johor. On this point I must relate a frustrating incident of my engagement (nikah) ceremony where I and my entourage had to stay overnight at Hotel Katerina near Yong Peng / Perahu Terbalik in Johor and because I believed it was “owned” by a Singaporean owner, we had to wait for our rooms as some other Singaporean patrons was given priority despite I believe we booking it earlier. And now you tell me you want to “baik-baik” dengan Singapore ?
On the issue of the land for the water processing plant, it is such a simple decision to make : the land must belong to Johor and we should not be selling any of our land or companies to foreigners outright until we lose control of it. At the maximum, at least lease the land to Singapore la for x number of years – I am sure you have expert consultants who can better advise you on the matter.
Another issue is the Tambak Johor which you have so rightly raised in your blog. It is ridiculous to have a mole or causeway which blocks the water way and makes the water stagnant and does not allow ships to pass through. I do not know if it affects the shipping traffic to Port of Tanjung Pelepas or other Malaysian ports such as Port Klang, but if it prevents greater revenue from being generated by our country, than it should be demolished and a bridge be built instead, no matter how Singapore protests!
Oh boy, am I glad for the Sultan of Johor on this matter. Only he can stop politicians like you from selling our whole country to foreigners! So now the real issue has been exposed : it is you who actually initiated the sale of water to Singapore (correct me if I am wrong) resulting in this whole mess of 3 sen a water that we have now. You should have confessed earlier. Please also account for the billions of ringgit loss under Perwaja Steel, the Bakun Dam and the Carrian affair and the small group of Malay entrepreneurs you had raised up in our society who did not as expected distribute their wealth to other poorer Malays (as it should be) and also your appointments of Anwar Ibrahim and Abdullah Badawi which caused untold disasters to our beloved country. I think why don’t you just expose the whole thing…everything…about Singapore (for a start) so that the public can make an assessment. Don’t worry, we all make mistakes at one time or another. If you did work honestly for the good of Malaysia, I think it would show through. After all, doesn’t the Malaysian public have the right to know since you worked in public office ?
Another thing I hope you can bring up is this AP issue on car permits. I don’t know..but I get this disturbing feeling that you don’t seem to know what your ministers are doing. Actually you should know in detail. Is it true that BMW or Proton cars are sold cheaper outside Malaysia than in Malaysia? Why should we be made to pay more for our own internally-made cars?
And one more thing Tun…I will certainly not elect a Prime Minister who does not have the guts to go to war with Singapore!
(P.S. As a postscript I have to comment on two other important topics, (1) I really cannot accept what Pak Lah has done..sekejap saja memegang Perdana Menteri dan dia dah beri Pulau Batu Putih hak milik negara tercinta kepada Singapura….grrrr…and (2) I think Nazri is being very arrogant in summarily overruling that MACC as a federal agency cannot be overruled by the State Govt as in the Surat Pekeliling by Tan Sri Khalid to limit MACC interrogation to official working hours and in the State Secretariat. I believe in general it is true that this federal agency should higher powers than the state to do its investigation effectively but the current circumstances has now changed because under MACC a man has died and also the MACC interviews people until 2am in the morning just because they want to wrap it up quickly and also you have the admission of the main interrogation officer that he slept while his subordinates interviewed Teoh Beng Hock. This really raises doubt on the effectiveness of the MACC and I believe anybody should be scared if being taken away by the MACC to be interrogated until they can prove their innocence in the Teoh Beng Hock case. So I believe Khalid is right.)
Singapore = Israel
Don’t bother to consider anything!!!
Selamat pagi Malaysia…
artikel ni khas ditujukan kepada KIJANG and the gang…untuk dijadikan rujukan terkini dan ilmu pengetahuan beliau serta boleh juga dikongsi bersama oleh rakyat Malaysia yang lain…
Untuk kijang, sila dan sudilah membacanya…(maaf sebab ia dalam B.I sebab ia saintifik dan lebih “global” sikit…)
“Republic of Singapore officially commissioned the Changi Water Reclamation Plant that can treat 800,000 cubic metres of used water daily. The plant is part of the republic’s Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) that was conceived to meet Singapore’s needs for the collection, treatment and disposal of used water over the next 100 years.
The plant was launched by Singapore Prime Minister is to coincide with the International Water Week event. The project was an important milestone in Singapore’s “water journey” over the last half century. The service then depended on a bucket system with a rudimentary network of pumping stations and shallow sewers that led to two treatment plants, it was only in 1997 that modern sanitation was finally brought to every single Singaporean.
The $3.65 billion and 50km-long sewerage system is like a superhighway running 20 to 55 metres underneath Singapore that links an extensive network of sewers from homes and industries into centralised water reclamation plants.
The system which is being developed in two stages, will first convey used water from the northern and eastern parts of Singapore to the Changi Water Reclamation Plant for treatment. The second phase which will take over 10 to 20 years to implement will then serve the used water needs of the western part of the island republic. With the DTSS, Singapore could gain about 1,000 hectares of land or three times the size of its Central Business District when the land occupied by used water plants and pumping stations would be released for development.
The treated used water from the Changi Water Reclamation Plant was also a vital feedstock for large-scale production of NEWater, Singapore’s own brand of reclaimed water. Singapore’s fifth and largest NEWater plant is currently being built on the rooftop of the water reclamation plant, and together with existing plants, the republic will have enough NEWater capacity to meet one-third of its water needs by 2010.”
So…MENARIK TAK CERITA INI…untuk kijang and freinds, di sini saya ulangi sekali lagi beberapa fakta menarik tentang air yang Singapore guna selama ini dan yang terkini. Saya BUKANLAH orang Singapore, tapi saya ada juga saudara mara dan rakan taulan yang menetap disana, jadi saya dapat “belajar” satu ILMU pengetahuan baru…
Singapore kini mempunyai apa yang dia panggil ‘Four National Taps’ -empat paip air nasional – untuk digunakan oleh rakyat jelatanya:
1) Air dari Johor,(DISALUR GUNA PAIP BESI, melalui tambak Johor)
2) Air kolam,(tadahan khas)
3) NeWater,(air kumbahan domestik yang diproses suling semula)
4) Air laut yang diproses.(Desalinated water)
Jadi situasi sekarang sebenarnya air dari Johor kini kurang dari 50 % kegunaan air yang diperlukan oleh “Temasek Darul Haus”(gelaran khas untuk Singapore…he..he.),jadi SEPATUTNYA TAK PERLU timbul cerita ADA empangan DI JOHOR jadi milik mutlak Singapore.(SULTAN JOHOR PUN BOLEH JADI MURKA BILA DENGAR CERITA Karut Marut dan FULL OF BULLSHIT! seperti ini).
Ingat senang2 ke nak bagi atau jual tanah negeri, lebih-lebih lagi kepada negara asing…KALAU SULTAN JOHOR TAHU DAN MENJADI MURKA, lagi naya…ketahuilah setiap inci isi kandung “tanah” milik negeri Johor adalah dibawah Payung Naungan dan Daulat DYMM Sultan Johor.
Maklumat Yang sebenarnya ialah Singapore setuju nak biayai sendiri kos pembinaan fasilitati dan kemudahan2 teknologi untuk menyalur keluar air dari kws Sungai Lingu, Bandar Tenggara Johor. Selepas ianya siap, segala kemudahan yang telah dibina disitu adalah menjadi MILIK MUTLAK DAN SAH, NEGARA MALAYSIA…cuma sumber air yang dialir keluar sahaja yang singapore mahu…itu yang mereka minta(air) maka hanya itulah yang mereka layak dapat.
Tetapi dalam Malaysiakini, berita ini telah disensasikan dan diputar alam sembelit sehingga menyebabkan ramai anak-anak Malaysia yang terdiri dari pelbagai umur, bangsa dan agama menjadi salah faham dan hati dan minda mereka ini mula membuat andaian dan dakwaaan fitnah dan nista yang menyeleweng lagi merugikan diri mereka sendiri…(bab ni, setan turut sama bergembira dan bersorak riang sebab kuotanya semakin penuh dan sedang mencapai sasaran…)
Bila ini terjadi, maka tercapailah maksud propaganda gelap nana Anwar Ibrahim. Pesta Boria politiknya sekali lagi berjaya mengheret anak2 Malaysia terjerumus tergolek ke mainan putar alam politiknya yg sememangnya kotor lagi berbau hanyir.
So kepada semua…sekali lagi disarankan agar terus mencari dan menyelidiki fakta dan data tentang sesuatu perkara atau peristiwa berdasarkan kepada rujukan dari sumber yang sahih dan boleh dipercayai. Jangan latih diri untuk dengan mudah menerima sesuatu berita atau cerita tanpa usul periksa, kita biarlah berhujah dan berpena di dlm blog ini dengan suasana yang harmoni dan membina.
Salam YABhg Tun,
Saya sentiasa bersetuju dengan pandangan YABhg Tun dalam menangani ‘konflik’ dengan Singapura semenjak YABhg Tun mula-mula jadi PM lagi sehinggalah sekarang. YABhg sering konsisten dalam memberi pendapat dan membuat keputusan.
Singapura mengambil kesempatan ke atas kelemahan perjanjian bekalan air. Sifat ‘Kiasu’ mereka jelas terbukti. Tak nak mengaku kalah dan sering ingat orang Malaysia ni bodoh (sebab dapat bekalan air dari Malaysia dengan harganya sangat murah dan seolah-olah ‘memaksa’ orang bekal air kat dia). Lepas tu pemimpin dia datang sini tak hormat pemimpin lama. Tak datang ziarah pun sebaliknya dia nampak peluang je kot-kot Nik Aziz jadi PM, dia boleh tipu lagi. Dasar Kiasu.
Manusia Biasa
Tun, now you do it again, “Nak buang batu, sembunyi tangan”, Singapore and Malaysia Water Agreement which put Malaysia under handicap on negotiation table is cause by Malaysia own government negligent during Mahathir era from 1981 to 2003. The chorological of agreements can be traced way back in 1927 which bound to be review between both government for every 25 years.
i. 1927
Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
The Headline of The Star Online reported now….
//Lee claims conspiracy in PKFZ scandal
PKA lodges report with MACC over Port Klang Free Zone scandal
PUTRAJAYA: Port Klang Authority chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng revealed there was possible conspiracy among five parties in connection with the Port Klang Free Zone scandal.
The five are Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd, its CEO Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, former PKA general manager Datin Paduka O.C. Phang, BTA Architect and the consultant for development work Bernard Tan Seng Swee.
He also revealed that some of the parties had made unsubstantiated claims amounting to about RM1.5bil.
Lee revealed this in his report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption ComÂmÂission against the five here yesterday.
Various organisations welcomed Lee
Salam Tun dan semua,
Terfikir teman kalau-kalau negara tercinta diserang, di pihak mana PAS & PKR? melihat kepada sifat mereka ini hampir pasti mereka akan menyokong LKY. Ya Allah,mohon dijauhkan bala bencana kepada negara tercinta ini,amin.
“By Dashing on August 26, 2009 10:29 PM
All these idiots can praise you lah Tun. Let us face the fact S’pore is far developed than malysia. Your 22 yrs. of reign was a waste. You did not do any better than Singapore which lacks natural resources unlike malaysia.Actually you are a incompetent leader. You should have learned from Lee.Coruption, corupted Malaysia. It is still eating Malaysia through UMNO. Your 2020 vision will be a failure bacause of coruption.”
To Dashing – You should go back to your mainland where your ancestors are from. Probably you can get whatever you want there. Or perhaps you would have now needed to stay in a mudhouse, a tugboat on a stinking sea or having to live next to a polluted river.
The greediness of your kind had resulted to the DEB anyway. In actual fact Malaysia has a lot of resources, we don’t mind not being that developed and live in a simple, healthy kampung life just like in the 1960s. We don’t need ultra kiasu like you who build towers and towers of condos in the city to sell to foreigners.
We love you Tun.
1. I think what is Tan Sri Muhyidin mentioned about “Lee Kuan Yew threaten to go to war if we did not supply water” is not actually a real war.
2. Its actually a “perumpamaan” seperti yg Tun terangkan diperenggan ke
“4. However when we concluded the water supply agreement Singapore raised a lot of issues regarding our railway land, the CIQ (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine) at Tanjong Pagar, training flights by Singapore warplanes over Malaysia and the Central Provident Funds”
3. For me that is actually the war that TSMY mean. Like Tun and other malays yg suka berkias bila bercakap, mungkin TSMY juga tak terkecuali.
My beloved and much-loved Tun Dr Mahatir
There is not a shade of doubt, without Tun Dr Mahatir on the negotiating table, Singapore is going to steam-roll over Malaysia, not only over the outstanding issues but all new misunderstandings to come.
To rely on the majority of the current bunch of politicians to look into the interest of Malaysia is going to be futile. Indeed, it is going to be a waste of time and money. The demise of the Pulau Batu Puteh issue is a testimony of the miserable appetite, the current politicians have for Malaysian interest. If Tun Dr Mahatir was still the leader of Malaysia then, very likely Pulau Batu Puteh would not have sunken into the deep waters of Malaysia.
If Malaysians are still asleep and cannot tell the difference between Arabian Nights and factual political substance, as well as, still trust some of the clowns in parliament, very likely their dream of a prosperous Malaysia will turn into a night-mare and see Malaysia sinking into the deep sea, just like Pulau Batu Puteh. The sovereignty of Malaysia will be at stake.
God save Tun Dr Mahatir and all those fighting to keep Malaysians and Malaysia alive.
Thank you.
Salam Tun,
Harap Tun sihat selalu
Saya berasal dari Johor,semenjak saya kecil hingga sekarang saya dah muak dgn karenah yg dibangkitkan oleh spura.Saya yakin saya tidak keseorangan ada ramai lagi rakyat Johor yg sependapat dgn saya.
Saya tidak dpt nafikan mungkin ada kesilapan waktu pemerintahan Tun dulu,kerana sikap ingin berbaik2 dgn spura.Akibatnyer begitu mudah mereka merpekotak-katikkn kita.Oleh kerana itu pentadbiran Dato Seri Najib perlu menyusun langkah yg perlu dalam dasar hubungan kita dgn negara2 serantau.
Kalau benar sekalipun mereka ingin berperang dgn kita,sya percaya itu sekadar ugutan yg x berasas.Secanggih mana pun peralatan mereka tp mereka hanya la sebuah pulau yg saiz nyer lebih kecil dr bandar JB.Jika btl berlaku pun spura pasti akn MENYESAL!skrg ni mereka berani la nk ajak kita perang sbb amerika berada di blkg ..kalau spura bersendirian..hmmm bergetar kpala lutut kuan yew.
Dear Tun,
Here we have one former PM & a currenr DPM having different
“perception” on a same issue.
How we deal with foreign countries when domestically you guys are
on different “track”. How you expect foreign countries to understand you when you guys don’t have same understanding of the same issue.
War with Singapore? Let me ask all bloggers here? Should the war really happens, on which side do you think the Malaysian ULTRAKIASU EXTREMIST will stand? Pls answer honestly.Tq
Hmmm…some comments here are actually supporting Singapore. Are these ppl Malaysian? Or maybe Malaysian with Singaporean heart and mind. Or they maybe the ULTRAKIASU EXTREMIST, like their brothers in S’pore. I think the government must have a clear policy on how to tackle these ULTRAKIASU EXTREMIST. As they are as dangerous as Israel.
Assalamualaikum YBhg Tun dan sekeluarga. Semoga Tun dan famili sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat wal’afiat.
I am somewhat distraught by Tan Sri Muhiyiddin’s lack of accuracy in commenting historical facts regarding LKY’s posturing on the water issue. whether it is intentional or not, Allahualam. But Tun whatever it is you have the right to put things in the right perspective and we thank you for exercising that right. as a malaysian citizen i believe we have the right also to know the truth. by sharing your insight on historical events, i am sure will enlighten myself and other fellow citizens of what really transpired.
On that note, Tun i would like to ask you when can you finish writing your autobiography. Sorry for pointing out to you Tun but i find it rather odd that you can pen your blogs religiously but at the same time you have yet to complete your autobiography ever since your retirement.
I am sure when you autobiography is finally out it will be a treasure trove of historical events to share with all malaysians and, at the same time, a golden opportunity for Tun to put the record straight. Iam very sure it will be educational and absorbing read. Can’t wait, Tun.
Wasalam. Selamat berpuasa.
Tun, this is a student from Penang.
I would like to offer my utmost gratitude for the launch of PPSMI
It was the 2nd badge
It served me so well until I have no problem in my college studies now
I always score distinction, which to my own satisfaction (not complacency) and my parents’ expectation
With your wholesome educational policy, I have been very active in Scout organisation, which proves and nurture my flair of leadership, critical thinking, social skills and deliberation.
I follow your philosophy closely and study on my own instead of being a typical ‘kiasu’ Chinese who went to tuition for every subjects;
I never tried to do that unless for one extra subjects which would assist me in the future as it was not offered in school
In SPM, like a typical student, I obtained all A1s with an A2 for P. Moral
Not just Science and Mathematics, I found out that some business related subjects, geography even History should be converted to English as well.
If we are aware of the standards of BM, let’s make the bar of SPM’s BM passing mark higher (let’s say 70?)
It’s ironical how so many people obtain distinction every year
It seems the standards are deteriorating
I would suggest the panel to do something like minimum distinction marks
Personally, I am an avid reader myself and very sensitive towards issues like this.
Tun’s words seem a thousand meanings
However, I still oppose the government to service Sg water at such a pathetic rate
Like the slogan of UMNO, why make Sg people exploit our rich natural resources when some of the Rakyats are suffering
Sg has been rather arrogant and proclaim itself as more superior than his fellow counterpartS in SEA.
Definitely, it’s good to exercise some diplomatic measures
However, the de facto Dictator of Sg should instead respect our country.
Not to mention the humiliation of the corruption index, our country seems to be always massaging the island’s ego.
Sooner or later, the island will realise its limits and feeble grasp of economic, just like United Kingdom, which the economic is deteriorating tremendously.
As for the politic
There should be a reform
We should actually live up the spirits of Dato’ Onn
Races segregation is due to divided party of races inside BN
To control such situation, all must be treated equal (definitely, we could not abolish the ‘hak istimewa’)
All parties in BN should come up with a wholesome plan to unite
Make Bahasa Melayu the central language
And abolish any racial political party
If we don’t
Racial tension will always exist
Our PM’s 1Malaysia will always remain a dream to be if there are still UMNO, MIC, MCA, etc.
All races definitely feel more comfortable with their own mother tongue
Chinese have much problem in communicating in National language
That is why we should set strict rules enforcing Bahasa Melayu as communicating language in vernacular school
I benefit so much from a government school
I find it is unreasonably to send students to vernacular school
However, there are lots of room for improvement as proposed to that
Tun, happy Ramadhan fasting month
Personally, I find integration among cultures amusing too
I have been ‘puasa’ with my fellow Muslims for years already
They taught me a lot
And sometimes even though I know more than they are as I have read through the Quran prior to my general interest
Just like the Christian’s bible
All of us should try to understand each other.
In Matriculation college, I found out that the Ustazs and ustazahs are conveying a extreme view of other religions
They label Christianity as misleading and, Buddhism and Hinduism as prayers to statues
It is somehow beyond the acceptable line
Of course, Christianity shares lots of similarities with Islam
As for Buddhism, the prayers to statues are mere cultures instead of religion
I hope with our country do not produce extremist ustaz and ustazah
I hope this article receive my expected feedback
Please comment on my blog, which this comment will also exist on my blog
Salam Ramadhan ayahanda Tun,
Sekali lagi saya mencadangkan agar Tun menulis blog khas berkenaan sejarah dan objektif asal penubuhan Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) serta perbezaan dengan apa yg berlaku pada hari ini.
Ini kerana, Tun adalah “instrumental person” disebalik kejayaan PNB selama ini.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Huh…deal dengan cina singapura lagi bahaya dari deal dengan yahudi. belum dapat mulut banyak manis..sudah dapat…lu tak ada guna lagi. Penang pun macam tu jugak. Dulu melayu singapura…macam melayu penang jugak. belum dapat…Umar Abd Aziz…sudah dapat AL-Kuan Yew….sYABAS PAS dan luncai-luncainya.
Dear Tun Mahathir,
I am singaporean by birth, wish to encourage you and your Government not to be lenient with Singapore Government.
As singaporean, I do not share my own government interest. Singapore government do not deserve “friendly” political in the economy exchanges. Singaporean has suffered and does not benefit from our own government gain.
In fact, singaporean quietly supported malaysia government approach towards singapore government such as water treatment issue.
Singaporean are hoping political hand exchange in our next general election, and with newly appointed singapore government, we would expect our new government to negotiate in the interest to both parties, and by creating new long-term relationship.
Thank you and stay healthy always.
Warmth regards,
Singaporean Malay
Salam Tun,
Di tepi-tepi pantai pulau Singapura ada banyak batu. Di celah-celah batu tu ada banyak udang. NEVER TRUST THEM.
Dear Tun,
Singapore use to be Singapura or even Temasek at one time. It was a land belonging to the Malay Sultanate. A malay land. Until Raffles had eyes on it as a base for the British exploite in South East Asia.
It became a Straits Settlement and draw in the immigrant workers for China and India and expat from England and Europe. It attracted people who were willing to work hard to make money to send home (where life was hard). Similar to the Bangladeshis and Indonesians in Malaysia now.
Pulau Pinang (or is it Penang) is no different except it did not have a LKY. Atleast now we has a would be LKY in the LGE ;-).
Well anyway, these people having had gone thru the hard life in their home land worked hard for less that the locals – in this case the Malays.
But wait there were early migrants from Indonesia such as the Javanese, Boyanese, Bugis, india Muslim who had assimilated into the malay culture and don’t speak their native language, etc..But they had been classed as malays. They somehow or rather had also picked up the local culture and habits. Those who did not and tried doing business succeeded but was limited by the limited network of the malay business community.
The chinese then, worked hard and hand one goal to accumulate wealth to send home. Those who did buniness succeeded and was even more successful due to the large network (which included the chinese from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand & Indonesia). But as faith may have it the British decide to leave Singapore and Malaysia.
In Singapore by virtue of it being a trading center the chinese had filled up the place in great numbers. Thus Singapore became a Chinese dominated country. They were a country of businessman and still are run by business principles. Busniness men don’t look for friends they look for opportunities. So Tun being nice to singapore will not score points for the singapore goverment. The opportunities that Tun offered would swayed them. But as any shrew business man will attest. Its a win win – bit I must win first and foremost and win more.
The Malays they could not chase out the malays by virtue they were the real original sons of the land. And the British made sure the Singapore goverment gave special rights to the Malay. But it had by now been eroded. And now its practically zero.
The Malays in Malaysia had every right to deny the Chinese and Indians citizenship. As did Brunei and Indonesia. But the Malays being the kind hearted race saw it within themselves to take the chinese and indians as breathen.
Cina & India MUDAH LUPA. Bukan Melayu sahaja.
Now the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia think they have more rights then the malays…as if they are in Singapore???
Now with ANWAR and his supporter and the ANTI BN(UMNO) camp behind the parties that represent these Cina Mudah Lupa(CML). What else can we expect.
Dengan Melayu berpecah belah antara PAS, Umat Anwar Ibrahim and the Anti BN(UMNO) camp dan UMNO….mudah lah CML.. mengambil kesempatan.
Kalau begini lah jadi nya 2020 Malaysia akan bergabung dengan Singapore (the Greater Singapore).
Dan melayu Malaysia tahu lah nasib kita semua. Nak tahu tanya lah orang Melayu Singapura..tahu lah mereka bahawa langit tu tinggi atau rendah. Tapi mereka (Melayu Singapura) tidak ada kuasa pada masa dulu mahu pun sekarang untok mengubah nasib mereka.
Tetapi di Malaysia – peluang terbentang luas…tetapi kita memilih jalan kehancuran.
Teruskan perpecahan..come 2020 kita boleh sambut hari NATIONAL DAY kita pada 9hb Ogos.
Cerita hikayat Melayu tentang Hang Tuah dan Hang Jebat dan Raja Melaka masih berulang lagi…tak abis abis….MELAYU MEMANG MUDAH LUPA.
While we can “Selamat menyambut hari kemerdakaan Malaysia” Tun.
Kadang-kadang kita tidak sedar mereka datang untuk menjajah. Jadi wajar ahli politik kita bercita-cita menjadi penjajah sekurang2nya berfikir secara itu supaya tidak dijajah tanpa sedar, kerana ‘survival’ itulah selama ini menjadi alasan yang kuat untuk melakukan apa saja.
Definitely either one (TPM or TDM) is lying. Or maybe both. One thing for sure, it will not happen that both are telling the truth.
interesting insight..a documentation of proof will be great..
As the relationship between Singapore & Malaysia was rather bitter
@ that point in time & the baggage seems to be there for generations
during your era.
With the various water technology progresses & advancement made in Singapore, the issue of water somewhat has diminished.Even the land
that KTMB has in Singapore, it is no issue. The choice really lies
whether both countries want to work for mutual benefits.
The mis-trust is too deep & it will never get resloved. The best approach, live & let live..Focus on the common area. It is a shame
that the best of the two ASEAN countries, have never really goes
beyond deep level of co-operation.
As an ordinary citizen, the leadership at both countries need to ask
themselves whether to propel forward.
Salam Ayahanda Tun.
Lawyers who are elected to ADUN or MP seat should not be allowed to practice law anymore (any lawyer). They are officially 24/7/365 politicians. And as bad as it already is with politicians speaking with many tongues, they may (develop) have the tendency to ask misleading questions and also to badger witnesses and/or make long politically motivated speech/statement in a form of questioning.
At which point does a lawyer in his or her line of questioning turns the Q&A/cross-examination seating into an act of harassment? Could a victim of harassment not lodge a police report against that very crime? Let
All these idiots can praise you lah Tun. Let us face the fact S’pore is far developed than malysia. Your 22 yrs. of reign was a waste. You did not do any better than Singapore which lacks natural resources unlike malaysia.Actually you are a incompetent leader. You should have learned from Lee.Coruption, corupted Malaysia. It is still eating Malaysia through UMNO. Your 2020 vision will be a failure bacause of coruption.
Sebab itu saya tidak setuju dengan dasar ‘prosper thy neighbour’ yang Tun perkenalkan.
Jelas berbuat baik kepada jiran-jiran terutama Singapura tidak berfaedah kerana sikap republik itu yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri.
Disebabkan kemurahan hati kita Tun, kita kini telah terjerat dengan tipu muslihat negara itu yang hanya mahu berkawan jika menguntungkan mereka.
Bagi Singapura semua perundingan adalah bersifat bisnis semata-mata, kawan mungkin terletak pada nombor terakhir.
Begitu juga Indonesia, setiap tahun negara kita kini terpaksa berhadapan dengan masalah jerebu walaupun kita menganggap rakyat negara itu sebagai saudara kita yang bangsa serumpun.
Sebenarnya hanya kita yang berminat untuk menjalin tali persaudaraan dengan rakyat negara itu sedangkan media massa Indonesia dan rakyat negara itu bersikap iri hati dan hostile terhadap kita.
Ini dapat dilihat dengan demonstrasi yang kerap diadakan di hadapan kedutaan kita walaupun melibatkan isu yang remeh-temeh.
Yang terbaru ialah apabila rakyat negara itu yang kita anggap sebagai saudara kita sanggup memaki hamun pemain badminton negara kita tanpa sebab munasabah dan tidak langsung menunjukkan sikap kesukanan apabila memihak kepada pemain China.
Kita tidak perlu sokongan mereka tetapi perlukah bersikap kasar memaki hamun atlit kita tanpa sebarang sebab?
Sebab itu Tun, apabila saya terbaca Tun dilaporkan sebagai berkata, bahawa Tun kesal membelanjakan peruntukan yang banyak untuk pertahanan negara semasa pemerintahan Tun, saya tidak setuju dengan pendapat Tun itu.
Apa yang Tun lakukan ketika itu sebenarnya adalah betul kerana pertahanan negara tiada nilainya dan kegagalan berbuat demikian, pertaruhannya ialah maruah negara dan nasib masa depan rakyat negara ini akan tergadai.
Saya masih yakin dengan kemampuan angkatan tentera kita tetapi jika kita lalai dan gagal menguasai teknologi canggih dalam sistem pertahanan sekarang, kita akan kesal suatu hari nanti.
Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa sebuah negara kecil seperti Israel boleh menewaskan jiran yang lebih besar dengan hanya memiliki angkatan tentera yang dapat menguasai teknologi canggih.
Salam, Tun.
Dear Tun
Thanks for the clarification.
Just an enquiry. Since the discussion, did Singapore built a treatment plant in Johor??
Wassalam. You are Malaysia’s greates PM!!
[email protected]
it doesnt add up – I think there have been salient discussion points that have been carefully omitted by you and DS Muhyiddin…
a/ Why would Singapore insist they will spend money to build assets in Malaysia just to end up in Malaysian hands
b/ Why would Singapore who having spent money building those assets, now spend more money to buy processed water, with no bilateral terms (you mentioned your intention was to sell them treated water ONLY, but no longer buy treated water yourself)
c/ Why would you think that by you appearing friendly to ensure that you get all your terms but limit Singapore’s bargaining power would even work in the first place.
We all know both you and LKY have your respective agendas in this long running discussion. Both of you would not be seen kowtowing to the other. So what makes you think this whole meeting would have succeeded in first place? Unless of course you did not want it to succeed. You wanted it to fail so you can then say, you tried but the other side did not play ball.
What about this – we get both you and LKY on a live discussion and discuss just 2 matters – water and land sale and get your side of the tale, then his side of the tale and let Malaysia and Singapore decide for themselves which side of the story is most convincing.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think LKY will reveal accurately either – but I am not sure you’re telling all the facts as it is…
Perception is reality Tun …you’re setting the perception…
Salam Ramadhan buat Tun dan keluarga,
After reading a lot of readers feedback from an “alternative” website, I went away feeling very sad when most if not all of the feedback undermine Tun’s contribution to the nation. Alas, it was pretty evident Tun is to blame for everything that’s wrong happening in our beloved country not just today but from much earlier. I came away with the feeling that most of them if not all are implying anyone else than Tun will do a better job. Like the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side”, I believe it is easier said than done for these ungrateful Malaysians.
I am currently trying very hard to live my life on the greener side. Day by day, the green is turning more brown but at the same time I am also learning how I can turn the brown to green back. Through education, new relationship built and perseverence, I am slowly learning to cope and become better than I was previously.
I believe deeply in my heart that Tun have strived and succeeded to make us better. And through your efforts I too understand we are still far from being our best and that we have to continuously strive to reach it. You as a leader do not just teach us to be a loyal follower, but you teach us to be leaders ourselves. Other leaders have so far, in my opinion, INSTRUCTED us to be BLIND FOLLOWERS.
I am sad thinking how I might return one day with my children if the state of affairs does not improve. Will I be able to tell my children, this is your country, love it and own it?
Singapore (LKY) as always be greedy on everything. They (he) wanted this and that and always Malaysian to fall in . Your comment on this is justified and I would like Nik Aziz to mention ” pergi Jahanam lah ……. is better than helping them. The opposition party of Malaysia always run out of ideas and start provocating and twisting the fact while making rounds in their campaine. Look even on the nomination day this kacang lupakan kulit( Lunas Assemblyman) created havoc and wanted to be a hero. We should put him to jail and let him eat shit and drink his own pea. Orang macam ni wanted to abolish ISA. Why worry about ISA if you tak buat kacau. let them be there for the next 999 years.
I suggest we start to prepare if LKY will go into war with Malaysian but on stretegies and not aggresion.
Singapore appears to have a very focussed way of dealing with its neighbors. It treats the relationship as a business relationship and selfishly and hedges its position quickly and mercilessly. It is heartening to see that we had the right raise the price of raw water. It is regrettable to see that that Singapore succeeded in submerging that with a host of irrelevant factors.
But Tun, why do we keep learning about our rights from your blog or your statements. Don’t we have a civil service or a government that is backed by enough professionals to know what needs to be done. It continues to anger me to see the organized way in which Singapore faces its crises and the haphazard way in which our government continues to stumble over itself. It recollect with pride the way in which Malaysia as a lesser known nation stood up to international pressure during the MAS crisis in the 1980s, when we stood up the Royals when the needed to be brought into line, to Judges who seemed to think that they could dictate to a democratically elected government, I continue to show my juniors the strength of the then Attorney General’s response to the critics of the government’s actions.
My Father served the government for 35 years before he left office as a Director General . He was not one who was bestowed with directorships etc but his greatest pride lay in the courage that a government could show in seeing through an unpopular policy to success. Yet today I am ashamed to see a Prime Minister whom you handed our nation to, who took out newspaper slots to assert to the world at large that our nation could not demolish our half of a bridge without the permission of our neighbor.
It is regrettable that we still need an elder statesman to come out of retirement time and again to remind this nation of its nationhood.
Air bakal menjadi rebutan sepertimana ’emas hitam’ hingga sanggup berperang demi sifat ketamakan
bersatu bersetia berkhidmat.
Yang Berbahagia Tun
Agak lucu bila melihat paragraph 5 yang Tun tuliskan
5. At that stage I realised that being friendly with Singapore did not pay.
Kenapa agaknya kita bersusah payah nak buat jambatan baru ke Singapore?
‘Lurus’ ataupun ‘Bengkok’
Begitu bergantung sangatkah kita pada Singapura?
Ataupun kita saja saja nak buat duit kopi?
Terima kasih Tun sebab kali ini saya boleh menulis lagi setelah hampir 2 bulan kena black list.
Dear Tun Dr M,
I am quite puzzled as to why Malaysia needs to give in to most of the demands made by Singapore (City State) and at the same time finds it rather difficult to prevail on issues against Singapore.
Even if the dispute is taken the International Court of Justice (iCJ), the verdict seem to favor Singapore thus far.
It is either Malaysia having weak, vague and insufficient documentations or Singapore managed to manipulate and exploit on the loop holes in their bi-lateral agreements with Malaysia.
Perhaps, what most of us know about Singapore- Malaysia ties are the
Cicit Tok janggut minta jasa moyang dikenang
PASIR PUTEH: Cicit kepada Allahyarham Tok Janggut, pahlawan Melayu yang menentang penjajahan Inggeris pada tahun 1914, mahu kerajaan memberi perhargaan yang setimpal terhadap jasa moyangnya sempena menyambut kemerdekaan negara yang ke-52.
Sulaiman Ismail, 85, berkata sekiranya kerajaan sanggup memberi penghargaan kepada pejuang kemerdekaan seperjuangannya di negeri-negeri Pahang, Perak dan Negeri Sembilan dengan membina memorial mengenai mereka kenapa tidak pada moyangnya.
“Ini penting kepada generasi sekarang dan akan datang supaya mereka tidak hilang jati diri,” katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di rumahnya Kampung Batu Hitam di sini, hari ini.
Tok Janggut atau nama sebenarnya Haji Mohd Hassan Munas melakukan penentangan terhadap Inggeris di Pasir Puteh dan terkorban ketika bertempur di Kampung Saring dan mayatnya disemadikan di Pasir Pekan oleh penjajah berkenaan.
Sebelum itu, Tok Janggut pernah dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri oleh Raja yang memerintah Jajahan Jeram.
Sehubungan itu, Sulaiman mendakwa keris moyangnya, iaitu “Keris Tok Janggut” yang digunakan ketika penentangan itu masih disimpan olehnya dan ia akan dijadikan harta pusaka dari generasi ke generasi.
Beliau berharap sudah tiba masanya kerajaan mengambil perhatian serius mengenainya agar perjuangan moyangnya membela nasib bangsa dan agama tidak hilang indentitinya kepada generasi muda bagi lima hingga 10 tahun akan datang.
Antara lain beliau mencadangkan supaya kubur moyangnya dipindahkan dari Pasir Pekan, Kota Baharu ke kampung Saring iaitu kampung asalnya yang juga tempat kejadian itu berlaku supaya melengkapkan sejarah perjuangannya.
Sementara itu, anak kelahiran merdeka Zulkifli Ali mahu kerajaan meletakkan perjuangan Tok Janggut setimpal dengan perjuangannya dalam usaha untuk memartabatkan perjuangan bangsa.
Beliau, yang dilahirkan pada 31 Ogos 1966 di Kampung Bukit Abal di sini berkata, orang Melayu kini patut mencontohi perjuangan Tok Janggut yang rela berkorban nyawa untuk kepentingan bangsa dan agama.
Katanya, berdasarkan hakikat itu orang Melayu sekarang sepatutnya insaf jika mereka berpecah belah, disebabkan terlalu rakus untuk mencari kepentingan diri, tidak mustahil dalam tempoh terdekat orang Melayu akan kehilangan kuasa menyebabkan mereka akan merana di tanah air sendiri.
“Sebelum terlambat orang Melayu patut menyokong konsep yang diperkenalkan oleh kerajaan sekarang iaitu konsep 1Malaysia Rakyat Didahulukan dan Pencapaian Diutamakan bagi kesinambungan servival perjuangan bangsa dan kemakmuran rakyat Malaysia,” katanya.-
Dear Tun,
Selamat berpuasa. I’m shocked to hear that this oldman from neighbour can said to threathen war. Looks like he is under estimate our ability. Our kenyir dam is even as big as their land. Lets see who will conquer who first. When we try to be nice and people doesn’t appreciate.
When we deal with EXTREMELY SUPER ULTRA KIASU ppl like Singapore, we should have expect the worst outcome. EXTREMELY SUPER ULTRA KIASU ppl is type of ppl who will not tolerate no matter what. So, leaders of Msia, pls think deeply and wisely before agreeing to shake hands with these type of ppl. Always mau untung at the expense of others, by all means including bias and unfair transactions. Always with ultra hidden agenda as well.
Salam Tun Dr. M and fellow bloggers,
The way we deal with Singapore is like we are dealing with Israel.
We have to give everything they want before even we start negotiating.
Rupa-rupanya Tun yg bertanggungjawab dengan membekalkan Singapura dengan air 3 cent per 1000 gallons, semata-mata trying to be friendly with Singapore …
Hairan …. , kenapakah Tun sebelum ini mengecam Abdullah atas isu air 3cents per 1000 gallons …. sedangkan perjanjian ini ditandatangani pada masa Tun memerintah?
hmmmm …. betul-betul hairan lah …
DeaR Tun,
I myself was surprised that you would have capitulated to this Harry Lee fella.
Thanks for putting things in perspective.
Best Regards, Selamat Berpuasa
Singapore hanya anggap kita sebagai pesaing dalam perniagaan bukannya kawan. Tak payahlah kita nak berkawan orang yang tak mahu berkawan dengan kita. Saya rasa singapore ada rancangan bagaimana hendak menguasai malaysia secara ekonomi, kita perlu berhati-hati dengan singapura dan tak perlu bagi muka langsung kepada mereka, sudah berapa lama mereka buat keuntungan atas kita.Kita tidak perlu bergantung kepada singapore dari semua segi contohnya bekalkan sesetengah barang ,kenapa perlu pembekal sesuatu barang hanya boleh dibeli di singapore kerana dilantik oleh syarikat yang membuat barang berkenaan.kita perlu buat peraturan jika barang tersebut perlu dibekalkan dimalaysia ,perlu dilantik agen di malaysia, Sepatutnya barang2 tersebut boleh diedarkan oleh syarikat yang berada dimalaysia, yang berdaftar dimalaysia, mempunyai perkerja malaysia dan sebagainya, contohnya kita terpaksa pergi singapore untuk membaiki atau membeli part barang tersebut.Maksud barang ialah pelbagai jenis barang termasuk barang -barang perubatan dan sebagainya. kita perlu membina sendiri keupayaan kita tanpa bergantung kepada singapura. Satu hari nanti diharap kita bergantung sepenuhnya kepada negara kita dari semua segi termasuk sains dan teknologi.
Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t
1)Air ialah kurniaan Allah s.w.t secara percuma tidak patut pemerintah menaikkan harga air secara berleluasa.Kalau boleh tetapkan ia keharga 3 sen sampai bila-bila.
2)Isunya kenapa ada perbezaan 3 sen dan harga 30 sen kepada sesama rakyat Malaysia ?.Nampak sebenarnya ada angan-angan untuk menaikkan harga air.Sudahlah !! cukup untuk mengaut kekayaan atas barangan ciptaan manusia sendiri sahaja.Kalau juga ingin mengaut kekayaan atas pemberian Allah s.w.t alamat adanya sifat-sifat menzalimi manusia sejagat.
3)Benda-benda asas seperti minuman dan makanan adalah menjadi tanggung jawab semua manusia.Wajib dihindarkan dari ekploitasi oleh manusia yang gilakan kuasa dan harta dunia.
4)Mereka yang ingin memperniagakan benda-benda ini haruslah dihalangi, cukup sekadar dikenakan sedikit kenaikan atas kos rawatan.Mereka kena diingatkan bekalan ini tidak boleh dimiliki oleh mereka yang bercita-cita mendapatkan keuntungan.
5)Banyak lagi bidang lain yang boleh mereka terokai kerana Allah s.w.t maha pemurah dengan memberi akal untuk mencari rezeki.Mereka boleh menaikkan harga kalau benda itu adalah ciptaan mereka sendiri.
6)Benda-benda kurnia Allah s.w.t di bekalkan kepada hamba-hambanya ketika didunia ini untuk meneruskan hidup.Cukup zalim kalau anda menyebabkan atas perkara-perkara yang menghalangi seseorang itu untuk hidup.Ingatlah dosa dan pahala kerana nilainya lebih membahagiakan anda daripada melakukan kerosakan di dunia ini.
Sorry Tun, lari topik sikit je…
After 2 years PAS and PR governing the States. What do I think now about PAS.
1. I give one name , TE Lawrence, the guy who used the islamic movement to screw Turkey WW1 efforts and directly cause the downfall of khalifah systems in the Middle Eastern.
2. When successfully brought down Turkey, George Allenby reveals his true intentions, British wants Middle East for themselves. The Islamic movements who helped were taken for a ride.
3. They went angry cause have been taken for a ride, but the best part they blamed other guys for the screw up. Example they blamed Mustapha Kamal and Balfour declarations.
4. Balfour declarations and Mustapha Kamal were in the picture after Turkey have lost the whole of middle east thanks to the Islamic Movements that supported British for so call an Illusion – Freedom and Islamic Law implementation in the Middle East replacing typical Turkey Monarchy rule. Thats the point we have been missing, these so called self-proclaimed Islam heroes got screwed by the British and at the end blaming someone else cause of their own screw-ups.
5. Same as War Against Terror currently, Taliban and Osama name have been very lucrative for oil commodity speculators, oil corporations and internationally defense industry. These guys have made trillion of dollars just printing Osama name in their proposals justifications for their new defense projects. The unscrupuluos speculators have made trillion of dollars just by printing these names in their domestic and international news. They have taken innocent lives and money from people all around the world and even their own US citizen hence the economic downturn thanks to the so called Islamic movements Taliban. This is not in billions anymore, its in thousands of trillion. So what the muslims get out of it? NOTHING!!!! Except now we have 2 official US representatives in OIC (thru Iraq and Afghanistan). Those guys who used and profitted from Islamic Jihad now having a good time running the world economy as they like, buying US, Euro, Asian honest hardworking companies in very cheap price and then owns the world thanks to their new found riches in War Against Terror. US media have proven all this war against terror in Iraq is all but a lie. And again how they do it? Again like TE Lawrence, they used Islamic Movements. And the best part, they use and manipulate the Islamic Movement for FREE. Even the international drug lords used taliban fighters to farm and process the illegal drugs, the best part they paid each Taliban workers like USD 9/day and they rip off from drug sales USD 500 million/day. Again all sides are using Islamic Movements for fast cash. So sad.
6. Come back to our own soil, the way things going, PAS going to end up the same as these Islamic Movements, manipulated, used and abandoned at the end. Among the PR, PAS is the most sincere and hardest working components compared to DAP and PKR. And it is proven PAS provides the most votes to PR.
7. And now tell me, what do PAS gets the reward out of this? the DAP/Chinese have got the 1 Malaysia and freedom in Financial Sector, they got a few millions worth of lands in Perak and Selangor for the Babi Project. PKR got Alam Semesta Sdn Bhd handling all sand mining in Selangor. The two PKR guys in Perak got a few hundred millions in housing project before they got caught in bribes, the deputy minister in Penang who represents PKR got some quarry deals going on which cost him his job. Lim Guan Eng got his development project in controversial kampung Buah Pala. Even ousting Syabas in Selangor was spearheaded by PKR and DAP, do u think they will award to PAS contractors to replace Syabas? And now they plan to use PAS to justify the utilisation of Zakat money for Selangor Developments which is practically dominated by DAP and PKR.
8. Now tell me what PAS has achieved in protecting Islam and Malay interests in terms of socio, economic presence in this country out of this alliance? Nothing, PAS cant even defend the small alcohol issue in Selangor and the best thing they could do blame UMNO for old alcohol issue. Thats not the point in blaming UMNO for their past wrong doings, the point is do PAS really dominant or have a say in this alliance? From here we can see, whether is PAS are able to protect Islam and Malay interests or just bunch of typical Islamic movements that shall be used, manipulated and abandoned at the end. Some of us still cant see, but I did, I supported Saari Sungib in Taman Melawati. I think I made a mistake.
9. Lets say, PR wins next election, think for one moment, what Anwar Ibrahim will choose, fulfilling his promises to PAS or choose DAP with their Singaporean fundings and the western buddies who are strapped with cash. Bare in mind governing this country needs alot of money, So who will he choose? Do u think those Singaporean funders and Western funders willing to allow PAS officials to become dominant? or even have a bank governor and ministry of finance from PAS? That man, without hesitant betrays PAS and joined UMNO, that guy didnt hesitate choosing IMF/white skin from us Malays, that man didnt hesitate proposing to remove DEB and changing the constitution of this country and I think he will not hesitate to abandon PAS when he gets his loot, he will definitely choose to ensure his seat of power instead entertaining or giving too much power to PAS.
10. So I hope PAS didnt become like typical Islamic movements that got screwed at the end. SHow something you are worthy. TOMORROW all State FInance ministers shall be from PAS. Make early declaration if PAS wins Malaysia, Deputy PM, Finance Minister, Defense Minister and Education shall be from PAS. All GLC in Malaysia from top directors to finance directors shall be from PAS. PROVE IT!!!! If PAS cant ask for it, at leats let them pay you handsomely, atleast don
Thank for the reply re-Linggui Dam. It is now crystal clear at last. Perhap TSMY was just too tense defending his integrity being exposed during the PPasir by election.
Let say Singapore declare war with Malaysia. Do u confident with our military defend ?
I think Muhiddin make that statement just for make Singapore as scape goat and move people attention from the BN failure in Permatang Pasir.
Dear Tun!
Further to my comments, it is rather surprising that Singapore has to foot the bill to have the said water treatment plant in “motion” and the fact that the DPM (then MB of Johor) is said to have told LKY that Johore didn’t have the finances to execute same! One wonders, from the layman’s point of view….with the kind of “palaces” that MBs’ have all over Malaysia and worse still among squatters surrounding, this former MB had the “cheek” to tell LKY that Johor didn’t have the monies to finance a project that will ultimately benefit Malaysia?!!!!!!
Come on, Tun! PLEASE give the Rakyat a break!!!!!!!!!!!!
My long life DOA to you, pls. allow me to express my humble opinion…
We live in a world in which politics has replaced philosophy. Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against. Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule – and both commonly succeed, and are right. Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Feeling confused and stressed???
How irresponsible!!! A DPM telling a bald-faced lie. And a lie about a serious accusation against a senior statesman in another country which can actually lead to war. Shaking head in disbelief.
Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
//5. At that stage I realised that being friendly with Singapore did not pay.//
Luckily you did not make Malaysia friendly to Singapore at that time. Because of our Barisan Chairman and Deputy are so friendly to Singapore, Barisan National needs to accept Barisan
Dear Tun!
Amatures will always remain as they are! You had the decency to own up the fact that LKY, to the best of your knowledge, did not use the word “go to war” as the DPM, and that too sad to say in his capacity as the number 2 in Malaysia, uttered! By “reading between the lines” can I safely say that this statement of yours made it to your blog because LKY gave you a call to seek clarification before taking legal action against the DPM?!!!! We all know LKY is good at this? Will you agree? Are you trying to “coverup” for the serious blunder that the DPM has made? Are these the kind of politicians that’s going to take Malaysia to the year 2020? Remember your vision?!!!!!!!!!
Salam Sejahtera Kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
1)Tun Kami merasakan isu air perlu di timbulkan kembali ini hak kita.
2)Kalau pada zaman Pak Lah kita takut dan undur ke belakang.Kami sangat berharap di zaman Datuk Najib ia di timbulkan semula.
3)Teruskan pembinaan jembatan bengkok apa perlu kita takut.Sudah lama kita di perkotak katik kan sejak dari zaman british lagi.
4)Tun terimakasih atas penjelasan Tun yang tak pernah takut dan gentar.
Tun selamat berbuka.jangan lupa Hari Raya nanti buat rumah terbuka,kami pasti ramai sahabat bloggers menantikannya.
Tum May God Bles You and Family.
This issue was reported in BERNAMA. Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir did not give any instruction on his capacity as an individual; he was acting on his capacity as Malaysian Prime Minister. There was no ultra vires element to support the writings
Glad that you did clear the air on the ‘threat to go to war’ by our MM if water is not supplied to SIN otherwise, it will become another political tool for opposition politicans to wrench the frail relationship between the two countries. On other non water issues, were these not inked in the P.O.A. then beween your TD and MM Lee as a total package? If I can remember vividly, it was Malaysia under your tenureship as PM, which rescinded on the signed P.O.A. thus the messy situation now. The person who uttered ‘go to war’ on the sensitive water issue was Syed Hamid, then the Foreign Minister and it was widely reported in the media. Who was the unfriendly party, may I ask?
Thanks for comment Tun…
Looks like someone is lying here… in your link to Bernama news – Muhyiddin state:
“Lee said Singapore was ready to go to war if Malaysia did not want to supply enough water and expressed his regret over the stalled water supply project from Sungai Lingu.’
But Tun clarify this point where Lee never mentioned that.
‘But Lee Kuan Yew did not threaten to go to war if we did not supply water. If he had done that, I think I would have stopped any further supply. ‘
I’m just wonder why these politician ‘Orang Besar’ like to twist their words?
How can people believe a politician without honesty.
Appreciated and thanks for the truth Tun.
Like usual TUN you are the greatest. Give in on one deal but gain on 3 or 4 deals. Great move by our beloved TUN. Hope the up coming leaders can learn from TUN.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohd , Our statesman.
Salam tun and all,
1. Seems from what you’ve written, I gathered that we lose out to Singapore simply because of the technological advantage they have over is in how to treat raw water.
2. All the more reason to have our people trained as quickly as possible so that come expiration of the existing contract with Singapore, we will no longer be at their mercy as regards the water supply. The land? It is ours. So, WE decide to give or not to give. Is there no one else that can build the treatment plant? MUST IT ONLY BE THEM???
3. Tun, Ramadhan is here and somehow after all the turbulence that have hit Malaysia since March 2008, I believe that the calm of Ramadhan is very soothing indeed.
4. Have a good Ramadhan Tun, jaga diri, jaga solat, banyakkan tilawah al-Quran. Let us all pray hard that ALLAH SWT keeps us in His good safekeeping.
5. To all che det readers, lets cherish Malaysia that we have now by being good, honest, hardworking citizens. After all, there is only ONE country that we have to pass on to our children and we need to make sure that they inherit Malaysia as we had inherited Malaysia from our forefathers- harmonious, prosperous, beautiful.
Assalamualaikum Dear Tun,
Well Sir, this time your message is quite brief, but clear and precise.
I wish you could recommend me one good and responsible lawyer.
By the way, It might help to bring back the foreign investment.
May Allah Be With Us….Thank You, Wassalam
In Johore, selling industrial lands, commercial lands, or housing lands to foreigners are permitted by the State Rules & Regulations being imposed on the Land Office. However, the foreigners are prohibited to buy agricultural lands in Johore since early 1970s. What is so wrong about the Singaporean Government acquiring a piece of industrial land in Johore for building a water treatment plant on it? Anwar Ibrahim might be running out of issue at the present moment when he picked up this thing as an issue for a verbal fight with Muhyiddin Yassin!
Dear Tun,
Dengan Singapore ni we should not be too friendly. I could still recalled when I was doing a rail track in woodland for KTMB. The Singaporean wants many things from us but too little they gave to Malaysian. What a good neighbor we have. Indonesian crooks like Singapore very much. It is lucky that land belongs to KTMB in Singapore are on lease for 999 years. Ya kan? If so yahooo.
Sale of land to Singapore… ?
Someone hightlighted the same issue recently.
And also about “..denies allegation that he sold land to Singapore…”