For the Lawyers – The Constitution and Parliament

1. When I asked whether the Constitution or Parliament came first, I just wanted to make certain. But I am sorry that most who answered were not lawyers.

2. According to Tun Suffian in his book “An Introduction to the Constitution of Malaysia”, the Constitution was promulgated on Merdeka Day, 31st August 1957, i.e. before there was a Parliament. In fact the Constitution created the Parliament.

3. The question which arises is whether it is governed by the Interpretation Acts of 1948 and 1967 (Act 388) which in Part 1 section 2 under Application reads;

2. Application

(1) Subject to this section, Part I of this Act shall apply for the interpretation of and otherwise in relation to –

(a) this Act and all Acts of Parliament enacted after 18th May 1967;

(b) all laws, whether enacted before or after the commencement of this Act, revised under the Revision of Laws Act 1968

(c) all subsidiary legislation made under this Act and under Acts of Parliament enacted after the commencement of this Act;

(d) all subsidiary legislation, whether made before or after the commencement of this Act, revised under the Revision of Laws Act 1968

(e) all subsidiary legislation made after the 31st December 1968, under the laws revised under the Revision of Laws Act 1968

(2) Part 1 shall not aply for the interpretation or otherwise in relation to any written law not enumerated in subsection (1)

(3) Part 1 shall not apply where there is –

(a) expressive provision to the contrary; or

(b) something in the subject or context inconsistent with or repugnant to its application

I hope my question would be answered by a few lawyers at least.


Kasitah Gaddam

(in response to comment by Amiir in KASITAH GADDAM published on Aug 20)


1. My friends cases are not like what happened to Anwar.

2. There was a clear-cut case against him. He was tried in a court of law and he had nine lawyers defending him.

3. He was convicted. He appealed three times. Of the 10 judges involved all except two found him guilty.

4. The two who acquitted him, in a written judgment stated that the prosecution got the date wrong but they also expressed the view that the offence had taken place probably on another day.

40 thoughts on “SOUND BITES”

  1. Dear Tun Dr.,with reverence I wish you and Toh Puan Dr. selamat hari raya – maaf zahir & batin.
    I, within the context that the constitution is an endowment of the independence and must be adapted objectively as being the supreme law.The ACE of Base. It is divine and should be accepted in the most simple manner that is consistent and reflective to the common law. The interpretation act does not apply to the constitution.
    I recalled a legislated law on the prohibition of elected representatives switching party, that the the courts citing the article in the constitution that entitles the freedom of association has nullified the legislated.
    Parliment can amend the constitution but any amendments must be objectively in consistentcy to the origins.
    The constitution is for the authorities and the goverment of the day to abide accordingly in order to function in such manners that democracy is upheld. That the elected goverment commanding the majority support of the people is only the outcome of an election but it is to fulfill the constitution that of which is the essence, that us Sabahans are awaiting. “Perseketuan Bertambah Mutu”

  2. Untuk Peguam – Perlembagaan dan Parlimen
    1. Ketika saya bertanya apakah Perlembagaan atau Parlimen datang pertama, saya hanya ingin memastikan. Tapi saya kesal bahawa sebahagian besar yang menjawab bukanlah peguam.
    2. Menurut Tun Suffian dalam bukunya “An Introduction to malaysia Constitution”, Perlembagaan dirasmikan pada Hari Merdeka, 31 Ogos 1957, iaitu sebelum ada Parlimen. Bahkan Undang-Undang Dasar mencipta Parlimen.
    3. Soalan yang muncul adalah apakah hal itu ditetapkan oleh Kisah Interpretasi tahun 1948 dan 1967 (UU 388) yang pada Bahagian 1 bahagian 2 dibawah Aplikasi berbaca;
    2. Applikasi
    (1) Subjek kepada bahagian ini, Bahagian I Undang-undang ini akan berlaku bagi penafsiran dan sebaliknya dalam hubungannya dengan —
    (a) Undang-undang ini dan semua Parlimen Kisah disahkan selepas 18 Mei 1967;
    (b) semua undang-undang, apakah berlaku sebelum atau selepas bermulanya undang-undang ini, disemak di bawah Hukum Revisi UU 1968
    (c) semua undang-undang anak syarikat yang dibuat berdasarkan undang-undang ini dan di bawah disahkan parlimen Kisah selepas bermulanya undang-undang ini;
    (d) semua undang-undang syarikat, baik yang dibuat sebelum atau selepas bermulanya undang-undang ini, disemak di bawah Hukum Revisi UU 1968
    (e) semua undang-undang anak syarikat yang dibuat selepas tarikh 31 Disember 1968, di bawah undang-undang yang telah disemak di bawah Hukum Revisi UU 1968
    A hasty translation of the above, sorry for any mistakes.
    (2) Bahagian 1 tidak aply bagi penafsiran atau berkaitan dengan masalah undang-undang bertulis tidak disebutkan dalam ayat (1)
    (3) Bahagian 1 tidak berlaku di mana ada —
    (a) ekspresif peruntukan yang bercanggah atau
    (b) sesuatu dalam konteks subjek ataupun konsisten dengan ataupun bertentangan dengan aplikasinya
    Saya berharap soalan saya akan dijawab oleh beberapa peguam setidaknya.
    Kasitah Gaddam
    (dalam menanggapi komentar oleh Amiir di KASITAH GADDAM diterbitkan pada Aug 20)
    1. Kasus teman-teman saya tidak seperti apa yang terjadi kepada Anwar.
    2. Ada kes jelas terhadap dirinya. Dia diadili di mahkamah dan ia mempunyai sembilan peguam yang membela dirinya.
    3. Dia dinyatakan bersalah. Beliau mengimbau tiga kali. Dari 10 hakim yang terlibat semua kecuali dua menemuinya bersalah.
    4. Dua orang yang membebaskan dia, dalam penilaian bertulis menyatakan bahawa tuntutan mendapatkan tarikh yang salah tetapi mereka juga menyatakan pandangan bahawa telah berlaku pelanggaran mungkin di lain hari.

  3. “By Gopal Raj Kumar Author Profile Page on September 12, 2009 4:53 AM”
    Salam Ayahanda Tun. I think the comment above is the best answer. Well done Mr. Kumar.

  4. In the case of a state as Malaysia that Adopted the framework of the British constitution (Westminster model) the Constitution came first.
    Parliament came a close second. Parliament is a creature of the constitution. The constitution determines how parliament will be constituted and how its members will conduct themselves and parliamentary business as well it determines how government will hold office and how it will be dissolved amongst other things.
    In Malaysia the constitution did not evolve like it did in Britian through a devolution of kings and other madmen who ruled absolutely till the people’s influence and various internal wars and upheavels determined the need for change and the sharing of power with the sovereign.
    None of this means that Malaysia did not have a constitution prior to the British enforcing their rule on that country and thrusting the adoption of their model of their constitution on its colony for its own convenience. I am not suggesting the Westminster model is not a good model by this statement.
    History will show you that each of the Malay states (for want of a better word) had a constitution of its own even prior to British (and other European)settlement of their states.
    The conduct of Malay citizens towards each other and their institutions (socio political) and towards their ruler was guided by a set of unwritten codes and rules. This pre dated the so called unwritten element of the British constitution we refer to as conventions in the Westminster model.
    Much of the Malay ‘constitution’ in this regard was influenced by Indian kings and kingdoms that influenced the region in earlier times. The Arab Persian influence played an equally significant part in altering that model through the influence of Islam in later years.
    The ‘Malay constitution’ by its conventions determined how the people would act towards each other at the village level, the state level, the headman, the individual, law enforcer and the Sultan (Sovereign). Soldiers in the service of a Sultan’s (or Rajah’s) army had their order of battle and their ranks long before the Europeans settled Malaya.
    How they would respond to a call to arms or to paying ‘taxes’ or dowries whether to their rulers or to each other and how leaders (tribal and community) would be elected and removed were all part of those codes we now refer to as constitutional conventions. They were known by a different name in accordance with prevailing local traditions and lnguage then.
    It may well be what Malay youth or the present generation are calling for reisntatement into the country’s political culture. But they do so in terms others do not understand. Perhaps the term ‘ketuanan Melayu’ however unacceptably expressed by a MP recently is a manifestation of that point or an expression f that desire. More about that later if the opportunity arises.
    History (the conventionally accepted way by which it is written) has a peculiar way of articulating these ideas (such as the constitution) in the form of how only the larger and more infleuntial of powers that ruled Malaya (or Malaysia) conducted themselves as being what matters. It does not give credence to the laws and achievements of an earlier period or an earlier culture. That’s collateral damage to what came next.
    In conclusion I would say that a constitution always existed in Malaya (or Malaysia). It only manifested itself by the Euro centric definition of that word when the British made reference to their piece of work as the ‘supreme’ law (which it is not) at independence and perhaps before.
    Parliament is a creature of the constitution in contemporary terms by definition.
    As to the specifics of your question, the article you refer to is the equivalent of a guide book as to how legislation will or should be interpreted after a certain date. It is very poorly drafted as it had been for many a former colony by the departing administration and is not as precise as one would expect of such a document. The language employed and its structure is both ambigous as well it is never in the imperative where it ought to be. It leaves a lot to interpretation.
    I am often left wondering how the many so called constitutional lawyers in Malaysia speak so authorotatively about the constitution when the constitution itself is threadbare on a number of critical issues such as the more recent and controversial event of the sacking of a state government which confounded many a lawyer. Their response was to insult the Sultan of that state and his office.
    I am a lawyer. I apologise for this not being a more errudite piece of work as it is an indulgence in my spare time. I like blogging where it matters. Thank you for the oportunity to make a contribution.

  5. Beloved Tun,
    In a nutshell, Tun’s question is whether the Federal Constitution is governed by the Interpretation Acts of 1948 and 1967?
    The short answer is NO.
    In basic terms, the 1967 Act applies to statutes post-Merdeka whilst the 1948 Interpretation Ordinance applies to pre-Merdeka statutes.
    The Interpretation Act/Ordinance cannot be made applicable in the same manner to the Federal Constitution because the former is not in the same category/class as the latter. The Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
    The correct approach in interpreting the Federal Constitution has been laid down so many times in our own judicial decisions in the past.
    One of these landmark decisions is the case of Dato Menteri Othman bin Baginda & Anor v Dato Ombi Syed Alwi bin Syed Idrus [1981] 1 MLJ 29, where Raja Azlan Shah LP (as His Royal Highness then was) said as follows

  6. Dear Tun,
    Sudah lama saya saksikan pemimpin orang melayu tidak kira dalam kerajaan atau parti pembangkang tak ubah seperti pepatah melayu “Kera di hutan disusukan, anak dirumah mati kelaparan”. Seperti juga kereta proton, dalam negara low quality tapi eksport high quality and comparably cheaper. I keep asking myself if our government being ruled by proxy (non-malay) such as Israel to US? I think Umno will continue to lose on next general election if this continues, for sure!. Even now they’re losing in most of by-elections! *sigh*
    Good day sir!

  7. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Well I have been having problems with my notebook. I downloaded some free DOS game recently. Anyhow, for gratis that’s what I get these days. As is Tun, don’t worry be happy. You know the formula. Someone out there with enough gold would make the rule and pulled the rugs from under all of them (mullah included). 222 seats divide by 2 is 111. That’s about RM150 million. Add in another RM10-20 million one could form the next Federal Government. The risk is minimal, gestation period is almost nil, and the return is incredibly brilliant. Same price as buying a unit of A380. I am sure IMF and the Washington Jews knows this better than us and I am sure they have ready funds on short notice and players to initiate first cartel. Scary Tun, but maybe you should point this out to those high up who wants to listen. Kamal Ahmad & Co can sell popiah on any sidewalk and still smile big and survive, but how about the Malays? They dont know what they are getting into. Everybody wants to be Tsunami, but real Tsunami is smiling devilishly, quietly alone.
    Please write a posting on this possibility Tun. Raya is near, must go help the Mrs in the kitchen. Must not provoke my luck too far there Tun. I never win there.
    Salam Aidil Fitri to both Ybhg Tun. Thank you and take care.

  8. Dear Tun, salam Ramadan selamat berpuasa harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini….
    ……………PANDANGAN pada ‘Orang Dapur’ on September 9, 2009 1:01 AM
    Kalau tahu siapa yg buat kerja kotor dgn babi itu buat lapuran polis. Jadi saksi, jgn menuduh buta dlm blog. Kecuali sdr ingin menyimbah kaum. Jaga niat dihati dibulan puasa.
    Hairan di bulan mulia orang ini sibuk dgn soal kaum, bukan melebihkan kemuliaan agama. Sekurang kurangnya beri hujah berasas agama mempertahankan orang.
    This post by Tun, raises more mystery than it unravels. You have to wait for another post to get what he’s driving at. Wait for episode 3. Tun learning to be suspense writer.


  10. Dear Tun,
    Either the lawyers are too busy to answer your enquiry or they will not do it for FREE.
    No money no talk 😉
    Can anyone point out the difference between a Lawyer and a Medical Doctor?
    1) Doctors are necessary to have vs Lawyers are a necessary evil we have created.
    2) Lawyers will lie to win his case vs Doctors will lie to save a life.
    3) Both earn their money from peoples misfortune; the doctors do it out of necessity vs the Laywers do it to make money.

  11. Dear Tun
    Read in an update on the following recent Federal Court case which may be able to assist you in the above query.You may want to refer to the complete judgement for its full force and effect.
    Lee Kwan Woh v Public Prosecutor
    Criminal Appeal No. 05-10-2008(A); judgment of 31/07/2009 (Federal Court)
    The principles that govern the interpretation of the Federal Constitution include:
    o The Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation. Though by definition it is a written law, it is not an ordinary statute. Hence, it ought not to be interpreted by the use of the canons of construction that are employed as guides for the interpretation of ordinary statutes. Indeed, it would be misleading to do so.
    o The Constitution is a document sui generis governed by interpretive principles of its own. In the forefront of these is the principle that its provisions should be interpreted generously and liberally. On no account should a literal construction be placed on its language, particularly upon those provisions that guarantee to individuals the protection of fundamental rights. It is the duty of a court to adopt a prismatic approach when interpreting the fundamental rights guaranteed under Part II of the Constitution. The prismatic interpretive approach will reveal to the court the rights submerged in the concepts employed by the several provisions under Part II. Indeed the prismatic interpretation of the Constitution gives life to abstract concepts such as

  12. Salam hormat Tun;
    Not many people appreciates that the ISA has been the saviour in so far as internal security of Malaysia is concerned. People also forget that the ISA in fact helps to overcome the prevalent apathethic attitude of majority of the people whenever some incident of security interests takes place in the vicinity of their residents/kampongs etc. The “I don’t know and I don’t see” attitude particulalry in cases involving security and sensitive cases can only be overcome with the existing provisions of the ISA.
    It must be reiterated that those who operate or exercise the provisions of the ISA are themselves bound by the laws of the country. They are not above the law.
    The Advisory Board can be an effective check and balance body that ensures that the provisions of the ISA are effectively enforced.
    Thailand and Indonesia are writhing with pain in trying to tackle the ever escalating terrorists and other subversive activities. They do not have laws similar to the ISA. Thailand lately introduced a version of the ISA to help quell public order situation. The UK and US governments have their own versions of such preventive laws and the US in particular their style of enforcement is more rigid and in fact more authoritarian.
    Yes amend the ISA where necessary but to do away with it totally is to ignore the basic fact that threat to internal security normally takes time to develop and the security history of this lovely multi-racial country has time and gain prove that prevention is better than cure. The ISA is the preventive element. It is the “panadol” for once a security situation erupts, it is well nigh difficult to bring it under control.
    Ask our southern neighbour when they are going to get rid of the ISA. Probably we will follow suit.

  13. Dear Tun..,
    Why our A. General Ghani Patail very quick to take action againt cow head demo in S.Alam. But for ISA demo, Anwar casses, hindraf and many more he seem to be slow action for it. Is that because we Malay and not linked at any opposition then can be a easyly become a ‘kambing hitam’.

  14. Dear Tun,
    Izinkan saya divert dari topic ini.
    Presiden PAS: Hukuman rotan syariah tidak melukakan
    ….Hukuman yang dirujuk sebagai pelaksanaan hukum Islam di bawah Seksyen 136 Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang 1982 dan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 4 enakmen sama (pindaan 1987) sebenarnya masih tidak mengikut prinsip syarat hukum Islam yang sebenar.
    Di bawah hukum Islam, kesalahan meminum arak adalah diletakkan di bawah hukum hudud, iaitu satu hukum yang dinaskan mengikut Al-Quran dan hadis Rasulullah SAW….
    Apa yang paling penting untuk difahami ialah cara sebatan yang dilaksanakan di dalam penjara sekarang adalah sangat berbeza dengan kaedah sebenar hukum Islam, kerana mengikut Islam sebatan ini perlu mengambil kira keadaan dan kesihatan pesalah, selain dari memastikan pesalah dalam keadaan sepenuhnya berpakaian menutup aurat.
    Alat sebatan dan kaedah merotan hendaklah juga sederhana, antaranya bila sebatan dilaksanakan tangan tidak boleh diangkat sehingga menampakkan ketiak.
    Sebatan juga tidak boleh sampai mencederakan, dan sebatan dilakukan di beberapa tempat pada badan dan bukannya pada satu tempat sahaja.
    Dalam Islam, hukuman ini bukan bersifat untuk menyeksa tetapi bersifat mendidik pelaku kesalahan serta mendidik masyarakat awam supaya gerun untuk melakukan perbuatan itu lagi….
    comment saya:
    1. Dalam zaman ini ada alternatif lain yang bersifat mendidik yang boleh difikirkan dan lebeh effective lagi daripada melaksanakan hukuman secara physical seperti sebatan. Hukuman physical seperti itu dikhalayak ramai bukanlah satu cara yang bijak dan tentu sekali bukan cara mendidik pesalah.
    2. Pengunaan pakar saikologi adalah lebeh berkesan lagi tanpa mengaibkan seorang pesalah itu dan dapat mengelakkan ia terus jadi ” mangsa ejekan masyarakat umum dan mungkin disiseh oleh keluarganya” selepas hukuman dijatuhkan dan sekali gus menghantui dan memudharatkan kehidupan pesalah itu seumur hidupnya.
    Allah suruh kita berfikir dan gunakan akal yang dianugerahkanNYA dalam segala hal supaya berlaku ADIL dan bijaksana (wisdom)!!
    3. Saya tidak setuju hukuman secara begini dilakukan apatah lagi secara terbuka.
    4. It violates human rights principles particularly when it touches the dignity of human being.
    5. Saya bepegang kepada firman Allah bahawa DIAlah yang maha penyanyang lagi maha mengasihani. DIAlah yang maha mengapuni.Pintu bertaubat sentiasa diterima Allah selagi manusia masih boleh lagi bernafas !!

  15. Tok det nak suruh lawyer jawab soalan ini .
    Saya rasa lawyer pun tak tahu , maklumlah lawyer kat malaysia ini sibuk cari duit aje , silap-silap kerja pun tak reti nak buat , harapkan P.A atau kerani kat pejabat yang buat . tonggang langgang jadinya , client pula asyik tanya bila nak siap fail ni , akhirnya nasib tak baik ada charge tersembunyi….he he…tapi kalu company punya bukan main laju dia buat maklumlah chargenya tinggi . Tok det tanya sama ada Undang-Undang dasar atau parliment yang mana ditubuhkan dahulu . Saya tak reti nak jawab soalan ini (tapi untuk memeriahkan majlis blog tok det ni ) jawapan saya mestilah Parliment baru ada undang-undang dasar . Kalau undang-undang dasar ditubuhkan dahulu dekat mana pula undang-undang dasar itu hendak letakkan , tak akan dekat pesuruhan jaya pula kalau parliment tak ditubuhkan lagi .
    Menurut Tun Suffian dalam bukunya dari Undang-undang dasar maka terciptanya Parliment . Bunyi ada pelik sedikit , tapi dari segi logik nya mesti ada Parliment baru ada undang-undang . Kalau tidak , dekat mana undang-undang dasar itu nak dibentangkan kalau tidak ada parliment .
    Maaflah Tok det kalau ada tersilap pemahaman…

  16. Salam Tun and Selamat Berpuasa
    I would like to point you to this article I have just read in Star Online today (September 9) written by Prof Dr Sayeed, Prof at uITM on the ISA. I am very disappointed with the ISA and when some of the “important clauses” were exposed by Prof Sayeed, I could see that this act is simply a blatant abuse of power by a govt in which people had put their trust and which had only ruled since 1957 but seems to be so “berani”. You should publish the ISA clauses transparently so that the rakyat can review it. The fact that the current ISA review will not include a total withdrawing of the ISA (according to Prof Sayeed’s article) just shows that the BN are just interested in holding to power and willing to govern through dictatorial means. I believe there are already adequate laws in existence to ensure that unrests and sedition can be quelled quickly. An example is : you can call in the police or FRU to arrest a disorderly crowd or to disperse a protest, as has been seen so many times before.
    However with the ISA, there are too many one-sided unilateral clauses that show that the govt just simply ketepikan the courts or a third party review or hak asasi rakyat such as (and I quote from the Prof’s article):
    Home Minister’s Absolute Discretion
    Possible Non Disclosure of Facts
    No Appeal or Review
    Detention Without Investigation
    No Time Limits
    Advisory Board
    Here is the link:
    I am sorry to say that I will never vote BN until they sincerely repeal this ISA Act. They have only ruled since 1957 and they are already brave enough to treat the rakyat in this manner.

  17. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Tun,
    Saya sememangnya amat mengikuti perkembangan semasa tanah air kita. Pelbagai sumber akan saya rujuk untuk menambahkan pengetahuan. Hal ini saya lakukan tiada lain untuk menginsafkan diri saya tentang nasib bangsa kita.
    Saya, seperti sesetengah golongan muda yang lain, amat teruja dan bersemangat apabila mengetahui kejayaan anak bangsa sendiri. Tetapi amat meluat dan jelik apabila melihat kelemahan pentadbiran, penyelewengan, salah guna kuasa dan pelbagai lagi salah laku yang dilakukan oleh golongan yang sudah mabuk kuasa.
    Politik telah disalahgunakan untuk kepentingan peribadi. UMNO sudah tidak begitu menarik minat golongan muda yang cintakan bangsanya, hanya kepada golongan muda yang inginkan kuasa.
    Andainya semangat perjuangan UMNO dapat kembali seperti di awal penubuhannya dahulu.

  18. Salam Tun yang dikasihi. Semoga Tun berada di dalam kebahagian Rahmat Ilahi.
    Pelbagai kerenah dalam dunia ni. Setiap orang dengan cara dan tersendiri. Bila hati ada sesuatu yang bukan sepatutnya ada, maka segala perbuatan akan jadi yang tidak sepatutnya juga. Sana sini dengan masalah. Yang dulu lain, kini lain kerana kepentingan diri. Dulu sokong sekarang tentang. Itulah lumrah dunia Tun.
    Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan..
    (teringin untuk bertemu dengan Tun. Andai diberi peluang, sy mahu beramah mesra dengan Tun. Mahu ambil kesempatan mendengar nasihat Tun)

  19. Salam Ramadan Ayahanda Tun.
    Dari awal lagi saya sudah tahu Pak Lah tak ada wawasan. Wasasau banyak lah dengan dia. Dia melihat corak pentadbiran hanya sebagai pentadbir. Macam TKSU Kementerian Belia tahun 70an, macam GM Hilton KL. Akhirnya, kekosongan ini telah di isi oleh sebuah committee yang di ketuai oleh seorang pemuda graduan Oxford. Selama 5 tahun lebih Malaysia ditadbir oleh committee. Sampai ke akhir langkah PM ke 5 ini calon By-Election di KT masih lagi kroni committee ini, Wan Farid. Siapa tak kenal Wan Farid? Orang Pak Lah, yang disangka bersih pun tak bersih dah. Sebab tu saya kata tutup saja BTN. MACC Nordin Kardi dimasukkan last minute. Diesel Marine maintenance siapa dapat kontrak besar? Tak kroni Pak Lah? Jaga-jaga kerajaan, berjuta sedang memerhatikan gerak ini. Kalau setakat bot PT Volvo-Penta mungkin boleh terima. Harap-harap tak ada skop kerja lagi besar. Masa Pak Lah jadi PM dia kata semua Menteri Wakil Rakyat kena declare income. Semua penjawat awam juga. Tapi bila orang suruh anak dia declare income pada tahun 2006 apa dia kata?

  20. Assalamu’alaikum Dear Tun,
    Well Sir, I can’t really comment on the first part of your present posting. Hopefully, few lawyers could
    come up with a real good answers.
    However, on the second part of your posting, it is truely one of the real GOOD LESSONS for those
    who really opened their eyes. Oh ya…by the way Sir, Just one simple request, if it’s not too much to
    ask…..I wish you could narrate and relate to us the ‘History and Epic of the Malaysian Economic
    Downturn of 1997-1998’. What really happened then? How? Why? and other important questions and
    issues related, so that it becomes the beacon for us all in the present time and for the future
    May Allah be with us, Thank You, Wassalam

  21. Salam Tun,
    I realised that most of the comments are not directly related to your article.I am interested to get the findings but mostly they came from different angles.
    Sorry about this Tun

  22. Salam sejahtera buat TUN serta keluarga,
    Menjawab Rimba Emas….
    1. Sesunggoh nya tiada siapa menafikan keadilan yang di bawa oleh Baginda Rasulullah … pada hukum ALLAH.
    2. Namun yang akan melaksanakan masih manusia biasa, manusia yang tak lekang dari kepentingan. May it be seorang peguam dan hakim mahkamah sivil … mahupun peguan dan hakim mahkamah syariah.
    Kalau nak cari kelemahan itu amat mudah.
    3. Sekiranya setiap kes memerlukan gambar yang jelas, maka cuba saudara sarankan bagaimana hendak mengendalikan kes pembunuhan, kes rogol. Saksi?? hmmmm…. tak tahu lah..sesiapa yang melakukan kejahatan akan membawakan saksi. Siapa pula yang akan memberi keadilan pada mangsa??
    Sedangkan AL QURAN lebih kerap megaskan tentang KEADILAN.
    4. Sekiranya mangsa juga tidak dapat di beri keadilan sepenuhnya,
    maka ini juga merupakan FITNAH.
    5. So what gives??

  23. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    Maafkan saya sebab Keluar dari tajuk.
    Tun, tolonglah komen pasal:-
    1) tindakkan undang-undang akan diambil oleh kerajaan pada orang-orang yang memprotes pembenaan kuil hindu di syeksyen 23 sebab berhimpun secara haram dan membawa KEPALA LEMBU.
    2) Kenapa kerajaan tidak mengambil tindakan yang sama pada SI-LAKNAT yang mencampakkan BANGKAI BABI di Masjid UM dan perkampungan ORANG MELAYU DI MELAKA siap gantung lagi kepala BABI kat pagar masjid.
    3) Kenapa orang melayu langsung tak boleh bersuara. Sedangkan
    bangsa lain menganyang kita.
    4) Yang herannya, orang yang ingin mendakwa penduduk syeksyen 23 tu orang kita MELAYU. Apa dah jadi.
    5) Nampak sangat, jika kaum melayu yang bersuara…Pemimpin Bangsa Melayu jugak yang memperlekehkannya.
    6) Cuba tenguk bangsa lain. Pemimpin mereka sentiasa melindungi kaumnya. Tak kira parti.
    7) Kenapa Pemimpin kita PENGECUT DAN BERAT SEBELAH

  24. Sampai bila pemimpin pemimpin UMNO dan Tun, maaf, hendak main wayang. Cukuplah sekadar sampai 2009. Bebaskanlah SPRM, SPR, Mahkamah, ISA dan PDRM dari dijadikan senjata UMNO untuk memerintah. Tanpa UMNO sekarang Melayu akan bersatu dan kuat, dengan ada UMNO sekarang Melayu akan menghadapi kehancuran. Apabila PAS memerintah Terengganu wang royalti disekat, kelantan tidak beri royalti minyak, Melayu Pulau Pinang diabaikan sewaktu UMNO memerintah, Tanah diJohor akan dikoridokan untuk Singapura, Pasir dan tanah dijual ke Singapura, Tanah dan Pulau digadaikan pada tauke tauke cina, Bukit, Bukau dan balak dibelasah habis habisan oleh tauke tauke dan pemimpin UMNO. Rumah pemimpin UMNO harga berjuta tetapi masih ada pelakun bersama mu disiarkan mencari derma. Sewaktu PM yang pertama, hasil bijih dan getah, ramai anak melayu diberi biasiswa. Tetapi sekarang MELAYU masih terkapai kapai mujurlah ada orang yang akan membawa perubahan dan kesedaran tetapi dibelasah, difitnah, dipenjara, dikatakan pengkhianat negara. Sekarang masih hendak main wayang.Hentikan lah demi anak cucu dan negara.

  25. constitution is higher than parliament
    constitution meliputi carahidup manusia tnpa mengira bangsa.
    parliament boleh di salahgunakan oleh politician.
    kerana parliament diwakili oleh ahli2 politik yg mempunyai agenda.
    saya boleh faham constitution dgn membacanya.mudah.
    tp saya takkan faham when parliament is in action.

  26. dear tun ,
    I concurred wuth tun suffian opinion/thoughts in this matter, intepretation act has no effesc to the constitution since the constitution is not the statutory law, we learn in school of law about the supremacy of the constitution as the basic doctrine of the nation building, eventhough constitution is supreme, parliament sovereignty is and always been safeguard by the constitution itself.

  27. Aslmkm Tun,
    Anwar, this charlatan has got the gift of the gap. And this he utilises to the max. And on every platform he stands he would portray himself as a victim for which he and his family to evoke sympathy. His wife and daughters too sobs everywhere they go to portray the suffering they are all going through.
    But Anwar of course is guilty and he knows this more than anybody else. This is why he is afraid of the courts. He is a coward.

  28. Salam Tun,
    Today Malaysia is 52 years old nation after we celebrated the slow Merdeka Day. Yet Tun is still talking about the “chicken and egg” problems over the Constitution and Parliament issue. It is not important whether the Constitution created the Parliament or otherwise. Look and sound alike Malaysia is a failed Vision 2020 nation.
    The 1Malaysia dreamer, Najib and its UMNO lead BN regime should seriously study and read the World Economic Forum

  29. RON PAUL is America’s leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.
    New World Order akan mencapai matlamatnya pada tahun 2012,
    dimana propaganda mengenai kiamat akan berlaku pada tahun tersebut.
    Sbenarnya ini adalah rancangan Illuminati utk menghuru-harakan dunia.
    Tiada apa2 yg akan berlaku pda 2012,
    kecuali jika umat manusia mempercayai mereka,
    dan akan berlakulah perang dunia ke3.
    Dr Ron Paul ialah ‘good man in politics’ di Amerika Syarikat.
    Beliau mempertahankan perlembagaan mengatasi segala galanya.
    beliau adalah satu satunya politician yg saya kagumi selain tun M
    harap tun selidik mengenai ucapan2 beliau di youtube.
    keyword-ron paul,ron paul against new world order,…

  30. Salam Tun,
    It appears that we Malaysians will never agree on everything but need to all agree on certain things, the constitution and its interpretation being the most important.
    We can debate the NEP, the cow’s head, PKFZ, MACC, MCA, UMNO, Pakatan, religion, syariah punishment, crime, traffic, the internet and a host of other issues till the cows come home. They are not as critical as the economy and the business environment.
    Currently there is very little direction for businessmen. The direction that was there when you were PM is no longer clear. The vision is hazy and the policies seem reversible and flip flopping is too common. I think that if we go back to some of your policies such as Malaysia Inc which removes barriers to business, we would all be better off. A couple of dozen business “cronies” with ideas, who know what they are doing would also not be a bad idea. After all without them would we have the North/South highway, KLCC, Celcom, Astro, PTP to name but a few of the successes. Of course we also have some failures but I wonder if the people know that the failure rate for start ups in the US is 90% in the first 5 years. That is to say that only 10% of start ups survive after more than 5 years in business and I would say that Tun’s record of success far exceeds this.
    In a nutshell, we businessmen are more concerned about quality of our workforce, better incentives for business, better public transport, easing of regulation especially with labour, knowledgable and cooperative civil service and lower crime rate. At the very least, if the Government cannot do the above than please leave us alone to get on with it. The Government should follow the the medical principle of ” do no harm” when dealing with us.
    Selamat berpuasa and I wish Tun and family all the best.

  31. Saya setuju dgn pendapat ” Just a tot…. ”
    Saya sedih melihat umno sekarang. Najib tidak mampu memulihkan keadaan.Dia sibuk mengambil hati bukan melayu…Kita lihat saja pemilihan DUN di PP .Umno tidakpun mampu memilih calun bersih. Gambarannya semacam umno dah tiada calun bersih.

  32. Assalammualikum YAB TUN, semoga sehat sehat selalu insyallah. Izin kan saya menjampok sedikit luar daripada Sound Bites yang terkini ini. Di dalam tajuk Dasar Economy Baru seorang telah menulis berkenaan dengan Isteri YAB Perdana Menteri ,Datuk Seri Rosmah Mansor
    yang menuduh beliau sebagai mengada ngada dan lain lain yang tak payah saya huraikan di sini. Saya hairan kenapalah orang orang Melayu suka sangat mengata ngata orang yang tidak ada kena mengena dengannya? Di dalam bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini beliau sanggup menghina Isteri Perdana Menteri. Wahai orang orang Melayu yang saya kasihi, janganlah kita sesama kita menghina , mengata, berdengki, sakit hati ,iri hati, busuk hati, memalukan ,mengkniati, semua nya ini yang berada dalam Jiwa Orang MelAYU ADALAH HASUTAN sYATAN. sAYA KESAL ,KERANA KITA DI BERI TAHU BAHA SYATAN IBLIS , HANTU, DAN JIN SEMUANYA DI BELENGUKAN DI BULAN rAMADAN INI Tetapi masih ada manusia yang di rasuk oleh syatan untuk mengata menghina
    orang lain. Sedarlah RACID semoga tuan akan di ampuni, dan bertaubatlah kepada Allah. Kepada Datuk Seri Rosmah, teruslah membuat keraja kerja amal semoga Allah sahaja yang akan memberkati Puan, walau apa pun orang lain kata, Sebagai FIRST LADY, Puan adalah berhak membantu YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia , Wasalammualikum.

  33. Dearest Tun ..
    I think the obvious clear failure of your adminstration was to highlight, or publicise the fact that ” He was convicted. He appealed three times. Of the 10 judges involved all except two found him guilty ”
    To you , its in all over the news , people should be aware of it . But who goes around telling the truth , whenever Anuar says ” Finally , the truth revealed , Im not guilty ” ?? NOBODY . Nobody ever answers Anwar .. aggressively I mean . Everynite , hes everywer giving speech , filling it with lies , and so is his cronies , nobody does anythg . Nbdy tot of having somebody to counter attack , except using Utusan & Berita Harian , which , already been boycotted by Anwars followers.
    So now Anwars gripping 5 states , suddenly everybdy wanna jump . Where were u guys last time ? what were u doing ? Why nobody ever tot of giving ceramah , EVERYNIGHT if needed , to answer Anwar? or PAS ? the worst part is , nobody in BN excepts its their fault .
    I think the only way to survive for BN is major overhauled … all pak menteris and YBs to be replaced , all at the same time .
    Anwar ady make soo much damaged , theres no turning back . Tell me how can we go back to Malays Rights thats ady been given up since opposition took over ? THERES NO WAY well get it back .
    I wont be suprised if Anwar becomes the next PM . But Ill teach my kids , and their Kids , that anwar will forever be known as BAPA KEHANCURAN MELAYU . No matter what he triews to do now , its ady too late , he ady agreed wth DAP , and let thm have it their ways upon gtg power .. tho one day he will back out and say hes never allows it to happened , itll be too late ady .
    So malays , be prepared , mark my words , soon , youll see the impacts of anwars doings , to the malays .
    Selamat berpuasa Tun . Still excited over the chance to take photo with you , tgthr wth my chinese , yes , CHINESE GF wth her two kids , whos jumping and calling everybody after that .
    and that was only last year …..

  34. Wahai Amiir,
    maybe you were in primary school at that time when Anwar was prosecuted because clearly you don’t know nuts about what happened back then. try to read before you start to challange the truth. I know what you gonna say next Amiir. Next you gonna say all those 10 judges were fixed by Tun. What a loser.
    can’t help you there Tun. I’m an architect.


  36. Dear Amiir,
    Clearly you do not have adequate info’s to support your argument. I think you should read more news to prove your argument as well as to allow you to have better understanding about the whole issue.

  37. Thank you Nasir for stating the obvious 🙂
    Dear Tun,
    I am no Lawyer but I am sure in time you’ll explain to us in layman’s term what is your point 🙂
    As for what Mr. Nasir commented about UMNO’s dignity … I have to give credit to UMNO in some way because they kept the “budak berhigus” in the position due to him getting the votes! Like many other UMNO supporters, I to would like to see him go but, UMNO will have to do it the right way. Pemuda must realise what they have done and it is in their hands to undo.
    UMNO tidak akan mengadaikan bangsa & agama .. not like some sore looser who created his own party!
    Pak Din

  38. Im not much into politics and have very little understanding about the simple things that is made complicate by piliticians. but simple things comes and stay in myself for a long time. Look at today’s utusan malaysia our pm said UMNO TIDAK AKAN GADAI MARUAH. To me UMNO dignity is down the just because of one simple situation that i understand. UMNO let corrupted people like KHAIRY JAMALUDDIN become the ketua pemuda. This is very basic matter and what i see UMNO is trying to keep quiet about it. wrong move… Throw him in the drain and u will see how UMNO dignity returns

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