1. The NST reported that the Lingam case is closed. He will not be persecuted (or prosecuted).

2. He must be feeling very relieved. But what about the Commission’s report on his influence over me in the selection of judges?

3. I was waiting for my day in court so I can defend myself. I have a lot of things to say about attempts to influence me on the appointments of judges.

4. Now that Lingam has no case to answer, how does it affect my being accused of being influenced by him, remembering that the tape was about his alleged phone conversation with other individuals. Did he say that I asked him to speak to those people? Was my name involved in his phone call?

5. These questions will remain in the minds of the people who read the conclusion of the Commission. So what now?

6. For some time during the past regime I was told that a thorough search was made to find instances where I abused power or accepted illegal gratification while in office. Apparently nothing was found.

7. Could it be that one way of getting at me was to accuse me of being influenced by Lingam in my choice of judges?

126 thoughts on “LINGAM TAPES”

  1. A logical and legally precise reason why Lingham ought not to be tried on the evidence of the Video. It analyses matters relating to Anwar Ibrahims political ambitions and is best read at
    It is a concise and analytical precis of what occurred, what is perceived to have occured and the dangers of the ignorance of the Malaysian Bar supporting Anwar Ibrahim’s political political ambitions blindly at the expense of the law.
    Gopal Raj Kumar.

  2. Dear Tun,
    It’s all because of our own attitude. Malaysian’s tend to forget after sometimes. It goes to everyone including the PM, DPM and maybe all in the Royal Commision could have forgotten also by now.
    The last time I voted for BN was PRU12. I’ll never ever vote for them for the rest of my life. Really frustrated with BN, so many issues but seems like the government don’t care for the rakyat. They only makes sense for the rich. Just see the 2010 budget. Who will prosper? Rakyat please judge.
    Thank you.

  3. Hi Tun
    I honestly applaud you for what you have done for this country in terms of development and moving Malaysia forward, you’re an extremely brilliant and competent leader. But unfortunately you are not such a good teacher. No one should ever be indispensable to a country and must almost groom the younger generation to be as brilliant or even better than his predecessors. But you seem delighted by the fact that your successors have gone thru and are going thru a bad time. UMNO have already been moulded to champion their own personal agenda. Hence corruption, lack of above average education for all malaysian, the ‘you scratch my back, i scratch yours attitude’ are rampant among BN cronies. I don’t understand how can all the government and so called independent bodies be merged as one. How can our judiciary , trusted to ensure a check and balance especially for all the big guns, takes it directive from the govt? its like a police are meant to check on the thieves, but the police also has to report to the thieves. This kind of power over governmental bodies meant to run FOR THE PEOPLE can only come from the ministers office. Malaysians are way more educated now, especially because of the internet, and it is an insult to our intelligence to create dramas and fake investigation just to get us off more important issues.

  4. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera sentiasa. Komen saya dgn izin dan tumpang menjawab seorang pengulas….
    This article is a tale of two PM’s.
    Lets read their possible legacy. One is a bumbling, blur and blind sided PM. Another is a rumbling, occasional amnesiac and a sticky bug (not derogative but descriptive).
    One has no teeth, another tries to bite with de facto teeth.
    ………….RESPONSE to ‘Adam’ on October 27, 2009 12:41 PM
    I fully agree with you. My point is that abolishing of vernacular schools is not the way. Make national schools more attractive. Find out why they were deserted in the first place!
    Competition and economics will relegate vernacular schools into culture schools for linguists and culture enthusiasts only, not bans. Look at the days of English schools. Now SJK are the better of two evils as far as minorities are concerned.
    I take on those extreme views against minorities which are rampant in this blog courtesy of Tun (deliberate?) So I risk appearing extreme myself. You don’t, so can always appear prim and proper.
    I did not notice you earlier maybe cos you don’t post extreme views.

  5. Salam hormat dan salam 1 Malaysia Yg Bhg Tun,
    Peguam tersohor V.K Lingam sudah tentu berasa amat selesa dan lega kerana kes vedio tape perbualan telephone diantara beliau dan Yg Arif Hakim tertentu mengenai dakwaan bahawa beliau cuba mempengaruhi badan kehakiman dan ada juga kaitan dengan Perdana Menteri ke 4 (Yg Bhg Tun) pada waktu itu dalam perlantikan Hakim Hakim termasuk Ketua Hakim Negara, selepas kesnya ditutup kerana tiada cukup evidence untuk didakwa seterusnya.
    Yg Bhg Tun mungkin berasa amat terkilan kerana tidak dapat membersihkan nama atas dakwaan cuba atau telah dipengaruhi oleh pihak-pihak tertentu dalam perlantikan Hakim-Hakim di dalam Badan Kehakiman Negara sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke 4 pada waktu itu. Saya juga amat bersependapat dengan Yg Bhg Tun. Walaupun Peguam V.K Lingam tidak lagi didakwa, namun demikian personaliti-personaliti lain termasuk Yg Bhg Tun yang telah dilibatkan dengan tuduhan membuat perlanktikan Hakim-Hakim atas desakan dan pengaruh pihak luar seharusnya diberi peluang membela diri dan membersihkan nama daripada terus tercatat dalam sejarah Negara sebagai personaliti penting Negara yang bermasalah, mungkin juga boleh dikaitkan dengan integriti. Ruang pembelaan diri haruslah mendapat endorsement daripada Badan Kehakiman.
    Kes Vedio Tape Peguam V.K Lingam mungkin juga tercetus kerana ada usaha pihak-pihak tertentu untuk menjatuhkan maruah personaliti-personaliti tertentu termasuk Yg Bhg Tun sendiri. Dengan keputusan pihak Commission menutup kes ini, maka pihak-pihak tertentu yang ingin merosakkan nama baik pihak-pihak tertentu termasuk YG Bhg Tun dilihat tidak berjaya. Mungkin ini adalah ketentuan Allah S.W.T. kerana apa-apa pun yang berlaku atas perbuatan manusia akhirnya Allah jua yang menentukan segala-galanya samada dilakukan dengan niat baik atau berniat jahat. Yg Bhg Tun teruskanlah berusaha memperkatakan yang benar, mudah-mudahan Allah S.W.T akan memberkati dan menunjukkan kepada jalan yang benar.
    Sekian, wassalam. Semaga Yg Bhg Tun sentiasa dalam peliharaan Allah S.W.T.

  6. Not sleeping for the night,
    While surfing Anwar’s blog, I found these;
    Another similarity which I noted after reading through some of Anwar

  7. Have to disagree with the way some of you who actually insulted, and scorned Sypatracus. Why insult? why not talk to him nicely, and make him realise his mistakes.
    What is with insulting his education, calling him a dog? Is he not your fellow brother or sister too? Is he not a Malaysian? Talking about arrogant — let’s look at the irony here.
    Hoping to see some more replies from Sypatracus soon, and hoping someone could actually talk to the dearest S..Tan as usual too.

  8. Salam TUN
    yang sebenarnya itu cuma konspirasi Pak Lah dan menantunya untuk mengaibkan TUN. Itu semua orang tahu, tapi Allah Maha Kaya dan berkuasa. Kepura puraan Pak Lah terbalas atas dunia dan turun dengan aibnya sebagai PM.
    Itu lah hukum karma bagi yang hidup berpura pura dan bersembunyi disebalik agama. Masih ramai lagi contoh contoh pemimpin UMNO dll yg jatuh dalam sekelip mata disebabkan sikap mereka yg rakus dan berpura pura. Masih ada lagi sorang yg selalu menonjolkan imej agama tapi sebenarnya penuh tahi di muka dan beliau adalah seorang menteri kanan sekarang.Pada pandangan saya beliau ni adalah sekutu pak lah dan KJ dan pernah menawarkan diri betanding jawatan tinggi dan tarik diri.

  9. I beg to differ to both S..Tan and tunnusantara,
    Separation of Schools does not propagates racism, but if we are really sincere about unity, why separates us further? Why create this racial ghettos in the first place?
    Why not teach that language in one school where all, could simply learn?
    Ever seen Chinese Indonesian speaks Indon? Chinese Philippines?

  10. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    To Alan,”Now is your turn to be in our shoes” this is your own words. I want to ask you a question. Tun is not just our former Premier who had contributed a lot to develop and bring harmony to our country but also a father of many children. Do you feel good if people what to put your parents in their shoes? or may be to step over your parent’s heads? Please think before talking.
    No wonder the “many comments” that you posted in this blog in the past were not published (may be it was caused by your own fault and not the blog provider) because of your “wild attitude”. This blog only for the civilised genetic.

  11. Dear Tun,
    1) After Lingam and now its Manoharan. We have ungrateful bunch of jokers around here.
    2) Apart from having a bunch of ungrateful people around us, we are also being surrounded by those who are working hard to untie the racial bond that we have nurtured all these years.
    3) If they are not happy today, why are they not happy when they were given the citizenship. If they could respect the Social Contract before, why not now!
    4) We have been very kind and welcoming. But if this how gratitude is suppose to be, then we should re-think whether it is worthwhile to continue fostering the relationship when no mutual respect can be achieved.

  12. It may appear that we are pushing our own barrow in this matter. I invite you and your readers to review a carefully researched and written paper on this subject that you raise here.
    For depth of issues there is additional information given on all of the peripheral issues, the collateral subjects and the various distractions by the parties who orchestrated the witch hunt against you during and after your term in office.
    It is carried under the heading : Judicial Crisis 1988- A Tragedy Staged by the Bar.
    We invite you and your readers to engage themselves in an independent and interesting perspective of those events.
    Strangely enough, the bar and its drivers at the time have remained mute in the face of this paper.
    The response from the public to this particular paper though has been phenomenal and overwhelming. We have decided to be very selective in what rsponses we publish from the public though because much of it consists of attacks against individual lawyers and allgegations of corruption and negligence against them in Malaysia.
    Gopal Raj Kumar

  13. Unrelenting because you are counting. If you stop counting you would see that we are consistent. Very consistent and single-minded. Unforgiving because you go about with fuzzy logic. If you think in Yes and No, you would see that we are very efficient, and efficiency makes no apology. Venomous because you still expect to limp for anti venom. We don

  14. can’t agree more with shanizan [October 26, 2009 3:30 PM] who, among other things, said: they [meaning those who are so glib & strident with their criticisms of tdm] are fast in passing judgement about everything they can think of but if given a choice for them to lead a small community or even their own family, i can bet you that they will fail miserably.
    in fact, judging from the content and quality of most of their posts — uncouth, intemperate, irrational, pathetically arrogant [in the sense of perasan pandai tapi sebenarnya bodoh sebab tak sedar bahawa dlm ketaksuban nak menghina & mengkritik tdm, komen tak bernas mereka dlm bahasa yg kurang ajar pula dgn secara tak langsung mendedahkan kehinaan sendiri] and totally lacking in self-censure — they don’t come across as capable of even managing themselves. forget about leading in other ways!
    with comments that show their own ZERO credibility, perhaps everytime these “tak tahu mengukur diri” types want to critic they should look at their own lives and ask where they are today, how have they contributed to the nation and if they have ever put their own blood, sweat, tears & reputations where their mouths are?

  15. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera selalu. Minta izin mengulas sebuah kiriman di sini….
    Pandangan pada tulisan ‘tunnusantara’ on October 24, 2009 6:18 AM
    Cannot speak fluently (your neighbour) and cannot understand a language are two different things. There is no educated M’sian (full primary) who cannot understand BM, maybe cannot speak well only.
    It is impossible to expect a whole population with another mother tongue to master BM like a Malay unless you ban his mother tongue. Even Malays struggle and stutter with English (second language) under PPSMI, why no empathy for learners of BM (second language after mother tongue) who face the same struggle.
    Look at the command of English of Malays in local universities after 16yrs study. Yet people here defile minorities BM command when they had to drop out without completing even secondary or never reached tertiary. You want to force minorities to speak BM among themselves? Iban speak BM to another Iban? Kadazan speak BM to another Kadazan?
    Knowledge is mastered due to its economic value. Language is perceived as knowledge. Even the mother tongue must compete with other languages for the limited resources of the speaker according to economic value (why some languages fade away)
    Abolishing minority schools is complicated by other issues and agendas behind the proclaimed unity and integration facade. Ada banyak udang sebalik batu. It is not the root evil nor the cure all for so called unity, patriotism, command of BM.
    Biro tata negara lebih banyak ajar perbezaan kaum dari SJK. Hantar pengintip ke SJK dan tangkap mrk yg ajar perkauman, jgn menuduh membuta.
    Bahasa Cina yg diajar di SJK bukan ‘bahasa ibunda’ mrk (yg sebenarnya Kantonis, Hokkien, Teochiew, Hailam, Hakka dll) tapi lingua franca suku kaum Cina iaitu Mandarin. Jadi ia perlu dipelajari untuk bertutur dgn suku kaum cina lain. Bahasa ini juga bahasa antarabangsa. Jadi ia keperluan hubungan mrk bukan perkauman.
    Ramai minoriti akan membanjiri SK kalau dapat ‘keistimewaan’ seperti bumi bila menguasai BM tahap orang Melayu. Tapi hakikatnya, cemerlang dlm BM tiada guna pada mrk (95% sektor awam, GLC ialah bumiputera dan contoh PKNS)
    Akhirnya mrk terpaksa bergantung pada kaum sendiri atau asing untuk pekerjaan. Jadi bahasa tambahan perlu untuk mrk. BM jadi hanya untuk lingua franca dan kelulusan wajib. Penguasaan BM mrk mirip penguasaan BI oleh orang Melayu yg anggap ia tak bantu untuk maju.
    It borders on racism insisting people

  16. Why? What? You want to reenact the scene at the Royal Commission hearing of the Lingam tapes? You want to re-display your selective memory? What bunkum it is! You seem to be havinga lot of time at your disposal! “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”, they say!
    The ‘great’ has successfully argued your case (Anwar’s defamation suit against you) at the Court of Appeal recently. Can’t get rid of old friends or cronies!

  17. I do not see any valid reasons for insults towards Sypatracus that way. Let him be, it would not be fun without detractors around. Besides, a little disagreement is sometimes healthy.

  18. Malaysia under UMNO did bring development, peace harmony for a big country, compare to what they say successful or no 1. Do you think
    you live a good life,there ha ha.If you see yr neighbour grass is greener beliefs me,life in malaysia,is far most better.
    You will not be an honorourable slaves,regardless of the small tax you contribute.
    Bush is bullshit,Blair is a Liar.Both are mother of all evil.
    IT is not their war nor their right.
    IT is not because they uphold justice for mankind.
    IT is for their own reasons that they engage their evil doings at the expense of others.
    They seems right not because their doings are right,
    but because of their evils propaganda and lies,
    and their military might that makes them look right.
    Bush, Blair ought to be hang besides Saddam.
    Mahathir you are a true leader.You are the best Malaysian Leader.
    I salute you,SIR.
    It will be a beauty if you are still in power besides now
    Indonesia President Bambang Yudoyuno.
    He is the best Indonesia leader.
    I see both leader a good chemistry.
    May ALLAH protects the Muslims
    and may the Muslims be together as one to the only GOD.AMEEN

  19. assalmualaikum Tun,
    It is indeed a great pkeasure to be able to speak with you.
    i had the honour to serve you on board on your return flight from London.I will always remember that you are the only leader who doesnt give anyproblems to the crew. you are the very few 1st class passengers who wipes the sink after use.It is so sad that people have very short memories on what you have done for this country. they are fast in passing judgement about everything they can think of but if given a choice for them to lead a small community or even their own family, i can bet you that they will fail one can please or satisfy everyone in this country and my wife and i take off our hats to you.

  20. Salam Tun
    Today the Star online reported the Government losing billions (as much as RM28 billion annually) due to overpayment for contracts and closed negos. However the tender system many years ago was considered to be very good with the opening of tenders being done in public view as well as public announcements on the status and awards of tenders. Why was this system changed and how could it have come to this? It seems to me to be a contradiction of your ‘Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah’ theme. Perhaps you could kindly explain? Will the wrongdoers ever be brought to justice?
    Thank you.

  21. 1.Saya baru saja menyaksikan di kaca TV upacara gilang gembilang pertabalan Yang Di Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan yang baru.
    2. Saya penyokong kuat institusi raja berperlembagaan.
    3. Adat pepateh sungguh unik sekali dalam upacara pertabalan tersebut.
    4, Namun begitu saya rasa dalam upacara tersebut ada adat yang bertentangan dengan agama Islam.
    5. Saya rasa adat tersebut patut diubah suai supaya tidak bercanggah dengan agama Islam terutama sekali cara menyembah raja.
    6. Adat tentunya boleh diubah mengikut aliran zaman tapi hukum agama mesti diambil berat supaya tidak menjejaskan keimanan dan akidah kita.
    7. Orang yang bertanggong jawab tentang adat pepateh ini harus mengkaji semula dengan teliti untuk membuat sedikit “adjustment” tentang perkara-perkara adat pepateh ini supaya tidak menyeleweng dari hukum Islam.
    8. Adat pepateh adalah adat turun menurun dan ada kemungkinan elemen agama lain dicampur adukkan hinggakan ianya nampak ketara bertentangan dengan agama Islam terutama sekali tentang adat penyebahan keatas raja. Saya perhatikan penyebahan tersebut boleh disesuaikan supaya ianya tidak dilihat ada unsur “penghambaan” yang keterlaluan dan tidak masuk akal pada zaman moden hari ini.
    9. Fikir-fikirkanlah !!!

  22. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    So, our Malaysians pleases don’t simply accuse others of wrong doings or simply believe rumors that were or are being spread by irresponsible people who have hiden agenda.
    Malaysian must be very smart, matured and brilliant in filtering whatever information they recieve before coming to certain conclusion either to believe or otherwise.
    By this way our Malaysian will be respected and the enemy from inside or outside the country cannot easily jeophadise our country and people harmony.

  23. Tun,
    We are eager to know the attempts made to influence you for the appointments of judges.Now a day,people here talk about transparency on a daily basis,why not you set an example by telling us the details.
    You can talk down a regime and I cannot understand the reason why you dare not talk about it without the immunity of the judiciary.
    In a defamatory suit,it is not that easy for the plaintiff to win all the time and the defence has the defences of qualified privilege,fair comment and justification.
    Of course we had heard many allegations against you while you are in power.People say if not how come his children have multi-
    millions assets and himself a ten percent man.
    However,a qualified doctor’s brain is not a simple brain and he certainly put it to good use.So,how could a changed course graduate can out manoeuvre the former?Also it has proven that man is not that nice after all albeit all the smiles.
    You are a part of it for his downfall which attracts a natural reaction by doing a search to see whether any misdeed had been committed.
    I urge you to publicise what you know about it and let us know the details.It will be an interesting story for the bedtime reading.

  24. Salam hormat Ayahanda Tun M,
    Dengan izin mohon saya di berikan laluan untuk membentangkan fakta ini untuk renungan:
    1. Seandainya anda (orang bijak pandai cakap, komen, kutuk, mencari
    kesalahan dan sebagainya) terpilih untuk semata-mata berdiri atau
    mengekori ayahanda Tun M selama 22 tahun selaku perdana menteri,
    kedalam negeri, keluar negara, dengan tugas rasmi dan tidak rasmi
    kerajaan, apakah agaknya tindak balas diri anda????
    2. Pasti jawapannya: anda mungkin dimasukan hospital untuk rawatan
    pelbagai penyakit.Tugas anda hanya berdiri dan mengekori ayahanda
    Tun M. Belum lagi di ajak berfikir, mesyuarat, menulis,meneliti
    masalah 25 juta rakyat Malaysia, pembangunan,keselamatan, isu-isu
    dalam dan luar negara????. Boleh ke anda yang bijak pandai
    berbuat demikian???. Belum tentu….cakap kosong bolehla…
    3. Setiap insan di anugerahkan Allah – akal untuk berfikir.
    Sepatutnya kita bersyukor kepada Allah. Cuba perhatikan kegigihan
    ayahanda Tun M selama 22 tahun. Sekembalinya dari luar negara
    terus masuk pejabat untuk menjalakan tugas. Kepada sesetengah
    yang bijak pandai baru pulang dari outstation dalam negeri untuk
    bertugas sudah mula berfikir untuk cuti. Tidak berasa malu ke..
    4. Apa juga komentar hendak diutarakan biarlah berhemah. Cermin
    diri. Jangan ikut perasaan. Apakah keupayaan kita setanding
    dengan ayahanda Tun M dan PM DSN ??. Apakah sumbangan anda
    terhadap negara??
    5. Saya bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia.Terima kasih ayahanda Tun M.

  25. Tun,
    Apalah lagi dengan sikap Tun ini…….hendak merungut apa lagi. Tun bolehlah gunakan forum “Media-Mesra Mahathir ketika ini untuk cakap apa sahaja….
    Rupanya kesilapan yang besar dibuat oleh Pak lah adalah tidak memberikan liputan dan peluang kepada Tun setiap hari di mana telah membuatkan Tun sanggup membakar kelambu….
    Begitulah manusia kalau sudah seronok duduk di atas dan berkuasa secara feudal, seronok dengar cerita-cerita elok sahaja dan sudah tiada kuasa pun hendak cuba sibuk hendak mengaturkan kehidupan orang lain.

  26. Dear Tun, salam bahagia harap sihat sejahtera selalu. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin…
    Now that Tun suspects Abdullah

  27. Salam,
    Ya nama Tun perlu dibersihkan kerana dikaitkan dengan perbualan telefon. Nanti tak selesai2 dijadikan isu oleh pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat.
    1. ***Dato Zaid Ibrahim**
    Pada pandangan saya (jika salah, mohon maaf) Dato Zaid Ibrahim ingin jadi johan memperjuangkan hak2 asasi.Maka keluarlah isu Lingam. Maklumlah beliau adalah seorang peguam terkenal. Dia mungkin nak tonjolkan diri dalam UMNO kerana dia tiba2 jadi Menteri, nanti orang persoalkan kebolehannya. Lagipun dia sendiri kalah Ketua Bahagian.Tak de apa2 , tiba2 naik ke atas pentas kabinet. kebetulan pada masa sama Tun duk asyik hentam Pak Lah.
    La ni Dato Zaid, tiba2 jadi orang penting PKR. Orang dah lama dalam PKR mula resah, tiba2 Dato Zaid jadi orang kuat PKR. Biasalah adat berpolitik. Sikit hari Dato Zaid kena “tendang keluar” PKR andaikata Pakatan Rakyat menang PRU13. Dato Zaid sepatutnya tumpu kerja sebagai peguam. Dunia politik bukan sesuai untuk Dato Zaid!
    Berhati2lah dengan Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Dia kumpul segala manusia yang bermusuhan dengan UMNO dan BNasional untuk mencapai impiannya menjatuhkan Barisan Nasional. Untuk apa? Untuk keadilan ikut takrifan nya kot?
    Antara pekerja2 Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim ialah Dato Zaid, Dato Chua Jui Meng, pemimpin India (tak de siapa nak?), Dato Jefrey Kitingan, dan lain2 serta kuli2 dia puak Erdogan dalam PAS. Pemimpin bermasalah berada dalam sebuah Parti bermasalah.
    La ni puak Erdogan dah diberi mandat kacau prinsip perjuangan asas PAS sehingga golongan profesional nya mencabar kumpulan ulama!
    PAS for All!
    Ingatlah Dato seri Anwar Ibrahim sebelum naik jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri, beliau telah mengumpul bala “tenteranya” sehingga tumbang satu demi satu pemimpin sebelum akhirnya dia sendiri yang kecundang. Ramai bekas2 tentera Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim masih berada dalam UMNO, dan ramai berjawatan tinggi di perkhidmatan awam termasuk di Universiti.
    ***Kepada Dato Najib***
    perlu beri perhatian. Serangan kepada Barisan Nasional adalah dari dalam dan luar kerajaan. Masih ada talihayat Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim merata2 ! Depa ni sanggup tinggal perjuangan UMNO demi bersama Dato Seri Abwar Ibrahim sekiranya nampak tanda2 kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat! De[pa sebenarnya bukan sokongan DSAI tetapi sokong perut masing2. Ingatlah orang Melayu kita ini banyak pantun nasihat/peribahasa kerana perangai orang Melayu boleh dijangka. Susah nak berubah.
    2. *****Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi***
    Sampai sekarang, saya berkefahaman Pak Lah tiada niat buruk terhadap Tun. Alasannya senang sahaja: Pak Lah terhutang budi kat Tun. Masih dikekalkan dalam kabinet walaupun dia sokong Tengku Razaleigh. Lepas tu Tun pula angkat dia jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan terus jadi Perdana Menteri.
    Lagipun Pak Lah ni nampak lurus sangat, sehingga mudah tertidur dalam majlis rasmi. Rakyat biasa seperti saya mungkin tak kenal Pak Lah, Tun lebih lama mengenali dia . Yang menyebabkan pergeseran antara Pak Lah dan Tun ialah orang2 sekeliling Tun dan Pak Lah juga. depa ni duk jadi batu api. Batu pada hari akhirat boleh terbakar dan membakar manusia. Siapa tak berapa pandai Sains, cuba lihat letupan gunung berapi.Nampak api melompat2?
    Orang Malaysia suka sangat ambil kesempatan jika mengenali pembesar2. Ini punca utama kejatuhan Pak Lah. Tengok Lingam pun kata dia rapat dengan Tun Dr. Mahathir. Berapa ramai orang panggil Tun dan isteri, ayahanda dan bonda semasa Perhimpunan UMNO dulu? Bagi rakyat biasa ,bunyi macam individu berkenaan rapat dengan Tun. Esuk hari depa pi cari orang tu dengan sedikit buah tangan untuk dapat sesuatu. Akhirnya, dapat tahi kucing sahaja sebab kaki2 bodek ini dah makan lauk dan tinggal sisanya sahaja. Kesannya pemimpin yang tak tahu dan tidak berkaitan yang dapat nama buruk.
    Mohon maaf jika terkasar dan tersentuh hati.

  28. Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
    Quite many here are saying how influential (in a bad way) you were when you were the PM. Well… THANK GOD YOU WERE INFLUENTIAL! And that’s definitely a whole world of a lot better than flip-flopping, people!
    Terima kasih Tun Mahathir

  29. Those who capitalise the vedeotape of Lingam are just stupid clowns. They lower their intelligence to the brink of almost being moron of the first order, period !!!

  30. All these negative comments. So many people full of hate these days. I don’t know what’s going to become of our country with people such as this.
    You would think that with our humble upbringing in Malaysia people would be polite towards one another. Instead, you see rotten apples who have no respect what so ever towards Malaysia’s, at least to me, finest prime minister. Biadap is the best word that describes these people.
    At least, when I am angry towards politicians that I don’t like, for instance KJ, I write comments that aren’t full of anger with the lingo of an 8 year old on his blog.
    Comments should be constructive, or at least funny. They shouldn’t be condemning like sypatracus’. Or sarcastic (in a bad way) like jalapeno’s. Or just blatantly rude like Ravi’s.
    Biasela, small dogs bark the loudest.

  31. Tun you don’t need your day in court, most Malaysian would not trust any verdict coming from our courts now days. Can interfere with Perak Assembly when PR in power but cannot interfere when BN in power, ridiculous. Now BN lawmakers in Perak are planing this.
    Anyway the courts we have now are a direct result of your handy work. You’ll be remembered for this. For destroying the independence of our courts. You’ll be remembered of giving the executive branch unlimited power to commit crimes and not get punished.

  32. Salam Tun, mintak Tun ulas sikit isu EGM Pas tu. Apa Nik Ajis dah termakan ke dengan Puak Edrogan dalam Pas tu?
    Harap Tun dapat kupas isu ni.
    Psssttt….Adakah anda masih ingat semasa zaman Reformasi beribu pengikut dan penyokong Anwar melakukan Demonstrasi jalanan yang mengakibatkan banyak kerosakkan harta benda rakyat dan ketenteraman awam tergugat. Namun mungkin anda lupa selepas reformasi itu kemana para pengikut dan penyokongnya yang lain???

  33. Assalamualaikum,
    Since the case closed, why don’t you just put the story straight inside this web. Isn’t it easy.

  34. Dear Tun,
    I can see the emerging pattern, whereby, a lot of Malaysian are getting mature and have better judgement. They are open, they are able to discuss deeper subject from multiple perspective and on neutral ground.
    So they are more and more of us everyday!
    We are waiting and we are observing. At the same time we demand changes for we love our family and our country.
    We will wait and observe until the next election. If things are not changing. If we finds out Najib does not delivers what he says or even if khairy is still around…we will have no choice but not to vote. You know why? It is because we have no option.
    Options available in our opinion will weaken the country anyhow. So dont blame is if we do not vote.
    Hopefully it does not come down to that. There are three more years. I think that is quite suffice to start making progess. It is even enough time to see if the relevent people are faking and cooking things up.
    What I observes after the budget tabling is that most officials are cheering. Instead, I think, They more concerned of budget that are being allocated to them. I doubt most of them are thinking of deliverables and the mountain of works that they have to be doing.
    Why not try to be a bit critical of the budget and give suggestions. If Najib is sincere in making changes and progress, he will listen to good comments. In this case, all he will read in the paper is praise. He is human. This is his first year as a prime minister. He can go to sleep reading praises. He slept before and get majority of 249 votes.
    Anyhow, we will be watching!

  35. Would I shake hands with Lingam? Surely I would for old times sake. I suppose that’s the gregarious Lingam I knew during 6th Form in Seremban. He was in the Arts and I was in the Sciences.
    Only Tun knows the hurtache of being insinuated over the Lingam tapes. Current events and the Net has vindicated Tun to some extent. Who were the culprits behind the ill-intended Commission? Beware PRU13.
    Now that a Commission job ‘completed’ what about a Royal Commission of Inquiry to look into possible abuses of power by the nefarious one*:
    i) was public money involved (if so how much?) when he made 33 visits to the Los Angeles cancer clinic?
    ii) was cronyism and conflict of interests involved with his overtures as a Premier to Scomi, his son-in-law’s business concern?
    iii)how much public money spent during his tenure to print and place his signature posters and billboards all over the country?
    iv) when he signed the “Oil for Food” deal for the hungry and dying Iraqis, was there ex gratia of any kind in return?
    v)what were his interests really during the many years as Minister of Foreign Affairs?
    * pardon my language. He started it all with his devious acts to his predecessor PM Dr Mahathir (the country suffered too), and bullshitting such as “Be My Friend”, “Anwar got the best lawyers”, Tak Nak ….

  36. Salam Tun dan pembaca semuanya.
    1 Rupa macam saya
    2 Suara macam saya
    3 Tapi bukan saya
    Inilah kata-kata yg membuat saya saaaakit hati dan rasa kerdilnya undang-undang di dunia ini. Kalau anda tahu undang-undang maka anda boleh berbuat apa sahaja. Hakim tidak boleh mengatakan anda bersalah.
    Saya rasa kita boleh membeli keadilan dengan wang dan kuasa. Buat salah apa pun- bunuh orang, pecah amanah, tipu muslihat, edar dadah, kongsi gelap, penyeludupan, pelacuran, premis tak dak lesen- kemudian kalau tertangkap cari saja peguam terkenal untuk berbohong bagi pihak kita. Besar kemungkinan anda akan selamat. Kalau didapati bersalah pun denda taklah seberapa sangat, kalau buat perkiraan bayar loyar pembohong berlesen, kita masih untung banyak. Itulah undang-undang dunia.
    Oleh sebab keadilan boleh dijual beli dengan wang ringgit maka kehidupan di negara kita hari ini sangat menakutkan. Lihatlah keadaan-keadaan berikut, adakah kaitannya dengan keadilan dan wang ringgit:
    1saban hari ada pembunuhan
    2saban hari ada penculikan
    3saban hari ada kejadian rogol
    4saban hari ada rompakan kedai emas
    5saban hari ada lori/bas melanggar motorsikal atau pejalan kaki
    6saban hari ada kejadian pecah rumah
    7saban hari ada kejadian ragut
    8saban hari ada peras ugut
    9saban hari ada pecah amanah berjuta
    10saban hari ada ketidakadilan ……………..
    Senarai di atas jauh drpd lengkap. Beribu kejadian durjana berlaku setiap hari. Kalau dibawa ke muka keadilan pun entah bila akan selesai. 300 tahun lagi.
    Saya cadangkan loyar pembohong berlesen itu, dihadkan masa untuk dia membuat pembelaan, segalanya mesti selesai dalam masa yg dihadkan itu, bukan macam sekarang, loyar boleh memberi alasan apa sahaja, tak kira masa biarpun beratus hari lamanya untuk selesai satu kes(eg:kes dsai, kes altantuya). Jadi apa penyelesaiannya?
    Bagi kes-kes yg terang lagi bersuluh, maka tak perlulah perbicaraan tahap demi tahap lagi. Bukti dah lengkap. Dapat tangkap dan terus tembak sahaja. Tak perlu buang masa, tenaga polis dan hakim yg arif.
    Loni, kes-kes sebegini pun nampaknya dibicarakan tahap demi tahap juga. Saya sangat bersetuju dengan tindakan polis kini menembak mati penjenayah2 dikehendaki, tembak saja asalkan anda berada di pihak yg benar. Kalau dibawa ke mahkamah ada yg akan terlepas kerana tak cukup bukti atau wang akan memainkan peranannya.
    Kes Lingam perlu dibuka semula. Kita masih nak dengar dia berbohong lagi.

  37. slm tun
    mengapa setiap kali membaca komen-komen di sini, selalu ada perkara memburuk-burukkan, menghina, menggelarkan itu ini dan sebagainya terhadap individu tertentu. apakah si tukang mengata adalah orang yang sempurna? mengapa budaya seperti ini selalu wujud di dalam mencari penyelesaian sesuatu masalah. wajarkah sikap ini dikekalkan sedangkan kita berusaha mencapai peringkat yg degelar kemajuan. Kemajuan bukan dari aspek fizikal ekonomi sahaja, malah yang paling mustahak adalah akhlak dan peribadi yg bakal menentukan kesinambungan kemajuan sesuatu tamadun bangsa. Negara maju dapat terus kekal sekiranya masyarakat mengamalkan sikap dan pekerti mulia.
    Cuba perhatikan brapa banyak tamadun manusia yg telah hancur binasa. Adakah kerana mereka tidak mempunyai teknologi hebat, ekonomi yang pesat, ilmu dan kepakaran serta bangunan yg canggih-manggih? (lebih canggih sehingga pada masa kita ini.. tidak mampu membina sebagai mana mereka)
    Apakah dengan menjana ekonomi negara sahaja.. negara dikira sebagai negara MAJU?adakah kemajuan itu diukur dengan berapa jumlah bangunan pencakar langit yg tersergam indah. Adakah negara maju dikira bila kita mempunyai ramai rakyat yg bergelar sang Jutawan?
    Adakah bermakna sekali erti sebuah kemajuan sekiranya masyarakatnya tidak berahklak mulia. Adakah bermakna sekali erti kemerdekaan sekiranya rakyatnya tidak menghargai nilai-nilai murni yg ada dlm diri. Haruskah kita korbankan sikap-sikap toleransi, perkerti mulia, adab sopan dan bicara yg elok semata-mata ingin mencapai perubahan atau sesuatu kemajuan yg kita sendiri belum paham 100% makna sebenarnya. kemajuan apakah yg kita inginkan? perubahan yg mcm mana kita mahukan?
    perhatikan cara siasah pada zaman nabi dan khalifah ar-rasyidin. pernahkah keluar dari mulut mereka butir bicara mereka memburuk-buruk individu tertentu? pernahkah nabi Muhammad mencaci org yg melemparkan batu kepadanya? pernah kah baginda mendoakan kebinasaan pada mereka? pernahka baginda memukul org yg menghina baginda yg telah mengekori sepanjang hari sambil melaung²kan penghinaannya terhadap baginda? malah baginda membalas dengan senyuman dan hadiah-hadiah.
    Oleh itu lebih baik kita memberi idea yg bernas dari menghina peribadi orang perseorangan. menghina seseorang tidak akan merubah keadaan sedia ada. kemungkinan kita akan menjadi seperti mana hinaan yg telah kita luahkan itu (telan ludah sendiri). Ianya jelas tidak membantu kepada perkembangan kemajuan pemikiran masyarakat dan negara itu sendiri. Komen ada 3 jenis. 1. Komen membina. 2.Komen menghina/menjatuhkan. dan yg ke 3. NO COMMENT. Malah hati kecil saya amat ragu-ragu yg malaysia akan mencapai status negara maju pada 2020 sekiranya sikap masyarakat kita kekal seperti ini malah bertambah tidak elok sebagaiman berlaku sekarang.
    wallahu a’lam

  38. Dear Ayahanda Tun,
    Wish you always happy Tun..
    Me and my wife love you…
    Thanks for everything


  40. Salam Tun,
    Some people will believe whatever they want to believe no matter what we say. These people are beyond help but many of us want to hear your side of the story. So far we’ve heard only one side, mainly the side that your detractors want us to hear. We would like to hear both sides. And we want to judge for ourselves without help from politicians. Forgive me for sounding cynical, but some of those who are crying ‘justice,’ ‘truth’ and ‘equality before the law’ in parliament don’t act as if they believe in those noble values themselves: how else do we explain the behaviour of a parliamentarian who once accused a senior member of the government of sexual misconduct but is now his lead counsel in a case involving sodomy? Are those values relative for people like them?
    You have persistently said that you would like to go to court and I really believe that you will relish the day that you do judging from the fact that you did not hesitate to attend or try to evade the Lingam commission (much to the chagrin of those who wanted to embarrass you, I think).
    Since the case has been dropped, perhaps you’ll consider publishing your side of judges’ appointments. With due respect, this case doesn’t just concern you but also all the judges who were appointed during your time as PM. As you say, this Lingam case has cast aspersions against you; by extension, also judges appointed during your prime ministership. I think they too would like to clear the air on how they were nominated and appointed. I don’t think they would want to be seen as judges who were appointed because they were good lobbyists.

  41. Salam Tun dan Toh Puan.
    Kes Lingam dah tutup,
    Ada yang berpendapat ‘elok tutup’ daripada ‘buka kes’.
    Saya tak nafikan, nama Tun dan Bekas Hakim yang terlibat tercemar teruk tetapi saya merasa kagum dengan Tun, Ramai yang menyamakan Kes Tun dengan Kes Bekas Hakim Tinggi Malaya dan 6 hakim – dimana di di pecat oleh kerajaan kerana salah laku. Kes Tun dengan kes bekas hakim tersebut berlainan sama sekali. Ini kerana :
    1- Tun sedia mengadap dan menghadiri kes tersebut di Mahkamah. Tidak dengan bekasa hami dan 6 hakim tersebut, yang tidak hadir bahkan berdegil melawan di luar saluran undang-undang.
    2- Kes Lingam tiada bukti jelas yang menyatakan Tun terlibat dengan mana-mana perlantikan hakim dan inanya mengikut prosedur dan bidang kuasa Tun pada masa itu adalah betul dan tepat. Tidak Kes bekas Hakim dan 6 hakum yang jelas dan ada bukti melawan dan melanggar undang-undang negara.
    Tun, saya mencadangkan Tun mengeluarkan buku yang cukup jelas, PERJALANAN PERLANTIKAN HAKIM DI ZAMAN TUN, dan Buku mengenail perjalan kes Tun dan Video Klips Lingam berserta pandangan Tun terhadap kes tersebut.
    Saya yakin dengan keberanian Tun mengeluarkan buku tersebut, rakayt sedia membaca dengan lebih jelas dan terang tanpa menggunakan orang tengah untk menyampaikan maklumat.
    Saya memang sedih Tun di libatkan di dalam Kes Lingam ini. Saya cukup kagum dengan Tun kerana berani kerana benar. dan sedia mengadap Suruhanjaya Kehakiman pada masa itu. Dengan senyuman yang ikhlas dan manis dari pemimpin agung seperti Tun, saya yakin Allah s.w.t tetap melindungi Tun.
    Tidak seperti Anuar yang banyak tipu daya dan banyak berdolak dalih dan kesian pada simangsa yang kena cemuh. Sedangkan Siful seorang yang jujur dan berani berkata benar. Saya yakin temberlang dan tipu daya Anuar akan terbongkar jugak dan semasa itu masyarakat akan pandang hina pasa si penipu!
    Harap Tun dapat pertimbangakan mengahsilkan Buku Kisah Benar.
    Saya berharap dengan pengamlaman dan ilmu yang ada pada Tun dapat di bukukan supaya tidak menjadi buah mulut parti pembangkang yang hanya tahu “mencedok di air yang keroh”.

  42. Tun yg dihormati,
    Sebenarnya tiada kes sejak dari mula lagi. Tape datang drp Anwar diserah kpd Dolah, kedua2 kononnya nak balas dendam pada Tun, nak kenakan Tun, tapi ternyata kedua dungu tersebut tewas juga walaupun Tun hanya sbg rakyat biasa.
    Itulah bezanya diantara haq dan batil.

  43. Dear Tun,
    I like the way you said about the ‘past regime’. You should clearly mention how KJ was trying to get at you in his not so heroic attempt. Nobody in the past regime had any political ambition to survive beyond Pak Lah besides KJ.
    Now, we all should get the MACC and Police to investigate KJ. How has he managed to amass billions of wealth in less than 5 years? Beats me!

  44. Dear Tun
    In a democracy we cannot really question the wisdom of the rakyat in choosing their ‘wakil’, unlike whats PAS did in their resounding defeat in Bagan Pinang – some of its leaders said that the electorate in BP were misled, gullible, downright stupid etc. for choosing TSIsa, ‘a known corrupt’. However, one wonder whats the idea behind the voting in of the ‘videoman’ in the Linggam case into parliament?
    Was it because of his political stand/sacrifices/activisms etc.? None that I’ve ever heard of. Or perhaps he had done something great for the country, nay at least for the constituency he represents? C’mon he can’t even speak proper ‘Bahasa Kebangsaan/Malaysia/Melayu’ to save his own skin.
    So, its all down to him having caught the imagination of the public with his ‘unintentional’ expose’ of Lingam’s predilection for grandstanding to the gallery. PKR being the opportunistic party or the party of opportunists that it is, saw the motherlode straightaway and cashed in……..”we have the numbers!!!” Kahkahkah!
    So, its just his political affiliation. Even then it was not borne out of conviction, but more of persuasion to capitalise on the situation – on the then fluid political environment where UMNO (or more of DS Dol) had been missteppings all over the place.
    However, in this case his video exploits hijacked the real issues facing the rakyats in the next five years, masking the needs for competent local problem solvers and/or national policy makers/critiques for the sensates of the day which later simply fades away within the year.
    If it may be assumed that the electorates in Kelana Jaya are mostly middle class urbanites, they must have strong reasons in their choice of an MP – which of course escaped me, and I believe a good number of other people, even now. Or, they were not that serious in this business of nation-building, or despite their purportedly above average IQ, they might have given in to their propensity for impulsive decision-making (like in ‘shopping’ which is the general predilecton of the middle class urbanites) only to regret it for the next three or so years….until the next GE(13)?
    But for the videoman, he has already had more than his fair share of the ’15-minutes fame’. Now, its time to go all out for the ‘fortune’?

  45. Dear Tun,
    What makes this world interesting is that we have our own individual view, our own opinion.
    What makes Malaysia interesting is that we can have all the above and enjoy a peaceful and stable life since our MERDEKA.
    I read some of the comments posted by some of your reader that say things which is not highly educated or “kurang ajar”.
    Just like to share some of my view with you guys out there. 1. Have you ever see with your own eye of what you said in regards that all the evil things that Tun had done? or is it just you hear from other people then you say (without using your coconut to think)?
    2. In Malaysia, we have the freedom to believe, no matter it is right or wrong. If you choose to believe a rumor or any news from unreliable source, then, this is your right (that is what makes Malaysia special)
    3. Its not nice or civilise to hate people and say bad things about people when you just hear from people on what he or she had done
    No doubt, our country have many problem, our government is not the best in the world, many our high rank government servant is corrupt, and no action taken against them. and the list can go on and on………
    Is not an easy job, but some one need to do it. To managed a country is not as simple as what you think. No doubt that Many of our leader have a brain of peanut, and have a heart of rottan egg,but there are still many good leader out there. so as a PM, to managed all these people is not easy and even harder to serch for a good leader.
    So, the prove that Tun had done more good than bad is by simply look at our Malaysia. If Tun is as bad as you people said, then I do not think that you can enjoy what you have now, worst still, you people may not even have the chance to have a good education. Your parent may not even can raise you until now. And Malaysia may still be a country that no one knows.
    So, before you open your mouth and talk bad about people or hate people, just give yourself some time to use your brain to think (if you have one)

  46. Tun,
    You are definitely influential indeed. After so many years into retirement, you still have so many Arse-kissers worshipping you, people who don’t even have a slightest doubt to the things you do. You are almost a god-like figure to them. I leave it at that.

  47. salam Tun,
    congratulations on having your comments published.Even rubbish like you can have your day here.
    Continue to accuse by assuming.

  48. salam Tun,
    You must defend yourself and have your day in court or else these malicious allegations will always be exploited by unscrupulous individuals.
    Many people are looking for whatever tiny hints of wrongdoings just to turn you into the devil that they so crave for.
    We realise that many people here desperately want to tarnish your reputation at all costs.But as I have always stated before,I have never doubted your ‘nawaitu’.
    Urge the A.G. to have the case reopened.

  49. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    //1. The NST reported that the Lingam case is closed. He will not be persecuted (or prosecuted).//
    Not only NST, all main stream papers reported this piece of news to make Tun Dr M is the culprit .. ….. If Tun Dr M does not defend the case, then there will be no justice at all in Malaysia.
    //2. He must be feeling very relieved. But what about the Commission’s report on his influence over me in the selection of judges?//
    Eh..Eh.. No, HE is not relieved because of:-
    1. Hukum Allah … ….. HE can’t be relieved even though the case was CLOSED as per the instruction of Nazri Boo… Boo….., the kepala to ACA Turned M-ACC(Mabuk-ACC). In order to celebrate 53rd year Merdeka Day in Malaysia, Rukun Negara 3 – Kedaulatan Undang2 will be fully utilized and the Commission’s report on HIS influence over Ayahanda Tun in the selection of judges will be exposed to the public… if HE does not “Berundur” from HIS power over the influences of Court Decision.. This is why PM Najib wanted so badly to re-launch Malaysia National Day on 16 September 2010 to further enhanced A.R. Empire .. … ….. (or 1 + 9 = 10)
    //3. I was waiting for my day in court so I can defend myself. I have a lot of things to say about attempts to influence me on the appointments of judges.//
    Court cases would be dragged by unforeseen hands through bribing by Powerful & Rich Men regardless of Races & Religions (or Rojak Gang), especially Malaysia which is full of UN-controlled and UN-regulated Corruptions, Cronyism and Nepostisme.
    Today, Malaysia is in the young lady stage, hence She has the “Will & Power” to protect herself from being harassed by Rojak T.r.u.m.p.s. ala Dollah Trump if they do not allow Tun Dr M to defend himself in the court. If they don’t why not Tun Dr M launches a “Campaign” to challenge NAZRI Boo to re-open the case by asking Rakyat to donate RM1 per Rakyat, 29 millions people = RM29 million for Justice ……..; I am sure truly Malaysians will be keen to make such donation to see how Malaysia Court headed by Bar Council Karpal, the Singa…. to challenge NAZRI Boo (M-ACC) for Justice which has been abused blindly using race and religion cards for 39 years!!
    //4. Now that Lingam has no case to answer, how does it affect my being accused of being influenced by him, remembering that the tape was about his alleged phone conversation with other individuals. Did he say that I asked him to speak to those people? Was my name involved in his phone call?//
    No, your name was not mentioned in Lingam video clip, however I only heard him saying “Do you want to help the country or not??
    // 5. These questions will remain in the minds of the people who read the conclusion of the Commission. So what now? //
    This question could only be answered when the CASE is Re-Opened Due to Rakyat’s pressure. If Ayahanda Tun ask me “Was he Drunk?” Yes, He Was….. and I heard that Tony AA loves to “Mabuk” himself too during SIL’s regime ….. maybe they are the Kaki Club-Bing NST or in old days we label them as Kaki Mabuk..
    //6. For some time during the past regime I was told that a thorough search was made to find instances where I abused power or accepted illegal gratification while in office. Apparently nothing was found.//
    We will see Ayahanda … Will they walk the talk by 2010…..?
    //7. Could it be that one way of getting at me was to accuse me of being influenced by Lingam in my choice of judges?//
    Yeap, it will be one way of getting at Ayahanda Tun, kan mereka ini semua komited “to make sure “HISTORY Repeat ITSELF” by using the same cronies watak – meluat to see the same old face (Wajah2 Pemimpin yang terang2 corrupted and kaki perempuan but not caught) face over and over again, … if BN does not walk the talk, then rakyat will make sure democracy is being fully utilized by making sure Over Paid Cronies, not according to their capabilities, will have to walk out from the Parliament by voting Opposition Party eventhough PR is NO GOOD ……..!
    Good day Ayahanada Tun,
    P/S: Mis_bah, systems can be abused including NEP. Today, Malaysia economy is in the young lady stage, with or without NEP, her economy is more resilient to domestic and external factors learned from the ’97 AN-war @ “George Soros” -financial crisis due to blockage trumpeted domestically after this “cold war”. No matter what happen(s), we have the responsibility to make sure the country is in good shape so that our next generation would benefit the seeds that we plant today for them to enjoy another 50 years of peace and growth.
    **1UMNO Rise Because NEP policy, 1UMNO fall Because of NEP. Everything goes up will fall …… as predicted by R.A.H.M.A.N. just like the U.S Dollar**
    This is the Universal Mother Nature Rule – Hukum Allah or Cause & Effect that no men would escape.. … ….. Thank you for reading the comments and together we work for to make sure Malaysia, a young lady, will not be harassed by detractors of unity. May Allah Bless you always and have a nice weekend.

  50. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    //1. The NST reported that the Lingam case is closed. He will not be persecuted (or prosecuted).//
    Not only NST, all main stream papers reported this piece of news to make Tun Dr M is the culprit

  51. “MayDay For Justice”
    I am sure you have read it Tun. This Lingam case, on what ground the judges set aside the case? It’s a wonder criminals are still atlarge.
    Millions of Malaysian has viewed the YouTube on Lingam case. With a stroke of a pen, the case was dismissed.

  52. I nak komen pasal sypatracus.
    Tun Mahathir tak curi pun duit ko, bila dah tua nanti ko bleh ambik kan, Apa yang Tun lakukan adalah untuk menyelamatkan ekonomi Malaysia, Amerika sekarang pun lakukan apa yang Tun Buat. Nampaknya orang yang mempunayai Mentaliti macam Anwar Ibrahim suka juga membaca tulisan tun ni…kalau tak paham ekonomi, baik serah pada yang pakar. Nak tanya apa kelulusan ko sypatracus

  53. Biasalah kes ini ditutup disebabkan ada orang kuat politik sudah campur tangan……seperti biasa kes ini tidak dianggap salah guna kuasa disebabkan orang politik itu orrang yang berpengaruh , masakan tidak kes liwat anwar dengan saiful pun dia boleh terbabit….pelikkan memang pelik…saiful boleh jumpa itu orang…untuk minta pandangan….pada mula nya dia tak mengaku…tapi akhirnya terpaksa mengaku juga sebab dah tak boleh nak cover….itulah orang yang sibuk sangat satu malaysia..sampai klinik nak ditubuhkan pun dipanggil klinik satu malaysia…he he he
    nampaknya perdana menteri terbaru kita ni….otaknya nampak tak boleh berkembang…..

  54. .
    Salam Tun,
    Dengan izin to: sypatracus.
    Multi-multi Malaysia needs CONTROLLED DEMOCRACY. As a normal rakyat who has no linkage whatsoever to Tun, I didn’t see him as a “dictator”. ONLY THOSE who are envious of his success would “rate” him as such.
    1. Malaysian opposition parties are so SHALLOW, NARROW, LOW & LAME!… Seriously!!
    2. AT LEAST please JUST REMOVE those racist dap-pap oldies, (and that self-centered Anwar) already!
    3. Just create a NEW opposition party of real intellectuals if you will – NOT A PROBLEM, AS THAT IS WHAT IS REALLY NEEDED BY MALAYSIA! – just stop following those Narrow-minded & Shallow set of people with some stupid ‘hidden’ agendas in wanting so much to deny the MALAYS who are the Pribumis here, & ISLAM that has been the Official Religion here for Centuries… Why are they so desperate in wanting to change us, & this land, to be like their pap’s singapore??!! Continuing their pap’s agenda???
    4. Narrow-minded, arrogant & totally uncouth bukit2 ( * ie. those typical racist-extremist cucu2 pendatang — where MAJORITY came here in the ’40s after WWII, anyway..) dap is SO OUT NOW.. After more than half a century we gained our Merdeka, they still want to twist & spin & question THIS COUNTRY’S CONSTITUTION that, in the very first place was generaly given the consent by us the humble rakyats, through our Sultans/Rajas, when the British drafted it out — & they STILL WANT TO continue their racist extra-ultra-kiasu pap “leader” back in the old ’60s?? (Tun Sambanthan had called him that in Parliament in 1965.)
    * Note: GUESS WHAT? my neighbor next door came for Raya & their Form 1 kid can’t speak & dont’ really understand Malay, the NATIONAL LANGUAGE OF THIS COUNTRY! & they (“rakyat”???) still AROOGANTLY & SELFISHLY got the cheek to DEMAND to continue the Racist & Segregated Sekolah Jenis2 that was agreed upon in the ’50s (so that their JUS SOLI-ED grampa & gramma who can’t speak MALAY the National Language here, can get some education.
    Kita dah lama BERBUDI, dah lebih setengah ABAD dah… Bilalah si angkuh2 bukit ni nak “pandai” untuk sedar untuk BERBAHASA..?? untuk IKHLAS “pulangkan balik” sekolah2 racist yang JELAS mengeluarkan “rakyat” Keturunan pendatang yang tidak beradab macam si namewe & RAMAI LAGI budak2 angkoh yang TERBUKTI macam BUKAN ORANG MALAYSIA, di BERIBU2 sekolah cina di Malaysia ni, macam si jiran budak Form 1 tu??
    JUST STOP BEING ARROGANT ALREADY if they want the majority here to TRUST & accept them… just as YOU, or ANY Civilized person would do, to impress the people of their newly migrated country. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, shallow & HALF-PAST 6 oppositions in Malaysia!
    THANK YOU, TUN. & Salam Muhibbah to ALL True & Sincere Malaysians!

  55. I too believe my comments will not be published. I had sent it several times but only 1 was published. I do not understand why you need to read all comments before publishing it online. I can understand if foul words need to be vetted and not be published. Even in democratic world, the ‘bad’ words are censored and still published
    Nevertheless, I wish to add tht being the most influential person in Malaysia during your tenure, I do not believe you have no hand in ruling things in your favor. Remember, in a democratic world, you only live once. Now is your turn to be in our shoes.

  56. Dear Tun,
    This is your right for the trial. And let educate thouse youth know the right and everyone right.
    Human Right #7 “We’re All Equal Before The Law”
    Human Right #8 “Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law”
    Right #10 “The Right to Trial”
    Human Right #11 “We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty”

  57. banyak lagi kita kena tengok, kes-kes yang tertunggak masih lagi dalam perbicaraan. Di mana keadilan dan ketelusan badan kehakiman negara, seolah-oleh pilih bulu.
    isu terbaru di laman saya: panas!!!!!!!!!!!! AirAsia Eksploitasi Tubuh Wanita?

  58. Dear sypatracus, looks like you are dead wrong. Your comments have been posted in this blog. Please be patient my friend. My other comments are not targetting you but rather post to all including myself.
    My honest opinion, there are quite a numbers of Malaysian expect a lot more from the Government but at the same time give very little in return. Examine ourself and ask what is our greatest contribution to this country other than paying taxes and buy local products and we may end up with very short list compare to what have been provided to us.
    Yes, we may still quite far from others like Singapore and etc, but at least we are progressing and not stagnant. Look where we were and where are we now. If we are in the leadership team or probably the PM of Malaysia, will we achieve more than what we have or none at all?
    So much improvements have been achieved and all because we had a visionary leader. Believe me, people in Africa like Nigeria are hunger for the same leadership. Surprisingly, Malaysian that came back from Nigeria told me that some of them even have Dr M poster and advise how lucky we are.
    As human, most of the time we forget to appreciate something or someone until we suddenly lost them. Not all people will agree with me but at the same token not all, I hope, will deny Dr M’s contributions to this nation.
    There are many places that I can choose to live but there is nothing compare to Malaysia. If God let me live for another 1000 years, I’m still want to be here; witness and hear what is Dr M’s message written in the time capsule.
    I’m not fanatic about Dr M but if we admire past leaders from other countries, why must we condemn ours. As for Lingam’s case, I am not really interested. It is not that I’m an ignorant fool but look at Dr M service records and I’m confident he is a tough nut to crack
    Last but not least, to Dr M, I wish you well. I can only say thank you for the sacrifice that you have made and may Allah bless you and your wife for years to come.

  59. Salam Tun
    A wrongly accused man is always vilified by the ignorant masses. He is bound to hit something when he left his office for good. Why persistent liars should still continue bashing endlessly as he

  60. This is Malaysia’s version of freedom of speech? Just a big mouth lawyer mouthing out and not enough concrete proof to tie everybody mentioned in. It will not hold up in court as a good lawyer will shoot the prosecution’s case full of holes. Yes, eventhough everybody wants more of the truth to come out, it will be contained by hook or by crook. Unless one legalized Sodium Penthanol injections to all these people mentioned, you will never get the truth.
    This is politics at it’s best when a leader has lot of layers of insulation and protection that one has to peel off before getting to him. Well done on this part.

  61. Dear Tun,
    It is a pitty that you did not have your day in court. This is typical, dasar pengecut, pendusta dan munafik! may your enemies rot in hell!

  62. Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    1.Dari mula lagi kes ini timbul saya sudah meragui,ia adalah usaha pihak tertentu(busuk hati dan berdendam)ingin mencemarkan nama baik dan reputasi Tun.
    2.Mereka ini,mencari peluang untuk memburukkan Tun.Peluang ini datang ketika pemerintahan Pm ke 5(yang lemah).
    3.Tetapi saya amat percaya,kejahatan dan niat busuk manusia tidak dapat mengatasi kekuasaan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.Lambat laun kebenaran akan timbul juga.Yang penting kita harus terus menyatakan yang benar.Ada orang yang tidak senang dengan Tun,kerana Tun menyatakan yang benar dan berfakta,bukan persepsi,andaian dan tuduhan melulu.
    Saya sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun dan Tun Siti.Orang yang menfitnah Tun,atau sesiapa saja,memang tidak akan aman dan hatinya tidak tenteram.Luarannya,mungkin dia boleh ‘berlakon’. Ini boleh dilihat pada air muka dan gelagat seseorang.Contoh terdekat,seseorang tu….yang tak habis-habis tangguh perbicaraannya.

  63. Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
    1. It was an attempt to frame you…got highest blessing from
    2. It was during dollah’s time that anybody who were against you
    were honored by the dungu dollah. So lingam was that dumbo
    used to get you.
    3. What did he do when his own scum son-in-law refered to you Tun
    as the monkey shaking the tree, remember? Both dollah and his
    kera jantan s-i-l should be punished for degrading you like
    that, even worst than the garland of slippers by the keling.
    But, none of the umno idiots did anything…even najib hid his
    4. At least dollah misused his office to do nonsense like freeing
    anwar earlier, sponsored pariah council, reviewed and made
    payments to the big headed judges…becoming instant
    millionaires! So, i’m hoping that najib uses his office to
    correct the blunders by dollah…najib should do anything to
    clear your name Tun, which is still bad due to dollah’s
    scheme. Do something najib cos one day you najib will get the
    same treatment…u cannot trust anybody.

    The first reply seems coming from somebody that still having grudge with you.
    For me, whether you are being influenced or not, it is your rights as a Prime Minister at that time as you have the authorization to select the Chief Justice and suggest the name by advise to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong.
    For sure we don’t want the Chief Justice from BAR COUNCIL that seems hate ISLAM as a OFFICIAL RELIGION of this country or a free thinker that might allowed SODOMISED as an act of human right to become this country’s Chief Justice.. HE!HE!HE!
    I think that is why the first reply seems to have a lot of GRUDGE against you sir.

  65. Dear Tun,
    It is not a question of you clearing your name, but the real question that needs to be addressed is why the former PM allowed the Judiciary and three former CJs to be exposed in this manner. This was not about fact finding or ascertaining the truth- it was about opening the judiciary to cheap public ridicule for convenient political gain. Badawi was foolish and simplistic enough to believe that running down his predecessor would secure him an easy second mandate. His advisors must have told him that if the prosecution of Kasitah Gadamam and Eric Chia could secure him the first mandate, the vilification of Dr M and Judges appointed by him would secure him the second. He was wrong.
    What really needs to be investigated urgently, is how this Royal Commission came up with its report, the influence that was placed on the Commissioners etc. We need to know what influence Dato Mahadev Shankar had on the proceedings. Was Prof Khoo promised a Tan Sriship for his blind endorsement by Abdullah ? It is important to study Mahadev Shankar’s departure from the firm of Zaid Ibrahim and his return as a consultant. Mahadev Shankar was from the same legal firm as the counsel for the Malaysian Bar – was that a conflict ?
    More importantly, the Malaysian people must be properly informed of facts. The Royal Commission left the public under the impression that Lingam was the only person in the world who dined with Judges or socialised with them. The government should keep the public better informed:
    1. Perhaps it should review the many letters sent to the press after the passing of Tun Suffian. many described his very affable social manners at dinner parties in the homes of lawyers or lawyers who were entertained in his home (with non alcoholic beverage I am sure).
    2. Perhaps the public would like to know of the High Court Judge who completed a hearing for a large legal firm on his last day in office and then took up a consultancy with them. Was this proper ? When was he offered the position ? When did he negotiate the terms? Was he in office in the said firm when he was writing the grounds of judgment later ?
    3. Perhaps the public should be shown the photos of Zaid Ibrahim’s firm’s launches and cocktails and to identify the pictures of judges who attended;
    4. Perhaps the public should be shown the pictures of a particular consultant of a large firm who frequently attends cocktails cheek to cheek with Judges;
    5. Perhaps the pubic would like to know of a large firm who employed the children of various judges and to investigate why these children left this firm shortly after their fathers left office.
    6. The Bar Council’s defamation committee was set up in the hight of the legal suits against people who made false accusations of judicial corruption. They even submitted a memorandum to the former CJ TUN Dzaiddin. Dzaiddin accepted the memorandum and decreed at a Bar dinner that “irrespective of the jurisprudence” on the subject defamation damages should be reduced. Is that proper ? Is it right for pressure groups to submit memorandums to sitting judges ?
    A wholesome investigation like this will give the public an informed view of what is happening in the judiciary and why it happens. It will help uplift standards while exposing to the public the judges and lawyers who have allowed themselves to be compromised. This will provide a factual basis for uplifting judicial standards. It will also compel judges to conduct themselves with greater integrity.
    It will for instance expose certain judges who force proceedings in haste and deny defendants the right to even reply to submissions. Such judges hold office even today and they survive by running cases in a manner that favours lawyers who hold office in the Bar Council. The lengths to which some judges go to block submissions, shut out facts etc. even today is of greater concern than whether Lingam fished with Eusoffe Chin 10 years ago.

  66. Dear Tun
    How is it that so clear testimony and evidence had been presented by witnesses at the RCI and yet the Police and The AG cannot find probable cause against Lingam for bringing the judiciary system into disrepute and ex Chief Chief Justice Eosoff Chin’s involvement in corruption?
    Is it not ridiculous that in Lingam’s case the person who actually shot the incriminating video, Leo Gwo Burne (now an MP), had testified at the RCI as to the authenticity of the video and the conversation that took place and now the AG has NFA’d the case?
    Even more ridiculous is the statement from the Police/AG that “witnesses could not be located” in the case against Eusoff Chin when all of them reside in Kualal Lumpur and can be easily called up for interviews through their lawyers? It appears the authorities left every stone unturned in their under-zealouness in investigating the charges!
    It seems clear to many that this, like previous scandals involving Bank Bumi, Perwaja Steel, London Tin Council, Bank Negara forex losses etc., etc., etc., is yet nother massive cover up by our Government.
    More than that, it is a stinging slap in the face for our venerated King, the resounding echoes of which can be embarrasingly heard on all 5 continents! Doubly so, since this is the 2nd successive instance, the first being the RCI into the POlice Complaints Commission, where the recommendations of an RCI have been consigned to the garbage cans and flushed ignominiously down the sewers!!
    What action do you recommend be taken against the Police, AG and Najib’s Govt for gross dereliction of duty and breach of duty to the Rakyat?
    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  67. Salam perjuangan buat Tun yang dikasihi.
    Biasalah tu Tun… hangat-hangat tahi ayam aje.
    saya dah tahu kes ni akan tamat begitu je bila Tun kata nak masuk court dan lawan mereka… ayat berbisa yang lain ialah bila tu yang mereka takut sangat tu. Tun kata akan cerita banyak pasal hakim dan lawyer …
    kan semua rahsia mereka ada dalam kocek Tun… kalau semua terkeluar.. susah la diaorang nak cari makan Tun!
    Tun… ramai orang dok kata Tun ni freemason.betul ke tu? boleh ke Tun cerita sikit pasal sejarah Freemason ni kat malaysia!
    cerita la sikit pasal perjuangan Tun untuk negara dan agama islam yang orang lain tak tahu… contohnya…dizaman hamid albar dulu tun telah mengarahkan seseorang dan menempatkanya di Batu Pahat…walaupun Tun tahu dia seorang yang berhak keatas tanah tumpah darahnya… untuk mengelakkan sengketa antara kita dan Thailand/patani!!!.kalau tak.. kebangkitan nusantara pasti berlaku awal dari yang dirancang!
    Tun…saya masih tak puas hati dengan bayaran ex-gratia kepada Tun salleh abas!itu duit rakyat!!!

  68. To Sypatracus:
    Firstly, so obvious that you don’t have the GUTS to put your real name there when you are accusing Tun. So OBVIOUS that you are afraid of being responsible of your accusation by hiding behind a nick name.
    DUHH!! no one respect an irresponsible person….
    Secondly, is that the best ACCUSATION you can wrote it in here?? Blabbing…. without any concrete proof??? CAKAP macam tu.. budak umur 5 tahun pun pandai buat….(5 year old kid also can talk like that)…
    Thirdly.. if you have that so much hatred to Tun.. why do you need to come here and read all his writing? No one put a gun in your head to do that I guess.. If your intent is just to badmouth about Tun.. hmmm.. seems that another act of irresponsible person…
    Look on yourself first before critising other people without valid proof… or you will face consequences of making a fool of yourself
    Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Saya dibesarkan semasa zaman pemerintahan Tun, dan amat bersyukur dapat berada di zaman pemerintahan Tun… Sesetengah org tidak mengerti utk bersyukur apa yg Malaysia kecapi sekarang.. dan salah satunya org spt Sypatracus (itu pun kalau la betul dia ni Malaysian)– Alih Bahasa–> ( I was born and raised during 22 years of your premiership. And I was very greatful and thankful to Allah that it was during your time.Some people do not know how to be thankful what Malaysia become now as a country well known to the world. People like Sypatracus–>that is if he is truly a Malaysian)
    Kind Regards,
    Emma Roslinda Edrus (KL)

  69. Hey sypatracus, it takes time for the comments to load here. The moderator has to check for profanities, not when people have differing opinions or harsh criticism. And as you know, there are plenty of comments and viewers of the Tun’s blog.
    You are full of bullshit. People here love and support the Tun cause we grew up under his era where we experienced his excellent leadership in steering our country to modernization. Only after his leadership, retirement, did we experience all these blatant racism and hear stories of bribery, misuse of public funds etc.
    I doubt that the Tun was a god amongst all his cronies. Did you not remember the incident when all the ‘important’ cabinet members harshly criticized the Tun for being adamant about building the crooked bridge?
    You accuse him of being a tyrant yet you throw generalized accusations without an inkling of substantial evidence. Go fly a kite, it’s better for you.

  70. Ybhg Tun,
    Syukurlah kepada Allah kerana akhirnya yang benar tetap benar dan yang tidak benar tetap tidak benar. Walaupun banyak sudah di lakukan oleh orang2 tertentu untuk mengaibkan jasa Tun selaman 22tahun memerintah negara akan tetap tidak berjaya kerana Allah akan sentiasa melindungi orang yang telah memabawa ke makmuran di malaysia.

  71. to sypatracus:
    Don’t show your negativity and stupidity in public. U just posted for 5 minutes and expect in will be published? That already shows your negative attitude.
    MAS bailout purpose is to make sure our NATIONAL company to survive. And to protect THOUSANDS of Malaysian from loosing their job. But what the heck..your negativity only let your eyes see the negative side of everything. I’m sure if Singapore Airlines having problem their country will do the same thing..which is to bailout their national company. Again..your stupidity is shown here.
    Tun doesn’t let the matter rest because he is in the right. That is why he is not afraid to comment about it. If he is guilty he will surely keep silent to let people forget about it. But I guess u are too stupid to understand the concept of “Berani kerana benar”.
    To Beloved Tun:
    Don’t bother about what this brainless person saying. He is just a pitiful person who have nothing better to do than spouting nonsense. I pray that Tun will stay healthy and active..may Allah bless you.

  72. Salam Tun dan pembaca semua,
    1. Bagi mereka-mereka yang msih tidak nampak keadaan di Malaysia sekarang, izinkan sayaberi sedikit penjelasan mudah.
    2. Bila BN atau UMNO salah – itu betul.
    3. Bila BN atau UMNO betul – itu salah.
    4. Bila BN atau UMNO kalah – itu betul dn semua orang betul.
    5. Bila Bn atau UMNO menang – itu salah, dan semua orang salah.
    6. Tak caya? Bacalah…. media-media alternatif yang sangat-sangat BETUL dan dipercayai oleh mereka-mereka yang di para#1.
    sekian, jaga diri, jaga solat semua.

  73. Ayahanda Tun, ini ada sedikit contoh untuk ditenung sama dan mungkin juga sedikit jenaka sesama bloggers. Bancian di Utusan On-line tentang UMNO. Soalan yang diajukan:
    “Adakah UMNO akan dapat menarik minat lebih ramai ahli setelah parti itu meminda perlembagaannya?
    Apabila dijawab (agaknya ramai jawab tidak), dan diklik “vote” ini apa yang akan timbul:
    “Maaf, tiada bahan untuk kategori dan tarikh yang anda minta. (no story)”
    Cuba Tun try tengok kalau laman ini masih ada (belum dipadam).
    Sebenarnya ini adalah petanda awal untuk UMNO supaya betul-betul ikhlas dalam agenda perubahan mereka. Tamatkan segera agenda AJK T4 dalam UMNO. Mereka bukan perjuangan Melayu dan UMNO pun dah 50/50 sahaja lagi.

  74. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Maaf saya terkeluar topik lagi nampaknya Tun. Namun mohon dizinkan saya sedikit ruang jika ada berpeluang juga kali ini. Maaf juga saya pohon kepada Tun oleh sebab saya selalu terkeluar topik komen. Tapi isu posting Tun kali ini sebenarnya berkisar pada perbuatan penganiayaan oleh Perdana Menteri ke-5 yang mengaku sebagai pemimpin kepada rakyat tapi hanya mampu bekerja sebagai Ketua AJK T4 sahaja. Juga menyebut hal soal percaturan politik rakus dan gagal seorang yang mengaku dirinya pemimpin, soal menyalah gunakan kuasa untuk kepentingan politik peribadi AJK T4, soal membuat

  75. “sypatracus” said the following:
    “This is all bull shit I knew my comment here will not be published, because of its negativity toward the Tun. NO wonder all the comments here seems to praise Tun.”
    I laughed. Hard. (at sypatracus)

  76. Dear Tun and bloggers,
    Some time things are just better off by not saying anything about it at all. Especially when the court have decided then it stop there. If any of you are not satisfied just bring it to the court.
    When something ends let it ends. It is gone and history. The best thing to do is to learn and think of the lesson it offers.
    What get us here is because of the past. What we have now is more important and does not guarantee a better future.
    Human, system, organization are not perfect it is suppose to be that way. But what make human, system and organisation better from one another is awareness of the imperfection, learning of the solution and action taken. Those are the diffentiating factor. That what makes human, system and organisation come out of situation much better and stronger.
    Human makes mistakes, system flaws, organisation have up and down cycles.
    Anybody will not comprehend any situation and unless they are in the situation.Only people in the situation will know because the need to produce results and the are accountable to make decision. Well, not everybody makes perfect decision every time!
    Just think,
    Every things need to be balanced. And striking the right balance is always a difficult tasks.
    Total democracy does not guarantee the best situation. The best is controlled democracy. Well that also depends on who controls it.
    Chronism in the hand of people who does not do it according to merit is bad!. But sometime, somebody has to make a decision based on merit chronism. All i am saying sometime, something and someone need to do the job and to decide. Only that the person has to be accountable and knows what and how to decide.
    Please do not dwell so much in the past as for the sake of endless arguement. Please dwell in the past to learn. We are living in the present and future. Do something about the present and the future.
    Most things have it its bad and good side. It is a challange knowing the balance of which gives the good results.
    If you think about it when you make persistant mistakes or persistantly bad. God will normally give you punishment, bad punishment. But, if you have done good things, and when you do some bad thing, God give you to time, give you series or warnings i.e giving you the chance to correct, to repent and to be a better person.
    I can write all night, i can give numeroues examples. I will stop here.
    What we want to be is to be better. Think of how and what will makes us better. Tq

  77. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Today, most of the communications are done through telecommunication and internet. These communications are sometimes unreliable and difficult to prove.
    It is due to this fact that many slander,threats & false propaganda are communicated to the public vastly and instantly. Of course,the culprits are eventually tracked down but the damage would have already made.
    At the same time there are individuals who abuse the ambiguity of the contemporary communication mode. They say or do whatever they want freely and when confronted they hide behind the curtain of ambiguity and uncertainty.

  78. Tun
    is this just pure bravado from you Tun because you know, at the end of day, somehow, this is no longer going to court and you do not need to have that day in court that you so claim you wish to have.
    Because if it is not – than I think, you still have an avenue to take this to court. You can take it on the basis that there is a shroud of suspicion on you due to your links raised in this matter. And that in turn has a bearing on your reputation. And you want to bring this case yourself to court so you can clear all “purpoted” association to you….
    So, what do you say – would you take this to court or would you rather just blog claiming your innocence?

  79. Salam Tun,
    Regardless what others said about u,
    i’m still here to support and read all your comments and thoughs every day, bcos to me u are the best PM for all Malysian during ur regime..
    thanks again!!!proud to have u as our former PM.

  80. Asalamualaikum…..ngeh2..ngeh2….saya tunggu gak kes ni sbb nak tau mcm ane peguam2 tu nak jawab balik soklan dari bapak…nak tgk gak pak dol paneh pungkoq…ni nak tanya bapak ni….betoi ke depa nak swastakan jugak2 ijn tuh….ai2 ai najib ni tak berapa bulan dah buat onar nampak…..dia pun nak ikut pak dol kut….rakyat di dulukan kooooononnnnnnnnn……tapi saya suka bapak camdeq najib…
    lebih kuang gini budget hendaklah sama banyak dgn pembangunan negara kerana pembangunan negara semakin maju sejak kebelakangan ini…..ngeh2..ngeh2..yg saya faham bapak berkias ek…tapi faham ke najib n muhyiddin…..kepentingan ppsmi pun muhyiddin blurrrrr…

  81. Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
    [[Remember the EPF money that you took to make way for your bailouts. That is our life and saving that you robbed]]
    Everybody can be bold and “adventurous” in making statement.You must know that a person with tertiary education must backup his or her claims in order to get full marks from his or her tutor.Obviously your elementary school mentality will never comprehend this because it is way beyond your head..We needs to substantiated our claims with something that the court calls proof,evidence,material witness
    and irreputable dossier..If you are sincere..finds those above..collaborate with anybody that seems “fair” to you..
    Come on..we are waiting..
    By the way..SPARTACUS should be your nick name..Bold and able..
    Remember what Sherlock’s Holmes used to say?
    It’s elementary my Dear Watson..
    Terima kasih Tun..

  82. Dear Tun,
    I’m of the opinion that the whole Lingam-tape saga was created by the previous regime (with the help of their turncoat Law/Judges Minister and others from the then 4th floor, plus an ex-Bar Council president (who is an Opposition legal counsel).
    Their sole intended purpose was to try and blackmail you, Sir. Those half-past-six lot thought of silencing you by intimidation, and how they failed miserably.
    Unlike those who are hiding either in Sydney, Melbourne or the Gold Coast, or the division chief who skips his party AGM out of fear and guilt, you are still WALKING TALL, Sir!
    Malaysians are proud of you, including those who initially thought that the absent division chief was God’s gift to this country.
    p/s sypatracus! you sound like a disgruntled retiree from Singapore. Pls shut up if you have nothing intelligent to say. If you’re talking about yoyr government stealing the CPF money, then bark up the right tree.

  83. Tun Sir,
    The concerns that you have raised regarding the perception on your alleged (insinuated is a more appropriate word)is indeed valid. To begin with, Mr V.K. Lingam was not charged in court. What that effectively means is that the AG has used his discretion not to charge him and one must remember that the AG’s discretion in this instance is absolute and his alone. This will not absolve any smear on Mr Lingam’s reputation ( contrast this with the video clip which was bandied about everywhere!)It will be helpful to Mr Lingam if the AG can make a definite statement that the police report against Lingam is completely baseless with no evidence whatsoever. Otherwise, the public will make all sorts of speculative conclusions including that there is insufficient evidence.
    Coming to you sir, I feel that injustice has been done to you vide the above. If Lingam had been charged, the trial proper may have shown that your name has been implicated unfairly and for sinister reasons. Now, the people will never know because the Commission’s report remains there as a haunting document.
    To be fair to you Sir, the commission’s report should be revisited. There must be some mechanism to ensure that justice is done to you. In the case of a great leader like you Sir, it is immaterial whether there are some who believe and there are some who disbelieve. What is more important is that you must be objectively cleared of the insinuations in the report.
    It is because of such unnecessary, irresponsible smears on past people, especially contributive figures like you Sir that as a lawyer and a citizen I have always insisted on never “rushing” to making any accusations in any tribunal without ascertaining the true facts.
    In conclusion, I am afraid that the non-prosecution of VK Lingam may not absolve him nor you in some of the public’s eyes. 1)There must be a definitive statement from the AG on this and 2)the commission’s report must be revisited.
    My prayers are always with you Sir. Salam.

  84. Tun,
    harap maaf lah klu apa yg say tulis menyinggung perasaan semua.
    Dari apa yg saya belajar dr zaman persekolahan, kuasa eksekutif, dan undang undang tidak dibenarkan bertindih sesama mereka. mereka mempunyai peranan masing masing untuk dimainkan.
    tapi masalah yg berlaku di sini, realitinya, kuasa eksekutif dan undang undang saling bertindih dan mempergunakan sesama mereka sendiri. dalam dunia ‘underground’, ada satu pepatah; ‘law is make to break’..maksudnya segala perlembagaan yg ditetapkan adalah bertujuan dilanggar batasannya demi kepentingan peribadi dan keseronokan. seperti contoh kes kes kebiasaan yg kereta bawa laju sehingga melebihi had limit jalan raya dan melanggar lampu merah.
    dlm kes linggam ini, banyak persoalan yg belum terjawab. dan tiba tiba mahkamah memutuskan kes ini ditutup kerana bahan bukti tak cukup. anehnya, mengapa kes ini boleh dibicarakan pada mula mula walhal bahan bukti tidak mencukupi. bukankah ini hanya membuang masa semua org. klu bahan tidak mencukupi dgn alasan apa mereka boleh memulakan perbicaraan ini? dan dgn tiba tiba menutup kes ini dgn alasan sedemikian. jadi tertanya tanya pula, adakah mahkamah sangat lapang sehingga takde kerja dan menarik populariti murahan dgn pembicaraan kes macam ini??adakah macam ini seronok dgn melanggar perlembagaan? klu mencukupi bukti yg mencukupi untuk memulakan perbicaraan mengapa tidak diteruskan saje walhal ditutup dgn alasan yg longgar. seperti kata pepatah, ‘law is make to break’
    lantaran itu, apa pula kata dgn Pm kita dgn slogan beliau 1Malaysia. mampukah slogan beliau mampu menyengerakan kes kes tertunggak atau menutup kes dgn alasan yg longgar atau membiarkan ia ditunggak kerana bukan dlm lingkungan pengamatan beliau?klu bukan dlm pengamatan beliau, dgn kuasa apa beliau boleh memutuskan kerajaan Perak adalah ‘sah’ mengikut hukum perlembagaan. klu dlm pengamatan beliau, apakan tindakan beliau untuk menpercepatkan kes kes tertunggak agar keadilan terbela atau menentukan keadilan dicapai sepenuhnya tanpa sebarang kes ditutup dgn alasan yg longgar.
    Rakyat akan menunggu lebih lanjut sejauh manakan slogan 1Malaysia akan menuju (adakah selaras dgn wawasan 2020 atau dilupakan saje wawasan ini) atau sekadar retorik untuk menarik balik sokongan rakyat kepada BN. sama sama nantikan.

  85. Salam Sejahtera kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
    I totally agree with you.I knew this would happen.Tun protect your name and image.
    Sebenar nya Tun ada dalang di sebalik semua kemelut ini.
    Tun jangan lupa kalau kes di buka kembali jangan lupa bawa Pak Lah bersama jadi dia pun dapat merasakan berada di dalam dock.
    We know you are a person who dont takes thing lying down.
    Kami mendoakan Tun selamat dunia dan akhirat.

  86. This is all bull shit
    I knew my comment here will not be published, because of its negativity toward the Tun. NO wonder all the comments here seems to praise Tun.

  87. You should be grateful that the matter had been put to rest. We all know how influential you were during your time in power. I doubt that during your rule, you did not abuse your power to influence all these decision, appointment, selection etc. etc. During your rule, no one had any say let alone object to your decision, or they will face very harsh consequences. You were like God among your cronies, all gave in willingly to your wishes and worshipped you like they were in existence because you created them.
    We all know how you have all the say in the country, how you silenced you criticism, how you jailed your opposition, how you vanquished those in disagreement with you and how you controlled the police, the armed forces and the public administration.
    Now that you’re not there anymore, you blamed everyone for everything, whilst we all know the problem had its root during your administration. You almost destroyed the economy because you want to protect your family and your cronies, remember the MAS bailout, You want to keep your millions that you amased from the poor. Remember the EPF money that you took to make way for your bailouts. That is our life and saving that you robbed.

  88. Dear Tun,
    In the five years Slumberjack was in power surrounded by the worst scumbags, there was nothing he or they could pin on you.
    The reasons are obvious, you cannot touch a straight person. Otherwise the vultures would have got you.
    I think now there should be a RCI on the slumberjack and the plunderers around him.
    I doubt this will happen in Malaysia.
    I am just an ordinary Malaysian. I never met you when you were PM and after that but deep in my heart I know you are one of those rare leaders most countries would wish to have.
    God bless you Tun.
    Best Regards.

  89. Hi Tun,
    Selamat Hari Raya.
    Kenapa kes Lingam came to the end secara tiba2. situasi inilah yg menimbulkan rasa gusar terhadap mahkamah kita.
    Sudah tentu akan jadi buah mulut untuk pembangkang semasa kempen…
    Oh ya Tun, kita rindukan ucapan Deepavali dari Tun dan isteri Tun yg tak pernah endahkan kaum Hindu di negara ini. Lebih lebih lagi di web Chedet ini.

  90. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Our prayers and support are with you all the time, and the best thing is Allah swt blessings is always around you and your family so keep on going Tun, “Viva Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah shower you with blessings all the time”. Aminnn…..

  91. Salam Tun.
    Nampaknya tak da can la Tun memberi keterangan di Mahkamah. Wal hal jika kes diteruskan maka banyaklah yang boleh didedahkan untuk pengetahuan umum. Sayang sekali.

  92. salam to Tun Dr M the truth Malaysian hero…
    saya dan jutaan yang tunggu juga Tun masuk court for statement.
    This is how lar Tun malaysian court…..
    Don’t worry kalau tiada jutaan anak-cucu dalam blog ini bersama Tun dalam hal ini saya sendiri2 sokong Tun..go..go Tun…
    semoga sihat dalam menabur jasa dan berjuang atas bicara,pena dan papan kekunci.
    “bila lagi Malaysia nak bagi satu nama jalan atas nama Tun”

  93. Tun,
    Certainly not many Malaysians are delighted with the decision. In fact a number of opposition leaders has already made calls to have Lingam prosecuted! Many of us wants to know the real truth. Just wonder why the AG decide not to proceed. He may have his own reasons. Whatever it is let the truth prevail.


    6. For some time during the past regime I was told that a thorough search was made to find instances where I abused power or accepted illegal gratification while in office. Apparently nothing was found.

  95. Dear Tun,
    Majority of Malaysians will think that you had a role in it. Unless of course you come out with your side of the story, if any. But if your conscience is clear why then bother at all!
    Good day.

  96. Oh please spare us the innocent facade. I’m sick and tired of your administration and the current one continuously insulting the intelligence of Malaysians.

  97. correct, correct, correct … a trademark to be remembered for century in Malaysia history …

  98. Dearest Tun,
    We all knew fully well no one could influence you for your decisions. Obviously, these people have not learned enough about their ‘victim’.

  99. Yang teramat mulia lagi paling dihormati Tun Dr Mahatir
    Beginning from the regime of Abdullah Badawi (Pak Dol), Malaysia

  100. Parliament: Karpal says Lingam case should not be closed
    KUALA LUMPUR: A veteran MP has asked the Attorney-General to keep the Datuk V. K. Lingam case in connection with brokering of judges appointment open.
    Karpal Singh (DAP – Bukit Gelugor) said the investigation papers of the case could still be opened despite it was given the classification of no further action.

  101. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
    jengah sekali lagi,
    ha’ah, rugi jugak kes ni ditutup. kalau tidak, bolehla tengok sapa yg kenakan sapa, sapa yg kena apa, menyanyi lagu apa, joget lagu apa…
    Since they know you’ve a lot to say about those who tried to influence you those days in judiciary, they might as well close the can first before the hideous worms crawl out. what a coward act!!!
    in one sense, it’s good if we question WHO in the first place set the trap??? Why nearly all people jumped into their own conclusions and accused you?? THAT PERSON must be charged of stirring up this serious matter that has defamed your name…
    Semoga Ayahnda n Bonda didlm peliharaan Allah SWT selalu hendaknya…
    just my brain wave…

  102. Salam Tun,
    So long as KJ menantu Pak Dol ex-PM ‘no quality’ tu involve actively in UMNO I still don’t trust/vote BN. Bau busuk najis rasuah nya masih kuat di setiap corok rantau negara dan perangai hipokrasi nya masih tetap kuat dan dah sebati dengan darah daging nya.

  103. Yes Tun, berani kerana benar!
    Nazri kena jawab lah ni. Orang ni boleh jual jiwa dia pada taruhan tertinggi.
    Akhirnya kebenaran juga yang menang. Alhamdullilah!

  104. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
    Izinkan anaknda menjengah seketika,
    masa mola2 tertengok video si linggam tu, terlintas di kepala…MABUK TODDY KA DIA NIH??!!!
    bila dah banyak kali tengok hati aku kata ….SAH DIA NI MABUK TODDY!!!!
    dan yg ambik gambar video ni pun MABUK SERUPA LINGGAM JUGAK..BONGOK & TAKDAK KERJA NAK BUAT…
    last2 orang yg merakam ni jd famous tanpa perlu berjuang apa2 & dapat pulak jd wakil rakyat kawasan orang suka pi mabuk2..elokla tuh
    ada orang yg takdak kuasa besar mana pun cukup seronok cakap berdegar2 terutama masa tengah MABUK -mabuk kuasa, mabuk harta dan pangkat, mabuk glamor, mabuk judi, mabuk makan buah semabuk – konon dapat buat benda yg dia tak dapat buat dgn menggunakan nama orang besar2. kesian tengok orang2 yg tak ada kewibawaan berlakon sakan utk menaikkan nama sendiri.
    untuk kita semua yg waras, masa bila pulak Tun boleh senang2 dipengaruhi oleh seseorang??? semua sedia maklum, era Tun dulu Tun giat melaksanakan pembangunan tanpa memperdulikan cemuhan, sindiran dan kata2 sinis waima dari orang melayu islam sendiri yg tak reti nak buat kerja tapi cukup pandai mengata2 Tun. ada Tun peduli semua tu?? buktinya kita boleh nampak dgn jelas hari ini.
    ada sesiapa yg saja nak nafikan semua tu???
    malaih cakap banyak sebab bukannya depa reti & cuba nak faham. aku gerenti adala yg masih bongok dok percaya apa yg linggam mabuk tu kata..konon orang mabuk tak cakap bohong!!! Islam melarang umatnya menjauhi arak kerana sebab2 macam ni laa…
    Semoga Ayahnda n Bonda didlm peliharaan Allah SWT selalu hendaknya…
    just my brain wave…

  105. Salam Tun,
    This game of political is everywhere. I, myself are one of the victim caught in the game of power in the office.Life is like a game of chess. At the end of the day, its about how you guard your back and how accurate you are in predicting your opponent next move.
    I really really am thankful that I grew up during your time. I’ve learn a lot on how to handle LIFE from your way of leadership.
    Love you always.
    Your daughter(perasan kan he3).
    h3llion. ^_^

  106. Salam tun
    Lingam’s case is just another action to thwart your good deeds and name sir.You may defend yourself via blog.Everyone will read worries if we are at the right side
    Hope to meet you at the criminalise war conference.Have a nice day tun

  107. Dearest YAB Tun,
    Congratulation Mr. Lingam.
    The previous regime FAILED MISERABLY. They even failed to influence the people to hate Tun by creating all kinds of absurd stories about Tun

  108. Tun,
    Saya muskil lah tuh. Tun berminat nak menjawab soalan di mahkamah. Untuk tegakkan kebenaran disebelah Tun. Tapi ada orang tu, langsung tak berminat. Kalau boleh kesnya nak ditangguh sampai bila-bila. Tapi di luar masih lagi kata dia yg benar. Apa nasihat Tun pada orang macam ini?
    Have a nice weekend Tun and Family!

  109. Salam Tun,
    I just had the conversation about this yesterday with my colleagues. They seem to pass the judgement on you long time ago even before the Lingam case. Most probably they don’t like you in the first place. The truth is, I don’t actually give a ‘damn’ of what they think about you and maybe so should you. To me, You have served the country quite well where these people they just like to talk. Some of them was trying to express their dissatisfaction over a lot of issues but yet they seem to fail to also express their gratitude over some of the good one that happened to them. I am just a mere citizen, but bottom line, I love my country. The heck with the one who not.

  110. Dear Tun,
    You are no god and so are all of us, we cannot play the role of god. We are human and we make mistake. Same like us, you also make mistake. But your achivement during your time as our PM is far more greater then any one of us. As a leader, you sucessfully bring peace, harmony, stability and progress to Malaysia. In term of economy, politically and so much more. You sucessfully overcome 2 economy crisis. So, to those who only know how to criticize, please ask yourself that what have you done for Malaysia.
    And for those who keep on finding fault with people, spreading lies, critising, and done nothing more than destroying the peace and unity that we work so hard to maintain, you can go to other country cause you are not Malaysian.
    Take care Tun and may god blessed you, your family and Malaysia.

  111. Salam YAB Tun,
    Teringat saya kisah nabi Yusuf a.s. serta firman Allah s.w.t.:
    QS12:56 “Dan demikian itu kami beri kedudukan bagi Yusuf dibumi, menuju pergi darinya kemana sahaja dia kehendaki, Kami limpahkan dengan rahmat Kami sesiapa Kami kehendaki dan tiada Kami sia-siakan pahala orang-orang yang berbuat baik.”

  112. Tun,
    Lingam had positioned himself and used his connection with all kinds of gimmick to get the appointed person in the goverment to bow at him. This is a typical and a classic character of “Show Off Malaysia Boleh” idiot. He had put many people into trouble including his own brother where the later admitted that Lingam had mental disorder.
    If I had my way, he will never be given a chance to stay here in Malaysia as he never felt gratitute being successful as he had been seen now. If in other country he never had any chance to be cocky and he thought he is controlling the institution.
    Leave him , God will punish of what his wrong doings. As for you Tun stay healty and happy and I believe the other bloggers will agreed you did not have anything to be accused on this subject. Mr Lim (Kit Siang) will never satisfied and so is B.A.B.I. (Brother Anuar Bin Ibrahim)as they are not “THERE” yet(and never will)to do this. They will never happy and blessed with any goverment in Malaysia until they die. Even if they live twice in 1Malaysia.

  113. Tun,
    Lingam had positioned himself and used his connection with all kinds of gimmick to get the appointed person in the goverment to bow at him. This is a typical and a classic character of “Show Off Malaysia Boleh” idiot. He had put many people into trouble including his own brother where the later admitted that Lingam had mental disorder.
    If I had my way, he will never be given a chance to stay here in Malaysia as he never felt gratitute being successful as he had been seen now. If in other country he never had any chance to be cocky and he thought he is controlling the institution.
    Leave him , God will punish of what his wrong doings. As for you Tun stay healty and happy and I believe the other bloggers will agreed you did not have anything to be accused on this subject. Mr Lim (Kit Siang) will never satisfied and so is B.A.B.I. (Brother Anuar Bin Ibrahim)as they are not “THERE” yet(and never will)to do this. They will never happy and blessed with any goverment in Malaysia until they die. Even if they live twice in 1Malaysia.

  114. Dear Tun,
    Does it matter anymore? During your premiership, we all know there so many people throw your name around just to get what they want.
    Do you know about it? I don’t think so.
    Do you allow it? Definitely not.
    For example, let us say, I throw the current premiership’s name to … one director of some department. I could word it, carefully to make it sound more believeable. There’s no way the director would double check whether I’m for real or not. I mean, who would he go to, for verification?
    As for Lingam’s case, I’m sure he dropped your name like rainfall. Use it. Abuse it. Heck, many politician and official would, if that would mean they can get whatever they are after.
    In any event, yeah… I would love to see give your statement in the court and b*tch slap (pardon the French bit) the naysayers.

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