1. Some months back I put on my blog a comment on the supply of buses for Rapid KL.

2. I had pointed out that Scomi, a company owned by the son-in-law of the former PM was involved. Pictures were also shown of numerous buses in a junkyard – apparently condemned.

3. Scomi denied that it was the only supplier of these buses for Rapid KL and Rapid Penang but admitted that almost 80% of the buses were supplied by it.

4. The Star Business on Wednesday 21st Oct reported the following: “The NAR (National Audit Report) also said there were weaknesses in the way Prasarana (Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd) bought buses. The report said that Prasarana bought additional buses from companies that were not approved by the Finance Ministry. Furthermore, the buses were said to be lacking in quality and hence put its users at “risk”.

5. The NAR report is very illuminating. But it is likely to end there. The case would be closed and the miscreants would enjoy their ill-gotten gains and go on doing the same thing.

6. Has the NAR investigated the sale of MV Agusta at one Euro (about RM4) when it was bought for more than RM300 million? The buyer who paid one Euro subsequently sold MV Agusta for a total of RM400 million to Harley Davidson and BMW.

128 thoughts on “BUSES FOR RAPID KL”

  1. saya terpanggil untuk berbicara tentang permotoran msia..kenapa kereta buatan malaysia bila buat loan interest lebih tinggi berbanding kereta import..apakah dasar automotive negara memberi kelebihan kepada kereta import??? saya rakyat masia tun pun rakyat masia jadi apakah kelebihan rakyat msia..kerajaan laungkan belilah jenama buatan masia..tapi bank-bank negara ini macam tak mengalakkan beli kereta buatan masia…megenai motor kuasa tinggi pula harga terlalu tinggi hanya golongan kaya yang mampu milik bagaimana mahu mencari bakat dalam sukan lumba motor..rakyat masia hanya mampu pakai kapcai skill kapcai jer yang pandai tapi sampai bila..kita mahu rakyat malaysia setanding negara lain macam velentino rossi….pucuk pimpinan ada idea yang hebat tapi pelaksana di bawah sampaikan tinggal sisa jer…adoilah, saya tak menyokong afta yang boleh melingkupkan brand kita..

  2. Assalammualaikum w.b.t Yang Berbahagia Ayahanda Tun dan isteri,
    Saya baru kembali dari Tokyo dan Yokohama setelah mengikuti lawatan sambil belajar ke sana baru-baru ini. Saya tiba di Narita Airport pada hari Rabu, lalu menaiki bas ke Tokyo City Air Terminal. Dalam perjalanan, saya merasa hairan kerana tiada kesesakan kenderaan di jalan raya dan di lebuhraya. Persoalan yang bermain di fikiran saya tak dapat saya rungkaikan kerana Tokyo merupakan ibu negara Jepun, sedangkan KL juga merupakan ibunegara Malaysia tetapi kesesakan jalanraya merupakan masalah besar yang tidak boleh diselesaikan ke hari ini, sedangkan pelbagai lebuhraya baru dibina untuk mengurangkannya. Namun, pada keesokannya barulah saya mengerti setelah saya berjalan kaki ke Stesen Keretapi Hatagaya. Hampir kesemua rakyat Jepun menggunakan perkhidmatan ini kerana sangat efisien. Setiap 5 minit pasti akan tiba sebuah keretapi untuk mengambil penumpang. Jaringan keretapi (line) berceranggah tetapi perkhidmatannya ‘inter connected’ menghubungkan bandar-bandar seluruh Jepun. Disebabkan kemudahan yang disediakan oleh perkhidmatan keretapi ini, rakyatnya kurang menggunakan kenderaan persendirian dan memilih keretapi sebagai pengangkutan utama. Dengan itu, rakyatnya berjaya mengurangkan subsidi minyak kerajaan, masalah kesesakan terhapus dengan sendirinya, kemalangan jalanraya semakin kurang, pengusaha perkhidmatan keretapi swasta mendapat keuntungan, pengurangan pemanasan global di bandar-bandar, masalah parking kereta (tepi jalan, tempat-tempat terlarang) di pejabat kerajaan selesai, masalah obesiti rakyatnya semakin kurang (berjalan kaki ke stesen keretapi pergi/balik setiap hari), masalah datang lewat selesai, pengurangan kos membina dan membaiki jalan raya, tarikan pelancongan dan pelbagai lagi faedah sampingan yang boleh diperolehi. Dengan itu, saya mencadangkan pembinaan sistem keretapi elektrik ini diperluaskan oleh kerajaan. Kerajaan membina sistem keretapi (LRT, Monorail) dalam lingkungan KL sahaja tetapi tidak diperluaskan ke luar daripadanya contohnya di Seri Kembangan, Kajang, Bangi, Puchong, Sunway, Damansara dan lain-lain tempat yang difikirkan perlu berdasarkan kepada kajian jumlah penempatan perumahan rakyat di sana. Laluannya harus menghubungkan pusat-pusat perniagaan yang besar seperti Sunway Piramid, Midvalley, Ikea Damansara, One Utama kerana di sinilah tempat tumpuan rakyat bekerja, berniaga dan berbelanja. Sebagai permulaan, kerajaan boleh memulakan projek sistem keretapi di Putrajaya yang menghubungkan kawasan kediaman di precint-precint dengan bangunan-bangunan kerajaan dan Alamanda. Salah satu peranannya adalah sebagai tarikan pelancong di Putrajaya selain mengurangkan kesesakan yang semakin meningkat. Rakyat akan memilih untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan ini sekiranya masa menunggu kurang, murah (subjektif) dan lokasi stesen yang berdekatan dengan kawasan perumahan. Dengan itu, Insya Allah, kesesakan bukan lagi masalah kepada rakyat dan kerajaan akan menjana keuntungan daripadanya. Berkenaan pembelian tidak berkualiti Rapid Bus, nampaknya kerajaan masih tidak belajar dari kesilapan lampau.
    Audit perlu dilaksanakan ke atas agensi kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab tetapi teknologi dan kemajuan harus seiring demi mencapai Wawasan 2020 yang hanya tinggal 10 tahun lagi. Saya memohon kepada Yang Berbahagia Ayahanda agar perkara ini dapat dipanjangkan kepada Dato Seri Najib untuk perhatian dan tindakan selanjutnya.

  3. Tun..saya penumpang di blog Tun..kadang-kadang tak dapat naik, “not allowed on board”.Oleh itu Tun diharap dapat sampaikan pesanan kepada The Hidden Secret bahawa Hadithi yang beliau dakwa itu bukanlah hadith.
    Shaikino,Abd Aziz dan Kilatberkilau..the truth will come to you with Tun message.
    Hubungi saya di emel untuk keterangan lanjut.
    Terima kasih.

  4. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. YABhg. Tun dan sekeliannya,
    Pada pandangan saya dan sesetengah orang, tindakan menjual MV Agusta dulu pada harga yang tidak munasabah hanyalah satu tindakan gopoh yang tidak mengambikira faktor2 keseluruhannya, di mana peluang ini akan diambil oleh pihak2 yg nampak.
    Kegopohan tersebut lebih banyak menjurus kepada kemungkinan niat hendak menunjukkan kepada umum yg pentadbiran ketika itu kononnya hendak membersihkan beberapa keputusan atau dasar pentadbiran sebelum itu yg cuba digambarkan sebagai membazir. Dengan berbekalkan laporan2 dari konsultan berkenaan liabiliti dan kecairan syarikat tersebut, mereka dengan bersahaja menjual pada harga 1euro. Sedangkan maklumat berkenaan aset, inventori, potensi dan lain2 tidak dihiraukan sehingga melenyapkan matlamat asal untuk mendapat dan menguasai kejuruteraan motosikal berprestasi tinggi yg mungkin boleh sedikit sebanyak disalurkan kepada industri pengeluaran motosikal negara seperti Modenas di Gurun sana.
    Ini antara sebahagian contoh, tindakan2 gopoh dan kosmetik yg mencagarkan matlamat jangkapanjang negara demi memenuhi matlamat individu tertentu atau lain-lain.
    Fairuz Kamarulzaman

  5. Assalamu’alaikum Tun
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan pendapat nahar pd October 26, 2009 11:52 PM
    Pak LAHab yg mendapat durian runtuh dari Tun sebagai PM telah mengkhianati Tun dan juga rakyat Malaysia dengan caran pentadbirannya. Kami sebagai rakyat biasa hanya dapat melihat banyak projek yg Tun telah usahakan tapi dibatalkannya.
    – dan Pak LAHab mengutarakan Islam Hadhari konon!! PM nak jadi nabi pulak. Ada berapa Islam didalam Quran ?
    – Lepaskan DSAI
    – beri wang pd peguam2 yg telah dibuang
    Ada pulak U yg beri title “Doctor” kpd orang yg menghancurkan negara!Terlalu banyak yg dipersoalkan tp tiada jawapan
    Tok Najib pula dengan 1 Malaysia nya. Selama ini ada berapa Malaysia?
    Terima kasih & Wassalam

  6. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin jawab ringkas pengulas di bawah….
    Sdr ‘wajaperak’ on November 3, 2009 8:46 AM
    Being suspicious is one of the deadly sins. Beri dgn hati ikhlas, boleh hati hati tapi jgn ragu hati. You cannot always preempt intentions. Orang memberi kita merasa.
    You also speak in (kamal quote)’weird language’…. JAHO?
    Be careful, one of the commenters you grapple with in The Proton Saga is capable of gutter language. Don

  7. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Saya posting perang Tun tak masuk. Hanan dah duk kena tabuh dah. Tak mau tepalit. Tapi kirim salam kat dia. Bro Waja Perak, this posting saya fly cover S Tan. Pipe of peace duk menanak berasap lagi. Take care all. Lama tak dengar Waja Perak hentam kiri kanan. Saya baru sudah buat brownies. Beli ready made bancuh, bake saja. Mai mai makan!

  8. Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun and everyones,
    I subscribe to the idea that BN should not loose the GE 13th, since the people had seen the ineffeciency of PR in administration of states under their control. So many have been witnessed by public the like adun resignation motions,changing side due to lack of confidence towards their leadership and so forth.
    What DSNTR has to prove now onward is to prove that his administration is not like the former flip-flop-level 4-centered administration. He must get rid of those 5-year of disaster and its elements. and he must do it now or never…. ‘cuz time flies fast…
    fairuz kamarulzaman

  9. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    UMNO dan BN bersikap ‘Gentlement’ mengarahkan SPRM(BPR) melakukan siasatan perihal salahlaku yang boleh menyebabkan gejala ‘rasuah’ dari golongan bawahan hinggalah keperingkat kepimpinan. Dan jika terbukti ada kes perlulah dibawa kemuka pengadilan.
    PAS, DAP, PKR – (PR) bagaimana?.
    Sebab itulah, apabila berkaitan rasuah/salahlaku lebih menjuruskan BN, kerana PR tak berapa berani melaporkan, sebab ada ‘dua alam’.
    PAS Kelantan nak rasuah ‘syurga’.
    PR Selangor sedang disiasat, tapi tak ada lapuran kepada SPRM, cuma inisiatif SPRM sahaja. Yang jelas penyelewengan telah berlaku.
    Rakyat perlu sedar sekarang parti manakah yang lebih telus.

  10. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera sentiasa. Minta izin menyahut seorang pengulas…..
    To sdr ‘kamal ahmad’ on November 1, 2009 4:53 PM
    All is well if we don

  11. We do not need another US or Britain in Malaysia like what PR is trying to do, the vision is to create another powerful country without the expense of our traditions like Japan.
    We only need to grab what is necessary from them, not all of it and even adapt their way into our life, and believe these are the best.
    In the meantime, I was aware of how much we have spent on certain unnecessary things for example;
    We spent RM3.5k – RM5k per computer, such as laptop and desktops, when we actually are able to get the same performance computer at only RM1.7k – 2k.
    Why spent more on unnecessary things? when we could get superior performance at half the price or even lower?
    Too much unnecessary spending all these years of administration, when we could really use the money to further develop other areas that needs attention, or even helping the poor.

  12. The mentality of thinking what comes from overseas are much better than locals are going to be hammered.
    “bright and brightest” they clearly underestimated local Universities students and think those who came abroad should performs better.
    Despite the rank of UM, USM, UKM, UITM and and other local Universities we have certain strength that no abroad Universities possess and even UK.
    Saddened by some politicians who undermine local students, by claiming we are losing many among brightest, simply because they were studying abroad and chose not to return.
    Makes those ‘brightest’ return and ask them to work, and we shall see what I mean.

  13. .
    Salam Tun,
    I really don’t know what to say on #6 especially. As Muslims, we know that riba, what more riba yang berganda-ganda-ganda-ganda-ganda-ganda-ganda-lagi-dan-lagi-dan-lagi-dan banyak sebegitu from like RM4 to RM 400 mil.; are clearly haram.
    So, I am simply truly appalled at those goons who can still live “happily” with their RIBA money, laughing their ways to the bank/s; ALSO, SAMBIL TERUS TELAH:

    WALLAHU’ALAM. As an individual rakyat, as it is beyond my power to get them put all their haram loot/monies “Collected” into paying back to the nation such as:
    – CONTINUE with the building of the scenic crooked bridge that connects to the completed QIC immgration complex (as was planned, & already justified with SO MANY CLEAR Benefits to OUR country) which was cancelled by STUPID THEM, using some STUPID LIES, as some STUPID EXCUSES, just to “save” Their SHALLOW level4’s extremely KIASU boss’ little dot island!;
    my console is = Hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal wakil. Allah SWT The Almighty is The ALL-Knowing.

  14. What is their next moves?
    a ) Sabah and Sarawak,
    * They will exploit University admission issue for some pribumis that has mix parentage.
    * They will exploit the issue of lack of developments in certain areas in Sabah and Sarawak.
    By the way, I dont deserve such golden compliments. I am just nobody, what matters is the people.

  15. Kamal Ahmad,
    Thank you,
    Let us ponder at something;
    Speculation of oil —> by?
    Who offers to lower crude oil price?
    right after crude oil.
    Attacking Asian food commodities —> by?
    Become the saviour of the farmers
    Spending billions to maintain war cost, and speculation until they went bankrupt.
    Who went bankrupt? we all know who went bankrupt.
    This looks really fishy.
    Also, he believes in religious equality, which means that all religions are the same, and Muslims are allowed to change religion.
    So what is PAS is working hard for?
    They are no longer relevant, just disband the party and be with their master.
    Their arguments are amusing, irrelevant, Assabiyah, and so on. But the question is, do they really know what is Assabiyah.
    Have to admit, this ‘A’ is really clever, very shrewd, and highly capable of amazing feats. Average Joe would have fallen prey.

  16. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    You know what, I just now I bought some kuih koci from a child who would come about with his mother carrying baskets of this local delicacy. Previously they were not allowed into my apartment area, but I Okayed that with the guards telling them that they are making deliveries for me and now it seems that nearly 60% of their daily sales come from regular door to door delivery here. Most of their customers aren

  17. Enough of wasting RAKYAT’s money through “non-transparent” expenditure by Prasarana…..1Malaysia concept should care of everyone….Not just on certain people…
    By the way, on MV Augusta selling, sounds “fishy” as we sort of been cheated and on the total lost side…
    Please help us Tun….

  18. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera sentiasa. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin…
    NAR was also issued for 22yrs previously. Anybody recall any convictions? Anybody took notice? Maybe there was no retired PM rabble rouser then?
    NAR covered many areas, why buses of particular interest? Smells of vendetta! (Ice cream to one commenter?) However, the miscreants and ill gotten gains should not be let off scot free.
    NAR should investigate not just the ending of Augusta deal (its sale) but the beginning also (its purchase). Why is a RM4 company bought for RM300mil? Why RM300mil investment deteriorate to RM4? There are two people involved here! Who is the squeaky clean one?
    ……………JUAL MURAH
    The Augusta cheap sale is pittance compared to mega privatization of profit (IPP and highways, compensation paid by govt to them 38.5bil), nationalization of losses (ships and aeroplanes) Mahathirism era.
    Look at the MEGA sell out of national asset (MAS) and its subsequent MAHA bailout after crony flunked (7bil). MEGA cheap sale of ships (Konsortium Perkapalan) and the MAHA expensive buy back (by MISC)? During that time many cheaper ships are available in Korea, Taiwan etc facing surplus capacity.
    Which is bigger, ships aeroplanes or buses? Nampak semut, gajah tak nampak?

  19. Dear Tun,
    1Malaysia. People First, Performance Now. That sounds promising but what that means to me is this. People first ..to pay whatever at all cost. Performance Now… perform/pay it now!!!

  20. perkhidmatan rapid memang sudah teruk…tambahan lagi,tambang telah naikkan…saya adalah pelajar uitm s.alam….jika dulu kami boleh menggunakan tiket 1 ringgit untuk 1 hari…tetapi sekarang tidak lagi….bahkan untuk perjalanan singkat pun,tambang tetap sama…padahal perjalanan hanya 500meter…..jika di darab dengan jumlah pelajar,rapid mendapat untung berlipat kali ganda dengan sebelum ini…perkhidmatan bus bukan lagi menjadi perkhidmatan untuk membantu mereka yang susah,tapi menambah lagi kesusahan mereka yang susah…..tidak ada sebab bus perlu dinaikkn tambang….pengguna semakin hari semakin ramai….
    topik lain pasal bus:
    bus budaya dengan kad ahli:(kad ahli hanya rm 1 seumur hidup)
    dari kota bh aruke kuala lumpur = RM36
    Bus lain :
    kota bharu ke kuala lumpur = RM 43 – RM 45
    bagaimana budaya boleh turunkan harga dan still perkhidmatan bus bagus,selesa….bus2 lain ada yg terlalu teruk perkhidmatan….
    harap tun dapat membantu rakyat.

  21. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. May I be granted some space to Adam. Thank you Tun.
    Dear Adam, I have the same opinion with your view. Richard Haass is a certified Jewish War Architect ever since the Iranian Revolution of 1979. At least that was where he cut his teeth and sharpened his war blood fangs. His finger prints have been on all US and Israel conflicts with the Arabs and Islam, regardless of whether the sitting President was Rebublican or Democrat.
    Such is the extend of his influence and expertise over the issue he propagates. Why Anwar had traveled half way around the world to meet this Richard Haass who is presently the War Architect for Afghanistan is the subject of many speculations around the Muslim world today. Richard Haass is an influential CIA man. No president could take him down. Why did Anwar Ibrahim went to see him? Wolfowitz is now introducing Anwar into the bigger Jewish power circle in Washington.
    Richard Haass is the Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large for the President. Ambassador at large means he is a senior political appointee who could interfere in any of the US embassy world wide. He is CIA. He is also Director of National Security Programs and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the first Bush Administration who sat on the National Security Council, and who consistently advocates going to war against Iraq.
    Haass was one of those who had taken part in falsifying the IAEA report so that the US could invade and capture all Iraqi oil. He is also a member of the Defense Department’s National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon. Wolfowitz, Haass, Zoellick, Wolfowitz, Perle

  22. Renovatio dan Mas_bah,
    Pernah ke naik bas rapid KL? Tahu ke mutu bas tersebut? Kalau nak tahu tanyalah drebar bas rapid KL. Bas Rapid KL sama je dengan bas Intrakota yang dibeli pada zaman Tun. Apa jadi pada Intrakota? Itu bas zaman Tun! Syarikat mana pulak yang beli bas Intrakota? Kenapa Tun tak dedahkan?

  23. Salam Tun semoga sekeluarga sihat sejahtera.
    Saya tidak ingin mengulas Tajuk ini kerana saya tidak berminat. Saya sedang menunggu Tun mengulas budjet 2010 yang dibentangkan baru2 ini tetapi hampa kerana tiada kenyataan dari Tun.
    Saya amat berharap Tun dapat memberi pandangan mengenai budjet 2010. Harap Tun dapat memberi sedikit ulasan mengenai budjet 2010 dapat menolong rakyat kebanyakan.
    Maaf Tun saya keluar tajuk…

  24. As of today,
    I still believe UMNO can be corrected, I have hopes that UMNO would change for good. If Najib was sincere when he made that speech previously, then I have no doubt that I would be with UMNO.
    Do not put this hope down again, Anwar could be dangerous if he is that close to Richard Haas.
    I will gladly support UMNO, as long as they do not repeat the corruptive administration, and change for good.
    Wealth, fame, are not everything, but what is really matter and makes you a great man in history, and in front of God, is not how much money you have, not how many bungalow you own, not how many wives you have. But it is your sincerity, your good deeds.
    If UMNO goes back to the old days UMNO, who fought for its people, then they have my full support, and gladly serve them when the time has come.

  25. Dearest Ayahanda Tun,
    From The Star Online..
    //Published: Friday October 30, 2009 MYT 9:57:00 AM
    Updated: Friday October 30, 2009 MYT 10:33:01 AM
    Fugitive banker extradited to Thailand
    Banker Rakesh Saxena loses his 13-year extradition fight and will face charges of having embezzled $88 million from the Bangkok Bank of Commerce, which collapsed in 1995 and helped trigger the Asian financial crisis the next year.
    VANCOUVER, British Columbia: A fugitive banker’s long fight against extradition failed and he on a plane back to Thailand, where he faces charges of fraud that Thai officials say contributed to the 1990s Asian financial crisis.
    Banker Rakesh Saxena had been fighting for 13 years to avoid being returned to Thailand to face charges he embezzled $88 million from the Bangkok Bank of Commerce, which collapsed in 1995. It was one of the longest extradition fights in Canada’s history.
    Canadian Department of Justice spokeswoman Lyse Cantin said Saxena has been handed over to Thai authorities and is on his way there.
    His lawyer said he was traveling from Vancouver to Beijing and then to Thailand, arriving in Bangkok Friday night.
    The Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday turned down his request to hear his case, setting in motion his extradition.
    Saxena, who suffered a stroke last March and uses a wheelchair, was living under house arrest during much of his extradition battle, but has been in jail most recently.
    His Canadian lawyer, Amandeep Singh, said his client accepted the court’s decision.
    “He’s ready to defend himself in Thailand,” Singh said.
    Singh said there were concerns Thailand might add further charges to those on which Saxena was sought for extradition, but that Canada has been assured by Thai authorities that he will be tried only on the securities charges.
    A spokesman for the Office of Thailand’s Attorney General said Saxena has over 20 cases pending against him.
    Saxena was an adviser for the Bangkok Bank of Commerce when Thai authorities charged him in 1996 with setting up a series of phony loans to siphon millions from the bank.
    Saxena fled Thailand and was arrested later that year in the British Columbia ski resort town of Whistler.
    The collapse of the bank under US$3 billion in debts – partly accumulated by unsecured loans made to Thai politicians – created a loss of confidence in the Thai banking system that helped trigger Asia’s economic crisis a year later.
    Saxena has maintained he is being made the fall guy by executives of the bank related to the Thai royal family, and by financial regulators embarrassed by the scandal.
    Thailand’s statute of limitations on the Securities Exchange Act charges will run out in July 2010. If nothing happens by then, Saxena would be free of the charges.//
    Is our Malaysia Authority going to take similar action on local politicians who have a series of phony loans to siphon millions from the our Bank Bumiputra Commerce in ’98 Asian Financial crisis??

  26. Tun,
    Bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun mengenai isu ini.
    Allow me to attach my general opinion of the problem and that of the single school system.
    Terima kasih.
    The Star
    Monday October 26, 2009

  27. Selain dari perkhidmatan bas RapidKL, perkhidmatan jalur-lebar dari TM-Net juga telah jatuh prestasinya dengan teruk. Ada sesiapa dikalangan yang tidak menghadapi masalah langsung dengan prestasi jalur-lebar TM-Net sekarang, sila utarakan hujah-hujah anda yang boleh menyakinkan kami sebagai pelanggan kepada syarikat yang memonopoli perkhidmatan tersebut.
    Perkara seperti tidak pernah berlaku ketika tun masih lagi sebagai PM. Tahun inilah pertasi perkhidmatan TM-Net yang paling teruk dalam sejarah Internet di Malaysia. Saya boleh agak tanpa diberitahu, sebilangan besar pelabur-pelabur luar mula berkira-berkira untuk meninggalkan negara ini hanya disebabkan oleh perkhidmatan jalur-lebar yang sangat lembab. Sambungan talian Internet kini sudah menjadi salah satu unsur yang amat penting dalam kategori kemudahan pasarana moden.
    Sudah lama kami sebagai pengguna mendengar pihak TM-Net sering menyalahkan pelanggan sebagai alasan kepada prestasi buruk dan kelemahan mereka. Dalam amalan perniagaan, peniaga yang menyalahkan pelanggan adalah seperti ingin melingkupkan perniagaan mereka sendiri.
    Lebih-lebih lagi kini maklumat yang disediakan di Internet sudah semakin canggih dan memerlukan sambungan talian yang stabil. Tindakan TM-Net menyekat-yekat keupayaan sambungan akhir-akhir ini telah menjadikan nilai yang dibayar oleh pelanggan hanya bernilai satu per tiga dari keupayaan yang sepatutnya diperolehi oleh pelanggan.
    Dimanakah silapnya, sehingga prestasi jalur-lebar yang dulunya membanggakan telah menjadi sangat lemah dan mundur. Oleh kerana syarikat yang memonopoli perkhidmatan ini dimiliki oleh kerajaan, maka sudah menjadi tanggungjawab mereka mencari puncanya dan mengatasi kelemahan yang memalukan ini.
    Apa yang paling penting ialah pelanggan memperolehi setiap nilai yang dibayar.

  28. Salam Tun,
    I read with great interest on our new NAP. One thing that still troubles me is the cost of owning a car in Malaysia. Yes, we do have different types of car for different level of purchasing power. But I believe Malaysian people should be able to enjoy quality and most importantly safety but not at a cut throat price.
    Owning a decent car in Malaysia will set you back RM30k to RM50k. And this is only true for Malaysian brand which are well known for its low quality and safety. Good car in Malaysia will definitely set you back more than RM80k, thanks to some japanese brands who managed to dip below the RM100k. We need more quality at a reasonable price and the government need to remove restrictions that prevent this.
    On introducing the new NAP, how well have the power that be considered the ability of the people to get the benefit. There must be a strong reason why people buy used imported car. Most of the time due to the quality and safety features that are 10x better than a new car they can buy. So it is not true to say that the new NAP is to avoid Malaysia from being a dumping ground.


  30. Assalam alaikum
    Y.A.Bhg Tun. Dr. M and all chedet fellow & comrades
    Marks point Number 3 and think about it deeply and sincere. The truth is out there.
    There is some allegations that all of Rapid Buses are China’s “nut & bolts” and “screw driver,” which the quality can be deny. If this allegation true and base on facts, means that we (peoples) under fire of bad services that provided.
    I learn, read, and think about China “nuts & bolts” and “screwdriver” industries. Thats element put China economy booming. But unfortunately not in quality, quantity. From there, may be Malaysian company can get advantage of reduce operational cost for the sake of company and stockholder profits and interest. But peoples will suffer in tandem. When this ocurring in protract, peoples no longer believe the government.
    My next article in my blog might be touch the matters of infrastructure; “Malaysia: Infrastruktur dan prasarana tidak berkualiti?” I will discuss it based on social, economy, and politics context.
    Peoples are not envy or jealous to the succesful of Rapid business. But the business must be do in good ethic, philosophy, no cheating, of course cronies and bribes, and etc. These such elements give bad impacts to the peoples entirely. Also implicated the economy, social, and politics.
    I like to talk about Russia under the late Borris Yeltsin administration. In the era of President Yeltsin, Russia economy environment is bad, her social structure nearly fracture due to “economy sick.” But this “economy sick” are not caused by external factors preasure, but internal factors preasure; cronies among corrupt leader, bribes, deregulation, betray to the country for piled up profit. All of these is done smoothly by President Borris Yeltsin’s “Yes Man” and ” the puppet cum spinning master.” Yeltsin mans popular known as APPARATCHIK (Russian language term). What happens to Russia now? What happens to the economic effort play by Valdimir Putin? And now Medvedev?….IMF, WTO, World Bank….flirting around. Russia rich with natural resources, should success in economy….Why failed, of course the apparatchik sins.
    Malaysian can learn from what had happened in Russia in 1990’s era.
    I think and predict, after the former PM, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi steping down, no more issues like this or something that sort heard again. But I’m stray.

  31. Assalamualaikuu Tun,
    Tun nak keluar sikit dari topic,Apasal si blair liar tu di jemput ke Sabah.
    Dulu dah di jemput ke KL. sekarang ke Sabah pulak.
    Najib oh Najib jangan jangan nak jadi Pak Lah juga.
    Tun teruskan perjuangan murni Mu kami tetap menyakong.

  32. SALAM TUN,

  33. A’kum Tun & mudah mudahan sihat selalu hendaknya.
    >>> Saya ingin menyentuh komen dari Saudara rahman abbas,
    “Salahkah scomi terus menjalankan bisnes membekal bas kepada rapid kl?. salahkah anak atau menantu menteri buat bisnes ?
    perlukah kita bunuh bisnes scomi ?”
    Saudara rahman yang budiman, semangnya adalah tidak salah bagi Scomi membekalkan bas-bas kepada Rapid KL, perkara yang menjadi isu utama disini adalah mengenai kualiti bas-bas yang dibekalkan dengan harga yang susah diterima dek akal yang waras. It is all about Scomi business ethic and integrity that are questionable here. I believed the ‘apa orang lain kata’ thought does not exist in the mind of Scomi who’s who. Otherwise they would not do what they did.
    Seharusnya tidak menjadi kesalahan untuk anak atau menantu menteri membuat urusan bisnes, malah ianya bergantung pada nawaitu insan-insan tersebut dan kita sebolehnya tidak patut menyekat rezeki orang lain sekira didapati ianya layak. Dan seandainya syarikat anak atau menantu menteri ini diberi peluang maka semestinya mereka ini menggunakan peluang ini dengan sebaik mungkin. Apa yang menjadi persoalan disini adalah Scomi didapati tidak menggunakan peluang yang diberikan ini dengan sebaik mungkin lansung menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati, terutamanyan tentang kualiti bas-bas yang dibekalkan – period.
    Isu sama ada perlu atau tidak perlu untuk kita membunuh bisnes Scomi sama sekali tidak timbul. Soalan yang saudara kemukakan speaks volume about yourself, especially about your narrow-mindedness!
    secara peribadi saya berpendapat isu pokok disini adalah sama sekali mengenai kualiti bas-bas Rapid KL that is so happened supplied by Scomi.
    And to Scomi and the gangs please remember that we peoples also deserve to enjoy quality things in life! You people might be ‘haprak’ but don’t think others just the same.

  34. Not everyone has their personal transportation mode. Not everyone has that kind of money to own even a used car. Not everyone thinks that money can be gambled away freely. Most of the people who use the bus are either the people who do not earn a millionaire

  35. The Malay dilemma. Governance. Corporate foul-ups of the highest order. Banyak musang berbulu ayam hitam. Many thorns in the flesh to be unpricked.
    Who was the megalomaniac responsible putting together Guthrie, Golden Hope and Sime Darby. It flip-plopped from Synergy to Sime Darby. The three agriculture (mainly) based entities were on strong foundation and already giant enough to be efficient and chart their own ways. Put them together makes too bulky for good governance and fast decisions.
    Whose idea is it that FELDA, FELCRA, and RISDA be put together. FELDA was (before Synergy-Sime Darby) the largest oil palm conglomerate. The three entities have somewhat different functions and responsibilities. Putting them together will cause confusion in foci and hence less efficient. What they can do is to fine tune for further improvements.
    Size does matters but being over-sized? We hear none from the big-shots in the agriculture sector on this mega-mergers. They are just go-along gang, jaga periok nasi, or their voices muddled. Maybe I am wrong.
    In-depth and comprehensive studies should be for such changes. There is no need to hurry to avoid costly mistakes. What is the hidden agenda?
    Or we can just follow the leader, mumble and jumble our way. And you know who was the greatest mumbler of all!

  36. Dear Tun,
    1. KL Roads – The roads in KL are so bad. Too many holes/patches. The person in charged should retire or resign.
    2. Road Lines – There are no proper lines on the road in the KLCC area!!! (for example, check-out the Ampang Part traffic light). I guess it’s the same person in charge… yes, by now, he should be fired.
    3. Rule of Law on the Street – Motorist are not adhering to the basic Yellow Line Box rules, Traffic Light rules, Yellow Line (road shoulder) rules, bus drivers do not stop the busses at the bus-stop (they just stop… in the middle of the road). Now, as compared to the above… there is NO one in charge.
    Btw, I support on what you said regarding the ‘This Is It’ on NAR report.

  37. Salam Tun,
    “By Benderbuzz on October 26, 2009 4:21 PM
    Salam Tun.
    Khabarnya bas-bas yang digunakan adalah buatan China.”
    So bas-bas tu Scomi yang supply jugak ke?
    Scomi ada berurusan dengan orang China ke?
    Siapa yang tahu elok la jawab.

  38. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Talking about buses, I have a doubt as to the double decker buses. We now see a lot of double decker buses used and nearly all those buses are used as express buses.
    As far as I know not many countries use double decker buses as express buses. They are normally used as town buses.
    I too feel that the double decker buses should not be used as express buses since the structure of those buses are not suitable. The double decker buses have shorter width and longer height. This, I feel, would mean any unstability when the bus travels would need an expert driver to handle. Maybe I may be wrong as I am not an expert in vehicles.
    However, the number of double decker involved in accidents have risen sharply.
    Can anyone in the Ministry Of Transport enlighten all of us on this?

  39. Dear Tun,
    I appeal to you to guide us to build a strong platform for public governance.
    Can an individual file a complaint to police and demand transparency from government ? Mis-management of fund need to stop immediately.

  40. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Ini baru cerita bas Rapid KL yang masih bergantung kepada syarikat luar. Belum lagi cerita perolehan peralatan pertahanan negara.
    Sampai sekarang kita masih bergantung kepada peralatan negara luar. Indonesia dan Singapura telah mampu mengeluarkan kereta perisai sendiri. Industri pertahanan kita masih ditakuk lama.
    Beberapa tahun lepas, kalau tak silap saya anak syarikat DRB-Hicom, DEFTECH ada menghasilkan kenderaan tempur 4×4 AV4 yang dicadangkan untuk pihak Tentera Darat dan Polis yang akhirnya terus berkubur. Pihak tentera darat telah memilih kenderaan 4×4 buatan negara Sepanyol yang seakan-akan HUMVEE pihak Tentera Amerika Syarikat.
    Pada anggapan saya, usaha pihak DEFTECH telah dipandang remeh oleh pihak Tentera Darat dan Kerajaan Malaysia. Peluang harus diberikan kepada syarikat tempatan.
    Janganlah nak dibanggakan dengan pesawat SU-30MKM, Kereta Kebal Utama PT-91M yang negara pengeluarnya Poland tidak menggunakannya kerana menyertai NATO dan paling terbaru kapal selam Scorpene kerana semuanya diimpot dari negara luar.
    Sampai bila?
    Seremban 281009 4:37pm

  41. Hi Tun,
    This comment has no relation to the post, but I wanted to hear your thoughts on Perak..
    As a Malaysian living overseas, I’ve been following events in Malaysia diligently over the years. Frankly, the opposition in Perak is a joke. The opposition has clearly lost in its own game and yet, they are very sore losers. Do they really believe that making so much ruckus will actually benefit the people? Why don’t they just move on and work as a check and balance for the current government?
    I would rather they work hard and prove to the people that they deserve to be in power by winning the next election by a landslide than this constant bickering.

  42. Yup…we can’t ignore the possibilities of low quality vehicles from China. I guess is the same issue as what happened to Keretapi Tanah Melayu some times ago. Train engines bought from China simply because it is cheaper. These engines lasks for about 3 to 5 years only.

  43. Dear Tun,
    Speaking of MV Agusta, as non of our leader dare to take any action in regards of this matter. (And This has proven how corrupt and how useless our Government). May I suggest Tun take some action on this matter. May be initiate a signing petition (from all the rakyat to our King)
    But one thing still doesnt smell right. How come there are not many opposition who show any interest in this case.
    Does this mean that our opposition have no brain? or is there any reasons behind it (maybe they would have to ask permission from their spiritual leader permission before they dare to pee)
    With that make me think of the following matter :
    1. Our BN Government really in deep s**t now. Many people said Maybe is Tun fault that choose your successor. Personally, I think your successor is a good man, but maybe he is too good, and people beside him take all the advantage of him. Look at all the action, decision he has done since tun retirement. How many of it can really bring good to this country. Bring to unstable in politically. Yes. Bring to increase of prices of all goods, Yes. Bring to down fall of our economy, Yes. His crony wallap all our tax payer money, Yes. His family and crony become overnight Billionair, YES YES YES. Other people cant even earn a living in Malaysia and have to go overseas to work, YES. Uphold the Justice, No. Fairness to people, No really. (The list can go on and on and on……)
    Yes, our new PM just step in, and pity him. he must clean up all this sh**. My point is, To built a house from zero is very hard, to maintain it is hard, To destroy it is easy, but to rebuilt it is very very hard.
    You might need 10 over years to rebuilt a country that take just 1 to 2 years to destroy.
    2. Our Opposition is really a big joke. Example : A person who know take photo, video and suppose to be at the right place at the right time can also be MP. (Yet, cant speak a proper Bahasa Malaysia).
    Just look at all our Opposition MP, how many of them can consider qualified and have the burning heart to serve the people, have the experience and knowledge to think big and look at the big picture.
    Enough for now or else people support opposition might feel unhappy and may start to attack me.
    But this is just my opinion. (Everyone in this country can have their own opinion, right.
    So, to our beloved PM, do the right thing, learn from history, clean up all the government, punish who ever do wrong and do not cover and protect the person if he done wrong (even is your own family member or son-in-law)
    Be fair to the people, be bold to make decision and keep on the good work. (Is a dirty job, is a hard job, but somebody got to do it.
    Dont take things lightly. you are dealing with DSAI. you know him for so long, you should know what he is capable of.
    And to our beloved Tun, take care and do share more of your thought with us here.

  44. aslkm ayahanda tun,
    So sorry kalau this comment is irrelevant to the issue you just discuss. Have always wanted to highlight to you that i think we should seriously look into the issue of our education system. It looks to me that our gov now is taking this issue very lightly. Forget about one school or using one language to teach our kids, we cant even set one standard schedule for all the school in the country. My kids now drag themselves to go to school. Depa kata exam dah abih, pi sekolah nak buat apa. Cikgu pun tak dak dah ( that explain so much why we have so many teachers involved in politics and other extra activities ). No wonder also most school try so hard to cramp the schedule so that we have extra 3 weeks for playtime until the official school holiday. Please ayahanda. This is going far enough and its too much. I am in full support of our education system and our govt but don’t push me to sacrifice my kids future. Our future is in their hands and i don’t blame others that have took drastic action by placing their kids in private school.Thanks ayahanda and looking forward to hear your view and see you soon.

  45. salam Tun
    semoga sihat selalu
    minta TUN semak semula dasar / polisi pengangkutan awam ni….perlu di semak semula sebab makin menjadi ‘semak’ dlm sistem pengangkutan awam negara….bayaran nak…kualiti khidmat untuk org ramai tak seberapa….duit beli bas tu duit rakyat…rakyat yg bayar cukai….be fair la….jgn dok fikir nak untung untung juta juta je….soal sosial & welfare rakyat juga kene fikirkan dan di ambil kira….rakyat gaji tak seberapa…dh 20 30 tahun berkhidmat pun masih dok gaji takuk tu je…harga barangan makin naik…setiap 3 bulan harga barangan harian naik…gaji pulak naik setahun sekali…itu pun kalau naik….penyudahnya rakyat naik muak dan mual….akhirnya rakyat naik angin dan naik minyak…PRU 13 akan jadi medan untuk menjatuhkan kempimpinan BN dan UMNO nanti…dan naikkan kerajaan baru pakatan rakyat…percayalah..kita tengok nanti…

  46. Che Det,
    1. 6. For some time during the past regime I was told that a thorough search was made to find instances where I abused power or accepted illegal gratification while in office. Apparently nothing was found.
    2. I had pointed out that Scomi, a company owned by the son-in-law of the former PM was involved. Pictures were also shown of numerous buses in a junkyard – apparently condemned.
    Having considered the probabilities, the only apparent viabile is to say that a hundred percent equity of any foreign companies setting up shop in Malaysia is a positive development and if the opposition may learn how to govern after a hundred years then that will be sadly untrue considering UMNO and BN is bogged down with influential personalities such as the son-in-law of the former PM and his admirers not forgeting others in the opposition.
    Perhaps, the honorable and trustworthy MACC do need to work on their flagging prestige.

  47. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    From The Star’s report on “Don’t worry, Prasarana Negara bondholders have Govt guarantee”
    The following letter from The Sun written by “Moaz Yusuf Ahmad – Transit” asking rakyat to give all the support and feedback that PM Najib needs at his najib1malaysia blog. These may be the answers for above question on why the bondholders need not to worry …… (take note:- PM Najib did mention that he likes to read letters eg:- The Star when he was appointment as the PM few months back):
    According to the writer
    Most Malaysians are aware of the poor state of our public transport. Some might blame it on the division of responsibilities among 13 government agencies. Others might focus on the competition between companies. Still others may call for LRT extensions or other solutions. But everyone wonders who is supposed to be taking responsibility for fixing the problems in our public transport.
    The answer is interesting and as it is suprising; when it comes to public transport in Malaysia,
    1. The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is firmly in the driver’s seat.
    2. The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak also bought the bus, planned the routes, and is working to get all parties talking to each other to improve public transport.
    3. Most Malaysians are not aware that Najib was appointed as Chair of Committee on public transport in 2007 (that is before the down fall of BN in March 2008). The committee was the first government organisation (self-elected through 2,500 UMNO members??) that was really tasked to improve transport from low 16% usage to higher 40%. And while the committee does not meet often (due to over-confident, arrogant and ignorant

  48. Dear Tun,
    2nd Finance Minister Dato Seri Ahamd Husni say that there will not be any more subsidy next year???
    What do u think ?? why the government after winning one byelection could propose such action??
    Does the government want to loose the next general election???

  49. Salam Tun,
    Saya tidak faham dengan komuniti perniagaan dan kerajaan di Malaysia.
    Pengalaman saya jika ada satu-satu cadangan yang dibentangkan kepada kerajaan semuanya indah-indah belaka di mana cadangan tersebut pun telah disemak oleh konsultan yang professional seperti akauntan, peguam dan mereka yang pakar dalam bidang tersebut. Ianya indah kerana andaiannya (assumption)tidak realistik dan praktikal. Pegawai kerajaan yang terlibat tidak menilai/menyemak andaian-andaian (assumption) yang dibuat dengan teliti. Asalkan pada kesimpulannya Net Present Value (NPV) atau Internal Rate of Return (IRR)positif maka cadangan tersebut boleh diterima. Jika tak positif semasa pembentangan maka dipaksanya konsultan untuk me”positif”kan cadangan tersebut. Dan akhirnya timbullah andaian-andaian yang tak masuk akal. Business is a common sense.
    Bagi pegawai kerajaan yang terlibat dengan proses tender, tolonglah kemaskini pengetahuan kamu dan janganlah hanya duduk goyang kaki dan memberi komen/pertanyaan yang “memalukan” semasa perbincangan satu-satu cadangan.
    Kelemahan inilah yang menyebabkan projek di kemudian hari gagal atau tidak “viable” padahal segala “perbincangan dan kajian” telah dibuat.

  50. Dearest Tun,
    Rapid KL/GLCs/Government Agencies are suffering from the same symptoms:
    1) They are politically driven. This would mean professionalism is discarded. The consequences is, effective decision will fail.
    2) Corruption is the name of the game as it is driven by greed and lust. This game had its first introduction by the politicians which had attracted many fans including the GLCs.
    3) We/BN had turn a deaf ear on corruption because we feel we will survive forever. You should have addressed the matter in a more serious note while you were the premier. Hong Kong did it very well with high commitment striving for clean government. Were we committed then? I didn’t see much action by our ministers to curb corruptions. You should have taken a serious lead on this while you had the chance.
    4) GLCs are run by politically appointed nominee. I agree some are pure professionals but not all. The country is suffering from a dearth of professional Malays to run the GLCs. Not many are clean. Not many dare to challenge wrongdoings. Maybank is a classic example. PNB should be blame as well for Maybank debacle. Why only sack the BOD? By the virtue of being the majority shareholders, should PNB be allowed to meddle in important strategic decision of the GLCs. We see a lot of fumble today. PNB has no skill in running the business except for the running the fund. So, better stick to what you know best!
    5) If the Government fails to address the corruption problem, it will be dooms day for BN…..and UMNO…..and the Malays.

  51. Salam hormat buat YAB Tun berdua.
    Ada komen yang bertanyakan salahkah scomi terus menjalankan bisnes membekal bas kepada rapid kl?. salahkah anak atau menantu menteri buat bisnes? perlukah kita bunuh bisnes scomi?
    1. Bagi saya semuanya tak salah. Tetapi, mestilah bertanggungjawab.
    2. Walaupun kita tidak dapat memuaskan hati semua pihak tetapi minimum standard mesti kita capai iaitu mengurangkan complaint atau rungutan orang ramai. Sekiranya ada rungutan, itu sudah terang lagi bersuluh bahawa kita gagal atau leka dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab.
    3. Sesiapapun boleh bisness kerana itu adalah hak individu, walaupun anak menteri sekalipun. Asalkan perniagaan yang dijalankan beretika dan halal, maka untuk kesejahteraan umum, silakan, berniagalah.
    4. Contohnya perniagaan bas atau transport, sudah barang tentu mempunyai kepentingan umum yang significant kerana jika diuruskan dengan betul dan bijak maka kita semua akan dapat rasakan hasil dan jasanya.
    5. Namun kita kena terima hakikat. Tak semua orang boleh berniaga. Berniaga bukan konsep atau teori.
    6. Bagi saya bila seorang yang tidak pandai berniaga itu berniaga (kita ambil kira juga pengaruh, kepentingan dan kedudukannya), disini akan timbul huru hara kerana nilai tulen dalam perniagaan seperti sabar (tiada short cut), kerja kuat dan kerja lebih, berjimat cermat, buat bayaran yang tepat pada masanya, peramah dan disenangi pelanggan, kuat bersedekah dan beramal jariah dan 1001 macam lagi nilai-nilai yang positif ini tidak akan terwaris kepada mereka.
    7. Malah yang akan lahir adalah boros dan pembaziran, perempuan dan arak menjadi common, penindasan, khianat dan 1001 macam pula nilai-nilai negatif.
    8. Dalam berniaga apa yang perlu kita lakukan adalah buat pesaing-pesaing kita jadi tak relevan. Tak perlu bunuh bisnes mereka. Kita nak hidup lama supaya kita boleh untung lama pula.
    9. Lagipun kita perlukan ramai kenalan atau network supaya kita boleh mencapai lebih banyak kejayaan demi kejayaan.
    Tun berdua jaga diri ya.

  52. Greetings everyone.especially Tun
    This is my 1st writing in this blog.
    I would like to express my thought the idea of Malaysian entrepreneurs. Their market will always point to the government and as we all know, government can not buy all the products or services by them. For sure, SOME(means some~not all) politicians got the edge in securing the market. This is the part where we got the so called bookkeeping errors or should we say bias. I am not against the politician who secure contracts, as it is part of their job to mobilize our country. The idea is tolerable as we gave it back to the community not necessarily by gifts or alms, but provides them with jobs etc.
    The point here is I wonder where are those profits distributed? Maybe they are in the banks(most probably). So??what’s next. Just left others deprived.
    We works in community, so why don’t we help others. I know the market isn’t as good because of we are still lack of population, but it isn’t sounds good if we have bigger population and still the money isn’t distributed well enough??
    I point out my state, and I told you one of the biggest bakery in Malaysia never made it here because the state CM block. Why do we provide rooms for those who wished to monopoly? Maybe that is what capitalism do..monopoly over and over again.am I right? Maybe this is the reason why people trust the state current government. Equal opportunity in some market.
    Another thing I wished to mention here is about NEP. As rakyat, we know little about it and we studied them from our history book and some readings. So, in my opinion providing Bumiputra with the edge is compulsory but to help them is another different story. I am Malay, so I am not against the government policy. In fact, I feel lucky enough to have such a good government for us. I know how it may sounds like, but to see other races mate struggle is always the same to see another human struggle. Maybe I am lucky enough, got accepted in IPTA because of my merit, on my way to gain my merit, the government provide me with enough protection against the non bumi; now here I am in UM.
    ~~WHAT IF we consider to open the market not to foreign, but locals in securing projects without race identity? Maybe
    1. racial tension rise by Malay provocative
    2. jobs increase as Malaysian outsiders return to Malaysia due to equal opporunity
    3. stiff competition~but that is how capitalism rise, through competition
    Those are not the exact answers as we don’t know for sure. I am not asking the government to review their policy, but looking at no 2, I am thinking of global markets. Shall an outsider decide to return, he will bring along his customers too.
    I am worried that other races don’t feel they don’t belong to Malaysia..that’s all. Let’s stop the talking for action speaks. WAWASAN 2020, we still hv enough time to realise it. Thanks TUN.

  53. Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun dan sekeliannya,
    Ada komentator yg bertanya salahkah anak menteri atau perdana menteri berniaga? patutkah perniagaan Scomi dibunuh??
    Pada pendapat peribadi sayalah yg bebal ini ialah “apa salahnya?”, takkan nak biarkan anak mereka duduk saja goyang kaki, nanti dikata orang, kalau kerja dgn jabatan kerajaan pula orang mengata jugak naknya kalau naik pangkat pula mcm2 andaian akan keluar. Anak2 mereka juga perlu membuat sesuatu untuk mencari makan.
    Walaubagaimanapun, kalau nak supply apa2ke atau membuat govt.-linked job ker, kenalah ikut prosedur juga, kenalah patuh pada keperluan regulasi juga, kenalah membuat kerja yang berkualiti serta mematuhi spesifikasi sebagaimana yg kita seru kepada syarikat2/individu2 lain patuhi hendaklah juga mereka patuhi.
    Defect memang ada di mana-mana……………..
    Tapikan, takkanlah sampai 80% supply dia pegang, takkanlah sampai ‘unapproved supply/procurement’ pun dia tetap boleh supply, takkanlah sampai membuat ‘lambakkan’ badan2 bas di ‘junkyard’ dan juga takkanlah sampai boleh kompromi ke atas soal kualiti barangan atau perkhidmatan…. tak bolehlah macam tu bang, buatlah betul kalau benar mahu berniaga, Insya Allah ok dan elok di mata rakyat…
    terima kasih
    fairuz bin kamarulzaman

  54. Salam Tun,
    RapidKL…..contoh organisasi yg berkeadaan “bila melayu dah ramai”…..it is like that!!!
    Scomi…..betulkah di punyai oleh anak menantu Pak Lah atau anak beliau sendiri?
    Ini kes Puppet Master and Puppet on The String jugak ke? Nampaknya kalau benar……Puppet Master masih ada puppet somewhere within the organisation of current “power that be”……mmmm…..Pak Lah is still around la?

  55. assalamualaikum………..
    Saya sememangnya setuju dgn beberapa perkara yg nahar katakan dan saya sememangnya perasan dari awal setiap rentetan peristiwa tersebut mmg dah dapat agak apa motifnya awal2 lagi.Kesan nya pun saya dah agak mmg x jauh tersasar. klu niat tu nak buat rasa hilang hormat atau benci dgn Tun M, saya rasa pakcik tu silap……..semua tindakan yg dia buat tu mmg berkesan menimbulkan kebencian rakyat tapi bukan terhadap Tun M tetapi terhadap dia dan kepimpinannya, buktinya PRU12 yg lepas umno dan BN hampir tumbang seingat saya blm pernah dlm sejarah BN kalah teruk mcm tu, semua pun tahu.Lebih memalukan apabila turut menjadi pembangkang d negeri sendiri.
    Sebagai contoh,Selama 22thn kepimpinan Tun M,beliau sentiasa menekan kan pentingnya perpaduan kaum, media tidak di galakkan melaporkan atau mempersoalkan isu2 yg menyentuh sensetiviti sesuatu kaum dan agama.Ada sesetengah orang anggap ini adalah menyekat kebebasan media tetapi kita tahu ini adalah salah satu cara yg boleh mengelakkan ketegangan hubungan kaum dan agama. Tapi waktu Pakcik tu memerintah, kebebasan media dan kebebasan bersuara d berikan, apa yg terjadi???sebelum ni, pernah kah titah raja d hina sehingga mahu d seret ke makamah?, pernahkah hak keistemewaan melayu d persoalkan? pernahkah kontrak sosial d sentuh? pernahkah agama islam d hina? selepas peristiwa 13mei, pernah kah ada kaum2 tertentu berdemonstrasi di jalan2 kerana dikatakan x mendapat layanan atau hak yg sepatutnya? (Sehinggakan rumah terbuka hari rayanya pun jd tpt demo org tak hormat) ye lah kebebasan bersuara katakannnn.Perpaduan yg selama ini terpelihara nampaknya tergugat dalam tempoh hanya 5 tahun sahaja.
    Ntah apa2 lah yg d buatnya, klu setakat memakan dirinya tak apa, ini kita sebagai rakyat yg turut menanggung bahananya.
    Ingatan kepada diri sendiri” klu kwn menjadi lawan biasa lah,tapi bila lawan menjadi kawan kena berhati2 ”
    Arwah bapa saya pernah berpesan, klu org tua memberi nasihat, ikutlah nasihat mereka kerana mereka lebih dulu makan garam dari kita,jgn bantah cakap orang tua nanti KETULLAHAN. Bila org berbuat kebaikan cakaplah terima kasih bukan mengigit tangan yang memberi.
    Maaflah Tun, keluar TAJUK

  56. Dear Tun,
    1. Another interesting subject that I can only grasp from far.
    2. It is rather surprising that we have been operating the systems [buses, trains etc] for so long and yet we still could not master the skills of running a safe and efficient services.
    3. Perhaps one could ask how many of the public transport companies in Malaysia are ISO certified?
    4. I am of the opinion that ISO certification/accreditation must be made mandatory for every public transport company in Malaysia.
    5. One could also ask how many of the transport companies in Malaysia have their own technical specifications and company standards for buses, trains etc?
    6. Is it not about time that these transport companies should look into these aspects?
    7. Establishing your own technical specifications and company standards will allow you to set the benchmark for your procurement thus avoid the acquisition of sub-standard products.
    8. These transport companies should have by now developed competent in-house technical expertise, and have sufficient database of their customers’ requirements in order to develop their own technical specifications.
    9. Of course a change in the mindsets is also paramount. How many/how often of/do the employees of these transport companies travel on their buses and trains either for leisure or business?
    10. In my experience, the employees are the best tool to provide feedback on the quality of your own product and your services.
    11. How would you know the quality of the services rendered to the customers if your employees are not keen in using your own systems?
    12. How would you expect the general public to use your systems then?
    13. I am sure there are lessons to be learned from this debacle.

  57. Salam buat Yg Bhg Tun,
    Bab bas SPNB ni, teringat saya dalam empat lima trahun dulu, ada satu syarikat pemasang bas di Pekan, Pahang milik seorang Tan Sri yang mana saya pernah nak dilantik sebagai perundingnya untuk cari satu tanah dan tolong reka-bentukkan kilangnya di Lembah Klang untuk operasi pemasangan bas ini dipindahkan dari Pekan. Alasannya, sesiapa nak bekalkan bas pada SPNB mesti kilangnya di Lembah Klang. Senang kalau ada ‘break-down’.. Masa tu, dia pasang bas dengan enjin dari Eropah. Dapatlah beberapa puluh unit kuota dari ratusan yang diperelukan oleh SPNB.
    Pesaingnya yang baru masuk dan terus hampir memonopoli perbekalan kepada SPNB ni dimiliki oleh… (yang semua tahu) tetapi malangnya banyak juga kes bas yang dibekalkan awal-awal lagi dah ‘break-down’ dalam perjalanan untuk pemeriksaan pensijilan di Puspakom. Mana tidaknya, dikhabarkan enjin yang dibeli dari satu negara tu hanyalah duduk di’ranking’ ke lapan tak salahnya. Jadi, memang patutlah kilangnya kena duduk kat Lembah Klang..!
    Dah hantar bas pulak, dikhabarkan bayaran dari SPNB teramatlah perlahan melainkan melalui ‘cara-cara tertentu’ sehinggakan ada kalangan pekerjanya menyarankan plot khas dibuat dengan BPR (sekarang SPRM).
    Saya kesian orang kampung Tok Najib, masa Tun jadi PM, industri di kawasan ni stabil tetapi dibunuh perlahan-lahan secara tak sedar walhal tahap kualiti pekerjanya adalah cemerlang – kalau tak, tak adalah kereta Mercedes S-Class (S-500) dipasang kat kilang di Pekan ni. (Semua kilang di sini saya pernah selenggarakan untuk beberapa tahun dan kisah semasa zaman PM selepas Tun amatlah memilukan untuk warga di sini..!) Hasilnya sekarang, dapatlah bas yang asyik-asyik rosak, tak macam bas dulu-dulu..

  58. Dear Tun,
    The NAR report as presented by STAR can only have one conclusion!
    Najib take heed to this need, if UMNO wants to be in goverment after the next General Elections.
    1) A total revamp of the Management of Prasarana. Remove all the top management. Put in a new Professional set of managers.
    Prasarana needs to make a turn around. First to go is the CEO or whatever you can him/her.
    2) Any officers found to be incompetent or abusing their position must be punished. MACC needs to be activated now!
    3) The companies who benefited from the above incompetence and abuse needs to be taken to task. Bring them to court. Again the MACC need to come in.
    Forget Augusta, forget the old stories. First priority is the cases mentioned in the NAR report i.e. purchase of over priced land, purchase of poor quality buses, purchase of buses from company not approved by MoF, loose management practices lacking transparency, etc..
    Fianlly, why should the public’s money (Goverment coffers) be used to bail out Prasarana???? When Prasarana has been incompetent or professional.
    Bonds means – responsibility by the seller of the bond (borrower of bond buyers funds) to repay the loan (bond redemption).
    Are we saying; I can take a loan from anyone…use it wastefully or misuse it…because I know big brother (Goverment) will bail me out…. and then I will not be reprimanded????
    What non-sense.
    1Malaysia we await.
    Long live UMNO & BN.

  59. Buat bacaan Tun,
    Berkenaan perkara yang dibincangkan ini hanya sekadar untuk memenuhi ruangan komentar Tun. Saya rasa Tun sudah mencapai tahap 0 item kot. Perkara ini bukan Tun tak tau, tau sangat la. Saja nak menghentam Pak Lah. Tapi kita lihat seleweng2 pun masih lagi dalam konteks perniagaan umat islam. tapi bila anak Tun pun dah jadi antara CEO terhebat dalam syarikat arak (dah jelas halal haram), apa komen Tun. atau pun Tuan akan menjawab soal agama dengan perniagaan dua sektor berbeza. Selama Nik Aziz jd Menteri Besar pun nampak tak der pun kekayaan yang dia bolot dr rakyat kelantan. Kelantan kan amat mundur setakat nak buat projek besar2 boleh sgt nak bolot kekayaan peribadi. tapi sayang NIK AZIZ TAK PANDAI MAIN PERANAN. sebab tu kelantan mundur pada pandangan Tun dan UMNO. mundur sebab projek tak nak bawa masuk ke kelantan, takut hilang jasa UMNO. bila pembangunan tak banyak di kelantan, sukar untuk ahli UMNO membolot kekayaan yang ada di kelantan. jadi itulah istilah mundur pd kelantan. bila projek ada boleh buat duit. itu baru kemajuan namanya.

  60. Salam Tun berdua dan pembaca semua,
    1. Bercakap tentang rasuah atau penyalahgunaan kuasa ni, saya ada sikit pendapat nak kongsi.
    2. Bukan pemimpin BN saja yang lakukannya. Lihat saja di mana-mana negeri yang ditadbir PR. SAMA SAJA
    3. Dan penyalahgunaan kuasa, dilakukan oleh hampir semua yang ada kedudukan. Pantang ada kedudukan sedikit, pasti akan cuba dapatkan SESUATU untuk anak, isteri, keluarga atau diri sendiri.
    4. Perhatilah di sekeliling kita. Baik yang dalam perkhidmatan kerajaan atau dalam sektor swasta.
    5. Saya tak percaya orang dalam sektor swasta tak salahgunakan kuasa. Cuma kesalahan dalam sektor swasta masuk balik ke syarikat itu dan lama-lama syarikat itu akan suffer, tak libatkan rakyat jelata sangat-sangat.
    6. Pendek kalam, dalam kehangatan kita menuduh dan menyumpah mereka-mereka yang dalam kerajaan, yang nampak sangat rasuah dan salahguna kuasanya, ask ourselves one question, “Would I do the same thing if I am in that position?”
    7. Ini tidak bermakna kita menghalalkan kesalahan yang mereka buat. Tetapi sekadar mengingatkan diri kita agar jangan begitu meninggi diri sedangkan jika kita berada di tempat yang sama, we might be committing the same, if not worse mistakes.
    8. Dan hakikatnya, this is what happens to pemimpin PR. Bila dulu mereka hanya sekadar membangkang, tak ada negeri nak ditadbir, macam-macam mereka kata kpd BN. Tapi bila mereka mula memerintah Penang, Selangor, Kedah dan once-upon-time-Perak, adakah mereka benar-benar terbukti lebih baik???
    9. Adakah dalam setahun lebih ini, pemimpin PR benar-benar telah membawa kebaikan, pembaharuan, pembangunan, keharmonian, kesejahteraan kepada rakyat negeri-negeri yang mereka perintah?
    10. Pada hemat saya yang kerdil ini, kecelaruan, perpecahan, ketidakselesaan, huru-hara, ketidaktaatan kepada Raja, penentangan terhadap kedaulatan Islam, ini antara yang ketara dengan datangnya PR ke dalam pentadbiran negeri-negeri dalam negara Malaysia ini.
    11. Adakah ini bukan kerana penyalahgunaan kuasa??? Ini sebenarnya lebih teruk daripada itu. Both abuse and misuse of powers are in action here.
    12. Oleh itu, saya nak tanya kepada penyokong-penyokong sebelah sana tu, betulkah anda mahu cuba-cuba gadaikan nasib tanah air ini kepada golongan yang sah-sah cakap tak serupa bikin dan pemimpin-pemimpin amatur ni…betulkah??? betulkah mereka ni tak amal rasuah??? betulkah???betulkah mereka ni putih bersih suci murni???
    12. Pada masa yang sama,saya pun nak serulah juga kepada DSN dan TMY, dengarlah cakap-cakap kami yang rendah-rendah di bawah ini. Ambillah ingat dengan anasir-anasir dalam BN dan UMNO yang tak habis-habis fikir tentang perut mereka saja tu. BUang saja mereka yang tak nak berubah tu…
    Buat Tun berdua dan pembaca semua, jaga diri jaga solat. Hanya kepada ALLAH SWT jualah kita berserah.
    sikenit- the insignificant one

  61. We cannot be our brother’s keeper anymore – Melayu tolong Melayu. Lebih banyak Melayu khianat Melayu. Lahap makan. Balun semua. Kacang lupakan kulit. Harap pagar pagar makan padi.
    Baik kita jadi anau dalam belukar. Tetapi setakat mana lagipun ramai tak mampu. We need good governance for our wellbeing.
    We have been given centuries of time. Time is no more on our side. We are desperate people indeed. We have been transformed into megalomaniacs. Go for the kill now. Sempat lagi bertaubat.
    The masjid is becoming less of Rumah Allah. Members for the Jawatankuasa Masjid are UMNO appointed and usually the wrong people because of personal interests. In my (new) qariah, no general meeting has been conducted for the last 5 years. Friday collections amount to about RM1300 per month. No financial statement is made. People are disgruntled and groupings arise. Is UMNO for Allah!
    Forewarned “Zaman beredar, pusaka bergilir” to quote Rais Yatim.

  62. Salam Tun,
    MV Agusta masih menjadi persoalan ,Siapakah yang mendapat untung RM400 Juta ringgit? Jual dengan harga 1 euro adalah perkara yang paling bodoh yang dibuat, tapi seperti kata TUn ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan perjualan tersebut. Siasatan perlu di buat dan di bentangkan kepada rakyat.

  63. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Maaf, tumpang guna blog Tun untuk respon “Rahman Abas”.
    Tak salah RapidKL buat business dan tambah pelaburan untuk serve kita rakyat dengan perkhidmatan awam yang moden..
    Yang orang geram dan tak senang hati, termasuk Tun ialah RapidKL tak buak kerja betul-betul. Buat elok2, telus sikit, jangan malukan Melayu kita, seolah-olah tak pandai urus syarikat besar. Buktikan kebolehan.
    Kalau Tun teguran, tengoklah teguran tu betul atau tidak. Kalau betul, ambil pengajaran jadi masa akan datang jangan buat lagi. Siapa tak gembira jika Melayu maju?. Tapi biarlah maju secara terhormat..

  64. Dear All ,
    Be it Badawi or Najib administration , both are the same.When oil price are very low — usd 30 to usd 50 , they keep quite and we are the one subsidising the goverment. They said usd exchange go up and hence to lower oil price was counter by the high exchange rate.
    Now , when the oil price shoot up but exchange rate gone down … they gave indication to increase the oil price again.
    Comment given is that the goverment may have to spend 9 billion to subsidized the oil .

  65. Hi Dr. Mahathir,
    as the former Prime Minister of Malaysia I’m interested to know what your thoughts are for the future of Malaysia, what is our competitive advantage over countries such as India, China and Vietnam? We are hosting a discussion on this topic at http://www.thebottomline.com.my and it would be great to hear your thoughts on the matter.

  66. cerita lama di ulang tayang.
    Where are the actions?
    Kalau ada pun ikan bilis je yang kena.

  67. Y.A.B Tun,
    Kalau apa yang Tun tulis tu tepat dan betul maka memang patutlah UMNO kalah terok dalam pilehanraya yang lepas dan apa yang dikatakan oleh pihak pembangkang ada kewajaranya. Mengapa Pak Lah boleh biarkan kroninya bermaharajalela sehingga nak bekalkan bus pun mereka nak telan. Bagilah peluang dekat orang lain nak cari makan juga.
    2. Persoalanya adakah Najib ambil ini sebagai iktibar dan tidak mengulangi kesilapan Pak Lah. Najib mesti tengok kerja Menteri-menteri lain juga. Ramai juga yang mungkin ambil kesempatan dalam perbelanjaan Kerajaan yang bagitu besar. Dalam RM Ke9 ada 200 billion peruntukan nak dibelanja. Setiap Menteri ada juga kroni yang cuba nak ambil kesempatan.
    3. Kerajaan boleh sekat perkara tidak baik ini dengan sistem yang lebih telus. Hapuskan direct nego. Semua kerja yang dibuat mesti dipamirkan supaya semua orang tahu siapa yang dapat kontrak dan berapa harganya. Boleh ke Najib lakukan sedemikian. Audit Negara hanya canang benda yang dah rosak, duit dah habis atau risiko yang bakal ditanggong Kerajaan. Audit Negara mesti lebih berani mencegah perkara yang burok daripada berlaku. Cara Audit Negara sekarang sudah ketinggalan zaman. Hanya lapor benda dah kusut atau sudah lebur. Cari jalan untuk elakan perkara yang telah berlaku tidak berulang.
    4. Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian sebagai pengawal peruntukan hendaklah lebih bertanggong jawap dan sekiranya berlaku sesuatu yang tidak baik mereka perlu letak jawatan serta merta walaupun pegawai bawahan yang membuat angkara. Sesuatu yang telah sampai kepada pemerhatian audit menunjukan KSU tidak cekap dan tidak bertanggong jawap. Banyak wang negara telah hilang kerana ketidakcekapan pegawai awam dan juga peluang yang direbut oleh kroni Menteri-Menteri. Kita belum pernah dengar KSU diambil tindakan tatatertib walaupun laporan audit menggambarkan kelemahan dan ketidakcekapan mereka. Mungkin KSN sendiri terlepas pandang isue ini. Gaji mereka besar dan banyak kemudahan yang mereka dapat tetapi kerja tidak cekap.
    5. Orang Melayu mengetuai pentadbiran awam. Orang bukan Melayu dok ketawa baca laporan audit. Orang Melayu beli barang dari orang cina dengan harga yang tidak munasabah saperti dalalm laporan audit. Ini masaalah berakar umbi dari bawah sehingga keperengkat paling atas saperti Proton jual harta diluar negara yang Tun katakan kurang bijak. Kita jadi bahan ketawa bangsa lain. Salahnya kerana kita semua memandang ringan isue integriti. Tok Siak yang dok jaga surau pun dah pandai nak markup harga beli sabun pencuci tandas bilek air. Jawatan Kuasa surau pulak ada yang dah pandai suroh kontraktor naikan harga repair surau. Bangsa yang maju didunia ini adalah bebas dari rasuah dan salah guna kuasa. Kita contohi bangsa Jepun. Mereka bersih segalanya.
    6. Gerakan hapuskan rasuah dan salah gunakan kuasa perlu diperhebatkan . Tun perlu tampil kehadapan dalam gerakan raksasa ini. Kalau Tun tak kehadapan saya khuatir pentadbiran Najib akan dikotori dengan perbuatan jijik yang sama saperti berlaku dalam zaman Pak Lah. Zaman Pak Lah ada Tingkat 4. Kita tak tahu lagi sekarang ini tingkat berapa pula. Saya luahkan perasaan dan isi hati kerana sayangkan UMNO yang telah sangat berjasa kepada bangsa Melayu dan Negara. Dulu orang Melayu sangat hina kerana kemiskinan tetapi saya bimbang orang Melayu akan dihina kerana rasuah dan salah guna kuasa.
    7. Tun masih ada masa untuk membuat sesuatu demi bangsa Melayu dan Negara. Musoh Negara sebenarnya adalah pemimpin yang rasuah dan salah menggunakan kuasa. Mereka yang terlibat perlu bertaubat sebelum angkara burok menimpa mereka. Bekerja lah dengan jujor untuk mencari kekayaan, bukan dengan cara mudah merampas hak orang lain atau memutarbelit hakmilik negara untuk faidah sendiri. Harta Kerajaan jangan diswastakan kepada diri sendri atau kroni tetapi kalau perlu diswastan biarlah prosesnya telus dan peluang terbuka kepada semua orang mengikut merit masing-masing.
    Semoga Allah selamatkan Negara ini demi masa depan bangsa dan ugama.

  68. Corruption, abuse of power and numerous other crimes are getting worse by the day.Despite the formation of the Judicial Commission, the establishment of the new ACA, public confident has deteriorated instead of improving.The Police too has lost respect and this is reflected by the increasing dependance of the Malaysian population on private security firms to protect their homes and families.The number of foreign workers too (both legal and illegal) is alarming , i.e close to 20% of the total Malaysian population.Imagine if 100,000 were to go on a rampage!!!Can the security forces handle it.
    Its about time the politicians stop quarelling, and thinking about only their positions , families and cronies!! Let’s do something that will make God and our future generation proud!!

  69. Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
    yeop zarul
    (buang aje lah mana2 Quran burok yang mengabihkan boras jo)
    Saudara carilah perumpaan lain..Quran jangan di buat mainan..ok..
    Terima kasih Tun..

  70. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    A mistake like this that makes the voter hates us. A mistake like this that punished us in PU 12.

  71. Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
    I am done defending BN.People exploits the loophole in BN administration ( see the cheese with whole lot hole in them )
    [[every part of the government departments do corruption]]
    This I had to disagree.If you happened to encountered bad experience against 4 hospital employee we don’t say the other 400 staff is lousy..Just because 4 hurts you it does not mean
    Hospital tak guna!!..4 does not represent the other 400 hard working staff
    One swallow does not made a summer..
    [[it seem hard to find any government agency that is not. the corruption seem to be going like a competition (all of participant move faster)]]
    Please don’t generalize.Some hardworking government staff does not know their bosses had corrupt practice.Few corrupt indvidual must not let be seen as representing the majority of honest and hardworking government employee.
    [[I did hear rumour that even streamyx speed can be manipulate by paying certain amount to some technical guy & they can set your streamyx speed higher than normal just by you giving them your login account particular & the 1 time money.]]
    Exploitation of the system.Not the Instituition of Corrupt Practice.
    [[i’m not sure how true are those rumour. there 1 more rumour of way corruption manipulating the court. say if you made a traffic offence & usually for that kind of offence the court will fine you say about rm 3,000. there are runner offering they can settle your problem at rm 2,400 but your receipt will only be 1,800. where the rest of the un-receipt money go? runner+orang dalam+orang dalam+orang dalam?]]
    And a lot more.Do you know that BPR have succesfully eradicate the menace of
    Lesen Terbang?
    We never condone corrupt pratice.It is people like you who afraid to produce and comes with the proper evidence that makes corruption practice rampant in this country..Lament and lamentation..when it comes to forwarding the hard evidence..everbody shies away..
    Be real in wanting to eradicate corruption..
    Terima kasih Tun..

  72. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    A mistake like this that makes the voter hates us. A mistake like this that punished us in PU 12.

  73. Salam Tun,
    1) Kita masih tidak habis hendak memperlekeh Pak Lah, kesian.
    2) Pemilik Scomi sebenarnya anak dia Kamaludin bukan budak hitam dari Rombau tu.
    3) Simpati saya pada Pak Lah bukan sebab dia bijak sangat,tetapi akibat kuat laluk menyebabkan orang sekeliling mengambil kesempatan.
    4) Dia digambarkan sebagai seseorang yang mengepalai konspirasi terutama dalam merungkai kehebatan Tun.
    5) Percayalah he is finish, gone…..
    6) Rakyat Malaysia cuma perlu bijak dan semua pihak perlu memantau tidak kira sekecil atau sebesar mana kemungkinan penyelewengan boleh berlaku.
    7) Biaq depa yang di amanah selalu bersikap amanah… mudah kan?
    8) Cakap memang mudah, ketika ini hendak jadi perunding pun kena hulurr, kalu tidak jangan harap la.

  74. Dear Tun and bloggers,
    Firstly, my concerns
    Now, I wonder if you read the comments posted in your blog.
    Now, I wonder if you still have the influence on the current government to initiate changes.
    The all the bloggers and especially pak pandir. Allow me to descibe my experiences. I am young, I am in my mis 30’s. One thing for sure, i experience quite a lot for my age.
    From my experience, most people can definately talk, some they can write. I met a lot of people. They are good at this. From my experience, most people talk and write without conscience, because they got nothing to lose. I observed that most people who talks and writes, when put into the real situation they are the one who really mess it up BIG TIME! Trust me I have seen alot of these. You know why? when you talk so much, God will you the chance and test you! Most failed!. I seen people talks about procument, merits and helping their fellow Malaysian. When they are in the position, they are the one who becomes the culprits.
    An extreme example. When a person is not a minister, he says anything, the government is to do this and that. They got nothing to lose. When appointed, they just sit and do nothing as if they are so dumb.
    We are parents, we love our children, that is why we prepare them with the proper or the best education possible. It is because we want them to be in better position and chance to succed. We will help them the best that we could.
    I am definately not biased to Tun Mahathir. He is also a parent. His childeren deserve the chance as well. A fair chance. With fair leverage I reckon, he gave fair chance to his children to try out business. I would say that they have some degree of success and learned their lessons and should be always on the learning curves. As the results, they do make it in the corporate world in decent time.
    I say it is fair because during Tun tenure, the children are not actively involved in politics.They have some merit in corporate world and they built some things.They went into mostly retails business where you have to carry merits rather then contracting business where you have to pull a lot of strings.
    As to compare with the previous premiership, they leverage some much on the father’s political power. It is not fair since it shows. They virtually build nothing. I don’t see they are learning lesson. The father are so dumb to make their children venture into things with so much greed. They should be given only fair chance to learn, not to make so much profit.
    Anyway, I just wonder what Pak Pandir what will do if he is in some high level position. I can say a little about these things because I have gone through it. I pay alot for my experience and mistakes. I work hard for my earnings.

  75. askm Tun,
    syarikat Prasarana negara Berhad(SPNB)-MOF… star LRT/Monorail/ Langkawai kabel car/ Rapidkl… Rapid KL adalah yang terbaru diserap masuk dalam SPNB… dalam semua perkhidmatan hanya monorail sahaja yang ‘cash rich’… paling teruk rapidKL… dah kira mcm ‘bailout’ aje bila diserap dalam SPNB…organisasi Rapidkl memang hebat… paling ramai ‘big shot’ dengan jawatan bermacam pengurus yang paling banyak (termasuk gaji yang tak masuk akal dan cakap pon pandai sampai tak masuk akal).. sape yang tak tahu Rapidkl memang terkenal dengan kata2 ‘1st class facility..3rd class maintance.’ (dah boleh buat tesis sape2 yang suka tajuk nie..cth yang terbaik).. ape2 hanya pandai order beli je baru…memang betul dia terpaksa menyerap syarikat bas2 lama seperti len seng dsbnya.. tetapi kalau lihat struktur organisasi yang di penuhi dengan berpuluh pengurus yang hebat takde langsung ‘succesion plan’ dan ‘human capital developement’ atau ‘maintanace plan’???… kalau setakat suruh audit negara akan ade banyak ‘limitation’ ape macam kita mintak tranperancy international(TI) atau PWC ke.. camtuh…whoever this CEO Dato’ Idrus kene buat kerje dengan bijak2, kuat2 dan dengan cepat2(buang aje lah mana2 Quran burok yang mengabihkan boras jo)…kalau tidak BN memang kene ‘Kaw2’ di kawsan bandar terutamanya KL ….lol
    1. ape kata lantik TUN M sebagai penasihat SPNB.
    2. independent board of director- yang ‘world class’ lah…lol

  76. The question now is, why the relavant authorities do not take action on this so-call supplier of public transport vehicles? Do they need to wait until something happen before acting on it? Or do they need some VVIP to say it out in public so that the VVIP will look good in public?
    Don’t wait until its too late. And stop bloody waste of public money, we deserve our voice to be heard.

  77. Assalamulaikum Tun,
    Salahkah scomi terus menjalankan bisnes membekal bas kepada rapid kl?. salahkah anak atau menantu menteri buat bisnes ?
    perlukah kita bunuh bisnes scomi ?

  78. Dearest Tun, We Love you so much. We are the silent majority. Keep up the good work.
    To Pak Pandir…..you cakap macam Nik Aziz la….Sepatah kata marina Mahathir bahawa tak kan lah “her brothers” nak jual goreng pisang kot? Kaya boleh tapi biar betul dan halal….pak pandir tahu ke dia orang corrupt??? Cakap macam tu senang la….i do not know them personally but i do not want to sebar fitnah…takut kat tuhan. i think Tun M knows better than you but if he is not right then it is his fault not yours….ok. Alah…macam Nik Aziz commented before that…orang perempuan yang cantik kawin dengan orang kaya la dan tak payah pi kerja….ini pun i dapat dari sewpaper dulu la…bukan main cakap saja. kalau ini lah mentaliti dia kesian kat orang kita pasal 3rd class mentaliti….You pun macam Lim Kit Siang jugak, asyik duk hentam saja tapi tak bagi kritikan yang membina. Come on Pak pandir give us something better and reliable, if not just stay calm and astaghfar banyak-banyak.

  79. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    There are so many things that needs clearing up. Carry on and keep on revealing those rotten things in order to inhibit future mistakes. Many people know about all these but not many people know the truth and probably Ayahanda Tun knows some truth. Keep going. Wassalam.

  80. Assalamualaikum TUN yang baik budi,
    Topik macam ni saya tak nak komen kita serahkan kepada mereka-mereka yang berkuasa, cuma kita harap benda-benda macam ini tidak akan memecah belahkan orang-orang melayu. Kalau ada asas ambil tindakan mana yang melanggar peraturan kalau tidak ada asas tutup kes.
    Apa yang saya nak sentuh di sini ialah penggunaan perkataan duit RAKYAT oleh lanbaba salah seorang yang memberikan komen dalam blog Ybhg Tun ini. Apakah betul duit yang kerajaan simpan adalah duit rakyat sahaja. Itu tak tepat ia adalah Wang Negera yang kepunyaan siapa-siapa sahaja ada di bumi Malaysia ini seperti Rajah-Rajah,penduduk berbilang kaum,haiwan atau binatang,bumi malaysia,tumbuhan dan sebagainya. Semua orang bayar cukai mengikut kemampuan masing-masing,nelayan pun bayar tax melalui sumbangan mereka kepada pembekalan ikan2 kepada orang tengah yang mendapat pendapatan tinggi dan di cukai. Ada juga pendapatan kerajaan bukan melalui tax daripada orang ramai. Jadi duit Rakyat itu tidak lagi relevan untuk merujuk kepada pendapatan kerajaan yang kemudian di guna untuk bangunkan negara, jalan raya di perbaiki kerana jalan raya juga berhak kepada wang kerajaan itu melalui cukai jalan dan sebagainya. Sudah sampai ketikanya istilah duit rakyat itu di tukar kepada WANG NEGARA kerana ia milik semua.

  81. Search in Wikipedia reveals.
    MV Agusta purchase and sale by Proton
    Heavily indebted, the manufacturer was bought by Malaysian car maker Proton in December 2004 for

  82. Good Day Tun,,
    Your topic always very interesting,,,,as a layman we cannot understand why our government body,,when they do any procurement always at a high price then public company…even through I know off the public company purchaser also had some kick back but they do it in a better way and smaller sum at a time..and normally they position will be change regularly basic just to keep these practise at the minimum. Auditor will audit every year for a public company ,,,,how about the case in the government body????? If no why no to keep tab and any wrong doing will be highlighted immediately,,,,oh.oh.oh ya.I forget the auditor will be force not to manipulate their result before making any announcement to the public……people we had being oversea not as a tourist but spent some time with the local can learn new thing from them but again the corruption will take be on top of the list.
    Why can’t people just do job right as they are elected the people who entrust them to it right..very sad and frustrated
    Thanks and take care Tun

  83. Salam Tun,
    Kpd yang tau dan berpura tak tau – economic warfare begini lah yang berlaku setiap hari di negara kita. SASARAN nya sangat tepat sekali, ia ditujukan kepada mereka yang sangat terdesak memerlukan wang buat pribadi dan punya sikap hidup sendiri dan orang lain pergi mati. “THEY MAKE THE MOST AND CREATE THE WORSE”…

  84. Perbuatan salah guna kuasa,rasuah dan yang sewaktunya jika berlaku secara meluas akan digolong sebagai penderhaka yang pasti mengundang azab Allah SWT semasa kita masih hidup seperti mana peringatan didalam Al-Quran Surah Al-Isra`
    Allah SWT berfirman:

  85. this kind of happening is why we actually hate BN. Corruption have gone into their genetic root & it is not easy to reverse the process. every part of the government departments do corruption, it seem hard to find any government agency that is not. the corruption seem to be going like a competition (all of participant move faster). it is also moving further with it unstopable momentum. everybody now try to manipulate new gray area that can be converted into a corruption pool for harvest. i did hear rumour that even streamyx speed can be manipulate by paying certain amount to some technical guy & they can set your streamyx speed higher than normal just by you giving them your login account particular & the 1 time money. i’m not sure how true are those rumour. there 1 more rumour of way corruption manipulating the court. say if you made a traffic offence & usually for that kind of offence the court will fine you say about rm 3,000. there are runner offering they can settle your problem at rm 2,400 but your receipt will only be 1,800. where the rest of the un-receipt money go? runner+orang dalam+orang dalam+orang dalam?

  86. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Pada hemat saya, semua peralatan jentera/mesin samada di dalam premis atau pun di luar premis perlulah menjalani penyelenggaraan secara berkala (Preventive Maintenance), bagi memastikan/menjamin keupayaan jentera/mesin berkenaan berfungsi pada tahap yang dikehendaki oleh pengguna.
    Setiap penyelenggaraan berkala memerlukan:
    a. Jadual penyelenggaraan yang sesuai
    b. Susunatur/perkara yang perlu diperiksa/dibaiki
    c. Personal/mekanik yang terlatih
    d. Alat ganti yang tulin atau bersesuaian.
    e. Lapuran penyelenggaraan yang lengkap.
    Amat malang sekiranya jentera/mesin yang beroperasi tidak mendapat perkara-perkara seperti di atas. Ini akan mengakibatkan jentera/mesin berkenaan beroperasi di bawah keupayaan serta lebih teruk lagi gagal mencapai masa operasi yang ditetapkan oleh pengeluar jentera/mesin berkenaan.
    Biasanya perkataan yang selalu disebut oleh penyelenggara/mekanik adalah:
    a. Kelewatan memperolehi alat ganti( perlu diimpot dari luar )
    b. Tiada alat ganti( tiada dalam pasaran )
    c. Alat ganti terlalu mahal ( melebihi jangkaan )
    Faktor di atas boleh mengakibatkan jentera/mesin berkenaan berada di setor simpanan/perlupusan.
    Untuk membeli sesuatu jentera/mesin memerlukan tenaga pakar dalam bidang berkenaan yang mana semua faktor yang menjamin keberkesanan kos berbanding keberhasilan(keuntungan) perlu diambil kira.
    Permasalahan yang dibangkitkan oleh Tun mungkin disebabkan ketidakupayaan membuat penilaian oleh pembeli jentera/mesin berkenaan. Ini juga boleh disebabkan oleh kecuaian/kelemahan penyelenggara. Mungkin pihak pembekal jentera/mesin berkenaan cuma mementingkan kuantiti berbanding kualiti, atau perjanjiannya ikan parang tetapi yang dibekal ikan kembung, atau lebih mudahnya asalkan orang panggil ianya bas dah kira OK lah tu. Dia orang tu fikir “Rakyat tak berapa cerdik”, jadi boleh klentong..
    Saya rasa Tun lebih arif. Syabas Ketua Audit Negara. Korek dan bongkar lagi Tun.

  87. Tun,
    Is there any difference to amass wealth within and without the law under the NEP (or under another name)?
    What is the main objective you know very well.Those who sit in the ivory towers and they say-hang on-why should I keep on approving this and that allocations for the kampong folks.I need help too,you know.So they say,if I approve,you give CD,bank in X amounts and benefits-in-kind or my daughter in that Uni and she needs a laptop and handphone to liaise with us.
    So,miscreants will never disappear as long as the one sided assistance still be given.It may be softer now a bit but in time to come,it will come again and it will grow louder.
    Already,you heard those affected are shouting for S153 protection.
    The NAR is a farce and will remain so.Why it is so?Who man the government machineries?Who are the incumbents?Do you want to bite the hands that feed you?Who put them in the government?
    When you have the answers ,you will see why it is a waste of time and funds.And so,a laptop will cost over RM42k will continue to happen in the future.And so the vicious cycle goes on and so what you just detailed above is just one example,MV Augusta and RM8 bailout of MAS are the others.
    Do we have a solution?Yes,I believe we have if he dares.Otherwise,the plunderers of our economy continue to live well.

  88. Salam,
    1. *****Kepada Dato Najib*******
    Amalan audit ini penting dapat mengelak pembaziran, penipuan dan mengesan serta menghalang aktiviti rasuah. Dah dapat lapuran Audit Negara, maka Dato Najib kena bertindak. Nanti rakyat tak yakin dengan kerajaan sebab buat apa nak buat audit jika tiada tindakan. Juga hendaklah audit semula urusan jual beli MV Augusta. Ini semuanya duit rakyat. Tak boleh kira siapa terlibat mesti dikenakan tindakan sewajarnya.
    Dato Najib ialah pemimpin 1Malaysia. Pemimpin seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Jangan terlalu jaga hati individu tertentu, jaga hati rakyat 1Malaysia. Barulah pemimpin sejati dan senangi semua rakyat.
    Kerajaan harus menggunakan wang rakyat dengan secara baik yang boleh.
    2. ***Mohon izin cerita Universiti APEX****
    Dalam bidang sukan,bola sepak negara kita nombor 152 ikut ranking FIFA. Pemain bolasepak Malaysia serta pengurus terima kenyataan. Mungkin depa bukan berpelajaran tinggi kot sebab itu depa terima sahaja. Bukan seprti Pak Profesor IPTA.
    Saya tak faham kenapa Naib Canselor USM masih menafikan kepentingan penarafan Universiti world ranking QS-THES. Naib Canselor USM setakat beri “hearsay evidence” tak menyakinkan rakyat biasa. Saya duk baca akhbar luar negara dan beberapa laman web Uiversiti luar negara yang mengisytihar kejayaaan dan juga keazaman untuk meningkatkan ranking depa. Kalau Universiti Harvard & Cambridge tak payah bising2, orang lain akan cakap untuk depa. Depa dapat banyak external funding, bukan duk harap duit kerajaan iaitu duit rakyat juga.
    Janganlah asyik prasangka , tuduh orang dengki kat USM seperti berikut:
    Sekiranya QS-THES tak betul, berilah cadangan penarafan dunia yang mana nak digunakan. Tak kan nak buat pengikitirafan syok sendiri (swa-akreditasi ?)! Duk main lawan antara IPTA dalam Malaysia saja serupa macam lawan bola peringkat estet/kampung. Hang pa tu University sepatutnya bersifat universal.
    Jika IPTA kita terkenal di dunia, maka senanglah sikit hidup terutamanya yang berurusan dengan luar negara. Orang nampak Malaysia hebat dengan Petronas Twin Tower, F1 Sepang, Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition dan lain2 tanda mercu kejayaan. Ini semua dapat menaikkan imej negara. Ingatlah imej adalah salah satu faktor penting untuk Malaysia maju ke hadapan!
    Rakyat mahu tahu kedudukan Universiti tempatan di peringkat antarabangsa. QS-THES berpengakalan di United Kingdom tetapi senarai TOP 100 tak ramai dari UK. Kebanyakannya dari US.Banyak juga Universiti US tak tersenarai dalam Top 200. Universiti di Asia sendiri banyak yang lebih baik dari IPTA Malaysia!
    Jika USM tak nak iktiraf QS-THES, maka apakah kriteria yang diguna pakai oleh USM dan lain2 IPTA untuk memilih UNiversiti luar negara untuk pensyarahnya melanjut pengajian PhD atau urusan cuti sabatikal.
    Kalau Universiti APEX setakat sumbangan pembangunan biasa, boleh diserahkan kepada IPTA yang baru ditubuhkan.IPTS pun boleh buat kerja ini. Berapa belanja peruntukan Universiti APEX ini? Pengajian Tinggi boleh menjadi satu sumber pendapatan negara sekiranya ramai pelajar luar negara datang belajar di Malaysia seprti di United Kingdom. KAlau IPTA kita hebat, limpahan nikmatnya akan tercurah kepada IPTS. Ramai pelajar luar negara datang belajar kat MAlaysia.
    Yang saya dengar cerita pelajar luar negara belajar di IPTA mendapat pembiayaan dari sumber wang rakyat Malaysia. betul ke? Tak salah bantu depa, tetapi pastikan hanya pelajar cemerlang sahaja. Dah lah tu, banyak siswazah IPTA tempatan sekarang menjadi penggangur! Kasihan kat depa. Buat penat belajar. Saya dengar cerita para pensyarah IPTA berkefahaman depa cuma bagi ilmu. Pelajar kena pandai2 guna ilmu untuk mencari kerja. Adakah ini falsafah pendidikan pengajian tinggi IPTA Malaysia ? Ilmu apa yang hang pa ajar depa , sampai nak cari kerja sesuai dengan kelayakan pun tak tau atau tak dapat?
    Pak Menteri kalau ramai siswazah menggangur cedera parahlah BNasional PRU 13 nanti!!!!!ibubapa depa tak kan duk diam, kunyah sirih macam orang zaman dulu!

  89. salam Tun…..
    sebut pasal penyelewengan dlm kerajaan ni,satu2nya cerita basi Tun,dari zaman Tun dulu,berpuluh thn,ke Pak lah,ke Najib,cerita ni mcm fairy tale story,
    Cerita sebegini boleh lanjut sampai beribu thn..
    Kito rakyat,bagai lagu blues gang ni:-
    berkojo lah kito,sekuetnyo, berkojo lah kito sekuetnyo,
    berkojo berkojo cari duit bayar dio..
    The NATIONAL AUDIT REPORT is not funny story,not plugging grapes from the sky,they screened through documents,proven black & white,
    sadly,all reports flashed away after few months..
    Next year,another report out,
    The root is,
    Selagi penyelewengan rasuah tidak dititikberatkan,cerita cartoon pasal bus ke teksi ke railway ke akan berlanjut sampai ke bila2 pun walau siapa pun jadi ketua kerajaan..
    salam seribu salam Tun,jaga badan Tun elok2,cerita dongeng sebegini sudah jadi hari ni dlm sejarah utk Tun,usah khuatir Tun..

  90. Salam & hi, Tun & others
    We often to hear this kinda things…so often..My question: How to judge? Do we need to judge? How far can we go, individually or as a team(in the name of consumers/people)??…
    Few issues then question again:
    1) If it’s all got something to do with the big shots, are they too
    powerful whereby we the consumer/people so helpless?
    1.1 We vote other party the next election,will it be different?
    1.2 ‘Somebody’ make the accusation, the next day the anti-
    ‘somebody’ will then counter-accuse?
    2) It maybe true, we can’t be all the time rely on our system of
    Law & enforcement.I believe that all the culprit does have
    brain..They exactly know what are they doing and how to keep on
    doin’ it.Do we have any alternative then??.
    3) Media(blog,newwpaper, discover something & make the a hell of
    exposure..another brand-new-and so hot story comes in, it’s all
    forgotten probably…
    I just have an idea but yet still not have any clue of the truth amswer:
    Let us the people “LEADS” our so called leaders, be the real boss to our supplier/service provider/whatever….
    I do feel sorry for not knowing the answer..But i believe it’s really OK to start with the identify the failure mode & the severity
    of a problem..

  91. Salam & hi, Tun & others
    We often to hear this kinda things…so often..My question: How to judge? Do we need to judge? How far can we go, individually or as a team(in the name of consumers/people)??…
    Few issues then question again:
    1) If it’s all got something to do with the big shots, are they too
    powerful whereby we the consumer/people so helpless?
    1.1 We vote other party the next election,will it be different?
    1.2 ‘Somebody’ make the accusation, the next day the anti-
    ‘somebody’ will then counter-accuse?
    2) It maybe true, we can’t be all the time rely on our system of
    Law & enforcement.I believe that all the culprit does have
    brain..They exactly know what are they doing and how to keep on
    doin’ it.Do we have any alternative then??.
    3) Media(blog,newwpaper, discover something & make a hell of
    exposure..another brand-new-so hot story comes in, it’s all
    forgotten probably…
    I just have an idea but yet still not have any clue of the truth answer:
    Let us the people “LEADS” our so called leaders, be the real boss to our supplier/service provider/or whatever….
    I do feel sorry for not knowing the answer..But i believe it’s really OK to start with identifying the failure mode, the severity
    of a problem..how to fix it…let’s think bout it..

  92. Tun,
    Terlalu banyak cubaan conspiracy melalui agen-agennya terhadap Tun yang cuba dilakukan semasa regim lama berkuasa. Hinggakan timbul banyak persoalan dan tanda tanya dikalangan rakyat yang peka, yang memerhati dan yang perihatin tentang perkembangan politik tanah air ketika itu.
    Peminat blog ini; jika betul-betul perihatin dan peka; tentu dapat perhatikan apa kah yang berlaku sebaik saja peralihan kuasa selesai dilaksanakan? (selepas selesai penyerahan kuasa daripada Tun kpd bekas Timbalannya).
    Bagi mereka yang amat memerhati dan amat perihatin tentu akan nampak dan dapat memberikan jawapannya. Antaranya seperti berikut:-
    1) Jika ada yg masih ingat; langkah pertama yang dilakukan ialah membebaskan Anuar Ibrahim dengan sertamerta dengan harapan ada isu besar yang kemudiannya akan meletup dan terbongkar(tetapi akibatnya memakan diri sendiri pula). Apakah motif ini.?.
    2) Kemudian diikuti pula dengan keputusan satu penel hakim yang dianggotai oleh beberapa orang Hakim Besar yang majoritinya memihak kepada Amuar dengan maksud bahawa Anuar sebenarnya tidak bersalah. Apakah motif ini.?
    3) Isu Proton yang tiba-tiba meletup kerana dikatakan bermasaalah, iaitu mengalami kerugian besar dan dikatkan tidak cekap hinggakan timbul cadangan dikalangan anggota kabinet agar Proton ditutup saja. Sedangkan semasa Tun ianya berjalan baik dan tiada masaalah. Apakah motif ini.?
    4) MV Agusta tiba-tiba diarah jual dengan sertamerta walaupun dengan harga yang murah supaya menampakkan atau menunjukkan Proton menjadi tenat dan bermasaalah kerananya. Sekaligus menampakkan seolah-olah Proton merupakan satu beban kepada negara(bukan dilihat sebagai pelaburan jangka panjang untuk negara). Apakah motif ini?.
    5) Membayar ex-gratia kepada bekas hakim yang dipecat kerana didapati bersalah atas salahlaku semasa Tun. Apakah motif ini.?
    6) Projek-projek prasarana(dikatakan projek mega) yang telah dirancangkan tiba-tiba dihentikan sertamerta kononnya negara sudah tiada wang(muflis) dan bazirkan wang rakyat. Apakah motif ini.?
    7) Membuat dasar berundur kebelakang dalam program pembangunan negara yang telah rancak menjadi negara industri (sedangkan dasar yang telah diwar-warkan itu telah dilalui oleh negara kita sejak lama dulu & tidak perlu dijadikan sebagai dasar baru, cuma perlu diperbaiki atau lakukan value-added saja). Apakah motif ini.?
    8) Kelantangan dan tidak sopanya beberapa kerat anggota kabinet yang telah dengan beraninya mencabar, mencerca, membidas dengan bahasa kesat dengan harapan rakyat akan turut serta(menanam kebencian). Apakah motif ini?.
    Dan banyak lagi

  93. Ybhg Tun,
    Dasar PM dahulu adalah memperkasakan pengangkutan awam. Baru kita tahu dasar itu hanya untuk mengembangkan poket seseorang sahaja. Malangnya wang rakyat tidak dibelanjakan untuk kesenangan rakyat.
    Diharapkan pimpinan sekarang dapat membongkarkan semua penyelewengan yang telah berlaku agar dapat memperkasakan kembali BN dan dapat memenangi hati rakyat Malaysia. Jangan sampai orang itu menjadi PM baru nak korek balik saranan Tun.

  94. Assalamualaikum,
    Dunia ini sebenarnya tidak akan mengikut telunjuk kebenaran, lebih mengikut telunjuk mereka yang berkuasa. Kes Linggam pun menunjukkan kata-kata Tun dah tak bernilai. Apa tah lagi issu bas ini.
    Lebih mudah diibaratkan dunia ini mengikut telunjuk mereka yang berada di tampok kuasa. Corak pemerintahan yang mengenepikan suara rakyat, suara ramai.
    Tapi logiknya lebih baik bersuara daripada tidak. Biar pun org cakap dah tua atau nyanyok. Tidak begitu Tun?

  95. Biasalah Tok det….beli bas dengan harga yang paling murah…..lepas itu kasi adjust sama dia punya harga…. harga dalam bill…seperti biasalah memang harga yang paling mahal punya..
    lepas itu kasi cat cantik-cantik…kasi taruk air cond…
    nasib tak baik rangka-rangka bas pun , entah-entah buat sendiri agaknya…itu pasal jalan macam ketam .
    Kes tutup lagi , malas nak cakap dah…nanti org kata kita buruk kan bangsa kita sendiri…lebih baik diam…
    Dan bagaimana pula dengan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD) , Mengikut mantan Perdana menteri penubuhan dan operasi SPAD sebagai pihak berkuasa tunggal untuk mengawasi dan menguatkuasakan piawaian perkhidmatan serta menyedia rancangan jangka panjang pengangkutan awam bandar. Jangan berlaku benda yang sama dan dalam masa yang sama rakyat juga yang terpaksa menanggung bebannya . Kesian penduduk yang tinggal dibandar .

  96. Salam buat semua …
    Ermmm inilah silapnya bila PakLah biarkan anak menantunya menggunakan kuasa tak rasmi bila beliau jadi PM …. abih segala harta negara dimilik individukan .. maka duit rakyat yg jadi mangsa …. walaupun nampak jelas KJ & konconnya kaut kekayaan negara berbillion ringgit [ dia jadi jutawan then billionair segera ] … sayang orgnya petah bercakap tapi jiwanya sudah diBaratkan 1000% sama ler macam bekas bakal bapak mertuanya [ DSAI ] yg juga telah berjaya menjadi penyokong Barat yg hebat …. so apakata lepasni .. KJ diambil jadi menantu DSAI .. ooohhhh memang sepadan sangat lerr…
    Buat DSNR … harap sangat dikorek kepincangan oleh KJ tuhhh … saya pasti sangat kalau DSNR buat camni .. mesti rakyat kembali sokong UMNO ….rakyat bukan meluat dgn UMNO tapi boneka-boneka yg tak abis2 menari di atas duit & hak rakyat…
    contohilah CheDet yg dapat melaksanakan tanggungjawabya terhadap agama-bangsa-negara …

  97. Salam Tun,
    I once pointed similar issue to the son-in-law of the former PM and he replied that I made those statements/allegations based on conjuncture.
    Najib should use the NAR report against him and throw this ‘rotten egg’ out of UMNO once and for all. His image together with TS Isa Samad will just destroy the party.
    It is my wish to see UMNO revives and survives the next GE. Najib should show that he is sincere of repairing UMNO’s tainted image by first rejecting corrupted leaders. UMNO can no longer ‘close one eye’ on PKFZ issues similar cases.

  98. Salam sejahtera Tun,
    His son is rich, your son also rich …
    Sound like there are white elephant (as what Tun described here) project during his administration … any white elephant projects during Tun’s administration?
    Let’s us do a “spot a difference” contest … hehe

  99. salam sejahtera TUN
    semoga sihat dan aktif selalu
    saya amat kagum dgn kekuatan fizikal dan mental TUN…sejak dulu lagi saya selalu ikuti perkembangan projek dan juga cara TUN membuat follow up sesuatu projek itu hingga betul betul berjaya dan mendatangkan hasil yang membanggakan….memamg ramai yang akui TUN adalah seorang yang pakar dlm analisis ekonomi…di malaysia atau pun dunia…seluruh dunia pun respek dgn corak pemikiran TUN….hinggakan zaman presiden US dari Reagan hingga Bush pun respek dgn TUN…kerana keceluparan mulut dan fakta TUN…saya percaya…komen komen TUN itu ada fakta dan kebenaran…tapi sampai la ni…saya agak terkilan TUN masih tak dapat nak overule polisi negara uncle sam itu hingga ranap punah musnah hancurnya iraq, afgan dan palestin…any way saya percaya kekuatan suara dan keceluparan TUN akan membuat UN ikut saranan TUN satu hari nanti…
    TUN…saya tau TUN juga seorang penasihat Proton….dulu masa TUN jadi PM..selalu sgt TUN dtg ziarah dan tengok tengok perkembangan Proton…kalau boleh TUN tolonglah tengokkan sikit corak ciri dan cara pengurusan baru Proton ni…byk ckp dari buat kerja…bijak bercakap…bijak berpidato…tetapi hasil tarak….eksyen dan berebut jawatan dan pangkat saja…politik ofis pun amat kuat…pekerja bawahan yg setia dgn Proton ni jugak yg jadi mangsa mainan politik mereka…
    kalau dulu zaman pemerintahan jepun takla sebegini punya ramai pengarah dan pengurus besar…zaman datuk nadzmi taklah ramai pengarah dan pengurus besar…zaman tengku mahaleel lagi sikit pengarah dan pengurus besar…tetapi ketika itu hasil dan keuntungan syarikat besar jugak bertahun tahun…dan pelbagai model baru di keluarkan….zaman ini saya tengok ramai kapten dan tekong atau mandur dari yang mendayung perahu….mana la perahu nak maju laju ke depan….
    zaman ini saya tengok….hanya yang ada berpuluh jawatan pengarah, pengurus besar dan pengurus yang dtg untuk mengarah, mengurus apa…? saya nampak hanya nak mengarah itu ini….mengarah agar kontrak mereka di kekal tambah…elaun mereka di tambah…apa semua ini…tak perform mana pun….tapi jurang gaji pengarah pengurus besar yang baru masuk cecah 30 ribu ringgit berbanding gaji pekerja yang dah 10 15 20 tahun setia berkhidmat masih dengan gaji 2000 dan 2500 ringgit….apa semua ini…politik apa ini…? sistem apa ini…? betul betul diskriminasi….
    saya nampak bila ada masalah gologan gaji kecil ni jua yg selesaikan masalah…pengarah pengurus muka baru ni hanya tau masalah di selesaikan bukan dengan beri cara baru untuk solve problem…penghujungnya orang yang dah lama kerja juga yg solve the prob…yg dapat nama dan hasil atau KPI si pengarah baru dan pengurus baru ni….kalau mcm ini cara atau konsep pengurusan baru ni lebik baik takde pengarah…pekerja operator gred 1 yang gaji 600 700 pun boleh settle prob…boleh design new model….
    harap sangatlah TUN siasat semula polisi pengurusan Proton yang baru ni….harap sangatlah TUN bela dan semak semula skim pekerja yg dh lama berkhidmat ni…executive yang lama kerja pun sama juga di anak tirikan…gaji kecil…3000 ke 3500 ringgit….tapi golongan ini yg di tekan dan settlekan byk prob…yang jana keuntungan syarikat…yang jadikan kenyataan apa yg di rancang…yang buat duit untuk syarikat…namun kenaikkan gaji executive yg dah lama berkhidmat ni tak di semak pun…executive gred 1& 2 ramai…dah 7 ke 8 tahun…gaji takuk tu jugak….nak kata tak perform byk solve problem…achieve KPI…tapi bila nak mohon naik gred 1 ke 2 je macam2 alasan di bagi bukan mita nak jadi pengarah atau pengurus beasr atau pengurus..tapi berharap sangat minta TUN bantu tolong tengok balik skim kebajikan pekerja Proton…
    majoriti pengarah dan pengurus besar ni saya tengok dan nilai tak buat apa apa pembaharuan pun…dah masuk 5 tahun mereka ni….cakap dan teori sistem mereka amat canggih…tapi tak jugak ada sistem atau ada model baru di buat…semua model yg ada di tangkap jenis tangkap muat….facelift dan cosmetic change je….beribu engineer dan alat canggih ada di R&D tu…under utilized…amat sedih…beratus juta habis beli kelengkapan buat kereta…tapi balik balik ambil model syarikat lain dan ubah suai je…malangnya…jika ini nak di banggakan sesudah 25 tahun Proton beroperasi tak ada apa nak di banggakan….jadi bahan ketawa masyarakat dunia…asyik kena pijak dan tenyeh je…asyik kene tipu je dgn industri otomotif dunia…sampai bila…? proton ada kemampuan dan kebolehan buat sendiri dgn teknologi yg ada sekarang ini cukup canggih….fully utilize them…
    TUN sebagai penasihat Proton amat wajar untuk menasihati pengurusan proton ni…kebajikan dan perhargaan wajar di beri pada pekerja yg setia dgn Proton…. mereka ni jatuh bangun bersama sejak 25 tahun dulu…minta kebijaksaan TUN untuk semak semula skim pekerja dan juga semak corak ciri dan cara pengurusan baru ni…merak takde rasa loyalti dgn Proton…
    yang amat berharap Proton akan berubah dan meningkat dlm semua aspek…
    Jika analisa dan observation saya ini salah…saya minta maaf lah….
    saya yang benar….dah 20 berkhidmat…

  100. Dear Tun,
    I for one would like all the excesses of the Pak lah regime to be exposed for all Malaysians to see.
    The guilty parties should be put behind bars.
    It will serve as a lesson that Malaysians cannot be taken for a ride.
    No quarter should be given.
    Best Regards,


  102. salam…
    Ketika ini negara dikatakan sudah membangun menuju ke arah negara maju. Tetapi bila kita melihat perkhidmatan awam di negara kita, tak ubah seperti negara miskin. Ini boleh dilihat di Bumi Kenyalang di mana bas-bas awam yang digunakan telah berusia lebih kurang 20 tahun. Sama seperti bas-bas yang kita tonton dalam filem P.Ramlee.Bayangkan berapa tahun sudah berlalu. Ada juga sesetengah bas yang kononnya diisytiharkan baru, tetapi sebenarnya adalah bas lama yang dicat dan disolek seperti bas baru. Ini benar2 terjadi.
    Dimanakah letaknya aspek keselamatan?
    Dimanakah letaknya keselesaan rakyat?
    Tatkala kita sibuk kata yang kita peru utamakan perkhidmatan awam, adakah kita sedar bahawa ‘value for money’ kita tidak setara sedangkan tambang pengangkutan ini yang disubsidi semakin melambung.
    Ketika mengumumkan kenaikan tambang, orang-orang tersebut berjanji manis (janji YB…) bahawa kualiti akan ditingkatkan.
    Pengangkutan alternatif seperti LRT juga tidak diperluaskan di negeri2 malaysia timur sedangkan dua negeri tersebut banyak menyumbang terhadap ekomoni negara. Kadar keperluan yang mendesak inilah akan memberi peluang kepada ‘money eater’ untuk mengeksploitasikan kontrak-kontrak kerajaan bagi kepentingannya suatu hari nanti…
    renung-renungkanlah…tiap daging yang terhasil dari sumber yang tidak halal, maka selayaknya menjadi bahan api neraka kelak..

  103. Dear Tun,
    Politics has seeped into public transport, utilities, healthcare, education, business, industry and almost all daily amenities that we, the voters, are supposed to enjoy for voting the government.
    Correct me if I am wrong – what about MYEG? Who’s son-in-law is involved? Can you imagine that someone is above the law, who can collect traffic fines on behalf of our government? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the amount of profit to be made. No one can say or do anything because some people are beyond reproach – the “untouchables”.
    Why penalise errant taxi or bus drivers when the owners of taxi and bus companies are beyond reproach? The knots connecting our napoleons and czars cannot be undone.
    People will continue to die on our roads if licences are so easiy available – driving schools guarantee 100% passes. Young kids don’t know how to slow down at junctions or traffic lights because their licences cost more to obtain. I think the government should abolish ops sikap and just haul the driving school owners to show cause. Unless they are another “protected species” of course.
    My message to our current PM: YAB, please stop wasting time with 1Malaysia. There is no racism amongst us citizens except those conjured by your irresponsible politicians. Send your ministers and state directors to management classes so that they understand what KPI’s mean. Be brave and haul the wrong-doers to court and put them in jail for siphoning public funds, starting with PKFZ. Stop practising NATO – no action, talk only. Curb power abuse amongst your colleagues. Get realistic with your citizens, including me. I mean talk to us like we are smarter than you think, make sense and tell us how you intend to get things done, realistically and pragmatically. Stop bad-mouthing the opposition and get your own house in order. Transparency and nobility really make a gentleman of a PM. Then, maybe you and BN will survive the next general election, before the citizens’ hearts really harden against you.
    Please God bless our once dignified country and protect our citizens, regardless of race, from being colonialised by our own elected government.

  104. Tun
    have you read today’s article on wasteful spending on contracts/Overpaying by the billions?
    The article goes to highlight how there are lots of contracts where the Govt has both been overcharged/has been overpaying by significant %, and the return of investments is poor both in terms of quality and results. And the bulk of these are infrastructure and IT projects where deliveries have been delayed from it’s original promise dates.
    It also shows how things are slowly on the mend since Govt open tenders were encouraged in 2008.
    Question – how much of these wasteful spending is inherited from your administration?
    I think this is another area where you’ll just blow smokescreen and refuse to provide justification on the contracts your government raised and blame it all on your successor (and his son-in-law).
    Oh, by the way, how are your children? I presume they have all conducted their business in most efficient and honest way?

  105. Dear Tun and bloggers yg dihormati
    Nak sambung sikit. Just gone though 3 months of company revamp and realignment. Sekarang tengah boring waiting for result and progress 😉
    Kita berharap untuk menjadi ‘High Income Society’. High income society are those society which is highly paid for their knowledge rather than the manual and labour efforts. In short k-economy and knowledge society.
    Ianya hanya boleh dicapai melalui consistant transparent argument in search for the right things to do and the right compromises. Only then knowledge can be accumulated. More rights moves and right decision will be as the result. Eventually produces better efficiencies and high profitabilty. Barulah boleh menjuruskan kepada the real higher income per capita induce by higher earning derived from human resource efficiency.
    Ini bermaksud the execution of government procurement has to be done with knowledge and carried out by the people who has the qualified knowledge. Dalam kes ini and other cases the cost overrun and maybe the approving commitee is not qualified.
    Even if the knowledge is no yet available spends lah some money melantik independent consultant to advice of the cost. Just spent somethinglike 2% for the consultant rather than syok2 buat sendiri end up doubling the cost of doing a project and purchases.
    Traditional government budget practice is to use all the budget allocated. Main belasah je sampai terlebih budget results into so many variation order. Variation order lah time duit rakyat kena ‘sembelih’. That shows how bad it is the conduct in term of costing and the project management.Instead reward those who manage to produce the same results at lower cost.
    Only Allah knows sampai bila it will go on. Tqvm

  106. Salam YABhg Tun
    There are just no words to describe the level of corruption and cheating committed by Dollah anak-beranak and pals. If there is such a scale to measure their perbuatan khianat terhadap negara, the reading would be definitely off the scale. Way, way off!
    Some people are still insisting that Dollah is a good man but his menantu and anak yang mempengaruhi dia. Konon! Sendiri mau hidup senang-lenang dengan pelbagai kemewahan. Tak payah kena pengaruh siapa-siapa.
    The buck stops at Dollah who was elected by the RAKYAT. He was the Prime Minister – not his menantu (yang masih baru ketika itu) or anak. Not that these two are incapable of wheeling and dealing. Far from it! They are as sleek and as greasy as oil – if not more.
    Dollah must keep his mouth shut on any issues concerning this country. Purportedly religious and pijak semut tak mati man like him makes me really sick.
    And let us not forget that RM 250 billion or so Petronas money that was channelled to his govt. throughout his reign of horror. Still tak tau dia buat apa dengan duit tu. Imagine how many RAKYAT can be sent for further education at world class universities with just a fraction of that money.

  107. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Of late we are hearing a lot of sickening and unbelievable news involving financial decisions by top government servants,politicians and the ‘privileged’ business magnets in the country.
    This clearly hints that there are some ‘prominent’ figures out there to rob the government coffers and the ordinary Malaysian’s hard earned money. I hope YAB Najib will take this seriously as it would erode the support of the public for his upcoming vision. He should launch an overhaul on current and past dealings of the government and of the Government Linked Corporations.
    It just doesn’t make sense:-
    1) Company bought for RM300 Mil was sold for 1 Euro sighting loss and bad business. However, how is it that the other company was able to sell the particular company for RM 400 Mil not very much later.
    2.The cost incurred on 2 laptops and on petrol(in 1 state)will make, even the primary school students, puzzled.

  108. the bus chassis + engine are supplied from china. the body & interior are supplied from malaysia & ASEAN countries. It gives a few jobs opportunities to the malaysian. If jpj would stringent road regulation on bus or lrt or monorel body as european regulation, perhaps scomi can produce better quality of buses or lrtbody. Pak Lah has his own investment arms such as E…& V… by using tax payer money to get the government grant. Pak Najib also has his investment arm E… yet nobody bother when the investment arm do not gives any return to the tax payers….!!

  109. After Tun this country will go BUST. There are so many things not not right and getting worse. I am not saying that during Tun’s time there were no man eat man.
    At all levels in the country from the family unit to the governance of community, kampong, district, state, institutions, resources … and to the highest echelon are in shambles.
    Systems are there but simply abused mainly by greed. And greed is exemplified from the top that filters to the bottom.
    The grand wastage starts from the district level because the DOs are incompetent or full of personal interests or both.If the districts are mismanaged then the state is bankcrupt. Name me any state in Malaysia which is not one. They can get dole from Federal anyway. Ultimately, the nation is bankcrupt. We get dole from IMF and we blame the Jews.
    To cite an example (out of the many thousands I am sure) of sheer waste. Years ago in Cameron Highlands, the DO demolished the beautiful and solid district office building, a leftover of the British, and built a new one on the same spot. What a waste of rakyat’s money (they forgot about that). The former building could be used for a library.
    This the same in the corporate sector. Among the highest paid CEO is from a GLC bank. The staff may protest but who cares – let the devil take the hindmost.
    The miscreants work (knowingly) hand in glove with the powers to be. They can escape punitive actions if ever taken. Still, the people who hold the cards are the government officials. They should be apprehended. Rarely we hear such actions taken.
    Rapid KL and Penang Transit debacle. Can MACC or Najib really fathom this out? I doubt. There is too much of I rub yours and you rub mine going on. I know what skeletons you hide and you know mine. Let’s shut up.
    Only Allah knows what’s the plan for the Malays in their own homeland. Only after a century plus of Chinese presence we are still begging for 30% take!
    Greed is the driving force of man eat man. Live simply and let others simply live.

  110. Dear Tun,
    On the topic of public transportation I guess the question of integrity will matter more if the service and availability offered is sub-standard. If it is great, people may not question much. For years and years Malaysians have been discussing the public transportation issues, many2 planning of all sorts particularly for the Klang Valley area. What irritates me most is how far has we gone since the 70s, little that is, and virtually no one in the administration knows how to make it improved.
    Public transportation is a system and management task, not just buying good quality busses or trains. Somehow somewhere there is always the suspicion that certain quarters are profiteering on the current system hence the lack of seriousness in attitude. Can it be that we’re just out of ideas? I don’t think so, because YOU CAN SIMPLY GET INTO A BUS OR A TRAIN AND EXPERIENCE IT YOURSELF. Try peak hours. Try without accompanying officials or publicity. Try weekends, weekdays, morning, night, evenings, Fridays.. Try all the stations along LRT lines, Monorail lines, bus lines. Try taking a bus from say Chow Kit to Puchong. Or Putrajaya to Bangsar. Or from your kids school to your own house (you means those decision makers in Public Transportation Ministry). Try from one point to another using a map. See how long it takes. Try taking a cab, say from Bukit Bintang to Jalan Duta. See how much it costs. And perhaps start taking a bus instead of your chauffer driven limousine around town. Try using Monorail to any particular LRT destination. Bring a luggage along. Or try acting a pregnant woman. Or an old man. Or professionals wearing suits or ties carrying files. Or bring along a few kids during weekdays to use LRT or Monorail. Just calculate the costs, the convenience and time AS COMPARED to driving and fuel price. Only then do you understand how to architect the services in Malaysia. Academic books and theories wont tell you about the actual weather condition, diversity of directions, the drivers attitude, the alternatives (own car), purpose of travel, real costs, timeliness, etc.
    It disgust me to read, even with the substandard service, some people still make money out of it.
    It is also unfair for the police to blame on driving habits as the main cause of accidents – a lot of people don’t have much choice since the public transport is limited and can be expensive. Try traveling with 5 kids using public transport for Hari Raya. not just say (for the sake of example), from Desaru, Johor to Grik, Kedah, but also going around Sg Petani town, Ipoh town, Pontian town, Batu Pahat town, etc. When you have almost 100% traveling by their own mode of transportation, chances are some will meet accidents and die. Everyone dies somewhat, but the probability of dying in your own vehicle will be higher if most of the time you’re in it.
    Actually Malaysia isn’t that big to implement a good public transportation system. Its a matter of hand-on running it, and adequate level of seriousness (or selflessness rather) in making it a world class system.
    Throw out the red carpet nonsense and police escorts to your destinations on any working day, take the public transportation to work during peak hours and you’ll learn a lot of things. Just get real!

  111. Salam Tun,
    Laporan NAR itu mesti diambil tindakan susulan oleh kerajaan segera. Tindakan mesti tidak boleh ‘double standard’. Telus dan tidak pilih kasih. Hal semacam ini yang melemahkan BN nanti. Pembangkang pasti akan gunakan ini sebagai isu yang sangat menguntungkan mereka.

  112. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda n Bonda,
    Please allow me,
    We dont need outside interventions to jeopardise the future of our government but there are certain parties in the government itself especially the ones working within the vicinity, can easily damage PM’s reputation. I find it very interesting to read DSSanusi Junid’s writing in bh yesterday 25.10.2009 about how one civilisation raises and falls in ‘Rakyat, akar umbi nantikan perubahan UMNO’. The five factors mentioned from POWER to CHANGE adapted from ‘How To Run Any Organization’ by Prof Emeritus Theodore Caplow, Virginia University (1976) can be the appropriate guidance to build and strengthen any organization. If we follow closely his writing, he mentioned about those who are hand-selected to represent the government in some ministries by making them senators, whom he thinks, dont have to think about the grass root since they need no vote to be there in the first place. This can be interpreted in various ways but with some concerns, we can foresee the consequences that the writer has put forward.
    Back to the fourth factor, MORALE which is relevant to the nowadays’ scenario in the government especially when we relate it to Tun’s entry today. When is our PM going to take a stern action about this ONE liability and his croonies??? How much more billions of ringgit must be easily lost without being traced??? Rakyats are still waiting….
    Enough said.
    May Allah SWT bless you both, Ayahnda n Bonda.
    just my brain wave…

  113. Dear Tun,
    Sekarang dah menjadi kebiasaan, dah mejadi satu budaya dimana politik terlalu dipolitikkan. Kerana tanggapan adalah rakyat Malaysia masih tuli dan boleh dikotak-katikkan.Bila diwar-warkan tentang ketelusan maka NAR report diterbitkan di dalam akhbar-akhbar utama. Ok, at least we are informed of the misconducts.
    Tetapi yang penting adakah tindakan susulan akan diambil? Normally the proceding will go through some lenghty processes. Most likely it will be forgotten and swept under the carpet. Sama-samalah kita lihat samaada ianya dipolitikkan dengan hanya setakat publisiti semata-mata.
    The truth is somebody has to be accountable for it. It is the tax payer money wasted.The tax payer money is not the Government money to be wasted or abuse by certain people. It belongs to the people entrusted to the government to wisely spent.
    After many years, a lot of money has been put into infrastructure. It is quite sufficient for now maybe except for certain sectors. Money should be put in more into enhancing contents or values of the infrastucture that have been in place.
    But more importantly money are to be spent at fair cost, necessity and priority
    The idea is
    When you really want to make an impact. You realy need to desire to make changes. The thing is during your tenure we realy need the drive and a leader who is decisive. It worked.
    But when you hand over to a weak, undecisive and unknowledgeable leader the model fell apart. Sadly it became a culture where the ministers will abid and support irregardessly
    The present leadership has to make an effort (a lot of them!) to encourage people to give feedback. The present leadership has to make an effort to listen to feedback.
    The ministers have to learn to voice out comments. If they do not, it means that they do not care for the country. They have so much fear of losing their posting. This is the changes needed. It is sad if they do not start doing this.
    Else treat it like a corporate take over exercise. You go in and fire all the top management. Even the one with good intention!. They have good intentions but do nothing to make things right. They are as guilty as the one without good intentions. They are collectively responsible for the downturn of a corporation. In this case, this country!
    How about that?!!!

  114. Tun
    I think the only way you will get NAR and the Govt to move their ass and get to investigating the MV Augusta $1 give away deal, obviously to some croney of a certain son or sil, is for you to make a police report, have a press conference on it and demand the MACC get cracking.
    Otw, our PM will not move on things done during AAB’s regime, by those related or close to him. There appears to have been a quid pro quo deal struck between Najib and AAB where such matters as these are concerned e.g. there was an expose in Rocky’s Bru blog sometime ago of fishy purchase of expensive bungalow residences in an upmarket area in Perth by a certain sleeping PM!! Who’s investigating that?
    But beware! Serious allegations of financial impropriety have also been hurled against your blue-eyed boy & ex-CEO of Proton, Tengku Mahaleel who was unceremoniously ‘bungkused’ and dumped from his job, even though you were (and still are) Proton’s Advisor. How did that happen? So, what comes out of the woodwork might hurt your professional reputation as well. After all all, these shady deals happened while you were right there in Proton!!
    As for Prasarna, which is apparently holding accumuated losses of about $900 million, this is precisely what will happen when Govt gets into business and gives a free hand to unproven CEO’s and Management without first establishing proper internal controls and financial checks and balances.
    When a new regime emerges, they will immediately source buses from a new manufacture regardless of whether they are needed and Rapid KL is over-stocked or not) because that’s where the golden opportunity will be to ‘make money’ since you yourself established that Govt and its agencies need not subcribe to an open tender procurement system!!
    I have said it often in the past and I say it again:
    It is not the business of governments to be in business!
    I think you should spend your retirement lobbying the Govt to be more transparent and accountable and to bring back the open tender procurement system for big ticket expenditure. As for those who defraud the Govt, and hence the Rakyat, they should be carted off to Kamunting and the prison keys thrown away forever!
    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  115. Tun,
    I am wondering, how can we really get to the bottom of the rot. The AG reports, PKFZ and all, don’t you think that it is such a clear cut case.
    How serious are we????
    for all the good that has been done, shouldnt those who clearly have done wrong be brought to justice.
    Please … if you can talk about criminalizing war, can’t we focus on wrongful act ???

  116. Salam Tun,
    Kerja macam ni dah lama berlaku. Ambil cerita MARA EXPRESS dulu misalnya.
    1. Kalau MARA EXPRESS dalam kiraan saya bolih buat untung sekurang2nya RM6.0 juta setahun tapi dapat hanya RM1.0 juta lebih. Bila kita highlightkan perkara itu jawapannya ” kita buat untung sikit saja ok tapi nama untung tu mesti pastikan. Semua akan diam dan puas hati tapi jangan rugi. Nanti dia orang atas korek cerita, susah nanti.”
    2. Masa itu MARA ada syarikat sendiri buat bas, BADAN BAS S/B ( entah ada lagi sekarang ke? )tapi masa tu mereka masih order bas2 dari syarikat apek yg beroperasi hanya di bawah pokok. Macam mana nak tentu kualitinya? Harga tu tak tahu pula.
    3. Bolih order tayar dari Dunlop dan Goodyear dengan harga government contract tapi sengaja tak bayar hutang Dunlop & Goodyear jadi mereka tak bekallah selagi tak dibayar mengikut syarat pembayaran. Lepas itu kami diarah beli tayar dari syarikat2 luar yang dapat bekalan juga dari Dunlop & Goodyear tapi dengan harga yang lebih mahal. Siapa tauke syarikat2 tersebut? Sedia maklum sajalah.
    4. Timbul pula banyak syarikat bas lain yang bersaing laluan emas MARA EXPRESS. Bas CEPAT, CEKAP lah dan banyak lagi. Siapa tauke syarikat2 bas tu. Sedia maklum sajalah. Modal macam mana? Apa susahnya, apek kata guna bas tu dulu bolih bayar kemudian, no problem.
    5. Lepas tu import 20 bas dari Jepun dengan harga 2 kali ganda kalau dibandingkan dengan syarikat yang beli 1 unit saja. Apa ceritanya? Sedia maklum sajalah.
    Banyak lagi penyelewengan2 berlaku. Mereka ini bukan calang2 orangnya.Mereka semua berkelulusan tinggi ” qualified Accountant ” tapi penipu pun pandai juga. Selagi tak kenal pahala & dosa, selagi itu mereka akan melakukan penipuan dan pecah amanah untuk kepentingan peribadi. Mereka lupa – Hukuman di dunia bolih lepas tapi hukuman yang sungguh azab & kekal di akhirat nanti sudah pasti menunggu. INGAT! Allah Maha Basar, Maha Adil dan tak mungkir janji.
    Itu dulu, sekarang pasti lebih hebat. Itulah jadinya kepada orang2 yang tak ingat kepada ALLAH dan kenapa mereka di jadikan.

  117. Salam Tun semoga sentiasa sihat dan bijaksana.
    Beberapa kali ketika memandu saya telah dikejutkan dengan bunyi enjin kenderaan yang bunyinya macam nak runtuh. Itulah bas-bas Rapid KL.Saya percaya pengguna kita tidak mendapat kualiti perkhidmatan, keselamatan dan keselesaan yang sepatutnya dari bas-bas ini. Bilakah mereka-mereka ini akan insaf dan bertaubat serta mengikis sikap tamak.
    Penjualan MV Agusta patut disiasat dengan terperinci dan secepat mungkin.Ini melibatkan duit RAKYAT.

  118. Salam Tun.
    Khabarnya bas-bas yang digunakan adalah buatan China. Jadi, dari aspek kualiti dan keselamatan pastinya meragukan. Nampak saja cantik tapi itu semua sekadar kosmetik bagi menutupi kelemahan dan kekurangan. Maklumlah mungkin ada pihak yang nak untung lebih.

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