1. The conference on criminalizing war (making war a crime) was held for two days (28 – 29 Oct) at the PWTC and was followed by a sitting of the Kuala Lumpur Commission on War Crimes and the Tribunal’s sitting on 31st October to decide on whether it was competent to hear the complaints of the victims of Guantanamo and other places of detention as well as to decide on whether Heads of State and Heads of Government are liable for war crimes committed under their rule.

2. Many have asked what can this conference and the hearings by the commission and tribunal do.

3. If I may be allowed to explain there are many things which were common, normal and accepted in the past which the whole world rejects now. The rejection was achieved actually by the people gradually realizing that these practices were wrong and unacceptable.

4. Thus slavery was common and proper in the past but is totally rejected now. Black people were regarded as subhuman almost but today blacks may even become president of the most powerful white nation. Women too were regarded as inferior and not as capable as men but now they have equal status with men.

5. Torture was acceptable in the past but is now considered illegal and criminal. Human rights were unknown before but now the world accepts that every man or woman has a right to be treated well. And many more.

6. All those changes in human perceptions and values have been brought about mostly by people agitating against these practices, forcing their Governments to pass laws to abolish them.

7. But war is still accepted today although certain acts are regarded as criminal even in war. If war itself is made a crime than automatically war crimes cannot be committed.

8. To make war a crime, the people must condemn it as unacceptable, just like they did with slavery etc. Why should war be condemned now when it has always been a common means of settling disputes between nations?

9. War is basically about killing people. Everyone regards killing people a crime. How can we consider killing a person a crime but killing thousands of people not to be criminal. In the past the capacity to kill and damage was limited because of the weapons being less lethal.

10. But today the weapons can actually wipe out the population of the world and destroy it physically. Even the use of depleted uranium has been shown to cause cancer and diabetes. The nano-particles carried by dust storms, wind and stratospheric air currents can affect lives and carry the diseases hundreds of miles away. Therefore wars also endanger neighbouring and distant countries not involved in the war.

11. Now the big powers have developed nuclear bombs and missiles many times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. Even if they explode deep in the ground the dust blown up would still be carried far and wide. The inclusion of small amounts of nuclear material in conventional bombs would also spread the effect to distant places.

12. Conventional weapons have also increased in power. The 15 megaton bombs can cause the same damage and deaths as the Hiroshima bomb. Guided missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles have also increased the range and effectiveness of aerial weapons.

13. Where before wars were fought by soldiers on battlefield, today’s wars kill more non-combatants than combatants. The whole country would become the battlefield. Casualties would number in their hundreds of thousands and the whole country would be devastated. Neighbouring countries and even distant countries which are not involved would also be affected by radiation fallouts and people would be attacked by diseases which are fatal.

14. War today is massive, widespread and lethal to whole populations. No one would be spared, belligerent or non-belligerent.

15. War is now no longer limited to the adversaries. Nor are they controllable.

16. That is why war must be of concern to everyone. The 1st and 2nd World Wars were supposed to end all wars. Obviously they haven’t. The only way to stop wars is to make them a crime – to make those who resort to war guilty of a serious crime, to punish them.

17. Only Governments can put a stop to wars. But Governments will not stop wars until the people pressure the Governments to do so. If they do and they sustain the pressure, it is likely that war can be made a crime just as slavery has been made a crime.

18. That is why we have initiated a campaign to make war a crime. We are doing this on a worldwide scale.

144 thoughts on “CRIMINALISING WAR”

  1. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Today,Buletin Utama reported that now the Gaza-Egypt has blocked by Egypt Gonverment.This is very humiliating because Muslim now betrayed their religion.Egypt does not have it right to say that they are Muslim country.The boundary is only a way for Palestinians get their need.Buletin Utama also reported that USA Gonverment also helps to block the boundary.If I not mistake the boundry name is Arafah tunnel,I’m sorry if it was a mistake.Bloody liar country.Obama only gave promises,but actually he is a big liar.My suggestion is Malaysia must find way out as it is our responsible as a Muslim country.I know that we doesn’t have military technologies as great as Europe,Israel,USA but I still believe that we can.Maybe we can choose not to war,maybe we can fight using our mind.In history,Rasulullah won in a war although he had a very few soldier.I’m sorry,I forgot the war’s name.Allah always know what we did for Islam.Maybe we can boycott our enemy’s economy but Tun can you explain to me how it works more detail.Maybe you can give your press that all OIC country must boycott Israel’s economy.But I know it is not easy.Tun,I think Muslim student in Malaysia must be exposed about world.Gaza war,Iraq war and thee others.This is due if the student search the information in internet,they will find most of the informations are influenced by USA,Israel propaganda.I don’t want that our student,mostly Malay can be influenced by their propaganda and also some terrorist ideology.Malaysia must creat a web about all the world issues about what actually occured.How Muslim suffer from the cruel west alliances,how Muslim betrayed themselves,for example Egypt.We also can help the other Muslim students from other country about what was occured to our brothers in Iraq,Palestine,Afghanistan,Bosnia-hezergovina and the others.I really hate west’s propaganda.Tun,I am only 14 years old and I know that I am too young but i hope you will give your attention about my suggestion.I am from Kedah just same like you.My final word is Jihad is our way.
    I heard about you in Timor Leste.Congratulation Tun!You deserve it.

  2. Sejenak melihat kezaliman tentera US di Iraq,Afganistan
    di Internet dengan Umat Islam berjuang bersenjatakan,
    senjata seperti mainan,tanpa latihan ketenteraan,demi mempertahankan maruah begitu amat meyedihkan.
    Tenter US ketawa sesama sendiri melihat jet perjuang US mengebom umat Islam yang lari bertempiaran dan ketakutan.
    Marilah kita bersama mencari huraian yg sebaiknya untuk menolong saudara kita,berserta Doa.
    Ya ALLAH,kaulah tempat kami mengadu.
    Lindungi saudara kami di Iraq,di Afganistan,di Palestin
    yg seharian hidup dalam ketakutan,kehausan,kelaparan dan serba kekurangan.Lindungi anak anak,kaum wanita,kaum tua,dan berilah
    kekuatan pada kaum lelaki mereka berjuang demi mempertahankan maruah
    dan hak mereka.
    Ya ALLAH,bantulah kami supaya dapat kami bantu mereka
    dengan bantuan yg lebih berkesan,sesungguhnya kami lemah untuk bantu mereka. Amin.
    Satu ikhtibar bagi kita,
    Kenyataan kita perlu pertingkat pertahanan kita,
    bersenjata bukanlah sesuatu yg kita inginkan,
    tapi satu keperluan yang wajib.
    Mungkin bukan sekadar senjata,kita perlu punya cara yg lebih berkesan lagi.
    Manusia yg kaut selalu bongkak dan lupa.

  3. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being the protector of The Constitution of Malaysia, albeit I do not agree with some of the policies of your past Administration. However, I am already over and done with the perpetual internal politic affairs of Malaysia, as I think it should have been rectified a long time ago through proper education policies and awareness programmes. I think of the racial issues in Malaysia and, to a broader extend the world, as something very primitive and immature. We (humanity) have certainly come a long way to become an apex species of the Earth, and hitherto, the responsibility to preserve our environments along with all the other species that co-exist with us in it has become ever increasingly important. I am more concerned with the directions of the world human beings are steering it towards, thus bringing my commenting on your noble efforts (ways/methods) to cultivate a more peaceful and harmonious planet for all of us to live in.
    What constitutes a crime, Dr. Mahathir? Is it an act that does not conform to a set of heavenly (sorry, no pun intended) rules that was passed down to human beings? Or is it a code of conduct set by a particular nation’s judiciary system? Is a poor mother stealing some apples to feed her kids for their survival a criminal? Some may say yes, stealing MUST be a crime, for she has violated the apples owner’s right to keep their ‘lawful’ belongings (attached to a monetary value). Well then, how about the ‘right’ of the mother and her kids to survive, others may ask. What i’m arguing here is, virtually all ‘criminals’ are motivated by some end reward or incentive for committing such acts, although the intentions may differ. And oftentimes, the incentive is money. Therefore, I think money is the root cause for most, if not all of the world’s societal illnesses. We merely created the law and put ‘rights’ on paper to adjust to the flaws the monetary system has created. Greed for more money and power (money=power=more money) is CERTAINLY a crime in CONSCIENCE, while the mother I used as an example above is only a victim of this flawed monetary system. ‘Crime’ therefore, is a subjective term in human consciousness. But the root cause is clear. The ramification of the monetary system spreads like a plague.
    This brings me to another point, war is a crime motivated by money and power to secure resources in scarcity. In point 16, you said ‘That is why war must be of concern to everyone. The 1st and 2nd World Wars were supposed to end all wars. Obviously they haven’t. The only way to stop wars is to make them a crime – to make those who resort to war guilty of a serious crime, to punish them’. While I strongly concur with you that the proliferation of war must be of everyone’s concern, I do not think by making war a crime is the ONLY way to end all wars. Yes, it can fix the problem temporarily, but it will almost certainly create new loopholes for interested parties to exploit in the long run, thus keeping the cycle running forever. Rampant criminal activities at a national level in all countries with existing laws and regulations is a perfect archetype. It does not stop people from committing crimes. For as long as the incentives for such acts are not addressed properly via a holistic approach, what we may heal now is merely skin-deep. History itself is evident. A radical agent of change must be at the centre of a worldwide movement that happens concurrently.
    I hope you see my point. I am not a politician or an idealist, so I cannot say much on here. My view was strongly influenced by the case of Nikola Tesla vs. J.P. Morgan & Thomas Edison. Recent contribution includes ‘Zeitgeist’ the movie, lecture and worldwide movement. But I must warn my fellow Malaysians to explore Zeitgeist with discretion.
    Again, our many thanks to you, Dr. Mahathir, for saving Malaysia from an economic quagmire, or shall I say irreparable disaster from IMF’s grip during the ’97 crisis. Our kudos. Take care.

  4. Salam Tun,
    I wholeheartedly support your movement to criminalize war. I would however go further and criminalize acts of Government that causes violence to its own people or those within its jurisdiction.
    I humbly submit that the use of capital and corporal punishment are no longer relevant in today’s world and that if they are abolished the movement to criminalize war will gain greater impetus as a solution for all of humanity.
    We also need to remember that war can be called by many other names although the effects are the same. In the US, the whites called it “settlement” although the red indians were there long before. In South America, the Europeans called it “discovery” of the new world although there were also natives there long before them. In some cases it was not only war but genocide that was committed.
    I am sorry that the powers that be in Malaysia are not helping the cause to criminalize war by example. We want to cane a mother for drinking, ¦ kerja keras adalah energi kita ¦
    kerja keras adalah energi kita ¦

  5. Salam Tun,
    Kempen ni sepatutnya di adakan di seluruh dunia termasuk di US. Bahasa dalam web sepatutnya di dalam pelbagai bahasa dan di ketahui oleh penduduk seluruh dunia.

  6. Dear Tun ,salam mesra serta sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab pendek pertanyaan seorang pengulas……
    Menjawab sdr ‘Zulkiflee Bin Arip’ on November 18, 2009 8:09 PM
    Saya sukar nak terima pendapat sdr krn ajaran agama ajar saya manusia apa bangsa pun semua sdr kita. Agama tak suruh saya merendahkan taraf seorang manusia lain krn kulit dan kepercayaan. Agama suruh saya adil pada insan Tuhan bukan bangsa, agama sendiri saja. Agama ajar saya patuh pada janji (kerakyatan, perkongsian)
    Sikap sdr sangsi dan tak senang dgn bangsa asing jelas bila mengeluh konon saya bukan Melayu. Kalau saya Melayu, sdr terima pandangan saya? Baca cemuhan terhadap Zaid dan Anwar.

  7. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    mohon izin menjawap S.Tan yg suka memusing fakta,ibarat musang berbulu ayam dgn kesungguhan yg lengkap sempurna tapi dgn samaran yg amat bodoh.pemangsa mengadu menjadi mangsa.Encik S.Tan,apakah agaknya kesukaran anda untuk mengaku dan menerima kedudukkan anda sebagai orang asing dibumi Melayu,lantas menjadikan anda begitu kreatif mencipta logika-logika yg tak logik?
    adakah anda teruja dgn kejayaan LKY di s’pura? anda kelihatan begitu bersemangat,berkobar-kobar hendak mengaku diri anda sebagai “anak malaysia”.cubalah laungkan cogankata “Malaysians’ Malaysia”.tapi jangan harap orang melayu akan percaya atau tertipu lagi.helah begitu dah tak laku sebab orang melayu dah tahu apa akan jadi jika percaya pada janji orang kafir lagi tamak.habis semua nya diambil seratus-peratus,sikit pun tak tinggal.
    tapi Encik S.Tan,saya secara peribadi menginginkan orang seperti anda,yg pintar memusing fakta dan tekun mengasak-masuk pemikiran-pemikiran tak logik anda menjadi alasan yg akademik lagi ilmiah,sehingga anda sendiri akhir nya percaya pada pendapat anda walhal pada mulanya anda tahu dgn jelas yg anda cuma lah merapek menuntut hak orang…saya secara peribadi inginkan anda sebagai orang melayu.kalau ada orang melayu yg pintar memusing fakta seperti anda,tak payahlah pemimpin-pemimpin Umno bersusah-payah membukak buku sejarah untuk mengingatkan orang-orang asing lagi degil ini akan asal-usul dan sebab-musabab mereka boleh berada disini.
    Tun,kenapa komen-komen biadab yg mencerca zaman pemerintahan Tun turut disiarkan? demokrasi atau kebebasan bersuara hendaklah ada batas nya.orang melayu seperti saya amat marah jika pemimpin kami dipersendakan secara biadap oleh orang-orang asing.tak boleh kah kerajaan bertindak meng-ISA-kan orang-orang biadap ini dan menarik balik kerakyatan mereka?
    sekian,terimakasih Tun.

  8. .
    Salam Hormat Tun,
    Mohon diberi izin untuk menjawab pemusingan fakta lagi.
    1. you are the ones teasing the babas & the nyonyas, & now you’re trying to turn it back on other people?
    2. matrikulasi – you read back what You wrote/SUGGESTED/”implied”. AGAIN, desperately trying to twist. You should ask your dap’s s’pore if that is not racist, what is?
    3. Your dap’s stance is EXACTLY the same as the “OLD” RACIST mission of it’s “papa”, pap back in the ’60s. AGAIN, trying hard to twist what is SO OBVIOUS!… Guess you are the one who need to crawl out of your thick & very moldy shell.
    4. With the valid examples of the majority jus-solied grandchildren of the pendatangs (jus-soli, ie. FREE Citizenships WITHOUT having to Earn them!…), majority of you take this country and its humble people, for granted.
    Since you cannot ‘defend’ what I wrote, you AGAIN & AGAIN tried to twist saying that it is ‘individual’ or ‘economic’ “issue”.
    The FACT OF THE MATTER IS, my examples are very Clear & Very straight-forward as to you people who migrated elsewhere, you actually can SIMPLY, & willingly at that, drop whatever “chinese” you have in you.. &, as much as possible, like IMMEDIATELY, learn to speak with the “new” country’s accent/slang just to be IN/accepted.
    Yes, all because the Need to EARN your Citizenships over there. Thus, your “sincerity” there is very impressive…. PLUS, you don’t even care if your kids do not learn their school subjects in your Grandma’s Language at all!…
    Cermin diri anda & majority anda2 tu dulu (as per Michael Jackson’s “Man in the mirror”!), kalau anda bertamaddun & IKHLAS mahu jadi rakyat Negara FREE anda ini.
    Bila tidak ada double-standard & tahu to be humble, barulah majority orang2 asal/’native’ boleh appreciate & rasa selesa; sebab boleh nampak keikhlasan &/or dapat rasa “niat” anda2 itu.
    Terima kasih, TUN… Wassalam.

  9. The Conference on Criminalising War is nothing but an attempt to glorify certain individuals. You can’t achive anything without the sanction of the international community. Tun M, you are simply wasting our limited resources, energy and precious time. It’s all “full of sound and fury” signifying nothing! Your time would be better spent on some practicable and crucial matters.

  10. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas…
    Jawapan pada ‘tunnusantara’ on November 10, 2009 11:46 PM
    You dont extend any help to them (baba nyonya) for assimilating, but you relish mocking at them for turning back. What does that make you?
    So you agree there are bad apples (sincerity to country) in every race not just ‘pendatang’ (your definition, non Malay citizens is my definition). The issue is individual or economic not race!
    On matrikulasi, I never asked for a guarantee. You are putting words into peoples mouth. Typical of racially slanted arguments?
    You are barking up the wrong tree with me. Read my comments on NEP then argue, not spew what is in your boggling mind onto my table. I dont deny anyone’s native status, majority stake or enshrined rights. I question the interpretation and implementation.
    As to matrikulasi domination by Malays, are you saying this is how non Malays should pay for the suffering of Malays in S’pore!! Are you serious? If this is not racist what is?
    On assimilation, you cannot accept humans behave differently in different grouping sizes. You believe 10 minorities among 1000 majority behave exactly like 10 minorities among 20 majority?
    You may distrust the minorities of 1965, it is now 2009. I dont believe the minorities now share the same character and behaviour. You have not changed does not mean others haven’t!
    Crawl out of your shell, then you can shout at others to do the same! Shouting in your own shell can only be heard by you. The echo you hear over a long time becomes other voices to you?
    The rest of your reply is full of generalised accusations.

  11. Assalamualaikum
    Dear Muslims Brothers
    You have been fool by America and British Govt.
    They lie of peace but it is in them that they
    cheers for the killings of your muslims brothers,
    in Palestine,Iraq,Bosnia,Afganistan.
    Muslims World must not allow their intervention.
    Very Important.
    They holds your arms not to fight,by doing so
    they allow your enemy to hit on you and you are restraint
    by their arms.
    DO NOT TRUST THEM.They meant NO PEACE with the Muslim world.
    Find your means and ways.
    Work together,to fight this
    Mother of all EVILS
    I will then rest in peace.

  12. Criminalizing War should be aggressive repeated campaign.
    Even we cannot reach our objectives,we are able to tell the world
    that this Criminals don,t just walk away.
    Lets starts with us in KL to have official petition,
    gathers name,I like to initial my name,
    followed by Petition to Indonesia, Asia,then moves to Whole World
    Lets have the World official petition,
    to name Bush , Blair War Criminal for
    misleading war against Iraq and Afganistan.
    Forward our petition to the World Court.
    They will walk away from the crimes they did
    but they will walk away with shames.
    Iraq is Proven not guilty as accused nor as charged
    but was brutally sentenced.
    World has punish the wrong guy.
    Iraq, Afganistan must be legally compensates.

  13. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengirim di sini…..
    Menjawab sdr ‘Zulkiflee Bin Arip’ on November 10, 2009 9:59 AM
    Tulisan saya menyangkal tulisan seorang pengirim. Ia perlu dipandang dari sudut menjawab persoalan yg ditimbulkan pengirim tersebut.
    Sdr melebarkan dan menukarnya menjadi menuntut benda lain. Saya cuma menunjukkan ceteknya hujah pengirim itu dgn persoalan untuk pendapat dia. Persoalan itu tak timbul untuk orang tak berpendapat mcm pengirim ini.
    Siapa yg melebih?
    Betulkah orang Melayu yg sudah berhijrah ke Negara barat tinggalkan bahasa dan budaya mrk di KLIA bila naik kapalterbang? Mrk tidak cuba belajar atau bertutur bahasa atau amal budaya Melayu di sana?
    Bolehkah ditanggalkan bahasa dan budaya dari seorang bila naik kapal atau kapalterbang ke negara lain? Harimau boleh diajar mengaum mcm kucing, tapi bulunya tetap berbelang.
    Minta kaum lain buat, pastikan sendiri boleh patuh juga. Jgn jadi ketam mengajar anak berjalan lurus!
    ………………BANTAH DEB
    Hanya berapa aspek DEB (bukan menyeluruh) yg saya persoalkan dan pernah saya jelaskan dlm kiriman lain. Nak bantah atau menuduh baca baru lawan. Kalau tidak sdr menerkam dalam gelap.
    ……………….TAAT SETIA
    Sdr mcm mengata kaum lain tiada hak soal bila Melayu tidak pamir taat setia krn itu urusan Melayu? Taat setia pada negara urusan bangsa, bukan urusan negara? Warganegara bangsa lain tidak taat urusan kamu, kalau bangsa Melayu orang lain tiada hak soal? Ini satu lagi hak istimewa?
    Siapa yg racist dan tamak hak?
    Membidas bukan mengeji atau membenci. Mcm ini Tun bidas Pak Lah krn benci? Saya cuma menunjukkan kalau buka pekung orang, bersedia pekung sendiri terdedah.
    Saya minta hak sebagai rakyat, kalau itu tamak apo nak dikato? Orang yg meminta hak adil dikira tamak, orang yg membolot hak dan keisitimewaan dikira murah hati?
    Nada satu perenggan tulisan sdr menganggap rakyat bangsa lain sebagai kelas rendah dibawah satu tuan.
    Tulisan sdr bahagikan insan antara Islam dan kafir, Melayu dan bukan Melayu, nusantara dan asing. Saya hanya benci pada perbuatan dan pendapat bukan pada bangsa, negara atau perseorangan.
    Saya bergelut dgn pengirim mengutuk kaum lain, kadang kadang terpaksa guna hujah seiring melawan mrk. Tulisan saya perlu dipandang dari sudut menjawab pengutuk ini. Kalau duduk dalam rumah kaca, jgn membaling batu!
    Pandang pada sikap dan hujah, lihat siapa racist dulu?

  14. To those who wants equality, I have something in store for all of you;
    This is specially for PAS members, and PKR,
    If, the rights is by any means removed. Guess what happens to the Syariah Law as well?
    Do no be hypocrites, let us all be honest to ourselves. Want equal right? It is fine with me, I do not live with this anyway.
    But, but?
    Look at this, what made you who you are now?
    If, this is amended, what would happens to the Syariah Law? want it to stay? but at the same time give equal rights? is this some kind of Malaysian joke?
    I know most of you has the brain to think what I mean.

  15. Salam,
    I agree with Tun 100% that war should be criminalized. Begitu jugak memfitnah sehingga bolih membunuh sesaorang atau menyempitkan hidup sesaorang. Ini juga jenis serangan yang di panggil serang hendap atau serang senyap. Should this type of war be criminalized? A question to you dear Tun.

  16. Tun, perang bukanlah satu jenayah jika ianya di applykan pada masa yang betul.
    apakah peperangan tidak diperlukan untuk mempertahankan maruah agama? Islam memang bencikan peperangan, tetapi untuk menjaga kehormatan agama, maka perang perlu dilancarkan.

  17. .
    Salam Tun yang dihormati, di harap dapat diberi izin…:
    1. Baba Nyonya – do you realize that Baba Nyonya is like some “endangered species” nowadays?? They’re “scared” of the cucu2 jus-solied Pendatangs who have been hurling NOT chinese, cannot speak chinese, mocking them for living just like the Orang2 Melayu; that many of them KENA TUNJUK that they HAVE “masuk cina” balik – funny.
    2. Sincerity? You don’t have to compare the Malays with cucu2 jus-soli. So what if they got their NEP & decided to migrate?? Just look at those Chinese in China who migrated elsewhereit is simply C’est La Vie.
    So what if the Bumiputeras have become “rich” along the way, they STILL have their right here in their datok-moyang’s land – again, Just look at those Indians in India who also have migrated elsewhere, too!
    3. MatrikulasiWHY MUST THERE BE A “guarantee” FOR CUCU2 JUS-SOLI with them STILL wanting to be ARROGANT.. EVEN AFTER >50 years, STILL DEMANDING to ONLY WANT TO LEARN in their GRANDMA’s LANGUAGE?? Where’s the LOGIC, S..T??
    Who’s the Pribumi here?? Who’s original land is this?? And You CAN START THINKING: “Wah… this is 1 ‘racist’ fella”, &, you can even say: “Orang Asli”; BUT, don’t be SO shallow on that that you don’t realize that, WORLDWIDE, countries DO HAVE Orang Aslis/Aborigines (like in Japan, China, India, Australia, Taiwan).
    In essence, as Civilized, Educated humans, we know that Orang Aslis are those who live in remote areas/jungles, AWAY FROM Civilizations – they’re not aware of the goings on like invasions, worldwars 1&2, British, Merdeka, etc..
    BUT, TELL ME, OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING/ THINKING, WHY IS IT IN CHINA or INDIA, they can have “special” RIGHTS for the Chinese & not the Uighurs/minorities?? Or, in India special rights/treatment for their “better Indians” & NOT for the Tamil Pariahs, in cities??
    My point is simply this : in ANY country in the world, the MAIN “original” people there, the Majority; it is OKAY for them to have Their Rights/HAK…. BUT no, no, noT, in MALAYsia… CANNOT!!! The MALAYS who are the MAIN “orginal” people here, the Majority; are being “Questioned” & no less ATTACKED, left-right-and-center!!! WHY???
    Tell me, do you know WHY in MALAYSIA’s Constitution, we HAD TO “define” the MALAYS’ HAK??? In China, India, (bekas British) takde. The Underlying Fact of the matter is, The Malays are gentle, soft-hearted people. We’re very Generous, & will share almost everything; Just So the Visitors/Pendatangs (invited or Otherwise), would feel comfortable!… MANY Peribahasas are available to describe the Malays’ PERADABAN/Adab & Adat, their “Soft” Nature, & are Very Principled; such as, “Berok di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah kelaparan”.
    The Bitish realized this soft nature of the Malay people & included OUR HAK-HAK (ie. the Majority Main “original” people here), in the Constitution — from Our AGAMA, to Our BANGSA, to Our TANAHAIR.
    The Chinese’ HAK in China or the Indians’ HAK in India didn’t have to be outlined/included in THEIR respective Constitution because they are NOT Overly-friendly to people, & are ALREADY Stern/RIGID/Rough “whenever it comes to their RACE’s HAK”!!… & that, No “pendatangs” to the “Chinese’/Indians’ LAND” in China/India, dared to “Claim”, WHAT MORE “DEMAND”, anything in That Land of theirs!!…
    SO, Just remove that old-fashioned ALL-Chinese RACIST GROUP dong ki zhong or, whatever their name is, ALREADY.
    I believe that the NEW Chinese/Younger generation DON’T REALLY CARE about that OLD Narrow-Minded SELFISH, UNMALAYSIAN, “RACIST group/s”; & that they want to be MALAYSIANS FIRST!
    — it is ONLY people like you, limkitsiang, his son, and his dap hard-core OLD-FASHIONED chinese extremists groups who STILL want that CHINA COUNTRY “feel” &, Continuous DEMEANING of & ROBBING from the Malays. FACTS are FACTS, that ini MEMANG TANAH MELAYU… — So, too bad if you still arrogantly (Bodoh-Sombong) want to insist to make this “China”! This ain’t no “China” if you PEOPLE STILL HAVEN’T REALIZED it, even after More Than 50 YEARS of MERDEKA NOW!… Read on for more points/information on this.
    4. You said, “Someone said matrikulasi is not exclusively for Malays? Well it can be exclusive by action and design if not by policy.” — WELL YES. This is EXACTLY how it is done in S’pore, your dap’s “mastermind”; to the Malays there!
    5. One can be SINCERE to MALAYSIA if he/she Had To EARN for his/her CITIZENSHIP!
    IE. Just like every immigrant out there in this WORLD!… & Also,
    JUST LIKE those Malaysians who freely migrated to other countries -, & they CAN IMMEDIATELY Learn & Talk just like the “natives/peribumis” of their ‘new’ country. Very impressive!
    Their drive in DESPERATELY wanting to “BLEND-IN” TOGETHER, Clearly shows Their “Sincerity” THERE!!!
    – and they DID NOT even MIND AT ALL, schooling together with the OTHER ‘citizens’ in NON-Chinese schools”!!..
    &, that’s how & why the natives of the “new” country can Accept & Acknowledge you guys who HAD PROVEN your Sincerity & RESPECT, to their country.
    HAHA enough of the HYPOCRISY-lah.
    The FACT of the mother POINT is, ONE’s INSINCERITY SPEAKS VERY LOUDLY when one Keeps On CONTINUE with the Same OLD 1960s “agenda” of some Extremely Kiasu racist-extremist double standard hypocrites that had been kicked out of this Peaceful, Civilized &, MODERATE country back in 1965.
    Terima kasih, YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.

  18. Dear Tun,
    I personally and 100% certain that u should be awarded with the nobel peace prize.
    what Al-Gore did was just producing one film and he got a noble prize.
    I cant even imagine how wonderful the world would be if we live in a world free of war.
    Maybe Tun u should publicize your peace movement by producing a documentary as well.
    Or the noble people of the noble prize dons not share the same understanding with u regarding WAR???

  19. i think the climax from ur effort will lead to destruction of mass killing weapons in the world…

  20. dulu pound sterling kuasai dunia..lepas tu dollar ameica..adakah lepas ni matawang menggunakan cip kom pulak akan menguasai dunia?..maksud saya seperti penggunaan kad kredit?..

  21. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    mohon izin menjawap komen S.tan.tulisan anda,sekali baca,agak lucu juga.ibarat orang gemuk berlagak bodoh hendak merampas hidangan yg ditangan orang.tapi dua kali baca,komen anda sebenar nya amat mengerikan.sebab anda ini sebenar nya orang bijak dan racist lagi tamak yg dgn bersahaja boleh memusingkan tuduhan konon nya orang lain pula yg bersifat perkauman begitu.
    1)anda bercakap tentang baba-nyonya yg tidak lagi mengamalkan budaya bangsa mereka dan cuma berbahasa melayu saja dan anda mempersoalkan apa yg mereka dapat dan apa yg kerajaan beri atas pengorbanan mereka menanggalkan kulit(bahasa-budaya)…seolah-olah kami yg merayu anda semua datang ke ke bumi melayu ini.hanya kerana mereka fasih berbahasa melayu,apakah kita patut menyerahkan perbendaharaan negara kpd mereka? bahasa dan budaya sepatut nya ditinggalkan dipantai sendiri sebelum anda naik kapal belayar ke negeri orang.itu adat yg dipakai orang melayu.masuk kandang kambing,mengembik…tapi adakah orang melayu menjadikan ia isu besar?kita juga inginkan hidup berbaik-baik dgn anda,tapi mesti lah atas dasar menghormati hak kami sebagai bumiputra,bukan mempersoalkan DEB.
    2)tentang kritikkan anda terhadap bumiputra yg kayaraya berpindah keluar negara,itu bukan urusan anda jadi biarlah kami yg merisaukan tentangnya.tak perlu anda ambil kesempatan menjadikan nya satu lagi isu besar konon nya melayu tidak taat kpd negara.
    segala komen anda di ruang Tun ini hanya menjurus ke satu arah saja iaitu tamak.anda sengaja melupakan sejarah dan asal-usul anda sebab anda melihat ruang terbuka untuk anda mencuba nasib merebut sesuatu yg bukan hak anda.pantang ada pemimpin baru,anda mula melonjak memintak.herdik dan tengking hanya membuat anda senyap sekejap,kemudian tanpa ada perasaan malu,anda mula bersuara lagi.
    tidakkah pernah terlintas di otak cerdik anda bahwa anda hidup aman-makmur atau kaya-raya di seluruh nusantara adalah kerana kebaikkan hati bangsa melayu yg tidak kisah berapa banyak duit yg anda ceduk dari sungai dan laut kami dan berapa banyak harta yg anda petik dari pokok dan hutan kami? tidakkah anda ada perasaan bersalah tatkala mata-jahat anda menjatuhkan lirikkan pada tampuk kuasa kami?
    kurangkan lah komen-komen bernada benci anda.kritik yg membina akan dihargai.

  22. To Criminalize War
    Let,s announces Bush and Blair
    They moves around but nations who believes in Peace
    and innocents Iraqis, are victims to their
    BRUTAL Crimes and Lies,
    They got their bloody foot,that will dirty your land
    Iraq till today are proven not guilty as accused,and are
    brutally, inhumanly sentenced for their innocents.
    What has the world got to say now.

  23. Salam,
    I was wondering whether student activism, particularly university students, can play a role in criminilazing wars? Having studied abroad for my undergraduate & graduate degrees (Canada & the UK), I’ve witnessed and became a part of student societies & clubs that promote peace, justice, equality, tolerance, and the whole shebangs.
    So, the question here is whether universities in Malaysia will allow such activities to occur? Even if they require non-political affiliations, there are groups from where I studied that promote such without involving political agendas. Will it be possible then? Will Make War a Crime be able to be built into student societies in universities in Malaysia? I am of the opinion that it should because at the stage of university, students must be able to be vocal – although they should do this since primary and not tertiary education.
    What are your two-cents on this?

  24. Dear Tun, salam bahagia harap sihat sentiasa. Minta izin mengulas dua buah komen di sini….
    Pandangan pada ‘tunnusantara’ on November 5, 2009 7:07 PM
    There is one group who have followed your instruction to adapt their culture and also adopt the national language.
    The baba nyonya have adapted (non Chinese culture), speak Malay (mother tongue), go to national schools (some cannot speak Chinese). What have you got for them having followed your instruction? There is no economic benefit for them compared to other non Malays. In fact they are sometimes sidelined by both sides due to their cross over identity.
    Language is an economic issue in M’sia due to NEP. Be constructive and propose something instead of howling racism against non Malays when they place economics and survival (due to NEP) above mastery of a language for its sake.
    How do you measure the Chinese sincerity? Criticising or unhappiness with country’s policies unpatriotic? I measure a citizen’s sincerity by his act of keeping his contribution, his wealth and dominion in this country.
    Please note there are many Malays who gained from NEP, but are resident overseas (read The doctors). Many have even migrated. There are many in this race who hide their NEP wealth overseas. But it is the Chinese who learn a language for their economic survival (so they don

  25. I am confused.
    Why the Islamic groups like JI, Tallibans, Hisbollah and others are
    terms as terrorists.Is it because US term them so, that the Islamic World must acknowledge and listen to their lies out of fear.
    Why term the US army as militants as if they are consented to kill.
    Why not term the US military as terrorists also.
    Does US weapons is advance enough to identify the innocents.

  26. Thank you Tun for Criminalizing War effort which you had done..
    But,I’m worried if leader from a develop country to boycott your idea because this will harm their interest especially their weaponary industry.Bcos, if there was no war.Whose going to buy weapon from them ?

  27. Assalamualaikum,
    Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Para blogger yang dihormati,
    I attended this “Criminalising War Conference” with great interest despite the fact that I was going for a major surgery on my feet on Friday and needed time to tidy up my work, since I will be going on a long medical leave. I regret not being able to attend the full session neither have the time to visit the exhibition. I went with my 3 students, a Chinese, an Indian and a Persian. Unfortunately, I could not persuade any of my Malay students to come along. Somehow they were not interested; I am not sure the real reason for this, may be they were too busy, unconcerned, frighten, shy or complacence and peaceful or a mixture of these.
    Dear Tun, I congratulate you and the Perdana Global Peace organization for this noble cause to punish the real criminals of wars. Hopefully justice will prevail at last and most importantly this serves to prevent others like them to perpetrate future wars. It was strange indeed that Blair had visited this country (in Sabah) recently and even received honor from the University of Malaya, an event which according to my UM friends was a quiet reception and unknown to most UM staffs. Even though afterward there was a protest on their mailing list, but this was not prolonged and extinguished quickly, which goes to show, Malaysians in general are really peaceful people. Our anger is not easily translated to violence or terror. This general behavior (docile and peaceful nature) was even noted by the invited panel speakers during this conference when at the closing a number of them promoted Malaysia to be the peace capital of the world.
    To me this is indeed an honor and an achievement for all Malaysians, the majority of whom are moderate, tolerance and peaceful. Not only, Malaysians reject war, oppose violent behavior but are also inclusive, accepting and welcoming foreigners who ever they are. Our unique hospitality is our pride and our value. In the Malay proverb, we have even the saying kera di hutan diberi makan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan; the Malay hospitality extend much helps to others at the expense of its own kinship. But of course, the Malays

  28. Dear Tun
    To my small mind, stopping the war paradigm dead on its track is simply and surely one mission impossible. After 7,000 years of almost non-stop war-mongering, the momentum itself would carry it further another few hundred years, if not a thousand or two into the future. But that is no reason not to try.
    However, its definitely my wish to see in my lifetime a few of those aggressive war-mongers, starting with Bush and Blair, tried for their crime and sentenced to one life imprisonment for each non-combatant murdered/collateral-damaged in the course of the wars they started. That will be at least a few hundred thousand lifes in prison each for those rogue leaders.
    All the best Tun, at least you have started the snowball rolling down the mountain, hopefully transforming itself into an avalanche soon enough!

  29. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    War is inhumane. War has no right of choice. War simply destroys anything in its way. War not only creates destruction to the environment and all living creatures but also create a generation of people with immense hate to the destroyers. It is a never ending story. The world will be filled with “hate people” and anyone they dislike war is their solution. So where do the “non-hate people” fit in? Don’t these people have their rights too to live in harmony and peacefully? I want my rights Tun, to leave my children and my children’s children in a state of peace of mind. I don’t want to leave them in a world of wars. I don’t want them to inherit a world full of hates and wars.
    Tun, I put myself in the pain of those whose minds and bodies have been destroyed by wars, and yes I feel hate, hate to those who so love war. If to them love is not war then why do they go to war? What is wrong with them Tun? Don’t they learn from young that war is wrong. Any act of violence is wrong. So you see what I mean Tun. What war will do to you. I’ve never experienced in a battle of war but it has already implant hate inside me. But I still can control myself with the believe that love is great, love can conquer all. I believe that if the people in power who love to settle his dislike to another thru war, is to one day die away and in comes the new “no war but peace people” then the world is like heaven, safe and beautiful. Is this just a fantasy Tun? With people like you Tun who knows what is once immpossible and a fantasy will one day be true. A true courageous strong voice is what the world needs to make these war hunger persons as minute as a germ so no one can see and hear them. Let the voices of peace be stronger and louder until can drown those war slayers. Tun you are the Peace Keeper of the world.
    Let no one and nothing stop you from your noble mission.
    May Allah bless you and family always.

  30. Hey Tun,..
    You r a racist and admit it. You said chinese parent don’t want their children to mix with malay and indian. What a joke from you. Then what about the matrikulasi school which only allow for BUMIPUTERA!! Pls, you are old. don’t simply talk nonsense. Enjoy your life and don’t disturb the world.
    Racist? Ha Ha Ha, LMAO.
    IMHO, If you do not want to mix with the kids since the beginning, then why bother to insist on going to the mix school anyway?
    AFAIK, If this man is racist, you think how much he has sacrificed, how much we, has sacrificed to help each other?
    Matrikulasi does not allow Chinese? that is new, and rare. Matrikulasi is for all, and there are many non-Malays who has been accepted, why did you get mad? or because your kids failed to get in due to bad results? and you started go blaming everyone?

  31. YBhg. Tun,
    The intention of criminalizing war is an excellent way forward, but the reality in the world today is that most of the powerful nation in the world are weapon producers i.e. USA, Russia, China, Germany, UK, etc. As a small nation, Malaysia can only bark loudly at the international arena, as we use to do for 50 years. Who are we (Malaysia) to criminalize war? We can get a bunch of countries to be with us but are these country strong enough to voice their opinion in UN or the international arena?
    Like the OIC, it is currently a talk shop for muslim countries and most of the countries in OIC are dogs to the the US or the European countries. Abiding by their masters wishes, muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar are just puppets in the OIC, and we aspect them to criminalize war? This Arab countries are the biggest purchaser of arms in the world.
    Weapon producing countries do not care about war, they care about who is going to buy their weapon. Like the Malaysian government protecting PROTON from foreign competition, weapon producing nation are also protecting their interest. More war, more weapon, more money. Its as simple as that.
    So dear Tun, you are going to have a tough time pursuing this idea and trying to convince westerners how war is a crime. I bid good luck to you.

  32. slm..
    the only one thing can avoid war is…. 1Religion, 1World Leader, 1Race, 1World Goverment,.. and the religion of peace must be Islam because the name tells everything.. Islam means peace, surrender, and total submission of oneself to God which is Allah.
    lol its like new world order theory….. but, Islamic version XD

  33. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Dengan izin:
    Well done Datin Seri Rosmah. The money is put to good use. But please do further monitor on the Persatuan Isteri Wakil Rakyat BN. No puns intended, just speaking honestly.
    The last time I myself found something on a vacation, I handed it back to the owner and I ended up mugged with a flare gun pointed to my face. That was good America. It’s always a war zone there.
    Anyway, DSN must send DSR on more vacations. He should stay and worry about subsidies and NAP with us, but we don

  34. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    Perang adalah perkara besar.saya terpegun dgn ayat al-Quran yg bermaksud;
    “Ingat lah ketika Tuhan mu berfirman kpd malaikat ‘Sesungguh nya Aku akan menjadikan Khalifah di muka bumi’.Para malaikat lalu bertanya ‘apakah akan Engkau jadikan makhluk yg akan menimbulkan kerosakkan dan menumpahkan darah di muka bumi sedang kami sentiasa bertasbih memuji dan mensucikan Mu?’ Allah berfirman ‘Sesungguh nya Aku mengetahui apa yg tidak kamu ketahui”
    (surah al-Baqarah ayat30)
    memang tepat anggapan para malaikat bahwa penciptaan manusia akan membawa kpd timbul nya kerosakkan dan pertumpahan darah.Allah swt sendiri pun tidak menafikan nya di ayat ini.tapi untuk maslahat atau manfaat yg lebih besar,maka kerosakkan dan pertumpahan darah yg pasti terjadi itu menjadi harga kecil saja berbanding manfaat nya.
    hari ini kita hidup dikelilingi kekafiran yg merajalela.ketamakkan orang-orang kafir sehingga menerobos masuk ke daerah-daerah Islam,sama ada dgn jalan penaklukkan atau atau dgn penipuan atau propaganda yg konon nya akademik,umat Islam semakin terperosok jauh sehinggakan sebahagian besar kita mula menerima dan berfikir menurut acuan orang-orang kafir.konon nya perang itu ganas dan keganasan patut di hapuskan.di hapuskan dgn apa? drone-drone kawalan jauh? tidak kah itu keganasan juga? apakah umat Islam hendak di ajak menjadi seperti Gandhi? saya menghormati Gandhi kerana memerdekakan negara nya.tapi sebagai umat Islam,cara aman yg di pilih Gandhi tidak lah sesuai untuk kita.kita ada hukum yg jelas tentang kewajipan berperang bilamana di serang,kita ada hukum yg jelas tentang sifat dayus,pengecut dan orang-orang yg lari dari medan perang.dan ada pula hukum-hukum jelas tentang adab berperang…perigi tak boleh diracun,pokok berbuah tak boleh di tebang,kanak-kanak,wanita dan orang tua tak boleh di bunuh dan berbagai lagi.
    perang yg di izinkan menurut Islam tidaklah boleh di setarakan dgn perang yg diguna-pakai oleh orang kafir.sehingga ke akhir zaman,Islam dan kafir akan sentiasa berperang.kita akan sentiasa terpaksa berjuang mempertahankan hak kita sepertimana mereka juga akan terus terpaksa mempertingkat tahap ketamakkan mereka.kita inginkan mereka menjadi saudara sesama Islam kita dan kita melakukan dakwah dgn hati-hati dan passive takut menyinggung perasaan mereka,mereka pula akan sentiasa berusaha menjadikan kita sama kafirnya seperti mereka dan mereka melakukannya dalam bentuk perang psychology yg aggresive.ini lah hakikat kehidupan yg perlu kita akui.perang tidak akan dapat dihapuskan.tapi saya berpendapat usaha Tun untuk menjenayahkan perang akan mendapat dukungan banyak pihak seperti PBB dan anggota jawatan kuasa pemilihan ANUGERAH NOBEL.hanya Pentagon dan kawan-kawan sealiran nya akan menentang berpura-pura bertegang-urat menuntut kawalan senjata WMD diperketat sambil menyembunyikan senyuman,sebab kita membantu mengekalkan kemenangan mereka.
    perdamaian lebih bererti jika ada keadilan.Sayyid Jamaluddin al-Afghani pernah mengatakan;keadilan hanya ada apabila kekuatan sudah se-imbang.dgn keadaan umat Islam hari ini,kita belum layak untuk menuntut atau menawarkan perdamaian.umat Islam perlu diperkuat terlebih dahulu.hari ini belum ada satupun negara Islam yg lebih kuat dari negara jiran nya yg bukan Islam,sama ada dari segi pertahanan,ekonomi atau pencapaian teknologi.ini perlu kita ubah.apakata Tun lancarkan Wawasan 2030 untuk semua negara OIC?

  35. Dear Tun.
    May I comment By HaluAuthor Profile Page on November 3, 2009 5:56 PM.
    Halu, I guest you are quite young, too much exposed to blogs containing profanities and obscenities, which reflects your rudeness, in the way you address a man, who have create a peaceful environment in Malaysia.
    If there is communal strive, in Malaysia, I bet, Tun will be the man, whom, regardless or race, we would find solace.
    I am a Kedah Malay. When I was 25, I have rented a room, with a Chinese family, for 2 years in KL. Get married, then rent a house, amongst the Chinese for 8 years. From experience, I am sure hard-core racist among us, is scarce.
    Please mix around. I am sure, non-racist, peace-loving people are the main-stream.
    Terima Kasih Tun

  36. War to end war, how ridiculous
    So far as I could see
    Tun is certainly way to go in this conference
    I could not help but to admit that all of the stated points are precise and right
    Bear in mind we should always judge things impartially

  37. Now another big lies of US presence in Iraq to stabilize Iraq.
    They are up to no good, to day light robbery and brutality.
    I call upon the OIC,the UN to take over US presence in Iraq to stabilize Iraq.US presence proven makes things worse.
    The OIC,UN will have peace talks with the groups in Iraq.
    THIS is what the Iraqi wants.We will have difficulties and may not restore peace overnight but we will minimize casualties with talks.
    And this is what the Iraqs wants.
    SO US,if you meant what you meant ,get out of Iraq.
    Spent your money wisely to help your own people.
    You may gain in some areas but will loose in many areas.

  38. It is because
    Iraq DO not have weapons of mass destruction
    It is NOT because Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
    That US dares to invade Iraq.Common sense tells.
    Do you think that if Iraq has weapons of mass destruction US
    would want to attack Iraq.UN knows it,the US Intelligence knows it,
    they lied to their people and to the whole world.
    World watch this brutal doings helplessly at the expense of the innocent Iraqi.I felt animals are more dignify than us.
    North Korea repeatedly shows the world in TV that they have weapons
    of mass destruction.Till today US has not guts to take the moves.
    They prey on the helpless,the weak and they call themselves
    superpower.North Korea must not lay down their weapons.If not they will suffer,and US will take a ride when you are weak.Perhaps North Korea should take a preemtive war against US.
    US will lie to world again about North Korea,South Korea and Japan will be their scapegoat.

  39. Dear hiewhoo,
    ISA is needed to secure peace, in the US they have the same law to ensure peace. Even in France, and many other countries. Abolishing ISA 100% is just not possible.
    I’ll bet you guys a cookie that hiewhoo wasn’t even 10 years old during ops lalang. S/he must be echoing things from opposition fanboy blogs who spread rumors like wild fires from their asses. Am I right?
    It is a shame that we share the same name,
    I was hoping that you could actually spill out something more constructive instead of pure insults towards others.

  40. .
    Salam again Tun, dengan izin…
    DEY hula,
    You are a PARIAH and admit it. (exactly like your style in your very 1st sentence to Tun!) You don’t even know how to write with respect to Our Country’s ex-Prime Minister. Betul2 macam cina BUKIT yang baru keluar hutan yang BIADAP tak tahu adat.
    I agree with Tun that the chinese don’t want to mix with the Malays at school (& HELLO! please don’t drag the indians along with your RACIST-EXTREMIST “spirit”!! As a start, WE can see that they can speak MALAY, this country’s National Language, pretty well) as one does not have to look high & low to see if the chinese who send their children to “their RACE’s schools” are sincere to this country or not!
    Matrikulasi?? It’s one of the extensions of the standard national schools. You think your selfish chinese themselves who DEMANDED & INSISTED TO ONLY learn IN their SEGREGATED SELFISH cHINESE SCHOOLS ONLY from young, want to go to the “local people’s” sekolah matrikulasi???
    LASTLY, in your own perasan/arrogant & egoistic sentences in quotes below but with additional facts (in CAPS, capital letters!) included:
    Selamat jalan.
    Thank you, Tun. Wassalam.

  41. Assalamualaikum..
    Tun..adakah betul dunia kita telah dijajah dari zaman nenek moyang kita secara halus oleh satu golongan elit yg terdiri dari golongan orang-orang yg profesional dan berpengaruh. Saya dapat tahu bahawa mereka secara halus mempengaruhi minda, jiwa , budaya kita dengan cara yang kita sendiri tidak sedar.Tun, adakah betul Osama laden tu betul-betul wujud?. kalau ikut kan logik, kenapa Saddam Hussein yang sembunyi dalam bawah tanah pun dapat ditangkap sedangkan si Osama laden yang kerap keluar muka melalui Al Jazeera tetap tak dapat dikesan walaupun bertahun cuba dikesan?. Takkan la Osama laden tu hanya imej yang semata-mata dicipta oleh pihak US supaya orang bukan Islam mengaggap orang Islam adalah pengganas?. Oh dunia, sangsi la saya, banyak sangat penipuan.. 🙁

  42. Salam Tun,
    By HaluAuthor Profile Page on November 3, 2009 5:56 PM
    Hey Tun,..
    You r a racist and admit it. You said chinese parent don’t want their children to mix with malay and indian. What a joke from you. Then what about the matrikulasi school which only allow for BUMIPUTERA!! Pls, you are old. don’t simply talk nonsense. Enjoy your life and don’t disturb the world.
    Hei Halu,
    Please show some respect to Tun when you want to address him and give your comments according to topic posted here. You said Tun is racist but have you looked yourself in the mirror and ask if you are racist too? Only moron racist like you would still think that matrikulasi school is for bumiputra..

  43. salam Tun,
    no need to be confused.Tun is a doer not a talker.This beginning is already good enough!
    At least Tun is initiating steps make the world aware of the needs and convince the world to accept the noble idea to criminalise war.Once the idea is accepted (which admittedly could be later rather than sooner) then all the past war crimes including which you mentioned can be investigated,right?
    This action alone qualifies Tun to be nominated for The Nobel Peace Prize,don’t you agree?Of course the powers that be (responsible for awarding the prize) will give countless excuses not to as they will be bound to try and protect the superpowers interests.But that will only expose and confirm their double standards.We wait and see.

  44. I support criminalizing political persecution.
    Political persecution is a crime. It violates human rights.

  45. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Regarding the project to send a shipment of food and medicine to Palestine, I can’t help but to share my opinion. It’s high time for us to realise that a PEACEKEEPING ARMY should be sent to Palestine to protect the civilians there. The barbaric Zionist regime are trying to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque, denying food and medicine supplies to enter Gaza, increasing their illegal settlements and now, cutting off water supplies to Palestinians. How long can we wait and see all these without doing anything? We urgently need to send military forces there as soon as possible.

  46. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahnda Tun. Kami minta ikhsan ayahanda untuk sedikit ruang disini. Terima kasih Tun.
    Kami agak terkilan dengan beberapa

  47. Salam Tun
    When I saw a short clip on TV3 News about your Criminalising War foundation event and the Iraqi guy who went up to the podium to tell about his experience being tortured by the US soldiers in Guantanamo Bay camp (related to us by his translator), I thought that your Criminalising War foundation was doing the best thing possible to bring realisation to Malaysians about what had been done by the US and UK in Iraq during the US occupation.
    I really, strongly, strongly feel that TV3 and any TV station (whether RTM or Astro, etc) should air this prisoner’s experience and confessions on TV to Malaysians. I will be the first person to make myself free to watch this program on TV!
    From I heard, the US Army actually employed a psychologist to find out what is the worse method to torture each terrorist suspect based on their personality. I cannot think what is being done in Guantanamo and I think President Bush should be hanged.

  48. Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, assalamualaikum……..
    Dengan izin ……..
    By kamal ahmad on November 5, 2009 6:24 AM
    Saya setuju 1000% pendapat saudara. Walaupun saya pendokong Umno/Bn tetapi tidak semua pendapat pemimpin perlu kita angguk. Tiada salahnya jika pandangan rakyat dapat memberi kebaikan untuk semua. Pemimpin perlu ingat rakyat telah memberi subsidi yang amat besar kepada mereka semasa pilihanraya iaitu UNDI. Kalau subsidi ini dikurangkan siapalah pemimpin Umno/Bn ini.
    Saya ini bukannya orang kaya tetapi tidak termasuk di dalam kategori orang miskin. Kalau kerajaan tak bagi subsidi kepada golongan seperti saya tiada masalah tapi jengok2lah orang miskin dikampung2. Hasil pemantauan yang dibuat di kawasan saya didapati pengundi jadi serba salah. Beri undi kpd PKR calonnya buat hal sendiri. Tiada apa pun yg dibuatnya. Masa ada MP dari Umno/Bn ada pula pemimpin/Ajk bahagian yang sentiasa membakar ahli di cawangan2 supaya tidak berpuashati dgn MPnya. Akibatnya MP ini kalah semasa PRU Susah la mcm ni.
    Walaupun tak pernah menjadi ahli Umno tetapi saya tetap Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya, bukan mcm pemimpin dan segelintir Ajk bahagian yang hanya menyokong proxynya sahaja. Sampai bila2 pun Umno tak akan dapat menawan kembali negeri Kelantan jika terdapat pemimpin Umno tempatan yang bersikap sedemikian.
    anak tanah merah

  49. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    //By donplaypuks on November 3, 2009 9:38 PM//
    Dear donplaypuks,
    Yes we are 1 Race, but the world is 1 Race in “Dream Works” which can be created, eg:- the story of Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Monkey God, Beauty & The Beast and even Harry Porter!!
    Now, the Government under PM Najib wanted 1 Klinik (1 Clinic, or whatever he likes) to be implemented from 1.1 2010. At the same time, he asked for different school to go against TS Myuhiddin’s voice for One Single School Policy (all grass root of Chinese dislike him, I do not know whether Myuhiddin aware of not, and his Deputy Wee Ka Siong is a Hipocrite!!).
    DAP’s MP Tony Pua (Wangsa Maju) supports this Single School system voiced by historian TS Khoo Kim Khay. Strangely, PKR TS Khalid Ibrahim had support different school systems silently by attending DS Rosmah’s education launching, because of his debt owed to Guthrie??
    Malaysians, majority of them are “BLIND” and “Suka Gossip” just like a piece of news reported in page W38 in yeterday’s The Star paper saying that the Chinese in China prefer to learn more about the gossip story of the Mafia God Mother’s 14 lovers, which is not true, age 46 years old who will be sentenced for 18 years jail due to underworld’s conspiracies with the police force in Chonqing. It looks like Malaysia is in the process of “gearing” backward by the dirty politicians and our famous The Star paper without liberty and justice to voo young voters like Mr Donky by kong kali kong!!!
    Before you, Mr Donky point your finger at others, use your brain, and obviously, I don’t think you have one, just like what the DAP’s Foong Poh Kuan said in Dewan Rakyat, you are the men .. without that “thing”. I don’t think Ong KaTing has that thing too.
    Now, MCA’s President Ong TK has fired the Deputy Finance Minister YB Chor and 3 others, it shown that Malaysia’s internal “war of race supremacy” is on!!! Why push the balme to Tun Dr Mahathir???
    Why 1 Klinik, Different School Policy?? Rakyat tahu anda semua ini membenarkan duit “judi untuk memanipulasikan sistem sekolah kita. I am just wondering is our BN legalising “wars of races locally” through share market manipulation through our education and rakyat’s assets??
    Well, Mr Donky, this is what war is about!!!
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  50. To Hanan,
    Using the analogy of 4 PUPILS to WAR CRIME LEADERS was really REALLY REALLY NOT RIGHT. Pls think about what u wrote again, minus the anger and hostility.

  51. .
    Salam Tun, How’re you, Sir? Hope you are in the VERY BEST of Health… Amiin.
    Dengan izin: Hanan,
    Using your own sentence but with slight modification (in caps) “The approach of declaring war as NOT a crime main agenda is to KILL whom you hate.” – Simple! Got it??
    2. You don’t need to twist & turn your words with “love this”, “friendship that”, WITHOUT YOU YOURSELF & your TERRORIST ROB-OTHER-PEOPLE’s LAND israel, PROVE THAT FIRST with THE PALESTINIANS and THEIR RIGHTFUL-LAND, PALESTINE. Just refrain from Talking COCK here, lah!… Please just STOP TALKING COCK & BULL that is clearly with points/justifications that is so typical of those jewish hollywood dramas (full of FLUFF & BLUFF!) with just air/emptiness & a lot of noise talking.
    Do you really think that people worldwide don’t know what israel is or who yahudi is, and what you people are capable of doing to this little planet of ours, its inhabitants & all that’s in it (humans, as well as plants, trees, animals, ocean, water, mountains, rivers, glaciers, corals, etc.) ALREADY??
    We are talking about your control-FREAK “israel”-terrorists (frankly, I don’t like to use “israel” AS THERE IS NO LEGAL “israel” state!) who’re SO DESPERATE in wanting to control the entire world, this small planet of ours, like you people are not gonna die tomorrow (well, you are followers of Prophet Moses AS’ Taurah…)??You people are just soooo passé, with OLD 20th century worldwar 1&2 type of GREED, KILL & CONQUER mentality. Simply so UNBELIEVABLY GREEDY!
    3. If your so-called “israel” is NOT greedy, why do you people keep on bull-dozing your sick jealous greedy hearts into other people’s LAND and NOT FOLLOW the borders defined after the 1967 WAR which is ALREADY MUCH BIGGER than the very 1st ones AGREED in 1948???
    Where’s your so-called “hollywood” HEART?? Where’s the “dramatic” LOVE? Where’s your “sit-com” FRIENDSHIP???
    4. We are now in the 21st Century, if you are TRULY the followers of the REAL TAURAH holy book brought by Prophet Moses AS, you’d IMMEDIATELY REPENT, as you yourself said that all religions want peace. AND, you knwo that there’s Life after Death, & there’s Heaven and Hell.
    So, go eat your own wordslah, hanan.
    LASTLY, 5. please don’t use Muslim’s “Assalamualaikum” as that is STRICTLY for Muslims to greet amongst us — UNLESS, if you’re a Muslim yourself, then it’s OK. If not, as “fellow” Holy Book followers, we know that you are just “ridiculing” us.
    Terima kasih, Tun. Wassalam.

  52. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahnda Tun. Kami minta ikhsan ayahanda untuk sedikit ruang disini. Terima kasih Tun.
    Kami agak terkilan dengan beberapa

  53. Dear Tun!
    Simple as ABC….Malaysia is in a mess….politically speaking
    What are the guys in the airconditioned offices in Putrajaya doing?! Busy preparing for the next Sodomy charge against Anwar?! Perak is in a mess and do I need to mention about the state of affairs in the other states?!
    NOW YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT CRIMINALISING WAR CRIMES?!!!! What about the CRIMES being committed in Malaysia?! Sodomy seems to be the “in thing” in Malaysia today…..what a shame and that too in a Muslim majority country!!!!!!! You have a ex-Health Minister who has yet to be let off-the-hook on a “screwing” charge!!!!! Numerous and so called dignified personalities from UMNO/BN who have been acussed of corruption but till todate, nothing has happened…..are the Judicary in Malaysia too busy over nothing or simply waiting for instruction from Putrajaya to proceed with “lighting speed” for selective cases?
    Many more questions abound Tun but in reality, Malaysia is indeed in a mess and no thanks to you! Pay back time is just round the corner for those who have created this mess….no two ways about it!
    My parting shot, Dearest Tun!……PRACTISE WHAT YOU PREACH!!!!! The Almighty is certainly watching!!!!!!

  54. Assalamualaikum w.b.t Tun Dr. Mahathir.
    Allow me to rebut on a few points raised by Hanan.

  55. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Sampai ke akhir zaman perang akan berterusan. Pelbagai sebab untuk manusia berperang. Perang diantara negara mahupun perang didalam negara. Perang diantara kaum mahupun perang sesama kaum. Perang diantara agama mahupun perang sesama agama. Tidak mustahil disatu masa akan datang, peperangan terscetus diantara lelaki dan wanita..
    Apapun yang telah diusahakan pada konferens tersebut, syabas diucapkan. Sekurang-kurangnya ada manusia yang mengambil inisiatif untuk bertindak menentang perang.
    Pada pandangan saya, kekalutan politik dinegara kita pada hari ini juga kerisauannya bagaikan negara sedang berperang secara domestik. Selagi terdapat manusia yang tamak, maka akan wujud kekacauan didunia ini.
    Bagaimana kaedahnya untuk mengenepikan manusia yang tamak dari kancah politik? BN hampir kecundang kerana terdapat pemimpin yang tamak. Untuk mengenali pemimpin jenis ini sangat mudah. Mereka aktif berpolitik untuk memegang jawatan. Ringkasnya, mereka berpolitik untuk mencari kekayaan.
    Zaman dahulu, mereka berjuang untuk membebaskan negara dari genggaman penjajah. Lihatlah pejuang masa tersebut. Hanya yang berani mempertaruhkan nyawa sahaja yang sanggup berjuang. Mereka berjuang untuk kedaulatan negara. Tidak melibatkan kepentingan peribadi langsung.
    Bagaimana mencari pemimpin dizaman yang mempunyai tanggungjawab seperti pejuang zaman dahulu?
    Zaman ini tak perlu mempertaruhkan nyawa untuk berjuang. Tetapi perlu mempertaruhkan kekayaan. Kita sedang mencari mereka yang sudah sedia ada kaya untuk menjadi pemimpin dan kekayaannya itu digunakan untuk berjuang sehingga mereka menjadi miskin.
    Jika konsep ini menjadi prinsip saya percaya sukar sekali untuk mencari pemimpin sedemikian di zaman ini. Tetapi inilah kenyataannya. Inilah yang diingini oleh rakyat.
    Negara kita sangat aman sebenarnya. Apakah kita hendak menunggu sehingga peperangan bersenjata berlaku dinegara kita baru kita hendak bertindak untuk bersatu?
    Kepada para pemimpin yang diamanahkan oleh rakyat, berjuanglah untuk rakyat. Duduklah dikawasan anda. Keluarkanlah duit poket anda untuk pembangunan setempat dan bukannya menghimpun kekayaan. Janganlah mengharapkan bantuan kerajaan semata-mata. Bersatulah bersama penduduk setempat untuk mencari pendapatan. Galakkan mereka mencari sumber pendapatan sendiri. Sedih apabila mendengar ada pemimpin yang merayu pucuk pimpinan untuk menambah peruntukan bahagian. Pemimpin sebegini haruslah meletakkan jawatan dan melantik orang yang benar-benar berkeupayaan untuk mencari sumber pendapatan sendiri. Nescaya negara akan bahagia.

  56. Salam Tun
    I have given my comment the subject of Criminalise War but somehow it didn’t get posted yet.
    It is ok but I would like to get your urgent attention to the recent “arrest” of Dr Asri former Mufti of Perlis by JAIS that has caused public outcry and give rise to many questions.
    It is out of the topic but I believe it is important that this matter be discussed in the open forum and your blog is the most appropriate. It is crucial for the unity of Muslims in Malaysia. We, the ordinary people are getting confused. Something is amiss here. Muslims all over the world are already divided and willing to kill each other. We in Malaysia also has further divided on Islam by states ( different laws ), political parties ( UMNO & PAS ) and the “ulamaks”.

  57. whatever. the seed of criminalizing war has been sowed. if the Truth is that Humanity need this, then this little new thing (Tun’s baby) will eventually grow mature, get strong & become a new system (maybe in the near future, not nessassary today). if you groom it nicely it will become a monster one day. if they get to reach that stage, it wont be easy reverse it back then.

  58. Tun Dr Mahatir yang amat mulia lagi terhormat
    There is one way to stop all current and future wars in this world, once and for all.
    Any decision-maker, whether he is a king, queen, prime minister or president of a country, who makes the decision that his country will attack another country to cause a war, put that decision-maker in the front line of his army, navy or air-force.
    Just to say,

  59. Tun,
    A more peceful earth would be a good thing for our future generations. Too many wars have brought about evidence of human cruelty and human nature at its worst. WW2, Bosnia and many other war have shown us the need to criminalize war itself.

  60. WE should criminalize war as much as we should criminalize war lies.
    IT is more brutal weapons.
    We are bunch of fools to buy this lies
    at the expense of the innocents.

  61. US invasion on Iraq is not because
    Iraq has weapons of mass destruction,
    IT is because Iraq has NO weapons of mass destruction.
    UN knows,the US Intelligences knows it.
    Do you think if Iraq has the weapons of mass destruction,
    US would want to invade Iraq.Proven
    North Korea repeatedly show the world that they have weapons,
    but till today US have NO GUTS to attack.
    US will prey on the weak.They are no hero.
    They will lie to the world again of the threat to Japan,South Korea.
    But IT is a threat to US that was not mention.Japan,South Korea is just a scapegoat.
    North Korea should not tear down their weapons unless US do so.
    Once North Korea are weak US will take the ride.

  62. Salam YAB Tun,
    Sorry, just feel like sharing some idea using minimum words.
    Can we destroy either +ve or -ve energy/forces?
    Knowledge -> act -> identify -> isolate/disassociate -> free
    Allah will take care of the rest.

  63. Salam ayahanda Tun..
    Jangan dilayan si Hanan Yahudi tu… dia tetap akan mempertahankan fahaman Zionisme kejam nya itu… berat sebelah!

  64. Dear Tun Dr.M
    May I comment ‘LadyGAuthor Profile Page on November 3, 2009 9:08 AM’
    I am a Malay, & I was borne into a Muslim family. For that I am grateful. If I had came to life, say 500yrs ago, I might be a Hindu. Tun Dr.M has previously stated that, the war in Palestine is not about religion; its about ‘land’, and I agree. Therefore, please leave religion out of this conflict. If not, ‘Criminalising War’ will be very difficult, as it is.
    Surely the Jews must come from somewhere. From history, when the Arabs were mighty, the hard-line Jews, surely must migrate away from retribution, leaving the moderates behind. Therefore, the Jews who migrate then, are very resilient. If not for Hitler, the Jews might not be too desperate to return and recreate their ‘homeland’. (That is why, to show that we are very Islamic, we should not be proud of Hitler). While the Arabs then, due to the squabbles between them, might have not foreseen, the need to safeguard their neighbourhood.
    As a Malay we should not harbour any grudge against Jews. As a Muslim I am not sure. I am not against all Jews, but I despise the act of extremist Jews, bullying & killing the innocent, by the thousand. Surely, not all Jews are extremist or anti-Islam, and I think, from his previous writing in this blog, Hanan is one of them. Therefore we should make friends with people like him. After all, apart from Christianity, Judaism is closer to Islam than any other religion. That is why Tun, I agree with Hanan, that we should have invited, of-course, moderate Jews and Palestinians, to the conference. As we all know, extremist exist in all races & unfortunately, all religion.
    By the the way, Hanan, you should not use the word ‘terror organisation’ if you are negotiating peace. Tun Dr.M, have clearly explained the term ‘terrorist’ in his previous posting.
    Back home Tun.
    Whats your comment on the arrest of Dr.Maza, by JAIS?

  65. Salaam Tun,
    Your speech at THE CRIMINALISE WAR CONFERENCE AND WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL 2009 is published at This is a good website on world politics by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, and Malaysia is honored by your great articles being posted here.
    You’ve done very well and highly respected in the international arena, and Globalresearch attest to this.

  66. Tun,
    Good thing that everyone of us stop battering bout our current politic situation and joined hand supporting this cause. I’m with you all the way Tun.
    To Hanan,
    Sure! making friends with enemy and listen to what they have to say is good. I like that idea. but do the government of Israel and America will have open arms to do that. The teaching to be a Muslim is to make peace with everyone including your enemy. but this doesnt mean joining forces with your enemy to fight someone else. Your idea will only work both ways. It is not our side that you should be preaching this, Its your side of the world!. Good luck to you Hanan.
    Hazman Abu Bakar – Love country side, peace and clear lake.

  67. A’kum wrb Tun Dr Mahathir,
    It is time the wider world is aware of Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal which until today has been discreetly kept out of the wider world’s awareness.
    Israel should be subjected to similar nuclear arms disarmament pressure as what Iran and North Korea are put through.

  68. Asingkanlah kesengsaraan yang besar dengan yang dibesar-besarkan!
    Kenapa ada yang seperti mengejek pula, ajak kita fikir dulu tentang hal dalam negara pula?
    Iya ke , di Malaysia ini kita hidup sentiasa dalam ketakutan dek gaya pemerintahan kuku besi pemimpin?Iya ke?Anak tak kesekolah, tidak ada pekerjaan, manusia hidup merempat di jalan raya, makanan tidak cukup., hospital tidak cukup ubat, doktor, jururawat, prasarana haprak….atau mungkinkah rak beer di kedai serbaguna atau serba apa-apa ke, rumah urut, tukang urut, masih tidak mencukupi?Fikirlah, hanya sebab jika kamu zahirkan ketidakpuashati kamu di jalanan, maka kamu sudah yakin yang sebahagian besar yang lain juga setuju dengan kamu?
    Iye ke ada yang kena tangkap bila berceramah politik disurau.Iya lah katanya politik tu kan lebih menarik daripada menceramahkan hal ugama.Kesengsaraan kawan serumpun dijadikan bahan politik yang mana sepatutnya jadi ikhtibar pada yang hidup supaya ingat yang kita akhirnya akan ketemui Nya juga,siap mendoakan ia terjadi di tanahair dengan mengambarkan jari 1Malaysia keluar dari bumi…malah sampai satu tahap tak segan silu mengaku kepada hadirin yang kalau nak ceramah pasal ugama, adalah lebih menarik kalau pilih topik haid dan nifas dan tentang kepelbagaian warnanya sahaja.Jijik?Jenaka?Atau memang puaka?
    Menebeng dengan cerita dalaman untuk memperkecilkan usaha yang lebih besar,cuma memperlihatkan betapa CIPUTnya pemikiran sebahagian kita. Kalau rasa yakin,hebat dan bertapak kepada kebenaran

  69. TO all soldiers that believes their being in Iraq and Afganistan,
    is not for a good cause,a cause of evils, abandon your mission.
    Your superior are unable to punish the lots of you.
    Honor yourself by doing the right thing, fearing evils doings is abetting to one.May GOD bless you and BLAST the evil one.

  70. We need people like you to start building a better world and knock some human sense into those half ripe so call world leaders. But isn’t it part of the peoples’ fault when we chose to put them in office. It is the responsibility of the people not to elect Politicians who believed that war is an option.
    We may not be able to advise war victims to forgive and forget but if we can enrich and share world resources among the world populations we will save the world.
    Dear Tun, you need to stay alive as long as possible and I believe you will witness your vision 2020.

  71. Assalamualaikum!
    Ybhg Tun,semoga di berikan perlindungan oleh Allah dan sentiasa sehat walfiat demikian juga kepada saya dan keluarga.
    Tun,di ucapkan tahnia kerana berjaya membawa conference criminal dengan jayanya.Saya tidak berkesempatan menyaksikan conference itu tetapi apa yang di perkatakan oleh mereka-mereka yang menjadi mangsa dalam kem tahanan Guatanamo memang sangat menyayat hati dan teramat kesihan.Perbuatan mereka yang tidak berperi kemanusian itu lebih kepada sifat syaitan dan iblis laknatullah.
    Apakah hasil conference ini akan memberikan impak dan kesan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin kuasa besar. Di peringkat awal tidak kerana mereka akan memberikan pelbagai alasan kenapa mereka bertindak demikian.Namun demikian apa yang kita harapkan ialah rakyat negara-negara kuasa besar ini akan bangkit dan bangun untuk menyedarkan pemimpin mereka. Kekalahan Bush,Blair dan president Francis dulu menunjukan mereka tidak suka perbuatan pemimpin mereka.Gesaan rakyat negara-negera ini akan berterusan selagi para pemimpin mereka bertindak seperti syaitan dan iblis.
    Tun yang baik hati,usaha untuk membawa bush,blair dan lain-lain pemimpin termasuk pemimpin-pemimpin negera Islam yang bersekongkol dengan pemimpin2 kuasa besar ini kemuka pengadilan perlu di teruskan. Kalaupun tidak kesampaian sekurang-kurangnya nama-nama pemimpin ini terpahat dalam sejarah sebagai pemimpin-pemimpin yang jahat dan kejam. Penerimaan segelintir rakyat Sabah terharap lawatan Blair ke sana baru-baru ini memang amat menyedikan,tetapi saya yakin ia tidak bermaksud yang rakyat Sabah sukakan blair, lebih ramai bencikan dia, Sabah mempunyai lebih 60% penduduk beragama Islam. Biasalah Tun menusia-manusia macam blair dan bush ini ada juga penyokongnya di sana sini walaupun sedikit bilanganya. Dikalangan lebih 20 juta penduduk Malaysia tentu ada juga yang menyokong mereka. Sebab itulah Allah telah memperingati orang Islam dalam ayat yang lebih kurang maksudnya”…..syaitan dan iblis itu adalah musuh kamu yang nyata”.Sifat-sifat iblis dan syaitan ini ada juga pada manusia.Orang Islam kena sentiasa awas dan waspada,jika kita leka tanpa kita sedari kita berikan kekuatan kepada musuh-musuh kita ini untuk menghambat kita balik.Syaitan dan iblis surung wang,perempuan,arak,kebongkakan,kerakusan,ketamakan dan macam-macam lagi untuk menjadikan kita lemah dan di buai mimpi yang akhirnya kita di gunakan oleh proksi-proksi syaitan dan iblis ini untuk menghancurkan orang kita balik.
    Tun, bila kita ambil iktibar kepada kekejam yang berlaku di kem tahanan guatanamo,di Iraq dan negara-negara lain yang secara kebetulan kebanyakanya negara-negara Islam teringat saya satu ucapan yang saya tak ingat siapa yang berucap tetapi katanya negara-negera Islam kena menguasai ekonomi untuk mengelakan mereka terus di perlekehkan oleh kuasa-kuasa barat.
    Tun yang budiman,teruskan usaha dan mohon kepada Allah semoga apa yang Tun lakukan juga jihad kerana jihad bukan hanya pergi berperang tetapi jihad juga boleh di lakukan dari sudut yang lain.
    Terima kasih.

  72. As the self, takes time to observe around, the more and more it brought me to UMNO.
    Nevertheless, the current UMNO is still too far from what it should be, takes the time to find out who is behind the tarian pendet fiasco if you may.
    Let us uncoil the hand behind it, very amusing.
    Better be safe, than sorry.

  73. Sejarah pernah dilalui
    Suatu ketika, Pearl Harbour markas pengkalan tentera diserang….
    Maka dgn perasaan membara mereka pun membalas dendam……
    Letupan menjadi bukti…..
    Hiroshima dan Nagasaki menjadi saksi….
    Bandar, kota dan rakyat jelata menjadi mangsa ……..
    Antara yang mati segera atau membawa sengsara sepanjang usia…
    Kebanyakannya adalah rakyat cuma……
    Kejam, zalim…… apa lagi……..
    takde pun kena dakwa dakwi………???????
    mungkin juga sejarah akan berulang kembali……..???

  74. God teaches that murdering is wrong. In fact, God has always been in existence and His teaching has always been around. So why does not this teaching stick in the minds of human beings who are created later ? Why is it that there is a need to fight and show off whatever greatness there is ? Only God knows. If this teaching is innate in human beings, surely humans will not have that nature to want to fight. But humans still want to fight not just with weapons, but with words, with whatever means there is to provoke the other person and with the use of the mind as in psychological warfare. People do not just pick up any weapon and aim at their enemies. There has to be a trigger for example hidden motives, small lies, big exaggerations, physical provocation and in the end, enough to convince others in their quest for greatness or whatever sugar coated words they want to use. People do not learn from history and history repeats itself. The internet tells of the first record of a war and strangely it was between Sumer in Iraq and Elam in Iran. Do the people there learn not to fight ? No because we are witnessing a modern day fighting in these two lands. Iraq with her weapons of mass destruction which nobody actually knows where they are kept. Iran with her nuclear bomb capability, a threat to many nations. If wars are crimes, then shouldn

  75. This may not be the appropriate phrases nor words, but I shall say it nevertheless;
    Truth, the bitter truth for us all, is that we never have gained any independence. In reality we all know what we are, what this country is based of, It is either we have forgotten about these, or we live in pretense, yes, pretending we know not a single bit about them.
    We shall never be freed, not in any near time, The British has successfully injected their penicillin into the roots of society, and it does lasted for such a time, and even now.
    It was with intent that they ( The British ), apportioned us, and place the Malay in the village, whilst the other in the city with help and support for business.
    In spite of these, both sides of the coins shall be, in anyway end up either in favor of the old ways of the colonial Briton, or the capitalist power — the U.S.
    Who knows, what not, probably it is merely inevitable, we fought our own kin, we are akin to the murderers who murdered their own brothers for temporal glory.
    What is the end to this? Is it pretentious for us now?

  76. Tun
    I am a bit confused.
    Without getting into the semantics of it, unjust wars have never been legal. It’s always been a question of whether anyone was powerful and determined enough to bring the perpetrators to book for their unwarranted atrocities.
    The Nuremburg Trials and the currently ongoing War Crimes Tribunal proceedings at the Hague against Radovan Karadic for genocide against Muslims, are testimony to this.
    You also ignore the fact that there might be just wars and related actions such as India’s 1971 intervention in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) when the Pakistan Army embarked on a genocide mission against the democratically elected majority Govt of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. There was also the 1990/91 USA led Ops Desert Storm rescue of Kuwait from Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Ex-President Clinton was yesterday honoured with the erection of a statue of him in Kosovo for his airstrike against Serbia in 1999 that saved hundreds of thousands of Kosovan Albanians!
    Wars have taken place since the dawn of time and will continue to do so, as long as humans are ruled by their egos and notions of race, religious or national superiority.
    So, what exactly does your movement hope to achieve when we already have the UN? Or will your movement only target western perpetrators and Muslim victims and its mission deemed completed, if you succeed in getting Bush and Blair to answer charges before an international tribunal? Will you look at atrocities in Africa, Cambodia, South America etc.?
    Why re-invent the wheel?
    But in the final analysis, as Edwin Starr famously sang, I agree:
    “What is war good for? Absolutely nothing!”
    But we are a far cry away from Utopia!
    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  77. No religion teach to kill mankind.All religion teaches good.
    One fights because They feel they have means to fight
    The other feel rights to fight.Regardless of conflicts
    it will never be an ending solution to fight.Then sometimes it needs a third party to cool off.
    Scientists, nation who develops weapons must be a shame of themselves,their talents should be put to good use.
    To demilitarize nation for the sake of mankind,
    every nation will agree but yet again most nation will sharpen
    their knives behind their backyard.Nations wants security.
    Building weapons is evil,building a better weapons to be more secure, is more evils.It is a never ending disaster.
    The world needs a strong,recognized,able body,a body of its own,
    to illegalise war,to name war NO solution to all,able to punish, regardless of reasons.
    Perhaps to those who are addicted to war,let the world give them a war zone,get the leader and their family involves in the war not just by instructing others,and at the expense of others,let them kill each other so as the innocent won,t be a victim.It is like those who enjoy speeding on public roads,allow them to speed or race at the designated race track so as not to harm others.Let them die at the right place so as not to affects others who value life.It will be easier to dispose these junks.
    Life is short,lets value it.

  78. Dear Tun,
    May i give my opinion that, criminalized war will lead to other problems as well, but, i agree, to criminalized the war, because, war nowdays involve with weapons of massive destruction and much more into killing innocents, little kids, women… this is not war.. this is truly crime, the source of all terror.. and we need to declare war with these real terrorists.. hopefully with the blessed of Allah, surely we will win. And i respect ur effort and ur ways of ‘war’ on this matter. Thanks

  79. Dear Tun,
    May i give my opinion that, criminalized war will lead to other problems as well, but, i agree, to criminalized the war, because, war nowdays involve with weapons of massive destruction and much more into killing innocents, little kids, women… this is not war.. this is truly crime, the source of all terror.. and we need to declare war with these real terrorists.. hopefully with the blessed of Allah, surely we will win.

  80. Hey Tun,..
    You r a racist and admit it. You said chinese parent don’t want their children to mix with malay and indian. What a joke from you. Then what about the matrikulasi school which only allow for BUMIPUTERA!! Pls, you are old. don’t simply talk nonsense. Enjoy your life and don’t disturb the world.

  81. Salam Tun.
    Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom lead by the US are the perfect examples where the neocon with the help and blessing of UNSC butchered innocent peoples of Iraq & Afghanistan. The word “freedom” must be the same meaning as death in American vocabulary.

  82. Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    I still remember during my college time when an economic professor showed our class of the American economic patterns since the early 20th century. The graft showed that the American economics was at it lowest point in 1939 which was during the Great Depression period. Later it jumped to the highest points during the period of WW2. It declined again after the WW2. Korean War 1953 was the savior to the economic growths as its back to the higher points again. The economic growths maintained at its higher levels during the Vietnam War starting in 1966 to 1976.
    The Iran- Iraq war which was prolonged for 8 years 1980 to 1989 was a big bonuses. Handsome Kol. North was tried and “demoted” for his achievements in selling weapons to enemy Iran. At the same time friend Iraq bought weapons from the same sources.
    The same thing happened to the US Ambassadoress to Kuwait during the Saddam invasion to Kuwait. She was called back home and tried for persuading Saddam to invade Kuwait during a so called cocktail party. Her punishment was to demote her back to her old profession as a professor in a local unversity ( I read this in NST). Invasion to Iraq later brought huge fortunes.
    Mr. Hanan did asked Ybhg Tun in blog chedet – (Financial Crisis) whether the current global financial crisis can lead to another world war.
    My opinion indicates it is possible as looking through the history of world economic trends as compared to the event of wars.
    Hanan seemed opposed to the idea of criminalizing war.

  83. Please do not insult Tun Abdullah that way, he has done what he could. Calling others like that will not make us stronger or superior, gives others respect and you will get respect, give others love and you will get love, and give hatred and you will get to feel the bitterness of hatred.

  84. Salam Tun,
    I wholeheartedly support your movement to criminalize war. I would however go further and criminalize acts of Government that causes violence to its own people or those within its jurisdiction.
    I humbly submit that the use of capital and corporal punishment are no longer relevant in today’s world and that if they are abolished the movement to criminalize war will gain greater impetus as a solution for all of humanity.
    We also need to remember that war can be called by many other names although the effects are the same. In the US, the whites called it “settlement” although the red indians were there long before. In South America, the Europeans called it “discovery” of the new world although there were also natives there long before them. In some cases it was not only war but genocide that was committed.
    I am sorry that the powers that be in Malaysia are not helping the cause to criminalize war by example. We want to cane a mother for drinking, arrest a former Mufti for talking, let people die in custody, give datukships to criminals and continue with corruption. We the people are fed up with it all.
    Irrespective of the comedy perpertrated by the powers that be, I assure you, Tun, that you have the full support of the people in Malaysia in your noble efforts to criminalize war.
    My best wishes to you and your family.

  85. We must be vigilant, there are too many foreigners who has dubious desires to interfere in the affairs of the country. They are likely to have hidden agendas behind their actions, shadowing their acts into an elusive form of friendship.
    The strength of the country depends on the extent to which we are able to survive mentally and physically, to forge name for change and towards good.
    Fight we not, but defend we must, need no killing to justify another killing. In that spirit, let us support ‘Criminalise War’ endeavor by Tun.

  86. Salam Tun,
    Before we can criminalize war, the killings of civilians and innocent people should be stopped. How can we stop the war if the Americans and the Israelis keep producing the sophisticated weapons for destruction?

  87. Dear Hanan,
    I have to disagree with your view, if war is allowed it would create more trouble than solving problem. I do not see any logical reasons on why war should be allowed, this is not about creating relationship between friend or foe, this is about preventing million death in war.
    War has created too much sufferings, why is there even a need to kill another human?
    I do not see the reason behind it, was it that each of us human wish to take the lead of the world and dictate their way on the others?
    What has those innocents Iraqian, Palestinian, Afghanistan done to deserve their fate? was it power-hungry politicians?
    Among them are the innocent children, woman, teenagers who knows nothing of the conflict. When war is waged, regardless of who they are, they were dragged into the conflict.
    If one of your siblings are weak, should you kill him or kick him? or should you educate him so that he would get better?

  88. Dear Tun,
    The idea is right and what it should be.
    You should win the Noble prize for this (parri passu with quantum physics, nuclear technology, etc) if the law materialises and executed. Seriously.
    The quest seems to be impossible because:
    The world is dominated by the United States and certain countries from Europe like Britain who will definitely oppose this. They want the world to be shaped like what they want it to be, they want people to follow their system, ‘religion and beliefs’, culture, etc.
    They will only want to criminalise war to head of countries who are against them but not their followers or they themselves.
    They also have conflict of interest because they have monetary interest in the form of profits from sale of weapons, conquering other countries’ wealth through force (i.e. war) and monetary policies.
    Human nature is to destroy each other although this is an irrational actions. Even in Islam where cruelity and kiliings amongst mankind are the biggest sins, there exist many bad people whose religion is Islam (so are people from other religions as well).
    Whilst we are proud and inspired to have people like you fighting for this nobel cause, religiously we also belief that the God is fair hence punish mercilessly those people who kill another human being especially children in war(s) in Hereafter, insyAllah. Live in this tiny world is short as compared to infinite years in the Dayafter.

  89. I am a student from Universiti Utara Malaysia which attended the Criminalize War International Conference. However I can’t make it on 31st of October due to my examination which taken place on 1st November. I spoke with Tun last time in a very short period about taking this campaign of ‘criminalize war’ to the student’s attention. I would like to … Read Morestart by making a conference of criminalize war here in UUM. I know it might be difficult especially in having approval from my Vice Chancellor. Despite of that, I would try my best. I would like to accept any suggestion or comment from Tun or Datuk Badariah regarding this matter. Thank you and may Allah bless you.

  90. Thank you for doing this. I fully support criminalising war and will spread the message. May God grant you all the strength, patience and tenacity you need to continue this work. Even if people think this effort is a step the size of the tiniest organism, it is a step nonetheless. A step towards a more peaceful and just world. Better this tiniest step than to do nothing at all.

  91. Salam Tun dan chedet bloggers,
    I attended the conference but for other urgent commitment I would like to but couldn’t attended the tribunal.
    My view is that this campaign should continue as you have clearly outlined the rational of the needs of such effort from the peaceful people of the world. We have no other options but to build and use PEOPLE POWER to topple the grand idea of war by the the powerful nations who make their own rules to justify their criminal actions.
    Suggestion by Hannan appear to be another additional option but too far fetch to be believed that it will work finally. Forget about it. History has proven otherwise, Even as we talk about the need for peace, this same self-appointed sheriff of the world ( I would NOT call them LEADERS as I do not think they deserve that but a BULLY is more appropriate term ) is saying that they will still keep war option on the table, if their target people or nations do not comply or bow to their demands and worst still corrupt other leaders to support their actions. Of course, they will first make their “enemies” suffer through economic sanctions etc before they strike at the weak “enemies”. Excellent war strategy for the war mongers but it is a clearly a cowardice acts, the same have been said about the “terrorists” acts of killing the innocent civilians as act of cowardice. The collateral target has been conveniently said and accepted whereas it does the same thing of killing the innocents. Killing is ok to promote democracy but when people make their choice through same rule they apply, suddently or conveniently they dismissed them just because they don’t like these people who is not in line with their evil agenda. They adopt and apply the doctrine ” you must accept or support us – no other chloice because we are good and the alternative is evil ”
    You are right to call for the people power to pressure their respective governments to ignore these self appointed sheriffs of the world.
    People can play with many words to justify their actions but to me I come to the conclusion that there is only one culprit that would like to distablise the world for their benefit to a super race, controlling the world – ZIONISM
    I rest my case

  92. Good afternoon Ayahanda Tun,
    Is Phang a war criminal by “threathening” Chew and Wee just because they asked Ong TK to resign as MCA President? Another S..Tan who think that they have the damned right to label others as traitors. Who are the traitors? Cakap tak serupa bikin, ignorant and typical China men, and Chinese believe that they will be punished by “Langit” (god) one day.
    These men believe that they can be richer by making others poorer. They think that the Chinese are morons and stupid. Majority of the chinese prefer not to vote MCA now because of these crooked politicians.
    If MCA wants rakyat cina votes, get these bad apples out from the party lah. No way! Chinese will never allow these cooked chinese politicians to manipulate and controlled our future generation with their dirty money.
    //Tuesday November 3, 2009
    Phang challenges Wee and Chew to resign from party
    KUALA LUMPUR: Community leader Tan Sri Robert Phang has challenged MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong and Wanita chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun to resign if they wished to continue condemning the party president.
    The Social Care Foundation chairman said both Dr Wee and Chew should not criticise Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat while they were still in the party.

  93. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga dalam rahmat dan peliaharaan Allah buat Tuan berdua. Tiada apa yang hendak dikatakan, cuma ingin memberitahu bahawan Tua tidak keseorangan, ramai yang bersama walau pun mereka tidak berutusan melalui blog ini.

  94. Che Det,
    (just as al-khattab tried building a bridge to world peace
    his al-quds built near the fig tree, near temple mount
    where the ark once rested with tears the pieces remissed
    it was a brave effort concreting ‘amalan solehan fount)
    No Responses to ‘War and Crime – Keynote Address by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the PGPO War Crimes Conference , 28 Oct 2009’
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    Khairul-Dean said,
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    on October 29th, 2009 at 2:27 am
    YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
    Alhamdulillah: well said: subhanallah.
    Che Det,
    Hanan should be aware that the site Perdana4peace may share the same problem as the site wherewhich he had posted his comment but may still be under moderation.
    The children of Adam and Eve has been idolmakers
    and idol-worshippers for a long, long time and still
    it won’t be an ideal solution for everyone even when
    idols are destroyed and war is criminilised
    – only the fantasy of the nafsul-mutmaa’innah stands.

  95. Assalamualaikum Tun Dr MM,salam sejatra dan semoga terus di berikan kekuatan.
    YBhg Tun, Tahnia di ucapkan kepada Tun dan rakan-rakan kerana berjaya menganjurkan satu conference yang belum pernah di adakan di negera ini. Walaupun kesannya tidak akan kemana di peringkat awal tetapi ia tetap akan membuka mata segelintir rakyat bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi negara-negara lain di dunia ini.Apakah tindakan akan di ambil ke atas mereka-mereka yang terlibat menghancurkan Iraq, jawapanya mungkin tidak kerana mereka2 ini adalah para pemimpin negara-negara kuasa besar. Tetapi kesan konference ini akan membuka mata pemimpin negara-negara kuasa barat yang ada sekarang dan rakyatnya untuk berfikir se juta kali sebelum memerangi negara lain yang lemah.
    Iktibar yang negara Islam boleh ambil daripada sini ialah sentiasa ingat kepada ayat koran yang kurang lebih maksudnya begini ” ….syaitan dan iblis itu adalah musuh kamu yang nyata”.Kita semua tahu, sifat iblis dan syaitan boleh masuk kepada manusia. Jadi negara-negara yang para pemimpin ada ciri-ciri iblis dan syaitan, usah di ikut saja telunjuknya.
    Teruskan usaha Ybg Tun, kalau dapat konference ini juga di adakan di negara-negera lain yang menentang peperangan. Contoh mungkin boleh di adakan di Cuba,Venenzuala,Brazil dan sebagainya.
    Jika konference ini kerap di adakan saya yakin kesanya akan cepat lahir.

  96. I’ll bet you guys a cookie that hiewhoo wasn’t even 10 years old during ops lalang. S/he must be echoing things from opposition fanboy blogs who spread rumors like wild fires from their asses. Am I right?

  97. Dengan izin Tun..Terima kasih..
    Allows me..Thank you for writing in Tun blog.I really miss your intelligent writing and integrity..Hope some Big somewhere could learns from you about being humble…:)
    [[Making a school analogy, assume that in the class of 30 pupils, 4 who are weak and disturbing the whole class from learning. Should the teacher throw those 4 pupils out of the class, or maybe invest in them more time to educate them better.]]
    Hanan..please be practical..making a Medical Instituition analogy.
    Assume that a Dr needs to treat only 4 patients.He or she will have all the time in the world to hear their complaints,documented them,analyze them and propose and approach for treatment.Later..follow up the pattern disease and prevalance.Later submitted them to medical Journal his or her findings..But treating 100 patient’s daily as it happening here and now in Government Instituition.would not allow such practice..
    [[By daily punishing will the teacher achieve any result? By saying that they are “criminals” will he solve the problem? Maybe the teacher needs to show them some more attention and a “hugging” environment so they can feel “important”. Maybe by doing that they’ll invest more effort and improve without disturbing the other pupils?]]
    By the same virtue..The very people that needed to identify and rectify this problem and menace have truly have their hands tied behind their back for various commitment that leaves this much to be desired..
    [[As I understand, the conference last week was successful. Who were the participants, may I ask? I may assume that you didn’t have any arguments about war declaration as crime. Can you convince those who you are claiming that they are war criminals as criminals? Was there any representative of those invited? Did you invite a single Israeli Zionist to attend in that conference? Did you invite a single person from a terror organization and listen to him?]]
    Again Hanan..What you proposed needs stronger will power and stronger resources..Can we starts and agree first on this initial steps..:)
    [[Dear Tun, if I would be in your position (I’m sorry for that since my shoulders are narrow) I would initiate a different approach that deals directly with the healing of the root cause of war and would look after the preventive medicine. I would look after keeping life clean and tidy instead using penicillin because of dirt. I would create friendship between people, even prior peace. The problem of humanity is their ignorance of each other. The problem of humanity is that they are teachings about the opponent as a monster, as a beast. This is the root cause of wars. Assume you declare war as a crime and you sentence the criminals for the deserved punishment, will it avoid other criminals to raise later on? Will it avoid the ignorance?]]
    Dear seriously overlook at your own predicament.You yourselves will not be able to make friends with existing Palestinian.Too much blood have been shed so to much animosity,hatred and suspicion between two enggaged parties..Let’s time heals all wound provided new one not be attempted.Your grandson and grandson succeding him will bore fruits of your labour…:)
    [[I would challenge you to choose my way. It may even look very much harder and the path is mined all along it, but if we can pass it, this will be the real salvation to humanity. Confucius said: “a journey of thousand miles begins with the first step”. May I add to that a quote of a good friend of mine: “Life is a network of mistakes and errors we must knit the holes by learning”.]]
    Tun have so many commitment and many demanded from him although it is not proper since Tun is already a senior citizen.I propose you keep writing in Tun blogs and enlarges the circle of well wisher..
    Terima kasih Tun..

  98. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    May I …………..
    By Hanan on November 2, 2009 6:00 PM
    //Dear Tun, if I would be in your position (I’m sorry for that since my shoulders are narrow) I would initiate a different approach that deals directly with the healing of the root cause of war and would look after the preventive medicine. I would look after keeping life clean and tidy instead using penicillin because of dirt. I would create friendship between people, even prior peace. The problem of humanity is their ignorance of each other. The problem of humanity is that they are teachings about the opponent as a monster, as a beast. This is the root cause of wars. Assume you declare war as a crime and you sentence the criminals for the deserved punishment, will it avoid other criminals to raise later on? Will it avoid the ignorance?//
    Dear Hanan,
    Well said, you are right, humanity is ignorance because they have not gone through war sufferings, hence education and time factor are the most effective ways proven in the world to educate humanity to be less animal and less ignorance. Education could be obtained from schools, colleges, universities, religions, readings, internet, corporate world, and entertainment industry (eg: TV drama, Movies, YouTube, MTV, Albums, etc

  99. Tun Dr Mahatir yang mulia lagi paling disayangi
    Two people who cannot settle a dispute or misunderstanding over a cup of coffee and start to fight, trying to kill each other is considered barbaric. A crime has been committed. Only barbarians kill people, whether the victims are innocent or not is another matter, altogether. Unfortunately, the rich and powerful have got a different set of rules to satisfy only themselves.
    Talking about people changing the mind of the governments is a tall order. How many politicians actually will listen to the voters

  100. Assalamualaikum TUN,
    I have nothing but praise and acknowledgement for your sincere effort in leading the way towards “criminalizing war”. May The Almighty God guide you in your esteem endeavour to fight for the oppressed. Amin

  101. Hanan,
    what is there to invite a representative like you a jewish to the conference??? What for??? It has been donkeys years since the Palestinians and Israel had met MANY MANY times to end the war and it will continue with the Israel building more and more settlements on palestinian land and there will no end to it.(UNFORTUNATELY the Muslims still believe that the Israel Regime is honest in the STUPID Peace Talks).
    Do you expect us to just keep our mouth shut and forget about the war just because YOU… a Jewish who comes from the regime of Israel which rob and kill the innocent people of Palestinians of their land said so????????
    What friendship are you talking about? New Settlement after new settlement have been developed and people have been killed and raped by YOUR HEARTLESS and CRUEL Regime and you want us to forget about doing what we are doing now?
    The Muslims have learned that NEVER EVER let the Jews to their land because HISTORY shows that they will eventually grow and rob your land from you. Read the History whereby it was the British who was behind the idea on the settlement of the Jews who had never had their own land and gave the Palestinian land to the Jews. REMEMBER AL-NAKBA the Blackest Day for Palestinian 15th. May 1948.
    60 Years ago. Kindly ask London or Washington from Britain and the US to make your new settlement so that you can breed at better cities than the Palestine………. get out of the Palestinian land because it is never your land but it was HERBERT SAMO’YEL’s idea.
    Shame on the Israel Regime.

  102. Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
    1. First and foremost I would like to say thank you for initiating this movement. Not many people in this world are interested to do what you and others are doing to criminalize war.
    2. You were also responsible in saving the lives of many Bosnian muslims when you interfered in the ethnic cleansing wars.
    3. These acts are so consistent of you, dulu, kini dan selamanya…you are always concerned when violence occurs.
    4. I am certain your initiativeness will have an impact, its a metter of time. Try to reach the students in developed countries. When I was in the states during the gulf war, most univ students knew the real reasons for america to go to war and the students were against the war, whereas americans at large were supporting the war due to the effectiveness of government propaganda. So how to reach the students? Even some Israelis are against the war.
    5. When all these things are taking place, I wonder why dollah the dungu doesnt do anything? Is it becos he’s dumb, not so consistent? not having any principle? knowing there’s no money involved to make him, son, sil, rich? whatever it is…he’s not fit even to be a grandson of an ulamak. This man will do anything when there’s profits for him and his closed ones.

  103. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    To Hanan,
    This is only a begining. This is our starting point to go furher. As people say millions started from 1. So Hanan, why don’t you join the fray and contribute something if you feel there are some weaknesses needed to be rectified..come and join Tun Dr are most welcome.

  104. Dear Tun
    To criminalize war means to criminalize Anglo because the spirit of war is in their blood and mind. White superiority. Fortunately Hitler failed to detonate the mother of all the bombs that supposed to explode the world into pieces

  105. as-Salam alaykum dan salam sejahtera,
    Terlalu banyak yang boleh diperkatakan berkenaan International Conference & Exhibition; Criminalise War minggu lalu. Taip sahaja di internet dan anda akan mendapati liputan media tempatan dan antarabangsa berkenaan usaha ini. Pelbagai emosi dan perasaan bermain sepanjang saya mengikuti program selama empat hari ini. Sedih, simpati, ngeri, bimbang, syukur, gembira, kagum, besar hati, rendah diri, benci, dan semangat menyelubungi di samping pengetahuan-pengetahuan baru berkaitan undang-undang antarabangsa. Walau bagaimanapun, pameran yang mengiringi konferens kurang memuaskan kerana terlalu sedikit yang dipaparkan. Bentuk-bentuk penyeksaan yang dipaparkan memang mengerikan dan tidak berperikemanusiaan. Menurut seorang bekas tahanan Guantanamo Bay dalam bicaranya, ia hanyalah « tip of the iceberg ».
    Setiap pemimpin ada kekuatan dan kelemahannya. Namun sesuatu yang harus dicemburui ialah perhatian penuh konsisten oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir dan isteri terhadap semua sesi pembentangan, sidang suruhanjaya jenayah perang hari ketiga dan Tribunal Jenayah Perang Kuala Lumpur hari keempat, pada tahap usia sedemikian dan berkaitan isu yang serius begini. Jadual aturcara boleh dilihat di perdana4peace. Semua aturcara berjalan dengan baik kecuali pembentangan oleh Dato Seri Rais Yatim yang digantikan oleh Datuk A. Kadir Jasin. Persidangan ini turut disertakan dengan persembahan oleh anak-anak warga Iraq yang menyentuh emosi dan puisi oleh seorang anak kecil Malaysia, selain lagu dalam pembentangan Cynthia McKinney, bekas anggota wanita Kongres Amerika Syarikat yang melemparkan soalan kepada Zionis; So Who Is Your God?
    Pada pendapat saya, latar falsafah penjenayahan perang ini belum diperbahaskan secara menyeluruh. Buktinya, isu perang balas atau perang pertahanan dibangkitkan beberapa kali secara tidak langsung dalam sesi soal jawab sepanjang persidangan. Begitu juga, soal perang pembukaan atau perang pembebasan yang tidak dibahaskan kerana barangkali berlawanan dengan arus persidangan. Antara yang harus diperhatikan juga ialah perang masa lalu yang berbeza dengan perang masa kini. Demikan juga perang yang melangkaui golongan tentera sehingga membabitkan orang awam. Semua ini harus jelas sebelum pemikiran penjenayahan perang itu dapat diterima dengan baik.
    Dalam Islam, persoalan jihad (perjuangan), qital (peperangan) dan al-qatl (pembunuhan) adalah jelas dan mempunyai perbezaan-perbezaan yang sudah digariskan. Hari ini ia diputarkan oleh kuasa besar dan media yang menyebabkan kekeliruan di kalangan non muslim dan menyamakan kesemuanya sekali dalam propaganda keganasan. Penjelasan perkara-perkara tersebut sebenarnya telah dinyatakan oleh sekian ramai ilmuwan Islam.
    Bagi umat Islam, baginda Nabi Muhammad adalah insan yang diutuskan Allah membawa rahmat untuk seluruh alam universal ini. Umat Islam percaya bahawa baginda adalah rahmat anugerah dan Islam adalah agama as-Salam (kesejahteraan). Para ilmuwan dan sarjana Islam telah memelihara segala warisan baginda dan menyelidik setiap sudut berkaitan warisan tersebut sehingga terhasilnya khazanah penyelidikan yang sangat dahsyat berkenaannya. Ia dinamakan sebagai ilmu hadis dan penyelidikan warisan baginda Nabi Muhammad. Segala tutur bicara baginda berkaitan perjuangan, peperangan dan pertahanan pula telah direkodkan oleh generasi kemudian berdasarkan metodologi yang kukuh. Segala yang berkaitan dengan peribadi dan warisan baginda tidak diperkatakan sesuka hati tanpa bukti dan rujukan yang tepat.
    Hasilnya, umat Islam semakin meyakini bahawa baginda meninggalkan warisan yang membina peradaban rahmat, kesejahteraan dan keamanan. Umat Islam tetap positif bahawa usaha keamanan dan kedamaian harus dilakukan dan mesti diteruskan walau berhadapan apa jua keadaan jenayah yang berlaku di dunia ini.
    Indahnya, mangsa-mangsa perang dan tahanan yang menjadi saksi kepada Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (semuanya muslim) menyebut dengan jelas bahawa aduan mereka bukanlah bermotifkan dendam tetapi untuk memperjuangkan keamanan dan keadilan serta luahan kepada dunia tentang pelanggaran hak asasi dan undang-undang antarabangsa.
    Islam agama kesejahteraan dan ia tidak pernah mendorong kezaliman atau jenayah.

  106. War is general word.. our Father talk about War that involve weapon of massive destruction, yet, killing many innocents than combatants.. we declare war as criminal, because they are not different from any other terrorists !
    To moderator: pls replace with this one

  107. Salam Tun,
    Semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat walafiat dan diberkati Allah.
    I would on the first place, congratulate you for successfully organizing the conference on criminalizing war.
    In addition, I would like expressed my despondency upon seeing many of Malaysian brothers and sisters who are being narcissistic which oversee the importance of global peace and equal human right as a whole.
    Many of them who I have read their comments, they argued regarding Malaysian imperfect law and justice system which can’t even punish certain crime in Malaysia. This is not a concrete reason for us Malaysian to just abandon the suffering of others in other part of the planet.

  108. to Hanan,
    Don’t confuses people with your confusions words
    War is general word.. our Father talk about War that involve weapon of massive destruction, yet, killing many innocents than combatants.. we declare war as criminal, because they are not different from any other terrorists !

  109. Dear Tun,
    With the Almighty God approval this first step of a journey of a thousand miles will definitely give United Nation much pressure to restructure their representations among many nations.

  110. idea of criminalizing war is good provided the world need to also start world population control. earth resources especially food is limited & getting worst.
    war sparks arm race especially favoring the most disasterous creation, which is clearly so bad. human should be racing to explore the space with what they know today rather than racing to kill the Earth & humanity altogether. Human of course cant stop the end of the world as said in the holy books but human alltogether can actually slow down the end of the world process.
    our universe is infinity, resources are also infinity, planet that same like earth should also be infinity too, but it it way too far distance for human to reach (other world like earth is out there) with the technology today. so scientist should race that. let us be alien to other world rather than they be alien to us. the universe is so infinity huge, i dont believe that there is no other world out there somewhere far far away. if human found new planet to live on out there it might save humanity from end of this world.

  111. Apa khabar Tok Det…..semoga sihat selalu..mudah-mudahan
    Pada pandangan saya apa yang Tok det perjuangkan sungguh mulia ialah peperangan dianggap satu jenayah . Orang yang melakukannya dianggap bersalah dan perlu dihukum . Cuma saya terfikir ayat yang terdapat didalam Al Quran ,
    Dan ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada Malaikat;

  112. We must make a stand to condemn wars that are too often waged in the name of liberaty, justice and progress, and then see the so-called victors rob the vanquished exactly of that very freedom, fair-play and economic advancement. We can’t allow the undemocratic Security Council to dictate terms to the feeble UN and permit balatant and hypocritical injustice to be practiced in the affairs of international relations, as they are happening to-day. If KL is a lone, feeble voice, let it be the start of a world-wide movement to call those propagating warfare to account. Fighting for peace equals raping for virginity ! An insane contradiction of terms.

  113. War also is a multi-billion dollar business now…
    By 2018, USD1.74 trillion will be spent on Iraq and Afghanistan war alone. (Reuters)
    War again terrorism they said.
    It could be difficult and will take a long way to go.
    But hey, nothing is impossible when you really want it. And doing thing like this is never a waste. It is noble!
    Semoga rahmat tuhan bersama kita semua dlm menuju kepada dunia yang lebih baik.
    -Mamato Marcello

  114. Salaam Tun,
    Imho, to stop and end wars via the conference table will simply not work, as its just a whitewash for the super powers to be seen as making efforts towards peace and then get recognition by some award-giving farcical organizations like Nobel. Obama is a laureate, and Clinton is deified by Albanian morons in Kosovo.
    The economic system is a war based system, and that say so much for all the wars on Earth, and the idea is always to perpetuate it and not end it. The US economy is WW2 based, and the only business which is still thriving over there is that of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC)
    It is truly said of mankind on Earth, if something doesn’t work, they just seem to do more of it. So…more wars, more conferences.
    My 2 cents worth is that humanity needs a new paradigm, one which transcends the current evil and conniving ways, and must stop believing in Tolstoy’s War and Peace rubbish.


  116. Salam Sejahtera Tun Dan Keluarga.
    Tun tiada apa nak di kata kan lagi,
    You simply the best.
    May God Bless you and Famly

  117. I had the invites to go to PWTC for the exibition, but I couldn’t make it. It’s such a waste. I as really hoping to see the exhibition.
    Anyway, on criminalizing war…war has always been about powerful nation attacking the weak, and just because the powerful nation is powerful enough to wipe out the civilization of other country- the weaker country must bow to the more powerful country. That’s the way it always have been. The powerful ones will be on top and stepping on the weak.
    I doubt that if the weaker nations spoke against war will work in making war a crime. In order to stop war, I think the most effective way is to paralyze the powerful nation by infiltrating their economy and stopping them from accessing technology?

  118. We cant even have justice systems and punishment for many crimes committed in our homeland back yard.

  119. Dear Tun,
    Congratulations for initiating such an important issue of criminalising war. On this issue alone you would be remembered in history as one the greatest men ever lived.
    amin tan

  120. I believe in this. We should regard war as a crime. We can save million of ringgits and million of people. More efforts on to fight global warming, corruption and poverty….. Amin

  121. “Ultimately, humankind should find the proper & right civilization path of enlightenment… so as to put aside of the differences & to work together for the common goals.” Please think about it…

  122. i think all people in this world knows that war is a crime but to some people, they tend to ignore that fact. it’s ok to kill other people as long as they are not related to them. it’s ok if other people get hurt as long as it’s not them.
    people r afraid to get hurt, afraid to fail and bcoz of these things, wars happened..
    government r busy educating their people about war. but they forgot to educate their leader..bcoz d decision to start a war is always made by the leader. i think they should emphasize on educating their leader more.. so that the leader will never, ever, ever thinking about starting a war..

  123. Congrats, Malaysia, “Justice capital of the world”.
    Only insane idiots would spend big money to kill and then to rescue (with all the stupid International laws for wars)!
    Just expose them would do all the works!Figure who involved in all the world wars, you will get the pictures!

  124. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    I am very attracted to read this topic Tun. The content is logic and acceptable to peace loving people. You are absolutely correct on your efforts to invite world population to consider war as a crime. I will always behind you on these efforts.

  125. I fully support Tun. The world have to know how American industrializing war and make profit out of war.
    Well done!

  126. Dear Dr. Mahathir, may I ask if we should also criminalise people who imprisoned others in Kamunting Camp under Internal Security Act because of differences in political views? What do you think we should do to you, or to label you as someone who separated so many families in 1987? It is a crime to put innocents in jail and you know it.

  127. Dear Tun,
    I suggest we make a world wide signature campaign starting in Malaysia.
    If there is one, I’ll contribute my signature.
    That’s my 2 sens of idea towards criminalizing war.
    Thank you.

  128. salam tun
    this effort will take a long time but i have faith on your effor tun.That’s why i’m currently try to merge all youth in Malaysia via universities to get aware about criminalising war and hope you, tun, will pleased to accept us as the part of PGPO. We plead to continue this fight tun

  129. Assalamualikum dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    I read your speech on the “Criminalizing War” website and submitted my comment there. For some reason, probably unintentionally it was not posted yet there.
    Thus, I’ll use this blog platform to submit my comment here.
    May I say that your approach and initiative is good, but it could be a better one. There is always room for improvement. As well every good thing hides something “wrong” which we need to take in account when we propose it.
    Here is my comment which is missing from the “Criminalize War” website:
    Assalamualaikum dear Tun Dr. Mahathir.
    Of course war is a crime. Declaring war as a crime is not something new. War is forbidden under any religion and a crime in any civilized society. War may solve problems but creates other problems, even greater problems.
    Dear Tun, Do you think that by declaring war as a crime you make people to become closer to each other? Do you think that declaring war as a crime can create friendship between foes?
    Making a school analogy, assume that in the class of 30 pupils, 4 who are weak and disturbing the whole class from learning. Should the teacher throw those 4 pupils out of the class, or maybe invest in them more time to educate them better. By daily punishing will the teacher achieve any result? By saying that they are “criminals” will he solve the problem? Maybe the teacher needs to show them some more attention and a “hugging” environment so they can feel “important”. Maybe by doing that they’ll invest more effort and improve without disturbing the other pupils?
    May I ask why isn’t terror and those who are supporting it not declared as a crime/criminals? Isn’t terror killing the masses? Many activities prior war are also big scale crimes which lead finally to wars. Both are not “fair play” and crimes in the same scale. By declaring war as a crime you are not pointing to the wars suffering root cause of the human race.
    When you declare war as a crime you once again divide the humans into two groups which are thinking differently while each side thinks to be the right one. They can never “compete” in trial or tribunal, but God’s judgment.
    As I understand, the conference last week was successful. Who were the participants, may I ask? I may assume that you didn’t have any arguments about war declaration as crime. Can you convince those who you are claiming that they are war criminals as criminals? Was there any representative of those invited? Did you invite a single Israeli Zionist to attend in that conference? Did you invite a single person from a terror organization and listen to him?
    Dear Tun, if I would be in your position (I’m sorry for that since my shoulders are narrow) I would initiate a different approach that deals directly with the healing of the root cause of war and would look after the preventive medicine. I would look after keeping life clean and tidy instead using penicillin because of dirt. I would create friendship between people, even prior peace. The problem of humanity is their ignorance of each other. The problem of humanity is that they are teachings about the opponent as a monster, as a beast. This is the root cause of wars. Assume you declare war as a crime and you sentence the criminals for the deserved punishment, will it avoid other criminals to raise later on? Will it avoid the ignorance?
    By creating the mood of friendship prior peace you simply diminish the possibilities of wars and then it will not be required to declare them as crime (since it is well known) and conflicts can be dealt friendly and peacefully.
    The approach of declaring war as a crime main agenda is to defeat whom you hate. By creating friendship prior peace you are doing the opposite, you are making friends with your enemy. You learn what your enemy has to say and your enemy learns what you have to say. You replace your bitterness with love. There is no peace agreement that will be worth the paper and ink that was signed if it is not backed with a true friendship. A true friendship must not be backed with a peace treaty since it is inherited generation after generation. This is the big difference.
    I would challenge you to choose my way. It may even look very much harder and the path is mined all along it, but if we can pass it, this will be the real salvation to humanity. Confucius said: “a journey of thousand miles begins with the first step”. May I add to that a quote of a good friend of mine: “Life is a network of mistakes and errors we must knit the holes by learning”.
    Wassalam and grace
    Hanan, Jewish

  130. Dear Tun Dr M,
    I do agree with you that war should be criminalized. This is due to the fact that in a war (Even with sophisticated ammunition and gadgets) there are more civilian (Mainly the old, women and children) casualties. What crime they did to get punished by the waring countries.
    Many citizens suffer injury, malnutrition, dislocation and premature (unnatural) death just because of the ego of a few community and national leaders.
    It is a pity the these so called ‘leaders’ are not front runners of a war but they hide within the wall of the rest. No doubt they could be very vocal and forceful because they know pretty well that they will be the last to be attacked.
    However, war against evil nations and protection against attack from another nation should be allowed. The term ‘evil nation’ should be acknowledged and accepted by the majority of the countries in the United Nation (Veto power should be ignored). However, civilian casualties should be kept at its minimum.

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