2. Presently he is with the Singapore think tank, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
3. He knows that if he writes anything against Singapore leaders he would be dragged to the courts, sued and forced to pay huge indemnity. His colleagues have all been found guilty of defamation when they wrote something that was not approved by Singapore leaders. There has never been a libel suit by Singaporean leaders which has been thrown out by the courts. It is safe for journalists to impute all kinds of misbehaviour by Malaysian leaders. There have been many cases where the courts have found in favour of the journalists.
5. We lost money but not in billions of Ringgit as alleged.
6. Bank Negara traded foreign currencies.I don’t know how much but we lost money. Government stopped the trading by Bank Negara. Again the amount is not as imputed by Barry Wain.
7. The third case is with regards to the losses by Bank Bumiputra in Hong Kong.
8. Altogether I don’t think the amount lost added up to RM10 billion even. If we had lost 100 billion Ringgit the Government would be in deep trouble. But although we did have poor growth during certain years, the Government had never failed to meet all financial commitments including the servicing of loans. In fact we had enough money to prepay loans. The projects of course cost a lot of money. But the projects can be seen by the people. Penang Bridge, Twin Towers, KL Tower, KL International Airport, North Port and West Port in Klang, commuter train, LRT and monorail, numerous expressways all over the country, electrification and double tracking, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Langkawi development, Proton, Modenas, Silterra chip manufacturing plant, cement plants etc. etc. However, I don’t think Barry Wain was referring to these projects when he said I burnt RM100million of Government money.
9. The five years of Tun Abdullah’s regime saw unprecedented profits by Petronas due to the high price of oil. In my 22 years Petronas paid to the Government 126 billion Ringgit. Petronas paid to the Government of Tun Abdullah a total of 270 billion Ringgit in five years.
10. How was this huge sum spent? There are only empty corridors everywhere.
11. The public has a right to know how 270 billion Ringgit in five years have been spent. What projects have been financed by it. Why do we have to borrow money from China to build the second Penang Bridge?
12. I know every effort was made to find whether I had misused Government money. Failing to find anything the Abdullah Government set up a Royal Commission and accused me of being influenced by others in the choice of judges.
13. I have a right to clear my name. Tun Abdullah also has a right to clear his name.
14. The Government should cooperate and open all its books. There should be no cover-up. The Government is committed to transparency. It should demonstrate that it keeps its promises.
Trading in commodities is risky business, especially in today’s highly speculative markets.
Assalamualaikum Tun M
I always believe, the bigger the risk, the Bigger the returns. More capital was been laid during your 22 years premiership, and the returns are overwhelm!…
More university graduates, more development and some of the development were self funded and not totally rely on Government’s money.
Tak pe Tun, Let other say what they feel saying, they are just jealous of Malaysia’s rapid growth without the help from external institution!
Dear Tun,
Took me three days in a row of my leisure time to finish reading the book. Bought it from MPH.
There are lot of positive things we (the new generation) can learn from the write up in your 22 years of premiership.
In a big organizion, for sure sometime the CEO running it at lost. What more for a country. But don’t forget the gain (much more bigger than the lost) and on the other side whether we see it or we feel it, your contribution to Malaysia are all priceless, no money can buy!
This book has changed my view toward my self of being a Melayu and my view on Tun M is much more positive and bigger as the greatest Malaysian PM we ever had. Thank you Sir!
Semoga di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
[[“Belief without substance is fine as long as no one gets hurt]]
What substance?
[[The world where people are willing to kill for a belief system which no one can verify is troublesome]]
What values are people willing to agree in verification? In Microsoft application you can have validation and validation rules.In open system there is diferrent methodology in veryfing and cross match programs and application..So..Apple system?Microsoft?Java?Open Sys or combination of all the OS??
[[The fact is and I am not questioning anyones beliefs here. Values and beliefs differ and are not set systems. They more often then not work out from location, time and circumstance]]
Of course they do.Einstein have proven this in time warp.Time like other,though and essence is contemporary in their relevance.
[[Relevance is another issue. Your understanding of science in this regard is too simplistic]]
In Islamic teaching..It is paramount to make all thing as simple as it can be..:)
[[I believe the holy book are more metaphorical and literal, but then again that is my opinion]]
No..It can be both and complement each other.Scientist have tried very hard to make teleportation possible.It is possible.It was mention in Al Quran about..one of the servant who managed to moved Barsheba castle in Yemen to Palestine in a blink of eyes..
The one who acquired knowledge from the Kitab..
[[—-Im not sure what you are disagreeing with here, documents, proof vs. myth, there can be no right answer. Your faith allows you to belief without question , in Dam and Angels and what not. My logic defies me from believing in something that doesn
( Wajaperak)…
This I have to disagree.Life is all about belief.And values determined those belief.In Science we have common value of determining the acidicity or the alkaline of any liquid by using the pH..Everybody agrees to this..it becomes standardize world wide.
—-(“Belief without substance is fine as long as no one gets hurt. The world where people are willing to kill for a belief system which no one can verify is troublesome. The fact is and I am not questioning anyones beliefs here. Values and beliefs differ and are not set systems. They more often then not work out from location, time and circumstance. Relevance is another issue. Your understanding of science in this regard is too simplistic “)
Unfortunately’s you can never say about the religion which people wants to believe diferrently..That’s is the crux of matter..
Again..Unfortunately..Muslim have no says in their choice..They must have total believe in Islam..There is no half measures..You are totaly muslim or you are ‘munafik’ = hypocrites.For the true believer there is a level degree of faith.There is a mukmin, a muslim,a fasiq and so on..
—-(“Agreed, Muslims have no say in their belief system, which is the point I was trying to make, but interpretation is wide and varied. How a person understand something is very important. I believe the holy book are more metaphorical and literal, but then again that is my opinion. “)—–
Again..I disagree.You are talking about documentation aspect.Islam came with Adam which means submission.Al Quran documented all this things in Loh Mahfuz..
It is a place or the Grand Al Kitab where Allah documented all happenings and event’s in the world..Portion by portion are revealed through days and night.Angels carries those news up and down through layer’s of ‘sky’ ( langit ).All are well and properly documented in Surah Ha Mim Sajadah and Surah Al Jin..
—-Im not sure what you are disagreeing with here, documents, proof vs. myth, there can be no right answer. Your faith allows you to belief without question , in Dam and Angels and what not. My logic defies me from believing in something that doesn
Dear Promelayu,
Answer to your question, yes i believe in a supreme power, call it allah, god, jehovah, bhagwan, rab or what ever that suits anyones fancy. And you are right i am searching , but not for religion brother. In my eyes and this is just my personal view, religion has segrarated and turned man on man , brother on brother. I cannot begin to comprehend the truth to the universe. All i know and this works for me, that it cannot be contained or explained by any one man. The roads to the truth are vast and many, the goal all the same.for everyone regardless of religion or belief. It is not my place to say one way is better then another as each of us live what is best for us, given our model of the universe. and i assure you each person has a different model of life, the universe, values, need, goals.
I strongly belive in Allah. but i cannot limit myslef to religion. some mught say it goes hand in hand but i rather take the sufiestic approach. that way i offend nobody and i agree with nobody as well. I only learn what the world has to offer me and i live my path without hurting or doing harm to another. Rightenousness cannot be taught it can only be realised.
In my eyes even when you pick up a story book and the story touches and effects you, then it is the word of god as nothing can happen without Allahs consent. All inspiration comes from the One and All. So although i agree and see the point of view of Islam where as Muhammed is the last Prophet , I also respect that many have spread the word of Allah after him. I could give you examples, but then will only lead to more justification of points of different views.
I must thank you Brother for you have i have learnt much from you as i hope you have from me. Discussion and sharing different individual ideas help us grow. Done civilly and with out getting emotional this works out to be a beautiful dialouge.
Dear Tun
My comment just now is referring to SR..
Salam Tun
When looking at all your arguments, I have my final question..do you believe the existence of Allah??Please find it, then you will see why Allah sending Muhamad after Jesus. You have to differentiate between Christian and “Nasrani”…I pray for you to get the “nur” to know about Islam…
Until now, whatever arguments and explanations you gave, more or less you are still searching about religious. But, nothing wrong about it except you need to find the truth religious..thank you my friend.
Semoga Diizinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
Oh dear..I was truly hoping we could make it precise and concise..But here goes..
[[Through history what it really was has been distorted by so many view that the truth is not an answer anybody has. The only thing we have to rely on is convincing arguements that apply as much fact as possible to justify thier end of the story. So in essesnce if two learned people were to discuss this on opposite end of the spectrum, it will be a never ending debate]]
This I have to disagree.Life is all about belief.And values determined those belief.In Science we have common value of determining the acidicity or the alkaline of any liquid by using the pH..Everybody agrees to this..it becomes standardize world wide.
Unfortunately’s you can never say about the religion which people wants to believe diferrently..That’s is the crux of matter..
[[I am lucky that i never take the word of any one author or historian for fact, i use a system where i read as much as i can from contradicting sources and in there you find an overlap which usually draws you to the correct or closest assumption. of course in order to do this objectively one must not be bias or take any sides on the matter. in this cae what ever the outcome it doesnt effect me. i have my own personal view on it but it is best i save them for fear many might not be able to see where i am coming from or how i came to such a conclusion]]
Again..Unfortunately..Muslim have no says in their choice..They must have total believe in Islam..There is no half measures..You are totaly muslim or you are ‘munafik’ = hypocrites.For the true believer there is a level degree of faith.There is a mukmin, a muslim,a fasiq and so on..
[[ A good source of this comes from the scrolls of Qumran or the dead sea scrolls. Although these scrools were written before the point of which Islam came about it gives you a clear distinction of what happened at the time by eye witneses]]
Again..I disagree.You are talking about documentation aspect.Islam came with Adam which means submission.Al Quran documented all this things in Loh Mahfuz..
It is a place or the Grand Al Kitab where Allah documented all happenings and event’s in the world..Portion by portion are revealed through days and night.Angels carries those news up and down through layer’s of ‘sky’ ( langit ).All are well and properly documented in Surah Ha Mim Sajadah and Surah Al Jin..
[[End of the day brother we are all human, our humanity is what proves there is a god, allah, bhagwan, mazda, jehovah supreme architect of the universe or what ever name you are comfortable with. What is being fought over right now is so insignificant it shows the bad effects of organised religion on its followers. Blind faith is disasterous.and a need to protect something beyond us is merely an ego boost. heck if religion didnt exist i am sure we would find something else to fight each other on. the matter is Humans are by nature kind and tolerant and by way of ideas ( religion, politicts) and so on have become mean bruttal animals. read what some have to say and their insecurities shine to show how they are willing to turn on fellow man for such a silly matter]]
Right on..but a mere human talks cannot be trusted until he or she walks the talk.Tun the owner of this blog is a living legend of example..
[[Bless everyone, but smite the instigators.. you know who they are. the people that play these issues to and the insecurities of the people to boost their egos]]
Not neccessarily true either.People can be mislead and make an error.We are not given the right to judge and punish.What god gives us is the law,rules and regulation to enforce..That’s why Hudud is preventive measure’s rather than a punishing one..
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w is still and forever the living legend of the Big C..Without the Big C, human cannot be much diferrentiated with animals and wild beast..
Once while enforcing Hudud he asks the companion with tears on his eyes..Oh..just why can you forgives your brother before he was brought in front of me?..Now the matter have becomes official and I cannot intervenes Allah Decree..Why?..
Yes..Never neglect the Big C..
Terima kasih Tun..
Dear Promelayu,
as for your question, there is no simple answer. Yes i aknowledge Muhammad as one of the prophets. Do i think he was the final prophet no, do i think there will ever be a FINAL prophet no. the explanation for this is simple. I am not limited by any religion to believe that only what the religions says is true. In islam you are forbidden to believe in any other prophet after Muhammad. and i respect this believe and in a sense of control i understand it. This however only applies to religions in the line of Abraham namely Islam. as this in essence takes away the christian possiblity of the coming of the messiah. ( just to make clear there are great distinction in the word Messiah for the Jews and for the Christians. The Jews believe the messiah will be the coming of a ruler or person that will lead them. meanwhile the christians believe The messianh is the coming of a messenger( jesus). in this try to conceptualize Jesus as a metephor rather then a person.
You see my friend to me the study of comparative religion strikes very interesting as most major religions put a restrictions on them. as for example. In islam Muhammad being the Last messenger of god. or any relgion in the Line of Abraham including Islam that believe in Adam and Eve. now taken historically and scientifically The concept of adam and eve makes no practical sense. But if you look at Religions way before the line of Abraham you wil see how the Myth of adam and eve came about and undertsand that at different timeline one base belief system contributes to another. For me to limit my self to the teaching of any of the books would not be looking and undestanding the efeects of religon objectively as i would be limited to a certain geographic area and timeline.
The development of religion after Islam cannot be denied and to say it is wrong is wrong. it might go agains Islam but then again to belief there is no progression to hamn kind would also be against islam. So in effect lets for the sake of arguement take the view that the quran interprets that Muhammad will be the last prophet in the line of Abraham. now this would make much more sense.
Going back to your question you must understand chriastianity came around along time before islam did. for the christians it is paramount in theor beliefs that Jesus will lead the way just as in Islam it is Paramount that Muhammad will. who is right and who is worng. the answer is neither. its like saying a person that is in one political party is better then a person in another. this is just perception as they are both equally bad or good , they have only chosen different paths leading to the same goal.
As much as religion is estoric in nature it is also very much a control tool. hence every religion of the book has got set guidelines for its followers, this is just as a matter of distinction. All rules and controls imposed made 100% sense at the timeand place they were imposed. How much relevent is the non estoric parts now is anyones guess. to some more relevent then to others.
For a person like me the move from one sociatey to another and putting hsitory together only has proven one thing without fail. All religions come to a point of conflict with another at one time or the other that they wipe each other out and start anew. this is referring to religions before the time of the books or the line of abraham. and pretty much in this way. the competition wipes them out.People lose sight of the essence of love tought in religion and start making it their personal agenda to discredit others. I hope this doesnt happen in my life time, but happen it will. there is no doubt of it, history repeats itsself as man doesnt learn from its lessons.
Peace and love to All MY Human Brethren.
Dear Wajaperak :
thank you and i would love to engage you in a healthy discussion. however i just want to make it clear that i know its not all accurate. Which is actually my point. Through history what it really was has been distorted by so many view that the truth is not an answer anybody has. The only thing we have to rely on is convincing arguements that apply as much fact as possible to justify thier end of the story. So in essesnce if two learned people were to discuss this on opposite end of the spectrum, it will be a never ending debate.
I am lucky that i never take the word of any one author or historian for fact, i use a system where i read as much as i can from contradicting sources and in there you find an overlap which usually draws you to the correct or closest assumption. of course in order to do this objectively one must not be bias or take any sides on the matter. in this cae what ever the outcome it doesnt effect me. i have my own personal view on it but it is best i save them for fear many might not be able to see where i am coming from or how i came to such a conclusion .
But this much i can say confidently, history over and over again has proven and uncovered that we all come from the same orgins. Different belief systems in different places having been carried around is what causes the conflict. In the case of religions from the line of Abraham, it is interesting to to read what the minds set of the time was. A good source of this comes from the scrolls of Qumran or the dead sea scrolls. Although these scrools were written before the point of which Islam came about it gives you a clear distinction of what happened at the time by eye witneses.
End of the day brother we are all human, our humanity is what proves there is a god, allah, bhagwan, mazda, jehovah supreme architect of the universe or what ever name you are comfortable with. What is being fought over right now is so insignificant it shows the bad effects of organised religion on its followers. Blind faith is disasterous.and a need to protect something beyond us is merely an ego boost. heck if religion didnt exist i am sure we would find something else to fight each other on. the matter is Humans are by nature kind and tolerant and by way of ideas ( religion, politicts) and so on have become mean bruttal animals. read what some have to say and their insecurities shine to show how they are willing to turn on fellow man for such a silly matter.
Bless everyone, but smite the instigators.. you know who they are. the people that play these issues to and the insecurities of the people to boost their egos.
Salam Tun
Dear SR..thank you for your great explanations..you have a great understanding but yet you are still not answering my question…Do you believe Muhammad?The last prophet..and why Muhamad is the last prophet? Not Jesus?
To abu sayab, Allah is Allah..like you name abu sayab..can you change to english??
to adik adik,
if you have nothing intelligent or constructive to say, how about you dont say anything at all.
Tun..Harap di izinkan..
SR..you are very good..That I have to conceed..Unfortunately’s not all are true..:)
Contend with me and I will show you..e mail [email protected]
Spares Tun other bloggers with details..furnish me your details..and I furnish you mine..
Terima kasih Tun..
Khairul 1984
I did mention in Tun Blog
There are 3 categories of Blogger
1.One who is sincere
2.Who use this blog to expels their anger
3.One who say niece thing but narrowing to different
motives.You falls on the third category.
Unmasks yourself!By reading yr blog I can know your nama is not
Khairul,it is more Kah Run surname Lim or Tan
Dear Pro Melayu,
My understanding of the Surah is perfectly fine, it is afterall the Basis on which Islam is founded.
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.
– translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Al-Ikhlâs is sûrah (chapter) 112 of the Qur’ân, and is said to be one of the earliest revelations that the Prophet Muhammad received from archangel Gabriel.
The Arabic root of the word ikhlâs is kh-l-s which means to be purified or refined. The very concept of refining and purifying signifies the burning away of all impurities, leaving nothing but the very essence of that which was sought, which, in this case, is Allah.
Such a purification is the burning away of all of the worldly misunderstandings, concerns and desires that separate us from the One; the One and Only upon whom we depend, the One and Only who is our foundation rock, the Eternal One and Only.
As a further testimony to the unity of the One who has created all of mankind, note the striking similarity in the Bhagavad-Gita written in “India a thousand years earlier”:
You are the One Creator of all the worlds,
and of that which moves and that which does not move,
You alone are fit for worship, You are the highest Teacher,
In all the worlds there is none equal to You.
– Bhagavad-Gita 11:43
2. Jesus is The messenger of God, Son of god is a concept of endearment which derives from the concept that the creator is hence our father and we are all his children. In the Trinity The concept of Father ( God, Allah), The Son ( does not ONLY refer to Jesus but rather all creation) this is not contradictory to Surah Al Ikhlas – as here it is just a matter of putting into perspective that the creator plays the fatherly role and his creation play the role of its child…. no where does this contradict rather it is at harmony with the essence of the Surah.
3. Let s put this in perspective : Comparing Abrahamic religions
Comparing Abrahamic religions
.Christianity and Judaism are two closely related Abrahamic religions that in some ways parallel each other and in other ways fundamentally diverge in theology and practice. The article on Judeo-Christian tradition emphasizes continuities and convergences between the two religions. The article on Christianity and Judaism compares the different views held by both religions.
The historical interaction of Islam and Judaism started in the 7th century CE with the origin and spread of Islam. There are many common aspects between Islam and Judaism, and as Islam developed it gradually became the major religion closest to Judaism. As opposed to Christianity which originated from interaction between ancient Greek and Hebrew cultures, Judaism is very similar to Islam in its fundamental religious outlook, structure, jurisprudence and practice.[3] There are many traditions within Islam originating from traditions within the Hebrew Bible or from postbiblical Jewish traditions. These practices are known collectively as the Isra’iliyat.[4]
Main article: Islam and Judaism
Further information: People of the Book, Tahrif, Biblical narratives and the Qur’an, and Judeo-Islamic philosophies (800 – 1400)
The historical interaction between Christianity and Islam connects fundamental ideas in Christianity with similar ones in Islam. Islam and Christianity share their origins in the Abrahamic tradition, although Christianity predates Islam by centuries. Islam accepts many aspects of Christianity as part of its faith – with some differences in interpretation – and rejects other aspects. Islam believes the Qur’an is the final revelation from God and a completion of all previous revelations, including the Bible.
Were there Jewish and Christian Arabs before Islam?
In the city of Madina in what we call today “Saudi Arabia”, there were three main religions: Idol worshiping, Judaism and Christianity. The name of the Jewish leader who also was the Highest Priest in Madina before Islam came was “Abdallah Bin-Saba”. His Arabic name was not “AbdElohim Bin-Saba” or “AbdElloi Bin-Saba” or “AbdGOD Bin-Saba”. The reason why his first name was “Abdallah” is because the Arab Jews in Madina used the word “Allah” for GOD in their Holy Scriptures. The word “Allah” did indeed exist in the Arabic Talmud and the other Jewish Holy Scriptures.
Also, the Christians’ Arabic Bible at that time used the word “Allah” for GOD. Even today’s Christians’ Arabic Bibles use the word “Allah” for GOD. Today in the Middle East, Christians sometimes name their kids “Abdallah”. Also there are Christian families who’s last names is “Abdallah”.
In today’s Arabic Bible, the word “Allah” is used for both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Recently also, Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archeologist, found from the Forth Century (200 years before Islam) houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscription in Arabic :”Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem” which means in Arabic “In the name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious”, which again proves that His Holy name existed before Islam. and it also proves the True Oneness of Allah Almighty and refutes the misconception of trinity as misunderstood.
Here is an analysis to the Arabic words above:
Bismi – Ism = name. Bism = In name, because “Bi” = in. Bismi = In the name of, because the “i” at the end of the word must be added because of the “Bi” addition. When we added “Bi” to the word “Ism”, then the “i” must also be added to the end of “Bism” if and only if the word “Bism” is followed by another word, which makes it become all one word “Bismi” which means “In the name of”.
Allah – Allah is the name of Allah Almighty. Bismi Allah sounds as “bismillah”, but two seperate words. “Bismi” is one seperate word and “Allah” is another seperate word.
Al-Rahman – Al = the. Rahman = merciful. Rahman is derived from Rahmah, which means mercy. Al-Rahman is one word. It is not like English two words “the merciful”. No, in Arabic, “the” is combined with the word both are written as one word; “Al-Rahman”.
Al-Raheem – Al = the. Raheem = gracious. Al-Raheem = the gracious. Again, Al-Raheem is written as one Arabic word, and not two.
“Bismi Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem” = “In the name of Allah the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious”.
Here is how the four Arabic words “Bismi Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem” written in Arabic:
I hope this at leats opens your mind that the word and understanding is not exclusive. Religions derived from the Line of Abraham have gone into competition with each other to the point that you have lost sight of its essence.
Dear Pro Melayu,
My understanding of the Surah is perfectly fine, it is afterall the Basis on which Islam is founded.
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.
– translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Al-Ikhlâs is sûrah (chapter) 112 of the Qur’ân, and is said to be one of the earliest revelations that the Prophet Muhammad received from archangel Gabriel.
The Arabic root of the word ikhlâs is kh-l-s which means to be purified or refined. The very concept of refining and purifying signifies the burning away of all impurities, leaving nothing but the very essence of that which was sought, which, in this case, is Allah.
Such a purification is the burning away of all of the worldly misunderstandings, concerns and desires that separate us from the One; the One and Only upon whom we depend, the One and Only who is our foundation rock, the Eternal One and Only.
As a further testimony to the unity of the One who has created all of mankind, note the striking similarity in the Bhagavad-Gita written in “India a thousand years earlier”:
You are the One Creator of all the worlds,
and of that which moves and that which does not move,
You alone are fit for worship, You are the highest Teacher,
In all the worlds there is none equal to You.
– Bhagavad-Gita 11:43
2. Jesus is The messenger of God, Son of god is a concept of endearment which derives from the concept that the creator is hence our father and we are all his children. In the Trinity The concept of Father ( God, Allah), The Son ( does not ONLY refer to Jesus but rather all creation) this is not contradictory to Surah Al Ikhlas – as here it is just a matter of putting into perspective that the creator plays the fatherly role and his creation play the role of its child…. no where does this contradict rather it is at harmony with the essence of the Surah.
3. Let s put this in perspective : Comparing Abrahamic religions
Comparing Abrahamic religions
.Christianity and Judaism are two closely related Abrahamic religions that in some ways parallel each other and in other ways fundamentally diverge in theology and practice. The article on Judeo-Christian tradition emphasizes continuities and convergences between the two religions. The article on Christianity and Judaism compares the different views held by both religions.
The historical interaction of Islam and Judaism started in the 7th century CE with the origin and spread of Islam. There are many common aspects between Islam and Judaism, and as Islam developed it gradually became the major religion closest to Judaism. As opposed to Christianity which originated from interaction between ancient Greek and Hebrew cultures, Judaism is very similar to Islam in its fundamental religious outlook, structure, jurisprudence and practice.[3] There are many traditions within Islam originating from traditions within the Hebrew Bible or from postbiblical Jewish traditions. These practices are known collectively as the Isra’iliyat.[4]
Main article: Islam and Judaism
Further information: People of the Book, Tahrif, Biblical narratives and the Qur’an, and Judeo-Islamic philosophies (800 – 1400)
The historical interaction between Christianity and Islam connects fundamental ideas in Christianity with similar ones in Islam. Islam and Christianity share their origins in the Abrahamic tradition, although Christianity predates Islam by centuries. Islam accepts many aspects of Christianity as part of its faith – with some differences in interpretation – and rejects other aspects. Islam believes the Qur’an is the final revelation from God and a completion of all previous revelations, including the Bible.
Were there Jewish and Christian Arabs before Islam?
In the city of Madina in what we call today “Saudi Arabia”, there were three main religions: Idol worshiping, Judaism and Christianity. The name of the Jewish leader who also was the Highest Priest in Madina before Islam came was “Abdallah Bin-Saba”. His Arabic name was not “AbdElohim Bin-Saba” or “AbdElloi Bin-Saba” or “AbdGOD Bin-Saba”. The reason why his first name was “Abdallah” is because the Arab Jews in Madina used the word “Allah” for GOD in their Holy Scriptures. The word “Allah” did indeed exist in the Arabic Talmud and the other Jewish Holy Scriptures.
Also, the Christians’ Arabic Bible at that time used the word “Allah” for GOD. Even today’s Christians’ Arabic Bibles use the word “Allah” for GOD. Today in the Middle East, Christians sometimes name their kids “Abdallah”. Also there are Christian families who’s last names is “Abdallah”.
In today’s Arabic Bible, the word “Allah” is used for both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Recently also, Father Pecerillo, a famous Franciscan Archeologist, found from the Forth Century (200 years before Islam) houses in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine with this inscription in Arabic :”Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Raheem” which means in Arabic “In the name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious”, which again proves that His Holy name existed before Islam. and it also proves the True Oneness of Allah Almighty and refutes the misconception of trinity as misunderstood.
Here is an analysis to the Arabic words above:
Bismi – Ism = name. Bism = In name, because “Bi” = in. Bismi = In the name of, because the “i” at the end of the word must be added because of the “Bi” addition. When we added “Bi” to the word “Ism”, then the “i” must also be added to the end of “Bism” if and only if the word “Bism” is followed by another word, which makes it become all one word “Bismi” which means “In the name of”.
Allah – Allah is the name of Allah Almighty. Bismi Allah sounds as “bismillah”, but two seperate words. “Bismi” is one seperate word and “Allah” is another seperate word.
Al-Rahman – Al = the. Rahman = merciful. Rahman is derived from Rahmah, which means mercy. Al-Rahman is one word. It is not like English two words “the merciful”. No, in Arabic, “the” is combined with the word both are written as one word; “Al-Rahman”.
Al-Raheem – Al = the. Raheem = gracious. Al-Raheem = the gracious. Again, Al-Raheem is written as one Arabic word, and not two.
“Bismi Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem” = “In the name of Allah the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious”.
Here is how the four Arabic words “Bismi Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem” written in Arabic:
I hope this at leats opens your mind that the word and understanding is not exclusive. Religions derived from the Line of Abraham have gone into competition with each other to the point that you have lost sight of its essence.
Dear promelayu,
Tuhan = God
What is the Malay word for Allah??
Salam Tun M. As a citizen I know how to make comparison between your leadership and Tun Abdullah’s leadership. I’m not saying Tun Abdullah didn’t know how to run a country, but, what did he achieve during his administration? I believe the main reason why he didn’t do well was because he didn’t bother to learn economics. In comparison, you learnt much about it and managed to do a lot of beneficial projects for our country. To me Tun Abdullah’s biggest achievement was creating ‘unnecessary interference’ from certain parties which had caused them becoming very demanding. May Dtk Najib be able to do better. As for those who are making the allegation, I will say this…I have seen my country transformed under Tun M. He did very well because he is a thinker. Barry…why don’t you write comic book?..it will be good for you.
Salam Tun
To SR. you can say whatever things you want to say. If you really understand Quran and hadith..my simple question is what do you know about surah al-ikhlas?
Do you believe prophet Muhammad? If yes, what is different between Prophet Muhamad and Jesus?Jesus is a god? or Jesus just a messenger?
Belief me if you really read and clearly understand the quran, you wouldn’t ask me something that you are still trying to find.
Islam never teach people to be provocative. That’s why I wouldn’t take any aggresive approach..Never..Whatever happened now is because of “someone” wants to be provocative with Islam..who starts first? Islam? you can see my friend, until now we still can live together with peacefully…in an Islamic country, Islam teach us to be tolerate not like what ever happens in Germany, France, Denmark, Gaza, the United States, Switzerland..named it…then you can find the main reason, without doubt because of Islam..Islam is the truth faith and religious until hereafter…
To Promelayu,
Thank you my frined for taking a civil approach with my comments rather then an aggresive one. Just to not i am quite well wersed with the quran and hadiths as i have been doing comparitive religion studies for quite some time and its a subject that interest me very much. Alos just to note i am not a christian either. My comments come from a complete outsider perspective. what i mentioned is what i have noted. I treat all religions with respect and having studied them i try to look for the essesnce of it rather then misinterpert it as many have. The Quran can only be comprehended with your Jiwa and not your mind. as of any of the holy books and scriptures passed down through human history. I have read Tuns latest post and i sadly say Our dear Tun is grossly misinformed about a lot of things.
My concern is The Malay Muslims seem to take everything as competition or a provocation when it effect we can all just live our lves happily not interfeering with the other. Its all about respect my friend. Take my self out of the equation and you have many people that dont understand islam just as you have many muslims that dont understand other religions. More often then not they listen to the rubbish met out by those that seek to take advantage of such situations thats could potentially blow up.
In a country like Malaysia it is impossible for the christians to as some people say conspire to convert the muslims by confusing them. Are the muslim youths so weak in thier religion that they cant distinct what is what. Islam is a beautiful religion of peace, it is the inferiority complex of its followers that make them think they need to keep defending it against imaginary threats. The religion is a solid base, it need not be defended, it can stand on its own merit and so can Allah, God’ Yahwen; Bhagwan; Mazda or what ever you would like to call the supreme creator of the Universe, its doesnt need to be defended as no harm can come to it. It only need our appreciation, love and trust.
On one hand you lot say Allah is the one and all powerful, on the other hand you worry you can offend Allah and need to defend Allah from its apparent enemies… that is a contradiction. Alah Protects you, you need not fight for Allah.
And to say Allah is exclusive to the people of Islam is aslo limiting the power of the One as the One would belong to everybody regardless which route they choose to take. Live and let live.
Salam Tun
Salam Tun
Mencelah sekali lagi Tun
To SR. Thank you very much my friend. Do I need to reply your comments? I don’t think so. If you want the answers please read all those comments in the recent posting “Kontroversi Kegunaan Kalimah Allah” by our beloved Tun. It will help you a lot to know about kalimah Allah. And please get the information from other sources, our ulamak..I don’t want to dispute with you because as you said Malaysian Muslims have the biggest inferiority complex i have ever seen..a very concreate statement…that’s why you as a non-muslim can live happily and peacefully…if you want to know in details please read quran and hadith..then you will find the truth
Assalamualaikum semua,
This is a rebuttal towards asifadio’s comment which i have pasted into mine:
1) demolition of mosques (from 93 mosques before separation and now 36);
2) admission quotas for minorities into national universities capped at 2% of student
I would like to reply to Promelayu post, 2 jan 2010.
My friend, I dont profess the great and beautiful religion of Islam, but i understand it and respect it very much. I have lived and worked in other Muslim countries, who in the eyes of the world are deemed to be extremist countries. But let me tell you a little secret, nowhere in the world do you have muslims more extreme in thier thought and more paranoid for no good reason then in Malaysia.
Just to make one thing clear to you ” Allah” means as you put it Yang Maha Esa as in The All Mighty- One correct. But you perception of the Trinity is ” Wrong” so please read before you throw comments. The Holy Trinity does not mean the christians belief in three gods. ( you might quote some morons who have written otherwise to rebut this, let me tell you they are wrong” ….The Chritians Belief in One supreme being – The Trinity represent The all encompassing Being in the form of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The interpretations of this are vast and varied. To make it simple for you- The Supreme Being ” Yang Maha Esa” which Christians Believe in is One that encompasses All. Now translate that with your simple mind in Malay. ” Yang Maha Esa” The All Mighty. look at the first two words, it says “The All” -Esa means what ( Mighty, Powerful, Whole, Total, Complete” each and any of these words can be used to translate the word Esa. …..
Getting back to the point, ” Allah” is the arabic word for ” the Supreme Being”, “God”, “Yang Maha Esa” and i can put that in a few other languages but i fear your brains might not be able to fathom the similiarity of the word… Again, It is a Language, and No the Arabic Language is NOT exclusive to Islam.I have friends that are native arab christians. In Church in jordan they Call god ” Allah”….now ask your self why would they do this. The answer is simple they are arabs so they speak arabic, the arabic word for god is ‘ Allah”….. i dont think it gets simpler then that.
Malaysian Muslims have the biggest infreriority complex i have ever seen. In Pakistan i greeted everybody whith Assalmualaikum and upon leaving would say ” Allah Hafiz to everybody and they all knew i wasnt a Muslim, but they were obviosuly smarter then the people here. They understood in context and respected that i could blend into thier culture. A word is afterall a word, in any language and should always be taken in context.
In Malaysia i dare not and have been reprimanded many times for saying greeting in ARABIC. which You Malaysian Muslims happen to think is a language Exclusively for you. Your small minds cant even begin to comprehend why a person that does not share the same faith as you should use a word you think belongs only to you.
really you lot should be ashamed of the way you behave sometimes. Living and working in countries like pakistan and Gulf surrounded by a bigger Majority of Muslims, i have never been once made to feel uncomfortable with this type of situations. Here is a whole different story. Malaysian muslims sell an image of Islam that doesnt begin to reflect its true beauty and compassion and understanding.You folks got a hell of a lot to progress and i say this not because i am racist but because i love my country and my Malaysian people ( regardless of race, religion and color). I would like nothing more then to say I am from progressive Islamic country , even though i am not a muslim this country is the best and respects everybody and are not shallow minded, intollerent fools. I hope and Pray this will happen sometime soon.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Kepada Zaq25,
Kepada ayahdaku Tun,
Harap Tun jangan layan si Barry Wain tu.Saya tahu Tun buat apa yang terbaik untuk negara ni.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas di sini…..
Pandangan pada sdr ‘Sideks’ on December 31, 2009 2:04 PM
Those who argue about racial quotas for higher education must understand education is a basic duty of any decent govt to its citizens not shares, projects and contracts. It is in the human rights charter.
Perwaja steel is more important than giving 9A students medical course?
F1 circuit for foreigners to speed around and surrounded by M’sian girls is better return than educating your people?
Minorities asking for medical courses cause the Malays losses more than bailing out MAS, Konsortium Perkapalan losses?
Twin towers bring more prestige than an apex university of the cream of M’sians regardless of race?
KL Tower for tourists to open their eyes and gawk at us is better than universities that open the eyes of our best students?
Cyberjaya for foreigners to operate cheaply and polish us clean is more urgent than giving our people cheap education to polish their minds?
Langkawi hotels for meager foreigners to stay in luxury at subsidized price is better than subsidizing our eager students?
Loans to highway concessionaires in lop sided contracts is preferable to giving more scholarships to bright students?
Subsidy for medical students will impoverish the nation, but gas subsidy to IPP with lucrative guaranteed purchase by TNB will not?
Putrajaya for a couple of thousand already well paid civil servants (it seems to have no problems recruiting people despite paying peanuts) to work, play and stay is better than education for millions of others?
Salam Tun
Lihat apa yang telah berlaku, Mahkamah Tinggi KL benarkan penggunaan Allah dalam penerbitan mingguan Herald- The Catholic Weekly
Bukan ke penggunaan nama Allah itu hanya untuk agama Islam?Kenapa golongan paderi ini beria-ria sangat nak guna nama Allah di suratkhabar mereka? Sedangkan Allah itu bermaksud Maha Esa..satu…Christian percaya 3 tuhan..jadi apa yang Esa..apa yang satu…
Inilah satu cara taktik yang digunakan…Islam ditentang dengan bermacam2 cara..taktik halus..umat Islam kena bersatu padu..orang Melayu juga mesti bersatu padu..menangkis dakyah mereka yang memusuhi Islam…sedarlah mereka sentiasa berusaha menjatuhkan Islam..biarlah tahun 2010 menjadi tahun untuk orang melayu dan orang Islam bersatu padu..lebih kuat…jangan bergaduh sesama sendiri..bersatu hati untuk kepentingan Islam dan juga Melayu tidak bermaksud untuk mengugat hak-hak bangsa dan agama lain..Islam no 1 di negara ini!
Salam Sejahtera Tun,
Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2010AD kpd TUN dan sekeluarga. Semoga ALLAH Suhanawata`ala mengurniakan Tun,sihat tubuh badan…sihat wa`afiat hendak nya. Semoga Tun dapat berkongsi pendapat…idealism Tun serta juga membuka minda-minda yang sempit.
Terpanggil rasa ingin saya memperkatakan sesuatu , mungkin belum terlambat lagi kut!!
Pasal si Barry Wain ni, mungkin telah ada yg memperkatakan yang beliau ini adalah “Operative” dari pihak tertentu.
Seperti yang mungkin ramai sedia maklum sebuah agensi sepai-menyepai dari Amerika ia ini C.I.A. !! Adalah sebuah agensi Perosak se antario dunia. Pelbagai kaedah ,pelbagai cara mereka akan cuba merancuni sesebuah Negara yang berdaulat. Apabila negara atau pun tokoh-tokoh tertentu di dapati tidak mengikut kehendak selera terlunjuk mereka.
Lazim sudah kita maklum akan kerterlibatan mereka di merata-rata pelusok Bumi ini. Samada “Umpanan racun” yang berbeda bentuk dan cara.Bergantung pada sasaran yang di tujui…!! Gagal atau berjaya, itu bukan persoalanya bagi mereka, yang pasti mereka akan cuci tangan bila “Kemusnahan dah pun Terlaku- Damage have been done”!!
Pendek ceritanya Si Barry Wain ini mungkin Operative CIA atau yang se waktu dengan nya.Kesangsian utama kerana ia bertapak di S’pora yang mana negara ini selalu nya cukup menyenangi akan kelibat, kerenah CIA. Kerja sama yng paling intim akan di berikan jika CIA, ingin melaksnakan program Perosak mereka di rantau sebelah sini.
Lebeh-lebeh lagi rangkaian operasi ini akan mengukuh kedudukan S’pora. Baik dari segi kestabilan Politik maupun ekonomi..dan mereka akan kelihatan setiasa juara.
Pelik sungguh, sudah berzaman-zaman semua negara di sekeliling nya akan dilanda pelbagai rencah, turun naik kestabilan nya malah ada yang porak-perenda jadinya. Dan pastinya S’pora lah yang teramat sangat menyenangi nya akan ,proses-proses jangka pendek maupun yang panjang berjela-jela yang pasti disedia susun atur oleh C.I.A…!!
Ganjaranya pasti sudah seperti sebuah negara Zionis di dalam kelompok negara Tok Arab !! Dan disebelah Timur-Jauh ini , S’pora lah yang menjadi Dalang nya. Semua kretiria serta petunjuk ada pada pulau yang kecil ini..!!
Maka perlu lah Pemimpin-pemimpin.!! M’sia lah terutama nya bersikap curiga akan Organasasi seperti C.I.A. apatah lagi si jenjalu nya..!!
Don.B.Jeles of Tpg….RA-Bt2 1/2 CrossRd.
salam to everyone who loves peace…..
i think every citizen of malaysia has the right to know how the people’s money is spent.
if tun dr M thinks Barry Wain is too much wrong just charge him the court of Law, but what if there is some or a little bit of truth, (just the difference of number of zeros 000,000)will Tun dr. M ready to face justice, and Dr. M will want to have company like Tun Abdullah also, no problem
the most important thing is the people need to see justice done before our eyes.
the worst thing would be in the hereafter, even if the Tuns who have committed wrong doing related to others escape “scot free” in the worldly punishment, do not be extravagantly happy because all this injustice will be dealt with evenly in the hereafter even if for those who disbelieve it.
Singapore was given independence by Perikatan the BN predecessor, so if we have any complaints then the existing BN should be blamed, not others because the government of the day shall be responsible to protect the national interest, otherwise we do not need them sooner or later. Of course the sooner the better.
Other racist issues and commentaries raised regularly are just mere “planned” sidetracks most probably to divert from this accountability issues, in fact these are efforts to ride on emotional appeal.
Dear Tun, salam tahun baru 2010. Minta izin menambah kiriman untuk menjawab pandangan yg dilontar di sini….
Those who argue about racial quotas for higher education must understand education is a basic duty of any decent govt to its citizens not shares, projects and contracts. It is in the human rights charter.
Perwaja steel is more important than giving 9A students medical course?
F1 circuit for foreigners to speed around and surrounded by M’sian girls is better return than educating your people?
Minorities asking for medical courses cause the Malays losses more than bailing out MAS, Konsortium Perkapalan losses?
Twin towers is better prestige than an apex university of the cream of M’sians regardless of race?
KL Tower for tourists to open their eyes, gawk at us is better than opening the eyes of our best students with knowledge?
Cyberjaya for foreigners to operate cheaply and polish us clean is more urgent than letting our people study cheaply to polish young minds.
Langkawi hotels for meager foreigners to stay in luxury at subsidized price is better than subsidizing our eager students?
Loans to highway concessionaires in lop sided contracts is preferable to giving more scholarships to bright students?
Subsidy for medical students will impoverish the nation, but gas subsidy to IPP with lucrative guaranteed purchase by TNB will not?
Putrajaya for a couple of thousand already well paid civil servants (it seems to have no problems recruiting people despite paying peanuts) to work, play and stay is better than education for millions of others?
Dear Tun, salam tahun baru 2010 harap sihat sejahtera berkekalan. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengirim….
Pada sdr ‘Sideks’ on December 31, 2009 2:04 PM
………..REPLY and IMPLY
My response is towards one sided racial accusations. Twisted comments sometimes require twisted answers. Don
Salam Tun,
I’m very interested in the comments given by one Mr. S.Tan.
If we were to look every year, after the SPM results, the Chinese would make such a big fuss because the number of Chinese students who did well did not get a seat in any medical schools. Why is it so special that they only can take medicine and not any other courses, even pharmacy? What, the Malays are dumb and morons that don’t deserve to be Dr. The computer picking up the numbers of each candidate know the number is assign to Malays only. And to add matters worse, Lim Kit Siang and DAP would champion the “rights” of these so called bright Chinese students, who deserve their birth rights to ONLY take up medicine.
So the Malays only eligible to be better farmers and fishermen, just like what we inherited from the British. What has 50 years of independance given us………..NOTHING!
To add matters worse we had a flip-flop premier who accomodated so much to the Chinese and Indians that now, Indians should call themselves “Special Bumiputera”. They are only 7% of the population but they make so much noise as if they are 70%. By saying this I’m a racist but those whose question the rights and privileges of the Malays are democratic.
These days you can hardly see an Indian being rubbish collector but you can find Malays at the back of the Garbage trucks, collecting household rubbish house to house. So Malays are still beggars in their homeland.
That is the reality. Call me a racist, but I went to Sekolah Kebangsaan and had many Chinese and Indian friends. We could all share our food and we respected each others beliefs and culture. The Malays would tell the Indians if the food had beef or the Chinese would tell the Malays if there is pork.
Those days are gone……we are still trying to strike an equlibirium today.
Salam Tun,
Salam Promelayu,
Selamat Tahun Baru 2010, semoga ahli keuarga kamu dan kamu sekalian sihat-sihat belaka, ceria dan gembira selalu!
Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh.
Salam Tun,
Need your assistance and influence to talk and ask PM Najib not to reject royal commission to probe your goodself on losing Billions of Government (Rakyat) money. Rakyat wanted to know the truth what was happening and you will also get your chance to defence yourself and clear your good name.
In addition to that, Rakyat also curious to know where was Billions of money given by Petronas was spent and how much we have been losing, not only during you in power but also during Tun Abdullah regime. We not talking about thousands or millions, but BILLIONS..ohhh my goodness.
This money belongs to Rakyat and should be spent wisely for the good sake of Rakyat. Should this issue being kept in vague and PM Najib continues ignoring everythings, Rakyat won’t hesitate not to vote BN in next GE..trust me.
Wassalam & Selamat tahun baru 2010
Salam Tun..
Mencelah sekali lagi sebelum tahun baru 2010..
Sdr Hang Jebat 007,…bila bercakap mengenai hal halal dan haram ini..sukar untuk kita berdebat…bukan apa tulisan artikel kadangkala ada yang betul ada yang tak betul..sdr kena tau di kala ini begitu banyak fitnah..baik di kerajaan mahupun pembangkang…inilah pengaruh media massa…
Kalau kita katakan semacam itu..pembangkang apa kurangnya..tidak payahlah sebut apa yang dilakukan mereka…mereka sama sahaja..tapi bukanlah dengan perkara seperti arak yang kita selalu marah2kan…yap..maksiat tetap maksiat…haram tetap haram..kalau kita berkuasa kita boleh ubahnya..jika tidak hanya marah melalui hati sahaja..itulah selemah2 iman…tetapi sebelum apa2 kita bercakap tentang sesuatu..lebih baik kita cari kebenarannya nanti dirisaukan apa yang ditulis bukan yang sebetulnya…maaf sekali lagi bukan bertujuan menasihat Hang Jebat 007 yang jauh lebih berpengalaman daripada saya…tapi cuba memperingat sahaja..dahulu orang cukup benci dengan Tun..kata Tun macam2 mahafiraunla, maha zalimlaa..tapi tengok sampai sekarang Tun masih sihat walafiat..tau kenapa?kerana ramai yang mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun..mereka ini memperolehi kebaikan yang dilakukan oleh Tun suatu ketika dahulu..ramai yang telah berjaya kerana kepimpinan Tun suatu ketika dahulu…mereka sentiasa berdoa kesejahteraan Tun..sehingga kini Tun masih boleh beri idea yang bernas2 lagi..dirisaukan orang yang bercakap tentang Tun inilah yang terkena balik batang hidung mereka..nauzubilllah….harap2 tidak berlaku perkara ini..
Tetapi saya percaya, Hang Jebat ikhlas nasihatkan Tun..eloklah..Hang Jebat berpengalaman…dan tidak jauh beza dengan umur Tun…berbanding saya..yang masih menatih untuk menimba pengalaman…
Bercakap tentang korup…ini satu lagi aspek yang jika berdebat sampai bila pun tak abis….selagi mentaliti kita pentingkan materialistik…wang…tetap berlaku korup…tidaklah ingin saya tujukan kepada sesiapa…tapi kalau sdr boleh periksa…perkara ini boleh berlaku kepada sesapa..kerajaan atau pembangkang…selidiklaa sejauh mana pula apa yang dilakukan oleh pembangkang yang memerintah negeri2 mereka…betulkah tiada berlaku korup???kalau tidak kenapakah mereka mempunyai rumah2 besar???perniagaan bagus?dan pelbagai2 lagi?sekali lagi seperti yang saya katakan di komen terdahulu..biarlah mereka..mereka semua betul..apa yang mereka dapat cara betul..tak boleh kita salahkan mereka…sebab mereka dapat cara halal..betul tak?lagipun buat apa marah2 mereka..dah mereka usaha..cara betul atau tak..peduli apa kita…siapalah kita hendak katakan mereka korup?
Sdr Hang Jebat 007, iluminati ini bergerak di mana2 di serata dunia..bukan sahaja di negara2 barat…bukan sahaja iluminiti..banyak lagi sebenarnya tektik2 yang digunakan mereka..paling mudah..apabila kita bergaduh sesama sendiri..salahkan satu sama lain..tidak bersatu..lagi mudah mereka buat kerja mereka…mereka tidak berputus asa Hang Jebat 007..kita tidak nampak mereka..tetapi mereka nampak kita…ambil sahaja contoh tajuk baru Tun tentang Switzerland..apa jadi dengan orang Islam di sana?Di Malaysia bagaimana?Semua boleh beragama dengan bebas bukan?Ada sesiapa yang takut untuk beragama di sini?Dahulu kita katakan Swizerland negara paling maju..cukup bagus untuk diduduki..negara yang rakyatnya hidup senang lenang..boleh bebas beragama..tapi kini?
Di sini, cina india melayu hidup dengan aman damai..saya salute mereka..kerana bantu sama2 bangunkan negara..tapi sdr kena tau ada juga yang golongan yang tidak pernah bersyukur..tengokla komen2 mereka yang tidak bersyukur di blog ini..sedangkan mereka sudah dapat apa mereka hendak…tapi tidak pernah bersyukur..golongan ini segelintir sahaja..majoriti mereka bagus2..tapi mereka inilah yang suka menghasut..mengfitnah orang…haru biru negara dibuatnya..dan mereka inilah kita mesti berhati2…selama ini negara makmur aman damai..apabila ada segelintir manusia sebegini..kita cepat melatah..gaduh sesama sendiri..itu tak kena..yang ini tak kena..jadi apa yang kena?Apa contoh negara lain yang cukup bagus berbanding negara kita?Negara manakah yang cukup sempurna?rasanya susah bukan nak bandingkan dengan negara tercinta kita…di Amerika sendiri apabila tiada insurans, seseorang pesakit yang sakit tenat pun tidak akan masuk hospital..biarlah dia mati macam itu sahaja..di sini?ada kes macam itu ke?Kalau kita tidak berduit..tiada beli insurans..kita masih boleh pergi ke hospital kerajaan…sekrang ini kerajaan sediakan klinik 1Malaysia..di Amerika Syarikat jangan haraplaa…semua mesti berduit….tengok sahaja apa yang berlaku apabila negara tersebut dipukul taufan katrina suatu masa dahulu..apa jadi dengan orang kulit hitam mereka yang terkena katrina..hidup sengsara bukan?langsung tidak dibantu..
Terima kasih kerana masih memakai kereta nasional..saya jua pakai kereta nasional..bahkan lebih murah daripada waja..tak rasa malu..tak rasa marah orang lain memakai kereta besar sehingga dua parking lot pun tidak cukup untuk letak kereta mereka…
Cukup setakat ini Sdr Hang Jebat 007…selamat tahun baru 2010..semoga hidup ceria selalu dan semoga panjang umur..
Khas untuk Tun..selamat tahun baru..saya sentiasa doakan Tun sihat walafiat di mana jua untuk memberi banyak lagi idea2 bernas..demi negara dan masyarakat..
Selamat Tahun baru juga untuk seluruh pengomen2 di sini…semoga sihat sentiasa…Amin…
Salam Tun
Salam promelayu,
Baiklah, komen baru kamu tu progresif dan konstruktif. Sebenarnya saya tak dengki dengan sesiapa yang mempunyai kereta mahal tetapi cara mereka memperolehi kekayaan. Bangsa lain yang bukan Islam mungkin tak jelas apa tu haram ataupun halal tapi ajaran agama kami jelas. Bagi saya sudah tua, Waja pun cukup la. Basikal tua Seven-up pun dipakai lagi.
Isu Halal atau haram. Tak berapa lama, ada satu artikel yang saya baca, tentang seorang anak Tun, beli satu blok besar saham sebuah company Filipina yang memproses arak, San Miguel… Tak kan dia tak tahu itu haram?
Satu lagi Tun, duduk sebagai naib pengerusi Genting Bhd, tak kan dia tak tahu judi tu haram?
Beberapa orang lagi Dato Seri, eksekutif Tanjong Bhd, Magnum Bhd, Berjaya Toto, bukankah company tu jual 4 ekor? Tak kan dia orang tak tau tu haram?
Masa kegemilangan Tun, satu kaki bukit diberikan kepada Tan Sri V Tan. Patutnya dijadikan satu tempat berjudi, apabila PAS protes, barulah rancangan itu di tolak. Tak kan dia tak tahu itu haram?
Saya mengeluh dengan ketua bangsa saya sendiri yang beragama Islam, kamu macam mana? Tentang Iluminati, itu Yahudi, Amerika Syarikat, bukan bangsa lain di negara kita. Ingat, jangan makan di Mc Donalds, Star Bucks, Kentucky FC, Kenny Rogers………… Itulah patut kita buat sebagai amalan. Cina dan India ini bukanlah satu-satunya ancaman kita, ketua kita yang korup tu lah ancaman terbesar dan unsur-unsur Iluminati tu lah yang akan menarik ketua kita yang korup dan yang sangat mementingkan kekayaan!
Itu saja hari ini, terima kasih dan salam hormat.
This is a joke,this is what reporter like Barry Wains
will publish in his instrument,his news
A Collection of Islamic Jokes
A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl’s life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: “You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: “Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl” The man says: – “But I am not a New Yorker!” “Oh ,then it will say in newspapers in the morning: ‘Brave American saves life of little girl'”
Dear Tun Dr.M
Please allow me to comment the way, some of your ‘defenders’, shall I put it, wrote in your defense. I am sure you would not consent, especially the tone in which your ‘self-employed’ defender use to downgrade people. Insulting your detractor’s parent and all, on your behalf????.
“An eye for an eye, would leave everyone blind” Oopss.. that’s Tun M’s line.
Using harsh & rude language against someone who does not have the same opinion with you, will only create hostility. You cannot hope people to agree with everything Tun M does or opine. And disagreeing with Tun, does not mean we do not like or hate him.
Does LadyG gets Tun M’s permission, before going for his defense? Regarding the theory of how to become a lawyer: Apart from having good memory, a lawyer must be fluent in written & spoken English. The latter is quite difficult to master without frequent practice. No offense; a person who stutter, should not be a lawyer, I think.
However, I do not blame you Sir, for publishing what you think should be published. I even have no grudge against you, when some of my posting does not went through.
May God Bless You Sir
Salam Tun
Ingin mencelah…S..Tan, rasanya soalan2 yang sdr berikan sdr sendiri jawap yer..anda perlu gigih belajar bahasa melayu…buatlah ayat elok2..janganla tunggang langgang…tiada siapa yang faham..
kepada hang jebat 007, rasanya sdr perlu mintak tolong rakan2 saudara berbangsa lain untuk memahami suratkhabar mereka…janganlah terlalu berat sebelah kerana hanya faham bahasa Melayu…sehinggakan suratkhabar bahasa melayu sendiri dikatakan teruk..orang lain macam mana?
Bertentang??Tersenyum sahaja apabila membaca ayat2 Hang Jebat 007..tidak terluka tidak terasa tidak langsung tergores dan tidak langsung menarik nafas panjang..keyakinan diri telah lama dibentuk..kerana apa yang dilakukan oleh Tun sejak Tun memerintah sehingga Tun bersara membawa ramai anak2 muda melayu berkeyakinan diri…ramai lagi yang diluar sana..kenyataannya sdr orang lama…banyak pengalaman…orang lama wajib dihormati…tetapi tidak semestinya sependapat seratus peratus dengan sdr..
Kereta besar?Itu bukti orang melayu sudah berkeyakinan tinggi..tetapi yang nyata ramai orang melayu sudah terpelajar…mana boleh tidak berkeyakinan tinggi jika tidak berilmu tinggi…biarlah mereka berkereta besar..jika mereka guna cara tidak betul..balasan akan diterima..apa la sangat dengan kereta besar….orang kita sahaja yang dilanyak bila kereta besar..orang lain macam mana?Betul ker cara mereka?Tapi sekali lagi tidaklah perlu kita membangkitkan isu kerana mereka bukan melayu…yang melayu juga yang perlu dihentam..yang lain…semuanya betul..
See how democratic Tun is.
Revealing everything in his blog,s up to,for criticizing him
and with no respects.
For those honorable,miserable slaves up there, that
Lives to Work Not Work to Lives
Can you do that to your own leader.
If yes I call it 13alls.
Don,t know what is 13alls.
Attach 13 together followed by alls,you get the answer
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin mengulas berapa kiriman……..
………’bangsaMSIA’ on December 28, 2009 1:56 PM
>> Racial slurs
All your statements on chinese and S’pore to demonise chinese here? Your race holds the power here (diff in S’pore), how the others perceive you is at least 50% determined by your policies and attitude not just their wild dreams. Dont just blame them.
>> Supremacy by towns
Measuring supremacy by inhabitants of towns is as false as measuring wealth by your clothing. Chinese have to survive on skill and trade which can only thrive in towns which are actually places where people are packed together for ease of trade. They have restricted access to govt posts, land for farming, boats for fishing and shunned by some Muslims as unclean. Can they survive in rural surrounding as minority?
They have no choice but to trade among themselves for survival (which is twisted as monopoly). Will the govt help them if they have no customers?
>> Chinese kampungs
Malays have the option to work in civil service and GLCs (iron rice bowl) with pensions and other benefits. So many do so and prefer to return to their kampung for weekends, holidays (keeping two homes) This lifestyle does not promote thriving townships. Look at Putrajaya, Shah Alam etc, they are concrete kampungs!
The towns are the chinese kampungs! They just made it lively. You can shift out all the govt dept (e.g KL, soon JB) the towns will still be what it is. You cant change their lifestyle just like you cannot change a kampung. Look at kampung baru! It is living proof you cannot change their kampung.
They can only control economic activity between themselves. The majority race and govt does not want to trade with them, they have no control. No business activity in Malay areas is not their fault, why continue to blame them.
>> Overseas education
Every 100 only ten Malay students overseas figure is suspicious. PSD, Mara, state govt, Petronas, GLCs, Islamic agencies send thousands of students overseas. Multiply by 10 you wont have enough non Malay students. Shooting blindly?
>> Wealth in chinese hands
I hope you can refer to ‘KAKI DALAM KASUT’ JULY 23 2009 1.37am article.
………’promelayu’ on December 28, 2009 5:07 PM
>>Memusnah Islam.
Menuduh bangsa lain? Israel dan US dgn beribu bom dan askar tak mampu musnah Islam di Palestin, Iraq, Afghanistan. Agama hanya perlu lindungan hati bukan lindungan harta dan kuasa. Itu keperluan manusia tamak.
Agama yg tak perlu kebenaran dirikan masjid di ancam oleh agama yg perlu kelulusan krjn (dan juga semua masyarakat setempat?) bina tokong! Agama ada lindungan murtad dan larangan mendakwah terancam oleh bangsa lain? Agama dijunjung perlembagaan agama rasmi(dapat bantuan krjn) diancam agama hanya diberi kebebasan wujud? Agama majoriti diancam agama minoriti? Agama orang berkuasa diancam agama orang tak ada kuasa?
Sebenarnya dia gunakan agama menegak hak nak senang kaya!
Tun is the most eloquent and outspoken Malay speaking leader todate (after Sukarno, need to mention just in case the Indons read this blog). That
Why are we so obsessed about ‘talking about people’, as a matter of facts:
‘normal people talk about people’,
‘average people talk about things’,
‘great people talk about ideas(+ve issues)’
Why are we so obsessed about ‘Zaq25? what? – The mindless child with lack of thinking capacity’. Why do you argue with fools? Why do you pick a fight with a ‘Teenage boy who trapped inside an old body’ such as Zaq25 & Barry Wain’? Why do you want to waste you time arguing about nothing. You are here, you are with Tun Mahathir, challange Tun’s brain if you may, argue with facts to his idea, brainstorm, Think! Win-Win, challange!
Please remember, only a dopey guy like Barry Wain and Zaq25 will throw out their words without thinking. They like to see people suffer and they like to wait for ‘Malapetaka’ and they love it! They love to see you guys argue about nothing, they like to see suffer and they laugh. This is the ‘GAZA TTS’ tactic fighting with the brain. Stop focussing at sluggish things such Zaq25 or Barry Wain, focus on what Tun want to discuss with us. Time is gold. Gold is Good. Old is Gold. Gold is Gold.
Do you still remember what we have been thought when we are small about saying/repeating people’s name?. “Kalau nama kita disebut 40 kali”, “atau nama disebut berkali-kali, banyak kali”. If its good, “Good things” will come, but, if vice-versa, then the “MALAPETAKA” will pay you a visit.
To Zaq25 & ungrateful friends, please remember, you may laugh now, but you will suffer later. The “MALAPETAKA” will pay you a visit.
Good Luck! [Fullstop].
Salam hormat,
“MALAPETAKA”: Can someone please get this word reqistered in world dictionary, “AMUK” had been registered. Now “MALAPETAKA”. Thanks.
Salam Tun
Sekali lagi mencelah
Terima kasih atas nasihat hang jebat 007..disebabkan anda lebih tua dari saya..dah 68 tahun..dan banyak makan asam garam..saya terima nasihat anda..sebagai orang berpengalaman macam anda saya perlu hormati….saya tetap tenang..langsung tiada masalah…langsung tidak marah..langsung tidak terluka..cuma macam saya katakan kita hanya nampak apa yang berlaku..dimomok2kan kerana kita setakat tau apa yang kita cuba dapatkan…kita hanya setakat baca utusan Malaysia..itupun dimomok2kan kata rasis…sebagai seorang yang berpengalaman..dan ramai kawan2 cina..rasanya tak salah kan mintak tolong rakan2 hang jebat untuk menterjemahkan apa suratkhabar lain katakan…
Memang orang melayu boleh terima bangsa2 lain…tiada masalah..saya pun terima jua…itulah sikap orang Melayu beragama Islam dari dulu lagi…bertoleransi..dan tidak menindas..sebab itulaa bangsa lain boleh majukan sama2 Malaysia..saya katakan hanya segelintir sahaja yang bersikap ultra kiasu..bukan semua…jangan salah anggap…
Rasanya tidak perlulah kita berasa gusar sesiapa pun mempunyai kereta besar..kalau dia dapat dengan cara tak betul…balasan akan diterima..itu janji Allah…tak didunia di akhirat..kenapa perlu marahkan mereka berkereta besar..sepatutnya kita tersenyum gembira kerana dahulu anak-anak melayu tidak sebegitu..tapi sekarang anak penoreh pun boleh jadi kaya raya kerana usaha…biarlah mereka..doakan kejayaan mereka jika mereka berusaha cara betul…kenapa tidak marah kaum lain yang berkereta besar..bagi saya biarlah mereka..mereka usaha..sama ada usaha cara betul atau tidak siapakah kita hendak tentukan bukan?Walaupun jarang sekali orang katakan perkara ini..seolah2 kaum Melayu tidak boleh berkereta besar..kaum lain sahaja boleh…tak perlulah kita bercakap perkara2 kecil semacam ini..
Sebagai orang muda..sememangnya musuh Islam dimana-mana…memang ada di antara orang Islam itu sendiri yang mengkhianati Islam….yang nyata senang dilihat…yang tak nyata??mungkin hang jebat kena baca juga perkara2 seperti iluminiti…secret society…untuk renungan..bukan untuk menasihati hang jebat yang jauh berpengalaman…siapalah saya dari golongan muda…musuh yang tidak nampak dari mata kasar lebih bahaya dari yang nampak…kita pernah dijajah…dan tidak mustahil kita boleh dijajah lagi dengan cara yang lebih halus…
Terima kasih nasihatkan saya untuk menjadi berkeyakinan…Alhamdullilah…segala bantuan yang diberikan selama ini membuatkan saya berkeyakinan..daripada seorang yang tidak mempunyai apa2..keluarga miskin tetapi dibantu..akhirnya saya berasakan ada sedikit kejayaan saya…untuk diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat…ramai lagi semacam saya…saya percaya mereka juga berkeyakinan besar…dan merekalah bakal pewaris masa hadapan..
Mengenai ketuanan Melayu,..tidak perlulah saya panjang2kan..kerana saya tidak pernah menyentuh isu ini..hang jebat sendiri ada jawapannya..tidak guna saya berbahas dengan perkara2 yang saya sendiri tidak menyentuhnya..
Cukuplah setakat ini…jika terasa tergores apa yang dikatakan..pohon maafkan..sebagai orang muda saya hormat orang berpengalaman…meskipun ada jua pandangan yang saya kurang bersetuju..
Dahulu kala, orang melayu tak kenal kekayaan dan mereka tak haprak. Yang hidup kaya hanya Raja-Raja. Takpa lah ! Memang dah ni Tanah Raja-Raja Melayu pun !
Tapi british2 yang mai Malaya depa hidup kaya. Balik kampong, british2 ni tak hidup kaya pun.
Di zaman British, bila british2 ni hidup kaya di Malaya, pemimpin2 UMNO dalam Alliance (Perikatan) ketika itu, pun teringin nak hidup kaya macam british2 ni. Depa nak hidup kaya di Malaya, di tanah Raja-Raja Melayu. Mana boleh? Raja-Raja Melayu saja boleh hidup kaya di sini !
Kalau pemimpin2 UMNO dalam Perikatan ini nak hidup kaya macam british2, depa kena pi takluki negara2 lain (macam british buat) dan pi lah hidup kaya di sana. Dan bila balik kampong (balik Malaya), depa tak boleh hidup kaya. Raja-Raja Melayu saja boleh hidup kaya di Tanah Malaya !
Bila pemimpin2 UMNO dalam Perikatan ni hidup kaya, ahli2 UMNO pun nak kaya juga ! Tapi ketika tu tak dak sapa pun dari ahli2 Umno dalam Perikatan hidup kaya , cuma depa hidup senang saja…sehingga lah Mahathir jadi PM.
Sejak Mahathir jadi PM, bukan saja Raja-Raja Melayu hidup kaya, tapi semua pemimpin2 dan ahli2 UMNO semua hidup kaya lebuhraya. Dan rakyat hidup senang lenang. Lama2 rakyat boleh hidup kaya juga kot…hehe.
Salam Tun
Salam promelayu,
Cubalah saudara promelayu, bawa bertenang. Ucaplah. Saya tak pandai bahasa cina, hairan jugak kamu pandai baca surat khabar cina, baik tu, pandai berbilang bahasa. Saya kan jawab satu demi satu persoalan kamu… perlahan sikit sebab dah tua…
Pertama, saya kena minta maaf dulu, saya tidak tahu apa yang ditulis di surat khabar Cina, tetapi tahulah saya baca Utusan Melayu. Kalau encik promelayu pandai berbahasa, tidakkah Utusan Melayu lebih mantang dengan unsur-unsur rasis?
Kedua, saya tegur sikit si Shafinazh tu kerana dia beragama dan dia kaum sendiri, pasal tu lah saya tegur dia. Maaflah, kalau saya salah tegur tetapi kenapa pulak pandai tegur bangsa lain kalau bangsa sendiri yang tidak bersifat tutur dan berbudi bahasa? Kenapa pulak kita pandai berdalih-dalihan mencelakan bangsa lain dan bukan kita sendiri? Bukankah kita perolehi semua keistimewaan di Tanah Melayu ni? Bukankah negara kita selama 52 tahun diketuai Melayu? Melayu UMNO?
Ketiga, buat apa pulak bangsa lain perlu sokongan saya? Saya orang biasa aje! Si Abu saya senyum dan salam, Si Ah Gan saya senyum dan salam, si Murthi, saya senyum dan salam… apa salah pulak mereka tu? Yang segan saya dengan segala ketuanan dan keistimewaan yang kamu semua laung-laungkan tu, bukannya kamu dapat apa-apa. Hari tu, nampak saya sebuah Ferrari, itu anak si Naji- punya, Lamboghini tu anak si Azman hashi- punya, Porsche, itu cucu Sultan Pahan- punya… itukah keistimewaan dan ketuanan yang kamu sebut-sebutkan tu? Semua kekayaan tidak dibawa mati! Yang penting kita tulus, ikhlas dan syukur kepada tuhan. Sikap agresif untuk majukan diri tak perlu di laung-laungkan, ia patut di hambat di dalam hati dan jadikan ia kenyataan… kalau tidak berjaya, cubalah lagi, bukan salah bangsa lain… kan kita ada segala sokongan kerajaan? Si Ah Gan dan Si Murthi tak de ASN, ASM, MARA, diskaun beli rumah, kuota-kuota, dll! padahal, Si Ah Gan tu jual pisang, Si Murthi buka warong. Tak mungkin mereka tu pengintai China ataupun pengintip India! Kalau ya pun, takpe lah, sudah umur 68 dan 62 tahun. 007 James Bond pun sudah kolot!
Musuh-musuh Islam di semua penjuru kamu sebutkan? Setahu saya, selama 65 tahun saya hidup, musuh-musuh islam kebanyakan penganut Islam sendiri. Mereka yang akan cuba…cuba…cuba… tu siapa, cuba apa? Jadikan Malaysia Negeri China ataupun negeri India? Macam mana mereka tu boleh ‘musnah’ Islam? Buat apa pulak dia orang nak ‘musnah’ Islam? Kenapa kamu ni begitu risau? Berkeyakinan lah saudara promelayu, saya yakin Cina ataupun India hidup di Malaysia ni bukannya berhajat nat ‘musnah’ Islam ataupun Melayu..mereka seperti kami jugak, 2 tangan, 2 kaki, satu perut! Cari makan! Jadi berusahalah, teguhkan kerohanian kamu. Hikmah yang boleh saya hulurkan adalah, bertenang! Dengan otak yang tenang bolehlah kita buat keputusan yang betul dan jitu. Fikirlah saudara pro…
Hang Je-Bat
He knows that if he writes anything against Singapore leaders he would be dragged to the courts, sued and forced to pay huge indemnity. His colleagues have all been found guilty of defamation when they wrote something that was not approved by Singapore leaders. There has never been a libel suit by Singaporean leaders which has been thrown out by the courts. It is safe for journalists to impute all kinds of misbehaviour by Malaysian leaders. There have been many cases where the courts have found in favour of the journalists.
dr M is insinuating that the s’pore courts are compliant to the govt “There has never been a libel suit by Singaporean leaders which has been thrown out by the courts”
If dr. M says that there has never been a libel suit by the s’pore govt that has been thrown out by the courts in s’pore, then it must be true. However, the reverse is also true. The opposition MP, Chiam See Tong has
dr M you’re a pest
who couldn’t care less
you cause a mess
and call it success
you blast the west
and think you’re the best
but in reality you’re just an ass
rasa sayang eh rasa sayang sayang eh…
To rarunasalam,
Eh, punya sukalah Tun M nak throw numbers kat sini..ini blog Tun M and not yours………..and if we want to believe him that is our problem NOT YOURS.
You should be thankful instead that Tun M allows your cheap and without basis comments be published here….ungrateful…and now you want to dictate Tun M and us on what to do….POOOOORAAAH.
Assalamualaikum Tun..
Tumpang lalu.. Izinkan saya bercakap untuk mengingatkan mereka yang sudah TERLUPA..
Wahai saudara SEISLAMKU dan saudara SENEGARAKU MALAYSIA..
Apa kita nak lakukan sesuatu.. harus fikirkan dahulu.. tentang kesannya akan datang..
Ada pepatah…
Tolong JANGAN ikutkan HATI.. PERASAAN… JANGAN IKUT ORANG.. Kelak segala usaha nenek moyang kita sia-sia..
Tun.. Apa pendapat Tun tentang orang-orang muda yang berkumpul dan suarakan pendapat supaya PAS keluar dari PR sebab katanya tak nak PAS di bonekakan oleh DAP dan PKR?..
Saya doakan supaya Tun sekeluarga sihat setiasa… amin..
YABhg Tun,
….suing people like Barry Wain, who makes their money at the expense and misery of others, is like giving them free front page publicity,…and of course, with that more sales and more money.
The irony is that, you can’t seems to win when dealing with this kind of people. It only got to show how powerful these people really are and, the funny part is, these people seems to be more than happy portraying themselves as mere ” innocent bystander ” rather than who they really are…
Dear Tun,
With all due respect, dont you think you are quite the hypocrite. How much tranperency was there when you ran the show. For god’s sake you are the reason there is an overlap with goverment and judiciary. You are the cause of Malaysia having one of the most questionable judicial system in the world.
i dont deny you achieved much success with your projects that have put Malaysia on the world map. for that i applaud you. But please dont forget when you point the finger three point back to you.
I am really curious if you were givent a chance to do things again, would you do it differently? for one would you take away the racial divide YOU created Tun. Creating a Malaysia of not Malaysians but of Malays and Non- Malays.
I think you would do much better commenting and paying your focus of critisisms on the shitty education system Malaysia has. Have you picked up a secondary school history book recently. if not please do and see the made up rubbish that is in there and how the malaysian government chooses to omit actual history and rather put it and distort the truth of what actually happened to show some form of Malay superiorrity. I dont doubt the Malays played thier part but so did the others. Our history books are a disgrace, so is our english text books. Over and over again i keep meeting first class local graduates that dont seem to have a clue about what is what. its highly embarassing. I dont blame them though, the government conditions them such in our local schools and varsities.
How abaout championing a better educated malaysia. One that learns the truth and not distorted half truths. I still cant fathom why Hang tuah was taken out of the history book. Because they were chinese?? so what if they were? They have always been an integral part of our history. Are the malays suffering such a big inferiority complex that they must take away history because it is another race of people.
Malaysia is not a common race of people and should not be so either, It should be a common spirit shared by many races. Until the government you created learn this, this country will never resolve its issues.
Sincerely and with out any Malice or prejudice.
Hi, Tun & semua
Kelihatan terlalu banyak komen rasis. Mungkin ramai yang terasa sangat teruja bila membangkitkan isu2 seperti ini.
Tidak dinafikan sifat individualistik adalah lumrah/fitrah.Iaitu, terhadap(dalam konteks manusia yg pelbagai) ..
1. Agama dan kepercayan
2. Bangsa
3. Diri sendiri
4. Keluarga
5. Kampung, daerah, negeri, negara
6. Pasukan bolasepak, band muzik, etc
Setiap keutamaan mungkin berbeza diantara satu sama lain..(realiti..bukan yang sepatutnya)
To anti Melayu
1. Adakah kelebihan yg ada pada orang melayu sangat signifikan?
1.1 Adakah kuota Univeristi yg dipersoalkan? Biasiswa? ITM?
1.2 Kontrak kerajaan dalam perniagaan?
1.3 Sekolah Berasrama penuh?
1.4 AP?
1.5 Kuasa Raja Melayu?
DEB adalah satu dasar yg saya percaya diasaskan untuk mendapatkan
sedikit keseimbangan agihan ekonomi in contrast of dasar pecah dan perintah British dan rentetan 31 MEI..(Ya, masih gagal kerana banyak faktor-saya tidak mahu membincangkanya disini)
Untuk setiap kelebihan di atas, adakah ianya sangat diperlukan oleh bangsa anda yg telah jauh lebih advance dari dulu? Adakah kelebihan ini telah menghalang kemajuan bangsa yang telah maju ini?
Saya ingin mengambil contoh diri saya sendiri..Ya saya mendapat pinjaman buku teks semasa di sekolah dahulu (setahun lebih kurang RM150)..Saya juga mendapat biasiswa asas (RM350 setahun)..Bapa saya seorang persara tentera yang mendapat pencen lebih kurang RM850 untuk menyara 5 orang adik-beradik..Saya score straight A’s in PMR..kemudian saya ke boarding school(kenangan terindah bersama kengkawan + peluang belajar)..Saya score SPM kemudian saya ke Universiti dengan pinjaman PTPTN.Saya dapat degree kemudian bekerja disebuah syarikat MNC dengan purata gaji RM3+++. Setiap bulan saya bayar semula pinjaman lebih kurang RM150/mth. Point saya terhadap cerita ini adalah:
1. Dasar ini telah sangat membantu saya untuk mendapat pendidikan asas.. I’m realy happy & thankful with that..Jika tidak, dengan pendapatan bapa saya, sudah tentu ini agak mustahil..
2. Walaubagaimanapun, bantuan ini adalah berbentuk asas..yang paling penting adalah saya yang menetapkan objektif, berusaha, menyusun strategi dan bertindak(dengan izin Allah)..
3. Saya tidak nampak perkara ini satu bentuk supremacy..Untuk mendapat agihan ekonomi yg sangat besar(I mean 5digits income to millions) ia melibatkan banyak faktor2 lain..Mungkin diantaranaya:
3.1 Cita-cita untuk itu..
3.2 Period.
3.3 Knowledge (to make lot more money..hey..I’m an Engineer..haha)
3.4 Passion
3.5 Luck
3.6 Kondusif environment and so on..
Saya tidak ke arah itu..Saya tidak bercita-cita untuk itu(at least for now)..Am I bad? Secara peribadi, mungkin ramai diantara kita meletakkan jumlah wang sebagai ukuran kejayaan seseorang..Jika ini sentiasa menjadi objektif hidup, bagaimana dengan:
1. Operator kilang
2. Pekerja restoran makanan segera
3. Pekerja stesen minyak
4. Penjaga kaunter tol
5. Pemandu Lori
Adakah mereka low class? Yes, in the sense of income..But, frankly speaking, mereka juga adalah penggerak industri..Tanpa mereka, industri negara akan lemah..Dan dalam konteks ini, yang penting mereka adalah kebanyaknya adalah MELAYU. Mereka ini jugalah yang berkhidmat dengan tycoon2 bisnes yg terdiri daripada bangsa lain…
So, apalah salahnya jika kita ketepikan perasaan dengki/marah yang sepatutnya tak timbul..Kaum melayu dalam skala yang besar tidak langsung menguasai agihan kek ekonomi negara ini..Anda mungkin berkata, anda bijak, kami tidak, anda rajin, kami tidak..Percayalah, itu semua hanyalah persepsi.. Jika ia benar, masakan anak seorang pencen askar berpangkat rendah seperti saya boleh menjadi profesional..Haha..Saya sendiri, apabila saat sudah tiba, tidak mahu mengharapkan bantuan dari kerajaan lagi untuk anak2 saya dimasa akan datang kerana sudah tiba masa saya untuk berdikari dan saya yakin saya mampu….
Sedikit contoh kerjasama dan sokong-menyokong antara Melayu, Cina dan India
Kerjasama Baik
1. Melayu berkhidmat dengan tauke cina..(tak kisahla driver,operator
2. Warung Nasi lemak Mak Jah di Tupai Taping yang sering dikunjungi
oleh orang cina
3. Old Town white Coffee Taman Melati yang dikunjungi ramai pakcik
melayu yang baru balik dari masjid..
4. Maruku En Ravi yang sangat laku distesen bas Kuala Kangsar..
Kerjasama Tak baik
1. Mat Rempit melayu bikin motor dengan woksyop Ah Gan
2. Rumah urut di PJ dikunjungi ramai brader Melayu.
3. DVD cetak rompak di Uptown Damansara Utama, SS15, Kota Damansara
(Saya bukanlah ingin promote perkara tak baik disini, tapi ini adalah realiti kehidupan dan satu bentuk kerjasama juga..)
To Anti Chinese/Indians
1. Terima mereka seadanya sebagai rakan.. Mereka adalah rakyat Malaysia..Generasi asal dizaman sebelum dan awal merdekapun kebanyakkannya sudah tiada atau sangat tua..
2. Mereka juga adalah penyumbang kepada kekayaan dan keharmonian negara..
3. Bumi ini hak mutlak Allah..
4. Kita unik kerana kita adalah sebuah negara berbilang bansgsa.. Ini adalah kelebihan bukan kekurangan..
5. Marilah kita bekerja dengan lebih kuat, tunjukkan budaya hidup yang lebih baik, bersatu, berintergriti dan buktikan pada mereka yang kita juga boleh berjaya dan setaraf dengan mereka dari pelbagai aspek..
Salam Sejahtera,
Salam bangsaMSIA,
You wrote well and expressed your thoughts. But it remains as your thoughts! Chinese has never done any wrong to Malays and I think you should seize immediately your racist slurs. It is not beneficial to all Malaysian including Malays and muslims.
To refresh your thoughts, since Malaysian independence in 1957 up till today, Malaysia was led and is still lead by UMNO! And why are you questioning how Chinese has gone in dominating our economy? Whose fault is that? Maybe we should all calm down and take a good look at ourselves and start questioning our UMNO leaders where had they failed in bringing up Malays in the 21st century! Seems to me they are enriching themselves faster than the speed of bullet rather than giving a hand to us! Please, don’t pick on Chinese because they are minority or whatever you call them! Melayu cepat lupa??? Or is it Malay Dilemma?
Tomorrow when you meet your Chinese collegue or friends (if you have one), just wish a sincere “hi”!
Nasihat saya kepada kamu, bawa bertenang, jangan terlalu mengikut perasaan, padah nanti! Janganlah kami tertakhluk dengan sikap pandai “bully” lain kerana kita majoriti, cerminkanlah, saudara-saudara islam yang di-oppress bangsa majoriti di Eropah, adakah tindakan-tindakan orang putih tu betul kerana diaorang majoriti? Fikirlah baik-baik saudara bangsaMSIA!
Tulus Ikhlas,
Hang Je-Bat
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat dan sentiasa bahagia. Tajuk ini mengasak Tun, tapi kali ini saya mahu minta laluan menjawab seorang pengulas….
Menjawab sdr ‘shafinazh’ on December 27, 2009 11:42 PM
Tulisan saya perlu baca dari segi menjawab sebuah tulisan. Kalau dia tulis putar belit saya balas balik sama, baru dia rasa! Penyampuk tak tahu hujung pangkal akan silap faham saya menyokong atau menegak perbuatan S
apasal pula sibuk2 cerita tentang malaysia? pasal TUN…….
Salam Tun, can you not also pen your own version about your achievements and ‘mistakes’ to enlighten us blur sotong rakyak? That is if your disclosure is not classified under OSA lah…
p/s Your achievements for our beloved country aside, even with Tun outside the government of today, I also notice that ramai pandai ‘jack’ Tun kat sini 🙂 *Ganjih tapi benar* hahahahaha.
Salam Tun
Hang Jebat 007..bukan sdr shafinazh bersikap rasis..cuba baca komen2 lain yang lebih rasis..kalau anda faham bahasa cina, cuba baca suratkhabar cina yang terlalu rasis..lepas tue anda akan mengeluh lebih panjang lagi…golongan ini hanya segelintir sahaja..tidak ramai..tapi cuba mengeruhkan keadaan..kalau setakat tegurkan shafinazh..berani dengan kaum sendiri buat apa???langsung tidak nampak saudari shafinazh rasis..lebih baik anda tegur golongan yang lebih rasis..dan mereka ini memang tunggu peluang untuk memperolehi sokongan orang seperti anda…seperti Perosak Rakyat @ Penipu Rakyat (PR)…dan anda mesti tau sapa mereka…shafinazh hanyalah satu suara dari majoriti orang Melayu yang beragama Islam bercakap tentang fakta…langsung tidak nampak dia beremosi kecuali segelintir golongan rasis di sini yang terlalu emosional apabila saudari shafinazh mengutarakan pendapat..
musuh2 Islam berada di banyak penjuru….anda perlu tau..Malaysialah satu-satu negara Islam yang masih lagi tidak mampu dimasuki oleh musuh2 Islam…Malaysia amat strategik…mereka akan sentiasa cuba..cuba..dan cuba…mereka tidak akan putus asa..strategi mereka dalam pelbagai bentuk..mereka menanti masa untuk memusnahkan Islam..jadi fikir-fikirkanlaaa sebelum anda menasihatkan orang berfikir…
YABhg Tun,
Dear Tun,
I’m very surprised always reading comments from one Mr. Ravi. Why is he so bitter.
If he thinks US or Britian is so perfect, or any other Country for that matter, kindly migrate and denounce your citizenship.
US, Britian, European Countries are bailing out Companies, Banks etc at far greater than what we have done. They do it in the name of National interest and pride. So what we have done is not for our national interest or pride?
I think “Tatarakyat” should be intoduced again in schools in order to cultivate love for the nation and its people.
To Mr. Ravi, open your eyes to what is happening elsewhere and don’t be blind. Honesty is always to yourself first.
Salam Tun
Perhaps it is true what you say about these writers and the press especially in Asian countries. I believe corruption is much higher in Asian coutries than in the West. It is a matter of careful scrutinizing how the courts behave when it comes to cases involving leaders and rich people and the average rakyat. I believe courts should be fair but we have God’s Court in Padang Masyar which will umtimately account for everything. If courts are unfair, then blessed be the person who can bring forth solid evidence and bring down the wrongdoers.
Perhaps in your tenureship you may have made mistakes. EVERYONE EXCEPT GOD makes mistakes. However as a whole, I believe you have brought much more good than bad to Malaysia with the developments and the numerous projects you so listed. So to be fair a journalist or writer must account properly for everything not just the bad projects or projects gone sour.
I also am very interested in your statistics that Petronas pays the Govt RM126 billion during your 22-years but Abdullah gets RM270billion in only 5 years! Certainly some investigation should be done and of course every cent should be accountable! How come the Government of Malaysia does not have such an accounting infrastructure in place if it claims to be so interested in information technology?
Salam sejahtera untuk TUN dan semua
Apa special sangat dengan LKY dan singapore. Orang yang bodoh saya akan menyatakan singapore is better Malaysia.
Mentadbir singapore yang hanya sekangkang kera luasnya.Cara pentadbiran LKY jauh lebih diktator kalau dibandingkan dengan Malaysia.
Dear Tun,
1. Isn
salam Tun,
disini saya ingin mengingati lagi dan lagi mengenai kaitan penulis barat.
semuanya dibiayai oleh “masyarakat rahsia”.
boleh merujuk di http://www.youtube.com/user/FarhanK501
Salam Tun,
Salam Cik shafinazh,
Dengan segala hormat, selepas saya baca komen kamu cik Shafinazh, saya duduk terfikir! Pertanyaan yang timbul dari otak ku… Kenapa cik Shafinazh bertindak begitu dan menulis dengan senang sekali unsur-unsur yang bersifat begitu rasis?
Janganlah kami salahkan bangsa-bangsa lain ataupun negara lain, marilah, kami bertaubat dan insaf dan pentingnya, kami majukan diri sendiri, jadi insan yang intelek, ber-iman dan ber-ilmu. Tak payahlah kutuk mengutuk orang lain, pentingnya sikap kami sendiri. Kalau cik baca ulang kali komen cik, tidak ke cik rasa tak senang dengan hujahan cik sendiri? Kalau cik seorang yang berbangsa Cina, macam mana pulak perasaan tu? Mungkin Cik boleh yakinkan diri-sendiri tentang fakta yang cik kemukakan tetapi ada jugak cerita di sebalik batu tu. Cina tidak punyai keistimewaan seperti kami, tak ada biasiswa kerajaan, Mara, skim kerajaan dan sebagainya, paham lah dia orang kena bertungkus lumus untuk menjamin masa depan. Tak mungkinkah kerana sebab sedemikian, Cina ni mempunyai sifat lebih rajin dan pandai berniaga?
Tak payahlah Cik berkelakuan begitu marah dan penuh dengan perasaan benci, itu tak patut. Agama tidak mengajar kami begitu. Yang penting kami majukan diri-sendiri dan percayalah, pangkat-pangkat besar dan ahli-ahli politik, ramai yang sudah tercemar, tak payahlah kami berasa marah sangat untuk dia orang tu. Padahal, mereka yang “bersifat” nationalis tu ada kereta ferrari, lamborghini di Australia, Amerika, Singapura, dll… sedangkan yang keistimewaan saya perolehi hanya tanah kampung bercucuk tanam! Ketuanan apa pulak? Tak de kena mengena dengan Cina ataupun Barry Wain, atapun LKS ataupun Singapura. Fikirlah!
Hang Je-Bat
Salam Tun
Ingin mencelah..
Sdr shafinazh, patut bagi nasihat betul2 kat si S..Tan..dia nie pandai cakap jer….
Yang S..Tan terasa kenapa??Sdr adalah weesg ker???Biarlah weesg menjawab..hujah2 anda semua recycle balik dan semua dah dijawab..jadi tak payahlaa nak tonjolkan diri lagi..hujah anda langsung tak terkesan kepada sesiapa..terkesan kepada diri sendiri adalaa..
Ayahanda Tun,
By rarunasalam on December 27, 2009 6:40 PM
I think our SIR Ravi will never know how these genuine and legalised numbers are gained in “democracy” manner because he has been working without lights, and he has closed his heart and eyes, hence he can’t analyse these numbers meant in economics and accounting…., and 1Malaysia’s future development………
Perhaps Sir Ravi should learn from our MIC’s Samy Vellu….only if he is willing to forgive and forget the past…., RESPECTS and LOVES himself as Indian, our genuine Malaysian’s traditition and culture in Malaysia which can never be replaced………And SIR Ravi can call me The Old Fashion if he likes….,
Good day Ayahanda Tun.
By asifadioAuthor Profile Page on December 26, 2009 4:33 PM
Salam Tun.. sorry to interupt u again and again..:)
but this is for Tunchin..
dear Tunchin,
i agree with u walaupun saya melayu.. im sorry untuk apa yang Rahim katakan.. memang betul yang u cakap semuanya bergantung dengan usaha.. tetapi saya pasti Rahim tujukan hanya kepada segelintir orang cina terutamanya ahli-ahli pembangkang cina..
saya seorang remaja 21 tahun yang mengharapkan agar kita tidak berselisihan faham diantara satu sama lain.. 1 malaysia, saya pasti Rahim and u pun setuju dengan konsep ini..
saya minta maaf sekali lagi kepada Tunchin bagi pihak Rahim..
p/s-u punya BM pun bagus la.. u are pure Malaysian!:)
dear asifadio,
there is nothing to apologised. we express our opinion. nethertheless, we are still malaysian. but juz hope that our unity in malaysia will be appreciated and honoured by all malaysian (as well as foreigners which migrated in malaysia.)
Malaysia Boleh…~!! Long Live Malaysia, Long Live Tun, and Long live to all of us malaysian~!! cheers~!
Dear Tun,
You seem to have read what BW has written about you and the areas of losses. Could you tell me where I can buy the book?
I went to look for the book in MPH, Borders and Popular Book shops I could not find it. There is only one other bookshop I know that I have not looked, that is the one in KLCC.
From the boggers who have commented, it looks as though some of them have read the book, too. Wonder where the manage to buy the book!
Kepada zaq25, terasa bahagianya jiwa ini jika kita dapat bersemuka. Bolehlah kita bersuai kenal dgn penuh rasa bahagia.
Salam, wahai kawan2 sekalian, tak payah la jadi bodoh nak memuji Mahathir Mohamad. Banyak projek membazir dia dah buat. Kau orang ingat hebat sangat ke negara Malaysia ni? Enjin pesawat pun kena rembat. Ini semua legasi Mahathir Mohamad.
Salam tun.. im sorry but i must reply this..
hey, singapore is the first world country?! hahaha singapore is not one of G8 members laaa!
singapore just rely on their port! nothing except the port!
heavy industry? did singaporean have heavy industry? ur own plane? ur own even the simplest car?
singaporean dun even use solar power as their household electricity supplies! so that u called first world country?! just compare ur country to actual first world country laa! like japan! britain or german! hahaha.. are u measure it by little ur economies competitiveness? or ur singapore airlines that had the same rank with malaysian airlines?
please name any singaporean companies that knows and common by poor people! did u have it? oh god even the third world country got many wealth and famous companies!
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya untuk sari tajuk ini….
Some people try to turn this into a racial issue. They are using S’pore and taboo of other races to question Malay leaders as diversions? Why turn a constitutional and legitimate means (RC) to vindicate Tun into racial mongering?
Berani kerana betul! Royal commission is the mother of truth. Tun himself relished a day in court for him to clear his name in the Lingam inquiry.
>> Menghina
LKS jalankan tugas pembangkang bangkit tuduhan penyelewengan dibelit menghina Melayu, tidak berterima kasih. Tak kan nak jadi cakap salah, diam bisu!
Kaum lain jika menuduh Melayu dikecam menghina, tapi pemimpin kaum lain kena tuduh mrk tak pernah kata ia menghina kaum mrk.
>> Peristiwa silam
Mengulang peristiwa Mei 13 mcm menuduh orang sampai ke anak cucu. Bapa mencuri anak cucunya pun sama? Jepun kejam pada kita dulu, kita harus waspada dan sangsi dgn mrk yg datang sekarang? Masyarakat thn 1969 dgn 2009 jauh berbeza!
>> Rumah bandar
Kenapa ukur kekayaan kaum dari nilai rumah di bandar? Kaum lain sanggup terikat hutang seumur hidup untuk dapatkan sebuah rumah. Melayu tak sanggup sebab ada rumah kampung bebas hutang.
Nilai rumah dibandar tinggi krn kepadatan penduduk dan kesempitan tanah. Di kampung penduduk tak nak duduk berhimpit. Ukur rumah dari keluasan dan keselesaan bukan nilai hutang dgn bank! Hutang hartanah tertinggi dibandar, rumah kampung banyak bebas hutang. Siapa lebih kaya, selesa?
Lagipun kalau kaum lain datang bangunkan luar bandar di tuduh tamak pula!
>> Amanah pentadbir
Seorang diberi kuasa mentadbir adalah satu amanah bukan kebesaran. Kita tunduk pada arahan mrk kerana percaya. Kita berhak menyoal, dan ini bukan tak kenang budi.
>> ‘subkiarabi’ on December 26, 2009 12:19 AM
Tauke balak ialah penyokong krjn negeri yg diberi lesen membalak. Tauke padi dan beras ialah Bernas dan penyokong Umno. Sykt hartanah terbesar di M’sia ialah BN. Kedua ialah PNB. Jgn nampak semut gajah tak nampak!
Bandar utama, Sg Long, Setia Alam dulu kelapa sawit, bandar Sunway padang pasir. Tak satu sen pun wang Petronas dipakai bina bandar itu.
Putrajaya pakai 20bil wang Petronas, apa hasilnya? Petronas kena tanggung penyelenggaraan bandar ini sampai bila?
Shah Alam dibina dgn wang krjn negeri (PKNS dll) berbilion. Kenapa merungut bandar lain yg menjana perniagaan dan hasil dan tak soal dua bandar ini?
Sedarlah bandar Melayu seperti Kota baru, Kuala Terengganu, Alor Setar wujud jauh sebelum bandar di atas. Majoriti Melayu di negeri bandar bandar itu 90% Melayu. Salah kaum lain bandar itu lambat membangun? Arnab gemar tidur salahkan kura kura rajin berjalan?
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin memberi pandangan pada beberapa komen….
……….PANDANGAN pada sdr ‘motorscom’ on December 26, 2009 7:23 PM
Jumping from disadvantaged race (S’pore) to privileged race (M’sia) can be intoxicating. He decries whatever minority privileges he got previously as crumbs, but glorifies the same given to others in M’sia.
>> Exodus
Many M’sians left the same sad way Malay S’poreans left. Many Malay MPs tried to champion their plight but govt appointed Chinese ministers demonised them. Their worst crime is to turn a blind eye to the plight of their community for money and glory.
>> Social fig
The same race dominates statistics in drug addiction, prison inmates, divorce, pre marital abortion or baby abandonment in M’sia. But here you surely cannot blame discrimination. Maybe govt abandonment, but some people blame other races wealth.
>> Tolerant country
Name me one Muslim country out of 58 that has 40% of its pop non Muslim. Name me one country with 60% Muslim majority that has affirmative action for majority and peacefully accepted by minorities for 50yrs!
A minority in Dubai will be smart enough to build a 10 storey bank instead of a pagoda. The one in Libya will ask for a refinery licence instead of a temple. They are not stupid to build a white elephant!
>> University enrolment
2% university enrolment vs 13% pop is discrimination. What should 35%(non bumi M’sians) of pop enrolment be to classify as non discriminatory! The writer believes any number above 2% makes M’sian govt an angel!
>> Mosque destruction
Temples and shrines are also destroyed in M’sia due to urbanisation, redevelopment and pop shift. I don
Izinkan saya menjawab tulisan S..Tan pada December 27, 2009 1:54 AM.
Sdr Tan, kalau mahu berhujah dengan orang lain, cubalah berhujah dengan betul dan jangan cuba untuk memutar-belitkan fakta.
Saya tahu anda adalah cauvinis Cina, tetapi tak perlu lah sampai sanggup memutar-belitkan fakta kerana bukan semua orang sama ada di dalam atau luar blog ini bodoh dan boleh anda tipu seperti yang sdr sangkakan.
Sdr cuba menyamakan nasib golongan minoriti Singapura dengan Malaysia.
Sebenarnya sdr lah yang patut buka mata, (atau sdr tak mahu buka mata sebab sepet dan sebagainya) kerana perbezaan antara kaum minoriti Singapura dan Malaysia adalah sungguh ketara sebagai bumi dan langit.
Di Singapura, kaum minoriti ditindas disebalik kononnya dasar meritokrasi tetapi di Malaysia walaupun sdr menentang DEB, kaum lain masih boleh terus berjaya dan kaya sebab tiada penindasan secara licik dan halus disebalik dasar meritokrasi.
Sdr juga cuba bandingkan perbezaan antara nisbah kaum dalam angkatan tentera kedua-dua buah negara.
Come on la taukeh Tan, jangan salahkan Malaysia kerana jumlah kaum Cina yang kecil dalam angkatan tentera sedangkan sdr sendiri tahu bahawa kaum Cina sendiri tidak gemar menyertai angkatan tentera.
Antara puncanya ialah sebab gaji yang kecil berbanding tugas yang berat yang kadangkala melibatkan pengorbanan nyawa.
Sdr sendiri tahu terdapat pepatah Cina yang antara lain menyebut anak lelaki yang baik tidak sepatutnya dihantar untuk mati sebagai anggota tentera.
Begitu jugalah dalam pentadbiran kerajaan, kaum Cina lebih suka berniaga kerana mendapat keuntungan yang banyak berbanding menjadi penjawat awam yang menerima upah gaji yang kecil.
Sebab itu juga lah sdr Tan, kaum Cina jika menyertai angkatan tentera Malaysia, mereka hanya berminat untuk menjadi pegawai kerana secara logik gaji pegawai lebih tinggi berbanding anggota bawahan.
Ini termasuklah tugas yang lebih mudah berbanding anggota bawahan dan risiko terkorban dalam pertempuran yang rendah berbanding anggota biasa.
Malangnya sdr sendiri tahu, di Singapura, nisbah pegawai Melayu samada ada dalam angkatan tentera dan pentadbiran negara pulau itu, terlalu kecil dan boleh dibilang dengan jari jika dibandingkan dengan kaum majoriti republik itu.
Sdr menyebut mengenai jumlah bangsa Melayu di Singapura hanya sekadar 500k, adakah logik tidak seorang pun daripada 500k masyarakat Melayu ini yang layak menjadi pilot dalam angkatan tentera udara republik itu?
Malaysia sebenarnya tidak pernah melarang kaum lain menyertai angkatan tentera seperti yang sdr dakwa ((dan memutar-belitkan fakta) tetapi Singapura memang dengan terang-terang berbuat demikian (kecuali sebagai anggota bawahan).
Mengenai azan, adakah sdr sedar bahawa negara ini, agama rasminya adalah negara Islam?
Islam sudah berada di negara ini lebih 100 tahun lamanya iaitu lebih lama daripada nenek moyang sdr datang berhijrah ke negara ini setelah terbulur di negara asal.
Apa yang membuat kaum pendatang seperti sdr begitu istimewa untuk menyatakan ‘walaupun penduduk lain (bukan Melayu) 90 peratus di kawasan perumahan tertentu tetapi mereka tidak pernah membantah panggilan azan?’
Siapa anda, untuk menentukan kaum majoriti perlu mendapat izin daripada anda sama ada untuk membina masjid atau melaungkan azan di negara ini?
Jangan cuba membelitkan fakta dengan membuat perbandingan dengan Singapura yang jelas menindas orang Melayu dan Islam di atas pelbagai alasan.
Sdr Tan, seperti saya menjawap tulisan Equality sebelum ini, saya mencadangkan sdr pack up dan berhijrah sahaja lah ke Singapura.
Berterima kasih lah menjadi warganegara Malaysia, kerana orang seperti sdr, mungkin LKY di Singapura pun tidak mahukan anda.
Salam Tun.
May be the former Singapore Prime Minister & a few wealthy people paid him to come out with story…just after the documentary on Tun was on aired.
I like the way how you throw numbers and your followers just lap it up…
So, where did you get the numbers that Petronas contributed to the Govt during your tenure and during Tun Abdullah’s administration?
If you want to discuss numbers – Care to also state, what were the losses incurred in state sponsored enterprises i.e. MAS, Perwaja, during your tenure and the stint under your successor?
Sir, note, Tun Abdullah is not the only making these loud noises – you’re the one who keeps bringing it up.
It’s again your “magician trick”…make lots of noise…start waving hands…people observing the noise and hands forget to see all the happenings around the hulabaloo!
Peace Tun!
Tun yang amat mulia lagi dikasihi
Those brainless elements, locals or foreigners, have been slinging mud at you, for a very long time. Just sue all of them and put them in their proper places, once and for all.
Thank you.
The fierce voice of all Muslim countries. The leader with real spirit has spoken!!! Well done my dear Tun Mahathir. We still remember you.
Penang Bridge, Twin Towers, KL Tower, KL International Airport, North Port and West Port in Klang, commuter train, LRT and monorail, numerous expressways all over the country, electrification and double tracking, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Langkawi development, Proton, Modenas, Silterra chip manufacturing plant, cement plants etc. etc.
However, I don’t think Barry Wain was referring to these projects when he said I burnt RM100million of Government money.”
Don’t worry Tun, Barry is a lousy opportunist.
salam tun…
BArry Wain??saya masih tidak faham mengapa org luar masih cemburu dgn kejayaan tun pada masa silam..PM yg mentadbir lebih 20tahun hanya merugikan 100juta sahaja dalam pentadbiran BN & UMNO?
Lepas itu LIM KIT SIANG pula tokok tambah supaya diwujudkan suruhanjaya siasat & Tun pula menyahut cabaran LIM KIT SIANG…syabas TUN..
Agaknya,LIM KIT SIANG masih mencemburui TUN,dah pencen tapi liputan sampai keluar negara..sedangkan LIM KIT SIANG dah lama nak jd PM tapi xjd2…
Saya bangga dengan TUN,perjalanan semasa jd PM penuh cabaran.adanya KLIA,LItar LUMBA,Prasarana yg baik yg penting sekali pembinaan menara berkembar petronas…dan lain2
TUN belanjakan wang penuh kebijaksanaan,sampai sekarang apa yg di impikan masih gah.tidak nampak sebuah negara yg baru membangun..bahkan sedang rancak membangun.THANKS TUN.
Negara kita menjadi sebutan semuanya..Pernah dulu saya bekerja Di Singapura..Masa itu bekerja dgn syarikat PUB salah satu syarikat pengurusan air singapura.Rakyat singapura bangga dengan TUN.ketegasan,kebijaksanaan TUN menjadi pujian..Ramai Melayu di sana sebut nama TUN mereka suka dgn idea TUN.berbanding dengan Pak LAh,sedangkan masa itu pentadbiran PAK LAH.
Mereka kecewa dgn pembatalan jambatan baru yg menghubungkan JOHOR & SINGAPURA..Org Melayu Singapura tidaklah memburukkan TUN,tetapi mereka diburukkan dari media masa mereka.apa yg mereka nampak berbeza dgn apa yg mereka alami di Malaysia.
tentang BArry Wain & LIM KIT SIANG & PAKATAN RAKYAT…ini agenda politik mereka.sebabnya UMNO & BN kuat sekembali TUN menyarung jersi BN kembali..TAHNIAH TUN.saya bangga dengan kesungguhan TUN.pembangkang tiada agenda utuk menjatuhkan kerajaan sekarang…sekarang mereka hendak jatuhkan TUN..
Saya terfikir bagaimana pula kalau PAKATAN RAKYAT ambil tanggungjawab untuk tadbir negara,kalau mereka yg tadbir selama bagaimana TUN mentadbir dulu agaknya bukan 100juta yg rugi tetapi beratus-ratus billion..mana kroni2 mereka.
tengoklah pentadbiran Di kelantan,apa yg org kalntan dapat.tidakmahu penbangunan tetapi mencari rezki di negeri lain.saya berharap PRU 13 membuka mata semua pihak dari generasi MUDA sehinggalah TUA untuk menyokong BN.
Salam Sejahtera.
Lagi-lagi di laman ni berbagai-bagai kutukan sesama anak-anak Malaysia ni…tentang isu keistimewaan, kritikan berbau rasis dan sebagainya…
Komen kepada kamu yang salah topik tu… tiada insan yang boleh terima keistimewaan ataupun ketuanan yang dianugerah kepada insan yang lain hanya atas sebab majoriti ataupun minoriti. Tiada agama yang ajar sifat ketuanan ataupun keistimewaan bangsa-bangsa tertentu atas sebab majoriti! Janganlah kami pandai-pandai bersifat ketuanan tu, yang penting tahulah kami bezanya siang dengan malam, betul ataupun salah…dan sebagainya!
Soalan saya pulak… Barry Wain ini benci ke sangat dengan Tun? Tidakkah dia takut Tun boleh mengambil tindakan mahkamah terhadap dia dengan kenyataan dia tu yang tidak sah?
Setahu saya, bazir jugak kalau terfikir-fikir tentang twin tower tu, projek-projek Putrajaya, Stadium-stadium Bukit Jalil, PKFZ dan F1 Circuit tu… Duit minyak tu Tun! Maaf lah, saya ni bukannya cerdik sangat, bukan ahli-ahli politik ataupun pernah pergi keluar negeri… Saya insan biasa, pahamlah maksub bazir, betul, tulus dan ikhlas…
Hang Je-Bat
would like to respond to promelayu’s allegations.
1) demolition of mosques (from 93 mosques before separation and now 36);
There are 69 mosques in Singapore, not 36. Smaller mosques have been combined to form larger ones. The latest mosque built is the Masjid Al-Mawaddah, opened in May 2009
2) admission quotas for minorities into national universities capped at 2% of student
Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi wabaro katuh..
Tun moga di izinkan..Terima kasih
[[Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad]]
Terima kasih banyak Tuan kerana indah kata-kata..Selama ini tulisan tuan menusuk jiwa kami rakyat melayu Malaysia..Kami mengesyaki banyak orang melayu yang menyokong kerajaan Lim Kuan Yew ‘barua’,talibarut dan pencacai kerajaan LKY.Saya menghargai ‘pledge’ tuan untuk berbeza pendapat tetapi bersetuju menyelar ( termasuk Lim Kuan Yew ) sebarang ‘irregularities’ di dalam pentadbiran kedua-kedua negara..Terima kasih..
Many thanks for your kind advice..Zaq25 tu sakit..So we must steadfast in our commitment in prescribing good medicine for him..
In this case Dakwah..
He took offense in my comment despite many hounding for his blood..This meant something..I have to hurt him more than other blogger’s..he..he..
Prof_R..I need your helps in containing the Anti Hadith element..please help..
Dear zaq25..Oh dear..One must do research before engaging in one foes or adversary..Anyway..I will be kind and refresh my stature..
I was referring to Batiston for issue of gratitude.Italy helps me in avenging Batiston..I am forever indebted to Italy for this..
( World Cup 1982)..So..Tun helps me sooth my anger towards Israeli by voicing out against them..Hence..I planned more carefully my moves against them because Tun helps me appeased my wrath and anger..For this..I am forever indebted to Tun Dr Mahathir..
And along comes a Joker named zaq25..He does not know manner..I would like to classify him under the Code V Mental and Behavioural Disorder in International Classification Of Diseases..World Health Organisation Convention..
But..actually he throws tantrum for reason..Like Anti Hadith bunch of community..maybe they have been duped in their thought and action..So..I must tries to salvages them..
Don’t feed the troll..That was the good Prof sound advice..but I beg to differ..
Killing a rabid dog is easy..But salvaging the poor dog,crows,raven and Jackal is profound..because..
They are minion for larger menace at their back..The drone..The stooge and the lackeys..
Pity them..if all truly beyond salvation..there is rollback point to excise the neoplasm..Until and not before..one must tries to salvages..It is easy to potong..poor Humpty Dumpty..before he fell to smithereen..
*Tie Zhong my buddy is wajatimur..he is from the east
*Ibnu Othman myself is wajaperak..I am from Perak…:)
Why double?..That is what Robin Hood needs to show his archery prowess..
You split the first arrow at bulleyes with second one which split it in the middle of the bulleyes…:)
For whom the bell tolls??
Berbanyak terima kasih Tun..
Assallammualaikum warahmatullah hi wabarokatuh..
Dengan keizinan Tun..Terima kasih..
[[>> Wearing of hijab.
Even among Muslims, there is difference of opinion on whether this is a religious requirement. I don
Salam Tun,
The reason many in Singapore are unhappy with Tun and miss no opportunity to run him down is simple: Tun had succeeded in making Malaysia a potentially successful competitor vis-a-vis the economic position of Singapore in these parts.
To put it simply, Singapore, with no hinterland, depends on trade. To trade, it needs a good port (and the Port of Singapore is a very good one) and for that port to be dominant along the traditional shipping route through the Straits of Melaka. It also needs a world-class airport to act as a transport hub. I believe the current parlance is “connectivity.”
Now, Malaysia has built or upgraded several ports in Selangor and Johore capable of competing for that trade. It has also built a world-class airport to compete for air travellers. It started a financial centre in Labuan also to compete for some of Singapore’s financial business. It started the MSC to leapfrog the economy into a knowledge-based economy; otherwise Malaysia would be stuck with an economy highly dependent on manufacturing, commodities and oil.
To an observer like me, LKY and Tun, the prime movers of the two countries’ development, are two very similar individuals. Both have vision, an authoritarian streak and a certain ruthlessness about them [these latter two qualities are not necessarily bad]. They don’t see eye to eye most times because they know each other well and each can read the other’s moves without having to articulate the reason why. It’s as if they’re playing chess with each other when it comes to Malaysia-Singapore relations.
Malaysia’s moves, if successful, will undermine Singapore’s pre-eminent position as the place to conduct trade in this region. Malaysia can threaten Singapore’s position in the world of trade and services and for that reason Singapore will never let its guard down when it comes to Malaysia. Don’t forget, Malaysia is also a trading nation.
Malaysians need to stop looking at Singapore through the eyeglass of history and see it as if Singapore is a little brother. We share some common history, yes, but that is water under the (crooked) bridge. Stop comparing ourselves with Singapore. It is no longer part of our historical narrative — it’s been independent for 50 years, for goodness’ sake. Get rid of the historical baggage. Treat it as if it’s Australia, New Zealand or Hong Kong, only just a bit closer, which is the proper way to look at it. That way much of the angst will disappear and we will understand why Singapore, mainly due to its geographical location, acts the way it does towards Malaysia. That will also get rid of the “it’s OK, we grew up together, we’re related, we’re friends, we’re family” mentality among Malaysians towards Singapore. Singapore is a developed country; it is it’s own country; it looks after its own interest; it doesn’t owe us anything. We are just another country in the neighbourhood that is also trying to get its proper place in the sun and in the process necessarily become its competitor.
I say again, Singapore is miles ahead of Malaysia but that doesn’t mean that that is going to stop us from becoming a developed country. We sometimes can’t choose our neighbours but let’s not allow that to get in the way of our own progress.
Dear Tun,
Negara kita macam telah ditimpa bala’ wabak penyakit ‘buruk sangka dan fitnah menfitnah’. Sesuatu yang dibuat oleh pemimpin/ketua negara dianggap ada udang sebalik mee/batu. Buat macam ini dikatakan nak masuk poket sendiri atau untuk kepentingan sendiri, kroni,jadi buat baik macam mana pun ada orang akan mengata itu niat jahat. Tambah dengan kemudahan penyebaran maklumat melalui internet, sebaran fitnah akan berluasa.
Pada pemilihan raya akan datang kalau keadaan wabak ini masih berluasa siapa yg berjaya pengaruhi rakyat dengan fitnah menfitnah akan berjaya agaknya.
Oleh itu wahai pemimpin2 Islam kembalilah kepada ajaran Islam hentikan sikap buruk sangka. Bagi yang bukan Islam rujuklah kepada agama masing2.
Manusia tidak lari daripada membuat kesalahan , kembalilah kepangkal jalan. Yang suka membuat tuduhan takutlah kepada balasan Allah. Marilah kita berfikir yang baik untuk kemajuan negara. Pada masa ini BN sedang memegang tampuk kerajaan berilah peluang dan bantu mereka untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab. Wujudkan mentaliti class pertama. Pada masa akan datang jika ada pimpinan baru begitu juga seharusnya. Janganlah kita menghancurkan negara dengan wabak penyakit ‘buruk sangka’.
Untuk renungan bersama.
Assalamualaikum YBHG Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir serta Bonda Tun Siti Asmah,
Tertarik anakanda menulis ini setelah terbaca komen yang celupar dan tak mengenang budi dari makhluk Allah yang bernama manusia ini. Anakanda harap Ayahanda dan Bonda bersabar dengan apa yang telah ditulis oleh anak manusia tersebut. Biarlah Allah menentukan nasib dia…
Wahai ZAQ25,
Bersyukurlah kamu kerana masih hidup lagi dengan ketentuan Allah, itupun jika kamu adalah seorang muslim..
Seorang yang ada ugama tidak kira apa pun anutannya pasti akan ada pegangan asasnya, tapi sayang sekali bukan kamu ZAQ25…
Sedap ajer engkau melancapkan mulut engkau dengan membabitkan Bonda yang sepatutnya engkau tidak sentuh hal sebegitu….Kenapa engkau tiada ibu ker????….atau engkau ini memang anak dot dot dot…….Sebab itu engkau bersikap demikian.
Dalam blog ini kita membincangkan secara terbuka dan berkongsi pandangan secara profesional jangan babitkan peribadi Ayahanda dan Bondaku. Kalau engkau nak mempersoalkan politik pergilah ke arena politik yang betul, kalau engkau sekadar pandai cakap tak payahlah menyemakkan ruangan ini, kami tak perlukan orang macam engkau, rakyat nak tengok apa yang engkau dah laksanakan, atau apakah kayu ukur kejayaan dan pencapaian negara sepanjang perkhidmatan engkau dan apakah sumbangan engkau pada bangsa Malaysia dan negara tercinta ini?…. Rakyat bukan nak dengar sembang kosong engkau atau komen engkau yang menceceh tak tentu hala, dan rakyat bukan nak tengok betapa senang dan kayanya engkau atau kroni-kroni kau sebagai ukuran sedangkan rakyat mundur, mampukah engkau melaksanakan semuanya ini ??????? …. Kalau sekadar pandai nak cakap ajer eloklah engkau pergi daftar kan diri tu kat Hospital Sakit Jiwa kan senang tak menyusahkan orang. Pergilah engkau kesana… cakaplah puas-puas kat dinding tu ….kan tak buat dosa. Hee hee hee hee….
Kalau dari apa yang engkau komen tu nampak sangat kau ni gila glamour, balik-balik Britney Spears yang engkau sanjung…. sanjung kerana dia selalu tak senonoh macam engkau ZAQ25.. Adakah itu satu contoh yang baik?…Kalaulah pilihan engkau kepada orang-orang yang sebegitu sudah pasti dah lama kau jual kehormatan negara ini …. nampak sangat engkau ni budak-budak.. kesat dulu lah hingus tu.. masih hijau lagi… hidung tak mancung pipi tersorong-sorong…. wahhh macam Karam Singh Walia pulak…Hik3.
Dari cara kau beri komen, tak matang langsung. Kalau dah pandai sangat kenapa bukan engkau ajer yang di pilih menjadi Perdana Menteri? Pastu biarlah rakyat pula yang menghakimi engkau… masa tu barulah engkau tergaru-garu kepala nak menjawab… tambahan pula kalau engkau yang kuat seleweng, rasuah dan segalanya, mampukah engkau melaksanakan sepertimana yang telah Ayahanda Tun lakukan dahulu dan memberikan hasil kejayaan yang kita kecapi sekarang termasuklah engkau kecapi ini???…. Kalau kaki saiz 7 tak usah lah berangan nak pakai kasut saiz sepuloh…. Kan…Kan…. apa lah punya singkat otak
Jangan engkau pandang ringan dengan tanggungjawab yang satu ketika dulu di tanggung oleh ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir. 22 tahun pemerintahan beliau lah kita sekarang mengecap hasilnya walaupun belum sepenuhnya tapi ia amat bermakna dan memberikan kesan yang terbaik kepada ekonomi dan martabat bangsa Malaysia. Kita menempuh era tamadun yang mana negara maju sendiri tidak menjangkakan anjakan paradigma ini.
Bukalah mata mu luas-luas wahai anak bangsa
janganlah kita mementingkan diri dengan apa yang terjadi
Tegakkan benteng jati diri kita
Kenanglah jasa mereka yang terdahulu
Tanpa mereka tiadalah kita
tanpa mereka
Siapalah kita sekarang
Maafkan anakanda wahai Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir dan Bonda Tun Siti Asmah, anakanda tak bermaksud berbahasa keras sebegini namun melihat keceluparan dan kesombongan ini maka terpanggillah anakanda mencalitkan sikit kesedaran kepada ZAQ25.
Ikhlas dari Anakanda yang satu ketika dahulu pernah berkhidmat untuk Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda di Langkawi
Siapa Barry Wain yang cuba untuk mengatakan bahawa sepanjang pemerintahan TDM negara telah kerugian sebanyak RM100 billion? Kalaulah benar apa yang dikatakan sudah pastilah malaysia sepanjang tempoh tersebut mengalami kemelesetan ekonomi sejak dari awal lagi sebelum 1997.Tapi kenapa sewaktu dunia mengalami kemelesetan ekonomi pada 1997 ekonomi malaysia tidak begitu teruk terjejas jika dibandingkan dgn negara2 lain dan rakyat malaysia walau pun terasa kesannya tapi hidup tidak begitu terhimpit malah masih mampu meneruskan kehidupan tanpa perlu merusuh dan berdemonstrasi dijalanan mengulingkan kerajaan akibat kedaifan dan kebuluran.Semua ini adalah atas kebijaksaan pemimpin pada ketika itu yang bijak mengawal keadaan dan negara masih mempunyai dana kewangannya sendiri untuk menjana ekonomi tanpa perlu bantuan IMF.
Darimana Mat Salleh ni dapat maklumat tu, ada orang dalam kah yg bagi kat dia ke? Tolong lah.. U tak payah jauh2 menyusahkan diri menulis mencari publisiti murahan biar kami sebagai rakyat malaysia yang menilai TDM tentang pencapaiannya selama 22thn tu.
Kalau lah TDM nak kondemkan Malaysia ni sepanjang pemerintahannya, orang luar tak payah susah2 nak inform, dah lama kami tendang jatuh TDM ni. Rakyat malaysia bukannya begitu bodoh dan tidak tahu menilai pemimpin mereka sehinga perlu diberitahu oleh orang luar.Itu semua dah kami buat pun terhadap pengganti beliau dalam PRU12 yg lepas tak payah tunggu untuk PRU yang akan datang.Jadi jangan cuba nak menanamkan perasaan benci membuta tuli ke dalam hati kami terhadap pemimpin yang banyak berbudi terhadap rakyatnya kerana budaya tidak berterima kasih dan tidak tahu mengenang budi itu bukan budaya kami orang melayu.
Nampaknya ramai juga terpengaruh dan bersetuju dengan mamat ni tak kira melayu, cina, india dan lain2 walau pun mereka nampak sendiri pencapaian negara sepanjang 22thn TDM mentadbir negara. Adakah jambatan P.Pinang,Puterajaya,Menara Kembar Petronas,LRT,LTA,Litar Sepang,Universiti2 Sabah dan Sarawak,lebuh2 raya dan banyak lagi projek yang dibangunkan (tidak termasuk yang dibatalkan oleh penggantinya) untuk kemajuan negara dan manfaatnya dinikmati oleh semua golongan masyarakat adalah satu pembaziran?.
Kepada rakyat malaysia terutamanya orang melayu walau pun ada segelintir dari kamu bencikan TDM,janganlah pula menutup mata dan hati serta menafikan jasa dan sumbangan beliau didalam pembangunan negara serta memertabatkan bangsa dan agama.Menikmati segala apa yang disumbangkan oleh beliau tetapi pada masa yang sama membenci dan menghina beliau kerana fahaman politik yang berbeza adalah sangat tidak adil.Kalau beberapa bulan yang lepas, berita mengenai parti pemerintah tertua jepun yang tewas kepada pembangkang amat mengejutkan.Senario ini membuktikan rakyat jepun cuba mengubah haluan kerana mahukan perubahan dek tepikat dengan janji2 manis pembangkang yang kini parti pemerintah sewaktu pilihanraya. Tetapi kenapa belum pun sampai setahun,cuma beberapa bulan sokongan dan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap pemerintah sudah merosot???? Fikirkan lah…….Bukan senang nak jadi orang no.1 negara.
I would like to emphasize what mr. samreez have said above about the non malays who are living/studying overseas bad mouthing about malaysia, malays and everything else bad about malaysia. 90% of the non malays usually talk bad about ‘their’ countries. 90% of scholarship non malays have intentions of migrating and working outside malaysia once they complete their studies with TAX PAYERS MONEY.
I am studying abroad myself and trust me. Its the truth. What shock me is when one of the lecturers in my university questioned about the special privileges of the malay and things like how come only malay can be the prime minister. WTF???!! Well i asked him back, will it possible if i migrate in your country and my grandchilren will be your next prime minister? Which of course he replied, Oh not in the world.
Worse, the international students from the rest of the world too kept on asking (and not in a good curiosity way), more like “is it true that you malays are oppressing and other questions which imply as if the malaysian government is being unfair and such”. So where does this ‘curiosity’ comes from? Somebody must have been bad mouthing about the Malays and Malaysia. They gave details about Malaysia. Only the bad ones (mainly about malays and the government administered by malays). No matter how educated they are, I can guarantee 90% of them are ungrateful bunch of anti-government type.
Kepada orang Melayu di Malaysia. Bila kamu menjadi minoriti, baru kamu tahu langit itu tinggi atau rendah. JANGAN HARAP KAUM LAIN AKAN MEMBANTU ANDA!. Sangat berbeza layanan mereka kepada orang melayu jika kamu minoriti berbanding dengan layanan kamu kepada mereka jika mereka kaum minoriti. Bukalah mata anda!. Jangan jadi bodoh.
Saya juga tetarik dgn tulisan Tun tentang Komoditi timah. Jika tidak keberatan sila terangkan lebih lanjut.Ramai juga ingin tahu.
Saya telah lama ingin berkhidmat dgn pentadbiran Tun sejak tamat belajar, namun setelah Tun retired niat utk memasuki kerajaan juga terkubur. Dulu fanatik nak jadi PTD tapi rupanya byk yg tin kosong dari yg penuh. Jika boleh berkhidmat di bawah organisasi Tun, harap2 di iklankan. Dari jadi baruah batu tongkol lebih baik jadi pengikut Tun. Takde gaji pun masih sanggup.
Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat bahagia. Minta izin memberi pandangan pada sebuah kiriman….
………PANDANGAN pada kiriman ‘promelayu’ on December 24, 2009 1:47 PM
This is not to glorify or defend S’pore, but to point the fallacy of comparison to M’sia. Kalau biji mata terbuka krn nasib minoriti S’pura, fikir sikit nasib sama di M’sia.
>> University admission quotas cap of 2%.
This fig is suspicious. Even a 10% minority enrolment will not worry any majority govt.
Anyway bright students are in demand in other countries (M’sia, Indon included). Just as M’sia ‘lost’ bright students to S’pore, S’pore also ‘loses’ bright students to M’sia (writer’s case). There are ways to get education, learn from M’sian minorities experience!
>> Barred from military.
The situation is same for others in M’sia. Malays are only 500K in S’pore, other races are 10mil in M’sia. Is it harder to find soldiers among 10mil? If 500K can cry for places, what about 10mil?
>> Wearing of hijab.
Even among Muslims, there is difference of opinion on whether this is a religious requirement. I don
Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
Maaf,Tun,mmm….saya rasalah seperti ada komenter di sini yang ‘sakit jiwa’.Mungkin dia ni tak sangka melihat sokongan terhadap Tun .Maafkan saya terlari tajuk.Kami menyokong Tun,bukan membuta tuli,tetapi kami adalah rakyat bersyukur yang merasai kemakmuran di bawah pemerintahan Tun.Saya mendoakan Tun sentiasa dirahmati Allah.Terima Kasih,Tun.
Mahathir has proposed that Abdullah should be scrutinised for corruption as well. Why only Abdullah? In fact, why focus only on the prime ministers?
I’m interested in this matter cos I’m very curious to find out the extent to which Malaysians have been cheated. But scrutinizing Mahathir (and Abdullah) only is not even scratching the tip of the iceberg.
We all lament about how corrupted the system is in Malaysia. Yet we seem to tolerate the corruption, probably because we do not realise just how bad the situation really is.
However, if we’re able to estimate how much we’ve been ripped off and are still being ripped off in terms of ringgit and sens, the shock might motivate Malaysians to demand some basic decency from the government!
Dear zaq25
You wrote
You were actually PM for only 20 years, not 22.
You went to London on average 4 to 5 time (even more!) a year during and more so after your tenure, each time for at least a week or more. (more or less-lah, right?)
That makes it about a month per year, just in London. Not to mention your other official and unofficial trips abroad.
1 month in London per year X 22 years = 22months in London
Singapore is a First World Country, Malaysia is Third World Country.
Don’t compare the mentality of Melayu Replublik with Melayu Rempit in Malaysia.
give support to Tun to sue Barry Wain over defamation!!!
Go Tun M.Stand for your rights!
You should now be more alert over media (local/abroad) and be aware ‘Free Mason’ attack against you.. keep on revealing the agenda of Free Mason to make sure malaysian muslim especially not easily being blind folded,
so many of malaysian muslims are being blindfolded still even they come from educated background and not good enough still to differentiate between a diamond and a glass
on another note go ahead and sue around for those who make excessive and defamation remarks against you..
Dear SG Author Profile Page on December 25, 2009 9:37 PM
You wrote…
There are 69 mosques in Singapore, not 36. Smaller mosques have been combined to form larger ones. The latest mosque built is the Masjid Al-Mawaddah, opened in May 2009
With smaller land scale indeed… So clever…
You wrote
There are no ethnic quotas for education at all levels in Singapore.
Pity Malay… not even one place for them..
You wrote
Malays serve bravely in all areas of the Singapore Armed Forces. Past prejudices are slowly dying off. We just appointed our first Malay Army General.
After years of complaining.. by Malaysian.. Thank you Malaysia
You wrote .. on hijab..
I do not have any information on this
5) refusal to allow Muslim school children to wear hijab in school;
This is true.
6) demolition of Singapore
well maybe all sorts of mega projects waste of money in the first place.let us ponder
1.can i ask a question who profit most over, buying, holding and selling luxurious properties most from property investment along KLCC.so as to other areas esp in Penang.who holds most properties,supermarkets at strategic locations.should we have royal inquiry?
2.why whenever mega projects are build people are using them and in fact queuing long to book properties nearby one;thrash them just instead.should we have royal inquiry?
3.how many people did actually profiting,receiving consistent dividends over share and equity ownership of firm with mega projects understandably flow hotly into our country.should we have royal inquiry?
4.no people mention how much they have directly and indirectly benefited from mega projects on cements supply,procurement,machinery,steels,foundry,glasses,tiles,ceramics,
5.on the other hand, water issues supply to our neighbor at dirt cheap rate.DAP fails to highlight asking government to increase national revenue.should we have royal inquiry?
6.how much sands had been supplied outside.should we have a royal inquiry
7.for as long ultra kiasu mentality are still in existence no matter how we developed the ‘hati busuk mulut manis’ would hamper any effort of achieving pure unity.
8.Majority people never ask how many temples are build yet when Masjid are built so many people open the eyes.
9.How Tunku Abdul Rahman could let go a state that once used to belong to Malaya gone. Royal inquiry must be strictly done here.
hmm..maybe one day royal inquiry will be made against Monarch itself by certain ultra kiasu group of people..
maybe kiasu people would learn better by watching The 2012.
i wish you to recommend all of you to read
where much more things can be visibly and invisibly seen and be thought
Ni semua game KJ u pekena Tun jer….
There seems to be a dangerous trend a foot these days. It is a trend to embrace shallow liberalism. I am not against the liberalization of man within the context of our cultural and religious traditions. What I speak of is shallow liberal values.
We now live in an age where it is fashionable to condemn any and every act of the sitting government irrespective of merit. It is fashionable to by cynical of important national initiatives. It is in vogue on the other hand to support demonstrators who seek to disrupt legitmate development on the pretext that such an effort would save a snail or ant which apparently has a great contribution to make to flora and fauna.
Tun the issues that you are facing in this perverse book is an example of this. In 1983 as a child who passed the Dayabumi site daily to school I witnessed the first modern construction site in Malaysia. Japanese contractors using a steel frame where building a modern building with modern construction techniques. Construction workers were all in uniform. They would exercise before work and have a morning assembly. This was a signal of what this country could do. Since then the path to progress has been unrelenting
Buat semua Muslimim, zaq25 dan Melayu Singapura
Lembut Gigi Daripada Lidah
Tulisan Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
Bekas Mufti Perlis
Disiarkan pada Jul 12, 2009 dalam kategori Politik Drmaza.com
Beberapa hari lepas saya menerima sms seawal 3 pagi daripada seorang artis terkenal negara. Barangkali beliau tidak menyemak waktu di UK semasa menghantar sms berkenaan. Cuma di UK ketika ini siangnya memang awal. Waktu solat Subuh pun masuk seawal 3 pagi. Kali ini mesej artis ini agak keras, meminta saya menggesa orang politik supaya membantah Kerajaan China mengenai pergeseran etnik yang membawa pembunuhan beramai-ramai umat di Wilayah Urumqi. Ribuan lain yang ditangkap.
Saya yang belum sempat membeli akhbar dan mendengar BBC hari berkenaan hanya dapat mengagak berita yang dimaksudkan. Saya menghantar ucapan terima kasih atas semangatnya yang bagi saya lebih baik daripada sebahagian orang politik dan orang Islam yang lain yang langsung tidak mengambil pusing apa yang berlaku kepada saudara muslimnya. Di sebalik watak seramnya, atau
Dear Tun,
Malaysia has enjoy its peace and stable over the last 50 years. Main factors : UNITED.
Now many of the party take that for granted. BN and PR makes no different. They try to be hero and keep on raise sensitive issue without respect to other people, care for other people. Some of leader dare to say some stupid statement just to pleased some people but in the end make majority people sad and angry.
The biggest problem now is that UMNO still dont know their weakness and problem. BN still think they cannot be defeated.
DSAI and PR are very happy with this development cause they have a great chance to step in Putra Jaya.
Pity our PM, he alone cannot undo what is wrong in less than 2 years. He got a lot of good idea and plan for us, but it seem now most of his member are talk only and did not do much.
Just hope god can blessed us and wake up those sleeping leader so they can go down and work.
I cant immagine what would happen if BN lost. We might experience some unstable, that would take another 50 years to restore.
Just look at PR de facto leader. Look at the history and all he done during the time when he in power. Can you trust such a person?
Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
Terima kasih jua kepada Tun jika sekalipun RM 100 bilion itu benar.
1.Sepanjang 22 tahun Tun telah memacu kejayaan ekonomi negara Malaysia yang tercinta ini dan juga mengekalkan kemerdekaan disamping mengisi kemerdekaan yang kita kecapi sejak 1957 dengan menjadikan kami rakyat Malaysia lebih bersatu padu setaraf dan dihormati oleh negara2 lain.Itu sahaja tidak ternilai dengan RM 100 billion.
2.RM 100 bilion didalam 22 tahun ataupun RM 4.5 billion setahun hanya ciput jika dibandingkan dengan dengan nyawa yang terkorban akibat perang didalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan dari penjajah sejak 1511 lagi.
3.Kenapa si laknat Barry Wain itu hanya berani menulis buku yang menceritakan kerugian RM 100 billion walaupun ia dengan secara logikal boleh disanggah dengan berbagai2 kejayaan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang yang Tun telah lakukan kepada rakyat Malaysia.
4. Si laknat Barry Wain kalau berani ceritalah tentang berapa Malaysia telah rugi akibat penjajahan bangsa Eropah kepada negara kita.Kiralah berapa billion atau mungkin trillion ringgit dah mereka sapu dari hasil bumi kita dan juga membunuh rakyat yang tidak berdosa dan pejuang2 kemerdekaan kita.
5. Lim Kit Siang tidak pernah merasakan penderitaan ini kerana dia bukan orang Melayu dan tidak ada berdarah daging Melayu.
6. Sudah hampir 500 tahun berlalu namun fakta sejarah ini kekal diminda dan sanubari setiap bangsa Melayu dan akan kekal untuk generasi mendatang.
7. Sememangnya orang2 sebegini yang iri hati dengan Tun kerana sudah bermacam-macam cara mereka cuba memerangkap Tun tetapi mereka tidak menyangka bahawa kuasa Allah SWT telah menganugerahkan Malaysia dengan seorang pemimpin yang bernama Mahathir Mohamad yang rajin bekerja, membaca dan genius disamping mempunyai pendirian dan intergriti yang tinggi.
8. Mereka menyangka semua orang Melayu tidak tetap pendirian dan mudah diberi rasuah dan pemerintahan Melayu akan musnah kembali seperti 500 tahun dahulu.
9. Wahai bangsaku , bangunlah dan sedarlah akan dakyah2 mereka ini. Tiada tujuan lain mereka ini hanya untuk menjatuhkan kepimpinan Melayu dan kemudian secara licik akan menjamah dengan rakusnya hasil bumi kita dan menindas bangsa kita seperti apa yang terjadi di Singapura dan tak lama lagi Pulau Pinang.
10.Walapun pemimpin PKR atau PAS yang mereka kata akan menjadi Perdana Menteri jikalau Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Malaysia, ini cuma untuk sementara sahaja kerana mereka dah aturkan hanya yang Melayu yang memang senang dipengaruhi akan mereka lobi2kan dan selepas itu mereka akan menyucukkan jarum mereka peringkat demi peringkat kedalam minda rakyat Malaysia terutama bangsa Melayu.
11.Waspadalah..Semoga kita selalu beringat dan pesan2lah kepada anak cucu kita tentang rancangan jahat mereka2 ini.
12. Ya Allah.. selamatkanlah negara ku ini dari niat jahat orang2 yang ingin merosakkan dan menjajah kembali negara Malaysia ini. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Berani komen negatif….. kena ada telur untuk letak nama sendiri laa. jangan cakap je
Salam Sejahtera kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
Siapa ni barry wain.
Hairan lah Tun kenapa si barry ni sibuk pasal Tun.
apasal tak nak tulis tentang lee kuan yew.Macam macam dia boleh tulis tentang Singapura.
Contoh bagai mana ceo temasek holding yang baru meletak jawatan hanya beberapa bulan mengambil alih.
Bagai mana temasek kerugian berbillion dollar.
Tun jangan khuatir, Tun tak keseorangan we will support you count on us.
Tun may God Bless U hingga ke akhir hayat.
There you have it. The recent PMR results showed that the top scoring students are Malays and the top scoring state is Terengganu, again a Malay majority state where the populace are largely rural with no opportunity for after school tuitions. This indicates that Malays are brilliant and will genuinely succeed in the real world. The Star and other Chinese owned newspapers did not report this to hide this facts.
Government scholarships must go to the Malays who are clearly intelligent but lacking in finance for their education. Others who are already filthy rich can finance your own education who can even afford to attend college on the moon..
Salam Tun,
I wrote previously about the reasons of my migration to Malaysia and the endless discriminatory policies I faced as a Malay living in Singapore. The myth on Singapore
Dengan izin Tun,
Don’t feed the trolls
Zaq25 is a troll and a clumsy one at that. Don’t waste your precious time. Just ignore him. Many people do.
Cheers, wa salaam.
assalamualaikum buat Tun berdua,
Sedikit isu utk perhatian:
1. Tun, failkan saman fitnah mulai dari buku malaysian maverick tu dan selepasnya. Kalah – kami rakyat marhain sedia kutip derma utk bayar. Tak perlu takut
2. Pendaftaran pengundi baru tengah berlangsung. DAP dalam usaha masukkan pengundi baru ke sebelah Pulau. Pembangkang akan sapu bersih dalam PRU 13. Malek Kassim Batu Maung pengkhianat bangsa jika melayu hilang dari pulau. Permatang Tepi Laut telah hilang tanah untuk penempatan baru, satu usaha terancang utk pecahkan undi melayu.
3. RPK si kitol ada di sekitar sini, tak ke mana2. Berita lokasi Australia dan London propaganda untuk alih perhatian ke tempat lain.
4. Blog gomalaysia RPK sikitol penanda bahaya besar menanti bangsa melayu, hilang Raja-raja melayu seawal2 dua generasi lagi- selepas gen-Z mungkin.
5. Sedarlah! Insaflah! Bertindak segera sebalum merempat di tanahair sendiri.
Semoga Tun terus tunjukkan kami jalan. Wassalam
Alas Doctor, its just not Barry Wain, appended below is another writing :
Malaysians as a whole will not be surprised to read that nearly RM100 billion has been washed down the drain during the fourth prime minister’s 22 years of iron-clad rule of this country. Well, I suppose if you cripple the judiciary as well as compromise the police force and the ACA and put pliant people to head government departments, there won’t be any check-and-balance to check public spending abuses.
That colossal figure which was siphoned by his cronies and other political elites during his time in office does not include his fellow underlings in the federal as well as the state levels who also follow their boss’s way to enrich themselves by dubious means.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad was lucky as during his time, Petronas – who was given the mandate to manage the country’s oil and gas revenues – had to report to the Prime Minister’s Department. The premier then used the revenue from the state oil company to build grand projects which were overpriced.
He then awarded these projects to companies – which were proxies for various politicians – as a way to win alliances and maintain his hold on office.
‘The longest and the biggest’ was the main mantra during his long rule in order to impress other foreign leaders that our country was a well-developed country when compared to other First World nations.
But the major developments only involved Putrajaya, a new airport and a Formula I race track while in the rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak, piped water, electricity for the poor people, good roads and other amenities are still lacking.
Malaysia, like other Muslim countries, has been blessed with ‘black gold’ by the Almighty but we have failed to use the money derived from oil and gas for the benefit of all citizens. It has instead been hijacked by the ruling elites for their own personal use. Even in Indonesia, their own giant oil company. Pertamina, had gone bankrupt during Suharto’s long rule after top officials of the company abused their power for personal gain.
Petronas, which is a cash cow for this country, cannot continue to depend on its oil and gas revenues to finance the Treasury like before as our natural resources are not renewable and there will come a time when oil and gas runs out of steam in this country.
Even the World Bank had cautioued us on depending too much on oil and gas to fund development projects rather than find new sources of revenue to be used for government spending.
The list of scandals during the fourth prime minister’s time in office is too long to be listed down but suffice to say Bank Bumiputera’s losses in Hong Kong in 1981 which ran into billions as well as Perwaja Steel’s loss-making projects which caused nearly 10 billion to be washed down the drain are just the tip of the iceberg.
Yes, there were a lot of people close to Mahathir who became billionaires when big ticket projects were awarded to their companies. But it was at the taxpayers’ expenses and it was they who had to bear the burden of paying through their noses for overpriced projects which were not completed on time were of inferior quality.
Needless to say, the RM100 billion lost during the fourth prime minister’s time happened because the institutions which should have acted as a check-and-balance on executive excesses failed to do their duty under the constitutions.
And corruption and abuse of power by the high and mighty seems to be getting worse under the new regime as the present leaders have learned the tricks of lying and thieving from the old masters.
What legacy will Mahathir leave for this country? One of a well-developed country or one of lost opportunities?
Lost opportunities to become a first-class nation where public funds are used prudently for the betterment of the populace as a whole and the separation of powers between the executive, parliament and judiciary are clearly defined and sacrosanct. The jury is still out there….. Hamdan Ibrahim
Salam Tun.. sorry to interupt u again and again..:)
but this is for Tunchin..
dear Tunchin,
i agree with u walaupun saya melayu.. im sorry untuk apa yang Rahim katakan.. memang betul yang u cakap semuanya bergantung dengan usaha.. tetapi saya pasti Rahim tujukan hanya kepada segelintir orang cina terutamanya ahli-ahli pembangkang cina..
saya seorang remaja 21 tahun yang mengharapkan agar kita tidak berselisihan faham diantara satu sama lain.. 1 malaysia, saya pasti Rahim and u pun setuju dengan konsep ini..
saya minta maaf sekali lagi kepada Tunchin bagi pihak Rahim..
p/s-u punya BM pun bagus la.. u are pure Malaysian!:)
Dear Tun Dr.M
I have worked in Singapore 1977~1979 and have walked the Tebrau Causeway, a few times then, to JB & back. Since then, I have only been there on transit to & from Japan, but each time when I was there, I felt as though, something in me is missing and it is bigger than Batu Putih. I told my sons that Singapura use to be in Malaysia, and how I wish someday, it will return. Maybe when the sea level rise.
Almost all the Chinese, that I know, are eager to visit Singapore. Even my son, who attend SRJKC, have been to Singapore with his Chinese friends for 3 days, on a trip organised by the school, of-course.
How I wish, we as a sovereign country could be truly honest with each other.
Barry Wain intention of writting the book is best described by Gopal Raj Kumar’s blog.
Long Live Tun Dr.Mahathir
I credit MAMZ bolgs on 24dec
It is true,important,need to be read by all.
It does strengthen my thoughts of UMNO and PAS
should be united as one or united as two.
Compromising takes patient and understanding.
A teaching of Islam,why should we be against.
Leaders,followers of both should make an effort to be nice to each
other rather than tense each other.
After all smiles takes less effort than grim.
Insyallah it pays for all.
I credit MAMZ bolgs on 24dec
It is true,important,need to be read by all.
It does strengthen my thoughts of UMNO and PAS
should be united as one or united as two.
Compromising takes patient and understanding.
A teaching of Islam,why should we be against.
Leaders,followers of both should make an effort to be nice to each
other rather than tense each other.
After all smiles takes less effort than grim.
Insyallah it pays for all.
Asalamualaikum Tun and bloggers,
Barry Wain, to be honest, I don’t know this guy. Maybe he’s some hero in the journalism industry. But I don’t blame him 100% either.
BN and UMNO are so weak due to corruptions, misuse of power and misuse of resources; that a small “mosquito” the likes of Mr. Wain can inflict so much damage to the nation’s reputation. In this case yours (Tun). Imagine a full-fledge attack was done by a better and well-profound 1st class journalist? The results would be more disastrous.
Some bloggers in here (such as Mr. rahim) used the term “berterima kasih kepada kerajaan…” which I found quite “skema”, “boring” and above all “ignorant”. What kind of “terima kasih” the author was referring too; thank you for the expensive low quality local car industry which barely “break even” for the past 25 years? The only thanks the Ultra UMNO government should have is “thank you my foot”.
To be honest with you Tun, all the signs are showing that the “rakyat” is greatly NOT in favour with the government; its policies and its performance. It is strongly believe that in the next grand election, BN will lose big. Really big. The 1000 year old UMNO-Reich (as ala German Nazi’s SS Party) you’ve always dreamt of will not go more than 2012.
Insyallah! A new world will be created from the ashes of 2012 general election! Malaysians from all walks of life will use its voting power to outcast the evil people within our country’s leadership.
May Allah save this country!
Dear Tun,
i’ve seen a documentary regarding the history of singapore (not sure discovery channel or history channel) and of course included in this documentary the separation of singapore from Malaysia where it features lkw crying during the separation.
the scene where lkw was crying looks sincere but i’m not sure why he was crying and these are some of my assumption :-
i) he couldn’t bring along a bigger part of Malaysia with him (especially johor at least where reside batu pahat, his birth place) accept for singapore.
ii) he couldn’t bring lks (lim kit siang, if you don’t know what i means) along with him to singapore (this is the sacrifice he had to make because he is still pursuing his ambition as i’ve stated in ‘i)’ )
that’s it, that’s my humble assumption.
i’m not anti chinese or something like that, in fact i respect them because of their known hard working, discipline attitude (especially the main land chinese) and their respect to other people sovereignty. ( i don’t know if i’m mistaken but i never heard the china man ever plan to conquer any other country, taiwan is a different thing because taiwan is part of china).
but this international china man (like lkw , lks & etc) why are you doing this? what make you do this?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Good Day Tun,
wishing u a Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2010. throughout years, you lead Malaysia to a modernized and civilized country throughout years; even now, altho you’re no longger our beloved Prime Minister, but still you care for us. We should be very grateful and lucky to have a great leader like you. Thank you Tun. You Are a Legend.
AND sorry Tun, but I have to respond to bullock Rahim who left a post at December 24, 2009 9:28 PM… Please get GET YOUR FACTS CLEAR.
“By rahim Author on
3. Lim Kit Siang tidak sedar atau enggan memberi pengakuan bahawa negara kita Malaysia ini telah mencapai suatu tahap yang tinggi dikalangan negara membangun hasil dari kepimpinan Melayu. Orang Cina yang paling banyak dapat faidah dari kemakmuran negara. Lihat sahaja disekeliling kita siapa yang memiliki harta tanah dinegara ini. setiap pekan dan bandar semuanya mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat. Nilai harta tanah mereka telah naik berlipat kali ganda.
4. Siapa yang banyak memiliki rumah di Bangsar, Bukit Damansara atau Petaling Jaya. Kalau dulu rumah teres dua tingkat hanya RM 48,000 tetapi kini sudah sampai RM 1 juta. Siapa yang banyak memiliki rumah mewah disekitar KL ?. Mengapa tidak ada sadikit perasaan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kerajaan yang diterajui oleh orang Melayu dan ramai dikalangan pentadbirnya juga Melayu diatas segala kekayaan yang mereka nikmati selepas negara mencapai kemerdekaan.
5. Hasil dari kemakmuran negara ini membolehkan berpuloh ribu dikalangan orang Cina yang berpeluang belajar diluar negara dan ramai yang memilih untuk berkerja dan mendapat gaji yang lumayan diluar negara.
6. Siapakah yang bertanggong jawap mengwujudkan keadaan yang bagitu aman dalam negara ini membolehkan mereka hidup dengan bagitu aman dan damai. Lihat sahaja keadaan di bandar Gorge Town, Pulau Pinang. Berapa biji rumah mewah milik orang Melayu dan siapa yang bertanggong jawap mewujudkan sistem pentadbiran sehingga membolehkan Pulau Pinang menjadi bagitu maju.
7. Orang Melayu tidak ingin menuntut apa-apa dari kaum lain. Cuma kita mahu dengar perkataan terima kasih diatas apa yang dinikmati oleh mereka yang lupa akan nikmat yang mereka perolehi dari pengorbanan dan budi baik orang Melayu. Tidak mungkin orang bukan Melayu boleh menikmati kekayaan yang mereka perolehi sekiranya masyarakat pribumi tidak bertolak ansur dan memberikan kerjasama dalam negara.”
” end Quote
Salam Tun
Just want to ask “Tun is a Malaysian Nationalist or Malay Nationalist ? ” Which does the nation need today ? Where will Tun lead us into the future ? or maybe Tun prefer Malaysian maverick or Malay maverick ? What is you definition for all these labels??
Barry Wain should write about Singapore Airlines and how much Sing Air lost during in the last few months.
Business is business. We gain some, we lose some. Tun, I suggest you list dowm all the ‘untung’ you made for the government under your leadership. And of course how that ‘untung’ was chanelled to other projects.
Dear Ayahanda Tun,
The Star Online….
//Published: Saturday December 26, 2009 MYT 9:46:00 AM
Updated: Saturday December 26, 2009 MYT 11:12:29 AM
10 killed, 2 injured in accident in Ipoh Saturday
NO REPORTER NAME means The Star Group Lah….. (40% Huaren / MCA), 60% minor share holders)
IPOH: Ten passengers died while two were injured, one seriously, after a double-decker Sani Express coach skidded and hit a road divider at KM272.8 North-South Highway heading north eight kilometres from the Ipoh Selatan toll plaza at 1 am Saturday.//
“Allah”……… lebih sayang kepada mereka kerana “Allah” ingin menunjukkan satu arah kepada insan yang berada di bumi”…. I never study “Islamic Teachings”…., but I understand because of my background in Psychology, and I believe that Ayahanda Tun’s cucu (1/2 muslim, 1/2 chinese) may be our future PM….for the 3rd Generation, and I believe our destiny is planned by God which we can never run away from it………
This news is to inform MCA members that the location for NE is(or may be) in the border of Perak near Pahang (kampung Liow TL and Robert Phang) from chedet’s 259 & 55 comments after checking the geography location in Google Earth…?
I think MCA & Gerakkan (DAP silently) will “heboh” the rejection of Chin Peng’s next week to PM Najib and YB Hisham (our KDN), and I sincerely hope that YB Hisham will tell Chin Ping to apply his return at KDN, not Malaysia Court, in order to maintain Civilised and Perofessional “Ketuanan Melayu” (9 Raja-Raja dan UMNO). If YB Hisham is the one who allows Chin Peng to return, then he is not ready to be the next PM, and I sincerely hope that he can handle this issue with Multi-Racial Diplomacy with 9 Raja-Raja Melayu which he cannot learn from peers and collegues…. Perikatan = Bonding, and this BONDING is shown in the movie AVATAR (a Science and Biology (bonding through trust) fiction on “advanced mass destruction vs primitive mass destrution) produced by James Cameroon (Titanic and Alien) and Jon Landau, and does Ayahanda Tun remember who is Jon Landau? He was one of the USA scientific TV drama serie about Space during the 70’s in Malaysia, and he was the Spaceship Captain apanama, title I cannot remember, but we can google due to Ayahanda Tun’s MSC….
Take care Ayahanda Tun.
Dear Tun..
Salams and may God bless you and us all..
Oooh… 270 billion Huyoo..!!
How come I only have 1k in my account.?
we should all have at least 100k per person by now.. Malaysians I mean.. Malaysian like me.. Struggling to make a living.
I will wait for a new government to rise.. This gov sucks.
Accountability tarak.. KPI sendiri bikin sendiri audit.. Sure tak kemana..
Dah bersedia kah nak pindah pi east malaysia.?
sebab kat peninsular ni dah takdak tempat dah untuk kerajaan yang double standard dan berkepentingan sendiri sahaja.
walau u all gembar gembur 1 malaysia.. BS.. bukan british standard tapi Bull shit..
Sedarlah wahai insan.. undang2 dunia dan manusia boleh ubah..
tapi undang2 Tuhan tak ble ubah lagi dah..
Dan janji Allah itu benar dan Dia tidak pernah memungkiri janji..
Sapa buat salah tapi masih tak mau mengaku.. nanti jawablah..
Akhir mukadimah cek today.. Harap Tun berada dalam keadaan sihat selalu.. I trust and will always sokong you Tun..
You always my hero for ever and ever and ever.. hehehe..
Berkat dan selamat..
Perjuangan belum selesai.
Love you all who love others than urselves..
May God bless.
To some who make racists here.. did Allah teach us to hate the Jews and Chinese or any other race?? Please advise, I want to learn to be good Muslim.
Salam Tun,
Whatever accusations thrown by anyone or reported by any person, those accusations only one motive and that is to stir the general Malaysian public to distrust the only man who has defended the sovereignty of Malaysia from being mauled by foreign forces. Had Tun Dr Mahatir not been the Prime Minister of Malaysia, some while ago the attempt to plunder Malaysia of her wealth is already history, by now.
Generally, the make-up of a country is such, we find more gullible people being the majority, while those who genuinely love and sacrifice for the country is only a handful. This one factor is being manipulated to its maximum by those with greed and callous conduct. As in Malaysia, the handful of trustworthy leadership comprises of Tun Dr Mahatir and his faithful followers only. Once this mighty group of defendants are humbled that is the death knell of Malaysia and all Malaysians. The majority of those who hold power or in the opposition share the same mentality and that is to cause the destruction of Malaysia and her people who have all along being able to live in harmony, under the leadership of the best prime minister the Malaysians have ever had.
Based on the propaganda machinery of some powers who has the resources, trying to defend one’s country from being mauled of its wealth is an impossible task to defend.
It is surprising Tun Dr Mahatir and his followers are still hanging on to this onslaught and bombardments, day in and day out. There are enemies from within who would give the needed support of the forces from without. It is impossible for the general non-politically-inclined Malaysians to read the truth and the honesty of Tun Dr Mahatir and his faithful followers. We always learn from experience albeit the hard and expensive way, unfortunately.
Taking over the sovereignty of a country with surplus resources is a matter of time by some foreign powers who play the role of ‘The Invicible Man’.
Asalamualaikum Tun…
1. Saya adalah bekas pelajar sebuah institusi swasta yang ditubuhkan pada zaman Abdullah bertempat di Shah Alam, seksyen 13
2. Penubuhan IPTS bumiputera sememangnya suatu yang membanggakan dan penting dalam meningkatkan modal insan sebagai tenaga profesional terutama bagi bangsa Melayu.
3. Malangnya, kebanyakan ipts yang ditubuhkan pada zaman Abdullah adalah kepunyaan kroni-kroni yang bukanlah bersungguh-sungguh membantu bangsa melayu, tetapi hanya mempergunakan kedudukan itu untuk mengaut keuntungan daripada BANTUAN-BANTUAN KEWANGAN KERAJAAN yang tersedia untuk program mereka seperti PTPTN, MARA, dan sebagainya.
4. Peliknya, penajaan untuk kursus-kursus dimana penuntut di IPTA sendiri berakhir dengan ‘pengangguran’ tetap ditawar dan dengan mudah lulus pinjaman PTPTN dan yang dikesalkan MARA.
1. Saya berharap agar pihak kerajaan atau di luar kerajaan yang prihatin dapat mengkaji semula PENGURUSAN DANA PELAJARAN MARA untuk kursus-kursus di IPTS. Khususnya yang melibatkan ipts berkait rapat dengan zaman Abdullah ini.
2. Dalam tempoh 1 hingga 2 tahun, IPTS yang menggunakan blok-blok rumah kedai sebagai bangunan mereka telah mampu menyelia dan menyediakan program-program berprofil tinggi seperti Sains Perubatan,dan engineering. Sedangkan, IPTA yang dimiliki oleh kerajaan sendiri mengambil masa begitu lama untuk berkembang dan diberi peluang mengendalikan kursus-kursus kritikal.
3. Ramai yang menjadikan alasan bahwa perkembangan yang cepat adalah kerana mereka IPTS dan lebih banyak dana. Malangnya, KURSUS BERTAMBAH TETAPI KEMUDAHAN / KELENGKAPAN UNTUK PROGRAM TIDAK BERTAMBAH.
4. Saya bertambah kesal lagi apabila, pegawai-pegawai LAN / MQA yang datang ke IPts untuk kononnya memeriksa segala kelengkapan samada memenuhi prosedur kelulusan,tetap MEMBERI LAN / MEMPERPANJANG LAN keatas ipts ini.
5. Kualiti kursus semakin jatuh dan moral penuntut juga tidak dapat memberi sepenuh tumpuan pada pengajian mereka. Kursus yang diharapkan berjalan lancar dan menepati standard pengajian tidak mereka peroleh.
6. Anehnya, kami meminjam jumlah wang yang besar samada daripada MARA atau PTPTN untuk mendapat kemudahan / kelengkapan pengajian yang sesuai dengan kursus, tetapi segalanya tidak sesuai dengan nilainya.
7. Kami meminjam dan kami perlu membayar semula pinjaman tersebut, apakah kami tidak ada hak menuntut yang sesuai dengan nilai pinjaman kami???
8. Apabila aduan dibuat kepada PENGANJURAN PELAJARAN MARA, segalanya hilang begitu saja. Ada suatu ketika, pelajar tajaan MARA yang memanggil pertemuan dengan IPTS dan Pengarah Pelajaran MARA, dikecam pula oleh Pengarah Pelajaran MARA atas aduan yang dilakukan.
10. Saya begitu kesal, kebanyakan pelajar yang meminjam daripada MARA adalah pelajar yang tidak berkemampuan. Tetapi, rupanya, bantuan MARA yang ada bersama IPTS tersebut adalah KHAS UNTUK MEREKA, kita hanyalah sebagai ‘umpan yang membantu DANA KERAJAAN’ mengalir kepada IPTS tersebut untuk kepentingan mereka.
11. Kini, sebuah lagi IPTS yang ditubuhkan pada zaman Abdullah dan mendapat sokongannya telah mengendalikan program Medic DI TEMPAT KELAHIRAN beliau.
12. Sekali lagi, mereka mendapat kerjasama penuh daripada MARA secara hubungan ‘istimewa’.
Moga ayahanda Tun dapat MENGULAS PERSOALAN INI…
ASWT YAB TUN BERDUA semoga sentiasa di rahmati ALLAH SWT
before we open up any old govt books, let this book come in to MPH and let the public to read this book first.
give us that freedom first, before we advise on other things
Hello folks – please read the topic carefully – it is about the Malaysian Maverick, and NOT the Singapore Maverick. Stop diverting attention and bark up the wrong tree.
/// 4. In Barry Wain’s book I was accused of losing Government money over the purchase of tin being sold by speculators. When the time came for them to deliver the tin, they could not deliver as they had no physical tin. But the London Metal Exchange ruled that the speculators need not honour the contract to sell to us. ///
The point is, why was the Malaysian Government trying to corner the tin market?
/// 6. Bank Negara traded foreign currencies.I don’t know how much but we lost money. Government stopped the trading by Bank Negara. Again the amount is not as imputed by Barry Wain. ///
The point is, why is Bank Negara speculating in forex? When BNM was winning, it had the cheek to boast “we are engaging in active reserve management”. And when BNM lost betting on the British pound, then speculation is bad. Guess who was on the winning side betting against the sterling? Non other than a guy by the name of George Soros. Now we know why TDM hated this guy so much.
Salam hormat Tun,
Barry Wain seorang Journalist Barat di Singapura melalui suatu penulisan bukunya mendakwa Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia (1981-2003)telah menyalahgunakan wang Negara Malaysia lebih 1 Billion Ringgit Malaysia dalam urusan pembangunan Negara dan sebagainya. Dakwaan dibuat tanpa berasaskan kepada bukti-bukti yang nyata, mungkin hanya sebagai suatu dakwaan rambang sahaja dengan sesuatu niat yang tersembunyi. Barry Wain mungkin teruja menulis berasaskan kepada maklumat-maklumat yang diperolehi daripada musuh-musuh politik Tun Dr. Mahathir dari dalam dan Luar Negara. Tun Dr. Mahathir yang terkenal sebagai seorang pemimpin dunia ketiga yang bersuara lantang mengkeritik kepimpinan politik dalam negeri dan pemimpin antaranbangsa yang ditafsirkannya tidak benar mengikut pendapatnya yang tersendiri. Malah pemimpin kuasa dunia seperti Amerika Syarikat tidak terkecuali dari kecaman dan kritikan tajam Tun Dr. Mahathir. Maka tidak mengahairankan bahawa Tun Dr. Mahathir ada musuh-musuh politik tertentu. Tun Dr. Mahathir juga amat dicemburui oleh rakan dan musuh politiknya di atas kejayaan gemilang beliau memimpin Negara Malaysia selama 22 tahun.
Tun Dr. Mahathir kembali aktif dalam UMNO dan menyokong kepimpinan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional sedia ada. Beliau pernah berundur dari menjadi ahli UMNO disebabkan tidak bersetuju dengan corak kepimpinan UMNO yang diterajui oleh Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badavi. Tun Dr. Mahathir masih kuat dan kukuh auranya dalam arena politik Malaysia. Dengan kehadiran beliau dalam UMNO membuatkan Pakatan Pembangkang (DAP, PKR & Pas) merasa tidak senang seperti cacing kepanasan. YAB Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai Pendana Menteri Malaysia yang baru menggantikan era kepimpinan Tun Abdullah Badavi dilihat mampu membawa Malaysia ke suatu era yang baru dengan memperkenalkan Konsep 1 Malaysia Rakyat Didahulukan dan Pencapaian Diutamakan. Konsep yang diperkenalkan itu dapat sambutan yang begitu menggalakkan dari semua lapisan rakyat Malaysia yang amat dicemburui oleh Pakatan Pembangkang. Konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat bermatlamat memburukkan kepimpinan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional bagi mengalih pandangan rakyat yang telah mula meninggalkan Pakatan Rakyat yang diselubungi berbagai masalah kepimpinan yang tidak kunjung hentinya dan tanpa penyelesaian yang tuntas.
Tun Dr. Mahathir tidak terkecuali dari sasaran Pakatan Pembangkang, kerana bergiat aktif semula dalam UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Dalam hal sedemikian Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badavi mantan Perdana Menteri nampak selesa kerana tidak menerima sebarang tekanan politik dari mana-mana pihak selepas beliau bersara. YB Lim Kit Siang orang kuat DAP mengambil kesempatan dari hasil penulisan Journalist Barry Wain terhadap dakwaan penyelewangan Tun Dr. Mahatahir semasa menerajui kepimpinan Negara Malaysia, dan mengusulkan supaya Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak menubuh satu Suruhanjaya Diraja bagi menyiasat dakwaan salah laku Tun Dr. Mahathir. Soalnya kenapa YB Lim Kit Siang begitu mudah terpengarauh dengan dakwaan penulis barat terhadap kepimpinan dalam Negara Malaysia? Tindakan amat wajar oleh YB Lim Kit Siang adalah memastikan kesasihan sumber dakwaan yang dibuat melalui sumber dalaman negara yang lebih telus dan berkredibiliti. Soalan seterusnya mengapa selepas lebih 7 tahun Tun Dr. Mahathir bersara dari jawatan Perdana Menteri isu ini dibangkitkan?
Tun Dr. Mahathir sudah tentu berhak mempertahankan dirinya dari dakwaan yang boleh menjejaskan imej peribadinya. Dakwaan terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ada juga kaitannya kepada suatu ancaman yang terangcang kepada UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Oleh itu UMNO dan Barisan Nasional tidak boleh memandang mudah dan sepi dakwaan negatif yang dibuat terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir kerana boleh menjejaskan nama baik UMNO dan Barisan Nasional pada keseluruhannya. Jika perlu UMNO dan Barisan Nasional memperjelaskan kepada rakyat secara terperinci hal ehwal perbelanjaan dan kos sebenar pembangunan negara semasa dibawah kepimpinan Tun Dr. Mahathir. Saya penuh yakin bahawa UMNO dan Barisan Nasional ada mekanisma tertentu bagi memperjelaskan kepada rakyat dan menangkis segala dakwaan yang tidak berasas bagi menjernihkan pandangan rakyat terhadap UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.
Tun Dr. Mahathir telah begitu banyak berjasa kepada Negara dan rakyat Malaysia. Pembangunan yang telah diterajui oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir secara fizikalnya nampak nyata dan telah memberikan manfaat besar kepada rakyat dan negara Malaysia. Untuk menjayakan sesuatu perancangan pembangunan negara sudah tentu memerlukan kos dan perbelanjaan yang tinggi. Soal ketelusan dalam era kepimpinan Tun Dr. Mahathir ada dalam rekod UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Amatlah dikesalkan YB Lim Kit Siang tidak menggunakan ruang dan masa di Parlimen membahaskan dan jika perlu mempertikaikan segala kredibiliti kepimpinan Tun Dr. Mahathir semasa menjadi Perdana Menteri. Dengan mengikut rentak penulis barat YB Lim Kit Siang hanya berhasrat menangguk di air keruh bagi keuntungan politik partinya dan Pakatan Rakyat (DAP,PKR & Pas).
Sekian, terima kasih. Salam 1 Malaysia untuk Tun dan Wassalam.
The book written by Wain is a piece of politcal graffitti designed at the behest of people with a grudge who cannot articulate their arguments more substantively.
What Wain says is discredited by the revelations of A. Craig Copetas a trader who worked with the criminal Marc Ricch holed up in Switzerland who was pardoned by Clinton after a $10 million conttibution to the democrats. The pardon was very public and on record in Clinton’s last days in office.
Marc Rich was the Phillips Brothers rogue trader whose insider trading scams brought government’s down in many places and sent people hungry. It also was succcessful because of the collaborators they had in government in places likee Singapore.
Funnily enough Lee Kuan Yew and Tengku Razaleigh also warrant unflattering mentions in Copetas’ book from the 1980’s titled “Metal Men” and published by Harrap London.
There is a better review of things as always in Gopal Raj Kumar the blog: worth a read: escpecially if you are Malay and proud to be one:
Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun..
saya adalah salah seorang remaja.
disini sy ingin bertanyakan 1 soalan rentetan apabila terdapat seorang kawan sy yang mengatakan bahawa semasa di zaman pemerintahan ayahanda Tun, Tun adalah seorang anti ulamak dan ayahanda Tun juga telah telah memecat ramai ulamak.
sy juga ada pernah dengar cerita tersebut tapi pendirian sy mengatakan apa jua yang ayahanda Tun lakukan, mesti mempunyai sebab.
sy ingin mempertahankan ayahanda Tun namun sy tiada fakta dan alasan yang kukuh.
Sudikah kiranya Tun memberikan penjelasan kepada sy?
terima kasih ayahanda Tun, moga Allah panjangkan umur Tun dan memberikan kesihatan
Assalamulaikum Tun yang dihomati,
Sebenarnya banyak pihak cemburu dengan Tun dan ingin melihat Tun tersungkur kerana mereka cemburu dengan pembangunan Malaysia selama 22 thn Tun memimpin. Tun telah mendapat sokongan selama 22 tahun daripada semua lapisan rakyat Malaysia tidak kira fahaman dan agama atau bangsa.
Sebilangan rakyat mahukan Tun saman terus Barry Wain dan Lim Kit Siang tanpa perlu penubuhan Suruhanjaya Diraja, kerana mahkamah akan meminta semua dokumen drp kerajaan ketika dalam proses perbicaraan.
Klau orang lain boleh tuntut 500j, 100j apakata Tun tuntut RM500 juta drp Barry dan LKS. Barry Wain sebahagian drp pemikir Singapura perlu disaman.
Ini fasal si Raja Petra Kamaruddin saya rasa dia sedang bersembunyi disebuah banglo di Selangor, sungguh aneh Penyiasat bersendirian Balasubramianm, boy friend ADUN bogel, siapa saja lah kalau sangkut akan menghilangkan diri, seperti yang diuar-uarkan sekarang ini ada tajaan dari dalam. Mereka lari kerana takut dan bersalah.
Selamat berjata .
Tun, im sorry to intrude u once more..
but as malaysian youth this is for azrin..
First, i prefer to write in malay rather than english.. since u are malay(even the fake one) so thats not a problem for both of us..
saya seorang BUDAK yang berumur 21…
bila melihatkan comment yang abg reply untuk saya, ia agak jelas untuk saya apa maksud ‘melayu tipikal’…
untuk pengetahuan abg azrin, saya seorang islam.. saya tidak suka menyebarkan fitnah atau spekulasi secara melulu..
1-pointnya disini adalah berjuang bersama bukan untuk berpuas hati sendirian(walaupun saya masih muda, apatah lagi abg yang dah TUA).. saya tulis dan hantar(saya tak pernah mensetujuinya) comment saya itu kerana saya ingin melihat ‘outcome’ dari spekulasi Motorsom itu..
2-abg cukup berpuas hati dengan pencapaian TERTINGGI abg dengan melupakan orang melayu yang meminta sedekah di masjid2 singapura(nak bukti sila rujuk utusan malaysia).. abg SEBIJIK macam menteri besar sementara Perak, Nizar atau ‘shah’ iran kawalan Amerika, Reza Pahlavi yang terlupakan akan penderitaan dan kehinaan bangsa sendiri asalkan diri dan keluarga disayangi hidup dalam keselesaan..
3-amat jelas lah kebodohan dan ketidak matangan orang melayu singapura yang langsung tidak kenal erti perjuangan orang melayu.. saya baca balasan abg yang paling beharga sebentar tadi ‘because we can afford to go overseas’ hahahaha… KALAU SINGAPURA TU KAT BENUA AMERIKA BOLEH LAH TIPU BRO!
UNTUK PENGETAHUAN ABANG SAYA MENGENALI RAMAI KENALAN MELAYU SINGAPURA YANG MENGELUH TENTANG KEHINAAN DAN PENDERITAAN YANG MEREKA HADAPI DI SINGAPURA.. APA YANG SAYA DENGAR, NAK MAKAN 3 KALI SEHARI PUN SUSAH INIKAN NAK BELAJAR OVERSEAS.. dah jelak saya dengar.. even chinese singapura pun ada menceritakan kepada saya tentang polisi berat sebelah kerajaan singapura seperti menutup hak-hak orang melayu..(nak bukti? jom saya kenalkan)
di malaysia, kaum-kaum minoriti mendapat hak mencukupnya.. abg pergi la tanya cina-cina atau orang india di kedai2 mamak ke(tempat umum) dan saya pasti diorang cukup berpuas hati.. jangan la tanya ahli-ahli politik atau ahli-ahli perniagaan.. jawapan yang mereka beri hanya dari kebodohan yang terbit dari emosi, kekuasaan, kewangan dan bukan kematangan.. (oppss maaf saya terperli abg pula)
4-banyak benda lagi ingin saya katakan pada abg sebagai melayu singapura yang dikaburi dengan pencapaian(di malaysia, itu tidak dikira pencapaian langsung.. setakat ‘Directing Staff’ eeeeiiii geliii! ) yang diiktiraf olok-olok oleh pemimpin yang ingin memadamkan api kemelayuan abg.. maybe ayat mereka sebijik macam ni,
5-‘And even if we go to Singapore Universities and Poly..we don’t pay..at all..free .. school is free.. primary, secondary…and even tertiary..hak asas melayu… here..we all pay. Mati Liao. No money bayar duit SPM..tak kasi result sampai masuk paper..apo kono eh jang?’ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
saya tak tahu.. just ramalan dan spekulasi.. abg nak saman saya? by the way ‘with an unofficial allocation of 2 students each in medicine and law while the rest are forced into the social sciences'(macam abg cakap tadi.)so memang saya lagi la tak takut..
saya tak tahu abg masih boleh memahami bahasa melayu atau tidak.. saya tidak tahu abg macam mana rupa dan pergaulan.. mungkin macam melayu boneka singapura yang lain? yang rambut perang, sex bebas, setiap malam ‘clubing’, bertatoo… memang di malaysia juga wujud melayu seperti ini.. tapi mereka dipandang hina bukan macam di singapura yang dipandang kaum lain sebagai ‘pembuka jalan’ untuk mereka untuk mengawal seluruh singapura..
Tun Dr.M
If its possible, do please elaborate further on the tin issue. I dun understand how an exchange can rule that contracts do not need to be honored. What dodgy british laws could possibly condone this. Had the other side ‘won’ on their bet, would the same law be applicable to malaysians theoretically? Otherwise this is a blatant example of bullying 3rd world foreigners and I’m very very surprised you would accept such a result without retaliation. Its not only a defeat for u personally but for all 3rd world countries. Afterall this is a game created by them the rich, but was won by us the poor. If they cant even honor this, what nonsense are they spouting about fair play and free market. Doesn’t the loser or the london metal exchange had any link in malaysia so that we can sue that link to recover justice and what we won in Malaysia?
Al Salamu Alykum Tun Dr. Mahathir,
As a Muslim and foreign business man that fell in Love with Malaysia and its people, i can categorically say that your great accomplishments in Malaysia can not be undermined by a Second-Class Journeyman writer such as Barry Wain.
Every time i visit Malaysia i ask God not to let its enemies change it. I am keenly aware of the pressures exerted against this flowering Muslim country, and Mr. Barry Wain and His Handlers are just an example of the threats that all Muslims should be cautious of.
I direct these basic, yet important, questions Again to all the Negative commentators. Before you fall into the trap ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS.
Who is the real Mr. Barry Wain and who is behind him?
Who is financing Barry Wain and facilitating his contracts with Amazon, Barnes and Noble…etc
Who is coordinating his systemic and well-Choreographed online marketing efforts?
What game does Mr. Wain serves as a Pawn in, and whom does it Serve?
Why publish this book now and not during Tun Dr. Mahathir’s time in government or even shortly after that ?
Why target Tun Dr. Mahathir who has been out of office for a long time?
Why not mention Tun Badawi’s government and their follow-up on all the projects in question?
Where are the standard references, sources and documentations of his “Third-Party” allegations?
Why did Mr. Barry Wain neglect conducting a real financial analysis of what he deems to be useless projects? Where is the cost-benefit analysis for these projects?
Why did Mr. Barry Wain ignore the mention of his references, sources and documentations on the most important issues that he claims to have the most insight into?
How could a below-average journeyman writer, such as Mr. Barry Wain coordinate such financial and media resources?
What are the real objectives behind Mr. Barry Wain’s Handlers?
Without the answers to the above mentioned questions, what value does this book have? What purpose does it really serve, and How credible is the book and its writer ?!?!
Objective Questions,
God Bless You Tun and God Bless Malaysia
Dr R Azrin,
Good one, its an example for those who likes to complaint/argue based on facts which they gather from don’t know where….
Cakap banyak….kerja kurang…lepas tu commmmmplaint banyak-banyak…
Tun Mahathir,
Salam saya kepada Tun dengan penuh hormat.
Satu lagi Agenda Barat dan sekutu mereka dirantau Tanah Melayu ini untuk menfitnah dan memburukan nama Tun di kalangan masyarakat dunia. Perkara seperti ini tidak akan di hentikan olih petualang ini selagi Tun tidak berhenti untuk menegakan kebenaran dan membuka rongga busuk agenda Barat.
Kita sudah faham benar maksud dan tujuan mereka dan kita faham juga siapa yang jadi tukang cerita mereka di dalam negara kita.
Musuh yang paling bahaya adalah mereka yang paling hampir kepada kita dan Tun melepaskan beberapa pembantu tertinggi dalam tempuh Tun sebagai Perdana Menteri adalah disebabkan noda dan nafsu mereka mendahului akal dan fikiran dan cintakan wang dan kekayaan lebih dari cintakan negara, bangsa dan Ugama.
America adalah satu kuasa yang paling besar dan kemewahan mereka telah menjadi satu beban yang terlalu berat untuk di pikul.
Agenda mereka adalah menguasai dunia agar beban ini dapat di pikul olih negara negara lain untuk mereka terus menikmati kemewahan ini berpanjangan.
Tahun 60/70han,Germany merupakan satu economy besar yang mencabar America. Kini Germany hanya jadi pak turut dan hanya berbangga menjadi anggota G8.
Begitu juda Jepun, negara mewah dan economy yang mantap dalam tahun tahun 70/80han. Apa dah jadi pada Jepun, hanya turut bangga seperti Germany menjadi anggota G8.
Di America, siapakah yang berkuasa sebenarnya ? Obama ? saya rasa ia hanya calun pemegang amanah sahaja. Regime apa yang memacu Obama?,Disuruh duduk dia duduk diseruh lari pantas, dia lari pantas sambil terus berlakun peranan nya sebagai ketua negara.
Saya kurang jelas dengan peranan Zionist dan kumpulan kumpulan yang di ujudkan olih kuasa besar ini untuk menakluki seluruh alam ini.
Mengapa tiada satu masa pun dunia ini menikmati keamanan. Mustahil manusia yang telah mencapai tahap pemikiran yang tinggi tidak mampu mencari damai dan keamanan untuk semua.
Dalam pemikiran yang singkat. saya mampu membuat anggapan sahaja.
Jika ketua ketua Negara inginkan keamanan, ia mudah dilaksanakan tetapi apabila ada yang memilih kuasa, disini lah mulanya pertelingkahan.
Kuasa apakah yang benar benar di perlukan olih Amerika ?, tidak ada yang lain kecuali kuasa Economy, menguasai sumber sumber alam dan seluruh dunia menjadi pasaran nya. Mengurangkan beban yang di pikul olih maraka sekarang.
Saya terus beranggapan bahawa segala kepincangan bukanlah berpunca dari politik tetapi politik yang di pengaruhi olih capitalist. Dengan itu saya berpendapat bahawa yang mengancam keamanan dunia sejagat sebenarnya adalah mereka yang mendokong prinsip Capitalism.
Saya ingin melihat bagaimana America menundukan negara Cina sama seperti mereka menundukan Germany dan Jepun.
Saya teruja melihat America menyokong Taiwan dan India. Adakah sokongan ini sama pertalian nya seperti America menyokong Korea untuk menjatuhkan Jepun.
America menyokong Israel untuk menguasai Negara2 Teluk. America menyokong Singapura untuk menguasai rantau SEA.
Agenda untuk menguasai Economy dunia memerlukan rangkaian organisation yang lebar dan meluas disetiap cerok dan rantau dan di setiap peringkat masyarakat.
Saya khuatir jika negara kita mampu untuk melangkaui gelombang ini kerana semangat cintakan negara di kalangan Rakyat kita sangat berkurangan. Setiap peringkat mayarakat telah dijulap dengan “hate campaign” olih parti pembangkang dan benteng pertahanan negara yang ulong, ia itu semangat patriotic dikalangan rakyat telah lebor . Mungkin juga inilah sebahagian ageda Barat untuk di laksanakan olih kuncu2 mereka yang telah di semai sejak beberapa tahun yang lampau.
Walau apa pun kita telah dapat pengajaran dan jika parti pembangkang dapat berkuasa, sekurang kurangnya rakyat yang masih mempunyai semangat patriotic dan cintakan negara bolih memperhebatkan “hate Campaign ” ini supaya semagat sayangkan negara dapat di pupok semula sambil memberi petunjut kepada mereka, pendokong prisip capitalism, bahwa rakyat Malaysia bukan masyarakat murahan.
Tun, saya melihat Tun sebagai patriot negara No.1 malahan mempunyai sikap kepimpinan bertaraf International dan ini lah juga puncanya kuasa barat menanggap Tun sebagai ancaman kepada agenda mereka.
Apabila ABB menjadi PM, mereka mempunyai penuh harapan untuk menodai Malaysia dan kita juga dapat lihat bagaimana parti Pembangkang memperhebatkan tindakan mereka tampa segan silu meruntuhkan maruah negara dan meruntuhkan semangat patriotic rakyat untuk merebut kuasa.
Saya juga berharap NTR dapat mengambil iktibar dan melalui prinsip 1 Malaysia dapat memulihkan keadaan.
Saya juga menanti jaka NTR atau UMNO mampu mempertahankan nama Tun yang di cemar dari Singapura olih Barry sWine ( Barry/Singapore ….
mmm…ada apa ini ? )
Walau apa pun saya harap Tun dapatkan nasihat dari peguam yang benar benar iklas untuk menuntut keadilan berasaskan kepada fakta dan undang undang dan yang arif untuk menutup semua ruang tachnicalities yang bolih melemahkan dawaan.
Saya khuatir kerana di peringkat judiciary mungkin telah turut di cemar olih regime Kuasa Barat yang ingin menguasai alam maya ini.Perlaksanaan agenda mereka pastinya meluas tampa sempadan.
Penyerahan Batu Putih kepada Singapura muktamat tetapi meninggalkan banyak tanda tanya dan menambahkan kesulitan kepada kedua dua negara.
Kepada Allah kita berserah agar melindungi yang benar.
Salam Tun,
Like myself, other Malaysians are puzzled with the jealousy and the cold shoulder treatment shown by our neighbours (especially Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand), even after being so generous and helpful towards them.
This might have something to do with Malaysians going abroad spreading ridiculous accusation, bad mouthing and slandering about our beloved country. One time in Singapore as I was browsing along Orchard Road, a Malay guy came to me and asked me if I was from Malaysia and I said yes. He commented that Malays in Malaysia are not better than the Malays living in Singapore and this is because their country’s currency is two fold better than us. To add insult, he said that Malaysia is not where it is today if not for the non-Malays’ effort in developing M’sia. His comment sounded as though Malays in Malaysia are just lazy.
I was shocked and angry and felt like punching his lights’ out. However, I asked him where such nonsense did he heard this. To my surprise, he told me it was from his Malaysian colleagues. They have been bad mouthing not only about our country but the Malay race. They made false comments about how bad Malays administered the country, how Malays were so racist to the non-Malays, practices ethnic cleansing, dictatorship leadership, corrupted nation, stupid and lazy, arrogant, imposed bumiputra quotas and bla.. bla.. bla..
At first I thought maybe it was just in Singapore… they are jealous maybe… but to my surprise even in Indonesia some of them disliked Malaysian Malays and this is after hearing all the bad reviews about the Malays. And who spread such lies… yes, it was our homegrown countrymen who turn out to be an ungrateful bastards. This disease is not just spreading to our neighbouring countries but around the world. The power of Internet had made spreading false information much easier and faster, I’m not even surprise to the possibility of myself discovering blogs from Malaysians living abroad posting malicious comments about the Malay race and about Malaysia. There are tons of em’…
Maybe the Malays in Malaysia should stop being so timid, generous, kind, polite, layu and tolerant toward other races and other countries. This such attitude would only invite others to bully.
Based on your comment above, personally I don’t think you wallup and burnt billions of Government’s money during your 22years premiership. Just like you said, all the spending can be proven with the building of many completed mega projects such as KLCC, KLIA, PKFZ, Putrajaya, Sepang and so on… and I do concur with your comment about the spending during Abdullah’s reign. Tun Abdullah might be an honest person trying too hard to administer the country but he failed miserably. Tun Abdullah was too gentlement like and people step on his head. His lavish spending is seen by the Rakyat to be wasteful and unnecessary.. Where did all the billions of ringgit went to? as tax payers, the rakyat need to know this. This is one of the more reason for the non-Malays to laugh and jeer for having fools administering the country. No wonder they; the non-Malays spread such stories…
Tun, I hope you would consider creating a new party that is better than UMNO or any other party from BN nor from Pakatan for that matter. I believe, there are many followers from all sorts of backgrounds from professionals to mediocres like myself.
UMNO-Untuk bangsa dan negara
PAS -Ugama dan negara
DAP -Merialisasikan Malaysian-Malaysian
MCA -Memperjuangkan hak orang cina
MIC -Memperjuangkan hak orang India
PPP -Memperjuangkan hak orang india
PKR -untuk apa ? adakah untuk agama,bangsa apa ? Keadailan kepada siapa
DAP,begitu licik mengayakan hasratnya untuk menjadikan Malaysian Malaysian.DAP adalah sepihan parti diseberang tambah Johor.Idiologi yang dibawa,semua sudah maklum.Hak sama rata dan secara langsung pada suatu hari nanti,Ekonomi,Politik,Budaya,Agama akan hilang dari bangsa melayu.Orang melayu sekarang hanya bergantung harap pada kekuatan politik sahaja.Jika orang melayu terus kalah dalam kuasa politik.Kita tak punya apa-apa.Sukar untuk kita bagun semula,Semua orang melayu sedar kuasa ekonomi siapa yang kuasai.Siapa tuan punya kilang kayu,siapa tauke padi,siapa tauke beras,siapa tauke gula dan siapa-siapa yang menopoli semua pembagunan hartanah diseluruh negara.Kita tidak boleh salahkan siapa-siapa ini.Ini adalah kerana kelalaian orang melayu.Taraf pembumiputra yang kita miliki sekarang telah sedikit melindungi orang melayu.Keistimewaan ini telah memberikan sedikit ruang untuk kita cari makan.Jika taraf ini di samaratakan,apa yang tinggal ?
Pada pilihan raya ke 12.Saya masih ingat kata-kata Lim Guan Eng.Katanya Parti pembangkang Tidak punya peluang yang amat besar untuk menang.Kenyataan ini didada akhbar utusan malaysia.Lim Guan Eng begitu merendah diri mengeluarkan kenyataan,Secara saikologi sahaja,rakyat bersimpati.Kesudahannya DAP menang besar di pulau pinang.Tetapi kemenangan ini bukan bergantung kuat kenyataan simpati beliau.Tetapi sebahagian kenyataan yang membantu.Orang melayu selalu bersimpati,sehingga ada orang melayu yang sudah lupa dan ada mengistiharkan mereka sebahagian dari ahli pati dan sanggup menubuhkan cawangan DAP.Dap telah berjaya sebenarnya menyebarkan pengaruhnya,walaupun baru satu cawangan yang tertubuh.
DAP terang terangan menentang hasrat orang PAS.PAS hendak menjadikan Negara ini sebagai Negara islam.DAP menentang secara terangan.Kenyataan akhbar terpampang kenyataan Kapal sing menentang hasrat PAS.Kenapa PAS tidak faham.Kenapa PAS masih hendak bersekonkol dengan DAP yang hendak menidakkan hak orang Melayu.Ya PAS memperjuangkan Islam.Secara terang mereka tidak mengira bangsa untuk di perjuangkan.Mereka mengambil comtoh bagaimana Nabi Muhamad s,a,w telah menyatukan kaum Muhajirin dan kaum ansar bersatu atas nama islam.Penyatuan atas jalan agama.Penyatuan mereka diatas penerimaan agama islam itu sendiri menjadi pegangan kehidupan mereka.Kaum Muhajirin dan Asar bersatu setelah mereka seagama.Tetapi jika PAS mengambil contoh begitu.Adakah orang orang DAP telah menerima seperti apa yang diterima oleh kaum Ansar serta Muhajirin.
KUpasan yang tidak menari sebahagiam orang alim PAS tidak mengambil kira hal ini.Pemimpin PAS sebenarnya sekarang ini menyangka semua apa yang di lakukan oleh mereka di persetuju oleh akar umbi.orang kampong.Mereka sudah berkata-kata.Kenapa PAS bersengkokol dengan DAP.Terang-terangan sebuah parti yang menolak islam,menolak hak orang Melayu.PKR adalah sebuah parti medal men.Dalam erti kata sebuah parti yang mempertemukan pembeli dan penjual dan akan mendapat sedikit keuntungan dengan harapan komision yang diterima banyak.Jika dapat sedikit pun tak mengapa.asal dapat.Tetapi harapan Dato Sri Anuar,beliau adalah Pemimpin kepada pakatan ini.Tambahan pula beliau telah didodoikan oleh Kapal Sing yang katanya,beliau mahu Anuar terus menjadi ketua pakatan ini.Jika tampa Dato Sri Anuar pakatan ini akan pincang.Kita tengok bagai mana DAP saggup mendodoikan orang melayu untuk mencapai cita-cita mereka.Orang melayu tengok lah,jika orang-orang melayu masih menyokong pakatan ini,suatu hari apa bila DAP sudah punya pengaruh yang besar,Parti-parti orang melayu akan menjadi pak turut kepada DAP.JIka DAP sudah kuat dan dapat menjadi pemerintah dikerajaan pusat.kita dapat melihat ketika itu penghijrahan besar-besaran untuk mendaoat kerayatan penduduk tetap dari orang di seberang tambak Johor.Mereka disana akan bersusah untuk mendapat keselesaan yang lebih di Tanah Melaya ini.Semua orang tahu kehidupan disana.Mereka sudah terhimpit.KIta akan melihat bagaimana penghijrahan Yahudi kebumi Palistine.Orang melayu kena sedar dan adakah sanggup jika semua terjadi.Kehilangan segala-galanya kepada generasi anak cucu kita.Lim Kit Siang sentiasa mengungkit,meganggu akan hak-hak orang melayu.Sentiasa menterjemahkan kegagalan pemimpin Melayu.Pada hal,orang melayu masih begini dan sekarang.Tidak punya banyak rumah besar,tidak kemampuan kereta besar,tidak kemampuan bisnes besar,tidak kemampuan keluarga besar.tidak mampu berbelanja besar.Lim Kit Sing masih menyangkal layanan yang di beri oleh kerajaan kepada orang cina.Siapa tuan punya Bandar Utama,Siapa tuan punya segitiga emas kuala Lumpur yaitu Bukit Bintang.Siapa tuan punya Bandar Sunway,Siapa Tuan punya Bandar Sungai long.Siapa Tuan punya Bandar Setia Alam.Siapa tuan punya seluruh pembagunan di Kuala Lumpur.Semua undang-undang yang tidak boleh,sudah jadi boleh.Mereka mampu membayar untuk semua kebolehan ini.Siapa yang benarkan.Orang melayu….Sebab orang melayu yang menjadi Ketua-ketua untuk kelulusan.Apakah yang Lim Kit Siang mahu orang melayu beriakan ?KUASA,itu jawapan nya.Kuasa yang mampu menidakkan hak orang melayu.
Ini lah yang PAS.sebuah pati orang melayu keseluruhannya orang islam,kenapa menidakkan hak bangsa mereka sendiri.kenapa ?.Adakah mereka tidak punya bangsa untuk disayangi.Jika begitu,jika mereka bersengkokol dengan DAP,mereka tidak ada keturunan.PAS telah di sihirka oleh DAP dan PKR.DAP mengunakan PKR dan PKR mengunakan PAS untuk mencapaikan cita-cita peribadi,cita-cita DAP.DAn apakah cita-cita PAS akan tercapai.PAS kena pandang kebelakang.Pengundi orang kampong.Orang kampong memberi undi kepada PAS diatas dasar perjuangan ISLAM.Orang muda sekarang mengundi PAS atas dasar islam dan bencikan UMNO,diatas kegagalan UMNO membenteras rasuah,salah guna kuasa,atas dasar kroni dan bebagai-bagai lagi.Jadi PAS harus harus menilai adakah perjuangan dan penyatuan dalam pakatan rakyat itu releven.DAn akah pemimpin PAS hendak menggadaikan hasrat penggundi.Jika hasrat ini diteruskan,nescaya pada pilihan raya akan datang ramai orang melayu yang tidak akan mengundi kesemua pati.Ini kerana orang melayu meganggap semua pati orang melayu tak boleh harap.Ada pati yang menolak agama dan menolak bangsa.Kenapa PAS tidak boleh menerima Umno ?Kenapa PAS boleh menerima DAP ? itu soalan yang perlu kita tanya pada Hj hadi dan Tuan guru Nik aziz.JIka melayu tipu melayu masih tidak mengapa.Bagaimana jika orang tidak sama bangsa tipu orang melayu.Tuan Guru terasa hati sangat dengan apa yang terjadi semasa penyingkiran pada dalam pakatan kerajaan.Lupakan lah Tuan Guru.Ini adalah untuk kebaikan Agama dan Bangsa.Jika PAS tidak mahu memperjuangkan Bangsa.Saya cadangkan supaya ahli-ahli PAS melucutkan taraf bimuputra mereka.ini baru dikatakan gentelman.Biar yang tinggal hanya bukan ahli PAS dan mana mereka yang memperjuangkan Agama dan bangsa sebagai bertaraf Bumiputra.Dalam islam yang hanya akan diterima allah diakhirat besok hanya satu dari 73.Islam memang tidak boleh dipisahkan dari politik.Jadi bimbinglah mereka yang dalam kesesatan.Tetapi bukan buseperti budaya yang Tok Guru Bawa.Biarlah seperti tarik ranbut dalam tepong.Kita berbaik ,bermesyuarat,bertemu,berbincang dan berakan,dan berilah tarbiah secara senyap-senyap.Dakwah yang telah ditonjolkan oleh pemimpin PAS adalah terlalu keras,kasar dan tidak seperti pejuangan rasullallah.Nabi dilempar dengan batu sampai berdarah dan Rasullallah berjaya akhirnya.Adakah penyinkiran yang dialami oleh PAS sehingga kepada penyingkiran taraf bumi putra sehingga hilang hak-hak orang Melayu.Sehingga anak-anak orang PAS langsung tidak mendapat layanan ke universiti,hak ke hospital kerajaan,hak atau kemudahan dimana-mana perkhidmatan Kerajaan.Tidak sama sekali.Rasullallah berdarah kepala Tuan Guru,Nyawa baginda Tuan Guru,PAS mesti sedar orang melayu sedang tunggu kegembiraan penyatuan PAS dan UMNO.Tetapi sebahagian pemimpin PAS yang masihberdolah dalik.Dan terang terangan akan menolak pemimpin mereka yang cuba membuat penyatuan.Dan bergembira dengan penyatuan yang terangan menolak Islam.Ini bukan rekaan ini kebenaran.Adakah pernah pemimpin PAS membuat sembahyang ISTIHARAH memimta pentunjuk dari allah subhanahuwataala.,meminta diberika cahaya,adakah boleh,benar jika PAS di satukan dengan UMNO.UMNO sedang tunggu pertemuaan ini.Adakah orang melayu hendak salahkan UMNO lagi dalam hal ini.Meman pemimpin PAS dan UMNO bertegur sapa,tetapi meraka degil dalam perjuangan pati,
PAS harus sedar siapa PKR.PKR menerima pas atas apa ?PKR menerima DAP kenapa ?PKR baru setahun jagung,Tetapi pemimpinnya adalah seorang yang berkelibar,yang sedang memperjuangkan keadilan.keadilan untuk siapa ? JIka keadilan untuk rakyat,baiklah.Keadilan untuk diri yang dikatakan sedang terainaya,baiklah.Kita tidak menafikan hak beliau Dato Sri Anuar.Saya katakan Pas bersama PKR sedang memperjuangkan hak Dato Sri Anuar.Rakyat boleh menerima.Tetapi jika PAS sedang besama PKR,DAP memperjuangkan untuk menghapuskan orang melayu.Maka saya kataka dengan pedas,mereka adalah penderhaka bangsa melayu.Saya memang menyanjung pemimpin seperti tun,seperti pemimpin PAS yang sentiasa becakap diatas perkara agama.sebab saya seagama dengan mereka.Tun tidak boleh membiarkan kami terkapai.Tunmasih mempunyai tanggungjawab yang besar diatas penyatuan UMNO dan PAS.Bukan saya hendak meletakkan tangungjawab yang masih ada ini diwaktu Tun sudah besara.Pemimpin sebenarnya tidak ada waktu bersara.Siapa lagi yang mampu untuk menterjemahkan penyatuan ini.Adakah Tenku Razali,Dato Ibrahim Ali,Dato mustafa Mohd,Adakah Tun Abdullah.Tun Abdullah kemana ?Adakah dia tidak diperlukan oleh orang-orang UMNO.Jika Tun DR Mahadhir tidak dapat melakukan.Walaupun segala pembagunan yang dapat sedang rakyat nimakti dianggap sebagai kejayaan,tetapi kejayaan sebenar untuk menyatukan orang melayu masih gagal,maka saya katakan TUN DR M adalah gagal memimpin orang-orang Melayu.Saya cabar Tun untuk melakukan sebelum TUTUP mata di bumi allah ini.Jika TUN berusaha melakukan dan gagal.Rakyat tidak akan menyalahkan Tun sebagai pemimpin melayu yang gagal.Jika tidak Cerita Hang Tuah dan Hang Jebat akan dinilai siapa yang bersalah menderhaka kepada Sultan.wassalam
Dear Tun, salam penghujung tahun moga sihat sejahtera sekeluarga. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk hangat ini…..
LKS is rightly doing his job as opposition MP to highlight any report of mismanagement. The source can be from anywhere, his constituents, foreign reports and writers it does not matter.
We should not dismiss an allegation of 100bil abuse, just as someone is not letting go on 270bil alleged abuse of Petronas funds!
Somebody during incumbency was adamant and downright cynical about using foreign ‘experts’ in our justice system. The proud and patriotic belief was that foreigners should not decide on M’sian matters.
Lets be patient. Do it one at a time. Don
salam Tun…
Jangan pedulikan pencacai dan pensampah(macam sampah)
depa tau cari salah je tapi tak sumbangkan apa-apa untuk membangunkan negara kita tercinta…
Saya antara jutaan rakyat Malaysia menghargai Tun sepanjang 22 tahun jadi PM….
Tun akan dikenang sebagai Bapa membangunkan negara buat semua jenis bangsa dan agama…
Proud to be Malaysian n proud to live under Dr Mahathir briliants 22 years….
Love Tun forever ever….
saya tak sabar nk membaca post tun ttg kehilangan engine TUDM!
pasti menarik
1. Malaysia – ‘Tanah Melayu’ in Japanese
2. Malay Politicians keep on silent with all miscalculated policies (current & prior) – as their way in becoming ministers were sponsored by the immigrants, i.e. chinese & indians & now some europeans.
3. Singapork is a communist country. Current policies, law & regulations are more to so called modern DPRC.
4. Those Malay Singapork are not in good position. It is their rights to be in denial position as long as they have their own HDB flat & some money to spend for the next day of their lives. So don’t scold them for that.
5. Immigrants, i.e chinese & indians, are not that intelligent as we thought to be. I myself witnessed a malaysian chinese caught red handed in my class in US… meniru! wakakaka & I witnessed all sort of stuff that prof didn’t know incl. plagiarism, etc. Melayus are top scorers in US, UK & Auz/NZ.
6. Nobody can investigate no one as everybody is involved in the scandals.
7. The immigrants talk their way out with govt. officials & private sectors with money, i.e. bribes! That’s why they can complete their jobs, get extension of time, all legal charges dropped, got passports, loans restructured easily whereas Malays got bankruptcy notices, & all sorts of demon stuff.
8. It’s time to go for new party that replace UMNO, PAS & PKR. Start fresh without those influential people from these 3 b***hes. A party that could represent Melayu… coz I probably won’t vote in next election.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Salam hormat dan salam penuh kasih dan sayang kepada Tun Dr.Mahathir dan Tun Dr.Siti Hasmah serta keluarga dan kepada semuanya,
Barry Wain is ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’. In Greek language, he will be describe as: ‘Πολ
Tun mahathir can you please preach out to the malaysians to boycott or prevent themselves in using wikipedia as a reference because lately i’ve detected several bias regarding things related towards judaism and islam.
the moderators of the site are more likely to praise judaism and do anything they can to prosecute or put a bad name towards islam and its culture.
for example, the article criticism of judaism are written horribly and is short in length yet again, the article for criticism of islam is however written in great detail and is technically a wall of text.
this issue is important to be addressed as i realized that most malaysian students admit to use wikipedia as their source of information and to them the site was allegedly neutral.
In order to stop them from being brainwashed by these zionist scum, i strongly suggest you to make a statement in your upcoming speech regarding this matter.
I would like to respond to promelayu’s allegations.
1) demolition of mosques (from 93 mosques before separation and now 36);
There are 69 mosques in Singapore, not 36. Smaller mosques have been combined to form larger ones. The latest mosque built is the Masjid Al-Mawaddah, opened in May 2009
2) admission quotas for minorities into national universities capped at 2% of student
“He knows that if he writes anything against Singapore leaders he would be dragged to the courts, sued and forced to pay huge indemnity. His colleagues have all been found guilty of defamation when they wrote something that was not approved by Singapore leaders.”
Singapore, as you know, is not a democratic country. This is their greatest sore point. Do we want to be like them? Other than that, they seem to have a corruption-free state, although they don’t profess to any state religion. And that surely puts Malaysia to shame.
To me, the truth is more important. A government can act oppressively, but Allah yang Maha Tahu will eventually punish all wrongdoers. The law of karma takes its course even outside of Islam, so why worry if you didn’t do anything wrong.
salam tun.,
proud to be malaysian under ur time..
to moon rider.,
Anyone who become PM for 22 years also can build those KLIA, Twin tower,Penang Bridge and others ..
do u think if u become a PM u can do all what tun hv done?
KLIA – Poor planning, did accomodate for future. Airasia cannot go in have to build another airport .. so far for KL .. the train so expensive …
do u work in KLIA b4?do u think if KLIA still in subang what will happen wz road trafic?hv to remind u that comercial flight wz low cost flight r diff thing.,
Twin Tower- What the usage spending so much money on this, from what i see only used for people to take photo. tell me what the function?
r u proud to be malaysian?singapore had twin tower?SIC?do u read LKY statement after malayia succed wz SIC?
LRT – If not mistaken based on info in the internet , total bailout from our tax payer money exceeding billion. Why build something that need to bail out at last ..
r u ride mobile?what will happen if we dont hv such lrt on road traffic?what time u need go to office 12pm?
Penang Bridge, PLUS and other highways – What is so proud of building this highways? Remember malaysian need to pay tol using this and it is not free. The toll fees always increase and burden the people. Why need to privatised, gov no money to build these for the people?
go to toilet also need to pay 30cent.,than what d prob wz those toll fee?if u refused to pay d toll just use old road go to ur destination.,n feel d air.
Proton/Modenas – we all know lots of money loss to these useless companies .. selling modenas for 1 Euro ..
not every biz can make money.,
All I can say , after so many years you rule as PM , our transportation sucks, car prices so high due to AP , pay toll here and there,tnb and telekom and streamx keep monopoly the market .. and many more ..
all i can say,after read ur statemnt u really nt understanding what actually happen., does Tm n strymex keep monopoly d biz?so what other mobile n broadbnd biz for?its for charity?competitor?cut cut cut!!!!!!!!!!
If Tun Dr M so proud of the these , go and have a ride on the public transportation .. take it ride for 1 month .. experience urself and felt the pain of the rakyat ..
if u refused nt to used public trnspt.,than use ur own transpt.,its better for than stuck in LRT.,
Why is there no query setup for Abdullah Badawi? Doesnt we Malaysian have the rights to know since we also pay our taxes.
Salam YBhg TDM.
Saya tidak setuju sekiranya tidak perlu ambil tindakan ke atas perkara yang berlaku yang mengakibatkan kerugian kepada negara yang secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi kehidupan rakyat jelata. Sifat amanah pada setiap pemimpin dalam apa jua peringkat perlu ditekankan. Sebab itu, cogan kata ‘BERSIH, CEKAP & AMANAH’ TDM perkenalkan diawal pentadbiran beliau. Semakin besar pangkat kedudukan seseorang maka seWAJIBnya, semakin tinggi amanah yang perlu dilaksanakan.
Kalau seseorang itu amanah dan tidak buat salah, tidak ada yang perlu dirisaukan bila disiasat biarpun dia sudah tidak berjawatan lagi. Kesilapan & kelemahan mungkin boleh dimaafkan. Tapi kalau ianya disengajakan, hukuman setimpal harus dikenakan supaya ianya tidak jadi ikutan dan menjadi pengajaran kepada mereka yang diberikan tangungjawab.
‘Buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih’, tidak bermaksud melupakan begitu sahaja kesalahan orang yang tidak menjalankan amanah, serta berniat untuk mengaut sebanyak mana harta semasa berkuasa.
Kalau ini dijadikan amalan, saya khuatir setiap orang yang mempunyai peluang untuk membuat penipuan, menyeleweng, pecah amanah @ melakukan rasuah akan terus melakukannya. Mereka ini akan jadi pengkhianat kepada bangsa dan negara ini.
Pengkhianat ini, akan fikir sekiranya tidak disabitkan kesalahan semasa memegang jawatan, mereka akan dilepaskan atau diampunkan sekiranya didapati bersalah apabila mereka sudah tidak berjawatan lagi.
Sekiranya Kerajaan benar-benar serius memerangi Pengkhianat ini, setiap mereka yang diberi amanah dengan jawatan yang disandang perlu diberikan penjelasan yang secukupnya tentang tanggungjawab yg diamanahkan dan implikasi (jika tidak amanah) yang akan mereka hadapi walaupun sudah bersara kelak.
Saya percaya YBhg. Tun Abdullah tdak tergamak untuk mengkhianati bangsa Malaysia dan negara ini. Yang saya mempunyai keraguan ialah kepada mereka2 yang mempengaruhi Kerajaan pada ketika untuk belanja sebanyak RM270billion dalam tempoh 5 tahun.
Tun,saya ingin mengatakan TAHNIAH kerana anda dan geng UMNO anda telah mencuci otak orang Malaysia selama ini.
Saya tak mahu membandingkan perkembangan Melayu Singapura dan Melayu Malaysia kerana ia akan mencetuskan reaksi yang tidak munasabah.
Namun, beberapa hal yang anda, dan banyak ahli UMNO Malaysia menulis tentang Melayu Singapura dan Singapura memerlukan penjelasan.Jika tidak, orang Melayu Singapura mungkin akan menjadi mangsa hanya kerana dusta tertentu.
Ingat,FITNAH lebih buruk daripada membunuh.Now let me say in English so this will leave an impact on others(hopefully).
First,you can read here. http://www.mcys.gov.sg/MCDSFiles/download/ProgressofMalayCommunity.pdf
You may say the community have been left behind compared to the other communities.But the fact there is progress means the Malay Singaporeans can be solely proud of their achievements.And I quote what Lee Kuan Yew(YOUR ENEMY) said in 1965 being interviewed by Australian radio,”And in Singapore we give free education to Malays.And in one,two even three generations,you are going to create a generation of Malays that is equal to the non-Malays.”And indeed I can see the signs that it’s true.
The emphasis here is EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITIES.I understand that in Malaysia your sole objective is EQUALITY OF OUTCOME.But what happens,CORRUPTION!!!
Dear Tun,
1. Sometime in 1996 you came to visit a company I used to work for in the 90s. They wanted to celebrate their 1,000,000th customer and u were the guest of honour. After all, you were instrumental in its establishment. I was assigned by the management of the company to produce a vcd that summarised some of the key accomplishments of the company since its inception in 1985. It was supposed to be like a progress report, a tribute to you, to show/prove you that all your efforts have not gone in vain…after all, we successfully sold 1,000,000 cars..and U helped make it all happen…
2. The assignment was truly an eye-opening experience for me and I honestly believed I got to know you better. I spent 4 days 3 nights [didnt go home didnt sleep much no bath no change of clothes] at the production house to ensure that the vcd was completed on time and completed it was the morning of the event. Alhamdulillah, the whole event went well. I could still remember the time you were about to leave @ the end of the event and we lined the hallway to shake hands with you. As you were about to enter your car, I shouted @ you,”Take care of yourself Mr. Prime Minister” twice to which you replied,”I will, I will”. The fact that u even responded made me feel good even though you probably did not and could not see me then..It didnt matter…Mr Prime Minister
3. I stayed with the company for 11 more years, had many opportunities to learn so much and had the opportunity to meet you twice I think, both at Putrajaya…
4. The point is, it does not matter what anyone anywhere has to say about your contributions to the nation. U DO NOT have to prove yourself to anyone. Allah swt says in the Holy Quraan that even if the infidels were to be brought up to the heavens to see whats in it, they still would not believe… Believe it or not, to me its not any of the material achievements to-date but that you successfully instilled the ‘Malaysia Boleh’ spirit in many of us…u made us believe that we can…individually and as a nation…its just unfortunate that your successor had other plans..
5. When I first joined that particular company in 1996, I was up against my chinese and indian colleagues and bosses. They looked down on people like us…I felt weak and insecure especially towards my chinese colleagues and bosses. Fast forward, 11 years later, I felt that there was nobody that I could not face up to nor was there anything that I could not achieve or do and I had plenty of tangible evidence to show for…and for this I would like to thank u from the bottom of my heart.
6. On the History Channel some weeks back, u said u failed. The truth is, U DID NOT Tun. Maybe with UMNO being a selfish, self-centred and ungrateful lot but not with people like us. UMNO has lost its cause and direction but not us. UMNO is populated with members who have only their interests at heart but not us. We are products of your wonderous policies. We competed and succeeded…on a level playing field, on our own two feet because we believe we can..U made us believe we can…and we did..
7. So I say to hell with those who say you have wasted money during your 22 years of tireless service to an ungrateful nation..to the penipu rakyats, the pengkianat rakyats, the perosak rakyats and their likes…the coalition of evil men with evil ends and headed by a butthole …to Barry Wain who thrives on nothing more than controversies…they are the hypocrits and infidels…go to hell with them and may they dwell in it for eternity… they have never ever contributed anything meaningful in anyway to the nation from day one yet they and all their loved ones have enjoyed, have benefitted enormously directly and indirectly from your efforts…and in return, they leveled all sorts of irresponsible, baseless criticisms against you…like communists they are in thots and deeds, they create all sorts social, economic and political upheavels, anarchy, chaos and instability, bad-mouthed you and the country internationally, summon the west to come ‘save them’..traitors of the highest degree..they ought to be court-martialled really for treachery of the highest degree..
8. So, take comfort for all that U have done for us and take action Tun. U are not and will not be alone. Like a good father you were and have been, you were always there for us and now the time has come for us to reciprocate. We will be there with you against the likes of BW, LKS, Msia Kini and their cohorts…we will fight side-by-side you..we will support you in every way..say the word..we’ll be there..I know I will..u have my word. You have always been THE Prime Minister of Malaysia…my Prime Minister now and forever and I thank you for that.
bangsaMALAYSIA Inc
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
And now Tun you claim that Najib’s Federal Government should be giving you much more government transparency!
If you are sincere enough to want to have transparency in Malaysia’s government, why don’t you voice out openly asking your political pet Dato Seri Najib to abolish or repeal Official Secrets Act with immediate effect? Come on, you must be honest to yourself and don’t ever try to avoid answering this question!
Dear Tun,
Barry Wain being a puppet to the singapore government, will do anything to tarnish malaysia and malaysian politicians’ image, that includes you Tun. That is his numero uno task. I am not surprised if Anwar Ibrahim has a hand in this too! This SOB AI will never stop to use his political stint to influence the people to believe that BN and former BN politicians are no good. His aim is to become the PM ASAP, at all costs.
Tun, keep up your good work in writing more revealing stories especially singapore which I agree with some respondents that, that SOB country is mother of all racist country!
By the way, Ayahanda Tun…., beside humanity factor (“Fair but Not Equal”), Dr M named YB Anwar Ibrahim as DPM was because PM Najib was naughty and playful at that time….?
Dr M was right because Malaysia PM position is for the nation, not a CEO position in a Multi-International Corporation. If Prime Minister (PM), the value is RM12.6 billions, however, if prime minister (pm), the value then will be RM270 billions = 12.5pm + 12.51am/anwar-mahathir….?
Our Press and Media, stop spinning words and alphabets Lah…, let columnists analyse…..if you are talking Transparency, Accountability and Capability – don’t be “buah nangga” who think that you are above law…, KDN cannot withdraw your media license because Malaysia allows Free Trade, but Advertisers (including our Kementerian)can pull out their advertisements like what happened to Tiger Wood. And Malaysians are mature now, they will sue you for libel damage like what our Dr M is going to do…. This is Malaysia, and Malaysia is Not Tiger Wood, the golfer, by swaying rakyat’s sentiment that can post threats, panics and insecurity to the nation like what happened in 16 Sept. 2008…..
However, without Pak Lah, PM Najib might never know his responsibility as the PM..and as point 14. “The Government should cooperate and open all its books. There should be no cover-up. The Government is committed to transparency. It should demonstrate that it keeps its promises.”
Dear Tun,
Salute you again sir.
With over five years having passed since your retirement, people still want to take pot shots at u.
What does that say? It’s because you are such a great person.
Anyone still remembers Slumberjack — Malaysia’s worst prime minister who in just five years destroyed what took decades to build.
Your enemies will not stop trying to put you down because only if they can get you out of the way will their path to advance materialise.
Everyone else is chicken feed to them, especially Najib. Sorry to say he too is turning out to be a lame duck leader.
Only you stand in between their cherished goal – power.
I have complete faith that you will prevail.
Best Regard Tun, God bless.
Realisasikan impian seorang rakyat Malaysia untuk mencatat nama dalam
Guinness World Records sebagai pemilik blog paling ramai pengikut
maklumat disini
Barry Wain has no business to interfere into Malaysia’s administration. Only Malaysians can chide their ministers on how their money is spent.
I am disturbed that Bary Wain is associated with ISEAS based in Singapore. As good neighbours we should not allow Barry Wain to launch critism at Malaysia.
Dr Mahathir should sue Barry Wain if he feels slandered. The legal suits by Singapore ministers against journalists is not relevant unless Tun wants to cast negative insinuations. In that case Tun is behaving like a menopause woman.
Penulisan secara saintifik sahaja diterima dalam membuktikan sesuatu.So secara saintifiknya, tulisan begini tiada nilai.
BARRY WAIN is just yet another little SOUTHEAST ASIAN CORRESPONDENT and but the only very few mat salleh and foreigners who know you and are INTERESTED in you…which only proves my point that you are indeed not and INTERNATIONAL STATESMAN but just but a LITTLE ASEAN one.
22 years just for that? Not worth it. Britney Spears became a GLOBAL phenomenon in just 2(years). Now you get a small funeral which no one will attend. (100 world leaders attended Tito’s, as did King Hussein and Obuchi)And you’ll be forgotten in time just as a passing in the wind. Of course in Msia RTM will still play tributes on and off (like a jaguh kampong terpencil) but what the hack. Reminds me of that little Suharto. Dr Mahathir, the SMALLEST STATESMAN (in the world)…hmm…
You were actually PM for only 20 years, not 22.
You went to London on average 4 to 5 time (even more!) a year during and more so after your tenure, each time for at least a week or more. (more or less-lah, right?)
That makes it about a month per year, just in London. Not to mention your other official and unofficial trips abroad.
1 month in London per year X 22 years = 22months in London
Wajaperak LU SIAPA???? Mahathir mia bodyguard? Satu sen pun dia tak bagi kamu. Ya kamu tentu kata kamu lakukan bukan untuk wang. Yalah itulah sebab satu sen pun dia tak bagi. Not even a simple thank you. Teruskan berkarat.
And for your information I AM NOT HIDING. In fact I am prepared to go on LIVE TV (wishful thinking I know) to expose and challenge Mahathir to counter my every allegation and proof that HE IS AS GREAT OUTSIDE OF MALAYSIA AS HE IS INSIDE. He is the one hiding.
*Waja yang berbentuk logam tentulah perak (warnanya), tak payahlah ulang dua kali waja lepas itu perak lagi.
Ok finelah lets say Mahathir considers a little ASEAN dictator as adequate of being some sort of tiny INTERNATIONAL statesman already
Ayahanda Tun,
If Malaysia abide to Foreign Diplomacy and Malaysia court, shouldn’t our KDN…allow Chin Peng to return home as his last wish to pray for his ancestors and meet his relatives in Perak or in Pahang??? Well, now Vietnam has forgiven and forget Vietnam war in Mekong and has signed up as one of the 8 TPPP members with USA, and Japanese too have forgiven and forget WWII incidents….
If Chin Peng sincerely wanted to come back to Malaysia, no need to meet our PM Najib nor YB Hisham because he is a non-VVIP not representing any country to visit Malaysia as foreign diplomacy, he can just apply his wish at our KDN, that’s all and why MEDIA made his return like he is some one very very BIG, bigger than our late Tunku Abdul Rahman…?
Good day and take care Ayahanda Tun.
Cut the crab.You sounds another Barry Swain.
You do not sounds a Dr or perhaps a fraud.
Ask yourself the big Why
The Malay populations is much less now in Singapore.
The Malay are more gatal.They married at young age to avoid (zina) and breeds 8-10 halal children in most marriage,but yet the Malay are still minorities in their own land.
You know the answer of Why and How.The difference is most were imported from China and that explains well of what”s going on.
Relax Tok Det..rakyat malaysia boleh menilai sendiri kemajuan yang Tok buat untuk Malaysia..buat apa kita melatah kerana dia dan ape sangat le yang ada pada Berry Wain tu..setaraf dengan anjing yahudi je..kwang..kwang..kwang
Salam Tun,
I’ve not read Wain’s book and I hope the government will release it so that we can all judge for ourselves.
He used to work for Asiaweek (RIP) and AWSJ, so we all know where he’s coming from but to be fair, we need to read the book.
Many Malaysians perk up and accept as gospel truth anything written originating from overseas (in this case Singapore) and especially if it’s written by a white Westerner. Perhaps they ought to read this article from the Glasgow University Media Group on The Mass Production of Ignorance: News Content and Audience Understanding The article is about TV news but can be applied to electronic and printed media including books (which are just longer versions of newspaper columns, really).
RM 100 Billion is an incredible amount of money; why it’s almost the same amount lost by Singapore’s Temasek this year. Tut tut.
Good for you. You’re an officer in the SAF with incredible security clearance and it’s good to learn that after almost 50 years of independence there’s now a Malay general in the SAF in command of a division, no less. Any idea when a Malay is going to fly an F-16 or command a naval ship?
What does your Cat 1A TS security clearance entitle you to? Walk into the Ofiicers’ Mess in RSAF Paya Lebar for a drink? Oh please.
The Yayasan MENDAKI programme seems to be a good idea and it’s great to know that a whole 4% (not one, not two, not three, but four percent) of Singapore’s professionals are Malays! Wow! What an achievement. Congratulations! Malaysia has a lot to learn from Singapore on how to improve the Malays’ lot.
Azrin, here is a quote by a Sioux: “The native American has been generally despised by his white conquerors for his poverty and simplicity.” Substitute “Malay” for “native American” and “Chinese” for “his white conquerors” because a Malay is treated exactly like a Sioux in his reservation in your country. Even the name Mendaki sounds like a joke played by your government on the Malays in Singapore because the Malays have to climb all the way up to the top of the hill because they started at the foot of the hill while the others started mid-way up it.
Salam Tun.
Kuan Yew has a simple secret -just pleased the Yankees A-Z, and his words will be ‘allowed to be translated’ to S’porean law by the court and thus he’ll be able to govern S’pore his way and Uncle Sam will accept. After numerous bankruptcy cases befallen to PAP’s oppositions and outspoken free thinkers due to outragous costs of damages awarded by courts, Barry Wain & co.(BW&C) got the message loud and clear. So the jobless BW&C (previous employers Asian Wall Street Journal & Asia Week are history) decided to forget the moral principles which they pretended to practice all along, and it’ll be most beneficial (and instant for journalists) to just show their true colour by keep on saying ‘yes, yes, yes’ to PAP.
The PKR ‘no. 1 thief’ adviser noted enviously at Kuan Yew’s achievements and decided to follow suit -just say ‘yes, yes, yes’ to the beloved Yankees, and the red carpet welcome given to him send clear message that good returns are awaiting, CIA will make sure of that.
Next there is this one youngster, ambitious, purportedly brilliant and all ruckus pondering whatever it takes to be the youngest & greatest PM. He became son-in-law to the then deputy PM. When Tun handed the PM’s post to Pak Dol ‘no quality’ this chap (who wishes to be referred as KJ, initial for kurang jar with the letter ‘a’ before ‘j’ left out on purpose) who do not understand the word patience immediately requested for UMNO Youth Dep President & 4th floor think tank, then took the word ‘clean’ from his father-in-law’s ‘Mr Clean’ image and cleaned up government & GLC coffers, then asked Pak Dol to announce “Mahathir left the country broke”.
Kit Siang retorted “KJ is richest unemployed in Malaysia”, then quickly realised he made a mistake -“I should’t say that because KJ & Pak Dol will be the greatest secret weapon, our passport to rule Malaysia! Malaysians will vote against them/BN for what they are doing. Let them continue to ruin the country so that we win PRU13!”
Thus Kit Siang, Karpal, PKR ‘no. 1 thief’ advisor, PAS all concluded that say only nice things about Pak Dol. They will not raise corruption issues, etc, etc. that involves ex-PM ‘no quality’ and his son-in-law ‘Kurang Jar’.
Malaysia amat bertuah di bumi ibu-pertiwi selama 22 tahun..kerana dikurniakan Seorang Insan yang Luar Biasa..Yakin,Bijaksana dan Percaya Kebolehan Pencapaian “Misi Bangsa dan Negara” menjaga Kemajuan, Kemakmuran dan
Keamanan Negaraku tercinta..walaupun pelbagai tuduhan yang bukan-bukan setelah bersara secara sukarela..di mata dunia..!Sampai asa-usul diperbincang-tikaikan di sini-sana..kerana “Wajah Hidung Yang Luar Biasa” daripada yang sesama kelompok masing-masing yang telah berjaya mencapai segala usaha-gigih objektif Misi Negara di mata dunia ..atas Keyakinan..Kebijaksaaan..Kepercayaan..Pencapaian Misi Negara..Seorang Insan Luar-Biasa anugerah Tuhan di ibu-pertiwiku negara tercintaku…!
Tapi kini..macam-macam tak betul..tak etika..tak benar..muncul setiap waktu setipa masa..segala macam telah musnah-hancur menjatuhkan Imej Negara di mata dunia..walaupun benar-benar kembali ke Landasan-Benar-Misi-1Suara-1Impian-1Harapan-1Malaysia yang “Terpikul Segunung Amanah…Terjunjung Selaut Ikrar” agar berjalan seiringan..melangkah sehaluan..ke Jalan Benar yakni Percaya Kepada Tuhan..Yang Lemah dibantu..Yang Bijak disokong..Yang Miskin ditolong..Yang Kaya dikembang..untuk Misi Murni Negara..”Rakyat Bahagia Negara Aman Malaysia Maju-Jaya” di mata dunia ..!
Semoga Tuhan memberkati segala daya-usaha yang Murni yang Benar Negara tercintaku Malaysia..doa-doakan..Insyaallah..!
Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
1. We all know what Singapore is up to, i.e. to potray Malaysia as inferior, not effective, inefficient, corrupted, etc.
2. So they bring in opportunist like barry the hypocrite. At least his predecessors were more genuine and honest…but they paid dearly. the idiot’s mission with singapore govt’s blessing is to potray the negatives about Tun and Malaysia. The govt of singapore and this white guy are opportunists, thats all.
3. If this guy is a real genuine, how come he never mention about the lee kuan yew’s domination of singapore’s wealth? the dynasty is obviously corruption, the temasik holding, the lee family and singapore bounty…my god,so glaring but yet he didnt notice? becos he is a scum and needs the money…he is no different than a robber.
4. If he is the so-called expert in asian biz, why not about singapore cheating its neighbors..
a. encouraging smuggling (there was a report somewhere about
singapore being a crooked country in tin biz), using their
labels in trading but buying cheap stuffs from neighboring
b. when malaysia was down economically, singapore encouraged
malaysians to dump their monies there with highest interest
in return…
c. when the chinese in Indonesia felt threatened by the
pribumis, singapore lured the indon chinese to singapore
and 80 billion USD were transfered to singapore.
d. singapore govt cheated the indons by paying very low prices
in the batam investment
Tun, smack them real hard and harder. I dont care so much about what the non-malays’ thinking or saying about you, especially the not-so-good things about you, butI get pissed off with my malay people who jumped in the wagon with those ungrateful people to get you. I hate these melayu tak sedar diri – oh, that reminds me of anwar, khalid, that scum nazri and others.
Tun, just look and see…how many malay people at the highest level come to your side? the menteris, the ksn, ksu, the ex generals of police, armed forces, heads of department (esp ICU, EPU, BTN)…the ministers during your time especially…najib, wake up..you should be the model to these people, unless you too ada unfinished biz with Tun.
Sorry Tun, those are the inferiors, bootlicking malays.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
Hairanlah Tun, ramai juga ahli parti orang Islam kita yang benci Israil serang palestin dan mendalangi kemusnahan dan kematian ratusan ribu rakyat Iraq dan Afghanistan dan Pakistan yang tidak berdosa tetapi pada masa yang sama menyokong Barry Wain..apa benda ni..
Salam Tun dan blogger semua
Saya recommend movie ini bertajuk Collapse. Sebuah Dokumentari mengenai Michael Ruppert.
Boleh download dari : http://www.netloaded.org/collapse-proper-dvdscr-xvid-xscr/#more-63980
Assalamu Alaikum Tun.
Tun, in Bahasa Melayu, perkataan “Wain” ni kalau tengok dalam kamus, estinya minuman beralkohol..maknanya memabukan..Jadi c Barry Wain ni memak mambuk, hilang akal dan tidak waras..banyak kes human right di Singapura berlaku di depan matanya tetapi dia pura-pura tidak nampak..Journalist apa begitu.
He might have an agenda. He doesn’t happy to you infavour with the current Malaysian leadership. He is unhappy to the Malays began to realise their past mistakes during the 12th general election and. Malays are now back to Umno.
Orang Melayu kembali kepada Umno kerana usaha yang ditunjukan pemimpin Umno untuk betul-betul berubah. Umno dalam proses menyingkir pemimpin dan ahli rasuah, tamak, gila projek..Umno lakukan ini kerana pemimpin dan ahli begini ke parti manapun tak akan laku..malah menjejaskan parti kalau diterima..
Jadi oleh kerana Tun menyokong kepimpinan Umno sekarang yang dibuktikaan dengan kemasukan semula ke Umno sebaik sahaja Pak Lah letak jawatan,pembangkan rasa tergugat dan harapan mereka untuk berkuasa semakin kabur.
Jadi cara mereka merosakan hubungan Tun dengan kerajaan sekarang ialah dengan mereka-reka fitnah untuk memburukan Tun. Apabila kerajaan sekarang tidak buat apa-apa, mereka akan kata kerajaan tidak transparent. Jadi kita mahu kerajaan sekarang jangan terpancing dengan taktik buruk C mabuk tu..
Yang herannya, ada juga orang waras guna orang mabuk untuk capai agendanya..pelik kan? Anda rasa, siapa yang paling tidak waras di sini? Orang Malaysia sudah bijak-bijak sekarang..jadi Wain, cukuplah tu, tak ada orang mahu dengar cakap orang mabuk..
Ybhg Tun,
Rakyat Malaysia harus fikir persoalan berikut:-
1. Kenapa Barry Wain menyerang Tun seorang sahaja dalam bukunya, sedangkan ramai lagi pemimpin di dunia ini yang penuh dengan skandal?,
2. Adakah adakah ada sesiapa dalam kerajaan sekarang atau sebelum di belakangnya membekalkan maklumat dan fakta kepadanya semasa pentadbiran Tun?
3. Siapa yang mendapat keuntungan berikutan pendedahan tersebut dari segi moral, politik dan sebagainya?
4. Adakah Barry Wain sendiri mahu menulis mengenai Tun atau ada pihak lain yang mahu dia tulis?
5. Apakah tujuan beliau menulis mengenai perkara-perkara yang negatif sahaja? Untuk menjatuhkan Tun saya rasa bukan kerana Tun telah bersara. Mentadbir negara umpama berniaga, ada untung ada yang rugi. Yang rugi tutup kedai awal. Kalau untung melebihi rugi apa salahnya.
Saya berharap kerajaan mempertimbangkan saranan Tun supaya ditubuhkan Suruhanraja Diraja Bebas untuk menyiasat untuk membuktikan kebenaran bagi membersihkan nama Tun yang telah banyak berbakti kepada kemakmuran negara.
Saya juga berharap Suruhanjaya yang ditubuhkan itu turut menyiasat kerajaan selepas Tun kerana jika tidak berbuat demikian mungkin suatu hari nanti Barry Wain akan menulis mengenai Tun ABB pula pula dan kerajaan terpaksa menubuhkan suruhanjaya yang lain pula. Oleh itu tubuh satu suruhanjaya dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang telah berlaku dan dapat mengelakkan perkara yang sama akan berlaku kepada tokoh negarawan kita.
Salam hormat buat Tun.
Totally agree with you Sir. Your preset conditions were reasonable and well accepted by majority of Malaysian. I wonder why Lim Kit Siang and all the opposition leaders are harping on your 22 years of PMship while in mode of silence on AAB PMship aka KJship.
Definitely the opposition has ulterior motives behind. However it doesn’t matter because we know that Tun Dr.Mahathir is capable of handling all the opposition leader single handed. Bravo to Tun.
Blocking RCI from doing their work will only backfire on PM Najib in next PRU13. Malaysians are so eager to find out how RM260 billion were spent. Please lah PM Najib prove them (oppositions) wrong that you are transparent. It will be a precedent for next Malaysian leaders to uphold accountability.
Much of the RM270 billion was used to repay loans. That is enough to explain who spent ALL that money on worthless projects and ventures which eventually failed. Why is it so difficult for so many of you here to understand. Does everyone believe that all those projects and ventures were carried out using 100% cash. As for the documentary evidence, it has all either gone up in smoke or shredded or being stored by someone, somewhere.
Dare the Malaysian government get a rights waiver for the Swiss Bank to reveal details regarding private accounts of Malaysian politicians and businessmen. Only then we will know who is telling the truth. Ada berani ka…
Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
//12. I know every effort was made to find whether I had misused Government money. Failing to find anything the Abdullah Government set up a Royal Commission and accused me of being influenced by others in the choice of judges.//
This was the reason why “KJ”…won the seat for UMNO Youth Chief…..after re-count of 3 times for votes against your son who is the next generation in throne, a TRADITION for UMNO’s President to pass down the baton to the next generation after YB Hishamuddin, anak kepada our Late Tun Huessein Onn…
How KJ got his MP seat in Rembau? Everyone knows very well that it was YB Sharizat Jalil who agreed to transfer her votes from Pantai, KL….. and this was the reason why anak sulong YB Anwar Ibrahim won the MP seat in YB Sharizat Jalil’s area…..
And the year before “KJ” won this UMNO seat, our Dr Ling Liong Sik’s son lost the MCA Youth Chief…..to this so-called MCA’s “alien” YB Wee Ka Siong….. our PKFZ mother scandal due to “tidak apa” attitude of “duit AGong (Kerajaan), duit aku, lu diam YB Ong Tee Kiat & Dr Chua Soi Lek…..our best current example of Malaysia Maverick – the Sekitar Hijau Sdn Bhd’s Director who hold the company shares of 49,998, Lim Kit Siong (is this our Mr Lim Kit Siang, MACC please check and confirm!!) and the 3rd man hold 1 share,… and this Marverick is similar to Singapore Marverick’s Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s libel damage on Far East Economic Review…. on lu cari makan kat tempat aku, lu mesti patuh kedaulatan undang2 Singapore kerana aku bagi lu PR kat sini cari makan….. but our Mr Lim Kit Siang, another manusia kejutan budaya seperti Pak Lah….. dan Mr Lim Kit Siang buka mata, Pak Lah lelap mata, semasa bekerja untuk generai nya yang akan datang…., syiok diri sangat sampai beliau lupa beliau kat tempat awam Malaysia, bukan Singapore. Kalu di Singapore, orang yang suka tiru akan dilabelkan sebagai Copy Dog (bukan binatang itu) so that the Singaporeans will be more professional and abide to the Constitution of Republic Singapore..
This is the main reason why our YB Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said if he become the PM at 12.50pm, he will make Khairy a minister at 12.51pm….(TS Myuhiddin masih kekal sebagai DPM?) and the earlier speculation was that KJ is interested in being a minister for Youth & Sport Ministry….. (which is one of the nation building programme in 2010 Budget portfolio) and was this the reason why MCA’s 3rd force got angry and wanted a fresh election to vote “KJ” out??? If YB Ahmad become the next PM, then all the projects “Coridors sini, Corridors sana” will be bailout… at 12.51am….. then UMNO will end in RahmaN’s myth….
YB Ahmad wanted the Penang BN Chairman seat from YB Koh Tsu Khoon when Gerakkan is in the weakest condition, and this outburst of YB Ahmad (God’s will) will make The Penang people to like Gerakkan again….. Because of this our Mr Lim Kit Siang has no choice (takut his son will kalah in next PRU) and wants our PM Najib to set up a royal commission on Dr M’s wrong doings during his 22 years leadership….. and Mr Lim Kit Siang projected private sector market price, not legal government projected market rate, is $28 (Sin$ is peg to $)…..
If PM Najib and his Cabinet do not do anything to prevent the repeat of 1997 “reformasi” launched by YB Anwar Ibrahim (his market value NOW set by him is RM50 for Malaysia, and RM1 for Selangor by deleting the debts to increase credit limits from banks? If our YB Anwar has this perception, then he will loose out before next PRU, where got banks willing to take this risk, a very ricky strategy of non-profesionalism to support YB Anwar’s credit limit eventhough his projected market value for 50 years now is RM1 effective in Selangor 1st…. and if this strategy is allowed,…..the citizens of Malaysia and Foreigners will never have confident and trust in UMNO/BN because they are not professional and forgot that UMNO/BN is the Leaders choose by the people to protect our People and our King & Kings.. and if UMNO/BN cannot kekal this tradition through “Perikatan”, then our King and Kings can also not to follow the “Perikatan” (Perlembagaan) of taking turn to be the next King…..
If we want FDI, UMNO/BN must make sure this Tradition is continued to prevent choas in Malaysia that could cause threat to the FDI….. And our PM Najib is on the RIGHT track.. this time because he has learned from his late father Tun Razak to prevent the bloody Mei 13 and Opersai Opps Lalang….
Dr M must take action because this allegation is a threat that will cause loss of confident and trust in UMNO/BN… and the country…. and our King and Kings.. Furthermore the “pampasan” of RM500 millions + RM500 millions can stimulate our Economy for the future of Malaysia…and 1 Malaysia….so on and so on.. … …. And PR will be the Oposition Party….. ….. …..
Good day Ayahanda Tun…..if MCA, MIC and Gerakkan respects and loves her ancestors and tradition, they must follow UMNO’s tradition, our Malaysian Traditions… and PPP is a profesional party whereby they need not follow this tradition…and PPP is a party that UMNO must maintain. Kayveas and Murugiah must be willing to sacrifice their personal emotion to make sure PPP is relevant in the coming election to fight for her professional body… ….
P/S: MANUSIA TIDAK MUDAH LUPA…. PLEASE ERASE the succesors’ “Tidak Apa” attitude from UMNO/BN and our SIL (KJ) case is similar to our Kelantan’s PAS Tok Nik Aziz SIL, and I am very sure that none of us in Malaysia allows SIL, not the Son to “rampas” the “Kuasa” from our Ancestors… And Dr M has made an TRIAL & HUMAN error due to humanity when he brougt YB Anwar into UMNO…. that cause mis-trust in UMNO/BN…
So Dr M must clear his name so that all UMNO/BN members will trust and like UMNO again because Dr M cannot let the “aliens” to “rampas” the “UMNO/BN” tradition, and it’s proven that this trial & error cannot work in today’s professionalism world, in appointing YB Anwar as the DPM…. Dr M, you MUST clear this mess once and for all for the country’s development and harmony be it politically and economically to make sure 1Malaysia is peaceful socially…for the future of UMNO/BN….
If “KJ” and goons cannot accept this tradisi whereby “PARTY FATHERs pass the baton to their next of capable kin, tell them to merge with YB Anwar, Tengku Razaleigh and Zaid Ibrahim (Aku Melayu Jugak). Aku Cina jugak, tapi bapaku had never fight for DAP nor MCA…. then Aku kena pilih party yang aku yakin akan membawa manfa’at kepada generai ku yang akan datang…bukan kerana aku saudara mara kepada mereka….faham ke???? Jika mereka ini yang tidak bersabar dan tidak percaya kepada Takdir Tuhan, hang ingat aku akan percaya dan beryakin kepada mereka ini….. yang merampas rezeki Tuhan.
P/S: Sdr By Faiz Al-Kelantani on December 24, 2009 3:33 PM , may I know how much do you worth in RM or $ as a doctor by profession???? My worth is my GAJI + EPF, anda punya berapa ke??? Jangan lah memperbodohkan aku sebagai Cina yang mempercayai bahawa Tuhan ku di langit konsep (atau kepercayaan?) on “Lu pilih PAS, Lu masuk Syurga, lu pilih UMNO, lu masuk Neraka.. Aku lebih suka UMNO/BN, jadi aku percaya aku akan masuk langit ku kerana apa yang aku buat kini adalah diizinkan Tuhan, aku tidur lena…. dan
Tun, are you clean for the past 22 years? i think this is usually people are asking …
The destroyer is a sly fox. His mechanisation is to put the blame on Tun for his squandering of RM270 billion on virual projects. During his reign he told the world that he was after corruption. He had in place his people in the police, legal, anti-corruption, mass media, business to insulate him.
It is now clear who are the promoters and defenders of KJ. After Kalimullah, now the Defence Minister himself. Did he owe anything to KJ. If true, he should resign over the 2 missing engines.
If KJ wants to achieve his ambition as the youngest PM he has to stop short both Najib and Muhyidin.
Dear Tun Mahathir & Malaysians,
1) Singapore does not destroy mosques. Old, rotting mosques were demolished and solid, beautiful ones were built to replace them. Though we may have fewer mosques today – but they surpass the old rotting ones in beauty, size and engineering construction. There are more than enough mosques in Singapore. What for have 100 old, horrible conditions mosques – when its better to have 50 solid, good ones ?
2) Singapore is a meritocracy. Sensitive positions are open to anyone who can uphold the political interests of the majority. So the question arises as to whether Malay-Muslims can uphold the political interests of the Non-Muslim majority. Can they ? And if not – should sensitive positions be open to them ?
3) Singapore now has one Malay-Muslim General in the SAF. The Commander of 6 DIV is a Malay-Muslim General.
4) Yes – I do agree with you that the Singapore’s PAP does sue too many critics. Being a loyal Singaporean does NOT mean that I must be pro-PAP. I am NOT pro-PAP. I am simply pro-Singapore. Just like in Malaysia. Being pro-Malaysia does NOT mean being pro-UMNO.
Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad
Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
//12. I know every effort was made to find whether I had misused Government money. Failing to find anything the Abdullah Government set up a Royal Commission and accused me of being influenced by others in the choice of judges.//
This was the reason why “KJ”…won the seat for UMNO Youth Chief…..after re-count of 3 times for votes against your son who is the next generation in throne, a TRADITION for UMNO’s President to pass down the baton to the next generation after YB Hishamuddin, anak kepada our Late Tun Huessein Onn…
How KJ got his MP seat in Rembau? Everyone knows very well that it was YB Sharizat Jalil who agreed to transfer her votes from Pantai, KL….. and this was the reason why anak sulong YB Anwar Ibrahim won the MP seat in YB Sharizat Jalil’s area…..
And the year before “KJ” won this UMNO seat, our Dr Ling Liong Sik’s son lost the MCA Youth Chief…..to this so-called MCA’s “alien” YB Wee Ka Siong….. our PKFZ mother scandal due to “tidak apa” attitude of “duit AGong (Kerajaan), duit aku, …..Sekitar Hijau Sdn Bhd’s Director who hold the company shares of 49,998, Lim Kit Siong (is this our Mr Lim Kit Siang, MACC please check and confirm!!) and the 3rd man hold 1 share.
This is the main reason why our YB Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said if he become the PM at 12.50pm, he will make Khairy a minister at 12.51pm….(TS Myuhiddin masih kekal sebagai DPM?) and the earlier speculation was that KJ is interested in being a minister for Youth & Sport Ministry….. (which is one of the nation building programme in 2010 Budget portfolio) and was this the reason why MCA’s 3rd force got angry and wanted a fresh election to vote “KJ” out??? If YB Ahmad become the next PM, then all the projects “Coridors sini, Corridors sana” will be bailout… at 12.51am….. then UMNO will end in RahmaN’s myth….
YB Ahmad wanted the Penang BN Chairman seat from YB Koh Tsu Khoon when Gerakkan is in the weakest condition, and this outburst of YB Ahmad (God’s will) will make The Penang people to like Gerakkan again….. Because of this our Mr Lim Kit Siang has no choice (takut his son will kalah in next PRU) and wants our PM Najib to set up a royal commission on Dr M’s wrong doings during his 22 years leadership….. and Mr Lim Kit Siang projected private sector market price, not legal government projected market rate, is $28 (Sin$ is peg to $)…..
If PM Najib and his Cabinet do not do anything to prevent the repeat of 1997 “reformasi” launched by YB Anwar Ibrahim (his market value NOW set by him is RM50 for Malaysia, and RM1 for Selangor (delete deb
Askm Tun,
Those who know you either because of work or socialising would vouch that you are a man with no false pretenses. Very diligent and committed in carrying out your duty as a PM.And compassionate too.
Though you admitted that you are poor judge of man,we cannot expect you to be a superhuman, with extraordinary powers and knows about every thing.You know who are your true friends when you are no longer the PM. Those who were close to you once now find excuses not to go horse riding with you. They see no benefit accrueing, but now they take up golfing because Najib plays golf.Very realistic about life.
Your rationale for setting up the Royal Commission to investigate not only the alleged squadering of RM 100bill during your watch but also on the possible misdeeds under Pak Lah’s administration is very sound. Najib should take up the challenge. Then our Corruption Perception Index(CPI) will improve.To ignore your call is a minus point for Najib.
If others can sue you for defamation,you must also have the rights to sue if others defame you. Barry Wain becomes famous because of his book about you that contains a lot of alleged misdeeds committed by you as the PM for 22 years.He must be prepared to face you in court if what he publishes is defamatory of you. The venom contained in his book has travelled far and wide all over the world and nobody can say for sure whether it can be stopped should you win the suit against Wain.
I love reading your blog becuse you do not spew venom. Other blogs like malaysiainsider publishes virulent comments, publishing even the vulgar words.
Every leader is just like a bank account: debit and credit.I support and appreciate you as a leader,because after audit, I find Tun has more credit.
Pray for Tun and Tun Hasmah’s good health always.
Tun Lanang
just because he can write a book, or with awsj, or asiaweek? barry wain “thinks” he is smart, or smarter than other people.. we pity pity him.
Tun M,
I do not see any necessity for you to react on this issues. Or may be you have any agenda to trap LKS.
In my oppinion the issue of our foreign affairs minister that has recalled Malaysia’s permanent representative to the United Nations in Vienna for consultations over the passing of a resolution on the Iran nuclear issue by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Austria last month is suppose the priorty to address.
Thank you.
Salam Tun,
Ramai orang jealous kat Tun sebab Tun MEMANG BAGUS untuk MALAYSIA INI!!!
Malaysia 1. majority orang2 Islam, & 2. negara kecik tapi “kuat” di dunia Islam.
Itu aje wAllahu’alam sudah cukup untuk si yahudi2 zionist kat Pulau Singapura tu gentar, & asyik2 cari jalan nak jatuhkan Tun, and of course (but Na’udzubillah), Negara Malaysia kita ini.
Well, insyaAllah Tun, kita semua rakyat Malaysia dapat bersama2 Bertawakkal Kepada Allah SWT supaya Tanahair orang2 Melayu yang rata2 Islam di Malaysia ini, senantiasa di bawah LindunganNYA……. Amin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin.
Thank you very much, Tun.
May Allah SWT Bless You and ALL The Sincere Malaysians who Love, Respect, & Grateful to this progressive little Country and its humble, polite, People.
Wassalam, Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun, sorry but I have to respond to the bollocks that our friends do read and write (of propaganda etc)
1) demolition of mosques (from 93 mosques before separation and now 36);
Yes, they demolished..but built bigger and better ones, how many tokong get demolished too..and their graves…??
Only in Singapore, the muslims pay to a Mosque Building Fund to repair, build and maintain mandated mosques, INCLUDING MASJID JAME Johor in Radin Mas (harbor front)
2) admission quotas for minorities into national universities capped at 2% of student
Yes i agree that Singapore is a racist country. I had the opportunity to work and live there as an engineer for many years. The PAP government really discriminate against the minority Malays and Indians. In the company I worked, there were only a few Singapore Malays out of over 200 employees. They worked as low ranking employees such as dispatch boys, receptionists, drafters and secretaries. The Singapore policy mentioned by promelayu towards the Malays on education is indeed true. The PAP government managed to create a generation of Singapore Malays totally lacking in confidence with themselves so that they will not bother about Singapore politics and truly frighten of the government because such populace are easy to govern and manipulated.
To those Malaysians who think that Singapore is better, they can pack up, leave and become Singaporeans. Do not ever think that Malays in Malaysia are stupid. In every exams as far as I can recall, be it UPSR, PMR or SPM, the top scoring students were always Malays. In my experience from primary school right up to tertiary level, I have never seen Chinese or Indians beating Malays in education. So please stop your propoganda of asking government scholarships like you deserve it. Government scholarships in Malaysia are for poor people who need help in education not the urban rich who attend all kinds of tuitions to memorize answers to exams. Najib and the sleepy Abdullah were blind. You lost because the majority Malays did not vote for you because of your stupid policies against the Malays. And you call yourself a Malay government yang merdeka. We might as well ask the racist British to return..
I read news but I don,t buy their crab.
News is an instrument rather than revealing facts.
Reporters will spice up words,facts,data,photos and will drives readers to believes of what THEY want readers to believes rather than driving readers to facts.
Barry Swains is no difference from most reporters.
I am not surprise during Tun ruling he lost some Govt money,
but He does earn Malaysia Govt more than losing.
It,s normal to loose some but earn more.Tun did not make Malaysia loose more earn less.As in Singapore,if it is not revealed by late JB.Jeyaratnam,We won,t know that Singapore that was known as capable govt lost billions in China.
Y.Bhg Tun,
Inilah cara pecah perintah ERA BARU yang di taja oleh ajen yang mahukan negara kita kacau bilau serta haru biru. Dengan adanya media baru yang berpihak kepada pembangkang maka usaha untuk memurnikan rakyat akan terkubur dengan sendirinya. Rakyat akan mudah percaya bulat bulat berita dari media asing tanpa USUL PERIKSA. Inilah satu kelemahan rakyat Malaysia.. Media asing memang mengharapkan negara kita berkocak diantara pemimpin dengan pemimpin. Maka mudahlah mereka meletakkan agenda udang disebalik batu. MENANG SORAK KAMPUNG TERGADAI.
Salam Untuk Ayahanda…
1. Mengapa Tun tak beri kontrak banyak-banyak kat syarikat dari Singapura masa pemerintahan Tun dulu..? Kalau beri, mesti duit kita tak lenyap – orang Singapura tak suka makan duit kita, dia nak makan free harta kita saja.. Kita boleh tukar dengan air atau pasir atau kontra tanah kita kat selatan tu sudah la..
2. Si mamat yang tulis rencana tu bodoh, dia tak tau ke siapa yang pi sifon duit tunai banyak-banyak antar gi luar negeri…! Duit-duit ni dia tak ambil kira ke..?
3. Tun cakap koridor ‘kosong’.. Memanglah koridor kena kosong, senang cucu-cicit kita lepak-lepak membuai angan-angan. Kita tanam jagung manis banyak-banyak, lepas tu lepaskan gian makan jagung ni sampai kembung.. Tapi la ni kalau nak beli, kena cari kiosk Nelson..
4. Paling baik, Tun tak payah layan la si mamat tu. Dia cari duit tulis pasal Tun – cerita Tun ada nilai. Kalau tulis pasal kepala-kepala pembangkang yang kita ada la ni, pasti tak laku.. Tak percaya, suruh dia cuba..
A’kum & Salam Sejahtera Ayahanda Tun Sekeluarga.
I just could not help but always feel that Anwar Ibrahim is THE agent for zionist (a senior one), while Khairy J. is as much (but a junior one). Both are master of deception in their very own way!
I was once heard that one of the first few things that Anwar Ibrahim will do IF he ever become a PM (na’uzubillah)for our beloved country that he will sell off PETRONAS to the US company. It might be true and not true. However my sixth sense says it’s TRUE. No? Think again!
How else could that be no when Anwar is so closed with zionist hardcores.
Always remember that Appearance is always got us cheated when Reality is always and always otherwise.
Dear Tun an all bloggers..
I believe Tun has the right to clear his name..
But, I prefer the discussion to emphasize more about Malaysia’s future. What is best for Malaysia in 5 years, 10 years or even 100 years from now? What shall we do?
Tun came out with Vision 2020.
Salute to that.
What about the years after that year? Is there any other vision or imagination? Najib’s Plan etc?
Hope.. Tun will come out with new vision for Malaysia..
Glad.. Knowing that you’re so near and wired..
Proud.. Grown up during your regime.
It was in Abdullah’s time that they sold the Italian motorcyle company, the name escapes me at the moment, and it was also in Abdullah’s time they bought a new executive jet, I read that somewhere and the fittings or something was by Pininfarina. hmmmmm
Salam Tun,
Teruskan menulis dgn info-info yang mencelikkan mata each and every personnel in your blog…
Salam Tun fellow bloggers,
I totally agreed with you:
“14. The Government should cooperate and open all its books. There should be no cover-up. The Government is committed to transparency. It should demonstrate that it keeps its promises.”
I doubt it will happened when the report of a landslide and a tolled highway agreement are classified as OSA
I would like to quote a local stand-up comedian:
“Lu pikirlah sendiri!”
Assalamualaikum dan salam satu malaysia
1Malaysia.agenda yang kini ingin dimartabatkan di dalam pentadbiran Dato Seri Naji Tun Razak. Malaysia merupakan di antara negara demokrasi dah mempunyai berbilang kaum dan bangsa. Dari dahulu sebelum kermerdekaan sehingga kini Isu perkauman di malaysia ini adalah merupakan yang amat sensitif di sentuh.
pelbagai inisiatif telah kerajaan Barisan Nasional sebagai pemerintah buat untuk mewujudkan kehormonian pelbagai bangsa dan untuk menyatukan pelbagai bangsa dan agama di Malaysia, namun TIDAK MENJADI sehingga kini. Di mana silap nya????
Saya sebagai rakyat malaysia amat terharu dengan usaha yang telah di buat oleh kerajaan untuk muwujudkan perpaduan kaum di Malaysia tapi pada pemerhatian saya sehingga bila pun PERPADUAN TAK AKAN DI CAPAI DI MALAYSIA.
Fikirkan lah Tun. Tun sebagai seorang ilmuan dan cendiakiawan yang tersohor dan lebih arif dengan sistem politik di malaysia tentu tahu apa yang terpendam di setiap bangsa di malaysia.
bolah kah kesemarataan dilaksanakan??adakan pemimpin sekarang tahu perasaan setiap rakyat malaysia?adakah kehendak setiap bangsa di beri?mungkin bukan kerja setiap pemimpin untuk memikirkan hal ini sebab mereka tak ada masa untuk memikirkan hal sebegini…mereka cuma memikirkan pangkat darjat,wang ringgit,harta benda,nama.
perkara yang remeh seperti memikirkan dan menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan rakyat suatu yang remeh bagi mereka…TETAPI PERKARA YANG REMEH ITULAH PENYELESAIAN KEPADA PERMASALAHAN YANG BESAR.
Dear Tun
First of all, I would like to express my agreement with Faiz Al-Kelantani with the issue of STARBUCKS advertisement in your blog. It might lead to a propaganda in bring you down and perhaps bring down your effort in criminalize war as well.
Secondly, I am thinking that how it will turn up to be if your blog was establish long way back during your reign? Perhaps better improvement and understanding could be achieve.
Thirdly, I am sympathy with all the hardness that you are struggling with during the time of your retirement. It is absolutely unacceptable to treat a Malaysian hero. Retirement suppose to be calm, relaxing and enjoyable. I am sorry on behalf of everyone that incapable in helping you.
I saw your face in the magazine that released by the ministry of higher education (LeAD). It is sad, no offense, but I saw you become old already. With that age, you are still fighting for our Malaysian.
Everything that happen come with a reason. You are still teaching with your speech, guide with your mind and pray with your love towards the future of Malaysia. You are still here with us for a mission that didn’t complete yet. I presume it is the unite of the nation and the comeback of the Malays triumph.
We are very sorry not to be able to help you in every accusations been made towards you. Let the sky falls, and the earth trembling, we are still pursue your steps and stay behind you. Please continue teaching and sharing with us the young generation.
p/s : We are organizing CEO’s Mind conference in mid May 2010. Please do join us. The letter already in your office. May Allah give us thousands more of Che Det. Amin.
Salam Tun,
Kami anak malaysia sentiasa menyokong Tun.
Pada saya senang untuk komen. Yang kita semua nak beria-ia layan si Barry Wain dengan Lim Kit Siang ni buat apa.
Apa jasa mereka pada negara..pandai cakap ..pandai komplain..pandai tunjuk simpati.. pandai bersandiwara..semua pandai tak dak satu pun buat malaysia maju atau mendatangkan munafaat pada rakyat.
Kalau nak sebut jasa Tun banyak sangat pada malaysia..senang cari makan untuk orang Melayu, Cina, India dan lain.
Tengok lah jasa Tun dengan mata hati bukan dengan perasaan marah
Sebab sokong sesuatu parti.
Saya boleh buktikan dasar kerajaan banyak membantu bangsa lain..tapi orang tak perasan..satu contoh ialah di seremban..banyak kontraktor cina dapat kontrak pengubahsuaian rumah yang berjumlah bukan sedikit..satu rumah saja ubahsuai RM100k..satu kontraktor cina ada yang dapat sampai 10 rumah sekali..lihat betapa kerajaan tak pilih kasih..kalau kontraktor melayu hanya dapat kontrak kelas F bernilai 20 ke 30 ribu saja..tu pun satu tahun satu projek..tu pun pembangkang dah cakap kerajaan bela melayu..dasar UMNO konon..apa semua ni..pergilah tengok ..turun padang..jangan dengar cakap Lim kit siang ka…Anwar ka..
Buka la mata kita..
Y.A.Bhg Tun,
Terasa sangat sedih dan menitis air mata melihat cara pihak pembangkang saperti Lim Kit Siang menghina dan menudoh Tun sehingga menolak sumbangan Tun selama lebih dua dekad sebagai PM. Lebih menyedihkan manusia yang berhati busok ini sekarang ini sedang bersekongkong dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu lain dalam PAS dan PKR. Tepat sekali apa yang Tun telah banyak kali ingatkan bahawa orang Melayu mudah lupa. Mengapa bagitu mudah orang Melayu lupa betapa jijiknya perbuatan DAP sehingga membawa kepada peristiwa 13 Mei. Lupa kah kepada laungan mereka semasa perarakan kemenangan mereka sehari sebelum peristiwa 13 Mei yang diantaranya “Melayu balik kampong”.
2. DAP akan berbuat apa sahaja untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan yang diterajui oleh UMNO dan akan terus memburok-burok rekod kepimpinan Tun. Gerakan mereka sungguh licin semenjak pembentukan Malaysia dengan kempen Malaysian Malaysia. Tetapi Melayu mudah lupa dengan kelicikan mainan poltik DAP. Setiap isu yang berbangkit akan diputarbelitkan untuk menimbulkan kebencian rakyat kepada kepimpinan UMNO. Mereka sudah hampir berjaya dalam pilehanraya yang lepas melalui kerjasama dengan PAS dan PKR.
3. Lim Kit Siang tidak sedar atau enggan memberi pengakuan bahawa negara kita Malaysia ini telah mencapai suatu tahap yang tinggi dikalangan negara membangun hasil dari kepimpinan Melayu. Orang Cina yang paling banyak dapat faidah dari kemakmuran negara. Lihat sahaja disekeliling kita siapa yang memiliki harta tanah dinegara ini. setiap pekan dan bandar semuanya mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat. Nilai harta tanah mereka telah naik berlipat kali ganda.
4. Siapa yang banyak memiliki rumah di Bangsar, Bukit Damansara atau Petaling Jaya. Kalau dulu rumah teres dua tingkat hanya RM 48,000 tetapi kini sudah sampai RM 1 juta. Siapa yang banyak memiliki rumah mewah disekitar KL ?. Mengapa tidak ada sadikit perasaan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kerajaan yang diterajui oleh orang Melayu dan ramai dikalangan pentadbirnya juga Melayu diatas segala kekayaan yang mereka nikmati selepas negara mencapai kemerdekaan.
5. Hasil dari kemakmuran negara ini membolehkan berpuloh ribu dikalangan orang Cina yang berpeluang belajar diluar negara dan ramai yang memilih untuk berkerja dan mendapat gaji yang lumayan diluar negara.
6. Siapakah yang bertanggong jawap mengwujudkan keadaan yang bagitu aman dalam negara ini membolehkan mereka hidup dengan bagitu aman dan damai. Lihat sahaja keadaan di bandar Gorge Town, Pulau Pinang. Berapa biji rumah mewah milik orang Melayu dan siapa yang bertanggong jawap mewujudkan sistem pentadbiran sehingga membolehkan Pulau Pinang menjadi bagitu maju.
7. Orang Melayu tidak ingin menuntut apa-apa dari kaum lain. Cuma kita mahu dengar perkataan terima kasih diatas apa yang dinikmati oleh mereka yang lupa akan nikmat yang mereka perolehi dari pengorbanan dan budi baik orang Melayu. Tidak mungkin orang bukan Melayu boleh menikmati kekayaan yang mereka perolehi sekiranya masyarakat pribumi tidak bertolak ansur dan memberikan kerjasama dalam negara.
8. Orang Melayu menuntut supaya pemimpin besar saperti Tun Mahathir dihormati dan tidak ditudoh dengan perkara-perkara yang boleh membawa perasaan tidak hormat rakyat kepada beliau. Lim Kit Siang tidak harus mendabik dada dan mencabar Tun Mahathir untuk menyaman beliau ke Mahkamah. Lim Kit Siang tidak harus menyokong apa yang ditulis oleh penulis yang berpengkalan di Singapura kerana kita tahu matlmat mereka hanya untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan yang diterajui oleh orang Melayu. Mereka hanya berpuas hati apabila Kerajaan yang berkuasa diterajui oleh DAP saperti di Pulau Pinang.
9. Perkongsian kuasa politik melalui Barisan Nasional sudah terbukti baik untuk Malaysia selepas merdeka. Kita tidak harus mencuba sesuatu yang belum baik kepada negara ini kerana kita berada saperti dihujong tanduk.Sifat semula jadi orang Melayu yang mudah bertolak ansur tidak harus dipermainkan sehingga boleh membawa kepada sesuatu masaalah diluar kawalan semua pihak. Lim Kit Siang harus lebih menghormati sensitiviti orang Melayu yang lebih ramai dan bukan hanya beberapa kerat pemimpin PAS atau PKR yang hanya mengidamkan kerusi empok di Putra Jaya.
10. Bagaimana wang Petronas di belanjakan tidak perlu didebatkan sekiranya kita yakin kepada laporan kewangan Kerajaan yang dibentang oleh audit negara. Tun telah mengubah landscape negara dari utara ke selatan, timor ke barat dan Sabah serta Serawak. Dari mana datangnya wang untuk membangunkan negara ini kalau tidak dari wang Petronas.
11. Tun tidak guna duit Petronas untuk berperang dengan negara lain atau untuk membeli kelengkapan tentera. Banyak duit untuk bina kemudahan rakyat dan untuk menjana ekonomi. DAP senantiasa mengkritik perbelanjaan Kerajaan. Dulu masa nak bina jambatan Pulau Pinang mereka kata membazir. Sekarang mereka minta jambatan kedua pula. Diawal tahun 60han, Kerajaan di kritik sebagai membazir apabila bangunan Parlimen nak dibina. Mereka hanya pandai untuk melaungkan slogan anti Kerajaan supaya rakyat benci kepada kepimpinan UMNO.
12. Kelemahan pengurusan Kerajaan memang ada. lihat sahaja laporan audit negara dan ini mengambarkan ketelusan Kerajaan. Saya tak fikir Pak Lah sesuka hati menghabiskan duit Petronas bagitu banyak dalam tempoh pemerentahanya. Peruntukan untuk RMKe 9 sahaja mencecah RM 200 juta. Tetapi Pak Lah tak banyak buat projek mega kerana dia tumpu lebih kepada projek bersifat people-centric saperti buat sekolah, rumah kos rendah dan hospital. Kesannya mungkin tak nampak. Pembangunam dalam koridor memang suatu yang boleh dianggap kurang munasabah kerana mewujudkan perlapisan antara gensi pembangunan yang telah sedia. Entah berapa bilion ringgit diuntukan kepada pihak berkuasa koridor tetapi kesanya tidak nampak kerana Pihak Berkuasa Koridor juga berbelanja untuk projek gali dan korek parit, ternak ayam dan kambing yang ada pertindihan dengan agensi sedia ada. Kebelakangan ini kerap juga ternampak iklan tawaran kerja oleh Pihak Berkuasa Koridor untuk kerja-kerja kecil sedemikian.
13. Pihak Berkuasa Koridor sepatutnya fokus kepada pembangunan kawasan yang mega untuk membawa transformasi kepada sesuatu wilayah dengan tumpuan kepada sektor pembuatan atau industri serta pelancungan. Bidang pertanian tak payah dok kacau kerana telah banyak wujud agensi pertanian dalam negara ini.
14. Tak payah dok kacau Pak Lah. Mudah sahaja setiap tahun semasa beliau jadi PM, belanjawan negara mencecah RM 200 billion juta termasuk belanja pembangunan dan mengurus.Petronas sebagai penyumbang utama kepada belanjawan tersebut. Biar lah Pak Lah rihat kerana banyak juga dia selesaikan masaalah negara dalam tempohnya memerentah. Kalau nak tubuh Suruhanjaya untuk tengok perbelanjaan zaman Pak Lah jadi PM, ianya akan membuang masa sahaja . Lihat sahaja laporan audit negara.
15. Sekiranya Tun teruskan tindakan mahkamah untuk saman Lim Kit Siang, Malaysia Kini dan Barray Wain.Sejarah akan mencatatkan suatu rekod Tun memerentah dengan telus sekiranya Tun menang kes tersebut. Tetapi saya fikir Tun tak perlu buang masa untuk melayan puak-puak yang tidak tahu menilai hati budi orang Melayu. Biarkan mereka terus bersorak dan bersekongkol dengan orang Melayu mudah lupa dalam PAS dan PKR. Mereka telah lupa apa yang DAP idamkan untuk masa depan poltik negara ini berteraskan Malaysian Malaysia. Pemimpin PAS yang berkerjasama dengan DAP telah lupa atau sengaja tutop mata untuk melihat nasib orang Melayu di Singapura pada hari ini.Dari segi ekonomi mungkin mereka baik tetapi apa peranan mereka dalam poltik singapura dan berapa kerat Melayu dalam institusi-institusi Kerajaan yang penting.
Tun Dr Mahathir …
Anyone who become PM for 22 years also can build those KLIA, Twin tower,Penang Bridge and others ..
KLIA – Poor planning, did accomodate for future. Airasia cannot go in have to build another airport .. so far for KL .. the train so expensive …
Twin Tower- What the usage spending so much money on this, from what i see only used for people to take photo. tell me what the function?
LRT – If not mistaken based on info in the internet , total bailout from our tax payer money exceeding billion. Why build something that need to bail out at last ..
Penang Bridge, PLUS and other highways – What is so proud of building this highways? Remember malaysian need to pay tol using this and it is not free. The toll fees always increase and burden the people. Why need to privatised, gov no money to build these for the people?
Proton/Modenas – we all know lots of money loss to these useless companies .. selling modenas for 1 Euro ..
All I can say , after so many years you rule as PM , our transportation sucks, car prices so high due to AP , pay toll here and there,tnb and telekom and streamx keep monopoly the market .. and many more ..
If Tun Dr M so proud of the these , go and have a ride on the public transportation .. take it ride for 1 month .. experience urself and felt the pain of the rakyat ..
It was reported somewhere Singapore through Temasek and another government arm lost a lot of Singapore dollars, more than 60billion this year(in a year!!!) when US economy collapsed.The head was the PM’s wife. Barry Wain can’t write shit about it or the Singapore government would bring him to court. The amount if converted to RM will almost wipe out our entire foreign exchange savings.Imagine!!!.So, all these are created the Israel or US way to divert attention from their many problems.Similar tactics are being used by unofficial PR as well when they face with their own internal problems.Similarly, probably he can’t write shit about which country is the biggest land and sea mine manufacturer in the world.And we all know the stuff is illegal according to international law and UN convention.
Salam TDM and gd evening to all.
Merry Christmas to Christian followers.
I m just a ‘budak KG’ and do not know this Barry Wain. But agreed with one of the blgger say, that this Barry must has been intoxicated with ‘wine’ (wain) when he wrote the book.
Those people who read and believe the book, to my assumption, is also being intoxicated by Barry Wain wine.
Now, Govt has to explain of what has been done to 270 billion over 5 years. I a new voter, and I worry that unsatisfactory explanation will lead to decrease of people confidence for the present Govt. Failing to answers, will get the perception even worse.
By the same, Govt need to be careful while spending money in years to come. I believe, most citizen do not like to hear Auditor DG reports on the ‘weakness’ of Govt Dept in term of money spending for the last 2 years.
To those in power, pls be corrected B4 people correct this Govt in next election.
Again, Merry Christmas & Pray for prosperous Malaysian.
YABHg Tun,
Salam, semoga sihat sejahtera.Selamat menyambut bulan Muharram 1431 saya ucapkan kepada YABHG Tun dan keluarga. Sekadar berkongsi ide,semasa pimpinan Tun dulu, ada dicadangkan program 1 produk 1 kampong atau sekarang dikenali sebagai 1 produk 1 daerah atau lebih kurang begitulah.Ada yang berjaya dikendalikan tapi kebanyakan sambutannya dingin.Mungkin agak sukar untuk sesuatu tempat itu menghasilkannya secara berterusan. Kalaulah dapat dihidupkan semula alangkah banyak pendapatan yang boleh dijana oleh penduduk kampong yang rata-rata orang Melayu dan perusahaan kecil-kecil boleh diteruskan ke generasi berikutnya serta kemahiran dapat diperturunkan. Saya masih ingat lagi semasa saya kecil-kecil dulu di kampong saya, masa tu takda air paip, guna perigi dan angkut air dengan timba pakai tali, lepas tu baru keluarga guna pulley. Tandaspun takda hingga saya darjah 2 baru keluarga buat tandas kat luar rumah. Jamban cucur dipanggil. Ibu bapa saya petani, dan saya ingat semasa umur 3 tahun ke 5 tahun saya ikut sama tengok mereka cangkul tanah,untuk tanam ubi ke, kacang tanah ke, nak tebang dahan-dahan kayu ke. Masa tu kapak, cangkul, parang dan bahan besi dan kayu semua dibuat sendiri oleh orang kampong kat situ juga. Kalau timba besi, juga dibuat sendiri. Pendek kata apa mahu ada saja orang kampong hasilkan sendiri termasuk anyam tikar, buat nyiru, tudung saji makanan dsbgnya.Kemahiran mereka tinggi diperolehi turun temurun. Tapi lama kelamaaan dek arus kemodenan, kemahiran itu tinggal pada orang-orang itu saja tak diperturunkan mungkin kerana yang generasi baru kurang memerlukan barangan itu untuk kegunaan harian.Elok juga kalau boleh dihidupkan semula sebab alat-alatan dari besi masih digunakan dalam kehidupan seharian kita tak kira dikampong mahupun dibandar. Cangkul, kapak, parang, pisau, tikar, nyiru, tudung saji dan alatan dari kayu seperti sudip kayu, dsbgnya seumpamanya masih digunakan bukan saja oleh orang Melayu di kampong, malah dibandarpun. Dulu kalau ulu cangkul longgar adalah Pak itu dan ini membaikinya. Sekarang kalau ulu cangkul saya dah longgar, beli barulah jawabnya.Sekadar berkongsi pandangan. Terima kasih jua.
Peristiwa kecurian 2 enjin jet pejuang TUDRM sudah diperbesar-besarkan oleh pihak PR khususnya LKS. LKS asyik menyalahkan BN dan D S NR kerana beliau menteri pertahanan masa kecurian berlaku. PR sengaja mengapi-apikan perasaan rakyat supaya membenci BN n PM. Kalau di sebuah bank, ada beberapa pekerja bersekongkol menggelapkan wang klient, patutkan direktor bank dipecat walaupun dia tidak tahu langsung tentang perkara itu. Sama spt D S NR. Tugasnya bukan menjaga enji jet. Sedarlah pihak PR dah tak ada modal lain. Biar pihak polis n peguam negara menyiasat n menghukum mereka yg terlibat. Pihak PR tolong jgn cari publisiti murah n menambah-nambah cerita. Fitnah lebih dashyat dari membunuh.
Isu kecurian 2 enjin jet pejuang TUDRM dah dipolitikkan oleh LKS n pembangkang. Mereka dah api-apikan perasaan rakyat supaya membenci BN, kononnya BN sengaja melengah-lengahkan penyiasatan dan cuba melindungi org2 tertentu yg berkuasa. Kejadian kecurian ini berlaku oleh kerana ketamakan org2 dalaman tentera udara. Jadi BN n menteri pertahanan tidak boleh dipersalahkan sepenuhnya. Kalau di sebuah bank, ada beberapa pekerja dalaman bersekongkol mencuri wang klient, adakah kita perlu memecat direktor bank berkenaan yg tentu sekali tidak terbabit? LKS sengaja hendak mencari publisiti murah, kononnya kerajaan BN tidak cekap n melindungi para perasuah. Dia perlu tanya diri sendiri tentang kelemahan PR mentadbir negeri2 dibawa kuasa PR. Bila Mas Slamat terlepas dari tahanan ISA di S’pura, menteri dlm negeri S’pura tak dipersalahkan kerana menjaga Mas Slamat bukan tugasnya. Sama spt kes kecurian enjin jet. D S N memmang menteri pertahanan masa kejadian berlaku, tapi bukan tuganya menjaga enjin2 tersebut. Sedarlah pihak pembangkang sengaja memperbesar-besarkan kelemahan BN. Org2 yg terlibat itu memeng pengkhianat banngsa n mereka bukan mewakili BN. Jadi kalau perkara spt kecurian ini berlaku, jgn terus menuding jari ke arah BN. Biar pihak polis n peguam negara menyiasat. Blogger pun jgn suka buat fitnah n menambah-nambah fakta. Ingat, fitnah itu lebih dasyat dari membunuh.
Saya memang cukup menyampah dengan so call singapore is better than us….
Saya pernah kerja dengan company singapore and they treat us like 3rd class employee.
Hipokrit depa ni…. and baru je berenti lepas naik gaji.
Barry Wain presently is with the Singapore think tank, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Woohooo! Ring any bells ?
Even you are not a PM anymore, they still “want” you!
On a different case, could you please explain what’s this hoo-haa about a group of people wanting the CEO of Petronas to resign ?
Dear Tun,
Your courages has made me more and more skeptical of Lim Kit Siang, and his minions. It seem as if you have done nothing to be afraid of, I knew the amount you claim Abdullah Government gained from Petronas was likely to be true, due to the facts that it was mention for so many time before. However never thought that you would be spilling out the EXACT amount. I will stand by you on this one, even if you do not want me to.
Salam buat Tun dan Tun Hasmah yg amat saya hormati….
Dah lama rasanya saya tidak menulis di blog Tun ini…. Saya cuma sempat membaca setiap tulisan yg diluahkan oleh Tun.
Isu ini amat menarik sekali.Saya lahir pd zaman pemerintahan Tun. Walaupun sudah 2 org PM telah mengantikan tempat Tun.. tetapi tidak seorg pun antara mereka yg mempunyai karisma seperti Tun. Jika dulu setiap kali persidangan UMNO saya tidak pernah ketinggalan mendengar amanat yg Tun sampaikan. Tetapi kini semuanya seolah2 hambar….
Semasa awal pemerintahan Tun Abdullah saya boleh merasakan seolah2 tindakannya hendak mengenakan Tun. Dilepaskan DSAI .. Segala tindakannya seperti kacang lupakan kulit. Walhal Tun lah org yg telah melantik beliau. Mungkin memang malang nasib beliau setelah beliau memegang jawatan itu pelbagai rintangan terpaksa beliau lalui. Kadang2 saya terfikir memang betullah kata org tua saya jika hidup kita tidak suka menyusahkan org ALLAH akan permudahkan jalan hidup kita begitulah jika sebaliknya. Keikhlasan hati dalam melakukan sesuatu itu amatlah penting.
Berbalik pada isu Barry Wain… Saya rasa dia bukanlah org yg memahami Tun. Jika dia membaca sejarah perjuangan dan pemerintahan Tun dia pasti akan tertarik dengan keperibadian, kebijaksanaan dan ketokohan Tun.Tun amat dihormati oleh kawan dan lawan. Jika ramai org melayu berfikiran seperti Barry Wain ini alamatnya Malaysia satu hari kelak akan menerima nasib seperti Singapura. Hak bumiputra akan ditarik satu persatu hinggakan tiada apa lagi yg dapat kita wariskan pada anak cucu kita.
Dan semoga ALLAH panjangkan umur Tun untuk terus membela nasib org2 Melayu… AMIN
Dear Tun,
1) Singapore is NEVER classified as a country for freedom. They jailed all opposing leaders! so in order to survive, the only thing is they can write and talk about the neighbor, that is Malaysia
2) We as a Malaysia also not smart or good enough to make Singapore look stupid, since we ourselves keep making ourself looks stupid in front of them…looking at those “lost and found” case lately..what can we say?
3) Singapore is only a piece of small land, they never know how to manage a bigger place…but however, we also make ourselves does not look good since we are loosing behind them in the world stage! I mean, how can we let the Singaporean looks down on us? Tun has make us stand strong with them but now?…they are seeing circus shows happening in Malaysia
4) If we have DIGNITY, if we got PRIDE, and if we see ourselves united than this daily political circus show between the MCAs, the BN and PKR, we would be the BEST country in Asia (only behind Japan i guess) We have the natural resources, we have the people (looks how many people migrate out of Malaysia), we have the multi-language capability, and we SHOULD HAVE the multi-culture tolerant heart to run ahead in this Asia! Infact, we are keep comparing ourselves from Thailand, Indonesia to Africa, and lately Zimbabwe somemore…
5) What are we Malaysian want to be in this World? It is the leader who make what the country is, and is the current leader and the challenger have such HEART and CAPABILITY to do that? They only keep fighting each other instead of bringing the country up.
6) It is so crazy that the current party BN, and challenging party PKR DO NOT have a plan to make Malaysia moving forward! Only barking at each other weakness. It is easy to criticize the weakness when it is done than ACHIEVING when it is needed. We just dont have enough capable people. Everything think they are capable of doing it even though they are not. It is like any Datuk can run any type of company without industry experience or proper education. I just don’t understand, we are like heading towards “no-need-education-and-experience-to-do-the-work” country.
Tun, you at least ACHIEVE some (alot actually) for the country.
The book is mean for after maths criticized people whom provide NO PRODUCTIVITY to the country in the first place. Everyone can criticized, but not everyone can PRODUCE.
Salam Tun,
Kadangkala kita terlupa siapa musuh kita sebenarnya dalam politik di Malaysia.
Adalah amat jelek untuk membaca komentar-komentar Citizen Blog di The Star Online yang secara terang-terangan menulis semua perkara negatif berkaitan Malaysia dan umat Melayu Islam tetapi mengagung-agungkan pemimpin-pemimpin DAP dan pemimpin Singapura yang sebenarnya berniat jahat dan mempunyai agenda tersendiri untuk menguasai negara ini kerana mereka tahu selagi umat Melayu memerintah Malaysia, mereka terhalang dari mengeksploitasi segala kekayaan di negara ini.
Saya selalu terbaca perkara2 negatif berkenaan PAS dan PKR, tetapi musuh yang sebenarnya adalah DAP yang menggunakan kedua-dua parti tersebut untuk melagakan umat Melayu Islam sesama sendiri dan antara parti-parti komponen BN sendiri. Ramai juga yang mengesyaki terdapat pemimpin-pemimpin parti komponen BN sendiri adalah tali barut DAP ini.
Tidak guna menulis perkara negatif berkenaan PAS & PKR kerana orang Melayu ianya tidak produktif dan melaga-lagakan orang Melayu yang akhirnya merugikan sokongan terhadap UMNO sendiri. Wadah Melayu seperti Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian sepatutnya menerangkan lebih lanjut berkaitan dengan usaha jahat Zionis melalui dasar perkauman chauvinist DAP sama ada dilakukan secara halus dan secara terang-terangan.
InsyaAllah, penyokong-penyokong PAS dan PKR akan sedar bahawa parti-parti tersebut telah diperdaya dan dipergunakan oleh DAP yang maha jahat ini.
Dear Tun,
I really like motorscom comments on December 24, 2009 5:50 AM which says “Singapore is probably one of the most racist countries in the world and perhaps even more than Israel. ”
Pakatan Rakyat which will be dominated by DAP (proven in Perak when PKR and PAS were just puppets, Nizar were flanked by Nga and Ngeh all the time) will turn Malaysia into a Republic. Even now we can see new Republic State of Selangor. And because of this, Sultans are becoming more vocal nowadays just to remind the people that they still exist.
Saw in National Geograpic recently about the history of Singapore, they mentioned that Malaysia was born when Singapore joined Malaya. The word Malay-sia is taken from Malaya and Singapore. Don’t how far this is true.
But if this is true, why are we still use Malay-sia when Singapore is no longer part of Malay-sia,
Dear Tun,
Many terms are being leveled against you,Tun: Ultra Malay,Fasik,Yahudi,Recalcitrant,Racist,Anti Yahudi, Malaysia Maverick, to name a few and many more to come. The sad thing is that some came from my own bangsa and Muslim saying some of it.
Tun you are the last Mohican standing and i cannot find one like you amongst the present leader. All our hope lies upon you.
Dear Tun,
As much as all your ‘enemies’wanted to slaughtered the Malaysian maverick outright and downright cold and without mercy,I strongly agreed with you Tun that the royal commission must(positively must) be set up not only on your 22 years working tenure but it also should investigate Tun Abdullah 5 years tenure of premiership too.
Petronas payment of RM126 billion during your time(22 years) vis-a-vis RM 270 billion receipt within 5 years of Tun Abdullah reign of premiership is a very large defferences(additional of RM144 billions received during his time).At least with all the squandering accusation made against you(which we are yet to know the truth),malaysian had seen innumerable mega projects with the RM126 billions your cabinet had received during the 22 years period.Contrary,Sad to say,with due respect to Tun Abdullah,We failed to see any mega projects being developed by him.Where have all the money gone to?Malaysian need to know and all those trouble makers(Lim kit Siang and the group)also wanted to know.With a fair and impartial commission,we can know whether those blatant accusation made by these unscrupulous black-hearted jokers is true or otherwise.I am very very confidence of your stewardship.Let them talk,discriminate and divert your attention………………………no matter what the truth will prevail.Insya’Allah.Salam hormat Tun.
For Lim Kit Siang and all the other jokers,brace yourselves and be ready awaiting for the ‘wrath of the khan’.You guys are gonna get a little poorer though.Cheerios Montalban.
I rasa Zaq25 ni si Khairi menantu pak lah tu lah. Cara Zaq25 lepaskan geram tu sama mcm si KJ membebel masa kena perli dgn Lim Kit Siang di Parlimen. Si KJ panggil LKS ‘dinosaur’,’dinosaur’, ‘dinosaur’ berulang-ulang kali sama mcm apa yg dia tulis tu. Kalau sesiapa tgk clip di Parlimen tu mesti setuju.
Tp klau si Zaq25 ni bukan KJ pun, kedua-duanya sama je. They both are lower than shark shit!
Apa2 pun Tun patut TUBUH SATU PARTI POLITIK BARU. BN dan parti2 pembangkang tak boleh pakai. Saya tak akan pi undi dah! Semuanya penyamun!
Salam Tun
To weesg, don’t talk too much ok. I am not a Singaporean. I am Malaysian and I am really proud to be a Malaysian. For your information, not me giving the facts about Singapore.but one of ex-Singaporean… Now, he/she proud to a Malaysian.. Absolutely, I am proud with him too. Please read it again my first comment.
I am wondering whether you can read and understand Bahasa Melayu or not even your country’s statute declared Bahasa Melayu as first language..If you still don’t understand, ask Malay Singaporean to translate it… So embarrassing….One more thing, I am not interested wasting my time with a Singaporean… especially Chinese Singaporean like you!!!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya harap Tun dapat meringkaskan buku ‘MM’untuk tatapan dan bacaan didalam blog ini, ‘kebaikan’ dan juga ‘keburukan’ Tun.(Cadangan sahaja…)
I have second thought of buying the said book now,as i do not wish to contribute a single ‘Ringgit and Sense’ towards the publisher and the author..
I would rather contribute the money to worthy cause and spent the monies with family for ‘satay treats’….(the least i can do to help the local sataymen economy..):)
I will just borrow it later, maybe…!?
Thank you Tun and best regards,
Your comments here are quite contradictory to what you had been practicing during your rule as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. If you really wanted to have transparency in the government administration, why did you make a decision to have the Official Secrets Act been passed in Parliament when you were the Prime Minister?
Tun, I think you really owe us an explanation unless you agree that you are but an opportunist of double standards, with which the decision will be made based on a particular situation, depending on whether the wind is blowing to your pleasurable direction or blowing against you!
Selalu nak kutuk Lim Kit Siang. Apa yang dia dapat dengan perjuangannya? Kenapa tak kutuk Rafidah dengan AP nya? LKS hanya minta sedikit keadilan. Bukan lah dia kaya-raya dapat duit kerajaan atas perjuangannya pun. Kalau Lim Kit Siang mati berdosa pun, Tuhan mana yang akan hantar dia ke neraka? Tuhan Islam tulen? Tuhan Islam Melayu berbomoh? atau Tuhan Lim Kit Siang? Saya rasa Tuhan yang hanya Satu itu saja yang akan hantar dia ke neraka.
Askum Tun,dan salam sejahtere kepada semua yang membaca.
Orang akan menuduh bermacam-macam,dan Tun berani kerana benar,dan saya percaya jika Tun inginkan penyiasatan keatas Tun juga nanti mereka akan berkata Tun ada kekebalan dan hakim akan tunduk pada Tun,ini yang mereka mahukan,membuat pelbagai cerita dan akhirnya pun mereka akan mereka-reka cerita.Orang macam itu sebaiknya tidak perlu dilayan kerana ini akan memberikan mereka kredit dimata rakyat walhal semasa pemerintahan Tun banyak kemajuan yang dijalankan suasana aman damai,ekonomi rakyat stabil dan banyak lagi keadaan yang lebih baik berbanding zaman pak Lah dan sekarang.
Mungkin zaman pak Lah banyak dipengaruhi oleh mereka yang tidak dapat menjalankan tugas dengan baik sebab itu kita nampak pada masa itu satu pemerintahan yang lemah dan akhirnya menyebabkan kekalahan yang banyak pada PRU12 yang lepas,kerana terlalu berlemah-lembut orang yang disangka akan menjadi sahabat menjadi musuh,ramai yang bersuara mengikut cita rasa sendiri dan akhirnya keluar dan menyokong pembangkang,mungkin merajuk,mungkin juga kecewa dan mungkin untuk membalas dendam kesumat yang tidak pernah padam.
Kita hanya manusia biasa yang mana semua akan mati juga nanti,dan menempuh alam yang seterusnya.Kita dapat lihat sekarang ini ramai orang yang terlalu senang melupakan kebaikan yang telah dibuat walaupun setinggi gunung jasanya terlalu mudah untuk dibuang berbanding sedikit keburukan mahupun kesilapan ianya akan dijadikan bahan untuk memburukkan orang dan sekaligus menjatuhkannya.
Kita bukanlah manusia yang terlepas dari kesilapan (bukan maksum).
Menurut ustaz saya dahulu,dipadang mahsyar juga Allah akan menimbangkan samada dosa ataupun pahala yang lebih tinggi,jika pahala lebih tinggi maka terus ke syurgalah orang itu,begitu juga sebaliknya jika dosa yang lebih tinggi atau banyak ke nerakalah dahulu orang itu sebelum ke syurga,maknanya mana yang lebih tinggi Allah akan buat keputusan samada baik atau buruk orang itu.
Tapi didunia ini nampaknya lain sikit,walau banyak mana jasa,pengorbanan dan kebaikan orang itu,dan hanya disebabkan sedikit kesilapan mahupun keburukan, orang lain akan tetap ingat yang buruk dan menyatakan buruklah pada orang itu dan akan mencari lagi keburukan orang itu sehinggalah mereka puas.Berbeza bukan.
Mereka ini sebenarnya ada yang lebih penting dari itu,sebab itu lah mereka membuat bermacam-macam tuduhan yang dituju kepada bekas pemimpin seperti Tun,Tun Pak Lah bagi memecah belahkan lagi melayu-melayu yang bingung dengan kemelayuannya dan parti-parti “Asabiah” yang terlalu senang untuk diperkotak-katikkan itu,akhirnya juga rakyat akan tertipu dan menjadi mangsa kealpaan sendiri maka hilanglah apa yang selama ini dijunjung menjadi debu yang hilang ditiup angin entah kemana,dan pada masa itu tidak ada gunanya lagi berkata “alangkah baik jikalau TUAH masih ada”
terima kasih Tun,teringat kembali ketika di zaman persekolahan ketika guru lukisan memberi tugasan kepada murid-murid darjah 4Mawar untuk melukis gambar tokoh yang anda kagumi,rata-rata dari kami melukis gambar Tun,tetapi sayalah yang mendapat markah yang tertinggi dan lukisan saya digantungkan di perpustakaan sekolah. : )
Salam Tun.
Semoga ALLAH panjangkan umur.
You make a good point where has all the money gone.
This is what people are angry about. But these guilty parties keep diverting to race issues. They depend on people like promelayu to carry on the propaganda.People who can only see hate, racism(betapa Malaysia negara yang cukup bertoleransi kepada semua kaum).
Hey promelayu wake up and think what will happen once the oil runs out. Then where is Malaysia going to get the money from.
Well said Promelayu and I knew those are fact because I’m in an area in Australia surrounded by Malay/muslim Singaporean migrated here and the story they told are completely the same as what you wrote here.
Sedarlah sikit rakyat Malaysia. Tuhan letak contoh paling dekat dengan kita supaya kita bersyukur, tapi biasalah lumrah manusia, Firaun Ramses sendiri nampak keajaiban tuhan depan mata melalui nabi Musa tetapi hatinya tetap keras. Renung-renungkan umat Islam Malaysia yang makin kabur pada kebenaran.
Hazman Abu Bakar
Salam Tun,
Tun,slow sedikit, jangan naik darah terlalu tinggi, nanti you sakit pula.Depa sukalah. Tun sue sahaja syaitan syaitan tu dan MalaysiaKini. Suruh Najib tubuh Royal Commission untuk mengetahui apa dah jadi dengan RM270billion semasa Rejim Pak Lah.
Kali ini BN betul betul sakit dengan pelebagai masaalah. Sekarang orang ramai tak puas hati dengan budget 2010, dikatakan pula Rosmah yang buat, kerana kebanyakan menyebelahi projek Rosmah.
DiJohor banyak markas PAS dah dibuka.Kubu BN akan hancur disana.Kita tunggu sahajalah TUN.
Teri kasih.
phui promelayu
Bless us as you have join to grab the NEP pie across the causeway where you cant get it this side of the causeway. What you have uttered are absolutely rubbish. You mean no demolisation of Hindu temples in Bolehland? How many civil servants in bolehland are non-melayu? How many non-melayu can get uni places or scholarships? IF you lose out in the race to get scholarship, to be a pilot, to be a army general IS because you are not good enough thats why its called MERITROCRACY.
Salam Tun.
Bravo to “promelayu on December 24, 2009 1:47 PM” and “motorscom on December 24, 2009 5:50 AM”.
You should mention about the HDB policy as well. But yet those morons in “Penipu Rakyat” still ungrateful.
Dengan dukacitanya saya tidak bersetuju STARBUCK memaparkan iklannya dalam blog CHEDET (Tun Dr. Mahathir) kerana pengerusi syarikat itu jelas merupakan seorang Yahudi-Zionis yang aktif mendukung negara Israel. Harap pengendali blog CHEDET sensitif dengan hal ini, jangan biarkan Tun Dr. Mahathir terfitnah di kemudian hari. Ini satu tindakan sabotaj!
Salam Tun ,
Barry Wain adalah Yahudi dan sememangnya bangsa ini tidak akan berdiam diri memusnahkan musuhnya yang didapati tidak bersefahaman dengannya . Hanya orang yang buta hati dan buta akal akan memuja bangsa ini .
Singapura memang ada lah negara yang begitu rasis sekali dan sekarang DAP sedang mengikuti jejaknya untuk menjadikan Malaysia negara republik .
Berani kerana benar dan apabila didapati Tun menang , Tun samanlah sehingga LKS , Barry Wain dan Malaysiakini bankrap serta tidak boleh beroperasi lagi .
yeah! thanks a lot motorsom dan terima kasih pada promelayu..
1) demolition of mosques (from 93 mosques before separation and now 36);
2) admission quotas for minorities into national universities capped at 2% of student
Dear Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,
Wain was high on wine when he wrote his book.
It is pretty easy to make allegations. However, to justify the statement, it should be supported with proof and documents. Or else you have all the rights to sue him along with all the other literate jokers.
All I can say is that he is an attention seeker who craves for popularity and publicity.
For 22 years in power. Petronas contributed 126 Billion ringgit for your regime.
And today you have the name
Father of modernisation.
I witnessed every single growth in Malaysia. And I
Barry Wain, ni mat salleh ke?..dah laa barry wain… keturunan ko dulu jajah kita org…500 thn takde ape2 pembangunan pun…mana perginya hasil bumi kekayaan kami hah?…….tahun depan harap dapat karang buku pasal hal tu plak ek…..22 thn tun memerintah malaysia…banyak projek2 yg menjadi kebanggaan negara tun buat….dari buah fikiran tun sendiri..saya tabik sama tun…
nak harapkan LKS,DSAI…takde ape2..pandai jual air liur jerr beb!
Salam Tun,
You have put this forward once in your blog.We would also like to know about it.Yes we have the right to know about it.
9. The five years of Tun Abdullah’s regime saw unprecedented profits by Petronas due to the high price of oil. In my 22 years Petronas paid to the Government 126 billion Ringgit. Petronas paid to the Government of Tun Abdullah a total of 270 billion Ringgit in five years.
10. How was this huge sum spent? There are only empty corridors everywhere.
11. The public has a right to know how 270 billion Ringgit in five years have been spent. What projects have been financed by it. Why do we have to borrow money from China to build the second Penang Bridge?
But who is going to tell anyway?
Salam Tun,
The Jebat Must Die blog had this to say:
Myth number 2
Tun, just wondering doing the open book investigation will leads to maybe a lot of open cans?
How and who will ensure such investigation will be taken in place and how much of commitment to surface all the wrong doings by misused the people’s hard earnt money and what sort of assurance that the current government willing to prosecute any past leaders of the country irregardless which political party he/she belongs to?
If none of these able to show concrete result, I believe Malaysian will still angry about BN leadership and all these accusation by the reporter or from your will become useless and unfruitful.
YAB Tun,
Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera and a very good afternoon.
Dengan izin Tun.
I tabik hormat/salute u Promelayu for your writeup. Hopefully, it will help open up those so called Malays who blindly support the oppositions idea of Malaysian Malaysia.
Only just recently the Republic of Singapore Armed Forces has a one star general in its entire forces. Please ask how many Malay fighter pilot do Republic of Singapore Air Force has?
Selamat menyambut tahun baru Masehi 2010.
Lim Kit Siang adalah bekas SU kepada LKY.
Sejak penubuhan DAP , parti ini sangat menentang peruntukkan wang kerajaan untuk Angkatan Tentera. Kerajaan kita hanya memberi peruntukkan yang jauh lebih kecil untuk ATM berbanding sektor lain seperti pendidikan dan kesihatan. Itu pun DAP bantah dan tentang.
Agenda sebenar DAP adalah untuk melihat ATM kita lemah. ATM yang kuat boleh memberi ancaman kepada keselamatan Singapura agaknya.
Baru-baru ini DAP meminta kerajaan menubuhkan suruhanjaya menyiasat kehilangan enjit jet F5E. Mereka menuntut siasatan bukan sahaja terhad kepada 2 enjin itu sahaja tetapi juga kepada keseluruhan aset ATM. Maksudnya jika ditubuhkan mengikut kehendak DAP, laporan suruhanjaya itu meliputi keseluruhan aset tentera akan didedahkan kepada umum.
Mengapa kita tidak siasat dari mana DAP mendapat punca kewangannya?
If you want to compare the policies between SG and M’sia, compare each country’s policies towards minorities, not towards Malays per se. Because malays are minority in SG but are a majority in M’sia. For example, you said M’sia don’t “cap entrants into univisities at 2%” for malays… Duh! But is there cap for chinese?
And don’t be selective and economical with your facts…. I am sure many chinese and indians in malaysia can enlighten about minority policies in Malaysia, if you have an open mind that is. What you are trying to say is – in Malaysia, the policies favour the majority which is the Malays, and you happen to like that! That is nothing wrong with you wanting to become a malaysia citizen, but just try not to give half baked arguements to support your point.
Salam Tun,
Indeed there were ups and downs during your time but one can never dispute the transformation experienced by our country under your leadership. Due to these “mega’ achievements, a lot of us now are so proud to be called Malaysian.
Yes Tun… we are definitely the product of your era. And we will never forget that!
We are with you all the way Tun 🙂
Salam Ayahanda Tun!
Actually that is quite surprising, how come 270B was spent and yet we see only empty corridor? Wahai DS NAJIB, Bersihkanlah namamu dengan menyiasat perkara ini.
Saya bukan nak bodek la ayahanda ya, tetapi saya nampak merata jasa ayahanda, tetapi when comes to Pak Lah saya nampak ini:
Terlalu banyak sebab mengapa KJ perlu dihalang daripada menganggotai kabinet Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Diantaranya ialah:
1) Kita jangan menjadi Melayu yang mudah lupa. Tun Dr. Mahathir pernah menulis sajak yang bertajuk
Salam Tun
Apa yang Tun katakan ada kebenarannya..kenapakah ada sebilangan kita yang cukup berbangga tentang Singapura sedangkan orang Singapura sendiri membenci..Sila baca tulisan bekas warga Singapura yang sekarang nie menetap di Malaysia di bawah tajuk blog ini “Anwar as a economic adviser”…seperti di bawah.
By motorscom on December 24, 2009 5:50 AM
Salam Tun,
I have always admired the way you stood up against Singapore and today I wish to add my views on the so-called Singapore’s meritocracy policies.I was a Singaporean, born and bred for more than 35 years before deciding to seek a greener pasture in Malaysia. I