1. Adam Smith wrote about the above title a long time ago (1757). He talked about invisible hands which were instrumental in growing the wealth of nations.

2. In the latest financial crisis in the United States the invisible hands certainly played a big role. It took the form of abuses of the banking, monetary and financial system.

3. Pushed out of the international market place by the cheaper and better manufactured goods of the East Asian countries the West turned towards the financial system in order to enrich themselves. The opportunities for abuses were abundant.

4. They discovered that banks could create money out of thin air; without Government control (free market) any amount of loans of non-existent money could be given by the banks; the sale of commodities need not involve the commodities at all. It is the same with selling shares and currencies; having physical possession is not necessary. Sell and buy imaginary shares and make tons of profit.

5. Their fertile brain soon gave birth to hedge funds, short selling, leveraged purchases, junk bonds, currency trade, free markets etc etc.

6. All these systems promised great wealth to speculators and manipulators without the need to produce or possess anything. Better still they need not employ substantial number of workers who may make demands and threaten business with industrial action.

7. A good example is the trade in commodities. Without possession of the physical commodity, a speculator may sell huge quantities of it. The effect of this dumping is to depress the price of the commodity. When the price reached a low level the sellers would buy the commodity to deliver to the buyers that they had sold to earlier at a higher price. Thus without ever touching or seeing, much less possessing the commodity, the manipulators would make handsome profits. They call this short selling and the public is persuaded that this is fair trade.

8. Individuals cannot do this. The amount of money involved is too big. So funds were set up and managed by smart people.

9. The fate of the real producers is not the concern of these fund managers. As the price of the commodity become depressed the producer countries and their people would suffer.

10. If the producer country bought the non-existent commodity from the speculators at the low prices for future delivery, and if at the delivery date the speculators could not deliver the commodity, they would be forced to buy the physical commodity at prices higher than they had sold. They would lose money. This is as it should be. But no. Their market controllers would save them by declaring that they need not honour their contracts.

11. This was what happened when tin prices were depressed through the short selling of non-existent tin by the speculators. In desperation Malaysia bought the tin knowing that the sellers had no physical tin, whereas Malaysia had. When the delivery date arrived the sellers would be forced to buy physical tin from Malaysia at Malaysian prices in order to deliver. The price of the physical (real) tin would of course be higher. The sellers would lose money having to purchase at the higher prices in order to deliver to the buyers (Malaysia) at the lower prices.

12. When the short sellers faced this threat of losing a lot of money from their short selling price depressing activities, the London Metal Exchange which controlled the market ruled that the sellers need not honour their contract to deliver physical tin, allegedly because the purchasers were trying to corner the market.

13. Clearly the players in the financial market are protected. They can make tons of money selling non-existent commodities but they need not deliver if they have no physical commodities.

14. And so the financial market expanded until it became much bigger than the real market. The trade in currencies for example is twenty times bigger than total world trade. Hedge funds, through mysterious investments pay as much as 30% to their investors. Pyramid schemes gave huge returns and banks calculate their earnings on the amount of money they lent out, whether the borrowers were able to pay or not.

15. There were numerous schemes which gave huge profits to the investors, far more than investments in the production of goods and services.

16. With these financial schemes the wealth of these developed countries and their rich investors appeared to grow at a high rate every year and the people appeared to have the capacity to buy unlimited amounts of imported goods. These countries were apparently the locomotives of growth for the whole world.

17. Then the balloons bursts. The sub-prime borrowers, millions of them were unable to pay the housing loans they had taken. Neither could they borrow from other banks to repay their debts. The banks became saddled with huge non-performing loans and were headed for bankruptcy. Like a house of cards, the whole financial market collapsed. The crisis that followed is common knowledge now.

18. The wealth of the West, acquired through the financial market is not real wealth. Their Per Capita and GDP figure are not based on reality. Their money also has a bloated value, guaranteed by no reserves or gold. (Their money is truly fiat money).

19. Their Governments were forced to bail out their banks and companies with trillions of dollars. It can be said that their Presidents and Prime Ministers are all responsible for the trillions of dollars lost by their countries.

20. I am waiting for a good unemployed journalist to investigate and write a book on these leaders who presided over the trillion-dollar losses by their countries.

97 thoughts on “THE WEALTH OF NATIONS”

  1. I will simply blame this on the Dajjal age. Our Prophet (SAW) Muhammad said that;
    “Dajjal will live on this world for 40days, one day like a year, one day like a month and one day like a week, the rest of the days will be like our days.”
    If you are closely to study the past events in this world;
    one day like a year; Britain conquered the world(that was dajjal’s first HQ)
    one day like a month; United States is ruling the world (Dajjal’s current HQ)
    one day like a year; Israel will be dajjal’s next head quarter (no wonder you can see that US and other partner countries are generously giving billions and billions of funds to Israel because the Dajjal needs to set up his HQ where the country is both a military and economical super power!
    To the above statement by the Prophet (SAW) there is also a mathematical calculation that proves all this. I will only say it if someone wants to know better.
    Nevertheless, Malaysia proved to be one of the puppets of the Zionists because Malaysia wanted to enter the race to be one of the top countries of the world and forgot that this is a Muslim country. Have you lately seen the Muslims of Malaysia??? I do not feel sorry for them because hell will just swallow all of them!
    To conclude, if anyone here is to understand how the US control the monetary system of the world I suggest you watch this two documentaries;
    -Zeitgeist Final Version
    -Zeitgeist Addendum
    Have fun!

  2. Salaam Dr. Mahathir,
    I have already written the book you’ve requested. It is titled:
    “The Hand of Iblis” published by AS Nordeen, and available at MCH Bookstores and others here in Malaysia.
    Chapter Ten “The Purpose of Submission” is a dedicated criticism of your policies and Malay tribalism. Nevertheless, the book fully identifies the Hidden Hand of the New World Order as well as the Muslim cum Malay Malaise and perplexity.
    Please obtain a copy, or contact me at [email protected]
    Dr. Arrifin Suhaimi has a copy I can give him one to deliver to you if you like.
    dr omar zaid, m.d.
    research fellow, ISTAC, IIUM

  3. Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun and everyboby,
    just to comment on this, hihihi……….
    “By Musmt on January 4, 2010 1:10 PM
    Tun do you know why most of Malaysian big company can’t make good design of products? It is bcoz Malaysia have many engineers like Ir. Syarizan… Just can talk but can’t do work for the country.
    Engineer is not produced to talk nonsense only… they need to work using their hands… ”
    Yes Mister Musmt, I also really hope that our engineers in Malaysia are not like “what they called” Ir. Syarizan. If there are a lot, kaput……

  4. Saya berpendapat dengan
    oranglama 6jan
    Dayus ! Dayus ! Orang Melayu tak mampu mempertahankan Tanah Pusaka.
    Sudah banyak tanah Melayu dah tergadai dari JOHOR KE Semenanjung
    Ada Bukit kasi Cina
    Ada Tanjung kasi Keling.
    Sekarang sudah beribuan ekar dimiliki olih rakyat Cina Singapura.
    Economy Kerajaan Singapura sudah membuak to the highest peak
    maka perlunya mereka menimba tanah Melaysia.
    Pemimpin Lembab PakLah,yg mengizinkan kemasukan Perlabur Singapura perlu di persalahkan.Perlu di bantah.Saya bukan benci PakLah,Saya
    benci tindakan beliau,cara beliau membuat keputusan,cara beliau
    Orang Melayu masih Bongkak.
    Orang Melayu bangga dengan Kebodohannya.
    Suka meyalahkan orang lain,jika kegagalan atau kekurangan.
    Mengata Orang Paku Serpih,mengata orang,orang melayu yg lebih
    Apakah Tindakan positive,effective,Kerjasama Kita bersama Kerajaan
    bagi tidak membiarkan perkara ini berlarutan.
    Bagi menyedari Kebenaran ini.
    Saya bersedia berjumpa Tun dan saudara saudara yg bersependapat ikhlas,semoga dapat kita bersama mempertahankan Tanah Pusaka
    demi anak cucu.

  5. Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi waba rokatuh..
    [[Dear brother Waja Perak, 🙂 Assalamualaikum, always good to hear from you. Well I think honestly my greed always beats me at times. I am all into streamlining this and that you know 🙂 Bad habits at times. Anyway the kids sends their hugs to you. Take care and wasallam. Have a great weekend all]]
    Waalaikumsallam..Many thanks bro..Greeds can be good too..
    Greed in beating ulamak in pursuit of knowledge…and greed in surpassing each other in good deed..In this respect..we can never match Tun..let alone surpassing him..:(
    Kudos for your strong family intituitons..:)
    One must never lose any battle of attritions..If anti hadith appears we deal with them..when any etremist emerges..we deal with hem too..Never never let them tires us out.. yourselves a good pat on the back..
    You deserves it..:)
    Terima kasih Tun..

  6. Dear Tun, salam mesra. Minta izin beri ulasan pendek pada sebuah tulisan di sini…..
    Pandangan pada sdr ‘concededtiger’ on January 5, 2010 10:31 AM
    Hope you are not bitter with the Chinese who bought the business from the banks. They did nothing to cause your problem. The problem is between you and the bank (a bumi bank)
    I just have to mention this.

  7. Undoubtedly money can be made by speculating. It depends which side you are at. If we are at the winning side, we will definitely say “Speculation ownz” but we’r not. Bank Negara should be familiar with this after going insolvent (embarassing!!) and had to be bail out with who’s money?? the government’s money, Mr. Mahathir?? WRONG! The peoples money.
    You hit out on the Westerners but in fact, tengok lah cermin dulu. Tak cukup duit tapi nak speculate pound sterling which we lost USD 4 billion in 1992-3. How much does that equate today?? How much did you use to bail Bank Negara??
    The US can bail as much as they want to. There can be as broke as the hobo at the corner the street but as long as people have faith in the USD, god will save america , regardless whether the USD is without the backing of gold bullion.
    An trillions of dollar to bail out bank?? As long as i know, its 700 Billion bail out plan and not all of it is spent to bail out banks.

  8. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Ktiman saya untuk seri tajuk ini sekali lagi. Mungkin kali pertama tak sampai..??
    Alleging it was the Tin market rules that caused M’sia losses is akin to a gambler accusing the police for not getting his winning bet when they got raided. Attempting to control the Tin market by both buyer and seller is an offence just as gambling. When the police raided to enforce the law (Tin market enforce their rules) can the gambler ask the police to ensure the banker pays his bets? The police will uphold an illegal activity?
    You can play cards not gamble. You can trade and speculate but not manipulate. We should blame ourselves for being ignorant, foolish and naive with over confidence.
    The losses in the west were perpetrated by private enterprise and businessmen on greedy investors and borrowers due to lax regulation and weak enforcement. In M’sia it was by trusted public enterprises and politicians on honest taxpayers and consumers due to tax regulation and slick re-inforcement.
    See the difference? The unemployed writer may be desperate but is not blind!

  9. Salam kasih Ayahanda Tun. Minta sedikit ruang disini jika ada keizinan dari Tun.Terima kasih.
    Dear brother Waja Perak, 🙂 Assalamualaikum, always good to hear from you. Well I think honestly my greed always beats me at times. I am all into streamlining this and that you know 🙂 Bad habits at times. Anyway the kids sends their hugs to you. Take care and wasallam. Have a great weekend all.

  10. Sebenarnya,saya masih berharap agar Tun menjadi PM malaysia.Sekarang terlalu banyak kacaunya.
    Masa zaman tun memerintah malaysia dulu,seingat saya tidak ada benda pelik-pelik yang berlaku sekarang.Macam-macam tuntutan yang mengarut mula kedengaran.
    Ketegasan dalam memimpin perlu ada.Sebuah negara tidak akan ke mana-mana jika hanya mengikut telunjuk rakyat semata-mata.Itu semua mengarut.Apatah lagi jika negara tersebut berbilang kaum.Memang tidak akan mudah.Semua mahukan hak masing-masing didahulukan.
    Apa yang sesebuah negara perlukan hanyalah seorang pemimpin yang berani serta tegas dan memang dilahirkan dengan kemahiran memimpin.Dan ciri-ciri tersebut ada pada Tun.
    Ikhlas dari hati,saya merindui ‘keamanan’ di zaman Tun.
    (Tak perlu publish komen ini.Semua ini adalah sekadar mesej saya kepada Tun.Saya amat kagumi prestasi Tun.Saya amat lemas dengan kelakuan orang dewasa malaysia sekarang.Tak kira pembangkang atau kerajaan.Terlalu rimas.Tak tahu berapa lama lagi orang macam Tun akan wujud semula di Malaysia.)

  11. Salam TUN,
    This B Wain is sinistered in nature.
    He strived on controversy rather than scoops to create an impact in his writting.
    A profolic writer will have several scoops in his life time.
    Why sinister,he was prosecuted and convicted for his follys,read here
    He is getting more desperate in his twilight years

  12. Next thing probably coming over to Malaysia :
    1) subjected to EAU (east Asia Union)
    2) one currency (no more RM)
    3) almost all industrail sectors (including food productions) will be control under one / few corporations which are not locals
    3) malaysians would probably have to be injected by RFID chips
    non-compliance will be regarded as terrorist and be send to FEMA camps which are now been constructed world-wide
    Beware of New World Order ! one currency, one police, one military, one bank, one ruler
    not to mentioned
    one religion
    and what religion will that be?
    that teach masses that they themselves are God…meaning there are no God
    Our leader might have been attacked or presured or blackmail by zionist illuminati economic hitman.
    If say our leader confront the public and expose such threat, even though it would be subjected to his/her past wrong-doings IF it turned out to be laid by zionist global mainstream media, would the public or ‘rakyat’ stand strong behind him/her – along with the stance in fighting the zionist / illuminati plot to destroy Malaysia and malaysians ?
    New World Order would only leave the masses become slaves!
    While the masses enjoying themselves watching tellys, letting themselves been attack subliminally and crawling for deception status, they (zionist/illuminati) are working hard 24/7 to get yer soul.
    May Allah protect us and Hidayah to all mankind (ummat).
    Warm Regards,
    ANTI-NWO ,
    Kg.Dato Keramat, KL

  13. Mantap sekali Tun..
    How I wish orang yang pandai menulis buat buku mengenai bagaimana Ketua Ketua negara maju buat duit dan membazirkan duit. Kerana manipulasi penyagak comoditi trader saya dan teman teman di MMC Berhad telah dibuang kerja akibat kejatuhan harga bijih timah.I wish you are still our Prime Minister. Keep on writting Tun.

  14. Dear Tun,
    When you mentioned the name Adam Smith, it has brought me to the days where you were dog fighting with such names as George “The Wolf” Soros. We were lucky enough when the younger brother Bernard Madoff was caught in action, at least our world is safe from one hell of an invincible hand. It is people like this who will define a nation or a country. For example, George Soros actually owns South Africa through his tactical investment and so on.
    I know understand why you were so against this George Soros, if he owns this country there will be hell in Malaysia for a lot of Malaysians.He is going to make us beg and on his knees to make means. Look at how the native south Africans beg for their foods.
    This the kind of things that will happen if our government fall in the wrong hands. Printing trillions of ringgit in one thousand notes, creating funds off-shore from different countries and so on. That is the things would have happen during those days just like it was done by Adam Smith himself.

  15. Salam,
    Malaysian Insider ada cerita berjudul “Singapore is a nation in the making”
    Cerita ini adalah suatu propaganda mempopularkan Singapura. Untuk makluman pada pandangan kekayaan dunia cara Singapurahanya sesuai untuk negara seprti Singapura saja. Cuba bayangkan bila dunia sudah kehabisan minyak, banyak masalah lain timbul.Kebanyakan aktiviti yang ada di dunia moden berasaskan sumber minyak.
    Sudah tentu perniagaan Singapura jatuh. Kapalterbang dah tentu tak ada kecuali ada teknoloji tanpa minyak. kereta pun tak ada. Tanah pun tak ada. Kubur pun tak cukup. siap nak datang jauh2 kat Singapura.
    Singapura negeri kecil, satu hari penduduk Singapura terlalu ramai dan dunia makin susah dengan pelbagai masalah ,banjir dan lain2 malapetaka, akhirnya tanah pusaka yang luas terbentang di negara orang pula akan jadi rebutan ramai manusia. Baca sejarah dunia.
    Wahai rakyat Malaysia, jagalah Tanah yang dipusakakan kepada kamu. Negara aman dan dianugerahkan tanah yang subur dan mencukupi untuk pertanian dan aktiviti kehidupan asas yang lain. Inilah 1Malaysia yang kita yang dah ada kat sini kena jaga.

  16. YABhg Tun,
    19. Their Governments were forced to bail out their banks and companies with trillions of dollars. It can be said that their Presidents and Prime Ministers are all responsible for the trillions of dollars lost by their countries.
    20. I am waiting for a good unemployed journalist to investigate and write a book on these leaders who presided over the trillion-dollar losses by their countries.
    ….and ridicule their own kind…???? That will not happen, sir.

  17. Assalamualaikum,
    Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah SWT.
    Nabi Muhammad SAW pesuruh Allah SWT.
    Allah SWT yang menciptakan segala-galanya.
    Allah SWT menciptakan langit dan bumi dan segala isinya.
    Allah SWT memberi manafaat dan mudharat.
    Segalanya dari Allah SWT.
    Harta dan kekayaan adalah pilihan orang-orang kufur.
    Dengan harta dan kekayaan mereka berkuasa.
    Mereka percaya pada dunia tidak pada akhirat.
    Hanyasanya cara apa yang ditunjukan oleh Rasulullah SAW mendapat kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.
    Hanyasanya cara yang ditunjukan oleh Rasulullah SAW akan berjaya sehingga hari kiamat.

  18. Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi wabarokatuh..
    Semoga di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih
    1. We support you Waja Perak..can I be your protege’?…
    Alahai..janganlah bang..malu saya..saya ini opis boi je..tapi adalah sikit-sikit pengalaman dengan Pakar-Pakar Perubatan di Negeri Perak..jadi kalau ada apa-apa yang nak di kongsi tu bolehla..tentang agama saya lagi kurang..tetapi saya ingat pesan seorang wali Allah..
    Beliau berjalan bersama-sama seorang Pendita Nasrani di padang pasir..Bila tiba waktu makan..Pendita Nasrani mampu mewujudkan makanan dengan berdoa..Akhirnya dia berkata..Nah..sekarang tibalah giliran anda wahai Pendita Muslim..berdoalah moga kita di beri makan..
    Wah..malunya beliau ( Pendita Muslim )kerana baik sangkanya ( Husnul Zan ) yakin dia tiada kedudukan ( maqam ) di sisi Allah..maka inilah doa beliau..
    Ya Allah..Engkau mengetahui HambaMu tiada apa-apa kedudukan di sisiMu..tetapi tolonglah HambaMu dengan RahmatMu, HambaMu bermohon dengan nama Rasullulah s.a.w KekasihMu..bertawasul dengannya..Janganlah Islam di malukan di tangan aku di hadapan Pendita Nasrani ini..
    Dengan Izin Allah maka wujudlah hidangan untuk mereka..Panjang lagi cerita ini tapi natijahnya ialah orang
    macam saya pun Allah sudi tolong dengan belum lagi memalukan Islam di tangan saya..Oleh itu bagi tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang lebih rapat di sisi Allah berbanding saya dengan kini di pertanggungjawabkan dengan kemaslahatan ummat dengan menjawat jawatan Dr,Ir,Peguam dan segala macam professional tentu lebih berpeluang berbakti kepada masyarakat kita..
    Saya amat mengharap sokongan tuan-tuan dan puan-puan..
    Terima kasih..Terima kasih Tun..

  19. salam w.b.t..
    saya keluar daripada topik sedikit,
    maaf.. tapi atas rasa tidak senang hati dan tersinggung,
    mungkin ada yang dah pernah melihat dan mungkin ada yang tidak pernah perasan, tetapi cubalah search di: dan taipkan top gear proton atau top gear perodua..
    ini adalah rancangan hiburan umum mengenai kenderaan di U.K..
    saya amat bersedih hati apabila nama Malaysia dipermainkan dan barangan Malaysia diperlakukan dengan tiada maruah..

  20. Here he comes again… Ir Syahrizan to the rescue. The train never comes late does it?
    They say engineers are scattered brains. Obviously you are a good representative of that saying. Can you stick to the topic Ir Syahrizan?
    But I’ll talk about your topic anyways…
    I’m currently working in Chicago and I told my buddies in the office about ASB’s 8% return. You should have seen how their jaws dropped in amazement. “8%!?!?!?! That’s so high!” they said. Yep. So what should the common person do when the return is 8%? Take advantage of it obviously. Not complain about it. Not be like you. I don’t know where you are going with the 8% talk Ir. Syahrizan. Could you please clarify how 8% isn’t an amazing investment?
    Btw. I’m curious as to where did you get your Ir.? Is it really that amazing of an Ir.? Is that the furthest of your education? My dad has an Ir. too… but he doesn’t promote it on the blogosphere.
    I work in the private sector Ir. Syahrizan. Do you think I’m going to falter in my work and crumble even though you don’t know me? Like how you accused another commentor here.

  21. Salam Tun,
    1. We support you Waja Perak..can I be your protege’?…
    2. I’m an engineer too…Alhamdulillah, tak jadi macam Ir Syahrizan sebab Allah berikan mata untuk melihat apa yang telah berlaku di Malaysia selama lebih 35 tahun saya dilahirkan. Diberi peluang untuk melihat negara2 luar …of course ..saya bukan “blind supporter” yang Ir Syahrizan maksudkan..buat malu seluruh jurutera-jurutera di Malaysia.
    3. Inilah padahnya apabila “Gajah di depan mata dia tak nampak, kuman nun jauh di seberang laut dia nampak”… hmmmm…

  22. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    It sounds like CONSPIRACY OF THE RICH delivered in Tun version.
    LIke it very much.

  23. Assallammualaikum warah matullahhi wabarokatuh..
    Semoga di izinkan Tun..Terima kasih..
    Ir. Syahrizan Syah?..Like King?..he..he..
    [[Dear Mr. self-proclaimed psychologist (from veterinary department)]]
    I never claimed to be one..You imposed your belief and values of (Ir )on other’s and I managed to cornered you into!!
    [[I just want to add more, it is also consider “normal” to have “school” bullies like you]]
    Me bullies?..He..he..Why? feels bullied by me?..:)
    [[Regardless, whether you’re in the kindergarten, primary, secondary and university levels. There’s bound to be one who likes to pick other people for its self-delusional entertainment.]]
    Again..self imposed belief and values against other’s!!..:)
    [[Your very own existence is believed to be either the left over of homo-sapien evolution or just plain random DNA sequential mistake.]]
    Now you blamed Allah for not creating ‘genius’ like you as many as possible..
    [[This freak mistake of mother nature will continue to hound the Internet Blogging world whether we like it or not.]]
    Oh..why Tun..They don’t have many Ir..King like me..( I have mentioned before sire..They ain’t good enough for your audience!!:)
    [[Fortunately, there’s still hope, you (and your kind) existence is only to serve as side dish entertainment.]]
    Unlike me Ir.King that loved by many here in Tun blog…he..he..
    [[Your kind lives at the lower end of the food chain. Self proclaimed psychologist in the government veterinary agency.]]
    I am real here in Ministry Of Health..Normaly we prescribe your like Diazepam 10mg om or Vallium 10 mg contain and managed your
    [[Typical dogs of the government. In the real working world; private sector, you wouldn’t last a single day. You’ll probably got hired in the morning and got fired in the evening. Please don’t take it too serious, I’m just being professional and not a blind-supporter. Have a good day “Doctor”. ;]]
    You your kingly world?..Nah..I am truly unqualified and underserved..
    I am an office boy remember..? Not qualified to be in front of you the exalted one..
    Dear Kingly Ir..Syahrizan..
    What actually it is all about?..
    Your whining and whimpering..
    When Hanan attacked us are not present..When Anti Hadith people demeaned our Prophet s.a.w you are not around and when Allah is ridiculed your ‘genius’ and very much ‘wanting’ comment were not available..
    Your Kingly Ir..only interested in Proton and power windows only? Does this give you iritation very much sire?..Will my humble approach point it to you sire?..Are you in the
    parallax view sire..
    Do I have to documented it sire..?
    The Emperor ( Ir Syah… ) in his new clothes..( he..he..)
    And please note..The corrosion of blood is in your mind and blood ( septicaemia ) that will lead you to cachexia..Watch are wasted..and wasting away..:)
    Ribuan Terima Kasih Tun..

  24. Salam Tun,
    This leader is clearly George Bush but then again the power
    and authority of managing institutions to serve their rakyat’s interest are no more just his.
    The electronic age now and future will DOMINATE the governing
    of a nation.This is because the mobility of money crosses a nation’s
    border at lightning speed.
    To devalue US dollar is to sell out the currency and since no
    one wants the US dollar,it will have little value.
    Bush passes the torch to Obama.Obama,just like Anwar thought
    he know it all.US wants to dominate the world but find that they
    cant even govern their own country now.There is no value in their money so maybe they will start conquering again.Why?This is because
    they can.
    If one imagine money is herd like travelling lawlessly from
    one governed country to another enriching each one as it arrives
    and impoverishing it as it leaves,you will find that a new international financial architecture must be formed to stop this.
    The trillion dollar losses from devaluation of currency and
    therefore its stock market is due to ‘freedom’to trade money
    without any regulation.Capitalism is left unchecked due to no
    more communism or socialist system to compare to.Free market is
    horrible when left uncontrolled.
    Bush depended on Greenspan and Adam Smith didnt know there
    were going to be computers i suppose.There are no need to investigate as everyone knows Bush is an arsehole and dumb.That of
    course is not an excuse.The Jews are of course confused as these
    electronic age drove pass through them.Obama won without total Jew
    support but still have to deal with the trillion dollar deficit and
    its 15trillion US dollar debt.Does he need the banking Jew?
    They can start again by working hard for money and not making
    money work for them all the time.Then again,why not as they can!
    I build Kukup Golf Resort with my bare hands with the late Jimmy
    Yusof money.We owned it 100 percent.400 malays worked there and we
    worked hard for 15 yrs.The banks overcollateralised(i learned that
    word)us(Arab Bank),ie 10 mil againsta 80mil force sale value.Today
    the chinese bought it and we are slaves again.
    I just have to add that in.

  25. Salam Tun and Happy New Year
    The fault lies with us and our Malay leaders who have read the Al-Quran and yet insist on running the country with a Jewish financial system.So when the Jews who mastered the system exploit it and we kena, are the Jews to blame ? I think not. We are to blame for following the Jews.

  26. Hi Tun, you may be right but all these methods and derivatives have been around for donkey years. And instead of fighting it, most of us all have learnt to embrace it and look at ways to benefit from this.
    Ever heard of the phrase, “if you cannot beat it, join it”? It is better than whining as the globalised world will affect us all.

  27. Streamlining should be focus on parts of the fund managers. Maybe not the managers themselves, but their middle men/women. Too many brokers (licensed – irrelevant field of licensing – and honestly unlicensed) that works for them as

  28. Dear Tun,
    You have covered this topic before. It is about currency manipulator. This is about tne share market manipulation, hedge fund, insider trading, derivatives, Nick Leeson and the fall of Bering Bank, World.Com, Arthur Anderson and false account reporting and recently subprime lending that started the current recession.
    Dont any school teacher or man in the street try to get rich quick and dabble in the stock market. They may get burned.
    People like Sow Chee Wen, Tony Tiah and Tajudin Ramli may understand the intricacies of the ‘wealth of nation’ and not ‘UNEMPLOYED’ journalist as Tun suggests.
    amin tan

  29. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. I agree with Ir. Shahrizan take on the ASB return. Whilst he may be correct, but what the statement may implies stronger is on the dire need to restructure all government run bonds for a more streamlining of operations. I agree on the fund manager syndrome. They make money for you and they device ways to take it away. Not all (keep the insults back), but it

  30. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. A small room please.
    Dear brother Waja Perak. If it blows deadly fire, it farts poisonous gas for sure and either way you get caught near it would surely makes a BBQ out of anyone. As could be notice, just one poke and the dragon would/has rock all boats caught along the lake. Let

  31. A little off topic to take the monotony of trading, i found this somewhere.
    If anyone have difficulty understanding the current world financial situation, the following should help….
    Once upon a time in a village in India(no offense), a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10. The villagers seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them.
    The man bought thousands at $10, but, as the supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their efforts. The man further announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.
    Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to $25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!
    The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now act as buyer, on his behalf.
    In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: ‘Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when he returns from the city, you can sell them back to him for $50.’
    The villagers squeezed together their savings and bought all the monkeys.
    Then they never saw the man or his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!
    Welcome to WALL STREET

  32. Dear Sir,
    I wonder any Journalist could take up your suggestion, NONE of the Malaysian Journalist has the gut to even find out why Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong could not comply with the audit on the design criteria compliances with design guidelines as an Expressway of Lembaga Leburaya Malaysia or Malaysian Highway Authority on many ingress/egress, many safet sight distances were not complied, many bends and curves along LDP were not as what design guidelines of LLM, yet LDP is declared as Expressway during your Premiership.
    But as you are so good inw riting suhc issue with regards to wealth of nation, I prefer you could define what is wealth to a nation– People who manage the wealth or the welath of natural resources being wisely utilized to benefit all, or be of used for limited political masters, such definition will be able to show how a nation is well governed, and a great shame to me about your time to manage the wealth and resources of Malaysia since 1981 through 2003, and with your alertness which is reallya dmirable, the myth as how 1 RM = 1 S$ in 1981 had now slid to 2.4 RM = 1 S$, such reality had put me in great losses, and my puzzle as how coud you be given such a long mandate while Mr Opposition of today, Mtr Lim Kit Siong had failed to magnifying this issue all this while, and while NO Malaysian Journalsit dares to investigate the TRUTH about why shall we Malaysians with so great blessings of wealth of resources, and peace and order in politics for such a long time, we could NOT just beta this tiny city state which were occupied by less than 5 millions people, with ZERO petrol or oil from their land, they are having hte largest tank farm now being developed in Jurong, and why the world OIl compaines trusted this tiny city state, while we have all the good infr being developed, cheaper cost, we are not the chosen provers for such trusted management of distributions of oil from this point of view?
    Hence, Tun, you are wiser and smarter than many other politicans to be the longest serving premier in Malaysia, you political wealth is NOT possible for any Malaysian could match any more– Years had passed, the History had recorded, and unless Malaysians could be able to read this simple fact and determined to revert 1 S$ = 2.4 RM, and if any chance at all for you to be around to witness a slight progres over this aspect from 1 S$ – 2.4 to 1 S$ 2.0, then we thank God, otherwise, you could live to see further slide from 1 S$ = 2.4 RM to 1 S$ = 3. RM within next 10 years to come too.
    So shameful but is going to be real if we keep the cultures of what you led Malaysian over last 22 years could not be transformed, we all Malaysians will not love what you had done, whatever you ahd recorded and tried to put Malaysians on the world stage more for shame than glories!
    I pray for PM could at least tranform Pudu Raya with abandoned Plaza Rakyat to a Pudud raya with completed Bus terminal within completed Plaza Rakyat whcih you ignored and failed to delvier since 1996!!
    Pay for you to be wiser to recognize your shortcomings too and repent while you still have preciosu time to be with your loved ones around your family, and focus to repay those loss times you had neglected your children, your wife and your grandchildren, please do consider to spend more time while you to be with your lovely wife, and lovely children to ensure they are loved sincerely, honestly by your true self, as a person, as a human being, not a political King on Malaysia.
    I beg your pardon if I could sound rude and rough, I pray to God for you to have real understanding that what Love is all about– Love is patient, love is kind, love is not to record wrongs of others, and not self seeking, love is of high tolerance, and love is to forgive what others had wronged you, be freed from the bondage of hatred, bondage of anger, and bondage of falsehood in fame and vanity!
    May God’s Grace be with you till you die.
    Warmest regards,
    Peter Leow

  33. To ‘Ir’ Syahrizan
    we shouldnt make personalized remarks on commentors in this blog but this ‘ir syahrizan’ so he calls himself is really taking on our nerves. This self proclaimed titled engineer is giving a bad name to the engineering fraternity. If you need to make desperate criticism to Tun by all means do, but your less than intellectual remarks are not worthy to be written by someone who holds a professional title. Why would you need to put Ir in front of your name? So that people would feel respect in reading your low comments? That is not the case at all, you are giving an unfair impression on malaysian professionals.
    If you search ‘Syahrizan’ from the BEM online register, you will get ‘No match found!’. You should feel ashame of misleading readers here of your status. Please, leave out the ‘Ir’ next time if you want to comment low like your other anti-Tun comrades.
    My comment on Tun’s article.
    While distractors like to bring in counter-constructive comments pulling in the bad government argument again and again, i feel Tun is trying to highlight how small nations like Malaysia are in fact bullied by the greater nations on economic fronts. This is the real message that he would like us to underdstand. Despite the beyond moderate progress we have achieved so far, we are still a germ to the developed nations, especially after Tun has stepped down. No other nation, other than Iran today, dares to speak out like we used to. Unless we get rational together, respect our differences and learn to work with these differences to elevate this nation, we’ll be forever damned to be a germ nation belittled even by our paranoid little island neighbour.

  34. Good money (a solid gold coin) can be manipulate by the gray area & make it evil money (bubble money). So does Genuine Truthful Islam can be manipulate by the gray area & make is a Fake Islam with Liar in it.

  35. Salam & Selamat Tahun Baru 2010 kpd Tun & fellowblogers
    Actually western countries especially US are already bankcrupt. They survive so far because they make everybody believes their economic strenght. They maximise the application of the real power of perception. With marketing skill, consumer market size and controlled media, they are able to trap every body with natural resources to basically support their survival and damned about others. They will use any means to ensure the resources are made available only to them, even to war, if required.
    They “print” how much money they want. They wil buy all the resources they need from all over the world , more or less “free of charge” from the money they print. To test the case, if everybody now cash the USA dollar at once, USA will go to the dog as there is nothing to back-up its dollar. Most countries like China for example have to “play” the game along because they already hooked and just cannot change its currency to others due to the loss they would suffer for the investment they already placed in US and loss of large consumer market offered by US.
    How bad treatment given to the Muslims by the west/USA, yet the rich Arab countries do not dare to pull their investment out of the west/USA financial “safe keeping” used as a bargaining point because they knew that they will lose everything. If they really believe for fairness, they should use oil weapon to bargain with or pressure the west/USA. The Jewish circle can control the world because they are probably holding the trump card to blackmail those not supporting them. Poor Palestinians have to suffer and suffer forever. What can the rest of world do?
    In addition to the above point, do we know that there are trilions of counterfeit USD in circulation? Everybody are happy to keep them in circulation.
    it cannot be denied that Tun’s proposal for using Dinar as an alternative is a very good idea but there will be no support even from the Muslim countries because of the above mentioned reasons.
    Doesn’t it obvious that the above will explain the reason as how come just a few millions Jewish can control the world, who can do utmost injustice with impunity.
    Greed & Power are the source of evil. Unless those believe that there is a supreme being/power, called GOD, we will be made to continue to suffer until doomsday.
    May Allah bless us all.

  36. hahaha..i like he number 20. Well, anybody dare to follow Islamic way of business or economy or accounting? but thanks to 1Malaysia concept, we can share 1 God, Allah. Any translation either from Buddha or Hindu (or any God from all around the world) please translate it in Malay as Allah.

  37. Salam Tun.
    Refering to comment by Ir. Syahrizan on January 4, 2010 9:04 AM
    (Ir stands for what? “Irrational”?
    *Sugar Price*
    ….. Robert Kok, the famous Sugar tycoon few months back has released its shares of the sugar market. I also heard one big “Malay” guy (UMNOputeras perhaps?) got most of the shares. Then now, all of the sudden the ceiling price of sugar has been lifted (price increase) ….
    You talked cock, bro! A few months ago Robert Kuok thru PPB Group Bhd disposed Malayan Sugar Mfg Bhd majority stake to Felda Global Venture and a small portion to Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, ending their 50 years monopoly in sugar business. There was no hanky-panky about this deal and everything was straight forward.
    What’s wrong with Tan Sri Robert Kuok divesting the sugar biz and investing in China? What is wrong to sell off to Syed Mokhtar who’s happened to be owner of CSR (Central Sugar Ref.)?
    PPB Group already make their fortune all the while thru government subsidy on refined sugar.


  39. Salam hormat buat Tun.
    You wrote good articles Tun. Truly enlightening.
    So that’s what happened then. I wonder why should
    all govts of the world allowed this imaginary business
    to prosper in the first place. Daylight robbery. Another brilliant
    idea of the west ofcourse or is it another innovation
    of the jews.

  40. Dear Tun,
    May 2010 bring us ALL a better life then than the one we had in 2009.
    I am sure not one but a few journalist will take up the challenge. If anything to earn some money for themselves. It will make very interesting reading and who knows if they can make it sensational enough it can even hit the BEST SELLER list.
    But what would really make interesting reading is if these writers can get the inside story on how these investment schemes can fork out high returns, as much as 30%.
    The instances over the history of exchanges (shares, commodities, etc) having rules infavour of the rich and connected while dumping the simple rule of law.
    The real present value of the US$, British Pound and Euro if all their goverments bonds were cashed in.
    How the banks and financial institutions and exchanges have made the underdeveloped countries stay that way.
    How the banks are managing to pay back the bailout the US treasury gave them recently?
    Its is for sure that the rich and developed countries will want to maintain the status quo – lets not kid ourselves and believe their facade of fighting for truth, freedom, etc..
    For as long as we allow ourselves to partake in their institutions which they control – we can expect to be in the status quo that THEY want.
    For all the people who say WHAT CAN WE DO? You are actually saying WE ARE STUPID!!!.
    If you keep doing the same things you will get the same results (outcome).
    If you want a different outcome – THEN – Do it differently. TUN had proven this time and again to be true. The best example is what Tun did to save Malaysia during the previous financial crisis, the look East policy, etc..
    If we allow ourselves to be subservient we will always be so.
    Look at the Gremeen Group of companies – Dr Muhd Yunus did it differently and made a mark in helping the poor in his country and others.
    Look at China – they choose their own way to financial success without the high cost that Russia paid (becuase they tried to follow the advice from the smart “FREE WORLD”).
    Do what you believe is best for you NOT WHAT THE “FREE WORLD” thinks is best for you – cause what they think is only what is best for themselves.
    So don’t just mimic, copy wholesale and direct import their ideas because for sure these will not suite us perfectly. Take their ideas BUT adept them appropriately for our own use and benefit.
    What is to stop us from doing all these after all we are a FREE COUNTRY in a FREE WORLD. Or are we???

  41. Dear Andrew Thomas,
    I can’t answer for Tun, but it think if you read his books you would have had a different prospective.
    If you want real indepth analysis regarding the financial markets, read publications from
    Nouriel Roubini RGE Monitor and NYU,
    Nassim Taleb NYU,
    Bill Gross (PIMCO),
    Mohammed El Arian, (PIMCO),
    David Rosenberg, Gluskin Shciff
    Meredith Whitney
    Joe Stiglitz
    Marc Faber
    Jim Roger
    Hugh Hendry (Eclectica)
    David Einhorn (greenlight Capital)
    John Paulson, (Hedge Fund Manager)
    Julian Robertson (Tiger Funds)
    Bill Ackerman (Pershing Square Hedge Fund)
    ALbert edward (Societe Generale)
    Charlie Munger (Buffett’s partner and of course Warren himself)
    Alan Abelson (barrons)
    William Ross (Hedge Fund and formerly with Rothschild bank)
    Stephen Roach (Morgan Stanley)
    John Bogle (Vanguard)
    I think some Humility would serve you well along with some respect when addressing a person like Tun. If you are a finance student then go ahead and read and analyze how he handled the IMF, world bank and the currency markets during the financial crisis, most importantly in complete disagreement with Alan Greenspan and all the general consensus of the time. Read Alan Greenspans’ book Age of Turbulence, it should be now retitled “Age of Arrogance” or “Age of Ignorance”, read the Hubris Arrogance where he details his views on the Asian countries and his encounters with Tun. This is the same guy who claimed that after the 2008-2009 crash, he could not regulate derivatives because he did not understand them, in stark contrast to his previous statements where he endorsed them as great tools of financial innovation. So in other words he endorsed what he did not understand… That was not in his book at all of course.
    I agree with your remarks regarding the Educational system in the Islamic world in General and the Arabic world Specifically. We are teaching our students and the new Generation NOTHING at all about the real world or the financial markets. It is not a conspiracy, especially in Malaysia, it is more of a Cultural Ignorance and Arrogance on behalf of the Arabs (I am an Arab, i should know) and insecured mind-set on behalf of the others.
    So in closing, show more humility when addressing people like Tun who is one of a kind in the Islamic World. Your writing is promising, that is why i replied to your comments, other negative commentators i did not bother with, because they simply are too lost.
    I am Not a Malay, I am an Arab, i dont live in Malaysia, i only visited it as a tourist, but his work and accomplishments here in Malaysia could only be missed by the Intellectually blind.
    For those that Know, no explanation is needed, and for those that dont know no explanation is possible.
    God Bless Malaysia
    God Bless Tun

  42. Salam tun and all,
    1. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems at first glance.
    2. Tun’s life experience put together will leave most of us (Malayisans and non-Malaysians alike) breathing hard and struggling far, far, faaaarrr behind.
    3. But then again, who would ever accept the fact that they are less knowledgeable than an 80plus old man?
    4. Tun both, take good care of your good selves.
    Jaga diri, jaga solat semua. Hanya yang ikhlas akan mendapat ganjaran di sisi Allah SWT.

  43. The era of fiat money is coming to an end soon.
    So if I were sane, I would start to accumulate gold. Sooner or later the world would have to revert back to a commodity based financial syste, (precious metals etc). When that happens, the prices of these precious metals would soar.
    This is what I am doing now, accumulating gold, bit by bit.
    Better to be smart than to regret.

  44. Dear Tun Dr M, your last sentence in your posting above really made me laugh. The very classic Dr M in his element. I always enjoy reading your postings.

  45. Al Salam Alaikum Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    In reference to Adam Smith and his “Invisible Hand” in the American and Western Economy, i can write many books and probably write and write till my fingers bleed.
    Having been involved in the Venture Capital, Investment Banking, PIPE funds (Private Investments Public Enterprise) providing private capital to publicly traded companies…etc I can say without a doubt that the system is Satan’s Masterpiece. It really is. You have to marvel at how deep is the “Con of Man”.
    The truth is, no one would ever believe the truth.. How you can take absolute junk Subprime Mortgage Blocks, then “BUNDLE” them, Securitize them in the Secondary Market (Lehman and Bear) as (MBS: Mortgage backed securities) then BUNDLE them again into CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations) then again Chop the Bundles into smaller or bigger BUNDLES and sell CDSs against them to Distribute the “Risk” then issue Bonds and Derivatives against the MBS, CDO and CDS while getting PAID at every single step. In other words, you take a simple Loan (Sub-Prime or other) and you repackage it and sell it over 10 times using “FINANCIAL INNOVATIONS!!??” and then just when you thought the crime could not get any bigger comes in the the Infinite Insurance Dirivatives issued against this bundle in Junk. Simply spoken, you can take a USD $1Mil and Chop, Bundle and Insure over USD $30 Mil , and if you are as creative as Bear Stearns or Lehman you can increase that Leverage or Aggregate leverage to over 40 TIMES that is 40 Dollars of fiction for every one dollar of half fiction….It is truly amazing. I retired in 2006 and spend most of my time reading now adays, and just when i though Satan’s Master Piece could not be topped, here comes “CARBON TRADING” and the mother of all future Scams “Carbon Based Financial Products” and all related taxes and financial instruments….Satan has outdone himself for now even the Cows are going to be taxed… We are finally going to be able to monitize half of our breathing cycle (Exhaing CO2 so fatr) i can hardly wait for who would be able to monatize the other half of the breathing Cycle (Inhaling O2), it should be interesting….
    I am spending more and more time reading Philosophy for a find peace and Solace in the old books for there is nothing but Insanity in what we see today in the financial markets, and what is More insane is watching our IGNORANT Arabic Sovereign wealth Funds squander BILLIONS on investments that my Second Level Secretary would not do, let alone these “Alleged to be” Geniuses, just look at the City Center Project in Vegas, The W project in New York, the QE2 in Dubai, the DOW Chemical and Kuwait, the Citi deal and Abu Dhabi….etc.
    I would have to disagree with the Gentleman Afandi on his comment titled Smarter than the smart in reference to the fact that they are “Smarter” , not at all. They are not smarter at all, they Have LEADERSHIP that “Puts you in Play”.
    We dont have a play field for more that 10000000 reasons, but the Bottom line, we have No leadership that understand these matter, with the exception of Tun whom i have the greatest respect for his Intellect. If you disagree with his views on the economy then you are just not educated enough and lack the mental fortitude and seasoning to comprehend the game at hand.
    I think the way Tun handled the IMF, World bank and Currency matters is beyond brilliant considering he is not an Economist. Wisdom goes along way…
    As far as the Tin and Commodities trading structures, it is a Casino, and Physical delivery (Which is Islam’s most elegant solution) for speculative tendencises, is vehemently fought by the LSE, NYSE, CME… and that is why they are creating ETFs and ETNs to be able to dilute suply and demand through leverage and again without having Physical Delivery Guarantees, Basically it is a reverse model of the Banking Fractional Deposit-Lending theory where now Physical commodities substitute for the currency and the ETF or ETN Physical leverage substitutes for the banks cash Deposit reserves, another scam on a massive scale. Just Check David Einhorn’s research from Greenlight Capital on the GLD and the GDX or Marc faber on the virtue of Physical Commodities investments.
    Check also for research reference only ZKB (Zurcker Kantonal Bank Silver ETF with a one-to-one ratio). It is the Silver ETF for the Swiss Kanton of Zurich, i no longer view them positively since the Swiss Menarat position.
    The situation in the Arabic world is beyond repair and the situation in the Islamic world is not better, THEY ARE NOT SMARTER, but they give their best the Playing field. We on the other hand DESTROY OUR BEST and elevate the most ignorant (No outside influence) i have seen it first hand myself and it is just self-destruction. Not the west, not the colonial powers, not this or that, just look the man in the Mirror and make a choice, Do you want to be a Predator or do you want to be a Prey.
    Tun, i wish i have met you many years ago, you continue to be an inspiration and i pray that one day people would appreciate the Genius of your work.
    To fellow commentators i highly recommend these books…
    Barbarians at the Gate (The JR Nabisco debacle)…..
    Fooled by Randomness… Nassim Taleb
    Blackswan…. Nassim Taleb…Brillian
    Confessions of an Economic Hit man ……. (Speculations and Manipulation)
    Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals why the world financial markets will implode
    Fooling some of the People all of the Time….. (David Einhorn on Allied Capital and financial accounting)
    Drivatives…The beast of Wall Street…
    Hope you enjoy them..
    Al Salamu Alaykum

  46. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
    Salam hormat Tun & salam hormat kepada semuanya,
    I hardly ever argue, because thats applied to me as well. Some don’t like to read but love to comment and critise. Some of us in here forgot that the most important point is at point No.20. See, some will scroll back to see what is point No.20?.
    Your early bird messege I would say, a very serious messege made by you as early as it shows;
    Posted By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on January 4, 2010 at 6:55 AM.
    Wow! Happy New Year 2010 to you Tun. This is a very good start.
    Credits to Zahar [Quote: By zahar on January 4, 2010 7:41 AM] and also to Shahrul [Quote: By shahrul on January 4, 2010 11:25 AM].
    Zahar should proceed with point No.20. Let them see you believe it. and Shahrul, yes you can do it (Dear Shahrul, Time is Gold, waste time no more on ‘think’ or unsure, just do it! I believe you can do it.)
    ‘The American Express Credit Card’ survived by letting people believe that man can live in this world even if you have nothing but ‘American Express Credit Card’. Remember the advertisement about a guy who left nothing by the beach from the shipwreck incident?, he survive, confident! and walk naked to any shop he like with his ‘American Exs. Credit Card’.
    So, may I say that “it is OKEY if you live with 20 Years debt ahead?”, and if you don’t have money, use credit card, because what you need is not the money, you need the things that you want to buy. So, what happend if you do not have money? or a paper that called money? What will you do? Simple, Print the money.
    Take Tun Dr.Mahathir advise: Physical Gold, Change Gold as world curency trade market. Fullstop.
    and Of course, you still can walk naked holding only ‘American Express Card’, but your card is not called a ‘Credit card’, but its called a ‘Charge Card’, and you leave no debt behind and make profit ahead instead, and of course there will be no such things as NPL a.k.a Non Perf. Loan.
    Theres a guy in Malaysia who loves so much of this ‘imaginary markets’. He wants a position of Prime Minister badly. He survived by practising an ‘Imaginary Cabinet’, ‘Imaginary Goverment’ and ‘Imaginary Invester’. Zahar and Shahrul can write about this guy too.
    P.S: Point No.13 & 14, The death note!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR TwentyTen to everyone!.
    Salam hormat Tun Mahathir & everyone, salam penuh kasih dan sayang.

  47. Assalamualaikum,
    Yang pertama sekali, kepada encik wajaperak, mengenai naga tasik chini. Mengikut lagendanya, pada asalnya, ada dua ekor naga di dalam tasik kenyir itu, yang lebih tua bernama sri pahang, makala yang lebih muda bernama seri gumum. Ketika kisah ini dihikayatkan kira kira 500 tahun dahulu, pada waktu ketika itu, sri pahang berumur dalam 40 manakala sri gumum berumur 20 tahun. Tiada maklumat yang tepat mengenai saiz naga naga itu tetapi diceritakan bahawa kelebarannya sahaja bersamaan dengan kelebaran sungai pahang, panjangnya tak tau. Bagaimanapun sri pahang telah terkorban ketika bertarung dengan sri kemboja di teluk siam dengan bantuan raja & tentera siam yang turut membedil sri pahang dengan meriam mereka(sri kemboja ialah naga berasal dari siam yang melakukan onar di laut china selatan dan sri pahang keluar dari chini ke sana untuk menghalangnya). Menurut kisahnya, sri pahang disemadikan di pekan, pahang, dengan kuburnya dinamakan makam tok panjang. Dkhabarkan sri gumum masih diam bertapa di dasar chini, menunggu masa yang sesuai untuk keluar dari pertapaan, untuk membalas dendam bagi pihak saudaranya, sri pahang, sekian. Untuk kepastian yang lebih pasti, silalah ke tasik chini dan selam la sendiri tasik itu untuk bertemu dengan sri gumum. Pastinya sri gumum hari ini telah mencapai tahap kekuatan dan kesaktian yang tertinggi yang tidak dapat ditandingi oleh mana mana naga pun di atas muka bumi ini.
    Yang kedua, buat yang berhormat tun dr mahathir, tun tak mahu komen apa apa tentang penggunaan kalimah ALLAH oleh gereja kristian? Ini isu yang boleh mencetuskan pertumpahan darah ni. Sekian terima kasih.

  48. Salam alaik and hye to everybody.
    Dear Tun,
    Let say the economy is under the responsibility of the Malaysia Finance
    Minister, there was no denying that Najib’s government had to redouble
    its efforts, besides identifying new growth areas (like biotechnology)
    from now until 2020 in order to make Malaysia a developed nation as
    envisioned by you Tun in 1995… To be a Finance Minister means you must
    be intelligent and wise enough even not reach 100% the sharpness of the
    Intel Dual Core Processor… To understand the economy means that you
    must understand how production, exchange, distribution, labor, capital
    and a few other more things work according to the system and when they
    must be operated out of the normal economic system… Remember, prolong
    inflation will lead to recession, and recession will lead to depression…
    If Malaysia (I mean the minister) not doing at his best, our country
    will be heading towards the same direction of Argentina and Brazil in
    the 70’s and 80’s… And these countries purchasing power suffered
    because they borrowed too much for white elephant “pembangunans”…
    Without the knowledge, for example if the minister is kind of stupid
    on the rudiments of economics – the GDP growth rate then I dunno, may
    God save Malaysia from sunken… While there had been no miracle
    turnaround in recent few months, it was believed that the impact of the
    global economic downturn would still be heading to uncertain waters…
    Then Malaysia must be prepared especially our current sugar price also
    hiking and surely the rich-wealth politicians will not even feel anything
    due to the millions or billions of ringgit in their accounts…
    Its quite dangerous when someone without the knowledge of the basic
    principles of economy holding such an important position like Finance
    Minister because its going to bring the difficulties to the rakyat later…
    Ask the ministers (I mean, aaallll ministers) to study the Emergency
    Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, commonly referred to as a bailout
    of the U.S. financial system and learn or pick a little bit of knowledge
    from it… Im not asking to do exactly what is US was doing during that
    period but impossible there’s nothing they can learn from it… There
    must be if not much, a bit of knowledge or cases can be studied like
    law enacted in response to the subprime mortgage crisis authorizing the
    United States Secretary of the Treasury to spend up to US$700 billion
    to purchase distressed assets – TO SAVE THEIR COUNTRY…
    p/s: Salam and Hye to Ir_Engkuli, rahim, nizamnazar, HBT, fareast,
    MalayJessyJames, Redhuan D. Oon, hamzah radzi, Isac Bumiyang, irasyd,
    onlooker, samuraimelayu, Bajiz, pakbelalang, Teik Chun, col tom,
    wajaperak, kamal ahmad, Ir. Syahrizan and others…

    – God Bless Malaysia –
    Mohammad Shafiq, ex-University of Malaya, Faculty of Engineering (Electrical).

  49. Tun
    echoing other comments with similar theme/message – should we not look at ourselves and how Malaysian individuals/state held enterprises/corporations have misled and misappropriated public and shareholder funds.
    Our greed is no better (or worse) than what you state about US enterprise – it’s just the proportions of the illegal and greed Tun.
    Let me ask you and hopefully you can place a hand on your heart and answer this truthfully – how much of your’s and your family’s wealth and assets came from honest earnings?
    If you can state that all 100% is earned in the most fair and equitable manner (including your kin), then I say “go ahead, cast the first stone”.

  50. Dear Tun Dr M,
    It is a sad state that we are still monopolized and bullied by the west . If in the past we were conquered and ruled by them. Later, we were forced to buy their goods and services because we were not able to produce and market them.
    Lately, we are subject to their indirect control i.e. control and manipulation of the Stock Exchange and Forex trading.
    Many of us, like you, are frustrated the way both the above items are traded in a manipulative and deceiving manner. Nearly more than half of the value of shares and currencies do not reflect their realistic and acceptable values.
    It is a known fact that the stock exchange and the Forex Trading are operating like casinos under disguise. Only when both the markets trade using fundamentals, we can have stable and progressive developing countries.
    I am sure the above is a mere dream which would be difficult for us to realize. The developed nations would have financial jeopardy if it happens.

  51. Dear Sir,
    Zionist Illuminati use money as a tools for New World Order hence the preoaration of welcoming messiah which they believe as their King of the Kings or their prophet.
    Can i add few more stuff here Sir? Its somthing to do with the usage of word ‘Allah’ along very recent issue in Malaysia.
    Some people quoted something from Al-Quran. I am a Muslim yet I am not an Islamic Scholars (Alim) to interpret the Qalam of Allah even though it might be incorrect nor otherwise.
    I also wish to reply to those stating that Ahli Kitab referring their God as Allah…and NOT non-believer.
    All the prophets been sent to this world in the past is to tell people about the truth. About the oneness of God and that God to be only Allah.
    Prophet Isa a.s. (Jesus a.s.) was sent to this world for the same purpose.
    Yet the original taught had been infiltrated due to political reason by the corrupted Romans and corrupted Jews.
    Hence the teaching of new religion of Roman Church Christianity had been introduced by such infiltration. It is no more relates to the original teaching that bring people to Allah, instead it had been mixed up the Roman Pagan Gods into Christianity. So, nowadays, Christians or Roman Church not refer their teaching as Isa a.s. taught originally.
    Who run the Vatican Roman Church? The Jesuits. The Jesuits is an Zionist Illuminati agents like CIA, Mossad, KGB. They have 3 different headquarters with difference purpose and strategy. Washington DC (as in America) for political & military, City of London (in London) for economy and international banking and financing, and the third one is Vatican ( for liberalized all the religion in this world). These 3 are not under jurisdiction in the country they set upon. They have their own army, police and administration. These are the branch location of Zionist Illuminati. What are the purpose of Zionist Illuminati? To create a New World Order (NWO)with one currency, one police, one bank, one military, one ruler. And others are slaves. In their pursuit to create a NWO, they realize that the biggest obstacle is Religion, incl. Islam. NWO tried to establish the liberalization in all religion into one religion and then to established that there is no God, and telling people that religion is a decease through other deception and lies.
    In Malaysia, Vatican Jesuits use IFC (Inter Faith Commission) to liberalize Islam with others. The effort to use ‘Allah’ in their journals is part of their plot.
    Now back to their challenge that ‘Allah’ being used by non-believers in ancient time., that’s a hoax. Non-believers and Paganism (pagan/paganism) have their own many Gods. Ahli Kitab (the God-fearing God aware of the true taught brought by all the prophets i.e. towards the only one God Allah) But where are the Ahli-Kitab now? even wheres the original Torah? the original Injil (or Bible)?
    The using the word ‘Allah’ hence do not fit the practice of infiltated pagan mixed Christianity under Roman Church.
    Yet they see Islam as an obstacles in their pursuit of NWO. and Islam need to be infiltrated in any ways and liberalised it amongst others, including causing confusions, deception and lies.
    You see? Its a tools of Zionist Illuminati. The Christians had been infiltrated with Pagan God long way before. See the Sunday (not Son-day), Pagan worships Sun, and theres a Virgin Mary ( Pagan worships Isis the woman God) – well just to tell a bit.
    I hope the so-called Anonymous while stating something from the Quran, or use / manipulate the Quran…at least get the fact straight.
    The other thing, Anonymous mentioned ‘Non-Muslim’ not Non-Believers. Non Muslim is word currently use. in ancient time its stated to Non-Believers. Another group is Ahli Kitab.Non-believers don’t believe in Allah. Non- Muslim un present times as Anonymous recalled it (parallel to present environment to his understanding) obviously not believe in Allah.If so, they would become Believer.
    So, what’s their point then? I would rather suggest them to really WAKE UP and do some homework, ask somthing on their pagan -like Christianity Roman Church Ruled – why the taught had been infiltrated from the original teaching of Isa a.s. Else they would become Muslim.
    Razif KL-Global

  52. Good one, Tun… looks like the invisible hand is also operating in Malaysia. Government funds just disappear and now we need new taxes to finance the country, although Malaysia is well-endowed with natural resources.

  53. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    for currency trading, its actually same as a person exchange his/her Ringgit Malaysia note with Singapore dollar or others at local shopping mall, airport.
    when that particular person already exchange with foreign notes, he/she can hold it for a period of time and wait the exchange rates goes up then went back to the exchange shop again. he/she can profit when changes the note back or vice versa.
    except for trading the currency, it is much accurate value, in 4 or 5 digit and given enormous leverage to be able profit/loss bigger amount.
    honestly i dont believe at all, there is such thing as losing money in this world. because earth is round and when someone losses the from trading, his/her money were transferred to opposite trader.
    if look from the whole picture, the money always tranferred back and forth between someone or party. some gov printed 100 piece of money notes, it will always remain as 100 piece, it wont just disappeared unless someone purposely burned it.
    speculators and manipulators make money without the need to produce or possess anything, actually this is a good thing. because we dont need to destroy/harm many piece of ecological system, if talking about green/environmental protection, the best thing is less physical economical activities.
    the only bad thing about this ‘wealth creation’ is people need to gamble..

  54. salam tun…
    hari ini saya ingin mengatakan memang tun tersilap pilih sekali lagi..
    sekadar renungan…
    Utusan Malaysia 3 Jan 2010
    Persatuan pengguna prihatin kesihatan rakyat
    ALOR SETAR 2 Jan. – Pendirian persatuan pengguna yang tidak menentang kenaikan 20 sen sekilogram harga gula mulai semalam tidak harus disalah tafsir sebagai tidak memperjuangkan hak pengguna di negara ini.
    Presiden Persatuan Pengguna Kedah (Cake), Datuk Yusoff Ismail berkata, orang ramai harus melihat daripada sudut yang lebih penting iaitu kesihatan mereka berbanding jumlah kenaikan yang masih tidak terlalu tinggi itu.
    Katanya, kenaikan harga bahan keperluan berkenaan membuatkan pengguna berfikir dua kali sebelum mengambil gula secara berlebihan dalam minuman atau makanan mereka.
    “Kenaikan harga ini mampu menyokong kempen menggalakkan rakyat mengurangkan pengambilan gula demi kesihatan mereka.
    “Ini yang rakyat perlu buka mata dengan melihat kepada kepentingan menjaga kesihatan dan bukannya berasa terbeban dengan kenaikan harga,” katanya kepada Mingguan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
    Utusan Malaysia semalam melaporkan keputusan kerajaan menaikkan harga gula tidak ditentang persatuan-persatuan pengguna yang melihat ia sebagai peluang kepada orang ramai untuk mengurangkan pengambilan gula.
    Kelmarin, Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) mengumumkan kenaikan harga gula kepada RM1.65 sekilogram di Semenanjung manakala RM1.75 sekilogram di Sabah dan Sarawak bermula semalam.
    Yusoff berkata, jika tiada wujud kesedaran mengenai kepentingan mengurangkan pengambilan gula dalam kehidupan di kalangan rakyat kenaikan harga gula akan dilihat sebagai satu bebanan kepada mereka.
    Katanya, rakyat seharusnya lebih faham mengenai bahaya pengambilan gula secara berlebihan yang boleh membawa kepada penyakit seperti diabetes dan obesiti.
    Beliau memberikan contoh Kedah antara negeri mencatat jumlah tertinggi penghidap diabetes dengan 13.6 peratus daripada jumlah penduduk yang melebihi satu juta orang menghidap penyakit itu.
    “Lebih membimbangkan sesetengah pesakit diabetes tidak mengetahui mereka mempunyai penyakit berkenaan,” katanya.
    dan malam tadi dapat disaksikan ditv3 pm pun memberi komen yang hampir sama bunyinya…
    tun mesti tau risiko untuk menghidapi penyakit kencing maniskan…
    setahu saya yang tak pi ambik sijil doktor ni la..
    kencing manis antara puncanya ialah ambil gula berlebihan…
    untuk kurangkan risiko kencing manis, kurangkan gula…
    bukan sebab gula murah, ramai kena kencing manis…
    dan dah tentu bila gula mahal belum tentu pesakit kencing manis berkurangan…
    kesian ayah saya kat kampung…
    dia tak pi sekolah tinggi..
    sekolah melayu pun darjah dua setengah ja rasanya…
    takut dia tertipu pulak dengar dan baca berita…
    mana taknya ada info baru….
    bila gula naik harga, pesakit kencing manis akan berkurangan…
    jadi harga gula kena sentiasa naik untuk kurangkan penghidap kencing manis…
    saya nak balik bagitau ayah saya kat kampung..
    risiko kencing manis, sebab ambil lebih gula …
    bukan sebab harga gula….
    saya masa baca akhbar tu senak perut pun ada, sesak nafas pun ada..
    mengenangkan kenyataan yang memang memperbodohkan rakyat malaysia ni…
    dan saya rasa nak terlentang bila tengok berita tv malam tadi..
    bukan terlentang sakit….
    terlentang nak gelak bila PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA guna alasan yang sama…
    dan alangkah malunya kita jika berita ini dilihat di seluruh alam maya….
    pm kita ……
    CAKE kita….
    ntah hapo hapo ontah….
    yang pasti memang saya terasa dibodohkan…
    saya boleh terima kenaikan gula…
    tapi alasan yang di beri begitu memualkan….
    dan memang tun…
    kelmarin dulu… air teh saya tawar sebab terpaksa kurang gula kerana gula naik harga…
    kelmarin…..air teh jadi kelat bila ada yang sokong dengan alasan bangang….
    hari ini…air teh dah jadi pahit….
    pahit dengan alasan yang di beri pm….
    janganlah guna matlamat menghalalkan cara…
    lebih teruk bila kita tau alasan yang diberi untuk menghalalkan cara ini tiada kaitan langsung dengan matlamat asal/utama……
    salam tun…
    jaga diri…

  55. Chill up mates, reckon the lad (ir sharizan) still fresh in life.. Good enough of him being here. Don’t chase him out…..yet! haha!

  56. *By Musmt on January 4, 2010 1:10 PM*
    In response to the above matter,
    Dear Mr. Musmt,
    Yes, I agree we do have two types of engineers, in fact we have three types of engineers;
    (1) Can talk and can work,
    (2) Can talk and can

  57. ***By wajaperak (aka Besi Berkarat) on January 4, 2010 2:55 PM***
    In response to the above,
    Dear Mr. self-proclaimed psychologist (from veterinary department),
    I just want to add more, it is also consider “normal” to have “school” bullies like you. Regardless, whether you’re in the kindergarten, primary, secondary and university levels. There’s bound to be one who likes to pick other people for its self-delusional entertainment. Your very own existence is believed to be either the left over of homo-sapien evolution or just plain random DNA sequential mistake. This freak mistake of mother nature will continue to hound the Internet Blogging world whether we like it or not.
    Fortunately, there’s still hope, you (and your kind) existence is only to serve as side dish entertainment. Similar to the blog’s pop-up advertisement which could be easily disable by clicking the “ignore” button. Your kind lives at the lower end of the food chain. Self proclaimed psychologist in the government veterinary agency. Typical dogs of the government. In the real working world; private sector, you wouldn’t last a single day. You’ll probably got hired in the morning and got fired in the evening. Please don’t take it too serious, I’m just being professional and not a blind-supporter. Have a good day “Doctor”. 😉

  58. Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi wabarokatuh..
    Semoga di izinkan Tun..
    Dear Ir Syahrizan..
    I truly appreciates your feedback on Proton,the mismanagement of middleman..etc..etc..
    Unfortunately you did not do justice to your ownself.
    School children can be forgiven when they gives generalized statement.But for professional of tertiary education..they should furnish proof and matter of proof beyond reproach.Evidence base.
    I know for sure there is a Dragon in Tasik Chini.It is a female the size of baby elephant..60 feet long and breathes fires when necessary..
    Alas..what good this knowledge gives me..:)
    Terima kasih Tun..

  59. Smarter than the smart
    1. Malaysia economy is also based on speculation. If our economy is running on good fundamental, we will not be making good return on our investment considering the current economy climate. If our share pricing is to be reflected by the physical evaluation of each company performance, sudden increase and drop of share prices plus window dressing activity will not occur. There shall only be steady increase or decrease at any time of the year. That is the reality.
    2. If some of us are smarter than the speculator or the fund manager, which is very rare. We are suppose to be making tons of money based on prudency, intelligence and ability to outsmart them in investment decision based on better of emotional control.
    3. The wealth of nation is reflected in the number of great companies that contribute to taxes to government, the management of the taxes fund, the spill over to reflect on income of the working people, which in turn reflect in the buying power and excess money that they may put in into investment. Sadly, these numbers are pathetic. We are not wealthy at all!.
    4. The index of our income, its potential growth and its sustainability is reflected by the index of knowledge of people in government, private sector, overall citizen, politic and so on. Our index of knowledge currently is pretty low.
    5. We can hate the west, we can curse them. The fact is that those hate and curse is meaningless. It is only a burst of our irrational emotion. They are collectively much smarter than us. All we do best is to imitate them and become the victim of their creative schemes by not knowing better.
    6. The west civilisation started much earlier. They have gone through the process. Most of their processes are more mature and effective than us (note that our education system keeps on uncessarily changing!). So they are much more superior in term of knowledge and exposure. We are to take steeper learning curve just to catch up. Looking at the present rate and situation, we are way off!.
    7. Malaysian is no smarter than most people. They believe that they are and they can be smarter or as smart. The fact is they never reflect it in their thinking and action.
    8. We are a victim always for a fact. It is difficult to outsmart the complicated and cleverly tailor made western schemes. Most of us are so easily even to be conned by

  60. Greetings Tun,
    Actually what u have written here is nothing new to me since i m a finance student..and I actually think that there will be no journalist who will dare to investigate or even write a book on world financial system manipulation by certain people a.k.a invisible hands , The Fed or the banks because most of the worlds mainstream medias is being controlled by this people either by debt or equity…even if there is anyone who wants to write something against the current financial system a.k.a free money printing system, they will serve the same fate as J.F.K or any others…
    There are few books on this matter like “Conspiracy of The Rich” , “Confession of an Economic Hitman ” etc but all of them just talk on the surface, they choose rather not to go into much details..
    I think the best way is to educate our rakyat about finance and financial system, the fiat money system, Adam Smith Economics etc..More Universities should offer courses on Finance with well knowledgeable lecturers like whom we are having in MMU melaka ; Mr. Abdul Halim..
    And have we wondered why the study on money printing(the basis for Bank Negara to print money) and money multipliers are not taught in our secondary schools, we learn about gardening, we learn about wood work, we learn about pipe works, we have sewing and cooking classes but why we miss out on the most important element in our daily life “Money”…is this a conspiracy??? or even our government is scared that the rakyat will come to know everything if they start to teach such things….
    Please answer Dear Tun
    Andrew Thomas

  61. Ayahanda Tun,
    //1. Adam Smith wrote about the above title a long time ago (1757). He talked about invisible hands which were instrumental in growing the wealth of nations.//
    Our YB Anwar Ibrahim born in August 10, 1947 and I think he believes he will our 7th PM on 16 September 2008, and it did not happen…, by God’s will..
    According to our Wikipedia Malaysia:-
    Today in Malaysia, in which Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore merged in 1963, the term still remains pertinent in the present. It can be seen in the Malaysian national holiday of Hari Merdeka, commemorating Malaya’s independence on 31 August 1957, and Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square) where the first ceremony raising the flag of Malaya was held following independence. Because Sabah and Sarawak gained their independence on 31 August 1963, Hari Merdeka is a significant date throughout Malaysia.
    Tunku Abdul Rahman, the inaugural Malaysian Prime Minister, declared Malayan independence with seven shouts of “Merdeka”; the cry continues to be featured prominently in Malaysian Hari Merdeka celebrations.
    Because of “Duri Dalam Daging”, Malaysia has gone through ups and downs through the 20 points written by Ayahanda Tun…and because of MSC from 1 Bapa Pemodenan 4, here we are on Monday – January 4, 2010.
    Merdeka day was in 1957 (not 1954 due my tiny little brain’s memory error… Hence, I can forget all history factors at my age because of the Innovation of Computer, Immediate Access Through Internet, Transparency to re-build Integrity lost and Now we can reach out to the World.
    Will the “Duri Dalam Daging” = “Katak Lompat 2×5 = 10” re-occur in year 2010 again???
    If 1 Malaysians abide to 5 Rukun2 Negara, Malaysia, we will be alright….
    Bye Ayahanda Tun.

  62. Tun do you know why most of Malaysian big company can’t make good design of products? It is bcoz Malaysia have many engineers like Ir. Syarizan… Just can talk but can’t do work for the country.
    Engineer is not produced to talk nonsense only… they need to work using their hands…

  63. Tun
    I agree fully with you that this speculative trade allowed by various Stock and other Exchanges internationally, based on ridiculously high borrowings/leverage and artificial instruments must be brought to heel.
    Only genuine producers who deliver and buyers who take actual delivery of it should be allowed to forward sell or buy. Similarly speculative foreign currency trade should be banned; money is not a commodity that should be traded!
    More than that, most of the world’s financial ills can be traced to these get-rich-quick schemes based on exploiting innate human GREED. The chief culprits of these shady, dangerous manipulations are USA, Britain, France and Germany.
    Perhaps, commodities producers like Malaysia should take the lead to lobby for global reforms. Unfortunately, we too have embraced the same system we universally condemn. Let’s start with reforms at home.
    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  64. By HBT on January 4, 2010 11:16 AM
    Ayahanda Tun,
    May I….,
    //By Ir. Syahrizan on January 4, 2010 9:04 AM//
    Dear Mr/En Ir. Syahrizan,
    //We do not need to look further out for such “free market concept”. UMNO itself is a “financial trade controller” for Malaysia’s market.//
    To be fair to UMNO and BN, UMNOputras only control DEB (NEP) of 30% in 1 Malaysia Economy…to protect 1 “Ketuanan Melayu” 4 (for) 9 Raja2 Melayu…and 1 Agong………
    *Military Contracts*
    Due to our “Tidak Apa” attitude of all Malaysians (including you and me) from A->B–>C—>D—->E, we allowed UMNO/BN to monopoly the Military Contracts…., and how many of these UMNOputras survived as the Multi Millionaires??? I think there are less than 4 in 1 Malaysia. Salah siapa??? Orang2 US, Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, China, India, Pakistan because of TIBET, DUBAI, NEPAL, HONG KONG, TAIWAN, or SINGAPORE? Please do not “Jeng jeng jeng!” them because they have learned their hard hit lessons by now which we have pray for (4) since Merdeka Day in 1954………and if Sir Ir. Jeng 3 them, than you are indeed the 2 x 5 because of own weaknesses………
    *Sugar Price*
    TS Robert Kok is a wise and brilliant business tycoon whom no man can replace him in 1 Malaysia, ASEAN, Hong Kong, Singapore and China in Asia…. He is a businessman who loves and respects Malaysia…Today, TS Robert Kok has widen his business horizon (perspective) to (One) 1 World….for his future generations in 1st Malaysia until 9th Malaysia. It has nothing to do with who bought TS Robert Kok’s Group of Companies shares, and the person who bought these shares (in large amount) is within the rules and regulations set by Security Commission in 1 Malaysia, and this UMNOputra is TS Mokhtar Syed, a proxy to (2) someone for (4) 1 Malaysia.
    Because of the love and respect for 1 Malaysia, TS Mokthar Syed has chosen a

  65. Dear Tun Dr. M,
    I am a product of your “Look East Policy” and was a participant under JICA’s Friendship Program towards the 21st Century. What you have done and said during your tenure as our PM will always be a guide in my life. To succeed we have to do it our own way…as you aptly put “Do it MY WAY”. Many who would want to do harm than to help Malaysia in the time of need…and when Malaysia is safe, they will go on to ripe the benefits without much thought for those who have achieve the placing for Malaysia the hard way.
    It was a sad day indeed when you step down as our PM that not so many years ago and I was utterly shock as with the nation (of course they were many who were celebrating also)…and if you were to have stayed on, what other achievements Malaysia would have gained in the eyes of the world and it’s people?
    Everyone would be envious of your achievements but for most of us Malaysians we are proud of you as our Bapa Pembangunan Malaysia.
    Continue what you do best.
    Salam 1Malaysia.

  66. YABhg Tun,
    ” …Reflexes got the better of me
    And what is to be must be.
    Every day the bucket goes to the well,
    But one day the bottom will drop out,
    Yes, one day the bottom will drop out.
    But I say:…”
    lyrics from, I shot the Sheriff – Eric Clapton.
    Capitalism…has it’s days to…one day.

  67. Here we go again… Why bother about other nations when our very own has and still is being plundered. Not only money that belongs to the country but the people’s money as well. Petronas, EPF, Tabung Haji even. Only LTAT has not been touched by the plunderers (i think). Look at Malaysia in the mirror and lets not sway the attention elsewhere. RM100 billion + RM270 billion is only the money from Petronas, what about the debts incurred and the other funds used including that of EPF, Tabung Haji etc. What happened to the royalties paid to Trengganu over the years when BN was in power before PAS. Taking all that up, it might just reach RM1 trillion.

  68. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    100% agreed with you Tun, that’s the way to go Tun. Give them back the lessons that they teach us, one at a time so that they know what mistakes their leaders made during their leadership. It take a genius leader from a small country to give them a wake up call before their leaders destroy the world’s economy. Our prayers are with you Tun and may Allah always shed blessings on you and your family including the community too. Aminnnn….

  69. Salam Tun,
    I have heard so many awful things people say about you. But I always have my own mind. About the financial system…
    God revealed,
    2:276 Allah does not bless usury, and He causes charitable deeds to prosper, and Allah does not love any ungrateful sinner.
    2:277 Surely they who believe and do good deeds and keep up commitments and keep them pure they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
    It is very clear that God wanted us to prosper this world through charitable deeds and not by mean of usury. If you loan to somebody your money and looking forward that the person shall return back it back with some sort of profit, in God’s perspective, you are deemed as an ungrateful sinner.
    But the smart people of the financial world think otherwise. For them, they are the ones who created the money, and thus they want every bit of it for themselves.

  70. Dear Tun,
    My opinion is – theoretically (and to really, really large extend, practically), the financial system that the world is using is NO DIFFERENT from the pyramid scheme, Pak Man telo scheme or multi level marketing scheme. It depends on continous replenishment of resources (in professional terms ‘economic activity’)to support the network. This is a lot due to effect of Bretton Woods agreement in 1930s whereby currency is no longer backed by gold standards. We don’t quite trade for goods and services proper – and for certain countries they trade by the click of button (journal entry with their central banks) or a matter of printing more cash.
    The result is because the currency is ‘overstated’, – developing countries have to produce much2 much more to ‘exchange’ for goods and services they trade with developed countries.
    So, everyone has to continue work,work or produce, produce whereby if this chain of event stops – impact is significant – the financial/ economis system will collapse.
    For Malaysia, if suddenly we become lazy and stop our economic activities we shall become poor and cannot buy things from abroad as our currency will become relatively small, not to mention the depletion of our reserves money.
    For ‘some countries’ they have some alternatives (if they don’t produce as much) – manipulate the financial system such as forex, pricing of oil, import export balances ; all of which become quite unpopular approach nowadays OR a more subtle way – create an invisible hand.
    War is one of the most obvious invisible hand. It is so easy to create disturbance to the system through war. At least an easy way to increase exports (and forex reserves) via sale of obsolete weapons whilst controlling the poor country’s economy (like Iraq).
    That’s why, War is needed to be initiated by these countries. To continously lend the ‘invisible hand’ for their economy who don’t produce as much as developing countries. In the absence of gold standard for currencies (mind you, when the countries like China, Japan and India just started to ‘understand’ the international economics and finance, those countries’ forex rate is already way high that it is very difficult to reduce the rates to a fair level now). We started at a disadvantage, and we may lagged further and further behind due to the currency situation.

  71. Dear Tun,
    My opinion is – theoretically (and to really, really large extend, practically), the financial system that the world is using is NO DIFFERENT from the pyramid scheme, Pak Man telo scheme or multi level marketing scheme. It depends on continous replenishment of resources (in professional terms ‘economic activity’)to support the network. This is a lot due to effect of Bretton Woods agreement in 1930s whereby currency is no longer backed by gold standards. We don’t quite trade for goods and services proper – and for certain countries they trade by the click of button (journal entry with their central banks) or a matter of printing more cash.
    The result is because the currency is ‘overstated’, – developing countries have to produce much2 much more to ‘exchange’ for goods and services they trade with developed countries.
    So, everyone has to continue work,work or produce, produce whereby if this chain of event stops – impact is significant – the financial/ economis system will collapse.
    For Malaysia, if suddenly we become lazy and stop our economic activities we shall become poor and cannot buy things from abroad as our currency will become relatively small, not to mention the depletion of our reserves money.
    For ‘some countries’ they have some alternatives (if they don’t produce as much) – manipulate the financial system such as forex, pricing of oil, import export balances ; all of which become quite unpopular approach nowadays OR a more subtle way – create an invisible hand.
    War is one of the most obvious invisible hand. It is so easy to create disturbance to the system through war. At least an easy way to increase exports (and forex reserves) via sale of obsolete weapons whilst controlling the poor country’s economy (like Iraq).
    That’s why, War is needed to be initiated by these countries. To continously lend the ‘invisible hand’ for their economy who don’t produce as much as developing countries. In the absence of gold standard for currencies (mind you, when the countries like China, Japan and India just started to ‘understand’ the international economics and finance, those countries’ forex rate is already way high that it is very difficult to reduce the rates to a fair level now). We started at a disadvantage, and we may lagged further and further behind due to the currency situation.

  72. Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder
    Success is the Need of Oneself
    Is how you measure your own success.
    Mengikut Kejayaan Barat bukan Kerjayaan Hidup.
    Ilmu manusia tidak akan kekal malah memusnahkan manusia,seperti
    Industrialization membawa kemusnahan Alam.
    Malaysia punyai segalanya,air keperluan utama manusia,kita punyai sumber air yg kaya,tanah yg subur dan banyak lagi.
    Kenapa kita ikut ikut Dunia Luar sedangkan rezki depan mata.
    Kita bolih membangun ala kita sendiri,identiti kita sendiri.
    Orang Barat naik bangunan mencacar langgit,kenapa kita mesti ikut.
    Adakan itu merupakan kejayaan atau khayalan semata.
    Orang Barat berambut pirang kita pun sibuk nak berambut pirang.
    Tengok kulitlah Bro.Awak tu Gelap
    Contoh yg Nyata.
    Filem P.Ramlee tidak mengikut cara Barat atau Bollywood,
    Ia mempunyai identiti sendiri,lebih kemelayuan,tidak bermodal berjuta juta dollar,begitu amat berjaya dan berkesan hingga kini,
    baik pada golongan Tua hingga kanak kanak.Filem Barat seperti Rambo,kita hanya bolih tonton satu atau dua kali saja.
    Message Saya adalah Kita perlu ada identity dan cara kita sendiri
    Cara Kita, Ala kita.
    Ternyata apabila kita meniru cara Barat dengan speculasi,shares,globalizations ia lebih merugikan kita.
    Itu cara mereka,mereka dah tak punya apa apa fisikal,itu sebab mereka,mereka(membuat) pelbagai cara pemasaran yg invisible,tapi
    berkesan untuk mereka.
    Ada tempat tedur yg sempurna,makanan halal yg berkhasiat,
    masa untuk keluarga,masyarakat,agama merupakan kejayaan pada saya.
    Bukan kebendaan.
    Janganlah kita ikut ikutan melulu,golongan mereka yg nak beli bulan
    dan bintang,dah dapat bulan dan bintang nak apa lagi.
    Kejayaan filem P.Ramlee adalah contoh kejayaann yg nyata,
    yg punya identiti sendiri,cara sendiri,walau ia tak berkembang seluruh Dunia,seperti filem Rambo,tapi ada keberkesanannya hingga kini.
    Kenapa tidak kita contohi asas perfileman P.Ramlee yg beridentiti sendiri,kita laksanakan pada cara kita bereconomi,cara kita mengejar
    kerjayaan bukan kebaratan.

  73. Salam Tun
    Apa yang Tun kata bukan sahaja Adam Smith pernah katakan..Henry ford pun pernah bercakap..bukunya diharamkan di US..carilah buku itu..bacalah…
    Tangan2 ajaib inilah iluminiti Tun..dan ada rangkaian freemason di mana2 jua di dunia ini…Asalnya bermula dari Protokol Yahudi…mereka ini dah rancang dah lama…porak peranda yang berlaku di seluruh dunia ini angkara tangan2 ajaib merekalah…tapi macam biasa ramai yang tidak tahu..janganlah kita jua terlibat sekali bersengkokol dengan mereka tidak kiralah sama ada sedar atau tidak
    Di Malaysia itulah jua cara mereka nak “kuburkan” institusi yang sedia ada..terasnya Islam…menghentam semua institusi Islam….di setiap penjuru…kalau umat Islam masih tidak sedar..suatu hari nanti mereka senang sahaja buat apa sahaja mereka suka..
    Sebab itu krisis ekonomi di Malaysia berlaku pada tahun 1997..kerana apa Tun?Kerana mereka tidak mahu mana2 negara majoriti Islam berjaya…Tun bangunkan negara kita..bermacam2 perkara..bangunkan umat Islam..bangunkan orang Melayu lebih terpelajar sehingga ada yang……akauntan…perniaga yang kaya raya..profesor……dan macam2 lagi…Tun juga bangunkan Malaysia sehingga ada bangunkan tertinggi di dunia suatu ketika dahulu..twin towers klcc…tapi selepas itu terus dihentam..krisis ekonomi berlaku…adakah kebetulannya??rasanya tidak bukan…mustahil benda ini kebetulan tanpa sebab musabab…
    Mereka lebih licik dari orang2 politik di Malaysia ini..tangan2 mereka cukup ajaib..perancangan mereka cukup terperinci…mereka kawal semua perkara…bila orang Islam kawal kita marah???kononnya nak cepat kaya..biarlah orang Islam kawal..buat apa nak dengki..kita hentam..kata kronilah..apa laa..tak betullaa..nak cepat kayalaa…bayangkan sesama Islam lanyak sesama sendiri…ini bukan caranya…orang Islam berjaya..orang Melayu berjaya..kita patut bangga…kita patut tumpang gembira..kalau kita sendiri lanyak sesama sendiri..tangan2 ajaib ini memang gelak suka..mereka tak susah nak buat kerja mereka..kita buat kerja mereka!!!Mereka duduk bersenang lenang ketawa sakan..
    Sebelum ini bila sorang sahaja yang kawal gula…kita tidak pernah kata apa..padahal orang tue dah kaya raya…dah tiada di Malaysia pun!!!dari dulu lagi…sekarang pergi mana orang itu??Bila orang kita nak pecahkan monopoli..baguslahhh…kita pulak marah sebab orang melayu beragama Islam kawal..tak abis2 marah…berpendidikan tinggi pun turut serta…tapi betul kah orang kita benar2 kawal??atau sekadar dengar cerita2 gosip…inilah masalahnya…segala2nya tidak betul bila orang Islam ingin maju..bila orang Islam mula nak buat kereta sendiri..kita perlekeh..kalau tak buat sampai bila nak buat??
    Bila orang Islam buat dana amanah..kita perlekeh juga..tapi bila orang lain buat hedge fund..kita kata betul……derivatif..hedge fund..forward contact ini, ini semua kerja2 tangan ajaib..sebab itu kita bangga sangat…atas alasan interest teramat tinggi…memanglah dah ini speculation!!!
    Sekarang apa sudah jadi?Sampai kalimah Allah yang Maha Esa juga agama lain nak guna..memanglah hukumnya harus..tapi kalau tujuan perlekeh macam mana…tapi ada juga orang2 kita yang masih tak nampak..atau buat2 tak nampak untuk kepentingan politik dan agenda peribadi….orang2 Islam dan Melayu janganlah bergaduh2…terbukalaa hati..supaya tiada perasaan dendam kesumat..marah…dengki..kita sesama Islam..semua ini perkara yang merosakkan kekuatan Islam..jangan sampai kampung tergadai barulah menyesal..tiada guna bukan???

  74. Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder
    Success is the Need of Oneself
    Is how you measure your own success.
    Mengikut Kejayaan Barat bukan Kerjayaan Hidup.
    Ilmu manusia tidak akan kekal malah memusnahkan manusia,seperti
    Industrialization membawa kemusnahan Alam.
    Malaysia punyai segalanya,air keperluan utama manusia,kita punyai sumber air yg kaya,tanah yg subur dan banyak lagi.
    Kenapa kita ikut ikut Dunia Luar sedangkan rezki depan mata.
    Kita bolih membangun ala kita sendiri,identiti kita sendiri.
    Orang Barat naik bangunan mencacar langgit,kenapa kita mesti ikut.
    Adakan itu merupakan kejayaan atau khayalan semata.
    Orang Barat berambut pirang kita pun sibuk nak berambut pirang.
    Tengok kulitlah Bro.Awak tu Gelap
    Contoh yg Nyata.
    Filem P.Ramlee tidak mengikut cara Barat atau Bollywood,
    Ia mempunyai identiti sendiri,lebih kemelayuan,tidak bermodal berjuta juta dollar,begitu amat berjaya dan berkesan hingga kini,
    baik pada golongan Tua hingga kanak kanak.Filem Barat seperti Rambo,kita hanya bolih tonton satu atau dua kali saja.
    Message Saya adalah Kita perlu ada identity dan cara kita sendiri
    Cara Kita, Ala kita.
    Ternyata apabila kita meniru cara Barat dengan speculasi,shares,globalizations ia lebih merugikan kita.
    Itu cara mereka,mereka dah tak punya apa apa fisikal,itu sebab mereka,mereka(membuat) pelbagai cara pemasaran yg invisible,tapi
    berkesan untuk mereka.
    Ada tempat tedur yg sempurna,makanan halal yg berkhasiat,
    masa untuk keluarga,masyarakat,agama merupakan kejayaan pada saya.
    Bukan kebendaan.
    Janganlah kita ikut ikutan melulu,golongan mereka yg nak beli bulan
    dan bintang,dah dapat bulan dan bintang nak apa lagi.
    Kejayaan filem P.Ramlee adalah contoh kejayaann yg nyata,
    yg punya identiti sendiri,cara sendiri,walau ia tak berkembang seluruh Dunia,seperti filem Rambo,tapi ada keberkesanannya hingga kini.
    Kenapa tidak kita contohi asas perfileman P.Ramlee yg beridentiti sendiri,kita laksanakan pada cara kita bereconomi,cara kita mengejar
    kerjayaan bukan kebaratan.

  75. 20. I am waiting for a good unemployed journalist to investigate and write a book on these leaders who presided over the trillion-dollar losses by their countries
    Ya then he/she can be on the run like RPK or have their books held up at customs. How can you expect someone to expose evil outside of Malaysia but not in Malaysia.
    The truth is always dangerous to wicked people anywhere. TO expose the truth against powerful people you must be really brave.

  76. 1. Islam prohibit trading of non-existence goods.
    2. Islamic scholars keep quiet (?) because they dont understand the mechanic of the money-market trading.
    3. Islamic scholars also dont push for Islamic principle in international trading because they are weak in their faith.

  77. Assalamualaikum TUN,
    Yes and a very definite YES.
    This kind of a write up and story which is REAL and not fiction can only come from The One and Only TUN DR MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD.
    Malaysian please wake up and listen to TUN while TUN is still around to guide us all especially Muslim all over the world.(no offence TUN, my apology)
    A personal request to you SIR, TUN, please help us to tell Marina to stay out of issues that involves religion as she is not an authourity in it. Just take advise from the authourity in matters relating religion.Marina please stay away from this very issue. Dont disgrace your Father.
    To the catholics and christian of Malaysia, you are not Arabs.
    You are not even Arabic speaking people.
    You are not even Malays, who happens to be the muslim majority in this country. The word for God in Malay is Tuhan, not Allah.
    The non muslim Arabs can use it as it is part of their language, but not you.
    We know of your agenda long time back. Confusing the layman on the street is one of your objective.
    By the way Allah is One God, not three, incase you still dont know and not aware about or are simply ignorant.
    Tun, why is the world still listening and taking instruction from the west esp the US after all that has been going on the past years.
    May ALLAH bless you Sir and family.
    Long live Tun Dr Mahathir

  78. “20. I am waiting for a good unemployed journalist to investigate and write a book on these leaders who presided over the trillion-dollar losses by their countries. ”
    tunggu barry wain buatkan..

  79. Salam Tun.
    What a good way to start my day by reading your blog!
    I seriously don’t know why some people hate you so much; for them to suggest to put up a commission to investigate the ‘loss’ during your leadership is totally ridiculous. Seperti ada menyimpan dendam terhadap Tun. Tak baik berdendam.
    I wonder why these people tend to focus more on the negatives rather than the positives….
    To me, you’re my Malaysian idol because Malaysia was such a great nation when you were in charge. I miss those days….

  80. Greetings Tun,
    You are so right. Given the current financial system, almost all wealth are virtual in nature. Even the currency we are hoarding are virtual because they can become worthless in an instant. It is of my opinion that the future in the next few decades will belong to the real producers, people who really work and slog to achieve real products and commodities. Professions in the financial industry will be a very “unfashionable” job. Malaysia will do well in this respect because of her rich natural resources.

  81. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    1. The best journalist to investigate is Barry Wain.
    2. Coz at night he will turn to Bruce Wayne and of course Batman!
    3. But Batman need a Joker, Two Faces and The Riddle to live with.
    4. Lim Kit Siang to play the Joker.
    5. Anwar the Chameleon, as the whole world known will play Two Faces.
    5. Nik Aziz the Puzzle will play The Riddle.
    6. Teressa Kok & Elly Wong to play supporting role as heroine – Batman lover.
    7. The whole Malaysia will turn to Gotham City.
    8. Proton to sponsor Batman automobile.
    KRU should stop doing Cicakman and start thinking Batman – Malaysia Version. Saiful Apek should continue play the leading role.

  82. Dear Tun,
    We do not need to look further out for such “free market concept”. UMNO itself is a “financial trade controller” for Malaysia’s market.
    *Military Contracts*
    RMAF award project/tender for example; maintenance service or spare part order for fighter plane parts to big companies such as A—d, and A—d award it to sub-contractor (middleman) and these middleman will go to another middleman and after few rounds of unnamed middleman then it will reached its genuine supplier of S—-i fighter planes. By that time, the price of the parts will sky rocketed to millions of ringgit. Most of these subcontractors (if not all of it) are purely middleman company with no engineers and experts to consult our military. Somebody is making money out from thin air. Jeng jeng jeng!
    *Sugar Price*
    Sometimes I read our local Chinese Newspaper with the help of a good Chinese friend to translate it for me as I don’t read or speak Mandarin. Anyways, I found the material in Chinese Newspaper are very meticulous and more open compared to our “boring, skema and brainwash” Malay newspaper.
    It says that Robert Kok, the famous Sugar tycoon few months back has released its shares of the sugar market. I also heard one big “Malay” guy (UMNOputeras perhaps?) got most of the shares. Then now, all of the sudden the ceiling price of sugar has been lifted (price increase) and the government’s only excuse is; Kurangkan Gula Untuk Kesihatan? Any comments on these Tun? Sounds like another skim cepat kaya to me. Kesian orang macam Robert Kok, he is a genuine businessman! Masa zaman dia harga gula kena tahan, sekarang bila dia release share tetiba harga naik pula? Care to explain?
    *Pak Man Tello (Murdock scheme/hedge fund) versus ASB*
    I never believe “skim cepat kaya” from day one. But if I’m given only two choices to make money; between “Pak Man Tello (Murdock Scheme/hedge fund) and ASB” I would undoubtedly choose Pak Man Tello! ASB recently declared year 2009 profit to investors to be 8%. While in fact, all these years, these people (ASB) are making way a lot of money and the investors are only paid less than 10%? Even hedge fund are more generous! (more than 25% per month). There are too many tiers, middleman, fund managers claiming ASB profit for themselves and only the leftover of 8% are awarded to the investors (who actually has the real money). Our financial institution and banking people are somewhat the most greedy people on earth.

  83. Ayahanda Tun,
    //20. I am waiting for a good unemployed journalist to investigate and write a book on these leaders who presided over the trillion-dollar losses by their countries.//
    No need to write books on these leaders because unemployed journalists known very well that the people in 21st Century will GOOGLE history facts online writen by historians in Wikipedia, and that is the Magic Power of mankind in this 21st Century.
    But for MOE, I think we should go back to “FREE TEXT BOOK” only apply to the under previledge to show that our Government Cares for the Needy to stimulate our Economy for the future of year 5010……..
    If we need to known history facts in Malaysia, we can always google in Wikipedia Malaysia (Ini Ori, bukan Pirated due to Vandalism…) and that is the our one (1) IT in Malaysian Rojak English brought down by our ancestors…. So Beware of Our Rojak English which the world will never understand except in our country….
    Takkan English kita tak bagus kerana Kuan Yew, Lee pulak!!!
    Ha..Ha..Ha..Ayahanda Tun…siapa bijak (bukan jahat/kotor)… siapa dapat…. and that’s life planned by God. As for the word “Allah”, please listen to our Prime Minister Najib, and let the Court does their work base on our 5 Rukun2 Negara, Malaysia…for our future generation….of Greneer Earth………

  84. Salam Tun, how about the ever increasing millionaires in malaysia via MLM, i feel that it will somehow impact the producers/innovators/entrepreneurs motivation.. where we see producers have to deal with small margin for the MLM to gain more and more. The result of this ‘movement’, the way i see it is.. the MLM becomes millionaires where the entrepreneurs being squeezed, caught in between high price resources and high sales&marketing commision.
    Is this business module recommended by you?
    Thank you.

  85. Salam Tun, Your comment is great. For further detail and knowledge to us please read a book by R.Kiyosaki “Conspiracy Of The Rich”, rasanya Syarikat Korporat kat sini pun lagu tu juga kot…? Selamat membaca.

  86. Good day Tun. i personally am not as experienced as youself, but there are things that im well aware of and very much like yourself i do indulge myself in alot of reading. i feel what u mentioned is pretty much obvious and has been happening, the banking industry of the western world has been on its abuse agenda for bout 3-4 centuries now.
    But i seriously dont understand how you regarded Hedge funds as one of the western ideas that could produce huge amounts in profits out of nothing at all. No doubts they work in a small number of workers… this is because they usually dont employ ordinary professionals but more of experts in their respective fields namely PhD’s and masters holders. There are all kinds of strategies used by hedge funds… they’re just mutual funds at a huge scale, and operated by far less members. Undeniably some of them use the controversial computer models to take advantage of the market inefficiencies. But many simply rely on just maths and analysis. They rely on various strategies and trade in various investments. Some of them may include the few derivatives that are backed by “thin air” as you say.
    Overall i dont think hedge funds are all a bunch of manipulators as you claim. Unless of course you can set out a better explanation to me as im still a student.
    Anyway, its great knowledge to have read this article nonetheless. I think you should start looking into feedback sometimes, i agree that a lot of ppl simply write thank you and good morning notes here but some of us would appreciate some feedback from you Tun. No harm in expanding knowledge now. Im sure you want Malaysians to be well equipped with knowledge. Please be kind enough to oblige to my request. It would be great pleasure.
    You have a good day. May peace be upon you 🙂

  87. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Recent trade agreement between China and Asian founding members (including Malaysia) has many speculating about made in China goods wiping out local manufacturing industries in the near future. This point was mentioned by a Singaporean academician friend of mine. China

  88. As ever Tun, you understood economics better than any leader. The ability to create money from money is the black magic of the financial world to which the West subscribes blindly even though
    it may bring the whole nation down to its knees. Ever since the banking crisis in the UK in the 80’s when the interests rate were above 14%, it has been common knowledge that such high returns from savings accounts must come from some dubious means. Now Malaysia don’t even have the courage to be different – everyone reads the same textbook and has the same solution – original thinking in Malaysia anyone ?!

  89. Dear Tun, I would like to be that good unemployed journalist to investigate and write a book about those leaders?

  90. Good day Tun, This article sound familiar. Malaysia too can be considered as one of the country which lost her wealth through her irresponsible leaders and corrupted ministers. We should look at our self rather than complaining about other country. Don’t you think Malaysia going through the same as you mention in above article?

  91. Hi Tun, what you say is true but what can I do about it? I am just one local ordibary citizen, not the finance minister nor a wealthy businessman….. 🙁

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