1. The Government has announced that it will not set up a Royal Commission to investigate my losing 100 billion Ringgit of Government money and what happened to the RM270 billion received by the previous Government from Petronas.
2. Now I cannot clear my name nor can Abdullah clear his name. Barry Wain must be very happy. He can go on libelling everyone he likes and nothing will happen to him.
3. Yet when I repeated to the Press the judgement made by the court on Anwar’s case I got sued by Anwar for 100 million Ringgit. It is now more than three years and the case is still not settled.
4. Up till now the Government has not released Barry Wain’s book. I have read a proof copy and I think it is good for the public to read it. In fact it should be translated into Malay. It would be good to know what he thinks of Malaysia, the Malays, UMNO and of course the great dictator i.e. me.
5. There is no country more rotten, no race more racist, no party more corrupt than Malaysia, the Malays and UMNO. And of course there is no PM more abusive of his authority than the PM of Malaysia of 22 years. Really Malaysia should revert to being a British colony again.
Thanks Wajaperak, apologise for not keeping track, and I apologise to all, I stand corrected and shall be more careful next time. The confusion arose from the hadith that was referred to in the notes of Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation.
Salaam (greenpeace).
Terima kasih Tun dan moderator kerana memberitahu Rainbow Warrior bahawa peristiwa anjing dan pelacur itu tiada di dalam Al Quran..
Ribuan terima kasih Tun dan moderator..:((
Perhaps the book ought to be translated in Malay, Mandarin & Tamil for the benefit of Malaysians…
Thanks Wajaperak but please do check again – definitely in the Quran – I haven’t finished reading Hadith – not that topic – wish PM’s office would have them categorised by topic again – I don’t trust any other source. Re being careful – pot calling kettle black?Once upon a time I thought that having a photographic memory was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because one could read 100 pdf documents in one night and a curse because people would ALWAYS give you last minute jobs. At the end of the day I had to accept that it is an AMANAH to be used in the way of God. Salaam.
Salaam Tun & all,
Sejarah Melayu http://www.sabrizain.org/malaya/index.htm especially Early Malay Kingdoms http://www.sabrizain.org/malaya/early.htm may interest you. Wish we’d learnt it at school but Tun you changed the history textbooks in 1979 to focus on more recent history! I’m sure you had your reasons. If i recall correctly our batch also missed out on early Malay kingdoms in primary school when they changed the history textbooks in 1973.
Semoga mendapat keizinan Tun..
[[Rainbow Warrior
In the Quran it is told of the prostitute who went to heaven for giving a dog a drink of water]]
With all due respect..there is no such thing.This is from one of the hadith and you should be very careful in all thing’s related to Al Quran..
Terima kasih Tun..
May i clarify further my conviction that only God has the right to judge because only God knows an individual’s particular circumstances (I believe Nabi Khidir was just carrying out God’s instructions and the parable was to teach Nabi Musa not to question (like we do when misfortune befalls us) – God knows best the silver lining on the cloud). In the Quran it is told of the prostitute who went to heaven for giving a dog a drink of water. All praises to God who is Fair and Just. Salaam (peace).
Who is Wain, some sort of leftover from when the WSJ took over FEER?
WSJ is the newspaper that reported for a decade about how Enron was a world-beating new economy company. And how Iraq had WMD. Etc. Western media like this are always calling for accountability but in fact have no accountability themselves.
PM Mahathir political trajectory set in motion an emotional but also intellectual break from the colonial past. I’m sure if he could do it all over again there are some things he would do differently in order to put government money to better use. But as the cliche’ goes, hindsight is 20-20, but as the other cliche’ goes, you only live once. We don’t get to re-do our past. Launching an entire country onto the path towards full and diversified development requires making both sound investments and a few bad bets too. This is especially true because Malaysia still has to exist in the larger world while that larger world might be indifferent or even hostile to the Malaysian development state. The overall intent was the commonwealth, and the results of today’s Malaysia are adequate testimony.
Instead of following these wild accusations for too long (with their too-neat figures), Malaysians ought to be re-doubling their efforts to complete the development of Malaysia (while preserving much of the unique and beautiful nature that is there too–something Japan, for example, failed to do).
Assalammualaikum Tun,
Hi from Singapore. Maybe it’s about time you produce your autobiography. Let people know about your real thoughts on Malaysia, the Malays in Malaysia, UMNO etc and not forgetting Singapore and Lee Kayu. I’d buy 10 of your books. Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.
salam hormat berpanjangan buat tun yg dhormati.sehingga ke hari ini segala pandangan serta nasihat tun masih diikuti dan di akui oleh ramai rakyat diluar sana.sokongan dr ramai pihak terhadap tun utk melalui segala kritikan masih lg diluar jangkaan tun sendiri walau tun telah lama bersara.setiap pembangunan,mesti ada pengorbanan.tidak kira apa ksilapan tun yg telah lakukan,tetap rakyat menyokong kerana hasilnya kita telah lihat pada hari ini.sepatutnya kita bersyukur,bukannya mengkritik atau membaling tohmahan pd masa lampau.pintu perbincangan tuk post mortem setiap tindakan pd masa akan dtg sentiasa terbuka pd kerajaan hari ini.
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
When a train run on a rail, empty carriage always make a lot of noise, but the carriage full of goods will not make noise.
This journalist is like empty carriage because he is empty from inside; it
My criticism of Wain’s book which I have read is his fantasising rather than his ability to rely on fact other than selective fact to a great part to reach his conclusions. The question that must be asked therefore is what was the purpose of the book? Who is the sentient mind behind such a book?
The definitions of racism and corruption are very rich comming from a man in the think tank company of perhaps the only country with a political philosophy of racism (read Michael D Barr’s thesis of Lee Kuan Yew)in the region.
His definition of what constitutes racism as opposed to affirmitve action in the NEP (much like the promotion of white women in their cuontries over non whites in general which they call affirmative action)cannot be sustained. I am not suggesting there are no racists in Malaysia by this.
If we are to include the perceptions of other races by the Chinese and Indians of Malaysia then maybe we could be termed racist as well.
One race with a cultural superiority where everyone else is conveniently referred to as a Gui, the other with a religious sanction for their racism that Hitler borrowed in the “ubermenschen and untermenschen” concepts originating from from Manu filtered through Nitzsche which was the Pariah and the Brahmin.
In any event Wain could not have written in such glowing terms of his masters philosophy because dissneters in Singapore are often in jail or bankrupted. There must be some disquiet in Singapore which requires adjustment or quiet comfort their leadership do not have the courage to address otherwise.
Enough said.
Gopal Raj Kumar
I was able to get a copy of the book and i agree that we should allow the book to be available in Malaysia. Although, the facts in the book are not new, it is thought provoking. For Tun’s supporters who feel that Tun has been wronged by the book, take a read and then provide a defence base on it. Do not critique the book before reading it. As for Tun’s critics, read it to understand Tun’s thought process. Can we quickly remake a society that is so set in its way and adat to make it progressive and respected in a single generation or maybe take the slow and steady road(like some earlier Prime Ministers had chosen to do) and build a strong base. The second option may take generations and as the book pointed, Tun did not think that this was a viable- he did not have time. Mahathir chose to do something and do something quick. The question and issue brought up by the book is did his “means” to achieving this end justified. Did his means create and hasten the issues and problems that is faced by UMNO, BN and country toay. What motivates his foreign policy (abang-adik) relationship with Singapore when he clearly detests it when Indonesia tries to impose such a relationship with us. In this case, Indonesia as the abang.
The issues in the book are well known and have been brought up by Tun himself- UMNO-Putras, Money Politics and the lack of accountability and transparency of UMNO finances- what is UMNO’s money, what belongs the individual (Daim, halim etc) and what is most important- what belongs to government and the people. For those who remember the 90s, you will be able to relate to it as you would remember the frenzy buying umno stocks because of government projects and the saying among Malays- Nak Kaya, Masuk UMNO.
Tun has provided a great forum for discussing this. Lets discuss this intelligently and show the world that as Malaysians, we can discuss this and other issues (including the allah issue) in a spirited but civil manner. This is probably Tun’s best gift to us Malaysian if we are able to discuss things here thoughtfully.
The truth always hurt. I am sure there are a lot of substance(truth)found in the book. That is why the government is not comfortable to release the book.
From my observation, whenever you are caught in a tight situation you play reverse psychology and in this case you make it as though you are not happy because there is no RCI to defend yourself (and you also know that even if there is RCI and prove the truth of the book it will not mean anything as history has proven to be so). In spit of your advancing age you are still a very good “poker player” With a 2 bottom, you can play as though you have an ace, that much I must admit.
I admire your intelligence and if only that had been used for the sake for the country (instead of your cronies)Malaysia will not be limping tiger today as compare to Taiwan , Korea and Singapore.
Salam untuk YB Tun dan keluarga.
Semoga sentiasa berada di dalam perlindungan Allah (SWT). Geram juga kalau difikir-fikirkan. Kalau tak mengenangkan kata-kata Tun dalam The Malay Dilemma – orang melayu cepat melatah – dah saya tabur orang puteh yang tak sedar diri ni. Agaknya Barry Wain ni dah mabuk ke. Semabuk namanya.
Macam ni la – mana ada pembangunan yang tak de pengorbanan, mana ada perniagaan yang tak de untung rugi.
Bagi anak-anak muda yang di luar sana, jangan mudah mudah terpedaya kerana tak ramai pemimpin yang boleh membawa negara yang dipimpin ke mercu kejayaan. Banyak peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan yang telah di cipta oleh YB Tun. Tengok aje sekarang – saya tak nampak kilang2 baru naik di Shah Alam. Tutup lagi ada. Kilang National Panasonic yang dulunya menjadi mercu tanda kejayaan industri di Shah Alam – sekarang dah jadi gudang yang tak berhuni.
So, jangan jadi kacang lupakan kulit. YB Tun ibarat seorang ibu dengan 10 orang anak. Ya … seorang ibu boleh menjaga 10 orang anak – tapi 10 orang anak belum tentu boleh menjaga seorang ibu.
And for you YB Tun, keep on contributing for the betterment of our country.
Love you.
Saya melihat pihak kerajaan terlalu defensive dalam menghadapi pembangkang. Biarpun seribu satu tuduhan liar dan tidak berasas dilemparkan pembangkang, tiada pemimpin UMNO mengambil tindakan saman balas. Bacalah lidah rasmi pembangkang, dipenuhi sampah sarap serta artikel yang jelas melanggar prinsip perlembagaan dan berbau perkauman. Tidak percaya? Lihatlah blog pemimpin ultrakiasu dan lihat sendiri tohmahan membabi buta menyalahkan UMNO dan kerajaan dalam segala hal. Sedangkan merekalah pembakar api perkauman dan sentiasa berusaha merungkai asas perlembagaan dan negara. Harap umat Islam sedar permainan pelakon pentas yang sedang menyamar sebagai Khalifa Umar Abdul Aziz ini…
Dearest Tun,
Like Tun said, let us not ban the book in Malaysia…..bring it in our bookstores and place it at the FICTION section where it should be rightly placed.
We will always pray for the health of Tun n Family
Dear Tun,
My utter respect to you for pinning George Soros to his chair.
The unthinkable episode to freeze the FOREX of ringget during the monetary crisis which have save many Malaysian .
The far visionary in bringing about the Plus Toll to bring an end to our colonial heritage,, the “Trunk Highway of Death”
You bring into every malaysian household the hope of a Proton in the driveway. You put $$$$$$ where the mouth is .. and create a whole awesome spin off in wealth generating to Malaysian. The hardworking ripped more ., the laid back get less.
But along the ways there was some misfirings which are totally acceptable like any business the upside must always overwhelm the downside.
Here there are few things which will truely bring undisputable honour if you will to re-consider some of the misfires and take measure to correct it if you can.,
1.Streadfast in putting the right man for the right job.
Give the man the rod to fish but not the fish. No , if , but , might or maybe.
2. Race , Religion and Sex has no place in your visions of excellence. Bring the beauty of human together and not the extract the ugliness to preside over them. The ugly taxi driver in Singapore is not worth a salt in your Grandeur Buffet.
3. Don,t correct one mistake with another mistake. What we strewn is what we ripped. Ever wonder when doing troubleshooting, we always shoots the trouble when we are fresh in the morning?
4. To excrutiate for blind worship is to destroy the worship with blindness. Popular policy are only good steriod, not a remedy to aligments.
5. Barry thinks that he is only smart enough to write in columns
but not to run a country. Do we need to burn cell with this only as good as a writer.
Clock the mileage.,, you are the master of this . Go for it.
Dear Tun, salam mesra dan sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menyahut seruan seorang pengirim….
This is Tun
agree with comment kamal ahmad…
Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
1.Saya menyokong penuh,sekiranya Tun ingin mengambil tindakan mahkamah ke atas penulis ini,begitu juga mereka yang sengaja menfitnah Tun seperti LKS.
2.Kemungkinan besar,saya tidak akan membeli buku ini,kerana buku sebegini(percubaan untuk memburukkan Tun)pernah dijual di pasaran yang ditulis oleh penulis berlainan tetapi maksud tersirat mereka masih sama.Disamping itu,tidak mahu menambahkan komisyen kepadanya hasil penjualan buku ini.
3.Encik Wain ini,tiada hak hendak bercakap lebih tentang kewibawaan Tun,kerana kami lebih mengetahui dan merasai kedudukan sebenar di bawah kepimpinan Tun.100b itulah digunakan untuk pelbagai pembangunan berskala besar dan pelaburan,sudah tentulah ada yang tak berjaya,tapi sekiranya dibandingkan pulangan kepada negara dan rakyat dari zaman tahun 81 kepada keadaan negara sekarang adalah sesuatu yang diidamkan oleh kerajaan dan rakyat negara membangun lain di dunia.Dimanakah datangnya 270b yang diperuntukan kepada zaman PM-5,kalau bukan hasil daripada kebijaksanaan Tun menguruskan sumber negara untuk pelaburan yang mendatangkan keuntungan kepada negara sekali gus melimpahkan pula kepada rakyat dari segi pekerjaan,biasiswa,infrastuktur,pinjaman perniagaan,bonus(masih ada yang tidak sedar diri)dan banyak lagi.Tuhan Maha Mengetahui,sumber minyak negara dapat diuruskan oleh zaman Tun,cuba bayangkan sekiranya selepas Tun Hussein,Tun Lah yang menjadi PM…..bagaimana agaknya kedudukan kita sekarang?
4.Sepatutnya disiasat adalah di zaman Pm-5!
5.Point ke-5 itu,memanglah sesuai kepada para pembangkang,termasuk pemimpin dan pengikut mereka terutamanya DAP,yang tidak pernah insaf untuk memainkan isu perkauman dan isu sensitif terhadap generasi muda supaya lupa akan sejarah,perlembagaan negara,budaya dan rukun negara.Secara logiknya,sudah tentu bukan setiap masa kita dapat apa yang kita mahu,tetapi cubalah berlajar menerima kenyataan dan bersyukur dengan apa yan kita ada,sekiranya kita ingat kita susah,ada manusia lain di negara lain yang lebih malang,buat apa memandang tinggi terhadap negara maju(US),kerana kadangkala khabar tidak semestinya seindah rupa.Senang cerita,migrate saja ke negara mana yang mereka suka.
6.Saya mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun,semoga Tun dan Tun Siti yang disayangi dilindungi Allah.Amin.
Salam Tun and fellow bloggers,
Interesting to read the pros and contras on this issue.
I think i know what this wain and singapore govt tried to do – to show to the world that the malays are corrupted, not capable of running a country, ineffective, and lotsa negative pictures about the malays.
Even though there are lotsa positive comments from all races, but the ones i am worried are those written by the malays themselves who are assisting Tun’s enemies…to paint the malays as the ‘dirt’ race.
I am not worried about the adults, but our little ones especially the malays who really believed the malays are no-good in everything…worst being a corrupted race…that’s the one that get me worried. The apek in singapore and most malays hated chineses are campaigning and painting this distorted picture of the malays and they may succeed becos they’re consistent.
Anwar the greatest hypocrite lead the malays, especially in opposition parties to paint ugly their own race. I rest my case…there is IBLIS and his followers…who will go all out to kill real muslims. Tun is a real muslim.
jaga solat berjemaah. hidup didunia cuma satu titis, akhirat ibarat lautan. usaha atas iman & amal buat bekalan diakhirat.
Barry has the means and backup for his intentions.
Ban his book and means from entering Malaysia.
Ignoring this means is best solutions.
No point of bringing him to Justice,
as this Justice is represented by his means.
IT IS like Pedra Branca going to International Court of Justice,
We should know the end results,
unless He is willing to go to Iranian Court OF Justice.
Banyak gerjala gerjala,perkara perkara yg telah mengugat orang kita,pemimpim kita seperti Tun Mahathir.
1.Penghinaan,fitnah US terhadap Islam
2.Penghinaan,fitnah Barry disokong,didokong kerajaan Singapura.
3.Yg amat penting sekali penghinaan terhadap diri kita sendiri.
Sudah kelihatan banyak tanah Melayu sudah di gadai,
di jual dari bandar hingga ke Pekan.Dari JOHOR hingga KeSemenanjung.
Capital Land kepunyaan Kerajaan Singapura telah bermaharajalela
membangun tanah kita,dan kita akan kehilangan kepunyaan.
Ada Bukit kasi CINA
Ada Tanjung kasi Keling.
Perkara beginilah kita mesti pertikaikan,diberi perhatian
Dayus benar umat Melayu tak dapat mempertahankan Pusaka
yg di beri secara percuma.Besok tanah takda,maruah pila digadai.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Saya ingin meminta sedikit ruang daripada YBHg Tun untuk mengucapkan syabas kepada Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom atas usaha beliau dan JKSM. Sikap pro-aktif sebegini sebenarnya diperlukan pada semua tahap pentadbiran di semua sektor penyampaian jentera negara. Suatu masa dahulu jika berlaku kes perceraian maka para wanita akan terpaksa menanggung pelbagai masalah, trauma dan deraan mental pelbagai pihak. Faktor kewangan wanita tadi juga adalah merupakan permasalahan besar dan penyebab ramai wanita sanggup berdiam diri dalam penderaan oleh suami mereka. Kini dengan tertubuhnya dana sebegini adalah diharapkan keadilan akan dapat dilaksanakan dengan efisyen dan cepat. Jika dahulu apabila berlaku permasalahan sebegini dan jika si ibu tadi tidak bekerja maka beliau akan hilang punca nafkah hidup dan terpaksa menyara anak yang ditinggalkan suami sementara menantikan kes perceraian bermula di mahkamah, dan ada kalanya hanya dengan wang ikhsan sahaja. Kebajikan anak-anak terabai. Kes-kes sebegini pula memakan masa yang terlalu lama. Untuk mendapat tarikh sebutan sahaja akan memakan masa. Satu dua bulan tidak ada makna. Kemudian pihak tertentu akan tidak hadir pada tarikh sebutan dan sebutan semula akan perlu diadakan lagi. Kemudian semasa perbicaraan kes, sesetengah pihak akan tidak menghadirkan diri menyebabkan kes tertunggak lagi. Dan jika terdapat keperluan pembabitan pihak luar (mungkin untuk tujuan taksiran asset harta/laporan perubatan) maka kes akan sangkut lagi. Kadang-kadang makan masa bertahun-tahun. Dalam masa ini wanita/ibu tadi terpaksa bekerja untuk menyara hidup anak pinak. Untuk datang ke mahkamah bagi sesuatu sebutan beliau perlu mengambil cuti. Tetapi jika cuti menjadi sia-sia dan selalu ambil cuti maka ini akan menggangu prestasi kerja beliau. Tidak lupa juga, mereka ini ada yang bekerja sebagai pencuci dan sebagainya, maka bergaji hari. Oleh itu suatu hari cuti dah ditolak satu hari gaji oleh majikan. Dengan langkah kerajaan ini adalah diharapkan mekanisma jentera masa dan perjalanan sesuatu kes dalam mahkamah dapat dimantapkan. Suatu perkara lagi yang Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom perlu lihat ialah bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan pihak berwajib lain (yang terbabit) supaya menjalankan tugas mereka dalam kes-kes sebegini dengan lebih efisyen lagi. Jika ada surat hak penjagaan sementara, maka jika ada pihak melanggar perintah mahkamah maka mereka perlu bertindak dan jika ada waran tangkap mereka perlu mengambil berat kes sebegini sama seperti kes jenayah lain. Saya berpendapat, semua anggota PDRM perlu diberikan maklumat yang lebih dalam hal perundangan keluarga sebegini (Diploma/Ijazah Perundangan). Mendera mana-mana pihak baik dari segi mental atau fizikal adalah kesalahan jenayah maka ianya perlu senantiasa mendapat kesiriusan semua pihak berwajib. Syabas kepada Datuk Jamil Khir. Saya yakin ramai yang berterimakasih kepada kerajaan atas langkah ini. Terima kasih.
Terima kasih Tun. Wassalam.
Hi, Tun & Others
U seems to be carried away Tun..Chill..
U r a politician.. At least what r u used to be…lots of critics, accusation and so on..It’s you people’s world..In the other hand, apart of that, millions keep on praising you…
It will be so frustrating and bringing you down(IF) after 22 years you have worked that damn hard and gave your level best but yet there’s people like the apa nama Barry Wain bring up that such accusation..
It will be so scary when everything appear to be so wrong and likely haunting you (IF) there’s a lot of misjudgment, wrongdoings and failure back then done by you..
So, if you think that clearing your name is so much important..Go for it Tun..Fight ’em all out..Sue him, LKS & S.Tan(ooops..haha)..Appoint the best lawyer we have on board, use whatever you have…The truth is always be the best…No matter how long it takes…If so long..make it forever.. doesn’t matter..
But, there’s always another option..Stay cool…Focus on what good that you can bring to this beloved country and others..You still got Save-Gaza campaign and Proton for example to look after..Who knows, even someday maybe Ir Syahrizan will have 2 or 3 protons in his garage, his kids garage and such..haha..
For those who r OK with being colonized by British again..Believe me, you are already being colonized and always be..Regardless your race, you just such a big shame to our country…
Regards & Peace
Buat tun dr mahathir mohamad. Sabar aje la tun, biasa la, hero memamg macam ni, ramai orang dengki, ada je bendanya yang orang nak dengki, pakai selipar terbalik pun orang nak mengata. Nak buat macam mana, dunia ni memang macam ni, layan kan aje la.
Assalamualaikum WBT YBhg. Tun,
I feel that there is nothing to worry about what was written by Barry Wain about lost of more than RM100 Billion during your period as Prime Minister of Malaysia (22 years, 1981 – 2003). Even though probably you may not have the chance to clear your name as what you were worried about, but there is no necessity for you to clear your name. The claimed was made by non Malaysian citizen (Barry Wain) and YB Lim Kit Siang of DAP (opposition party)taking the advantage to urge the government to set a royal commission to investigate for the political benefit of DAP.
Pakatan Rakyat (DAP, PKR & Pas) currently have no issues at all against the UMNO & Barisan Nasional. The most relevant things to do for Pakatan Rakyat is to show to their supporters that they can actually manage the states under their control very much better than Barisan Nasional rather than exploiting sensitive issues and non beneficial issues for the country and people of Malaysia.
Whatever amount spent by Tun Dr. Mahathir for the development of the country are all proven to the eyes of Rakyat Malaysia today. Everybody have equal rights to do anything within the rules and regulations of the country. Malaysia must continually grow for the benefit of Rakyat Malaysia. We must live in peace and harmony. Upgrade our tolerance within the multinational, multicultural & multiriligous.
Wassalam Tun.
Dear Tun,
I am referring to the comment posted by ‘Ir. Syahrizan’.
2. Though we have recently witnessed engineering blunders like the collapse of Terengganu Stadium’s roof and the collapse of Kuala Berang Bus & Taxi Terminal’s roof, ‘Ir. Syahrizan’ has put up a good suggestion.
3. I hope Tun will post an opinion on The New Petrol Subsidy Policy so that we could contemplate on its feasibility.
Salam Tun & those respectable CheDet-fellow bloggers
Dgn izin,
I wish to refer to your regular bloggers En S..Tan.
Dear En Tan,
You have been a regular commentor in this blog. You seem to have a lot of ideas which can be shared for the benefits of all Malaysians. However, rather you mostly focus to comment on Tun’ view, it would be a good idea for the change if you could also suggest to all of us as how to overcome the current predicaments to make Malaysia a better place for all Malaysia to live in.
I could be reached at : [email protected]
The great TUN,
What ever or who ever has said or done the fact that nobody can deny is what Malaysia is today is beacuse of you TUN. Don’t worry about this small rats, carry on doing what is right for the people of Malaysia. You will be remembered and cherished forever in the hearts of all Malaysians. May the almighty give you and your family strength and grace forever.
In Msia we have copycat of barry, which is the pembangkang. Even isu gereja dibakar pun tuding jari pada UMNO. Are these ppl making sense at all? How do they feel if Malays accuse DAP burn the gereja to provoke the Muslims out of nothing? They are real jokers!
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Saya tahu Tun akan meniru sedikit gaya Dr Shahab dan berhenti pada komen nombor 100. Mungkin ada juga yang tunggu nombor disini setiap hari. Apa pun Ayahanda Tun, saya hanya ingin mennyentuh tentang beberapa perkara yang
so will you be filing a lawsuit to both set the record straight and clear any wrongful claims about you?
The same should be for you to finally lodge a report against Tun Abdullah of your accusations of him? Else, how else can you have a clear conscience of doing the right thing?
Salam Tun And Fellow Bloggers,
In the Day of Judgments, a royal commission will be set up by Allah to clear
Dear Tun
Since Barry Wain is part of government Singapore think tank, naturally he should spend more time telling Singaporeans how much money that Temasek loss in the last subprime fiasco and is it no head roll till know is good for singaporeans?.
Good day, Tun
Some journalists condemn people for their everyday living. If we read Newsweek, we will recognize that there are series of articles written with distrust and hatred towards some parts of the world. I cannot afford to read them all and let negativity surrounds me. If negativity clogs our thinking, we will never make progress.
Dont worry Tun,
This Barry S**t Wain is a nobody compared to yourself. What has he contributed so far is unmatched to yours. I think he or “the people who hired him” envy you, therefore trying to make himslf or themselves a hero too…..nevertheless, if i do meet with this Barry As**, I will ensure my kampung folks will give him a proper impalement which he deserves!
Y.Bhg Tun,
People can say whatever they think of you. We malaysian are the judges to the good deeds that you had done to Malaysia. You gave us the identity and we are pround of it. Just let Berry go and write whatever he may think of you and Malaysia. History will be kind to you Sir.
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin…
A non-Malay M’sian who criticizes Umno leaders will be labelled anti Malay, ungrateful immigrant, unpatriotic, green eyed Jew etc. A foreigner will be painted colonialist, western imperialism, anti Islam. A Malay critic is a traitor, ingrate. No rebuttal just name calling.
If you forsake your racial roots and froth racial supremacy with your new identity, you will be rewarded. This is the carrot being dangled to the others.
Is this the way to develop a race? Criticism of one person is doubting M’sia’s ability to exert independence? Don
Barry Wain is blinded by facts..
Yo barry … y u dont publish book about the LEE dynasty in SIngapore..father, mother, son running the country….
ohh dont forget about the Lim Dynasty in Malaysia…and also mr singh dynasty…
Over here in this region we have bundle of father n son dynasty…y dont u write something about that….
YABhg Tun,
It reminded me of the actions of some reporters filming accused usually at Court Houses. Just watch the TV news and you know what I mean. Those reporters hounded the accused like animals just to take their pictures.
But, I’ve yet to see those same reporters giving those accused the same news coverage when this people are found innocent!
Salam Tun,
Don’t bother others… just keep in writing and gives your idea..
YABhg Tun,
That’s the beauty of freedom of speech,sir. People like Barry Wain got that ‘ God given right’ to say whatever they like. And, sir by commenting about his book…you’re only helping this fellow make a name for himself. Yes, like I said… you can never win with people like them…
Good day Tun,
Yes, I agree with T,
Sue Barry Wain, to clear your name.
Let’s not stop with the writer, sue the publisher for defamation too. Tun have already reserve the right to sue, so I believe Tun should exercise your right.
We don’t need the royal commission to clear your great name Tun. Use the court of law. If you can’t sue him in Malaysia, sue him in Singapore, if he is not in Singapore, sue him in UK, if he is not in UK, sue him in the US, if he is not in US, sue him in Timbaktu.
Bottom line is to sue him to clear your name.
Why not sue him Tun? Is it because Tun does not think Tun will get a fair trial in those countries other than our beloved Malaysia?
Tun feels that these Westerners are out to get you? That their Western court are hypocritical, double standard, and does not stand of justice? So you feel that it is a waste of your time and money to sue him in those country?
So because of that, Tun believe that the royal commission would be fairer when investigating all these allegations? And they would see in a fairer light that Tun have done no wrong?
Come to think of it, who foot the bill for this royal commission setup anyway?
If the Government does not think that they should spend taxpayers money to set up a royal commission, then to hell with the Government, use your own money to proof that Barry is a spanking liar out to make money from your good name.
Be brave Tun. As you always have. If you have done no wrong, any court in the world will award you damages.
Or you could just let this wind down and all will be forgotten because ‘Kita semua mudah lupa’
May I Tok Dek,
//By Pembela on January 8, 2010 11:30 PM//
Nama Tok Det bukan 30%, dah naik kpd minimum 40%. Pada hujung tahun 2010, mereka kena bayar harga pasaran maksimum 50% utk komisyen (kerana compunded interest ini, itu, blah..blah..blah..,) kalu nak pakai nama Tok Det.
Barry Wain & Lim Kit S. itu siapa?? Malaysian Marverick DR M atau Malaysia PKR/DAP/PAS Maverick, sama aja…., cuma Tok Det ada Stail Gentleman. Hari ini, 1 Malaysians ada stail tersendiri, ber”human rights dan ber”Rukun Negara 5, Malaysia. Stail MM PKR/DAP/PAS itu tidak berperikemanusiaan dgn bayaran hanya Gaji RM 1 utk Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor, siapa kah nak berkerja dgn mereka ini, mereka ingat 1 Malaysians ini “Pengemis” ke?? Happy New Year.
Good night Tok Det.
Y.A.Bhg. Tun dan isteri serta salam sejahtera kepada semua rakyat Malaysia.
Tun, setelah saya membaca cerita Tun itu, saya berasa sangat sedih dan kecewa. Selama 22 tahun memimpin Malaysia yang Tun kasihi dengan penuh KEIKHLASAN, AMANAH dan JUJUR saya dapati ada segelintir rakyat yang tidak langsung menghargai JASA Tun ini.
Dari sudut hati kecil saya, saya yakin ada MANUSIA yang memiliki hati yang sungguh jahat yang sememangnya bersengkongkol untuk mengaibkan Tun. Walaupun mereka mengatakan Tun telah menyalahgunakan wang sebanyak RM100 billion tetapi jika dibahagi kepada 22 tahun memerintah kerajaan rugi sekitar RM2 billion setahun.
Tetapi bagaimana pula kerajaan selepas Tun yang memerintah yang telah menyalahgunakan wang PETRONAS RM270 billion dan wang pembayar cukai dalam tempoh 5 tahun memerintah.
1. Kemana wang tersebut dibelanjakan?
2. Tiada pembangunan dan prasarana yang nampak selama 5 tahun memerintah?.
3. Bangga anak saya KAYA-RAYA!.
4. Nantikan seksa ALLAH ketika KAMU akan menghadapi kematian. WAHAI orang-orang yang memdustakan ALLAH.
5. Banyak rakyat mengeluh dan menderita dibawah pimpinan PM yang berwajah ISLAM.
Dengan segala KOS sara hidup, seperti PETROL naik kepada RM2.70 seliter membabitkan semua barang-barang keperluan hidup telah meningkat. Ia tidak memberi kesan kepada sektor AWAM kerana menikmati kenaikaan GAJI dan menerima BONUS pada setiap hujung tahun.
Tetapi KAMI rakyat MALAYSIA yang berkerja disektor swasta, peniaga kecil – (nasi lemak, goreng pisang dll) serta pemandu teksi, ada yang kais pagi makan pagi menerima kesan yang amat TERUK.
Tidakkah Tun masih ingat, Tun diserang disegenap penjuru oleh sebahagian PUAK-PAUK UMNO dan PUAK-PUAK pembangkang yang tak mengenang BUDI dan menghargai JASA Tun itu.
Ini lah sebahagian sikap pemimpin UMNO yang tidak berIMAN sanggup menghina Tun dan menggadai MARUAH sendiri demi menyelamatkan jawatan.
Dan bagi puak-puak pembangkang pula mereka berdo’a dan mengadakan bacaan YAASIN terhadap Tun supaya Tun ditimpa MUSIBAH dan KECELAKAAN oleh ALLAH.
Tidak akan memberi kesan Do’a mereka bersifat zalim kepada mereka yang mempunyai IMAN.
Demi TUHAN, ALLAH yang Maha Agung yng mengetahui RAHSIA hati makhlukNYA.
Tun, KEMULIAN hati, KEJUJURAN menjalankan tugas, KEIKHLASAN niat serta AMANAH dalam memerintah, saya percaya ALLAH tetap kasih pada Tun serta di anugerah Tun kesihatan dan keselamatan hidup yang baik dan sejahtera.
Disini terdapat sifat terpuji Tun, JUJUR menyampaikan pesan, walaupun pahit untuk diterima.
Sekian, Wassalam….
Salam Tun, (A Poet for You and Malaysian)
1. The British are engineered in that manner, making money out of other’s wealth, and then call it Commonwealth.
2. Using their brilliant mind (but skewed) for a Conspiracy Theory and then call it Justice and Democracy.
3. The Malaysian are engineered to troubleshoot the corrupted British mind, and that is what we are, and here is where we stand, with TUN and the rest of the Malaysian.
4. The British are afraid of the few Malaysian, whom they used to call the Ultra Malays and the Rebellions, so the Malaysian Maverick is born today, in a country, which will do anything for fame and money. I forgot what they have named that small country, who has their allies who dare to live in our vicinity.
5.In fact, Malaysian Maverick should be born 22 years ago, but they have failed to predict, the giant that took the leap, who has risen from the North, and conquered the east, west and south.
5. Let Barry Wain smile to his chin, just like their funny Mr Bean. As the story goes, more people will open their eyes, knowing so , the Great British Empire is in fact a Well Trained Liar.
6. You should thank to them , for making Dr Mahathir a World News Headlines , those who hear are not deaf, those who read are not blind.
Yours Sincerely, Asraff Fariz , Kulim Kedah
Salam Tun,
Apa yang penting pada masa kini rakyat secara amnya dapat melihat dan mengakui akan kehebatan Tun di dalam mentadbir dan menyediakan bisnes modul yang amat teratur dan sistematik. Pelabagai pasarana yang disediakan malahan ianya turut merangkumi segi pendidikan, perindustrian dan amat utama ialah keyakinan diri……pada kalangan rakyat. kita berjaya membina bangsa yang dinamik dan global semasa pemerintahan Tun dan dunia turut mengakui akan kehebatan Tun.
Pusat pentadbiran negara iaitu PUTRAJAYA yang dilahirkan oleh Tun sendiri merupakan mercu tanda yang amat sempurna dan berjaya. Kesimpulannya usaha-usaha murni inilah yang memerlukan perbelanjaan dan sudah tentu telah dilaburkan dengan bijak sekali. Tahniah Tun ……
Yes, the Malays are racist and corrupted. Let it be. If that is what they feel. Let it be !! Let it be !!
It is fine to the Malays and their leaders and UMNO !!
It is good this country becomes rotten. Let it be! Let it be !! No harm done at all. The Malays feel proud to be racist and corrupted. There is nothing to be shameful !!
Tun Mahathir,
Salam Dengan Penuh Hormat,
ABB started the RC game as pesuaded by his allies in the Opposition who were pushed by their Masters. The objectives were non other but to discredit the Malays, UMNO and the Gevernment of Malaysia.
Being regarded as Mr Clean but stupid, ABB succumbed to these dreadful demand in order to defend the perception that he is clean and at the same time, expose his own stupidity.
Where on earth stands a godly leader and a perfectly clean Government ?
As a result of this naivety, he totally corrupt his own people, his extended family and the Rakyat.
Those who shouted ” corruption ” the most, is the most corrupt.
But I doubt that ABB does not have the credentials to be a leader as he has loads of experience behind him and backed up by his bloodline, stalwards of UMNO.
Where and what has gone wrong with him ?
I think, ABB is just a homely person and easy target for those who wants to dominate his authority to sell off the nation.
It is very unfortunate because of the reckless 5 years helming the leadership, he has wrecked the nation’s pride which took a lifetime for you to built.
Now the nation and the Rakyat are in termoil. BN is still the better hope of the future and I would not be off target to say that if PR run the country, the nation will be doomed within months because the leadership would hold up to the priciple ” love themselve and HATE the others”.
Just look at the many sectors of our society now, the number of mindless and souless people are multiplying in great numbers every day and at every level. Those scrooge and blood suckers who have been dormant and stays at sub level are coming out and becoming more blatant. Hail to the western powers and their networks to dominate and sucked off our welth and force the people of this great nation to lower their heads and live by their rules.
And, we are expected to give applause to PR the sceaming agents to
this great power from the west.
All these Royal Commissions are nonesence and reflection of our own naivety ala ABB.
Salam Hormat kepada Tun & Keluarga,
Please allow me to write to our fellow “Kaum Pendatang” member Mr. Andrew Tay who commented on this topic.
Mr. Tay,
You can pack any time and leave this Country (Liability as in your economics)as The Great Tun paved a way for you to go Britten and other developed countries without a visa. I would suggest you to travel back to your forefathers village in Great China before you Migrate to see your roots as I am sure you will never have chance to do that after migration because you will be living as 3rd class citizen there and you won’t earn enough to travel any more.
Wish you good luck Mr. Tay
Dearest Yg Di Kasihi Tun,
1. Actually, those in the Government are trying to PROTECT themselves by not releasing the book. They do not care about Tun
Salam Tun,
Sad to hear abt what had happen to u. I’ve read the book n i give up few pages cos it was full of lies.
Bottom line is, the book wrote by Barry Wain is meant n suitable for the “APEK” at the Southern Tip of the Malay Peninsula. Really suit that old man.
Anyway Tun, what ever it is, ALLAH is still the ALMIGHTY.
Hope Allah Bless Tun with Health n protects u from all those lies.
Salam Tun & those respectable Chedet fellow-bloggers
Sue or not to sue, is the question. As Tun have said earlier one of the best strategy used by these kind of people to shut up their enemy is to threaten them with legal action for not less than RM100m. For the people like DSAI, LKS, and LKY this behaviour is like Tiger Woods’ love for golf.
The best action is ignore them.
May Allah bless us all
Salam tun & only respecteable CheDet fellow-bloggers,
To andrewtay comment 8th Jan
Dear brother, I m fully agreed with your suggestion. The problem is
Salam Tun & only those respectable fellow CheDet-bloggers,
I think the government is doing the right thing for not setting-up the royal commission despite many says it should. DSN has many most urgent & important country matters to attend to.
May I suggest a few options so that Tun can clear your name:
1. Insist the government to set-up royal commission – it will a waste of time and money and for what? Barry Wain will be the one of the biggest winner whatever the outcome is and of course will be laughing to the bank with “head I win tail you lose” situation. Government have more urgent & important people matters to attend to …. rakyat didulukan not BW’s or LKS’s. Strongly NOT recommended.
2. Tun sue BW – as Tun have said it will be a waste of time and money. Not recommended.
3. Tun be friend with BW promising him with more facts for him to write about your personal memoir but make sure you be given significant % of royalty that that can be put into good use for your retirement and Peace Foundation. He may not agree now but being an opportunist whose life depends on other misfortunes or misery or the likes, he would like to welcome you for that offer when he is out job and make him to feel that he cannot live without you. Of course many ifs for that to happen. it up to TUN to consider but not likely to happen because he will go to highest bidder. What is the chance for TUN to challenge the rest of the world, of course before you can but not for now.
4. Tun write a book yourself to counter the contents of his book.
a) People ( especially ordinary rakyat that love you to be able to understand the issue without making BW richer by buying his book ) would like to hear what you will say and buy your book instead. I’ll do that because why should I buy 2 books ( 2 in 1 ) when I can have it in one book – YOURS.
b)Will he sue you for extracting the content of his book as material for your book? If yes, then you have good reason now to sue him for writing about you without your permission in the first place. You can now even the score.
I hope Tun will consider this option favourably.
May Allah bless us all
Salam Tun yang amat saya hormati
Memang tidak syak lagi, ada keinginan pihak tertentu yang cuba menjatuhkan maruah Tun. Siapa lagi………. ? Si Anuar dan sekutunya Lim kit Siang yang memang sejak dari dulu lagi mencari jalan untuk mengatasi Tun dalam politik. Pada pendapat saya, niat mereka ialah, jika berjaya menjatuh dan mengaibkan Tun, mereka sekali gus dapat menjatuh UMNO sebab Tun telah lead UMNO, dan Tun lah yang telah bersusah payah membina kekuatan UMNO dan bangsa Melayu sehingga lah mulai lembek akibat kepimpinan lemah Pak Lah. Tengok sekarang, segala-galanya hak bumiputra mereka persoalkan.
Harap kerajaan sekarang khasnya UMNO buka mata tentang ini.
Tun, you are tiada tandingan dari segi kepimpinan. May Allah bless u.
TQ Tun.
That the price the malay has to pay for being weak since Pak Lak lost the last General Election, and even great stateman a country ever produce like Tun, who has done so much to the country when he was PM, is not even spared.
That what become if you’re weak and politically weak. Without the support of the bumiputera in Sarawak and Sabah, UMNO would not be able to hold power anymore.
In complete contrast, when Tun was in power you’d a STRONG government that are unshakeable.
Tun.. you’re always a great statement malaysia and all the muslims worlds will be proud of.
Dearest Tun,
I must say that I have to agree with alpha 1. Good one mate!
It is the most reason why I have been the pain in the *#@ wanting Tun to form a new political party in Malaysia.
For the seventh hundred times I have to state it again that ALL the political parties in Malaysia are absolutely useless/hopeless!
By HBT on January 10, 2010 9:05 AM
Ayahanda Tun,
//Published: Sunday January 10, 2010 MYT 8:39:00 AM
Reports: JAL could file for bankruptcy on Jan. 19
TOKYO (AP): Struggling Japan Airlines Corp. could file for bankruptcy as early as Jan. 19 under a government-backed restructuring plan that includes 13,000 job cuts, reports said Saturday.
Saddled with massive losses, Asia’s biggest airline is seeking a state bailout. On Friday, the government approved a court-led bankruptcy option proposed by a state-backed corporate turnaround body, the business newspaper Nikkei said, citing no sources.
With government approval, the airline, known as JAL, could file for bankruptcy with the Tokyo District Court as early as Jan. 19, it said.
The national newspaper Asahi also said JAL’s bankruptcy filing could come Jan. 19. A JAL spokeswoman said the company was still in discussions about restructuring plans, but regardless of the decision, JAL’s flight operations will continue.
Officials at the transport ministry could not be reached for comment.
The Nikkei said JAL will cut 13,000 jobs – nearly 30 percent of its work force – over the next three years and withdraw from nearly 50 routes at home and abroad.
In a bid to ease JAL’s debt burden, the corporate turnaround body will ask banks to forgive 350 billion yen ($3.8 billion) of debt owed by the troubled airline, it said.
Amid bankruptcy fears, shares in JAL continued to drop, with their closing price tumbling nearly 12 percent Friday to 67 yen. At the beginning of 2009, JAL’s share price stood at 213 yen.
JAL is also weighing cash offers from Delta Air Lines Inc., the world’s biggest airline operator, and its rival American Airlines.
The U.S. carriers are fighting over JAL because of its strong routes in the fast-growing Asian market, especially China.
Delta and its SkyTeam partners have offered $1 billion to JAL, while American Airlines has countered with a $1.4 billion offer.
JAL and American Airlines are in the oneworld alliance, which also includes British Airways.//
This is the current model for bailout as reported by The Star Online. In reality, this is not bailout, this is a specific model for JAL to get the best trusted partners through Bonding (perikatan) of 20 to 30 years for another 30 to 50 years from Today to maintain the ownership of JAL under Japan. In liberty term, that’s what friends (alliances) are for by knowing their strenghts and weaknesses in maintaining the pie of the world airline businesses.
According to Dr Ng Yen Yen, Hoteliners are “undervaluing” themselves. You are right, Dr Ng, because the Hoteliners are not regulate and monitor by a trusted professional body with Accountabilty, Integrity and Transparency. By the way, Ayahanda Tun, CAT in Medicine and Dortors represent CAT Scan for Cancerous Cells. CAT in Selangor meant CAT scan for Cancerous Cells by “potong kaki, tangan, telinga or jantung just like that, that’s the outdated and less human interest method, now People are moving forward to more human interest methods like Herba Technology or Bio Technology in 1 Malaysia.
Not only hoteliners have this serious mistake (and must be re-rectified), other Commmercial Associations have this sickness too. They just allow hoteliners and businesses to cut price unreasonably in Free Market and in Free Market theory, it’s not meant as free market by deleting the middle words “of charge” and it does not need to pay for debts (hutang) in free market.
Maybe some of these businesses may have Government back up in terms of government subsidies, and others may prefer to invite VVIP to their dinner or what so ever (what for ah…?), then copy paste in newspapers to create a false and unreliable image) to “wollap/wonton” other small competitors.
This is bad for nation and economy building for 1 Malaysia in future for 30 to 50 years from now. In reality, many of these businesses’s owners have their own businesses and may be holding 2 to 5 positions in Government to obtain insider information (secrets) while claiming themselves as clean and transparent persons to the public.
To some people with rational mind, they could accept “past is past” to re-learn the de-centralisation of authority, but not all of them are rational. If I am irrational, I will pat YB Ong KaTing’s buttock to remind him what he has done to a Hong Kong foreigner when he was the 2nd man to our late YB Megat Junid 13 ye
What he wrote(BW), based on your blogging and opinion, actually he is right. Isn’t it? Or some… perhaps.
Bersua lagi;
PARTI PEMBANGKANG DAN PIHAK YANG BERNIAT JAHAT TERHADAP NEGARA INI adalah terdiri rakyat Malaysia sendiri. Kalau tidak masakan pihak luar itu tahu dan berminat untuk campur urusan dalam negara ini.?.
DSAI dan kuncu-kuncunya pada masa lalu(hingga kini) amat kerap berada di S
Prinsip rukun negara yang ke 5
Kalaulah mungkin ada gambar mana-mana pemimpin yang terlibat dengan Skandal ?#@$%*.. dan perlakuan dalam gambar tersebut dicetak sebagai poster serta ditulis dengan perkataan Undilah saya oleh golongan tidak bertanggungjawab adakah prestasinya yang baik tidak tergugat.
salam, hi Tun…
berbesar hati dapat menjengah ke blog Tun walapun saya amat sibuk dengan pelbagai kerja untuk disiapkan. pertama sekali saya amat sedih dengan keadaan semasa di negara ini. fronpage akhabar-akhbar tempatan lebih mengutamakan high profile case. cerita rakyat dimana. rakyat semua sudah bosan dengan kerajaan. hanya waktu dan masa yang akan menentukan segalanya. saya meidolakan tun semenjak zaman tun masih menjadi PM. saya inginkan zaman itu. tun amat berani dalam berkata-kata. biar apapun musuh berlaung, tun maish kekal dengan keputusan walapun ia perit. baru2 ini, gempar zaman tun hilang 100 billion. semua angkara mat saleh yang bajet nak mentamadunkan kita. dia sendiri pun tak bertamadun, pergi la buat buku lee kuan yew ke, konfem masuk penjara or kena saman. kita org melayu ambil benda ni mudah, kita terima teguran. tapi benarkah tun hilangkan 100 billion. itu masih jadi tanda soal dalam kepala rakyat malaysia. kerajaan taknak buat inkuiri. nama baik tun tak dapat dibersihkan. ini yang pembangkang mahukan. mereka mahu nama tun tidak terpahat dalam negarawan , tapi dalam pemimpin korup. jahanamlah mereka yang terlalu pentingkan kaum melebihi negara.
tun, sungguh mudah untuk berbual dengan tun melalui internet walaupun tun tidak membalas. ini sudah cukup menjadi semagat saya untuk berjuang demi bangsa. ingin sekali sy bertemu tun walau sesaat. tapi siapalah insan kerdil seperti saya untuk bertemu tun. tiada apa yang akan sy tuturkan kalaupun bertemu tun. saya mungkin kaku tanpa kata2. selepas Nabi Muhammad, tun adalah idola sy, sanjungan saya. negarawan sperti tun terlalu mahal untuk dijual. bukan seperti mereka yang sanggup menggadai maruah negara dan agama demi kepentingan politik peribadi.
tiada manusia kecuali rasul allah yang tidak pernah terkhilaf dalam melakukan tugasan di muka bumi ini.
semoga tun sihat sentiasa bersama keluarga.
Salam ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad,
“What people think of you is none of your business”
Biar la org nak pk apa Tun.. Yg penting..
Dunia Islam kenal dan tau setiap jasa Tun..
Negara dunia ketiga mendukung aspirasi Tun..
Rakyat Malaysia yg tahu berfikir dan tahu bersyukur sangat berterima kasih kepada Tun..
Dan yang paling penting, Allah tau..
Ayahanda, jaga kesihatan, berehat dan berbahgia dgn keluarga tersayang..
Dear Tun,
I wish we had more writers in your blog who encourage the idea of concentrating on the economy and the rice bowl of the general public but unfortunately that is not the present case!
We have the latest incident of the church bombings which has brought not only shame and disgrace to Malaysia but also sadly made her the laughing stock of the world, not forgetting the Muslim world as well!
So to those who sincerely want to focus on the economy and their rice bowl, here is a piece of advice….fend for yourselves because if you depend on this government for solutions, they can and never will! Their present motto is this….you pay the taxes and we will make your lives as miserable as possible!
We used to have this Anthem in the old days which goes like this….GOD SAVE THE QUEEN….but in today’s context we should appropriately reword it to be read as follows…..GOD SAVE MALAYSIA!
Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin…
Dear Tun,
We don’t give a hoot about what this wain guy has to say. We don’t know what his agenda is. So to damn with what he has to say about you, Malays or Malaysia.
But what gets us is when a Malaysian and a leader of the opposition uses this slander to slander a respected ex-PM … that we cannot acccept.
This what we mean when we say…our own people are mimicking, copying wholesale and taking everything the orang putih say as truth…are FOOLS of the highest order.
They copy, cut and paste, and mimic to put down their own country men – Malaysians and pass glorious leaders – and they have the gumption to want to lead this country (and its people) which they belittle with impunity.
They cry democracy, they shout human rights and they go all out to ape the orang putih.
They can’t use their otak to think that all this thing if not done carefully can and will create chaos…the “ALLAH” case is a prime example of the monkeys aping the orang putih right to this and that…
PLEASE DON’T APE the orang putih…because what is good for them may not be necessarily good for us. And remember – when in rome do as the romans do…when in Malaysia DO AS Malaysians do – NOT what the AMERICANS OR BRITISH do.
Else you will not be a monkey aping others but you will also be a Blind MONKEY at that.
Asalamualaikum Tun,
This maybe off-topic. It’s good to hear your normal sarcasm on that Royal Commission.
Now that the topic has been shelved under the carpet, it would be our best interest to move on with new topics such as;
(1) The New Petrol Subsidy Policy on May 2010
Policy to factor in engine displacement (CC). Our policy maker aka the Government assume that those who owns bigger displacement (CC) car will consume more fuel (don’t ask me where this people learn engineering). As latest modern car are more fuel efficient. Sorry to say Tun, our Proton engines are still fuel guzzlers. Furthermore, assumption has been made that those who own bigger displacement (CC) car are from High Income earners. For example, those who own second hand, third hand or even fourth hand BMW say, year 1980’s with CC as huge as 3500 cc are considered “rich” people. System will be implemented either two ways or both: (a) MyKad or/and (b) Rebate system similar to what we used during Badwi’s reign. Right now no full details are released to the press.
(2) The 2010 New Revised Highway Toll Rates as announced by the PM last Friday. Details still a bit sketchy.
(3) The rise of sugar price and possibly other commodities, now some Mamak stall, restaurants and certain food products are increasing their selling price.
Year 2010 seems like another “year of the BarangNaik(BN)”. The low income and middle income earners are the ones that will suffer dearly.
Salam Tun,
Perhaps we could xerox the book in thousands and even copy the thing into cd’s for everyone to read. Everybody can get it cheap and Barry Wain won’t get a single cent. He can sue everybody for breaching copyrights, if he wants. Bar Council’s can surely assist.
Dear TUN,
Nobody is perfect in the world, not even Mahatma Gandhi. If someone admits that he/she is perfect it means we have sent them to Tanjung Rambutan. Let people talk and write about you, because that only way that can make them be famous by getting attention by others.Don
Saya cuma nak beri pandangan pasal RM5.
Tp tak tau medium apa saya nak sampaikan.
2) Wang kertas RM5 berbeza dari wang kertas lain. Selalunya wang RM5 yang kita gunakan sekarang mudah rosak. kalau kena iron terus berlubang,kalau lipat,lipatannya dah lekat sampai bila-bila.
3) Saya taknak besarkan hal ni,tapi RM5 ni kalau dapat kat orang miskin dah tentu memberi impak besar pada mereka. Selalunya penjual tak terima wang rosak. RM5 sangat besar nilainya.
4) Justeru,saya harap Tun buatlah apa yang patut.
Terima kasih.
When I was learning History during i was f4, i once thought that “it’s better to be colonized by British…”but, if we were to be colonized by the British, how can we build an Islamic country?…don’t be surprised if Malaysia under the colonization of British would produce a 18sx film..Not only that, maybe people wouldnt care to kiss in public, witness by our friend, children….
It’s just people nowdays didn’t really understand the true meaning of independence, yet they still boasting about crappy stuff like “merdeka la wey..merdeka la..aku da merdeka..suke ati la pe aku nk buat..” without doing nothing.
But if its just the case, mybe its the best option do we have right now. It is lucky enough to be accepted despite that is full of corruption, mismanagement and liars.
Tun, i really want you to be our PM 4 only once again. You are the greatest PM in this world. I just don’t want this god forsaken land to be a waste after 52 years of independence. Going to be 53 haha.
And for our current PM, please..please give us your best shot..We still have confidence in you and 1Malaysia.
But maybe it is really us.Not the PM to be blamed right?..Pardon me…
Assalamualikum WBT Tun,
saya suka dengan komen pembela…bukan ramai orang di dunia ni yg boleh mengangkat taraf sesuatu bangsa, negara atau agama dan dapat beri kesan satu dunia…kalau ada pun hanya untuk diri sendiri saja..tapi Tun Mahathir telah berjaya dan masih ramai yg tak nampak apa yg telah Tun berjaya lakukan….
saya ingat Tun dalam doa
Xperlu nk clear nama Tun kerana kami tahu siapa Tun,bkn ada salah dari pihak Tun,org2 Melayu suka dgn Tun,mgkn bkn semua tp kebanyakannya menghargai dan akan sentiasa mendoakan Tun.
“Now I cannot clear my name nor can Abdullah clear his name. Barry Wain must be very happy. He can go on libelling everyone he likes and nothing will happen to him.”
Hi Tun, is it possible for you to sue Barry for libel as he is not living in this country? Sorry for sounding so ignorant, but I am not a lawyer. Or you can issue Barry a direct challenge so that he can come to Malaysia and answer the charge, if he believes that he can win.
Who knows, maybe you can make a pile, while clearing your name at the same time. As it is, I hear so many stories about you that I do not know what to believe and what not to believe. Maybe you can set up a Tun Mahathir Charity Foundation with the court award.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Saya juga turut bersimpati dengan Pak Lah dan Khairy serta saudara Kamaluddin, Pak Brahim yang tentu tidak dapat membersihkan diri mereka daripada tuduhan RM269.2 billion duit Petronas. Lebih menyedihkan apabila ramai sakat dan kroni para mereka juga kini tidak dapat menjawab serta membersihkan nama mereka daripada pertuduhan melulu tentang RM5.3 billion duit projek secara tender tertutup yang (difitnahkan) telah mereka perolehi diantara 2004 hingga 2008. Hampir 90% projek ini dibatalkan, tetapi wang ganti-rugi kepada syarikat dan kontraktor semua sudah dibayar dengan cepat (efisyen). Ong Tee Keat muda lagi, ini cerita lama bro. Sungguh malang nasib mereka yang tidak dapat membersihkan nama mereka kini. Tetapi Tun, jika Tun benar-benar bersimpati dengan mereka, Tun akan laporkan isu ini kepada polis untuk siasatan keatas pengedar tempatan buku ini. Takkan shipment masuk Port Klang tak ada alamat penerima di Malaysia? Oleh it elok sangat YAB Datuk Seri Najib lepaskan buku-buku ini keluar saja. Menghalang penjualan buku adalah juga bermakna menafikan hak Pak Lah yang saya kasihi untuk membersihkan diri mereka. Saya harap Tun akan mendapat petunjuk untuk benar-benar bersimpati dengan para mereka ini. Saya juga senantiasa berharap Pak Lah akan dapat membersihkan nama beliau selaku Ketua Besar IKIM kini. Baru ada kredibiliti sikit IKIM. Ini susah sebab seorang bekas dewa hindu terbang (masih bebas terbang dan beragama Islam) yang rapat dengan Pak Lah dan mentor KJ sebenarnya juga jual wine di Lembah Kelang. Bistro restorante punya bisnes. Tun mesti dah tahu. Saudagar air anggur perap (14-20% alcohol volume saja). Mereka ini harus diberikan simpati oleh Najib untuk membela diri. Saya harap buku ini dijual segara. Tikus di godown Port Kelang bukan tahu membaca.
Assalamualaikum Ayahenda Tun,
Saya berasa agak hairan mengapa Tun setuju dengan Royal Commission tentang buku Mat Salleh tu. Apapun, Royal Commission ni membuang masa rakyat sahaja, our resources should better be utilised for something positive only.
Tetapi saya rasa Tun perlu gunakan hak Tun mendakwa si Mat Salleh ni ke mahkamah, sekurangnya keputusan Mahkamah nanti dapat di kuatkuasa sepertimana Lee Kuan Yew buat di Singapura.
A little bird told me the Govt could not convene a Royal Commission of Inquiry to clear your name because they could not find 3 honest, impartial Judges in Malaysia to head it, more so since Augustine Paul (RIP) just passed away!! Lol!
Perhaps your Perdana Foundation could hold its own Commission of Inquiry to prove you were not a spendthrift and profligate during whose 22 year tenure $100 billion (probably more) was not wasted away to corruption by you and/or your croneys?
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
may be its in malaysias destiny to be ruled by corrupt greedy politicians after spectacular success under towering personality of Mahathir mohammad…the icon of contemporary pragmatic muslim intellect !
may be we can just pray…that god give us a pious leader…again
But what about the verse from Quran:
“Verily Allah will never change the condition of those who do not change it by themselves”.
I find malaysia as no longer a model country…may be neighbour indonesia will take it over… if not…then turkey is surely on right track !
Salam dan sapaan penuh kehormatan Tun
Umpama Barry Wain dari negara Singa itu ialah meludah ke langit kena muka sendiri, menepuk air di talam basah muka sendiri juga. Tidak habis-habis jentera politik negara Singa itu mencari kesalahan Malaysia bagi meningkatkan rasa seronok tinggal di Singapura kalaulah hebat sangat pemimpin Singapura itu adakanlah pilihanraya bebas. Tun seorang ahli politik yang lebih berani dari KuYow. Temasek pun ada rugi juga lebih dari 4 billion USD baru-baru ini tapi takpun ada kecoh-kecoh. Yang di balunnya Malaysia dan Melayu. Tapi sayangnya Tun sekarang ini pemimpin kita tak ada Grand Plan untuk memajukan negara – setakat beli keretapi tak payah panggil penasihat ekonomi. Cubalah fikir nak buat terusan Segenting Kra jadi boleh potong line Singapore terus, harga minyak dah nak naik ke USD 200 satu tong. Bijaklah sikit PutraJaya !
not worth buying this book. i think malaysian government made the right decision to ban it in malaysia otherwise it just waste of malaysian ringgit & time. those who think that they need to read the book, they can always buy it online. those who are brave enough, one day the free ebook version will surface, and they free to read like it for free.
i think YAB Tun still have avenue to clear his name and at same time doing justice for malaysians so that they dont look like fools.
i just wonder what made or motivate barry to write such a book? another conspiracy..? i wonder
Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
1. Barry Wain?..go to HELL to this bastard.
2. British to colonize Malaysia again?..in your dream and can go to HELL to join Barry Wain.
3. Anybody want to colonize this country?.. i’ll give you free ticket to HELL.
4. I swear to GOD , Allah SWT the Almighty that I’ll defend this beloved country in whatever means from any form of colonization again.
Please don
Semoga diizinkan Tun..
Who let the dogs out?
(woof, woof, woof, woof)
(woof, woof, woof, woof)
(woof, woof, woof, woof)
(woof, woof, woof, woof)
Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)
Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)
It is their master that we should be wary of..
Biar la Tun..anjing menyalak bukit kan bukit tak akan runtuh..
Sound so pathetic! Can’t believe that the post prime ministerial syndrom lasting so long on you!!
Officially Tun is post prime minister..Unofficially he still is
And you..what do you suffers from..PMS ( Pre Menstrual Syndrome ? ) Or PMS ? ( Post Menopausal Syndrome )…:)
Terima kasih Tun..
salam hormat Tun Mahathir
Saya berpendapat Royal Komissin tidak perlu dim laksanakan karna akan membuang waktu dan biaya dan majority rakyak Malaysia dan bangsa serumpun menikmati pembangunan Negara Malaysia yang di terajui Tun.Kami semua bukan buta dan tuli hanya sebahagian kecil rakyat yang kurang berpuas hati karna meraka tidak menghargai perjuangan Tun dan mereka dari golongan yang tamak dan sudah lupakan diri.Yang aneh bangsa kita sendiri mempenting diri daripada anak cucu mereka yang akan menderita seperti saudara kita di negara lain
Tun berhak membawa mereka termasuk saudara lim kit siang dan Malaysiakin di sidang makamah untuk membuktikan kebenaran Tun.
Lagi satu masalah timbul.Menurut saya umat Islam di permukaan bumi ini sanggup korban kan nyawa untuk membela agama dan bangsa.Ini berbedaan yang paling menonjol dengan agama lain. Yang aneh Party PAS pura2 buat tidak tahu apa lagi mengaku pembela agama Islam.Saya rasa pengikut party Pas harus ambil tindakan yang keras sebelum mereka terpesong. Ummat Islam di Malaysia harus bersatu dalam hal ini demi agama dan bangsa.Bila kita berpecah bangsa ini akan hancur dan siapa yang untung pengikut2 DAP.Seperti negara Israel yang hancurkan musuh mereka negara2 arab Amerika syarikat dan sekutunya menyerang Iraq dan tidak lama lagi menyerang Iran.
Dear Tun,
May God bless You with good health and long live.
You did mention several times in your blogs regarding RM270 million of Petronas money being used by Government under previous Prime Minister for unknown purposes. He rule the country for only 5 years and I agree during your tenure as PM for 22 years only RM127 billion Petronas money was spent.
Surprisingly not many readers of your blogs also have touched on this matter. The opposition leaders especially Mr Lim Kit Siang very quiet on this. Even the leaders of the government never braved enough to denied or at lease say that the matters need to be studied or investigated or as usual a Royal Commission to be formed.
The question struck in my and everyone minds that the allegation could possibly be true. I just guessing. Can the Prime Minister or someone from the Government side give clear picture on this matter for the interest of the public.
It is not fair if only Tun Mahathir alone nows.
Saman saja Tun. Minta Dato VK Lingam uruskan.
Dear Tun,
1. Barry Wain is not Malaysian nor Malay.
2. He has no idea on what he talked or wrote!
3. Just ignore him.
4. Let us pray for Tun Mahathir. May Allah bless you in a health and happiness and long life.
5. We love Tun Mahathir.
Dear TUN,
It saddens me deep in my heart when you come out with a statement like this one. I think you are so much disturbed by the fact that all the top leaders are trying to find a scapegoat to the very big problems at hand in politic, social and our economy.
At least I never did hear you say
“There is no country more rotten, no race more racist, no party more corrupt than Malaysia, the Malays and UMNO. And of course there is no PM more abusive of his authority than the PM of Malaysia of 22 years. Really Malaysia should revert to being a British colony again”.
I think you have shaken the grave of Tunku Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn who have both been responsible in sponsoring you to the premiership of our country. Maybe by now they are asking GOD to give them back their life so they can get back some sense from you.
Maybe this is what we need to get this country back into shape. I am sorry that I’ve settle myself into this kind of interpretation but i need to say something about this. I think it is not so kind to talk to you like this.
But TUN, I really hope that you will resolve your internal problems. Please get back to the IDEALIST that you are, that man who envisioned the year 2020; that architect who have design Petronas Tower, KLIA, Sepang F1, and Kuala Lumpur very briliantly;
that man who is daring enough to fend off George Soros, The United Nation and so on.
All this was done when you were THE IDEALIST, not the WEEPING AND CRYING TIGER THAT YOU ARE NOW.
Forgive me if I am out of my line with my diagnosis about you.
Thank you Tun, thak you for delivering to me the great Malaysia that I’m living now.
Dear TUN,
It saddens me deep in my heart when you come out with a statement like this one. I think you are so much disturbed by the fact that all the top leaders are trying to find a scapegoat to the very big problems at hand in politic, social and our economy.
At least I never did hear you say
“There is no country more rotten, no race more racist, no party more corrupt than Malaysia, the Malays and UMNO. And of course there is no PM more abusive of his authority than the PM of Malaysia of 22 years. Really Malaysia should revert to being a British colony again”.
I think you have shaken the grave of Tunku Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn who have both been responsible in sponsoring you to the premiership of our country. Maybe by now they are asking GOD to give them back their life so they can get back some sense from you.
Maybe this is what we need to get this country back into shape. I am sorry that I’ve settle myself into this kind of interpretation but i need to say something about this. I think it is not so kind to talk to you like this.
But TUN, I really hope that you will resolve your internal problems. Please get back to the IDEALIST that you are, that man who envisioned the year 2020; that architect who have design Petronas Tower, KLIA, Sepang F1, and Kuala Lumpur very briliantly;
that man who is daring enough to fend off George Soros, The United Nation and so on.
All this was done when you were THE IDEALIST, not the WEEPING AND CRYING TIGER THAT YOU ARE NOW.
Forgive me if I am out of my line with my diagnosis about you.
Thank you Tun, thak you for delivering to me the great Malaysia that I’m living now.
Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi waba rokatuh..
Moga di izinkan Tun..
Ala..Tun..janganlah merajuk..:)
Bio le ( Biarkan ) apa orang nak kata tentang Tun..Kerana tepat sekali Firman Allah di dalam Al Quran..
Sedikit sekali yang bersyukur..
Tun kan dah letih melayan kerenah rakyat seperti mereka?..
Cukup la tu..Biar kami je yang melayan mereka..
Tentang Tun (?)
Dolla tu sabar Tun..Masanya akan tiba..
The past will catch up with him..
Sementara itu Tun sabar banyak-banyak..
We are always here..Right behind you..
Here is some catch phrase :-
Tun Mahathir…Malaysia Boleh
wajatimur..Kekalkan Semangat Juang Mu..!!
wajaperak..Life Is Hereafter…Akhirat itulah kehidupan..
Terima kasih Tun..
Assalamualaikum Tun,
1.Al Baqarah: 120
“Sesungguhnya Yahudi dan Kristian tidak akan redho dengan kamu selama-lamanya sehinggalah kamu menurut cara hidup mereka. Katakanlah ‘sesungguhnya petunjuk ALLAH itulah petunjuk yang benar’. Dan sesungguhnya jika kamu memilih untuk mengikuti kemahuan Yahudi dan Kristian ini setelah datang kepada kamu ‘ilmu (Al Quran), maka ALLAH tidak lagi menjadi pelindung dan penolong bagimu”.
2.Sekarang ini berbagai cara dilakukan oleh mereka di sebabkan kita tidak mengikut cara mereka, terbaru isu penggunaan kalimah ALLAH.
3.Segala kesempatan dan peluang akan mereka ambil untuk memecah-belah dan memburukkan orang MELAYU dan ISLAM, kerana mereka tidak pernah redho dengan kita.
Why even considering a Royal Commission? Are you guys retarded? How would the content written by Barry Wain affect Malaysians so badly that we need a Royal Commission? Mr. Mahathir is an ordinary citizen. If he feels that the book has libeled his good name, get a redress from the courts. Unless you are afraid of the proof he has on you in court.
Well, one thing i can say for sure, Barry Wain is not stupid and i believe there is some truth to what he has written but it may have been exaggerated to shock and awe readers.
To sue or not to sue, that is the question. Choose wisely Mr. Mahathir.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
I think Malaysians are interested too to read Barry Wain book. Let it be published and distributed in Malaysia. We are not stupid to simply accept whatever the writer may say. A paid-writer like Barry may think that we are less brilliant. You are absolutely wrong.Our only different is we do not use whatever advantage we have to smear the good name of people like what you have done. So Murray free yourselve from being a paid-journalist, writer or whatsoever..
YABhg Tun,
You are really one of the few leaders in the world who continues to recieve varied reactions to your sharp remarks and incisive criticism. KDN and PDRM should by now decide that the book written by Wain be allowed to be openly sold. Let the public decide. Whatever our politically minded public have made up their minds. Those anti-Mahathir will never say anything good about him under whatever circumstances and likewise those loyal supporters will maintain their solid stand in support of the Grand Old Man.
There are still people out there who think too highly of S’pore and blame the NEP for the so-called lack of positive progress in Malaysia.
Those who support S’pore purposely forgot that it is a homogenous state with one single racial group with nearly 80% majority and holds control over finance, economy and the vast security and defence faciliities. Control over security is very tight and no Singaporean dares to crticise the Government the way Malaysians are doing now.
On the NEP, it has been said and explained time and time again that the bumiputera only enjoys 30% wheres others the balance 70%. From that meaagre 30% will eventually reduce to 15% which of course will be taken over by the others who with 70% advantage will always be reluctant to share with the bumiputera.
Just have a look around with number of houses and condos being built, how many bumiputeras do you think can afford to buy those in the range of RM 1 million and above? Very few.
The Govt should now conduct a house-ownership survey with racial breakdown just to explain to the world the truth on the distribution of wealth in the country.
Tun’s oft-repeated comment that the crux of Malaysia’s success is that spirit of tolerance generally generated by the Govt and the Malays. And of course the word “amok” has a Malay origin just don’t push too far!
Barry Wain – a predator that is synonym to the British ningKompu (not to mention) which was once a slave to the English aristocrat during the imperial era. Barry is a paid missionary by the maggot to belittle us. As known well most westerners and our ‘friendly neighbour’ received popular gains by condemming Tun or Malaysia within those 22 years productive administration. Behind all this are still our very own people and that are none other than the opposition ningKompus ! and yet they still dare to potray a decent democracy fighters living like a parasite breathing among peace loving Malaysians built on 50 years far-sighted leaders!
sejak 6/7taun kebelakangan nih hati saya selalu rasa libang libu
haru biru ngan kepimpinan tertinggi negara…..depa ni ada cita2 nak jd pemimpin tapi tak belajar nak jadi pemimpin…..kaler saya ada kuasa sakti..(he he he..)saya jadikan bapak pm balik..bling..bling….tapi saya pun tau bapak nak gak buat perkara
yg bapak suka sesangat yg bapak takder masa bapak nak buat masa jadi pm…..la ni ada pm pun serupa takder jer…..yg org2 m’sia pun suka na makan umpan dari org2 yg nak kacau bilaukan m’sia…
najib ni org tak hormat dia ke…dgn kedudukkan najib org tak hormat ke….atau menda dah jadi baru najib nak bagi nasihat/pandangan…..
nak bagi cadangan bapak saman si barry tu pun bapak bukan suka
saman2 org2…bapak lebih arif hal2 mcm nih…tapi kalolah kan bapak nak saman harap2 bapak saman 100 trillion usd tak termasuk kos guaman yg barry tanggung semua…..
bukan aper kan ke dia gunakkan nama bapak yg satu globe kenai…sbb suka2 ati dia jer cemar nama bapak….
maverick ka firaun ka mahazalim ka apa2 ka….saya sayang bapak…
a’kum Tun yg amat2 saya sanjungi….
Tun, jgn hirau dgn Brian tu….dia bukan tau sgt sapa Tun. Dia bukan org Malaysia pun…Klu dia orang Malaysia, dia mesti tak cakap yg buruk2 pasal Tun, pasal Malaysia. Negaraku yang tercinta. Klu ada yang kutuk2 pasal Tun dan pentadbiran yg dolu2 tu, maknanya dia org tu kategori orang yang tak tau nak bersyukur.
TUKAR LA BERAPA PM PUN…..TUN LAH YANG TERBAIK BAGI KAMI. 22 tahun kami menikmati khidupan yang hebat….aman dgn pembangunan yang dpt dinikmati semua rakyat…TERMASUK LA PEMBANGKANG…yg dok bising komen Tun tak bagus….jgn risau Tun…Allah dah janji…SETIAP KEBAIKAN AKAN DIBALAS DENGAN KEBAIKAN….Semuanya atas izin Allah S.W.T. Doa kami SEMOGA ALLAH SENTIASA MELINDUNGI TUN SERTA KELUARGA. SEMOGA DIKURNIAKAN OLEH ALLAH KESIHATAN YANG BAIK.
*isu penggunaan nama Allah- cadangan saya yg x berapa pndai ni la… suruh jer org2 bukan islam tu MASUK ISLAM…kalau nak pakai sgt nama ALLAH…kite pun tak pakai nama tuhan dia orang..sebab kite ni orang Islam…jadi nak jadi hamba Allah…masuklah ISLAM. semoga mereka diberi hidayah oleh Allah…
Salam hormat, salam sayang buat Tun dan Tun Hasmah…semoga terus berbahagia.
Please post some juicy excerpts from the book, in case the book is banned in Malaysia. Even if it isn’t, we don’t have to buy the book and support Barry Wain. 🙂
salam TUN
amat malang lagi TUN tak dapat nak clearkan nama sendiri
dan berkokoklah pihak pembangkang dengan isu TUN..
saya pun teringin membaca tulisan si Barry Wain yang mana mungkin terlebih minum Brandy.. harap kerajaan dibawah CEG DSNTR membenarkan ia dijual dipasaran ataupun rampas buku tersebut dan bagi free rakyat membaca hasil tulisan yang terlebih brandy..
salam hormat semua
Fazly Mohd
Kota Anggeriks
sometime you have to waste something in order to get a bigger outcome. you can not earn a ringgit without investing a single sen. you can not waste everything at everytime.malaysia should be ahead of singapore in every aspect but because of the new economic policy we lack behind.the malay should be blamed for this because they never grab the good apportunities you created for them.NOBODY CAN DENY YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO MALAYSIA because you are one hell of the best PM of the century.
Dear Tun,
The book ‘Mahathir the Malaysian Maverick’ by Barry Wain is priced at 65 pounds is too expensive. I checked bookshops around Sheffield, England they dont keep stock. I may have to mail order the book. Therefore I cant comment since I haven’t read the book.
The Malaysian Government did the right thing by not investigating what Barry Wain said in his book. We should just move on. No point setting up Royal Commission.
However, if Tun strongly feels aggrieved by unfair accusation and libelling by Barry Wain, you can always seek redress by sueing him and demand appropriate compensation. Neverthelesss, I feel that litigation is energy sapping and create alot of anxiety and tension. It may not be good for Tun because you have a heart condition. Unlike Lee Kuan Yew, he enjoys litigation like Tiger Woods enjoys playing golf
amin tan
apa habaq tun,
Sebahagian rakyat malaysia tak tahu apa masalah dengan sistem perundangan kita,siapa yang menentukan satu-satu kes itu dicepat atau dilambatkan dan atas sebab apa.
Kerajaan telah diberi kuasa oleh kita semua takkan tak tahu nak buat bagi cepat dan mudah.Memang menyusahkan orang-orang yang terlibat dengan kes-kes di mahkamah disebabkan tertangguh begitu lama sepertimana tun sebutkan sebelum ini.
Beribu juta duit negara keluar,masalah kehakiman macam lama juga,malah makin teruk nampak.yang dikata 1Malaysia ialah duit,kuasa,entah apa-apa lagi seluruh Malaysia semuanya untuk yang besar-besar di atas sana berbelanja; “Satu untuk 1Malaysia,satu untuk aku”.
Satu lagi Tun,
Apa kata tun komen tentang pendapat sekolah satu sessi (8.30 pagi-4 ptg).bagi saya ianya sangat sesuai untuk Wawasan 2020.benda lain boleh buat,untuk pelaburan Modal Insan(trade mark Pak lah tu..)tak boleh ka…
selamat sejahtera Tun Dr Mahathir sekeluarga
Salam Ayahda Tun ,
We are in a way still under the Brittish colony ,
Look around us ,
We tend to be a colonised Brittish’s in our own way ,
can’t fight them ,joint them and be happy ,
when we want to fight them ,fight them to the end ,
only when we are able dance on the air , just do it .
Less talk just do it .
Assalamualaikum to all,
I just wanna say this,
My country maybe not be the perfect place to live, neither our leaders are a perfect man, nor our people the perfect citizen.
But I know everywhere else, other country, other nation leaders, other nation’s citizen are no better than we are right now.
Hence, I love my country be what ever it will become, I love our leaders even how ‘unstable’ you may be, and I love my people, malaysian people, even how crazy they can become….
Who ever like to critisize this, only 1 thing will I say, take it or to hell you leave it.
salam TUN
Sound so pathetic! Can’t believe that the post prime ministerial syndrom lasting so long on you!!
Dear Tun
RM270 Bilion adalah nilai yang banyak tu..270 ribu juta..
Kalau di berikan seorang rakyat Malaysia RM1 juta, kita dah ada 270,000 orang Malaysia bergelar jutawan.
Kalau 60% dari 270,000 di atas adalah Muslim, maka kita akan ada 162,000 jutawan Muslim di Malaysia. Duit tu dah diguna pakai untuk projek apa yek?
Saya… Belum jutawan pun..
Masih kerja kilang
Salam Tun,
My contemplation,the government turned down the setting up of the royal commission was of the view that it might be a precedent to others. Probably the closets has yet to be neatened.
Dear Tun Dr M,
Care, prudence, responsible, fair and true are the qualities needed in a writer of non-fiction materials (mainly concerning personalities). The publishers too are to ensure such guidelines are adhered to in each and every of their publication. It is very sensitive and damaging if the materials are on personalities.
The authenticity of what is written need to be supported by truth and adequate research. I would say such materials should not be allowed to be published if the above qualities are lacking.
Better still, the affected party is given details of material related to them and be given adequate time frame to protest and to challenge the contents of the materials. Only when this process is completed, the writeup of the personalities be allowed.
Assalammualaikum Tok Det,
1. Awat Tok Det dok komen pasai buku si Barry Wain haprak ni
2. Tak pasai-pasai Tok Det dok promote buku si barua tu di sini noo.
3. Blog Che Det ni berjuta orang baca setiap hari. Sampai si Yahudi Israel yang dok menyampah kat Tok Det pun dok baca hari-hari.
4. Tok Det pulak bagi jalan suruh si barua tu terjemahkan buku dia ke Bahasa Melayu.
5. Lagilah buku si barua tu nanti laku bagai nak rak macam AP import kereta di Malaysia!
6. Kalau si barua tu bayar royalti komisen kat Tok Det takpa la jugak.
7. Pasai apa sebenarnya si barua tu dok guna nama besaq Tok Det promote buku dia bagi laku satu dunia.
8. Nama Tok Det ni ada nilai komersial. Satu dunia kenal! Sapa tak kenal Tok Det? Indonesia? Iran? Jepun? Australia? Amerika? Semua kenal. Kat Singapore lagilah Tok Det popular bagai nak gila. Orang Singapore memang tak boleh dengaq nama Tok Det. Terbeliak biji mata depa. Lebih-lebih lagi si tua kayu tu. Sapa lagi kalau bukan Lee Kuan Yew!!! Di Malaysia peminat no 1 Tok Det mungkin Si Khairy kot. Silap-silap dia dah beli 10 buah. Satu nak bagi Pak Lah kot!
9. Lagu tu biaqla Kerajaan Malaysia haramkan buku si barua tu. Kalau tidak senang sangat si barua tu buat untung besaq nanti.
10. Patutnya Tok Det mintak royalti komisen dari Barry Wain bukan minta kerajaan buat Royal Commission. Lagipun Royal Commission ni semua kerja Si Anwar, Kit Sing & Nik Aziz Bersaudara Sdn Bhd. Tok Det jangan dok campur kerja bangang diaorang tu.
11. Lepaih ni sapa-sapa nak buat buku pasal Tok Det kah, kutuk Tok Det kah, puji Tok Det kah, mesti bayar royalti komisen 30%. Asal pakai nama Tok Det saja mesti kena bayar komisen.
12. Tok Det bayar saya 2% sebagai penasihat sudahlah. Janganlah bayar RM1 macam Penasihat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor YB (baca yang bersih dari segala dosa-dosa besar) Anwar Ibrahim. Tak dak klass noooo..
13. Lagi 3% masuk Tabung UMNO dan 10% masuk Tabung Bantuan Kepada Orang Melayu yang kurang berkemampuan. Sebab UMNO dan Orang Melayu ada share interest dengan nama Tok Det. Tapi UMNO tak boleh bagi banyak-banyak nanti habis semua depa songlap buat rasuah perwakilan.
14. Baki 10% untuk Tok Det. Kalau Tok Det tak mau bolehlah kita tubuhkan satu TABUNG YAYASAN MAHATHIR. Nanti boleh guna duit tabung ni kita sponsor VIVA PALESTINA!
15. Ada sapa-sapa boleh tolong bagitau lagu mana kita hakmilikan ataupun patenkan jenama Tok Det. Nanti kita bagilah konsultan fi.
To Barry Wain,
And you just a jobless writer made popular making big money using DR MAHATHIR BLOCKBUSTER name without paying royalty.
You capitalist scumbag!!!
From Mahathir The Dictator die hard fan,
Call me ungrateful or whatever, with increasing inflation, stagnant pays and low quality of life, it may be better off if we are still colonised. At least if Malaysia suck, we can all jump into a jet and head to England for a better life.
You may hate the Westerners and their ideologies but atleast they their government is accountable to its citizens by a million times better than Malaysia. REmember judicial crisis 1988? BOOM!! There goes every Malaysians last defense against the government. Separation of power in Malaysia = FAIL.
But i doubt even the Brits would want to keep this god forsaken land ravished by the plague of corruption and economic waste and mismanagement. In terms of economics, Malaysia is a LIABILITY.
Dear Tun,
There is no need for a RC. We are the true witnesses to your sincere leadership. People with vested interests deliberately do not ascribe you for what Malaysia is today, hence all the unsubstantiated mud slinging. What it has become after you left office is proof positive of your effective leadership. I truly miss your guidance of our beloved country. You will always have a special place in our hearts. take very good care of you health. God bless you and your family.
Best regards
Allah belongs to muslims only ????
so what abt our rukunnegara ??
kepercayaan kepada tuhan
whose tuhan is this ? should we remove tuhan from rukunegara or when saying the rukunegara, muslims will say Allah while non msims will say Tuhan ??
Assalam mualaikum
Dear Tun,
If only what you have written in your blog can be printed in The Star or Utusan Melayu than a lot more of the Malaysians wil able to know the truths.
I enjoyed readinI your Blog but I do know that those that hate or dont support you wil never ever read what you have written. They already closed their hearts and eyes and continue to backmouth you even though it is all lies. This is really sad because they will forever be duped into beleiving those that are against you
How I wish the Government of the day, aloows you to write in the Star or Utusan Malaysia. this will make more young Malaysians understand the situation better.
Salam to your family Tun.
Y.Bhg Tun,
Itu lah sikap majmuk rakyat Malaysia. Lebih percaya pada orang asing dari kepimpinan telah terbukti membangunkan negara. Really Malaysia should revert to being a British colony again…. kalau mereka nak rasa..terserah lah..terutama generasi muda….barulah mereka tahu apa akan jadi…. tidak kemanapun mereka ini nanti.
Dear Tun,
I just love the way that you responded on this subject. Still the same Dr. M that we all know (not all admire but again like you said before you leave your office….I don’t care).
Until such a day somebody with your caliber runs this country, you are still the best PM this country can ever had. We still hunger for your service.
Well everybody knows how to criticize you but probably none of them can become a great leader like you.
We are human and human is not perfect….else we could become god.
Dear Tun:
I suggest you should seek compensation from the Author & publisher for the profits they earned using you as a scapegoat and telling lies to readers. They money can be donated to your foundation.
Sememangnya kebenaran itu amat pahit
Saya mohon agar ayahanda dapat bersabar kerana kebenaran pasti akan timbul dan termaktub dalam sejarah negara. Anggaplah mereka yang menulis buku tersebut hanya merasa cemburu dengan pencapaian yang Malaysia kecapi selama 50 tahun ia merdeka.
Barry Wain adalah seorang penulis yang hanya tahu mengkritik untuk mendapat publisiti dan mungkin kerana dia tak dapat jadi PM. Jaga kesihatan bebaik ayahanda dan saya doakan agar ayahanda dikurniakan kesihatan dan dipanjangkan umur. 🙂
/// 2. Now I cannot clear my name nor can Abdullah clear his name. Barry Wain must be very happy. He can go on libelling everyone he likes and nothing will happen to him. ///
Why nod? Just sue Barry Wain if he has libelled you. Why do you need a Royal Commission to clear your name? Sue Barry for RM1 billion.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. I just got back and had wanted to comment on the Kalimah Allah issue. I had earlier written some notes down on words but don
Che Det…usah gentar dan usah risau…ini semua dakyah dan strategi org luar utk menjatuhkan maruah Tun. Sad indeed where such lies spun by the detractors created false knowledge among the people. Malaysians should have been more pro active in search of the truth.
Che Det you have the right to sue Barry Wain, Kit Siang & Malaysia kini…..
Kami senantiasa menyokong dan berdoa yg terbaik buat Che Det,the best Prime Minister of Malaysia…
Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun.
Dalam isu ini, pada pendapat saya Barry amatlah berniat jahat. Perbuatan ini dirancang oleh pihak-pihak tertentu hanya untuk menjatuhkan nama Ayah Tun.
Berjuta rakyat Malaysia menyokong Ayah Tun dalam perkara ini. Kami tetap dibelakang Ayah Tun. Kami percaya semua ini adalah pembohongan yang dirancang. Semoga Ayah Tun dapat menghadapinya dengan tenang dan sabar.
blog: KedahKeKL.blogspot.com
Ybhg Tun,
Wanita diambil gambar bogel boleh ditubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja untuk membersihkan nama Negara Malaysia. Inikan pula isu yang boleh menjejaskan nama baik kedua-dua negarawan kita, saya berharap kerajaan dapat mempertimbangkan semula agar nama baik mereka yang tercalar dapat dibersihkan dengan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya DiRaja bebas.
Membersihkan nama kedua-dua negarawan kita itu bermakna membersihkan nama BN khususnya UMNO.
wow u r brave..do you think that the true copy is available somewhere else? maybe not in malaysia..maybe online..maybe other methods
Dear Tun M,
I truly agree with Barry Wain’s perception regarding “There is no race more racist, no party more corrupt than Malaysia, the Malays and UMNO”, but i’m totally against him saying that you are a dictator. Can you not agree with that? Many still find that you are a wise PM unlike the present and the previous and i’m one of them!! Stay healthy sir!
Kalau BN tidak mahu tubuhkan Royal Commission, apa pandangan rakyat. Rakyat memperhatikan sahaja. Saya ingin bertanya, bolehkan TUN sue Barry kerana menyiarkan fitnah keatas TUN. Bila bicara nanti bukankah dia akan memberi keterangan dengan bukti yang mengatakan tomahannya itu betul.
1. Tun, from your final paragraph, I can see that you are very upset, and disappointed.
2. I hope that you did not lose hope with us, and with me and with some other Malaysian who wanted to see changes happening in Malaysian for the better.
3. We still need your guidance to shape this country.
4. I hope you continue to fight for us and in turn we will help fight for you.
salam tun..
barry wain ni lupa yang dia dok acah ghimau…
Salam Tun;
Why the heck do we care about what outsiders think or write about our country??? Lets focus on our economy and rice bowl!