1. During Zahid Hamidi’s trial he alleged that I threatened him with being charged for his crimes unless he dissolved UMNO.
2. I did not comment as I thought I should not comment on the trial unless I was called to bear witness.
3. But I was not called. Instead the AG decided to offer him a DNAA which meant the court was not allowed to decide on his allegation. But actually the allegation was not completely true.
4. Zahid came to see me after UMNO (Barisan Nasional) lost in the 14th Election. At that time several members of UMNO, including Hamzah Zainudin, had resigned from the party and had joined Bersatu. I expected Zahid to do the same. But he seemed determined to resuscitate UMNO.
5. I told him that UMNO could not be revived. I advised him to dissolve UMNO.
6. Up to that point Zahid’s allegation was correct. But I did not threaten to charge him for his misappropriating the fund of Yayasan Akal Budi (YAB).
7. I did not simply because I did not know much about his misdeeds. That was something that the A.G. (Tommy Thomas) would be looking into.
8. Zahid came to see me again. He was carrying a thick file. He claimed that he was innocent and the files would prove it.
9. I simply told him to show the files to the judge. I told him I had no authority to do anything for him.
10. He withdrew the files. I believe the AG preferred charges against him and he had to answer in the court.
11. The AG has the right to charge anyone if he is convinced that there was a case. The PM’s opinion is not required.
12. I wish I had been called as a witness to verify whether the allegation made by Zahid was true or not. But I was not called. Still I need to clarify that at no time did I threaten Zahid.