1. After three days in the Epworth Hospital, it was suggested that I be discharged but should continue treatment under the Hospital in the Home service.

2. The Home Hospital has a full staff of doctors, specialists and nurses. They will carry out the full hospital treatment, periodical medical examination and treatment, intravenous drips, physiotherapy etc. They do not stay with patients but would visit at the designated time and stay as long as necessary.

3. It is far better than house-call by doctors as they can only give limited service. You feel you are being well looked after as in the hospital, but you have the ambience of home and family.

4. I don’t know if we have this service or not but I believe it can contribute to being a developed country.

5. Another service I experienced is the ambulance service. The two ambulance personnel are very highly trained to give first aid including CPR, proper handling of fractures, take blood pressure and heart rate, ECG and other signs and symptoms.

6. They handle their patients very competently, are in continuous communication with the hospital to ensure preparation for receiving the patients.

7. I believe an effort was made by local doctors to provide this kind of service in Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately after the ambulances had been acquired the financiers backed out. The Return on Investment was not good enough.

8. The Government does not operate a full ambulance service. Nor do all hospitals provide such service.

9. There are now many hospitals in KL – both public and private. A good ambulance service can save many lives.

10. Maybe the Government could afford to support the superior ambulance service in one way or another – at least until they become viable. What we need is just one. If several such service is licensed, all would be likely to fail.


  1. Hi Tun,
    I would like to suggest a method that could save up to 50% of the time taken for the victim to be sent to the hospital, if this method has not been implemented yet.
    The suggestion is, put the ambulances in various locations in the area being served by a particular hospital. When an emergency call is received, then the chances for an ambulance to be in the vicinity of the victim are higher. After sending the victim to the hospital, then the ambulance will go back to its “base” (which is not located in the hospital, but spread out across the city).
    Hi Tun,
    Thank you for your initiative on the internet broadband. I urge the government to hasten the laying out of the fibre optic cables around the big cities to encourage people to work at home and communicate visually and in audio, to each other using a webcam. Then the traffic jams in the cities can be greatly reduced.
    Thank you Tun for all your contributions to the country. May all the glory be to God the Almighty. In Jesus name I pray.

  2. Salam Tun,
    Syukur alhamdullilah Tun sudah kembali sihat.
    ‘A good ambulance service can save many lives.’
    Saya setuju dan terimakasih kerana Tun suarakannya.
    Saya telah mengalami pengalaman menaiki ambulan di Kuala Lumpur sebanyak 4 kali walaupun di usia yang masih muda. *Penyakit nak datang tak kira usia* Banyak kali selepas pulih saya terfikir kenapalah teruk sangat pengalaman naik ambulan ni rasanya seperti naik lori ‘hantu’ yang melalui jalan berlekuk-lekuk.
    Setiap kali selepas diturunkan dari ambulan seluruh badan sakit-sakit dan kepenatan satu hari. Tak tahulah saya kalau keadaan saya sihat pengalaman itu berbeza tapi melihat keadaan doctor dan nurse yang melantun-lantun bila duduk di kerusi sebelah katil saya, rasanya perasaan tu mungkin tak jauh beza.
    Apapun diharapkan satu hari nanti kerajaan akan mempunyai budget untuk isu ini. Insyaallah.
    Terimakasih Tun.
    Salam sejahtera sentiasa hendaknya.

  3. Dearest Tun,
    May I..
    // By difefuAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2010 8:20 AM
    Dear Tun
    ….The army can buy small size helicopters which can be doubled for civilian use, to ferry casualties in major, confirmed road or other accidents (such as that happened in Pedas) to the hospitals. To avoid misuse, only major and confirmed accidents can make use of this facility. //
    Great idea Difefu.
    But somehow this air-bulance,ambucopter,helibulance,helichopper,whatever you call it may only be considered in Malaysia after it has been successfully done in Melbourne by the Royal Australian Airforce..
    Maybe we can try sell this idea to Rosmah coz if she likes it there may be hope.Try to get this communicated to her before next years First Ladies Summit.
    Thanks Tun.

  4. Dear YABhg Tun
    Syukur Alhamdulillah Tun selamat dan sihat wal afiat. Semoga kesihatan Tun terjaga dengan baiknya. Amin

  5. salam. glad you’re back.please dont do this to us again…
    Ramai yang bercakap tentang “taking pride with what we do.” Saya baru pulang dari Switzerland, apa yang saya ingin kongsi bukanlah tentang kecantikan negara tersebut tetapi sikap professional yang saya temui dalam di dalam setiap warga Swiss yang saya jumpa. Di atas keretapi, pemeriksa tiket akan berjalan dengan penuh rasa bangga dan tertib, menegur setiap penumpang dengan hormat malah berjenaka dengan kanak kanak yang ada! Bukan seorang Tun, tapi semua begitu!Dan mereka melakukan dengan penuh mudah “effortless”!Mereka sabar menunggu kita mengambil tiket, menjawab pertanyaan dengan bersungguh sungguh. Itu baru pemeriksa tiket Tun,kami berjumpa, penjual aiskrim,kashier, penjaga landasan malah tukang sapu jalan.Rakyat biasa, yang kami temui, semuanya tertib dan sopan!Itulah yang kita kurang di negara kita Tun.saya berpeluang pergi ke satu “funfair” mereka. kalau di sini permainan funfair akan di jaga oleh “mat mat rempit/ toke tua dan uzur berpakaian selekeh. di sana kerjaya itu dibuat secara professional,kita tidak akan naik merry go round di sini kerana takut ia akan roboh!permainan “gajah/ rides kanak kanak di jaga sempurna , penjaga tiket bersikap professional dan prihatin.adakah itu makna masyarakat Maju tun?
    apa yang elok tentang mereka kita tiru ye Tun. Tun ke merata dunia , tapi sebagai dignitaries tinggal di Hotel 6 star, kami rakyat biasa, berjalan secara “budget trip” dapat melihat dan menilai dari bawah dan mengambil iktibar dari apa yang di lihat di luar negeri.setiap lapisan penduduknya bersikap professional. dari yang kedudukan “bawah” hingga ke atas. Kami tinggal di hotel budget tapi tetap merasa layanan/kebersihan/servis yang sama bagus seperti di hotel “berbintang”
    Di sini kita tak boleh “komplen” banyak sekiranya kita di layan tidak acuh oleh mereka yg kononnya “tak mengaji tinggi”kononnya “they are supposed to react that way”.Kalau pergi ke jabatan kerajaan, kalu tak dapat senyuman dari kerani kaunter , jangan lah marah.. kalu hotel 5 bintang lainlah.Kita di asuh begitu oleh sistem kehidupan kita Tun.Saya ingin melihat perubahan ini,saya akan mulakan dengan diri sendiri dan keluarga sendiri.
    salam Tun .sekadar berkongsi.

  6. Dear Tun,
    I wish to express my opinion.
    I think it is time for the government to plan key hospitals with helipads.
    The army can buy small size helicopters which can be doubled for civilian use, to ferry casualties in major, confirmed road or other accidents (such as that happened in Pedas) to the hospitals. To avoid misuse, only major and confirmed accidents can make use of this facility.
    Juz my 1 sen worth of opinion.

  7. YABhg Tun,
    …others would have taken a rest while in hospital,
    but, not you sir …’re most incredible!!

  8. Alhamdulillah Tun is recovered. May you continue to be in good health with Allah’s Blessings.
    I felt touched and encouraged by your favourable comments regarding your experience with the Melbourne-based “Hospital @ Home” facility/ concept.
    Being a founder and M.D. of a new company,(MN Al Falah)- albeit 8 months’ old, which focuses on a holistic Home Nursing service, I feel even more motivated by Tun’s encouraging words, to move my young company forward as a Muslim-Bumi enterpreneur.
    Our Home Care incorporates nursing, physiotherapy,counselling and doctor’s services, in addition to spiritual nurturing of the patient, the latter being the first element in the set-up of such a service.
    I can only wish the big banks can see what Tun can “see”.. to help finance a new company like ours. Most already turned down my applications, making it even harder for local small companies like mine,to move forward and compete with much larger (perhaps foreign) companies.
    I have lived in Adelaide and Melbourne for a good 11 years, so I understand perfectly, Tun’s FIRST- hand experience with the warmth of Australian people as a whole, and their holistic people-friendly system.
    My Home Nursing website can be viewed at…
    May Allah bless you all.

  9. Assalam mualaikum
    Syukur lahamdullilah Tun telah kembali ke tanah air dgn selamat nya. Saya inigin nasehat pada Tun, kalau boleh kurang kan perjalanan jauh yg melebihi lebih dari 6 jam dgn pesawat.
    Some 3 years ago, I did write to Khazanah and a few GLCs including hospitals such as Sime Medical Centre, Pantai Hospital ,ectc suggesting and proposing to open, set up and operate a Post Recovery and Rehabilation Centre for patient after major surgery that need care outside the hositals. With such centres available, their families and beloved ones can easily drop by anytime of the day to look into their recovery rather than crowding the hospital corridors and distrubing other patients.
    Such Post RandR Centre should also be set up in markets such as Indonesia that need such facilties after coming back from Singapore, Maaysia and even Hongkong for their surgeries and operations.
    Sadly Kahazanah and company did not bother to respond to my suggestion and proposal.
    This business of Post R&R can be lucrative as most household do not have the mediacal expertise to look after their loved ones during the recovery period. Hence by setting up such facilties, they are assured and feel comfortable that their loved ones are taken care of by rofessional medical staff.
    Sedih, not only our Government people but those in the semi Government, GLCs, etc just cannot Think Out Of The Box.

  10. Dearest Tun
    //By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on October 12, 2010 12:43 AM
    Dear Tun,
    I wonder whether the First Ladies Summit organised by the “dynamic” wife of our PM, Rosmah, is really of any significance to make the world body like the United Nations notice of its main objective. //
    1-I share Pakbelalang’s concern on the above.I think the UN already got a lot of pressing issues that they have not yet really looked into effectively..
    2-Rosmah would do her husband justice if she could just stay low profile like our beloved Tun Dr Hasmah.With the tough high profile image, she is only feeding the opposition with the opportunities to destroy Najib come PRU13.
    3-The First woman has not been appointed by the rakyat to do all these summit talks..they were only appointed by their husbands to be their wives and be moms to their kids.So the only kind of talk they should be involved is how to make sure their husbands and kids are happy with them and the related.
    4-And that too on their own expenses.At a time the Govt is talking about the need to cut subsidies Najib should have been more sensitive about unnecessary Govt expenditure.
    5-Its these little little things that can sometimes destroy a person.Wisemen say “Small leaks sink big ships”.
    Thanks Tun.

  11. Salam Tun
    Maybe you should have mentioned that it cost you AUD 2000 for that ambulance ride. In a country that pays an average tax bracket of between 40% to 50%, you will still have to pay for your ambulance service. And your healthcare.
    In Malaysia, our average tax bracket is between 10% to 20%; and we pay nothing for our ambulance services. Do you still think it is a fair comparison? Worse, our political leaders use our ambulances to follow them around. We have not enough doctors and nurses and not enough ambulances, but still they must be used to follow our political leaders around. They must have followed you around then too.
    So, Tun, maybe you did not fulfill your opportunity to help the ambulances when you were our PM, or your responsibility as a doctor to do something then. But maybe you can try to do something to help our ambulances now.

  12. Che Det dah sembuh, Alhamdulillah. Kita sebagai manusia, nikmat kesihatan terbukti melebihi segala nikmat yang lain. Usahkan Tun yang sakit sebegini, saya pun kadang-kadang walaupun demam dah susah hati dan banyak benda tertangguh. Sebab sakit, che det delay update. Berkali-kali juga sebelum saya tengok berita dalam hati kata, mana che det ni..
    Di samping itu, sebenarnya saya pengedar Khal Tamar Plus, hasil kajian Khazanah Perubatan Islam. Mungkin Che Det boleh cuba makanan kesihatan ni, hasil kajian terhadap kitab perubatan Islam, hadis nabi dan yang penting, Khal Tamar Plus dibuat oleh Al-Fadhil Ust. Jamil pengamal perubatan Islam selama lebih 20 tahun. Jadi Khal Tamar Plus bukan dibuat suka-suka untuk berniaga. Ada warisan dan Ilmu perubatan nabi kita yang terlibat. Kalau Tun tak pernah dengar pun pasal Khal Tamar Plus ni mungkin kerana kurang iklan, juga ada faktor lumrah masyarakat kita, tidak memandang produk tempatan. Tetapi untuk kebaikan, saya rasa rugi kalau tidak sebarkan tentang produk bagus ni, ramai dah amalkan, dan ramai puas hati. Lebih lanjut di
    Maaf sebab post ni macam iklan pula. Untuk kebaikan Tun, kalau admin rasa post ni tak sesuai untuk publish, at least sila beritahu Tun pasal makanan kesihatan ni untuk kebaikan kesihatan Tun kita juga. Agar Tun boleh baca sendiri dan kaji sendiri sebelum Tun sendiri yang buat keputusan seterusnya.

  13. Tun,
    Terlebih dahulu saya bersyukur kepada Allah kerana Tun telah sihat seperti biasa.
    Bercakap mengenai khidmat ambulans ni Tun, saya minta maaf banyak-banyaklah Tun, kerana tidak yakin terhadap mutu perkhidmatan ambulans di negara ini.
    Bagaimanakah kita hendak mengadakan khidmat ambulans seperti di Australia sedangkan mutu ambulans kita yang sedia ada terlalu rendah mutunya sesuai dengan perkhidmatan ambulans dunia kelas ketiga.
    Saya setuju dengan pendapat Tun bahawa khidmat ambulans yang cepat boleh membantu menyelamatkan nyawa bagaimanapun di Malaysia khidmat ambulans selalunya lambat malah ada yang melebihi satu jam untuk sampai ke destinasi.
    Tun, dalam masa sejam adalah sukar untuk membantu menyelamatkan pesakit terutama bagi mereka yang diserang sakit jantung.
    Tun, baru-baru ini saya ada mendengar rungutan beberapa pesakt yang mendapatkan rawatan di hospital kerajaan bagaimana mereka terpaksa berulang kali menjalani ujian darah kerana contoh darah yang diberikan sebelum itu dilaporkan telah hilang.
    Bagaimana perkara ini boleh berlaku? Tuhan sahaja yang tahu Tun.
    Jumlah pesakit yang ramai di hospital kerajaan tidak sepatutnya dijadikan alasan bahawa contoh darah pesakit boleh mudah hilang.
    Apa yang saya sebutkan ini tidak bermakna perkhidmatan di hospital swasta lebih tinggi mutunya daripada hospital kerajaan.
    Saya pernah melihat jururawat pelatih cuba menutup hidung dan takut melihat tempat luka pesakit yang mendapatkan rawatan membersihkan luka selepas pembedahan buasir.
    Saya hairan bagaimana jururawat pelatih itu boleh memilih kerjaya kejururawatan jika dia menganggap tugas sebagai jururawat menjijikkan kerana terpaksa merawat bahagian punggung pesakit?
    Kita juga pernah mendengar cerita-cerita pesakit mengeluh tidak diberikan perhatian sewajarnya oleh doktor di klinik-klinik kerajaan termasuk juga doktor yang memarahi pesakit di hospital kerajaan kerana beranggapan pesakit di hospital kerajaan adalah rakyat kelas ketiga yang miskin dan menyusahkan mereka.
    Saya tidak tahulah Tun bagaimana kita mencapai mutu perkhidmatan perubatan seperti yang Tun tuliskan.
    Tun mengajar rakyat negara ini supaya sentiasa mempunyai keyakinan terhadap diri sendiri dan mutu perkhidmatan di negara ini tetapi dalam kes perkhidmatan perubatan di negara ini, saya rasa kurang berkeyakinan.
    Salam Tun.

  14. Our public hospital can be better, of course.
    Doctors must stop complaining of being too busy… This can be overcome by limiting the number of patients they attend per day. If they spend 15mins per patient and work 6 hrs continuosly – a good number is 24 patients per day. Patients dont have to wait long because the appointment is already being fixed.
    Can we – I dont know.
    For tidak apa attitude, may be people with certain acceptable criteria only is to be allowed to work in health care.
    Ir Syarizan – please be more sensitive before criticising the entire public health care system. The best customer service provider will not be able to perform if they are inadequate manpower. For instance if 30 people come to the registeration counter at 8am, i am sure the last of the 30 people will have to wait for at least 4 hour before being attended …//??

  15. Salam sejahtera buat YAB Tun
    Syukur kepada Tuhan yang masih memberi kesempatan untuk terus berkongsi kebijaksanaan Tun. Izinkan saya memberi pendapat berkaitan dengan perkhidmatan kesihatan di Malaysia.
    Rakyat Malaysia sudah sedia maklum akan tahap perkhidmatan kesihatan yang diberikan oleh hospital-hospital dan klinik-klinik kerajaan. Kita salahkan doktor dan jururawat yang tak pandai senyum, servis yang lambat, tak mesra, temujanji mengambil masa berbulan-bulan lamanya. Pernahkah kita lihat betapa stressnya mereka yang perlu berkhidmat kepada rakyat yang ramai?
    Tidak ramai yang mampu untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan kesihatan di hospital swasta. hanya mereka yang berpendapatan tinggi, mempunyai insurans atau syarikat-syarikat swasta yang menyediakan insurans untuk pekerja mereka sahaja yang mampu pergi ke hospital swasta yang dikatakan lebih baik servisnya.
    Hospital kerajaan dibanjiri oleh mereka yang kurang berkemampuan. Dengan kos ubat-ubatan dan peralatan yang mahal juga menambahkan perbelanjaan kerajaan. kekurangan doktor, jururawat, katil dan peralatan lain menjadi punca kepada servis kesihatan yang kurang berkualiti dan tidak memuaskan. Yang menjadi tanda tanya apakah perancangan Kerajaan untuk mengatasi masalah ini?
    Jika kita lihat di negara Jepun, setiap rakyatnya dan orang luar yang datang bagi tempoh yang lama dimestikan membeli insurans kesihatan yang diuruskan oleh “pejabat daerah” kawasan tempat tinggal mereka(ward office). Hanya mereka yang tidak berkemampuan atau telah bersara diberi pengecualian membayar insurans dan diberi kad perubatan khas. Setiap kali ke klinik atau hospital (kerajaan atau swasta) hanya 30% daripada kos perubatan perlu dibayar bagi dewasa dan tiada bayaran dikenakan bagi kanak-kanak. Mungkin ini agak sukar dilaksanakan di Malaysia kerana tidak ada kawalan penduduk dalam setiap negeri.
    Walau bagaimana pun idea ini masih boleh digunakan dengan sedikit ubahsuai. Mungkin pihak Kerajaan boleh mewujudkan satu badan seperti kumpulan wang simpanan perubatan yang mana setiap warga Malaysia yang bekerja serta majikan mereka boleh menyumbang kedalam Kumpulan Wang ini melalui potongan gaji untuk membeli insurans perubatan (yang diuruskan oleh badan berkenaan). Ramai teman saya yang menjadi penjawat awam dan pasangan bekerja swasta yang diberi insurans kesihatan sangat berbangga kerana tidak perlu ke hospital atau klinik kerajaan kerana mempunyai pilihan lain.
    Saya yakin sekiranya terdapat pilihan lain, ramai akan mengelakkan diri ke hospital kerajaan. Hasilnya hospital kerajaan hanya kepada mereka yang benar-benar tidak berkemampuan dan bilangan pesakit ke hospital kerajaan dapat dikurangkan, sekaligus dapat mengurangkan perbelanjaan perubatan yang boleh digunakan bagi tujuan menaik taraf perkhidmatan hospital kerajaan.
    Terima kasih Tun kerana memberi ruang untuk memberi pendapat yang tak seberapa ini.

  16. salam Ybhg. Tun & Tun Siti
    senantiasa mendoakan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan Tun sekeluarga.
    bila bertambah sihat nanti kita sambung cerita tentang negara maju, kemudahan kesihatan dan perkhidmatan ambulan ye Tun!
    (dan banyak lagi isu negara & ummah yang saya suka baca respon tun)

  17. Now you see why alot of Malaysian move to Australia. The people are nice, society is developed and the money is good. nothing to complain except the tax.
    Here is just a little thought on how to make Malaysians a more responsible society. Hear me out because after the bus crash in the Malaysian highway killing 12 people, something needs to be done.
    Unlike Australia, Malaysia’s public liability and profesional liability law is not developed. For example, in Mr Mahathir’s situation, he commended the doctors who are taking care of him in the hospital. Yes, they owe him a duty to do so since he is in their care. If they are negligent, they will get sued because the negligence law here (Australia), particularly the professional negligence law here is developed. People sue alot here which is NOT a bad thing.
    There are two consequences of such a “trigger-suing culture”. In a Malaysian point of view you might think “Owhh ini tak baik ni, nanti doktor takut buat keputusan”. Well, thats not true because if they omit to make a decision and the damage flows from such omission, that is still negligence.
    The other consequence of the culture to sue the professionals can also be experienced in the long run. For example, professionals will be more careful with the way they provide their services. Professional bodies will highly regulate the profession and therefore the professionals will be more attentive to what they are doing and less mistakes are made in fear of lawsuits. Mind you, lawsuits for negligence here can be painful to anyone’s wallet. Compensations can be in the reach of millions of dollars depending on whether the common law action is chosen by the injured party or the legislation.
    The thing is with Malaysia, the courts are not willing to open the floodgates in civil services. This is bad becaause if we want to be a developed society, people should be accounted for their wrongs and be made examples to others. I cant imagine how many Malaysian doctors have been negligent and how helpless the injured family members are in getting justice done.
    At the same time, the Parliament should facilitate laws which hold accountable people who, because of their negligence, injures or kills a person. The people must be afraid of civil lawsuits. Companies and professionals who deploy their goods and services must be accountable for any defective goods or services. The goal is and must always be to protect those who are weak and who has no knowledge of the goods and services (the consumers).
    I have read alot about the bus accident in the highway killing 12 people. I feel very sad whenever i read about it. Everyone has different ideas about it. Some say the laws need to be changed (i concur), some say PUSPAKOM needs to be revamped (i concur) and others say more patrol cars need to be deployed (i disagree). What we must formulate is a force multiplier strategy. We need to change something which cost less but at the same time, the effect is big. A well planned legislation can be a force multiplier. As i will show you guys in my last paragraphs.
    My view is, if the bus operator knows that if he was negligent (either using a crappy old substandard bus or overworked his driver), he should be very afraid of lawsuitssssss. In australia, if this thing happens, the first thing that pop outs everyone’s mind..lawsuits. Then maybe criminal negligence. But sadly in Malaysia, negligence lawsuits are rarely publicised or rarely thought about.
    Another good case would be the girl whose hair got stuck in a go kart engine. The court awarded RM 1 million to the victim. Kudos! That will set a new precedent for the courts to punish go kart business proprietors to be careful towards their customers. If they fear the lawsuits, the government will not have to spend so much money on enforcing safety checks on entertainment venues. Therefore my example of a good force multiplier.
    One may also argue, our culture does not encourage lawsuits. We are Malaysians. Okay, thats a good argument. Cultural difference. But you must also wrap your head around the fact that it is also our culture to be polite and responsible to others. What the bus operator did (just an example) was not remotely polite nor responsible if the bus operator couldn’t care less if we was negligent. It also means he couldn’t even give a fcuk for you or your mother or your father or your siblings. Should we tolerate these people?
    So think about it. We need to be a caring society. We need to protect the weak, our children. Those people out for a quick buck will not give a rat’s ass when it comes to safety. Its up for society to change them. But are the Malaysian public willing to pay extra for goods and services where the providers of those goods and services incur high cost in ensuring their products and services are of top quality and also the miscellaneous cost of them procuring public liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance. It all comes back to money. And we all know Malaysians are always whinging constantly about high prices.
    My last words, show them the pain and show me the money!

  18. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1.Alahamdulillah syukur krn Tun dah sembuh dan dapat pulang ke Tanahair tercinta.
    2.Kami sekeluarga mendoakan moga Tun sentisa dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera selalu.
    3.Moga Tun dapat meneruskan perjuangan yang belum selesai….amin.

  19. Dearest Tun,
    Alhamdullillah, you’re back. Please, please take good care of yourself and Tun Siti Hasmah. The world still need you. You gave us all quite a scare. Please keep on blogging. Your blog is the only one worth reading!

  20. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Kesihatan adalah salah satu nekmat Allah yg tak ternilai harganya. Apa yg telah Tun lalui adalah satu ujian dari Allah semuga yg diuji itu sedar kuasa Allah SWT dan dengan itu semuga dapat mendekati Allah SWT dengan menguatkan taqwa kpd Allah dan terus beribadah kpdnya. Apa perasaan hati Tun sekarang hanya Tun & Allah saja yg mengetahui.( Jadi nampaklah kita semua kejahilan Azmin dalam hal ini. Kita sebagai orang Islam patut berdoa yang baik kepada yang lain dan bukan sebaliknya kerana itu kawan syaitan. Semuga Allah SWT lindungi kita semua dari “pemimpin” sedemikian).
    Dalam keadaan demikian ada dalil menerangkan sakit itu satu proses melebur dosa2. Itu sebabnya ulama2 selalu berdoa semuga jika Allah SWT hendak mengujinya biarlah dalam kesusahan/kesakitan bukan dalam kemewahan. Agar ini menjadi peringatan kepada kita semua dari aspek selain dari yang telah Tun huraikan.
    Akhir kata, semuga Allah terus kurniakan kita semua nekmatnya terutama sekali kesihatan & masa, agar kita sentiasa bersyukur, Ameeen.

  21. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    In para 4 you mentioned “….being a developed nation.”
    Its a very interesting subject which we all would like to hear from you, the person who have the vision to aim for this goal, what constitute a “Developed Nation”?
    What do we as Malaysians belief defines a developed nation. Lets NOT copy what the IMF, or UN or World Bank or US or whatever defines it to be. But we and especially YOU sir beliefs a Developed Malaysian Nation to be.
    I would hazard a guess, as follows;
    1) A just Nation for all its citizens
    2) A just relationship with its neighabours
    3) Affordable education up to the highest level for all capable
    4) Infrastructure that enables people to achieve better quality lives
    5) Affordable medical care
    6) Affordable housing
    7) Availability of choices in all areas of life – but guided but rules or morality based on an accepted norm (in this instance we should use the Al Quran and Hadith Shahih).
    8) Etc….
    But I am sure be it Najib, fellow commentors to this blog and Tun have your own idea of what a Develop Nation should look, feel and be like.
    Perhap having a common vision on this (from Tun, the initiator and Najib, the incumbent) can help gel the unity of the effort of this Nation to achieve the Vision 2020.
    Wasalam and stay Health and happy Tun.

  22. salam tun…
    Alhamdulillah tun dah semakin sihat….Masih ingatkah tun pada pengawal peribadi tun Abdul Wahab bin Shariff yg meninggal dunia pada tahun 1986..Isterinya Bibi Zarina telah meninggal pada tahun 2007…Saya adalah menantu mereka..Saya berharap suatu hari nanti boleh bertemu dengan tun yg menjadi idola saya sejak kecil…

  23. Salam Tun and and i am so happy to see you back online.
    i wish to add to your points 3. & 4.

    3. It is far better than house-call by doctors as they can only give limited service. You feel you are being well looked after as in the hospital, but you have the ambience of home and family.

    4. I don’t know if we have this service or not but I believe it can contribute to being a developed country.

    A) I do believe the nursing profession is in the BEST position to organise and provide this service. Doctors can be on house call still, but the issue is generally with nursing as it is expensive and houses often are not prepared to accomocate such practices. But this can easily change, nurses are often respected as professionals and so the premise is already set. Often too, illness of a family member requires close and good nursing, but family members usually are horrible at this. In fact i think the nurses would perform better in a home environment.
    B) It is quite easily done, just a matter of the nursing profession to organize such services. Senior members or free ones can act as organisors and begin registering nurses wanting to offer their services at homes. It is already done unofficially and informally, as it is a needed service. Families having to tend to their sick family members at home generally seek part time nurses to help.
    C) IT Technology offers a way to obtain registration of nurses willing to offer their serivces in this manner. However, the nursing profession is of course not IT savvy, and IT personnel have no clue at all what we are talking about here.
    D) I believe and hope some smart IT expert and a caring Nurse will probably sit down together and initiate such a service.
    F) Obtaining a database of Doctors willing to do house calls is the second step but is very much easier because good Doctors are always willing.
    G) In Miclael Moore’s ‘Sicko’ movie, in France, the government even sends someone to do the laudry for a new mother on maternity leave. Not that i think the Malaysian government will even glance at such an idea, given that policitics here has gone to such an extent that they are all battling for survival, worrying more about elections and porpaganda wars rather than public service.
    H) I believe if the nursing profession can start, and be reasonable on their rates, and provide excellent service, there would be many clients. My advise to them is not to worry about profits at all. A good service well managed will in itself guarantee profits. I think this country is simply spoilt because people are too profit oriented. People have forgotten how sweet and nice it is to get good a government service. Granted some gov departments are bad, but this does not mean we ought to privatise everything.
    I) There are so many sick people in this country who do not go to clinics or hospitals because the private sectors is just too expensive and the gov hospitals are still unable to get to a decent service level in general. As for the latter, i don’t know why it is still bad, there appears to be no proper monitoring of health services. Maybe they are not given enough money. Maybe they do not know how to budget properly. Maybe they do budget properly but are rejected at higher authorty level whose priority is questionable. Maybe doctors do not talk to patients or to patients’ families ( too busy ? ). I do not know. I just know nobody looks at these things well enough.
    J) I have high hopes for the nursing sector to take up your suggestion in the lead in the suggested home service. My advise to that particular nurse who will take up this call is, do it full time and with full enthusiasm. Commit yourself, resign from your present unhappy outfit if you are serious, and go do this all the way. ( I have seen too many failures with people wanting to do things part time and ‘cuba try’ style. It just does not work like that! )
    K) All in all, i am very much in favour of your proposal, and wish to see this become a good service and perhaps a model for other developing and even developed nations to follow. And i wish all the best to that nurse.

  24. Good to hear that you are back in Malaysia and well on the road to full recovery, Dr. Mahathir.
    Healthcare in Malaysia is actually above average for a developing country. The subsidy by government is really vital for the rakyat especially the working class and elderly. There is still a lot of room for improvement before we reach First World standards, hopefully that will be achieved in the next 10 years or so.
    Rest well at home, Tun and hope to see you doing your work at full pace again soon!

  25. Dear Tun,
    Glad to hear that you have been in good hand and condition. When Azmin said “tersungkur” I had a huge laugh because the man of your age is actually understandable of having health condition. Hey when comparing you and Nik Aziz (which is much younger than you), I can say that you are in tip top condition. And while Nurul Izzah invited you for a debate, again I had a good laugh particularly that she has been living in a silver spoon life since she was a baby and went to school with a driver.
    Regarding the ambulance, yes Malaysia do need to improve on the ambulance services. Some Government Hospital still using Van instead of special made vehicle for ambulance. 2 problems :-
    1. Kementeriaan Kesihatan spend to much on department vehicles instead investing on the most important things such as ambulance;
    2. Incompetent ambulance personnel
    Attitude too plays the role. We Malaysian have to take proud of the profession we’re in. If you a firefighter, be proud of it. If you a Policeman, be proud of it. Even if you a pengangkut sampah, feel proud of it that all of us contribute for the society and to Malaysia. As we have DRB and Proton including Perodua, why not ask these Malaysian Companies to designed an Ambulance Vehicle completed with the life support and standardized it through the whole nation except for Pembangkang States as their are more patriotic with their Toyota.
    And dear Tun, I know you a fighter till the end and you will keep fighting because you care, not just for Islam, for Malays, for other races, for Malaysia but also for the injustice. Right decision is always tough but it is a right thing to do. May Allah s.w.t. will keep you always under HIS blessing, Malaysian need you.

  26. Dear Tun,
    Sometimes I like what you stand for and sometimes I don’t. But always I pray for your good health.

  27. yang dihormati Tun….
    saya sekeluarga sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun…..thanks God u a back

  28. Dearest Tun
    I can’t imagine life without you you have no choice but so stay healthy for as long as you can for us all ..and I know you will still be amongst us for a long long time.
    Talking about Australia I really think that is where the new centre of the West is going to be eventually.With EU and USA’s economy now at their weakest its only wise that people from these nations would transfer their capital and expertise to this country to tap on its close proximity and link with emerging Asia.
    Just through sports indicators alone you can tell how far this nation whose population is about 5 million less than ours have gone,leaving their former masters England biting the dust at the ongoing Commonwealth games.
    Yes Australia is a nation that have a lot to offer us but I think this home hospital thing doesn’t sound too sophisticated that we Malaysians can’t think up.Maybe that’s why these people felt justified that the job of civilizing the World as a white men’s burden?
    Anyway I think we are on the right track now in building up our relationship with Australia.Of course thank to you they too are not taking us for granted anymore.You are famous even Down under.Of course you know that already.
    Thanks Tun.

  29. Sixty years ago the people of the Federation of Malaya was served by 57 hospitals. If there was ambulance service at all it would be meagre. Taking the effective radius of each hospital to be 12 miles meaning that the rural populations were not or hardly getting health service. There was preponderance of Chinese and Indians admissions then but the Malays had a natural reluctance even to get hospital treatment.
    Nowadays with the superb transportation and communication systems, the numerous hospitals and ambulance services can serve wider areas and more people. Even then there is a neglected segment of the population, pockets of Orang Asli who are less mobile in the off-road jungles not getting the barest health care services whatmore ambulance privelege.
    Luckily for Dolah, my OA friend has a motorbike and was able to send his sick wife to hospital. When the wife was critically ill the ambulance sent her from CHighlands to Ipoh GH. Dolah accompanied her but had to spent nights along the ward corridors. Somebody conned his watch one night. His wife died and was buried in an isolated belukar graveyard by a stream. So much for our Muslim original people!
    Postcript: Dolah’s one hut-house got burned down some months ago. He had requested for aid from JHEOA but to no avail. I too had reported the matter.

  30. alhamdulillah tun dah sihat n mula menulis. saya doakan tun n isteri panjang umur n sihat. amin

  31. Assalamualaikum Tun & Family,
    Tun, Please take good care of yourself and Tun Hasmah.

  32. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun yang dihormati,
    Alhamdulillah Tun telah selamat kembali ke Malaysia. Didoakan Tun terus diberi kesihatan yang berpanjangan dan dapat memberi idea-idea bernas Tun kami generasi baru Malaysia.

  33. salam tun..
    glad to hear that ur ok now.
    semoga sihat selalu..
    its good to read ur text again X)
    thank you for your non stop concern bout our country..
    and of course, thanks for everythg that u’ve done for us..
    please take care of health sir.

  34. Salam Ayahanda Tun & Bonda Siti Hasmah,
    Syukur ke hadrat Allah yg Tun semakin sihat. Muga Allah akan terus bersama Tun meneruskan perjuangan yang belum selesai. Saya ke Istana Budaya baru2 ini, all the way from Penang with 40 of my trainees & colleagues. We enjoyed every minute of your musical theatre!! Bravo to the script writer and a row of talented casts…
    We will forever treasure what you have given to this beloved country.
    May Allah Bless You and Family Always…
    Salam kasih sayang,
    Orang Edgecumbe Road,

  35. salam Tun,
    semoga Tun sentiasa dikurniakan oleh Allah kesihatan yang baik bagi terus memberi idea dan pandangan untuk pembangunan malaysia..
    have a blast day and stay healthy.

  36. Asmkm Tun,
    Alhamdulillah, Tun semakin sehat dan semoga Allah memelihara kesihatan Tun. Actually i’ve prepared a proposal paper of a comprehensive ambulance service which includes several types of ambulances and the way to run the show especially in big cities to Dato Yahya from Gerbang Perdana but maybe as you said , the ROI is a big problem, though with certain back up from the government, actually i believe it can be materialize. If you wanna see the proposal, i can present it to you … anyway , im one of the doctor that on several occasions before cover for you at functions during my post as senior ER doctor. Asmkm Tun n tqvm for what you have done for Malaysia and for Malay community.

  37. Salam,
    Syukur Tun telah kembali sihat dan berada di tanah air, tanah tumpah darah kita.
    Perkhidmatan yang Tun nyatakan sememangnya telah lama bertapak di Singapura. Mereka membayar jumlah2 tertentu kepada pihak Hospital untuk membuat pemeriksaan lanjut dan rutin berkaitan penyakit serta akan melaporkan dalam pangkalan data pesakit berkaitan untuk rujukan doktor di masa akan datang.
    Selain itu, perkhidmatan ambulan pula sgt tidak sesuai di Malaysia jika dilihat dari senario kenderaan yang terdapat dijalan raya. Saya pernah mengalami kemalangan yang memaksa saya tetap menahan sakit di dalam ambulan dalam tempoh yang panjang, pertama kerana kesesakan teruk di jalan raya utama sekitaran Lembah Kelang dan kedua sikap pemandu yang tidak memberi ruang laluan kepada ambulan dan ada pula yang meluru mengikut arus ambulan dan menggunakan lorong kecemasan.
    Manakala perkhidmatan yang pernah kelihatan seperti saranan Tun ialah Jurubidan Kampung. Mereka ini akan datang memantau ibu dan anak yang dilahirkan dikampung2 sehingga tempoh2 tertentu. kaedah ini amat baik utk mengelakkan masalah selepas kelahiran dan kaedah tradisional ini sebenarnya baik utk ibu dan anak bagi mengelakkan kematian pra kelahiran dan pasca kelahiran. Jika kesinabungan jurubidan desa ini diperpanjangkan untuk rawatan2 penyakit dan pesakit lain – ia tidak memerlukan katil hospital yang banyak, saya yakin kerajaan dapat menjimatkan masa awam untuk bertunggu bertangga di hospital dan Hospital tidak perlu di bina berpuluh2 dalam satu kawasan.
    selain itu, jika kaedah ini diterus dan ditambah baik dengan perkhidmatan doktor-doktor terlatih, kita tidak perlu menunggu panjang dihospital2 awam dan membuang banyak masa dan duit. Doktor atau paramedik/juru rawat ini akan mempunyai jadual lawatan ke rumah-rumah tertentu dan tidak perlu bersesak-sesak dijalanraya ke tempat kerja (hospital) saban hari. Mereka boleh bekerja dari rumah dan terus ke rumah pesakit berhampiran. Taraf hidup mereka juga akan lebih baik dan juga kesihatan pesakit juga tidak terbeban lagi untuk ulang alik ke hospital utk rawatan yang hanya 10 minit tetapi tempoh menunggu dan ke sana memakan masa hampir 10 jam.
    Lebih baiklah kerajaan meletakkan lepasan SPM utk menjadi juru rawat dan paramedik di setiap DUN2 pilihanraya dan lingkungan radius tertentu agar paramedik ini boleh meringankan beban hospital dan mengurangkan kesesakan katil di hospital awam dan swasta.
    Inilah pendapat saya Tun.

  38. Dear Tun,
    Glad to hear you’re back to your normal self. It looks like ‘ajal’ (death) have decided to spare you this time, of course with the grace period granted by Allah s.w.t.
    Anyways, the story of our government hospital is not new issue. We are witnessing (especially) for the past 10 years, the setting up of numerous private hospitals nationwide which has better healthcare service that only big money can buy. Unfortunately, this service is only limited to the rich and famous.
    The low-income earners and mostly middle-income earners will be pushed aside to our “general” public healthcare system. The service provided by these general hospitals/clinics is very saddening. Most of these health workers works without that glimpse of passion towards their respective careers. Occasionally we can see how the nurses and doctors treated their patients with cold heart. No smile or even a simple friendly gesture; I guess they’re not paid to smile.
    Apart from that, the service provided by this general hospitals/ government clinic reminds us a lot of the lousy service we’ll usually get from government departments. Very slow, clumsy, leisurely-behaviour (tak apa attitude) and sometimes inhuman. Don’t be surprised, even the serious health cases, these government hospitals/clinics will still fix your doctor’s appointment in the next few months. Typical excuse, doctor is very busy. Not sure if the patients can survive the waiting time.
    All that I could say, Tun, you’re one very lucky man. Able to afford the best medical service out there. Meanwhile the rest of us average Malaysians could either choose death on bed or die trying at the general hospitals/government clinics. Is there something that we could do to improve the situation? OR, perhaps our Leaders are arrogant enough to face Allah s.w.t. (in the afterlife) and say “I’ve done enough???”.

  39. Salam Tun,
    Semoga anda memperolehi kesihatan yang baik bagi meneruskan perjuangan anda membangunkan negara kita yang tercinta.
    saya hormati tun, walau dalam keadaan sakit pun masih lagi memikirkan cara bagi penambah baikan kepada negara kita. ini harus dicontohi oleh pemimpin kita sekarang!
    mereka harus memikir apakah sumbangan mereka terhadap rakyat… bukan dengan cara mengubah polisi (flip-flop) bagi meraih populariti. Carilah idea2 baru yang boleh membangunkan negara dan sumbangan kepada rakyat.
    Selamat Kembali & rehatlah secukupnya.

  40. Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    1.Amat bersyukur Tun telah sembuh,dan selamat pulang ke Tanahair tercinta.
    2.Saya risau akan keaadaan Tun,apabila mendengar Tun dimasukkan ke Hospital di Melbourne.Hanya doa kepada Ilahi yang dapat saya lakukan untuk Tun,negarawan yang saya dan keluarga sayangi.
    3.Semoga Tun Siti Hasmah juga sihat hendaknya.
    4.Semoga Tun banyakkan berehat(tetapi masih boleh mengarang,kerana idea Tun masih diperlukan),dan sekiranya Tun merasakan Tun boleh kembali aktif,amatlah dialu-alukan.Saya percaya,selagi kudrat fizikal dan akal masih diizinkan Tuhan,kita boleh teruskan segala kerja yang memberi kebaikan kepada manusia,lebih-lebih lagi Tun adalah bekas PM yang cemerlang.
    5.Saya tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat sesetengah orang yang meminta Tun berehat terus,kononnya tidak mahu Tun ‘mengganggu’pentadbiran sekarang.Tun sudah menjadi rakyat biasa yang berhak menyuara apa-apa kesilapan yang boleh mengganggu keamanan serta pembangunan negara.Sekiranya suara kami,memang agak sukar didengari,sudah tentu kami amat berharap Tun dapat menyuarakan pendapat rakyat biasa,kerana bagi saya Tun adalah satu-satunya pemimpin yang begitu bersungguh dan ikhlas menyatakan yang benar.
    6.Cadangan untuk meningkatkan mutu perkhidmatan kesihatan seperti Tun nyatakan ,diharapkan kementerian yang berkaitan sedang berusaha ke arah itu,memandangkan negara kita berusaha ke arah negara maju.
    Semoga Tun sembuh sepenuhnya,saya doakan agar Tun sentiasa dirahmati,dilindungi oleh Yang Maha Esa.Amin.Terima Kasih.

  41. Tun yg kami hormati, assalamu’alaikom.
    Kita bersyukur pkd Allah SWT kerana dengan izinnya, Tun dilanjutkan umur,dikekalkan tahap kesihatan yg baik, masih mempunyai fikiran yg tajam dan idea2 yg bernas dan ini sudah pasti ada hikmahnya – hanya Allah saja yg mengetahui. Tapi pd pendapat kami Tun masih mampu menyumbang fikiran dan idea dan kami sedia memberi sokongan termampu kami utk pembelaan dan kemajuan ummah, insya’allh.
    Sebagai seorang doktor, sudah pasti Tun mempunyai authority utk membincang perkara tersebut, iaitu perkhimatan kesihatan. Dalam tahun 80’an dulu saya terlibat secara lansung dalam industri hartanah dan pengerusi syarikat saya berkhidmat ialah arwah Tun Ghafar Baba. Cadangan saya untuk membangunkan “hotel” utk orang sakit ( sekarang medical centre telah menjadi kenyataan )di Malaysia tapi kerana bos baru saya yg hanya ingin berfikir pendek / senang, takut / malas utk mengemukakan cadangan saya,( saya bukan orang berpolitik . Dia lebih suka mencadangkan apa2 yg disukai olih Tun Ghafar. Sifat “Kaki Ampu”. Jadi terbangunglah Kelab Golf Rahman Putra di Sungai Buloh, manakala tanah 800 ekar bakinya tergadai. Itulah yang menyedihkan saya sehingga ini.
    Sekarang saya telah menjadi rakan kongsi dengan sebuah syarikat Iran utk mengeluarkan ” patient care monitors ” yang setanding dengan jenis yg sekarang masih diimpot, yg lebih mahal tapi mentality orang Malaysia masih meragui produk keluaran tempatan. Akhirnya kami masih sukar untuk menembusi pasaran tempatan, sungguhpun syarikat kami bersama syarikat induk di Iran telah dapat mengexpot alhamdulillah, keluar negara terutama negara2 di timur tengah dan negara2 bekas Soviet Russia.
    Apa yang saya nak sampaikan di sini ialah potensi industri perkhidmatan dan perubatan adalah besar. Apa yang dipelopori sekarang ialah “health-care” – western concept, we will take care of you as long as you pay” . Apa yang saya ingin syorkan di sini ialah lebih kpd konsep ” health-cure ” di mana kaedah menggunakan perubatan traditional ( biotech technology + holistic approach )yang banyak diperkenalkan dan bolih digunakan sepenuhnya yang berpotensi utk “memulihkan” pesakit dan ini menjurus kpd penjimatan kos perubatan.
    Akhir kata, semuga Allah terus memberi Tun sekeluarga nikmat kesihatan physical, mind & soul dan pentunjuk kepada Tun utk meneruskan sumbangan kepada pembelaan, pembangunan dan kemajuan seluruh ummah. Ameeen

  42. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera.
    Syukur alhamdullilah kerana Tun dan Tun Siti Hasmah telah selamat kembali ke tanah air.
    Terima kasih kerana berkongsi pengalaman mengenai betapa efisiennya perkhidmatan ambulan di Melbourne.
    Saya amat setuju dengan pandangan Tun. Saya secara peribadi beranggapan bahawa perkhidmatan kecemasan di Australia rata rata sangat baik. Ini dapat saya dan keluarga alami semasa bertugas di Victoria selama 2 tahun ( 1991-1992 ).
    Saya mendoakan semoga Tun sembuh sepenuhnya.

  43. Tun, thanks to the Almighty you are healthy again.
    For the first time I see every postings/comments in this blog are positive. Though at other times they may be critical, cynical and spometimes outright lies and vengeful……but deep in their hearts and their lives you have left an indelible positive impact – like it or not.

  44. Salam YAB Tun,
    Kesihatan adalah merupakan satu daripada anugerah Allah swt yang tidak ternilai harganya. Wang dan harta bertimbun tidak berguna jika tiadanya. Sihat dan masih bernafas itu memadai sebagai modal untuk teruskan kehidupan di dunia.
    Bagi mereka yang masih sihat dan berupaya berjalan kaki ke sana-ke mari, harus sentiasa bersyukur sebab anda lebih beruntung daripada mereka yang terpaksa diusung menaiki ambulance walaupun dari jenis yang tercanggih sekali.
    Kaki adalah kenderaan asal bagi setiap makhluk ciptaanNya dan cuba kita renungkan sejenak bagaimana unta itu diciptakan.
    Qalbu menjadi tenang jika kita sentiasa mengingati Allah swt. Itulah ubat yang paling simple untuk menjaga kesihatan manusia terutamanya bagi yang tidak berharta di dunia.

  45. Even in your hospital bed, you turn our focus on how to make our economy work.
    That level of economic activity and purchasing power can only be maintained with a certain level of sustained cohesion and policy decisions on level of govt participation/regulation, enterprise level, and local autonomy that keeps these things going.
    We don’t have that now.
    The govt’s kpi (key performance indicator) move was positive step that could have been used to formulate a set of measures such that your vision is intact. Used unimaginitively., it has failed to undercut PR’s rhetoric.

  46. Dear Tun,
    Glad to see you healthy again. There was a good side of story apart from your admission of Epworth Hospital.
    Please continue your fought.

  47. Tun,
    Wish you all the best, good to hear you are back.
    First of all, at least you had experienced yourself what was the developed countries have compare to what we do have back in Malaysia. We feel ashame with our ” White elephant ” project when in fact the so call ” Rakyat ” are suffering from the basic necessities in the public amenities.
    The basic hospital amenities are so important in any country as this is concerning lifes but here in Malaysia politic and money have become more priority. If we cannot attain to that vision then your vision ” Wawasan 2020 ” will remain as dream for decade to come.
    How can a country being fully developed when the citizen are not fully in good health or shape, many occassions we have lost the unvaluable lifes due to poor health facilities. Beside these, we also did not provide enough clean water to every household in rural areas.
    Hope to see improvement soon.

  48. Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
    Alhamdulillah Tun dah kembali sihat. Sesungguhnya Tun seorang yang sangat beruntung kerana mendapat seorang isteri seperti Tun Hasmah yang sentiasa berada bersama Tun ketika senang dan susah…masa sedih dan gembira
    Itulah kasih & cinta sepanjang hayat… tak semua orang mendapat peluang tu dalam hidup didunia ni…
    Salam sayang buat Tun berdua dan semoga sentiasa diberkati Allah.

  49. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    Nation news update from thestar… ….
    1. Tuesday October 12, 2010
    PM: Go for quality healthcare
    2. PUTRAJAYA: Nations must tackle the challenges posed by non-communicable diseases (NCD) by providing quality care that is co-ordinated and cost effective, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.
    3. The Prime Minister said cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases as well as cancer and diabetes caused an estimated 35 million deaths each year or 60% of all deaths globally, with 80% occuring in low and middle-income countries.
    4. He said it was necessary to

  50. Salam Tun – Shukur you are back, thanks to Allah the Almighty you have recovered. Thnaks for sharing your experience in Melbourne, everyone would like to be treated like that, minimum is the improve quality of service in Malaysian hospitals. Our hospital staff hadnever been treated in a foreign country, so they wouldn’t what a good hospital service is. This is a wake up call to all hospitals staff to review the service given to the public. It doesn’t matter if you are working in public hospital, you curretn pay is not a license for you to give a poor service. Many other countries have lowly paid employees like Thailand, but hteir service is better tha Malaysian hospitals.

  51. dear Tun,
    thank you tun for your posting. you are a very good observant. you observe things with critical mind even having treatment in hospital in melbourne. not all of us has the opportunty to go or hospitalised in good place like that. thats what a person supposed to be especially being a leader. some people when they are hospitalised just close his eyes and mind only think of himself and recovery from his illness. some people or leaders went all over the world apart from perform his official duties only went for sightseeing. they do not observe anything except bring back sourveneers for their supporters and bussines as usual back home. some people condemn his own country’s system and like to emigrate to advance country.
    i hope the health ministry listens to tun with good intention for benefit of people of this country.

  52. Good evening Ayahanda Tun,
    1. I do hope that he gets the message in order to be fair and equal regardless of race under the umbrella of 1 Malaysia.
    2. In this world, beside Malaysian Government, which country can serve at RM 1 medical fees for their citizen, even Australia does not have this kind of service.
    3. However, when comes to profit-oriented private hospital with big name, and very expensive some more, they will reject any lives which to them sure die one, and tell you to send the patient to GH so that they can preserve their good name and image.
    4. KKM’s private clinics, it costs RM 5 plus medicines.
    5. For foreigners, government now charge RM50 per patient.
    6. Comment By pakbelalang on October 11, 2010 1:31 PM Negara Barat memang sungguh ambil berat tentang menyelamatkan nyawa manusia, tapi disamping itu mereka juga suka berperang membunuh dan mencederakan beribu manusia. Hairan!!
    7. What to be hairan!! Mereka berperang kerana kuasa politik sampai sekarang mereka ini berhutang sehingga Four Trillion Dollars ma in Germany.
    8. Overall, the service of KKM has improved alot especially in KL area. BUT the lives lost on road accidents in Peninsula is terrible since MCA took over, maybe PM Najib should consider let MIC President to hold this position.
    9. Why I say this? MM Lee Kuan Yew fell and caught chest infection in Moscow, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad caught this infection too in Melbourne, coincidence or god’s will?
    10. There is an Indian Temple in Mid-Valley Mega Mall, KL, and the developer tried to demolish such temple, but they could not brought it down. Today, Mid-Valley Mega Mall is doing very well.
    11. Goodnight Ayahanda Tun. Please ignore the 1st comment By HBT on October 11, 2010 9:53 PM due to careless mistake.

  53. assalam mualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
    1. apa khabo Ayahanda Tun yang dikasihi,
    2. apa khabo buat bonda Tun Dr Siti Hasmah sekeluarga,
    3. syukur alhamdulillah ke hadrat Allah Subhanahu WaTaala kerana
    Ayahanda Tun beroleh kesihatan yang baik dan kembali sihat.
    4. memang betul qada dan qadar adalah ketentuan Allah Taala, tapi selalunya kita di Malaysia di sini (Melayu Islam) menerima ketentuan qada dan qadar Allah Taala dengan cara yang salah.
    5. adakah apabila tanpa berusaha terlebih dahulu?
    Seperti tanpa mengambil langkah langkah awal dan berlaku kemalangan, kematian, kecederaan, kemiskinan dan apa juga bala petaka, malang yang menimpa, maka kita menyatakan itu sudah takdir atau qada dan qadar dari Allah Taala. Adakah ungkapan itu benar?
    6. “Sesungguhnya Allah Taala tidak mengubah nasib seseorang kamu, sehingga kamu mengubah nasib kamu sendiri’.
    7. Contoh yang tipikal, seorang memandu kenderaan samada motorsikal, kereta, lori atau bas, memandu dengan laju dan merbahaya sehingga tidak dapat mengawal kenderaan, dan berlaku kemalangan sehingga meragut nyawa sendiri atau orang lain, adakah itu boleh diterima sebagai takdir atau qada dan qadar Allah Taala?
    8. Janganlah kita yang mengaku sebagai Melayu Islam dan Muslim, tetapi kita menerima sesuatu kematian itu sebagai takdir atau qada dan qadar Allah Taala dengan fahaman dan cara yang salah.
    9. Apabila berlaku sesuatu kemalangan yang sebenarnya boleh kita hindari, tetapi yang sebenarnya kita sendiri yang “mencarinya”!
    10. Berkenaan langkah langkah awal dan langkah langkah perlu yang diambil oleh pihak hospital di Malaysia, ianya, masih lagi lemah!

  54. Dear Tun,
    I wonder whether the First Ladies Summit organised by the “dynamic” wife of our PM, Rosmah, is really of any significance to make the world body like the United Nations notice of its main objective.
    I think the whole affair is just a show off public relation exercise to boost the personal ego of Rosmah at the expense of public funds.
    I am sure it will cost the govt. millions of ringgit to organise this summit.
    What a bloody waste of public funds just to serve Rosmah’s big ego trying to project her image in “some of the world failed states”.
    It is glaringly noticeable that all Asean countries First Ladies are not present.Why?
    Why there are no First Ladies of India and China present?
    How about First Lady of Mongolia????
    All rubbish !!!

  55. Dear Tun,
    Salam Bahagia and we are glad that Tun have made a recovery and come home.
    Yes, nothing like a little experience to jot our memory and ideas on how to improve on a subject, in which this case, the ambulance services and hospital care.
    You spoke with praise of the ambulance personnel who have handle your situation well and with professionalism. However, your own countrymen here would not be able to enjoy or experience such professionalism of our ambulance services. Not long ago, there’s one half hour documentary/program called “emergency” aired over TV8 every Thursday shows the lives of our ambulances attendance. In almost every episode, the driver of the ambulances finds it difficult to locate the victim. Not that the location was not reported clearly by the caller, but the ambulance drivers depended on his knowledge of the roads to reach the victims. There is no GPS devices to help the ambulance drivers to the locate the road more effectively and efficiently.
    Why can’t the authorities spent some monies to install the ambulances with GPS devices. And also AAM, why can’t the management fork out RM399 to install a GPS unit in their tow trucks?
    I hope Tun take care and rest well. Let’s hope with Tun’s real life experience in Australia, you will be able to jot the corporate world into donating some better equipments and trainings to the ambulance staffs. They could be professional if given the right training.
    Salam bahagia.

  56. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Alhamdulillah, bersyukur kepada Allah kerana Tun telah sihat dan kembali ke tanah air. Pergerakan Tun dan setiap kejadian yang menimpa Tun amat memberikan impak kepada kebanyakan rakyat negara ini. Begitu lah besarnya jasa yang Tun telah curahkan kepada Malaysia dan juga rakyatnya sehingga saya percaya kebanyakan kami tidak henti2 berdoa agar Tun dipanjangkan umur. Jangan lupa makan ubat ya Tun..

  57. Salam Tun dan pembaca setia blog ini.
    Saya amat bersyukur kepada Allah Tun telah sihat dan seperti pembaca setia blog yang lain kami berasa BLOG INI SUNYI DAN TIADA SERINYA ketika Tun sedang menerima rawatan disalah sebuah Hospital di Australia baru – baru ini.Jika ada pihak yang TIDAK SUKA tentang komen – komen yang mana TERKENA TEPAT KEBATANG HIDUNG mereka saya tetap MENYOKONG tanpa berbelah bahagi.
    Doa saya semoga Tun sihat sentiasa , dipanjangkan serta diberkati usia dan bagi saya setiap komen – komen Tun dalam blog ini amat BERGUNA biasalah mesti ada pihak yang tidak suka tetapi realitinya setiap komen Tun tetap ada KEBENARANNYA…..

  58. Asalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya secara peribadi amat gembira dan bersyukur yang teramat sangat bahawa Tun telah sembuhnya. Saya berdoa agar Tun, dipanjangkan usia lagi dan dikurniakan Allah tahap kesihatan yang amat baik.

  59. Alhamdulillah Tun you are back.
    Hope you will recover further and be in a good health.
    Even when you were sick, you still would be able to think critically. This is something that I personally envy with you.
    In order to have the same kind of infrastructure and services, I would say, we need is a BIG paradigm shift in the way we thinking.
    If we consider the services need to be provided to the people, then by all means we should be able to have it. Not only the paramedics but also the ambulances and equipments or tools associate with it. Unfortunately, Malaysia probably need few more decades before we eventually come to that. Even building up the public hospital (e.g Shah Alam) also we still not able to solve. That is the infrastructure, not to mention on how they going to run it. SubhanAllah. Only God knows.
    Thank you Tun and may Allah provide you with a good health.

  60. Allhamdulillah Tun ia back..i’am always proud of you..though Tun is not feeling well..Tun still in a high spirit giving ideas and guidence to the people of Malaysia..get well soon Tun…May Allah look after you always..Wassalam.

  61. Welcome back. While some of your enemies were hoping for the worse, at least 90% of the well wishers prayed for your health.
    Keep going sir!
    Your brains are what the new kids on the block do not have. Is there any way to transfer your knowledge to the new generation of rabid and uncouth leaders in the making? They are full of useless rhetorics, believe in rumours, spread lies and cannot offer solutions.
    Please teach them some practical logic, which is glaringly absent, these days.

  62. Good evening Ayahanda Tun,
    1. I do hope that he gets the message in order to be fair and equal regardless of race under the umbrella of 1 Malaysia.
    2. In this world, beside Malaysian Government, which country can serve at RM 1 medical fees for their citizen, even Australia does not have this kind of service.
    3. However, when comes to profit-oriented private hospital with big name, and very expensive some more, they will reject any lives which to them sure die one, and tell you to send the patient to GH so that they can preserve their good name and image.
    4. KKM’s private clinics, it costs RM 5 plus medicines.
    5. For foreigners, government now charge RM50 per patient.
    Comment By pakbelalang on October 11, 2010 1:31 PM Negara Barat memang sungguh ambil berat tentang menyelamatkan nyawa manusia, tapi disamping itu mereka juga suka berperang membunuh dan mencederakan beribu manusia. Hairan!!
    What to be hairan!! Mereka berperang kerana kuasa politik sampai sekarang mereka ini berhutang sehingga Four Trillion Dollars ma.
    Overall, the service of KKM has improved alot especially in KL area. BUT the lives lost on road accidents in Peninsula is terrible since MCA took over, maybe PM Najib should consider let MIC President to hold this position.
    Why I say this? MM Lee Kuan Yew fell and caught chest infection in Moscow, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad caught this infection too in Melbourne, coincidence or god’s will?
    There is an Indian Temple in Mid-Valley Mega Mall, KL, and the developer tried to demolish such temple, but they could brought it down. Today, Mid-Valley Mega Mall is doing very well.
    Goodnight Ayahanda Tun.

  63. Dear Tun
    I am happy that you have made good recovery and I hope you will get better soon and be back on your feet fast (if not already so).

  64. Dearest Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad:’re back safe and sound. Malaysian hospitality in the field of “Hospital” is way far behind. We all know that. It takes time to be on par with Australia, but I hope we will come to that level before 2020.
    It’s nice to “see” you back in your blog.
    Have a nice day….

  65. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Thank God that everything went well for you undergoing the treatment in Melbourne. I was a bit worried about your health and I do not want anything bad to happen to you.
    I wish you could be young again and lead this country for the better of our people. Your vision and knowledge is second to none. Only Allah can reward His blessing upon and your family. You have done so much to our country. But of course in this world, you have people who are not appreciative. God does not like those who are unappreciative.
    Please take good care of your health Tun. And May Allah bless you and your family always!

  66. Tun, apa pun kita buat, jika ada kejujuran, InsyaAllah semua akan jalan dengan baik. Di Malaysia banyak kong kali kong. Glad you are well and May Allah gives you His barakah. Wassalam

  67. Dear Tun Dr M
    Syukur alhamdulillah. So happy you & Tun Dr Siti are safely home. Have a good rest and skip the lemang & biskut raya.
    Salam kasih.
    A,A & As.

  68. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Alhamdullillah Tun selamat dan sihat. Moga diberkati Allah dan dipanjangkan umur untuk terus memberikan ide-ide bernas dan terus mendidik kami yang sayangkan Malaysia.

  69. Asalamualaikum Tun,
    I am writing from Melbourne and am glad tht you are fine and well. You were admitted to a fine private hospital in Richmond, where only those with private health insurance gets admitted there, example Aussie Rules footballers and so forth.
    Stay calm and keep fit always Tun!

  70. Hi Mahathir,
    It nice to see that you are back home and well.
    I see that you must mimic Lee Kuan Yew in all aspects. When he gets chest infection, you also must get one. Ha! Ha!
    Not many countries or cities (even the the Australian cities) can match Melbourne in medical treatment and facilities. They are one of the best in the world.
    Once again, glad you are well.

  71. TDM.,
    with due respect the australians have maintained a strict n high standards in the medical field … unfortunately in malaysia we have more medical schools churning out doctors by the thousands yearly n not taking into account n all the other medical schools our students attend overseas i guess is that soon we wud have more doctors then patients in “bolehland”

  72. Dear Tun,
    Glad to hear that you were well looked after. Hope you would continue to recover and be in good health.
    We can only envy what others have. In this country, we can only talk. Nothing else works without money.

  73. salam buat Tun yang dikasihi,
    Selamat kembali dan semoga sihat seperti biasa.
    memang bagus jika ada ‘hospital in the home service’ seperti yang tun ceritakan itu.mungkin Malaysia juga ke arah itu nanti, tetapi bila melihat kepada Klinik 1 Malaysia Najib, ia dibuat ala-ala kadar saja bertujuan politik, ubat tak cukup, staf tak cukup, patient yang pergi kena jumpa PPP @ MA saja.
    doktor mana yang sanggup bertahan lama dengan KKM Tun? Tun pun tahu bukan, kebajikan doktor di KKM bukannya terjaga sangat, jika di district hospital, tak ramai MO, kena on-call alternate day, lepas tu pulak post call tak ada sleeping day macam nurse… kerja macam robot berterusan more than 24 hours… gaji ciput jer… dalam tahun 2003 dulu HO baru kerja basic salary rm2700 lebih jer… sekarang ni saya tak tahu… jadi kalau nak duit lebih doktor KKM kena la buat lokum di klik swasta! akhir sekali… bila dah selalu buat lokum , baru tahu …. income klinik 2@3 hari sama macam gaji doktor pakar atau JUSA gred A sebulan. habis je kontrak ngan JPA atau MARA ,terus buka klinik sendiri…. jadi berkuranglah bilangan doktor di KKM…

  74. salam Tun .
    Alhmdulillah Tun update post.Setelah Tun masuk hospital saya dan rakyat Malaysia yang peka sentiasa berdoa agar Tun sihat dan boleh bertugas semula.
    saya harap Tun terus update blog ini kerana berjta2 manusia membacanya,melebihi lkaman web akhbar atau gosip artis.
    Tun,sy sekrang giat menyiapkan manuskrip mengenai Tun dan berdoa agar cepat siap.
    semoga maju jaya buat Tun sekeluarga…
    Saat Sulaiman

  75. a’kum to you Tun and to all
    it’s very good to have you back Tun.
    it is quite long to hear from you since you wrote the 4 trillion dollars issue.
    anyway, i think in malaysia, most of the people are likely to buy health and life insurance other than other insurances package.
    education insurance also are quite popular by the way.
    this makes that the malaysian people like something that is more secure for their self and definitely for their family or children.
    i think Tun’s idea to advancing more or to upgrade the service of hospital and ambulance is very brilliant and just at the right time.
    however, what about the problem of the migration of our doctors to oversea where the main cause of this problem is because of the salary? in addition, in our country there is very few of specialist doctor.
    the effect of this problem affect the whole country.
    i also notice of Tun’s statement for this ‘migration doctors’ before this that the doctor have to know the real purpose for their job but, the problem is still going on.
    im looking forward to hear from you Tun and hope you will always stay in the pink of health.
    god bless you all

  76. Get well soon, Tun.
    I think ambulance service in Klang Valley could be considered good, sometimes it just get stuck in traffic jam. 🙂

  77. Tun,
    Ambulance should also be equipped with
    1) Audio/Video Recording (for security reason and to improve services by ambulance personne)
    2) portable “3G Remote Audio/Video” monitoring (with 2-way communications). This would allow Doctor to remotely see the patient inside a moving Ambulance.
    The technology is now available here in Malaysia.
    Demo available.

  78. Tun
    I am as old as you are. Since we are of about the same age, I would like to suggest you to stay there in the Australian hospital for as long as you like; after all it makes a good home as you had said.
    As such there is no need to come back to KL & ask the Govt to likewise do the impossible here in KL knowing our Malaysian mentality. It will not serve you good asking for one as they would not listen to you any more. Staying back there would also put pressure on the Govt of the day for not being able to meet your needs as the ex-Premiere & by do so, you will get your way to stay comfortably in a hospital for good; if not in Kl but at least in Australia.
    May God grant you your wish & I will also support your effort in asking what is due to you.

  79. Salam Sejahtera Tun
    Kami berharap Tun semakin pulih setelah kembali ke tanah air.
    We miss you so much Tun.
    Di harap Tun di rahmati Allah sentiasa Amiin

  80. Salam Tun,
    My family and I, are very happy that you have recovered and returned home safely. You are right M’sia should have such a facilities. BUT more importantly the out patient service at govt hospitals MUST be improved first. A few days ago I brought someone to the Selayang Hospital for check up (this is a police case). We had to wait for 2 and half hours to see the doctors. If it hadn’t been a police case I would have brought the person to the private clinic. after 2 and half hours, doctors examination takes only 5 minutes.
    I was told there is only one doctor working on night shift. We arrived at Selayang Hospital at 12 and left about 12.35. The doctor who attended to our case is a volunteer (helping his friend who is actually on duty – alone)
    During the waiting time, I saw people involved in accidents, old folks, young children had to wait for hours. There are also sign saying that it was a green zone (non critical) and waiting time could be more than 4 hours !! I saw few guys and a girl are bleeding (road accident)and yet they still have to wait, aren’t these critical enough??
    I just wonder if the hospital adminstrative family involved in an accident, would they wait for 4 hours to get treatment. This issue has been brought to MOH attention many times and we all read in the newspaper, but till today nothing is being done. MOH Minister comes and go, but the rakyat still wait for hours for treatment.
    I wonder if the 4 hours waiting time goes well with the slogan “Rakyat didahulukan”. I am very sure if the Selayang Hospitals administrative read this, they will come up with 1001 excuses, what ever it is, they are not doing anything to improve.

  81. I think this is easier said than done. Private health care is so expensive in Malaysia, such ‘hospital in home’ service would cost many fold more than the usual private care. Probably only the rich and famous can afford it. For the poor rakyat which form the majority in Malaysia, we probably need to continue to seek the RM1 public health care.
    Malaysia will probably unable to provide the top notch ambulance service as you describe because an ambulance driver or medical attendant will probably paid less than RM 1k per month. With this kind of incentive, how many highly qualified personnel can be recruited?

  82. Salam YABhg. Tun,
    It is very nice and comforting to see that you are well enough to write on your blog again. Alhamdulillah!
    Please take good care, Tun and I pray that your recovery is speedy, InsyaAllah! Amin!
    Lots of rest and take it easy, please. :-))
    Warmest regard to Tun & Family.

  83. Dearest Dr. M,
    We’re so glad that you’re back. We still need you for your guidance and pray to Allah that you’re given the strength and health to continue with your struggle for Islam and country. For now, please take care and have a good rest.

  84. Dear Tun,
    Alhamdulillah Tun dah sihat semula.
    Ambulance dinegara kita seolah-olah macam “kereta lembu”. Kenderaan yang digunakan adalah diubah suai dari van biasa (1800cc-2000cc) menjadi ambulance dan kelengkapan yang ada didalamnya adalah kelengkapan HP6. Tidak mempunyai kelengkapan yang canggih sebagai ambulance seperti terdapat dinegara Barat. Itulah bezanya negara membangun seperti kita apabila dibandingkan dengan negara maju. Negara Barat memang sungguh ambil berat tentang menyelamatkan nyawa manusia, tapi disamping itu mereka juga suka berperang membunuh dan mencederakan beribu manusia. Hairan!!
    Dulu semasa saya berkerja di syarikat dan berpeluang menguruskan penghantaran 2 buah ambulance canggih jenis Ford kuasa besar (5000cc) diimpot dari Australia semasa persidangan Commonwealth yang telah berlangsong di KL. Saya tak tahu sama ada ambulance tersebut masih lagi beroperasi atau telah dihumban ke bengkel JKR untuk selamanya dan dijadikan besi buruk.Maklumlah kita masih lagi ketinggalan tentang pentingnya mengutamakan penyelenggaraan asset kerajaan, baik kelengkapan mahupun bangunan.
    Sayalah orang pertama memandu ambulance tersebut dari Port Kelang menuju ke bengkel syarikat untuk diserahkan kepada Kementerian Kesihatan. Memang sungguh selesa sekali ruang dalam ambulance tersebut lengkap dengan segala alat-alat canggih.

  85. Dear Tun,
    We have a first-hand experience suffering from a terrible local ambulance service. In Nov 2009, after numerous unsuccessful attempts to secure an ambulance, my wife was forced to take a taxi from a suburban area of Serdang Raya to Ampang Puteri SH to deliver our third child. It is utterly disgusting to feel that, at least at times, we could be at the whim and fancy of these operators as far as who gets to be picked up and who doesn’t. Given the “life & death situation”-nature of this service, I wonder if there is any existing law governing its operation.

  86. Why must an ambulance service be “viable”? Next, we may be asked whether our police and fire department to make themselves ‘viable’, before they can give us adequate srevice. We pay tax, and if the tax money has been squandered on silly projects , do we the rakyat have to pay for that folly?

  87. Alhamdulillah Tun dah sihat…
    Mudah-mudahan Allah S.W.T. melimpahkan kesihatan berterusan kepada Tun. Amin…

  88. Goodday TUN,
    It is great to hear you are back in Malaysia and doing well.May you continue to do what you were born to do.Take care Tun and God Bless.
    Now Playing : Meshuggah – I

  89. Salam Tun.
    Home Hospital sound nice. As a dental student,we are also has to be posted to a hospital and learn the medical education. My point is, I`m very disappointed with some of the medical officer and staff.
    Some of them a dedicated to the service and some are don`t. I do realize that they also have their own personal life. But, what i do care is, the patient that need to be treated first. Not just playing on Facebook, chit chat with the colleague etc.
    Actually, what our country need first is to provide a very good service to the people. Once you have commit with the job, you have to fulfill it with sincerity. I think its time for the government to increase the standard for whom want to be a medical officer, dental officer and staff.

  90. Beloved Tun,
    You gave all of us at home a terrible scare when you fell ill in Melbourne the other day. Glad to see you and Tun Siti back home again. Although I am not a medical doctor,I know that what you best need for the next one month at least is to have all your public engagements here and abroad cancelled with immediate effect. I suppose that goes for Tun Siti as well! As for private engagements, limit them only to the family – your cucus especially!! However, lest the brain becomes beku from non-activity, do of course continue with your Che Det blog!!!
    With much affection.
    Tunku Sofiah


  92. Dear Tun and Family
    Alhamdulillah, it is nice to hear from you again. Me and family wishes you best of health and speedy recovery.
    I am happy to get to share again your thoughts and as usual you are continously looking for improvement, and in this case is the provision of health services.
    Well, actually Malaysia has a lot of improvement opportunities if we willing to embrace the culture of efficiency from the advanced country. As far as I can recall my experience living in the advanced country, it is not just about the physical development, it is also about the cultural change, civilisation, efficiency of service, knowledge development, etc, etc.
    Hope that we could also be there soon…
    Cheers Tun, May Allah bless you with happiness

  93. My Salam to you and Tun Dr Hasmah.
    I know you are being well taken care of. But all the same, please get well. Soon.
    Thank you.

  94. Dear Tun,
    Its good that you are well again, so we can continue to hear and read your thoughts, as much as we shall agree or not.
    This part of your writing is one of the points about medical care that Malaysia should continue to improve. By improving the total Medical care system, the people in Malaysia can benefit. The Public Hospital has improved tremendously, especially with new hospital all over the country.
    However, soft skill needs continued improvement and care mentality should always be enhanced. As much as possible, profitability should be kept within a control range, because its life and death that we talk about. We need to agree that everything cost money, but we cannot and should not accept that only people with money deserves the best Medical Care.
    We hope, good medical services can always be attained by all Malaysian.

  95. Dear Tun
    Alhamdulillah, its great to see you writing again. take care and may Allah bless us all.

  96. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    ALHAMDULILLAH, u are back home! Missed u Tun! Everyday praying you will be back to Malaysia safely! Alhamdulillah.
    I hate Parti Kencing Rakyat. He (that guy who made “kurang ajar” remark) about Tun.
    You dont care all that Tun. We will pray for u!

  97. YG Berbahgia Tun,
    Selamat kembali ke tanah air dan syukur alhamdulillah Tun sihat. Saya dan keluarga sentiasa mendoakan kesihatan Tun dan mendoakan Tun sentiasa di dalam perlindungan Allah.
    Sekian. Wassalam.

  98. alhamdulillah bersyukur kepada ALLAH TDMM selamat pulang ke tanah tumpah darah dengan selamat ada nya … amin…,, jauhkan diri drp pa>alif>sin, menyesal dahulu selamat, menyesal belakang, parah menanti bawa mati….

  99. Tun Dr M,
    Salam to you and family.
    It is a great relief when our family heard that you have been discharged from the hospital, continuing with the home hospital treatment, discharged completely and well enough to travel back home.
    Now you are at home, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. We pray to ALMIGHTY ALLAH SWT for your good health and continue to give guidance and wisdom to all.
    My family stayed in Australia for a couple of years because my wife did her post-graduate studies in one of the top University in Oz. My children went to Oz government public school for free because my wife is on G-G arrangement. My wife is a government officer and the Oz government accorded G-G status to her.
    My family THANK YOU for the opportunity to study in Australia. It is your far-sighted that enabled me, my wife and our children to study in foreign country. The experiences and the exposure are priceless and we want to serve our country in whatever capacity that we could.
    The experiences and the exposure has enabled us to think. That is the main criteria of surviving. My children are now doing better in schools and universities.
    Both of us are foreign graduates and we will ensure that we will send our children to foreign universities either for their degree or post-graduates studies. Not that we are not confident of our local universities but we think that foreign universities still have the edges. BUT we will ensure that our children serve the country in whatever capacity.
    Once again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your far-sighted policy of sending our students and government officers to study in a foreign country.
    Jimmy Hillhead

  100. Yes.. professionalism in whatever we do, besides a well equiped ambulance.. that is what we’re still lacking or yet to improve.. One word/sentence..”Bekerjalah dengan sepenuh hati”. Most importantly; alhamdulillah Tun Mahathir is back.. we need you.. the ummah needs you.. Berbanyaklah berehat.. sambil terus memberi teguran.. Terima kasih.

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