When the Honourable the de facto Minister of Justice said that if I had “proof of (Justice Ian) Chin’s alleged misconduct and report the matter to the police or the Chief Justice” it became clear that the honourable and learned de facto Minister had not bothered to study the matter concerned. He was happy to comment and dismiss a complaint against the judge based on what he read (incorrectly) in the Press.

The report to the police had already been made by the people aggrieved by (Justice Ian) Chin’s biased judgement and it had been extended to the Chief Justice, the former Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and to the Prime Minister himself. Receiving no response the complainants had extended it to the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) as well. It is this report that the Government or its agencies should take action on. It details clearly the unethical behaviour of Chin.

I heard about the report from a relative of the people who made the charge after Chin made his “explosive revelation”. The complete set of the report and related papers were sent to me. I also received the same report from lawyers involved in the case after Chin’s revelation.

I mentioned the police report without elaborating on it in my rebuttal because I needed time to study it.

In his statement from the safety of his court on June 24th, 2008 Chin said, “Dr Mahathir by waving the supposed police report the way he did lent support to the generally held view that this Prime Minister kept a docket on everyone useful but with a skeleton in their cupboard so that he can manipulate them on pain of disclosing the skeleton. I thought only the STASI of the then Communist East Germany do such a thing but then it was done for the benefit of the State not for an individual. In my view he is trying to exploit the general believe to wave that supposed police report to get the public to believe that I have committed something unlawful which he is privy to and which the public is not unaware (?) so that my integrity could be put under suspicion to make what I have revealed unbelievable. Let me declare to the public that I am as clean as a whistle and my life is an open book”. (From notes of Proceedings – Special Mention of Case June 24th, 2008)

In the same notes he stated “I have prepared in advance what I have to say today and had mailed copies of the same to the lawyers of the parties before today in case I meet with an accidental death and both counsels have agreed in the event of that happening, the statement I had sent them would be regarded as having been pronounced in court”.

It sounds very much that Chin was afraid of being killed (by accident). Readers can make their own interpretation of what he implied. His statement would be his final word on the matter (before he dies).

Yet in the court of June 24th he said (vide proceedings of court) “I have since amended certain parts of that statement and counsel should delete the copy I had sent them and the one that counts is the one appearing in the following pages”.

It is obvious that he did not think carefully about what he wanted to say and found it necessary to amend a statement which the court would have accepted as his final statement to the court had he accidentally died. Can such a sloppy judge be believed?

Be that as it may we must accept that the following record of proceedings on June 24th on his statement truly record what he said in court as different from his written statement to the counsels.

The most significant element in his statement of June 9th 2008 in open court is that regarding my alleged threat against judges.

Whereas that statement the record stated, “The then Prime Minister went there (to the Judges Conference) to issue a thinly veiled threat to remove judges by referring to the tribunal that was set up before and stating that though it may be difficult to do so it was still done”, yet in his statement on June 24th he said (as recorded in the proceedings of June 15th);

“Now to the matter of the veiled threat. Dr Mahathir did not say that he will remove judges by referring to tribunal in those express words. You must know what went on before to appreciate what message he was attempting to convey in his devious way and to look at the subsequent events to put what he had said in the right perspective.” This sentence again displays Chin’s failure to find the words to prove that there was a threat. He finally resorted to saying that the Prime Minister uttered the veiled threat by “dropping words to that effect here and there”. What words which “when dropped here and there” becomes a veiled threat?

He was so positive about the veiled threat on June 9th but on June 24th he seems to be unable to find words to show that there was a “veiled threat”. Can people trust a judge who makes assumptions based on “words here and there”?

Surely if I made a veiled threat, other judges must have heard it and as one former judge said, “he would be shocked and would remember it”. But no one else seems to remember it. Chin ranted against the judge who denied there was a threat, claiming he knows who the judge was and abusing him. Again he makes conclusion based on suspicion.

Accusing me of having a docket on everyone so that I can manipulate them is fantasy of the highest order. Certainly I did not have a docket on him. What I got was given to me after his statement on June 9, 2008.

He has the Government and the Honourable the de facto Minister of Justice on his side. They should be able to prove that I had this “docket” or that I had used police report to threaten anyone. Show me one case.

In the case of Anwar, the police reported to me about his bad morals and after consulting my colleagues and the UMNO Supreme Council, I took action to remove him. I did not keep these reports in order to threaten him.

Now of course he has another police report and it would be interesting to see how Chin’s friends in the Government will deal with it.

In any case Chin should be happy that the Honourable the de facto Minister of Justice has decided (not the Attorney General whose job it is to examine the case) not to set up a tribunal or to do anything.

Chin appears to be unsparing in bad-mouthing other people from the safety of his court. He called me a “devil incarnate” and suggested that I behave like the East German Secret Police (STASI).

I wonder what the legal profession thinks about judges calling people names in their courts, people who are not even connected with the case being heard, and certainly people who had never been given a chance to be heard.

If this is the new standard then what people say about the deterioration of the judiciary must be true.

I have no intention to make any police report on the misbehaviour of Judge Ian Chin. It would be an exercise in futility under present conditions.

I leave it to the public to judge. If anyone had had a police report waved in his face during the 22 years I was Prime Minister, please make a police report.

If the police have evidence of a docket which I kept, please show evidence of this.

I pity the people who have to be tried by Chin. His fertile mind can conjure evidence where there is none, and he can pass sentence based on this. It is Chin’s Justice.

332 thoughts on “JUDGE'S MISCONDUCT”

  1. A’kum Tun
    Semoga berada dalam kesihatan yang baik dan bahagia disamping keluarga
    Salam untuk Tun Hasmah
    Saya tidak akan memberi komen tentang cerita di atas tetapi ingin menarik perhatian Tun dan semua bloggers tentang usul Pak Lah agar rakyat menghantar komen, berita dan laporan terus kepadanya melalui WARKAH UNTUK PM
    Peringatan ini adalah kepada semua para sahabat yang pernah dan ingin menulis di dalam ruangan “WARKAH UNTUK PM” bagi membuat aduan ataupun pandangan mengenai salah laku pegawai kerajaan,pandangan mengenai politik semasa dan perkara yang perlu diperbetulkan oleh Pak Lah. Warkah yang dihantar oleh anda akan dihantar ( forward) kepada NGO yang diketuai oleh Ketua Menteri Melaka tanpa diedit. Jika anda membuat aduan, semua data dan maklumat anda yang sepatutnya ‘confidential’akan diketahui dan mungkin akan diberi kepada badan yang dikritik atau diadu.
    Jika Pak Lah ikhlas untuk mendengar pandangan rakyat, beliau sepatutnya menyaring dan meneliti sendiri warkah tersebut daripada mengharapkan orang lain. Itu dah tak jadi personal sebagaimana seperti blog Tun di mana Tun sendiri yang meneliti dan memberi pandangan tentang persoalan yang bersarang di hati rakyat ( walaupun kita amat tahu Tun adalah seorang yang sibuk)…. HIDUP TUN.

  2. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya memohon ampun dan maaf kerana saya memasuki ruangan ini, saya dari sekolah hingga sekarang mempunyai impian untuk bertemu dengan Tun suami isteri, tapi tak ada rezeki…..setiap perhimpunan,setiap majlis perasmian/perkahwinan saya tak pernah dpt bersalam atau bersemuka dgn Tun…
    Tun Yg di Sanjungi dan di Hormati,
    Saya ingin sekali menjemput Tun ke Majlis Perkahwinan saya pada 02 August 2008, saya bukan anak org yang berada saya org kebanyakan, Ayah saya seorang pegawai Kastam, ibu suri rumah kami berasal dari butterworth, ayah saya telah kembali ke rahmayullah 2 tahun lepas, kami sekeluarga amat menyanjungi Tun, Ibu saya selalu menangis bila membaca atau mendgr org mencemuh Tun , kalau Tun sudi boleh saya dptkan alamat Tun untuk saya menghantar Kad Jemputan,
    Tun, Ampun maaf sekali lagi kerana saya memasuki ruangan ini, saya dah tak tahu bagaimana utk menjemput Tun ke majlis perkahwinan saya…..Tun, saya teringin sangat Tun hadir di majlis perkahwinan saya nanti…..boleh kah ?
    [email protected]

  3. Evening Tun! Hope you’re doing fine. Congrats on the three million hits! 🙂
    I just feel like dropping a comment to this Abi person.
    Uh on, someone thinks a little bit too highly of him(her)self. What are you? A make-believe god, Abi (snorts)? What a pathetic comeback. That was so uncalled for. Insulting ‘kampung boys’ really won’t get you to nowhere. Honestly, these people you call ‘illiterates’ and incapable of intellectual discussion are better human beings than you could ever be.
    So low, I don’t think you could sink any lower honestly.

  4. Tun,
    Mudah-mudahan kerajaan yang ada ni paham betul betul lah masalah ni, udah panjang lebah dibentang, kalau tak paham jugak memanglah mereka ni bakal nak kena jajah balik oleh orang asing.

  5. Comments from Abi:
    What can we expect from “Kampong Boys”? They lack knowledge, brains, sane thinking.. they are like “buta huruf” (illiterates). They are not capable of intellectual discussion.We have to dismiss their illogical
    and fatuous remarks with the contempt that they deserve. With such looney’s around (and there are many), this great nation of ours may slip into anarchy and chaos. Please study hard and work and think smart, for heaven’s sake!
    From Kampong Boy:
    Well thanks for the comments brother Abi. Honestly I did not expect you could come up with the these types of comments and remarks. I thought that you are professional enough in coming up with your point of views professionally but rather you are very much self centered and ignorance by comparing to reality and facts.
    Being a Kampong Boy, we do appreciate life and we had gone through our life as a kampong folks. That is the facts and reality. For this we know how to differentiate between good and bad, between anarchy and good governmance, between chaos and staiblity, between solid government and shamble, between good CEO and bad and so many other things that you can compare with.
    Based on all these facts and reality that we have gone through our life you did not have to remind us about our lack of knowledge, “buta huruf”, sane thinking and not capable of intelectual discussions. However, please look at yourself brother and please evaluate your comments on yourself as well. You could also belong Kampong Boy category, which are lack of knowledge, “buta huruf”, sane thinking and not capable of intelectual discussions.
    One thing for sure we do know between political agendas, the good of the country, chaos, stability, good governance and many others. Allow me to say that we do read from time to time and internet is one of the media my friend.
    Again, thanks for your comments and all here would like to have intelligent discussions and comments on issues raised in this “blog”.
    From Kampong Boy

  6. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, congratulations!!! You did it. You have achieved what some bloggers can only dream. A 3 Million hits, and counting for this blog.
    To me you are the most influential Malaysian blogger for 2008.
    There are more you can provide here, and more individuals such as me can benefit from your sincere sharing of vital and valuable information at this The Che Det Blog.

  7. Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera kepada semua,
    I just want to ask a simple question to ABI who sounded rather against Yang Berbahagia Tun Mahathir in his comment for this entry.
    If all those mega projects initiated by Tun Mahathir are now “white elephants, why is the DAP-led Penang Government so eagerly wanting to expedite the construction of the second bridge ???? Why do they so eagerly want a second “white elephant” ?
    So many people commented negatively on the construction on KLIA, especially those whose jobs were “to oppose” Is the KLIA now a “white elephant”? I for one, is so very proud of our KLIA.
    Mr. ABI, will you please answer.
    As a Malaysian, I personally think that Tun Mahathir has done a number of wrongs and has made a number of unpopular decisions too. However ABI, please remember that Tun Mahathir has done lots of good things for Malaysia and Malaysians. And the entire world too. If most “things” that he has done are bad, why was that he held the premiership for 22 years ….. he would still be the PM now if he hasn’t stepped down (not toppled !!!!). I believe, the 22 years tenure as PM speaks for itself too. If he was a really bad leader, he would have been toppled by the Malaysian voters. That’s my view.
    Come on ABI, don’t allow hatred controls and colours our minds and views.
    Good day to all

  8. Salam Tun,
    May Allah bless you and your family..
    I read the book title :48 Rules Of Power..one of your reading material.
    To rules ..we need to decide..the desicion may be favourable or unfavarouble to different peoples.
    BUT, i know that you really did your finest desicion during your time as PM>
    AND i really hope someone similar to you can RULE our beloved country..again,but for the meantime…it ‘s you..GUIDE US..TUN.
    Salam untuk seisi keluarga TUN.Semuga dipelihara Allah..

  9. Tun,
    Tahniah Tun, blog sudah menjangkau 3,000,000 hits dalam masa 2 bulan.
    Apa kata kita sasarkan 30,000,000 ya 30 juta sebelum akhir 2008.
    Teruskan perjuangan Tun.

  10. What can we expect from “Kampong Boys”? They lack knowledge, brains, sane thinking.. they are like “buta huruf” (illiterates). They are not capable of intellectual discussion.We have to dismiss their illogical
    and fatuous remarks with the contempt that they deserve. With such looney’s around (and there are many), this great nation of ours may slip into anarchy and chaos. Please study hard and work and think smart, for heaven’s sake!

  11. Dear Tun yang dikasihi,
    Di sini saya ingin meluahkan perasaan sedih saya di atas kata kesat yang dilemparkan oleh antimamak terhadap Tun. Tolonglah antimamak.. Janganlah terlalu menghina Tun yang kami sayangi.. Janganlah tambah kesedihan kami ini.. Kalau antimamak tak suka simpanlah sendiri-sendiri. Jangan tambah dosa dengan mengumpat dan menghina orang lain..
    Saya tetap mendoakan kebahagiaan Tun di dunia dan diakhirat.

  12. SALAM TUN…

  13. To antimamak :you’re confusing urself la, the topic still on the track “judges Misconduct” ini adalah agenda yang perlu dipertikaikan tentang ketelusan yang hendak diutarakan oleh ZI dan Pak Lah’s government.Kalau government ambil ringan , bagaimana image Umno , peneraju kerajaan.Tentang nak suruh Tun buat report tu , you baca betul2 1st&2nd paragraph tu..dah ada report dibuat..baca2 betul jangan tulis ikut perasaan musnah jiwa..

  14. Dear Tun yang dikasihi,
    Setiap hari saya melayari blog Tun ini. Rasa rindu kalau tidak dapat menatap setiap komen yang ada di blog ini walau sehari.. Begitulah rindunya saya dan jutaan lagi rakyat Malaysia terhadap Tun. Besar sungguh harapan kami rakyat Malaysia agar Tun menimbang semula saranan kami agar Tun dapat kembali jadi pemimpin nombor satu negara ini. Kembalilah Tun.. Kami amat mengharapkan kepimpinanmu yang tiada galang gantinya…
    Salam Tun yang amat disayangi lagi dirindui..

  15. Salam Tun…
    Chek setuju Mr/Ms Paq….
    Suruh DSAI pi bertanding dgn Barrack Obama utk jawatan
    Presiden pkai isu yg sama(sodomi)dan lebam kat bijik mata.

  16. Assalamualiakum Tun….
    Ni nak bgtau kat WokYoh…
    Sempoilah ulasan bola sepak tu..
    Terkekeh kekeh saya dok gelak sorang2.
    Kepada Tun….
    Usaha Tun selama ini memang dihargai dan disanjungi oleh sekelian
    rakyat Malaysia.
    Siapa yg berani ‘menidakkan’ kemajuan dan kemodenan yg Tun bawa.
    Cuma kekadang mereka ni lupa dan alpa.
    Jadi tepuk dada, tanya selera…..

  17. Tun,
    Saya selalu memikirkan supaya Tun menubuhkan parti baru, parti yang mempunyai perjuangan yang serupa dengan UMNO yang membela agama dan bangsa. Parti baru berkenaan mestilah mempunyai hubungan yang baik dengan parti parti komponen BN sekarang ni. Antara perlembagaan parti tersebut ialah supaya tidak ada koata pencalonan untuk mencabar jawatan presiden.
    lagi satu berkenaan kempen reben putih, ada baiknya kita tukar dengan memakai baju putih sahaja pada tiap tiap hari selasa, dengan ini saya rasa lebih ramai yang berani untuk berkempen, kepada yang penakut pun saya rasa berani….

  18. A very good day to you and family Tun.
    ABI, kau ni kurang ajar lah. Kami tak perlu bangkit dari apa2lah.
    sejak 22tahun Tun pimpin kami, rakyat tak susah langsung, berbanding sekarang, teruk sekali. Kau rasai tak, atau kau dah hilang akal atau siuman? Kalau nak comment janganlah bakar orang lain pula. Heh satu Perkataan kat nama you terlupa post kut “B”.
    And what about our “BAR”(place for drinkers, good and bad alike) council? Nothing better to do? Social contract? What has that gotta do with you, without our consent? Again Double Standard Is No Justice. We dont need you at the least trying to be our hero.
    Salam Tun.

  19. Asslammualaikum Tun & Semua Bloggers,
    my first comment. I have start to gune ribbon putih at my lengan baju since tuesday…
    perjuangan rakyat grassroot

  20. SALAM………..

  21. Assalammualaikum semua terutama buat Tun dan Family,
    Saya telah mengikuti perkembangan politik dari sejak saya menjadi mahasiswa lagi dan saya juga berpeluang berkhidmat di bawah pemerintahan Tun sebagai penjawat awam pada tahun 1999 sehingga kini, apa yang menarik perhatian saya ialah, semasa Tun memegang tampuk pemerintahan, Tun telah menaikkan harga minyak sebanyak 2 kali namun kenaikan itu tidaklah terlalu ketara dan membebankan rakyat. Sekarang ini kita melihat kenaikan yang melampau sehingga membebankan sebahagian besar rakyat malaysia, kenapa kerajaan khususnya pak menteri yang mengakui dirinya sang bijak tidak dapat memberi jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik untuk menangani kenaikan harga petroleum dunia. Kita juga jual minyak dan secara tidak langsungnya kenaikan ini juga memberi kebaikan kepada perolehan negara namun apa yang menjadi persoalan ialah kenapa keuntungan yang lebih tidak digunakan untuk menampung sedikit harga minyak sehingga perlu dinaikkan sebanyak 78 sen seliter?
    Pak Lah memberi janji yang kenaikan ini tidak membebankan rakyat namun dalam masa yang sama beliau menagku rakyat mengalami penderitaan akibat keputusan ini, ini cakap pemutar alam, sekejap cakap lain pas tu cakap lain. Pak menteri juga memberi jaminan yang harga barang keperluan tidak akan naik, macam mana orang semcam ini boleh dilantik menjadi menteri, tukang kebun pun tau impaknya apabila harga petrol dinaikkan maka berkoyan-koyan lah harga barangan keperluan dan perkhidmatan akan ikut naik..jaminan ini sama macam jaminan yang diberi oleh amerika semasa perang teluk yang kadar kemusnahan akan diminimakan!!!!!
    Buat Tun yang sangat saya hormati, kembalikan keadilan kepada rakyat jangan sehingga UMNO dan BN hilang tampuk pemerintahan disebabkan oleh sikap sebilangan pemimpin yang mengkayakan golongan mereka sahaja.

  22. Tahniah kepada
    Semoga cadangan2 yang dihasilkan merupakan langkah kehadapan

  23. Salam sejahtera Tun,
    To Lampu basikal, i had the same thinking of DSAI before i read your comment. He and his family should MIGRATE to US. We admit that the current government is in a mess but we don’t need ANWAR to fight justice for us. And we don’t need BIG UNCLE to give their moron warning/advise to us. And we do not need their observation on us(term use by Karpal), please observe your GUANTANAMA BAY.
    Let’s enlighted our day today. Banyak sudah Bloq Poll diadakan utk merumitkan suasana yang keruh, so my funny question is :
    Siapa disini yang setuju yang Malaysia will be a better place to be kalau Anwar Ibrahim MIGRATE to US.
    Hope the answer can put a smile on Tun’s face today.In times like this we all need a good laughter.

  24. Salam Hormat Tun,
    I support the idea by MAJ (B) RAHMAN M.A to create a new political party lead by you. Yes, most of of us agree you should defend yourself against these nonsense allegations but to dwell further is a waste of time.
    Let us analyse the reason Pakatan Rakyat gained its famed tsunami election success. In my humble opinion, people had no choice. They are not really supporting PR but since BN is losing its popularity they elected PR candidates. Its a matter of choosing PR over BN. But what if there is another potential party, one that is lead by you Tun. People would be presented with third choice. A 3-way fights will be more interesting.
    Some people will argue about malay supremacy, loyalties to UMNO and bla…bla… bla… but all those mean nothing now. We are new generation of malaysians who love our country regardless of colour, race and religion want our country to return to its former glory, peace and harmony with you as our mentor.

  25. salam ayahanda sekeluarga…
    bosan dng kisah n ‘teladan’ orng-orang ‘besar’ macam ni…bukan nak menyenangkan rakyat..sibuk nak tunjuk perangai…hmm

  26. Salam Tun,
    I know this may be out of topic but are these figures true?Please tell us!I got this email today,just want to know if they were through…the salaries of minister, i mean!
    Gaji menteri vs seruan ‘ubah gaya hidup rakyat’
    Azamin Amin
    Wed | Jun 11, 08 | 11:10:57 am MYT
    KUALA LUMPUR, 11 Jun (Hrkh) – Kenaikan harga minyak yang diumumkan kerajaan minggu lalu sehingga 41 peratus amat menjejaskan kehidupan dan meningkatkan kos sara hidup rakyat Malaysia.
    Namun dalam ‘lelah’ rakyat Malaysia mendepani kemelut kenaikan harga minyak ini, kelompok menteri yang mempertahankan keputusan kerajaan pula menasihatkan rakyat agar ‘mengubah gaya hidup’ bagi meringankan penderitaan.
    Laungan kelompok menteri bagaimanapun tidak berdasarkan kepada hakikat yang sebenar kerana perbezaan taraf kehidupan antara menteri dan rakyat kebanyakan dari sudut pendapatan cukup ketara.
    Pendedahan menarik berhubung gaji dan ‘keistimewaan’ para menteri di Malaysia ini merupakan satu renungan buat rakyat yang selama ini diseru menteri yang kaya supaya mengubah gaya hidup.
    Pendedahan ini pernah disiarkan di dalam beberapa blog dan difahamkan datangnya daripada satu surat yang diemel oleh seorang yang dikenali sebagai pegawai kerajaan di Putrajaya ke laman blog Tranungkite Online tahun lalu yang boleh dijadikan rujukan maklumat betapa besar jumlahnya wang rakyat dibelanjakan oleh Menteri-menteri di Malaysia.
    Menurutnya, rekod tersebut adalah berdasarkan kepada pendapatan bulanan menteri kabinet pada tahun 1999 dan pada pendapatnya terdapat sedikit sebanyak perubahan sehingga sekarang.
    Berikut adalah perbandingan gaji menteri dengan persoalan ‘ubah gaya hidup’ yang disarankan kepada rakyat::-
    Slip Pendapatan Bulanan bagi Menteri Penuh Malaysia termasuk Ketua-Ketua Menteri:
    1. Gaji Pokok RM18,000
    2. Elaun Keraian RM10,500.00
    3. Elaun Perumahan RM10,800.00
    4. Elaun Wakil Rakyat RM10,650.00
    5. Elaun parking RM 5,700.00
    Jumlah pendapatan bulanan RM55,650.00 yang wajib diterima sama ada sakit atau tidak bekerja:-
    Lain-lain kemudahan
    1. Bercuti keluar negara sekali setahun terutama selepas persidangan Dewan Negara- semua perbelanjaan ditanggung oleh kerajaan termasuk tiket penerbangan, hotel, duit poket sebanyak RM50,000.00. Kalau tidak bercuti keluar negara seorang menteri boleh menuntut sebanyak RM50,000.00 tanpa resit.
    2. Bil letrik percuma ditanggung oleh kerajaan Malaysia
    3. Bil Air percuma ditanggung oleh kerajaan Malaysia
    4. Bil telefon percuma ditanggung oleh kerajaan Malaysia
    5. Peruntukan perkakasan dapor/perhiasan rumah dan lain-lain boleh dituntut setahun sekali sebanyak RM40,000.00
    6. Sebuah kereta Mercedes S320, di lengkapi dengan telefon bimbit,satu pemandu,minyak percuma.Kalau guna khidmat pemandu kementerian, dapatlah duit percuma.
    7. Semua pemberian derma seperti kepada perkahwinan, kematian,atau pemberian kepada badan kebajikan kebajikan boleh dituntut.
    8. Boleh mengadakan rumah terbuka setiap hari raya, segala perbelanjaan ditanggung oleh kerajaan. Kebiasaan Menteri menuntut sebanyak RM400,000.00
    9. Setiap menteri biasanya tuntutan mereka sebanyak RM45,000.00 semua elaun perbelanjaan tidak termasuk elaun-elaun dalam slip pendapatan bulanan.
    Slip Pendapatan Bulanan Bagi Timbalan Menteri ialah:-
    1. Gaji Pokok RM15,000
    2. Elaun Keraian RM9,500.00
    3. Elaun Perumahan RM9,800.00
    4. Elaun Wakil Rakyat RM10,650.00
    5. Elaun parking RM 5,700.00
    Jumlah pendapatan bulanan RM50,650.00 yang wajib terima samada sakit atau tidak hadir bertugas.
    Dan Menteri:-
    1. Pengerusi syarikat/lembaga jabatan kerajaan
    2. Pengerusi syarikat swasta yg dilantik
    3. Pedapatan dari syarikat persendirian seperti kontrak dan lain-lain
    4. Pendapatan dari kroni-kroni peribadi
    5. Saham yang diberi khas oleh kerajaan sebanyak 300,000 unit setiap masa.
    6. Tidak termasuk dari pendapatan luar negara
    7. Lain-lain sumber / wann _

  27. assalammualkaikum,
    dear all,
    siapa yg berminat senaraikan nama orang orang politik yg anda tidak
    suka lepas tu buat karangan 50 patah perkataan dgn tajuk antara orang politik yg paling anda benci.
    hantarkan ke [email protected]

  28. Kepada konco2 DOLAH BADWI yg mengintip blog Tun utk baca ulasan pengunjung,
    skiranya negara ni kacau bilau dan tergadai pada negara asing, org pertama yg saya dan shbt saya akan cari ialah DOLAH BADWI. Tak dpt juga cari akn diburu sampai dapat.
    Tak sempat cari dan buru kat dunia ni, sambung plak kat akhirat. Kat akhirat ada mahkamah Allah yg agung yg lebih adil dr segala-galanya. Org pertama yg saya dan shbt saya akn dakwa ialah DOLAH BADWI dan akn tdpt senarai panjang lagi org2 dibwhnya. Dia sbgai pemimpin kat dunia dulu spatutnya membela dan mempertahankan hak org yg dipimpinnya dan mjd tauladan baik kpd org bwhannya.
    saya dan shbt saya maukn keadilan yg hakiki di akhirat, pastikan DOLAH BADWI dan konco2nya akn disiksa di neraka shgga habis hukumannya sbgai balasan kpd pemimpin yg khianat. saya dan shbt2 pasti akn tuntut byrn pahala dr apa2 kebaikan yg dibuat oleh DOLAH BADWI dan konco2nya shggalah mereka mjd bankrap di akhirat kelak dan neraca timbangan mereka mjd ringan utk melayakkan mereka menerima hukuman setimpal di neraka.
    Ingat amaran ini, sbgai org Islam tentu konco2 DOLAH atau lebih baik DOLAH sdiri yg baca komen ini tau tentang rukun2 Iman dan maklum tentang ajaran Islam. Kumpul la juta2 RM dan USD kat dunia ni, smua bnda tu takkan bguna di akhirat dan tak dibawa mati pun. Yg dibw ialah amalan, sumbangan dan doa dr org yg dipimpin.
    Buat TUN saya dan shbt doakn kesejahteraan utk Tun sekeluarga. sesgghnya kami tau menilai sumbangan dan tindakan yg telah TUN lakukan smasa memerintah dhlu adalah utk kbaikan seluruh rakyat dan negara Malaysia. Semoga Tun dirahmati Allah SWT dunia dan akhirat. Rahmat Allah yg paling besar pd diri Tun yg saya dan shbt saya nampak pd diri TUN skrg ini ialah umur yg panjang dgn ksihatan yg baik, daya ingatan yg masih tajam dan masih mampu berfikir scara normal dan rasional serta mpunyai kberanian sbgai seorg pejuang.
    Asalamualaikum Tun….

  29. Aslmkm Tun,
    Many days have passed and the continuing silence of the de facto Miniter of Justice is becoming and embarassment to Malaysians.
    The Bar Council too, expecially Ambiga the de facto Leader of Hindraf suddenly has become mute. I’m thinking the Bar Council is just many shylocks come together to further their own selfish and narrow interests all the time.

  30. Asslammualaikum Tun & Semua Bloggers,
    Pada pendapat saya adalah amat menyakinkan apabila kita mendapat maklumat yang sebenarnya untuk pelbagai isu – isu hangat yang sedang atau telah terjadi dari pena Tun sendiri. Bagaimanapun yang penting, pendedahan Tun ini perlu dilihat dari segi perspektif positif agar segala maklumat yang perolehi dapat menajamkan dan memantapkan lagi pemikiran kita untuk menghadapi penghidupan kini yang semakin mencabar minda kita.
    Perbincangan secara berilimiah dan positif perlu diketengahkan dan penulisan Tun perlu dijadikan tongkah untuk sesuatu topik itu diperkatakan.
    Pendedahan atau penulisan mengenai sesuatu isu yag lebih terdorong kepada gossip atau negatif kerana walaupun enak membacanya tapi mencalarkan pemikiran kita secara tidak langsung.

  31. Antar surat mohon perkenan kebawah Duli Tuanku yang akan hadir Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja ke-214.

  32. Saya seorang lagi yang sehaluan dgn pendapat MalayJJ. Saya dah siap tulis dan nak antar surat kepada Istana Negara BY HAND. Ini sebab saya difahamkan ramai antar terus ke Mail box on da way to work. Inilah another means yang terhormat sebagai warganegara selain mengundi. Saya terangkan bagaimana susahnya hidup menyara anak2 sekarang serta tindakan menjual saham dan kepentingan negara kepada Singapura dan rekomen Tun sebagai penjaga yang mempunyai hak menegur untuk menjaga kepentingan Malaysia sepanjang usia Tun kerana beliau layak diberi perlantikan itu. Wallahu A’lam.

  33. BUAT MalayJessyJames
    TAPI AKU TAK SETUJU TANG kredibiliti Polis & BPR sudah tidak ada lagi..

  34. Yang Di Hormati Tun,
    May I appeal to you Tun to ceased further comments on the followings: Dishonourable Judge Chin, Minister Without Kawasan Parlimen Zaid Ibrahim and OKU Karpal Singh. They are small people who are leeching on your popularity to make their existence felt and now they suddenly find themselves as popular as you are. You are a GREAT man, a leader of mankind (going beyond the territorial boundary of nations) an internationally acclaimed and accomplished statesman. They are not of your class, for that matter they have no class.They are not even anak bilis, for they belong to the seluang family. Why waste your much valued time on them. By now Malaysian knows who they are. Any future comments, statements or allegations by any one of them towards Tun should be treated like “ANJING MENYALAK BUKIT”.
    Your entire effort should be geared towards finding ways and means to acheive PERPADUAN and MEMURTABATKAN the Malays after recent General Failure of UMNO and BN in the election. Since you have resigned from UMNO, efforts must be made to unite the Malays outside the framework of UMNO i.e by forming a new party that subscribe to the aspirations and spirit of the yesteryears UMNO. UMNO members that are BERANI like, Allahyarham Tun Razak, Syed Jaafar Albar and many others are hard to find within the present UMNO but many can be found outside UMNO. These people do not alligned themselves to any existing political party as their true love is for the UMNO of the old era.
    Let us establish this new party with Tun as the President. Let us call this new party “PARTI MELAYU MALAYSIA”. New in name only but its aspirations, spirits and directions sould be that of UMNO of the old era. Tengku Razali and his SEMANGAT 46 failed before, but this time around the political scenario and the leadership inside and outside UMNO are different. The mood of the general populace is also different.If the alleged sodomizer party can be successful why can’t we. After all we have not been allleged like them.

  35. Assallammualaikum,
    nak sampaikan salam buat antimamak tu, dia kata kalau Anwar jadi PM Anwar akan bongkar semuanya. yalah pastinya anwar akan bongkar semuanya…bukan tak biasa…anwar ni kaki bongkar…habis baju dan seluar orang dia bongkar…..ni memang “hobi” dia.
    Kalau Anwar jadi PM, jabatan Polis dan Mahkamah tak akan berfungsi lagi…pasal jika ada repot polis atau tuduhan tertentu…rakyat akan ramai-ramai buat bantahan tak mahu polis dan mahkamah buat kerja..ikut cara anuar….
    Tapi soalnya Layak kah Anwar jadi PM….kalau title “PM in Waiting” tu memang dia layak lah….diboleh pakai gelaran ni sepanjang hayat…..
    Anwar ni manusia yang senang nak urus…tu yang amerika dan yahudi sayang kat dia…bagi ja muzik dan gendang tamil…menari sakan dia..lupa dunia….tu yang dia asyik cakap dia ni PM in waiting….dia tak tau berapa panjang senarai nama waiting list tu….nama dia dalam list “PM in Waiting” adalah yang ke 1001. agak-agak pada 16 September 9061 lah baru sampai giliran dia…antimamak kena kasi faham brother anwar tu….di punya nama dalam senarai Pm in Waiting tu list giliran yang keberapa….kesian di tunggu. kalau Sungai buluh in waiting tu nama dia top lah kalau silap haribulan.
    Tapi yang seronoknya, daripada duk tunggu Anwar jadi PM, lebih afdal dan berkat serta menambahkan pahala kita kalau kita doakan Nik Aziz atau Hadi Awang jadi PM,amalan agam baguih aura cantik amalan cemerlang….banding dengan Anwar tu……tengok muka pun tau…tak ada muka jadi PM…anwar ni layak jadi penari dangdut ja…,Zahid, anwar dan ian chin…kalau di Sabah di gelar…aramaitih……3-10. Tak faham tak pa, orang Sabah faham tu….
    Tq. Salam Tun.
    By tq.

  36. Salam buat Ayahanda Tun & Ibu Hasmah,
    Jez curious?..Zaid ni yang mana, tak tau?…zaid yg duduk kat PJ dulu tu ka. serumah dgn anuar petronas tu..yg duk suka bawa balik pompuan mat saleh,negro,india, cina, melayu buat’korban’dia kat rumah tu,kot..dok slalu celebrate ‘happy hour’kat rumah tue…ooo yg tue kenai sangat laaa…klu yang tue…pantang tengok daee licin tue…
    Dia ni klu dok sama2 dgn lalang tepi jalan , baik ‘tebaih’ dia dulu…biark lalang tumbuh panjang pon tak pa… takkk kacau oghang..
    May God Bless Upon Ayahanda & Ibu ALWAYS…….

  37. Asalamualaikum pak det…
    ceq harap pak det sihat ceria n bahagia selalu….
    maaf yer lari dr topik…
    ane post terbaru pak det…aiyooooooo….
    kena sekat lagik ker….aiyooooo….
    tak senang duduk ceq nih…..dr ptg semlm ceq duk cek blog pak det…
    org penang takde saper nak kibar bendera putih meh….
    ceq dah kibar dah..org penang bangun2 kibar bendera putih..terutama org b.gedung…jom2..
    meh lah rame2 kiter kibar bendera putih…
    jgn lah duk cakap belakang jer….cakap biaq serupe bikin…
    jgn tiru aab tuh….kiter kena ikut pak det..baru org hormat..kalo org tak hormat pun sekurang2nyer kiter hormat diri sendrik….
    jom2 rame2 kibar bendera putih..
    p/s..ceq tingin sgt2 jumpa pak det..masa pak det kata nak berenti ceq tgk ucapan pak det..ceq nangis…huhuhuhuhuhu…
    tak terucap ucapan terima kasih ceq pd pak det..

  38. Asm Tun,
    Memang bila saya baca komen Tun yang mengatakan tidak terkejut dengan dakwaan keaatas DSAI adalah komen yang baik.Bagi saya DSAI memang seorang petualang bangsa yang benar benar kita doakan ditunjukkan jalan kebenaran oleh ALLAH.Ya Allah jauhi kami dari orang yang bernama DSAI ini untuk memimpin kami.Kepada rakyat Malaysia mari kita ramai ramai membuat sembahyang hajat untuk ditunjukkan kebenaran kepada orang yang munafik ini.Saya mencabar DSAI untuk sumpah junjung Quran dimana mana mimbar masjid dan juga saya menyeru saudara saifol untuk juga bersumpah diaatas mimbar masjid yang DSAI telah melakukan perbuatan terkutuk ini.wassalam

  39. Asalamualaikum…
    tama kali kat sini n jutaan terima kasih pd saudara saya ashar yg tolong saya sbb dah lama saya register tp takleh sign in…
    kale manusia hanya mementingkan diri sendiri maka jadi lah mcm hakim
    n yg duk kat ateih sekali nu…dah lah sendrik sengal pastu tuduh pak det(dgn izin)suker2 hati dier jer…aper2 pun saya sayang pak det cam arwah bapak saya…ada rasa marah geram sakit/kecik ati tersinggung tapi kasih sayang saya tak luak walo 0.00001mm…
    aab saya tak berkenan sejak awai dah cuba tp tak juger berkenan smpi la ni…pada sesiape yg nak nyusahkan/memalukan/khianat pak det saya doakan Allah membalas memebalas kejahatan mereka di dunia n akhirat..hanya Allah yg dapat membalas jasa n budi pak det pd kami rakyat m’sia.. Eeeeeeeee suker nyer dapat tingal komen kat sini..saya tak penah miss baca blog ni sejak awai2 lg..sehari 4/5 kali saya buka tutup hp saya..tapi lani saya terkejut beruk sbb rupernya mahal kalo baca dr hp…la ni saya baca 1 jam sehari yg lbhnya tunggu masa kt kilang..(masa lepas keje punch kuar pastu baru baca blog pak det..)gaji ciput takleh baca kat hp lelama..heheheheeee
    ni seme pasai aab ( bak kata sorg kwn tuh..atas kepala ada batu…)

  40. Neil,
    You are Pro Reformasi Anwar Ibrahim and you are currently in UK (United Kingdom). You must be a damn rich guy…dunno whether you are a Malay or mat salleh celup.
    You have said in Anwar Ibrahim’s blog that the Sodomy accusation was Fitnah Dahsyat and you expected Anwar Ibrahim to be Prime Minister very soon, and you said your friends who are berbangsa asing (bukan melayu le tu) mostly supports Anwar Ibrahim.
    Kudos to Neil. He’s no diferrent than Minister Zaid’ mentality, he already made judgement (before court ruling and police investigation) that the accusation against Anwar Ibrahim is false…case dismissed!! What a farce guy this Neil. And he depends so much on foreign friends for support to Anwar. Typical of Anwar’s style…Turkey, America… You are so pathetic brother Neil, mengharapkan sokongan bangsa asing untuk mengangkat Anwar ke Putrajaya.
    For your info, Neil, Anwar probably will reach Penjara Kepongjaya earlier than Putrajaya. Coz Anwar has just made his case more complicated to himself. See laicheehoe.blogspot.com – Anwar said he never said he has never been to the condo. Or plain simple english, Neil, he admitted that he has been to the condo. Worst till, people have seen him there, and there are CCTV too. And he refused to answer question whether his Saiful went with him on oversea trips. What is there for him to not answer such simple question?
    Enjoying your wine n steak in London, Neil? Gotcha!!!!

  41. Neil,
    You are Pro Reformasi Anwar Ibrahim and you are currently in UK (United Kingdom). You must be a damn rich guy…dunno whether you are a Malay or mat salleh celup.
    You have said in Anwar Ibrahim’s blog that the Sodomy accusation was Fitnah Dahsyat and you expected Anwar Ibrahim to be Prime Minister very soon, and you said your friends who are berbangsa asing (bukan melayu le tu) mostly supports Anwar Ibrahim.
    Kudos to Neil. He’s no diferrent than Minister Zaid’ mentality, he already made judgement (before court ruling and police investigation) that the accusation against Anwar Ibrahim is false…case dismissed!! What a farce guy this Neil. And he depends so much on foreign friends for support to Anwar. Typical of Anwar’s style…Turkey, America… You are so pathetic brother Neil, mengharapkan sokongan bangsa asing untuk mengangkat Anwar ke Putrajaya.
    For you info, Neil, Anwar probably will reach Penjara Kepongjaya earlier than Putrajaya. Coz Anwar has just made his case more complicated to himself. See laicheehoe.blogspot.com – Anwar said he never said he has never been to the condo. Or plain simple english, Neil, he admitted that he has been to the condo. Worst till, people have seen him there, and there are CCTV too. And he refused to answer question whether his Saiful went with him on oversea trips. What is there for him to not answer such simple question?
    Enjoying your wine n steak in London, Neil? Gotcha!!!!

  42. As`salamualaikum ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Sebagai rakyat malaysia saya terkejut dgn apa yg berlaku kebelakangan ini, terima kasih kerana ayahanda Tun banyak memberi penerangan kepada apa yg berlaku sekarang ini. Sebagai ahli UMNO, saya cukup takut dgn apa yg berlaku sekarang ini, apa yg saya thu KU li berminat dgn jawatan Presiden tapi apa yg saya nampak sekiranya KU LI yg jadi Presiden, ia nya bukan memulihkan keadan parti tapi makin merosakkan, ini pandangan peribadi saya saja, kebanyakan yg berada di sekeliling Pak Lah sekarang adalah PENGAMPU yg hanya memperjuangkan periuk nasi sendiri dan poket sendiri, tiada yg ingin memperjuangkan agama, bangsa dan negara. Pada pndangan saya yg tidak berapa pandai ini, selain dari Dato Seri Najib, Tan Sri Muhiyiddin Yassin dan Dato Seri Ali Rustam layak untuk memgang jawatan Timbalan Presiden, seperti yg kita tahu Dato Seri Ali Rustam telah berjaya membawa perubahan pada negeri Melaka. Orang yg seperti ini lah yg perlu kita jadikan pemimpin yg boleh membawa perubahan pada negara kita ini. Apa pandangan Ayahanda Tun, sekiranya Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin Bertanding PRESIDEN dan Dato Seri Ali Rustam bertanding jawatan Tim. PRESIDEN? saya harap ayahanda tun dpt memberi pandangan tentang persolan saya tadi dan sekiranya Ayahanda Tun tidak mahu menjawap di blog ini, saya harap ayahanda Tun dapat menjawap dan ahntar ke e-maill saya [email protected].
    Sekian terima kasih semoga ayahanda Tun dalam keadaan sihat dan sejahtera serta dilimdungi oleh ALLAH selalu.
    sekian As`salamualaikum

  43. Berita sensasi dari laicheehoe.blogspot.com
    Anwar menyatakan: I (never) said that I have never been there!
    Waduuh, jawapan yang very technical ni. Jawab secara simple sudah le. Kalau pernah pergi, berapa kali, dengan siapa, meeting PKR ke, bila kali terakhir pergi dan jumpa siapa kat sana. Baru orang senang faham.
    Anwar juga enggan menjawab samada Saiful pernah mengikuti beliau ke luar negara.
    Oooh, susah sekali soalan ini. Tak kan le baru 3 bulan kenal Saiful dah boleh di trust giler hingga bawa dia ke overseas. Tentu le tidak, eh nafikanlah Saudara Anwar. Nanti orang suspect pulak. Kalau tak ada bukti bawa dia overseas, apa nak takut, nafikan le saja, habis cerita.

  44. Salam sejahtera buat TUN serta keluarga,
    Great rebuttal Sir.
    And ABI dear,
    are you Howard Reincarnate??
    Just Because PNAI did not get what he wants.
    Hard luck!! Try again
    Take good care og your health sir,
    You are needed STILL.

  45. Comments from Abi:
    “The alleged misconduct of Ian Chin is nothing compared to the atrocities and nasty things committed by our ex-PM during his 22- year rule. Those people who are ignorant of his evil deeds should not blindly support him. Do some critical thinking,please. Use both sides of the brain, otherwise your brain will be atrophied and you will lose your sense of balance!”
    From Kampong Boy:
    What are you talking about brother Abi? Surely you do not sound as a Malaysian that leaves long enough to go through what we all have gone through in the past. For your information, we do enjoy our life during the previous PM such as Tunku Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein On and as well as Tun Mahathir. There is nothing evil about it when life is very much better than what it is now. That is the fact and reality of life.
    As for the current one, it is yet to be seen. One thing for sure we are facing tough times with uncertainties pounding at our door from all angles and aspects of life. That is the reality and facts of our current life. We do need the current leader to put their energy and focus on issues such as this which shall benefit the majority of the population rather than meddling with this type of nonsense which definitely benefit a few.
    Again, as far as I am concerned, the issue with regards to Ian Chin is really irrelevant to most of us. It is only to satisfy a few and it is purely politically driven issues and it is definitely a political games. For this reason, it is rightly so for Tun to rebuke in order for him to defend himself.
    For this reason, it is really a bad faith from you in coming up with such a remark when you know for sure this is purely politically driven issues. Only God knows the truth behind all this issue. Of course, unless you are a politician trying take the opportunity to throw your punch when you know your opponents are weak per say.
    However based on your remarks and comments sad to say that you are actually the one that needs to do some critical thinking and making use both sides of your brains, otherwise your brain will be atrophied and you will lose your sense of balance as shown in your comments.
    Grow up brother Abi and accept the facts and please do not blindly come up with such comments just for the sake of opposing. Do take a good care of yourself, do some balancing on your brains and please advise us the best ways of doing it.
    Regards Kampong Boy

  46. TUN,
    Maafkan saya tumpang lalu
    Abang antimamak,
    Saya selaku isteri dan orang Melayu merasa malu melihat orang melayu bergaduh sesama sendiri.
    Kutuk mengutuk antara satu sama lain dan Sindir menyindir.
    Yang amat dahsyat tuduh menuduh yakni ‘fitnah’. Abang fahamkah apa yang dikatakan fitnah?
    Abang antimamak
    Seperti yang abang katakan, memberikan komen membangun itu baik dan boleh membuka minda.Tapi abang juga lupa yang abang pun menyindir dan mengutuk di dalam blog chedet. Al maklumlah, pasti ramai yang marah.
    Rasanya semua mamak roti canai di Malaysia pun marah dengan sidiran dan kutukan abang. Mungkin itu yang abang inginkan.
    Abang antimamak
    Adalah satu berbuatan yang salah dan bacul dan dayus.!!!bagi abang memuat turunkan gambar TUN juga saudara Azhar Abdullah dan mengaku ianya diri abang dan menyuruh orang meludahnya, atas alasan gambar abang. Rasanya abang adalah seorang yang tak bertanggun jawab dan dayus…!!
    Abang antimamak
    Saya berasa malu teramat sangat akan perbuatan abana itu. Walaupun dalam blog ini nampaknya abang memanglah orang yang boleh di katakan berpelajaran dan berilmu, sampai berani mencabar TUN.
    Tapi nampaknya dengan apa yang berlaku di sini, saya berani katakan abang adalah seorang yang benar pengecut, dan dayus!!!.
    kepada rakan bloger, tak payahlah layan orang macam abang aku ini.
    Cakap lain buat lain, kata tak sutut tapi pangkah…
    Semuga abang sedar akan kesalahan dan penghinaan terhadap abang ini….. Amien
    Yahoo! Mail address
    [email protected]

  47. Berita sensasi dari laicheehoe.blogspot.com
    Anwar menyatakan: I (never) said that I have never been there!
    Waduuh, jawapan yang very technical ni. Jawab secara simple sudah le. Kalau pernah pergi, berapa kali, dengan siapa, meeting PKR ke, bila kali terakhir pergi dan jumpa siapa kat sana. Baru orang senang faham.
    Anwar juga enggan menjawab samada Saiful pernah mengikuti beliau ke luar negara.
    Oooh, susah sekali soalan ini. Tak kan le baru 3 bulan kenal Saiful dah boleh di trust giler hingga bawa dia ke overseas. Tentu le tidak, eh nafikanlah Saudara Anwar. Nanti orang suspect pulak. Kalau tak ada bukti bawa dia overseas, apa nak takut, nafikan le saja, habis cerita.

  48. Bendera Putih
    Bendera putih ini bermaksud kita menyerah kalah atau menyerah diri. Kenapa mesti kita memasang bendera putih bagi menandakan kita membantah secara aman atau apa-apa sahaja niat kita. Putih bukan warna nya dan bantahan saperti ini tidak akan memberi kesan sama sekali. Musuh akan ketawa sahaja, impak atau implikasi nya tidak bererti atau bermakna langsung.
    Pada pandangan saya, yg berjaya didalam strategi sekarang ialah si KJ & DSAAB. Kita asyik cakap, cakap & bercakap sampai kiamat pun tidak akan habis. Kita asyik bercakap & meluahkan perasaan. Si KJ sekarang ini tengah sibuk mengaut keuntungan kerana kita tidak bersatu, kita cuai, kita leka, kita lalai, kita lemah.
    Mahukan yang berkesan, senang sahaja. Hantar surat kepada YDP Agong, Majlis Raja-Raja, Sultan Negeri masing-masing.
    Bloggers semua asyik cakap, cakap, cakap. NATO – No Action Talk Only. Untuk makluman semua saya sudah menghantarkan 3 pucuk surat kepada YDP Agong, Sultan Perak & Majlis Raja-Raja, Cuma surat saya sahaja, maka mereka tidak akan mengambil tindakan. Apa kata 100,000 pucuk surat yang dihantar, masa itu baru lah mereka bertindak.
    Mari lah kita semua bersatu menghantar surat kepada mereka. Masukkan nama penuh, no kad pengenalan & alamat. Jangan taku perbuatan ini tidak salah disisi undang-undang.

  49. Well, I’m glad Chin won’t be presiding over any case brought against Anwar :^) There is too much politics within the judiciary already to allow for partisanships.

  50. Comments from Neill:
    “Tun, it should read ‘Tun Mahathir’s Misconduct’.That sound more appropriate,isn’t it.It’s you who manipulated the judiciary which resulted in Datuk Ian Chin’s disclosure.An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth.When there is smoke there is fire.For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction.All this quotes suits your misdeeds during your reign.It’s your dictatorial rule that resulted in the birth of so many enemies.Many are suppressed,dumbed,oppressed,purged,sidelined,used,shamed,manipulated etc to your whim and fancy.In another words’ cultured and tailored to your needs.A racist forever a racist.”
    From Kampong Boy:
    Dear Neill please provide constructive criticism otherwise stay away from commenting without facts and evidence.
    Getting tired of your sarcasm and rhetoric comments which have no basis other than harping on something really vague.
    You sound like you are having personal problems and hatred with the person that you are referring too. I do not know where you come from but surely you seem to be a very lonely man leaving in your own dreams.
    My advice to you, please take a walk with your dogs, and clear your minds from hatred and vengeance only then you will enjoy life to the fullest.
    Regards Kampong Boy

  51. sorry tun!
    anyway I want to say hello! I’m just to type here that hey GUYS!! somebody has removed our TUN’s visitor counter!!!! it is a red alert… before this they trying to close this blog and now WHAT THEY ARE TRY TO DO….

  52. Pada pandangan saya, yg berjaya didalam strategi sekarang ialah si KJ & DSAAB. Kita asyik cakap, cakap & bercakap sampai kiamat pun tak akan habis. Kita asyik bercakap & meluahkan perasaan. Si KJ sekarang ini tengah sibuk mengaut keuntungan hasil kelalaian kita. Mari lah kita semua bersatu hantar 3 pucuk surat kepada 3 alamat dengan isi kandungan yang sama. Majlis Raja-Raja tidak dapat bertindak jika hanya satu surat sahaja yang di hantar kepada nya, sekurang kurang beribu, baru lah mereka dapat bertindak. Hantarkan kepada,
    Jalan Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur.
    c/o Istana Negara
    Jalan Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur.
    Kebawah DYMM Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku
    Ampun Tuanku,
    Sembah patik harap diampun. Kami hamba rakyat memohon DYMM Tuanku menarik balik perlantikan, menahan serta menyiasat Perdana Menteri Malaysia Dato Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi (termasuk ahli keluarga nya – anak & menantu nya), Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Menteri-Menteri Kabinet lantikan beliau, Setiausaha Sulit, Parlimen & Politik, termasuk ADUN & MP, Pengarah & Ketua Pengarah Kementerian, Jabatan, Agensi, Polis & BPR
    Siasatan terperinci merangkumi rasuah, pecah amanah, penyalahgunaan kuasa, penyalahgunaan wang negara, tidak jujur, tidak amanah didalam menjalankan tugas, melakukan penyelewangan dengan menjual saham, harta & aset strategik negara kepada Singapura, agen nya, orang persaorangan, keluarga dan sebagainya.
    Saham, harta & aset strategik negara tidak sepatut nya dijual kepada mana-mana individu atau syarikat, lebih lagi negara luar saperti Singapura.
    Kami hamba rakyat merasakan bahawa kerajaan pemerintah serta pembangkang hari ini berniat jahat, berkemungkinan menjadi ejen perisikan CIA, CIS & Mossad, sudah tidak ada kredibiliti, banyak melakukan rasuah, penyelewengan serta penyalahgunaan kuasa dan cukup was-was didalam segala tindakan yang diambil mereka. Tiada satu isu pun yang dapat diselesaikan, malah semua nya membebankan serta menindas kami hamba rakyat saperti isu makanan (beras, susu bayi, gula, minyak masak dan lain-lain), minyak, tol dan sebagai nya
    Kami bermohon agar DYMM Tuanku mengumumkan perlantikan YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad sebagai, Pemegang Amanah & Mandat Persekutuan (RCFM, JCFM & FLCM) yang akan mengawasi segala tindak tanduk Perdana Menteri didalam sistem pentadbiran, eksekutif, perundangan & kehakiman negara. Ini bagi memastikan supaya kejadian serupa tidak lagi boleh berulang lagi dimasa akan datang.
    Ampun Tuanku, hanya DYMM Tuanku sahaja tempat kami hamba rakyat dapat memohon bantuan kerana kredibiliti Polis & BPR sudah tidak ada lagi..
    Terima kasih
    Yang benar,

  53. Dear Tun,
    Some people are so funny to tell others to do critical thinking. What a joke !! I think they should do the critical thinking first because I think they are “deaf, blind,dumb”. Sum mun buk mun um yun fahum laa yar jiuun. Surah al-baqrah ayat 18.

  54. Salam Yg Berbahgia Tun,
    Minta izin Tun nak betulkan blogger Neil yg asyik beri komen tanpa membaca artikel Tun dgn betul:
    “By Neil on July 1, 2008 8:23 PM
    Tun, it’s hard for me to believe you are as clean as a whistle.I for my part still believe you are a liar co’s the way you treat Anwar,meddling the judiciary,and fanning the racist fire is enough to prove that that you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt.My generation and that of my children will forever remember these incident as the DARKEST DAY in our history.Sorry,Tun,you have failed to convince me that you are not what I think,A LIAR.Anyway thanks for your statement.”
    Neil: Did you read the article before you put your comments here? I bet the answer is a BIG NO. Please don’t play smart because you actually look like a FOOL. Tun did not claim that he is as clean as a whistle; Ian Chin did. One more thing, please stop being so RUDE to Tun. You have wasted a lot of space here with your stupid comments.
    Thanks Tun. May Allah bless Tun and family. Teruskan perjuangan murni Tun untuk menegakkan kebenaran.

  55. Tun,
    Based on ABI’s latest comments, he finally agreed that there was indeed misconduct by Judge Ian Chin. But he dare not agree to bring Chin’s conduct for investigation. That’s how hiprocracy works.
    In respect of ABI’s and Neil’s (he is pro-Anwar’s saiful reformasi’s regime based in UK) comments on alleged ‘misconduct’ by Tun, all they could offer were merely generalized words of accusations. Cant they be more specific and factual? Of course they can’t, coz they don’t have any.
    I pity these guys ABI and Neil. Probably they are new generation of Ketuanan Rakyat with little Malay blood left…mereka makan burger, steak, mash potato and hotdog kat UK, dah tak makan sambal belacan dan putu mayam kat Malaysia ni… Neil, r u still in UK? Macam mana hang boleh tau masalah2 rakyat kat Gua Musang, Baling, Rembau, Kodiang, Tawau, Bintulu…kalau hang ashik dok makan hotdog kat London tu….

  56. Wahai Bloggers
    Jika US sudah bersuara dengan angkuh
    Negara jiran pun resah gelisah
    Ini petanda Malaysia mungkin tergadai
    Jadi sokong TUN dengan gerakkan kempen PUTIH
    Pulau Batu Putih dah pun dirampas
    Tuntut Pak Lah beralih kuasa
    Jangan sampai nasi menjadi bubur

  57. Dear Tun,
    This impressionist “backdoor” Law Minister Zaid seems to be following like Tun Musa applying “elegant silence” mode in this Ian Chin’s case. Why is he keeping quiet? There is not even the slightest statement made to explain Ian’s Chin accusations and allegations about you,Tun. Maybe he is not smart a lawyer after all. I wonder why his legal firm is perceived to be the most successful bumiputra firm in the country. Is the firm really an oustanding firm or is it because of the “sticker label bumiputra” attached at the entrance door of his firm that makes him successful and being able to canvass at an advantage position than others to be selected as a legal panel of several big GLCs like Petronas? Just like “halal” stickers being pasted at some restaurants to confirm halal food being served to the Muslim patrons.
    I think there a lot more lawyer MPs who are able to be Law Minister. Why Pak Lah took him through backdoor? What is so special about him? Is it fair to those MPs who should be given the first choice as Law Minister.As far as I am concerned his status is just like another Minister whose name is Muhammad son of Muhammad. Both of them have no credibility within UMNO’s hierarchy. Both of them had been tainted with “money politics”. This reflects how naive Pak Lah is in the selection of his cabinet ministers. No wonder the government is so haprak!! No class, indeed !!

  58. Tun, by not demanding the setting up of a tribunal to adjudicate on Ian Chin’s misconduct after your revelation of what that has transpired in Ian Chian’s Court clearly shows that the Bar Council is biased against you. It seems to me that the Bar Council does not measure up to what it preaches to its members–to defend the truth without fear or favour. The Bar Council will only seek the pre-determined and so-called “truth” if it fits into its pre-set agenda and belief otherwise it will be simply brushed aside on the simple and romantic notion of “conspiracy theory” like what your previous deputy is good at. This conspiracy theory is easily believed not only because it is romantic but also because of its inner juicy contents as compared to the simple truth which is boring most of the time. The more complicated the plot is the more people will be awestruck and hence more followers. If Tun cares to come to join me in some of my coffee time talk, Tun will definitely be fascinated by how innovative and imaginative the local folks can be in depicting thrillers regarding local politics and I assure you that they will not fail to amaze you with all sorts of conspiracy theories they can conjure up with to the extent that your previous deputy may find it hard to compete in terms of outlandishness of the stories. I don’t know this trend is the result of fictions the folks read in story books or the persuasiveness of the politicians but frankly, with the interesting political landscape that is slowly unfolding before us, I must admit that even myself is finding it hard to differentiate between smoke screen and facts.

  59. Mr. Speedbird seems to be so ignorant of national affairs! All the prestigious projects that you have mentioned are white elephants. Lot of public funds have been wasted- gone to the drain! Much of Petronas profits have gone to waste. That’s why we are suffering now. The khazanah is almost empty because Tun M wanted to keep up with the Joneses!Your “upstairs” is weak, buddy! Think critically, don’t be so naive and listen to whatever the great Tun blabbers!

  60. Salam perjuangan buat Tun…
    boring doh wokyoh dok baca pasal anwar bakal PM kita ni..(PM=Peliwat Malaya).apa kata kita tengok ulasan bola EURO 2008 pulak… Pakatan rakyat Vs BN = 7-0…member wokyoh yang hantar…untuk iklan penyegar minda diruangan ini…
    sebenarnya 2 pasukan ini pernah masuk ke final pada 1998 dulu…
    ” Perlawanan persahabatan diantara BN dan Pakatan telah masuk ke separuh masa yang kedua. Pada pusingan pertama, team Pakatan telah merembat 6 gol melalui penyerang utamanya Dato Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat dan penyerang kedua seorang bekas banduan, Lim Guan Eng yang mendapat ilham dari khalifah umar abdul aziz…bertindak cemerlang..
    Pada minit kedua puluh, Azizan Razak telah merembat gol yang ketiga, diikuti minit ke 25 pertahanan kanan Khalid Ibrahim menyumbang gol yang keempat tanpa disangka-sangka oleh penjaga gol pasukan BN…pak lah…yang tertidur sambil berdiri dipintu gol BN..
    Sejarah tercipta, apabila penjaga gol Pakatan Rakyat Ir Nizar Jamaludin telah membuat sepakan hatrik kencang ala-ala david becham dari gol Pakatan rakyat terus ke gol BN. Penjaga gol BN Pak lah sekali lagi tersungkur di belakang tiang gol apabila keliru dengan sepakan lencong yang dibuat.
    Di hujung separuh akhir pertama, pertahanan kiri Pakatan Rakyat, Dr Lo Lo telah membuat rembatan keenam apabila mendapat hantaran silang dari azizah dengan dibantu rakan sepasukan, Nurul Izzah dan Wee Kah Cheong daripada team Pakatan.
    Setelah berehat selama beberapa bulan, perlawanan diteruskan separuh masa kedua. Berlaku sedikit perubahan apabila penyerang sensasi sayap kanan Pakatan, Anwar Ibrahim telah dibenarkan beraksi semula dipadang setelah digantung dan dikurung selama enam tahun kerana bertindak diluar tabie pada 1998 dimana beliau dengan tidak sengaja menyumbat gol dari belakang pintu gol yang dijaga oleh azizan pada waktu itu…
    Anwar memang seorang pemain licik yang berkarisma dan mempunyai strategi permainan yang agak sukar diramal oleh kawan apatah lagi lawan..pernah mendapat tajaan amerika untuk berlatih di beberapa kelab terkemuka dunia oleh jurulatih profesional seperti wolfwith ronaldo sebaik sahaja dibebaskan dari tempoh pergantungannya…
    pemain ini mendapat visa khas untuk ke luar negara untuk urusan dan latihan bola…semenjak itu namanya tersohor dan menjadi rebutan kelab-kelab gergasi bolasepak dunia dengan tawaran yang begitu lumayan sekali…
    Beliau memulakan perlawanan dengan memberi bola tanggung kepada rakan beliau Haji Abdul Hadi Awang. Abdul Hadi telah menanduk bola ke kanan dan disambut oleh pemain veteran Lim Kit Siang yang dulu pernah dibuang padang oleh penyokongnya sendiri…. Bola dipulangkan kembali kepada Anwar dan Anwar terus merembat kencang tepat ke gol BN. Namun penjaga gol baru zaid ibrahim berjaya menangkap bola itu dengan kemas.Penjaga gol ini khabarnya telah menggantikan penjaga gol lama iaitu pak lah kerana paklah terpaksa direhatkan kerana semput di padang dan sering tertidur waktu permainan..kadang-kadang beliau menangkap bola dengan matanya terpejam…itulah keistimewaan penjaga gol veteran itu yang tidak ada pada pemain lain…para penganalisis sukan membuat kesimpulan bahawa punca paklah jadi begitu semenjak berkahwin setelah lama menduda..jadi stamina dan konsentrasi dipadang juga menurun….
    selepas sepuluh minit pertama separuh masa kedua…penjaga gol BN sekali lagi ditukarkan kerana ada desas desus peminatnya menyatakan beliau telah di beli oleh pasukan lawan dengan bayaran yang disembunyikan jumlahnya…penjaga gol simpanan…nazri aziz diturunkan pertama kalinya dalam perlawanan ini…
    Terdengar sorakan dari kelab penyokong pasukan BN yang diketuai menantu penyerang utamanya Khairi Brooks. Pasukan penyorak mereka telah boo pemain Pakatan kerana tidak berjaya menyumbang gol ketujuh. Pada minit kelima belas separuh masa kedua, sekali lagi penyerang kanan Pakatan membuat rembatan tepat ke galang gol BN. Namun sekali lagi Khairi Brooks dan ahli kelab penyokong BN menyorak Pakatan kerana bola telah melepasi gelanggang.
    Namun, pada minit kelapan belas, pertahanan kanan BN Dato Yong Teck Lee telah merembat bola masuk ke gol sendiri. Pemain yang berasal dari Sabah ini telah membuat sepakan protes apabila tidak berpuas hati dengan penjaga gol yang juga ketua pasukan utama mereka Wak Lah Bodowi yang melantik menantunya Khairi Brooks sebagai pengurus pasukan yang baru. Tindakan Dato Yong Teck Lee ini telah menyumbang gol ketujuh percuma buat Pakatan Rakyat.
    pada minit ke- 26,penyerang sensasi anwar sekali lagi membuat kejutan dan mengecewakan peminatnya..apabila menyumbat gol pakatan dari arah belakang sekali lagi…tetapi kali ini rembatannya makin kencang…masalah bermula apabila pengadil karpala sing mengesahkan jaringan itu setelah berbincang dengan penjaga garisan s.sivarasa,Ian chin,ambiga,gobin singh dan husam.
    Permainan terpaksa ditangguh sementara akibat pergolakan dalam pasukan BN. Pertahanan kiri BN, Ali Rustami telah menumbuk Dato Yong Teck Lee di tengah padang.pemain pertahanan kanan pula,najib tidak menunjukkan sebarang reaksi. Selain itu, pemain veteran BN, Samy Vellu telah mencubit perut Yong. Pengurus pasukan yang baru Khairi Brooks juga telah menyepak curi belakang Yong.
    Namu setakat ini, tiada kecederaan berat yang dialami Dato Yong. Maklumat terkini mendapati, beberapa pegawai BPR telah diarahkan oleh penyerang Utama pasukan BN, Wak Lah Bodowi untuk memulas telinga Yong yang dikatakan khianat pada pasukan.
    Menurut pengulas bola sepak dunia, Ronaldo Hadhari, kejadian ini merupakan yang pertama di Malaysia. Ia mungkin terjadi disebabkan pasukan BN tidak pernah mengalami kekalahan sejak 50 tahun yang lalu.
    Pasukan BN terkenal dengan permainan kotor mereka apabila kerap menyepak kangkang dan menyengkang kaki lawan di tengah padang.
    Mereka juga sering merasuah pengadil lama T Rashitendam.
    Pesta permainan bolasepak dijangka akan lebih rancak lagi di musim hadapan bila bekas pemain tersohor BN TUN Mahathir khabarnya sedang membuka kem latihan di chedet.com untuk mencari bakat-bakat baru. sekarang ini sudah ada beberapa pemain yang berbakat…mungkin penyerang utamanya ialah Mukhriz yang juga ketua pasukan baru CHEDET UNITED…KITA TUNGGU PERKEMBANGANNYA…..sekian…majulah sukan untuk negara….
    petikan dari :kalamkerinchi. blogspot. com
    Mod : Apakah BN akan mendapatkan power rangers dengan pemain beliannya Ezam MoNO…….. … Mari kita lihat!!!!!!! !!!

  61. Yang dihormati Tun Dr. Mahathir
    “Do not do to other what you do not want done to you” a simple principle of live. Confucius noted this quotation 2500 years ago…
    If there’s righteousness in a man heart
    There will be beauty in his character
    It there’s beauty in his character
    There will harmony in his home
    If there’s harmony in his home
    There will order in the nation
    If there’s order in the nation
    There will be peace in the world
    Anwar Ibrahim talked so much about confucius teaching during his tenure at Deputy Prime Minister. But he doesn’t seem to preach what he said about this great leader, philosopher or perhaps the prophet of knowledge.
    Once beaten twice shy. He doesn’t seem to learn from the first mistake. A second time. The same immoral crime. Another rape.
    Islam prohibit sodomy. It is amongst the highest of all sin. AI is a Muslim. Look like a good one. A popular politician. With the latest crime, I conclude that he’s a man with several character. A pretender, a hypocrates, an opportunist and definitely a satan.
    Hell is waiting for him. Those supporting him are either ignorance, plain stupid or sharing the same liking. Asshole.
    Good nite Tun.

  62. Dear YB Tun
    I read all your articles and comments made from others. One thing for sure I salute your continuous support to the issues faced especially on this country (even after retired) and more importantly the welfare of rakyat. Truly i must say you did well for this country.
    Just heard from my US counterpart about the recent issue about Annuar. I was truly sad to hear what US has commented. I strongly believed that at the end, this fellar will not last as he is and always been having indidual agendas / revenge against others and certainly careless for the rakyat. This clearly shown on his reaction to create “turnmoils” and to gain rakyat supports via unprecedented ways (including self-produce-sex-accusation). Anyway the true shall prevail and I understand he will not last. Never i see a person saying bad thing about his home country to outsiders just to gain popularity amoung his home country men. This fellar is pointless to be a leader and certainly not for this country.
    YB Tun please continue to support and guide UMMO and other coliation parties in Barisan. Old-timer like you should stand out, provide leadership and support existing premier. Poor fellar who is having mis-manage skills towards the country. Anyway, guidance and supports from seniors are always best option and i sincerely hope existing premier should open up to gain guidance and supports.
    Lastly, Malaysia has been a blessed country. However, since the bloody OPEC countries created oil prices hike (blaming on high consumption which untrue for sure as they are protecting / controlling these scare resources to gain influence & control), we have to focus more on the economy than “cat-fight” politics. In due, we should prepare ourself to embrace the coming economic challenges. We should focus on unity and put the country progress & performance as priority rather than individualilty popularity.
    With that thanking you for your continuous support and do not worry about your coming “challenges” as nothing can be done against you.
    Dr Moblid
    Sg Buloh

  63. Salam Tun,
    Amerika dah marah bila sentuh Anuar.Dulu pun sama juga .Kenapa Agaknya
    .Sahabat karib kah ,Saudara kah.atau apa apa kah.
    Amerika ini juga yg binasakan Umat Islam Iraq dengan menipu seluruh dunia dengan tuduhan palsu.Dia support Israel dan juga buli Pelestine
    Kenapa perlu kawan dengan mereka ini yg memusuhi Islam.Mereka ini tidak bolih dipercayai satu hari nanti pasti akan binasakan orang Islam.
    Jangan taksub dengan sesaorang ,tuhan berikan otak untuk berfikir .
    Berfikirlah cara waras.

  64. Tun salam sejahtera kepada Tun dan keluarga.
    Tun saya nak beri sekilas pandangan,
    Dulu riuh rendah ada orang mengatakan Tun bankrup kan negara.
    Tapi terbukti sekarang siapa yang bankrup kan negara.
    Tuhan Maha Kaya, kalau nak di tunjikkan sekelip mata sahaja.
    Tun jaga kesihatan.

  65. Tun salam sejahtera kepada Tun dan keluarga.
    Tun saya nak beri sekilas pandangan,
    Dulu riuh rendah ada orang mengatakan Tun bankrup kan negara.
    Tapi terbukti sekarang siapa yang bankrup kan negara.
    Tuhan Maha Kaya, kalau nak di tunjikkan sekelip mata sahaja.
    Tun jaga kesihatan.

  66. Anak-anak kitakah yang berlari telanjang
    Di bawah mentari sumbing
    Sambil bernyanyi lagu
    Ketakutan hari-hari ini
    Anak-anak kitakah yang memikul beban
    Kesilapan kita
    Hingga dia tak kenal budaya
    Canggung bangsa sendiri
    Selamatkan anak kita
    Dari padang jerangkap samar
    Selamatkan anak kita
    Orde baru politik usang
    Anak-anak kitakah yang bermain
    Di hutan belukar
    Dengan senapang kayu ubi cambah
    Tak kenal bahaya
    Anak-anak kitakah yang tak tahu nak pulang
    Bila petang kerana terlalu mabuk main lastik
    Dan berpistolan
    Jaga-jaga anak kita
    Jangan sampai jadi hamba
    Jaga-jaga anak kita
    Kita ini orang merdeka
    Panggillah mereka pulang
    Ayah nak ajar
    Tentang kurang ajar
    Jadi mereka takkan sendiri lagi
    Panggillah mereka pulang
    Ayah nak ajar
    Tentang kurang ajar
    Jadi mereka takkan dimomok lagi
    Fikir, Selamatkah kita di tangan tukang karut itu?
    Fikir, Selamatkah kita di tangan dalang wayang itu?
    Fikir, Selamatkah kita di tangan ahli koporat itu?
    Fikir, Selamatkah kita di tangan doktor jiwa itu?
    Fikir, Selamatkah kita di tangan pakar kitab itu?
    Fikir, Selamatkah kita di tangan tuhan..? tuhan…….?
    (dipetik dari lagu M.Nasir)

  67. mh-j – Thank you, and I can’t agree more.
    Dear Neil,
    I’m sorry. I know, freedom in speech and all, but honestly, did you even read Tun’s entry? I’m still in high school, but yet I could still actually READ and UNDERSTAND what Tun Dr. Mahathir stated in this entry. You accused him of many things, but that’s about it. Only pointless words without thoughts.
    Please read this slowly, properly, and carefully (especially the ones in capitals!) :

    In HIS STATEMENT from the safety of his court on June 24th, 2008 CHIN SAID, “Dr Mahathir by waving the supposed police report the way he did lent support to the generally held view that this Prime Minister kept a docket on everyone useful but with a skeleton in their cupboard so that he can manipulate them on pain of disclosing the skeleton. I thought only the STASI of the then Communist East Germany do such a thing but then it was done for the benefit of the State not for an individual. In my view he is trying to exploit the general believe to wave that supposed police report to get the public to believe that I have committed something unlawful which he is privy to and which the public is not unaware (?) so that my integrity could be put under suspicion to make what I have revealed unbelievable. Let me declare to the public that I AM AS CLEAN AS A WHISTLE and MY LIFE IS AN OPEN BOOK”. (From notes of Proceedings – Special Mention of Case June 24th, 2008)

    Read it already? That CHIN person stated it, NOT Tun Dr. Mahathir. So, next time, READ properly before you start sputtering nonsense. God help me if you don’t cause it only makes what you said earlier in your first post sounded like a joke.
    Have a nice day.

  68. Apa sudah jadi…Minyak naik,elektrik naik,barang naik,Projek kurang,Pingat emas harga sejuta,hakim pencen pun boleh dapat biasiswa, Apa sudah jadi….Kita semua ada mata ,tapi hanya boleh rasa..sakit pedih malu pun ada…nak lawan takut,nak sokong…kes.. naya..lagi lama lagi terseksa..mari kita lawan jadi ahli jawatankuasa..bahagian umno kita rampas kuasa..kita pakat angkat orang kita..yang bodek kita tendang..yang sokong kita bagi peluang..Orang kampung senang saja..Sebut nama TUN MAHATHIR mereka tak banyak cerita..Start ,esok kita pakat mula..hanya ini cara yang ada..kalu dok lak kat dema,tak thu nak selesai bila..dok cakap byk byk pun tak guna..sekerap naik harga..kena bayar minyak dgn beras pula..APA DAH JADI….Weeeh..

  69. Aslmkm TUN,
    saya adalah di antara rakyat malaysia yang menitiskan air mata sewaktu Tun melepaskan jawatan PM satu ketika dulu…
    semanjak 1978 saya adalah antara rakyat yang amat meminati kepemimpinan Tun.. dan jangan terkejut sebab saya begitu mengkagumi wawasan Tun sehinggakan saya begitu tertarik untuk menjadi ahli UMNO tapi sebelum Tun mengumunkan untuk keluar UMNO, saya adalah antara yang terawal keluar cuma bezanya saya tidak sebarkan melalui media masa……
    teruskan perjuangan Tun yang belum selesai….
    Melayu takan hilang di Dunia tapi JATI diri melayu hampir pupus kini…
    semoga ALLAH memberi limpah dan hidayah bagi meneruskan niat suci TUN…….

  70. Salam Tun,
    Saya ingin cerita pasai pak sheik anwar , buat hai lagi,lepas tu pi megacum kat abang besak dia amerika dan yahudi laanattullah, , kalau tak salah takut apa? berani kerana benar, hadapilah tuduhan ,yang dok buat derama pasai apa, Hang jangan takut lah pak sheik adek hang KJ bukan ada, dia mesti tolong,kalau hang betui.Apa punya pemimpin hampa ni, tak habis habis,meluat aku dengar. menyusah kan orang saja,Hampa tak takut dekat tuhan kah? Hang tobat banyak2. hang pelan dok tua, kesian dekat azizah dan anak2 hang.

  71. Salam Tun,
    Saya ingin cerita pasai pak sheik anwar , buat hai lagi,lepas tu pi megacum kat abang besak dia amerika dan yahudi laanattullah, , kalau tak salah takut apa? berani kerana benar, hadapilah tuduhan ,yang dok buat derama pasai apa, Hang jangan takut lah pak sheik adek hang KJ bukan ada, dia mesti tolong,kalau hang betui.Apa punya pemimpin hampa ni, tak habis habis,meluat aku dengar. menyusah kan orang saja,Hampa tak takut dekat tuhan kah? Hang tobat banyak2. hang pelan dok tua, kesian dekat azizah dan anak2 hang.

  72. Salam Tun,
    Itulah kalau dah tersilap langkah-nasihat pd Mr. Zaid Ibrahim-cepatlah berpatah balik ke jalan yg benar sebelum terlambat. Walaupun skrg ni isu PakLah tenggelam oleh isu Anwar krn aktiviti lamanya, tapi eloklah sbb lepas ni kerjaya politik mereka berdua akan ditamatkan-PakLah ditewaskan pada bulan 12 ni Anwar pulak masuk hotel paling terkawal di Malaysia yg terletak di Sg. Buloh.
    Semoga Allah melindungi kita semua-AAmen

  73. Salam Sejahtera Buat Tun,
    If im not mistaken, dalam paper semalam (01/07/08) or today (02/07/08), annuar mentioned that dia dapat sms from a prominent judge saying “can not do anything, we are just following orders”.. for the 1st sodom case…somethin like that…
    I really wonder, what was the first sms sent by him… Maybe “please help me?”… Is this lobbying? He got wat he deserve and now trying to punish ppl for lobbying when he himself failed to get any help.. Hey we can actually turn the table around !!
    Terima Kasih Tun.
    p/s: Agak nya bila lah Tun nak bagi autograph kat saya nie..

  74. assalamualaikum Tun,
    apa yang saya nak nak cakap ni tiada kena mengena dengan artikel Tun.sy nak mintak tolong tun komen pasal anwar.Sebab2 Tun memecatnya dari umno dulu dan apakah yang boleh dilakukan untuk menghalang kemaraan dia?
    sebab sy lihat tindakan2 dia sudah terlalu di luar kawalan. sy adalah seorang pelajar di Indonesia dan apa yang saya lihat, dia selalu keluar di kaca televisyen Indonesia dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang memburukkan negara kita. adakah ini pemimpin yang dikatakan mahu membela nasib rakyat?
    sekarang dia pulak dah nak mintak sokongan amerika syarikat. apakah dia lupa pada sejarah raja-raja melayu terdahulu? bagaimana dulu negara kita yang sedikit demi sedikit hilang kedaulatannya dijajah british akibat raja-raja melayu yang berbalah meminta sokongan pihak barat. saya amat takut jika sejarah ini berulang kembali, cukuplah negara kita sudah dijajah selama beratus-ratus tahun dahulu. betapa susahnya pejuang kita dulu nak dapatkan kemerdekaan, sekarang kita nak gadaikan maruah kita sekali lagi?
    Betul apa tun kata, seperti dalam puisi kemerdekaan Tun tahun 1996, perjuangan belum selesai.
    Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang lebih menyayatkan
    dari melihat bangsaku dijajah
    Tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan
    dari membiarkan bangsaku dihina
    Air mata tiada ertinya
    sejarah silam tiada maknanya
    sekiranya bangsa tercinta terpinggir
    dipersenda dan dilupakan
    Bukan kecil langkah wira bangsa
    para pejuang kemerdekaan
    bagi menegakkan kemuliaan
    dan darjat bangsa
    selangkah beerti mara
    mengharung sejuta dugaan
    Biarkan bertatih
    asalkan langkah itu yakin dan cermat
    bagi memastikan negara
    merdeka dan bangsa terpelihara
    air mata sengsara
    mengiringi setiap langkah bapa-bapa kita
    Tugas kita bukan kecil
    kerana mengisi kemrdekaan
    rupanya lebih sukar dari bermandi
    keringat dan darah menuntutnya
    Lagi pula apalah ertinya kemerdekaan
    kalau bangsaku asyik mengia dan menidakkan,
    mengangguk dan membenarkan,
    kerana sekalipun bangganya negara
    kerana makmur dan mewahnya,
    bangsaku masih melata
    dan meminta-minta di negaranya sendiri
    Bukan kecil tugas kita
    meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita
    kerana rupanya selain memerdekakan,
    mengisi kemerdekaan itu jauh lebih sengsara
    Bangsaku bukan kecil hati dan jiwanya
    bukankah sejak zaman berzaman
    mereka menjadi pelaut, pengembara
    malah penakluk terkemuka?
    Bukankah mereka sudah mengembangkan sayap,
    menjadi pedagang dan peniaga
    selain menjadi ulama dan
    ilmuan terbilang?
    Bukankah bangsaku pernah mengharung
    samudera menjajah dunia yang tak dikenal
    Bukankah mereka pernah menjadi
    wira serantau yang tidak mengenal
    erti takut dan kematian?
    Di manakah silapnya hingga bangsaku
    berasa begitu kecil dan rendah diri?
    Apakah angkara penjajah?
    Lalu bangsaku mulai
    melupakan kegemilangan silam
    dan sejarah gemilang membina empayar
    Tugas kita belum selesai rupanya
    bagi memartabat dan
    memuliakan bangsa
    kerana hanya bangsa yang berjaya
    akan sentiasa dihormati
    Rupanya masih jauh dan berliku jalan kita
    bukan sekadar memerdeka dan mengisinya
    tetapi mengangkat darjat dan kemuliaan
    buat selama-lamanya
    Hari ini, jalan ini pasti semakin berliku
    kerana masa depan belum tentu
    menjanjikan syurga
    bagi mereka yang lemah dan mudah kecewa
    Perjuangan kita belum selesai
    kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah
    dapat membina mercu tanda
    bangsanya yang berjaya
    (by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
    Mei 1996)
    harap tun dapat membantu kami mengharungi era globalisasi yang mencabar ini. saya doakan tun dan keluarga sihat wal afiat dan dipanjangkan umur oleh Allah swt.
    ~La Motion C’Est La Vie~

  75. Aslmkm Y. Bhg. Tun,
    Greetings and salutation
    Will you comment anything on the gay politician??

  76. Salam Sir Tun Mahathir ,
    Sejak akhir-akhir ni beberapa isu yang tak relevan pun di perbesarkan dan dihebohkan . Dari segi logiknya Si Bloody Fool Chin tu kenaper setelah berpuluh tahun baru nak cakap ? Nampak sangat ada ramai BADUT-BADUT dibelakang agenda Si Ediot Chin ini termasuklah MENTERI PALING BANGANG iaitu Si Zaid Ibrahim yang tak tahu hujung pangkal pun nak komen kerana nak glamour bodoh .Kes Lingam tu pun cucu-cucu saya yang berumur 12 tahun pun boleh ketawa apabila melihat Lingam bercakap hanya satu hala saja dan cucu saya juga boleh kata dia pun bercakap telefon dengan Pak Lah tapi sebenarnya orang disana itu tak wujud pun.Nampak sangatlah Pak Lah (Batik) ini pemikiran teramat sempit dan dengan senang membazirkan duit rakyat untuk membayar semua elaun ahli-ahli panel tersebut.
    Di sini juga saya nak beritahu bahawa Si Badut Zaid Ibrahim bukanlah pembela Bangsa Melayu malah sejak dulu Si Zaid Ibrahim telah cuba merosakkan nasib orang Melayu. Contohnya Si Zaid Ibrahim ini dulu tidak mengaku sebagai budak ITM (UiTM) tetapi bila dah masuk politik barulah mengaku sebagai pelajar ITM (UiTM).Dasar manusia Bangsat macam Si Zaid Ibrahim patut diajar dan semoga Allah SWT memberikan petunjuk yang sebenar kepadanya.
    Pernah ketika Si Badut Zaid Ibrahim menjadi setiausaha ‘Bar Council’ beliau telah menentang pengiktirafan Diploma Lanjutan Undang-Undang di UiTM yang mana semua pelajar jurusan tersebut adalah BANGSA MELAYU DAN BERAGAMA ISLAM yang akan memertabatkan Bangsa Melayu sendiri TETAPI MUJURLAH adanya Tun ketika itu yang telah mendapat maklumat daripada Setiausaha Politik Tun ketika itu Dato’ Seri Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin melalui seorang penyarah kanan jurusan undang-undang yang dikenali sebagai ‘Pak Ali’ telah menyebabkan satu keputusan yang terbaik diperolehi apabila sokongan Peguam Negara ketika itu Tan Sri Abu Talib telah menyebabkan Diploma Lanjutan Undang-undang ITM (UiTM) ketika itu berjaya diiktiraf oleh badan berkanun. Jadi semua pembaca perlu tahu manusia jenis apa Si Zaid ibrahim ini ? Kalau binatang pun tahu asal usulnya tetapi Si Zaid Ibrahim memang “PENGKHIANAT BANGSA MELAYU”.
    Saya juga menyeru agar semua pembaca dihalaman web dapat menyebarkan lagi tindak tanduk si Zaid Ibrahim yang dulunya hidup dengan kemewahan hasil pemberian Kerajaan dibawah kepimpinan Tun yang tidak reti menghormati seorang Insan mulia yang terlalu banyak berbakti kepada agama , bangsa dan negara.
    Saya juga berharap rakyat dapat tahu dan mengetahui siapa si jembalang Khairy yang juga bersetonggkol dengan manusia lahanat seperti Anwar Ibrahim. Semoga segala bukti-bukti nyata terhadap tuduhan kepada Anwar Ibrahim akan ada dengan jelasnya termasuk rakaman videonya . Termasuk juga gambar-gambar Wan Azizah yang di tampar pada mukanya akan dapat di wawarkan kelak dan juga satu fail yang Wan Azizah telahpun memfailkan cerai dari si sekutu Amerika Anwar Ibrahim .Khalid Ibrahim iaitu Abang kepada seorang penulis blog ini Hajiman Ibrahim masuk Parti Keadilan juga adalah disebabkan sifat tamak haloba PAk LAH Batik dan sekutunya yang menyekat semua bank daripada memberikan pinjaman kepada Khalid Ibrahim untuk membeli share yang telah diperuntukkan oleh zaman pemerintah Tun kepadanya.
    Harap Tun terus sihat dan dilindungi Allah SWT.

  77. Tun, it should read ‘Tun Mahathir’s Misconduct’.That sound more appropriate,isn’t it.It’s you who manipulated the judiciary which resulted in Datuk Ian Chin’s disclosure.An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth.When there is smoke there is fire.For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction.All this quotes suits your misdeeds during your reign.It’s your dictatorial rule that resulted in the birth of so many enemies.Many are suppressed,dumbed,oppressed,purged,sidelined,used,shamed,manipulated etc to your whim and fancy.In another words’ cultured and tailored to your needs.A racist forever a racist.


  79. Assalamualaikum Tun
    I have one thing to say about anwar and the usa, if the us government loves anwar so much take him as a us citizen and bring along your wife and daughter too. We wont miss you at all period.
    Sorry Tun for being out of topic ……wasalam regards to you and Siti Asmah too. May Allah bless you both….

  80. hmmmm…. banyak jugak yg dump ass tak paham apa YAB Tun cakap pasal whisle and open book tu. Again, I repeat, YAB Tun kata, itu yg si Ian Chin cakap, dan bukan dia(YAB Tun) yg cakap. Apa raaa… Aku syok2 baca komen ni, tetiba adalak komen yg tah apa nama tah, yg tak paham apa dia baca. Potoi stim je…hahaha.. By the way, I salute you too much Dear Tun. You are the inspiration should be for all Malaysian. May Allah always bless you and your loving spouse. Now, nobody can see very clearly who can handle Malaysia, becoz no one looks talented unless someone guided by you. haha..


  82. Hi ABI,
    I quote from your 2nd entry “Allow me to correct a mistake which I made in the previous comment of this blog.”
    Your sounded like Ian Chin and the current Administration by being flip-flop with your comment!!?
    – hamba Allah, from across

  83. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I miss visiting your blog and reading your post, and learning always from your wisdom.
    yet, I am here. Thank goodness.
    I really do not understand how Abdullah Ahmad Badawi picked men and women to fill up his Cabinet Ministers line up. With the exception of a few, most are jokers in Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s comedy government.
    Individuals who have been in Cabinet Ministers line up before, except a few, yet mostly are highly respected.
    In 2008, I sense each of these ministers is saying and doing to glorify Abdullah Ahmad Badawi only, so much so, she or he is like saying there is never snow in Japan.
    So we see ministers such as de facto Minister of Justice clowning around in public places.
    This is utterly surprising, a man in charge of such a noble ministry and saying out loud for Judicial reform, cannot even check facts properly, and shooting verbal fooling haphazardly, especially against you unnecessarily.
    If this is the one chosen by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and many more like him, I cannot see the seriousness in the Judicial reform, and the next time around he chooses to say or do, he can be easily be a suspect of clear bias and prejudice.
    Let us see how funny he can continuously be…

  84. Salam Ayhda Tun
    and all Bloggers…..
    Sejak smalam lgi pagi2 kluar umah pakai sluak putih, baju putih, kasut pun putih..last2 tngok sya sorang yg pakai..tgok2 gak mamat dan minah yg keja kat bank..suma pakai bju biasa je..tengok mamat dan minah2 kluaq makan t/hari…x de jugak..agaknye dia orang x bace blog ni kot!!…last2 t/hari ramai yg kluaq berduyun2..ptg pun klua gak berduyun2 sampai payah nak lalu…tau x sapa dia org nih???….budak2 sek rendah ngan sekolah menengah…
    Mmmmmmm…..nampaknye bebudak je yg sokong saranan bloggers ek???…(Sya tergelak dlm hati geli sesangat bagai digeletek…)
    mungkin lpas nih ada lebih ramai lgi yg sokong saranan bloggers selain budak2 skolah koott!!
    Salam buat semua.

  85. The alleged misconduct of Ian Chin is nothing compared to the atrocities and nasty things committed by our ex-PM during his 22- year rule. Those people who are ignorant of his evil deeds should not blindly support him. Do some critical thinking,please. Use both sides of the brain, otherwise your brain will be atrophied and you will lose your sense of balance!

  86. Assallammualaikum Tun,
    Saya rasa since kerajaan Pak Lah nak reform sistem kehakiman, maka elok lah Pak Lah perkenalkan satu peraturan baru iaitu “hakim-hakim yang nak bersidang kena cek nafas dulu, gunakan alat pengesan alkohol macam polis trafik ” supaya mana-maha hakim yang mabuk tak boleh bersidang…kalau bersidang juga akan keluar lah tohmahan yang tak kena mengena dengan kes yang dibicarakan, keluar lah kenyataan yang flip-flop….so kita kena pasang banner kat mana-mana mahkamah yang Ian Chin bersidang tu dengan slogan ” DONT DRINK AND JUDGE “….heheheh….
    Mongkin, sebelum bersidang di kucing ari tu si chin dan zahid pekena tody 3-10(istilah orang sabah) kot , tu yang merapu macam mabuk todi ja hakim tu.
    Sampah kalau di re-cycle banyak nilai tambah ekonominya. Tapi kalau Zahid dan I Chin di re-cycle…. entah ada nilai ke tidak malaun 2 ekor tu?
    wan zizah masa buat press conf…cakap pun bercelaru…..nampak sangat kegelisahannya…..kesian dia.
    Anwar ni…..minta jaminan keselamatan dari Pak Lah….Pak Lah pun cakap ya…kita jamin….kedua-dua mangkuk ayun ni lupa kot….jaminan keselamatan hanya dari Allah sahaj lah….kalau awak jaga agama Allah dengan baik…Allah jamin keselamatan awak dunia dan akhirat…..lari sembunyi kat kedutaan turkr?…..ya Allah jauhnya lari……nak lari ke mana jga…..malaikat dapat juga cekup awak tu nuar…..Dia pandai…hebat….nak hasut rakyat memberontak supaya dia tak di tuduh di mahkamah….Anwar ingat di pintar…..strategi dia…..pastikan Kp dan PN dijatuhkan moral dan nama baik….persoalkan kehakiman…..suruh yahudi tekan kerajaan…hasut rakyat…..semuanya supaya dia tak didakwa di mahkamah……Anwar…jantan ke awakni? Awak tak cukup jantan nak jadi PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA……dia sekarang dalam keadaan “Prison In Waiting”….tu lah KETULAHAN……..
    Tun, yang tadi tu saja nak lepaskan geram….jawapan Tun ni semacam saja….membaca penjelasan Tun, nampak Hakim Apek tu macam bodoh….di beli ke LLB dia tu?……hakim kalau dah dipertikaikan macam ni tak layak dah jadi hakim…..tapi di bawah Islam Hadhari….semuanya boleh asalkan “bekerja bersama pak lah”……puisi dia masa naik jadi PM…..kita tengah usaha ubahsuai Puisi Pak Lah….kena “tune” balik ikut keadaan semasa.
    ok, tq.

  87. TUN,
    Syabas kepada , Pemuda MIC yang berani bersuara dan bertindak terhadap Presiden MrSamy.
    Bila lagi, Pemuda UMNO berani bersuara pun jadi lah……
    salam perjuangan

  88. Salam Tun Dr.M dan semua pengunjung blog ini,
    1. Sebagai tanda sokongan kepada Tun Dr.M marilah kita saling mengingatkan satu sama lain tentang “KEMPEN RIBBON PUTIH” yg telah dicadang. Kalau boleh selepas memberi komen jangan lupa tinggalkan pesan tentang kempen yang disebutkan diatas. Ini supaya kita tidak lupa akan kempen itu.
    2. Jangan hanya tulis dalam blog tetapi harus pakai ribbon putih atau mungkin boleh kibarkan bendera putih, contohnya dilekat dikenderaan. Jika kita mahu perubahan kita mesti berani untuk membawa kepada perubahan itu.

  89. Salam buat Tun dan keluarga,
    Kita berharap agar para hakim negara ini menjalankan tugas mereka dengan adil dan saksama serta telus. Sebaiknya para hakim ini tidak melibatkan diri dalam hal politik dan juga tidak mengambil kesempatan dalam situasi yg berlaku sekarang. Para hakim telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjaga hal2 kehakiman dalam negara ini dan kita tahu bahawa hakim2 ini tahu menjalankan tugas mereka.
    Berlainan pula dengan hakim Ian Chin yg membuat pertuduhan terhadap Tun dalam hal penyalahgunaan kuasa semasa Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri dahulu. Sekiranya perkara ini benar dan pertuduhan yg dilemparkan kepada Tun itu didapati berlaku pada masa itu, kita akui bahawa Tun perlu berhadapan dengan perkara ini di mahkamah. Walaubagaimana pun, hakim Ian Chin kenalah mengemukakan bukit-bukti yg kukuh untuk menyokong kenyataan yang beliau buat di mahkamah semasa mengendalikan satu kes lain dahulu. Beliau selaku hakim sepatutnya tahu cara-cara untuk membuat pertuduhan dan bagaimana mahu memperkukuhkan pertuduhan itu dengan bukti-bukti yg cukup. Dalam laporan daripada berita sebelum ini ada mengatakan bahawa hakim Ian Chin merupakan seorang yg tegas, berani dan cekap dalam menjalankan tugasnya mahupun dalam kehidupannya. Ini menimbulkan persoalan kepada saya kerana sekiranya beliau adalah seorang yg seperti diwar-warkan, mengapakah beliau menunggu sehingga 20 tahun untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan ini? Sekiranya alasannya adalah untuk menjaga kepentingan beliau dalam badan kehakiman, adakah kenyataan ini boleh digunapakai dan tidakkah kenyataan beliau ini meragukan? What was his intention by doing this? Sekiranya beliau mengatakan bahawa pada masa Tun menjadi PM dahulu, badan kehakiman negara telah “dijaga” oleh Tun dan sesiapa yg hendak melawan arus akan mendapat akibatnya, mengapakah pula Hakim Ian Chin boleh dikatakan hakim yg berani dan tegas sedangkan pada era Tun beliau tidak dapat melakukannya? Seperkara lagi, kenapakah tidak membongkar hal ini selepas sahaja DSAAB memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara dan mendedahkan pada tahun 2004 lagi? Adakah wujud konspirasi dalam hal ini?
    Kalau dilihat, hal kenyataan hakim Ian Chin ini banyak menimbulkan pertanyaan dan keraguan, setidak-tidaknya pada diri saya. Saya tidak mewakili mana-mana pihak lain dalam hal ini dan saya hanya mengeluarkan pendapat sendiri dan ingin mencari jawapan untuk semua persoalan saya ini.
    Mengapakah kita mahu berlaga-laga sesama sendiri sedangkan kita dalam peringkat paling lemah sekarang dan apa yg paling penting untuk kita lakukan bersama adalah untuk bersatu padu dalam menjaga negara ini daripada ancaman-ancaman yg akan mendatang tidak kira dari dalam mahupun luar negara. Perpecahan tidak akan mengukuhkan negara malah akan membuat musuh-musuh negara mengambil kesempatan kepada kita. Sampai bila kita mahu melihat perkara ini berlaku dan sepatutnya kita mencari jalan bagaimana mahu memperkukuhkan persahabatan antara kaum yg terjalin sekian lama ini. Pengukuhan kaum hanya berlaku sekiranya semua pihak mahu berkerjasama dalam menjalankan satu perkara yg sama dan tidak sepatutnya melihat hanya pada fahaman politik mereka semata-mata.
    Perjuangan dalam mempertahankan negara adalah tanggungjawab bersama dan pengelibatan semua pihak. Ikhlas dalam perjuangan dan bertekad untuk manjaga dan mempertahankan AGAMA, BANGSA dan NEGARA dengan tidak mengabaikan tanggungjawab kepada ALLAH serta memohon kebenarannya agar dirahmati perjuangan ini. Amin.

  90. Tun,
    You’re the brainchild of so many innovative projects & developments in Malaysia. Even once Tony Fernandez claimed that Air Asia was once your idea. All the tallest building in the world, F1 track, amazing KLIA etc are not waste of public funds at all. Indeed they gave so much return for the country. Wherever I go, people know Malaysia because of these iconic landmarks. Sadly, your opponents now are reaping what you sowed, minus the credit to you!
    What you should’ve done is probably to be a Mentor minister or Senior minister. The country wouldn’t be in such turmoil!

  91. Satu penjelasn yang mendalam. banyak yang boleh dipelajari daripadanya:
    Saya membaca setiap tulisan Tun di Blog ini. Tidakketinggalan membaca komen-komen bloggers terhadap tulisan Tun.
    Ada pelbagai macam ragam pendapat bloggers. Kita dapat membaca ungkapan pemikiran mereka.
    Ada yang menyokong. Ada yang tidak bersetuju. Ada yang memberi semangat dan dorongan. Tak kurang pula yang menggunakan kata-kata kesat.
    Kita boleh mengambil pendirian untuk tidak bersetuju. Masing-masing mempunyai fikiran sendiri. Persoalannya ialah bagaimana fikiran kita itu disampaikan.
    Yang dikesali ialah ada bloggers yang menggunakan kata-kata kesat. Kepada individu-individu malah kepada Tun sendiri yang menyampaikan buah fikirannya juga dicaci. Memang hak individu untuk menggunakan cara bagaimana sekalipun. Tetapi apalah ruginya kalau kita menyampaikan buah fikiran denggan mengungkapkan kata-kata dengan cara yang sopan.
    Kita sanjung tinggi bagaimana Tun mengungkapkan buah fikirannya. Tidaklah menggunakan bahasa yang kasar walaupun untuk membuktikan kesilapan individu tertentu.
    Kita dapati ada bloggers yang seolah-olah melepaskan geram dengan tidak menentu. Barangkali kekurangan perbendaharaan kata (vocabulary).
    Komen-komen yang diberikan memang saya baca untuk menambah pengetahuan. Memang banyak komen yang bernas daripad mereka yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam isu yang dibicarakan oleh Tun. Kadang-kadang saya tidak berani untuk memberi komen dalam isu-isu yang tidak saya ketahui. Saya boleh mendapat manfaat daripada bloggers-bloggers lain yang mempunyai fikiran yang bernas.
    Kadang-kadang saya merasa terkilah membaca perkataan-perkatan atau ungkapan-ungkapan tidak sopan yang diungkapkan oleh setengah-setengah bloggers di blog CheDet ini.
    Tak bolehlah nak salahkan sesiapa. Kadang-kadang perangainya sudah begitu. Berpuluh tahun saya menjadi guru, menasihati pelajar-pelajar supaya mempunyai nilai-nilai murni dalam diri. Mungkin salah si guru juga yang tidak betul mendidik.
    Memang sewaktu di sekolah kelakuan murid-murid memanglah kelakuan budak mentah, belum matang. Saya ada menulis tentang kelakuan budak-budak sekolah dalam blog di:

  92. Assalamualaikum Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    First and foremost a big “tabik” to you for your ABILITY TO WRITE …
    Your writings are perfect and marvelous in terms of “grammer”, “usage of words”, “sentence construction” and the “magical” way you present your ideas … very systematic, interesting, yet simple. I am yet to find a grammer mistake in your numerous presentations in your blog thus far. You must be a very meticulous human being.
    Tentang perkembangan yang berlaku di Malaysia ketika ini, terutama sekali selepas Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 Mac lalu, saya, merasakan bahawa pemimpin pemimpin politik sekarang terlalu sibuk BERLAGA diantara satu sama lain, baik yang memerintah maupun yang menjadi pembangkang. Yang peliknya, diantara yang memerintah pun ada yang berlaga sesama sendiri. Begitu juga dipihak pembangkang, diantara mereka pun ada perlagaan. Nampaknya semua orang nak jadi JAGUH.

  93. Salam Tun,
    Tun, jangan layan sangatlah Ian Chin tu…..Dia dah nak ‘menapaus’ tu…Yelah, dia jelous judge lain kan dapat ex-gratia…dia pun nak ler tur…..Kan ketara sangat tu….Nampak sangat nak pampasan…Dia mengambil kesempatanlah tu nak bodohkan kerajaan supaya percaya dia punya kenyataan supaya dia dan konco2nya pun dapat ex-gratia…Tak tahulah kalau Kerajaan sekarang ni, kalau dorang bagi juga Ian Chin nie ex-gratia…nampak sangatlah….
    Apa-apapun Tun, rakyat memang sedia maklum mengenai perkara ni….Dia ingat dia judge dia pandai sangatlah…..Jangan heranlah kalau nama dia satu hari nanti dipanggil the most “SLOOPY” judge in Malaysia…..

  94. Dear Bloggers,
    Si blogger Neil telah menulis dalam blog Anwar Ibrahim (see AI’s Press Conference) bahawa dia adalah Penyokong Reformasi Anwar Ibrahim dan dia mengharap Anwar Ibrahim akan menjadi Perdana Menteri tidak lama lagi.
    Jelaslah bahawa si Neil ini merupakan penyokong kuat atau ahli parti PKR, sebab itulah tulisan2 Neil dalam blog menghentam dan mencaci Tun Mahathir adalah kerana sikap prejudice beliau, bukan kerana beliau seorang yang rasional pemikiran. Terbukti beliau amat takut dan khuatir di atas penulisan2 tajam dan penuh fakta oleh Tun Mahathir yang diterima rakyat dan orang2 Melayu, justeru mengetepikan atau sideline idola nya Anwar Ibrahim.
    Lihat sahaja blog Anwar Ibrahim yang lebih bersifat negatif, perpecahan, berpantun dan mengagungkan penulisan barat daripada ilimiah Islam, suka bersikap memburuk2kan pemimpin lawan dari bersikap perpaduan. Ini lah produk generasi reformasi Anwar Ibrahim yang berpaksikan dunia barat, angkuh, pendendam, ego, cakap besar dan suka pintu belakang.
    Neil ini sekarang berada di UK, dunia barat lah tu… tak jauh dari Turki yang terkenal dengan kelab2 gay.
    Neil oh Neil, nail him down from behind!!! hehehe

  95. Salam Tun. Semoga sentiasa sihat dan dirahmati Allah hendaknya.
    Pandangan Tun untuk semua isu-isu yang dibangkitkan telah
    membuka mata kami semua. Syabas Tun.
    Saya sentiasa menyokong Tun dan merasakan hanya Tun saja yang mampu
    dan berani menegur pemimpin `pelawak’ dan `lidah bercabang’ yang
    sedang bermaharajalela sekarang, yang tak tau apa nak buat
    dan malas berfikir. Bodoh sombong.
    Pasal Ian Chin pula, saya rasa dia banyak sangat tengok cerita
    Hollywood dan Hindustan. Dia ingat lepas sebar cerita (cerita tak
    ada bukti pulak tu) dekat suratkhabar, Tun akan kena tangkap
    dan masuk jel. Kesian dia. Dia lupa yang generasi sekarang dah
    tak percaya suratkhabar, generasi sekarang lebih percaya cerita
    yang tak ada dalam suratkhabar.
    Teruskan menulis Tun, kami perlukan maklumat yang sahih dan benar.

  96. Dear Tun ,
    After reading all your facts and the newspapers , I hereby concludes that Ian Chin’s allegation are nothing more than terrible lies!
    However , to my disgust …. our honourable de facto law minister – Mr Zais ,Ambiga and Mr Karpal Singh ( who are supposed to be experts in laws where everything must be based on facts and evidence ) can so quickly concludes otherwise.Worst , our honourable Mr Zaid can make a statement that he have no doubt that the allegation isn’t true.This statement show how shallow this guy is. He should be ashamed of himself as he is supposed to be well verse in the basic principle of law . A person is innocence untill proven guilty.
    His decision to give the ex-gratia to the ex judges also is an act of ” abuse of power ” . How can he simply conclude the decision of the tribunal which was set up by the Agong was wrong . This is clearly an act of disrespecting the law and Agong .
    How can he claim the the goverment is trying to reform the judiciary system when his actions are cleary an insults to the judiciary system itself by treating himself as the judge and jury!
    After your counter claim , the press and the AAB government have certainly been quiet or comment on this issue.Even Mr Karpal Singh have mellow down which before that are so ” gung ho ” in commenting and going to the police station to lodge a report.
    Wishing Tun and your family in the pink of health always.

  97. Salam hormat untuk Tun yang disayangi dari kami sekeluarga.
    Bagi saya bila diamati profesion Peguam / Hakim, terbayang difikiran saya ada beberapa perkara iaitu:
    i. orang salah boleh didapati salah;
    ii. orang salah boleh didapati tidak bersalah;
    iii. orang benar boleh didapati benar ( tidak bersalah );
    iv. orang benar boleh didapati tidak benar ( bersalah ).
    Bagi saya orang yang punya profesion Law sedar perkara tersebut. Jika seseorang peguam punyai anak guam yg beliau ketahui bersalah, tetapi seorang peguam akan sanggup membuktikan anak guamnya tidak bersalah. Ini kerana profesionnya yg berkehendakkannya begitu. Kesimpulan yg saya nak bg kita sedar, kebanyakan peguam ( tidak semua ) memang boleh dibeli. Ini serupalah dg orang kepercayaan Pak Lah seperti En Zaid Ibrahim.
    Profesion peguam bg saya adalah watak seorang yg paling hipokrit terutama semasa membela anak guamnya yg walaupun diketahuinya bersalah. Beliau akan menggunakan putar belit samada akta atau fakta yg diketahui, atau memusingkan fakta yg ada dan sebagainya agar anak guamnya didapati tidak bersalah.
    Apa yang saya nak bg tau En Zaid Ibrahim, beliau telah digunakan oleh Pak Lah bg tujuan peribadi. Tujuan Pak Lah melantiknya senator iaitu satu jawatan yg membolehkan beliau berada dalam Dewan Rakyat walaupun kalah dalam pilihan raya, adalah untuk bercakap bg pihak Pak Lah. Seorang peguam “bodoh” ini tidak sedar bahawa Pak Lah yg “lagi bodoh” telah mempergunakan beliau sebagai “kambing hitam”. Si Zaid ni memang berhasrat untuk jadi menteri dan sekarang ni syok dan bangga kerana walaupun tidak dipilih oleh rakyat secara demokratik tetapi terpilih sbg menteri. Pak Lah seperti yg kita ketahui memang lemah dari segi kepimpinannnya. Bila bercakap atau berucap … kalau adapun yg dengar … ianya adalah kerana terpaksa. Jadi En Zaid ini kononnya pandai bercakap sikit tetapi banyak perkara yg dicadangkan dan dilaksanakan beliau ( setakat ini ) yang kita nampak tidak konsisten dan kita boleh pertikaikan kemampuannya. Jadi tugas En Zaid sebenarnya adalah cuba memutar-belitkan fakta dan dengan kuasa yg ada pd beliau agar segala isu yang lampau dikaitkan dengan Tun Mahathir supaya rakyat memandang Tun Mahathir itu seoarang yang bersalah. En Zaid ni memang peguam yg bodoh, zaman sekarang ni rakyat semakin cerdik dan nisbah rakyat cerdik dibanding tidak cerdik sudah semakin memihak kepada yang cerdik dan celik komputer. JADI KALAU KITA PILIH PM MESTILAH RAKYAT MAHUKAN ORANG YG LAGI CERDIK. BUKAN SPT PM SEKARANG NI. DITAMBAH PULAK BALACI SPT EN ZAID YG JADI MENTERI PUN BUKAN DIPILIH OLEH RAKYAT TETAPI DIPILIH PM YG BODOH LAGI PEMBELIT BESAR. Kamu tunggulah nasib kamu bila PRU akan datang …
    Sebenarnya rakyat sedar dan semakin sedar bahawa Tun Mahathir adalah seorang pemimpin tulin lagi bijaksana yang sentiasa memikirkan nasib rakyat walaupun beliau telah bersara dari PM.
    Watak En Zaid ni serupalah dengan Ian Chin yg menjadi kambing hitam kepada Pak Lah yg bodoh lagi punya hati yang berkarat tu.
    Salam hormat Tun. Maaf ada bahasa kurang elok sikit tetapi percayalah saya cukup risau dengan pimpinan PM yg lemah sekarang ni.
    Baru-baru ni “Kes Anwar” , sampai Amerika pun berani campur tangan ??? Memang la Anwar Ibrahim ni BANGSAT negara. Kalaulah Tun sbg PM masa ini, saya cukup seronok Tun hentam Amerika.
    Malangnya, Pak Lah …. biar pun Malaysia hancur dia yg da kaya raya bersama anak/menantu akan lari ke luar negara. Kalau Anwar akan ke Amerika tetapi Pak Lah akan lari ke mane ye ????

  98. Askum Tun,
    1)I shall begin my comment with a question. Don’t you get tired of all this? I am exhausted just by reading some of the comments. With attacks from your enemies, I believe you have no choice but fight back.
    2)I understand how, you must have been very very disappointed with Pak Lah. To me he has wiped out the good and hard work put in by you, your team and of course our previous 3 Prime Ministers.I can say Samy Velloo had played his part too.Of course the Tans and the Lims.
    3)Almost 50 years of good work wiped out by Pak Lah within 3 and a half years of his rule. In fact he himself nearly got wiped out too. From one who got a thumping victory in 2004 elections to almost lost it all together.
    4)Wonder why our 50th independence day celebration was held near the Selangor Club vacinity ie Dataran Merdeka, instead of Putrajaya. How stupid.
    5)His weakness and lack of leadership is a big worry to some of us but to others an opportunity not to be missed. Hence names like Justice Chin(nice commercial name), Zaid Ibrahim, KJ, Musa Hitam, Anuar,Kalimullah, Ambiga, Karpal, Gobind and many others looked as good or as bad. They all seems to be running this country too.
    6)The social contract works well when we have a strong government. But with the current situation sad to say we are doomed. Four months after the last election all we get is one bad news after another.
    7)I know our enemy hate this, but a Great Leader like Tun is not born very day. There is no replacement. We can say good bye to the good old days and stop dreaming.
    8) Zaman Kegemilangan Melayu Baru (Malay Golden Era) has ended and it is now crumbling without any hope of turning back.Good luck my children.
    9) In 50 years time we will look back at Putrajaya, KLCC, KLIA and others just as we look back at great monuments of past era.
    10) But I am very certain of one thing. Who have struggled to build it and who is going to be held responsible for destroying that era.
    I prey for your well being Tun and take care.

  99. A’kum TUN………
    Harapan saya moga ayahanda TUN sihat sejahtera…..
    nak komen tapi…….
    AOBINTANG……please terjemah sat artikel diatas”JUDGES MISCONDUCT”
    ke dalam bahasa melayu.saya ni masa sekolah dulu,suka lena bila cikgu ajar mata pelajaran english,tu yang x reti ………BOLEH KAN?

  100. Dear Tun,
    I think Anwar is a sick man. He needs psychological treatment very badly. How can he be a prime minister when his personality now is being questioned. Worse still is, why he is fond of “kowtowing” the American administration for help everytime he is in trouble. Where is his principle and loyalty. I think he is a very, very, very dangerous politician and if given the power to rule he might just “sell” this country for his own vested interest and to serve his unabated “appetite”. If given the chance to be the Prime Minister I wonder if his inclination for “something different” will be uncontrollable like Sukarno !!

  101. Justice Chin now sounds more like DSAI. Wild imagination. Now he refers Tun as a Gestapo (STACI). Even Tun’s harshest critics never use such references. At the worst merely calling Tun a dictator. What kind of shit is this Justice Chin who only dares to make allegations from the safety of the court. No different with DSAI. Scurring to the safety of a Turkish embassy believing in his own lie that his life is under threat.
    About Zaid? What else to say. He was found guilty of money politics. Lucky for him UMNO did not report to ACA.

  102. assalammualaikum,
    Konspirasi…sendiwara…penganayaan itu lah perkataan yg selalu kita dengar dari ahli pkr…yg sebenarnya merekalah yg bersendiwara macam lempar batu sembunyi tangan..lepastu salahkan orang lain.
    SPR patut adakan anugerah best actor of the year utk ahli politik mcm nie.

  103. Assalamualaikum Tun dan semua
    Masa Tun jadi Pm dulu rasanya baik Tun jadikan Pak Lah sebagai Menteri Pertanian. Saya nampak Pak Lah tak ada ketokohan langsung untuk jadi pemimpin. Kalau dia jadi Menteri Pertanian memang dia layak dan dia minat, tengok le kat Kelantan hari tu dia dah cuba bawa trektor, dan galakkan semua rakyat menanam sayur di halaman rumah. Bila Tun bagi dia jadi PM dia tak tau nak urus negara sebab dia cuma minat hal pertanian saja. Pastu mula la dia melingkupkan negara.
    Tentang isu la ni cuma nak mengalihkan perhatian rakyat daripada isu harga minyak. Musim londeh melondehkan seluar. A londehkan seluar B, B londehkan seluar A.

  104. Tun salam sejahtera kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
    Terus kan perjuangan mu kami tetap menyokong.
    Jangan risau sahabat bloggers Tun ada cara nya tersendiri mengatasi masaalah ini. Dulu waktu dsai beri masaalah ramai yang berkata Tun akan kecundang menangani masaalah tersebut. Tetapi Tun dengan kebijaksanaan nya berjaya mengatasi nya dgn cemerlang.
    Jangan khuatir, sekarang yang beri masaalah pula Pak Lah yang tak mengenang jasa. saya merasakan Tun adalah insan berhati mulia kerana memberi peluang semula kepada melayu yang mudah lupa ini.Manusia bukan mudah lupa lagi, manusia mudah berubah.
    InshaAllah Tun akan berjaya sekali lagi.Apa sahabat bloggrrs boleh buat beri sokongan yang padu

  105. Dear Tun,
    I think there is a subtle “conspiracy” among the legal fratenity especially the Bar Council and the Law Minister to corner you. They think they have the absolute right to be the guardian of justice in this country. The legal fratenity are all hypocrite people trying smart Alec to be the sole champion of the rakyat. Just fly kite !!

  106. Dearest Tun Pray that you and family, at Best of Health.
    zaid or TAHI, Still remember your expresstion that day on TV when you tried to imply that our Dearest Tun, actually did what ian said, and you seems to misguide the rakyat, that thats what was happening during Tun’s time? And you know you looked so silly then. Now you looked more like a Joker in Clown dressing.
    Come on lah, you not there just to apple polish ok? I wont pay a sen willingly for your service lah. It’s just you are there cos you know how to manipulate or begged your presence into this World Class Zoo(Malaysian Parliment), by an incompetent Doll-Lah.
    Ian, ‘every dog will have his day’ equivalent to chinese sayings: ‘If your pay back-day has not arrived, it’s just the time is not ripe yet’ so dont worry so much about your accidental death.
    it’s going to come, if not later, sooner,we hope.
    Tun(s) both of you looked GREAT on-line. Keep it up.

  107. Dear Tun,
    Silalah Tun berikan komen sikit tentang kes DSAI baru-baru ini.
    Salam Sejahtera & Take Care Tun!

  108. Just wondering whether there will be a commission set up to monitor judges, and, especially, most important of all, the bar councii since they are humans too and not God and might make mistakes or error too, considering their profession, which do affect publics opinions and views and could create civil or racial unrest and jeopardised the peace and harmony that had long been rooted. Like the recent forum of malay rights for example.

  109. Dear Tun,
    Interesting article!!! Thanks for all the info!!
    Pak Lah,
    Please step dowm lah…. you ni mcm tak tau malu je…

    “Berkaitan dengan Judge Ian Chin ini, jika Tun mempunai bukti terhadap salah lakunya diharapkan dapat membuat report polis agar ia dapat disiasat segera. Jika hanya menulis di blog sahaja ia tidak membawa apa2 makna. Sy tidak sesekali menyokong Ian Chin tetapi sesuatu perlu dilakukan selain dari hanya menulis di blog.”
    “The report to the police had already been made by the people aggrieved by (Justice Ian) Chin’s biased judgement and it had been extended to the Chief Justice, the former Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and to the Prime Minister himself.”

  111. Tun,
    Anwar’s camp now regard the present BN as similar to your previous BN with regard to the recent Sodomy case.
    Perhaps Tun, you still have old elements holed up in the present administration. Pak Lah should take note and and start purging them for weaknesses as they can now be blamed for anything from PRU12 bad showing to reviving the sodomy tactic.
    Redhuan D. Oon
    p/s i have not written for a long time due to grieving over the loss of the previous http://www.chedet.com. Many of my gems were lost with it too. But i m ok now 🙂

  112. Hi Tun,
    It’s disappointing to learn that our leaders of today will do anything to stay up there and what’s worst there’re people, some very learned people who have had blindly supported them, guess for some financial and/or position lo.
    Tun, can you imaging that our serving PM even bought his Jalan Bellamy bungalow with a token sum from the government as compared to you, a retired PM who turned down offers of states land.
    Tun, you’re tough outside but soft inside but now we’ve a soft PM outside only and very hard inside.
    If you didn’t appoint Abdullah as Foreign Minister, he won’t be in a position to contest for VP in UMNO,
    If you didn’t talk for Abdullah at the AGM back then, he won’t be the UMNO Vice President (albeit, 2nd time after he lost it to Team Wawasan earlier),
    if you didn’t appoint him our Deputy Prime Minister, he won’t be win the UMNO Deputy President (won uncontested),
    If you didn’t retire then, he won’t be the PM now.
    See, Abdullah is untested, yet you’ve not only given him an apportunity over other 27 Million Malaysians but also made him our PM.
    Directly or indirectly, he’s attacking you (all korek, korek, korek la), whether it’s Abdullah or his family or his officers or his cronies or his “ENEMIES”, its all done with his consent simply because he didn’t stop it.
    Latest, he distanced himself on Anwar’s 1998 sodomy charges, oh yes, he can and can’t say as what he said at the meeting with WAn Azizah as he was away in Africa waiting for the then PM’s visit that was cancelled for the UMNO supreme council emergency meeting to discussed about Anwar’s position at Menara Dato’ Onn.
    Abdullah gave a press conference in Africa (TV3 showed it the day after), he said he disagrees with the then PM & UMNO Supreme council decision lo, lo, lo. Betul ke, Dollah?
    Some say that Tun can never stop criticing his successor(s) no matter who they’re because he can’t let go of his way “MY WAY” doing things. But who is going to criticise the government if not you, TUN, what’s wrong if it’s all for the better and certainly, not like what we’re now, its just too hard to have food on our table.
    TUN leads, we will follow.

  113. Salam Tun ,
    The currents administrations a flip flop,the leader is not “getting it” on what the people wants , the SELF-CLAIMED-TRUE-LEADER-OF-RAKYAT is under charge of sexual misbehave, the rakyats suffering more thn ever… and now , the judiaciary system is questionable.
    jus a thot .
    ps… OLYMPICS-the petai way … @ jusatot.blogspot.com

  114. Salam Ayahnda Tun.
    Kelakar sangat. Apalah Pak Lah. Buat idea kaki tangan kerajaan gaji 2 kali sebulan. Last last rakyat tolak. NAMPAK SANGAT IDEA BODOHHHHHH…..MALU…MALU …IDEA TONG SAMPAH.
    Kononnya, idea ni bagus. Boleh menolong kaki tangan kerajaan untuk merancang perbelanjaan . APADAAAAAAA………
    Idea PAKLAH ni sama dengan murid saya umur 4 TAHUN……

  115. TUN
    Kepada semua teman bloger, “BALAS JASA DAN BUDI TUN”
    Marilah kita sama-sama sokong dan bertindak untuk TUN.
    Lakukan segera, Mulakan hari ini, kalau boleh sekarang juga.
    Buktikan suara rakyat boleh berkuasa: Malaysia Boleh..!!!!
    Inilah sumbangan kita kepada agama bangsa dan Negara.
    Jangan macam “anjing menyalak bukit aja“ tak bawa kita ke mana….
    Keadaan sudah parah :
    Bak kata Telur Hujung Tanduk dan Retak menungu Belah…
    Salam perjuangan;
    Email: [email protected]
    YM : ashar_abdullah
    Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara

  116. I and my family always trust you and support you. However, we really worry abt our country, it is now retrograded and as a ‘rakyat’ we really feel reluctant. We know it is impossible for you to come back. But if the country is going to hold another referendum, we also don’t know who to vote, who shall we keep faith with ??? I hope there is another capable leader like you appeared but sorry to say that sometimes we quite blame you on chosen Paklah even though not solely your fault. However, we still hope and pray hard that there is a bright future for Malaysia.
    Take care and don’t bother about those cynical comment in your blog.

  117. Assalamualaikun TUN.
    Saya di sabah memang benci hakim sorang ni. memang teruk dia. cek la banyak kes dia bermasalah. Dia memang anti semenanjung.
    Nanti kalau TUN jadi PM balik minta2 dia la orang pertama TUN buang dalam tong sampah.
    Bye TUN. Love U always and forever.

  118. Akum Dearest Tun,
    You’ve never ceased to amaze me and I can’t help but admire/envy you with all your strength and ability.
    Everything’s crystal clear now who this Learned Justice Ian Chin and de facto Minister of Justice are………Opportunist… and …agh!!!!! can’t find a word/phrase to described these two.
    To Caliph: There’s no need to go into details on what transpired
    in DSAI sodomy case. Let’s just be grateful that someway or somehow, his plan to ‘invade’, to pursue his mission to achieve his goal, to become the PM was halted.
    To ABI: My dear whoever you are, kindly refresh your memories. Did you ever experience or see turmoils such as now (during DSAAB)not only in politics but also social during the premiership of our beloved Tun. Don’t let anger overcome your senses.
    To Antimamak: Awat ni? Tiap posting mesti cerita roti canai !!!!?
    Kalau tak suka toksah makan toksah cite….orang lain suka…hang peduli apa? La ni, Cina ke, India ke, orang putih ke orang cokelat ke..KAMI suka roti canai…he..he
    I’m all for wearing ribbons and flags , why white…, but i’ll wear it anyway as an act of support.
    Lastly, Tun, I have faith in all your actions coz I believe you have the best interest in your heart for the nation. You will always have our support.

  119. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Adakah mereka cuba mencari pasal dengan Tun? Saya merasakan mereka cuba untuk memburuk-burukkan Tun dengan apa cara sekali pun, kerana penyokong Tun di luar sana mungkin da melebihi ahli UMNO. Kalau itu benar, kuasa pengaruh Tun sekarang lebih merbahaya kepada mereka dari parti pembangkang.
    Saya sangat berharap dan berdoa kepada Allah swt, semoga Tun sekeluarga dilindungi…..
    Ya Allah jauhkanlah Tun Dr. Mahathir dan sekeluarga daripada pengenyiayaan orang lain…….Amin.

  120. Assalamualaikum Yg Berbahagia Tun, semoga sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera.
    Saya nampak keadaan politik Malaysia pada masa ini dalam keadaan huru hara. Perdana Menteri yg ada tidak berkemampuan untuk memimpin kita kepada keadaan yg lebih baik. Tetapi dia tidak mahu melepaskan tanggungjawab ini kepada yg lebih layak. Anwar pula nampaknya seperti cuba mengambil kesempatan melalui cara yang kotor..
    Saya fikir seperti seolah-olah ada cubaan kuasa asing menguasai Malaysia dari dalam dan luar kerajaan yg ada sekarang.
    Saya nak beri cadangan supaya Tun menubuh satu parti yg baru yg saya pasti bahawa sekurang2nya 70% ahli UMNO sekarang akan sertai. Keadaan pasti lebih baik jika Tun masih jadi PM sekarang ini.

  121. Aslmkm Y. Bhg. Tun,
    Read your statement. As always you are very precise and clear. Justice Chin and his sponsor (the de facto Minister of Justice) is more the fool now. Justice Chin and those like him would not be worthy even if presiding in kangaroo courts. Bless you Tun.

  122. To ABI,
    Why are you so scared that Tun is clarirying the matters, i mean after all is the fact what……your name seems to me is quite familiar ABI….A….Bin I….. is it? Hhehehe…..pls la for god sake let Tun do his job and if you dont like it…dont read it…because we love TUN so much and we are here to support him till rest of our live…..

  123. Salam…
    Kempen putih telah bermula…
    Saya dah pun pasang ribbon putih dikereta hari ni..
    Hidup Tun…

  124. Kepada saudara Ashar yang dihormati:
    Saya namapak dan baca ashar di blog Tun dan mengesyorkan penyokong tun
    buat protest, tetapi sayang nya Ashar tidak memahami apakah maksud White ribbon, atau white flag, sini saya tampilkan sedikit sebanyak pengetahuan untuk Ashar buat rujukan:
    — The white ribbon, a white-colored ribbon or representation of a white-colored ribbon, has several different meanings depending on the context. As with other color ribbons, is sometimes used by political movements to signify or spread their beliefs. In that context, it is usually worn on garments or represented in propaganda (posters, leaflets, etc.).
    –The White Ribbon was the badge of the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement founded by Frances Willard in the late 19th Century.—Kepana Ashar sokong orang kristian?
    One of the most notable usages of the white ribbon in recent times is as the symbol of violence against women, safe motherhood, and other related causes. It also has a long tradition in state fairs and similar farming and horticultural competitions in the United States and Canada.
    –The white flag is an internationally recognized protective sign of truce or ceasefire, and request for negotiation. It is also used to symbolise surrender, since it is often the weaker military party which requests negotiation. A white flag signifies to all that an approaching negotiator is unarmed, with an intent to surrender or a desire to communicate. Persons carrying or waving a white flag are not to be fired upon, nor are they allowed to open fire. The use of the flag to surrender is included in the Geneva Conventions.
    The improper use of a white flag is forbidden by the rules of war and constitutes a war crime of perfidy. There have been numerous reported cases of such behaviour in conflicts, such as fighters using white flags as a ruse to approach and attack enemies, or killings of fighters attempting to surrender by carrying white flags.
    Many times since the weaker party is in a decrepit state, a white flag would be fashioned out of anything readily available, like a t-shirt or handkerchief. The most common way of making a white flag is to obtain a pole and tie two corners of a sheet of cloth to the top of the pole and somewhere in the middle.
    Saudara Ashar patutlah memahami apakah simbolisma white ribbon , white flag dahulu sebelum mencadang kan idea tersebut, jangan jangan jadi bahan ketawa seluruh dunia!!

    1. Sekilas pandang sudah 5 tahun Pak Lah memerintah.
    2. Dan sepanjang itulah juga tidak ada satu pembangunan yang nampak di mata kasar kita semua. Mana pergi perbelanjaan berbillion ringgit kerajaan Pak Lah.
    3. Perbelanjaan RMK-9 sahaja RM200 billion,(minta tambahan pulak RM30 billion)tetapi satu pun kita tidak nampak atau tidak ada yang boleh disebut seingat saya. Saya rasa rakan2 sekalian juga sependapat saya.
    4. Kalau TUN dapat bina EMPAYAR PETRONAS, Proton, bangunan KLCC, KL Tower, KLIA, LITAR SEPANG, bangunan pentadbiran PUTRAJAYA, PICC, LIMA, STAR dan PUTRA LRT (sekarang kepunyaan RAPID), MONOREL dan bermacam lagi yang boleh disebut dan tulis di sini dalam 22 tahun pentadbiran.
    5. Tiada satu pun yang saya boleh tulis hasil perbelanjaan Pak Lah dalam 5 tahun.
    6. Setelah kesilapan demi kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh pentadbiran kerajaan sekarang, tibalah masanya Pak Lah letak jawatan.
    Harap anda semua dapat tandatangan petition online “Petition Online Meminta PM Malaysia Pak Lah Untuk Meletak Jawatan” dianjurkan dari laman web PetitionOnline.com, petition online tersebut percuma di:

  126. Dear Tun,
    Another GREAT article to read and I am learning a lot from you.
    Go go go Tun…we support you!

  127. Dear Tun,
    What if this Chin guy is to be put on trial and found guilty of misconduct, what happens to all the court judgements made by him?
    All will be null and void?
    We all miss your stalwart leadership Tun. We hope that somebody is doing something.
    This flip-flop PM and his entire (kitchen) cabinet are too much la.
    Korang ni not just stupid, but really behave like stupid.

  128. Salam Tun,
    Entahlah..apalah Judge mcm ni pun ada……….
    Hope ‘Nur’ will brighten your life..for ever n ever………Itulah..teringin berbual dengan Tun, walaupun sesaat…

  129. Tun,
    Looking through your latest comments I really feel that Chin J should not be appointed a Judge in the first place. He is simply not a right candidate to be a judge.As a judge, his stand should be, he is answerable to law and law alone.If he cannot do this,perhaps he should decide to quit honourably. TQ

  130. assalamialaikum tun..
    andai ada sedikit kesempatan lagi..ingin benar kami menikmati kembali kegemilangan sebenar sewatu era Tun..Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami…kurniakanlah kepada kami seorang pemimpin yg sebenar..dari kalangan pejuang sebenar..amin
    saya dah kibar bendera putih..proton saga 1st model,biru original,p*l 5801..

  131. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Hakim pun manusia.Memang ada buat salah.Yang pandai-pandai de facto Minister of Justice nak meyakinkan kita yang hakim ni selalu betul apa ke hal?Baca kitab Undang-Undang kira adil sepanjang zaman la tu?
    Al-Quran dan Hadith je petunjuk jalan sepanjang zaman.
    Jangan lupa walaupun awak dah berjaya macam mana sekali pun sebagai penguam atau hakim atau sebagai peniaga penguam.Kita tetap ada musuh yang nyata.
    Awak-awak je rasa kelam kabut sebab tu bidang awak-awak orang.Rakyat ok je.Dah bersalah kena la bersusah untuk senang.Tak bersalah pun kena la jugak bersusah untuk senang.
    Kesian Mukhriz.Tun tak bagitau.
    Projek MFA-PUNB mengadakan PFS-PFW adalah program pemuflisan secara besar-besar kepada kaum Bumiputera.
    Kalau hantar saya pergi Taiwan belajar roti, RM100k selama sebulan.Beli alatan dan mesin pengeluaran RM100k.Modal untuk buka kiosk (francaisor tak bertauliah) RM100k.Jadi total RM300k.
    Tapi kalau jadi francaisi MFA-PUNB, ada keberangkalian jadi muflis!
    Cuba bandingkan jika kerajaan bagi saya RM300k untuk jadi Francaisi dengan hantar saya pergi belajar ilmu roti kat Taiwan.Jadi lebih baik bagi saya RM500k untuk cari ilmu dan niaga sendiri.Ilmu harta yang tak habis dimakan.
    Guru kelas saya seorang Chinese yang suka belajar.Dia belajar di Taiwan,Paris dan Thailand.Tapi Pengawai Mara daerah tempat saya tak suka saya panggil dia ‘guru saya’.Dia kata ‘kawan saya’.
    Bab buat roti saya tahu la.Tapi kalau bab lain tak nak komen la.Apa-apa pun saya sedang menunggu saman dari kerajaan sebab tak proceed projek MFA-PUNB (dah lebih setahun).Tujuan nak capai 1000 usahawan francais Bumiputera dalam RMK-9.Tapi sayang, caranya tak betul langsung.
    Yang benar,
    Peserta PFS-11
    Terima kasih Tun.

  132. Dear Tun
    What a brilliant argument you have there. it is much better for Justice Ian Chin to resign because his acts clearly shows the level of incompetence and the lack of quality as a judge in our judiciary system. as you mentioned inside your argument on how pitty it was for those being judge by the justice, i totaly agree with you as he have poorly sense of understanding on a simple words and misinterpreted the context that he may implied with his jugdment.
    at the first place, how he become a judge?? banyak Auta??

  133. Orang tua-tua berkata;
    Jerat takkan melupakan pelanduk tetapi pelanduk selalu lupakan jerat…. dan sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ketanah juga….
    Tak lama lagi penyangak bertopengkan PEMIMPIN, Insya’allah akan mendapat pembalasan yang sepatutnya, Amin!!!

  134. Dear YB Tun
    Not forgetting…all bloggers friend outthere…
    A special note to Antimamak/neil- May I know how old are you? Using your mouths to critics those people who have done many good things to the country wont cost you anything.. So i suggest , kindly put your self infront of the mirror and see what have you contributed! After all…you just wasting your time here..My sincere opinion would be…please do something good for your soul !.
    As for other members, I strongly support mr syhassan65 proposal to set up chedet club. Please give /provide us clear picture and clear agenda what will be the club objectives.That will help.
    Ian Chin case- Zaid please give intelectual comment. I dont think you have a creadibility and intelectual persoanlity to be de factor of what ever you call it!
    Ian Chin- time for you to step dwon , if you feel you are not longer fit for your current position
    Anwar – This is the second time ppl accused you of “LIWAT’. They must be somethign wrong with you? Otehrwise it wont happen again. For you to gelabah tak tentu pasal until report kepada Yahudi kat USA to , has proven to all that, you seems ..macam BERSALAH je. I have observed the way you talked and gave the ceramah..nothing interesting except full of provocative statements…yang hanye menjurus kepada perpecahan dan you own objective. May I asked why do you want to be a PM? is it because you feel that , duluk tak sempat jadi PM , sekarang you feel by creating all this comotion andaskign ppl sympathy will help you to gain theb power?
    Honestly , you plotical agenda and gimic are very well know now. As someone who ahs been working with GLC and also now I would say…gratefull to Allah SWT and also to the previous goverment who has given this anak kampung to be a CEO in Foreign OIl and Gas company ( hidup Melayu)..I condemn you for all this so called you own CONSPIRACY…Org kata budak budak kampung pun dah cerdik and know how to menilai your move. Dont play with emotional sentimen..
    Bangsa Malaysian yg terdiri dari 3 bangsa , telah hidup amain damai dalam satu rumpun bangsa MALAYSIA., Keterbukaaan and silap tolak angsur yg diaamalkan , terutama dari bagsa Melayu telah menjadikan kita negara majmuk yg berjaya. We need strong leader like Tun. I wish we can produce more.
    I stronly urge , we use correct platform to send a clear message to the current goverment , that we need change! At same time , please do not SUPPORT all this nonsence PR allied…looks at them so arogant! look at Kapal/Kit Siang/Anwar/Gobind Sing….analyse la..then we know what are they up to..aslo similar to those segelintir UMNO minister know…learn from TUN! equip yourself with good soft skills ….Just wondering why la you all nie org uatar kata” KETEGAQ”..and bodoh sombong sangat!
    To Tun, we will be with you all the way! PETRONAS , PROTON and others GLC – your project..we salute!
    InsyaAllah we will meetup again someday. Till now…please take care of yourself. To Muhriz /Mohzani….I will be with you too. Tun has shown us……a good example of a LEADER.
    p/s will be back to KL esok.
    Sincerely yours,
    [email protected]
    Dusseldoft ,Germany.

  135. By dreadrasta on July 2, 2008 10:37 AM
    “clean as a whistle and my life is an open book” Tun you better be real. You’re telling what people wants to know, that doesnt make you an open book. there’s still alot you’re holding back.
    Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the statement was made by Justice Chin not by Tun.

  136. Salam Tun dan keluarga
    Agak2nya menteri2 baca tak blog ne??????
    Teringin sangat nak jumpa n berbual2 dengan Tun. Sekejap pun ok.
    Hidup Tun!

  137. Dear Tun,
    I wish you and your family lived in happiness ever after.
    On Judge Chin’s comment, it has been proven from your point of view that the Judge has committed misconduct. Now, the Government need to take action against the Judge. The appointed Minister of Law, YB Senator Zaid must ensure justice or he would be accused of conspired to demonise the former Premier.
    If YB Senator Zaid refused to look into the matter, it will be Pak Lah’s responsibility to help clear your name. If Pak Lah refuse to do so, it is confirmed that the whole Government has conspired to paint black your image.
    I am worried as to why your good suggestions and ideas has fall onto deaf ears and blind eyes of the Government. It has nothing to do with the syndrome of fear either in UMNO or Government. It is something else. It is a syndrome of comfort (not willing to change). This kind of syndrome spread widely in Malay’s blood. It is very difficult to stop. They will realise it soon after they have been stripped off power. A Malay is also a Muslim and a Muslim only fear Allah the almighty. The rakyat enjoyed all facilities the Govt given them (during your period). The Minister enjoyed the allowances and other perks. The Ketua Kampung, JKKK, Imam and Bilal, and NGOs head are all are not effected in life style. Since then why are they bothered?(with you criticism).
    We will not go anywhere if we keep on thinking that people are fear all the times to their leaders and the Government. Their braveness has been demonstrated in the last General Election. I think your article on PERPADUAN(unity) has change some of the people because to the people belief, unity means to support the current leadership. Your interpretation on unity did change the mind set.

  138. Dear Friends and TUN,
    I have just read and signed the online petition: “Petition to Get Malaysian Prime Minister to Step Down. “Vote of No Confidence in Parliament”.” hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petitionservice, at:
    I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you mightagree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and considersigning yourself.
    Salam TUN dan Kawan2,
    Harap dapat tandatangan petition online “Petition Online Meminta PM Malaysia Pak Lah Untuk Meletak Jawatan” dianjurkan dari laman web PetitionOnline.com, petition online tersebut percuma di:
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan petition tersebut, dan saya rasa anda semua juga sependapat dengan saya. Harap anda semua dapat meluangkan masa untuk melihat laman web tersebut dan menandatanganinya demi kesejahteraan Malaysia.

  139. Salam Tun,
    I pray to ALLAH for Him to shower you and the family and the gangs with all the health and helps in order for you to keep fighting for a cause of Islam, Malay and Malaysia. As long as you keep within this territory, for sure, we shall support and pray for the success of our cause.
    Malay Muslim in Malaysia has been divided by this DSAI latest issue. One suspect that this is DSAI latest trick. He want Malaysian to feel sympathetic to him and his hunger to be the PM. You knew him very well. What we know about him maybe only the tip of an iceberg.
    The learned Malaysian knew for the fact that DSAI WILL DO ANYTHING to pursue his mission to achieve his goal, to become the PM.
    We know nothing but you know a lots. You have told people that “IF YOU KNOW WHAT I KNEW, YOU WILL BE WITH ME, FIGHTING LIKE HELL”. I think you are referring to the current Malay predicament and how we should react to that predicament. The ordinary Malay will not and shall not be left to their dream. Ordinary Malay will be and shall be like the frog in the heated container, never realised that they are being cook right now by this predicament. You can make the difference.
    You know perfectly well who is DSAI and his history. I don’t think you want to share with us, but I don’t think you have the choice with this current issue and predicament, especially with DSAAB with the helm. DSAAB is helpless. He is not the tactician, you are. Come on, save the Malay, be it the ordinary Malay or the Learned Malay.
    You knew perfectly well what DSAI will do upon achieving his goal. That part you are not prepared to share with us. I am sure about this.
    As such, I am urging you to proceed with what you had planned. Please proceed as planned. To achieve Vision 2020. We will support you.
    Please do not be too occupied with the blogs, I know that you have found a new fame, but please, we only have less than 11 years to achieve your Vision 2020.
    If you do not proceed with that Vision, the Malay will become just another pariah tribe in this part of the world. Maybe LKY and the gangs will say THANK YOU, MY FRIEND.
    May ALLAH provide you with a great wisdom to think about it. May ALLAH provide the Learned Malay the wisdom to see what is wrong and what is right.

  140. “clean as a whistle and my life is an open book” Tun you better be real. You’re telling what people wants to know, that doesnt make you an open book. there’s still alot you’re holding back.

  141. Ybgh. Tun,
    Terima kasih atas keterangan dan pendedahan Tun. Dengan keterangan ayang agak terperinci tu, kita nantikan tindakan pihak berkuasa bertindak. Sedangkan RPK dengan akuan bersumpahnya polis bolih mengambil tindakan, tentulah pendedahan Tun mereka bolih memulakan siasatan. Jaguh jaguh keadilan dan kedaulatan undang-undang kami nantikan langkah mula dalam isu ini.
    Terimakasih atas khidmat bakti Tun selama ini untuk Tanah Melayu (?) tercinta.Mendoakan Tun senantiasa dalam kesejahteraan dan kebahagian.

  142. Dearest Tun,
    You are really truly an amazing person. I have always been inspired by your insights and aspire to be a great leader like you (not in politics anyway).
    It makes me wonder, if you are as bad as they say, why arent there any real and solid charges make against you until now? If there are many people were treated unfairly during your administration for 22 years, surely many would at least sue you in court. Even Datuk Seri Anwar himself only said “saya maafkan dia (Tun)” which signify two things, either he really has bad morals as you said or you really weren’t the person behind the 1998 allegations (AAB/IGP/AG perhaps).
    Back to Justice Chin, since you responded with facts and figures and you yourself reluctant to make a police report ( a wise decision) about it, I can only predict that the issue will slowly fade away. Well, its hard to argue when the facts are clear and Justice Chin is already out of words to accuse you.
    So Tun, I know you are very careful with what you say and do, but I am curious about your reasoning for not sharing lots of information about lots of things (22 years worth of information). We know you withheld it and only reveal it when time are right but dont you think now its a good time to share it? People are now looking up for you again in search of hope in midst of this chaotic mess created by your wrongly appointed successor.

  143. hi..
    do u guys know, anwar punya website ada buat macam online donation (internationally ) to support him / his party .
    no wonder he is so kaya… u know how it works in the internet kan, once u iklankan something ( in the right way ), mencurah2 bantuan masuk… mmm… bijak sungguh !
    but urghhhh… please ! wheres ur dignity?
    complete no no …so desperate… and pathetic!

  144. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    You always have my support through thick or thin… Somoga ALLAH panjang umur Tun, dan dapat memberikan idea-idea bernas walaupun kami tahu segala idea tu x diguna pakai sekarang… tetapi sekurang-kurangnye mereka x lupa kerana MELAYU MUDAH LUPA…

  145. Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun.
    Tahniah dan Terima kasih diatas penerangan lanjut YABhg Tun mengenai kes salahlaku Ian Chin. Saya menyokong keputusan YABhg Tun untuk tidak membuat laporan polis kerana tiada tindakan daripada polis hatta suhakam dan PM sekalipun terhadap laporan yang telah dibuat sebelum ini.
    Ian Chin bijak mengambil kesempatan untuk menonjolkan dirinya. Beliau faham pemimpin UMNO akan mempertahan dan memartabatkan sesiapa sahaja yang mengkritik YABhg Tun. DSAI pun dilepaskan dari menjalani hukiuman liwat malah passportnya diuruskan oleh KJ kononnya diperlukan dengan segera bagi menjalani rawatan sakit tulang belakang.
    YABhg. Tun lebih menghayati hukum Islam berbanding DSAAB. Allah melaknati peliwat dan yang diliwat. Dosa liwat lebih besar dari zina. Berzina ada jalan keluar dimana perlakuannya dihalalkan melalui perkahwinan. Sebaliknya perkahwinan sesama lelaki diharamkan. Di zaman sahabat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan jumhur ulama telah memutuskan bahawa hukuman terhadap peliwat samada belum atau sudah berkahwin hanya satu iaitu hukum mati mandatori.
    Kaum Nabi Lut dihapuskan kerana amalan liwat. Adakah kita berani berdepan dengan kutukan dan kemurkaan Allah subhanahuwataala kerana menyanjung dan mengangkat orang yang meliwat sebagai pemimpin. Sanggupkah kita dan seluruh generasi kita dilaknat dan dihapuskan dari muka bumi oleh Allah kerana menyokong peliwat.
    DSAI bijak bersendiwara. Pelbagai istilah digunakan didalam sendiwara beliau seperti kroni, rasuah politik, reformasi dan yang terbaru konspirasi. Ramai yang terpengaruh dengan dakyah beliau.
    Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.

  146. Salam untuk Tun and fellow bloggers,
    Sorry for writing out of context of the topic discussed now….but I want to say something that seems so clear coming out from Tun, that is UMNO needs to be saved…to remain relevant and to continue to lead the govt of our beloved country….but with the right leader leading it. We cannot afford to let a sick man who runs around creating havoc, stirring up emotions of his supporters to take to the streets in the name of justice for the so-called ‘attempts on his life’ and ‘accusation of sodomy’. We have an inkling of the real reason why he was ousted the last time…and I’m sure your administration had to do what needed to be done then for the sake of our beloved country. I personally believe all these new stories about this man is concorted by none other than himself….for he is the only person that receive the benefit from such stories…public support, support from the western and arab countries etc. What a cheap tactic!…and at the expense of peace in our country, for I forsee that his supporters will take to the street like what they did before in the name of “Reformasi”.
    We cannot let this man lead our country…we will definitely have the americans coming in and do whatever they like to make our country a republic. I definitely don’t want that to happen.
    The only way to stop this from happening is for UMNO to have capable leadership and hardworking honest supporters, which UMNO clearly lacks right now. Hopefully UMNO and PAS can cooperate with each other. I think together these 2 Malay parties can put a stop to what this sick man wants to do to our country.
    Tun….sorry for taking too much of your space here, but I feel we have to see the bigger picture, rather than being bogged down by the distractions put up, like this stupid judge’s case and the shallow thinking of the de facto law minister.
    Salam to Tun and Toh Puan…wish you both the best of health.

  147. DSAI’s new sodomy accusation ? What’s that?
    My friends, it sounds like a politically motivated tactic of DSAI to bring his agenda to a new height. With the votes of sympathy, he wanted to gain massive support from people to materialise his plan to take over DSAAB’s government.
    Come on, he’s an ex-convict gay man, and this is a verdict ordered by the court after the evidence has been presented. How can he rules a muslim country? Has he got no shame? And, laju je US step out for him, friend-friend lah katakan.
    It’s not impossibile that he single-handed the whole sodomy drama for his personal interest. That’s really CHEAP.
    Wahai rakyat-ku, janganlah tertipu dengan muslihat DSAI, jangan sampai negaraku terjual ke tangan orang asing…
    Now, read this article on The Star:
    Wednesday July 2, 2008
    Political plot full of sound and fury
    Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim plays the game of distraction when the real issue is credibility.
    POLITICS is the art of tumbling with the falls. And if you are ambitious and mercurial, the grab for power takes on the breathtaking strategies of a national chess game – queens, knights and pawns intact.
    Former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has turned on the country’s leaders, accusing them of trying to derail his political career.
    In doing so, he has tried to distract public attention from a police report, lodged by a young aide alleging sodomy on Saturday.
    To heighten the drama, United States State Department spokesman Tom Casey also issued a statement yesterday, urging that any legal action “would not be anything that was a politically motivated investigation or prosecution”.
    Anwar claims that the sodomy charge was trumped up, when he was in fact to have announced his choice of a by-election constituency . Moreover, four Barisan Nasional MPs were to have declared their allegiance to the Pakatan Rakyat.
    Anwar’s mistrust of the police and his claim of lack of political freedom in this country today is somewhat dubious, given that his wife Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is now Opposition Leader and his daughter Nurul Izzah is now MP for Lembah Pantai, having vanquished a full minister.
    Perhaps Anwar had a sense of the sands slipping from below his feet.
    After having recently failed to push through the Sabah Progressive Party’s no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister in Parliament, Anwar has been bereft of an issue. Having set himself a Sept 16 deadline to take over the federal government, time was running out.
    A whirlwind of Umno meetings, the Olympics in August, the political hiatus of Ramadan, culminating in a watershed party election in December will all throw him into eclipse.
    Anwar had to act fast. What better way than to claim threats against his life to a gullible foreign press, while seeking refuge – but not political asylum – at the Turkish Embassy.
    The choice of the Turkish foreign mission was odd, as political circles believe Anwar’s friends to be from the United States. But then Turkey is an Islamic state, so this was in keeping with Anwar’s Islamic credentials. Plus Turkey is a well-known US ally.
    Wisma Putra was sufficiently upset to summon the Turkish ambassador for interfering in internal affairs, contending that since sodomy is a crime under the Penal Code, it was up to the police to investigate and clear or book him.
    The Turkish ambassador himself subsequently denied having invited Anwar; it was Anwar who had asked to meet him and then asked to stay.
    Anwar left the Turkish Embassy 32 hours later, accompanied by his wife and daughter. Having now been assured of his personal safety, he proudly stood through the sunroof of the multipurpose vehicle, a la Benazir Bhutto – not quite the pose of a man who feared for his life.
    Anwar has been quick to accuse Barisan Nasional agents of resuscitating an old accusation against him, ostensibly timed to deflect attention from Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s alleged links to murdered Mongolian translator, Altantuya Shaariibuu – via his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor .
    In attacking Najib, Anwar is not questioning Najib’s abilities. But since Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has already been grazed by sporadic sniper fire, it is only logical to gun for the declared heir apparent, Najib.
    Anwar’s publicists have already dubbed him “prime minister-in-waiting”. A by-election has been in the offing since March, one that Anwar will fight tooth and nail in, boosted by sympathisers who feel for him in this latest sodomy charge against him.
    But other lay members of the public have grown weary of the politicking. They would like to see more governing – for the sake of the people and country, as both sides of the fence had promised in the March election.
    Whoever eventually runs this country will have to grapple with Anwar, both in party politics and on the national landscape.
    And it is doubtful that Abdullah, a good-hearted gentleman of the old school, has the stomach for Anwar’s brand of shenanigans. Najib, too, has inherited the low-key character of his late father, Tun Abdul Razak. Plus, if coffee shop talk is to be believed, Najib is weighed down by too much baggage.
    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad could, but he is no longer in the equation – his health and age tire him. More significantly, after he quit Umno in May, he no longer has the locus standi to defend the party he had led for 22 years.
    There is a Machiavellian theory that it was not the Barisan but Anwar’s own strategists who engineered this latest round of theatrics: being whisked to a foreign embassy in an unmarked car, followed by loud claims of his life being under threat and a posse of supporters ready to go to the streets for him.
    His former colleague, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad, might just have a point when he called Anwar a “drama king”. Shahrir had seen Anwar up close when both were cutting their teeth in Mahathir’s Cabinet in the 1980s.
    Anwar is desperate to keep himself in the limelight, and fully understands that in public relations-speak, even “bad publicity” is good. It keeps one’s name in the news.
    For the PKR de facto leader, this was his last chance to regain momentum before events passed him by.
    But the real issue for him – as for all politicians – was not timing but credibility. These last few months have been a test not just of the Umno leadership but also of Anwar’s credibility.

  148. Very Gud am to u TUN,
    To antimamak..syabas awak telah mula berlembut dah..mudah2an Allah membuka pintu hati mu..amin. As NEIL masih camtu jugak..takpe lah mudah2an Tuhan lembutkan hatinye jugak…
    Tun, saya rasa Pak Anwar ni dah sakit jiwa agaknye..yes..he is a sick man..very very sick. Dia ni memerlukan pakar sakit jiwa untuk memulihnye kembali ke pangkal jalan..Kita berbalik kepada yang maha Esa..Ini semuanye kehendaknye..Janganlah hanya hendak berkuasa maka dia terpaksa melakukan berbagai macam helah dan huruhara..Saya rasa Allah tak merestu akan perbuatan seperi ini. Hanya Allah yang tahu siapa pemimpin yang baik. Saya harap Anwar hentikan lah segala tipu helah dan huruhara ni..
    Azizah nasihatlah suami mu ini dan berserahlah kepada yang maha kuasa dan balik ke pangkal jalan..AMIN

  149. Dear Tun,
    It is sad to see the low level of maturity that some professionals in a particular field possessed. It is not the intention of the rakyat to judge individuals on a professional level but the circumstances they put themselves in, invite the rakyat to do so. Bias and irrational statements which professionals made may be counter-productive and only erode the confidence of the public on the system they uphold.
    As individuals with integrity judges should have no fear or favor when passing judgment even against themselves, as stated in the holy Quran, “You who believe! Be upholders of justice, bearing witness for God alone, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. Whether they are rich or poor, God is well able to look after them. Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth. If you twist or turn away, God is aware of what you do” (4:135).

  150. Y.A.Bhg Tun Dr.Mahathir,
    I have one question to ask, very simple question to clear the air because I am neither a lawyer nor a judge.
    We know and always told that contempt of court might be any publicly comment made on case proceeding in court. Also contempt of court might arises should we ignore court order or court verdict.
    I am asking just to make myself clear whether the act and pronouncement by the defacto Law Minister is above any court of law? This I refer to the recently ex-gratia payment made to sacked judges on Zaid’s “verdict” with “own’s assumptions” that the tribunal (court formed in consistent with Constitution of Malaysia) made wrong judgement on Tun Salleh Abas and other judges supporting him. It seems that the defacto Law Minister made his own judgement and “order” the Government to pay ex-gratia and just ignore the tribunal verdict made accordingly to the Constitution.
    Any lawyer out there can give us some advise on this give advise whether Zaid Ibrahim’s act constitutes contempt of court or not. Should his act constitutes contempt of court, we want to make a Police report on this unbecoming behaviour from and within the Government itself.
    Thank you.

  151. Salam buat Ayanhanda Tun serta all bloggers
    Chek nak minta tumpang lalu sat….
    By twocents02 on July 1, 2008 6:47 PM
    Pak Lah
    Sila letak jawatan
    Kempen PUTIH telah bermula …
    Salam Perjuangan Buat sdr/sdri twocents02.
    Untuk Maklumat
    hubungi Sdr. Ashar
    [email protected]

  152. Salam Tun,
    Don’t know what to say lah…..Tun, Bilakah Pak Lah tu nak letak jawatan ? dah muak lah tengok muka dia. masa jadi DPM ok lagi, dah jadi PM dah semacam……..tengok muka menantu dan budak 4th floor tu lagi muak, lagak macam pandai sangat tapi sebiji macam lembu…
    Nasib lah Bapa mertuanya Pak Lah….kalau tidak……
    ” SIAPA ITU KJ ??????? ”
    Thank You
    Penyokong Setia Tun,

  153. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Dah menjadi lumrah saya membaca setiap artikel Tun sebagai “Minuman Pagi” bagi menyegar minda. Yang menjadi pertanyaan saya dan setiap rakyat seluruhnya “kenapa Pak Lah memilih setiap Menterinya tanpa merujuk latar belakang individu itu?. Layakkah dia sedangkan banyak kelemahannya yang senang nampak walaupun seorang yang kurang pengetahuan – seperti saya- “.
    Saya menyokong Tun, teruskan menulis agar semua rakyat dapat membaca dan membuat penilaian denag betul.
    Sekian. Assalamualaikum.

  154. Dearest Tun
    Most bloggers expect Tun to “save” them. Tun is retired and he has quit UMNO. He has given several suggestions – lawmakers, quit UMNO, referendum, letter to Pak Lah…
    Tun can only create awareness in his blog. We should not expect him to do more. As it is, he has done more than enough. CONGRATS Tun on your AWARD for making MALAYSIA a world brand name.
    The UMNO putras will not jeopardise their “rice bowl”. Pak Lah is in seventh heaven. He has been given sugar-coated-candied feedback.
    So what can the rakyat do other than pouring their hearts out?
    As per Ashar’s suggestion and to counter the impression of a crutch mentality – wear a white ribbon as it symbolises a “PURITY” movement – a clean-up act. It is simple and the least that ordinary rakyat can do. Nothing much.
    But it has the potential of “semangat”, a small tiny step in the right direction – people power of the non-violent type. Nobody seems to be doing anything for the rakyat except Tun and he is getting all the bullets and arrows in his way.
    So please do not expect Tun to be your life-long saviour.
    White is not a surrender flag as this is not war. So what say you, Ashar? The least it can do is to give a strong signal to Pak Lah whose ears are too full of HONEY that he can only say, “They luv UMNO, they will never leave UMNO, I am happy, they are happy”. The UMNO putras also need to be reminded that they are accountable to the people.
    Politicians have a duty (amanah) towards the rakyat. This should not be a quick way of making fast bucks. Otherwise, follow Tun Daim’s way get yourself into the business sector.
    Kempen PUTIH harus bermula … like a toddler – it’s a clumsy tiny step to walking TALL, insya allah.
    They are starting to question Azan, songkok, kedaulatan Raja, social contract, judiciary, police etc etc …and this mind you is just 5 states – not even the government yet.
    As for Anwar, a DOCTOR can suspect the disease just by apparent symptoms. Usually after diagnosis, the disease can be verified. Anwar is asking for the allegations to be “squashed” NOT investigated. Why no police report over the death threats of two-weeks old? Saiful quit before making a police report. A neighbour suddenly shared intelligence? US gave a “warning”? Why run to the Turkish embassy instead of to the police? Don’t trust police then why ask for protection? Employ personal bodyguards. A couple of non-incriminating photos suddenly become solid evidence of conspiracy?
    Keep blogging TUN – a new recreation for your retirement. Our prayers for your health and peace of mind.

  155. Neil, kindly READ and comprehend before you comment, not that you have contributed to any decent “constructive” criticisms in any of your comments…”I am as clean as a whistle….” is quote/unquote Judge Chin’s! TDM NEVER referred himself as being that! Do not allow your prejudiced and biased judgement on TDM take charge of your ‘intelligence’! But it amaze me…why do you still take interest in this blog and make time for it?!! Enlighten us please…
    As for Judge I.Chin, it is very unbecoming of a judge to conduct himself in such a manner and it is apparent that he is a big opportunist, using the court and his position to vent out pented frustrations!! No wonder its now known as the ‘kangaroo court’!!

  156. Selamat Sejahtera Tun,
    Another cooked up sotory being busted. More will be coming in I believe.
    We presently have a worst law minister in Malaysia. He look like taking revenge on Tun. Any problem between Tun and him?
    Hope Tun in good health always

  157. Dear Tun, these are all very embarassing lah! Memalukan!! Jijik and jelek. It all boils down to the weak leadership of AAB! Period.

  158. Mari teruskan kempen PUTIH !!! kalau tak pakai reben atau toha, pakai T-shirt atau kemeja, seluar atau kain, songkok atau topi yang putih …
    Kopiah putih tak yah ler… nanti sama dgn kumpulan satu lagi tu …

  159. Salam Tun,
    Semuga Allah panjangkan usia Tun dan memberikan kekuatan untuk terus berjuang mempertahankan yang hak.
    Amat memalukan sekali jika seorang hakim yang diamanahkan untuk menegakkan keadilan telah bertindak mengikut perasaan dalam membuat keputusan.
    Bila beliau dah bersara nanti bolehlah Law Minister hulurkan bayaran ex-gratia pulak pada hakim ni.
    Kalau ramailah hakim macam ni alamat akan hancurlah sistem kehakiman di negara ini. Maka akan berlakulah penganiayaan terhadap mereka yang tidak bersalah.
    Semuga kita semua sentiasa dilindungiNya.
    Teruskan berjuang.

  160. Tahniah TUN……
    saya amat berbangga mempunyai seorang pemimpin seperti TUN yg mempunyai karisma yg amat tinggi…
    TUN harapan saya adalah semasa dikandung hayat..saya memohon TUN dapat mendokemuntasikan semua pengalaman, pemikiran, pandangan, pengalaman dan juga semua persoalan cerita dan peristiwa yang tersirat dan tersurat semasa TUN memerintah dapat dibukukan atau diceritakan kemudian untuk tatapan kami semua rakyat Malaysia untuk dijadikan pedoman dan panduan…
    TUN….saya seluruh rakyat Malaysia menyayangi dan menyanjung tinggi perjuangan TUN….mungkin tidak semua..tetapi itu hanya kepada mereka yg buta hati dan mereka yg kaki pembodek..
    Saya harapkan agar TUN di dalam usia yg semakin singkat ini dapat memberi sumbangan lagi kepada rakyat Malaysia..
    Saya tidak mahu kami terkehilangan satu anugerah tuhan yg amat bernilai tetapi tidak digunakan sebaik-baik yg mungkin…
    Kami tidak mahu TUN sekadar menjadi sejarah tetapi menjadi satu lagenda agung kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan juga dunia…
    Saya harap TUN dapat menggunakan anugerah yg diberikan tuhan kepada TUN untuk manfaat kami seluruh rakyat Malaysia…segala pemikiran TUN perlulah direkodkan untuk kegunaan kami dimasa hadapan dikala TUN meninggalkkan kami semua…
    Seperti yg TUN maklum bahawa kita mempunyai banyak ilmuan islam tetapi idea dan pemikiran mereka tidak digunakan oleh orang islam tetapi orang asing yg menggunakannya…
    Saya harap TUN dapat meninggalkkan sesuatu yg amat berguna untuk tatapan generasi-generasi rakyat malaysia yg akan datang…
    fikir-fikirlah TUN akan permintaan kami semua rakyat malaysia terutama kami yg yg berbangsa Melayu….
    saya percaya TUN adalah individu teristimewa iaitu satu dalam satu juta..atau mungkin satu dalam sebillion…
    Harap maklum TUN…saya sentiasa dipihak TUN…hingga keakhir hayat…

  161. As’kum,
    YABhg Ayahanda Tun,
    What a masterpiece!!
    To all Malaysians, read and judge as what TDM suggested. Have an open mind. People can’t be wrong all the time, and people can’t be right all the time. What stand strong are the principles that will never change. Read and judge the principles behind what TDM has said about the Judge. Don’t simply call TDM a liar. He’s not a liar. He’s telling all of us about these `power grabbers’.
    To TDM, stand tall and say what you want to say as long as what you say is the truth. And, I believe that you are the truth. May God bless you and your family, and most importantly MALAYSIA. No matter how diffucult our situation is right now, let us think of the better Malaysia.

  162. akum
    Tun,nenek moyang kita semasa berperang penjajahan british tak pernah mengadu kesana sini minta simpati akhirnya kita hidup aman sehingga DSAI keluar dr Jail baru le porak peranda dibuatnya sokong TUN…….

  163. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for giving a great length of explaination regarding this issue. As regard to Anwar case, many people do not believe the gay allegation on him. There must be other hidden agenda in mind. As true Muslim, I wished that you reconcile with him for the benefit of Malays and Muslims. Furthermore, our true life is not in this world but the next world – akhirat which is eternal. Pls read surah An Nur on how prophet Muhammad pbuh. faced this problem when Siti Aishah (his wife) was accused of adultery. Tq.
    Firman Allah SWT. “..hanya orang-orang yang mempunyai penyakit di dalam hatinya akan mengia-iakan khabar seperti ini..” -Quran.

  164. Dear Tun,
    Perjuangan yang mulia akan diberkati.. teruskan selagi hayat yang ada. Sebagai rakyat yang biasa kami sentiasa merindui zaman pemerintahan Tun selama 22 thn.Perubahan demi perubahan telah berlaku sejak kehilangan Tun dalam kerajaan. Tolong kembalikan segalanya dan diharap Tun tidak akan berputus asa… we all supports u.
    p/s To all fellow bloggers, kat KCH ni tak nampak pun bendera putih. Senyap ja…

  165. Awal2 lagi Menteri kehakiman dah membuat keputusan mendahului AG … apa ni??
    Betul kata Tun, sistem kehakiman negara memang semakin buruk dan semakin tak independant…

  166. Yang Amat Disanjungi Tun,
    As an ordinary Malaysian there is nothing much I could help to put a full stop to these species tarnishing your image. Whether they like it or not, the whole WORLD recognized YOU and it is written up there.
    On Ian Chin case, the de facto Minister or back door Minister is now trying all avenue to deviate the very much current political scenario that had already caused some “instability” and “damaging” Malaysia. Not to spare the ANWAR LIWAT/LEWAT LAGI case.
    I still believe and always count on that Tun is ONLY and THE ONLY one can turn around all these messes and steering Malaysia towards V2020.
    Ya Allah, kurniakan keafiatan kesihatan, fikiran dan kekuatan segala segi kepada Tun meneruskan perjuangan yang belum selesai.

  167. gelagat si Ian Chin luar biasa
    zaid pula buat tak kisah sahja
    senator dan menteri milik dia
    keadilan apakah demikian rupa
    tugas yang nampak jelas nyata
    ex-gratia bayar entah berapa
    ngapa nak suruk amaun terima
    pelek PAS-DAP-PKR bisu sahaja

  168. Y.A.Bhg. Tun
    Tun YBM Tengku Razaleigh sudah menjelajah seluruh malaysia berkempen bertanding Presiden UMNO.Memandangkan tidak ada pemimpin lain yang berani mencabar Paklah akar umbi sudah mula menyokong Tengku Li.Apa pendapat Tun mengenai kepimpinan Tengku Li.Beliau pernah menjadi menteri di zaman Tun.Kami dari ankar umbi sudah bosan dengan gelagat kepimpinan atasan yg masih lagi ragu2 atau pun belum puas untuk menyerahkan pucuk pimpinan.Saya harap Tun dapat memberi penilaian dan nasihat tenteng Tengku Li.Dan sekiarnya Tun merasakan hanya tinggal Tengku Li sahaja pemimpin veteran yg boleh menaikan marbatat melayu sila kemukakan pendapat.Kalau benar kami akan sokong habishabisan KuLi.

  169. Dear TUN,
    Thanks for clearing the fog that Justice Ian Chin is trying to create & hiding in except that he is now being exposed who he actually is.
    And strangely enough not only the top leaders & the De Facto Law Minister dismissed this debacle of justice so easily but the Bar Council, IIRC during your tenure & most recently during Lingam’s tape Royal Commission investigation was very vocal & highly involved in the proceedings remain silent on this. You almost can hear a pin drop…..double standards maybe:(
    As for the DSAI new sodomy case, what is your take in this? In my personal opinion, there is something not right about what he has been doing in a mere couple of days. Why don’t he just get to the real subject in hand that is to defend what he has been accused of by refuting the allegation with an alibi or something instead of running around like a confused madman.

  170. It is absolutely essential to have a judiciary and a government that the people support and have confidence in; to have a leadership that’s answerable to the people who elects it and where decisions are made not for personal gain but because it is necessary for the country. We really need to follow Singapore’s example where only the most able people are put in charge of the most demanding and responsible jobs. It is people that make a country great and nothing else, so judging Malaysia’s current state of affairs, it does not inspire confidence to many.

  171. I was agree with ‘marnku’2:08am
    It’s because i as one of rakyat am truly dissapointed with the current top two leader and the next available candidate (sadly) is DSAI but his track record seemed not that clean. If you can clarify then we as rakyat will know what to do. I (or we?) trust you.

  172. Dear Tun
    Thank you for the 22 years. Thank you for making me proud to be a Malaysian. I still proudly display the “Saya Anak Malaysia” sticker on my suv. Fellow bloggers why white ribbons? I rather have a baby blue ribbon or corn flower blue ribbon flying on my car antenna.But if white is the choice, then I will fly it up and down the Interstate 40. Let us now show our protest to the present government.

  173. Yg. Bhg. Tun,
    Hooray! “Hang the lawyers”. We are back to Shakespearean era. If this is the antidote to their mischief, then let them have it.
    I can appreciate Tun’s concerns on this group of shameless power grabbers who think they are cleverer and sacred than others should impose their will on those elected by the Rakyat. You were right to bring them under the fold of the Executive and Parliament to keep them in check. I cannot imagine the absurdities that could happened should these blinkered arrogant lot were to be given complete freedom to act. I agree there should be separation of powers in the branches of government. But freedom? I don’t think so they should be free from the Rakyat.
    There are now various groups merging, maneuvering and scrambling for the power vacuum existed due to a lame UMNO. Majority of the Rakyat especially the Malays felt they are being invaded, manipulated and are restless, frustrated and are eager to react. Its as if DSAAB is deliberate in his inaction to all these happenings. Is he waiting for a spark to ignite the charged atmosphere and then declare an emergency to contain it so he could prolong his rule as a dictator? God forbid.
    Please lead us to the right path Tun.

    Although very busy awaiting my daughter’s joyous day on 13th Julai,
    we too are awaiting our beloved RSVP.
    We asked ourselves why aren’t there anymore hang tuahs’ in the Rumah Besar UMNO especially when so much had been said and written on the flip-flop actions and the current fragile standings of the BN government?
    Our conclusion is that of a malay proverb ‘ Ditelan mati emak diluah mati bapa’
    If the UMNO members abandon UMNO en-blogged leaving the leader AAB “Atas(kepala) Ada Batu” and his knights of the stoneheads then what’s left in UMNO will be skeletons and the goverment would surely changed hands. If that do take place then the police of the world and her allies would prevailed in orchestrating the future of the tanah pusaka melayu !
    Ayoyo, the likes of Muhyiddin, Rais Yatim, Mukhriz and my buddy Mat Hassan harus kena sembelit hingga naik angin ‘pus pus’ ke kepala mereka memikirkan nya
    So fellow bloggers, perhaps we have to do something more tangible to
    assist UMNO fellows make the right decision.Like party PEMANGKU UMNO untuk mengumpulkan kembali semua orang melayu dengan segara sebelum rumah besar UMNO runtuh dimakan dek anai-anai yang dibiakkan oleh AAB.
    And to the likes of Ian Chins and Zaid Imbrahims just add LINGAMPOOPS to their names. The less bothered the better.
    Alfatihah, Amin

  175. Assalamualaikum Tun
    I think ian chin wants some ex gratia payment made to him too, well let us bloggers pitch in 5 sen each and ask the back door law minister to give it to ian chin…..
    What has become of our judiciary system……
    Wasalam Tun and send my salam to Tun Siti Asmah too. May Allah bless both of you.

  176. Tun Mahathir,
    Salam dengan penuh hormat,
    Ian Chin juga saorang manusia biasa hanya berjawatan sebagai Hakim tadak semistinya tdak bolih bertidak salah dan di salahgunakan olih yang lebih berkuasa dan berkepentingan.
    Soalnya siapakah yang lebih berkuasa dalam situasi ini? dan siapakah yang berkepentingan?. Kerajaan AAB dan UMNO ABB dirasakan telah hilang haluan dan telah jauh terkeluar dari landasan perjuangan asal.Sayang sekali, diharap Tun akan teruskan usaha untok mengheret mereka kalandasan asal seperti yang telah dijanjikan oleh Kerajaan terdahulu di Negara yang tercinta ini.
    Kemelut Politik negara sekarang telah memudarkan visi 2020 yang telah Tun lancarkan dahulu.Sebagai rakyat biasa saya di fahamkan bahawa visi 2020 adalah 50 tahun selepas NEP dilancarkan olih Tun Abdul Razak dan akan dituruti perancangan lanjut 50 tahun selepas itu (maaf jika anggapan ini tidak tepat).Tetapi untuk meletakan Malaysia sebagai taraf Negara Pertama dan untuk mempertahankan nya ,negara harus merancang lebih jauh dari itu.
    Balik kepada soalan HAKIM juga adalah orang biasa,saya terinagat kepada pengalaman saya hampir 40 tahun yang lalu dimana berkaitan dengan tugas, saya perlu berdamping dengan 3 gulungan masyarakat.
    Petama masyarakat datar yang perlu saya damping untuk melaksanakan tugas harian.Kedua, mayarakat atasan untuk mendapatkan keputusan dan arahan lanjut dan ketiga adalah masyarakat dibawah datar yang tadak mahu identity mereka di kenali kerana penglibatan mereka selalunya diluar batas undang undang.
    Sebagai anak muda yang baru keluar dari kampong,saya terasa sangat terpisah dangan tiga kumpulan masyrakat ini oleh kerana tiap tiap satu kumpulan mempunyai kepentigan sendiri.
    Untuk memendekan cerita,melalui perdampingan saya dengan masyarakat atasan, saorang yang saya hormati mengatakan bapa nya telah munjual sekeping tanah untuk menghadiahkannya sabuah kereta baru . Pada masa itu “Alfa Romeo” satu jenama kereta yang amat diminati olih kalagan Pegawai Pegawai muda.Tetapi mengikut kenalan saya dari gulungan masyakat dibawah datar, mengatakan kereta itu dihadiahkan oleh saorang Towkey kerana memberi kelepasan yang tertentu untuk kepentingan Towkey tersebut.
    Saya munulis ini secara samar tetapi adalah salah satu pengalaman yang merunsingkan ketika itu.
    Tun,ABB tidak putus putus mengatakan di akan menghapuskan rasuah dan di zaman Tun dahulu Tun juga berusaha gigih untuk menghapuskan rasuah. Adakah Rasuah bolih dihapuskan ? Saya rasa tidak munkin. Selagi jantung berdegup, selagi manusia mempunyai cita rasa dan berkepentingan selagi itu rasuah akan menular. Tanyalah kepada Adam dan Hawa.
    Saya juga merasakan ABB memahami keadan ini dan tindakan tindakan beliau untuk mengujutkan Kerajaan yang Telus dan Transperent semata mata untuk mengkaburkan mata rakyat dan secara tidak langsung memberi impikasi yang Kerajaan terdalu tidak telus dan bergelumang dengan rasuah.
    Tidakan tindakan ABB mengujutkan Royal Commission terhadap pihak Polis Dirja Malaysia sangat sangat mengaibkan .Selanjutnya kepercayaan rakyat terhadap lain lain ajensi Kerajaan sepeti Kastam, Imigresyen dan lain lain termasuk Kehakiman turut terhakis.
    Apa kah tujuan Kerajaan untuk memburuk burukan ajensi sundiri secara terbuka? Megapa ianya tidak bolih disusun semula secara lebih berhemah untuk menjaga nama baik ajensi ajensi tersebut ?
    Sebagai saorang rakyat biasa, saya hanya berpendapat jika ajensi ajensi Kerajaan,lemah dan terdedah kepada rasuah maka Bapa kepada ajesi ajensi ini adalah yang paling lemah dan kepala rasuah yang paling besar.
    Sekali lagi saya terigat kepada satu peristiwa lama di mana saorang Towkey mengatakan kepada saya, “lu,kalau mau kaya misti meniaga tapi kalau mau untong misti berani tipu”. Saya jawab balik, “Betul, Towkey, misti tipu baru bolih untong.Tapi jangan cari saya, saya kecik punya orang, Towkey pergi cari itu Hakim lah (bukan Ian Chin)
    Dia jawab balik ” Aiyo, itu hakim dia makan lagi busak lah “.
    Towkey ini cuba menyeludup 3 tongkang “tobacco” dari Burma (Myanmar)dan saya tidak tunduk kepadanya kerana saya budak kampong tak pandai tipu.
    Saya percaya sekarang ini banyak lagi ( bukan tonkang ) tapi kapal kapal besar membawa barang murah dari negeri Cina dan menyeludup masuk untuk mengelak pembayaran cukai. Jika satu audit bolih di jalankan untuk mengkaji Consuption sebenar dan di ukur dengan local production, import dan pegangan stock, saya percaya ada perchngahan.
    Saya juga di fahamkan bahawa sekarang ini sudah banyak rakyat Malaysia yang menyediakan perkhidmatan Perkapalan Cina/Singarura dan sejauh mana Kastam Johor dapat membenteras perkara ini.Kadang kadang kita terbacha kejayaan pihak kastam merampas barang yang di seludup.
    Dengan kejayaan AAB melunturkan kewibawaan ajesi ajensi Kerajaan, saya percaya jika Meteri yang bertanggung jawab bolih membuat satu audit yang telus, persoalan kecil ini mingkin bolih terjawab.
    Minta maaf banyak banyak Tun. Kita yang telah tua ini bolih dianggap
    sudah nyanyuk. Soal Ian Chin sudah berlarutan kepada cerita “Kalau mau untung misti berani tipu ”

  177. TUN yang di sanjungi dan sayangi,
    Sebelum melakukan ini, yakinlah yang Anda telah melakukan sesuatu yang benar, dengan menyokong tindakan TUN. Berniatlah yang baik untuk agama bangsa dan negara mudahan TUHAN memberkati perjuangan Suara Hati Rakyat Ini.
    1) Memakai pin ribbon warna putih , atau
    2) Menaikan bendera putih di kereta, di motor, depan rumah, depan kedai dan pejabat dll
    a. Buatkan senarai nama orang yang mahu turut serta dalam program ini. Usahakan sebanyak mungkin nama yang Anda kenali.
    Nama; talipon /email / YM / alamat untuk dihubungi.
    b. Mulakan dari lingkungan yang positif menyokong TUN dahulu.
    Orang ini tak perlu banyak penjelasan, dah tentu tindakan kita menyokong TUN.
    c. Kemudian barulah lingkungan yang 50-50 atau negatif.
    Orang ini perlukan sedikit input, penjelasan, mungkin dari apa yang terdapat dalam blog TUN sudah cukup untuk menerangkan niat projek ini.
    d. Mulakan dengan orang yang terdekat dengan kita, keluarga, kawan, kawan pejabat, kawan sepermaianan yang tinggal berhampiran atau sedaerah atau senegeri.
    e. Kemudian senaraikan pula yang tinggal berjauhan atau luar daerah atau luar negeri.
    a. Hubungi mereka dengan talipon: sms, atau email, atau langsung jumpa.
    b. Ceritakan apa matlamat kita ini, dan kesannya tidak membahayakan sesiapa, HANYA BANTAHAN AMAN, SUARA HATI RAKYAT.
    c. Buat appointment(temujanji) jika perlu. Perjelaskan dengan baik matlamat projek ini.
    1) Memakai pin ribbon warna putih , atau
    2) Menaikan bendera putih di kereta, di motor depan rumah, depan kedai dan pejabat dll.
    a. Sering hubungi mereka, beri semangat dan nasihat agar mereka turut serta menjayakan projek ini. Bantu mereka sedaya mungkin. Ajar mereka dengan internet, layari http://www.chedet.com
    b. AJAR MEREKA UNTUK BERTINDAK SAMA SEPERTI ANDA MENGAJAR YANG LAIN UNTUK BERBUAT SAMA. Agar lebih ramai yang akan lead menjayakan projek ini.
    a. Kepada yang berminat email atau YM sokongan Anda untuk turut serta : kami memerlukan sokongan dari semua lapisan masyarakat terutama dari;
    1. wakil parti politik.
    2. wakil NGO.
    3. wakil persatuan dan pertubuhan.
    4. wakil Syarikat.
    5. wakil ketua/ pemimpin.
    6. terutama rakyat Malaysia yang mahu perubahan.
    email sokongan anda ke: [email protected]
    YM : ashar_abdullah
    b. Maklumat perkembangan.
    1. kepada yang menyertai harap melapurkan perkembangan mereka, agar setiap permasalahan yang timbul dapat diatasi bersama teman seperjuangan dengan segera.
    c. Menyertai conference di YM:
    1. kepada yang berminat untuk lead boleh menyertai conference di YM. Segala permasalah boleh kita bincangkan bersama secara ONLINE.
    a. Sentiasa berdoalah, mudahan Tuhan memberkati perjuangan ini dan membuka pintu hati Pak Lah terhadap projek “BANTAHAN SENYAP DAN AMAN SUARA HATI RAKYAT“ ini.
    Marilah kita sama-sama sokong dan bertindak untuk TUN.
    Lakukan segera, Mulakan hari ini, kalau boleh sekarang juga.
    Buktikan suara rakyat boleh berkuasa: Malaysia Boleh..!!!!
    Inilah sumbangan kita kepada agama bangsa dan Negara.
    Jangan macam “anjing menyalak bukit aja“ tak bawa kita ke mana….
    Keadaan sudah parah :
    Bak kata Telur Hujung Tanduk dan Retak menungu Belah…

  178. Tun Sir,
    May Allah bless you and your family.
    I can’t comment much as all has been well said by others. Just want to say how much I admire and love you.

  179. Dear Tun and bloggers,
    Tun, janganlah sedih atau kecewa dengan suku sakat tak kenang budi ni. Tak lama lagi jadi si Tanggang la.Jadi batu. Kami tahu Tun tak minta pun dipuja tapi sekurang kurangnya janganlah dituduh sembarangan. Diorang ingat kami buta hati ke. Kami sayang dan percaya Tun. Takkanlah seorang bapa tak pernah buat salah , ni kira baik sangatlah kalau dalam 22 tahun Tun jadi ketua kami tak de bendapun yang betul betul konkrit nak hentam Tun. Kalau setakat guna kuasa macam yang Chin kata tu kira cukup baik. Kalau saya jadi PM, saya dah buang dia ke… (kot kot Turki boleh accept). Dulu rakyat yang kena ayat dengan Anwar kata dah lama Tun memerintah. Diaorang ingat memerintah negara macam Malaysia ni senang. Dahlah orang Melayu ada masalah keperibadian, orang Cina macam ni, orang India macam ni. Tu tak termasuk macam macam agama yang ada. Susah ooo. Company besar pun susah nak manage. Hati macam macam kena jaga. Tapi kalau niat kita betul, jangan takut. Tun, sekarang ni tak ada sesiapa yang kami boleh percaya. DYMM Agong dan Tun saja . Saya nak memerintah keluarga pun susah. Pak Lah dah memang out. Anwar …. kalau orang nak bunuh dia, dah lama dah bunuh. Tak perlu nak ugut ugut. Dia dan kuncu kuncu dia ingat kami ni tak berakal. Dia tu siapa? Tak ada bawak kebaikan langsung pada Malaysia ni.Dia tu perosak dan pemburuk nama negara. Sekarang saya faham kenapa Tun tak nampak Islamic sangat. Orang orang yang tunjuk Islamic inilah yang banyak berlakon. Contoh yang paling dekat ialah Pak Lah. Apa katanya…. Berdosalah saya…memang dia dah berdosa . Berdosa pada kami kerana dia tak amanah bila jadi PM. Dulu sebelum Tun ambik dia masuk Umno balik, dia susah. Sekarang kaya raya. Patutlah jadi Tsunami di Penang masa dia mula mula jadi PM. Saya dah kata pada kawan kawan, tahun pertama atau kedua, Pak Lah oklah sbb masa tu Malaysia masih lagi dapat hasil dari tahun terakhir Tun memerintah, lepas tu menderitalah. Sekarang terbukti kata kata saya. Tapi … dia bertopengkan Islam.. Itu yang buat saya sedih sekali. Sama dengan Anwar. But you Tun… just read the comments in your blog. We all can do our own assumption.
    Saranan Ansar adalah disokong. Kita semua pakai riben putih. bukan setakat 1 Julai saja, tapi sampai Pak Lah berenti. Langkah ni akan berjalan perlahan lahan . Macam blog Tun jugalah. Dengar dari kawan. 5 dengar dari 1, 60 dengar dari 6, 600 dengar dari 66 dan berkembanglah dia. Tak perlu merusuh macam puak Anwar, sokong tak tentu hala.
    Maaf Tun sbb saya tercampur dengan perkara luar dari tajuk . Kesimpulannya, janganlah Tun layan diorang ni. Kalau Tun ada video pun diaorang tak layan. Diaorang tengah rompak kita kat belakang rumah.

  180. Dear Tun,
    Effective government is an essential component of a healthy,just society.Government supposedly provides a judicial system that allows our society to function in a civil,equittable and sustainable manner.
    To make our government effective,we need a strong and progressive leader.Not a flip flop government, run by tyrants and egoistic bunch of people.
    God saves Malaysia!!!!!!!
    Digusted and angry
    U r the best

  181. Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Nice detailed chronology to the events associated with this case. I’m sure Ian Chin will not stop here and more will come but i’m sure you will be ready for it as usual. As a matter of fact, this reminds me of how you answered questions on TV, when you smiled before you answer that means whoever asked the question going to regret asking that question… for example when in NYC (UN Meeting) a reporter asked about deforestation in Malaysia… I was about 12 years old back then…
    One big mystery that you did not reveal during your tenureship as PM of Malaysia was about the DSAI “bad morals” as you claimed. I have always trusted your action all this while, but we as rakyat have never been exposed to the real truth (with evidence and/or your facial expression / body language of this allegation), all that presented was only allegations and third party opinions. This time around the 2nd party himself is in the picture and admitted it. I’m sure it’ll be a different scenario. Not for his fan though… i hope it’ll not make the country worst i.e. by another riot etc.
    I really appreciate if you could reveal this mystery to us and just tell us whether he really did all those now that the case about “bad moral” is being brought up again.
    It’s because i as one of rakyat am truly dissapointed with the current top two leader and the next available candidate (sadly) is DSAI but his track record seemed not that clean. If you can clarify then we as rakyat will know what to do. I (or we?) trust you.

  182. Dear Tun,
    Jelas sekali Abdullah Badawi & Menteri Kehakimannya Zaid Ibrahim yang tidak dipilih oleh rakyat tetapi dihukum korupsi politik wang oleh pelantiknya sendiri Abdullah Badawi, bukan sahaja sedang menjerumus Kerajaan malahan juga Badan Kehakiman negara ini ke tahap paling rendah dan memalukan.
    Zaid Ibrahim, seorang yang disahkan korup, berlagak seolah2 beliau seorang Kepala Hakim yang tahu segala2nya tentang kehakiman dan keadilan. Tindak-tanduk dan response beliau dalam isu2 VK Linggam, Tun Abas Salleh dan kini Hakim Ian Chin amat jelas menelanjangkan betapa prejudis, hipokrit, penipu, pembodek dan si bodoh akal fikiran Zaid Ibrahim. Bagaimana Abdullah beranggapan bahawa Zaid layak dilantik menteri menggambarkan tahap pemikiran yang begitu rendah yang ada pada Abdullah.
    Tiada sesiapa pun yang faham sedikit sebanyak tentang kesaksamaan, keadilan dan ketelusan undang2 boleh memberi justifikasi di atas tindakan2 Zaid yang amat prejudis, dangkal dan inconsistence itu.
    Bagaimana hendak menerangkan di bawah bidang kuasa, hak dan penghakiman apa Zaid aka Abdullah Badawi mengambil keputusan2 berikut:-
    1. Bahawa Tribunal DYMM Agung yang memecat Tun Salleh Abas adalah salah. Adakah Zaid seorang penjawat kerajaan mempunyai kuasa sebagai Tribunal atau Hakim atau Suruhanjaya Diraja untuk membuat penghakiman ini? Kenapa tidak ditubuhkan Tribunal baru mengikut undang2 jika mahu mengubah keputusan Tribunal terdahulu? Apakah Kerajaan sekarang berkuasa membatalkan apa2 keputusan Tribunal atau Hakim yang sepatutnya bebas?
    2. Bahawa dalam kes Video Linggam, 5 orang termasuk Tun Mahathir, perlu disiasat, justeru memberi gambaran dan penghakiman media seolah2 mereka bersalah. Mengapa mengheret Tun Mahathir sedangkan salahlaku, yang belum terbukti kebenarannya kerana bahan bukti yang telah diubahsuai, adalah melibatkan peguam dan ketua hakim ketika itu?
    3. Bahawa kenyataan Hakim Ian Chin dan Azmi yang cuba memburuk2kan kredibiliti Tun Mahathir sebagai Perdana Menteri dengan tuduhan2 hearsay telah diterima bulat2 sebagai benar oleh Menteri Zaid yang Korup ini, apakah begitu jahil dan rendah pemikiran menteri ini sehingga tidak dapat bersikap rasional?
    4. Bahawa apabila Tun Mahathir mempersoalkan Zaid jika tindakan melobi oleh hakim2 untuk dinaikkan pangkat merupakan satu kesalahan, mengapa tiada siasatan dibuat oleh Kerajaan berhubung dakwaan ini? Apakah dakwaan oleh Tun Mahathir tiada percanggahan dengan siasatan kes Video Linggam?
    5. Bahawa dengan jelas dinyatakan oleh Tun Mahathir bahawa lapuran polis telah dibuat ke atas Hakim Ian Chin atas salahlaku hakim berkenaan, serta atas fakta-fakta bertulis yang dinyatakan dalam blog Tun sendiri, Menteri Zaid memilih untuk mengetepikan dakwaan ini tanpa langsung membuat siasatan. Apakah ini sifat hipokrasi dan prejudis Zaid di tahap paling rendah dan hina.
    Jelas sekali Zaid Ibrahim telah disogokkan dengan jawatan sebagai menteri, kuasa dan imbohan besar sehingga sanggup membelakangkan prinsip2 keadilan dan kesaksamaan yang kononnya diperjuangkan oleh Zaid. Rakyat cuba diperbodohkan dengan laungan sumbang reformasi kehakiman kononnya. Kaki bodek, kaki pub dan kaki ampu ini bisa melakukan apa sahaja demi menjaga hati boss bodohnya dan menunjukkan betapa kuat dan pandainya beliau.
    Inilah sifat seorang yang korup, penipu, sombong, angkuh dan ego. Inilah produk hadhari Abdullah Badawi dan menteri2 hindari Abdullah yang lain seperti Nazri Aziz (Menteri Lobi Parlimen), Shahrir samad (Menteri Minyak Naik dan Naik Naik Naik), Sabri Cheek (Menteri Lompat Kijang), Zahid Hamidi (Menteri Boneka Anwar), Muhamad Tyson (Menteri Briefcase Australia), Zainudin Maiden (Ex-Menteri Syok Sendiri dan Muka Macam Tu), Johari (Menteri RM5million), Hishamuddin Hussein (Menteri Cium Keris dan Terjun Kutub Utara) dan menteri2 yesmen UMNO yang lainnya.
    Apa nak jadi dengan UMNO sekarang ni tun? Tiga badut Dollah, Najib dan Anwar ini dah semakin kusut dan sesat. Ayuh kita singkirkan mereka dan lantik Tun Mahathir sebagai Presiden Malaysia, tapi Agung dan Sultan2 masih ada le sebagai Adviser kepada Presiden. Lepas Tun bersara sebagai Presiden, barulah kita buat PRU13.

  183. Salam TDM.
    I have been a loyal follower of your blog since your the first post though this is my first time writing in.
    Firstly, I would like to thank you Tun for the 22 years of your premiership and for making Malaysia a nation we can all be proud of.
    It is indeed sad that after your retirement, many things under the present goverment are inappropriately managed and never before have I felt so worried that Malaysia may one day be thrown to the dogs and we will no longer have authority in our own homeland.
    Your blog has become somewhat soothing during these times, and honestly your opinion is the only one I care to listen to nowadays. I pity you actually Tun, still having to trouble yourself over all these matters when you should be taking a long deserved break.. and concentrating on life in the Hereafter like any other normal 80 something should….but then, since when are you just normal…Anyway, this blog and your efforts to rectify their wrongs insyaallah will weigh very heavily on the Day of Judgement.
    My comments on this Ian Chin issue – this is what judicial reform should be concentrating on to reform, rectify and correct… credibility of judges.. lets see what our celebrated pea sized brain Zaid Ibrahim have to say.
    You know Tun, I sometimes marvel at the extent of wrong doings judges and lawyers are allowed to make before any action is taken… just imagining if something similiar were to happen in the medical fraternity, all hell will break loose. And it is not as if their judgements, or the lack of it do not affect people’s lives.I am a medical specialist still loyally serving the government and its people.
    Lastly, please keep on posting…but take care of your health and also take care, in general. Sometimes I also worry about your safety because certain quarters may regard you as big threat to them.
    I pray Allah swt will continue to grant you health, wisdom, security and everything good that you so well deserve.
    My warmest salam to your wife, Dr Siti Hasmah.
    P/s – To all fellow bloggers, I’m all for wearing ribbons or displaying flags , but just one question… why white…white flag equals surrender, does it not?

  184. Why have tribunal in lingam case but not this one? govt should explain this. make us understand. otherwise we will make our own assumption. and govt might not like it and will blame us back. Where is that transparency and clean that they always scream about.

  185. Salam Tun & all bloggers
    Chin’s statement doesn’t sound coming from an honourable learned man. Perhaps he is not sound to be a judge after all. How could he implicate someone who has got nothing to do with the case he was hearing? Isn’t that a blatant disregard to the very basic rights of an individual to be heard? He derived conclusion from mere suspicions and passed judgments based on grudges … yet hiding behind the robe and immunity of his court. If misconduct is too harsh a word then certainly these are not behaviours befitting an honourable man. However it may be a blessing that he presides at the higher court, imagine what would happen to us ordinary citizens if he were a magistrate…. Ian Chin, please step down from the bench and become a lawyer instead. A loyar burok that is….
    Wassalam…may Allah bless Tun and Malaysia. Amin

  186. Salam Tun
    Teruskan perjuangan Tun….kami anak2 muda di London memberi sokongan penuh kepada Tun…
    Kalau kami nampak Pak Lah kat sini…kami akan baling telur busuk kat muka dia…
    Pak Lah & Khairy & Pak Turut dalam UMNO = pengkhianat bangsa…

  187. Though I strongly suspect you will not make such a move, i cant help but be selfish and wish you would make a comeback. Without you or someone like you, Malaysia and Malaysians seem doomed.

  188. Changing mid-stream the slant of his allegation does not speak well for the resolute quality quintessentially required of a judge. That said, can I be so bold as to request YBhg.Tun to publish the original text of the controversial speech in its entirety?

  189. askm,
    Tun yang dihormati, semoga sihat sejahtera
    saya mengikuti setiap tulisan TUn, memang menarik…
    tahniah, semoga Allah SWT memberi kekuatan kepada Tun untuk terus berjaya dalam hidup dunia dan akhirat
    **kadang2 tension juga baca komen encik antimamak tu

  190. Akum Tun,
    Saya suka untuk mengulangi permintaan saya agar Tun buat satu sidang akhbar, dan umumkan Tun akan kembali ke dunia Politik! Tun offer diri masuk UMNO balik. Pasti bertepk sorak gembira dgn keputusan Tun tu. Bukan saja Paklah gelabah, yang beria-ria nak ganti paklah pun gelabah. Ni cadangan saya sebagai layman. Rasanya hanya Tun yang boleh selamat keadaan kucar kacir sekarang.
    Wasallam Tun

  191. Dear tun…
    Let put both of them in Jail…
    Simply because everyone call the judges” Your Honour ” and therefore they are above any human kind on earth… what a jerk.
    By putting them into jail and humiliate them probably they nay have some sense..oppsss I was wrong!! They are beyond repair…..
    What is amazing about you is all your write up has always made everyone thinking and create a better thinker. You don’t have to spell out everything but everyone knows that there is a lot of truth in your writing.
    Keep on writing…

  192. Dear Tun,
    I guess Justice Chin is desperate to save himself after what he had done. And frankly, our De Facto Minister of Justice is incapable…merely commenting without studying.

  193. Tun, saya sokong kempen riben putih. Judge Ian Chin, you just made one huge mistake. A mistake so huge it’ll crush you. You are a judge, you must know that the worst mistake to make is to accuse and sentence an innocent man. Remember the saying ‘Let 100 guilty man go free but not a single innocent punished’ ?

  194. This is exactly the kind of uncontrolled behaviour in our country that the public has been exposed to lately and we’re sick of it.
    One MP from ruling party stated in Parliament about a small mischief done by his company and rued the poor civil servant for refusing to close one eye. No public rebuke ever made of him by the leader.
    One state councillor build a ‘palace’ in a kampung – clearly beyond the means of a normal councillor and everyone knows the story. It was front paged in the media and he made a mockery of the people’s concern. Again no public reprimand from the leader.
    Ministers, MPs, made announcements to the press – only to be retracted or contradicted by another just days afterwards. Again, no voice is heard from the leader to reprimand.
    To the people, it seems that people in the government nowadays can say and do as they please – like Little Napoleons – without any control from the leader.
    Some people applaud it – saying this is progress as it allows greater freedom of speech. This however is not about freedom of speech. This is about discipline and rules and regulation in a society.
    Imagine a football team that has no discipline. Every player can do as they wish. Everyone can go forward if they feel they can do the job and score a goal. Needless to say – that will chaotic and the team will not exist for long.
    Is this the society that we want? No discipline. No leadership.

  195. Hai Tun,
    This Judge Chin is a freak. Tun, you either ignore him or make a police report.He lies and he got to lies againt to cover his earlier lies, God bless the people who go before him in court. The de factor law minister and the chief judge should have known this charater,I doubt how one get a fair trail before him.
    I believe you Tun n may Allah bless you and Tun Dr Hasmah.

  196. Salam sejahtera Tun dan keluarga.
    Nampanya masa kini banyak pihak yg kurang adil dgn Tun, sebab Tun dah tak ada kuasa lagi,hanya maknusia yg sompurna saja yg dapat dibuka hatinya untuk menyokong dan setia atas kurniaan Allah pada mereka, hamba yg banyak berjasa dan bakti pada bangsa,ugama,negara.seperti Tun ini.
    Jehanam negara kerana bangsa itu tak bersatu,kurang membantu antara bangsa itu sendiri,itu lah sebabnya bangsa itu lemah dlm banyak segi. Contuh Chin ini yg langsung tak hormat saorang bangsa yg begitu tinggi nilai jasanya, sebab beliau melehat bangsa saorang itu sendiri sudah tidak bersatu.
    Cuba lehat hari ini berapa sombong mereka-mereka ini membangkit hak istimewa orang melayu lansong tak fikir atas langit itu ada apa dlm bumi apa ada,menunjukan mereka-mereka ini angkuh dan tak kenang budi.
    Ingat lah wahai bangsa ku,bersatulah menyokong YABHG TUN yg kita kasihi seperti kita menjaga permata negara.
    Sekian, salam hormat dari saya sekeluarga.
    Jasamu tetap dikenang.

  197. Assalam mualaikum.
    Yang Amat Berbahgia Tun, sehat-sehat hendaknya.
    To All those who uphold the Ketuanan Melayu & Kesultanan Melayu.
    How wrong are we in making a quick judgement on how the politician silence their opponent.
    A sweeping statement might not apply to all Ministers, present or past. Only those who abuse the trust bestowed upon them by the Rakyat use their threatening tactic at their whim and fancy.
    We are soo use to what we see today on how our Prime Minister and Ministers threaten those who do not support them or those who are out of their favour.
    We already see how BPR (ACA) quickly move in once a Government is not in favour of a person.
    Take a few cases for example :-
    1. The past elected Menteri Besar in Terenganu by the Sultan.
    2. How TS Sanusi got booted out from UIA. Immediately ACA move in.
    3. How Yong Teck Lee(SAPP) was investigate by ACA, once he oppose the Present PM.
    That is how the present Prime Minister abuse his power.
    I rest my case.
    Fr Halem Hamed.
    Jalan Pegawai

  198. Assalamualaikum,Tun… I think I get it on what you doing… Till death part us apart,you’ll always be our leader in this country… An intriguing,frantics & GREAT master mind is what you are… Keep it…(^_^)…

  199. Dear TDM,
    I have been following your blog from your first article and as always I an intrigued by the smoothness of your being able to explain complicated things. As for Judge Ian Chin’s comment on you, I suppose he’d already got what bargained for including one hooked punched under his ‘chin’! Literally speaking.
    I pray for your health and may allah bless you forever.

  200. I pity the people who have to be tried by Chin. His fertile mind can conjure evidence where there is none, and he can pass sentence based on this. It is Chin’s Justice.

  201. Yg dihormati Tun,
    It really is a sad state of affair if such a judge is allowed to sit and decide on cases….many people would have injustice set upon them.
    And it really tickle me to hear you pointing out the careless rambling by the honourable de facto law minister with regard to not wanting to set a tribunal to investigate this judge’s reported misconduct. He is not fit to be a minister….in fact he does not even fit to be a lawyer!
    We hope those right-minded few left in UMNO must do something to correct the sad situation in the party….do it for the love of our country. Don’t let our beloved country fall into the hands of a mischievous person who is going around trying to instigate hatred for the authorities, throwing accusations that people are trying to kill him and running into hiding in other missions of other countries…and gaining tremendous political mileage while doing so.
    Do it for our country Malaysia….don’t wait ….do it now before it’s too late.
    Wishing Tun and Toh Puan the best of health…may Allah bless you always.

  202. dear tun
    sharp, concise & piercing as ever…
    warmest regards to you and tun dr siti

  203. Chin’s primary goal is to generate public support in his brainless quest to discredit Tun.
    The de facto Minister of Justice seems happy to jump in the bandwagon of discrediting Tun.
    Their marriage to distract people from the truth seems a fruitless and childish exercise.
    At this point I care not of Chin or his ability to tell his side of the story. What a waste of time!
    Perhaps he should be thinking of how to constructively regain the trust of the people in a system which he has tarnished with his silly remarks.

  204. Saya tak tau apa nak cakap sebab siapa Justice Chin?Kenapa terlalu sangat sayangkan dia?Apa jasa dia kepada negara?.Justice Chin jangan kurang ajar..Siapa Menteri de facto Law Minister?Apa jasa dia kepada negara?Bila masa rakyat pilih dia?Rakyat menolak dia dan tak inginkan dia.Kalau dia mati pun takde siapa peduli!Orang Kelantan sendiri tak suka dia..rakyat menolak dia mentah2..memang muka tak malu!

  205. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    What has happen to the ruling govt now? Everybody is trying to show their power and a senator(NOT elected by rakyat!) cum de facto law minister is trying to be smarter than the PM!
    And for Justice Chin, he should step down as a judge and be a politician and let the rakyat be the judge if he dares to contest in an election!
    Semoga Tun dan keluarga di rahmati selalu.

  206. Tun,
    Apabila tiada kuasa.. semua orang tiada rasa hormat dan takut pada Tun.. hanya Allah yang tahu.

  207. Tahniah Tun,
    Pengalaman dan ketajaman fikiran yang tidak dapat dinafikan sesiapa.
    Tindakan Hakim Ian Chin lebih kepada tindakan menumpang serangan pihak lain ke atas Tun. Salah-lakunya tindakan peribadi lebih dari kepentingan negara.
    Hal DSAI, pemecatan beliau oleh Tun demi kepentingan negara. Korbankan satu untuk selamatkan seribu. Tun lebih tahu semua itu.
    Selamat maju jaya.

  208. Dear Tun,
    Just to inform you, only me in my family understand English in my family, but the others also access internet, they also want to know what their beloved Tun said about.
    There is hundred thousands more people, especially not in urban area, can’t read your writing.
    They only get information from spin media like Utusan and Berita Harian, and they talk about it at kedai kopi.
    Please Tun, use Malay language as default, and translate it to English only if you want world read it.
    We are Malaysian, and we have our National Language.
    Thank you Sir.

  209. Dear Tun,
    I am honored to be the first, for this month.
    We just celebrated the boy’s 13th birthday over the internet.
    To : Tun, and my fellow friends Malaysia Citizen :
    We have discovered the most valuable aspects over all these conspiracies. We will stand behind you Tun, we already started to speak with the first state and the second states. We understand now about all your hidden messages.
    In the name of bangsa Merdeka bangsa di luar penjajah. Kami sedar mesej Tun. Dan kami yakin kita akan akan terus bertahan mempertahan kan kedaulatan negara dan maruah bangsa atas nama nya PETRONAS.
    I hope you understand this message Sir. We already are to assist our beloved country from them.
    Main important point is, we will save PETRONAS.
    Ko Yem Binjai.

  210. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    Teruskan menulis Tun. Teruskan memberi penjelasan kepada ramai yang buta hati. Saya sekeluarga sentiasa menyokong Tun. Saya yakin ramai lagi keluarga lain yang macam saya, 99% dari pengunjung blog Tun. Antimamak tu biarkan saja dia, kera sumbang dia tu.

  211. YAB Tun,
    Zaid Ibrahim have made the Minister of Justice look like a joke.
    Even a layman can see his ‘biased’ perception of justice especially with regards to you. If it is personal, then he does not deserve to be in the Government and abusing his powers under the disguise of justice.
    He should settle his personal ‘whatever’ with you. It is really disgusting to see him giving out ex gratia payments and closing an eye on justice just because he can now do so.
    Frankly, I never thought that a guy like Zaid can stoop so low (for power? ), but one postive factor is that now the people can see how he conducts himself when given power and hopefully the people can decide whether the country really need a leader like him.
    As for Justice Ian Chin – judges must know they are also be governed by the law. There is no such thing a judge can say anything to his whims and fancy or even worse just to state his personal anger or remorse towards any person.

  212. Tun:
    —Tun saya rasa cerita Tun itu memang mempunyai perkara yang terselindung, atau mungkin mempunyai apa apa matlamat tertentu, nampaknya article ini tidak begitu menarik jika dibandingkan kes Main Bontot yang begitu top dan hot. Kes Mian bontot episod vers kedua ini amat mengoyangkan dunia, perbezaannya cuma watak lelaki umur 23 lebih muda dari episod 1.
    Tun mengeshakan diri Tun adalah `Clean” atau `keling’??
    -In the case of Anwar, the police reported to me about his bad morals and after consulting my colleagues and the UMNO Supreme Council,I took action to remove him. I did not keep these reports in order to threaten him.
    — tunggulah ANwar jadi PM, maka semua akan dibongkarkan dengan jelas, sama ada Tun itu bersih atau kotor. syabas kita akan tunggu dan lihat.
    Ramai blogger marah saya kerana tidak menghormati Tun, tetapi nampaknya Ian Chin juga sedemikian rupa sokongan kepada saya. melihat Tun sebagai menyifatkan tun sebagai “devil incarnate” and suggested that I behave like the East German Secret Police (STASI).Alamaks tandard dengan devil tiada berbeza.
    Saya amat puji Tun kerana berani mencabar polis!!
    – If the police have evidence of a docket which I kept, please show evidence of this.walau bagaimanapun dalam kes korek korek korek, diharap Tun dapat dedahkan denagn begitu berani.
    Terima kasih Tun, rakyat amat minat dan harap sistem kehakiman Malaysia dipulih dengan segera, tidak kurang Tun telah rosakkannya sedemikian lama. Syabas Tun. Usaha gigih membetulkannya semula
    Kesimpulannya, apabila roti canai hangat dibakar, maka dimakan nyaring rasanya, kalaulah disimpan lama, agak bau amat berbeza, ini lah cara mamak cari makan.

  213. Tun,
    Doa saya sekeluarga semuga Tun sentiasa sihat didalam peliharaanNYA.
    The true color of the Honourable the de facto Minister of Justice is now shown. He should know by now that he doesn’t deserved to be in the Cabinet; he is only sampah masyarakat; a disgrace to the us the Malaya society. This is the type of Malaya that will bring the Malays into the graveyard. He has the cheek to state that this ungrateful Judge have perform well (he must be making reference to this ungrateful Judge’s remarks on Tun).
    Anak Jati Look East Policy

  214. salam perjuangan buat Tun yang dikasihi…
    chin…memalukan sistem kehakiman je…
    zaid…mu dok wak gapo lagi???? make gaji buta????
    poklah….kalu orang lain jadi PM,sakit kepala,runsing,tension bila ahli parlimen pembangkang keluar dewan ramai-ramai…mu ni…sempat lagi gi tengok konsert senandung semalam dengan jin mlm kelmarin……betul la mu ni tak makan saman….
    kontrak sosial…peguam-peguam….mu jangan nak jadi hero anjurkan forum macam ni….menambahkan lagi ketegangan kaum je…
    Tun…wokyoh sedih…bangga..terharu pun ada…bila baca artikel yang dihantar oleh kawan kita pasal Tun menangani masalah ekonomi pada 97/98 dulu…Tun sanggup mendengar dengan teliti penerangan
    penulis sehingga 2 jam , lepas tu ambil tindakan susulan yang bijak dan pantas demi menjaga kepentingan rakyat…itulah pengorbanan murni seorang pemimpin sejati…penulis artikel tu…sekarang ni orang kuat kementerian kewangan dibawah ketiak poklah…mungkin dah lupa tulisan beliau ini… terima kasih kepada penghantar artikel ini…
    sekarang ini..isu dialihkan dari isu kenaikan harga minyak kepada isu anwar pula….kepada rakyat yang berfikiran matang….usah dikut cara pengikutnya yang taksub itu untuk menganjurkan reformasi ke-2… buat bazir masa kita je..biarlah polis menjalankan kerja diaorang…tunggulah…kebenaran pasti mengalahkan kebathilan…
    buat tun..teruskan perjuanganmu…
    Tun..buatlah satu parti baru..biar mukhriz jadi presidennya…tun jadi penasihat pun tak apa…takkan hilang bisa ular menyusur akar…
    bagitau mukhriz..tak usahlah bermimpi untuk membaiki UMNO dari dalam kerana yang ada dalam tong sampah adalah sampah-sampah semuanya…biarkan UMNO poklah hanyut bersama-sama mereka yang ada mata tapi buta,ada telinga tapi tuli,ada hati-mati, ada akal-bebal..
    UMNO makin parah ditangan mereka yang berkepentingan sendiri..
    Tun..buatlah parti baru agar kami semua boleh menjadikan ia sebagai satu landasan untuk perjuangan..kerana seramai manapun orang yang memasuki blog tun ini..kita tak akan dapat pergi kemana-mana…
    Tun..cukuplah…kita tidak mahu dijajah lagi..dalam apa bentuk penjajahan sekalipun.

  215. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Rakyat akan menghukum mereka-mereka ni di PRU akan datang, tapi saya doa semoga tuhan turunkan pembalasan pada mereka ni secepat mungkin…. bukanla doa yang bukan-bukan cuma supaya buka hati dan beri kekuatan pemimpin-pemimpin dan ahli-ahli UMNO untuk menjatuhkan Presiden dan suku sakatnya di pemilihan UMNO yang akan datang….

  216. Judicial misconduct is any violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
    Injudicious temperament, Conflict of interest, Improper conduct, Impropriety, Failure to dispose promptly of the business of court, Ex parte communication and Partisan political activity
    How about legal error?
    Unfortunately, there is no political will to fix the problems facing our judiciary and our economy. Everyone in positions of responsibility is dragging his feet.The judiciary and economy system need to be overhauled as those dirty heartless so called protectors of the innocents/citizens get to drink their bitter cups.
    How about political misconduct/error?
    Unfortunately again, Pak Lah won’t step aside. He enjoys the job very much and has to protect his family and cronies who have millions to lose, if he quits.
    As a nation, we are facing a leadership crisis because our previous leader for 22 years did not have a succession plan. He finishes off Ghafar Baba (deceased), Anwar Ibrahim, Tengku Razaleigh and Tun Musa Hitam strongly. However, he appointed Pak Lah (Mr Clean) with hidden agreement/agenda?
    How about vision error?
    These difficult times and we need a leader with a clear vision, a progressive agenda, experience in good governance, and a commitment for change.
    How to be great again, without error?
    Let us remove the clutter and debris, and make our country great again. Current leadership and the chorus line cannot be expected to undertake national reforms since it is an integral part of our current malaise.
    What’s next?
    Friends, what should we as Malaysians do to commit for change and make our country great? Of course we care for our citizens who had had enough of “ketuanan UMNO (Under Me New Order) ” simply cannot accept Pak Lah arrogance!

  217. Zaid who? Isn’t he the alcoholic lawyer who was found guilty for political bribery in 2004? Hmm.. now we know what criteria in-Justice Chin use to be his partner-in-crime.

  218. I pray to Allah swt to give good health for u and the whole family. Always with u.

  219. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Mohon izin..
    terjemahan – Apa kau rasa? OREN?

  220. Dear Tun,
    Once again you clearly demonstrate your ability to shoot down all the flimsy allegations being tossed your way. Bravo!

  221. YABhg Tun,
    Allow me to correct a mistake which I made in the previous comment of this blog.
    I mentioned that the ISA detention camp under Tun’s Administration was nothing more than a looter’s house which required a hungry and weak-minded detainee to pay RM20 for a piece of Roti Canai, which would have its delivery been taken place at 2:10 am early in the morning, after a promise had been made by the family member of the detainee for making payment outside the detention camp.
    A friend of mine who was the former ISA detainee just reminded me that RM20 was a wrong price, that was a overly understated price. The correct price was RM200 per piece of Roti Canai. However, RM200 per piece was the price in 1998. I guess the Price of a piece of Roti Canai in ISA detention camp must have gone up very high now in the midst of the high inflationary pressure. Therefore, I stand to correct my mistake!
    May I know, is this Tun’s justice?

  222. salam TUN…
    saya sungguh berbangga mempunyai pemimpin seperti TUN,
    saya sesungguhnya menyokong apa2 sahaja tindakan TUN.

  223. Dear Tun,
    Another example of a flip-flopping agent intent on silencing Tun, sent by an equally flip-flopping administration.

  224. Salam Sejahtera dan Salam Hormat serta salam sayang pada Tun & Keluarga serta kepada semua blogger…
    For Sure the de facto minister of justice r stupid…just know how to tapping pak lah back only..what more can we aspect!!

  225. nice read!
    Tun taknak komen berkaitan dakwaan liwat.kedua Dato` Anwar Inbrahim ke?hope you will say something about that.May God bless you Tun.
    -ifan tokyo-

  226. Salam Tun,
    Saya sokong 100%. Bukan semua hakim-hakim adalah adil dan betul. Saya tengok idea yang diketengahkan oleh menteri kehakiman tersebut akan menjadikan sistem kehakiman tersebut bertambah buruk dan merosakkan negara dan bukannya menambahbaik sistem tersebut agar menjadi lebih adil dan bebas.

  227. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Apa yang saya lihat, dakyah Ian Chin merupakan salah satu usaha melalui percubaan demi percubaan untuk memperlekehkan Tun. Saya tahu dan semua tahu siapa dalangnya.
    DSAB ingin mencipta Legacynya yang tersendiri, saya nampak dan boleh rasa, dia tidak mahu menumpang kecemerlangan dan kegemilangan yang Tun telah capai. Barangkali dia mahu runtuhkan negara ini dulu dan baru bina semula di atas runtuhan, penderitaan dan keperitan rakyat, dengan harapan rakyat sanjung dia.
    Tun Tuah pernah berkata “Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia”, saya rasa ia hanyalah fantasi, Melayu semakin hilang di Tanah Melayu. Semangat kebangsaan semakin terhakis.. bangsa lain semakin berani meminta supaya hak-hak keistemewaan melayu dihapuskan.
    Dalam persengketaan kita antara sesama sendiri sekarang, ditambahkan dengan kelembaban pemimpin, bangsa-bangsa lain telah ambil kesempatan untuk minta itu dan ini. Di Perak MB orang Melayu, mencadangkan untuk memberi status hak pemilikan tanah di kg2 Baru sehingga 999 tahun. Majoriti penduduk Cina, inikah yang kita nak dan hasil perjuangan kita selama ini. Tolonglah Pak Lah.. jangan pekakkan telinga, hingga macam ni pun mesej rakyat tu tak sampai-sampai lagi..
    Saya cadangkan satu langkah drastik diambil, samada:
    1. PAS masuk BN atau
    2. UMNO menyertai PAS
    untuk menyelamatkan bangsa dan Negara yang sudah berada di ambang kejatuhan.
    Sekian dulu..
    Doakan Tun dan Isteri sentiasa sihat serta dilindungi Allah.

  228. Salam TUN,
    You have made a good response from what had happened. I am of the opinion that Judges should not get involve in politics. He lost twice in the election and that itself as an evidence to prove that people cannot accept him (judge) as an MP.
    Good article and also good lesson to be learnt for people in power now to be very careful in their actions.
    Srazali Aripin
    Brisbane, Australia

  229. Semoga Tun mendapat perlindungan ALLAH SWT, dilimpahi rahmat dan kekuatan untuk terus berjuang.

  230. Salam Tun,
    Thank you for your kind explanation by using simple words and straight to the point. It helps me to better understand the issue of this misbehaved judge Ian Chin.
    I for one am so disgusted with the Minister of Justice that does not seem to be just at all. He is so desperate trying to prove his existence as a hand-picked minister by Pak Lah. I still remember that he had asked for 3 months upon is appointment as a minister to do the judicial reform. Till this date he is still unable to justify why the reform should take place.
    In my opinion, judicial reform could be made internally (based on Ian Chin’s wild allegation while other judges are not willing to come forward and tell the truth openly) and not because of Tun had ruined it.
    Anyway Tun, Congratulation on your latest award. Brand Award.

  231. Dear Sir,
    Some people just like to comments and most of the times never realy understand the whole picture.
    Many of us (sad to admit – Malaysian) are always looking for a reason on our wrong doing and why we cannot be better. Judges are not excluded. Before people start looking on their wrong doings and wrong judgements, better for them to push the balls to other people courts.
    We likes to blames others on whatever wrong doing and failure we face. We never blame ourself in total.
    Whatever happen, justice and the truth will always prevail.
    Just remember what people used to say,
    Sad that you cannot do acting as per you ex deputy. Wish to nominate him as best actor for seven (7) years in a row.

  232. Layman point of view: The law itself should settle this hu-ha. (Note that the law and the hu-ha are at the opposite end of seriousness spectrum)
    The law of human communication:
    “The degree of visibility of an intent is the opposite to the degree of sensitivity of the intent.”
    If the intent is of insensitive nature, then it will be spoken loud, plain and direct.
    Should however, the intent is of a very sensitive nature which may cause uneasiness to both the speaker and his/her target, then the intent is conveyed in an almost invisible manner by combinations of body languages and dropping carefully selected words at right places in right tonations. The intent then reaches the target but the act of relaying the intent can’t be proven to a third party due to its invisible nature.
    However, should the target does not fully grasp and master the principles of sensitive intent transfer technique, he/she may become delusive and misinterprete the communication and thus the real intent.
    The best thing about the technique is that the speaker can always deny that it has ever taken place, and there is no way for the target to proove otherwise.

  233. Allah Bless you dear Tun Dr. Mahathir!
    Hey Ian Chin, repeat your allegation out in the open! Let Tun Dr. Mahathir sue you and have the court pass judgement. Bar Council’s members, care to comment???
    I don’t want to say anything about the back-door Minister of Law… waste of time.
    All the best to all!

  234. Dear Tun,
    This is the judge who wears both hats of politics and justice. By the way, he used to dream of becoming a full time politician. In fact he stood in earlier general election but lost miserably. I wonder how did he make a comeback to the bench, after resigning from the it and lost in the election?
    Any way he is here and there as a judge, and a politician here and there. Sooner he will be delivering judgements on possibility of here and there too.

  235. Dear Che Det,
    When you are too high up, it is difficult to predict to what extend your minions would do without any of your consent simply because your security is their livelihood.
    Therefore, because of this, arguments from both sides only can go round and round and you, will not be involved in anyway to be related to the allegations simply for being too high up to be reached.
    What goes up must come down.

  236. Salam Tun,
    Bila saya baca tulisan “Judge’s Misconduct” yang Tun tulis, dapatlah disimpulkan bahawa para hakim di Malaysia ini, tidak semuanya jahat kecuali beberapa orang hakim macam Ian Chin.
    Bagaimana seorang hakim boleh membuat tuduhan kepada Tun iaitu Tun pernah ugut hakim dalam satu majlis hakim sedangkan tiada hakim lain yang mendengarnya..?? Hakim Ian Chin termasuk dalam kategori “Misconduct”…
    Ada baiknya hakim Ian Chin letak jawatan. Tapi sebelum itu…dia patut jumpa Tun Mahathir dulu…mohon maaf banyak-banyak..Sepatutnya Ian Chin sudah boleh didakwa di Tribunal Hakim…tapi kerajaan sekarang…lebih-lebih lagi Zaid ibrahim pun dua kali lima macam Ian Chin tu….ni la yang jadi batu penghalang dan batu api….
    Kes Anwar liwat Saiful????….saya sendiri masih sangsi…tetapi sebagai seorang Islam..saya ingin menasihatkan Anwar Ibrahim supaya membuat laporan di Mahkamah Syariah juga supaya nama baiknya tidak tercemar dengan perbuatan yang keji dan dilaknat oleh Allah S.W.T itu.
    Di Mahkamah Syariah, Anwar bolehlah melakukan sumpah secara Islam menafikan ia melakukan perbuatan itu. Begitu juga adik Saiful pun turut bersumpah. Kes liwat ini sukar untuk dibuktikan kecuali jika ada 4 saksi, ada kesan DNA, dan kalau ada rakaman kamera litar tertutup..itu lagi bagus.
    Saya harap juga adik Saiful pun turut buat laporan di Mahkamah Syariah terdekat supaya Mahkamah Syariah dapat menyekat perbuatan terkutuk itu daripada merosakkan muda mudi Islam malaysia.
    Begitu juga, adik Saiful boleh buat laporan bersumpah di hadapan para Mufti. Sebab Mufti ini sangat taat kepada Allah S.W.T.
    Kepada kerajaan regim Pak Lah…apa macam..?? Dulu kasi lepas ini orang…kononnya Pak Mahathir jahat….la ni…??? Siapa jahat..? Anwar atau Pak Lah..??
    Allah S.W.T akan membalas setiap perbuatan hamba-Nya semasa hidup di dunia ini. Hukuman di akhirat belum tentu lagi….
    Saya berpesan kepada Pak Anwar…takutilah balasan Allah S.W.T kerana hukuman Allah sangat dahsyat…dunia ini hanya sementara…
    Ni satu chek nak habaq kat Anwar ni…. apa pasal hang pi habaq kat Amerika tu kata rakyat Malaysia nak pedajal hang…jahat sungguh hang ni no…kalau hang dah tak suka kat rakyat malaysia ni…hang masuk penjara balik lah…atau hang pi lah kat Amerika..hang duduklah kat sana sampai mampuih…
    Hang jangan rosakkan Malaysia nooo…nahas hang tujuh keturunan…!!
    Kepada Amerika…jika sayang sangat dengan Anwar..kena ingat sama adik Saiful tu sekali…adillah… kalau nak sangat Anwar tu…ambillah dia jadi warganegara AS..suruh dia bertanding Presiden AS…kalau menang aku gerenti…dia mesti serang malaysia dengan bomm…
    Ok Tun…byeeee…

  237. Dear Tun,
    What do we expect from the de factor Minister of Law who took up his appointment through “backdoor”! He is just an impressionist as if he is the most reputable lawyer in town. As far as I am concerned I think his position is being planted by the Bar Council and the oppositions with the sole intention to discredit you for “mistreating” the whole legal fraternity during your term as Prime Minister. There is an element of “revenge” and deep ill feelings towards you, Tun.That’s the way I analyse everytime the Law Minister made his statement.
    He is now very busy to reform the judiciary system. What reform he is talking about? Taik Kucing lah !!!!

  238. Dear Most Honourable Tun,
    I believe you are correct in your assessment of the current judiciary. What more, instead of being independent of one another, the executive now is working hand in hand in ‘covering up’ one another. Case in point, Zaid Ibrahim pre-empting the AG over the polcie report on Ian Chin.
    What has this country come into? Zaid Ibrahim, for all his worth, is nothing more than an opportunist seeking 2nd life over his near death political ambition. And he paid it with his conscience and soul. I have no more respect for him.
    His lawyers in his old firm must be shaking their heads in disbelief.
    Thank you Tun and God bless.
    Dengan izin,

  239. Asalamualaikum wbt..
    Kepada Ayahanda Tun, semoga kesihatan Tun sentiasa berada dalam keadaan baik dan ceria bersama keluarga tercinta.
    Nampak gayanya, serangan bertali arus terhadap Tun tidak berhenti.
    Pun begitu dengan keikhlasan Tun menerangkan satu persatu soalan yang dilemparkan dapat membuka minda rakyat yang semakin jemu dan muak dengan “Kerajaan 3 Sekeluarga/ beranak”.
    Minda rakyat semakin celik termasuklah mereka yang dahulunya amat marah dengan Tun. Usaha membuka lebih besar minda rakyat wajar diperhebatkan lagi dengan memberi penjelasan yang baik terhadap persoalan yang dilemparkan kepada Tun.
    Pada hemat saya, org yg cuba membuat onar ini tidak akan berhenti sehingga dia dapat apa yang dia mahu. Sebagai generasi yang pernah melalui zaman pemerintahan Tun, ternyata amat berbeza jurangnya dengan zaman ini.
    Semoga Tun tenang menghadapi pelbagai tohmahan dengan penuh sabar dan yakinlah Tun bahawa rakyat tidak lagi pekak dan tidak lagi buta. Saya rasa rakyat Malaysia yang sayangkan negara sudah berada dibelakang Tun, insyallah.

  240. salam tun.
    reading your blogs is like going to the law class i solute you..go for it and tarok them..this people deserve a bashing and baru padan muka dia..cakap saja dan fitnah orang ikut suka hati dia je..
    take care

  241. My dear Tun M:
    I note that you are fond of employing expressions such as “unethical behaviour” “misconduct”,”corrupt”, etc., when talking about other people. You have a sordid record as the past PM. People have dubbed and described you as “recalcitrant” “dictator”, etc, based on their perception of your administration of 22 years. you mus remember that when you point an accusing finger at others, the other fingers are pointing towards you, indicating that you are more guilty than the others!
    For heaven’s sake, Tun, please put an end to all these vile accusations against people. Relax and enjoy life because we go through this world only once.

  242. zaid tu dari awal2 lagi dah nampak keegooan
    perlantikan nya hanya kerana tekanan saja
    mana dia dsab yang mencari ilmu kitab
    kitab dah ada tapi tengok saja…

  243. YABhg Tun,
    Your following sentences are referred:
    ‘In any case Chin should be happy that the Honourable the de facto Minister of Justice has decided (not the Attorney General whose job it is to examine the case) not to set up a tribunal or to do anything.
    Chin appears to be unsparing in bad-mouthing other people from the safety of his court. He called me a “devil incarnate” and suggested that I behave like the East German Secret Police (STASI).
    I wonder what the legal profession thinks about judges calling people names in their courts, people who are not even connected with the case being heard, and certainly people who had never been given a chance to be heard.
    If this is the new standard then what people say about the deterioration of the judiciary must be true.’
    Tun, why do you have to get angry with Judge Chin when you think that Judge Chin has bad-mouthed you? Don’t you remember that you were also a shrewd Prime Minister before who liked to name-call people as “Pengkhianat”, “Rumour Monger”, “Singapore Agent”, “Israelite Agent”, “American Spy”, “Sodomizer”, “Womanizer”, “Chinese Chauvinist”, “Communist Sympathizer”, “Terrorist”, and so forth. I believe many former ISA detainees and the current ISA detainees would also have the same kind of urge like Judge Chin has of wanting to name-call you a “devil incarnate”.
    During your 22 years’ iron fist reign of Malaysia, you have indiscriminately made use of the callous draconian law to detain the people whom you saw as the threat to the stability of your political regime. The ISA detention which you initiated in the past had indeed led to family breakdown and financial predicament of many innocent people. ISA detention camp during your reign had never ever been a holy place which you could be proud of. The ISA detention camp under your administration was nothing more than a looter’s house which required a hungry and weak-minded detainee to pay RM20 for a piece of Roti Canai, which would only be delivered at 2:10 am early in the morning, after a promise had been made by the detainee’s family member to pay the bill outside the detention camp. It is certainly quite reasonable for some righteous people to suggest that you did behave like the East German Secret Police (STASI).
    Your veiled threat posed on a former Yang Dipertuan Agong in order to compel him to sign the Constitutional Amendment for the establishment of Special Court was the hard proof of your behaving like STASI.
    The deterioration of judiciary is nothing new in Malaysia. Tun, can you still remember about the cases of vain effort complaints on police brutality and rape cases involving the policemen in the police lock-up during your tenure of the PM’s office? The origin of the deterioration could actually be traced back to the old days when you reigned Malaysia like a tyrant. Therefore, with your past history of behaving like a tyrant, you have indeed lost the rights to claim that you are a good man and you have lost the legitimacy to put the blame on your successor and to hold him responsible for the deterioration of judiciary in Malaysia.
    Tun, if you have already realized the wrong which you did in the past and you wish to repent on your past wrongdoing, then I will be most willing to uphold you in prayers. I pray and ask Almighty God to dispense His merciful grace upon you and to deliver you from the bitterness which you suffer now. I pray that God may set you free with His forgiveness and loving-kindness since God will never foresake anybody who really shows a true repentance and who has the wishful will to seek God for the truths and ways of life. Amen!

  244. Dear Tun,
    Dah Ian Chin pulak lagi… Marah betul Tun kat dia ni…
    Of course banyak orang nak buat kita…. especially if we are down..
    But Cheer up.! Tun.. We all support you..
    Wahai bloggers sumua..
    Apa macam dah start ke protest senyap kite..?
    En Ashar..
    Amacam.? Nak kene byk promosi lagi laa… Ideas pls….
    Mana-mana bloggers ada main sepak raga dak..???
    Itu permainan Rakyat… syok oooo…
    Kat tempat saya ni baru mola main balik..
    Hmm… Laa ni mcm2 benda buruk dok jadi…
    Kes Anwar lah.. Bedollah Lah.. Rosmah lah…
    Ishk.. ishk.. ishk… Kes orang susah tak cukup makan takda ka.?
    Kes belanja bulan tak cukup takda ka.?
    Kes kalau kena sepak lani rebah tak dak ka.?
    Hai… Apa nak jadi kat Malaysia nih…
    Saham Jatuh..
    RM jatuh..
    Ni penganalisa ekonomi ni betui ka..??
    Menganalisa Ekonomi kat dia saja kut…..
    Pasai pa kalo duit Sterlingka, Euroka naik.. duit kita jatuh.?
    Tak bole ka kita buat bagi negara kita setaraf dengan depa..
    Malaysia.. oooh Malaysia…
    Selamat Berkat… Tolong perjuangkan nasib kami rakyat jelata yang dah nak karam..
    Semoga Tun and family sihat wal lepat liat..

  245. Tun..
    I don’t really care of what Ian Chin has been saying but what makes me wonder is Zaid. He said that your allegations are baseless and the government will only act if you provide them with proof to support your allegations. Well, if you can get your hand on the copies of all the reports, why can’t he do the same? He is just plain dumb and I wonder what did Ian do the country that he defended Ian more than you. Is there anything you can do to get even with Ian to humiliate Zaid? Can’t stand looking at his face.
    Salam hormat.

  246. Tun,
    Sungguh Tun tidak berkuasa lagi tetapi ada kalangan tertentu yang masih gerun dengan Tun. Tun kena lah berbangga sikit mengenai hal ini. Tidak boleh berbangga macam TV3 sebab bangga itu riak dan di larang ugama.
    Apa yang berlaku kepada Tun itu ibarat ‘baling batu sembunyi tangan’.
    Sekiranya berlaku pergaduhan, budak kecil disatu pihak yang di sokong oleh orang dewasa mampu melempang musuh tunggal yang tua sambil melompat pula sekiranya budak itu kerdil. Situa tidak boleh berbuat apa apa kerana mereka ramai.
    Adalah satu kaum itu sebahagian mereka dengan bongkaknya mengatakan ‘melayu bodoh’. Yakin sungguh yang mereka itu pandai. Padahal yang tertulis dari kaum yang pandai secara saintifik itu Yahudi saja. Tumpang perasan.
    Oleh itu Tun buktikan sikap memandang rendah itu adalah mimpi di siang hari.
    Terlalu yakin yang melayu ini boleh di kotak katikkan.
    Kita juga berfikiran tajam.
    Bertolak ansur dengan sabar dan berdiam diri bukan bererti kita bodoh.
    Biar mereka merasa bisa dan tau kita berbisa.
    Rapuhkan keyakinan tolol mereka.

    TUN yang saya rasa pelik sekali The Three Bad Bloods secara serentak telah buat kenyatan selepas saja ChinJ buat dlm kandang keselamatan makhamah.
    Otak mereka ni kan dah tak boleh lagi berfikir dan buat perkara secara rasional untuk kepentingan rakyat kerana mereka dendam TUN dah lama dah. Otak mereka otak dendam. “OTAK2 DENDAM”.
    Zaid dah abuse power kerana kepentingan legal circle. Dia buat bukan kerana kepentingan rakyat.
    Karpal Singh memang dah lama dendam TUN kerana kepentingan politiknya. Dan perjalanan dia saya anggap dia antiMelayu.
    Ambiga sama seperti Karpal Singh.
    Mengenai kes Anwar baru ni: “Hello TTBBs senyaaap aja.. mana lu orang aah..! semunyiik kaa? Lu orang skarang ah sudah jadi political desperados ada tau tak?”
    TUN teruskan perjuangan. Plse continue to reveal about them, their dirty characters and behaviour.
    Kita mau rakyat hukum mereka dan kuburkan dia orang punya profession
    yang putar belit itu. JIJIK! SAMPAR MASYARAKAT.
    May God Bless You and Family, Sihat Walafiat.

  248. Dear Tun,
    Probably it time to let the public know what kind of person the De facto Law minister Zaid Ibrahim is. His corruption case in UMNO etc. What a shame, he was not even elected by rakyat and yet made a minister of such an important portfolio?
    Deterioration of judiciary is a reality now.
    Free UMNO of kaki bodek and pengampu. Please……

  249. hi tun im ur die hard fan although im a singaporean, u r my icon under ur kerajaan i always follow up ur political affair… i rili miz ur speech in de tv or anywhere else… i just hope dat u will make a come back to govern malaysia again… malaysia are known.. becoz of u…. just come back en resuffle again a new goverment..all malaysian miz u.. infect.. de whole muslim world miz u.. miz ur leaders touch… dun worry.. de whole muslim world doa for ur good health..aamiin..

  250. Salam Sejahtera Buat Tun,
    He is not educationally fit. Not your level. Pity those cases ruled under him. Waste of Public money… (my income tax).
    No respect for him.
    Love you Tun.
    Terima Kasih

  251. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir.
    I am a teacher. Physics is my core teaching subject. All this time, I have been wondering the isues behind Lingam’s case which I don’t understand.
    As a teacher, I am trained not to use bad names when referring to my students. If by students provocation, a teacher call his/her student with bad words, the teacher will most probably be charge in court. Most of the times, the judge will never pitty the teacher.
    I feel guilty for beeing unable to equiped our students with good manners. Believe me, we teachers have tried our best cultivating good manners in our students. But we fail. I only good in physics.
    It seems that you are not given a chance to object when he refereh you by the bad words.

  252. Salam hormat kepada Tun yang dikasihi…
    Adakah saya yang pertama hari ni?
    Semoga Tun dianugerahkan kesihatan yang baik untuk terus memimpin kami, dan meneruskan usaha memartabatkan ugama, bangsa dan negara

  253. “I leave it to the public to judge. If anyone had had a police report waved in his face during the 22 years I was Prime Minister, please make a police report.”-
    Yes Tun…let public to judge.
    Its clear now who Judge Chin was.
    And I pity too the people who have to be tried by Judge Chin.

  254. Assalamualaikum Tun and everyone…
    The learned de facto Minister of Justice was not and never will be an elected leader. This shows how incompetent he is and that he is a man with no ‘hardware’. He ran/went away when it matters, and with the help of another incompetent leader, he was brought up to a post where he is right now. I wonder how did his company became the biggest law firm in the country. It must be through his tongue twisting, and venomous talks (heard a joke about lawyers and snakes?). I just wish that I can say it to his face that he is a sissy with no balls. As for ‘not so’ Justice Chin, just shut your hole! Another sissy hiding behind your immunity. ‘BAND OF SISSIES’! That is what these people should be called. sissies….

  255. how much he is paid for this kind of game anyway?…is he the god of the judges who knew whats gonna happen upfront…???? wahh…can give 4D number meh??…

  256. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun,
    It is rather strange that the de facto Minister of Justice made the statement that no tribunal or royal commission will be set up to hear about the misconduct of Chin J. What Chin J has said in the imunity of his court can be considered an act of a coward. If for whatever reason Chin J can find the right word about the alleged “veiled threat” we hope that he will make an open statement and not within the walls of his chamber.
    With regards to Zaid, his immediate reaction to the initial Chin J accusation against yourself showed just how an opportunistic individuals he is. It make me wonder how he achieved such a high stature as a lawyer and had a successful law firm before he accepted the post of de facto Minister of Justice when he can’t even distinguish between facts and fictions.
    On Tun’s decision not to file a complaint against Chin J would sure fristrate some of the rakyat who want to see such judge be judged for misconduct. Anyway, we respect Tun’s decision and we hope that this issue can finally be put to rest.
    Shah Alam

  257. Interesting that a judge can talk about something not related to the that he is attending to. He is using court like MP is using parliment!
    As for Anwar Ibrahim case, I thought he is making a police report against IGP and AG concerning fabrication of evidence regarding his previous sodomy case BUT he is only complaining about his mistreatment by the former IGP. He is not complaining about his sodomy case. Therefore, your allegation about him sodomising people is true!! It was true then and it is true now!

  258. Salam hormat Tun,
    We don’t believe Ian Chin. How can he bad mouth people in court? Tun carry on exposing those people. We need you back. Please come back and save us.

  259. Salam Yg Berbahgia Tun,
    Another, superb explanation! I believe Ian Chin is now speechless. He’s nothing compared to Tun. Don’t worry Tun, a lot of people support you. We trust you. BERANI KERANA BENAR,TAKUT KERANA SALAH.
    So, to whom it may concern…Tun said:
    “I leave it to the public to judge. If anyone had had a police report waved in his face during the 22 years I was Prime Minister, please make a police report.”

    BRAVO Tun!
    May Allah SWT bless Tun and family. Thanks.

  260. So KL is sleeping? Here is first from Tokyo.
    I keep following this topic but helpful ideas do not come out of my mind. Perhaps later.
    Yeah – I am interested also to see how the government will handle the Anwar affair’s.

  261. Ayahanda,
    could you comment on the action that people must do in order to get quick result of pak lah stepping down..
    And what about the latest issue of DSAI?
    And looks like the government had look and take action on the social contract issue..
    What is next??
    I really hope that you can tell me about Anwar characteristics and his relation with the America, and why you did not want him as a prime minister.. i know you won’t do this, but please for the goodnes of Malaysian..
    we love you Tun, teach us and guide us with your knowledge and wisdom..

  262. In the case of Anwar, the police reported to me about his bad morals and after consulting my colleagues and the UMNO Supreme Council, I took action to remove him. I did not keep these reports in order to threaten him.
    Now of course he has another police report and it would be interesting to see how Chin’s friends in the Government will deal with it.
    Its seems like people of Malaysia still waiting further clarification from Yg Berbahagia Tun on bad morals of DSAI.

  263. YABhg Tun,
    Salam Hormat.Izinkan saya memberi komen yg berkaitan dgn Hakim Chin dan penjelasan YABhg Tun mengenai Social Contract. Isu isu ini menyentuh Majlis Peguam, Menteri yang menjaga Kehakiman dan Undang-Undang dan Hakim. Apakah peranan Menteri (yang juga seorang peguam dan ahli politik).Apakah peranan Hakim ini yang pernah bertanding dalam pilihanraya. Apakah peranan peguam peguam dalam Majlis Peguam berbincang mengenai Social Contract. Sebagai seorang Menteri, beliau sepatutnya bercakap dan memberi penjelasan mengenai Social Contract kepada Majlis Peguam dan rakyat. Peguam-peguam pula ingin bercakap mengenai social contract, keadilan dan ketelusan, tetapi peguam-peguam lah yang menangguk keuntungan dan ‘menindas’ anak anak guam mereka. Majlis Peguam sepatutnya melihat salahlaku ahli-ahli mereka. Nampaknya, Menteri baru ni, peguam dan Hakim Chin dalam Parti yang sama.

  264. Tun,
    Cerita ini semakin hangat. Tak sabar menanti tulisan selanjutnya.

  265. Tun,
    Pandangan Hakim Ian Chin terhadap Tun amat keterlaluan. Kini kami telah dapat menilai setelah mendengar penjelasan daripada kedua-dua pihak.

  266. Dear Tun,
    You’ve never ceased to amaze me in your ability to explain issues in great detail. No wonder people were reluctant to argue with you during your time as the Prime Minister. I believe that their reluctance was not because they were not allowed to express their opinion but mainly because they did not have all the facts to argue with you. As for Ian Chin and the Honourable de facto Minister of Justice, they have greatly underestimated you and I am very sure they are in for more surprises!
    Please Tun, keep on writing.
    Eh…! Am I the first?

  267. Assalamualaikum TDM..
    saya memang merasakan si Chin nie cuma nak tumpang populariti atas kritikan-kritikan yang dibuat ke atas tun selama nie…so,mana tau akan datang dia dapat jadi ketua hakim ke…huh!tak layak langsung!!anyway..good statement as usual TDM!may Allah bless u and ur family…

  268. Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    Jangan sampai isu Hakim yang seorang ini sampai dapat mengalih perhatian kita dari isu yang lebih besar. Mungkin juga salah satu cara mereka untuk mengalih pandangan Tun ke arah lain. Hakim Chin ini pun sekarang mungkin akan jadi perasan sendiri yang dia juga sangat penting sekarang.
    Terima kasih atas pandangan-pandangan Tun yang sangat saya hargai.

  269. Assalamualaikum Tun dan keluarga,
    Bravo! Suatu penjelasan yang jelas dan berani. Seharusnya mereka yang menimbulkan isu ini insaf kerana perbuatan memfitnah sesungguhnya akan memakan diri kembali. Janganlah hanya untuk menjaga kepentingan diri, orang lain disabitkan. Jangan berumah ditepi laut jika takut dilambung ombak Tsunami!
    Tun tak mahu balik Kubang Pasu ke? Kami ahli K/Pasu amat dan masih memerlukan Tun! Biarlah mereka yang dicucuk hidung tu dengan lagak mereka tapi ahli akar umbi tetap bersamamu. Akan berlaku Tsunami di bhgn K/Pasu, ahli dah muak dengan perangai songsang mereka.
    Apapun, you and Dr Hasmah are the best!

  270. Satu lg Tun pasal Pak Lah melawat Wan Azizah konon bagi simpati..pasaipa Saiful tak dapat treatment yang sama..Budak tu kena liwat lg la trauma..ni pi simpati kt anwar ‘who enjoy the process of sodomizing’..
    Apa Pak Lah nk bukti kan dengan tindakan macam ni..
    “…there will be no similar episode under his administration as the Prime Minister”….apa maksud pak lah nak kata masa Tun prime minister dlo Anwar wasnt judged fairly and treated badly that he almost died?
    This make me want to curse but I want to dress this out to everyone so I’ll refrain from swearing..
    Ni da lebih..apa cerita dengan bendera putih kita..I wore white shirt today..but I’m alone la kt Melbourne ni..
    Hidup Tun!

  271. Saya amat bangga dengan Tun…
    Kerana Tun mampu berhujah dengan lantang dan mudah difahami…
    Saya ingat lagi buku yang saya baca ‘Word that works’
    Di dalamnya, ada dibincangkan mengenai Collin powell’s doctrine iaitu setiausaha pertahan US bebrapa tahun dahulu.
    Penulis mengatakan ucapan Powell telah digunakan sebgai doktrin kerana ucapannya ringkas,mudah difahami oleh orang biasa tetapi padt.
    Ini lah saya dapat fikirkan apabila membaca blog TUN ini (n_n)
    Terima kasih TUN kerana sentiasa membantu kami memahami situasi-situasi dan isu-isu semasa yang sepatutnya dilakukan oeh kerajaan sekarang.

  272. tun, memang benar , apa yang pasti kini politik anwar ibrahim cukup licik. dengan perwatakan ,gaya percakapan memang kita mudah percaya. dengan isu yang terbaru …liwat lagi.. rakyat malaysia boleh melihat dan menunggu langkah yang akan diambil oleh anwar… bersembunyi di kedutaan turki.. mohon bantuan amerika…apa ni .. kita tidak perlu seorang pemimpin seperti anwar..pemimpin ini pasti akan memporak-perandakan malaysia..mungkin malaysia akan dijual seluruhnya.. minta jaminan polis, jaminan kerajaan seolah tidak percaya kredebiliti anggota keselamatan kita, taktik beliau jika berlaku sebarang kecelakaan kepada beliau maka rakyat malaysia penyokong fanatik beliau pasti akan merusuh seperti mana belaku pada zaman tun.. harap kerajaan AAB buka mata dan telinga jangan biar rusuhan belaku lagi dan tangkap golongan subversif penyokong beliau… ayuh kita bersama memerangi pemimpin yang korup…jangan jadikan malaysia seperti negara iraq @ afghanistan

  273. YAB TUN DR M,
    Ian Chin tidak sangka jadi begini rumit…terpaksa berdepan dgn Fakta demi fakta dari YAB Tun, Bagi menutup kesalahan BIAS dan CELAAN Mahkamah Persekutuan, beliau sanggup pula menjadi orang kuat Pak Lah ( Staff KJ ). Andaiannya mudah..Bila Big Boss duduk dibelakang aku…Sure selamat punya. Tapi dia lupa..bila laporan Polis telah dibuat, satu dari Karpal yang entah mengapa bermusuh sangat dengan Tun dan satu dari Matthias,peguam bebas yang ingin menegakkan keadilan..maka kes ini akan membongkarkan lagi kepincangannya. Selama mana Big Daddy nya akan cover…Kita Lihatlah.
    Wan Azizah pula semasa membela Abg Nuarnya telah mengatakan ketidakpercayaan terhadap Sistem Mahkamah Malaysia..dan dia ada kaitkan dengan apa yang berlaku terhadap Ian Chin. Jangan lupa…Hakim yang dia paling percayapun sebenarnya seorang Penderhaka kepada Agong. Dan jangan lupa bahawa…Kes Liwat Abg Nuar memang ada…cuma mahkamah lepaskannya atas ‘kesilapan teknikal’
    Penghakiman yang membebaskannya berbunyi:
    ” Even though reading the appeal record, we find EVIDENCE TO CONFIRM that the appellants were involved in homosexual activities and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli Villa did happen, sometime, this court, as a court of law, may only convict the appellants if the prosecution has successfully proved that the alleged offences as stated in the charge, beyond reasonable doubt”
    Jelas…ada perbuatan Liwat…tidak dinafikan..cuma ‘KESILAPAN TEKNIKAL’ YANG MEMBEBASKANNYA.
    Abg Nuar sangat pandang tinggi kepada Ian Chin..sampai mendapat liputan meluas kat blognya. Dalam masa yang sama tidak percaya kepada sistem kehakiman,polis dan Peguam Negara. Katanya dia ada bukti pakatan antara KP dan AG… Memanglah ada bukti..bila keduanya sering berbincang di atas sesuatu kes tertentu atas hal tugas. Macam juga Abg Nuar berbincang dgn barisan peguamnya…untuk menang KES.
    YAB Tun Dr M tidak pernah lari dari siasatan,malah minta Polis menyiasat dengan teliti dan adil lagi…Mengapa begitu…Sebabnya Tun Seorang pemimpin berjiwa besar, setiap perjalanan hidupnya hanya untuk berbakti kepada Agama, bangsa dan Negara. Jika tak salah mengapa takut. Abg Nuar lari ketakutan sambil-sambil mencari nafas baru untuk menyerang ‘regim’ yang kononnya ‘mereka-reka cerita’
    Pemimpin yang beginikah..yang kita semua nak taruh Masa Depan? Teruk-teruk Pak Lah…Sebab dia kuat Tidur. Teruk-teruk Abg Nuar sebab dia ‘Kemaruk’ ******.

  274. Tahniah Tun,
    Tell the current Govt that life span is just another 4 years or 1460 days before next election and Pak Lah dan kuncu2 dah risau apa akan jadi kat depa.

  275. Greetings Tun,
    Its time you answer categorically all baseless allegations against you. (which you already are, and keep going Tun )
    Your blog is a very powerful media and almost everyone has access to it now.
    You have every right to defend yourself.

  276. Tun, it’s hard for me to believe you are as clean as a whistle.I for my part still believe you are a liar co’s the way you treat Anwar,meddling the judiciary,and fanning the racist fire is enough to prove that that you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt.My generation and that of my children will forever remember these incident as the DARKEST DAY in our history.Sorry,Tun,you have failed to convince me that you are not what I think,A LIAR.Anyway thanks for your statement.

  277. Salam Tun,
    Apa pendapat Tun berkenaan dakwaan terbaru ini keatas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim?
    Adakah satu konspirasi politik?

    p/s : mesti lama Tun tak pekena dalca Majid Katering (Lorong Gedegang)

  279. Assalamulaikum Tun,
    It is sad to see the system have gone disarray especially judiciary systems. In my opinion the simple things have gone into sophiscated mode without finding an end to find the solution to the problems.
    Fact findings, well now have gone into fault findings.
    I truly believe a statesman like Tun Know what he write, people never learnt . the history is there and the truth prevails eventually.
    The Good , The Bad and The Ugly. (Clint Eastwood Movie). The Country have gone into The Wild Wild West, The BAD Used to say “YOU want to Shoot, Shoot and Dont Talk”. Now The Shooter is there and The target is punched.
    I truly respect you Tun, You really know how to say it in style and some people wonder what happened..these people MUDAH LUPA..and NEVER Learn the lesson. The Past is bitter .

  280. that I have committed something unlawful which he is privy to and which the public is not unaware (?)

  281. Salam TUN yg Disayangi,
    This Mr.Zaid is too much. First he says we want to be transparent,yet he dont want to reveal the amount of the ex-gratia paid to the judges.He can do that if it is his own money, but sadly its the people’s money.By paying these judges he’s saying that all these judges are not guilty.Then automatically he’s saying the tribunal,TUN and don’t forget we also have a DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yg DiPertuan Agong back then are in the wrong.” Bukan semua org melayu mudah lupa ” Mr.Zaid you are one of those ” YANG MUDAH LUPA ”
    I wonder why anything bad is said to TUN,you will be the first to say TUN is guilty.Where in the case of Judge Ian Chin, you are also the first to say he is innocent. It seems that in Malaysia now
    you are the JUDGE & JURY.
    I’m not an umno member nor I’m into politics but lately there are two politician that i believe, what the malay say ” Kurang a… “.Mr.Zaid & Mr. Nazri. Paklah tak apa sebab dia tak tahu apa-apa pun( Sleeping partner )
    P/S Anwar Sodomy Case.
    This is his own doing. Way to garner more sympathy and publicity. Told them that he is with the american but they dont believe. The american have responded.They wont if it is somebody else. ” Bangunlah sebelum negara tergadai ”

  282. Based on info provided by Tun, I am of the view that he is no longer fit to remain as a judge…………thanks

  283. Assalamualaikom Yun.
    Chin J also a politician.But he lost in the election.He is use by the group of lawywers who are waiting for the time to jourpodise you.Keep up Tun.That is agood explaination.Thanks.

  284. assalamualaikum TUN…….
    saya sendiri tidak percaya dgn sistem kehakiman negara ini serta pihak polis,mmg tiada ketelusan…..
    yg byk duit boleh beli keputusan yg berpihak kpd mereka,tanya kat bekas2 banduan apa yg terjadi kpd mereka sewaktu soal siasat,dipukul,di hina,dicerca……..saya pernah alami sebab itu sy berani katakan…..
    sampai sy mati pun sy tidak akan mempercayai kedua-dua bdn ini..
    biar Allah yg mengadili mereka….tak seorg pun akan terlepas hukuman Allah

  285. Tun,
    The vast majority of the rakyat knows this is an attempt to tarnish your image. I’m sure AAB is also happy to keep you pre-occupied with other matters while he continues to plunder UMNO and our beloved nation into the abyss of wrecklessness. Please do not play their games but continue in your quest to regain the honour of Malaysia that has been lost to these incompetent excuse for leaders!

  286. Salam,
    The flip-flop disease is indeed infiltrated judiciary. Chin is probably a low grade judge.
    And, why every statements about Tun is being issued from the Chair? Why not make a proper press statements outside the court?
    regards from anti-koro judge,
    Mr Belimbing
    More of me at mrbelimbing.blogspot.com

  287. Tun,
    Chin accused you of behaving like East German Secret Police (STASI)?
    Why don’t he use Nazi Germany Gestapo as an example?

  288. YBhg. Ayahanda Tun,
    Semoga ayahanda dan bonda Tun Siti Asmah sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat diberkati Allah swt.
    Hidup Melayu kini makin terhimpit di bawah pemerintahan UMNO Pak Lah & Co.

  289. Asm Tun
    Its very obvious that this judge is just another devil created by this flip flop fail goverment.There is crystal clear evidence that this learned judge is abusing his position just to tarnish your image.The peoples of this loving country is solidly behind you my beloved Tun Mahadhir.I just dont know how to elaborate the attitude of the current goverment.Like you say this PM is try to manage the country in a very worst way.

  290. Yang dihormati Tun Dr. Mahathir
    What a wonderful piece of article. Hitting them right on the head. Our back door Justice Minister. Look good outside, but it’s bad inside.
    Well Zaid, “a man is judged by his work”. People do not judged you by what you’re capable of doing, but by what you’ve already done.
    Since your appointment, you’ve screwed up. Welldone.
    Thanks, Tun. It’s dinner time.
    Tanjung Bunga

  291. Salam Dear Tun,
    Any action or words uttered by these people are lies. Do not dwell your thoughts on them Tun. It is a waste of your valuable time. Whatever they do, it will only justify their action. We only hope that you could be our general again and start to gather people to take away the garbage leadership.
    Dear God, help us all from forthcoming destruction

  292. Dear Tun,
    Frankly, being an engineer by profession, the law is a very difficult subject for me to comprehensively understand it. In physics or maths, 1+1=2 it is an absolute facts.. which are accepted widely on the planet… But when it comes to definition, and understanding the law, with all the wordings, intepretation can be a very difficult subjects. Different people have different intepretation, different comprehension and different moral values and thus these factors could lead to a differences in the intepretations.
    There are so many laws on this planet. There are Islamic laws, the are british laws, american laws, china laws, japan law… Every country have a different law and every country have a different intepretation of the law. Hence it is very difficult when we want to address some issues that are not really absolute. There will always be two side of the coins and there will always be people to intepret these events or issues.
    I always believe that when you are holding a position, for instance as a PM, CEO,or Ketua Kampung, a father or parents, the responsibility will fall on you. You need to decide to call the shot. And sometimes, the decisions may not be the popular decisions, but you need to decide based on your level of responsibility. A prime minister is responsible for the stability of the entire nation… he is answerable to 27million people and not just the cabinet, or the BN people. He need to ensure that the people can have the utmost benefit from his decisions.
    The Malaysian politics is becoming unstable and there have so much struggle for power that we as the ordinary rakyat is the biggest losers. The leaders have their number uno priority to hang on to their positions and this situation is really bad for the rakyat.
    The recent secenario in politics will have a very damaging impact on Malaysia. I think as the ex-prime minister, you will have a better understanding of the current situation. I believe that you have the answers to all our plights and if only people can turn around and have the courtesy to ask some of your advises, then we can turn the tide around. I believe currently there are two “very hot issues” just coming out which entangled the “top two” politicians in Malaysia that is becoming a more confusing development.
    I am not sure if there is any better future for tommorrow, but I think if there is anybody that can bring a new inspired hope in this country it, one of the person that we can always count on will be you…Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad…..

  293. Dear Tun!!!
    WE ALL LOVE U!!!

  294. Yg Bhg Tun…
    Teruskan perjuangan Tun.
    Kami barisan anak-anak muda berada dibelakangmu.
    Kami percaya apa yang Tun lakukan pada negara sepanjang 22 tahun adalah untuk negara dan bukannya untuk kepentingan sendiri. Mereka yang cuba mencari kesalahan Tun sebenarnya mempunyai agenda tertentu…dan agenda mereka tidak akan berjaya selagi Tun terus memberikan hujah yang bernas seperti ini….
    Kami anak-anak muda Kedah menyokong Tun bukan Pak Lah.
    Teruskan Perjuangan Tun Dr. Mahathir Jasamu dikenang…

  295. Askum Tun,
    Pertamanya tahniah diucapkan kepada Tun kerana telah dianugerahkan BrandLaureate Award.
    Berkaitan dengan Judge Ian Chin ini, jika Tun mempunai bukti terhadap salah lakunya diharapkan dapat membuat report polis agar ia dapat disiasat segera. Jika hanya menulis di blog sahaja ia tidak membawa apa2 makna. Sy tidak sesekali menyokong Ian Chin tetapi sesuatu perlu dilakukan selain dari hanya menulis di blog.
    Melalui beberapa komen oleh blogger disini, ramai yang menyokong agar kita semua membuat bantahan senyap dengan memakai riben putih dan bendera putih tetapi malangnya sehingga kini tiada apa yang berlaku. Hanya sekadar berkata-kata tanpa tindakan susulan. Cadangan tersebut juga amat diragui keberkesanannya tetapi sekurang-kurang ada tindakan yang diambil.
    Sejak kebelakangan ini, telah jarang Tun mengutarakan masalah yang melanda UMNO dimana sy berpendapat ramai blogger disini yg lebih berminat untuk mengembalikan imej dan kepimpinan UMNO yang semakin hari semakin tercalar dan lesu dari isu Ian Chin ini. Apakah Tun tidak lagi berminat terhadap isu tersebut?
    Kepada warga blogger semua, apakah tujuan asal kita sebenarnya?
    Fikir-fikirkan lah.
    Sekian, semoga Tun dan keluarga senantiasa dirahmati Allah.

  296. YBhg Tun,
    I can’t help but admire your brilliant & factual response to the honorable Judge Chin’s remarks. Judges like Chin are the ones that erodes the very essence of credibility to the legal system & fraternity in our beloved Malaysia. Whilst I’d never really bothered to indulge in the public, political & even judicial issues at hand, your writings intrigue me & made me want to pause a while to look into these issues.
    Keep on writing, Sir. Looking forward to reading more of your writings. May Allah Swt always be with be you.

    …”The then Prime Minister went there (to the Judges Conference) to issue a thinly veiled threat to remove judges by referring to the tribunal that was set up before and stating that though it may be difficult to do so it was still done”… (9 June 2008)
    …”Now to the matter of the veiled threat. Dr Mahathir did not say that he will remove judges by referring to tribunal in those express words. You must know what went on before to appreciate what message he was attempting to convey in his devious way and to look at the subsequent events to put what he had said in the right perspective.”… “dropping words to that effect here and there”… (24 June 2008)
    In any case Chin should be happy that the Honourable the de facto Minister of Justice has decided (not the Attorney General whose job it is to examine the case) not to set up a tribunal or to do anything.
    P/S:- Menyampah tengok menteri macam tu. Buang tong sampah lagi baik. Malah sampah-sampah dalam tong sampah lagi bernilai… boleh recycle, buat baja dll. Menteri tu satu sen haram tak guna.

  298. TUN,

  299. Dear Tun,
    Bravo…apa nak hairan..memang sikap menteri2 dizaman paklah ini memang dah bersifat pengampu..they will act or do something bila semua tu akan memberi pulangan pada dia orang ..not for the rakyat..
    keep writting Tun..May God bless u.

  300. Every day I am waiting for the Bar Council’s view on this matter….apparently none. I thought they were crying out for the judiciary to be reformed but yet kept quiet on this issue. I wonder why? Maybe because Tun is on the other side and they dont want to give views that would appear to support Tun.

    di harap semuanya sihat walafiat.
    saya setuju benar dengan pendapat Ayahanda berkenaan dengan perkara di atas.
    Yang akan terus menyokong Ayahanda sehingga akhir hayat saya..

  302. Salam Tun
    Saya harap Tun dapat menulis dengan banyak lagi.
    Idea-idea Tun amat berguna untuk kami rakyat Malaysia.
    Semoga Tun sihat selalu.

  303. TUN,

  304. TUN,
    Itu lah kalau Menteri itu mempunyai kepentingan diri.
    Apa yang di lakukan demi kepentingan Pak Lah. Sungguh tidak adil Menteri Kehakiman ini.
    Al Maklumlah, Jawatan menteri FREE. Dah lah TAK BERTANDING DALAM PR12 kelmarin, bekas pesalah politik wang pulak tu…. Bila dapat jawatan menteri jadi macam KERA dapat bunga.
    Semu ini, Sengaja Pak Lah lakukan biar nampak pemimpin yang ada ini BULLSHIT semua.

  305. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun….

  306. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I think it is true that some of our judges doesn’t behave as what they are suppose to behave. They say thing which is not necessary or related to their case in the court.
    I feel the Chief Justice as the leader of all the judges in the country should do something about it. The fish rots start from the head.
    Thank you.

  307. As’kum
    Yang Amat Berbahgia Tun, sehat-sehat hendaknya.
    Thy are just happy to see u walk into the court.
    That will be the day.
    Then it will be world news.
    And Marina supported it by agreeing with what ever Karpal Sigh said on the subject.
    Its all a trap. Watch out !!!!!
    Fr Halem
    Bangunan Md Din

  308. Just another example of the lousiness of this minister. I have always had a certain dislike for lawyers – took me 11 months to settle a house purchase, costing me almost RM12000 in penalty. When he was made the minister, I thought the PM made a big mistake – surely there are retired judges who are more deserving of the post, but then again there is Justice Chin.

  309. Perjuangan yg belum selesai….Reveal everythngs Tun…We are always in your side..You are my inspiration…

  310. Yes sir…another brilliant statement from you…Eat ur heart out Ian Chin and Zahid or whoever ur name is,,i barely cant remember…I salute u sir for this, and btw THANK YOU 4 da Excellence 22 years you have given us…
    May ur life and ur family will always been blessed…

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