1. Civilisation has failed.

2. We cannot claim to be civilised when we ignore all those high moral values that we associate with modern civilisation.

3. What we are seeing today is mass murder being committed by Israel.

4. And this is supported financially and with weapons by the great advocates of human rights, the sanctity of human life, the abhorrence of cruelty.

5. We see tens of thousand of people being killed, being starved to death, denied supply of water and medicine.

6. We see hospitals and schools and refugee camps being bombed and rocketed.

7. The America which wants to be great again, aid and abet the genocide by the Israelis.

8. And so do its European allies. This is the behavior of savages, not civilised people.

9. It is disgusting.

10. Yes. Civilisation has failed.


1. Now we are seeing a strange lopsided exchange of detainees. For as few as three Israeli hostages being released, almost 200 Palestinians would be released.

2. This is because over the 70 years of Israeli oppression thousands of Palestinians had been detained. The Hamas operation could not capture as many Israelis.

3. The oppression and injustice of the Israeli regime is obvious. They have been detaining thousands of Palestinians against international law.

4. The exchange cannot be one to one. Hence the lopsided exchange in which 3 Israelis are released against 200 plus Palestinians being released.

5. The kidnapping of Israelis and making them hostages, succeeded in forcing Israel to release the detained Palestinians in exchange for the hostages.

6. It was a high price that the Palestinians had to pay. But it achieved the objective of freeing the Palestinians detained by Israel.


1. On Oct 7, 2023 Hamas raided Israel and captured over 200 Israelis. With them as hostages Hamas hoped to force Israel to release Palestinian detainees in exchange for the Israeli hostages.

2. Hamas thought the Israelis were human beings. They did not expect the brutishness of the Israelis. They certainly did not expect the Israelis to kill tens of thousands of men, women, children, babies, the sick and the incapacitated in order to force Hamas to release the hostages.

3. The world looked on, unable to do anything because the United States of America, the erstwhile proponent of human rights, actually backed the genocide committed by the Israelis.

4. Israeli demonstrators against the genocide were not because they were against killing Palestinian civilians. The demonstrations were because they feared for the lives of the hostages.

5. For more than a year the murderous Israelis killed more than 60,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 100,000. But they could not get the Palestinians to release the hostages.

6. Eventually the Israelis had to accept that only by stopping the genocide would the hostages be freed. And so they agreed to cease fire.


1. Now we know why Hamas mounted the operation against Israel on Oct 7, 2023.
2. Since the seizure of Palestinian land to create Israel, the Israelis have been arresting and detaining thousands of Palestinians without trial. The detention was for years and years.
3. The Palestinians could do nothing to free the detainees. The Americans and Europeans who talked so much against detention without trial, ignored the blatant injustice perpetrated by Israel. They seem to approve the injustice committed by Israel.
4. The Palestinians could hope for nothing to free the detainees. They seemed to be condemned to remain in detention for as long as the Israelis wanted. Maybe for life.
5. The Palestinians needed to do something drastic on their own to free the detainees. What is the something they could do??


1. Saya sedih.

2. Saya sedih kerana parti yang ditubuh untuk menolak percubaan British untuk rampas negeri-negeri Melayu; parti yang memerdekakan Tanah Melayu sekarang sudah jadi parti yang rela meletak diri dibawah parti lain.

3. Yang diutamakan oleh wakil orang Melayu ialah kedudukan mereka. Apa akan jadi kepada Tanah Melayu, apa akan jadi kepada anak cucu tidak penting. Yang penting ialah layanan diri.

4. Bukan nak rampas hak orang. Hanya mempertahan hak kita. Tak.

5. Nak dengar masalah pun tak sanggup.

6. Ini bukan wakil rakyat. Ini wakil ketamakan diri.

7. Pedulikan kesedihan. Syok sendiri.


Yang Berhormat Ahli UMNO,

1. Mengikut Nga Kor Ming UMNO hanya lalat.

2. Nga Kor Ming adalah singa.

3. Sebab takut singa, UMNO terima jadi lalat.

4. Inilah UMNO sekarang.

5. Tidak lebih dari lalat dalam Kerajaan.


1. Saya alu-alukan pelaburan berbillion Ringgit supaya peluang kerja seramai 30,000 diwujud di United Kingdom (UK).

2. Ini memang cara Malaysia. Kita selalu bantu orang yang lebih kaya dari kita.

3. Lihat Singapura. Kita jual 250,000,000 gelen air mentah dengan harga 3 sen bagi 1000 gelen supaya Singapura boleh jual air yang ditapis dengan RM36 bagi 1000 gelen. Tiap tahun Singapura untung tiga billion Ringgit.

4. Kita juga melabur di Amerika dengan membeli Dollar Bond. Ini samalah dengan memberi pinjaman kepada Amerika. Dengan duit itu Amerika Syarikat boleh buat senjata untuk dijual diseluruh dunia termasuk kepada Israel.

5. Jika Israel tidak mampu bayar, Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat akan beli senjata dari pembuat senjata Amerika untuk dihadiah percuma kepada Israel.

6. Kita bantu Amerika Syarikat sebab dia kaya. Itu dasar kita. Konon terdapat kemungkinan UK labur di Malaysia. Itu kemungkinan! Kita belum nampak pelaburan UK. Mungkin tersembunyi seperti lain kenyataan tiap kali lawatan ke luar negara.

7. Kita tunggu Belgium dan E.U. (European Union).

8. Pelaburan mungkin datang.

9. Tetapi kita labur di Eropah dahulu supaya mungkin E.U. labur berbillion di Malaysia.


1. Malaysia decided that Governments should be elected by the people.

2. It was believed that the people would elect candidates who will work in the interest of the nation and people.

3. But Governments are endowed with power, the authority to manage the country. It is well known that power corrupts. And absolute power of Government must corrupt it absolutely.

4. And so the people presenting themselves for election to Government cannot but attract candidates who see the opportunity to use the power of Government for their own interest.

5. When power is abused to serve self interest, the Government will suffer. And when the power of Government is misused, the people will bear the cost.

6. And the cost will be all that the people have.


1. I am doubtful of the Gaza ceasefire deal.

2. Perhaps I am pessimistic, but should anyone believe that a nation that violate countless United Nations resolutions, disregarding and disrespecting world opinion, would honour its undertaking.

3. Would anyone believe that Israel, that had violated past ceasefire deals with Hezbollah would choose to observe this time around?

4. Israel is a rogue; a belligerent nation. The belligerence will not allow it to respect any agreements or laws.

5. Days before the ceasefire they are upping the ante, killing as many Palestinians as they can. It is second nature to them to go on a murderous rampage.

6. And they will blame everyone else for it.

7. Excuse my pessimism. But the jubilation shown by the Gazans is premature. I hope I’m wrong.


1. Apabila saya persoal berkenaan perjanjian air Malaysia dan Singapura, ada yang hentam saya.

2. Mereka tanya, selama jadi Perdana Menteri 22 tahun dan 22 bulan apa yang saya buat.

3. Yang patut ditanya bukan apa saya buat, tapi apa yang Kerajaan sekarang buat?

4. Sejak saya jadi Perdana Menteri ke-4 lagi, Malaysia telah berkali-kali berunding berkenaan masalah-masalah antara Singapura dengan Malaysia, termasuk soal harga air mentah 3 sen 1000 galen.

5. Singapura tidak pernah setuju dengan kenaikan harga kerana kononnya sudah terlewat.

6. Perjanjian menentukan harga air boleh dirunding selepas 25 tahun dari 1961. Singapura mentafsir selepas 25 tahun bermakna pada tahun ke-25.

7. Ada pihak Malaysia yang berpendapat jika harga air mentah dinaik, Singapura akan naikkan harga air yang sudah ditapis untuk Johor.

8. Semasa saya jadi PM kali kedua pada tahun 2018, saya sekali lagi timbulkan isu air ini dengan Hsien Loong dan beliau setuju adakan rundingan.

9. Sebelum saya letak jawatan pada 2003, peruntukan telah diberi kepada Johor untuk mendiri loji tapis air supaya Johor tidak perlu beli air dari Singapura.

10. Jika ini dibangun soal kenaikan harga air tapis dari Singapura tidak timbul.

11. Saya tidak tahu kenapa loji ini tidak didiri. Selepas saya letak jawatan projek jambatan bengkok dan landasan kembar keretapi juga digugur.

12. Tidak ada sebab kenapa loji tapis ini tidak boleh didirikan sekarang.

13. Ancaman Singapura menaikkan harga air tapis bukan masalah.

14. Tetapi hakikatnya Kerajaan sekarang tidak lagi cuba tangani beberapa masalah yang ada dengan Singapura termasuk masalah ruang udara Malaysia, jabatan bengkok dan Central Provident Fund Singapura.

15. Sebaliknya perjanjian baru dibuat yang lebih menguntungkan Singapura.