1. Saya sekarang berada di Albania, sebuah negara Islam yang dahulu menjadi sebahagian daripada Empayar Othmaniah. Setelah merdeka ia diserang dan dijajah oleh Itali. Pada penghujung perang dunia ke-2, Albania sekali lagi bebas tapi dikuasai oleh pemerintahan kuku besi puak kiri.

2. Pemerintah ini diketuai oleh seorang diktator, Enver Hoxha, yang menolak agama Islam sehingga sanggup mengharamkan Allah, Nauzubillah.

3. Rakyat tidak dibenar menganuti Islam atau apa-apa agama.

4. Akhirnya pemerintahan puak kiri ini jatuh dan diganti dengan pemerintahan pro-demokrasi pimpinan Sali Berisha.

5. Saya ke Albania buat kali pertama pada tahun 1993. Terdapat kemiskinan di mana-mana sahaja. Muka penduduk muram belaka. Tirana, ibu kota, tidak menunjukkan aktiviti ekonomi. Tidak ada kedai selain kedai kopi di tepi jalan. Tidak ada kenderaan. Bangunan-bangunan ternampak tua dan uzur. Ada beberapa masjid lama yang uzur dan sunyi sepi. Tidak ada sesiapa yang menunaikan solat Jumaat atau solat waktu di situ.

6. Kali ini saya sampai di Tirana pada hari Jumaat. Program saya termasuk solat Jumaat di masjid yang tertua, Masjid Ethem Beu, di tengah Bandar Tirana.

7. Alangkah terkejutnya saya apabila saya sampai ke masjid dan melihat jemaah melimpah sehingga ke tepi jalan besar jauh dari masjid. Saya amat gembira kerana Islam sudah kembali ke Negara ini. Alhamdulillah.

8. Kemudian saya berjumpa beberapa penuntut Albania yang telah menuntut di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa, Malaysia. Kita bermesra dan mereka nyatakan perasaan hutang budi mereka kepada Malaysia. Mungkin juga UIA memainkan sedikit peranan dalam memperkenalkan semula Islam di Albania, wallahu’alam. Kalau pun tidak, saya bersyukur dengan kembalinya Albania ke pangkuan Islam. Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah subhanawata’ala.

104 thoughts on “ALBANIA”

  1. Assalamu’ailaikum, Tun.. saya bekas pelajar UIAM. saya percaya sepanjang pengamatan saya sebagai pelajar dan bercampur dengan mereka (masyarakat antarabangsa), saya dapati amat sedikit peluang ini dimanfaatkan melainkan jika ada keperluan dari segi akedemik. saya melihat perubahan ketara dalam dekad ini ke atas pengamalan agama islam di seluruh dunia adalah di sebabkan gerakkan dakwah secara berkumpulan yang turut disertai rakyat malaysia. Profile mereka sangat rendah dan cukup sinonim dengan pandangan negatif, namun mereka ikhlas dan sanggup berkorban mengutamakan dakwah tabligh sebagai keperluan mendesak mengatasi segala tomahan dan halangan yang ada. Saya yakin hidayah tidak akan datang melainkan dengan pengorbanan dan susah payah. Tidak memadai kalau hanya sekadar kita berforum dan berceramah. Mereka ini sanggup meninggalkan kehidupan selesa bersama keluarga tercinta untuk meluangkan masa bertemu seorang demi seorang saudara islam yang lain untuk bercerita tentang muhibah persaudaraan atas satu kalimah dan menyemaikan kecintaan terhadap agama serta pentingnya membina iman yakin dan menyuburkan amal soleh selagi bernyawa. Mereka berjumpa seramai mungkin dan menyebarkan salam serta menyelami kehidupan umat islam yang lain secara dekat dan mendoakan agar Allah melimpahkan hidayah dan rahmat kasih sayang serta pengapunan kepada individu yang mereka temui. Mereka tidak mengharapkan apa apa balasan pun. mereka hanya mengharapkan balasan hanya daripada Allah. Ade seorang warga emas yang saya kenali telah terlibat dalam jemaah dakwah ini sangat fasih dalam banyak bahasa dan telah sampai lebih dari 36 buah negara untuk gerakkan dakwah berkumpulan ini..saya percaya mereka inilah yang telah sampai ke kampung kampung dari Jerman sampailah ke Surinam untuk tujuan murni ini.. Wallahu a’lam

  2. Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun dan semua di sini,,
    ALHAMDULILLAH, itu saja yg boleh diucapkan selepas membaca tulisan Tun ini, Syukur.
    Malangnya trdapat juga beberapa komentator yg begitu jahil dan tidak memahami langsung mengenai Islam yg sebenafr tetapi masih sanggup hendak menulis mengenai Islam. Ini jelas menampakkan sikap nya yg bodoh sombong seperti ‘ekomputer’
    Fairuz Kamarulzaman

  3. Salamun Alay’kum,
    You misunderstood what I meant,
    Firstly I was referring to some who accused Muhammad SWT (peace be upon him) as paedophilia by using logics, so in order to explain to them, I have to use logical explanation so that they understand the situation in Muhammad SWT (peace be upon him) time and our time.
    They libel him as a pervert who loves female children, and enjoy underage sex.
    That was why I gave example of two different time set, in our time (present) and Muhammad SWT (peace be upon him) time to make it easier for them to understand.
    In our time, human body is not physically as big as the ancient time, where even at the age of 9 they are already working, and even went to war. (ancient greece, and roman).
    Most of the time they (the ancient moslem) fulfilled the requirements to get into marriage at much younger age that our present days folk do. That was why you see many of the ancient Moslem get married at younger age.
    However, in our present day, which is our age.We even have Laws that did not allow anyone to get married at the age of 13.
    To make it worse, at the age of 18, one could still be studying, or even still in school, or Universities, and we are not as physically as big as the ancient Moslem which is sometimes 7 – 8 feet at the age of 19.
    Some even still living with their respective parents at this age. So there are differences here. Most of them cannot fullfill the requirement to get into marriage, as compared to the ancient Moslem.
    I did not condone any type of blasphemy against the teaching of Islam, and nor do I agree with what the western says about Islam, but it is understandable that you misinterpreted my comment as something which is against the Ulama’.

  4. Actually it is not.If your logic say’s it is applicable to the the appointed time and appointed place,you will sorely mistaken.
    Actually no, that was actually to explain to some who misunderstood it as what Islam wants, when its actually up to you. I did not claim it is wrong to marry at 9, 12 or even 18.
    What I meant to say was that, to marry at such age in our present day rarely takes place and some people think its not appropriate.
    I was merely explaining it to those who “ACCUSED” Muhammad SWT as Paedophile and that what I was doing, nothing about changing the rules in Islam. I
    That was why I said, “simple”, because I do not go to lengths of explaining it in details. Some people must understand that it is not wrong , to marry at that age in either our present time, or the past. However in our time, it can be considered something unusual.
    and In fact even in the other religions marrying at such age wasnt considered as wrong.

  5. YABhg Che Det,
    Melepas Anjing Tersepit
    (kerja bodohkah itu)
    February 18, 2008
    Independence in the Brave New World Order
    NATO’s Kosovo Colony
    Across this last weekend, the Western propaganda machine was working overtime, celebrating the latest NATO miracle: the transformation of Serbian Kosovo into Albanian Kosova. A shameless land grab by the United States, which used the Kosovo problem to install an enormous military base (Camp Bondsteel) on other people’s strategically located land, is transformed by the power of the media into an edifying legend of “national liberation”.
    For the unhappy few who know the complicated truth about Kosovo, the words of Aldous Huxley seem most appropriate: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall drive you mad.”
    Concerning Kosovo, truth is like letters written in the sand as the tsunami of propaganda comes thundering in. The truth is available–for instance in George Szamuely’s thoroughly informative piece last Friday here on CounterPunch. Fragments of the truth sometimes even show up in the mainstream media, mostly in letters from readers. But hopeless as it is to try to turn back the tide of officially endorsed legend, let me examine just one drop in this unstoppable sea of propaganda: a column by Roger Cohen entitled “Europe’s new state”, published in the Valentine’s Day edition of the International Herald Tribune.
    Cohen’s op ed piece is fairly typical in the dismissive way it deals with Milosevic, Russia and the Serbs. Cohen writes: “Slobodan Milosevic, the late dictator, set Serbia’s murderous nationalist tide in motion on April 24, 1987, when he went to Kosovo to declare that Serbian ‘ancestors would be defiled’ if ethnic Albanians had their way.”
    I don’t know where Roger Cohen got that quotation, but it is not to be found in the speech Milosevic made that day in Kosovo. And certainly, Milosevic did not go to Kosovo to declare any such thing, but to consult with local Communist League officials in the town of Kosovo Polje about the province’s serious economic and social problems. Aside from the province’s chronic poverty, unemployment, and mismanagement of development funds contributed from the rest of Yugoslavia, the main social problem was the constant exodus of Serb and Montenegrin inhabitants under pressure from ethnic Albanians. At the time, this problem was reported in leading Western media.
    For instance, as early as July 12, 1982, Marvine Howe reported to the New York Times that Serbs were leaving Kosovo by the tens of thousands because of discrimination and intimidation on the part of the ethnic Albanian majority:
    “The [Albanian] nationalists have a two-point platform,” according to Beci Hoti, an executive secretary of the Communist Party of Kosovo, “first to establish what they call an ethnically clean Albanian republic and then the merger with Albania to form a greater Albania.
    Mr Hoti, an Albanian, expressed concern voer political pressures that were forcing Serbs to leave Kosovo. “What is important now,” he said, “is to establish a climate of security and create confidence.”
    And seven months after Milosevic’s visit to Kosovo, David Binder reported in the New York Times (November 1, 1987):
    Ethnic Albanians in the Government [of Kosovo] have manipulated public funds and regulations to take over land belonging to Serbs. Slavic Orthodox churches have been attacked, and flags have been torn down. Wells have been poisoned and crops burned. Slavic boys have been knifed, and some young ethnic Albanians have been told by their elders to rape Serbian girls.
    The goal of the radical nationals among them, one said in an interview, is an “ethnic Albania that includes western Macedonia, southern Montenegro, part of southern Serbia, Kosovo and Albania itself.”
    As Slavs flee the protracted violence, Kosovo is becoming what ethnic Albanian nationalists have been demanding for years, and especially strongly since the bloody rioting by ethnic Albanians in Pristina in 1981–an “ethnically pure” Albanian region
    This was in fact the first instance of “ethnic cleansing” in post-World War II Yugoslavia, as reported in The New York Times and other Western media, and the victims were the Serbs. The cult of “memory” has become a contemporary religion, but some memories are more equal than others. In the 1990s, the New York Times evidently forgot completely what it had said about Kosovo in the 1980s. Why? Perhaps because meanwhile, the Soviet bloc had collapsed and the unity of independent, non-aligned Yugoslavia was no longer in the strategic interest of the United States.
    Back to Milosevic in Kosovo Polje on April 24, 1987. An incident occurred when local police (under an Albanian-dominated Communist League government) attacked Serbs who had gathered to protest lack of legal protection. Milosevic famously told them, spontaneously: “No one should beat you any more!” If this is “extreme nationalism”, perhaps there should be more of it.
    But nowhere do I find a trace of the statement attributed to Milosevic by Cohen. In his speech to local party delegates that followed, which is on the public record, Milosevic referred to the “regrettable incident” and promised an investigation. He went on to stress that “we should not allow the misfortunes of people to be exploited by nationalists, whom every honest person must combat. We must not divide people between Serbs and Albanians, but rather we should separate, on the one hand, decent people who struggle for brotherhood, unity and ethnic equality, and, on the other hand, counter-revolutionaries and nationalists.”
    I turn again to Aldous Huxley for comfort: “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
    But Huxley also said: “Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects… totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.”
    Last Tuesday in Geneva, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov tried to convey to journalists his grave concern about the way the United States was handling the Kosovo problem.
    “We are speaking here about the subversion of all the foundations and principles of international law, which have been won and established as a basis of Europe’s existence at huge effort, and at the cost of pain, sacrifice and bloodletting,” he said.
    “Nobody can offer a clear plan of action in the case of a chain reaction [of further declarations of unilateral independence]. It turns out that they [the United States and its NATO allies] are planning to act in a hit or miss fashion on an issue of paramount importance. This is simply inadmissible and irresponsible,” the Russian diplomat said. “I sincerely fail to comprehend the principles guiding our American colleagues, and those Europeans who have taken up this position,” he added.
    Roger Cohen dismisses such considerations in five words: “the Russian bear will growl”. Russia, he adds, “will scream. But it’s backed the wrong horse.” There are no issues here, no principles. Just growling and gambling. “Milosevic rolled the dice of genocidal nationalism and lost”, says Cohen.
    This is not only a false statement, it is a grotesquely meaningless metaphor. Milosevic tried to suppress an armed secessionist movement, secretly but effectively supported by neighboring Albania, the United States and Germany, which deliberately provoked repression by murdering both Serbs and Albanians loyal to the government. Like the Americans in similar circumstances, Milosevic relied too heavily on military superiority rather than on political skill. But even the NATO-sponsored International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia in The Hague had to abandon any charges of “genocide” against Milosevic in Kosovo. For the simple reason that there was never a shred of evidence for such a charge.
    Milosevic is no longer alive, and Russia is far away. But what about the Serbs who still live in the historic part of Serbia called Kosovo? Cohen takes care of that problem in a few words: “Some of the 120,000 Serbs in Kosovo may hit the road.”
    As Aldous Huxley pointed out, “The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”
    Then you can tell them to “hit the road”.
    The “Unique” Case
    Russia has warned that Kosovo independence will set a dangerous precedent, encouraging other ethnic minorities to follow the example of the Albanians and demand secession and an independent State. The United States has dismissed such concerns by flatly asserting that Kosovo is “unique”. Well yes, Kosovo is a unique case, and is the only one recognized by the United States until the next “unique case” comes along. When legal criteria have been thrown out, we just have one “unique case” after another.
    The “uniqueness” claimed by the United States is a propaganda construction. It is based on the supposed “uniqueness” of Milosevic’s repression of the armed secessionist movement, which was not unique at all. It was standard operating procedure throughout history and the world over, in such circumstances. Deplorable, no doubt, but not unique. It was minor indeed compared to the similar but endless and far bloodier anti-insurgency operations in Colombia, Sri Lanka, and Chechnya, not to mention Northern Ireland, Thailand, the Philippines And unlike the counter-insurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, which kill incomparably more civilians, it was carried out by the legal, democratically elected government of the country, rather than by a foreign power.
    The propaganda “uniqueness” is an abstraction. Like every place on earth, Kosovo is indeed unique. But in ways that have nothing to do with the U.S. pretext for taking it over and turning it into a military outpost of empire.
    To know how a place is unique, you have to be interested in it.
    I have not visited Kosovo since before the 1999 NATO war. On one occasion, in August 1997, I drove around the province in a failing Skoda, at my own expense, just looking. Driving in Kosovo was a bit risky, partly because of the number of dead dogs in the road, and mostly because of local drivers’ habit of passing slower vehicles on hills and curves. In northern Kosovo, just outside the town of Zubin Potok, this habit produced one of its inevitable consequences: a head-on collision with serious casualties, which shut down the two-lane highway for hours while ambulances and police sorted things out.
    Unable to proceed toward Pristina, I drove back to Zubin Potok to pass the time on the shaded terrace of a roadside restaurant. I was the only customer, and the lone waiter, a tall, handsome young man named Milomir, gladly accepted my invitation to sit down at my table and chat as I sipped glass after glass of delicious strawberry juice.
    Milomir was happy to talk to someone familiar with the French city of Metz, which he had visited as a student and remembered fondly. He loved to read and travel, but in 1991 he got married and now had two small daughters to support. Job prospects were poor, even though he had been to university, so he had no choice but to stay in Zubin Potok. As for Europe, even if he could get a visa (impossible for Serbs anyway), he spoke no language more Western than his mother tongue, Serbo-Croatian. He had studied Russian (he loved the literature) and Albanian as his foreign languages. He learned Albanian in order to be able to communicate with the majority in Kosovo.
    But such communication was difficult. Milomir was very much in favor of a bilingual society, and thought everyone in Kosovo should learn both Serbian and Albanian, but unfortunately this was not the case. The younger generation of Albanians refused to speak Serbian and learned English instead.
    The town of Zubin Potok was located near the dam on the Ibar River built in the late 1970s to create hydraulic power. Coming from Novi Pazar, I had driven along the 35-kilometer-long artificial lake created by the dam, looking in vain for a nice place to stop. It seemed that there must have been villages along the Ibar River before the dam was built, and I asked Milomir about this. Yes, he said, the artificial lake had flooded a score of old villages, of ethnically mixed, but mostly Serb population. The Albanian Communist authorities in Pristina had resettled the Serbs outside of Kosovo, around the town of Kraljevo. There were about 10,000 of them.
    This was a minor example of the administrative measures taken to decrease the Serb population during the period, before Milosevic, when Albanians were running the province through the local Communist League.
    Milomir was not complaining, but simply answering my questions. He did not go too often (by bus–he had no car) to the nearest large city, Mitrovica, because he was afraid of being beaten by Albanians. This was just a fact of life, at a time when (according to Western media) Albanians in Kosovo were being terrorized by Serbian repression.
    While we were chatting, a friend of his came along and the conversation turned to politics. There was a presidential campaign underway. The two young men wanted to know which candidate I thought would be best for Serbia in the eyes of the world. Milomir was tending toward Vuk Draskovic, and his friend was for Vojislav Kostunica. Neither would dream of voting for either Milosevic or Seselj, the nationalist leader of the Radical Party.
    Zubin Potok Today
    I have no idea what has become of Milomir, his wife, his two daughters, or his friend. Zubin Potok is the western-most municipality in the heavily Serb-populated north of Kosovo. From the internet I learn that the population of Zubin Potok municipality (including surrounding villages) has nearly doubled since I passed through. It now comes to approximately 14,900, including about 3,000 internally displaced Serbs (from other areas of Kosovo where the Albanian majority has driven them out), 220 Serbian refugees from Croatia and 800 Albanians. The local assembly is overwhelmingly dominated by Kostunica’s Democratic Party of Serbia, but includes two Kosovo Albanian representatives.
    Up until now, schools, hospitals, and other public services, as well as the local economy, have continued to function thanks mainly to subsidies from Belgrade. The Albanian declaration of Kosovo independence will create a crisis by demanding an end to such vital subsidies–which, however, an “independent Kosovo” is unable to replace. Moreover, bands of Albanian nationalists are declaring that Zubin Potok “is Albanian” and must be “liberated from the Serbs”. They can be seen on You Tube, using the Statue of Liberty as their symbol, and threatening Serbs in Albanian rap.
    The European Union is moving in to provide law and order. But the “order” they claim to be protecting is the one defined by the Albanian nationalists. What does that mean to people like Milomir and his little family?
    For Roger Cohen, the answer is easy: “hit the road!”
    Serbia, by the way, already has the largest number of refugees in Europe, victims of “ethnic cleansing” in Croatia and Kosovo. And Serbs cannot get visas or refugee status in Western Europe. They have been labeled the “bad guys”. Only their enemies can be “victims”.
    Before and After
    Kosovo before the NATO war and occupation was, nevertheless, a multiethnic society. The accusation of “apartheid” was simply Albanian propaganda, as the Albanian nationalist leaders chose to use that heavily-charged term to describe their own boycott of Serbs and Serb institutions. Every police action against an Albanian, for whatever reason, whether for suspicion of armed rebellion or for ordinary crime, was described as a “human rights violation” by the Albanian human rights network financed by the United States government.
    It was an extraordinary situation that the Serbian and Yugoslav governments allowed an illegal separatist “government of Kosovo”, headed by Ibrahim Rugova, to hold shop in the center of Pristina, regularly receiving foreign journalists and regaling them with tales of how oppressed they were by the horrid Serbs.
    But the laws were the same for all citizens, there were Albanians in local government and in the police, and if there were cases of police brutality (in what country are there no cases of police brutality?), the Albanians at least had nothing to fear from their Serb neighbors.
    Even then, it was the Serbs who were afraid of the Albanians. Only outside Kosovo could anyone seriously believe that it was the Albanians who were under threat of “ethnic cleansing” (much less “genocide”). Such a project was simply, obviously, out of the question. It was the Serbs who were afraid, who spoke of sending their children to safety if they had the means, or who spoke bravely of remaining “no matter what”.
    Later, in March 1999, when NATO began to bomb Kosovo, Albanians fled by the hundreds of thousands, and their temporary flight from the war theater was presented as the justification for the bombing that caused it. The press did not bother to report on the Serbs and others who also fled the bombing at that time.
    In Kosovo, in 1987, in Pristina and Pec, I observed a peculiar sort of group behavior that reminds me only of school playgrounds in Maryland in my childhood. A gang of kids get together and by various signs, body language, and a minimum of words, convey to some outsiders that they are excluded and despised. I have seen Albanians act in this way toward stray Serbs, especially old women. This variety of “mobbing” was not violent in 1987, but turned so after NATO occupied the territory. It was encouraged by the official NATO stamp of approval of Albanian hatred for Serbs, delivered by bombs in the spring of 1999.
    Of course, there must have been Serbs who hated Albanians. But in my limited, chance experience, what struck me was the absence of hatred for Albanians among Serbs I met. Fear, yes, but not hatred. A great deal of perplexity. Sister Fotina at the Gracanica monastery had a very Christian explanation. We tried to help the Albanians care for their many children, she said, and yet they turn against us. This must be God’s way of punishing us for turning away from Christianity during the time of Communism, she concluded. She blamed her fellow Serbs more than the Albanians.
    The divine punishment has not been confined to Christians, however. In the southernmost corner of Kosovo live an ancient population called Gorani (meaning mountain people), who converted to Islam under the Ottoman Empire, like most of the Albanians. But their language is Serbian, and this is unacceptable to the Albanians. Estimates vary, but it is agreed that at least two thirds of the Gorani have left since NATO “liberation”. Pressure and intimidation have taken various forms. Albanians have moved into the temporarily vacant homes of Gorani who went to Austria and Germany to earn money for their retirement. The NATO-protected Albanian authorities have found ways to deprive Gorani children of schooling in the Serbian language. In the main Gorani town of Dragash, an Albanian mob attacked the health center and caused health workers to flee. Then, last January 5, a powerful explosion destroyed the bank in Dragash. It was the only Serbian bank still allowed to operate in the south of Kosovo, and served mainly to transfer the pensions that allowed local Gorani to survive.
    As usual, the crime went unpunished.
    David Binder, who used to report on Yugoslavia for the New York Times, before he was excluded for knowing too much, reported last November * on a long investigation of conditions in Kosovo commissioned by the German Bundeswehr. The existence of this report is proof that the Western governments, while publicly claiming that Kosovo is “ready for independence”, know quite well that this is not true. Among other things, Binder reports:
    The institute authors, Mathias Jopp and Sammi Sandawi, spent six months interviewing 70 experts and mining current literature on Kosovo in preparing the study. In their analysis the political unrest and guerrilla fighting of the 1990s led to basic changes which they call a “turnabout in Kosovo-Albanian social structures.” The result is a “civil war society in which those inclined to violence, ill-educated and easily influenced people could make huge social leaps in a rapidly constructed soldateska.”
    “It is a Mafia society” based on “capture of the state” by criminal elements.
    In the authors’ definition, Kosovan organized crime “consists of multimillion-Euro organizations with guerrilla experience and espionage expertise.” They quote a German intelligence service report of “closest ties between leading political decision makers and the dominant criminal class” and name Ramush Haradinaj, Hashim Thaci and Xhavit Haliti as compromised leaders who are “internally protected by parliamentary immunity and abroad by international law.”
    They scornfully quote the UNMIK chief from 2004-2006, Soeren Jessen Petersen, calling Haradinaj “a close and personal friend.” The study sharply criticizes the United States for “abetting the escape of criminals” in Kosovo as well as “preventing European investigators from working.”
    It notes “secret CIA detention centers” at Camp Bondsteel and assails American military training for Kosovo (Albanian) police by Dyncorp, authorized by the Pentagon.
    In an aside, it quotes one unidentified official as saying of the American who is deputy chief of UNMIK, “The main task of Steve Schook is to get drunk once a week with Ramush Haradinaj.”
    Who Goes and Who Stays
    Schook has been fired by UNMIK, but UNMIK, the nominally United Nations mission, is being taken over arbitrarily by the European Union. The EU “mission” is a sort of colonial government which, alongside NATO, plans to govern the ungovernable Albanian territory. However, already movements of armed Albanian patriots are planning their next “war of liberation” against the Europeans.
    So, after the Serbs, the Roma, the Gorani, will the Europeans have to “hit the road”? Only the Americans seem sure of staying. Ensconced in their gigantic “Camp Bondsteel”, they control the strategic routes from Serbia to Greece, and incidentally offer the mass of unemployed Kosovo Albanians their best-paying employment opportunities, notably by taking menial and dangerous jobs serving U.S. forces in Iraq or Afghanistan.
    The reality of this shameless land-grab is available to all. I have written about it, Binder has written about it, Szamuely has written about it, many Germans have written about it. The Russians, the Greeks, the Rumanians, the Slovaks and many others know about it. But in the Brave New World Order, it does not exist. People don’t know.
    I leave the last word to Aldous Huxley:
    “Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.”
    (* The Binder story can be found at
    Diana Johnstone is the author of Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusion (Monthly Review Press.) She can be reached at [email protected]
    Nota Kaki:
    I have met an Albanian. I do not trust him even when he wears a ketayap: these people will eat you given the chance even when you’re a brother muslim.

  6. YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
    Search Albania
    (who we are dealing with)
    July 24, 2008
    Who Killed Azem Hajdari?
    The Neza Brothers Want to Live with that Truth in Texas
    As the ten-year anniversary of Azem Hajdari’s assassination approaches, the killing of the philosophy student who led the democratic movement in Albania is being fanned into memory by US efforts to deport the brother of an eyewitness to the crime.
    It was the evening of Sept. 12, 1998 when the legendary moral leader of the Albanian democratic movement was at the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Albania, in the capital city of Tirana. Azem Hajdari had been leader of the student movement widely credited for toppling the Communist regime in Albania. He had been the Democratic Party’s first chairman. And he was serving his fourth term as a member of the Albanian parliament. At party headquaters, Hajdari and his personal bodyguard, Besim Cerja were chatting with a volunteer doorkeeper, Xhemal Neza; and with Xhemal’s cousin Zenel.
    “Hajdari was a man of great integrity and we respected him very much,” recalls Xhemal Neza in an affidavit of April 2007. “Shortly before 9:30 p.m. the telephone rang and Hajdari spoke to the caller. When he hung up the telephone, he told us,

  7. Alhamdulillah…
    semoga Islam pun kembali bersinar dalam keluarga kita.
    semoga anak2 kita terhindar dari arak, atau syarikat arak.
    tulisan dan pendedahan baik dari Tun. selepas ini, kita jenguk2 pula kegiatan anak2.

  8. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh.
    Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun.
    I am really and trully dissapointed at your comments.As usual you use logic in explaining Islam.It’s ok since we can use Aqal Naqli in relating any points regarding Islam.
    Unfortunately,it can show other’s how our thought in thinking is not so sublime,therefore other’s will thought that this is what Islamic scholar agrees to.
    What we could have said my opinion..I believes clear indication that if the expression of thought is is clearly coming from “unschool thought of a muslim” instead leading other’s to believe that “this is generally what Islam thought and believe”. careful and saying in doing thing’s in Islam name.Ok buddy?
    Me? What about me?..I always have escape clause in my thought and opinion regarding Islam..:)
    So..coming back to the issue
    “The 50 plus something old man married a 9 year’s old girl”
    The non muslim who prefere to read’s it
    “The Paedophile married to a children”..Or worse still..The Paedophile who find’s way to pleased his elderly follower’s so they can marries younger girls! ( Accursed them of such thought!!)
    If you care to browse the Islamic History,one will find’s many hole or loophole which can be “exploited” to detrimental of Islamic status.
    Actually it is not.If your logic say’s it is applicable to the the appointed time and appointed place,you will sorely mistaken.
    Every single deed’s that Rasullulah s.a.w did or did not is direct commandment from Allah as this Surah An Najm will explains per se
    Rakan kamu (Nabi Muhammad yang kamu tuduh dengan berbagai tuduhan itu), tidaklah ia menyeleweng (dari jalan yang benar), dan ia pula tidak sesat (dengan kepercayaan yang salah).
    Dan ia tidak memperkatakan (sesuatu yang berhubung dengan ugama Islam) menurut kemahuan dan pendapatnya sendiri.
    Segala yang diperkatakannya itu (sama ada Al-Quran atau hadis) tidak lain hanyalah wahyu yang diwahyukan kepadanya.
    Inspired to him.
    The world over can accused Rasullah s.a.w many things.He who coveted his adopted son wife ( accursed them who dare’s such utterance!)He who allowed his follower’s to “legalized” raping the women captive’s
    (accursed them who dare’s such utterance!)..etc etc..
    The world over..I adressed thee as such..
    You can accused and believe’s anything you like.
    We Muslim are believeing in everthing that we should.
    The knowledege of why and what’s not is alway’s beyond your comprehension and understanding.That’s why we always stick to this doa..
    “Ya Allah..engkau selamatkan kami dari kemurkaanMu akibat dari mereka yang
    Terima kasih Tun..

  9. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh
    Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun..
    [[Zulkiflee Bin Arip]]
    Aduhai..berapi dan bersemangat sungguh saudara..syabas..memang umat islam perlukan pemuda yang waja,keras dan cekal hati seperti yang di maksudkan dalam Al Quran firman Allah..
    Hendaklah engkau berhati teguh, sebagaimana teguhnya hati rasul-rasul yang berkemahuan kuat, dan janganlah engkau tergesa-gesa kepada mereka… (al-Quran, 46:35)
    Tetapi kaedah apa yang mesti di gunapakai?

  10. Salamun Alay’kum,
    I read Zulkiplee’s article and think that it should be best to write about Aisha getting married at such young age.
    Just simple one, at what age did our old folk parents really get married? for example, my grandma married at 17, and my grandpa was 21. When you go and take a look at those graves of the old days, how big are those people of the ancient?
    Are they look like us? small? or big?
    You cannot see the situation in our days, back to their time marrying below 18 is allowable. It is not like in our days, where even at the age of 22 we are not as big as 8 feets tall.
    But you cannot compare those old days with our day where, marrying at 9 is considered crazy.

  11. Salam Tun sekeluarga,
    Tq Tun, kerana mengilhamkan penubuhan IIUM pada 1983 (sila baca debat Parlimen Dewan Rakyat, 10hb December 1982 berkenaan Rang Undang-Undang Universiti dan Kolej 1971).
    Jasa Tun kepada kepada Malaysia dan Islam tak dapat hendak digambarkan. Wawasan Tun sejauh 2020 – sebenarnya lebih jauh. Mudah-mudahan penyambung Tun dapat merealisasikan Wawasan Tun.

  12. Salam,
    Saya doakan segala usaha Tun mengembalikan dan mempertahankan maruah umat Islam seluruh dunia mendapat penuh keberkatan dan keredhaan Allah Ta’ala.
    Kecemerlangan Islam pada zaman dahulu adalah kerana berpegang teguh dengan ajaran Al-Quran dan Hadith. Dahulu semua orang sama asalkan Islam. Sekarang orang Islam hidup berpuak2. Puak Arab, puak Turki, puak Parsi, puak Pakis, puak Bangla, puak Melayu UMNO dan puak melayu Pakatan(dulu hanya puak Islam PAS).
    Buangkan semangat berpuak2 dan kemabli kepada satu puak yang asal iaitu puak Islam. InsyaAllah Islam akan kembali gemilang seperti dahulu. Dunia Islam perlu pejuang2 tanpa sempadan seperti Tun.
    *******Mohon izin cerita politik sikit- Lagi2 cerita PAS*****
    UMNO sekarang tak sama dengan UMNO dulu. UMNO dulu perjuangan Melayu Islam, UMNO sekarang banyak perjuangan Melayu perut.
    Begitu juga PAS dulu tak sama dengan PAS sekarang. PAS dulu perjuangan dunia dan akhirat untuk semua. PAS for All yang sebenarnya ialah PAS for Allah. PAS sekarang perjuang PAS for All ‘la’ iaitu hal2 dunia sahaja untuk bukan Islam sementara hal2 akirat dah tak termasuk agenda utama depa? Mohon maaf kalau tersilap tegur. PAS pejuang keadilan ikut tafsiran keadilan sempit depa dan tak berapa jelas adakah tafsiran adil depa betul2 ikut syariat Islam. Kepada Allah kita berserah. Allah Maha Mengetahui.
    Saya jangka PAS akan kalah besar PRU akan datang. Orang Melayu dah makin sedar yang PAS hanya cakap kosong. Tengok apa depa buat kat Selangor. Kata BN tak betui, tapi la ni dah ada dalam kerajaan Selangor , apa PAS buat. Atau mungkin buat2 tak tahu. PAS tak hebat dalam Pakatan rakyat. Pakatan rakyat tak yakin kebolehan PAS, sebab tu depa bubuh nama Dato Zaid untuk Hulu Selangor. Kalau tak kena cara,kemungkinan besar Dato Zaid akan tamat riwayat politiknya di Hulu selangor. Kalau BN cerdik, SENANG saja menang Hulu Selangor ini. Kaji keputusan pilihanraya lepas di Hulu Selangor betul2, kalau nak tahu hati pengundi Hulu Selangor. Arwah Dato Zainal orangya baik dan amat berjasa kepada orang Melayu di Selangor. Walaupun berbeza pandangan politik kerana Allahyarham memilih PKR, saya tetap menyanjungi beliau atas sumbangan beliau kepada orang Melayu. Al-Fatihah.
    Dulu pemimpin PAS cakap agama berapi2, lebih letupan gunung berapi Iceland sampai jerebu habis seluruh Semenajung Malaysia. Bomba2 Pak Lah tak berjaya padam api sehingga BN masuk ICU.PAS akan ingat sampai bila2 kalau UMNO buat salah kat dia tak kira berapa generasi. Mungkin lebih dari sumpah Mahsuri kot, 7 generasi. . Tapi kalau DAP dan PKR buat kat dia walaupun hanya setahun berlalu, tiba2 ada perasaan benci tapi rindu dan sayang. Di Penang, PAS hanya tinggal nama saja selau duk dengar lagu ‘dondang sayang’. Rupanya di Perak dulu pun, Dato Nizar rupanya pemain simpanan saja (Kelab Pasir Panjang— pasir saja banyak,nasib baik tak bawa pi Singapore) untuk jadi Menteri Besar kerana pemain “import” tak dibenarkan jadi MB. Di Selangor, PAS paling lembik, ada ADUN dan ada ahli Parlimen tapi takut kepada Kapitan DAP. Orang Utara ada gelaran khusus sebagai pengikitirafan untuk penakut seperti ini.Apa nama?
    Pemimpin PAS dan lain pemimpin Melayu pembangkang sedarlah, kembalilah kepada perjuangan sebenarnya. Berjuang bersama2 UMNO mengembalikan maruah Islam di Nusantara. Kalau UMNO salah tegur tetapi jangan sampai berperang habis2an seperti “padang jarak padang tekukur”. Kuatkan tali siratulrahim sesama Muslim.Orang Islam itu bersaudara.
    ” Bersatu kita Teguh, Bercerai Kita Roboh”



  15. Salam Tun & all,
    I personnally think that some of us (the same few persons) have been trying to use this blog’s comments area as their place to show of their so called ‘high intelectual’ ability to debate & indirectly outshadowing this lovely Tun’s blog itself.
    First & foremost we should respect Tun as an elderly man who has far wider wisdom as compared to many of us. He has a clear proven testimonial and a man of his word.
    If we think we are so bloody clever and at the same time like to argue other people’s thought & idea please do it in your own blog. And if you think you are so bloody smart let’s look at your own blog. If your r good people will look for u sooner or later.
    Sadly, many of us – Malay, only good at talking and not working – especially for new ideas, innovation etc. Kita selalu nak condemn people, just be positive please. Tak perlu nak bentang hadis2, riwayat2, ayat2 panjang lebar… u not only make other more confuse but u yourself confue tanpa disedari. Islam itu simple and make it simple.. we only menakutkan others & menjauhkan sesama ummah kita.
    Sometimes being silence is much better … less dosa we make at least.

  16. Salam YAB dan diKasihi Tun,
    Syukur Alhamdulillah. Sedikit-sebanyak Tun juga menyumbang kepada kebangkitan Islam di Albania.
    Saya AMAT KAGUM dengan KEGIGIHAN Tun. Teruskan segala USAHA MURNI tersebut. Tun sememangnya PEMIMPIN bertaraf dunia. Saya bangga mempunyai pemimpin seperti Tun.
    Terima kasih di atas segala SUMBANGAN & JASA Tun.
    *** Saya doakan Tun sekeluarga sentiasa sihat sejahtera & dilindungi Allah SWT ***

  17. Assalamu,alaikum Tun,
    mohon izin mengulas.dear wajaperak,yourself and prof ridcully never fail to to defend our value against critics.and i respect your non-confrontational style.but i begged to differ because i cant stand provocative me,they understand well our plight and they perfectly know that we are right but they,as usual,always chose to try their luck in order to measure our responses.
    satu beruk tu bertanya dgn niat memperolok-olokkan kita tentang Aisya yg di nikahi Rasulullah s.a.w ketika berumur 6thn.adakah kerana mereka tidak mengerti? tidak..saya rasa mereka cukup faham tentang adat manusia sedunia.moyang kpd moyang mereka juga mengamalkan adat yg sama.tapi hari ini mereka menumpang diayah British-Yahudi untuk konon nya menganggap pernikahan begitu sebagai memalukan.konon nya atas dasar piagam wanita yg dipaksakan oleh peradaban ciptaan Barat keatas dunia.
    di negara China,kaki wanita nya diikat ketat dari sejak bayi hingga dewasa supaya tak dapat berjalan jauh.di Eropah setiap wanita yg sudah berkahwin memakai nama keluarga suami nya sebagai tanda pertukaran milik,dari milik ayah kpd milik suami.
    beruk-beruk itu semua nya tahu bahwa ini adalah adat-naluri semulajadi manusia dalam melindungi wanita.termasuk lah di India dimana wanita yg kematian suami akan juga di bakar hidup-hidup berserta mayat suami nya.adakah ini zalim? kita tak boleh mengatakan nya zalim sehinggalah kita sendiri masuk kealam kematian untuk melihat benar-tidak nya wanita itu hidup senang-lenang disamping suami nya di alam barzakh.ini adalah pengamalan-kepercayaan-naluri-agama masing-masing.
    ibarat makanan,budu kelantan dianggap kotor oleh orang perak yg makan tempoyak.perbezaan agama sekalipun adalah mengenai Tuhan,bukan adat-amalan.tapi beruk-beruk itu yg merasa diri nya telah moden,ingin pula memperlekehkan sunnah Rasul kita s.a.w pada perkara-perkara yg dilakukan juga oleh moyang-moyang mereka.padahal bukan mereka tak tahu peringkat umur yg sesuai untuk berkahwin bagi wanita,yg telah dipakai sejak ribuan tahun dahulu.tapi bila Barat mengajarkan tentang child-bride,mereka pula yg beriya-iya benar hendak jadi juara-akhlak.makan pun belum beradab…hendak cakap soal akhak pulak..cheh,menjijikkan.
    dan kisah Rasulullah s.a.w menghapus-habiskan yahudi dari Madina,beruk-beruk ini sekali lagi melihat satu kesempatan mempersoalkan toleransi ajaran Islam.konon nya Islam itu bercanggah dari apa yg war-war kan sebagai agama Perdamaian.mereka memusingkan fakta untuk mengelirukan kita konon nya tiada keadilan dibawah pemerintahan Islam,terutama diMalaysi.padahal pada nafas yg sama,kisah penghapusan yahudi adalh kerana berkhianat.yahudi membuat perjanjian damai dgn Rasulullah s.a.w untuk hidup secara aman dan tidak akan turut campur dalam persengketaan antara Islam dgn kafir-Mekkah.tapi yahudi tetap yahudi.mereka berpakat-menyebelahi kafir-Mekkah untuk menjatuhkan Islam.lalu mereka dihapuskan.
    diMalaysia,kita buat perjanjian dgn najis-najis peninggalan British untuk hidup dgn aman,mereka diberi kerakyatan lengkap dgn hak mengundi,boleh berniaga,bekerja dan berbuat apa saja termasuklah berpolitik dan beragama.tapi sebagai pemilik,orang melayu tentulah berhak mendapat pembahagian yg lebih besar.tapi orang-orang asing ini inginkan yg lebih banyak lagi.bila tak diberi,mereka anggap kita sebagai musuh.kita dikritik habis-habisan.pemimpin-pemimpin kita,orang-orang yg kita sanjung dan hormat malah rasul kita pun hendak dikritik.tidak kah ini biadap? saya tak habis berfikir kenapa kerajaan masih berdiam-diri.kenapa,disebalik puluhan aduan polis yg dibuat,bukan oleh orang-perseorangan,malah pertubuhan-pertubuhan Melayu dan NGO,karpal anak-beranak,lim guan eng anak-beranak masih bebas mengacau suasana tenteram bumi kita.apakah tugas mempertahankan agama,bangsa dan negara kini hanya terletak ditangan komentar-komentar blog chedet saja?
    terimakasih Tun.wajaperak,dont stop writing.

  18. Moga ALLAH sentiasa merahmati Tun
    Kami juga yakin Tun juga telah memainkan peranan dalam menghidupkan kembali Islam di AlBania sepertimana peranan besar Tun dalam membela dan membina Islam dan Umat Islam di Bosnia.
    Hanya ALLAH yang layak membalas usaha dakwah Tun. Moga Tun akan terus berdakwah.
    Mohon maaf atas segala kesilapan kami

  19. bukan_rakyat_malaysia says: “Like comments By ekompute… and those alike… I wonder who and what they think they are? Really I think it

  20. Assalamu `alaikum YABhg Tun dan Bloggers,
    (01) Syukur dapat mengetahui bahawa Islam sudah subur di negara itu dan mudah-mudahan perkembangan Islam bertambah subur dari semasa ke semasa sehingga menjadikan negara itu menjadi pemangkin kepada perkembangan dakwah Islam di sekitarnya.
    (02) Saya terfikir bagaimana lah agaknya jika sinar Islam dapat dibawakan ke kawasan pedalaman di Sarawak dan Sabah yang majoriti penduduknya menganut Kristian, pagan, Bahai dan atheis.
    (03) Orang-orang Islam Malaysia amnya dan orang-orang Melayu Malaysia khasnya selalu sibuk dengan urusan politik sehingga lupa peranan pengembangan Islam di negara ini khususnya pengembangan Islam di Sarawak dan Sabah. Kerana Islam lah maka maruah politik orang-orang Melayu bersinar dan kukuh bertapak di negara bertuah ini.
    (04) Saya sedar bahawa sukar untuk orang-orang Melayu berkorban sepenuhnya untuk pergi ke kawasan pedalaman yang sukar dihubungi melalui jalan darat, tanpa kemudahan ICT dan mungkin memakan masa berjam-jam berjalan kaki yang sekaligus mampu melumpuhkan minat dan keazaman mana-mana orang yang “alang-alang” keinginannya untuk berdakwah.
    (05) Alangkah indahnya jika ada NGO atau parti politik yang ahli-ahlinya ramai orang Melayu atau orang Islam menjadikan gerakan dakwah Islam sebagai salah satu cabang aktiviti rutinnya. Setidak-tidaknya adakanlah tabung membantu gerakan dakwah yang mana mana-mana orang yang berkehendak melakukan gerakan dakwah dapat dibiayai perbelanjaannya.
    Bujang Redzuan Mohammed
    Kuching, Sarawak

  21. ekompute
    The use of words such as “damn bloody foreign worker”, “not-so-computable brain humanoid”, “son of *****”, “uncomputable moron”, “THE HIGH PRIEST OF THE MAGICAL DONKEYS” constitute harsh speech whether spoken between a Muslim and a Muslim or a Muslim and a non-Muslim.
    It is difficult to say if their utterance is unIslamic because there are only four grades of “allowability” in an action in Islam: Recommended, Permissible, Offensive and Unlawful. There is no “unIslamic” action per se.
    Severity in speech and harshness are blameworthy when out of place, their proper place being in forbidding wrong, if gentleness and affability prove ineffective. Having said that, vulgarity and obscenity are forbidden under any circumstance.
    “You mentioned: “The words may be different but the sense and meaning of equality of Muslims remain the same.” Obviously, you didn’t read properly. The whole paragraph about racial equality was left out (or is it censored?) in those websites”
    I stand by what I say. When Muslims use the word Muslim/Muslimin/Muslimat, it is usually understood that the word refers to members of the Ummah and race is a secondary issue. It is understood as such by any Malay reading any of the translations that you referred to. But, since you insist that it contains a reference to race, here’s one from a blog from Universiti Darul Iman that does contain the reference to Arabs. See para 10. Again, it matters little to Muslims whether it mentions Arabs or not.
    As you know, there are Muslims among the non-Malays in Malaysia. Can you honestly say that they are treated equally in all aspects as the Malays? This is what I was driving at.
    Well why didn’t you say so? And all this while I was thinking that you were talking about Islam’s failure to foster racial harmony in Malaysia. It is quite disingenuous of you to change the topic now but at any rate I don’t think there’s any problems with Muslim converts and Malays in general. I personally know an Indian convert who is down on his luck and presently afflicted with several diseases but who receives continuous support from the Baitulmal. He has no complaints about being discriminated against by his Malay brethren. In fact they are more attentive because he’s a convert. People who convert out of other motives such as economic gain may have problems but certainly not my friend who is being severely tested at the moment.
    And, going by your logic, can we say that Buddhism is a failure in Thailand since it has signally failed to foster peace and alleviate suffering amongst its adherents? Can the Buddhist monks over there be considered to be acting unBuddhistically by involving themselves in inciting violence against the government? How about Myanmar? Can we say that the junta is being unBuddhistic as was the government in Sri Lanka not so long ago?
    You and I know the answer. So think hard before imputing anything to Islam especially when you know — and care for — very little about the religion.

  22. To wajaperak,
    “My friend?..This statement must be looked well into the concept.The similarity is here in Al Quran
    “Allah mengangkat darjat orang-orang yang beriman dan berilmu beberapa darjat”.”
    >>My point is one doesn’t have to be a Muslim in order to live longer.Of course you see it from Islamic perspective but what about someone who is faithful and spiritual but not according to Islamic principle?Will Allah guarantee him the privilege the same way as He guarantee to most devout Muslim?
    “That’s is why our not so called proficient “pendakwah” ie Islamic Missionary alway’s got into the quandry”
    >>Your statement seems to deny their competency to become a missionary.So,what make them qualify to become one and why they are still there to proselytize?
    “If you allowed the new convert to maintain their status qou..You are a conspirator..
    If you forbade them in earnest..They will not convert? So what it will be?
    Will you get caught in Catch 22 situation?”
    >>So,just keep Islam as a private matter.Honestly, not all cultures are compatible with Islam.Just leave to them for those who want to convert willingly.Even someone embrace Islam but still stick to culture that is considered forbidden in Islam,it’s just pointless.
    “To you decent mean certain “normal” lifestyle belief and practice like casual sex.Maybe.But to us Muslim, decent might mean the opposite.
    Islam is not decent to you verily you are not decent to us..”
    >>When did I say decent means normal lifestyle related to casual sex?To me decent mean a capability of someone to think and judge rationally and thoughtfully,confirming with accepted standard of morality and respectability.However,different people will interpret
    the meaning of it differently.
    “Why would somebody apologized as being a muslim?And just when Islam image is tarnished in it’s adherents and it’s root teaching?”
    >>My previous point didn’t mention someone is apologizing of being Muslim.But when someone says killing of apostate of Islam has nothing to do with Islamic Law, then he/she is an apologist of Islam.There many examples of it,not to mention it here.
    “In Islam everbody is an accountant.Meaning you are accountable for your own deed.Don’t ever you use Islam as an excuse for whatever reason!!”
    >>In Islam,every Muslim is a submitter,meaning they must submit themselves to the will of Allah.Do you how much good deeds are required to meet the expectation in the eyes of Allah?How much good deeds are enough so that you can be rewarded?
    “Separating politics and it’s religious element.For us Islam is totally whole in concept.Holistically viable in every aspect of life.”
    >>Looking forward if any Muslim leader can separate politic from Islam.As you said that Islam is totally whole in concept,I would rather say that Islam isn’t just about religion.Islam is a complete system where agenda of Islam is entirely political but its methodology is religious.As Omar Ahmad, the co-founder of Council of American Islamic relations said:
    “Those who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping Mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam … Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
    Sure there is an agenda.

  23. Hi wajaperak, I like your latest post. I may not agree with all your opinions but they are certainly based on an attempt at facts and what you sincerely believe in.

  24. Salam Tun,
    Subhanallah! Tegak bulu roma saya baca perenggan last.
    Sesungguhnya saya rasa ada kemungkinan UIA memainkan peranan dalam membentuk sahsiah pelajar2. Tak banyak pun sedikit. Saya menuntut di situ utk 1st degree. Utk Masters degree, saya tak fikir panjang, UIA is the best.
    Alhamdulillah, UIA mmg satu usaha yang bagus.
    Malam2 Ramadhan, motor penuh depan masjid, ramai umat meimarahkan masjid. Sem terakhir saya ketika first degree dulu, saya lalu ikut depan masjid. Ketika itu baru habis kelas. Sebak sebab terharu.
    Saya setuju dengan slax dan MrFinal. Entry ini memang terkesan.

  25. Salam Ayahanda TUN,
    Kepimpinan MU membawa jutaan rahmat bukan saja buat rakyat MALAYSIA,
    malahan membawa jua jutaan rahmat buat negara2 islam sedunia..

  26. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh
    Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan dari Tun.
    But what about Florrie Baldwin and Kama Chinen who are the so-called ‘infidel’ who do not worship Allah?Their lifespan exceeds 100 years and there is a lot of non-Muslims who live their life more than 100 years.So,living a longer life has nothing to do with Allah-likes-you signs.Come to your sense my friend]]
    My friend?..This statement must be looked well into the concept.The similarity is here in Al Quran
    “Allah mengangkat darjat orang-orang yang beriman dan berilmu beberapa darjat”
    Al Mujadilah Ayat 11
    Ponder upon this fact from Allah and ask me if you don’t understand any fact about it or any fact about real Islam.
    [[but how can you persuade the Albanian not to drink.As the Albanians themselves say, it would be far easier to pass a camel through the eye of the proverbial needle than to make the Albanians give up alcohol.This is a good try of being Muslim when it comes to the clash between native culture and religion and to be more specific Islam]]
    Mr cube..when Islam is “introduced” ( actually it is not ).One must take into account all aspect of it’s practicality.That’s is why our not so called proficient “pendakwah” ie Islamic Missionary alway’s got into the This questionnaire of clarification..
    If I became Muslim could I still eat pork?
    Could I still fornicate?
    Could I…etc etc..
    If you allowed the new convert to maintain their status qou..You are a conspirator..
    If you forbade them in earnest..They will not convert? So what it will be?
    Will you get caught in Catch 22 situation?
    I tell you it’s all about weaning.In Islam..we wean and weed out the undesired element slowly as the main body will accomodate and justify accordingly, when the medication introduced gradually into the Islamic mainstream system.
    [[Because prophet Muhammad had married Aisha at her age of 6 and consummated their marriage at her age of 9.When decent people say that this is not acceptable in today’s society,the imam will arguably say that this was the act of prophet Muhammad and there is no wrong to imitate him]]
    To you decent mean certain “normal” lifestyle belief and practice like casual sex.Maybe.But to us Muslim, decent might mean the opposite.
    Islam is not decent to you verily you are not decent to us..
    [[Most Muslim apologists say that Islam is of no flaw and it’s about peace.Image of Islam is tarnished not because of its adherents but because of its root teaching]]
    Why would somebody apologized as being a muslim?And just when Islam image is tarnished in it’s adherents and it’s root teaching?
    Have you ever heard this Rasullulah s.a.w disavowment of any “strays” follower?
    “Ya Allah..kami berlepas diri daripada perbuatannya”.
    In Islam everbody is an accountant.Meaning you are accountable for your own deed.Don’t ever you use Islam as an excuse for whatever reason!!
    [[Why can’t Muslim befriend with Jews and see them as a human being and not pigs and apes?Just because the Imam declares that Jews are the enemy of Islam and mass medias portraying Jews as the arrogant people who ‘steal’ the so-called Palestinian land,don’t you think you Muslim is fooling yourself around]]
    You know Mr Cube, most Muslim does not related well with dogs.Apart from wary of it’s “tongue” we are wary of it’s nature.We don’t to be bitten again and again.One bitten twice shy.Now it is not me to say Jews are like dog but we are very much wary and weary of any
    “dogged attitude of the Jew’s”.Hanan..please come forward.
    [[Show me that.So my dear Muslim friends,go back to the root and try to find out what makes Islam is more political compare to its religious element.Unless you perform detailed surgery in the Islamic texts,you can never detect the cause of disease spreading among Muslims]]
    Jihad is very much in betterment of oneself.After one incursion that is very much trying in physical and emotion Rasullah s.a.w said
    “Kita telah kembali dari jihad yang kecil kepada jihad yang besar.Apakah yang lebih besar daripada berperang ( kill and to be killed which is very taxing to soul and mind )?
    Jihad menentang hawa nafsu
    Mr are not the first one and will not be the last one.You see Islam from your own perspective and view.Separating politics and it’s religious element.For us Islam is totally whole in concept.Holistically viable in every aspect of life.A Syumul Din.
    Summing it up
    Ali Imran”[19]
    Sesungguhnya ugama (yang benar dan diredai) di sisi Allah ialah Islam. Dan orang-orang (Yahudi dan Nasrani) yang diberikan Kitab itu tidak berselisih (mengenai ugama Islam dan enggan menerimanya) melainkan setelah sampai kepada mereka pengetahuan yang sah tentang kebenarannya; (perselisihan itu pula) semata-mata kerana hasad dengki yang ada dalam kalangan mereka. Dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang kufur ingkar akan ayat-ayat keterangan Allah, maka sesungguhnya Allah Amat segera hitungan hisabNya.”
    Confound this if you are capable.
    Ribuan terima kasih Tun.

  27. Hi prof_ridcully, what is the purpose of a forum? To sing the same song or to exchange opinions, based on what one truly feels?
    Are you saying that the following words are islamic: “damn bloody foreign worker”, “not-so-computable brain humanoid”, “son of *****”, “uncomputable moron”, “THE HIGH PRIEST OF THE MAGICAL DONKEYS”?
    When we disagree, we disagree with the opinions and focus on it. Once we resort to personal attacks, that to me is unislamic. You agree?
    You mentioned: “The words may be different but the sense and meaning of equality of Muslims remain the same.” Obviously, you didn’t read properly. The whole paragraph about racial equality was left out (or is it censored?) in those websites. And you obviously must have known why the original text of the al-Quran remains in Arabic… to prevent these things from happening. When you omit part of the khutbah terakhir, is the meaning still the same?
    As you know, there are Muslims among the non-Malays in Malaysia. Can you honestly say that they are treated equally in all aspects as the Malays? This is what I was driving at. Ask any mamak or PERKIM members, and you will know the answer.

  28. Salam Tun,
    ringkas dan padat.. tapi sampai kehati… walaupon tidak pernah ke albania, penerangn Tun yang mudah dan tampak iklhlas buatkan saya dapat merasai apa yg Tun alami..
    Terima kasih kerana berkongsi pengalaman Tun

  29. Hi Tun,
    I have been there once in 1995 and now is planning for another one more trip in July 2010.
    I have 20 seats and more of ‘7days/6night’vacation to this beautiful country,ALbania.All inclusive:flight,accomodation,visa and food.
    Anybody on the take,get me ASAP.ALL invited;all Pro and ANti- Mahathir bloggers.Peace No WAr!!!!!
    Francis X’vaier IV.

  30. Salamun Alay’kum,
    To understand why Islam is not progressing, and many Islamic countries became the worse of countries we need to go back to the roots. Many Moslem of today has been deprived from the authentic teachings of Islam.
    Muhammad did not spread the message to worship himself, Muhammad spread the message to worship one and only Lord (Allah).
    Moses did not bring any ‘ajaran tongkat sakti’, Moses invited his people to worship and be devoted to Allah.
    Solomon did not practice heresy when he could conjure forth 73 High ranking Demons (Djinni) which was under his commands, but he did it with the permission of Allah.
    This was explain in the Al-Baqarah verse 102 of the holy Quran.
    Isaac did not claim to be son of God, in fact he is willing to die in spreading the words of God. No such thing as any of the Prophets or messengers who claim to be God.
    Abrahamic religions are like brothers, the reason why there are more than one scriptures are that when God (Allah) sent down those earlier scriptures, Satan who is in the dominion over the earth will find any means to deviates human from the teaching of God.
    After the old Torah, there was another Al-Kitabi sent, and then sent again after the other until Quran which was the final testament. Being the one that is unalterable through ages. Islam was righteous at the time of Muhammad, and never did he taught idolatry. But when Muhammad died some of his followers idolised him. They even made many changes to the original teachings and some was made to honour him, when he just wanted them to honour GOD ALONE.
    When you pray, it must be for God (Allah) alone, and it cannot be because of other means. It cant be because of you are afraid of death, this is the flaw in Moslem society. They fear God only when they are dying, and that is the reason of why the chose to stray at young age. When it never works that way.

    Islam is never terrorist, but the satanist paints it as one
    Islam never propagates hate, war, or destruction upon another being, Islam only teaches love, and only retaliate for Jihad (Holy war) when only forced to do it — when your country is being invaded by someone who refuse to listen to reasons.
    Destroying a Church equals to destroying a mosque, and the same goes for synagogue. This is what many failed to understand and this bred hatred for generation, each wanted the blood of each others.
    What we hate is not the JEW, or JEWISH but it is the ZIONIST who has murdered many innocents child. Back then it was the Moslem who has offered the Jew shelter and protection. But ironically, the Jews is eager to kill the Moslem nowadays.
    The authentic Islam does not propagates hate, nor war. Why else do you think Al-Ayyubi did not burn down the Church in the holy land after the war? and in fact he took the fallen Christ symbol and put it back in place! Despite the facts he has lost his sister to the Crusaders.
    There are many things that the Ulama’ do not want you to find out, and some deliberately done that way. I found this out when I read the translation of the Quran, Bibble, Torah, and the Satanic Al-Jiwah.
    For example, you were told by them if you have difficulties that means Allah is testing you because he loves you. But it’s not that way, the earth is just a test. Your body is just a Garment, the one that governs the earth is not Allah, but Satan. It was his work alone to befall you with so many trouble each time you are getting to know Allah.

    Many question of those from Atheist that asks, is there is a god why there are suffering?
    The answer to this is that, what you look around you is the incompetency of Satan as someone who thinks he is better than Adam, and should be God of his own. He refuses to prostrate simply because he thinks he is better. But the result is this world you see.

    Islamic science ?
    How did the Quran which was written thousand of years ago possibly know something so details about the condition of the infants, how many layers of the skies, and many others unexplained elements? How did it know that pig contains something harmful to human at the time?

    Anyone knows for sure that, in our economy there is no such thing as COMPLETE eradication of the poor, and the rich. Any Economist know what I am saying, in any country there will always be the rich and the poor.
    Why? it’s simple, read more about the hidden hands in the economy. What is it for?
    Why else do you think the U.S could print as much money as they want without losing the value of Dollar?
    The poor, will always exist and the rich will always be richer. That is the bitter reality of our economy.
    Meanwhile Islamic economy is slightly different, it never work this way. It does not have pressure you for paying interest when you are in trouble. The poor will get better treatment, and there will be balance between both.

    Islamic Hudud
    Another one that was misinterpreted, Islamic Law was never cruel like what was told. In fact the word,”cut the hand of the thief” is not meant as “sever the hand” but it is just a mark left on the hand, and the thief will have to recompensate what was done to the victim. Why should one son be deprived of their father, if the father sent to jail?
    In fact, after reading the Al-Jiwah I found out that many of the said traditions are already inside Islam. You must first find out what is Al-Jiwah?
    Al-Jiwah is a yezidi scripture that was said to be of that Satanism. it derives from the Kurdish tribe who was also of Muawiyyah descendant. (This one remain a mystery, why it has something to do with Muawiyyah? does it has connection to the previous Islamic civil war? Ali, and Muawiyyah? why does Ali question the sincerity of Muawiyyah?)

    It also mention of liberal science, something that sounds like this.
    “Relgions are ridiculous, Satan is the true God of the earth, Islam hates the Christ, and The Jews hates Islam, and so on. Malek Taus (Satan) was the original guardian of earth, it also teaches you to be of freewill and instead of abstinence (religions), you must indulge in your nature as a human”
    Our nature as a human include having endless sex without a stop to it, and do whatever we desires.

    Why Satanism wants us to indulge ?
    Because they wanted human to think the wrong is right, and the right is wrong. It explains everything in details so that you believe it was the other way around. It asked you to indulge in the seven sins. These are the quotes from Satanic Bible.
    THE seven deadly sins of the Christian Church are: greed, pride, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, and sloth. Satanism advocates indulging in each of these “sins” as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification. A Satanist knows there is nothing wrong with being greedy, as it only means that he wants more than he already has. Envy means to look with favor upon the possessions
    Obvious is it not?. To make the wrong seem right, and to make the right seem wrong when the wrong is the wrong, and the right is the right.
    In the bibble, there were mentions of these. It was said that the worst thing that the Satan did after leaving heaven was the gift of ‘freewill’ to humanity.
    In Islam, it was the tree of right and wrong. Adam was seduced into eating from the tree and be thrown to the earth and thus we know right and wrong.
    Another one was that, we were told that we are sent on earth as the one that has the dominion over the earth, but it is not that way either. The earth is not under our dominion. This is the reason of the ‘sifat wahan’ (Cinta dunia). Because we were told so for so many years by our own Ulama’.

  31. Courtesy: Blogger Outsyed the Box, Apr 13 2010
    Mathias Released From Prison
    By Syed Akbar Ali
    Mathias Chang was released from Kajang Prison on Tuesday evening, 12 days after his strange incarceration. He was admitted straight to the Subang Jaya Medical Center because he was still recovering from his hunger strike. He has recovered well and will likely be released from hospital tomorrow.
    Some of us Bloggers visited Mathias at SJMC today and he was cheerful. In just nine days he has lost 15 pounds weight. He had loads to say about how kind the Prison wardens were at Kajang Prison. That

  32. Salam tun,
    Saya pun turut gembira mendengar khabar saudara Islam kita di Albania.
    Cuma yang saya bimbang adalah di Malaysia.
    Rakyat albania boleh bersatu dan solat jumaat sehingga ke jalanan kerana tiada parti politik yang memecah belahkan mereka.
    Di negara ini, parti politik cukup berpengaruh dan agenda utama pecah belahkan rakyat asalkan misi menawan Putrajaya berjaya.
    Kalau Tun dulu tidak mulakan pembangunan Putrajaya…mungkin parti-parti politik ini tidak ada arah tujuan…..
    Baru sekarang pihak parti politik mula iktiraf sumbangan dan idea Tun di dalam membangunkan Putrajaya. kalau tak…takkan beria ia nak takluk Putrajaya
    Without Putrajaya they wont have a common direction…

  33. Alhamdullillah..
    And banyak Salams to Tun,
    Bagus lah sekiranya ramai membanjiri masjid.. Itu lah ke Esaan Allah SWT.
    Pi mai Pi mai hari Jumaat full.. Ini semua bagi orang yang mengerti..
    Allah akan berikan syafaatNya kpd sesiapa sahaja yang Dia suka..
    Mohon terpilih sebagai hambaNya yang taat.. InsyaAllah.
    Selamat Tun.. Semoga Tun n family berada dalam keadaan sihat dan sejahtera selalu.
    Perjuangan hampir selesai kOt.?

  34. Afternoon Tun and Guddai to e-compute,
    Brace the Lord!!!!!Brace the Lord!!!!Brace the Lord!!!!Glad to know that ecompute had eventually comes to his/her sense.Be it,read and study thy accusation on other religion before thou wrote mindlessly.Now,thou shows a little maturation and it would be the better that thou officially extend a general apology to all Moslem on thou silly personification in this blog of Tun.Thy action will create disharmony in this beloved country.If thou are so upset with Dr.Mahathir,buy a punchbag that had his picture on it and wham,boom bam on it till thy fist broke into pieces to show thou frustration.Never,never and never belittle others religion no more.Brace the Lord,……..brace the Lord,……….Brace the Lord!!!!!!!!!Amen

  35. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Terima kasih Tun kerana berkongsi pengalaman Tun melawat Albania.Saya sebagai saudara seIslam dengan rakyat Albania bersyukur kepada Allah dengan perkembangan terbaru di sana. semoga cahaya Islam akan semakin bersinar di Eropah dan rantau Balkan supaya dunia ini dipenuhi rahmat Ilahi dan keadilan.
    Paling utama Tun, kita umat Islam, bukan sahaja di Albania tetapi di negara kita sendiri, perlu mengutamakan ilmu pengetahuan dalam pelbagai bidang disamping pemahaman kita yang mendalam tentang agama kita Islam.
    Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi kesihatan dan kecerdasan kepada Tun.

  36. Dearest Tun,
    Tapi masih ada yang kata Melayu UMNO tu kafir………
    May Allah swt bless you with good health and happiness.
    Melayu itu hebat.

  37. Pelbagai isu mengenai agama dibangkitkan di Malaysia. Namun, kita bersyukur sekurang2nya kita dapat membantu mengembangkan islam di negara lain.

  38. By babwahid,
    “Saya pernah dengar ulama islam berkata , tanda tanda orang yang di sukai Allah ialah panjang umur nya , sentiasa sihat , eluk tingkah laku dan budi pekerti serta mempunyai daya fikir yang tinggi. Saya berpendapat Tun adalah salah saorang darinya.”
    >>This statement is likely referring only to Muslim who adheres the true teaching of Islamic principles.If only we regard Islam is the only accepted religion by Allah, claimed by most Muslims, there is no doubt that Allah will only grant a longer lifespan and good health to Islam practicing Muslims. But what about Florrie Baldwin and Kama Chinen who are the so-called ‘infidel’ who do not worship Allah?Their lifespan exceeds 100 years and there is a lot of non-Muslims who live their life more than 100 years.So,living a longer life has nothing to do with Allah-likes-you signs.Come to your sense my friend.
    Islam has blossomed in Albania?Albania is one of the Balkan countries in the Europe with Muslim dominant population and most Muslims are happy to see this just because the majority of ethnic Albanians are Muslim.Muslims are excited when the number of Muslims are mushrooming because some see the quantity is a great political tool to achieve the radical idea of global domination but rarely put their concern on quality.Yes, a lot of Albanians are Muslim but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are being a good Muslim.Like some of Malay Muslims,many of them especially the young don’t fulfill their obligatory 5-time prayers and the teenagers enjoy beers and alcoholic beverages which are considered “Haram” in Islam.One of the ordinary citizens there ever expressed that a genuine Muslim is one who doesn’t consume alcohol but how can you persuade the Albanian not to drink.As the Albanians themselves say, it would be far easier to pass a camel through the eye of the proverbial needle than to make the Albanians give up alcohol.This is a good try of being Muslim when it comes to the clash between native culture and religion and to be more specific Islam.
    “…Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha announced in a cabinet meeting on 29 July 2009 that the government would push for a law that recognises marriages between partners of the same sex. He said that the law had already been put to parliament.On 5 February the Albanian parliament passed an anti-discrimination law which banned discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.Gay rights groups praised the new law but said they hoped that Berisha would eventually keep to his promise on legalising same-sex marriage…”
    Yeah,Muslim country recognizes the same-sex partner.If this was to be Iran or Saudi Arabia,the homosex would have no voice and have been put to death.Ironically,some Islamic countries even legalizing underage marriage of female because it it permissible in Islam.Why?Because prophet Muhammad had married Aisha at her age of 6 and consummated their marriage at her age of 9.When decent people say that this is not acceptable in today’s society,the imam will arguably say that this was the act of prophet Muhammad and there is no wrong to imitate him.
    Most Muslim apologists say that Islam is of no flaw and it’s about peace.Image of Islam is tarnished not because of its adherents but because of its root teaching.Some say that good tree will bear good fruits and bad tree will bear bad fruits.Most of the time people are bad because of bad nature that exists in him/her but at the same time they are bad because of religious dogma.Why can’t Muslim befriend with Jews and see them as a human being and not pigs and apes?Just because the Imam declares that Jews are the enemy of Islam and mass medias portraying Jews as the arrogant people who ‘steal’ the so-called Palestinian land,don’t you think you Muslim is fooling yourself around.The Jews annihilation can be traced back in the Quran and Hadith where prophet Muhammad said the Last Hour will not come unless you Muslim kills the Jews.Muslims such as al-Qaeda,Hizb-ut-Tahrir,Muslim Brotherhhod,Islamic Palestinian Jihad and Taliban are just following the command of Quran and their beloved prophet.They stand for Islam because Muslim is superior to non-Muslim,Sharia law is superior to man-made law,caliphate system is superior to democracy and most importantly Islam is superior to other religions.This is what we call Islamic supremacism and Islam can’t survive without Jihad.Jihad is inner struggle?Show me that.So my dear Muslim friends,go back to the root and try to find out what makes Islam is more political compare to its religious element.Unless you perform detailed surgery in the Islamic texts,you can never detect the cause of disease spreading among Muslims.

  39. Salam Tun,
    Alhamdulillah that Islam has blossomed once again in Albania. Thank you for conveying the good news. I pray that Islam will grow from strength to strength in Albania and our Muslim brothers and sisters there will continue to enjoy Allah’s Protection. Amin.
    I must say I’m not too clued up on Albania and I agree with a commenter, Dr MI, that we — or at least myself — need to find out more about the Balkans and the progress of Islam in countries like Macedonia and Kosovo.
    Thank you once again, Tun, for taking trouble to inform us.
    If I may, Tun, I should like to address ekompute’s concerns about Islam, here and elsewhere.
    Ah, ekompute you’ve finally made me respond to your comments. I’ve refrained from doing so thus far because I think your comments are inane and frankly I’ve better things to do than to respond to such vacuous comments. I have often thought that you’re a troll. But since you’ve shown your true colours through your idiotic comments about Islam in this particular entry of Tun’s, I’ll make an exception this time. I advise you to watch your words because — although you may not be aware of it — you’ve time and again showed your total lack of any knowledge of history and in your haste to run down Islam you’ve made your stupidity plain for all to see.
    Read any history book and you’ll see how Islam has been accommodating to other religions and how Muslim rulers have fostered an environment of peace so that their subjects, Muslims and non-Muslims, were able to live in harmony and progress. Try reading this book: A Vanished World — Medieval Spain’s Golden Age of Enlightenment written by a former Jesuit priest, Chris Lowney. That book describes the age of Muslim rule in Spain and if you read it you’ll see how Muslim rulers allowed “Muslims, Christians and Jews to coexist and flourish religiously, intellectually and civilisationally” (from John L Esposito’s review of the book).
    As for Malaysia, the early immigrants were allowed to practice their religion and build their places of worship by the majority Muslims without hindrance and that accommodation has continued to this present day. How could PJ have more churches than mosques if it were otherwise?
    Your complaint that Islam has not created racial harmony is misplaced. Islamic government [Khalifate] is not the system of government that we have. Our system is called Democracy, haven’t you noticed? It has allowed Muslims to be governed by non-Muslims and Muslims accept that.
    When you say inflammatory words like “I have earlier said that Islam has NOT created racial harmony in Malaysia. Now I found out the reason why. I went through several Malay websites and found that the translation of “The Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad” is incomplete.” and misinterpret the words of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in a blog run by a Malay (and Muslim) and frequented by Malays (and Muslims), how does that contribute to racial harmony?
    You quote the Prophet’s (Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon him) last sermon and say that the Malay translations are inadvertently wrong; but as far as I can make out there’s nothing wrong with it: the passage that you quoted were necessarily addressed to the Muslims, the occasion being the Hajj. There is such a passage in all the Malay translations that you pointed to. The words may be different but the sense and meaning of equality of Muslims remain the same.
    Last but not least ekompute please do not presume to judge whether the commenters who disagreed with you are being unIslamic if you’re not yourself a Muslim. One factor that has raised Muslims’ ire over here is the insolence of non-Muslims who are wont to tell Muslims how they should behave and practise their religion.


  41. Salam Tun
    Jika dibandingkan dgn negara2 lain saya amat bersyukur dilahirkan sbg anak malaysia.
    Setiap manusia mmpunyai akal & fikiran,dgn kurniaan akal fikiran ini jugalah manusia akan membuat kebaikan & keburukan.
    Semoga apa yg terjadi di albania dpt kita jadikan iktibar & pengajaran.
    Semoga keamanan di malaysia ini berkekalan.

  42. Salam Tun,
    Saya pernah dengar ulama islam berkata , tanda tanda orang yang di sukai Allah ialah panjang umur nya , sentiasa sihat , eluk tingkah laku dan budi pekerti serta mempunyai daya fikir yang tinggi. Saya berpendapat Tun adalah salah saorang darinya . Tun adalah khalifah sebenar di muka bumi ini . Saya bayangkan kalau lah Tun di jadikan sebagai Setiausaha agong bangsa bangsa bersatu ketika ini . Israel pasti kecut dan Amerika pun tunduk pada Tun. Negara negara islam akan bersatu . Mana tahu suatu hari nanti ia benar benar berlaku . Agama islam sebenar nya mencari kebaikan dan menolak kejahatan .Sebab itu
    kerja kerja kebaikan juga yang menang di akhir nya. Insallah …

  43. Salam Tok Det,
    Syukur Alhamdullillah… saya pun tumpang sejuk hati. Mudah-mudahan kita semua dapat keberkahan Allah.

  44. Hi Tun, I have earlier said that Islam has NOT created racial harmony in Malaysia. Now I found out the reason why. I went through several Malay websites and found that the translation of “The Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad” is incomplete.
    The part on racial equality was left out, either deliberately or inadvertently! If you look at, you will see that the paragraph that mentions:
    “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.”
    is not translated in many Malay websites, e.g.:

    and many others. Now finally, I understand, LOL.

  45. Hi fellow commentators, thank you for all those unislamic comments. I personally felt that Tun should be spreading the message of love as he traverses the globe, but what I see is the same spirit of sectarianism and politics of hate that he espouses in Malaysia. I am indeed sadden to read his latest article and I hope he will finally achieve personal salvation.

  46. salam Tun,
    Kalau bawak masuk pendatang cina kan bagus. Negara itu setentunya akan maju serta merta macam negara kita. Tak tahulah kalau tak ada kaum pendatang ni yang datang ke negara kita untuk mencari rezki. Mungkin kita masih duduk di dalam hutan dan bersembang di kedai kopi. Kemudian kaum pendatang ini membangunkan kawasan-kawasan yang diduduki dengan membina pekan-pekan kecil seperti di Papan dan Taiping di Perak. Kuala Lumpur yang menjadi lubuk bijih timah mula pesat membangun. Kaum pendatang ini berasa selesa tinggal di tempat baru mereka. Dan sejak dari itu mereka tidak mahu pulang ke negara asal mereka. Pada mereka Malaysialah negara baru mereka. Mereka beranak pinak. dan semestinya anak cucu mereka yang dilahirkan di sini adalah warganegara Malaysia yang melafazkan rukun negara di sekolah sama seperti anak melayu kita. Anak cucu kaum pendatang ini berkerja keras dan berusaha memajukan diri mereka sehingga ada yang membanggakan negara ini dalam bidang bidang tertentu seperti Kok Wei. Tak pula terlintas di hati mereka ini untuk mengatakan kemenangan mereka adalah untuk negara asal nenek moyang mereka. Sebaliknya ia adalah untuk Malaysia. Tanah tumpah darah mereka. Untuk merealisasikan gagasan 1malaysia yang agak rumit seperti yang kita nampak sekarang, Najib harus lebih peka dengan apa yang berlaku. Sesekali saya mendengar kata-kata rakan saya di dalam UMNO yang masih menggunakan kata-kata kesat dan maki hamun yang berunsur rasis terhadap kaum pendatang ini. Kita semua tahu implementasi 1Malaysia bukan sekadar menyanyi bersama-sama di dalam iklan di TV ataupun berkumpul di majlis-majlis keraian sahaja. Sebaliknya implementasi gagasan ini memerlukan pengorbanan dan kefahaman dari semua pihak mahupun pendatang atau bumiputra. Bagi saya istilah bumiputra adalah merangkumi semua kaum di Malaysia. Cina, India, minoriti lain dan juga Melayu. Kesemua kita berhak untuk menikmati keistimewaan dan kekayaan negara kita Malaysia. Kita sama-sama berhempas pulas membangunkan negara ini. Saya percaya tidak terlintas di sanubari anak cucu pendatang ini untuk mengkhianati negara tempat tumpah darah mereka. Perkasa yang ditubuhkan adalah sia-sia sekiranya tidak digunakan dengan betul dan ikhlas. Kelemahan orang melayu bukanlah trletak kepada kerajinan kaum lain, tetapi kepada kaum melayu itu sendiri. Kita lebih suka menuding kepada orang lain tapi kita sendiri tidak pernah melihat kelemahan kita. Kita adalah bangsa yang masih lemah. Kita tidak cuba memperbaiki diri kita. Ini dapat kita lihat di merata-rata. Sebagai contoh di Gunung Kledang Ipoh. Kaum pendatang inilah yang ramai sekali mendaki gunung itu untuk beriadah. Mengapa? Selain untuk kesihatan, tujuan mereka ke sana adalah untuk menguji ketahanan mental mereka untuk sampai ke puncak. Memang laluan itu agak sukar walaupun berkali-kali menaikinya. Tetapi dengan disiplin yang tinggi setiap hari, kaum pendatang ini mampu untuk melakukannya. Begitu juga dengan prasarana-prasarana yang ada di atas gunung itu. Sebilangan besarnya adalah sumbangan dari badan-badan atau persatuan kaum pendatang itu. Mereka boleh bersama tanpa ada media ataupun bantuan kerajaan untuk memberikan sesuatu kepada masyarakat secara percuma. Mereka begitu ikhlas dalam melakukan kerja itu. Mereka bukan sahaja cekal dalam bidang mereka tetapi juga di dalam diri mereka. Mereka kuat kerana mereka berusaha keras, mereka maju kerana mereka bekerja kuat, mereka bersatu kerana mereka ikhlas dalam perjuangan mereka. Tetapi bukan kita. Kita hanya kuat di dalam politik yang pada fikiran kita inilah sahaja yang kita ada. Kuasa Politik. Tidakkah kita tahu kuasa politik sahaja tidak boleh menjamin kekuatan kita sekiranya diri kita sendiri tidak kuat. Kita hanya kuat dari segi yang tidak berfaedah dan berunsur samseng. Kita mudah dan cepat melatah. Kita hanya boleh melaungkan kata-kata semangat ditepi jalan seperti tong dram yang kosong tidak berisi. Kita mahukan hak kita dikembalikan. Siapa yang merampas hak kita ini? Kalau bukan kita sendiri. Kita lalai dengan segala subsidi dan keistimewaan yang diberi kepada kita. Kita terlampau lali dengan pemberian dan selalu mengharapkannya setiap kali. Tetapi tidakkah kita tahu, dengan usaha sahaja kita boleh mendapatkan apa yang kita mahu, bukan menempelak dan menjerit kosong. Baru-baru ini saya ada medengar kata-kata KJ ketua Pemuda Umno yang mengatakan tidakkah kita bangga sekiranya universti-universiti di Malaysia dipenuhi dengan orang melayu bukan atas faktor kuota tetapi usaha..dan inilah yang kita mahukan. Sebenarnya kedudukan kita tidak pernah dicabar oleh kaum pendatang ini tetapi kelemahan kita sendiri yang menjadi punca kemerosotan kekuatan melayu. Jika kita diberi peluang untuk bersaing dengan kaum lain di negara ini ataupun di luar, saya percaya, KAUM MELAYU ADALAH KAUM YANG SENTIASA MAJU DI HADAPAN..ini terbukti denan beberapa orang rakan saya yang menjadi best student di negara-negara maju. Akhir sekali saya ingin bertanya satu soalan…
    Sekiranya seorang anak yatim piatu melayu diambil dan dibesarkan oleh keluarga pendatang, adakah anak ini berstatus bumiputra atau sebaliknya? Malaysia For All.

  47. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    mohon jzin mengulas si kurangajar ekompute,what give you the right to comment about Islam? who do you think you are? you are only a damn bloody foreign worker who is lucky enough to be given our citizenship.but that doesnt give your pork-chewing mouth the special priviledge to comment about Muslim or even to utter the sacred word Islam.
    stay within your idol-worshippers or animistic-belief circle and eat as much kaki-pendek as you want but stop preaching your one-human race trick.your existences in Nusantara has already caused much damages to our soil and people are no better than jews.we wouldnt want to be associated with you,in any ground you understand? so stay within your limit because the Muslim-Malay today,thanks to your LKY,are not as ignorant as in the 60s.we now understand the true meaning of your Chairman Mao’s warning to sent millions unarmed soldiers swim across the Strait to annexed Taiwan.
    the renegade province,Taiwan,however, was not invaded.instead,millions upon millions of unarmed soldiers-beggars was sent swimming past Taiwan into Southeast Asia as migrant workers-transformers.after 2-3 generations,these migrant workers will be transformed into formidable political forces.and can take over Nusantara piece by piece with so many dirty tricks they are so well-versed with,they are now so confident to test your reaction,Tun.
    terimakasih Tun.

  48. Salam Tun.Masa saya buka blog Tun saya rasa seronok bila nampak perkataan ALBANINIA dan terpanggil untuk memberi sedikit pengalaman saya diALBANIA.satu perkara saya tengok diAlbania semasa saya kesana ialah keadaan negaranya agak kelam kabut sikit.Jalanrayanya agak memeningkan kepala saya.Cara orang bawa kereta disana pun haru-biru sikit.Masa saya disana saya rasa takut juga sebab masa saya pi dulu dalam tahun 2003 kot , kebetulan ada pilihanraya memilih Datuk Bandar rasanya.Teruk juga sekatan jalanraya merata2 dan polis depa dok tahan kereta mintak kita tunjuk passport.Ganas juga depa ni.Masa tu bangunan depa dicat dengan pelbagai striking 3d image .
    Tapi saya sempat kesatu pejabat dimana orang kita menjalankan perniagaan.Bila nampak muka orang Malaysia,barulah boleh tarik nafas lega.
    Tun,Albania ni cantik juga dengan bangunan lama2 depa.Tapi tak lawanlah Bangunan kat negara kita.Makanan agaknya seafood ajelah yang boleh makan.Semua depa kata halal,tapi terpulanghlah kat kita nak buat Judgement sebelum masuk mulut.
    Tun masih ada lagike orang kita dok buat construction kat sana.Tun tak pergi KamzaTurn, tengok projek orang kita.Depa tu pun rambut macam orang Albania juga,orang kita kat sana tu dahlah putih2 , lani agaknya depa lagi lagi putih.
    Yang saya bangga masa pi Tirana tu dulu bukan apa.Seronok tengok orang kita jadi bos kat mat saleh disana.Memang ligat geng orang kita yang kat Kamzaturn tu.Saya dapat tau , depa masih menghabiskan projek kat sini.Dah jadi cantik dah tapak projek tu.Dah tukar nama pun projek tu.Dengak habak laku rumah2 yang dibina oleh orang kita tu.
    Tun, kat sana ada dua beradik orang kita yang tahan lasak, muka macam orang putih,muka putih merah, rambut putih , handsome betul,saya rasa dialah yang memulakan projek orang kita kat sana dan sampai arini dia masih disana.Dia ni periang .Depa ni adik abang dan rasa depa ni kalau baling kat mana pun hidup dan membangun.Saya rindu juga Albania ,ngeri pun ada.Kadang-kadang teringat nak pi sana sekali lagi.Tapi kalau dok pikiak pula baik dok Malaysialah. Tak taulah kalau esok lusa berubah fikiran pula.
    Tun, saya belajar satu benda kat sana.Depa ni kalau mengangguk maknanya NO.Kalau menggeleng maknanya YEs.Betul ke. Tun.Entah2 saya dulu kena tipu dgn staff kita kat sana kot, tak taulah pula.
    Walauapapun Tun , bagi saya MALAYSIALAH SEGALA2NYA , AMAN, TENTERAM dan SELESA.TQ 2U TUN.

  49. Historiography of 500 years of Ottoman rule (pod igoto) in the volatile Balkans (a Turkish word for mountains) wrt Albania:
    1354 – Ottoman Turks establish themselves on European soil at Gallipoli
    1371 – Ottomans defeat the Serbs on the River Maritsa
    1389 – Turks defeat the Serbian Tsar Lazar, head of a Balkan coalition at Kosovo. Serbia becomes a vassal state of Ottoman Empire
    1393 – Bulgrian kingdom comes under Ottoman rule
    1453 – Turks capture Constantinople
    1463 – Slavic kingdom of Bosnia falls to the Turks
    1468 – Albania falls to the Ottomans
    1500-1566 – the Ottoman Empire attains its height; almost the entire Balkan peninsula is now under its domain
    1683 – Turks march on Vienna and are routed
    1684-99 – Europen powers defeat the Turks in the War of the Holy League. The Ottomans lose many of their Balkan holdings
    1774 – Russia defeats the Turks
    1799 – Montenegro succeeds in gaining Turkish recognition of its independence
    1804-1813 – Serbs unsuccessfully revolt against the Turks
    1829 – Russia defeats Turkey again
    1856 – the European powers and Turkey defeat Russia in the Crimean War
    1875-78 – insurrection against the Turks throughout the Balkans and with the help of Russia defeat the Turks. Serbia and Romania gain independence, Bulgarians wins autonomy. Austria-Hungary is awarded Bosnia and Herzegovina
    1912-1913 – First Balkan War. The Balkan League – Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Montenegro, declares war on Turkey and further reduces its European territory.
    Albanians revolt against the Turks and proclaim independence.
    1914 – Archduke Franz-Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia, an Austrian province at that time.
    Start of WWI
    1918 – the United Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and the Slovenes, later called Yugoslavia is formally proclaimed
    1928 – Ahmed Bey Zogu, from Premier becomes King Zog I of Albania
    1939 – Mussolini Italy occupies Albania. King Zog is forced into exile
    1939-44 – WW2. Bulgaria and Romania join the Axis power.
    1944-46 – Romania and Bulgaria are occupied by Soviet troops. Communist-dominated governments in Yugoslavia and Albania are recognized by the West.
    1948 – Albania breaks from Yugoslavia tutelege and becomes Russia’s satellite
    1961 – Albania breaks with the Soviets
    {Edmund Stillman et al (eds). 1966. The Balkans. Life World Library, Time-Life International, Nederland}

  50. Dear Tun
    Something completely different, though dont know where else to post it:
    I would like to know your thoughts about the decision of the Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said in Terengganu to turn Pulau Redang in to a getaway exclusively for the rich and famous. This is absolutely schocking!
    I started this group on facebook:
    Pulau (island) Redang for the common people!

  51. Y.bhg Tun yang di kasihi,
    Saya suka berjalan di sekitar bandar dan desa terutama di JB dan di daerah-daerah di negeri Johor dan Kuala Lumpur. Apa yang saya lihat masyarakat melayu suka juga berniaga, tapi cuma mereka tak teratur lagi aje..Saya juga puji kerajaan yang ada sekarang macam-macam mereka sediakan bantuan sperti MIKRO CREDITLAH..TEKUN…PINJAMAN USAHAWAN BUMIPUTERALAH DAN BERMACAM MACAM LAGI tapi hasilnya kurang berjaya. Adakah usaha kerajaan itu tidak menarik atau usahawan itu tak pandai berniaga atau plan perniagaan kurang tepat…
    Cadangan saya pada syarikat pengeluar kenderaan Nasional seperti PROTON , PRODUA atau NAZA keluarkan kenderaan TUAH iaitu lori penjaja yang khas direka bentuk untuk masyarakat boleh beli dan terus menjalankan aktiviti menjaja seperti satay, yong tahu, dan sebagainya tak perlulah mereka kena beli lori kemudian ubahsuai jadi kenderaan jaja..tolong tun fikirkan peluang ini bukan saja pasaran malaysia malahan negara asia tenggara pun perlukannya. Jangan lah kita asik buat kereta model baru aje.. kalau tak jadi duit buat apa…
    Banyak pasar malam banyak pakai khemah, manakala banyak warung bersipah sipah tak tersusun dan kotor…Negara Bersih Rakyat Sihat”
    Harap cadangan saya ini dapat direalisasikan…
    Terima kasih tun.
    Nazeer Ahamed

  52. comment negative terhadap Tun atau Kerajaan Malaysia yg perihatin
    pada kepetingan orang melayu dan islam,sebenarnya comment mereka bukan bersikap rational.Ia lebih pada kepentingan diri mereka sendiri.Seperti juga sikap kerajaan Singapura yg kononnya bersikap
    rational atau meritrokasi,ianya hanya cakapan saja.Pada pratiknya
    tak serupa cakap.Ianya hanya sandiwara.Yg baik dikemukakan,yg busuk ditopengkan.Jadi persetan sama mereka,apa mereka nak cakap.kita akan
    tetap dengan matlamat kita.

  53. To hbt and robot,
    formule 1 has a lot more in his head, I suspect, but is being discreet, afraid that he would be shot down from from various angles.
    I, for one, agree with him and say that we look deeper into his mind/perspective as he is not talking nonsense. Since the partition, Sg has more than cucuk jarum, santau, tuju-tuju, etc to not only Indon. but any country they can. Even to Brunei, at one time. And they will keeep doing it while outwardly they will practice “mulut cucuk pisang…”
    And what has happened to the Sg Malays? Their schemes were so well-orchestrated that there are NO Malay enclaves any more, that from being 20% of 2 million they are now about 20% of 5 million. And this is just the tip of the ice-kacang.

  54. Salam YAB Tun,
    Tak salah kita betulkan dan menegakkan dinding-dinding atau tembok-tembok yang hampir roboh dinegara-negara yang sombong dengan kita kerana mungkin dapat kita mempertahankan harta-harta milik anak-anak yatim yang bapa-bapa mereka adalah orang-orang saleh suatu masa dahulu agar mereka dapat mengeluarkan simpanannya itu sebagai rahmat dari Tuhan.

  55. Salam Dr. M…
    It’s one great news…Alhamdulillah…
    So how is the IT and communication technology environment there?…maybe that is one scope we could share our expertise IMO..

    And to those who tend to write off Islam in every opportunity every time the word Islam is mentioned, please loose it up a bit…this entry by Dr. M is purely just to show how grateful he is to see how Islam has thrived again in Albania(and some news from Albania)…it shouldn’t be a debate about Islam and all…
    -Wan Ahmad Nazif-

  56. Tun M – pls allow me to address on of your regular visitors SamutaiMelayu
    you seem to get too excited when you want to argue another person’s viewpoint. Your CAPS LOCK indicate you are shouting. When shouting, it’s hard to understand the message you wish to impart. So, a friendly suggestion, pls stop shouting.
    A successful ‘Warrior’ is the one who is calm. If you look/read about Samurai’s, these special warriors move with grace and calm. They have characteristics where they dont yell or shout when in attack or defence.
    Here is an excerpt of a poem that has captured my heart and mind a long time ago. I am only sharing this with you as I think you’ll benefit from understanding the essence on the Characteristics of “The Happy Warrior”:
    Who is the happy Warrior? Who is he
    That every man in arms should wish to be?
    –It is the generous Spirit, who, when brought
    Among the tasks of real life, hath wrought
    Upon the plan that pleased his boyish thought:
    Whose high endeavours are an inward light
    That makes the path before him always bright;
    Who, with a natural instinct to discern
    What knowledge can perform, is diligent to learn;
    Abides by this resolve, and stops not there,
    But makes his moral being his prime care;
    Who, doomed to go in company with Pain,
    And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train!
    Turns his necessity to glorious gain;
    In face of these doth exercise a power
    Which is our human nature’s highest dower:
    Controls them and subdues, transmutes, bereaves
    Of their bad influence, and their good receives:
    By objects, which might force the soul to abate
    Her feeling, rendered more compassionate;
    Is placable–because occasions rise
    So often that demand such sacrifice;
    More skilful in self-knowledge, even more pure,
    As tempted more; more able to endure,
    As more exposed to suffering and distress;
    Thence, also, more alive to tenderness.
    –‘Tis he whose law is reason; who depends
    Upon that law as on the best of friends;
    Whence, in a state where men are tempted still
    To evil for a guard against worse ill,
    And what in quality or act is best
    Doth seldom on a right foundation rest,
    He labours good on good to fix, and owes
    To virtue every triumph that he knows:
    –Who, if he rise to station of command,
    Rises by open means; and there will stand
    On honourable terms, or else retire,
    And in himself possess his own desire;
    Who comprehends his trust, and to the same
    Keeps faithful with a singleness of aim;
    And therefore does not stoop, nor lie in wait
    For wealth, or honours, or for worldly state;
    Whom they must follow; on whose head must fall,
    Like showers of manna, if they come at all:
    Whose powers shed round him in the common strife,
    Or mild concerns of ordinary life,
    A constant influence, a peculiar grace;
    But who, if he be called upon to face
    Some awful moment to which Heaven has joined
    Great issues, good or bad for human kind,
    Is happy as a Lover; and attired
    With sudden brightness, like a Man inspired;
    And, through the heat of conflict, keeps the law
    In calmness made, and sees what he foresaw;
    Or if an unexpected call succeed,
    Come when it will, is equal to the need:
    –He who, though thus endued as with a sense
    And faculty for storm and turbulence,
    Is yet a Soul whose master-bias leans
    To homefelt pleasures and to gentle scenes;
    Sweet images! which, wheresoe’er he be,
    Are at his heart; and such fidelity
    It is his darling passion to approve;
    More brave for this, that he hath much to love:–
    ‘Tis, finally, the Man, who, lifted high,
    Conspicuous object in a Nation’s eye,
    Or left unthought-of in obscurity,–
    Who, with a toward or untoward lot,
    Prosperous or adverse, to his wish or not–
    Plays, in the many games of life, that one
    Where what he most doth value must be won:
    Whom neither shape or danger can dismay,
    Nor thought of tender happiness betray;
    Who, not content that former worth stand fast,
    Looks forward, persevering to the last,
    From well to better, daily self-surpast:
    Who, whether praise of him must walk the earth
    For ever, and to noble deeds give birth,
    Or he must fall, to sleep without his fame,
    And leave a dead unprofitable name–
    Finds comfort in himself and in his cause;
    And, while the mortal mist is gathering, draws
    His breath in confidence of Heaven’s applause:
    This is the happy Warrior; this is he
    That every man in arms should wish to be.
    – William Wordsworth

  57. The angst and pangs in the Malay world are varied in form and degree. We are not in a strong position or parochial to help others near or far.
    BERSATU. 1995. Resolusi persidangan pemimpin-pemimpin pejuang Patani. 4-5 Julai 1995, Patani
    _____ & MPRMP. 1997. Hidup Mati Bangsa Melayu. Patani
    oChambert-Loir. 1995. Catatan hubungan sejarah dan sastera antara Campa dengan dunia Melayu. Dlm Ismail Hussein, P-B Lafont and PO Dharma (ed) Dunia Melayu dan Dunia Indocina. DBP, K Lumpur hlm217-34
    Lamant P-L. 1995. Orang Melayu di Kemboja menghadapi sistem politik protektorat Perancis. Dlm Ismail Hussein, P-B Lafont and PO Dharma (ed) Dunia Melayu dan Dunia Indocina. DBP, K Lumpur hlm123-36
    Rodil BR. 1994. The minoritization of the indigenous communities of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. Alternative Forum for Res in Mindanao, Davao City
    Salah Jubair. 1999. Bangsamoro: A Nation under Endless Tyranny. IQ Marin, K Lumpur
    Sri Lanka
    Jayah, Murad. 1970. The plight of the Ceylon Malays today. Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Moors Islamic Cultural Home pp70-75
    Samat TMG. 1959. The Malays

  58. To : Formule1 (dated April 12)
    It’s amusing that Formule1 blame Zahid for the lack of interest and expertise by the Malays in running a business entity company. Why we Malays like to blame the goverment, the PM, the MP, our neighbour but not our very own self. Macam mana orang Melyu nak berniaga. Duit tukar RM50 pun tak dak. Bila nak bayar duit RM50 kat peniaga Melayu, 99% dia akan tanya “Tak de duit kecil ke?”. Cuba tanya peniaga Cina, 99% akan tukar duit tu tanpa soalan. So, learn the business ethic and fundamentals first before blaming others.
    My doa and prayers to all Muslim brothers in Albania. My your contry progress and be peacefull forever.

  59. Dear Tun,
    As an Albanian, it is an honor to see you visit Albania as well as comment about Albania on your blog. To our knowledge, when comparing all the Balkan countries, you have visited Bosnia more frequent and less others (Muslims states in particular). There are large number of Muslims with the Albanian origin outside of Albania. There are almost 2 million of them in Kosova, less than a million in Macedonia, and few hundred thousands in South Serbia and Monte Negro, respectively. Besides having more than 7 million Albanian Muslims in diaspora, spreading from Australia all the way to Canada. There is almost 3 million in Turkey alone.
    In your official visit to Macedonia in 1996, it was reported that you intended to visit Kosova, but due to security reasons that visit was postponed.
    After your premiership, there was no visit of any Malaysian premier to the states of Kosova and Macedonia. Macedonia is a very unique country, where the population itself is a melting pot of various religious beliefs (Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc.) and different ethnic groups (Albanians, Greeks, Macedonians, Turks, etc). For the readers information, after the Ottomans lost all their territories comprising of dozens of modern states, Macedonia was the last Ottoman region to separate and collapse as a Muslim dominant state.
    Malaysians generally lack of knowledge on the Balkan region at large and Muslims populations in particular. We would like that this kind visit as your could be frequented by Malaysian officials followed by the public in general. In addition, we would like to see your excellency visiting Kosova and Macedonia, where you hopefully would experience regional hospitality.
    Thank you.
    Praises and prayers on your and the family’s good health.

  60. salam.. tun yg dikasihi.. apa yg tun cakapkan berlaku semasa tahun 1993 adalah benar.. ini menurut laporan dari Jemaah Malaysia yg telah dihantar kesana untuk berdakwah pada tahun 1994.. byk masjid yg tiada org.. ucap kalimah pun tak tau.. tp Alhamdulillah semuanya dengan perantaraan dakwah kesana dari satu daerah ke satu daerah.. dari satu negeri ke satu negeri..byk jemaah2 yg telah dihantar ke sana..
    menurut apa yg Tun cakapkan skrang masjid di sana berimpah2 org dtg.. satu perkembangan islam yg baik.. oleh itu kita pun kena usaha bagaimana masjid2 di malaysia pun mcm tu juga.. baru umat bersatu..mungkin salah satu sebab yg tun katakan adalah UIA.. tp dkt negara kita byk juga institusi2 islam..”parti islam” pun masjid masih kekurangan org..
    buat usaha atas iman dan amal.. tun doakan saya dapat pergi ke hujung2 dunia atas maksud agama.. InsyaAllah..

  61. Dear Tun,
    Excuse me.I am addressing the kurang ajar EKOMPUTE aka the not-so-computable brain humanoid.
    Hello,son of *****,when you talk on religion,please don’t paint Islam as a no good religion and if you don’t like Islam or hate it,keep it to yourself.Are you saying,all other religion are good except Islam.If I were a racist,you will be the first person that I will look for.You bragged about your one human race and here you stupidly personified yourself as one that couldn’t tolerate with Islam.You are infuriating anger to all Muslim and mind you,you better masqueraded yourself as ‘E-the uncomputable moron’ if you want to stay safe.
    Sorry for my language Tun,but as far as I am concerned,anybody that messed with my faith,I am willing to to die for it.Allu-hu-Akhbar.

  62. By the way, Ayahanda Tun, you are now Proton’s spokeman for domestic and international markets. This Albania trip is to promote Proton, Petronas and Malaysian product in Islam countries which non-muslims cannot do.
    Take care Ayahanda Tun.

  63. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    Though you are in Albania, your heart is still with Islam and Malaysia. Due to conflicts between Islam and Modernization, countries which do not have clear stand on what they are fighting for, they will be ended up being occupied by foreign power.
    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the retired PM of Malaysia, will continue to champion the rights of the Muslims in Malaysia because Without Muslims, there will be no Kerajaan Berdaulat.
    To: By formule1 on April 12, 2010 11:08 PM
    There is no point of back stabbing Singapore’s agenda as a Muslim Malaysia. If you are good, prove to Malaysians that you are good. Courageous men would never blame others for their failures. Only cowards blame others because they are not good enough. As a Muslim Malaysia, you should be ashamed of yourself by using ‘Israel’ act in chedet blog to ‘fitnah’ Singapore.
    Take care and enjoy yourself Ayahanda Tun.

    By ekompute on April 12, 2010 7:00 PM
    Islam has NOT created racial harmony in Malaysia. In fact, it has done just the opposite, so what have you to say about that, especially when Islam teaches otherwise?
    Ps. A thousand apology to all our fellow grateful and thankful non-malay/muslim citizens of this beloved nation.

  65. To formule1
    True, but also remember that MALAY consist of greater countries. By far, the best are Brunei Malay in term of wealth and health.
    Malaysia Malay also not that bad on average as to compare with Philippines Malay or Indonesia Malay.[err, should the Malay in Singapore called Malays?]
    I also disagree partly with your comments, but its not entirely wrong. We keep feeding them with help, but before one can be a success, try to help himself first.
    Other races are advancing because they know there is no special privilege for them, hence they have to fight for survival. Since 1969, see the gap of wealth distribution amongst Malaysian, the figure speaks for itself.
    Imagine what will they do if no such privilege exist. Look at Mindanao, Philippines Malay. No special treatment, only lowest class in term of hierarchy in citizen class, and yet they thrive ; despite the doom and gloom of the government.
    Tun Dr.M is not wrong when he said “Melayu mudah lupa”. It will just take 100 days for THEM to forgot the gift they got from Allah.

  66. salam Tun,
    Dulu arwah bos saya Kamrul hatta Sakrani pernah pergi ke Albania pada tahun 1993 bersama dgn company Amin Shah Business Focus dlm melaksanakan perumahan di Albania…
    memang betul pe yg di sebu oleh Tun tu pada thn 1993 dulu mmg mcm tu. La ni kalau dh berubah syukur lah. Sempat berubah dalam tempoh 17 tahun.


  68. Saya amat gembira melihat Tun di jemput ke Albania, di jemput menyaksikan kereta prototype Lotus di Switzerland dsbnya. Ini membuktikan bahawa orang masih hormat dan menyayangi Tun walaupun sudah bersara dan tiada kuasa.
    Adalah kepercayaan saya bahawa salah satu cara melihat samada seorang ketua yang baik atau tidak ialah melihat layanan masyarakat apabila mereka bersara atau tidak berkuasa. Cuba lihat mana-mana ketua jabatan atau CEO yang sudah bersara – jika dulu orang meluat kepada mereka, apabila bersara mereka tidak diberi muka.
    Bagaimana dengan kita nanti?

  69. orang islam terutama melayu malaysia yang kebanyakan tak sedar diri tu harap2 ambil la iktibar dari kisah albania ni,spore dah lama cucuk jarum kat tv indonesia(milik mereka juga) suruh berperang ngan malaysia..
    usaha2 memperbaiki hub malay-indo sikit pun tv alat spore ni tak tayang,tapi sampai bab benda tak elok mesti nama malaysia kluar dulu…
    orang2 melayu sedarlah jangan ingat merdeka tu selama2nya. baru ni beraya di bagan dato tempat dato zahid kat pekan macam x nampak langsung kedai melayu meniaga,malah kdai bukan mlayu jual ayam utk mlayu beraya,bangunan umno pula bukan melayu yg sewa buat pasaraya…umno duit banyak,peluang banyak,tak boleh tolong kaum sendiri? macamana la dato zahid terpilih…kerja bertelagah sesama sendiri tak guna betol.melayu makin layu lama2 reput mcm daun kering.

  70. Salam Sejahtera Kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
    Saya amat terharu sekali bila mendengar berita berita begini dari Tun
    Jasa Mu tetap dan sentiasa di kenang.
    Semoga Allah melanjutkan usia Tun demi mempertahan kan Islam. Semoga di balas dengan Shurga. Amiin.

  71. Alhamdulillah, let us pray that the people in Albania will get to enjoy the peace and prosperity that we have here in Malaysia.
    I personally believe that the sign of prosperity is when each of us is able to have choices to choose from. In Malaysia, if we wish to do or be something (within law of the land of course), we have the choice to pursue that. Whether we get it or not – that’s a different story – but we have the option and with that we can dream.

  72. Alhamdullillah atas berita baik perkembangan Islam di Albania. Doa Allah murahkan rezeki Tun dan umur panjang serta kesihatan untuk berjihad membantu negara2 Islam. Tun telah berjasa kpd ummah didalam dan luar negeri – Acheh selepas Tsunami, Bosnia, Iraq dll.
    The Muslim world view is still restricted and parochial within nation states. A typical comment we hear here is “Apa nak bantu luar negara disini banyak orang miskin” atau “Mereka memang suka bergaduh. Lantaklah”.Memang ada kemiskininan disini tetapi kalau tengok (TV) di Darfur misalnya lalat mengerumuni manusia yang separuh mati kelaparan.
    Negara barat beragenda unduk memecah belah Sudan kpd utara dan selatan. Sebab itu ia mahu kacau-bilau di Darfur digunakan sebagai isu. Negara Islam miskin kerana tidak saling membantu. Bermusuhan pula.
    Berkurun darah Islam telah mengalir di Patani. Yang terharu dimana ramai Muslim ditembak di masjid. Darah kini mengalir diBangkok dan akan terus mengalir. Allah MAha Berkuasa.

  73. Thank You
    Thanks,Tun for the revelation. I haven’t read on Albania for quite a long while. Glad to know that Islam has reclaimed the Albanians.
    I remember reading on the Albanian scene during the Hoxha regime. If I’m not mistaken, he was the son of an ulamak and yet his socialistic/communistic slant was so deeply embedded that he closed all mosques and decreed that “The only religion Albanians need is Albania”.

  74. Salaam kasih dan hormat Tun Che Det…
    Kali pertama saya memberi komen di ruang blog Tun.
    Alhamdulillah!!! Tatkala dunia menjadi suatu tempat yang amat merbahaya untuk didiami…berita Tun dari Albania amat menggembirakan!!! Sebak dada ini menerima berita Tun.
    Doa saya dan keluarga semoga Tun jaga kesihatan dan dipanjangkan umur kerana dunia masih memerlukan orang seperti Tun.
    Terima kasih Tun!
    ZanMahir & keluarga

  75. Beside Bosnia..this could be another area where malaysian business people should consider investing into. Of course there bound to be red tapes and beaurocracy but if you persever..insyallah you can achie success.
    Problem with Malaysian business people especially the GLCs they always wantted their own way. Should they come to a brick wall, they start making negative stories such as in the Middle East, etc.Funny though when other foreign companies can prospers, the msian GLCs tend to run losses at hundreds and millions of Ringgit.

  76. alhamdulillah sinar Islam telah kembali ke Albania. Menjadi harapan agar Malaysia memberi bantuan kepada Albania dalam memertabatkan sinar Islam di sana.

  77. Dengan izin Allah, suatu hari nanti Islam akan menakluk dunia, dan oleh kerana itulah, kuasa barat amat bimbang dengan negara Islam terutama di timur tengah dan cuba menghancurkannya satu persatu. Mereka tidak mengerti bahawa apa yang akan terjadi tetap akan terjadi.

  78. salam Tun…
    saya berbangga memiliki seorang pemimpin seperti Tun.. komen ini hanyalah untuk menyatakan rasa terima kasih saya kepada segala jasa Tun terhadap negara ini. percaya atau tidak semangat cinta dan rasa ingin berbakti pada negara dan bangsa hadir dalam jiwa saya berdasarkan Tun sebagai idola…
    terima kasih… saya sayang Malaysia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. Salam Tun.
    Betapa bangganya kami rakyat Malaysia semasa era Tun dulu dimana negara2 Dunia ke-3 dan negara2 Islam selalu datang meminta pendapat/mengadu permasalahan pada kita, Malaysia dihormati & disanjung tinggi. Bush keparat tu pun minta tolong kat Tun, tapi si laknat tu bak kata orang ‘kalau anjing tu tak makan najis setidak2nya cium baunya pun jadilah’ -sempat juga dia pekena balik Tun.
    Malang sekali kebanggaan tu tak kekal. Datang PM ‘tak layak’ Pak Dol dan terus guna sepenuhnya gelaran ‘mr. clean’ yang direkanya sendiri untuk clean-up Perbendaharaan secepat mungkin, selepas tu terus buat kenyataan “Tun Dr M dah habiskan duit negara”. Kemudian Kit Siang terus menjerit “budak KJ (kurang _jar) tu dah jadi penganggur terkaya di Malaysia!” Kit Siang kesal dengan kenyataannya kerana kemudian dia sedar bahawa Pak Dol & KJ merupakan senjata rahsia untuk dia menawan Putrajaya. Dalam satu mesyuarat PR mereka semua sependapat:
    1. biarkan saja Pak Dol & family melakukan sehebat2 rasuah yang mereka mahu kerana rakyat akan protes di PRU12! Akhirnya mereka melaungkan bersama “kehancuran Malaysia yang disebabkan oleh Pak Dol & family akan membolehkan PR berkuasa!” Maka dengan serta merta Malaysia terus jatuh di kacamata dunia.
    Nasib kurang baik, PR nyaris2 berjaya ke Putrajaya diPRU12. UMNO pula terus desak Pak Dol “get out fast”! Melihatkan orang2 UMNO berkelakuan demikian, Karpal jadi berang dan terus menegur mereka, “Dol menang PRU12, biarlah dia terus jadi PM”, kerana PR berharap sangat Dol & budak KJ tu terus memimpin BN pada PRU13 nanti untuk tolong pastikan PR menang.
    2. “Tun Dr M merupakan halangan terbesar untuk kita ke Putrajaya kerana beliau terlalu sayangkan Malaysia, beliau tidak akan berdiam diri melihat kerakusan Pak Dol & family. Jadi kita mesti terus kecam Dr M!” Malangnya tidak ada perkara tak betul yang Dr M dah lakukan, jadi mereka pun memberi tugas khas kepada PKR untuk mereke-reka & menabur 1001 fitnah terhadap DR M, dan diketuai oleh raja bohong no. 1 iaitu ‘saudara Anwar’,yang mana berterusan hingga kini!
    Hinggakan dalam blog Tun sendiri pun talibarutnya tak henti2 mengada2kan berbagai tohmah & tuduhan walaupun Tun dah banyak kali terangkan dengan terperinci perkara sebenar. Moron! Moron! Moron!
    Kami semua amat berharap Tun dapat meneruskan segala usaha murni di Palestin, Bosnia, Albania dan di negara2 Islam lain yang sedang sengsara.

  80. Thank You
    Thanks,Tun for the revelation. I haven’t read on Albania for quite a long while. Glad to know that Islam has reclaimed the Albanians.
    I remember reading on the Albanian scene during the Hoxha regime. If I’m not mistaken, he was the son of an ulamak and yet his socialistic/communistic slant was so deeply embedded that he closed all mosques and decreed that “The only religion Albanians need is Albania”.

  81. Assalamualaikum buat Tun Dr. M dan Tun Siti Hasmah,
    Terima kasih atas tulisan yang rencam. Kecil tapi teramat bermakna. Mengikuti coretan Tun seolah membawa saya menuruti perjalanan yang sama walaupun sebenarnya tidak. Siapa yang boleh mempersoalkan bernas idea bijaksana Tun. Syukur sangat kerana Allah menjadikan Tun sebagai pemimpin kami. Terima kasih TUN berdua, moga sihat selalu

    If Malaysia (via UIA and also Malaysians in general) got something to do with what is happening in Albania, then Malaysia couldn’t be that bad, isn’t it?
    I travel for work quite often. Still glad each time I get back to Malaysia.
    One day I hope to travel the world. For fun, and to observe.

  83. Salam Tun.
    Betapa bangganya kami rakyat Malaysia semasa era Tun dulu dimana negara2 Dunia ke-3 dan negara2 Islam selalu datang meminta pendapat/mengadu permasalahan pada kita, Malaysia dihormati & disanjung tinggi. Bush keparat tu pun minta tolong kat Tun, tapi si kafir laknat tu bak kata orang ‘kalau anjing tu tak makan najis setidak2nya cium baunya pun jadilah’ -sempat juga dia pekena Tun.
    Malang sekali kebanggaan tu tak kekal. Datang PM ‘tak layak’ Pak Dol dan terus guna sepenuhnya gelaran ‘mr. clean’ yang direkanya sendiri untuk clean-up Perbendaharaan secepat mungkin, selepas tu terus buat kenyataan “Tun Dr M dah habiskan duit negara”. Kemudian Kit Siang terus menjerit “budak KJ (kurang _jar) tu dah jadi penganggur terkaya di Malaysia!” Kit Siang kesal dengan kenyataannya kerana kemudian dia sedar bahawa Pak Dol & KJ merupakan senjata rahsia untuk dia menawan Putrajaya. Dalam satu mesyuarat PR mereka semua sependapat:
    1. biarkan saja Pak Dol & family melakukan sehebat2 rasuah yang mereka mahu kerana rakyat akan protes di PRU12! Akhirnya mereka melaungkan bersama “kehancuran Malaysia yang disebabkan oleh Pak Dol & family akan membolehkan PR berkuasa!” Maka dengan serta merta Malaysia terus jatuh di kacamata dunia.
    2. “Tun Dr M merupakan halangan terbesar untuk kita ke Putrajaya kerana beliau terlalu sayangkan Malaysia, beliau tidak akan berdiam diri melihat kerakusan Pak Dol & family. Jadi kita mesti terus kecam Dr M!” Malangnya tidak ada perkara tak betul yang Dr M dah lakukan, jadi mereka pun memberi tugas khas kepada PKR untuk mereke-reka & menabur 1001 fitnah terhadap DR M, yang mana berterusan hingga kini!
    Kami semua amat berharap Tun meneruskan segala usaha murni di Palestin, Bosnia, Albania dan di negara2 Islam lain yang sedang sengsara.

  84. Assalamualaikum wbt. buat ayahanda Tun, semoga sihat2 selalu..
    Alhamdullillah Islam kembali nemapak di Albania.
    Semoga umat Islam kembali bersatu.

  85. Salam Tun & Fellow CheDet’s Bloggers,
    Cerita Tun yang mengembirakan nampaknya tentang kebangkitan semula Islam. Tapi buat masa terdekat ini,jalan untuk mencapai ke puncak kegembilang Islam terdahulu memang masih jauh. Agar Tun dapat menyampaikan cerita ini kepada masyarakat kita di Malaysia ini supaya masyarakat Islam bersatu. Selagi ini tak tercapai, Islam akan terus dipermain2kan dan dipandang rendah. Islam yang akan rugi.
    Ketika berada di Jepun tahun 80an dahulu, saya suami isteri berpeluang duduk seminggu bersama 2 keluarga Jepun, di Nagoya dan di Tokyo. Kami sungguh takjub tentang cara hidup harian mereka yang mengamal banyak cara2 hidup yang dituntut olih Islam hingga kadang2 kami rasa malu kerana kita yang Islam ini pun tak dapat melakukannya dengan sempurna.Mereka bolih dijadikan contoh kepada kita di Malaysia ini. ( polisi pandang ke timur yang Tun anjurkan dahulu memang tepat sekali ) Tapi sayang sekali mereka tidak melafazkan syahdah. Andainya Islam dapat diperkembangkan di sana, kemungkinan Jepun akan jadi negara yang akan membangkitkan semula kegembilangan dan kecermerlangan Islam di dunia. Wallahu’alam.
    Isu yang saya nak utarakan di sini ialah kenapa susah sangat untuk ilmu dan perundangan Islam digabungkan bawah satu negara – Malaysia, bukan saperti sekarang di mana ianya terletak di bawah kuasa berasingan, di setiap negeri masing2.
    Persoalannya: Allah kan SATU, Agama Islam itu kan SATU dan dah disempurnakan olih Allah, Allah telah mengutuskan SEORANG Nabi Muhammad SAW, nabi terakhir dan penghulu semua nabi2 sebelumnya, Allah turunkan SATU kitab QURAN yang mengandungi 3 aspeks, PERENTAH – mesti diikut, LARANGAN – mesti dijauhi dan CERITA2 nabi2 untuk menjadi panduan hidup kita semua untuk selamat di dunia dan akhirat dan masuk syurga Allah dan jauhkan dari azab neraka Allah. Sekarang kita patut menafaatkan konsep 1Malaysia dengan cara ini.
    Kenapa tidak semua ketua agama Islam di setiap negeri – Mufti disatukan di bawah satu organasasi dan melantik seorang darinya sebagai Ketua Mufti ( saperti Yang Dipertuan Agung ) Kenapa mesti bermazhab2 sedangkan Allah telah menyeru/perentah supaya umat Islam berpegang kepada “Tali Allah” – iaitu Quran. Pada pandangan saya, kita perlu menerima sesiapa saja yang mengamalkan sesuatu yang bersandarkan Quran dan Hadith maka bolih diterima sebagai ahli sunnah al jemaah. Kalau ini dapat direalisasikan, saya percaya Malaysia akan menjadi negara Islam yang bolih dicontohi dan meneraju piagam OIC untuk memperjuangkan Islam secara bagaimana Nabi SAW seorang dapat mengembangkan Islam sampai sekarang yang masih terus berkembang.
    Harap Tun dapat memberi idea untuk di jadikan strategi pelan tindakan. Insyaalah.

  86. Tun, the smell of sectarianism is unmistakable in your message. Why can’t we be one human race, irrespective of religious beliefs? Islam has NOT created racial harmony in Malaysia. In fact, it has done just the opposite, so what have you to say about that, especially when Islam teaches otherwise?

  87. Salaam hormat dan tumpang lalu Tun,
    Ini kali pertama saya comment dalam blog Tun.Gembira saya mendengar
    blog Tun kali ini.Memang dah jadi adat, kejayaan negara atau kerajaan sikit saja orang bukak mata tapi kalau salah tu akan kena
    hentam ke peringkat yang bukan2.Saya (terlalu)kerap ke luar negara dan apa yang dapat saya luahkan ialah saya bersyukur kerana dilahirkan di Malaysia dibesarkan di era Tun.Kalau disebut saja Perdana Menteri maka wajah dan nama Tun juga yang akan diingati walaupun Tun sudah bersara sekian lama.Begitu mendalam Karisma Tun pada orang2 seperti saya.Ingin saya ucapkan berbanyak banyak Terima Kasih di atas apa yang Tun telah lakukan,tak kiralah apa yang orang lain kata.Yang saya tahu saya telah dapat banyak menafaat di atas
    di atas dasar2 Tun.Manusia yang tak tau bersyukur tu memang biasalah..they think the world owes them a living…


  89. Tanah air orang Islam bukan di tempat dia lahir semata-mata tetapi di mana adanya Islam. Islam tidak membezakan latar belakang, pangkat darjat seseorang. Tidak kira di mana, kita semua adalah saudara.
    Insya-Allah, Islam akan kembali berkembang subur di dunia ini. Sabda Nabi s.a.w “Islam itu datang dalam keadaan dagang (asing) dan ia akan kembali asing. Maka beruntunglah orang-orang yang asing.”
    Semoga Allah memberkati kita semua.

  90. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh..
    Ribuan terima kasih di atas jasa Tun kepada kami.Cukuplah Allah sahaja yang membalasnya..
    Kalau seluruh penduduk Malaysia pun yang menentang Tun,membenci dan tidak mengenang jasa Tun..ketahuilah..masih ada negara lain selain Malaysia yang tahu membalas jasa baik dan budi Tun..
    Kalau seluruh penduduk dunia pun membenci Tun..ketahuilah masih ada penduduk langit yang menyayangi diri Tun..
    Dan kalau semua penduduk bumi dan langit pun membenci Tun..itu tidak mengapa kerana masih ada..masih ada..
    Allah yang Maha Esa..
    Hakikatnya bukan begitu.Amat pahit di benci oleh manusia sehinggalah banyak manusia yang terpedaya hendak mencari keredhaan makhluk sehingga terlupa keredhaan Allah.Lebih menyakitkan lagi menyimpan rahsia umat dan insan tetapi di benci umat dan insan hanya kerana ingin mencari keredhaan Allah.
    Tun telah melakukan itu berulang kali untuk kami.Dan yang paling mulia dari Tun ialah
    merahsiakan sebanyak mungkin kebaikan Tun dari kami..
    Sebagaimana ada musuh-musuh Tun yang merahsiakan kejahatan mereka dari kami.
    Benarlah kata seorang wali Allah..
    Adakah akan rugi patuh dan taat kepada Allah?
    Dan beruntung mereka yang menderhakaiNya??
    Ribuan Terima Kasih Tun warganegarawan Malaysia yang terulung..

  91. Assalamualaikum Tun. Saya dah lama mengikuti blog Tun tapi ni baru 1st time nak cuba join in.
    Alhamudulillah syukur dgn apa yang Tun sampaikan. Dalam saat-saat dunia Islam dilanda dgn bermacam-macam musibah dan dugaan, masih ada lagi hikmah yang Allah berikan.
    Semoga kita semua mengambil ikhtibar atas apa yang berlaku di sekeliling kita.

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