1. I would like to thank everyone for their comments on the above. I appreciate very much the positive comments and I accept the negative ones also. I am not perfect. I make mistakes. But some of the wrongdoings attributed to me are just not true or correct.

2. We see what we want to see. Everyone is like that. So do I. But I try my best to be factual.

3. My greatest mistake is in the choice of people. I seem to be picking the wrong people all the time. They not only did not live up to my expectations but they went all out to do all the wrong things, including abusing me.

4. I accept the blame for making wrong choices. But they were all so good before they were chosen.

5. Anwar was pious and holy almost. Before I admitted him into Umno no one told me of his peculiar inclinations.

6. The other one was known as Mr. Clean. Well he and his family certainly did a lot of cleaning.

7. Awarding privatisation at inflated prices! Well the contract to double track and electrify the railways from Johore Baru to Padang Besar was for RM14 billion (including the spur line to KL). It was cancelled by Abdullah.

8. Then it was found necessary to double track and electrify from Ipoh to Padang Besar. I understand the price is RM12 billion. Work out the new cost if we build up to Johore Baru.

9. Putrajaya and Cyberjaya – bought by the acres. Putrajaya, 10,000 acres for RM700 million or approximately RM17,500 per acre or RM0.43 per square foot.

10. Today average price of Putrajaya land per square foot is RM130.00.

11. Bailout happens when a business receives injection of capital to get over a financial crisis.

12. Selling a business at below cost is not a bailout. It is called a fire-sale. That was what my son had to do. Petronas subsequently sold ¾ of the fleet for more than what it paid for the whole fleet when the market was good.

13. Ekonomi Malaysia berkembang pada kadar 8.5% dari 1987 dan bukannya 10% dari 1991. Mula merosot pada 1997 di waktu Anwar sebagai Menteri Kewangan melaksana “ubat” IMF tanpa IMF. Memang Anwar ditangkap semasa krisis hampir berakhir. Kerana kegagalannya MTEN ditubuh untuk ambil alih tugas memulih semula kewangan dan ekonomi Negara, jauh sebelum dia ditangkap.

14. Sila semak SEJARAH dalam laporan akhbar dalam dan luar negeri.

15. Thank you for agreeing that I am a dictator. Tell me which dictator ever resign.

16. Terima kasih kerana membaca blog saya.


  1. Inilah yang dikatakan “Kaduk dah naik junjung” . Tiba masanya kita hantar mereka ke negara asal mereka. Pedulikan perjanjian Tunku Abdul Rahman dengan London semasa mendapat kemerdekaan dulu.
    Orang-orang lama semua tahu. Kerajaan China dan India tidak mahu menerima mereka kembali ke negara asal mereka semasa Malaya memperjuangkan kemerdekaan.
    Sesiapa yang rasa negara ini tidak berlaku adil, apa bising-bising. Keluar dari negara ini. Memang dah dasar tak tau mengenang jasa. Tok nenek mereka dulu tinggalkan China dan India, tak de semangat patriotism terhadap negara sendiri. And Mr Equalizer – you are also the same. In runs in the blood. You also do not have patriotism to this country – the only thing in your mind is money. And if you got the opportunity to leave this country – I guess you have done it. Like some of your races have done. The only different is – they dont like – they pack and go. But you – why are you still here. Dont have money to qualify as economic immigrant.
    Remember how your anchestors came here long time ago – 3 buttons shirt if you are a chinese, and just with a “cawat” if you are an indian.
    So – my suggestion to you – be greatful otherwise its time for you to pack and get lost. We dont need you here.

  2. Assalam mualaikum wbrt Dear Tun,
    If evil be said of you, and if it be true, correct yourself; but if it be a lie, laugh at it.So,Let the accuser be psychologically ruined himself.
    Banyak berehat Tun,salam kasih buat Tun dan Keluarga.

  3. Salam Tun,
    I’m a young generation who still ‘jahil’ with Malaysia politic.After Pak Lah took over to be Malaysia Prime Minister I stop reading about Malaysia politic.The truth his action scare me and that time I was wondering what going to happend to our country.Your leadership inspired me.Thank you Tun.

  4. Salam Tun,
    I have always admired the way you stood up against Singapore and today I wish to add my views on the so-called Singapore’s meritocracy policies.I was a Singaporean, born and bred for more than 35 years before deciding to seek a greener pasture in Malaysia. I

  5. Tun,
    Izinkan saya menjawab Equality on December 8, 2009 11:44 PM.
    Dear Equality, since you like Singapore very much, why don’t you just pack up and go to Singapore?
    You should be gratefull to be a citizen of Malaysia because even LKY of Singapore does not want people like you.
    Being the biggest tax payers does not make you to be superior than the bumiputras.
    Please go to the US or any other country, including Singapore, and you will know that being the biggest tax payers there does not make you special then other citizen of that country.
    In fact you should be grateful because being the biggest tax payers of this country, only shows that you are making a lot of monies despite the so call ‘unequality treatment’ from the goverment on the non bumis.
    On your allegation that non-bumis in Malaysia have been internationally recognized as not receiving a fair treatment from our government, why dont you just pack up and leave this country?So that you could receive a better treatment there?
    Come on la, Equality, please dont talk about fairness, equality and all that rubbish.
    I know to people like you equality and fairness only means that you are rich at the expense of the bumiputras.
    You want the tongkat to be remove from the bumiputras so that you could used it for your own selfish dan greedy self.
    Singapore is only a small island la.Please use your head and dont compare the island with Malaysia.
    It is also a chinese dominated city state that marginalise the minorities on the pretex of meritocracy.
    If you felt that this country have so much discriminatory policies around such as special privileges for certain group, then why dont you just pack up and go to Singapore?
    Salam Tun.

  6. Ya’ Allah, engkau berkatilah bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia ini, Tun Dr Mahathir yang telah mengharumkan nama negara ini Malaysia yang di sayangi kepelusuk dunia, berkatilah rezekiMu kepadanya, bahagiakanlah dia dan kaum keluarganya, sihatkanlah tubuh badannya agar ianya cergas disegi fizikal mahupun mentalnya, mudahkanlah urusannya terhadapMu serta didunia ini, terimalah ibadahnya terhadapMu dan apunkanlah segala dosa-dosanya terhadapMu ya’ Allah, segala dosa-dosanya terhadap kedua ibubapanya, sesama insan didunia ini samada yang masih hidup ataupun yang sudah mati, sesama kaum muslimin dan muslimat samada yang masih hidup mahupun yang sudah mati diatas segala dosa-dosanya samada yang disedari atau tidak disedari olehnya semoga mendapat keberkatan dan keredhaan daripadaMu didunia dan akhirat ya’Allah ya’rabil Al-lamin, Amiin…..

  7. Assalammualaikum w.b.t. Y.Bhg. Tun
    Saya bergitu setuju dengan statement Tun with regards to the appointment of AI as the Economic Adviser to Selangor State Govt. It is a time for everyone to seat back and think twice before appointing this guy an important position in the state or event this country.
    Kena lah check latar belakang dahulu, AI semenjak zaman anak-anak, ke remaja, zaman koleg dan u hingga menjawat jawatan tertinggi kepimpinan negara hinggalah sekarang masih memberontak. Manusia ini tidak pernah berpuas hati, looks cunning and stupid thinkers.
    Tun, go ahead with your good ideal of comments towards this guy and accordingly advise the present country chief to be a good leader like you.
    Sekiranya Tun ada artikel berunsurkan islamiah, sila kirim ke email saya [email protected] and i very much will publish in my blog
    All the best and kind regards.

  8. Mohon maaf Tun
    Dear Equality.
    Over my dead body before you confront My Tun.
    Not happy you can get lost.Go back to your own origin.
    Go balik kampung and never step back to Malaysia.
    Tun may not be perfect,He has done much for You and your family,
    and you are still alive today.Say THANKS to TUN.
    Believes me don,t be proud of Singapore progress.
    It is their credits,they earn it,but do you know
    how,s life in Sinagpore.You will be a Honorable Respected Slaves
    You live to work, NOT work to live.

  9. My Dear Respected TUN,
    Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.

  10. Assalamualaikum Tun, n Family
    This particular blog really makes me clear about Malaysia Financial History and most important , what happens in 97 crisis. During the time, I was in lower secondary so the picture was not so clear.
    I have some toughs, DO MALAYSIA REALLY NEEDS A NEW ISTANA NEGARA? I never been inside the Istana Negara or any other palace in the world. Is our Istana Negara structurally unsafe?
    If so, why the new Istana Negara located in the prime area? why not make a new prime area with Istana negara as the gem, as what Tun have achieve with Putrajaya.
    I was in the UK in May, and learns that the Queen did ask the parliament to install sound-proof window at her bedroom. The proposal was declined. The issue was not the Queen’s comfort, they were more concerned about the people’s fund.
    Even tough this is an old-issue, i would really glad if Tun could elaborate more about this issue on Tun’s point of view.
    Looking forward to read more about Malaysian Economics because all i can read and hear are only Malaysian Crap Politics. Those politician keep on convincing that our economy are in good situation. But from what i see, are the opposites….
    Hope to hear from Tun soon.
    Warm Regards,
    Rasyid Azmi

  11. COWARD! dare not approve my earlier posting??!! dun always approve those postings in favour of you

  12. I would like to challenge you to approve my last comments here if you still don’t feel that you have done anything wrong and i look forward to seeing what you would like to say… By not approving my comments, you would have admitted that you are wrong and does not want people to know ur wrongdoings that i have highlighted here. dun disappoint rakyat like me…pls

  13. stop blaming others when u r in fact the one to be blamed for all the mistake. Choice of wrong people??!!! simply because you r not a good leader and that’s why they choose to go against you.
    Until today, you still do not want to admit all your wrongdoings and i think you r really an autocrat! May i ask you a few questions here:-
    1. what’s equality and unity? why non-bumi could never enjoy the privileges that others are enjoying? non-bumis have also contributed greatly to the growth and development of this country since our independence day or even before that! Ask urself who r the biggest taxpayers in the country!! Since you were the prime minister, i think you have created a lot of racial discrimination policy which is unfair to non-bumis. What non-bumis want is just an equality. The NEP should have been abolished for the sake of the unity. Dun cheat yourself and make us feel like you r muddle-headed. Even during your administration, when did you really commit yourself to promote the equality amongst all the malaysians???? Non-bumis in Malaysia have been internationally recognized as not receiving a fair treatment from our government and what you have done?? why policy in favour of certain race still in force when you all keep on talking about fairness to all the Malaysians. IT;s time to remove the tongkat to nurture our people become more competitive internationally. otherwise, you are not helping them in fact.
    2. look at Singapore then have you ever done any self-reflection on your wrongdoings??!! why they can progress so fast and we r at least 10 yrs behind. pls stay open-minded and receptive to others.
    3. To protect the national car makers just because it was your brainchild????!! we malaysians are paying so much more to buy any imported cars than any other countries in ASEAN for your sake!!
    4. Are you really caring about the wellbeings of Malaysians or more for personal interest and agenda?! I guess surely the latter. when is our government ever been committed to promote the growth of the country..we have a lot of white elephant projects here to make sure pockets of somebody are really full. a lot of beneficiary of the projects are always indirectly linked to somebody ultimately which is widely known to us but they refused to admit and pretended that the rakyat do not know.
    5. No one has complained about National Civics Bureau programme??? this is the biggest joke i have heard!! To reject corruption??? it’s another joke to Malaysians again when corruption is so rampant here and known to everybody here. We are no longer silly and we knows what is right and wrong..pls dun treat us as naive. Whatever i can say is that you guys only want to make your money instead of ensuring the rakyat is well taken care of.
    6. does it sound funny when our government is now putting so much emphasis on 1Malaysia yet we still have so much discriminatory policies around such as special privileges for certain group, more and more. I’m sure u know what i;m talking abt? this is what you should criticize, advise and guide them to the right path..otherwise, they would end up in the wrong path and footsteps with you also!dun spend time to defend ur wrongdoings anymore but should rectify them immediately. DUN ALWAYS TALK ONLY BUT ENSURE YOU WALK THE TALKS.
    I have so much things to question you but i think it would be very long if i continue. Furthermore, i wouldn’t want to waste too much of my breaths and times here also since you have never mend your ways though so many people out there are criticizing you. Most important thing that i want to highlight is that our country can only grow and develop further when the government is serious about promoting fairness amongst all malaysians and elect the right and dedicated people to lead the country (not bunch of monkeys and uneducated out to make money for themselves)..this would naturally lead to UNITY and promise GROWTH. These are not only my personal views as i believe many Malaysians share my views also.

  14. c/ Israel – your constant criticism against Israel and constant reference to the persecution of Palestinian people is fine from a personal standpoint. However as leader who constantly preaches against Wars and calling those who launch preemptive strikes criminals, I would have thought you could have also led by example by not standing on the sidelines watching US act as chief negotiator between the Israelis and Palestinians.
    The U.S did not ACT as a negotiator, they did nothing for the violence done by the Israeli army towards innocent Palestinians and often seen in denial of the real situations faced by innocent Palestinians.

  15. Anwar sbg ECONOMIC ADVISER????
    hahahahaha.. lawak sgt la TUN…
    Saya pernah tonton youtube sebelum pelan SEPT 16 DSAI, kononnya, kalau Anwar berjaya bentuk kerajaan pusat, ade beberapa jutawan arab yang akan buat FDI ke malaysia berbillion billion dolar.
    Skrg die dah jadi economic adviser for Selangor, mane PAK PAK ARAB yg kaye tu? Klu x nak invest FDI billion billion pn, xkan ratus ratus ribu ringgit pun x dpt invest ke Selangor? Nampak sgt kelentong.
    Alasan anwar bile ditanya akan berbunyi sebegini:
    “Hartawan Arab hanya akan invest jika PR menguasai kerajaan pusat, bkn kerajaan negeri”.
    Hahahaha… Rakyat dah tahu kekelentongan DSAI! Dah tahu ape next sentence of escapism from him! hahaha

  16. Salam Tun
    Terima kasih sdr shafinazh atas nasihat agar jangan layan sdr S..Tan. Saya sekadar memperbetulkan tanggapan dia..supaya dia sedar apa sebenarnya berlaku..tak mengapalah sama ada dia nak dengar atau tak..terpulang pada dia..agama Islam mengajar kita bersederhana, hormat pada orang lain dan mengawal kemarahan dalam apa jua..
    Sekarang nie terlalu banyak berita2 fitnah mengelilingi kita..mana yang betul mana yang salah pun kita tak tau..amat menyedihkan apabila kita cuba menyebarkan fitnah semata2 kita marahkan seseorang..tidak kah ini akan menyebabkan suasana haru biru jadinya..dahulu waktu zaman Tun, Tun cukup jaga perkara ini..sebab itulah anasir2 tidak dapat cari makan..sekarang nie?erm..berlambak berita fitnah di mana2..apapun selalunya orang yang marah dia akan keluar benda2 yang bukan2..jadi biarlah dia dengan cara dia..kita dengan cara kita….siasat dulu apa sahaja maklumat yang dapat..supaya kita tidak menjadi mangsa kepada maklumat yang salah..lebih teruk lagi kalau itu maklumat yang berupa fitnah..
    Terima kasih sekali lagi sdr shafinazh

  17. Tun memang jauh dari sempurna banyak keputusan Tun yg sangat teruk dan buruk, tapi jika ada undian sebagai perdana menteri secara terus saya akan mengundi Tun…..Sumbangan Tun jauh lebih banyak berbanding keburukan dan kesilapan Tun….

  18. Tun,
    Izinkan saya memberi sedikit cadangan kepada tulisan promelayu 3 December 2009 12:20 PM.
    Sdra promelayu, jangan layan la si Tan ini, seperti yang saya tulis sebelum ini, si Tan ini jika diteliti tulisannya sebenarnya cuma seorang cauvinis Cina dan tidak perlu kita berhujah dengan seorang yang tidak bernas hujahnya.
    Berhujah dengan si Tan ini, hanya membazir masa dan tak layak untuk berhujah dengan kita, sebab itu tulisannya selalu lari daripada topik yang dihujahnya dan meleret-leret kepada topik yang baru.
    Kadangkala saya terfikir adakah dia ini tidak tahu dan tidak faham bahasa Melayu atau kurang intelek kerana merapu-rapu dalam hujahnya.
    Bagaimanapun saya setuju dengan sdra bahawa si Tan ini sebenarnya sedang menahan marah (ha…ha…ha) terhadap hujah yang diberikan oleh pengulas terhadapnya.
    Saya juga terfikir mungkin si Tan ini, macai DAP kut? yang berpeluang menulis di blog ini atas kemurahan hati Tun.
    Kalau tidak tak kan si Tan ini meleret-leret sampai bercakap mengenai tahanan ISA dan sebagainya?
    Kalau betul la si Tan pernah ditahan di bawah ISA, orang Indonesia kata rasain (ha…ha…ha).
    Bagaimanapun, saya ingin menulis sikit kepada mereka yang tidak patriotik kepada negara ini dan mengagung-agungkan LKY dan Singapura bahawa sentiasa ingat bahawa republik itu hanya sebuah pulau kecil (kata bekas Presiden Indonesia `a little red dot’)yang sudah tentu lebih mudah dimajukan berbanding Malaysia.
    Disebalik pelbagai kelebihan sebagai contoh kedudukan strategik dan kemudahan asas yang dibina British di pulau itu , Singapura masih bergantung kepada ehsan jiran-jiran tetangga untuk kelangsungan hidup pulau itu di arena antarabangsa.
    Perdagangan dengan jiran selalunya lebih menguntungkan pulau itu, sehingga pemerintahnya sanggup berperang jika hubungan perdagangan dan sebagainya diputuskan oleh jiran tetangga.
    Untuk hidup, rakyat Singapura terpaksa bekerja lebih keras (saya tidak bermaksud kita tidak bekerja keras) berbanding negara lain.
    Sebab itu ramai rakyatnya berhijrah ke negara lain seperti Australia kerana dapat hidup dengan lebih selesa seperti rakayat negara lain.
    Apabila rakyat republik itu berkurangan, di sinilah masuknya orang seperti si Tan, Aru, Dass dan lain-lain untuk mengisi kekosongan yang ada kerana rakyat Singapura yang benar-benar pintar yang disukai LKY sudah cabut ke negara yang lebih baik.
    Sebenarnya si Tan, Aru dan Dass ini patut bersyukur jadi rakyat negara ini tetapi biasalah cauvinis perkauman seperti mereka ini sentiasa tidak sedar diri.
    Salam Tun.

  19. Tun
    your supporters obviously ask for facts when you’re criticised but remain “factless” themselves. Well, for facts, let me highlight why I maintain you did not have a clear and balanced succession plan:
    a/ Lets look at the obvious – you ran the country for 22 years – 1981 – 2003. During this time, you had not one but 4 Deputy PMs, but you waited for ~18 years before deciding on a successor that would eventually take over the PM role, and then decide this final successor also did not meet your personal standards. How do you term that progressive?
    b/ Singapore – you blame Tun Abdullah, PM Najib, DPM Muhyddin and every body else for not being able to re-negotiate a water agreement with a country you personally have historical ties with, but also, the longest bilateral relationship as PM.
    Why is it you never accept any personal accountability in the continuing discussions with Singapore on this subject of water, but quite conveniently make this the responsibility of succeeding leadership. How do you term this progressive?
    c/ Israel – your constant criticism against Israel and constant reference to the persecution of Palestinian people is fine from a personal standpoint. However as leader who constantly preaches against Wars and calling those who launch preemptive strikes criminals, I would have thought you could have also led by example by not standing on the sidelines watching US act as chief negotiator between the Israelis and Palestinians. You could have taken the “peaceful” stance by volunteering to be in the negotiations representing Islamic interests. I guess it’s easy to just call others criminals then try to work towards a peace accord just because you think it’s in the “too hard basket”. How do you term this progressive?
    d/ Non-Alignment Movement – you enroled Malaysia into this organisation for which you are more than happy to criticise US policies and it’s anti-zionism believes, however quite happily ignore other values this organisation promotes which is:
    – sustainable development without excessive debt
    – human rights and social justice
    just to highlight 2 key matters you quite happily chose to ignore.
    Why is it you’re happy to criticise others for their policies, but fail to acknowledge your local policies do not actually provide a fair and equitable model of governance? How do you term this progressive?
    And this final fact (for now) –
    People’s Republic of China & Cuba – With your hardline anti-communist stance but you’re more than happy for trade and bilateral relationship to continue with China (and Cuba) because you believe it’s important to ride these “gravy trains” less Malaysia lose out. I would have thought if you had strong personal convictions if something wasn’t right or fair i.e. Israel, Americas dominance of trade in Asia etc, you would apply those convictions consistently.
    I guess, the fact you can quite happily chose to ignore personal convictions where it benefits personally, you’re showing your progressive thinking.

  20. Wonder what Mr. Mahathir thinks about the way LKY of Singapore came into power, and the ouster of Lim Chin Siong, who was introduced by LKY to David Marshall as the “future prime minister of Singapore” in the past, only for Lim to remain a prisoner of the Internal Security Act and subsequent ouster from Singapore.

  21. Salam Buat Tun Mahathir yg sgt dihormati dan disayangi
    Pertama sekali saya yang lahir di zaman Tun amat berbangga dengan apa yg Malaysia kecapi kini. Menjadi seorang yg sgt menyayangi dan mengasihi bangsa dan negara Malaysia dengan apa yg Tun sudah buktikan semasa pemerintahan Tun amat sy hargai. Walaupun Tun sudah tidak lagi memerintah negara, namun penangan nasihat dan kata-kata Tun masih lagi di nanti2 kan oleh kami juga org luar…
    Saya juga tidak terlepas melihat rancangan History Channel tentang kecekalan Tun untuk berbakti pada negara. Kami semua kagum dengan keperibadian Tun yg juga menjadi inspirasi Bangsa Melayu dan Rakyat Malaysia… Tun telah membuktikan Melayu boleh melakukan apa saja, Melayu juga digeruni di seluruh negara… Saya berharap saya dan juga pemuda dan pemudi sekarang mencontohi sifat dan keperibadian Tun… Semoga Allah memberkati dan melimpahi rahmat kepada Tun sekeluarga…

  22. Salam Tun
    Sekali lagi saya mencelah..menjawab S..Tan
    Nampaknya saudara tengah tahan marah..sabar saudara s..tan….kan saya kata jangan emosi macam pemimpin ultra kiasu yang pijak gambar ADUN Perak..perangai kebudak2kan..buat gelak orang jer…heran gak dalam zaman serba moden berbanding dahulu masih ada pemimpin perangai sebegini..
    Adakah ini sifat sebenar? Anda tak perlu terikut2 rentak emosi..anda yang mula menghentam orang..saya hanya berhujah kembali..anda jugak yang emosi..kesian saya tengok..fakta telah dikeluarkan..maklumat telah dihujahkan..sekarang nie anda bercakap pasal BTN..pernahkah anda pergi BTN atau anda hanya dengar2 cakap orang tanpa merasainya sendiri…. anda hanya mendengar sahaja apa yang dikatakan buruk tentang kerajaan…tentang BTN..kalau tak pernah rasai lebih baik jangan cakap…
    Rasai dulu..baru tau…kalau betul BTN itu tak elok masakan pemimpin2 Perosak Rakyat (yang dahulunya sokong kerajaan) amat bersetuju..come on laa..dah takde idea nak bangkang kerajaan dibangkang pulak jabatan kerajaan..BTN itu jabatan kerajaan..jika apa yang dinyatakan itu tidak benar, tidakkah anda menerima fitnah??Secara tak langsung anda telan bulat2 fitnah..jadi lebih elok anda alamilah sendiri sebelum membelasah BTN..jadi sapa kata perosak rakyat takde kuasa..kalau takde kuasa tidaklah mereka berkuasa mengharamkan btn di negeri masing2..itu hak mereka kerana mereka ada kuasa..
    DEB, tidak pernah saya nyatakan anak cucu cicit saya perlu jugak dibantu deb..nikmat yang saya perolehi sekarang nie memang patut diberi kepada orang lain…orang susah..dan deb bukan hanya untuk orang Melayu..itu adalah realitinya..deb untuk yang memerlukan..ya memang saya patut berdikari..tapi itu tak bermakna saya perlu membangkang deb membuta tuli yang telah berjasa kepada saya tempoh hari..jasa deb tetap dikenang sepanjang hayat..saya doakan kepada semua yang terlibat menjayakan deb untuk membantu orang susah agar memperolehi rahmat-NYA..AMIN..
    anda bacalaa ayat saya betul2..itulah terjadi apabila terlalu beremosi..nafsu amarah mengawal diri….jangan bersikap sebegini s..tan..anda seharusnya berhujah apa yang dicakap..bukan meleret sampai tak tau apa yang nak dicakap..akhirnya..menunjukkan sikap anda..harap2 ia bukan sikap sebenar anda..
    Perosak Rakyat momok2kan perubahan..perubahan apa yang diminta?Perubahan apa yang anda mahukan? Memijak gambar orang satu perubahan?? Itukah yang anda mahukan?? Mungkin perubahan baik untuk Perosak Rakyat dengan memijak gambar..menjadi teladan untuk generasi muda hingga ke anak cucu cicit..tapi rakyat jelata kini tau mengukur tahap sebenar perubahan yang diingini oleh Perosak Rakyat..anda menyukai perubahan ini..kalau itu yang anda mahukan, apa yang boleh saya katakan berfikirlah kembali dengan hati yang tenang tanpa emosi…
    Terima kasih sekali lagi kerana membaca..

  23. Tun Mahathir is a Distinguished World Class Leader.
    His capable to hold UMNO,Firm and Strong.
    He speaks and delivers.
    A man of true vision and able to secure Malaysia interests.
    Tun is right to ask Pak Lah,to step down.
    Not because He wanted to,but Pak Lah proven incapable,weak and is very wrong and no excuse for such a person to ruled a country regardless of his a kind man.
    A leader must able to
    Speaks like a lawyer
    Clean ,crystal clear of a Doctor
    Delivers his action as a Politician
    Braves his his thoughts regardless of threats
    Kind of a Noble Man
    Tun Mahathir has it all.
    Tun is right to put Anwar behind bars for Anwar own wrong doings.
    Anwar,s very high determination has showns his true colors and character.A capable well speech man of self importance,with no foundations.Not only that He threats UMNO, but also Malaysia
    Security and Stability out of his lusts and anger.
    He is a losing man,who,s action is of a man loosing faith (Iman).
    If Tun is not a Noble man,a True Muslims man,
    Anwar ought to be assassinated, or Thrown Out.
    It takes a chemistry of leaders,ruling party and the people
    to build a nation of it,s own identity.
    If there are 10 of Tun in Malaysia,
    Malaysia will outclass the World

  24. Assalamulaikum Tun,
    I always wondered why people called you dictator. Probably you have been running the country for a long time, longer than the President of the United States. For me, having a leader who brings positive growth and development is something good. Personally, my family or myself have any direct contact or relation with you, but I do benefits from the development and growth of the country.
    Or else, I wouldnt be for what I am and for who I am right now.
    I always believe the “rippling effect”.. And I believe, my achievement is from the rippling effect of the vision and direction that you have seed into Malaysians.. But unfortunately, for Malaysian who is so used to “spoon feeeding” culture or “i know who” kind of style and they dont get what they want would be dissapointed if its not coming directly from you. The point is, despite of me getting what I want is not coming from you directly, is actually coming from you INDIRECTLY and its up for me to navigate my life to the Vision and Development that has been put forth.
    I thank you TUN, for giving inspiration and development to the country. And Whenever I go around the world for my job, people always amazed that Im from Malaysia and “Dr Mahathir”‘s name is mentioned. And I can¦ kerja keras adalah energi kita ¦
    kerja keras adalah energi kita ¦

  25. Salam Hormat Tun,
    Hanya orang yang buta iman tak nampak perjuangan ikhlas Tun.
    Selagi Tun berjuang atas dasar Bangsa, Agama dan Negara, akan saya serahkan jiwa dan raga saya untuk berjuang bersama Tun.
    Dan saya pasti, perjuangan Tun akan membuka mati semua orang suatu hari kelak. Satu dunia Islam menyanjung Tun, tapi yang sedihnya masih ada lagi Melayu Islam yang buta hati……….

  26. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat bahagia sekeluarga. Minta izin menjawab seorang lagi pengulas….
    …………PANDANGAN pada sdr ‘shafinazh’ on November 29, 2009 4:15 PM
    Sembur wajah
    Biasalah, tak boleh lawan hujah, cemar wajah. Cara unggul, mengenakan label dengki, dendam terhadap Melayu dan tak patriotik. Ini ajaran BTN tentang bangsa lain yg menegur Melayu atau sebut S’pura!
    Kalau kita tak sensitif sangat, pandang dgn objektif kejayaan S’pura (ada kekurangan juga) boleh jadi teladan. Tapi BTN dah didik mrk anggap S’pura dan bangsa lain sebagai ‘bogeyman’. Segala yg tak kena salahkan mrk ini yg ultra kiasu, penindas Melayu dll.
    Siapa dulu
    Bukan saya yg bangkit isu, depa ditegur dulu. Tulisan saya tentang kaum dan DEB pun memberi pandangan pada komen perkauman ditimbulkan orang lain. Bukan depa yg bakar kelambu.
    Ismail Abdul Rahman adalah menteri dalam negeri waktu Tun dipecat dari Umno.

  27. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sekeluarga. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas….
    …………MENJAWAB sdr ‘promelayu’ November 30, 2009 10:58 AM
    Siapa kering fakta.
    Kata orang tak ada fakta, sendiri pun tak ada (contoh, kes, sejarah, statistik, lapuran, perbandingan, hujah usul bukan hujah cemuh) Yg ada mengata peribadi orang saja.
    DEB berjaya.
    Memang DEB sudah berjaya sebab itu ia tak perlu lagi. Jika tidak golongan seperti sdr akan ambil kesempatan minta untuk anak cucu sdr. Sdr sendiri mengaku sudah berjaya dan tak patut minta nikmat DEB lagi. Berdikari mcm kaum lain! Sanggup lepaskan nikmat DEB untuk anak cucu? Boleh beri pada anak Melayu lain (dan juga kaum lain) yg kurang berjaya dari sdr? Atau ketuanan beri hak pada sdr minta sampai ke anak cucu pedulikan orang lain?
    Pembangkang berjuang minta perubahan. Saya sokong perubahan. Pembangkang bukan pemerintah, cari kutu mrk mcm anjing menyalak bukit. Bila mrk memerintah kita cari cacat cela mrk.
    Pembangkang bukan jawatan rebutan sangat, siapa nak bertapa silakan. Lihat Khir Toyo boleh tahan berapa thn sebagai pembangkang sebelum dia jemu tak ada hasil?
    Kritik dan hina.
    Tun sendiri akui dia bukan tiada silap dan kekurangan. Apa nak sakit hati orang beri pendapat tentang tafsiran salah silap itu. Tak setuju kemukakan hujah balas bukan marah peribadi.
    Yg dibidas dasar dan pendapat bukan peribadi. Ajaran Umno (dan BTN), siapa kutuk pendirian pemimpin mrk dianggap menghina Melayu! Anwar, Zaid, Nik Aziz, Pak Lah di kutuk, mrk bukan Melayu? Tun kata pemimpin Umno banyak perasuah tidak menghina?
    Blog dan facebook pembangkang
    Saya tiada kuasa terhadap mrk. Sila tanya mrk yg berkenaan. Lebih baik perbaiki pemerintah dari perbaiki pembangkang. Apa faedah cari salah pemimpin pembangkang yg tak ada kuasa?
    Kira sokongan dari kunjungan blog mcm kira undi dari hadir ceramah.
    Kalau pun benar Melayu di sisih di S’pura, apa kena mengena dgn kaum lain di sini? Mrk kena tanggung dosa orang S’pura?
    Ajaran bahawa bangsa asing nak jadikan M’sia mcm S’pura berasal dari BTN!! Guna akal, majoriti di M’sia, tentera, polis, perkhidmatan awam, Raja di pegang siapa?
    Lagi satu ajaran BTN, Melayu yg dlm pembangkang adalah pengkhianat bangsa , agama dan negara. Soal bangsa agama dan negara, ajaran Umno sajalah akidah betul. Tun pernah kata ulama pun boleh salah tafsir akidah. Ulama pun kena soal, Umno tak boleh soal?
    Tuduhan ajenda tersirat, ultra kiasu, kisah Melayu S’pura, naik tocang, pijak kepala, anti Melayu, iri hati, tak patriotik, pengkhianat, Yahudi , pendatang, taksub agama semua terdapat dalam matapelajaran BTN!! Lontar kata kata hikmat ini untuk menutup mulut orang.

  28. Assalamualaikum Tun..
    Dalam sejarah melaka ada tercatat mengenai seorang pengkhianat bernama Mendaliar. Si pengkhianat ini pula dibantu oleh beberapa petualang lain iaitu Nina Chattu dan Pedagang Cina membuka laluan masuk ke Kota Melaka sekaligus membawa soldadu Portugis.Hasil usaha si pengkhianat dan bantuan petualang-petualang, Kota Melaka berjaya diinjak Portugis laknatullah. Lebih memedihkan, beribu-ribu orang Islam Melaka dibunuh, yang wanita dirogol dan kediaman mereka dibakar. Masjid Melaka jadi abu. Nisan-nisan di kuburan dirompak dan dijadikan binaan Kota A Famosa dengan buruhnya orang Melayu sendiri. Sudahnya, orang Melayu merempat di bumi sendiri sementara yang lain menjadi pelarian ke Johor dan Sumatra. Ini semua berlaku dengan pantas bukan kerana apa, kerana orang Melayu sendiri yang jadi pengkhianat. Kalau dilihat pula hari ini, watak-watak pengkhianat ini masih ada cuma berganti orang saja. Cuba kita lihat watak penasihat ekonomi tu, bukankah sama seperti Mendaliar? Menghasut orang dari luar tentang keburukan negara sendiri? Betul pun apa yang dikatakan oleh Tan Sri Muhyiddin. DAP pula sama macam Nina Chattu dan pedagang yang mengambil kesempatan dari kepentingan diri Mendaliar.. Kalau semua watak dan peristiwa yang berlaku hari ini sama seperti yang berlaku di Melaka, maka ada kemungkinan peristiwa kehancuran Melaka akan berulang di Malaysia.

  29. Salam Tun
    Bagi saya mencelah sikit dengan jawapan S..Tan..
    Jawapan anda di bawah mengambarkan anda ini gentar berhujah mengenai pembangkang…tengok jer laa jawapan anda di bawah..banyak soalan yang ditanya..tapi tak jawap2..bahkan menunjukkan kejumudan anda kerana meleret2…anda recyle balik modal2 yang menunjukkan anda tiada fakta sebenar..semua orang dalam blog ini boleh ukur sejauh mana anda berhujah berdasarkan fakta..jadi rasanya anda pun tau sejauh mana fakta anda cuba anda kemukakan..cuba baca balik tulisan anda di bawah..
    “Syukur. Jawapan diatas. Bukan orang lain saja yg tak bersyukur.
    LKS. Yg besar diutamakan, yg penting didahulukan.
    Kroni. Jawatan dlm parti pembangkang nak bolot berapa ambil lah. Peluang masuk lokap lebih cerah dari dapat projek!
    Kotak katik. Kalau saya kotak katik Melayu yg berada nak mengada ngada lagi dgn DEB, saya tak insaf. Saya tak pernah melawan Melayu miskin dan tertinggal di beri bantuan khas”
    Anda meleret sampai cakap mengenai masuk lokap…seolah2 anda pernah masuk lokap ker??hai..kesian, saya tengok dengan hujah2 anda..anda masih berhujah tentang DEB….percayala kebanyakkan orang Melayu yang cerdik pandai pada masa kini adalah kerana DEB….kalau bukan kerana DEB saya tidak rasa saya mampu berhujah dengan anda…kerana DEB jugalaa ramai penulis2 di blog ini berani bagi kupasan fakta..bukan berdasarkan emosi macam anda..sekali lagi bukan beremosi…
    Kalau anda berani jawapla tentang pemimpin2 Perosak Rakyat (PR) yang tak turun2 jawatan sampai sekarang?..Tengok jer laman facebook Tun berapa ramai yang jadi kawan Tun berbanding Anwar, Nik Aziz dan pemimpin DAP (tak berani nak keluarkan bilangan kawan, kerana tau tiada penyokong dah), itu belum lagi kritikan2 orang yang tak diterima masuk dalam laman blog dan facebook pembangkang..cuba bagi satu sahaja ayat yang mengkritik pemimpin2 ultra kiasu di laman blog mereka??satu cukuplaa….anda tak akan jumpanya..sedangkan saya sendiri dah berjela2 posting message mengkritik mereka..tapi haram satu pun tak masuk..itukah pemimpin yang bagus???tapi anda di sini, sentiasa diterima masuk message2 yang mengkritik Tun, orang Melayu dan DEB..
    Tun, rakan2 facebook beliau lebih 100,000 orang..Perosak Rakyat berapa ramai? Sekitar 30,000 orang sahaja paling tinggi..kenapa? anda ingin tau kenapa??Pertama, Tun banyak jasanya..dan majoriti rakyat di Malaysia mengakuinya…kedua, Tun lebih demokratik menerima kritikan dan menjawab satu persatu kritikan di blog ini..maka tidak hairanla ramai sahaja yang masuk blog ini sehingga berjuta2 orang..Blog pemimpin Perosak Rakyat (PR)??Berapa ramai?Blog pemimpin ultra kiasu?Entah..Kenapa mereka tidak keluarkan maklumat sebegini meskipun hanya sekadar tunjukkan statistik sahaja..jika gentar untuk tunjukkan komen2 dan kritikan orang lain..???
    Kalau anda nak bagi contoh Singapore, ok..tengok sejarah Singapore macam mana orang Melayu di sana “dianaktirikan” sedangkan mereka merupakan penduduk asal Singapura..caranya macam mana?anda mesti tau bukan?..tapi takpelaa saya tetap nak cerita supaya orang2 di blog chedet nie sedar tentang sejarah..
    Pemimpin Singapore pada awal tahun 1950 cuba berbuat baik dengan orang melayu (berbuat baik dengan agenda tersirat) dengan menggunakan pemimpin2 melayu yang berpengaruh yang menguasai suratkhabar melayu arus perdana ketika itu, apabila berkuasa, melantik orang melayu menjadi presiden pertama Singapore (kononnya adillaa) tapi ini sebenarnya strategi untuk mencairkan orang melayu di sana..inilah juga caranya yang cuba dibuat oleh pemimpin2 ultra kiasu yang ada sekarang..caranya mudah..ambil hati orang melayu..sebab pemimpin2 ultra kiasu tau orang melayu jenis yang lembut..baik, bersopan, dan terbuka menerima orang berbanding pemimpin2 ultra kiasu …sikap lembut inilah menyebabkan pemimpin dan orang2 ultra kiasu macam anda naik toncang……dan strategi inilah cuba dibuat oleh pemimpin2 perosak rakyat (PR)..selangor, perak, penang..inilah negeri2 yang kononnya adil tapi percayala..strategi yang diguna pakai oleh pemimpin2 ultra kiasu ini adalah strategi yang digunakan oleh pemimpin2 ultra kiasu di singapura..halus,tersirat..lembut hati orang melayu..
    Jadi S..tan, kami orang Melayu diajar berbaik2 dengan bangsa lain yang menghormati kami..sebab itulah apabila bangsa lain datang ke Tanah Melayu, kami terima dengan terbuka..dapat hidup dengan selesa dan boleh mencari pendapatan dan kekayaan yang mencurah2 dibumi yang amat permai ini bersama2 dengan orang melayu tanpa melakukan sebarang penindasan..buktinya ramai sahaja yang kaya raya dari kalangan anda..kami tidak kisah kerana agama kami mengajar agar berbuat baik untuk semua orang yang berbuat baik dengan kami tanpa ada agenda tersirat…jadi, kami cukup “tidak gemar” golongan ultra kiasu yang mengada2, cuba pijak kepala dan mempunyai agenda tersirat..sekali lagi..saya menasihatkan anda..bersederhanalah..jangan terlalu beremosi ketika berhujah..berfikirlah positif..dan jangan menjadi ultra kiasu macam pemimpin2 perosak rakyat (PR) yang lain..kerana orang Melayu di sini ramai yang sudah terpelajar dan amat faham dengan strategi pemimpin2 ultra kiasu..
    Terima kasih jua kerana membaca tulisan ini..

  30. Dear Tun,
    You have done brilliant jobs in the past and dont blame yourself for choosing the wrong people..The MAIN problem is not you..its the people you chose changed..people keep on changing all the time..some change to be better and some change to a greedy monster when they have your trust..most of the p0litician change and try to get as much $$$$ as possible after they get promoted cos you wont see the real person at the end,,

  31. Assalamulaikum Tun,
    I always wondered why people called you dictator. Probably you have been running the country for a long time, longer than the President of the United States. For me, having a leader who brings positive growth and development is something good. Personally, my family or myself have any direct contact or relation with you, but I do benefits from the development and growth of the country.
    Or else, I wouldnt be for what I am and for who I am right now.
    I always believe the “rippling effect”.. And I believe, my achievement is from the rippling effect of the vision and direction that you have seed into Malaysians.. But unfortunately, for Malaysian who is so used to “spoon feeeding” culture or “i know who” kind of style and they dont get what they want would be dissapointed if its not coming directly from you. The point is, despite of me getting what I want is not coming from you directly, is actually coming from you INDIRECTLY and its up for me to navigate my life to the Vision and Development that has been put forth.
    I thank you TUN, for giving inspiration and development to the country. And Whenever I go around the world for my job, people always amazed that Im from Malaysia and “Dr Mahathir”‘s name is mentioned. And I can tell you, the Islamic world and Japanese citizen, would come and hug me when I said Im from Malaysia and telling me how Dr M has bring the country to the center stage..
    I pray to Allah for your health and I believe no other person would be as Dynamic and visionary as you are. I know my “Thank you” wouldnt be as much as how you have made me and other Malaysians, but I appreciate what you have done to us.
    Assalamualaikum and Thank you Tun

  32. Dear Tun,
    I think this country should have military rule like Myanmar. Let the military discipline our society to be cultured, cilvilised and united as ONE MALAYSIA. Once we have achieved a united Malaysia then we can revert to civilian rule. What do you think, Tun?
    There are a lot of hypocrisy within our society. Our unity among the races is actually artificial. Kita tipu diri kita sendiri.

  33. Dear Tun,
    I do not understand why those people labeled Tun a dictator.I see no other reasons for them to say that but to influence the rakyat that you are a bad person.I do not hear people from many foreign countries which I have visited, telling me that you are a dictator, instead I am so happy and proud being a Malaysian to know that they have high regard on you.Whenever mentioned Malaysia they remember your name and a great world leader.
    Tun, you are an intelligent and far-sighted melayu whom some people do not like.I do not want to mention all the good deeds you have done which you never want people to know, enough to say that you are a good Muslim and always remain so.

  34. Tun,
    Sekali lagi saya minta izin, kali ini bukan untuk menjawab tetapi memberi pandangan mengenai tulisan S..Tan 28 November, 2009 12:44 AM.
    Saya tidak mahu menjawap tulisan S..Tan (bukan kerana tidak boleh menjawab) tetapi menganggap sebagai membazir masa dan tidak berguna menjawap tulisan orang seperti dia ini.
    Lagi pun, daripada tulisan dia sendiri, orang ramai boleh membaca sikap, hati naluri orang bernama S..Tan ini dan kaum yang diwakilinya.
    Dalam jawapan saya terhadap penulis ini sebelum ini, saya ada meletakkan beberapa kategori orang yang akan saya tentang habis-habisan, iaitu cauvinis perkauman (pentingkan kaum dan diri sendiri di atas kesusahan bangsa lain), rasis, hipokrit, fanatik agama, golongan liberal yang menjual bangsa sendiri untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.
    Saya rasa apa yang saya tulis sebelum ini sudah cukup untuk menggambarkan siapa penulis bernama S..Tan ini.
    Mungkin saya terlupa meletakkan satu kategori lagi, iaitu penulis ini adalah cauvinis perkauman yang iri hati dan berdendam terhadap orang Melayu dan seperti beberapa rakannya yang lain yang menulis di blog ini yang langsung tidak ada sikap patriotik terhadap negara ini.
    Cuma saya rasa mahu ketawa, apabila membaca tulisan ‘cerita lama’ S..Tan ini sama seperti rakannya si Dass, si Aru dan lain-lain iaitu suka membuat perbandingan negara ini dengan Singapura.
    Si Tan ini nampak bangga sungguh dengan pendapatan per kapita dan mata wang Singapura yang lebih tinggi berbanding Malaysia.
    Wahai S.. Tan, ingatlah selalu bahawa Singapura hanya sebuah pulau kecil jika dibandingkan dengan Malaysia.
    Nilai mata wang yang tinggi tidak semestinya lebih baik daripada negara yang mempunyai nilai mata wang yang lebih rendah.
    Jangan mudah tamak, taukeh Tan, kerana dari segi ekonomi dan politik, nilai mata wang yang rendah juga ada kelebihannya … tak perlulah saya huraikan, taukeh belajarlah sendiri.
    Dan saya tahu kenapa taukeh Tan dan rakan-rakan sukakan Singapura.
    Sebab Singapura adalah sebuah republik yang didominasi oleh kaum Cina yang menindas kaum lain (atas kononnya dasar meritokrasi).
    Taukeh Tan nampak MAS sahaja yang rugi, SIA tidak pernah rugi ke?
    Satu lagi, siapa lah Ismail Abdul Rahman?Bagi saya berbanding Tun Dr. Mahathir, saya tidak nampak apa-apa jasa Ismail (idola saudara) ini (kecuali kalau tak silap suka hisap paip dan bermain golf) di negara ini.
    Salam Tun.

  35. Salam Tun,
    Tun selalu menentang kebebasan media barat, politik kotor barat, dan pemikiran yahudi.
    Baru saya tahu kenapa ini berkaitan.
    Illuminati adalah golongan elit yang menyambah syaitan..!!
    Bunyi yang tak masuk akal?
    Sila lihat 8 siri video ini untuk pengetahuan anda semua.
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:
    Part 5:
    Part 6:
    Part 7:
    Part 8:

  36. Dear Beloved Tun,
    This is my first time writing on your blog. Hello, how are you doing Tun? Hope you are in your best of health, happy, enjoying your life with family and friends, going for holidays, stress free, waking up in the morning, do a bit of gardening here and there, smell the morning fresh air, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, just enjoy yourself, and I am suggesting this because you done a lot and so much more than other leaders I have come to read about or know about for the people of Malaysia, the Nation itself, the economy, all industries across, businessmen, entrepreneurs, the poor, the average Malaysian family, the younger and older generations, maybe you were our Prime Minister for 22 years, but any Prime Minister given the same 22 years would not be able to deliver the same as you did, I also wish for my future children to get to know you as they were growing up, and the present younger generations to get to know you better, you have also put Malaysia as a Nation on the global map, I wish for you to stay young and healthy and if God’s willing, to give you another hundred years to guide the not so experience ministers in this country, and to able to continue to champion causes, developments, infrastructure, the economy, because you have done a very fantastic job which I only have all praises for you Tun, I am not a follower of Politics because I believe in people who walk the talk and work, to carry out their duties and not just empty-can-making-nothing but noises, talk and talk and taking care of their own pockets and not the People, the monies which at times were spent by the government could have been more appropriately spent to help rebuild kampungs, small villages where people are still living in poverty, use the monies to help the poor, the underprivileged as a Nation cannot grow if its people are not living better lives, the richer gets richer but the poor gets poorer, something does not add up here, government instead spent so much monies buying unnecessary submarines, fighter jets, some ministers build huge bungalows which can probably rebuild a thousand kampungs, and its all capitalism, I stopped reading newspapers because newspapers only sell Politics, gossips about who wants to be the leader, blah blah blah, everyday publish and talk about the same old thing, sensationalise news, and no fair treatment given to other parties to voice out concerns, these are my random thoughts and opinions, slandering here and there, and there are hundreds of things I am thinking about such as the Nation having so much natural resources and yet we could not capitalise on what we have, oil which is every nation’s most precious commodity, we have palm oil, rubber, precious metals, timber, sand, and a lot more and yet, the state of economy is where it is today, maybe financials resources went into the wrong hands and somehow disappear, and Tun, if you could remember, I was very lucky to have greeted you in person, three times at KLCC, the first time when you officiated the Blue Hippo launch by Telekom if I am not mistaken, and me having a drink and simple meal at Chinoz, suddenly I caught a glimpse of you and I shouted to my wife and said, “hey, that is Dr. Mahathir..” I jumped from my seat and jumped through the little window Chinoz had before they renovated, and greeted you and shook your hand and said “How are you Dr Mahathir..” and you just smiled and it really made my day, second time was when a group of Indonesian tourist took pictures with you at the Guardian Pharmacy where you were buying vitamin Cs of the rack, I remembered it was either Redoxon or Sandoz, and I walked up to you just to say hello and greeted you as Tun then, and another time, you were walking along I believe somewhere near Delifrance and I also said hello to you, I feel so happy and blessed to see you still very much yourself but more laid back, relaxed, and in the pinkest of health. Saw the documentary on History channel 555 about yourself, and you appeared to be straight forward and honest and even your counterparts have only praises for you. I do not believe you should call yourself a dictator, you are not one, North Korea has one but you are not a dictator, Germans had Hitler as dictator, and Malaysia during your time as a Prime Minister, had and still has a very great Leader. You had and still have the ability to keep things in order especially the political environment, you were hard but firm on your decisions and you knew and know how to manage people. Do not have any regrets whether you have done anything wrong or feel bad about what people say now because everyone will something to say whether good or bad, or with intentions and agendas, just read them and smile because famous people are bound to be criticised upon, just let them be, its ok. You should enjoy life now, and continue to champion your causes whether right or wrong because you are the only person who knows and its ok. Please stay healthy Tun and be happy. Do not stress yourself too much. Take good care. Another time, will share my writing again.
    Sincerely yours.

  37. Salaam and Blessings to Tun and family. my comments:
    1. Dr. M took over as Finance Minister and told IMF to get lost before they (IMF) get their dirty hands on Malaysian assets. It worked.
    Dr.M. saw the motives of IMF. Most of us did not…and still don’t. Shukor kepada Allah.So, Malaysia never got into the perpetual infinite debt that other IMF-dependent countries are in now.
    2. Other countries (except Malaysia) which signed their (economic)life away through IMF, are now in deep shit with external debts (serving the INTEREST-laden loans from IMF).
    3. Anwar was kicked out in 1998. It was timely. Malaysia’e economy, Malaysia’s labour and resources….were saved…from the would-be bankrupcy which would have engulfed the entire nation for generations to come (if M’sia had signed up for IMF)
    4. Anwar is now the “state” “economic advisor”. What a joke. That’s why he’s given the $1/month pay. People are supposed to read that it IS a joke!! On a serious note,he WAS pro-IMF. He has to follow whatever the Jewish elite capitalists in Washington/New York tell him. (When you are paid handsomely, you HAVE to do your job well, right, folks?) He was one of the directors in IMF in 1997-98. IMF’s major share-holders are pro-Zionist capitalists such as The Rothschilds, who have only ONE aim: the monopoly of all of the world’s wealth and the continuing existence of Zionist-Israel…at all costs.
    5. “Congratulations” to the Selangor State…either they are utterly blind…or they have NO CLUE about the bigger agenda that Anwar and his inner-circle team has in mind.

  38. Dear Tun, salam Aidil Adha moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab dua orang pengulas….
    Pada sdr ‘shafinazh’ on November 26, 2009 6:09 PM
    ………….RANTAI DEB
    Bagaimana DEB telah melembabkan M’sia boleh bayang sedikit begini:-
    1970 – Pendapatan per kapita S’pura, taraf universiti (UM, USM), nilai matawang, SIA, berbanding M’sia
    2009 – Pendapatan per kapita 5X ganda, universiti (tiada dalam 100 teratas), matawang 3X, MAS rugi bertahun tahun.
    Thailand tiada kilang sebesar Proton (1985) sekarang keluaran 1.4juta kenderaan. M’sia mencungap 500k ut.
    Filem Melayu dulu laku sampai Brunei, Indonesia. Sekarang? Nak sekat filem orang pula!
    DEB tidak boleh halang kaum lain dari berjaya sebagaimana bom dan kepungan tak boleh halang Palestin dari bebas. Kejayaan kaum lain dan semangat kebebasan Palestin tak bermaksud DEB dan Israel tak ada salah!
    Anwar contoh terbaik tunjuk cara hidup dlm Umno. Mesti semarak bahang perkauman(di kalangan Melayu) baru boleh dapat sokongan. Kebolehan, keadilan, ketelusan, keikhlasan, tak kan ke mana. Lontar ketuanan Melayu, melonjaklah nama, melambung jawatan.
    Satu orang masih dapat sokongan sampai sekarang krn dia masih genggam bara ini. Siapa tak sanggup melaung, dihamun seperti Anwar, Zaid, Pak Lah, Nik Aziz, Ku Li (New Deal)….
    Home Affairs Minister Ismail Abdul Rahman warned that “[t]hese ultras believe in the wild and fantastic theory of absolute dominion by one race over the other communities, regardless of the Constitution”.(Referring to Tun)
    As seen above Anwar is not the first Malay to denounce Malay dominion (by race)
    Perkara 153 sebut kedudukan istimewa dipelihara (dgn kuota) untuk perkhidmatan awam, biasiswa, pertukangan atau perniagaan berlesen. Ia tak sebut bolot semua.
    Perkhimatan awam (95%), Uitm (bangsa lain terlarang), sekolah asrama penuh, matrikulasi, ASB bukan kuota tapi ambil semua.
    Saham terbit murah (30%), diskaun rumah(10%), projek untuk kroni dan bumiputera saja, AP kenderaan bukan kuota tapi larangan pada kaum lain. Ia sejenis pertukangan dan perniagaan dalam Per 153?
    Pengswastaan sumber awam pada kroni (IPP, lebuhraya, pelabuhan, perkapalan, penerbangan) adalah kuota? Jutawan segera, kroni, Istana Pandamaran, mahligai Bali, ilham Per 153?
    Kedudukkan istimewa (jaga dari tercicir) jadi ketuanan (bolot). Hak sementara jadi hak kiamat. Rakyat(1959) jadi pendatang(2009). Tanggung beban sebagai rakyat penuh(cukai dll), dilayan sebagai penumpang (pandangan satu golongan)
    Lebih 900 aduan politik wang dalam pemilihan Umno. Sampai Tun mengaku. Wang DEB mudah tergelincir!
    Wang kerajaan (hasil sumbangan semua) di bolot di kata hak istimewa. Wang persendirian orang (hasil peluh sendiri) di tuduh tamak.
    Orang 4 keturunan lahir di Msia, pendatang. Orang satu keturunan di M’sia, bumiputera (ibu atau bapa Indon, India, Arab, Barat,)
    DEB bukan Perkara 153. DEB persetujuan 1970, tapi sudah dibolot oleh Umno jadi ketuanan, tak boleh soal, menghina, tak kenang budi, tak bersyukur.
    Menuduh orang tak bersyukur? Apa kesyukuran Umno pada kaum lain yg duduk bawah dasar menyepit selama 50thn. Melaung hak istimewa sekarang untuk selama lamanya adalah.
    Tongkat dijadikan kaki.
    Adil dan saksama. Mungkin tak berlaku juga tanpa DEB, tak rugi mencuba.
    Pendatang. Umno yg mulakan kemelut ini.
    Kafir. PAS tujukan pada pegangan Islam oleh Melayu, Umno tujukan memburukkan bangsa lain. Satu demi Islam dan iman, satu demi membeza kaum dan habuan.
    Sebat putar belit. Tak banyak peluang belit fakta di bawah kerajaan PAS Kelantan 20thn.
    Kalau nampak saya putar belit, pandang tulisan yg saya rujuk dulu baru tuduh siapa di antara ini putar belit. Terima kasih krn membaca.
    …………..MENJAWAB sdr ‘promelayu’ on November 26, 2009 10:22 AM
    Syukur. Jawapan diatas. Bukan orang lain saja yg tak bersyukur.
    LKS. Yg besar diutamakan, yg penting didahulukan.
    Kroni. Jawatan dlm parti pembangkang nak bolot berapa ambil lah. Peluang masuk lokap lebih cerah dari dapat projek!
    Kotak katik. Kalau saya kotak katik Melayu yg berada nak mengada ngada lagi dgn DEB, saya tak insaf. Saya tak pernah melawan Melayu miskin dan tertinggal di beri bantuan khas.
    Terima kasih membaca tulisan saya.

  39. assalamualaikum Tun,
    for the past 2 weeks, History Channel televised your biography which i watched to understand what happen from your childhood which lead to your involvement in politics and also to the time of your resignation. i am proud to say that i am another product of your leadership. i remember the time that Malaysia didnt have anything and nobody knows where Malaysia is. anyway i didnt understand what happen in 1998 and now i know and understand why you make those decision. i am quite angry and appalled that the very people that is using the accomodation that you fight for to obtain are right now turning their backs on you with nasty remarks and criticism.i mean where would we be without the twin towers or the LRT? we would be left behind in technology and also economy. therfore i am grateful that you become our prime minister. lets just hope that Malaysia can be save before it falls deeper into the hands of the enemy that are hidden.

  40. Everybody, the Malay Dilemma still exists. As a non-Malaysian (and non Malay), I see it every time I visit the country every month! I’ve had the ‘privilege’ of sitting in a board room where non-Malays make most of the executive decisions and their Malay counter-parts simply mimick the facts presented to them and agree with the decisions made by others. They want position and authority yet do not know how to execute critical decisions. Without the non Malays, I shudder to think that Malaysia would be. Another Argentina perhaps?
    It is incompetence and greed that is keeping the country back, not to mention blood-letting beaurocracy.

  41. Dear Tun,
    You said you seem to choose the wrong person all the time. Its not because you choose the wrong people. Its because, whoever which is chosen, will be a target from outsiders (the real world big fish). These potential people will become a target and so they will be brainwashed and lastly will carry on their agendas (the new world order). New world order is REAL!. Brainwashing is REAL! From the leaders till the poor people, all are being brainwashed into accepting the new world order. Leaders (through money and power), and the little people by the mass media. World domination is a real thing. But unlike previously, through wars, nowadays its more through INFILTRATION. They infiltrates into powerful organization/political party in a country and try to change the country. Especially if its a sovereign country.
    New World Order is on the way. “By consent or by conquest.” – GWB.
    So Tun, no matter what, you will be always be dear to our heart. We will remember you always. Let them call you a dictator. If a dictator they meant who are in power and has brought prosperity, development and change millions people’s life to a better one, so be it.
    As for us, remember that nowadays.. it is the war of mind.

  42. Assalamualaikum Tun
    You are true hero of the Malaysia. I always admired your intellectual, and your leadership as a prime minister of Malaysia. No matter what they said , I always believe you, Tun. You are like my father. I really disappoint with all the rumor , tarnishing your good name. You should be the Secretary of general of United Nation. Lead to whole world to the right path. I believed you are one capable person unfortunately people are blind to see the value on you. Whatever people said I believe on you Tun. Dont worry of them. your true die fan will be always on your side to make sure that no one will ever damages your reputation. They are all just like a barking dog which only bark in order to create a chaos and tension situation.However if we stop bothering them , then the will stop barking themselves. Ignore them Tun , cause they speak without using the brain .
    I have witnessed the growth of Malaysia during your administration . Tremendously improved till all the nation in world impressed with our country. Well done Tun . I even don’t mind you are the dictator because I believed that you are the the most honorable man which I willing to serve for you and the country for entire in my life.
    Di doakan dihari Jumaat yang mulia ini, semoga Allah memberkati
    ayahanda Tun M dan seisi keluarga hendaknya.

  43. Dear Tun,
    You have been a blessing to this country. You were strict, but definitely not a dictator. You have made mistakes, but not without reasons. You have done a lot for the people, Tun. You should have not regrets.
    For those who have yet to prove your worth & your sacrifice for the nation – you are entitle to your opinion, but please reserve your criticism on Tun.

  44. hai TUN…
    I am ur fan…
    Anwar is just a talker…
    He will blow every malaysian mind…
    what the hack are anwar…

  45. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Dear Malaysia’s best son,
    First of all,it takes all sorts of people to make up the world. ..Dejavus, Ong CPs, Ravis, S.Tans, Dato Aktivis(es)and the like are interesting creatures to have around. They add colour to plain ‘black and white’ settings. Without them there won’t be ‘wars’ (of words at the most … not the sort of brutality that comes with wars which you’re championing against!).
    Talking about child’s play …, isn’t challenging a person to
    publish your comment in his blog ( if he is really as brave as he appears to be … since he raised the war issue) equivalent to “the pot calling the kettle black” business. And, totally disregarding the importance of history in one’s life will definitely be chaotic if not catastrophic!
    Tun, just ignore such unruly words and uncalled for actions by those who I dare say are simply envious of you! Of course, being plain ordinary they want to be in the limelight too. They want to grab your famous attention.They want to feel important.Most of all they just want to have the satisfaction of going against you … (like their idols did). And, in chasing all these wants they fail to realize that they are themselves harping on issues emotional in nature.
    I pray that we Malaysians will continue to be lead by men as wise if not wiser than you. Thank you Allah for giving us PM Mahathir for 22 years even though we wish we could have him for very many more years.
    Thoughts from:
    Bamuda d’SUARANG blog

  46. Tun,
    Bless you and may you have a good and happy life. Like I said, you have done some mistake which you should not be totally blame but you have done more for Malaysians than any PM. People that you trusted are the one that kill your name. You have given Malaysians enough and we should thank you. From now you only have one more task to do that is to turn around Proton. Employ a non bumiputra as CEO and take away all or change the management especially procurement people and you will see Proton fly within 3 years. Follow Air Asia. If you were to come back I will still vote for you.

  47. Sambutan Salam Doa yg mulia pada Tun
    dari Hanisa
    Amin,Amin,Yarabbaalamin.Somaga Doa kami diterima ALLAH.
    TUN,Salam IdilAdha pada Tun Sekeluarga.

  48. Tun,
    Izinkan saya menjawb tulisan S.Tan pada 25 November, 2009 12:43 am.
    Sdr Tan, Untuk makluman saudara, saya bukan seorang ahli UMNO atau mana-mana parti politik (non partisan) tetapi seorang warganegara Malaysia yang cintakan negara ini dan menentang sekeras-kerasnya sikap cauvinis perkauman, rasis, fanatik agama, hipokrit dan golongan liberal yang menjual bangsa sendiri untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.(Semua ini secara kebetulan terdapat pada parti-parti pembangkang di negara ini termasuk pengulas seperti saudara.)
    Saudara menyebut, quote “Jgn masuk bantahan terhadap perlaksanaan DEB Umno. Umno yg di bantah bukan Perkara 153.”
    Saya ingin bertanya kepada saudara, apakah “perlaksanaan DEB UMNO” seperti yang saudara sebutkan yang lebih bersifat ‘affirmative action’ iaitu membantu orang Melayu dari segi ekonomi pernah menggugat atau menghalang kaum lain di negara ini daripada terus berjaya dan kaya di negara ini?
    Langkah affirmatice action ini dalam membantu orang Melayu pernah ditegaskan sendiri oleh Anwar Ibrahim sendiri (idola saudara) dalam ucapan beliau semasa beliau masih berkuasa sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
    Sayang sekali rentak dan nada ucapan Anwar ini mudah berubah apabila beliau hilang kuasa dan tidak lagi menjadi TPM kerana ingin dapatkan undi pengundi bukan Melayu.
    Mungkin saudara boleh menilai sendiri Anwar terletak dalam kategori yang mana satu seperti yang saya sebutkan di atas.
    Saudara juga menyebut mengenai Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
    Sudahkan saudara baca dengan teliti Perkara 153 (2)?
    Antara lain ia menyebut … selain melindungi kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu, Yang di-Pertuan Agong —- memastikan kemudahan khas lain yang diberikan atau diadakan oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan…. bagi mengendalikan apa-apa pertukangan atau perniagaan tertakluk kepada peruntukan undang-undang itu.
    Apakah maksud kemudahan khas?Adakah DEB lari daripada maksud ini?
    Untuk pengetahuan saudara lagi, MCA, MIC juga memainkan peranan serupa seperi UMNO membantu kaum lain.
    Bukankah cara ini juga sedang ditiru oleh pakatan pembangkang?
    Adakah “suara adil dan saksama yang saudara sebutkan” itu hanya berlaku jika DEB dihapuskan?
    Mengenai istilah penumpang, pendatang, bukan kah ada seorang pemimpin MCA yang menyebut bangsa Melayu sebagai bangsa pendatang? walaupun mereka (orang Melayu) telah dijajah oleh bangsa asing lebih 100 tahun di negara ini?
    Berhubung istilah kafir, bukan kah rakan baik saudara daripada parti Pas yang memulakannya?
    Mungkin orang seperti saudara patut dijatuhkan hukuman sebat oleh parti Pas apabila parti ini berkuasa suatu hari nanti (atas sokongan saudara) kerana suka memutarkan belitkan fakta.
    Salam Tun.

  49. Salam tun,
    I love u…forever u’ll be my greatest hero..
    because u r the best leader for our beloved country..
    thank for all ur great works..
    proud to be Malaysian…

  50. kita manusia bukanya sempurna..kesilapan lepas buat apa nak bincang di sini..itulah masyarakat melayu lebih banyak tengok keburukkan dari kebaikan..melayu memang mudah lupa..demokrasi ke di ktator ke bagi saya tun telah lakukan yang terbaik. dia yang memimpin so dia tahu apa yang terbaik untuk rakyat malaysia..rakyat takkan maju kalau asyik mengharapkkan subsidi dan makan suap ajer dari kerajaan…mahu berjaya mulakan dari bawah biar dalam keadaan susah sekalipun ini tidak semuanya nak subsidi…cuba bagitau berapa ramai anak muda ke pusat serenti???? lepas tu mengamuk nak makan ayam tiap-tiap hari mereka tidak sedar berapa kos kerajaan keluarkan untuk memulihkan mereka…itu belum di penjara dan hospital lagi..fikirlah logik akal rm 1 anda dapat ubat yang berharga beratus ringgit..jumpa pakar rm 5 mahu tak tergelak orang asing dengan lembap orang melayu macam baby baru lahir itu ini nak di sediakan….sikap orang melayu harus di pulihkan lebih banyak kritik dan complaint dari bertindak..pergh!!! berat aku kutuk orang melayu..tapi aku orang melayu jugak.. kenapa aku kutuk sebab melayu masih tak sedar diri dari zaman british sampai sekarang…

  51. Salam Tun
    Tertarik dengan artikel Dato Aktivis..Aktivis sangat ker? Betul ker UMNO akan jatuh apabila PRU ke-13..tak baca ker kajian2 yang dibuat oleh individu berkecuali yang menyatakan sokongan rakyat sekarang nie beralih kepada BN? lebih dari 70 peratus bermakna lebih dari 2 pertiga..Apa perosak rakyat (PR) dapat bangga sepanjang memerintah beberapa negeri?Tukar BTN jadi Spies (Kenapa nama English)??Tak reti cakap melayu ker?? Atau ada tangan2 DAP yang mengacau pemerintah Melayu di Selangor???Jadi pak turut DAP sahaja sebagaimana yang berlaku di Perak..Kalau Dato Aktivis tak sedar lagi tak taulaa..
    Habok pun tarak..yang ada perangai lebih teruk dari BN..mengutuk BN kroni..tengok jer laa perosak rakyat dengan menantu, dengan anak, dengan isteri dengan mak nenek pegang jawatan..sekurang2 Tun masa zaman memerintah takde pulak kaum kerabat Tun yang terlibat dengan politik..
    Lagi satu Dato Aktivis, janganlah doakan orang jahat2..anda teraniaya ker??Syurga neraka bukan ditangan anda…doakan yang baik2 untuk sesama Islam..Syurga neraka di tangan Allah..sedangkan ramai lagi yang kafir2 menunggu hendak jatuhkan Islam..anda pulak nak bersekongkol dengan kafir jatuhkan orang Islam kenapa???
    Kepada S..Tan, andalah manusia paling tak bersyukur di bumi ini..kalau anda rasa anda bagus sangat dengan kritikan2 anda..buktikan apa yang anda dianiaya selama ini?? Bail out???Tengok sahajalaa betapa banyak syarikat di US yang dibail out berbilion2 ringgit..
    Kenapa anda tak kritik Lim Kit Siang yang tak nak turun2 sampai sekarang?Kenapa dia tak nak turun???Berilah peluang kepada orang lain sebagaimana dilakukan oleh Tun..
    Itu belum sebut sanak sedara dia yang masuk politik..kroni bukan??Sudah tentu..kroni..umpama meludah di langit akhirnya terkena batang hidung sendiri…mengata orang lebih, sedangkan diri sendiri yang terlebih2..inilah perosak rakyat yang akan dirosakkan semua jiwa dan sanubari manusia macam anda S..Tan..anda sudah berada dalam kempompong ultra kiasu yang cukup teruk…
    Suatu benda yang anda kena ingat..bersikaplah sederhana dan bersyukurlah..jangan terlalu tamak…orang Melayu di Malaysia ramai yang sudah terpelajar pada masa kini..jadi orang Melayu bukan senang untuk diperkotak-katikkan lagi..lagi sekali, orang Melayu di Malaysia bukan senang diperkotak-katikkan dan diperbodohkan….
    Kepada Tun,..ramai yang sanggup melindungi Tun..Tun tak perlu gusar..tak perlu gentar, tak perlu fikirkan kata2 manusia sebegini..pedulikan mereka. kerana sebagai seorang Islam dan antara pemimpin Islam terhebat yang penting dilahirkan..pastinya Tun akan sentiasa dirahmati Allah s.w.t…Insyaallah
    Selamat hari raya adil adha Tun..semoga sihat sentiasa..wassalam..

  52. Tun…
    Saya merupakan lapisan baru yang merasa ketiga2 pemimpin negara sepanjang tempoh saya berusia 23 tahun ini.
    tidak di nafikan rata-rata belia seusia saya merasa keliru dan fedup dengan dunia politik negara.
    ada di kalangan kami sudah tidak menyanjungi pemimpin negara sebaliknya menyanjungi artis pujaan hati mereka..
    mungkin Tun tidak perasan akan kejadian ini namun hakikatnya belia negara kita sudah mula pudar semangat patriotik kepada negara. Semangat kemerdekaan sudah jauh hilang dari darah daging mereka di kikis oleh kemodenan negara.. Lagu negaraku? saya yakin tidak ramai ingat lyrik lagunya.. rukun negara?? saya pasti mereka lupa susunannya..
    Oleh itu, sebagai belia lapisan baru negara, apa yang saya perhatikan adalah BARISAN NASIONAL hilang undi bukan kerana protes atau sebagainya.. mereka hilang undi kerana majoriti belia seusia saya belum lagi mendaftar sebagai pengundi.
    Kenapa mereka tidak mendaftar?? bagi mereka, buat apa nak undi? BARISAN NASIONAL tetap menang. Ada yang mengatakan politik ni ntah pape..
    Mungkin Tun tidak sedar akan pekara ini, Sebagai lapisan baru belia negara yang tercinta ini ingin sekali melihat belia negara ini berjiwa patriotik dan bersemangat kembali.
    Walaupun Tun pernah mengatakan Tun gagal dalam mendidik dan menyeru bangsa melayu untuk berniaga, Saya akan sahut cabaran Tun untuk berniaga.
    Namun sungguh mengecewakan, Melayu susah di ubah.. mereka tidak suka melihat bangsa mereka berjaya dalam perniagaan. Di penuhi hasrat dengki mereka cuba jatuhkan perniagaan bangsa sendiri..
    Sekiranya Tun mempunyai kuasa dalam pentadbiran, tolong suarakan hasrat saya di mana rancangan-rancangan merosakkan jati diri belia seperti hiburan berunsurkan undian sms tidak lagi di adakan..
    Kurangkan rancangan hiburan yang tidak berfaedah sebaliknya mempamerkan lebih banyak rancangan sejarah Malaysia dan penubuhannya.
    Maaf sekiranya bahasa dan penulisan yang saya tulis ini tidak tersusun dan ini adalah cara baru belia sekarang membuat penulisan.. sekian

  53. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda TUN,
    Semoga Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Tun berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat dan dilindungi ALLAH selalu hendaknya.
    Pedulikan semua kata nista yang dilemparkan pada Ayahanda TUN selama
    ini. Pada saya ini semua kudis yang tak membawa apa2 cela pun kepada ketokohan, kepimpinan, idea bernas dan kelantangan Ayahanda Tun mengeluarkan pandangan terhadap sesuatu isu. Semoga ALLAH panjangkan usia Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Tun untuk terus berbakti dan berkhidmat kepada agama, bangsa dan negara Malaysia bumi bertuah ini. Teringin sangat ketemu Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Tun. Tapi sampai sekarang takda lagi kesempatan.

  54. Salam Tun,
    Saya hairan kenapa Tun masih menyerang Anwar sampai kehari ini. Saya membaca buku ‘Anwar On Trial’ yang ditulis oleh lawyer beliau yang megikuti kes rasuah sampai akhir, dengan sokongan fakta-fakta. Saya sekarang ragu dengan Tun yang nampaknya menyerlah sebagai orang yang membaling batu, menyembunyikan tangan. Satu lagi tindakan Tun menyerang beliau tanpa henti-henti sebagai satu usaha mengekkan benang basah. Itu pandangan saya sahaja untuk renungan Tun.

  55. Assalamu’alaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada Tun dan bloggers,
    Saya baca di blog ini ramai yang terigin sangat nak jumpa Tun personally. Semua orang pun kalau boleh nak jumpa Tun termasuk pengkritik2 hebat sekelian tu pastinya. Apa kata kalau diadakan alumini untuk blog ni? tun taknak jemput ke kami berjumpa semuka dengan Tun. Ramai yang teringin sangat. Alangkah bahagianya dan bertuahnya kalau kami dapat berjumpa Tun dan bersoal balas dengan Tun..

  56. Hanya orang buta mata dan buta hati sahaja-lah yang tidak dapat melihat bahwa Tun adalah sa-orang hamba Allah yang BAIK!
    Di-dalam dunia ini ada banyak orang pandai dan berjaya, tetapi orang yang Pandai, berjaya dan BAIK sedikit sekali.
    When I say BAIK, I mean, Good moral values, Good Attitude, Humble tapi tegas, senang cerita, macam para sahabat Nabi Muhamad S.W.S. Ini pendapat saya, sesipa nak kutuk, kutuklah.
    Terima kasih.

  57. Assalammualaikum Ayahanda..
    I Love You Ayahanda…saya bangga dilahairkan pada zaman Ayahanda memerintah..kerana ia membuatkan saya ada hala tuju dan yakin dengan aper yg Ayahanda lakukan untuk Agama,Bangsa dan Tanah Air..tetapi selepas kepimpinan Ayahanda saya rasakan seperti hilang arah,tiada hala tuju,kelam kabut dan sebagainya..Pilihan ayahanda tidak salah, cuma apabila seseorang itu tamak, bongkak dan lupa diri itulah yang terjadi..kononnya pandai tetapi tidak sedar dengan kebodohannya melebihi kepandaiannya..Abdullah patut sedar kesilapannya dan meminta maaf pada semua rakyat Malaysia akan kelemahannya memerintah dan juga kerana memalukan Malaysia di mata dunia..

  58. Salam Tun,
    You were and still are a great leader. Unfortunately, your followers and supporters are great “cleaners”. Even more unfortunately, in democracy, you need the supporters to be a great leader. My advice: go back to Islam. You’ll be hated by your cleaner supporters but you have Allah. At your age, you should seriously be thinking about Allah.

  59. TUN ,YOU are the chosen one.
    Not by Malaysians but by Allah.
    So hit it my men,Do it right!
    Dalam blog Tun, terserlah satu keindahan saya temui.
    Blogger dari golongan Melayu Islam,di antara hujah keduniaan,terselah juga ciri ciri panduan hukum ISLAM,Alhamdullilah.
    Yg kafir memanglah hanya keduniaan.
    Tak perlu kita rasa rendah diri atau kurang
    jika Jiran kita lebih maju atau lebih kedepan.Itu hak mereka.
    Agama dan Sunnah menyuruh pada kesederhanaan,itulah matlamat dan pencapaian kita.Amin

  60. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas…
    Sdr ‘shafinazh’ on November 21, 2009 9:39 AM
    Sdr menuduh saya golongan “6. …….mereka lebih suka orang Melayu kekal miskin untuk selama-lamanya di negara ini. 7.Kalau orang Melayu pandai atau kaya, mereka akan menuduh disebabkan bantuan kerajaan dan jika orang Melayu miskin disebabkan orang Melayu bodoh dan pemalas”.
    Sila tunjuk tulisan saya yg mana bersifat di atas. Jgn masuk bantahan terhadap perlaksanaan DEB Umno. Umno yg di bantah bukan Perkara 153.
    Ini cara Umno mematah suara adil dan saksama dgn mengata orang menghina Melayu. Cermin diri, Umno tidak menghina bangsa lain dgn hujah penumpang, pendatang, kafir, menghalau?

  61. Assalamualaikum Tun yang dikasihi,
    Terima kasih.
    Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosanya dan dosa kedua ibu bapanya, murahkanlah rezki dan dicukupkan baginya, penuhilah hatinya dengan bahagia dan ceria, lindungilah dia dari segala kejahatan manusia, jin dan syaitan, jauhkanlah dia dari siksaan kubur dan api neraka, panjangkanlah umurnya, kurniakanlah kesihatan yg baik baginya, terimalah ibadatnya dan matikanlah dia dalam iman dan Islam. Sesungguhnya dia telah benar-benar berjihad pada hampir sekelian umurnya untuk agamanya dan bangsanya.
    Terima kasih Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad

  62. Salam hormat Tun. Izinkan anakanda mencelah komen dari …
    By Dato Aktivis on November 21, 2009 2:09 AM
    Tun, sebelum ini memang saya sangat mengagumi Tun. Selepas satu demi satu bukti bahawa Tun tidak cekap dalam pentadbiran, dalam pemilihan menteri dan dalam pemilihan tycoon, saya rasa Tun telah meranapkan keseluruhan pembangunan yang telah Tun bina untuk Malaysia.
    Apa terjadi kepada:
    1. Sammy Velu
    2. Ling Liong Sik
    3. Rafidah Aziz
    4. Abdullah Badawi
    5. Anwar Ibrahim
    6. Vincenrt Tan
    7. Ananda Krishnan
    8. Nazri Aziz
    10.Eusoff Chin
    11.VK Lingam
    12.Pemilik Perwaja Steel (lupa nama)
    13.dan ramai lagi, sekadar menamakan sebahagian dari mereka di sini
    Bagi saya Tun, saya rasa sangat kenal bebeno “Dato Aktivis” ni. Ini adalah manusia yg hipokrit dan lidah bercabang. Usah endah kata dan komennya kerana manusia atau Melayu beginilah yang merosakkan Melayu.
    Maaf la “Dato Aktivis” yg hidup penuh kepura-puraan. Walaupun kita pernah berkawan rapat dulu tapi tidak sekarang. Sekali lu kencing gua, 10 kali gua ingat. Ingatlah mati … hidup lu pun bergelumang dengan banyak dosa besar yg mungkin sukar diampun oleh kawan-kawan lu.
    Sekian tun.

    BAGI SAYA DIKTATOR KADANG-KADANG DIPERLUKAN. Kalau rakyat tidak mahu sedar diri dan tidak mahu dengar kata pemimpin dalam membangunkan negara – jadi diktator amat diperlukan. Contoh terdekat macam kebanyakan orang PR kata yang Tun ni diktator…saya setuju tapi lihatlah kerana kediktatoran Tun …banyak perubahan yang berlaku di Malaysia umumnya kepada keadaan Malaysia dan khususnya kepada orang Melayu. Cuba bandingkan negara lain yang ada diktator…macam mana?
    Cuma apa yang berlaku dalam tempoh 1 – 9 tahun lalu sahaja yang telah melemahkan hasil yang telah Tun lakukan masa jadi diktator dulu…Tidak kah kita lihat….dalam tempoh tu “bukan diktator” yang memerintah…Hampir lingkup Malaysia amnya dan khususnya orang Melayu. Tambah lagi dengan sikap seorang lagi melayu yang rasa diri dia sangat perfect, marhain, mapan tah apa lagi tah…Makin rosak lah Melayu.
    Bagi saya orang Melayu masih perlu seorang diktator yang mampu memaksa rakayat Malaysia untuk bersama-sama membangun dan maju. Khususnya untuk orang Melayu. Maaf sekiranya ada yang terasa.
    Salam…Syukur Kepada Allah S.W.T kerana memeberikan keamanan yang lebih baik dari negara lain dari dulu lagi dan memberikan akal yang baik kepada kita untuk berfikir…Thanks kepada Tun melalaui kediktatoran Tun kita mampu meningkat. Harap apa yang telah terhenti dapat diteruskan oleh pemerintahan yang baru ini.
    Dari Allah kita datang, kepada-Nya kita akan kembali.
    Dari Rakyat yang Memilih, Kepada rakyat juga manafaatnya.
    (Adil, Amanah, Jujur, Ikhlas)

  64. ayahanda tun,
    selalunya kita di malaysia ini lucu. seringkali kita menutup telinga pada yang benar, buta pada yang betol.. tetapi rela membuka telinga seluas-luasnya pada yang bathil, celik secelik-celiknya pada yang salah..
    biar apapun pandangan khalayak, pada saya kepimpinan tun sememangnya mempunyai wadah yang tersendiri, tidak lupa bersama keikhlasan.
    syabas dan tahniah tun. jasamu tetap dikenang.

  65. Salam buat Pejuang Bangsa,Tun Mahathir Mohamad
    Saya dah saksikan Part 2 kisah Tun di History channel.Terlalu banyak rasanya jasa Tun pada rakyat Malaysia.Memang ada kecacatan di waktu pentadbiran Tun,tapi Tun sudah balas dengan kebaikan yg sewajarnya.Kita tak mungkin akan jumpa ‘Perfect Man’ didunia ni.Tapi apa yg sudah Tun lakukan terhadap negara terlalu besar ertinya.
    Mereka yg sudah melupakn Tun adalah mereka yg lupakn pengorbanan Tun kepada bumi bertuah ini dan mereka yg tidak pernah berasa bersyukur pada apa yg mereka sudah nikmati.
    Wahai bangsaku sedarlah ,pengorbanan Tun Mahathir x mungkin dibalas oleh sesiapa pun.Belajar lah menghormati kepada seseorang yang dh pernah berjasa kepada negara.Janganlah mereka di hargai sewaktu mereka sedang berkuasa sahaja.Amalan ini amat tidak baik untuk generasi-generasi yg akan datang.Jasa Pak Lah juga jangan dilupakan.
    Saya harap Tun dapat berkongsi idea-idea Tun yang bernas kepada pentadbiran Dato Seri Najib.
    Warisan Bangsa

  66. Assalamualikum Tun sekeluarga,
    kepada semua pembaca, peminat,pengikut,pengkritik dan pemaki hamun dalam blok ini.
    I read all your comments which is good ,supportive and creative.
    I am outside the country and being a proud Malaysian, I don’t care what other may think. If given a chance I would like Dr Mahathir Mohamad to be the leader for Malaysia for another 22 years be it if he is independent. I had followed his political movement since he was a deputy Education Minister since I was 14 years old and I had been around all of Europe/Australia/Middle East/SEA and most of the local people in each country had said that I had a good PM during his time and even some said he is better then theirs. That’s it and for all muslim readers I wish you a Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

  67. Tun,
    If even an ex Prime Minister can get pushed around by his own political party, what do u think of the ordinary citizen? The problem is in the system established by the government. Yes, there is democracy, but there is no proper channel to voice out our troubles and hardships, so it goes to say, they can open their ears, but if their ears are filled with rubbish, then we will only get rubbish out of the leaders.

  68. Dear Tun,
    We always choose the best that we have to succeed us.
    But the problem is the best might not the best. Why?
    Perhaps they are the best in local, but in foreign country, they might be below par.
    DSAI and DSAAB were educated in same local university, from the same education system: i.e: through Quota System and DEB.
    Therefore, producing same level of mindset, same level of thinking, same level of philosophy and same level of quality.
    I had a malay friend when I was studied in Form Six who always criticized me why I had to study so hard for STPM. He told me that for them, they only need to pass 3 subjects out of 5 subjects to study engineering course and to just pass all subjects they will eligible to study medical in university. That was in 1992.
    Dear Tun, if you are the parent, will you going to tell your children;

  69. TDM,
    I wish Malaysia will has more “dictator” like you…N not talker like ANwar and Lim Guan Eng….You as doctor you work based on fact and the best things was you deliver more than we expected…But this two Singers Anwar and Lim Guan Eng….very good in talking and artist…love to life in glamour life…but produce nothing except create disaster to country….
    We don’t need a singer to let us hear sweet things or to play with our emotions…but we need “dictator” who show proven result.
    May god Bless you….

  70. Assalamualaikum, Tun yang dikasihi.
    Pedulikan dgn komen yang tak membina tu.
    Pengkritik yang hebat tak semestinya dia bagus.
    Mereka ni klu cerita pasal ekonomi,politik memang pandai.
    Dimanakah mereka apabila negara memerlukan mereka utk menjaga
    sempadan,keselamatan dan kesejahteraan negara,blh dikira.
    Untung semua dia mau.
    Walau bagaimana pun saya harap Tun dapat meneruskan perjuangan
    membina agama,bangsa dan negara yang tercinta.
    Manusia yang hebat dikira dari kebaikan yang dilakukan.
    Bukan dari kesalahan atau kesilapan yang telah dibuat,kerana manusia
    tak akan jadi hebat kalau tidak melakukan kesilapan.

  71. Dear Tun ,salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya dgn izin…
    For the critics of Anwar, remember Tun’s philosophy to try to be factual. Some comments are malicious lies and labels. Purely venting hatred, cannot even qualify as criticism.
    They pile everything onto Anwar’s plate. Witch hunting without a witch! I believe they are from Umnoputeras who will lose their privileges under his ‘need’ not ‘breed’ policy.
    DS Anwar has done a miraculous job to implement IMF policies without having IMF barging in. Thailand Korea Indon should have emulated him. It would save them the indignity of kneeling before IMF. He would have been a hero in these countries which had to swallow IMF policies finally.
    If IMF policies can be enforced without IMF, a dictator should be able to impose without a formal dictatorship. The dictator can even enjoy the legitimacy of election. We all know Kim Jong Il, Robert Mugabe, Fidel Castro face ‘elections’ too.
    Fidel Castro resigned in 2008. Treat Fidel Castro dictator qualification as masters degree compared to M’sia’s bachelors degree.

  72. My dearest Wonderful beloved hero, Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    This is the very first time I log in and join a blog and I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my humble heart for what you have contributed to this beloved land of ours.
    I have just finished watching the second part of your biography at Astro 555 and it makes me admiring, respected and adoring you even more. Without you, we are not we are today, overcome many obstables, overcome much hardship, caused by vicious economic manupulation and others.
    My old parents respect you, thank you for everything. Most importantly, I myself, SALUTE AND LOVE YOU forever.
    May God bless you and family always, May the Almighty shower you with much bliss and happiness, good health included, as many of us, if not all, still need your ideas and reprimandation, occasionally, perhaps!
    Thank you, my dearest Dr. Mahathir, Terima kasih, wahai Pahlawanku.
    Yours sincerly,
    LAM YUEN HOU – just another simple Malaysian on the street of this blessed land of ours.

  73. Salam Tun,
    I attended your inaugural lecture on 16/11/2009 for Asia-Europe Institute (AEI)eminent person lecture series (I was AEI student for 2008/2009). I was amazed with the concise speech that you made. You have the ideas and vision, the outcome or fruit of your labour are there for everyone to enjoy.
    Everyone make mistakes or bad choices. Most importantly is how we deal with it or attempt to solve to contain the situation or problems that we make. Regardless of others criticism, it is how we dealt with the situation. Example, scrapping the bridge project between Malaysia-Singapore. If we really look at it in the long run, if it is build, Malaysia would have gain the upper hand. Selling off MV Agusta was a grave mistake… and few other project that was scrap off.
    To call people names… dictator, tyrant etc etc… we can see the result. Malaysia is placed the world map. The USA, EU and East Asian recognize Malaysia for its ability to grow especially after the 1997 economic crisis without any assistance from IMF/World Bank. Even regional organization like SAARC and MERCUSOR believe that it should follow Malaysia especially in developing regional relation with its ASEAN members.
    Despite what people think or says about Tun Mahathir, I believe he have brought Malaysia forward to the eyes of the world.
    Tun, I pray that you and family will have a very good health always and that you continue to pen your ideas and comment for the benefit of RAKYAT MALAYSIA/MALAYSIAN. Wassalam.

  74. Salam Tun,
    Biak pi apa depa kata. Bagi saya Tun adalah penggerak bangsa. Memang seorang yang sukar di temui . Tun adalah seorang pemimpin Islam yang mungkin hanya timbul 500 tahun sekali. Saya bersyukur kepada Allah kerana Tun lahir di Malaysia.

  75. assalamualaikum Tun
    semoga sihat sejahtera.. saya seorang pelajar melayu berumur 22 tahun.. saya telah menyaksikan sejarah tun di History Channel..memang mengagumkan.. dulu sy mmg mengkeji Tun.. dengan tindakan dan ketegasan tun dalam mentadbir negara.. ditambah pula dengan pengaruh sekeliling yang amat membenci tun.. tp selepas dari menonton tentang tun saya dapati semua itu ada sebabnya.tak kenal maka tak cinta. Tun terlalu sayangkan bangsa dan sanggup buat apa saja untuk bangsa.. itu yg bangsa kita sendiri masih tak sedar dan tak faham.. dahulu orang marah kenapa tun buat twin tower, litar sepang, putrajaya dan sebagainya.. orang cakap suma tu mahabazir.. tp pada pandangan saya sekarang ni orang da mula sedar.. sekarang itu suma itu telah menjadi ikon negara.. suma tu telah menjadi lambang kemajuan negara dan bangsa..
    tp untuk entry ni.. pendapat saya supaya orang melayu berhentila menuding jari antara satu sama lain.. kalau asyik menuding jadi je, kutuk mengutuk antara satu sama lain xkan kemana la kita.. jepun boleh maju bertahun2 dari kita walaupun mereka dibom..kita??

  76. Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    1.Terima kasih dan bersyukur yang mampu saya ucapkan kepada Tun,walaupun sudah banyak kali ucapan ini dicatatkan di sini,kerana bagi saya dan keluarga Tun amat menghargai segala usaha dan kebaikan yang Tun lakukan kepada rakyat negara ini.
    2.Walaupun 10 kali Tun memohon maaf,10 kali kami maafkan,walaupun kami tidak pasti apa yang harus kami maafkan Tun.Dalam

  77. Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    1.Terima kasih dan bersyukur yang mampu saya ucapkan kepada Tun,walaupun sudah banyak kali ucapan ini dicatatkan di sini,kerana bagi saya dan keluarga Tun amat menghargai segala usaha dan kebaikan yang Tun lakukan kepada rakyat negara ini.
    2.Walaupun 10 kali Tun memohon maaf,10 kali kami maafkan,walaupun kami tidak pasti apa yang harus kami maafkan Tun.Dalam perkara tersilap memilih pemimpin peganti,bagi saya bukan salah Tun,tetapi pemimpin yang menerima tanggungjawab itu yang tidak dapat menjalankan tugas dengan sebaik mungkin sebagaimana yang diamanahkan kepadanya.Sekiranya pemimpin itu mempunyai rasa tanggungjawab dan menyayangi negara melebihi jawatannya,sudah tentu dia melepaskan jawatannya kepada mereka yang layak.
    3.Bagi saya Anwar Ibrahim dan Tun Lah,nampak’berjaya’kerana Tun adalah mentor mereka,tetapi hakikat selepas Tun,mereka tidak sehebat mana.Tun Lah mengambil jawatan dari keadaan negara yang stabil dari segi ekonomi dan politik.Manakala Anwar Ibrahim menjadi menteri kewangan apabila ekonomi negara dan dunia semakin pulih(87),tambahan dengan kekuatan barisan menteri seperti Tun Daim.Tapi Anwar ni sangat berbakat dalam ‘public speaking’dan ‘lakonan’.Sekiranya Tun boleh tertipu dengan alim-alim kucingnya,apatah lagi mereka yang tidak kenal rapat dengannya.
    4.Teruskan jasa Tun walaupun tanpa jawatan rasmi,kerana jasa Tun sangat banyak bukan saja dalam pemerintahan 22 tahun tapi sebelum itu lagi,dari seorang doktor,wakil rakyat,menteri pelajaran dan Pm.
    5.Terima kasih kepada Tun sekali lagi(biar berapi Si RAVI cemburu buta kepada Tun,orang macam ni memang ada di merata tempat di dunia,perasan bagus,entah dari mana datangpun taktau,saya memang tak suka orang yang biadap kepada orang tua yang bersusah payah menabur jasa,walaupun SI RAVIni,lawyerke,Arkitekke,Businessmanke atau jutawan sekalipun,kalau tatasusila elek,ego tak bertempat pun tak berguna!).
    Kami sekeluarga telah menonton Biography Tun di History Channel.Tun tidak gagal dalam mengubah sikap orang melayu terutamanya,tetapi mereka sendiri yang tidak mahu berubah.Walaubagaimanapun,saya lihat sudah ada kemajuan di kalangan masyarakat melayu,amnya,mungkin sekiranya tidak ada pemimpin yang banyak politiking,negara dan rakyat akan lebih progresif.
    Terima kasih kepada Tun Siti Hasmah kerana ‘meminjamkan’suami tercinta untuk melaksanakan tugas negara yang amat berat.TAHNIAH TUN.Saya sekeluarga selalu mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kerahmatan ke atas Tun berdua,sebagaimana kami mendoakan kepada kedua orang tua kami.Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi Tun berdua,insyaallah.Amin.

  78. salam tun…saya suka tulisan tun pada perenggan 15..dlm sejarah dunia tiada diktator meletakan jawatan secara terhormat..i think,what ever people say,critic, you still the best of the best prime minister of malaysia..lives long tun…

  79. i certainly thinks that the likes of MB s’gor will eventually ruin our country. I remember the guthrie corridor days…when he single handedly left mighty guthrie saddle with twin towered debts….and these are the bumiputra starwalts and protege of the govt…now sadly they return to bite the hands that feeds them…seperti kacang lupakan kulit…..almost too sadly is that growing numbers are starting to believe them again.

  80. Dear Tun,
    Tun may be busy and not even have time to view my comment but I really would like to communicate with Tun because I admire Tun yourself. I admire how you managed the country and the way you were giving speech. Unlike Anwar whom speaks like a babarian. Every single words from every single sentence from every single speech have their every single impact especially the BBC Hardtalk interview where I totally lost my mind how you responded to the interviewer. And sometimes you are funny too.
    In the past, Malaysia managed by Tun, the headlines of the newspaper were all good news. Seeing Tun in various country, and how the country developing in good ways. But in present, the headlines of newspaper came out all sort of nonsense, nothing that surprise me or make me happy to look at it.
    This is the first time ever I commented on a blog. I had been following Tun’s blog and others. Comments written here are very mature and professional unlike other blogs(which I don’t want to mention and it’s getting a lot of attentions)with lots of swearings, nonsense, unrelated comments, b*lls**t and etc.
    Tun, I’m 21 years old now and I grew up during your time which I very proud of myself being a Malaysian at that time. But now…..
    Sorry for my poor english and being too lengthy. I hope this comment will seek Tun’s attention and Tun will reply me as this is the 1st time ever I comment on a blog like I mentioned above.

  81. Salam Tun
    Tun, jangan pedulilaa cakap orang..biarlaa diaorang…setakat 1 peratus jer cakap macam tue..99 peratus lagi sokong Tun..saya setuju sangat bila Tun Daim kata punca kekalahan bn pada pilihanraya umum tahun lepas disebabkan oleh pengaruh Tun..jadi pedulikan apa orang kata..
    Kalau dikatakan Tun diktator, rasanya pemimpin2 Perosak Rakyat (PR) lagi diktator..kalau tak kenapa diaorang tak berhenti2 dari jadi orang politik..macam laa takde orang lain dah..asyik2 muka sama…sedangkan seluruh dunia dah bertukar buanglaa jawatan tue …jangan pegang dah..meluat jer orang tengok..kacau bilau Malaysia dibuatnya..
    Jadi, pedulikan mereka..Tun tetap antara pemimpin terbaik di hati rakyat Malaysia.

  82. Lawaknya baca komen yang mendakwa komen-komen dalam blog ni di dah kena tapis. Most of negative comments had been removed by Tun himself and those positive ones only likely to be appeared… Tun takda masa nk macam tu. Much more important work he has to accomplish… kelakar betul..

  83. Dearest Tun,
    There’s a difference between a dictator and a good leader. You qualify as the latter. You put your country first above all. LKY.. Dictator cum emperor. If the price of being a First World country is by producing an ultra kiasu peole, I don’t mind not being one! There will never be one like you. Please keep on writing. To rarunasalam, face reality, please, and learn (very, very hard)this country’s history.TO Pun Kassim, janganlah cemburu, your country will never ever produce a man (or woman) like Tun or even half his quality! Well what do you expect, there used to be a malay government a long long time ago. But I believe the people in country only knew that the island was found by Raffles and inhibited by fishermen.

  84. To patrickdejavu of 23 November 2009,
    This is TUN M’s blog, NOT YOURS…
    Tun M can do whatever he likes with his blog…he is not obligated to you… You are telling him how and what to do like the KEADILAN friends in Bar Council… telling people like they are the smartest people in Malaysia all the time…but remember that whether you like it or not WE WANT Tun M to continue writing and we will support him all the way and PLEASE READ thoroughly before commenting or criticising…because you missed a lot of facts…constructive criticisms please.

  85. I can follow a dictator if is and has the ability to run the economy well. You have to admit you did fail in areas of justice involving party member. But you did very well in term of running the countries economy
    To answer your question
    15. ….Tell me which dictator ever resign.
    Fidel Castro

  86. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    This is my first comment in your blog.
    Dont be sad if they call you dictator.
    We could see what you have done compared to what is going on now. Until now we just don’t know where is going to lead. Everything is haywire.

  87. Salam Tun M
    Sy bersyukur kerana dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di bawah pentabiran Tun. Syabas dan tahniah atas keikhlasan Tun memajukan serba serbi negara kita ini.
    Banyak kemajuan yg kita kecapi wpun kdg kala ada kesilapan yg berlaku. Ya lah, bumi mana yg tidak ditimpa hujan…Apa pun segala yg baik kita terus jd kan pedoman dan panduan tp yg buruk kita jd kan iktibar utk akan dtg.
    Semoga Allah membalas jasa baik Tun selama ini…

  88. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Pada pendapat saya,untuk meningkatkan semangat orang Melayu untuk menimba ilmu,para pelajar Melayu mestilah diterapkan semangat jihad.Mereka mestilah didedahkn bahawa apa yang mereka lakukan ini adalah jihad.Mereka mestilah disedarkan bahawa belajar bukanlah sekadar untuk mendapat kerja yang elok,tetapi pokoknya untuk bangsa,agama dan negara.Mereka perlu mempunyai semangat memperjuangkan Islam semasa belajar.Hal ini kerana musuh Islam sedar bahawa keunikan Islam ialah walaupun umatnya itu teruk macam mana sekali pun,dia tidak akan berdiam diri apabila Islam dicerca.Keunikan ini haruslah kita manfaatkan.Keunikan ini harus kita kekalkan.Disamping itu para pelajar harus dilatih supaya menjadi patrioritik.Ini akan menguntungkan orang Melayu sendiri.
    Sekian,terima kasih.

  89. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    To Halu,
    Whats wrong with you. After finish reading you comment, I found that you feel very ill to this country. You are too emotional and failed to handle your mind and logic. No wonder you come out with an idea that are normally made by a mad and a crazy fellow.

  90. Assalamulaikim ayahnda Tun,
    Ini berkenaan princess azmin ali yang dilaporkan memiliki saham bernilai RM8 juta. saya rasa mungkin betul kalau tak mana mungkin anuar shaari buat laporan polis. masyallah dalam dunia ni ada juga orang sanggup menjadi hamba duit sebegini…anuar shaari kata pelacur politik lagi hina daripada pengemis politik.
    apa pendapat tun dalam perkara ini..
    Salam, jaga kesihatan tun.

  91. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    To, m’cho76..
    saya bersetuju dengan anda..orang kita yang berpendirian begini kalau boleh pergilah try untuk hidup di negara lain seketika..paling dekatpun singapura..cuba rasa perbezaannya..dengarnya ramai orang Malaysia yang sudah buang kewarganegaraannya berminat untuk kembali ke negara asal? tapi kerajaan kata..”boleh tapi tidak semudah itu…”

  92. Salam untuk Tun dan semua,
    DICTATOR ka, DEMOCRACY ka….kita semua baru kenal those words sejak merdeka kut tapi la ni duk guna dengan megahnya against Tun M. Bila zaman Tun M internet kita mula guna Malaysians pun dah terlebih celik dan nak lawan TOWKAY pulak.
    Tun M,
    I do not see why you need to be concerned about these label…they are not important to you at all…Need I say that there are thousands and millions of Malaysians I believe respect, support and LOVE you ?????
    LAWAK LAWAK rakyat Malaysia ni….bila dah pandai sikit ceduk habis-habisan apa yang MAT SALLEH ajar walau berpandukan pada fikiran dan amalan bertentangan dengan AGAMA, BUDAYA dan SEJARAH MALAYSIA……
    fikir-fikirlah sendiri….bukan semua WESTERN theories and ideas are good and reliable…..Democracy is alright with ISA (DEMOCRACY WITH ISA) because we do not want our children’s life to be ruined due to a few groups of people who will bring chaos and unstability to Malaysia.

  93. Assalamualaikum Tokdet,
    Malam tadi tengok part 2 dokumentari Tokdet. Kami sekeluarga rasa terharu dan bangga dengan kegigihan dan kebijaksanaan Tokdet dalam membangunkan bangsa dan negara. Kami semua ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas segala jasa dan budi baik yang ditaburkan. Semoga berbahgia selalu bersama keluarga yang tercinta.
    Terima Kasih..

  94. Salam,
    Semoga Tun dan keluarga sihat selalu.
    Malam tadi saya melihat documentary tentang Tun di Astro “History” Channel.Terdetik dihati saya betapa bertuahnya negara dan rakyat yang menyaksikan transformasi pemodenan negara sepanjang 22 tahun Tun menerajui negara. Sesungguhnya saya berbangga mempunyai pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat seperti Tun. Pandangan dan Idea bernas Tun telah menjadikan negara Malaysia yang tercinta ini dikenali diseluruh dunia.
    You are “One in a Milllion”.

  95. Salam Ayahanda,
    Baru tadi saya saksikan History Channel “Mahthir” part 2 tapi rasanya tidak puas kerana saya rasa banyak lagi kisah sumbangan/cabaran ayahanda yang tidak muat dipaparkan. Tat kala saya habis menonton, saya rasa begitu kehilangan kerana ayahanda tidak lagi di tampuk kepimpinan negara. Saya dibesarkan di era tampuk kepimpinan ayahanda dan saya amat berbangga negara kita yang tercinta ini mempunyai seorang pemimpin yang mempunyai semangat dan keinginan untuk melihat anak bangsanya berjaya setaraf dengan bangsa lain.
    Dalam komen ayahanda di akhir rancangan itu, ada nada kekecewaan tat kala ayahanda katakan “i’ve tried for 22 years but i think i’ve failed”…ayahanda tidak pernah gagal…cuma “mereka” yang gagal untuk mengikut tunjuk ajar ayahanda.
    Walaupun saya rasa saya juga belum mencapai apa yang ayahanda inginkan untuk anak bangsa ayahanda capai, tapi saya berjanji ‘Insyaallah’ saya juga ingin anak bangsa kita untuk berjaya, kerana telah diberi tanggungjawab sebagai pendidik anak bangsa.saya harap akan ada lagi rancangan yang memaparkan kisah hidup ayahanda bagi menjadi inspirasi untuk semua anak bangsa.
    Mendoakan ayahanda sekeluarga dalam keadaan sihat dan bahagia hendaknya.
    Sekian, wasalam.

  96. Salam hormat Tun,sy kagum dan bbangga krn sy d lahirkn pd tahun Tun menjd PM dn mbesar dgn kegemilangan yg Tun telah lakukan kpd Malaysia dn kami sbg agak kurang ilmu ttg politik d Malaysia tetapi sy tetap mngikuti perkembangannya baik d media cetak mahupun elektronik. Apa yg ingin sy katakan di sini adalah,sesungguhnya kepimpinan Tun amat2lah sy hargai,sumbangan yg telah Tun berikan sgtlah byk.Pedulikan apa yg org nak kata ttg Tun,kita sbg manusia mmg tak lari dr melakukan kesilapan.Pada mereka yg tak tahu langsung nak menghargai jasa dn pengorbanan Tun,biarkan lah..terima kasih Tun krn telah memimpin negara ke tahap yg tinggi dan membawa malaysia ke mata dunia..SYABAS TUN!

  97. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya baru sahaja habis menonton dokumentari tentang Tun di History Channel.Saya disini ingin mengucapkan rasa syukur kerana dapat hidup di negara yang masih mempunyai rasa aman dan harmoni berbanding negara lain.disini saya ada satu soalan yang ditanyakan kepada Tun(saya tidak berharap tinggi Tun akan menjawabnya disebabkan kesibukan Tun).Apakah maksud Tun yang Tun berasa Tun masih gagal mengubah orang melayu dari hari Tun sedar bahawa melayu perlu berubah berbanding orang melayu hari ini?saya sendiri orang melayu dan saya berharap Tun dapat memberi sedikit pendapat dari segi perspektif Tun.Sebab saya bertanyakan soalan ini kerana saya masih muda(20 tahun) dan kamilah yang akan menjadi masa hadapan negara ini.selain itu saya berharap Tun akan sihat sentiasa supaya akan ada seseorang di negara yang dapat menyuarakan suara ‘lantang’ jika negara tidak diuruskan dengan teratur.
    Wasallam Tun.
    Azri Alimor
    btw Tun ini blog ayah saya.he likes to find his old friends and i find humour in it.feel free to surf it.

  98. It’s been a long time I did not visit your blog.It was a year ago when I visited your blog and dropped some comments.After a year,things seem do not change much.Most of the comments posted here are pleasant and adulatory.Perhaps you love to see them,reminiscing your tenure of PM when you see those flattering comments??
    Or perhaps you selectively filter comments that you like and get it posted here with a few negative ones to make it so real that the positive ones outnumber the negative ones??
    I still don’t get the point that why you always like to talk about history that has happened long time ago.Your criticisms regarding Anwar and Abdullah seem endless.You said that no one is perfect.Yes,I am extremely agreeable to that.But you seem to practise double standard.
    Since Abdullah has stepped down as the PM,shouldn’t you too stop criticising his wrongdoings and mishandlings.History remains history.What is your actual intention to keep harping on his wrongdoings in your perception such as the bridge issue,the award of projects etc??To indoctrinate fellow Malaysians that Mahathir is much more outstanding than Abdullah as a PM??Does that serve your purpose??
    And talking about Anwar,you seem to point your 10 fingers at him NOW when he was the finance minister who made some policies after the financial crisis in Malaysia.What was your position in the cabinet when he was the finance minister??Shouldn’t you too must shoulder some responsibilities when you allege that his policies is a failure financially and economically??And more importantly,why now only you point out the alleged mistakes that he made decades ago??Let me tell you why.Because you’ve heard that Anwar was conferred with the post of economic advisor by the Selangor state government.So,you desperately trace his poor record so that people of Selangor will lose confidence in him??Isn’t that a child play,Tun??
    Well,since you like to talk about history,then let’s talk about history.I guess you must have heard about the news of the PKFZ controversial issue whether in the media or local dailies.As a citizen of Malaysia,I am very curious that you have remained relatively silent in this issue.
    As a constant reader of newspapers,I’ve never seen your comments in this issue.Lately,Tun Ling Liong Sik claimed that when he was the transport minister,his ministry did not get to handle the funds regarding the controversial PKFZ lands.And he made a bold claim that the funds were handled by the ministry of finance when you were the PM and coincidentally the finance minister at that particular period.
    Since you are a nostalgic person who loves to talk about history,maybe you can give us insights on what has actually taken place as Malaysians are concerned about this.Tun,allow me to say that “silence is not golden”.Would you like to take up my challenge to post my comment in your blog fo see the feedbacks??As a democratic leader who incessantly fights against war,I wish you will not hesitate to post this in your blog.Thank you very much.

  99. Assalammualaikum Tun Mahathir,
    I don’t know where to start..all i know is i admire you so much…me and my family is in UMNO and BN is because of you. My parents serve UMNO before I was born. When there is election my parent is consider as “orang kuat” for BN. They will conduct the campaign but the level is only “cawangan”. When you were in UMNO I don’t mind they work hard but now I feel its not worth it for them to do it anymore. Tun pernah berkata, undi kerana parti dan bukan kerana pemimpin. Tapi kalau pucuk pimpinan tidak ada ketokohan memimpin macam mana kami orang bawahan nak menyokong(Pak Lah). Even now, saya meragui ketokohan PM sekarang. Maybe I’m obsess with you so i refuse to accept other people as my leader.
    Saya menyertai UMNO tapi apa yang dapat saya lihat di peringkat bahagian ialah mereka terlalu mengampu menteri which to me the menteri is the one should serve the people. I’m sick of bodek people. There are time I think is a waste of time joining UMNO. Every time i try to voice out my opinion, the elder will stop me and said “tak baik cakap macam tu”. But how can UMNO improve if people only tell them good news rather than the real thing.
    I just wanted to share this with you because I don’t know what else can I share with you. Walaupun saya bukanlah orang penting dalam UMNO but I love my negara, bangsa and agama.
    Anyway, I was watching you biography today and you said that the reason you stepped down was because you believe you have failed changing the Malays within the 22 years being the PM. I cried when you said that. I felt guilty because YOU DID NOT FAILED US, BUT WE HAVE FAILED YOU. Tun, please never ever feel that way ever again. If the Malays change, will you be the PM again?
    Tun, I need to meet you. Hidup hanya sekali, and I really want to meet you in person, to shake your hand and to thank you personally. How can I do that?
    Semoga Allah memberi kesihatan kepada Tun dan memberi peluang kepada saya untuk bertemu dengan Tun.

  100. Assalamu’alaikum Tun sekeluarga
    Thank you for yr post, simple, precise and perfect.
    I’m a senior citizen, inactive in politics but keeps interest in the political tantrums of the country quietly.
    Kindly allow me to present my views on items 3 & 4.
    I was one of the many who had written to you of yr wrong choices when it comes to picking people, the only fault that I can find during yr tenure. I believe you had made the right decision by sacking DSAI and then by pressuring AAB to the extent that he had to step down. I’m pissed-off by the actions of these 2 persons whom you had picked. The only correct english words that I could find which decribes these two – Holy shit!!
    Do keep on writing and share us yr frank views.
    My salam to you and to all yr siblings.
    May Allah swt bless you and yr family.

  101. Salam..
    Maafkan sy andainya komen sy mungkin akan sedikit tersasar dari topik yang dibincangkan.
    1. Pada pendapat sy, TUN mmg mengamalkan diktator semasa zamannya. Namun, beliau juga menerima pendapat dan pandangan orang lain terutamanya dalam membangunkan negara.
    2. Sy menyanjung TUN bukan kerana sikap diktator di zaman pemerintahannya, tapi kerana idea dan visi yang dimiliki TUN.
    3. Sy tak peduli adakah anda seorang Ir. Dr. atau siapa sahaja, tapi mampukah anda untuk memberikan idea tentang “Wawasan 2020” pada tahun 1991 seperti yang dilakukan oleh TUN?
    4. Selain daripada pasukan bolasepak negara yang begitu gah di zaman lampau, bagaimana nama Malaysia ingin dikenali? TUN memberikan idea untuk mendirikan menara berkembar Petronas, yang secara tidak langsung menjadi salah satu simbol kepada negara kita sekarang.
    5. Malaysia bukan sebuah negara yang hebat dalam industri permotoran. Untuk meningkatkan minat rakyat dalam bidang ini, diwujudkan Litar F1. Mendapat tentangan hebat, namun apa yang berlaku sekarang? Singapura juga sudah nampak tentang kelebihan ini.
    6. Petronas dibangkang habis-habisan, dan dikatakan Petronas hanya merugikan. Andaikata Petronas tidak wujud, semua hasil bumi Malaysia akan digunakan untuk mengaut keuntungan oleh orang asing, sepertimana yang berlaku dengan bijih timah di negeri Perak.
    7. Menjadi tuan rumah untuk sukan Komanwel 1998, bagi yang tidak berfikir secara mendalam tidak akan nampak akan impaknya. Semuanya dikatakan sebagai projek gajah putih.
    Banyak lagi contoh yang ingin sy berikan, namun sy sedar diri sy yang kerdil ini, bukanlah seorang yang pakar dalam bidang ekonomi. Tapi sy pasti, jika ditanya tentang Malaysia pada orang luar, mereka pasti kenal dengan Dr. Mahathir.
    Ekonomi pada perspektif sy bukan hanya sesuatu yang dilihat dalam bentuk wang, namun juga dalam bentuk iklan dan promosi yang secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan keyakinan terhadap Malaysia.
    Adakah anda akan yakin dengan barang yang tidak popular? Barang yang tidak pernah anda dengar selama ini?
    Contoh mudah, anda kenal dengan “Hang Buah” ??
    Maaf andai komen sy mengganggu ideologi sesiapa.

  102. Assalamualaikum W.B.T Tun Dr. Mahathir.
    Dengan izin Tun, saya ingin membalas kenyataan dari [rarunasalam @ Ravi on November 20, 2009 7:46 PM].
    You are confused with yourself. That is because you do not read enough historical facts, examine the timeline or sequence of events and too clouded with your own weak presumptions without approaching the issue in an objective manner.
    The worse part about you is simply that, you blindly bombarded Tun with all the nonsense accusations as if

  103. salam tun mahathir..
    first of all..i thank to you so much,because of what u did last 22 years, our nation become strong to achieve the wawasan 2020..but,at this day…i hope u don’t mind I’m telling this, what wrong with our country?..everything seems to crush…in personally, i see so much trouble in the politics…mca,BN itself…mic…what’s wrong tun…i watched your biography in history channel last night (23.11.2009)..u said that…after 22 years,i had failed…utk ubah sikap orang melayu.
    erm…is it with najib administration? or it can be others fault…seems you are very close to datuk seri najib..i hope that you can provide him a plan to recover back what the problem is..
    i’m a student tun..i feel very sad watching everybody(malay) fighting,crumbling each other…then,other races seems to laughs to us…can i make an appointment to meet with you is a great pleasure if i can meet with u…discussing about the malay problem….probably, i can be PM in the future…same as u did…but even greater…..for my race…MALAY..

  104. I believe the current biggest problem in our country is not Dato Seri Anwar becoming the economic advisor to Selangor. Rather it is summarized succintly in an old proverb –
    “If the legal system is unjust and when laws are not fairly enforced, Government officials will be complacent and Evil doing will abound.”
    Of course you have the affirmative action policies in place, but that is not so much an immediate problem. Our country should be an example of composure,compassion and justice! Give us a trustworthy and fair police force Najib!!! Not just trustworthy and fair to UMNO… but I guess that is not to your favour is it?

  105. Bismillahirahmanirahim Assalamualaykum kapada Pahlawan dan ketua umat islam dalam abad ke 21. Tun Dr Mahathir Muhammad. Ahli cendikiawan islam telah menyatakan bahawa tiap2 seratus tahun umat islam akan mendapat seorang ketua yang dapat membawa bangsa nya ka taraf yang lebih tinggi dalam tamadun dunia (politically and prosperity). Sayang sekali ramai rakyat yang tidak bersyukur ke hadhrat Allah Subhanallah Taala yang telah menzahirkan seorang insan iaitu ayahanda Mahathir Muhammad yang telah dapat memajukan negara Malaysia dan mempertahankan agama iSLAM di persada antarabangsa. Semoga Allah Subhanallah Taala membalas budi dan jasa mu ka surgha Firdhaus AMin

  106. Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun,
    Siapa rarunasalam tu? Apa buku yg dia baca? Apa akhbar yg dia baca?
    And who are U to talk about leadership? Nampak sangat tak tau
    And please sebut 1 (SATU) sumbangan kau pada negara ni..
    ulang sekali lagi.. tolong sebut 1 (SATU) sumbangan kau pada negara
    p/s. Sedangkan Lim Kit Siang pun pernah bersetuju & memuji Tun.

  107. Salam Tun,
    I am not a politician nor a political activist. But I want to caution you on your first sentence which is ungrammatical.
    The sentence should be re-written as:
    “I would like to thank everyone for (his) comments on the above.”

  108. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Terima kasih kerana Tun sudi membaca luahan saya ini.Saya tahu saya terlalu mentah untuk membincangkan soal2 politik negara lebih2 lagi dengan Tun.Saya sebagai generasi muda yang kagum dengan semangat Tun amat berbangga kerana Tun amat mengambil berat perihal rakyat.Saya amat terharu kerana Tun tidak jemu2 menyuarakan pendapat Tun walaupun pernah dikecam hebat.Saya menjadikan Tun sebagai ‘role model’ saya untuk saya berjaya dalam hidup.Terima Kasih Tun.Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun…

  109. Dear Tun,
    I may not agree with all your policies, and I do believe you have made colossal mistakes in your choice of people (Mr. Clean ruined our country. I despise that man and I apologise but if there is one thing I will blame you for is passing the mantle to that selfish abhorrent man who was happy to play the pious role while he swindled money for himself and drained our proud nation).
    However, I respect you greatly and I do believe that regardless of the end results, your actions were always done with our country and our people in mind. As a leader that is all I could ever ask for. Whatever your detractors may say, they cannot ignore the fact that under you our country prospered and we rose as a people. While you made mistakes, on the whole you gave us hope that we could break the glass ceiling. I completely blame your successor ‘Mr. Clean’ for destroying that hope.
    I find the Anwar topic intriguing. If you really just got rid of him because he was bisexual then I would find that problematic. His sexual choice does not make him a bad man, it is how he uses it that makes him so. The fact that he coerces people (male or female) against their will – that he would use his power to make people submissive towards him for his own ends – makes him a terrifying prospect for a leader.
    I am a 21 year old Malaysian female and it is my generation that will lead the future of this country. I hope for all our sakes that my peers can learn from the mistakes and the triumphs of our past leaders and move on.

  110. Dear Tun,
    People can say what they want to say. But one things is certain you have your devoted nation behind you and above all Allah is always with you.

  111. Hi Tun,
    There is no need to blame yourself being unable to choose the right person as there isn’t anyone that up to your expectation. If time can turn back, I believe it would end the same way.
    The way I see, it is you that keep on progressing and others are just being force to look like they are progressing. The country may have progress well, but the people are still in stone age.

  112. assalamualaikum tun,
    hope u r fine.since this is my 1st time of blogging,i hv nothing much to say but,i’m inspired to do this after watching ur biography from the history channel.i was born in the year when u became Malaysia’s prime minister,so i’m one of the products of your ‘ achievements’.well, i’m relieved and thank u so much.. 🙂

  113. i do admire your progressive leadership and how articulate you can be, not just agreeing with people with powers. i don’t think you’re a dictator because you do look into the welfare of your people (i’m not a malaysian). but i guess there’s a double-edged sword in that regards; you look into their welfare too much(of the malays) that they take their priviledges as God-given and hence, this manifests itself as a barrier to their progress- complacency.
    nevertheless, i really admire your strong stance in whatever you believe in. keep on writing. you’re on my bookmarks’ list! (:

  114. Before i begin this, may Allah Almighty blessings be upon you and your family, dear Tun Dr Mahathir. To all those who detest your way of governing Malaysia during your tenure, they should do some soul searching on themselves. What have they done for their country themselves? Unlike them, you who have given your blood and sweat for more than 22 years in building Malaysia from a third world country to a country that is to be reckon with. As a non Malaysian and a Singaporean, I appreciate of what you have done for your country and your people. Malaysian should not have criticised the way of your governing but instead should help to contribute ideas to improve Malaysia in terms of economy and in the eyes of the world. Tun Dr Mahathir may have chose the wrong guy for all the wrong reasons but no matter what he should be respected and honoured. If Anwar were to be the next PM, Malaysia would fall in turmoil and chaos. To Malaysians who voted for BA, Barisan Alternative, do not gamble with your future and your generation future. BN has done a good job in governing the country up to date but it still need to be “clean up”. Once BN is clear of corrupt ministers, officers etc, they can do much more for the people and the country. So please, for your future and the future of your generations, do not ever gamble by voting for Anwar and BA. You Malaysians will be the one decides what best for your country and what best for your future generations……

  115. Dr. Mahathir,
    I have just watched a full documentary about you on History Channel.
    You are a great man! As a Singaporean, I respect you.
    Your journey to premiership does not come easy and unchallenged.
    I knew very little about you before I watch this full documentary series.
    At first, I did not understand why you got yourself so involved in Malaysian politics even after your retirement. Now I know. You love your country, just as I love mine. When things are not right, you champion your stand and speak your mind out.
    That is what I like!
    I wish you good health and you will continue to contribute in bringing your country Malaysia to greater height!

  116. Salam TUN Dr Mahathir,
    Bagi saya TUN adalah Perdana Menteri yang terbaik dalam hidup saya.
    Dengan sedikit kejayaan yang saya kecapi sekarang ini adalah hasil cabaran demi cabaran yang dikeluarkan oleh TUN. Selain Rasullah, Kedua Ayah Dan Bonda saya, TUN adalah idola saya sepanjang hayat. Insyallah cabaran yang TUN utarakan ini akan sentiasa disahut selagi ada hayat. Saya adalah hasil dari zaman kepimpinan negara yang dipimpin oleh TUN sebelum ini.

  117. Akum Tun,
    Semoga Tun Dalam keadaan sihat sentiasa,
    Pada saya kesilapan pemilihan Anaur Brahim, bukanlah tangungan Tun, Tetapi bila si Anuar ni dapat kuasa , Seekor syiatan telah merasuk dia dengan Kuasa, Duit,Rasuah dan Perempuan….”opsssss LELAKI”. Judi pun rasanya sangkut juga la kalau ikut Bekas kawan karibnya , Nalakaruppan.
    Perwakilan2 bahagian di Pulau Pinang waktu si Anuar ni nak bertanding lawan Arwah Tun Ghafar pun dah kenyang, kembong duit saham seorang sekeping saham DRB Hicom (Harga Pasaran tahun 1993 waktu itu RM7.00++)yg sebelum itu tersimpan dalam peti besi di sebuah bank di Komtar Pulau Pinang.
    Akibatnya si Anuar ni dah DIANUGERAHKAN SATU KOBODOHAN menaikkan OPR dari 6% hingga ke 15%. Maka tercatatlah, Malaysia mempunyai serang Menteri Kewangan Terbodoh dan Homoseks. Tuhan pun menurunkan bala pada rakyat Malaysia seperti juga kepada kaum Nabi Lut waktu itu dengan Krisis kewangan melanda kita kerana pemimpin yg ada HOBI PELIK. Nasib baik Tuhan tak TERBALIKKAN MALAYSIA. Itu pun masih ada orang Melayu/ islam sekong orang macam ni sampai sekarang, masih belum sedar tuhan dah turun bala pada kita waktu itu

  118. YABhg Tun
    I agree with you when you wrote that “My greatest mistake is in the choice of people. I seem to be picking the wrong people all the time. They not only did not live up to my expectations but they went all out to do all the wrong things, including abusing me.” If I’m not mistaken, Daim Zainudin implied similar things about you in “The Man Behind the Enigma”. It helped me to understand a little bit more about you after reading the book. According to him, you just could not fire anybody. And the public thought you were a heartless tyrant!
    When you were the PM, I used to wonder why a highly intelligent leader and an alpha male like you seemed to be appointing the corrupt and the weak. Most of your ministers did not have your kind of brains and paper qualifications. Most of them were not technocrats. Most of them were lazy and did not believe in life-long learning and it showed in the way they talked and went about their business. It was also evident in their thick jowls and rolly-polly tummies. They not only let you down but they generally gave hardworking, smart and noncorrupt Malays a bad name.
    I refuse to believe that you were naive. Most probably after all is said and done, with all your imperfections and flaws – you live by your own code of honour – if you were to stab a guy, you’ll look him in the eye and stab him in the chest and not in the back.
    Anyway, with all your imperfections, I still miss PM Mahathir. Thank you for all the good deeds that you have done for this country and moga-moga Allah panjangkan dan berkati umur TDM sekeluarga.

  119. Salam Tun…
    this is my first time ever to comment on ur blog after been following ur blog entries since day one.
    Hopefully u are in good health always , InsyaAllah to keep us,the Rakyat updated with information that u wish to share with as during ur tenure as Pm as well as your opinions for us to atleast be as good as u..
    Btw tun, i was kinda touched when i read this first thing in the morning just now..
    “”Thank you for agreeing that I am a dictator. Tell me which dictator ever resign”
    you are absolutely a great leader..i may sound ‘taksub’ over u but as a muslim we are not supposed to act that way..i’m just admire u tun..Yeah, everyone committed mistakes and thats why we r called human being but you are are rewarded with a great mind and great leadership skills which is not awarded to everyone..We need ur type of leadership as we cant please everyone but atleast everything u do, u have a solid reason for it and i truly believe that u have done ur best for our beloved country..
    thanks tun..I was born in 1987 but somehow i thank god that i did not have to endure difficulties and hardships as my parents had experienced because u had brought proseprity to the country..thanks tun..
    Surely, i am missing u..sorry if this is lengthy but i dun care since i’ve been keeping this for so long to even write a comment in ypur blog..
    Fyi, i even read all those comments in ur blogs..
    have a good day sir and may Allah bless u always..

  120. Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.
    Semoga Tun dan keluarga dalam keadaan sihat hendakNya. Saya mohon Tun jangan ambil hati dengan rakyat yang tak tahu mengenang budi ni. Betul pepatah ada menyebut “HANYA JAUH HARI YANG MENGENAL MANIKAM”. Saya, keluarga dan seluruh rakyat Pokok Sena serta Kedah umumnya amat menyanjungi pengorbanan dan jasa Tun pada negara dan negeri. Dari dulu kami amat mengenali siapa sebenarnya Anuar Ibrahim.
    Jika di imbas kembali tindakan yang dikenakan ke atas Anuar Ibrahim memamg ada asas yang amat kukuh. Beliau terbukti melakukan kesalahan tersebut, kalau penyokong jumut pembangkang tak percaya sila rujuk Ustat Taib Azamuddin berkaitan kes liwat yang mana beliaulah yang menjadi saksi semasa bertugas sebagai imam Masjid Negara dahulu. Sekarang bila Anuar Ibrahim menyertai pembangkang, semua penyokong jumut mereka diam dan memnyembunyikan fakta serta sering menyalahkan kerajaan dan memberi alasan sebagai konspirasi. Disini kita lihat bahawa pembangkang hanya pandai berpolitik. Bagi saya, Anuar memang patut dipenjarakan dan cuba pembaca bayangkan jika beliau dapat menagmbil alih negara pada ketika itu. HANCUR la jawabnya.
    Perkara paling mudah, Anuar Ibrahim ni hanya pandai berdebat dan memutar belit fakta. Cuba pembaca kaji setiap ceramah dan ucapannya, di setiap lokasi dan demografi mesti ada perbezaan dalam setiap ucapannnya. Beliau hanya nakkan kuasa. Apasalahnya jika berjuang dan menyumbang dalam membangunkan negara tanpa jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri, mesti Anuar tak sanggup.
    Kedua, perkara paling sangat mudah dimana memamng benar Anuar ni agen Amerika. Ingatkah lagi semasa reformasi penderhaka pada 1997/1998, dimana Naib Presiden Amerika/Yahudi ketika itu Al Gore datang ke satu majlis dimana kita Malaysia sebagai tuan rumah/pengerusi, adalah sangat biadap beliau menyeru rakyat Malaysia untuk bangkit merusuh dan menyokong tunjuk perasaan jalanan yang pembaca sedia maklum di amerika sendiri demokrasi/kebebasan bersuara bukanlah sesuatu yang boleh dibanggakan, ia sekadar retorik semata. Merusuh dan tunjuk persaan jalanan serta main belakang adalah main Anuar semasa di Unversiti Malaya lagi. Tak pecaya sila rujuk rakan-rakan Anuar. Memmang kelat utnuk diterima penyokon jumut mereka. Prinsipnya mudah, MUSUH KITA AKAN MENYOKONG SETIAP USAHA YANG BOLEH MENJATUHKAN KITA,disini jelas lagi terang Anuar Ibrahim adalah agen amerika/yahudi. Mana ada musuh dalam dunia ini akan membantu kita untuk terus berjaya dan maju. Jelas anuar adalah agen amerika dan penyokong jumut mereka sengaja memekakkan telinga walhal mereka tahu fakta yang sebenar yang Anuar yang pandai berdebat, bercakap, memutarbelit dan berpolitiking sahaja namun gagal dalam memguruskan ekonomi negara. Beliau sebagai timbalan perdana menteri yang hanya bertindak atas perancangan Tun ketika itu.
    Ketiga berkitan diktator, Tun bukanlah diktator, sudah beberapa kali Tun ingin meletakan jawatan, namun Tun adalah pemimpin agung Malaysia sejati yang tidak meninggalkan tanggungjawabnya tatkala Malaysia dilanda kegawatan dan konflik. Bayang jika Tun tidak sayangkan tanah bertuah ini, pasti kita akan berada dibawah telunjuk IMF seperti yang Anuar inginkan/mungkin hanya menerima nasihat kerana tiada strategi ketika kegawatan tersebut. Bagi saya diktator yang sebenar berada di kelantan, dahulu sering dengar dalam ceramah politiknya mengatakan Tun sebagai diktator dan kuku besi. Sekurang-kurangnya Tun ada jugak sumbangan dan jasa pada negara. Ini untuk memajukan negeri pun tidak mampu, kejayaan negeri hanya di ukur berdasarkan hutang pada kerajaan pusat. Manakala ramai anak negeri melimpah ke negeri lain untuk mencari rezeki. Orangnya tidak lain tidak buka Nik Aziz. Mahu menjadi Menteri Besar sampai mati. “PAKU BILAH PAKU SERPIH, MENGATA ORANG DIA YANG LEBIH”.
    Sekian, moga Tun dan keluarga diberkati. Maaf jika ada yang tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat saya. Sekadar untuk tatapan mata dan hati bagi yang mahu BERUBAH.
    [email protected]

  121. Here are my ideas for all ‘opposition commentator’ here…..
    1. To all Muslim, back to Al Qur’an teaching. And I should say, everybody know God (Allah) create Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. In this case should we follow the one with nature not the one with an alternative lifestyle… (I know what you did last summer, he he he)
    2. What’s the big deal in being just? Life is cruel, why the afterlife should be any different? Obvious you are not a dictator. Neither Julius Caesar not Adolf Hitler (You are not wearing toga nor having a 1 inch mustache) but a normal kind of leader in which can give a command “Don’t ask you to like it but ask you to do it”.
    3. I agree that most Malaysian unable to think far forward and full of ‘tak apa’ attitude (that serve to explain why we lagged behind Singapore) so, don’t be bother with these lowborn since even when they goes to school, still serve them nothing but still a lowborn.
    4. As a leader myself, I don’t care if you terasa of me calling some of you guys and girl a ‘lowborn’ because that

  122. Dear Tun,
    I am a commoner in the street, and i hear all kind of comments about you, good and bad.
    As a man of reasonable rations,I know our country had advanced to greater height through your premiership.Huge projects were accomplished and pocket scandals were not to the extent then.Even opposition parties struggled to win votes.Flags were hanged all around during Merdeka and the patriotic spirit were alive.We really feel proud to be malaysian. I was a BN voter.
    We did not mind you being branded as a dictator as you kept security safe at home and abroad with the nation interest at heart. Check and Balance were norm then even with some untoward feelings. That was a great Era.
    Since you left;nepotism thrived,economy shrink,scandals wildly spread,in-fightings fired up and more shameful happenings in the headlines.
    Your point 15 was a good one and it hit your critics hard.
    As for DSAI,he is not qualified to be economic adviser.
    Of course, there are other unqualified figures in the present government.
    We are looking forward to a brighter future and i wonder where our leaders are leading us?

  123. People can say whatever that they want about you but they definitely cannot deny all the great things that you had done for the country.
    I am 23 years old and you have been an inspiration to me since i was 15.For me, people can say whatever that they want and they can claim those stories as true but they can never erase all the great achievements that you had helped the country to achieve while being the Fourth PM. You were a great leader and because of you Malaysia is able to stand proud and tall in the eyes of the world.

  124. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya untuk ulasan Tun terhadap komen pengirim dgn izin …..
    Bukan tujuan saya mengatakan ekonomi M’sia berkembang mula 1991 saja. Betul ekonomi mula berkembang selepas krisis pasaran saham dan hartanah 1987. Angka saya pakai pun, 10% dari 1991 bukan sumber rasmi, boleh dipertikai.
    Tun ada alasan menyuara pendapat menyalahkan DS Anwar memburukkan keadaan ekonomi (fair comment). Saya menyanggah komen yg mengutuk DS Anwar pengkhianat, pembelot, pembawa malang krisis 97 bulat bulat (emosi).
    Benar MTEN ditubuh awal 98, tapi tanggapan umum DS Anwar masih DPM, Menteri Kewangan dan berkuasa hingga Sep 98. Saya terima bahawa dasar MTEN yg memulihkan ekonomi.
    Terima kasih krn menyiar tulisan saya.
    Selanjutnya untuk bacaan umum saja…
    We are not journalists and less bound to be factual. Fair assumption should suffice. Accusing Pak Lah is a cleaner (tukang sapu) is fair assumption at best. If it is factual, Pak Lah will be tending the garden in Sg. Buloh instead of relaxing in his orchard.
    A leader has to be responsible. He is not liable for others action and failure but he is answerable to prevent, mitigate and punish those involved. It is in these situations a dictator’s claw goes missing when it is most needed.
    ……………BAD CHOICE
    There are bad choices of policy also, besides people. Awarding money spinning IPP, highways to cronies with profit guarantees. Disastrous protectionism trials with Perwaja and Proton.
    On abusive appointees, lets see who got abused more. Who paid the higher price?
    Musa lost his whole future in Umno and M’sian politics. He was a PM designate! Ghafar was unceremoniously dumped like a hot potato. Habis manis sepah dibuang. Anwar spent 6 lonely years in jail after suffering a swollen eye. From blue eye boy(83-98) to black eye traitor. Pak Lah is the third PM (after Tunku, Hussein) to be forced out by the same force. A spare tyre (not first choice) forced to retire.
    We all know the project quote is useless. By the time the project finishes the cost would have ballooned. Only a novice contractor will inflate the price at bidding stage. Everybody knows you will get a better deal if you abandon the project after getting it.
    RM20bil spent on it i.e. RM2 mil per acre. Which is RM46 per sq ft. Taxpayers or public (Petronas) paid for this. Other places values go up much higher without govt spending a single sen!!
    Please note the maintenance and repair cost not included yet. We know govt procurement horrors, one street bulb will cost thousands of ringgit to replace.
    No other city in M’sia requires such govt spending to build or maintain. DBKL is self sustaining.
    Selling a ship costing 10mil with 9mil outstanding loan at 3mil (e.g) is a fire sale? In a financial crisis, selling below cost is the norm. Housebuyers face the same thing.
    Buy house RM300K, loan 250K. Property crash sell 200K is a fire sale (capital loss, still burden with debt). Sell at 270K is a bail out! (capital return 20K) Both sell below cost, but one helps to cover debts with capital return.
    Buy at 270K, when property market recovers, sell property for 300K considered big profit? It will make bigger profit if buy at 200K, which was the market price!!!
    To judge a bail out or fire sale look for arm’s length transaction, independent valuation, due diligence study. Without these look for bankruptcy rate, cos fire sale almost always result in bankruptcies. If without these, sniff for bail out.
    MV Agusta was bought for 70mil euros but encumbered with huge debts. So look for the loan outstanding not just selling price.

  125. Tun dan bloggers yang lain
    Saya lebih mengharapkan Tun tidak menerima Jawatan Menteri Kanan sekiranya di tawarkan. Tun lebih diperlukan di luar kerajaan untuk mendengar dan memberi idea kepada kerajaan sedia ada. Mungkin ianya sama dengan nasihat Tun kepada Ustaz Asri tempoh hari. Terserah la..
    Kesilapan terbesar Tun semasa 22 tahun menjadi “Diktator” adalah tidak melakukan penghapusan kaum. Malah mengimpot berbagai lagi kaum lain ke negara ini. Orang Islam di Malaysia semakin terpinggir semenjak merdeka dan akan hilang segalanya suatu hari nanti. Masih menyanyi Biarkan! Biarkan! walaupun Long Chai mengambil segala-galanya. Ingat cerita Luncai? Minda Muslim telah di kawal dari sekolah rendah untuk membiarkan Long Chai berbuat apa saja. Belum lagi cerita Han Too Ah, Han Lee Kiew dan rakan-rakan.
    Rakyat memilih pemimpin untuk membawa mereka ke arah kesejahteraan hidup. Pemimpin yang sanggup bersusah payah untuk rakyatnya. Bukan pemimpin yang mengembalikan “susah” kepada rakyat dengan membuat keputusan yang tak susah tak payah pun. Contohnya, naikkan harga petrol apabila harga minyak mentah dunia naik. Macam Tun Pak Lah buat kan Mr Ravi kan?
    Gaji Minima
    Harap DS Najib dapat laksanakan sebelum PRU13. Kalau BN bercadang nak menang la. Kaji dan tetapkan nilai yang sepadan. Gaji asas operator kilang kat Jepun dah lebih dari RM4,500 sebulan. Kat Singapura dan Amerika pun tinggi. Tutupkah kilang2 yang ada di sana? Bukan semua kilang berteknologi lebih tinggi di sana. Ramai warga kilang termasuk saya, dah puluhan kali pergi melawat kilang2 di sana.
    Operator kat kilang saya berkerja, gaji asas RM420.00. Kalau suami isteri berkerja dapat RM840.00. Campur elaun itu elaun ini dapatlah bersih kurang lebih RM1000.00. Kalau dah ada anak cukupkah? Tuanpunya kilang peduli kah? Prioriti Pertama “Profit” kata CEO Mattel tak lama dulu.. Tak cukup pekerja, impot buruh murah dari negara jiran. Tertanya jugak, Kerajaan peduli kah nasib ratusan ribu pekerja kilang dan juga “ingin bekerja” warga Malaysia?
    Pemimpin di pilih untuk mensejahterakan rakyat. Jadi, Tolonglah bertanggungjawab. Janganlah meminta kami warga Malaysia hidup seperti pekerja asing di bumi sendiri. Seperti warga Myanmar mengejar biawak atau warga Nepal menangkap anjing atau warga Vietnam mengutip kangkung di tepi parit untuk di buat hidangan. Kalau cara hidup sebegini, RM420.00 sebulan pun mungkin memadai.
    Bukan membesarkan cerita, tapi hakikat Tun.
    Saya sedari Tun tidak lagi berada di dalam kerajaan dan tulisan sebegini tidak sepatutnya di hantar kepada Tun. Tapi saya tahu Tun peduli dan ramai orang besar “Gomen” juga melawat laman ini. Dengarlah keluh kesah warga2 kilang.
    Terima kasih..

  126. Salam Tun,
    You have done so well for 22 years as Prime Minister of this country on top all the imperfections. Nothing can change that fact no matter what your haters are saying. Don’t worry about them. You owe them nothing. Take care Tun. You look great as ever.
    Do visit:

  127. Hi, Tun & All
    1. You seem tired sir..Chill..anyway, again a good revealation &
    you’ve try to imply open-minded discussion here..It’s what
    blogging all about.
    2. I do agree at some point with lot of peoples here saying that
    you brought a lot of development,achievement and such..
    3. But sorry sir, I still doubt your so called ‘apologies’..You
    simply just mention it’s a wrong choice..Futher to that, plus
    with some defensive statement saying that they’re look good
    before been chosen..Again sorry Sir and ‘the supporters’’s =
    Lame..I’m not trying to be rude, but if you really want to make
    sincere apologies, do it all out..If not, pls dont..
    —-> As a primere Leader back then, you should not only choose,
    but recruit, train,develop a successor..If so many of choice of
    yours is wrong, you r not a good decision maker and risk
    malaysia to be run by a wrong-chosen-leader..
    —-> Anyway sir, it’s so hard to hear from you, who is really
    able to run this country…Is it the answer still= YOU???..I
    understand you want to critic for good, but sometime why not we
    say something GOOD ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE..
    4. I’m not sure wether Anwar is good man or not..Hate his style
    anyway..But it’s just a matter of time..Lets wait for the

  128. Dear Tun,
    Wish to inform you that you did not make a mistake in the choice of your successors.
    In fact it turned out to be a blessing.
    It enabled Malaysians to see that people who frothed religion at their mouths were nothing more than quacks.
    One mouthed “menegakkan” Islam and the other Islam hadhari. Where was their Islam when “doing the cleaning” at the expense of the rakyat.
    I prefer a secular leader with values anytime.
    Best Regards Tun,

  129. Ayahanda Tun Yang Dikasihi..
    No matter what people think of you….I JUST WANT TO SAY…
    You’re our HERO…..really.
    Thank you TUN and TAKE CARE.

  130. Tun,
    You should not delve too much in the past especially with regard to Anwar.Your bitter experiences with him should be forgotten.Best to turn to a clean slate.
    Many people who are not Anwar’s personal friends will not know of his inclinations.It is a medical problem if it is true.However a lot of people suffer from the perception problem–it is hard to comprehend & believe also that he has this unnatural inclination ‘cos after all he is a married man with so many children too & a wife who is so smart.Well it is purely personal & we should not delve on it.If he is good professionally & can administer then it is okay as far as Rakyat are concerned.
    Allah will guide our leaders whoever they are so long as they have the mandate to rule from the RAKYAT.

  131. salam tun, tun, orang yg mengata tun ditactor,mahafiraun dan lain2 yg burok tu adalah orang2 pas,mereka2 ini memburok2 tun sblum pkr lagi. mereka mengajar anak2kecil membenci tun,anak2 itu bila besar mebeci tun sbd otak dia dah jadi hijau.mana2 yg x lupa diri dan otaknya x rosak masih menyajungi tun dan sedar kebaikan yg tun lakukan dan masih boleh memilih yg mana kaca dan intan.kami orang2 atas pagar yg megundi pas @ pkr bukan benci pada umno tp benci pd sesetegah pemimpin dan isteri mereka yg bongkak dan rasuah,mengharapkan pembakang dpt megubah keadaan tapi masyallah lebih terok lagi. sekian wassalam

  132. Saya rasa perlantikan DSAI sebagai penasihat ekonomi kerajaan Selangor itu adalah satu gesture penghargaan kerana dialah penyumbang utama yang menyatukan pakatan sehingga terbentuknya kerajaan baru Selangor.Walau pun fee nya RM 1.00 dia mungkin dapt kemudahan yang tidak berbentuk elaun atau gaji, mungkin ada reimbursable boleh juga menampung perbelanjaan saudara Anwar.
    Walau bagaimanpun saya tak ingin bincang soal masa lalu sebab tu saya ingin meminta pendapat anda mengenai forecast siapa Perdana Menteri mengikut theori baru
    Teori RAHMAN telahpun selesai, selepas ni mungkinkah theori nama MAHATHIR pula akan jadi panduan siapa perdana menteri di masa akan datang. Mohyidin, Ahmad Zahid atau Anwar,Hishamudin atau…?

  133. Salam buat Ayahanda Tun,
    Mana lebih baik, tersalah membuat pilihan atau bersalah kerana tidak membuat pilihan..? Atau salahnya yang terpilih..?
    Dan samalah juga, mana lebih anak jantan, mengundur kerana disahkan kalah perbicaraan atau mencari dalih untuk mengundur sebelum perbicaraan..?
    Sekurang-kurangnya Ayahanda dah membuat pilihan..

  134. Saya sgt mngagumi cara & wawasan Tun dlm memimpin negara ini.
    Krisis kewangan pd thn 1997 bukti kebijaksanaan Tun dlm menangani masalah global yg byk menghuru harakan negara lain.
    saya bangga kerana pernah menjadi generasi di bawah pimpinan Tun.
    terima kasih byk!!!

    SEREMBAN – Tidak seperti murid Tahun Enam lain yang kegirangan ketika menerima keputusan cemerlang 5A Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), Siti Amynur Ain Putri Rosdy (gambar kecil) terpaksa menempuh kesedihan semasa menerima keputusan itu di hadapan jenazah ibu.
    Apabila keputusan UPSR diumumkan di pejabat Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Taman Dusun Nyior di sini semalam, Siti Amynur Ain Putri berada di surau rumah rakyat Taman Dusun Nyior untuk membantu anggota keluarga yang lain menguruskan jenazah ibunya, Rusmah Abdullah, 47, yang meninggal dunia akibat tekanan darah rendah pada tengah malam Rabu selepas terlantar di wad hospital selama dua minggu.
    Berderai air mata Siti Amynur Ain Putri dan anggota keluarga yang lain apabila guru besar sekolah itu, Noreha Adam menyampaikan keputusan ke tangan pelajar itu sendiri di hada- pan tubuh kaku ibunya beberapa minit sebelum solat jenazah dimulakan pada pukul 11.30 pagi kelmarin.
    “Saya sedih sangat, ibu tidak dapat melihat keputusan ini. Ibu selalu berpesan semasa hidup bahawa saya ini harapan dia, ayah pula sudah meninggal dunia empat tahun lalu,” katanya dalam linangan air mata.
    Pelajar itu kini hidup yatim piatu bersama abangnya yang berusia 14 tahun.
    Selepas ayahnya meninggal dunia akibat sakit tibi, ibu Siti Amynur Ain Putri bekerja sebagai tukang cuci di sebuah hotel bajet rendah di Seremban dengan pendapatan RM500 sebulan. – Bernama
    – Thank you for the space Ayahanda Tun. When I look around, I see there’s still so much real to be done. May Allah guides and bless us all.

  136. Dear Tun,
    Whenever I write in your blog, I risk my neck because people who work for you will without your knowledge catch me and kill me.
    I support Anwar simply because I want Barisan Nasional out of the government long enough so that the the judges, police chiefs, anti-corruption agencies who are compliant to Barisan Nasional will be replaced with unbiased professionals. I want to see a “TAIWANIZED” Malaysia where a former corrupt president can be charged in court and jailed. There are too many corrupt politicians in power in Malaysia. and they are from Barisan nasional. These got to go before fair aministration of the country can be returned to citizens.

  137. Dear Tun,
    don’t be sad by some of the goons who has been commenting negatively about you. Sometime I just wonder if they dislike you sooo… much why their name keep appearing in your blog. You have to realise that they had nothing better to do than to keep on condemning you , as if they can do better than you if they were the prime minister of Malaysia. To me these type of people ” cuma pandai kondem tapi bila bagi keje hancur’.
    Yes you were authoritarian , but I for myself has no problem with that. You get work done and a simple citizen , I had benefited from that. Even the goons who keep on condemning you did benefited from the progress and peace we had in Malaysia during your tenure as prime minister. Malaysia is not ready for full democracy. We know now it doesnt work in this multi racial society.
    What ever it is thank you for being the best PM for Malaysia. Thank you for your hard work and good visions. May Allah give you His Blessing.

  138. Hi Tun,
    You don’t have to bother what people comment about you, I personally felt that you have contributed enough to the country and in this country with the people still are not matured enough we need a dictator to rule otherwise we will be seeing a lot of the current condition from your time. People do demonstration or strike for reason that they don’t even know, just like what I witnessed when I was working in Indonesia. Those people that have not leave our country, I advised that you try leaving Malaysia and go and live in others

  139. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tiba-tiba rasa sedih bersarang dihati saya..
    Saya xpernah pikir Tun adalah diktator. Saya dah katakan dulu lagi. Dari saya form 2. Saya kagum dan bangga dengan Tun.
    Tun adalah pemimpin negara saya, pemimpin yang dikurniakan Tuhan utk berkhidmat di bumi Melayu bertuah ni. Sampai sekarang Tun adalah tetap No 1.
    Dari apa yang Tun usahakan, tidak lain tidak bukan untuk meletakkan kita, MALAYSIA di tempat sekarang. Alhamdulillah..dengan nikmat dan jalan yang ditunjukkan Tuhan..Kita menikmati apa yang dikecapi sekarang.
    Mungkin Tun juga buat salah, tapi normal sebagai manusia yang xsempurna. Kita perlu mengakuinya. Tapi Tun tidak menghancurkan Malaysia, tidak membinasakan bangsa. TUN CUBA MEMBINA BANGSA..
    Hm, xpelah Tun, apepn tuduhan, beristighfarlah banyak2 je.. Kadang sesetangah org ni dah xleh cakap ape dah. Dah perangai macam tu… Cakap ape pn mcam tu jugak. Xde pekdah..
    Salam Tun..Kirim slam Dr Hasmah..jaga kesihatan..

  140. Assalam mualaikum Tun. still have a sense of humor. No Dictator ever resign except You !!
    These people that give negative comments, in my opinion they are too emosional or dalam arti bahasa Melayu lebih suka ikut hati aje bila buat komen., They never like to use their brain. Tak tau la dia orang ni nak buat apa dgn otak2 mereka tuh.,
    As one reader said..if Dictatorship can bring good to this country..WHY NOT ?
    Memang yg mau demokrasi ala Amerika ato England ato Europe where sodomising is not a crime ?
    They fail to see that democracy can be in any form or idealogi . There is a Western type of democracy and there is also the Oriental type of democracy where we still retain our cultures, respect our elders and understand each other better compared to the Western style.
    Sadly for these people, when mentioned ‘ Democracy ( which Anwar Ibrahim is trying to introduce ) their thoughts are immesiately ” American style ‘ Of course if we adopt ” American style Democracy ” then bro Anwar can continue with his peculiar behavior lah without worry at all !!

  141. Dear Tun,
    Your name emerged recently in media writings about a senior minister post, suggested by 1 or 2 BN politician. This, to me, is an admission of leadership failure in BN currently that they need to bring you out of retirement and subject you to mental wear and tear in our political domain. Unlike Singapore, where demography, geography and race are quite homogeneous, whereas you had to deal with 3 main races in our vast country landscape where racial chauvinism can get out of control sometimes.
    Let you not worry about what your detractors say, it is rare to find a statesman so obsessed in defending his own malay race that you may never find a successor like you, Tun. I read your biography and watch the History channel because I think it is worth knowing.
    If you read the latest TI 2009 report on PKFZ, you will see self-serving politicians and the complicated intertwining of politics and business – they call it revolving doors. I wish we have a “dictator” like you who has the guts to haul the guilty to jail, whether UMNO or MCA.
    BN is doing their marketing now for 2013 votes, without a clear and detail solution of how to get our country out of the economic quagmire, improve our quality of life and enhance our competitiveness. This is a clear intention of securing power and later, abuse it. Maybe the double-track railway is next.
    I humbly request for your consideration to be the Voters’ Champion instead of SM: teach us voters how to wisely elect a government by educating us on the essential voter issues:-
    fiscal policy
    employment etc.etc.
    I think it is high time our population starts grilling our government and get intelligent answers from them, instead of simple, non-thoughtful remarks to the press. If we need 5.4% economic growth to achieve 2020, our politicians would require 154% mental ability and expertise. I trust you, Tun, only you, to tell us the truth.
    May God bless you abundantly and long live your youthfulness, Tun Dr. M.

  142. Tun, everybody makes mistakes.
    Your blogger is good and right for everybody.
    Yes, on such we have to name a person,a leader,a nation,etc.
    IT is not meant to disrespect or whatsoever reasons.
    We are in an open blogger,with positive,negatives,appreciations,
    criticism so on and so forth.You have been criticize in your own blogs, but yet you choose to blogs it out.No double standard,it reflects your character.
    A man got to do what a man need to do.
    Don,t be discourage to bring out facts,fears,un resolve matters,etc.
    Along with my Doa,I will always be with you.
    What true of you that I respects most,that differs you from most leaders,is that You are open and sincere.
    Unlike Most leader,speaks only to show their good self,make low image of their opponents,hiding their true colors.
    Sometimes they need to know the question first before an assembly.It is hypocrite. I don,t trust this hypocrite eventough
    everything that came from them is beautiful.
    You are indeed a true leader.Doa and I Salute you,Sir.

  143. A’kum Tun!
    Please do not worry or bothered by some critics who may not like you or fancy you. It is okay Tun. I am sure you will still have a good night sleep every time you go to bed.
    The prove is there for everyone to see what you had done to the country. I just watched your Autobiography last night on part 1 on history channel. It really gave me different look at you altogether.
    You are such a great debater, also great leader. Since you were young, you never want to be a follower instead you want to be leader. That is always the best criteria in any leader to be successful. Since you were young, you were always honest and sincere with your speech and also your leadership. You were the first Malay doctor in Alor Setar back then and everybody call you Dr UMNO. It shows everybody at the time respect you and admire you. Your suffering from the Japanese occupation and fighting against for Independence has made you to be more sensitive towards the people of the country, the Malay in particular.
    Unlike some of the leader that you choose after you were the PM, they were not there to see the suffering and understand the importance of it. They are here today without even understand the “Perjuangan UMNO”. SO sometimes its hard to have high expectations on people like this. People with no knowledge. People like Anwar and Pak Lah are not leaders. I am sorry to say this but they are definitely not.
    You are different Tun. You have contributed a lot to the country. Above anyone else. Sometimes I wish that you can remain young forever so that you can be our PM forever. Your experience, knowledge, vision, ideas, and most of all, your sincere heart has put us Malaysia on the world map. I am proud to say that I am Malaysian and Tun Mahathir Mohammed was our former PM.
    Of course in life you are bound to make mistakes in choosing people around you. That’s why Allah said in the Koran, choose your friends carefully. It is because they might be bad influence to you or might back stab you. Either way, it is not good thing to do. But people like Anwar, he would do anything on anyone just to ensure that he gets what he wants which is to be the PM of the country. God is great. He will grant to whoever He wills.
    Thank you Tun. I am looking forward to watching you on part 2 tonight.

  144. Salam Tun,
    1. Terdapat idea Tun yang jauh ke depan dan tidak dapat diterima oleh sesetengah orang. Tapi ianya terbukti berhasil.
    2. Beberapa elemen Dictatorship diperlukan di dalam sebuah negara membangun yang tidak mempraktikkan politik matang dan kaum-kaum yang terikat secara longgar di antara satu sama lain.
    3. Tetapi dictatorship secara total tidak pernah wujud di negara ini. Manakala elemen dictatorship yang dipraktik akan dikurangkan bergantung kepada suasana politik, ekonomi dan perhubungan kaum-kaum.
    4. Tetapi yang membezakan seorang pemimpin yang berjiwa diktator dengan seorang pemimpin yang menggunakan beberapa elemen dictatorship yang membawa kebaikan ialah pemimpin itu tidak akan meletakkan jawatan.

  145. salam,
    kepada Tun dan para bloggers,
    saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya Aidil Adha kepada semua warga negara Malaysia yang beragama Islam dan kepada umat Islam yang sedang menunaikan Ibadat Haji.semoga kita sentiasa ingat bahawa kita manusia dan makhluk ciptaan Allah.kita akan sentiasa membuat kesilapan tetapi dengan kesilapan lah kita akan belajar.manusia bukan makhluk yang sempurna.
    dengan penuh keikhlasan,
    [email protected]

  146. ayahanda Tun,
    Dalam banyak-banyak penulisan ayahanda setelah sekian lama inilah yang menampakkan kekecewaan ayahanda kepada mereka yang tidak bersyukur dan tidak berterima kasih kepada yang memberi.
    Bukankah baru-baru ini negara kuasa terbesar dunia pun cuba untuk menggunakan strategi bailout dengan membailout bank terbesar di Amerika Syarikat. Apakah pendekatan ini tidak bagus sehingga negara lain ingin mengikutnya.
    Ekonomi pada ketika ini lain pada zaman kegawatan 1997. Saya dapat merasakan kemungkinan ianya akan menjadi lebih teruk lagi kerana kegagalan sistem ekonomi kini dan ini termasuklah IMF. Nasib baik kita tidak mengambil pendekatan IMF pada ketika itu. Saya masih ingat sewaktu saya muda mendengar ayahanda Tun berucap mengatakan bahawa jika orang luar ingin memporak perandakan negara dia mesti meletakkan sebutir bom yang boleh meletus bila-bila masa sahaja. Dan bom yang dimaksudkan ketika itu ialah IMF.
    Apa jadi sekiranya kita meminjam IMF pada ketika itu? Apa jadi kepada negara-negara yang membuat pinjaman IMF kini. Bila negara menghadapi kesusahan, ekonomi tak stabil, pasti akan ramai orang yang susah. Pada ketika ramai yang susah perlukah kita mencari siapa yang harus dipersalahkan dan dipertanggungjawabkan?
    Kita seharusnya bersyukur bahawasanya kita masih lagi mempunyai bekalan makanan yang cukup, kebanyakan dari kita mempunyai tempat berteduh yang selesa, walaupun negara kita kini berdepan cabaran ekonomi dunia. Bagi saya keadaan ini hasil dari kesinambungan pencapaian ayahanda Tun dalam mentadbir ketika zamannya dan tindakan yang diambil bertepatan dengan keadaan sesuatu perkara pada ketika itu.Saya sebagai generasi muda dapat merasa dasar-dasar kerajaan yang dilaksanakan pada zamannya dan saya pasti ramai yang sezaman dengan saya juga dapat merasainya. Jangan kita hidup dalam sindrom penafian seperti Anwar Ibrahim.
    Oleh yang demikian saya secara peribadi disini ingin meluahkan kesyukuran saya dan mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada ayahanda tun dalam mentadbir kerajaan satu ketika dahulu dengan jayanya.
    Percayalah sekiranya ayahanda Tun sendiri tersilap memilih Anwar Ibrahim sebagai TPM dulu takkan kita masih lagi nak memilih Anwar lagi-lagi penasihat ekonomi. Orang suka Anwar nie sebab dia suka suruh orang bagi rasuah kat orang jer.

  147. Tun,
    Setelah mengamati ulasan-ulasan pengkritik Tun, saya merumuskan mereka ini seperti begini:-
    1.Mereka ini terdiri daripada tiga kaum teras yang utama di Semenanjung iaitu Melayu, Cina dan India.
    2.Mereka ini terdiri daripada mereka yang tidak mahu menggunakan akal dan fakta (disebabkan fahaman, ideologi politik, sentimen perkauman, hasad dengki).
    3.Mereka ini lebih suka menulis berdasarkan emosi (mereka tuduh orang lain pula yang menyokong Tun sebagi menulis mengikut emosi dan pengampu walaupun sebenarnya merekalah lebih emosional).
    4.Pengkritik Tun daripada kaum Melayu terdiri daripada mereka yang fanatik agama, pentingkan diri sendiri dan lupa serta tak sedar diri(yang dah kaya, pandai sedikit (atas bantuan kerajaan), the so call liberals, fahaman politik yang menebal dan mereka yang iri hati, dendam kesumat serta mempunyai agenda tertentu yang Allah sahaja yang tahu.
    5.Pengkritik Tun daripada kaum bukan Melayu pula terdiri daripada mereka yang sengaja tidak mahu menggunakan fakta (jika tahu fakta pun mereka sengaja buat tak tahu atau buta fakta dan juga memutar belitkan fakta) disebabkan sikap rasis (mereka akan menuduh orang lain pula sebagai rasis) yang menebal.
    6.Disebabkan sikap perkauman dan iri hati (seperti penulis S. Tan, Dass dan lain-lain), mereka lebih suka memutar belitkan fakta walau pun mereka tahu orang Melayu yang merupakan penduduk majoriti di negara ini lebih miskin daripada kaum-kaum lain dan mereka lebih suka orang Melayu kekal miskin untuk selama-lamanya di negara ini.
    7.Kalau orang Melayu pandai atau kaya, mereka akan menuduh disebabkan bantuan kerajaan dan jika orang Melayu miskin disebabkan orang Melayu bodoh dan pemalas.
    8.Mereka menuntut hak sama rata, sedangkan pada masa sama mereka menyedari bahawa kaum Cina lah yang masih kaya raya (termasuk kaum India jika dibandingkan dengan nisbah kaum itu di negara ini) disebalik dasar ekonomi baru.
    9.Mereka ini lebih berkiblatkan Singapura (semangat pariotik dan cintakan negara mereka dipersoalkan) walaupun mereka tahu republik itu menindas bangsa Melayu (Melayu hanya layak jadi peon dan wanita Melayu sebagai GRO, jumlah pelajar Melayu tercicir pelajaran dan anak luar nikah Melayu terbesar di negara itu).
    Mereka tahu Singapura hanya sebuah pulau kecil yang maju disebabkan putar belit melalui pergantungan terhadap jiran tetangga tetapi suka membuat perbandingan dengan Malaysia.
    Ada bekas rakyat negara ini yang sewenang-wenangnya dan dengan mudah mengoyakkan pasport negara ini kerana hendak menjadi warganegara Britain, tergamak mahu meminta pertolongan daripada Kerajaan Malaysia (termasuk konco-konco mereka di negara ini)setelah mendapati Kerajaan British menolak kehadiran mereka di negara tersebut.
    10.Disebabkan sikap rasis dan benci yang mendalam, kaum ini sanggup mengundi parti pembangkang walaupun mereka tahu mereka sebenarnya memperjudikan nasib dan masa depan mereka di negara ini.
    Kepada kaum lain yang memuja pemimpin pembangkang, mereka sepatutnya membaca tulisan seorang kolumis akhbar The Star bertarikh 5 November 2009.
    Antara lain penulis itu menulis, quote “One prominent glib-tongued one has long mastered the art of saying one thing to supporters who are of his race and religion, and another to racially mixed crowds.I still remember the old days when he was in a very powerfull position.
    He would bluntly tell reporters covering his event: What I said in my speech was only meant for the Malay media.Others need not report (it).”
    Salam Tun.

  148. salam Tun,
    how beautifully Mr. Holy Righteousness Ravi twist and turn his words….this guy is positively ‘blinded’ by his hatred and by the way he writes love to see his own reflections in the mirror!
    yo mama must be proud of you…

  149. Salam Tun sekeluarga…
    Memang kebijaksanaan segelintir rakyat Malaysia melabel siapa sahaja yang mereka tidak suka. Khasnya golongan yang merasakan diri mereka dijamin syurga. Mereka ini tidak memahami maksud sebenar diktator. Hanya tahu bercakap dan berkelulusan tinggi tetapi otak mereka ‘ground zero’.
    Tun pada hemat saya lebih bersifat sebagai seorang ketua negara yang tegas dan berani. Sentiasa konsisten dalam setiap tindakan. Berjiwa Islam dan Melayu yang mendalam. Bijak.
    Tun juga seperti ketua keluarga dalam sesebuah rumahtangga. Jika ketua keluarga lembik, lesu, selalu tidur, malas, tidak berfikir, melakukan maksiat, hanya petah bercakap dsb bolehkan keluarga itu berjaya? Dalam keluarga, ketua semestinya seorang yang garang (bertempat) jika ingin menjadikan keluarganya berjaya. Tindakan bapa-bapa dahulu yang seakan-akan diktatorlah yang membawa ramai anak-anak Melayu kini berjaya ke menara gading dan menjawat jawatan yang hebat.

  150. Dearest Tun,
    many of us think that you are a great leader for our country.
    so all you haters, please think of what you have done for the country, before accusing others for not doing enough!
    So Tun, don’t get so offended by them. They think they are good enough to talk trash about you, actually they are not.
    Love you Tun! have a good weekend!

  151. Salam Hormat Tun
    1)Saya pun tak faham lah mengapa mereka gelar Tun dictator.Certainly you are not dictator you are a good leader. That is pure fact.
    2)Kalau Lah Tun dictator tak lah penyagak penyagak saperti ravi, pak pandir dan ramai lagi penyagak dapat melihat komen komen mereka tersiar di blog Tun. That shows you dont dictate. That is fact.
    3)Lain lah kalau negara jiran kita.
    Your komen (15) is just marvellous- Tell me which dictator ever resign.Ha ha.
    3)Dahulu saya pernah komen kalau lah Tun dictator tiada yang menangisi dan meratap semasa Tun umum letak jawatan.Lihat sahaja di perhimpunan UMNO ramai ahli UMNO meluru kearah Tun.Tun mengapa Tun?Tun mengapa Tun?.Mereka tidak besetuju dengan perletakan jawatan oleh Tun.Ada yang jelas menangis sama ada di atas pentas atau pun di bawah pentas.Pak lah juga berperasaan begitu.MELAYU MUDAH LUPA.Tapi saya tak lupa.Saya berharap RTM dapat tayangkan saat syahdu ini berulang kali.
    Saya ingat lagi bila di temuramah rakyat ada yang menangis,bukan orang Melayu sahaja berbagi bangsa pun merasa sedih.Certainly that is asign of a LEADER not DICTATOR and THAT IS A FACT.
    4)Satu persoalan lagi kami sangat bersetuju sekali kalau Tun di lantik menjadi menteri kanan saperti yang di cadangkan.Boleh lah Tun membantu negara kita dalam persoalan isu air dan jembatan bengkok agar maruah yang tercemar akan pulih seperti di zaman Tun dahulu.Entah bila jembatan tu nak siap.

  152. Salam Yg Berbahgia Tun.
    Saya kenal Tun lama dulu,50 tahun.tapi Tun tak kenal la saya.You were our family doctor.we were poor family,tapi “family doctor” tu bukan la kami engage Tun to look after our health.but simply because u charged the lowest and that was what we could afford,and we frequented your clinic.
    Sekarang sedihnya,kawasan MAHA Cilinic,ditempat bernama pekan melayu tu sebenarnya takada org melayu lagi.dihadapannya ialah pekan china,dan memang 100% tetap china.
    seorg diktator atau ultra, chauvanistic etc. akan sudah tentu membuat sesuatu supaya pekan melayu akan dipenuhi melayu.itu tidak berlaku.
    dalam era Tun,chinese remain the richest,and an indian became super rich.a dictator wouldnt allow that to happen because that would damage his pride as a malay prime minister.
    Tun sudah tentu bukan seorang dictator.
    Ada org dlm blog ni tanya what went wrong with the first DPM.
    TMH marah kerana Tun tak buang Y.M Tengku.apa jenis orang macam ni?dia pula nak dictate Tun sapa nak ambil sapa nak buang.itu lah dictator namanya.dictator inilah menteri dalam negeri semasa org memali ditembak bertalu talu.
    DSAI pula di tanya apa salah nya.saya tak tau,tapi pada eranya ramai school mate dia jadi top business man.Tapi Tun tak pula buat schoolmate dia dari KSAH jadi instant top business man.
    manusia memang yang paling kuat sokong Tun ialah bekas MB kedah orang Yan.dia pula tak disangka very hot tampered sampai terajang org kat airport.
    manusia memang pelik.seorang bekas MB,jadi superrich selepas cuma beberapa tahun jadi MB.kalau gaji MB 20K,gaji ADUN 6k,say 26K/month and in a year,dapat 10 years dapat RM 3.12 million if he keep all the money and never spent.tapi kalau in less than 10 years ada property exceeding RM 3 million,kenapa Surhanjya Rasuah tak siasat.mana punca income yg lain?rasanya itu lebih diktator,dalam mencuri harta negeri.
    banyak kesah yg kita lihat berlaku dlm pemerintahan kesemua PM di malaysia.tiga org lawyer,satu doktor,satu B.A malay studies?,seorang economist?,saya tetap memilih Tun,seorang saintis,to the best PM our country ever had.u start the ball rolling,but many of the trusted player,played the ball wrongly.ada skor gol sendiri,ada main dribble sorang2 dan macam2 lagi.
    Kerajaan dulu paksa malay yg dapat good result ambil sceince,tapi all kena tipu.those sceince student could have been more successful if they became D.O or ambassadors by taking B.A.So a sceince graduated PM did not make anything good to his fellow sceince student.the thing never change even after this country who studied hard,good achievers,ended as losers.those who failed math & sceince,became top people who made policies for the country.
    we need a real dictator to revamp this whole scenario.
    So,Tun,keep up your good work keep healthy.

  153. salam…
    adakah kenyataan tun terhadap anwar betul..rakyat sudah pandai menilai.tun boleh berkata apa-apa sahaja.tapi kenyataan itu belum tentu benar.berkata mesti tunjukkan bukti yang boleh dipercayai.tun seoolah-olah syok sendiri

  154. 15. Thank you for agreeing that I am a dictator. Tell me which dictator ever resign.
    ROFL! Probably the greatest ‘hit back at your detractors’ statement Doc!
    I also were one of those who thought you were a dictator and got bought in by (for example) Dollah Ahmad’s famous statement that you will KSM – kerja sampai mati. Well he is both wrong and right. You did resign but you also KSM, often working so hard that puts even young men to shame.
    I learnt alot from your leadership – be it content and style. Particularly the way you prepare bullets to hit back at the West be it at world forums or HardTalk BBC. Suddenly since you were in the hot seat, so many people around the world hears and looks up to Malaysia.
    It made all of us proud. And good thing is that we do not get attacked by foreign forces. Others who dare go against are often attacked physically or mentally.
    Redhuan D. Oon

  155. salam yg berbahgia Tun…
    this is my 1st time comment in yr blog…
    has been readin’ yr blog for a year or more….
    i have always appreciate what u have done for M’sia n proud to say
    that a man like u Tun was once our leader….
    u may not be perfect but who is….
    as i told my many friends that: “a true leader is who burn himself for the country, not the one who burn the country for himself”
    salam again to Tun n Tun Hasmah & terima kasih
    ps; slamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha

  156. salam tun
    saya harap tun dalam keadaan sihat dan sejahtera.
    It was a normal thing that we have pro and contra in our life. But like u said everything u did for a nation’s interest. U don’t seek for popularity what u do is for our country.
    I’m always grateful to God that you refuse to accept IMF otherwise our country will become like Indonesia. People will keep accusing you as dictator etc etc but at last they have to admit that there is no dictator volunteer himself to resign.
    I believe in you tun. That’s why i never hesitate to assist Perdana Global Peace to get solidarity from youth group.
    Thank you for being my prime minister. Thank you for approving this comment

  157. Guys,
    ASM TUN.
    The only reason that he used IMF methods was to implicate TUN. People will think that TUN is incapable of running the country likewise Suharto. As what he did to crush Allahyarham TUN Ghafar Baba during UMNO deputy presidency campaign in 1993 until Pak Ghafar back out. Fortunately TUN sensed the motive.. Instead of resigning the post, TUN managed to get ride of him and the rest are history.

  158. Dear Tun,
    I was about to comment about your wrong chosing of successor and leaders. And to mention that your succesion planning is not spot on.I was about to stress on the important of succesion planning and that you could have made better choices.
    But I come to reliase that if I were in your position at the same point of time I would have made the same mistakes of chosing.
    The Idea is
    It is very difficult to be right. You know why? You had Malay dilemma, I had this feeling of Malaysia Dilemma.
    The fact is most of the time people in this country are incompetent and failed when subjected and tested with power and wealth.The fact is we have become or we are the kind of people who has so much greed, greed for power and wealth. Even if we have chosen somebody who are clean and humble, soon after most will turn to be arrogant, greedy and abusive.
    Very few people will be otherwise…That is our dilemma and that is the problem of our people and society. They can never maintain integrity and humility.We tend to forget to be thankful. Commoners can say this and that… but the fact is, if even most of commoners in this country is given the same chance to lead, 99% of them will turn up to be the same!
    I could not even have made better choice than either if I were in your shoes!
    And that is the brutal fact!

  159. Salam Tun yang dikasihi.
    Tun memang arif apa yang anwar ni lakukan semasa dalam kerajaan. Apa yang Tun katakan itu sememangnya benar belaka. Anwar ni sudah kempunan nak menjadi PM Malaysia. Itu pasal bila Selangor tawarkan jawatan penasihat ekonomi pun dia sambut baik punya. Janji dapat jawatan. Tu lah Anwar dengan kegilaan kuasa nya.
    Apa yang Gomo ingin sampaikan di sini bukanlah cerita palsu atau pun rekaan,kisah Glamour yang Nik Ajis cari dalam memasyurkan dirinya.

  160. Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera
    Kepada Tun yang banyak menderita untuk Agama, Bangsa (Melayu dan cina, india, sikh, sabah, sarawak dan lain2) dan Negara saya sarankan agar tun teruskan usaha tun yang belum selesai ini hingga keakhirnya. Allah melihat apa yang kita buat, termasuk yang memberikan komen disini, samaada yang ikhlas, yang ingin menyampaikan pendapat orang lain, yang tak puas hati tak bertempat, yang racist tak mau baca “kontrak sosial”, yang blurr ataupun yang saja nak “probing” dan yang paling bahaya orang yang celik tapi buta segalanya dan saja buat buta. Bagi yang islam tu renung2kan lah.
    Saya bukan sekadar menaip tapi penderitaan ini memang berlaku kepada tun, yang saya tau ni sikit saja yang lain2 tu wallahwalalam/only allah knows it.
    Does everybody perfect? or trying to be perfect? or do their best for perfection?
    Come on lah, be fair to yourself first then only u can judge people by having a thorough n fair investigation not just using M-16 or GPMG upon cheap talk at kopi tiam n prejudice, tarak baik lo, “mai tham sim ka phai sim, bo ho lo” hokkien dialect
    Disini tak perlu saya nyatakan fakta2, cerita2 dan lain2 kerana commentor semua yang ada ni adalah dari golongan cerdik pandai dan pemikir2 yang baik atau sebaliknya dan sesetengah cerita tu ada yang mungkin betul atau sebaliknya dan saya ni cuma orang biasa saja.
    Tapi dipermulaan ayat saya tadi, saya ada sebut “menderita” hangpa tau ka apa benda yang dideritai tun tu, pernah ka hangpa korek cerita dia dalam misi untuk menaikan MALAYSIA, insafi dan berfikir sejenak kalau lah anda is in his shoe? Serupala macam kita dok demand/complaint/pok pek/ kat mak bapak kita, ada pernah hangpa tau susah depa, mendengar cerita mereka saja kah atau benar2 menghayati kesusahan mereka? beranikah anda kutuk mak bapak anda, sepatutnya kita memberikan pendapat bukan kutuk dan tomahan setelah apa yang telah mereka curahkan kat kita, mak bapak kita pun hanyalah manusia biasa yang selalu membuat kesilapan, so carilah jalan penyelesaian insyaalah akan terbuka luas jalan di hadapan. (Saya tak kata TUN ni bapak kita, dan bukan membandingkan tapi buat perumpamaan saja, takut2 nanti disalah ertikan pulak oleh pihak lain pulak kerana salah erti ni boleh diseleweng sewenang2nya walaupun sebenarnya fakta telah difahami.
    Saya nak kongsi satu cerita (Tiada mengena dengan sesiapa OK, just a moral story), cerita dia macam ni…saya buat summary saja sat lagi panjang pulak.
    Di suatu masa di suatu tempat di suatu negeri, ada seorang pemilik mempunyai kuda2 yang berbaka baik. Datanglah raja berkehendakan kuda2 nya dengan menjanjikan balasan yang setimpal jika setuju menjualnya. Tetapi pemilik tersebut enggan menjual kerana katanya diantara dia dan kuda tersebut ada “sentimental value” yang susah nak dijelaskan. Berlalulah raja dengan kecewa, dan terus pemilik tersebut dicaci, maki, kutuk, bodo la, nasihat pun ada dan macam2 lagi oleh jiran dan taulan sebab hanya kerana dia tak mahu menjual kudanya dan dia telah pun menerangkannya kepada mereka fasal tindakannya. (dah buat penerangan dengan jujur pun kena jugak)
    Selang beberapa hari, anaknya yang sedang menjaga kuda2 itu telah di tendang oleh kuda2 tersebut dan patah lah tangan dan kakinya. Sekali lagi pemilik tersebut di kutuk dan dicemuh (“tengok dulu tak mau jual, sekarang harta takdak sakit yang dapat”, (tau la kalau dah kena kutuk macam2 keluar dari mulut orang)tetapi dia tetap bersabar dan memujuk hatinya.
    Ditakdirkan, berlakulah peperangan dan semua rakyat lelaki dikerah untuk mempertahankan negara tercinta, dan banyak lah yang terkorban dalam peperangan itu termasuklah anak dan warga2 kampung pemilik itu. Pemilik itu terkecuali kerana sudah berumur (nanti tanya pulak, biasalah orang malaysia ni semua nak tau).
    Kemudian berkatalah warga/jiran/taulan kampungnya,”nasib hang memang baik la/hang pandai la/bagus jugak la/tindakan hang tu betui la/kami menyesal kutuk hang la…(dan ada juga yang diam dalam kedegilan) dan banyak lagi kenyataan kerana anak2 mereka telah terkorban dan anak pemilik kuda tersebut terselamat kerana tak dipilih untuk berperang disebabkan patah kaki tangannya ditendang kuda2 bapaknya. Jadi sekarang keputusan yang dulunya salah kerana enggan menjual kuda2nya menjadi betul pulak! Itulah yang dikatakan manusia…
    Anda pikiaq la sendiri moral cerita ni…ia boleh jadi macam2 mengikut EQ dan IQ anda juga kepercayaan anda.
    Bagi saya tun hanya manusia biasa yang tak lekang dari melakukan kesalahan dan banyak jugak kebaikan dia yang kita tak mau nampak atau memang tak nampak, kutuk pi kutuk mai biasa la dalam liga ni, kita ni rakyat/manusia biasa harus bijak dan ada sifat memberi dan menerima juga pemurah dalam berterima kasih.
    Sekian, maaf dipinta kalau menyinggung kepada yang tersinggung, sekadar ingin berkongsi dan menyedarkan diri sendiri takut2 terlambat sedar.
    Yang baik itu dari Allah dan kalau ada apa2 yang silap tu sudah semestinya dari saya yang banyak kekurangan ni
    Kepada TUN, “Terimakasih”…

  161. salam tun,
    you are emotionally sound this time tun, be strong…that’s all i can say..
    take care

  162. Dear Tun,
    your reply was pure class…its simple, those who comment bad things about you, are the supporters of Anwar…so no matter what is your explanation, they will never accept it…its their nature, they’re stubborn just like Anwar…
    and to Mr rarunasalam (ravi)….about your comment, its totally unacceptable…how can you question the progressiveness of Tun…who are you man…now i think your mind is not progressive enough…!!!

  163. Tun, sebelum ini memang saya sangat mengagumi Tun. Selepas satu demi satu bukti bahawa Tun tidak cekap dalam pentadbiran, dalam pemilihan menteri dan dalam pemilihan tycoon, saya rasa Tun telah meranapkan keseluruhan pembangunan yang telah Tun bina untuk Malaysia.
    Apa terjadi kepada:
    1. Sammy Velu
    2. Ling Liong Sik
    3. Rafidah Aziz
    4. Abdullah Badawi
    5. Anwar Ibrahim
    6. Vincenrt Tan
    7. Ananda Krishnan
    8. Nazri Aziz
    10.Eusoff Chin
    11.VK Lingam
    12.Pemilik Perwaja Steel (lupa nama)
    13.dan ramai lagi, sekadar menamakan sebahagian dari mereka di sini
    Tun lah juga yang telah bertanggungjawab memecah belahkan kesepakatan UMNO sejak menendang keluar Anwar dengan pelabagai tuduhan yang memalukan. Sejak itu UMNO tidak kuat lagi, UMNO dari hari ke sehari semakin pudar dari sokongan rakyat. Ini semua angkara Tun kerana gilakan kuasa.
    Hari ini, Najib terpaksa bertungkus lumus membersih kerak yang Tun tinggalkan selepas pemilihan Abdullah Badawi juga dilihat sekadar pemilihan yang amat buruk dalam signifikan politik Malaysia. Abdullah diburukkan lagi dengan campurtangan menantu hantunya.
    Najib berkemungkinan menjadi PM Malaysia yang akan gagal mempertahankan UMNO untuk terus menguasai pemerintahan pusat dalam PRU akan datang. Ini dibuktikan sejak PRU yang lalu di mana Pakatan Rakyat hanya memerlukan 30 kerusi Parlimen sahaja lagi untuk mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan pusat. Ini tidak mustahil mereka lakukan pada PRU yang akan datang.
    Saya melihat Tun sebagai seorang yang amat pintar dalam mengekalkan kekuasaan peribadi, tetapi Tun seorang yang gagal dalam menentukan kesinambungan politik UMNO. Saya sedih kerana jasa Tun yang begitu besar dinafikan oleh cita-cita busuk dalam diri Tun sendiri. Ini lah yang dinamakan ‘Senjata Makan Tuan’. Tun kini berhadapan dengan satu realiti yaitu ‘Kematian’ yang pasti datang. Itu janji Allah bagi semua yang bernyawa.
    Saya masih teringat bagaimana dengan bangga Tun mencemuh sunnah nabi saw dalam perhimpunan agung UMNO suatu ketika dulu. Tun katakan orang yang berjanggut itu bukan mengikut sunnah nabi saw tetapi menyerupai kambing. Kata-kata Tun dalam ucapan itu telah membangkitkan rasa marah kebanyakan orang Islam yang juga majoritinya Melayu. Tun tunggulah siksaan Allah kerana menghina sunnah nabi saw itu.

  164. assalamualaikum.
    ………..D I C T A T O R………….
    Setelah menjadi perdana menteri selama 22tahun dengan rekord yg cemerlang di dalam memacu negara ke arah kegemilangan dengan mengekalkan keharmonian kaum yang terdiri dari pelbagai bangsa dan agama, menjadikan malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yg membangun, disegani dan menjadi contoh kepada negara2 lain terutamanya negara2 islam. Mengangkat martabat bangsa melayu dgn meletakkan mereka setanding dengan bangsa2 lain di negara ini…..ini lah saja anugerah ataupun hadiah yang mereka berikan terhadap Tun iaitu D I C T A T O R.
    Kalau bangsa lain yg beranggapan sedemikian tidaklah juga mengapa kerana kita tahu segelintir daripada mereka ini mmg x pandai berterima kasih apatah lagi mengenang budi. Tetapi ini orang melayu sendiri yang berpandangan dan beranggapan sedemikian memang amat menyedihkan.Perjuangan dan pengorbanan Tun terhadap anak bangsa sendiri nampaknya tidak dihargai ini lah dikatakan Anak Melayu Moden.
    Sayapun hairanlah, mengapa orang begitu benci terhadap Tun.Saya sendiri x nampak dari sudut mana Tun jadi diktator tapi kalau ada di antara mereka ini merasa x mendapat apa2 imbuhan dari apa yg mereka mahu dan kebebasan bersuara mereka disekat, itu saya x tahulah.Tapi walau apa pun yg Tun lakukan pada masa pemerintahan Tun, saya percaya itu adalah untuk kesetabilan politik dan untuk kebaikan rakyat. Seperti yg pernah saya katakan sebelum ini, politik adalah politik dan bukan senang untuk memuaskan hati semua orang tapi sebagai pemimpin Tun telah menjalankan tanggungjawab dengan penuh didikasi sehingga rakyat merasa nikmatnya bukan hanya untuk orang tertentu sahaja tetapi untuk keseluruhan rakyatnya. Saya sebagai rakyat biasa ini berasa, cukuplah dengan kesetabilan negara, kemudahan pendidikan,perkerjaan,pasarana yang sempurna dan kehidupan yang aman dan damai serta kos sara hidup yang x membebankan sewaktu pemerintahan Tun, bagi sudah cukup untuk saya mengenang jasa Tun tapi bagi orang lain mungkin mereka mahu lebih daripada itu.
    Saya berharap Tun tidak akan patah semangat dengan kata2 mereka terutamanya org melayu yang tidak tahu berterima kasih dan tidak tahu diuntung itu, yang tahu mengkritik tapi tidak pernah pun berbuat apa2 kepada negara. Sewaktu belajar dulu kerajaan telah membiayai pendidikan mereka, waktu tu Tun lah yang menjadi ketua kerajaan dan duit itu adalah duit kerajaan sekarang dah keluar universiti dapat kerja elok2 dihina nya pula Tun, dasar2 kerajaan yang melindungi dan banyak memberi manfaat kepada mereka sewaktu dulu kini dipertikaikan.
    Senang sangat kah menjadi ketua negara? Bagi saya hanya orang yang gila kuasa sahaja yang merasa bahawa dia lah yg layak mementadbir negara ini dengan mudah.Pada suatu ketika dulu Tun menyerahkan kepimpinan negara kepada timbalannya,itu pun setelah beliau yakin dengan perpaduan dan keharmonian,kesetabilan ekonomi dan politik negara ini adalah utuh. Pada waktu itu ramai dikalangan pemimpin dan rakyat yang tidak sukakan Tun gembira kerana mereka menjangkakan bahawa negara akan menjadi lebih baik dibawah pempinan baru tapi apakah yang berlaku?Adakah nasib rakyat bertambah baik, Setelah menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Anti Rasuah,adakah rasuah terhapus? Siapakah pula yang terbabit dgn politik Wang sewaktu pemilihan majlis tertinggi UMNO baru2 ini?Adakah kestabilan politik dan perpaduan kaum dapat dikekalkan sama seperti dulu atau pun lebih baik daripada dulu?. Oleh itu janganlah mengangap bahawa PR dengan penasihatnya itu akan dapat menjamin masa depan yang lebih baik tanpa apa2 pun penyakit politik kemungkinan ia akan membawa penyakit yang lebih teruk memang x dapat disangkal lebih2 lagi kerana penasihatnya itu sememangnya ada penyakit tersebut sejak dulu lagi. Kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh 3 nakoda tidak akan mampu membawa kita ke mana2 tersilap langkah tenggelam dipukul ribut.
    Biar sakit mata membaca biar sakit telinga mereka mendengar….sama ada setuju atau x, mereka terpaksa akur kerana Tun Dr.Mahathir adalah Negarawan Ulung merentas zaman, ( ONE IN MILLION ).
    P/S: Boleh Tun komen sedikit tentang saranan ramai pihak yg saya rasa majoriti rakyat pun bersetuju untuk Tun membabitkan diri didalam politik ataupun sebagai penasihat Kerajaan demi kepentingan rakyat dan negara didalam situasi sekarang ini.

  165. Salam Tun didoakan sihat selalu.
    Tun is brave leader,at malaysia no anyone leader is bravelly admit “he is wrong”. like Datuk Chua “the man is me”, answer to the media about the scandal for sex.
    This action is need most courge for one leader. And the courge also is need by everyone leader at malaysia. For the party politic also.
    If the party politic is can’t manage their state with well, can’t bring “development” to the people, please open the mouth to invite “other people” to co-operation. we (Rakyat) is want development, we don’t care about politic between party or politic inside the porty.
    It’s the case liwat year 2000 for Datuk Seri Anwar bin Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman, motif is for kick Datuk Seri Anwar out from the malaysia politic?because Tun knowe about the impact if Datuk Seri Anwar take over the Malaysia?
    It’s selangor will reduce the embezzle after datuk seri anwar be the economic advice for the Selangor govermnet??
    Or embezzle will increase??

  166. I think no one can deny the contributions that you have made for this beloved nation of ours so you will still be the biggest hero of ours. So don’t be discouraged by what some will say about you because they can’t even achieved what you have in your 22 years of tenure as our prime minister and for that tun, we love you very much. I pray to Allah that you will be blessed always. Lastly “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us all”. Aminnn…..

  167. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I think no one can deny the contributions that you have made for this beloved nation of ours so you will still be the biggest hero of ours. So don’t be discouraged by what some will say about you because they can’t even achieved what you have in your 22 years of tenure as our prime minister and for that tun, we love you very much. I pray to Allah that you will be blessed always. Lastly “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us all”. Aminnn…..

  168. Asalamulaikum…..
    1/kalau pun bapak diktator mahazalim mahafiraun n maha maha maha…
    hakikatnya saya suka senang hati masa bapak jadi pm…kepala tak
    2/pada 1998 saya ‘terpaksa’ beli rumah( tuan rumah nak jual umah yg
    saya sewa)peritnya Allah jer yg tau…interest bank 11%-13%….
    3/syukur dsai di tangkap….kurang interest bank saya…terima kasih
    4/insya’allah ada doa utk bapak n mami hasmah tiap hari..oooopps
    jgn riso utk mak ayah saya jugak kang ada yg salah faham…ada
    aku kesah….
    5/go go bapak go……he he he…tintin ponpon dgrlah sinarpagi
    hidup lebih ceria…hehehehe..saya bukan dj sinarfm….

  169. Dear Tun,
    Can’t help it but feeling a bit strange reading your last posting.A bit surreal, the same feeling that I had when i was inside PWTC on the day you announced that you’re quitting , relinquishing all posts at once.
    Thanks for everything dear Tun.


  171. Dear Tun,.
    Yes, u made mistakes. U picked the wrong people all the time. I always heard the ppl who comment here claims that melayu mudah lupa, melayu diabai, melayu pecah sebelah. Please!!! Don’t be dramatic. Infact, melayu are the one who get the most privilege in Malaysia. Melayu are so pamper by the government. Most of the kakitangan kerajaan are malays. They know they are the boss. That’s y their work and result sucks. I saw a banner outside one of the goverment building. The banner title is “BUAT KERJA”!! WTH was that!!! Do u even need to put this banner? This means that all the while they are giving the ppl impression that they are slacking, curi tulang, minum teh and wasting time. And the police!!! They put those stupid sticker “Jangan RASUAH SAYA!!! ANTI RASUAH!!” STUPIDD!!!!!! STUPID STUPID!!.
    This country sooner or later will become another indonesia. Najib is trying his back to lure back those malaysian who work outside the country. Who the hell would like to back to this country? Dirty!! Corruption!! Racist country!! Lousy government!!

  172. Dear Tun
    Everyone who commented on your blog has access to internet and should be able to read for themselves on what is happening in the world.
    They talk about Lee Kuan Yew as dictator and being hated in Singapore. Are they nuts?
    They want to compare Lee Kuan Yew and you? You are now a blogger but Lee is known as Minister Mentor all over the world and his opinion is highly sought after.
    I will go with all the praises being heaped on you. I can accept your admission of making mistakes when you were PM. Why don’t you tell us what are the mistakes that you have made since you said you speak with facts?
    You keep harping on the Water issue with Singapore but do you respect agreements? If not, why sign agreements?
    You sent Ministers to negotiate and agreements were signed but when they went home, you wanted to shift the goal post, right? That was when you got to know the real Singapore.
    Singapore’s attitude towards Malaysia has helped to establish Singapore to be one of the best countries to do business with for the world. Malaysia Gov is wishy washy (Today, like this and tomorrow, like that) but Singapore is stead fast (The policies are adhered to). If you do not agree, please let us know.
    The railway issue? If only Malaysia and Singapore had developed the land in Tanjong Pagar, today, the rents collected would be unimaginable. It is still not too late. Develop it with Singapore and move your railway station to Woodlands which is next to the Causeway. Then create a rapid transit like Singapore’s MRT to JB. That is the way to promote tourism.
    In Singapore, the people are always suspicious of Malaysian Government because of the follwing reasons (but not limited):
    (a) Don’t sell sand to Singapore, then they cannot build
    (b) Don’t sell grass to Singapore, so they cannot be so green
    (c) Don’t send goods to Singapore, so we can make the money
    (d) Build our own ports and get shippers like Maersk Line etc, to call at our ports, even at a loss
    (e) Use Singapore as an example of ill-treating the Malays to garner Malay votes(But today, when the truth is out, no such speeches except for those bloggers who still ask “Where is your Malay Army General or any Malay who is one of the richest Singaporeans? They do not know what is meritocracy).
    (f) Iskandar Malaysia, they want singapore’s invstments but they do not want Singapore to make money from it.
    Someone mentioned that Sultans came to Singapore for medical treatments and the doctors were Malaysians. Yes , not only doctors but also scientists, engineers, lecturers, Ministers, MPs, many from Malaysia. Why? Just a clue, they are all Chinese and Indians.
    Do you know who is Olivia Lum? If not search the internet. She was a Malaysian but came to Singapore to study and is the boss of HIFLUX which is in water technology.
    Singapore was bullied by Malaysia for years with the war cry “Turn off the tap”. Today, we are selling water technology to the world. Hope the the day will not come when Malaysia, with its tail wagging ask Singapore to supply water, which is new water, toilets waste water. Why? I visit Malaysia very often and your canals and rivers are getting very filthy.
    Why do I visit such a country when there is so much crimes and corruption. Where the Police are waiting to get some money from you instead of helping you. I have to visit my relatives and my friends. I must say, blood is thicker than water.
    I would not comment if your commentors just talk about Malaysia but everytime they hantam Singapore, I will respond because I am Singaporean.
    By the way, what has happened to “Malaysiah Boleh!”? Even UMNO looks like Tak Boleh.
    with warmest regards and the best of health
    Pun Kassim

  173. dear rarunasalam,
    some thing are not as easy as ABC…
    on Anwar, he still in charge. everybody listens.
    on Pak Lah, he retired. nobody listens. he was even gaged from the media..
    on Pak Lah cleaning. that is Tun’s classic sarcasm. I would assume it has something to do with the new wife’s previous job. also some says his family also “cleans” govt money alot…

  174. Salam to Tun and all,
    Correction on my previous posting.
    I disgree when people call you dictactor. You are not.

  175. Salam to Tun and All,
    Tun, I dont agree with you in quite a number of occasion (including this one) and yes you are lousy in choosing your successor (this weakness of you might have come from giving too much benefit of doubt to other).
    Nevertheless, you are still the most outstanding leader that Malaysia used to have. We can see that Malaysia always come first to you.
    And I am proud of you. Only jauhari mengenal manikam.
    God bless all of us.

  176. Salam Tun and Che Det bloggers,
    Saya nak response kepada komen Kanes 20/11 terutamanya dan kepada sesiapa yang taksub sangat dengan PR.
    Sebenarnya PR tak menang PRU12 tapi BN yang kalah. Semua tahu yang ramai marah pada Pak Lah dan orang2 UMNO yang tak sedarkan diri dan angkuh dengan menghukum BN.
    Ini politik Kanes bukan main2, kenapa pula nak biarkan PR bukti kemampuannya untuk memerentah? It is NO GO dari mula lagi. PKR-PAS-DAP? Only “a marriage of convenience “, tak ada faktor penyatu antara mereka melainkan nak jatuhkan BN. Itu saja. Masing2 ada ideologi sendiri dan ikut jalan sendiri. PAS di Kelantan & Kedah, Keadilan di Selangor dan DAP di Penang. Sorrylah Perak bagaikan yang dikejar tak dapat yang ada berciciran. Nak take over federal government konon akhirnya senjata makan tuan. Yang untung sebenarnya ialah DAP.
    Ramai sebenarnya tak suka sangat pun pada PR. Tapi mereka nak ajar UMNO. Wake dari tidur kamu, wahai orang2 UMNO. Sedarlah dan buanglah perangai angkuh dan tamak mengejar kuasa dan kekayaan peribadi. Tak kemana pun perkara itu bila kamu diusung ke kubur nanti. Jangan jadi pengkhianat ugama, bangsa dan negara. Allah lagi mengetahui dan kamu telah diuji olih Allah. Bertaubatlah banyak2 semuga BN akan dikembalikan memerentah negara. Tak mesti perfect tapi akhirnya lebih baik pilihan.

  177. Salam Tun, I agree that not everyone likes the way you managed our country during your reign but back than things were not that bad. Look now….hope Dato Najib will steer our country at the correct path again for a better future of all Malaysians…after all that is what everyone wants…a better future….

  178. Salam Tun,
    1. One of the best postings from you. Short and straight to the points.
    2. The problem with some mentalities is they don’t have the courage to check with the facts…..
    3. honestly, I don’t mind to have a dictator like you to be the leader…. your dictatorship is the one that developed the country.
    Thanks Tun.

  179. Salam YB Tun,
    Yang sebetulnya saya mmg tak betul2 faham apa yang terjadi antara Tun dan Anuar. Ada yang menuduh Tun salah, ada yang menuduh Anuar salah dan saya sampai skrg, mmg tak tahu kebenaran yang hakiki. sebab tu, saya tak nak komen tentang apa yang saya tak faham dan tak tahu. dan saya percaya lebih separuh dari orang yang komen pun tak betul2 tahu dan faham apa yang terjadi.
    apa yang saya nk cakap kat sini, berdasarkan komen2 oleh rakyat jelata.
    boleh tak semua orang jangan fikir lagi perkara yang lepas, what done is done, get over it. everybody makes mistake, deal with it.
    Tun pun pernah buat salah, Anuar pun pernah buat salah dan suma rakyat jelata sibuk nak ungkit perkara yang lepas. sudah2 la..
    kesalahan dah di buat, bleh ubah ke? melainkan semua orang kena fikir jalan penyelesaian utk betulkan benda yang salah. dan ajar orang yang buat salah tu supaya tu tak terus melakukan kesalahan yang sama.
    saya mmg tak fhm politik tp dari apa yang saya perhatikan, semua orang pon cakap semua orang salah dan hanya anggap diri dia betul. lepas tu sibuk nak burukkan orang lain. semua orang pon cakap dia lah ahli politik paling ulung skali abad ini, dah takde orang lain lagi yg sesuai utk mentadbir negara selain dia.
    susah nak cari seorang ahli politik yang betul2 ikhlas buat kerja demi negara, bangsa dan agama.kebanyakannya buat kerja utk isi poket sendiri. nama ahli politik, tadbir kerajaan utk kesenangan diri sendiri. yela, siapa yang taknak gaji sebulan beribu, ada rumah besar, ada nama? buat kerja ikhlas tak ikhlas, betul tak betul,siapa peduli, janji poket penuh.
    kalau dia bagi ceramah, berucap, hanya utk mengutuk orang lain, tu semua utk kepentingan negara n rakyat ke? bg ceramah juz utk meracuni fikiran rakyat, utk negara ke tu? bukan ke tu semua hanya utk kepentingan peribadi dan kroni?
    apa rakyat dapat klu pegi dgr ceramah ahli politik, juz utk dengar si ahli politik tu kutuk ahli politik yang lain? bagus lagi klu ahli politik tu buat bengkel SPM, bleh jugak budak2 SPM pegi jumpa dia, tnya dia macam mana dia jwb soalan SPM dulu, atau suruh dia jadi tutor ajar budak2 tu. at least, ada juga faedah utk rakyat.
    secara peribadi, saya memang tak suka baca penyataan dari mana2 ahli politik yang mengutuk ahli politik lain. especially dari Tun, sebab saya terlampau sukakan Tun, dan Tun adalah idola saya. sebab nanti pasti ada yang tak puas hati dan akan kutuk Tun semula macam komen2 rakyat jelata yang hapy mengutuk Tun skrg, saya rasa sangat sakit hati bila perkara macam tu terjadi pada idola saya.
    skrg ni Anuar jadi penasihat kewangan selangor, ok fine. tengok je la, apa jadi. klu ada perkara yang dia buat tak betul, tegur dgn baik. dia nak terima atau tak, dia ada otak utk berfikir. dia sendiri boleh nilai diri dia dan apa yang dia buat tu utk kepentingan rakyat atau utk kepentingan dia dan kroni. lepas tu kerajaan selangor pun boleh nilai betul atau tak keputusan mereka ambil Anuar jadi penasihat kewangan.
    nak suruh Anuar turun takhta yang selangor bagi kat dia dgn cara rakyat kutuk dia sampai dia menangis, saya rasa takkan jadi apa.
    apa yang paling penting, ‘negara dan rakyat’.
    semua ahli politik, pegawai kerajaan seangkatan dari PM sampai ke orang bawahan termasuk rakyat jelata kena ingat dan perlu mementingkan perkara yang terpenting. kalau perkara terpenting pun boleh diabaikan, jadi la apa yang terjadi sekarang.
    hancur negara kita, kita dah tak ada tempat nak pergi. orang luar ketawa + tepuk tangan tgk kita mati kat tanah air sendiri..

  180. salamun alaikum che det
    1. i guess these are what you have to face from day 1 you start blogging.
    2. ramai reponden-reponden ‘anonymous’ memberi pelbagai pendapat bernas, atau kurang bernas atau langsung tidak bernas dan tidak kurang melemparkan tuduhan atau fitnah.
    3. sebagai orang melayu ia menyedihkan saya, kerana sikap sebegini tiada dalam masyarakat pada sesebuah negara maju.
    4. sebagai orang islam… tiada jalan lain.. berbalik pada Al Quran & sunnah Nabi saw.
    5. kita dimerdekakan bersama bangsa-bangsa lain, itulah cabaran sebenar membentuk negara ini.
    6. Bangsa-bangsa lain itu, yang satu sangat pentingkan diri sendiri, yang satu lagi buat hal sendiri.
    7. They are the same everywhere in any part of this world, selfish & cant be bothered.
    8. Berbalik pada islam & tugas dakwah, itulah matlamat utama umat Rasulullah saw.
    9. Pada yang islam ajak beramal, pada yang bukan islam ajak pada kalimah.
    10. Tiada yang mudah didunia ini, namun yang maha memudahkan & menyempitkan itu Allah swt.
    11. Belajar tunaikan hakNya, dan Dia tarbiah hambaNya mengikut kebijaksanaanNya.
    12. Allah knows best che det, you cant solve every problems but Allah has been doing that from day one makhluk was made. Manusia cuma perlu belajar bersabar & bertakwa 😉

  181. Salam Tun,
    Jangan berkecil hati kepada orang yang memanggil Tun diktator. Jika cara diktator boleh membawa kesejahteraan kepada rakyat tidak ada salahnya dari cara Mr.Clean yang nampak baik akhirnya buat rakyat sengsara tidak ada masa depan. Betul kata Tun kadang-kadang demokrasi tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah negara , malah di tempat kerja pun sama , demokrasi akan melambatkan pelaksanaan, sekali sekala kita sebagai bos kena guna kuasa sebagai kata pemutus barulah ada daya kepimpinan. Lebih-lebih lagi kalau ada orang bawah yang tahu nak membangkang je kerjanya apa-apa idea. Saya banyak belajar dari cara Tun memimpin negara untuk menjadi pengurus yang efektif dan baik.
    Tun patut menulis buku berkenaan kepimpinan dan pengurusan organisasi berdasarkan pengalaman Tun tersebut untuk panduan kita semua. Mungkin Tun boleh menulis macam mana nak menguruskan staf bermasalah macam Anwar tu.

  182. Some people just cant think out of the box like you do.It may look stupid for them now but they will realize it in 10 or 20 years from now.
    I just hope Najib has the same vision coz if not,we will be stuck again and we have nothing to be proud of in 10 years time.
    Thank you for your contributions for our nation.

  183. Tun
    you say you want to highlight the wrong doings of the people whom you backed. However I see inconsistencies in how you highlight their wrongdoings.
    For instance, in
    1/ Anwar’s case
    due to his “peculiarities” as you call it, you had him sacked from Government, and then had police and legal charges thrown at him.
    BUT with
    2/ Tun Abdullah’s
    you’ve claimed he was corrupt but till todate, you have only been talking about it but have not placed any open charges about what these corruption or mishandling is. Why?
    Why on one instance, you’re happy to involve the law for one person, but not on the other?
    Also, you state Tun Abdullah did some cleaning – are you refering to him cleaning up post your administration decisions OR something else alltogether?
    If something else and you have proof of it, why not just file a case?
    And if you don’t have proof, then what is the basis of your claim?
    And as for your First Deputy, what is your claim about him?
    Or do you not have one. Is Musa Hitam the best Deputy you ever had?
    And if he wasn’t, what was the issue with him?
    Tun, you’re the longest serving Prime Minister this country has had – we expect leadership from you. However in your leadership, we also expected you to build and grow leaders so the country will have sustainable and mature leadership.
    But looking at both UMNO, and the BN component parties, I can’t see one progressive leader in any of the National alliance.
    And with your recent blog, your statements imply you have not delivered on a sustainable leadership succession – so how can you say you’ve been a progressive leader?

  184. Assalamualaikum…
    Dear Tun,
    Human is just a creature… Not a God or an angel… We are not
    100% perfect and might be from the 10/100/1000 things that we do
    daily or weekly, one and two of them might be a mistake. The one
    who has a good heart will trying to repair the mistake and work
    hard to prevent it again… And those who has an ugly heart will
    be the ignorant and do the mistake again and again even in a
    massive scale of unshamefulness… At least you are admitting
    and already tried your best to serve our beloved motherland.
    Yes, maybe you have chosen wrong people, wrong ministers, wrong
    candidate and whatever it was…
    But as a minister, as a candidate, as a leader which are being
    chosen and also being paid expensively, whatever it takes you
    have to do your job… I repeat, being chosen and being paid…
    Tun, you can ask them on who you have chosen, why you were
    joining the political field and why you were trying your best
    to get the position? Went all out at full capacity before being
    a minister, officer, director and so on? Why? Means that yes,
    they all were really-really wanted to be chosen and elected…
    We can see – A total of 720 dengue cases was recorded from Nov
    8 to 14 compared with 618 cases the previous week, the number
    of Chikungunya cases also rose to 277 compared with only 202
    the previous week, and today the High Court of Shah Alam ordered
    a retrial for a former police inspector found guilty of
    agreeing to accept RM1,000 bribe from a woman as inducement not
    to proceed with the hearing of a rape case which involved her
    What the fish are happening in our country? When the selected
    people didnt accomplish their job at their best and just wanted
    the highly paid salary, what do we can expect from them?
    Without honest and dignity holding such an important position,
    we cant go anywhere… Shame on them…
    p/s: I read today’s newspaper that Malaysia will be the first
    nation in the world to own the

  185. Assalamualaikum Tun dan semua muslimin
    Memang senang utk manusia bercakap kalau ikut suka hati. Sepatutnya kalau nak tuduh tanpa sebarang bukti dan cuma andaikan apa yang kita lihat, itu sesuatu yang tidak baik atau boleh disamakan dgn fitnah. Jadi kepada blogger semua, jangan lah tulis benda yang kita pun tak tahu sama ada benar atau tidak. Sesuatu yang kita dengar dari orang lain pun tak semestinya benar. Kalau orang2 Islam kita disuruh dan dinasihat supaya menilai apa yang kita dengar dan tidak menerimanya bulat2. Sebab itulah Islam tak suka kita mengumpat kerana takut2 jadi fitnah pulak. Kalau sesuatu yang tak ada, kita ada2kan ataupun sesuatu yang kita “tambah” burukkan faktanya.
    Jadi bloggers pun kalau nak tulis biarlah ada fakta, jangan tulis ikut suka hati aje. Kalau cakap berdasarkan teori boleh jadi pensyarah, tapi kalau cakap sekadar agak2 aje, samalah macam loyar buruk (cakap tapi tak patut dapat bayaran). Dan berhati2 lah dalam melemparkan tuduhan kerana di akhirat nanti kita akan disoal jika menfitnah.
    Kalau bukan beragama Islam, berilah komen yang bermoral dan bertanggungjawab. Tulis jika ada bukti dan kemukakan bukti seterang yang boleh. Don’t just simply say something if you don’t even know it is true or not. Be responsible to what you code. Jangan jadi ULAR yang suka “belit” orang. Ataupun jangan nak tunjuk pandai tapi sebenarnya “AHOK” (dalam bahasa Jepun).
    Yang baik tu dari Yang Maha Esa….

  186. 1. You are NOT a dictator, in fact you are one of Malaysia’s best leader. Anyone who call you a dictator is either out of his/her mind or never read newspaper or go outdoor in the past 28 years.
    2. But still, everyone has their character flaw, that’s why we are human. Everyone from a different political standpoint has their own reason to do the things they are doing. That’s why we had cold war (Communism VS Capitalism)
    3. In order to united our country, we must first make sure all the people in Parliament sees the same things the same way, if not, unity will be the last things to happen in M’sia.
    4. Just look at our government now, everything looks really bad. So, letting Anwar become an economic adviser might just be a big chances for him to show his bad deeds again, then our government will have another chance to throw him into a federal prison again, and this time, it might just last forever.

  187. Masyallah..
    Masih ada lagi yg buta mata dan pekak-kan telinga. Yeahh check the facts and figure people.

  188. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Thank you for being truthful and frank. It shows that you are a gentleman. A lot of corporate figures more prominent and popular during your time are now maintaining low profile. The reason only they can expose.
    It is no joke to be the Prime Minister as well as the Finance Minister. One needs a strong, expert and hardworking team and even that too would not produce 100% success.
    The Finance Ministry is one of the ministries that should not be run on political and personal grounds. It should be run independently, transparently and sincerely. It is the front runner to boost the economy of the country.

  189. what a great of you..(in what u have done to nation developments!) semoga akan hadir lagi orang2 bervisi seperti saudara..(dalam sesetengah perkara). This means, u r not that perfect, but good enough to be a good leader for the nation..
    jurukur bahan.
    Kuala Lumpur

  190. Well said Tun.
    DSAI jadi Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor sebab Tan Sri Khalid semakin tak popular walaupun dalam partinya sendiri. Jadi, DSAI not effort to throw Tan Sri because it will cost him and party alot. Banyak persoalan akan timbul; mungkin lebih teruk daripada apa yg berlaku dalam PAS.
    Dengan perlantikkan ini, DSAI akan menjadi indirect MB for Selangor.
    Apakah dalam Pakatan Rakyat tidak ada pemimpin lain yg mampu jadi penasihat ekonomi negeri?
    Jadi, Kalaulah Pakatan Rakyat menang dlm pilihanraya; cukupkah
    pemimpin yang ada capacity untuk memimpin negara? Takan DSAI seorang pegang multi portfolio?
    Rata-rata, Pakatan Rakyat kempen bagus. Tapi kerja belum ke tahap mengurus negara. Jauh lagi dan sangat merbahaya.
    Tun, mereka yg pernah hidup di bawah perintah dictator praise you sebab mereka lebih tahu erti dictatorism.

  191. Askm Tun,
    jangan peduli ape orang cakap… Tun adalah pemimpin terbaik malaysia dalam sejarah… vote for Tun forever

  192. Salam Tun didoakan sihat selalu.
    After reading your article on Anwar As Economic Adviser I felt very much confused about this personality.SIAPA YANG PILIH ANWAR nih.During your office I am sure you are the one who had chosen him.But as I understood he failed and again he was appointed.

  193. Salam Tun…
    saya doakan agar Tun dan Keluarga sihat sentiasa dan diberi kekuatan oleh-Nya untuk terus menyumbang kepada MALAYSIA negara tercinta. Amin

  194. Salam sejahtera buat Ayahanda dan keluarga semoga diberkati Allah s.w.t hendaknya;
    Dear Ayahanda,
    The actual fact! You are born to be a great leader for Malaysian, Allah has sent to us to develop this nation; nobody can deny it, even your former deputy DSAI and the gangs or any other

  195. buat mereka yang kata Tun diktator, mahazalim dan entah apa-apa lagi.Apa yang diktatornya?apa yang zalimnya?ada rakyat tak makan kebulur?ada yang kena bunuh tak tentu pasal?(penjenayah tolak tepi la)hanya kerana seorang lelaki melayu masuk ISA dah cop Tun diktatorlah mahazalimlah apa-apa lagilah.Cuba bandingkan tak payah jauh la tu kat selatan kita tu singaporah takada pun kata diaorg zalim..lagi sambut bagai nak rak bila si LEE CE PET tu datang Malaysia.Sedarlah diri sikit orang tua yang dikatakan NYANYUK oleh sesetengah pihak, orang tua inilah yang membela nasib kita.

  196. Salam,
    Dear Tun.. what i admire bout u the most is that u r so humble & down to earth despite what negative people said
    and i think u are one of the genius in Malaysia.
    In Anwar case he is wayyyyy far from ur league
    Thank you and god bless

  197. Salam Tun,
    I’ve been following your blog since your 1st article, and I must say, this is by far the best so far. I’ve been wondering ever since Anwar started to yap about corruption, he never once explain about what really happened during the economic crisis/IMF saga. Maybe someone ought to send him this article for some explanation.

  198. Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    It looks like the efforts and plannings to destroy BN are still in the continuations. The first stage of the plan which was through the UMNO leaderships succeeded. 5 states fell to Oppositions.
    It seems that the second stage of the plans are currently on going and only it is from different direction.
    They say that MCA crisis is an internal problems and should not be intefere. I am in the opinion of otherwise. It will destoy BN especially when the GE is not very far away. One chedet commentor slammed Ybhg Tan Sri Muhyiddin as he said trying to intefere MCA internal problems.
    It looks like the crisis is being prolong purposely. The recent EGM should resolved the crisis but unnecessary issues been added to make it more complicated. Its now obvious that the crisis can be said as a mere signal to the Chinese community not to vote MCA in the next coming GE.
    I am not to bother of this MCA crisis but it implications goes to BN and indirectly to the Malays community as well.
    I am afraid to say that there might be not much Chinese votes for BN in the coming election. The previous election trend should be continued.
    What will happen if BN no more the ruling party in Malaysia. In my opinion, the implications will be much only to the Malays community. Only the Malays will lost a lot of things.
    Hanan’s friends in Malaysia are not only within the media or opposition groups and etc, but it may be within the BN components as well.
    The plans of British brought in one million European Jews into Palestine already materialised as Palestine changed to Israel. The same plans were also applied to Malaya where one million citizenships were freely given away to other peoples.
    It is up to the Malays to decide the fate of Malaya and themselves.
    Wassallam Ybhg Tun.

  199. Salam TUN dan fellow bloggers Che Det,
    Saya memang suka mendengar ucapan2, perbincangan2 dan membaca tulisan2 Tun. Banyak points dan ilmu yang dapat saya pelajari dan hayati darinya terutama dalam segi strategi. Saya juga berpendapat Tun adalah salah seorang pemimpin Melayu yang berkaliber tinggi yang mungkin Malaysia tidak akan menjumpainya lagi dalam masa 100 lebih tahun akan datang, wallahua

  200. Salam Tun,
    ..kadang2 kite terlupa yang manusia nie tak sempurna…ada kelemahan masing2…bagi saya Tun dah buat yang terbaik untuk nagara nie selama Tun jadi PM…nak puaskan hati semua org memang mustahil…
    Apapun saya bangga dengan Tun…bangga dengan apa yang Tun dah sumbangkan kepada negara…mungkin ada yang Tun terlepas pandang..tetapi Tun manusia…tak sempurna…maafkan lah…
    Kenangkan ape yang disumbang dari mencari kesalahan…
    sekali lagi,saya bangga dengan Tun…

  201. Assalammualaikum Sir and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah ,
    Pak Det have done a great and wonderful thing during your tenure as Minister Education , Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister. I can say that you are NOT DICTATOR at all and I can say most of person who said might seeing their face at mirror first and all the narrow minded person should know that Tun Dr Mahathir was fairly given opportunity to all of Malaysian Citizen.
    The richest man in Malaysia is a CHINESE and also an Indian. For chinese and indian please check to our neighbour hood country Singapore wheather overthere got any MALAY (MELAYU) being a RICHEST MAN in Singapore ?
    Previously myself being grow up with Chinese and Indian even though my 2 son also in boarding school at MRSM previously and both of them are not racious at all . Dasar Ekonomi Baru not even affected to Chinese and Indian , as I’m a senior citizen I don’t know why these people still not thankful being born in Malaysia and still want to say everything against the right NATURE. Even though I can say previously Pak Det good friend together in MAHA CLINIC also an Indian Dr Shah (now he with his own clinic at Penang Klinik Sentosa) and I can say for some chinese and indian don’t feel piece off because the current goverment since independent always there to help you all th way but we as human being kenalah berusaha.
    I know Pak Det very daring in made decision and always analyst all comment and opinion well eventhough as human being the small mistake always there. For young generation who read this please tell your friend during Tun Dr Mahathir be as Prime Minister , he had done lots of good thing which I can’t mentioned it in detail. Pak Det turn our country from agriculture towards industrial and K Knowledge . Multimedia Super Corridor happened because of Pak Det . Now all goverment materialize e-goverment through online really give Malaysia one of the best country towards goverment electronic . For those who study well and and get a good result easily can apply for IPTA and get PTPTN loan.
    Now our BN goverment still can survive because the long term plan was well done by Pak Det . But after 2003 very sorry to say we had a WEAK AND USELESS Prime Minister who only help his son in law and his son . Pak Det ! Please mention to Dato Seri Najib that Biro Tata Negara should be revamp and structure back ! Ketua Pengarah BTN should be replace with capable person. We want high ranking goverment purely support BN like Tan Sri Ibrahim Shah UiTM VIce Chancellor who purely support our goverment.
    I know during Pak Det time very hard to get appoinment with you because you got 2 useless ‘ Ketua Setiausaha Sulit ‘ previously Tan Sri Aziz Ismail and second one is Dato’ Badariah. I’m quite surprise Pak Det still keep Dato Badariah at Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana , might be she got talent made people find difficult to meet Pak Det .
    During your time as Prime Minister multi racial living healthy and wealth. Business opportunity not being manipulate among some people only as Pak Lah did which he think level 4 so clever but the last election result already gave a good answer that level 4 graduated from Offord or what ever such a STUPID person .
    I’m as senior citizen I’m noticed that many of young generation don’t know a lots of the real story . I can say here Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim also not thankful for BN goverment that picked him as CEO for Perbadanan Nasional Berhad and yet he very closed to Anwar Ibrahim who was the real MB Selangor behind the scene. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim frustrated he can’t bought Guthrie share because he miss use the loan gave by bank. During Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim being as CEO to Guthrie he dare to made lots of human being bankcrupt. His brother Hajiman Ibrahim only like his puppy to do this and that .
    Now our BN goverment should be very open minded and not listen message from your own circle and try to built up your own empire as what Dato’ Seri Husni Hanazdlah is doing now .For all minister please Don’t concentrate at your own parlimentary only . Don’t think to make your own pocket money as Dato’ Noh Omar want to do so . Pak Det , can you imagine previously during Tan Sri Muhyidin we already got MAHA exhibition at Serdang nearby UPM but now Dato’ Noh Omar easily want to spend million of RM to re do at his Parliment , why this happen ? Waste public money easily !
    Believe me Pak Det , BN will lose many seats of parliment if some of minister only think for them to make as money they can , all bad altitude have to change because nowdays we got our young generation very smart to read goverment mind and direction.
    Lastly I can say that Pak Det contribute a lots to our belove Malaysia without you Malaysia go no where. Myself , my wife , my son and daughter and also my granddaughter Shazwani and grandson Azrizhah Aziz menyampai salam kepada Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah serta keluarga semoga sentiasa dirahmati Allah SWT and sampai ke temu lagi.
    We love Malaysia
    Malaysia Boleh !!!!

  202. Dear Tun, you are correct.People can change for good to bad and otherwise. From Mr Clean to Mr Unclean. Do not regret if u choose wrong person because it already pass.
    Your leadership was not dictatorial but authotharian. The executive power were centralized in your time but you manage it well. Your have a lot of chance to abuse it but you never. You use it for purpose to develop your nation by your own way. Your way,, as the song My Way.
    Your resign at the moment you at pinnacle of power and glory. Not many leader do that. You prove that authotarian also can develop the nation. But it depend to the quality of the leader. And you have quality of that. Your quality is much better than Dato Seri Anwar. Rhetoric lies with him, so far he was fail to manage the economy crisis 1997 and he made our economy more worst.
    DSAI fail the test,,,he were, are and may be excellent in rhetoric speech but managing the financial crisis he fail. We need leader who also capable in facing the crisis and evaluate him by the which action he made.

  203. Hello Dr.M,
    Good evening.
    I am one of your biggest fan. But I have to comment when I feel that you are wrong. Being an advisor does not mean that he will take over the other party’s job. Advisor is required to check and balance. Even Umno and BN is asking you to be their advisor or “menteri kanan”. Is that mean that the existing cabinet ministers are not capable?
    Lets give DSAI and pakatan a chance to show their capability. Even right now, they are doing good. Go to ground level and talk to people. You will understand the real scenario. Now days, media can’t manipulate the truth.
    Or you just being afraid that pakatan in selangor will do better.
    If pakatan can’t perform, people will give their judgement during PRU13. Until then let them do their work and BN do its work.
    Take rest and be healthy.

  204. Salam Tun,
    Alhamdulillah dan syukur saya kerana Tun menyatakan dan mengakui bahawa Tun juga berbuat silap…pada saya senang sahaja pendekatan yang saya ambil. Bila mengaku itu jujur dan berhalus…dan Tun berlaku jujur pada diri dan juga kepada semua yang berada di dalam atau luar blog ini.
    Pada manusia yang tidak dapat menerima kenyataan bahawa kesilapan itu memang berlaku tetapi mempertahankan bahawa kesilapan tidak harus berlaku, itu adalah manusia yang hipokrit…
    Tanya diri sendiri, apakah kita tidak pernah silap dengan keputusan kita sendiri, dan mampukah kita mengakuinya sekiranya kita sendiri telah sedar akan kesilapannya??? Mungkin ya jawapan anda…sekarang letakkan diri anda itu sebagai pembikin keputusan yang muktamad…apakah jawapan anda sekarang???
    When you are the Head of the Country, everyone wish to pleased you Tun. Show you what they can, say word which is sounded good to you, always support…but for what? For them, showing their credibility to you and rakyat will build a strong beam for them to jump for the gold nest. After that…it shown right!!!
    Kekadang…kita selalu tidak menghargai apa yang kita ada pada hari ini sebab semalam dah pun menjanjikan pulangannya. Lupa langsung kita untuk memikirkan tentang esok, anak-anak kita, cucu-cicit. Yang kita dok sibuk sangat ialah menaksir samada yang baik itu buruk atau yang buruk itu baik…(akal manusia nie apa la sangat…)
    Saya faham langkah Tun sekarang untuk memperbetulkan apa juga yang telah silap semalam (mengawal). Kerjanya tidaklah mudah. Bangsa kita nie jenis yang tidak mudah untuk melupakan…cuma yang saya harapkan, agar kesihatan Tun sentiasa baik dan teruskanlah mencuit hati rakyat Malaysia ini agar berfikir lagi dan tidak melulu dalam membuat keputusan.
    Kesian dan hairan pulak saya pada mereka yang mengatakan Tun diktator…yang ada depan mata mereka tu takkan mereka tak nampak kot…Oh yea, 22 tahun Tun jadi PM itu ukurannya…takpa la Tun, Alhamdullillah. (saya suka soalan Tun kat atas tu).

  205. Dear Sir,
    Your blog is one of my favorite to follow since the beginning cause it happen to give different perspective. As Robert Kyosaki said you can’t make everyone happy as long as you could make 2 third of people care for you and listen to you is damn good already.
    Hornestly as a young age citizen I’m really confuse about the local politician it really seem that “SERVING PEOPLE” are no longer main priority. It it so obvious that is for the benefit themself and family. Where is the Fire and Passion?
    I would like to participate in a political party that I could really contribute but I have fail to do so, due to this.
    Sometime I really wish that you never retired from Prime Minister post at least at that time I’m really proud of Malaysia and we have the right direction to move on. However today what is happening in MACC and MCA is a real shame to Malaysia. I ask myself that this should not be happening. “Honesty, Intergerity and Change” is always carry in their mouth but too too too sad to say….. it only carry in their mouth, there is no action!
    Sorry to say Tun, I’m just voicing my taught as a commoner I really don’t know what is the best way to express but this site I think is one of the best way to do so.
    About this article I just want to say
    “Government is not yet a choice and Opposition is definitely not a choice!
    So where is the Choice? Hope you can tell me!”
    Tun, all I have say for you are
    “You are the MAN!!”

  206. A’kum Tun & Keluarga.
    You know what Tun? That was a really good ones!he…he…
    So, for those all Mr Find Fault Tun really gave you guys on-your-face facts and ‘padan muka’ you all.
    Memang Tun buat silap dalam pemilihan sesetengah individu bagi menjawat sesetengah jawatan. Masalahnya beruk-beruk tersebut mula jadi tak sedar diri, angkuh, tamak haloba, munafiq, etc. setelah berada ditampuk kuasa.
    “15. Thank you for agreeing that I am a dictator. Tell me which dictator ever resign.”
    That is a very GOOD one Tun! I like the part ‘Tell me which dictator ever resign’ – voila la vida de la loca!!!
    You are damn superb Tun! I know your pragmatic and no-nonsense approaches always perceived by others as ‘Dictator’. Well Tun to hell with them all.
    Apapun ‘dictator’ nilah yang paling banyak menaburkan jasa pada bumi Malaysia tercinta sehingga mencapai kepada tahap sepertimana kita kecapi hari ini.
    To all the ‘mangkuk hayun’ please do yourself a favour by open your eyes a bit more wider.

  207. Item no.6 is most I like. Clean and clear.
    Item no.13,14 & 16 what that about you writing in Malay
    Item no.15 answer is Fidel Castro, Hitler, Mussolini etc.

  208. what ever it is, Tun is the best…apa2 yg di buat selama ini hanyalah untuk negara dan rakyat….kita semua termasuk saya terhutang budi dengan beliau..
    rakyat malaysia, sedarlah !!!! jangan asyik tanya apa negara buat untuk kamu jer…..sekali sekala tanyalah apa yang anda pernah buat untuk negara yang dicintai ini….
    jangan lupakan jasa2 org sebelum kita…Tun membangunkan malaysia setanding dengan negara2 maju di eropah & jauh lebih maju dari negara afrika & arab yang masih dibayangi kancah rasuah yang hebat & peperangan saudara yang tidak dapat dibendungi….
    lu pikir la sendiri…
    TUN….untuk mu akan ku juang sampai tiada kesudahan….

  209. assalamulaikum salam hormat kepada tun.
    kena dah hidong dia.
    a very good response to the suara-suara sumbang. mungkinkah si sumbang tu dari kelompok pembangkang atau kroni anwar yang taksub tu..maklomlah sudah dapat upah..dapat saham foc form pink form masa anwar menteri kewangan..banyak kroni dia kaya-kaya loh..kita ni putih mata masih miskin.. semua mereka akan buat..
    tun teruskan usaha menceritakan perkara benar.
    jaga kesihatan.

  210. Assalammu`alaikum Tun,
    You are the most intelligent statesman were able to foresee the power of ICT years before anybody can think that it is very very important to be IT literate..
    It takes a gem to know a gem..and you always see the good in other people. It was not your mistake of choosing the two people, it is their mistake for abusing power that is “loaned” to them.
    In the Malay history, there are only two statemen that has such intelligence. The first stateman was alive 600 years ago, it was Tun Perak. After you have resigned, may be we have to wait another 600 years for someone like you..
    May Allah bless you always dear Tun..
    You are Allah’s blessing to the state of Malaysia..

  211. Dear Tun,
    I can feel your sadness and anger when you write this blog. I just hope you just be patience and dont be sad. The god will be the judge for all we done.
    What you wrote there is all correct. And you have show your sincere heart when you admit you mistake. All major decision you make during your time in office has proven to be right and wise.
    For those people that do not have the eye and heart to see and feel what you done, its too bad.
    We cannot pleased everyone but at least we need to do the right things. If we do wrong, we need to do it right. You have done what you can and I just wish to say thank you, Tun. Without you, Malaysia will still be nobody and Malaysia will not have what we enjoy today.
    You might not be able to read this message but my sincere pray to you and your family. May god blessed you and family with health and peace.
    Take care and hope to see more of your blog.

  212. Assalamualaikum kepada Yanb Berbahgia Tun dan keluarga,
    True to your nature, this article is precise and spot on. We can count on TDM to tell thing as it is. Insya Allah, when the gag order for Anwar RM100 million suit is removed, Tun can share your story about the real Anwar Ibrahim.

  213. SALAM TUN,

  214. To Malaysian hero..
    sy akan terus membaca blog Tun….
    terima kasih kerana menulis Tun..
    go.go..go Tun…
    ok Tun take care

  215. Selamat Hari Jumaat ya Tun,
    Your detractors will only see what they want to see. And what they want to see is so narrow and shortsighted that they will fall into the big gapping hole in the ground right in front of them.
    To err is human…which human being in the whole wide world and since the begining of time did not make mistakes?
    All dictator were resigned to the isolation in far away uninhabited islands, expelled, killed etc… there were actually some labelled as Dictators by the media, freedom fighters and “west” who actually resigned but they left the country in chaos and deep division.
    I FOR ONE DISAGREE UNEQUIVOACLLY THAT TUN IS A DICTATOR – TUN is the god sent saviour of Malaysia.
    Semoga Allah meredhi segala usaha Tun di dunia ini, Amin.

  216. I support you 100% Tun Dr M. not Anwar. I chose PKR for last election due to Pak Lah not because of Anwar. If Najib is good then I will vote for BN.
    Anyway all the best Tun Dr M.

  217. Tun,
    Hahahaha…. Lawak kat which dictator ever resign.. You’re not dictator….
    S..Tan – read that Tun tulis… understand it too..

  218. Salam Tun,
    1.Undoubtedly, Tun had contributed a lot to the nation.
    2.Tun is a semi-dictator, as he said, he resigned lastly. Now, Tun is just a blogger.
    3.Lingam case. Chose wrong friend that debunked your dictatorial.
    4.There is another dictator in the region, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.
    Now we compare Mentor Lee with Tun.
    1.The exchange rate from SG$1=RM1 to SG$1=RM2.(Now, is Rm2.4 but the 40 cents is not Tun’s fault.)
    2.Singapore Airline having growth every year, inversely, MAS having bailout every year. Two company originated from a same company, Malaysia-Singapore Airline (MSA) having such an extreme result. Tun, that’s not your fault?
    3.Singapore got no national car, what they have is a perfect public transport system. Yes, we won this round, we got Proton as infant company for 20 years.
    4.When we talk about economics, average income or standard of life, the rakyat is lose out. Even the leaders or Sultan chose to have medical treatment at Singapore. (The funny part is most of the doctors in Singapore are from Malaysia.)
    5.Corruption. I think you all notice the recent report. Singaopre near to zero-corruption,contrary Malaysia became worse.
    Yes, Lee Kuan Yes is a dictator but he brought Singapore from third to First. Whether you are dictator or not is meaningless. When the law doesnt stand anymore, the country will collapse. Who spoiled Malaysia’s law or constitution?

  219. Dont listen to those idiot sir.
    Adakah mereka sendiri paham maksud diktator? Apa mereka sendiri benar-benar faham sejarah? Bercakap tak menggunakan otak. Bercakap atas pemahaman sendiri yang buta!
    Bodoh orang-orang sebegini. Di akhirat menjawab la pada Tun bila segala kebenaran ditunjukkan.
    Si bodoh yang berfikiran pendek hanya akan bercakap mengikut telunjuk nafsu dan syaitan.
    Betapa berat dosa fitnah yang Nabi sendiri perkatakan. Lagi berat memfitnah orang yang mulia seperti Tun. Memang sudah diperkatakan dalam Quran. Umat Nabi akhir zaman akan memfitnah orang-orang yang mulia. Renung-renungkan diri wahai si bahalol yang memfitnah Tun. Bahawa tanda-tanda akhirat itu diletakkan atas bahu kamu semua.
    Jangan sampai di akhirat baru nak tunduk depan Tun minta maaf. Si bodoh!
    Hazman Abu Bakar

    Salam Tun,
    How about our current PM, sir? I think he is a mistake too. Is he abusing you? Yes, I could see the pattern. He even is abusing his late father for the same reason. But you and his father were totally of different breed. While you and Tun Razak had always put the country’s interests first, he seems to be enjoying his time opening up for others.
    You were surely not perfect, sir. But you did your best and YOU DID NOT CHEAT. Malaysians were generally happy and feel very proud under your leadership then. Most of the worthwhile things that we could see in our country today were born during your tenure. For that, I feel very grateful and thank you.

  221. Salam Tun.
    The PKR adviser now become Selangor economic adviver. It’s asking a cat to look after your fish, or asking a dog to guard your meat!
    I think that’s exactly MB Selangor had in mind, knowing or/and not forgetting his PNB days when he wanted to own Guthrie, the jewel of British colonialism that became ours after the ‘dawn raid’. Ex-PM Pak Dol’s son-in-law also had wanted the same, plus Golden Hope plus Island & Peninsular + IJN + Petronas + becoming youngest PM himself +++++, the list has no ending.
    That no. 1 thief is an expert in calling another person a thief, and a master hipocrate (again, exactly like ex-PM Pak Dol’s son-in-law), and proven to be a great liar (just like ex-PM Pak Dol himself).
    Like Lincoln said “you can fool some of the people all of the time……”, but this PKR adviser can fool so many people all of the time (those who supported him blindly, and they don’t want to believe/accept whatever reasoning on anti-Anwar, dah seakan2 macam katak bawah tempurung)!

  222. Hello Tun.
    Penjelasan Tun dah cukup jelas. Tapi bagi org yg dh tak suka kt Tun, nak cakap apa pun tak guna. Some people r just like that Tun. They r only a few. Tun also know this i reckon. One of them, surren. Just ignore them. They were born to be like what they are. They think they r good. They can’t see anythings right and may also not realize they were communicating with an ex-Prime Minister.
    My brother-in-law has just finished painting my sister’s office. It is an architect firm. He told me about comments n suggestions he received after the work was done. He looked confused and sound disappointed. One of the comments was about the colour of the wooden rail at the staircase. One staff said this, the other said that. My sister couldn’t care much coz she has too many other things to think about. But in my opinion, everything look terrific!
    I told my brother-in-law exactly like I’ve just suggested to Tun, ignore them.

  223. Ayahanda Tun,
    Here goes the goons and Mr Clean by rewarding RM900,000 to 9 independent Chinese Schools in Perak, just to topple Perak from PAS and intefere MCA’s personal affair!! They got the message, Tun, kalau tak mereka tidak akan memberi gula2 kepada 9 sekolah cina kat Perak..
    Perhaps S..Tan should bark in these blogs since our S..Tan is so fed up with Malaysian’s politicians ..

  224. “2. We see what we want to see. Everyone is like that.” I agreed. Even when the truth is being laid and spoon-fed to us. People just wanted to hear what they wanted to hear, not the other way around.

  225. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    It has been awhile since I commented on you blog.
    Tun, you are well aware that there will always be a detractors against you, your administration, your vision, your achievements and your ideas. In short these people will always have a negative views of anything about you.
    I’ve followed your blog since the very beginning and have read both the positive and negative remarks written in response to your writing. The sad thing about the dissenting views is that they always criticize you because you’re Tun Mahathir and not on the writings that are written for all the world to see.
    With regards to Anwar as an economic adviser to the state of Selangor, we the people of Selangor really hope that the state ecomomy is alleviated and the state become more prosper. That is our hope.
    However, with Anwar’s track records when he was heading the Ministry of Finance, I seriously doubt it. Anwar did not has an inclination of how the economy operate. Case in point is the recently “concluded” Talam round-tripping exercise which was approved by DUN sitting. This exercise did not inject any fresh capital into the state economy, hence no new economic activities to generate growth.
    As widely mentioned, the round-tripping is just an accounting treatment to make the book looks good. What they should’ve done with Talam is to continue to press them to pay whilst at the same time use the state reserve to generate new economic activities. As we stand now, the state book will look good for the auditors but Selangorean are suffering.
    If this is the caliber of the state economic advisor, I’ve to agree with Tun that the state will be under administration soon.
    On the so called Mr. Clean, again, you are right in the sense they cleaned up the coffers and is now enjoying a lonely life. He lost the respect of the rakyat for all his undertakings which put the country especially the Malays at risk of losing the country. Since he is not being appointed to any “public” office, I would just stop here.
    Now, coming back to your decision to appoint those two persons, as you mentioned, they were smart to hide their tendencies. Both almost brought calamities to the country. One by implementing IMF recommended solutions without any of IMF funds and the other of “selling” off part of the country to foreigners. But, remember Tun, our decision is always be based on the sets of information that we have with us at that particular time. We can’t tell the future. So, to those who conveniently point their fingers at Tun Dr. Mahathir, please look into yourself and tell us that you never, ever make a decisions which are proven wrong overtime.
    Finally Tun, it would take a big man to admit to their shortcomings and in this case you’re a bigger and better man than Anwar.
    Regards and Wassalam.
    Shah Alam

  226. Salam TUN,
    Kepada semua orang melayu yang tidak meyokong TUN Dr Mahathir,
    sedarlah akan kesilapan yang sedang anda lakukan sebelum terlambat, sebelum bangsa dan negeri melayu tergadai.
    Tun bukan Malaikat tapi tidak terlihat kah akan usaha Tun untok memajukan negara dan bangsa melayu. Kalau tak nampak juga, itu buta namanya.
    Lagipun takkan Semua orang melayu boleh jadi Jutawan dan memegang jawatan tertentu, kan?
    Sekali kali jangan lupa akan apa terjadi pada 1965, bila singapura di lepaskan dari kuasa orang melayu.
    Baik atau buruknya nasib orang melayu singapura tak perlu lagi di bincangkan, kita harus pandang ke depan.
    Tapi tak mustahil peristiwa itu berulang pada negeri2 yang lain di tanah melayu ???
    Satu lagi yang ingin saya utarakan ialah pada pemimpin PAS yang bergelar ulamak. Pada hemat saya orang yang di panggil Uztad tidak sepatutnya bergiat dalam politik kepartian.
    Apabila soarang uztad memasuki politik ia akan secara langsung atau tidak terlibat dalam mengumpat. Bukan kah mengumpat itu satu dosa besar. Lebih baik uztad2 beri NASIHAT dari luar parti yang ikhlas demi bangsa melayu. Bagi mereka yang mengaku sebagai orang alim tak wajar berkecimpung dalam politik . Anda lebih mengetahui dari saya yang daif ini. Tapi kalau nak terus berada dalam politik, lucutkan lah semua gelaran uztad, bersedia untok di caci maki saperti lazim nya orang politik hadapi dalam dunia politik. Jangan sekali kali mengaku Alim dan sebagainya saperti yang berlaku di Kelantan dengan gelaran Tok guru lah ,murshidul am lah, seakan akan satu kebangaan bagi mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka dengan gelaran tersebut.
    Lupakah mereka2 ini akan Imam Shafiee dan ramai lagi Imam2 yang hebat, mereka sanggup di penjarakan dari memegang jawatan umum.
    Cukup lah satu singapura dan cukuplah satu pulau batu putih, takkan nak gadai apa lagi , maruah dan seterusnya……..
    After more than two decades of Tun Dr Mahathir present in Malaysian politics if you still cannot comprehend Tun’s work I feel sorry for you plus worry too.
    May Allah Bless you Tun and family.

  227. assalamu-laikum w.b.r
    Dear Tun,
    Saya rasa kita cuba lihat dan perhatikan dahulu, kegagalannya nanti akan menjadi modal kepada golongan pro-kerajaan, dan kejayaannya juga nanti akan memberi impak yang bagus kepada perkembangan ekonomi negara.
    Harap sekali lagi Tun dapat Ulas isu panas di tempat saya belajar, di mesir, di mana Pengarah MSD baru, DR Mohammad Jamil telah melakukan provokasi yang melampau dengan pelajar yang tidak sebulu dengannya hinggakan memburuk-buruk nama persatuan yang paling dihormati di mesir ini.
    sila klik alamat blog di bawah dan pergi ke pautan shout box untuk ulasan panas ini:

  228. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    I have stated before, I may not agree with everything you do or say, but for what you have achieved for the nation, I will always respect you and be eternally grateful. I am a pruduct of your policies, and in some ways, I feel Malaysia is not ready for full democracy, and may need a “Dictator” like you to helm and steady the ship, autocracy can keep Malaysians in check. But you should not be dejected. Your great nemesis, Lee Kuan Yew is a much hated figure in Singapore, but he is also greatly respected for his achievements. So you must really be upset by the ‘Company’ you find yourself in. Jokes aside, I agree your biggest failing was in choosing people. Perhaps it was because you were too trusting, or thought that they as your brothers in race, would live up to your ideals. Your other major failing was allowing thuggery in BN, and keeping people who had lost touch with reality.
    Even today, the bulk of the Rakyat are suffering. The Wakil they elected are too busy lining their own pockets, immaterial to which side of the divide they are on. As a result, the rakyat is still suffering from the high cost of living on low salaries, and the Government is talking about raising money via other means, such as the credit card service tax (which you had also done 1997 to 2001 albeit for different reasons), If the Government was worried about rising bankruptcy from credit card debt, they can very easily get Bank Negara to raise the minimum income for eligibility from RM18k to Rm36k or even RM48k. The effect would be the same, cardholders will be reduced, but the Government will not be able to raise many hundred millions of ringgit from this service tax, and some Government “servant” would not be able to take an all expense paid holiday courtesy of the rakyat, specifically the credit card holders.
    But I digress, you as an elder statesman should take up the mantle of keeping at least your “juniors” in line, but it is difficult as you had for some time left the party, and everyone, including your past proteges, came out knives sharpened for the kill. It is the poor and deprived like us who came to your support, but we ask for nothing, no Government Contracts, no priviliges, just peace in this blessed country before it is too late, to fragmented to pick up the pieces. Help us by being and remaining to be the voice of the country’s conscience, and keeping relevant issues in the public eye via your blog. Perhaps you might want to be a Monister Mentor as well, to channel the rakyats view to the Government, or maybe as the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, or national Ombudsman,…
    Before I sign off, caught part one of the documentary Mahathir on History Channel last Sunday, and am awaiting part two this week.
    Carry on Tun, and to those who denigrate and oppose you (if you can understand the English), well we are in a democracy, and if I can respect your views, however wrong and shallow they may be, you should at least have the temerity to accept mine.
    Selamatkanlah Malaysia, tanahair kita bersama!!! Hidup Malaysia!

  229. Dear Tun,
    I have been blogging for just over a month now.
    As of the short period, this is by far, the best writing from you.
    It shows humality, leadership, fact, accountabilty. Syabas.
    One more thing, If I were the prime minister, I would have been the “dictator” as well. This country need alot of drive, it need strong leadership. Too many people wonder about and stray without direction.
    Without that strong leadership, people seems to be busy about doing the wrong things. Discussing and learning the wrong things.We does not seem to improve in term of moral and education.
    Leaders seem to be lost. They do not know what to do. They at the end put their personal interests more than anything. More than for the good of country. Be it leaders of the ruling party or the opposition.
    I am sorry to say that I feel that the 2020 vision is a bit blurry right now.I think the core of our development is our society. The society moral, education, intelligence and ethics.Well all these elements are currently offline!
    As for Najib, I have seen him so far a man with good intentions. I yet to see him to deliver results. May be it is too early. I fear and I pity him. He needs more courage and leadership than you. The environment now for him is much hostile and demanding than it was in your time.
    Many regards to you Dr M

  230. Salam 1 Malaysia Tun dan semua pembaca budiman,
    Dewasa ini kita sering terbaca di dada akhbar malah dalam media elektronik.Tidak terkecuali melihatnya dari kaca TV tentang kehebatan Amerika kononnya dalam membentuk dan mengangkat demokrasi di seluruh dunia.Tapi jika kita tidak hanya melihatnya dengan mata tetapi turut menilainya dari hati, demokrasi ala Amerika ini sebenarnya hanyalah senjata senyap untuk membunuh bangsa dan negara lain atau tidak keterlaluan jika saya katakan untuk membunuh Umat Muhammad S.A.W. Lihat sahaja di mana-mana negara yang kononnya tidak demokrasi dan dihancurkan pula oleh Amerika, adakah selepas itu negara itu lebih demokrasi atau lebih hancur…Siapa yang akan tersenyum selepas itu…Siapa pula yang akan menderita selepas itu…Lihat sahaja Iraq,adakah tika dan saat ini rakyat Iraq lebih aman damai berbanding era Saddam Hussien…Marilah kita fikirkan dan renungkan bersama…Ketika ini di negara kita sebenarnya ada seorang manusia yang telah pun secara tidak langsung menjadi DUTA BESAR AMERIKA khusus untuk umat Islam.Siapa lagi kalau bukan ANWAR IBRAHIM. Lihat sahaja tindak tanduknya membawa demokrasi ala Amerika di Malaysia. Adakah ia lebih aman atau lebih huru-hara…Kita sendiri dapat melihatnya…Malah melalui YAYASAN UNTUK MASA DEPAN, Amerika mempercayai Anwar mampu menjalankan kerja bagi pihak mereka tanpa siapa pun tahu bahawa negara-negara Islam ini bakal dihancurkan secara senyap. Juga atas nama demokrasi…Yang sedihnya, kita masih lagi belum terjaga dari lena yang panjang ini…Bangunlah…Selagi mata kita masih mampu terjaga jangan sampai kita akhirnya menutup mata dalam keadaan bangsa dan agama kita terkubur pada makam tidak bernama…

  231. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Negara kita tidak mempunyai pakar yang boleh meramal masa depan. Sejauh ini hanya Tun yang dilihat mampu meramal masa depan. Keupayaan Tun meramal menyebabkan negara kita menjadi maju di bawah pimpinan Tun.
    Apa yang terjadi selepas era Tun, penggubal dasar suka melihat merubah dasar mereka. Mereka tidak mahu berpegang teguh kepada apa yang telah mereka rencanakan. Mengapa? Kerana mereka tidak mempunyai kemahiran meramal masa depan.
    Nama lagi ramalan. Ramalan Nostradamus pun banyak yang tersasar. Tetapi keupayaan meramal menyebabkan kita membuat persediaan. Kita akan memegang tanggungjawab dan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mencapai apa yang dirancangkan. Jika berdepan masalah, kita perlu berfikir cara untuk mengatasi masalah, bukannya terus menutup perancangan tersebut. Tahniah Tun kerana banyak melaksanakan program masa depan negara. Sesungguhnya penarikbalikan PPSMI dari sekolah merupakan satu kerugian besar kerana masyarakat tidak sabar berdepan dengan kegagalan.
    Berbeza dengan kemahiran meramal tingkahlaku manusia, amat sukar sekali Tun. Tidak ada satu penanda aras bagaimana untuk meramal tingkahlaku manusia. Manusia boleh berubah pada setiap saat. Yang nyata, kita hanya berserah pada takdir. teringat petikan pramoedya anantatoer dalam keluarga gerilya ” seorang yang jahat itu sebenarnya bukanlah sememangnya jahat, tetapi kerana dia mempunyai kekuatan. seorang yang baik itu sebenarnya bukanlah sememangnya baik, tetapi dia tidak mempunyai keberanian”.
    Semoga Tun sentiasa tenang dan Allah merahmati tanggugjawab yang telah Tun laksanakan kepada kami rakyat Malaysia.

  232. TUN, seperti yang kita semua tahu Melayu MUDAH LUPA begitu juga tak kurang ramai juga Rakyat Malaysia MUDAH LUPA tetapi tidak semua orang lupa usaha yang telah TUN lakukan untuk Malaysia dengan izin Allah. Buat baik balas baik. Buat jahat pasti balasnya jahat. Sejarah akan menentukan.

  233. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Tun, let them accuse you with nonsens. We know, as the leader of this country, you have done everything to develop and to ensure this country to be always in peace that enable its people to live in harmony.

  234. Salam Tun,
    Not to worry apa yang orang kata. Kita kan manusia biasa, sering buat silap. As a PM, you are outstanding when we compare against the other PM before you. You did make mistake but may be due to wrong info and advise from people surrounding you. I remember when I was in Jakarta, my friends were very supportive towards DSAI..I asked them will they support a leader who goes around the world and talk bad about his own country?..depa terdiam!!!. I told them to grant a citizenship to DSAI..we all laughed!..stay cool and keep on writing in your blog which I enjoyed reading. Salam.

  235. Yang amat dikasihi oleh segala makluk yang berakal, Tun Dr Mahatir
    If not the greatest, you were one of the greatest leaders the world has seen. Unfortunately, the world acclaims it but your own people, not only disown but trample you. You have fed them and now they are biting your hands. Even a wild dog will not do this.
    Personally, I have not witnessed any significant mistake you have made that would have caused the downfall of Malaysia. If any, it is just an honest one which you could easily rectify.
    However, you have made two blunders during your life-time as the leader of Malaysia. Unknown to you, Anwar Ibrahim and Abdullah Badawi and some others, far and near, had been waiting for your retirement. Superficially, those two

  236. Dear Sir,
    Most Malaysian:
    1. Like to make assumption based on very little fact.
    2. Always think they’re right.
    3. Thinking ‘if I’m that person (PM, DPM, CEO, whoever) I can do better’
    4. Too emotional when making opinions.
    So for your comments:
    2.We see what we want to see. Everyone is like that. So do I. But I try my best to be factual.
    4. I accept the blame for making wrong choices. But they were all so good before they were chosen.
    I thank you for being honest. And honestly speaking, most of us doesn’t have the gut nor the balls to do what you did in crisis situations during your tenure as PM.
    Kebanyakan orang cakap sahaja pandai Tun.
    Thank you.

  237. Assalamualikum Tokdet,
    Seronok baca ulasan Tokdet dan komen bloggers yang lain berkenaan Anwar Ibrahim. Ada kalangan peminat dan kuncu-kuncu Anwar pun terlibat sama dalam perbincangan ini. Rata-rata ramai lagi yang masih terpikat dengan kempimpinan beliau. Ada yang bagi ‘remarks’ memdihkan kepada Tokdet mungkin sebab hati mereka ini sumer pedih bila kenyataan terhadap Anwar didedahkan. Bukan nak taksub dengan Tokdet sebab Tokdet pun manusia biasa juga ada buat silap tapi khususnya pada semuer bloggers kat luar sana kalau tak tau fakta jangan cakap bukan-bukan, nanti mengelirukan orang. Lagi satu, evaluate fakta anda dengan sahih dan cuba bersikap ‘factual’ and be more ‘academical’ than emotional. Ada yang kelakar i.e. to mattblaccqk ‘how do you know that malaikat maut punya air liuh tak meleleh tengok you’ ha ha ha …
    Enough said than done, lets strive for clear understanding about the fact and dont be misjudged by the wrong fact. I have to admit Tokdet contribution to Malaysia is trully amazing. I don’t have any personal issues with Anwar but lets faced it we are what we achieved and we should’ve achieved more. We need to blame ourselves also once in a while for not making this country among the best country the world could have.

  238. tun mmg cun r..i love u tun….my sumber inspirasi….god bless u..
    tu la masalah org kite…malas membace tp nk wat kesimpulan…nmpak sngt ikut emosi….
    diktaktor pun xtau ape maksud..tau gne ayat je…ini la masalah orng x membace ….

  239. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    Ala Tun…DSAI nak main psiko je tu.Dah x dai modai dah…DSAI dok tunggu kita jalan buah dulu la tu

  240. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad yang sangat-sangat dihormati kerana jasa-jasa mu terhadap negara MALAYSIA sepertimana sedia ada nya sekarang…
    1. History cannot be changed. What is to be “the future” can be planned.. But if plans are not followed, then you get disasters… That is why we need good leaders with good vision.. and one of them (arguably, the best Malaysia had) is you, Dr. MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, besides the respected Tun Abdul Razak…
    2. History shows that the one after you was not even up to the mark being a Prime Minister !! And it took them 5 years to realize it… He had spoiled all the development programmes that you have laid out. He made all sorts of blunders (worse than what Benitez did to Liverpool, he, he….). I know why you chose him instead of Najib at that time.., and I think it was the correct choice. Nobody expected that he turned out to be the worst Prime Minister, Malaysia had…and it’s in the History books !!
    3. The other one that you picked to joint UMNO and trained to succeed you was also seemed to be the correct choice at that particular moment. Like you’ve said.., pious and almost holy. Luckily for us Malaysian, god was on our side!! If not, Malaysia would have become another Somalia… (No offence to Somalian) It took you quiet some time to really, really believe us that that person is “such and such and such”… Well, typical of you, Dr. Mahathir. You are the type who makes decision after going through all the details, one by one.. And that is also why you are such a great Prime Minister.. The problem is: That person uses the public to get their sympathy. He is the most cunning person, the best actor in the world. I just don’t understand why till today…, there are people (especially in Selangor, of all the states) still believe in him!!! There was RM3 million in cash with him when he was arrested that night in 1998. Are political figures suppose to keep such amount of money at home?? I don’t think so…., unless you are planning to run…….
    4. Tun, can we have the subject HISTORY taught in schools, to double up the subject SEJARAH now taught in schools. I don’t think the 3 periods per week of Sejarah is enough for the students… Lets have 3 periods of Sejarah and 3 periods of History in schools beginning next year. I think this can be done by our Deputy PM, since PPSMI could be scraped off in a matter of seconds……..
    Have a nice day, Tun…

  241. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Selamat bercuti dan Selamat menyambut Eid Al Adha!!
    and a big THANK YOU for all you did for the country.

  242. Salam to Tun and fellow readers.
    I’m not going to give any long comment, but I just want to say that I like this sentence:
    “Thank you for agreeing that I am a dictator. Tell me which dictator ever resign”
    Rasa sebak tiba-tiba muncul di hati saya. Tetapi saya perlu mengawal perasaan saya supaya saya tidak mengalirkan air mata. Pelik pula rakan-rakan di lab saya nanti.
    Thanks for everything Tun.
    Ahmad Amzar Bin Khairun Anuar
    Osaka, Japan

  243. Dear Tun,
    It’s always refreshing to read your comments.
    You articulate your thoughts with conviction, and are mostly factual.
    Yes you are a dictator, but a fine dictator that loves peace and harmony. Heck, we need a dictator to rule this country! It is a multi race, multi religion and a multi cultural country – you can’t be too nice to everyone. Besides, you can’t take everything to be democratic, otherwise nothing gets done and all of us come out with ideas and implementation that are boring, popular but acceptible!
    A lot of people dislike you but many more love you. The world consists of many types of people and not all people are nice, so there are bound to be ones that oppose you. Those Malaysians that oppose you – most of them failed to see the bigger picture and less appreciative. They want more and more – some day when they lose what they have now then only they realise how fortunate they were.
    This Anwar person is something else. Politically, you got to take hime seriously because he is a threat to BN. Idea wise, you shouldn’t take him seriously as his ideas and thoughts are junks.
    With regards to history, I’m afraid non-Malays must accept the fact. They benefit too from the NEPs and such, probably benefited them more than the Malays. you can’t deny the fact that they are wealthier, more successful than the Malays – so why should they complaint? There are comparatively lots of poor Malays around you know.. They are saying that because they don’t go beyound towns and cities in this country (revolving around Penang and Ipoh I suppose). You got to look at Bumis in Sabah and Sarawak you see..
    Some of the Malaysians felt that they want to live somewhere else like the States or Switzerland – but can they? Can they have equal rights there if they migrate today? It’s not their choice for being born in Malaysia. I guess people have to accept things as it is, and work for their own achievements. If you’re good, you’re good! Some people say take out the ‘tongkat’ – you wouldn’t say that if you yourself are hoping to receive just that! Just be independent and work for yourselves!
    Thanks a lot for giving lots of Malaysians aspirations, strength and pride. You define patriotism in true sense and have done a lot of good to this country.
    Well – choice of people may be your weaknesses but it’s unfair to judge your deeds by just that. Have to see the bigger picture.

  244. As’kum Tun,
    Tak apa lah….segala dah jadi sejarah kelmarin.Yang penting pendapat masa akan datang or besok Malaysia perlu seorang pemimpin yang betul-betul untuk semua rakyat dan tak “kotor” biar apapun saja.
    Harap Tun sihat dan sentiasa bahagia pada Hari Raya Haji tahun 2009.
    Sekian sahaja.

  245. Salam Tun
    First of all, I would not like Anwar to be my Finance Minister. I believe to be a Finance Minister, one must be OUTSTANDING in the field of Economics or Accounting or Finance. The Prime Minister should be wise enough to study an individual’s background and choose accordingly. For example, the choice of Bank Negara top leaders in Professor Dr Lin and Zetty are wise choices. If one wants a strong govt, one must choose the makeup of the Govt/cabinet wisely.
    Secondly, I do not think you are a dictator and I “know” you and your family “quite well”. Sometimes it is good to have your sons helping you out in running the country as long as all have hati yang ikhlas for the betterment of Malaysia. After seeing your trac krecord and your character, and I was in same school as Mukhriz at MRSM Pengkalan Chepa, I do not believe you and your sons have corrupted the nation but in fact, have done good for the nation. In Prophet PBUH also we cam see that he did not face the struggles of implementing Islam alone. Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala had given him 4 strong friends and many sahabats!
    However, I have to agree that you keep on choosing the wrong people. At leadership level, we cannot afford to make mistake to choose the wrong people, otherwise there will be big catastrophe. Take time to choose wisely. The qualities to go for are : Qualification, Experience and Good Islamic Akhlak.
    Take care for now. God Bless.

  246. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Not a good cheerful tone as usual from our beloved Tun; we have all and many come to fondly call Ayahanda here.
    The one thing about blogging Tun is that never take anything or anyone seriously. They could be anyone or no-one, but what ever it is they are largely unaccountable and unreliable at best. Do not rely on them, as for me; I leave my tracks here for Tun

  247. Assalamualaikum..
    Dear tun, manusia mana dalam dunia ini tidak pernah buat silap.Semua orang buat silap. Tapi sila bandingkanlah kesalahan itu dengan kebaikan yang pernah dibuat. Saya hormat kepada Tun kerana berani mengaku kesalahan Tun itu.Manusia ada bermacam-macam jenis perangai.Awal-awal kita nampak semua baik, bila sudah dapat apa yang dia hendak,semua jadi lain.
    Akhir kata, saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia amat berterima kasih kepada Tun atas usaha keras Tun membangunkan Malaysia dan memakmurkan negara ini selama 22 tahun.
    Terima kasih Tun.
    Mohd Khairul Anwar b. Mohd Badroldin

  248. Tun, you are not dictator….. who ever mentioned your are the dictator, he or she buta sejarah……

  249. Salam hormat buat Tun.
    Pengakuan Tun tentang kelemahan memilih orang bukanlah suatu
    yang terpencil. Semua manusia pun sama tapi kadang kala bukan
    silap orang yang memilih tapi apa yang terjadi ialah orang yang sudah
    dipilih atau lantik itu boleh berubah disebabkan suasana yang baru.
    Orang alim, warak Dan berilmu boleh berubah sikap bila dapat kuasa
    atau peroleh kemewahan secara luar biasa. Itulah yang terjadi dengan
    2 orang penting yang pernah Tun naikkan taraf mereka. Banyak manusia
    dianugerahkan sikap macam 2 orang ini agar kita boleh jadikan contoh
    dan pengajaran.
    Cuma saya berharap benar agar MACC yang dikatakan independent
    ini dapat berbuat sesuatu tentang perkara 7 yang Tun bangkitkan.
    Seperti KJ bangkit mengenai kes saham Azmin Ali rasanya wajar MACC
    bertindak tanpa berpilih biar nampak betul2 independent. Semua kes
    membabitkan X PM lah n KJ dalam ECM Libra, Agusta dll kena di
    siasat dan ambil tindakan. Janganlah jika melibat opposition baru MACC
    sibuk tapi senyap buat2 bodoh bila kena orang kuat UMNO atau mantan seorang

  250. Ayahanda Tun,
    //6. The other one was known as Mr. Clean. Well he and his family certainly did a lot of cleaning.//
    Yes, Mr Clean and his family did a lot of cleaning…. what is wrong then if ANwar did his cleaning in Pakatan Rakyat.. today?? Libety and Justice by twisting and taking over media ownerships through parties ??
    By the end of the day, MyConstitution will tell us which party to vote !!!! It will be our turn to pick Malaysia’s Mr Clean for Malaysia ….
    //12. Selling a business at below cost is not a bailout. It is called a fire-sale. That was what my son had to do. Petronas subsequently sold ¾ of the fleet for more than what it paid for the whole fleet when the market was good.//
    This happened to my family’s business and assets. But Tun put it as “Fire Sale” but I put it as “Robbing in the day light wearing Mr Clean’s Mask” by manipulating and controlling the KLCI index, constitution, liberty and justice ..
    Dictator mana boleh Resign, it’s an on-going strugglings …. Ubat IMF tanpa IMF, that is not ubat, it’s poison to the average Malaysians through back stabbing not knowing our constitution …. It’s no more of the “back-door KLCI share index of Mr Clean ..

  251. Sir, please ignore those comments from people who dont know what the’re talking about. They speak from their emotions, not with their heads.
    Anyway, it’s true what you said bout people only want to see or hear what they want.
    I adore you very much and wish you all the best.
    Best regards.
    “…every 100 years, we are blessed with a great leader in this world, and you’re one of them….”

  252. Tun,
    Salam pagi Jumaat.
    Pengkritik Tun perlu juga membuka pemikiran mereka dan melihat keburukan sebenar Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim.
    Kebanyakan penyokong Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim begitu taksub dengan beliau hingga menutup pemikiran mereka mengenai hal-hal negatif yang timbul dari individu tersebut, malah selalunya menyalahkan Tun mahu pun UMNO mengenai hal yang sama.

  253. Salam hormat,
    Ayahanda Tun M yang terhormat.
    1. Tiada lain perkataan yang boleh di sebut dari hati saya kecuali
    dengan ungkapan ini “Terima Kasih Ayahanda Tun M”.
    2. Keikhlasan ayahanda Tun M, hanya Allah yang akan membalasnya.
    3. Saya terharu perjuangan ayahanda Tun M setelah menatap kisah di
    program “History” di Astro. Saya menunggu episod ke 2. Jarang-
    jarang pemimpin di lahirkan dengan hati yang murni dan ikhlas.
    4. Apa pun orang berkata, bagi saya “Jasa Mu Tetap diKenang”
    5. Di doakan dihari Jumaat yang mulia ini, semoga Allah memberkati
    ayahanda Tun M dan seisi keluarga hendaknya.

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