All posts by Che Det


1. Saya diberitahu bahawa Datuk Jamal Yunos kini sedang dirawat di hospital kerana sakit kanser paru-paru dan kini telah merebak ke otak.

2. Saya terbaca ada yang menyuruh Datuk Jamal meminta maaf kepada saya kerana kata-kata yang tidak wajar dilemparkannya terhadap saya dahulu semasa saya sedang menentang Umno kerana kes 1MDB.

3. Bagi saya tidak perlulah mengungkit perkara itu kepada saudara se-Islam kita yang sedang menghadapi kesukaran.

4. Sebaliknya saya rasa perlu kita doakan semoga Datuk Jamal kembali sembuh dan sihat seperti sedia kala.

5. Saya pula nak ambil kesempatan ini nak minta maaf kepada Datuk Jamal jika ada kesilapan dan kesalahan saya terhadapnya.


1. The Minister for Foreign Affairs says we have no issue with the US. So we must be guarded when criticising the U.S.

2. Does this mean that we do not mind the U.S. backing Israelis with weapons and money to commit mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza and the attack against Lebanon.

3. Please state clearly that it is okay.


1. Racism is about the opposition of a race by another race which is in power or make up the majority.

2. The act of defending the oppressed race is not racist. It is anti-racist.

3. Not allowing the oppressed race to defend itself is racist.


1. Rasisme ialah tekanan sesuatu race (bangsa atau kaum) oleh bangsa yang berkuasa atau bangsa yang terbesar (majority).

2. Usaha mempertahan bangsa atau kaum dari ditekan bukan racist (perkauman) tetapi ia adalah gerakan melawan rasisme.

3. Menghalang bangsa yang ditekan mempertahan diri mereka adalah sikap racist (perkauman).


1. The war has devastated the country. The golden-domed and handsome buildings have been reduced to rubble. And Ukrainian young men have died by the thousands fighting the war. Millions of Ukrainians have migrated. And the country is bankrupt, depending on the support of other countries.

2. Ukraine wanted to join NATO over the objection of Russia. Ukraine has a long border with Russia. Its membership of NATO would bring that military alliance of Western Europe right up to the Russian border. It was provocative. Russia objected.

3. But NATO delayed the admission of Ukraine while continuing to encourage it to join. Russia then pre-empted by invading its former Warsaw Pact member.

4. This was what the Western Europe members of NATO wanted. The war would expose Russia’s military capacity and strength and adversely affect its finances and economy. Sanction would be applied so that Russia’s oil and gas would not be able to undermine the market for US oil and gas.

5. Not yet being a member of NATO, Ukraine cannot expect NATO countries to come to its defense. Ukraine had to fight the war alone. The Western alliance would support it with funds and weapons so that the war would continue. This benefits NATO. The soldiers of NATO countries are saved.

6. Now Trump is proposing for Ukraine to admit defeat on terms detrimental to the interest of the country. So all the sacrifice and the losses have gained nothing for Ukraine.

7. Poor Ukraine. It has been taken for a ride.

8. Its independence from Russian dominated eastern block has not benefited it at all. The European Union is the real beneficiary.


1. Just as I expected the Israelis did not honour their commitment in the ceasefire agreement. All they did was to stop the killings in order to gain freedom for the hostages. Other than that they continued the blockade of supplies, medicine and temporary housing which were a condition upon.

2. Then they demanded the freeing of all the remaining hostages. Together with America they threaten “hell” if the Gazans did not comply. And now these animals from hell have restarted the genocide.

3. I believe that if the rest of the hostages are released they would restart and continue with their aim to kill all the Palestinians in Gaza. They would not stop until they occupy and take over Gaza.

4. Together with America they want to turn Gaza into a holiday resort. They want to make money by killing people.

5. The world is afraid of the United States of America. It is vicious. But the world cannot just watch two million Gazans being killed.

6. The only solution is for the Untied Nations to send a multinational peace keeping force to protect the Gazans. The Israelis and the Americans will fight the force. But the world must take the risk. These inhuman people must be stopped by force. That is the only way.


1. Dalam mana-mana masyarakat terdapat puak yang miskin dan puak yang kaya.

2. Yang miskin selalu kekurangan duit. Jika ada apa-apa harta, gadai harta untuk dapat duit.

3. Jika si miskin memiliki sebidang tanah seluas kangkang kera pun untuk dapat duit, jual tanah.

4. Siapa yang beli?

5. Orang kaya yang beli.

6. Tiap hari berpuluh ekar tanah milik orang miskin dalam dan luar bandar dijual pada orang kaya.

7. Orang miskin terpinggir di luar bandar.

8. Dan orang kaya akan memiliki seluruh bandar.

9. Undang-undang pembaharuan bandar akan percepat proses ini.

10. Apa terjadi kepada tanah orang miskin yang telah dijual?

11. Orang kaya akan bangunkan tanah dengan kedai dan rumah mewah.

12. Dengan itu nilai tanah akan meningkat.

13. Si miskin akan lihat dengan putih mata tanah yang telah dijual menguntungkan pembeli yang kaya.

14. Maka yang miskin jadi lebih miskin.

15. Yang kaya lebih kaya.

16. Tak cakap pasai 3R.


1. For the first time in the history of diplomacy the President of a country is told to leave the house of his host.

2. That was what happened to Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a meeting between him and Donald Trump the President of the United States at the oval office in the White House.

3. Peristiwa ini menggambarkan keburukan diplomasi Amerika Syarikat.

4. Kita perlu berhati-hati dalam hubungan kita dengan Amerika Syarikat.


1. Bandar-bandar lama di semua negara tetap memiliki kawasan yang buruk, dipenuhi setinggan dan orang yang miskin.

2. Kuala Lumpur dan kebanyakan bandar di Malaysia juga begitu. Dan biasanya kawasan setinggan dan yang miskin sudah jadi buruk dan hodoh. Kawasan-kawasan ini perlu dibaharui.

3. Di Kuala Lumpur penduduk kawasan-kawasan ini majoriti adalah orang Melayu. Untuk membaharui kawasan ini yang perlu keluar majoriti adalah Melayu.

4. Apabila penduduk miskin dikeluarkan, pembaharuan tentu jenis yang mewah. Si miskin tidak mampu sewa atau beli flat yang harganya tinggi. Maka berkuranglah penduduk Melayu dalam bandar. Usaha Tun Razak untuk perbanyakkan orang Melayu dalam bandar akan terhapus. Bandar akan jadi tempat orang bukan Melayu.

5. Pembaharuan bandar perlu dilakukan. Tetapi caranya bukanlah dengan mengeluarkan orang Melayu dari bandar.

6. Dalam perancangan pembaharuan ini Singapura diambil sebagai contoh. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Singapura ialah mengambil alih semua kampung-kampung Melayu dan membangunkan pangsapuri mewah.

7. Penduduk kampung diagihkan di antara pangsapuri di tempat-tempat lain secara berkecamuk. Orang kampung Melayu tidak lagi hidup bersama. Mereka ditenggelamkan ke dalam perumahan yang majoriti bukan Melayu. Dengan ini kuasa politik orang Melayu terjejas.

8. Perkara yang sama akan berlaku jika contoh Singapura ini ditiru. Jumlah orang Melayu dalam bandar akan kurang dan pemisahan antara Melayu dan bukan Melayu di negara ini akan jadi lebih luas.

9. Dengan orang Melayu hidup terpencil di luar bandar segala kemudahan bandar akan terus tidak dinikmati oleh mereka.

10. Dan perpaduan kaum tidak akan berlaku.


1. Since I pointed out that Johor and Malaysia are losing billions of Ringgit selling raw water at 3 sen per 1000 gallon to Singapore, nothing has been done by the present Government to negotiate for a fairer price for the water.

2. All that happens following my exposure is for the supporters of the Government to question my failure to negotiate when I was Prime Minister.

3. Newspaper reports and I am sure Government records will show how I tried to negotiate for a better price of the water. Even during the short period I was the Seventh Prime Minister there are records of negotiations over water instructed by me. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dato Sri Saifuddin Abdullah and The Attorney General, Tommy Thomas can testify to this. I myself raised this issue when I met the Prime Minister of Singapore officially.

4. Lee Hsien Loong agreed that the matter should be discussed by officials of the two countries. But the Foreign Minister of Singapore, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan in the Parliament questioned the need to discuss the matter.

5. There was only one occasion when a Malaysian Deputy Minister explained in Parliament that the price issue could not be discussed because Singapore would raise the price of treated water bought by Johor.

6. I would like to point out that before I resigned the Federal Government had allocated funds for Johor to build its own filtration plant, so that we need not buy treated water from Singapore.

7. I cannot understand why the plant was not built. I don’t understand why Johor prefer to buy treated water from Singapore at 50 sen per 1000 gallons.

8. Yes, the Malaysian Prime Ministers want to have friendly relation with Singapore. But I don’t think Singapore would break relation with Malaysia merely because we want a fair price for our water, we want to make some profit selling raw water to that island.


1. Poor Ukraine.

2. The war with Russia has devastated the beautiful country. The golden domes and handsome buildings in the cities, towns and even villages have been reduced to rubbles by Russian rockets.

3. Ukraine may have thought that NATO would help defend the country. It wanted to join NATO but the process was slow. When Russia launched its pre-emptive strike, membership of NATO had not yet been approved. Not being a member of NATO, that military alliance was not obliged to defend Ukraine. So Ukraine is left to fight the war alone.

4. It may not be the intention of NATO to delay Ukraine’s membership. But whether it was intentional or not, the war benefited NATO. It does not have to fight against Russia and expose its young soldiers to being killed. But the war would expose the strength of Russia’s military capacities. Also the war would weaken Russia. The economy of Russia would be badly affected. In addition to expending a lot of money fighting the war, Russia also suffers from sanctions.

5. The NATO countries benefited from the impoverishment of Russia, their enemy. They want to prolong the war and so they supplied weapons and money to Ukraine. It does not matter if Ukraine is devasted. To NATO the weakening of Russia due to the war would render Russia less belligerent.

6. Ukraine cannot win the war. And now it looks like the Western Europeans and America are about to dump Ukraine.

7. Poor Ukraine. It has been taken for a ride by the western alliance. And now Trump wants to dump that country.