1. Saya pergi ke Forest City. Saya telah baca banyak laporan berkenaan Forest City ini. Saya juga telah membuat banyak teguran terhadap pembangunannya. Tetapi semua maklumat berkenaannya saya dapati second hand. Oleh itu saya perlu lihat sendiri Forest City ini.

2. Ia dibina di atas empat buah pulau buatan di Perairan Johor dekat dengan Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas. Luasnya luas. Jalan kelas Satu yang agak panjang telah dibina ke arah Forest City.

3. Apabila sahaja memasuki jalan dalam kawasannya, tiba-tiba landscaping yang cantik luar biasa menghiasi jalan.

4. Sepanjang jalan terdapat papan tanda yang dipasang kepada tiang lampu dengan tulisan dalam bahasa kebangsaan “Hartanah Hak Milik Kekal”.

5. Tetapi Najib telah mendakwa dengan marah bahawa tanah yang dijual kepada syarikat negara China ini hanya sebagai leasehold 99 tahun sahaja. Mungkin Najib tidak tahu. Mungkin tidak lihat papan tanda.

6. Najib berjanji selepas 99 tahun kita akan dapat tanah kita (kita orang Malaysia). Tetapi papan tanda kata lain.

7. Sebenarnya Najib boleh batal syarat “Freehold” kerana ia bertentangan dengan dasar negara yang mana semua hakmilik tanah baru mestilah leasehold – 30, 66, 90 atau 99 tahun. Ramai rakyat Malaysia yang memohon tanah kecil mereka diberi secara kekal (freehold) tetapi gagal. Tetapi nampaknya orang asing boleh dapat secara kekal.

8. Kata pepatah Melayu (yang tidak perlu kita pedulikan) “Anak di rumah kelaparan, kera di hutan disusukan”. Kesian.

9. Ya, memang cantik dan mengkagumkan pembangunan Forest City. Yang menarik sekali ialah landscaping yang sudah menang berbagai hadiah antarabangsa. Pelawat Malaysia dan luar diberi layanan istimewa. Selain dari menunjuk model plan Forest City, pelawat boleh guna kolam renang yang luas, pantai indah dihias dengan binatang anjing laut diperbuat dengan simen. Makan tengahari percuma.

10. Kebanyakan dari pelanggan datang dari negara China. Diadakan penerbangan khas dari beberapa bandar China ke Senai, Johor. Walaupun rakyat Malaysia boleh beli flat yang sedang dibina, tetapi 90% lebih dari pembeli ialah rakyat negara China.

11. Penghuni Forest City boleh tinggal secara lebih kurang kekal di Forest City. Tidak ada syarat melarang mereka dari menjadi warganegara Malaysia setelah tinggal sekian lama. Oleh kerana Forest City ini adalah dalam Malaysia, tidak ada sekatan bagi penduduknya memasuki mana-mana kawasan di Malaysia. Tetapi mereka perlu visa jika ingin ke Singapura.

12. Forest City ini pula diberi status bebas cukai. Status bebas cukai Langkawi sudah ditarik balik kerana merugikan Kerajaan. Tetapi mereka yang akan mendiami Forest City, kebanyakannya orang asing akan menikmati status bebas cukai apabila barangan import dari mana-mana termasuklah negara mereka sendiri diimport terus ke Forest City.

13. Ya. Memang hebat Forest City ini. Tetapi hari ini dilapor bahawa pengeluaran wang dari negara Cina tidak akan dibenar lagi. Apakah ini akan menghalang rakyat China dari membeli flat mewah di Forest City.

14. Saya diberitahu bahawa flat di Forest City boleh didapati percuma jika sebuah flat atau hartanah dibeli di negara China. Tidak akan ada bayaran yang perlu dibuat di Malaysia. Syarikat Forest City tidak perlu bayar apa-apa cukai di Malaysia kerana tidak mendapat apa-apa keuntungan di sini.

15. Jika duit tidak boleh dikeluar dari negara China, pembeli mungkin pinjam duit dari bank di Malaysia. Saya difahamkan bahawa seorang rakyat asing bernama Peter Sondakh membeli tanah di Malaysia dengan pinjaman 90% dari bank Malaysia. Orang Malaysia akan disoal panjang jikalau meminjam, mengeluar atau memasukkan wang RM50,000 atau lebih sebelum dilulus. Ini adalah oleh kerana Kerajaan Malaysia amat prihatin terhadap pembersihan duit yang dicuri atau didapati secara haram.

16. Forest City ini akan diduduki hampir 90% orang asing. Apakah ia akan ditadbir oleh Dewan Bandaraya J.B atau akan punyai dewan bandar sendiri. Apakah bahasa rasminya? Wallahu Wa’allam!

17. 700,000 penduduknya berhak keluar masuk ke mana-mana di Malaysia, mungkin membeli harta di lain-lain tempat, mungkin juga mengadakan bisnes.

18. Mengikut undang-undang Malaysia selepas 12 tahun mereka berhak menjadi warganegara Malaysia dengan hak mengundi. Tidak ada jaminan ini tidak akan berlaku. Bahkan dengan sokongan orang kuat masa boleh dipendekkan.

19. Sesungguhnya Malaysia amat pemurah. Siapa sahaja boleh tinggal di sini. Sejak merdeka sudah 700,000 kerakyatan telah diberi kepada orang asing. Benarlah Malaysia ini negara berbilang kaum. Dengan izin Najib ia boleh jadi lebih berbilang kaum.


  1. Based on the latest development, Forest City will be a little United Nation.

    Country Garden has closed its sales galleries in China in response to the recent control. New offices in the Middle East, Vietnam, Myanmar, Australia and Japan are set up. Prospect investors from these countries started to flow in, grabbing units.

    The current standard operandi of foreign agents is: “buy a Malaysia property, free Malaysia My Second Home Program (MM2H) visa.”

    Tun was the champion of Malaysia’s Silver Hair Program, a predecessor of MM2H, the program which aimed to attract foreign currencies. This project definitely helps Malaysia’s financial institutions to secure a steady inflow of “cold” money.

    On a social-culture stand points, a little United Nation at our backyard would help Malaysians to extend their vistas, and gain additional exposure of various culture, preparing the next generation of Malaysians to be a global leader, as the current leader is hopeless.

  2. Dave Cooper is a paid PR guy on Forrest City’s payroll. He’s paid to scour the internet and makes rebuttals to any negative comments on Forrest City. Don’t waste your time arguing with him.

    Instead, just tell him this.

    Fuck you Dave Cooper.

    (He’ll reply to my post because that’s how he gets paid).

  3. Assalam Tun.

    Ah haaa!
    Now karl is trying to entice Chinese support by playing on racial sentiments, referring to the great Tun as behaving in a racist manner.

    Already giving up on the Malays eh karl?
    Maybe the recent Tawau experience has caused Najib not to rely on Malay support, right karl?

    Do you remember then karl, when Najib panicked after having promised all sort of dedak to them, and yet when Najib asked them 3 times who they support, their deafening reply MAHATHIR! MAHATHIR! MAHATHIR! reverberated so loud and clear that Najib almost fainted??

    No wonder Najib has stopped making public speeches in the open ever since!

    Don’t worry karl, there are 2 maybe more Chinese bloggers here in chedet that you can count on. Just distribute some dedak to them and maybe they will vote for Najib (hi hi hi!). The Copier kid is definitely one already.

  4. DrM is not a responsible citizen, let alone as a statesman, in painting an ugly picture of his own country to the foreign media in his childish and senile attempt to take Najib down.

    Worst, is when DrM as a politician bullies the Chinese businessmen who have shown interest to do business with Malaysia by making all sorts of ludicrous​ allegations against them and our government to discourage and scare them off.

    It’s a blatant act of economic sabotage that has earned DrM the nickname coded “The Virus” amongst business people. They too are afraid of our good doctor in the house.

    Any wonder why the international FDIs are avoiding Malaysia?

  5. Oh…one more thing.

    I don’t think Stupidin understand macroeconomic either, from my deductive reasoning, Stupidin has no clue about how money, banking system and financial institution work.

    He is nick name tell it all: Stupidin.

  6. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to drop a few words.

    Dear Stupidin,

    What you have written is nothing new.

    I have been dealing with foreign properties investments for years. I received first-hand info from my Chinese counterpart on what’s going on with Forest City purchasers, and I myself have read from some of their WeChat groups. I have even posted my comments about Forest City on Tun’s blog over a month ago on Feb 13, 2017.

    Stupidin you don’t even understand Mandarin, so please do yourself a favor…shut up instead of making a fool out of himself over and over again.

    Exactly right! I am referring to you. Stupidin.

    Thank you Tun for allowing me to whack Stupidin.

  7. What china has gone through now is not something that is foreign to us and our neighbouring countries.

    In order to protect yuan value from depreciating, atau, deteriorating further, and another round of sub-mortgage meltdown, and being accused of massive power abuse in the money market, contohnya, printing yuan and bonds via quantitative easing, obviously, the central bank committee of all banks in china had no choice but follow the directives set by the appointed vvips by beijing communist central party, tak gitu?

    Will jho low, a citizen of this muslim malaysia country be charged criminally for biggest fraud in doj, usa?

    If jho low is charged criminally, then, we can safely conclude all presidents of usa could be charged for war criminally, bukan?

    Even if obama falls, he falls in style accepted by the american voters.

    Even if trump rise, he rises in style accepted by the american voters.

    Bak kata, we cant change the past, but we definitely can improve as we move on.

    Are the mps of all divides ready for such unadvoidable mindshift of voters, the current and future tax payers?

    Look before you leap, therefore, never count chickens before eggs hatch.

    After this general election, there will be many more a heard.

    The political fact is myr can never regain its value internationally due flip flops, atau uncertainty of politics being played by the political parties.

    It is easy to say yes depending who they support.

    It is easy to say no depending who they support.

    Therefore, general election must be called to avoid political uncertainty in
    every 5 years.

    Winners take all.

    Simarly, loosers take all.

    Life will go on as usual before or after general election is called.

  8. Assalam Tun.

    Hi again Dave Copier,
    Want to know something about capital outflow? I give you a simple example (meant for beginners like you). Hope you can learn something on why a country needs FDI or try to avoid outflow.

    South China Morning Post Mar 21, 2017.

    “Some buyers of Forest City properties are seeking refunds as they cannot raise money from banks in China following stricter money control measures by Beijing.

    “The South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports that about 40 buyers have joined a WeChat group “to quit Forest City and get refunds”. The group was set up two weeks ago by one of the purchasers, Leo Wang from Hunan.

    “SCMP reports that these 40 and some others had made down payments for Forest City apartments but were now unable to transfer money out of the mainland or get their money back.

    “The dream of middle-class China nationals such as Laura Zhang, one of those on the WeChat group, to own properties in Malaysia is now in limbo.

    “In recent years, China has been seeing the largest wave of outbound investment. The mainland, SCMP reports, has lost nearly US$1 trillion in foreign exchange reserves from the peak in 2014.

    “This has resulted in Beijing ordering a halt to “irrational” outbound investment, especially that which ends up in overseas property projects…..”

  9. Assalam Tun.

    You are talking to/about yourself Dave Copier?
    Exactly right!

    You are not good at throwing stones and trying hard to hide your hand, either amateur or still apprentice.

  10. I feel that if a person has problems reasoning the very least he can do is to shut up instead of making a fool out of himself over and over again.


    And this confused guy is one big assumptionist!

    Assuming is one thing, being reckless is another… And thats the reason why he commented the way he did below…

    4. Leasehold vs Freehold, do you know that under the Land and Acquisition Act 1960, the state can take back freehold land if it is for public purposes, such as MRT project or economic development anytime?

    Its like influencing someone to consume a lot of sweet products because they are delicious AND telling them that they can always reduce/avoid the consequences of having diabetes/other complication through certain herbal/medication…

    Kinda one you often see in kindergardens…

  12. Dear Tun

    Thank you for allowing me to kill two birds with one stone again.

    Bird No 1: Sudin, I am disappointed in you, I thought you can counter with something better.

    Now I know the size of your bird brains.

    Bird No 2: Puan Hajar a.k.a. the Laughing kookaburra.

    First of all, communism is an ideology from Europe, not from China.

    Secondly, China is practicing Capitalism now, not Communism. Yea…yea…yea…you can argue but bet you cannot explain how Communism creates the second largest economy in the world by GDP and the largest by PPP without the elements of Capitalism.

    Third, swine is created by GOD, respect HIS creations, I respect that you are forbidden to consume it, but you have to respect their existence has a purpose, as GOD has a purpose for them which your little bird brains are unable to comprehend.

    You are smart not to discuss about prostitution, because if I asked you where was South East Asia’s largest red-light-district, the answer will point to your own race. They tried to control but still they flourish ‘macam cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan’.

    You are wrong, I don’t pro ‘Cina Komunis’ or any form of communism or radical ideologies including but not limited to IS’s dogma.

    I support Forest City just like His Royal Highness (Duli Yang Maha Mulia) Sultan Ibrahim Ismail ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj, The Sultan of Johor does. Are you insulting His Royal Highness’s intelligent for his support of Forest City with your “Jangan berselindung di bawah tempurung yang bersemut…nanti kena gigit semut” as well? Huh?

    You are not a ‘privileged people’, you are “Special”, I know, how “Special” you are. May I offer you a… no you don’t deserve it.

    Don’t get me wrong, Bahasa Malaysia is a language that I adore very much, it is one of the most beautiful language in the world. However, Tun’s blog has an international audience. So what language to use, is for me to decide, not you.

    If you don’t like it, you can go home and whack yourself again and again and again.

    I am sorry Puan Hajar, I take back my words, please don’t whack yourself…please laugh at yourself, as you are a laughing kookaburra.

    Thank you Tun for your permission to post my response.

  13. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    I laughed AGAIN (much louder) when I read the following statements by the ‘So Intelligent’ (S.I.) Mr. Dave Copper:-

    1. “700,000 affluent people becoming citizens is not an issue.”

    Hello Mr. S.I., of course it’s not an issue to you because all of the ‘Cina Komunis’ are like you (if you know what I mean; ideology, culture, social, etc.)…One potential problem (already a BIG problem even without the 700,000 new citizens from China): We already have many illegal ‘pig farms’ all over Malaysia to cater for your ‘kaum kerabat’ craves for ‘bab*’ and its getting out of control (for example in Selangor). The pig farms are getting bigger in size and number (new farms) especially in Sepang (and the surrounding areas), and have caused very bad water pollution (very dirty river) that are affecting many innocent people (majority Muslims); bad smell too. I read recently that the total number of pigs is more than the total number of voters (in one particular DUN). How can you say that it’s not an issue to the Muslims (the majority in Malaysia)? Even your friends in DAP/PKR/PAS cannot handle this problem. They only know how to whack & insult their opponents!

    I am not going to discuss about prostitution (Chinese illegal immigrants) and other ‘maksiat places’ (to cater for your kind…) that will definitely flourish (will get worse) ‘macam cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan’.

    2. “The only reason you see Forest City as an issue is because the buyers are Chinese, the same race as the suppressed minority in Malaysia. and China is strong and rich now, not something you’ll like to see. You are a racist! Admin it.”

    Admit it Mr. S.I. @ Dave Copper that you are the REAL RACIST! Obviously, you are pro ‘Cina Komunis’, and that’s why you strongly support the Forest City project. Those investors are your ‘kaum kerabat’ maaa…A rasist likes to label others as racists. Jangan berselindung di bawah tempurung yang bersemut…nanti kena gigit semut! Good to know that you (as one of the ‘suppressed minority in Malaysia’) are free to whack and insult the ‘privileged people’ like me…You have to admit that you are among those with ‘special’ positions in Malaysia. Inilah MALAYsiaku tercinta. Kaum minoriti berhak menghina kaum majoriti tanpa diambil apa-apa tindakan (malahan ada yang dapat geran pula untuk buat filem…).

    3. “On the other hand, lets talk about language…if I challenge you to write in my native language, I don’t think you can write a word without Google Translate”

    Hello Mr. S.I., BM ialah bahasa Kebangsaan kita. So, I don’t need to know or learn your native language. You are a very confused person. Kononnya ‘Malaysian First’…

    Your argument (for not writing in BM) is ‘hampeh @ haprak’ – laughable and pathetic! Just admit that your BM is not up to the standard. You asked me about my BM SPM score, and I honestly answered. You thought that your BM score was better than mine. Mengaku sajalah yang BM anda memang sama taraf dengan BM Bangla / Filipino / etc. (or lower?) yang sudah bekerja lama di Malaysia…Anda memalukan negara MALAYsia! Anda cuma boleh ciplak ayat-ayat orang lain dalam BM. Tidak malu dan segankah anda wahai Mr. S.I.? You can go home and whack yourself again and again for not being able to master our National language.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  14. ucap slamat pagi,
    soalan tekaTeki..
    Siapa dapat bagi?
    jawapan cubaCari…??

    Seindah donia, siapakah jiran?
    Siapa lah sangka? Siapa nak kecoh?
    Melimpah bangsa ke pulau jadian!
    Apakah bangsa, j**or berak tak basoh??


    Naik kpala lori, jalan masok kampong!
    Àpa dlm negri? S0Ltan kerok untong!

  15. Assalam Tun.

    I am not an economist and “Dave Copper” is DEFINITELY not an economist.
    So Dave, be careful when you write on something which you don’t know.
    Besides you also can’t differentiate the capital control by China started some 30 years ago (as you mentioned) to the one which they implemented recently. Look them up Dave Copper (another one pretending to be a mat saleh celup!) and then continue writing here.

    Malaysia needs FDI, not merely some crony hanky-panky developer who can’t bring in capital and worse, to sell the properties and to be paid overseas !!

  16. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Tun, kita yang bukan sebangsa dengan mereka kena zip mulut ka? Kalau kita lihat dan dengar sesuatu yang tak kena, kena dok diam je ka? Tapi kenapa? Kita yang diluar ni bukan makhlok perosak yang diimport – tak buta, tak pekak dan tak bisu. Kita ada mata – pandang, ada telinga – dengar, ada mulut – cakap. Ini dikira dicemar dibawah fundamental rights rakyat, our civil rights to freedom of speech and expression (Tun here very generous, orang nak kata apa Tun luluskan with no cuts). Takkanlah hati dan otak manusia yang mundar-mandir nak tahu kebenaran disuruh diam, zip mulut, jangan pandai nak sibok2. Takpela kita ni rakyat biasa2 je, mereka ada money, fame, glamour, power and influence, jadi mereka boleh kata dan buat apa saja terhadap kami yang lemah. Begitulah adat dunia, yang besar makan yang kecik.

    Akan tetapi andaikata terjadi sesuatu malapetaka kepada satu bangsa itu(hanya Allah Maha BerKUASA dan Maha Mengetahui) siapa yang akan datang hulur pertolongan – adalah mereka yang digelar ‘orang luar’ – kami, kita, kamu, awak, kau ,dia, saya, Tun yang berbangsa Malaysia yang punyai hati nurani yang bertimbang rasa.

    Kita tak boleh rasa angkuh dan bangga dengan kekuatan dan kekuasaan yang ada sekarang. Kita tak boleh sisih dan singkir orang yang bukan sehaluan dan sealiran pemikiran dan pendapat dengan kita, sebab kita tak tahu siapa yang akan jadi rakan datang tolong kita bila kita ditimpa musibah yang amat dasyat walaupun kita punyai kuasa jentera2 atau army sebesar benua China – kalau Allah nak musnah semua, maka jadilah.

    Takpela Tun, jika segala penat lelah dan kasih sayang dan jasa2 Tun tak dikenang dan dihargai oleh mereka ini, Tun halalkan saja. Namun mohon mereka halalkan segala makan dan minum. Terima kasih kepada mereka yang beri sedikit perikemanusiaan kepada seorang lelaki tua berumur 91 tahun bernama TUN DR. MAHATHIR MOHAMAD.

    “The last temptation is the greatest treason, to do the right deed for the wrong reson”. – T.S.Eliot

    Semoga segala usaha Tun diberkati Allah dan dipermudahkan jalan. Jaga kesihatan Tun baik2 dan Terima kasih Tun.

  17. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Bingkisan untuk Karl Iskandar “indah nama dari rupa”:

    Hartanah di situ juga bertaraf FREEHOLD, di mana pulau buatan seluas 318 ekar ini menyediakan infrastrukur dan gaya hidup canggih dan santai yang pasti menarik pelabur dan pembeli dari negara luar. Mungkin juga ada orang tempatan, yang sudah pastinya dari kalangan bangsa Cina yang kaya-raya dan berkemampuan.

    A: malangnya tuan kamu “Najis” cakap bukan “FREEHOLD”, tuan kamu m*naf*k.

    Kekayaan orang Cina bukanlah satu dosa. Mereka kuat bekerja dan pandai mengurus wang. Adakah mereka itu mencuri dari orang Melayu untuk jadi kaya?

    A: hambo setuju dengan kamu

    Orang Melayu yang belum kaya tak perlu cemburu, tapi eloklah belajar bagaimana menjana kekayaan dengan segala peluang yang telah berikan oleh kerajaan UMNO (walaupun orang Cina rasa ia tidak adil).

    A: hambo setuju dengan kamu

    Orang Melayu yang memprotes dan menyekat pembangunan hanya kerana takut bersaing tak akan ke mana-mana, duduk sembang politik di kedai kopi dan membuang masa sahajalah. Adakah itu dari ajaran Islam? Mungkin sahabat kita sibotak paling berkebolehan utk mengulas.

    A: Orang Melayu yang bijak bukan memprotes tetapi berfikir untuk tempoh panjang.

    Di dalam Quran juga ada menyebut bahawa kekayaan adalah milik mereka yang mahir dalam ilmu kewangan dan bukan untuk mereka yang tak pandai mengurus wang, “Do not give to people weak of understanding your property for which God has made you to supervise. Feed and clothe such people and speak to them in a reasonable way.”

    A: kalau dah tertulis dalam Al Quran, semua Islam yang beriman dengan Allah swt wajar akur. Malangnya Karl Iskandar pandai menyebut Al Quran tetapi wang rasuah kau sapu.

    Ayat tersebut mengingatkan saya kpd konsep BR1M dan usaha kerajaan untuk feed/clothe/speak yakni, menyantuni rakyat miskin. Namun, DrM menjadikannya bahan ejekan dan tak henti-henti tuduh kerajaan memberi mereka makan dedak dan rasuah untuk meraih undi.

    A: bukan Tun M mengejek tetapi mempertikaikan wang negara/rakyat wajar dipergunakan untuk perbuatan yang halal. bukan macam karl iskandar ddan najis, bodoh mengurus kewangan negara, sama seperti perumpamaan “biar papa asal bergaya”, disebaliknya memerah duit rakyat “ambil banyak, beri ciput”

    Protes terhadap projek Forest City adalah satu lagi usaha untuk menakutkan orang Melayu, yang sudah sedia takut (akibat indoktrinasi politik) dan keliru (akibat waham keagamaan) untuk bersaing secara gigih dan rasional dalam dunia bisnes yang semakin pantas lagi mencabar.

    A:Kami tidak protes tetapi mengkritik perbuatan yang merugikan rakyat khususnya Melayu tetapi hanya menguntungkan segelintir orang Melayu tertentu sahaja. Tak kan orang Melayu bodoh dan dapat keuntungan jangka pendek, kami mahu merestui kebodohannya sepanjang masa.

    Saya pasti DYMM Sultan Johor telah mengkaji sedalam-dalamnya projek Forest City seraya baginda memikirkan nasib kesemua warga Johor, tanpa mengira bangsa, manfaat yang mereka akan perolehi dari peningkatan aktiviti ekonomi di negeri mereka.

    A: Kamu cakap kamu pasti, itu menunjukkan kamu tidak tahu perkara sebenar dan kamu tidak tahu sejauh mana kebijaksanaan individu yang kamu nyatakan. Kalau tidak kenal, usahlah ulas perkara tersebut.

    Menjadikan Forest City sebagai tukul politik untuk memecah-belahkan rakyat adalah pekerjaan orang yang dijangkiti VIRUS …

    A: VIRUS sebenar yang kamu sebutkan adalah mereka yang terikut rentak MO1 sekarang, tidak mampu menyakinkan rakyat terus menyalahkan orang lain.



  18. Forest City bukanlah satu konsep perumahan mewah yang baharu. Malahan ia mungkin satu idea ciplak terhadap konsep yang sudah lama wujud di negeri Perak, buktinya dalam video ini:

    Hartanah di situ juga bertaraf FREEHOLD, di mana pulau buatan seluas 318 ekar ini menyediakan infrastrukur dan gaya hidup canggih dan santai yang pasti menarik pelabur dan pembeli dari negara luar. Mungkin juga ada orang tempatan, yang sudah pastinya dari kalangan bangsa Cina yang kaya-raya dan berkemampuan.

    Kekayaan orang Cina bukanlah satu dosa. Mereka kuat bekerja dan pandai mengurus wang. Adakah mereka itu mencuri dari orang Melayu untuk jadi kaya?

    Orang Melayu yang belum kaya tak perlu cemburu, tapi eloklah belajar bagaimana menjana kekayaan dengan segala peluang yang telah berikan oleh kerajaan UMNO (walaupun orang Cina rasa ia tidak adil).

    Orang Melayu yang memprotes dan menyekat pembangunan hanya kerana takut bersaing tak akan ke mana-mana, duduk sembang politik di kedai kopi dan membuang masa sahajalah. Adakah itu dari ajaran Islam? Mungkin sahabat kita sibotak paling berkebolehan utk mengulas.

    Di dalam Quran juga ada menyebut bahawa kekayaan adalah milik mereka yang mahir dalam ilmu kewangan dan bukan untuk mereka yang tak pandai mengurus wang, “Do not give to people weak of understanding your property for which God has made you to supervise. Feed and clothe such people and speak to them in a reasonable way.”

    Ayat tersebut mengingatkan saya kpd konsep BR1M dan usaha kerajaan untuk feed/clothe/speak yakni, menyantuni rakyat miskin. Namun, DrM menjadikannya bahan ejekan dan tak henti-henti tuduh kerajaan memberi mereka makan dedak dan rasuah untuk meraih undi.

    Protes terhadap projek Forest City adalah satu lagi usaha untuk menakutkan orang Melayu, yang sudah sedia takut (akibat indoktrinasi politik) dan keliru (akibat waham keagamaan) untuk bersaing secara gigih dan rasional dalam dunia bisnes yang semakin pantas lagi mencabar.

    Saya pasti DYMM Sultan Johor telah mengkaji sedalam-dalamnya projek Forest City seraya baginda memikirkan nasib kesemua warga Johor, tanpa mengira bangsa, manfaat yang mereka akan perolehi dari peningkatan aktiviti ekonomi di negeri mereka.

    Menjadikan Forest City sebagai tukul politik untuk memecah-belahkan rakyat adalah pekerjaan orang yang dijangkiti VIRUS …

  19. Correction: But Chinese is still able to purchase properties all over the world with all modes of payments including but NOT limited to cash, and this is nothing new too.

  20. En Gambir a.k.a. lobaprivate, keep writing, I enjoy seeing you make a fool of yourself.

  21. Dear Tun, please allow me to reply to Encik Sudin.

    Dear Encik Sudin.

    China has been controlling the outflow of Yuen for over 30 years; I know that, this is not yesterday’s news.

    But Chinese is still able to purchase properties all over the world with all modes of payments including but limited to cash, and this is nothing new too.
    Today, many China developers don’t need bridge financing. They can finance the project themselves.

    For Encik Sudin’s argument sake, hypothetically let’s say if they really need to borrow from Malaysian banks ya….don’t you think they need to pay back, don’t you think they need funding from China or other places to pay Malaysian banks? When they pay Malaysian banks, don’t you think Malaysian banks get profits in the form of interest?

    So when you said: “Malaysia gets nothing?”, what are you thinking? You think Country Garden is 1MDB?

    You must be dreaming.

    Thank you Tun.

  22. “12. If you have millions of uneducated, immoral, snatch thieves, rapists, robbers, gangsters coming from a poorer nations, getting their free blue IC resides here Malaysia, your country will be affected in a bad way.”

    Mr confused, violent bird killer S.I Dave…ON TOP WAS YOUR COMMENT…

    Was it meant for “foreign contract workers” only???


  23. Please refer to all Mr Dave ‘Birds killer’ previous comments that show his arrogant, confused, twisted and selfish self.

    His recent comment below…

    “Do foreign workers at Iskandar get free Blue IC? No! Once they finish their contracts, they go home.

    On the other hand, those illegal immigrants in KK get free Blue IC, and they got to stay and vote.

    Can’t you see the difference? Where are the contradictions of my stand? If you can’t tell, you can go home and whack yourself.”

    Mr Confused bird killer, violent S. I…

    Are you sure those contract workers outside kk are all legal & all those in kk are illegal???

    you know what Mr S.I, Animal killer, violent Dave…

    You are simply one nonsense creature who talks bad about others at the same time revealing the worst of yourself…

    Thank god no one from those countries you ridiculed are here to read those comments… Hehehe… but im sure being a violent bird killer yourself, you could handle them easily… Hahaha


  24. When comes to huge infra structure project that involve a region of few countries, imf can do it, but not bank rakyat, bsn or other local commercial banks.

  25. Sometimes, you guys need to have a belief in what the old man DrM gets to achieve. Forest City as Dave Cooper and HBT wants is still there, but the target market would now be mixed – Middle East, Asean , China and others.

    That corrected the China exporting its population to Malaysia drive into a more international community. Country Garden is now forced to adapt to Malaysia sensitive environment. Adapt they can, their “investment” is still safe.

    This is where DrM is special; and cannot be replicated by Najib. Najib who likes to “play safe” with “super-power” will always looks like under-achiever or under the shadow of DrM, in international arena unless he learns the art of DrM.

  26. Assalam Tun.

    Dave Copper is still dreaming.
    The multi-billion figures he mentioned have long ago become sketchy and mere dreams.

    China has started controls which mean people who signed up for flats in Malaysia cannot send money from the mainland to pay them.
    However the buyers can pay direct to the developer in China, or by means of giving free apartment in Forest City for units they bought in China!!!

    Also, the developer will not borrow money from banks in China but from Malaysian banks! Hence there will be no foreign investment.

    Thus Malaysia gets nothing.

  27. Special school, special children simply means oku, full stop.

    Ah soh scored a1 in bm, doesnt means she is a good leader, full stop.

    If you ask me, i would say the federal and state governments must not approve high rise building for the next 10 years to cool of the property market.

  28. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to reply to Super Intelligent (S.I.) Puan Hajar.

    Dear S.I. Puan Hajar.

    700,000 affluent people becoming citizens is not an issue. They inject money into Malaysian’s banking system and generate more money for Malaysia.

    Forest City already deposited RM12 billion into Malaysia banks. The project itself has a GDV of RM450 billion.

    When people are putting over RM462 billion into your country in the form of fixed and current assets, you have an ISSUE with that?

    1,000,000 illegal immigrants becoming citizens is the REAL ISSUE. They suck money out of Malaysia’s banking system.

    They send money home, they paid RM12 to get the citizenship, they added the financial burdens to Malaysia’s medical and education system which is funded by our tax money.

    How can you fail to see that as an ISSUE?

    Please read again my arguments, I don’t agree with Tun’s point of view due to the above reasons. You are such a confused person, Pemahaman anda teramat LEMAH! You can go home and whack yourself again.

    The only reason you see Forest City as an issue is because the buyers are Chinese, the same race as the suppressed minority in Malaysia. and China is strong and rich now, not something you’ll like to see. You are a racist! Admin it.

    I have addressed the Leasehold vs Freehold matter with another bird already, so I would not repeat myself.

    Puan Hajar, it’s got that you scored A1 in your BM, because that is your mother tongue, your native language. I bet English is not your native language, and it’s neither mine.

    Let’s continue to exchange idea in English. Why? Because First of all, none of our native languages are English, so it’s a level playing field. A fair and level playing field is important, like people in China, they don’t have “special position”, all of them are the same, they have to struggle and strive to succeed. They work hard, without a walking cane like some of the races in some countries. A level playing ground groom people, “special” position spoiled people. Do you know what is a “Special School”, and what are “Special Children”? If you know what is “Special” means, you wouldn’t want to be associated with it.

    On the other hand, lets talk about language…if I challenge you to write in my native language, I don’t think you can write a word without Google Translate.

    Second, English is an international language, and Tun’s blog has lots of international audiences. Let them understand our writings.

    My Ah Soh, now age 54s, she scored A1 in her BM as well. You want to try?
    Never underestimate an Ah Soh.

    Thank you Tun.

  29. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    I laughed AGAIN (really loudly) when I read the following statement by the ‘So Intelligent’ (S.I.) Mr. Dave Copper:-

    “Second bird: Hajar. Hello! Since when did I say replicating the success of Dubai is equal to getting citizenship? You can go home and whack yourself too”

    Hello again Mr. S.I., definitely you did not understand the REAL ISSUE? Citizenship is the REAL ISSUE lah dude! 700,000 can become Malaysian citizens only after 12 years (the ISSUE).

    Please read again Tun’s arguments why we must not sell our ‘TANAHAIR’ to foreigners (especially with FREEHOLD status). You are such a confused person. Pemahaman anda teramat LEMAH! You can go home and whack yourself too Mr. S.I. (follow your own advice).

    And for your question: “What is your SPM score Hajar? Hello!”…

    Hello Mr. S.I,, I got a 1 (A1)..he…he… Are you disappointed with my answer Mr. S.I.? Anymore questions regarding my exam results? By the way, some scored very high in BM but could not communicate well in BM. They simply memorized…I challenge you to write in BM Mr. S.I.

    I believe the ‘Ah Soh’ you are bringing to scold me would be “ternganga sampai mulut masuk lalat” if I respond to her in my native BM dialect (or any other BM dialects).

    P/S: Alahai…Boleh bercakap dalam ‘bahasa pasar’ pun mahu berlagak. Warga asing yang baru 4-5 bulan tinggal di Malaysia pun boleh bercakap ‘bahasa pasar’ lebih baik dari Ah Soh di ‘wet market’. Buat malu MALAYsia saja warganegara2 yang cuma tahu bercakap bahasa pasar!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  30. There is no such thing as private beaches in Malaysia.

    I went to Tanjung Rhu one day, walking passed the beautiful beaches in front of Tanjung Rhu hotel and was stopped by a foreign security guard claiming that the beach in from of their resort is private beach and outsiders are not allow to walk in it.

    He asked us to turn back with a stern voice, but I smile and told him politely to check with his management, I said there is no such thing as private beaches in Malaysia, and Malaysia’s law does not permit a coastal line to be privatized.

    He called on his wakie-talkie and returned with an answer…Its true, there is no such thing as private beaches. He apologized and we are allowed to walk freely along that beautiful beach.

    Case closed. The informed cannot be bullied.

    Similarly, YTL bought an island at Pangkor, does that means they own the coastline around the island? Does that mean the island is no longer under Perak and Malaysia’s sovereignty? Does that mean profit YTL makes are not subject to tax by Malaysian government? Can YTL sets up its own army of soldiers?

    Of Course NOT!

    Selling properties is not selling sovereignty.

  31. Dear Tun,

    Allow me to kill two birds with one stone.

    1. First bird: En Gambir a.k.a. lobaprivate,
    Do foreign workers at Iskandar get free Blue IC? No! Once they finish their contracts, they go home.

    On the other hand, those illegal immigrants in KK get free Blue IC, and they got to stay and vote.

    Can’t you see the difference? Where are the contradictions of my stand? If you can’t tell, you can go home and whack yourself.

    2. Second bird: Hajar. Hello! Since when did I say replicating the success of Dubai is equal to getting citizenship? You can go home and whack yourself too.

    What’s your problem with Iskandar replicating Dubai’s success with land reclamations? Dubai has made numerous artificial islands “The World Islands” Palm Jumeirah”, “Palm Jebel Ali” and more. Are you envying people’s successes? If you like the sea so much; you can stay there, lying underneath the causeway, holding on to your piece of sand. I don’t mind.

    I have many Malay friends and colleagues; they speak native BM for sure. However, to my surprise, my SPM BM’s score is actually better than some of my Malay colleagues. On the contrary, I have interviewed a lot of candidates; many non-Malay candidates have 1s and 2s for their BM. What is your SPM score Hajar? Hello!

    Last be not least. Have you been scolded by an Ah Soh in Bahasa Malaysia before? I can arrange.

    Both En Gambir a.k.a. lobaprivate and Hajar, listen to what Karl Iskandar has to say: “The Johor state government is and will be in control of the administration and maintain sovereignity over Forrest City, having a sizeable share in the project, which will contribute RM1.98 Trillion to our country’s GDP. I see lots of money to be made. We all should join in the fun. Stop whining and complaining like you are gonna be eaten alive by the Chinese. What, Melayu so wrak, cannot handle ka?”

    Let me reiterate The Johor State government will be in control! Cannot handle ka? Hello!

    Thank you Tun for your permission to whack these two birds.

  32. Salam Tun.

    1. Salute your efforts of actually going to Forest City to investigate. Syabas!

    2. Now message to Mr.Karl Iskandar,

    Karl, you don’t seem to understand the convergence of politics and economics. YTL group is a Malaysian home grown conglomerate that has contributed imensely to the Malaysian economy by paying good tax returns to the government, as well as providing jobs for fellow Malaysians via their various projects. The last thing we want is to discourage their growth.

    3. Francis Yeoh & his family are Malaysian, not foreigners.

    4. The sale of the island did not result in an influx of foreigners in great numbers.

    5. Forest City project opens up Malaysia to a large group of foreigners who in the next ten years are going to have a say in how we run our government and do things here.They are going to dictate policies in our beloved Malaysia.

    6. There are many ways of generating income for the government. Selling a piece of our mother land is akin to prostituting oneself in my view and it is sad that you feel it is alright to do it!

    7. This is my humble view and in know way meant to cause discomfort to anyone.

    Thank you.


  33. The Johor state government needs to explain that the Forest City project is no different than when Pulau Pangkor Laut was sold to DrM’s political crony, Francis Yeoh in the 1980s.

    Pangkor Laut is now a private island and owned by an individual. So much for Malay sovereignity traded in for economical expediency during DrM’s premiership.

    On the other hand, it is a fact that Johor made a better deal compared to what embarrassment Perak had to go through to submit and agree to DrM’s crony back then. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    The Johor state government is and will be in control of the administration and maintain sovereignity over Forrest City, having a sizeable share in the project, which will contribute RM1.98 Trillion to our country’s GDP. I see lots of money to be made. We all should join in the fun. Stop whining and complaining like you are gonna be eaten alive by the Chinese. What, Melayu so wrak, cannot handle ka?

    When DrM spins a project into becoming a problem, I believe it is because he has nothing to contribute towards it or had his name not included or even cancelled from the invite list.

    I reckon its another classic text book case of kesipuan for DrM…

  34. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    I laughed when I read the following comment by the ‘So Intelligent’ (S.I.) Mr. Dave Copper:-

    “On the contrary, If you have millions of elites, brining large amount of fund to your country staying at 1 place you should welcome them, Iskandar can replicate the success of Dubai.”

    Hello Mr. S.I., unlike Malaysia, Dubai (UAE) does not simply grant citizenship to foreigners (VERY strict laws). I met several people (Doctors /Specialists and businessman) who have worked and stayed in Dubai (Muslims) for almost 20 years, but still could not get UAE/Dubai citizenship.

    I suggest we ‘replicate’ Dubai’s strict laws in granting citizenships to foreigners (since you think we can replicate Dubai’s success). Agree?

    /// An excerpt:

    Citizenship: Is it possible to become a national of Dubai?

    Dubai’s government is keen to protect the status quo and doesn’t want to compromise its cultural values or standard of living by allowing foreigners to become a permanent part of society. Your only route to becoming a naturalised citizen is after ten years of marriage to a national; even this, however, doesn’t guarantee citizenship, particularly for non-Muslims.

    Another statement by Mr. S.I. (quoted): “.., the islands are built on waterway; not a single inch of “Tanah Malaysia” is sold.” LOL…What do we have underneath (at the bottom) the ‘sea water’?

    – I prefer to have ‘Sea Water’ over ‘Bandaraya Hutan’. Kasihan saya lihat orang yang tidak tahu (jahil??) yang TANAH diperlukan untuk menambak (tebus guna) laut. Tanah ini dapat dari mana? Dari China kah?
    – “Negara = TanahAIR” (kepada yang mahir berbahasa Melayu). Saya yakin Ah Soh di ‘wet market’ cuma mahir cakap ‘bahasa pasar’; only yesterday I had difficulties speaking in proper BM to a Malaysian Chinese salesgirl – kena cakap tunggang terbalik dan ulang2 guna bahasa ‘pasar dan rojak’ baru dia paham; juga perlu guna bahasa isyarat tangan dan tunjuk contoh2 yang ada dalam kedai. Alahai… hancur BM saya dibuatnya!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  35. Dave quoted…

    “Indon and Bangla workers so what?”

    then he quoted the following…

    “12. If you have millions of uneducated, immoral, snatch thieves, rapists, robbers, gangsters coming from a poorer nations, getting their free blue IC resides here Malaysia, your country will be affected in a bad way.”


    Mr Dave…shouldn’t you be whacking your own self by now…???


  36. En Gambir and lobaprivate are actually the same person; a sneaky munafik disguises as two people. For the record, I don’t whack people, I only whack hypocrites.

  37. Wow!!!

    Mr violent Dave!!! You wanna whack people???

    Normally when one cannot find a way to counter a logical explanation, he will start suggesting/resorting to violence!!!

    You were saying about the law that can be forced on anybody to change the status of a land? At what price? Consequences?
    And for what bloody reason the terms leasehold and freehold have been used for all this while if they dont mean anything???

    You were merely stating your argument based on your Ah Soh environment which i believe you were from…Full of IFs…

    What if i tell you that once you do that, that country will crush your balls? What if someday they will use their country’s influence in order to receive special benefits which only deserved by Malaysian?
    What if we bring in Bangladeshi/Indonesians instead and what if we place them next to your own land??? ENOUGH IFs???

    Why would anyone take that risk?
    Why do you think countries keep deporting aliens?

    You are telling people are rude but you are far worst by judging/suggesting people from the countries above to be bad. How in the hell will you know that those from China are good people? Do you the sources of their income?

    AND FU for downgrading other nation! Anyone who has money from any country in the world can buy anything they wish.

    You sell properties to foreigners on leasehold basis S.I!!!
    Why? One of the reason is to avoid complications and hassles especially when you are selling them to one big super power! Unless of course IF that super power turns to be you!

  38. Forgive me Tun, because Lobaprivate is so rude, I have decided to let him have a taste of his own medicine.

    Lobaprivate deserved to be slapped left right and centre.

    Here we go:

    1. Which Stupid Idiot (S.I.) doesn’t knows a long-term development boost the economy of the area both directly and indirectly. China main con so what? Indon and Bangla workers so what? Do you think Malaysian will not be benefited, Malay will not be benefited? Who sit on the board of Forest City? Who own Esplanade Danga 88 Sdn Bhd? Go home lah…never do your homework. S.I.

    2. The whole argument is about opportunity cost; you appose Forest City, you’ll get sea water. S.I.

    3. Why can’t compare with Singapore? Singapore is a developed country and a developed City, why can’t Iskandar be a developed city too? You don’t want Iskandar to be developed kah? S.I.

    4. Leasehold vs Freehold, do you know that under the Land and Acquisition Act 1960, the state can take back freehold land if it is for public purposes, such as MRT project or economic development anytime? S.I.

    5. Blue IC should be given to anyone who is born here, not entirely based on language competency. Does new born baby knows how to speak our national language already? Which Banglas, Myanmars, Filipinos speaks are far better BM than Malaysian Chinese? Bring them for a BM public speaking competition lah! I can bring any Ah Soh from wet market to scold you like a dog in Bahasa Malaysia. S.I.

    6. You think China wouldn’t want to invest in Singapore? Do they have the same bilateral relationship with China? S.I.

    7. Since when selling properties equal to selling sovereignty? Give me an example? S.I.

    8. I am not the Government, you go ask them. S.I.

    9. Do you know how many talented people leave Malaysia because of the political and religious uncertainties, including but not limited to the ultimate last straw; the hudud bill that will pave the way to IS. Do you know what is a brain-drain? Do you know whay TalenCorp is set up for? S.I.

    10. Do you think you can buy property and don’t have to pay tax on a yearly basis, have you heard of Cukai Tanah? S.I.

    11. Frog in a well, you don’t know you could get loans from insurance company??? ARE YOU EVEN MALAYSIAN??? Can I enlighten you? : S.F.I.

    12. If you have millions of uneducated, immoral, snatch thieves, rapists, robbers, gangsters coming from a poorer nations, getting their free blue IC resides here Malaysia, your country will be affected in a bad way. On the contrary, If you have millions of elites, brining large amount of fund to your country staying at 1 place you should welcome them, Iskandar can replicate the success of Dubai.

    Think again!

    This statement applies to you: “You know Lobaprivate …you should start arguing with kids instead…i dont have an appetite to go further cause your comments are worthless!!!”

  39. Dave Copper…writing long comment with ‘hearsays’ simplifies the individual’s level of thinking!!!

    1) 20 yrs of booming economy? China main con with foreign workers, Msian funds for financing, duty free for them etc…

    2) The whole argument is not about sea water. Understand before trying to be smart!

    3) You’re comparing the development with Spore? Do you think it is for Sporeans or for foreigners who resides there?

    4) Lease & freehold doesnt matter? Can we start pulling back freehold properties and charge them taxes & impose strict rules and regulations???

    5) Any genuine report that says Msian Chinese couldn’t get their ic? Being a citizen requires one to be able to communicate in the country’s national language. Have you been to petaling street or jalan silang and find out how many Msian Chinese who are unable to communicate well in our national language? Even Banglas, Myanmars, Flipinos are far better and here you’re complaining about ic???

    6)If China wants to choose a multiracial country with better chinese citizens in it, they would have gone to Spore! People like to take advantage over STUPID people dont you think so? Isn’t it obvious?

    7)Hehehe…word of the prophet eh…
    For your knowledge…knowledge IS NOT EQUAL to giving up your sovereignty!!!

    8) Tax free is for certain areas and tourism purposes!!! Otherwise we should have it all over the country!

    9) Hadi passing hudud bill??? Are you serious? You think Hadi is serious? How do you explain the in flux of foreigners especially from China over these years???

    10) Cukai and fees from properties??? Wanna make comparisons to our nation’s possible income if BIG CORPORATIONS/FACTORIES starting to invest here???

    11) Getting loans from Insurance Co??? ARE YOU EVEN MALAYSIAN??? Which law allows that? To borrow from insurance co you need to have cash value in your life plan and to accumulate such hige values takes years…YOU SURE ARE ONE CONFUSED PERSON!!!

    12) Forest city with nearly a million residents WILL MULTIPLY!!! One of the problem will be about the SECURITY of the nation! When you have millions citizen of another country staying at 1 place having trouble against the country they’re staying in, their original country will start to interfere…GOT IT??? Its like you have a thousand family members occupying an area and you yourself has all the power and money to do things! Would you just keep quite when others trying to harrased your family members???

    You know COPPER…you should start arguing with kids instead…i dont have an appetite to go further cause your comments are worthless!!!

  40. Questions for azhar740
    1. Since when selling properties = selling sovereignty?
    2. Why Lembaga Jurukur Tanah Malaysia use the word “Tanah Malaysia”?

  41. SelamatPagi, salam Sejahtra,
    Ibu Pertiwi, TanahAir siapa?,+Air,+Land

    Tuntut ilmu KE negri china..
    Itu disuruh, nabi yg Sabda..!
    Apa anasir? fikirnya apa?
    China yg dtg berlumbaLumba…!

    TafsirBengong, cari makan

    Siapa unt0ng? Apa habuan?
    Pasir Berdengongg….
    Pulau Jadian…

    cina Msia sodok beskal
    cina Spor sodok motor
    Cina TanahBesar sodok apa pulok..??

    Sodok Menyodok, Bandaraya Hutan…!

  42. Dave coper,

    Your perception of sovereignty is too shallow and restricted. There is no such a word of “Tanah Malaysia”. There is a concept of “Tanah Air”. Especially for Bugis such as Najib the sovereignty is “Tanah Air”. Land and water. Tanah Air Berdaulat. Soverign Land And Water. Why you have navy if the water is not sovereign? Why you have sea border if it is not about sovereignty. Yes you can sell property to foreigner but not allowing it to be sold 100% in particular area. May be restricted to 50% only. Business is business, never sell your sovereignty.

  43. Why this happened?

    Confident crisis memang dah teruk.

    Chinese fdi trusted putrajaya, unfortunately, when comes to voting time, the ministers in charge are more interested to put their party first.

    You think penang can stand alone especially when all mps are opened to be lobbied?

    Bak kata, bagi bukit emas pun takda guna.

  44. I went to Forest City too, sorry to say Tun, I strongly support the development.

    The artificial islands have not been fully constructed; it will take 20 years to complete the entire Forest City, this means 20 years of economy boom via job creations and business activities for Iskandar.

    I won’t complain about a project than bring prosperity to our country? In addition, the project is built on reclaimed land, not on existing land. If you oppose the project, what do you get… sea water. Is that what you want? Sea water?

    The incredibly beautiful landscaping and greenery will be all over the project sites, rivaling Singapore’s internationally well-known reputation as a “Garden City”. We, Malaysians have a “Forest City”. This is a good thing; this will further stimulate tourism and prosperity to Iskandar. I don’t understand why should you protest about it?

    “Leasehold” or “Freehold”, it doesn’t matter, the islands are built on waterway; not a single inch of “Tanah Malaysia” is sold. Even if foreign investor purchase Freehold, if government wants it back, they can always do that, you know better Tun.

    The Malay proverb said: “Anak di rumah kelaparan, kera di hutan disusukan”. This applies to millions of Indonesian were given free blue IC and became citizen of Malaysia with voting right while numerous Malaysian Chinese who are born in Malaysia couldn’t get a blue IC.

    This is how the Chinese feel; being unfairly treated in the country they are born into. Instead of taking care of all Malaysian on a fair basis, The uneducated, poorer Indonesians and Bangladeshi, flooded every corners of our country. Even Bangla’s population is higher than that of the Malaysian born Indian. Who’s fault?

    Most of the Forest City’s customers come from China. And what makes Malaysia attracts money from the world’s second largest economy (based on GDP), and world’s largest economy (based on PPP)? The Chinese comes to Malaysia because of Malaysia’s multi-culturalism, because Malaysian Chinese strived generations after generations in preserving their mother-tongue, language and culture. That’s why the Chinese don’t invest that much in Thailand and Indonesia.

    If residents of Forest City wanted to become PR or citizens, welcome them. The Prophet (s) said, “Seek knowledge even in China,”. Now we don’t have to travel to China, China comes to us, just visit Iskandar to learn from the Chinese, simple as that.

    Iskandar’s tax-free status, why worry? Government can withdraw the status anytime as well just like how they withdraw Langkawi. All we need is you, Tun, coming back into power this November (TBC) on the 14th GE and turn things around.

    Yes. Forest City is indeed great, and it is not for you Tun to worry about how Country Garden sell their luxury project, they invested hard earned money here in Malaysia, into a “foreign land”… sorry, it’s actually a “foreign waterway”; their risk is higher than ours. So why worry about their problem when Malaysia has loads of our own problems.

    You want to chase away the Chinese? Very simple, let Hadi pass his hudud bill and turn Malaysia into an IS, the Chinese will be running without packing their stuff. They can’t pack their units of Forest City in their luggage and put on their flights, can they?

    Tun you were an economy genius, you saved Malaysian from IMF during the last global finance crisis. You should know how money generation works. Even if the SPA is signed in China, the construction of Forest City itself create jobs and boost the economy of Iskandar.

    Do you think Forest City’s China counterpart doesn’t need to pay Malaysia Forest City? Stamp Duty stamp paid in China? Legal fee paid to Chinese law firms? Cukai Tanah paid to Chinese government? For the first time Tun, I must say this…you must be kidding us.

    We know that it is very difficult for a foreigner to obtain loan from Malaysia bank. Even if the foreigner is qualify, the approved loan is only 60% of SPA price, I have come across cases where none of Malaysia bank is willing to release loan to a Muslim foreigner, at the end this foreigner have to get loan from an insurance company.

    If Chinese purchase is paying cash, that is even better for Malaysia, because cash generates cash in the banking system. I don’t think I need to explain to you how banking system generates cash with a foreign injection of fund. You know it better.

    Forest City will be occupied nearly 90% foreigners, so what? Those are the elite who bring fund and help stimulate Malaysia’s economy. On the other hand, take a look at Sabah. Kota Kinabalu is mostly occupied by foreigners as well, and those are the Indonesian with no or little education that are sending money to Indonesia, sucking money out of to Malaysia’s banking system, yet you welcome them?

    Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) has report that Indonesian from Sulawesi can get Malaysia blue IC six years after their arrival, by paying RM12 registration fee, and fill up and application form, being assisted by the government agent to falsely declare the place of birth as Tawau, and sign an SD in court without knowing what he was signing.

    If you want Wawasan 2020 to fail, please continue to give out free blue IC to foreigner coming from poorer countries. What will be the official language of Sabah, Basa Jawa kut?

    1,00,000 illegal Indonesians under the free blue IC program are eligible and out of everywhere in Malaysia, may buy properties in other places, many also conduct business, taking away job and business opportunity from Malaysia born Malaysians. During Hari Raya, when they balik kampong, they no longer travel by buses, they take flights go back to their hometown in Indonesia.

    These illegal Indonesians already became citizens with voting rights, a second generation “pendatang” from Yogyakarta is already holding high power position in Malaysia’s political arena. Bravo Tun.

    Indeed, Malaysia is very generous. Anyone can stay here. Since independence was over a million of citizenships was granted to Indonesians, more are coming. Will Malaysia continue to exist as a multiracial country or perhaps becoming a province of Indonesia?

    If multiracial is not our cup of tea, perhaps we should we reject South Indians from Kerala in the first place?


  45. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    In his complicated but exciting lives and who did it his way, Tun is highly regarded as someone who is intellectual, persistent, prudent thinking and has the ability to see and act on warning signs. Tun is also known for thinking carefully when those around him lose their heads.

    I believe there are companies that had grown rich and powerful almost overnight, not because they had successfully through painstaking hard work marketing and investing over the years and managed to override financial crisis, but because venture capitalists fed them cash, as such these companies had uncertain earning prospects.

    The classic case that came into my mind is the Enron scandal, the company that filed for bankruptcy as a result of reckless business practices. The Enron’s top brass wouldn’t listen to advisers who warned of danger signs that would threatened its survival. The rest is history.

    Did the same thing happened to BMF? This is what I think – I believe Tun had repeatedly tried to sound the alarm with the top senior management in BMF that it had entered into business deals risky enough to threaten its survival. But they wouldn’t listen. Who were they, Tun – your closest aides? Why did they dismiss the warning signals? Why didn’t they consider information that would put weight on their decision? Didn’t they have a reliable team to make accurate predictions about how to react on warning signals? At the end all the financial blunders came to Mismanagement. They should have listened to the people who had painstakingly and brilliantly analysed detail why their business deals would fail. Maybe they had lost their heads? I’m no banker or economist, just someone who wants to know and understand.

    Now just to cover-up their bad deals in 1MDB, they revived the dead BMF, to probe and find something to put the blame entirely on Tun’s shoulders. If they could find a shred of evidence and convict Tun in the case, they think Tun would shut up and leave them in peace. And by doing this they assumed the people would forget or pay less attention to the financial scandals in 1MDB, the RM2.6billion proven and found in MO1’s private account, the abuse and misuse of power, corruption etc etc.

    So what’s wrong if Tun as a Malaysian wants to open his mouth and say something or expose anything that’s evidently wrong, but facts were hidden from the people’s knowledge, in any parts of the peninsula, like the ‘invasion’ of China in JB-Forest City (nama omputih, pandai2 Tun terjemah dalam BM, belum rasmi lagi kan Tun). I think there will be no other ex-PM as brave as Tun, who will not sit leisurely and let Malaysia deteriorates under the rule of thieves and liars and corruption.

    Brave on Tun through all thunder and storm. May Allah guide you along the way. May Allah Bless and Protect Tun and family always. May Allah Bless and Protect Malaysia from enemies within and without.

  46. Tun Mahathir pernah mengulas hal ini antara beza China, Arab, Jerman dsb dan rakyat Malaysia tidak kira Melayu, Cina, India, Bajau, Kelabit dsb.

  47. Lanjutan kepada komen saya sebelum ini, ada ramai peguam yang memperkatakan tentang Kanun Tanah Negara 1965 yang dikatakan tidak terpakai kepada Forest City atas beberapa sebab. Sekiranya NLC ini tidak terpakai sekalipun, undang-undang laut yang telah diperuntukkan oleh akta-akta seperti Akta Laut Wilayah 2012 seharusnya memberi hak kepada negara kita berkenaan kedaulatan ke atas kawasan laut wilayah ini.

  48. Semalam, MP Sekijang Anuar Manap menyatakan sesuatu yang amat luar biasa iaitu Johor hanya memberi hak milik pegangan kekal bagi strata title dan bukannya tanah. Ajaib sekali! Bagaimana freehold strata title boleh terjana daripada tanah yang bukan berstatus freehold adalah satu perkara yang mistik. Hari ini, beliau segera mengubah kenyataan tersebut. Katanya, tanah itu memang freehold title, tapi disebabkan tanah itu ialah tanah tambak, maka ia tak sama dengan memberi tanah negeri kepada orang luar. Tak seinci pun tanah Johor yang tak ditambak diberi kepada orang luar.

    Nampaknya orang yang mengaku MP ini dah tersilap besar. Dia tak faham undang-undang laut antarabangsa dan undang-undang tanah negara. Menurut undang-undang laut, kawasan laut dari garis pangkal (baseline) di pesisir pantai sesuatu negara sejauh 12 batu nautika adalah laut wilayah (territorial sea) negara itu. Ini bermakna negara ada sovereignty ke atas kawasan ini sama seperti di darat. Kawasan ini merangkumi water column of the sea, the airspace above that water column serta seabed and the subsoil covered by that water column (continental shelf atau pelantar benua). Kanun Tanah Negara 1965 juga memperuntukkan bahawa land covered by water adalah termasuk definisi tanah. Akta Laut Wilayah 2012 pula memperuntukkan bahawa 3 batu nautika yang pertama dari garis pangkal dalam kawasan laut wilayah ini adalah milik negeri di mana negeri boleh membuat undang-undang bagi kawasan ini dalam hal-hal tanah, perlombongan petroleum dan pelantar benua.

    Oleh yang demikian, kawasan Forest City ini, yang saya kira terletak dalam kawasan 3 batu nautika ini (dari garis pangkal semulajadi yang asal sebelum ditambak), adalah tanah negeri Johor dan sememangnya tanah negara kita, tidak kira sama ada tanah itu tanah tambak atau semulajadi. Jika tiada tanah di permukaan air pun ruang udara, air dan tanah bawah air kawasan itu tetap tanah negara kita dalam undang-undang antarabangsa dan tanah negeri Johor menurut undang-undang tempatan.

  49. Pada asasnya, tidak banyak berbeda bila kerajaan negeri Perak menjual Pulau Pangkor Laut kepada Francis Yeoh, dengan kerajaan negeri Johor menjual Forest City kepada usahawan China.

    Kes pertama melibat China tempatan, yang satu lagi China asing, pendatang.

    Motif perdana ialah mencipta kekayaan melalui bisnes pelancongan dan gaya hidup.

    DrM sokong bisnes keroni beliau, Francis Yeoh di Pangkor Laut, tetapi memberi kritikan negatif terhadap projek DYMM Sultan Johor di FC.

    Wujudkah pegangan saham kerajaan negeri Perak dalam bisnes keroni DrM di Pangkor Laut, berapa persen? Pulau tu pun dah bertaraf Private Island. Milik Malaysia atau Francis?

    Sementara itu di Johor, telah diumumkan penglibatan kerajaan negeri, joint venture, dalam projek FC dari semua aspek pembangunan dan pentadbiran aset tersebut.

    Tuduhan DrM yang tidak wajar, selektif dan negatif terhadap pembangunan ekonomi negeri Johor perlu dikaji motif disebaliknya…

  50. Ada sejarah di negeri China
    Perperang Clan diantara satu Clan yg lain
    Di antaranya seorang akitet British seorang pembina landasan kereta api
    Meminta izin pada Emperor untuk beliau mebuat landasan kereta api bertujuan memudahkan pengangkutan juga pelombongan

    Emperor tidak mengizinkan
    Walau beliau di hadiah olih senjata baru British Mesin Gun
    Untuk menguatkan lagi kedudukan Emperor melawan musuh
    Emperor ini lebih mengutamakan kepentingan Tidak mengundang Penjajahan olih pihak British walau landasan kereta api alasannya
    Walaupun beliau amat memerlukan Mesin Gun tersebut
    Beliau juga di ugut jika tidak membenarkan pihak British membuat landasan , Mesin gun ini akan dihadiahkan pada pihak musuh
    Namum Emperor yg bijak ini masih tidak berganjak akan pendirian beliau demi kepentingan masa depan keturunan mereka

    China pernah di Jajah
    Beza sejarah China melawan penjajahan dengan semangat , bersungguhan dan Bersatu hati .Kita lebih pada penyerahan Demokrasi , Independence

    Selepas peranag Dunia ke 2
    China banggun dengan membina ekonomi , membina infrastructure , membina senjata mereka sendiri walau mereka di gelar Peniru Utama di Dunia
    China meniru dari Dunia apa Baiknya untuk mereka…tidak salah malah satu pendekatan yg Bijak
    Terbukti kini China sekarang bukan China dahulu yg di suap Opium olih pihak British bertujuan menghapuskan China

    Kita Malaysia nama saja sudah Merdeka
    Masih lagi nak Menetek pada susu ibu
    Masih nak menaruh harapan pada pihak luar
    Masih takut Berdikarai
    Tapi cakap ….fuyuh berdetam detum
    Sampai nak menhulur Keris ….macam MakChik Bedah
    Nak lawan North Korea nak panggil Geng ?
    Hahaha ….. Apa dia fikir Geng ni tak ada Otak ke ?
    Haram Jadah betul …….. Teramat lah Bodoh

    Lihat bertapa penting nya , bertapa tajam dan kedepan pemikiran Emperor ini
    Melihat kedepan akan tergugatnya jika British menapakan kaki mereka di bumi China , sedangkan beliau memerlukan sangat sengata mesin gun tersebut

    Najib Bolih ! Hishamudin Bolih !
    Kami tidak perlu Pemimpin yg di Pimpin olih pihak Luar
    Pemimpin yg Mengemis dek kerana Wang Ringgit

    Saya amat menyukai President Jokowi juga President Ducarte
    Keduanya Simple , Pakain tersendiri , very Simple
    Tapi mereka menyempurnakan Tanggung Jawap mereka dengan Berani
    Beruk kita kalau di lihat , fuyuh Melawa ….asik nak Ber Kot saja
    Asik nak Bergaya …Step step Kaya ..Hutang Keliling Pinggang

    Lebih Gaya dari Rupa

  51. Saya bangsa Cina dan rakyat Malaysia, risau dengan maklumat yang dibongkarkan. Amat menghairankan mengenai kelonggaran yang diberi terutama unit percuma di Malaysia. DrM penyiasat berpengalaman.

  52. Salam Tun M dan rakan2 lainnya..

    Alhamdulillah dgn mmbaca apa yg Tun tulis, saya memahami apa permasalahan yg akn brlaku dri projek mega ini

    700,000 @ lebih pembeli luar adalah angka yg mnakutkn…dan status pemilikan pula adalah milikankekal…dan lgi diberikan status bebas cukai…dan yg amat mnakutkn slps tggal di M’sia slma 12 thun, BOLEH mndpt HAK WARGANEGARA dan MENGUNDI (jika mmohon)…ya Rabbi…bgaimna dgn ank cucu kita??? Bgaimna agaknya situasi politik M’sia pd waktu itu???? Apa jdi agaknya dgn TN50 waktu itu???

    Tahniah Tun krana mmberi bygn awal ttg apa yg bakal trjadi….mgkin x ada lgi Semenanjung Tanah Melayu…mgkin Semenanjung Tanah Orang…mgkin kah???

    Subhanallah…moga2 bukan betul2 kejadian…COBAANNNN….

    TQ dan all the best Tun…


  53. Salam Tun.

    1. Kita boleh kenal peribadi seseorang itu melalui gaya kehidupannya.

    2. Contoh gambaran yang ada pada Rasullullah s.a.w di katakan seorang pemurah dengan memberi sehingga dirinya sendiri menahan lapar tampa di ketahui tuan penerimanya.

    3. Soal kejujuran atau bercakap benar ada pada diri Rasullullah s.a.w. sehingga beliau pernah bertanya sendiri kepada penduduk Mekah samaada beliau pernah berbohong dan percaya dengan kata2 tentang sesuatu perkara. Jawapannya mereka AKAN PERCAYA SEBAB SEBELUMNYA TIDAK PERNAH BERBOHONG.

    4. Berlainan dengan pemimpin yang ada sekarang menyokong secara membuta tuli kepada seorang yang jelas BERBOHONG BILA ADA BUKTI AKAN KENYATAAN YANG DI KELUARKANNYA.


    6, Kalau ada bukti cakap bohong bolehkah kita percaya pajakan 99 tahun , sedangkan tuan punya diri sendiri pun tidak mungkin boleh hidup sehingga 99 tahun lagi dari sekarang.

    7. Dalam Islam sendiri Rasullullah s.a.w menjadikan Mekah tanah haram barulah dapat mengawaL KEBERSIHAN YANG MENUJU KEBENARAN.

    8. Sebaliknya sebahagian bumi Malaysia di jual pada orang asing yang memasukkan budaya yang boleh jadi lawan kepada agama Islam sehingga boleh menghalalkan perkara yang haram.

    9. Ingat Malaysia sebuah negara Islam yang akhirnya akan di kotori oleh tangan2 yang bebas mencabuli hak asal atau di warnai budaya2 asing yang mungkin satu hari tidak dapat di kawal.


  54. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Bravo Tun! Betul saranan Tun supaya individu-individu yang tidak faham tentang isu pemilikan ‘Forest City’, yaitu HAK MILIK KEKAL (FREEHOLD), supaya kembali ke sekolah.

    2. Mereka ini termasuklah Menteri-Menteri dari rejim Najib seperti Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Salleh Said Keruak (Doctorate dia ni dari mana agaknya?), Nazri Aziz, Azalina Othman, etc.

    3. Kenyataan dan hujah-hujah mereka memang dangkal dan seperti orang yang tidak bersekolah.

    4. Agaknya mereka ingat rakyat Malaysia ramai yang masih buta huruf ataupun cuma belajar setakat sekolah rendah saja seperti pada zaman sebelum Merdeka.

    5. Lebih menyedihkan bila saya baca ucapan dari Sultan Johor yang menyarankan kepada Tun (sahih dia maksudkan Tun M) supaya “Jangan sibuk jaga tepi kain orang, lebih baik betulkan kain sendiri yang telah reput dan koyak.” Inipun contoh kenyataan yang datang dari individu yang patut kembali ke sekolah.

    6. Jika Tun tidak beri fakta betul mengenai ‘Forest City’, sila berikan fakta yang betul berserta bukti kukuh untuk meyakinkan rakyat. Tapi, bukti yang ada menguatkan lagi hujah / kenyataan dari Tun. Jadi siapa yang ‘nyanyuk’?

    7. Tun, jika Forest City (freehold) dijual kepada Tok-Tok Arab dengan pemilikan melebihi 90%, saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia TETAP akan bangkang. Saya juga tidak setuju bila Petronas jual 50% saham RAPID di Pengerang kepada Saudi Aramco. Mengapa perlu dijual? Adakah Petronas masih tiada kepakaran? Ini lagi satu contoh langkah ke belakang oleh rejim Najib & gang yang haprak.

    P/S: Nampak sangat ada pengkomen di sini amat sayang kepada ‘Cina Komunis’ dari negara China (saya sudah perhatikan sejak sekian lama). Pelik juga sebab orang ini kononnya orang ‘Islam’. Alahai…Sudah-sudahlah memperbodohkan pembaca2 lain… inipun jenis spesis yang ingat orang lain bod*h-bod*h belaka.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  55. Si dungu mengatakan kedaulatan negara tercabar akibat pembinaan forest city pakailah otak sikit , pulau buatan atas lautan bukan wilayah semulajadi malaysia
    Ini dibina utk menjana pendapatan melalui cukai. Kononnya pemberian kerakyatan kepada warga China akan berlaku , Semasa MM jadi Protection Money .Keroni x2 mahathir diberi pinjaman tanpa – tanpa cagaran malah kerakyatan diberi kepada Pati di Sarawak supaya MM boleh berkuasa.

  56. salam tun,

    biasa la sekarang ni malaysia on sale.Kerajaan BN duit tak der duk sibuk dengan bagi dedak dekat geng2 pemakan dedak.Pm ke menteri ke wakil rakyat BN ke datang melawat negeri habis 5juta duit rakyat.

    sekarang ni semua polisi kerajaan bukan untuk rakyat semua untuk diri MO1 malaysia offical 1 dan keluarga.

    tunggu masa kerajaan BN nak lepas tangan bab minyak pulak…

  57. All the marketing brochures especially those in Chinese mentioned it’s freehold properties for sale in Forest City. How can these people lie so blatantly in the open where information is so readily available? And they claim to have faith in their religion ? What a shame !

  58. “Hidup mati”

    Di samping perancangan yg ampuh sistem komnukasi yg baik dan lebih utamakan ialah persoalan logistic ie,amunasi, ubat-ubatan ,bahan makanan, minyak, alat ganti peralatan ketenteraan dan banyak lagi.

    jarak dekat dan kekerapan bantuan sampai lagi tinggi peratusan bagi sesebuah operasi ketenteraan itu utk Berjaya.

    Tak hairanlah apabila kita melihat swecara agrasifnya Negara China dalam
    tuntutan keatas kepulauan Spratly dan kawasan sekitarnya.

    “Hebat lah sangat”?

    Malaysia sangat bertuah, hampir semua sempadannya adalaah laut.

    Pegerakan beribu-ribu kapal dan pesawat udara yg menuju ke arahnya akan menyalakan “lampu merah” di seluruh Asia Pasifik, selatan dan tenggara.

    Aset pada masa yg sama libiliti kepada negara China adalah rakyatnya,
    kecuali bahagian selatan kawasan tengahnya dan terutama utara negara China amat terdedah kepada kemarau yg melampau, ia akan terkesan ke atas puluhan juta pendudunya.

    Satu lagi ialah jika tersebarnya mabak penyakit, bayangkan jika kedua-duanya berlaku serentak(secara semulajadi atau dirancang).

    Hakikatnya negara China walaupun nampak hebat tetapi tidak mampu utk
    menyerang malah menakluki mana-mana negara pada skala besar.

    Mungkin inilah salah satu sebab jalan sutra 2(darat dan laut) di aktifk
    kan semula, apabila dalam keadaan kecemasan bantuan ie, perubatan, makanan dan sebagainya sampai tanpa sebarang halangan.

    “Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang”.

    Apabila (entah siapa) si dolmat mencadangkan pembinaan pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Kuantan, Melaka dan mewujudkan “wilayah China( Forest City)membuatkan kekewan di Beijing “beraya Cina”.

    Seolah-olah segala permasalahan logistic dan penempatan “anggota” selesai dengan sendirinya.

    Di Malaysia pula ramai yg “tersenyum kambing” mengenagkan akan habuan yg bakal di terima.

    “Kedaulatan negara”.

    Hutang adalah senjata yg paling hebat utk menundukan sesuatu bangsa ataupu negara,pembelian aset-aset penting ie, kilang pengeluar elektrik
    , sumber air, pengawalan sistem pengangkutan (kerelebuhraya, pelabuhan dan lapangan terbang)yg lebih penting sumber makanan, semuanya ini adalah kearah kepada penjajahan bentuk baru.

    Negara China tak perlu berperang dgn Malaysia cuma mewujudkan keadaan seolah-olah berperang, bayangkan 30 ke 50ribu penduduk Forest City tiba-tiba merusuh, berapa keratlah anggota PDRM dapat mengawal keadaan.

    Sejam dua bolehlah kalau berhari, berminggu malah berbulan amacam citer?

    Berlaku serentak di seluruh negara?

    Silap haribulan darurat terpaksa di istiharkan asset-asset ATM, RELA, APM dan beberapa angansi keselamatan berkaitan terpaksa digerakan.

    Tu semua duit ,

    “Boleh ke harap”?

    Percayakah lagi kepada pemimpin yg membangsatkan kita ,10 20 sen pun heboh, apalah 11 sen(biasalah orang banyak duit)kalau tak mampu jangan makan ayam(dia sorang yg nak makan sedap), kalau tak nak sesak jalan bangun awal(orang lain takyah rehat secukupnya ).

    Pakatan Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Sukarno ? melalui Kofrantasi Malaysia
    Indonesia dengan darah serta keringat anggota tentera dan rakyat telah berjaya menghalau tentera British dari Tanah Melayu , senang-senang pula ada anak Melayu yg menjemput kuasa asing bertapak semula di Tanah Melayu.

    Dalam pekiraan mengejar imbuhan wang ringgit, apakah akan jadi kepada anak tempatan serta generasi yg mendatang .

  59. Sebagai seorang Melayu, saya rasa tercabar juga bila dihebohkan bahawa 700,000 orang China akan mendapat kerakyatan melalui petempatan futuristik FC ini.

    Entah kenapa, terlintas di fikiran saya status pulau Pangkor Laut, pusat peranginan mewah milik Francis Yeoh, YTL, keroni politik DrM.

    Pulau itu adalah private island milik Francis Yeoh, dan ia mungkin boleh dibangunkan dgn konsep FC, siap dgn passport dan kerakyatan pulau secara eksklusif.

    Satu hari nanti, saya pun nak beli sebijik pulau macam Francis. Sayangnya saya bukan keroni politik DrM…


  60. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Karl Iskandar ni dah gila ka Tun, Najis melaung-laung dalam taklimat keliling Malaysia “MENEGAK BENANG YANG BASAH” mengatakan tanah di Forest City bertaraf leasehold tetapi Tun dan Saudara Milshah membuktikan Tanah tu bertaraf freehold.

    Najis Razak tu memang gila, kini Karl Iskandar pon dah gila.

    Najis masuk neraka, rasanya dia juga ikut tuannya masuk neraka.


  61. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Maafkan sahaja, atas komen bahawa aktikel Tun ini seolah-olahnya memberi gambaran yang PM jual harta pusaka ibu pertiwi dan kerakyatan kepada kaum Cina dari China. Gambaran ini membawa baur perkauman dan kurang benar. Apa pula dengan orang Jepun yang melabur dalam hartanah di bawah “Second Home Programme”? Apakah kerajaan dulu dalam era Tun patut dituduh menjual harta pusaka ibu pertiwi dan kerakyatan?

    Kalaulah kita begitu bimbang akan harta pusaka dan kerakyatan terjatuh ke dalam tangan orang asing, maka haramkan segala pelaburan orang asing dalam hartanah Malaysia! Maka, KWSP, MARA, Tabung Haji pun jangan melabur dalam hartanah luar negeri, kerana mungkin dituduh mencerobohi tanah orang asing!

  62. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    “Ia dibina di atas empat buah pulau buatan di Perairan Johor dekat dengan Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas.”

    Merujuk kepada kenyataan di atas, apa salahnya Tanah diklasifikasi di bawah hak milik kekal? Soal sekarang bukannya di atas isu hak milik kekal hartanah. KWSP juga melabur di luar negeri. Ada juga hartanah di bawah hak milik kekal.

    Soal yang lebih penting ialah pemberian kewarganegaraan. Kami amat ragui akan tuduhan pemilik hartanah dari negara China diberi kewarganegaraan. Mereka mungkin tidak berminat juga nak menjadi warga Malaysia! Jangan lupa pula kita ada skandal Projek IC Sabah, di mana kewarganegaraan diberi secara sewenang-wenangnya. Baik kerajaan mengorek maklumat tentang kes ini dan mengumum kepada Rakyat. Pemberian kewarganegaraan sewenang-wenangnya merupakan satu pengkhianatan yang amat besar!

  63. I totally with Tun on this issue. No part of the foreshore nor seabed shall in any circumstances be granted a lease of more than 99 years.

    The keywords here is “In any circumstances”. Therefore, it does not matter whether the land alienated was in fact reclaimed or not because it is clear that the intention of Parliament is clear that no matter what you do to the foreshore and no matter what circumstances have changed to what was previously the foreshore or seabed, the state government has no authority to grant a title in pepetuity.

  64. My salam to Tun and Tun Dr Hasmah.
    What we have now is a useless pm who wanted the job for its glamour. He has turned out to be a liar a cheat and a thief. Shamelessly he still wants to hang on to his job knowing full well what will happen to him the moment he’s out of office.
    Thank you Tun.

  65. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya juga telah pergi ke Forest City untuk melihat sendiri bandar tersebut. Benarlah kata Tun, terdapat banner-banner di tepi jalan yang jelas mengatakan ianya freehold atau hak milik kekal. Pemimpin jenis apakah yang freehold dikatakan leasehold?

    Sebaik sahaja memasuki sales galleri Forest City yang berbentuk kubah, seperti saya berada di negara asing. Terdapat beratus-ratus pengunjung tetapi jelas mereka bukan warganegara Malaysia. Semuanya cina dari negara China. Sales person di sana semua berbahasa cina, menerangkan kepada bakal pembeli dari negara cina. Saya sekeluarga langsung tidak layan. Jelas target buyer mereka adalah pembeli dari negara China.

    Di tengah-tengah sales gallery tersebut ada model Forest City. Hampir kesemua kondo-kondo telah siap dijual. Wah hebat!

    Kami keluar ke tepi pantai di luar sales galeri Forest City. Begitu indah pantainya dibuat berserta kolam renang dan patung-patung hidupan laut. Ada ramai security gaurd yang tabik hormat kepada kami. Kami pun bertanya mereka ni dari mana? Negara Nepal rupanya.

    Dari mula kami tiba tidak ada seorang pun pekerja Melayu. Cleaner pun kalau tidak silap saya dari indonesia dari segi bahasa percakapan mereka.

    Dimanakah peluang pekerjaan untuk orang Malaysia kalau dari sales person, cleaner dan gaurd adalah dari negara asing?

    Melihat Forest City, seperti melihat Singapura. Melihat pembangunan yang pesat, tetapi pembangunan itu dinikmati orang asing.

    Saya tidak dapat bayangkan apabila Forest City ini diduduki 700,000 warga asing. Mereka mempunyai budaya yang berbeza dari kita, apatah kebanyakan mereka berfahaman komunis.

    Mungkin kesannya tidak dilihat sekarang, tetapi 100 tahun dari sekarang? Dari 700,000 ni pasti akan beranak pinak. Mereka pasti perlukan hospital, pekerjaan, sekolah, dan sebagainya. Terpaksalah berebut dengan penduduk Malaysia.

    Di ketika itu, pasti mereka menuntut hak di Malaysia, apatah bilangan mereka ramai iaitu 700,000, mungkin lebih sebab dah beranak pinak.

    Pada ketika itu, generasi Malaysia akan bertanya, siapalah yang telah menjual tanah kepada 700,000 orang asing ini, semata-mata mendapat keuntungan tetapi menyusahkan generasi Malaysia kemudian?

  66. Wawasan 2020 ultimate objective is to make this country a fully developed industrialized nation just like china, japan and south korea, bukan?

    When mps of the divide is not regulated and can be brought over, the ultimate result would be ultra, atau tidak kukuh.

    Whether we like it or not, we still have to vote as usual.

    Whoever wins out the majority, he will be the pm.

    Therefore, resignation of mps is nothing new.

    Similarly, the shift of voter mindset is unavoidable, henceforth, general election must be called in every 5 years.

  67. Forest city in johor vs witch city in federal territory kl?

    I sure hope the umno mps have not forget the bomoh case of mona fandy.

    When general election is called, voters will decide who they prefer to vote.

    Bn, pas, pkr, dap or ppb?

    Therefore, as long as the tide is not off, no one knows who is swimming naked there.

    Banning and sanction via favoritism at the federal level is nothing new in the name of security, bukan?

    Hutan, bomoh dan gay rights are being played just to stay relevant wont go far, and it would be backfired when race and religion are being played.

  68. DrM Salahkan Sultan Johor

    HRH Sultan Johor pointed out that land matters are under the purview of the Johor state government and NOT the Federal government.

    DYMM Sultan Johor menegaskan bahawa hal tanah adalah di bawah bidang kuasa kerajaan negeri, dan BUKAN kerajaan Pusat.

    Najib juga yg dipersalahkan.

    DrM, are you okay or not?

  69. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Apa yang pasti akan ada satu lagi kawasan parlimen tambahan di Forest City dan ianya kekal dimenangi oleh “China of China”.

    Selepas itu, mereka akan meminta keluar dari Malaysia dan join SIngapore.

    Lepas itu nak salahkan siapa?

    PAS tolong jawab, ini takdir Allah swt. Kita kena percaya qada dan qadar Allah.


  70. Tun Hebat Memang Hebat
    Forest City bakal mengugat Anak Bumi

    Sedangkan bersaing dengan Cina Malaysia
    Anak Bumi Tewas , di undang pula Cina Singapura ,Cina China
    Bertapak mengundang Tanah Melayu di jelajah

    Hujungnya Anak Bumi akan Tewas Begitu juga dengan KeSultanan Melayu
    Seperti kuburnya Dynasty Cina

    Giving the First Mile will give them a thousand miles later
    Johor , Malaysia will be invaded economically ,politically in a Snap moment

    Ini kesemuanya angkara Kerajaan Najib amik ringkas
    Amik ringkas adalah sifat tidak bertanggung jawab
    Begitu juga yang terjadi hal 1MDB , kemaruk nak pakai duit
    Terpaksa reka sesuatu Scam hingga menjual Tanah untuk mendapat wang yg mudah

    Yg kita lihat sekarang adalah Indah Rupa dari Nyata

    Jika Yahudi merampas Tanah Palestin dengan Paksaan dengan Kuasa Military
    Esok Lusa Anak Palestin berhak berjuang untuk ambil balik Tanah mereka semula
    Jika Cina sudah tempeling Kerajaan Najib dengan wang Ringgit
    Jangan mimpi Kerajaan Najib bolih beli balik Tanah yg sudah di jual
    Jika ia mahu di jual pun , Harga Tanah akan berlipat ganda kelak
    Mampukah Kerajaan Najib menebus segalanya jika teraju Kerajaan Najib lebih sebagai Pengemis

    Bukan kerana kita Miskin
    Ini semua berpunca dari mencari jalan senang
    Jalan yg Bakal menjahanamkam Anak Bumi termasuk Kesultanan Melayu

    Mereka akan berjaya menubuhkan infrastruture economic , political mereka sendiri . Angkatan mereka sudah pun bersedia di seberang laut
    Disana penduduk Melayu di tindas olih kemasukan berjuta rakyat Cina dari China
    Di gabung pula politik DAP sama PAP
    Di rojak pula dengan Kebodohan Kerajaan Najib
    Memang sudah jadi landasan bagi mereka untuk memiliki segalanya
    Seakan ini perancangan apabila Kerjaan UMNO lemah
    Lemah Kewangan Lemah Pendirian

    Kita tidak akan lihat perkara ini berlaku sekarang
    Yakinilah Ia akan berlaku Esok

    Ini bukan persoalan perumahan Forest City sahaja
    Ini persoalan Political Agenda , Economic Invasion , Infrastructure yg mereka binakan untuk mereka .

    Siapa nanti yg ketinggalan ?
    Siapa nanti yg bakal merempat di Tanah sendiri

    Itu sebab saya Si Botak
    Berulang kali menyatakan
    Apa guna Pembangunan jika Pembanagunan ini bukan milik kita
    Anak Bumi hanya menang Shiok sahaja
    Kan lebih mulia beratap rumbia, berkaki ayam , bernasi ikan kering
    Tanah Pusaka tetap milik kita

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