1. Di Nigeria hari ini terdapat kononnya gerakan Islam yang bernama “Boko Haram”. Saya tidak pasti makna “Boko” tetapi bunyinya semacam dengan “Buku” dalam Bahasa Melayu. Mungkin yang dimaksudkan dengan “Boko” ialah Kitab Injil.

2. Walau apa pun maknanya yang jelas ialah kumpulan “Boko Haram” ini sedang membunuh orang Kristian dan menyerang gereja mereka. Tetapi mereka juga membunuh ramai orang Islam, bahkan lebih ramai orang Islam yang dibunuh dari orang bukan Islam.

3. Inilah yang sering berlaku apabila sekumpulan orang Islam anggap hanya mereka sahaja yang betul-betul Islam dan orang Islam lain tidak Islam dan boleh dibunuh.

4. Kita orang Melayu di Malaysia semuanya terdiri dari Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah dan berimam dengan Imam Shafie. Sepatutnya kita tidak menghadapi apa-apa masalah fahaman Islam yang berbeza-beza. Malangnya Islam diperalatkan oleh segolongan politikus sehingga berlaku tuduhan bahawa orang yang tidak bersama dengan parti mereka tidak Islam dan murtad. Walaupun mereka tidak ganas seperti “Boko Haram” tetapi permusuhan oleh orang yang anggap mereka sahaja yang Islam dengan orang yang tidak bersama dengan mereka yang didakwa tidak Islam berjaya memecah-belah dan melemahkan orang Islam di negara ini. Apabila lemah maka mudahlah orang Islam diperkosa oleh orang lain.

5. Kita sering dengar tokoh-tokoh agama mendakwa bahawa orang Islam itu adalah bersaudara. Tetapi ayat Al Quran ini hanya dibibir mulut sahaja. Amalannya berlainan.

6. Kata pihak yang memurtadkan seteru politik mereka, mereka memurtadkan seteru politik kerana tidak melaksanakan syariat Islam. Benarkah? Apa yang dilakukan oleh kita dilakukan juga oleh negara-negara lain yang diiktiraf sebagai negara Islam dengan penduduk yang diterima sebagai penganut agama Islam. Jika kita murtad maka kebanyakkan orang Islam didunia ini tentulah murtad juga. Kenapakah yang mendakwa tiga juta orang UMNO murtad tidak pula mendakwa umat Islam di negara-negara yang kononnya tidak laksana syariat Islam adalah murtad? Sebabnya ialah kerana tidak menguntungkan politik mereka.

7. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan syariat Islam? Ada yang berpendapat bahawa oleh kerana penyanyi dibenarkan menyanyi di Malaysia maka ini bermakna Kerajaan Malaysia tidak mengamalkan syariat Islam. Kalau ini bermakna tidak mengikut syariat Islam maka hampir semua negara Islam tidak mengikut syariat Islam.

8. Kita harus ingat di Malaysia bukan sahaja ada orang Islam tetapi 40% dari penduduk Malaysia terdiri dari bukan Islam. Sesuatu yang tidak disukai oleh Allat SWT yang disebut dalam Al Quran ialah mereka yang mencetus huru-hara. Dalam melaksanakan syariat Islam di Malaysia cara yang sesuai ialah dengan tidak mencetuskan huru-hara. Kelonggaran yang diberi dalam perlaksanaan syariat Islam membolehkan kita bertindak dengan mengambilkira keadaan dalam melaksanakan hukum-hukum Islam. Yang suka menjadikan Islam agama yang keras dan tidak bertimbangrasa serta tidak berperikemanusian ialah pentafsir yang berkepentingan. Demikian ada orang Islam yang menganggap orang tidak berjanggut tidak Islam dan perlu disembelih. Demikian juga gerakan Boko Haram yang membuat syarat-syarat tersendiri untuk diterima sebagai orang Islam dan membunuh orang yang tidak patuh pada syariat ciptaan mereka.

9. Pelaksanaan syariat Islam di Malaysia mungkin berlainan dari penguatkuasaan syariat Islam di negara yang penduduknya semuanya Islam. Kita tidak ambil kisah dengan amalan dan budaya orang bukan Islam. Kita tahu apabila percubaan dibuat untuk memaksa bukan Islam amal nilai hidup Islam seperti tidak membenar lelaki potong rambut wanita dan sebaliknya, akhirnya ia hanya memalukan orang Islam dan Islam apabila terpaksa dibatalkan. Demikian juga dengan tuduhan khalwat yang dilakukan oleh orang bukan Islam.

10. Sebaliknya apabila syariat Islam dibuat dengan menyediakan bank Islam yang bebas dari riba, Universiti Islam, Pengurusan Tabung Haji bagi menentukan amalan ini lebih sempurna, perkembangan ajaran Islam dengan mengadakan sekolah-sekolah agama, pengurusan zakat yang lebih tertib dan berbagai lagi, tidak ada huru-hara yang berlaku. Demikian dengan penguatkuasaan undang-undang Islam di kalangan orang Islam dan penentuan undang-undang yang terpaksa dikenakan kepada penganut-penganut agama yang berlainan yang tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam.

11. Menggalakan gerakan seperti Boko Haram atau memurtadkan orang Islam tanpa usul periksa bukan cara kita, bahkan bukan cara Islam pun.

12. Janganlah sesiapa cuba menghalalkan perbuatan salah mereka dengan menyalahguna undang-undang Islam. Mereka yang berbuat demikian perlu bertaubat. Sudah tentu mereka wajib tarik balik dakwaan kononnya ahli UMNO murtad. Ingatlah bagaimana dahulu PAS mendakwa UMNO kafir kerana bekerjasama dengan orang bukan Islam. Seperti yang dijanji dalam Al Quran tuduhan ini kembali kepada yang menuduh kerana mereka sekarang bekerjasama dan berpeluk-peluk dengan orang kafir, bahkan sanggup mati mempertahankan pemimpin orang kafir…….perbuatan mereka mengikut mereka sendiri menjadikan mereka kafir.

13. Janganlah hendaknya dakwaan oleh mereka bahawa orang UMNO murtad akan kembali kepada mereka. Orang Islam tidak perlu berlaku ganas kerana agama Islam tidak menyuruh kita melaku ganas atau ketidakadilan kepada sesiapa.

Agama Islam adalah agama keamanan, agama yang mengajar kita supaya melaku adil dan tidak mencetuskan huru-hara.

177 thoughts on “BOKO HARAM”

  1. Salam,

    Islam ialah agama suci. Masalah nya ialah ada dikalangan pengikut menyalahtafsir Islam samada secara tanpa disedari atau dengan ‘sengaja. Yang sengaja ini ialah yang paling merbahaya .

    1. Cerita syirik
    Kita orang Islam sentiasa diingatkan supaya sentiasa mengucap Astaghfirullahaladzim. Ketahuilah ramai di kalangan umat Islam tanpa disedari telah melakukan pelbagai jenis dosa termasuk yang berat seperti syirik.

    Ayat Al-Quran jelas menyatakan “Bahawa sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampunkan dosa seseorang yang syirik kepadanya dan Allah akan mengampunkan kepada sesiapa yang Dia kehendaki iaitu selain dari dosa syirik. Barang siapa yang mempersekutukan Allah, maka sungguh ia telah berbuat dosa yang besar.” – (Surah an-Nisa’, ayat 48)

    Wahai lebai2 PAS, adakah hang pa semua restu Khalifah Lim Guan Eng minta kalimah Allah digunakan oleh orang Kristian di Malaysia. Hang pa jangan ikut rentak dia , ini adalah satu daripada dakyah depa nak memesongkan kalimah syahadah.

    Kalau hang pa belajar di negeri Arab sekali pun, hang pa tanyalah betul2 Pak Arab tulin(bukan campur2) yang alim dan lama menetap di Malaysia ini, adakah tepat digunakan perkataan Allah dalam buku Injil versi Melayu mahu pun Inggeris.

    Saya masih ingat dalam satu wawancara TV , Neetanyahu masa tu dia jadi Menteri luar Israel kata pelan perdamaian akan sampai jalan buntu sekiranya pihak Palestin mengunakan dasar Islam dalam perbincangan. Mungkin maksudnya ialah pelan perdamaain tidak akan berjaya kerana Palestin bertegas hendakkan Baitul Muqaddis atas kehendak mempertahan kan Islam.

    Begitulah juga orang DAP, depa pun sama. Selagi orang Melayu kuat pegangan Islam, selagi itulah InsyaAllah, Malaysia kekal di kuasai oleh oran Melayu dan kaum Bumi yang lain.

    Satu2nya mencairkan kepimpinan Melayu ialah dengan mencairkan keimanan orang2 Melayu.

    Ingatlah diatas semangat Islam itulah, perjuangan bangsa Palestin, Patani , Moro, Bosnia, dan lain2 kekal sehinga sekarang. Ini semua perjuangan Islam yang dilakukan oleh KAUM masing2. Saya ulang semula KAUM masing2. Di Malaysia pun sama telah dilakukan oleh datuk moyang kita yang sudah beragama Islam menentang Thai, Inggeris, Portugis, Belanda. Walaupun dijajah tapi kita tak kena belasah habis kerana berkat keimanan datuk moyang dahulu.

    2. Cerita PAS ganti UMNO
    terus terang saya tak kisah PAS ganti UMNo jika UMNO masih nak teruskan dengan calun2 yang korup. Cuma masalahnya PAS ini penakut kat DAP. Mana boleh ambil penakut jadi pemimpin? Atau pun sayang terlebih kat DAP kot?

    Tok Guru Hadi dan Tok Guru Nik Aziz tentu lebih memahami ayat dibawah ini:
    “Wahai orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu mengambil orang yang bukan daripada kalangan kamu menjadi teman karib (yang dipercayai).Mereka tidak akan berhenti berusaha mendatangkan kesusahan kepada kamu. Mereka sukakan apa yang menyusahkan kamu.Telah pun nyata (tanda) kebencian mereka pada pertuturan mulut mereka, dan apa yang tersembunyi oleh hati mereka lebih besar lagi.Sesungguhnya Kami telah jelaskan kepada kamu ayat ayat (Kami), jika kamu memahaminya (memikirkannya).

    “Awaslah! Kamu sahaja yang suka dan percayakan mereka, sedangkan mereka tidak suka kepada kamu.Kamu juga beriman kepada segala Kitab Allah (sedang mereka tidak beriman kepada Al Quran).Apabila mereka bertemu dengan kamu, mereka berkata,”Kami beriman”, tetapi apabila mereka berkumpul sesama sendiri, mereka mengigit hujung jari kerana geram bercampur marah (kepada kamu).Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad) : Marilah kamu kerana kemarahan kamu itu.Sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui tiap tiap isi hati.Jika kamu memperolihi kebaikan nescaya mereka bersedih hati (dendam).Tetapi jika kamu mendapat bencana bersabar dan bertaqwa nescaya tipudaya mereka sedikitpun tidak mendatangkan kemudaratan kepadamu.Sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui segala apa yang mereka kerjakan”.

    [Al Quran Surah Ali Imran ayat 118-120]

    Tengoklah di Selangor,tengoklah di Penang dan juga jangan lupa sejarah pemerintahan PAS/DAP di Perak. Terbukti PAS takut kat DAP. Kalau pemimpin PAS takut DAP,macam mana nak harapkan menegakkan perjuangan Islam.

    Adakah PAS tukar slogan Negara Kebajikan kerana takut kat DAP?

    DAP terang2 tak nak orang Melayu. Lihat sajalah pemilihan partinya sendiri. Melayu dalam DAP ibarat batu2 hidup. Keadilan pula entah apa yang diperjuangkannya pun tak jelas.

    Saya sanggup menerima PAS ganti UMNO ,tapi tak sanggup menerima DAP dan Keadilan . Saya percaya kebanyakan oprang Melayu pun sama termasuklah kebanyakan ahli PAS. Pemimpin PAS sedang ulangi kesilapan pemimpin UMNO beberapa tahun lepas, tak faham hati ahli dan penyokong peringkat akar umbi. Penyokong Melayu termasuklah orang PAS sebenarnya masih sayang kat UMNO. Kawan2 saya yang dulu sokong PKR dah ramai insaf dan sedar PKR hanyalah parti bermasalah. Yang mana pangkah DAP bukan MCA atau lain2 komponen parti BN, mulai sedar yang DAP itu lebih merbahaya dari saingannya. Yang tak sedara beberapa lebai PAS kerana perasaan sayang yang disimpan dalam hati kot.

    La ni UMNO dah berubah, PAS bila pula?

    Mohon maaf jika saya katakan, beza PAS dan UMNO hanyalah kebanyakan orang PAS lebih berpengetahuan agama. Tapi semua manusia sama darjatnya disisi Allah kecuali orang yang beriman. Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu siapa kalangan hambanya yang betul2 termasuk golongan yang beriman.

    Sama2lah kita doakan kita semua termasuk dalam golongan orang yang beriman.

    Mohon maaf diatas kesilapan atau kekasaran bahasa.

  2. Tun

    For sudin. You are absolutely right that Malaysia is a great success in human and socio-economic terms as reported by the Star. It is better for our beloved country in the normal range of everything than reach for the sky like Icarus or Lee Kuan Yew and get burnt ! If the Oslo Committee is not so biased, these notables should award the Nobel Prize for Peace to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    For balance. It does not better who controls our beloved Malaysia as long as the Government is fair and equitable. The BN Governments as led by the UMNO have shown since 1957 that the Malaysians generally accepted such treatment. It is only when a Government does understand that goodies have got to flow down the iron pyramid from the top to the proletariat always, then our beloved Malaysia is easy to govern like Tun’s famous 22 year Administration. If not……………….!
    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese for their record of delivery since 1957 !

  3. Salam Tun dan para bloggers semua,

    Selalunya ekstremis agama berkaitan dengan politik. Kegiatan pembunuhan dan perteligkahan bermotifkan politik. Dari kuasa politik maka sidalangnya akan berleluasa memuaskan kehendak politiknya. Medan politik hari ini tidak kurang jeliknya berbanding zaman dahulu kala. Opportunis kuasa akan menggunakan politik untuk mengaut keuntungan dunia. Mereka ini ada yang duduk didalam parti kerajaan dan juga parti pembangkang. Yang tak terpilih dalam kerajaan akan berjuang melalui pembangkang. Tetapi masih ada yang ikhlas dan mereka ini juga duduk dalam kedua parti iaitu pembangkang dan kerajaan.

    Bagi saya pemahaman politik khususnya dikalangan orang2 Melayu masih terhad kepada pesonaliti ahli politik idaman masing2. Yang cintakan DS Anwar Ibrahim akan mengeluarkan sebarang hujah untuk menjustifikasikan pilihan mereka dan begitu juga DS Najib Tun Razak. Dalam urusan agama juga kekadang begitu. Pengikut sipolan akan mengeluarkan bermacam hujah untuk menegakkan fahaman puak masing2. Bagi saya fenomena ini lebih menjurus kepada kepercayaan yang dibuat2 atau dalam bahasa Jawa dipanggil ‘make believe’.

    Soalnya adakah kita lebih selesa menentukan kebenaran kita sendiri atau kita inginkan sesuatu yang lebih objektif dan telus. Menjadi objektif dan telus perlukan kepekaan dan berani atas kebenaran atau orang Jawa bilang ‘willing to call a spade a spade’. Bagi orang yang matang fikiran mereka dapat tahu apa yang tersirat dan dapat mengenalpasti kenyataan yang berbelit-belit. Mereka akan dapat mentafsir berita palsu dan bukti sahih. Orang ditutup hatinya ialah apabila didatangkan bukti, mereka meninggalkanya dan lebih rela menerima khabar angin kerana pilihan personaliti politik masing2.

    Mereka2 ini adalah golongan2 yang hatinya sakit melihat kejayaan hasil usaha musuh politik mereka. Mereka akan menghalalkan apa yang dibuat oleh ketua masing2 dan mengharamkan segala yang dibuat pihak lawan. Walaupun dikemudian hari mereka melakukan perkara yang sama seperti pihak lawan. Ada yang masih mentah usia mereka menjadi mangsa apabila mereka menggantikan zikrullah dengan caci maki, umpat keji dan fitnah dusta. Mereka ini bersarapan pagi dengannya selepas menunaikan sembahyang subuh secara berjemaah.

    Saya sebenarnya sudah mulai nampak kenapa sokongan orang Cina sudah susut kepada BN. Paling mudah sekali ialah apabila DS Anwar secara lantang ingin menghapuskan pengiktirafan Bumiputera atau disebut sebagai ketuanan Melayu. Ketuanan Melayu tidak pernah wujud sama sekali tetapi pengktirafan Bumiputera adalah menjadi sebahgian dari kontrak sosial sebagai syarat pemberian kewarganegaraan kepada warga China dan India yang dibawa British semata2 untuk memlihara status sosial orang Melayu sebagai petani.

    Memang saya akui dizaman Pak Lah rasuah semakin berleluasa. Ini satu pencemaran imej yang sangat sukar dibersihkan. Tetapi rasuah yang paling berat dimata saya ialah dengan menerima suapan dari pihak pelobi asing untuk menjatuhkan bangsa dan negara sendiri. Ini adalah perkara paling dayus yang paling tidak bermoral dan beretika. Saya kira bukan Bumiputera tidak peduli akan hal ini asalkan hasrat mereka tercapai. Bagi yang Bumiputera 2 dua pertiga dari mereka tidak peduli akan hal ini asalkan nafsu mereka puas melihat musuh politik mereka tumbang dan berkubur. Maka apakan terjadi kepada rakyat dan negara?

    Bak kata pepatah Melayu, menang sorak kampung tergadai.

  4. Salam Tun.

    The Malaysian success story, as reported by the Star:

    1. 6th consecutive years awarded “the most preferred country to live in” (Japan’s foundation).
    2. 12th in most competitive economy in the world for doing business (World Bank 2013 report).
    3. 1st prize for 2012 in innovation in public policy and governance to the Malaysian Homestay Experience Programme (UNWTO).
    4. KL is top 5 meeting destination in Asia-Pacific.
    5. 9th most visited country in the world 3 years running.
    6. 14th in tourist receipts in the world.
    7. 4th in shopping destination in the world (CNN), 2nd in Asia Pacific.
    8. 10th in world’s friendliest country (Forbes).
    9. 4th in retirement heaven.
    …..and the beat goes on…. (a little Cher there).

    Even when Malaysia attain 1st in all of the above (God willing) and with plenty more to show, the dissatisfaction still won’t stop their distorted mumbo jumbo attitude and hippy nippy naughty ways.
    Probably the those detractors are only interested to migrate elsewhere, and somehow they become discouraged to go because no one is stopping them!!

  5. mubarakcha aka BN as led by the UMNO.

    it is very true that our Tun Dr. M saved us in time of great danger and that is why until today Tun is still as popular as ever. Still many respect and love him and some ever worship him.

    The question is whether UMNO sekarang is the same or will UMNO preform without Tun?

    Tun started melayu supremacy will good intention, basically he wanted to stabilize and equalize between the melayu and non-melayu or the have and the have-not but look at what happened now. Now the elite or rich Melayu or better known as UMNOPUTERA is not sharing with the melayu-on-the street. Now even a melayu taxi driver have to be a slave to such rich and elite melayu. We dont have to talk about the non-melayu.

    Is the country wealth shared or spread evenly or at least some fairness between the melayu?
    Why BN must be led only by UMNO and not orang melayu?
    Why cannot who is better should lead?
    Is single party led Govt better then 2 parties led Govt?

    lets us enjoy your comments

  6. Tun

    For Madame HBT. I was looking high and low for your response to my lighthearted comment before 2012 becomes history. And in your haste to be personal, your comment was misplaced under the wrong title. However, I recommend you to read Prof. Jared Diamond’s ‘Collapse – How Societies Choose to Fall or Succeed’. Also, I like to reiterate that I never hate anybody including Lee Kuan Yew. I only presented the facts from only Singaporean or authoritative sources. Naturally, as a loyal citizen, I would like to know where Malaysia stands in relation to its neighbours unlike Madame who takes a very personal view of me and other things.

    For example, how many of you Ladies and Gentlemen agree with me when I say that our Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a true hero, a great Malaysian when he imposed the Foreign Exchange Controls in 1998 ? He did something which had never been done before and this took a lot of courage and knowledge and commonsense to save us all in 1998. If he did not take this step, it would have been sayonara for all of us and all that we had built through the ages. It was brilliant. This is one of the key steps why Malaysia is a runaway success as compared with Singapore’s runaway failure at this moment.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians. Especially the Malaysian Chinese. Please think hard, think deep why this must be so for a BN as led by the UMNO.

  7. Tun

    For Madame HBT456.

    As 2013 is coming upon us soon, I refer lightheartedly to The Star’s Seah Chiang Nee Column today,
    ‘Sex in the city drags you down.’ Have you ever wondered why the poor underaged girl was permitted ( by the police of course and is it not illegal for the Singapore police to allow an illegal activity to go on for 51 acts which encroached on the realm of pimping by them ? ), to consort with 51 men and not just 1, 50 or 101 ? Another point raised therein was that the Singaporeans after Lee Kuan Yew’s over 50 year one man rule are ranked as the second most under-sexed people in Asia next to the Japanese. However, please note that Singapore is the third richest in the world. What struck me from the article is that kiasu Singaporeans like cheap or free sex eg. free sex to buy computers, free sex to get better grades, free intra-political party sex, no-need-bedroom free sex in the car-park, cheap underaged sex at Bencoolen Street, (if you know where this is, Madame)! What say you Madame for 2013 ?

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese for a normal way of life, the Malaysian Way as led by the rock solid BN and the UMNO!


    As Malaysian and a viewer for HKTVBI drama series since 70s, I agreed to what Doctor Loh said.

    As professional doctor, we can never get carried away with negative sentiments from the people, media owners, staffs, sour grapes, people or government officials if we have done our best.


    Because there are lots of lives out there needs to be saved, henceforth we cannot get emotional.

    That’s why HKTVBI drama series of “On-Call 36 Hours” about doctors in saving lives in Hong Kong government hospital as passion and basic human responsibility within 36 hours have won the best supporting actor and actress in ASTRO voted by the viewers of Chinese Malaysians.

    Malaysians’ lives are cheap, and Malaysia political parties are more interested to save their face and ego.

    This is the reality fact that we have been tolerating for far too long.

    I have learned something valuable from Mr Lee Kuan Yew recently.

    He told Singaporean students that no one can change the world.

    But what students can do is do their best to influence the circle of people to achieve what they want.

    Here, I take the opportunity to wish the owner, the web administrator team and all bloggers a Selamat Tahun Baru since the topic is in Bahasa Melayu.

    I am signing out for this topic.

  9. Sir Mubarack Chan,

    The names of President and Premier of PRC have shown the world leaders what they are going to do to fight anti-government sentiments within the parties and the people as the world 2nd largest economy in the next 10 years.

    Today, Hongkongers are anti-Chinese nationals because these Chinese nationals do not obey rule of law that made what Hongkong is.

    China is practicing democracy for the next 10 years, and that’s why they have granted Hongkongers 100% freedom to vote for the CM that can lead them in the next 10 years effective 2017 with discipline who cannot be bribe at the top government levels.

    Today, PRC allows investors to speculate the market to hedge against inflation at their free will similar to what Malaysians did 10 years ago.

    Today, some cities of China with huge populations of 20 – 30 millions are very aggressively in promoting FDI to develop their cities.

    MCA is loosing members because of ego and power struggling within the presidents’ members.

    They can’t accept critics, therefore, Chinese have no choice but to support DAP to teach them a lesson even though they know it won’t bring any good.

  10. balance’s new year wish for MYR is to improve value to 1.5 to USD.

    The easiest way is to win general election via anti-government sentiments to become the PM.

    With PM power, he can forced BNM Governor to print lots of MYR to buy back USD to bring down the value to 1.5 within a month.

    Today, Libor scandal of price fixing is power abuse subjected to anti-terrorism act and international criminal act against war.

    If Guan Eng thinks that by supporting Anwar Ibrahim’s ideology to borrow from IMF or world bank, no one can stop them if he become the PM.

    Even a Thai insider trader who spread false news via internet wrt the illness of The King of Thailand has caused its shares plunged on that day is sentenced to 4 years jail.

    Just look at the Malays who are great supporters of PAS can show us that they do not need to wear helmet on the roads.

    If anything fatal happens to them, “Allah” lebih sayangi mereka yang terkorban”?

    If they did not wear helmet or obey rules of traffic, they have disqualified themselves under motor insurance coverage, salah siapa?

    If Muslim want Hadi Awang to be the PM, Malaysians will not stop them.

  11. Dear Tun,
    I agree with HBT456 that debts must be paid. It was reported that Rasulullah refused to pray upon the remains of a person who passed away without fully settle his debts. Islam frowns upon or strongly disapproves of those who do not pay their debts. Indeed, undischarged bankrupts are looked down, cannot vote, cannot be a director of a company because they are people without honour. Bankrupts are people who borrow money or owe people money and do not pay back their debts, and upon conviction declared and registered a bankrupt, until he fully settle his debts. Those who do not pay their debts are not islamic.

    amin tan

  12. What about suppliers who supplied goods and services to Tired?

    These suppliers need Tired’s payments to pay salary. fixed installments, utilities and suppliers too.

    These suppliers need Tired’s payment to pay EPF and Socso.

    There are cases seperti Tired ini can withdraw EPF at maturity age but don’t pay their debtors and employees.

  13. If people like Tired can guarantee few hundred thousand votes just to win election, what about those employees who worked but not paid for their work because of the failures of their employers who ran away?

  14. Tun,

    1. Sorry, to digress; not that I am not interested in other people’s plights or problems like ‘Boko Haram’, “Palestine’, etc. but we have our own to settle first!

    2. Please advise DSN to review or abolish bankruptcy act before GE13, as I can guarantee you he/BN would receive few hundred thousand votes from those bankrupts ‘he pardons’, for sure!

    3. If he/Govt could abolish ISA, which brought harm to him/BN politically (those who wanted it abolished were his/BN political enemies like DAP, PKR, PAS, etc. only)

    4. This bankruptcy act serves the bankers/lenders only and burdens the bankrupts; bankrupts in Malaysia are treated worse than criminals!

    5. Those bankers and lenders should regulate themselves professionally when lending monies or credits! Otherwise, they would happily give out loans and credits under guise of marketing and business expansion, as they know that by end of day, taxpayers (Govt) would solve their problems (Courts, MdI, Immigration, etc.), and if they had succeeded, they would report billion ringgit profits, and boasted their marketing capabilities!!!

    6. Whereas, for those bankrupts, some could not even get a decent job, which as a result, won’t be contributing to societies (Tax, EPF, Tabung Haji, Savings, etc.) – few have committed suicide as last resort…

    7. Start with ‘corporate guarantors’, and work list down to housing loans, student’s loan, car loans, credit cards loans, and finally, personal loans.

    8. Bank Negara to tighten criterion on lending to avoid recurrences.

    Thank you, Tun, and how I wish you are still the Prime Minister of Malaysia…

  15. Tun

    For Balance, by chance we made some lucky mistakes too. I am referring to the events in Malaysia after 2003. Lucky in the sense that the Tun is still around. A person who likes any other doctor, wants to see a project or job completed to his or her satisfaction.

    The world in Malaysia as created by the long years of BN as led by the UMNO, we have taken things for granted. Some of us innocents are not aware that there are many outside our borders who see us differently and are jealous considering all the assets which Malaysia has eg. the human and natural resources with an equable climate. We must be on guard all the time for ourselves, our children, our families and our friends.

    What I produced as facts to support my comments are all in the media especially the Singaporean media. I just collated them together and give an analysis.

    The RM350 Billions loss by Singapore on Wall Street in October 2008 and the RM100 Billions loss in development expenditure from 1957 to 2012 by Malaysia are administrative demeanours. We do not change Governments for such reasons. The British Government after World War 2 promoted a ground-nut scheme in East Africa which failed. There was no change in the Government. Each country will probably have many administrative misdemeanours. Some put these to Research and Development whilst others to development expenditure and the wiser ones just let the matter dragged on.

    For us the reason why the BN as led by the UMNO is important is that once normality returns and we all put our efforts to the wheel, you will be surprised how the goodies will be available for all.
    Ask those who bought houses in Subang Jaya in the 1980s. Over and above the moaning and the groaning, the owners must be laughing their way to the banks ! This was a creation of the BN !
    And it is only example.

    Vote BN always. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. China did not practise democracy and human rights for 5,000 years to 2012. Please do not run around the streets of Kuala Lumpur and do the Long March for the causes of others which have nothing to do with us. Be happy !

  16. mubarakchan

    Wow! off balance now!!! ha ha

    What a statement!! It is true and i agree Malaysia is a nice and happy place and most people are friendly and helpful too. I also agree that the Govt have done alot of thing to improve our life but we must not stop here we must continue to press for better education, environment, cleanliness and stopping the wasting and stealing of our money by a few big monster.

    My new year wish MYR improve value to 1.5 to USD

  17. Tun

    For ‘Balance’ and others who wonder why I am a strong supporter of the BN as led by the UMNO.

    It is straightforward and easy to understand if we just look around us, in the malls or in the wet markets or the rest-stations along the highway etc. What we see is an intermingling of the diverse communities at peace and in harmony. Surprisingly, it is the younger Bumiputra folks who are polite to me. This is a revelation in recent times.

    The politics of Malaysia must be Bumiputra based as the natural historical traditions and convention practices which have come down through the ages of centuries ago. Because UMNO and the Royal Sultans have been involved in the nascent birth of a nation, they must have the legitimacy to rule given their record, for the UMNO since 1946 and for the Royal Sultans since centuries ago. The latter were never despots and the former is the bulwark of the bumiputras which must lead in the politics of this land as the majority. What some wisecracks are trying to mislead us is to encourage us to reach for the Moon. It is impossible. Somewhat like the Pakistanis in the UK seeking to have the Prime Ministership.

    Every one seems to think I am on the payroll of the BN Government as led by the UMNO. The Tun and Lee Kuan Yew, the beloved one of some Malaysian Chinese know that I am not so. Neither have I money or titles from anyone. I have a lot of factual information which I feel it is my duty as a citizen to reveal as facts at times like this when there is so much venom, hate, vulgarities, profanities, obscenities etc poured on the heads of our distinguished leaders without prove. We are all civilised human beings and we must as Malaysians, conduct ourselves in a manner befitting our status as a normal country, not a bit more or less. To be normal, it is the key to our success for now and forever. So why change a Government which had delivered and known to us.

    Do you know that are busybodies who had us or our top personalities in the view all the time ?

    The first was Singapore, then after the end of the Cold War with the hype on the 5 Tigers of the ASEAN, outsiders began to take notice and after 1997, politically ambitious Malaysians were roaming the globe to seek financial and moral support, from the Knights of Rizal to the Knights of Malta etc etc. That was 15 years ago. Outside interest on Malaysia grew in intensity after the 9/11 episode and funnelled now through the Arab Spring from which the Opposition tried to create a Malaysian Spring. I pointed out that the Malayan Spring happened in 1946 with the aborted Malayan Union. Thanks to the Royal Sultans and the UMNO. Malaysia would have been a different place.

    I see no difference between the BN as led by the UMNO and the PR. The only difference is the former is rock solid and in power whilst the latter uses tons of money to dislodge the incumbent and create photogenic street demonstration scenes manned by people with clean shirts and full stomachs.

    If there is no political philosophy difference between them, the BN as led by the UMNO and the PR
    (even the DAP has acknowledged their 3rd place in a quorum of 3 unlike the MCA who is No.2 in BN). then it comes down to the way Lee Kuan Yew and meritcratic Singapore have been brought into play in the minds of the Malaysian innocents by the PR. In other words, PR will practise governance like Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore. Here are some mistakes which were made by a titan. The titanic mistakes as admitted by Lee Kuan Yew in the New York Times recently :-

    1. Money was used as an investment in the execution of Foreign Policy. Innocent men, women and children were killed, maim or injured in friendly countries. Malaysia has no blood on her hands. Vide. ASEAN Regional New. The Flying Thaiman.

    2. The 2 child family Policy of the 1970s and the 1980s led the Singaporean Tribe to extinction. Hence, the folly to import rich Chinamen and Indianmen to top up the depleted 1% of the ruling elite which resulted in a guaranteed annual increase of multi-millionaires without fail. The 99% of the proletariat will slog on. Clause 16 of the United Nations Universal Charter for Human Rights might have been contravened. Vide. Unpublished study 1970 stated that 200 top brains were required to govern Singapore with a population of 2 Million.

    3. The much flaunted top brains meritocratic pyramid with the smartest fellow on top lost US$108 Billions (RM$250 Billions) in a jiffy in October 2008 on Wall Street. Malaysia lost RM100 Billions as development expenditure between 1957 to 2003 as claimed in the book, ‘Malaysian Maverick’. Vide. Channelnewasia Lee Kuan Yew. November 2008. All Singaporean Blogs 2009-2012. Financial Times London. Gillian Tett ‘Singapore’s Harvard Investment Model’ April 2010. The Star. Seah Chiang Nee Column Saturdays.

    4. Humanity and Multiculturalism were never practised in Singapore. Vide. Channelnewasia. The Curry Smell Tribunal. 2011. The Toilet Fights. 2012. The 188 Chinese workers strike. The 89 shipyard workers strike. The Star. Seah Chiang Nee Column Saturdays.

    5. The perfunctory Judiciary which is well-known throughout the world. Vide. Admiral Canaris was demeaned by stripping him naked by Hitler and then hung naked with piano wires. The unfortunate and fortunate Dr Chee. The unfortunate and unfortunate Tan Koon Suan. Dr Woffles Wu. Shaw. The Australian and German drug mules etc.etc.

    6. The daily importation of 5,000 pigs. The flower nurseries contracts. etc. etc.

    7. Lee Kuan Yew rules Singapore from 1959 to 2012. During this period, Malaysia had 6 Prime Ministers. An Advisor was kindly sent by the Tunku in 1962 to advise Lee Kuan Yew how to strengthen his grip on Singapore !

    If Lee Kuan Yew who has a starred Double First in Law from the University of Cambridge and probably a Third Class in the Bar Finals London. (His wife was 3rd out of 300 and my wife 7th out of 700) could not achieve in Chinese majority Singapore (what S. Rajaratnam forewarned in 1982. Vide Singapore Business Times. ‘Sparta and Athens’.) in over 50 years, what do we expect the PR to achieve in diverse and complicated Malaysia when only 1 of the 6 distinguished gentlemen is below 62 years old ?

    Therefore, in realpolitik terms, we have 2 countries to judge. Malaysia is a runaway success in human terms and Singapore a runaway failure.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. History and performance have proven the BN as led by the UMNO is the Government for all of us.

  18. Selepas 55 tahun merdeka, BUMI DIPIJAK MILIK SIAPA?


    Why make it so complex by asking who and who?

    What is The Look East Policy stands for?

    Even if Malaysians are not UMNO members who can enjoy hak istimewa like the young man in youtube, Malaysians can choose to work under Japanese if they are qualified.

  19. Salam Tun dan ahli-ahli serta penyokong-penyokong UMNO!

    “Airmata darah bercampur keringat, bumi dipijak milik orang…”

    Bumi dipijak milik siapa?

    Milik orang mana?

    Milik orang Cina?

    Milik orang India?

    Milik orang MCA?

    Milik orang MIC?

    Milik orang PAS?

    Milik orang PKR?

    Milik Anwar Ibrahim?

    Milik Nik Ajis?

    Milik Lim Guan Eng?

    Milik Syed Mokhtar?

    Milik Vincent Tan?

    Milik YTL?

    Milik orang UMNO?

    Selepas 55 tahun merdeka, BUMI DIPIJAK MILIK SIAPA?


  20. HBT456

    The show is not about the people’s religion, not knowing maths or voting or win votes or making the state a privately DAP owned or Penang standing on its own or comparing Penang to Hong Kong and certainly not political

    The show is to talk about the rising cost of houses/homes/land.
    The show is to talk about the incapability of Penang Govt. (now or previous) to build affordable homes on the Island.
    The show is to talk about Penang becoming an expensive and congested place like Hong Kong.
    The show is also to talk about Penang poorer people cannot afford to buy rumah mewah and/but more rumah mewah is been build.
    The show is to talk about free market or free enterprise ruling Penang and not DAP or who is smart or which political parties is right or which CM is better.
    The show is to talk about DAP is not the actual hero but the people of Penang are the real heroes.
    The show also talk about Cina racist not voting any melayu in DAP committee.

    Why everything have to be political or racial? Why things cannot be simple and free (freedom)?

    Now i am going to the nearest supermarket to buy a super calculator to calculate the show.

  21. I do not know what is Balance trying to show here.

    Can Penang voters with 1.5 million population with Muslim 44.6%, Buddhist 35.6% and Hindu (8.7%) stands on her own like Hong Kong (7 millions) and Singapore (aiming for 6 millions) no matter which coalition wins?

    Balance can do the Math if he thinks that he is good.

    Balance is just a word, you dont have to analyse the meaning as there is none. Think simple that i am just “capak banyak” and nothing better to do. Just continue to share opinion and happy to cakap cakap with you and others.

    I used to be a strong support of BN until our jewel Tun Dr. M retire and now i dont know lah who is right or wrong or better or worst so i stayed at the middle and watch the show.

    Are a BN supporter too?
    Can you share you thoughts why u are or why u are not?
    or any other subject you prefer.

    Anyway whatever been said and done, I love Tun because he is the best ever and i think there is nobody in our current Govt that can take his place.

    You must be the biggest and strongest support of BN or are you working for them? Ha ha Anyway like read more from you why we should or should not support BN.

    amin tan
    Islam is safe and there is no one threatening or belittling Islam people just dont understand and asking question and having some conversation.
    Dont have to put it in such a seriously dangerous way that people are anti this and anti that and must stop these people.
    Relax lah blogging only mah!!!


    Balance is just a word, you dont have to analyse the meaning as there is none. Think simple that i am just “capak banyak” and nothing better to do. Just continue to share opinion and happy to cakap cakap with you and others.

    I used to be a strong support of BN until our jewel Tun Dr. M retire and now i dont know lah who is right or wrong or better or worst so i stayed at the middle and watch the show.

    Are a BN supporter too?
    Can you share you thoughts why u are or why u are not?

    Anyway whatever been said and done, I love Tun because he is the best ever and i think there is nobody in our current Govt that can take his place.

  24. Understand your comments and it is good you care for those who are less fortunate. With compassion heart i believe Malaysia can be a better place for all.

    Like i said before all politicians are the same they say this and that before election and after winning they do other things to strengthen their position and forget about the people that vote them into power. The best part is they then demand respect and red carpet treatments. They even dare to shooed us aside with loud siren and police even scold us when they want priority on the public road. They forget we vote them to become ministers or etc …

    BN Govt been in power for so long they also did not do anything for the people at Teluk Kumbar, Teluk Bahang and etc.. and best is that the people dont mind about it and actually enjoyed being bullied.

    I think its a matter of time Penang Island will become so expensive until ordinary people will have to move to main land. Penang will become places like Hong Kong and all other expensive Islands in the world (dare not mention Singap…). Well some will benefit and some will lose but whatever it is everyone need to survive, work harder and continue to live, adapt and evolve.

    Looking at the current situation in Penang, i think it is unavoidable that most or all affordable house or home will have be situated on the main land as most or all of valuable land already been sold to Orang Cina long long time ago and not now. Maybe people only relished it now because BN is not there anymore.

    Penang and Penangnite want to make Penang into a globalized or international city or state and free market is the driving force and NOT Guan Eng or DAP. Guan Eng can try to claim lah but it is the people that make Penang not DAP or BN or XYZ.

    Some Orang Melayu are also enjoying the freedom, progressive and prosperity of Penang and some take importunity to start nasi campur, ikan bakar and other businesses and making good profit and living. Those smarter one saw and know that orang penang suka makan so they setup food store and enjoy lah. Off course there will be always complains but what to do lah?? Even God also got complain why make him so rich and make me so poor???

    I also feel it is wrong that there is no Orang Melayu voted into the DAP committee but i think it is not the fault of Kit Siang, Kapal or Guan Eng as it is the people that vote. So it is not DAP that is racist but the people that vote are racist or maybe they have their reasons.

    It is true that orang Cina is the majority in Penang and it always has been like this but whatever it is the Melayu, Cina and India are peaceful and love each other company. They love each other so much that they share many things together and even give each other “red pow” and “green pow” and “yellow pow” when they celebrate their festival.

    I also think that Penang Govt. (since BN era) is the only Govt. in Malaysia that separate religion from politics and they talk and use less religion as the tools to win the people heart but the state have a lot of place of worship, mosques, temples, churches and etc..

    Anyway we cakap cakap only in this blog but cannot do anything as free market, profits, glory, freedom and etc.. will be the driving force not bloggers or DAP or BN or PAS or XYZ.

  25. Malays, just like other races, are evolving fast beyond our control.

    How would Malaysians and political parties perceive this piece of news?

    Just like what our”Just An Ordinary Guy” claimed, be the tuan sendiri by transferring the land title to Muslim foreigners, a carpet dealer?

    To do what?

    But for those foreigners who have sound background with track records that can bring income to the country who are not Muslim, they are not allow to do so.


    All these years, Malays, especially UMNO, they are not only racist to other races, but also their own races.

    Am I sad about this?


    Because people who have selfish interests, they will be exposed in general elections.

    I believe they are many good people in BN who follows rules and regulations.

  26. Salam Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir yang dikasihi,

    Saya nampak comment dalam blog Ayahanda Tun telah tersimpang dari issue sebenar dan masing2 telah terbenam dan sedang lemas dalam ego dan emosi tersendiri. Issue sensitive agama perkauman dan peribadi di hentam tanpa batasan. Ada baiknya kita berhati2 dalam perkara berikut
    1. Janganlah sesiapa mengatakan agama islam yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat Melayu islam adalah salah dan pandai2 nak kelirukan orang2 Melayu dengan satu kalimah shahadah sahaja dan ingin ketepikan Sunnah nabi dalam amalan. Kumpulan inilah yang paling jahat yang mengatakan orang2 islam di malaysia tidak ikut ajaran Al Quran tetapi ikut Hadis semata2. Orang2 ini bukannya setakat sesat tetapi khianat dan mempunyai nawaitu yang tidak baik.
    2. Tidak perlulah kita banding Malaysia dengan Singapore. Issue Singapore telah muak dan bosan didengar. Sesiapa minat dan puja sangat Singapore, migrate saja ke sana.
    3. Janganlah kita menghina Melayu, China atau India dan penganutan agama masing2. Apabila terdapat orang2 bukan islam seperti Age of Enlightenment dan Balance cuba hina islam dengan cara halus dan sindir digalakkan oleh kumpulan anti sunnah nabi, mereka ini marah dan murka bila saya sebut mereka JAHIL dan KAFIR.
    4. Kerajaan BARISAN NASIONAL terdiri dari UMNO, MCA dan MIC. Pembangkang PAKATAN RAKYAT terdiri daripada PKR, DAP dan PAS. DUA PASUKAN berlawan berebut kuasa politik. HBT456 DAN SAYA bukan ahli politik mana2 parti. Kami hanya rakyat Malaysia yang patriotik dan sokong kerajaan sepenuh hati. Kami inginkan keamanan, kestabilan, harmony dan kemajuan untuk semua rakyat Malaysia, 1Malaysia bererti seluruh Malaysia yang dipimpin oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, yang amat kita sanjungi dan cintai.

    amin tan

  27. Just An Ordinary Guy December 27, 2012 at 11:50 AM
    Correction to the sentence: “My religion has nothing to do with forcing other people to become Muslim”

    Are you sure about that as Malay, then he/she must be Muslim, aren’t they?

    Is he the right person to deal with these non-Islamic businesses?

    No wonder Singapore got not such problems.

  28. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    U/Perhatian Sdra. Balance.

    You name yourself as Balance – bererti seimbang in Bahasa Malaysia. Adakah pandangan-pandangan anda juga seimbang selaras dengan your nickname Balance? Mengikut fahaman saya kebanyakkan pandangan Sdra. Balance yang tidak begitu seimbang. Membandingkan nilai Dollar Singapura dengan Ringgit Malaysia yang dikatakan lebih rendah nilainya dari Dollar Singapura. Singapura sebuah negara Pulau kecil yang mengikut sejarahnya adalah sebahagian dari gugusan Pulau-Pulau Melayu dan pernah sebumbung dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Negara kecil, jumlah pendudk pun kecil, kaum Tionghua lebih ramai dari kaum-kaum lain, konsep dan perinsip pemerintahannya dimonopoli oleh orang Tionghua. Sebuah negara kecil seperti Singapura amat mudah diurustadbir oleh kerajaan yang memerintah, masalah perbezaan pandangan antara kaum dan politiknya tidak menjejaskan sangat proses pembangunan negera Singapura, jika dibandingkan dengan keadaan di Malaysia, yang sepanjang tahun ahli-ahli politik berbagai kaum khususnya parti-parti pembangkang berpolitiking tak habis-habis seperti tak ada penghujungnya. Politiking yang berpanjangan boleh menjejaskan kerancakkan proses pembangunan sesebuah negara. Ahli politik pembangkang di Malaysia amat sukar menerima hakikat kebenaran dan kebaikan sesuatu program untuk negara dan rakyat yang diusahakan oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Secara berpolitik pakatan pembangkang lebih menjurus kepada merosakkan apa-apa kebaikan yang ada hasil usaha kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Berbeza dengan keadaan politik di Singapura, kerana tak ramai, dan senang control, segala projek pembangunan kerajaan yang memerintah dapat berjalan tanpa banyak gangguan. Sebagai contoh paling ketara apa yang berlaku terhadap projek LYNAS di Gebeng Pahang, dipolitikkan oleh Pakatan pembangkang dengan menimbulkan isu-isu menjejaskan keselamatan rakyat dipersekitaran tapak projek LYNAS tanpa memberikan alasan-alasan kukuh dan bukti sintifik yang meyakinkan. Ekoran gangguan politik projek LYNAS mengalami gangguan-gangguan tertentu yang menjejaskan kelancaran projek, banyak wang ringgit terpaksa dibelanjakan oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional dan pihak pengusaha projek LYNAS bagi menangani tentangan politik pakatan pembangkang yang seolah-olah tiada noktahnya.

    Oleh itu kalau nak komen atau beri pandangan terhadap sesuatu isu pastikan ianya seimbang. Tak mahu sokong kerajaan Barisan Nasional tak jadi masalah, itu hak mutlak masing-masing dalam negara yang mengamalkan demokrasi seperti Malaysia. Tetapi jangan lupa Sdra. Balance juga sedang menikmati bersama-sama dengan rakyat Malaysia yang lain segala kebaikan limpahan dari program pembangunan dan transformasi kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang Sdra. katakan tidak sebaik kerajaan Singapura. Yang penting kita masih boleh menyedut udara nyaman dalam negara tropika dengan kehijauan dan limpahan hujan rahmat yang berpanjangan, hidup dalam rukun damai antara kaum yang berbeza anutan agama dan budaya juga ideologi politik yang berbeza, kerana masih ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia yang mempunyai jati diri yang unggul dan mantap.

    Malaysia akan terus maju mengikut acuan sendiri yang diterajui oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional, Insya,Allah.

    Terima kasih dan salam hormat Tun.

  29. Salam YAB & diKasihi Tun,

    ”SELAMAT MENYAMBUT TAHUN BARU 2013” kepada Tun dan semua pembaca blog ini.

    Saya rasa kita di Malaysia amat bertuah. Kehidupan kita aman damai dan amat mudah untuk mencari rezeki; cuma perlu berusaha sikit. Cuma orang malas dan yang asyik merungut saja menghadapi masaalah untuk menikmati kehidupan yang selesa & bahagia di Malaysia.

    PAS dan sekutunya MESTI DITOLAK kerana mempromosi perpecahan dan keganasan.

    Terima kasih BN. Terima kasih UMNO. Terima kasih Tun!

    *** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  30. Salam Tun.

    Dear HBT,

    I never belonged to any party, however I’ll give my full support to any party which is most capable to safeguard my 4 utmost love in life, namely my family, my Malay race, my country Malaysia and my religion Islam.

    I don’t need to provide lengthy details to explain my dislike of PAS (suffice to mention their top 3 leaders are incapable, hope Allah balas perbuatan mereka semasa didunia ini kerana memecahbelahkan Islam & Melayu), PKR (Anwar and family is Malay enemy no. 1!!), and DAP (run by hypocrite liar lawyers).

    I’ll counter any blatant accusation and/or seditious statement that show/have intention to threaten my love in life.

  31. Tun

    For the innocents and the not-too-innocents. Read ‘Malaysia’s Regime Change’ – True or False’ by Nile Bowie in http://www.Future Fast Forward. The barbarians are at the gate.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese or we lose what has been created by the BN as led by the UMNO since 1946. If the developed nations can do their own thing, why not Malaysia after all we are friends to all countries ? Why single us out for the ‘Spring’ treatment ? Why hurt our innocents, men, women and children ? Why ?

  32. Sudin,

    I have already said that I am not a member of any political party.

    Whatever news being rumored down there will not affect me.

    Since I have decided not to be the liability to the country, no matter who you vote won’t affect me.

    But one thing I am very sure is, I will not get jealous nor angry with Malay elites.

    Take care and I wish you a Happy New Year in 2013.

  33. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Untuk Perhatian Saudara Balance,

    Saya ingin membetulkan sedikit kesilapan dalam pandangan balas (respon) kepada pertanyaan saudara Balance. Saya bermaksud projek rumah mewah yang diutamakan oleh kerajaan negeri Pulau Pulau yang ditetarjui DAP hanya mampu dibeli oleh golongan bukan Melayu (majoriti dari kaum Tionghua) yang taraf ekonominya lebih tinngi dari kaum-kaum lain seperti Melayu, India dan lain-lain. Untuk berlaku lebih adil dan saksama DAP mestilah membina lebih banyak rumah mampu milik yang diperlukan oleh golongan berpendapatan rendah. Ada juga pengumuman melalui media oleh kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang menyatakan bahawa ada pembinaan rumah murah/mampu milik yang banyak tertumpu di seberang, itu pun projek-projek terdahulu yang telah dirancang oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional sebelum PRU ke 12.

    Umum juga sedia maklum bahawa kerajaan Pusat (Barisan Nasional) secara berterusan membantu rakyat Pulau Pinang dengan melaksanakan beberapa pembangunan tertentu walaupun kerajaan negeri dikuasai oleh Pakatan Pembangkang (leads by DAP). Malah lebih dari itu di kesemua negeri-negeri tanpa mengambil kira dikuasai oleh Pakatan Pembangkang, kerajaan Pusat terus menjana pembangunan demi kepentingan rakyat. Maka jelas kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang ditunjangi oleh UMNO adalah sebuah kerajaan yang benar-benar bertanggungjawab, segala janji ditepati, tidak seperti Pakatan Pembangkang hanya bijak menabur janji tetapi majoritinya banyak tidak ditetapi, hanya bersifat manis di bibir dan cakap tak serupa bikin. Saudara Balance boleh menilai sendiri yang mana kaca dan yang mana intan.

    Sekian, terima kasih Yg Bhg Tun.

  34. Salam Tun.

    Dear madame HBT,
    DAP/PKR bailed out Deepak Jaikishan for RM170million!!!
    For political reasons, the DAP/PKR splashed RM170m to help settle Deepak’s loans to Kuwait Finance House.
    Guan Eng, that Singapuraean Tony Pua master-minded the settlement!

    So you’re wrong again, Deepak is actually BN’s new secret weapon! Not otherwise!

  35. Tun

    For Balance.

    On Lim Guan Eng and the State of Pulau Pinang, without the support of the Bumiputras, the Federal Government on improving the infra-structures and tourist facitlities , a cheap source of water and electricity etc., it is difficult for the Chief Minister to achieve normality in the State. Any BN Government as led by the UMNO in any State can do wonders by just attaining a standard of normality for the Rakyat. No need for Lim Guan Eng to be like Lee Kuan Yew to fly to the Moon.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. The BN as led by the UMNO is solid as a rock. Beware of the Pied Pipers of Hamelin (Malaysia)/Tales from the Grimm Brothers, Germany.

  36. Assalamualaikum WBT Yg Bhg Tun,

    Saudara Balance,

    Terima kasih kerana memberi respon terhadap pandangan saya mengenai DAP. Saya menyanjung Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan dan Resmi Negara Malaysia, jadinya saya teruskan dengan penulisan dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Kepincangan urustadbir politik DAP amat terserlah, satu contoh baru dalam KONVENSYEN ke 16 DAP, tiada seorangpun wakil Melayu dipilih untuk menganggotai CEC oleh perwakilan yang hampir seratus peratur bukan Melayu. Justeru ia menunjukkan bahawa DAP bukan parti berbagai kaum dan jauh menyimpang dari konsep Malaysian Malaysia yang saya fahami bersifat 1 Malaysia atau Malaysian Malaysia (parti komponen berbagai kaum seperti yang diuwar-uwarkan). Untuk menjernihkan suasana kepimpinan tertinggi DAP dengan cara rela paksa melantik dua orang wakil Melalyu menganggotai CEC.

    Di Pulau Pinang kerajaan yang diterajui oleh DAP tidak mengutamakan pembinaan rumah mampu milik bagi golongan berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana yang majoritinya terdiri dari bukan orang Tionghua. Sebagai contoh di kawasan Teluk Kumbar Pulau Pinang (saya ada saudara mara yang tinggal lama di kawasan Teluk Kumbar), semenjak PRU ke 12 kelihatan banyak projek rumah mewah dibangunkan dimana penduduk bukan Melayu majoritinya tidak mampu membeli rumah sedemikian kerana rata-rata harga setiap rumah melebehi RM500/=. Ada juga tanah-tanah milik bukan Melayu (diantaranya tanah pusaka) dibeli oleh pemaju untuk dibangunkan dengan projek mewah dengan izin kerajaan negeri yang diterajui oleh kerajaan DAP. Isu mengutamakan pembinaan rumah mewah di Pulau Pinang juga seringkali terpapar dalam berbagai akhbar dan media elektronik. Saya tak perlulah berhujah panjang lebar cukuplah sekadar yang saya tahu melalui yang saya lihat sendiri dan melalui maklumat-maklumat yang boleh dipercayai.

    Terima kasih sekali lagi saudara Balance atas keperihatinan anda. Malaysia negara Demokrasi, dan setiap rakyat Malaysia bebas memberikan pandangan dan pendapat masing-masing asalkan berhujah secara beretika, berhikmah dan tidak mencari cerja secara peribadi terhadap seseorang yang boleh menjurus kepada fitnah. Jika saudara Balance tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan saya, itu hak mutlak saudara. Cuma setiap pandangan harus dihormati, dimana saya juga menghormati pandangan saudara Balance. Hormat menghormati antara sesama manusia adalah suatu sifat yang mulia, dan ianya dikenalpasti sebagai satu mekanisma perpaduan kaum di Malaysia yang sentiasa terpelihara.

    Sekian, terima kasih.

  37. Correction to the sentence: “My religion has nothing to do with forcing other people to become Muslim.

  38. Dear HBT456,
    Sila baca betul-betul komen saya di bawah tu. Saya TIDAK sebut apa-apa langsung tentang memaksa orang bukan Islam menjadi Islam. You were probably referring to someone else’s opinion. That’s simply not the way I think. My religion is has nothing to do with forcing other people. I was talking about the young UMNO supporters who acted violently towards the Opposition. These violent young men should NOT be allowed to represent UMNO, the Malays and Muslims. UMNO is better than that.


    Can you please pinpoint how, why and what the DAP Govt have done wrong. I think a lot of people want to know and want to listen to your comments in details. Please remember to pinpoint the unfairness and how action can be taken to be fair


    NOTHING DEMOCRATIC: DAP’s congress was notable for not electing a single Malay to its CEC, a sign of the chauvinism in the party

    THE recently concluded 16th Democratic Action Party national congress gave multiracialism a whole new meaning. The party failed to return even a single Malay candidate, out of the eight who contested, to its central executive committee. “Malaysian Malaysia”, the party’s stock in trade, proved to be a bare-faced sham, in much the same way as the party’s other bombastic claims.

    DAP watchers are united in their verdict that the evidence the congress produced was inconvertible: the occasion will long be remembered by Malays as the definitive triumph of Chinese chauvinism over multiracialism. The “Chinoisnisation” of the party was complete.

    Mulltiracialism in the party’s political lexicon is a web of doublespeak or, not to put too fine a point on it, a pack of lies.
    So is the term “Democratic” in the party’s name.It is nothing if not a feel-good trap for the unwary.

    The truth has now been laid bare: the overwhelming majority of the Chinese membership of the party voted with their feet to send a clear and emphatic message that they wanted no part in changing the chauvinistic Chinese character of their party.

    It is clear for all to see that the Lim father and son had scant influence in this matter.

    There was no overt support for the Malay candidates and that was that.It is an unapologetically Chinese party, warts and all, founded to continue the failed People Action Party’s narrow Chinese agenda in the nascent federation.

    It is fair to say that the congress had left Malays in utter disillusionment, and in absolutely no doubt about their future under DAP.

    Ask any Penang Malay for a blow by blow account of what it is like living in Lim Guan Eng’s much trumpeted socialist paradise. How many Malays after all can afford to live on the island proper without the promised safety net of regular employment and affordable housing, which is yet to see the light of day more than four years after the promise was made to trusting, unsuspecting poor Malays and Indians?

    The Chineseness of the party is in striking contrast to the much maligned Malaysian Chinese Association.

    While unequivocally Chinese, MCA, unlike the Lim family dominated-DAP, understands that given the unique historical, social and economic imperatives that have shaped our fragile nation, playing the zero-sum-game is a suicidal option.Malays have worked constructively, in mutual trust and respect, with MCA.

    They have proved to be trustworthy and reliable partners in the demanding task of nation-building. Successive MCA leaders, without exception, have put national interests above sectarian considerations.

    The contributions of MCA to national unity, peace and prosperity have yet to be given full recognition by the people of our country.Chauvinistic Chinese such as those to be found in the serried ranks of DAP continue to mount their campaign of hate and lies.

    Unlike MCA, DAP as a party, in spite of protestations to the contrary, is Chinese to the core. It makes no concessions to Malay sensibilities: its elected members of parliament and state assemblymen refused, in a display of racial arrogance and defiance of an established practice following their unexpected 2008 election windfall, to don the songkok as it was a Malay headgear.

    Chairman Karpal Singh is on record as having issued what amounts to an edict prohibiting DAP members from accepting state awards from Malay rulers.

    One or two have gone ahead and accepted these honours, including one man who had made a song and dance over the wearing of the songkok on formal state occasions.

    These are the self-same people who at the drop of a hat will proclaim noisily their undivided loyalty to king and country.

    Can we trust them to govern a multiracial Malaysia?

    The Umno-MCA relationship is based on an instinctive understanding that in a complex society such as ours, the guiding principle as promoted and practised by Tunku Abdul Rahman is to “take some and give back some”.

    It is about mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance of our cultural diversity.The politics of hate as practised by DAP and its spiritual mentor, Pas, must be nipped smartly in the bud before they take root among the unthinking masses across our society.

    The future of our country must be predicated on a solid foundation of national unity, derived from a sense of a common destiny underpinned by fairness and equity.

    Their zero-sum-game promoted and nurtured so passionately as an article of faith must be rejected.The nation can ill-afford to experiment and gamble with what is a characteristically unMalaysian ideology, a luxury we can do without in our search for our Malaysian identity.

    You cannot say you have not been warned about the hidden traps DAP has set for the unwary.After all, what is apparent is not always real.

  41. Assalamualaikum WBT Yg Bhg Tun,

    Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang terdiri dari berbagai bangsa, agama dan budaya, kita telah sama-sama hidup dalam aman damai semenjak MERDEKA tahun 1957. Cuma ada titik hitam yang berlaku dalam tahun 1969 (peristiwa 13 Mei 1969) disebabkan oleh pengaruh anasir-anasir jahat yang berkepentingan politik tertentu. Atas redha Allah SWT keadaan kucar kacir tahun 1969 dapat dipulihkan oleh kebijaksanaan kepimpinan pada waktu itu (Perdana Menteri ke 2 Allahyarham Tun Hj. Abdul Razak bin Hussein). Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) diujudkan bagi tujuan mengseimbangkan ekonomi anatara kaum di Malaysia. Konsep perpaduan kaum diperkukuhkan. Hasil usaha murni itu telah menampakkan kejayaannya sehingga kini dan Insya’Allah buat seterusnya.

    2. Kita terus hidup aman dan damai. Bebas berusaha dalam berbagai bidang untuk kepentingan hidup. Kerajaan Barisan Nasional melalui berbagai program dan kini TRANSFORMASI demi pembangunan negara dan kesejahteraan seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang terdiri dari berbagai kaum, agama dan budaya tanpa mengambil kira perbezaan politik masing-masing (yang jelas bagi pihak/golongan yang menentang kerajaan Barisan Nasional juga tidak dipinggirkan dalam menikamati kejayaan arus pembangunan negara). UMNO dan bangsa Melayu Islam komponen majoriti rakyat Malaysia tidak pernah memusuhi mana-mana kaum lain yang berlainan agama, budaya dan anutan politik yang berbeza. Inilah semangat toleransi yang amat tinggi kaum Melayu Islam di Malaysia berlandaskan syariat Islam dan budaya murni orang Melayu itu sendiri. Namun demikian masih ada pihak-pihak tertentu, mungkin disebabkan pengaruh politik negatif yang menaikkan sentimen perkauman untuk meraih pengaruh politik, maka isu-isu perkauman (masalah perpaduan kaum) dibangkitkan semula. Usaha negatif sedemikian tidak membawa apa-apa kebaikan buat negara Malaysia.

    3. DAP (Democratic Action Party) dengan semangat Malaysian Malaysia, realitinya dalam tindakan politiknya amat bercanggah dengan jenama dan perinsip penubuhan partinya. Lihat sahaja apa yang berlaku di Pulau Pinang dibawah urustadbir DAP semenjak PRU ke 12 dimana kepentingan semua kaum tidak diambil berat (hanya kepentingan satu kaum tionghua sahaja yang diutamakan) oleh DAP yang menerajui kepimpinan negeri Pulau Pinang. Semangat Malaysian Malaysia tinggal atas kertas sahaja.

    4. Gabungan PKR, DAP & Pas dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang amat berbeza perinsip dan arah perjuangan parti masing-masing tidak akan mampu mengurus tadbir negara secara bersepadu, kerana masing-masing ada agenda tersendiri. Pakatan Rakyat hanya bergabung untuk meniru gabungan Barisan Nasional untuk meraih pengaruh politik. Benda tiru ni sudah dikenalpasti tak akan sama dengan yang original/tulin, seperti bila kita guna alat ganti yang tidak original, ia akan berakhir dengan prestasi yang tidak memuaskan dan tidak boleh bertahan lama.

    5. Marilah kita sama-sama mempertahankan segala kebaikan dan kemudahan yang tersedia sempurna kita manfaatkan. Untuk cuba yang baru dan tidak original hanya akan mengundang masalah.

    Sekian, terima kasih dan Wassalam.

  42. Ohh, rupa2nya, lu sakit hati jugak.

    Gua punya orang macam mana?

    Kalau gua kasi lu tahu, lu tarak cakap Mandarin dan Tamil, lu tarak boleh paksa gua belajar Jawi atau Bahasa Melayu sebagai bangsa Malaysia.

    Kalau gua kasi lu tahu, lu ini orang Muslim, lu tarak boleh paksa gua masuk Islam.

    Simple culture and tradition like this you as Malays also cannot follow, why anti others who are not Malays?

    You can’t blame us for not having confidence with Malays.

    You guys have doing this over and over again in all general elections by threatening Malaysians.

  43. To HBT456,
    I’m also a Malaysian, so I get both wishes from you? Thank you. Sayonara to you too. Lepas ni tolong jangan duk suka trolling sangat kat blog ni. Kalau kau nak tulis komen-komen atau kritikan-kritikan membina, ok lah jugak. Setakat menyerang orang lain tak tentu pasal, buat semak je.

  44. Kepada HBT 456,
    Adakah saudara/saudari merujuk kepada saya apabila menggunakan istilah “budak yang cakap besar” itu? Sila baca komen saya di bawah tu betul-betul. Saya tidak cakap besar pun.

  45. Kerajaan Melayu has spent so much of their hard earned income in modernizing Malays to love the Malay land and the majority race to serve Malaysians.

    If Kerajaan Melayu still tolerate sikap cakap besar macam budak ini their Ministries, Malays will be played out by their own race.

  46. Salam, Tun!
    Sejak dulu-dulu lagi saya bersetuju dengan Tun dalam soal agama (walaupun orang Melayu lain selalunya menjadikan agama sebagai alasan untuk menyerang Tun). Saya tidak suka pada golongan yang fikir mereka lebih Islam daripada orang Islam yang lain. Malangnya, orang Melayu sudah dididik bahawa mereka tak boleh pertikaikan apa-apa sahaja yang diajar oleh ustaz/ustazah mereka, maka kalau ustaz/ustazah itu mengikut fahaman Islam cara samseng, maka Islam cara samseng jugalah fahaman anak murid tentang agama Islam itu sendiri.

    Bercakap tentang samseng ni, saya cuma ada permintaan kecil buat Tun atau mana-mana pemimpin UMNO yang lain (tapi Tun lah yang paling berpengaruh). Bagi saya, anak-anak muda yang menyokong UMNO tidak patut bertindak samseng membaling batu, botol kaca, cat dan sebagainya kepada pihak Pembangkang dalam acara-acara Pembangkang. Tindakan samseng ini memberi nama yang buruk kepada UMNO sendiri. Kalaulah Tun bersuara tentang perkara ini, saya yakin ramai akan mendengar nasihat Tun. Pembangkang pun tak boleh lagi berkata bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO berdiam sahaja tentang perkara itu.

    Baiklah Tun. Itu saja buat kali ni. Saya doakan kesihatan Tun dan semoga kita dapat bertemu lagi bila-bila nanti (dah lama dah tak jumpa Tun). Terima kasih.

  47. Unless Hadi Awang can take off his kopiah and wear western coat for the sake of Malaysians to campaign for PM seat if he thinks that he is much more capable than PM Najib, the most tedious, dynamics, time consuming and demanding job scope in Malaysia.

    As for traditional costume, he can choose to wear kopiah style and not Baju Melayu to show us that he is Muslim.

    If he really wants to the PM, he should start wearing coat to show us the PM look.


    PAS is weak in Sabah and Sarawak that they have no confidence at all.

    PAS is afraid of loosing votes in Peninsula because of the “Allah” word.


    Because PAS is the one that “mengkafirkan” UMNO via “Allah” word.

    I do not know how DAP can convince us to vote PR.

    It looks like the chances for Anwar Ibrahim to be the PM is dimmer each day.

    I am wondering if Hadi Awang be the PM because of DAP, if he insist to his kopiah ala Taliban style, how foreigners perceive Malaysians ar?

  49. We should be happy that Government has increased the age for retirement to 60 years old for public and private sectors to ease our burden from inflation pressure beyond our control.

    Old aged parents now can work not only to make money for their personal expenses without burdening their children, they can be healthier and can pass time easily with scope of jobs and colleagues

    Our children can work to sustain their housing, car loans and children expenses with their spouses.

    If they want to buy electronic items and furniture, they can sign for monthly installments via credit cards.

    As Malaysians, all of us must work until we can’t work anymore.

    Tun Dr MM is good example of senior government officer who work day and night including Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

  50. Assalamualaikum WBT Yg Bhg Tun,

    Isu Pas mengkafirkan UMNO melalui AMANAT HJ. HADI AWANG (sekarang Presiden Pas) yang dibuat dalam tahun 1981 dimana Yg Bhg Tun mula memegang jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri ke 4, selepas lebih dari 31 tahun yang lalu kembali hangat diperkatakan setelah dibangkitkan semula oleh bekas aktivis dan orang Pas sendiri melalui berbagai media. Isu ini juga mendapat komen-komen tertentu dari bekas-bekas ahli Pas sendiri yang mengesahkan dakwaan Pas mengkafirkan UMNO.

    2. Komen-komen yang bernas juga timbul dari kalangan ilmuan Islam termasuk para ulamak, NGO Islam dan individu-individu tertentu. Semua komen terarah meminta Datuk Hj. Hadi Awang membuat penjelasan dan menarik balik “Amanatnya yang mengkafirkan UMNO” kerana kesannya amat serius yang menjejaskan perpaduan sesama Islam (berlaku pecah belah) khususnya antara UMNO dan Pas sehingga ke saat ini walaupun amanat itu telah berlalu lebih dari 31 tahun yang lalu.

    3. Datuk Hj. Hadi Awang seharusnya bertindak membetulkan keadaan. Sebagai seorang pemimpin Islam Datuk Hj. Hadi Awang mestilah berani bertindak dengan jujur, ikhlas dan terbuka membetulkan segala kesilapan dan mengembalikan semula Ukhuwah sesama Islam (walaupun berbeza anutan politik). Jika ini berlaku (pengakuan kepada kesilapan) Datuk Hj. Hadi Awang akan dihargai dan disanjung tinggi oleh masyarakat Islam sebagai pemimpin yang berjiwa besar (bertindak bersesuaian dengan syariat Islam). Perdana Menteri Malaysia YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Hj. Abdul Razak, dengan begitu berani dan berjiwa besar mengikut syariat Islam mengakui segala kesilapan UMNO/BN yang terdahulu dan berhasrat secara jujur dan ikhlas membetulkan segala kesilapan demi negara dan kepentingan rakyat Malaysia. UMNO/BN tidakpun terjejas akibat dari tindakan berani mengakui kesilapan oleh Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib, malah sokongan terhadap UMNO/BN terus meningkat hari demi hari. Ambillah pesanan orang tua-tua melalui bidalan “Tidak Hilang Bisa Ular Menyusur Akar”.

    4. UMNO tidak kafir dengan mengekalkan perlembagaan persekutuan yang telah termaktub semenjak Malaysia mencapai kemerdekaan dari penjajahan British. Islam terus berkembang maju melalui berbagai program yang tersusun rapi hasil usaha jujur, ikhlas berlandaskan keimanan dan taqwa ke hadhrat Allah SWT oleh UMNO melalui kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Dukacita sehingga ke saat ini Pas masih enggan mengiktiraf segala pencapaian cemerlang demi kepentingan Islam oleh hasil usaha UMNO kerana masih mengekalkan amanat Hj. Hadi Awang yang mengkafirkan UMNO dan UMNO/BN adalah kerajaan yang ZALIM.

    5. Mudah-mudahan Allah SWT memberikan petunjuk kepada jalan yang benar buat Pas.

    Sekain, terima kasih dan Wassalam.

  51. SalamTun.

    Hear ye, hear ye, middleages a.k.a the enlightened one,
    Someone just barged in and trying hard to grab one of the titles that I bestowed upon you, you are not going to be THE JESTER for long. I’m giving it to a cranky hippy-tippy kopi-o teh-tarik cendol pulut guy that almost cracked my funnybone! He he he …., can’t stop laughing.
    Congratulations mr. dacing BN, oops ‘balance’. Tersasul pulak!

    No hard feeling eh balance. Just like you said, “genuine thinking ha ha ha sori little tumor, oops humor”. Asyik2 tersasul aje saya kali ini!!

    To balance,
    I love to read some of your ala mumbo jumbo hey rojak beatle …..LET IT BE as there will be an answer …..fantastic quotes!!!
    You really stunned every other visitor here in Tun’s blog!
    Thank you senor balance!

    I’ll continue later, can’t control my ‘shakin’ stevens’ fingers right now, gotta wipe my eyes from too much giggling!

  52. What balance commented is subjected to individual, his job and place that he is working and staying.

  53. dont convertGoods, food are not expensive in Singapore if you dont do conversion. If you earn Singapore dollar you can buy more then Malaysia Ringgit. Most manufacturer and International goods trade in USD so with Malaysian ringgit trading at 3.XX times to USD and Singapore Dollar trading at 1.XX times to USD, how can we enjoy and be right??

    Real estate is expensive in S’pore so rental follows that is normal due to island status.

    Example. With S$2.80 you can get a fresh orange juice at food court (cleaner and better toilet then our coffeeshop & mamak shop) that contained 3 oranges (some called it neat). Can we get it here? (dont convert)

    So what smart Singaporean do is that they go to places with lower money value to buy just like Malaysian used to go to Hatyai many many years ago to buy and enjoy because our money is of higher value to Thai baht back then but now we need to go to Vietnam and Myanmar and maybe Papua New Guinea.

    Our Govt. have not been doing a good job dont blame others for our failure. Malaysian focused wrongly about ourselves many years ago and did not foresee the quick changes and was slow to response and evolve. All of the world people cannot have the same reasons and same thinking about our money value. If our money is really valuable nothing can stop it from moving up (free market). There will always be people to lobby their businesses, thoughts, value of money and etc and it is our responsibility to response and protect. If Malaysia have no defense dont blame others, we spend alot of money to do so many unnecessary things cant we spend money to improve our image. I guess what dont make money for a few people in Malaysia is considered not important.

    Crying over spilled milk, crying wolf, shouting sour grapes and putting fear into people’s mind will not improve Malaysia. There will always be supporters and enemies to any countries in the world and it is up to Malaysian to defend Malaysia. With all the natural resources in Malaysia our money is so much lower then Singapore should make us think. We were top producer of tin, rubber, palm oil, petroleum, electronic and etc for so many years and still our money is 2.xx times lower then Singapore. What Singapore have? Electronic and people, they dont even have water!!!!!

    Like to support our Govt. but how to support when life is going backwards. Mega project only enjoy by some what about the man-on-the-street. There can be hundreds of multi-million ringgit projects but only a few will get the huge profit and the man-on-the-street still get only the fixed salary but price of food is going up like mad because our ringgit value keep dropping. The money to buy those unnecessary war machines should have been used to defend our money and improve the rakyat life by giving more subsidy to food and transportation. Look at a few countries that keep borrowing and issuing more bonds, the citizen is suffering now. Malaysia should be debt free as we produce and export so many things.

    Fund Managers and Money Market Traders will flow and rush to Malaysia if we have good value and nothing the US or Jews Govt can do anything about it. Further more not all fund managers and money traders are Jews and Americans. Are Arabs and Islamic countries investors putting more of their money here or somewhere else example Singapore?

    Cannot always think we are right
    Should observer the sign of failure
    Should be patriotic but not blindly
    Should be filial piety to our country by improving it

  54. Tun

    I fully support the latest comment by Fikrisoleh. The Singaporean Malays will be the one of the few groups which will have a brighter future because of their spirituality and this is the main reason why Lee Kuan Yew keeps on topping up with rich Chinamen and Indiamen to replenish the depleting 1% elite.

    Vote BN always as led by the UMNO. It is rock solid !

  55. Balance,

    “One thing for sure about the Singapore Malays is that they are enjoying their life because they are getting 2.5 time more in everything and anything then anyone (what ever the race) in Malaysia due to their Govt. ability to rise their money value to about 2.5 time more then Malaysia and that is ACHIEVEMENT.”

    FYI Tun had posted an entry about the Malay in Singapore. Look in the archive.

    I used to read a post by Singaporean blogger who said, he keeps traveling to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia to buy cheaper things (he is a collector) compared to what he can find in S’pore. Singaporeans also keep coming to Malaysia to spent their money (see the ending ‘s’? That represent thousands per year actually). Goods and life are expensive in S’pore. Is that achievement? S’pore rich? We also rich. You don’t see poor people because S’pore is small. Same like Brunei, no poor people there. Do they also achievers? Our govt have larger responsibility to cater compared to puny island of S’pore or small country like Brunei. (Can you compare ant with elephant – which can hide faster/easier?). I think Tun also have discussed about this.

    Importantly, not many realize, S’pore is ‘famous’ to the world because the govt of S’pore bow to their ‘Tok Kong’ (Westerners and the Jews). They also famous not because of who they are, but because the ‘tok kong’ hates Tun M and Malaysia. If you study the ‘recognition’ of the world upon the countries around the world, you will find Malaysia is still similar to Timor Leste! Puny island like S’pore can be spotted more easily by foreigners compared Malaysia?!! Why? Because ‘someone’ or ‘somebody’ (most probably is among the ‘tok kong’) is campaigning the world to avoid Malaysia from the world map. Don’t be surprise. This is also due to our beloved Tun M who kept his stand against the Western tyrants, and because Malaysia is the ‘hero’ for developing and Muslim’s countries. To that ‘somebody’, Malaysia is a ‘threat’. This ‘campaign’ is still happening right now even after Tun M has left the govt. Because Malaysia are still gaining recognition from the 3rd world to lead them to go against the ‘giant’.

    Well, enough said. I think Malaysia is progressing greatly and i do think we are still the best in nation development.

    (Sorry Tun. Ok, i promise this is last from me on the ‘Boko Haram’)

  56. Salam Tun

    “Inilah yang sering berlaku apabila sekumpulan orang Islam anggap hanya mereka sahaja yang betul-betul Islam dan orang Islam lain tidak Islam dan boleh dibunuh.”

    Judging from this comment board, yahoo and all other examples on Malaysian politics, what you said is not far from reality. I can see its coming.

    I am not a pious scholar who can pass judgement not even to a hooker on the street. But I really hate some Islamic scholars who’s profession is to condemn others. It so happen that when you become a little more Muslim than the other you are taught to condemn, judge and even punish other people. What happen to the beautiful part of Islam itself? Have we lost our compassion? Has it not been a surprise that Churches gave more charity than the Masjids.

    Simply by voting for PAS can get you to heaven is too good to be true….If you ask me, I prefer dakwah than politics in Islam. But some pendakwah can be painfully political also…..

  57. Awaken is a easy to say but not easy to achieve. People that dont respect others are people that are blinded by hate and anger. These people must find or achieve inner happiness before they understand and can see thing clearer which is wakening. Awakening is for ourselves not for others and cannot be shared as each have his/her own way of achieving inner happiness.

    There are no followers or leaders there are only people that prefer a happier or sad life. People with same positive thoughts and emotion will group together and so will negative group and what so wrong with that. Just because someone is negative or positive we should “hantam” him/her with sarcastic words, i think this is devilish and the signature of dark side of human.
    A small opinion:- Argument is not quarreling, argument is a constructive conversation between two people or group trying to win over the other. Each should try to win peacefully without hammering someone to the ground.

    If BN win we still go on life as usual and if PKR win we are still the same. The future of a country is every one or group task not just 1 or 2 politicians or parties can change for us. I think whoever win will still steal and rob the country unless we the public/citizen stop them. Those who win the election will look for loophole to rob, they will use race, religion and millions other excuses and tricks to enrich themselves and that is human nature.

    The comments about Malays in Singapore is not fair as we are not them, let them tell us what they feel and not the other round. One thing for sure about the Singapore Malays is that they are enjoying their life because they are getting 2.5 time more in everything and anything then anyone (what ever the race) in Malaysia due to their Govt. ability to rise their money value to about 2.5 time more then Malaysia and that is ACHIEVEMENT. Over here in Malaysia we can talk until sore and shout who is clever, more knowledgeable, holier, who is more supreme, who is right or wrong but our money value is still so low and our life is still the same. Why? Because we give too much free hand to a few people to run our life. Why vote because of race or religion and suffer. What if everyone vote for Independent Person instead of the same few parties and faces, life may be better or worst but at least we find out and we tried.

    Reading is not necessary knowledge
    Teaching is not necessary learning
    Understanding is not necessary knowing
    Asking is not necessary don’t know

  58. Salam Tun.

    Saya ingin merenung sejenak kata2 Tun,

    “Kita orang Melayu di Malaysia semuanya terdiri dari Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah dan berimam dengan Imam Shafie. Sepatutnya kita tidak menghadapi apa-apa masalah fahaman Islam yang berbeza-beza. Malangnya Islam diperalatkan oleh segolongan politikus sehingga berlaku tuduhan bahawa orang yang tidak bersama dengan parti mereka tidak Islam dan murtad.”

    Orang2 saperti abdulazizomar (thambi aao) sentiasa bersetuju dan memuji setiap kali Tun menulis, tetapi mengamalkan kefahaman yang berlainan. Banyak lagi terdapat tulisan Tun yang menunjukkan/berasaskan kebenaran dan jauh bercanggah dengan perbuatan nya, tetapi dia tidak sedikit ada perasaan segansilu dan berterusan dengan perangai hipokrat dengan terus memuji dan berterimakasih kepada Tun.
    Sepatutnya thambi aao menegur Tun!!

    Begitu jugalah dengan middleages yang telah mati dan hidup kembali sebagai Age_of_Enlightenment(AoE). Dia menyelar tanpa henti2 kerajaan sentiasa tak betul termasuk semasa 22 tahun pimpinan Tun, tetapi tak pernah mengata atau pun kutuk Tun. Malah sentiasa mengucap terimakasih kepada Tun pada penutup tulisan nya.

    The hypocrites

  59. After a few decades of being propaganda politically and pampered by Malay Supremacy via UMNO, I do not expect local Malays can stand on their own immediately like Singapore Malays.

    Is it good for them to join NGOs & make their noises just to show that they are not happy to be heard when Malaysians, the non-Malays, are forking out their own money to upgrade themselves for better lifestyle in terms of social and religion values?

    Today, they have to compete with non-Malays personally, politically, nationally and internationally to make livings.

    If Malay leaders still prefer the old ways of doing things, that is to give them projects in the name of belas kasihan even though they are not cleared of bankruptcy, failed and do not have the capability and know how in handling projects just to make them feel secure to get their supports and votes, they are turning Malays to join opposition parties or NGOs because no race in the world can tolerate such attitude.

    For those Malays who cannot stand my comments as UMNO, PAS and PKR members, please ignore this comment of mine as I have made myself clear to the owner of chedet that I am not a member of any political party.

    Today, PAP and Singapore Government are working hard to change the perception of Nanny state.

    Today, BN and Malaysia Government are working hard to change the perception of Malay Supremacy state.

    Can they succeed?

  60. Salam Tun.

    Welcome back abdulazizomar(aao).
    Very well spoken.
    “I have read some of the comments and I noticed that some of them mentioned my name for God knows why….”. That’s a very clear sign of hypocrisy, pretending to be innocent!

    The man who said of wajaperak, “Kamu buta ke?” and next turned to me and exclaimed “kamu gila”, and finally finishing off his sermons with the typical beautiful words of a preacher, “Sudin, I’m a nice man”.

    I hope aao can remind his former protege middleages on the anti-Mohamaddan sect that the former helped explained in depth, since the latter has denied its existence. Unless of course aao play the pretended-to-forget lying game as well!

    Seems aao is now looking for someone to become a new protege, and has the likelihood of opting to for blogger ‘balance’, of all people!
    Good luck to ‘balance’.

  61. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Tun,

    1. Ramai dikalangan orang melayu di Malaysia kini telah mempunyai pendidikan yang tinggi. Dengan berbekalkan kemahiran dan pendidikan tersebut mereka berasa mereka boleh menyumbangkan sesuatu kepada masyarakat, negara dan dunia. Seterusnya ingin meningkatkan lagi kecemerlangan Malaysia.

    2. Di dalam masa yang sama, dengan kelebihan akses ilmu, media, berita dunia dan pendidikan yang meluas, melayu generasi kini cenderung untuk mendalami dan memahami Islam dengan lebih mendalam. Dengan pendidikan yang ada, melayu kini tidak lagi ber’taklid’ buta dengan agama. Lebih ramai yang memahami dan mendekati semula ajaran agama sebenar serta meninggalkan ajaran-ajaran yang salah.

    3. Maka tertubuhnya pelbagai NGO-NGO baru yang mempunyai tujuan yang murni dan mampan dalam memperkasakan lagi melayu dan islam. Mereka bukan hanya bercita-cita kampung, malah tersusun berorganisasi dan berperancangan untuk membantu masyarakat Islam, melayu, Malaysia, dan dunia.

    4. Kadang-kala NGO-NGO ini berasakan mereka tidak diraikan oleh kumpulan politik tertentu. Maka mereka lebih cenderung kepada mereka yang meraikan mereka. Meraikan, bukan mengongkong atau mengubah pendirian atau organisasi mereka.

    5. Kumpulan yang berkuasa boleh dikatakan kadang kala terlalu rigid, hinggakan golongan ini tidak mendapat ruang di dalam memperjuangkan perjuangan NGO mereka. Mereka tidak mahu dikepalai ahli-ahli politik untuk bergerak, namun hanya memerlukan sokongan bersama secara telus. Politik seharusnya menyokong perkembangan sihat ini, dan tidak mengongkong atau mengabaikan perkembagan ini. Mewakili rakyat, bukan mengarahkan/mengacuankan rakyat, mereka yang bukan acuan, diabaikan. Kita kadang-kadang terlalu merah dan kuning sehinggakan lupa sebahagian kita ada putih dan hijau. Raikan putih dah hijau tersebut.

    6. Dengan tidak meraikan mereka, mereka akan pergi kepada kumpulan yang meraikan mereka. Kemudian, secara senyap-senyap kumpulan tersebut boleh mengalihkan mereka kepada acuan yang lebih ekstrim.

    7. Boleh diibaratkan, anak remaja yang meminati pisau. Jika raikan dan dipimpin oleh chef, maka pandailah dia memasak. Jika diabaikan dia akan mencari ‘kawan’ yang lebih sesuai dengan minatnya. Jika raikan dan dipimpin oleh kumpulan seperti Boko Haram, lain pulak jadinya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    p.s. Age of Enlightment, sudah-sudahlah tu belit.

  62. Salam Tun,

    I would like to wish happy belated birthday to you. May Allah bless you with good health always and place you among the winners in the Hereafter.

    The next GE is not far away and we already see a lot of improvement from BN government trying to spin the wind of change onto their side. I hope that the people of Malaysia will vote freely without any hesitation and to make sure that Malaysia is always under the right government that would bring us forward. Sometimes when I think about new PM, I have always wish that I can have you back as our PM. All Malaysians are very grateful to Allah for giving us a PM of your caliber. Imagine if Indonesia have you as their President? I am sure Indonesia will be much better than they are today.

    I have read some of the comments and I noticed that some of them mentioned my name for God knows why….

    For those who do not know how to debate, please just stop it right there and do something else better for yourself. You know who you are…Tun’s blog does not need comments like that.

    Tun, I hope Islam will bounce back sooner or later. Not necessarily in Malaysia, but it can kick start in Malaysia. We have some good people among all the believers of each religions practiced here and I believe they can lead each group of respecting each other, tolerating one another, and live peacefully side by side without any hatred within them. If this can be achieved, then we will surely reach a level where there is no more people talking about who is right and who is wrong.

    We are not here to win anything. We are here only to serve our Creator. And to do so, we have to follow what is written in the book of Quran for Muslims, or Old Testament for the Jewish or New Testament for the Christians. But one must remember that Quran supersedes the rest because Quran is a complete Book and the last Book. Therefore, I suggest that we all should read Quran and follow the message written in it. For those who still insist of not believing in the Quran as the true message from Allah, then so be it. Nobody is wrong or right. It is a belief. Everybody is entitle to theirs. Let Allah decide among the people.

    In this blog, some people like to label some people with names and mock them. They write some irrelevant issues and proclaimed themselves to be a good Muslim and others are not good. This is just plain stupid. You should sometimes mirror yourself before talking about others. For those who are sincere with finding the truth, they will find it with Allah’s blessings, God willing. But for those who always mock others and trying to take credit away from others, they will find the truth from Allah too….hope they will realize before it is too late.

    I like ‘Balance’ comment on this issue. I enjoy reading your posting.

    Thank you so much Tun….

    God bless us all…

  63. Salam Tun,
    Bacalah bagaimana AoE putarbelit petikan Tun untuk menghentam Islam dan mengata orang2 islam jahat

    Age_of_EnlightenmentDecember 24, 2012 at 6:53 PM | Permalink
    Salam Tun,

    Agama Islam adalah agama keamanan, agama yang mengajar kita supaya melaku adil dan tidak mencetuskan huru-hara.
    Tun, berulang kali ayat di atas di ungkap oleh para ulama and pemimpin Islam merata dunia.
    Tetapi jelas umay Islam tidak mengikut jalan ini dan senantiasa ingin memaksa orang lain berundur untuk Islam mereka. Bererti, Islam di gunakan sebagai senjata.
    Adilkah orang bersenjata lawan dengan orang yang tiada senjata ? Untuk mengekalkan keamanan, orang yang tiada bersenjata akan berundur. Sampai ke mana hendak berundur ? Sehingga tiada suara, tiada cita rasa, and tiada lansung kebebasan ?””

    amin tan

  64. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to address Mr Fikrisoleh
    fikrisoleh December 24, 2012 at 1:24 PM | Permalink
    ”’To all the commentators, I don’t see any benefits of your quarrel here.””

    Dear Mr Fikrisoleh,

    In a forum like this you can expect difference of opinions. Do not say it is quarrel. Some people like Age of Enlightenment deserves to be treated that way for the following reasons
    1. He is intellectually and morally dishonest. He said he is a Malay and at the same time he said he has no religion. He continues to attack the Malays saying they are backward and discriminate against Chinese and Indians.
    2. Please study his writing carefully. He is a godless communist out to create chaos and anarchy in Tun’s blog by belittling Islam and the Malays and undermining the legally elected government of the day.
    3. He is PKR’s spy in Tun’s blog. He has been trying to promote PKR in Tun’s blog to replace UMNO. Don’t ever try to convert him because he will pretend to be converted and stab you in the back later. In loghatul Quran they say he is a munafiqin.

    amin tan

  65. Salam Tun,

    Agama Islam adalah agama keamanan, agama yang mengajar kita supaya melaku adil dan tidak mencetuskan huru-hara.

    Tun, berulang kali ayat di atas di ungkap oleh para ulama and pemimpin Islam merata dunia.
    Tetapi jelas umay Islam tidak mengikut jalan ini dan senantiasa ingin memaksa orang lain berundur untuk Islam mereka. Bererti, Islam di gunakan sebagai senjata.

    Adilkah orang bersenjata lawan dengan orang yang tiada senjata ? Untuk mengekalkan keamanan, orang yang tiada bersenjata akan berundur. Sampai ke mana hendak berundur ? Sehingga tiada suara, tiada cita rasa, and tiada lansung kebebasan ?

    Saya berpendapat soal asas nya dan kunci kebebasan minda ialah pendidikan.

    Terima Kasih Tun

  66. Salam Tun,

    I will not waste my time with sudins insults and threats. He can take continue and spoil his own image and good name in this blog.

    Malays like sudin are unable to fathom the reality of life, that we humans have each our own way of relating to God. And this is a national issue to all Malaysians, resulting in disrecpect of other religions and growth of extremism, unchecked. Therefore , PM Najib calll for us to respect other religions if we wish our own religion to be respected is relevant. I think i would agree with PM Najib than submit to sudins threats.

    And so in supporting the call by Mubarak Chan to not spoil this blog, i will say no further nor prolong the response to sudin. He can remain in his tempurung happily.

    Now on to Sir Mubarak Chan,

    I would not argue on his championing BN and his excellent arguments. ( unlike sudin who only can deliver threats , and we are all afraid, yes ). There is no record to show PRs performance as leading Malaysia, yes, because no one has ever ruled Malaysia except for BN.

    Then can one can say everybody else will not do a better job, because there is no track record ever ? What kind of a logic is this ? It is like telling someone at school they will do well, because they never sat for exams before. It is failing the candidate before even trying, not allowing any chance of trying. But to this end i would like to see what the Malaysian voters say. Personally, i do not buy this kind of argument. You might as well say anyone who is not in the government cannot be the government because there is no record of proven performance. And thence rule forever.

    And to HBTs suggestion on December 24, 2012 at 6:47 AM

    But has Sir Mubarak think hard enough that new Malaysians no longer katak di bawah tempurung?

    Will new Malaysians be generous enough to give another 5 years to UMNO Baru again when voters have so many choices out there?

    Has Sir Mubarak think hard enough to let a race that is dominated by Muslim militants for few decades in the Philippines and Palestine to mix under the same roof top with Malaysia’ non-militant races?

    I do think it cannot mix. That is not however the issue. The issue is who or what formula should take the lead. In simple terms, BN leads by racial composition, while PR leads by ideological composition.

    Personally, i am sick and tired of the racial composition, because it promotes many bad values and leads to many unhappy incidences of racial discrimination.

    But Malaysians may still want to tolerate this way and go on simple for the sake of “lets not rock the boat”. No real harmony, only tolerance, tolerance , tolerance. No spirit of real unity under one nationality, under one flag.

    Of late, this has become very hot, because i think the abuses have become so widespread that even ordinary Malaysians are questioning why are the bad people with bad values at the top and in responsible positions , while the good ones are told to shut up.

    This is exactly the crisis we are facing.
    And that is why we need a new method of governance. It has to me noting to do with personalities or characters, but a recipe we can be happy and confident with.

    Are we confident with BN being fair to all races , all Malaysians, based on “track record” ?
    I don’t think my own personal answer is even worth printing here. We all know what we have had to go through and to “tolerate”.

    Thank You Tun

  67. Tun

    For fikrisoleh, arising from your honest opinion, I have noted that the Malay Civilization has arisen after centuries of subjugation through the rise and rise of Indonesia and Malaysia. Events in the Muslim countries is just the beginning of the rise and rise of the Islamic Civilization in the 21st Century which were carved up between the British and the French after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1919 in the 20th Century. Vide BBC.

  68. Tun

    For fikrisoleh, it is very good that you express your honest opinion about the comments emanating from this distinguished Blog which I consider it is the Tun’s brainwave. Your honest opinion is what it should be. Honest – because in our Malaysian Democracy everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.

    Do you know that this distinguished Blog is the ONLY one of Malaysian origin which permits an exchange of views transparently like these comments. If the perpetrators of comments directed at others personally then only it becomes a quarrel and emotive.

    For my part I only counter if comments are directed at me personally because I have no fear of revealing facts. Why should anyone fear or kow-tow to Lee Kuan Yew a public figure for example ? And I always supported my comments with true facts and no rubbish or nonsense. Please read all my comments since August 2011.

    This distinguished Blog underlines the real Malaysian Democracy at work and alive.

    Do you know I am banned in all the Opposition Blogs including half-past six ones ? Is this Malaysian Democracy ? And obscenities, vulgarities and profanities were pour on my head when I produced the facts to shut me up ? If we submit, the price will be very heavy for all of us to pay. Look at Japan and Germany, their leadership misled them in the 1930s and the Americans are still there in force since 1945 – 67 years ago.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Please strengthen our way of Malaysian Democracy which is alive and well.

  69. To all the commentators, I don’t see any benefits of your quarrel here. For the sake of Tun’s blog visitors, pls settle your emotions somewhere else. The other visitors may only interested with the related comments. Your comments should be related with the blog’s post, more useful. Don’t waste other people (and the admin) time. I don’t think Tun setup his blog for a long-running, useless ‘forum’ like what you all did. (that is why i limit my previous comments).

  70. Tun

    For Madame HBT456. Referring to your comments on botany, the only forest I know is the Black Forest, Bavaria, Germany.

    For my friend who morphed from the Middle Ages into the Age of Enlightenment sic thanks to your distinguished Blog, Tun.

    First, I like to explain that I wished I am on perpetual holiday somewhere ( my enemies will clap their hands ) and do not have to debate here. But the one-sidedness of the Opposition’s untruths, the twisting, the creation, the spinning, the huge money used, the determination to gain power, the disregard of facts, the overkill, the pouring of venom on distinguished leaders, the vulgarity, the profanities, the obscenities hurled at them, the Lee Kuan Yew worshipping, etc, I could not stand back and be rolled over by this paper juggernaut.

    My intention is simple. To draw the attention of interested parties by poking their favourite icons like Lee Kuan Yew, the world’s best Singapore, meritocracy etc with facts and launder their brains with a’la Malaysia detergent. I always garnished my comments with world’s best facts from Singapore. None created by myself or Malaysia. What better support than real facts as emanated from the world’s best Singapore ? Agree ? Then, I would have done the critical job of wakening up the dozy minds who had been fed a lot of Singapore world’s best nonsense.

    Has anyone asked why it is so strange that some chaps and ladies in Malaysia worship Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore, meritocracy etc. at the very moment when they earn money for their existence in Malaysia ? Vide. My comments. Their ancestors sought a haven right here in good old Malaya and yet they do the round around in the streets of Kuala Lumpur and do the Long March with clean clothes and well-fed stomachs. Something must be wrong somewhere. It is not normal. And the Malaysian Chinese are the best treated in the world better than in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and all the other countries in the World !

    Comparatively, Malaysia is a runaway success in human terms as compared with the runaway failure of Singapore. 1959 – 2012. Vide. The Singapore Business Times. 1982. S. Rajaratnam. Foreign Minister – Sparta and Athens. Hans Christian Anderson – The Tortoise and the Hare. The Prince without Clothes. The Grimm Brothers – The Pied Piper of Hamelin. The independent United States Gallup Poll – ‘ Singapore is the World’s most emotionless country ‘ and ‘ Singapore is the World’s most unhappy country ‘.

    Taking a longer view, 2013 to 2063, not only will Singapore face the problems of demography and changing world politics and economics but flooding due to climate change, a shift in the tectonic plates in Sumatra just 200 km away, a terrorist might slip in with Polunin 210 etc. During this period, Singapore will have to make the following choices :-

    1. To become the 53rd State of the United States Union. We could say ‘ Selamat Pagi ‘ to
    America every morning just across the fence as the Johor Straits would have been filled in

    2. To become a colony of Great Britain like the Caymans.

    3. To merge with Malaysia

    4. Status quo.

    Malaysia will still be around in 2063 if the BN as led by the UMNO has been voted in the next General Elections.

    Second, in reply to the Enlightened One’s comments which I respect sincerely,

    1. Political philosophies of the BN as led by the UMNO and the Opposition are similar. The
    reason why I say this with due respect is that are none. This is the secret of the success
    of the BN as led by the UMNO. Every election is just a slugfest with the forthcoming
    General Elections the Mother of all slugfests because the Opposition somehow has tons
    and tons of money, and it is all head and no body !
    Hence, I ask what is the Domestic Policy and the Foreign Policy of the PR ?
    The BN as led by the UMNO can easily answer this question by saying just look at our
    record. We have always delivered as promised. And for the Opposition, there is no
    record but of some who were in the BN as led by the UMNO not too long ago.

    2. Administrative misdemeanours are diifferent from political philosophies in government.
    Let us strictly look at the purported loss of RM100 Billions as reported in ‘ Malaysian
    Maverick ‘. If we put this down to development expenditure from 1957 to 2003 since
    Malaysia is a developing country, this is an acceptable norm. Why ? Because today
    Malaysia is a runaway success in human terms as compared with Singapore which is a
    runaway failure. Malaysia is in peace, harmony and prosperity as at today. Thanks to
    Tun’s famous 22 year Administration in which he safeguarded our sovereignty, national
    interest, and self-esteem. After him, Malaysia had Singaporean cadres crawled over her
    body. At one moment, I thought we were a colony of Singapore and from then RM1 Trillion
    flowed out which is much trumpeted by the Opposition without thought. Vide. Sime Darby,
    New Straits Times, Khazanah’s treasure chests, TNB etc. etc.
    Hence, I always stressed that we should all go back to normality because we have strayed
    from the proven and well-trodden path of normality for far too long. Vide. All media.
    And Singapore’s loss of US$108 Billions or RM300 Billions ( official ) of her citizens Trust
    money by the much flaunted meritocratic pyramid with the smartest fellow on top in
    October 2008 on Wall Street ? This is an administrative matter too !
    On the one hand, Malaysia has the resources both human and natural and on the other.
    Singapore relies on confidence which could be translated into the only natural resource
    ‘ bluffology ‘ or bull-shit as the Malaysian riff-raff say. In the years ahead, Singapore’s
    main problem is how to maintain confidence in money terms which is to produce more
    and more rabbits out of the hat. You tell me how, the Enlightened One, in fast changing
    21st Century ?

    Third, on education, my children and grandchildren went through the whatever schools that are available in our beloved country and have top marks in the National Language. And they have top jobs too. I never make them jump 7 feet when they could jump over 2 feet and let them develop
    in the natural manner mentally. No necessity to be the No. 1 in the class. The key to establish in all our young ones from a very early age is confidence and self-esteem. These are very important virtues in a person in later years.

    Fourth, the media is important and Enlightened One, I used to travel to Singapore every month to up-date myself with news from the taxi-driver, the newspapers, friends, etc.etc. because before the advent of the Net, I found the news in KL is one month or more late. And strange to say, the gossips in Singapore about Malaysia are more up-to-date and accurate than in KL. Why ? As I always say to my friends,’ When you visit a doctor, sometimes you strip sometimes you don’t.
    but every time you see a banker ( Singapore ) you strip ALL.’

    Vote BN. All Malaysians. Especially the Malaysian Chinese. If you vote for BN as led by the UMNO in the 13th General Elections, you including all Malaysians will have good luck. 13 is my lucky number !

  71. Salam Tun.

    The jester proudly admitted he’s a confused man.

    My, my, my the pitiful ‘enlightened one’.
    After all the hard struggle by ‘abdulazizomar(aao) the preacher’ to come to his fovourite disciple middleages’s rescue, in stoutly supporting the latter’s announcement on forming “anti-Mohamaddan Islamic sect”, in return ‘middleages’ killed his ‘middleages’ namesake and did a reincarnation to become ‘Age_of_Enlightenment(AoE)’ while simultaneously declared “I’m a pagan!” and “I never utter ‘anti-Mohamaddan’ sect”.

    aao must really be broken-hearted.

    Just a friendly caution to AoE, take heed of the statement by ‘wajaperak’,

    “And Mr Self appointed Age of can claim whatever you wants but please refrain from playing with my religion..A word of caution….”

    especially now that your latest lie “Luckily i am not in politics” was proven to be wrong by Hj Amin Tan.
    PKR Subang Jaya branch committee member! Another carca-marba to lead PKR’. He he he.
    A confused man, a pagan, hardcore liar, a jester, a moron, now let’s see what else….

  72. No need to argue, and now I declare Sir Mubarak Chan won the argument without resistance.

    But has Sir Mubarak think hard enough that new Malaysians no longer katak di bawah tempurung?

    Ketuanan Melayu was brought up again during Pak Lah’s UMNO’s leadership.

    This was why Bahasa Malaysia replaced by Bahasa Melayu that represent only 50.4% of the population after 11th GE?

    This resulted UMNO loosing 2/3 majority in 12th GE.

    Will new Malaysians be generous enough to give another 5 years to UMNO Baru again when voters have so many choices out there?

    Has Sir Mubarak think hard enough to let a race that is dominated by Muslim militants for few decades in the Philippines and Palestine to mix under the same roof top with Malaysia’ non-militant races?

  73. Salam Tun

    Sudin calls….

    sudin on December 21, 2012 at 9:51 AM

    Humour is the best medicine.

    Thank you AoE (short for Age_of_Enlightenment @ Middleages). You’ve been most kind and willing to continuously complement the funnybone side in this otherwise mainly political and racial forum here in Tun’s blog.
    He campaigned to others not to vote BN because the government is building LRT to help ease his family’s transportation woes!
    He even hoodwinked ‘abdulazizomar the preacher’ with his so-called “Mohamaddan Islamic sect” admission!

    The undisputed moron who thinks he’s a great liar, and cherishing all the ridicules directed at him.

    Yes, a very intelligent answer to what question i do not know, but represents well how you react to situations. For all to see.

    BTW is it not “Mohamaddan Islamic sect” is it ? I though you guys were calling it “Anti-Hadiths sect” ?

    Whatever they are called, it seems you cannot dispute them, and so resort to yelling and name calling. A typical UMNO behavior today. Malu.

    And all this will bring us into what Tun calls an “advanced nation”, yes. Sure.

    Now can we find a topic to complain or argue ? I don’t think Tuns blog should be reduced to insults and jeering. If you cannot argue, then don’t.

    Thank You Tun

  74. Salam Tun,

    Your blog now is turning into pre-election philosophical battle between the giants of BN and those who differ in opinion and approach. It is getting more interesting, and perhaps more boring too as we see the same kind of argument by BN over and over again.

    mubarakchan said on December 22, 2012 at 7:01 PM

    With due respect, the deeds and creactions of the BN has led by the UMNO since 1946 are clear like those of the Royal Sultans. We must strictly separate political philosophies and administrative misdemeanours. We must separate the chaff from the wheat. We must separate in untruths from the truths. We must separate the fiction from the facts. Then, we can see the beauty o our beloved Malaysia today. Vide My previous comments based on facts as collected from the media.

    Sir Mubarak Chan does not speak the turth on what is reality as witnessed by the rest of us. Thus i am of the opinion he is biased without regards for truth and impartiality.

    We must strictly separate political philosophies and administrative misdemeanours.

    This is blatant and futile defense of what is simply the outcome of bad policies.
    Administrative misdemeanours can be due to incompetence, but it can also be due to blindly sitcking to policy without regard for or use of discretion and making exceptions. So political philosophy has tremendous and direct impact of administrative misdeamours. These administrative fouls are due to the policy and the policy is due to the philosophy. A sick philosophy.

    Vide My previous comments based on facts as collected from the media.

    Since when is the media a reliable source of data ? And since when is the media independent ? Media people toe the line of governments, afraid of losing business and their license. Thus they are afraid to tell the truth. But that is an understatement. Usually mainstream media will twist a story using words so that it seems the government did right and everybody else is wrong.

    We must separate the fiction from the facts.

    If we take education in this country as example, the fact is that it has been a sheer shame for BN notably UMNO. In the zest to please voters, racists and religious extremists, our schools have become madrasahs. The result is pupils from these schools and even those going to university level of “education” are relatively incompetent and incapable of decent communication due to language. The situation is appaling.

    It is these people who will continue what we built, but there is every chance they will make a mess of things, and we will slide back to become one of the poorer nations of Asean. And all this is because of English and bad attitude.

    Those are the facts, and what is fiction is that it is all fine, we are okay, we have thousands of thousands of graduates. And we keep denying there is a problem.

    So, politics and religion should be kept well out of school. But this will never happen under BN. Everyone knows that. Our children are victims of the system.

    Thank You Tun

  75. Tun

    For Madame HBT456 the fading Malaysian Rose amongst the thorns ?

    The difference between the the words ‘lose’ and ‘loose’ is for example

    Madame HBT456 the fading Malaysian Rose amongst the thorns hates to lose an argument so she lets off with her loose cannon. Par le vous Francais Madame ?

    Vote BN. All Malaysian especially the Malaysian Chinese. I am certain you know whether you are fish or fowl.

  76. Tun

    For Madame HBT456 the Malaysian Rose amongst the thorns.

    Aha Madame ! I always felt that I owe a responsibility and duty to this beloved country of ours, Malaysia. I am fully aware that we are imperfect and live in an imperfect world. Inside us, we know what is right or what is wrong. I do not like to teach others how to suck eggs. If I could create one little bit of iota about the real Malaysia and about our sovereignty, national interest and self-esteem, I would be very happy indeed for a whole life-time. There is a style of living Madame. And this should be the Malaysian style – we all stand proud, strong and tall.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Why should we change our incumbent BN Government as led by the UMNO at a whim ?

  77. Sir Mubarak Chan,

    FYI, I do not love or worship Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

    But there some thorny issues that we can pick up from his Singaporean political experiences and know how in leading a country.

    Similarly, there are some thorny issues that we can pick up from Malaysian Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad ‘s political experiences in leading a country.

    No matter what, you are still a dear senior Malaysian whom I will respect no matter how soft or thick skin you are.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and wife.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to YAB and wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Malaysian bloggers.

  78. Tun

    For Madame HBT456 the Malaysian Rose amongst the thorns.

    Another bout of heavy personal verbiage from you, Madame. I told you I have a very thick skin.

    My comments are in the interests of my beloved country Malaysia, all Malaysians including you Madame and for the edification of non-Malaysians that we stand proud, strong and tall as Malaysians despite attempts to put the inferiority complex into our mindset. This is what Tun has safeguarded us during his famous 22 year Administration and in recent years. Madame, you would call him a genuine Malaysian hero, would’nt you ?

    You may not agree with me that Malaysia is a runaway success in human terms due to the BN as led by the UMNO when compared to Singapore’s runaway failure during the same period 1959 to 2012. But I give you time to agree later. Hey Madame ! I am not claiming any credit.

    What I did was just the messenger to point out factually that the leaders of the BN and the UMNO like Tun and his predecessors and the Royal Sultans had practised humanity and recognised multiculturalism not only from 1946 but retrospectively back to centuries ago. They have a heart ! This we must remember.

    As for your beloved Lee Kuan Yew, you may ask him what I said in my comments were factually correct or not. He should know after all he achieved a wartime starred Double First in Law in the University of Cambridge and a probably Third Class in the Bar Finals London. His wife score 3rd out of possibly 300 candidates and my wife 7th out of 700 !

    Madame, are you fish or fowl ?

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. The BN as led by the UMNO is rock solid.
    This is the time to decide whether we all are fish or fowl like our Madame who chose wisely and admirably by promising to vote BN with her son. You can do no wrong by following her – the Malaysian Rose amongst the thorns !

  79. As Malaysian, if Ibnu Mukmin is not comfortable of riba via credit card that have caused many young Malaysians, khususnya, kaum Melayu, bankrupt, BNM has introduced debit card to tap consumers like him and me.

  80. Salam Tun.

    “….Ingatlah bagaimana dahulu PAS mendakwa UMNO kafir kerana bekerjasama dengan orang bukan Islam. Seperti yang dijanji dalam Al Quran tuduhan ini kembali kepada yang menuduh kerana mereka sekarang bekerjasama dan berpeluk-peluk dengan orang kafir,….”

    Apabila direnung kali kedua dan dengan penuh hati2 ungkapan Tun tersebut yang berlandaskan kebenaran melalui kenyataan yang dilafazkan sendiri oleh tok guru(?) N. Ajis dan yang menjadi tiang kepada amanat uztaz(?) Hadi, saya ingin membuat satu seruan agong kepada semua ahli PAS akan maksud tersirat yang MESTI mereka sedari:

    “Wahai ahli2 PAS, sedarlah kalian bahawa N. Ajis dan Hadi dengan secara langsung telah mengiktiraf PAS sebagai KAFIR.
    Kalian adalah ahli kepada PARTI KAFIR.
    Lupakah kalian akan pesanan pemimpin2 agong kalian bahawa jika kalian bekerjasama dengan kafir itu sudah memadai untuk kalian menjadi kafir?
    Insaflah kalian dan baliklah kepangkal jalan.”

    Yang paling seronok, UMNO hanya setakat dituduh menjadi kafir, TETAPI PAS mengkafirkan diri sendiri!!!

  81. Don’t worry about Malay and Malaysian wisdom, Sir Mubarak Chan.

    If Alfred has faith with Malaysian, I am sure Mr Mubarak Chan has faith with a loose cannon like me.

    By the way, you “badmouth” your relative, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, has showed that you are indeed a timid guy who can never take competition as the best way to upgrade yourself personally, nationally and internationally.

  82. What is Riba?

    Ibnu Mukmin is referring Finance company, contohnya, Arab-Malaysian Finance, Company?

    No wonder he thinks riba is haram.

    I think Arab-Malaysia Finance has been rewarded with banking license to earn interest just like other local and international banks in Malaysia to run its Finance company.

  83. Tun

    For Wajaperak.

    With due respect, the deeds and creactions of the BN as led by the UMNO since 1946 are clear like those of the Royal Sultans. We must strictly separate political philosophies and administrative misdemeanours. We must separate the chaff from the wheat. We must separate in untruths from the truths. We must separate the fiction from the facts. Then, we can see the beauty o our beloved Malaysia today. Vide My previous comments based on facts as collected from the media.

    Vote the BN. All Malaysians especially all the Malaysian Chinese. I have never misled others with untruths and blessed by the BN with titles or money since 1954.

  84. Assallammualaikum Tun…

    [[Saya juga menghormati akan apa jua yang anda tulis di dalam blog ini, kecuali tulisan-tulisan anda yang bersifat ‘personal attack’ terhadap penulis-penulis lain di dalam blog ini]]

    To whom it may conscience..
    Ini adalah satu bentuk fahaman dan pendirian dari seorang yang kami gelar kafir.Orang kafir ingin bersendirian dan tidak mahu di ganggu gugat dan di tegur perbuatan feel laku mereka.Ini amat berbeza dengan orang-orang Islam seperti yang tersebut di dalam Al Quran..

    Sesiapa sahaja yang mendakwa diri mereka Islam kembalilah kepada kita kepada ajaran Islam yang tulin..Sesiapa yang ingin kafir,biarlah dia kafir seperti dalam Firman Allah dalam Surah Kahfi..

    Dear Mr Mubarak Chan..
    Abdullah Ahmad Badawi slept some of his time in Parliament sitting’s..
    This is corrupt practice plain and clear..
    Mencucuk mata hati dan jiwa..
    Ini adalah perbuatan khianat amanah..

    But..who call’s for his accountability??
    And yet you advocate BN in earnest..

    Shed some light on me..

    Tq Sir..
    TQ Tun..

    And Mr Self appointed Age of can claim whatever you wants but please refrain from playing with my religion..A word of caution..

    Do not play with my religion…Thank You..

  85. Kepada Shahrulnizam, December 17, 2012 at 10:08 PM

    About Islamic Finance.

    The first objective was to set-up a Financial System that will allow Muslims to practice their financial lifes and even economic lifes inaccordance to the tenets of Islam.

    The foremost problem was with the conventional financial and economic system that are available are all heavily dependent or we can say are the based on the FORBBIDEN practice of giving, receiving and partaking of Riba or more commonly called “Interest”.

    In Islam there is no “interest” or anything that looks, feels or smells anything like it – all are forbbiden.

    In Islam there is only Zakat, Sedekah and Compassion. These are basis of the Islamic Financial System. We need to build on this and develop institutions, enact laws, formulate regulations and educate investors, savers, consumers, etc… to be able to move forward towards a TRUELY Islamic Financial and Economic System.

    Riba is Haram, Buying and Selling is Halal.

  86. Salam Bahagia Tun,

    Kita sebagai Muslimin tidak dapat dipisahkan diri kita daripada tuntutan Islam. Dari segi Akhlak, Akidah dan Muamalat yang menggambarkan keekshanan, kemanusiaan dan keadilaan.

    Keadilaan yang mutlak yang di ajarkan oleh AlQuran dan Nabi Muhammad SAW.

    Dalam hal muamalat, kita seharus nya bercita2 menuju kepada matlamat yang hak dan di perintah Allah, Tuhan yang satu Tuhan sekelian Alam.

    Memandangkan titik permulaan kita harus dari kesekitaran and suasana di mana masyarakat kita adalah masyarakat majmuk. Kita perlu lakarkan cita2 jestru rancangan dan atur jalan menuju cita2 itu dengan baik.

    Mungkin juga YAB Najib dan TPM dapat pertimbangkan untok memulakan rancangan, program dan institusi2 yang akan menuju kepada cita2 itu – bermula di Kelantan. Memandangkan ramai rayaat Kelantan bercita2 mewujudkan sebauh pentadbiran Islamic maka adalah paling sesuai jika BN mendukung cita2 rakyaat Kelantan.

    Kelantan menerusi BN akan mewujudkan institusi2, program2, undang2 dan sebagainya untok mereliasikan cita2 ini.

    Wahima, perlaksanaan cita2 ini MESTI di laksanakan dengan penuh kebijaksanaan, berperikemanusiaan (dari padangan rakyaat bukan Islam), di beri pendidikan, di beri waktu assimilasi, dan sebagai nya.

    Pelaksanaan nya perlu adli dan saksama pada semua rakyaat Kelantan, Muslim mahu pun bukan Muslim.

    Islam agama kesejahteraan dan keamanan. BN perlu memastikan rakyaat bukan Islam akan berasa aman dengan apa jua yang di lakukan bagi mencapai cita2 murni ni.

    Suka juga di sarankan supaya Tun Dr M sendiri menjadi penasihat utama perlaksanaan cita2 ini.

    Salam kasih

  87. Assalamualaikum WBT Yg Bhg Tun,

    Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang mempunyai jati diri, cinta damai, mahukan politik Malaysia yang stabil, mahukan pembangunan fizikal dan mental dijana dan dibina secara kaedah yang betul, yang lebih indahnya membangunan mengikut kaedah syariat Islam khususnya bagi rakyat Malaysia yang beragama Islam. Malah nilai-nilai Islam telah pun tersemai dan diterap di Malaysia secara realitinya dalam pentadbiran kerajaan Persekutuan yang diterajui oleh UMNO. Saya akui bahawa saya adalah seorang penyokong tegar UMNO semenjak sekian lama. Semasa remaja/belia pernah berjinak dengan Pas, tetapi tak pernah isi borang jadi ahli Pas. Pernah juga berkawan rapat dengan rakan-rakan orang Tionghua dari ahli DAP, kerana saya lahir dalam kawasan dan persekitaran masyarakat majmuk.

    2. Melalui pergaulan dengan ahli Pas, saya dapat mengetahui konsep perjuangan Pas yang pada prinsip perjuangan asas penubuhannya adalah ingin menegakkan negara Islam di Malaysia. Atas kertas kelihatannya begitu bermakna, tatapi perilaku sebenar kepimpinan dan penyokong tegarnya lama kelamaan sudah jauh menyimpang dari asas perjuangan sebenar. Yang jelas Pas sudah beralih kepada perinsip perjuangan negara berkebajikan setelah bersekongkol dengan DAP dan PKR. Perinsip perjuangan menegakkan negara Islam dan melaksanakan Hukum Hudud dikesampingkan, kononya akan dilaksanakan jika mendapat kuasa dipeingkat Persekutuan bersama PKR dan DAP. Manifesto Pilihanraya Pakatan Pembangkang (yang dirangka PKR, DAP dengan kerjasama Pas) tidak memasukkan Islam sebagai suatu keutamaan, begitu juga apa yang terkandung dalam BUKU JINGGA Pakatan Pembangkang, tidak menyebut langsung soal penubuhan negara Islam dan melaksanakan Hukum Hudud jika mereka menang PRU ke 13. Tetapi yang menghairankan Pas masih lagi mahu berkongsi kuasa dengan PKR dan DAP yang lebih jelas meminggirkan kepentingan Islam. Justeru Pas terpaksa meminggirkan prinsip asas perjuangan untuk kepentingan Islam oleh kerana terlalu taksub dengan kuasa politik.

    3. Saya tidak mengkritik peribadi kepimpinan Pas, cuma yang menjadi pertikaian adalah perinsip perjuangan Pas yang tak pernah konsisten, sentiasa berubah mengikut keperluan dan selera semasa. Dalam apa-apa jua jenis perjuangan politik konsistensi dalam asas perjuangan mestilah berterusan, tidak sering berubah mengikut emosi, nafsu dan kerakusan untuk memeperolehi kuasa, lebih-lebih lagi jika berpegang kepada perjuangan yang berhubungkait dengan kepentingan agama Islam. Arah tuju perjuangan Pas yang sentiasa berubah arah amat perlu dikeritik kerana mereka sudah dan sedang diuji oleh Allah SWT dapat meraih kuasa di negeri-negeri Kelantan dan Kedah yang menampakkan hasilnya yang tidak begitu berjaya seperti yang diperjuangkan, dan banyak janji-janji tidak ditunaikan kerana mengamalkan sikap cakap tak serupa bikin. Mungkin juga kepimpinan Pas amat kurang daya upaya sebagai pemimpin yang perlukan tenaga intelektual yang tinggi untuk melaksanakan pembangunan fizikal dan mental. Kepimpinan Pas memang kelihatan begitu hebat di atas pentas ceramah agama yang berasaskan kepentingan politik sehinggakan sampai ke tahap mengkafirkan rakan seagama dan sebangsa kerana berbeza fahaman politik. Berbeza kefahaman politik tidak seharusnya menjurus kepada perpecahan perpaduan sebangsa dan seagama. Bila kita tidak bersatu atas tali Allah, kita menjadi lemah, dan begitu mudah pihak lain yang berkepintangan mengambil kesempatan untuk meraih keuntungan. Inilah yang sedang berlaku dalam Pakatan Rakyat dimana DAP khususnya meraih keuntungan politik apabila perpaduan Melayu Islam antara Pas dan UMNO berpecah belah, DAP dapat menambah undi Melayu Islam Pas dan Pas belum tentu dapat meraih undi sepenuhnya dari penyokong tegar DAP kerana penyokong tegar DAP khususnya dalam konvensyen DAP baru-baru ini menolak kepimpinan Melayu melalui pemilihan dalam CEC DAP. Kepimpinan DAP dengan rela paksa melantik dua orang kepimpinan Melayu menganggotai CEC untuk menjernihkan semula imej cauvinis dan perkauman DAP.

    4. Mudah-mudahan Allah SWT menunjuk jalan sebenar buat Pas, dengan demikian mungkin Pas akan kembali kuat dan konsisten atas perinsip perjuangan Islam, dan yang lebih indahnya kembali bersatu dengan UMNO demi kepentingan Islam dan bangsa Melayu.

    Sekian, terima kasih dan Wassalam.

  88. Tun

    Like all students of world history, I see the weakening of the United States and her hegemony beginnng at the very fringes of her imperial empire similar to the gradual fall of the Roman forts in Germany and retreat and absorption by the ‘barbarians’ Rome once ruled. The outcrops or eruptions of Islamic revolt around the globe and in the homelands are the manifestations fo the early rise and re-birth of the Islamic Civilization like the Indian Civilization and the Chinese Civilization in our midst and our lifetimes. America propped up despots as proxies to rule and dominate. But unfortunately, these fellows have an expiry date as we can also discern in Singapore.

    Vote for the BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Please consider the Malaysia as created by the BN led by the UMNO and the ranking Malaysia has above Singapore’s real world’s firsts, ‘Most emotionless country in the World’ and ‘ Most unhappy country in the World’ according to the United States famous and independent Gallup Poll. Channelnewsasia 2012.

    Why change the BN Government at Putrajaya when the Opposition has no happier idea ?

  89. Amin Tan, let the current UMNO President decides what he wants to do.

    Having a monorail system in Penang will ease the traffic congestion there.

    If the current UMNO President prefers to have China Monorail Transportation Technology in Penang, Sabah and Sarawak, I am sure Chinese voters will be delighted to vote BN to mark our Malay friendship with People’s Republic of China is here to stay permanently.

    If the current UMNO President prefers to import tenaga buruh dari negara India to work on our states’ roads and palm oil industry that is labour intensive who can stand heat and down to earth, I am sure everyone of us will be delighted.

    This has nothing to do with race, religion or votes.

    Malaysia economy is never an emerging economy due her small population.

    If UMNO president still insist that Ketuanan Melayu is a must, then, he must prepare to face the result of GE13th,

    Mahu minum susu, kita boleh import lembu susu dari negara2 lain yang mahir dalam perindustrian ini.

    Nevertheless, if President UMNO tak nak, takpa.


    Commonwealth Region, ASEAN, EU, China, Russia with huge Muslim populations can complement each other in infrastructures.

  90. Dear Tun
    For the benefit of HBT 456
    “”If Malays loose Penang and Malacca to foreigners, don’t blame others, blame themselves.””’
    loose opposite tight
    lose opposite win

    It should be ‘If Malays lose Penang’

    amin tan

  91. Salam Tun,

    Izinkan saya menanya kepada ‘The hidden secret’ yang putar belit kononnya berkecuali”

    “”8. Ada siapa-siapa di sini bercita-cita untuk membekalkan kapal selam dan seterusnya mengaut keuntungan beratus juta ringgit? Islam menggalakkan kita berniaga.

    9. Ada siapa-siapa di sini yang berminat untuk mengetahui apakah kaedah pengiraan yang digunakan oleh Global Financial International yang mendedahkan aliran wang haram berjumlah USD 64.38 billion dari Malaysia pada tahun 2010? Islam menentang rasuah. Aliran wang haram menunjukkan amalan rasuah berlaku.””
    10. Berapa banyakkah George Soros beri wang kepada Datuk Ambiga supaya membuat demonstrasi jalanan di Malaysia. Datuk Ambiga sendiri mengaku di mahkamah pernah menerima wang dari ‘open Society’ yang ditubuhkan oleh George Soros.

    11. Berapa banyakkah wang George Soros/Yahudi mengalir kepada PAS DAN DAP melalui PKR?
    ikatan PAKATAN Rakyat sebenarnya ikatan duit yahudi.
    Berkenaan kesah kapal selam dan Global Financial International adalah fitnah yang direka cipta oleh Malaysia Kini yang ditubuhkan dengan wang Georga Soros.

    the Hidden Secret menyindir tentang rasuah. Jika ada bukti kenapa tidak lapor kepada MACC.
    Islam meenentang apa bentuk ffitnah atau bantu menyebar fitnah yang menuduh UMNO rasuah.

    amin tan

  92. I don’t blame Pak Lah at all.

    I don’t blame his SIL at all.

    Because they are inexperience and amateurs.

    Without the style and signatory of Tun Dr MM as UMNO Baru 1st member, Pak Lah could never be the PM to continue his ambition of Islamic Funds.

    Instead of blaming this and that, why not we blame ourselves first.

    Do I hate Japanese for war occupation in China?


    I hate Chinese more.


    If it’s not because of their selfishness and blind worship of their leaders to rich their cronies that made China weak politically, military, economically, morally and socially behind closed doors, Japan can never ruled them.

    If Malays loose Penang and Malacca to foreigners, don’t blame others, blame themselves.

    Public utilities including transportation cannot be monopolized by state governments via sdn bhd.

    Public utilities are blue chips in Public Listed Companies.


    Public utilities are important that needs public fund to upgrade and develop.

    Therefore, in order to make all public utilities in Malaysia to be liken by all Malaysian investors regardless of religions, they should be public listed.

    If not, the ambition of Wawasan 2020 as DEVELOPED country of Tun Dr MM can never be realized.

    Can or not?

  93. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to address HBT456

    “”When I stepped into the ferry, wow, the smell of “kemunduran” is so strong that reflects Penang people do not love their island at all.

    I think this is because the ethnic Chinese as the major dominant race in Penang lost hope and confident in developing Penang.””

    DEAR HBT 456,

    Actually DAP is a Melacca based party managed to conquer Pak Lah’s home state. It shows how weak our PM was in 2008. The PM then was not mesra rakyat. Now our Datuk Seri Najib is very prihatin and mesra rakyat. Penang Chinese are friendly, hard working and enterprising people. They know what is good for them. This time around, come PRU 13, surely they would vote BN.

    amin tan

  94. Salam!

    1. Komenlah isi kandungan, pendapat serta tulisan yang dikemukakan di dalam blog ini. Kalau kita rasa apa yang ditulis tu tak betul, kita boleh mengemukakan pendapat kita untuk ‘counter’ pendapat orang lain yang kita rasakan tidak betul tu.

    2. Tidak perlulah kita beri komen ke atas individu-individu yang menulis komen mereka di dalam blog ini kerana perbuatan tersebut adalah ‘counter productive’.

    3. Komenlah tentang PAS, UMNO, DAP, Tun Mahathir, Najib dan sebagainya tapi tak perlulah kita beri komen (personal attack) terhadap orang yang memberi komen di dalam blog ini sebab orang yang menulis di dalam blog ini bukannya ada nama pon, jadi buat apalah kita nak risaukan sangat tentang mereka?

    4. Tak perlulah kita kata sipolan ni hipokrit, sipolan ini bodoh, sipolan itulah, sipolan inilah.

    5. Sehingga ke hari ini, saya tidak pernah memberikan sebarang komen atau nasihat terhadap sesiapapun yang menulis di dalam blog ini kerana saya menghormati perbezaan pendapat dan perbezaan kepercayaan yang kita semua pegang.

    6. Terlalu banyak KES-KES YANG TIDAK DISIASAT samada oleh polis, SPRM, Bank Negara, JPN ataupun SPR walaupun banyak laporan-laporan polis telah pun dibuat.

    7. Ada siapa-siapa di sini sangat bermurah hati untuk mendermakan RM 40 juta kepada UMNO Sabah? UMNO mampu mengumpulkan sebanyak RM 120 juta sekiranya setiap ahli UMNO mendermakan RM 40 kepada UMNO. Ahli UMNO pun tak sanggup nak derma RM 40 hinggit inikan pula RM 40 juta? Islam menggalakkan kita menderma.

    8. Ada siapa-siapa di sini bercita-cita untuk membekalkan kapal selam dan seterusnya mengaut keuntungan beratus juta ringgit? Islam menggalakkan kita berniaga.

    9. Ada siapa-siapa di sini yang berminat untuk mengetahui apakah kaedah pengiraan yang digunakan oleh Global Financial International yang mendedahkan aliran wang haram berjumlah USD 64.38 billion dari Malaysia pada tahun 2010? Islam menentang rasuah. Aliran wang haram menunjukkan amalan rasuah berlaku.

    10. Ada siapa-siapa di sini berminat untuk mengetahui apakah kaedah survey yang digunakan oleh Transparency International dalam menentukan kedudukan Malaysia yang berada di tangga ke 54 Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2012? Mungkin SPRM perlu menghantar pegawai-pegawai mereka berkursus di Botswana, Bhutan dan Israel yang masing-masing menduduki tangga ke 30, 33 dan 39. Islam menggalakkan kita belajar daripada mereka yang lebih pakar daripada kita.

    11. Prinsip saya jelas. Saya tak pernah menyokong 100% kepada mana-mana parti politik. Sokongan saya bersifat ‘conditional’. Apa sahaja faedah yang diberi oleh kerajaan yang memerintah saya akan sapu sebab itu adalah duit rakyat, bukannya duit kerajaan. PR merupakan pembangkang. Oleh yang demikian, saya tidak akan membuang masa saya untuk menulis tenatang kesalahan mereka sebab bukan mereka yang memerintah Malaysia. Sekiranya Tuhan mengizinkan PR untuk memerintah selepas PRU 13, pada masa itu saya tidak akan lagi menulis tentang kesalahan yang dibuat oleh UMNO dan BN sebab UMNO dan BN tidak lagi memerintah Malaysia pada ketika itu.

    12. Pada mereka-mereka yang menyokong mana-mana parti politik samada UMNO, PAS, DAP dsb, anda berhak menyokong mana-mana pihak pun dan saya menghormati tindakan anda ini. Saya juga menghormati akan apa jua yang anda tulis di dalam blog ini, kecuali tulisan-tulisan anda yang bersifat ‘personal attack’ terhadap penulis-penulis lain di dalam blog ini.


  95. There aresome mistakes of spelling there, I won’t change them.

    If those who cannot tolerate mistakes, blogging is not for them.

  96. Sudin,

    Don’t worry so much about Guan Eng and DAP.

    Look at Komtar that carries the name of Tun Razak whereby CM must sits in looks so old ala miskin in the eyes of foreigners like me who may be interested to buy a house, do business or makan angin there.

    When I stepped into the ferry, wow, the smell of “kemunduran” is so strong that reflects Penang people do not love their island at all.

    I think this is because the ethnic Chinese as the major dominant race in Penang lost hope and confident in developing Penang.

    In Hong Kong, now with the strong support and back-up from the current President of People’s Republic of China, Chief Minister of Hongkong elected by Board of Central Government via President and Premier members is “lega dan beryakin untuk menjalankan tugas mereka secara bersih, amanah dan cekap, contonhnya, PM Najib wants all BN’s PARLIAMENT MEMBERS (MPs) who shall contest in GE13th must declare their assets to MACC.

    Instead of buat kenyataan berhasut, why not sudin as Melayu Islam buat kenyataan bertoleransi dulu neh?

    With the scandal surrounding PM Najib, I will still vote him as per my promise to Tun Dr MM as blogger.

    In this world, all of us made mistakes.

    Members of political party also can vote wrong Wakil Rakyat to contest in general election.

    If voters ala a spade is a spade, get a spade to contest as Wakil Rakyat there.

    If voters ala daun sireh tu daun sireh, get a duan sireh to contest as Wakil Rakyat there.

    If all of us talk less, work more, tomorrow will be a better there.

  97. Salam Tun.
    Izinkan saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada Saudara Sudin yang telah kenalpasti seorang musuh dalam seliput iaitu ‘The Hidden Secret’

    ””To The Hidden Secret(THS),

    Saya tidak sekali2 berhasrat/sanggup memalukan diri sendiri dengan mempamerkan perangai hipokrat dikhalayak ramai, terutama di blog Tun ini yang telah menerima jutaan pelawat.
    Kenyataan anda,
    “Kepada orang-orang Melayu, SAYA DENGAN INI MENGHASUT ANDA SUPAYA JANGAN MENYOKONG DAP KERANA DAP ANTI ISLAM. Kalau tak percaya, lihat sahaja data-data di bawah:-”,
    dimana data2 tersebut adalah didapati bertentangan dengan kenyataan yang dibuat menunjukkan THS seorang hipokrat dan sanggup melakukan apa2 jua pembohongan, sama saperti prinsip parti yang disokongnya!””

    Saaudara Sudin,

    Pakatan jahat pembangkang PAS, DAP, PKR telah menggunakan berbagai muslihat, tipu daya, penyamaran semata2 untuk meraih sokongan. Mereka menyamar islam untuk menghentam islam. Guna nama parti islam menggalakkan kapir2 DAP memetik ayat2 Quran dalam ceramah2 pembangkang kononnya menjinak2 orang2 bukan islam. Membenci sesame islam sebab UMNO tapi berpelukan dengan kapir walaupun mereka telah bersumpah untuk halang kewujudan negara islam. Sekiranya mereka ini menang pilihanraya PRU13, Malaysia akan diperentah oleh Pakatan muslihat, tipu daya, penyamaran dan mainan politik yang kotor dan putarbelit.

    amin tan

  98. Salam Tun.

    To The Hidden Secret(THS),

    Saya tidak sekali2 berhasrat/sanggup memalukan diri sendiri dengan mempamerkan perangai hipokrat dikhalayak ramai, terutama di blog Tun ini yang telah menerima jutaan pelawat.
    Kenyataan anda,
    “Kepada orang-orang Melayu, SAYA DENGAN INI MENGHASUT ANDA SUPAYA JANGAN MENYOKONG DAP KERANA DAP ANTI ISLAM. Kalau tak percaya, lihat sahaja data-data di bawah:-“,
    dimana data2 tersebut adalah didapati bertentangan dengan kenyataan yang dibuat menunjukkan THS seorang hipokrat dan sanggup melakukan apa2 jua pembohongan, sama saperti prinsip parti yang disokongnya!

    Mungkin THS terlupa pesanan terdahulu saya kepadanya, in which case I’ll copy and paste the same for him, just to see if he’s a reasonable person or a hardcore hypocrite!

    This comment was posted on September 21, 2012 at 11:37 am.

    “To The Hidden Secret (whoever or whatever you are),
    I believe you are a capable person with the capacity to think in a most rational manner. Don’t let personal feelings arising from deep frustration, disappointment in life and the likes to affect your thinking and to be made known to us.
    If you wish to give comparisons, let it be ‘apple to apple’.
    However you chose to compare ‘apple to rambutan’:
    1. Likening the BN to USA and the PR to USSR and whatnot.
    2. You readily admit yet accept that PROVEN devil Anwar.
    3. You give examples on change of government in Japan, New Zealand, South Korea,….thus likewise Malaysia is no exception.
    4. You helped spread the hearsay hanky-panky deals/corruptions in Tun’s blog when none were brought to court which contradicted claims of evidence/documents easily available.
    5. You believe it is sensible and unavoidable to make comparison on the correctly worded truth from pro-government media to the rowdy & unfounded slanderous garbage of PKR fanatics, as due to circumstances.
    Don’t ridicule and belittle yourself.”

  99. Salam!

    Kepada orang-orang Melayu, SAYA DENGAN INI MENGHASUT ANDA SUPAYA JANGAN MENYOKONG DAP KERANA DAP ANTI ISLAM. Kalau tak percaya, lihat sahaja data-data di bawah :-

    Berikut adalah jumlah peruntukan tahunan berkaitan dengan hal ehwal agama Islam di Pulau Pinang :-

    1. Tahun 2008 – RM 25.7 juta (kerajaan Gerakan BN).
    2. Tahun 2009 – RM 33.2 juta (kerajaan DAP).
    3. Tahun 2010 – RM 38.9 juta (kerajaan DAP).
    4. Tahun 2011 – RM 45.7 juta (kerajaan DAP).
    5. Tahun 2012 – RM 64.03 juta (kerajaan DAP).
    6. Tahun 2013 – Kita sama-sama tunggu dan lihat… Sekiranya Gerakan menang, adakah Gerakan akan beri peruntukan yang lebih atau sama tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan DAP? Atau adakah Gerakan akan menurunkan kembali peruntukan ini kepada RM 25.7 juta?

    Berikut adalah jumlah peruntukan tambahan Sekolah Agama Rakyat (SAR) di Pulau Pinang :-

    1. Tahun 2008 – TIADA (Kerajaan Gerakan BN).
    2. Tahun 2009 – RM 1.5 juta (kerajaan DAP).
    3. Tahun 2010 – RM 1.75 juta (kerajaan DAP).
    4. Tahun 2011 – RM 1.75 (kerajaan DAP).

    Berikut adalah sumbangan dan pengiktirafan Al-Huffaz (Penghafal al-Quran) di Pulau Pinang :-

    1. Tahun 2008 – TIADA (kerajaan Gerakan BN).
    2. Tahun 2009 ………….RM 75,000.00 (Kerajaan DAP).
    3. Tahun 2010 ………….RM 100,000.00 (kerajaan DAP).
    4. Tahun 2011 ………….RM 130,000.00 (kerajaan DAP).

    Berikut adalah sumbangan Ehya’ Ramadan (kepada seluruh masjid) di Pulau Pinang :-

    1. Tahun 2008 – TIADA (Kerajaan Gerakan BN).
    2. Tahun 2009 hingga 2012 – RM 213,000.00 setahun (kerajaan DAP).




  100. Salam!

    Pilihanraya semakin hampir.

    Seperti biasa, agama dijadikan isu oleh parti-parti politik (PAS dan UMNO khususnya) untuk meraih sokongan orang-orang Melayu. Tun Mahathir juga tidak ketinggalan dalam menggunakan isu agama untuk mengurangkan sokongan orang-orang Melayu terhadap PAS. Tidak seperti orang-orang Cina, orang Melayu kurang sensitif terhadap isu-isu ekonomi, kewangan, ketelusan, pembaziran, pecah amanah, rasuah, korupsi, penyelewengan, salah guna kuasa serta salah guna dana awam.

    PADA PENDAPAT SAYA, Najib tidak menpunyai keyakinan untuk memperolehi majoriti 2/3 pada pilihanraya umum yang akan datang (PRU 13) berdasarkan kepada perkara-perkara berikut :-

    1. Tarikh pilihanraya masih belum diumumkan walaupun Parlimen harus dibubarkan selewat-lewatnya pada Mac 2013.

    2. Petronas menangguhkan projek-projek utama sehinggalah PRU 13 dilaksanakan.

    3. Kesemua tindakan mahkamah terhadap saman-saman AES ditangguhkan.

    4. Kes rayuan pembunuhan Altantuya ditangguhkan selepas PRU 13.

    5. Filem “Tanda Putera” yang menyelitkan peristiwa 13 Mei ditangguhkan penyiarannya, mungkin akan ditayangkan selepas PRU 13.

    6. Cukai GST juga ditangguhkan selepas PRU 13.

    7. Penswastaan Pelabuhan Pulau Pinang juga ditangguhkan selepas PRU 13.

    8. Perbicaraan kes NFC juga ditangguhkan selepas PRU 13.

    9. Macam-macam lagilah yang ditangguhkan selepas PRU 13.

    Najib tidak akan mempertaruhkan masa depan beliau, masa depan anak-anak beliau, masa depan adik beradik beliau, serta masa depan isteri beliau yang tercinta.

    Oleh yang demikian, tangguh dahulu sehingga PRU 13 selesai.


  101. Testing…testing…

    Baguslah manusia ada agama.bila susah,bila nak mati ada jugak ingat ke tuhan.

    Tapi masa kita hidup tuhan mana yang benar benar ada?

    Tanya hati tepuk selera

  102. Assalamualaikum WBT Yg Bhg Tun,

    PRU ke 13 Insya’Allah dalam sedikit masa lagi akan menjadi realiti. Penentuan tarikh sebenar PRU ke 13 di tangan YAB Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Hj. Abdul Razak selepas mendapat ilham dan keizinan dari Allah SWT. PRU ke 13 senarionya agak jauh lebih berbeza dari PRU-PRU yang telah lalu, kesan dari tsunami politik selepas PRU ke 12 tahun 2008 dimana Pakatan Pembangkang (PKR, DAP & Pas) memperolehi sedikit penambahan kuasa politik setelah menguasai kepimpinan negeri-negeri Perak (kembali semula ke tangan BN), Selangor, Kedah, Pulau Pinang dan mengekalkan kuasa di Kelantan. BN menang selesa (tidak memperolehi kerusi Parlimen 2/3 seperti yang terdahulu) dan masih bertahan menguasai pentadbiran kerajaan Persekutuan dengan izin Allah SWT. Ramai yang berpendapat kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat memperolehi sedikit penambahan kuasa politik bukan kerana parti itu lebih kuat dari UMNO/BN, tetapi disebabkan beberapa kesilapan-kesilapan tertentu oleh kepimpinan UMNO/BN.

    2. UMNO/BN menang majoriti besar pada PRU ke 11 tahun 2004 dibawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri ke 5. Mungkin disebabkan terlalu selesa atau dalam comfirt zone kepimpinan UMNO/BN sudah mula leka dan melakukan beberapa kesilapan dalam kelangsungan proses kepimpinan disemua peringkat yang membuatkan segelintir rakyat beralih mengundi menyokong Pakatan Pembangkang setelah terpengaruh dengan provokasi Pakatan Pembangkang diantaranya membuat janji-janji bulan bintang dan cakerawala dan akan menjadi kerajaan yang lebih berwibawa dari UMNO/BN. Ternyata dalam tempoh lebih 4 tahun semenjak tahun 2008 yang lalu negeri-negeri yang dibawah urus tadbir politik oleh Pakatan Pembangkang gagal mempamerkan bahawa kepimpinan politik mereka jauh lebih baik dari UMNO/BN. Majoriti pengundi Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU ke 12 merasa tertipu, kerana segala janji-janji manis masih terlalu banyak gagal dilaksanakan oleh Pakatan Rakyat, manakala Kelantan kekal mundur dari berbagai segi pembangunan setelah ditadbir urus oleh Pas lebih dari 22 tahun yang lalu. Malah Pas masih gagal merealisasikan Hukum Hudud di Kelantan, dan UMNO/BN dipersalahkan kerana didakwa menjadi penghalang pelaksanaan Hukum Hudud Pas di Kelantan.

    3. Pakatan Rakyat (PKR, DAP & Pas) sentiasa mendakwa bahawa mereka adalah lebih berwibawa/berintegriti dari UMNO/BN dalam aspek kepimpinan, dan beranggapan bahawa mereka tidak pernah melakukan sebarang kesilapan. Sebarang komen dari berbagai pihak )(orang politik dan NGO) terhadap kesilapan kepimpinan mereka tidak pernah diakui, malah UMNO/BN secara berterusan dipersalahkan. Dari sifat dan perilaku Pakatan Pembangkang yang sedemikian, menggambarkan bahawa mereka itu mengamalkan sifat angkuh dan sombong. Sebagai manusia biasa yang dijadikan oleh Allah SWT kita tidak sunyi dari melakukan kesilapan dan tidak sempurna, yang bersifat sempurna hanya Allah SWT. Manakala Nabi dan Rasul adalah maksum dengan jaminan oleh Allah SWT.

    4. Kepimpinan UMNO/BN seperti YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Hj. Abdul Razak mempunyai moral dan integriti yang tinggi, tidak segan silu mengakui segala kesilapan dan memohon maaf secara terbuka kepada rakyat. Amat malang khususnya kepimpinan Pas yang dikatakan berjuang atas perinsip Islam, tidak pernah mengaku telah membuat sebarang kesilapan dalam aspek kepimpinan, malah semuanya apabila ditegur atau dikeritik oleh berbagai pihak, mereka akan berdiam diri atau menyalahkan pihak lain khususnya UMNO/BN. Pas memusuhi UMNO/BN atas perinsip mengekalkan politk kebangsaan tidak atas perinsip Islam. Namun demikian UMNO melalui Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional telah berjaya dengan Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang meletakkan kedudukan agama Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan dalam Perlembagaan Negara dengan persetujuan mantap semua kaum berlainan anutan agama semasa mencapai Kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957, mengintitusikan Islam dalam berbagai aspek keperluan kehidupan umat Islam di Malaysia, dan Malaysia diiktiraf sebagai sebuah negara Islam contoh terbaik oleh dunia Islam. Hakikat pencapaian UMNO melalui Periktan/Barisan Nasional tidak pernah diiktiraf oleh Pas secara jujur. Bererti Pas hanya akan menerima kejayaan Islam jika ianya hasil usaha parti Pas. Oleh kerana kepimpinan Pas menganggap UMNO itu KAFIR (merujuk amanat Hj. Hadi tahun 1981), UMNO menolak Islam, UMNO Murtad dan baru-baru ini orang Melayu yang menyokong UMNO didakwa MUNGKAR, maka apa juga hasil kerja UMNO terhadap Islam tidak akan diterima oleh kepimpinan Pas dan sebahagian penyokong tegar Pas yang begitu taksub dengan kepimpinan Pas.

    Sama-samalah kita berfikir, menganalisa dan membuat keputusan yang tepat dalam PRU ke 13 nanti. Mudah-mudahan Allah SWT merahmati UMNO/BN dan memperoleh kemenangan besar dalam PRU ke 13 nanti. Wassalam.

  103. Salam Tun.

    Humour is the best medicine.

    Thank you AoE (short for Age_of_Enlightenment @ Middleages). You’ve been most kind and willing to continuously complement the funnybone side in this otherwise mainly political and racial forum here in Tun’s blog.
    He campaigned to others not to vote BN because the government is building LRT to help ease his family’s transportation woes!
    He even hoodwinked ‘abdulazizomar the preacher’ with his so-called “anti-Mohamaddan Islamic sect” admission!

    The undisputed moron who thinks he’s a great liar, and cherishing all the ridicules directed at him.

  104. YABhg Tun,

    Malaysiakini – 21/12/2012 – Malaysia blessed until ” cursed ” by Dr. M – My say, you should be man enought to put your name and face where your mouth is, sir. You are a bloody coward and a scumbag!! You know where to go back to if you think life so miserable here…..
    Ungrateful SCUMBAG!!!

  105. Dear Tun,
    Please listen to the future Minister of Finance of PKR speaking, Mr Age of Enlightenment,
    “”And this is because of policies mainly, and the ugly consequences of these policies. The private sector must be allowed to explore opportunities without worry of ridiculous laws that will inhibit growth and stunt development. Religion must take a back seat. Fair play must rule. Society must come first, personal gains should not be the main objective of businesses.”‘

    Dear Mr AoE

    Please stop it. Don’t talk nonsense. What qualification have you got to talk on national economic policies. Please do not make a fool of yourself in public. Just because PKR appoint you as committee member of Subang Jaya branch, you already dream to be economic adviser to Anwar Ibrahim. You have created enough chaos in Tun’s blog. PKR is full of tricks. Low level workers like you don’t realise it. Please don’t brag and talk too big, ok, SIR?

    amin tan

  106. balance says on December 20, 2012 at 11:58 PM

    When a reporter ask Dalai Lama (hope everyone know who he is) what is the best religion and he answered the best religion is the religion that serve you well, this type of answer is the right way to address religion issue.

    Muslim fanatics do not respect the Dalai Lama, and would disagree saying their religion is the best and only they are right.

    A good religious person serves society and friends well, in a seemingly tireless manner without even talking about religion, whereas a religious bigot is only preoccupied in talking and enforcing his own beliefs or religion, with little time devoted to service to mankind.

    When there is a close encounter with the latter , run.

    Thank You Tun

  107. Salam Tun,

    I think the Global Financial Integrity (GFI) position of Malaysia among the worst outflow of illegal capital is a reflection of confidence or more accurately, lack of it, in the governance and economic wisdom of Malaysia. It is not merely a reflection of illegal activity, but more of investors not wanting to invest in our future.

    And this is because of policies mainly, and the ugly consequences of these policies. The private sector must be allowed to explore opportunities without worry of ridiculous laws that will inhibit growth and stunt development. Religion must take a back seat. Fair play must rule. Society must come first, personal gains should not be the main objective of businesses.

    Thank You Tun

  108. Must say that i am not a Buddhist first before i continue or someone will start saying i am so and so. When a reporter ask Dalai Lama (hope everyone know who he is) what is the best religion and he answered the best religion is the religion that serve you well, this type of answer is the right way to address religion issue. The answer is smart and confident. Why so because a person with confident of him/her self and his/her faith will not shout that so and so religion is the best. With confident there no need to enforce and remind others anything to anyone.

    Over to you!!!

  109. Salam Tun,

    Some points to ponder please.

    1. I do not know how people vote as one not well versed in politics. But i know what is good long term and what is going on current.

    2. It seems to me the GE this time will be a contest of will power, not so much what is good for Malaysia. It has been like that ever since the cows came home.

    3. The will of the Malays to rule as they wish will be contested, by other Malays and Malaysians, who stand on a different platform, i.e. the floor of equality for everyone. Fair play, says FIFA.

    4. Incidents like Boko Haram serve to remind us religion is being used to influence voters here, and such act can lead to misunderstanding and voilence. I mean look at the way Amin Tan reacts to my comments. I am scared like never before. And there are many millions like him.

    5. We want leaders and the country to be lead by rationale and compassionate people, not like the behaviour of religious bigots and fanatics, be it Boko Haram or PAS or UMNO or any religious institution. And so we vote according to what we think is best for us.

    6. Clearly UMNO lacks capable leaders, who can be fair and execute policies that are fair that will allow economic confidence and serve the people, or rakyat well.

    7. There is no need for me to go into why this is so, what is important is that it is so. Peculiarities and characteristics of Malaysia in terms of language and cultures can be preserved. What we find hard to preserve or continue is discrimination and abuse. I think it is discrimination and abuse of privileges is what divided the Malays in the first place.

    8. Having been divided, UMNO tries to reunite, by promoting and projecting their manner of rule. Unfortunately Malays and Malaysians have seen enough.

    9. Luckily i am not in politics. If i stand up in support of fairness, justice, equality, and all other good values, i will be told by UMNO to shut up. If i go on my life will be threatened. People like Amin Tan has his own technique of inducing fear and panic. And we are all very afraid, yes.

    Thank You Tun

  110. Salam Tun.

    “Sdr Sudin, PAS also can change, why can’t you?”

    Dear HBT,

    You are both correct and wrong.

    When Dr. M stated,

    “….Ingatlah bagaimana dahulu PAS mendakwa UMNO kafir kerana bekerjasama dengan orang bukan Islam. Seperti yang dijanji dalam Al Quran tuduhan ini kembali kepada yang menuduh kerana mereka sekarang bekerjasama dan berpeluk-peluk dengan orang kafir,….”

    you are correct because PAS has changed and now “tok guru(?) Nik Ajis berpeluk2an dengan si kafir kuan yew dan kit siang”.

    Back in the 1970s I was once a PAS supporter, but now I’m anti-PAS.
    Back in 2002 when Pak Dol became PM no. 4, I supported him and voted BN during PRU11, but during PRU12 I campaigned to the masses not to vote him! Now I’m back supporting BN.
    Thus YOU ARE WRONG because I did change. In fact I can give umpteen other instances that will prove I’ve changed.

    Have you changed?
    The Meteorological Department has given forecast that this year’s monsoon will be the worst in many years. How about giving it a name, and just like hurricanes and typhoons which have a woman’s name, I’ll recommend “Monsoon HBT” as most appropriate.
    Being presently involved and stationed in Rompin and facing the full blast of the monsoon, at least I can swear to a name like “this bloody HBT” since we Muslims are not supposed to swear to the monsoon because it’s God’s creation.
    It’s not too late for you to change, monsoon only started yesterday and they may be thinking of giving it a name due to its anticipated severity.

  111. Amin Tan,

    Whatever written or spoken, there is no hard feeling and like you say discussion only. What i want to highlight to you is that in all those words i used in my comments in this blog, i did not mention a word about Islam or Muslim. Whatever i said or meant, can it be Christianity? For you to guess lah?? ha ha little humor lah

    Anyway i did not target any religion and i hope you understand that my actual intention is to talk about human’s closed heart and mind or cannot let go. Sometime being close led to people using religion teachings as cover or excuse but actual reasons not know to us.

    Look at Kelantan Govt and how they are trying to brainwash and enforce the people. Is it the Govt or its employees are are doing all those things? I think it is the employees and secondly the politicians, there will always be people who going to abuse systems using religion as cover. If people cannot open their heart and mind then these extremist and con-man will continue to abuse.

    You have come to enjoy, understand and embrace Islam and it is a good thing and i salute you too. Your religion provide you with happiness, peace of mind, contentment and etc.. and best it mould you into a better person. So whatever that can help human is a good thing and should be given equal attention and should not be condemn or discarded as false or unreliable. We should be happy for someone who found their destiny and dont question them or say this is better or that is better. The important part is the person found his/her happiness and the connection with his/her GOD in anyway they feel comfortable.

    When i said all are the same, i meant all religion teaches good thing and not killing and stealing. I did not meant Islam is equal to what but i dont not know why some think that way??

    I believe we (you and me) have come to the stage of our life to gift our best to whoever want to listen. Nothing more and nothing less.

    In this blog, we never ask Tun actual intention of stating this blog. I think he is trying to show the evilness and selflessness of human wanting power and money but we turn is blog into political debate and condemnation, personal religious believe and etc…

    Someone mentioned in the blog that he/she is not obligated to explain Islam to any non-believer. Did anyone ask him/her too? Why trouble him/her self and then try claim glory. The are thousands of better way to communicate.

    Mellow is not not necessary shallow
    Dark is not necessary black
    White is not necessary bright

  112. Mr AoF,

    Of course I.S.A. because I am a Malaysian representing my country, Malaysia.

    If I do not wish to vote BN, I will not take BR1M, RM500.

    If I do not wish to vote PR, no matters how they slam BN on corruptions, I will not vote them either.

    You want to vote base on your emotion, vote anyone whom you like.

    Sdr Sudin, PAS also can change, why can’t you?

  113. Salam Tun.

    Saya terserempak semasa perlawanan separuh akhir Piala Tiger antara Malaysia dengan Thailand, dimana PAS telah membuat khemah berserta hampir 300 kerusi berserta 2 large tv screen berhampiran pejabat cawangan PAS Selayang. Mereka mengumumkan beberapa perkara termasuk cabutan bertuah untuk penuntun yang hadzir.
    Saya tak ketahui hadiah apa atau siapa yang bernasib baik memenangi loteri kelolaan PAS itu (saya guna perkataan loteri kerana PAS akan menuduh UMNO mengamalkan judi jika membuat perkara yang sedemikian).

    Sementara menunggu “ayammas takeaway” saya disiapkan, sempat saya menonton perlawanan tersebut hingga keminit 18. Kehadziran 2 keluarga berserta anak2 dan juga penganjur2 majlis yang kesemuanya berjumlah kurang dari 15 orang merupakan penonton yang tidak menghampakan “majlis bolasepak percuma” anjuran PAS.

    Untuk mengadakan majlis sedemikian pada masa akan datang, saya ingin menyarankan kepada PAS agar menjemput wakil2 dari PKR dan DAP supaya majlis ada tetamu asing dan tidak kelihatan saperti di boycott.

  114. Salam Tun,

    HBT456 on December 20, 2012 at 12:34 AM wrote

    If Age_of_Enlightenment has confident with PR, you won’t waste his time in chedet blog.

    I have confidence PR will win, but that is not the problem. The problem is we are infested with religious fanatics and racist population, and i do my part to argue peacefully why it should be discarded in favor of better values for everyone.

    That is why i am in chedet blog. BN has taken hatred and racism to new and higher levels, and so it has to be questioned and opposed, else we have ISA issue ( Ikut Suka Hati ).

    Thank You Tun

  115. Salam!

    Di Malaysia, AGAMA digunakan oleh parti-parti politik khususnya PAS dan juga UMNO untuk meraih sokongan orang Melayu.

    Kenapa agama digunakan oleh PAS dan UMNO untuk meraih sokongan orang Melayu?

    Ini adalah kerana, tidak seperti orang-orang Cina (yang membayar lebih kurang 90% daripada cukai pendapatan di Malaysia) yang cukup sensitif akan isu ekonomi, pembaziran, rasuah dan penyelewengan, orang Melayu pula tidak sensitif terhadap isu-isu ekonomi, pembaziran, penyelewengan serta rasuah. Sebaliknya, orang-orang Melayu cukup sensitif terhadap isu-isu yang melibatkan agama, bangsa, raja/sultan serta salah laku seksual.

    Sebagai contoh, pada tahun 1985, Pan-Electric Industries, telah mengalami kerugian serta berhutang sebanyak SGD 480 juta. Kesannya, Tan Koon Swan iaitu presiden MCA pada ketika itu yang juga merupakan antara individu penting di dalam Pan-Electric Industries telah dipenjarakan di Singapura.

    Tan Koon Swan juga terlibat di dalam skandal koperasi pengambilan deposit pada tahun 1986 yang telah menyebabkan kerugian kira-kira RM1.5 bilion, membabitkan sejuta rakyat Malaysia, kebanyakannya masyarakat Cina.

    Kesan terhadap peristiwa-peristiwa di atas ialah, MCA mengalami kekalahan luar biasa pada pilihanraya umum 1986. DAP pula telah mendapat 24 kerusi Parlimen.

    PAS dan UMNO sedar akan hakikat ini. Oleh yang demikian, kedua-duanya menggunakan agama untuk meraih sokongan Melayu. Pendekatan PAS ialah dengan memberi gambaran bahawa UMNO tidak Islamik manakala pendekatan UMNO pula ialah dengan menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu akan betapa bahayanya sekiranya PAS (yang memegang kepada kefahaman Islam yang tidak betul) berjaya memerintah Malaysia.

    Berikut adalah diantara kes-kes pembaziran, penyelewengan serta kehilangan wang rakyat yang bernilai berbilion ringgit yang mana orang Melayu mengambil sikap tutup sebelah mata. Sila maklum bahawa semua angka-angka dibawah adalah yang bernilai berbilion-billion ringgit sahaja. Senarai di bawah tidak termasuk berpuluh-puluh kes-kes pembaziran dan penyelewengan yang bernilai kurang dari RM 1 billion (contohnya, seperti skandal NFC, pemberian komisyen pembelian kapal selam kepada Razak Baginda, pelupusan hutang Tajuddin Ramli, pembayaran pampasan Jambatan Bengkok JB-SIngapura dll.) :-

    1. Skandal PKFZ – RM 12.7 billion.
    2. Kerugian pembelian asset Sime Darby – RM 1.6 billion.
    3. Pembinaan dan senggaraan PSC NAval Dockyard, Lumut – RM 6.75 billion.
    4. Bailout Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad – RM 1.7 billion.
    5. Perjanjian pembelian Eurocopter – RM 1.67 billion.

    6. Skandal Bank Bumiputra – RM 3.2 billion.
    7. Kerugian Perwaja Steel – RM 2.56 billion.
    8. Program Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris – RM 3.2 billion.
    9. Penggunaan dana awam oleh Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. – RM 10 billion.
    10. Pembayaran pampasan kepada dua puluh syarikat konsesi lebuhraya – RM 38.5 billion.
    11. Bailout Malaysia Airline (MAS) – RM 7.9 billion.
    12. Bailout Sistem Pengangkutan Putra – RM 4.4 billion.
    13. Bailout Star-LRT – RM 3.2 billion.
    14. Subsidi IPP – RM 17 billion.
    15. Penggunaan dana awam utk membeli saham Timedotcom yang rugi – RM 3.3 billion.
    16. Kerugian Bank Negara akibat spekulasi matawang asing – RM 30 billion.

    Oleh yang demikian, kepada orang-orang Melayu, teruskanlah menyokong UMNO. Semoga kesucian Islam terus terpelihara. Jangan disokong DAP yang telah membelanjakan beratus-ratus juta untuk orang-orang Islam di Pulau Pinang.

    Kepada orang-orang Cina, teruskanlah menyokong UMNO kerana anda (orang-orang Cina) membayar lebih kurang 90% daripada cukai pendapatan yang dikutip. Hanya UMNO dan BN sahaja yang mampu menjaga wang cukai pendapatan yang dikutip daripada anda.

    Kepada orang-orang India, teruskanlah menyokong UMNO kerana UMNO dan BN akan membatalkan projek kondo di Batu Caves sekiranya mereka (UMNO dan BN) menang dalam PRU 13 yang akan datang.


  116. Salam Tun,

    Ah, ancient orthodox Amin Tan calls again, so please allow me…

    amin tan, December 20, 2012 at 2:49 AM
    Dear Tun,Mr AoE,
    I find you are not very clever or you purposely play a dumb idiot. As if you do not know that Chinese eat pork and Malays do not eat pork. Therefore, the Malays do not eat Chinese cook food. It has got nothing to do hatred and discrimination. Your provocation has gone beyond limit. We are a peaceful society where Chinese, Malays and Indians coexist living as classmates and neighbours. Now trouble makers like you pretend to be a Malay Muslim tries to kindle Chinese hatred against the Malays. People like you started the fire of racial hatred that led to communal riot and bloodshed of MAY 13. You are seditious. You have abused your freedom of expression. You are a small fellow, loner, shy, bespectacled , quiet, vengeful and venomous that is why you hide behind AoE and keep on changing your name.

    Ah, thank you. Very nice compliments for me, i am honored. I wish you would extend your insults a bit longer. This is how UMNO/BN members react and thus confirms my suspicion that even children are briing dragged into this hatred preaching.

    Your statement …
    Therefore, the Malays do not eat Chinese cook food. It has got nothing to do hatred and discrimination.

    Says it all. We live in the same country, but we have rules for eating each others food. Nice. We also have rules for marriages, ( muslim/malay marry only muslim malay ) rules for speaking ( salam only for muslims ) and God knows what else, to exhibit holier than thou doctrine in action.

    And i guess you have strict rules for your children mingling with other Chinese and Indians ? Be sure they remember the rules. Bang their head often, so that they remember. Otherwise they become like me, free and venomous as you say.

    Breaking News

    Of late, in an effort to gather Christian votes, PM Najib announced green light for Christians to visit Israel, and with extended stay.

    Now, Malays, Indians or non-muslims cannot visit Israel. Malaysian government tak bagi.
    So if you want to take a peek and is curious about Israel, you need to change citizenship. Enjoy your stay in Israel. Send us photos please. We cannot understand how hatred is being made a law by our government, the photos will at least allow us to imagine what Israel must be like.

    Thank You Tun

  117. Thank you fikrisoleh. I believe your comments are genuine and hope it work well for you. (genuine wishing not provocation)

    If anything anyone said is provocation or intentionally bad when someone write or speak then there should not be blogs, newspaper or debate or even friends coffee shop gathering . When one write or speak it is the type of energy store inside the person and the words and speech will show/manifest the energy. If have the wisdom to see lah. Sometimes those thoughts and energy will change.

    Everyone is good or right until proven otherwise (surely not to be judge by Human Beings) and every religion/teaching is for the good of mankind(sori still think this way), hope not everyone think like you (genuine thinking ha ha ha sori little humor). The world needs more positive and wise thinking people and hope more people can generate these positive energy (generally speaking only not talking about anyone, sori need to explain before being label as this and that).

    Give peace a chance
    Opened heart = limitless space and knowledge (dont have to come from one source only)

  118. Dear Tun,
    may I address ‘Age of Enlightenment’

    “”Age_of_EnlightenmentDecember 19, 2012 at 10:51 PM | Permalink
    Age_of_EnlightenmentDecember 18, 2012 at 2:54 PM sebagai Mealyu treats me as penumpang or pendatang, who cares?
    Yes mem, who cares. But what i’m saying is that racists people spread this hatred teaching to us and our children. Although i do not care, or i say i do not care, i have to do something when my own children are told not to eat the mee hon offered by a chinese student because it is “haram”.
    I find this kind of teaching insulting and disgusting. Innocent children playing and eating together are taught hatred and discrimination. I think it should stop.””

    Mr AoE,
    I find you are not very clever or you purposely play a dumb idiot. As if you do not know that Chinese eat pork and Malays do not eat pork. Therefore, the Malays do not eat Chinese cook food. It has got nothing to do hatred and discrimination. Your provocation has gone beyond limit. We are a peaceful society where Chinese, Malays and Indians coexist living as classmates and neighbours. Now trouble makers like you pretend to be a Malay Muslim tries to kindle Chinese hatred against the Malays. People like you started the fire of racial hatred that led to communal riot and bloodshed of MAY 13. You are seditious. You have abused your freedom of expression. You are a small fellow, loner, shy, bespectacled , quiet, vengeful and venomous that is why you hide behind AoE and keep on changing your name.

    amin tan

  119. HBT456, On December 19, 2012 at 11:31
    You treat me as penumpang or pendatang, why should I care since we have general elections in every 5 years.

    Melayu pun tak rasa serba salah dan malu, why should I feel sad and angry?

    Yes, you can take that name calliing, but is that how we should live in Malaysia ? How will your Chinese children talk to my Malay children , with such discrimination and attitude ? Will your children respect my children ? I doubt it, if the Malay government policies continue to dicriminate.

    So in order to change such racist and discriminating policy that makes Malaysians more regress, more divided, poorer, it’s either BN change or vote PR to change such policy after 40 years.

    Yes, but can BN change ? If one sees life through a racist spectacle, religously reinforced, can it change and will it change ? What does it take to change ? Is change easy ?

    For those over the age of 40, which i presume is most commentors on this blog, they know very well what it takes to change. And why BN is unable to change is largely due to belief. It is like changing religion !

    And so ma’am, they practical, logical and suitable way our of our dilemma is to vote for PR, to allow changes to begin. I am the sole supporter of PR in this BN hive full of aggresive BN stingers, i know, and will face the music, the boos, from all the BN supporters.

    But i do not fear so much because they way BN reacts is a reflection of just what BN is actually made of. So lets us see 🙂 My theory is that BN is made of hatred.

    Thank You Tun

  120. Mr Age_of_Enlightenment,

    Oh, you felt racism with vitamins.

    It’s NEP policies.

    Bumiputra get 5 -7% discount for property.

    If non-Malays want to take Government job, 30% shares of the company must be of Malay, after 55 years of Merdeka.

    Kalau tak bagi, threaten us with May 13.

    So in order to change such racist and discriminating policy that makes Malaysians more regress, more divided, poorer, it’s either BN change or vote PR to change such policy after 40 years.

    You treat me as penumpang or pendatang, why should I care since we have general elections in every 5 years.

    Melayu pun tak rasa serba salah dan malu, why should I feel sad and angry?

  121. Salam Tun,

    Going solo here in promoting oppposition. Here goes.

    Just what is it the current government of the day, BN, wants us the oppositionm to accept ?

    Let us list them down here.

    1. Accept corruption as a way of life/business.
    2. Accept racial discrimination forever.
    3. Accept religous rule for some but not others.
    4. Accept that someone better is not promoted, but remain under the rule of them less capable.
    5. Accept that Malaysia is like this, and if think there should be change, we should getout of the country.
    6. Accept arrrogance.
    7. Ignore fainess and justice.

    And so those who can accept the above 1..6 and able to blind their eyes to fainess and justice should rule over those who wish for a better life ?

    I find this reasoning somewhat ridiculous. That is why i am favoring the opposition.

    Thank You Tun

  122. Salam Tun,

    my response to an Islamic fanatic

    From my point-of-view, the punishment (called Hudud) is actually a ‘nikmat’ (mercy) from The Almighty so that you realize how big the punishment would be that you will receive from Allah, who ‘felt upset’ for u for ur misbehave.
    So it is like a little punishment before the BIG one, for u to regret and change your mind.. Isn’t that logic enough? Importantly, is that cruel? And yet this is just by logical argument. As a Muslim, i believed there is more (better) explanation regarding this. Ask ulama/cleric.

    It is people like you, who believe you and your Islam is sent down to punish people, that brings shame to Islam and the Islamic world. Simply because you do not believe in freedom, you take it upon yourself to deem it is right to punish others who believe in freedom.

    I believed, everything Allah ‘says’ in the Holy Al-Quran and through Islam is full of mercy and fairness/justice. If u think Islam is cruel, think again. Study deeper. Don’t just look at practitioners, but also study the system itself by learning from the original Islamic teaching (the Al-Quran and Sunnah). Think about it. I’m happy with my Islamic lifestyle.

    Either you are a liar or someone totally confused. If you are truly happy punishing people, then you are a sadistic maniac, as like most religious fanatics. If this is what you mean by being happy with your Islamic style, yet you impose on others your values, you will never find peace.

    It is not possible to reconcile with people like you or your group, because you do not wish to leave humans in peace and you do not agree to freedom. And so there will not be peace. You expect to punish others without the other party retaliating. You represent God or Allah, and therefore enforce religious rules.

    If this is your religion, your Islam, there will never be peace. if this is what you truly believe, then what to do, the entire Islamic world will be at war with those who love peace and freedom. To that end i can see this is where Islam is going. Back to dark ages. If you happily choose this road, no one on earth can correct you or deter you. It does not mean you are free from its consequences.

    You should not use scientific advances and technology without shame. Your Islam did nothing to contribute to these advances and social tools, yet you use them to litter your religious percepts. These systems, born out of freedom of thought, is what you are against. And so you use it to kill it. Just like you use democracy to kill democracy. And that is Islamic ?

    Thank You Tun

  123. Age_of_EnlightenmentDecember 18, 2012 at 2:54 PM sebagai Mealyu treats me as penumpang or pendatang, who cares?

    Yes mem, who cares. But what i’m saying is that racists people spread this hatred teaching to us and our children. Although i do not care, or i say i do not care, i have to do something when my own children are told not to eat the mee hon offered by a chinese student because it is “haram”.

    I find this kind of teaching insulting and disgusting. Innocent children playing and eating together are taught hatred and discrimination. I think it should stop.

    Why go after something that was brought down via traditions and cultures?

    If we merely blindly accept tradition and culture without questioning, we accept hatred without questioning too. Therein lies the danger. Some traditional teachings are racists, full of hatred, and shameful. We should accept these traditions and cultures ? Surely not.

    Instead of telling people to accept this and that, why not you yourself change first.

    Why not racist people change first ? And remove the racism.
    Why not unfiar people accept fainess, instead of serban as a nobel value ?
    And so if many people wants to promote evil or hatred, we should accept it ? Are we that weak ? Are we that blind ?

    In order to advance we must change to remove these discrimination. It means we need to remove BN.

    I picked up an advert that vitamins are dispensed on racial grounds, given to Malays only between 50-55, by UKM. Is this the kind of policy that Malaysians want ? Even vitamins distributed on racial grounds ? What on earth is all this ?

    Thank You Tun

  124. (just to add my final points, Tun)

    to Balance,

    “Did i mentioned any thing bad or wrong about Islam and why so defensive?
    Yes, you did. Let me show which:

    1) “Muhammad discovered a way to practice goodness”
    -no, Prophet Muhammad was “shown/revealed* to the Truth. He was destined to become a Prophet.

    2) “All discovered path / teaching / way are for the good of human and why say someone else way is wrong or right or better or worst?”
    “why must we think that one particular religion is better than others”
    -In Islam, Allah the Almighty said in the Al-Quran, ‘Islam is the best and the only one accepted by Allah’ (i forgot which verse. A haffiz or ulama could help on this). I’m telling u, so don’t get offended. I believe only in Islam (but doesn’t impliy i hate those who don’t). Islam advocate peace with other religions/belief, but this doesn’t mean ‘equality’ (religion equality).

    3) “Like haram this and haram that. What is Haram is always with us in our conscience. God have installed the haram and not haram into us the day we are born and we dont need anyone to tell us.”
    -No, haram or halal is what Allah had decided for us to obey, and we never knew that without learning from the Al-Quran. And we get explanation from the Prophet. ulama/cleric can help us through ijtihad (conscience) and wisdom. But not just anyone can claim themselves ‘ulama’ and do this without knowledge, wisdom and true belief. Again, learn Islam from Al-Quran and Sunnah (Prophet’s explanation)

    4) “Again the question is what happen to those who dont follow or worship these religions and is it fair to kick out all those people who may be noble, true, or good people.”
    -we never knew. If we accept and practice Islam properly, then there is a chance to get into Heaven/Jannah. If don’t, Allah promised the Hell. This is not discriminating. Is up to us. If don’t believe, why scared? (scare implies belief, so think about it). I believe Islam tells me the actual, truly way of living in this world and Hereafter.

    5) “To me it is human marketing program.”
    -Not for Islam. For me, ur statement is very rude and provocative.

    Seems u don’t understand Islam at all. Learn more (i only had enough for myself, not proper to teach in detail to others). Seek a good ulama to teach you (if u want to know more, in depth).

    Again, sorry if my explanation is not proper. I am just another Muslim who seeks the Mercy of Allah. (Allah knows better)

    (thanks Tun. This is my final comment for this post. Sorry for my rudeness, if any).

  125. Again the use of magical words:-
    It is a healthy development. Everybody is right and is entitled to his opinion as this is a free country.

    We are here in this world to “GIFT” not “GIVE” as GIVE come with expectation. GIFT is without expectation.

    Nobody need to agree with anybody but as long as we try to stand on the other side and try to see what others are thinking is as good enough. The positive energy created by this offering gesture will brighten the world. I use the word offering as offering is without expectation.

    There is no need to agree with me as i am not here to champion anything or for anyone. I just want to part of this beautiful world. If there is anyone that always think someone else is anti-this and anti-that it is the person own manifestation and own tangle in life. Only he/she himself/herself can untangle those knots.

    Did i mentioned i am a non-Muslim or a Irreligion but why prejudge me as one?
    Did i mentioned any thing bad or wrong about Islam and why so defensive?
    Did i challenged Islam why prejudge as anti-Islam?
    Would not it be better way to tell me about the beauty of Islam and invite me to learn and understand Islam (if i am not a Muslim)?

    The intention is to tell everyone to respect each other and see everyone as equal. There is no need to “shoot down” things and get emotional or defensive. Right?

    Dont let our wondering mind and 5 senses destroy our actual reason we are here in this world. Some called it “test” and others called it “whatever”

    Holiday season now and it is time to relax and unwind. Visiting friends of other culture and religion should hold us together as Malaysians.

    Love this blog

  126. Assalamualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,

    Nampaknya ramai yang memberikan pandangan terhadap isu BOKO HARAM yang Tun paparkan. Ada baiknya kita mengemukakan pandangan masing-masing, mungkin boleh dikongsi oleh orang lain jika pandangan itu ada kebenarannya mengikut fakta dan dalil-dalil yang sah seperti yang disyariatkan oleh Islam. Tetapi harus kita sama-sama memberikan pandangan secara berhikmah supaya tidak menimbulkan pergeseran sesama sendiri disebabkan berlainan kefahaman dan pegangan. Jalan penyelesaian kembalilah kepada Tali Allah.

    2. Amat dikesalkan oleh kerana berbeza ideologi politik diantara Pas dan UMNO khususnya, maka Pas sanggup mengkafirkan UMNO dan sedang hangat diperkatakan semula oleh berbagai pihak termasuk dari golongan ulamak. Amanat Dato’ Seri Hj. Hadi Awang (kini Presiden Pas) mengkafirkan UMNO yang dibuat dalam tahun 1981 telah meninggalkan kesan yang begitu mendalam terhadap keretakan kesepaduan umat Islam khususnya diantara kepimpinan dan penyokong Pas dan UMNO. Mengikut pandangan berbagai pihak khususnya ulamak mendapati bahawa tiada alasan kukuh mengikut syariat Islam sebenar yang Pas boleh membuat tuduhan atau mendakwa UMNO itu kafir. Selagi umat Islam itu berpegang kepada Shahadah, maka ianya masih dalam kedudukan Islam, segala keingkaran atau pelanggaran terhadap hukum hakam syariah oleh seseorang penganut Islam hanya mengundang kemurkaan Allah SWT dan berdosa besar, tetapi dianya masih tetap Islam, dan jika dianya melakukan taubat nasuha Insya’Allah akan diampunkan segala dosanya.

    3. Lebih teruk lagi Pas mendoakan kehancuran UMNO/BN untuk terus menguasai kerajaan selepas pilihanraya umum ke 13 nanti. UMNO juga didakwa MURTAD oleh Mursyidul Am Pas. Amat menyedihkan Pas sanggup bertindak sedemikian menggunakan agama secara songsang bagi meraih sokongan untuk merealisasi hasrat bersama rakan kongsi politik PKR dan DAP ke Putrajaya. Majoriti Umat Islam di Malaysia dipercaya tidak semudah itu boleh terpengaruh dengan cara Pas meraih undi dalam pilihanraya umum ke 13 nanti.

    4. Pas bergabung dalam Pakatan Rakyat bersama DAP parti Cauvinis dan Perkauman dan jelas menentang Islam dan Hukum Hudud Pas. Oleh kerana dikuasai nafsu ketaksuban yang amat tinggi untuk ke Putrajaya, Pas lupa akan perinsip perjuangan asal penubuhannya, dan sanggup bersekongkol dengan DAP. UMNO yang jelas dipimpin oleh umat Islam dan dianggotai oleh majoriti umat Islam dijadikan musuh utama Pas. Sampai bila agaknya Pas boleh terus diperkudakan DAP untuk mendapat undi Melayu Pas supaya DAP lebih dominan dalam Pakatan Rakyat, dan Pas juga digunakan PKR untuk mendapat undi Melayu Pas supaya Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim boleh jadi Perdana Menteri. Jika pegangan Pas tidak berubah yang lebih bergaya dan meraih keuntungan besar politik adalah DAP dan Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Pas tak dapat apa-apa keuntungan politik hanya berterusan diperkudakan oleh DAP dan PKR. Fakta dan bukti jelas Pas diperkudakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat di negeri-negeri yang dikuasi oleh DAP (Pulau Pinang) dan PKR (Selangor). Kita tumpang sedih rakan-rakan kita dalam Pas begitu dipinggirkan dalam Pakatan Rakyat.

    Mudah-mudahan UMNO/BN diberi kemenangan besar dalam pilihanraya umum ke 13 oleh Allah SWT, dan Pas diberi petunjuk ke jalan yang lebih benar oleh Allah SWT demi kelansungan perjuangan Pas. Yang lebih moleknya UMNO dan Pas bersatu dan bekerjasama demi Islam.

    Sekian terima kasig dan Wassalam.

  127. Sdr Amin Tan,

    It does not matter how we interpret history and religion.

    The greatest enemy in us is ourselves.

  128. Dear Tun,

    I am happy that more people have joined the forum on Islam. It is a healthy development. Everybody is right and is entitled to his opinion as this is a free country. Fikrisoleh, balance, Age of Enlightenment, HBT 456 are all correct in their beliefs and disbeliefs of Islam. Even among the Muslims, you have different sects, each saying theirs is correct and others are deviated.
    Since I am a Muslim, let me explain and expound my understanding of the religion in relation to opinions expressed by others. In the process of my elaboration, some of you may feel insulted and provoked saying I am a Muslim Extremist. Please forgive me for speaking the TRUTH.
    Islam has 2 aspects, the practical aspects called amalan is the RUKUN islam and the other is faith or beliefs aspect called kepercayaan/conviction or RUKUN IMAN. You can find every thing about islam in the Holy Quran. The Messenger who delivered the message of islam to human kind was Prophet Mohammad. Islam is a way of life. The implementation of the message as contained in the Quran is called Sunnah Nabi.
    Rukun islam starts with the SHAHADAH, THE BASIS of islamic belief, that there is no God except ALLAH and Mohammad is the messenger. However, some people prefer only one kalimah shahadah and refuse to include Mohammad as messenger. The Iranian Shia would add Syedina Ali making it 3 kalimah shahadah. The main stream islam is the 2 kalimah shahadah. Once a person solemnly recite the 2 kalimah shahadah, he becomes a Muslim and he is not allowed to disavow or renounce his faith. The Muslim state would jealously enforce rukun islam to protect the religion from traitors of the religion. In China, the national shahadah is patriotism to the motherland. Those who conspire with foreigners in order to sabotage China commits a crime called TREASON against the nation. Those found guilty of TREASON OR equivalent of MURTAD in islam, the punishment is PUBLIC EXECUTION with a single bullet from the back of the head. Those who are murtad are traitors to the religion and are considered the greatest enemy of the religion and they are hated.
    Fikrisoleh and balance are both correct in their description of Islam, both from their respective outlooks. Fikrisoleh said muslims are required to dakwah to non muslims and it is up to the non muslims to embrace islam and become muslim or to disbelieve and remain a KAFIR forever. Those who are muslims are called Muslimin and those who are not Muslims are called KAFIRUN/ MUSHRIKIN. ‘balance’ terms dakwah as marketing programme which is correct, like selling insurance policy. Age of Enlighenment and ‘balance’ have the right to refuse to believe in islam and have a right to maintain their status as KAFIR forever. However, It is not right for them to condemn islam either because it will be unnecessary provocation or hostile or enemy action against islam like MiddleAges or Age of Enlightenment is fond of doing. This condemnation or insult of islam will result in retaliation and ugly reaction which are not beneficial to very body. Muslims respect other religions. They consider those who are not Muslims as JAHIL. Muslims respect of non muslims can be found in the Holy Quran, Surah KAFIRUN.
    In islamic history, the greatest enemy of islam was Abu Jahal, a nick name given by Prophet Mohammad to Abu Hakam(Hakam means wise). This Abu Hakam could speak on worldly matters and reason very well but he opposed islam vehemently. Therefore, he was called Abu Jahal meaning father of IGNORANCE. Allah did not choose him to be enlightened as a muslim. He was not endowed with HIDAYAH even though the Prophet tried to dakwah him. In the words of ‘Balance’ the Prophet could not close the sale on him. In fact, he was killed fighting the Prophet and Muslims in the first Muslim Battle in history, the Battle of Badr. Islam allows freedom to practise other religions, but it disallows TRAITORS of the religion or MURTAD, OR DURHAKA pada agama. For the sake of survival, like everybody else, Muslims also fight in self defence against the enemies of Muslims. Wallahu alam.

    amin tan

  129. Age_of_EnlightenmentDecember 18, 2012 at 2:54 PM sebagai Mealyu treats me as penumpang or pendatang, who cares?

    You want votes, work for it.

    Why go after something that was brought down via traditions and cultures?

    Instead of telling people to accept this and that, why not you yourself change first.

  130. (another Tun)


    I don’t agree with u. If u think every religion are same, is up to you. But from Islamic point of view, only Islam is the the Truth. No other. As a Muslim, i will stick to the claim that my religion is the best. Forever.

    I don’t see this is an offense, because i don’t force u or others to accept my believe. So why bother to insist on pluralism (all religions are same)? *for why all Muslim should believe, see my argument about ‘murtad’ below*

    Without u realizing it (or intentionally?), it is people like u who is pressing ur opinion on Muslims to accept your ‘pluralism’ believe. This is actually the provocation (and thus it is u who r creating enemies with the Muslims).

    (thanks Tun)

  131. (Tun, pls allow me to post additional reply to my latest comment for ‘Age_of_enlightenment’)


    I’ve said Islam is thought through preaching, and not force. So u might ask, “then why punish those who don’t believe it anymore (e.g. ‘murtad’ or leave Islam)?”.

    Consider this – if i tell u a great thing, and u said u believed, and the next day u regret, u said u lied and abandon me, how do i feel? Yet I’m just human. I feel sad, but can’t do nothing to you because i’m powerless. And u might break my heart even more if u r my loved ones.

    So imagine, Allah is the Almighty. Allah loves every human. Allah had ‘delivered’ u the truth (Islam), and u claimed u believed (become a Muslim), and the next day u said u do not believe it anymore, how do you think Allah the Almighty might react? With such great power… i will not dare to think about it. Yet before ur given that BIG punishment, u r ordered (!) to be given only 0.1% from the punishment (seems like for ‘test-drive’, to get the ‘feel’). Isn’t that lucky compared to receive all at once (since u might want the chance to turn back)? Still ‘cruel’ eh?

    From my point-of-view, the punishment (called Hudud) is actually a ‘nikmat’ (mercy) from The Almighty so that you realize how big the punishment would be that you will receive from Allah, who ‘felt upset’ for u for ur misbehave. So it is like a little punishment before the BIG one, for u to regret and change your mind.. Isn’t that logic enough? Importantly, is that cruel? And yet this is just by logical argument. As a Muslim, i believed there is more (better) explanation regarding this. Ask ulama/cleric.

    I believed, everything Allah ‘says’ in the Holy Al-Quran and through Islam is full of mercy and fairness/justice. If u think Islam is cruel, think again. Study deeper. Don’t just look at practitioners, but also study the system itself by learning from the original Islamic teaching (the Al-Quran and Sunnah). Think about it. I’m happy with my Islamic lifestyle.

    (thanks, Tun).

  132. What Amin Tan written is so true and wise:
    Islam is not human discovery like a scientist discover atom, gravity and so on. Islam is wahyu or revealed knowledge from God to human.

    God is unseen(ghaib) and of different dimension and is different from physical dimension of human.

    These two sentences is almost the answer to all of the world problem if can be seen from a open heart that all the same to all religion.

    Prejudice like “my religion is better” and “more true” or “more direct from God or heaven” is the problem. How do we know God did not give to others the same revealed instruction or knowledge?

    Today there are religion that teaches their followers that there is no other Gods but their God. Again the question is what happen to those who dont follow or worship these religions and is it fair to kick out all those people who may be noble, true, or good people. To me it is human marketing program.

    When a person convert from one religion or other religion is because that person feel “more at home” with that particular religion and it is his/her destiny too.

    There is no right or wrong just different.

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays

  133. (Tun, pls allow me to post a reply to the comment made by ‘Age_of_enlightenment’)


    I’m principally agree with Mr Amin Tan. He is also not obliged to discuss/debate with u about Islam. Like in Physics, or Chemistry, is it possible for someone who are not studying theoretical Physics/Chems to debate about the subjects? No (unless you study them). Even a physicist/chemist who is an expert in Applied Physicis/Chems would not dare to debate about the theoretical part.

    So why so prejudice about Islam? Islam is knowledge. Islam is about revealed knowledge and ‘hidayah’. To debate about religion, ask the ‘ulama’ who studied Islam in depth (don’t ask Nik Aziz or ulama in PAS. Ask the non-politicians).

    As a muslim, i also would not dare to debate about Islam. I will not dare to say that i’m confirmed to be in Heaven, while others won’t. But still, I believe in Islam and practice every new things that i’ve learn, and i will obey Allah at my best, and try to get into Heaven, through the teaching of the Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad.

    Me or Mr Amin, or even Tun M, should never force u to accept Islam. We only should tell u Islam is great and is the truth. Whether u believe it or not, is up to the Allah the Almighty to decide, to make u believe what we said. That is a freedom of religion from Islamic point of view. Islam is thought through “da’wah” (preaching). This is the Prophet Muhammad’s way. No force allowed.

    Don’t just let yourself pre-judge Islam only from the practitioners. Everyone is also learning. And everyone have their own interpretations. If u r really curious about Islam, learn it, discuss, understand it, and then decide. I will pray that many more non-muslims can see the truth of Islam.

    (thank you, Tun)

  134. Salam Tun,

    More responses please.

    HBT456 on December 17, 2012 at 8:35 AM wrote

    Mr Age_of_Enlightenment,
    Smartness is haram?

    Yes mem, religious extremists ( example Amin Tan ) disallows thinking, and force people to accept Islam, or his version of Islam, without thinking , without debate. If one is smart and ask good questions, he will be punished and told to shut up. This is common in many religions.

    Examples below :-

    Why does a God so powerful, so merciful, leaves us with so many problems ?
    Answer – life is a test

    Why do Malays/Muslims have to be under muslim laws, but others can go scot free ?
    Answer – Malays are muslims and therefore must obey. Others tak payah , can do as they please.

    Why are Chinese so good in business
    Answer – kafir have money for their God, and will burn in hell. Indians too, since they indulge in idolatory. All non-muslims will go to hell.

    These are typical answers given by religious teaches and parents to children. So madam, i’m afriad as a kafir you will be logs or fuel used to burn those who commit sin in hell. This means your life is not worth it, and your citizenship of Malaysia is also not questionable, because you are a non-muslim. Even if you are born here, you are a “penumpang” or “pendatang”.

    This is what Islamic and racial fanatics teach their children, at home, in schools. And then we are surprised when these children in turn become a problem to society ? These are the kind of people who are now in responsible positions in government and private sectors. It’s no wonder we have such an acute social problem.

    The BN government cannot address this issue because it keeps denying it. But the problem will not go away, because it is fundamental and widespread. The key to all this is education. We have to admit we have failed in education to begin with and make drastic amendments quick. The way we drive is a reflection of all this.

    Thank You Tun

  135. Similarly, don’t make Malaysian Angry with the rhetoric of 1 Klink, 1 Kedai, 1 Bantuan, 1 Insurance with gelombang merah and blah, blah when PM Najib is elected as the PM in PRU13.

    Malaysia is not a Malay Communist country whereby state governments can dictate Federal Government what to uphold Keluhuran & Perlembagaan Rakyat dan Raja2 Malaysia.

    If MB does not perform, it’s up to PM and State Sultan to decide who they want to appoint.

    Lastly, Malaysia has enough land and worship areas of cemetery for all races.

    Please don’t make Chinese cemetery a public listed company to earn money from our loved ones that made Islam looks ugly to the world leaders.

  136. It’s time for Kementerian Hal Ehwah Pengguna Malaysia to outlaw Hypermarkets in Malaysia to sell their house brand to march forward toward Healthy Consumer Competition Act at par with Global Leader Standard similar to avoid middle income trap.

  137. Is Halal business in Malaysia small?

    However, if PM Najib when elected as PM in PRU 13, I am looking forward to see McDonald be the 1st first “Sdn Bhd” company that hold so much assets and cashflow of the country to be public listed uphold Islam as the official religion in Malaysia which is recognized by world leaders including Singapore.

  138. Shiva, Vishnu discovered a way to practice goodness
    Abraham and Moses discovered a way to practice goodness
    Persians discovered a way to practice goodness
    Buddha discovered a way to practice goodness
    Laozi discovered a way to practice goodness
    Yamato discovered a way to practice goodness
    Jesus discovered a way to practice goodness
    Muhammad discovered a way to practice goodness
    Nanak discovered a way to practice goodness
    Mother Teresa discovered a way to practice goodness
    Many more volunteers of charitable organisations discovered a way to practice goodness

    All discovered path / teaching / way are for the good of human and why say someone else way is wrong or right or better or worst?
    Is it political? Like BN vs PKR?

    The discovery (teaching/practice/prayers/help & etc) may not be human and may be send from above but whatever or where ever is not important. The important part is the human should open their heart to understand and listen to those goodness and do their part for a better humanity and life. We are not here to compare and judge rather we are here to practice. The worst is to force his/her religion belief onto others. Like haram this and haram that. What is Haram is always with us in our conscience. God have installed the haram and not haram into us the day we are born and we dont need anyone to tell us. God send messengers to remind us to practice more non-haram

    Why there must be holy war?
    How war can be holy?
    Is killing holy?
    Is bombing someone house holy?

    Lastly, why must we think that one particular religion is better than others. I think God or our creator is a fair, logical and smart being and he/she/it will not confine to such a narrow thinking as only people from 1 or 2 religion can go to heaven or holy place and others go to hell. Is there many hell and heaven for each different religion?

    With goodness we interpret sharing
    With smartness we interpret wisdom
    With shallow and close mind we interpret sadness
    With prejudice we interpret evilness (not giving someone the second chance)

  139. If Lynas Plant as FDI, the current BN Cabinet that is still under Pak Lah mandate also cannot protect kerana takut hilang pangkat, do you expect Malaysians have high hope on them in protecting us?

    When Sulatn N9 as the self elected monarchy created the headline in The Star paper by bringing Muslim on the street is his land, I have lost hope with the so-called Muslim Malay.

    I can sell off the Islamic unit trust fund.

    But I do not intend to sell off the fund.

    I am willing to pay for management cost for Islamic fund under EPF scheme because the fund managers are skilled professionals who deserved to earn such income.

    A leader’s main task is to produce leaders, not followers.

  140. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to elaborate and rectify some concepts put forward by ‘Balance’ on the issue of religion
    Please allow me to quote Mr ‘Balance’

    “Religion is personal and should stay inside our heart and not on our mouth and mind. We should not convince or force or preach to anyone who is not willing to listen. When someone is willing and interested you dont have to convince or force or preach.

    Everyone have their own path, the difference is which path. So who can be wrong?

    A question to all those who think strongly about a particular Religion. What do you think happen to all the humans that live before there were the 2 young Religion. They must be very unlucky people as there was on one to save them or tell them ?

    Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroartriansim, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism & Taoistism, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, Silkism and Bahai are human’s discoveries and they are JUST PATH for human to reach their destiny, nothing more or nothing less but what have all of us make these paths into? WAR and ANGER.

    In this blog we can see the anger, selfishness, bully, one-track mind, prejudice, I am smarter than you, I am holier than you, I know more than you and etc but luckily we dont see evilness.

    Why not change our attitude and show compassion and solutions to those problems that Tun care about.”

    Mr Balance,

    I am a Muslim. My understanding of islam as a religion is different from what you have written above. This is just a discussion and there is no war or anger. This is just an explanation from my point of view. I may even be wrong. Islam is not human discovery like a scientist discover atom, gravity and so on. Islam is wahyu or revealed knowledge from God to human. God is unseen(ghaib) and of different dimension and is different from physical dimension of human. Therefore, those who has no religion or non muslim do not understand islam and simply say religion is personal. To be a muslim, or to convert to a muslim you must be given ‘hidayah’ or ‘enlightenment’ by God as a chosen destiny. On the contrary, those without religion would say this is rubbish and absolute nonsense. Islam has a name for such person. Don’t get angry or offended. Islam calls non muslim kafir or jahiliah or jahil meaning ignorance of divine guidance, opposite of enlightenment or hidayah. The non muslims may say muslims are the stupid ones. In fact islam allows and tolerates non muslims among them as stated in the Holy Quran, in Surah Kafirun.

    However, some non muslims who confess not having any religion at all and dislike islam put a name for himself as ‘enlightenment’ is quite similar to najis calling itself ‘bunga rose’. It is a matter of believe. No need to fight between Muslims and non Muslims. Let us coexist in peace, harmony and progress like UMNO, MCA and MIC. I wish all Malaysians Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    amin tan

  141. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to elaborate and rectify some concepts put forward by ‘Balance’ on the issue of religion
    Please allow me to quote Mr ‘Balance’

    “Religion is personal and should stay inside our heart and not on our mouth and mind. We should not convince or force or preach to anyone who is not willing to listen. When someone is willing and interested you dont have to convince or force or preach.

    Everyone have their own path, the difference is which path. So who can be wrong?

    A question to all those who think strongly about a particular Religion. What do you think happen to all the humans that live before there were the 2 young Religion. They must be very unlucky people as there was on one to save them or tell them ?

    Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroartriansim, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism & Taoistism, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, Silkism and Bahai are human’s discoveries and they are JUST PATH for human to reach their destiny, nothing more or nothing less but what have all of us make these paths into? WAR and ANGER.

    In this blog we can see the anger, selfishness, bully, one-track mind, prejudice, I am smarter than you, I am holier than you, I know more than you and etc but luckily we dont see evilness.

    Why not change our attitude and show compassion and solutions to those problems that Tun care about.”

    Mr Balance,

    I am a Muslim. My understanding of islam as a religion is different from what you have written above. This is just a discussion and there is no war or anger. This is just an explanation from my point of view. I may even be wrong. Islam is not human discovery like a scientist discover atom, gravity and so on. Islam is wahyu or revealed knowledge from God to human. God is unseen(ghaib) and of different dimension and is different from physical dimension of human. Therefore, those who has no religion or non muslim do not understand islam and simply say religion is personal. To be a muslim, or to convert to a muslim you must be given ‘hidayah’ or ‘enlightenment’ by God as a chosen destiny. On the contrary, those without religion would say this is rubbish and absolute nonsense. Islam has a name for such person. Don’t get angry or offended. Islam calls non muslim kafir or jahiliah or jahil meaning ignorance of divine guidance, opposite of enlightenment or hidayah. The non muslims may say muslims are the stupid ones. In fact islam allows and tolerates non muslims among them as stated in the Holy Quran, in Surah Kafirun.

    However, some non muslims who confess not having any religion at all and dislike islam put a name for himself as ‘enlightenment’ is quite similar to najis calling itself ‘bunga rose’. It is a matter of believe. No need to fight between Muslims and non Muslims. Let us coexist in peace, harmony and progress like UMNO, MCA and MIC. I wish all Malaysians Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    amin tan

  142. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to elaborate and rectify some concepts put forward by ‘Balance’ on the issue of religion

    Please allow me to quote Mr ‘Balance’

    “Religion is personal and should stay inside our heart and not on our mouth and mind. We should not convince or force or preach to anyone who is not willing to listen. When someone is willing and interested you dont have to convince or force or preach.
    Everyone have their own path, the difference is which path. So who can be wrong?
    A question to all those who think strongly about a particular Religion. What do you think happen to all the humans that live before there were the 2 young Religion. They must be very unlucky people as there was on one to save them or tell them ?
    Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroartriansim, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism & Taoistism, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, Silkism and Bahai are human’s discoveries and they are JUST PATH for human to reach their destiny, nothing more or nothing less but what have all of us make these paths into? WAR and ANGER.

    In this blog we can see the anger, selfishness, bully, one-track mind, prejudice, I am smarter than you, I am holier than you, I know more than you and etc but luckily we dont see evilness.

    Why not change our attitude and show compassion and solutions to those problems that Tun care about.”

    Mr Balance,

    I am a Muslim. My understanding of islam as a religion is different from what you have written above. This is just a discussion and there is no war or anger. This is just an explanation from my point of view. I may even be wrong. Islam is not human discovery like a scientist discover atom, gravity and so on. Islam is wahyu or revealed knowledge from God to human. God is unseen(ghaib) and of different dimension and is different from physical dimension of human. Therefore, those who has no religion or non muslim do not understand islam and simply say religion is personal. To be a muslim, or to convert to a muslim you must be given ‘hidayah’ or ‘enlightenment’ by God as a chosen destiny. On the contrary, those without religion would say this is rubbish and absolute nonsense. Islam has a name for such person. Don’t get angry or offended. Islam calls non muslim kafir or jahiliah or jahil meaning ignorance of divine guidance, opposite of enlightenment or hidayah. The non muslims may say muslims are the stupid ones. In fact islam allows and tolerates non muslims among them as stated in the Holy Quran, in Surah Kafirun.

    However, some non muslims who confess not having any religion at all and dislike islam put a name for himself as ‘enlightenment’ is quite similar to najis calling itself ‘bunga rose’. It is a matter of belief. No need to fight between Muslims and non Muslims. Let us coexist in peace, harmony and progress like UMNO, MCA and MIC. I wish all Malaysians Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    amin tan

  143. Dear tuan tanah,

    Why are you so afraid of Anwar Ibrahim?

    The story about Anwar Ibrahim is “basi”.

    What makes you think that Mr Lee Kuan Yew is interfering Malaysia politics?

    You mean Mr Lee Kuan Yew cannot visit any people in Malaysia?

    Mr Lee Kuan Yew informed the press about his visit to Malaysia, right?

    Buy the way, you mean Sultan Johor cannot invite Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s son, PM Singapore, for dinner at His Royal Highness Palace?

    Rumors down there said Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad bought a lot of land in Kedah.

    Do I believe in this rumors?

    Only fools think wise and learned Chinese like will buy these rumors.

    Whoever be the PM, I will still have to pay debts, taxes and bank service charges.

  144. people always talk about islam but not doing it..
    quoted from Dato’ R,
    “a good snapshot of “Islamic” Finance (IF). The good news is the recipient of royal award and “Islamic” Finance practitioner for more than 30 years, Iqbal Khan admitted that though the IF in the early stage started with lee ways and exemptions from the Muslim scholars then, as a mean to kick start the industry, the exemption that was meant to be temporary has become the norm. It became a norm as the practitioner became complacent with what they were doing and stop working progressively. In addition, he also admitted that IF mirrored or duplicated the instruments of the conventional finance and there are elements that is highly discussable with regards to its Islamicity of IF. He did reiterated that efforts must be undertaken to further study and research so that IF one day truly complies to the Principles of Shariah. He did say it is a work in progress, though, it has taken a very long sabbatical. Looks like we were correct all the time during our class questioning the validity of IF…. … The bad news is the “IF” in its current form is set to continue given that there are almost no credible initiative towards the true IF given the poor wherewithal and infrastructure surrounding the initiative. But we must remember that given that the ray from the Sun will be the same, wherever it shines, likewise the consequence of IF should it duplicates it’s conventional cousin will also have the same consequence. And that, as all of us know, will bring us to disaster as we have seen in crisis after crisis. In short, let us go back to the Words of Allah and His Prophet and work within the spirit, genuinely negating everything else.”
    so where are we now..?

  145. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    For HBT.

    PAP does support PAS.
    Support comes in many forms.
    It can be financial, economical, political as well as moral.
    In some cases it comes in the form of military support in term of supplying weapons and advice, etc.
    And support does not necessarily mean the supporter agree with the supported.
    It can be a double edge sword.
    Afterall PAS leaders have shown what their intellect level is by letting LKY and PAP manipulate them somehow. I remember Nik Aziz giving a thumbs up upon LKY visit.
    Obviously Nik Aziz is so sick, politically sick that is.

    As for the grand tour of LKY after the 2008 GE it just shows how arrogant the old man is.
    It also means that LKY still wants to be involved in Malaysian politics.
    Was there ever any visit or meeting with any of Singapore’s opposition leader by any Malaysian leader in Singapore? Beside the annual UMNO general meeting where Singapore representative also attend. But these Singaporean are not even an MP.
    Well HBT, its more than just the Grand Tour by LKY.
    Its more than that and it goes a long way back

    If you read Singapore’s Straits Time, you can see for yourself how they portray and project Anwar Ibrahim.

    I am not talking about investing in other country by a country.
    No not at all.
    I hope you get me right.
    Thanks Tun.
    Long Live Tun in good health.

  146. Slm Tun, saya minat cara dan pendekatan Tun sbg seorang pemimpin negara. Mungkin byk kelemahan sana sini, tp Tun still among the best.

    Islam tak boleh dipaksa. Pendekatan pengIslaman perlu berstrategi dan bijak. Hal ini bukanlah maknanya pendakwah juga blh memanipulasi orang bukan Islam – misalnya menipu/memaksa orang lain supaya mengamalkan cara Islam, kononnya matlamat menghalalkan cara. Pendekatan berstrategi perlu untuk memelihara hubungan baik sesama manusia dan mengelakkan prasangka. Tp mestilah jujur dan ikhlas.

    Lebih baik kalau orang bukan Islam nampak ‘kenapa Islam itu indah’, daripada memaksa mereka ikut Islam tapi pd masa sama umat Islam menunjukkan kebodohan dan keburukan pd orang bukan Islam. Jd paradox pd kacamata orang bukan Islam. Orang bukan Islam lebih mudah tengok contoh, penampilan. Jd bila confuse, mereka tengok orang Islam hodoh, mereka kata Islam tu hodoh. Sdgkan Islam itu indah sebenarnya, tapi disalahpraktik.

    Jd dgn melihat sendiri keindahan Islam melalui contoh-contoh yg cemerlang, mereka sedar if they practice Islam, they can get the benefit. Sometimes such people even do better than what they’ve saw/follow. Cth: Ann Wan Seng, Riduan Tee, Farid Ravi (but still they call themselves mualaf?). Saya fikir Tun juga layak diiktiraf tokoh Islam yg cemerlang (mungkin Tun tak warak, tp still ok to me, bcause u shown us some of the beauties of Muslim’s talents.) Dan inilah asas kekuatan kerajaan Islam Madinah mahupun tamadun Islam selepasnya. Preach through example not rethoric. Orang bukan Islam (mahupun umat Islam sendiri) dapat mengalami sendiri perjalanan sistem perbankan Islam, atau lain-lain, dan merasai sendiri kebaikannya.

    Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih Tun kerana bawa Malaysia ke tahap sekarang. Apapun, semoga kita dapat terus memperbaiki diri untuk jadi Muslim sejati.

    [p/s: BTW saya tak stuju SRK dijemput raikan Birthday Tun. SRK mungkin popular, tp he is a ‘confused muslim’…. Juga nak ucap tahniah, akhirnya Proton sudi terima enjin Petronas!]

  147. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Izinkan saya buat seterusnya berkongsi pandangan di atas tajuk BOKO HARAM yang diamalkan di Negeria. Atas konsep BOKO HARAM penganutnya memusnahkan rumah-rumah ibadah agama lain (selain Islam), melakukan pembunuhan termasuk sesama Islam, jika bercanggah dengan pegangan dan pendirian mereka. Perbuatan sedemikian amat jelas boleh dengan mudah meruntuhkan imej Islam dimata penganut agama lain selain Islam. Jika dikaji dengan mendalam sejarah Nabi Muhamad SAW sewaktu mentadbir Madinah (selepas melakukan ibadah Hijrah dari Makkah ke Madinah) tidak langsung mengamalkan cara BOKO HARAM di Nigeria. Minta dilindungi Allah SWT ciri-ciri BOKO HARAM tidak menular dan berlaku di negara Malaysia.

    2. Apa yang berlaku sejak parti Pas ditubuhkan selepas kepimpinan pertamanya orang UMNO dan berpisah dengan UMNO dalam parti Perikatan (berlambangkan Kapal Layar), aktiviti mengkafirkan UMNO telah bermula, kerana UMNO bergabung dalam satu parti Perikatan yang dianggotai oleh parti-parti yang dipimpin dan dianggotai oleh bukan Islam. Syariat Islam membenarkan umat Islam bekerjasama dengan bukan Islam dalam apa juga usaha dalam kehidupan termasuk usahasama politik, dengan syarat rakan kongsi bukan Islam itu tidak menentang Islam atau bermusuh dengan Islam. Tetapi Pas pada ketika itu sepenuhnya menolak kerjasama politik dengan bukan Islam.

    3. Semenjak awal tahun sembilan puluhan Pas sudah mula berjinak-jinak dengan DAP parti politik yang dipimpin oleh bukan Islam dan dianggotai oleh hampir seratus peratus bukan Islam. Lebih dari itu DAP berpendirian menolak negara Islam dan Hukum Hudud yang diperjuangkan oleh Pas. Tetapi Pas atas sebab kepentingan dan kerakusan mendapatkan kuasa politik terus juga bergabung dengan DAP. DSAI pada ketika itu ahli majlis tertinggi UMNO dan menganggotai Kabinet Barisan Nasional sebagai Menteri mengutuk keras sikap Pas bergabung dengan DAP (sebagai bukti lihat sahaja dalam ruang apa kata Anwar dalam Akhbar Utusan Malaysia). Pas eating their own words kerana dibolehkan pula bergabung dengan DAP hanya atas kepentingan meraih kuasa politik dan meminggirkan perinsip perjuangan yang berlandaskan Islam.

    3. Sama-samalah kita renungkan demi kepentingan bangsa, agama Islam dan negara Malaysia yang tercinta.


  149. Haram is in the mind of the beholder so is kahwat and all other mumbo jumbo. Right or wrong depends on the person niat and we should not judge and enforce as it is not humans job.

    Everybody can have different opinion and we should try to understand each opinion. We should ask why would a person think in a particular way and we should not attack a person opinion without fully understanding his or her reasons.

    Can anyone 100% say what is right? There surely be at least one person that will argue. So LET IT BE as there will be an answer ….. but not from us.

    Human job is to survive and live a life that each will be proud of. Wealth and legacy are bonuses but true happiness or inner peace is the real reward

    Religion is personal and should stay inside our heart and not on our mouth and mind. We should not convince or force or preach to anyone who is not willing to listen. When someone is willing and interested you dont have to convince or force or preach.

    Everyone have their own path, the difference is which path. So who can be wrong?

    A question to all those who think strongly about a particular Religion. What do you think happen to all the humans that live before there were the 2 young Religion. They must be very unlucky people as there was on one to save them or tell them ?

    Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroartriansim, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism & Taoistism, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, Silkism and Bahai are human’s discoveries and they are JUST PATH for human to reach their destiny, nothing more or nothing less but what have all of us make these paths into? WAR and ANGER.

    In this blog we can see the anger, selfishness, bully, one-track mind, prejudice, I am smarter than you, I am holier than you, I know more than you and etc but luckily we dont see evilness.

    Why not change our attitude and show compassion and solutions to those problems that Tun care about. I believe Tun started this blog to highlight the problems of humans and maybe even asking all to give some positive thoughts and energy or prayers so that the world can be a better place.


  150. Oh, by the way, Mr Age_of_Enlightenment, just like what the current Malay politicians who are still living in zaman silam used to tell us, the warganegara Malaysia to balik Cina and India, perhaps you may think of doing your personal businesses via personal loan to fulfill your dream businesses in Thailand which have existed when Siam zaman silam is replaced by democracy process.

    Brother, when we are young and single, we can do what we see fit.

    But when we have family and children, we have to think hard before we venture into some businesses.

    You can be copycat, but make sure you will never score 100%.

    There is no free lunch in this world.

    Siapakah makan cili pedas, dialah yang rasa pedas.

  151. Mr Age_of_Enlightenment,

    Smartness is haram?

    A Sdn Bhd company owned by Pak Lah family to build the 2nd bridge of Penang Island is not haram without Penangites’ votes?

    Why are you being discriminate?

    Kalau cara yang kau buat tu adalah tidak haram, I am sure Malaysians are delighted to invest in your company.

  152. sori…sori…luper lak…..
    takkira takkira….org nk kata econ tak mati pun tak per….
    artikel ni beeeeest…kaler tak sedo gak…….

  153. Asalamualaikum…
    selamat hari lahir baba tun m…semuga sentiasa dirahmati di berkati di redhai Allah di dunia n akhirat…amin amin amin ya Allah…suke suke nengok shah ruk khan mai nyanyi kat baba tun m…..yor ler segelintir org m’sia x hargai baba tapi ramei lagi org m’sia n org dari seluruh dunia hargai baba…..jelessss ngan shah ruk khan sbb dpt jumpa baba sob sob sob….


    sayer lagik bangga sbb baba satu negara ngan sayer…wuhooooo….yeay…
    selamat hari lahir hanya doa yg dapat sayer hadiah buat baba….sob sob sob…

    peace…lari tajuk…hu hu hu…..

  154. Also Tun,

    HBT456, December 16, 2012 at 3:49 PM

    Yes, can succeed without haram trade, but these haram trades brings enormous financial advantage to those who can. And they cannot, even if they wish, help muslims with that money.

    The question is, why are Malays/Muslims being discriminated against ?

    Malay Muslims should be allowed to freely offer tourism services for example without religious repurcussions. This will draw in plenty. Look at Thailand.

    But because of religious percepts, Malays can only look and need to think very hard of “halal” services. The Malays of Malaysia are not allowed freedom of choice in Malaysia. Go figure.

    What smart partnership is HBT talking about ? Smartness is haram, don’t you know that ?

    Clearly racial and religious bias needs to go. To be replaced with more humane and decent laws. And religion kept at personal level.

    Thank You Tun

  155. Salam Tun,

    A brief response please.

    HBT456 wrote on December 16, 2012

    Hey Mr Age_of_Enlightenment,

    Debates also needs government to organize via tax payer monies just to show Malays need ‘tongkat’ to show their public speaking?

    No Mdm HBT. Governments need not organize debates using taxpayers money. Just implement whatever policies and projects they think is good and silence the voice of the people and the voice of discontent.

    And we shall all live happily ever after.

    Thank You Tun

  156. Sdr tuan tanah,

    Just because Mr Lee Kuan Yew as Minister Mentor made a visit to Kelantan, you jumped into conclusion that PAS get supports from PAP?

    Singapore Government via PM will continue to make investments into countries that are friendly to them via bilateral trades and JV-developments.

    They will only deal with the ruling government only.

    If the ruling government is BN, they will deal with BN.

    If the ruling government is new PR that is not tested before, they will not deal with PR immediately.


    Because new PM comes and go…just like Japan Democratic Party.

  157. Assalamualaikum TUN,

    PAS dan Nik Aziz serta penyokong PAS sokong Anwar Ibrahim.
    Anwar Ibrahim sokong Ambiga.
    Ambiga sokong LGBT.

    Nik Aziz biadap terhadap RASULLULLAH.
    Nik Aziz memperkecilkan RASULLULLAH.
    Nik Aziz mempersendakan sambutan MauliduRASUL.
    Nik Aziz mengadai nama ALLAH pada kristian Malaysia kerana politik.
    Nik Aziz sudah tua dan nyanyuk tapi masih nak pegang jawatan MB

    PAS sudah sesat terang2.
    PAS parti politik , bukan parti Islam.
    PAS lebih menjaga hati Karpal dan Lim Kit Siang dari hati orang Islam.
    PAS dapat sokongan dari PAP
    PAS nampak kelemahan orang lain tapi tak nampak kelemahan sendiri yang lebih dashat.

    Orang PAS mesti lihat dan dengar youtube YB Sdr Zulkifli Nordin.
    YB Sdr Zulkifli dulu orang PAS juga, tapi Alhamdulillah dah sedar akan kekotoran pemimpin2 PAS, lalu beliau keluar dari PAS.

    Masih belum terlambat untok bertaubat.
    Terima Kasih TUN.

  158. Assalamualaikum WBT Yg Bhg Tun,

    BOKO HARAM yang diamalkan di negara Nigeria itu tidak sewajarnya dijadikan ikutan dan amalan umat Islam di Malaysia. Merobohkan rumah-rumah ibadah penganut agama lain selain Islam bukanlah amalan biasa bagi umat Islam, kecuali Islam itu diperangi dengan tahap yang boleh meruntuhkan Islam itu sendiri dan penganutnya, dalam usaha mempertahankan Islam itu sendiri. Mendoakan sesuatu keburukan sesama Islam juga bercanggah dengan syariat Islam.

    2. Dukacita ada golongan politik tertentu di Malaysia khususnya Pas, dengan sewenang-wenangnya menghukum UMNO parti politik yang dipimpin dan dianggotai oleh majoriti umat Islam sebagai KAFIR kerana bergabung dengan parti politik yang dianggotai bukan Islam seperti MCA, MIC, PPP dan parti-parti komponen lain (bukan Islam) dalam Barisan Nasional. Seperti coretan Tun, tohmahan/dakwaan UMNO KAFIR itu telah berpatah balik kepada Pas bilamana mereka telah bergabung dengan DAP parti politik dibawah kepimpinan bukan Islam dan dianggotai majoriti bukan Islam. Lebih dari itu DAP dengan jelas menentang Islam dan Hukum Hudud Islam yang diperjuangkan oleh Pas melalui aktiviti retorik politik semata-mata oleh Pas, kerana isu Hukum Hudud pada kelazimannya akan berkumandang setiap kali menjelang Pilihanraya UMUM atau DUN oleh kempen Pas untuk meraih sokongan. Setelah berakhir pilihanraya isu Hukum Hudud menjadi lesu, tidak lagi diperkatakan dengan meluas. Pas sudah jelas diberi peluang oleh Allah SWT setelah diberi kemenangan dapat menguasai kepimpinan kerajaan negeri Kelantan lebih dari 22 tahun yang lalu, dan negeri Terengganu selama satu penggal. Dalam tempoh itu Pas diberi ruang oleh Allah SWT untuk melaksanakan hukum-hukum syariat Islam termasuk Hukum Hudud, tetapi Pas gagal merealisasikannya dan menyalahkan pihak lain ia itu UMNO/BN menjadi halangan. Pas tidak pernah mahu mengaku kelemahan dan kesilapan sendiri sebagai umat Islam, selain UMNO/BN dijadikan kambing hitam. Pas sepatutnya menilai dan muhasabah diri, adakah segala usaha melalui parti politik Pas untuk melaksanakan Hukum Hudud (Hukum Syariat Islam) berlandaskan sepenuh keikhlasan atau hanya sebagai suatu retorik politik untuk mendapatkan sokongan politik orang Melayu Islam dengan matlamat memperoleh kuasa?

    3. Pas melabel UMNO/BN kerajaan zalim. Tohmahan zalim kepada UMNO/BN tidak pernah diperincikan oleh Pas bagi dinilai oleh rakyat samada ianya benar ataupun tidak. Pas juga mendakwa UMNO menolak Islam, isu ini juga tidak diulas dan diperincikan secara mendalam berlandaskan hukum syariat Islam bagi dinilai oleh rakyat untuk mencari kebenaran. Politik Pas dan gabungannya hanya memainkan isu-isu sensitif yang boleh membangkitkan kebencian rakyat kepada kerajaan sedia ada yang ditunjangi oleh UMNO.

    4. Apakah sumbangan Pas terhadap Islam semenjak tertubuhnya Pas setelah terpisah dari parti Perikatan dan sekarang Barisan Nasional jika mahu dibuat perbandingan dengan sumbangan besar UMNO terhadap kemantapan Islam melalui kerajaan Perikatan/Barisan Nasional. Sumbangan UMNO terhadap Islam dan terhadap pembangunan negara dan rakyat Malaysia tidak boleh dinafikan oleh sesiapapun, kerana bukti-bukti nyata dan realitinya dapat dirasakan oleh rakyat, kecuali kepimpinan Pas dan gabungannya PKR dan DAP dengan sengaja menafikan segala kebaikan yang diusahakan oleh UMNO/BN. Rakyat Malaysia sudah bijak menilai dan memilih yang mana kaca dan yang mana intan. Pakatan Pembangkang sudah tiada apa-apa isu untuk meraih sokongan, selain membangkitkan emosi kebencian rakyat kepada UMNO/BN.

    5. Segala kebaikan yang telah terbina untuk negara dan rakyat oleh UMNO/BN mestilah dipertahankan. Pemimpin pembangkang yang mahu dijadikan Perdana Menteri jika menang PRU ke 13 status moral dan integritinya amat tidak bersesuaian untuk diangkat jadi pemimpin utama bagi sesebuah negara, lebih-lebih lagi bagi negara Malaysia dimana agama Islam adalah agama Persekutuan. Mudah-mudahan Allah SWT lindungi Malaysia dari diperintah oleh umat yang rosak moral dan integritinya.

    Sekian, terima kasih daN wASSALAM.

  159. Pakatan Syaitan Rakyat are actually a bunch of sexual deviants, family dynasties, merchants of dreams and empty promises bent on Putrajaya!

    Would you trust someone who lies to you?
    Would you trust someone who dont keep their promises?
    Would you trust someone who have peculiar sexual tastes as your Prime Minister?
    Would you?


  160. Sdr PAshit,

    No non-Muslim Malaysian tax payers would want to invade Putrajaya now, and forever.

    Whoever be the PM, he must sit in Putrajaya.

    But without the support of non-Muslim Malaysians, PAS can sit in Putrajaya.

  161. Hey Mr Age_of_Enlightenment,

    Debates also needs government to organize via tax payer monies just to show Malays need ‘tongkat’ to show their public speaking?

  162. Salam Tun,

    Biro Agama DAP a.k.a. PAS di penuhi oleh ular mak auta penipu rakyat dengan serban dan jubah.

    Masalahnya orang Melayu sangat senang kena tipu dengan orang pakai serban dan jubah ini termasuklah saya sendiri yang pernah kena tipu dgn Arwah Ustaz Assyaari dalam Al Arqam suatu masa dulu.

    Nasib baik lah kami sekeluarga dan sedara mara kami mengikut nasihat bekas2 orang kuat Al Arqam iaitu Ustaz Mokhtar dan Ustaz Dahalan dan berduyun2 keluar dari pergerakan itu pada pertengahan 80an dulu.

    Sekarang rakyat di tipu hidup2 oleh ahli2 politik ular mak dalam PAS pulak. DEJA VU.

    Bayangkan N.ajis boleh ampunkan dosa ADUN Selising yg di tangkap berzina dgn isteri orang dalam keretapi oleh ketua keselamatan PAS sendiri! SEMUA INI DEMI POLITIK PENIPU PAS!

    Apakah jasa2 PAS selama ini?

    1. Kafir mengkafir sesama umat Islam.

    2. Melarang umat Islam bersatu padu kerana dendam kesumat N.Ajis.

    3. Lebih banyak membina berhala (3) dari masjid (1 sahaja) di Kelantan sepanjang 23 tahun memerintah. Yg satu2nya masjid di bina tu pun baru je siap!

    4. Memundurkan bukan memajukan Kelantan.

    5. Meluluskan 44 lesen arak walaupun kononnya mengaku Serambi Mekah.

    6. Mengamalkan kronisme. Kroni2 dan sanak sedara pemimpin PAS dapat pelbagai tanah kurnia walaupun suka menuduh UMNO selama ini.

    7. Membudayakan Cult of Personality N.Ajis hingga ketahap mendewa – dewakan. Yang kelakar sekali N.Ajis macam suka layanan tahap dewa oleh pengikut2 buta hati dan taksub ini.

    8. Tidak membaiki mutu air di Kelantan walaupun Tun sendiri pernah meluluskan peruntukan RM 600 juta untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini pada akhir2 90an.

    9. Mengaku memperjuangkan Islam tetapi dari segi pentadbiran lebih teruk dari komunis. Contoh2 terbaik i) Tabung Memali ( haram tau sebat duit anak2 yatim!) ii) Koperasi Kohilal iii) pemecatan Datuk Dr Hasan Ali dari PAS

    10. Memfitnah kiri kanan depan belakang dengan muka selamba je. Satu fitnah yg saya tak dapat lupakan sampai bila2 ialah tuduhan Tun berkahwin dengan perempuan muda Cina Singapura. Ini saya dengar dengan telinga saya sendiri dari totok2 PAS!

    11. Sanggup membelakangkan bukti2 sahih dan menyokong individu yang gila seks stor kunyit sebagai Ketua mereka semuanya demi politik. Kelakuan mereka ini sebenarnya dah macam umat Nabi Lut. Bayangkan kenyataan bodoh ‘video itu besi!’ demi mengakkan benang basah mereka.

    12. Menularnya fahaman syiah dalam PAS dimana Naib Presidennya sendiri yang terkenal dgn kes khalwat dgn bini orang (kawan baik sendiri tu..) di lantik ke jawatan tertinggi dalam parti oleh pengikut2 buta hati dan taksub.

    ada banyak lagi contoh2 betapa penipunya PAS ini yg berjaya mengaburkan mata masyarakat dengan imej alim kucing mereka.


    Saya bukan orang UMNO tetapi saya ANTI PAKATAN SYAITAN!

    Bayangkan dulu Karpal Singh boleh tuduh dalam Hansard Parlimen DSAI seorang peliwat, tetapi sekarang mengumumkan DSAI sebagai calon terbaik PM jika mereka menang PRU 13
    ( Nauzubillah!).

    Bayangkan Mat Syabu yang dulu menggelarkan DSAI sebagai ‘Al Syeikh Al Juburi’ tetapi sekarang memartabatkan DSAI sebagai pemimpin mereka.


    juga menyokong

  163. Salam Tun,

    1. Comments not appearing is likely due to admin not familiar with the use of this new application called WordPress. Censorship not likely, but i am not surprised if it is. Tun’s Blog admin must be sweating hot reading some comments.

    2. The use of religion to rule is not what is meant by Islam the official religion of Malaysia. This “official religion” is as the term suggests, for “office use”. The country itself can be run on any system we deem good for us, and our forefathers have assigned parliamentary democracy with monarchy as the system. It is to me personally a rojak pasembur system.

    3. Thus, the use of religion by PAS and UMNO, is merely because it has heavy influence on Malays, and only Malays, and so influence Malay votes. Of late however, the steep use of Islam overspills into non-muslim territory, thus influencing also non-Malay votes.

    4. Malays are indeed victimized by this use of Islam by politicians aiming to be government and by the government itself. Forced to be under religious rule, Malays have lost almost all freedom and liberty. The consequence of Malay rule imposing Islam and down to personal/family level of severe Islam indoctrination ( as opposed to real education and free questioning ) has made the Malays sink deep into mental disability, and thus the need for handicap advantage or better know as “Malay privileges”.

    5. I am pleased to note many Malays have found ways above and beyond this restriction, freed themselves from the clutches of Islam, and able to contribute positively to nation building. The Malays whom are still unable to progress are adamant to hold on to religious rule, insisting it is their right, and that they are “defending Islam”, and therefore they should be given way and priority. They have not noticed the expiry date on this product, which has more than exceeded its shelf life, entering danger of contamination.

    6. Malaysians ( Malays+Chinese+Indians+Native Bumis+Orang Asli ) no longer buy this stale 50+ year old argument, and now believes any Malays who wants to succeed should work and contribute to society as like other Malaysians. Dispensing religion and religious rule is not contributing positively, it is bringing the entire nation back into feudalistic religious rule. Nobody wants to walk backwards.

    7. Arguments that feudalistic religious rule worked well in the past is equal to arguing we were better off while up in the tress, we should not have come down.

    7. Malaysians are all eager to progress, and that is what the call for change is about, and even if the world economy is in ICU at some locations, we believe we can contribute in a healthy manner and thus help the world come out of the economic crisis a little bit. But we need a government that is willing to listen, understand and help us implement our plans/visions/dreams.

    8. At present the government listens to and act upon the screams of those left behind. Sometimes the government themselves scream, in solidarity. I believe we have nothing much to gain by screaming. We have plenty to do, and plenty to think about.

    9. And so we need a government that has to the ability to organize debates/talks/forums in a civilized manner, and then make good decisions based on these debates and/or consensus. The present government dares not to debate its policies. What gives ?

    Thank You Tun

  164. Salam YAB Tun,

    Saya amat bersetuju dengan saranan Tun dalam artikel di atas terutamanya perenggan terakhir.

    Mereka di dalam PAS sememangnya tidak mengamal apa yang dituntut oleh agama Islam. Mereka sanggup bermusuh dengan penganut Islam yang lain yang tidak mempunyai fahaman politik yang sama dengan mereka. Memang keterlaluan melabel orang Islam lain sebagai kafir dan murtad.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    Semoga Tun sekeluarga di rahmati Allah SWT.

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