1. Street demonstrations can bring down Governments. This we know from the Arab Spring. But we should also know that setting up a new Government to replace the old Government is not as easy.
2. There will always be people who will not agree with the new Government, no matter if the Government is democratically elected or not. The losers in the bid for power will always accuse the winners of cheating and frauds of all kinds. They will demand for new elections, or a re-count or whatever.
3. If their demand is not agreed to then they will take to the streets in continuous and even violent demonstrations, supplemented with strikes and sundry disorders. They know that if the demonstrations are big enough, the police cannot act against them. If the police try, they will resist and become violent. If the police react with violence than their foreign backers will accuse the police of brutality.
4. In many instances the police had to withdraw or they may be directed to withdraw. They become disinclined to carry out their duties. Some people would take advantage of this by committing minor crimes. The people would feel insecure.
5. If on the other hand new elections are held, and the former losers win, the new losers will accuse the winners of cheating, of fraud etc. They will hold street demonstrations and strikes and do everything possible to bring down the Government. And so it would go on.
6. The net result would be continuous turmoil in the country. There would be no growth. Poverty will spread. The country may have to beg for aid or borrow. In the end it loses its independence.
7. But of course this is a small price to pay for the right to bring down governments through democratic street demonstrations.
8. Perhaps it would be better if governments are chosen through street demonstrations. It would probably be less fraudulent.
Hello Am Mrs, Morgan debra Am pemberi pinjaman pinjaman yang sah dan dapat diandalkan memberikan pinjaman
pada syarat dan ketentuan yang jelas dan dimengerti pada tingkat bunga 2%. dari
$ 12.000 untuk $ 7.000.000 USD, Euro dan Pounds Hanya. Saya memberikan Kredit Usaha,
Pinjaman Pribadi, Pinjaman Mahasiswa, Kredit Mobil Dan Pinjaman Untuk Bayar Off Bills. jika kamu
membutuhkan pinjaman apa yang harus Anda lakukan adalah untuk Anda untuk menghubungi saya secara langsung
di: [email protected]
Tuhan Memberkatimu.
Mrs Morgan debra
Email: [email protected]
Catatan: Semua balasan harus kirim ke: [email protected]
Salam Tun,
May i address observer, whom i got utterly confused now maybe. Sorry.
Your “merapu” has been really confusing, and you seem to go round and round in circles, twisting and turning your way around.
observer, okay lah.
>Ok, lets make it clear, shall we:
1) based the way in which u depict your understanding of Bangsa Malaysia, the way in which you intentionally ‘extremize’ the notion of Ketuanan Melayu (despite my earlier explanation, despite Najib’s effort at 1Malaysia – which run contrary to ur depiction of Ketuanan Melayu -, despite Tun’s Bangsa Malaysia effort), am I right in saying that you will settle for nothing less than DAP’s “Malaysian Malaysia”?
No, to me Malaysian Malaysia or Bangsa Malaysia is a definition or concept and it does not belong to DAP. I do not know whose idea it was, but to me it seems fitting, that we who live in one country is called by one race, and to me Bangsa Malaysia seems natural. It is like American or Swedish or even Thai or Siam.
2) Would a republic suit you better? Because if its all about equality, then the existing monarchy will always not be aligned with your idealism of equality, right?
I know the questions above may be radical and direct, but really your Anwarismic-style ranting of DAP-oriented ideas has been confusing.
No, equality is relative. What is equal to one, seems not equal to another. So no need for a Republic, we go by the Constitution i think.
To me simple. The YDP Agong is a nice Malay man, i especially like him. So Constitutional Monarchy stays, why must we cause severe pain, when the Agong is already in our Constitution, and i support the Constitution ?
And i am sorry for being like Anwar, because i think, you compare me to Anwar, but i assure you i am merely giving my own opinion or bias.
My ideal of equal is not that we are all equal in the sense of i must have what the Agong has, surely. That would be crazy.
My idea of equal is we all can have equal chance to survive. And that is also why i support NEP, so that Malays can survive as well as being Protected.
observer, i hope you are satisfied with my answer, i am moving on because of Tun’s new post. Seems interesting.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
it seems that every time HBT gets confused between an idea and identity, she will immediately jump and choose to defend her identity.
This phenomenon is quite common among group of people who are uprooted and have difficulty in adapting to realities around them.
Why so serious? I’d reckon that running away from mainland China, your family have been safely grounded in Malaysia, the land of plenty. You are not a criminal or a subversive agent to feel so uptight, no.
So please, don’t propagate your Kongsi Gelap kiatsu attitude in this country or instigate people to bring down the government. Or is that why the Chinese secret police came after your family in the first place. Ooops .. look who spilled the red beans now?
Perhaps this article HERE will help HBT to re-evaluate her imaginations.
Your “merapu” has been really confusing, and you seem to go round and round in circles, twisting and turning your way around.
Ok, lets make it clear, shall we:
1) based the way in which u depict your understanding of Bangsa Malaysia, the way in which you intentionally ‘extremize’ the notion of Ketuanan Melayu (despite my earlier explanation, despite Najib’s effort at 1Malaysia – which run contrary to ur depiction of Ketuanan Melayu -, despite Tun’s Bangsa Malaysia effort), am I right in saying that you will settle for nothing less than DAP’s “Malaysian Malaysia”?
2) Would a republic suit you better? Because if its all about equality, then the existing monarchy will always not be aligned with your idealism of equality, right?
I know the questions above may be radical and direct, but really your Anwarismic-style ranting of DAP-oriented ideas has been confusing.
Assalamualaikum baba tun m…saya sebenanyer hanya nk meluahkan rasa xsenang saya bila saya baca blog2 pro bn yg mengatakan spr diletakkan dibawah parlimen..saya dangkal politik sbb tu saya nak minta pendapat baba tun m tentang isu ini….saya sebagai marhein sgt rasa tertekan dgn tingkahlaku pm yg kaedahnyer tidak menghargai marhein yg memberi kemenangan kpd bn…adakah kami perlu membuat demo baru pm akan menghargai marhein dibawah ini…la ni dah mcm dipimpin abdullah badawi ( maaf saya xdpt nk menghormatinyer) plak dah bezanya abdullah tido nyenyak najib mata buka tapi lena telinga dgr tp tuli buley berckp tapi bisu..lain yg diharap marhein lg buruk yg kuar dr mulut dia…marhein bkn nk harap penghargaan dgn diberi intan permata reta menda tp berilah keamanan kemakmuran ketenangan jiwa raga akal fikira…ni yg najib dok hidang bg marhein darah mencanak naik kepala…tolong lah nasihatkan najib jgn layan pembangkang sampai sumer yg pembangkang buat habis sumer dia nak laksanakan dlm pentadbirannyer…abis tu apa guna punahsihat yg dia ada….masa baba tun m saya xdgr pun bloger dok kata penasihat pm….sejak zaman abdullah sampai najib dh naik benanah telinga dok dgr ayat punahsihat pm….tolonglah majukan m’sia sebagaimana yg telah di rancang sejak tunku tun razak….najib patut lebih tegas vokal laser kpd pemimpin pembangkang bukan menjadi pak turut …kaduk dah naik junjung..cacing dah naik mata pun masih xsedar dan masih layannnnnnnnnn…..aper niii……xkan melayu asyik kena tindas sajer…xkan melayu asyik nk menunduk jer…xkan melayu asyik nak dianggap lemah…najib mcm mengiakan melayu lemah sbb dia ikotttt telunjuk pembangkang…apa jer pembangkang nak dia ikottttt….tolong lah cari pemimpin melayu yg berani tegas lantang bersuara yg menjaga kepentingan rakyat m’sia lbh dr kepentingan diri sendiri bkn kepentingan pembangkang demi keharmonian negara m’sia….maaf sbb saya post kat blog baba tun sbb saya tau mesti baba tun baca…klo post blog najib…mmmmm harapan la…..kasih sayang baba tun kpd kami marhein m’sia tidak terabalas…semuga Alllah makbulkan doa baik baik setiap org yg doakan baba tun…amin….
Why only (A) & (B) answers are provided to be circled in Malaysian syllabus via objective questions?
Age_of_Enlightenment, we do not need to go back to Dark Age because we are prepared with objective questions at par with Commonwealth Region.
Who are the main operators behind all the MLM scams in this country, with “Halal Certificate”?
(A) Chinese Mafia (B) Usahawan Melayu & India (C) Ministry of Finance (D) Bank Negara (E) Tak Tahu
To Hajar, the best way forward is “itu bukan salah aku, aku hanya menurut perintah saja” in 21st Century with KeTUANan, hahaha
Salam Tun,
Here is my response to Milshah.
>You see Age_of_Enlightenment, my problem is my race, the Malay race, is not united.
>They like to fight among themselves.
Why the need for Malays to be united ? Are the Malays in Selangor beggars in their own state ? Some UMNO people seems so. Whose fault is it BTW ?
No, this argument is to feed the need to become Tuan without having to do anything.
Basically you are telling me, without saying, you are my Tuan. Thank but No Thanks. I do not need a Tuan. I already have one.
My “tuan tanah” is of a chinese descend, very hard working, considerate human, and i am very happy. He must be of the same race as i am, Bangsa Malaysia. I don’t know. I only know he has Chinese features.
Actually, there are “beggars” in Selangor, the richest state in Malaysia. People sending women to ask for donations for “ibu tungal”. I almost never give. I smile politely, for she is beautiful, and move away. I don’t mind. Not even embarassed. But i wonder if this is what Malays mean by “beggars in their own country”. I think not.
You see Milshah, i am convinced the Malays will not change because it requires the “leap of faith”. Saya tahu lah Mishah, i was a standard nobody Malay. I am now proudly Bangsa Malaysia and never ever want to walk backwards, until i die. Tanya lah apa pun Milshah, i am happy and gratefull to the Selangor Government. I have many friends of Chinese, Indian, Indonesia Malay descends whom i consider all Bangsa Malaysia.
So now Bangsa Melayu is ruling over me Bangsa Malaysia. Tak payah lah, I think i stay in Selangor, i don’t care who the MB. Sekali sekala pi Penang.
I think only the rural Malays are unhappy. But UMNO knows how to take care of that right ? If you keep using orang kampung to threaten me, well, all i can say you are a terrorist. You probably think you have the power of God to unite the Malays. I suggest you ask PAS.
Thank You Tun
i don’t support street demo… more harm than good..
Dearest YAB Tun,
Mohon izin Tun:
For Age_of_Enlightenment, June 3, 2013 at 5:42 AM
Thanks for response. First you said,
I assure you i may be mad, but i am certainly not confused.”,
then you said:
a pilot who tells me she can fly high and far on one wing, i call a mad pilot. She is even more dangerous than a confused pilot, a confused pilot can at least land safely.
So take back when i say you BN people have a “conflict of mind”. It should be you people are “mad”. And i am ever afraid of mad people. And by extensoin of logic, i am therefore afraid of the BN/UMNO government.
So, which one are you? “Mad” or “Confused”? I guess you are SO confused until you yourself are not sure of your own state of mind.
I don’t care what you label me or others in BN; well, even though we are flying with only one wing (your analogy; with “a MAD pilot”), at least we/BN managed to land “successfully”, at the right place and at the right time, with super accurate calculation; -> Yes! BN won the GE-13…UMNO/Bumiputra parties contributed here, despite the Chinese Tsunami; hence, UMNO is still relevant – the issue that I highlighted earlier; a big NO to having only ONE party in BN; BN will “gulung tikar” if BN becomes “”Parti Tunggal” because BN will lose the Malays’ support/trust. Of course you (Opposition) would like this to happen, right?
By the way, a “confused” pilot most probably will end up crashing the plane – not sure where/when/how to land the plane…like what happened to PKR/DAP/PAS – crashed…Kan Dah Kalah…only the real “mad = gila meroyan” people would go to the streets & organize illegal gatherings, & “terpekik-terlolong dan menghasut orang, memfitnah -> blackout” just because they were defeated in the GE-13. I believe those who attend the various illegal gatherings are experiencing some kind of “blackout” in their brain/mind…cannot think properly; FACT: no police report was made on “blackout” because it’s just a BIG LIE by PKR/DAP/PAS.
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
Salam Tun,
Mr Karl, quite contrary to what you suppose, i think Tun is well aware of the MLMs. It is nothing new. Of the latest and most recent versions, i myself do not know.
But Mr karl,before you go on with your conspiracy theory and start to equate MLM with Pakatan, and raise alarms all over the place, may i know exactly what is so wrong with it ?
As you yourself said “This is certainly one ingenious way to Bring Down The Government” .
Well, then maybe i ought to join in the MLM as well !
If this is a peaceful ingenious way to topple a government, we should patent it and call it by some good branding name and sell it world wide to those Countries that needs it. Kinda like the “Politiko” card game someone here invented.
You see, in my mind, PR ought to be the ruling coalition. Even given 50:50 vote straight down the line, i say lets give Pakatan a chance, and lets help them, and let have a New Malaysia. If there can be a New UMNO, why not a New Malaysia. This is especially so seeing that BN is effectively crippled.
Who are the main operators behind all the MLM scams in this country?
(A) Chinese Mafia (B) Usahawan Melayu & India
Oooo, i don’t know, i’m not good at these things. But Thank You for such a wonderful MLM idea. I will contemplate to start one myself i think. Don’t want to be left out. Gee, whatever else will be they be thinking of next ? Don’t you wish you were on the other side ?
And no, i prefer to stay in the Dark Ages, in PR. We are all real fools. You need to make Laws for every move we make. Next, No Dancing. It is the Age of Lawyers now. If an MLM can scare a government, i say really, we ought to change right now, this instant.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
thank you Age_of_Enlightment for noticing the semblance of MLM Scam and Pakatan. Their modus vivendi explains the high tension and the dramatic sales pitch by their ‘Top Salesmen’ everytime they come to a group meeting, like in BERSIH and the lately 505 Blowout where the Uplines and Downlines all mesh into dark incoherence and zombie like existence. When the dancer becomes the dance and live in a trance so oblivious to how ridiculous they appear to a sensible onlooker. I think Age can grab that idea or simile, yes.
Quickly, you just need to look at the operators behind Cosway and Elken. Who are these people really. Especially Elken that is now milking the Malay market like a big fat stupid Cash-Cow with their hot-selling brassiere that will cost you a whopping RM2,800 each. I’d rather my girlfriend go bra-less and ala-natural free hanging. Not that I’m stingy anyway. Just to string them together, I think this is an attempt to sabotage the Malay budding entrepreuners into thinking that MLM is a real business. RM3 billion yearly, belonging to Malays are flush down the drain that connects to the ‘you know who’ – sorry Age, no pricely bra for the correct answer !
Back to the Pakatan MLMs, they are like a crazy cult followers. Desperadoes will always behave alike since they are mentally skewered to the same ‘burning’ idea that broke their bank accounts and now holding on to the thin line of “Hope of Ubah” when they should have the common sense to cut loss a long time ago. But there is a scheme or rather scam of things that are being delivered with the intensity and frequency to hypnotise them away from their own freedom. Therefore roadshows are just like weekly gathering that are scheduled merely to pump up the sales volume and to tighten the clutch on the victims. The belief and the mischief are the same. They have the Anwar-look on their faces.
Their state of denial will not allow any common sense to prevail, albeit their refusal to do the simple math that even the blood suckers like Amway have to admit indignantly :
Dato Hassan Malek must send his men to investigate the MLM operators. ASAP, and close down these scams that are pretending to do a legit business.
In the fisrt place, it was a shame that the Akta Jualan Langsung 1993 was even approved by the Cabinet where Tun sat as the PM.
Tun may be ignorant of the on-goings of MLM scam, or may not have the time to scrutinize or analyse how this fraudulent operations have destroyed hundreds of thousands Malaysian families in the lower and middle class. These victims, most of them I believe, will vent their frustrations and anger on the government, for not protecting them right from the beginning. The irony lies in that the Pakatan scammers are the ones who most benefited from the Akta AJL 1993, and they also have the last laugh to secretly train their mighty weapons from their evil enterprises on the Govt that passed the law. This is certainly one ingenious way to Bring Down The Government.
May be a simple short quiz will ‘Enlightened’ up a certain reader here who has just came out of age:
Who are the main operators behind all the MLM scams in this country?
(A) Chinese Mafia (B) Usahawan Melayu & India
Salam hormat Tun.
With due respects, isn’t there is a very fair, reasonable and democratic way to solve the unhappiness on both sides of the political divide since PRU13: Why don’t we get SPR to do constituency delineation?
Just a a revision of parliamentary constituency borders, make it more fair and true reflection of voters distribution. Break up big areas like Kapar, Kelang, Selayang & Seputeh into 3 or 4 smaller areas, whereby each can elect one MP. [Or, combine a few areas in Sarawak/Sabah with small populations into one with bigger population. Only do this to MP seats, not ADUN seats…..Mahmud Taib will pull his support if we try to touch Sarawak ADUNs]. The biggest areas shouldn’t be more than double the smallest, in terms of voter population.
Of course, the “re-delination exercise” need 2/3 support of current parliament to be approved. I’m sure you can advise all the MPs to support this very fair proposal. You still have a great infuence, you know?
Then, we can ask the PR good-for-nothing fellows to stop all street demos till PRU14. What do you say?
Ok Anak Bumi Malaysia
Apa jua yg kita Kemukakan , Apa jua Pandangan , Kenyataan
1. Hasutan luar P.A.P , Amerika
2. Penjualan Tanah secara Berluasa di Johor
Anak Bumi DiSingkir dari Bumi Sendiri
Pesatnya Peneroka Iskandar Development , yg Bakal Tumpaskan Anak Buni
3.Kepastian Badan Pejabat Tanah Johor Pasti Ada Tak Betul
Apa Kah Tindakan Kita Selanjutnya ?
Hanya Berblog kalau Tak berkesan lebih baik saya tengok TV
Apa Seharusnya Mesti Kita Lakukan
Takkan Asik Cerita Semalam Aje Bang !
Dayus lah Bang !
Cakap Champion , Blogging Champion
Tapi Sayang Tak masuk Final
The last 13th General Elections have created interesting political demographics for all of us to observe for the next 5 years. eg.
By 2018, both the Malays and the Chinese will vote for the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties.
Salam Tun & All,
Saya ada beberapa cadangan untuk pemulihan UMNO.
1. Sempena pemilihan UMNO, diharap pihak Utusan dapat mengadakan Iklan pendaftaran ahli baru Umno secara terus, dengan ini pihak awam dapat terus berdaftar melalui akhbar dan tiada issue disekat jadi ahli Umno. Dengan ini lebih ramai Melayu dapat terlibat dalam pemilihan pemimpin Umno. Jika Melayu masih sayangkan parti berdaftarlah dan participate.
2. Umno adalah milik Melayu, bukannya milik exclusive pemimpin Umno seperti Tun Badawi, khairy jamaluddin, Nor Yaacob, penasihat2 dan consultant2, jadi sewajarnya segala keputusan perlu mencerminkan aspirasi ahli. Diharap selepas ini segala decisions bukanlah secara top-down, iaitu mengikut kepentingan peringkat atasan Umno, tapi suara ahli bawahan diketepikan. Jika terdapat bukti rasuah, maka tindakan tegas perlu diambil bukannya menggunakan cable atasan untuk menghalalkan yang salah. Jika ini cara budaya UMNO adakah kita ingin merosakkan generasi baru UMNO dengan budaya yang sama?
3. lebih banyak majlis ilmiah/perbincangan perlu diadakan untuk menentukan hala tuju Melayu. Yang saya nampak dengan pelbagai kemudahan (MRSM/Uitm/pinjaman perniagaan) orang melayu masih jauh ketinggalan, apakah nasib jika tiada sebarang kemudahan lagi, adakah melayu lebih maju? generasi muda juga perlu terlibat dengan perbincangan serius begini… perlukan juga new strategies and study loop holes…
4. Yang perlu disedari, ramai lagi menyokong dasar2 pro Melayu dan menyokong perjuangan UMNO, tetapi tak bermakna kita menyokong budaya rasuah Umno atau “besar kepala” pemimpin UMNO, itu zaman pak kaduk style, sekarang orang Melayu lebih educated dan mempunyai kesedaran politik, jadi janganlah nak membodohkan orang lagi.
5. Saya juga harap peranan puteri UMNO diambil secara serius. Puteri UMNO perlu bergerak seperti sebuah badan NGO yang berpengaruh, ada pandangan dan pendirian sendiri, bukannya hanya berdiri belakang pemuda, sepatutnya ketua puteri setanding dengan ketua pemuda… orang kata berganding bahulah… bukannya terkejar kejar pelbagai jawatan dalam kerajaan, tetapi leading as aspiration to young woman, promote positive CHANGE, juga as bridge to racial harmony… bukannya buat keje dapur jer seperti peraih undi dan penyeri majlis…. i think we should take ourselves seriously, if we want others taking us seriously too…
Actually, i already register as PUTERI but dont see the relevant…
I know Umno banyak cacat cela, but still sayang Umno very much… =)
Terima Kasih Tun… =)
“Some football clubs employ foreigner as their coaches. Similarly a government can also get foreigners to help in running the country. ”
That is Singapore’s style. Sure, it lead to quick success, but Malaysia is different. Malaysia is not Singapore, not Hong Kong, not USA, not Switzerland. It’s not just about wealth. It’s not simply about getting rich.
The Malaysian context, both current and historical is unique in this world, and only a continual evolution, unperturbed by self-serving smooth-talking foreign-funded politicians and NGOs, will allow the country to attain its true potential. It may take another 6 years, another 20 years. But it must be a Malaysian growth that does not put history at the sideline.
By the way, you sound young (naive?). Do read up the following:
A Plea for Emphaty, by Chandra Muzaffar.
and of course, Tun’s classic: The Malay Dilemma.
Dear Tun,
May I quote Dr Jafri as below,
“”Dr Jafri
The Malay Hegemony.
It is as natural and relevant as sunshine that the Malays rule Malaysia. Just like Chinese ruling China. It’d be delusional to hope for an Uyghur elected as PM of PRC.
The Malay Hegemony will have nothing to do with the so-called ‘Supremacy’ that is being concocted by the subversive elements to provoke a racial issue and induced perception into an ugly bloodied mayhem, where they will again later on blame it on the Malays and UMNO in particular. We must not indulge in forgetting history and condemned to a repeat.
To the Chinese readers in this blog, please bear in mind that the phrase ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ is incorrect in every manner if you interpret it with the narrowed eyes of the person who wrote ‘The Art of War’, simply because the Malays generally do not share your suspicious minds and/or your furtive red bean culture that facilitates your grandparents escape from the Manchus.””
I agree with Dr Jafri,
1. Dr Jafri is not being racist. It is the DAP Chinese and the red bean cyber troopers who are racists and chauvinists. They want to subjugate the Malays economically and politically as well. They ride on an unscrupulous, machiavellian and power crazy former UMNO deputy President to attack UMNO and the Malays.
2. This blatant provocation and extreme insults by the DAP chauvinist Chinese against islam and the Malays purposely concocted and instigated by the subversive elements of the PKR leadership to provoke a racial issue and induce an ugly and bloody racial riot which they will later blame it on the Malays and UMNO. Fortunately, Our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Najib is a wise man and he can see through the game plan of the Perdana Menteri bayangan from PKR, to spark a racial riot. Our Prime Minister is right in not arresting the trouble makers and instgators from PKR and DAP, so that the government is not blamed for cruelty, brutality and high-handedness.
3. The Chinese population on the whole are peace loving. They have been living happily coexisting with the Malays since before independence. How come suddenly now they become unhappy and start calling the Malays racist and accuse the malays all sorts of things? DAP wants to make Malaysia like Arab Spring. Suddenly Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang become interested in street demonstration, how come? I cannot believe Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang have become uncivilised streets hooligans marching and shouting in illegal street demonstrations.
4. Even though the Chinese insult islam and the Malays, the wise Malays should not hit back at the Chinese. The culprit is the former UMNO deputy president who is the instigator or batu api and maker of adu domba to make the Chinese and the Malays fight. To be honest, the Malays need the Chinese as much as the Chinese need the Malays to survive in Malaysia.
5. Why do we want to look for trouble when there is no trouble in the beginning. The Chinese accuse UMNO as corrupted, Najib took 400 million and murdered Altantuya, UMNO cheated in PRU 13 importing 40,000 illegal Bangla voters and UMNO Malays vote 3 times because of poor indelible ink and many more provocations. The Chinese help PKR to spread falsehood, lies and unfounded rumours in order to destabilise the country. Please do not spread rumours because they not kaya. Please do not be so gullible and believe the cock and bull story manufactured by the PKR people. Let us pray for peace and prosperity in Malaysia.
amin tan
Salam Tun,
I forgot i owe Hajar more answers.
DAP claims that it is a multi-racial party, but how come the Malays (majority) do not support DAP? And, how come DAP, PKR and PAS are not registered as a party? So, Age_of_Enlightenment, do you have any answers to these two questions?
Indeed my Lady i do have answers.
DAP is a Multi Racial Pary by definition of Democracy. Implementation of this multi racial nature here is problematic, because it is ideology. Malays have extreme trouble understanding ideologies. The Chinese are a wholly different people altogether. MCA is there not because they do not know Democracy, but because they *prefer* race.
Malays are not in DAP and in PAS/UMNO because a Malay would die for race or religion but not for their own Freedom. So Malays have limited choice and hence limited freedom. Ordinary “standard” Malay cannot just “choose” DAP. It is like having a Chinese Non Muslim wife.
Majority Malay choice is between PAS and UMNO.
BUT, Majority Chinese Choice is PAS, DAP, PKR, MCA, Gerakan, same for Indians and Others. ( I include PAS because Islam is no stranger to the Chinese. There are more Chinese Muslims than the entire population of Malaysia ! )
Now Hajar dear, Majority Chinese can go shopping at five shops, while Majority Malays have only two ! If i have power, i want to be Chinese, even if i cannot speak Mandarin.
Now, what kind of freedom is that for Malays huh ? Yang korang UMNO sorak sakan “tolong melayu, pertahan kan hak melayu, pertahan Islam” bla bla bla tu ape ke benda nye ? Adil ke macam nih ?
How about you people work towards freeing the Malay imprisoned minds, eh ?
And, how come DAP, PKR and PAS are not registered as a party?
But i can see that any and all of these PR components can rule Malaysia individually in a well balanced manner, given a good leader. But in BN, nope, uh uh , sorry, kalau patah sayap, alamat nak mampus. The entire nation suffers, including us PR people, if you BN people rule. That’s why saya kesian PM Najib. This Pilot Najib is a very brave man indeed.
If this is not clear to you, then there is no cure for your “confusion”. Try seeing the originator of the word, Mr Confucious himself.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
Hajar pulak Tun.
Dear Hajar,
I assure you i may be mad, but i am certainly not confused.
Of course BN is a party, but it is made-up of various parties/components representing the various ethnics/races/groups. All of us in BN know this fact very well;
Well then, how come the election results ? Mere political strategy failure ( as per Tun Daim remarks ? ) If not for the right strategy, BN/UMNO would have lost a lot lot more. It is because of PM Najibs hard work and desire to remain in office as PM that contributed to BN/UMNO winning. Certainly you BN people do not listen too well. You have hearing problem.
Listen, your airship is now without one wing, the MCA wing. How on earth you people want to make Malaysia fly on one wing, *that* i’d like to know.
so your claim of us having “conflict of mind” is so skewed, but I guess it was done intentionally; or may be you are the one who is confused.
You know Hajar, a pilot who tells me she can fly high and far on one wing, i call a mad pilot. She is even more dangerous than a confused pilot, a confused pilot can at least land safely.
So take back when i say you BN people have a “conflict of mind”. It should be you people are “mad”. And i am ever afraid of mad people. And by extensoin of logic, i am therefore afraid of the BN/UMNO government.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
Mr Karl bikin hal Tun.
Mr Karl Sir, which is urgent ? That “Pakatan is run like an MLM scam.” or the MLM danger itself ?
That RM 3 Billion+ Malay MLM you talked about ? That is to me is super urgent because that is where all the NEP money is going or had gone to.
Thank You Tun
Saya sokong idea-idea pragmatik yang diketengahkan “kenapa” (June 2, 2013) untuk memajukan peniagaan kecil/sederhana orang Melayu.
Malah saya percaya orang Melayu memerlukan bukan sahaja pemimpin-pemimpin politik (dan pemimpin-pemimpin agama), tetapi juga pemimpin-pemimpin perniagaan.
Pemimpin-pemimpin perniagaan berperanan memastikan peniaga-peniaga Melayu, terutama peniaga2 kecil-kecilan dan sederhana, bertahan lama dan terus berdaya saing. Pemimpin-pemimpin ini diharapkan mengambil initiatif untuk selalu turun padang, bukan untuk berkempen, tetapi untuk melihat, menasihati dan memberi motivasi kepada peniaga2 Melayu.
Diharapkan agar kerajaan dapat membantu memperkukuhkan lagi struktur rangkaian perniagaan orang Melayu, merangkumi segala aspek daripada pembikinan hinggalah kepada perniagaan runcit.
Terima kasih.
Salam Tun,
observer says :-
The real fear is that PR has intentionally confuse the people as to the distinction between NEP (or its variants, whatever implementation of Article 153) and the abuse of the NEP. PR, through all its might in the social media, spread lies, deception has been equating the NEP with “injustices, power abuse, corruption, racism, anti-democratic laws, state institutional degradation”, and to somewhat equate Ketuanan Melayu with something similar to White Supremacist.
Yes, thank you for highlighting this problem and Yes you are right, the NEP is not, by itself, flawed or corrupt. But on “Ketuanan Melayu” i cannot agree with you. Furthermore, if you take “Ketuanan Melayu” + NEP, it is a disaster.
and to somewhat equate Ketuanan Melayu with something similar to White Supremacist.
You see, the word Tuan in Bahasa Melayu has significant meaning, because not only have the Malays been invaded for hundreds of years, they also have been sleeping much. As Tun puts it, “susah kita nak pangill diri kita Tuan kalau kita ini Driver atau Jaga sahaja”.
The effect of this “Ketuanan Melayu” doctrine is to make Malays become real lousy worker class and real lousy business people, because they feel they belong to the Tuan Class. Korang yang kat atas, Tuan lah, Melayu yang kat bawah nih Tuan sejak bila ?
I bear witness to all this myself. And the seriousness of it alarms me much. And no, Malays are not lazy. There is no such thing as a lazy person, and i can prove that. But the effect of the “Ketuanan Melayu” drug is Perkasa like behavior. UMNO/Perkasa people do not welcome competition.
So i say eradicate this “Ketuanan Melayu” and go for “Malay Special Protection” as stipulated in our Constitution. The problem is “Ketuanan Melayu” is assumed, and not earned. Same as Respect. Saya tidak menyokong Tuan Anwar Ibrahim sebab dia Melayu. Juga saya tidak menyokong Tun Dr Mahathir sebab dia Melayu, dan sebagaimana saya pernah kata dulu Mahathir bukan Melayu, di sertai penjelasan panjang.
NEP is different. NEP is Malay Special Protection because i find that Malays can never compete with other races, including Bangsa Malaysia like HBT and myself. And so for as long as there are Malays, the NEP must remain. If a Malay like me proudly proclaim i am Bangsa Malaysia of Malay descend or Bangsa Malaysia Keturunan Melayu, then i cannot in all honesty take any single cent from the NEP. Haraaaam ! For UMNO, I say take all the NEP budget you want, but please spend it on Education.
I am successful in all areas of my life ( career + business ) because of Education, superior Education if i may add. NEP is the enabler. I suffer greatly in my life because of the misinterpretation of Islam ( by others ) and “Ketuanan Melayu”.
Thank You Tun
Anaur Jangan Lupa
Pak Lah sudah di PerAlatkan P.A.P
Ada Kah kamu juga bakal Di PerAlatkan
Tanya Paklah sendiri
Beliau Faham akan Kesilapan Beliau
Hari dah Magrib sekejap lagi Isak
Luangkan masa kamu untuk keluarga kamu
Ok , jika pun kamu berjaya atas tujuan kamu
Sampai Kemana
Usia dah lanjut , Kan lebih baik gunakan duit sokongan yg diberi pada kamu
Pergi Umrah atau ke Haji sekeluarga
Kalau kamu berjaya pun apa kamu bolih buat
Nak tukar Kerajaan bukan macam nak tukar baju
Apakan lagi cara Paksa
Hancur Keluarga Kamu
Hancur Keluarga Kami
Jangan Kamu fikir Tumpah Darah itu Mudah
Yakinlah Sahabat kamu Lim Kit Siang , Lee Kuan Yew akan tinggalkan kamu Sekeluarga
Jika benar Mengapa Lee Kuan Yew Tidak Ambil kamu memegang jawatan
Menteri Singapura
SEDARLAH Anuar Ibrahim
Kamu di perkakaskan DAP & PAP
Untuk menumbangkan Kaum Melayu kamu sendiri
Tanya sendiri Kenapa mereka yg bersekutu sama kamu
Tidak menerajui Tujuan mereka
Kenapa mereka tidak suruh lim Kit Siang , Lee Kuan Yew
Arbiga ,Kapal Singh ke Depan
Kenapa mesti kamu ?
Jawab lah BangTuah
Mereka Perlukan Melayu Sengketa sama Melayu
Baru mereka bolih ambil Kesempatan
Ketiada Kamu sekira mereka Berjaya
Melayu mana yg akan ambil tempat kamu Bang Tuah
Bagi membela kaum kamu sendiri
Pasti Lim Kit Siang akan menerajui segalanya
Mereka perlukan kamu sekarang
Bagi mengelakan Perkauman
Mereka bertujuan Melayu lemahkan Melayu
Baru mereka bolih mengambil kesempatan
Janganlah kamu Jadi Kebencian Kaum Kamu Sendiri
Ingatlah Bang Tuah
Dear Tun and fellow bloggers,
Interesting – Bringing Down Government….
1. Who should be blamed for this idea and actions?
a. The ignorant CIMBs – cina, india, melayu, benggali
b. Foreign powers (near and far) with ccommon master – the jews
2. Why blamed them?
a. The ignorant Cina, Indian and Benggalis failed to see reality – it’s in the constitutions,
….you need two-third to do things like changing constitutions. Now the Malays (who
supported BN) are suspecting you of back-stabbing and will not let you go…relationships
are no more the more mister nice guys to you…tit-for-tat.
Everyone knows Malays are friendly, highly tolerant people, forgiving…that’s why some are
saying ‘the chineses were tricked by DAP..’ Tricked? Don’t try to soften the Malays’
hatred towards the ungrateful chineses…nobody tricked adult chineses (voters are above
21 years old remember?). They chose DAP because they hated the malays too much and
do not want to give anything to the malays. Read DAP’s objectives – they never changed
since 1965 – malaysian malaysia remember?
b. the malays, especially those who supported PAS are clueless, they are ignorant – read the
constitutions. To have negara Islam, to have Hudud….you need bigger support. DAP &
PKR will not allowed, what else BN parties.
But the PAS ustazs are the ones who really convinced the ignorant
malays that DAP is muslim fighter and many believed them because they looked like ‘pious’
The malays from PKR are ignorant because they refused to read about anwar and
supported him blindly. I dont want to blame anwar because he is the satan. The
supporters should be blamed for supporting him blindly.
c. Foreign powers shouldnt be blamed because the rakyat allowed them to come in and
supported them. foreign powers cannot do much if the people refused to support them.
It is timely to refresh our awareness of the importance of our beloved Malaysia’s strategic political and socio-economic location again amidst attempts by the Opposition to derail the legitimate BN Government as led by our distinguished Dato Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak through a landmark legitimate victory at the ballot box.
With the re-balancing of the American military forces from the Middle East to East Asia and its avowed view to keep all the sea lanes free and obstructed, America nilly-williy has raised the importance of Malaysia’s geographical importance together with its political and socio-economic stability. Our Minister for Foreign Affairs is now seating on a hot seat which was once very cushy. It pays for Malaysia to be friends of all and keep a keen eye on our own security by keeping in close touch with international security agencies. What a World this has become unlike the Cold War and other crises before this ? Our Government has to be super alert to nearly everything at hand. And this is now no easy job. As a good doctor will say, ‘PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE !’
Malaysia stands astride the both the Straits of Melaka and the South China Sea and stretches 1,200 miles from end to end. Things seem to be hotting up due not to ourselves but the efforts of others. This is where our tested diplomatic skills will come into play in conjunction with others.
A glance at the map places Malaysia right in the epi-centre of any strategic map. Because of this, not only has our BN Government but our own peoples should be aware that whoever controls our beloved Malaysia will control a WORLD CLASS STRATEGIC CHOKE-POINT. The much flaunted choke point, a tiny one mile strip, the Straits of Singapore is 600 miles to the south, east or west.
The future World will be in a state of flux with the major participants blowing hot or cold for many different reasons, sometimes even to appease their voters at home, etc. It pays for our beloved Malaysia to be pro-active to be a friend to all. The Opposition is trying their level best to replace the credibility and trustworthiness of Malaysia in foreign affairs and all things as well.
Unfortunately, the Opposition through very bad Generalship by using words which are difficult to understand like ‘holistic’ or ‘renaissance’ put most people off. Maybe it is too late for the Opposition to catch up on Classic Wars of Top Generals !
An ancient saying enjoined its readers to, ‘ Ensure you have peace and harmony at home, you will then win battles in the street !’ How appropriate this is for the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 compnent parties especially when it sticks to normalcy in all its policies and their implementation. No more. No less.
I see a large pool of goodwill amongst the Bloggers here even though one or two might be psycho. Right up to now, you will be surprised how many Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, think that the Malays should be like them in thinking, etc. until I explained to these ill-informed folks that we the human race is different from one another. There is no such thing as a common human race. This hiatus of misunderstanding should have been the job of the MCA or whoever from the very beginning of the birth of Malaysian politics. Because of this neglect, the mainly agnostic and aetheist Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, is now under threat from a new form of thought called Christianity from the RM2 incorporated churches. If we study the history of China, the Chinese and Christianity do not mix because the latter is entirely foreign. The threat to the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese arose because the rightful and direct defender of the Chinese, the MCA was neglectful since the 1960s. And now all Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese pay the price of their political leaders neglect.
And the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP is no panacea to the problems of the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese being a creation of a foreigner and did nothing for the Malays, Chinese, Indians and all since 1966 – 47 long years of contemplating their navels only. And it will do so for the next 5 years, making a total of 52 years.
There is nothing wrong with the discount prices of the Opposition except to make the country go bankrupt. There is everything wrong with its leadership because of poor generalship. For example.
1. 1997. If the DPM had taken his family for a holiday in Disneyland, he would have returned the Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia in 1998. JUST ONE EASY STEP ! But he did not and the rest is history.
2. In 2008, the fun loving BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties since 2003 was asking to be kicked out. The Opposition failed in its most audacious ambition. The Grand Tour of the Ulus by the brilliant titan Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore at the age of 86 which his own ranking PAPs and family eschewed since 1965, was a total embarassment.
With the billions of ringgits at the Opposition command, top ringgits should have been paid for victory because actually these ringgits would come out of the wash again. The most 32 seats would have only cost RM3.2 Billions. Now bills are due for the 2008 and the 2013 General Elections. Nothing of the sort happened and back to the wheel of toil again. JUST ONE EASY STEP.
3. The 2013 General Elections. If the generalship of the Opposition is at par, the WHOLE OPPOSTION TEAM GO ON HUNGER STRIKE AND PLUS THEIR 51% POPULAR VOTE BOYCOTT THE 13TH GENERAL ELECTION. They would be the Masters of the Universe now.
This did not happen. JUST ONE EASY STEP.
4. 2018 General Elections. The Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP is faced not only with a Double Dilemma of a surfeit of Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese in their midst but also the leadership is embarassed not being able to deliver a conquered Malaysia to Lee Kuan Yew to save his illustrious reputation of a lifetime. Here lies the rub. In Opposition again the DAP for the next 5 years contemplating their navels. How do I read the failures of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP ? The leadership tried to reach for the sky like Icarus, like their founder, Lee Kuan Yew and failed, and fell to their own audacious ambitions. To mask this gigantic failure of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP, its leadership will blast all the cyperspace klaxon horns to distract the unwary and the innocents.
Salam Tun,
This is URGENT !
Pakatan is run like an MLM scam.
That explains why Anwar goes on roadshows so often, like an MLM upline leader.
He needs to reinforce his lies, and come up with bigger ones, to con his supporters.
There is a claim [Click Here] that Genneva Gold Scam is somehow related to Pakatan and funded BERSIH.
MLM scammers are world class liars.
They even invited Tun Mahathir to officiate their function.
Tun must be more careful next time.
Never get involved or even be seen with an MLM scammer.
Every year, RM3 billion is burnt on MLM.
That is from Malay community alone.
Dont know how much the Indians and Chinese loss.
Read here to know what they did to the poor Tamils.
The government must ban and disallow MLM.
It is bad for the country. MLM will ruin many families.
Please read here @ to understand the damage that MLM can do to our people.
Assalamualikum Tun
Pada saya terdapat dua (2) perkara penting yang jelas hasil dari PRU yang lalu:
1. DSAI jelas menunjukkan terdesak utk berkuasa. Saya berpendapat pihak berkuasa perlu bertindak dgn lebih pantas mengenai perbuatan khianat Pencerobohan Lahad Datu. Baling batu sorok tangan!
2. Bangsa Cina (bukan semua) telah menambah agenda keMAHUAN mereka melebihi satu perkara selain dari yang mereka MAHU terdahulu, iaitu EKONOMI & PELAJARAN. Sekarang ditambah dengan ABSOLUTE POWER!
3. Bangsa MELAYU tidak perlu banyak berbicara tentang perkara 2 diatas kerana TIADA GUNA BANYAK BERBICARA. Kemajuan BANGSA MELAYU terletak pada KEMAHUAN BANGSA itu sendiri. Kerajaan bolih mengadakan itu & ini, tetapi kalau Melayu masih Melayu dimasa lalu, saya percaya tiada kemajuan yg akan dicapai.
PERTINGKATKANLAH USAHA disemua peringkat untuk maju dengan segera. Gunakanlah kuasa MEMBELI untuk memperkasakan perniagaan Melayu.
Mekanisma bantuan kerajaan perlu dikaji semula. Kebanyakkan yg mengendalikan usaaha ini malangnya tidak berkelayakan dan tidak mampu membuat keputusan yg bijak.
Keutamaan yang diberikan kepada ahli-ahli UMNO perlu dihapuskan. Beri peluang kepada pengusaha-pengusaha yang benar-benar berniaga & berusaha. CARI mereka, jangan tunggu mereka mencari bantuan! Contohilah cara bakat-bakat hiburan dicari!
Sebagaimana yg dikendalikan olih SME Corp, kendalikan SCORE utk semua lapisan perniagaan dgn segera. Ini akan menggalakan kemajuan perniagaan kecil & sederhana.
Utk perniagaan yg besar, berikan insentif utk membawa pengusaha kecil & sederhana sebagai induk mereka. Mungkin SOGO-SHOSHA untuk Melayu bolih dijana semula.
MYDIN HOLDING merupakan entiti perniagaan yg telah banyak membantu Melayu berniaga. Saya percaya banyak lagi bolih disumbangkan olih MYDIN dalam bidang peruncitan dan pembuatan Melayu & Bumiputera.
Perincikan KEPALA-KEPALA industri Melayu & Bumiputera, limpahkan kepada mereka insentif & tugas utk sama-sama memajukan umat.
“In what way does the PR formula or recipe takes away the Malay relevance or Malay Special Rights as stipulated in our Constitution ? I think we all know where the real fear is.”
The real fear is that PR has intentionally confuse the people as to the distinction between NEP (or its variants, whatever implementation of Article 153) and the abuse of the NEP.
PR, through all its might in the social media, spread lies, deception has been equating the NEP with “injustices, power abuse, corruption, racism, anti-democratic laws, state institutional degradation”, and to somewhat equate Ketuanan Melayu with something similar to White Supremacist.
Need I repeat again: NEP has been abused. Malay rights have been abused by the corruptible in UMNO and government agencies.
Najib has been taking steps to remedy the situation: Chinese are now receiving Federal Government scholarships, at least he took the first step to meet the Dong Zong, and UTAR has been growing well, and there have been many oversea universities opening up branches here and they are all dominated by non-Malays.
And he has stressed the need to improve the way in which contracts are given to Bumi businesses. And he’s now having Hindraf in his cabinet to help look into Indian issues.
And how to get rid of the corruptible in UMNO and government agencies? The answer is to have some sort of restructuring of UMNO; more democracy would be good.
And why not change the government to PR, to solve the problem once for all? We can’t do that as PR has been unclear in its stand, as PR has intentionally deceived the people in its drive to win, as PR leaders are chameleon, as PR has shown no principle in abusing social media while at the same time lambasting government mainstream media.
Salam Tun,
10 tahun dari sekarang, perkara yang sama akan berlaku kepada orang Melayu :
Data Shows that Palestinians now Own just 8 per cent of Historic Palestine
Ketuanan Melayu akan hanya jadi satu sejarah silam yang akan dikaburi masa dan arus liberalisme, jika pemimpin UMNO masih alpa walaupun telah dikejutkan dengan ombak poltik perkauman yang turut dibantu hartawan Cina dan pihak gereja.
Barisan pemimpin UMNO dalam kabinet sekarang adalah antara yang paling lemah pernah dikemukan. Sebagai contoh, Hishamudin sepatutnya ditendang keluar kerana gagal berfungsi sewaktu jadi Menteri KDN, di mana imej dan maruah pasukan Polis telah dilanyak hingga lunyai oleh pembangkang tanpa apa-apa pembelaan yang munasabah dari Hishamudin. Kini beliau berada di Kementerian Pertahanan – saya tak tahu apa yang si-lembut ni dapat pertahankan?
Kalau ikut perkiraan terkini, Menteri yang paling berpengaruh ialah Shabery Cheek sebagai pemandu Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia. Mantan menteri, Dr Rais Yatim telah gagal memanfaatkan kuasa beliau dalam kementerian tersebut hinggakan membenar Malaysiakini, The Star dan The Red Bean Army bertindak secara leluasa menyebar fitnah dan dakyah memperlekeh kebolehan pemimpin UMNO dalam mentadbir negara.
Saya sangat berharap Shabery tidak ulangi kesilapan Dr Rais. Sehingga kini, saya tidak nampak apa-apa perubahan pembudayaan media alternatif bagi berita berkaitan Malaysia, dan setiap hari ‘Top Stories’ di Google adalah berita yang negatif sahaja tentang kerajaan.
Satu lagi, kalau boleh Tun bisikkan ke telinga Najib : cadangkan supaya jawatan Menteri Pengangkutan yang disimpan untuik MCA diserahkan kepada Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani. Beliau adalah seorang akauntan dan usahawan yang berjaya dan telah mempamerkan komitmen yang tinggi untuk memajukan orang Melayu.
Terima kasih Tun.
Penting bagi setiap Jawatan Penting
Hanya yang Berkebolihan , yg Berilmu , yg Ikhlas saja
Yg bolih menyandang tempat tersebut
Kesilapan UMNO & Juga Tun adalah
Melantik Pak Lah menjadi Perdana Menteri
Pak Lah membawa kerugian masa depan UMNO & Anak Bumi
Seperti tergugat nya UMNO , mengeluarkan Si Setan Puaka ! Anwar Ibrahim
Mengizinkan Pelaburan IDR , merobak Perancangan Tun Mahatihr dan banyak lagi
Pak Lah sama sekali TIDAK layak
Seumpama Si Kerani duduk Kerusi Manager
Terlungkup Negara
Maaf Saya Bukan Mengungkit atau Membangkit
Kita perlu Tahu Silap kita sebenarnya di Mana
Untuk memperbaiki Kesilapan kita
Supaya Tidak Berulang lagi
Banyak Kesilapan yg telah kita buat
Namun banyak juga Kebenaran yg kita buat
Isu yg Penting, Perlantikan Jawatan yg Penting
Walau Anak Sendiri yg anda lantik
HANYA TUNGGU MASA saja yg Membuktikan
Pada Saya Tun Mahathir adalah Pemimpin yg Hebat lagi Luar Biasa
Dalam Sejarah Malaysia
Perdana Menteri Bambang Yudorono
juga adalah Pemimpin yg Hebat lagi Luar Biasa
Dalam sejarah Indonesia
Inilah Wira Sejati Kita
Wira Si Botak
Adakah kalangan Anda berhajat nak lantik Saya SiBotak
Jadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia ?
Haha…….. Gurau saja Bro
Gua jalan pun macam Ketam, macamana nak jadi Pemimpin
Salam Tun,
balance said
The religious elements in schools is the main reason there is Chinese and Indian school. Learning your mother tongue is not the main reason as you can learn from anywhere.
All i want to say is, well, i’m glad someone noticed ! Now whether BN/UMNO noticed as well and can do something about it, really do something about it, is quite another matter.
Until then, it will be status quo for parents. All the PM Najib talk about “total revamp of our education system”, are mere political “sedapkan hati” talk. Many do not buy it. We know better. We know how difficult it is to change a religion.
May i also add that i mentioned at one time about “an Islam which is acceptable and desirable to everyone”. I remember Amin Tan revoking me sternly following my statement. Amin Tan’s revoke represents correctly the BN/UMNO revoke. Hence, the Malaysian Education dilemma.
I don’t buy it, that the government can change or that they can change the flawed and corrupt systems, since they themselves cannot change. Even if the government knows and has this wonderful magical Islam, it cannot change the religion and taboos of its people.
But for once however, i would love to be proven wrong -:)
Now after the 13th GE and what have been said or should not been said it is time to forget about the ill feeling of each other and stop the calling of names of each other. It is also times-up for subject about singapore, its former PM and singapore cybertropper. It is so boring to read about a single subject day in and day out. Let talk about how to move forward and the future rather then being stationary and continuously talking about history and self glories.
Yes please. Let’s talk about how to move forward and the future. For a start, lets face the realities of the elections and the conduct of it in a real and honest manner.
And at the same time, as we have lost some time due to politics, we can also talk about religion and economics and policing and administration and public services and privatization bla bla bla. I do not want to be facing the same old same old BN/UMNO style booing and threats and other emotional reactions for each and every item of discussion.
But if that is how it is here, and if that is the order of the day, then fine, we are all used to over fifty years of such manner of rule.
There is a much easier way however, just change the government ! Tun says
“setting up a new Government to replace the old Government is not as easy.”
I agree, but then in life, nothing is ever easy. But it can be easy if we know how. No, not Arab Spring… Malaysian Spring.
Thank You Tun
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Allow me to respond to Age_of_Enlightenment.
You earn my respect for singlehandedly naming most of the regular commentators here. It would appear you are inviting them to respond. Although I would add wajaperak in your list as well. I would love to see his response to your comments. You are correct when you said some of them will comment as and when needed. I have long since ‘retired’ from writing in chedet since the blog was first established some years ago. However, beginning with the Lahad Datu incursion and now PRU 13 results, I feel I have to come out of this self imposed retirement. The situation is indeed worrying.
I am not an UMNO member although I have tried 4 or 5 times with no success. However, I have no grudge against UMNO members for this. My intentions is to help my fellow Malays. I feel I have a duty to help my race now that I am successful in my own right. What I am doing is neither racist nor new, since the Chinese who are successful have always helped their own race. If not through an UMNO platform, even through this blog I can make a small contribution through my thoughts, then so be it.
You said and quote “Racism maybe because of historical reasons, yes, but if our parents are racist, should we also adopt the same “religion” ? Have not Allah given us the faculty of mind to decide for ourselves what is good and bad ? Or did Allah command us to follow the religion of our parents blindly ? Have we no will at all to progress spiritually and intellectually ?”.
By “historical reasons”, you are referring to the social contract. If you were to understand history, the social contract is anything but racist. Believe or not, this land we call Malaysia was previously Malaya was once known as “Tanah Melayu” which literally means the land of the Malays. Before 1957, there was only one citizen race in Tanah Melayu and that is the Malays. The Chinese and the Indians were brought in by the British to work in the tin mines and plantations respectively. Even though they worked in Tanah Melayu, numbering in the millions, they were not citizens of Tanah Melayu. They were brought in by the British to Tanah Melayu for the sole purpose of providing workforce. However, after world war 2, the Malays through UMNO wanted to liberate Tanah Melayu from the British. The British have made it a condition for the Chinese and Indians to be made citizens. Some of the Malays agreed, some did not agree. Where in the world due a sovereign nation gave 1 million citizenship? And so a compromise was reached. Citizenship was given to the Chinese and the Indians provided the Malays being the original citizens, be accorded special privileges. So you can say, without the social contract, 1 million citizenship would have not been given.
To put you in a better perspective, imagine today Malaysia would give, say the Indonesians living in Malaysia, numbering in the millions, citizenship provided special privileges were given to the original Malaysians. The Indonesians would jump for joy at being accorded citizenship. Suddenly 50 years down the road, the Indonesians say we want equal rights. How do you think the original Malaysians would feel? First they had to give 1 million citizenship, now they have to accord equal rights to the Indonesians.
I agree with you on the need to have equal rights. I have nothing against giving equal rights. Indeed, if I were the Prime Minister, I would have implemented it. BUT with different intentions.
You see Age_of_Enlightenment, my problem is my race, the Malay race, is not united. They like to fight among themselves. However, there was one time in history they were united, and that was against the threat of Malayan Union. Indeed, if I was Prime Minister, I would give everything the chinese wanted. Let them rule the country, let them control the economy. Abolish NEP and so forth.
You might think it is a good thing when the kiasu Chinese control everything in Malaysia. I hope the Malays at that time will realise they have become beggers in their own country. Once they feel threatened, like the Malayan Union threat, then they have to unite or continue to become begger in their own country. However, I fear once the Malays are united, they would want to take control back of the country and the economy, and this is where the Chinese will feel the brunt. In the quest to control everything, the Chinese stand to lose everything.
However, luckily I am not the Prime Minister. Dato Seri Najib is. People like Dato Seri Najib and Tun Mahathir will continue to protect the social contract, knowing full well of the dire consequence if it was ever to be broken and equal rights was given to all.
Dearest YAB Tun,
Mohon izin Tun:
For Age_of_Enlightenment, June 1, 2013 at 8:38 PM.
Thanks for your suggestion. You said:
“However, the idea of a one party BN, with all the existing components intact, is not new, the idea is native to BN. Why Hajar strongly disagrees shows the very nature of the conflict of mind inside BN. People like Hajar in UMNO wants to rule directly. But you do not have to, you can rule by proxy. The Jews have been doing it for donkey years.”
Of course BN is a party, but it is made-up of various parties/components representing the various ethnics/races/groups. All of us in BN know this fact very well; so your claim of us having “conflict of mind” is so skewed, but I guess it was done intentionally; or may be you are the one who is confused. The proposal of having only “ONE party in BN” means that UMNO and other sub-parties are abolished. As for your suggestion to “rule by proxy”, only the minority (like the Jews) needs to do that. Furthermore, a lot of money is normally used here; I call this corruption – money politics. The Malays do not have to do that. We are the majority; we can rule directly. I am afraid that if BN is ONE party without the various components (sub-parties), some Malay leaders can be easily BOUGHT (money politics) & become proxy of those who have lots of money – we know who have lots of money. Even though the Oppositions always accuse BN of being so corrupt, personally I do not see that happening; no experience too. I do not support corruption and never will.
DAP claims that it is a multi-racial party, but how come the Malays (majority) do not support DAP? And, how come DAP, PKR and PAS are not registered as a party? So, Age_of_Enlightenment, do you have any answers to these two questions?
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
Salam Tun,
observer writes
I maintain that a semantically correct translation of “Ketuanan Melayu”, taking history into perspective, would be “Malay relevancy”.
If you have lived in Singapore for a while (in the lower ends, in the public housing, not in the higher-class side), you will know what it means.
You are probably right semantically speaking, but semantics is not politics, which involves the heart and mind. ‘Malay Relevancy’ is probably your own intellectual understanding, but it isn’t the understanding of the majority of the Malays who voted BN.
Much as you prefer the 1Malaysia concept, and much as you dislike the abuses of NEP, the psche of “Ketuanan Melayu” is the underlying reason of it all.
For Malays to change there are options. One is Islam. Two is Democracy ( difficult ). Three is Justice ( even more difficult ).
Lets begin with changing traditions first. Then we can talk changing religion.
Never mind about Singapore, Ordinary Singapore Malays are well more advanced than the Rich Malays here. And no i have never lived in Singapore but i have been exposed Singaporeans Malays and Chinese and Indians.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
Interesting to read your BN supporters posts, especially from the likes of Dr Jafr and Hajar, Si Botak, Mishah, Observerand of course MC ( Mubarak Chan ). There are many others too who appear as and when needed, that is too numerous to mention here.
But as i said, politics is all “heart felt matter, or rather a matter for the heart” and as such i do not subscribe at all to the “Art of War” philosophy.
Politics isn’t about war. War is war, the failure of politics leads to war.
Politics is about winning the hearts of people, which is why there is a “I Love PM” campaign, although i think it is rather silly, because we cannot create Love.
I agree with Hajar with her statement ”
I totally DISAGREE with the idea of having only ONE PARTY in BN. I don’t think this is a smart move. Please look at the GE-13 results, and learn from past experiences. Currently, most (majority) Malays trust UMNO to fight for the Malays, and also to protect ISLAM.”
However, the idea of a one party BN, with all the existing components intact, is not new, the idea is native to BN. Why Hajar strongly disagrees shows the very nature of the conflict of mind inside BN. People like Hajar in UMNO wants to rule directly. But you do not have to, you can rule by proxy. The Jews have been doing it for donkey years.
It is BN matter, i am an outsider. If BN do not want to change, as had been proposed by quite a few others within and out of BN, they bear the consequences of it themselves. So the BN President must first try to convince hard core UMNO people like Hajar and Dr Jafri and many others that the changes he wishes to make is for the good of BN as well as UMNO and for the whole country.
Given that BN wants to change, then exactly what the changes will be is totally up to BN. My previous statement ” with slight structural change, and major changes at positions of importance, BN can be a force to be reckoned with” holds.
But i am neither obliged nor happy to be more specific about this. Furthermore, this is the prerogative of the President of BN, our Honourable Good Prime Minister. I am mere observer and an ordinary poor citizen.
If BN does not change, i can assure you very many Malaysians or Bangsa Malaysia will continue to protest and speak up until we get the fairness we rightly deserve. BN can ignore us and bulldoze thorough anything. But i assure you we do not fear bulldozers. We fear guns.
So if you people send someone to point a gun at me demanding that i declare the support for BN/UMNO, i probably will in an instant. But it isn’t the truth.
Thank You Tun
Do you think Islam need protection???? Islam is bigger then you and me and all human and people added together and some still think about about protecting Islam. Do you think it is wrong to think like this.
Some football clubs employ foreigner as their coaches. Similarly a government can also get foreigners to help in running the country. The main consideration should be competency and not race or nationality. Surely you want someone who is competent to run the government. It would not matter if the PM were an Indian or Chinese as long as he is competent for the job. What the people want should be someone who can run the country well.
For the edification of all Bloggers – Malaysia is a land of capers.
1. 1950s The MCA Social Welfare Lotteries and Tontine
2. 1960s The mushroom insurance companies and Tontine
3, 1970s The chit fund caper and Tontine
4. 1970s-80s The MCA Co-Operatives caper and share rigging.
5. mid 1970 The beginning of the free run of the RM2 incorporated religious caper
6. 1980s Share rigging, insurance companies guarantees caper, the free run of the RM2 incorporated religious caper.
7. 1990s Share rigging , the free run of the RM2 incorporated religious caper.
8. 2000s Share rigging, the free run of the RM2 incorporated religious caper.
The Foreign Exchange caper.
9. 2004-13 Share rigging, the free run of the RM2 incorporated religious caper. The Gold Bulluon caper.
Please note. The RM2 incorporated religious caper has grown so mighty that in 2013, this group demanded political space for the very first time unlike the conventional Christian churches which kept away from politics over a 100 years ago. The RM2 incorporated religious entities are run by amateurs, most self-proclaimed, not subjected to rule and regulations of the authorities, and are tax-free. So much so, even such Singapore entity like the City Harvest has set up branches to harvest the flock and openly supported Oppostion political parties. No licences are required to do anything and a percentage of a person’s income is levied. THIS HAS BECOME A GIANT INDUSTRY IN ITSELF . A MONEY CAPER WITHOUT END !
I fully support hajjar’s views on UMNO. I would be a disastrous mistake for the Malays and the Malaysians for UMNO to change what is now seen as weakness in administrative ways and not about its proud heritage and concept.
From 1960 right down to the present day, it was the deterioration of the administrative systems which brought about the weaknesses we perceived today e.g. corruption, etc. etc. This has to do with human resources and their interpretation of their duties and responsibilties. Some notable personalities have called for the removal of ‘dead wood’. An infusion of the right type of young blood is called for at the present time.
The UMNO requirements of young blood runs countercyclical to that of the Opposition. In other words, within the next 5 years the Opposition needs a younger leadership whilst the UMNO needs a younger 2nd and 3rd tier supporting cast. The chances of the UMNO becoming a revitlized entity is greater than all the other Malaysian political parties combined !
From the results of the 13th General Elections, the UMNO has done extremely well given the circumstances when the Opposition went all out to win and lost BIG ! They did not assume POWER ! This is the nub – did not gain Power. It is not the number of seats that counts. IT WAS THE DENIAL OF THE OPPOSITION FROM POWER IS WHAT IT COUNTS TODAY AND EVERY DAY TILL THE 14TH GENERAL ELECTIONS !
By the 14th General Elections, I am certain with a rejuvenated UMNO, the Malays and the others will know the meaning of the difference between the incumbent BN and the foreign backed Opposition, the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP, the very rich PKR and the very pious PAS.
As my favourite American President Harry S Truman (he was my favourite not because he dropped 2 atomic bombs but of his character without pretensions) said,’ The buck stops at my desk !’ This is applicable to all Presidents of the UMNO.
And as for the MCA and the Gerakan, I feel it is embarassing even to mention the word MCA which illustrates how much the leadership has come down to earth. To include the MCA is meaningless as is shown by the MCA leadership handling of the DAP infested ‘The Star’ newspaper with its very top Management openly consorting and supporting the DAP and do business with the Singapore Government. This can only be interpreted as the ‘Last Days of Pompeii !’ Akan datang !
I have always said that the UMNO has plenty to be proud of themselves vis-a-vis the Malays and indirectly, the non-Malays. Any call for the UMNO to be otherwise is MISCHIEVOUS AND WILL BRING DOWN THE MALAYS AND ALL OF US.
Look at the mess the Opposition is in now having lost a VITAL AND IMPORTANT ELECTION !
UMNO DO NOT BE BRAINWASHED BY THE SLY AND CUNNING TACTICS OF THE OPPOSITION THROUGH THE CYPERSPACE PROPAGANDA ! UMNO you are OK if you revert back to NORMALCY ! Let us see if the Opposition can face another 5 years of cyberspace propaganda from the BN ! DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS !
The Singapore Government has just put up restrictions on political cyberspace even for foreigners. And please do not forget, there is a Singapore Government Charities Commission to monitor the lush funds in all those RM2 incorporated religious set-ups too ! And the richest City Harvest Church was alleged to have its funds misplaced in an on-going Trial. All these funds are tax-free and handled by amateurs who have no professional licences by they are there by being ‘religious’.
Salam YABhg Tun,
And so it seem that demonstrations with tens of foreign-news cameras will eventually get this opposition leader what he’s been craving for.
As it is, no thanks to the un-suave BN alternative media ‘consultants’, the foreign news on Malaysia are all spins about how terrible the country is. I accidentally clicked on Yahoo Malaysia the other day and for a while I thought I was on Malaysiakini.
While I appreciate the breaking news about corruptions and injustices, it gets nauseating when they spin lies and half-truths…
Dearest YAB Tun,
I totally DISAGREE with the idea of having only ONE PARTY in BN. I don’t think this is a smart move. Please look at the GE-13 results, and learn from past experiences. Currently, most (majority) Malays trust UMNO to fight for the Malays, and also to protect ISLAM. As long as UMNO stays relevant and maintains its original objectives, UMNO will remain the most influential Malay party. By allowing all components to merge as ONE party, UMNO will lose the Malays’ trust, and I believe support for the ONE PARTY (new BN) will drop drastically. I believe most Malays will support PAS. UMNO/BN will be history.
Even though PAS is a friend of DAP and PKR, but as we all know, PAS, DAP and PKR are not”legally married”. I believe that the Oppositions will NEVER register PR legally because if they do so, they will lose some support from different races in Malaysia. As a registered party, they can no longer FOOL (“memperdaya”) the voters. Actually, by just calling themselves PR (not even a REGISTERED party), they have the advantage of fooling the Malays (through PAS/PKR) and the Non-Malays (DAP) into believing that they are fighting for all races; Malays (the NOT so smart Malays (“tidak berapa cerdik – spesis Pak Kadok”) will support PAS, thinking that PAS is still able to form ”Negara Islam”; PKR (also with quite a number of not so smart Malays) will also remain relevant to the “Malays’ Pak Kadok” by giving nonsense promises & by lying (“Pembohong besar”).
And of course DAP is just using both PAS and PKR to accomplish their goals with the full support of the “Kiasu” Malaysian Chinese. DAP knows very well that PAS and PKR will never get the full support of the Malays (UMNO is the main obstacle); so there is no way that either PAS or PKR will get the largest number of Parlimentary seats. Hence, if PR wins, DAP (“Abang besar”) will have the final say in any decision making process (like what happened in Perak), and this is what DAP (Chinese) wants – to have the power to make decisions even though the PM is a Malay (a puppet).
So, UMNO must remain as it is (UMNO as a component in BN) if BN/UMNO still wants the Malays’ support, but please work harder/smarter to gain more support from the Malays who are not members of any party; go back to UMNO’s original struggles/goals. I believe that those who are not hardcore supporters of PAS can be persuaded/influenced to give their votes to BN in the coming general elections; but BN must try to emulate what PAS leaders have been doing (the positive ones). Most PAS leaders look ”sempoi” (“tidak menunjuk-nunjuk kekayaan”) and they (men) also pray at the mosque regularly (”nampak alim” = “perception/image”). I am not asking UMNO leaders to become hypocrites, but as Muslims, they should try to become more religous if they are sincere in their ”perjuangan untuk memartabat ISLAM & MELAYU.”
Another thing, since PR is not a registered party, there is no need to refer to DAP/PAS/PKR as PR when talking about the so called “popular votes”. They did not contest as a party. BN is till the most popular party; to be more specific, UMNO is the most popular of all. So, from now on, just refer to the oppositions as DAP/PKR/PAS.
DSN must wake up. Be firm, and take the necessary actions to stop all ILLEGAL gatherings & lies. Take legal actions against those who do not follow the laws. In this regard, I must say that we need to follow Singapore Government – take legal actions as required. BN is the winner of the GE-13, so act like a winner.
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
Dear Tun,
97% Chinese voters put their bet on DAP. Their hearts beating as one ethnically over-charged battery to ensure the perennial racist party wins the race with the help of an improved jurbo-engine. They also have the backing of Singapore and all the Chinese billionaires, local and overseas, to kick UMNO and the Malays big time, right in the songkok …
Fireworks for joy and celebration of a CNY proportion were arranged in advance of the GE results announcement. Ubah .. Ini Kali lah .. for all of them, its really a heart felt matter and a matter of the heart. That’s how they like to spin it 🙂 To the yellow hearts, of course, losing face was never an option. But behold .. “Wallahu Khairul Maakirin” .. they forgot to bribe god, like they used to do. I think that’s where their stratagem hits the pit. They did not put a budget on that.
Meanwhile, around the the breaking point, the ‘Thief of Hearts’ and ‘The Star’ culprit conveniently sneaked out like a hit-and-run sociopath driver putting on an ambulance light and blaring the siren to flee the scene with a grin on his face. No remorse whatsoever. What … another piece from the Art of War?
PM Najib must be a fool to buy into all this and for him to focus in error on the collateral damage or the clever ‘I Love PM’ actors whilst the Red Bean Army recoup for another deadly attack. His omission to openly grace the rural Malay and Bumis for their support was a stupid stance which was further amplified by his awe for the Chinese Tsunami and his reconciliation calls.
In the aftermath, PM Najib should have heed to General Patton’s advice, “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.” But what the heck, if PM Najib could only afford General ‘Patong’ in his war room !
I would advise PM Najib to shave off his head and wear a songkok – it would be like taking a step closer to ‘Rebranding’ his leadership and freshens UMNO’s dwindling libido.
Yes UMNO needs to Change
And A Big Change
UMNO needs to be more Authoritve
UMNO must be stern on Laws
Cannot bow to people never ending Needs
But need to look into What is needed
Bowing to a thousands needs of the people
Will Bankrupt The Govt
Once Govt Bankrupt
Economy will be Haywire
Malaysian must be grateful to UMNO
Malaysia Govt did not make us a Product to make the Govt Rich
Indeed Malaysia Govt have relax many
In Singapore even the poor cannot go astray
Even the dogs are not allowed to barks
The rich gets richer
People are sufferings in Silence
And they are the product of the Nations
Life is to Organize
That they don,t have Life of their own
And it,s all making the Govt richer each day
Salam Tun,
I seem to have got several people utterly confused with my comments, and i do apologize for not being specific. At Tun’s level in this blog, i do not see the need to be extremely specific because i assume most readers of Tun’s blog can follow the logic and extend it further, thus serving to explain what i am on about.
To make matters easier, let me put it this way.
The desire to change the government, from my perspective, is not merely for convenience nor political reason. I can perhaps live under any kind of government, and we have lived under BN all this while anyway.
But it is to me a heart felt matter, or rather a matter for the heart. I want a government with a stronger, better and compassionate heart. Perhaps many million of Malaysians on this side of the political divide ( PR side ) feels the same.
It is very sad for me when i see my Malaysian friends being discriminated in such ugly manner, and myself often being on the receiving end of all this racism, due to the “sins” of BN/UMNO. Saying sorry is not acceptable to me. Because the reason for all this “sin” is embedded in the very formula or recipe of BN, i.e racism. In other words, it is inevitable, and dark racism will go on and on until we have the will or political will to change.
Should this be not possible, then i take note what the Home Minister said, and i shall try to earn enough to leave the Country soon, because i am so unhappy to live in a racist Country. I do not take to the streets what i myself cannot solve at home. Once bitten, twice i’m gone.
Racism maybe because of historical reasons, yes, but if our parents are racist, should we also adopt the same “religion” ? Have not Allah given us the faculty of mind to decide for ourselves what is good and bad ? Or did Allah command us to follow the religion of our parents blindly ? Have we no will at all to progress spiritually and intellectually ?
Orang Melayu dulu kata
“Hujan Emas di negeri orang, Hujan Batu di negeri sendiri”
When i first heard of this proverb at school, we had an argument amongst our Malay “geng”, some saying it is better to be home even if Batu, some say it is better to go for Gold. As for me, i go for Gold or more precisely Golden Quality of Life, because we live only once and Life is short.
Now please allow me to ask openly to anyone who feel they have the answer. In what way does the PR formula or recipe takes away the Malay relevance or Malay Special Rights as stipulated in our Constitution ? I think we all know where the real fear is.
Thank You Tun
for me…i didnt judge my prime minister or anyone in goverment for personal issues…nobody perfect. even who always complaining others also not even perfect, they just know how to bring down the goverment but didnt do anything to our country…speak is just useless without doing something about it…sorry m not good in english. for this 5 years hopefully goverment fill all the promises so they opposites dont have any reason to bring up after that period but we know, they will not stop until they win. I dont like Anwar not coz of his personal issues but coz he s always involve the foreign country on Malaysian matters n its seems to be so dangerous to Malaysian. He dont deserve to be Prime Minister when he s putting malaysian Under serious matter. he s just a Parasit.
menghairankan bila rakyat tidak tahu bersyukur dengan apa yang mereka ada sekarang…kerajaan telah membantu menyediakan segalanya tetapi rakyat ingin semuanya mudah…sekiranya kerajaan memberi makan…rakyat ingin di suap sehingga ke mulut dan kalau boleh biar sehingga ke perut…really ungratefull….dont blame all things on goverment, they cant change what u r now, u should give ure all effort to be someone…blaming others for ure own weakness is so pathetic…i do support goverment till now coz it will never been good to be under so much leader…n supporting Tun also. stay blessed 🙂
Jihad saya adalah menyatu padukan saudara Islam yg berpecah belah
BUKAN menentang pihak musuh seperti Amerika , Israel yg telah banyak
Memfitnah , MengZalimi Dunia Islam
BUKAN kerana saya takut
Dunia Islam belum bersedia menentang Keahlian mereka
Dunia Islam masih jauh ketinggalan persoalan ketenteraan
INILAH cara yg lebih berkesan untuk kemenangan Islam
Jihad menyatupadukan pemimpin Islam, pemimpin Melayu yg bersengketa
Pemimpin Suni , Shiah supaya bersatu
menyatu padukan saudara saya yg sengketa sesama sendiri
Maka itu saya berimpian menubuhkan NGO,s atau Islamic Missionary
Atau Melayu Missionary , menyatupadukan PAS & UMNO
Menyatu padukan Najib & Anwar
MenyatuPAdukan ummah kita dengan hanya berkallimah yg SATU
Jika Berjaya cara Automatis Pihak Musuh Islam seperti Israel
Akan Gerun
PAP & DAP akan Gerun jika UMNO & PAS dapat bersatu
Pihak musuh akan ketawa jika kita berpecah belah
INI adalah tujuan mereka sebenar
Memecahkan belahkan Dunia Islam
Memecah belahkan Pemimpin Islam
Memecah belahkan Kaum Shiah , Sunni
Memecah belahkan PAS , UMNO
Memecah Belah kaum Melayu Malaysia
Jika sudah terbelah , itulah Kejayaan mereka
Dan inilah tujuan mereka sebenar
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I would like to ask Age_of_Enlightenment.
With a slight structural change, and major changes at positions of importance, BN can be a force to be reckoned with. The consequence however, will be that it leaves a lot of people very unhappy, and they all have to leave the country.
What do you mean by this? Be specific, don’t talk in vague.
Thank you.
“It is not the language or translation that matters, it is that it defines the Malay psyche accurately.”
I understand what you mean. I know that some Malays want all the bosses to be only Malays, that only Malays should get this and that, only Malays should be in the university class, and so on. This is racism, an abuse of NEP (and its follow-up), and abuse of the quota system, and I hate it, and I’m against it, as I’m all for 1Malaysia.
I maintain that a semantically correct translation of “Ketuanan Melayu”, taking history into perspective, would be “Malay relevancy”.
If you have lived in Singapore for a while (in the lower ends, in the public housing, not in the higher-class side), you will know what it means.
Dr Jafri May 30, 2013 at 9:02 PM, Art of War strategy in BN war room can be used by anyone, it’s a free strategy too.
If people don’t buy, what can you do?
All system failed if you do not have the skilled and right attitude driver.
Salam Tun,
BN can change dramatically and become even more powerful than PR, IMHO, given good management.
With a slight structural change, and major changes at positions of importance, BN can be a force to be reckoned with. The consequence however, will be that it leaves a lot of people very unhappy, and they all have to leave the country.
“Di telan mati emak, di muntah mati ayah”
I still say lets change the government.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
I cannot come up with a nice condensed response to Observer and Dr Jafri.
I think people like these knows very well what this whole thing of “Ketuanan Melayu” is really about anyway, and so i do not want to waste my time and space in this blog going over the arguments for Bangsa Malaysia again and again.
“Ketuanan Melayu” translated as Malay Relevance is in-accurate by literary standards as well as psychological standards. It is not the language or translation that matters, it is that it defines the Malay psyche accurately. It is the main reason why the Malays who do not subscribe to this mentality moved to support PR.
As for Anwar, i do not expect everyone to like him, same as i do not expect everyone to like Tun. Well, so what, you can vote for another PM ! It does not take away what he is standing for ( Keadilan plus all the other values or ideologies like Democracy and Islam ) and it does not make Bangsa Malaysia a rotten concept even if you see Anwar as a mad driver.
Get a new driver then. And keep your Classic Car if you wish ! It’s a free country !
Thank You Tun
Dear Tun,
The Malay Hegemony.
It is as natural and relevant as sunshine that the Malays rule Malaysia. Just like Chinese ruling China. It’d be delusional to hope for an Uyghur elected as PM of PRC.
The Malay Hegemony will have nothing to do with the so-called ‘Supremacy’ that is being concocted by the subversive elements to provoke a racial issue and induced perception into an ugly bloodied mayhem, where they will again later on blame it on the Malays and UMNO in particular. We must not indulge in forgetting history and condemned to a repeat.
To the Chinese readers in this blog, please bear in mind that the phrase ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ is incorrect in every manner if you interpret it with the narrowed eyes of the person who wrote ‘The Art of War’, simply because the Malays generally do not share your suspicious minds and/or your furtive red bean culture that facilitates your grandparents escape from the Manchus.
Just a couple of comments:
1) “UMNO’s struggle is now for Malay supremacy, even if for just political supremacy. That is not a human and sacred virtue. In is in fact a sin”.
I think, “Ketuanan Melayu” should not be translated to “Malay supremacy”, but rather “Malay relevancy”.
And putting things into historical perspective, I don’t see anything wrong with that.
2) “Not that many will change and some people can never change.”
Greater democracy within UMNO would be the way to go.
3) “i do not want to keep repairing my broken old car, it is better i buy a new car.”
I might consider changing car, but I don’t want to switch to one driven by a maniac such as Anwar.
And by the way, old car, once restored and given a fresh coat of paint, makes a classic.
Salam Tun,
Anwar Ibrahim ni sejak dulu memang perangai dia suka berdemo. kan bagus kalau kerajaan mengamalkan ketegasan dalam menangani gelaja demo ni sepertimana diamalkan Tun dulu.
Salam Tun
I feel “cakkuncak” still hangs on to the idea of UMNO as representative rulers or government, for mere nostalgic reasons, not in the spirit of freedom for Malays, a basic human right, in our own land. Also, you are not thinking of the non-muslim, non-taditional Malays, who are also Citizens of Malaysia with equal rights, although they probably do not get “bumputra” help.
UMNO’s struggle is now for Malay supremacy, even if for just political supremacy. That is not a human and sacred virtue. In is in fact a “sin”. And so yes, i agree “UMNO needs to change Tun. Real change.”
But lets us be realistic here now. Not that many will change and some people can never change.
I have therefore come to the conclusion that it is far better and easier for those of us who can change to do so, and lead, rather than wait for UMNO to change. And for those of us who have already changed, like D.S. Anwar or Anwar if you prefer, he should then lead.
Like someone else said in this blog comment, i do not want to keep repairing my broken old car, it is better i buy a “new” car.
Maybe you do not agree, maybe you prefer to still use the old repaired car. But there is danger one day the Government will not allow you to drive on the road, by not allowing the renewal of your road tax, as like in many Advanced Countries.
Embrace Evolution
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
I feel obliged to respond to “grkumar” who is the a new wolf on sheeps clothing here in your blog. His closing remarks are as follows :-
Perkasa ought to first take these mongrels t court for their criminal defamation of leaders. They then ought to place their representativs in charge of the armed forces. Jail undemocratic forces whether these are registered political parties or not.
Unless the Malays take this opportunity seriously they are doomed. The DAP in the sidelines “Chucoh” the Ambigas and Anwars will wreak havoc on the country it will take generaitons before economic prosperity returns.
The remarks are seditious and provocative, but i am no government and i support freedom of speech, so i will not pour sand into grkumar’s bowl of rice and curry.
His call … “Countries like Malaysia need to have a reserve force of “Gurkhas”. These are soldiers whose discipline is such that they are driven by a chain of command and not emotion or political fatigue.”
is incompatible with his call for
They (Perkasa) then ought to place their representativs in charge of the armed forces.
What he is saying amount to that we should have Gurkhas soldiers under the command of Perkasa.
No way. I say we should have Gurkhas soldiers under the command of Yang Di Pertuan Agong, not Perkasa, not UMNO, not BN and not even PR.
If you Google “Field Marshall”, and read the Wiki entry for Field Marshall Malaysia, you see this …Field marshal (Malaysia) – refer Yang di-Pertuan Agong
So mr grkumar, Thank You for your effort to inject more inconsistency in our national political and defense systems, but i think our Military knows very well how many Gurkhas it will take to change a government.
I would suggest you try to change our Constitution instead.
Thank You Tun
“Majority of the voters voted for PR. ”
You might have 80-90% of the Chinese vote, but you have only about a third of others vote.
It’s not fair! We don’t accept that PR has won the ‘popularity’ contest!
Let us hold on to the assumption that “the disintegration among the Malays is due to the existence of at least 2 non-conforming head-on collision of political ideologies in action”. Then, this is quite in line with the thinking of CIA action research strategiest as published by RAND. CIA has come down to the conclusion that the Muslims could be categorically classified into 4 spesies :
1. The Fundamentalist
2. The Traditionalist
3. The Modernist
4. The Secularist
The whole idea of doing this classification is to enable them to come up with innovative approaches & strategies to ensure the rate of expansion of Muslim world-view is kept as low as possible by engaging the 4 groups in prolong on-going collision amongst themselves. Back to the issue .. Disintegration of the Malays. They have been subjected to
prolong lethal exposure to unhealthy mode of political practices for nearly more than 5 decades. This scenario need no further explanation..coming with corrective measure or solution should be a top priority. The future generations has a lot to lose if this weakening bonding among the Malays left untreated.
It takes 3 to get things done,,,the scholarly academician, the scholarly ulama & the concerned politician. A well elaborated document on strategic planning to foster ummah development is highly necessary. This is due to the fact that the Malays in this country had been undergoing decades of disintegration & experiencing intense evaporation of trust among themselves due to prolong exposure to unhealthy political struggle among themselves. Yes, the Majlis Professor Negara has indicated their willingness to assist the govt in reconciliation effort. However the Majlis Ulama is still not responding & we still here unhealthy negative confusing remarks/views by scholarly Ulama & politicians related to Shariah compliant governance. My hypothesis : A strong cavalent rebonding among the Malays could only be achieved only if the 3 entities mentioned above together come up with a solid document elaborating the strategic plan of action on Perpaduan & Pembangunan Ummah. RD5
I am not sure if this comment by the Tun is “tongue in cheek”. Maybe the government should be brought down through “democratic street demonstrations?”.
Countries like Malaysia need to have a reserve force of “Gurkhas”. These are soldiers whose discipline is such that they are driven by a chain of command and not emotion or political fatigue.
The fact that the Anwar Ibrahims of this world backed by their Ambigas continue to dice with disaster is a matter for the government of the day to deal with. We are witness to a government in power demonstrating a lack of political spine. No nation should tolerate internal destabilsation by any faction or force.
Anwar seeks power through any means. He is supported by an Ambiga funded by foreign forces. It is now known that the Genneva Gold scam was aided ably by individuals and groups that operate with impunity out of Singapore and other nearby places supported by the US government’s secretary of state Hillary Clinton.
When the US senate and congress refused to provide them with funds for their destabilisation prorgammes in south east Asia (read Malaysia) they used a number of other means as they do in south America, the middle east and Africa. They set up locals and through them provided the technical assistance for the gold scams which now infect Florida, New York, Chicago and other places but mainly the Chinese communities.
Monies obtained from these scams did not go only to the scammers. It was directed to support movements like Bersih so that no trail would lead to the secretary of state. In Libya they had a similar scam whereby printed US dollar notes were changed for literally billions of Dinar. The US dollar notes were worthless and buyers were asked to hold on to it for 12 months for a huge interest payment and high convertibility.
Most of the people in these scams do not know they are funding their own demise, a revolution to destroy themselves and their existence. None of the Libyans or Syrians who joined Hillary Clinton and her funded “opposition” realised the hell they would reap for joining the street marches.
Ambiga’s Bersih was funded through Genneva and other Gold scams like the guarantee gold fund in Singapore.
Frank Altman the former CIA operative out of the office in Singapore revealed in a radio programme in Texas recently how they controlled Bersih without Bersih knowing about it. he admits that Anwar and his daughter Nurull; and Lim Kit Siang were long time recipient of CIA funds through “legitimate” third party organizations.
In a democratic society the ballot box is the only means by which government can be changed or re elected. Not through illegal marches on the streets.
Perkasa ought to first take these mongrels t court for their criminal defamation of leaders. They then ought to place their representativs in charge of the armed forces. Jail undemocratic forces whether these are registered political parties or not.
Unless the Malays take this opportunity seriously they are doomed. The DAP in the sidelines “Chucoh” the Ambigas and Anwars will wreak havoc on the country it will take generaitons before economic prosperity returns.
Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Majority of the voters voted for PR. That the majority decides is the fundamental principle of democracy. Would you tell BN MPs to support PR to form the government? They should know that the majority of the voters wanted PR to form the government and they should accept the wishes of the majority based on the principle of democracy.
Well-done cakkunkak.
The moves to strengthen the body politic of Malaysian politics as proposed by our Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak should be taken together as a whole and not in a dribs and drabs fashion. Then, the result will be dynamic and forceful. What is suggested the whole range of possible changes for the good of all Rakyat should be done in consonance with each other from politics to socio-economics to education and onto to culture, sports, youth etc. etc. This is an opportunity for our Perdana Menteri not to be missed. It is better to begin now than later to take the wind out of the sails of the Opposition ! For example, I see manifold benefits in the following for all Rakyat, the rich and the poor, to get private enterprise and endeavour moving again with a giant push to the general economy instead of the dribs and drabs of investment overseas :-
1. The GLCs should be sold back to their former owners who have not broken the laws.
2. The GLCs maybe sold to new Bumiputra owners and their non-Bumiputra partners even with a foreign element.
3. The GLCs maybe sold to the existing Management with non-Bumiputra partners even with a foreign element through MBOs.
The following advantages for the incumbent BN Government with plaudits all round the World.
1. A Government should not be involved in business. Its business is to rule and govern. The highly paid civil servants with no accountablility create a lot of envy and who is to guide them doing business which no book has ever been written to tell them how. The Singapore Government is in this business thing because at its founding in 1965, that generation of rich Singaporeans were traders, wheeler-dealers, who did not understand the nature of industrialization (they all lost money eg. Starlite Ceramics, Fairlady Fashion, Eupoc etc). The Singapore Government stepped in to fill the gap and brought in the multi-nationals. On the same token, our Tun brought in the entrepreuners to undertake the mega-projects quickly avoiding the red-tape of a Government bureaucratic department. Different strokes for different folks.
2. Whatever debt the Government has will be reduced substantially because money has velocity and its all pervasive in an open capitalistic economy like ours.
3. Politically and socio-economically, the new owners themselves will find new avenues of growth and activity leading to new employment of graduates and others.
4. The general economy in relation to the Policies of the previous Governments will be more balanced. There is no need to bring in new fangled ideas to kick start anything because everything is already in place e.g the entreprepeuners, the employees, the companies, etc.
5. This is most important of all. The establisment of a specail monitoring unit in the Prime Minister’s Department to ensure that the new owners of these important GLCs deliver as promised unlike previously in the 1980s and the 1990s, when distinguished gentlemen gave their word of honour which turned out to have less than face value.
will a complete democratization of the election process within UMNO, covering all wings, be the answer?
For a start, lets hope that the 146,500 UMNO voters will bring some changes to the party.
YAB Tun,
UMNO needs to change Tun. Real change.
Anwar Ibrahim is an irresponsible nuisance. He doesn’t even deserved to addressed as a Datuk Seri.
However, he has strength because UMNO is unwilling to effect real change. A good example; Sharizat is still there, among many others. The people are not blind. They know what these politicians do or have or whatever it is. UMNO can change all these but unfortunately it does not or will not I do not know. I can understand it is tricky to bring about change – it must be a delicate balancing act, but the fact is it must be done, unless UMNO does not mind that it will disappear and become irrelevant as what Gerakan have become and MCA on the verge of becoming.
Please have a look at companies that are owned by MOF. I for one know of one company is that is led by one individual who have moved from other GLCs and not performed well or make any real contribution – but in fact riddled with various scandals of disputes with BODs, abuse of power etc. Yet, because of political connections he is contract is renewed year after year.
It is as if, whatever voice from the people went to deft ears Tun. 🙁
I am citing from personal experience, but I have a feeling that on the overall the situation are similar.
I have always admired you Tun and your spirit and energy motivates me to want to do what is right and the best for my race and country despite my insignificant position in the scheme of things. In that sense I still believe in the struggles of UMNO and cannot believe that PKR or PAS will ever come close to ever being able to protect Malays and Islam from the position of strength.
I am saddened when I see UMNO leaders who are arrogant, who choose to hang around despite clearly being a liability to the party’s struggles, UMNO being duped by unscrupulous members or advisors for their personal gains etc.
It really breaks the heart because we know that UMNO can be much better …if only it choose to do so. 🙁
15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy
Here is a list of 15 things which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering – and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy – we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go:
1. Give up your need to always be right. There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question: “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?”Wayne Dyer. What difference will that make? Is your ego really that big?
2. Give up your need for control. Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you – situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, coworkers, or just strangers you meet on the street – just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and you will see how much better will that make you feel.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.” Lao Tzu
3. Give up on blame. Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for your life.
4. Give up your self-defeating self-talk. Oh my. How many people are hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted and repetitive self-defeating mindset? Don’t believe everything that your mind is telling you – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating. You are better than that.
“The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.” Eckhart Tolle
5. Give up your limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, you are no longer going to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly!
“A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind” Elly Roselle
6. Give up complaining. Give up your constant need to complain about those many, many, maaany things – people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. It’s not the situation that triggers those feelings in you, but how you choose to look at it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.
7. Give up the luxury of criticism. Give up your need to criticize things, events or people that are different than you. We are all different, yet we are all the same. We all want to be happy, we all want to love and be loved and we all want to be understood. We all want something, and something is wished by us all.
8. Give up your need to impress others. Stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not just to make others like you. It doesn’t work this way. The moment you stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not, the moment you take of all your masks, the moment you accept and embrace the real you, you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.
9. Give up your resistance to change. Change is good. Change will help you move from A to B. Change will help you make improvements in your life and also the lives of those around you. Follow your bliss, embrace change – don’t resist it.
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls” Joseph Campbell
10. Give up labels. Stop labeling those things, people or events that you don’t understand as being weird or different and try opening your mind, little by little. Minds only work when open. “The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.” Wayne Dyer
11. Give up on your fears. Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist – you created it. It’s all in your mind. Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place.
“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt
12. Give up your excuses. Send them packing and tell them they’re fired. You no longer need them. A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck, lying to ourselves, using all kind of excuses – excuses that 99.9% of the time are not even real.
13. Give up the past. I know, I know. It’s hard. Especially when the past looks so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening, but you have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have. The past you are now longing for – the past that you are now dreaming about – was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. After all life is a journey not a destination. Have a clear vision for the future, prepare yourself, but always be present in the now.
14. Give up attachment. This is a concept that, for most of us is so hard to grasp and I have to tell you that it was for me too, (it still is) but it’s not something impossible. You get better and better at with time and practice. The moment you detach yourself from all things, (and that doesn’t mean you give up your love for them – because love and attachment have nothing to do with one another, attachment comes from a place of fear, while love… well, real love is pure, kind, and self less, where there is love there can’t be fear, and because of that, attachment and love cannot coexist) you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. You will get to a place where you will be able to understand all things without even trying. A state beyond words.
15. Give up living your life to other people’s expectations. Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need….and eventually they forget about themselves. You have one life – this one right now – you must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract you from your path.
YABhg Tun,
What…??? An election agreement between Anwar and Najib…?? I supposed it not entirely on campaining etiquette. Some skeletons in the closet they wanted remained locked during their days together in UMNO…??? perharps…???
YABhg Tun,
I think we should hold another election…..again and…. again and again until Anwar wins…
It would be good for democracy….
Recently, I asked my friend, ‘ Why are you protesting that you are not a millionaire ?’ He replied, ‘ I am very poor.’ I continued, ‘ And how can you become a millionaire by protesting like this ?’ My friend surprisingly replied, ‘ It is because I have millions and millions of ringgits in my bank account !’ I was left incredulous. A Malaysian’s mentality in today’s Malaysian?
sibotak your war is business is so true. Like your comment and idea.
Age_of_Enlightenment your answer to someone comment is so enlightening hope more people can open their heart and mind to understand that all human are born equal. There is no better or worst human but just different human opinion.
Someone special mentioned “It is ok to have ego but it will be better if you want change for the better”
If BN/PM ask for change why should there be resistant
Salam Tun,
Izinkan saya menjawap Tuan Tanah saya, yang mangatakan
Kepada pengundi Muslim di Permatang Pauh dan Lembah Pantai, bersedia lah untok menjawab di dalam kubor kelak kenapa memilih dua calon ini yang telah terang2 melakukan perbuatan salah di sisi Islam. Yang si bapak dengan isu moral tak sudah sudah. Yang si anak pula terang2 menuntut agar Orang Muslim di Malaysia di izinkan untok Murtad jika berkeinginan. Kononya ini adalah hak asasi manusia menurut PBB. Na’uzubillahi minzalik.
Jadi pengundi Muslim di dua kawasan tersebut bersedia lah untok menjawab soalan2 di alam kubor kelak.
Soalan kubur sudah pun bocor, semua orang muslim boleh menjawap soalan kubur. Khusus bagi muslim malaysia, lagi mudah, tunjuk sahaja IC, terus dapat masuk syurga.
Terima Kasih Tun
Salam Tun,
My simple response to Milshah.
Allow me to reply to Age_of_Enlightenment. You are entitled to your opinion in saying it will not work.
In the context of …
the call for unity is for those PAS and UMNO members who have the interest of religion, race and nation above self interest.
1. Religion is subjective and subject to great variations in interpretation. By that i mean it is okay for some to wear alcohol cosmetics, as it is not consumed, it is a great sin by other muslims, and this is just a simple example.
2. Race Politics is abhorred by definition in Islam, where we humans are equal. Same as in Christianity. Same as in all other Great Religions of the world.
3. We all, i guess, want to live in a Peaceful and Progressive nation, with a Government that is fair to All its Citizens, Respectful of fair Laws of the Nation, upholding its Constitution.
That is why we want a new government, sebab dacing dah senget sebelah dah, dah tak boleh balance, kecuali menipu. You cannot change the laws of Physics, it is Allah’s laws.
But perhaps you can do more magic, so fine, go on ahead with your merger attempt. It’s a free country 🙂
Of course i say your call should rather be the call for respect for Allah’s laws 🙂
But then again, as i said, in religion there are great variations in interpretation.
That is how i know you will not succeed, but i support your right to try as i support free speech and democracy, and it unfortunately does not include racism, by definition. Please, be my guest, or rather be Tun’s guest as this is Tuns blog and home.
Here a short BTW verbal exchange between me and my good Doctor today, that may well please you a little bit, taking away all that PESTS. ( Post Election Stress and Trauma Syndrome )
My Doctor walked in looking jovial and upon seeing me immediately quipped ” BN is changing ! If this goes on i might actually support and vote for them next time ! Everyone makes mistakes, we make mistakes too.”
I responded by smiling, seeing him cheerful, and said, yes we all makes mistakes, and people forgive mistakes, yes. But people do not forgive arrogance.
He then looked at some meters for far too long, enough to tell me he wasn’t actually taking readings.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
Kepada pengundi Muslim di Permatang Pauh dan Lembah Pantai, bersedia lah untok menjawab di dalam kubor kelak kenapa memilih dua calon ini yang telah terang2 melakukan perbuatan salah di sisi Islam. Yang si bapak dengan isu moral tak sudah sudah. Yang si anak pula terang2 menuntut agar Orang Muslim di Malaysia di izinkan untok Murtad jika berkeinginan. Kononya ini adalah hak asasi manusia menurut PBB. Na’uzubillahi minzalik.
Jadi pengundi Muslim di dua kawasan tersebut bersedia lah untok menjawab soalan2 di alam kubor kelak.
Sedangkan sudah di beritahu bertahun tahun lamanya tentang si Anwar itu. Bukan sekali tetapi berkali kali telah di hebahkan ke seluroh negara angkara kelakuan si Anwar ni. Bukan tak di beritahu. Maka tidak ada alasan lagi untok berdolak dalih.
Semoga pengundi di kedua dua kawasan tadi insaf dan tidak mengulangi kesilapan ini lagi.
Terima Kasih TUN.
And arising from the Opposition’s conundrum, where are the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese who voted 80% for the Opposition ? These Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese all ended up in a bag which is of no use to anyone, the DAP or Lee Kuan Yew. They lost all p0litical traction by being foolhardy and did not listen to wisdom.
And if this 80% lot of recalcitrant Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, boycott the 14th General Elections in 2018 ? They would have exhibited their un-Chineseness outside of China. Two Wongs do not make a right (courtesy Prime Minister Curtin of Australia) and wasted 10 years of a productive life for all. It pays to be conservative and listen to reason and vote for the BN always. Those who put these Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, into this mess are on holiday in the fleshpots of the West. Thank you very much.
What a waste of time and money and human resources by the Opposition ! We all dislike waste. But then as the conundrum evolves from 5th May 2013, the whole picture of waste appears before us as clear as daylight. The most beautiful opportunity to put the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties in eternal embarassment is gone forever.
THE 6 DISTINGUISHED OPPOSITION LEADERS SHOULD HAVE DON LOIN CLOTHS AND ASSEMBLED IN A GENERAL HOSPITAL AND DECLARED A 100 DAY HUNGER STRIKE AND A BOYCOTT OF THE EC AND THE 13TH GENERAL ELECTIONS. PLUS THEIR 51% POPULAR VOTES BOYCOTT THE ELECTIONS. The Opposition would have created the absurd spectacle of the BN winning 100% of the seats with 49% of the votes ! A new General Elections would have to be called due to world-wide condemnation ! Of course, this did not happen. MAN PROPOSES GOD DISPOSES ! Instead, the Opposition signed all the legal requisite forms, paid the deposits and stood willingly as bona fide candidate as per the Laws. And when the Opposition lost big and did not gain power, the noise began to rise in unison ! Absurd strategy ! All the advisors should be sacked for being ‘yes’ men.
Wow ! The pics of the 6 distinguished gentlemen of the Opposition would have appeared in all the multi-media every day and night. What a sensation for this world famous gents if they had done it. They did not and go into oblivion as losers.
Salam YAB and Yg. Amat Dihormati Tun,
Brilliant analysis! Detailed and Bold!
Another brilliant analysis by anti-jibaok, May 27, 2013 at 5:25 AM.
You expressed it so well what were in our thoughts post PRU 13.
This is a MUST READ piece by all, especially by those who always brought up the subject of gerrymandering. Most of them, the people I know, heard about the term for the first time from their Australian source, mostly from their Mat Salleh friends.
It makes me wonder if the seed of this “gerrymandering belief/perception” to create distrust in our system of democracy was actually started by a foreign-source. Was it? Could it be?
To those who are curious about the how scary and dangerous what @ anti-jibaok describes as “cyber-troopers with such political mind-control purpose” are – please read the article entitled, “The Persecution of Daniel Lee.”
An Internet smear campaign nearly destroyed this South Korean star. The leading agitator was not even from South Korea. He was Eung Kim, a 57-year-old Korean-American businessman living in Chicago.
This was revealed only after the prosecutor demanded that a Korean Internet site divulge the true identities of the 20 attackers after Lee finally filed suit against 20 of his most virulent attackers.
Please read this article:
It is not about politics, but it surely highlights some of our concerns about “politically mind-controlling cyber-troopers” whose sole purpose is plant seeds of distrust for SPR and newly-elected BN government with the eventual goal to topple it?
Is making Malaysia into a republic the end goal of DAP? Like Singapore?
Why is DAP Chairman Karpal Singh telling newsmen that “The Federal Constitution should be amended to abolish the Senate.” He said: “ A unicameral house with single legislative chamber, like in Singapore, would be best suited in the interest of the public,” Why now?
What seed is he giving his cyber-troopers to plant now?
@Hajar May 26, 2013 at 12:40 PM suggestions to SPR and BN to take the lot to court is timely.
Respectfully yours.
p.s. Here again asking for permission to make reprints. Thank you
the PAS supporters. To get their support, all that they ask is that Islamic laws be implemented…
Milshah..Milshah..The true follower of Islam is very mindful of their knowledge!..
It is a must that leaders of political parties are cognizance of the great battles of world history.
I was shocked when the lengthened conundrum of our recent 13th General Elections drew my attention to compare the Opposition leaders and their strategic skillls to great military battles of the past. In other words, what sort of gumption have they got up their sleeves apart from what is well-known personalities on their side, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore, supposedly brilliant Jewish advisers and financiers before the crash of October 2008, the sprinkling of secretive knights from round tables, very rich financiers with nothing better to do etc. To my horror, I found none of the famous battles of the past were taken into account in the Opposition’s march to assault the BN citadel at Putrajaya.
First, it should have been one easy step for the Opposition to be the Prime Minister in 1997 and yet in 2013, they seem to be preparing for victory in 2018 ! Second, when the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties was enjoying themselves plus plus with the connivance of the low hanging fruit type of Singaporeans, and was ripe for the Opposition for the plucking, the Opposition failed to deliver the vital and fatal blow to the BN. The Opposition even invited the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore to congratulate themselves in advance by making an ill-advised Grand Tour of the Malaysian Ulus which ranking PAPs and his own family eschewed. This journey at the age of 86 has turned out to be the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew’s most embarassing journey of a life-time as recommended by the Opposition.
Third, the Opposition did not bother with the great battles of World history like the Marathon, the Japanese Imperial Army thrust down the Malay Peninsula, El Alamein, Dien Bien Phu, Julius Caesar’s battles all over Europe and the Mediterannean, the D-Day landings in Normandy, Hitler’s Blitzkreig, Hitler’s defeat at Stalingrad and the 1000 tanks battle at Rostov, the Vietnam War, MacArthur’s Inchon landings, America’s Pacific War, the defeat of the Allies at Arnhem etc. Instead, difficult to understand or foreign words like ‘holistic’, ‘renaissance’ etc were scattered like confetti. Without the understanding of age-old battles and the application of past practices and to launch an assault on a strongly fortified citadel placed high above a plain, it could be honestly conjectured as suicidal. This is the nub of any strategy of battle to win a War. The Opposition has none because of its internal structure of the very Chinese Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP, the very rich PKR and the very pious PAS, each has its own hidden strategy. How to win a War against a strong enemy when battles could not be overcome ?
The resources of the Opposition consist of tons of money which has now a corrupting effect on their actions. How ? Too much of this lubricant has now being used like water at a sudden command to gather the crowds by the thousands, etc. The attraction of ordinary folk to this honey pot to help those who help themselves. Money will definitely has a corrupting effect on the Opposition sooner rather than later.
And the human resources ? The founder of the very Chinese Singaporean Trojan Horse Lee Kuan Yew should have seen his creation is a non-starter (a word I learnt from a famous Singaporean lady lawyer !) in 1966. He was blind-sided by his own brilliance and did not see the rigid compartmentalization of the different communities by the British which has its powerful and lingering effects to this very day. And his troops manning the very Chinese Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP ? We know for sure the leadership contemplated their navels for 47 long years by doing nothing for the Malays, the Chinese, the Indians and all. And with the present company, there is a strong likelihood the DAP will be out of power for 52 years, from beginning to the end ! This has proven that it is not a serious political party out to serve the peoples of Malaysia but just a mischievous very Chinese Singaporean Trojan Horse which should not have been created in 1966 as its leadership has been perfunctory and only responded to ad hoc issues of the moment without any strategic outlook or vision whatsoever.
And as for the BN as led by Dato Seri Najib, the UMNO and the 14 component parties, the solution is straightforward – i) forewarned is forearmed. ii) PATIENCE iii) dispense Policies which are fair and transparent for the Rakyat iv) observe the rule of the Laws v) make sure everyone is healthy and happy. AND WAIT OUT FOR THE NEXT WEAKER ASSAULT BY THE OPPOSITION IN 2018 ! Maybe our beloved Malaysia will prove to these high faluting very rich foreign financiers that they bite more than they can chew for the very first time ! Unite !
In response to – ‘prabagaran gopalakrishnan’ – as responded on May 23, 2013 at 3:43 pm
Firstly, thank you for your response to my earlier comments in this forum.
I have taken note of one rather minor discrepancy as you had pointed out, which I deduced was with regard to the Kelana Jaya candidate who had won on PKR’s instead of DAP’s ticket. Nonetheless if such is the case, that does not alter the situation where DAP’s candidates had garnered such overwhelming winning vote majority in the city, town and urban areas which is known to all.., are heavily infested with those Kiasu DAP Chinese voters with their so-called ‘Cinami’ capability in accumulating such huge majority to the tune of almost a million votes..!
For your information, the delineation (or demarcation) of constituencies is NOT lop-sided when all these while such delineation had been approved in our Parliament by those Wakil Rakyat as put there by the people. Therefore, any accusation of gerrymandering from any quarters is just silly and does not at all hold water.
The citizens of Putrajaya live a territory of their own and deserve parliamentary representation despite having smaller electoral votes as compared to (say) the constituency of Kapar.
If Putrajaya is not given a constituency of its own.., so in which constituency do you reckon the residents of Putrajaya should cast their votes..? How about in Sepang, which happens to be in Selangor..? Or say.., how about if they vote in one of those parliamentary constituencies in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur..? You tell us..! Nonetheless, those living in Putrajaya had to be given a constituency to vote, especially in their place of domicile..!
Then again, is it no disrespect whatsoever to constituencies such as (say) Kapar (with 144,159 total eligible voters) or Gombak (123,290 voters) that have such huge number of voters within its small area of constituency.., as compared to the number of electoral votes in other constituencies such as Gua Musang (40,176 voters), Kinabatangan (24,748 eligible voters) or Batang Sadong (19,839 voters) that have much smaller number of voters but their area of constituency covered is by far larger than the constituencies of Kapar or Gombak. In fact the size for the constituencies of Gua Musang, Kinabatangan and Batang Sadong is larger than the size of the states of Perlis, WP Kuala Lumpur or even Melaka..!
The 1-man 1-vote democratic principle is not all disrespected regardless whether one constituency has less electoral vote than the other. Thus, the ‘weightage’ principle must be taken into consideration in terms of population density to balance with regard to the physical size & geographical area, plus other considerations for the respective constituencies.
My analysis on the enormous winning vote majority won by DAP in the city, town and urban urban areas due to the Chinese voters is not at all simplistic, but rather a precise analysis in identifying the manner and attitude of those Kiasu DAP Chinese voters in rejecting any BN candidates that have anything to do with UMNO..!
Likewise, that was also the attitude of those chauvinistic cum Kiasu DAP Chinese voters in the PRU-13 exercise, that had replicated and repeated those chauvinistic DAP Chinese voters in the May 10th 1969 general elections.., who had rejected any Perikatan (Alliance Party) candidates that had anything to do with UMNO.., which consequently culminated in the May 13th racial riots and bloodbath in the year 1969..!!
In this regard, many fail to realise that history had repeated itself in PRU-13 by the antics of those chauvinistic cum Kiasu DAP Chinese in fomenting hatred and repulsion against the Malay dominated ruling party, i.e. UMNO and anything or anyone having to do with UMNO. The ‘ABU’ (Asal Bukan UMNO or Anything But UMNO) slogan or chanting is a reminder to all that prior to the PRU-13 such propaganda displayed by the Pakatan proponents especially by those Kiasu DAP Chinese ‘Red Bean Army’ cyber-troopers with such political mind-control purpose.
And such repetition of history is now continuing and still on-going with those illegal or unauthorised mass-rallies and road-shows across the nation perpetrated at the behest of DAP’s Lim Kit Siang with the much welcomed collusion and involvement of PKR’s mad-man (i.e. Anwar Al-Juburi).., in rejecting the validity of Barisan Nasional to once again form the Federal Government, as well as to defy the competency and credibility of the Election Commission (SPR) to gazette the results for the recent PRU-13.
Another commenter on this forum.., i.e. one ‘observer’ (who commented just after my earlier comments) had elucidated with the arguments such as ‘statistical correlation’ and such like. ‘Observer’ had also deduced with a scenario of a 55% Chinese majority constituency.., and that even though the Chinese population in Malaysia is only about 25%.., however should 95% of those Chinese votes plus (say) 25% of others races had voted for Pakatan candidates, thus such a constituency shall surely fall to Pakatan Rakyat.
Such is the case of one urban area parliamentary constituency (i.e. Wangsa Maju – P-116) whereby however the majority of voters were Malays.., i.e. around 55%. The candidates for this constituency (P-116) was from UMNO/BN (Dato’ Dr. Shafei Abdullah) while his opponent was from PKR/Pakatan (i.e. Dr. Tan Kwee Kwong). This constituency contest is classic case of a straight one-to-one fight of a Malay (UMNO) candidate going loggerhead against a Chinese candidate in an urban area. The results had shown that Dr. Tan Kwee Kwong defeated Dato’ Dr. Shafei Abdullah with a 5,511 vote majority. How can that be when such constituency was a Malay majority area..?
The answer being was that those Kiasu Chinese voters in Wangsa Maju came out to vote in full-force (almost 90% of those Chinese eligible voters turned-up for voting) thus garnering of up to 27,000 for Dr. Tan Kwee Kwong from those Chinese voters alone. The Malays supporting UMNO/BN in Wangsa Maju had also came-out to vote almost in full-force, but unfortunately for Dato’ Dr. Shafei, some of the Malay voters in Wangsa Maju, especially those from the hardcore PAS and some Malays from PKR had thrown their 4,000-odd votes to Dr. Tan Kwee Kwong instead.., making him garner 31,641 votes with a majority of 5,511 votes as against the votes of 26,130 accumulated by Dato’ Dr. Shafei.
However, should the Malay voters in Wangsa Maju were ‘more racists’ and they were not at all ‘pliable’ as compared to those Kiasu influenced Chinese.., and should they had thrown their full support for the Malay candidate (Dato’ Dr. Shafei).., then the UMNO/BN candidate would have won comfortably and instead garnered about 31,000 votes as against Dr. Tan Kwee Kwong who would at best garnered about 27,000 votes from those Kiasu DAP influenced Chinese of Wangsa Maju..!
Thus, your argument that a significant number of ‘pliable’ Malays and a number of ‘lalang’ Indians also voted for Pakatan.., does hold some truth. And remember.., the most Chinese voters are not all the ‘pliable’ type and neither do they behave like ‘lalang’…!!
Furthermore, the ‘pliability’ and unprincipled attitude of some of the Malays shall be to their own loss and detriment, while the non-compromising and ‘grab-all’ (membolot) nature of many of the Chinese shall neither benefit them in the long run.
Of course losing representation in cabinet by the Chinese community actually does not bother them.., because economically in this country they are already very strong indeed. They control just about most of the industries and commerce. Their middle, upper-class and those very well-to-do have now been firmly rooted in the business community. Their lowest of class are small and not much fragmented and they still have some means of business within their community network to keep themselves going.
So, what sort of political representation do they need..? If they feel that non-UMNO members of the cabinet are only token representation and without any real authority or power, then they are free to go about in believing so.
However, you tell us which minister in the cabinet does not have power or authority..? Didn’t Samy Vellu have real power to exert when he was the Minister for Public Works (JKR)..? Don’t tell us that he cannot have some ‘influence’ over certain tenders awards for Public Works..? Don’t tell us that he cannot influence or decide on crucial matters pertaining to Mega-projects involving the Public Works..?
However.., Samy Vellu’s failure to uplift the Indian community as President of MIC has nothing at all to do with his authority as a cabinet minister. He had all the opportunity to uplift the Indian community with the blessing of UMNO/BN.., but he had rather ‘played’ politics with Indian community and keep himself and his lackeys in power (in MIC) that had culminated the Indians people being dispersed into other parties such IPF (led by Pandithan), PPP, Gerakan, DAP, PKR, Hindraf and many other political affiliations.
There is no basis for you to suggest that ‘token’ representation in the Cabinet is even more dangerous than non-representation. It is only dangerous when representation is hijacked by the representative of the community when such representative would put his interest ahead of his community’s interest by uttering – “What’s in it for me..?”. Such self-interest and greed shall ultimately make any policy for the community doomed to fail. However, non-representation whatsoever will totally deny any form presentation for the community to even be presented.., thus what more to be discussed and decided upon.
You cannot expect more significant representation of Indians in all strata of civil servant especially in higher levels of the government ruled by the BN.., when there is that tendency for many Indian professionals (especially in the legal field) in the likes of Karpal Singh, Sivarasa, Kulasegaran, V.Ambiga and such like to associate themselves with the opposition parties in the likes of DAP.., and instead they would prefer to continuously attack BN.., rather than to make their struggle and presence felt in Malaysian Indian Congress party.., as a core member party of Barisan Nasional.
Or.., is it that the politics in MIC as ruled with an iron-grip by Samy Vellu.., that brings the jitters and makes it too hot for those numerous trained professional Indians to handle..? Instead.., those so-called professional Indians would rather take ‘token’ positions in DAP.., for their own glory and self-interest being involved in such a radical party that had never-ever uplifted nor helped the Sikh, Malayalam, Tamil nor any other Indian community in Malaysia.
Thus.., mere whining and griping will get you nowhere.., but sincere and concerted effort (as the great Mahatma Ghandi had done so courageously & unselfishly) can really move mountains..!
Memandangkan tiada pemimpin kerajaan mampu untuk berfikir dan masih bersikap defensif terhadap segala tohmahan pihak pembangkang berhubung keputusan PRU-13, mohon izin untuk saya memberikan pendapat 3 sen (harga yang dibayar oleh Kerajaan Singapura kepada Malaysia bagi setiap 1,000 gelen air yang dibekalkan oleh negara ini kepada republik itu) saya sekali lagi kepada kerajaan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Datuk Seri, sudah-sudahlah bersikap defensif terhadap segala tohmahan pihak pembangkang sejak dahulu sehingga selepas PRU-13 ini.
Apalah perlu sangat bagi kerajaan untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan seperti “kami tidak mencuri PRU-13 daripada pembangkang” dan sebagainya.
Datuk Seri sendiri tahu bahawa BN menang dan pembangkang kalah dalam PRU-13 lalu dan pihak pembangkang tidak mahu menerima hakikat bahawa rakyat menolak mereka dan mereka kalah pada PRU lalu.
Datuk Seri juga tahu bahawa pakatan (haram) rakyat adalah terdiri daripada parti-parti individu yang longgar dan tidak berdaftar sebagai sebuah parti gabungan pelbagai parti seperti BN.
Jika undi popular hendak dijadikan ukuran dalam PRU-13 lalu, kalau mengikut parti mana yang lebih popular di negara ini, maka parti yang utama mendapat undi popular rakyat ialah parti UMNO, kedua DAP, ketiga Pas dan parti paling pencorot popular adalah PKR.
Parti PKR ini pun mendapat undi hanya melalui undi ihsan daripada pengundi Cina, Melayu dan India, kalau tidak parti ini akan terkubur dalam pilihan raya di negara ini sejak dahulu lagi.
Bagaimana mereka boleh mendakwa mendapat 56 peratus undi popular daripada rakyat berbanding 47 peratus BN, menjadi satu kemusykilan kepada rakyat yang waras di negara ini.
Adakah undi popular ini dikira dengan menghitung jumlah undi yang didapati oleh DAP. Pas dan PKR sedangkan parti-parti ini merupakan parti berasingan yang tidak berdaftar sebagai satu parti gabungan pelbagai parti sepert BN?
Maka tidak hairanlah pemimpin pembangkang ini mempunyai rekod yang buruk sebagai menteri kewangan kerana tidak tahu mengira dan suka memutarbelitkan fakta.
Sehubungan itu Datuk Seri dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang lain tidak perlu bersikap defensif terhadap tohmahan pembangkang malah harus berasa bangga bahawa UMNO dan BN masih menjadi sebuah parti yang unggul dan popular di kalangan masyarakat Melayu dan bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak.
Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan di sini, mengingatkan Datuk Seri dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang lain bahawa jangan cuba sama sekali untuk memansuhkan UMNO dan menukarkan jenama parti ini kepada sebuah parti 1Malaysia atau lain-lain kerana UMNO bukan milik eksklusif Datuk Seri dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO tertentu sahaja tetapi masyarakat Melayu keseluruhannya di negara ini.
Kalau UMNO ditukar menjadi parti 1Malaysia, bererti orang Melayu tidak akan ada lagi parti yang akan membela nasib dan masa hadapan mereka sedangkan DAP yang terkenal sebagai sebuah parti cauvinis kaum Cina dan hanya bertopengkan kononnya mewakili pelbagai kaum terus kekal di negara ini.
Soalan cepu emas yang perlu dijawab oleh pemimpin-pemimpIn UMNO sendiri jika UMNO/BN dibubarkan menjadi parti 1Malaysia, adakah orang Cina akan mengundi parti 1Malaysia pada PRU-14 nanti?
Tepuk dada tanya selera, jangan mimpi di siang hari.Sepatutnya pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO seperti Datuk Seri dan pemimpin lain menjadi lebih bijaksana selepas PRU-13 ini, lebih-lebih lagi setelah ditipu oleh pengundi Cina pada PRU-13 yang lalu.
Salam Tun.
Aiyoh, yoh ! The DPM would have been the Prime Minister if he did nothing but take a holiday. When in 2008, even I who was 1,000 miles from the centre of power, could see the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component was asking to be knocked out, yet the Opposition could not deliver the vital punch. This means the Opposition had no information which could be gleaned from newspapers etc. And instead of taking an unexpected move like putting on loin cloths and go on hunger strike which the West loves to see on TV, and boycott the 13th General Elections with their 51% popular votes, these Opposition fellows wanted to climb Mount Everest by taking part and recognising the legitimacy of the EC and the 13th General Elections. And with the self-inflicted mess, the conundrum of the hustings continues. How to boycott the 13th General Elections now or go on hunger strike 21 days after the ballot boxes have been properly counted and the votes gazetted. And the BN has won hands down in all aspects of legitimacy within the rule of law. The brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore would have sacked these fellows for being self-serving, incompetent and inefficient if they are in Singapore.
The ambitious leaders of the Opposition would have won hands down without making any effort if the DPM of the 1990s just took a holiday to Disneyland in 1997 and would have returned in 1998 as the Prime Minister. But he took wooden advice from his wooden kitchen cabinet. That was 1997. Instead of letting sleeping dogs lie, the Opposition went on to antagonise their Nemesis from 2003 which led to their downfall in 2013. Making all the wrong moves, I would guess. And in 2008, when the BN with the UMNO and 14 component parties was asking for a tko, the Opposition failed in what should have been their finese hour and embarssed the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore to make an ill-advised Grand Tour of the Malaysian Ulus at the age of 86 which his ranking PAPs and his family eschewed since 1965 ! To compound their own difficulty which was all self-inflicted, the Opposition did not believe in their own principles and the many Bersihs. TO GET MAXIMUM EFFECT AND SYMPATHY WORLD WIDE, THE OPPOSITION LEADERS SHOULD HAVE PUT ON LOIN CLOTHS AND GO ON HUNGER STRIKE AND BOYCOTTED THE 13TH GENERAL ELECTIONS TOGETHER WITH THEIR 51% POPULAR VOTES. This would have put the BN in an embarassing bind and forced a new General Elections. The Opposition did not because they could not give up the low hanging fruits (to quote a Singaporean parachutist after 2003) and even the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore could not save them. In Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew would have sacked this whole lot of these incompetent and inefficient Opposition fellows.
1997 to 2018, the DPM is still trying to be the PM. What a waste of time and money when it could have been done in one easy step ! All his advisors should be sacked. So I am now proven very wrong when I used to comment ‘ a week is a long time in politics, Malaysian Politics. ‘ For some pols, it is just like the evergreen song, ‘Unchained Melody’ 1947.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Allow me to reply to Age_of_Enlightenment. You are entitled to your opinion in saying it will not work. I too am no low level UMNO member or PAS member for that matter. I know there are bad people in UMNO but I believe not all UMNO members are bad. Similiary I know there are good people in PAS but not all PAS people are good. Similar, I believe in your PKR also have good and bad people. To quote one PAS leader, “Tak semua ahli UMNO tu syaitan, dan tak semua ahli PAS tu malaikat.
Therefore, it is true that some UMNO members who have self interest, who would not welcome PAS. But not all of UMNO members hate PAS. My call unity is not new, many before me have called for the two major Muslim parties to unite.
My call for unity is for those PAS and UMNO members who have the interest of religion, race and nation above self interest. We have heard some PAS and UMNO leaders that agree for reconciliation is testimony that there are good people in PAS as well as UMNO.
You may have lost hope in a PAS/UMNO unity that will unite the Malays once and for all. But ultimately it is UMNO and PAS members that will decide what will happen. If they wish to continue their rivalry while others take advantage of this situation, then it is their lost. Similarly if they wish to reconcile and be united, then they will reap the benefits.
Tentunya mereka yang sanggup melupakan sengketa lama lalu menyambungkan silaturahim persaudaraan sesama orang Islam di antara PAS dan UMNO demi agama, bangsa dan negara akan memperolehi pahala dan ganjaran yang besar. InsyaAllah.
Salam YAB and Yg. Amat Dihormati Tun,
Lateral Thinking:
Allow me, first, I have to say it here, I just love your sense of humour!
Perhaps what we need in the urban areas besides Clinic 1 Malaysia is 1 Malaysia Clinic of Psychoanalysis.
The seed money for fully-trained clinical psychologists or psychoanalysts/therapist could come from the money reclaimed back from cost incurred by illegal mass demonstrations of Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan
Reality Check – the Person-On-the-Street:
A taxi driver said to me the other day when a motorist blatantly broke a traffic law in front of us which clearly endangered other road users with his reckless driving.
The taxi driver said to me: “You see, this is the problem with our country, we have good laws but the police are not enforcing the law like in Singapore and our policemen are corrupt.”
Two issues in one sentence: (1) the police are corrupt (2) lack of policemen on the road to enforce traffic law. I am sure I am not the first he uttered this belief or perception.
(1) So I asked the taxi driver: “When you know you broke a traffic law, like the motorist in front of us just now, and you were in a hurry to reach your destination, and you were caught by the police, and he wanted to issue a traffic summon. What would you do? Do you take the police summon or do you try to wiggle out of the tight-spot and settle with the policeman with a handout?”
What would most drivers with fat cash-in-their-wallet do?
Not surprising to me, he replied that he would just give the policeman a RM 100/- or so because otherwise it would be too much hassle for him etc.
He is just one of many people that would do so and have done so in the past, I am quite sure. These very same group of people with the same breath also utter and accuse the police of corruptions.
So I said to the taxi driver politely: “The exact moment you pay the policeman, you, as a citizen, lost your right to accuse the police of corruption. You become part of the problem – you are a contributor in a cycle of corruption. If corruption is a crime then you are an accessory after the fact of the crime of corruption. Have you ever thought that if there were no givers would there be takers of corruptions?
One person’s action has a reaction – yet often we see a lack of introspection of our own thinking and actions; and instead it is easier to blame everything on others, on the government or on the country as a whole.
(2) About having more policemen on the road to enforce traffic laws, I said to the taxi driver. Traffic laws should be self-enforced by the drivers, and all road users. Malaysian drivers are NOT IGNORANT of traffic laws. We do not need more traffic policemen if we need to curb petty corruption.
Are we Malaysia, not good citizens with high civic consciousness? We, to the best of our abilities, do not purposely break the traffic law because we not ignorant of the laws, right?
We don’ t purposely break the law simply to test the authority to the limit, right?
How good citizens are we? Have we looked in the mirror and asked ourselves this morning, “what small things can we do or what small steps can we take to-day for good of our country to-day instead of always demanding what the country have not done for us?”
When we did not get what we desired for or did not receive what we demanded for, especially for things we believe are all ours, we threw mass tantrums in public, day in and day out.
Respectfully yours,
“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
I note that there is much misunderstanding about the Opposition and their GLCs receiving money from foreign interests. To me, it is direct interference without regard to the rule of law in the domestic politics of a sovereign and democratic country like Malaysia. If I may recall, Lee Kuan Yew said once, ‘ He who pays the Pied Piper, calls the tune.’ It is crystal clear that a moment of weakness of our body politic since 2003, we have all sorts of predators crawling in to take advantage. Fortunately, Man proposes, God disposes.
And as for the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, they have now a fractured psyche and should take stock of themselves. Unfortunately, there are so many different types of Chinese in this country and if their mainstream parties, MCA and Gerakan let them down by not getting the goodies for their constituents from the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties, these Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, were and will be manipulated by the cunning and sly characters of the Opposition.
The Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, will do well for themselves if they support the incumbent parties like the 100 Million of Muslims of India at the next 14th General Elections.
Salam Ybhg Tun,
Karpal warned Tengku Aziz to shut up and not to speak anymore about the DAP’s plan of Malaysian Spring.
Karpal reminds me of Dr Loveless in the Wild Wild West movie and his plans to overthrow the US Government. That doctor used very special wheelchair to move around as he was paralysed. The wheelchair equipped with many special devices and gadgets such as springs to hold gun to shoot people and etc.
Tengku Aziz should be careful.
Dearest YAB Tun,
1. I hope SPR takes those who spread lies about SPR to court; please SUE them so SHUT their mouth. There is not point talking or explaining about ”SOPs” if no actions are taken against them; charge those who made false accusations; if not there will be more people who are going to believe their lies.
2. BN must also make police report and sue the oppositions for lying and for accusing BN of all kinds of wrongdoings that are only FALSE ALLEGATIONS regarding GE-13. BN must start playing their game – SUE them to stop them from making all kinds of lies about BN, especially during their illegal gatherings. If BN allows the oppositions to keep on spreading lies, then I believe sooner or later more and more people will support PKR/DAP/PAS because if lies are repeated again and again, some people would tend to believe in the lies, especially when BN fails to stop those liars.
3. As mentioned by many bloggers, the Chinese will continue supporting DAP/PKR/PAS in future general elections, and there is no point trying to please them further. Enough (more than enough) has been given to the Malaysian Chinese; they are full of GREED and nothing can satisfy them. They have shown their TRUE COLORS during the GE-13 – too bad. I also believe that quite a number of MCA’s and Gerakan’s members voted for DAP/PKR/PAS. Shame on them too..Please do not entertain any request for merging all components in BN into ONE party. UMNO/BN will definitely lose the MALAYs’ support.
4. UMNO/BN must learn from past experience..Please value UMNO/BN supporters and also those BUMIPUTRAS (Sabah & Sarawak) who gave their votes to BN/UMNO. Please do not waste anymore time/effort/money to try to “ambil hati” those “kaum Cina” who do not know how to be thankful for all the things that have been done to ensure peace and harmony for them to make money & do their business successfully.
Thanks Tun.
*** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***
Salam Tun,
Ada lagi Tun,
milshah says
I would suggest to start the ball rolling, members from lower levels of both UMNO and PAS should discuss. It does not have to start at the top level. Just discuss with an open mind and all options are on the the table.
As always, this is only my opinion, do take it with a pinch of salt.
I am not low level UMNO or PAS, only that i do support PKR, and i can tell you straight away what you suggested will not work.
PAS is religion and in religion, purity and cleanliness counts a lot. With all the good values that Islam brings into ones life, it will be too toxic for the UMNO member. As a Malay likely educated in Islam, you ought to know better. The confidence i have in PAS is for the same reason. The hatred UMNO has for PAS is also for the same reason.
Furthermore, the rich UMNO members who have benefited much will not welcome PAS’s presence i think. It is like having the Sharia court at your doorsteps ! Seram ! The pinch of salt will be consumed in no time at all.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
On corruption.
2. I strongly support your anti-corruption project. Yes, it would be wonderful if you share with us your plan on how u r going to change the mind-set of some people on corruption.
It is not an anti-corruption project. The problem i have with the government and people such as yourselves, is that of understanding. I do not understand why you do not understand.
The little effort i am doing is the restoration of confidence of an UMNO member who has lost faith in the government, in the system, in authorities, and he lives in a world where success requires bribery, or else forget about it. He is still a very staunch supporter of UMNO, and by that i mean a hard core Malay who main ideology in anything is “Melayu Mesti Dapat Lebih”.
My aim is to be to get him his wish without bribes and without his undue inconvenience. Maybe then will he believe again that life is possible without bribes and corruption, just maybe.
I lose a bit of time and energy, but it is like helping a blind man across the street. I don’t get any monetary benefit, but i will walk away happy. This is not politics anymore. This is humanitarian work. I couldn’t care less if he is UMNO or Perkasa or Pekida or Perwira or whatever.
The point i wish to make here is that there are very many people who no longer have faith in the government or system or authorities. They believe they must do wrong to be able to survive. It has become their religion. “Nak hidup mesti pandai tipu” is their motto.
The government cannot help these people, no matter what. The government is the cause of their perception ! And their perception is of course, correct.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
A short response please. Thank You.
Salam YAB and Yg. Amat Dihormati Tun,
What is the ultimate goal of Pakatan?
Is it to change/tukar BN Government to Pakatan Government via democratic process? That should be the way. Right? What happened?
I think Pakatan loves the Country too much. Either that or “we” have no more money to leave the Country -:)
Like i said, it is a contest of political will, not merely elections. The goal is to advance Malaysia spiritually and intellectually.
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
I feel Tun, it is going to a long hard talk or debate with Observer i’m afraid, he must be from the reconciliation contingent.
Mr Observer, i do not want to argue or debate with you. I am certain you can win it all.
I am real lousy at debates.
It is not the points or debates or arguments that matter. What matters is the Spirit. When the honorable Home Minister asks us who are “unhappy” to leave, he must be very proud of himself when he looks in the mirror every morning, having performed his first statement for BN, the initial growl of a tiger, echoing loudly through the land of us Malays.
But we the ordinary and poor people of Malaysia understand the Spirit by which the statement was made. We know it is the BN/UMNO spirit that has spoken. And we take note that we should not mess with anything Spiritual, less the Devils & Demons will be awaken, Hell breaks loose, and Allah will be upset.
So we crawl underneath our respective shells, our tails down, and beg from Allah for mercy, for we have sinned and were told to leave the country ! And we shall endure to survive under such manner of rule for as long as it takes, for what can we do , ayam tak patuk, itik tak sudu.
Now this “reconciliation” or “working” together you talk about, i think you do not understand that racism is a bad word, on the humanitarian scale. It should only be used by Doctors, where certain diseases or trends is to be associated with certain race. The purpose is correct diagnosis leading to the right treatment and subsequent medication.
But today, now, it is used for politics, to justify greed, to justify personal hatred, to justify religious hatred, to justify unfairness and injustice, to justify supremacy of one race above another.
Like i said, sudah basi.
Thank You Tun
Dear Tun and readers,
Democracy system is a good system in terms of bringing the voice of people to the top in maneuvering our beloved country to the right directions. How is it? It is when the governments are doing something wrong, the alternative parties will tell those wrongdoings to all citizens (and the world too) so that everyone will take notice of it. The BN government in Malaysia has holding the power for too long that it has been more than half-decade to date. For cars to have that kind of age, it is stupid for us to remain faithful of it to be competent as how we hope. The time will come for sure when the current government will need to pass on the baton to other citizens of Malaysia in being the Federal government. The alternative parties are always doing their jobs in finding the faults of government even though not all are correct. But, the attacks are strong when the government itself is wrong and not much can be done to influence the people in supporting a weak government.
As a citizen of Malaysia that loves so much of this country, i am hoping the best for this country and consistently following the issues that are happening. The challenges nowadays are more intense than ever in terms of getting the people support especially in this era of booming Information Technology. With majority of the youths are supporting the alternative parties, the real TSUNAMI is really yet to come when higher percentages of youths will make up the legal voters in Malaysia.
But frankly speaking, to change the current government is not really a wise decision. The current alternative parties are really having the unsettled quarrels and dividing opinions comprising a team. Thus, how can they bring our beloved country to the right directions when their principles are opposing each others? They are clearly stating that they are uniting with each other is just to bring down the UMNO BN government. It is not because they are having the good strategies to bring more developments here in Malaysia that should be the case for people who really want to run a government.
DS Najib once said that the era of government knows everything has over. But, as a government he should know more than citizens as he is the leader of this country and not vice-versa. It is also true that to achieve something is easy. The real challenge is how to maintain the gained achievement as the obvious road now is downwards for the people who are at the top and vice versa for the people at the bottom.
Thank you Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tok Det dan semua Blogger,
Pertama ingin saya katakan di sini saya bukanlah penyokong kepada mana-mana pertubuhan politik. Setelah membaca komen-komen di bawah, saya terpanggil untuk bertanya beberapa soalan kepada penyokong PR:
– Since pakatan supporter firmly believe there is 40K banglas ‘phantom voters’ has cast their votes on the general election as stated by Age_of_Enlightenment, can the Pakatan supporter give any prove on the statement? Maybe by at least get 0.1% of the banglas to appear in Pakatan ceramah. If Pakatan can track down 1 masjid negara Imam and bring all over the country on their ceramah, why can’t do the same on the banglas issue? Are you guys telling trying to tell us all that all banglas just vanished into thin air without any traces? We are talking about 40k people cast their votes. That is not small number of people that easily hide by anybody without any traces. The sad thing I saw is a true malaysian with voting right is being denied to vote just because they has the look of indian with a chinese name and a guy with indian look with malay name. Sometimes I wondered, where is the PR supporter live all along.
– Pakatan supporters always talk about integrity of BN leader. Is all Pakatan leader is a saint? Look what Karpal Singh says on Anwar in Parliament and now he want the same guy to lead us? Lim Guan Eng can’t even managed his own party election. His own people is questioning his integrity. Wan Azizah, well…..can’t even show us where is the Omega watch. Anwar Ibrahim is the worst. He always said he was victimized and slandered with untrue acquisition but he never personally denied all acquisition with a solid proof and action. He don’t even dare to stand in Pakatan ceramah and openly says his is not the culprit. What he did is only says all is fitnah and manipulation by BN. The funniest is PAS leader. They can even make a statement that a video recording is a same as piece of useless metal. Do we want these people with this kind of integrity to lead us? Do you think that our outside enemy (other country) just keep quite and just accept what are these kind people saying? If Pakatan can even convinced me a lay man, how can they convince the world? Do you think that our enemy won’t make false allegation and slander to our elected leader?
– I’m not saying BN leader is a saint but they do give our country some progress. At least I don’t have to beg for food on my table. I can even type my comment on this blog without any restriction and in a comfort of my home. So why I need to support the change? People will argue that this is a process for better future. My question is, what have Pakatan done to make a better future? Does breaking a law by doing illegal gathering will make a better future? Does riot will make a better future? Does by screaming and shouting allegation without a solid proof will make a better future?
If someone can give me a good solid answer, maybe pakatan will have 1 more extra vote in PRU14. 🙂
Sekian dahulu daripada saya. Saya berharap kita sama-sama dapat berfikir dan bekerjasama untuk kebaikan bersama. Apa yg baik datang daripada Allah dan yg buruk daripada kelemahan saya.
Terima Kasih kepada Tok Det di atas ruangan ini dan juga segala jasa yg telah dicurahkan. Hanya Allah yg dapat membalas segala jasa baik Tok Det.
myop May 25, 2013 at 12:43 PM is right!
But Malaysia is different because Malaysians are peace lovers.
Malaysians obey rules and regulations.
But, political parties have their own set of rules.
When they see others to better, they get jealous and fitnah others for being smarter than them using the official religion.
Whichever coalition gets the majority votes in general election, they will form the new Cabinet.
What Tun Ling Siong Sik said recently was right, if political parties do not provide basic services to the people, then there is no point for maintaining the political parties.
Similarly, the schools provides basic educations to prepare students for tertiary educations.
Therefore, if UMNO, PKR dan PAS tidak paksa kaum2 lain masuk Islam, semua benda boleh beres secara sopan santun.
Short writeup, but that is the truth. Some countries in the middle east was blamed to be undemocratic, and it could be true. However there was acceptable level of peace in the country. As long as the citizen abide by the rules (even unfair rules), there is a room for survival and growth.
However the moment street protest was used to remove the government, the result had always been detrimental. Violence and instability is a norm after toppling the government, and in most cases the country never recover after that.
Salam YAB and Yg. Amat Dihormati Tun,
What is the ultimate goal of Pakatan?
Is it to change/tukar BN Government to Pakatan Government via democratic process? That should be the way. Right? What happened?
When Pakatan failed at the ballot box, supporters are urged to join in mass demonstrations. Why? And by what tactics! For what purpose?
Is the ultimate goal of Pakatan really to bring down our Government and destroy our established public institutions? Is Pakatan advocating the destruction of existing institutions with no intention of reforming public policies to make them better through democratic process?
What is the ultimate goal of Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan
Are they really there for the people of Malaysia? If so, would Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan have planted the seed of distrust in public institutions in the minds of the Malaysian public if their ultimate goal is constructive?
Would Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan continue to show absolutely NO respect for the law, when they are NOT IGNORANT of the law?
If their demonstrations are indeed for the good of Malaysians, should they not have cared also about the fact that they are using so much tax payers monies because for all Bersih demonstrations and now again. Not to mention the bad publicity they do to our country in the eyes of the world?
Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan as a group is a big spender of tax payers’ monies. Bersih street demonstrations also sucked up petty traders, taxi drivers’ earnings and inconvenience the public etc.
Can anyone out there tell us how much public monies were used thus far for all Bersih demonstrations? How much loss of income suffered by parties affected by these street demonstrations? Can anyone out there gives us a projected figure of how much more of public monies that Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan are going to use to satisfy their power-hungry antics?
Perhaps anti-jibaok and observer can help out here, you both are good with figures. We would like to forward the figures to as many people as we can reach. We are hoping that the adage “money talks” can influence some supporters to think twice.
Shouldn’t the public be informed about how much public expenditure is used each time Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan hold mass demonstration, hold rallies and/or ceramah?
Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan are trying their darnedest to push public order to the limit in order to get our society to be embroiled in a raging political controversy over the result of PRU 13.
Are they purposely doing this the point when and “If their demand is not agreed to then they will take to the streets in continuous and even violent demonstrations, supplemented with strikes and sundry disorders, so on and on?”
Are they purposely defying the law for this purpose: “They know that if the demonstrations are big enough, the police cannot act against them? If the police try, they will resist and become violent. If the police react with violence than their foreign backers will accuse the police of brutality?”
History is full of examples of how foreign intervention ended up meddling in local politics. Recent and current events in the Middle East should make us beware of Greeks bearing gifts, “trust not their presents, nor admit the horse.”
Please read the article by Tony Cartalucci, in my earlier posting in light of this new development, you can click the link below:
After reading this article, allow me to pose this question:
What constitutes treason in modern Malaysia?
I am reminded of this wry observation of the Elizabethan courtier Sir John Harington: “Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Although many of us peace loving Malaysians who recognize the implicit admonition in this apothegm that, if they (the police) are not content to watch “it prosper”, they had better “dare call it treason”, and scotch it, right away, while there still remains sufficient time to do so.
Yet, we would caution the authority to exercise restraints because Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, and Ambiga Sreenevasan factor is best described by the Malay proverb: ditelan mati emak: diluah mati bapak.
So our Government hands are tied and therefore could not take drastic actions that could jeopardize public order. Violent action by the police is a window of opportunity for the game players. The WEST would then have reasons for direct foreign interference, heaven forbids!
But what if Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan are given a taste of their own medicine?
By the power of the people they wish to topple the Government, so can Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Ambiga Sreenevasan be stripped of their citizenship by the power of the people?
Are they not so bent on breaking the law to hold rally after rally with the hope to topple the democratically elected BN Government with the power of the people (their supporters)?
What if? What if the Malaysian public who had enough of these instigators of mass demonstrations and public disorder harness the people’s power by collecting millions of signatures in a petition to ask the Government to strip Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga Sreenevasan of their citizenship?
If the wish was from the people, then foreign governments could not say much about it and blame our Government, right? Could they?
What would Ambiga Sreenevasan say then if by the people’s power that she hails so loudly to tarnish the Government, the very same power of the people give her a taste of her medicine?
Is this only wishful thinking? Can the voice of the people be really harnessed to put an end to street demonstration by peaceful power of the signatures? How we’d wish?
Respectfully yours.
“Whenever a man has cast a longing eye upon [office], a rottenness begins in his conduct.” — Thomas Jefferson (quoted by Barbara Tuchman in The March of Folly)
>> I am not in this blog to dispute with BN supporters, such as yourselves. I know very well
>> there are two sides to the coin. And you can counter anything and everything i say.
Its not a dispute. We are debating. I don’t actually think there are 2 sides to the coin. There are the PR view, the BN view, AND the ‘correct view’. Neither the PR view and the BN view are totally correct individually. And neither side is by itself totally wrong. Its important to see that. Its important NOT to see things in black and white. Its wrong to see PR totally white, and the government totally black. Its wrong to see the government totally white, and PR totally wrong.
And pls note the following:
1. All I did was to point out the fallacies in your argument.
2. I strongly support your anti-corruption project. Yes, it would be wonderful if you share with us your plan on how u r going to change the mind-set of some people on corruption. It would be wonderful if we can work together to lay traps for corrupted policemen and politicians, but without lies and misperception bent on unfair, political assassination. It would be better to criticize constructively, than to throw mud onto the nation and the government, and to create lies and misperception that things are not actually improving, and efforts are not actually being made. Yes, some people are corrupted to the core, but rather than spinning lies and misperception, its better to work together for a better nation.
Salam Tun,
syabas Milshah kerana memberi kupasan dan saranan yang jujur bersandarkan fakta dan realiti semasa. Kami setuju dengan tuan dan percaya bahawa ‘lakonan’ pengundi Cina akan meleret ke PRU-14, 15, 16 ..
Kami mohon izin untuk kongsi pandangan tuan di
Izinkan saya memberi pendapat 3 sen (harga yang dibayar oleh Kerajaan Singapura kepada Malaysia bagi setiap 1,000 gelen air yang dibekalkan oleh negara ini kepada republik itu) kepada kerajaan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak selepas pasca Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13).
Datuk Seri Najib, terlebih dahulu saya yang mewakili rakyat majoriti senyap di negara ini yang mengundi Datuk Seri dan kerajaan BN ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada Datuk Seri di atas kemenangan BN pada PRU-13 baru-baru ini.
Walaupun BN tidak mendapat undi majoriti dua per tiga pada PRU-13 ini disebabkan faktor tsunami Cina, dengan izin Allah, kemenangan masih memihak kepada BN dan BN adalah pemenang mutlak pada PRU-13.
Datuk Seri, banyak perkara boleh dipelajari daripada PRU-13 yang telah berlalu.
Saya tidak bercadang untuk mengulas dengan panjang faktor-faktor lalu kerana saya percaya Datuk Seri sendiri mempunyai pakar-pakar untuk membuat kajian atau post mortem terhadap apa yang telah berlaku yang menyumbang terhadap kemenangan BN dan kekalahan di kawasan-kawasan tertentu.
Datuk Seri, bagi saya apa yang penting sekarang ialah untuk Datuk Seri dan kerajaan untuk meneruskan agenda kerajaan bagi memperkasakan rakyat khususnya pembangunan orang Melayu dan bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak yang telah mengundi BN dengan setia pada PRU-13 yang lalu.
Bagaimanapun untuk menjayakan agenda kerajaan ini, nasihat saya kepada Datuk Seri ialah kerajaan haruslah terlebih dahulu memberi fokus untuk melenyapkan kritikan dan tuduhan melulu serta tidak bertanggungjawab daripada pihak yang telah kalah seperti kata mat salleh ‘sore loser’ tetapi tidak mahu menerima kenyataan bahawa mereka telah kalah dengan hati yang terbuka.
Hanya mereka yang telah hilang akal atau tidak siuman kini sanggup membangkitkan alasan-alasan yang lemah seperti ‘undi popular’ untuk menutup kekecewaan mereka setelah gagal memenangi PRU-13 yang lalu.
Rakyat yang waras tahu bahawa sistem demokrasi yang diamalkan di negara ini selama ini ialah mengikut sistem Westminster seperti yang diamalkan di UK dan bukan seperti yang yang terdapat di AS dan negara-negara republik yang lain.
Seperti yang disebutkan oleh seorang profesor undang-undang, bahawa mereka yang kalah ini (termasuk penyokong-penyokong mereka) harus menerima hakikat adalah tidak munasabah bagi setiap kawasan pilihan raya di negara ini mahupun di negara lain mempunyai jumlah taburan pengundi yang sama rata.
Secara logik, sudah tentu taburan pengundi di kawasan bandar lebih banyak berbanding di kawasan pedalaman di negara ini kerana orang ramai akan berhijrah ke bandar bagi mencari kerja dan kehidupan yang lebih selesa.
Umum mengetahui bahawa BN kalah di kawasan bandar adalah kerana undi kaum Cina yang sebahagian besar adalah anti-BN dan antikerajaan dan disokong pula oleh segolongan pengundi Melayu dan India yang tidak sedar diri dan anti establishment.
Golongan ini termasuklah kononnya golongan Melayu liberal, LBGT. fanatik dan ekstremis perkauman Cina dan India.
Sehubungan itu, Datuk Seri, adalah wajar bagi kerajaan meletakkan mereka ini (pemimpin dan penyokong-penyokong pembangkang) ke tempat mereka yang sebenar terutama bagi mereka yang tidak mematuhi dan gagal menghormati keluhuran perlembagaan dan kedaulatan undang-undang negara ini.
Datuk Seri, jangan kecewakan kami yang mengundi Datuk Seri dan BN untuk tidak berbuat apa-apa bagi mengekang kebiadapan pembangkang dan konco-konco mereka yang kini mahu menghuru-harakan masyarakat dan menyebabkan anarki di negara ini.
Datuk Seri perlu ingat bahawa kerajaan juga bertanggungjawab terhadap sebahagian besar rakyat di negara ini yang merupakan golongan majoriti senyap (termasuk mereka yang memilih untuk tidak mengundi tetapi bersama kerajaan dan mereka yang tidak dapat melaksanakan undi mereka kerana tugas dan juga disebabkan perbuatan sabotaj oleh pihak tertentu yang anti kerajaan) yang mahukan keamanan dan kedamaian di negara ini.
Sehubungan itu, Datuk Seri disarankan supaya jangan mengendahkan dan mempersetankan sebarang dakwaan pembangkang bahawa kerajaan menjalankan ‘sledgehammer politics’ selepas PRU-13 dalam usaha kerajaan untuk menegakkan keadilan dan keamanan di negara ini.
Masa beralah dan berlembut sudah berlalu dan kegagalan Datuk Seri dan kerajaan untuk berbuat sesuatu akan hanya memudaratkan negara ini dan mengancam keselamatan penduduk lain yang patuh terhadap undang-undang negara.
Pada pendapat 3 sen saya, sudah tiba masanya bagi kerajaan untuk bertindak tegas dan secara keras menggunakan sledgehammer kalau perlu terhadap petualang-petualang negara.
Ini kerana sikap beralah dan berlembut kerajaan selama ini telah disalah tafsir oleh pihak lawan bahawa kerajaan adalah lemah dan mereka boleh berbuat sesuka hati mereka di negara ini.
Saya setuju seperti yang dikatakan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi sebelum ini, jika pembangkang boleh mengatakan bahawa negara ini bukan bapa beliau yang punya, negara ini juga bukan bapa mereka (pemimpin pembangkang dan penyokong pembangkang) yang punya atau hak mutlak mereka sahaja untuk berbuat sesuka hati mereka sahaja di negara ini.
Saya juga ingin menasihatkan kerajaan supaya menimbangkan dan mengkaji semula untuk mewujudkan semula Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) bagi membendung anasir-anasir yang cuba merosakkan negara ini.
Pemansuhan ISA adalah satu kesilapan besar, sebagai contoh ialah kes terbaharu apabila kerajaan memberikan kuasa kepada seorang majistret yang tidak tahu apa-apa mengenai keselamatan negara ini untuk membuat keputusan terhadap pihak yang didakwa.
Bayangkan isu keselamatan negara ini dan nasib rakyat majoriti di negara ini terletak di tangan hanya seorang majistret?
Hanya selepas anasir-anasir jahat ini dapat ditangani sepenuhnya baharu Datuk Seri boleh memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya terhadap pengundi-pengundi setia BN dan kerajaan selama ini.
Datuk Seri, memandangkan Kabinet telahpun ditubuhkan, saya harap Datuk Seri berikan tumpuan penuh membantu pembangunan orang Melayu dan bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak yang telah banyak berjasa mengundi BN selama ini.
Datuk Seri boleh lupakan terus kaum Cina (kecuali di kawasan yang BN menang) kerana percayalah kaum ini tidak akan mengundi BN pada PRU-14 nanti dan buat selama-lamanya.
Jangan diulangi kesilapan yang lalu memberi pelbagai kemudahan dan bantuan kepada golongan yang antikerajaan begitu juga sekolah-sekolah mereka kerana akhirnya tangan kita sendiri yang akan digigit mereka.
Akhir sekali, Datuk Seri, perkasakan juga sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan dan beri peluang kepada lebih ramai golongan Melayu dan bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak untuk menjadi usahawan yang maju dan berjaya di negara mereka sendiri.
Salam Tun.
For Rahman2012. Vignettes from the Past.
As I hurried into this bookship off Orchard Road to purchase the famous tome written by an up and coming politician of Malaysia, I was accosted by a twenty something salesman and his boss Donald Moore behind the counter. No other publisher would publish this inflammatory tome which was banned in Malaysia. I bought 2 copies for S$3.75 cts each. And kept them to this day without ever reading it to the surprise of the distinguished author whom I requested to autograph recently. I told him I did not want my mind and thoughts to clouded over by theories and conjectures. He nearly fell off his chair – like what I did to the ‘Mein Kampf’ and the ‘Das Kapital’. However, I read Charles Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’ many times over as this great man was from my college.
And what happened to the twenty something booksalesperson ? From that point in 1970, he became a billionaire through an idea and a chance meeting with the Minister for Education of an African State. He set up a branded publishing house to export school books to the Minister of Education and was paid by guaranteed UNESCO funds. With this magical money printing machine, our twenty something book sales person was soon inundated with money, money and money. His first thought was to purchase the property with Pernas which housed the 1st American Consul (a quiet American type) and built an iconic building which stood until very recently. His second move which was his most audacious to purchase and he only got it by telliing this compulsive story to the compassionate head of an important Government Agency, thus, ‘ Sir, Chinese like us in this country are the hewers of wood and the drawers of water. Please give me chance to buy this entity.’ The compassionate head granted his fervent request. But the following day, this important official had to take back this investment to save the customers !
When I heard this story, I told the important official that the richest Chinaman in the World at that time was T.V. Soong who was the brother of Generalissimo Chian Kai Shek’s wife, Soong Mei Ling. who lived in Vancourver and the Madam had her own Long Island estate in New York. T.V. had a private jet, a Comet and died from suffocation from a chicken bone in his throat in Vancouver. It is a small World.
Our twenty something book sales person went on to acquire a listed company into which he sold his own ships and was caught by the Singaporean authorites and was forced to take a holiday in Changi. And on his release, with his billions of ringgits, he rushed off to this wonderful place with lots of females of the species. My friends would bump into him at the best fleshpots of the world now and them.
And his first property investment in KL is now worth RM3,000 per sq ft. His cost was RM50 per sq ft.
Where are you, the MCA, the Gerakan and the DAP ? See how poor and penniless Singaporeans made billions of ringgits so easily and yet certain issues concerning the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese are not resolved to this day !
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I think the Chinese will continue to vote for Pakatan in PRU 14, 15, 16 onwards. They almost toppled the BN government this election, and I think they will most probably try again in next PRU. Therefore, I don’t think a national reconciliation will work. Most probably the Chinese will accept the peace offer by BN and all seems back to normal. The BN will then start giving handouts and help them. Come next PRU, they would still vote for the opposition.
The general perception now is whatever the BN government does, the Chinese will take any goodies offered, but come election they would still vote for the opposition.
If any national reconciliation is to take place and meaningful, it is the Chinese that must prove to the BN government that they support the government and will vote for BN in future PRUs.
Having this in mind, it can be said, the Chinese votes is all but lost. The BN cannot take another hit like this. Now MCA has 7 seats. In next PRU, it may drop to Nil.
I think the BN government cannot be moderate anymore. BN have tried being moderate and Najib even reach out to the Chinese as never other PMs have done before. And look what BN got in return? 9 out every 10 Chinese voted for Pakatan.
Being moderate will only allow BN to get even worster result in PRU 14.
Therefore, if BN cannot get votes from the Chinese, where else can BN get? The other is from the Malays i.e the PAS supporters. To get their support, all that they ask is that Islamic laws be implemented.
For the Malays, be it from UMNO or PAS, it has never been an issue if hudud is implemented. Previously, hudud was not implemented because the BN government wanted to alay the fears by the Chinese community.
Now that the Chinese votes have become Pakatan fixed deposits, it does not matter if BN were to fully implement Islamic laws. By implementing Islamic laws, PAS will no longer have a reason to be against UMNO. Both will share the same struggle. Thus PAS and UMNO can be united, and ensure a united Malay front. Further, with PAS joining UMNO, Kelantan automatically also become part of BN since PAS control Pakatan. I’m not sure if Selangor will fall to BN if PAS joins BN.
The Chinese cannot blame the government if BN decides to implement Islamic Laws because they actually voted for PAS candidates in PRU 13 which mean they don’t have a problem if hudud is implemented.
The Chinese should not see this as revenge or backlash, as the BN government is merely trying to unify the Malays since the Chinese will not vote for BN.
I would suggest to start the ball rolling, members from lower levels of both UMNO and PAS should discuss. It does not have to start at the top level. Just discuss with an open mind and all options are on the the table.
As always, this is only my opinion, do take it with a pinch of salt.
Its a sins to argue with what has been done and undone and yet to be done by Najib, the simple salary paper, there has been a huge impact of awareness since, and about this thing jaws town stimulating and little inspirational.
For HockBengTeoh456. Sorry to say you are absolutely confused and live in a little world of your own and now try to draw attention to yourself. Please do not make a fool of yourself and talk some sense if you have any. Otherwise retire to this place near Ipoh forever. BEFORE I FORGET YOUR FAVOURITE PARTY, THE VERY CHINESE SINGAPOREAN TROJAN HORSE DAP, THE VERY RICH PKR AND THE VERY PIOUS PAS LOST BIG TO THE BN AS LED BY DATO SERI NAJIB AND THE UMNO WITH THE 14 COMPONENT PARTIES. These have now put the 80% into the Opposition and like you, they are all waiting for your conquering hero, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore – hopefully not forever. What say you the she-ORACLE OF PETALING JAYA !
Salam Tun,
what can we say to the Pakatan?
Time’s up and game’s over. See you in PRU-14. Do the math and stop sulking like a spoil brat. Take to the street, and we take you to jail. Simple as that. Let’s wish the new IGP a fun and thrilling time ahead.
As for Datuk Seri Najib, he should take the lesson of ‘Cinami’ and never ever bow down to their absurd demands again. In fact DSN should just put on a poker face and revoke, where necessary, all agreements that were set on false hope by the Chinese promise of supporting the BN in PRU13. Its not difficult to identify who those ingrates are. Let’s just focus on the Bumis from now on.
Another matter that is pertinent as far as perspective of the rakyat is concern … DSN’s wife must stay out of mainstream, until she knows how to properly carry herself in public. I suggest DSN send her to a finishing school on a one way ticket. She is one big bad mama who will pull DSN three steps backward after a two step progress.
53. As for Chinese and Indian leaders, they have to merge with majority race leaders.
54. Sebenarnya, di Kota Damansara, jika PAS + PKR, mereka dah memang.
55. Though BN won with the Indian Hindu fella, he cannot perform because his votes are minority even though dia menang.
56. Today, the political landscape is different.
57. United Malays National Organization has lost more votes to PKR Malay.
58. If I am the administrator, I won’t put free ad without the consent from the Marketing Department of the brand.
59. Why?
60. If I do that, I am stealing secara terang-terang.
61. One more thing, Datuk Lee Chong Wei lost in Sudirman Badminton Cup.
62. Never underestimate racial politics have no influence on Malaysian talents.
37. Mubarak Chan, instead of writing, why you keep repeating the same old model that is no longer relevant to the national developers due to keen competitions from their peers?
38. In the next 5 years, in order to cut operating expenses especially the salary part due to inflationary pressure which took huge chunk from the revenue, I am afraid these Bumiputra modernizers will have no choice but to employ foreigners especially from the Middle East to be their staffs.
39. Even taiko in Jinjang though not educated are wiser than Mubarak Chan.
40. Why?
41. They do not bully nor cheat own race and other races to make themselves proud, rich and hypocrite.
42. observer May 23, 2013 at 4:54 PM, today, where got Malay races since these races was bubarkan in 1988 and replaced by Bumiputra rule in Parliament?
43. What BN does, PAS (Religion moderator), PKR (Malay race leader) and DAP (Singh race leader) shall not do.
44. BN has Bumiputra as PM.
45. Opposition party has Malay as shadow PM.
46. The rally of votes, and share markets shall determine who is the next PM.
47. The rakyat believes President UMNO as PM will be ended as rahmaN.
48. BNM borrows from the people via banking system.
49. BNM does not borrow from Petronas, Khazanah nor UMNO.
50. If BN decided to close the main gate, PR will open the small window to make Malaysian wealth is distributed fairly and equally via performance not base on boasted supremacy of katak lompat that can be bought macam lalang.
51. If BN decided to close the main gate using Perkasa and Utusan, PR will open the small window to make Malaysian wealth is being distributed fairly and equally via performance not base on boasted supremacy katak lompat that can be bought macam lalang.
Rahman 2012:
“The end does not justify the mean”
I respect your opinion with regard to political gangsterism, but spinning & spreading rhetorical lies and half-truth should not be the order of the day.
Kebebasan politik adalah sebuah idea tetapi tidak mungkin menjadi fakta. Dengan “Idea” ini seseorang itu perlu tahu bagaimana mahu mengunakannya. Dan apabila perlu, menjadikan idea sebagai umpan untuk menarik rakyat jelata menyokong sesebuah pihak yang tujuan menghancurkan pihak lain yang sedang berkuasa. Tugas ini menjadi lebih mudah sekiranya pihak lawan itu sendiri, dijangkiti dengan idea bersifat kebebasan, liberalisma. Kerana demi idea itulah, termunculnya hasil beberapa kuasa kuasa(pemikiran) tersendiri. Ia adalah tepat di sini bahawa kemenangan teori ini benar, dimana kekuasaan sesebuah kerajaan kian merosot dan berpindah dengan segera setelah dikumpul atau gabung bersama-sama dengan yang kuasa kuasa(pemikiran) baru. Ini terbukti kerana masyarakat negara tidak
boleh wujud tanpa bimbingan kuasa pemikiran, dan pihak berkuasa baru secara automatiknya akan mengambil alih tempat kuasa lama yang sudah dilemahkan oleh liberalisme.
(Idea “ubah – Ini Kalilah” yang di gunakan sebagai umpan untuk menarik rakyat menjatuhkan kerajaan. BN pula diwakili oleh UMNO, MCA, MIC dan lain lain, maka, sifat BN keseluruhan telah dijangkiti dengan sifat liberalisma iaitu UMNO terpaksa bertolak ansur terhadap pegangan Islam itu sendiri. Contohnya, Hudud ditolak. Kuasa kuasa pemikiran baru terbina dan ia mampu membimbing masyarakat menolak BN kerana PAS sebagai benteng Islam sendiri telah menerima PR. Disini, PAS juga tanpa disedari, iaitu secara keseluruhan dan modus operandinya di dalam PR juga bersifat liberalisma. Ia tidak lagi mampu menegakkan asas pemikirannya sendiri walaupun rupa parasnya Islam.)
Pada hari raja-raja dan pemimpin yang berkuasa bersifat liberal, yang benar benar berkuasa adalah kuasa kekayaan. Disini, waktu adalah disifatkan ketika Iman memerintah. Zahirnnya, idea kebebasan ini adalah mustahil untuk direalisasikan kerana tiada siapa yang tahu bagaimana untuk menggunakannya dengan cara kesederhanaan. Ini bererti, walaupun mentadbir kerajaan sendiri, dalam tempoh waktu dan masa ia sendiri akan menjadi kumpulan rusuhan yang tidak teratur dan pemikiran yg bercanggah canggah. Di saat itu, persengketaan berlaku dan tidak lama lagi berkembang menjadi pertempuran antara kelas kelas masyarakat. Dan tanpa sedar ia membakar negerinya sendiri dan kewujudan mereka sendiri menjadi kurang penting ibarat sebuah timbunan abu.
(Perjuangan Umno bergantung kepada iman ahli ahlinya. Jika rebutan kuasa kekayaan tidak dikawal maka mereka itu sendirilah yang menghancurkan UMNO. Kehendak pada kuasa kekayaan tidak boleh dielakkan, tetapi, secara ukurannya ia masih boleh dikawal kedalam lingkungan yang dibenarkan. Sesungguhnya, di dalam UMNO itu sendiri tergantung pada semua lapisan masyarakat.)
Negeri/Golongan yang menhauskan dirinya sendiri dalam permainan sendiri, iaitu sama ada wujudnya perselisihan dalaman atau luaran, ia tetap memberi dan meletakkan daya kehidupannya di bawah kuasa luar –dimana, jika dikira dari setiap sudut kuasanya, ia tetap kehilangan kuasa, kerana: IA DIDALAM KUASA GOLONGAN KAMI. Siapakah Kami? Iaitu kami yang berkemampuan menyediakan Modal, dan ia terletak sepenuhnya di tangan kami, kerana , mahu atau tak mahu, mereka mesti berpegang kepada kemampuan Golongan kita.
(Kemampuan menyediakan modal boleh dilihat dari pelbagai sudut, yang membimbangkan adalah sistem perbankan kapitalis iaitu berdasarkan Reserve ratio. Sebagai contoh, RM1 Billion di bank mampu mengeluarkan RM9 Billion. Oleh itu, berapa banyakkah Bank dimiliki kaum Cina? Adakah mereka tidak membantu menyediakan dana untuk kaum mereka sendiri? Hong Leong Bank, Public Bank, OSK-RHB Bank. Sekiranya 80% Kaum cina menyokong DAP di PRU-13, adakah tuan punya bank tidak melakukan sama?)
Sekiranya mereka yang berminda liberal mengatakan bahawa pemikiran seperti di atas adalah tidak bermoral, maka saya akan meletakkan soalan-soalan berikut:
Jika tiap-tiap Negeri mempunyai dua musuh dan jika dalam hal musuh luar ia dibenarkan dan tidak dianggap tidak bermoral untuk menggunakan setiap cara dan seni konflik, sebagai contoh untuk meragukan musuh dalam rancangan serangan dan pertahanan, untuk menyerang beliau pada waktu malam atau dalam bilangan yang ramai, maka dengan apa cara pula yang boleh terhadap musuh yang lebih buruk, yakni pemusnah struktur masyarakat dan kesejahteraan bersama, dipanggil tidak bermoral dan tidak dibenarkan?
(Tidak ada akan fahaman yang universal dipraktikkan, tanpa fahaman universal, akan sentiasa ada percanggahan, oleh itu demi pertahanan, seni menyediakan modal adalah penting demi kemenangan. Disini, walaupun Islam itu universal, ia tidak dikaji oleh mereka yang bukan Islam)
Adakah mungkin untuk mana-mana yg punyai minda logik berharap unutuk mengawal orang ramai dengan hanya bantuan dari hujah hujah bijakpandai/ilimiah yang mana ia mungkin munasabah atau sebaliknya. Atau ketika percanggahan, faktanya boleh direka reka untuk meyakinkan khalayak ramai, yakni dengan kuasa kata kata manusia yang pandai berbicara. Disini, manusia diantara rakyat jelata dan orang-orang ramai, menjadikan panduannya berdasarkan nafsu kecil, kepercayaan sendiri, tradisi dan sentimental teorem dimana kelak menjatuhkan mangsa kepada perpecahan parti, yang menghalang sebarang penyatuan walaupun atas dasar hujah yang sempurna dan munasabah. Disini, setiap resolusi kumpulan khalayak ramai bergantung kepada peluang, nasib atau gerakan majoriti , yang, dalam kejahilan rahsia rahsia politik, meletakkan sebagainya beberapa resolusi yang tidak masuk akal iaitu meletakkan dalam pentadbirannya benih benih anarki.
(Anwar Ibrahim sering menolak hujah hujah ilimiah malah faktanya sering direka reka kerana tidak mungkin rakyat akan tahu perkara sebenarnya yang berlaku. Propaganda yang sering dilontarkan oleh DAP adalah korupsi. Persoalannya, siapakah si Pemberi Korupsi ini? Siapakah yang punyai pusat hiburan, kelab kelab, wanita wanita dan modal(Bank) yang menjadi asal usul korupsi? Mereka inilah yang mengajar sistem ini yang mencontohi amalan amalan di Hong Kong, iaitu merekalah yang telah mengundi DAP.)
Politik tidak mempunyai apa-apa persamaan dengan moral atau akidah. Pemerintah yang mentadbir melalui moral bukanlah seorang ahli politik yang mahir, dan oleh kerana itu, kedudukannya tidak stabil terhadap takhta-Nya. Jika itu, sesiapa yang ingin untuk memerintah mesti mempunyai keupayaan kedua-duanya iaitu licik dan boleh berpura-pura. Sifat seperti kejujuran di peringkat umum, adalah ibarat maksiat di dalam politik, kerana mereka menjatuhkan pemerintah dari takhta mereka dengan lebih berkesan dan lebih pasti daripada musuh yang paling berkuasa. Sikap tersebut mestilah
sifat-sifat UMNO – Melayu. Mereka tidak bisa menyimpan rahsia.
(Sifat licik dan berpura pura? Siapakah yang paling sesuai dengan karektor ini? Najib? Anwar? Mengapa UMNO tidak bisa menyimpan rahsia? Najib? Anwar?)
Hak kami terletak bertemankan kuasa. Perkataan “HAK” adalah pemikiran abstrak dan dibuktikan dengan apa-apa sahaja. Perkataan ini bererti tidak lebih dan kurang daripada: Beri saya apa yang saya mahu supaya dengan itu saya akan buktikan bahawa saya lebih kuat daripada anda.
(Dah bagi kerakyatan, dah bagi bank, dah bagi lesen berjudi, dah bagi lesen telekomunikasi, dah bagi balak, dah bagi mcm mcm lagi. Pada siapa? Ahli MCA yang kini DAP)
Dalam mana-mana Negeri di mana terdapat sebuah parti organisasi yang imej kuasanya diburukkan, satu sifat umum undang-undang masyarakat terhadap pemerintah yang telah kehilangan personaliti mereka adalan kian di banjiri permintaan hak hak yang dihujani air air liberalisma. Disini, kami dapati hak baru terwujud yakni, hak untuk menyerang disebabkan sifat kuat, dan dengan menyemarakan angin angin dari semua gerakan yang dicapai melalui arahan dan peraturan, lalu ia membina semula semua institusi yang sebelum ini menjadi tuan kedaulatan orang-orang yang telah meninggalkan kepada kita hak kuasa mereka dengan meletakkan mereka turun secara sukarela dalam liberalisme mereka.
(Hak – Ubah “Inikalilah” – Memburukkan imej UMNO melalui Bersih. Adakah ini Kerja rakyat? Kerja Pas? Atau kerja Anwar dan DAP?)
Kuasa kami ketika didalam keadaan ini, mengoyahkan semua bentuk kuasa dan akan menjadi lebih kebal daripada yang lain, kerana ia akan terus kekal tidak kelihatan sehingga masa apabila ia telah mendapat kekuatan itu dan kelihatan, bahawa tiada yang lebih licik boleh merosakkannya.
(Kuasa Himpunan tanpa perjuangan boleh dimanipulasikan) – HINDRAF, BERSIH, ANWAR, Dan lain lain.)
Daripada kejahatan sementara yang kami terpaksa melakukan akan nanti muncul kebaikan iaitu pemerintahan yang tidak goyah, yang akan memulihkan kepada keadaan biasa yakni dari yang telah
dibawa oleh liberalisme. Hasilnya berdasarkan matlamat dan caranya. Disini, Marilah kita bersama di dalam rancangan yang sedia ada, untuk mengarahkan perhatian kita tidak begitu banyak untuk apa yang baik dan moral malah kita tekankan kepada apa yang perlu dan berguna.
(Perlu dan berguna – Memanipulasikan pemimpin PAS untuk bersama Pakatan Rakyat kerana ia perlu dan berguna)
Dalam usaha untuk menghuraikan bentuk tindakan yang memuaskan ia adalah perlu untuk mengambil kira himpunan rusuhan itu, kelalaian kumpulan rusuhan itu, ketidakstabilan kumpulan rusuhan, kekurangan keupayaan untuk memahami dan menghormati keadaan kumpulan rusuhan itu sendiri, atau kebajikan kumpulan rusuhan itu. Ia perlu difahami bahawa kekuatan mob(kumpulan rusuhan) adalah buta, tidak masuk akal dan tunduk pada kuasa iaitu cadangan dari mana-mana pihak dalaman. Mereka yang buta tidak boleh memimpin orang buta tanpa membawa mereka ke dalam jurang kemusnahan; akibatnya, ahli-ahli rusuhan, walaupun dimulakan dari orang-orang genius dan kebijaksanaan, tetapi mereka tidak mempunyai pemahaman politik, maka mereka tidak boleh datang ke hadapan untuk dijadikan sebagai pemimpin mob tanpa membawa keseluruhan negara rosak.
(Erti Kebajikan Kumpulan – Anwar dan DAP tidak menggunakan wang politik untuk melakukan himpunan rakyat? Adakah anda jahil? Hanya Anwar yang bisa memimpin mereka yang buta kerana pemahaman politiknya. DAP yang genius tidak mungkin lakukan tanpa Anwar. Persoalannya, sekiranya nasib sesuatu negara terletak hanya kerana seorang manusia bernama Anwar, apakah ini tidakkan yang wajar? Atau mungkin perlu diselidik akan apa yang terjadi sekiranya Anwar sakit atau mati yakni, runtuhlah PR runtuhlah kerajaan Malaysia)
Mob yang dibiarkan sendirinya, iaitu, untuk membangun dari tengah-tengah pembinaannya, akan membawa dirinya kepada kerosakan akibat perselisihan pihak pihak yang teruja dengan perebutan kuasa dan penghormatan dan masalah yang timbul daripadanya. Adakah mungkin untuk rakyat jelata(mob) berada dlm keadaan tenang dan tanpa sifat cemburu untuk membentuk keputusan bersama dalam urusan hal ehwal negara, dimana ia tidak boleh bercampur dengan kepentingan peribadi? Bolehkah mereka mempertahankan diri mereka dari musuh luar? Ia tidak masuk akal, kerana pelan itu sendiri dipecahkan kepada seberapa banyak bahagian atau golongan yang terdapat di kepala atau ketua ketua rusuhan. Disini, kumpulan moh itu kehilangan semua kehomogenan, dan sekali gus menjadi kurang bijak dan pelaksanaan urusan urusan adalah mustahil.
(Bukankah perselisihan berlaku diantara DAP, PAS, PKR dimana homogenannya lupus. Adakah ini juga nasib revolusi PR dan langsung membiak ke keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia?
Ia hanya dengan pemerintahan kuku besi yang mengikuti pelan sahaja yang boleh menghuraikan secara meluas dan jelas dalam apa-apa cara untuk mengagihkan keseluruhan kekuasaan dan kekayaan betul di kalangan beberapa jentera bahagian. Dari kesimpulan ini, adalah tidak dapat dielakkan bahawa satu bentuk permerintahan yang boleh memuaskan kerajaan untuk mana-mana negara adalah salah satu yang menumpukan kuasa di tangan satu entiti yang bertanggungjawab. Tanpa kezaliman mutlak tidak ada wujudnya tamadun yang boleh dibangunkan. Kumpulan rusuhan adalah ganas, dan memaparkan kekejaman pada setiap sudut. Di saat kumpulan rusuhan mengambil alih kebebasan di tangan lain, maka dengan cepat bertukar kepada anarki, yakni ia dgn sendiri adalah tahap tertinggi kekejaman.
Stockholm: City of peace – Burned. Consequence of failure in the multicultural politics. Lesson: Going to the streets gives no guarantee to the sustainability of our nation’s future but it certainly takes away our safety and security. The forces of streets are of the blind might. It can be guided, not by way of intellectual arguments but those of cunning and great liars. Men in masses and the men of the masses, being guided solely by petty passions, paltry beliefs, customs, traditions and sentimental theorism. And those who are not cunning and a liar, cannot be a great politician. Without the two, they shall not remain to their thrones, so the blind might itself shall turn on each other as it cannot be left unguided. And the fate of the nation, will suffer. So what is the price of a riot? If got no money its ok, American taxpayers can finance your purchase and provide after sales services.
Adakah mungkin untuk mana-mana yg punyai minda logik berharap unutuk mengawal orang ramai dengan hanya bantuan dari hujah hujah bijakpandai/ilimiah yang mana ia mungkin munasabah atau sebaliknya. Atau ketika percanggahan, faktanya boleh direka reka untuk meyakinkan khalayak ramai, yakni dengan kuasa kata kata manusia yang pandai berbicara. Disini, manusia diantara rakyat jelata dan orang-orang ramai, menjadikan panduannya berdasarkan nafsu kecil, kepercayaan sendiri, tradisi dan sentimental teorem dimana kelak menjatuhkan mangsa kepada perpecahan parti, yang menghalang sebarang penyatuan walaupun atas dasar hujah yang sempurna dan munasabah. Disini, setiap resolusi kumpulan khalayak ramai bergantung kepada peluang, nasib atau gerakan majoriti , yang, dalam kejahilan rahsia rahsia politik, meletakkan sebagainya beberapa resolusi yang tidak masuk akal iaitu meletakkan dalam pentadbirannya benih benih anarki.
Salam Tun,
May i respond to *observer_
Dear Observer,
I am not in this blog to dispute with BN supporters, such as yourselves. I know very well there are two sides to the coin. And you can counter anything and everything i say. That is nothing new. I was not born yesterday.
But i wish to respond to this point
>> Why we are breaking the system apart is because we want a new system, a fairer one.
Please elaborate. u mean fair election? If so, please be honest: where’s the 40K banglas?
u mean the Chinese being politically equal to Malays and Bumis? Well, please work to make Selangor and Kelantan being shining examples of meritocracy.
I was recently asked by a Malay taxi driver, whom i know is an UMNO supporter, for help to get a permit or license for a stall to sell grocery, in the future LRT area.
I responded by saying that if he has a simple business plan, or can find someone to do it up, i promise him i will walk up straight to the Local Council office or even our Selangor MBs office and register his interest and application for him somehow, maybe with even a good word from myself, although i am a nobody. I can perhaps use my right as a Selangor born citizen.
However, he insists that i bribe someone in the Local Council or Government to get this space, and he is willing to cough up the money from his Taxi work.
He is tired of driving and realizes age is catching up with him. He worries that when he can no longer drive, his income and livelihood will be affected. So he is in need of the stall space, he see it as his retirement business. He is quite desperate and i judge that from the fact that he was sitting down with me for a few hours, on this mater alone.
My promise to him, as soon as he gets even a one page business plan done, i will work tirelessly for him to get that space. In my opinion he is a very disciplined Taxi driver, and an honest one too, well most of the time anyway. He deserves my unconditional help. He is not very educated.
So i explained to him, there is no need to bribe anyone, this is Selangor, and Selangor Government is PR government, and i will personally assist him with the application until success.
He frowned. He looked unconvinced. He has doubts. But he thank me anyway.
End of Story.
So MR Observer, i know you guys will simply throw back everything, and say “show us the meritocracy, show us you guys are clean, show us this, show us that.” As if we live for the sole purpose of proving ourselves to you guys, eh ?
And hence my first project after GE, mr observer, is, how do i tell this UMNO guy that he really does not have to bribe anyone to get that stall space, and that it is possible in Selangor to ask for something, and be rewarded with success if one truly deserves it ? You see, he no longer believes there are honest people out there, at all !
Dia mati2 tak percaya, but i will see him again and try pujuk dia to get that simple business plan done or pay someone for such writing service, then i will “harass” the Selangor government, with pleasure, until his application is a success 🙂 I will put up his case, i will fight for him all the way.
What in it for me ?
Just so that i can tell you UMNO guys, that there is a better way to live ! 🙂
Ambik kamu semua !
Thank You Tun
Salam Tun,
Several i guess prominent members of your blog have criticized my post/comments. The giz of it all is that the government can do no wrong. And opposition is always wrong.
My comments of late are actually beyond the realm of politics, as the GE is over.
But i understand D.S. Anwar Ibrahim is questioning the results and reported irregularities. Honest Malaysians will also want to know the answers or findings. Nobody likes to be cheated.
My concern is simple. The BN government, as soon as winning the GE, proceeded to rule they way BN had been ruling for the past donkey years. Same old, same old.
So much so, that the general public and especially those supporting the opposition even knows exactly what to expect ! And BN delivers !
We know opposition leaders will be arrested, people tortured in prisons, the public intimidated for merely lighting a candle, much like the Jasmine flower, and overall climate of fear, just to show the public who is boss.
We have after all been living like that all these while. Whenever we see a policemen, whether in uniform or in plain clothes, we move away, far far away. The term “Gestapo” comes to mind.
And on the comment that i cannot take the opposing view, i.e. the view of the government, yes that is very true. I do not accept the view that one has to lie or do any “sins” in the interest of safety. If i accept this view, that i should also accept that a thief steals in order to earn a living, and therefore it is right.
No, i say stealing is wrong, but we must give due consideration that he or she is without food and needs to live, and therefore i will question the society, why is the person left without food, when everybody else have good meals ? But the thief still must be lightly or leniently punished, to protect the sanctity of the rule of law.
But we are not talking about the stealing of a loaf of bread here are we ? We are talking about stealing an entire nation via electoral fraud !
Still, it must have been in the interest of safety, so i guess there must be millions upon millions of Melayu and rich cronies who will mengamok should BN lose power. Until such time the word “amok” is removed from the Oxford Dictionary, we will have to endure living under the threat of the Kris. I do not know how often the Oxford Dictionary is revised.
Looking at it from a neutral point of view, i have to admit what the government did or managed to pull off is rather impressive. So maybe BN deserve to be the government after all as PR simply cannot or will not pull such stunts. Anwar tak cukup pandai goreng. Tapi saya lebih suka begitu. Kalau ada pemimpin yang boleh goreng semua orang dengan saya pun sekali, ah, saya risau, mungkin Hitler hidup semula.
Tun is right about the devil you know. This fallen angle PR does not know how to cheat. And the punishment for that sin is …”you lose”. I am however of the opinion that it is better to lose and remain sacrosanct. I die happier that way 🙂
And i hope good hearted and good natured PR supporters agree with me. If you know for sure you have been lied to, why get angry ? Life is too short for that. Use your brains 🙂
Thank You Tun
After the Rakyat have spoken at the 13th General Elections, the incumbent BN Government must observe the rule of the laws and not of the jungle to gain legitimacy and credibility in the eyes of the World. All excuses by the Opposition are just excuses !
Sorry. A minor amendment please ‘ …..The BN Government as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties, MCA or no MCA, Gerakan or no Gerakan beat the very Chinese Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP, the very rich PKR and the very pious PAS, hands down.’…
Despite all the arguments after the event, post-13th General Elections, who should have won and who should have lost, THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THE BN GOVERNMENT AS LED BY THE UMNO WITH THE 14 COMPONENT PARTIES WON HANDS DOWN, MCA or no MCA, Gerakan or no Gerakan. See you all at the 14th General Elections in 2018 ! Life must go on !
prabagaran gopalakrishnan:
>> 3.Your analysis of the majority won by Pakatan in urban areas due to only Chinese voters
>> is simplistic. The Chinese population is Malaysia is only about 25% and even if ninety
>> percent of Chinese voted for Pakatan will not give the huge majority won by Pakatan in
>> urban areas. A significant number of Malays and Indians also voted for Pakatan.
1st of all, there is a statistical correlation between Chinese-majority and DAP/PR victory. Here’s a wiki link to “statistical correlation” in case your statistics has gone rusty:
I have not done an actual calculation, but the correlation is so obvious.
2ndly, 25% is a quarter (which is a lot), and a simple back-of-envelope calculation is enough to show how how 80-95% of the 25% concentrated in specific locations is enough to tip the balance with a seemingly large majority.
Consider a constituency with 80,000 voters.
55% Chinese = 44000
45% others = 36,000
If 95% of the Chinese vote for PR, that would already be 41,800 votes.
Add to that PAS/PKR hardcore votes, and you can easily make up to 50,000.
>> 5. In fact token representation in Cabinet is even more dangerous then non
>> representation. This is because the Government will tell the community that this Indian
>> and Chinese ministers will look after your interest when in fact the government knows that
>> these ministers have no say in policy making.
I think many can understand ur point about Indian interest.
But honestly, many, many Malays will not understand the part about Chinese interest, which leads to Utusan crying out “Apa lagi Cina mau”.
Think about this:
1. Chinese enjoys business monopolies
2. Chinese dominates the middle and upper classes.
3. Chinese students dominates UTAR, and most of the private universities.
4. Najib has been edging towards more Chinese integration, risking unhappiness from the Malay conservatives.
At the very least, Chinese reps should provide a clear, unambiguous, simple answer on the question of “Apa lagi Cina mau” instead of crying out ‘racist!’? And they should be prepared to listen to replies from the Malays on why some of those demands might be not be appropriate (from the Malay perspective). And they should keep communicating, keep an open, civilized dialogue. And this communication is important, because the Malays simply cannot understand “Apa lagi Cina mau”, and the Chinese cannot understand why the Malays will not want to give it all.
And you might say “Anwar promised to give all”, but then we know what kind of politician he is…
Thank You anti-jibaok for reading my comment and giving your opinion.
I would like to point out some discrepancies in your comment which you may have failed to consider.
1. The British Westminster Parliamentary form of government adopted by Malaysia is essential a form of democratic government intended to elected a government which has the most support from the citizens. Delineation of constituencies must be done with this principle in mind.
2. However in Malaysia the delineation is grossly lopsided due to gerrymandering by past BN governments. The famous one ofter quoted is the comparison of Kapar which has 140k voters compared to Putrajaya which has 15k voters. A vote in Putrajaya is worth almost 10 times the vote in Kapar. A clear sign of disrespect to the most sacred of democratic principle of 1 man 1 vote.
3.Your analysis of the majority won by Pakatan in urban areas due to only Chinese voters is simplistic. The Chinese population is Malaysia is only about 25% and even if ninety percent of Chinese voted for Pakatan will not give the huge majority won by Pakatan in urban areas. A significant number of Malays and Indians also voted for Pakatan.
4 Your comment on losing representation in cabinet by the Chinese community actually in my opinion does not bother them. Non UMNO members of cabinet are only token without any real authority or power. Case in point is the previous president of MIC who served in the cabinet for 30 years. His “effort” to uplift the Indian community is negligible but somehow in 30 years of Ministers salary he appeared to have accumulated substantial assets which do not co relate to his salary.
5. In fact token representation in Cabinet is even more dangerous then non representation. This is because the Government will tell the community that this Indian and Chinese ministers will look after your interest when in fact the government knows that these ministers have no say in policy making.
6. In this respect I applaud the appointment of Wathyamoorthy and PM Najib’s signature of Hindraf blueprint for it appears to be an acceptance by PM Najib that the accusation by Hindraf of the marginalization and subtle ethnic cleansing of the Indian community by previous BN government is true.
7. Instead of token MIC representation in cabinet I would prefer more significant representation of Indians in all strata of civil servant especially in higher levels. This will ensure that upliftment program promised by PM Najib to the Indian community are implemented instead of just promises at policy level which never see any daylight in actual implementation.
8. Lastly I hope participants on this forum can debate in an intellectual manner instead of stooping to rude language and uncouth comments
9. Once again Tun, thank you for reading my comments.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Reading anti-jibaok postings, one wonders was it the correct decision to give 1 million citizenahip via jus soli by Tunku? If the founders of Malaysia could see what happened today as a direct of result of their decision, would they have have decided differently? The malays are unhappy having weakened political power while the chinese are unhappy as they want more. So how?
Salam YAB and Yg. Amat Dihormati Tun,
May I have the permission to copy as Word Doc file re-prints your article and anti-jibaok May 23, 2013 at 6:35 AM on BRINGING DOWN GOVERNMENTS?
I would like send your article and anti-jibaok on BRINGING DOWN GOVERNMENTS as
e-mail attachments. I like to send them to as many people as I can. I would ask them to forward to as many people that they know who love the peace, stability and harmony to continue for our beloved Malaysia.
Many are not visitors to So e-mail is a better way for me to help to reach to those who MAY or MAY NOT get it that “our system of democracy is based by winning the majority of seats via parliamentary constituencies (to form the federal government)”. I am going to head my e-mail as such – “For The Love of the Country, For the Love of Peace, Harmony and Stability for My beloved Malaysia. Please read and be enlightened.”
There are too many out there the likes of Non_UMNOPutera May 23, 2013 at 3:35 AM who claims to “live in an age where the citizens are educated and political savvy, in thoughts and ideals,” and yet his statement, “we believe in the principle of” the government by the people, for the people” based on the popular votes and by the majority!” shows blatant ignorance of the very foundation of our system of democracy. Is this an example of the educated and political savvy new age Malaysian?
Then we have the likes of Age_of_Enlightenment who seems to me, after following his/her commentaries these past few weeks, to be have not come out of the Dark Ages despite his claims to have attained enlightenment.
But there is hope yet for some of us to see the light of enlightenment. So @prabagaran gopalakrishnan May 22, 2013 at 12:29 PM | please make sure you read anti-jibaok May 23, 2013 at 6:35 AM on BRINGING DOWN GOVERNMENTS. Please send the article and commentary to as many people that you know who are still questioning why BN is the elected government in this PRU 13.
A small click of the finger can go a long way to educate those that are still open-minded enough to correct their mistaken notion about our system of democracy.
With your permission Tun, thank you. And anti-jiboak, thank you.
Dear Tun,
Please allow me to congratulate mr. anti-jibaok as follows,
May 23, 2013 at 6:35 AM | Permalink
In response to – ‘prabagaran gopalakrishnan’ – as commented on May 22, 2013 at 12:29 pm
You fail to realise that even though 51% of the people had voted for Pakatan Rakyat, that does not mean that such ‘popular votes’ (like some ‘Reality TV’ – SMS votes) would ensure Pakatan Rakyat winning in the General Elections. You also fail to realise that the ‘Ground Rules’ for our system of democracy is based by winning the majority of seats via parliamentary constituencies (to form the federal government) and not via the majority of votes over the whole of the nation’s population.
As for Pakatan Rakyat, it must be noted that it was the DAP that had garnered the bulk of the ‘popular votes’.., especially from the Chinese voters within most of the city, town and urban areas.
In the PRU-13, those so called ‘popular votes’ came mostly from parliamentary constituencies mainly infested with DAP influenced Chinese voters.., such as below:-
Pulau Pinang:
1) Bagan – 34,159 (winning vote majority)
2) Bukit Mertajam – 43,063
3) Tanjong – 28,645
4) Bukit Gelugor – 41,778
5) Batu Kawan – 25,962
6) Bukit Bendera – 32,778
7) Jelutong – 25,750
8) Bayan Baru – 19,307
Total majority votes won by DAP in Penang (selected constituencies only) – 251,442
1) Taiping – 11,745 (winning vote majority)
2) Ipoh Barat – 29,038
3) Batu Gajah – 38,596
4) Ipoh Timor – 34,000
Total majority votes won by DAP in Perak (selected constituencies only) – 113,378
1) Serdang – 42,206 (winning vote majority)
2) Kelana Jaya – 28,827
3) Petaling Jaya Utara – 41,672
4) Kelang – 24,685
5) Puchong – 32,802
Total majority votes won by DAP in Selangor (selected constituencies only) – 170,192
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur:
1) Kepong – 40,307 (winning vote majority)
2) Bukit Bintang – 19,399
3) Cheras – 37,409
4) Seputeh – 51,552
5) Segambut – 19,199
Total majority votes won by DAP in WP Kuala Lumpur – 167,866
Negeri Sembilan:
1) Seremban – 12,553 (winning vote majority)
2) Rasah – 23,485
Total majority votes won by DAP in Negeri Sembilan – 36,038
1) Kota Melaka – 20,746 (winning vote majority)
Total majority votes won by DAP in Melaka – 20,746
1) Gelang Patah – 14,762 (winning vote majority)
2) Kulai – 13,450
Total majority votes won by DAP in Johor (selected constituencies only) – 28,212
1) Stampin – 18,670 (winning vote majority)
2) Lanang – 8,630
3) Bandar Kuching – 19,642
Total majority votes won by DAP in Sarawak (selected constituencies only) – 46,942
1) Kota Kinabalu – 18,959 (winning vote majority)
Total majority votes won by DAP in Sabah (selected constituency only) – 18,959
The total winning vote majority garnered by DAP in those constituencies for the 31 parliament seats as mentioned above, was a huge total majority of 853,775 votes..! Such is the mindset, wiles and capability of those Kiasu DAP Chinese & proponents when it comes in ‘pulling a fast one’ to the astonishment of the overall rakyat of Malaysia. The true-colours of DAP and the attitude of the great majority of the Chinese voters has now been fully revealed..!
Those huge and whopping 853,775 winning majority votes (quite close to a million votes – should all other areas with smaller DAP winning majority are also included).., was due to the in-bloc votes as displayed by the recent ‘Chinese Tsunami’.., which embodies the bulk of those so-called ‘popular votes’.
From those huge majority figures alone as illustrated above, it is clear that DAP had won in constituencies within most of the city, town and urban areas.., i.e. areas infested with mostly those Kiasu DAP Chinese mentality. However, that does not represent the great majority of other constituencies throughout Malaysia. Thus, the so-called ‘popular votes’ garnered by Pakatan Rakyat does not at all represent the real results and neither the wishes for the whole cross-section of the general Malaysian people..!
As an example, what is the point for DAP (Teresa Kok) winning by a massive majority of 51,552 votes in Seputeh (P-122).., whereby such a huge majority vote in that parliamentary seat is meaningless with regard to the other parliamentary seats won by BN candidates for the rest of the nation despite BN garnering much lesser of the winning majority votes. DAP (and Teresa Kok) may be tremendously popular in the Seputeh.., but shall be consequently far from able to garner the popular votes in the Dewan Rakyat..!
In the recent PRU-13.., DAP had won many battles magnificently but they had lost the war. DAP had crushed MCA and Gerakan mercilessly. DAP had made used of PKR to ‘procure’ the cooperation of PAS to win DAP’s battle. PKR is the biggest loser in the Pakatan pact.., while PAS lost more than what they had bargained for..!
Despite not acquiring the so-called ‘popular votes’.., however Barisan Nasional had convincingly won the majority seats in Parliament.., i.e. more than enough to once again form the Federal Government and lead the nation towards greater heights.
Perhaps those Chauvinist Kiasu DAP Chinese have somewhat won a little bit more than before in the recent PRU-13.., however the Chinese community in general have now lost ‘Big-Time’ when it comes to their representation in the Federal Government..! The wiles and antics of DAP in fomenting the ‘Chinese Tsunami’ shall now be under the ‘microscope’ and scrutiny of all other parties from now onwards.
The next time around for the PRU-14.., for the common good of all Malaysians.., it is hoped that Barisan Nasional shall be well prepared to ensure that those Chauvinist Kiasu DAP Chinese shall not even win the battle and what more to win the war..!!
As an end-note.., there is nothing wrong with the whole election process. Only a whiners and sore-losers quite like that Anwar clown, would dispute the election process. You have to admit that the rakyat have spoken through the ballot-boxes.., and the rakyat wants Barisan Nasional to once again to form the government and lead the people.
Be advised that the great majority of the sane and civilized rakyat of Malaysia aspire peace and stability for the nation.., and they do not want to speak their minds through street demonstrations nor to participate in some sidewalk and gutter politics..!!”””///
amin tan
Salam YAB Tun Dr M,
Tun, ada di kalangan kita yang menyalahkan Tun semasa rusuhan 13 Mei, “kejatuhan” Anwar Ibrahim, perletakan jawatan Tun Abdullah dan bermacam-macam lagi. Ini bermakna Tun sangat hebat. Hal ini kerana LKS, Karpal, DSAI sudah berpuluh tahun cuba jatuhkan BN dan Tun tapi tidak berjaya……itu pasal Pakatan takut dengan kehadiran Tun…
Terima Kasih Tun.
In response to – ‘Rahman 2012’ – as commented on May 22, 2013 at 11:58am
For your information…,
KKK do not have cool costumes. Each member of KKK dons a white bed-sheet formed like large cone-shaped attire draped over the head and body with two cut-out holes for the eyes that generally appear somewhat like the character of ‘Casper’ from one of those Hollywood ghost movie.
KKK do not call itself an NGO but is it an NGC or Non-Governmental Cult.
KKK do not mutilate cow head but they do mutilate the Black Man’s body.
KKK do not belittle other people’s faith because they do not know what faith means.
KKK do not burn Holy Scriptures but they had surely burned down the Black Man’s shack.
KKK do not hide behind political parties but their Grand Master have influence over all political parties.
KKK do not harass opposition parties because no party dares to oppose them.
KKK do not send their member to run for elections because they do not participate in any form of democracy.
KKK do not act as Trojan-horse for any political party because again their Grand Master have influence over all political parties.
KKK do not have a high-profile ex-President as their advisor because they have very high (33rd) Degree Scottish-Rite Freemason as their Grand Master.
KKK do not harass rappers or entertainers by burning their posters because such n act is mere juvenile’s work.
KKK do not threaten children with foul language and racist remarks but their barbaric mob would simply lynch, hang or torch young black children rather than wasting their time in making racist remarks at them.
KKK do not attack members of the public but they disallow any black dudes from attending religious sermons to mingle with those dang White-folks.
KKK do not attack and injure members of the press or environmental activists because they would shy away from any publicity.
KKK do not receive millions of dollars of subsidies from any political party it because they have their own undisclosed funds and need no political representation.
KKK do not sue newspapers for millions of USD for exposing their nature as being racial extremist.., because they have loads of money and do not require monetary compensation for slanderous damages.
KKK do not attacked Senators and party supporters by throwing eggs and stones at high-tea event.., because again that is mere juvenile tendencies.
KKK do not attack opposition members during an official launch of the opposition party’s new branch office.., because again they do not have any political opposition.
KKK do not drive the Blacks to vote against the ruling party and turn-around to blame the Black for being racist.., because they can never get the Blacks to do anything for them.
KKK do not label the minority as ‘foreign immigrants’ although they themselves were ‘foreign immigrants’ as well.., however they the love to be regarded as ‘White Supremacists’.
KKK do not hold mock funeral ceremony in front of Senator’s residence to humiliate the owner and to scare the children.., but they could a make a real funeral for the Senator if he does comply to their demands.
KKK do not raise racial tension by warning the Black to ‘stock-up food’ as ‘anything can happen’ if they participate in a gathering advocating clean election.., because again they do not participate in the electoral process.., they simply influence the political process.
KKK do not publish an article on its front page of its newspaper asking leader of the coalition parties be detained under Patriot Act for advocating anti-racism.., because they know that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) shall work better and to their advantage.
KKK do not have a coward leader who is afraid of his wife and call-off a gathering with lame excuses such as having catching a cold and wanted to catch a basketball game at home.., but they once had a Grand Master who was ‘wifeless’ who would often patronise places of prostitution.., just like your own Opposition Leader who simply love to patronise and make-out with ‘China-Dolls’ but would often leave behind his ‘Omega’ watch perhaps as good-service tip..!
Well.., PPP is not even anything as compared to the notorious and disreputable KKK..!
And.., you did NOT vote for BN nor for the Opposition..! You are nothing but a mischief-maker up to no good..!!
Rusuhan kaum 13 Mei berpunca dari percubaan merampas kuasa dari Tunku Abdul Rahman yg dilakukan oleh pemimpin2 Umno termasuk Tun Mahathir & Tun Abdul Razak – sumber ;Tamrin Tun Ghafar, & bekas Menteri Dalam Negeri, Tun Ghazali Shafie. Selagi BN berkuasa selagi itulah kaum Cina terutamanya teruk dipersalahkan…Angkara siapa Tun Abdullah diturunkan kalau bukan Tun Mahathir, Najib bakal ! Ya Allah, kau panjangkanlah umur Tun Mahathir….
For ‘observer’. My 3 Golden Attributes for the hot seat of Prime Minister are as follows :-
1. Commonsense.
2. Ability to think out of the Box
3. Compassion
Here is my comparison between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Lee Kuan Yew.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
1. Commonsense. +++ Above average as a trained doctor
2. Ability to think out of the Box +++ This ability drives him on to be a superlative leader
3. Compassion ++++ He has too much of it and his compassion is interpreted as racism !
Lee Kuan Yew
1. Commonsense. + Normal
2. Ability to think out of the Box. + As a super trained lawyer he is cautious and relies on the well-crafted ‘yes’ papers by his dysfunctional ‘yes’ men of the meritocratic pyramid who did not think but relied on the tomes at Kino. Hence, his 9 failed policies for Singapore. A few days ago, a Minister has stressed that a person’s ability should not be based on his academic qualifications alone. This was the second time with 5 months a Minister has said so.
3. Compassion – 0. He is a super trained lawyer and all lawyers do not succeed on compassion.
If we apply the above to our 5 other Prime Ministers, you will find interesting comparisons. Mr Observer !
Dear Observer,
“Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you”.
Gangsterism in politics is never my cup of tea.
Salam YAB Tun Dr M,
Tun, sesiapa yang menyokong demonstrasi jalanan ini, mungkin akan menyesal suatu hari nanti apabila ada dikalangan ahli keluarga mereka yang menjadi “mangsa”.
Belum rasa belum tahu.
Terima Kasih Tun.
Semoga Tun dan keluarga sihat-sihat selalu.
Age_of_Enlightenment, you got a good point about “sikap”. With the current sikap how are we going to unite. It is better to be moderate, polite and use explanation to attached voters rather then calling them names such as ungrateful and etc..
Dont call your opposition names and create more opposition. To win over people you dont hammer them with sarcastic and racist remark but you do and show the positive way and people will see and feel. Using force will not win you friends but create more enemy.
Open your heart and listen to an opposition ideas and opinion to get to know them well so to able to win over them. People like Rahman 2012 are just trying to “open-up” pure exchange of ideas and there is nothing wrong with his/her comments. Listening and understanding is the key to win. There will always be extremists and it will not make them less extremists by using using force to change their mind. There is no “Good Govt or bad Govt” but just different as politics is business and cannot be fair to all and no one can change that. It is individual like and dislike but then it is also individual challenge to adapt to what ever is presented. Reduce the level of your expectation and opinion will reduce your suffering and increase your happiness.
In response to – ‘prabagaran gopalakrishnan’ – as commented on May 22, 2013 at 12:29 pm
You fail to realise that even though 51% of the people had voted for Pakatan Rakyat, that does not mean that such ‘popular votes’ (like some ‘Reality TV’ – SMS votes) would ensure Pakatan Rakyat winning in the General Elections. You also fail to realise that the ‘Ground Rules’ for our system of democracy is based by winning the majority of seats via parliamentary constituencies (to form the federal government) and not via the majority of votes over the whole of the nation’s population.
Similarly.., in the game of Badminton if (say) Lee Chong Wei plays and wins against Lin Dan in three sets.., where he had acquired such points as these.., 21-19, 10-21 and 21-19 in the game.., it therefore means that Lee Chong Wei has won the game by winning 2 out of 3 sets.., even though Lin Dan had acquired MORE total points than Lee Chong Wei in the game..!
As for Pakatan Rakyat, it must be noted that it was the DAP that had garnered the bulk of the ‘popular votes’.., especially from the Chinese voters within most of the city, town and urban areas.
In the PRU-13, those so called ‘popular votes’ came mostly from parliamentary constituencies mainly infested with DAP influenced Chinese voters.., such as below:-
Pulau Pinang:
1) Bagan – 34,159 (winning vote majority)
2) Bukit Mertajam – 43,063
3) Tanjong – 28,645
4) Bukit Gelugor – 41,778
5) Batu Kawan – 25,962
6) Bukit Bendera – 32,778
7) Jelutong – 25,750
8) Bayan Baru – 19,307
Total majority votes won by DAP in Penang (selected constituencies only) – 251,442
1) Taiping – 11,745 (winning vote majority)
2) Ipoh Barat – 29,038
3) Batu Gajah – 38,596
4) Ipoh Timor – 34,000
Total majority votes won by DAP in Perak (selected constituencies only) – 113,378
1) Serdang – 42,206 (winning vote majority)
2) Kelana Jaya – 28,827
3) Petaling Jaya Utara – 41,672
4) Kelang – 24,685
5) Puchong – 32,802
Total majority votes won by DAP in Selangor (selected constituencies only) – 170,192
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur:
1) Kepong – 40,307 (winning vote majority)
2) Bukit Bintang – 19,399
3) Cheras – 37,409
4) Seputeh – 51,552
5) Segambut – 19,199
Total majority votes won by DAP in WP Kuala Lumpur – 167,866
Negeri Sembilan:
1) Seremban – 12,553 (winning vote majority)
2) Rasah – 23,485
Total majority votes won by DAP in Negeri Sembilan – 36,038
1) Kota Melaka – 20,746 (winning vote majority)
Total majority votes won by DAP in Melaka – 20,746
1) Gelang Patah – 14,762 (winning vote majority)
2) Kulai – 13,450
Total majority votes won by DAP in Johor (selected constituencies only) – 28,212
1) Stampin – 18,670 (winning vote majority)
2) Lanang – 8,630
3) Bandar Kuching – 19,642
Total majority votes won by DAP in Sarawak (selected constituencies only) – 46,942
1) Kota Kinabalu – 18,959 (winning vote majority)
Total majority votes won by DAP in Sabah (selected constituency only) – 18,959
The total winning vote majority garnered by DAP in those constituencies for the 31 parliament seats as mentioned above, was a huge total majority of 853,775 votes..! Such is the mindset, wiles and capability of those Kiasu DAP Chinese & proponents when it comes in ‘pulling a fast one’ to the astonishment of the overall rakyat of Malaysia. The true-colours of DAP and the attitude of the great majority of the Chinese voters has now been fully revealed..!
Those huge and whopping 853,775 winning majority votes (quite close to a million votes – should all other areas with smaller DAP winning majority are also included).., was due to the in-bloc votes as displayed by the recent ‘Chinese Tsunami’.., which embodies the bulk of those so-called ‘popular votes’.
From those huge majority figures alone as illustrated above, it is clear that DAP had won in constituencies within most of the city, town and urban areas.., i.e. areas infested with mostly those Kiasu DAP Chinese mentality. However, that does not represent the great majority of other constituencies throughout Malaysia. Thus, the so-called ‘popular votes’ garnered by Pakatan Rakyat does not at all represent the real results and neither the wishes for the whole cross-section of the general Malaysian people..!
As an example, what is the point for DAP (Teresa Kok) winning by a massive majority of 51,552 votes in Seputeh (P-122).., whereby such a huge majority vote in that parliamentary seat is meaningless with regard to the other parliamentary seats won by BN candidates for the rest of the nation despite BN garnering much lesser of the winning majority votes. DAP (and Teresa Kok) may be tremendously popular in the Seputeh.., but shall be consequently far from able to garner the popular votes in the Dewan Rakyat..!
In the recent PRU-13.., DAP had won many battles magnificently but they had lost the war. DAP had crushed MCA and Gerakan mercilessly. DAP had made used of PKR to ‘procure’ the cooperation of PAS to win DAP’s battle. PKR is the biggest loser in the Pakatan pact.., while PAS lost more than what they had bargained for..!
Despite not acquiring the so-called ‘popular votes’.., however Barisan Nasional had convincingly won the majority seats in Parliament.., i.e. more than enough to once again form the Federal Government and lead the nation towards greater heights.
Perhaps those Chauvinist Kiasu DAP Chinese have somewhat won a little bit more than before in the recent PRU-13.., however the Chinese community in general have now lost ‘Big-Time’ when it comes to their representation in the Federal Government..! The wiles and antics of DAP in fomenting the ‘Chinese Tsunami’ shall now be under the ‘microscope’ and scrutiny of all other parties from now onwards.
The next time around for the PRU-14.., for the common good of all Malaysians.., it is hoped that Barisan Nasional shall be well prepared to ensure that those Chauvinist Kiasu DAP Chinese shall not even win the battle and what more to win the war..!!
As an end-note.., there is nothing wrong with the whole election process. Only a whiners and sore-losers quite like that Anwar Al-Juburi clown, would dispute the election process. You have to admit that the rakyat have spoken through the ballot-boxes.., and the rakyat wants Barisan Nasional to once again to form the government and lead the people.
Be advised that the great majority of the sane and civilized rakyat of Malaysia aspire peace and stability for the nation.., and they do not want to speak their minds through street demonstrations nor to participate in some sidewalk and gutter politics..!!
Rahman 2012
Typically fallacious post from a PR backer.
why r u attacking Perkasa so much? They have no right to speak their mind? When they go overboard, the police do not warn them?
And ur points nothing but fallacious exaggeration .
>> mutilate cow head.
nobody gets arrested?
>> belittle other faiths.
nobody apologizes?
>> burn Holy Scriptures.
>> hide behind political party.
>> harass the opposition parties.
yeah, right. the opposition does not harass the government.
>> send their member to run for election.
this is democracy. at least, they don’t cry foul when they lose.
>> have a high-profile ex-President as their advisor.
>> ask people to leave the country for being opinionated.
What opinions make them say that? why don’t u ask them publicly to leave the country?
ok there’s too many fallacy, fallacy, fallacy in your post. But u get the points.
Your argument is fallacious, and your fallacious thinking reflects of those PR backers on the street.
>>> It is called political will.
>>> If the government insists on continuing to strike down dissent and opposition,
>>> the real political will of the people, the government of the day will surely fall.
Is it that repressive? ISA has been abolished. The government is taking action only on the basis of the law.
>> Najibs focus seems to be on the economy, but we all know the Malaysian Chinese are
>> well advanced in economy and they are not worried, as they know working hard and
>> smart will bring us through the economic storm.
what is ur implication? political turbulence is ok, because the Chinese will help to pull the country through economically?
>> Domestic cruelty such as death in captivity and arrests of young voices of dissent is
>> not at all in our PMs list of priorities, i think the attitude is simply “pukul sampai dia
What death? What death inflicted by the government? Are KP, LKS, AI are now in jail since they are the main voices of dissent? Are arrests made simply due to dissent?
>> But i know these younger generation voices ( regardless of ethnic origin ) will work hard >> and smart and will leave the country given so much as simple good job offer, because >> they are horrified and pissed at the government.
Correction: they are horrified and pissed at how they have been made (by PR) to perceive the goverment.
>> Many old timers and leaders, MC included, keeps saying the requirement of a good
>> leader is (a) Compassion and (b),(c),(d) etcetera etcetera, but how much compassion
>> has the government shown to date ? I haven’t seen any.
Are u sure? Maybe, u have not seen any as all that see of the government is through the distorted lenses provided by opposition portals.
>> Why we are breaking the system apart is because we want a new system, a fairer one.
Please elaborate. u mean fair election? If so, please be honest: where’s the 40K banglas?
u mean the Chinese being politically equal to Malays and Bumis? Well, please work to make Selangor and Kelantan being shining examples of meritocracy.
>> This means hard core malay extremists as well as other racists must stand back, stand >> down, and ask themselves, is their asking fair to others ? Or are they selfish in wanting >> all for themselves only ?
They are actually asking the same of you.
>> How long are you people going to stand up wide eyed and strike down anyone
>> opposing you ?
who is striking down anyone opposing the government? As I said, u break the law, u go to court. Simple as that.
And at least, u still get to have your post appearing here.
My post to LKS blog never appear.
>> Can you do that all your life ? Is that your purpose in life ?
We are asking that to u too.
>> On the scale of “nilai2 murni”, i think Tun, my bet is surely with PR. There is no good >> value exhibited by the BN Government of the day. This is because they are simply
>> without such values.
You are a fanatic, an extremist, who look at things through extremely distorted view.
>> You are right Tun, on the noise created by winners and losers, but a good leader will
>> know how to steer through such storm easily. Only people with some “things” to lose
>> fear the opposition.
We don’t fear the opposition. Only thing is that your undemocratic attitude, your childishness irritates us.
>> Hence if you ministers stand up thinking you are a good man, the public knows better.
>> In this information age, if you want to bull shit your way to success, just forget about
Problem is that PR and PR supporters are hell-bent in using IT, social media to spread lies and distorted perspective. And its rare for u to accept opposing views. See what happen to Michelle Yeoh.
Good luck!
Trying to understand wry humor and asking why is that the klse is not effected is a novice question at mahanomics after the Bank Muamalat let down.
A failure at the studies of mahanomics would fiddle with the idea of a ‘boikot’ of non-syariah compliance bank would not be practical as most ‘bank islam’ would not be able to give better halal toyiba service.
A finally, the petitioning of the some close results of the GE13 is too much entertainment – even for the PM – one year in limbo and the klse is not affected? Wallahualam
Dear Tun,
Salam Hormat.
Whilst i agree to some of your points, i disagree on the relevance of the philosophy.
We live in an age where the citizens are educated and political savvy, in thoughts and ideals.
We believe in the principle of ” the government by the people, for the people” based on the popular votes and by the majority!
The system we have in Malaysia does not reflect that! Ferdinand E Marcos found out that it didn’t work for the Philippines, much to his dismay and exile!
Time evolves and so does the political scene.
Salam Tun,
Kita sekarang ini di perintah oleh kuasa samseng tidak terhalang lansung. Bila saya cerita nilai2 murni, ada pula yang gatal mengajok, ingin menaikan kemarahan orang. Sikap kurang ajar dan budaya samseng ini lah yang akan menghancurkan BN.
Sekarang ini, peguam pun boleh di sepak terajang,
jadi apa lah agak nya harapan kepada kami rakyat biasa yang tiada kuasa, tiada suara ?
Jika sedemikian rupanya Malaysia Melayu ini, apabila kesabaran rakyat di cabar sewenang wenang nya, tidak ramai yang akan boleh bertahan sabar lagi.
Politik politik juga, tapi yang lebih penting dan lebih meningalkan kesan kepada rakyat class “biasa” ialah sejauh mana kerajaan dan polis menghormati orang Malaysia sendiri. Jika Lawyer pun kena sepak terajang, lebih baik anak malaysia tak usah belajar apa2 pun. Tak lama lagi Doktor pun akan kena sepak terajang.
Ini lah budaya kebangaan kita, ini lah Negara Ku, dan ini sebenarnya yang di ingini UMNO/BN. Saya memang udah sangka kemenangan BN akan membesarkan lagi api ego racist di dalam BN dan penyokong mereka. Seluruh negara sudah pun tahu, cuma menunggu masa, mengesahkan apa yang kami semua memang dah sedia maklum sebab kita sudah lebih 50 tahun berpengalaman demikian.
Saya gembira aksi dan lakunan kasar ini. Ia melambangkan betapa majunya kaum2 di Malaysia, terutama kaum Melayu. Tak lama kita akan ke Asean, malah ke pentas Dunia sepak terajang semua orang yang tidak setuju dengan agama, bangsa dan negara kita. Malaysia boleh !
Terima Kasih Tun
Salam YAB & diKasihi Tun,
Senarai ”NILAI-NILAI MURNI?” Pakatan Rakyat:
1. Mendokong Demonstrasi jalanan – menjerit-jerit seperti orang sewel, baling botol, terbalikkan kereta polis, baring atas jalanraya, etc, etc,…
2. Suka buat perhimpunan haram
3. Memaki-hamun
4. Memfitnah; berbohong – PR ada Raja Fitnah/kaki kelentong
5. Memecah-belah rakyat
6. etc..etc..
Saya rasa nak muntah melihat ”nilai-nilai murni” yang dipamerkan oleh PR; memang boleh hancur negara gara-gara ”nilai-nilai murni” versi PR ni…songsang betul fahaman mereka.
Terima kasih Tun.
*** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***
Salam Tun,
It is called political will.
If the government insists on continuing to strike down dissent and opposition, ignoring the real political will of the people, the government of the day will surely fall.
Najibs focus seems to be on the economy, but we all know the Malaysian Chinese are well advanced in economy and they are not worried, as they know working hard and smart will bring us through the economic storm. Domestic cruelty such as death in captivity and arrests of young voices of dissent is not at all in our PMs list of priorities, i think the attitude is simply “pukul sampai dia senyap”.
But i know these younger generation voices ( regardless of ethnic origin ) will work hard and smart and will leave the country given so much as simple good job offer, because they are horrified and pissed at the government. Many old timers and leaders, MC included, keeps saying the requirement of a good leader is (a) Compassion and (b),(c),(d) etcetera etcetera, but how much compassion has the government shown to date ? I haven’t seen any.
Why we are breaking the system apart is because we want a new system, a fairer one. This means hard core malay extremists as well as other racists must stand back, stand down, and ask themselves, is their asking fair to others ? Or are they selfish in wanting all for themselves only ?
If they continue with the old system, they will run out of fuel very soon. How long are you people going to stand up wide eyed and strike down anyone opposing you ? Can you do that all your life ? Is that your purpose in life ?
On the scale of “nilai2 murni”, i think Tun, my bet is surely with PR. There is no good value exhibited by the BN Government of the day. This is because they are simply without such values. And so i know humpty dumpty will fall.
You are right Tun, on the noise created by winners and losers, but a good leader will know how to steer through such storm easily. Only people with some “things” to lose fear the opposition.
The British have a saying – you can’t keep a good man down.
Hence if you ministers stand up thinking you are a good man, the public knows better. In this information age, if you want to bull shit your way to success, just forget about it.
Thank You Tun
32. I certainly hope that Kedah will not be another N9 due to “gadai tanah secara SULIT via official religion kerana mau cepat kaya via industrialization”.
33. I certainly hope that Kedah will remain as Padi state.
34. Jika tanam padi tidak berbaloi, Kedah can be the first state to declare Free Import Tax atau tariff granted to importers of rice in the state’s CAPITAL city, Alor Setar, to develop the state into a township that would stimulate the state economy and welfare of the people to keep the cost of living low.
35. Malaysia is one of the country that has highest civil servants in the world.
36. Malays just other races no longer view civil servant jobs as a luxury or must have in order to live comfortably in the state.
16. This expensive and long term GUERRILLA WAR would be continued until change of government is realized, in 5 years , 10 years or 15 years later.
17. I remember DS Mahathir Mohamad as the PM was very angry in 1998 with his DPM.
18. He said, the rich will become richer, the poor will become poorer.
19. I was amazed by his frankness.
20. Today, I realized our PM is not hero.
21. He is just a normal being like all of US who would be offensive too when things do not turn out what he wishes even though he is surrounded by so many friends from Malaysia in 5 stars hotel.
22. The position of PM is just only a piece of professional job scope which I believe Malays dream of being one.
23. Today, as Malaysians are more exposed to world events, all Malaysians who hold Malaysian identification card thinks of being the PM.
24. Like what Gandhi said, if we are ignorant of politics, we are drowning ourselves.
25. If Malays like Adam be charged just because his papa is nobody, I am afraid, UMNO will loose more votes in next general election.
26. If Malays like Adam be charged just because he is a student activist, one day, UMNO Malays will fight among PAS and PKR Malays like what UMNO Malays did to DAP and Gerakan.
27. What is a Nation Building?
28. I think in order to end all this expensive GUERRILLA WAR, will it be too difficult to declare May 13 as a Nation Building Day?
30. Macam ini, who wants to be closed to UMNO?
Salam Tun,
Saya amat setuju dengan pendapat dan perasaan PEDANG ALLAH bahawa polis harus tangkap saja penjenayah yang suka hasut pemuda2 supaya adakan demonstrasi jalanan sebab dia ingin menjadi Perdana Menteri. Karpal Singh dan Lim Kit Siang cuba ambil kesempatan sahaja. Satu orang sahaja polis perlu berkas dan masuk dalam lockup di rumah pasong di Lahad Datu, iaitu Perdana Menteri bayangan Pembangkang.
amin tan
Salam Tun,
Saya sangat marah dan tidak senang apa yang dilakukan oleh Anwar bedebah, LKS, KARPAL dan kuncu-kuncunya serta penyokongnya yang berdemo sana sini.
Sangat Beharap Zahid akan ambil tindakan yang sangat keras terhadapnya kerana ini soal kesejahteraan, keharmonian dan keselamatan rakyat dan negara. Dakwa mereka di mahkamah. Dan diharap Hakim jangan jadi “Buta Mata Buta Hati” tanpa menjatuhkan hukuman yang paling berat terhadap mereka itu semua. Dengan kata lain tiada alasan bagi hakim berlembut, kasi muka atau berdolak dalik pertahankan mereka itu semua yang mana Binatang pun lagi baik dan mulia berbanding mereka. Yang sedihnya nampak sejak 2004/2008 sehingga hari ini Hakim macam tak ada “telur” nak jatuhkan hukuman terutamanya pada Anwar bedebah nie. kenapa ek?
Satu lagi, pada pandangan saya dan saya percaya pandangan ramai lagi orang diluar sana juga sama…….. minta tolong sesangat TUN atau PM Datuk Seri Najib sendiri nasihat atau beritahu pada Puan Seri Rosmah untuk low profile kan dirinya….. ramai orang marah kerana penonjolan Puan seri Rosmah banyak menjatuhkan kekukuhan kerajaan BN sekarang. Bukan cakap Puan Seri Rosmah ada buat banyak salah… tidak. Cuma untuk kebaikan negara… kebaikan Kerajaan BN… Kebaikan Daruk Seri Najib….adalah lebih baik Puan Seri berpendirian low profile. Puan Seri tak akan rugi apa-apa malah lebih bagus.
Perspektif orang ramai mengangap Kepimpinan PM Najib dibayangi oleh Puan Seri walaupun mungkin tidak. Itu realitinya. Sepertimana dulu zaman Pak Lah… ramai orang anggap Kepimpinan Pak Lah dibayangi oleh menantunya KJ.
Minta Maaf dan minta tolong sesangat Puan Seri Rosmah untuk ambil tindakan dan pendekatan yang baru untuk berundur Low profile untuk kebaikan semua terutamanya kebaikan negara, kerajaan BN dan suami Puan Seri PM kita Datuk Seri Najib.
Dear Tun,
Don’t worry for re-election. I’m sure BN will not hold demonstration if they lose because they are all man of principles. They will see PR is a majority choice and will support them. They will cooperate with PR to make a better Malaysia. They will remain calm and level headed in their comments and decisions. The Polis are professionals and the Army is loyal to the King. They will not conspire with BN to create havoc. They will not arrest people without reason. They will surely not use SOSMA to silent anyone. BN will readily surrender their corrupt leaders to the court. They will apologize to the people for any alleged fraud. They will help the people, reducing petrol prices, abolish PTPTN, abolish excise/ import duty of cars, close down UTUSAN and TV3, shelf GST proposals and abolish NSE toll. It will probably be less disorders.
Salam Tun,
whatever is good for the country must stay, whatever bad must go.
1. Street demo like what Anwar is doing is bad for the people, bad for the economy and good for foreign power to find excuse to bring the govt down. Anwar looks like a raging baboon lately. So do the rest of Farkatans.
2. First, Rosmah Mansor must GO .. far far away becos the rakyat sangat menyampah tengok muka Rosmah yang perasan baguih nak mampuih tu. She’s the personification of the ‘Emperor with No Clothes’. She thinks her PR is so good, but actually she’s surrounded by sycophant s that encouraged her the ultra phoney ego that she mistook for gorgeousness. Yuck!
3. The hooligans of street demos, must stay in lockups. Charge them in court and send them to a prison full of Gays 🙂 Zahid should know how to handle this.
4. Ehemm .. the Chinese who are still not happy with the PRU keputusan, can please pack up and go to China mainland or Taiwan becos overseas Chinese are always entitled to go back where they belong and are considered people of China-Taiwan. Its a factual and not racial thingy.
Salam Tun, its about time you keep out of Malaysian Politic and give Najib a free hand to run the government. You have done enough for the Barisan during your time and now just let Najib run the show.
Its not easy for a ship to have 2 captain and with you meddling with your choice of candidates during election. Its a known fact on how you manuevour to get your son to be the Mentri Besar in Kedah whereas it was not Najib’s choice. I guess you still have the power to do so. This would not benefit the country or you.
You are partly to be blame for BN failure and you should accept it with dignity. Hopefully you shall not use your son to again ask our PM to step down.
With due respect Tun just let Najib do what is best for the country his own way.
Salam Tun.
Najib is vary weak PM.Najib lack intellectual capacity to understand issue and act.
After spending billion of ringgit in 4 year ,giving in everything what the chinese want,abolish ISA and EO and release around 3500 hard core criminal from simpang rengam,make a deal with top gangster in town thro Abu Juling and Tan Sri Tza,He manage to get only 135 parliment and lost about 75 state seats compare to PAk Lah in 2008 election.
Do you think he should remain as PM.I think in next GE14 they will loose more seat if UMNO dont replace him.
You silence on Najib performance after election mean you are double standard.
What the majority of voters complain was the EC is vary bias and not responding to the allegation of vote rigging in the election.
I dont think thet 505 gathering,they want to bring down the govertment.They just want to air their frustration.
The current govertment is vary weak plus the new cabinate contain a lot of deadwood.
If UMNO/BN didnot rebranding to attrack the younger votes,they will finish.
Najib should act immediately to bring back the public confident but he keep quite.He is more concern with the party election coming in ocktober.
We hope you will play a major role to put pressurenon Najib to ack .If he is not capable they ask Mahayuddin to take over.
The most important subsidy of all for these Opposition is that they are subsidized from cradle to grave.
And yet these demonstrators want to change the BN Government.
This is how a demonstrator for the Opposition is SUBSIDIZED BY THE BN GOVERNMENT :-
1. Petrol is subsidised.
2. Motorbike or motorcar subsidized plus the hire purchase plan or road tax subsidized.
3. Food is subsidised, Big Mac and KFC prices controlled.
4. Houses subsidized. Less for Bumiputras and the Finance Plan is subsidized.
5. Electricity and water is subsidized.
6. Production of wearing material, T-shirts and trousers, underwear subsidized.
7. Education in schools and colleges subsidized.
8. Easy scholarships for all are subsidized.
9. Jobs for the parents of the young demonstrators are subsidised.
10. Jobs for all demonstrators are subsidized.
11. Highways to places of demonstrations subsidized.
12. Stadiums are subsidized
13. Miscellaneous.
Specially for the foreign financiers. Please do not throw away good money after bad. If you must, please donate to our drug rehabilitation camps, old folks home, orphanages etc. And we Malaysians will always remember and honour you in your wonderful comfortable place, your homes or salons in the developed West !!!
51% of rakyat voted for pakatan but only won 40% of parliament seats. Instead a party rejected by majority of rakyat managed to form the federal government with ease.
Rakyat are trying to change the government thru the ballot box but election results are are not as per rakyat’s aspiration.
Is there something wrong with the whole election process or is it as in Tun’s famous words the “Malaysian way of democracy”? It appears that “Malaysian way of democracy ” is putting a party rejected by majority of Malaysians in power.
Thank You Tun for reading this post.
Kind regards
Dear Tun
Frankly now I appreciate the good work of ISA now being replaced with sosma. Currently what is happening is not politics to govern the country well but how to create chaoitc situation. PM should be more firm in his action not just to react under the agenda of opposition and PM should show who is the boss in this country. Nowadays the strongest action is warning. One after another. A friend of mine send to me this link
is our politican too cheap just fit for a standard of a stooge?
Some demonstrators are sick of the PPP, a local version of KKK or Ku Klux Klan.
Ops! Sorry. Actually there are many differences between these groups.
KKK has a cool costume…
Other than that…
KKK doesn’t call itself an NGO.
KKK doesn’t mutilate cow head.
KKK doesn’t belittle other faiths.
KKK doesn’t burn Holy Scriptures.
KKK doesn’t hide behind political party.
KKK doesn’t harass the opposition parties.
KKK doesn’t send their member to run for election.
KKK doesn’t act as a Trojan Horse for a any political party.
KKK doesn’t have a high-profile ex-President as their advisor.
KKK doesn’t ask people to leave the country for being opinionated.
KKK doesn’t harass rappers or entertainers by burning their posters.
KKK doesn’t threaten children with foul language and racist remarks.
KKK doesn’t attack members of the public attending a religious sermon.
KKK doesn’t attacked and injured members of the press or environmental activists.
KKK doesn’t receive millions of dollars of subsidies from political party it “represented”.
KKK doesn’t sue newspapers for USD10M for exposing their nature of being racial extremist.
KKK doesn’t attacked Senators and party supporters by throwing eggs and stones at high-tea event.
KKK doesn’t attack opposition members during an official launch of the opposition party’s new branch office.
KKK doesn’t drive the Black to vote against the ruling party and turnaround to blame the Black for being racist.
KKK doesn’t label the minority as “foreign immigrants” although they themselves were “foreign immigrants” as well.
KKK doesn’t hold mock funeral ceremony in front of Senator’s residence to humiliate the owner and to scare the children.
KKK doesn’t raise racial tension by warning the Black to “stock up food” as “anything can happen” if they participate in a gathering advocating clean election.
KKK doesn’t published an article on its front page of its newspaper asking leader of the coalition parties be detained under Patriotic Act for advocating anti-racism.
KKK doesn’t have a coward leader who is afraid of his wife and call-off a gathering with lame excuses such as having catching a cold and wanted to catch a basketball game at home.
Well done! PPP!
I voted BN
I was so dishearten to note that Rosmah Mansor appeared in TV several times before PRU13. This has given the opposition good chance to tell about her scandal with Najid before their marriage. BN has lost a lot of fence sitters.
Yes I agree with you that demonstrations can bring down a Government. But there are many types of demonstrations.
The most effective types of demonstrations are those in which the people of a country had been denied all the essentials of life, cheap food, shelter, education and jobs with the accompaniment of a standard of life-style. These people are mainly ruled over by a single dictator who a very long time. We can see the desperation in the eyes of these demonstrators.
2. The Malaysian demonstrators as organised by the Opposition and related agencies are well-fed, supported by the BN Government policies through jobs and education and travel etc. clean boutique shirts of the desired colour of the day, transported to designated spots in air-conditioned buses or cars, all equipped with mobile phones, and generally just one short of a Western demonstrator but their names only. Right up to this point, all have been subsidized by the BN Government as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties. AND YET THESE SLICK DEMONSTRATORS DEMONSTRATE AGAINST THE LARGESSE GIVEN TO THEM BY THE BN GOVERNMENT ! Are these one of a kind in the whole wide World genuine and committed demonstrators ? Are they all united in their purpose ? And only a handful committed to the Opposition’s cause – the cheerleaders ?
Salam Tun,
Hmm I wonder who the FOREIGN BACKERS are?…
hehe must be Anwar’s paymasters who are now demanding his blood for failure to topple the BN government through legitimate ways.
PAShit a.k.a. DAPshit
It is unnecessary to bring down the Govt., it would be better if the Govt understand and realized the changes in the environment and proactively change accordingly. The problem is whenever a person is elected and appointed into the Govt they will forget to work and do funny decision. Hope that the new education minister will do a good job to reconstruct the damages in the schools system and remove all religious elements in the school so that one day we can have a single school system and better understanding of each other. For Malaysia to move forward we (all races) should not be claiming what belongs to who. We should be having a single goal and that is to live happily and progressively in Malaysia.
The religious elements in schools is the main reason there is Chinese and Indian school. Learning your mother tongue is not the main reason as you can learn from anywhere.
Now after the 13th GE and what have been said or should not been said it is time to forget about the ill feeling of each other and stop the calling of names of each other. It is also times-up for subject about singapore, its former PM and singapore cybertropper. It is so boring to read about a single subject day in and day out. Let talk about how to move forward and the future rather then being stationary and continuously talking about history and self glories.