1. Malaysians are perpetually complaining about car prices being too high in Malaysia. Yet we should know that on a per head basis, there are more cars in Malaysia than all the other Asean countries.2. Already there are traffic jams all over K.L., many half a kilo long!

3. It takes half an hour to move just one kilometre. If we lower the car prices, more vehicles will be on the road. And of course more and longer traffic jams. The jams also contribute much to pollution in K.L. as the engines run but the cars are going nowhere.

4. Actually the price of cars is high because we want to limit the consumption of fossil fuel. The big-engined luxury models are taxed 300%. Otherwise the rich owners would enjoy the subsidy more than the owners of small cars.

5. I believe these rich people will still buy big cars even if the tax is higher.

6. There was a time when Government protection of Proton was high that it won 80% of market share. Today it has only 26% of the market.

7. If it goes down further we may have to shut down Proton.

8. This will not lower the prices for foreign cars. The Government would still have to recover subsidy cost. But some 150,000 jobs generated by the national car industry will be lost.

9. There will be a big outflow of foreign exchange to purchase imports. We will lose much of our engineering capability which in turn would lead to more job losses as engineering-based industries cannot fund skilled workers. There will be more outflow of funds.

10. Business people do not like to do business with strangers. It is difficult to build trust with a business partner or an agent when you do not know their background. Worse still when you know the stranger has no capital and no experience.

11. It was because of this that Malays and other Bumiputras could not enter the automotive business. No one was willing to appoint them as agents or dealers or take them as partners.

12. When a few Malays imported used cars, the local agents had to be paid overriding commission. Only a very few Malays could do this. This frustrates the implementation of the NEP objective of eliminating the identification of race with economic functions.

13. It was to overcome this that the Government allowed the importation of Japanese reconditioned cars. APs were issued for the aspiring Malay auto dealers.

14. The recond cars were almost as good as new. They were cheaper and they enabled lower income people to own cars. The prices of new, small cars also went down. The big luxury cars kept going up in prices as they were not competing with the small reconditioned cars.

15. Now second hand Japanese cars are no longer imported. The AP system continued for new and second hand special models. The demand is such that auto dealers are prepared to buy the APs at high prices.

16. The way to avoid sale of APs is to issue them only to genuine auto companies.

17. Stopping APs will only flood the market with foreign makes which will be the death knell of national cars. The consequence of this has already been mentioned earlier.

18. APs are issued not only for cars but also for sugar, flour, rice and a variety of other items. Some people have benefitted from this system over the past 80 years. They have become billionaires. There have been no demand to stop these APs. The recipients live a charmed life.

19. If we must reconsider the AP system, it must include all the APs. The effect on our economy and trade balance must be accepted by us all.

95 thoughts on “CAR PRICES”

  1. There is another approach to making electric vehicle cheap
    … plasma-based nuclear fusion battery (not fission) to supply
    electric for life. No refueling needed over 10-20 years.

  2. Salam Tun,

    There are many ways to industrialize our nation. National Car should be a pride.
    It’s a pride for Japanese owning a Toyota, Korean owning a Hyundai or German with a VW.

    But, Malaysians owning Proton? Who is proud? And I’m not saying about Proton as a company, but owning a Proton product.
    I can remember in my younger days (some 20 years ago) when my neighbour own a Proton Wira. It was considered an upgrade from an old Toyota Corolla then. Yes, an upgrade. Being just a child at that time, I do think highly of Proton Wira.

    Fast forward 20 years, Proton’s product is terrible. While the rest of car manufacturers launch models after models, Proton has failed repeatedly.
    1. Design is not attractive, and half the time a copy
    2. Its distributor, Proton Edar (and EON previously), should be axed
    3. Cost of ownership is high

    1. Problem of the product
    I believe you motion that we must trade real/tangible products, and Proton is doing that. Where is the emphasis to improve the product, which is the core for manufacturing? I know that Korean giants such as Hyundai/Kia or Samsung/LG are ‘importing’ talents from Japan. Even China are paying the Japanese to acquire how to manufacture product efficiently, and to manufacture good quality product. Toyota Camry up to 2006 were still that traditional Japanese design. Then that year they changed the car look completely, because it’s not designed by a Japanese anymore. Does this make the Toyota Camry any less a Japanese car? I don’t think so.

    I suppose Proton doesn’t want to reflect to themselves, that they are weak. There’s no shame in admitting you’re young and learning. Pay to gain knowledge experience is normal. We pay to go to the university, the government pay teachers to teach at school for the younger generation.
    Can Proton afford reasonable salary for these talents? I think so. If Proton pay as well to their engineers as well as how they pay office admin in Petronas. Tun, if you are still in any way influential at Proton ask them to design a produce a Quality Proton Car.

    2. Proton Edar & 3. Cost of ownership
    It is very clear that the Distributor of Proton is terrible.
    We seldom hear about Proton Edar taking the hit. In my opinion they should be fired. Which distributor should be spared when the Market share dropped that much?
    Proton the manufacturer must seek out for a distributor. There are plenty of decent distributors of automotive in Malaysia alone, more overseas.
    Tun, if you have influence please do something. You already have UMW who is doing what I’d say a good job in distribution of Toyota in Malaysia. UMW too is a GLC. What’s with the big gap between Proton Edar and UMW Toyota?

    Even appointment of overseas distributors, I never see or hear that Proton is seeking out, or in search of distributors. Proton is not Toyota or VW. Good distributors will not come to your door knocking to ask for distribution rights of your products.

    3. The Cost of Ownership
    Growing up hearing so many experiences of Proton owners, one thing is common. The cost of ownership is bloody high. It is bloody high partly because the components break down so frequently, (e.g. power window module). So this is related to (1) about the product quality. There is no meaning saying that Proton helped create jobs, local manufacturing of auto parts, when the parts are sub standard. You can understand this being the first 5-10 years when the part manufacturers are ‘learning’. How is it that Toyota Vios assembled in Malaysia, who uses a local part for its power window mechanism doesn’t face as much problem as the Proton window mechanism?

    Then related to (2), we all know that the distributor is responsible for After-Sales Service. The distributor must think how to lower its labor cost rate and yet not compromise quality. Malaysia has one of the cheapest Hotel rate in the world. Because we have very competitive labor rate. I don’t see how we cannot have good labor rate in the car workshop either. Distributor of Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, Honda can charge what they like. Distributor of Proton must consider to have a labor rate relevant to its competitive edge as how the Hotel industry is capitalizing. BUT not at the expense of hiring sub-standard employees mind you! Technical wise, spend money to hire engineer. With that big of market share, you can still afford it.

    Finally Tun, on industrializing the nation.

    I have been abroad quite a bit, and you are known and respected as far as countries in the Africa region. Although in my view, we could have focused more in attracting foreign investors and have more car assembly plants yet still be able to achieve industrializing Malaysia.
    Look at Perodua or Naza today, I don’t see how it is not giving as much job opportunities or growing the local suppliers as much as Proton would have contributed.
    Look at Asus, Taiwan. Today has its own products when they were once OEM. And the list goes on and on. There are many as effective ways to industrialize the nation. I disagree that clinging on to Proton is in any way ‘a critical success factor’ for industrializing Malaysia.
    But since this is a fact and what do I know, maybe clinging on is less damaging and Malaysia would like to continue to bleed rather than cut its lost. If that’s what we want to do, then stop the bleeding. Consider (1), (2) and (3).

    Good health Tun.

  3. Tun

    It is alleged our distinguished Prime Minister has finally prescribed Viagra for the limpid MCA ! The years of neglect of carrying out their allotted tasks, duties and responsibilities have now come home to roost for the MCA. Their leadership was never qualified, educated or of a high intellectual calibre. And politics is a life long endeavour with sacrifices which word I only heard coming out of the UMNO now and then but never from the MCA. Greenhorns or parachutists into cosy jobs are things of the past. Even Viagra as recommended will not fast trek to political Nirvana, probably will cause more pain than political ecstasy ! The present MCA is a non-starter. However, veteran political pundits of the very short political history of our beloved Malaysia and its very long political complexities, do know the correct answer to untie the Malaysian Gordian knot created by the MCA’s neglect of its constituents and erstwhile partners. Akan datang.

  4. Tun,

    Izinkan saya keluar topik lagi menjawab tulisan Orang Lama.

    Sdra Orang Lama, saya tidak nampak mengapa saya perlu merajuk atau tersinggung kerana tulisan sdra adalah lebih berhemah berbanding beberapa tulisan penulis lain yang menuduh penulis lain sebagai contoh, “seperti anjing menyalak bukit”, atau lebih hebat sebagai `munafik’ dan ‘kafir’ walaupun isu yang dibahaskan tiada langsung kena mengena mengenai Islam.

    Kadangkala saya tertawa sendiri kerana ada yang menuduh penulis lain kebudak-budakan dan sebagainya tetapi tuduhan mereka mencerminkan diri mereka sendiri apabila membalas hujah-hujah saya.

    Sdra Orang Lama, saya suka bersikap terbuka dan sebagai seorang insan kerdil yang kurang ilmu saya cukup suka membaca tulisan Tun, selain itu, saya juga suka membaca komen-komen penulis lain supaya boleh dijadikan ilmu pengetahuan baharu bagi saya.

    Selain buku dan learning channel di Astro (mungkin Astro boleh beri saya komisen kerana mempromosikan rancangan mereka), blog Tun menjadi tumpuan saya semasa santai.

    Ada masanya komen-komen di blog Tun, saya kritik kerana bertentangan dengan prinsip saya iaitu saya percaya dan yakin terhadap perlembagaan negara selain mempertahankan hak golongan rakyat marhaen di negara ini.

    Seperti saya sebutkan, saya bersikap terbuka dan tidak semestinya saya betul, ada jawapan/teguran penulis-penulis lain saya terima dengan hati dan sikap terbuka.

    Kalau komen penulis lain betul dan saya salah, saya terima dengan sikap terbuka tetapi kalau komen penulis lain itu salah menjadi hak saya untuk mengkritik komen-komen tersebut.

    Hak mengkritik ini saya serahkan kepada Tun, sama ada untuk menyiarkan tulisan saya dan sekali lagi saya terima dengan sikap terbuka jika Tun tidak menyiarkan tulisan saya.

    Sdra Orang Lama, seperti sdra yang sibuk dengan urusan duniawi, mungkin juga saya menulis agak tergesa-gesa disebabkan kekangan masa menjawap tulisan sdra tempoh hari.

    Bagaimanapun, atas dasar persahabatan dengan saudara sesama Islam, saya memohon maaf jika menyinggung perasaan sdrai.

    Dengan itu, sdra Orang Lama, i rest my case.

    Salam Tun.

  5. Tun

    It is mentioned that some Malaysians are perpetually complaining about the high price of motorcars and some politicians behave like Proton salesmen. In this context and at the end of 2013 and thanks to the BN Government as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties that our beloved Malaysia has peace, stability and prosperity with a Malaysian Democracy complete with a viable Opposition without which a Democracy is not complete, where are you Washington DC ? Since 1957, our beloved Malaysia has had 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers unlike the Republic of Singapore. I now invite our pro-Lee Kuan Yew fans like MNMN, don’t be small minded, the rocket scientist from Singapore, the On, HockBengTeohhalfpastsic, saxykumar, yusof12, etc to view and its Comments, some of which I can confirm as factual !

  6. Salam,
    Mohon izin sekali lagi menjelaskan pandadangan saya kepada Sentinel3.Bukan niat nak bertikam lidah.

    1.Saya bukan orang politik
    Saya berpependapat Saudara terlalu cepat membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan apa yg ditulis saya atau komen pembaca lain. Saya kerja bidang teknikal sepenuh masa dan tiada kepentingan peribadi politik.Kepentingan sy sepertii majoriti rakyat Malaysia khususnya orang Melayu ialah mendesak pemimpin tertinggi berusaha bersunguh2 mempertahan dan memajukan agenda pembangunana negara. Berkaitan JAKIM itu saya bergurau saja.Sorry tak sangka Saudara juga seorang yg sensitif.

    2.Masuklahh UMNO
    Saudara masuklah UMNO.Jgn meluat kat UMNO kerana saya sebab ahli macam saya ramai tak aktif kena sisih .sendiri diih UMNO.Jadi jgn bimbang sya tidak berdendam kpd saudara.

    SENTINEL janngan merajuk tau

  7. Tun

    What a coincidence ! What a screaming headline on the Net which proclaims ‘ All 72 MCA candidates snub anti-graft pledge on Tuesday 17 December 2013 ‘ ! On the very day, the hallowed list of the wealth of its leaders in their baggage appeared.

    The MCA leadership or any other Chinese, Malaysian Chinese political leadership for that matter should be like Caesar’s wife, ‘beyond reproach’ in order to be credible and trustworthy to its constituents and partners. Plus if they can be as ‘pure and white as virgin snow’ so much the better. The word ‘sacrifice’ I have only heard coming out of the UMNO consistently, not the MCA. If there is no ‘sacrifice’, there will be no reforms or whatever.

    It is still not too late.

  8. Tun,

    Izinkan saya menjawab tulisan Orang Lama lagi.

    Orang Lama, perbezaan antara kita berdua ialah, sdra ahli tegar UMNO manakala saya bukan ahli mana-mana parti politik atau non partisan.

    Saya tidak bercadang bertikam lidah dengn sdra dan biarlah orang lain menilai tulisan antara sdra dengan saya.

    Berbeza dengan Orang Lama seorang ahli politik yang cenderung berfikiran dan menulis seperti seorang ahli politik (termasuk dipengaruhi agenda politik dirii sendiri), saya tidak peduli siapa Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang dan sebagainya.

    Seperti yang saya tulis sebelum ini, blog ini milik Tun, tolong jangan hijack blog Tun untuk kepentingan politik peribadi sdra sendiri.

    Saya baca macam ada nada ugutan politik melibatkan Jakim daripada sdra, saya tidak gentar kerana zaman ugutan politik daripada orang seperti sdra sudah berakhir.Saya tidak hairan mengapa orang seperti sdra disisihkan dalam UMNO kerana masih berfikiran seperti Orang Lama.

    Oh ya, Orang Lama, sebenarnya blog Tun boleh tutup bukan sebab orang lain tidak berani dikritik oleh sesiapa (atau hanya orang UMNO seperti sdra tidak mahu dikritik? melainkan kritikan ditujukan terhadap musuh sdra?) tetapi meluat jikalau hanya orang politik seperti sdra menulis dalam blog ini.

    Keperibadian Orang Lama (bercakap berputar belit seperti orang politik) adalah contoh mengapa saya tidak mahu menjadi ahli UMNO (dan saya percaya akan menyebabkan golongan muda juga mengasingkan diri daripada menyertai UMNO.

    Salam Tun.

  9. Tun

    Oops ! Sorry ! The MCA has so much baggage I nearly forget the last one, No. 17 last but not least. eg.

    17. After only 6 years in politics as a leader, this leader could remit S$ 100 Millions from Singapore to Hong Kong.

  10. Yang berbahagia Tun,

    Saya ingin mencadangkan kepada Bank Negara untuk membuat satu polisi kepada semua institusi kewangan dibawah seliaan Bank Negara supaya tiada bayaran ansuran pinjaman atau bayaran kad kredit dikenakan pada bulan Jun dan Disember setiap tahun.

    Maksudnya, semua peminjam rakyat Malaysia tidak perlu membuat bayaran ansuran pinjaman atau bayaran kad kredit, serta tiada potongan KWSP atau PCB dikenakan pada bulan Jun dan Disember setiap tahun.

    Ini dapat membantu peminjam untuk mendapat gaji hampir penuh pada 2 bulan tersebut, dan dapat membantu mereka memenuhi keperluan keluarga bagi kesejahteraan keluarga dan masyarakat secara amnya.

    Ini juga dapat membantu meringankan bebanan kerajaan daripada memberi bantuan BR1M dan bonus tahunan kerana rakyat telah dapat menikmati gaji penuh pada 2 bulan tersebut setiap tahun.

    Saya telah menulis kepada Bank Negara berkaitan perkara ini dan saya harap Tun juga dapat memberi maklumbalas positif kepada cadangan saya ini dan dapat membantu saya memanjangkan cadangan ini kepada pihak pengurusan tertinggi Bank Negara Malaysia.

    Saya berharap agar cadangan saya diatas akan dapat mengurangkan masalah hutang tidak berbayar, masalah muflis disebabkan hutang peribadi dan kereta, serta dapat mensejahterakan keluarga, masyarakat dan negara Malaysia.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  11. Tun,

    Our beloved Nation has been at the crossroads for sometime. And now at the end of another fruitful and momentous year for all of us, Nationalists, it is good to take stock of our shortcomings which only by recognising them, can we progress firmly with vigour. A big shortcoming is the weakness of the Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, political leadership through the decades, since the beginning of time and conversely also weakened their partners ! The backdrop is the fact that their leadership with the trust and duties and responsibilities thrust upon them treated their very serious job like a PROTON CAR SALESMAN, if you know what I mean. I am of the opinion that a Chinese, Malaysian Chinese politician should be like Caesar’s wife, ‘beyond reproach’ in whatever they do or others do in order to gain the trust of all and be accepted as full partners in a Nation of equals. However, as recently as 2012, there was an attempt to derail the hard-working doctors of their right to sell medicines to eke out meagre living.
    Here is a list of the factual derring-dos of the MCA leaders, though not in chronological order :-

    1, I could not believe my eyes when a leader carried a large briefcase emblazoned in white
    ‘YB XYZ Selangor State Executive Councilor’ in the lst class cabin of the SIA. He was grinning from ear to ear. His Majesty’s Customs must have given him a good send-off.
    2. This leader could grab a piece of land from the British.
    3. A Minister had sticky fingers with the shares and was sacked.
    4. One leader grabbed a mine by changing his status.
    5. This Minister had the best properties in London and Kuala Lumpur.
    6. A leader could make RM 20 Millions by sitting in his air-conditioned office.
    7. This runner for the leader had so many pounds sterling as ‘bagshee’ that he tools around in a Lamborghini and not a cheap Ferrari and indulges in high-stake poker nightly.
    8. An ex-leader had a spare-parts monopoly.
    9. One leader had 2 monopolies before he became a leader and expanded his empire and picked up another monopoly thereafter.
    10. Another leader had a chemicals monopoly.
    11. This leader did his family business in his bedroom and walloped 2 monopolies cheap cheap whilst in office. And he added a lush construction contract, 4 best pieces of lands, a high-end density condo project etc. thereafter.
    12. A leader shouted, ‘ We fight them for calling us names.’ in front of me. When an up-market residents association in the area of his house, sought his help, he could not be found. But just before the 2013 General Elections, I saw he ambling with his family in a mall looking relaxed and happy.
    13 This leader shouted at the top of his voice in Kuala Lumpur, ‘ These 2 Governments owe me.’ I would have thought he owed his allegiance to the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong only. He claimed that one Government had already delivered.
    14. A leader had the choice of the best lands which was mismanaged by his family. He too walloped a monopoly.
    15. One Minister padded a construction contract and had to leave.
    16. A leader said ominously. ‘ You mind your own business and I mind mine !’

    The above collection of true facts plus the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 14 failed Policies for Singapore and the over 47 long years in the Opposition by the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP do not augur well for the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese in the practice of democracy. This hurts especially the MCA list which at the end of the day, 2013 and after over 55 years, show why the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, are leaderless politically and up a pole, socio-economically.

    The MCA leader who openly says that he/she is not interested in making money and will leave office without money in his/her sleeves but to work for all selflessly will have the full support of all Malaysians including the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese.

    Maybe it is time for the MCA leadership to gain credence by being like Caesar’s wife ‘beyond reproach’ despite of what others do and definitely not behave like PROTON CAR SALESMEN as leaders of their community in a country full of hope and aspirations.

    It is still not too late.

  12. Salam,

    Mohon izin beri sedikit ulasan kepada penerangan panjang lebar Saudara Sentinel3.

    1. Saya hanya satu Orang Lama
    Saya hanya hantar komen di blog Tun sahaja.Dulu sebagai OrangLama dan sekarang sebagai Orang Lama. Beza ada spacing dan tak ada spacing. saya tak pakai nama2 lain. Juga saya tak hantar komen kepada mana2 blog pun atau portal sebab saya orang yang banyak urusan dunia. Saudara Sentinel3 tolong doakan saya memberi juga masa untuk akhirat yer.

    Saya pilih blog Tun sebab blog Tun amat berpengaruh dikalangan orang UMN0 dan digeruni oleh pemimpin pembangkang. Ramai penyokong pembangkang juga menghantar komen di blog Tun =====ada terang2 , ada yang selindung2, double agent pun ada juga kot .

    Saya percaya antara peminat no1 blog Tun ialah Tok Najib, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tok Guru Hadi, Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Maka takkan kita nak baca komen bertikam lidah sesama pembaca kalau pemimpin2 UMNO dan pembangkang duk baca blog Tun. Boleh beri komen tapi kena ingat sesiapa sasaran pembaca blog Tun .

    Saya nawaitu saya hanya Allah sahaja tahu. Saya pun tak tahu ilmu apa yang dibawa oleh Saudara Sentinel3 sehingga boleh membawa kesimpulan mengetahui nawaitu seseorang. Tarikat apa tu? Tak-sau-wolf ke?
    Baik2 JAKIM sekarang sedang memantau ilmu sesat.

    3. Kritikan kepada pemimpin
    Dari segi Islam dan juga demokrasi moden pemimpin mesti di kritik jika kita sayang negara. tak kira pemimpin UMNO atau PAS atau lain2 parti. Juga jika saudara sayang kepada Tok Najib dan Datin Rosmah, maka sepatutnya saudara juga kritik depa juga. Kalau tidak depa tak tahu yang depa buat kesilapan. Kalau sayang la.

    Itu adalah kewajipan bagi setiap orang yang beragama Islam. Jika sauadaar sayang Tok Najib dan datin Rosmah seprti cerita berlian tu. Saudara mesti kritik depa jika ada bukti. Saya tak kritik hal2 saya tak tahu apa tah lagi hal peribadi seseorang. Cuba baca kritikan saya kepada pemimpin seprti Datuk seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tok Guru Hadi, Tok Guru Nik Aziz , YB Lim Kit Siang, YB Karpal, YB Lim Guan Eng,. Ada masa bacalah komen2 saya dahulu. Banyak juga sejak beberapa tahun lepas.

    Saya juga kritik Tun Mahathir dan Juga anaknya Datuk Mukhriz. Saya kata blog Tun special, Tun tak halang orang kritik dia. Kalau baca komen saya dululah. Saya juga kritik Tok Najib,Tun Abdullah dan Ketua2 Bahagian dan Ketua2 cawangan. wSaya kata masih ada peluang untuk depa buat sesuatu. Kalau tak nak berubah maka kena ” PECAT dan Menang untuk UMNO” semua orang saya kritik. Semua ini saya lakukan kerana saya ahli ahli UMNO tegar. Utk makluman Saudara Sentinel3 Ramai ahli UMNO tegar disisih oleh parti sendiri. Sentinel3 kenapa tak nak apply jadi ahli UMNO.

    Adakah saya saja betui lain orang tak betui?
    Seprti saya katakan tadi adalah menjadi kewajipan setiap orang beragama Islam beri kritikan jika namapk satu perkara yang tak betul berlaku. Maka saya juga menerima kritikan Saudara Sentinel3. Cuma saudara Sentinel3 juga kena menerima kritikan saya pula? Untuk makluman kalau saya guna bahasa yang selalu digunakan oleh Saudara Sentinel3, tentu akan melenting saudara Sentinel3. Maka itulah namanya bertikam lidah.

    Saudara Sentinel3 boleh menegur , beri pendapat tapi gunalah bahasa yang baik supaya pembaca dan pemberi komen blog Tun tak rasa teranacm bila nak bagi komen. Cara Saudara sentinel3 menjawab komen orang lain mungkin melemahkan semangat depa nak hantar komen lagi. Saya tak tahu nawaitu Saudara Sentinel3 tapi cara penulisan dan komen Saudara Sentinel3 membalas komen orang lain sungguh kasar. Kalau beri komen keseluruhan kepada umum tak apa lah, jangan khusus kepada nama tertentu. Lembutkan sikit, nanti ramai orang tak nak hantar komen kepada Tun.

    Senang2 saudara Sentinel3 baca semula tulisan Sentinel3 sendiri kepada pembaca lain dan membuat penilaian adil terhadap diri sendiri. banayak yanga Saudara mengatakepada orang lain berpatah balik kepada Saudara sendiri. Mohon baca dari awal komen2 saudara dalm artikel2 yang lain. Mohon maaf iika tersinggung dengan apa saya katakan.

    Sentinel tak silap saya ada satu cerita TV zaman 1980an dulu? ada apa2 kesamaan dengan saudara ke?

    Selamat berjuang Sentinel3

  13. Salam,

    Mohon izin beri sedikit ulasan kepada penerangan panjang lebar Saudara Sentinel3.

    1. Saya hanya satu Orang Lama
    Saya hanya hantar komen di blog Tun sahaja.Dulu sebagai OrangLama dan sekarang sebagai Orang Lama. Beza ada spacing dan tak ada spacing. saya tak pakai nama2 lain. Juga saya tak hantar komen kepada mana2 blog pun atau portal sebab saya orang yang banyak urusan dunia. Saudara Sentinel3 tolong doakan saya memberi juga masa untuk akhirat yer.

    Saya pilih blog Tun sebab blog Tun amat berpengaruh dikalangan orang UMN0 dan digeruni oleh pemimpin pembangkang. Ramai penyokong pembangkang juga menghantar komen di blog Tun =====ada terang2 , ada yang selindung2, double agent pun ada juga kot .

    Saya percaya antara peminat no1 blog Tun ialah Tok Najib, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tok Guru Hadi, Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Maka takkan kita nak baca komen bertikam lidah sesama pembaca kalau pemimpin2 UMNO dan pembangkang duk baca blog Tun. Boleh beri komen tapi kena ingat sesiapa sasaran pembaca blog Tun .

    Saya nawaitu saya hanya Allah sahaja tahu. Saya pun tak tahu ilmu apa yang dibawa oleh Saudara Sentinel3 sehingga boleh membawa kesimpulan mengetahui nawaitu seseorang. Tarikat apa tu? Tak-sau-wolf ke?
    Baik2 JAKIM sekarang sedang memantau ilmu sesat.

    3. Kritikan kepada pemimpin
    Dari segi Islam dan juga demokrasi moden pemimpin mesti di kritik jika kita sayang negara. tak kira pemimpin UMNO atau PAS atau lain2 parti. Juga jika saudara sayang kepada Tok Najib dan Datin Rosmah, maka sepatutnya saudara juga kritik depa juga. Kalau tidak depa tak tahu yang depa buat kesilapan. Kalau sayang la.

    Itu adalah kewajipan bagi setiap orang yang beragama Islam. Jika sauadaar sayang Tok Najib dan datin Rosmah seprti cerita berlian tu. Saudara mesti kritik depa jika ada bukti. Saya tak kritik hal2 saya tak tahu apa tah lagi hal peribadi seseorang. Cuba baca kritikan saya kepada pemimpin seprti Datuk seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tok Guru Hadi, Tok Guru Nik Aziz , YB Lim Kit Siang, YB Karpal, YB Lim Guan Eng,. Ada masa bacalah komen2 saya dahulu. Banyak juga sejak beberapa tahun lepas.

    Saya juga kritik Tun Mahathir dan Juga anaknya Datuk Mukhriz. Saya kata blog Tun special, Tun tak halang orang kritik dia. Kalau baca komen saya dululah. Saya juga kritik Tok Najib,Tun Abdullah dan Ketua2 Bahagian dan Ketua2 cawangan. wSaya kata masih ada peluang untuk depa buat sesuatu. Kalau tak nak berubah maka kena ” PECAT dan Menang untuk UMNO” semua orang saya kritik. Semua ini saya lakukan kerana saya ahli ahli UMNO tegar. Utk makluman Saudara Sentinel3 Ramai ahli UMNO tegar disisih oleh parti sendiri. Sentinel3 kenapa tak nak apply jadi ahli UMNO.

    Adakah saya saja betui lain orang tak betui?
    Seprti saya katakan tadi adalah menjadi kewajipan setiap orang beragama Islam beri kritikan jika namapk satu perkara yang tak betul berlaku. Maka saya juga menerima kritikan Saudara Sentinel3. Cuma saudara Sentinel3 juga kena menerima kritikan saya pula? Untuk makluman kalau saya guna bahasa yang selalu digunakan oleh Saudara Sentinel3, tentu akan melenting saudara Sentinel3. Maka itulah namanya bertikam lidah.

    Saudara Sentinel3 boleh menegur , beri pendapat tapi gunalah bahasa yang baik supaya pembaca dan pemberi komen blog Tun tak rasa teranacm bila nak bagi komen. Cara Saudara sentinel3 menjawab komen orang lain mungkin melemahkan semangat depa nak hantar komen lagi. Saya tak tahu nawaitu Saudara Sentinel3 tapi cara penulisan dan komen Saudara Sentinel3 membalas komen orang lain sungguh kasar. Kalau beri komen keseluruhan kepada umum tak apa lah, jangan khusus kepada nama tertentu. Lembutkan sikit, nanti ramai orang tak nak hantar komen kepada Tun.

    Senang2 saudara Sentinel3 baca semula tulisan Sentinel3 sendiri kepada pembaca lain dan membuat penilaian adil terhadap diri sendiri. banayak yanga Saudara mengatakepada orang lain berpatah balik kepada Saudara sendiri. Mohon baca dari awal komen2 saudara dalm artikel2 yang lain. Mohon maaf iika tersinggung dengan apa saya katakan.

    Sentinel tak silap saya ada satu cerita TV zaman 1980an dulu? ada apa2 kesamaan dengan saudara ke?

  14. Tun,

    Izinkan saya keluar daripada topik untuk mengulas tulisan Orang Lama.

    Quote, :- “Saya ingin cadangkan komen2 balas membalas pembaca lebih profesional.Teguran dan kritikan sepatutnya kpd pemimpin parti,ketua2 korporat.Bukannya bertikam lidah sesama penghantar komen tak kena utk blogTun Dr Mahathir. Blog bertikam lidah sesama pembaca boleh didapati di Malaysian Insider dan Malaysiakini.Cuma senget sebelah Pakatan Rakyat.BN dacing tak senget.”

    Memang seelok-eloknya begitulah tetapi adalah agak berbahaya membiarkan penulis-penulis yang bersifat perkauman, fanatik agama, lebih-lebih lagi yang memperalatkan dan memutarkan belitkan agama menulis dengan semborono sahaja.

    Begitu juga dengan penulis-penulis yang membuat rumusan atau cadangan bodoh, memuji tidak kena tempat mahupun mengkritik melampaui batas.Perkara ini lebih-lebih lagi jika penulis itu melibatkan orang yang mendakwa diri mereka ‘golongan cerdik pandai’.

    Cadangan Orang Lama iaitu “kritikan ditujukan kpd pemimpin parti, ketua2 korporat” pernah dicadangkan oleh seorang penulis lain (mungkin penulis sama?) bagaimanapun ditambah dengan cadangan lain seperti mengajak penulis lain mengkritik “berlian yang dibeli oleh Rosmah Mansor” selain cadangan memburuk-burukkan UMNO (saya bukan ahli UMNO) dan kerajaan.

    Daripada cadangan penulis tersebut kita sudah tahu nawaitu penulis itu sendiri ke arah mana dan bagaimana pula cadangan kritikan “hanya terhadap pemimpin parti, ketua korporat” ?

    Cadangan saya kepada Orang Lama disebabkan blog ini milik Tun, biarlah Tun sendiri memutuskannya sama ada sesuai atau tidak untuk disiarkan begitu juga terpulanglah kepada sesiapa sama ada mahu membaca atau tidak tulisan mana-mana penulis di blog Tun.

    Berhubung tulisan sdra bahawa “blog bertikam lidah sesama pembaca boleh didapati di Malaysian Insider dan Malaysiakini.”, cubalah Orang lama bertikam lidah dalam kedua-dua blog propembangkang tersebut kalau dapat turut serta “bertikam lidah” seperti sdra sebutkan.

    Setahu saya mahu masuk ke blog propembangkang itu pun susah kerana disekat oleh tuannya dan bertikam lidah seperti sdra sebutkan lebih menjurus kepada siapa yang lebih hebat memburuk-burukkan kerajaan dan UMNO.

    Dan blog-blog tersebut memang senget sebelah Pakatan Rakyat seperti mana juga dacing BN senget pada blog-blog prokerajaan.

    Setahu saya cuma blog Tun tidak senget ke sebelah mana-mana dan menjadi pilihan ramai penulis propembangkang mahupun prokerajaan termasuk mereka yang non partisan menulis di blog Tun.

    Oh ya, Orang Lama, ramai yang pandai mengajak orang lain menulis secara profesional, tetapi bukan semua tahu menulis mahupun berfikiran secara profesional, lebih-lebih lagi apabila tulisan mereka dikritik kerana membuat cadangan negatif yang distruktif terhadap bangsa (rakyat marhaen), agama dan negara.

    Salam Tun.

  15. Tun

    We are now nearly at the end of 2013. Most of us would have looked back through the mists of time at our own and our beloved’s country’s achievements. And like all Malaysians we are friendly and hospitable and not given to decry or look down or spy on our friends or neighbours. We also appreciate the normal efforts of our 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers and their achievements if any. All in all we are fortunate with our Malaysian Democracy which works. Without the participation of an active Opposition, our Malaysian Democracy is not complete. And by behaving normally, we will all be reaching our goals eventually. And for the sake of a fair measure of comparison quoting Shakespeare, ‘All the World is a stage,’ Please read and its Comments.

  16. Dear YAB Tun,

    The following links give information about Proton’s Power Window lifetime warranty.

    Kepada mereka yang percaya bahawa kereta-kereta Proton masih lagi ada masaalah “Power Window”, sila berfikiran terbuka kerana Proton telah melakukan sesuatu tentang masaalah tersebut, walaupun agak ‘slow’ mengambil tindakan untuk menukar ‘pembekal power windows Proton’.

    Thank you Tun.

  17. Tun

    For ilioni. I am sure you agree with me that our beloved Malaysia’s international agreements with any country should be our own national interests first and NOT the interests of other foreign countries which is not our concern. We should mind our own business and hopefully they mind theirs without the spying.

  18. Tun

    I am of the opinion that any nation in the World which has desire to put at least our Proton and our motorcar industry on the right track like teaching us how to mix the alloys to build an engine should be considered a friend. We should support schemes which only benefit our national interest and not the foreigners pockets. If not, then we will have to buy this technology somehow and sometime. The motorcar industry is the adjunct to the industrialization of Malaysia. The manufacture of textiles was the primary step. Hence, I strongly support your concept on Proton.

  19. Salam Tun,

    Sorry for my hijacking on this topic, and bring some of the discussion on the TPPA. First and foremost, thanks to mubarakchan for entertaining my question. The links that you gave earlier are very informative. I’ve been struggling to understand the benefits and logic behind TPPA. And, this is what I understand so far:

    Quotes from the link given earlier.

    [Multilateral and bilateral free trade treaties form a major plank of what has variously been called neo-liberal economic policy or “economic rationalism”. This is based on the theory that the regulation of the economy by governments almost always results in inefficiencies and productivity losses, which in turn lead to higher consumer prices and slower rates of economic growth. One major aim of free trade agreements is to compel governments to remove themselves from their role as regulators, and to allow “market forces” to determine what is produced and consumed where, by whom and at what price.]

    1. This sounds neat by remove the government intervention to increase the efficiency and allow the market demand and supply/demand chain making it more efficient. BUT, we have seen in the past what happened the not so regulated financial market done to us back in 2008. Same goes with the property market in US. If the government start to lose control / regulation rights on our own country, we are just going into a very dangerous route!

    2. If we let the business regulates itself and their best interest is only driven by profit and lost, what this means is that either the cost borne by the people will increase or the quality of the product suffers as more and more companies compete prices without strict regulation or regulations controlled by themselves.

    3. What we need is competition in the free market but we need a competent government to regulate and have control of our OWN economy (because a responsible government should be able to judge and decide on what’s good and bad for their own country). Just like when Tun decide the close our RM currency and peg it to US currency during the financial crisis and not to be manipulated/played by the currency manipulator!

    Bottomline is that the country should have the final word on how things are regulated in OUR OWN country and these free trade agreement is probably free for the big companies but isn’t so free for the people/country and why on earth would a government would like to do that except for a lazy and not so smart one? Still puzzled here…

  20. Salam Tun,

    1. your main intention to have Proton is to juggle our balance of payment and the rakyat’s hope for Proton to return value for their hard earned money with a decent car, somehow did not cross path except for command economy that fixed the pricing structure, and to serve whose purpose really? Well Tun … sometimes, good intentions alone is not errr … good enough.

    Along the learning curve, the quality of Proton car or the development of its engineering tech dont seem to matter much, because Malaysians are encouraged to be complacent ‘sheeple’ ( sheep, sleep + people ) in the jannah (heavens) of Simpleton. Proton used our money to spend 10 times more just designing the Gen2 compared to Bugati designing their Veyron – one wonders where the 900% extra money went to minus the veyron-like quality in our Proton. Truly, we prefer and deserve to be jaguh kampong! Lets just go back to sleeping and dreaming that everything with our economy, oh yes including the power-window thingy, will be okay. After all, we are proud Malaysians aint we?

    2. one of the intentions of TPPA is to isolate China. The govt has to chose either for US-oriented TPP or China-oriented ASEAN+3. Malaysia does a lot of business with China, and if we agree to TPP many local chinese manufacturers here with extended supply chain in China will suffer, what with the IP clause especially delivering a double whammy blow to the copycats of Asia! Oh yes, TPP is about to force you to remove the flies now hovering and some already landing in your nasi campor, if you dont mind the pun.

    3. if Tun could outclass Prof Paul Krugman, the Nobel prize winner, with the infamous capital control that saved the Malaysian economy against the IMF’s will, I have confidence with Tun again behind the wheels, steering our economy into the right direction.
    But still, not unlike Dr Evil in the scene where he reminded Number Two, “you have to update me ..” I have to add here, and sadly to update many of us, that Tun is not the PM anymore 🙂

    4. I hope Najib reads Tun’s blog, so that he is aware of what his advisers@con-sultans are ‘updating’ him with lately … these movie lines could perhaps enlighten a little bit if not irrelevant :

    Dr. Evil: As you know, every diabolical scheme I’ve hatched has been thwarted by Austin Powers. And why is that, ladies and gentlemen?
    Scott: Because you never kill him when you get the chance, and you’re a big dope?

  21. Dear Tun,
    First we have petrol price increase and now toll increase. These twin evils are coming to haunt Malaysians again. The toll charges are exorbitant taking into account the ever increasing traffic. It is clearly profiteering for the concessionaire and oppressive for the highway users.
    This is called runaway inflation which takes away or offsets the benefits of BRIM and the RM900 minimum wage.
    It is avoidable for 2 simple reasons
    1. Scrap or forego or abandon one or two mega projects like Wawasan tower, LRT and whatever. Use the cash to buy over the profiteering concessionaire. This is opportunity cost.
    2. Renegotiate with the Highway concessionaire which is making billions of annual profit at the expense of highway users. This is morally sinful.

    These twin pillars of economic evils of patrol and toll increases had incurred the loss of 5 states to the Opposition in 2008. The current government is repeating history. It could be 5 + 4 the next time around.

    amin tan

    [[[[KUALA LUMPUR: The impending toll rate hike next year is unavoidable as it is an express condition in the concession agreement between the Government and highway concessionaires, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar.

    He said the toll rate should have been revised in 2011, as stated in the concession agreement.

    “However, as the rate was maintained, the government had to fork out RM400mil in compensation from taxpayers’ money, which could have been used for other purposes.

    “And now, it’s time (again) to fulfil the condition,” he told reporters after presenting prizes to winners of a drawing competition held in conjunction with the Parliament building’s 50th anniversary celebration here yesterday.

    Wahid said the toll hike was therefore a fair measure for taxpayers, coupled with the fact that highways were alternative routes which they don’t use every day.

    Talk about the proposed toll rate increase started following Works Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusof’s statement that it would be revised next year to comply with the agreement between the government and the concessionaires.

    A newspaper reported that the increase involving 13 highways would likely be between 30 sen and RM1.

    Meanwhile, Abdul Wahid said the inaugural celebration on the Parliament building gave the public an opportunity to take a closer look at the uniqueness of the building’s architecture, which made it one of the icons in the federal capital.

    “This celebration is also to correct public perception that the Parliament building is a restricted area when it is actually open to visitors who obtain prior permission by writing in, as well as through activities such as this,” he said. — Bernama]]]]

  22. Assalamualaikum,

    Saya pengguna Proton sejak saya mula bekerja pada tahun 1997. Bermula dengan Proton Saga enjin Orion. Saya masih lagi memiliki kereta Proton Saga yang orang gelar ‘kereta kebal’ dibeli pada tahun 2004. Macam biasa komplen pasal power window tapi selain dari itu tak pernah meragam selama 9 tahun dan tak pernah ganti major spare part selain servis bulanan. Kereta ini masih baik dan saya beri pada ayah saya pakai untuk pergi ke pekan.

    Sebelum hari raya baru2 ini saya beli sebuah Exora Bold Premium. Komen saya, Alahamdulillah setakat ini puas hati tak ada komplen. Malah kualitinya sangat baik. Sebelum buat keputusan untuk beli, saya test drive Innova, Livina dan Exora. Saya rasa Exora tak ada kurangnya. Harga lebih murah (jimat sekitar RM20k dari Innova dan Livina) dan ruang dalaman yang sama luas. Minyak sangat jimat tapi panduan tetap berkuasa. Enjin CFE Turbo memang lancar dan agak berdesup di lebuhraya. Setakat ni dah mula mengumpul saman laju. Interior kulit dan penuh dengan features termasuk reverse camera I likey.

    Apa yang lebih membuat saya bangga ialah ianya dibuat sepenuhnya oleh Jurutera tempatan. Kereta yang dihasilkan oleh negara sendiri sudah mula menampakkan peninggkatan dari segi kualiti dan usaha. saya ada lagi satu kereta Honda City masih bayar bulan. Cadangnya dalam setahun dua agak dah mula bosan saya teringin nak pakai Preve pula.

    Saya ucapkan syabas pada Proton dan harap usaha untuk buat ia lebih kualiti dan kurang harga. Terus terang saya amat bangga. Kalau di Jepun hampir semua orang pakai Honda dan Toyota, di Korea penuh dengan Hyundai dan Kia, saya harap kita semua akan dapat tiru sikap yang sama.

    Saya bangga dengan Proton dan Malaysia. Terima kasih….

  23. Tun

    For ilioni. It was a good question you requested our Tun to explain why the infamous TPPA is against our beloved Malaysia’s national interest. But why the infamous TPPA and how did this come about ? As an interested layman insterested in the derring-dos of Singaporeans and their up-manship since 1954, I now attempt to provide the background to this infamous TPPA which if signed by Malaysia will kill us all with the downfall of the BN Government at the next 14th General Elections.
    This is the story. Singapore benefitted tremendously during the galactic Cold War between capitalism and communism. It was a War fought for survival or death. Fortunately, capitalism won in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall. All sighed with a huge breath of relief ! From 1965 to 1989, these were the golden years for Singapore in making money. There was the Vietnam War and other insurgencies dotted around the globe. Singapore was a major supplier of military software as well as hardware to all these unfortunate events. She was also the salvager of un-usable military hardware which was lying all over Vietnam. The R & R facililties provided by Singapore was a very small part of the revenue. The big one was the money transactions which passed through her banking system from purchases of millitary-hardware, oil and gas, and grey-areas of commerce. Right up to the end of the Cold War, Singapore had no peer, not even Hong Kong. But with the victory of the United States over Communism, the US moved to a slogan which fitted into her vision for the World, for Pax America. It is ‘Globaliization, Free Trade, Human Rights.’ These aims actually ran counter to the political and socio-economic of the Republic of Singapore which gained most under the covert operations of the Cold Cold War. When Indonesia was in difficulties in 1997, she nearly carried Singapore with her. And Washington DC had to be reminded by Singapore, her closest digit or cohort in South East Asia that it hurts. Then, the Dot.Com boom came. But this was like a flower which bloomed in the Spring. It did not last. By the turn of the century, the 21st, Singapore’s wunderbar of 7% or more GDP annually throughout the end of the 20th century was no more. Unemployment and a dropping GDP to below 5% became the norm after the fizz of the 7% GDP years. Heavy stress was placed on the political leadership of the Republic which has no human or natural resources but only one virtual resource, ‘BLUFFOLOGY’ which was used all this time to impress the natives all round. What a joke ! From 2000-2006, the dysfunctional meritocatic pyramid of yes-men with the smartest fellow on top put on their unused thinking caps for the first time to sort out the options which were :-
    1. The approval of 2 casino licences.
    2. To embark on a fuzzy-wuzzy venture consisting of Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore which was called the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a controversial venture which opens up the economies of the East Asia and Pacific rim countries and kills them in the process for the main benefit of the Republic of Singapore. Good idea. But it did not take off in 2005 as the United States and the Western World and China were financially and socio-economically booming.
    Then, the unexpected or the expected happened. In October 2008, the United States and the Western World financial system imploded underlying the theory of Kondratieff. The great United States was literally grasping at any straw which would save herself and the Western World. Suddenly, the infamous TPPA (instigated by Singapore in 2005 for her very own survival took on a different meaning which also seemed to serve the wider interests of the United States – the red ant now riding the donkey) – by signing the infamous TPPA, the proponent lives, our beloved Malaysia dies. Why ? Since we are not industrialised and sell only petroleum products and palm oil freely in the world’s open markets, WE HAVE NO BARGAINING CHIPS unlike the developed countries which manufacture a myriad of products. AND SINGAPORE IS THE MIDDLE-MAN TO FUNNEL ALL PRODUCTS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN INTO OUR WIDE OPENED MARKET WHICH WILL KILL OUR NASCENT INDUSTRIES. Thank your very much, Singapore !.
    3. Singapore through the decades pushed out so much golden bull-shit about themselves that they believed that they have created the World’s First and Best political socio-economic system ever. They did not realise it was the World’s events which carried them so, up to the highest peak. But then came the fall in the void at the turn of the 21st Century. In their narcissism, the dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid (now discarded in 2013) could not see the wood from the trees which was – what was the best option which would have made Singapore to control the World with the United States. The answer would have been GOLD. But their mind-sets were already set in the traditional and conventional way of the elites of the United States and the West, their best economic advisers would be out of a well-paid job if they advised otherwise than what they had learnt from their peers. Hence, the great Republic went riding with the very best of Wall Street and the City from Ivy League, and Oxbridge and not in the real national interest of Singapore, its very ambitious leadership and its citizenry ! They should have cornered GOLD at US$ 300 per oz. Our beloved Malaysia would have been their slave forever. But Man proposes, God disposes.
    Singapore missed a golden chance of many life-times by making the fundamental and monumental mistake of not advising the advisers to produce the options but took the easy way out of paying the advisers to advise them. There is no free lunch as it is said. Otherwise, a whole new GOLD industry of banks, bonds, jewellery, refining, storage, etc would have blossomed with the additional benefit of not only controlling our beloved Malaysia but also the World with the great United States, India and China. This is now a dream.

    Again Man proposes. God disposes. A lucky escape for our beloved Malaysia and hence, the infamous TPPA to save the Republic of Singapore.

    On the other hand, Malaysia did the normal of building and manufacturing things and we are still on our 2 feet and on the way to further progress towards our goals if we are NORMAL. There is no necessity for us to fly to the Sun and get burnt !

  24. At this stage of Malaysia’s economic development it needs to have a domestic automobile industry. It remains competitive in the cost of its manufactured components and parts sector and in the cost of its fully assembled and manufactured cars. There is a reason for the need to maintain a domestic car industry.

    Automobiles are a drain on foreign exchange. Apart from houses, automobiles are the second largest capital expenditure a family will undertake in its life. Automobiles run into tens of thousands of dollars per household and when multiplied by the millions of house holds in the country that tallies into billions of dollars each year flowing out of the country in foreign exchange to the countries from which these cars are imported if they are.

    Automobiles depreciate the moment you drive them out of the car show room or car year. Unlike houses which appreciate in value over the long term and represent a saving, the car does not. It is a liability which out of necessity is compensated by tax deductions over its use and for the expenses in running it which further represents a draw down on national revenues.

    The outflow on foreign reserves is the more important of the two forms of expenditure involving cars that needs to be dealt with on this question. It is the more important of the two. The tax deduction factor can be checked and countered if the automobile purchased is made wholly locally.

    This means that no foreign exchange (perhaps a little for components imported) will need to flow out. jobs are created locally which offsets any other negatives or outflows. Export incomes from exporting locally made automobiles compensates for any outflows from imported components and balances out the equation.

    However in order to make the business competitive it has to be protected by government for sometime till at least the capital outlays and some profit is realised and recovered. Every country to date that manufactures automobiles has done that practice without exception.

    Australia is a prime example of a country that was spoiled and never learned from the automobile industry. It is about to see the US motorcar the Holden which was re branded an Australian car close its doors in manufacturing shortly.

    The Holden was a discarded GM model which Australia took on but never did much more than brag about its first world status by manufacturing a car locally.

    Workers were over paid, unions took over the manufacturing sector in the name of “Human rights” and better working conditions for a pampered and unproductive workforce. The practice was allowed to flourish with government underwriting the massive losses of the automobile manufacturing industry across the board.

    Japanese car manufacturers with operations locally were given large subsidies like Holden was. None have survived. All are about to close.

    Malaysia must continue with its local car production, curtail its imported varieties unless the source country of those imports can import significant amounts of Malaysian exports to balance against any deficits and level out the outflow of Malaysia’s foreign reserves.

    The need to give Malays special preferences in the business sector must be an on going priority of government. After all government does still allow many of the Chinese who obtained their licenses without a public tender in banking, casinos, shipping and other major industries. These were the results of preferential treatment to non Malays which no one seems ready to complain about or call unfair.

    Banking licenses, casino licenses and similar privileges are public property and must be in all situations the subject of a proper public tender.

    Perhaps Malaysia can learn from Australia and Holden when it comes to such situations as protections for some vital industries. Malaysia does not have an unproductive workforce as Australia does. Its unions are not a shadow government like they are in Australia.

  25. Salam,
    Saya ingin cadangkan komen2 balas membalas pembaca lebih profesional.Teguran dan kritikan sepatutnya kpd pemimpin parti,ketua2 korporat.Bukannya bertikam lidah sesama penghantar komen tak kena utk blogTun Dr Mahathir. Blog bertikam lidah sesama pembaca boleh didapati di Malaysian Insider dan Malaysiakini.Cuma senget sebelah Pakatan Rakyat.BN dacing tak senget.

  26. Tun

    For ilioni. Malaysia has a history of losing out big and nearly all its international agreements with others especially the Republic of Singapore. The iniquitous 1962 Water Agreement with Singapore and the 1980s Palm Oil Tariff with India, CLOB. MSA. etc. come to mind. For your background reading, please read :-

    If Malaysia signs the TPPA, the immediate sole beneficiary is the Republic of Singapore because our market doors will be opened to the flood of goods of no known origin from there. Malaysia is not a developed and industrialized country and has not goods to export to the TPPA countries. We have NO BARGAINING CHIPS even though we have been promised it is good for our future. WHO CAN FORETELL THE FUTURE ? Least of all, promises made by politicians from far far away. THE NITTY-GRITTY IN THE DETAILS OF THE TPPA WILL KILL US ALL and bring about the fall of the BN Government at the next 14th General Elections.

  27. On another note which is related to this post, according to the information below. A CBU foreign vehicle with an engine capacity above 2500cc manufacture in Asean countries (i.e. 0% import duty + 105% excise duties + 10% sales tax). While a CKD foreign vehicle with an engine capacity above 2500cc fully manufacture in our local country (i.e. 10% import duty + 105% excise duties + 10% sales tax)

    Why would government give lower tax on a CBU version (made in ASEAN countries) compared to a CKD version (foreign car completely built in our own country)? What’s the logic behind this? Isn’t it better to increase the cost of CBU version (I mean the total cost of the car) compared to the CKD version (in order to attract foreign car maker to invest and create jobs in our own country?) Maybe there are some details which I am not aware or some information which is not so accurate. Do you mind to share your thoughts on this?

  28. Hello Tun,

    Do you mind to share your thoughts on TPPA which will affect the interest on our nation? How will it affect our nation and why it will affect our nation interest? Would be waiting to hear from your thoughts.

    Thanks and wish you the very best of health!

  29. Salam kepada Tun…. antara manusia yang sangat disayangi dan disanjung tinggi.

    Semoga Tun Sihat walafiat hendaknya.

    Saya ada satu permintaan…… sekiranya Tun ada Masa yang terluang dan sihat boleh tak Tun tulis dalam Blog ini mengenai pandangan Tun mengenai “Nelson Mandela & Apartheid”

    sekian terima kasih

  30. Salam Tun,

    saya ada baca berita terkini, bahawa kegawatan ekonomi di US diramalkan oleh tokoh seperti Donald Trump, akan berlaku pada skala yang paling teruk mulai Mac 2014

    Apa akan terjadi pada industri kereta dalam masa terdekat dan kualiti hidup kita di Malaysia sangat membimbangkan. Dengan situasi sekarang di mana hampir semua harga barangan telah atau akan dinaikkan secara mendadak mulai 1 Januari 2014 !

  31. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan..

    Jikalau tidak dapat menghadapi sendiri, bagaimana mungkin kita memburu dikala syaitan sedang lengah]

    Aha Tun..I thought so!..

    Such a paragon of fraudulence!..:)
    Tepat sekali apa yang di wasiatkan oleh Allah di dalam Surah Al Haj!..

    Yang buta itu bukanlah mata..
    Tetapi mata yang di dalam dada..

    Terima kasih Tun..:)

  32. Salam,
    Mohon izin saya mengimbas kembali susunan pengurusan dan pentadbiran negara kita yang tercinta yang mungkin dapat merungkai masalah Proton dan lain2 industri/projek milik kerajaan

    1. Pengurusan dan Pentadbiran
    Kebanyakan projek yang dirancang semasa zaman Tun pada dasarnya amat baik. Malangnya dari segi perlaksanaan mungkin berlaku ketirisan dan ketidak kecekapan. Rakyat yang WARAS tidak salahkan Tun kerana mana2 pemimpin tertinggi negara memang amat sukar dan amat ketandusan masa untuk memantau setiap aktiviti perlaksanaan. Maka diwujudukan kabinet.Dalam kabinet ada menteri diberi tugas khusus untuk kementerian tertentu. Dibawah Menteri ada lagi Timbalan Menteri dan Setiausaha Parlimen(la ni dah tak dak lagi).

    Kemudian peringkat perlaksaan paling penting dan pening ialah peringkat kakitangan kerajaan. Yang tertinggi ialah Ketua Setiusaha Negara dan dibawahnya adalah Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian & Negeri . Bawah depa ada lagi Ketua2 Jabatan dan agensi2 kerajaaan. Dalam syarikat milik kerajaan ada lagi Pengerusi ‘KORporat’ , CEO dan lain2 lagi.

    Jadi ada rantaian perkhidmatan dari pegawai paling rendah hinggalah tertinggi sehingga kepada Perdana Menteri. Setiap orang kena jalankan tanggungjawab dengan bersih ,cekap dan amanah. Bila ada kelemahan sesuatu selalu orang lanyak Menteri atau PM tapi jarang sekali depa hentam Ketua Setiausaha !!!!

    Harus diingat kebanyakan dasar2 kerajaan dibawa dan dilanyak oleh puak pembangkang di Dewan rakyat. Kesian Menteri kena lanyak kerana ketidakcekapan pegawai kerajaan. Kalau bahasa orang Kedah “Sapa suruh dia gatai jadi Menteri?”

    Baik jadi ahli politik disamping full time businessman . Kaya raya ,senang lenang ,tak payah buat kerja susah2 .Cuma perlu kipas sana kipas sini saja. Tapi jaga2 akhirat sama yer.

    2. Proton
    Bila Tun mulakan Proton, Multimedia Supercorridor, dan lain2 kita lihat anak2 muda di Universiti, di bengkel2, di TV dan dimana cerita mengenai teknoloji yang bukan saja terhad kepada industri kreta. Ramai jadi engineer,doktor, pensyarah, technologist, technician, dll.

    Kerajan bagi macam2 kat Proton. Rakyat Malaysia termasuk kaum bukan bumi pun sokong. Ramai yang beli kreta Proton. Booking lambat tapi rakyat berbangga kereta buatan Malaysia walaupun dalam hati kecil tahu banyak komponen daripada luar.

    Malangnya pegawai Proton tak pentingkan PERKHIDMATAN PELANGGAN!!!!!

    Kalau setakat power window jatuh tu , berapa lah harganya sangat berbanding dengan harga sebiji kereta Proton .Kenapa duk biar lama sangat nak selesai masalah tu sehingga berlarutan. Kalau siapa minat ikut perkembang bola siapa UK Premier Leaque, dah nampak petanda kelab nak jatuh ke bawah terus depa PECAT manager!!.

    Pasai apa Proton tak buat awal2 lagi! Pecat. Kita di Malaysia tak amalkan sikap PECAT!.Di UK, US, JAPAN, germany dan negara2 maju lain depa tak amalkan sikap ‘Gores dan Menang’ tapi ‘PECAT UNTUK MENANG’.

    Kalau siapa biasa pi servis Proton beberapa tahun lepas tentu ingat peristiwa berikut. Klu datang awal2 meranalah dia. Bertambah merana lagi jika depa nampak kakitangan Proton datang pagi2 pi minum kat kedai lepas tu baru buat kerja!!! Kita duk tunggu berjam2 pula.Kalau kita tegur untuk beri nasihat untuk memajukan servis, semburan cap Proton pula sampai kat kita. Kalau kuat agama macam Tok guru PAS tak pa la, tapi kalau orang biasa macam saya , aduiiiiih!!

    Kalau siapa biasa pi kedai jualan Proton( atau EON dulu) amboi lagaknya manager Melayu cakap macam ini ” Encik tak nak beli pun tak apa , kami pun tak larat nak supply order beribu2 dalam sebulan” . tengok tu perkataan ‘beribu2’.,maknaya banyak sokongan pada awalnya kepada Proton. Tapi apakan daya boss Proton duk seronok duk kerusi hempuk. Hanya turun padang golf tapi tak pi kat bengkel/service centre/sales office.

    Itu baru cerita Proton, belum cerita lain2 lagi.

    Kesimpulannya kelemahan Proton dan kerajaan BN khusunya ialah tiada PEMANTAUAN yang berkesan.

    Tak silap saya cerita2 Melayu zaman P.Ramlee dulu pun ada cerita kakitangan kena pecat.


    Tok Najib dah ada KPI untuk Ketua2 Bahagian dan Ketua Cawangan? KPI apa?
    KPI untuk “UMNO Terus Mara, Untuk rakyat Malaysia” la . Bukannya terus kena marah oleh rakyat Malaysia.

    KPI apa tu?? Tak kan tak tau!!! “PECAT dan MENANG” kepada semua Ketua Bahagian dan cawangan yang tak perform!!

    3. Dalam politik pun sama
    La ni tahun 2013, kita lihat ramai doktor,engineer,technician, pemegang Phd Melayu termasuklah wakil rakyat PAS spt Ir Khalid Samad, Ir Nizar Perak, Dr. Dzulkefly,dll dan juga PKR speprti Rafizi dan lain2 lagi.

    Cuma pemantauan tiada. Apa jadi IR2 ini pi kat PAS atau PKR. Kenapa masa depa muda2 di UK, tak rapat dengan depa supaya depa sayang UMNO. Sampai sekarang UMNO tak sedar dengan membiar puak2 PAS dan PKR duk ikut pelajar2 kita di dalam dan luar negara. Tak perlu halang Datuk Seri Anwar atau Dato Hadi bagi ceramah kepada pelajar2 luar negara. biar depa bagi ceramah. tapi kenapa pemimpin UMNO tak berjaya nak bagi ceramah kat student. Cuba kaji betul2 dan cari jalan penyelesaian bukannya mengeruhkan keadaan. Lagi banyak masalah kepada UMNO.


  33. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saudara wajaperak,

    Saya harap jawapan saya tidak menyinggung perasaan wajaperak.

    Bukankah alam maya (internet)/blog ini juga adik beradik kepada alam ghaib?

    Jikalau tidak dapat menghadapi sendiri, bagaimana mungkin kita memburu dikala syaitan sedang lengah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  34. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Izinkan saya menulis ala HBT456.

    “1. Malaysians are perpetually complaining about car prices being too high in Malaysia. Yet we should know that on a per head basis, there are more cars in Malaysia than all the other Asean countries.2. Already there are traffic jams all over K.L., many half a kilo long!” Ini bermakna rata2 kini rakyat Malaysia mampu untuk memiliki kereta sebagai satu keperluan yang bermakna juga daya membeli adalah tinggi. Majalah Time satu ketika dahulu diawal 80an memuji rakyat Malaysia terutama diluar bandar kerana berjaya memiliki sekurang2nya sebuah motor Honda kapcai 70cc yang mana itu adalah sudah cukup bagus.

    2. Utusan Malaysia menceritakan Presiden Gerakan meminta supaya dihapuskan hukuman mati. Ribut tiada atau taufan tiada tiba2 saranan ini timbul. Saranan ini disokong oleh Presiden SukaGam Khairul Anwar Rahmat dengan mengatakan hukuman mati sudah ketinggalan zaman dan tidak bertamaddun.

    Mereka perlu bertanya kepada waris2 simati yang mati dibunuh samada hukuman penjara sahaja adil atau tidak. Orang yang berkiblatkan undang2 negara barat akan sentiasa menyokong. Mereka cuma akan mengetahui ianya adil atau tidak sekiranya salah seorang daripada ahli keluarganya ada yang mati dibunuh.

    3. JKR Negeri Perak menjadi yang pertama menggunakan traffic light menggunakan kabel dan sensor ala teknologi Amerika di Bota. Semenjak dahulu lagi JKR Perak memang telah jauh mendahului Negeri Selangor dalam perancangan dan penyelenggaraan jalanraya. Memandu dirangkaian jalanraya negeri Perak adalah lebih asyik dan meyakinkan terutama didaerah2 seperti Bota, Manjung, Beruas, Parit, KK, Batu Gajah, Gopeng dan lain2.

    Salam Tun.

  35. Assallammualaikumwarahmatulahiwabarokatuh..
    Semoga Tun sudi mengizinkan ruangan..

    Saudara Musato..
    Saya sedang di aniayai musuh.Mereka memaksa saya mengamalkan ajaran kafir dan oleh kerana saya menentang habis-habisan maka mereka bersatu juga menindas saya habis-habisan.

    Saya ada hak di sini di dalam blog Tun.Oleh itu saya menuntut hak saya dan menulis di sini.Malangnya saya lihat erti penulisan saudara kabur dan membiarkan musuh-musuh yang kejam seperti Abdul Rahman 2012 bermaharajalela tanpa membelasah mereka seperti apa yang Rasullulah s.a.w perintahkan selepas Perang Tabuk.

    Saudara..mungkin cerita ini ada memberi erti.

    Satu Ahad yang lalu saya singgah di sebuah surau yang ditinggalkan.Saya merasakan satu aura buruk yang kuat ( bad vibes ) di sana.Saya merasakan dari pandangan mata hati saya bahawa ada berlaku pembunuhan di situ.

    Di sebelahnya ada sebuah Klinik Desa yang di tinggalkan.Setelah merisik saya dapati suatu masa dahulu tempat itu adalah Markas Tentera Jepun.

    Kesimpulannya kita mesti percaya apa yang di wasiatkan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w bahawa

    “Berhati-hati dengan pandangan orang mukmin kerana mereka melihat dengan Nur Allah”

    dan wasiat Imam Ghazali.

    “Mereka yang tidak dapat melihat dengan mata hati adalah memegang iman pada kulitnya sahaja”.

    Akhir kata apa yang di maksudkan oleh Imam Ghazali dengan kata


    Terima kasih Tun.

  36. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Cuaca agak mendung dan sejuk kebelakangan ini kerana musim banjir.

    Apa khabar agaknya saudara Wajaperak sekarang.

    Beliau ingin mengetahui apa yang saya perbuatkan kepada Islam sebelum ini. Kerana saya berkira-kira ingin menulis sesuatu yang dikira agak berat pada satu masa akan datang nanti, maka saya ingin memberitahu cuma 2 perkara apa yang saya telah perbuatkan :

    1. Malaysia Berselawat (terkini)

    Ini adalah idea original dari saya. Menyarankan supaya ahli UMNO khususnya sentiasa berzikir ketika lalai ataupun tidak. Bagaimana idea ini dijalankan terserah pada pihak pengurusan yang bertanggungjawab. Saya mendapat tahu kira-kira 15 ribu orang menghadiri majlis ini di Stadium Bukit Jalil.

    2. Kanak-kanak Palestin melukis (PGPO)

    Ini juga idea original dari saya. Saya menyarankan pada Tun supaya aktiviti melukis oleh kanak-kanak Palestin diadakan ketika orang Malaysia ke sana. Saya kira Tun telah dapat melihat pada sehelai kertas putih apa yang tergambar.

    Untuk membuktikan kata-kata saya ini benar atau tidak, jika Tun siarkan komen ini maka benarlah kata-kata saya, jika tidak maka saya hanya berbohong sendiri sahaja.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    p/s nama saudara wajaperak disebut cuma sekadar cara kaedah menulis…

  37. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Gembira saya mendengar berita bahawa 2 jurulatih dan 11 anggota latihan asas komando berjaya ditemui selamat dengan ikhtiar sendiri.

    Saya amat suka melihat kesungguhan pembenteng negara menjadi kuat dan berupaya dalam segala cabaran.

    Saya juga sebenarnya amat berbangga (walaupun beliau tidak mengetahui agaknya) apabila adik saya menjadi sebahagian daripada anggota komando.

    Ini kerana manusia yang terlibat dengan pengajian tasawuf sebenarnya melatih diri sepanjang hidup sehinggalah meninggalkan jasad menemui Sang Pencipta.

    Malah latihan ini lebih dari menjadi anggota komando itu sendiri.

    Sebab itu golongan agama yang sebenar-benarnya akan mengatakan bahawa orang pertama yang akan membentengi negara adalah orang tasawuf. Kata-kata ini saya pegang apabila pertama kalinya membaca kenyataan Syeikh Yayasan Sofa (dah jadi Universiti bersama Mekah kalau tak silap).

    Terima kasih Tun.

  38. Tun

    Before I could say ‘Selamat Pagi Tun’, I was hit by the screaming headline from Channelnewsasia,’ 27 arrested over riot in Little India.’ There has been no riot in Singapore for over 40 years ! This is another Policy failure of the Government which seems to have lost its bearings somewhat. How could this have happened in one of the World’s countries with the highest standards of living ? Are we seeing something which is part of a big big bubble created by one brilliant person in his life-time ? And all the pigeons are now coming home to roost ? All these happened also by coincidence in a place which has the only natural resource of BLUFFOLOGY and some of us brainwashed into believing falsehoods emanated from there wholeheartedly. First, the much vaunted financial derring-do was unmasked by the US$108 Billions loss of the CPF Trust money. Second, the much flaunted meritocracy as practised and now discarded like a hot potato in quick time. Third, humanity and multiculturalism which were not practised, now rears its head of neglect. With the 14 failed Policies of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew, upon which a State must survived by their success, it has proven otherwise.
    Our beloved Malaysia just plodded on and made and build things in a normal way especially under the Tun’s 22 Administration. We are now miles ahead of the Republic of Singapore in human terms despite of the attempts to derail our peace, stability and prosperity by jealous onlookers. What is our secret ? We have no secret as one astute pundit wrote today. Just be normal have commonsense, compassion and vision and perform all our allotted tasks NORMALLY and we will all be there. As Henry Ford II said prophetically, ‘I don’t complain. I don’t explain.’

  39. Govt should seriously abolish taxes and subsudised motorcycle 250cc and below.
    Govt should seriously make all town road 1big lane for motorcycle. Only 1lane fot car. Let them pay the price for awning the car.

    By doing that fuel consumption will be reduce dratically. No need to cut the subsidy of petrol since the usage of petrol is lesser.

    People dont want to ride because it is not safe enough. With big motocycle lane more ppl will ride. No mo or less accident.

    No need idris jala with his slide to show how to reduce the subsidy of petrol.

    Why those people has no brain to think? Or they always think outside the box? But they miss a valueable things inside the box??

    People drive car to work because it is more safer. If u can provide a safer route for the motorcyclist, no mo issue on subsidise the petrol and harga barang tak naik.

    Is it so hard?

  40. Tun

    A screaming headline from the Star 7th December 2013,.’Downplaying varsity degrees’ and another from The play on super duper academic qualifications in Singapore is over. The meritocratic society has disappeared overnight if not this year 2013 when 2 Ministers said that for future promotions, academic qualifications will be considered together with an applicant’s hidden talents. In China, a drop of 1% of the GDP produces 1 million unemployed graduates.

    The above confirms the policies of Tun’s 22 year Administration were correct especially the Proton project which firmly underlines that gumption and commonsense prevail over super duper academic qualifications of any kind. And the so-called Meritocratic pyramid of Singapore with the smartest fellow on top, remains a MYTH if not a complete failure.

    The right generalissimo and the right partner/associate will put Proton on its way to success !

  41. Tun

    To give a further background to the Republic of Singapore’s current affection with Mother India, a few years ago, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 13th failed Policies for Singapore rushed into Suzchow, China with his guns blazing to show the natives how to do proper things by setting a much vaunted Singapore-Suzchow Industrial Park which would have been his showpiece for those ‘ignorant’ folks. Without doing a due diligence of the politics socio-economics of such a project, he plunged in without the practical knowledge that in China even today, there is the Beijing central committee command which in turn controls the committees of each city or province and the Suzchow committee has autonomy. Astutely, the Suzchow committee permitted the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew to promote the Singapore-Suzchow project with all the Singaporean horns blaring and then without much ado, they launched the SUZCHOW INDUSTRIAL PARK which under-cut their neighbours opposite by selling their lands at a much cheaper price, by not thinking about profits !

    As it is said, ‘ Two Wongs do not make a right ‘ courtesy Curtin of Australia.

  42. Tun

    Sir and fellow bloggers plus MNMN, dont be small minded, HockBengTeohhalfpastsic, yusof12, saxykumar, rocket scientist from Singapore etc. May I invite you all to view the finest joke to emanate from the Republic of Singapore eg. with its redoubtable comments ? Once upon a time, Singapore wanted to copy Switzerland and attempted to turn Ang Mo Kio into a Swiss Canton like Graubunden, Jurong into Valais, etc, Eventually, it was discovered that the whole of Singapore could be fitted into the largest Swiss lake, not even Lake Baikal, Russia which is 10 times larger. And now, the Republic has a Dream, an Indian Dream, a sort of red ant riding the Indian elephant symbiosis somewhat like the red ant riding the American Donkey in the infamous TPPA caper instigated by Singapore as far back as 2006. This salacious Indian Dream came about more than 10 years ago and now has gained a momentum of its own. But it took the Republic that long to discover the delights of Mother India (which I personally discovered more than 60 years ago !). By its latest amour, the Republic not only adds another Policy failure to its list, namely the 13th, but also shows that it has no love for the friendly Tiger which is our beloved Malaysia. Instead of the Blog’s title ‘ From Swiss Standards to an Indian Dream.’ I would have thought ‘ From the Sublime to the Ridiculous ‘ is more appropriate.
    Maybe Proton can source its engine technology from India, taking just a footnote from the Singapore Lion’s derring-do with Mother India.
    And for the visiionary UMNO veteran Dato Seri Zulkifli Nordin, who surmised that if the PKR assumes Putrajaya power, Singapore with its 75% Chinamen will join the Federation, I suggest a small demographic correction here. It will be 50% new Singaporeans, 50% indigenous Singaporeans – to keep whoever who wants to be in power ETERNALLY ! Where are you Washington DC !

  43. Tun Mahathir is definitely right. The most significant element that contribute to market share size is Proton car price. As the advisor of Petronas, he is tackling Proton’s car price with respect to it’s competitors.

    It is important for Proton car to be comparable or lower than it’s competitor to overcome the assumption of lower quality car.

    Next, I hope to see Proton structure it’s internal manufacturing force into four divisions. First , the small car division which main focus is to rival those those producing car with 1,100cc and below. Second , the sedan division which should focus in producing car between 1,300 cc and 2,000 cc. Third is the higher end car division that produces MPV, SPV and like which may work on cars between 2,000 cc and 3,500 cc division. Last, would be the special project division that works on hybrid vehicles, electric cars and it’s like.

    I truly believe that by categorizing these divisions, the design engineers would be more focus on the customers demand in their respective segment.

    For example, in the small car division, the market share will be commanded by a segment of customers who are willing or can afford to pay only within certain range of prices and their needs are not that of the sedan car which may cost higher. This means smaller cars and lesser technology. Having a division that focuses on this segment means higher market share and increase profitability. Proton would only produce car with lesser material (smaller) thus smaller cost and sell at about the same price of the SV cars which producing now or slightly lower price (thus similar revenue), and thus higher profitability.

    In the sedan car division, the main focus is to compete with the likes of Honda City, Toyota Vios and etc. Bigger car, attractive designs, efficient engine and higher quality technology. Toyota strategy is to produce car using the same platform. Means that the design or facelift is made but the frame is the same, thus cutting cost. In this category, new safety features should be introduces such as lane keep assist, anti collision technology, speed limit alarm, auto deceleration , haptics technology – just to keep the driver fully alert on the situation surrounding him. In managing the quality, Proton should look into micro-managing it’s vendor. By the way, that is what the Korean and Japanese do. They control the raw materials, processes done in their vendor’s plant. They teach their vendor how to reduce cost by the application of 6 sigma and they ask their vendor to sell to them at lower cost.

    Other strategies with respect to other car segments could be made. I guess , Proton management needs to work their sweat out. Not that easy but not impossible.

    By the mean, ensuring other car prices higher than Proton is essential. So, protection for Proton is still needed. Tax the other cars.

  44. Tun,
    Malaysian want to be the best but how to be the best when the first step proton take is/are not genuine and insincere. To be the best, the first thing is to be able to take criticism and feedback without feeling inferior and giving excuses. Why cant proton admit they are “tidakapa about the power window problem”. If it is a business decision then just say so or it is because of overlooking issue. However and whatever it is there is nothing wrong to accept that one make mistakes and willing to repent.
    If we keep giving excuses and protection when can proton grow-up. Money dont grow on trees and those who pay for proton incompetence should be compensated like all other car manufacturer recalling their products and replace faulty parts . When can Malaysian projects learn how to run like a oiled engine. I can only say open eyes wide and open mind wider.
    Tun, you tried to make Malaysia a better place but are you sure your people are ready, willing and competence. Your plan and inspiration back-fired many times but you keep trying, how long can the country keep funding and supporting these type of projects. Your hardcore supporter give a million encouraging statement and are you sure they are encouraging or actually killing you. Some criticism is good for human to wakeup from their restful sleep.
    If Malaysia really want to be the best, they need to open-up to market forces and remove protectionism. The power window issue and expensive spare-parts do not effect the rich and you as either you do not know about the cost or dont drive a proton. Reach out to the the man-on-the-street and dont just listen to your adviser or hard-core supporter or just listen from one-side. You can make the different. Be very aware of your hardcore supporters they can be your greatest enemy. Listen and observe your greatest enemy as they can tell you your weakness.

  45. Apa Kritik jua Kita mesti teruskan Industri kereta kita
    Jika bolih kita melangkah dengan pembuatan senjata sendiri
    Jangan harapkan negara Barat
    Kalau telur Tok Bomoh berkesan , Kita Kumpulkan telur telur Bomoh jadi Senjata
    Adakah ia kenyataan ?

    One has to make the first step before he can reach a thousand steps
    Better late than never
    Be the best we can be

  46. Salam Tun,

    tanpa perlu berdolak-dalik lagi, Proton perlu akur bahawa kualiti kereta banyak bergantung kepada kualiti pembuat kereta itu sendiri. Masalah power window dari Iswara kepada Wira kepada Waja seperti acara lumba larian berganti-ganti dengan tak ada penyelesaian yang muktamad sampai sekarang ini. Orang ramai (baca rakyat) yang bercakap pasal masalah yang sama ini, tahun demi tahun secara tak langsung memberi persepsi negatif dan ‘iklan percuma’ kepada Proton.

    Tapi malangnya ribuan engineer di Proton tak mampu atau tak ada kepakaran untuk betulkan masalah gajet kenit ini, seperti yang diceritakan oleh saudara Sentinel3 di sini dan puluhan ribu lagi pelanggan Proton. Bagi saya, dari sudut pemasaran produk ianya satu lagi bentuk kos melepas atau ‘opportunity cost’ yang Proton sengaja degil dan terlepas pandang untuk menilai secara objektif dan membuat pembetulan secara urgent dan konklusif bagi menamatkan spekulasi perihal kemampuan Proton dalam pembuatan otomobil yang berkualiti tinggi dan boleh dipercayai.

    Kerana pengurusan Proton bergerak seperti siput babi dalam menangani masalah ini, maka persepsi masyarakat telah terbentuk dan di dalam minda sudah terpahat dan terpateri bahawa kereta Proton dan masalah power window tidak dapat dipisahkan sejak azali, hinggakan dijadikan bahan lawak di Istana Budaya oleh Harith Iskandar 🙂 Orang ramai ketawa pada Proton, tapi sayang pengurusan Proton gagal untuk muhasabah dan turun merendah diri untuk sama-sama ketawa dengan orang ramai. Jika tidak, tentu mereka akan lakukan sesuatu yang positif untuk kembalikan maruah kereta nasional … soalan cepumas: ke mana menghilang team public relations Proton dari sudut ‘damage control’ untuk beri penjelasan terhadap ‘tohmahan yang berasas’ ini? Saya tak nampak pun mereka muncul dalam blog Tun? Iklan pun kedekut nak letak di sini … OMG, ini baru betul-betul sengkek !

    Oh ya, mungkin mereka tak sedar yang Tun juga masih lagi penasihat Proton.


  47. Saya suka Kelainan . Idea sendiri walau kadang saya rasa macam Biul
    Saya si Botak Biul

    Menyentuh pada Kereta iaitu Kenderaan
    Menyentuh fasal kereta tersentuh juga Kemalangan yg
    Meragut Nyawa si penyayang dan yg di sayang
    Bahkan nasib yg lebih buruk Kemelangan mengakibatkan
    Dia yg di sayang terlantar macam Sayur Kobis

    Saya ingin sekali Malaysia mempunya cara sendiri
    Kereta kita mahu pun kereta import DIMESTIKAN
    Setiap kenderaan roda 2 ,4 ,atau 100 Kelajuan Enjinnya di hadkan hanya pada 120km sejam
    Bermakna tekan minyak macam mana pun kenderaan itu tidak bolih pergi lebih
    dari 120km sejam

    KENAPA ?
    Ternayata Manusia tidak bolih kawal Kenderaan
    Biar Kenderaan yg mengawal Manusia
    Yg nyata berbagai pencegahan JPJ /Trafik yg tegas Kemalangan masih Berluasa
    Ada yg makan rasuah , ada yg pandai mengelak tertangkap dan pelbagai usaha JPJ /Trafic
    yg ternyata Gagal
    Adakah ia menggangu Ekonomi Negara ?
    TIDAK sama sekali pandangan saya
    Si Ahmad bangun jam 7 pergi kerja
    Masa perjalanan 1/2 jam bermakna Ahmad akan tiba 7.30
    Jika si Ahmad bangun lambat 15 min bermakna 7.15
    Beliau akan tiba 7.45
    Jika beliau rasa beliau bolih sampai ke tempat kerja 7.30 juga
    Bermakna beliau akan PECUT GILA
    Sesaat KeCelakaan Beliau mungkin Terlantar di Hospital atau Kediaman Terakhir

    Dan sesiapa yg ingin sangat Pecut Gila
    Kita sediakan Grand Prix untuk mereka , kena bayarlah
    Jadi mereka tidak menyusahkan orang lain & orang yg kita Sayang
    Kita bolih sediakan sekali Bag Plastic Hitam, ini Free Percuma

  48. Tun,

    Mohon Izin lagi diberikan ruangan memberi pendapat ringkas terhadap tulisan Dr. Sengkek.

    He…he…he. Nampaknya pemiikiran Dr. ini tidaklah sehebat mana dan lebih kurang sama dengan pembantunya yang suka menyampuk tak tentu arah menyalak bukit dan tidak membantu apa-apa terhadap tuannya cuma pandai menyalak terhadap mereka yang mengkritik tuannya.

    Hujah-hujah tuan Dr pun lebih kurang sama dengan pembantu peliharaannya iaitu alasan lapok terkeluar topiklah, lebih sudu daripada kuahlah, dan ‘khabar angin dan cerita kedai kopi’; fakta tiada (tiada isi? kurang makan atau bebal?) kebudak-budakanlah (sebenarnya mereka inilah kebudak-budakan) apabila membalas hujah penulis lain.

    Saya rasa saya tahu siapa pembantu tuan Dr. ini, Pendekar Lapok kerana tulisannya sama seperti seorang penulis di blog Tun ini sebelum ini yang pernah saya kritikseperti tuan Dr. kerana membuat hujah-hujah ‘tin kosong’ dan semborono.

    Pembantu tuan Dr. ini cuma seorang copycat dan cuma tin kosong tetapi hanya syok mahu menulis di blog Tun.

    Kalau saya tuan Dr, saya malulah kerana terpaksa bergantung dengan orang yang lebih rendah mentaliti daripada tuan Dr. dan percayalah tuan Dr. bahawa pembantu tuan Dr. ini akan sanggup mencabar pengkritik tuan Dr. berjumpa di luar blog dan mengajak bertumbok kerana mempertahankan hujah lapok tuan Dr.

    Inilah mentaliti orang Melayu yang menggelarkan diri mereka `Pendekar’ dan `golongan terpelajar’ dalam sebuah negara maju nanti.

    Oh ya tuan Dr., kalau tuan Dr. bercakap mengenai quote:- “Pengalaman orang lain dan ILMU berserta fakta yang boleh di ‘Goggle’ (dihujung jari – can access all kinds of databases from all kinds of agencies – very reliable knowledge) kepada ‘Prof. serba tahu?’ kita ini tidak boleh diambil kira.”

    Soalan saya, pernah kah tuan Dr. bercakap sendiri atau ada pengalaman dengan pelabur-pelabur dalam industri kereta?

    Kalau setakat bercakap melalui pengalaman orang lain jangan bercakaplah mengenai ILMU dan google kerana saya pernah bercakap dengan pelabur-pelabur industri kereta luar dan dalam negara.

    Apabila kita cuma menumpang pengalaman orang lain dan hanya bergantung kepada google, janganlah kita cepat melatah (kebudak-budakan) menuduh orang lain mengenai cerita kedai kopi.

    Alahai golongan cerdik pandai Melayu apa nak jadi apabila mengemukakan soalan bodoh sebegini, : “kalau kita mahu harga kereta kita murah, kita harus menaikkan harga minyak”,.

    Apakah jaminan harga kereta kita akan merudum murah jika rakyat menyahut cabaran tuan Dr. menaikkan harga minyak?

    Tuan Dr. belajarlah sedikit asas-asas ekonomi dan jangan membuat pandangan yang menjatuhkan maruah golongan profesional lain di negara ini.

    Da…da…da, Di…di…tu. He…he…he.

    Salam Tun.

  49. Salam YAB Tun,

    Mohon laluan Tun sekali lagi:

    Kepada ’Pendekar Laut’, December 4, 2013 at 1:25 AM

    Terima kasih di atas pandangan saudara.

    Saya suka part ini: ” Bahkan ada yang memberi komen seperti seorang penganalisis politik. Seolah-olah semua perkara dia tahu. Tapi apa yang diperkatakannya ibarat seperti “tong kosong yang bergolek dari bukit”. Bunyinya bising tapi isi tiada.

    Nampaknya penganalisis bebas tersebut masih lagi syok sendiri dengan pandangan beliau yang semata-mata berlandaskan ‘khabar angin dan cerita kedai kopi’; fakta tiada.

    Pengalaman orang lain dan ILMU berserta fakta yang boleh di ‘Goggle’ (dihujung jari – can access all kinds of databases from all kinds of agencies – very reliable knowledge) kepada ‘Prof. serba tahu?’ kita ini tidak boleh diambil kira.

    Kita masih disogokkan dengan cerita kedai kopi beliau yang sudah ketinggalan zaman. Bercakap pun tanpa apa-apa bukti atau ‘evidences’. Cara beliau memberi pendapat pun masih lagi tidak focus kepada isu; amat kebudak-budakkan…buang masa saja layan penulis sebegini.

    Terima kasih Tun. Harap Tun bertambah sihat dan cergas.

  50. Chines derives from China
    Indian derives from India
    Malay derives from Malay



  51. Apalah Malaysia Takut sangat nak ambil cukai
    VEP vehicle entry permit dari Kenderaan Singapura
    Ini kan Hasil Bumi juga , pendapatan Kerajaan bagi mentakbir negara
    Kereta Malaysia masuk Singapore kena bayar VEP $20- sehari Rm50
    Belum lagi kena bayar parking kesemua tempat, salah sikit saman
    Belum lagi ERP yg kita kena bayar juga
    Sedangkan kereta Singapura masuk Malaysia tak kena VEP
    Mereka masuk sewenangnya
    Jangan Takut Pelancung , Pelawat Singapura tak masuk sini
    Kereta mereka tak akan bepusing pusing di Singapura saja
    Meraka akan tetap bawa kereta mereka kesini jika kita kenakan VEP
    Nyata Kerajaan Singapura mengekang kereta Sinagpura beli minyak Malaysia
    dengan memastikan setiap kereta Singapura mesti isi minyak 3/4 jika tidak akan di saman

    Keliahatan Kerajaan Singapura Gasak Kiri Kanan
    Kerajaan Malaysia hanya gigit jari
    Hai , Terlungkup lah Kerajaan UMNO

  52. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Untuk menjadi terbaik, kita tidak boleh berkompromi pasal kualiti.

    Untuk jadi penasihat Proton n Petronas pun kenalah pilih yang berkualiti.. Sebab tu bekas PM jadi pilihan.

    Saya juga tidak sanggup berkompromi pasal kualiti. Sebab kualiti soft bun punya pasal, saya dah x lena tidor 2 malam. Saya pun tak sangka sampai macam tu sekali.

    MT Umno juga dipilih yang berkualiti.

    Tapi dah banyak kali saya cuba popularkan perkataan tasawuf, namun PM Datuk Najib masih melihat orang agama sebagai sama kulit dan isinya.

    Datuk Najib, ilmu tasawuf adalah pakaian wali wali Allah s.w.t pilihlah personaliti agama yang terisi amalan tasawuf dalam dirinya. Bukan sekadar porpular dan banyak ilmu agama rasmi sahaja.

    Saya bercakap pasal tasawuf, tetapi saya tak pernah mengarah Tun berbuat mengikut kemahuan saya.

    Cuma apabila saya mengarah Datuk Najib dan Datuk Najib menentang…Datuk Najib merasainya sendiri.

    Itulah tasawuf. Pakaian wali wali Allah s.w.t yang sebenarnya tidak menganggu sesiapa

  53. Tun,

    Izinkan saya mengulas beberapa tulisan penulis di blog Tun.

    Ambil contoh tulisan seorang penulis menggelarkan dirinya ‘Pendekar Lapuk’, :- ” Blog chedet ini sangat berinformasi. Menulis berdasarkan pengalaman memerintah Malaysia selama 22 tahun”.

    Jawapan saya, memang blog Tun berinformasi dan memang tiada sesiapa mempertikaikan Tun menulis berdasarkan pengalaman beliau memerintah negara selama 22 tahun.

    Dan saya percaya bukanlah tujuan Tun hanya menulis mengenai pengalaman beliau tetapi untuk bertukar-tukar pendapat dan komen daripada orang ramai.

    Berikut adalah lagi tulisan daripada ‘Pendekar Lapuk’ (orang laut?) apabila membantu orang pandai Melayu lain (Dr. pun kena tolong?) mengulas mengenai kritikan penulis lain terhadap komen-komen semborono quote,:- “Jikalau anda seorang yang hebat dan berpengetahuan, jangan bazirkan masa anda menulis di blog ini. Make your own book. You will become famous and can make money. “:

    He…he…he, tak perlu jawablah soalan begini, budak sekolah pun tahu menjawabnya.

    Lihat lagi tulisan typical golongan ‘Pendekar Lapok dan cerdik pandai Melayu’ apabila tulisan mereka dan sahabat mereka dikritik, :- 1.) Ada sesetengah pengikut blog chedet ini yang menulis ibarat “lebih sudu dari kuah”.

    2.) Seolah-olah semua perkara dia tahu. Tapi apa yang diperkatakannya ibarat seperti “tong kosong yang bergolek dari bukit”. Bunyinya bising tapi isi tiada.

    3.) Setidak-tidaknya anda bukanlah tergolong dalam golongan orang yang ibarat “anjing salak bukit”. Bising sana,bising sini,hentam sana,hentam sini but at the end of the day,nothing…

    Saya tertarik dengan satu ayat ‘Pendekar Lapok’ ini, quote, :- ” Sepatutnya penulisan beliau (Tun) kita ambil untuk mengubah mentaliti kita dan seterusnya mengubah kehidupan kita.

    Persoalan saya, macam mana kita mahu mengubah mentaliti kita dan mengubah kehidupan kita jika menerima kritikan (walaupun membina) dan pandangan orang lain pun kita mengelabah?(emosi?) Kata diri kita itu seorang Pendekar dan seorang lagi cerdik pandai Melayu bergelar Dr?

    Cuba ‘Pendekar Lapuk” baca balik topik mengenai UMNO yang ditulis Tun sebelum ini dimana Tun sendiri menegur sikap orang bawahan yang suka mencium tangan pemimpin dan membodek termasuk memberi cadangan tidak membina kepada bos mereka sehinggakan bos mereka menjadi syok sendiri.

    Kita tuduh orang lain emosi dan pelbagai lagi atau kita sendiri yang emosi?Kalau orang lain ‘tin kosong’ menjadi tanggungjawab orang pandai terutama mereka yang menggelarkan diri mereka ‘Pendekar Lapok Melayu’ atau Dr. yang kelulusan tinggi memberi tunjuk ajar kepada tin kosong.

    Oh ya, untuk pengetahuan tuan/puan Dr. pula, bukan tujuan saya untuk berlawan atau mendabik dada dengan Dr. mengenai berapa kali saya atau Dr. pergi ke luar negara termasuk Australia atau China kerana seperti kata ‘Pendekar Lapok” blog Tun ini berinformasi. Dan saya tambah, ( bertujuan untuk bertukar-tukar idea membina).

    Bagaimanapun jika idea ‘Pendekar Lapok’ dan tuan Dr. tidak membina dan ditegur oleh penulis lain jangan cepat melatah (emosi?) kata orang lain seperti aniing menyalak bukit.

    He…he…he, saya tidak kisah dituduh seperti aning menyalak bukit, cuma geli hati dengan tulisan Pendekar Lapok ini, bagaimanakah agaknya orang Melayu akan maju dalam sebuah negara maju nanti jika masih berfikiran lapok seperti ini?

    Bercakap mengenai budak-budak pula seperti yang ditulis oleh ‘Pendekar lapok,’ saya teringat zaman budak-budak apabila budak yang tidak boleh menjawab atau marah dan kalah kepada rakan mereka akan berkata, “B.b., setan!”.

    Mengulas mengenai ungkapan ‘Pendekar Lapuk”, iaitu ” Lebih sudu daripada kuah”, saya percaya Tun sendiri pun tak mahu hanya orang yang “lebih sudu daripada kuah” (daripada Proton) yang menulis di blog ini.

    Jika Tun membenarkan tulisan-tulisan penulis lain mengkritik secara membina mahupun tidak membina terhadap Proton bererti Tun sedia menerima komen-komen daripada pelbagai pihak dengan sikap terbuka.

    Itulah bezanya seorang negarawan dan seorang cendekiawan Melayu terulung negara dengan Melayu yang bergelar ‘Pendekar” dan Dr.?.

    Oh ya lagi, Tuan Dr., bercakap mengenai negara China pula, jangan kita menulis hanya berdasarkan fakta-fakta daripada google sahaja, banyak faktor-faktor lain harus diambil kira seperti, jika harga minyak negara itu lebih mahal daripada negara kita, tarif elektrik negara itu pula lebih murah berbanding negara ini.

    Nanti si Pendekar Lapuk akan menyampuk pula apa kena mengena tarif elektrik dengan harga kereta? Saya boleh menulis dengan lebih panjang tetapi masa dan ruang menjadi kekangan untuk saya menulis menghujah tulisan Dr.

    He…he..he, sekali fikir pula tidak apalah, biarlah si luncai termasuk Pendekar Lapuk dan Tuan Dr. terjun dengan labu-labu mereka.

    Salam Tun.

  54. Tun if the isue here is how one country conducted it international trade.For Malaysia being agriculture country,it is good that we continue to remain one.but we have to do international trade if we want to be a develop country.
    We need to broden oue economic base which among others is to be manufacturing country be it in terms of good produced or services.To dothet we need to have comparative advantage if we were to succed. No trade which means autarky will lead more unemployment and less Gross national Product to the country.
    So malaysia transformes itself to be industrial country and thanks God under your leadership we are moving towards a developed country in 2020.Here we need to industry what sector that Malaysia has competitive edge compared to others.We have to use our natural and human resources to our advantage.Your ideas producing cars is admirable but then we have not created supporting bussiness which can support our car industry.local content policy has been manupulated by other goverment policy that liberate our other economic policy.
    Import substitition which begin in the early 80’s have lost the momentum whwn China start to dump their industrial product to the rest of the world.We are said to be less competitive compared to other countries.Our labor and management cost keep creeping up!.Most of the readers above has valid argument but we need to be more competitive if we need to survive this red ocean environment.Blue ocean seem to be in ethopia which rarely possible.Our Malaysian boys and girls I believed are capable to make Malaysia a developed as envision by you Tun.

  55. Salam Tun & Blogger Chedet…

    Mohon ruang…
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan komen balas Dr. Jannah. Bercakap dengan ada asas dan fakta. Bukan sekadar mendengar khabar angin atau cerita di kedai kopi. Ada sesetengah pengikut blog chedet ini yang menulis ibarat “lebih sudu dari kuah”. Sehinggakan komen yang diberi memang tersasar jauh dari topik. Bahkan ada yang memberi komen seperti seorang penganalisis politik. Seolah-olah semua perkara dia tahu. Tapi apa yang diperkatakannya ibarat seperti “tong kosong yang bergolek dari bukit”. Bunyinya bising tapi isi tiada. Blog chedet ini sangat berinformasi. Menulis berdasarkan pengalaman memerintah Malaysia selama 22 tahun. Tun menulis berdasarkan apa yang telah Tun “deliver to all Malaysian”. Sepatutnya penulisan beliau kita ambil untuk mengubah mentaliti kita dan seterusnya mengubah kehidupan kita. Tidak perlu rasanya kita bertindak seperti kebudak-budakkan dengan menyerang peribadi orang lain. Janganlah kita contohi sikap sesetengah MP di Parlimen yang seperti budak-budak. Jikalau anda seorang yang hebat dan berpengetahuan, jangan bazirkan masa anda menulis di blog ini. Make your own book. You will become famous and can make money. Sekurang-kurangnya anda dapat mengetengahkan pemikiran dan ilmu pengetahuan anda. Maybe that is one of the way you can do to deliver to people. Setidak-tidaknya anda bukanlah tergolong dalam golongan orang yang ibarat “anjing salak bukit”. Bising sana,bising sini,hentam sana,hentam sini but at the end of the day,nothing…

  56. My humble opinion,

    1. Bringing the car price down will no bring more car to the road. Bringing down the price of the car will mean that Malaysians will now have a broader selection of car that they can choose from. Lowering the car price doesn’t mean that the car will now be a cost of a motorcycle now. If you need a car, you need a car.

    2. To deal with the problem with traffic jam, besides pinpointing to number of cars on the road, can we do any better in doing road capacity planning & design for the city planning? A lot of time traffic jam happens when there is a bottleneck somewhere along the road (merging of three lanes into two lanes).

    3. If Pollution is something of a concern, why not government lower green levy tax (lower road tax, lower import tax, etc) to promote the use of hybrid cars? Does Proton produce one?

    4. If the argument about high price of car is because we want to limit the consumption of fossil fuel, then the tax on the car should be based on their fuel efficiency for similar car size (resulting in a cheaper car for a more fuel efficient car)

    5. You are totally right about Rich owners will not bother about the tax. If someone doesn’t bother buying a high cc imported car, they will not be bothered about the fuel usage.

    6. It’s sad that our national car is not able to stand on our own feet after so many years being protected. Where lies the problem? My humble opinion is brain drain. To come up with something innovative and competitive with the other market, you need the best of the cream to compete with others. Look at the korean. Coming from nobody to somebody today within such a short time span (not just in Korea Market but in the worldwide automotive market).

    7. If we could just bring the best of the cream, Proton might still see light. We sure have lots of bright talented Malaysian but why is it still not working? Where are these people? Something to ponder upon.

    8. Undeniably, government income will be reduced and jobs will be lost if we open the car market. When is the right time to do it? Everything start from the top management without bias but it should be based of performance and capability.

    9. After so many years in automotive industry, we have yet to gain much from the engineering capability, did we try to find out why? Brain drain. Where is the best of the cream?

    10. I don’t really understand why there is AP in the first place and only certain small group of people can do it.

    I totally understand that it’s not a easy thing dealing with the problem at hand. Only by attracting the smartest people into the administration and manage the city planning and manage our car maker organization, will there be some light in this long dark tunnel. Keep on providing protection/excuses/handicap will not bring long term benefits.

  57. Tun

    For Karl. If we analyse the character and the actions of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore, he as a leader of a tiny isle wanted to dominate others outside his jurisdiction and punched above his weight. Well and good. But first he used his 1947 brilliant Double First Law degree from the Unversity of Cambridge to do things his own way for 2 generations. All things being equal, he could do a lot of things in the titanic struggle between the capitalistic West and the communist East – a struggle for life and death. This exposed spying and espionage dated from those 1970 days. For no proper reasoning at all, he went for the 2 Child Family Policy in a small place at the same time the Singapore Government began to take a firm hand in the activities of its citizens. As the population was 75% homogenour, they just grinned and bear it as much as they could and walked away if given the chance. From the 1970s to 2008, the whole Singaporean scenarion was micro-managed by him as well as his interest in supposedly outsiders eager to do down Singapore. To this day, there is none. Hence, the huge army and the spies. It is not the fault of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew that the Malaysian Chinese behaved the wrong way at the 13th General Elections. It was a culmination of ALL things which these folks failed to comprehend because of their very poor political leadership on the one hand and their unperceived DE-TRIBALIZATION and the unintended effects of the NEP on the other. Hence, the Malaysian Chinese are up a pole and in a REAL CHINESE DILEMMA for want of a proper political leadership. The key to the failure for the Malaysian Chinese is the lack of REAL information about the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore and the state of happiness or unhappiness of its citizens. This the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew exploited brilliantly until now. How ? There is no free dissemination of information by the Malaysian Chinese media and most of the newspapers are controlled by one person who naturally do not want to antagonize anyone. And most importantly, the glue which is a dynamic economy with goodies for everyone disappeared after 2003. The goodies defied gravity.

    IF THE TPPA IS NOT SIGNED, THEN THE WORST MOMENT FOR OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA IS OVER only the skirmishes remain. As for Singapore, they over-reached and now THEY HAVE TO COUNT FOR THE COST. In other words, it was alright for the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew to sort out all problems in the past but WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE. And yet as far as I can discern there are 12 failed Policies for Singapore. MALAYSIA HAS NONE except problems of a humankind which is common throughout the World of MAN AND WOMAN.

    Man proposes. God disposes.

  58. Tun

    Karl. If you are one of us, then, I am sorry of being too forceful in presenting the facts on the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore. As an independent observer from 1954 and onto to 2013, I could see it very clearly that the brainwashing which emanated from ALL DIRECTIONS FROM SINGAPORE was intended to make us eunuchs in our own minds. FORTUNATELY, OUR TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMD SAW THROUGH ALL THESE BUT AS A GREAT STATESMAN OF ASIA AND THE WORLD HE WOULD NEVER STOOP SO LOW AS TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE BAD INTENTIONS OF OTHERS LIKE CREAMING OFF OUR RESOURCES AND SPYING ON US. Taking advantage of Tun’s stance, all the detractors insult, abuse and villify him from 2003 but seem to have simmered down of late. THE TUN SAVED US ALL ! Conversely, how can a person be great if he creamed off the resources of others and spied secretly on his friends ? How ?

    I hope all Malays and all Malaysians do not become eunuchs in their minds in believing others are greater than us. THE TRUTH IS THEY ARE NOT AS LONG AS WE BEHAVE NORMALLY.

  59. Salam YAB Tun,

    Mohon laluan Tun:

    Saudara ‘Sentinel3’, December 3, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    Komen Saudara:
    Izinkan saya mengulas tulisan seorang penulis, Dr. Sengkek mengenai harga kereta Proton.
    Saya bukanlah bergaji besar seperti Dr. kita seorang ini tetapi tahu maintenance costs kereta Proton tidaklah begitu murah lebih-lebih lagi dalam jangka panjang .
    Perkara ini melalui pengalaman sendiri dan rakan-rakan termasuk mereka yang menggunakan Proton Perdana yang ‘cabut lari’ beralih ke kereta lain setelah tidak tahan menanggung kos maintenance yang tinggi .
    Masalah maintenance cost yang tinggi ini pernah menjadi satu isu politik suatu ketika dahulu apabila Kerajaan Perak di bawah PR beralih menggunakan kereta Camry kerana masalah kos maintenance yang tinggi.
    Baguslah Dr. kita seorang ini ada membaca news mengenai kereta Proton kita di Australia tetapi setahu saya semasa berada di Australia, susah nak mendengar rakyat Australia yang tahu mengenai kewujudan kereta Proton sama ada di negara kita mahupun di negara itu.
    Mungkin Dr. kita ini terlalu pandai apabila membuat rumusan mudah iaitu “harga kereta di luar negara murah tetapi harga minyak mereka mahal” berbanding “harga kereta kita mahal tetapi minyak murah”.
    Sengkek sungguh pemikiran Dr. kita ini (macam mana dapat gelaran Dr. pun saya tidak tahu) apabila membuat rumusan menjurus kepada hanya kepada sebuah negara iaitu China.
    Adakah Dr kita ini sudah membuat perbandingan harga minyak dengan harga kereta yang dijual di negara-negara lain seperti di Asia Barat, Barat dan jiran kita terdekat Indonesia?
    Harap Dr. ini tidak keliru dengn perbezaan nilai mata wang asing dengan negara ini dan kos sara hidup yang berlainan di luar negara dengan negara kita apabila membuat perbandingan harga kereta dan minyak.
    Tidak salah bagi rakyat negara ini bersikap patriotik terhadap barangan keluarga negara tetapi kalau memuji pun biarlah berpada-pada dan kalau membuat sesuatu rumusan pun janganlah secara semborono.

    Komen balas saya:

    Dari cara saudara memberi pendapat sehingga membuat komen tentang kelayakan seseorang menunjukkan yang saudara adalah seorang yang berfikiran ‘tidak matang’ dan ‘beremosi’. Saudara tidak kenal saya; jadi saudara tidak perlu mempersoal tentang perkara yang saudara sendiri kurang pasti (tidak berkait denga isu yang dibincang). Saya telah pergi ke banyak negara-negara luar dan pernah tinggal di luar negara bertahun-tahun. Kalau setakat Australia, saya sudah pergi sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali. Jadi pemerhatian saya bukan setakat pemerhatian di China (saya juga sudah ke China beberapa kali). Ke Indonesia pun saya sudah beberapa kali pergi; pensyarah/guru pun ada yang tak mampu beli kereta yang murah bangat di Indonesia. Jadi tolong jangan cuba merendah-rendahkan pandangan/pemikiran orang lain (yang saudara kurang kenali) tanpa tahu hujung-pangkal cerita. Namun saya faham situasi saudara kerana saya sudah jumpa ramai orang yang seperti saudara. Bila berhujah, sentiasa melalut sebab tiada hujah kukuh.

    Untuk menjawab komen/hujah dangkal dari saudara, saya sertakan bukti (bukan semborono):

    1. Mengenai laporan kajian di Australia. Dan, kajian ini dilakukan di
    Australia dan matawang yang dirujuk juga dalam AUD.

    KUALA LUMPUR 30 Okt. – Syarikat kereta tempatan, Proton telah diiktiraf sebagai jenama kereta paling rendah kos pemilikan di Australia dengan mendominasi kategori di bawah AUD$35,000 (RM104,673) menerusi satu kajian yang dilakukan persatuan automotif di negara itu.

    Menurut kajian yang dilakukan oleh National Roads and Motorists Association (NRMA) yang berpangkalan di New South Wales, mereka telah meletakkan enam model Proton di kedudukan 10 terbaik mengatasi beberapa jenama terkenal yang lain.
    Artikel Penuh:
    © Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd

    2. Tentang harga minyak dunia (setiap negara), saudara boleh dapati di link di bawah; ini untuk menunjukkan kepada saudara yang bukan China saja yang harga minyaknya tinggi (walaupun harga kereta murah), tetapi meliputi banyak negara-negara lain (secara purata/am). Tentang anggaran harga kereta, saudara boleh ’google’ sendiri; saudara lebih tahu sebab saya kira saudara bukan pemilik kereta Proton. Lagi satu, kita kena buat rumusan secara purata/umum (on average) dan juga berdasarkan ekonomi sesebuah negara.


    Dan juga, tolonglah ’update/upgrade’ mentaliti/persepsi saudara tentang kualiti kereta Proton. Jangan terperangkap dengan kisah silam saudara atau kisah2 silam kenalan2 saudara yang berkaitan dengan kereta Proton. Saya rasa saudara masih lagi terbelenggu dengan pemikiran lama – yang sudah tidak lagi relevant mengenai Proton. Saya amat bersimpati dengan saudara dan juga kenalan2 saudara yang masih lagi berada di zaman silam dan masih lagi di takuk lama bila berbicara tentang Proton [[Sila baca balik tulisan anda yang terdahulu: ”Tun, setelah membaca beberapa tulisan penulis di blog Tun, saya dapati antara masalah yang dibangkitkan penulis terhadap kereta Proton ialah masalah power window yang masih tidak berkesudahan sehingga kini. Saya tidak tahu masalah ini masih berlaku kerana telah beralih ke kereta import, bukan kerana tidak patriotik tetapi `mengaku kalah’ setelah menghadapi pelbagai masalah dengan kereta nasional, bukan Proton tetapi Perodua.”]].

    Lagi satu, harap anda berhujah/berdebat mengenai ISU sahaja. Tidak perlulah melalut tak tentu pasal; ia cuma akan mempamerkan tahap pemikiran anda. Nampaknya yang membuat rumusan secara semborono adalah anda. Cuma kerana beberapa contoh di mana anda/kenalan menghadapi masaalah dengan kereta nasional (di masa lampau), semua model kereta Proton diheret mempunyai masaalah sama sehingga sekarang.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  60. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Dengar kata Tun dah tak jadi penasihat Petronas sebab nak jaga kesihatan.

    Dan Tun juga nampak lebih sihat.

    Ingat nak jugak menulis sesuatu dalam Love tapi sedikit sibuk.

    Sekarang musim banjir. Banyak jalan tutup.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  61. Izinkan saya mengulas tulisan seorang penulis, Dr. Sengkek mengenai harga kereta Proton.

    Quote:- “Kepada yang merungut tentang harga kereta Proton yang mahal, anggaplah ’maintenance costs’ yang rendah dalam jangkamasa panjang sebenarnya menguntungkan pemilik kereta Proton. Saya baca dalam ’news’ baru-baru ini (’survey’), beberapa model kereta Proton di Australia mengungguli senarai kereta-kereta yang mempunyai ’maintenance costs’ yang rendah.

    Lagi satu, harga minyak di Malaysia (about 43% below world average price) agak rendah berbanding banyak negara-negara lain. Saya ada di China baru-baru ini dan ternampak harga minyak di sana – dalam lingkungan 8 Yuan/RMB per liter (about RM 4.20).

    Rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya mohon/komplen untuk mendapat harga minyak yang setara dengan banyak negara-negara lain di dunia (baru adil) jika ingin sangat harga kereta yang lebih murah seperti di negara-negara tersebut. Walaupun harga kereta lebih murah, kos untuk minyak bertambah/mahal…campur-tolak, lagi sengkek agaknya.”

    Saya bukanlah bergaji besar seperti Dr. kita seorang ini tetapi tahu maintenance costs kereta Proton tidaklah begitu murah lebih-lebih lagi dalam jangka panjang .

    Perkara ini melalui pengalaman sendiri dan rakan-rakan termasuk mereka yang menggunakan Proton Perdana yang ‘cabut lari’ beralih ke kereta lain setelah tidak tahan menanggung kos maintenance yang tinggi .

    Masalah maintenance cost yang tinggi ini pernah menjadi satu isu politik suatu ketika dahulu apabila Kerajaan Perak di bawah PR beralih menggunakan kereta Camry kerana masalah kos maintenance yang tinggi.

    Baguslah Dr. kita seorang ini ada membaca news mengenai kereta Proton kita di Australia tetapi setahu saya semasa berada di Australia, susah nak mendengar rakyat Australia yang tahu mengenai kewujudan kereta Proton sama ada di negara kita mahupun di negara itu.

    Mungkin Dr. kita ini terlalu pandai apabila membuat rumusan mudah iaitu “harga kereta di luar negara murah tetapi harga minyak mereka mahal” berbanding “harga kereta kita mahal tetapi minyak murah”.

    Sengkek sungguh pemikiran Dr. kita ini (macam mana dapat gelaran Dr. pun saya tidak tahu) apabila membuat rumusan menjurus kepada hanya kepada sebuah negara iaitu China.

    Adakah Dr kita ini sudah membuat perbandingan harga minyak dengan harga kereta yang dijual di negara-negara lain seperti di Asia Barat, Barat dan jiran kita terdekat Indonesia?

    Harap Dr. ini tidak keliru dengn perbezaan nilai mata wang asing dengan negara ini dan kos sara hidup yang berlainan di luar negara dengan negara kita apabila membuat perbandingan harga kereta dan minyak.

    Tidak salah bagi rakyat negara ini bersikap patriotik terhadap barangan keluarga negara tetapi kalau memuji pun biarlah berpada-pada dan kalau membuat sesuatu rumusan pun janganlah secara semborono.

    Salam Tun.

  62. Salam Tun,

    first of all, we are assured by Mubarakchan that I was wrong in my assessment of the local Chinese population – ‘To tell us that most of the Malaysian Chinese are not obsessed with the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore which is the spiritual leader of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP and its spiritual home is like telling us that a tiger eats only vegetables.” I have to concede that I’d over estimated the loyalty of the Malaysian Chinese and their psyche towards this country. I believe Mubarak’s take on this issue is truly an eye-opener for most of us, who being Malay, lives by the proverb “buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih” This saying doesn’t seem to augur well with the real-politik that is reinforcing a greater racial divide in the country.

    It is quite alarming, because if Mubarak is right, that we are still sleeping with the enemies and unsuspectingly giving them undue benefits of the doubt in the post GE13 reconciliation efforts. The UMNO delegates who read this blog (if any) should consider to explore this subject for discussion and debate in the General Assembly. The issue of Singapore spying on us must also not be separated from this salient point, and UMNO’s top leadership must never under-estimate what LKY have in mind for our (Malaysian Chinese) future!

    And Tun finally leaving Petronas effective 1st December is sweet news to many Spore-lovers.

  63. Salam YAB Tun,


    Saya memandu kereta Proton; ini kereta Proton kedua saya. Untuk kereta Proton pertama saya, memang ada masaalah ’Power Window’, tetapi untuk kereta yang saya pakai sekarang (sudah lebih 3 tahun), saya TIDAK menghadapi apa-apa masaalah termasuk yg berkaitan ’Power Window’(cuma perlu servis saja).

    Pada pandangan saya, kereta ini sudah melepasi ujian untuk 3 tahun pertama. Jadi, Proton telah menunjukkan peningkatan dari segi kualiti ’Power Window’, etc. Bila saya perlu buka tingkap (contohnya di tol atau ’parking lot’ untuk ambil tiket & membayar, etc.), saya tidak teragak-agak untuk buka tingkap guna ’Power Window’; saya pelik kerana saya nampak beberapa pemandu Proton (baru) masih mempunyai ’mentaliti’ yang ’Power Window’ kereta Proton akan rosak jika digunakan selalu; jadi bila bayar tol atau ambil tiket, mereka buka pintu kereta (ini sikap negatif). Sebab itu ada lagi yang mati-mati percaya yang ’Power Window’ Proton masih macam dulu.

    Kepada yang merungut tentang harga kereta Proton yang mahal, anggaplah ’maintenance costs’ yang rendah dalam jangkamasa panjang sebenarnya menguntungkan pemilik kereta Proton. Saya baca dalam ’news’ baru-baru ini (’survey’), beberapa model kereta Proton di Australia mengungguli senarai kereta-kereta yang mempunyai ’maintenance costs’ yang rendah.

    Lagi satu, harga minyak di Malaysia (about 43% below world average price) agak rendah berbanding banyak negara-negara lain. Saya ada di China baru-baru ini dan ternampak harga minyak di sana – dalam lingkungan 8 Yuan/RMB per liter (about RM 4.20).

    Rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya mohon/komplen untuk mendapat harga minyak yang setara dengan banyak negara-negara lain di dunia (baru adil) jika ingin sangat harga kereta yang lebih murah seperti di negara-negara tersebut. Walaupun harga kereta lebih murah, kos untuk minyak bertambah/mahal…campur-tolak, lagi sengkek agaknya…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    Alhamdulillah Tun dah sihat…

  64. Tun

    For Karl. How come I left you out from my list of pro-Singapore MNMN, The on, Dont be small minded. saxykumar, HockBengTeohhalfpastsic, yusof12 etc. You disappeared for awhile but when Singapore things are hot you come back and shoo shoo us as though we are kindergarten kids. Sorry ! Wrong play and wrong timing.
    I studied Singapore and the Singaporeans since 1954. I got curious how these folks behave so differently from us. Most of them talked big and did not deliver. To tell us that most of the Malaysian Chinese are not obsessed with the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore which is the spiritual leader of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP and its spiritual home is like telling us that a tiger eats only vegetables. Are you back from Mars ? Our beloved Malaysia was properly screwed by the 1962 Water Agreement. And we now pay and pay to deliver free water to Singapore in unlimited quantities. What about the CLOB ? It was like a Hoover machine when the interest rates were used to manipulate the Stock Exchange all tightly organised and disseminated through the Straits Times. How come we had 12 Stock Exchange crashes before the break-up of the CLOB and since 2002, there were no crashes. How come ? And the sinful exposure of spying on thy neighbours WITHOUT REMORSE or apology, Karl, you have a thick skin with no compassion. But all the screw-up jobs by Singapore happened before October 2008 (before this Singapore was riding high). But after this date, all the pigeons came home to roost. And the Singapore inspired (2005) TPPA is now in limbo. This is the LAST THROW OF THE DICE BY SINGAPORE TO CONQUER MALAYSIA, an ant using a DONKEY ! Malaysia signs the TPPA, we Malaysians die. Singapore lives. If Malaysia does not sign, Singapore has the following choices to make within 25 years :-
    1. Singapore becomes the 53rd State of the United States.
    2. Singapore becomes a British Crown Colony.
    3. Singapore re-merge with Malaysia.
    4. Singapore retains its status quo.

    The brilliant Lee Kuan Yew has failed with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore. These are as follows :-
    1. Money was used as investment to be a tool of Foreign Policy. Vide. Thaksin. Shinawatra. Bangkok Riots 2003-13. Innocent men, women and children killed or injured.
    2. US$108 Billions (RM350 Billions) of the CPF Trust money was lost by the dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid of yes men with the smartest fellow on top in October 2008. Vide Channelnewsasia Lee Kuan Yew November 2008. Financial Times Gillian Tett April 2010.
    3. The 2 Child Family Policy. This is the killer. Vide. Singapore Government White Paper on Population. 1959 Lee Kuan Yew comes to power- indigenous population – 100% 2013 – 63%. 2030 – 45%. Only Hitler tinkered with the demographics and what happened to him !
    4. Humanity and Multiculturalism not practised. Vide. Channelnewsasia. 2011. The Curry Smell Tribunal. 2012 – The 188 bus drivers strike and the toilet fights. etc.
    5. The perfunctory Judiciary which is well-known the World over. Vide. The unfortunate and fortunate Dr Chee. Tan Koon Swan. The Aussie, Malaysian and German drug mules. Dr Woffles Wu. Shaw. If the Police stopped at 1, he would not be in trouble. They stopped at 51 ! Poor girl !
    6. 5,000 pigs imported daily. The flower nurseries contracts. King of the Road. The sale of Kim Eng Securities to Maybank. etc. etc.
    7. No World class transportation established. Vide. Mahubani. Distinguished diplomat and scholar.
    8. The highest paid Ministers in the World for a one street town. Vide. Warren Buffet.
    9. A full fledged Military of aging Gurkha Brigades, F35, drones, 2 submarines, corvettes, rusting tanks, spies, secret caverns, a S$2 Billion strategic water reserve, long range artillery, Apaches, etc. against neighbours who had not raised a voice in anger ever.
    10. Spying and espionage since 1972 with the change in the format of all Singapore Government forms when the super-duper computers were in operation.
    11. The failure of the Singapore inspired founding of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP in 1966 to conquer Malaysia to save the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew’s legacy and his 12 failed Policies for Singapore. The DAP leadership has recently asked the supporters to wait another 5 years making up a total of 52 years of waiting as the Opposition which they did nothing but contemplated their navels and twiddled their thumbs !
    12. Lee Kuan Yew assumed power in 1959. He is still there. During this period, Malaysia democratically elected 6, yes 6 Prime Ministers. Washington DC where are you ?

    Man proposes. God disposes !

  65. Regardless of any government help, Proton need to do more. Be open and open to criticism. Take criticism as an opportunity to improve and not be defensive.

    In modern era, customer is number one decisive factor. If Proton market share goes down, it means Proton’s product offering is not to the customer expectation. So product is an important decision to be made. Third is cost and price with respect to competition. At lower end, Perodua seems to do better than Proton even if they sell at a slightly higher price. At higher end, Proton does not match the technical superiority of Japanese and European car. Fourth, Proton need to look at it’s organization, capability and resources. Does it has the CCR necessary to build ? What about offering foreign expert individual to help manage and produce better Proton car, just like what Nissan do to increase it’s competitiveness ? However, I have some reservation… sometimes many good foreign expert come but they are either become stupid when they serve in Malaysian companies or they easily give up. Lotus was bought, in what way has it helped Proton is still unclear. Many Japanese engineers, tool-makers , executives from the car manufacturing industries are retiring. Why dont Proton hire them to create a flux of local technical expertise within Proton ?

    At the end of the day, it depends on Proton itself. It is a big giant but a very slow moving one.

  66. Salam Tun,

    except for some DAP Chinese members, I dont think Malaysians are generally obsessed with LKY or impressed with Singapore in any aspect or respect. Many would vision the islet as the prepuce at the tip of the Malay peninsular that is a constant nuisance and needs extra cleansing and care. However, there are many UMNO political eunuchs, a legacy from the Pak Lah era, who think themselves honorary watchdogs for LKY doing laps to entertain their master. They probably have some kinda fetish or are simply too attached with that little thing.

    Malaysians are disappointed with the Proton in general because we expect more from the national car industry. For one, we would love to own quality car at a price that is affordable and not just because we feel eternally patriotic and sentimentally silly and gaga about creating a job market in the auto industry that feeds 150,000 people or so. If Proton management is too busy taking care of its staff and its internal politics, it is a no brainer that they neglect to develop a marquee that is worthy of mention and respect in any international auto magazine. For example, people would identify Lotus as an excellent car engine, but nowhere would they figure Proton as having anything to do with Lotus even if there was a corporate connection somewhere.

    In the first 10 years of its inception the idea of Proton-Mitsubshi symbiosis seemed viable, but after that they appear to exist and live in perpetual khalwat producing many child out of wedlock fathered by the Japanese partner, the latest being Inspira, another shameless Mitsubishi clone issue.

    But realizing how dated the Japanese design have become and recalling how the adage ‘you cant fool all people at all time’, the brilliant Malay chap and the BMW reject found it necessary for them to camp in expensive Rome to create a french hunchback. From Oriental to Continental but never original.

    I find it insulting that our brains in automotive engineering are deemed fit to be the best copycats in the world when they could have been turned into rivals the likes of Tesla, Merc, BMW, Volvo. Even a small country like Croatia has a better reputation in auto engineering in Rimac, something that as an example would make any patriotic citizen be proud of in terms of technological achievement, considering the billions that we, oops Proton, had spent on their so-called RND. But of course, its not our money, its Proton’s. And yet in return, we the rakyat, get to buy awful sounding pretentious car names like Suprima, Inspira and a french Idiot called Preve at an awfully high price.

    Computers since the era of floppy disk in the 90’s have since then been transformed into beautiful laptops and tab androids with mini SD that can store gigabytes of information. I would liken Proton to a chunky sloppy desktop which no matter how hard you now try to turn it into a sleek machine, there can be no parts of it, inside and out, that is usefully replaceable. The vital part, the brain at the top, is simply not there!

  67. Tun,

    Izinkan saya memberi pendapat saya berhubung harga kereta termasuk industri kereta nasional kita, Proton.

    Tun, setelah membaca beberapa tulisan penulis di blog Tun, saya dapati antara masalah yang dibangkitkan penulis terhadap kereta Proton ialah masalah power window yang masih tidak berkesudahan sehingga kini.

    Saya tidak tahu masalah ini masih berlaku kerana telah beralih ke kereta import, bukan kerana tidak patriotik tetapi `mengaku kalah’ setelah menghadapi pelbagai masalah dengan kereta nasional, bukan Proton tetapi Perodua.

    Saya pernah memiliki sebuah kereta Proton dan seperti yang pernah saya tulis sebelum ini masalah power window pada kereta Proton berpunca pada satu batang plastik sebesar matchstick yang mudah patah.

    Disebabkan saya berminat dengan gajet elektronik, saya telah membuka motor power window kereta saya yang rosak dan saya dapati itulah punca kerosakan motor power window tersebut.

    Tun, bayangkan harga sebuah motor power window di luar berharga antara RM150-RM200 tidak termasuk kos upah sedangkan masalah kerosakannya cuma kecil iaitu hanya disebabkan sebatang batang plastik yang mudah patah yang saya sebutkan itu.

    Disebabkan sebatang plastik ini yang tidak ada dijual di pasaran, orang ramai terpaksa mengeluarkan wang sebanyak RM150-200 membeli satu set motor power window yang baharu.

    Jika pihak pengurusan Proton bersikap proaktif sedikit menyelidik rungutan pengguna mengenai masalah power window kereta Proton yang selalu dan mudah rosak, perkara ini akan dapat diatasi dengan menggantikan batang plastik tersebut dengan batang plastik yang lebih tahan lasak atau yang diperbuat daripada logam.

    Tun, berhubung mengenai harga kereta pula, saya pernah melihat kereta mewah terpakai yang masih baharu seperti BMW dan sebagainya di Australia yang dijual dalam sekitar harga AUD20,000=57,724MYR.

    Kalau dibandingkan harga kereta nasional kita dengan harga kereta di luar negara (termasuk kereta baharu) walaupun nilai wang negara asing seperti Australia lebih mahal daripada negara kita, kereta di luar negara masih lebih murah daripada kereta nasional kita.

    Tun, persoalannya mengapa kereta nasional kita harus lebih mahal daripada kereta di luar negara walaupun kebanyakan komponennya kini di buat di negara kita sendiri?

    Mengapa harga kereta Proton yang dijual di luar negara lebih murah jika dibandingkan yang dijual dalam pasaran negara kita?

    Adakah rakyat (pembeli Proton) perlu menanggung kos/pengurangan tarif kereta Proton yang dijual di luar negara supaya lebih murah dan berdaya saing dengan pasaran kereta lain?

    Tun, saya berpendapat idea Tun mewujudkan industri kereta nasional negara adalah bijak dan percayalah Tun, majoriti rakyat menyokong usaha kerajaan tersebut mewujudkan industri kereta nasional.

    Bagaimanapun Tun, sesuatu projek nasional itu haruslah tidak `at the expense of the rakyat’.

    Mengapa kini harga kereta nasional kita boleh turun mendadak setelah pihak pembangkang berjanji akan menurunkan harga kereta di negara ini?

    Lagi satu Tun, bagaimanakah kita mahu memberi contoh dan teladan yang baik terhadap rakyat supaya berjiwa patriotik membeli barangan buatan negara sendiri termasuk Proton apabila wakil-wakil rakyat khususnya pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang sendiri lebih suka membeli kereta import seperti Camry?

    Tolonglah jangan memberi alasan-alasan yang lapuk seperti kereta nasional tidak tahan lasak kerana VIP/wakil rakyat kita perlu pergi jauh ke bandar dan ke pelosok kampung untuk berjumpa dengan rakyat.

    Kebanyakan wakil rakyat ini batang hidung pun rakyat jarang-jarang nampak di kawasan mereka kecuali semasa pilihan raya.

    Saya pernah menggunakan kereta Proton dan dapat mengeliling Semenanjung Malaysia menggunakan kereta nasional dan hanya berhenti menggunakan kereta nasional apabila mendapati masalah kos maintenance agak tinggi.

    Bercakap mengenai kos maintenance Tun, saya pernah menulis sebelum ini bagaimana mekanik di Produa gagal membaiki atau mencari masalah terhadap kereta yang saya miliki sehingga saya terpaksa mendapatkan bantuan mekanik di bengkel lain.

    Selain R&D, mungkin mengenai kepakaran mekanik di Proton dan Perodua juga harus diambil kira oleh pihak kerajaan jika mahu kereta nasional kita terus berdaya saing sama ada di dalam atau luar negara.

    Mengenai kesesakan di jalan raya jika jumlah kereta nasional kita bertambah disebabkan harga yang murah, saya berpendapat perkara ini tidak akan berlaku jika pihak kerajaan sentiasa bersikap proaktif seperti membina lebih banyak jejantas bertingkat dan melebarkan lebuh-lebuh raya sedia ada.

    Malangnya Tun, saya dapati kita mempunyai banyak bangunan mega tetapi jejambat bertingkat mega kita tidak ada malah kawasan-kawasan perumahan kini dibina berhampiran lebuh-lebuh raya di negara ini.Bagaimana kita mahu melebarkan lebuh-lebuh raya kita suatu hari nanti, saya tidak tahu.

    Kita ambil contoh Tun, mengenai sikap proaktif yang saya maksudkan, kesesakan jalan di kawasan Ampang berhampiran kompleks Famingo, jalan di situ boleh dikatakan setiap hari sesak disebabkan jalan empat lorong mengecil jadi dua lorong selain lampu isyarat, pusingan U, persimpangan empat dan kereta yang datang dari arah atas jejambat semua tertumpu di kawasan itu.

    Setakat ini tiada tindakan proaktif daripada pihak-pihak pakar jalan raya kita untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.

    Salam Tun.

  68. Tun

    For the Age of Enlightenment. I agree with your comment if our beloved Malaysia is fully developed like an industrialized Western country. But unfortunately, we are not especially our brand of Malaysian Democracy. So many of us have been mentally subverted by jealous people that we do not see how our beloved Malaysia could be an even better place to live and play and work. Singapore and some of the Opposition know how to turn the situation round but they are not telling because they are in the OPPOSITION. Tun and his supporters know too. But they also know the difficulties. Fortunately, the Opposition leadership is weak in human terms and overlorded by the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore which is the spiritual leadership and homeland of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP. The Tun’s vision for the Proton is correct in political socio-economic terms to bind a country of diverse peoples coming from diverse civilisations. There is no two ways about this. Without the Proton, what have we left ? Fresh air and sunshine which are based on our petroleum assets and the durable oil palm. This is what our detractors want us to believe in order to OVERLORD us, free Malaysians of all creeds and types ! This was what brainwashing is or was about. TO PUT INTO OUR HUMAN MINDS THAT WE ARE INFERIOR TO OTHERS. Utter rubbish ! WE ARE NOT AND THERE ARE CERTAIN PRINCIPLES AND CROSS-ROADS WHICH HAVE TO BE DEFENDED AT ALL COSTS. I believe Proton is one of them. We all so now realise and from facts see for ourselves that for over 50 years there was only one detractor who want to do us down if not physically, mentally. Now the facts are out, that our beloved Malaysia as long as we behave normally, we will be there. AND WE ARE ALREADY THERE, thanks to all our PRIME MINISTERS ! It is my honest belief that all things are possible with our beloved Malaysia if we behave NORMALLY AND PUT ROUND PEGS INTO ROUND HOLES AND SQUARE PEGS INTO SQUARE HOLES in anything we think and do. I am exceedingly happy that our beloved country has reached so far THAT IS IF YOU SEE THE WOOD FROM THE TREES. If you see the lies from the facts of ACHIEVEMENTS. It is the peace, stability and prosperity for all Rakyat we must do our utmost to keep. There is no two ways about this. The key for our beloved Malaysia’s future achievements as the foundations were laid by the Tun’s 22 year administration and those of his predecessors, is the proper and efficient marshalling of our human and natural resources for the good of all the Rakyat. There is no two ways about this.

    As for Proton, if there is a Will, there is a Way. All human problems are Humankind made ! We should always look at our beloved Malaysia’s Rakyat’s interest and not in the interest of the fellows across the tiny Causeway ! We are Malaysian, proud, happy and free !

  69. Asslamualaikum,

    Cuba bayangkan….kalau digandakan beban penawaran proton…. dan cuba anggarkan lipat ganda permintaan proton selepas itu…nanti ke depan mai…psikologi proton akan mendapat lebih keuntungan….proton akan kembali berdiri macam awal penciptaannya.

  70. Just to add some more points why Proton should be given help even though it is not government’s company.

    It is a strategic industry. It creates GNI and GNP to the nation. Why this indicator is important ?

    Foreign companies are mechenaries. They invest when the situation is good and they divest when they think they need to. Once foreign companies divest , GDP will reduce. Having a high GNI could limit the severity of GDP reduction if the situation comes. Reliance on GNI means that the country need to ensure that local manufacturers are fully supported and not closed down due to the pressure from any angle.

    Currently, Malaysia Debt/ GDP = approximately 53 % . This situation is safe as long as there is not global recession. When there is a recession, GDP will shrink and country may need debt to sustain it’s expenditure. Often under the advises of management consultant such as McKinsey and etc, these mercenaries may close shop, and the GDP will shrink much further. Only local companies keep it’s foot within the country and contribute to the GDP.

    At the end of the day, we should conclude that Proton is too strategic to let it flounders for the benefit of foreign mercenaries.

  71. Salam Tun,

    Just close Proton down.

    All the employees can find jobs utilizing the skills they learnt in Proton. They may also work overseas and perhaps fetch a “high income” status.

    Market forces will drive car prices down, but above all i think the second hand car market will grow significantly. Yes, they will be plenty cars on the road, but traffic jams isn’t about plenty cars only. It is also about bad traffic management ( including bad policiing ), driver attitudes, bad event management, and government officers sleeping on the job and some plain stupid.

    Yes, i understand it is the duty of the government to protect local industries, but against what ? As a normal human i want to freedom of choice. The protection mechanism takes away my freedom of choice, and i have a few days ago had to fix my kaput power window on my proton yet again, otherwise i get soaked in the now monsoon blessings.

    Really Tun, i am rather disappointed with Proton. I note the CEO tries his best to win back our support. But really, quality is not only at the top level management, it goes all the way down from design to even the assembly line. I do not want to say more.

    Similarly for MAS. Why they could not fly, is because of sheer mix up of pride and silly religious concern, while customers priority is service and comfort and price.

    Thank You Tun

  72. Tun

    For Puteri Tujuh. Yes ! I agree with your comments. I am a born optimist like the Tun. I see the Proton as the centrepiece to Malaysia’s eventual industrializatin and form the bulwark of its political socio-economic stability for which there is no price or profit/loss at its very birth. Car manufacturing has a very long gestation period unlike those 3 year loss feasibility studies produced by consultants. I have first hand experience in manufacturing as I turned round the biggest financial bankrupt factory in the 1970s without a single new ringgit loan and made millions of ringgits and repaid the the Cosortium of Banks in full and they turned away at the end as though nothing had happened ! With so much Governmental support, I strongly believe we could do something with the Proton. Of course, stories abound about this motor business. I have heard a few real ones too. But our objective is not to rumourmonger but get down to the brass tacks and get on with the job. If this succeeds, which is very likely, there will be immense benefits for the Government, the Rakyat and the owners. It can be done.
    Some of our mind-sets have been brainwashed and screwed up for so long that sometimes we cannot see the wood from the trees. And I am not polishing apples, when I say the Tun has the vision and the Proton is the right approach for Malaysia’s eventual industrialization. There are no two ways about it. I was hoping Sime Darby could have done the job. But unfortunately, it is now an elegant British type of trading company without the Empire Preference. Because we now live in a competitive world of globalization, free trade and human rights, unless we have a sincere partner, this car manufacturing will take a long time to be established. And the worst of all, if Malaysia signs the TPPA, we can kiss the Proton sayonara. This is why I commented that we must have a comprehensive review of the general economy. In other words, is the Government investing wisely to make money, an area which should be left to the Private Sector to take the risks/losses ?Do we need the GLCs managed by individuals with no accountability but owned by the Government with the use of Rakyat’s money ? In most instances, we see the GLCs invest in the lush places of the World in the face of 150,000 employees connected with the motor-trade left in limbo ? And if such fancy money is diverted back to Malaysia and to give the Proton a push, there could be a good reason why we should leave the GLCs to be tinkered by the Republic of Singapore ! As it is revealed to us every day, that our beloved Malaysia is as different from the Republic of Singapore, like chalk and cheese. And we are already 13 years into the 21st century !

    All things being equal, I believe in the Proton !

  73. Whether is under a private entity or not, The whole episode lies with our mentality of how to manage a large corporation, Proton is just one of the them! We think we are big, but we are a micron in the eyes of the world. we are only good at being – Jaguh Kampung..! true enough! we do have option, however the government have imposed hefty tariff on other make cars make to protect Proton, Is this fair play? is this transparency? Is not Malaysian loves Proton, Is Malaysian ( a decent middle income family ) have no alternative. ya ya ya,,,, I know you would say ” You have money buy foreign car la”. Imposing hefty tariff on foreign cars is to reduce traffic!! this is moronic… we even imposed heavy tariff on our produced car, no wonder our house-debt is the second highest in the world.

  74. Salam yg Bhg Tun,

    Mubarakchan, if not mistaken Proton now belongs to DRB-HICOM. A private entity. All Government’s share in Proton were bought over by DRB-HICOM. All decisions are made by DRB-HICOM’s managements. Recently they produced better quality cars for Malaysians who love Proton brand. Some people still dig out old stories like Tiara which were produced 20 years ago and are no more in productions. Everybody have options here, if dont like the Proton brand than choose the foreign one. No need to bark here and there telling unnecessary bads about Proton.

    I believe DRB-HICOM may continue to serve the Malaysian.

    Salam Mubarakchan.

    Salam Tun.

  75. Tun

    Today, the well-known Korean economist mentioned that in 1955, General Motors of the United States manufactured 3.5 Million vehicles a year. Japan’s 10 to 11 manufacturers could produce only 70,000 vehicles altogether. If they had given up then, there will be no Japanese motorcars on the road today. I strongly believe if the Proton is considered the centerpiece of Malaysia’s general economy and round pegs fit into round holes and square pegs into square holes, the chances of it succeeding is bright if we get the right generalissimo.
    The market network is present. The marque has always been strongly supported by the Government. The problem has been with the manufacture of the basic engine and chassis.
    To make the car from its basic components, there should be a deal with a foreign motorcar manufacturer who is really keen to assist. But unfortunately, there is no free lunch in this World and we missed opportunities like buying Jaguar, Volvo or Saab. Maybe the Rover is still available. In our country, people like to back winners. As long as any manufacturer holds back the know-how to make the engine, Proton hands are tied. And we should not just blame the locals for this shortcoming. As I mentioned before, the multitude of GLCs which require Government funding goes on and on. Most of these compete directly with Malaysain private business. And we are not Communistic yet with central planning. A good partner with funding from the Government should be able to progress further with the marque. It is good that Proton be privatised with full Government support if this has not happened already. At least the private invester is more concerned that his money is invested efficiently. To me, there is much more needs to be done in the support of Proton, a car manufacturer. It should be the centrepiece in a general review of the Malaysian economy and whatever that supports it should be considered also. This is the straight-forward journey towards industrialiization which I understands. Condemnation or curses will not bring time or money spent back. We should be able to move further with the marque in the right business hands with the right business partners maybe even Russia ! If car fanciers like to buy the best, then they have to pay more. But for the rest of us for want a decent car to drive to work or play, then we opt for a quality and cheap Proton even though it might have a Russian engine but made in Malaysia. I quote Russia as an example. It could be Brazil. All options should be considered as we should not dream of making a Mercedes or BMW-like Malaysian car in our lifetime. It is the engine that holds us back. And I believe this can be overcome through astute business practices which our people have plenty !

  76. Proton??? where & what is Proton now?? The pathetic national car made in Malaysia, that I am SO ashamed to know is made in Malaysia or even tell our foreign friends.Proton’s birth is at the same time as of South Korea’s Hyundai & Kia, Look what Hyundai has transform into?!!!! we claimed we spent billions on R&D, R&D what shit?? but yet we copied from Japan’s Mistubishi – Galant (Perdana), we even paid hundreds of million for the Tiara design from France, And the Tiara design from France has been obsolete then, and yet we bought the design? R&D where? where did $$$ Proton goto…?

  77. Tun

    Before I could say ‘Selamat Pagi’, I am hit by another screaming headline, ‘ Singapore does not comment on intelligence matters.’ In this news release the Minister for Foreign Affairs were quoted as saying, ‘ I will not deny or confirm.’ Does this mean that those who have been mentally assaulted in the still of the night be left wondering whether Singapore or someone else did ? Or do we wait until the baby is born for the DNA result ? This could be the best joke of 2013 from the Republic of Singapore which had a fantastic run of luck and arrogance since 1959. Unfortunately with all Humankind, good things come to an end and when the bad comes, it comes in SPADES ! However, the unfortunate happenings which are revealed to the World since October 2008, actually had its beginnings in 2000 after the DotCom crash – the result of the routine Singapore’s boast of ‘ hitting above its weight ‘. Self-brainwashin of the lethal kind ! Fortunately, our beloved Malaysia never tried to do what is not normal especially during you 22 year Administration. But after 2003, we tried to ape Singapore which is now found to have feet of clay. This must be a great embarassment to the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP which spiritual leader is the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore which is their spiritual homeland as well. But its leadership is weak in human terms being overshadowed by the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew’s Double Star First in Law at the Universtiy of Cambridge in 1947 ! And as for the very wealthy PKR, the Republic of Singapore’s view of them has been leaked through the WikiLeaks ! When one’s own sovereignty and freedom is not recognised with self-esteem and consorted with foreigners, the Devil will take the hind-most !

    A well-worn cliche, ‘ what goes round comes around !’ In the early 1960s, it was alleged that Henry Ford II was stopped by the Los Angeles Police Department for drunken driving. He was with a beautiful blonde. Outside the Police Department, the reporters asked him, ‘ What happened last night, Mr Ford ?’ He replied, ‘ I don’t complain. I don’t explain.’


  78. Tun

    Before your 3 urbane subjects cool off, LOVE, PROTON, CAR PRICES, we are hit with another screaming headline, ‘ Selangor Mentri Besar ups his salary to RM 50,000 per month.’ And the young greenhorn and uneducated Speaker of the State Legislature is rewarded over RM 22,000.’ Tun, remember when young doctors were paid peanuts to save lives ! As I said before once the Pandora’s Box is opened by the Opposition in keeping with the Singapore’s Trojan Horse DAP’s spiritual leader, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore which is their spiritual homeland, all sorts of counter-reactions are created which could not be easily fathomed. Inflation shoots up. suddenly all employees will sleep tonight with big fat pay packets in their dreams, subisdies will be reduced, the whole country is out of synchronization in relation to the employees salaries etc. Hopefully, the Proton will be the sole beneficiary in this fracas to come. The legalization and justification of money, money, money a’ la Singapore has arrived on our doorstep, sooner rather than later. We will now think, eat and sleep with Money, Money, Money on our minds like Singapore. Statistics show that men/women LOVE MONEY MORE THAN SEX ! I once had the opportunity to ask high officials of the Hong Kong and Singapore Governments what they like best, money or health. They all replied, ‘ Money ‘. They rationalised that with Money, they could do more things. To add to the conundrum, a respected overseas Blog screamed in its headline, ‘ Malaysia’s Pakatan loses its lustre.’ How could they, when they have just increased their coffers many times over ? At a time when we have a certain degree of unemployment amongst our graduates and the country is supposed to be reducing its Budget deficit, it does not augurs well for those in power to flaunt around with the Rakyat’s hard-earned wealth. We must do out best to seek out opportunities for all like our Tun here who keeps on to sustain the vital motorcar industry. It is alleged in China, a drop of 1% of the GDP creates unemployment for 1 million graduates. China has 2 million unemployed graduates.We this clear example in a dynamic and progressive country. We should be doubly cautious when we are in an Aladdin’s Cave full of riches (the Rakyat’s). As my favourite American President Harry S Truman once said, ‘ The buck stops at my desk !’ He is my favourite not because he dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan but he was a normal and homey sort of person from the mid-West.
    Now that the Pandora’s Box has been opened by the Opposition, the denizens which have been released will cause far reaching effects at a time of uncertainty at home and abroad.

    Hopefully, the Proton will be the sole beneficiary !

  79. Salam Tun,

    1. Apabila Malaysia menceburi industri pemotoran dengan Proton, kerajaan secara pro-aktif telah mencetus permintaan yang tinggi terhadap kereta di kalangan penduduk. Jadi, tidak perlu heran jika jumlah kereta di Malaysia yang lebih tinggi dari biasa kerana begitulah ekonomi pasaran bertindak balas.

    2. Kesesakan lalulintas di KL adalah seiring dengan pembangunan dan peningkatan jumlah penduduk, manakala infrastruktur serta pengurusan jalan dan penguatkuasaan oleh DBKL sangat mengecewakan. Saya sering lihat kereta parkir tepi jalan di garisan kuning seolah-olah ia bukan kesalahan, kerana orang tak nampak batang-hidung petugas DBKL.

    3. Kalau harga kereta diturunkan, tanpa apa-apa peningkatan jumlah penduduk, sekalipun seorang membeli dua buah atau lebih buah kereta, dia masih cuma boleh pandu satu kereta di setiap masa.

    4. Penggunaan bahan api fosil oleh kereta mewah dan tidak mewah boleh dikurangkan, jika Proton mengambil inisiatif kereta elektrik Tesla, seperti komen Karl @

    5. Saya percaya orang kaya sering tidak bertindak secara yang normal kerana keistimewaan mereka memilik resos dan wang yang berlebihan. Itu bukan masalah bagi rakyat biasa, malahan ianya adalah satu motivasi dalam kehidupan.

    6. Nampaknya Command Economy yang mengampu jualan Proton tidak lagi berkesan berbanding bisnes AP yang jauh lebih lumayan.

    7. Mungkin ada pihak yang secara bergurau mahu jual Proton dengan harga 1 Euro?

    8. Jika Proton bungkus, ianya satu bad karma ke atas kesalahan pengurusan dulu dan kini.

    9. Jika duti import tidak menghalang orang membeli kereta luar, eloklah kerajaan gubah semula sistem AP, naikkan duti kepada 999% dan meraih untung besar di atas angin. Kerajaan boleh serap kepakaran jutera kita untuk buat kereta elektrik yang lebih bagus dari Tesla, buatlah satu Akademi Electro Auto sebagai contoh. Nanti adalah wang dari dana luar yang akan masuk ke negara kita untuk memperolehi kepakaran kejuruteraan otomobil elektrik dan elektronik Malaysia (untuk ganti kegagalan 30 tahun dalam industri enjin bahan api).

    10. Bisnes yang sebenar tidak bergerak atas landasan kesian atau subsidi – ini orang Melayu kena faham betul-betul.

    11. Bisnes otomotif memerlukan modal besar. Lantikan ejen dan dealer, mahu tak mahu perlu mengambil kira faktor kapital dan resos. Ini sibernetik dalam perniagaan dan tidak perlu dikaitkan dengan isu perkauman.

    12. Objektif NEP jika untuk melenyapkan identiti ras dalam fungsi ekonomi adalah suatu percubaan kosmetik yang sia-sia. Apatah bila telah terbukti dalam kes penganugerahan AP kepada segelintir pemain pengusaha Melayu yang terlalu kaya dan kitar-semula. Bahkan bekas menteri di MITI dan pegawai tingginya turut memenangi anugerah AP, hanya secara kebetulan!

    13. Aspirasi pengusaha Melayu yang menjual AP kepada usahawan Cina, telah membentuk satu lagi identiti pasca NEP yang baharu, yang kini dikenali sebagai Ali-Baba (walaupun Dewan Bahasa tidak mengiktiraf istilah tersebut)

    14. Jika kereta recond lebih popular dari kereta baru Proton, apakah makna semua ini? Masih nak jual Proton pada harga 1 Euro?

    15. Kuasa tarik tolak dan pulas ekonomi, akhirnya menentukan bahawa orang Malaysia mahu kereta buatan luar.

    16. Jualan AP berlaku sebab ada penjual dan pembeli serta tiada penguatkuasaan yang bermakna dan tulus – mungkin telah disengajakan?

    17. Kenapa nak tahan lesen AP? Ubah kos peluang yang sedia ada (opportunity cost) dan sedut keuntungannya ke dalam perbendaharaan negara.

    18. AP untuk apa jua produk sepatutnya dikaji dari semasa ke semasa. Janganlah buat kesilapan yang sama (seperti kes harga air ke Spore) dan kes billionaire tepong yang pro-pembangkang. Muhasabah diri dan berhenti salahkan orang lain.

    19. Tiada sistem yang sempurna, hanya Allah yang sempurna. Jadi bila kita telah buat salah dan memahaminya, tiada apa yang boleh menyekat kita membuat correction selagi terkandung nyawa di badan. Nak atau tak nak saja. Lagipun, bukankah UMNO yang menerajui kerajaan sekarang sehingga PRU-14?

  80. Kesuluruhannya, rakyat Malaysia harus perlu melihat pada kesan jangka panjang, yang mana lebih menguntungkan kita?

    Ya, kerajaan Malaysia tidak mempunyai masalah untuk mengikut kehendak rakyat menurunkan duti/cukai import, namun, adakah ini akan menguntungkan negara mahupun rakyat?.

    Selain itu, rakyat harus dan perlu memahami; apakah yang mendorong kerajaan melaksanakan polisi tersebut dan hal-hal yang berkaitan.

  81. Just to help Tun a bit with his case in point.

    1. There is no correlation between abolishing AP with reduced car price.

    2. A car dealer who may not have to pay for AP, may not choose to reduce their price. Instead, it is more motivating for him to keep the profit for himself. Especially, as the consumer demand is there and they could buy even at high price.

    3. It seems simple but does not look practical. After all, after AFTA was implemented,how much car price reduction has we got from imported car ?

    4. In Japan or western countries, the car price is low only for car manufactured by that country’s conglomerate. But bear in mind, car price is low but oil price is high (even taxed) and maintenance cost is high.

    5. Government is spending a lot on MRT and if the car price is reduced and people does not use MRT, then the investment will not give a good return. There will be reduced motivation in building new MRT lines and less engineers will be employed.

    6. Proton helps to create 150,000 jobs for Malaysian. Will the car dealers create 150,000 jobs if Proton flounders ? Where the employees will go to ? Will the employees strike against the government ?

    7. If the dealers reduce car price just to make Proton flounders, and once Proton is closed, they increase back the car price, the government will have to re-create the AP system. And the damage is the lost of a multi-billion indigineous car industry of Malaysia.

  82. Tun

    What a coincidence ! You famously brought up the subject of LOVE, PROTON and CAR PRICES and infamously the spying by the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 12 failed Policies for Singapore blew up at the same moment, coupled with the infamous 19 rounds of very secret negotiations of the Singapore inspired TPPA which would have saved the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew legacy and Singapore for awhile by prying open the Malaysian market for Singapore imported goods ! From such mundane subjects as LOVE, PROTON AND CAR PRICES, I see the real difference between our beloved Malaysia and the one-street town of Singapore micro-managed by one person from the beginning of time.
    On the one hand, we are all engaged in how to better the living standards of our country and provide employment for our Rakyat (through the Proton) which we have always done beyond 1957 ! On the other, we see a friend and neighbour armed to the teeth with brigades of aging Gurkha guards, F35s, drones, long range artillery, 2 submarines, corvettes, AWACS, a S$2 Billion strategic water reserve, the reserves placed on constant alert, secret caverns, spies in keeping with the University of Cambridge tradition, etc. which are all aimed within a radius of 1,200 miles at good friends and close neighbours. This does not make sense in a globalised world of free trade and human rights and the United Nations. And to top all these, Singapore has tacitly admitted that the spying did no harm because the secrets were harmless. How does she know ? But then she was only an agent serving more than 5 principals/clients ! This type of logic is definitely wonky to say the least as spying is the oldest profession in the World ! No amount of white-washing or explanations can do away with spying on friends and neighbours since 1972. And since 1972, not a single neighbour ever raised their voices in war-like tones to sound any alarm of aggression by anybody. What a waste of the public money to defend a mirage of fear ! The greatest fear is the fear of fear itself !
    And here on this distinguished Blog, we only care about the Rakyat, their welfare and their well-being. We are so engrossed in the wood that we cannot see it from the trees. Maybe, our normal behaviour in this tumultous world will serve us well at all times. But, suddenly, in all our innocence and our famous hospitality, we found ourselves as though we have been raped by a friend who claimed once upon a time to be ‘abang adek’. Statistically, rapes are committed by persons known to the victim ! This is what hurts when a trust is broken in civilised terms which has been going on since 1972 !

    Humanity and multiculturalism will keep our beloved Malaysia alive and happy !

  83. Dear Tun,

    1. Praise to Lord that you recover.

    2. What are the Proton improvement/achievement in terms of QUALITY compared to the Japanese/Koreans car? Proton was established over 30 years and yet, still unable to compete with the foreign brands? Let you yourself or the PM and the minister drive the Proton and comment for yourself/themselves whether it is with par with the Japanese.

    3. Myself, or maybe others would definitely choose to drive Proton car IF the Quality is comparable to Japanese made, even if the price comparable. Honestly.


  84. Salam Tun,

    Boleh bawak mati ke untung jual kereta? Ramai yang tunggu berjam-jam dan jalan berbatu-batu nak naik bas. Yang mati sebab tak de bas nak pergi hospital pun ada.

    Kenapa Tun tak pernah kisah dengan orang2 yang memang tak kan mampu beli kereta?

  85. Tun

    The Proton is a national icon created in the early years of your 22 year Administration. The concept was forward looking and visionary – ahead of its time in the face of the profit/loss naysayers. As I said before, it should be the centrepiece of any review of our general economy. Whether the APs play apart or not in its financing of the Proton must be considered in a total review of the Nation’s resources. At the moment, I believe we are trying to ape the Republic of Singapore which derring-do pigeons are coming home to roost. I will explain why Singapore embarked on State owned business enterprises financed by the CPF’s Trust money. In the early years of the Republic of Singapore, the Government found that Singapore tycoons were only good for wheeling and dealing as traders but not as industrialists who should be a different calibre of personality – in other words – better educated individuals. The State stepped in and established some of the flourishing enteprises of today and the multi-nationals filled the difficult voids in the spectrum. Early entrepreneurial enterprises like My Fair Lady, Eupoc, Star Ceramics, etc failed. One set-up by myself and associates with the best Swiss machinery could only succeed with a Japanese brand and it is still around to this day. This was the reason why Singapore has State-owned businesses.
    But in Malaysia, our task is to up-lift the standards of Bumiputra businesses and with this the non-Bumiputra businesses. Now, we find the Khazanah doing precisely what the Republic of Singapore is doing but shooting in all sorts of directions in the World. In one instance, the elegant trading house Sime Darby sponsored New Zealand Deep Ocean Racing for more than 9 years and have tiny businesses dotted all over Australasia which forever gulps up tons and tons of money from all points of the compass.
    In order that round pegs are fitted into round holes and square pegs into square holes with the Government only interested to rule over us, the following should be returned to the private sector :-
    1. GLCs should be sold back to the previous owners if no law has been broken.
    2. GLCs maybe sold to new Bumiputra partners and non-Bumiputra partners.
    3. GLCs maybe sold to the existing Managers and their non-Bumiputra partners.

    With the proper re-location of financial and human resources, the vital motorcar industry with Proton as the centrepiece should double the employment requirement to 300,000 and contribute meaningfully to the GDP. At the moment, we have money in Turkey, New Zealand, Australia, London, India etc. which benefit only a few with no accountabilty and a vital motorcar industry in limbo.with an estimated employment of 150,000. Something wrong smewhere ! With the proper allocation of human and financial resources together with proper timing, all things are possible. Malaysia could have bought Jaguar, Saab and Volvo if the authorities were not distracted and interested only in selling. It is the employment so created by the motorcar industry which will form a bulwark of support for the Government in socio-economic terms in the years ahead. There are money and financial resources if carefully and properly managed in the fickle motorcar market eg. sale of the GLCs and Government efficiency.

    We cannot just abandon the vital Proton project because of the manifold benefits beyond imagination. Its success is just a matter of the right timing. Who knows what the future can foretell ?

  86. simple, bukak google maps, dari satu hotel di kl ke rumah saya ambil masa 2++ jam dengan kereta, tp 15++ jam dengan public transport. saya pakai kereta 1 je, backup dengan skuter. sebab pakai 1 bukan tak tahan bayar bulan, tp consider maintenance & annual fees.

    kalau kata sebab environment, sebab harga kereta yg ridiculous menyebabkan orang beli kereta buruk, simpan kereta buruk yg macam asap keretapi wap (selain safety takde)

    orang terpaksa pakai kereta sebab tak ada pilihan, beli juga kancil berumur 15 tahun yang hampir nak tanggal semua skru.

    kalau jujur nak eliminate sesak kl, eliminate traffic light (‘well planned’ putrajaya pun penuh traffic light), eliminate kereta (terpaksa kanibalis mana2 bisnes, takde kereta maknanya kena bagi pilihan lain, kereta utk org luar kl/bandar yg sekali sekala ke bandar)

    mahalkan harga kereta macam solution yg malas dan pendek akal.

  87. true..
    why must attack the sugar AP and car AP only? look at megasteel.. no body bother to remove its “special protection”..
    tax on engine capacity is also become irrelevant. Last time yes expensive car has bigger engine capacity. but the latest trend, the engine is downsizing but with higher performance and efficiency. most expensive cars are now using small size engine with turbo or supercharger engine. they are the one who benefitted from the current tax regime. The government should consider to tax more on imported car from the price of the car itself and to the citizen who are not patriotic to the national car, like the Korean does.

  88. Salam Tun,

    owning a car, Proton or not, at the exorbitant price tag they carry nowadays is a great burden to the rakyat. It is no secret that Malaysian household debt is at its highest ever level, possibly with the help from the governments’s automobile initiatives that aimlessly benefits Proton and the AP cronies at the expense of the rakyat, even whilst technologically Proton will soon become dinosaurs with the advent of electric cars like Tesla in the US. And if, like Tun mentioned #4, “that because we want to limit the consumption of fossil fuel”, Proton should have a long time ago taken the same path that the Google owners did by investing in Tesla or such technologies for our future generation, and not just engineering their minds on obsolete favors from the government to feed their impotency to deliver real value to the nation.

    An official of PEKEMA recently complaint that the bumi traders used up only 9% of the AP quota released but he went on to reveal that its 70,000 bumi workforce will lose their source of income should the government decide to discontinue with the AP. Realistically, I could only manage to trace only 7 real bumi beneficiaries@cronies to this AP award system. If in the event that the APs go to the highest bidder, it’s not hard to imagine even these magnificent 7-Melayu will scurry along and leave the so-called 70,000 in the lurch. However, the government will stand to bag revenues to the tune of RM1.2 billion, in the spirit of free enterprise, and not free meals.

  89. Assalamualaikum….
    ah ha ha ha…
    org m’sia manja keterlaluan…
    yg miskin berangan nak beli bmw/merc/volvo..
    yg berada nak beli…jet peribadi..
    yg jutawan nk beli supersonic kowt..
    tp harga mesti murah murah murah….
    yg dikata subsidi segala mala minyak tepung gula beras di tarik balik…dgn gst lagi…gamak apalg yg pemimpin umno usha lagik yea…..
    is3 pm naik kapalterbang ke jet pm ke ape ke….
    sapa pm sebenonya….tak bleh ke naik bisnes klas punya tp ye la tak kellesss gitu…
    is pening lah baba tun…sian bloger bloger duk bersilat manjang…e hi hi hi..saya pembaca
    blog tegar jew….hhi hi hi…tp siyes kesian…tolonglah tolonglah tolonglah dgr luahan hati kami yg disampaikan oleh bloger bloger gigih yg duk pertahan umno n bn…tolonglah tolonglah….

  90. Salam Tun,


    They are unable to see the bigger picture. It applies to your critics as had been proven countless times before as they actually possess very weak and limited intelligence.

    That is why these small minds can not ever hope to fathom why we should have an auto industry in the first place. But of course if these people have personal interests they will say its good to have.

    The bottom line of all your critics arguments is actually based on racist sentiments. That’s all there is to it.

    It’s a way of saying that Malays are inferior and Chinese are superior. They dont want to appear racists so they change Malays to UMNOputras so as not to appear too obvious.

    These racists seem to have forgotten the fact that FELDA is the most successful scheme of its kind in the world and PETRONAS is punching way above its weight in the heavyweights category and placed among the top 500 companies in the world.

    UMNO has successfully managed the country since independence and is a unique example in the whole wide world of how a multi racial country should be run. Damn it’s actually an exemplary model for the developing countries! (BTW Singapore is not a model multi racial country as their riches is monopolied by certain races only)


    DAPshit@Jeff Ooi is an anjing kurap

  91. Salam Tun,

    As usual Tun’s writings have much hidden meanings behind the words. Many people assume that AP is for the auto industry only and benefiting Malays , so they will scream and shout and hurl abuses. What they don’t realise is that the AP system covers other areas too and these fields benefits the Chinese community too to the extent that they lead charmed lives.

    Also if the government release actual figures of Government scholarships awarded, there would be some disbelieving facts that will dispel many myths.


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