Category Archives: 1MDB


1. Banyak soalan telah dijawab oleh 1MDB. Tetapi tidak ada satu pun yang boleh dipercayai.

2. Hari ini 1MDB menjawab kenyataan akhbar yang dibuat oleh International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) bahawa IPIC dan anak syarikatnya Aabar Investment PJS (Aabar) yang didaftar dibawah undang-undang Abu Dhabi dan UAE, bahawa Aabar BVI (British Virgin Islands) bukanlah dari kumpulan mereka. Juga IPIC dan Aabar mengesahkan bahawa mereka tidak pernah terima bayaran dari Aabar BVI, dan mereka juga membuat pengakuan terhadap sebarang tanggungan (liabilities) bagi pihak Aabar BVI (seperti yang dinyatakan oleh 1MDB).

Continue reading 1MDB JAWAB


1.​Najib mendakwa bahawa semua tuduhan terhadapnya adalah tidak benar. Dan konco-konconya pun dilapor dalam akhbar arus perdana bahawa tuduhan yang dibuat oleh media asing seperti Wall Street Journal, ABC TV Australia, Financial Times, dll akhbar-akhbar terkemuka di Amerika (Sila lihat senarai media, akhbar dan TV yang dilampirkan, 53 kesemuanya, serta senarai negara dan agensi penyiasatan mereka) semuanya berhasrat memburuk imej Najib. Mereka ini seolah-olah tidak ada kerja lain selain dari memburukkan Najib dengan laporan dan rencana TV yang panjang lebar disertai gambar dan dokumen. Segala bukti yang ditunjuk oleh mereka semuanya tidak boleh diterima kata konco-konconya. Yang boleh diterima dan dipercayai hanyalah penafian oleh Najib. Penafian Najib tidak pernah disertai dengan bukti-bukti yang jelas. Ini tak mengapa. Penafian olehnya sudah cukup untuk AG mendawa tidak ada kes untuk Najib didakwa di mahkamah.

2.​Kerana penafian Najib, Ketua-Ketua Bahagian dan Ahli Dewan Rakyat UMNO semuanya membisu atau cuba mempertahankan Najib.

3.​Pendirian mereka luar biasa. Ia seolah-olah menerima apabila sesuatu jenayah berlaku dan orang yang melakukanya dikenalpasti tetapi hanya kerana ia menafi, maka ini bermakna ia tidak salah. Jika penafian sahaja diterima sebagai asas kepada pendakwaan, maka tidak akan ada sesiapa pun yang akan didakwa di negara ini.
4.​Ketua Bahagian UMNO dan Wakil Rakyat UMNO mempunyai pendirian seperti ini. Kerana Najib menafi semua tuduhan terhadapnya, maka Ketua Bahagian dan Wakil Rakyat UMNO tetap percaya yang Najib tidak bersalah.

5.​Negara-negara Islam, setakat yang diketahui tidak pernah menunjuk penghargaan tinggi mereka terhadap sumbangan Najib kepada Islam. Setakat yang kita tahu hanya “HRH Prince Saudi Abdulaziz Al-Saud” yang begitu menghargai jasa Najib kepada Islam sehingga sanggup derma US 375 juta Dolar kepada Najib untuk disimpan dalam akaun peribadinya, dirahsiakan dan diguna mengikut kehendaknya.

6.​Sekarang ini pula AG Apandi mengatakan RM 2.03 billion dari RM 2.6 billion yang dilapor berada dalam akaun peribadi Najib sudah dipulang balik pada penderma. Benarkah? Apa bukti ia dipulang kepada HRH atau Arab lain? Tak mungkinkah wang ini masih ada disini untuk disuap kepada pemimpin UMNO. Shahrir mungkin menerima RM 1 juta dan Ahmad Maslan RM 2 juta. Tak mungkin mereka sahaja yang mendapat sumbangan wang dari Najib. Berapa juta ringgitkah yang diterima oleh Ketua Bahagian dan Wakil Rakyat yang lain.

7.​Nampaknya kita sedang melihat pertandingan antara CASH (wang tunai) dengan semangat kebangsaan Melayu. Ramai ahli dan Ketua Cawangan UMNO memberi kemenangan kepada semangat kebangsaan, kepada bangsa, agama dan tanahair. Tetapi bagi Ketua Bahagian dan Wakil Rakyat UMNO dedak mendapat kemenangan besar sehingga tertutup mulut, telinga dan mata. Mereka rela menggadai bangsa dan negara untuk CASH atau dedak. Tak usahlah menafi. Bukan sahaja rakyat Malaysia yang tahu, tetapi dunia juga sudah tahu. Nazir Razak sendiri mengaku ia diberi US 7 juta oleh Najib untuk diagih kepada ketua-ketua parti sebelum PRU 13. Amatlah memalukan kerana terdapat orang Melayu yang tidak malu; yang sanggup menerima pemimpin yang dihinakan oleh dunia.


1. South China Morning Post
2. The Australian
3. Australia Broadcasting Corporation
4. Sydney Morning Herald
5. Herald Tribune
6. Herald Tribune Latin America
7. International Business Times
8. International Business Times Singapore Edition
9. Wall Street Journal
10. International New York Times
11. TIME Magazine
12. The Guardian
13. The Daily Mail
14. Sun Daily (UK)
15. Euronews
16. Deutsche Welle
17. Singapore Straits Times
19. Today Online
20. India Today
21. ​Business Standard (India)
22. India Times
23. Fortune
24. EJ Insight (Hong Kong)
25. Anadolu (Turkey)
26. Bangkok Post
27. ​Chiang Rai Times
28. BBC
29. New Zealand Herald
30. Reuters
31. ​Bloomberg
32. Channel News Asia
33. Al-Jazeera
36. MWC News
37. ​East Asia Forum
38. Radio New Zealand
39. CNBC
40. The Independent
41. ​NewsX (Pakistan)
42. StateoftheStateKS (USA)
43. Asian Correspondent
44. Times of London
45. Financial Times
46. Asia Sentinel
47. Courier Mail
48. Jawa Post
49. Tempo
50. Waspada
51. The Telegraph
52. The Diplomat
53. Myanmar Times


LUXEMBOURG ​: Public Prosecutor’s Office, Luxembourg

SWITZERLAND ​: Swiss Attorney General’s Office

SINGAPORE ​ : Singapore Police Commercial Affairs Department

​ Monetary Authority of Singapore

USA : U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

HONG KONG ​ : Hong Kong Police

UNITED KINGDOM : Serious Fraud Office

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES : The UAE authorities have issued travel bans and frozen the assets of Khadeem Al Qubaisi dan Mohammed Badawy Al Husseiny two top executives of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund closely linked to the 1MDB.

FRANCE​ : French national prosecutor’s office (in relation to the purchase of two submarines)



1. NAJIB claimed that all the accusations against him are not true. And his hench-men were reported in the mainstream press as saying that the accusations made by foreign media such as the Wall Street Journal, ABC TV Australia, the Financial Times, and all leading newspapers in the United States (please see list of media, newspapers and televisions attached, 53 in all, as well as the list of countries and their investigating agencies) all only have the intention of tarnishing the image of Najib. They seemed to have no other better things to do other than tarnishing Najib’s image with comprehensive reports and television documentaries complete with pictures and documents. All evidence shown by them are unacceptable, says his henchmen. What can only be accepted and believed are denials by Najib. Denials by Najib had never been accompanied by clear evidence. It is okay. Denials by him are enough for the Attorney General to rule that there is no case for Najib to answer.

2. Because of the denials by Najib, Heads of Division and Members of Parliament from UMNO are all silent or tried to defend Najib.

3. Their stand is extraordinary. They seems to accept that a crime has occurred and the person who committed them is identified, but only because he denied it, then this means he is not guilty. If denial alone be accepted as the basis for prosecution, then there will not be anyone who would be prosecuted in this country.

4. Divisional Heads of UMNO and UMNO Members of Parliament have this sort of stand. Because Najib denied all allegations against him, Divisional Chiefs and Umno elected representatives continue to believe that Najib is not guilty.

5. Islamic nations, as far as we know, never showed their great appreciation to Najib for his contribution to Islam. As far as we know, only “HRH Prince Abdulaziz Al-Saud Arabia” greatly appreciated Najib’s contribution to Islam so much so that he is willing to donate USD375 millions to Najib to be kept in his personal account, to be kept confidential and to be used according to his whims and fancies.

6. Now Apandi, the Attorney General, said RM 2.03 billion from the RM 2.6 billion reported to be in the personal account of Najib had already been returned to the donor. Really? What evidence is there to show that it has been returned to HRH or other Arabs? Is it not possible that the money is still here to be fed to other UMNO leaders?Shahrir may have received RM1.0 million and Ahmad Maslan RM2.0 million. It is not possible that they were the only ones who received donations from Najib. How many million Ringgits have been received by Divisional Heads and other Members of Parliament.

7. It seems we are seeing a competition between CASH and Malay nationalism. Many members and Umno branch chiefs give victory to the national spirit, to race, religion and nation. But for the Divisional Heads of UMNO and Members of Parliament, bran (dedak) gets the big victory so much so their mouth, ears and eyes are closed. They are willing to mortgage the nation for CASH or bran. There is no need to deny. Not only Malaysians know, but the world already knows. Nazir Razak himself admitted he was given USD7 million by Najib to be distributed to the heads of the party before GE 13. It is a shame because there are Malays who are not shy; who are willing to accept a leader humiliated by the world.


1. South China Morning Post
2. The Australian
3. Australian Broadcasting Corporation
4. Sydney Morning Herald
5. Herald Tribune
6. Herald Tribune Latin America
7. International Business Times
8. International Business Times Singapore Edition
9. Wall Street Journal
10. International New York Times
11. TIME Magazine
12. The Guardian
13. The Daily Mail
14. Sun Daily (UK)
15. Euronews
16. Deutsche Welle
17. Singapore Straits Times
19. Today Online
20. India Today
21. Business Standard (India)
22. India Times
23. Fortune
24. EJ Insight (Hong Kong)
25. Anadolu (Turkey)
26. Bangkok Post
27. Chiang Rai Times
28. BBC
29. New Zealand Herald
30. Reuters
31. Bloomberg
32. Channel News Asia
33. Al-Jazeera
36. MWC News
37. East Asia Forum
38. Radio New Zealand
39. CNBC
40. The Independent
41. NewsX (Pakistan)
42. StateoftheStateKS (USA)
43. Asian Correspondent
44. Times of London
45. Financial Times
46. ​​Asia Sentinel
47. Courier Mail
48. Jawa Post
49. Tempo
50. Waspada
51. The Telegraph
52. The Diplomat
53. Myanmar Times


LUXEMBOURG: Public Prosecutor’s Office, Luxembourg

SWITZERLAND: Swiss Attorney General’s Office

SINGAPORE: Singapore Police Commercial Affairs Department

Monetary Authority of Singapore

USA: U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

HONG KONG: Hong Kong Police

UNITED KINGDOM: Serious Fraud Office

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: The UAE authorities have issued travel bans and frozen the assets of Khadeem Al Qubaisi and Mohammed Badawy Al-Hussein, two top executives of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund closely linked to the 1MDB.

FRANCE: French national prosecutor’s office (in relation to the purchase of two submarines)


1. According to newspaper reports the ABC broadcast confirms funds a gift to be used as the PM sees fit.

2. This is good news indeed. Now the Government TV must broadcast the ABC news so that all the people will know how right Najib is.

3. But don’t just broadcast only a part out of context. Show the whole ABC broadcast to prove Najib’s innocence. Only then will the people be reassured. Be truthful and establish that Najib only speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

4. To show that he is innocent, since the task force of four has been emasculated, set-up a proper neutral commission to investigate the donation from where the previous task force was stopped from finishing their work.

5. Mere statements from the Government, in particular by the discredited politicians, are not convincing as far as the public is concerned.

6. We need to have the letter-writer who claimed he donated the money to answer questions regarding his source of wealth, his bank, the manner of his transfer of huge sums to Najib’s private account. There is also a discrepancy between the date on his letter and the time when the public found and questioned the money in the private account of Najib in 2014.

7. This letter of 1st Nov 2011 answers all the questions which were asked only in 2014 after the Wall Street Journal exposed about the USD 681 million in Najib’s personal account. If the letter is to be believed transfers of money including the stated USD 375,000,000 were made in different sums repeatedly through a company bank called Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners Ltd which is a British Virgin Islands company which the US Blackstone Group denies any knowledge of.

8. This letter which is supposed to prove that the money is a gift, is full of inconsistencies with regard to dates, amounts of money and frequency of disbursement.

9. It is as if the writer, purported to be “HRH Prince Saudi Abdulaziz Al-Saud” knew in 2011 that in 2014 the existences of the “gifts” would be discovered, exposed and explanations would be required. It is an amazing case of prescience.

10. But the broadcasting of the whole 1 hour episode by ABC will clear everything.


1. Menurut laporan akhbar, siaran ABC mengesahkan dana itu adalah hadiah yang boleh digunakan oleh PM sesuka hati.

2. Ini adalah berita yang sesungguh baik. Kini TV Kerajaan perlu menyiarkan berita ABC ini supaya semua rakyat akan mengetahui bagaimana betulnya Najib.

3. Tetapi jangan menyiarkan hanya sebahagian sahaja dan di luar konteks. Tunjuklah keseluruhan siaran ABC itu untuk membuktikan Najib tidak bersalah. Hanya selepas itu akan rakyat dapat diyakinkan. Bersikap jujurlah dan buktikan bahawa Najib bercakap benar, hanya yang benar, dan tidak lain daripada yang benar.

4. Untuk menunjuk bahawa beliau tidak bersalah, memandangkan “Pasukan Petugas Empat” dahulu telah dikebiri, dirikanlah sebuah Suruhanjaya yang terkecuali untuk menyiasat derma, mulai dari masa tugas pasukan petugas sebelum ini telah dihentikan sebelum dapat menyelesaikan tugas mereka.

5. Hanya kenyataan daripada Kerajaan sahaja, khususnya oleh ahli-ahli politik yang disangsikan, tidak meyakinkan orang ramai.

6. Kita perlu penulis surat, yang mendakwa beliau telah menderma wang, untuk menampil dan menjawab soalan-soalan mengenai sumber kekayaan beliau, bank beliau, cara beliau memindah jumlah wang yang besar ke akaun peribadi Najib. Terdapat juga percanggahan antara tarikh suratnya itu dengan masa orang ramai menemui dan mempersoalkan wang dalam akaun peribadi Najib pada 2014.

7. Surat yang bertarikh 1 haribulan November 2011 ini menjawab semua soalan-soalan yang hanya ditanya pada tahun 2014, selepas Wall Street Journal mendedah tentang USD 681,000,000 dalam akaun peribadi Najib. Jika sekiranya surat ini boleh dipercayai, ini bermakna pemindahan wang, termasuk USD 375,000,000 yang dinyatakan, telah dilakukan dalam jumlah yang berbeza berulang kali melalui bank syarikat yang dikenali sebagai Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners Ltd yang merupakan syarikat Kepulauan British Virgin yang Blackstone Group AS sendiri menafikan sebarang pengetahuan mengenainya.

8. Surat ini, yang sepatutnya membuktikan bahawa wang itu adalah hadiah, mengandungi banyak percanggahan mengenai tarikh, jumlah wang dan kekerapan pembayaran.

9. Ianya seolah-olah penulis, yang kononnya ialah “Putera Arab Abdulaziz Al-Saud” pada tahun 2011 tahu bahawa pada tahun 2014 kewujudan “hadiah” akan ditemui, didedah dan penjelasan diperlukan. Ia adalah satu kes yang amat menakjubkan.

10. Tetapi penyiaran keseluruhan 1 jam episod oleh ABC akan menjelaskan segala-galanya.


Salinan Surat Saudi


1. Ucapan Presiden UMNO dalam perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2015 amat mengecewakan. Ia tertumpu dan terhad kepada mempertahan diri sahaja.

2. Presiden mendakwa, ia adalah Gentleman, berjiwa besar, berani, tidak bacul dan tidak akan undur.

3. Perjuangan parti dan kerajaan pimpinannya tidak disebut. Juga tidak ada penjelasan berkenaan dengan masalah seperti 1MDB dan wang sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit yang terdapat dalam akaunnya di Arab Malaysian Bank yang perwakilan ingin tahu supaya mereka dapat terangkan kepada ahli-ahli lain dan orang ramai.



1.​Najib mendakwa bahawa sebabnya saya tidak sokongnya ialah kerana saya tidak dapat apa yang saya minta.

2.​Bagi diri saya tidak ada apa pun yang saya minta. Tawaran Kerajaan untuk memberi percuma tanah di Putrajaya diwaktu saya letak jawatan, seperti kepada bekas Perdana Menteri yang lain, pun saya tolak. Saya minta untuk membeli tanah di Putrajaya dan saya bayar satu juta untuk sekeping. Duit ini dari tabung simpanan saya selama 29 tahun dalam Kerajaan. Tak hutang.

3.​Hadiah yang diberi kepada saya semasa dalam Kerajaan saya pulangkan balik kepada Kerajaan. Semua boleh dilihat di Galeria Langkawi dan kediaman PM lama di Jalan Terengganu, off Jalan Damansara.

4.​Yang saya minta dari Najib ialah untuk negara dan untuk rakyat. Semuanya ditolak tetapi dalam PRU13 saya masih sokong Najib. Walaupun saya menyatakan Najib harus berhenti jika pencapaiannya dalam PRU 13 lebih buruk dari Abdullah dalam PRU 12, setelah kemenangannya dalam PRU 13 lebih buruk dari Abdullah saya masih terus menyokongnya sebagai Perdana Menteri.

5.​Hanya apabila rahsia hutang dan kerugian 1MDB terbongkar barulah saya tarik sokongan saya daripada Najib.

6.​Kalau kerana jambatan tidak dibina, sudah lama saya berhenti dari menyokongnya. Kalau kerana landasan berkembar elektrik tidak dibina dari Johor Bahru ke Padang Besar, sudah lama saya hentikan sokongan saya kepada Najib. Bukan kerana tidak layan permintaan saya untuk negara pun yang saya tarik sokongan saya dari Najib.

7.​Najib biasa datang jumpa saya untuk bertanya apa yang saya hendak. Saya fikir ia ikhlas dan saya pun sebut beberapa projek pembangunan untuk negara. Kemudian saya sedar ia sedang mencuba sogok saya dengan cara ini supaya saya tidak bangkit soal 1MDB.

8.​Tetapi kehilangan wang Kerajaan terlalu besar. Hanya kerana melayan saya tidak boleh dijadikan alasan bagi saya pejam mata berkenaan kehilangan duit Kerajaan berbillion-billion. Oleh itu saya teruskan juga membangkitkan soal 1MDB. Apatah lagi apabila 2.6 billion Ringgit tiba-tiba didapati ada dalam akaun persendirian Najib.

9.​Tidak pernah dalam sejarah Malaysia merdeka, Perdana Menteri Malaysia memiliki sebegitu banyak duit. Untuk apa tujuan pun Perdana Menteri Malaysia tidak harus memiliki 2.6 billion Ringgit.

10.​Yang jelas ialah tanpa duit yang begitu banyak, BN dan UMNO telah menang dengan berkali lebih baik dari Najib dalam PRU 13. Bukan wang yang boleh beri kemenangan. Khidmat pada rakyat dan keikhlasan niat yang memberi kemenangan bagi parti.

11. Kononnya duit ini diderma oleh penderma-penderma yang tidak suka dikenali. Mereka pula tidak sanggup memberi terus kepada UMNO tetapi sebagai “pemimpin” mereka sanggup beri hanya kepada Najib sebagai pemimpin untuk disimpan olehnya dalam akaun peribadi. Ini tidak masuk akal sama sekali melainkan ada niat untuk tidak menjelas dari mana duit itu datang, menyembunyi perbelanjaan.

12.​Tuduhan dibuat bahawa Bank Negara tahu. Apa buktinya Bank Negara tahu. Kenapa laporan dari Bank Negara ditolak oleh AG. Apakah AG tidak percaya kepada Bank Negara sedangkan kita dikehendaki percaya Bank Negara berkenaan sesuatu yang hanya disebut oleh Najib, tidak oleh Bank Negara.

13.​Adalah lebih meyakinkan jika laporan Bank Negara didedah daripada hanya Najib berkata Bank Negara tahu. Wang 50 million dan lebih yang dimasuk dalam mana-mana bank mesti mendapat kelulusan Bank Negara. Tunjuk sahaja bukti kelulusan Bank Negara berkenaan RM2.6 billion dan Najib akan dipercayai.

14.​Percubaan memburukkan nama saya dengan berkata saya juga menyebabkan wang Kerajaan hilang kerana tindakan dan pelaburan yang merugikan. Najib sendiri mengaku bahawa dalam perniagaan adakala untung adakala rugi. Yang utama ialah segala yang dilakukan ditulis dalam akaun yang telus dan terbuka. Dan segala urusan dibuat oleh pengawai Kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab. Saya tidak terlibat dengan pengurusan terutama pengurusan modal wang. Tugas saya tamat dengan melulus pelaburan. Saya tidak menjadi pengurus atau penasihat eksekutif.

15.​Sebaliknya Najib menubuh 1MDB yang dibiayai sebanyak 1 juta sahaja oleh Kerajaan. Najib juga menjadi Penasihat kepada 1MDB.

16.​1MDB hutang RM42 billion Ringgit iaitu 42,000 kali ganda lebih besar dari modal. Wang ini dipinjam dengan faedah yang amat tinggi dan komisyen kepada Golden Sachs berjumlah 10%.

17.​Wang ini diguna untuk beli stesen janakuasa yang usang dan hampir tamat lesen dengan harga lebih tinggi dari harga pasaran. Hutang sebanyak RM 8 billion diambil alih menjadi jumlah hutang RM50 billion.

18.​Stesyen digabung menjadi Edra. Tetapi pulangan begitu rendah sehingga tidak dapat bayar faedah dan terpaksa dijual. Ia tidak boleh disenarai kerana akaunnya tidak dapat disah oleh juruaudit. Ia terpaksa dijual kepada syarikat negara Cina kerana TNB tidak dapat bayar harga yang boleh selesaikan hutang sebanyak RM 18 billion.

19.​Baki hutang diguna untuk beli tanah Kerajaan dengan harga yang amat murah iaitu RM 60 skp sedangkan tanah berdekatan dijual dengan harga RM7000 skp. Harga belian tanah lapangan terbang tidak disebut.

20.​Tanah yang diduduki oleh setinggan di Pulau Pinang dibeli dengan harga yang amat tinggi. Sukar untuk dibangun.

21.​Percubaan dibuat untuk jual tanah Jalan Tun Razak yang dibeli dengan harga RM60 skp dari Kerajaan, kepada Tabung Haji dengan harga RM3000 skp (50 kali ganda harga beli). Wajarkah Kerajaan rugi sebanyak RM2940 skp. Inikah perniagaan stategik 1MDB?

22.​Apakah saya pernah buat perkara-perkara seperti ini? Buktikan. Jangan tuduh melulu.

23.​Kononnya ekonomi negara tidak teruk.

24.​Hakikatnya nilai Ringgit dan harga saham jatuh dengan teruk. Kos sara hidup meningkat dengan GST, subsidi minyak diturunkan, tol dan tambang dinaikkan dll.

25.​Pendapatan dinaikkan tetapi daya beli turun kerana nilai Ringgit jatuh. Pengangguran bertambah, termasuk dikalangan lulusan universiti. Perniagaan dan industry menghadapi masalah yang tidak dapat diatasi.

26.​Apakah saya yang merosakkan imej negara?

27.​Akhbar dunia telah melaporkan berkenaan Jho Low dan persahabatannya dengan Najib, cara hidupnya dan pembelian rumah mewah, pembiayaan filem Wolf of Wall Street bersama anak tiri Najib jauh lebih awal dari sebutan 1MDB oleh saya. Semua ini yang memburukkan imej negara. Ia menjadi lebih buruk kerana laporan tentang pelaburan 1MDB, dan kemudian wang yang terdapat dalam akaun peribadi Najib sebanyak RM 2.6 billion.

28.​Jika ada sesiapa yang merosakkan imej Negara, ia adalah Dato Sri Najib sendiri. Sebelum ini imej Negara amat baik.

29.​Jika apa yang dituduh Najib lakukan fitnah, Najib harus membuktikan semuanya tidak benar. Bahkan Najib perlu saman malu akhbar-akhbar yang melapor. Walaupun kononnya tindakan akan diambil, tetapi tidak ada apa-apa tindakan selain dari menakutkan sesiapa yang membuat teguran atau melapor kepada polis dengan disoal siasat oleh polis, dimasuk dalam tahanan dan dihadapkan kepada mahkamah. Tidak pernah terjadi dimana-mana bahawa orang yang melapor jenayah kepada polis dituduh mensabotaj demokrasi atau menguling Kerajaan. Juga peguam pihak yang mengadu disoal oleh polis dan dimasuk dalam tahanan.

30.​Orang kampung mungkin tidak kisah. Sebabnya mungkin kerana akhbar tidak dibenar melapor. Tetapi hanya kerana orang kampung tidak ambil kisah, maka perbuatannya curang dan jenayah masih tidak boleh dihalalkan.


1. Najib claimed that the reason I do not support him is because I do not get what I asked for.

2. For my own self there is nothing that I asked for. I also refused Government’s offer of free land in Putrajaya at the time I resigned, just as offered to other former Prime Ministers. I offered to buy the land in Putrajaya and I paid a million for a piece. This money is from my savings fund after 29 years in government. No loan.

3. Gifts given to me while in Government I returned to the Government. All these can be seen at Galeria Langkawi and the old Prime Minister’s residence in Jalan Terengganu, off Jalan Damansara.

4. All that I ask from Najib is for the nation and for the people. All were rejected but in the GE13 I still supported Najib. Although I said Najib must resign if his achievement in the 13th General Election is worse that Abdullah in the 12th General Election, and indeed he fared worse than Abdullah despite victory in the 13th General Election, I still supported him as prime minister.

5. Only when the secret debts and losses of 1MDB were uncovered that I pulled back my support for Najib.

6. If it is just because the bridge was not built, I would have long ceased to support him. If it is just because the electrified double track from Johor Bahru to Padang Besar was not built, I would have long ceased my support to Najib. It is not merely because he did not entertain requests for the nation that I withdrew my support for Najib.

7. Najib used to come to see me to ask me what I wanted. I thought he was sincere, and I mentioned several development projects for the nation. Then I realized he was trying to bribe me this way so that I do not bring up the question of 1MDB.

8. But the loss of Government fund is too big. By just being entertained is no excuse for me to close my eyes on the loss of billions of Government money. So I kept on raising the question of 1MDB. What more, when 2.6 billion Ringgit suddenly appeared in the personal account of Najib.

9. Never in the history of independent Malaysia, has the Prime Minister of Malaysia so much money. For whatever purpose the Prime Minister should not have 2.6 billion Ringgit.

10. What is clear is that even without so much money, BN and UMNO has won so many times better than Najib in 13th General Election. It is not money that brought victory. It is service to the people and sincerity of intentions that gave victory to the party.

11. Apparently the money was donated by donors who do not like to be identified. They were not prepared to give direct to UMNO but as a “leader” they are prepared to pay just to Najib as a leader for him to keep in a personal account. This makes no sense at all unless there is an intention to not explain where the money came from, to conceal expenses.

12. An allegation was made that the Bank knew. If Bank Negara knew what is the evidence. Why was the report of Bank Negara rejected by AG. Was it because AG did not believe Bank Negara whereas we are required to believe Bank Negara in respect of something mentioned only by Najib, but not by Bank Negara.

13. It will more convincing if the report of the National Bank be exposed rather than only Najib saying Bank Negara knew. Any money of 50 million and more deposited into any bank must obtain the approval of Bank Negara. Just show documentary evidence of the approval by Bank Negara of the RM2.6 billion and Najib will be believed.

14. Attempts were made to discredit me by saying I also lost Government money because of actions and money losing investments. Najib himself admitted that in business sometimes there are profits and sometimes losses. The key is everything must be accounted for in a transparent and in an open manner. And all transactions are done by responsible Government officers. I was not involved in management particularly management of capital funds. My job ends with approval of the investment. I am not a manager or executive advisor.

15. On the other hand Najib established 1MDB financed only 1 million by the Government. He also became adviser to 1MDB.

16. 1MDB borrowed RM42 billion which is 42,000 times larger than the capital. Money was borrowed at very high interest and commission to Golden Sachs stood at 10%.

17. This money was used to buy power stations which were obsolete and with almost expired license at a price higher than the market price. Debts of RM 8 billion were assumed and total debts now stood at RM50 billion.

18. The stations were merged into Edra. But the returns are so low that it cannot pay interest and had to be sold. It could not be listed because its accounts cannot be verified by the auditors. It had to be sold to a company from China as TNB could not pay a price that can resolve the debt of RM18 billion.

19. The balance of the borrowings were used to buy government land at a greatly reduced price of RM60 psf, while adjacent lands sold for RM7,000 psf. The purchase price of the airport land is not mentioned.

20. The land occupied by squatters was bought in Penang at a very high price. Difficult to develop.

21. An attempt was made to sell the land at Jalan Tun Razak purchased at the price of RM60 psf from the Government to Tabung Haji at RM3,000 psf (50 times the purchase price). Should the Government lose RM2,940 psf. Is this 1MDB strategic business?

22. Did I do things like this? Prove. Not just wild accusations.

23. It seemed that the economy is not in a bad state.

24. The fact is, the value of the Ringgit and share prices has fallen drastically. The cost of living rose with GST, fuel subsidies reduced, tolls and fares increased, etc.

25. Income increased but purchasing power decreased because the value of Ringgit fell. Unemployment is increasing, including among university graduates. Business and industry face insurmountable problems.

26. Am I damaging the country’s image?

27. The world press have reported much earlier about Jho Low and his friendship with Najib, his way of life and luxury house purchases, his financing of the film “Wolf of Wall Street” with Najib’s stepson, than the mention of 1MDB by me. All these are demonizing the country. It is made worse by reports of 1MDB investments, and then the RM2.6 billion money in Najib’s personal account.

28. If there is anyone who is damaging the image of the nation, it must be Dato Sri Najib himself. Before this the image of the country has been good.

29. If what Najib have been accused of is just slander, Najib must prove they are not true. Najib should even sue the newspapers that reported. Although it seems action will be taken there has been none, other than frightening those who make complaints or report to the police with threats of being interrogated by the police, put into custody and brought before the court. It has never happened anywhere where people reporting crimes to the police are being accused of sabotaging democracy or attempting to overthrow the Government. Also lawyers of complainants are questioned by police and taken into custody.

30. The ordinary people may not be bothered. The reason may be because the press are not allowed to report. But just because ordinary people do not care, cheating and criminal actions still should not be legitimized.


1. Thank you for the clarification on issues raised. Because you missed out on many things in your earlier statements, I had to make certain assumptions and ask for clarification.

2. Now may I explain why you are still misleading the readers in my blog and others.

3. You said 1MDB is a strategic investment company. When you sell assets which you acquired at a very low price from the Government and pocket the difference is that what is called strategic investments? Buying business at higher than market price is that what you regard as strategic investment?

4. You are also going to sell 40% of former Government land at Sungai Besi which you acquired at below market price is that strategic investment? Sounds more like selling APs (Approved Permits) which you get free from the Government.

5. Are these how 1MDB makes money through strategic investments?

Continue reading 1MDB CLARIFIES


1. It is reported that 1MDB would reduce between RM16 bil to RM18 bil of its debts after selling “Edra”.

2. I am trying to work out how the savings are achieved.

3. 1MDB bought the power plants together with debts of RM6 bil for RM 18 billion Ringgit. CGN pays RM 9.83 billion for 100% of the energy assets.

4. It should be noted that at the time 1MDB purchased the power plants, the Ringgit was at 3.2 per US Dollar. It is now at 4.2 Ringgit per US Dollar. In US dollar terms the 9.83 billion Ringgit paid by the Chinese Company is worth much less than the 9.83 billion Ringgit paid by 1MDB.


Menghadapi Cabaran

1.​ Dalam kehidupan manusia, menghadapi cabaran adalah perkara biasa. Sudah tentu jika sesiapa mencebur diri dalam bidang politik, lebih banyak cabaran akan dihadapi. Jika ingin terus dalam bidang politik semua cabaran ini mesti diterima. Mereka yang tidak sanggup menghadapi dan mengatasi cabaran adalah lebih baik tinggal sahaja bidang politik.

2.​Semasa saya jadi presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri cabaran tidak pernah berhenti. Sudah tentu ada percubaan menjatuhkan saya sebagai presiden UMNO.

3.​Diantara cabaran yang terbesar ialah apabila Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dicalonkan untuk bertanding jawatan presiden UMNO.

4.​Kita sudah terima sistem demokrasi dalam pemilihan pemimpin. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Tengku Razaleigh adalah sah dalam sistem demokrasi. Tiada apa yang boleh dilakukan oleh saya untuk mengelak dari dicabar olehnya.

5.​Maka Tengku Razaleigh dan ramai penyokong-penyokongnya berkempenlah di seluruh bahagian dan cawangan UMNO di seluruh Malaysia. Mereka bebas bertemu dengan ahli, cawangan dan bahagian-bahagian UMNO.

6.​Kedudukan Tengku Razaleigh sebagai Menteri Perdagangan dalam kerajaan tidak terjejas. Demikian juga ramai menteri-menteri dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang memihak kepadanya.

7.​Pengundian semasa mesyuarat agong UMNO berjalan dengan baik. Kerana terjatuh pada hari Jumaat, pengundian dihentikan dan kempen dapat diteruskan dikalangan perwakilan oleh penyokong Tengku Razaleigh.

8.​Perkiraan undi dibuat berkali-kali kerana ada yang tidak puas hati dengan keputusan. Hanya pada jam lapan malam barulah keputusan dapat diisytihar.

9.​Saya menang dengan kelebihan hanya 43 undi. Saya terima. Peristiwa yang berlaku selepas itu diketahui umum dan tidak perlu saya ulangi disini.

10.​Pada bulan Disember 2015 ini, Mesyuarat Agong UMNO akan diadakan.

11.​Tidak akan ada apa-apa pertandingan. Tetapi entah kenapa usaha sedang dibuat oleh UMNO supaya perbahasan berkenaan perkara tertentu, khususnya 1MDB dan wang sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaun peribadi Dato Sri Najib tidak boleh dibangkit.

12.​Persidangan pula akan tertutup kepada orang ramai. Tidak semua dari ucapan perwakilan akan disiar. Hanya ucapan presiden sahaja akan disiar.

13.​Sepatutnya Muhyiddin Yassin, sebagai Timbalan Presiden akan membuka persidangan sayap – Pemuda, Wanita dan Puteri. Amaran sudah diberi supaya ahli UMNO tidak akan bercakap berkenaan perkara ini.

14.​Apakah jenis Mesyuarat Agong UMNO ini?

15.​Saya tidak akan bertanding untuk apa-apa jawatan. Tetapi usaha gigih sedang dijalan untuk menutup mulut saya, untuk menyekat saya dari berjumpa dengan ahli UMNO, bahkan orang ramai. Dewan dimana mesyuarat boleh diadakan yang dihadiri oleh saya tidak boleh didapati kerana semua pemilik takut didera oleh Kerajaan.

16. Ada iklim ketakutan yang menghalang segala kegiatan yang bersangkutan dengan mengkritik Kerajaan. Ia seolah-olah menjadi jenayah yang tidak tertulis. Tetapi dakwaan dibuat kononnya ini Negara demokrasi. Sesiapa yang cuba sabotaj demokrasi Malaysia boleh dikena penjara hingga 15 tahun. Tetapi sebenarnya yang mensabotaj demokrasi Malaysia ialah Kerajaan sendiri.

17. Bermacam jenis tekanan digunakan yang tidak demokratik.

18. Ada yang berhadapan dengan pemeriksaan pendapatan kononnya kerana tidak bayar cukai. Ada yang disoal siasat oleh polis. Ada yang dimasuk dalam tahanan tanpa berasas kepada undang-undang. Ada yang diugut akan kehilangan kontrak dll.

19.​Kata pepatah berani kerana benar; takut kerana salah. Apakah kerana salah yang takut sangat 1MDB dan 2.6 billion ringgit dibincang.


Facing Challenges

1. In human life, challenges are common. Of course if anyone engages in politics, there are more challenges to be faced. If you want to continue in politics these challenges must be accepted. Those who were not able to face and overcome these challenges it is better to leave the political field.

2. When I became president of UMNO and the Prime Minister challenges never stopped. Of course there were attempts to unseat me as UMNO president.

3. Among the biggest challenges was when Tengku Razaleigh was nominated to run for the presidency of UMNO.

4. We have accepted the democratic system in the selection of leaders. What Tengku Razaleigh did was legitimate in a democratic system. There was nothing I could do to avoid being challenged by him.

5. So Tengku Razaleigh and many of his supporters campaigned at party divisions and branches throughout Malaysia. They were free to meet with members, branches and divisions of UMNO.

6. Tengku Razaleigh’s position as Industry Minister in the government were not affected. Likewise, many ministers and UMNO leaders who sided with him.

7. Voting during UMNO general meeting went well. As it fell on Friday, voting was stopped and supporters of Tengku Razaleigh was able to continue campaigning among the delegates.

8. Counting of votes was made many times because there were some that were not happy with the results. It was only at eight o’clock at night that a decision can be declared.

9. I won by only 43 votes. I accepted. Events that occurred after that are well known and do not need me to repeat here.

10. This December 2015, the UMNO General Meeting will be held.

11. There would not be any election whatsoever. But somehow for whatever reason, efforts are being made by UMNO that debate on certain subject matters, especially 1MDB and the sum of 2.6 billion ringgit in the personal account of Dato Sri Najib, must not be raised.

12. The conference will be closed to the public. Not all speeches by delegates will be broadcasted. Only the president’s speech will be broadcasted.

13. By right Muhyiddin Yassin, as Deputy President will open the conference of the wings – youth, women and women’s youth. Warnings have been given so that UMNO members will not speak on this matter.

14. What kind of UMNO General Meeting is this?

15. I will not be running for any office. But big efforts are being made to silence me, to stop me from meeting with members of UMNO, even with the public. Conference rooms where meetings could be held which can be attended by me are not available as all owners fear reprimand by the Government.

16. There is a climate of fear which prevents all activities concerned with criticizing the Government. It seems to have become a non-written crime. But these allegations are made in this supposedly democratic country. Anyone who tries to sabotage democratic Malaysia is liable to be imprisoned up to 15 years. But in actual fact the government itself is sabotaging democratic Malaysia.

17. Various undemocratic pressures are being deployed.

18. There are people faced with inspection of their income, supposedly for not paying income taxes. There are people being questioned by police. Some are detained not based on any law. Some are threatened with loss of contracts etc.

19. As the saying goes, courage because of truth, fear because of wrongdoings. Is it because of wrongdoings that there is so much fear for 1MDB and 2.6 billion ringgit being discussed.


1. There were a large number of reporters waiting to interview me about the questioning by the police that the IGP and the Minister of Home Affairs had promised.

2. I was not sure how to handle the reporters. I know the police is a professional institution. It works for the elected Government. Still I was not quite sure why the police i.e. the Government wanted to question me. Had I committed a crime or is it that they wanted some information from me for the prosecution of others.

3. I had been interviewed by the police and the AG’s chambers before. They wanted to make me a Government witness. I listened to them and concluded that there was no case for the accused person to answer. So I refused to be a prosecution witness.

4. This time it is not about making me a witness. They wanted answers to questions. My lawyers advised me not to answer most of those questions. So I did not.



1. Wednesday’s (November 4, 2015) paper reports that we are not facing a financial crisis and we are not going to go into financial crisis.

2. Eight prominent people including the PM tell us everything is fine.

3. Now if everything is fine why is there a need to arrest people for sabotaging the banking and financial system of the country? If they sabotage surely the banking and finance of Malaysia would not be fine. They would be dysfunctional.

4. But is it true that everything is hunky-dory; everything is fine. It can’t be! The banks and the financial system may be fine, but there are other indicators to show that the economy is not fine. Continue reading EVERYTHING IS FINE