Category Archives: Economics


1. The 2017 budget will be presented to Parliament on 21st October 2016.

2. No doubt huge sums of money will be allocated to the Ministries and agencies of the Government. Parliament will surely pass the budget because it is the budget presented by the Government party which has the majority in Parliament.

3. But the people know that the Government has not got the money to meet the budget. They know that Ministries in the last two years have been told that the money is not available and therefore they must spend less than what is budgeted for.

Continue reading THE 2017 BUDGET


1. The Governments of nations dedicated to increasing the wealth of their countries realised the importance of international trade. This is especially so after the loss of the European Empires during which a policy of Imperial Preference ensured the monopoly of imports and exports from and to the colonial territories.

2. The greatest of these imperialist countries was Britain. It became the richest and the most powerful country in the world.

3. But after WWII the imperialists of Europe lost their empires and the trade monopoly that they enjoyed. Strong competition from East Asian countries reduced their trade even more.

4. But they still enjoy good incomes from selling arms. To generate more exports of arms they need to have proxy wars being fought by unsuspecting countries, particularly between the countries they created during their imperial heydays.

5. We see today very sophisticated arms being used in the fratricidal wars, which are being fought in a number of Arab ex-colonies. There is no way for these countries to develop and produce such sophisticated weapons. They may produce primitive bombs and rockets. But the tanks, armoured cars, machine guns and missiles must be bought from the developed countries.

6. These developed countries decry the arms trade as a business. But there can be no doubt that they are the ones most involved in the trade.

7. The weapons trade is huge. The warplanes, tanks, warships, rockets, missiles, submarines etc cost billions of dollars. The income from the sale of arms can contribute much to the wealth creation of a country.

8. They are therefore not too choosy as to who they sell their arms to. Their customers may be oppressive dictators and corrupt Prime Ministers. They may condemn these people for not being democratic and oppressive. But they would tone down their criticisms if these people offer to buy expensive arms from them.

9. The moaning and decrying over the injustices and oppression of dictators are just side-shows to assuage their conscience. But it is they who promote corruption and dictatorial oppression of many Governments in the world.


1. Kerajaan negara-negara yang berdedikasi untuk meningkatkan kekayaan negara mereka menyedari kepentingan perdagangan antarabangsa. Lebih-lebih lagi selepas kehilangan Empayar Eropah di mana dasar Keutamaan Imperial (Imperial Preference) memastikan monopoli import dan eksport dari dan kepada wilayah jajahan.

2. Yang terbesar di antaranya negara-negara imperialis adalah Britain. Ia menjadi negara yang paling kaya dan yang paling berkuasa di dunia.

3. Tetapi selepas Perang Dunia Kedua imperialis Eropah kehilangan empayar mereka dan monopoli perdagangan yang mereka nikmati selama itu. Persaingan sengit dari negara-negara Asia Timur mengurangkan perdagangan mereka lebih lagi.

4. Tetapi mereka masih menikmati pendapatan yang lumayan daripada menjual senjata. Untuk menjana lebih banyak eksport senjata, mereka perlu mengadakan peperangan proksi yang diperjuangkan oleh negara-negara yang tidak menyangkanya, terutamanya di antara negara-negara yang mereka tubuh semasa zaman kegemilangan empayar mereka dahulu.

5. Kita perhatikan pada hari ini senjata yang begitu canggih digunakan dalam peperangan melibatkan pembunuhan antara saudara yang sedang berlaku di beberapa negara Arab bekas jajahan. Tidak ada cara bagi negara-negara ini mencipta dan menghasilkan senjata secanggih itu. Mungkin mereka boleh menghasilkan bom dan roket yang primitif. Tetapi kereta-kereta kebal, kereta perisai, mesin-gan dan peluru berpandu perlu dibeli dari negara-negara maju.

6. Negara-negara maju ini mengutuk perdagangan senjata sebagai perniagaan. Tetapi tidak ada sebarang keraguan bahawa mereka adalah orang-orang yang paling terlibat dalam perdagangan senjata.

7. Perdagangan senjata adalah besar. Pesawat pejuang, kereta kebal, kapal perang, roket, peluru berpandu, kapal selam dan lain-lain menelan belanja berbilion-bilion dolar. Pendapatan daripada penjualan senjata banyak menyumbang kepada kekayaan sesebuah negara.

8. Jadi mereka tidak terlalu memilih kepada siapa yang mereka menjual senjata. Pelanggan mereka mungkin adalah diktator yang menindas dan Perdana Menteri yang rasuah. Mereka boleh mengutuk orang-orang ini kerana tidak demokratik dan menindas. Tetapi mereka akan turunkan nada kritikan jika orang-orang ini menawar untuk membeli senjata yang mahal daripada mereka.

9. Mengeluh dan mengutuk ketidakadilan dan penindasan diktator-diktator adalah hanya acara sampingan untuk meredakan hati nurani mereka. Akan tetapi merekalah yang menggalakkan rasuah dan penindasan diktator oleh banyak Kerajaan-Kerajaan di dunia.



1. The International Trade and Industry (MITI) Minister says it will take two years to amend 26 laws to meet TPP requirements.

2. This is a clear admission that the TPP limits Malaysia’s freedom to make laws deemed necessary for the country. These laws have been passed by the Malaysian Parliament apparently because they were considered essential and god for the country. But now they have to be amended because the TPP is apparently more powerful than our elected parliament in determining what laws Malaysia should have.

Continue reading THE TPP


1. The Government could not care less for whatever opposition that is voiced by anyone in Malaysia or abroad against signing the TPPA. It will go ahead and sign.

2. The MITI Minister assures us that we can get out of the agreement anytime we want.

3. Yes indeed we can. But it is not going to be easy and the cost would practically bankrupt us.

4. In the TPPA agreement companies can sue Government for loss of profit including future profit if Government action results in the loss.

Continue reading TPPA