Category Archives: Pandemic


1. Many of us must have read or seen the film on the wars of the world. I believe it was based on fiction written by H.G. Wells.

2. In this story creatures from another planet rocketed on to this planet earth and attacked it. They intended to conquer the world.

3. Mankind set their armies to defend our world. There was no mention of any particular country.

4. Humanity was facing a common enemy. We had to be together to defend this planet. Fortunately the aliens were killed not by our defence forces but by germs which infected the aliens. They had no knowledge about infectious diseases and had no antibiotics. The disease killed the aliens and the world was saved.
5. The aliens from other planet were our common enemy and we fought against them as the people of this planet earth.

6. Today the peoples of this earth are being attacked by a common enemy; the coronary virus. We should be fighting this common enemy together. But we are not. Each country fights for itself alone. What happens to other countries is of no concern to other countries.

7. The richest country in the world actually reject the organisation dedicated to the management of the health of the world.

8. The United Nations (UN) had set up a World Health Organisation (WHO) obviously for the benefit of the whole world. It was funded by the countries of the world. But the richest country in the world decided to stop funding WHO.

9. Yet this common enemy is not only common for all the countries of the world but is so powerful that no one on their own can defend themselves. The economies of all countries have gone into recession.

10. When vaccines were developed, the rich countries secured practically all the supplies for themselves.

11. Since the World Health Organisation have been deprived of funds, it is in no position to supply vaccines to the poor countries. And no attempt is made to have a central command to deal with this common enemy.

12. As hundreds of thousands die from the attack by this common enemy, many saw only the financial gain to be derived from the vaccine manufacturing industry. Admittedly much money is needed to develop and produce the vaccines. But access should not be limited to those who can pay only. It is possible that some countries and some people will never be immune to the disease.

13. Mutations are a problem. In fact it is possible that the present strain had mutated from some harmless strain. If the poor people are not protected through vaccine, the researchers may develop new strains which can result in another pandemic.

14. The Central Command should be strongly financed and given power to control the distribution of the vaccine so that rich and poor could be protected. Research must be controlled by the central body because it is entirely possible for new lethal strains to emerge and accidentally let loose on the world.

15. What we all must realise is that a common enemy need not come from another planet. It has been shown that it is entirely possible for a common enemy for all the people in our planet to be produced here, in our backyard so to speak.

16. It is important that we have a common front to face this common enemy. The World Health Organisation must be given the authority to licence research and oversee their work. We face the danger of research producing another virus which may wipe out all living things in this world.

17. Don’t laugh. It has already happened. And look at the destruction COVID-19 has wrought.


1. Kita sedang diserang oleh wabak COVID-19, satu malapetaka yang boleh bawa maut kepada ramai dari kita, dari keluarga kita, ibu bapa kita, sahabat kita, kenalan kita.

2. Sehingga kini sudah 12,000 orang meninggal dunia kerana jangkitan COVID-19. Ramai yang tidak dapat dirawat di hospital dan menjadi teruk dan meninggal. Ramai yang tak dapat makan, jauh sekali dari pendapatan.

3. Keadaan sekarang amat teruk. Tiap hari 20,000 dijangkiti COVID-19, tidak dapat rawatan, tinggal di rumah, menjadi lebih teruk dan meninggal.
4. Oleh kerana keadaan ini orang ramai perlu pandang serius wabak ini dan sanggup menerima segala tindakan untuk kurangkan kes baru.

5. Memang menekan apabila mengamal prosedur operasi standard (SOP). Memang sukar untuk patuh arahan memisah diri dengan jauh dari orang lain sepanjang masa, memakai pelitup muka, membasuh tangan. Memang sukar untuk tidak ke pasar dan lain-lain.

6. Tetapi jika tidak sanggup mengamal arahan ini, lebih ramai akan dijangkiti, dan maut setiap hari.

7. Satu cara yang penting ialah suntikan vaksin. Cuba dapat suntikan secepat mungkin. Kita lebih selamat jika disuntik. Ini sahaja cara menyelamat kita. SOP menolong tetapi vaksin lebih mampu selamat kita.

8. Ya, memang menekan semua ini. Tetapi jika kita tidak sanggup mengalami kesusahan, keadaan akan jadi lebih teruk dan ramai yang akan dijangkiti dan meninggal dunia.


1. Parti Pejuang telah kaji secara mendalam berkenaan pembukaan sekolah.

2. Hasilnya ialah kami berpendapat sekolah tidak boleh dibuka dalam masa terdekat. Kami meminta kepada Kerajaan baru supaya pembukaan sekolah ditunda sehingga wabak COVID-19 reda.

3. Dalam satu kajian yang dibuat oleh majalah The Economist, UK terdapat kenyataan seperti berikut: “Consider our Index worst performer, Malaysia”.

4. Index ini menilai prestasi semua negara di dunia dan Malaysia adalah yang terburuk sekali; bukan India, bukan Indonesia, bukan Philippines, tetapi Malaysia.

5. Ini menunjuk betapa tindakan-tindakan yang diambil oleh Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional, walaupun berkuasa tanpa had undang-undang dan Perlembagaan kerana isytiharan darurat, gagal mengawal wabak COVID-19.

6. Keadaan jangkitan di Malaysia amatlah teruk. Jika sekolah dibuka guru, murid dan ibu bapa akan terdedah kepada jangkitan secara besar-besaran.

7. Kami bercadang pengajaran di semua darjah dibuat melalui TV.

8. Caranya mudah sahaja.

9. Pertama: Guru yang terbaik di Malaysia ditugas untuk mengajar melalui TV. Mereka akan mengajar seperti biasa dihadapan TV yang akan tersiar di TV di rumah.

10. Dua: Tiap darjah akan diajar oleh guru yang terbaik bagi darjah itu.

11. Tiga: Pengajaran boleh dirakam oleh guru dan murid dan diulang berkali-kali untuk mentelaah di rumah.

12. Empat: Satu panel guru perlu diadakan bagi tiap 10 sekolah dan darjah. Mereka akan menjawab soalan oleh murid di kawasan mereka melalui telefon.

13. Lima: Ibu bapa dikehendaki menentukan anak mengikuti pengajaran di TV.

14. Enam: Terdapat banyak stesyen TV untuk siar syarahan guru bagi tiap darjah. Satu stesyen TV akan diguna untuk satu darjah.

15. Tujuh: Di rumah mungkin ada hanya satu peti TV. Jika ramai anak di darjah yang berlainan, sukar semua anak mengikut pelajaran di beberapa darjah. Untuk ini TV kecil boleh diguna yang terhad kepada menerima siaran sahaja.

16. Lapan: Di belakang guru akan diadakan papan hitam atau putih untuk guru tulis atau lukis.

17. Sembilan: Meja diadakan di depan guru untuk apa-apa demonstrasi yang diperlukan.

18. Akan ada berbagai masalah pada permulaan. Semua masalah boleh di atasi, termasuk teknikal dan teknologikal.

19. Dengan cara ini semua murid dan penuntut akan nikmati pengajaran guru yang terbaik di seluruh negara.

20. Apabila wabak COVID-19 tidak lagi mengancam barulah sekolah dibuka.

21. Cara mengajar perlu dikaji semula untuk mengguna manfaat teknologi moden.


1. Majalah Economist melapor bahawa Malaysia adalah negara yang terburuk sekali dalam dunia berkenaan dengan mengawal wabak COVID-19. Malaysia dikatakan negara “worst performer” berbanding negara lain di dunia.

2. Kita dimaklumkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan bahawa pada hari ini, 20hb Ogos, 23,000 orang telah dijangkiti oleh COVID-19. Seramai 233 orang telah meninggal dunia dan beberapa lagi telah bunuh diri.

3. Tekanan jiwa yang dipikul oleh semua rakyat amatlah berat. Ramai yang kehilangan ahli keluarga, kanak-kanak yang kehilangan ibu bapa, yang dengan tiba-tiba jadi yatim piatu, kehilangan ketua rumah, kehilangan kawan dan keluarga.

4. Penderitaan mereka amatlah teruk sehingga ada yang bunuh diri.

5. Sebilangan orang yang ingin menyumbang tenaga dan kepakaran mereka untuk menghalang perkembangan wabak ini meminta supaya mereka diberi pengiktirafan oleh Kerajaan, tetapi ditolak. Mereka sanggup bekerja secara sukarela.

6. Mereka ini terdiri dari pakar perubatan, ekonomi, sosiologi dan lain-lain. Mereka mempunyai pengalaman menangani krisis. Mereka boleh bantu dalam usaha melawan wabak seperti ini.

7. Sekarang kita ada Kerajaan yang baru yang mungkin sibuk dengan urusan lain. Sebaliknya wabak ini memerlu pelbagai tindakan segera.

8. Jika badan yang mereka cadang diletak di bawah Kerajaan, politik akan mengganggu tindakan mereka. Adalah lebih baik jika mereka dilantik dan diletak di bawah kuasa Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

9. Saya khuatir wabak ini akan melanda negara dan ratusan yang akan meninggal dunia. Ekonomi tidak boleh pulih dan penderitaan orang ramai akan meningkat.

10. Percayalah wabak ini tidak mudah dikawal. Ia tidak akan pergi dengan sendirinya. Di waktu ini keadaan sudah jadi amat serius. Ia boleh jadi lebih serius dalam masa yang terdekat.

11. Kita perlu bertindak sekarang ini juga. Janganlah utama politik dan undang-undang pun. Sebenarnya inilah masa isytihar darurat kerana tindakan luar biasa perlu diambil. Kita tidak boleh tunggu Kerajaan disusun sebelum bertindak.


1. Saya ucap tahniah kerana usaha Kerajaan tingkatkan jumlah suntikan vaksin.

2. 500,000 sehari boleh kurangkan kes baharu.

3. Tetapi saya berpendapat jumlah perlu dinaikkan lagi kepada 800,000 sehari kerana peningkatan kes baharu disebabkan terlalu ramai dari yang sudah dijangkiti berada disekeliling kita yang tidak dapat dikuarantin dengan berkesan.

4. Mereka terpaksa ada di rumah di mana ada yang belum dijangkiti. Mereka juga tidak patuh kepada SOP sepenuhnya.


1. Menurut laporan rasmi lebih satu juta rakyat Malaysia sudah dijangkiti COVID-19. Ini bermakna 31 juta belum dijangkiti.

2. Mungkin yang belum dijangkiti ini tidak dikesan kerana ujian tidak dibuat ke atas mereka. Seperti kata Presiden Trump, kalau dikurang usaha ujian, jumlah yang sudah dijangkiti juga akan kurang.

3. Tetapi jika kita terima angka rasmi sebanyak satu juta, maka yang tidak dijangkiti ialah seramai 31 million.

4. Soalnya kenapa begitu ramai yang masih tidak dijangkiti. Sebabnya tentulah kerana mereka tidak pernah berdekatan dengan mereka yang sudah jangkit. Ya. Mungkin juga kerana kita pakai penutup muka dan kerap basuh tangan. Tetapi yang utama tentulah kerana kita amal penjarakkan sosial.

5. Tetapi penjarakkan sosial tidak mudah diamal sepanjang masa. Tanpa sedar atau tidak sedar kita tidak amal penjarakkan sosial.

6. Demikian jika kita sembahyang berjemaah, kita tentukan jarak antara kita menepati SOP. Tetapi habis sembahyang, kita berjalan berduyun-duyun keluar masjid. Pada masa itu kita lupa amal penjarakkan sosial. Itulah masanya kita mungkin dijangkiti.

7. Demikian juga ditempat kerja, dalam bas, dalam pasar dan di lain-lain tempat dan masa.

8. Jika kita benar-benar ingin selamat dari jangkitan COVID-19, tentulah caranya ialah berdisiplin dalam amalan SOP. Juga jika kita adakan petugas khusus yang akan tentukan kita patuh kepada SOP.

9. Ya. Memang sukar dan membeban. Tetapi COVID-19 boleh bunuh kita. Tiap hari 200++ mati kerana COVID-19. Bukan sahaja orang tua. Orang muda juga boleh meninggal dunia kerana COVID-19.

10. Jika kita amal SOP secara sedar, ia akan jadi tabiat. Apabila sudah jadi tabiat, ia akan dilakukan secara spontan. Pada masa itu ia tidak lagi jadi beban.

11. Apabila jumlah kes baru terlalu besar seperti sekarang, cuma sebilangan yang sedikit sahaja yang boleh dirawat dalam hospital. Beribu yang lain terpaksa di kuarantin di rumah sendiri.

12. Di rumah rawatan tidak dapat diberi. Keluarga pula tidak boleh dekat. Jika pesakit menjadi lebih teruk keluarga tidak boleh buat apa-apa.

13. Satu daripada kesan COVID-19 ialah pesakit sukar bernafas. Untuk ini oksigen diperlukan. Tetapi di rumah tidak ada oksigen.

14. Walaupun jumlah kes baru tiap hari mencecah belasan ribu, seberapa yang boleh perlu mereka dimasuk dalam hospital. Untuk ini Kerajaan boleh membina bangunan kuarantin sementara atau mengambil alih dewan-dewan milik swasta.

15. Kelengkapan pusat ini terhad kepada katil biasa. Staf terhad kepada beberapa orang doktor dan jururawat. Sebenarnya di United Kingdom (UK) Kerajaan membina hospital sementara untuk 4000 katil. Yang penting ialah bekalan makanan dari luar dan tempat suci yang berjarak jauh.

16. Di fasiliti seperti ini, oksigen penting. Tugas doktor terhad kepada memberi oksigen apabila pesakit sesak nafas.

17. Pesakit yang pulih dalam masa dua tiga hari boleh discaj. Dengan cara pusat-pusat kuarantin seperti ini, mereka yang positif COVID-19 boleh dapat rawatan asas yang mencukupi.

18. Cara kedua yang berkesan untuk elak jangkitan ialah dengan suntikan vaksin. Oleh kerana kita perlu suntik sekurang-kurangnya 25 juta, tentulah ia akan ambil masa yang panjang. Semasa menunggu kita perlu amalkan SOP.

19. Menjadi tanggungjawab Kerajaan untuk suntik semua penduduk Malaysia secara percuma. Proses suntikan perlu dipermudahkan. Ada banyak masalah dengan MySejahtera. Ini perlu di atasi segera.

20. Memang baik untuk diadakan tempat besar pusat suntikan. Tetapi ramai juga yang tidak tunai temujanji. Untuk mereka, pusat suntikan bergerak perlu diperbanyakkan.

21. Sebenarnya unit suntikan bergerak ini memerlu hanya lima orang iaitu 1 atau 2 orang doktor, dua orang jururawat dan seorang penulis rekod. Mereka boleh suntik bukan sahaja dalam bas besar, tetapi dalam rumah pun.

22. Yang penting ialah penulis mengambil gambar Kad Pengenalan (I.C) dengan telefon bimbit untuk dimasuk ke dalam data Nasional. Suntikan yang kedua boleh dibuat dengan unit suntikan bergerak ke tempat yang sama.

23. Saya percaya jika Kerajaan dan orang ramai lakukan cadangan ini, jumlah pesakit baru dapat dikurangkan. Dalam mengurus wabak seperti yang terdapat sekarang pengurangan kes baru amat penting. Orang ramai perlu terima perasaan bosan dan penderitaan jika ingin selamat dari wabak ini. Jika tidak sanggup, kematian akan bertambah. Ratusan dari kita dan keluarga kita dan kawan kita akan menjadi mangsa COVID-19 ini. Kita juga akan jadi mangsa.

24. Ini hanya pendapat saya.



1. How did this huge number of new cases become infected?


2. Well, in the first place before they were tested positive, they were moving around and contacting a lot of other people who were already infected but were also not yet tested.


3. With lots of people moving around it is impossible to trace back the people who had contacted the 17,000 new cases. Now that they have been found to be positive, it becomes important to isolate them from people who have not yet been infected. The need is for all 17,000 people to be isolated i.e. to be properly quarantined.


4. The level of infection among the 17,000 is not the same. Obviously, they cannot all be admitted into hospital. Only the serious ones would be hospitalised and treated. The less serious would run into thousands. They cannot be properly quarantined. Most of them would have to stay at home.


5. But there are other people at homes. Most of them just cannot be isolated from family members. The end is that many or all the family members would be infected. Before they could be swabbed, they would move around and infect other people.


6. They and the people they contacted would show symptoms and when tested they would be positive. For each one sent home to be quarantined, 2 or 3 others would have become infected. As pointed out above, before they could be tested, they would infect others. From the 2 or 3, 2 or 3 others would be infected.


7. If out of 17,000, only 1,000 could be hospitalised the rest (16,000) would infect multiples of that number. So, the new cases would increase all the time. The bigger the number of those quarantined at home, the bigger the number of new cases.


8. We have missed the opportunity to reduce the number of new cases when they were small. Now it is impossible simply because of the multiplier effect of home quarantined cases.


9. The lockdown and SOP cannot work now. People are too tired or undisciplined to obey the most important SOP, i.e. staying apart. Many times, in the day they would be in contact with someone. If they fail to wear masks or wash their hands, the infection would take place.


10. During quarantine the different SOP would be breached many times.


11. The only answer would be vaccination. We are vaccinating 500,000 a day. But it is not enough. Free vaccination must be given to everyone very, very quickly.


12. Apart from the mega centres, there should be numerous mobile units going to the people wherever they may be. The Government should buy, borrow or steal in order to speed up.


13. If it doesn’t then the new cases would rapidly increase, the deaths would also be in the hundreds and the suicides would be dozens a day. All these create new problems which have to be handled.


14. Politics cannot solve these problems. It can only make matters worse.


1. By now everyone should know that the best way to reduce the number of new cases of infection by COVID-19 is to inject vaccines. It does not matter which vaccine, whether Western, Russian or Chinese. Vaccination has reduced the number of new cases in the UK, US and apparently in China.

2. But in Malaysia, so far only 3% of the 32 million people have been vaccinated. It is 40% in the US, a much more populous country.

3. People want to be vaccinated. Yes, there are those who believe in coconut water or that vaccination kills. But there are lots and lots of people who are anxious to be vaccinated.

4. But the process is tedious. You have to make online registration. You have to go to the small number of centres for vaccination.

5. Old people in the kampung may not have mobile phones, may not know how to register online, may not have good transport, may be unwell, etc. So if they cannot go to the vaccine centres why not bring the vaccines to them.

6. I have seen pictures on TV of people driving cars being vaccinated, while still sitting in the driver’s seat. It must have speeded things up. So send the teams to the people. Don’t wait for them to come.

7. The Government has the power to seize property under the emergency. There are properties to be seized for use as a vaccination centre. In Langkawi we have the huge LIMA exhibition centre and several hotels which are empty. Seize them and add more vaccine centres.

8. Malaysia has more public dewan, than any country in the world. Also we have more hospitals, public and private, where there would be space to convert to temporary vaccination centres.

9. Good to reduce the passengers on train but when trips are also reduced the trains are crowded.

10. The Government should stop its monopoly of import of vaccines. Let registered pharmaceutical companies import the vaccines and let them do the vaccination. There are responsible companies which will not cheat. Records should be kept of course. The important thing is to increase by many times the rate of vaccination.

11. The need to vaccinate is urgent. Forget politics. You are killing people by being dilatory. You will not be popular for that.

12. With new cases at 9000 per day there will be not enough beds and other apparatus. People are being sent home and some of them have died. More will die. No matter how you speed up vaccination, the number of new cases will take time to diminish. The reason for easy infection is due to the people not observing social distancing. This is especially so when working, when going to work, when returning and in workers buses. There is no one ensuring that the people stay far apart.

13. Please Government, please do not let so many be killed.

The Sputnik

14. No. It is not the space craft. It is the Russian vaccine. It is used in Russia and in many countries. Germany has approved it. And I believe reputable medical journals have approved it.

15. Why is Malaysia not using it. The Russians have offered 6 million doses. They have been told to answer 400 questions. We want to know if the monkeys have been saved.

16. We will wait for the 400 answers. A few hundred people may die. But that is okay.


1. Angka kes baru sudah meningkat. Sejak tiga hari dahulu angka kes baru mencecah lebih dari 7000. Besar kemungkinan jumlah akan meningkat lagi.

2. Peningkatan jumlah ini membuktikan SOP kurang atau tidak berkesan. Tetapi ramai orang yang tidak dijangkiti. Kenapa begitu ramai yang dijangkiti tiap hari tetapi ramai yang tidak dijangkiti atau belum dijangkiti. Mungkin mereka yang mengurus wabak ini tahu.

3. Dua hari sudah semasa saya dalam perjalanan balik dari pejabat saya –Perdana Leadership Foundation (Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana) saya lihat pekerja projek – berada ditepi jalan menunggu bas pekerja.

4. Mereka bercangkung sederet. Lebih kurang dua puluh orang beratur. Yang ternampak jelas ialah mereka tidak amal jarak sosial. Boleh dikatakan tidak sedikit pun pemisahan antara mereka disepanjang jalan. Ada yang pakai pelitup ke bawah dagu dan mungkin juga satu dua tak pakai pelitup langsung.

5. Saya tak fikir mereka sudah disuntik. Tetapi yang jelas ialah mereka tidak ikut SOP. Cara mereka dekat diri antara mereka tetap memudahkan jangkitan.

6. Saya percaya ditempat-tempat kerja lain pun cara pekerja abaikan SOP tentu begitu.

7. Tidak ternampak tandil atau overseersesama mereka yang boleh menegur cara SOP mereka.

8. SOP memang baik tetapi cara SOP diamal oleh pekerja-pekerja dan orang ramai juga tidak seperti dikehendaki. Jangkitan memang mudah.

9. Di masjid kita memang menjauhkan diri semasa sembahyang. Tetapi lepas sembahyang jemaah tidak jauhkan diri di antara mereka. Semasa keluar dari masjid, seperti biasa mereka mendekat diri antara mereka.

10. Saya berpendapat pihak polis dan frontliners lain perlu tentukan jarak sosial diamal dengan baik.

11. Memandang bahawa virus ini boleh ditiup angin, adalah lebih baik jarak perpisahan sejauh dua meter.

12. Semasa bekerja, pekerja tidak mengikut jarak antara mereka. Demikian juga ditempat beli belah.

13. Ekonomi akan merosot kerana lockdowntetapi lebih baik kemerosotan ekonomi dari kematian.

14. Saya tak hendak komen bagaimana darurat berkesan dalam pengawalan wabak COVID-19.


1. Whatever may be the cause of the present flare-up of the pandemic, what must be accepted is that dealing with it, attempting to reduce the number of new cases will cost a lot of money.

2. This pandemic is peculiar because it prevents normal work from being done. It requires people to distance themselves from each other. The necessary lockdown means no income and for many no food even. Yet the lockdown is perhaps the only way to prevent exposure to the virus and infection. And infection may mean death.

3. When we first experienced the attack, the whole country had to accept total movement control. There were no cars on the streets and no pedestrian. After one month we congratulated ourselves on the success of the measure. New cases numbered in two digits and death did not exceeds ten.

4. We became over confident. We believed we know how to manage the pandemic. And we held elections in Sabah. And since then, we have seen increases in the number of cases to frightening levels. At the peak there were more than 6,000 a day (May 19, 2021).

5. We did not learn anything. The month of Ramadan is the month of bazaars. Everybody enjoy the bazaars. Certainly many regard the bazaars as a means to make extra incomes. And the Muslims love the food that go on sale at the bazaars.

6. I suppose the Government did not want to be unpopular by banning the bazaars. The Government must know that the crowds would be uncontrollable. And sure, enough as soon as the bazaars open, the cases increased. From under 2000, the daily new cases shot up to more than 4000 a day. Panicked the bazaars were suddenly banned.

7. It was a good example of flipflop that the people cannot accept. The food hawkers had bought the ingredients for their products for the whole month. Now they would lose all their money as there is no way for them to recover their capital.

8. Whatever may be the immediate cause of the spike the urgent need is still to reduce the number of new cases. We are definitely going to be short of bed, apparatus and even oxygen if the number doubles.

9. It is right to reintroduce the Movement Control Order (MCO). But now we are much less strict in doing so. We need to confine people to their homes. There should not be any excuse for crowds to form. Staying apart must be applied even among the frontliners.

10. Confining people at home means they will have no money and no food.

11. The Government must accept the responsibility of keeping people alive. For food there should be public kitchens where food is prepared, packaged and delivered to the homes.

12. It is important that the quarantined people should not come out to collect the food at the kitchens. This will cause crowds to gather. Couriers should be recruited to deliver the food to the houses. There should be no contact between the delivery boys and the householders.

13. Hotel kitchens should be utilised to prepare and package the food. The home quarantine should be for at least one month. The police and the military should be very strict in ensuring the people don’t come out to shop or do anything.

14. The cost must be borne by the Government. It will be costly but the Government must do it.

15. Vaccination must be speeded up. We should accept whatever vaccine that had been used in other countries extensively. A special effort must be made to get kampung people to be vaccinated.

16. Masks must be worn, and hands washed all the time. Frequent tests should be carried out to ensure all infected people are identified and quarantined.

17. In many countries even the first jab of vaccines can help reduce the number of new cases. But even those who had the vaccines need to be tested again and again.

18. The Government claims it has finished more than 600 billion Ringgit in the fight against the pandemic. If so we should have the capacity to deal with the pandemic. But obviously we have not. We must know why. 600 billion Ringgit is a lot of money. It is not easy to spend that money in such a short space of time.

19. We have to be serious about the fight against COVID-19. If not we are going to see a lot of people die who could have been saved.