Category Archives: Popular


1. Darurat masih ada, Perdana Menteri boleh buat apa sahaja.

2. Orang biasa 10 hari, Menteri 3 hari…COVID tentu kenal siapa dia?

3. Lompat menjadi-jadi. Dua, tiga lompat masuk Parti Kerajaan. Belum tentu Muhyiddin dapat majoriti. Lompat keluar tak tahu?

4. Sebab lompat? Heh, Heh, Heh. Kita tahu la. Cash is king.

5. Katanya ada tawaran lagi kepada parti lawan. Bisnes politik lebih untung dari bisnes-bisnes.

6. Berita palsu – ciptaan Dato Seri Najib dibatal oleh Pakatan Harapan (PH).

7. Dibawa balik oleh Muhyiddin. Kenyataan Muhyiddin setaraf kelulusan Parlimen. Sebut sahaja, jadi undang-undang.

8. Apa perlu Parlimen? Apa perlu pilihan raya? Habis masa, habis duit.

9. Beli orang, panggil mereka wakil rakyat, Kerajaan tertubuh – selamat berbillion Ringgit.

10. Tak cukup duit, naik denda.

11. Tak bayar 10,000 pakai baju oren, masuk dalam.

12. Salah satu billion okay. Dapat eskot polis.

13. Boleh jadi ahli Parlimen. Nasihat Kerajaan.

14. Malaysia boleh. Darurat semua boleh. Syabas Malaysia.


1. Saya ikuti dengan teliti perkembangan berkenaan situasi penempatan di Bukit Malut, Langkawi.

2. Isu ini sudah berlarutan agak lama, juga semasa saya menjadi Perdana Menteri.

3. Penyelesaian isu ini memerlukan tindakan pro-aktif Kerajaan Persekutuan. Ini kerana sebahagian besar masalah yang perlu diselesaikan melibatkan agensi-agensi Kerajaan Persekutuan.

4. Pembangunan penempatan untuk menampung jumlah penduduk yang akan dipindahkan akan melibat peruntukan yang besar.

5. Ini hanya boleh didapati dengan bantuan kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan.

6. Kerajaan Negeri Kedah tidak mungkin mampu untuk sediakan peruntukan yang sebegitu besar untuk bangunkan penempatan baru, tetapi perlu memain peranan untuk selesaikan perkara-perkara berkaitan yang melibatkan kuasa negeri.


1. Tommy Thomas dalam bukunya “My Story – Justice in the Wilderness” berpendapat bahawa peletakan jawatan Perdana Menteri sebagai surrender of power, penyerahan balik kuasa yang sukar difaham.

2. Saya pula tidak faham kenapa peletakan jawatan itu sukar difaham. Parti Pribumi Bersatu yang saya menjadi Pengerusi telah tolak nasihat saya supaya tidak tergesa-gesa keluar dari Pakatan Harapan (PH). Ini bermakna parti saya tidak lagi mempunyai kepercayaan (confidence) kepada saya. Mereka menyokong Muhyiddin dan memutus untuk keluar dari Pakatan Harapan dengan serta merta.

3. Apabila saya tidak lagi memiliki kepercayaan dari parti saya, saya tidak lagi dapat menjadi Pengerusi parti. Saya buat keputusan untuk letak jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Bersatu.
4. Saya dilantik jadi Perdana Menteri (PM) kerana saya Pengerusi Bersatu. Apabila saya tidak lagi jadi Pengerusi Bersatu, saya tidak lagi layak jadi Perdana Menteri. Maka saya pun terpaksa letak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri.

5. Walaupun saya minta supaya Bersatu tangguh keputusan keluar dari PH, tetapi pada malam 23 Februari 2020 (Ahad) Bersatu telah ada majlis makan malam bersama PAS dan UMNO, iaitu gabungan parti-parti yang dirancang oleh Muhyiddin untuk menjadi Kerajaan apabila PH jatuh.

6. Saya jatuh bersama dengan kejatuhan PH. Tidak munasabah saya terus jadi Perdana Menteri apabila PH tidak lagi jadi Kerajaan.

7. Kit Siang berpendapat Kerajaan PH jatuh kerana saya letak jawatan. Jika PH masih ada majoriti, ia tidak akan jatuh. PH boleh pilih ahli Dewan Rakyat lain untuk jadi Perdana Menteri.

8. Anwar Ibrahim memang berminat untuk jadi Perdana Menteri. Tetapi kerana PH hilang majoriti di waktu saya letak jawatan, Anwar tidak dapat ganti saya.

9. Kemudian semua 222 wakil rakyat diberi peluang oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk cadang calon mereka untuk jadi Perdana Menteri.

10. PH yang sepatutnya cadang saya, telah cadang Anwar konon kerana ia mendapat cukup bilang disebabkan sokongan dari Sabah dan Sarawak.

11. Tetapi Anwar hanya dapat 92 pencalonan dari PH sahaja. Sabah dan Sarawak tolak Anwar.

12. Saya dapat 62 pencalonan kerana PH tolak saya.

13. Jika PH calon saya seperti yang saya berhak dapat, saya akan dapat 154 undi. Saya sanggup kembali sebagai Perdana Menteri walaupun Bersatu tolak saya.

14. Setelah pencalonan depan Yang di-Pertuan Agong gagal menentukan PM baru, pemimpin PH termasuk Anwar datang jumpa saya dengan cadangan memilih saya sebagai PM. Saya letak syarat nama Anwar sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri tidak disebut. Pada hari esok syarat saya dipersetujui.

15. PH berjaya mendapat 114 wakil rakyat yang menyertai kumpulan baru ini. Tetapi sebelum dapat dikemukakan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Muhyiddin sudah dipilih oleh Agong.

16. Yang jelas ialah tidak mungkin Muhyiddin mempunyai majoriti kerana 114 dari wakil rakyat tidak bersama dengan beliau. Tetapi apabila dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri beberapa penyokong kumpulan PH ditawar jadi Menteri, oleh Muhyiddin. Maka ia pun memperoleh majoriti.

17. Kit Siang tentu tidak akan mengaku kejatuhan PH bukan kerana saya letak jawatan. Yang benar-benar menjatuh PH ialah pemilihan Anwar untuk jadi Perdana Menteri semasa membuat pengakuan kepada Agong. Jika PH menamakan saya, segala-gala yang berlaku sekarang tidak akan berlaku.


1. Kami cuba dapat ramai orang untuk memberi pendapat berkenaan darurat. Ramai mereka yang berpendapat darurat tidak perlu. Mereka sebut beberapa sebab mereka berpendapat demikian.

2. Mereka jelaskan tetapi ternampak mereka dalam ketakutan. Mereka rendah suara sambil memandang sekeliling mereka. Dan mereka pun pesan jangan bagi tahu sesiapa berkenaan pendapat mereka.

3. Kata mereka, mereka takut kerana Kerajaan penuh kuasa dan boleh buat apa sahaja kepada mereka. Denda sebanyak 5 juta dan penjara 10 tahun. Tidak boleh dapat perlindungan undang-undang.

4. Saya cuba jelas Kerajaan tidak boleh buat begitu. Tetapi mereka tidak berasa senang.

5. Disuruh tandatangan surat rayuan supaya darurat ditarik balik – mereka tolak.


1. Baru-baru ini seorang dari keluarga saya dijangkiti COVID-19. Dia tidak dapat dimasuk hospital kerana tidak teruk. Sebaliknya ia diarah kuarantin di rumahnya.

2. Tetapi semasa di rumah keadaannya menjadi teruk sehingga tidak dapat bernafas. Maka dia pun dimasuk ke hospital.

3. Masalahnya semasa dia berada di rumah, penyakitnya dijangkit kepada ahli di rumah. Saya percaya ia tidak dapat dimasuk hospital awal kerana jumlah yang dijangkiti terlalu ramai. Tiap hari 4000 dikesan.

4. Namun demikian, jika pesakit berada di rumah, ahli keluarga akan dijangkiti. Maka lebih ramailah yang terjangkit. Sepatutnya mereka dimasuk ke dalam kuarantin berasingan dari keluarga.

5. Jika selepas sekian lama pesakit mungkin sembuh atau perlu dirawat dalam hospital. Setelah didapati tidak ada jangkitan maka bolehlah balik ke rumah.

6. Sudah tentu tempat kuarantin hendaklah sesuai. Dari gambar yang diperolehi katil-katil terlalu dekat dan apabila ada lawatan pembesar pesakit akan berkumpul. Ini akan menyebabkan jangkitan merebak.

7. Sesungguhnya ada banyak cara dan amalan yang boleh kurangkan jumlah jangkitan. Diharap doktor-doktor pakar dapat berbincang dengan pegawai Kerajaan.

8. Khidmat Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan amat dihargai. Tetapi wabak ini agak terlalu besar untuk ditangani oleh seorang sahaja.


1. I hesitate to comment on the Proclamation of a State of Emergency for fear that I am motivated by a desire to become Prime Minister again.

2. But now I find that doctors and lawyers are commenting adversely on the promulgation of a state of emergency due to COVID-19. Also, on the management of the pandemic. And so I feel I have a right to comment.

3. My view is that emergency powers are not necessary in dealing with the pandemic. The Government has ample power and Malaysians have obeyed whatever orders or directives issued by the Government in dealing with COVID-19. They raise no objection. We are not like liberal western countries where the people openly disobeyed Government directives claiming that their rights and freedoms have been ignored.

4. But the Proclamation of a State of Emergency removes the last vestige of democratic rights of the people. It is worthwhile to note: –

i. This Government is not the Government they elected. It is a back door Government.
ii. This Government has now lost its majority and therefore the right to rule.
iii. Through the proclamation this minority Government has now gained absolute power to rule.

5. This is enunciated in article 11 of the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance 2021 which reads:-
“For so long as the emergency is in force –
a) the Prime Minister and the Cabinet existing immediately prior to the issuance of the Proclamation of Emergency on 11 January 2021 who have been conferred the executive functions shall continue to exercise the executive authority of the Federation and such other persons who have been conferred the executive functions by law shall continue to exercise such functions;
Additionally in para (4) of 12;
For the avoidance of doubt, for so long as the emergency is in force, Clause (3) of Article 55 of the Federal Constitution shall have effect as if the words “for five years from the date of its first meeting and shall then stand dissolved” have been deleted.
Parliament sitting
14. (1) For so long as the emergency is in force –
(a) the provisions relating to the summoning, proroguing and dissolution of Parliament in the Federal Constitution shall not have effect; and

(2) Any Meeting of the Parliament which has been summoned before the coming into operation of this Ordinance but has not been held is cancelled.

6. Clearly with the Proclamation of a State of Emergency the Parliament elected by the people has lost its role in the governance of this country. The Prime Minister now has full authority to rule the country on his own.

7. The excuse for this seizure of power is said to be the massive increase in the COVID-19 pandemic.

8. What is there that the Prime Minister with his absolute power can do to solve this health crisis? One has to remember that its was his decision to seize power in Sabah that was followed with the four digit increase in the number of new cases. Before that the new cases had dwindled to single digit.

9. The best brains in the world are finding it difficult to stem the numbers of new cases. Can the Prime Minister with his power to jail people for up to 10 years and impose a fine of five million Ringgit reduce the number of cases.

10. We appreciate the work of the Director – General of Health for his management of the pandemic. But now the numbers are very big.

11. The problems are not the same. The frontline workers who dealt with the first phase have now to deal with thousands more cases daily. Still the COVID-19 numbers are increasing. Positive cases cannot be admitted, increasing their exposure to members of their families and others.

12. The workers, foreign and local, are posing massive problems as they stay in crowded rooms and cannot maintain social spacing when working.

13. Total lockdown cannot be imposed as the economy would be affected and poor people cannot earn money to buy food even.

14. The problem caused by the pandemic are very many and do not lead to easy solutions. Can the enhanced power of the Prime Minister tackle these problems?

15. What kind of advise can he give to the King that will reduce the numbers of those getting infected, those having to be hospitalised, those who will die.

16. But the declaration of emergency has given the Government tremendous powers.

17. Everything that is done is in the name of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. They cannot be questioned. Nor can they be brought before Parliament as all sittings have been cancelled.

18. Effectively the rule of law has been abolished. We are assured that the intention is good. But when absolute authority is given, breaches and abuses will happen.

19. Whither Malaysia.


1. I have been named among the top 20 most dangerous extremists on earth, by a United States’ based website.

2. The Counter Extremism Project website cites; “A controversial figure, Mahathir often criticized (sic) the West, LGBT people, and Jewish people”.

3. It goes on to say; “Mahathir is not directly responsible for specific acts of violence. However, his controversial opinions have led to international condemnation as it was alleged Mahathir supported extremist violence against the West”.

4. Among my views which was cited was that against Macron’s views on Islam recently. Macron asserts that Islam promotes terrorism. This is totally wrong. Islam forbids killing. The killing of a single person, whether Muslim or not is likened to the killing of all of humanity. The killing of a fellow Muslim will earn the killer permanent confinement in the worst of hell. If Muslims kill it is not due to the teachings of Islam.

5. The website regurgitates half of what I wrote and twisted it so as to imply that I advocate terrorism. I specifically stressed that Muslims are not revengeful (read here).

6. So, one can be an extremist for criticising the West, saying things they do not like to hear, even if it’s the truth. You don’t have to do anything.

7. It is like labelling you as anti-Semitic if you criticise the Jews even mildly.

8. Based on the storming of the Capitol by outgoing President Donald Trump’s supporters, largely attributed to his incitement, Trump should be labelled extremist. But the website has not described him as a terrorist even though Mark Zuckerberg has banned (here) Trump from Facebook till the end of his Presidency for, “use of our platform to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government.”

9. Then there is the complete destruction of Iraq by Bush and Blair based on falsified claims of having weapons of mass destruction as evidenced by the Chilcot report.

10. Iraq Body Count, a website that maintains the world’s largest public database of violent civilian deaths since the 2003 invasion, estimates some 288,00 civilians and combatants lost their lives, with the bulk being civilians, due to the action of these two leaders.

11. Would Bush and Blair be held as extremists considering that all those lives lost were due to their lies about Iraq. Their shock and awe assault which they claim would solve the problem of Iraq’s dictatorship in three months is now in its 18th year. The destruction is still going on.

12. Between March 30 and November 19, 2018, Israeli security forces killed 189 Palestinian demonstrators, including 31 children and 3 medical workers, and wounded more than 5,800 with live fire according to the Human Rights Watch.

13. Since the creation of Israel thousands of Palestinian lives have been lost due to Israeli action. Yet not a single Israeli is listed among the terrorist-extremists by this website.

14. I am curious about this website which cites itself as “Led by a renowned group of former world leaders and diplomats”. Who are they?

15. While they readily name others as extremists they are not prepared to identify those among themselves who meet their criteria. Among them would be those who supported Zionist State terrorism, the massacre at Deir Yassin, the displacement of Palestinians and killing those who refused. There are also numerous others, the hawkish leaders and diplomats who supported the so-called war on terror and masterminded the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, including coming up with the lies on the existence of weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion.

16. It seems that I am vilified for my thoughts while others get away with acts of terror and violence resulting in death and destruction of the weak and the oppressed.


1. I must congratulate the United States Space Agency (NASA) for successfully landing a space craft and collecting samples of the soil on a meteorite situated so far away in space. Read here.

2. It is a fantastic achievement as it took the space vehicle more than 3 years to reach the meteorite, land on it, pick up some soil and then took off to ‘fly’ back to earth. It should take 3 years to return to earth.

3. It is a great feat. But we cannot know what the meteorite soil contains. We assume it would be of some elements that is found on earth.

4. But it could also be some matter that is harmful to us on earth.

5. Remember the atom bomb. The scientists thought it would just explode and kill the people of Hiroshima the same way that other bombs do.

6. But later we found it was lethal in other ways also. It produced radiation which killed people beyond the site of the explosion. Now we know that if we use this weapon in war the whole world will be affected. They will suffer from radiation disease and they may be killed.

7. And so we prohibit the use of nuclear weapons.

8. Now we have COVID-19. Again it is something we knew nothing about. We were not prepared to deal with this virus. And millions have been infected and more than one million have died. And more will die before we develop an effective vaccine.

9. So, what if the soil we bring back from the meteorite is totally new. What if it is an element which can poison the air we breathe, or the sea, or our soil. Are we sure that all the elements in the universe are like the elements we find on this earth? Can there not be something that is not in our planet. Can it be poisonous to life on our planet?

10. H.G. Wells told us the alien who attacked our planet were killed by our bacteria. But what if the material as creatures are different and lethal to life on earth, the whole world can be destroyed.

11. Already, right here on earth, a virus has made its appearance which can wipe out human life on earth. Yes, we are combating it. We may be successful. But we can also fail.

12. The people in America too must be familiar with invasive elements. We read about invasive predator fishes, the snakeheads, found in lakes and waterways in the US, most originating from parts of Asia and decimating the local fish populace.

13. That is within the context of invasive elements from merely other parts of the world.

14. So be careful about this soil from this meteorite in outer space.


1. Saya baru pulang daripada lawatan tiga hari ke Langkawi.

2. Langkawi hijau, iaitu bebas dari Covid-19.

3. Namun penduduk patuh SOP dan pemeriksaan untuk Covid-19 dikenakan kepada semua pelawat.

4. Tetapi semasa saya di sana saya dapati keadaan muram. Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan yang dikenakan di daratan akibat Covid-19 menjejaskan industri pelancongan Langkawi.

5. Hanya dua tiga penerbangan sahaja dari Subang/Sepang masuk Langkawi tiap hari. Jadual penerbangan masuk, serta perkhidmatan feri amat berkurangan setelah kawalan pergerakan terbaru dikenakan ke atas Selangor, terutamanya.

6. Walaupun beberapa bulan lalu terdapat peningkatan kemasukan pelancong tempatan, malangnya pertambahan mendadak kes-kes Covid-19 telah membantutkan kedatangan pelancong ke Langkawi.

7. Peniaga-peniaga merungut, banyak kedai ditutup, ada yang hanya sementara tetapi ada juga yang gulung tikar. Pusat-pusat pelancongan kelihatan sepi. Kereta-kereta sewa banyak yang tersadai kerana ketiadaan pelanggan. Restoran-restoran yang dulunya tumpuan pelancong juga sepi.

8. Nyata PKP terbaru ini menjejas sektor pelancongan kerana ramai pelancong tempatan, terutamanya dari Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur tidak dapat berkunjung ke Langkawi.

9. Saya khuatir kesan jangka panjang kepada ekonomi Langkawi dan kepada kehidupan penduduk pulau ini.

10. Sebenarnya terdapat banyak cara dan cadangan untuk memperbaiki ekonomi Langkawi. Tetapi setakat ini kebenaran Kerajaan tidak dapat diperolehi. Mungkin ia disebabkan wabak Covid-19. Tetapi jika dirancang dengan mengambilkira SOP Covid, industri pelancongan dan lain-lain industri boleh diperbaiki.

11. Ini bukan sahaja boleh dilakukan tanpa peruntukan Kerajaan tetapi boleh menyumbang kepada pertambahan dana Kerajaan.

12. Saya fikir penyakit ini akan ambil masa yang lama. Kita tidak mungkin dapat hapus terus penyakit ini dalam masa terdekat.

13. Sementara itu, rakyat perlu terus hidup dan menjana pendapatan untuk sara kehidupan serta keluarga. Mereka harus diberi peluang jika tidak negara akan mengalami kehancuran ekonomi.

14. Mungkin ada sesiapa dalam Kerajaan yang boleh dengar rintihan peniaga kecil seperti ini dan beri pertimbangan. Saya akan terus berikan idea lain jika ianya dapat membantu.


1. The great powers of the world have spent trillions of dollars to develop sophisticated weapons with improved killing power. They are sure that in a war they would be able to kill more of their enemies than their own warriors.

2. But as they produce newer and better weapons, their enemies come up with better defensive and offensive weapons. And more billions had to be spent to overcome the defence while new offensive weapons are invented, produced and deployed.

3. Already they are overjoyed with their capacities to wipe out whole cities and their inhabitants, including the babies who might grow up to become warriors.

4. The array of weapons is impressive. On the ground there would be tanks and armoured vehicles, rocket launchers and guided missiles of different ranges, radars and lasers and many others yet undisclosed.

5. In the air there would be a variety of war planes, some invisible to radar, equipped with rockets and missiles, manned and unmanned, drones, capable of taking out individuals or reducing to ashes whole towns. Satellites high above have eyes to detect ants moving on the ground, recognise faces with fantastic cameras.

6. At sea, new battleship carry all kinds of rockets, surface to surface, surface to air, short range, long range, invisible to radar, floating and submerged, manned and unmanned, nuclear powered and nuclear armed etc. etc.

7. They, the great powers are still researching, developing, training and arming, glorifying in their capacities to destroy their enemies and other collaterals.

8. More and more funds are allocated for upgrading the capacity to make this world uninhabitable by living creature. Each of these powers would be beating their chests like gorillas, roaring in their destructive and killing power. And still they would spend.

9. Then the enemy struck. The enemy had no weapons of any kind. But so powerful is the enemy that Kings and Presidents, Generals and strategists ran helter-skelter for refuge in their homes. They dare not come out.

10. All those powerful weapons afford them no protection. They are totally useless to protect their lives, their health and their wealth. Nowhere in the world can they be safe. They cannot even be near each other. They have to hide their beautiful faces behind masks. The ugly ones rejoiced.

11. And the enemy, which defeated these great powers cannot even be seen. They are so small that they can only be seen through a microscope. Yet, they can send the most powerful people shivering with fear.

12. That is the Nouvelle Coronavirus. It is capable of wiping out all humans in the world. The only defensive weapons are soap and water, gloves and mask, social distances, and stopping work and stopping making money. Many will starve to death as access to food is cut off.

13. The great civilisation we have built, the fantastic technologies we have developed, the great wealth of individuals, the luxurious life-style of private yachts and private planes, the palaces and holiday homes, the speed of travel, the connectivity, all these would change if not disappear.

14. A new life will develop, a life constrained by the fear of pandemics, the sudden painful death, the limitation on travel and holiday will replace the norm. In everything there will be new normals.

15. The enemy is microscopic but the effect is massive, more than the wars of the world. The great powers will be helpless before these microscopic creatures. Power no longer belongs to the rich and the developed. All those weapons of mass destruction cannot match the destruction by these microscopic creatures.

16. There is definitely a lesson to be learnt here. What the lesson will be is left to each and everyone of us.