Category Archives: UMNO


1. Out of curiosity I read Musa’s book “Frankly Speaking”. I agree entirely with what he says about me. Of course I was a dictator for 22 years, requiring everyone to be absolutely loyal to me. The Majlis Tertinggi of UMNO and the Cabinet were quite dumb as I was the only one to speak. They merely nod their heads and shout yes.

2. I agree that Musa’s resignation had nothing to do with Tengku Razaleigh. To prove this I append two letters written by Musa to me about his support for the appointment of T.R. as Minister of Trade and Industry. I cannot uphold his desire for secrecy as he speaks frankly, implying he has nothing to hide.

3. Incidentally I would like to point out that all dictators, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, resigned voluntarily like I did. The mystery was how I managed to be elected five times. But now we know that elected Prime Ministers can also be dictators. There really was no mystery.

4. It is a pity. If I had been defeated by T.R., we would be able to see the close friendly relation between T.R. and Musa in the Government. The country would probably become fully developed by 2000 or earlier.

5. We missed a great opportunity.

6. To see how truthful Musa’s frank story about himself please read his two letters. The copy of the original is not legible. So I have printed the contents. You can compare.



YAB Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamed (sic)
Perdana Menteri Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur.

Saudara YAB,

TR in the Cabinet

This letter is written with a very heavy heart and the greatest reluctance.
I did think that you were merely testing TR, quite confident that he would not accept it , until I learnt of your offer of the new Ministries to him.
His acceptance of Trade and Industry will carry the following implications :-
He shall use it to the full by giving out the following perks to his followers and would-be followers – import permits (cars, materials, etc.) licenses for business (MTI looks after Registrar of Companies); licenses and control/supervision of manufacturing ventures.
He shall have a very strong hold on the take-overs, purchases, distributions, approvals over companies wanting to divest or transfer shares either ordinarily or to comply to the NEP.
He shall choose, recommend, suggest Malaysian (Malay, more important) partners to foreign investors wishing to invest in Malaysia.
He shall control the licencing and supervision of the distributive trade
He shall choose, recommend, suggest names of individuals for distribution of shares.
He shall not only continue to have the support of the monied group but widen it greatly to the general business (Malay especially) community.
PATRONAGE would be aplenty to those of his choice. And MON DIEU! He shall have the greatest opportunity ever to prepare himself for his political future even better than Finance! Finance only give him prestige, influence and the ability to give tenders, licences etc. to a very limited top lucky few who would use their influence to get support for him.

But MTI would give him direct access to the actual UMNO voters in the widest way ever! Please remember he is not you, Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Ismail, Hamzah or Tengku Din, to mention past Ministers! Just as in Finance, he shall politicize the Ministry for his personal interest.

Personally, while in Finance he had been very difficult and I could only intervene in the most urgent/important circumstances. So was it, I believe, with you. In MTI, I would personally be rendered almost ineffective and whatever influence I could already assert on MTI so far, very crucial for NEP etc. shall certainly be blunted whichever way you look at it. But more important, the other Ministers would again have to seek his patronage and …. well, I cannot possibly go further without being accused by you as going into a tantrum and being irrational!

Before your final decision, I feel it now absolutely dutibound to remind you of the above. Personally, even though I never had done this before, with the greatest respect, I would like to register my strongest views against TR’s appointment at MTI.

Assuming that you go ahead with the appointment, I would have to review my own plans in a much hastier manner, which I would like to discuss with you after the announcement.

I would like vehemently to assure you that I have no intention of upsetting your administration and, as I said beginning this letter, I am doing this with a heavy heart. I am sure that events in the coming years will prove me right. For God’s sake, do ponder over my points and do remind yourself of the type of personality you are dealing with.

Again God Bless us all. God Bless you.



5 Julai, 1984 (sic)

app2 part1
App2 part2

31hb Julai 1984

YAB Perdana Menteri

Saudara YAB,

Berasas kepada percakapan-percakapan kita dalam jangka masa beberapa bulan lepas dan surat saya bertarikh 5hb Julai 1984, ada lah saya dengan perasaan begitu keberatan dan dukacitanya memaklumkan bahawa saya bercadang bersara daripada memegang jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri bermula daripada 1hb Ogos 1985. Keputusan saya ini adalah muktamad.

Saya memberi “notis” Selamat satu tahun ini semata-mata bertujuan supaya Saudara akan dapat membuat apa-apa jua proses pengambil alih dengan secara licin dan teratur olih (sic) sesiapa jua yang Saudara akan pilih nanti mengambil tempat saya.

Surat ini sengaja saya tulis dengan tangan sendiri untuk menjaga rahsia nya. Sementara itu, saya akan terus menjalan kan tugas seolah olah keadaan biasa.

Oleh sebab perlunya keputusan saya ….not legible…. bersetuju dengan hakikat ini bermakna saya tidak boleh berbuat sesuatu persediaan bagi kepentingan sara hidup saya selepas bersara kelak. Olih itu, saya memohon supaya Saudara memberi saya cuti sebelum bersara selama tiga bulan bermula 1hb Mei 1985 atau mana-mana tarikh sesuai bagi memboleh kan saya “menggulung tikar” dan mencari apa-apa kerja untuk menampung sara hidup saya kelak.

Saya sangat insaf atas segala implikasi keputusan saya ini.

Sekiranya Saudara memutuskan saya perlu dihenti kan lebih awal lagi, saya serahlah kepada kebijaksanaan Saudara sendiri. ineligible.

Saya akan menulis surat rasmi pada masa yang sesuai nanti.


Adalah saya dengan segala ikhlas,



1. Semasa menerima borang untuk jadi ahli Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, ada yang menyatakan mereka menerima ugutan dari parti UMNO dan Kerajaan Najib.

2. Bermacam jenis ugutan dibuat termasuk tidak akan memberi BR1M, disingkir dari UMNO, atau lucut jawatan dalam Kerajaan dan agensi-agensinya, tidak diberi kontrak, biasiswa tidak akan diberi dan akan ditarik balik dan sebagainya, bank akan tuntut hutang lebih awal dan akan tolak permohonan.

3. Tetapi mereka masih sanggup didera seperti ini kerana kepercayaan bahawa akhirnya, dengan penyertaan mereka dalam PPBM dan mengundi baginya dalam PRU14, nikmat berkali ganda akan diperolehi oleh negara dan diri mereka juga.



1. Wang (tunai) itu Raja. Maka ramailah yang menyembah Raja ini.

2. Wang boleh diperolehi secara halal melalui gaji, upah dan keuntungan perniagaan.

3. Tetapi wang juga boleh didapati melalui pencurian, penipuan dan rasuah. Wang yang didapati dengan cara ini tidak halal, bahkan haram. Sudah tentu perolehan ini salah dari segi undang-undang.

Continue reading CASH IS KING


1. Najib mendakwa bahawa pemerintahannya adalah demokratik dan sebarang percubaan untuk menyingkirnya bermakna menolak demokrasi. Dakwaan ini tidak berasas sama sekali. Sebenarnya ia menjadi bahan ketawa.

2. Satu dari amalan yang diterima demokrasi ialah penyingkiran pemimpin yang tidak berjaya atau melakukan sesuatu yang tidak baik atau salah terhadap negara. Di mana-mana sahaja dalam negara demokratik pemimpin disingkir sebelum pun tamat edahnya.

3. Demikian Perdana Menteri Australia, Tony Abbot, letak jawatan kerana partinya memilih Presiden baru. Di Britain Perdana Menteri letak jawatan kerana kalah dalam pungutan suara berkenaan Brexit.

Continue reading DEMOKRASI NAJIB



1. Di bawah pemerintahan Nazi di Jerman, Menteri yang terkenal sekali ialah Joseph Goebbels, Menteri Propaganda. Tugasnya ialah mentransformasi segala yang buruk yang dilakukan oleh rejim Nazi supaya ternampak bukan sahaja baik tetapi mulia.

2. Malangnya selain dari orang Nazi, tiada siapapun yang mempercayai gambaran yang cuba dipamerkan oleh Goebbels dan kementeriannya. Sudah tentu dunia luar menolak bulat-bulat propaganda berkenaan Hitler dan rejim Nazi-nya. Akhirnya Goebbels bukan sahaja membunuh diri tetapi juga isteri dan anak-anaknya. Ia tidak dapat menafi kekalahan rejim Nazi.

3. Sejak Najib dituduh melesapkan berbilion Ringgit wang 1MDB (duit rakyat), ramailah Goebbels kecil yang ditugaskan memperbaiki imej Najib dengan berbagai jenis penjelasan dan dakwaan.

4. Yang baru dan bukan terakhir ialah dakwaan oleh Gani Patail, bekas Peguam Negara bahawa dianya tidak dianiaya tetapi sebaliknya pemberhentiannya mengikut aturan-peraturan Kerajaan dan memangpun Perdana Menteri berhak untuk menamatkan khidmatnya.

5. Kenyataan ini amat berbeza dengan kenyataan yang dibuat sendiri olehnya sejurus selepas hilang jawatan. Oleh itu orang ramai yang tahu akan kepercayaan Najib bahawa “Cash is King” menolak kenyataan baru ini.

6. Mereka menjangka banyak dedak yang diguna, selain dari ugutan-ugutan. Mereka yang bersama Najib pun tidak percaya akan kenyataan baru Gani Patail, walaupun mereka tidak berani menyatakan apa yang terbuku dalam hati mereka.

7. Percubaan membersih Najib ini adalah satu pembaziran kerana tidak dapat mengubah barang sedikit pun kepercayaan mereka dalam Negara bahawa Najib memang bersalah seperti dituduh.

8. Sejak skandal 1MDB, banyaklah percubaan oleh Najib untuk membersihkan diri dengan cara ini. Demikian kenyataan oleh Sirul yang lari ke Australia bahawa Najib tidak terlibat dengan pembunuhan Altantuya.

9. Demikian juga dengan peralihan kesetiaan blogger Big Dog dan Rockybru. Mereka boleh nafi mereka telah dibeli, tetapi masyarakat semua faham sebab peralihan haluan oleh mereka. Apapun yang ditulis oleh mereka dimasukkan dalam bakul sampah.

10. New Straits Times, Utusan dan TV3 sudah tidak dibaca atau dilihat oleh penonton. Mereka benci dengan pembohongan laporan yang disiar. Mereka yang menghadiri ceramah berkenaan salah-laku Najib, 1MDB dan lebih-lebih lagi duit sebanyak 2,600 lori yang diberi oleh orang Arab untuk Najib masuk dalam akaun peribadinya, untuk dibelanja sesuka hatinya, gelak ketawa apabila media suruhan Najib melapor kononnya hanya 200-300 orang sahaja hadir, sedangkan mereka berada di ceramah berkenaan dan melihat beribu-ribu yang hadir.

11. Sesungguhnya propaganda Najib tidak berkesan. Duit yang banyak yang di hadiah kepada Goebbels kecil ini tidak menghasil apa-apa perubahan pandangan oleh masyarakat amnya dan penentang Najib khasnya. Sebenarnya dengan pembohongan dan propaganda Najib, mereka lebih yakin tuduhan-tuduhan terhadap Najib mempunyai asas yang kuat dan benar.

12. Najib banyak duit. Oleh itu teruskanlah propaganda melalui orang yang tidak mempunyai kredibiliti sama sekali. Saya ucap tahniah kepada Salleh Said Keruak, Tengku Adnan, Tengku Sarifuddin dan Rahman Dahlan kerana berjaya menipu Najib bahawa kenyataan-kenyataan mereka berkesan.



1. Kenyataan Najib adalah kenyataan Najib. Sebenarnya Perlembagaan Malaysia memperuntukkan berbagai cara untuk menangani masalah yang dihadapi oleh Negara, dan ini termasuk penyelewengan oleh Perdana Menteri. Bacalah Perlembagaan sebelum membuat kenyataan yang rakyat tidak bertindak berasaskan undang-undang tubuh Negara.

2. Yang benar-benar tidak mengikut undang-undang Malaysia ialah Najib. Tidak ada “Rule of Law”, pemerintahan mengikut undang-undang, yang di amal oleh Najib.

3. Jika ada “Rule of Law” rakyat boleh buat laporan kepada polis berkenaan kehilangan berbilion duit rakyat. Tetapi apabila laporan polis dibuat, yang membuat laporan di soal, ditahan dan dituduh sabotaj ekonomi dah dihadapkan ke mahkamah. Peguamnya juga disoal oleh polis, ditahan dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah.

Continue reading KENYATAAN NAJIB


1. Saya percaya semua rakyat Malaysia tahu dan sedar bahawa keadaan dalam Negara amat tidak baik.

2. Khususnya mereka tentu tahu bahawa Perdana Menteri telah dituduh melesapkan beribu juta Ringgit duit Kerajaan (rakyat). Berita ini tidak boleh dilapor dalam media Malaysia tetapi melalui media sosial hampir semua rakyat dapat ikuti perkembangan.

3. Sekarang bukan sahaja media asing melapor berkenaan lebih 3.5 bilion Dolar Amerika sudah dilesapkan oleh Najib, Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat juga mengeluarkan laporan rasmi bahawa “Malaysian Official 1” (yang diakui oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Abdul Rahman Dahlan ialah Dato Sri Najib) terlibat dalam melesapkan wang 1MDB sebanyak lebih dari 3.5 bilion Dolar Amerika.



1. Jamal, Ketua UMNO Bahagian Sungai Besar mendakwa mengaku yang dianya menerima berpuluh ribu ringgit dari rakan-rakannya (baca di sini).

2. Mengikut undang-undang Malaysia, tiap wang yang diterima oleh seseorang ialah pendapatan (income).

3. Pendapatan seseorang dengan apa cara atau sebab, perlu dilapor kepada Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri supaya cukai dibayar keatasnya. Demikian juga jika wang diterima dibelanja dengan apa cara sekalipun, laporan kepada Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri perlu dibuat.

Continue reading SAYA ORANG BAIK – JAMAL


1. Musa’s book “Frankly Speaking” makes interesting reading. Speaking frankly does not mean speaking truthfully. And when talking of things which happened 30-40 years ago, the accuracy of incidents and conversations are affected by current situations.

2. Frankly Speaking seeks to blame me for everything that happened in UMNO and the Government over all these years. Musa naturally does not blame himself for anything. He is as innocent as a newborn child. Which explains why he is so popular.

3. On loyalty. He said I demanded absolute loyalty. On that basis many including Musa, would have felt the full weight of my displeasure.

Continue reading SPEAKING FRANKLY


1. I am surprised that there are people asking why a new party should be formed.

2. It should not if the dominant party in the Government coalition is playing the role and upholding the objectives for which it was formed or even some semblance of them.

3. Earlier when suggestions were made for a new party to contest against UMNO, they were rejected as it was hoped that if Najib ceased to be its president, UMNO could be resuscitated and regain the support of the people. The BN could still continue to be the Government of Malaysia.

4. But rapidly this idea became untenable. For one thing the wrong doings of Najib had become more open and serious. Not only was 1MDB losing billions but it was unable to pay debts. Then it was discovered that Najib had more that 2.6 billion Ringgit in his private account. A Prime Minister of Malaysia should not have this kind of money in his account no matter how he may have acquired it.

5. Then it was found that Najib had a total grip on UMNO. Any criticism of his leadership was not tolerated. Critics were expelled and tame leaders were put in place. They all seem to be obligated to Najib despite his wrongdoings. A vote of no confidence in him became impossible.

6. A personality cult was built up so that Najib could not be challenged or deposed. Nothing else mattered to UMNO, especially to UMNO members of Parliament.

7. It became clear there was no way for a leadership change and UMNO to be resuscitated.

8. With these developments the idea of a new party to contest against UMNO became not only attractive but also absolutely necessary.

9. UMNO is a race-based party. Until 2004 this race-based party had won the support of all races through a coalition with other race-based parties. Even the multi-racial parties in the BN were race-based.

10. The sophisticated and highly educated urban people may believe that racial politics is not in keeping with the times. But on the ground it is different. For the rural people who largely are poor, race is not only important but they believe is essential for their well-being. UMNO’s popularity is because it is a racial party.

11. If the new party is to compete with UMNO, it must give the people in the rural constituencies and the unsophisticated urban constituencies the kind of comfort associated with UMNO’s kind of racism.

12. Still the new party is not to be confined to Malays only but to all indigenous people – the Bumiputeras. Besides it is ready to accept Bumis and non-Bumis as associate members.

13. I have studied the fate of the parties which won independence in other countries. Most of them have disappeared. They had lost to new parties formed after independence because invariably they forgot the purpose for which the parties are formed and abused the power accorded them for personal gains.

14. UMNO had lasted much longer. But under Najib it forgot completely the purpose for which it was formed. Najib has brought shame to this once admired country. The whole world looks down upon Najib for being the worst Finance Minister of Malaysia and for all kinds of wrong doings perpetrated by him.

15. Only a new party can revive the country’s glory of the past. The new party will take cognisance of the changes in the thinking of all Malaysians. We had made progress. Our people are better educated, and are better off in many ways. Their perceptions of things and their aspirations have changed.

16. The new party will restore democracy and the rule of la which have been denied and abused by Najib.

17. The separation of powers between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary will be upheld. Additionally the legal service represented by the Attorney-General will be separated from the judiciary. The AG may not pass judgement over reports made to the police except when the reports are vexations and irrelevant. Even then the AG must give his reasons to the public and not just say there is no case to answer. Certainly he must not put the reports under the Official Secrets Act.

18. Any suspicion of corruption must be investigated and the report made public. All Malaysian officials must be seen to live within their means. This include all members of the Cabinet.

19. Foreign observers will oversee elections and will have full access to the operations of the election, both Government and Opposition.

20. The anti-corruption commission will have non-Government members. All transactions by Government must be transparent.

21. Borrowings by the Government must not exceed amounts fixed by Parliament. Guarantees by Government should regarded as borrowings by Government.

22. These are some of the things the new party will struggle for. It will strive to improve the performance of the Government and give a better life for the people. It will try to regain the respect and honour of this nation in the eyes of the people and the world.

23. UMNO cannot do all these anymore. That is why a new party has to be formed.

24. We aspire to serve the people. We pray the people will help us achieve our aspirations for them.