Seorang kawan saya telah membuat kajiselidik berkenaan Tambak Johor.
Saya tak nak komen apa-apa. Hanya di sini saya siarkan hasil kajian ini.
Komen pelawat adalah dijemput.
1. I read
somewhere that the Singapore Parliament made up of 82 PAP (People’s Action
Party) members and two opposition (made bankrupt by the Singapore Government)
have just passed a new law which defines one person as an assembly. Before
according to Singapore laws, 5 people would constitute an assembly and police
could arrest them if they had not obtained permission to be together.
2. The new Public Order Act (POA) gives power to the police to tell even
one person to move on because he has now been defined as an assembly.
3. It is explained that this POA is to prevent destabilising street
protests seen in Thailand and terrorist attacks such as Mumbai.
1. Mike, pengusaha keju mozzarella di Langkawi telah kembangkan perusahaanya dengan membuat keju dari susu kambing yang di ternak olehnya.
2. Kualiti kejunya amat baik dan diterima oleh hotel lima-bintang di Langkawi.
3. Mike menunjuk banyak lagi hasil dari proses membuat keju susu kambing dan semua by-products ini boleh diguna untuk buat pizza dan lain-lain.
2. But we already have a new Middle Kingdom now. During Lee Kuan Yew’s triumphant visit to Malaysia he made it known to the Malaysian supplicants that Singapore regards the lands within 6000 miles radius of Singapore as its hinterland. This includes Beijing and Tokyo and of course Malaysia.
3. Of course this self-deluding perception places Singapore at the centre of a vast region. It is therefore the latter day Middle Kingdom. The rest are peripheral and are there to serve the interest of this somewhat tiny Middle Kingdom.
2. Isterinya yang turut bersama mencelah, “Anak saya tak tahu pun ibukota negeri-negeri. Dulu semasa saya di sekolah saya hafal nama semua ibukota bukan sahaja negeri-negeri di Malaysia, tetapi negara-negara di dunia.”
3. Saya baca dalam akhbar bahawa bahasa Inggeris tidak perlu diwajibkan. Jadi apakah yang diwajibkan jika sejarah tak wajib, bahasa Inggeris pun tidak.
1. Why is it that when I defend UMNO or the Malays I am labelled a racist but not when others speak up for Chin Peng?
2. If speaking up for the Malays is considered racist then are the Malays to be denied their right to speak for themselves?
3. Liberalism is fine but it should not benefit only certain people and not others. By definition not benefiting certain people contradicts the very concept of liberalism.
2. The arrogance and the preachings are out but two things American still stand out, and that is the United States is a world super power and that American loyalty to Israel is undiminished. Other things can change but not these two.
3. Hamas is asked to give up terrorism because like the struggles of the blacks of America and South Africa, violence achieves nothing. This is not quite true, at least with other national struggles for freedom and justice. The white Americans themselves fought a war against the British and another war to prevent the break-up of the United States.
2. Kononnya orang yang pertama memperjuangkan kemerdekaan ialah Chin Peng, pemimpin Parti Komunis Malaya. Chin Peng lah yang cuba membebaskan Malaya daripada penjajah British sebelum mana-mana orang Melayu mencuba melakukannya.
3. Perjuangan UMNO adalah kemudian dari itu.
2. But it would be good if the people are informed about the cooperation and collaboration.
3. I am not in the Government now but still people come to me to talk about their problems. I find that many of them have some very good ideas which would not harm the Government if it listens to briefings about them.
2. It seems logical and right that those who receive illegal gratification should be considered guilty of breaking the law and should therefore be punished. But when we talk of corruption we think of those endowed with power abusing their power in order to gain personal benefit. We think that those who offer gratification as being the victim and should be given some consideration.
3. But the law says that those who pay for the service they receive should also be considered as guilty and should be equally deserving of punishment.